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GEEZ“: O gfe) 2 ans OZ? o ) x Xr lef fs SA Ee Gf) - a = 7) nae Zz 7) LILSNI_NVINOSHLINS $3 1yVug 17 _LIBRARI ES SMITHSONIAN _INSTITUTION Tt o Ww D u re = tx = = La e SP e = = = SS a) = rahe: = ro) se — a= q a = a 2 a S ARIES SMITHSONIAN _INSTITUTION NOILALILSNI NVINOSHLINS S31uYVHgI- z Zz S) ier S — @. & 5 x S "5 = ey ee = am = om iat -— — 22) m ” m D JLILSNI NVINOSHLINS SAldVaal i LIBRARIES | E Z = &s = z z 3 ee a = 8 % ae oO ~ 2 iF Z : ys : Ae oe 3 ) 2) - ” i ARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S3IYVUaI- w > ; = get ” = ere ee a WS a = ig gp 3 : 2 XE S Gilg = : ENR | au BY SS co a ae : 2 te re Z Seen LILSNI~ NVINOSHLIWS ~°4 1YVvud le LIBRARI ES_ SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION o S a 2 j co Bo = a Ss _ > Ke > = *. > 2 = 2 as 2 ane m Oo z Oo z a ARIES SMITHS INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLIWS NYINOSHLIWS SMITHSONIAN LILSNI_NWINOSHLINS S3IYVvyait ES SMITHSONIAN SN SMITHSONIAN NOILNLILSNI NOILNLILSNI ARIES INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI INSTITUTION INSTITUTION NVINOSHLINS S3IYVYUSIT_ LIBRARIES Xs HLINS SAIYVYSIT LIBRAR! tii Ao LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN LIBRARIES NVINOSHLIWS HLIWS SSIYVYRIT NVINOSHLINS SA3lYVvudl NVINOSHLIWS INSTITUTION S3a1yvVuagl- INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI SMITHSONIAN ieee Dy (SGU D> INIAN ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION SHOWING THE OPERATIONS, EXPENDITURES, AND CONDITION OF THE INSTI ULTION FOR THE YEAR, ENDING, JUNE, 30 el (Publication 3142) UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1932 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. - ar owen: aa ootaite nevagxa 2VOTTAR: TIO: VOULUTIT2I SHT AO YOTTIACHOOS Ot AMUL OVIGMA AAAY AHT 207 am | . “(Sart wroldaotainsth . eet Wj : yn a * ADP 2 Eats BOUT HATE rvlenasavon , e la a a: : veer. ly iti aiaantnre eT re — oa. ny DG notyeisiien so Hvar cikalty ea Waa Keanu Pn ET ER FROM THE SECRETARY OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION SUBMITTING THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE INSTITUTION FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 19381 SMITHSONIAN INstTITUTION, Washington, February 10, 1932. To the Congress of the United States: In accordance with section 5593 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, I have the honor, in behalf of the Board of Regents, to submit to Congress the annual report of the operations, expendi- tures, and condition of the Smithsonian Institution for the year ended June 30, 1931. I have the honor to be, Very respectfully, your obedient servant, C. G. Assort, Secretary. wr F oh Fearne eee CON PE NiTsS Page ESI CODE: CO) BB MTEL USS es i a Lae a Ce at Pl EN I ig a XI {Mares fShaana lays rapaw kay | brass h FUG AM Ova Ves wes, By eal ee Be eae ay 1 Outsrandineveventer ot Glre year ee te ee a ee 1 QM nVey GHEE oKSV ote ayn RAS ee ee Se ee aes See ae eee 2 SRO BOAEGTOL ELORON tsar ere eee wesley aire ee ee ae 3 VERSUS TOSI ea Sd ge 3 Miattersrote general minGeres ties ee a asc ee ee = U Presentation of Langley Medal to Manly and Byrd____-_-_---- ef SIMAG LS OMT TNG S CLE TELE CMs CYL CS mee epee ee 8 Researches Ine BUrOpea ny Ar ChIViCS sate ee ee See 9 Cooperative ethnological and archeological investigations______- 10 1Brg ol toreninorns) Cyayel sil yy AOR Sa ee eee ee eee 11 BAY 0 WCE GS YOY Yoga a aR a TR ia SUA 2 ka a hn ON aR aN Ee nec (alee eda EN ys 12 Governmentallyasuppontedsoranches= sss eee eee ee a eee ee 13 DSN eG or dG AY CGY SY DUO 2 we a ke A a se a i183 National G allerysOtcAr bere sarin ns eee eae tree ee mie tee Ne 15 HIreern Gallery: OlwAus belt mgr s Set ae i mes eerie Sn eS can (Pry ree eee ar oer ils IB Ure BUROl pAUI Ee RECHT seat Intl ©) © Braye tes a eee Oe ee 16 Internation alpEsx chai e es eee eee re ae ene eee eae ia ene eee Map se ile INTO ae ZOOLO SICH Weer: Kerem eee eer ree ee ee = oe en A een 17 SEL OD OW SICA ly OOSEGV ALOE tay eee 2 ne eee ah ere er ee See nee i8 PD RVASTOMO tev CT S61 OTA 10 Clos OMe VTA STAN See er ee eee ae en er 19 International Catalogue of Scientific Literature___-.-._.---------- 20 IN (CLRTH EI 0 Sa as il ha ep lg I ee id a eR Al ae te EE Si 20 Appendix 1. Report on the United States National Museum___________- 22 2. Report on the National Gallery of Art._.-.-------------- 43 oy heport on the Hreer Galleryoot Art... 95. 5225. 22 Se ee ee 54 4. Report on the Bureau of American Ethnology___-_-------- 60 5. Report on the International Exchange Service_____-_------ 08 6. Report on the National Zoological Park__.--_..---------- 86 7. Report on the Astrophysical Observatory_...------------- 117 8. Report on the Division of Radiation and Organisms_ - - —_-- 125 9. Report on the International Catalogue of Scientific Litera- CLUTCH See Se ae eee eee tee eh ee eee oe ee 138 POweicepertion phe library. 22.204. 22 le ete ran tir teeter sen 140 He NeponAon publica ons oe mr ese foe bili eae a Pees DS Report of the executive committee of the Board of Regents__-_--_-_---- 159 Eroceedings of the Board: oi “Regentss22 222 6220 SSS eee 2 es 168 1 In part governmentally supported, vi CONTENTS GENERAL APPENDIX Twenty-five years’ study of solar radiation, by C. G. Abbot__----.----- The composition of the sun, by Henry Norris Russell__-_--_----_------ Sun spots and radio reception, by Harlan T. Stetson___.-_--.-.._------ An evolving universe, by SirWiameseams!}) 14.29.03... ...-.-.----- The rotation of the galaxy, by A. S. Eddington_._.-._....-......-...- Stellar laboratories, by Theodore Dunham, jres= 222.2 25222-2-252-—- 2. Present status of theory and experiment as to atomic disintegration and atomic synchesis, bys hover: AL Mullican: 5 30k ae ee ee ee ASSAlLt On atoms, by .AToMUT, ele © OM LOM =o 5 se ere eee eee ee MWO=Why Televasion;, (DY. Hlenoertr Pig: LViGGe sce ce sorte ne a ee eee Research Corporation awards to A. E. Douglass and Ernst Antevs for MESCALCHES HM GC LTO TIO LO Days eres se as ye ee rene ea eee Siapine the.earcns by VWaillianie D OWI Ss sme acne Nee eee toe The earth beneath in the light of modern seismology, by Ernest A. Hodg- Coming to grips with the earthquake problem, by N. H. Heck__-_-_--_-- Growing plants without soil, by Earl S. Johnston______-_....-_----.--- Some aspects of the adaptation of living organisms to their environment, Dy Wve Sealer Ory ard Law see se Sere mare onan ae eran iar ches abet Se pri The utilization of aquatic plants as aids in mosquito control, by Rob- PLGOVISGOESOM Ee Gace oS eee etree ges eee Slaten ee tar ey eae a Onninendshe-ainsectssiby We Va Daldihe ss ose a eee Sa Evolution of the insect head and the organs of feeding, by R. E. Snodgrass_ The debt of agriculture to tropical America, by O. F. Cook___---------- Some wild flowers from Swiss meadows and mountains, by Casey A. Wood_ ihe antiquity-of civilized-man, by A- Ei: Saycess-- == 452 saee5 ea The discovery of primitive man in China, by G. Elliot Smith__________- The culture of the Shang Dynasty, by James M. Menzies__-_-----_---- Totem poles: A recent native art of the northwest coast of America, by INGA TINTS HB BRO Ca Utes a ete ee eee eae ee en ine egy ta Brobdingnagian bridges, by Othmar H. Ammann. ~~. -.----..----------- Albert Abraham Michelson, by Forest R. Moulton_.__-.-.------------ Page 175 199 215 229 239 259 277 287 297 303 325 347 361 381 389 413 431 443 491 503 515 531 549 559 571 579 LIST OF PLATES Secretary’s report: BET GS en eM ee Eee et we ey ee Solar radiation (Abbot): T ROUEN tS I a Ad eae eno ee Se nee Ee na ee Composition of the sun (Russell) : HET SAS od ach ea ems 29S ae en IE ee boul da nah sh eebehs ed e es e Sun spots and radio (Stetson) : DEA Wee Le eS AE a Se ee eee An evolving universe (Jeans) : DEM SSP EA Ne A oS SN a Ne ge eo Dee ne Stellar laboratories (Dunham) : SPT ai ae eo EEN Te eS I ed i Assault on atoms (Compton) : NESTED Ee yg es eae A St a 8 Le ea EEG col Television (Ives) : J BAY eS Bt i a a IN a AN EL LS es eg ed ce Tree ring chronology (Douglass) : NEAT EA pS ee AT ae NNR UP Nii Lake-glacial clay chronology (Anteys) : EATER SSW a Ee et a EE eta ee a ey a AD Ng SA ae aoe en The earthquake problem (Heck): DESIG TOCSY Es I ac es Et iy SB pl nN ay ay Growing plants without soil (Johnston) : LENGE Wee te LU Se a an i ar cae cg nein Fae Ars NR mR OPER EIU Aquatic plants and mosquito control (Matheson) : DN key a A Aa EO a ee ES ee Debt of agriculture to tropical America (Cook) : J 2S Cet (ee a A ee hee a Eg Ma Swiss wild flowers (Wood): USCC SS pare ae reat ee neue Sore Ssh NS Ll Se pla A eee Primitive man in China (Smith) : 5 AEST eit Lh eR ee FAR eS SEN SE ae a UNE See Se RA BELG Totem poles (Barbeau) : ETT SUES eee ae erg ren Se ME eae a SOE A EA a ee Bridges (Ammann): DENIS ENS I GLE G7 (et ase as ao ee ae Bp ees Oe ee Michelson (Moulton) : DE Sa Ee ie Fa a ee Ls CUE Vg eae a VC ee ne iis Hees WANA eter re: oat yi ta RRA Rye 1a a ate yh re . nee Hee Sr etlaate 10: Tebd aga Ath ie Nee i white, Mimi). ey ai a 5 ‘ii if i he A ln’ Wt tah rn ag care as ante Rie 4 Ha YS eee “nga lta hfs th! Jit am op a wie or ot ee uae! Oe "Ge rye ee date : (todd) to Fredline ae SS i} laa » iaea ah = dept 4 \e is £ ABs aia.” i (tlenatst) this ” ft. a hori t gen, Pe an ep er ene enae ST gates Say lo Ayn AA) uid) cies baimladosi A el rien nse ee eM akho hlowmagy iis wiylovoniia | _ eres Bi saeco alistvv wets ecin. ans ni ARLE MORAKO a Oy Ae ar Lae? on tinetennted pattoye Cw oe 2h, Ai? bi rglgyy pat otal ate Wes pe lulble aia RR ™ -¥ iy ahan ws } Gaolsawul ' Th) wit pigs AN, iis Secombe A ens wd a farsiad h Tadlonoia Vole ioe pig 5 ee eld by ay ake ee GT 2 (dehy aitiong, at nepiliyes one Dee eee eh Ae bevtalt tratvae@aat Ut. ) Lived LNW Belg oA WAND ER oa), SOR dmb gota Y j) iain Gt ae Lares 4 slaspenise, uadg iietnnta aio, ; Jota Bef as ae a (Hoel) hy ort A Ja hye? ad ovina ae sito et eo ae wir et yore “> huey) avert bitw paty are eth She ae eos «(Waite awl al gata cet RT ape en eh aot . » (oonduatl) scitiny ital Sis Daf a inaemmaA) chia enemies So teh: c (tanned) sroalaitol lt et Minit tans pa aah hl eer as ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1931 SUBJECTS 1. Annual report of the secretary, giving an account of the opera- tions and condition of the Institution for the year ending June 380, 1931, with statistics of exchanges, etc. 2. Report of the executive committee of the Board of Regents, exhibiting the financial affairs of the Institution, including a state- ment of the Smithsonian fund, and receipts and expenditures for the year ending June 30, 1931. 3. Proceedings of the Board of Regents for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1931. 4, General appendix, comprising a selection of miscellaneous memoirs of interest to collaborators and correspondents of the Insti- tution, teachers, and others engaged in the promotion of knowledge. These memoirs relate chiefly to the calendar year 1931. | MAORI HE MO FA SO a AOE ET 1 Dalat ee | then ASA deo AN ae RON LOUTH AL i i Salome om moun Loreal Ye annie The sivPhit Naaiainae bit to Hoder Innath teow! | Enon, yiiling wie ad) ed KolmtaR, alld Yo Kustiidion hig zton © | oe eetarhee Yo wideliate dime SEAL insist To Lunokl ada to’ onitinitariu Wyilvowrs wd) Yo droge 2.7 9 eS Seliie n: pilosa Hoctu tian! Ma te eine tiioqwal ali ghitidiidxe: gO aa te baicaead ‘bal ecu VaadiaettStGNes. Hilt: Yor dessert aie SEIT OE ana’ gaitbin sung an 1 Buibito tiny lal Bale ab woaagot 1p banhth 4a Ye ayalivenos ®t... pe 7 ABRL 08 aan . ie veo ay inithblifos it syurteineypvs ethaadan Leroi) “ — fa ad Ta iil cero hile eines alailemtnt to Batoronin 7 a wes He woh id AP frzangie erento Fits yexarloanay viola a ERY i, ilanolse on} oo ¢ Ranh atelet exiomrad, eet T THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION June 380, 1931 Presiding officer ex officio—Hereert Hoover, President of the United States. Chancellor —CHARLES EyaAns Huauss, Chief Justice of the United States. Members of the Institution: Herspert Hoover, President of the United States. CHARLES CurTIS, Vice President of the United States. CHARLES EVANS HucuHes, Chief Justice of the United States. Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of State. ANDREW W. MELLON, Secretary of the Treasury. Patrick J. Hurwey, Secretary of War. WittraAm D. Mircuenyt, Attorney General. WALTER F. Brown, Postmaster General. CHARLES FrRaANcIS ADAMS, Secretary of the Navy. RAy LYMAN WILgUR, Secretary of the Interior, ARTHUR M. Hype, Secretary of Agriculture. Rogerr P. Lamont, Secretary of Commerce. Wititram N. Doak, Secretary of Labor. Regents of the Institution: CHARLES EvANS Hueues, Chief Justice of the United States, Chancellor. CHARLES CurtTIS, Vice President of the United States. Reep Smoot, member of the Senate. JosEPH T. Roprinson, Member of the Senate. CLAUDE A. SWANSON, Member of the Senate. ALBERT JOHNSON, Member of the House of Representatives. R. WALTON Moorrt, Member of the House of Representatives. Roserr Luce, Member of the House of Representatives. Irwin B. LAUGHLIN, citizen of Pennsylvania. Freperio A. DELANO, citizen of Washington, D. C. JoHN C. Mrerram, citizen of Washington, D. C. Ezecutive commitiee.—FRrepEric A. DELANO, R. WALTON Moorn, JoHN C. MeEr- RIAM. Secretary. CHARLES G. ABBOT. Assistant Secretary.— ALEXANDER WETMORE. Chief Clerk and administrative assistant to the Secretary.—Harry W. Dorsey. Treasurer and disbursing agent —NioHOLAS W. Dorsry. Hditor.— Wrester P. TRUE. Librarian.—WiLLiam Li, CorRsin. Appointment clerk.—JAmMEs G. TRAYLOR. Property clerk.— James H. Hit. xT XII THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NATIONAL MUSEUM Assistant Secretary (in charge).—ALEXANDER WETMORE. Associate director—JoHN E. GRAF. Administrative assistant to the Secretary.—WILLIAM DE C, RAVENEL. Head curators.—WaALTER HoueH, LEONHARD STEJNEGER, RAy S. BASSLER. Curators.—PAUL BartscH, RAy S. BASSLER, THEODORE T. BELOTE, AUSTIN H. CLARK, FREDERICK VY. CoviILLg, W. F. FosHac, HERBERT FRIEDMANN, CHARLES W. GILMORE, WALTER HouaH, LELAND O. Howarp, ALES HrpriéKa, Nem M. JuDD, HERBERT W. KRIEGER, FREDERICK L. LEwTon, GERRIT S. MILLER, JR., CARL W. MitTMAN, CHARLES HW. RESSER, WALDO L. SCHMITT, LEONHARD STEJNEGER. Associate curators.—JoHN M. ALpricuH, CHESTER G. GILBERT, ELLSWwoRTH P. KILLip, WILLIAM R. MAxon, CHARLES W. RICHMOND, DAvip WHITE. Chief of correspondence and documents.—HERBERT S. BRYANT. Disbursing agent—NIcHOLAS W. DoRSEY. Superintendent of buildings and labor.—JAMES S. GOLDSMITH. EHditor.—PavuL H. OFHSER. Assistant Librarian.—LEILa G. FORBES. Photographer.—ARTHUR J. OLMSTED. Property clerk.—WILLIAM A. KNOWLES. Engineer.—CLayton R. DENMARK. NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART Director.—WILLIAM H. HoL“MEs. FREER GALLERY OF ART Curator.—JOHN ELLERTON LODGE. Associate curator—CarL WHITING BISHOP. Assistant curator.— GRACE DUNHAM GUEST. Associate-—KATHARINE NASH RHOADES. Assistant.—ARCHIBALD G. WENLEY. Superintendent —JOHN BUNDY. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY Chief —MATTHEW W. STIRLING. Ethnologists—JOHN P. HARRINGTON, JOHN N, B. Hewitt, TRUMAN MICHELSON, JOHN R. SWANTON, WILLIAM D. STRONG. Archeologist.—F RANK H. H. Roperts, Jr. Associate Anthropologist—WINSLOW M. WALKER. EHditov.— STANLEY SEARLES. Librarian.—EXLuA LEARY. Tilustrator.—Dr LANcEY GILL. INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES Secretary (in charge).—CHARLES G. ABBOT, Chief clerk.—CoaTEs W. SHOEMAKER. NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK Director.—WILLIAM M. MANN. Assistant director.—ErNrEST P. WALKER. THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION XII ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY Director.—CHARLES G. ABBOT, Assistant director.—LoyAL B. ALDRICH. Research assistant.—FREDERICK E. Fow se, Jr. Associate research assistant.—WILLIAM H. Hoover. DIVISION OF RADIATION AND ORGANISMS Chief.—FREDERICK 8S. BRACKETT. Research associate.—EHARL 8S. JOHNSTON. Associate research assistant —H. D. MCALISTER. Research assistant.—LELAND B. CLARK. REGIONAL BUREAU FOR THE UNITED STATES, INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE Assistant in charge—LkroNnaRD C. GUNNELL. oe mi Mil Kate PON atte Se a aia cee i | . vn erm note 2 iit, See at ; mi AIR pr wre wee Pal acti Penis a deies as A reat wet rye 1 ons 0% SPO ie ny. rai i ; i ve “Sereshows, Pyare Gaon Aruban i eal pn dean: a wa Pan ont: AN donate) Sees | hy ia ables Aviat EO | HO WAGAT 14 70 Re as WR sachs allan "aaa hi Seen uf, Ae ATA | cuiaiea ie . ai ail as sine Ha Darks tng atl at emaieeds | a Ve Oe ee es Mem PARTY Pity bu a7 Ma 8 i : Peete 4) en ' aA oa es a H NRE os ; me Sto, : ; ‘ LA A Te aves iy ‘ it f 7 1 i Beas st [ah ts A ; ul ) mY ity i i , ’ 7 ; } se hd id Ag ly % by ; act r ] 7 \y ; j reg : p , i ' : i ues i a 1 me t ah ; af, i : j i ' yi F ye , Ve : ' 1 i. { F i oT ‘ ; a 1 ; iat i ibe Pi | 1 Whi : j Nk 4 Bry i i i sh \ , * 1 4 y Bs fig r vy! } ‘ D i J iA af i iw S , 3 “~ 1 : “ - 5 ay 4 : ’ 4 bm, : : ' , ine, iu q? ; 7 iV ; Pe , i | Wine: ¥ ; (ay uk ied 8 wal a uw iReflen, & 14 ‘ i Y : ; . paw a, y, =a a ' Wy 7 b ' “iu 5 ni { Wid : ao ; ‘ 6 rs an} f “ae ore ¥ on fon ; e é Oil; eM i Le 4 sel ; ipa ; _ | by 7 a 7 i } . y's A! fia ii] Se if ke, 7 a Oi ll tay Sear rane a m fi eatin nee vs ay a . i We na” a *” ul Ta he Wie: en ad pee Rat a Oa : ke cars ay : 7 ie 7 a a) REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION C. G. AsBot FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1931 To the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution: GENTLEMEN: I have the honor to submit herewith my report showing the activities and condition of the Smithsonian Institution and the Government bureaus under its administrative charge dur- ing the fiscal year ended June 30, 1931. The first 21 pages contain a summary account of the affairs of the Institution. Appendixes 1 to 11 give more detailed reports of the operations of the United States National Museum, the National Gallery of Art, the Freer Gallery of Art, the Bureau of American Ethnology, the Interna- tional Exchanges, the National Zoological Park, the Astrophysical Observatory, the Division of Radiation and Organisms, the United States Regional Bureau of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, the Smithsonian library, and of the publications issued under the direction of the Institution. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION OUTSTANDING EVENTS OF THE YEAR An appropriation of $10,000 was made by the Congress for pre- liminary architectural plans of the extensions to the Natural History Building of the United States National Museum authorized by Con- gress last year. The new reptile house of the Zoological Park was completed and formally opened to the public on February 27, 19381. A reorganization of several exhibition halls of the Arts and Indus- tries Building of the National Museum has added greatly to the attractiveness of the exhibits of costumes, coins and stamps, and machinery. A small souvenir guide to the Institution and its branches has been published privately by the Smithsonian and seems highly appreciated by visitors. For unity of policy, greater effi- ciency, and simplification of records and accounts, the separate edi- torial staffs of the Smithsonian, the National Museum, and the Bu- 1 2 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 reau of American Ethnology have been consolidated under one gen- eral management and the offices brought closely together. Two ex- ceptionally valuable publications, The Skeletal Remains of Karly Man, by A. Hrdlitka, and A History of Applied Entomology, by L. O. Howard, were completed. A bequest netting approximately $50,000 has been received from the estate of the late James Arthur. Its income is to be used for promoting knowledge of the sun. A friend of the Institution has announced to it a large intended bequest to promote and reward original investigation. Numerous valuable re- search and collecting expeditions by the National Museum, the Bu- reau of American Ethnology, and the Zoological Park have returned highly successful. Accounts of their results will be found below. A gigantic dinosaur, Diplodocus longus, 75 feet long, whose skeleton has been in preparation for several years, has been placed on exhi- bition. Improved methods of solar-radiation research have been perfected and applied in connection with the observing stations at Table Mountain, Calif., and Mount Brukkaros, Southwest Africa. Volume V of the Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory, con- taining all results of the years 1920 to 1980, inclusive, on the meas- urement of solar radiation has been sent to press. The numerous variations of the sun since the year 1920 are represented by monthly mean values whose average probable error is less than 0.1 per cent. Long-continuing regular periodicities in solar variation are demon- strated. Highly accurate results on the spectral distribution of phototropism in plants have been obtained by the Division of Radia- tion and Organisms. By cooperative work with the Fixed Nitrogen Research Laboratory, excellent results on the absorption of pure organic chemicals in the infra-red spectrum have been reached, and an independent method for determining the ozone content of the earth’s atmosphere has been worked out and applied at Table Moun- tain, Calif. THE ESTABLISHMENT The Smithsonian Institution was created by act of Congress in 1846, according to the terms of the will of James Smithson, of England, who, in 1826, bequeathed his property to the United States of America “ to found at Washington, under the name of the Smith- sonian Institution, an PCRS ISLE for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men.’ ‘In receiving the property’and accepting the trust, Congress determined that ae Federal Government was without authority to administer the trust directly, and therefore con- stituted an “ establishment ” whose statutory members are “ the Presi- dent, the Vice President, the Chief Justice, and the heads of the executive departments.” REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 3 THE BOARD OF REGENTS The affairs of the Institution are administered by a Board of Regents whose membership consists of “ the Vice President, the Chief Justice, three Members of the Senate, and three Members of the House of Representatives, together with six other persons other than Members of Congress, two of whom shall be resident in the city of Washington and the other four shall be inhabitants of some State, but no two of them of the same State.” One of the Regents is elected chancellor by the board. In the past the selection has fallen upon the Vice President or the Chief Justice, and a suitable person is chosen by the Regents as Secretary of the Institution, who is also secretary of the Board of Regents, and the executive officer directly in charge of the Institution’s activities. Changes in the personnel of the board during the year consisted of the loss of two citizen Regents: Robert S. Brookings, of Missouri, through expiration of his term, and Dwight W. Morrow, of New Jersey, through the automatic expiration of his term as a citizen Regent upon his induction into the office of United States Senator from New Jersey. The roll of the Regents at the close of the fiscal year was as follows: Charles Evans Hughes, Chief Justice of the United States, chancellor; Charles Curtis, Vice President of the United States; members from the Senate, Reed Smoot, Joseph T. Robinson, Claude A. Swanson; members from the House of Representatives, Albert Johnson, R. Walton Moore, Robert Luce; citizen members, Irwin B. Laughlin, Pennsylvania; Frederic A. Delano, Washington, D. C.; and John C. Merriam, Washington, D. C. FINANCES The permanent investments of the Institution consist of the following: Total endowment for general or specific purposes (exclusive of Meer. fUNdS) noes Bat en ee. hae WAM) pero fh $1, 747, 881. 52 Itemized as follows: Deposited in the Treasury of the United States, as provided by Te yy cere ens Fe eee PSN pat ee Eee pew Yb eed ore ape 1, 000, 000. 00 Deposited in the consolidated fund— Miscellaneous securities, etc., either purchased or acquired by/gitt; cost or value at date acquired] — 2222-2 22s 668, 069. 02 Springer, Frank, fund for researches, etc. (bonds) _~-__-____ 80, 000. 00 Younger, Helen Walcott, fund (real estate notes and stock, CCIE Mabel 8 uo] ey \aiake ee ree ee ene ee en ee Seen arene Pee Om 49, 812. 50 A WCOR TU ie aches Msg iat tia ere ernie a een Bs ad ae ae 1, 747, 881. 52 102992—32——_2 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 The above-mentioned funds of the Institution are described as follows: United States} Consoli- Separate Fund Treasury | dated fund | funds Total | ATURE: WaMeOSs MUNG a cate a ae. 2 de ee ae | el cae SD $62;:505/02)| 2-5 eee $52, 595. 02 Bacon; iVirginialPurdy) fund o e202 29 ele i ee eye Bee 65, 887-12 "eLie 2 ee 65, 887. 12 Baines Lneyeo tun. eso ee ua Case ee] de ae Oe ae 216.54 ees ie ee 2, 176. 54 Barstow, Erederic Di, \fundz-citein ae 27 UU ees er dee 1,000; 28)\-224s.-222: 1, 000. 28 Cannéldicollection {Unda ciere sen hy Se navety Sewer ye ae DOs 2005178) | A areaneneee 50, 299. 78 @asoy,: Phomasi..; fand S02 22283 ee ae I al et eee 9;1503!'63' Posts. Eas 2 9, 503. 63 @hamperlatniunds = ete— anaes se ee EE ree T1082. 20) soe ans 37, 032. 20 Hodgkins (specific) fund 2 i-2<22.2) 224. 22 $10D5000:'00''|. bie 2 ee eo 100, 000. 00 ETHOS UB TICO; TENG eles eon eet ee ic ee eee ne ee Y ict Eh by fk hme. 17, 963. 17 Myer; ‘Catherine We funds. 3.0 tees Ve ee PTS ee 22744. QO oe ce eee 22, 744, 20 Pell Cormelias livingston wUnds.2ae Nl ae ee Ton De 85 175303) |eo2-a<-254 52 3, 175. 03 Poore, Lucy T. and George W., fund___..------_--- 26, 6:70:00) «.35,:366..08) {2S 2-0-2. -- 62, 036. 08 LOLA A CAGISOM lie) MeL ea ae ert pe ae SS 11, 000. 00 ne A iy Ad tee e aa 25, 067. 21 Rgeboling tty dee Cee a Sa AUS RR I lel fe 168,706; 7B0/e- ech 8 - chee 158, 706. 78 Smithsonian unrestricted funds: PASVORY Tt scene Se SON ah pe 14,000.00 | 48, 970.50 ')-.-.-2--.--- 62, 970. 50 OMG OWanenit err ee LE LS oe SS cl tie SAS AT HN AG | Cee eens 84, 415. 46 (Eta belpfrmde vue a sane eA nk LR UAE Se BOONOG Pee Ree | Cae eee 500. 00 PTA CHEN DERG AULT ere ee es ae ee arte EE en Se ee Bol OR a eee eer 5, 291. 03 Hamilton tand22 222k aha eee ee 2, 500. 00 6803 79) | .se-2 bee 3, 030. 79 TONY VUNG eee ee ee eet ee eee ee eee Le eee 15/090) 435)| eae aoa 1, 590. 43 Hodekinsigeneralitund soos ee ee 116;'000400:)' .89,'489. 14 |-4 24 ss e 155, 439. 14 PATONG UNG see pe eee 2 Sh iret ee eee 727, 640. 00 L60asS31s|22o.-.-nee a 729, 245. 31 Pn eps fan Gee sees en See» ee eC eset 590. 00 622.04 |--Lueeee es 1, 212. 04 RTUTORGRLO NU tee eee ere eee ee eee eee 1, 100. 00 PE 70S63}'|==<=2ee- os 2, 270. 63 Aprinzer tan | ses yes Rk aes ee a ee See ae Soe ae $30, 000. 00 30, 000. 00 Walcott, Charles D. and Mary Vaux, fund__------.|-.--------_-_- 120915 BOR Le sese ue ee 12, 915. 80 SVOUNZOE, | ELGlOny We AlCObt hind Sten = eee et Re | Lee ee 49, 812. 50 49, 812. 50 Aer bee phrances i Orinckl6, fin dee sen. ee. a eee eee eee MOOOSB5i (Sees ee =e 1, 000. 85 5.089) 27% Pe 9 AS A he LS an 1, 000, 000.00 | 668,069.02 | 79, 812. 50 1, 747, 881. 52 The Institution gratefully acknowledges gifts donors: Dr. W. L. Abbott, for archeological investigations in Haiti. Estate of James Arthur, for investigations and study of the sun. Frederic D. Barstow, purchase of animals for Zoological Park. Mrs. Laura Welsh Casey, further contributions to Thomas Lincoln Casey fund for researches in Coleoptera. from the following Hon. Charles G. Dawes, for further search in Spain for valuable ancient documents. Mr. Otto T. Mallery, for preparation of handbook on the Indians of the Southwest. Research Corporation, for further contributions for research in radiation. John A. Roebling, for further contributions for researches in radiation and studies in world weather records. Charles C. Woodley, for general endowment fund of the Institution. Maj. Leigh F. J. Zerbee, for endowment of the Frances Brincklé Zerbee aquaria. From an anonymous friend for investigations in Old World archeology. Freer Gallery of Art.—The invested funds of the Freer bequest are classified as follows: @ountvand grounds funds ew See SE Eee ee $604, 625. 07 Court and grounds maintenance fund__+--+--s=22--s22--42-=-+-= 151,331. 11 rar sx Eire Eran ee ee 609, 829. 43 Residuary lesa cy aie ee a ae ee ee 4, 002, 425. 90 MOC i a A ee 5, 867, 711. 51 REPORT OF THE SECRE'TARY 5 The practice of depositing on time in local trust companies and banks such revenues as may be spared temporarily has been continued during the past year, and interest on these deposits has amounted to $5,026.75. Cash balances, receipis, and disbursements during the fiscal year* Cashepalance on hands sunevs0 yt GSO ss eee te ee ee ane $214, 870. 17 Receipts: Cash from inyested endowments and from mis- cellaneous sources for general use of the ENS ELE ETO Mere eae een eee ee) eee we $74, 306. 66 Cash for increase of endowments for specific WU ese eae ee ee 81, 559. 8S Cash gifts for increase of endowments for gen- CLAIGU SE eee ee eee ee eee Weegee ig ate 5. 00 Cash gifts, ete., for specific use (not to be in- NSLS A MX Op ee Sa ane aL nee Al a ar IO SIL 90, 064. 79 Cash received as royalties from sales of Smithsonian Scientific Series _______________ IWGP Pas Cash gain from sale, etec., of securities (to be TLV STC) ere cca tn et ee PE ee a ee 317. 09 Cash income from endowments for specific use other than Freer endowment and from miscel- laneous sourees (including refund of tem- DOLE Tak (LY COS) ean ais eee ae vee an eae 62,528. 93 Cash capital from sale, call of securities, ete. (torberreinvested)) ioe ne ae ere Ne ata oe 63, 998. 50 Total receipts other than Freer endowment______________ 390, 008. 39 Cash receipts from Freer endowment—income LE OTA ATV ES CII TAGS i oie oe as a ey SL ay 2 es ee 311, 377. 40 Gain from sale, ete., of securities (to be in- SMCS fl!) ee ES ay Lad aw al he Sry Sse ee lah a 2 ee re ays 110, 334. 34 Cash capital from sale, call of securities, ete. (tomberreinvested)) case are eR ee 1, 160, 106. 80 ———_——_——— 1, 581, 818. 54 TO GATE oe Se ETH ME Ney OS: TO Pet ORT SEG ie 2,186, 692. 10 Disbursements: From funds for general work of the Institution— Buildings, care, repairs, and alterations____ 3, 246. 94 Hurniture and. fixtiTese = so ee 700. 49 Generar administration oo as Ft 23, 091. 60 ED Tig y/ See ene a ene EON AU EO Pe ee 3, 163. 31 Publications (comprising preparation, print- ins y AUCICISEMIDULLON) = 28. Ee 4D 23, 690. 54 Researches and explorations______________ 21, 960. 16 imtbermationalexchangege see ee 4, 982. O1 oor aa 80, 835. 05 a a a Ee es I al + This statement does not include Government appropriations under the administrative charge of the Institution. * This includes salaries of the Secretary and certain others. 6 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Disbursements—Continued. From funds for specific use other than Freer endowment— Investments made from gifts, from gain from sales, ete., of securities and from SAVINGS MON) IN COMCSs = aa ee $78, O74. 41 Other expenditures, consisting largely of research work, travel, increase and care of special collections, ete., from income of endowment funds and from cash gifts for specific use (including temporary ad- VEU COS)) ase nn NE eee ee ee ee 185, 547. 69 Cash capital from sale, call of securities, etch rein vestedi222 223 2) lee eee 59, 873. 34 ——_—_——_———— $323, 495. 44 From Freer endowment— Operating expenses of gallery, salaries, purchases of art objects, field expenses, Cle Me seh Eee kis er en a ee ae ee 289, 883. 42 Investments made from gain from sale, etc., of securities and from income___-_- 110, 128. 62 Cash capital from sale, call of securities, CECE TAINVEStCC sae aie ee ee eee DAs fe ye PAV ef (a) an FIG IIB), FL Balance: June: 30; 193ib we ei aes SS ae ee ae 224, 221. 84 Mo tal. osteo 2 2, 186, 692. 10 Recapitulation of receipts, exclusive of Freer funds, during the year ending June 80, 1981 General uses: Hor addition to endowment ee eee $4, 663. 67 IRESCEVE CG! SUT CONIC eee ee eee 86, 870. 52 $91, 534. 19 Specific uses: Gifts accretions to endowment *______________--_-__ 81, 559. 89 Gifts for specific use not to be invested_______--_-_ 90, 064. 79 Cash income from endowments for addition to en- dowment... 2. 2 ee ee eee 6, 026. 26 Cash income from endowments and from other sources for conducting researches, explorations, ete_--_---~ 56, 502. 67 Cash capital from sale, call of securities, ete. (to be' reinvested) 22U22.. 6-2 2 ee eee eee 64, 315. 59 ; 298, 469. 20 Total receipts, exclusive of Freer funds___-----+----_-_____- 390, 003. 39 3 Approximately $22,000 of this amount was paid in connection with the settlement of estate. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY v Statement of endowment funds ‘ mee Specific pur- General pur- poses other |Freer endow- poses than Freer ment endowment Pndowimmeninfunadnners0;0l OsO. ae eae a ee ee ee $1, 033, 789.85 | $636, 792. 55 | $5, 300, 929. 50 Increase irom incomes gifts; efevl 222. 2 1 eae 11, 971. 41 65, 009. 27 5, 697. 95 Increase from gain from sales of securities, stock dividends, (5) eM A ES er WLS ee 204. 07 114. 37 61, 084. 06 NGO WN en behuUNeo0s 1 Os lee ee eee ee 1, 045, 965. 33 701,916.19 | 5,367, 711. 51 The following appropriations were made by Congress for the Government bureaus under the administrative charge of the Smith- sonian Institution for the fiscal year 1931: SalaniesfandsexpenSes eee. arya Mn ee ete $38, 304 Geel Tenteliyaeeen rete LCE yeaa er 20, 000 CSE Bil OLA ae ECM ELIT GS te mee ee ek eres ee ee rece ee ee eS eee 52, 810 AM CLICANO RM EN NO]O Lysee = Sete ek Rs EE ERA ERIE A RE AEE 70, 840 International Catalogue of Scientific Literature__________________-- 8, 145 AStLODNYSiGAle ODSELV ALOT Y= ore ee enti LE Shee See Fe ee ee 37, 560 National Museum: IM uoR DUNE, Cael sib-qr ph Nese ee eee eee $383, 740 Heating range hob tin pase oer eee re me were Reem Nee Bie 93, 120 IBreseryanon: Of COleCt ONS eee eee eee oan eer ane 596, 644 Lexb UU Koh bayes?* saves ovzW hy Une: Se NE Ee ee ee ee ee 56, 940 15-YOY a) Ses SI AE Se RS eae EE 3, 000 POSES Cee a an og WAN eee ea ea Oa 450 Plans for additions to Natural History Building_______ 10, 000 793, 894 Nationale Gallenyaok elit. te a erie eee ee er ee ee 45, 218 NON Bite ZOO) OST Cele aT Ke es at aN ee 220, 520 Nationale Zoolozies) Park, puildine for reptiless—=— 2-2 28, 000 Lever ay tab ayeg of save boys Dia eq Me Se fe as Seka EN AT a are Se a 99, 000 TT tei) t Saree aoe A ieee 2 Ee ie a Ae eas i, Oe 1, 414, 791 MATTERS OF GENERAL INTEREST PRESENTATION OF LANGLEY MEDAL TO MANLY AND BYRD As mentioned in my last report, the fifth and sixth awards of the Langley Gold Medal for Aerodromics were made late in 1929 to Charles Matthews Manly (posthumously) and to Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd, respectively. On December 11, 1930, at the annual meeting of the Board of Regents of the Institution, the posthumous presentation of the medal to Mr. Manly was made through the person of his eldest son. In presenting the medal, the chancellor of the board, Hon. Charles Evans Hughes, spoke of the previous awards and then said: It was awarded posthumously to Charles Matthews Manly at the board’s meeting of December 12, 1929. This exceptional action was taken in recognition 8 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 of the fact that the outstanding merit of Mr. Manly’s invention and construc- tion of the light, radial, gasoline airplane engine has become more and more apparent in the last years. Mr. Hughes then quoted Mr. Charles L. Lawrance, president of the Wright Aeronautical Corporation, in part, as follows: When we consider that the most popular type of airplane engine of to-day is almost identical in its general detail and arrangement with the one evolved by Charles Manly in 1902, we are lost in admiration for a man who, with no data at his disposal, no examples of similar art on which to roughly base his design, and no workmen capable of making the more difficult parts of his engine, never- theless, through the processes of a logical mind, the intelligent application of the science of mathematics, and the use of his surprising mechanical skill, suc- ceeded in constructing an engine developing 52.4 horsepower for a weight of 125 pounds, or a weight of 2.4 pounds per horsepower, which stood up under severe tests, once even going through a full-power, nonstop run of 10 hours. Mr. Manly accepted the medal on behalf of his father, and con- cluded with the words, “I am sure that if he were living there is no honor which he would so greatly treasure.” The presentation of the medal to Admiral Byrd was made at the Smithsonian on the morning of March 27, 1931, by Chancellor Hughes. After reviewing the purpose of the founding of the Lang- ley medal, Mr. Hughes said: Your investigations in connection with the science of aviation have included severe tests of airplanes, their navigating instruments, and the possibilities of using them for geographical exploration. In these enterprises you have made the nonstop west-east passage of the Atlantic, the first nonstop flight to the North Pole, and the first nonstop flight to the South Pole. You have ex- plored and photographed great regions of the globe hitherto unseen by man. It gives me great pleasure to present to you, Admiral Byrd, the Langley Gold Medal for Aerodromics, in recognition of your outstanding investigations relating to the application of the science of aerodromics to geographical exploration. Admiral Byrd, in expressing his appreciation of the award, con- cluded: All fliers have the deepest respect for the work of Professor Langley. My own feeling of respect is so profound that this rare medal is doubly precious to me in bearing his name. His work was epochal in the evolution of aviation, and may I remark here that I believe ali age-old things in a state of civilization must follow the great law of evolution as do all things in a state of nature. *-* * But here is the big point—because space is practically unlimited the evolution of aviation has fewer limits than ground-held things. SMITHSONIAN SCIENTIFIC SERIES In 1926 the Institution reached an agreement with a New York publishing firm for the issuance of a series of popular, illustrated volumes dealing with the branches of science covered by the activi- REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 9 ties of the Smithsonian and its branches. ‘The Institution receives a definite royalty from the sale of the books which provides greatly needed additional funds for the continuation of its researches. Vol- umes 1 to 4 were issued in 1929, and volumes 5 to 8 in 1980. The titles are as follows: 1. The Smithsonian Institution, by Webster Prentiss True. 2. The Sun and the Welfare of Man, by Charles Greeley Abbot. 3. Minerals from Earth and Sky. Part I, The Story of Meteorites, by George P. Merrill. Part IJ, Gems and Gem Minerals, by William I’. Foshag. . The North American Indians. An account of the American Indians north of Mexico, compiled from the original sources, by Rose A. Palmer. . Insects: Their Ways and Means of Living, by R. EH. Snodgrass. Wild Animals in and out of the Zoo, by William M. Mann. Man From the Farthest Past, by C. W. Bishop, C. G. Abbot, and A. Ardlitka. . Cold-Blooded Vertebrates, by C. W. Gilmore, D. M. Cochran, and S. FE. Hildebrand. rs “1 o> ot ie) Volumes 9, 10, and 11 were in press at the close of the year, and the manuscript of volume 12 was practically completed. The first edition of the series to be put on the market was a limited de luxe set known as the James Smithson memorial edition; this was quickly sold out. The publishers are now selling two dis- tinct editions known as the patrons’ edition and the William Howard Taft memorial edition. RESEARCHES IN EUROPEAN ARCHIVES Dr. C. U. Clark continued his research work among the European archives under the grant furnished by Ambassador Charles G. Dawes in 1929. In addition to the important materials listed last year, Doctor Clark has made some very interesting new discoveries of manuscripts relating to the ethnology of many tribes of North and South America. In the hbrary at Evora in Portugal he brought to light a great many documents of unusual interest which had been deposited by Jesuit missionaries of the early colonial period in Brazil. In the British Museum Doctor Clark discovered some im- portant works of Francisco Cardenas relating to the Maya Indians of Yucatan. In addition to the new work in Portugal and Eng- land, Doctor Clark continued his researches in the archives of the Indies at Seville and in the Vatican Library and the Propaganda Fide in Rome. Insomuch as the Dawes fund will expire in Sep- tember, Doctor Clark will bring his work to a conclusion at that time. The results that have been obtained through this research . have been exceptionally valuable, and the interesting material brought to light was considerably more than might have been expected. Although the research was undertaken primarily for the purpose of locating material on the Maya Indians of Yucatan, in 10 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 the course of the work documents of unusual interest were found which concerned tribes covering most of North and South America and the islands of the West Indies. COOPERATIVE ETHNOLOGICAL AND ARCHEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS In 1928 an appropriation of $20,000 was authorized by Congress for cooperative ethnological and archeological investigations in the United States. Proposed investigations were to be approved by the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, who allotted from this ap- propriation a sum equal to that raised for the work by the organiza- tion proposing it. Seven projects were approved during the past year and sums were allotted to them as follows: Allotments from the fund for cooperative ethnological and archeological investigations during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1931 1930 July 3. Laboratory of Anthropology, to conduct archeological investigations of Basket Maker culture in the Guadalupe Mountain area of south- eastern New Mexico for the purpose of locating, exploring, and thoroughly examining both disturbed and undisturbed Basket Maker sites and establishing the principal characteristics of this area. A study and recording of pictographs found in this area will also be made, $900. July 8. University of Utah, to conduct archeological investigations and explora- tions in the State of Utah and the intensive excavation of one or two sites chosen as a result of the explorations, $800. 1931 Feb. 18. Laboratory of Anthropology, to continue the reconnaissance and excavation, where desirable, of Basket Maker sites in the Guadalupe Mountains and adjacent sections on the north and west, $213.15 (together with unexpended balance of $386.85 from previous allot- ment). Mar. 26. University of Utah, to conduct archeological investigations at Promontory Point, Great Salt Lake, Utah, and to continue the archeological reconnaissance begun in the fall of 1930 in the drainage of the Sevier River in west central Utah, $250. Mar. 26. Logan Museum, to conduct archeological investigations along the upper Missouri River, excavating earth-lodge villages belonging to the Arikara before 1850, $250. Apr. 21. The State Historical Society of Colorado, for a general investigation, reconnaissance, and mapping of the so-called Paradox Valley country with intensive work on a single site to be selected as a result of the reconnaissance, $175. May 28. University of Denver, to complete the archeological survey of eastern Colorado begun during the summer of 1930, $250. At the beginning of the fiscal year the balance of the fund for cooperative ethnological and archeological investigations was very low, but by combining the unexpended balances on a number of the allotments it was possible to make the above grants. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 11 EXPLORATIONS AND FIELD WORK Twenty-nine expeditions went out during the year in the interests of the Institution’s investigations in geology, biology, anthropology, and astrophysics. Besides numerous localities in the United States, these expeditions visited many other parts of the world, including Africa, Alaska, Canada, China, Haiti, Santo Domingo, the South Sea Islands, Spain, and the West Indies. Many unique specimens were brought back to the Institution for study, and much-needed information was obtained in the field. The Smithsonian is indebted to its friends and to other scientific institutions for a considerable part of the expense of these expedi- tions, as its own meager funds for this purpose were exhausted early in the year. Among the year’s expeditions I may mention particularly Dr. Paul Bartsch’s third year of explorations for mollusks in the West Indies, this year’s work covering the southern Bahamas, the islands off the south coast of Cuba, and the Caymans; further anthropologi- cal researches in Alaska by Dr. AleS Hrdlicka and Henry B. Collins, jr., Doctor Hrdlitka working along the Kuskokwim River and Mr. Collins on St. Lawrence Island; biological collecting on “Tin Can Island” in the Tonga Archipelago by Lieut. Henry C. Kellers, United States Navy, through the cooperation of the Navy Department and the United States Naval Observatory; the Parish- Smithsonian expedition to Haiti, organized by the late Lee H. Parish with the financial assistance and cooperation of his father, S. W. Parish, for the purpose of making general biological collec- tions on the little-worked islands off the Haitian coast; and the continuation of the collecting explorations of the Rev. David C. Graham near Suifu, China, which resulted in over 62,000 specimens for the National Museum. Brief accounts of certain of the year’s expeditions will be found in the reports of the National Museum and the Bureau of American Ethnology appended hereto. All are described and illustrated in the Institution’s yearly pamphlet, Explorations and Field Work of the Smithsonian Institution, 1930, publication No. 3111. PUBLICATIONS On March 1, 1931, the editorial work of the Institution and its branches was consolidated in a central office under the direction of the editor of the Institution. The steadily increasing output of the Smithsonian made it desirable to centralize authority to a certain extent in the interests of a more uniform policy and style and to prevent duplication of effort in the keeping of financial and other records. The volume of work passing through the editorial office 12 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 will be apparent from the fact that nearly $120,000 is now spent for printing each year; at certain periods of the year as many as 60 separate publications are in press at one time, some of them con- taining hundreds of manuscript pages, and most of them highly technical papers requiring careful editing and proofreading. It is hoped that the increased efficiency from a business standpoint of the recent reorganization will result in releasing more time of the small editorial staff for straight editorial work, to the end that Smithsonian publications may appear with greater accuracy and promptness. The Institution’s publications constitute its primary means for accomplishing the diffusion of knowledge. They are issued by the Institution proper and by the bureaus under its administrative direction and appear in 18 distinct series, as follows: Smithsonian Institution: Annual report (with general appendix made up of selected articles review- ing the year’s advances in science). Contributions to Knowledge (suspended). Miscellaneous collections. Special publications. National Museum: Annual report. Bulletin. Proceedings. Contributions from the National Herbarium. Bureau of American Hthnology: Annual report (with accompanying papers on ethnological subjects). Bulletin. Astrophysical Observatory : Annals. National Gallery of Art: Catalogue. Freer Gallery of Art: Publications. Ninety-eight volumes and pamphlets were published during the year in these various series, and 205,711 copies of Smithsonian pub- lications were distributed. This number included 27,425 volumes and separates of the Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 25,984 vol- umes and separates of the Smithsonian annual reports, 4,627 Smith- sonian special publications, 86,680 publications of the National Museum, and 29,475 publications of the Bureau of American Eth- nology. The titles and authors of the year’s publications will be found in the report of the editor, Appendix 11. LIBRARY The Smithsonian library contains about 800,000 volumes, pam- phlets, and charts, pertaining largely to science and technology. It comprises 10 divisional libraries, one of which—the National Museum REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 13 library—inciudes 36 sectional libraries, the small working units maintained in the offices of the curators and other Museum officials. The year’s accessions totaled 14,050, including 6,972 volumes and 7,078 pamphiets and charts. Among the many gifts received during the year may be mentioned several thousand volumes and pamphlets from the library of the late Dr. George P. Merrill, presented by Mrs. Merrill and the other heirs; 600 scientific publications from Mrs. Dora W. Boettcher; and 386 volumes and pamphlets from the heirs of the late Dr. O. P. Hay. Work on the union catalogue progressed satisfactorily. The stafi completed the shelf list of the Museum library, catalogued the pub- lications of the Carnegie Institution of Washington and the John Donnell Smith collection, and made progress in reclassifying and re- cataloguing the library of the Freer Gallery of Art. A number of special activities were carried forward, such as the checking and com- pleting of sets of publications, the transfer to other organizations of certain publications not needed at the Institution, and the exchange of duplicate publications for others needed to complete sets. GOVERNMENTALLY SUPPORTED BRANCHES NATIONAL MUSEUM The appropriations for the maintenance of the Museum totaled $830,394, which included provision for four additional employees, namely, an associate director, a clerk in the library, and two guards. Although these additions are of great help to the eflicient operation of the Museum, there are still many offices, particularly in the scien- tific departments, where the need for more workers is urgent. The second deficiency bill for 1931 carried $10,000 for the preparation of preliminary plans for the two wings to be added to the Natural History Building under an authorization by Congress in the pre- vious year. ‘These plans, in course of preparation by the Allied Architects Incorporated, will provide for two wings similar in arrangement to the present building, that is, with the ground floor and the third floor devoted to offices and Jaboratories and the two floors between occupied by exhibits. This additional spacg will relieve the present badly overcrowded condition in the natural his- tory department of the Museum; a similar need for space will still exist, however, in the arts and industries department and the divi- sion of history, and it is hoped that buildings for these collections, which are of such great interest to the public, may soon be provided. The year’s additions to the collections exceeded in number those of any previous year in the Museum’s history, reaching a total of 1,022,850 individual specimens. Gifts of duplicates to schools totaled 7,384 specimens, and 31,516 specimens were loaned to scien- tific workers outside of Washington. 14 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 The department of anthropology received additional ethnological material from Alaska resulting from the explorations of Dr. Ales Hrdlicka and H. B. Collins, jr., giving the Museum the most complete collection in existence of the ancient ivory culture of the Bering Sea region. About 5,000 specimens illustrating the life of the American Indian were received as a bequest from the late Victor J. Evans, of Washington. Further material representing the native tribes of West Africa was given by C. C. Roberts. The most important accession in the department of biology was the Barnes collection of Lepidoptera, purchased by a special appro- priation of $50,000 to the Department of Agriculture and transferred to the Museum. Additional material has been received as a result of the field activities of Dr. David C. Graham in China and of Dr. Hugh M. Smith in Siam. Dr, H. C. Kellers obtained large collec- tions of material for the Museum from the island of Niuafoou in the Pacific. A large collection of birds, mammals, reptiles, and plants obtained by E. G. Holt on an expedition to the boundary region be- tween Venezuela and Brazil was presented by the National Geo- graphic Society. Thirty-two species of minerals new to the collection were received by the department of geology, chiefly by purchase through the Roebling fund. Other interesting accessions included a large mass of native silver and calcite estimated to contain 220 pounds of pure silver; a vertebra of an extinct reptile, which has fossilized into opal; and a green tourmaline weighing 17.9 carats, purchased through the Chamberlain fund. Many valuable fossil specimens were added dur- ing the year, particularly through the explorations of C. W. Gilmore and Dr. J. W. Gidley. In the arts and industries department one of the most interesting accessions was the airplane Bremen, the first heavier-than-air craft to make the east-west nonstop flight across the North Atlantic. This was deposited by the New York Museum of Science and Industry. Of especial interest also was a model showing a section of the Cono- wingo hydroelectric generating station, presented by the Philadelphia Electric Co. The division of graphic arts received a miniature book, The Gospel of St. Matthew, printed in 214-point type, the smallest type ever cast. Among the especially interesting accessions in the division of history were a chair owned by Benjamin Franklin, a chair belonging to President James Madison, and a mahogany screen owned by George Washington. In search of specimens and information needed in the progress of the scientific investigations carried on by the Museum many expedi- tions were in the field during the year, financed either by the Smith- sonian Institution or by contributions from interested friends. The REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 1105) results of the researches of the staff were published by the Museum in 7 volumes and 41 separate papers. The distribution of its publica- tions totaled 86,680 copies. The number of visitors during the year was 1,669,140. NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART Three exhibitions were held in the galiery during the year: A collection of 78 water colors by William Spencer Bagdatopoulos, a memorial exhibition of water colors by Henry Bacon, and the fortieth annual exhibition of the Society of Washington Artists. Art works received by the Institution, subject to transfer to the national gallery upon approval of the National Gallery of Art Com- mission, included several portraits, among them a portrait of Com- modore Stephen Decatur by Gilbert Stuart, bequeathed by the late Stephen Decatur Parsons. Among the loans accepted by the gallery were 15 paintings by British and Dutch masters lent by the execu- tors of the estate of the late Henry Cleveland Perkins, and five paintings by old masters lent by Mrs. Marshall Langhorne. Four paintings were purchased during the year from the Henry Ward Ranger fund by the Council of the National Academy of Design. Under the conditions of Mr. Ranger’s will, the National Gallery may claim any of the pictures thus purchased during the 5-year period beginning 10 years after the artist’s death and ending 15 years after his death. The director, Professor Holmes, calls attention to the fact that just 60 years have passed since he first entered the doors of the Smith- sonian Institution, where he was almost immediately employed as an artist. It may be added that since that time, except for short periods of connection with other organizations, he has remained with the Smithsonian and has served it with marked success in the fields of geology and anthropology as well as of art. To few men is it given to achieve distinction in three major fields of activity and to con- tinue at the age of 85 in the able direction of such an important enterprise as the National Gallery of Art. FREER GALLERY OF ART’ Additions to the collections by purchase include a Chinese bronze vessel of the fifth century B. C.; two Chinese jade ornaments of the third century B. C.; Nepalese, Persian, and Arabic manuscripts; and Chinese, Indian, Nepalese, and Persian paintings. 1The Government’s expense in connection with the Freer Gallery of Art consists mainly in the care of the building and certain other custodial matters. Other expenses are paid from the Freer endowmennt funds. 16 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1951 The year’s curatorial work embraced the studying and recording of inscriptions and seals on recently acquired Chinese paintings and of Buddhist inscriptions on stone sculptures and votive bronze images. The cataloguing of the near eastern section of manuscripts and paintings was completed. Transiation of the Persian texts has identified more than 60 Persian miniatures taken from various early manuscripts. Translations have also been made of inscriptions on objects submitted by outside persons and by other institutions for expert opinion. elevators have been regularly inspected by the District of Columbia inspector. The total electric current produced amounted to 613,000 kilowatt-hours, manufactured at a cost of 1.78 cents per kilowatt-hour, including interest on the plant, depreciation, repairs, and material. In addi- tion electric current to the amount of 73,250 kilowatt-hours was pur- chased and used in the exhibition halls of the Arts and Industries Building. Needs for electrical current are steadily increasing, par- ticularly to provide favorable lighting in our exhibition halls during dark days in winter, and increased purchases will be required in the future. The ice plant manufactured 406.8 tons of ice, at an average cost of $).67 per ton, a reduction from the expense for the previous year. With the plant operating at full capacity it is not practicable at the present time to manufacture the entire amount of ice required during the hottest weather of summer, so that it is necessary to purchase a certain amount at that time. During the year 20 exhibition cases and bases, 489 pieces of storage, laboratory, and other furniture, and 1,667 drawers of various kinds were added, the greater part of these being manufactured in our shops. MEETINGS AND RECEPTIONS The lecture rooms and auditorium were used during the present year for 103 meetings, covering the usual wide range of activities. Government agencies that utilized these facilities for hearings, meet- ings, lectures, and other special occasions included the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, the Plant Quarantine and Control Adminis- tration, the Forest Service, the Bureau of Dairy Industry of the Department of Agriculture, and the United States Public Health Service. In addition a meeting was arranged by the Director of Scientific Work of the Department of Agriculture for an address by Dr. Samuel C. May, of the University of California, on the work- ings of the Government. There were various conferences held from REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 39 June 16 to 23 in connection with the Fifth National Farm Girls and Boys 4-H Club Camp. The Department of Agriculture Grad- uate Schoo] also utilized the auditorium for an address by Dr. R. A. Fischer, of the Rothamsted Experiment Station, on statistics. The scientific societies that met regularly in the auditorium or small lecture room included the Vivarium Society, the Entomological Society of Washington, the Society for Philosophical Inquiry, the Anthropological Society of Washington, and the Helminthological Society of Washington. Meetings were also held by the Wild Flower Preservation Society (Inc.), the Audubon Society of the District of Columbia, the Biological Society of Washington, and the Potomac Garden Club. The National Association of Retired Federal Employees held regular meetings during the year, and there was one meeting of the Smithsonian Relief Association. The National League of Com- mission Merchants met on December 17 under the auspices of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics for the purpose of explanation of the provisions of the recently enacted perishable agricultural commodities act. The Maryland-Virginia Farmers’ Marketing Asso- ciation met on February 12 to discuss plans for a farmers’ market. Dr. Arthur A. Allen, of Cornell University, lectured on February 23 before the Audubon Society of the District of Columbia on native birds and their advantages on golf courses. Dr. Raymond L. Ditmars lectured before the Biological Society of Washington on February 28 on reptiles. The American College of Physicians during its fifteenth annual clinical session met in the auditorium on March 28 for an address by Dr. AleS Hrdli¢ka on the diseases of the human race. On April 13 there was held the eighth national and sixth inter- national oratorical contest for the Evening Star area for contestants from private and parochial schools of Washington. This was fol- lowed on May 8 by the second zone finals for the same contest. On April 28 the Bureau of Dairy Industry, United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, held a meeting of the International Association of Milk Dealers. On May 18 the Carnegie Institution of Washington arranged an address by Sir James H. Jeans, of the Royal Society of London, on Out in the Depths of Space. On May 19 there was an address by Dr. M. A. Crossman, of the Republic Research Corpora- tion on Nitriding before the metallurgical advisory committee of the Bureau of Standards and the Washington-Baltimore Chapter of the American Society for Steel Treating. The seventh annual national spelling bee was held in the audi- torium on May 26, when the first prize of $1,000 was won by Ward Randall, of White Hall, Ill. 40 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 MISCELLANEOUS The exhibition halls of the National Museum were open during the year on week days from 9 a. m. to 4.30 p. m., except that the Air- craft Building, as has been noted, was closed for repairs for eight months during the year. Our Museum halls were also open on Sun- day afternoons from 1.80 p. m. to 4.30 p. m., with the exception of the Aircraft Building. All buildings remained closed during the day on Christmas and on New Year’s. The flags on the Smithsonian and Museum Buildings were placed at half mast from 1.15 p. m. April 9 through April 11, out of respect for the late Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Hon. Nicho- las Longworth. During the forenoon of Memorial Day the flags also were held at half-mast. Visitors for the year totaled 1,669,140, a decrease of a little more than 230,000 from the record of the pre- ceding year, this difference being due partly to the fact that the Air- craft, Building was closed for a considerable part of this period. Attendance in the several buildings in the National Museum was recorded as follows: Smithsonian Institution, 258,616; Arts and In- dustries Building, 731,186; Natural History Building, 631,498; Air- craft Building, 47,840. The average daily attendance for week days was 4,452, and for Sundays 5,472. During the year the Museum published 7 volumes and 41 separate papers, while the distribution of literature amounted to 86,680 copies of its various books and pamphlets. Additions to the Museum library, obtained partly by exchange, partly by donation, and partly by purchase, included 2,528 volumes and 832 pamphlets, an increase over those of the previous year. The library of the National Museum, as separate from that of the Smithsonian Institution proper, now contains 79,407 volumes and 109,129 pamphlets. Much progress was mede during the year in the arrangement and cataloguing of these collections, not only in the main libraries but also in the 36 sectional libraries of the organization. Duplicate volumes in our series have been assembied and many have been distributed to other organiza- tions, either as gifts or as exchanges. On March 5, 1931, John E. Graf was appointed associate director of the National Museum under the assistant secretary. Mr. Graf came to the Museum by transfer from the Department of Agricul- ture, where he had long been connected with the administration of the Bureau of Entomology, in recent years as assistant chief. In the department of anthropology the former divisions of Ameri- can archeology and of Old World archeology were consolidated on February 1, 1930, as a division of archeology, under Neil M. Judd as curator. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 41 On February 1, 1981, Dr. A. J. Olmsted, chief photographer, was appointed assistant curator of the section of photography under the division of graphic arts. Frank M. Setzler was appointed assistant curator of the division of archeology, August 16, 1980, and Gustav A. Cooper, assistant curator in the division of stratigraphic paleontology on October 20, 1930. Following the retirement of Dr. Marcus Benjamin, Paul H. Oehser was appointed Museum editor on April 16, by transfer from the Department of Agriculture. Miss Gladys O. Visel was transferred on March 1 from the National Gallery of Art to become clerk in the Museum editorial office, and Frank W. Bright, of the Govern- ment Printing Office, on March 2 succeeded J. C. Proctor, retired, as compositor in the branch printing office of the Museum. Effective March 1, 1931, the editorial work of the entire Institution was consolidated in one central office under W. P. True, editor of the Smithsonian Institution. January 1, 1931, Lester E. Commerford became assistant chief in the office of correspondence and documents. The following employees left the service through operation of the retirement act: Dr. Marcus Benjamin, editor, on January 81, 1931, after a service begun April 1, 1896. During Doctor Benjamin’s in- cumbency there were published under his editorship 31 annual reports, 59 volumes of proceedings, and 106 bulletins, many of the latter in several volumes, a long and remarkable record. John Claggett Proctor, printer, retired February 28, 1981, after a service of 46 years. On August 31, 1930, the following left the service through opera- tion of the retirement act: Dr. James E. Benedict, assistant curator in the department of biology, after over 49 years of active service in many varied fields in the Museum, particularly with regard to our exhibits in biology; Miss Nelhe H. Smith, clerk in the administration office since April, 1890; J. W. Scollick, osteologist since July, 1884; John S. Prescott, electrician since January, 1896; William O. Murray, skilled laborer, after 11 years’ service. John M. Mohl, electrician’s helper, was retired on March 31 after over 83 years of service. Jerome Patterson, watchman, was retired for disability on June 17, 1930. Through death the Museum lost three workers from its active roll, Miss Narcissa Owen Smith, January 31, 1931; Paul Schilke, watchman, on January 1, 1931; and Robert L. Belt, watchman, on February 4, 1931. From its honorary list of workers the Museum lost by death Isobel H. Lenman, honorary collaborator in ethnology, on February 3, 1931. 42 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Dr. Frank Wigglesworth Clarke, honorary curator of mineralogy since December, 1883, died May 23, 1931. There may be mentioned further the death on November 2, 1930, of Dr. Oliver Perry Hay, internationally known for his work on paleontology, who, though never officially attached to the staff, carried on his researches in the Museum for nearly a quarter of a century. Respectfully submitted. ALEXANDER WETMORE, Assistant Secretary. Dr. C. G. Axgor, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. APPENDIX 2 REPORT ON THE NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART Sir: I have the honor to submit herewith my report on the opera- tions of the National Gallery of Art for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1931: PRESENT DISTRIBUTION OF THE ART COLLECTIONS In 1920 the art collections of the Institution, so far as they had been assigned to the care of the recently established National Gallery of Art, were installed in the central skylighted hall of the new Natural History Building of the National Museum. ‘This hall extends from the rotunda on the south to the north front of the building, the windows of which look down on Constitution Avenue. Permanent screens were introduced in this hall affording excellent hanging space for the paintings. The disposition then made of the numerous groups of art works has been changed from time to time and important groups have been added. During the 10 years that have passed slight record of the placement of these collections has been kept, and it may be advisable to indicate here briefly the present distribution. The Harriet Lane Johnston collection, an early bequest of great value, comprising paintings and historical documents, is installed in the northwest long room of this hall. Across the hallway from this collection, occupying the northeast long room, is the Ralph Cross Johnson gift of rare European old masters, presented in 1919. Distributed through a number of rooms, including the large cen- tral gallery, are numerous groups of works by our American masters. Prominent among these is the great gift of 152 paintings, represent- ing 106 artists, by Wiliam T. Evans, of New York. The Alfred Duane Pell collection of art objects of varied types and much inter- est is accommodated in the north extension and hallway at the north end of the hall. A number of the larger works of both paintings and sculptures are installed in available spaces in the rotunda. On the ground and first floors are several groups of historical paintings. First among these is the group of World War portraits. Shortly after the close of the World War a number of Americans organized a national art committee, the purpose of which was to ob- tain portraits for the National Gallery of Art of a number of dis- tinguished leaders of the allied forces. Entering this hall from the 43 44 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 north the visitor finds himself face to face with many of the out- standing personages of the great war—kings, queens, presidents, sol- diers, statesmen, and others—whose faces and achievements are fa- milar to the peoples of every civilized. nation. Occupying the walls of a large room on the second floor is the collection of portraits of survivors of the Civil War painted from life by Walter Beck 50 years after the close of the war. Associated with this group are two other World War groups, the John Elliott collection of portraits of young Americans who entered the air service of France before the United States had decided to take part in the war, many of these losing their lives in the struggle; and a very interesting collection of sketches of prominent World War person- ages made by John C. Johansen for use in executing his great work, the “Signing of the Peace Treaty, June 28, 1919,” now occupying the west wall of the lobby. In the lobby are assembled also numer- ous busts and other works of sculpture, while a number of paintings embellish available spaces on the walls of the stairway. The Freer collection, the most important single unit of the gallery’s possessions, occupies a commodious building immediately west of the Smith- sonian provided by the donor. The recently acquired Gellatly col- lection of art works of wide scope and great value is retained, as originally installed by the donor, in the Heckscher Building, New York City, due to lack of gallery space in Washington; while the large collection of drawings by John S. Sargent (1856-1925), a gift from his sisters Miss Emily Sargent and Mrs. Violet Ormond, re- main in storage at the Corcoran Gallery of Art for the same reason. THE GALLERY COMMISSION The tenth annual meeting of the National Gallery of Art Commis- sion was held in the Regents’ room of the Smithsonian Institution at 10.30 o’clock, December 9, 1930. The members present were: Gari Melchers, chairman; Frank J. Mather, jr., vice chairman; W. H. Holmes, secretary; Herbert Adams, James E. Fraser, J. H. Gest, John E. Lodge, Charles Moore, E. W. Redfield, and Dr. Charles G. Abbot, ex officio. The minutes of the last annual meeting, held December 10, 1929, were read and approved. The annual report of the secretary of the commission reviewing the activities of the gallery for the calendar year 1930 was read and accepted. After careful inspection, a portrait of Commodore Stephen De- catur, by Gilbert Stuart, bequeathed to the National Gallery by the late William Decatur Parsons, and an enamel watch by Loulinie & Legandroy, Geneva, Switzerland, bequeathed to the Institution by Miss Charlotte Arnold H. Bryson, were accepted by the commission. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 45 THE ABNEY BEQUEST Doctor Abbot made the following statement: Under the will of Mrs. Mary Lloyd Pendleton Abney, of New York, dated May 16, 1928, the following bequest is made: Clause— Seventh. To the National Gallery, at Washington, D. C., heretofore known as the Corcoran Gallery, I give and bequeath the four Key family portraits said to have been painted by Peter Lilly and Godfrey Kneller, to wit, portraits of Mrs. John Zouch (Lady Zouch); Michael Arnold; Ann Arnold, wife of Michael Arnold and daughter of Thomas Knipe; and Susan Gardner, the mother of John Ross; and I give and bequeath also the portrait of Mary Tayloe Lloyd, wife of my grandfather, Francis Scott Key, painted by Godfrey Kneller, and her miniature, painted by Robert Field; the Key table, and two chairs which were used by Francis Seott Key; the Lloyd mahogany table and four old chairs and old knocker from the Francis Scott Key house, which was at Georgetown, by the Arlington Bridge, now known as the Key Bridge. * * * (Note by the executrix: Mrs. Abney, while living donated and delivered to others the furniture mentioned in clause 7, and the “old knocker” was not found among her effects.) [Doctor Abbot, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, has been informed by Mrs. Jane F. Brice, the sister and executrix of Mrs. Abney, that the Corcoran Gallery has executed waiver to any right it might have to the bequest, and the matter was presented by her to the director of the National Gallery, with the oral request, by her husband, to have the National Gallery also execute a waiver of its rights. The matter was laid before the permanent committee of the Board of Regents. Having in mind the probable value and interest of the objects, both from the artistic and historical standpoints, and in view of the national character of the gallery, the committee did not feel that on the ex parte statements of the executrix, who is also the residuary legatee under the will, they could waive any rights that the gallery might have, without a proper adjudication of the matter, and so informed Mrs. Brice. The matter is now before the court. | THE RANGER COLLECTION At the request of the chairman, James E. Fraser read a report that had been made to the council of the National Academy regard- ing the selection of the Ranger pictures to be retained by the National Gallery. After full discussion in which it developed that the commission was not to be asked to take any official action, Mr. Gest submitted the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the thanks of the commission be tendered Mr. Fraser for his comprehensive statement and that the paper be included in the records of this meeting as a matter of information. 46 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 THE WASHINGTON BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION Herbert Adams brought up the matter of the Washington bicenten- nial celebration planned for 1932, saying that the Sculpture Society had suggested a comprehensive scheme for the exhibition of paintings and sculptures pertaining to Washington. The matter was discussed at some length, and Mr. Moore stated that the Bicentennial Commis- sion had this matter in hand and that the commission would probably address a letter to the secretary of the Institution on the subject. ELECTIONS The secretary was directed to cast a ballot for the reelection of Gari Melchers, chairman; Prof. F. J. Mather, jr., vice chairman; and William H. Holmes, secretary. The secretary called attention to the fact that the terms of three members of the commission would expire on December 14. Mr. Fraser submitted the following resolution which was adopted: Resolved, That the commission recommend to the Board of Regents the reelection for the succeeding term of four years of the following members: Herbert Adams, Gari Melchers, and Charles Moore. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the commission adjourned at 12 o’clock. EXHIBITIONS HELD IN THE GALLERY 1. A collection of 78 masterly water colors of Asiatic, European, and American Indian subjects, by William Spencer Bagdatopoulos, the Greek-English artist, was shown in the two northern small rooms of the gallery October 30 to December 22, 1930. A catalogue was supplied by the gallery. 2. A memorial exhibition of water colors of Egyptian, Greek, French, Italian, and English subjects, by Henry Bacon, was installed in the large middle room of the gallery March 14 to April 30, 1931. The collection proved of exceptional interest. A catalogue was sup- plied by the gallery. 3. The fortieth annual exhibition of the Society of Washington Artists, the second held in the gallery, occupied the walls in the central group of rooms, main floor of the gallery, February 1 to March 1, 1931. The exhibition included 162 paintings and 21 works of sculpture and received flattering public attention. An illustrated catalogue was supplied by the society. THE GALLERY CATALOGUE Two catalogues of the art collections of the Institution have been published as Bulletin 70 of the United States National Museum, the first edition in 1906 and the second in 1916, by Richard Rathbun, REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 47 assistant secretary of the Institution, and two catalogues of the Na- tional Gallery of Art, the first edition in 1922 and the second in 1926, by the director. During the year the director has devoted his energies largely to the preparation of a comprehensive catalogue of the art works of the Institution, giving especial attention to works of painting and sculpture. This catalogue does not include the wide range of minor art works usually included in museums of art; and since no definite line has yet been drawn between assignments to the gallery and those that properly pertain to the Museum, the limits of the catalogue must remain indefinite. The form of the catalogue has received very especial attention. The cards used measure 8 by 101% inches, corresponding thus to the standard manuscript sheets of the Institution. Each unit or card of the catalogue comprises two somewhat rigid sheets, one devoted to a record of the source of the work and to the biography of the artist and the other to a picture of the work itself. Some 600 cards are now completed. The portrait group comprises about one-third of this number. These are separately assembled owing to the anticipa- tion that the Institution may find it possible, in the near future, to organize a national portrait gallery, and possibly at least to print separately this portion of the catalogue of the art works of the Institution. Portraits of several types are included in the catalogue approxi- mately as follows: 1. Oil paintings. 2. Water colors. 38. Pastel and related technique. 4. Engravings. 5. Sculpture. PROFESSOR HOLMES AND THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION It may not seem out of place, since the director’s official life is nearing its close, to record here briefly his connection with the Smith- sonian Institution. Just 60 years ago he entered the north door of the Institution an entire stranger and proceeded to sketch a bril- lhantly colored bird installed in one of the Museum cases. He was observed at this work, and as a result was soon engaged in drawing natural history specimens for the resident professors. In 1872 he was appointed artist to the survey of the Territories and took part in the survey of the Yellowstone region. In 1874 he was appointed assistant geologist on the survey then working in Colorado and has found his services continuously called for in the fields of both science and art. Advancing step by step and from yea to year in both branches, he finds himself to-day a member of the National Academy 48 ANNU4L REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 of Sciences and Director of the National Gallery of Art. His varied activities in these fields are recorded in upward of 50 annual reports made to the departments with which he served. ART WORKS RECEIVED DURING THE YEAR Accessions of art works by the Smithsonian Institution, subject to transfer to the National Gallery on approval of the advisory com- mittee of the National Gallery of Art Commission, are as follows: Portrait statue (heroic size, full length) of Col. Archibald Gracie, 4th, hero of the Titanic disaster, 1914, by Louise Kidder Sparrow. Gift of Mrs. Archibald Gracie, 4th. Portrait of Commodore Stephen Decatur by Gilbert Stuart; be- queathed to the Smithsonian Institution for the National Gallery of Art by the late William Decatur Parsons. (Accepted by the com- mission December 9, 1930.) Portrait of Henry Ward Ranger by Albert Niehuys (Dutch artist) ; presented by Frederick Ballard Williams, N. A. Original plaster bust of Abraham Lincoln (heroic size) from which was cast the bronze bust erected at the National Cemetery, Gettysburg, Pa., by Henry K. Bush-Brown; gift of the sculptor. This bust has been in the gallery for several years as a loan. A group of three wood-gravure tablets engraved directly from life and nature by Macowin Tuttle: Portrait of a Lady, Snowbound (winter landscape), and Spring Brook (spring landscape). Gift of Mr. Tuttle. Painting entitled “ Late Afternoon, the Alcazar, at Segovia, one of the picturesque medieval castles of Spain,” by Wells M. Sawyer. Gift of the artist. Marble bust of William H. Seward, made in Rome in 1871 by Giovannie Maria Benzoni (1809-1873), “as a gift in memory of his daughter, Olive Risley Seward”; also the framed oil painting by Emanuel Leutze (1816-1868), sketch from which he made the fresco in the Capitol Building at Washington, D. C., known as “ Westward the Course of Empire Takes its Way,” and presented to William H. Seward by the artist. Bequest of Miss Sara Carr Upton. Portrait of William Henry Holmes, first director of the National Gallery of Art, by William Spencer Bagdatopoulos in 1929; presented by the artist. LOANS ACCEPTED BY THE GALLERY Painting by Bonifaccio entitled “Supper at Emmaus”; lent by Benjamin Warder Thoron, of Washington, D. C., through Mrs. Henry Leonard. Portrait of Henry Ward Ranger, N. A., by Alphonse Jongers, N. A.; lent by the Council of the National Academy of Design, New York, N.Y. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 49 Fifteen paintings by British and Dutch masters; lent by Cleve- land Perkins, Esq., Miss Ruth Perkins, and Mrs. Miriam Perkins Carroll, executors of the estate of the late Henry Cleveland Perkins, as follows: Portrait of a Boy, by John Hoppner, R. A. Henry, First Earl of Mulgrave, by Sir Thomas Lawrence, P. R. A. Portrait of a Dutch Lady, by Michael Janson Mierevelt. Portrait of a Dutch Girl, by P. Moreelse. Portrait of a Girl, by John Opie, R. A. Frances, Countess of Clermont, by Sir Joshua Reynolds. The Windmill, by Salomon Ruysdael. Study of Ruins, by Richard Wilson. Study of Ruins, by Richard Wilson. Landscape, by Richard Wilson. Landseape with Cottage, by Meindert Hobbema. Madonna and Child, by Van Dyck (attributed to). Portrait of a Dutch Girl, by Jan Victoors. A Gentleman, by Sir William Beechey, R. A. A Cottage Scene, by Ladbrooke. Five paintings by old masters; lent by Mrs. Marshall Langhorne, Washington, D. C., as follows: Holy Family, by M. Albertinelli. Head of Christ, by Giorgioni (attributed to). The Doctor’s Visit, by Jan Steen. Baptism of Christ, by G. B. Tiepolo. Small landscape, by Thomas Gainsborough. Portrait of George Washington, by Charles Willson Peale; lent by William Patten, of Rhinebeck, N. Y., to be cared for until used by the George Washingion Bicentennial Commission. A Sevres porcelain statuette, by Paul Dubois, entitled “ Le Cour- age Militaire”; lent by the Hon. Hoffman Philip, United States minister to Norway. A painting, Madonna and Child, by Andrea del Sarto; lent by Mrs. W. W. Powell, Washington, D. C. A pastel, A Madonna and Child, conception of F. D. McCreary, executed by Pastelist Bryson, of Chicago, Ill.; lent by Mrs. B. S. Willams, of Knoxville, Tenn. Usual loans of paintings for the summer months are: Portrait of George Washington, by Rembrandt Peale; lent by the Hon. Charles S. Hamlin, Washington, D. C. Portrait of Nathaniel Tracy, of Newburyport, Mass., by John Trumbull; portrait of Thomas Amory, of Boston, and portrait of George A. Otis, both by Gilbert Stuart; lent by Mrs. O. H. Ernst and Miss Helen Amory Ernst, of Washington, D. C. Portrait of Mrs. Charles Eames, by Gambardella; lent by Mrs. Alastair Gordon-Cumming, of Washington, D. C. 50 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 DISTRIBUTIONS A painting, The Battle of Celere, by J. C. Bourgignon; with- drawn by the owner, Mrs. J. M. Wiley, for shipment to Holland. The large painting by Theobold Chartran, of Paris, representing the Signing of the Peace Protocol between Spain and the United States, August 12, 1898, lent to the gallery in 1928, has been recalled to the White House by Mrs. Hoover. The painting by Peter Moran, entitled “A Rainy Day,” withdrawn by the owners, Miss Florence Grandin and her sister, of Washington, Dic: Two small paintings by John J. Peoli, entitled “ Love Conquers ” and “ Cupid Caged,” were returned to Mrs. Laura Guiteras, Denver, Colo., residuary legatee of the estate of Mrs. Mary Peoli Maginn. A painting, Salome with the Head of John the Baptist, attributed to Guido Reni, was withdrawn by J. H. Weaver, of Washington, D. C., to whose ownership it had been transferred by Hobart Berriman. A painting, The Infant Jesus and St. John, by Rubens, lent to the gallery by Hon. Hoffman Philip in 1919, withdrawn by Mr. Philip. A painting, Minerva (sixteenth century original), was withdrawn by Miss May Warner. LOANS RETURNED TO THE GALLERY Mrs. Herbert Hoover returned to its place in the gallery the paint- ing by Alexander Wyant, entitled “The Flume, Opalescent River, Adirondacks,” which was lent for temporary display at the White House early in 1929. THE HENRY WARD RANGER FUND PURCHASES The paintings purchased during the year by the Council of the National Academy of Design from the fund provided by the Henry Ward Ranger bequest, which under certain conditions are prospective additions to the National Gallery collections, are as follows, includ- ing the names of the institutions to which they have been assigned: Title Artist Date of purchase Assignment | 81. The Countryside in | Charles H. Davis, N. A.| December, 1930_..| Connecticut Agricultural Col- Autumn. lege, Storrs, Conn. 82 The Sermon-_---_---- Gari Melchers, N. A__--| January, 1931----- The Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C. 83. The Offering---..-_ | ae Va Hae February, 1931__.-| The Cleveland Museum of Art, Hae, N. A. (1872- Cleveland, Ohio. 30). 84. The Madonna- _---- Tear G. Olinsky, N. A_-| March-April,1931_| Everhart Museum of Natural History, Science, and Art, Scranton, Pa. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 51 The gallery has received two portraits of Henry Ward Ranger (already mentioned): One, by Alphonse Jongers, N. A., as a loan from the National Academy of Design; the other, by Albert Niehuys, as a gift from Frederick Ballard Williams, N. A., assistant treasurer of the academy. The will of Henry W. Ranger provides that the National Gallery of Art shall have the right to reclaim any picture for its collection during the 5-year period beginning 10 years after the artist’s death and ending 15 years after his death, and it may be interesting to list the deceased artists to June 30, 1931. Artist Date of death if a@anrltoned e@hapmiams Nee Aves ae eee) Feb. 12, 1925. PY ADK Ales MYON Ad eNO OMIM Vee Mi eT Rae ee July 1, 1925. Se WallismieAce COmmrsIN: s Aces ssi SEN wee yee eee Oct. 26, 1925. ANTES CTD OSTEO INS ek te a ea RELA ud BC Jan. 28, 1926. Ep OTIS MO TATA PIN eA reat tee pape Aug. 26, 1926. GIP OLEOTI SOMES. INS yA teen erates ee cee Sept. 24, 1927. ee VODCEGIGCTC WINS Ansty Peete 1 EY SEE reed Ae ces Bes Dec. 2, 1929. SaiGardner SymonswN. Aes Dues ee ee Jan. 12, 19380. OM Charl SSM em ec ats tO TTC IN eA eee see eee ne ee Nov. 29, 1930. LIBRARY The gallery library continued to increase by gift, purchase, and subscription, in volumes, pamphlets, periodicals, etc. Fifty-one volumes of periodicals were collated and bound. Notable accessions to the library are as follows: A tinted pencil-drawing in miniature of Dr. William H. Holmes by Alyn Williams, P. R. M.S., R. C. A., presented by the artist. Eleven bound volumes of biographical memoirs called Random Records, left-over remnants from 52 years of research and art work in many fields; gift of W. H. Holmes. Twelve large framed water-color paintings by W. H. Holmes; gift of the artist: 1. Deserted Bed of a Glacier. . The Unmodified Rock Creek about 1910. . The Normal Rock Creek About 1910. Over the Maryland Fields. . My Old Mill, Holmescroft, near Rockville. . A Storm-Beaten Course. . A Maryland Wheat Field. . A Maryland Meadow, Watt’s Branch, near Rockville. . A Gypsy Camp. 10. A Cliff Dwellers’ Ceremony, Colorado. . A Mountain Gorge, Colorado. . Coal Barge, Capri, 1880. 102992—32——_5 OCMONAAMNH Wh eH Noe Ye ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Fourteen water-color paintings of diversified subjects by W. H. Holmes; gift of the artist. (These include the 12 noted in the 1927 annual report.) A Pompeiian Fountain, 1880. On the Ocean, off Nova Scotia, 1880. A Color Study, Venetian Freight Boats. Longs Peak, Colorado, 1874. A Great Geological Arch, Colorado, 1874. The Land of the Cliff Dwellers, 1874. In the Pueblo Country, New Mexico, 1876. A Mexican Laundry, 1895. Playing with the Colors. Shaded Pathways. View on the Potomac. The Fields of Maryland. Study of a Bridge. Still Life—Apple and Bottle. Ten field sketches, of small size, by Thomas Moran; pen sketch by Mrs. W. H. Holmes; and a sketch in Florida (in colors) by Walter Paris; gift of W. H. Holmes. Twenty-nine small, unframed paintings in different mediums by 20 artists; gift of W. H. Holmes. FOOD MAN AOAhRWNHH A Neopolitan Lady, by C. Bisco. . Marine Study, by Franklin D. Briscoe. . Burial of a Pappoose, probably Siouan, by Richard N. Brooke. . Drawing of a Yellowstone Geyser, by Richard N. Brooke. . Landscape Sketch, by J. F. Currier. . Burning of an Old Boat, by F. Denby, A. R. A. A Group of Elk, Wind River Mountains, Wyoming, by EH. W. Deming. . French Village Scene, by H. A. Dyer. . Landscape, by De Lancey Gill. . Landscape Sketch, by De Lancey Gill. . Naples and Vesuvius, by A. Gurri. UP . In the Plateau Country—Colorado, by W. H. Holmes. . Marine View, by “ Marnz.” . Landscape with Palm Trees and Temple, Egypt, by Charles M. McIlhemey. . Shin-Au-Avy-Tu-Weap—God Land Canyon of the Colorado, Utah, by Thomas Sketch on the Potomac, by Lorenzo J. Hatch. Moran. . In Monument Park, Colorado, by Walter Paris. . Landscape, by Walter Paris. . Study of a Courtier, by Randonini. . Landscape Sketch, by Walter Shirlaw. . Figure Study, by Walter Shirlaw. . A Study of an Italian Peasant Woman, by Guisep Signorini. . Study of an Old Man, by Guisep Signorini. . Sketch in Wales, by Peter Toft. . Group of Venetian Sailboats, by Ross Turner. . Charcoal Boat on the Mediterranean, by Ross Turner. . Venetian Boats, by Ross Turner, 1880. . A Street Scene in Munich, by Ross Turner, 1880. . A Tree Study, by Ross Turner, 1879. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 53 NECROLOGY The death of James Parmelee at his home in Washington, D. C., on April 19, 1931, is announced. Mr. Parmelee was a member of the National Gallery of Art Commission, one of the commission’s execu- tive committee, and chairman of the committee on prints. A biographical notice of Mr. Parmelee may be found in the Cathedral Age, midsummer issue, 1931, page 28. PUBLICATIONS Hotmes, W. H. Report on the National Gallery of Art for the year ending June 30, 1930. Appendix 2, report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution for the year ending June 380, 1980, pp. 45-53. Lopes, J. E. Report on the Freer Gallery of Art for the year ending June 30, 1930. Appendix 38, report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution for the year ending June 30, 1930, pp. 54-60. Catalogue of a collection of water-color paintings by W. S. Bagdatopoulos, on view in the National Gallery of Art, United States National Museum, October 30 to December 22, 1980. Pp. 1-8. Catalogue of a memorial exhibition of water colors of Egypt, Greece, France, Italy, and England, by Henry Bacon (1839-1912), on view in the National Gallery of Art, United States National Museum Building, March 14 to April 30, 1981. Pp. 1-9, 4 pls. Fortieth annual exhibition of the Society of Washington Artists, being a list of the titles and authors of the works shown, with an introduction by Dr. William H. Holmes, Director of the National Gallery of Art. Privately printed for the society, 1931. Pp. 1-30, 20 pls. Respectfully submitted. W. Hz. Hoimes, Director. Dr. C. G. Asgor, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. APPENDIX 3 REPORT ON THE FREER GALLERY OF ART Str: I have the honor to submit the eleventh annual report on the Freer Gallery of Art for the year ending June 380, 1931: THE COLLECTIONS Additions to the collections by purchase are as follows: BRONZE 31.10. Chinese, fifth century B. C. Chou Dynasty. Ceremonial vessel of the class z, with four handles. Green patina. JADE 31.15— Chinese, Han Dynasty (206 B. C—A. D. 220). Two orna- 31.16 ments of white, semitranslucent jade, surface color altered to a brownish cream. Decoration carved and engraved. MANUSCRIPTS 30.86. Nepalese, twelfth century. The Prajidpdéramita. Palm leaves (69) within wooden covers. (See also below under Paintings, 30.87, 30.88.) 30.92— Persian, thirteenth century. Four leaves from a Qurdn (min- 30.95 iature size). Text in brown naskhi script. 31.9. Arabic (North Africa), twelfth century. A bound volume of a section of the Qur‘dn. Vellum. Text in brown and blue Maghribi script; page and text ornaments in gold and slight color. 31.11. Persian, sixteenth century. A page from the Gulistan of Sa‘adi, written in a delicate naskht script on light blue paper; five ornaments in gold and color. PAINTINGS 30.80. Chinese, fifteenth century. Ming. By Tai Chin. A land- scape entitled “ Life on the river.” Silk scroll, painted in ink and tint. 30.81. Indian, late sixteenth century. Rajput, Rajasthani. A musi- cal mode (7dég) : a night scene. Color on paper. 30.82. Indian, early nineteenth century. Rajput, Pahari (Kangra). Portrait of a lady. Color and gold on paper. 30.83. Indian, early nineteenth century. Rajput, Pahari (Kangra) Sri Krishna fluting in the forest. Color and gold on paper. 54 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 5D 30.84. Indian, early nineteenth century. Rajput, Pahari, (Kangra). Maidens searching for Krishna in moonlight. Color and gold on paper. 30.85. Indian, eighteenth—nineteenth century. Rajput, Pahari (Kangra). Scene from a Nala-Damayanti series: The toilet of Damayanti. Outline drawing and light tints on a primed paper. 30.87— Nepalese, twelfth century. Two pages, each containing 30.88. three miniatures from the Prajidpdramitad (MS. 380.86; see above). Opaque colors on palm-leaves. 30.89— Persian, fourteenth century. Mongol period. Three pages 30.90—- from a Shdhndmah. Color, black and gold on a gold 30.91. ground. Text in black naskhi script. 31.1. Chinese, fourteenth century. Yiian dynasty. By Tsou Fu- lei. Plum branches in flower, entitled, “A breath of spring.” A scroll painting; ink on paper. Signed. 31.2. Chinese, thirteenth century. Late Sung. By Wang Yen-sou. Branches of a plum tree in flower, entitled, “ Plum blos- soms.” Scroll painting; ink on silk. Signed. 31.3. Chinese, thirteenth century. Late Sung. Landscape; horses and grooms crossing a river. Scroll painting; color and ink on paper. 31.4. Chinese, fourteenth century. Ytian. Attributed to Chao Méng-fu. A goat and a sheep. Scroll painting; ink on paper. Signed. 31.5- Indian, early seventeenth century. Mughal. School of 31.6. Akbar. Two illustrations from Pasikapriya MS. Color and gold on paper. 31.12. Persian, late sixteenth century. Portrait of a lady. Ink, sight tint and gold, on paper. 31.13. Persian, middle sixteenth century. Portrait of a man. Full color and gold on paper. 31.14. Persian, middle sixteenth century. Portrait of a youth, reading. Full color and gold on paper. POTTERY 31.7. West Asian, eleventh-twelfth century. Rakka. A_ star- shaped lamp, with six spouts and six feet. Light blue- green glaze, worn and crazed. SILVER 31.8. Chinese eighth century. T’ang dynasty. Bowl, decorated with a band of foliate design in low relief. Surface covered by a delicate ornament executed in fire gilt. 56 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Curatorial work within the collection has embraced specifically the study and recording of inscriptions and seals on recently acquired Chinese paintings and of Buddhist inscriptions on stone sculptures and votive bronze images. The work of cataloguing the near eastern section of manuscripts and paintings, mentioned as being under way in the last report, has been completed. Translation of the Persian texts has fixed the identity of upwards of 60 Persian minia- tures taken from various early manuscripts of the Shdhndmah, the Gulistdn of Sa‘adi, and other works. In addition to translations of inscriptions on objects in the Freer collection others have been made of inscriptions on objects submitted to the curator by other institutions and by private persons for expert opinion as to their esthetic or historical value. In all, 2,312 objects and 107 photo- graphs of objects were submitted for examination. The most important changes in exhibition that have been made since 1923 were accomplished during the week of March 15, amount- ing to the opening of four new galleries and changed exhibitions in two others. Galleries I and II, at the right of the entrance, are now devoted to the display of works of art from the Near East and India. Included in these are early Arabic manuscripts and paintings, Arabic tooled leather bindings, Persian manuscripts, paintings and painted pottery, Indian painting and sculpture. This change has not only given increased space to the near eastern section but also has left the eastern end of the building to the exclusive exhibition of the arts of China. Ancient bronzes, silver, and silver- gilt are now displayed in Gallery XIV, ceremonial and ornamental jades of the Chou and Han periods in the adjoining corridor. Gal- lery XVIII exhibits scroll paintings and Gallery XIX pottery, por- celain, and panel paintings. The care and preservation of objects in the collection has in- cluded work that can be itemized as follows: (1) Remounted: 2. Chinese scroll paintings. 1 Chinese panel painting. 2 Japanese screen paintings. 6 Indian miniature paintings. (2) Repaired (i. e., relined, remounted, or resurfaced) : 22 paintings by Whistler. 2 paintings by A. H. Thayer. 2 paintings by T. W. Dewing. 2 paintings by D. W. Tryon. 2 paintings by G. Melchers. 1 painting by J. S. Sargent. 1 painting by A. Ryder. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 57 Changes in exhibition have involved a total of 482 objects, as follows: 9 American paintings. 50 Chinese bronzes. 13 pieces of Chinese silver-gilt. 135 Chinese jades. 19 Chinese scroll paintings. 15 Chinese panel paintings. 10 pieces of Chinese porcelain. 59 pieces of Chinese pottery. 2 Japanese screen paintings. 4 Japanese panel paintings. 48 pieces of near eastern pottery. 1 Turkish pottery tile. 12 Arabie and Egyptian bookbindings. 2 Indian stone sculptures. 101 Indian and Persian paintings and calligraphies. 2 pieces of Persian glass. THE LIBRARY During the year there have been added to the main library 61 volumes, 20 unbound periodicals, and 150 pamphlets. Twenty vol- umes were sent to the bindery, 10 volumes to be bound, 4 volumes to be repaired, 48 numbers of Aokka to be bound in 4 volumes, and 6 numbers of Z’oung Pao to be bound in 2 volumes. A list of the new accessions to the library accompanies this report as Appendix A (not printed). The library is in process of being catalogued under the direction of the librarian of the Smithsonian Institution, W. L. Corbin. This work was begun in November, 1929, and is not yet completed. REPRODUCTIONS AND PAMPHLETS Seven hundred and sixty-four new negatives of objects have been made. Of these, 329 were made for registration photographs, 435 for special orders and 67 for study purposes. The total number of reproductions available either as carbon photographs or as negatives from whieh prints can be made upon request is now 3,858. Twenty- four additional post cards have been published, making a total num- ber of 96 subjects now on sale. One hundred and nineteen lantern slides have also been added to the collection, making a total of 1,030 available for study and for sale. The total number of sales of reproductions, at cost price, is as follows: Photographs, 1821; post cards, 15,489; lantern slides, 12. 58 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Of booklets issued by the gallery, the following were sold at cost price: SiGe Ay) Dam pH tse Oe Se ee se Se ee alae Synopsisof History pamphlets sss 52) se fe eee ae Le Lee eee 105 histeot American spain tines see oe a ee ee ee 37 Annotated outhinesiof studyes ses =a eee oe ee a ee 17 Gallery DOO KS sa soe eee iy Se ef Ei eas ee a Ea 204 VEG ate OL Ty ak psee es 2 TN A pk Da AN NN a eat SUNCIWa bahe al) MOV n Oe Ue aL 18 BUILDING The workshop has been constantly occupied with the making of necessary equipment, as well as with the work necessary to the upkeep of the building. Under the latter the most important item was the renewal of the attic shade system with new and better operating parts and a complete set of new curtains. A new device for holding the smaller paintings to be photographed, four new exhibition cases, two bookcases, and additional frames for the card display are among the items of new equipment. The report of the superintendent, which gives a detailed account of shopwork and of the planting in the court, accompanies this report as Appendix C (not printed). ATTENDANCE The gallery has been open every day from 9 until 4.30 o’clock with the exceptions of Mondays, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day. The total attendance for the year was 125,789; the total attendance for week days was 82,574; the total Sunday attendance 43,215. As before, the average Sunday attendance is much more than twice that of week days, 831 being the average for Sunday and 318 that for a week day. Attendance reached its height in April and August with totals of 23,401 and 14,950, respectively. The total number of visitors to the offices was 1,510. Of these, 91 came for general information, 295 to call upon members of the staff, 119 to see objects in storage, 100 to submit objects for examina- tion, 74 to study the building and installation methods, 11 to visit the galleries on Mondays, 216 to study in the library, 203 to see the reproductions of the Washington Manuscripts, 19 to make photo- graphs and sketches, and 16 to make tracings, while 229 came to pur- chase photographs, and 137 to examine photographs of objects in the collection. Fifty-two groups, ranging from 2 to 47 persons, were given docent service in the exhibition galleries, and 10 classes in groups ranging from three to nine persons were given instruction in the study room. On Thursday, March 12, 1931, Dr. Rudolf Meyer Riefstahl gave an illustrated lecture on Islamic Painting before an audience of 163 persons. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 59 FIELD WORK A general survey of the gallery’s activities in the Far East will be found in Mr. Bishop’s confidential letters, copies of which are transmitted herewith (Appendix B not printed). As in past years, we have steadfastly adhered to our fundamental practice of conducting our expedition with due respect both for the dignity of the Institution and for the sensibilities of the Chinese, since it is our purpose, as long as we stay in the field, to serve our own immediate ends only to the extent that in so doing we serve also the ends of future archeological research in China and help to establish an atmosphere of greater mutual regard and confidence between native and foreign scientists. The fact that under existing conditions, difficult at times to the point of discouragement, we should have been able to carry out important excavations in southwestern Shansi during the autumn and spring seasons of last year, speaks well, I think for our policy, our field staff, and our Chinese collab- orators. Mr. Bishop’s detailed illustrated report on these excava- tions is expected shortly. PERSONNEL Archibald G. Wenley returned to the gallery January 5, 1931, after seven years spent abroad in sinological study. Three years were spent in China, two in Europe, and two in Japan. Miss Grace ie McKenney resigned May 15 because of ill health and returned to her home in Massachusetts. Mrs. Rita W. Edwards returned May 16, after an absence of 11 months, and resumed her position as secretary to the curator. Miss Eleanor Thompson, who filled this position during Mrs. Edwards’s absence, has transferred to the position vacated by Miss McKenney, in charge of the print’ section. William Acker, student assistant, left June 18, 1931, for Holland to resume his sinological studies at the University of Leyden. Miss Grace Aasen, library assistant, was married on June 20, 1931 to Marvin Lamar Parler. Herbert E. Thompson worked at the gallery during the weeks of October 26, 1930, February 22, and March 29, 1931. Y. Kinoshita worked at the gallery from January 24 to July dt L931. Respectfully submitted. ? J. KE. Lopar, Curator. Dr. C. G. Apgort, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. APPENDIX 4 REPORT ON THE BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY Sir: I have the honor to submit the following report on the field researches, office work, and other operations of the Bureau of Ameri- can Ethnology during the fiscal year ended June 80, 1931, conducted in accordance with the act of Congress approved April 19, 1980. The act referred to contains the following item: American ethnology: For continuing ethnological researches among the Amer- ican Indians and the natives of Hawaii, the excavation and preservation of archeologic remains under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution, includ- ing necessary employees, the preparation of manuscripts, drawings, and illus- trations, the purchase of books and periodicals, and traveling expenses, $70,280. M. W. Stirling, chief, left Washington during the latter part of January to continue his archeological researches in Florida. On the way south he took the opportunity to investigate a number of archeo- logical sites in several of the Southern States, notably a group of mounds which had been reported in the vicinity of High Point, N. C., and two mound sites on Pine Island in the Tennessee River in northern Alabama. A few days were spent in the vicinity of Montgomery, Ala., exam- ining the early historic sites being investigated there by the Alabama Anthropological Society. A large mound had been reported in the vicinity of Flomaton, Ala.; this was visited and found to be a natural formation. Continuing down the west coast of Florida, Mr. Stirling visited briefly the archeological sites at Crystal River, Safety Harbor, and Alligator Creek. 'The principal work for the season was commenced on February 5 on Blue Hill Island south of Key Marco, one of the northernmost of the Ten Thousand Island Group. A large sand burial mound was excavated and found to be of early post-Columbian Calusa origin. Excavation of the mound disclosed a number of inter- esting structural features quite unusual in Florida sand mounds. Six feet above the base of the mound a clay floor was encountered which gave evidence of having been the base of a temple structure, as it was surrounded by post holes and in some instances by the decayed remains of the wooden uprights still in place. This struc- ture had evidently been destroyed and the mound subsequently enlarged by adding 6 feet more of sand above the original substruc- ture. Numerous burials were encountered both above and below the 60 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 61 clay floor. A few articles of European manufacture were recovered from the upper level of the mound. As none were recovered from beneath the temple floor, it is possible that the older section of the mound is of pre-Columbian age. Cultural material recovered was interesting though not abundant. This included characteristic pot- tery specimens, pendants and ornaments made from fossil shark teeth, shell dishes, cups, celts, and a few stone knives and arrowheads. Articles of European manufacture consisted of glass beads and iron axes of Spanish type. More than 250 burials were removed. Following the completion of this work, Mr. Stirling went to the island of Haiti where, in the company of H. W. Krieger, of the United States National Museum, he investigated archeological sites previously worked by Mr. Krieger in various parts of the island. Returning from Haiti to Florida, work was continued in the eastern part of the State, where a number of mounds were investigated be- tween Miami and Cape Canaveral. The most interesting discovery of the entire season consisted in locating two series of large geometric earthworks on the eastern side of the Everglades, not far from Indiantown. One of these groups is one of the largest and best preserved works of this type now existing on the North American continent. It is hoped that at an early date the bureau will be able to begin excavations on this most interesting site. At the completion of this reconnaissance, Mr. Stirling returned to Washington, leaving almost immediately for Chicago in order to attend a meeting of the National Research Coun- cil, the purpose of which was to organize research on the subject of early man in America. Dr. John R. Swanton, ethnologist, was engaged in field work in Louisiana from July 1 to August 14, 1980. It was found that Rosa Pierrette, the sole Indian acquainted with the Ofo language and the one from whom, in 1908, he obtained the only specimens of that language in existence, was dead, and the language therefore is dead also. A search was made for speakers of Atakapa, but all appeared to be gone except one old woman who could barely recall a few words. The Chitimacha Indians of Charenton were visited and a small amount of linguistic material was obtained from them. Of the Tunica at Marksville, only two or three are still able to use the old tongue, but one of these proved to be an ideal informant and Doctor Swanton obtained from him a number of short stories and one long story in native text. The rest of the time was spent at Kinder, where a considerable body of material in Koasati was obtained. In view of the extinction of Atakapa as a spoken language, Doctor Swanton considered that the words, phrases, and texts collected by Dr. A. S. Gatschet in 1886, which comprise by far the greater portion 62 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 of the material in that tongue still preserved, should be published without delay and the greater part of the winter of 1930-31 was spent in editing it. To Gatschet’s material have been added the Eastern Atakapa words collected by Murray and the Akokisa vocab- ulary obtained by the French captain, Bérenger, and published by Du Terrage and Rivet. 2 sos 58 Guatemala 232 eS DANO TUSUA VS soe ce ree eee 24 18 5p ee ae See lee eee Sala enezelaes = eee ee ee ee 33 fan gar yes = ne ae Ss ee ke 40 MVACtOrlastece nee c ee eee eee eee 46 Wn digtets i hoe ee ee Tao WWVeSternwATISGAll ete ee eae 20 LVR pS Se Se a Ee ee ee TOME Yuposlaviges- scenes sone w eee ene 19 Wapsnee ast Me pek eee. ce Be ean 106 — 1 Sf) 4 ER ee ee re 1 TOGA) Ee cee eer ee ene enone 3, 002 As explained in previous reports, in addition to the packages for- warded abroad in boxes for distribution by foreign exchange bureaus, many are transmitted direct to their destinations by mail—some be- cause it is more economical to send by mail than by freight; some, like the daily issue of the Congressional Record, rac ce treaty stipulations provide that they shall be so for Finciaals and some for the reason that they are for places remote from existing exchange agencies. The total number of packages transmitted by mail during the year was 76,609, an increase over last year of 8,664. Last year mention was made that nine boxes of exchanges from Germany were destroyed at the steamship pier in New York through the burning and sinking of the vessel on board of which the boxes were being transmitted to this country. I regret to report that during the current fiscal year eight boxes for China met a similar fate at the pier in New York, the steamship President Harrison, on board REPORT OF THE SECRETARY FAVA of which the consignment had been placed for transmission to China, having been destroyed by fire and water. As usual, assistance was rendered during the year to the Library of Congress in procuring for its division of documents copies of various foreign governmental publications missing in its collections. Aid also was given to a number of establishments, both here and abroad, in obtaining specially desired publications. For this service, as well as for the help in the distribution of exchanges, letters of appreciation are often received by the Institution from its corre- spondents. FOREIGN DEPOSITORIES OF GOVERNMENTAL DOCUMENTS There are now forwarded to foreign depositories of United States official documents 112 sets—62 full and 50 partial—an increase of three over the number transmitted last year. Afghanistan, Bengal, and the Vatican Library were added to the list of those countries receiving partial sets. Greece, to which the shipment of a full set was temporarily suspended, has been listed to receive a partial set. The partial set sent to Alsace-Lorraine has been discontinued. The address to which the partial set for Guatemala was forwarded has been changed from the Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores to the Biblioteca Nacional. ‘The depository in Poland to which a full set of Government documents is forwarded has been changed by the Polish Government from the Library of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the National Library in Warsaw. A complete list of the depositories is given below: DEPOSITORIES OF FULL SETS ARGENTINA: Ministerio de Relaciones Extericres, Buenos Aires. Buenos Arres: Biblioteca de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata. (Depository of the Province of Buenos Aires.) AUSTRALIA: Library of the Commonwealth Parliament, Canberra. New SoutH WaAtgEs: Public Library of New South Wales, Sydney. QUEENSLAND: Parliamentary Library, Brisbane. SoutH AUSTRALIA: Parliamentary Library, Adelaide. TASMANIA: Parliamentary Library, Hobart. Victorta: Public Library of Victoria, Melbcurne. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Public Library of Western Australia, Perth. AustTRIA: Bundeskanzleramt, Herrengasse 23, Vienna I. BELGIUM: Bibliothéque Royale, Brussels. Brazit: Bibliotheca Nacional, Rio de Janeiro. CanaDA: Library of Parliament, Ottawa. MANIrosa: Provincial Library, Winnipeg. OnTARIO: Legislative Library, Toronto. QuesBeEc: Library of the Legislature of the Province of Quebec. CHILE: Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional, Santiago. 78 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 CHINA: Bureau of International Exchange, Academia Sinica, Shanghai. CoLomBIA: Biblioteca Nacional, Bogota. Costa Rica: Oficina de Depésito y Canje Internacional de Publicaciones, San José. Cusa: Secretaria de Estado (Asuntos Generales y Canje Internacional), Habana. CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Bibliothéque de l’Assemblée Nationale, Prague. DENMARK: Kongelige Bibliotheket, Copenhagen. Eeyret: Bureau des Publications, Ministére des Finances, Cairo. Esronia: Riigiraamatukogu (State Library), Tallinn (Reval). FRANCE: Bibliothéque Nationale, Paris. Paris: Préfecture de la Seine. GERMANY: Reichstauschstelle im Reichsministerium des Innern, Berlin C 2. BaAvEN: Universitiits-Bibliothek, Freiburg. (Depository of the State of Baden.) Bavaria: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich. Prussta: Preussische Staatsbibliothek, Berlin, N. W. 7. Saxony: Siichische Landesbibliothek, Dresden—N. 6. WortemBura: Landesbibliothek, Stuttgart. GREAT BRITAIN: ENGLAND: British Museum, London. GLAsGow: City Librarian, Mitchell Library, Glasgow. Lonpon: London School of Economics and Political Science. of the London County Council.) Huneary: Hungarian House of Delegates, Budapest. InpiA: Imperial Library, Calcutta. IntsH Fre® Srate: National Library of Ireland, Dublin. ITvaLty: Ministero dell’Educazione Nazionale, Rome. JAPAN: Imperial Library of Japan, Tokyo. LATVIA: Bibliothéque d’Htat, Riga. Mexico: Biblioteca Nacional, Mexico, D. F. NETHERLANDS: Royal Library, The Hague. New ZEALAND: General Assembly Library, Wellington. NorTHERN IRELAND: Ministry of Finance, Belfast. (Depository Norway: Universitets-Bibliotek, Oslo. (Depository of the Government of Norway.) Peru: Biblioteca Nacional, Lima. PoLAND: Bibliothéque Nationale, Warsaw. PortuGAL: Biblioteca Nacional, Lisbon. RuMANIA: Academia Romana, Bucharest. Russia: Shipments temporarily suspended. Spain: Oficina Espanola de Cambio Internacional, Paseo de Recoletos 20, Madrid. SWEDEN: Kungliga Biblioteket, Stockholm. SWITZERLAND: Bibliothéque Centrale Fédérale, Berne. Library of the League of Nations, Geneva. TuRKEY: Ministére de l’Instruction Publique, Ankara. UNION oF SourH Arrica: State Library, Pretoria, Transvaal. Urucuay: Oficina de Canje Internacional de Publicaciones, Montevideo. VENEZUELA: Biblioteca Nacional, Caracas. Yu@osLaviA: Ministére de l’Education, Belgrade. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 79 DEPOSITORIES OF PARTIAL SETS AFGHANISTAN: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Publications Department, Kabul. AUSTRIA: Vienna: Magistrat der Stadt Wien, Abteilung 51-Statistik. Botivia: Biblioteca del H. Congreso Nacional, La Paz. BRAZIL: Minas Gerars: Directoria Geral de Estatistica em Minas, Bello Horizonte. Rio pE JANEIRO: Bibliotheca da Assemblea Legislativa do Estado, Nictheroy. BRITISH GUIANA: Government Secretary’s Office, Georgetown, Demerara. Burearia: Ministére des Affaires Etrangéres, Sofia. CANADA? ALBERTA: Provincial Library, Edmonton. BritisH CotumBia: Legislative Library, Victoria. NEw Brunswick: Legislative Library, Fredericton. Nova Scotta: Provincial Secretary of Nova Scotia, Halifax. PRINCE Epwarp ISLAND: Legislative Library, Charlottetown. SASKATCHEWAN: Government Library, Regina. CEYLON: Colonial Secretary’s Office (Record Department of the Library), Colombo. Cuina: National Library, Peiping. Danzig: Stadtbibliothek, Free City of Danzig. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Biblioteca del Senado, Santo Domingo. Ecvuapor: Biblioteca Nacional, Quito. FINLAND: Parliamentary Library, Helsingfors. GERMANY: BREMEN: Senatskommission fiir Reichs- und Auswiirtige Angelegenheiten. HambBure: Senatskommission fiir Reichs- und Auswiirtige Angelegenheiten. HeEssE: Universitiits-Bibliothek, Giessen. LUpeck: President of the Senate. THURINGIA: Rothenberg-Bibliothek, Landesuniversitiit, Jena. GREECE: Library of Parliament, Athens. GUATEMALA: Biblioteca Nacional, Guatemala. Harri: Secrétaire d’Etat des Relations Extérieures, Port-au-Prince. Honpuras: Biblioteca y Archivo Nacionales, Tegucigalpa. IceLaAND: National Library, Reykjavik. INDIA: ASSAM: General and Judicial Department, Shillong. BenGaL: Education Department, Government of Bengal, Darjeeling. BrHAR and Orissa: Revenue Department, Patna. Bompay: Undersecretary to the Government of Bombay, General Depart- ment, Bombay. Burma: Secretary to the Government of Burma, Education Department, Rangoon. CENTRAL Provinces: General Administration Department, Nagpur. Mapras: Chief Secretary to the Government of Madras, Public Depart- ment, Madras. PunsaB: Chief Secretary to the Government of the Punjab, Lahore. UNITED PROVINCES or AGRA AND OuDH: University of Allahabad, Allahabad. JAMAICA: Colonial Secretary, Kingston. LIBERIA: Department of State, Monrovia. LITHUANIA: Ministére des Affaires Etrangéres, Kaunas (Kovno). Matra: Minister for the Treasury, Valetta. 80 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 ; NEWFOUNDLAND: Colonial Secretary, St. Johns. NICARAGUA: Superintendente de Archivos Nacionales, Managua. PANAMA: Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores, Panama. ParaGuay: Seccién Canje Internacional de Publicaciones del Ministerio de — Relaciones Exteriores, Estrella 563, Asuncion. SALVADOR: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, San Salvador. SrAm: Department of Foreign Affairs, Bangkok. Straits SETTLEMENTS: Colonial Secretary, Singapore. VATICAN City: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vatican City, Rome, Italy. INTERPARLIAMENTARY EXCHANGE OF THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL The number of copies of the daily issue of the Congressional Record forwarded to foreign legislative bodies and other govern- mental establishments is 102, the same as last year. There is given below a complete list of the States taking part in the immediate exchange of the official journal, together with the names of the establishments to which the Record is mailed. DEPOSITORIES OF CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ARGENTINA: Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional, Buenos Aires. Camara de Diputados, Oficina de Informacién Parlamentaria, Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires: Biblioteca del Senado de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, La Plata. AUSTRALIA : , Library of the Commonwealth Parliament, Canberra. New SoutH Wates: Library of Parliament of New South Wales, Sydney. QUEENSLAND: Chief Secretary’s Office, Brisbane. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Library of Parliament of Western Australia, Perth. AustrRIA: Bibliothek des Nationalrates, Vienna I. BeLtcGiuM: Bibliotheque de la Chambre des Représentants, Brussels. 50LIVIA: Biblioteca del H. Congreso Nacional, La Paz. BRAZIL: Bibliotheca do Congresso Nacional, Rio de Janeiro. AMAZONAS: Archivo, Bibliotheca e Imprensa Publica, Manfos. BauwtIA: Governador do Estado de Bahia, Sio Salvador. Espirito SANTO: Presidencia do Estado do Espirito Santo, Victoria. Rio GRANDE Do Sut: “A Federacio,”’ Porto Alezre. SerciPe: Director da Imprensa Official, Aracaju. SAo PAvuLo: Diario Official do Estado de Sio Paulo, Sio Paulo. 3RITISH HonpurAS: Colonial Secretary, Belize. CANADA: Library of Parliament, Ottawa. Clerk of the Senate, Houses of Parliament, Ottawa. CHINA: National Library, Pei Hai, Peiping. CUBA: Biblioteca de la Camara de Representantes, Habana. Biblioteca del Senado, Habana. CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Bibliotheque de l’Assemblée Nationale, Prague. Danzic: Stadtbibliothek, Danzig. DeNMARK: Rigsdagens Bureau, Copenhagen. DoMINICAN REPUBLIC: Biblioteca del Senado, Santo Domingo. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 81 DurcH HAst INpies: Volksraad von Nederlandsch-Indié, Batavia, Java. Eeyper: Bureau des Publications, Ministére des Finances, Cairo. Estonia: Riigiraamatukogu (State Library), Tallinn (Reval). FRANCE: Chambre des Députés, Service de l’Information Parlementaire Etrangére, Paris. Bibliothéque du Sénat, au Palais du Luxembourg, Paris. GERMANY: Deutsche Reichstags-Bibliothek, Berlin, N. W. 7. ANHALT: Anhaltische Landesbiicherei, Dessau. BADEN: Universitiits-Bibliothek, Heidelberg. BRAUNSCHWEIG: Bibliothek des Braunschweigischen Staatsministeriums, Braunschweig. MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN: Staatsministerium, Schwerin. MECKLENBURG-STRELITZ: Finanzdepartment des Staatsministeriums, Neu- strelitz. OLDENBURG: Oldenburgisches Staatsministerium, Oldenburg i. O. PrusstA: Bibliothek des Preussischen Landtages, Prinz Albrecht Strasse 5, Berlin, 8S. W. 11. ScHAUMBURG-LIPPE: Schaumburg-Lippische Landesregierung, Biicheburg, GIBRALTAR: Gibraltar Garrison Library Committee, Gibraltar. GREAT BriraAtn: Library of the Foreign Office, London. GREECE: Library of Parliament, Athens. GUATEMALA: Archivo General del Gobierno, Guatemala. Honpuras: Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional, Tegucigalpa. Huneary: Bibliothek des Abgeordnetenhauses, Budapest. InpIA: Legislative Department, Simla. IRAQ: Chamber of Deputies, Bagdad, Iraq (Mesopotamia). TRISH FREE STATE: Dail Hireann, Dublin. ITALY : Biblioteca della Camera dei Deputati, Rome. Biblioteca del Senato del Regno, Rome. Ufficio degli Studi Legislativi, Senato del Regno, Rome. Latvia: Library of the Saeima, Riga. LipertA: Department of State, Monrovia. Mexico: Secretaria de la Camara de Diputados, Mexico, D. F. AGUASCALINTES: Gobernador del Estado de Aguacalientes, Aguascalientes. CAMPECHE: Gobernador del Estado de Campeche, Campeche. Cureas: Gobernador del Estado de Chiapas, Tuxtla Gutierrez. CHIHUAHUA: Gobernador del Estado de Chihuahua, Chihuahua. CoaHuILA: Periéddico Oficial del Estado de Coahuila, Palacio de Gobierno, Saltillo. CotimA: Gobernador del Estado de Colima, Colima. Duranco: Gobernador Constitucional del Estado de Durango, Durango. GUANAJUATO: Secretaria General de Gobierno del Estado, Guanajuato. GUERRERO: Gobernador del Estado de Guerrero, Chilpancingo. JALiIsco: Biblioteca del Estado, Guadalajara. Lower CALiFornrIA: Gobernador del Distrito Norte, Mexicali, B. C. Mexico. Mexico: Gaceta del Gobierno, Toluca, Mexico. MicHoacAn: Secretaria General de Gobierno del Estado de Michoacén, Morelia. Moretos: Palacio de Gobierno, Cuernavaca. Nayarit: Gobernador de Nayarit, Tepic. Nuevo Lron: Biblioteca del Estado, Monterey. 82 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Mextco—Continued. OAxACA: Periddico Oficial, Palacio de Gobierno, Oaxaca. PuEBLA: Secretaria General de Gobierno, Zaragoza. QUERETARO: Secretaria General de Gobierno, Seccién de Archivo, Queretaro. Sawn Luis Porosr: Congreso del Estado, San Luois Potosi. Srnatoa: Gobernador del Estado de Sinaloa, Culiacan. Sonora: Gobernador del Estado de Sonora, Hermosillo. Tasasco: Secretaria General de Gobierno, Seccién 8a, Ramo de Prensa, Villahermosa. TAMAULIPAS: Secretarfa General de Gobierno, Victoria. TLAXCALA: Secretaria de Gobierno del Estado, Tlaxcala. VERA Cruz: Gobernador del Estado de Vera Cruz, Departamento de Gobernacion y Justicia, Jalapa. YucatAN: Gobernador del Estado de Yucatéin, Mérida, Yucatén. NEw ZEALAND: General Assembly Library, Wellington. Norway: Storthingets Bibliothek, Oslo. PrersIA: Library of the Persian Parliament, Téhéran. Peru: Camara de Diputados, Congreso Nacional, Lima. PoLAND: Ministére des Affaires Etrangéres, Warsaw. PorTUGAL: Biblioteca do Congresso da Republica, Lisbon. RUMANIA: Bibliothéque de la Chambre des Députés, Bucharest. Ministére des Affaires Etrangéres, Bucharest. SPAIN: Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional, Madrid. BARCELONA’ Biblioteca de la Comisi6n Permanente Provincial de Barcelona, Barcelona. SWITZERLAND: Bibliotheque de Assemblée Fédérale Suisse, Berne. Library of the League of Nations, Geneva. SYRIA: Ministére des Finances de la République Libanaise, Service du Matériel, Beirut. Governor of the State of Alaouites, Lattaquié. TurkKEY: Turkish Grand National Assembly, Ankara. UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA: Library of Parliament, Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope. State Library, Pretoria, Transvaal. Urucuay: Biblioteca de la Cimara de Representantes, Montevideo. VENEZUELA: Camara de Diputados, Congreso Nacional, Caracas. } FOREIGN EXCHANGE AGENCIES The Polish Service of Interiational Exchanges has been detached from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and transferred to the National Library. The Spanish Office of International Exchange was reorganized in October, 1930, and is now under the Ministry of Public Instruction. A list of the agencies abroad through which the distribution of exchanges is effected is given below. Most of these agencies for- REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 83 ward consignments to the Institution for distribution in the United States. LIST OF EXCHANGE AGENCIES ALGERIA, via France. ANGOLA, Via Portugal. ARGENTINA: Comisi6n Protectora de Bibliotecas Populares, Calle Cérdoba 931, Buenos Aires. Austria: Internationale Austauschstelle, Bundeskanzleramt, Herrengasse 28, Vienna I. AZORES, via Portugal. Betaium: Service Belge des Echanges Internationaux, Rue des Longs-Chariocts. 46, Brussels, Boutivia: Oficina Nacional de Estadistica, La Paz. Brazit: Servico de Permutacdes Internacionaes, Bibliotheca Nacional, Rio de Janeiro. BritisH CoLontes: Crown Agents for the Colonies, London. BRITISH GUIANA: Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society, Georgetown. BririsH HonpurAs: Colonial Secretary, Belize. BULGARIA: Institutions Scientifiques de S. M. le Roi de Bulgarie, Sofia. CANADA: Sent by mail. CANARY ISLANDS, via Spain. CHILE: Servicio de Canjes Internacionales, Biblioteca Nacional, Santiago. Cuina: Bureau of International Exchange, Academia Sinica, 331 Avenue du Roi Albert, Shanghai. ConomMBIA: Oficina de Canjes Internacionales y Reparto, Biblioteca Nacional, Bogota. Costa Rica: Oficina de Depdésito y Canje Internacional de Publicaciones, San José. CuBA: Sent by mail. CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Service Tchécoslovaque des Exchanges Internationaux, Biblio- théque de l’Assemblée Nationale, Prague 1-79. Danziec: Amt ftir den Internationalen Schriftenaustausch der Freien Stadt Danzig, Stadtbibliothek, Danzig. DENMARK: Service Danois des Echanges Internationaux, Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, Copenhagen. DutcH GUIANA: Surinaamsche Koloniale Bibliotheek, Paramaribo. Ecuapor: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Quito. Heyer: Bureau des Publications, Ministére des Finances, Cairo. ESTONIA: Riigiraamatukogu (State Library), Tallinn (Reval). FINLAND: Delegation of the Scientific Societies of Finland, Helsingfors. FRANCE: Service Francais des Echanges Internationaux, 110 Rue de Grenelle, Paris. GERMANY: Amerika-Institut, Universititstrasse 8, Berlin, N. W. 7. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND: Messrs. Wheldon & Wesley, 2, 3, and 4 Arthur St., New Oxford St., London W. C. 2. GREECH: Bibliothéque Nationale, Athens. GREENLAND, via Denmark. GUATEMALA: Instituto Nacional de Varones, Guatemala. Harti: Secrétaire d’Btat des Relations HWixtérieures, Port-au-Prince. Honpuras: Biblioteca Nacional, Tegucigalpa. 102992—32. 7 84 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Huncary: Hungarian Libraries Board, Budapest, IV. ICELAND, via Denmark. InpIA: Superintendent of Stationery, Bombay. Iraty: R. Ufficio degli Scambi Internazionali, Ministero dell’Educazione Nazio- nale, Rome. JAamMAIcA: Institute of Jamaica, Kingston. JAPAN: Imperial Library of Japan, Tokyo. JAVA, Via Netherlands. Korra: Government General, Seoul. Latvia: Service des Echanges Internationaux, Bibliothéque d’Eitat de Lettonie, Riga. Liserta: Bureau of Exchanges, Department of State, Monrovia. LITHUANIA: Sent by mail. LouRENGO MARQUEZ, Via Portugal. LUXEMBuURG, Via Belgium. MADAGASCAR, Via France. MApErIRA, via Portugal. Mexico: Sent by mail. MozAMBIQUE, via Portugal. NETHERLANDS: International Exchange Bureau of the Netherlands, Royal Library, The Hague. New SoutH WateEs: Public Library of New South Wales, Sydney. New ZEALAND: Dominion Museum, Wellington. Nicaracua: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Managua. Norway: Service Norvégien des Echanges Internationaux, Bibliothéque de lVUniversité Royale, Oslo. PALESTINE: Hebrew University Library, Jerusalem. PanaMa: Sent by mail. PaRAGuAY: Seccién Canje Internacional de Publicaciones del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Estrella 563, Asunci6én. Peru: Oficina de Reparto, Depésito y Canje Internacional de Publicaciones, Ministerio de Fomento, Lima. Potanp: Service Polonais des Echanges Internationaux, Bibliothéque Na- tionale, Warsaw. PorTuGAaL: Seecio de Trocas Internacionaes, Biblioteca Nacional, Lisbon. QUEENSLAND: Bureau of Exchanges of International Publications, Chief Secre- tary’s Department, Brisbane. RuMANIA: Bureau des Echanges Internationaux, Institut Météorologique Cen- tral, Bucharest. Russta: Academy of Sciences, Leningrad. Satvapor: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, San Salvador. Siam: Department of Foreign Affairs, Bangkok. SourH AustTraLiA: South Australian Government Exchanges Bureau, Govern- ment Printing and Stationery Office, Adelaide. Spain: Oficina Espafiola de Cambio Internacional, Paseo de Recoletos 20, Madrid. SuMAtTRA, via Netherlands. Swepen: Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Akademien, Stockholm. Swirzer~ANp: Service Suisse des Echanges Internationaux, Bibliothéque Cen- trale Fédérale, Berne. Syrira: American University of Beirut. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 85 TASMANIA: Secretary to the Premier, Hobart. TRINIDAD: Royal Victoria Institute of Trinidad and Tobago, Port-of-Spain. Tunis, via France. TurRKEY: Robert College, Istanbul. Union oF SoutH Arrica: Government Printing Works, Pretoria, Transvaal. Uruauay: Oficina de Canje Internacional de Publicaciones, Montevideo. VENEZUELA: Biblioteca Nacional, Caracas. Vicrorta: Public Library of Victoria, Melbourne. WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Public Library of Western Australia, Perth. YuGostavia: Ministére des Affaires Etrangéres, Belgrade. Repectfully submitted. C. W. SHOEMAKER, Chief Clerk, International Kechange Service. Dr. Cuartrs G. ABBOT, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. APPENDIX 6 REPORT ON THE NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK Sir: I have the honor to submit the following report on the opera- tions of the National Zoological Park for the fiscal year ending June 380, 1931: The regular appropriation made by Congress for the maintenance of the park was $220,520, an increase of $17,520 over 1930. In order that plans and specifications might be prepared for a small mammal house before the convening of the next Congress, $4,500 was appro- priated and made immediately available for this purpose. In addition an appropriation of $16,000 was provided in the second deficiency act for new boilers and conduits. The regular appropriation act also reappropriated $9,703 remaining unexpended under the bird-house appropriation of 1928 for grading and the construction of cages adjacent to the bird house. In the 1932 appropriation act $4,500 was also made available immediately upon approval of that act to provide for care of the Evans collection. Thus a total of $255,223 was avail- able during the fiscal year. The regular appropriation, together with the additions, has made it possible to carry out some greatly needed repairs and improvements, and the work of the park has progressed in a very satisfactory manner. ACCESSIONS Gifts.—The outstanding g gift of the year was the Victor J. Evans collection of 183 species and 244 individuals, which was bequeathed to the United States Government for the National Zoological Park by the late Victor J. Evans. Mr. Evans for years had been deeply interested in animal life and had formed an unusually fine collection of rarities in his private zoo. These are listed among the donations and include two specimens of the white-crowned guenon (Cercopithecus petronellac), an exceed- ingly rare little monkey, regarding which practically nothing is known. Mr. Evans had previously donated many rare species to the Zoo, among them the glacier bear, almost unique in captivity. The reptile house er Ree a great deal of interest throughout America, and a steady stream of gifts for the exhibition has been coming in ever since the house has been open. 86 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 7 Foster H. Benjamin, engaged in field work in Florida for the United States Department of Agriculture, has sent in many fine specimens; and we have profited very much through the field trips of Dr. Charles E. Burt, of Waxahachie, Tex., who has sent us the specimens picked up that he thought would be interesting to the Park. Dewey Moore, of Indio, Calif., has been on the alert and has sent a number of valuable specimens that we could not otherwise have obtained. William K. Ryan, of Washington, D. C., a fancier of rare birds, has presented several especially desirable species. The San Diego Zoo, of San Diego, Calif., contributed a collection of some of the California species of reptiles that are difficult to obtain. In the late fall the director, on his vacation, visited Central America, and while at Tela, Honduras, he was presented such species as seemed desirable from the famous Tela Serpentarium. R. E. Stadelman, in charge of the laboratory, accompanied him on field collecting trips. The United Fruit Co. greatly facilitated the work, and thanks are due to R. K. Thomas and Dr. R. P. MacPhail for kindly hospitality and much aid. Incidentally the director col- lected various small species and through the aid of the honorable Secretary of Agriculture of Cuba and the chief of the Oficina Sani- dad Vegetal, Ernesto Sanchez Estrada, was enabled to bring home a flock of 20 Cuban flamingoes. The entire collection obtained on this trip was transported by the United Fruit Co. free of charge to New York, and every possible facility for the proper care of the specimens was afforded. This was most valuable assistance, which enabled the successful landing of specimens that might not otherwise have been procurable. The United States Biological Survey of the Department of Agri- culture and numerous members of its staff have contributed speci- mens to the Zoo and have assisted in making arrangements for other parties to supply us with specimens. Dr. Alexander Wetmore and Frederick C. Lincoln on a trip to Haiti obtained and presented several specimens of two species of lizards not seen before in captivity. An outstanding gift was that of three beautiful specimens of Kodiak bear cubs collected and presented by Senator Frederick Hale, of Maine. He caught these and brought them personally to Washington, where they are now thriving. As the National Zoologi- cal Park endeavors to maintain an especially good collection of Alaskan bears these cubs are a highly appreciated addition. Practically all the plants placed in the reptile house as setting for animals were gifts from various branches of the United States Gov- ernment and private individuals. ‘The larger contributors were: 88 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Bureau of Plant Industry of the Department of Agriculture, the Office of Public Buildings and Public Parks, the United States Botanic Garden, Walter Reed Hospital, and San Diego Zoo. ENDOWMENTS The first endowments ever received by the Zoo were two given during the fiscal year 1931. The Frances Brincklé Zerbee Memorial Fund of $1,000 was given to the Smithsonian Institution by Maj. Leigh Zerbee, her husband, for the use of the National Zoological Park to maintain stock in aquariums. Mrs. Zerbee was particularly interested in fishes and other small aquatic forms and it was in recog- nition of her keen interest in such matters that Major Zerbee estab- lished this memorial fund. A bronze tablet has been placed in the reptile house over the aquaria in which this stock is to be maintained. William S. Barstow of Great Neck, Long Island, presented $1,000 as an endowment in the name of his son, Frederic D. Barstow. This money has been invested and the income from it will be used to keep a cage in the zoo stocked with some interesting small mammal. Frederic D. Barstow, who died soon after this fund was established, was a keen enthusiast regarding birds and mammals and had made several trips to the Tropics for the purpose of collecting them. The only previous contribution to the Zoo at all similar in charac- ter was the construction of the Beatrice Henderson cage for birds. This cage was built during the summer of 1912 by the late John B. Henderson, jr. It is about 24 by 40 by 26 feet, situated near the great flight cage, and now houses cockatoos of various kinds. DONORS AND THEIR GIFTS Thomas D. Bacon, Washington, D. C., woodchuck. Dr, Paul Bartsch, Washington, D. C., 21 Bahama iguanas, 119 hermit crabs, 2 common iguanas, 4 marine turtles, R. L. Bassett, Glenn Dale, Md., barred owl. Dr. B. L. Beaines, Richmond, Va., great horned owl. H. W. Belt, Hyattsville, Md., king snake. J. E. Benedict, jr., N. C., 2 marbled salamanders. Foster H. Benjamin, Orlando, Fla., through United States Department of Agriculture, bull snake, 2 worm lizards, garter snake, pine snake, diamond- back rattlesnake, 2 hog-nosed snakes, water moccasin, ground rattlesnake, water snake, green snake, 2 indigo snakes, pigmy rattlesnake, 4 soft-shell turtles, 5 gopher tortoises, salamander, 4 alligators, bat, 3 frogs, 7 Florida box tortoises, painted turtle, Florida snapping turtle, Osceola snapping turtle, 2 fence lizards, 14 Florida cooters, musk turtle. Jim Black, Pine Castle, Fla., 12 Florida cooters, 2 soft-shell turtles. S. Bolay, New Orleans, La., 2 Texas king snakes. Miss Isabelle Borders, Okmulgee, Okla., scarlet milk snake. J. 8. C. Boswell, Alexandria, Va., painted turtle, spotted turtle, 2 mole snakes. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 89 M. K. Brady, Washington, D. C., painted turtle. Edward E. Brand, Chambersburg, Pa., pilot snake. F. R. Brown, Miami, Fla., water snake. BH. J. and S. K. Brown, Eustis, Fla., pine snake, king snake. Dr. Charles BE. Burt, Waxahachie, Tex., 5 Texas tree toads, California bull snake, 2 horned lizards, Coleonyx brevis, Holbrookia propinqua, 8 collared lizards, blind snake, spotted race runner, desert snake, ribbon snake, ringed snake, king snake, 2 western bull snakes, Lampropeltis getulus holbrooki, Leiolopisma laterale, Natrir grahamii, Sceloporus undulatus undulatus, DeKay’s snake, Tantilla gracilis, Thamnophis sauritus prozimus. Miss Jane Cain, Washington, D. C., 2 alligators. J. R. Cargill, Columbus, Ga., opossum, ¥. G. Carnochan, New York, N. Y., 5 wood turtles. E. B. Chamberlain, Charleston, S. C., 2 tree boas, 2 chicken snakes. Mr. Chestnut, Hyattsville, Md., 2 opossums. Miss Doris M. Cochran, Washington, D. C., 4 water snakes. Colon Humane Society, through A. H. Pinney, Christobal, Canal Zone, gray LOX Roger Conant, Toledo, Ohio, 2 fox snakes. W. W. Conn, Washington, D. C., double-crested cormorant. L. C. Cook, San Diego, Calif, 12 western swifts. 8S. S. Crossley, through United States Biological Survey, Manila, Ark., blue goose. Dr. J. F. Crowley, Washington, D. C., 2 alligators. Mr. Curtis, Washington, D. C., screech owl. Mrs. N. C. Damon, Chevy Chase, Md., alligator. A. Mercer Daniel, Washington, D. C., scaup. R. C. Deckert, Miami, Fla., blue-tailed skink. William Domdera, Washington, D. C., emperor boa. Vernon Dorman, Washington, D. C., 4 horned lizards. W. I. Doty, through United States Forest Service, Washington, D. C., porcupine. Mrs. B. M. Dugdale, Ashland, Va., Singapore grass monkey. Charles Eaton, Washington, D. C., fence lizard. David Eckhardt and Edwin Lecarpentir, Washington, D. C., water snake. Dr. William O. Emery, Washington, D. C., 5 edible frogs, serrated frog, 7 mid- wife toads, 2 blind worms, European painted frog. BE. R. Erwin, Washington, D. C., Cooper’s hawk. Victor J. Evans bequest, Washington, D. C.: Common iemUs 2 = ae ee io (Mallardduck ta 11 Brow pehiGankas sees ees ewes do) Wihite-fronted i cocse=22 2a as 2 Huropean pelican ________________ QU Deng ee ee Ee ag 8S a! Rose-colored pelican_____________ TP MCANAd a eeOOSCas=22 2 5 ee eee il ‘Americaniegretees seats els oe aa fe) PEtUteChinS.200Se= see net eens 1 Roseateispoonbilles ee Tl SBernacle \oO OSC see 2 ee 4 AVA TO ST DS eee shed iti Er PAN Veancoloby havertchealies eo 1 SGARICC RID IS ee Ps Se a a tly BIUe sPOOSemLe LS er A oe 2 iBoat-billed eronses ee eee He STOW, -2OOS Czt es ae ot 1 Black-crowned night heron_______ 1B Coscoroba, 200sea 2 ee at AIMerican a aii es Ose sae eee een, i MUteES Wane tee oe al SA CreGN pis ae ee ere Aenean Cu Ck. = se 26 peer a ea AE eee 1 AV OO Cecil kak Bet De Puss his 3 | White-faced tree duck___________- 1 HV ian eS OOSC eee ee ee OP Bar-headed. SO0ke see eee 2 HOLMOSAM teal te eee ee 1 | Baldpate or widgeon____________ al 90 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Yellow-billed teal{==22—-=- == 2), JELyalcinthines ma Cowes =a Redhead2s-2- 8222 e227 eee 2) | -Australianvkine parrot=-=—— === @anvashacki22 222221. see | licens \maca wana aes ee IVT CS aha ee ae ee 1 | Red, blue, and yellow macaw____~_ Red-breasted goose_—---—-------- 1 | Mexican green macaw———----...— Shelldnakes. see ee Wp wellow, ppaloquetea=+os= a= ae Dueks) (not identified) ==2=2—2———= 2 | Long-tailed paroquet_______----~ Spun WIne Ns £00Sene sn ee i) Nepalese paroquet=22==-—-2222——— Wally Guck2 tae ee ee ee i103) |S UERS SOT EC Syren see ee Vulturine guineafowl_.-__-----__ 1 | Hawk-headed parrot--_--_--- = === Lady Ambherst’s pheasant_-___-__-~ 5 ‘Blue-cheeked\ loryoe=- = - Goldenipheasantas.=— ee Sn ed -hedd edgar pas eee Panama curassowe === 1 BlnesearedlOnyens = oo = ees Brown-eared pheasant_---------- Dw Cockateelen 2a ee Se eee Chinese silver pheasant________-- PPE NV Ofoyedbadar ay Wore Ss Swinhoe’s pheasant______---_.__- ESS pasha a Ie ere Himalayan) lmpeyan pheasant=2—— 1), Beautiftullory22== ee Malay fireback pheasant___-_-_-__ 1h REVERE NICS a) AL 0 eer ee ee Will intuit kx Gye ee ee 5 | Blue-winged conure______________ Razor-billed curassow —---------- 1 PE OLSTCNS spa ROGUC hae ee Chachala Gays. 22 ie Sy MGLECH=N Aveda] OL yeaa eee Blue Indian peafowl______--____- iitAriel toucans= sess as ae Ring-necked pheasant____________ Life VisinesbindioL paragisens == Green Japanese pheasant________ on ROldeWorlderavenss sees Crested) junelervquailess225 2 sre 1 | 12-wired bird of paradise_________ Reeve sspheasant=—s-22 se 3) eed: kangaroo ss. se oe eee ere DMomeshieturkeysa asses ee 3 | White-crowned guenon___________ DUNS lefow lees ea ee ss IVT Stale srr OM yee Memoiselles cranesss= 2 eee 2 PO SBTASSALS) Sen OTe eee Crowned Cranes- 22s 2 eee 2 ebionay monkey. 2.2 2a 2b eee COP WIE Ws of esr Su SO A as SS NTA CAG ORE! Sele 2 Oe ee Sara s Cranere see. siete ee Zo walapolmemonke ya ees eee SIPerign(CTrAaN@ 2) Se seer ee seen se | AM e ri Gam jC ay Clete soe se eee essen aAdjutantes a ees BES arcs JOLT Ons UT Geet nec ee New Zealand mud hen___________ 2 | Indian antelope or black bueck___-_ Stanley or paradise crane________ | ASKS CGT a te abo ae et ee AUG ed oe cg ba a ana LE IEP ANAM ENNYl pope INICOD as plse Ons a eee 2 | White fallow deer22-_- 2 Sclater’s crowned pigeon_________ 45iChapmants zebras oe ee Victoria crowned pigeon_________ HUSA] B21 6h ek a RPE be Common turtle dove_____________ Lule iMowil ony. 22. 82 ee area Pigeon ss ose. ee ha 135) eHast Atrican’ bushy picasa Wonaldson'ssturacous se WR and ei ee a Dr. H. E. Ewing, Washington, D. C., tarantula. T. N. Fielder, Washington, D. C., alligator. Miss Phoebe B. Fleming, Washington, D. C., Santo Domingo parrot. W. H. Florence, Clarendon, Va., tarantula. Miss Edith R. Force, Tulsa, Okla., 6 green snakes, 2 garter snakes. Marion Foresman, Tulsa, Okla., blue racer. ° Franklin Zoological Park, Boston, Mass., Jamaican iguana. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY Oi Mrs. R. C. Frink, Hyattsville, Md., alligator. Carlos P. Fweninger, Washington, D. C., alligator. H. J. Gibson, Washington, D. C., black snake. Miss Martha Glenn, Washington, D. C., alligator. W. Grange, Tucson, Ariz., 7 green toads. Charles A. Graves, Washington, D. C., black snake. David H. Greene, Tulsa, Okla., king snake. Louis Guilini, Washington, D. C., tree frog. Hagenbeck Bros., Stellingen, Germany, 9 assorted Huropean snakes. Senator Frederick Hale, Maine, 3 Kodiak bears. Jesse Hand, Belleplains, N. J., pinesnake. A. H. Hardisty, Washington, D. C., 4 green frogs, water snake, 3 dusky sala- manders, 6 red salamanders. Verna and John Hazzard, Washingion, D. C., prairie dog. T. S. Hess, Washington, D. C. fence lizard. Mrs. W. F. Hirst, Takoma Park, Md., opossum. W. B. Hitt, Washington, D. C., alligator. George E. Holman, Salt Lake City, Utah, through the United States Biological Survey, cinnamon bear. Miss Suzanne Holt, Washington, D. C., alligator. President Herbert Hoover, The White House, red-shouldered hawk. Miss Mary K. Hoover, Washington, D. C., alligator. Lieut. Edward T. Hughes, Washington, D. C., white rabbit. R. H. Hutchison, Glenolden, Pa., 4 Florida diamond-back rattlesnakes, Texas rattlesnake, copperHead, water moccasin. James Hyslop, Silver Spring, Md., 2 mole snakes. Roy Jennier, Alexandria, Va., hog-nosed snake. Mrs. Luther Johnson, Washington, D. C., grass paroquet. Wheeler Johnson, Washington, D. C., alligator. Ellis 8S. Joseph, New York, N. Y., 2 green-flanked caiques. T. C. King, Takoma Park, Md., barred owl. W. A. King, Brownsville, Tex., fer-de-lance. Mrs. Phoebe Knappen, Washington, D. C., box tortoise. F, H. Knight, Washington, D. C., marine turile. R. 8S. Koffman, Washington, D. C., great horned owl. Samuel Kress, Costa Rica, through United Fruit Co., 2 deer, emperor boa. Miss Ellen LaMotte, Washington, D. C., hawk-headed parrot. Lansburgh & Bro., boys’ department, ailigator. Major Larsen, United States Marine Corps, Quantico, Va., red, yellow, and blue macaw. Edward Layton, Florence, S. C., 3 alligators. Commander Leechel, United States Navy, Washington, D. C., turtle. B. A. Levitan, Washington, D. C., alligator. Ardale Martz, Madison, Va., barn owl. Marine Corps, Qauntico, Va., through Maj. K. I. Buse, cinnamon bear, Judge Robert E. Mattingly, Washington, D. C., 2 Florida diamond-back rattle- snakes. J. T. McBurney, Chevy Chase, Md., opossum. Henry J. McDermott, Takoma Park, Md., 8 bats. EK. A. McIlhenny, Avery Island, La., 11 pintail ducks, 1 hybrid duck, 10 blue- winged teals, 2 lesser scaups. 92 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 E. B. McLean, Washington, D. C., great red-crested cockatoo. Mrs. F. McManamy, Washington, D. C., screech owl. y, A. Meatyard, Washington, D. C., Tovi paroquet. E. G. Meyer, Washington, D. C., raccoon. Kenneth Meyers, Tacoma Park, Md., common lizard, 5 common frogs, 2 water snakes. Michigan Department of Conservation, game branch, 2 beavers. Miss Dorothy Miller, Washington, D. C., alligator. Dr. G. S. Miller, Washington, D. C., 3 Jamaican tree snails. W. W. Minear, Quincy, Ill, 14 banded rattlesnakes, blacksnake, ribbon snake, water snake. Robert B. Montgomery, Washington, D. C., grivet monkey. Dewey Moore, Indio, Calif., through Bureau of Plant Industry, 9 giant hairy scorpions, 7 sidewinder rattlesnakes, 4 desert rattlesnakes, 2 California spotted lizards, horned lizard, Agassiz’s tortoise, California bullsnake, spiny- swift, 4 lizards. Mr. Morefield, Amelia, Va., owl. W. C. Morin, Petersburg, Va., 2 alligators. W. C. Morrill, Washington, D. C., crow. John Marshall Newton, Washington, D. C., alligator. Dr. G. K. Noble, New York, N. Y., 3 eyed lizards, chicken snake, 2 pilot snakes. Robert and James Nye, Washington, D. C., hermit crab, alligator. Miss Ott, Washington, D. C., barred owl. Dr. 8. L. Owens, Washington, D. C., screech owl. Dr. Parker, Heyeres, France, green lizard. James Parmelee, Washington, D. C., silver pheasant. I’. M. Pearson, Baltimore, Md., horned lizard. S. F. Perkins, Washington, D. C., 7 ribbon snakes, 42 spotted turtles, 5 black- snakes, garter snake, 7 water snakes, stone snake, Valeria snake. Philadelphia Zoological Park, Philadelphia, Pa., Matamata turtle, Muhlen- berg’s turtle. Hon. Gifford Pinchot, Washington, D. C., 5 Galapagos Island tortoises. Mr. Polock, Skyland, Va., milk snake. Prichards Flower Store, Washington, D. C., banded rattlesnake. Harry Prichard, Washington, D. C., small snake. Miss Lillian Radionoff, Washington, D. C., 2 canaries. Carl Rao, Washington, D. C., scorpion. Mrs. J. A. Raum, Washington, D. C., barred owl. Wm. Richards, Washington, D. C., barred owl. H. C. Ritenour, Thurmont, Md., 2 fox snakes. Dr. George B. Roth, Washington, D. C., 15 painted turtles. Miss Mary Ruden, Washington, D. C., marmosette. Paul Ruthling, Sante Fe, N. Mex., red racer. Wm. K. Ryan, Washington, D. C., 2 blue-bellied lories, 2 angel fish, sulphur crested cockatoo, crested starling, 2 blue honey creepers. C. O. Samuelson, Virginia Highlands, Va., margaycat. San Diego Zoological Park, San Diego, California, 3 San Diegan gopher snakes, 3 California boas, 2 California king snakes, 4 Boyle’s king snakes, Pacific rattlesnake, 2 desert rattlesnakes, 3 western bull snakes, 3 red rattlesnakes, REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 93 2 sidewinder rattlesnakes, tricolor ground snake, 2 green toads, Crotalus confluentus oreganus, Crotalus confluwentus mitchellii, Masticophis lateralis, Masticophis flagellum frenatus, Gerrhonotus scincicauda webbii, Sceloporus magister, Phrynosoma platyrhinos, Phrynosoma m’callii. F. C. Scheppach, Washington, D. C., woodchuck. Edward §. Schmid, Washington, D. C., black snake. Mrs. Jouett Shouse, Washington, D. C., alligator. Edward Skinner, Takoma Park, D. C., banded rattlesnake. G. T. Smallwood, Washington, D. C., marine turtle. Capt. W. Bedell Smith, U. S. A., Luzon, Philippine Islands, 8 Javan macaques, 2 Japanese monkeys. Mrs. W. Bedell Smith, Luzon, Philippine Islands, Palawan peacock-pheasant. Don Spangenberg, White Mills, Pa., barred owl. Miss Louise Spencer, Ashland, Pa., smooth greensnake. H. V. Stabler, Chevy Chase, Md., barred owl. St. Louis Zoological Park, St. Louis, Mo., alligator, snapping turtle. Harry Stokes, through United States Biological Survey, Grants Pass., Oreg., puma. J. R. Sweeny, Washington, D. C., 3 alligators. Capt. Edward Sykes, Washington, D. C., 2 golden-tailed parrots. Dr. W. P. Taylor, through United States Biological Survey, Tucson, Ariz., worm snake. Tela Serpentarium, Tela, Honduras, 2 neotropical rattlesnakes, 4 fer-de-lance, 10 iguanas, spiny-tailed black iguana, indigo snake, Rossignon’s snapping turtle, tropical king or false coral snake, 2 coral snakes, Guatemalan terrapin, Mexican moccasin, green tree snake, 2 pike-headed tree snakes, green basilisk, banded basilisk. Henry and John Thies, Beltsville, Md., red-tailed hawk. R. H. Thomas, Washington, D. C. alligator. Miss Mary Tillman, Washington, D. C., ortolan. Dr. A. C. Tollinger, Philadelphia, Pa., yellow-naped parrot. United States Biological Survey, 2 Virginia deer, 3 prong-horn antelopes, 6 Canada geese. United States Bureau of Fisheries, § diamond-back terrapins. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., through Mrs. Helen T. Gaige, Department of Zoology, 12 Blanding’s turtles. Mrs. V. M. Van Every, Clarendon, Va., gray squirrel. Mrs. V. C. Vance, Washington, D. C., canary. W. M. Wales, Washington, D. C., alligator. R. A. Walton, Monteverde, Fla., osceola, snapping turtle. War Department, The General Staff, alligator. F. A. Ward, Washington, D. C., alligator. Mrs. Peter C. Warwick, Richmond, Va., capuchin monkey. Dr. A. Wetmore and F. C. Lincoln, 7 Beata curl-tail lizards, 4 Abbott’s swift. J. H. Willhite, through United States Biological Survey, hybrid wolf. H. P. Williams, through United States Biological Survey, § timber wolves. Dr. EH. C. Wilson, Washington, D. C., great horned owl. B. Wright, Ashland, Va., opossum. J. R., jr., and Howard BE. Wulsin, Washington, D. C., 3 alligators. Dr. James Zetek, Ancon, Canal Zone, 2 emperor boas. Donors unknown, nighthawk, alligator. 94 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Births —There were 60 mammals born and 14 birds hatched in the park during the year. These include the following: MAMMALS Apyprymnuus rufescens_..--.-------- Ratekan arog tea = ae nee 1 AmmMOotragusilervidiesss= == se ae eee A Oud a Ceye N= Ses ys 2 PASS RESO Bi be Mw es Sh oe Lain Ss Ne IASIB Neeru subh ke! he gh fa us eee 1 Bisonubison esa as ae eae AIMeTIC a DISGI= a epaae a= ene eee 2 @anicslatranssss = cose sae: oe dann ey Coyotes &: 4 eee ee ale 2 Canis Mubiis sees ee Be te ole ees Plains) wolfe Se Se 2 caxe. Sie ek eee vil Career ye ca see eee es 2 a el Tbex2 te) ta en tl cele i eee Ue oo 1 Cervyusirelaphus2 4: fo Ss er eae tee Red dee ens: eect Aahueehh jinn. eae eae 5 Connochaetes taurinus albojubatus____ White-bearded gnu______--___-_-_-- 1 Damardam pees ose = Ses eee ee HMallow-deers. sac 2 see scare 1 DasVprOCuaraAc OMUia= sae ee Common agoutise == oe 1 IDaSypPLroctas puncte uae a ae eee Speckled: agouties ase = eee 2 Dasyproctarubratas ae ae ee eRrimidadsac outa ee 1 GI SME Ole see Lee yee ie ey ei er ek a ono ps ene tee emery re ree WN ey Slee 10 Felis pardus suahelicus_._....-..____- PaAsteArricany eQ parc == eae 2 Hylobates leucogenys---=--2.=.-_=. White-cheeked gibbon___._______- 1 amaclamaes ese wee Le reeks PLT Sri 8 2 2 Set a gs ee iors 2 INGSUamaATICa snes sete Blt cae te ie Coatimundi 334s. ba 4 Odocoileus costaricensis_____________-_ Costa Rican deers ee sees 1 Ovisicanadensisu= 222 58.5 hess Rocky Mountain sheep_-____------ 1 OVisieuropse usp ee eee eae IAs (Coy Dwi Ka) cease i ea LS 1 Phacochoerus aethiopicus_....-..---- Wart no gis ee os Sp ee a oe + Sikamippontceceee soe tec Sen bee Japanese deers oils eee we Le 3 BIRDS ANAS COMEStICAL aac. a oe. 2 ee Pekintduck sae" ea See 3 branta canadensis= 22. <2 ee Canada goosen== 2-5 Paneer i PICa PICAMNUGHONIA Ae oe ee eee AIMETICAN MAL DIC 8 = sea eee eee + Many species of reptiles deposited eggs since being moved into their new quarters in the reptile house, and a few hatched after June 80, but there were no natural increases in the stock during the year. Early Easter morning an African python laid about two dozen eggs and incubated them for a period of two months. Unfortunately, however, they proved to be infertile. This was of considerable scientific as well as popular interest. Purchases and eachanges.—The principal purchases this year have been a male black African rhinoceros, a specimen of the rare babi- russa, a pair of raccoon dogs, a Bornean gray gibbon, a Siamang gibbon, and a white-handed gibbon. The last three were purchased under the Walter P. Chrysler fund. At the time these animals were acquired the Zoo had a pair of white-cheeked gibbons and their young, which gave us a total of 4 species of gibbons on exhibition at one time, REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 95 The rhinoceros has apparently adapted himself to our conditions and has made a splendid growth. A quantity of reptiles were purchased for the opening of the new building. Chief among these is a magnificent king cobra, measuring 14 feet 6 inches in length. This was secured six months before we had quarters for it, but Dr. Raymond L. Ditmars, of the New York Zoological Park, very kindly took care of it during this time and then brought it down personally. A number of small exchanges have been made, but the most inter- esting was that of a polar bear which was received from the Zoologi- cal Park of Edinburgh. This is a male which has been placed with Marian, a young female of the same species. REMOVALS Causes of death—When it has been thought that determination of the cause of death of certain animals might be useful, the specimens have been submitted to the pathological division of the Bureau of Animal Industry for examination. The following list shows the results of the autopsies: MAMMALS Artiodactyla: Obstruction in the oesophagus, 1; odema of the heart and peri- eardium, 1; chronic pneumonia, 1; liver spotted with tubercules, indications of tuberculosis, 1. Carnivora: Gastro-enteritis, 1; multiple body abscesses, 1; enteritis, 1. Primates: Gastritis and ulcerated pyloric knob, 1. BIRDS Ciconiiformes: Enteritis, 1. Pelecaniformes: Internal hemorrhage, 1. Psittaciformes: Tuberculosis, 1. ANIMALS IN THE COLLECTION JUNE 30, 1931 Mammals MARSUPIALIA ZpYyprymmnus Turescens. 26» 22 1 ae Ratikancarooe sakes sere Ueber en 3 Didelphisivirginiang =] 2e2 se eee OPoOss a ht 8 Nees we RR? 9 NES CrOpUS TODUSHUS Stirs ho kok NS Wallaroo or euro kangaroo-_____--- 1 NIACFOPUB UL as= =a oe we He ME ND Great red;kangaroo! 22. ee 2 Phascolomys mitchellis 5322-2250 _ 24 Be OVA TIN obese Be Cina eae ee 1 CARNIVORA Weinonye iubatuss ss 22- 0s eee ee NCCE Sieh Fae aes Nee) me cesar 1 ATCCICHISIOINGUTONE 5) ooo oe ee Binturong or bear cat______.__--- 1 DASSAMISCHSPASGUGUS l= ae ee eee Cacomixtle or ring tail......_____ 2 WANIS INGO Meese Nee Le tee DTT Ome A ain Ns byt Sha ye 1 A COvOberese tae ue craters 10 Canis latrans—---------_-----2------ [eee COV ate ae ae een my ee are 1 Canis mesomelasas0 eso 2) oe Mt Black-backed jackal............. 1 96 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Anis NUDUUSs = 2s are eee ern WO Se aa ee ae ee 18 Canis nubilus domesticus- ~---.-...--- Wolf-Edop hy brid2=: 2. See ees 1 Crocuta crocuta germinans__---_----- East African spotted hyena______- 1 f ease black bears... #64). 222 3 Euaretos americanus. -2.----2-2---- A Cinnamonysbears- 2. = Seas 4 Huarctos emmonsiie==2- 2225 22-22... = Glacienibears = 22 =e ee A Helisicapensissnindel = ses _ eee HasthAfrican serval #2 4-327 ee 2 Felis concolor azteca... .._-.L---.-- Mexicanpuma seus 200 5. ey 2 Felis concolor oregonensis____-_____-- (Pea yar eit sae op ee ee by ev, 1 Heligieomane a 2 wie re ee ee d Biko) oMomcaye 2 Siena Seereresr, eee ee ae 10 ; APA US eens wed Sy esas ee ere 2 PES ORY Roo a5 so sees See eS Eas Black arUare sac. ae nee nem Aes 1 Rens partials rs eee RS Seer Ocelotes: 2A Lae ES see aes I Felis pardalis brasiliensis.____.___..-__- Braziliantoceloveee a) == ieee 1 Helisipardalistvarsoo.-2- 5-455 een Ocelot eerste Sas es ee 1 Helisipandusea. see. e Saas oe ese eee Blackileoparda2e2- 322532 Seas eee 1 Felis pardus suahelicus____.__________- Past Atricaniweopard 2-22 See 6 Helisiserval eke PREG FAL ANS Servales sea Geren yy Se 1 Welstiprise Jeb e. oS ea ay ik Bengal tigers] 24: ose! th were 1 Relis)tigrisilongipilis: .- 22-222 bees = Manchurian iger-t-2 4202. aes 1 Genetta dongalana neumanni________-_ Neumannis) genetics 4-24 a= 2 Gulopiscuses22 2 alee sa ee Wolverines] 2353 ee. eee 1 EHelarctos malayanus==...2~-.2-2252-5 Suntbears | Sue se. eee ee 2 Elerpestes-ichneumon=._. 2-220 2224 Egyptian mongoose_____-_______- 1 lnQretey: lyauhoude = = oe ee ee ee Brownshyena! === aes. 2 ese ee 2 Lutra canadensis vaga._..._...-_-_--- Hlondajotterss 22. aaa ae ee a ee if ivncpaile yaa = 26 ee ss Oy BA Baileyasuliyixe 222 = ee ee ee it Aye CARA C Alisa 2, east nee Sela 4 ae ey en Caracal ae wae oie tee ee ee il Fey MUL URSS Basen ee See ee Bayaly ne -= Soe oe oe ee ee 2 Mellivora capensis)... oa. 522 2234. 2s Ratelis ik 2 pals eee ae a ee ce 1 Mephitis nigras ot. hy eee se ae Sk wrakc tet ali ark oe eee 2 ECS UCLA HUNG Desks Sauls een eae erretso 4 Mee 2 a ee 1 Han ENS) DECAY oY dk esp om A De Gray COstimUndl s+. 220 u eee 8 Lal (26S) SIC AY) 6 a 2 oc ec A Coatimiundinetee. se ee ao eae il UNIS US 10 ed ores eR ee Brazilian coatimundi____________-_ 1 Nyctereutes procyonoides___________- Raccoon.dogtee ees te ee 3 Paradexurus philippensis____________- Philippine palm civet_.___.___-__- 5 Rotos flavus 2). Bese. oes Pe a 2 ees Kinkajouso- ssn. 42 32 eee ft Procyon Cancrivorus::=- 224.22 222 3 Crab-eating raccoon__-__-_.._..- 2 Frocyon lotor 2-42 25. ee ee RACCOON. es oe ne ae ee ae) 23 Provelescristatus.. 2222. ee ee Aard=woOlts aaa e 2 — aes eee 1 Masidea taxgs she ee a ee cee American. badger. -...4 2 woh ees 2 MAYA DAT DATA ES 5 FFs oy ent ae Oe Mayra o2eee ee Ske a ee 1 Thalarctos maritimus__._..___._.--_- Polar bear. 22-102 ee ee 4 Urocyon cinereoargenteus____________ Gray fox = 3 - ee ee 2 MTGC YON Spo. 255 cn ee ee dees Gray [ORs 38. oe epee ee ee 1 Wrsus-apache: 225 2° (2-22) 2. a Apache grizzly. '* 22° eee eee 1 Wisustarctosst £2. Jess ust See ee European brown bear--+:--------- 6 RUCAURSO VAR = se ee ee iy Safe rahe Alaska Peninsula brown bear----- 4 PIPES SOORTLOUIN - occ Sei She ho as Grimley iDeAbe 2 oe ee Ae 1 Rirste elgg ert ee Sec ee Widder spear =... eee 2 reuse smddendor. one. akc Kiodisk Dear==24 2+ nae oe ee ee 5 PIPAUB SICK OUSINS So hs on eeu ey eae Sitka.brown, bear -- 25 S3geebe 3 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY O7 Wrsusthibetanuse 82. 2 eee SU ramalayan bearin sso eos cee 2 Waverra clvetian 5. oseenster ee he Civeth spre 23 tae er ok Ne 1 Wiverra tangalunga._ serge a8 oe es Abe aver hbboyeq Tee See Ue 8 a Se We 1 Ue YO I pcg EMD Knol elect he ea 4 Vulpes fulva__-.-------------------- RaSh RAL ee Oleg TORN UML i PINNIPEDIA Gallorhinus:alascanuss. 522 .— 22 -e ese WNorthernutur seala 22 = pe a ce 2 DO CA TIC NATO ses ese ee ese Paciicsharbor scale se a aes ee 3 Zalophus califormianus:.-....--=-- == @alitornia:sea onal: fa wen ete lon 3 PRIMATES INO LUSHEniVAn OA GUS tee see a ee ae ID OW TROWOO WA a 1 HCLEST EC OMTO Ya on tet eet Malena et Gray spider monkey.ssscs one sete 2 INTRESIGIE y l E E iaae Spider ;monkey2es2 lo sae tne eee 1 CATE TACCHUS Sheets Soe ee ee ee ak Marmosettes 42sec ams wea co il Webuscapucinuse ss ene es White-throated capuchin_________ 4 CebuUsTUnICO LOL Nee= sen se aa nee eee Gray or grizzled capuchin________ 3 @ercocebus fuliginosus] 2-- 222222222 pootymangcabeywee sok ss oes 4 Cercopithecus albigularis__.....-____- Sykes’s or blue monkey__________ 4 Cercopithecus brazzae- --_---_- +--+. De Brazzais guenon! 2222) 22 ues 1 Cercopithecus callitrichus___--------- Green: sucnons). Se Re ee 2 Cercopithecus cephus. 2. 322222. -.= 5 2 Mustachepmonkey 22222250 u 20 2s 1 Cercopithecus griseoviridis._..._____- Grivetp monkey eos2 42) be le eee 4 Cercopithecus lhoesti. _.....-==--.-= Kallim biraiguenen 2 2-02 oe 1 @ereopithecussmonass. 0. eas Monanmonke yas ee Sina ee 4 Cercopithecus petaurista__------------ Lesser white-nosed guenon________ 2 Cercopithecus petronellae__-----___-- White-crowned guenon___________ 1 Cercopithecus pygerythra___......-_- Mer vieb ei, (patie ike il Cercopithecus roloway_--------~----- Roloway monkey. 22225252522 015 1 cE ovmllangorill aac nee ae 0 i che Ghar ppt aera ok Se Se eee 1 Hylobates leucogenys..-...---.------ White-cheeked gibbon___________ 2 itemunimififrons =. 2-52.55 85000 2 kas Red-frontedilemuri oie eee 1 Heoptocebusmosalia.. = 2. 2 ea Silky orlion-headed marmosette__._ 2 Macacarandamanensis= = -2- 42-22-52 —2 Burmese macaque=—2= 522-52 22-2 1 iMacsesfuscatacis. 2 60g k oh ee Japanese monkey ss sa -9e ese ee ae 5 [SU LEWES SAD TU (So ee ES Crab-eating macaque_____-_____- 2 NIACACAMMOLGAX ee 1 IPaplo MOUmeniIa Ki fe ke Olivewbaboonk sec oe ten la Ne 1 pap ON POrcariwsits 2) 5. ee cee Chisenra sed sine SS see ag: Ore 2 DIMA SVLVADUS eee cas oe ele BaALDary; Apes as eee = see Sk I 98 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 RODENTIA Acanthionybrachyurume=ss—e Malsy.porcupine... --- See ase Se @astoncanadensissss sesso =2e= 42s = = American beaver.=-=2-+--2=5=--- (avia porcellus: = 2252022 eee Domesticiguineaypig======———==== Citellus tridecemlineatus_------------ Thirteen-lined ground squirrel- --- Cuniculus paca virgatus_-—----------- GentralvAmerican paca. == 32s Cynomys ludovicianus:.-=-2.--.==222 Prairie dope eee 2 2242 5 ee Dasyprocta, punctatan_---25 => 2=— 5 Speckled-agouti-.-- 5.2. --22-- = Dasyprocta tubratase==-—=-4.-—.. = Trinidadsacoutis===s2 2262. sees Dolichotis*patagonicas-_ 22 =~ === -—F —- Patagonian cavy=a2 esa Molichous salinicolas-=s22e = see Dwarticayy = sae nea ee ee Preqhizonidorsauui sees eae Hastern,porcupine:. ==. 4- 224-2 Glancomiys wolansess--o2-4 22222 5-——— Biving pquirrelij S220 2 See ee Hydrochcerus hydrocheerus --_------- Capy Dara eee ae Se eee Hystrix africeaustralis.._...-....-=-- African porcupine== 22 22-2 Lagostomus trichodactylus_-_-__--_---- NGSCAG Ian nee ats ae eee pee IMlstremy Oster) OTe eet ee Wioodehuck si 222s eee : 5 : Gray squirrel: 22-2225 -6 see see Bounds cardnens so pete STAY EQUITTCL 2 oe ae DCMINUS NIG eT ak Ae te ee Pox, squirrele se 2 Soa ee eee LAGOMORPHA Oryctolagus cuniculus=— 2 5222225 Soe" Domestic 'rabbitzstou 82 45525 se ARTIODACTYLA /Epyceros melampus suara_-------_- DEV y Naa (oso se0c) op D ye ATTN OURS OT yl Slee ae eee ee re Aoudad or Barbary sheep- ------- ANOS CPressICOLD Sas ee ae ae ee ASIN Spine Stee Seo Cee coe eee ere ae ANDULOCADIa AaMerlGAns == os ene Prong-horn antelope=222 222-2222 Antilope CeLvicspras c= sane eee Black buck or Indian antelope---- PACS S921 5c) ee eset ove SEER OE hee Axisideers seas an LE Gy Te eee LBA ovo Ues|ef), CNDADE ADIs mes esas ss as ee a Babinussaccss ss" =e6U eee IBIBO HsDISONES Soke ae meee a ee en ee American bison or buffalo_____-_- IBOSMINGICUB==2l- Se see eee eee Zeb Uses ne eee ae Boselaphus tragocamelus____.____-__- NUN reds ee oie oe oy yc SE PES Uo SATS Fo ULE Sas eee ee oe Iba(olt yay joxeheial oye ee is Camplus bactrianus) = 2202) Ss Bowe Bactrian: camelass= ++5 = ase Waprea HOUR e Sse nee me ees Goatemes 82 c5 2535259525 5s0 oe Wapra teres ors le ot tue a 2 pee ane Alpine ibex 2 5-22-2223 s7 ae Cervusicanadensis: 225202 ae See American elk or wapiti_._..___.--- Cenvus*claphus 5222 eee ees Redideers 22222222) eee ee Cervusphanglis= 252s ese se ene Kashmir deerss2222 52a ee Cervus) xanthopygus_=_--- 2) =) see Bedford deer: £:--2222/2 === (oOnnochmresenie Jase sete oe een Wiite=tailed onus = 2322-8 eee eee Connochetes taurinus______-_-____-_- Brindled: gnws2 Shee eee Oe Connochetes taurinus albojubatus__._._ White-bearded gnu_______-_----- Hallow deers: = a2 Ae eee eee (eee deers (white) 2222222 ee Hemitragus jemlahicus______________-_ Tahreseas 2 ecoce sosiee i OS Evelaphus porcinus:-.--- be ee Hogi deer=s22 2<): -+- eee Darmace ams e535 > ee ee Mamawes2cs-224. 42 ee FP NOrF KE NWeHWrENNKFPNDOKHNAAN WDWOWONNRFNOEYFNOINWH WN RRP OW We oO bd \. We) co REPORT OF THE SECRETARY amarhuanaclsessee sess ==. eee @Qusndcosinsse = S25 25 Slee ae 2 Odocoileus columbianus sitkensis_----- Sitkaydeerie asses ie ot ep cae 1 Odocoileus costaricensis_------------- C@ostapRicankd cere ease ae 1 @docoileus hemionus= == 22 "= 2s ssc TASS RDU CEH Ca KX) A a a 2 Odocoileus virginianus_-.-..--------- Wingimisi deer: sisson a ee 4 Oreamnos americanus__.....-.._--__- Mountains costes. ses en aes 2 Ovibos moschatus wardi-...---------- White-facedimusk oxsus os === 2 Ovisieanadenpiset ss. oe a Rocky Mountain sheep_-__-------- ¥ Ovisienropaeuss sah. 2 ook at MOUH OR soS hype en. eo ses Z ecanivancwlatuse: 9 25s 2o so ee ae Beccary ie ae ee 1 Phacochcerus ethiopicus massaicus.__.. East African warthog_------------ 3 Boephagus, erunniens-.-—-.=-.-.--..- ASU ye oe Stes Ue a i ee 7 Potamocheerus chceropotamus- ------- East African bush pig..---.-+--4- 2, Rangifer-tarandus---~~ == 20000) 22 500s Reindeer-e ee == 22-2255 ke cL 3 Rueervus duvaueelii_.__22 2-22 ---_- Barasinghat2--2 224.2 eee ui Rucerv.usiel dite ata SE Burmese deers-=-4-= 22 a ees 1 RUsaymoluccensistaa === = hai ee Moluccaideer=222- 4.52289) SU GOR 1 Sikasnip poner edess 45 oe oe oe Japanese.deer-- - 2. itira thous oi a 14 Strepsiceros strepsiceros_---__-------- Greater:kidui 2220.4 S22 SUC wage 1 SuUsyScrofaen -e 22h we ee es NS SEY European wild boar...-_-.-----_- 2 Synceros;caflers.-:.e2 2 1222 5 BU South African buffalo.-.....____- 1 Pragelaphus-angast=--~- 922 Des Invalasaecca scence US ELAR Eee 1 Taurotragus: Ory. xs s2222 sere Oey Blande 22s + 2. lS Bs Eas 3 PERISSODACTYLA Cheeropsis liberiensis. .~...._..------- Pigmy hippopotamus-_-....._---- 2 WauUA PrGVYi-ASINUa 8 3 oo EASON Oi Oe | Be ee ee 1 Equus grevyi-caballus_--_.....------ Zebra-horse. hybridiz+-..25--25 225 1 CINE, ONDA ORS eee. 82 sigs 8S aes Asiatic wild ass or kiang__-..____- 1 IF CQUUSsOLZEWAlSKI Sea a ee Mongolian wild horse_--....------ 3 Equus quagga chapmani_________-_-- Chapman’sizebras-24 4.220 552304 5 POU O DER ees eke no ee) af ae Mioumbatny ze bnaa ee ee 2 Hippopotamus amphibius___________- Hippopotamuse==2-)2=- sl 2omeGeu 1 Rhinoceros«bicorniss.2= See es ea Black thinoceross2 ee nek oe 1 Fapirella bairdliv 24-22. 0PO eo Baird/s:tapin=-a2-2. = S0saoue aan 1 Papirus, terrestris: = 22222-2209 2009 Brazilian tapirs=<.2--=202 722008 1 PROBOSCIDEA lephas sumatranus. ne ee Sumatra elephant] o2]-022seeeee= 1 Loxodonta africana oxyotis_..________- ASnicaneele pai bas ee ee 1 EDENTATA Dasypus novemcinctus...-..___..__-_- 9-banded armadillouywts2c2i2sei <2 1 Birds RATITAE Casuarius unipendiculatus___________- Single wattled cassowary.___--_-- 2 Dromiceius novaehollandiae__________ Commoniem ies HU 3 Rhea-americand 2.2.2 nee a et Common rhea or nandu______---- 1 Struthio australses 222s. eee eee South: African ostrich. . 2222222222 3 piruthio camelus: =... 22208 Sr i: Nubianostrich2 2. --2 012 ine peo 1 102992—32——_8 100 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 PELECANIFORMES Anhings enhinpas so) oe eee eee Anhinga or snake bird_-_---_____- 1 Pelecanus californicus___......._--___ California brown pelican__--_____ 4 Pelecanus conspicillatus..._.__.__.__~- ARIS Ur SINAN eC Arlee tee eee 1 Pelecanus erythrorhynchos__.____---- American white pelican__--.____- 10 Pelecanus occidentalis. _.____________- Brean spoty ope) Wey als ha ee ee le a 4 Pelecanus onacrotalus_.--...-------- Buropesn Peucahee 22s a— na aeons 4 (Belecants roseusees am ans a= = amare ee Rose-colored pelican. _-_________- 2 Phalacrocorax auritus floridanus_--__-_ Biorida cComiorants 2 oon eee 1 CICONIIFORMES Aaa Ajajee = 2 on oo deprel ye epee beet Roseate spoonbillyal ses eee 2 Arceangoliaths: als: oyu bi a tee Goliath heron’ so een ee 2 Ardea, herodias: 222. 202s 2 ee Great blue heron - 35 - se arhe pers 3 Andes, occidentalis. 2--_ = nals Sa a Great white heron______-2L.2-sss 1 Balaeniceps rexe = 22. Joe ee & Shoebill/stork 5224 2h eh 1 G@ochlearius cochlearius. —~2-+-+-.--=. Boa tin sece ses 3 Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis _------- saddle-billedistork 2 == Snes 1 Gudra alba = 5 So eee eee Wihitevibis ses) Saree 2 oe eee 9 Guarairubras = 2 23 Gee ete Searlet ibis]... 25-2 eens 3 Heroidias egretta.=-..--...£----at==- American egret. ..--js22 52-522 5h 1 Leptoptilus crumeniferus_-_--_-------- Maribous.--) 22 2222S ooaa ee eee 1 Leptoptilus.dubiuss 222-52. 4225 e2e— Indianvadiuiant==s2=22252—s—s4—— 1 Leptoptilus javanicus._.....---a322v2 ihesseradjutant.. 22+ 32°52 22 522% 2 Miyctenia americana se aes aoe aee WicodMibisas25.)5 2s eke eae ees il Nycticorax nycticorax naevius-_-_---_-- Black-crowned night heron_-__-__~- 30 Phoenicopterus ruber_=---5==------_— AIMeTI CA ef simi 0 Oe ee 11 Threskiornis aethippicus_—_._---____- Sacredtibisesese= se See ee 3 Threskiornis melanocephalus-______---- Black=headed ibis22-2 222 22 22 2 ANSERIFORMES Aix SPOUSS =o os Se eeepc Wood. duck. 28 4225 perp ad eee 1 Alopochen aegyptiacus__.------------ Egyptian goose. -—< Audubons caracaral= 22° dines estar Peoudogyps airicamuss sas ; White-headed vulture---=5 2222") Sagittarius serpentariis.-. 2-2. _-.. Secretary bitd2----- 0-2 eee Sarcoramphus papa. .222_____- ig ee Ring’ vultuter. 2-0 22. cae pentcs Perathopils ecavdatds2s=.--.-- Batelour eapic. © ates a Torgos tracheliotus___ ~~ wees sa aie __. African eared raneam cp ar Uroaetus atidax-_-- 7 Wedge-tailed eagle=2 2 te Ze noe Vultur gryphtis--———-- o os mar Asati ee South American eondor - Gari eore ns i ih Da * WH C ass habs Aw UMLoOT » attfronens ; BUTOMBIOAMT O17 Here Acryllium vulturinum seu Sscdeedupest) Vulturine guinea aie ~-aibishe sada Argusianus argus__--...---------ssai Argus pheasant__ ~HHechi-actoboosn Chrysolophus amherstiae______.______ Lady Amherst’s pheasant_______-__ rs) AH BD R09 GR Go ht It [BO She (ho (Co Gs eb GA 8 GD ) OARS HUES Ne EEN OPO et 09 Ge QS gee ri 102 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Chrysolophus pictus._...------------ Golden -pheasant=. 22220201 Slob Colinus:virginianus.22220220_ S027 0 Bobwhites 2-22-02 C2 eos Au Coturnix:.coturmnitss=5 462 ova Migratory: quail... =. 222228 2 Crax-globicera--s2 ose Mexican curassow...------------ Craxiglobulosass-e2.2 2 SST ee Spixs wattled curassow__----_-_-- @rax-panamendis 22 2 an ea Panama curassow..------------- Crossoptilon mantchuricum_-_------- Brown-eared pheasant__-__------ Excalfactoria sinensis__._....._.._----- Pigmy- quail. -.-2-2002 £9 Ames Gallus-eps-- sss BUDO Daa EN Jungle -fowloio.e2tt Lue ee ee Gennaeus edwardsgi__.___----_------- Edward’s pheasant-.....__._--_- Gennaeus nycthemerus----_---------- Silver: pheasantso222.8222 2022 28 Gennaeus swinhoei- 2. 2-222 22 B22 222 Swinhoe’s pheasant____________-- Lophophorus impeyanus._----------- Himalayan Impeyan pheasant- --- Meleagris gallopavo. 22S eee Wild turkey =... BUS Bt Mituemitua- = + — = 2100000 ree Razor-billed curassow__--_--_---- Numida mitrata reichenowi-_..--_---_- Reichenow’s helmeted guinea fowl-_ Ortalis cinericeps:-.20 522 DAE es Gray-headed chachalaca___-____~- Ortalis leucogastra= ==22-- 22220 ee White-bellied chachalaca________- Pavo cristatus oe Eee OE TPT eae oT Or Ph PE a I Sa Ee ERS White: peafowl s2h5oiien Sse Penelope boliviana ~..-------------- Crested guan === 2=0os. Ae baun Phasianus terquatus_2 0 Vote oboe Ring-necked pheasant___.________ PhasianiisiversicOlor=-=. oo) ) esac ee Green Japanese pheasant_______-_- Polyplectron napoleonis_--_---------- Palawan peacock-pheasant-__-_-_---- Rollulus moulroules. ea eee Crested jungle quail_............ Syrmaticus reevesi__ .-.- =e. 55 Reeve’s pheasant... — ~~ soo-sede on GRUIFORMES Ath rOpOlGes vil pO mea arse anes Demoisellevcranes 222 see e eae Antigone australasiana.._._......_.._- IAUISULS TAN ChAT Ce eee are eee Balearicagibbiricepss.- os eee East African crowned crane__-_-__- Balearica pavonina pavonina_-______- West African crowned crane_-___- Warlania ChIStAlAs a2 2.005 ge cee es CATIA s hie 5. as eh ee DISsUTSa EpIBCOPUS. =. ea ee Woolly-necked stork._...._.___-- DUP PY PaNNClAS =. os 2228 5. eee PUNPDIGterMs =" 2. 22 ek aes MOMCA RINGTICAN ASS. 22 oa 2S eats (Clea) 1 a Ny MiMlicareniswatasoooop se fee ikmobbedteo0tes es = = a eae (GRUsHANUIGONeS Some 2 ao he ee DSTasiCrane sti a See ae DyRHARCHMAE RAIS 2s Se ace ater’ Victoria crowned pigeon_________-_ 2 Janthoenas vitiensis....-4.i.--L--.-- White-throated fruit pigeon_______ 1 Macropygia doreya..beeaee bah 54-b55 New Guinea brown pigeon_______- 1 Oena. capensis... ..--<—-vech basae i Cape dovez.u3) ost oe ee eee ey it Streptopelia risoria..2 22 2-2 eet BO Ring-neck dove. 2.222552 = 2 Streptopelia senegalensis.__..._..---- East African ring-neck dove_____- 5 Murtur visoriasas8so2) Sees e500 Purtletdove ss seo eas aes eles 4 Zenaidura ‘Macroura. | — ses pee ot 58 Mourning doves sess hogs sueu aay 7 Zenaidura macroura macroura.__--.-- West: Indian doves 20.24 23s ce st 1 CUCULIFORMES Budynamis honoratas 2222 eee Indian: koeks ee ee a aes 1 Durescusdonasldsonige ls! ss 02 oe Ues Donaldson’s turacou_____-------- 1 PSITTACIFORMES ArAnpormis fischer. o= = 25428 ents. 2s Hiseher-slovenpiGesesas Sees oe 2 AGHpPOrnIs MANAG. 2 sss ee Nyassa love) Ditdis= 25202 nose 5 Agapornis madagascariensis____..__--- Gray-headed love bird_.....__.-- 1 APADOLNIS PersOnata Js24 52 = oso oo Yellow-collared love bird__.-_---- 1 LM oroy sans} illgin ee e eeee Red-faeed love bird__.___----.--. 2 AGAPOMMIS TATANG. 2. ec efoto SSS Abyssinian love bird__...-..-.--- 3 PRIDE OLA: Spee ME AE a he bk elle UL TN Le PAITOtls ks Sas AY 1 ATT AZ ONAVAESULVR Ue eee oe ee Sen oye Blue-fronted parrot__......----.- 1 FAI a 701 ay al DIPhONS ape White-fronted parrot_....._.__--- 6 Amazona albifrons nana__._-_.------- Lesser white-fronted parrot_____-- 2 Amazona amazonica +... <+'5-a-——< Orange-winged parrot._._..------ 3 PATTY YOM AT BUSTS eee ee rane Bouquet/S'parrotsees sot. Swap aos 1 Amazona auropalliata.......<-s==s--. Yellow-naped parrot_.._..------- 3 AINA ZOE TATINOBA se os ey oe ee Mealy: parrot: 203 su 2 nos ne sks 1 AIHA ZONA TOSTIV ES ata nt caret re Hestiviesparlotes— ane a ee 1 Amazona leucocephala__.....-------- Cuban parrot. it 2s 52 2 Sa ee 6 Amazona ochrocephala___-...-------- Yellow-fronted parrot......------ 8 $04 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Amazona ochroptera__.------- 2g 2071 Velow-shouldered parrot__._.---- Amazona Oe a ee on Double yellow-head parrot_______- Amazona ventralis__-_- 4, -- a -s.4-, Santo Domingo pairot____________ OS ee fey a o35 . 1 ne Red-crowned parrot. Hie Aiheth Sel Aah.) Anodorhynehus | hyacinthinus LAST Hyacinthine macaw_------_------ Aprosmictus ¢yanopyzicus...-..-----. Australian King parrot aR Riel et Aprosmictus erythropterus See Baers _ Crimson-winged paroquet apse cel ce araraina 6 Jl 20S oo bit “ Yellow and blue macaw. -_---_---- TENG SAYS (cE I Red, blue, and yellow macaw__--_-- ATG MAracange. 9.222 fost o 2 amano wbigeh a jmacaw__..--.----------- ATS ee = a WD ie hold canis aterrimus. Great black cvockatoo?2 22-8 EAS Na eee es S2- Qaaker parogquet.- se eee - Nanday weMlolshae apap dy nda sty g ud efi oe ionites leneggastal® Se SN gaiees aiid - Green-flanked caique Oe _- ed mashing © fia Sige wi 222 Maximitian’s palit. eee ionus Meénstruus eanang et ya Blue-headed-parrot! 2! 2° ionites xanthomerga:-2 27°12 SOUL BY Amazonian caique latycercus elégaris_ laty cercus s eximias- ahora sees sett a Lage idea ‘ Blue-bonnet aro x eh dp heh 2 Psittacula guianensis______________-_- Green-rumped parrotlet_____-.__- mR RNR WNENOE NYE REE WONNHE NY NEP NNEP ENP WWE HEN WHEN HE WWONTE HEN RWOH REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 105 Pyrrhura)pictasss==5.2 97st io 7o0rn Blue-winged conure_____....._-_- 3 Tanygnathus megalorhynchus- -__----~-- Great-billed paroquet___________- 1 Trichoglossus cyanogrammus---___-_--- Green-naped lorikeet____________- 4 “‘Lrichoglossus-forsteni222=-_ /ousi_2u rs Forsten’s paroquet_.o222 222 224222 4 Trichoglossus novaehollandae__--_--_--- Blue-belliedlory2iJ2 f2ulie_evsice 1 Urochroma-surda_.--===-2 Usb t Golden-tailed parrot__.___--._-_- 2 STRIGIFORMES EU OP DUD oss hase ais wily a ae Kuropean eagle owl_____-_.-_---_- 1 * BAW] 6(o)p ig Ung 8 01-6: 0) 5 (= ee Greatthorned owlii2—-2 10 INViG@LCaisn VC LORE x ye ae ee STIOIWay Al OW ete esis ree ee eee eae il (OOTP HS oA I TGS AP RL mR aE ORCCCHY OWicr cates eer eae een eee 5 Pulsstrix perspicilata. 2. oe Speetacled owls see eae 2 SHMO-AS Arve EEN SIAL) la RR at a ning neat Darredowleare vevwe oe sae eee 12 Py tor alba pravincola.- a2 cee American barn owl so. 7a * Fe 4 CAPRIMULGIFORMES Chordeiles virginianus__._._._-_----- Nighthawks= soca Sk ee a 3 COLIIFORMES Colmsimacrurouste eee eo eee Mouse bird or coly___-_--_------ 1 CORACIIFORMES Anthracoceros malayanus_~__-__----_- White-browed hornbill________--- 1 Lophoceros: jacksonice oo 28 2 ee 2 a oe Jackson:s hornbile eeae 1 PICIFORMES Ramphastos-ariel UU so _ abet ejay Arielifoucan= 2... Sob cee aly 2 Ramphastos carinatus____2....--_-.- Sulphur-breasted toucan_______-__- 2 Ramphastos culminatus______--__---- White-breasted toucan__________- 1 “Trachyphonus eminis 2.092005 Poel Emin Pasha’s barbet____-___-_--- 1 PASSERIFORMES ACTIGOUMETES: WhISbIS ne Sie 52 Conmmonimymane ss vee ee ee 1 Aethiopsar cristatellus_..........-__- @restedimiy aa bian 27 See ee ee il Agelaius icterocephalus_____._____--- Yellow-headed marsh bird__-_-___- 1 AIGeMOSYNE CANCANS.- 222.2 cs oe A DED ra mii Ng cztord ol Pes ea yap ten eee areas, Se 2 PTAC FASCIA UA so So cy ei Cut-throatfineh= "225 oo oan 9 AMaAndays AMANGAVAss 2-2 o se Strawberry. finch sso" 2-2 15 Amblyrhamphus holosericeus---~-__~_- Red-headed marsh troupial_- ----- 1 TPES CCGLOTUM ee foi Oe so Cedar wax wing? 2522 ae aaa 1 WaIOCILEN LOTMOSA = ss nee Mexican magpie jay_—-__-2 = __==- 2 DarduclsicaArquelig te sey oe ot ye European goldfinch._.-_..-___--- 2 Chasmorhynchus nudicollis__________- Naked-throated bell bird______-_- 1 ilonis*CHiOlS.e see oe he RireeminOn te. can een eee 1 WiciNNUrusTeRIUS oo oe cee eee ss King bird of paradise* 52.222 272 2 Cissilopha yucatanical._ 2222 MUCH TAL Dy eee | ee 1 Corvultur albicolliss.32. ont White-necked raven__...-----.-- 1 CORVMS AIOUS ace ene nels eee White-breasted crow...--.------- 2 Corvus brachyrhynchos______._.---_- INMCTICANUCLO Was see See eee oe 5 106 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Corvyis corax sinuatuszes. —-p ease ea ne American ravens: s227 ea es Worvwus coronoidesis {2-2 4-4fit bases Australian, crowele!i<2e podseees Cosmopsarius regius......-.-.------- Splendid starling=2-2- 24. 2—/ Cyanerpes:cyaneus= 42225 5-- 22a 228 Blue honey creeper..+ 3. 4-ajsacteed Cyanocitta stelleri diademata___-_---_- hong-crestedyjayesessso see Cyanocorax pileatusss22¢ 55-326 b22 Pileatedjay25 5243 2 at eee Distropura prognes= 22-5. -2 2. oo oss Giantiwhydah 222 eee Eromopteryx leucopareia__...--.----- Bishbers finch lark ge Foudia madagascariensis.___..-...--- Madagascar weaver__....__--_--- Garrnlaxepectoraliss =. 3 an one ee Black-gorgeted laughing thrush____ Craculanavandaso- so-so nee oe eee Ean yates eee oe (Gracuiaveliviosa=-n22 22° = 525 Sos ee Southern hill mynah____________- Gymnomystax melanicterus_--------- Bare-jawed troupial_____.__._._... Heteropsar albicapillus........---.--- White-capped starling__.________- foterus parisorumt =. 22025 Se ee scott orlole-22 226s ase eer eee amprocolius sycobius=2.2--=.2--22=2 Southern glossy starling...______- Lamprocorax metallicus._.-..-------- New Guinea starling-_._--------- hiothnixhwt0eusess 9.2.2 eu eee see ee Red-billedvhull=titzsss ee Melanopteryx rubiginosus__._._.-_--- Chestnut weaver__.........-_._- IDET OR GUT ONG Tee eae eee oe ER Golden-headed mynah___________ Molpastes haemorrhous__...---.----- Black-headed bulbul....-......-- Munia-atricapilla:— a=. oie. eee Black-headedimun= ae ee Miuniszeastaneithorax.-s2--2-2s22-5—— Chestnut-breasted finch__________ Miunisfonyzivora==-2 2.252552 o eee JaVapin ches 5a! s = Se ee 2 ee eee Miuniaspunctulatass==2s5) sess ee INutmes fineh= 22s Bes 2c OupcompsaOCcosaeesss eee oe eae Red-eared bulbulos222b22 ee IPATAGISCR GUD T See ee ee noe re eee eee Redibirdvoiiparadisesee sess aes Poratisoris rudolphi2s22 22s. Prince Rudloph’s blue bird of para- GISGS Sawaal oh Cea eee Paroaria cucullata._.....-2aeeiot_fir Red-crested cardinal. ~.i..--LuL. Parotia lawesi lawesi_..........--i.- Lawes’ six-plumed bird of paradise_ Pica picaihudsontate dy ba boson tee Magpies.) 286 stented ote aie Ploceus intermedieus_~u.-..-.-....-. Masked weaver.-s2-<<<See ee Cyelunsicormiubaes eae aes ae ae Rhinoceroseusanas= === ea Wyvclura maclesyin 222 sesso ee Cuban ground iguana_-_---------- WViCMITAMMUCHANSS te == eee oe me Fortune Island iguana----_------- Dipso-saulrus COrsaliges = s-- 5-2 oe Spottedvizard=s222s2sseesseces Hgernia cunninghami_-_---._--_--2--- Australian or Cunningham’s skink- Gerrhonotus scincicauda webbii------- Miligatordivard=22eo eee ec saa ee Helodernia horridum == 222.22 -2 2 Beaded lizard==eSt te eee eee Helodermaysuspectumta= sas 2= ae Gila-monstersstee enone Hydrosaurus pustulosus_--_---------- Philippine water-dragon-_--------- Teuannieuanasc wan ee ee Common iguanas seen lacentalepidas 22 22s eee eee Ocellatedtizarde==s22204eae. = WacertaiifordienvOssdessss—— =e ee Balearicsisiandalizardes =.= + see === lacertaliltordiordansi= ee sa ae Balearic Island lizard_.--__-=+++-- Laemanctus alticoronatus_—----_----- Green-basilisk=*===""2siee. = sase Leiocephalus carinatus.._..---------- Carinated curl-tail lizard_-------- Leiocephalus cubensis:---.-----.----- Cubanteurl-tavllizardsy 2 ee Liocephalus beatanus_-------------_- Beata curl-tail lizard2-./ 022-222 OphissuLusryventralis==s. 222 ee ee Glassiengkess='>r=sece we ae Ncelaporus clark sess eee oe Spmy swiltos sna seen eee Sceloporus undulatus.......--------- Common fence lizard22-22-222222= Gilkqua,nigroluieaseo 2552+ eee Moved Jizard2202--5 Us Sees Miliqiasscimecides.. = =+ =.= sooe tS Blue-tongued lizard_..-.-_-----_- ErAchYyERULUS TUROSUS2 = 25 522-2 ae Stump-tailed lizards --_-_- 8+ <2 2 Tupinambis nigropunctatus_---_----- Tepuvlizard s*-1 375225 -=SSheee ee Wromactixespinipes=--—- soe a ee Spiny=-tailedslizard-2< ses Seeeee ETAT R NOLES Sec cre So eee et Gouldisimenitorss=sass eae Warahun mlloticus=t2s--2 ~~ <-eoe Niletnronitor* +5552 Sree Sees PNON NYP WRN WR RRP WOK WWNRrFRKFPNTONNN ANF KE NWNNKF OOF RFP RENWRYK ON KW O&K REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 109 OPHIDIA Agkistrodon. mokasen_..2. bs cel 3 Copperhead. 2.22 2c 2 ihre el 9 Agkistrodon piscivorus__......-.----- Water moccasin) 4!..55 sp iscey et 5 Arizona elegans occidentalis. ....-__-- Faded isnakess2 4252) Seousees 1 @arphophis: vermis/ss5 5020's 2s su Worm, snakes (202 e002 S Set oe ik. 1 Cemophora coccines.-2_ > sie Scarlet snake on ee eae 1 Coluber constrictor constrictor______~- Black sneaker ss scot ass. les Una 2 Coluber dahlitmieize yeas Wiel e ee sei el Dahls whip snake. - uve oee posto 2 Coluber hippocrepis=ée/12/!44 stoseule2 Horseshoe whip snake_____.___.-. 3 Coluber jugularis caspius__.___.._--_- European whip snake__________-- 4 Coluber Jongissimus —_. af )s-)= edb 27 Aesculapian snake. 2) ce age 1 Coluber quatuorlineatus__._-_._-_---- European 4-lined snake_____.__._~ 2 Coluber quatuorlineatus sauromates__._ European 4-lined snake__________- 2 Constrictor constrictor. 44125 22.224 | 8 {ef WA ee eS ana Eee Pa ye 3 Constrictor imperator=— ee oes same ets Central American or emperor boa_. 3 Crotalus adamanteussdcs2elJeesueedl Florida diamond-back rattlesnake. 2 Grotalus atrox lk tage hires ald be EAA Desert diamond-back rattlesnake. 6 Crotalus, cerastes.cians_caddin frat! Sidewinder rattlesnake__.______-- 6 Srotalus horridus.._ 2.2. saya acdeis Banded rattlesnake_____.._..._.-- 10 Crotalus mitechellii_- 000-4 aes Aobe nD Bleached rattlesnake.u. 22.2.4 22. 2 Crotalus. oreganus..-4d iia ee nte Wet Pacific rattlesnakes ino greens 2 Crotalus ruber’) 2 see 22 a0) de GeO Redirattlesnake Jee a aie eae eee 2 Crotalus, terrificus! j2 2220 Sout edd South American rattlesnake_______ 2 Diadophis, punctatus 252. 22 eee. Ring-necked snake. ./ shu. sae 2 3 Drymarchon corais cooperi......----- nad go snakes. 5 oo ei Lae oe 8 Bilapheguttata sss. Soe as @ornvsnake saa a LN es oe 2 PLAT LACUS yak ee fs es Og yo hen Emory’s:snake sos. gua aioe oe 2 Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri_-__-_-_--- Lindheimer's snake os 262 5 Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta_____._.-_--- PrloGr sma Ke see ee aye ee 1 PUADHE CUAALEVIGUATA So et eee Chickencsnake she Aaah eee 5 Blaphe rt OsSaceh ws 8 ese pane oe hae IKieyeratpsmalke essen cra aaa ieee nae 1 SHE @) ov Sy iq a) wi Wl a a De Ra IO 1 Tap cigspiasy fee) lonlg Deed th Maid nce hal Va 2 Eplicnates aneuiler ops aes eo oe Culban\ tree boa fe) 3 ee kee 4 LATA pT) a Op baa i ie Eales Sl I ae SANs DOR Mae ec ca cee ele aiey Fans 1 UME CUCS! UT IIIS 52 foo ol te Ags (INMACONGR So dette cit uaa re eae 1 PAPANCIA AD ACULA sae aa N Ie ee ee Se FTOEMASIAK Goreme se af eee Sen ee 2 Eleterodon ‘contortrixwe oo. oe Hog-nose snake: twenty te 1 Lampropeltis californiz_._.._......._- Califormianking snakeee.2- 922252 1 Lampropeltis calligaster____.________- Yellow-bellied king snake________- 1 Lampropeltis getulus getulus_________ Kineysnakess 5554s ss2 2.22 eee 2 3 Lampropeltis getulus boylii_._________ Boyle’s king snake..--__--.___--- 1 Lampropeltis rhombomaculata_______- Moleisnakesias 2142244. EOl WOE» 2 Lampropeltis triangulum_____________ Milk snakes 424.22 552280 De il Lejosophis» gigas: == =.220) sium adi Cobra de Paraguay... goioniag _ 2 Leptophis occidentalis. _....__22_2L_- Green ‘tree snakes. 222222L 2.2. 2- 1 Lichanura, roseofusea 2.20) 222204 California boaet=22 5-22. BOUNTY | 1 Hiodytes-allent sss nrr22 BOUL OTL vee Allen’s:mud snakes... f0Taaid 1 Eoxocemus: bicolor: =. 227. 2uu_ foo} American-python-=2222--22800078 . 2 Masticophis flagellum flavigularis______ Coaehwhip snake-2.+22+ 222004 - 9 Masticophis flagellum frenatus_______- Red-racere en SEDO MICOS | 1 110 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Masticophis lateralis. _._........+---2 @aistornia racer=..2 ===" =o soeeee Micrurus fulvins= 2 22e22. bbe ee Coral snakess. 22." eae Naja hannabe sos. 35-5 eee King cobra 555. Sto ep ate Natrix fasciata fasciata__2__-.---_2-- Banded water snake__.--_.__--_- Watrix grahami: = 222252. 82 SUS URUes Graham’s water snake_____--___- Natrix matrix: 2.52s225-29S5Re. 2530 European grass snake_______-_--_- Naltrixes See Set Se ee OS Water-snakei 3520 Sahio0o5 Btn IN Str Kes Se So Eee Red water/snakes2. Wiis ies se Opheodrys! aestivuss-—2 22 te ee Rough-sealed green snake_______- Pituophis catenifer annectens________- California bullsnake.__._________- Pituophis sayi. = 2 Sbee- Cw Geass Bullsnakejo 2 see aia aeseh earl Python molunussss ss oe Rete teeae Indian! pythons 22 Soest iPythoniregius = 222 Gis Dail ee eae Ballipythone syns ie Bay tak Python reticulatusai. Sieh etre Regallpythone see eee Python sebaess ssoe ee ssse Ls Oe African pythons -2eeut i) xebeee Python variegatus_20 ico oo18 ley iae Carpet python... 224s Soret igih Sistrurusmiltanius= 22) je eee Pigmy, rattlesnake S222 2550222 222 DONOLR OCCiplvalis asain. Seas Tricolored ground snake__+____-_- Thamnophis sauritus proximus_-__-_--_- Western ribbon snake___--2.2-2-- Thampophis sauritus sauritus______-_- Ribbonjsnake 222s Susu ale Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis__.__._____- Garter snakeliss 22. iinet ar gel Tretanorhinus variabilis__..._..___-_- Cuban water snake__.-....---+-- Amphibians CAUDATA Ambystoma mexicanum____._________ AXOIGUI Seca ae ee ee ae ee ee Amphiuma tridactylum_______.______ Congo eel or Congo snake______-_- Cryptobranchus alleganiensis__._____- Hellbenderssc.2-seeseceee eee Megalobatrachus japonicus__________- Giant salamander. -— == 542. Pleurodeleswaltine 2 ose ee Spanish newts... eee IPrOceUsean eins see me ee ee Blind satanianders 52" see ee Pseudobranchus striatus_.._.____.__-- Striped mtd Cbls os eee Salamandra salamandra__._........_-- European spotted salamander_-_--_- PLMUUTUs PYyTTUORAStCL@ =< loo. ee Red-bellied Japanese newt__._--_-_- BETUUULUS VINIGOSCONS=\-csac eae Common MeWt. sae sae SALIENTIA Alytesobstetricanss=uJ2-8 82252... J Midwife toad=.2.¢25.42- 2145 ogee Bufo aAlyarig so. 52. ete Green: toadss.g2 42445455 24S Bufovamericanus. §. tae ot Common American toad______.--- Butovfowlericaso) 55 <0 os ee Fowler’s’ toads. 2626-- oe ee BUTOSMATINUG S228 2 = 8 ah Marine toad 2 = Sida 24.4 siete Bufo peltocephalus. 2.2 au.) 22. eee Cuban: giant toad. - .- et. -ehee ISTO CSOETOR DIA Se of 2! sb Gah te Southern toad... 4455.2 ee oe ea Bufowalliceps.. 5. * 3 ed ra eae Moxican: toad: «22. $cc ee Evie CInOneS ose ok nat eae hea ots Green ‘tree frog.:_-..-- fee. ee Pivla oratiostcc2s- cede oeatoe 5 Floridatree frog<- <3 a ee Pivle. Daudiniles =. °% ates oben es! Mexican.tree frog. 228.8 da055 Hyla septentrionalis______.____._____- West Indian tree frog__.___._..-: pla Versicolote so. seeco ea Common tree frog2- 22.225 ees Leptodactylus pentadactylus__._____- Dominican giant frog-..--_..---- Rana ‘cateshbeiting =. 252555. 5 54 Bullttrog. 2222 224 eee NWO RY RE rR WNWWRN RR PWR NR RK eR awn nr NNW OW bd et eo Cn ls oC CRS aC) REPORT OF THE SECRETARY EET Summary PACTTANTY 11 Sm OTA La UT) Clare DUE yaad ae cp seer os ieee es ree ee Ueto — 1,996 PACCESSIONSHOUrINE the VER sa sane ee ee Nee ats ame eee eee 1, 266 Totaljanimailsinvcollectionidurine, years22s. Ses eee ata! 3202 Removed from collection by death, exchange, and return of animals on CLE TD OS 1 Ge a en es ee 761 Species | Individuals IVD Oe ee ee te eee ee aoe en Se ee 189 563 IT GS oe oe SE Se an Se be ee Sh ee eb teed 333 1, 076 BES VT Gin Ls iat ee a as EIS SO eh vee Be I Pa er ural she SWEDE Eb 164 YaNT CRYO) AE OY CEM Se al a a phe ce Nag a a od evi tp eects 31 94 UL 13 oes ee ane ee a BS Dk a Ee SP OR eRe ie 14 47 PANT RCENTI NAS ee rae a a a ek es Sie ES See dca 4 11 Rrisects: (Colony) = as ee a es SE ee ee eee 1 1 @rusta coarse esi re coe tee se eee Se See Ue See ae eee eat ee 1 75 IVE OHUISEB ee eee eres re oe eae ee ae re eae tee oe eee oe cee eas eed 4 28 FIO Ca ae ses eee ee i re oe cee Se re eS oa he eee Sa ve 741 2, 501 ANIMALS NOT PREVIOUSLY EXHIBITED This year has been outstanding in the number of species exhibited for the first time in the National Zoological Park. These are: MAMMALS BADIEUSEA,AMMTUR. Sa 5 2-22 coo leek soko s Babirussa. Cercopithecus petronellae_-_____.------ White-crowned guenon. Dolichotis salinicola.- 222-2425. 5+-. 2222 Dwarf cavy. Eylobatescinereusi.: i228 22252222422 e8 Bornean gray gibbon. heontocebus mosalia. 22220552. 24 2 Sheu Silky or lion-headed marmosette. Nyctereutes procyonoides____.._-_---_- Raccoon dog. Symphalangus syndactylus.___..._.---- Siamang gibbon. BIRDS Aprosmictus cyanopyzicus_____....----- Australian king parrot. Crossoptilon mantchuricum __________-_- Brown-eared pheasant. Gr OURSUSCISLCTI st eo etn s Se Oe 7 we 3S Sclater’s crowned pigeon. Lephophorus impeyanus_.._-_----_---- Himalayan Impeyan pheasant. Polyplectron napoleonis__._..........--- Palawan peacock-pheasant. IPMOLElIS CEMnUTUISe es = eee epee Cuban trogon. IPHASIANUs VETsICOlOns 22 sre | or Green Japanese pheasant. icCOrdia TICOrGW = os oe ae ok ee ee Ricord’s humming bird. Trichoglossus novaehollandae_________-_- Blue-bellied lory. REPTILES Agkistrodon bilineatus__.....-.....-.-- Mexican moccasin. FMIN CLV aD DOD bE sy ee Su Ae) eS Abbott’s swift. Amphibolus barbatus=2 5. 224258525244 Bearded lizard. AMO ISTCQUESLTIS Se sa eee neta a Chameleon anolis. Bitis FUL CTA ee Seema sae ere ee Puff adder, 112 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Ranaiclamipanss eu 2 so26 22) an Ae Gerben chro ses ee bel happens 8 nena TAIUStEIse = 20 Coo Le ee Common swamp frog._-__-___._- 2 Rana sphenocephala_____...-_-_----- Southern leopard frog_-_-----_--_- 3 anavescilents 22 soe S25 sn eee ee diblepiro pee se aaa 2 ae ee 5 Renadalmatinas sso. eae sete eee Agileirog ive of sleadasebato sg 1 Menopus)mulleriuy 24-43 02e1 Han eas East African smooth-clawed frog. 1 Fishes PC CUNG ENS SPE ya oe th aa Se Lae eA ee 1 BAT DURLOCE Miner tess Nose hy Sn cued SUSU Aas ale ey ap I nie cg i Se = 2 Brack yidanio rerioue 42,602 2 2a a Febravishiaet 2. aise ee ee 1 Galnuisal pis ake peeks ae hs ey ae ID elt Probe yeae 4 Enneacanthus gloriosus___.______---- SUMS Mee cit 2 ee pt acres eee 1 TeV ytree VMN DES) 55 0 Rae om i ci a eae ee SGI FT sg Taegan oe ain aoe eee 1 Mebistes reviculatusess == 222 Guppy = Setwecoer se tsetese ee 12 Aeteonyx Tuberrinuss. coc cssc see 13215 B51 PS A AN ee RE SSS CT a Pterophy ium: SCalares 9202 eS Angel fishies 222250. 2 a eee 3 FLASH OLAS bEFAMNMOLP Mayes seesaw sia ee ware eA ew Ae el AL oe eee 3 Rhinichthysatronasus.-. 2022.52.02 Striped daces 2452/4. anos epee 7 IRV US oil eee cree eerie ie eeeeern ee Drinidad fish 2 — 2 ee eee 1 DOpHorupg helvlerices wasewe he eee Swordtalles 22 205 Sys ceeeen 2 Arachnids Bury pelma Spusees = 2 tae eee Tarantula fi) A 2 Bi. BOY ae 1 Hadrurusvhirsutuss. 2 Bae) teers Giant hairy scorpion____________- 8 Insects PPIs CUI CAL yo cs ie eee ae Honey beese oo oan 1 colony Crustaceans @enonitaiclypeatuss. 222s. 2 2 eee Hermitverabs2- 27-2 een ee eee 75 Mollusks Achatina .variegata. 220. cass. ose Giant'land snailee. se eee ee 1 PQ YVTS CULE TED STDs est a oes ee a rer Apple’snailet Ss tet Ne eee ene i Miomuistasvigiisee see. fe ee ee Hlorida ‘tree/snail. =. 42-228 s eee 1 iPlanorbisiCOMmMeusses] eee ee ee Red snail or rams horn_..__-_____ 25 Statement of the collection Accessions Received Presented} Born eS. aoe OR Total Witamim as eee ae oe eee See ee 81 602-2 e32-- 21 6 168 iol tape eel aR ALTE TTL 288 14 4 29 14 349 VED tiles ee oe ee es sa ee ee 268) ||-22e2- = See 3 178 2 451 Morini planes ss cage ents tee soc eee ee 1 ae ee AY a cee eee 130 WISHES sees Be oS Sas A ea FS Oe ee ee eee ea 4 ATA CUNIGS seat stoae oa oan conan ak pos ouee noes TO eet eecces Leet eles os a | eee 12 )8 CE 1) pe ee ee EE RR ae es 2 eee ee ale eS |S ee PG Sees 1 Ornstsceans:ee ae se se conn Soeawes UP I Re Re ory epee Sia Al A oie tek ei hares bes Bone oe 123 INCOM USS 2 oe aoc ce eee Se. Pf ES Schr) fs eee 1, | t2eeuee2 28 otal ic she mad e- oa ak ee see 804 74 7 269 22 1, 266 11 colony, cleat 2 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 113 Bilis TaboniCas. 2... 25552554 -- 238s Gaboon viper. UtISMASICOLNIS ye eee ees eee ne Rhinoceros viper. Bothrops nigroviridis marchi----------- Green tree viper. Bothzeps nummiferas so5o52¢ 225! Sees Jumping viper. Chamaeleon senegalensis-..------------ Senegal chameleon. Coluber jugularis caspius__._......-.--- European whipsnake. Coluber leopardinus=5--2- 2-552 --es—<" Leopard snake. Coluberlongissimus? 22% 2s u ae Se Aesculapian snake. Coluber quatuorlineatus....-.-...----- European 4-lined snake. (eG yGAiMCIsa ote ee a oe eas ee Guatemalan terrapin. Laemanctus alticoronatus_-—_----- peels Green basilisk. Lampropeltis polyzonus.....-.--------- Tropical king or false coral snake. hejosophis gigas = =— 7-2 ee Cobra de Paraguay. Biocéphalus-beatanusw-- == 22022022. Beata curl-tailed lizard. Loxocemus bicolorsss=-==--<=--s2 ae American python. NMabuya, agilis: oe tee CS Guatemalan skink. Najathannah:= cis... c2o eee King cobra. INET ARORIDUC ANS 2) hose ats Se Hooded cobra. Oxybelis acuminatus ote ee Pike-headed tree snake. Relysiog NeImrotbis ee see eet ee ee Heinroth’s turtle. ‘Tomistoma schlegeliz 22222 url eek eee Malayan gavial. ‘Eretanorhinws ‘variabilis_ fo6"t Vato 2! Cuban water snake. AMPHIBIANS Algtes obstetricans=o242 2220002 - 222522 Midwife toad. Ambystoma, mexicanum 2s) "so 22a Axolotl. BOR ySICCDN Seren hone ae eae ee Mexican toad. Eleurodeleswaltlita.3- 2/2 2h see Spanish newt. Proteustang uinus-2725 see Blind salamander. FISHES Aequidens sp. Barbus ocellifer. ERC MVGAmOMeNlOLs =<. fa 2 en ese Zebra fish. @Oliaspl al seeps ee eet ee ih a ey Dwarf gourami. Enneacanthus gloriosus.-.-.-.--------- Sunfish. Huncwhusreps— eect ee neue Sar Killifish. ebistes, repiculatuss 92. a. oe se ae Guppy. AStCOn ys TUbDeEIMUs- a2 soe ware OU EN Red tail. Pterophyllum)‘sealares’: 28220 out oe Angel fish. Rasbora heteramorpha.__----+2-------- Rasbora. Rhinichthys atronasus.2 U2 cto 28 Striped dace. Rivulustharti- ses eoee eke ee Trinidad fish. Mi pions Heuer. Ve ee Te ee Swordtail. ARACHNIDS Ela drunus Ins utis sae ee ee eee ae Giant hairy scorpion. INSECTS Apis mellivica..Uaite ly ttt ees oneyabecse Go ee 1 colony. This excellent showing was made possible primarily by the exhibi- tion facilities afforded in the new reptile house. 114 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 VISITORS The great number of visitors who have been coming to the park since the opening of the reptile house has prevented such a decline in the year’s attendance as exists in other institutions of public interest because of the economic depression which has so reduced travel. The estimated attendance as recorded in the daily reports of the park is as follows: 1930 1931 July seeps Jose pelt ar ere! 1865600 || January. 2 ett 97, 600 Auguste es oe fey bmn ph OA 000)|hebruaryeso]- eo oe eee 82, 948 Septemberss = hae sree Zi lO | Mare lace ce) eee ee 315, 750 OCtopere eyes seis ie he 130,200 |oAprile 2-2) oe aE 377, 207 Novembers.c use sata hoes LOD SOG0 : iMag yA we Secs 2 ee ee 228, 500 December=' =. 45 58 Se ae So nO00s | Junewe se oe ee ee 220, 000 Total visitors for year_ 2, 171, 515 The attendance of organizations, mainly classes of students, of which we have definite record, was 34,026 from 649 different schools in 21 States and the District of Columbia, as follows: Num- | Num- |; Num- | Num- States ber ber States ber ber persons} parties || persons| parties Qi INew- Work: =. 22-2222 2 a ae Gal eiNorth’ Carolins=4<252=—22 ee eee 234 [OSSETIA Vee eee 1 |) Pennsylvania__- i 1 || Tennessee..___- i 1a ONire niga ees Kansas hoses cee an eee eras 326 Di Mest: Virginideseosate === 2 sees se Maines. 2222 2 5 ee ee 74 Ls PAWaASCOnBIniesesenes eee k eee teen Maryland iaisis Fieger a se 5, 548 104 || Massachusetts onto) eon ee 94 3 || 34, 026 649 Watch i paris es Sore SST eee 79 2-|| Observations of the numbers of automobiles from distant States and countries has led to the taking of a census each day of the cars actually parked in the park at one time, from which the following tabulation has been prepared showing the percentages of cars from various States and countries by months: Percent- | Percent- | Percent- |} Percent- State age, age, age, age, March April May June REPORT OF THE SECRETARY BS Percent- | Percent- | Percent- | Percent- State age, age, age, age, March April May June Indian as 222s e os See A ee ee eae C8 eee 0.10 0. 07 0.17 | 0. 46 OW Bee sane nie areas ea te eee ae ale ae eae a ela las . 03 02 06 19 KCATISAS! 222 te Beets Eee uy Se Re Ge ERS Ss |S oe EL Se 2 .10 . 08 ISON GU Cis yee soa mae ee a eae te ae eee en See ae 07 . 02 Rb .27 Ensign gee sees Seer Sy ee eee a8 se 2 eee Ee See ees ee ee oe eS 3024). SSL. sao es Mia ine eae ee ree eee aaa ee ea ene eno a ee eee . 05 . 09 . 05 . 03 Maryland ees. 26es 6 he 2 Se ee eh feta de te 15. 75 20. 35 24. 65 20. 47 Massachusetts - -- -40 - 96 . 48 46 Michigan. -__-- 15 .33 19 54 Minnesota___-- 10 15 n02 27 Mississippi-___---- . 05 OZ Rae. 2k 08 ASSOUD Leet ets oe oe eer ae ee ra ee sata een eee Ao . 05 133 ee eee 20 Wrontana es aae Sasa Se ra ee DA A ee Bt he ee et eek MOSM e Sees ee ce ee ee ING DESK eee ees oe se eee as eae een eee ea ecou eancaauanlebeseueace 02 | 11 New Hampshire soos re Beebo oe Se ye OS te - 05 OOK ake 322 Se = .14 INO@WiTOUSO Vis ace ee coe ane Soames Solos panes seen eae teas Pens se 1 2. 54 . 62 . 62 New: Mexico 42. ses) 28 ees) Bu Ae ste Ai a he Bee ey Ones ee 82S 105) |e ee ses ING WA YAO T Rae ee en ce ea ee Re or ee ae eee nea i ka 1 2.10 eile? 1, 27 Nonths@arolinas- =. 0b) ce bel ae ee Eee oe be sd Bee . 26 55 94 1. 65 INorthy Dako taeses! a. se oe saad coats Sosa Ueueaaareessead oe 304; |e se. . 06 (0) 0 C0 = es a ee a ee Poa eee ee aE Set ny pa ay pe ee . 39 51) 1.16 1.75 OMRON aD ete Be a rn oe ee eae a ean eee oat 03 . 02 05 . 06 Oregons: 5 eM See Suess 2 Sa su aks oe eee epee woe De ee hall ee ty oe NOZMNerous- 2253 . 03 Penns ylvanis sen 6 eee aE See ee gel deee wanes . 95 5.48 , 3.48 4. 25 Rod evls lar de ssw a ak ae Sie, eet es ys se 5d. $12 . 20 .10 . 06 Southi@arolings sees eee none . 05 . 02 14 . 24 South Dakota__ F LOS ie ee ee - 03 03 Tennessee_.------ 03 09 ile 19 TG KAS i Geese de Gee ae ee . 07 02 . 05 ll WWOLI OT bees aoe oe sates ee Sen Ron eee et UR ek eo ae eesces 17 OF |oneC sae oe | sae s eee NViTr gira aye ee were a bs ed oe SS ee ae ed eee Bad ek 4 10. 77 11. 20 10. 40 Wisishin 2 tors ae ee te eee Ee ea ee ae Lo ae Te ee ras, pT See ek a . 05 . 03 WiesteViireinia S225 S8 yee se Aoi el Elec er yen susen ye ee) ee! 12 61 . 60 1. 20 WVAISCOMS Tri type Soe oe eee re ee oe oe ee eee een 05 09 10 03 Wiyoming ese}. She see bee ee) Re ae ee ed on A oe SS ee eee ee 02 03 Y NSE gi Bee Se CON Rp a AT 2 Ate a 9 pay ee eee a | ee pw | eee eeu a Pret 06 Cams yee ee eee a Nt Bi Faia cae A a AS or 15 O74| Meese 14 CUD a eee CLE 3s eas ase en ten coe eee Ro ee babes SSeS ee 03 Canal Zong aos ss se BS eee. SEL ee ek ee ie ie eve eves Os ee ee All) tte a savy ie 03 Philippinevislands > eee ee eee ee eee bethcoces tees stnallbeaccb ass 03 | | IMPROVEMENTS The most interesting event of recent years has been the opening of the public exhibition building for reptiles, amphibians, insects, and miscellaneous invertebrates. The construction of this building was started in March, 1930, and the exhibition was formally opened the evening of February 27, 1931. Some 3,000 people attended the re- ception, and the following day the building was crowded from morn- ing to night. The formal opening was attended by a large number of officials of the United States Government and officials of other zoos who were particularly interested in the building. Among the latter were Dr. W. Reid Blair, director of the New York Zoological Park; C. Emerson Brown, director of the Philadelphia Zoological Garden; George P. Vierheller, director of the St. Louis Zoological Garden; Dan Harkins, director of Franklin Park Zoo, Boston; and Dr. Raymond L. Ditmars, curator of reptiles, New York Zoological Park. Since its opening it has been by far the most popular and crowded building in the entire Zoo. Natural habitat for the reptiles has been provided as far as possible. There is a special ventilating sys- 102992—32——_9 116 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 tem for the public and a special heating system for the reptiles. Light is all from above so that the visibility is far superior to any- thing we have ever had before. This building, containing over a hundred cages, fills a long felt need in the Zoo. With a view to helping house the Victor J. Evans collection, Con- gress added $4,500 to the appropriation, and with this money we have built a series of large mammal paddocks with sheds, runs for cranes, and large outdoor cages for pheasants. Out of money unexpended from a previous year and reappropri- ated for this fiscal year is being built a flight cage for the eagles, to replace the one that had to be torn down to clear the site for the reptile house. Other cages will be constructed near by, so that all of the birds will be grouped in the general vicinity of the bird house. Contracts have been let for new boilers at the central heating plant, to replace two secondhand ones that had been installed 29 years ago. The main steam line from the central heating plant to the buildings began to give way during the early fall, and certain of the steam lines supplying individual buildings began to develop leaks, which indicated that they could no longer be successfully repaired. This matter was presented to Congress, with the result that sufficient money was provided to renew the lines that showed most imminent danger of giving out. The new pipes are planned to be a portion of an extensive central conduit system when finally completed. A quantity of earth from near-by excavations was made available to the park without cost, and, by carefully planning the dumping of this, three considerable level areas were developed on which we are now able to place outside paddocks, runs, and cages. NEEDS OF THE ZOO Since completion of the reptile house, the next building on our program, the small mammal and great ape house, becomes the one most urgently needed at the present time. We have no suitable quar- ters at all for these groups of animals, both of which are represented in the collection by continually increasing numbers of interesting species. Plans and specifications for this building are now being prepared under the appropriation of $4,500 made available by the last Congress for this purpose. Following this, the next exhibition building needed is one for the pachyderms. A room to complete the bird house is also needed. Respectfully submitted. W. M. Mann, Director. Dr. C. G. Axssor, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. APPENDIX 7 REPORT ON THE ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY Sir: I have the honor to submit the following report on the activi- ties of the Astrophysical Observatory for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1931: PLANT AND OBJECTS This observatory operates regularly the central station at Wash- ington and two field stations for observing solar radiation on Table Mountain, Calif., and Mount Montezuma, Chile. The station at Mount Brukkaros, Southwest Africa, which was established by the National Geographic Society, is being continued for the present in cooperation with the Astrophysical Observatory with funds donated by a friend of the Institution. In addition the cbservatory controls a station on Mount Wilson, Calif., where occasional expeditions are sent for special investigations. The principal aim of the observatory is the exact measurement of the intensity of the radiation of the sun as it is at mean solar distance outside the earth’s atmosphere. This is ordinarily called the solar constant of radiation, but the observations of past years by this ob- servatory have proved it variable. As all life, as well as the weather, depends on solar radiation, the observatory has undertaken the con- tinued measurement of solar variation on all available days. ‘These measurements have now continued all the year round for 12 years. As will appear in this report, recent studies indicate that the perma- nent continuation of these daily solar-radiation measurements may have great value for weather forecasting. In addition to this prin- cipal object the observatory undertakes spectroscopic researches on radiation and absorption of atmospheric constituents, radiation of special substances, such as water vapor, ozone, carbonic-acid gas, liquid water, and others, and the radiation of the other stars as well as of the sun. WORK AT WASHINGTON Funds having been appropriated by the Congress to print Volume V of the Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory, the year was spent principally in preparing text, tables, and illustrations expressing the results of observations made since August, 1920, at the several stations. uals 118 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 As stated in previous reports, much effort had already been ex- pended in reducing the observations made at Table Mountain, Calif., but without satisfactory results. The atmosphere above ‘Table Moun- tain, though to the eye appearing very fine and clear, contains va- riable amounts of ozone, water vapor, and dust, which produce embarrassing difficulties in computing the solar constant of radiation. Daily measurements of the amount of atmospheric ozone by the method of Dobson had been in progress at Table Mountain, since August, 1928, but they require fully as much time for reduction as does the solar constant itself. Fortunately, as described in last year’s report, we were able to devise a simple method based on our bolo- graphic work whereby corrections can be made easily for the absorp- tion of ozone on all days when solar-constant measures are made at Table Mountain. All the Table Mountain solar-constant values from the beginning there in 1925 have now been corrected for ozone absorption. The changes of haziness and of absorption associated with varia- tions of atmospheric water vapor make a difficulty of a more serious nature. After several unsuccessful attempts to vary the Montezuma procedure to suit Table Mountain conditions, the process of reduction of the short-method solar-constant determinations at Table Moun- tain was radically changed. It will be recalled that the essence of the short method consists in employing pyranometer measurements of the brightness of the sky near the sun as an index of the prevailing atmospheric transparency. If the brightness of the sky were unaffected by varying quantities of smoke or dust, we should expect the normal change of its bright- ness from day to day to be exactly determined by the quantity of atmospheric water vapor prevailing. In other words, there would be a normal relation between pyranometry, precipitable atmospheric water vapor, and atmospheric transparency, for the different wave lengths. But if unusual degrees of dustiness or smokiness prevail, then the pyranometer will record a positive or negative excess from the normal value proper to the prevailing quantity of precipitable water. This “ excess” will be associated with changes in the atmos- pheric transmission coefficients for all wave lengths. On these lines we have worked out new varieties of the short method of determining the solar constant of radiation applicable to conditions at Table Mountain and Mount Brukkaros. We have re- reduced all the observations made at these stations according to these new methods. Great improvement in their solar-constant deter- minations resulted, although it must be confessed that neither of these two stations yields results as generally satisfactory as does Montezuma. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 119 COMPARISON OF RESULTS With the completion of the reduction of all the solar-constant observations from the three field stations results of much interest are found by comparing them. Figure 1 shows the monthly mean solar- constant values derived from Table Mountain, Montezuma, and Mount Brukkaros since 1926. The probable error of the weighted mean curve shown as a heavy line in Figure 1 is less than 0.1 per cent. In short, it is adequately accurate to show all that needs be known of the general march of solar variation. Figure 2 shows the preferred monthly mean solar-constant values from 1920 to 1930, inclusive. The extreme range of it is 2.8 per cent. Although apparently so irregular, Figure 3 shows that the march of solar variation may be expressed with surprising fidelity as the sum of five regular periodicities, of 68, 45, 25, 11, and 8 months’ intervals. It is interesting to note that, though derived with no regard to it, all of these intervals turn out to be nearly related to the 1114-year sun-spot period. ‘Thus 68 months is its half, 45 months its third, and so on. Other periods are found which are not so long-lived as these. Thus, curve H in Figure 3 shows periods of 45 and 5.6 days, respectively, which lasted throughout the year 1924. The excellent representation of the original curve A by the sum of the five peri- odicities, as shown at B, encourages me to give in curve I the expected march of solar variation in 1931 and 1982. Figure 4 gives the results of an attempt to represent the tempera- tures of Washington, D. C., and Williston, N. Dak., as made up of periodicities having these same five intervals, 68, 45, 25, 11, and 8 months. It proved necessary to add a period of 18 months in each case. The original temperature curves A and C are found by taking consecutive means of 5-month departures from normal. Thus, 1/5 (Jan.t+Feb.+Mar.+Apr.+May): 1/5 (Feb.+Mar.t+Apr.+May+ June), and so on. This eliminates the shorter irregularities and brings out prominently the principal departures from normal tem- perature that have occurred since 1918. Curves B and D are 5-month consecutive means of curves repre- senting the observed march of temperature as the sum of the six periodicities above described. I do not insist that this method of treatment gives certainty as yet, but I look forward for five more years to 1936, when it can be subjected to a more rigorous test. Time will show whether or not it is the germ of the method of forecasting weather for future years, to which Langley looked forward when he founded the Astrophysical Observatory. The comparison of stations shows that the daily solar-constant values are not as accurate as are needed. Montezuma results are by far the best. Yet they lack many days of completeness and many OLGI-OZEL ‘SONTVA JUBIsSUOD-IL[OS UREN A[Y}UOU poltejalg—Z DUIS Ont O2b1 Obl Smita : Bune Se2bl Seb vz! 1Zb1 OZGL dUIS SOIvyYNA_ JUNO! puv ‘Bumnza}uopy ‘ureUNOW o[qey, WOIJ PoAt1op Son|[BA Juv}SMOdD-1Bl[OS UvOM ATYJUO;Y—'T guano an! } soumNnus— —-——s ez6"1 Bee sEE ESE aay \ anzainon =— Aes \ Kile ff nab . pA i ' wi zeo'l £) t\ \ k ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 120 o¢él 626! S261 Azo REPORT OF THE SECRETARY aod i ada a a hn ad oly gi al cla aioli ah re eater dione rapa IK (A ‘ aCe Na lacali Me Wah atiort Nella | alla Heke GAME A cla a Naar eee se A/a (oe ONES AA LL isla rma San oa sy on iio ae me > (i Mala PA GW i ad lS EuweS a a reenerates isa ee HT COREG Gee ae Ses ea ce elected On lolita tet eee (| AL VA ies See Soest Staak! rae ann REN Ee = fille ale fr 7 0 9 ss SURE y ss See aCe oa sc i 2a il A et a yal nd are am fe sa mle as i aa ad alia ed SSS rdk alte OT a fT ea A a PT Sess dnb Ae SW Tei ct i A Lara (PRS Ue P| A a om CGE eeas ae elie ebslieie tei Bie Se a el ra HW x TU as 9 ETS EN ESSe Fa SES aa EC ta ra hase eae ANA QURT ae ee Be Ga Gd a a SSS WN es I Si ca fob ih alee sa a = EI apr al no i 1 sl Salita af ilo eae a Me al ee ena oA Eas eae AR NDA a CAO HL eA Eo gO PO + UST SNA GN ON PT LR oe nits eee ea Doh (CES Sa Fee GG" a ese eee NWO) NE pee | : iacucecie la a 1.95 a 1.93 ia 1.92 curve A 96 8 195 194 1.94 1.93 9 9. Curve 1932 = we Ficues 3.—Solar variation represented by five regular periodicities 122 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 days represented are unsatisfactory. It is indeed almost beyond the limit of possible accuracy to observe the solar constant day after day with such exactness that the differences between the absolute values shall always evaluate changes correctly if reaching one-third of 1 per cent or more. This is what is needed. We have in mind a few improvements which may bring us to this degree of accuracy at Montezuma, but unless other stations superior to Table Mountain and Brukkaros are found it seems doubtful if fully satisfactory daily values are obtainable to supplement the Montezuma record. . ee aa ea : pa EA MERA nnne Snares ean awe PSS i ae PRU TUL EPTN NT TS ZT Se NAT TING AST ASA STitl ZAIN ak cS JOSS » A Eves: [noe ANw ECan en P a a aS Bee PEE Ap EN td a ST 5 A 0 a PH a Ya RS THERA Dis eT ECE ee eyed A AL \_ } (\ f\ f es ot AVA UY | a ‘_ RHP HT AEH d CPC WIZ A RCSA i UENCE Pi a! HCE HA AA eB BAY Rh Of oe Ea = AR Ges SeRGenrazal ai an UAW, N IZ eeu ican VSCEuEnTSeEEES Nee 71) BEE EH Nana Nee) RO an BD eRe Meee SSE teiaeeseueratectat erate L(y ane ZL real isa 1 Poet © LAA MAT A av r\ a WAC HT Sateen t THM WA ee lH] A Io 2 DG SUE BSS ee wi IRE N Euea ee et pecataataateoeediee PCIE EEE liaur® 4.—Washington and Williston temperatures associated with solar periodicities. Five-month consecutive means ° Further studies made during the year tend to confirm the impres- sion stated in last year’s report that temperatures and barometric pressures in the United States respond by opposite trends to positive and negative sequences of change in daily solar-radiation values. As yet, however, the evidence is not fully satisfactory owing to the imperfection of the daily record of solar changes, as just explained. To promote statistical studies along these lines, a new instrument designed to discover and evaluate periodicities in solar and weather records has been designed. Its construction was aided by a grant of Sid REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 123 $1,000 from the Research Corporation of New York. At the close of the fiscal year the instrument was almost ready for use, having been constructed by A. Kramer at the instrument shop of the Observatory. FIELD STATIONS In cooperation with Doctor Wulf, of the Fixed Nitrogen Research Laboratory, of the Department of Agriculture, an investigation has been carried through at Table Mountain, Calif., on the absorption of well-determined quantities of ozone in the visible spectrum. In this research, ozone-laden air contained in special absorption cells was interposed before the slit of the spectrobolometer which records the energy of the solar spectrum. A new, independent method of de- termining the atmospheric ozone content was worked out and ap- plied. Its results agree nearly with those determined by the method of Dobson. The daily observation of the solar constant of radiation has been carried on regularly at the three field stations: Table Mountain, Calif.; Montezuma, Chile; and Mount Brukkaros, Southwest Africa. The latter station has been supported by grants from John A. Roebling. Impressed by the probability of useful weather applica- tions, Mr. Roebling has made a further grant to finance an expedi- tion of a year’s duration in Africa and outlying regions to endeavor to find a site equal to Montezuma, Chile, for solar-radiation work. Accompanied by Mrs. Moore, A. F. Moore, who has had long experi- ence at our mountain observatories, occupied Fogo Island peak in the Cape Verde Islands for several weeks, and is now in Southwest Africa testing various high mountain sites in comparison with Mount Brukkaros, A fire caused by a kerosene heater destroyed the computing room at Montezuma station, with mathematical tables and instruments used in the reductions. The observations suffered a few days of delay before new tables could be sent, but no days were lost to the perma- nent record of the station. PERSON NEL At Washington the personnel is unchanged since the last report, except that Oliver Grant served as additional computer throughout the year in the preparation of Volume V of the Annals. Also George Cox served from November, 1930, on the reduction of ozone observa- tions and other computing. Both young men were compensated from the Roebling funds. C. P. Butler, formerly assistant at Montezuma, was placed in charge of that station on January 11, 1931, vice H. H. Zodtner, trans- ferred to Table Mountain to carry on there during the absence of 124 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 A. F. Moore. Walter Watson, jr., reported for duty as assistant at Montezuma February 1, 1931. SUMMARY The principal work accomplished has been the development of new methods and the complete reduction of all solar-constant obser- vations made at the field stations since 1920. The results with accompanying text and illustrations have been collected and sent to press as Volume V of the Annals of the Observatory. Comparison of values shows that the variation of the sun indicated by monthly mean values since 1920 is determined with sufficient accuracy for all purposes. The probable error of monthly means is less than 0.1 per cent. Solar changes found since 1920 range to 2.8 per cent. Daily observations are less satisfactory than monthly means, but improvements are proposed. An expedition is in Southwest Africa endeavoring to discover a site for a solar radiation observatory equal to Montezuma, Chile. A new instrument for the periodic analysis of solar and weather data is nearly completed. On the whole the outcome of 10 years of intensive study of solar radiation, as brought together in the text of Volume V of the Annals of the Observatory now in press, is very interesting. It encourages great hope that the causes of weather may be traced in solar variation to such a degree as to enable the skilled meteorologist to forecast principal changes of weather far in advance. Respectfully submitted. C. G. Aszor, Director. The Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. APPENDIX 8 REPORT ON THE DIVISION OF RADIATION AND ORGANISMS Sir: I have the honor to submit the following report on the activi- ties of the Division of Radiation and Organisms during its second year ending June 30, 1981. RESEARCH IN PROGRESS Building around the central idea of a laboratory combining experi- mental work in biophysics with fundamental experimentation in physics and chemistry, researches have been carried forward in both these fields. The phototropic experiments upon oat coleoptiles previously reported have been carried further with considerable refinement of technique. The carbon dioxide assimilation of wheat has been studied as a function of intensity in artificial ight. Pre- liminary experiments with algae have been initiated with a view to determining carbon dioxide assimilation as a function of wave length and intensity, growth rate as a function of wave length and inten- sity, and death point as a function of wave length, and time-intensity dosage. The propagating chamber which was developed by the division has been used in cooperation with the Department of Agri- culture for the purpose of investigating the effects of artificial light, humidity, and temperature upon the growth of certain desert and tropical plants. In the field of pure physics and physical chemistry the major part of the time has been devoted to the development of the necessary equipment for the general intensity and infra-red work contemplated. The intensity distribution in the mercury spectrum has been deter- mined directly. In cooperation with the Fixed Nitrogen Research Laboratory the spectra of HCl, HCN, and the halogen substitution products of benzene have been investigated in the region between the visible and Qu. PHOTOTROPISM In a preliminary experiment the phototropic response of the oat coleoptile toward light was determined comparatively for different colors or spectral regions by means of light filters. The results of this experiment may be conveniently summed up in the accompuny- 125 126 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 ing graph, Figure 1. The spectral regions used are indicated by the transmission curves. The wave lengths are plotted as abscissae and the percentages of light transmitted by the filters as ordinates. The continuous curves indicate the regions of transmission for each of the filters; the blue filter (B) transmitting the region between 4,000 and 5,000 A units, the green filter (G) transmitting between 4,800 and 5,900A units, the yellow filter (Y) transmitting all visible wave lengths longer than 5,800 A, and the red filter (R) transmit- ting all wave lengths longer than 5,900 A. For the sake of convenience the observable response curves have been plotted upon the same dia- gram in dotted lines. The response in the red was found to be zero. The response to yellow light has been arbitrarily assigned the value “unity.” Using a logarithmic scale (inside the frame) the relative responses in green and blue have been indicated. In the right-hand 70 100000 SS = SS 501-1000 SS iss = vs 1oco 20 \ \ \ \ 10 MICE: NSN uaa “ie : DB Sen | pba ool 4000 5000 6000 7000 Wave length FicgurE 1.—Phototropism by filter method ES a Pncefle a! Phototropiec sensitivity. Transmission of filters. curve each point is plotted at the wave-length center of gravity of the region for each filter, in the case of yellow, only counting those wave lengths not included by the red filter. This curve plotted through these three points may be regarded as a first approximation. On the basis of this curve the centers of gravity were redetermined where each wave length was weighted according to responses as indicated by the first approximation curve. The middle curve was thus obtained by simply shifting the points to the weighed center of gravity wave lengths. Using this second approximation curve as the basis for again reweighting, the third or left-hand curve was obtained. Reweighting was, of course, im- possible for the blue region, as data are not available on the shorter wave-length side. These results are presented for the sake of comparison with the results obtained in the more elaborate experiment carried out with REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 127 the use of a monochromator for obtaining narrower spectral regions or purer colors. In this way more points could be secured in deter- mining the response curve, and the amount of correction required for shift of center of gravity minimized. The results of this second experiment are shown in Figure 2. Points determined showing the relative response as a function of wave length are indicated by solid dots plotted on an arithmetic scale (inside frame). These points have again been plotted as crosses on a logarithmic scale as indicated cutside the frame. The results of the earlier experiment are shown as circles. 100000 10000 1,000 /00 10 4000 5000 .. 6000 7000 Wave length FiGurRB 2.—Phototropism by monochromator method —xX— sensitivity on logarithmic scale (indicated outside of box) —O— sensitivity on linear scale (indicated inside of box) Agreement between the two experiments is quite striking consider- ing the rough nature of the earlier experiment. In the phototropic experiments the biological technique has been developed by Doctor Johnston and the intensity relations determined by Doctor McAlister. The demands upon physical technique were so extreme that special vacuum thermocouples had to be developed and the galvonometer deflection measured by means of a thermal relay. It is interesting to note in this connection that Blaauw had secured similar curves for phototropic response, measuring instead of relative 128 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 intensity, the time required for the first observable response. That these curves determined by time of initial response should be almost identical to those determined by quantitative intensity ratios strongly points to a possible time-intensity product as the effective factor in controlling the phototropic response. This is particularly interest- ing, as such a relation is found to hold to a first approximation in the case of photographic plates on the one hand and the erythema dosage for the human skin on the other, as well as in most simple systems. PHOTOSYNTHESIS Special all-vitreous growth chambers have been developed wherein the carbon dioxide assimilated by wheat plants can readily be de- termined. The accompanying illustration (pl. 1, fig. 1) indicates the type of chamber developed; the plants are inserted through holes in the cork stopper and held in place by cotton, the roots being immersed in a nutrient solution contained in the Erlenmeyer flask; the leaves extend upward in a special tubular compartment. This tubular compartment is double walled, permitting the circulation of water for the maintenance of temperature. Illumination is secured through these lateral walls. For experimentation with the blue and ultra-violet similar containers have been made of corex. Air is conditioned by a humidifier and introduced through an air- flow regulator into the base of the leaf chamber. It is expelled at the top and a portion passed through a conductivity cell. The variation in carbon-dioxide content is thus determined by changes caused in the conductivity of a potassium hydroxide solution. The record is made continuously by a Leeds and Northrup automatic bridge. In later experiments eight 300-watt lights mounted upon adjustable arms were substituted for those shown. Thus 2,400 watts could be placed at any distance from 20 centimeters to a meter, the illumina- tion being lateral and strictly symmetrical. A thermocouple with a cylindrical receiver is introduced through the top in order to deter- mine accurately the relative intensities for different adjustments. The accompanying diagram (fig. 3) shows a typical run carried out during a single day, showing the carbon dioxide assimilated for each different light intensity. To a first approximation the curve is apparently made up of two straight-line segments. While this appears to support the classical theory of Blackman concerning limiting factors, no such conclusion should be drawn until more rigid control can be maintained. The small changes in values which may result may be sufficient to obliter- ate the apparent linearity. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 129 This work differs from earlier work in that it is carried out with entire plants instead of individual leaves cut from plants as pre- viously used. The results presented must be regarded as simply preliminary, since certain difficulties are yet to be overcome. These experiments are preparatory for those contemplated wherein approxi- mately monochromatic light will be used. The development of equipment for this more elaborate experiment is nearing completion. In this work Doctor Johnston has carried out the physiological phases of the experiment and Mr. Hoover has perfected the carbon dioxide recording apparatus loaned to the division by the Fixed Nitrogen Research Laboratory and has carried out the observations with this instrument. w CO, ABSORPTION (2) 2 4a 6 8 10 12 14 16 INTERSITY Figurm 3.—Dependence of photosynthesis on light intensity ALGAE INVESTIGATIONS As a result of the cooperation of the Department of Agriculture Doctor Meier has been able to initiate a program of algae investi- gations which will be extended through the following year as a part of her work as National Research Council Fellow in the divi- sion. Preliminary experiments have been carried out in which the many special types of algae which she has collected have been sub- jected to different nutrient solutions, and to different temperature and illumination conditions, with a view to determining the condi- tions required for the experiments contemplated. She has found that certain varieties may be grown in a colorless condition in the dark and subsequently gain their normal coloration 130 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 upon exposure to light. These will be used for experiments in which coloration is determined as a function of wave length and intensity. Provision has been made for growing a large number of algae cultures under comparable conditions. For this purpose two tables have been constructed, each with four glass-bottomed reservoirs. Small Erlenmeyer flasks containing solution cultures of algae are immersed in these large water baths and illuminated by artificial light from below. 3 o JS cm. | 4.000 3000 2000 A Wave length Ficurw 5.—Intensity record of mercury arc spectrum using double monochromator and then through the other. It will be seen that not only is the background of energy observed between lines greatly reduced, but also the lines are much narrowed, or, in other words, the resolution is greatly increased. The intensities of the lines are only reduced by a factor of two where the resolution and freedom from scattering is increased by a larger factor. Figure 5 shows the spectrum plotted with the double monochromator arrangement but a still narrower slit. 134 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 As a result of these measurements of spectral distribution in the visible and ultra-violet, an invitation has been extended to the divi- sion to be represented on the committee on ultra-violet measurement standards of the Illuminating Engineers Society. Doctor McAlister represented the division in the first of these meetings during the summer, where plans were made for cooperation in the development of suitable standard sources and technique for intensity measurement. THERMOCOUPLE TECHNIQUE As a result of the development of the specially sensitive vacuum thermocouples by members of the division many requests have come in for the construction of couples for other institutions. This has been possible only in exceptional cases. Couples have been con- structed for the University of California, for the Department of Agriculture, and for the General Electric Co. As an adjunct of these highly sensitive couples a special thermo- couple multiplier has been developed which is capable of magnify- ing galvonometer deflections by any desired ratio up to 1,000 times. It has the special advantages of making this magnification linearly for any amplitude and of introducing no appreciable added instabil- ity into the measurements. This technique is applicable not only to the infra-red investigations but’ also to the phototropic experiment where the measurement of extremely small intensities is required. REPORT ON THE WORK OF INDIVIDUALS Dr. Earl S. Johnston, plant physiologist, became a full-time mem- ber of the staff in February, 1931. Doctor Johnston began his work with the division as a consultant while still a professor at the Univer- sity of Maryland. He has taken an active part in the plans and de- velopments along the lines of plant physiology almost from the beginning. His addition to the staff has made possible much more rapid progress in the biological phases of the work. He has ageres- sively pushed the phototropic experiments and the wheat experiment, and has assisted in the preliminary growth chamber experiment. His assistance in matters of publication has been very valuable. Dr. E. D. McAlister became a member of the staff in September, 1930, devoting half of his time to the work of the division and the other half to the work of the Research Corporation. During the latter part of the year all his time was assigned to the work of the division. Doctor McAlister’s long experience in thermocouple tech- nique and infra-red measurements makes him unusually well qualified for the work of the division. He has carried out the most exacting phases of thermocouple observations on intensity and wave-length REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 135 distribution in the phototropic experiment. He has materially con- tributed to the development of the preliminary growth chamber and controls. He has carried out an investigation on the distribution of the mercury are in the blue and ultra-violet. He has furthermore handled a large part of the technical developments of thermocouples. This is in addition to his work with the Research Corporation, for which he has carried out exhaustive investigations of the possibilities of the thermopile for use as a source of electromotive force in ap- plied fields. He has carried out preliminary developments of the nephylometer for general experimental use. Leland B. Clark, in addition to carrying on all the regular glass- blowing, has handled the vacuum technique development in connec- tion with the thermocouples. He has constructed a practical butylph- thalate pump of original design. His assistance in many phases of special laboratory technique is of great value to the division. William H. Hoover has carried out a large part of the equipment and operation of the preliminary growth chamber; he has adjusted and increased the sensitivity of the carbon dioxide detecting device loaned to the division by the Fixed Nitrogen Research Laboratory and he has installed and put in operation temperature-control equip- ment for the individual wheat experiment. He has designed and in- stalled a new thermostat which greatly increases the stability of the carbon dioxide recording mechanism. This is in addition to his work with the Astrophysical Observatory, for whom during the year he has spent a month in the development of photometric equipment and two months on a trip to Table Mountain, as well as some com- putational work on the annual report. Miss Stanley, in addition to the regular stenographic work, now a considerable load, has ably handled all our bookkeeping in con- nection with purchases. L. A. Fillmen, a mechanic of wide experience in apparatus and equipment construction, became a half-time member of the staff in August, 1980. His experience and ability have contributed largely in the development of equipment for the laboratory. Through the courtesy of the Fixed Nitrogen Research Laboratory, Mr. Fillmen worked for several months in their shop while our shop was being equipped. VYERSONNEL During the fiscal year the personnel was as follows: Chief —Dr. Frederick S. Brackett. Research associate-—Dr. Earl S. Johnston. Associate research assistant —Dr. E. D. McAlister. Research assistant assigned by the Astrophysical Observatory.— W. H. Hoover. 136 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Research assistant.—L. B. Clark. Stenographer.—Virginia P. Stanley. Mechanic.—L. A. Fillmen. EXTENSION OF HOUSING The large room No. 14 of the basement was added to the laboratory in order to provide for the intensity measurements in the visible and ultra-violet and development of the algae and wheat experiments. Partitions have been built in order to provide sufficient dark-room space. A room has also been constructed in order to make possible the accommodation of a glass-blowing course, which Mr. Clark has undertaken for the Department of Agriculture. Room No. 12 has been equipped as a thoroughly up-to-date machine shop by the Research Corporation, with whom the division shares Mr. Fillmen’s time. Room No. 13 has been equipped for the shopwork of the members of the division. COOPERATION The division has been especially fortunate in the cordial coopera- tion of other institutions. This includes near infra-red work with the Fixed Nitrogen Research Laboratory, experiments in higher plants with the Bureau of Plant Industry, sharing of equipment and personnel with the Research Corporation, personal assistance from the Astrophysical Observatory, assistance in the form of apparatus and equipment from the Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. and the General Electric Co. GENERAL In undertaking experimental work along those biological lines wherein radiation plays an important part it is inevitable that men are required with special training and experience not only in biology but also in the fields of physics and chemistry. To bring about the cooperation in these border-line problems of men with specialized training in each of these fields has been the essential dominating idea in the development of the division. The lack of men with specialized chemical training in the organic and photochemical fields is more and more keenly felt. Furthermore although the division is well provided with people of highly specialized training in the field of plant physiology and physics it is handicapped by the lack of sufficient laboratory assistance in order to carry out their ideas and make their time effective. Without increasing its program or widen- ing the scope of its activities the division urgently needs sufficient funds to round out its personnel in this way. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 137 SUMMARY The end of the second year finds the research work of the division well under way with preliminary results on phototropism, and on carbon dioxide assimilation of wheat; algae experiments on light adaptation have been initiated; promising experimental work has been begun in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture; and spectroscopic measurements have been completed in both the ultra- violet and infra-red. The laboratory space has been extended and equipped for the expansion of the work. Shop facilities have been added to care for the apparatus development. Essential additions have been made to the division personnel in both the physiological and physical sides of the project. Respectfully submitted. F. S. Bracxerr, Chief. Dr. C. G. Anzor, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. APPENDIX 9 REPORT ON THE INTERNATIONAL CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE Sir: I have the honor to submit the following report on the opera- tions of the United States Regional Bureau of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1931. The routine work of the bureau, consisting mainly of compiling necessary records of current American scientific publications to be indexed for the catalogue when publication is resumed, has been continued. In compliance with the resolution passed at the last international convention held in Brussels in July, 1922, this bureau has been kept in existence. This resolution, unanimously adopted, was “ That the convention is of opinion that the international organization should be kept in being through mutual agreement to continue as far as possible the work of the regional bureaus until such time as it may be economically possible to resume publication.” Complying with the intent of the resolution, this bureau has been continued, though with a force of only two employees, in order to keep the enterprise alive with the lowest possible expenditure of money. Each year part of the regular annual congressional appropriation has reverted to the Treasury; this year, out of the appropriation of $8,145, only $5,624 was spent, and thus $2,521 will revert. This bureau is making every effort through the chairman of the executive committee, in whom authority to reorganize is vested, to influence the other bureaus to take the steps necessary to resume publication, but on account of depressed financial conditions still ex- isting and the disorganized political situation in some countries no definite plan has yet been advanced. This is a situation to be de- plored, for nothing has ever taken the place of the catalogue, and its need in the world of science becomes ever more obvious. Aside from the necessary cooperation by the regional bureaus in furnishing clas- sified references for the Catalogue, a capital fund estimated at $75,- 000 is needed to refinance the central bureau, the editing and pub- lishing center of the enterprise, and it seems provable that when a definite plan is presented some of the great endowed foundations interested in this and similar fields will provide this comparatively small sum. 138 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 139 Dr. Ernest Cushing Richardson, one of the great international authorities on bibliography, stated in a paper on the International Catalogue published in Science, June 20, 1930: * * * The research endowments are bombarded with bibliographical projects of varying method and degrees of merit. They aid or support a good many projects. They are deeply concerned as trust organizations to put their money where it will do the most good. Other things being equal, they prefer to put it where one dollar will do the work of four. * * * It is here they can give the most bibliographical service with the least money. The proposi- tion touches the libraries in a very similar way. If and when the matter is revived it will depend for financing, if not on the endowments, than on library subscriptions. If this machine is scrapped, when a new one is started either a $3,000,000 endowment must be had from promoters of research or a quad- ruple price charged to libraries. Respectfully submitted. Lronarp C. GUNNELL, Assistant in Charge. Dr. CHartes G. ABBOT, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. APPENDIX 10 REPORT ON THE LIBRARY Sir: I have the honor to submit the following report on the activ- ities of the Smithsonian library for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1931: THE LIBRARY The library, or library system, of the Smithsonian Institution is made up of 46 separate libraries, each related in some special way to the work of the Institution and of the seven Government bureaus under its administrative charge. The chief of these is the Smith- sonian deposit in the Library of Congress. The others are the library of the United States National Museum, the Smithsonian office library, the Langley aeronautical hbrary, and the libraries of the Astrophysical Observatory, the Bureau of American Ethnology, the Division of Radiation and Organisms, the Freer Gallery of Art, the National Gallery of Art, and the National Zoological Park, to- gether with the 36 sectional libraries in the National Museum. These collections, which number in all about 800,000 volumes, pamphlets, and charts, not to mention the thousands still uncatalogued, while they contain many publications on art, history, literature, philos- ophy, music, and education, pertain largely to science and tech- nology. This important group of libraries has made available to Smithsonian employees and to American research workers in gen- eral, especially those connected with the various departments of the Government, most of the leading scientific publications of the world during one of its outstanding eras. Thus it has had a note- worthy part in carrying out since 1846—the year in which the Smith- sonian began its activities—the will of James Smithson, the founder of the Institution. CHANGES IN STAFF During the last year there were several changes in the library staff. Miss Marian W. Seville was made head of the order depart- ment and promoted from the rank of library assistant to that of senior library assistant. Mrs. M. Landon Reed, who had served in the exchange department for some time on temporary appointment, was given a permanent position as clerk. Miss Margaret Moreland 140 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 141 was advanced from the grade of under library assistant to that of senior stenographer, to fill a new position established in the libra- rian’s office at the beginning of the year. Miss Anna M. Link was promoted from the rank of minor library assjstant to the place formerly occupied by Miss Moreland. Miss Virginia C. Whitney, a graduate in library science of George Washington University, was appointed minor library assistant to succeed Miss Link. The tempo- rary employees were Mr. Alan Blanchard, Mrs. Daisy Cadle, Mrs. Lewis Deschler, Miss Katherine Everhart, Mrs. Grace A. Parler, Miss Jennette Seiler, Miss Eleanor Spielman, and Mr. Clyde Wil- hams. EXCHANGE OF PUBLICATIONS The collections in the library system have been built up partly by the early provisions of the copyright law, partly by purchase and gift, but to a very large extent by exchange, for from the first the Institution and its branches have exchanged their publications for those of other learned institutions and societies and for scientific and technical journals and monographs. These have come to the Smith- sonian library by mail or through the International Exchange Serv- ice, which is administered by the Institution. In the course of the fiscal year just closed there came to the library by mail 24,594 packages and by the Exchange 1,688, each containing one or more publications. These were stamped, entered, and for- warded to the appropriate libraries of the system. Among the notable sendings, of which there were many, was one of 331 volumes and parts of Neerlandia from the Allgemeen Nederlandsch Verbond, at The Hague. This was assigned to the Smithsonian deposit. The publications received included 4,565 dissertations from the uni- versities of Basel, Berlin, Bern, Bonn, Breslau, Cornell, Erlangen, Gand, Giessen, Greifswald, Halle, Heidelberg, Helsingfors, Jena, Johns Hopkins, Kiel, Konigsberg, Leiden, Leipzig, Lund, Marburg, Neuchatel, Pennsylvania, Rostock, Strasbourg, Tiibingen, Utrecht, Warsaw, and Ziirich, the Academy of Freiberg, and technical schools at Aachen, Berlin, Braunschweig, Dresden, Karlsruhe, and Ziirich. Of the 1,808 letters written by the library staff during the year— an increase of 97 over 1930—nearly all had to do with the exchange of publications. At the close of the year this correspondence was up to date. The number of publications obtained in exchange in re- sponse to special requests from the various libraries of the Institution was much larger than usual, or 3,590. Exchange relations for several hundred new publications were entered into, particularly on behalf of the Smithsonian deposit, the Langley aeronautical library, and the libraries of the National Museum and Astrophysical Observatory. 142 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 GIFTS During the year the library received many gifts. Chief among these was one of several thousand volumes and pamphlets, together with a collection of important letters and photographs, from the library of the late Dr. George P. Merrill, head curator of geology. These were presented by Mrs. Merrill and the other heirs of the estate and are to be kept in the office formerly occupied by Doctor Merrill, both as a permanent memorial to him and as an outstanding addition to the library in the division of geology. Other valuable collections received were as follows: 600 publications of a general scientific nature from Mrs. Dora W. Boettcher, given in memory of her husband, F. L. J. Boettcher, who was once connected with the Smithsonian Institution; 886 volumes and pamphlets from the heirs of the estate of the late Dr. O. P. Hay, of the Carnegie Institution, who for some years before his death used the library in the National Museum almost daily and gave it many valuable publications; 34 volumes, especially on atomic weights, together with a package of letters from the first four Secretaries of the Smithsonian, from the late Dr. Frank Wigglesworth Clarke; 30 publications by or about Prof. Henry Carvill Lewis, from his sister, Mrs. Edward S. Sayres; and 50 or more early numbers of periodicals on art, from Mrs. Marietta Comly. Among other gifts were 8 volumes on the history of Japan, from the Historiographical Institute, Tokyo; 4 volumes, namely, A Handbook of Mohammedan Decorative Arts, by M. S. Dimand, and Catalogue of European Dag- gers, Catalogue of European Court Swords and Hunting Swords, and Handbook of Arms and Armor, European and Oriental, by Bashford Dean, from the Metropolitan Museum of Art; and The Permian of Mongolia, by Amadeus W. Grabau, from the American Museum of Natural History. About 600 publications came from the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 267 from the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, 255 from the Geo- physical Laboratory, 55 from the American Association of Museums, and many from the Library of Congress. Preeminent among the books presented to the library was a copy of Nippon, by Phillip Franz von Siebold, as reissued recently in five volumes by the Japaninstitut of Berlin. The narrative of the author’s experiences in Japan during the years 1823 to 1830 is illus- trated with pictures of the Japanese people and life during that period. ‘This handsome and costly work, highly significant for its worth both as art and as history, was given to the Smithsonian by G. A. Pfeiffer, of New York, and was deposited in the library of the Freer Gallery of Art. Other unusual gifts included Machu Picchu, a Citadel of the Incas, by Senator Hiram Bingham, from REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 143 the National Geographic Society ; Lo-Lang, a Report on the Excava- tion of Wang-Hsii’s Tomb in the Lo-Lang Province, an Ancient Chinese Colony in Korea, by Yoshito Harada, with the Collabora- tion of Kingo Tazawa, from the Tokyo Imperial University; The Ellsworth Family, Volume I1—Lincoln Elsworth, by Howard El- dred Kershner, from the National Americana Society; Impressions of Japanese Architecture, by Ralph Adams Cram, from the Japan Society of New York; Volumes IV and V of her well-known work, North American Wild Flowers, from Mrs. Charles D. Walcott; Volumes VII and VIII of the Smithsonian Scientific Series—Man from the Farthest Past, by Carl Whiting Bishop, and Cold-Blooded Vertebrates (Pt. I, Fishes; Pts. Il and III, Amphibians and Reptiles), by Samuel F. Hildebrand, Dr. Charles W. Gilmore, and Doris M. Cochran—from the Smithsonian Institution; Clouds, by Alexander McAdie, from the Blue Hill Observatory; The Travels of Captain Robert Coverte, edited and presented by Boies Penrose; Wild Flowers of the Alleghanies, by Joseph E. Harned, from the author; William Henry Welch at Eighty, edited by Victor O. Free- burg, from the Milbank Memorial Fund; The Indians of Pecos Pueblo, by Earnest A. Hooton, from Phillips Academy; Handbook of Aeronautics, by the Royal Aeronautical Society of London, from the publishers, Gale & Polden (Ltd.); African Republic of Liberia and the Belgian Congo (Harvard African Expedition, 1926— 27), in two volumes, edited by Richard P. Strong, from Harvey W. Firestone; Natural History of Birds, ia two volumes, by George Edwards, from James Norris Woodward; and Tratado Elemental de Botanica, with typed index, by Carlos Cuervo Margues, from W. A. Archer. Gifts were also received from many members and associates of the Smithsonian staff, including Secretary Abbot, Assistant Secretary Wetmore, Dr. William H. Holmes, director of the National Gallery of Art, Dr. J. M. Aldrich, H. G. Barber, Dr. Marcus Benjamin, FE. J. Brown, Dr. E. A. Chapin, A. H. Clark, Dr. Herbert Friedmann, Dr. O. P. Hay, Dr. Walter Hough, A. B. Howell, Dr. Ale’ Hrdlicka, Neil M. Judd, Dr. Remington Kellogg, Dr. W. R. Maxon, G. S. Miller, jr., A. J. Olmsted, J. C. Proctor, Miss Mary J. Rathbun, W. deC. Ravenel, Dr. C. W. Richmond, J. H. Riley, J. Townsend Russell, jr., Dr. Waldo Schmitt, Miss Marian Seville, and EK. H. Walker. SMITHSONIAN DEPOSIT The Smithsonian deposit in the Library of Congress is, as has been said, the chief unit in the library system, numbering at present more than 500,000 volumes, pamphlets, and charts. It is peculiarly rich in scientific monographs, the reports, proceedings, and trans- 144 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 actions of learned institutions and societies, and scientific and technical journals. To the scholar, therefore, particularly in the fields of natural history, physical science, and technology, the deposit offers a wealth of material. During the last fiscal year the Institution sent to the deposit 20,879 publications—an increase of 1,785 over the year before—or 2,626 volumes, 12,775 parts of volumes, 4,393 pamphlets, and 1,085 charts. Of these, 4,565 were dissertations. Of the charts, 883 were maps and atlases which the Smithsonian, in the course of the reor- ganization of its library system, had selected as worthy of preserva- tion in its main library. Some of these were important manu- script maps; many of the others were also new to the division of maps in the Library of Congress. The number of publications obtained by the Smithsonian library in exchange to meet special needs in the deposit was 2,364, or 159 more even than in 1930, when the records showed more than a two and a half fold increase over 1929 and almost a fivefold increase over 1928. This steady growth in the exchange service of the library on behalf of the deposit is worthy of note. In addition to the publications sent to the deposit, several thousand documents of foreign governments, which were received by the Smithsonian library, were forwarded, without being stamped and entered, to the division of documents in the Library of Congress. It might be added that toward the close of the year the Smith- sonian library, with the aid of the National Museum, especially the section of photography, took steps, at the happy suggestion of the chief of the Smithsonian division in the Library of Congress, to have portraits made of the founder and five Secretaries of the Smithsonian Institution to be hung in that division with those of other prominent scientists already there. When they are finished, they will be presented for this purpose. NATIONAL MUSEUM LIBRARY In the library system of the Smithsonian Institution the library of the United States National Museum ranks next in size and in- fluence to the Smithsonian deposit. Its 2 major and 36 minor col- lections are largely on natural history and technology. The cata- logued items of the library total 79,407 volumes and 109,129 pam- phlets. During the fiscal year 1931 the accessions to it were 2,528 volumes and 832 pamphlets, an increase of 375 over 19380. Many of these came by gift, more by purchase, but most by exchange. The year was one of much progress, in which the staff went far toward making the library a more complete and available instrument in the research work of the museum. This was the result partly of the appointment to the Museum and other permanent library rolls REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 145 of the Smithsonian of several new trained assistants and partly of the increase in funds for the acquisition of material needed by the scientists which could not be obtained by exchange. ‘The staff entered 8,799 periodicals, substituting for the old system of entry a new sys- tem that is being employed extensively by libraries using Library of Congress cards. They catalogued 1,639 volumes, 785 pamphlets, and 17 charts, or 427 more than the previous year. They also, as in former years, did the cataloguing and entering for the library of the National Gallery of Art, the total number of publications thus treated being 311 and 533 respectively—twice the number of 1930. They contributed 11,193 cards to the Museum catalogue and revised 672 catalogue headings. They also added 8,036 cards to the shelf lists, and prepared almost as many duplicate cards for the union shelf list in the Smithsonian Building. They sent to the sectional libraries 6,522 volumes and parts and to the members of the scientific staff for their personal use 1,419 reprints, many of which had come to hight in the process of sorting the few remaining collections of miscel- laneous material inthe library. They filed the Wistar Institute cards as they came in, and brought up to date the filing of the large accu- mulation of Concilium Bibliographicum cards of the author set, 17,000 cards being added to this file. The current cards of the sys- tematic set were forwarded to the sections that have files on their special subjects. The number of volumes bound was 1,402, or 131 more than in 1930. In this connection it may be added that more volumes than usual were completed by special exchange letters, the number of publications received in response to them being 1,090, an increase of 402 over the year before. The number of publications loaned to the staff of the Smithsonian and its branches totaled 7,221, more than one-third of which were charged in the reading room of the Arts and Industries Building. Of these the library borrowed 2,049 from the Library of Congress and 271 elsewhere. Loans of 142 publications were made to libraries not in the Smithsonian system. The number of volumes returned to the Library of Congress was 2,519 and to other hbraries 407—in each instance many more than usual. The main shelf list—that of the collection in the Natural History Building—was completed early in the year, and the work of taking an inventory was begun. This had to be discontinued, however, in the fall, owing to lack of help. Finally, attention should be called to the fact that even with the 400 feet of new shelving that the Museum installed for the collection in 1930 the natural history library is still in a very crowded condi- tion. Sufficient space and equipment both to relieve its present con- gestion and to permit of growth for a period of years should be provided as soon as possible. 146 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 During the year the Museum library staff was able to assist only a few of the sectional libraries with their special problems, including those in the divisions of plants, mammals, and geology. These libraries number 36, and are as follows: Administration. Marine invertebrates. Administrative assistant’s office. Mechanical technology. American archeology. Medicine. Anthropology. Minerals. Biology. Mineral technology. Birds. Mollusks. Botany. Old World archeology. Echinoderms, Organic chemistry. Editor’s office. Paleobotany. Ethnology. Photography. Fishes. Physical anthropology. Foods. Property clerk’s office. Geology. Reptiles and batrachians. Graphic arts. Superintendent’s office. History. Taxidermy. Insects. Textiles. Invertebrate paleontology. Vertebrate paleontology. Mammals. Wood technology. OFFICE LIBRARY The office library consists of works of general reference, sets of the publications of the Smithsonian and its branches, and of various foreign societies and institutions, as well as numerous publications of a less learned and more cultural and even recreational character for use during the leisure hours of the Smithsonian employees. The additions to the library in the course of the last 12 months were 686 volumes and 82 pamphlets. The number of periodicals entered was 229. BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY LIBRARY The library of the Bureau of American Ethnology contains 26,671 volumes and 16,717 pamphlets, chiefly on the archeology, history. myths, religion, arts, sociology, language, and general culture of the early peoples of the Western Hemisphere, especially of the North American Indian. The collection was increased during the past year by 600 volumes and 190 pamphlets. The number of periodicals entered was 3,500, and of cards added to the catalogue 3,500. The number of volumes bound was 473. The loans were 875. ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY LIBRARY The library of the Astrophysical Observatory is closely related in content to the researches in astrophysics and meteorology that are REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 147 being conducted by the Institution. It has 4,188 volumes and 3,192 pamphlets. The additions during the year were 180 volumes and 92 pamphlets. The number of volumes bound was 127. RADIATION AND ORGANISMS LIBRARY The library of radiation and organisms is a small, highly special- ized collection pertaining to one of the newer interests of the Institution, for the furthering of which it recently organized a division. During 1930 publications bearing mainly on this interest to the number of 20 volumes, 1 pamphlet, and several periodicals were added, bringing the collection to 94 volumes, 9 pamphlets, and 6 charts. Space and equipment, adequate for some years to come, were provided for the library in the north tower of the Smithsonian Building. LANGLEY AERONAUTICAL LIBRARY The Smithsonian’s well-known collection of aeronautical publica- tions is now deposited in the Library of Congress, where, under its own stamp and bookplate, it occupies a unique place in the division of aeronautics and is even more available as an aid in research than it was before 1930, when it was transferred from the Institution. It will continue to bear the name of the Langley Aeronautical Library, in memory of Samuel Pierpont Langley, who while Secretary of the Smithsonian made a notable contribution to the science of aero- nautics. Most of the collection once belonged to Doctor Langley, and to other experimenters associated with him, including Alexander Graham Bell, Octave Chanute, and James Means. The rest of it has been received from time to time by the Institution chiefly in exchange for its publications. The library contains 1,856 volumes and 1,056 pamphlets. Among its items are sets, including most of the early numbers, of the aeronautical magazines, both American and foreign, and many other important publications, some of which are very rare, together with files of photographs, letters, and newspaper clippings. During the fiscal year just closed the Smithsonian brary was in- strumental in increasing the Langley collection by 45 per cent more than in 1930, or by 122 volumes, 445 parts of volumes, and 133 pamphlets. Most of these were obtained by exchange. In this con- nection it may be added that the library, cooperating with the divi- sion of aeronautics in the Library of Congress, entered into exchange relations, on behalf of the Langley collection, with 50 or more new aeronautical societies and institutions, and received in response to its special requests many publications. It is hoped that this service on the part of the Smithsonian library can be considerably enlarged in the near future. 102992—32——_11 148 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART LIBRARY The library of the National Gallery of Art contains many valuable works on art, both American and foreign, including sets of the lead- ing magazines. The collection numbers 1,248 volumes and 1,332 pamphlets. During the last year its accessions were 145 volumes, 166 pamphlets, and 533 periodicals. Most of these came by purchase and exchange. Numerous gifts were received, however, especially from Dr. William H. Holmes, director of the gallery, and James Townsend Russell, jr., honorary collaborator in Old World archeology in the National Museum. The number of volumes bound was 51. FREER GALLERY OF ART LIBRARY The library of the Freer Gallery of Art is a prominent member of the Smithsonian library system. As the collection has to do largely with the arts and cultures of the Far East, India, Persia, and the nearer east, it is not only a unique and valuable aid to those imme- diately connected with the gallery, as well as to visitors who come there for research, but in many of its items—notably those in Chinese and Japanese, not a few of which are extremely rare—it supple- ments to an unusual degree the collection in the oriental division of the Library of Congress. In the library, too, are works on the lives and art of various American painters, especially James McNeill Whistler, a large number of whose pictures are owned by the gallery. It also has numerous publications on the Washington manuscripts, the well-known fourth and fifth century manuscripts of the Bible, which are among the treasures of the gallery. The main library, which is kept permanently in the gallery, con- sists of 4,423 volumes and 3,148 pamphlets. Its accessions during the year just closed were 61 volumes and 150 pamphlets. The number of volumes bound was 20. In addition to its main library, the gallery has a special collection, numbering 814 volumes and 500 pamphlets, chiefly of archeological interest, which is for the use of its staff in the field. Among the significant publications deposited in the library during the year by the Smithsonian Institution were a copy of Nip- pon, by Phillip Franz von Siebold, and of Lo-Lang, by Yoshito Harada and Kingo Tazawa—two of the gifts described in more detail earlier in this report. The work of reclassifying and recata- loguing the collections, which was begun the year before, was carried almost to completion, 6,083 cards being added to the dictionary cata- logue of the library and a like number being prepared for filing in the union catalogue in the Smithsonian Building. This notable prog- ress was made possible by the further generous cooperation of the gallery with the Smithsonian library. Of the 485 visitors, 216 came REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 149 to study, 16 to make sketches from plates, and 203 to see the reproduc- tions of the Washington manuscripts. NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK LIBRARY Among the 1,217 volumes and 407 pamphlets in the library of the National Zoological Park are many of great value to those interested in the care and habits of animals. Its additions for the year were four volumes and four pamphlets. SUMMARY OF ACCESSIONS The accessions for the year may be summarized as follows: Pamph- Library Volumes | letsand | Total charts A'stropuysicali@ bservatOly- ssn eee een ee eee noe eee ee eee eee see 180 92 272 Buresulof American Hthnology =. fess = Ee ts es ta a as 600 190 790 reer Gallery OfArt 26222252. 222os22 5-22 b sss sank ssl sds ep oe Asses 61 150 211 Wangley. A ecronanticnl Letitia. Ses hs S3F 2 eee ee Sate 122 133 255 Nationals GalleryofeArtsnns at os sane een ae eee ee cone eee le 145 166 311 National: Zoological}Parkii2 tsi 2th. ey. oe i RR eee 4 4 8 Radiation’and Organisms: tts e eee ee eee wae e cee ccece 20 1 21 Smithsonian deposit) ibrary,of Congress: - 22 Sessa ieee Ve ee 2, 626 5, 478 8, 104 Smithsonian Ofice ss. ee Te ee en 686 32 718 nited) States ¢National Museum. 2eesee osetia 2, 528 832 3, 360 Totals. - 8 2800. 2S 2 eee, Soa ee ee 6, 972 7, 078 14, 050 It is estimated that on June 30, 1931, the number of volumes, pamphlets, and charts in the Smithsonian hbrary system was as follows: SV OSU ULN YY CSS a re a cae as ere re Neen aol esl Mee 578, 057 JET 00 Gp 0 Ke) pes A SE a ean LG eed DT Aer MENLO EE 192, 477 CLR ES IES BENE See ET EUS, RR REY ERE ES Core PVT ELE Ow 26, 346 ACG SR CPE OU ae tel RD TRAN Ne AS UR IR 796, 880 In addition to this total, there were, of course, many thousands of volumes still uncatalogued or awaiting completion. UNION CATALOGUE Besides keeping up the current cataloguing work, the staff com- pleted the shelf list of the National Museum library and prepared a copy of part of it for filing with the union shelf list in the Smithsonian Building; catalogued and arranged the publications of the Carnegie Institution of Washington; finished cataloguing the John Donnell Smith collection, including a large set of miscellaneous publications, for which they prepared about 1,100 analytical and subject entries; began the recataloguing of the general botanical collection in the National Museum; and, finally, made notable prog- 150 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 ress in the work, begun the year before, of reclassifying and recataloguing the library of the Freer Gallery of Art. The work on the union catalogue and shelf list may be summed up by the following statistics: Volumesicatalogued soc 22 eee ee ee ee 5, 127 Volumes recatalosued: 222 ee ae ene 37 FES SEA TET CUS CELE OEM eee 2, 754 Pamphlets recatalo sue eee ee ee 3 Gharts; catalocued 2-2 oo eee ee eee eee 219 itymeducards ad Ged muOnGaca Sule mes ee ee eee 7, 896 Library of Congress cards added to catalogue__—_---_________________ 14, 949 Museum cards copied’ for union shelf list2=2 =) eee 13, 219 Freer cards prepared for union catalogue and shelf list, to be added Iaterse oS eS ee 2 ee eee ee eee eae %, ooW SPECIAL ACTIVITIES A number of special tasks were undertaken by the staff during the year. These were chiefly connected with the reorganization of the library system that has been going on for some time. Further progress was made in sorting the miscellaneous material in the west stacks of the Smithsonian Building, and hundreds of publications were found that were lacking in the libraries of the Institution. The art-room collection was checked and a list pre- pared for the National Gallery of Art. The regents’ and archives’ sets of Smithsonian publications were also checked and, so far as possible, the missing numbers supplied. The natural history col- lection in the National Museum was shifted and rearranged, to make it less crowded and more accessible, and a similar treatment of the technology collection was begun. Many publications—in some cases, whole files—not needed by the Institution or its branches, were transferred to other Government libraries. These included 1,935 publications of the United States Geological Survey, 904 of the Canadian Geological Survey, and 100 of a miscellaneous character. They likewise included the rolls of 883 maps and atlases that had been stored for many years in the old Museum. Four hundred and fifty of the duplicates among the publications of the Carnegie Institution of Washington were sent back to that institution. In return the Carnegie give the Smithsonian many of the volumes that were lacking in its sets. The duplicate publica- tions of the University of California received similar treatment, 476 items being returned to the university and a large number sent to the Institution toward completing its files. The librarian gave several lectures, on Shakespeare, Virgil, the Nature of Poetry, and the Smithsonian Institution, before various REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 151 groups in Washington, including the Cosmos Club, the Shakespeare Society, the Classical Club, and American University. CONCLUSION Despite the fact that the year was one of the most successful since the beginning of the reorganization of the library system in 1924, much more could have been accomplished both for the libra- ries in the system and for the scientists and other employees of the Smithsonian if sufficient funds had been at hand for the purchase of all the books and periodicals not obtainable by exchange that were needed in the current work of the Institution; if the binding allotment had been large enough to permit the binding of all the volumes prepared during the year—as it was, 600 had to be held for months as they could not be sent to the bindery until after June 30; and, most of all, if it had been possible to employ more permanent trained assistants. Among the additional personnel needed on the library staff are several cataloguers and general library assistants, a typist, and a messenger. Respectfully submitted. Wiiu1am L. Corsin, Librarian. Dr. Cuartes G. AxBsor, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. AP PHN DE Tt REPORT ON PUBLICATIONS Sir: I have the honor to submit the following report on the publications of the Smithsonian Institution and the Government bureaus under its administrative charge during the year ending June 30, 1931: A consolidation of all the editorial work of the Institution and its branches, put in effect by the secretary on March 1, 1931, brought all of the 18 series of publications issued by the Smithsonian under the general direction of the editor. This step was taken in the interests of greater unity of editorial policy, more efficiency, and less duplication in the keeping of the many records, financial and otherwise, necessary in an editorial office, and, most important of all, greater accuracy and more prompt appearance of Smithsonian publications. On January 31, 1931, Dr. Marcus Benjamin, editor of the National Museum, retired after a service of 35 years. He was succeeded by Paul H. Oehser, formerly on the editorial staff of the Bureau of Biological Survey. Mr. Oehser and Mr. Stanley Searles, editor of the Bureau of American Ethnology, will continue in charge of the editorial work of their respective bureaus, but by centralizing the general direction of the work in the office of the editor of the Smith- sonian Institution, the advantage is gained of establishing a definite point of contact between heads of bureaus, authors, and the Govern- ment Printing Office. Furthermore, the same general style can now be adopted for all the series published under the Institution, so that authors, many of whom publish in several of the series, will know beforehand what style is expected. To aid toward this end, it is proposed to issue a condensed style sheet based on the Style Manual of the Government Printing Office, covering those matters that occur constantly in every manuscript and concerning which authors and typists are often in doubt. PUBLICATIONS ISSUED DURING THE YEAR The Institution proper published during the year 16 papers in the series of Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 1 annual report and pamphlet copies of the 24 articles contained in the report appendix, and 3 special publications. The United States National Museum 152 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 153 issued 1 annual report, 1 volume of proceedings, 8 complete bulletins, 1 part of a bulletin, 1 complete volume, 1 part and 1 index in the series Contributions from the National Herbarium, and 40 separates from the proceedings. The Bureau of American Ethnology pub- lished two annual reports and three bulletins. Of these publications there were distributed 205,711 copies, which included 29 volumes and separates of the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, 27,425 volumes and separates of the Smithsonian Mis- cellaneous Collections, 25,984 volumes and separates of the Smith- sonian annual reports, 4,627 Smithsonian special publications, 37,967 copies of the Brief Guide to the Smithsonian Institution, 86,680 volumes and separates of the various series of the National Museum publications, 29,475 publications of the Bureau of American Eth-. nology, 118 publications of the National Gallery of Art, 1,855 publi- cations of the Freer Gallery of Art, 10 volumes of the Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory, 65 reports of the Harriman Alaska Expedition, and 1,036 reports of the American Historical Association. SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS Of the Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, volume 73, 1 paper was issued; volume 82, 10 papers; volume 83, 1 paper and index and table of contents, comprising the whole volume; volume 84, 1 paper and index and table of contents, comprising the whole volume; and volume 85, 3 papers; making 16 papers in all, as follows: VOLUME 73 No. 7. Opinions Rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature: Opinions 115 to 128. 86 pp. (Publ. 3072.) VOLUME 82 No. 8. Four New Raccoons from the Keys of Southern Florida. By H. W. Nelson. July 10, 1980. 12 pp., 5 pls. (Publ. 3066.) No. 9. The Further and Final Researches of Joseph Jackson Lister upon the Reproductive Processes of Polystomella Crispa (Linné). By Edward Heron- Allen, F. R. S. November 26, 1930. 11 pp., 7 pls. (Publ. 3067.) No. 10. Morphology of the Bark Beetles of the Genus Gnathotrichus Hichh. By Karl BE. Sched]. January 24, 1931. 88 pp., 40 text figs. (Publ. 3068.) No. 12. The Five Monacan Towns in Virginia, 1607. By David I. Bushnell, jr. November 18, 1930. 38 pp., 14 pls. (Publ. 3070.) No. 13. A Note on the Skeletons of Two Alaskan Porpoises. By Gerrit S. Miller, jr. December 23, 1930. 2 pp.,1 pl. (Publ. 3107.) No. 14. The Supposed Occurrence of an Asiatic Goat-Antelope in the Pleistocene of Colorado. By Gerrit S. Miller, jr. December 22, 1930. 2 pp., 2 pls. (Publ. 3108.) No. 15. Three Small Collections of Mammals from Hispaniola. By Gerrit S. Miller, jr. December 24, 1930. 10 pp., 2 pls. (Publ. 3109.) No. 16. The Ductless Glands of Alligator mississippiensis. By A. M. Reese. March 9, 1981. 14 pp., 3 pls. (Publ. 3110.) 154 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 No. 17. The Types of Lamarck’s Genera of Shells as Selected by J. G. Children in 1823. By A. S. Kennard, A. L. S., A. E. Salisbury, and B. B. Woodward, KG. Ss. July 1) 193i) 40%pp.) Ceubl sit.) No. 18. Tropisms and Sense Organs of Coleoptera. By N. HE. McIndoo. April 18, 1931. 70 pp., 2 pls., 19 text figs. (Publ. 3113.) VOLUME 83 (Whole volume.) The Skeletal Remains of Early Man. By AleS Hrdlitka. July 24, 19380. 379 pp., 93 pls., 39 text figs. (Publ. 3033.) Title-page and table of contents. 8 pp. (Publ. 3075.) VOLUME 84 (Whole volume.) A History of Applied Entomology (Somewhat Anecdotal). By L. O. Howard. November 29, 1930. 564 pp., 51 pls. (Publ. 3065.) - Title-page and table of contents. 8 pp. (Publ. 3118.) VOLUME 85 No. 1. Weather Dominated by Solar Changes. By C. G. Abbot. February 5, 1931. 18 pp., 4 text figs. (Publ. 3114.) No. 2. The Avifauna of the Pleistocene in Florida. By Alexander Wetmore. April 13, 1931. 41 pp., 16 figs., 6 pls. (Publ. 3115.) No. 8. Addenda to Descriptions of Burgess Shale Fossils. By Charles D. Walcott. 46 pp., 23 pls., 11 text figs. (Publ. 3117.) SMITHSONIAN ANNUAL REPORTS Report for 1929.—The complete volume of the Annual Report of the Board of Regents for 1929 was received from the Public Printer in November, 1930. Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the Institution for the year ending June 30, 1929. xiii+622 pp., 91 pls., 56 text figs. (Publ. 3034.) The appendix contained the following papers: The Physics of the Universe, by Sir James Jeans. Counting the Stars and Some Conclusions, by Frederick H. Seares. The Lingering Dryad, by Paul R. Heyl. What is Light? by Arthur H. Compton. Artificial Cold, by Gordon B. Wilkes. Photosynthesis, by BE. C. C. Baly. Newly Discovered Chemical Elements, by N. M. Bligh. Synthetic Perfumes, by H. Stanley Redgrove. X-Raying the Earth, by Reginald A. Daly. Extinction and Extermination, by I. P. Tolmachoff. The Gulf Stream and its Problems, by H. A. Marmer. The Mystery of Life, by F. G. Donnan. The Transition from Live to Dead; the Nature of Filtrable Viruses, by A. B. Boycott. Heritable Variations, their Production by X rays, and their Relation to Evolution, by H. J. Muller. Social Parasitism in Birds, by Herbert Friedmann. How Insects Fly, by R. E. Snodgrass. Climate and Migrations, by J. C. Curry. — REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 155 Ur of the Chaldees: More Royal Tombs, by C. Leonard Woolley. The Population of Ancient America, by H. J. Spinden. The Aborigines of the Ancient Island of Hispaniola, by Herbert W. Krieger. The Beginning of the Mechanical Transport Age in America, by Carl W. Mitman. The Servant in the House; a Brief History of the Sewing Machine, by Frederick L. Lewton. Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin (1843-1928), by Bailey Willis. Hideyo Noguchi, by Simon Flexner. Report for 1930.—The report of the executive committee and pro- ceedings of the Board of Regents of the Institution and the report of the secretary, both forming parts of the annual report of the Board of Regents to Congress, were issued in December, 1930. Report of the executive committee and proceedings of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution for the year ending June 30, 1930. 14 pp. (Publ. 8074. ) Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution for the year ending June 30, 1930. 140 pp., 5 text figs. (Publ. 3073.) The general appendix to this report, which was in press at the close of the year, contains the following papers: Beyond the Red in the Spectrum, by H. D. Babcock. Growth in our Knowledge of the Sun, by Charles HE. St. John. The Modern Sun Cult, by J. W. Sturmer. The Moon and Radioactivity, by V. S. Forbes. Modern Concepts in Physics and their Relation to Chemistry, by Irving Langmuir. Waves and Corpuscles in Modern Physics, by Louis de Broglie. New Researches on the Effect of Light Waves on the Growth of Plants, by F, S. Brackett and Harl S. Johnston. The Autogiro: Its Characteristics and Accomplishments, by Harold F. Pitcairn. Ten Years’ Gliding and Soaring in Germany, by Prof. Dr. Walter Georgii. The First Rains and their Geological Significance, by ASaar Hadding. Weather and Glaciation, by Chester A. Reeds. Wild Life Protection: An Urgent Problem, by Ernest P. Walker. The Nesting Habits of Wagler’s Oropendola on Barro Colorado Island, by Frank M. Chapman. The Rise of Applied Entomology in the United States, by L. O. Howard. Man and Insects, by L. O. Howard. The Use of Fish Poisons in South America, by Ellsworth P. Killip and Albert C. Smith. A Rare Parasitic Food Plant of the Southwest, by Frank A. Thackery and M. French Gilman. The Mechanism of Organic Evolution, by Charles B. Davenport. Extra Chromosomes, a Source of Variations in the Jimson Weed, by Albert F. Blakeslee. The Age of the Human Race in the Light of Geology, by Stephen Richarz. Elements of the Culture of the Circumpolar Zone, by W. G. Bogoras. The Tell en-Nasbeh Excavations of 1929—a preliminary report, by William Frederic Badé, Recent Progress in the Field of Old World Prehistory, by George Grant MacCurdy. 156 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Ancient Seating Furniture in the Collections of the United States National Museum, by Walter Hough. Aspects of Aboriginal Decorative Art in America Based on Specimens in the United States National Museum, by Herbert W. Krieger. The Acclimatization of the White Race in the Tropics, by Robert de C. Ward. The Eighth Wonder: The Holland Vehicular Tunnel, by Carl C. Gray and H. F. Hagen. George Perkins Merrill, by Charles Schubert. Jesse Walter Fewkes, by John R. Swanton and F. H. H. Roberts, jr. FREER GALLERY OF ART PUBLICATIONS Yaksas, Part II. By Ananda K. Coomaraswamy. May 19, 1931. 84 pp., 50 pls. (Publ. 3059.) SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS Explorations and Field Work of the Smithsonian Institution in 1930. March 25, 1931. 224 pp., 198 figs. (Publ. 3111.) Classified List of Smithsonian Publications Available for Distribution, May 22,1931. Compiled by Helen Munroe. May 22,1931. 30 pp. (Publ. 3119.) Brief Guide to the Smithsonian Institution. January 15, 1931. 79 pp. PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Through the retirement of Dr. Marcus Benjamin on January 31, 1931, the editorial work of the National Museum devolved upon W. P. True until Paul H. Oehser was appointed on April 15, 1931, to fill the vacancy. During the year ending June 30, 1931, the Museum pub- lished 1 annual report, 1 volume of proceedings, 3 complete bulletins, 1 part of a bulletin, 1 complete volume, 1 part and 1 index in the series Contributions from the United States National Herbarium, and 40 separates from the proceedings. The issues of the bulletin were as follows: Bulletin 82. A Monograph of the Existing Crinoids. Volume 1—The Comatu- lids. Part 3. Superfamily Comasterida. By Austin Hobart Clark. Bulletin 100. Contributions to the Biology of the Philippine Archipelago and Adjacent Regions. Volume 11. The Fishes of the Families Pseudochromidae, Lobotidae, Pem- pheridae, Priacanthidae, Lutjanidae, Pomadasyidae, and Teraponidae, Col- lected by the United States Bureau of Fisheries Steamer Albatross, Chiefly in Philippine Seas and Adjacent Waters. By Henry W. Fowler. Bulletin 154. A Study of the Teiid Lizards of the Genus Cnemidophorus, with Special Reference to Their Phylogenetic Relationships. By Charles E. Burt. Bulletin 155. The Birds of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. By Alexander Wetmore and Bradshaw H. Swales. The issues of the contributions from the United States National Herbarium were as follows: Volume 24. Title Page, Preface, Contents, List of Illustrations, and Index to Volume 24, Contributions from the United States National Herbarium. Volume 24, Plant Studies—Chiefly Tropical American. Volume 26, part 6. Asiatic Pteridophyta collected by J ean F. Rock 1920-1924. By Carl Christensen. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 157 Of the separates from the proceedings, 11 were from volume 77, 23 from volume 78, and 6 from volume 79. PUBLICATIONS OF THE BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY The editorial work of the bureau has continued under the direction of the editor, Stanley Searles. During the year two annual reports and three bulletins were issued, as follows: Forty-fifth Annual Report. Accompanying papers: The Salishan Tribes of the Western Plateaus (Teit, edited by Boas) ; Tattooing and Face and Body Painting of the Thompson Indians, British Columbia (Teit, edited by Boas) ; The Ethnobotany of the Thompson Indians of British Columbia (Steedman) ; The Osage Tribe; Rite of the Wa-xo-be (LaFlesche). vii+857 pp., 29 pls., 47 figs. Forty-sixth Annual Report. Accompanying papers: Anthropological Survey in Alaska (Hrdlitka) ; Report to the Honorable Isaac 8. Stevens, Governor of Washington Territory, on the Indian Tribes of the Upper Missouri (Denig, edited by Hewitt), vii+654 pp., 80 pls., 35 figs. Bulletin 96. Early Pueblo Ruins in the Piedra District, Southwestern Colo- rado (Roberts). ix-++190 pp., 55 pls., 40 figs. Bulletin 97. The Kamia of Imperial Valley (Gifford). vii+94 pp., 2 pis., 4 figs. Bulletin 100. The Ruins at Kiatuthlanna, Eastern Arizona (Roberts). viii+ 195 pp., 47 pls., 31 figs. Publications in press at the close of the fiscal year were as follows: Forty-seventh Annual Report. The Acoma Indians (White); Isleta, New Mexico (Parsons); Introduction to Zuni Ceremonialism, and Zufii Origin Myths (Bunzel) ; Zufi Ritual Poetry (Bunzel) ; Zufi Katcinas (Bunzel). Bulletin 94. Tobacco Among the Karuk Indians of California (Harrington). Bulletin 98. Tales of the Cochiti Indians (Benedict). Bulletin 99. Cherokee Sacred Formulas and Medicinal Prescriptions (Mooney and Olbrechts). Bulletin 101. Indian Blankets of the North Pacifie Coast (Kissell). Bulletin 102. Menominee Music (Densmore). Bulletin 103. Source Material for the Social and Ceremonial Life of the Choctaw Indians (Swanton). Bulletin 104. A Survey of the Ruins in the Region of Flagstaff, Arizona (Colton). Bulletin 105. Notes on the Wapandwiweni (Michelson). REPORT OF THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION The annual reports of the American Historical Association are transmitted by the association to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution and are communicated by him to Congress, as provided by the act of incorporation of the association. The annual reports for 1927 and 1928 (1 volume), and for 1929, were issued during the year, and also the supplemental volume to the report for 1927. The annual report for 1930, Volume III, and the supplemental volume to the report for 1928, were in press at the close of the year. 158 §$ ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 REPORT OF THE NATIONAL SOCIETY, DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION The manuscript of the Thirty-third Annual Report of the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution, was transmitted to Congress, in accordance with the law, November 12, 1930. ALLOTMENTS FOR PRINTING The congressional allotments for the printing of the Smithsonian report to Congress and the various publications of the Government bureaus under the administration of the Institution were virtually used up at the close of the year. The appropriation for the coming year ending June 30, 1932, totals $104,000, allotted as follows: Annual report to the Congress of the Board of Regents of the Smith- Sonian: ‘nstitutione) 3s... ano e ek Pes ae ee oP aia $12, 000 National “Museum: 2— 9) 2.) ee A Stew ee ea ee A 50, 000 Bureau ofAmerican Mthnologysss2!- 24: 52-2 5tes) sy le Ee SR 1800 National ‘Gallery of -Art=.222-2—s3" 3.22 Ae eee See ee eee 500 International Wxchancess-- 425) 25 Se tne Been eee 300 International Catalogue of Scientific Literature__._.__._________________ 100 National Zoological, Park. 2228.22 = ee a ee OE Se ee Page eee ee 300 Astrophysical: Observatory 22.22 oe a en ae SR 500 Annual report of the American Historical Association________________ 12, 000 SMITHSONIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON PRINTING AND PUBLICATION The editor continued to serve as secretary to the Smithsonian ad- visory committee on printing and publication until March 1, 1931, when the committee was dissolved by the reorganization of the edi- torial department of the Institution mentioned earlier in this report. Four meetings were held and 88 manuscripts were acted upon. The membership at the last meeting was as follows: Dr. Leonhard Stejneger, head curator of biology, National Museum, chairman; Dr. William M. Mann, director, National Zoological Park; M. W. Stirling, chief, Bureau of American Ethnology; Dr. R. S. Bassler, head curator of geology, National Museum; W. P. True, editor of the Institution, secretary; and Stanley Searles, editor of the Bureau of American Ethnology. Since the editorial reorganization, manuscripts come directly to the editor of the Smithsonian Institution with the recommendation of the head of the publishing bureau, who has taken expert advice as to their merit and suitability for printing. Respectfully submitted. W. P. Troe, Editor. Dr. Cuartes G. ABBOT, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution. REPORT: OF “THES EXECUTIVE: COMMITTEE OF: THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE SMITHSONIAN _IN- STITUTION FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1931 To the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution: Your executive committee respectfully submits the following report in relation to the funds of the Smithsonian Institution, together with a statement of the appropriations by Congress for the Government bureaus in the administrative charge of the Institution: SMITHSONIAN ENDOWMENT FUND The original bequest of James Smithson was £104,960 8 shillings 6 pence—$508,318.46. Refunds of money expended in prose- cution of the claim, freights, insurance, etc., together with payment into the fund of the sum of £5,015 which had been withheld during the lifetime of Madame de la Batut, brought Ghetrund tothe amount Go 428 4 eh se eee $550, 000. 00 Since the original bequest the Institution has received gifts from various sources, chiefly in the years prior to 1893, the income from which may be used for the general work of the Institution, TONtHerAa mo vo fs Ls See ee eee sh SET eee a hed 260, 607. 39 Total capital gain from investment of savings from income__-_-_-__ 219, 762. 52 Total capital gain from sale of securities, stock dividends, ete___ 15, 595. 42 Total endowment for general purposes as perlast report.) UnauUy hea 4 al ie alo $1,033,789. 85 Capital gain from gifts during the year ended June 30 whOS Leer ee sus doe Lae es 5. 00 Capital gain from stock dividends, sale of securi- WIESE UC Ae, centene BLOM Meg A UN he 204. 07 Capital gain from sale of Smithsonian Scientific PSLeprAe 2 a: Baan SOS Wet ZOD iach eestor ae Sete ee pete hy ees 11, 966. 41 OSCS a aie EE ee ee toe Be ee 1, 045, 965. 33 1, 045, 965. 33 The Institution holds also a number of endowment gifts the income of each being restricted to specific use. These are invested and stand on the books of the Institution as follows: Arthur, James, fund, income for investigations and study of sun andelectureiongunetsUun= se ese ok ome ee lh cae lta $52, 595. 02 Bacon, Virginia Purdy, fund, for a traveling scholarship to investi- gate fauna of countries other than the United States________- 65, 887. 12 Baird, Lucy H., fund, for creating a memorial to Secretary Baird__ 2, 176. 54 Barstow, Frederic D., fund, for purchase of animals for the PIGS SUC ERE Eh Key eke usp ama ete ee Ue RCC ee Al 2 1, 000. 28 159 160 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Canfield collection fund, for increase and care of the Canfield collection of minerals. 25222 See ee eee A ee eee ee $50, 299. 78 Casey, Thomas L., fund, for maintenance of the Casey collection and promotion of researches relating to Coleoptera____------- 9, 503. 63 Chamberlain, Francis Lea, fund, for increase and promotion of Isaac Lea collection of gems and mollusks___---------------- 37, 032. 20 Hodgkins fund, specific, for increase and diffusion of more exact knowledge in regard to nature and properties of atmospheric air_ 100, 000. 00 Hughes; Bruce, fund, to found, Hughes alcove 2 ooo ue2 Soe eee ee 17, 963. 17 Myer, Catherine Walden, fund, for purchase of first-class works of art for the use of and benefit of the National Gallery of Art___-_ 22, 744. 20 Pell, Cornelia Livingston, fund, for maintenance of Alfred Duane Pellveollection 2222 2i eee.) ERT er LN CCW aL CR eR ae eee ee 3, 175. 03 Poore, Lucy T., and George W., fund, for general use of the Insti- tution when principal amounts to the sum of $250,000___-_---_- 62, 036. 08 Reid, Addison T., fund, for founding chair in biology in memory ObVASh ery Diamis 2ca Roe ae Ae ah Tea er thy eee peace Od Le 25, 067. 21 Roebling fund, for care, improvement, and increase of Roebling collection’ of minerals 2. 050-002 sey aie Bas Sep eee 158, 706. 78 Springer, Frank, fund, for care, etc., of Springer collection and praty S08 Here. Selae ss SSR eee righyth= uot oy 30, 000. 00 Walcott, Charles D. and Mary Vaux, research fund, for develop- ment of geological and paleontological studies and publishing mesultesrihereOh 2. oon acca eee Stee eae, a eee 12, 915. 80 Younger, Helen Walcott, fund, held in trust.__.__-.-_---_----- 49, 812. 50 Zerbee, Frances Brincklé, fund, for endowment of aquaria_-_---_- 1, 000. 85 Total endowment for specific purposes other than Freer endowment as per last report__ $636, 792. 55 Capital gain from new funds, additional gifts, ete__ 57, 187. 20 Capital gain from investment of savings from income during the year ended June 30, 1931__--_____--_- 7, 822. O07 Capital gain from stock dividends, sale of securities, etc., during the year ended June 30, 1931______-_ 114. 37 Excluding Freer endowment, total present ex=— 22 —_—_ dowment for specific purposes____------- 701,916.19 701, 916. 19 FREER GALLERY OF ART FUND Early in 1906, by deed of gift, Charles L. Freer, of Detroit, Mich., gave to the Institution his collection of Chinese and other oriental objects of art, as well as paintings, etchings, and other works of art by Whistler, Thayer, Dewing, and other artists. Later he also gave funds for the construction of a building to house the collection, and finally, in his will, probated November 6, 1919, he provided stock and securities to the estimated value of $1,958,591.42 as an endow- ment fund for the operation of the gallery. In view of the importance and special nature of the gift and the requirements of the testator in respect to it, all Freer funds are kept separate from the other funds of the Institution, and the accounting in respect to them is stated separately. REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Original endowment for expenses of gallery___._....---------- Total capital gain from investments of savings from income- --- Total capital gain from stock dividends, sale, ete., of securities __ Total capital as per last report____.____.._-_-- $5, 300, 929. 50 Capital gain from investment of savings from income during the year ended June 30, 1931_- 5, 697. 95 Capital gain from stock dividends, sale of securi- ties, ete., during the year ended June 30, 1931_ 61, 084. 06 Total Freer endowment for specific pur- DOSES ee ates Sethe esha S cpakl ela! ahi 2 a 5, 367, 711. 51 SUMMARY Invested endowment for general purposes__----_------------- Invested endowment for specific purposes other than Freer CCH AYS Koy Aw aS) a re i i ee oe Oa a Re Er ETC Total invested endowment other than Freer endowment_- Freer invested endowment for specific purposes_------------- Total invested endowment for all purposes_____---_---- CLASSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS Deposited in the United States Treasury at 6 per cent per annum as authorized in the United States Revised Statutes, section BOG Saree ae er nee ete naar eee ers $266, 688. 61 SLOG se ea ee nk a 08 ty Oe esis it ae trc 465, 308. 45 Real estate first-mortgage notes__________- 11, 500. 00 Uninvestedieapitalvs is. Sau ahs seh eee 4, 384. 46 Total investments other than Freer endowment______-_-_- Investments of Freer endowment: 1 Bae | thf Sess Ie See ae rag ak a alate SA aati ati $2, 651, 049. 48 POUT Co AME ER I CE a AP gh a ON aga ea 2, 634, 982. 42 Real estate first-mortgage notes._________- 67, 000. 00 Wninvested capitals ob. sooo" 2a eee ken 14, 679. 61 Motalkinvestimentsmoummer = cet soe se ee ee 161 $1, 958, 591. 416, 079. 2, 993, 040. 5, 367, 711. 1, 045, 965. 701, 916. 1, 747, 881. 5, 367, 711. 7, 115, 593. 1, 000, 000. 747, 881. 1, 747, 881. 5, 367, 711. 7, 115, 593. 42 26 83 51 00 52 52 51 03 162 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 INCOME FROM INVESTMENTS DURING THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1931 Corresponding fig- From $1,000,000 deposited in United States ares rae 30, 1080 mreasury at; Gi percent. 222s 2a eee $60, 000. 00 $60, 000. 00 From funds invested in stocks, bonds, etc., other than Freer endowment, including gain from sales, etc., of securities, stock dividends, ete-_- 33, 334. 96 34, 624. 40 Total income other than Freer endowment- 93, 334. 96 94, 624. 40 FREER ENDOWMENT From funds invested in stocks, bonds, ete., in- cluding gain from sales, etc., of securities, stock dividends; Gb@aee Ale tact saith! rts ieee eas 372, 461. 46 334, 936. 39 Total income from investments--_-__---_-- 465, 796. 42 429, 560. 79 CASH BALANCES, RECEIPTS, AND DISBURSEMENTS DURING THE FISCAL YEAR ! Gach balance on-hand. june; 30) 193022223 Se eee $214, 870. 17 Receipts: Cash from invested endowments and from miscellaneous sources for general use of the: Institution. 2-55.24 2245-2 ere seo $74, 306. 66 Cash for increase of endowments for specific WSC eee ees 5e Sete ae ee ee eee 81, 559. 89 Cash gifts for increase of endowments for general se. sae oe oe 5. 00 Cash gifts, etce., for specific use (not to be INVESTEC) Mie eee ee tt eT ares eh ae 90, 064. 79 Cash received as royalties from sales of Smithsonian Scientific Series__.._---_--- WG, PEP, (a8 Cash gain from sale, ete., of securities (to be INVeESted) 22a = See ae Re ee ae eee 317. 09 Cash income from endowments for specific use other than Freer endowment, and from miscellaneous sources (including re- fund of temporary advances) ----------- 62, 528. 93 Cash capital from sale, call of securities, ete. (tozbermeinvested) 22 e eaeae ares eee 63, 998. 50 Total receipts other than Freer endowment______-----_-- 390, 003. 39 Cash receipts from Freer endowment—in- come from investments__--....-------- $311, 377. 40 Gain from sale, ete., of securities (to be in- VEBLCC) ete eas Se See ee ete ae eee 110, 334. 34 Cash capital from sale, call of securities, etc. (to/be reinvested) 22 22-82 ape bee ae 1, 160, 106. 80 —————————_ 1, 581, 818. 54 otal oes oo eee as hy ae ee a ee eee ee 2, 186, 692. 10 : 1 aes statement does not include Government appropriations under the administrative charge of the nstitution. REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 163 Disbursements: From funds for general work of the Institu- tion— Buildings, care, repairs and alterations_ $3, 246. 94 Hummijuretanal fixt reso ae ee 700. 49 General administration #-_-__~2/---__- 23, 091. 60 WRAL 2 = ee Se a = Se SOE Bed 3, 163. 31 Publications (comprising preparation, printing, and distribution) -__-__---- 23, 690. 54 Researches and explorations----------- 21, 960. 16 International exchanges--_--- PLA SPR oe 28 4,982. O01 : 380, 835. 0 From funds for specific use other than Freer gestalt endowment— Investments made from gifts, from gain from sales, etc., of securities and from SIVINCODPANCOMCS ss sas wee ee 78, 074. 41 Other expenditures, consisting largely of research work, travel, increase and care of special collections, etc., from income of endowment funds and from cash gifts for specific use (including GEMNPOLATY. LGhviain CES) = ans ans ee 185, 547. 69 Cash capital from sale, call of securities, ete: reinvested. 2.2 22 sae a2) Hae oe 59, 873. 34 23, 495. 44 From Freer endowment— 323, 495 Operating expenses of gallery, salaries, purchase of art objects, field expenses, CE te ae yt an ot lp ty 289, 883. 42 Investments made from gain from sale, etc., of securities and from income_-_-_ 110, 128. 62 Cash capital from sale, call of securities, CUCs TEMIVESTCC Re eyelet cee nea 1, 158, 127. 73 ——_—_————._ ], 558, 139. 77 ES BIATAC OV Crs Orel Ses lea 8S ea oe eh 224, 221. 84 Pri ER par ce Be 2 ay Sa 2 aa a ae eS Ns 2, 186, 692. 10 EXPENDITURES FOR RESEARCHES IN PURE SCIENCE, EXPLORATIONS, CARE, INCREASE, AND STUDY OF COLLECTIONS, ETC. Expenditures from general endowment— PUblications=sshert we Se ee $23, 690. 54 Researches and explorations.......-------- 21, 960. 16 SSS SS $45, 650. 70 Expenditures from funds devoted to specific purposes: Researches and explorations__._.-_-------- 88, 030. 83 Care, increase, and study of special collec- GT O11 5 Saeed ome es RO re Meee ee ee on en coe ee ee a 18, 104. 14 (PuUlbiCa ONS eee ee oa ee eek eet 22, 264. 56 ——_————__—_——_. 128, 399. 53 ALL HE iets Sch Loe ee cp AI A wr lt de I eager 174, 050. 23 2 This includes salaries of the Secretary and certain others, 102992—32——12 164 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Table showing growth of endowment funds of the Smithsonian Institution Endowment for general work of the Institution, being original Endowment for specific research- Year Smithson be- es, etc., including quest, gifts from invested savings other sources, and of income invested savings of income 1846-18912 225) 237022000200) 22222 SOZ sae eS 802, 0600. 00 $101, 000. 00 1893-1894_ ___ 852, 000. 00 101, 000. 00 1895-1908_ ___ 877, 000. 00 102, 000. 00 1904—19138____ 885, 807. 58 111, 692. 42 11S) We: Se ae eee 885, 807. 58 116, 692. 42 SUG) US she aes aa 886, 084. 02 143, 515. 98 1OVUGR Neo es 887, 607. 08 160, 527. 30 1 ye ea 887, 830. 00 164, 304. 38 VRE) Wee eat ee ee 2 883, 867. 00 176, 157. 38 OG eae Nestea 884, 305. 00 190, 489. 38 NO ZO sees ys eh 884, 747. 00 198, 149. 02 OBA Se aoe = 2k 884, 933. 74 272, 538. 31 MODES see ee 886, 107. 14 291, 858. 14 1K? Bis 3 est ia a ate 886, 246. 14 306, 524. 14 OD Aiea eS 886, 373. 31 319, 973. 19 LS sie i es 886, 769. 73 338, 136. 77 LOZ GS ee pa ye 886, 830. 13 342, 876. 37 92 (ie 886, 877. 79 498, 401. 96 ODS es Oa 929, 068. 21 665, 233. 29 9292 2 eee 51, 022, 385. 75 626, 003. 70 LOSOERA Rete re 1, 038, 789. 85 636, 792. 55 GS eee heen 1, 045, 965. 33 701, 916. 19 Freer gift for con- struction of Freer Gallery of Art Building Freer bequest for operation of Freer Gallery of Art, including salaries, care, etc. 3 367, 072. 04 | $1, 253, 004. 75 1, 842, 144. 75 43, 296, 574. 75 3, 401, 355. 42 3, 459, 705. 34 3, 714, 361. 23 4, 171, 880. 61 4, 268, 244. 26 5, 236, 054. 02 5, 300, 929. 50 5, 367, 711. 51 1 Original endowment plus income from savings during these years. 2 Loss on account of bonds reduced on books from par to market value. 3 Cash from sale of 2,000 shares of Parke, Davis & Co. stock, including dividends, and interest on gift of $1,000,000. ‘Tn this year Parke, Davis & Co. declared 100 per cent stock dividend. ; 5 Increase largely from funds transferred from specific endowment column and income released for general work of the Institution. BALANCE SHEET OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION JUNE 30, 1931 ASSETS Stocks and bonds at acquirement value: @Wonsoudatedstumalee tes Wee enle Baka wD $663, 684. 56 Pereerinequesta: eae s oF ey ty ee) eee Ns 5, 353, 031. 90 KSJoschuayedeyre: ADD cs Means Faget ed mapa rena nem ptr Omer ey ee 30, 000. 00 Vom e rfid eels, | Ah hs ae a La 49, 812. 50 ——_——_—_—————_ $6, 096, 528. 96 sp reASUEY CEDOSMG sur costes OU eee oy pee AN ase Ne 1, 000, 000. 00 Miscellaneous, principally funds advanced for printing publica- tions, and field expenses (to be repaid)_---.-_-------------- 51, 388. 04 Cash: Funds in U. S. Treasury and in banks- ---- $224, 221. 84 In office safe for cash transactions__-___--- 1, 300. 00 oe 225, 521. 84 INOS a geal YP AP ea ik EA Saas el NS i reo 7, 373, 4388. 84 LIABILITIES Freer bequest, capital accounts: Coqurtvand"groundstands. 2222-0222 2222 $604, 625. 07 Court and grounds maintenance fund__----- 15], 331. 11 Curstoritunde tess = ose es Bese ee oe 609, 329. 43 Residuary estate fund= 221225 222 ee ot eee 4, 002, 425. 90 ———_—_—_———__ , 867, 711. 51 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS AGH s DaAmMmes, fut MOU 2 Fo ay SoU Ae hee ere 52, 595. 02 JETRO va ion av Peaae th Seatac Nee are AEN i a 65, 887. 12 TERT Re TA Was Uy ae eet IRs Aa aed BO rp RU as a 2,176. 54 Barstow eh rederi cel stfu doers ae neal Siero a aie Ses ace eS 1, 000. 28 Geryontrel tol Cero) lierernvoy ayes qo aVo bagel We OI Be ah iy NE Se a ee 50, 299. 78 Casey. Thomas lincoln; fund 1008 ys S918) Le ee 9, 503. 63 @hamiberletry fur le ee yop ee a ate aR Os Sat es ap OLN 37, 032. 20 Modems tH @ .SpeeCion yvonne dane el ne ome IL 100, 000. 00 Bughes; Bruce) fund=---25 208 6 Taek DRS OE UL CACY Vid, 17, 963. 17 Aes eet tn Raine Sle eee a a areas 22, 744. 20 VEPEUING eo 0G ie sa ad Rd Say Be PRT oe ee CEE, 3, 175. 03 TELaYOr esis AUG 0 c Mage As vMTaRN bebe as I weir pe aon a aerate ae Tm erent ee ABN NR YO Ut 62, 036. 08 TRYTVSL YAU DOCS bps a a: SI Ak SE a i, A Rl He dy 25, 067. 21 ioeblingrcollection-fund= sess) 2. 2) eh ee 2 Oe ah ed eae 158, 706. 78 Smithsoniansunrestrictedutund ae a2 see eee as ee he eee 1, 045, 965. 33 Springer Lunes a est OU A A fl oe 30, 000. 00 Wialcott researc henna) tsetse et en mee ih 2s Le Ske ee ee 12, 915. 80 WEFo Lamy 4s ub 00 ks ac I Tae hes SE a ae eae th Cerin egies 49, 812. 50 Zerbee, Krances- Brincklé) fund 2 ¢ 00 tet Oe be) oes 1, 000. 85 CURRENT ACCOUNTS Freer bequest residuary estate fund.---.--_..--.-.+--_-.---- 117, 836. 58 SSPULIAT OEM EUITE 2} 1 pep iician wipe $e Monee ek ia Syd ak oe yd eds 1, 595. 88 VAGREN GLE Nb aT GMa tata ee Lia lel i pipe Meare Ia El ae a eps eR 217. 50 Miscellaneous accounts held by the Institution for the most part POTI SPECIE G USC e512 sapere ke lied ps eee oh Np cru ded Yet aioe Wels 138, 195. 85 Ota: Jee SEAR RO UE URL ES Lee QL ad MSPs Ents 7, 373, 438. 84 165 166 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 During the year, the Institution received as gifts a total of approxi- mately $145,000, which included donations for specific uses not to be invested, for increase of endowments for specific purposes, and a small sum for the increase of the general endowment fund. All payments are made by check, signed by the Secretary of the Institution, on the Treasurer of the United States, and all revenues are deposited to the credit of the same account. In many instances deposits are placed in bank for convenience of collection and later are withdrawn in round amounts and deposited in the Treasury. The practice of investing temporarily idle funds in time deposits has proven satisfactory. During the year the interest derived from this source has resulted in a total of $5,026.75. The foregoing report relates only to the private funds of the Smithsonian Institution. The following is a statement of the congressional appropriations for the past 10 years for the support of the several governmental branches under the administrative control of the Institution and of appropriations for other special purposes during that period. Table showing the appropriations made by Congress during the last 10 years, in- trusted to the care of the Smithsonian Institution Interna- Coopera- |,; Astro- oar | Antes: | American | tive eth [Honsl Car) pnysicat | Enerease ot) National | Caled? ethnology | nologica rset serva- . {useum * changes Sasearchies Selentiic tory tion lection 1922. <.-- . $50, 000. 00 | $46,000.00 |___________- $7, 500: 00) 1$15, 500.00) |_-------_- -_ $419 138580) seaaeee bi: pi ae ae 45,000.00 | 44,000.00 |_._________- 7, 500. 00 | 15, 500. 00 |$109, 044. 00 | 418, 120.00 |_--.-.--_- 19742. =. 43,000.00 | 44,000.00 |_...________ 7, 500. 00 | 15, 500. 00 | 112, 704.00 | 415, 000. 00 |_---.-_-_. W202 220 49, 550. 00 AL GOS OU) te aeee eee S 861566) 215580100 5|seeneneen soe DA LU 200) eee 1926-2222. 46, 260. 00 DieeLOUNOU Hee nee 8; 000200)|2 315180500) |e ares 654 892100 1} -2=e2ce es bY aes AG 260) 0001) 07, 100,00) |e nese eocens 27.000:'00))|(ol 180,00) (22a sne eae 660,820)00)| Sse eseene 1928-5524. 46) S850. 00Uls 08,020 00) | eeeeeeeoaeee MieOON OO Woe: UG0100 m| ae mee re see es 606; 960.00) | es tete sees 1920-522. 50, 355.00 | 65,800.00 | $20,000.00 | 7,885.00 | 36,630.00 |__---__.___- 701,,524500)) eee 1930 3___-- D1 201s OO NGG ,600500" == sae semana TPBSOnOON NOON TaZUs U0" |saemee eee 717, 014.00 ($21, 000. 00 1931 Le 52) S105 00) |e 170840: OO) | eee ee 8 145.:00' |'375,560:00) |=-=-- <= eee 5793, 894.00 | 20, 000. 00 —_— eee ee —esSS99993BB.,.0E0E EE SS ae | Safeguard: | , ‘i ..< |Addition- ingdomeof National | Additional! National | Printing | Additional| Salaries al fi Year Natural Zoological | for Zoologi-| Gallery of | and bind-| assistant and ex- ote. History Park cal Park Art ing secretary penses oe Building | | 1 7 ean _-'$125, 000. 00 |3$80, 000. 00 |$15, 000. 00 |_____-_____|_ 19Z3 Ls 125, 000.00 | % 2, 500.00 | 15, 000. 00 |$77, 400. 00 1924__ 125, 000. 00 |_._- ---| 16,000.00 | 77, 400. 00 1925_- 151, 487. 00 |_ 20, 158.00 | 90, 000. 00 1926_- 157, 000. 00 |_ 21, 028. 00 | 90, 000. 00 1927_. 173, 199. 00 |__- _--| 29,381.00 | 90, 000. 00 Toes See |S ee 175, 000. 00 | 4 25, 000. 00 | 30, 356. 00 | 90, 000. 00 i |. eee 6$80, 000.00 | 195, 550. 00 | 4 30,000.00 | 35, 273.00 | 95, 000. 00 Ut ee eee 203, 000. 00 |7 222, 000.00 | 34, 853.00 | 95, 000. 00 i ht) Sees Ee eee 220, 520. 00 | 28, 000. 00 | 45, 218.00 | 99, 000. 00 1 Increase in appropriation due to Government assuming part of the expenses of the Chilean Station, which up to this time had been supported by private funds of the Smithsonian Institution. 2 Increases over former figures due to passage of Welch Act after printing of last report. 3 Additional land. 4 Building for birds. 5 After 1928 this item is included in appropriation for salaries and expenses. 6 Work done by Supervising Architect and funds disbursed by United States Treasury. 7 Building for reptiles, etc., $220,000; gates for south boundary of park, $2,000. § Includes plans for additions to Natural History Building, $10,000. ® Additional for building for reptiles. REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 167 The report of the audit of the Smithsonian private funds is printed below. OcToBeR 7, 1931. EXECUTIVE CoMMITTEE, Boarp oF REGENTS, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. Strs: Pursuant to agreement we have audited the accounts of the Smithsonian Institution for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1931, and certify the balance of cash on hand June 30, 19381, to be $225,521.84. We have verified the record of receipts and disbursements maintained by the Institution and the agreement of the book balances with the bank balances. We have examined all the securities in the custody of the Institution and in the custody of the banks and found them to agree with the book records. We have compared the stated income of such securities with the receipts of record and found then in agreement therewith. We have examined all vouchers covering disbursements for account of the Institution during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1931, together with the authority therefor, and have compared them with the Institution’s record of expenditures and found them to agree. We have examined and verified the accounts of the Institution with each trust fund. We found the books of account and records well and accurately kept and the securities conveniently filed and securely cared for. All information requested by your auditors was promptly and courteously furnished. We certify the balance sheet in our opinion correctly presents the financial condition of the Institution as of June 30, 1931. Wiutuiam L. Yarcer & Co. WituiaM L. YAEGER Certified Public Accountant. Respectfully submitted. Frepreric A. DeLaNno, R. Watton Moorg, JoHN C. Merriam, Executive Committee. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1931 ANNUAL MEETING, DECEMBER 11, 1930 Present: Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes, chancellor, in the chair, Vice President Charles Curtis, Senator Joseph T. Robinson, Representative Albert Johnson, Representative R. Walton Moore, Representative Robert Luce, Frederic A. Delano, Dr. John C. Merriam, and the secretary, Dr. C. G. Abbot. Dr. Alexander Wet- more, assistant secretary was also present. At the previous annual meeting of the board, the Langley gold medal for aerodromics was awarded to Charles Matthews Manly (posthumously) and to Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd. At the pres- ent meeting the actual presentation of the medal was made to Mr. Manly through his son Charles W. Manly. The chancellor made the address of presentation, and Mr. Manly accepted the medal on behalf of his family. Extracts from the remarks of the chancellor and Mr. Manly will be found in the Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution for 1931. Mr. Delano, chairman of the executive committee, offered the following customary resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the income of the Institution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932, be appropriated for the service of the Institution, to be expended by the secretary, with the advice of the executive committee, with full discretion on the part of the secretary as to items. The secretary presented his printed report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1930. He stated that the publications of the Institution during the fiscal year 1930 totaled 95 volumes and pamphlets, of which 38 were issued by the Institution proper, 51 by the National Museum, and 6 by the Bureau of American Ethnology. Under the Institution’s policy of world-wide distribution, 168,163 copies of its publications were sent out to organizations and individuals, for the most part free. Mr. Delano submitted the printed report showing the financial affairs of the Institution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1930. The annual report of the National Gallery of Art Commission was presented and accepted, and the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution hereby approves the recommendation of the National Gallery of Art Commission that 168 PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGENTS 169 Gari Melchers, Herbert Adams, and Charles Moore be reelected as members of the commission for the ensuing term of four years, their present terms having expired. The matter of the purchase and erection of the Bush-Brown statue, The Indian Buffalo Hunt, was brought up, and on motion it was resolved to refer it to the executive committee with power to act. The secretary then presented a supplementary report, mentioning a number of special events and activities during the year. He spoke particularly of the support by the Research Corporation of the work of the Division of Radiation and Organisms; of continued generous gifts by John A. Roebling to aid the Institution’s solar-radiation researches; of additions by Mr. Gellatly to the very valuable art collection previously given to the Institution; of the considerable sum already received in royalties from the sale of the Smithsonian Scientific Series; of the completion of the series North American Wild Flowers, by Mary Vaux Walcott; and of the important discoveries in European archives of early manuscripts relating to the Americas by Dr. C. U. Clark, working under a grant from Ambassador Charles G. Dawes. At the request of the Secretary, Doctor Wetmore described certain of the year’s explorations under the Institution. Doctor Wetmore also spoke of the status of the proposed additional wings on each side of the Museum Building. It was announced that a telegram had been received from Admiral Byrd fixing March 27, 1931, as a convenient date for the presentation of the Langley gold medal awarded to him at the last meeting of the board. REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 12, 1931 Present: Chief Justice Charles E. Hughes, chancellor in the chair, Senator Joseph T. Robinson, Senator Claude A. Swanson, Representa- tive Robert Luce, Frederic A. Delano, and the secretary, Dr. C. G. Abbot. Dr. Alexander Wetmore, assistant secretary, was also present. The secretary mentioned, with explanatory remarks, recent finan- cial receipts by gifts and otherwise, including royalties from the Smithsonian Scientific Series; a grant from the Research Corporation to promote studies of radiation and plant growth; the final payment of the Bruce Hughes fund to establish the Bruce Hughes alcove; the Frederic D. Barstow fund for purchase of living animals, National Zoological Park; the Zerbee fund for an aquarium as a memorial to Frances Brinklé Zerbee, National Zoological Park; and a gift from Otto T. Mallery for special archeological work under the Bureau of American Ethnology. He also announced a proposed bequest by a citizen of New York State for the encouragement and reward of scientific research. 170 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Other matters of importance to the work of the Institution were then brought before the board for discussion. On March 27, 1931, as noted above, the Langley gold medal was presented to Admiral Byrd in the main hall of the Smithsonian Building in the presence of members of the Board of Regents and other distinguished guests. The presentation was made by Chancellor Charles E. Hughes; Admiral Byrd, in accepting the medal, spoke of his appreciation of the award and of his great respect for the work of Professor Langley. Further details of the presentation will be found in the Report of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution for 1931. GENERAL APPENDIX TO THE SMITHSONIAN REPORT FOR 1931 ADVERTISEMENT The object of the Genrrat Appenprx to the Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution is to furnish brief accounts of -scientific discovery in particular directions; reports of investigations made by collaborators of the Institution; and memoirs of a general character or on special topics that are of interest or value to the numerous cor- respondents of the Institution. It has been a prominent object of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution from a very early date to enrich the annual report required of them by law with memoirs illustrating the more remarkable and important developments in physical and biological discovery, as well as showing the general character of the operations of the Institution; and, during the greater part of its history, this purpose has been carried out largely by the publication of such papers as would possess an interest to all attracted by scientific progress. In 1880, induced in part by the discontinuance of an annual sum- mary of progress which for 30 years previously had been issued by well-known private publishing firms, the secretary had a series of abstracts prepared by competent collaborators, showing concisely the prominent features of recent scientific progress in astronomy, geology, meteorology, physics, chemistry, mineralogy, botany, zool- ogy, and anthropology. This latter plan was continued, though, not altogether satisfactorily, down to and including the year 1888. In the report for 1889 a return was made to the earlier method of presenting a miscellaneous selection of papers (some of them origi- nal) embracing a considerable range of scientific investigation and discussion. This method has been continued in the present report for 1931. 173 “ ponaatew vik add, be touolt fail. ott snieoyad: stare) wi tw Pt, wth a ARimaios TO whuorin tad take aE “nine i a. yeh ovata: util we athink re har Dt satay ly sarttea)| ily: 9 Medintiids Lowa i kn etlomml bi aNRniaAT ot Wi foainan ict: : Gg aodieareenn, alt od sila ty! deatnehint Thy sto sally vaiiod Leinaqy aod pontiac aby te aisobnbgest git Ty ching lt to freaolt ath ‘wn: dost Jiteninog # aed end ae fevinie ol) iobree oF ateb ghee pay mont content mibnoeinaee am eisin, oF seuilhaceis lit ee iaiw vent of wd? to barium Fader lmatuuloid bay Iesiaviiq-el atoomqeloreh Jaane hoe sldadearios Wrektitdge osk hu Pesaran’ Laeroniegy add, at flow ue ystpvedath eile rh al lo Pig: onde ad Ooh bite tooliwient adtio? Fath to nitiwiildig alt yd ylogkal aid bervina: deed end wogiiy. 4 itiieins vd badeaetin Ua of tenes he een Hikow Se sii Tanadh dy to wage Aa, ad hoon bari NAL HL, = wt Deuwal good fa lant exony [8 sok toby wamgony te yinneets Yo goite a bert yintutses oft. ound uyiletideg anaieg awombiigges Qhaisien salacis esolhodulion dreqaiy Banging aiswaiads 7 AMionones at eeoiyeny MBidnsime dawoes ty Reh ein eae loow antod x gutymcinte rdardiswvinto iio ak veqoletbadeaty cgologg | ; doit Higuedk) yagritinos aw aghey tet .soloqondiog, bag 2907 Mat sany off yibifettoad bow ascend, Yoon Ls 46 Bodsacn vwiitae 44) a sn os Si os a a ep oboe Pal e olvelse an0ang anata a ' bio. noiteyiteornt slaiinjge to egies shdyumbitatt a ‘(Cem WO! Jooqen Josey odd at fondue, madd eet biutiient | Nail we 4 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ STUDY OF SOLAR RADIATION By C. G. ABBoT Secretary, Smithsonian Institution [With 3 plates] INFRA-RED SOLAR SPECTRUM MAP AND THE DISPERSION OF ROCK SALT Thirty years ago at Washington, under Dr. 8. P. Langley’s direc- tion, F. E. Fowle and I completed a map of the sun’s invisible infra- red spectrum. Our map extended from Fraunhofer’s “A,” at wave length 0.76 micron, to a point far down in the infra-red of wave length 5.8 microns. We felt out and recorded the invisible spectrum lines with the photographic registering spectrobolometer. Langley used to say that in his use of the spectrobolometer on Mount Whitney in 1881 the indicator often raced across the scale 1 meter long in a minute. We had so far tamed this wild creature by the year 1900 that the indicator seldom wandered a centimeter in an hour. Never- theless, that delicate electrical thermometer, the bolometer, was then so sensitive that a deflection of a millimeter on the photographic recording scale corresponded to a temperature change of only 0.000004° Centigrade. The infra-red solar spectrum map which we made between 1895 and 1900 contained 740 lines. Their positions were recognized as cooled bits of the spectrum by the fine metallic sensitive thread of the bolometer. No doubt a considerable number of those 740 lines were spurious, for every tremor of the earth and every accidental temper- ature change added its unwelcome deflections to the record. We eliminated the false and preserved the true, as well as we were able, by comparing many independent records. To fix the wave lengths we made a special investigation of the dispersion of rock salt prisms. Paschem repeated it later. His results agreed generally with ours in the fifth decimal place of the refractive index of rock salt. In 1928 H. B. Freeman and I went over a part of this infra-red spectrum again on Mount Wilson. We used three times as great dispersion as in the old work at Washington. In the region from 0.76 to 1.8 microns we obtained about 1,300 lines where formerly we found about 550. Dr. H. D. Babcock, of the Mount Wilson Observa- tory, has done much photographic work covering a part of this upper 175 176 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 infra-red solar spectrum region. He finds that our old bolometric work of 1900 deserved a good word as to the accuracy of the wave lengths and as to the general reality of the lines found and that our new work added to it some really useful detail. gases and yapors in the invisible infra-red spectrum ee 70 igure 1.—Portions of solar energy curves of 1928 showing line and band absorption of solar and terrestrial atmospheric Many of the infra-red spectrum lines are now identified by investi- gators as due to specific elements in the gases of the sun, others to vapors in the earth’s atmosphere. There were two mystery bands in the spectrum called », and w. of wave length about 2.0 microns, which long puzzled us because we knew they were atmospheric but SOLAR RADIATION—ABBOT AZ surely not due to water vapor. I have seen quite recently some beau- tiful absorption spectra by H. J. Unger, of the University of Oregon, which prove that o; and w, are really caused by terrestrial carbonic acid gas. TEMPERATURE DEPARTURES. "sae ete 20 STATIONS. » Ia E \ Azores, MADEleAs, || DRE ecu: TA FT RE PEATE B b |} 2} 8 EWimores a in ae ee a RCs mae \ AN ff 2 A A es a OR AA tt O a 0 ‘o NWEurore. PT Te Pe cums 15 STATIONS. nae po \, Pow ae CENTRAL EUROPE, , PR (RI Gi FE ki AN Fae a a FO id EAT ET a | ~--R4e tH EuROPEAN | an Atty ea a adm ia v AsIATIC fam} i we i a oiopue Leetagise ee a nS a tiie aS Lh A ~ eae een ee A AVY YER. TED OR OER RA CN 2 A EL Bp] ery LO AS nS Cede a Sa NorTIt Oe En EN ata Tie pareneD | israel add MOI No NJ Nolet sot DN Phe (eb od ONE. 2 ‘Sinuaeeed ic oa TAR ET ti Ee ATR SEA pease ld Ma it Fie i alg Spica eae ARS ane SoLAR IRRADIATION 210 OUTSIDE THE 205 x N A VUMOSPRERE 9 cin 2 (eases hel ee ue 7 ‘ Ps onea Pe Se HRC Jan Feb Bpl May Ju Aug. Sept Oct. Nov Dec. Jan. Fieurn 2.—Simultaneous lowering of the sun’s radiation and of the temperature of the earth’s northern hemisphere as observed in March, 1903 SOLAR-CONSTANT WORK BEGUN IN 1902 Doctor Langley was deeply interested in the value of the solar constant of radiation, which is the measure of the intensity of the sun’s rays as they are in free space at the earth’s mean solar distance. 178 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Hence, in the year 1902, we began a solar-constant research destined to be a very long one. At that time solar-constant values ranging from 1.76 to 4.0 calories were given in standard textbooks. Our earliest Washington work raised a question which has en- grossed us for over 25 years. Our results of 1902, 1903, and 1904 seemed to indicate that the sun’s output of radiation decreased rather suddenly in March, 1903, by about 10 per cent, and continued low thereafter. We should certainly have attributed this to obscure error if the temperature of the entire north temperate land area of the world had not shown a decrease at the same time. We think now that we were misled by an atmospheric turbidity caused by a vol- canic eruption in southern Mexico. At all events, we began then to suspect that the sun is a variable star and that its fluctuations pro- duce important weather changes. I hope now, after more than 25 years of investigation, to present evidence to convince you that such is really the case. The determination of the solar constant of radiation involves two principal parts. First, the exact measurement of the intensity of solar radiation as received at the observing station; second, the exact estimation of the loss which the rays suffer in traversing the atmos- phere. The first requirement involves an accurate pyrheliometer. The second requirement involves exact measurements of the atmos- pheric transmission coefficients for all important solar spectrum rays. Besides this, there must be estimates of the relative transmissibility of the spectral rays in the optical apparatus, and of the atmospheric transmission of those feeble parts of the solar spectrum lying in the ultra-violet and the infra-red beyond the limits of the spectrum region usually observed. THE SILVER-DISK PYRHELIOMETER When we began solar-constant work in 1902, the beautiful electrical compensation pyrheliometer of Knut Angstrém was already avail- able, though not fully perfected. Following, however, in Langley’s path, we developed for our use the older form of pyrheliometer of Pouillet and Tyndall. With us it became in 1910 the well-known silver-disk pyrheliometer, of which the Smithsonian Institution has since furnished more than 60 standardized copies at cost to solar- radiation observers in all parts of the world. The silver-disk pyrheliometer, though simple, effective, and ac- curate, and capable of maintaining a constant scale of readings for many years, is not an independent standard. Means are required to reduce its scale to true calories per square centimeter per minute. For this purpose we developed the standard water-flow and water- SOLAR RADIATION—ABBOT 179 stir pyrheliometers. Our findings with these instruments are ex- pressed as the so-called “Smithsonian Pyrheliometry of 1913,” which has been accepted quite generally as the standard pyrhelio- metric scale of the world. It differs by about 3 per cent from the Angstriém scale. Experiments by independent methods are now in progress in Germany to further establish the true pyrheliometric scale. THE STANDARD WATER-FLOW PYRHELIOMETER In the standard water-flow pyrheliometer, the solar rays admitted by a measured aperture are chiefly absorbed on a hollow blackened metallic cone at the rear of a test-tube-shaped blackened metallic chamber. A measured current of water continually removes the heat produced on the cone and on the inner walls of the chamber. Ttaee Ey Dy TRAUMDUCTION LN ULEE Ga ed Ficgur® 3.—Diagram of the water-flow pyrheliometer A A, ray absorber; B B, vestibule; C, measured aperture; D, Ds, electrical thermometer ; E F, entering and emerging water flow; G H, electrical test coils; K K, Dewar vacuum flask An electrical thermometer measures the rise of temperature thus produced in the water current. For test purposes, known quantities of heat may be introduced at the cone by measured electrical cur- rents. The accuracy of the instrument, which is very satisfactory, is measured by the equivalence of heat introduced and heat found. The instrument is represented in Figure 3. THE FUNDAMENTAL SOLAR-CONSTANT METHOD The fundamental solar-constant method as worked out by Langley involves determining the intensity of all parts of the solar spectrum repeatedly on a day of unchanging clearness, so as to disclose the increase of intensity of each spectral ray which occurs as the sun mounts higher and higher. For a ray of homogeneous wave length, the intensity is connected with the length of path in the atmosphere by the exponential formula of Lambert and Bouguer : e—e,a™; or log e=m log a+log e, Here e is the observed intensity; e, that which would be observed outside the atmosphere; a is the fraction transmitted with vertical sun; and m is the 102992—32——_13 180 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 air mass, or in other words the ratio of the length of path of the ray in the atmosphere to that obtaining with vertical sun. In its logarithmic form the Bees | | Kya BS ei LE EI br ES aos a 2 SS aaerses SEE Sols pleat tact Pie ey) for ee ae REGNGEM SMa: SEBS Sak See eB HE Sis: lites | SCORE POSSESS REE 5a Sa IG 5 = Pere rn Ba SSG ps we | SERREL NS ARAS | — =} ay ATA I | Xt | ly lke pees WA [ei ce EA / s fil Ss | A fe ele : y AW TA A lA LIAL Ta, Mea LIS NIWA V nvgita fall} ME LFLAL r /| WAV VAC LW YZ FAVA SM AFAR ae WA os i MLL VE A AVN He f A wh /| it UY : HY HEEL Mi Anan WZ eal Hi Sao en aaa ees — A Shy eo el fe |e E | Ficurn 4.—Logarithmiec curves indicating the atmospheric transmission at Mount Wilson in many wave lengths [aed Ve ia i J PUMP a formula is the equation of the straight line. We find it satisfactorily exact on many days at our excellent high-altitude stations in California, Chile, and South West Africa. SOLAR RADIATION—ABBOT 181 Since the formula holds strictly only for rays of homogeneous wave length, we require spectrum measurements. If from a series of bolographs of the solar spectrum, in which the partial transmissi- bility of the optical instruments has been allowed for, we determine atmospheric transmission coefficients for about 40 selected wave lengths between 0.34 and 2.5 microns, we can compute the intensity which each of these rays would represent if observed outside the atmosphere. This determines the sun’s spectrum energy curve as it would be observed in free space. If we compute the area included under the curve thus determined, and divide it by the area included by the curve observed by the spectrobolometer, the quotient is the factor by which we must multiply the total intensity of the solar beam as measured by the pyrheliometer to give the intensity which the pyrheliometer would have read if in free space. Correcting the result to mean solar distance, we have the solar constant of radiation. TRANSMISSIBILITY OF OPTICAL APPARATUS As required for solar-constant determinations, we have made many measurements of the relative transmissibility of our optical instru- ments for the different spectral rays. Our procedure involves two spectroscopes, of which the auxiliary one delivers its spectrum upon the slit of the main one used for the bolographic work. Under these circumstances, we measure with the bolometer the intensity of many spectral rays both before and after they traverse the main spec- troscope. Their relative transmissibility appears in the ratios of these measurements. WAVE-LENGTH DISTRIBUTION OF SOLAR RADIATION, AND THE SUN’S EFFECTIVE TEMPERATURE Such determinations of transmission in the optical train, together with the determinations of transmission in the atmosphere, enabled us to represent and tabulate the distribution of energy in the solar spectrum as it is outside our atmosphere. Our best results in this line were published in 1923 in a paper entitled “ The distribution of energy in the spectra of the sun and stars.”+ They have been of use to other investigators for various purposes. If we assume that the sun is approximately :a perfect radiator, our work on the solar constant yields three methods of estimating his effective temperatures: First, from the spectral position of maximum intensity. Second, from the general form of the curve of distribu- tion of energy in the spectrum. Third, from the sun’s distance and diameter combined with the value of the solar constant of radiation. 1$mithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. 74, No. 7. 182 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 These methods yield absolute centigrade temperatures as follows: 6,170° ; 6,200° ; 5,750°. The discrepancy is rather wide, but is, I think, Also curve showing the spectral distribution of the “black body” at 6,000° absolute centigrade , 7, 1 Ficurp 5.—Observations and preferred mean curve showing the spectral distribution of the solar radiation outside the atmosphere. caused by the fact that the sun differs in several respects from a per- fect radiator of uniform temperature. SOLAR RADIATION—ABBOT 183 THE MEAN VALUE OF THE SOLAR CONSTANT OF RADIATION The solar-constant methods just described were used exclusively at Washington from 1902 to 1905; at Bassour, Algeria, in 1911 and 1912, and at Mount Wilson, Calif., from 1905 to 1920. Only one, or at most two, determinations per day resulted from them, and they were at the mercy of changes in atmospheric transparency during the several hours per day required. If the sky clears as the sun mounts higher, the solar-constant value is too high, and vice versa. But in the average of many days of highest apparent excellence, atmospheric changes were largely eliminated. We believe that our mean value determined during this period, 1.94 calories per square centimeter per minute, will never be greatly corrected. THE SHORT METHOD OF SOLAR-CONSTANT DETERMINATION In 1919 we devised a new and briefer method, less affected by atmospheric changes though dependent on the long method for indispensible data of average atmospheric transmission. If the sky is hazy and therefore bright, the atmospheric transparency is low. We found it possible to express empirically the observed atmospheric transmission coefficients at our 40 wave lengths as functions of the brightness of the sky near the sun. This brightness we measure with an instrument called the pyranometer, which we invented. We have so far perfected this short method of solar-constant measure- ment that five independent values of the solar constant can be observed and computed by two observers in five hours of work. We still use the fundamental long method of Langley occasionally, but only as a check to assure us that the empirical short method is still sound, Soon after the Mount Wilson Observatory was founded by that great scientific organizer, Dr. George E. Hale, he invited Doctor Langley to conduct solar-constant work there. We carried on solar- constant measurements at Mount Wilson each summer and autumn from 1905 to 1920. By simultaneous measurements at Washington and Mount Wilson and again at Mount Wilson and Mount Whitney, we proved that the fundamental method of Langley yields equal results whether carried on at sea level, at 1,700 meters, or 4,400 meters of elevation. THE BALLOON PYRHELIOMETER About 1914 we constructed a form of automatic pyrheliometer which could be attached to a group of sounding balloons and used to record the total intensity of the solar beam at very much higher elevations. In July, 1914, my colleague, L. B. Aldrich, assisted by by the United States Weather Bureau, sent up one of these balloon pyrheliometers from Omaha. It was recovered uninjured in Iowa, 184 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 BALLOON PYRHELIOMETER. Fieurb 6.—Diagram of balloon pyrheliometer a. Blackened metal disk; d d, flat-backed thermometer; g h i, shutter; f, clock rotating shutter and photographie drum; e, photographie recording drum; m 0, barometric ele- ment; 7, windbreak. Sa Sa —— | SS ——==S yf il } AM : \ _ I EER ory] DEN ee es SS YF | ES ( [_——— —— (SEAR DIE es oe last esa wer eT (UN Ca eS ST Cece eee a Ts el ea me SC | | | NN I ra pt ae es Pee | Ee ee [pe ea ee PAs ys Pee Sere PaiNay ed euty Sense Shep eles ee Seeey a ae ee | SS ea EE ee eee ye ee ee Ee eeennaes eee ere ree Sl eer a eas Pe ae Pe | Vd i (i) =n MPMinta hd pei SC ene es I ee Centimeters ees Peenteesinr Pee Leese: eee ee) ee ee Fe (ee | ee Te) [AES ees SC S| ae BST ee Sy Sa Ry Sa IE Wer pee eee eel pf eee Sas [2 Ae ee an | a sy See es 0 a Pd PE ee Pre re Se PS Se TT Dorian Seven Scgurnrerrs wag rrr /Ta ToT! ESURSFECIT STE oe Der ee Ba ee E eae ESE Ficurn 7.—Record of automatic recording balloon pyrheliometer, July 11, 1914 SOLAR RADIATION—-ABBOT 185 150 miles east. Thus we were able to calibrate and test it, both before and after the ascent, under the same conditions of temperature and pressure which it encountered during the flight. Correcting results to mean solar distance, this instrument recorded a solar in- tensity of 1.84 calories at the elevation of 22,000 meters. The baro- metric pressure there was 3 centimeters, so that twenty-four twenty- | | | | ~-Fre€ Balloon. | July /1 1914, Lg = 00 | i N att r LEU -Wilson, Max. Radiation of Veriieal Sun at Mean Distance. a | Kimball Wash: Max. om min a Cal. Q : | 1.5| Hg. 2lo 410 6|0 glo Barometer. Figure 8.—Pyrheliometric measurements of solar radiation from sea level to 22,000 meters elevation fifths of the atmosphere had been left behind. Allowing for the probable atmospheric absorption and scattering still remaining, the result for the solar constant is 1.87 calories, which, within the error of the determination, is certainly a good check on our adopted mean value of the solar constant, 1.94 calories. DISTRIBUTION OF RADIATION OVER THE SOLAR DISK Mount Wilson observations seemed to confirm our impression that the solar radiation is variable. Doctor Langley, therefore, suggested that we make daily observations of the distribution of brightness 186 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 along the solar diameter. For it seemed probable that if there are changes in the intensity of solar radiation, there must be associated changes in the distribution of brightness along the diameter of the solar disk. We first conducted these measurements with a horizontal telescope of 140 feet focus at Washington in 1907. In 1913 we equipped a tower telescope of 60 feet focus at Mount Wilson. From 1913 to 1920 we made drifts across the sun’s disk in several wave leneths of radia- tion on every day on which we conducted solar-constant observa- tions. In this way we discovered indications of slight alterations in the brightness distribution along the solar diameter. These changes Brieutness DistRiBUTION ALonc Sun's DIAMETER For DIrreERENT CoLors InFRA-RED Rongege'= tetas ec Biue—GREEN ULTRA-VIOLET A= -98Cu : az. S03u a= O7 lye Ficgurp 9.—Distribution of energy of radiation along diameter of solar disk seemed to be associated with the observed variations of the solar constant. Thus in 1907 and in 1914, years of numerous sunspots and high solar radiation, there was greater contrast between the center and edge of the solar disk than in 1913, a year of minimum sun spots and low solar-constant values. The observed change of contrast was ereater for shorter wave lengths. Our determination of the distri- bution of radiation over the sun’s disk has been used in England, Europe, and Japan as a check on which to test solar theories. SOLAR VARIATION AND THE WEHATHER In the year 1917, H. H. Clayton, then chief forecaster of Argentina, wrote that he had found relations between our observed variation of the sun and the weather of the world. He employed averages of many Mount Wilson solar-constant values in his studies, thus largely eliminating atmospheric errors. We were so keenly impressed by Clayton’s results that we undertook to maintain daily solar-constant work throughout the year. At the recommendation of Dr. Walter Knoche, then in charge of the Chilean weather service, we located a new solar-constant station at Calama, in the Atacama desert of northern Chile. Later by the generous aid of John A. Roebling, we removed this station to Mount Montezuma, at 9,000 feet elevation, SOLAR RADIATION—-ABBOT 187 about 12 miles south of Calama. Experience shows that this is prob- ably the best station for the purpose that could be found in the whole world. | 18° Feervuary, & p ee PREDICTED * = <== OBSERVED Figure 10.—Forecasts by H. H. Clayton a week in advance and observed verification of temperatures at Buenos Aires FIELD STATIONS FOR SOLAR-CONSTANT WORK In the year 1920 we removed the Mount Wilson outfit to Mount Harqua Hala, in Arizona, and in 1925 again removed it to Table Mountain, Calif., at 7,500 feet. Both removals were financed by Mr. Roebling. In 1925 the National Geographic Society appropriated 188 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 $55,000 to enable me to find, equip, and operate a solar-constant sta- tion in the best locality of the Eastern Hemisphere. After journey- ing to Algeria, Egypt, and Baluchi- | SS a a I have collected in Volume V of the Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory, recently issued, the results of 10 years of solar-constant work at several stations. i) SSeS stan, I chose Mount Brukkaros, in = St South West Africa, at 5,200 feet ele- Peace ae el vation. I am sorry to report that iS 9 is ee ee neither Table Mountain nor Mount SS Brukkaros equals Montezuma in — So favorable qualifications for the solar- 3 are CN Eaiesiea constant work. At present, my col- ; Sa aa league, A. F. Moore, is testing so ae g ae one other high mountains in South West SN Africa and the Cape Verde Islands, P hoping to find a site as good as BK Montezuma. ai 1929 CNA Coan \ MONTHLY MARCH OF SOLAR VARIATION Monthly mean values from the widely separated stations agree ex- cellently and unite to determine the principal trends of variation of the solar radiation with adequate accur- acy and certainty. As the probable error of the general mean curve is less than 0.1 per cent, we may feel much confidence in solar changes as small as one-fourth of 1 per cent when indicated by monthly mean values from three stations. The maximum range of variation of the general mean of the monthly mean values of the solar constant since 1920 is 2.8 per cent, and only 1.2 per cent since 1926. The variations of individual days may be considerably wider, so that the extreme range of solar variation since 1920 appears to be about 4 per cent. \ \ PLT LE EASA TT 1928 INANE LAAN OEE aa ™-——-« TABLE MTN. ~—-— —BRUKKAROS *——— MONTEZUMA Ficurp 11.—Monthly mean solar-constant values and weighted mean curve 1926 to 1930 189 SOLAR RADIATION——-ABBOT “SE6L Pue TE6T JOJ UNS JO UOT}BIIvA pojoTpaid ‘JT ‘+ FZGT UL SAvp 79g puB EF JO Saqzyorpotsod fy ‘qa ‘@ ‘a ‘DO JO womemuns ‘gq {yUsU0dMOD qjuouw-g ‘5 +}usuodw0d Y}UOUI-TT ‘W :}ueu0dm0s YyUOW-eZ ‘q :yueuodmMO0d qjJUOUI-cp ‘q ‘jJUUOdMOD Y}JUOW-g9 ‘9 ‘“RUINZ}U0TY ‘son[eA uveuT A[qjuou ‘vy Sa}Jolpolsed avjnZe1 JUeuodu10d aay OJUY pazA[VU QTE] OUIS UOIVIaBA Ivjog— ZT TUOdIA Ee EAE CALL LL PAESEAS wane a [\ Nese oe EB ey ea TW AAS EAE MA RTT We PRBesSraeiver WEEE Sse 7 NY 7A TIO ais v vi 7 Nw ecél 164 vv cy Oy GCE GE wE CE COE Be GF M Ce Ce OC GI wi 2 OF ¥ 9 v- ae ir dv y ie ir iv N' we iv wen Gee lua Laie) tie Ge olin Sees ae CS es) es e261 2261 pelts Nake pomoee tae Ber ai 190 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 PERIODICITIES IN SOLAR VARIATION Although the monthly mean variations are apparently irregular, they may be expressed with high correlation as the sum of 5 regular periodicities of 68, 45, 25, 11, and 8 months’ interval, respectively. This is the more interesting because 68 and 45 months are respec- tively the half and third of the sun-spot period of 1144 years. SEARCH FOR !2-MONTH PERIODICITY 19470 MONTEZUMA 1921~19250——_o ~ 1926-1930 x-——* 1921-1930 O——=o = z < & uv 219350 O™ NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUN. JUL. AUG. SEP. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. COMPLETE !2-MONTH CYCLE 19450, SEARCH FOR II-MONTH PERIODICITY IN MONTEZUMA MONTHLY MEANS 6 CYCLES, JAN.1921 — JUNE 19250—o 5 CYCLES, JULY 1926 — JAN. 1930 x-—-« Il CYCLES, JAN.192! — JAN. 1930 Oma Ficurp 13.—Spurious 12-month and real 11-month period in solar-constant observa- tions since 1920 Periodicity of approximately 25 months’ interval in former centuries has been found by Dr. A. E. Douglass in the growth of trees, and by Dr. Ernst Antevs in the retreat of glaciers. Professor Marvin has claimed that our solar-constant results were affected by a 12-month periodicity, probably terrestrial. Figure 13 shows that he is in error and has mistaken the 11-month periodicity for 12 months owing to having founded his conclusion on insuflicient data. PERIODICITIES IN WEATHER ASSOCIATED WITH THOSE IN SOLAR VARIATION I find that the five periodicities just mentioned and several others of less importance occur in the temperature of stations in the United — SOLAR RADIATION—-ABBOT 191 States. Figure 14 shows, at A and C, curves representing 5-month consecutive means of the observed departures from normal of the monthly mean temperature of Washington, and of Williston since 1918. Curves B and D show 5-month consecutive means of repre- sentations of these temperature departures as the sum of periodicities of 68, 45, 25, 11, and 8 months, which I think we may now attribute to solar variation. However, in addition to these five periodicities, ane eal Sis ‘3 = VN cf 5 Ai een an ‘na ae eas re i TEA PAT AT “TEA R N ENE CPSC i008 et i i ef V Be \ “ Co SERS alae BEE REBECCA zit co REECE ny Saal a Ga \ Flo N 7a alee Tal Te NET IDS Game Bby sae ROH SGRE OAM B Beam aeleL HY POWAT A My PAW ATCT nf I IE AT IRTAHELHA TRL Tinta REE ere HEC Pe IE YE (BYiNBEP fg Eeeuas BEREES EER EEEEEETEEEEEERE! IV | OS) eG eC HEISE Ee i ete Om Dd RDG Ev TPG Figure 14.—Solar periodicities reflected in temperatures of Washington and Williston H, F, G, H, I, periodicities of 68, 45, 25, 18, and 11 months in the temperature of Williston, N. Dak. D, their summation, and C the departures from normal temper- ature, both smoothed by 5-month consecutive means. B and A, similar smoothed curves for Washington temperature departures. I found it necessary to include for both stations an important periodicity of 18 months’ interval which therefore seems to be a wide-ranging terrestrial contribution. At Williston, in addition to all these, I found inconspicuous periodicities of 5, 3.6, and 3 months. It seems to me very interesting to trace the similarities and the dis- similarities of march of the curves A and C, wherein long-continued pronounced departures from the mean temperatures stand out so conspicuously. 192 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 DAILY MARCH OF SOLAR VARIATION As regards the daily variation of the solar radiation, our results are less satisfactory. Many days are wholly lacking from the record, owing to unfavorable weather conditions, and many others are unsatisfactory. The three widely separated observing stations show a similarity, it is true, in their record of the daily march of solar variation, but are not in close enough agreement to fix it definitely. We have in mind, however, several improvements of apparatus which we hope will bring closer agreement. WEATHER CHANGES ASSOCIATED WITH SEQUENCES OF SOLAR VARIATION The station at Montezuma is far more satisfactory than either of the others. I show in Figure 15 the record of its daily observations since 1924. Sequences of rising and falling solar-constant values, respectively, are indicated in the figure by full and dotted curves. I prefer to segregate these by months, including in a separate group all the sequences of a given month for the seven years 1924 to 1930. I have computed the average march of departures of tem- perature and barometric pressure at Washington, and of temperature at Williston, associated with these instances of rising or falling solar radiation. These results for March, April, September, and October are shown in Figures 16 and 17. About 10 cases contribute to each mean curve shown. Full and dotted curves correspond, respectively, to rising and falling solar-radiation sequences. The several months differ in detail, but agree in this, that the march of weather shows opposite trends following the incidence of solar sequences of opposite directions. It is curious and interesting to note that, though concurring with Washington in displaying this phenomenon of opposition just de- scribed, Williston temperature curves generally run in opposite sense to those of Washington. I mean that the full curve corresponding with rising solar radiation being found generally above the dotted one for Washington, we find it generally below the dotted one for Williston. We note for both stations certain critical dates when the separation of the full and dotted curves reaches maxima. At Washington these critical dates are approximately 5, 11, and 17 days after the full development of the solar sequence. At Williston corresponding critical dates seem to occur after about 2, 7, and 13 days, respectively. If I am right in regarding these contrasting weather phenomena as really depending on rising and falling sequences of solar radia- tion, I must make the assumption that the solar changes produce 193 SOLAR RADIATION—ABBOT Thence the effects travel southeastward in the well-known primary effects in certain localized centers of influence upon the manner and reach distant localities as successive impulses at later periods depending on the distance traversed from the several centers. earth. 02 ‘GT SeInSIA WIA poreduro0s aq OL ‘OSGI 01 FZGT ‘allyd ‘BvuInzajJUOTY 3@ paadasqo UOl}VIPVA JO JUB]SUOD ABIOS JO SanTVA A[IBq—'eT WaaAdI yA oe TO. 7 TTT TT beet TET TTT TT SWIRL I TA A HAMAR UME EVURARAAEAGEE NRO PORN AREEUIT Tm PAAR aied aKa Se A aE AY ESP > Tan RE BL ELLLOEESS CONE CON TSAI EE SA RGU DPE PHP ATTTAGBGTUVTTTTTTTHOGE Ye | eee eee WANA UC PUNT ae ee ARMS SHTOATOOTTOATOAIGAMAAIBLVIAGA MTT TT “a aia) ei mal BS a : ary <1. | pal a | [ma} oe Fe | Dl a [an al al , ial jaa p | ez] ieee) | | sv] Ee el a = fea} ey cal 7 peas aeha ae ial =] Bal = » x nn 7 iia ]\ High —>—> — ‘Low << fe! Figure 3.—Formation of a thunderstorm is analogous to the formation of a sun spot. Note the vertical whirls about “ High” and ‘“ Low” pres- sure areas electromagnetic poles and that the doubling of the lines in the spectrum over sun spots was due to the magnetic effect announced by Zeeman in 1896. ? Astrophys. Journ., vol. 28, p. 315, July to December, 1908. 218 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 With the reappearance of the last sun-spot cycle it was firmly established that the polarity of these spots completely reverses from one cycle to the next. It has been recently suggested by a Nor- wegian scientist, Bjerknes * that the sun spots are the visible ends of a tubular vortex which may extend east and west for great distances below the sun’s surface. A reversal in the direction of whirl in — hy) licurE 4.—Tropical storms on the earth frequent latitudes correspond- ing to the latitudes of many major spots on the sun this supposed vortex would account for a reversal of the magnetic polarity of the sun spots with the change of cycle. No completely satisfactory explanation of the ultimate origin of these whirls has yet been made. There is one peculiarity, however, in the sun’s behavior which doubtless has an important bearing on this point. While the sun rotates on its axis from west to east in common with the axial rotation of other bodies in the solar system, its period of rotation is not the same for different parts of the solar surface. ®TIdem, vol. 49, p. 153, January to June, 1919. *Idem, vol. 64, p. 98, July to December, 1926, SUN SPOTS AND RADIO—STETSON 219 Near the Equator the sun rotates once on its axis in a period of al- most 2414 days, whereas in latitude 35° the motion of the spots across the surface indicates that almost 2614 days are consumed in a single rotation. Spectroscopic observations make it possible to determine the rate of rotation in regions of higher latitudes than those in which the spots appear. In latitude 60° the rotation period is nearly 31 days. The continual slipping of the atmospheric layers of lower lati- tude past those of higher latitude must result in the formation of eddy currents favorable to the formation of cyclonic whirls, thus producing sun spots. N East after 1912 + —_ S Ficurr 5.—Showing reversal in the magnetic polarity of the spots with change in cycle The mention of sun spots invariably raises the question of a possible connection between the spots on the sun and terrestrial phe- nomena. Some statisticians with an insatiable appetite for correla- tions have attempted to connect with sun spots almost every cycle in world affairs from fluctuations in the New York stock market to the fecundity of rabbits in northern Canada. In the popular mind almost every world catastrophe has sooner or later been attributed to sun spots, from a Florida hurricane to the great World War, both of which, by the way, did not culminate around a sun-spot maximum. But, seriously, there are to the scientist certain well recognized phenomena on the earth which pass through cycles whose correlation with the sun-spot cycle is unmistakable. 220 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 For more than a century and a half records of the numbers of sun spots have been kept and afford data for a study of their periodicity over a range of about fifteen 11-year cycles. For more than a cen- tury records of the variation in the earth’s magnetism have been made and preserved. The remarkable correlation of sun spots with magnetic changes on the earth is at once apparent when we make a graph of the number of sun spots and compare this with a similar graph for changes of the compass needle (fig. 6). Simultane- ously with the so-called magnetic storms, which are wont to sweep Ficure 6.—Graph showing correlation of sun-spot numbers to magnetic effects on the earth the earth upon the appearance of great sun-spot activity, we witness frequent and brilliant displays of the aurora borealis. The auroral light is due to an electronic discharge in the upper and highly rarified atmosphere of the earth and is most probably activated by charged particles of electricity emanating from the sun, whose activity varies with the sun-spot cycle. It seems probable that the magnetic vertical whirl of sun spots acts as a directing field in guiding electrons escaping from the sun. When a conspicuous spot appears near the center of the solar disk, and is therefore ap- proximately in line with the earth and the sun’s center, there is SUN SPOTS AND RADIO—STETSON 221 a particularly good chance of the ejected electrons striking the earth’s atmosphere and causing an ionization, or electrification, of the upper atmosphere, giving rise to an auroral display. At the same time the induced earth currents will distort the earth’s mag- netic field, causing the small variations in the compass needle so characteristic of a “ magnetic storm.” While for many generations scientists have recognized the recur- rent cycle in solar activity and the magnetic changes in the earth, never before the present period of sun-spot activity has it been possible to study so thoroughly the changing degree of electrification in the earth’s atmosphere with the coming and going of the spots across the solar disk. All this has come about by the development of the radio. The same electric disturbances which alter the earth’s magnetic field and produce the displays of the aurorae, or northern lights, so change the electrical state of our atmosphere that the radio waves are also affected to a very marked degree by the coming and going of the gigantic solar cyclones. 1926 March Ficurp 7.—Curve showing correlation of sun spots with radio reception; full curve, relative intensity of radio reception on transatlantic, South American, and conti- nental reception In the adjoining figure is a graph showing the number of sun spots during the 12 months of the year 1926 and another graph show- ing the average condition of radio reception over the North Atlantic and the South Atlantic and across the Continent. The sun-spot graph is made from the so-called Wolfer numbers and is plotted with an inverted scale, i. e., the larger the numbers the shorter the ordi- nate of the curve. These Wolfer numbers are based upon the number of spots visible on the sun’s surface at a given time and to some extent upon their area, but do not take into account the posi- tion of the spot on the sun’s disk. The general run of these graphs indicates that radio reception is distinctly impaired by an increase in the sun-spot numbers. Quantitative measurements of radio reception since 1926 seem to have established beyond much doubt that long-distance night recep- tion in the broadcast zone is in general poor when sun spots are 222 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 numerous and good when the spots are few (fig. 8). The quan- titative measurement of radio reception in the broadcast zone was begun by Dr. G. W. Pickard in his private laboratory in Newton Center, Mass., in February, 1926. Great credit is due to Doctor Pick- ard® for his contribution in this field and his stimulus to other workers. In February, 1928, a duplicate set of apparatus was in- stalled at the astronomical laboratory at Harvard University and the measurements carried on there under the direction of the author. Simultaneous records made for a short time at both receiving sta- tions gave the necessary reduction factor for rendering those two Sunspot Numbers Radio Reception 10 20 J il 21 31 February March 1928 Fiaurn 8.—Showing that the intensity of radio signals varies with numbers of sun spots. Based on data received in Cambridge from WBBM Chicago series of observations comparable. ‘The investigations at the Newton Center laboratory were then shifted from the broadcast zone to the region of 18 kilocycles. Figure 8 shows in the upper graph the inverted curve of sun-spot numbers, and in the lower graph the intensity of the carrier wave of WBBM broadeasting station as received in the vicinity of Boston for 1926-1929, and is based upon the results of measurements made by Dr. G. W. Pickard and the author, working in Newton Center and in Cambridge, Mass.° The radio intensities are recorded in terms of microvolts in the antenna of the receiving circuit. 5 Proc. Inst. Radio Eng., vol. 15, nos. 2 and 9, 1927. * Publ. Amer. Astron. Soc., vol. 6, p. 244, 1931; Pop. Astron., vol. 37, p. 388, 1929. SUN SPOTS AND RADIO—STETSON 223 In making plans for research at the new Perkins Observatory at Delaware, Ohio, it was decided to use the opportunity to further the present investigation by establishing an additional station in the middle West at one-third the distance from WBBM over which we were operating in Massachusetts. Another observer, Mr. Brown, of Pasadena, Calif., is gathering similar data from a Pacific coast station. The continuance of the Boston data is assured through the cooperation of G. W. Kenrick at the Tufts College Laboratory, Medford, Mass. Now, every night, Sundays and holidays included, stations in Mas- sachusetts, in Ohio, and in California tune in on a prescribed wave length to study the effect of the day’s solar radiation upon the elec- trical state of the earth’s atmosphere. Wolfer Numbers Mv.per Meter Jan. July Jan. July Jan. July Jan. Ficgurn 9.—Upper curve is inverse of running mean of sun-spot numbers. Lower curve running mean of radio signal strength received at Boston from WBBM Chicago In addition to the measurement of radio reception, the sun is pho- tographed at the Perkins Observatory every clear day in cooperation with the Yerkes, Mount Wilson, Harvard, and Naval Observatories, and a careful study made of the size, numbers, and location of the sun spots. It is believed from a preliminary study that the distance of the spots from the center of the disk, or the sun-earth line, is an important factor in the study of correlation of sun spots with radio reception and other electromagnetic phenomena on the earth.’ The radio apparatus in use at the Perkins Observatory is a super- heterodyne receiver especially constructed for the purpose, and feed- ing into a self-recording galvanometer which registers the strength of the carrier wave received from the broadcasting station of WBBM, Chicago, and WJZ, New Jersey. The apparatus is so designed that 7 Pickard, Proc. Inst. Radio Eng., vol, 15, no. 12, December, 1927. 224 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 the modulations of the carrier wave do not affect the record appreci- ably and the results obtained are independent of the nature of the program broadcasted. Realizing the importance of the investigation, the broadcasting station scrupulously maintains a constant energy output in its antenna current, and each night before the observers begin work the receiving set is carefully calibrated by means of a small local oscillator in the laboratory placed in close proximity to the receiving set. The output of the local oscillator necessary to maintain full deflection of the recorder in the receiving circuit is then read from the micro-ammeter in the circuit. The constant of the apparatus for the evening is thus determined. In this way local ip | PID smrsenmmnacmens i Ac cp—E eH 7A nA erred a a An¥ o~— = EEAS ir, oF ate Aa? ae ar Ar 7 [& 7 | i ie seh Ei 0 = ay I vie | ue 2iF $90 “4.5 #45 18 ess 190-45 $90 #F ae a z 4136 4 RECEIVER - RECORDER - CALIBRATOR CIRCL'/T IF, 21F, 20 14,24," 1D ° ARRANGEMENT OF APPARATUS Figurn 10.—Diagram of radio receiving circuit for recording intensities in the carrier wave sources of error, both at the broadcasting and receiving ends, are eliminated and the resulting measure of the variable reception from night to night may be attributed to the changing electrical condi- tions of the atmosphere through which the broadcasted wave travels en route to the receiving station. Opinions differ as to just what happens when a broadcasted wave travels over the earth. Some believe that an ether wave is propa- gated which is reflected back to earth from an ionized layer of the earth’s atmosphere, known as the Kennelly-Heaviside layer, which lies some 70 kilometers above the earth’s surface. Others maintain that the electric wave is refracted rather than reflected from such a layer. Whatever the mechanism, the wave appears to be turned back by this ionized layer of the earth’s atmosphere. Any change in the SUN SPOTS AND RADIO—STETSON 225 intensity or degree of this ionization or electrification of the earth’s upper atmosphere would have the effect of bending the ray more abruptly or less abruptly toward the earth and thereupon at once be noticed in the intensity of radio reception. The more rapid changes of this sort are doubtless responsible for the phenomena of fading, with which every radio fan is thoroughly familiar. According to our theory the sun constantly bombards the earth’s atmosphere with electrons or bundles of energy of high frequency, which in turn tear apart the positive and negative charges of the atmospheric molecules, in other words, ionize it to a very considerable extent, thus producing the Kennelly-Heaviside layer. If the sun is more active on occasion, as when large spots appear on its surface, the degree of ionization increases, producing substantially the effect of lowering the Kennelly- 100 | 6 | 40 20 V~ \ 1923/4924. (1925 7% 1926), 1927,),. 1928 :41929,, 1939).,.193:) Fieurp 11.—Graph of Wolfer sun-spot numbers (3-month running means) showing 15-month fluctuation in rising solar activity since last minimum in 1923 ° te) WOLFER NUMBERS Heaviside layer and upsetting the radio reception. When the sun is again less active, the atmosphere tends to return to its normal state of ionization and the radio broadcasting reception tends to improve as the ionized layer lifts. For certain wave lengths it is possible that the effect of a rising and falling ionized layer may actually be the reverse of that noted in the broadcasting zone, giving impaired reception during less solar activity. Curiously enough, this is just what has been observed by Doctor Pickard at the Newton Center laboratory when working on long waves of 18-kilocycle frequency. Further study of the data shows a definite 14 or 15 month period in solar activity to be exhibited both in the matter of sun spots and in radio reception. Another important result of the study of the reception curve is to show how completely unfounded is the popular impression that radio reception is universally poor in summer and good in winter. 226 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Generally speaking, reception should be better in the winter months on account of the shortened days and decreased daylight. On the other hand, the sun spots and radio curves of 1926-1928 show that the increased solar activity gave much poorer reception in the winter months of both 1926 and 1927 than during the summer months of the same years. Conditions again improved in 1928, but reception again became poor in the fall and winter of 1929. It may be mentioned that the high degree of static due to thunderstorms in the summer months results in the fact that the average radio listener will decrease the sensitivity of his set in summer to lessen these disturbances with the necessary accompaniment of low audible intensity of distant sta- tions. Hence the general impression of a low intensity accompanying warm weather temperature. The radio reception registered in 1929 has tended to follow the same 15-month cycle in the sun-spot numbers with a marked depre- ciation during the recent fall maximum, when, under normal condi- tions, radio reception should have been improving with the decreasing hours of sunshine. Some progress has been made by Doctor Pickard and others in the correlation of the temperature changes with radio reception, and while concomitant variation markedly exists it is doubtful if the relation is one of cause and effect. It seems far more plausible that changes in the solar activity are more directly responsible for varia- tions in the signal strengths received than that such should be de- pendent upon any absolute values of atmospheric temperature. The subsequent rise in sun-spot numbers corroborated to a remark- able degree a prediction ventured at the New York meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, in 1928, that the period of maximum for the present 11-year cycle had not been passed. Forcasting on the basis of the 15-month cycle, which had worked so effectively during the preceding years, the year 1930 was expected to show a general decrease in sun-spot numbers as the year waxed, with a corresponding increase in radio signal strength in the broadcast zone. By the very end of 1930 and the beginning of 1981 the general rise of a secondary sun-spot maximum became evident. By 1931, however, it was believed that we should be so far from the maximum of the 11-year period that the secondary maximum period should have no such marked effect upon radio reception and allied electromagnetic phenomena as did the sun-spot maxima of 1928-29. Such has been proven to be the case by the sub- sequent observations. The curve of radio intensities received since observations have been made at the Perkins Observatory is shown in Figure 12, the ordinates increasing from the top toward the bottom of the figure. The trend of this inverted curve of radio reception with the curve of decreasing sun-spot numbers is self-evident. The SUN SPOTS AND RADIO—STETSON 224 general lifting of the ionization level in the earth’s atmosphere may be expected to continue with fluctuations through the next three years, but in 1934 solar activity should be as quiescent as at the last mini- mum in 1923. With the assistance of Marvin Cobb, nearly 3,000 hours of recording data have accumulated to date (January, 1932), which is making rapidly available a store of material for more extensive investigations. Through an analysis of existing data it has become possible to de- termine the percentage change of intensity of signal strengths as a function of the distance of the receiving station from the subsolar 70 #00 N 60 = v 800 : . s Q 50 : y2oo * N) = 2 NX 40 /600 ry : ry x N 30 oes LX 23 A SS 9 Noles aS 8 S 20 2f00 10 2800 | (6) ERS ee eae 32.00 Ficure 12.—Correlation of radio reception and sun spots from observations recorded at Perkins Observatory 1930 and 1931 point. This makes it possible to apply important corrections for twi- light observations which enter into part of the records during the summer months. These corrections have already served to minimize some of the less obvious departures in radio reception from the ex- pected values which follow generally the inverse trend of sun-spot numbers. An examination of three years’ radio data has revealed the appar- ent dependence of the intensity of reception upon the position of the moon in the sky at the hour of observation, radio reception in gen- eral showing 100 per cent increase in strength at those times when the moon is well below the horizon. 102992—32——_16 228 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Further studies of the lunar effect are being pursued at the Perkins Observatory which give promise of evaluating further corrections to the radio curve for more direct comparison with the curve of sun-spot numbers. Perhaps the most remarkable result of our correlation study has been the discovery that radio apparatus has become an effective tool in the study of solar radiation. Furthermore, since meteorological changes are correlatable with changes in- radio reception, it is but fair to specify that a new method has been evolved which may ulti- mately lead to important correlation between sun spots and the 2000 {600 1200 800 M/CROVOLTS (6h ANTENNA 400 ° = Paro? S15) On i agen) OCn esate pao Fieurp 13.—Curve showing changing intensity of WBBM at Delaware, Ohio, as function of solar altitude weather. To this end researches will be continued in these closely related lines at the Perkins Observatory. Grateful acknowledgement is due the American Academy of Arts and Sciences for grants from the Rumford Fund to aid in the pur- chase of apparatus for this new field of research in radiation, and to the American Association for the Advancement of Science for assistance in the making of the observations and reductions. In conclusion, it may be said that investigations in radio trans- mission, together with researches in the change in the earth’s mag- netism and electricity and the ultra-violet radiation of the sun, may yet prove to furnish the most definite data as to changes in the sun itself, Smithsonian Report, 1931.—Stetson PLATE 1 1. THE SUN PHOTOGRAPHED AT PERKINS OBSERVATORY 2. AN ENLARGED VIEW OF A TYPICAL GROUP OF SUN SPOTS ¢ ALV 1d AYOLVAYSASEO SNIMYSd LV SNLVYVddY OIOVY DNIGHOOsSAY SILVWOLNY U05}34¢ ‘1€6| ‘oday uermosyzwisg AN EVOLVING UNIVERSE? By Sm JAMES JEANS Former Secretary of the Royal Society of London; Research Associate, Carnegie Institution of Washington [With 5 plates] When we look upwards in a clear night, we see a sky spangled with stars; we can see between two and three thousand with our un- $ > ¥ Pollux 40 Eridani Procyon oad Bild isin can Mi ire ha $ Dg Wolf ie Sirius ase ye e & 2 ACentavri 54" 7 > + Figure 1.—Diagram showing all stars whose distances are less than 383 light- years. The size of the dots indicates their relative luminosity aided eyes. Some appear very bright and some very faint; astro- nomical investigation shows that this results in large part from their being at very different distances. The stars which look brightest are 1 Lecture delivered before Carnegie Institution of Washington, May 18, 1981. Printed by permission of Carnegie Institution. All photographs of nebulae used herein were taken at the Mount Wilson Observatory except as otherwise noted. 229 230 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 so near that their light takes only a few years to reach us, but the faintest we can see are, for the most part, at distances of about 3,000 light-years; that is to say, they are so remote that their light has to travel through space for about 3,000 years before it reaches us—we see them by light which left them before the beginning of the Chris- tion era. ' Besides this collection of individual stars, we also see a band of faint pearly light encircling the whole sky; we call it the Milky Way. This also consists of stars, but of stars which are too distant to be seen as individuals by our unaided eyes, although numerous enough to appear as a continuous cloud. Thus, the sky which our unaided eyes disclose to us, consists of two distinct parts—a foreground, con- sisting of separate stars, and a background, formed by a continuous cloud of distant stars. No middle distance can be seen by the unaided eye. Yet telescopic observation at once discloses that a middle distance exists. Like the foreground and the background, it consists of stars—in this case, of stars which are too distant to be seen individ- ually without telescopic assistance, and yet are not sufficiently numer- ous to form a continuous cloud; for it is only in the direction of the Milky Way that the distant stars lie close enough together to affect our eyes. The telescope shows that this middle distance of stars con- nects the foreground of individual stars with the background which we can only see as a band of light, and it becomes possible to study the system of stars as a continuous whole. Such studies have shown that the system of stars is shaped like a disk or a coin or a cartwheel. Perhaps the last of these three com- parisons is the best, because it has now been found that the system of stars is in a state of rotation. Early investigators, Sir William Herschel in particular, imagined that the sun must be somewhere near the hub of this wheel; we now know that it is at a great distance away. It is so far away that even the brightest stars near the hub are too faint to be seen by the unaided eye. The farthest stars our unaided eyes can see are only about 3,000 light-years away from us, while the hub of this great wheel of stars is probably something lke 40,000 light-years away. We still do not know the diameter of the wheel with any approach to accuracy, but it is probably something like 200,000 light-years. Still less do we know the total number of stars which constitute the wheel. It is almost certainly greater than a hundred thousand million and may quite well be two, three, four, or even five times this number. Thus, we shall get the best picture which modern science can give us of our system of stars if we think of it as shaped like a cartwheel, AN EVOLVING UNIVERSE—JEANS 231 with the sun perhaps a third or a halfway along one of the spokes, and rotating like a cart wheel. The Milky Way is formed of all the stars which are at great distances from the sun, including of course the great number which are near the rim of the wheel. The wheel is held together by the gravitational attractions of the different stars of which it is composed. As a consequence, the outer- most stars move with the slowest speeds and take longest to perform a complete revolution—just as in the solar system the outermost planets move most slowly and take the longest time to describe their orbits round the sun. So far as is at present known, the sun moves at about 200 miles per second, and requires something over 200,000,000 years to perform a complete revolution. In the early days of astronomy our galactic system was thought to be the only system of stars in the sky, but we now know that it is only one of innumerable systems. If you look to the north of the star Beta, in the constellation of Andromeda, you will, if your eye- sight is good, see a faint hazy patch. This is the object known as the Great Nebula in Andromeda. It looks at first like diffused star- light, as though a bit of the Milky Way had broken away—the astronomer Marius described it as looking like candlelight seen through a horn, while Herschel described it and similar objects as “shining fluid.” When this patch of light is viewed through a powerful telescope, a certain amount of detail begins to appear; we can see dark lanes across the background of light and notice a certain regularity in the form and structure of the object. But to study it properly we must photograph it with an exposure of many hours. Endless new detail now appears. The Nebula is found to be far larger than can be seen either by the unaided eye or by direct vision through a telescope ; it is found to cover about 20 times as much sky as the full moon. The only part we can see with the unaided eye is a comparatively bright central mass, which is fuzzy in appearance and iil defined in outline. Round this is a detailed structure which lies hidden until it is photographed with a very long exposure. Just as Galileo’s telescope broke up the Milky Way into separate points of light which he at once identified as stars, so the modern high-power telescope breaks up the outermost regions of this Nebula into separate points of light. We know that these, too, are stars. Many of them do not shine with a steady light, but fluctuate in a very characteristic and quite unmistakable way with which we are very familiar, because many stars of our own system do precisely the same. Indeed stars of this type are so peculiar, so uniform in their behavior, and so similar to one another that we can estimate the dis- tance of the Nebula from the apparent faintness of these stars. aoe ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Doctor Hubble, of the Carnegie Institution Observatory at Mount Wilson, has found it to be at such a distance that its light takes about 800,000 years to reach us. There is no longer any room for reasonable doubt that, in its outer parts at least, this great Nebula in Andromeda is formed of a system of stars which is similar in its essential nature to our own system. It is not the only such system in the sky; millions of others can be observed. Although these are of varied shapes and constitutions, it is found that the greater number of them can be arranged in a single sequence. At one end of the sequence are Nebulae consisting solely of round fuzzy masses, in which no stars are visible even in the most powerful telescope, while at the other extreme end we have clouds of stars such as our own system. Half way along the sequence are Nebulae, such as the great Nebula in Andromeda, which consist of a central fuzzy mass surrounded by stars, in which both the fuzzy mass and the stars are present, the former occupying the central and the latter the outer regions. Like our own system of stars, these nebulae are generally flat in shape. The comparison of the cart wheel remains quite a good one, partly because many of these nebulae are known to be rotating and all are believed to be so; partly also because they often are found to have a thick central projection, corresponding to the hub of the wheel, while the rest of their structure is flat. The Great Nebula in Andromeda is of this cart-wheel shape, but it is rather disguised because we are neither looking at it full on nor edgewise on. If we could look at it full on, it would appear nearly circular in shape; if we could look at it edgewise on, it would appear rather more than a bright line of light; indeed it would probably look very much like the nebulae. N. G. C. 891, which is seen edge-on. From the angle at which we actually view it, it appears elliptical in shape. We know all this because the various nebulae in the sky are, of course, seen at possible angles, so that we can study their structure as 3-dimensional solids. When we do this, we find that the sequence I have already described starts with perfectly globular nebulae and ends up with quite flat nebulae. The sequence is one of nebulae arranged in order of flatness. It is easy to obtain a theoretical interpretation of this sequence. We know how an increase in the speed of rotation of a body is accom- panied by a flattening of its shape. Our own earth, which is rotat- ing slowly, is only slightly flattened, so that we describe it as orange- shaped. Jupiter rotates much more rapily (once every 10 hours), and as a result is much flatter in shape. Finally, astronomical bodies which are rotating very rapidly may be almost completely flat. AN EVOLVING UNIVERSE—JEANS 233 It is natural, then, to interpret our sequence of nebulae as one of bodies which are rotating at different speeds. And as we know that the speed of rotation of a body increases as it shrinks, we may rea- sonably conjecture that this sequence of nebulae corresponds to dif- ferent stages of development. At the one end, we have the globular fuzzy mass of gas with little or no rotation; at the other end, we have the flat cart-wheel shape in which rotation predominates and governs the structure of the whole mass. A satisfactory confirma- tion of this is to be found in the fact that a number of these flat nebulae have been observed to be in a state of rapid rotation. Now before Doctor Hubble had arranged the nebulae in sequence in the way I have described, I had tried to work out, as a problem of abstract mathematics, the sequence of configurations which a mass of rotating gas would assume as it cooled and shrank and, as a con- sequence, increased its speed of rotation. I arrived at a sequence of shapes which agreed almost exactly with that which Doctor Hub- ble subsequently found when he arranged the observed nebulae in sequence guided solely by the facts of observation, and deliberately putting theoretical considerations out of his mind. ‘This leaves little room for doubt that the nebulae we see in the sky are members of this theoretical sequence, that they began as rotating masses of gas, and that we see them in various stages of development. If a rotating mass consists of water or some entirely incompressi- ble substance, an increase in the speed of its rotation merely in- creases its flatness. But compressibility of substance, such as comes into play with a gaseous nebula, introduces new features in addition to flattening. At first the spinning mass simply flattens and assumes the shape of an orange. After a time a new feature appears—a pronounced bulge all round its equator. Finally this becomes so marked that the equator is merely a sharp edge; the rotating mass has assumed the shape of a double-convex lens as in N. G. C. 3115. This configuration forms a noteworthy landmark in the evolu- tionary path of a nebula. Until it is reached, the effects of shrink- age can be adjusted, and are adjusted, by a mere change of shape—in spite of its reduced size, the rotating mass carries the same angular momentum as before by the simple expedient of rotating more rap- idly and bulging out its equator. But we find that this is no longer possible when once this landmark has been passed. Further shrinkage now involves an actual break-up of the nebula. This can no longer carry all its angular momentum as a single body; it is in the state of a fly-wheel which is rotating too fast for safety, and it relieves the situation by the ejection of matter from its equa- tor. This brings us to the type of configuration shown in N. G. C. 5866, 4594, and 891. 234 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 We have so far spoken of the nebular equator as being of circular shape, as it undoubtedly would be if the nebula were alone by itself in space. But an actual bursting flywheel, of course, first breaks at its weakest point; if it were of absolutely uniform strength it would begin to break at all points of its circumference at once. In the same way, if the equator of the nebula were a perfect circle, and if the substance of the nebula were disposed symmetrically around its axis of rotation, the ejection of matter would necessarily start from all points of the equator simultaneously; there could be no conceivable reason why it should start at one point rather than any other. In nature we do not expect to find perfect balances of this kind; if the main factors are of exactly equal weight, some quite minor fac- tor invariably intervenes to turn the balance in one direction or an- other. In the present problem there could be no choice as between one point of the equator and another if the various minor factors were absent, but as soon as minor factors come into play, a discrimi- nation at once takes place. We have so far spoken of the rotating nebula as though it were alone in space. Yet it must have neighbors, and these will raise tides on its surface, just as the sun and moon raise tides on the surface of the rotating earth. Wherever the neighbors are, there will always be two points of high tide antipodally opposite to one another and two points of low tide intermediate between the two points of high tide. The equator will not be strictly circular, but slightly elliptical. It is in all probability this tidal pull that determines the choice of points for the ejection of matter. Matter will be ejected at the points at which the gravitational pull of the nebula is weakest, and so at the two ends of the longest diameter in the equator of the nebula. After the nebula has passed its critical landmark, it ought still to retain the lenticular figure which formed the landmark, but with the additional feature of matter streaming out from two antipodal points on its equator. This is exactly what we see in the types of nebulae which we de- scribe as “spiral.” In N. G. C. 5866 we see a nebula in which the ejection of matter is probably just beginning; we notice the bulge along the equator and a dark band which probably represents ejected matter which is already cooling. A more advanced state of develop- ment is shown in N, G. C. 4594; and a still later one in N. G. C. 891 in which the ejected matter already dwarfs the central nucleus in size, although probably not in total mass. These are all photographs of nebulae seen very approximately edge-on. The well-known “ whirlpool ” in Canes Venatici (M. 51) is a spiral nebula which may be very similar physically to that shown in N. G. C. 891, but is seen face-on; we are looking along its axis of rotation. Again, the central nucleus occupies only a small part of AN EVOLVING UNIVERSE—JEANS 235) the picture. In two other spiral nebulae, M. 81 and M. 101, the evolu- tion has proceeded still further, so much so that in the last of these there is very little nucleus left, and by far the greater part of what we see is what we believe to be ejected matter forming the spiral arms. In these last nebulae, we can see that the spiral arms proceed from two antipodal points, exactly as required by dynamical theory. Yet this does not quite end the story, since the arms spread further into space than we should expect if rotation alone were responsible for their spreading. There must be other factors at work, and these we do not yet understand; the spiral formation of the nebular arms remains a mystery. It seems possible that the theory of relativity may explain it all to us in time, but it has not done so yet. Gas set free out of an ordinary nozzle into a vacuum would immedi- ately spread into the whole of the space accessible to it. Why then does not the jet of gas shot off from the equator of the nebula do the same ? The explanation is to be found in the gigantic scale on which this latter process takes place. As we increase the scale of the phenom- enon, the mutual gravitational attraction of the particles of gas be- comes of ever greater importance until finally, when we come to very large-scale phenomena (but before nebular dimensions are reached), gravitation overcomes the expansive influence of gas pressure and holds the jet together as a compact stream. But dynamical theory predicts that when this happens, a further phenomenon ought also to appear. The influence of gas-pressure is in the direction of keeping the density spread out uniformly along the filament, while that of gravitation is towards making the stream condense into compact globules. When nebular dimensions are reached the latter tendency prevails, so that the jet of ejected matter breaks up into drops, much as a jet of water issuing from a nozzle does, although for a very different physical reason. In the photo- graphs reproduced of N. G. C. 891, M. 51, M. 101, and M. 81 we can trace this process going on. The nebula shown in N. G. C. 891 exhibits a lumpy or granulated appearance in its outer regions. In M. 51 this takes the form of pronounced condensations, and in the outer regions of M. 101 and M. 81 these condensations have further developed into detached and almost starlike points of light; indeed many of these are known to be stars or groups of stars. Dynamical theory not only predicts that these globules of gas must form, but can also predict their sizes and masses. The calculation of the masses leads to an extremely interesting and significant result; the calculated mass of a single condensation proves to be approxi- mately equal to the mass of the average star. This provides an excellent confirmation of our theory, and gives. T believe, the key to the evolutionary process we have been consider- ing—we have been watching the creation of the stars. 236 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 In N. G. C. 8115 we saw the raw material of the process—a gaseous mass of extreme tenuity, already molded, as a result of shrinkage and consequent increase of rotation, to the stage at which disintegration is about to commence. Further shrinkage takes place, and in N. G. C. 5866 and 4594 we see the ejection of the jets of matter from which the future stars will in due course be made. In N. G. C. 891 and M. 51 individual stars are beginning to form, although at present only as vague condensations in what is still a continuous nebula mass. Finally, each condensation forms a separate star, until the whole nebula is transformed into a star cloud. Thus the great nebulae prove to be the birth places of the stars. Long before this complete evolutionary sequence was known, I had taken a preliminary step in the reverse direction, and had shown that the stars had in all probability been born out of a uniform mass of tenuous gas by a process which I designated “ gravitational in- stability.” If all the matter of our own system of stars were uni- formly spread throughout the space occupied by the system, it would form a gas of density about 10-**. I showed that such a medium would be unstable, and that its in- stability would cause it to break up into condensations whose dis- tances apart could be calculated mathematically, which calculation showed that these distances would be about equal to the actual aver- age distance of the stars. Thus the single supposition that the stars had been born out of a uniformly spread mass of gas was found to explain at a single stroke why the stars all have approximately the same mass, and why these masses are what they are. A similar situation has recently arisen with respect to the nebulae. In a telescope they appear to differ widely in shape, size, and bright- ness. But Doctor Hubble has shown that differences in size and brightness between nebulae of the same shape are almost entirely due to a distance effect. If all the nebulae were put in a row at the same distance from us, nebulae of the same shape would be found to have approximately the same dimensions and luminosity, while even nebulae of different shapes would exhibit only comparatively small ranges of dimensions and luminosity, especially the latter. Because of this, it is possible to estimate the distances of all nebu- lae, even the very faintest, with fair accuracy; their faintness gives a measure of their distance. The faintest which can be observed photographically in the 100-inch telescope prove to be at the amaz- ing distance of about 140,000,000 light-years. Some 2,000,000 nebu- lae lie within this distance. Doctor Hubble finds that these are fairly uniformly spaced at an average distance of about 1,800,000 light-years apart. ‘To construct a model, we may take 300 tons of apples and space them at about 10 yards part, thus filling a sphere of about a mile diameter. This AN EVOLVING UNIVERSE—JEANS JSG. sphere is the range of vision of the 100-inch telescope; each apple is a nebula containing matter enough for the creation of several thou- sand million stars like our sun; and each atom in each apple is the size of a solar system with a diameter equal to or slightly larger than that of the earth’s orbit. Thus the arrangement of the nebulae in space reproduces on an incomparably grander scale the uniform spacing of the stars in our ealactic system. It is natural to inquire whether the uniform ar- rangement of these larger masses can not again be explained by the supposition that the nebulae themselves came to birth as condensa- tions produced by the gravitational instability of an earlier and even more tenuous mass of uniform gas. The test of the conjecture is, of course, by numerical calculation. The masses of two nebulae are known with fair accuracy; one has 3,500 million times the weight of the sun, the other 2,000 million times. If all the nebulae have masses of about this magnitude, the average density with which matter is spread in space must be some- thing like one gramme to 10*° cubic ems. The theoretical form- ulae show that instability would cause such a medium to form into condensations which would be at approximately equal distances apart, and that these distances would be of the order of hundreds of thou- sands of light-years. While the calculated distance comes out rather less than Doctor Hubble’s observed distance of 1,800,000 light-years, yet it is near enough to it to make our conjecture seem reasonably probable. These nebulae provide one of the great puzzles of astronomy. The theory of relativity suggests that the whole universe may be expand- ing, and recent astronomical observations, made mainly at Mount Wilson, have suggested that it is actually doing so, and this in no half-hearted way. If we may take the observations at their face value, the nebulae are even now rushing away from one another at almost incredible speeds. The last nebula which Mr. Humason in- vestigated at Mount Wilson, at an estimated distance of about 105 million lhght-years, appears to be receding from the earth at the rate of 19,700 kms a second—about 12,300 miles a second! [Still more recently, nebulae at an estimated distance of 135 million light-years appear to be receding at about 15,000 miles a second. | Some astronomers doubt whether these apparent recessions of the distant nebulae represent real motions in space or not. If they do, space must have expanded quite substantially since the nebulae first condensed out of the primeval gas. The mathematical work of Lemaitre and others has suggested that the mere condensing of the primeval gas into nebulae in the way just explained, would of itself suffice to cause space to start expand- ing. Before the expansion started there would be approximately the 238 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 same amount of matter in the universe as now, but it would be packed into a smaller space; the density of the primeval gas would be greater than we have calculated for it. Consequently, the distance apart of the condensations which ultimately formed nebulae would be less than we have calculated. After they had formed, their rushing apart would increase their distances, with the result that by now these distances would be nearly, but not quite, as far apart as those given by a calculation which ignores the expansion of the universe entirely. The upshot of the whole matter is that, whether the universe is expanding or not, the actual condensations of a primeval gas ought to represent the present nebulae fairly well. If this account of the origin of the nebulae is accepted, it becomes possible to trace out the mechanical evolution of the universe from its origin as a uniform gas spread throughout primeval space. We have in succession : 1. A uniform tenous gas of density of the order of 10-*° and of diameter at least thousands of millions of light-years. 2. Condensations developing in this gas at points hundreds of thousands, or perhaps millions, of light-years apart, and forming separate nebulae with masses of the order of thousands of millions of suns. 3. Condensations developing in turn in the arms of these nebulae, and forminy stars with masses about equal to that of our sun. Further, according to the “ Tidal theory ” of the origin of the solar system, we may add to this: 4. Condensations developing in the arms of gas pulled out from the stars by the tidal action of other passing stars, and forming bodies of planetary mass. 5. Condensations similarly developing in the arms of gas pulled out tidally from the planets, and forming bodies of a mass comparable with the satellites of the planets. This scheme covers five complete generations of astronomical bodies, having masses of the order of 10°°, 10%, 10%4, 10°, 10° gm., respectively, the birth of each generation from the preceding gener- ation being through the agency of what I have described as “ gravi- tational instability.” Owing to the repeated action of this agency, sometimes by itself, but more often in conjunction with other agencies, we see the universe gradually evolving from a single chaotically-spread primeval gas of extreme tenuity, down to comparatively small dense bodies such as our earth which form possible abodes for life. Smithsonian Report, 1931.—Jeans THE VEIL NEBULA (N. G. C. 6992) IN THE CONSTELLATION OF CYGNUS, WITHIN THE CONFINES OF THE MILKY WAY Nebulae, classified according to their characteristics, comprise dark nebulae, diffuse luminous nebulae, planetary nebulae, elliptical nebulae, and spiral nebulae. ‘The first three classes are found only in or near the region of the Milky Way. Members of the last two classes lie outside the Galactic System (system of the Milky Way) and are called ‘“‘extra-galactic nebulae,”’ ‘island universes,”’ ‘‘star-cities.’’ The Veil Nebula belongs to the ‘diffuse’ type and consists of dust and luminous gas. Smithsonian Report, 1931.—Jeans PLATE 2 1. THE GREAT NEBULA IN ANDROMEDA (MESSIER 31) TAKEN AT YERKES OB- SERVATORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO This, the most conspicuous of all spiral nebulae, lies far outside our Galactic System. It takes light about 800,000 years to reach us from it and 40,000 years to cross it from one side to the other. 2. THE FAMOUS ‘‘WHIRLPOOL’’ NEBULA (MESSIER 51 IN CANES VENATICI) This, the first nebula in which the spiral structure was discovered, is about 1,000,000 light-years distant. Smithsonian Report, 1931.—Jeans PLATES UPPER: MESSIER 101 IN URSA MAJOR LOWER: A SPIRAL NEBULA IN THE BIG DIPPER (MESSIER 81 IN URSA MAJOR) This is one of the most beautiful ‘‘star-cities’’ out in space, and was the first observed to be rotating Its light takes 1,600,000 years to reach us. The central region is unresolved but in the outer portions swarms of stars are visible similar to the very bright stars in our own Galactic System. PLATE 4 Smithsonian Report, 1931.—Jeans N.G.C. 3379 N.G.C. 4621 N.G.C. 5866 THIS PLATE AND THAT OPPOSITE SHOW A SEQUENCE OF SHAPES INTO WHICH THE GREATER NUMBER OF NEBULAE CAN BE ARRANGED It begins with the globular fuzzy mass of gas having little or no rota- tion and ends with the flat cart-wheel type, like our own Galactic System, which rotates much more rapidly. It is believed that this sequence represents stages in the evolution of the universe. The last three in this series represent similar stages of evolution, being views taken at different angles. Smithsonian Report, 1931.—Jeans PLATE 5 N.G.C, 4594 N.G.C. 7217 N.G.C. 2841 THE ROTATION OF THE GALAXY? By A. 8S. EppINGTon Plumian Professor of Astronomy in the University of Cambridge Early in 1718 Edmund Halley communicated to the Royal Society the paper announcing his discovery of the proper motions of the stars, under the title ‘“‘ Considerations on the Change of the Latitudes of some of the Principal Fixt Stars.” Referring to a comparison he had made of modern places of stars with the ancient observations collected in Ptolemy’s Almagest, he wrote: I was surprized to find the Latitudes of three of the principal Stars of Heaven directly to contradict the supposed greater Obliquity of the Ecliptick, which seems confirmed by the Latitudes of most of the rest, they being set down in the old Catalogue as though the Plain of the Earths Orb[it] had changed its Situation, among the fixt Stars, about, 20’ since the time of Hipparchus. .. Yet the three Stars Palilictum or the Bulls Eye, Sirius and Arcturus do con- tradict this rule directly. ... What shall we say then? It is scarce credible that the Antients could be deceived in so plain a matter, three Observers con- firming each other. Again these Stars being the most conspicuous in Heaven, are in all probability nearest to the Earth, and if they have any particular Motion of their own, it is most likely to be perceived in them, which in so long a time as 1800 Years may shew it self by the alteration of their places, though it be utterly imperceptible in the space of a single Ceutury of Years. ... This Argument seems not unworthy of the Royal Society’s Consideration, to whom I humbly offer the plain Fact as I find it, and would be glad to have their opinion. Two hundred years have gone by, and now we are faced with a great accumulation of data concerning these apparent movements of the stars. This has been supplemented, mainly during the last 20 years, by extensive determinations of their velocities in the line of sight by use of the spectroscope. We have, therefore, a mine of ma- terial from which we are trying to learn what we can of the nature of the motions of the stars as a system and to reach some kind of dynam- ical theory of what is going on. A caution must be given at the out- set. According to modern views the dimensions of our galaxy are immense; and although our survey of stellar motions extends over 1 Reprinted by permission from The Rotation of the Galaxy, being the Halley lecture delivered on May 30, 1930, by A. S. Eddington, Oxford University Press, 1930. 239 240 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 a region containing perhaps 10 to 100 million stars, this is but a small part of the whole. We have to take a risk in inferring the nature of the complete system from the small sample within reach. Throughout the nineteenth century astronomers working on stellar motions concentrated their attention on one main theme—the solar motion, or velocity of our sun as an individual star with respect to the system as a whole. For our present discussion of the system of the stars this has no particular interest, being merely a distorting factor in our outlook which is sometimes troublesome to eliminate. We are concerned with the stellar motions remaining after our own translational velocity has been allowed for; they are by no means those of an unorganized crowd. By later researches four leading peculiarities have been discovered. I give them in historical order: (1) Star streaming, i. e., a tendency of the stars to move to and fro along one particular axis in space rather than in directions at right angles to it. ; (2) A strong correlation between the velocity and the physical characteristics of the stars. For example, stars classed as of “ late” spectral type have a higher average speed than those of “ early ” type. (3) Stars of exceptionally high velocity (greater than 80 km per sec.) are found to be moving exclusively toward one hemisphere of the sky. (4) An effect rather complicated to describe which we interpret as evidence of rotation of the whole system. This is the main theme of my lecture. In conjunction with these results we have to consider a matter of common knowledge inferred from the apparent distribution (not the motions) of the stars. Our stellar system has a very oblate form. It is believed to be almost a disk—resembling the spiral nebulae seen abundantly in the vast universe beyond the confines of our galaxy. NATURE OF THE ROTATION The discovery of the fourth effect and the interpretation placed on it are due to J. H. Oort of Leiden. Among other investigators should be mentioned especially B. Lindblad, who had been develop- ing the hypothesis of galactic rotation for other reasons, and J. S. Plaskett, to whom we owe the most convincing evidence. It will help us to understand what kind of indication of rotation we might look for in a system of stars, if we transfer our attention for a moment to a phenomenon nearer home, namely Saturn’s rings. These have a rough resemblance to the disklike form attributed to our galaxy. At one time there wasa division of opinion as to whether the rings were solid structures or whether they consisted of swarms ROTATION OF THE GALAXY—EDDINGTON 241 of small particles. In a famous mathematical investigation, which is one of the classics of celestial mechanics, Clerk Maxwell showed that the solid type of ring was dynamically impossible; it would be unstable. The only permissible constitution was a swarm of separate bodies. Many years later Maxwell’s theory of the ring was strikingly confirmed by Keeler; and it is his method of confirmation which especially interests us. If a solid ring rotates, its outer edges must necessarily travel faster than the inner edge; on the other hand, if the ring is a swarm of meteoric particles, they will follow the same rule as the planets in the solar system, viz. the inner particles must travel faster in order to counterbalance the stronger gravitational pull of the planet. Keeler found by spectroscopic observation that the inner edge of Saturn’s ring travels faster than the outer edge, indi- cating therefore that it is a swarm of particles and not a solid arch. In the galaxy we know that we are dealing with a swarm of par- ticles—stars—and not with a solid ring. Consequently, we may ex- pect that it will rotate after the manner of Saturn’s ring, the inner stars traveling faster than the outer stars. This is fortunate for our hopes of detecting rotation. For investigating this problem we are dependent almost entirely on observed radial velocities. Ra- dial velocity means the approach or recession of other particles from our own particle (the sun); clearly radial velocity measurements would be unaffected by and would not detect a rotation like that of a solid body in which all particles preserve the same distance apart. It is important to bear in mind that the effect manifested by the radial velocities, and detected and measured by Oort, is not the absolute rotation but the differential rotation or Saturn’s ring ef- fect—the increase of angular velocity as we go toward the center of the system. Figure 1 shows a portion of the galaxy rotating about a center situated far outside the diagram, the rotation being faster as we go toward the center. We must ask, How will this appear to an ob- server in the midst of the region? He will appreciate only the relative motion of the different parts of the system. In Figure 2 we have reduced him to rest by applying to all parts of the region a velocity equal and opposite to his own. The observer is armed with a spectroscope and measures velocities (relative to himself) in the line of sight. We see from Figure 2 that there are four directions in which this line of sight velocity will be zero, viz., to the right and left (approximately) because there there is no relative motion, and up and down the page because there the relative motion is entirely transverse to the line of sight. But in diagonal directions an effect will be observed; the stars seen in both directions along one diagonal are receding and those seen along the 242 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 other diagonal are approaching. Figure 3 shows the resulting dis- tribution of radial motion (ignoring the transverse motion which is > > > < < < | y | Y | v v Sa & JY¥INIO Ol}----- JYLNID OL €------ Fic. 1. ry _ Qo iS) ye ) Fic. 3 Distribution of radial velocity not detected by the spectroscope). It will be seen that the distribu- tion of motion is of the kind which distorts a square into a diamond. ROTATION OF THE GALAXY—EDDINGTON 243 This distortion comes from the shearing effect when the inner part of a ring travels faster than the outer part. Mathematically we can describe this distribution by saying that, when the stars are arranged according to galactic longitude /, their observed radial velocities contain a term @ sin 2(/—/,), where 7» is the longitude of the center of the system. Moreover, it is clear that the effect is greater for greater distances being approximately pro- portional to the distance of the stars considered from the observer. We therefore express the term as Ar sin 2(/—1,), where 7 is the distance of the stars examined, and A is a constant. The stars have their own individual motions superposed on the general rotation of the system, and we can only expect to discover this effect if we average out the individual motions by taking means for a considerable number of stars. Owing to the increase of effect with distance it is best to search for it in the more distant classes of objects. It may be said at once that the search is successful. The expected distribution of velocity is found in all classes of objects that could be expected to show it, and they agree among themselves both as to the magnitude of the effect and as to the direction in which the center of the galaxy is situated. OBSERVATIONAL EVIDENCE Through the researches of Harlow Shapley, the center of our galaxy had already been located in the direction of the great star clouds of Sagittarius—the richest part of the Milky Way. He deduced this from the distribution of the most distant galactic ob- jects observable, particularly the globular clusters, which may be supposed to outline the shape of the system. The exact center can not be found with any high accuracy, but the position generally adopted is in 325° galactic longitude. Oort’s method of deducing it from the rotation effect is entirely independent; it generally gives a rather higher longitude 830°-835°, but the difference is within the probable uncertainty of the determinations. As already stated, the magnitude of the effect increases with the distance. For stars distant 1,000 parsecs? it amounts to 17 km per sec., that is to say the stars seen at this distance in one part of the sky are in the mean moving toward us at 17 km per sec., whereas those 90° away are moving from us at the same rate. For other dis- tances the effect is in proportion—814 km per sec. for 500 parsecs 21 parsec=3.26 light-years. 102992—32——_17 244 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 distance, 34 km per sec. for 2,000 parsecs, and so on. This provides what may ultimately prove to be a valuable means of finding the mean distance of a class of objects when it is not determinable by older methods; for if we measure the magnitude of the rotational effect we can at once write down the corresponding distance. To illustrate this I will refer to a remarkable investigation by Plaskett and Pearce. Their research dealt with the radial velocities of about 250 stars of the most distant type known. They wished to sort these into groups according to distance; but since the stars were far beyond the range of ordinary methods of distance determination this separa- tion presented some difficulty. It isnot much use to sort them accord- ing to apparent brightness, because brightness is a poor criterion of distance. The authors availed themselves of a method developed recently by Otto Struve. We are looking at these stars through a thin veil of cosmical cloud. The cloud Jeaves its mark on the light, pro- ducing certain narrow absorption lines in the spectrum of the star. If the absorption is intense it is a sign that we are looking at the star through a great thickness of cloud—that the star is very remote. By this criterion Plaskett and Pearce divided the stars into three groups showing low, medium, and high absorption, respectively, which must correspond presumably to small, medium, and great distance. In the following table the third column gives the magnitude of the rotation term for each of the three groups and the fourth col- umn gives the deduced distance (the proportion being 17 km per sec. per 1,000 parsecs as already stated.) It will be seen that Struve’s criterion has been successful; or at least that Oort’s and Struve’s methods of estimating distance (both of which must be regarded as on trial) confirm one another. Stars | Cloud Absorption Avuaber Rotation Rotation effect | Distance| effect | Distance (km ee (parsecs) | (km Pe (parsecs) sec. sec. TO Wes sae See tds SEN 1 ee ee 90 10. 2 600 5.0 295 Meditm 202 ere SEC i Aes a ee | 79 14.5 850 6.9 405 A gh ees - 8 Sa es eee SO TE EE Se 43 27.5 1, 620 13.7 805 Turn now to the fifth and sixth columns, in which the same analysis is applied not the stars but to the motions of the cosmical cloud. The velocity of the cloud can be measured in the same way as that of a star from the Doppler shift of the spectral lines which it absorbs; but, of course, our measurement refers not to the whole cloud but to the particular part of the cloud responsible for the absorption. ROTATION OF THE GALAXY—EDDINGTON 245 If the absorption occurs uniformly in the cloud, the mean distance of the stretch traversed by the star’s light should correspond to halfway. The distance of the veiling cloud should, therefore, always come out to be half the distance of the corresponding stars. A glance at the table will show how closely this is fulfilled. To speak frankly, I should have been better pleased to see more discordance, since the closeness must to some extent be put down to rather outrageous luck—as the authors indeed recognize, The transverse proper motions can be examined for differential rotation in like manner, but I am skeptical as to whether they add very much to the evidence. In treating the radial velocities we have gained greatly by using the most distant stars and, granting that sufficiently luminous stars can be found, there is no more difficulty in determining radial velocities at 2,000 than at 20 parsecs distance. But proper motions depend on measurements of arc, and what we gain through the magnification of the effect by distance we lose in the reduction from linear to angular displacement. The effect on the apparent angular motion is thus the same at all distances and remains always on the verge of what is detectable observationally. However, so far as the evidence goes it is favorable to the theory. An extensive investigation by Sir Frank Dyson gave correctly the center in longitude 330°, but the magnitude of the differential rota- tion was somewhat smaller than that deduced from the radial velocities. He pointed out that the analysis also indicated certain larger terms not explicable by rotation—a fact which seems to spoil the significance of the result. When I decided to lecture on this subject, I thought I was going to describe the newest of the various methods employed in our search for information about the stellar system. I was mistaken; it is the oldest. Vixerunt fortes ante Agamemnona multi. Precisely this method was employed by Gyldén in 1871.' Using the proper motions then available he discovered the double-period term @ sin 2(/—J)) and explained it just as we have done. To make the conclusion more convincing he made a test of the validity and efficiency of the method by applying it to the apparent motions of the asteroids, using them as a model for illustrating differential rotation as I have used Saturn’s ring. From the motions of the asteroids he deduced the direction of the center of the system, viz, the sun; his error was about 6°. That would be one way of finding the sun again if ever it ceases to be visible! Returning to the stellar system Gyldén re- marked that a definitive determination of the center was not at present practicable because the common rotational motion was pre- 3 Indications of Laws Governing Stellar Motions (in Swedish) Ofvers. K. Vetensk. Férhandl., vol. 28, p. 947. I am indebted to Professor Lindblad for the reference and information. 246 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 sumably in the plane of the Milky Way, and proper motions for the part of the Milky Way in the southern hemisphere were lacking. He had to content himself with such indications of the center as could be found from analysis in the plane of the Equator. It is true that the direction provisionally given by Gyldén for the center of the system is opposite to that now generally accepted; but that is because the double-period term fixes only the line to and from the center, and does not decide between the two possible antipodal posi- tions. He concluded: “At all events there remains an indication that the motions of the stars have something in common, and that they are not so at random as many astronomers have been inclined to assume.” By these researches we find the change of velocity in going toward or away from the center; we do not learn the actual velocity at any point. A possible way of discovering this is by observing the globu- lar clusters which can be seen at very great distances up to and beyond the center of the galaxy. By their great spread they will have a mean motion fairly representative of the system as a whole, whereas our stellar observations are limited to a comparatively small region and give the local motion. The difference represents the mean speed at which the stars in our neighborhood are traveling through the system. The result of this determination can not at present be regarded as very accurate, but is sufficient to show that our orbital speed is large, probably between 200 and 300 km per sec. CONSEQUENCES OF THE ROTATION We have thus to recognize that for a broad cosmical survey the standard of rest to which we have been in the habit of referring all our measured velocities is an inappropriate one. We realized long ago that it was too crude to take the sun as standard, and we have referred velocities to the “mean of the stars ”—meaning the stars which come within range of ordinary measurements. Now we have to recognize that this also is a very local standard affected by large orbital velocity, and we must apply a further correction of two or three hundred kilometers per second to reduce to the center of our galaxy. I am afraid it is too much to hope that this will be our final resting place; we see in outer space some hundreds of thou- sands of other galaxies which will claim a share in defining a uni- versal standard. Meanwhile the shift of our viewpoint to the center of the galaxy has produced one great improvement; it has brought better order into the motions of the spiral nebulae. It is the gen- eral rule that spiral nebulae are receding from us at very high speed; the greater the distance, the higher the speed. But the rule was marred by two notable exceptions. As these two are the largest ROTATION OF THE GALAXY—EDDINGTON 247 and almost the nearest of the spiral nebulae we do not expect any decided recession in their case; but it was disconcerting to find that they were approaching us with high velocity. We now learn that this apparent approach is merely the reflection of our own high orbital speed in their direction, and when we refer their motion to the center of the galaxy nothing very serious remains. At this point we can weave into the picture another feature of stellar motions mentioned in the list on page 240. High velocity stars, 1. e. stars with speeds greater than about 80 km per sec.,* always move towards one hemisphere of the sky. Why are there none moy- ing the opposite way? ‘The direction favored by the high velocity stars turns out to be just the reverse of the direction of our orbital motion, so that when we have regard to orbital motion we must think of them as the extreme laggards—lagging behind the majority of the stars by 80 km per sec. or more. Had they been going the other way, they would have been an advance guard hurrying ahead of the others. Here hes a significant difference; stars can lag behind without any serious consequences, but if a star goes too fast the attraction of the system will fail to control it and it will escape. To fix ideas, let us take the orbital velocity in our neighborhood to be 200 km per sec. ~The so-called high velocity stars are lagging behind by 80 km per sec. or more, so that their speed about the center of the system is no more than 120 km per sec. Had there been any high velocity stars in the opposite direction, i. e. gaining 80 km per sec., they would have had an orbital speed of 280 km per sec. or more. No such stars are observed, and the reason is plain. It is a well- known rule that for particles moving under the attraction of a mass- center the velocity for escape is \/2 times the velocity for a circular orbit; so if 200 km per sec. is the appropriate speed to keep the aver- age star moving in a circle about the center of the galaxy, 200 \/2 or 280 km per sec. is the speed which will cause it to leave the system altogether. The asymmetry of the high velocity stars—the fact that none are found moving towards one hemisphere—is an inevitable consequence of rotation. Such stars (if they ever existed) must have escaped from our system long ago. The magnitude of the Oort effect and the orbital speed of the stars in our neighborhood together determine our distance from the center of the galaxy. As the latter datum is at present badly deter- mined, I will give the result for several different adopted values. The mass of the system which controls the orbital motion can also be calculated.® *The velocity is referred to the local standard, viz, the mean of the stars in our neighborhood. ‘The calculation is on the assumption that the main part of the mass of the system is concentrated near the center. If the mass is more generally: diffused, the distance and controlling mass are somewhat reduced, but the order of magnitude is not greatly altered. 248 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Assumed Distance of orbital speed center (km per sec.) | (parsecs) Mass of system (sun’s mass=1) 150 6, 600 33, 000, 000, 200 000, Y 000 8, 800 78, 000, 000, 000 250 11, 000 150, 000; 000; 000 300 13, 200 260, 000, 000, 000 350 15, 400 420, 000, 000, These results may be compared with estimates arrived at in an en- tirely independent way. The distance from the center seems to be of the right order of magnitude. Thus Shapley from his work on globular clusters located the center of the galaxy at 13,000 to 25,000 parsecs distance. The mass also, although higher than most current estimates, is not unreasonably large. By extrapolating the results of actual counts of stars, Seares and van Rhijn obtained a total of 30,000,000,000 stars in the galaxy. Since dark nebulae hide our view, more especially in the direction of the center, it is doubtful whether their survey comprehended the whole system, and the num- ber may well be greater. The average mass of a star is probably not more than half the mass of the sun, but there is in addition the mass of the cosmic cloud and of the bright and dark nebulae to be brought into account. How long does the galaxy take to make one complete revolution $ The answer is about 250 million years. We can state the figure fairly definitely because it does not depend on any of the more doubtful estimates; the only datum needed to determine it is the magnitude of the Oort effect. It should, however, be added that since the inner parts of the galaxy rotate faster than the outer parts, there is no one period of revolution for the whole; the period 250 million years refers to the zone in which the sun lies. It is important to notice that the galaxy has made five or six rotations within geological times. The sun and earth were away on the far side of the center 100 million years ago—a time which geo- logically does not seem to be very remote. We may now sum up the evidence for the hypothesis of a rotation of the galaxy. An effect resembling differential rotation is observed in all classes of distant stars and also in the cosmic cloud pervading the system. These give consistent indications of the direction of the center and they agree also as to the amount of differential rotation. The evidence from proper motions has small weight, but for what it is worth it supports that derived from spectroscopic radial veloc- ities. The dimensions and total mass of the galactic system, inferred from this effect, are reasonably consistent with current estimates based on other data. Our large orbital velocity of 200-300 km per sec. is confirmed to some extent by observations of globular clusters ROTATION OF THE GALAXY—EDDINGTON 249 and spiral nebulae which are too remote to partake of it. Further, since stars with a large individual velocity additive to the general orbital velocity would escape from the system, we have a simple ex- planation of a well-known phenomenon, viz, that high velocity stars favor a direction now identified as that opposed to the orbital motion. Finally, the very oblate shape of the stellar system is strongly sug- gestive of rapid rotation; and in the spiral nebulae, which are be- lieved to be patterns of our galaxy, the rotation can be directly observed and measured. The evidence seems convincing; nevertheless a thread of insecurity runs through the whole fabric. It is the old story—our conclusicns rest mainly on observations of the northern celestial hemisphere, and the southern observations make a poor counterweight. This is a com- mon complaint in all discussions of stellar statistics; but I think that in none is it so serious as in the determination of anes rota- tion. For this the most useful data have been provided by the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory (British Columbia), which by reason of its rather high latitude is less able than some of the other northern observatories to poach on the southern hemisphere. In the investigation of Plaskett and Pearce, whose results I have quoted (p. 244), out of 250 stars only 4 were between 193° and 348° galactic longitude; a stretch of one-third of the whole circuit was unrepre- sented by a single star. This is the operation which Kapteyn used to describe as “ flying with one wing.” By mathematical dexterity the required constants of rotation have been extracted from the lop- sided data; but no mathematical dexterity can avert the possibility that the neglected part of the sky may spring an unpleasant surprise. As a spectator I watch the achievements of our monopterous aviators with keen enthusiasm; but I confess to a feeling of nervousness when my turn comes to depend on this mode of progression. THE DYNAMICAL PROBLEM The admission of galactic rotation must modify our earlier views in a way which is not always sufficiently appreciated, and I think that there are many who retain an incongruous mixture of the old with the new ideas. The distribution of the stars is far from regular and it has been customary to think of the galaxy as subdivided into a number of vaguely defined aggregations or star clouds. Particu- lar attention has been paid to a supposed aggregation in which the sun is nearly central; this is known as “ the local cluster.” Charlier attributed to it a diameter of 700 parsees with a thickness about one- third as great; others have attributed greater dimensions. (It is sometimes hinted that investigators place the boundary of the local cluster suspiciously near the distance at which their observational 250 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 data fade away.) ‘There can be no permanent cluster of this kind if the hypothesis of galactic rotation is accepted. Taking the minimum estimate of 700 parsecs diameter, the differential rotation is such that the inner edge of the cluster will make eight revolutions whilst the outer edge makes seven. Obviously a compact cluster will be quickly sheared into elongated form, ultimately to be drawn out into a com- plete ring. It is not legitimate to reply that their mutual gravita- tion will help to keep the stars of the local cluster together and per- haps override the forces of dispersal; for it is from these very stars that the observational evidence of the dispersing motion has been derived. That the distribution of stellar motions around us is such as would elongate and disperse a local cluster is an immediate observa- tional conclusion—independent of our interpretation of it as evi- dence for rotation of the galaxy. It would be contrary to observation to deny the existence of irregularities of distribution like star clouds, but I think they must be regarded as transitory eddies in a whirlpool, which form and dissipate continually. The results now before us raise an interesting dynamical problem; but before entering on it, it is necessary to be clear as to our guiding principles. One possible aim would be to develop a theory showing how the present complexities of motion and distribution of the stars might have arisen by natural evolution from some simpler and more uniform initial state satisfactory to our sense of fitness; but that is probably too ambitious a program at present. In most investiga- tions the guiding idea has been that, whatever initial formation the stellar system may have developed from, it has at any rate been a very long while about it. Consequently, if we trace back its history a few thousand million years we ought not to find much change. eppvadsihy od: to atone ys. youryiatiels Lavastice. oath aro. peti geen ‘eeyey wade. boatved, og ena “bee ith Git ‘anobiboe Savina. sett, ult ewes od Ho: « Muang mit goals fe, Hadald cee Hott oct titra: doe Nga dotiiy Yo Hino atten, aon ty eon wheat faationny Loe 7 im 1 geie cele, of titgmale Letina nebo dnaone dogiorttiisin cd ae ‘inort bovis as Awrooit nie daria % % iW, STAY: Jia perador a diiae: nadiogod.& otal ft adh ‘barsaqursst iaotanth ved ux aicsonbrsqoimaarld (hh eS M KOT | coins 5 oe Ap alent pathy galt see ieee alejeeehinneo maint doy pAiuttontay: govie alpieier | ti TBE 9? nnctad ont XO | i eroath lasotreitninn ites. -igentl aplise ay Yankee ads ke b ERLE Saad Siqbtai bas doe aviekyth, pis Tye Bard oie Houlw ac dows, togeqys oterae patait in aang, eons Janta. Latnsitahicuh lorarse to oma uiiod one qlaogotmnaquds igup . ¥e ehigowh, oni Te wor tesosde alt. Htenuitogyey OD kth: uAoibpaiion J Ph. .enattihang, bolloataar ho uisspge Mabe bojtausta syiting gn een pee ilorly mcaie Mit @ A, sowcveR ede pasate, ould agit alieaienh ¥ ho doatio ad) etganizaqee saliowal, fiugianet Holloninon pit ay) ating. to divorg gdh vo atone eraw bre eaReetedmh: Migileagoiyga - oy. serrasad ests ,od jouw, dali, nie, sae seb) waisanish somiadh a aioens. add 1, danatiegiee opkt Gh. gencberdtiss. Issogey i rueTNY pedi ab been etiglg old oles paiggeiot taal le asciiyloe jpahrtivd (i ici oD etn, iNT, ballon ining KlatagHg set) at shrine yf poking, tet CUES mene ada at Bair a | tenis ha a sat Ops KS BOR TTARS oe mek ; ‘s c bike nee. stmebials 7 ee d ert taceans has been reviewed recently by Denis (1928), Henriksen (1929), Imms (1931), and Tuxen (1981). Ill. STRUCTURE OF THE MATURE HEAD CAPSULE Whatever may be the exact facts concerning the evolutionary history of the cephalic region of insects, the component elements of the mature cranial capsule are so closely consolidated in modern insects that entomologists can find little evidence of the lines that formerly demarked the constituent parts or segments. Only one constant suture of the insect head appears to have an intersegmental THE INSECT HEAD—SNODGRASS 457 value. This suture is a groove lying very close to the posterior rim of the cranium (fig. 8, pos), where it forms an inflection, or internal ridge, around the dorsal and lateral aspects of the foramen magnum. Since this suture hes behind the region of the head commonly called the occiput (Oc), we may term it the postoccipital suture (pos). The narrow marginal rim of the cranium (Poc) set off at the base of the neck (fig. 12 A, Cv) by the postoccipital suture may be desig- nated, therefore, the postocciput (Poc). The postocciput is well developed in the cricket (fig. 9 B, Poc), and its internal inflection, the postoccipital ridge (Pol), is particularly large. One reason for regarding the postoccipital suture as an inter- segmental groove is the fact that the dorsal head muscles from the thorax are always attached on its internal ridge, just as the other longitudinal muscles of the body are attached on intersegmental ridges of the thoracic and abdominal skeletal plates. We might, therefore, regard the postoccipital suture as the true separation between the head and the prothorax, the neck being thus included in the latter; but evidence derived from embryonic development (Riley, 1904, Eastham, 1930) suggests, rather, that the postoccipital suture is the line of separation between the two maxillary segments of the head. The usual attachment of the maxillae on the head (figs. 8, a’’, 12 A, Mw) before the lower ends of the suture, and that of the labium, behind the suture (figs. 8, a’’’, 12 A, Zb) is in accord with this theory. If the second view is correct, then the postocciput of the cranium is a sclerotic remnant of the dorsal arch of the labial segment. Dorsal muscles of the labium, in this case, should arise on the postocciput, but since the labium ordinarily has no dorsal muscles, a crucial point in the evidence is missing. The region of the neck may be supposed to include a posterior membranous part of the labial segment, and the anterior part of the first thoracic segment. We have already observed that in the Crustacea the dorsal plates of the two maxillary segments are always intimately fused, as in Eubranchipus and Anaspides (figs. 2 A, 16, V + VJ), in which respect the crustaceans appear to differ from the insects. In both of these crustacean forms, however, the mandibular segment is separated from the maxillary segment by a distinct suture (vy), which suture is possibly represented in the thysanuran insect Machilis (fig. 2 B) by the suture on the back part of the head (v7) that ends ventrally between the bases of the mandibles and the first maxillae. The sutures of the head.—Aside from the postoccipital suture, the surface of the cranium is usually marked by other impressed lines, collectively termed “sutures,” which are characteristic fea- tures of the head, though they all appear to be of secondary forma- tion. The so-called sutures of this type have no significance in 458 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 themselves—most of them are merely the lines of inflections form- ing internal skeletal ridges which strengthen the cranial capsule, but the sutures divide the head walls into areas that are convenient units for descriptive purposes. The cranial sutures are not always present, but those described in the following paragraphs recur so frequently that they are regarded as typical features of the insect head. On the top of the cranium there is in many insects a median coronal suture (figs. 8,9 A, 10, cs). Anteriorly the suture forks into two frontal sutures, which, when complete, diverge downward on the facial region (fig. 8, fs) between the bases of the antennae, to the neighborhood of the anterior mandibular articulations (c). oes Oc pes Poc PoR K \ \ } / / Ficurn 9.—Head of a ericket, Gryllus assimilis A, anterior view; B, posterior view; a’, a’’, a’’’, primary articulations of mandible, maxilla, and labium; at, anterior tentorial pit; c, secondary anterior articulation of mandible; Od, cardo; Clp, clypeus; cs, coronal suture; H, compound eye; es, epistomal suture; For, foramen magnum; Fr, frons; fs, frontal suture; hs, hypo- stomal suture; Hst, hypostoma; Lm, labrum; LbPIp, labial palpus; Md, mandible; Mt, mentum; Ma, maxilla; Ma#Plp, maxillary palpus; Oc, occiput; ocs, occipital suture; Pge, postgena; Plst, pleurostoma; Pmt, prementum; Poc, postocciput ; PoR, postoccipital ridge; pos, postoccipital suture; ps, pleurostomal suture; pt, posterior tentorial pit; Smt, submentum; sos, subocular suture. In the cricket (fig. 9 A) the coronal suture is but weakly marked, and the frontal sutures end at the lateral ocelli. In the cockroach also the frontal sutures’ are incomplete (fig. 10). Both the coronal and the frontal sutures are often entirely suppressed, and in some cases secondary sutures branch from the coronal suture and diverge laterad of the antennal bases. During molting the cuticula of the head usually splits along the coronal suture, and may extend down one or both of the frontal sutures; but there are many exceptions to this rule, as in caterpillars, where, in all but the last molt, the head capsule breaks off at the neck. Near the lower margins of the lateral walls of the cranium there is usually on each side a horizontal subgenal suture (fig. 8, sgs), THE INSECT HEAD—SNODGRASS 459 which when fully developed extends forward from the posterior tentorial pit (pt) in the lower end of the postoccipital suture to a point just above the anterior articulation of the mandible (¢). The part of the subgenal suture between the two mandibular articula- tions (¢, a’) is sometimes distinguished as the pleurostomal suture (ps), and the part behind the mandible as the hypostomal suture (As). Very commonly the anterior ends of the subgenal sutures are connected across the face by an epistomal suture (es). The subgenal sutures are well developed in both the cricket and the cockroach (figs. 9, 10), but in the roach the epistomal suture is absent. The anterior tentorial pits of pterygote insects (fig. 8 at) are always located somewhere in the pleurostomal or epistomal sutures, but their position in the sutures is subject to much variation in dif- ferent insects. In the cricket (fig. 9 A) each “ pit” (at) is a long slit occupying almost the entire length of the pleurostomal suture and extending a considerable distance into the epistomal suture. More commonly the pits he entirely within the epistomal suture, and are often carried upward on the face with the dorsal arching of the suture common in many insects. Extending across the back of the cranium there is in some insects an occipital suture (fig. 8, ocs), which may reach downward on the lateral head walls to the subgenal sutures. An occipital suture is well developed in most Orthoptera, as in the cricket (fig. 9 B, ocs), along the line where the dorsal and lateral walls of the cranium are inflected into the posterior wall. The postoccipital suture (Pos) has already been described. It is always present, but if the post- occiput (Poc) is absent, the postoccipital suture becomes merely a groove marking the line of attachment of the neck membrane to the posterior rim of the head. Still other sutures frequently occur in the head wall, but they are less constant than those described above. Often an ocular suture (fig. 8, os) surrounds the compound eye; and generally the antennal socket is encircled by an antennal suture (as), the internal ridge of which strengthens the rim of the socket. In the cricket a subocular suture (fig. 9, A, sos) extends from the compound eye to the subgenal suture, and in the roach a subantennal suture (fig. 10, sas) extends from the antennal socket to the subgenal suture. These sutures are sometimes called “ fronto-genal” sutures, but it is doubtful if the part of the head wall immediately before them belongs to the area of the true frons (fig. 8, ¥7). The areas of the head—The head areas are merely the spaces be- tween the head sutures. They are often called “ sclerites,” but they must not be thought of as plates united along the sutures; they are 460 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 simply the result of the secondary division of the cranial wall by the linear inflections, or “ sutures,” forming the internal ridges. Above the line of the subgenal and epistomal sutures there are five principal head areas (fig. 8). On the face between the frontal sutures is the median, triangular frons (fr). The side walls of the head between the frontal and occipital sutures, separated above by the coronal suture, are the parictals (Prtl), inclosing the compound eyes and the antennal sockets. The top of the two parietals is known as the vertex, and the parts below the eyes are the genae. On the back of the head, between the occipital and postoccipital su- tures, is the occiput, or occipital arch (Oc). The dorsal part of the arch is usually termed the occiput in a more re- stricted sense (fig. 9 B, Oc), and the lateral parts the postgenae (Pge). In the grass- hopper Jfelanoplus a suture on each side sep- arates the dorsal occipi- tal area from the lateral postgenal areas. The posterior rim of the cra- nium behind the post- occipital suture is the postocciput (fig.8,Poe). Fieurp 10.—Facial view of the head of a roach, Blatta orientalis Aclp, anteclypeus; Ant, antenna; as, antennal suture; at, anterior tentorial pit; cs, coronal suture; JH, compound eye; Fr, frons; fs, frontal suture; Ge, gena; LbPlp, labial palpus; Lm, labrum; Md, man- dible; Mz, maxilla; MaPlp, maxillary palpus; Pelp, postclypeus ; sas, substantennal suture; sgs, Subgenal suture. The postocciput bears the occipital condyles (occ) by which the an- terior neck plates artic- ulate with the head (fig. 12 A, cevpl). In most insects the postocciput is a narrow sclerotic flange to which the neck membrane is attached (fig. 9 B, Poc); but it is often much reduced, except for remnants bearing the occipital condyles (fig. 13), and it is sometimes com- pletely obliterated. Below the line of the subgenal and epistomal sutures (fig. 8, sgs, es) there is on each side of the head a narrow marginal band above the bases of the mouth parts (fig. 12 A), and on the front of the head a broad area, known as the clypeus (figs. 8, 12 A, Clp), which supports the Zabrum (Im). Just as the parts of the subgenal su- ture lying before and behind the posterior mandibular articulation (fig. 8, a’) are distinguished for descriptive purposes as the pleuro- stomal suture (ps) and the hypostomal suture (As), so the corre- THE INSECT HEAD—SNODGRASS 461 sponding parts of the subgenal strip may be distinguished as the pleurostoma (Plst) and the hypostoma (Hst). In conformity with this nomenclature, the upper part of the clypeus is sometimes called the epistoma, though, when the clypeus is divided, its parts are more commonly termed the anteclypeus and the postelypeus. The pleuro- stoma is usually a small but distinct subgenal area above the mandible (fig. 9 A, Plst) ; the hypostoma is typically a narrow marginal band of the postgenal area of the cranium (figs. 9 B, 13, Hst), but in some insects, as in lepidopterous larvae and in adult Hymenoptera and Diptera, the hypostomata are greatly enlarged and extended medi- ally on the ventral wall of the head, where, in the higher Hymenop- tera and Diptera, they are united into a continuous hypostomal bridge. The epistomal-pleurostomal-hypostomal marginal area of the cranium constitutes the peristome. The internal skeleton of the head—The ventral edges of the cranium are usually braced by an internal skeletal structure known CT C Figure 11.—Diagrams showing progressive modifications of the tentorium from the generalized condition at A, through B, to specialized structure at C At, anterior arm; at, anterior tentorial pit; CZ, corpotentorium; Cv, neck; DT, dorsal arms; PT, posterior arms; pt, posterior tentorial pits; Poc, post- Occiput ; TB, posterior tentorial bar. as the tentortwm, which, in the absence of a substantial floor to the cranium, gives attachment to the ventral muscles of the mouth appendages. The tentorium, in its typical form (fig. 11 A), con- sists of a transverse posterior tentorial bar (7B) extending through the back part of the head between the posterior tentorial pits (pt, pt), and of two longitudinal anterior tentorial arms (At, At), arising at the anterior tentorial pits (at, at) and uniting posteriorly with the transverse bar near its lateral extremities. The whole structure is formed by four cuticular invaginations, the roots of which are marked by the external pits. In many insects the posterior ends of the anterior arms are approximated (fig. 11 B), and they may be united in a broad median plate (C). By such modifications the tentorium in appearance often departs radically from its more prim- itive structure. ‘The central plate is called the corpotentorium (C, C7), and the lateral parts of the transverse bar become the posterior tentorial arms (B, C, PT, PT). Branches from the ante- 462 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 rior arms commonly extend upward to the facial wall of the head and attach to the latter in the neighborhood of the antennal bases. These branches constitute the dorsal tentorial arms (B, DT). The posterior tentorial bar always forms a bridge between the lower ends of the postoccipital suture; it never departs from this position. The roots of the anterior arms vary in position, though in pterygote insects they always le somewhere in the pleurostomal or epistomal sutures. In most of the apterygote insects, however, the anterior tentorial arms arise from the ventral wall of the head near the base of the hypopharynx. In their origin, therefore, the anterior arms are sternal apophyses, on which the ventral muscles of the mouth appendages take their origin. It can not be explained exactly how the primitively ventral arms have acquired lateral or Ficurm 12.—Diagrams showing hypognathous (A) and prognathous (B) types of head structure Ant, antenna; at, anterior tentorial pit; Clp, clypeus; Cv, neck; ecvpl, cervical sclerites ; #, compound eye; es, epistomal suture; Gu, gula; Lb, labium; Lm, labrum; Md, mandible; Mt, mentum; Ma, maxilla; occ, occipital condyle ; Pmt, prementum; Poc, postocciput; pos, postoccipital suture; pt, posterior tentorial pit; sgs, subgenal suture. facial attachments on the walls of the cranium in pterygote insects, but the altered position of their bases has come about probably either by a lateral migration before the mandibles, or by the estab- lishment of secondary connections with the cranial walls accompa- nied by a loss of the primary sternal connections with the floor of the head. Modifications in the form of the head.—The relative size or the shape of an insect’s head is no index of the brain power of the insect; on the contrary it usually expresses the strength of the jaws, or some other quality connected with feeding. In the biting and chewing insects the parietal areas of the cranium are often enlarged to accommodate the jaw muscles; in sucking insects the facial area may be amplified to provide space for the muscles of the suction pump. THE INSECT HEAD—SNODGRASS 463 With most of the more generalized insects the frontal aspect of the head is directed forward, and the mouth appendages hang downward from the subgenal margin. A head having this position (fig. 12 A) is said to be of the hypognathous type. ‘The hypognath- ous type of head undoubtedly preserves the primitive relation of the cranium with the body, because the mouth appendages are modi- fied legs, and in the pendent position they correspond with the legs, and retain the embryonic position of the primitive appendages. There are many insects, however, in which the frontal aspect of the head is turned upward, and the mouth appendages are directed forward. When the cranium has this relation to the body (fig. 12 B), the head is of the prognathous type. The prognathous position of the head is unquestionably a secondary one, as is shown in the structure of the cranium. The back of the head usually maintains the primitive relation with the neck (B, Cv), but the forward position of the jaws has involved a lengthening of the ventral head wall and the basal region of the labium (Smt). In many prog- nathous insects, particularly in Coleoptera, the posterior tentorial pits (pt) have been drawn forward on the ventral head wall, and the lower ends of the postoccipital suture (pos), which terminate in the pits, have been correspondingly lengthened by a forward extension on the ventral side of the cranium. The suture continued anteriorly from each tentorial pit is the subgenal suture (sgs), which ends at the anterior tentorial pit (at) in the usual manner. The position or structure of all the mouth appendages is more or less affected by the transformation from the hypognathous to a prognathous condition. The hinge line of the mandible (fig. 12 B, Md) comes to approach a vertical position. The maxillae are car- ried forward on the ventral side of the head, since they retain the normal articulation with the hypostomal margins of the head im- mediately behind the mandibles. It is the labium that is most affected by the change. Its basal region becomes greatly elongate between the ventral extensions of the postoccipital suture and the posterior, or hypostomal, parts of the subgenal sutures, and appears to be a plate of the ventral wall of the head. The part of the labium posterior to the tentorial pits (pt) is now called the gula (Gu). A concrete example of the structure of a prognathous head in the Coleoptera is well shown by the head of a blister beetle (fig. 13). The postoccipital rim of the cranium is here almost obliterated, except laterally where it bears the large occipital condyles (occ). The ventral parts of the postoccipital sutures (pos), however, are extended forward on the ventral side of the head to the posterior tentorial pits (pt, pt), and they separate the enlarged gular area of the labium (Gu) from the postgenal regions of the cranial wall. 464 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 The parts of the postgenal sutures lying at the sides of the gula are distinguished as the gular sutures. The sutures extending forward from the tentorial pits are the hypostomal sutures (As), which diverge anteriorly to the lower margins of the compound eyes (EF), and set off distinct hypostomal areas (st) behind the bases of the maxillae (Mz). IV. GENERAL STRUCTURE OF ARTHROPOD APPENDAGES For oce ~ When we come to study the appendicular organs of the head associated with the mouth, by which insects obtain their food, we must bear in mind that these structures are legs modified for purposes of feeding. The primitive feeding legs, or gnathopods, were not necessarily like the tho- racic legs of insects, which are specialized locomotory organs, but it is probable that they resembled the locomotory appendages, or pereiopods, of modern Ar- Se ee y other Fieurp 13.—Ventral surface of the head of a specialized group of ap- blister beetle, Hpicauta marginata, illustrating the development of the gula (@u) in an elon- pendages. gate prognathous head. Posterior tentorial pits An appendicular organ (pt, pt) transposed forward on ventral side of head; lower ends of postoccipital suture (pos) having a locomotor func- crrepondinelyelongnts et sides of gulerreelon tion must be movable on the body. Movement im- plies the presence of muscles so attached on the base of the append- age that the muscles and the appendage together will constitute a definite mechanism capable of a specific kind of action. Since we do not have any examples of really primitive arthropods, and could not study the muscular system if we had a fossil specimen of one, we can only construct an imaginary picture of the mechanism of a primitive arthropod appendage from theoretical considerations. But, inas- much as unknown truth in actuality must take some specific form, a theory has at least a chance of being right. There can be little ques- tion, now, that a primitive locomotory appendage turned forward THE INSECT HEAD—SNODGRASS 465 and rearward on a vertical or approximately vertical line of flection between its base and the side or ventrolateral aspect of the body seg- ment to which it was attached. It must have had, therefore, promotor and remotor muscles; and, if so, it is reasonable to assume that these muscles took their origins on the dorsum and on the venter of the segment supporting the appendage. We have thus a very simple pic- ture of the mechanism of a primitive limb (fig. 14, Appd), or loco- motor appendage capable of turning forward and rearward on a dorsoventral axis (@-b) with the body by dorsal promotor and re- motor muscles (J, J), and ventral promotor and remotor muscles (XK, Z). A concrete example of this type of limb musculature may be found in the annelid worms provided with parapodia, and like- wise in the worm-like peripatids (Onychophora). From this begin- Ficurp 14.—Diagram of the musculature of a primitive segmental appendage a-b, axis of basal movement of appendage on body; Appd, append- age; I, dorsal promotor muscle; J, dorsal remotor; K, ventral promotor; Z, ventral remotor; Stn, sternum; 7, tergum. ning we may follow in our imagination the evolutionary course of the appendage into a more efficient organ of locomotion with a more diversified structure and mechanism. An appendage movable only at its base, such as the annelid para- podia, can be at best only a crude organ of progression. The arthropods owe their superiority over the worms to the greater efficiency of their appendages. The first step in the development of the appendages in the primi- tive Arthropoda, it would seem, must have consisted of a functional division of each organ into a basis (fig. 15 A, ZB), and a distal shaft, or telopodite (Tlpd). The appendage as a whole having al- ready a basal movement in a horizontal direction, the telopodite must naturally have moved in a vertical plane on the basis, and it then must have had levator and depressor muscles (O, @) arising in the basis. The baso-telopodite joint (ct) can be identified apparently 466 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 in the limbs of all present-day arthropods by the uniformity of its movement and musculature. The next step in line with greater mechanical improvement in the appendage produced a point of flexure near the middle of the telo- podite (fig. 15 B, 7¢), enabling the distal part of the latter to be more effectively brought down against the support. Hence, in all fully developed arthropod limbs there is a “knee” joint (C, f¢) in the telopodite with a principal downward movement of the part beyond the knee. Ficurn 15.—Diagrams of segmentation of arthropod legs A, primary division into basis (LB) and telopodite (Tlpd) at coxo-trochan- teral joint (ct). B, division of telopodite at knee joint (ft). C, com- plete segmentation of an insect’s leg. D, a typical arachnid leg. a-b, axis of limb basis on body; ct, coxo-trochanteral joint; Ox, coxa: Fm, femur; ft, femoro-tibial joint; LB, limb basis; O, levator muscle of telopodite; Pat, patella; pt, patello-tibial joint; Ptar, praetarsus; Q, depressor muscle of telopodite; Sew, subcoxa; Jar, tarsus; Tb, tibia; Tlpd, telopodite; 17’, first trochanter; 27'r, second trochanter. We may thus conceive of the early arthropods as being centipede- like creatures with a series of legs on each side of the body, the legs all jointed in the same way, and moving by a uniform kind of motion. The appendages all turned forward and rearward on the body; they all turned upward along the line of the baso-telopodite joints; and the distal parts uniformly bent downward at the knee joints. Subse- quently the major parts of the telopodite of each limb have been still further segmented (fig. 15 C, D), and in some arthropods the basis, too, appears to have been subdivided (C, ZB). THE INSECT HEAD—SNODGRASS 467 If we define a limb segment (podite, or podomere) as any mova- ble section of the appendage individually provided with muscles, it is found that in the Crustacea, Myriapoda, and Hexapoda each fully developed appendage has six segments in the telopodite. There are two sets of names applied to the limb segments, one set generally used by entomologists, the other by carcinologists, as follows: First trochanter, or basipodite, (fig. 15 C, 17'r) ; second trochanter, prae- femur, or ischiopodite (2Tr) ; femur, or meropodite (Fm) ; tibia, or carpopodite (Tb) ; tarsus, or propodite (Tar) ; and practarsus, claw segment (Krallenglied), or dactylopodite (Ptar). In the legs of most insects the two trochanters are fused into a single segment, and in some Hymenoptera a subsegment resembling a trochanter is con- stricted from the base of the femur. The tarsus is often secondarily broken up into two or more subsegments, but the tarsal subseg- ments are never provided with muscles. A different type of seg- mentation occurs in some of the appendages of most of the Cheli- cerata (fig. 15 D), in which there are two segments intervening be- tween the femur and the tarsus, the first called the patella (Pat), the second the tibia (7d). The limb basis becomes functionally the most important part of a gnathal appendage. In the Arachnida and in most of the Crustacea the basis is a single segment, known as the cowopodite (fig. 15 D, ZB). In the legs of Chilopoda and Hexapoda, however, the basis appears to include two segments ,the swhcowa and the coxa (C, Scw, Cx), the first of which becomes an immovable support for the rest of the limb incorporated into the body wall. The primitive hinge between the subcoxa and the coxa was probably vertical, since it replaces the primary articulation of the limb with the body; but in the legs of many insects it has undergone various modifications. The basis of the mouth appendages may also be subdivided into a proximal and a distal part, the so-called cardo and stipes (fig. 19, Cd, St), but it is questionable if these parts are equivalent to the subcoxa and coxa of a leg. Finally, we should observe that in most of the arthropod groups some of the appendages may be provided with accessory lobes borne by the limb segments, and often furnished with muscles arising in the segments to which the lobes are attached. Lobes on the outer margin of an appendage are distinguished as exites, lobes on the inner margin as endites. In the Crustacea an exite of the first trochanter (ischi- opodite) often forms a large branch of the appendage, known as the exopodite. Endite lobes are particularly developed on the gnathal appendages, where they have special functions in connection with feeding. 102992—32——31 468 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Vv. MOUTH PARTS OF A CRUSTACEAN It was recommended in the introductory section of this paper that entomologists should not confine their investigations to insects, since valuable information bearing on the structural evolution of insects may often be obtained from members of related groups of animals. Specialization is a necessity, but it should not be carried to the extent it is practised in some institutions, where it is regarded as a breach of professional etiquette for a specialist in one group to acquire any first-hand information in the field of another specialist. In sleuthing out information by the method of examining the rela- tives of an animal under investigation it is always important to be able to pick out a communicative subject. On the island of Tasmania there live two little fresh-water crustaceans, named Anaspides and Paranaspides. An interesting account of the life and habits of these two isolated creatures is given by Miss S. M. Manton (1930). Paranaspides inhabits the Great Lake of Tasmania situated at a height of 3,700 feet. Anaspides lives on Mount Wellington in streams and pools provided with running water, mostly above 1,400 feet and up to an altitude of 3,600 feet. The general appearance and attitudes of these crustaceans, as shown in Miss Manton’s col- ored plates, are very much lke those of such apterygote insects as Machilis and its relatives; but we must be cautious of assuming any close relationship between insects and crustaceans, though their appearance and even their structure may be in some cases strikingly parallel. However, Anaspides and Paranaspides are relatively prim- itive members of the group of crustaceans (Malacostraca) that in- cludes the shrimps, crayfish, and crabs, and a study of their mouth parts will give a very plausible suggestion of how some of the structural features of insect mouth parts may have been evolved from ordinary leg structures. The feeding habits of Anaspides and its relatives, described by Cannon and Manton (1929), are of course different from those of any insect, but functional differences do not often obscure fundamental structural similarities. Through the interest of Dr. Waldo L. Schmitt, of the United States National Museum, the writer has been able to make a personal study of specimens of Anaspides tasmaniae (fig. 16). As already shown in the description of the head, the large mandibular segment of Anaspides (B, IV) is followed by a composite segment (V+ VI+V/Z) bearing two pairs of maxillae (1 Ma, 2 Mz) and the first pair of maxillipeds (1 Map). The maxillipeds are typical, leglike appendages, each composed of seven segments (fig. 17 A). The first segment is the basis (ZB), usually called the coxopodite (Capd) by students of Crustacea. The next three segments are the first 469 At the THE INSECT HEAD—SNODGRASS end of the femur is a kneelike bend in the limb, followed by the and second trochanters (177, 27r) and the femur (/’m). ‘wnijs01 ‘4 { UO;eqdedoad ‘org ‘ yJeUseied ‘wh ‘ podl[xvm 4sig “dayT { BI[Ixeml puooes “wyys : BI[IXBU JsIg ‘XPT Satqipuvm ‘py ‘ wnaqel ‘w 7 + ai{podoxe ‘pda {a\tpodoxoo Jo saqol 3}1xe ‘aq +: ea punodwood ‘yy ! ajtpodoxoos ‘pd@p *: vuusayUe PUOIVS quyg {vuusjuB ISIy “PUPT “JUaTISES S}r JO (JIZA) WN319} aq} puv poediy[Ixem puoosss ‘QO “(TJA+IA +A) SjusmSes pedr[ixvul Jsig pue s1vy[Ixeu OM} 9q} JO ojRI[d [BS1a} o[sUIS oy} PUL ‘safo dq} WadM}joq (4) WniJsot 94} OJUT Po9oNpord (AJ) JUPeMISOS IvINqIpurUM ay} jo aed [es10} aSavp ay} SutMoys ‘Apoqd 9g} JO Pus AOT10OjUB ‘q ‘saSepuedde s}t puv uoreydoooid oy} JO MOIA JoOT1ojuR “VW (URedBISNAD Weder}Soovp[wul aAT}IWMMIId) apyupusy}? sapidspu~— QT FANASIA The seg- ments evidently correspond with the segments of an insect’s leg, and are therefore here named according to the entomological leg tibia (7b), the tarsus (Zar), and the praetarsus (Ptar). 470 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 nomenclature. The shaft of the limb beyond the basis constitutes the telopodite. The most important feature of the first maxilliped of Anaspides, for our present purpose, is the presence of lobes borne on its basal parts. Viewed from the side (fig. 17 A) it is seen that the basis carries two long exite lobes (Ja, 2x), and that a third exite (3£a) arises from the proximal end of the first trochanter. Turn- ing the limb outward (B), it is to be observed, furthermore, that the basis is provided also with two mesal lobes, or endites. The first endite we may call the lacinia (Le), and the second the galea (Ga), since these are familiar entomological names for similar lobes of the maxillae. Considering, now, that there are two exite lobes and two endite lobes on the maxilliped basis, it might be argued that the apparent single basal segment of the appendage is really formed by the union of two more primitive segments, each provided 1B x FIGURE 17.—First maxilliped of Anaspides tasmaniae A, outer view of left appendage. B, anterior view of base of same. Ez, exite lobes ; Ga, galea; Le, lacinia. Other lettering as on Figure 15. with an exite and an endite. If this is really the case, the basis, or coxopodite, of the maxilliped is composed of a coxa and a subcoxa, which have become united. There are certain other theoretical rea- sons for believing that the basis is a compound segment, but the visible facts do not in themselves give support to the idea, and the writer prefers to take the facts at their face value. The basis, there- fore, is here assumed to be a single segment bearing two exite lobes and two endite lobes. The two pairs of appendages that precede the maxillipeds are the first and the second maxillae. The maxillae are small, flat append- ages (fig. 18 C, D, E) having no suggestion of the leglike form of the maxillipeds, but on close inspection it is to be seen that each differs from a maxilliped simply in the reduction of the telopodite (Tlpd) and in an elaboration of the basis. In other words, each maxilla is mostly the basis of an appendage, bearing the two endite lobes (Ze, Ga) but having no exites, and supporting a rudimentary THE INSECT HEAD—SNODGRASS 471 telopodite. The appendage is attached to the body in such a way that its principal motion is in a transverse plane, and its strongest muscles are the adductors (AZ). , The second maxilla (fig. 18 C) has in some respects a more simple structure than the first. The dorsal part of its outer wall is bent toward the articulation with the lateral wall of the body, evidently to give more effectiveness to the groups of adductor muscles (AL) Ficurn 18.—Mouth appendages of Anaspides tasmaniae A, mandibles, posterior view. B, paragnatha, posterior view. C, second maxilla, right, anterior view. D, first maxilla, right, anterior view. , E, second maxilla, right, posterior view. a’, basal articulation of mandible; a’’, basal articulation of first maxilla; Bnd, basendite; Cd, cardo; Ga, galea; J, dorsal promotor; J, dorsal remotor; k, ligamentous membrane ; KL, ventral adductors; LB, limb basis; Le, lacinia ; 1Ma@Stn, first maxillary sternum; 2MzStn, second maxillary sternum; O, levator of telopodite; Pgn, paragnatha; Q, depressor of telopodite; Tlpd, telopodite. which arise on a sternal plate (24/aStn) in the ventral wall of the body. The basis of this maxilla is thus mechanically differentiated into a proximal part (Cd) and a distal part (St), which may be termed cardo and stipes, respectively, since they suggest the parts so-named in the maxilla of an insect. The maxillary endites of Anaspides (Lc, Ga) appear to have no muscles; but the small, one- segmented telopodite (Z7/pd) is provided with two muscles (O, @) taking their origins in the stipital region (St) of the appendage. 472 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 The first maxillae (fig. 18, D, E) have a structure similar to that of the second maxillae, but they differ from the latter in a number of details. The body of the appendage is divided by a distinct line of articulation between the cardo (Cd) and the stipes (St), and is provided with strong sternal adductor muscles (AZ) inserted on both the cardo and the stipes. The dorsal musculature consists of two groups of promotor fibers (J) and a group of remotor fibers (/). The promotors are inserted on the base of the cardo and on the distal end of the stipes; the remotors are inserted on the basal angle of the lacinia (E, Zc). The endite lobes of the first maxilla are well developed. The lacinia (Ze) is an independent plate attached by membrane to the stipes; but the galea (@a) is a direct continuation of the distal part of the stipes. The telopodite (Zlpd) is reduced to a peglike rudiment arising from the stipes at the base of the galeal lobe. As we shall see, there are many points of resemblance between the first maxilla of Anaspides and the maxilla of an insect. Lying immediately before the first maxillae and behind the man- dibles is a pair of large, flat, transverse lobes, the paragnatha (fig. 18 B, Pgn). The paragnatha hang downward from the anterior end of the median sternal plate of the first maxillary segment, which has a median channel ending at the base of the narrow cleft between the bases of the paragnathal lobes. The possible homology of the crustacean paragnatha with the insect superlinguae has already been discussed (p. 455), and we have observed that the paragnatha in some Crustacea are intimately associated with a median sternal lobe (fig. 7 C), the three forming a composite organ much resembling the insect hypopharynx, and having the same situation between the mandibles and the first maxillae. The mandibles of Anaspides are strong jaws (fig. 18 A) suspended from the mandibular segment, to which each is articulated by a single dorsal point of articulation (a’) with the inner surface of the overlapping lateral lobe of the tergum. Ventrally the free end of each jaw is produced into a large lobe (Bnd), subdivided into a distal, toothed incisor part, and a heavier, proximal molar part. Laterad of the base of the terminal lobe arises a three-segmented telopodite, or palpus (Tlpd). It is clear that each mandible of Anaspides consists of the limb basis of an appendage (ZB), bearing a large, immovable endite lobe (Bnd), and of a small, segmented telopodite (Z77pd). The mandibular basis shows no subdivisions corresponding with the cardo and stipes of a maxilla. The musculature of the Anaspides mandibles is characteristic of the musculature of all arthropod mandibles that are movable on single points of articulation. Each jaw is provided with two dorsal muscles (fig. 18 A) and strong ventral muscles. The dorsal muscles THE INSECT HEAD—SNODGRASS 473 consist of an anterior promotor muscle (/) and a posterior remoter muscle (J), both arising on the tergum of the mandibular segment and inserted on opposite edges of the mandible. These two muscles evidently serve to rotate the jaw, or to swing it forward and back- ward on its dorsal point of articulation (a). The ventral muscles (AL) are adductors. They consist of two groups of fibers. The fibers of a dorsal group form a flat muscle band extending continu- ously across the median line from one mandible to the other. The fibers of a much larger ventral group for each jaw arise medially on a ventral lgamentous membrane (%) between the mandibles, and diverge laterally to their insertions within the cavity of the mandible. The supporting membrane apparently arises from the ventral wall of the mandibular segment; it turns posteriorly over the adductor muscles, where it gives attachment to several small muscles not con- nected with the mandibles, and is suspended by a number of slender ligaments arising dorsally on the mandibular tergum. The jaws have no muscles antagonistic to the adductors; they probably relax by the elasticity of their connections with the body. VI. GENERAL STRUCTURE OF A GNATHAL APPENDAGE The study of the mouth parts of Anaspides leaves little doubt that the maxillae and the mandibles have been derived from appendages resembling the first maxillipeds, which latter, in turn, are clearly but shghtly modified legs. The essential difference between a gna- thal appendage and a locomotory appendage is that, in the former, the emphasis is placed on the basis, while in the latter it is given to the telopodite. In the maxillae, as clearly shown in Anaspides (fig. 18 C, D, E), the basis of each appendage is differentiated for mechanical effi- ciency into a proximal cardo, and a distal stipes. The distinction between these two parts of the basis is a characteristic feature of the maxillae of all insects (figs. 19, 21 C, Cd, St). The basis of the mandible in Anaspides (fig. 18 A) is undivided, as it is also in all other crustaceans and in the insects and the centipedes (Chilopoda). In the millipedes (Diplopoda), however, the mandibular basis is subdivided into two parts apparently corresponding with the cardo and stipes of a maxilla. Hence, we might infer that the differentia- tion of the basis into a proximal and a distal part was a primitive character of all the gnathopods, though, on the other hand, if we assume that the subdivision’of the basis is a secondary mechanical adaptation, it is possible that the cardo and stipes have been inde- pendently differentiated in the diplopod mandibles, and possibly also in the maxillae of insects and crustaceans. A474 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 The presence of endite lobes on the basis is particularly charac- teristic of the gnathal appendages. The presence of two such lobes, lacinia and galea, is typical of the maxillae of crustaceans and insects (fig. 19, Le, Ga). The maxillary lobes are usually movable. When the lobes are provided with muscles, the muscles always (in insects, \ \ Ptar- \ee Iligurn 19.—Diagram of the structure and musculature of the first maxilla of an insect a’’, basal articulation with cranium; Cd, eardo; ct, coxo- trochanteral joint; fga, flexor of galea; flcc, cranial flexor of lacinia; files, stipital flexor of lacinia; Fm, femur; ft, femoro-tibial joint; Ga, galea; J, dorsal promotors; J, dorsal remotor; KLt, tentorial adduc- tors; LB, limb basis; Le, lacinia; O, levator of palpus; Plp, palpus; Ptar, praetarsus; Q, depressor of palpus; rtmea, anterior rotator of maxilla; St, stipes; Tar, tarsus; Tb, tibia; Tlpd, telopodite, or palpus; Tnt, tentorium; 77, trochanters. at least) take their origin in the stipes (flcs, fga), except a muscle often associated with the lacinia (flcé), which arises on the head wall, and therefore apparently belongs to the dorsal promotor system (7) of the basis. The mandibles have each only a single terminal lobe. In the Diplopoda the mandibular lobe is freely movable on the basis, and is THE INSECT HEAD—-SNODGRASS 475 provided with muscles like those of a maxillary lacinia; in the chilo- pods it is hkewise movable on the basis, but is not so definitely articu- lated with the latter as in the diplopods; in the Crustacea and insects the mandibular endite is always amalgamated with the basis, and the jaw thus becomes a single, unified appendicular organ without mov- able parts (fig. 20). The most simple representatives of the mandi- bular appendages occur in the Chelicerata, in which the organs have the form of shortened legs, called the pedipalps. The basal segment of each pedipalp, however, may have a large endite lobe closely associated with the mouth. Considering the mouth parts of the Arthropoda generally, there ean be little doubt that the mandibles as well as the maxillae have been evolved from leglike appendages. It seems highly probable, moreover, that in the Mandibulata the mandibles first attained a structure similar to that of the insect maxillae, but, being the most anterior in the series of gnathal appendages, they have since de- parted more radically from the typical structure in their evolution into biting and chewing jaws. The first maxillae of insects, in their more generalized form, would appear to retain very closely the primi- tive structure of a gnathal appendage. The crustacean maxillae are generally more reduced and simplified than those of biting insects; the maxillae of the chilopods evidently have never departed far from the leg structure; the corresponding appendages of diplopods are so highly specialized that it is impossible to judge what their primitive structure may have been. The structure and musculature typical of an insect maxilla is shown diagrammatically in Figure 19. The similarity to the maxillae of Anaspides (fig. 18 D, E) is striking. The reduction of the telopodite in the maxillae of Anaspides is a mere detail—the maxillary palpi are better developed in some other Crustacea. In the insect maxilla the body of the appendage, or basis (fig. 19, LB), is membranously attached to the lateroventral aspect of the head by its entire inner margin, but it is definitely suspended from the lateral ventral margin of the cranium by a single dorsal point of articulation (a’’) on the base of the cardo. The cardo (Cd) and stipes (St) are separated by a distinct suture, or line of flexibility, which ends in the basal mar- gin of the appendage. The cardo and stipes thus do not have the relation of segments to each other. The stipes bears distally a mov- able lacinia (Ze), and a movable galea (Ga). The telopodite, or palpus (Z7lpd), is generally well developed; the number of its segments is variable, but the segmentation suggests that of a leg (fig. 15 C). The musculature of a maxilla includes extrinsic and intrinsic muscles. The extrinsic muscles arise on the head wall, or on endo- 476 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 skeletal processes of the cranium, and are inserted on the cardo and the stipes. The principal extrinsic muscles are the adductors (fig. 19, A7t), the fibers of which arise on the tentorium (7’nt), and are inserted within the cardo and stipes. They are evidently the primi- tive ventral promoters and remoters of a generalized limb (fig. 14, K, L), the origins of which have been carried into the head with the development and transposition of the anterior arms of the tentorium. The other extrinsic muscles are usually but two in number. One is an anterior rotator of the maxilla (fig. 19, rtmza) inserted on the cardo anterior to the articulation (a’’) of the latter with the head; the other (flec) is inserted at the base of the lacinia, and functions as a cranial flexor of the lacinia. These two muscles appear to repre- sent the dorsal promotor of a generalized limb (fig. 14,7). A repre- sentative of the dorsal remotor is generally absent from the maxilla, but it is indicated in the diagram (fig. 19, 7) because it is an impor- tant muscle of the mandible, and is sometimes retained in the maxil- lary musculature as a posterior rotator inserted on the cardo. The intrinsic muscles of the maxilla include the muscles of the endite lobes (lacinia and galea) and the muscles of the palpus, all of which take their origins within the stipes. The muscles of the lobes (flcs, fga) never include antagonistic pairs of muscles; the palpus muscles, on the other hand, nearly always consist of a levator (QO) and a depressor (@), corresponding with the muscles of the telopodite of a leg inserted on the base of the first trochanter (fig. 15, A, B, O, Q). It will be shown in the following section how the mandibles and the second maxillae (labium) conform with, and depart from, the more generalized structure of a typical first maxilla. VII. THE BITING TYPE OF INSECT MOUTH PARTS When the gnathal appendages gave up their primitive function as organs of locomotion, and became transferred to the head in the capacity of organs accessory to ingestion, the mandibles, being closest to the mouth, were undoubtedly the first to undergo structural modi- fications in adaptation to their new duties. At first they probably served as mere prehensile or grasping appendages for obtaining the food and for passing it into the mouth; but in the Crustacea and Hexapoda they eventually evolved into strong biting and chewing jaws, and lost all semblance to their former leglike structure, except in the retention of the palpi in some of the crustaceans. The first maxillae, on the other hand, did not so completely lose their primi- tive form until, in some of the piercing and sucking insects, they became highly specialized as parts of an apparatus for feeding on liquid food. The second maxillae have had a more eventful history THE INSECT HEAD—SNODGRASS 477 in insects, because at an early evolutionary period they were united with each other forming the median, posterior appendicular organ of the head known as the labium, which has since undergone many special modifications in its structure. The labrum and the hypo- pharynx have been least affected in the evolution of the mouth parts, but even these organs in some of the piercing insects have suffered radical changes of form in compliance with special functions they have assumed. In the following descriptions there will be discussed only the fundamental modifications of the primitive mouth parts that have given these organs their typical structure in the so-called biting and chewing insects. The labrum.—The labrum in its typical form, as seen in the cricket (figs. 9 A, Zm, 21 A), is a broad flat lobe movable by a transverse line of flection on the lower edge of the clypeus. The muscles of the labrum take their origin on the frons. In general- ized insects there are two pairs of them, one pair (fig. 21 A) inserted anteriorly, the other posteriorly, on the labral base, the posterior pair being usually attached on small bars known as the tormae. In the cricket the anterior labral muscles are united into a single bundle of fibers. The posterior wall of the clypeus is often elevated in the form of a median lobe, of various shapes in different insects, called the epipharyna (fig. 4, Ephy). The mandibles—The mandibles are the jaws of ordinary biting insects. Their primary structure as jaws is seen in some of the apterygote insects (fig. 2 B, Md), where they closely resemble the mandibles of the more generalized crustaceans, such as the phyllo- pods (fig. 2 A, Wd), and Anaspides (fig. 18 A). The insect mandi- bles differ from the crustacean mandibles in that they always lack palpi. A generalized mandible of the apterygote insect type of structure is an elongate organ, implanted by the broad inner surface of its base on the membranous lateroventral wall of the head (fig. 2 B, Md), to which it is hinged by a single dorsal point of articulation (a’). The jaw is moved by dorsal and ventral muscles. The dorsal muscles comprise two distinct fiber bundles arising on the dorsal wall of the head, one inserted anteriorly on the base of the mandi- ble (fig. 20 A, 7), the other (7) posteriorly. These muscles, there- fore, are the primitive dorsal promotor and the dorsal remotor of the appendage (fig. 14, 7, 7.), and probably serve to rotate the mandi- ble on its long axis. The ventral muscles, which are functionally adductors, usually comprise two groups of fibers (fig. 20 A, AZ) arising within the hollow of the mandible. Those of one group (ALz) are attached on a median ligament (z), and the fibers from 478 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 the opposite jaws thus pull against each other, the whole structure forming a zygomatic mandibular adductor. Those of the other group (AZt) arise on a pair of sternal processes (HA), which are clearly the prototypes of the anterior tentorial arms of pterygote insects. ‘The ventral muscles, considered as a single functional group of fibers, evidently represent the ventral promotors and re- motors of a generalized limb (fig. 14, A, Z), and hence are col- lectively designated AZ, as in Figures 18, 19, and 20. In the pterygote insects, and in some of the Apterygota, the man- dibles have a quite different type of mechanism from that character- istic of an apterygote mandible. Each jaw has a broad base, and, instead of a single dorsal point of articulation, it has a long hinge ——y f —————~ SS=—= =, —=" ——S ——— S>S= = \ Wh HH] i Hf Ficgurm 20.—Diagrams of typical apterygote (A) and pterygote (B) mandibles a’, primary articulation with cranium; a’—c, secondary longitudinal axis of movement on cranium; HA, hypopharyngeal apophyses (anterior tentorial arms) ; Z, dorsal promotor; J, dorsal remotor; KLt, tentorial adductors ; KLz2, zygomatic adductor; z, ligament of zygomatic muscle. line on the lower lateral margin of the cranium (fig. 12 A, Mfd) between strong anterior and posterior articulations with the latter (fig. 8,¢,@’). The posterior articulation (fig.20B,a@’) represents the primary dorsal articulation (A a’). The anterior articulation (B, ¢c) is a secondary one; its acquisition limits the movement of the appen- dage to that of a hinge with a longitudinal axis (c-a’). By this change in the articulation of the mandible, the muscles assume al- tered functions. The primitive dorsal promotor (A, 7) becomes a dorsal adductor (B, 7), and the primitive remoter (A, /) becomes a dorsal adductor (B, J). The ventral adductor muscles are either greatly reduced or are entirely obliterated in the Ptery- gota. Remnants of them (B, AZ) persist, however, in some of the more generalized pterygote insects, as in the mandibles of the cricket and some other Orthoptera, where the ventral adductors are repre- THE INSECT HEAD—-SNODGRASS 479 sented by small groups of fibers (fig. 21 B, AZt) arising on the tentorium, or at the base of the hypopharynx. Since the mandibles usually do their hardest work with the inward movement, the dorsal FIGURE 21.—Mouth parts and tentorium of a cricket, Gryllus assimilis A, labrum and muscles, anterior view. B, right mandible and muscles, posterior view. C, right maxilla, posterior view. D, hypopharynx and labium, lateral view. EE, tentorium, dorsal view. F, labium, posterior view. a’, a’’, a’’’, articulations of mandible, maxilla, and labium with cranium; admd, adductor of mandible; abmd, abductor of mandible; Cd, cardo; C7, corpotentorium; DT, dorsal arm of tentorium; Ga, galea; Gl, glossa; Hphy, hypopharynx; KLt, ten- torial adductor of mandible; Le, lacinia; Lst, labiostipites; mlra, mirp, anterior and posterior labral muscles; Mt, mentum; Pgl, paraglossa; Plf, palpifer; Plg, palpiger; Plp, palpus; Pmt, prementum; PT, posterior arm of tentorium; Smt, submentum ; St, stipes. adductor muscles are commonly very large and powerful (fig. 21 B, admd), while the abductors (abmd) are small and relatively weak. Both dorsal muscles are generally inserted on apodemal stalks or plates, which are not attached directly to the mandibles, but arise from the articular membrane close to the edge of the mandible. 480 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 The maxillae—tThe first pair of maxillary appendages of insects are usually called “ the maxillae,” because the second pair are united in the labium. The maxillae in their typical form are the most leglike of the gnathal appendages. The usual structure of a maxilla of biting insects is well illustrated in the maxilla of the cricket, shown in Figure 21 C, which presents the posterior surface of a right appendage. The anterior wall is less complete, because the maxilla is broadly attached by most of the anterior surface of its basal part to the wall of the head. The basis of the appendage is divided into the proximal cardo (@d) and the distal stipes (S?). The stipes bears laterally the long palpus (P/p), and distally the two endite lobes, lacinia (Zc) and galea (Ga). er ai ee hak AT wale : *. Ay’ (p ¢ val Ty aud : a vi ‘ ia 1p 6%. CE yi hagea) aa + 9 ba SherAabbiialiatt AEN ne wre 4 Tia baie fib, ame) Massie ae BY 1 a THE DEBT OF AGRICULTURE TO TROPICAL AMERICA* By O. F. Cook Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agriculture [With 7 plates] The extent to which our present civilization has drawn upon the native agriculture of tropical America is seldom recognized and is little understood by the general public. A new consciousness and interest in civilization has developed in recent years from issues raised in the war period. It begins to be seen that the origin and growth of civilization should be studied primarily as a biological problem in order to gain a more practical understanding of the conditions and factors of human progress. Civilization is made possible by agriculture and the best prospect of understanding civilization is through the study of agriculture. A first step toward civilization was taken when plants were domesti- cated and a settled existence became possible. The conditions of agriculture are required, with people living as separate families upon the land, for the experience of successive generations to accumulate, and the arts of civilization to develop. A debt of appreciation is due to the prehistoric domesticators of food plants who opened the way of advancement for the race. A poet of humanity has enjoined such a sentiment upon us, that we “ forget not the forgotten and unknown.” The nations have enshrined their unknown soldiers, but agriculture is a service no less than warfare. The natives of America were inferior to the European invaders in weapons and military equipment, but in the arts of agriculture they had attained a higher development than any of the European na- tions. Early accounts of Mexico and Peru reflect the amazement of the Spanish explorers at the extent and perfection of the native cultures. The modern traveler shares the same feeling when he examines the remains of the ancient systems and finds that the prehistoric people went far beyond our present conceptions of agri- cultural possibilities. Study of the ancient systems may enlarge our ideas of improvements that are possible in agriculture. The industrial and commercial accomplishments of our civilization have 1 Reprinted by permission from the Bulletin of the Pan American Union, September, 1930. 491 492 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 overshadowed our normal and instinctive interest in the welfare of agriculture. No doubt we shall find that agriculture is as necessary to maintain an advanced civilization as it was for the primitive beginnings. The ancient Peruvians undoubtedly excelled us in the art of irriga- tion, and they went much further in reclamation of land. Not only were leveling and terracing done to lessen the slopes of hillsides, but also land was constructed even in places that could have had no natural soil, on precipitous slopes or in eroded stream beds. Sub- stantial retaining walls were built and the inclosed space was filled in, below with rubble work for drainage and above with ample layers of good soil, which still raise good crops every year, after centuries of continuous cultivation. In many of the valleys of the eastern Andes all of the cultivated lands are of artificial terrace constriction. Rivers were straightened and mountains resurfaced as incidents of these extensive reclamations. ‘The narrow terraces on the slopes of the mountains, of course, have been recognized as artificial, but the vastly more extensive construction of artificial lands in the bottoms of the valleys were overlooked by many trav- elers, as though the terrace walls supporting the different levels were mere fences between fields. The development of such inten- sive methods of agriculture must have required centuries or millenniums. DOMESTICATION OF AMERICAN PLANTS The many plants domesticated in America are an evidence of the high development of agriculture and of the vast periods of time tha’ must have been required. The Peruvian region is considered as the chief center of domestication. Between 70 and 80 different species appear to have been domesticated in pre-Spanish times, as indicated by native names and uses. The list includes numerous root and seed crops adapted to the different elevations, also fruits and vege- tables, potherbs, condiments, medicines, intoxicants, fish poisons, dye plants, fibers, and numerous ornamental plants. The ancient Peruvians had potatoes, beans, maize, cotton, peppers, peanuts, cassava, and sweetpotatoes; also guavas, chirimoyas, avocados, tuberoses, marigolds, and many other fruits and flowers which are still entirely unknown in North America.? Tobacco apparently was known to the ancient Peruvians, but was considered injurious. The chewing of coca leaves was a regular habit before the conquest, as it is at the present time, and an extensive culture of the coca shrub is still maintained in the eastern Andes. 2A list of names of Peruvian domesticated plants was published in an article on “Peru as a Center of Domestication,” Journ. Hered., February and March, 1925. DEBT OF AGRICULTURE TO AMERICA—COOK 493 Potatoes from the high altitudes, preserved by freezing and drying, are still carried down the eastern valleys on the backs of llamas and exchanged for coca. Some of the high-altitude varieties of potatoes are too bitter to be eaten in the fresh state, but are suited for drying into chufos, as the mummified potatoes are called. The plant domestications apparently were more ancient in America than in the Old World. The lapse of time is indicated by the fact that several of the American cultivated plants are not known to exist in a wild state. Several have reached the condition of seed- lessness and some have lost even the tendency to produce flowers. Many of the high-altitude crops of Peru are specialized for particular conditions and have not been established in any other countries. The discovery and conquest of new continents beyond the Atlantic was an event that has overwhelmed and preoccupied the imagination of historians in recent centuries, but the plant treasures of the New World are still to be appreciated. Spain was in advance of other European countries at the time of discovery. The period of Arab rule in Spain had witnessed a revival or a reintroduction of many of the arts of agriculture, including irrigation, as developed in north Africa, Egypt, and Syria. Neither Spain nor the rest of Europe was able to form any conception of the importance of the new plant world of America. Only a few of our modern historic writers have perceived the significance of the discovery of a new economic flora in America as affording new materials of human advancement which the Western Hemisphere has contributed to the enrichment of our European civilization. Though only a partial utilization of the American cultivated plants has yet taken place, the entire world has profited and vastly increased its production by using plants that were domesticated in America. That we as north Europeans should continue to attach homeland sentiments to the plants that came to America with the first settlers is partly a misunderstanding of the past. Agriculture was not origi- nal with the northern races or even indigenous in Europe, as archeo- logical investigations have shown. The traditional Old-World cereals—barley, wheat, and rye—were not natives of any part of Europe, but of Asiatic origin. A long succession of primitive peoples have been traced in Europe, going back to the glacial periods, variously estimated from 20,000 to 100,000 years ago, but with no indications of agriculture before the so-called Neolithic people come into Europe, in the late prehistoric period, 6,000 to 10,000 years ago. Moreover, this invading race had passed the stage of first beginnings in agriculture, being proficient in irrigation, terracing, and mega- lithic stonework. The subsequent history of Europe was not marked by advances in agriculture, but rather by decline. In Greece, for 494 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 example, archeologists are finding that agricultural improvements of the megalithic age were not maintained in the classic period. INTERCHANGE OF CROPS That the world had need of the American crop plants is shown by the wide distribution that many of them have attained in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Some are grown more extensively in the Old World than in America. The potato is the chief dependence of northern Europe, and maize is a staple food in parts of Spain, Italy, Hungary, and many other countries. Cassava has become the prin- cipal root crop in parts of tropical Africa and of the East Indies. An acre of cassava is said to yield “ more nutritious matter than six times the same area under wheat.” The manufacture of tapioca from cassava is now conducted in the East Indies as well as in Brazil. The sweet potato was distributed across the Pacific and is well-nigh universal in tropical and subtropical regions. The peanut or ground nut is grown commercially in Senegal and in several other districts of Africa and Asia. The principal production of cacao is in West Africa. The vanilla plant grows wild in Mexico, but most of the commercial vanilla comes from the French colonies. Sisal is grown in East Africa and in the Philippines. The Hevea rubber tree, a native of Brazil, is cultivated extensively in the East Indies. Quinine and cocaine are supplied from the East Indies, though the plants are native in Peru. Some of the Old World crops, on the other hand, are grown most extensively in America. Taking a plant to a new region may enable it to escape pests or diseases which tend to increase in long-established cultivations. The fungus which destroyed the coffee plantations of the East Indies has not reached America, where most of the world’s supply of this beverage is now produced. Brazil is the great coffee country, though coffee is important also in Colombia, Venezuela, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Haiti, and Puerto Rico. The largest commercial cultivations of bananas are in Central America and the West Indies, whence 63,530,000 bunches were imported into the United States in 1929. More sugar is grown in Cuba than in any other country, in favorable seasons more than 5,000,000 tons being produced. Rice from Louisiana and California is shipped to tropi- cal America, Japan, and China. Our high-priced labor raises food for low-price countries. TROPICAL AGRICULTURE IN THE UNITED STATES Though we are not accustomed to think of the United States as a tropical country, three of our principal crops—maize, cotton, and tobacco—are treated in European textbooks as tropical cultures and DEBT OF AGRICULTURE TO AMERICA—COOK 495 our extensive production places us quite definitely in the tropical category. Our summer climate is essentially tropical in providing sufficient heat for the maturity of these crops. The summer heat in Europe is not sufficient to mature maize regularly north of the Alps, and only a few localities in the south of Spain, Italy, and the Balkan peninsula are warm enough for cotton. The European production of cotton in 1929 totaled about 24,000 bales, while the southern coun- ties of Virginia produced 46,000 bales. On this basis Virginia is more tropical than the south of Europe. The tropic of the geography passes below the southern tip of Florida, but is only a conventional imaginary line. A plant-life tropic would touch our east coast of North Carolina, follow the coast plain to Texas, and continue westward through southern Arizona and Cali- fornia. Botanists would not deny that countries with native palms should be reckoned as tropical. The southern palmetto extends to North Carolina; two native palms are found in South Carolina and four in Georgia. Louisiana, Texas, Arizona, and California, and their endemic species of palms, Sabal louisiana, Inodres texana, Washingtonia arizonica, and Washingtonia filifera. The palm flora of Florida, with more than a dozen native species, exceeds that of many countries crossed by the Equator, to say nothing of the coco- nuts in Florida, the dates in California, or the many ornamental palms which are suited to open-air cultivation. The southern part of Florida, below Bradenton and Fort Pierce, has frost protection for tropical perennials and tree crops, especially near the coast. Most of the native flora of southern Florida is essentially tropical, like that of the West Indies. Mangoes, avoca- dos, sapodillas, bananas, papayas, and coconuts, with many other palms and ornamental trees of distinctively tropical character, are in regular cultivation. Recently it has been learned that all of the more prominent rubber-producing trees, including the Hevea or Para rubber tree of Brazil, are able to thrive in southern Florida. MAIZE OUR PREPONDERANT CROP The native agriculture of America had an essential unity and continuity over both continents. From Canada in the north to Patagonia in the south maize was the principal human food. The local maize cultures were endlessly varied and differently combined with other crops, but maize was the chief reliance over most of the agricultural area. The native populations of each district in trop- ical America usually have several varieties of starch corns, some for early and some for late planting, also pop corns and sweet corns, which often are closely adapted to the local conditions. Many varieties from tropical American countries have been brought to the United States and tested in different regions. Under 496 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 the new conditions the behavior of the variety may be completely changed and may become definitely abnormal. The large-grained Cuzco maize which grows in Peru as a rather small, productive plant 6 or 7 feet high, may grow in the United States to a height of 16 feet, and usually fails to mature any seed. The general distribution of maize, as well as the local diversity of varieties and uses, affords further indications of the antiquity of agriculture in America, though several of the tropical root crops also are widely distributed. The general custom of grinding the maize kernels into paste after soaking in water may indicate a previous use of root crops, and especially of cassava. Cassava and other root crops have continued to be more important than maize in some of the humid lowlands, while in the very high altitudes in South America maize was supplemented by another series of root crops, which included the potato. Small tribes of wandering, nonagricultural people survived in several parts of the New World, subsisting on natural products, or by hunting and fishing. Most of the natives of America planted crops and lived permanently in the same districts, though usually they did not farm continuously on the same land. A new clearing, or milpa, was cut and burned each year, planted for one or two sea- sons, and then left to grow up in “bush” for several years. In many districts the milpa system had given place to permanent cultivation, with a maize crop grown every year. The large-grained Cuzco maize was the principal crop that was grown in the special- ized terrace agriculture of Peru. Likewise in Mexico and in Guate- mala all of the ancient specialized systems of agriculture were applied to the production of maize. Our preponderant cultivation of maize in the United States is in line with the traditions of ancient America. It is significant that in the United States the word “corn,” the traditional name for the cereals of northern Europe, has been transferred in popular usage to the maize plant. Vastly more corn is planted than wheat. In 1929 there was a total of 98,000,000 acres devoted to corn as against 61,000,000 to wheat, the corn having an average yield of 26 bushels per acre and the wheat 13 bushels. The corn crop was more than three times the wheat crop in volume, and the value $2,000,000,000, more than double. Of cotton, 46,000,000 acres were planted, with a value of a billion and a quarter. Of potatoes 3,000,000 acres were grown, and of tobacco 2,000,000 acres. FOOD HABITS DIFFICULT TO CHANGE The growth of civilization that has occurred since the discovery of America would not have been possible if our European forefathers who settled in America had not found ready for their use a new series DEBT OF AGRICULTURE TO AMERICA—COOK 497 of domesticated plants specially adapted to the local conditions in America which were often very different from the conditions that the colonists had known in Europe. The survival of the early colonists often depended acutely upon their readiness of adjustment to the new conditions, by learning how to use and grow the new crops. Changes in food habits are notoriously difficult to make, as they generally are resisted by an immense and unconscious inertia. Under the compulsion of starvation the Pilgrim Fathers learned to use “ Indian corn ” in Massachusetts, but the French still insist that they would starve before eating it. That maize in various forms is relished and preferred to other grains by millions of Europeans who have settled in America would not induce the French to try it, even in wartime. Out of consideration for our allies, we were enjoined to eat maize and send wheat to France. We ate the maize and the French lost their chance of learning about it. Our own use of maize as human food still is more limited than it might be, and probably more limited than it should be. On account of their better keeping qualities, “ flint corn” and other hard-texture maize varieties are preferred in the United States for feeding ani- mals, while for human consumption the soft “ starch-corn ” varieties are preferred. Many acceptable uses of maize current in the Tropics are not known in the United States. A native community in eastern Guatemala was supplied with hard maize from the United States in a famine season, but the imported grain made inferior tortillas and proved unwholesome. VALUABLE COTTONS FROM MEXICO The Upland cotton of the United States is identified in many text- books with an Asiatic species, Gossypium herbaceum, which in reality is not cultivated in America. An early reference is found to seed coming from the Levant, but from the plant characters it is certain that the varieties now grown commercially in the United States are not related to Gossypium herbaceum. Many Asiatic cot- tons have been planted experimentally in the United States and found to be much less productive than Upland varieties brought from tropical America. The westward extension of cotton culture in the United States was facilitated by a new type of Upland cotton that appeared in Texas near the middle of the last century and probably came from Mexico, although no contemporary record of that fact has yet been found. Several varieties are recognized, as Mebane, Lone Star, and Rowden, which are known collectively as Texas Big-Boll cottons. In view of the rapid and continued increase of production in Texas and adja- cent States, it may be estimated that the Texas Big-Boll cottons 498 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 probably are contributing at least half of the cotton that is produced in the United States. The crops that have been raised from this type of cotton would have aggregate values of many billions of dollars. Other superior types of Upland cotton have come from Mexico and Guatemala in the present century. <= Kou Tien (I) has been combined with a further section of the lower cave (II) excavated in 1929 and 1930, and the Kotzetang Cave (III) excavated in 1931 “ Figure 2.—Drawing from W. C. Pei’s memoir in which the diagram of a section made by Teilhard and Young of the main deposit at Chou The line of the section passe CONN fH ‘ A ae a AM B.30M. 545 oe eeu SYP ae “Boas ganas. Seons 2 -14 © e | Suny ~ Soa Shiano oo OS gaa g* 7 AS @ gas SBS ong PSH Y Pa S5008 RAaY Ze aD fs - 3 = Ss ¥, ~™M Rags > 4B a 4 he een e8g08 ROG we o2 a) eAvas ~ fon) Ao (o} goo ~ Zo Lo} Ba ra) w5808 OMT GS n from east (EH) to west (W). ‘The various places mark obtained in October, 1929, from which, in July, 1930, moves ments of Sinanthropus have been recovered. SE is the spot where the skull was the blocks of limestone wer places where the original f of quartz have been found; LW, lime waste; P, rubbish; R, limestone blocks pre various layers of deposits. 546 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 It was hoped by Dr. Davidson Black that the prompt publication of bulletins and the wide circulation of manuscript reports even before they were published, would have prevented the development of such misunderstandings as had marred the discussions of the fossil remains of man in the past. In spite of these precautions, eminent paleontologists in Germany and France are already claiming that the Peking man belongs to the genus Pithecanthropus; others in America have suggested that he is merely a Far Eastern example of Neanderthal Man; and others again that the Chinese fossils were not human. Having made a careful examination of the actual fossils in Peking and compared them with human and simian skulls, and the casts of the other kinds of extinct members of the human family, I can P|LT DOWN SKULL roe i \ =s = \ i — 4) rH W\ At |) ites hah N I Mi Figure 3.—Transverse sections in the plane of the acoustic meatus of the Peking skull (SIN. 1), of the second Peking skull (SIN. 2), and of the Piltdown skull (EO.) confidently support the opinion of Dr. Davidson Black that Sinan- thropus is an undoubted member of the human family, who reveals in every part of his skull and teeth evidence to distinguish him from all other known human types, and to justify the separate generic rank suggested to define his status. THE INDUSTRIES In studying the remains of early man it is always a matter of particular importance to search for the tools and implements which might bring the human beings into association with some definite phase of industry. At Chou Kou Tien, in spite of the most careful search in the caves during four years, no trace whatever of im- PRIMITIVE MAN IN CHINA—SMITH 547 plements had been found. When it is considered how vast a quan- tity of fossils were recovered and the scrupulous care which has been exercised in the search, it seems something more than a mere coincidence that no trace of any stone implements were found. Not only were the various excavators on the constant lookout for such artifacts (in particular Father Teilhard has been looking for ar- cheological evidence), but after the material was removed from the caves, a group of boys was put on to sift the material once more to make quite certain that no such evidence had been overlooked by the geological explorers. It must not be forgotten, however, that Doctor Andersson in 1921 found pieces of quartz in association with the fossil bones, and that in the later stages of the excavation Mr. Pei found further examples of this alien material. Those who have been searching in vain for evidence of human craftsmanship on this site were being forced to the conclusion that the Peking man was in such an early phase of development as not yet to have begun to shape implements of stone for the ordinary needs of his daily life. In the spring of 1931, however, Mr. Pei began to examine the adjoining cave of Kotzetang (fig. 2) and was at once rewarded by dis- coveries of exceptional interest and significance. In association with two large fragments of a human jaw and three pieces of a brain case (found at SG, fig. 2) thousands of pieces of quartz, quartzite, and other alien stones were found. Some of these had been fashioned into implements which the discoverers regard as the crudest possible type of flaking, but the Abbé Breuil claims to be surprisingly ad- vanced. (Bull. Geol. Soc. China, 1931; also Man, Jan. and April, 1932.) Not only so but Mr. Pei and Dr. Davidson Black found conclusive evidence of the use of fire and, according to. the Abbé Breuil, of the splitting of the bones of large mammals to obtain marrow, the making of implements of bone and deer-horn, and the working of the brain-cases of deer to make drinking cups. No longer then is there any room for doubt that the most generalized member of the human family had already acquired the skill and the intelli- gence which are the hall-marks of his humanity. 102992—32——_36 Cantal B War fot eee ist ants Ani ‘ A POSE tt had iota ‘Set idaniO8" Badiag” it iis [ ee . i he Pete pty, fe eek y cat glitris erty Thy Bia > nadie 407 jdeadat ditavelte aie fre arodneeee Atro co “a Do ie Re Cat nib ae brat” ie oi 2 vat | nity rit nt avo Bry) Liens itt oth ror ait fad (eee a) 2 A anna “ONO le ir oe sti OP ih Hig ener’ ‘ay foil ¥ a" Whar st a . Povali UOT IV fie ad fi Oot fully Se Cog iia any’ Ber v pA tera pli ac) Aa dz: jac ML aM a Hens iw ioiiniigas al step Nie ote? Raley HoGk vit selena dt ca uh naz oY Loy eag.nte seth I ‘pel, itt faith Herd: eattod fis i neg ae soe ove oe Ged! Lert dere, igi ats Ty +" mesheffisitia * nn pith hate ka ; pate Bate Bee ep tep ies ad, srendiets el, ne QOtpa: hiv not Niny, nim alee ~~ ’ . Sy aE ane cd yetiaby hile Hill warrhiang Jd ul heotot satel: NaN, OF uyod eves i itoye doe aR rein gitenalf ra ewig, alsa on of os AE tb Be ail ho ada ttl this Sith "ogi a0 aiqeromolagent hg it pt attidnhes or Aaya jot iA {19% Bwod geen To” yarige add ak - iy, eth gd Doberg 7 Ft sane il ary Tarr (ES et), gunroeplyre 27S) salaiogt eRe” ofthe donbMoses nt soneaitiowis hak beeitertind’ anintingsxs to eatnove ; = pane gid we tet oti bs ha wut aisvust ts to ediivinmeat ouanl od Pitas Mihm? wii. 26 ausig Ve ebananod (© hth, #08, dw hassol iioiicdiny wood hind seailt : \ lage, a bied Wiad ine Hotls ie olny denote wd aa ivienes eertovoberbosthh Gialve ‘earuuplgint otat Fogg: Jay is erate Oth hulnels freak ddA oft tnd geal ta Bory 4) Phe alt hie ith Ae otha: bel aint Risin Jost) ure ee : aware | iT aqoubivktt of baw et a toda lab io (eee att mit.ot Warbiooe Rite wit te 5a adits Os siete orieirlonos: A 1. ide ot einwitiens ital tg eee ail WwW withid Tye, a t lis ets a pe welt | bishi Rw yi { wh. ky ws nya ae tn, aud Aa 1 tense th won damon if "gi Mob i ee aed Ms | ety viskiliade dihdecs eho hd eheies- -iftwrd advo 9 4 cae P y sada | Dax ue MLST) Te ontaits 4 racy din 1 “yt. TOK], ye erry a valid at ad Baw fia ‘iy herp vile di Dad ‘elinint ‘nated dat ee a ; Jienaned ail i ) wal eat tad alt oro We i a ty u f ig y ‘ Son » Py oe "9 a e : Can aie, s rant = ¥ oad at ve if same sr bs 9) WKH ; . % “a gE Sale ne Smithsonian Report, 1931.—Smith PLATE 1 1. FRONT VIEW OF THE PEKING SKULL 2. POSTERIOR ASPECT OF THE BRAIN CASE The right and left hand sides of this photograph have been reversed in the engraving. PLATE 2 Smithsonian Report, 1931.—Smith UPPER SURFACE OF THE PEKING SKULL Smithsonian Report, 1931.—Smith PLATE 3 5 APS San Articul ee em Process UNDER SURFACE OF THE PEKING SKULL BEFORE THE MATRIX WAS REMOVED FROM ITS INTERIOR 6261 ‘¢ YSEWSADRC ANNOY ASVD NIVY¥d AHL AO SGIS 14537 SHL vy ALV1d yamig—*|¢6| ‘4odeyy uemosyqiWIG ALIAVD ASVD NIiv¥d AHL AO 3DVAYHNS YAMOT SHL ‘1 NIVYG AHL AO LSVD ANOLSAWIT IWYNLVYN AHL AO AONVYVaddY AHL GNV T1NHS AHL AO SSANMOIHL IVNOILdSaDxXA AHL MOHS OL GAHAOWSY AOOY AHL JO LYVd HLIM T1INMS AHL AO LOAdSV YsAddM AHL °~Z GAaLV1d ywwWig——"| CG] *Woday ueiuosyiwg ‘oud [BIUOI OY} JO Spo OY} pUIYo Ysnf 4svo dUOASOUTI] OY} WI PoppequI! SI 1v9q PAB B JO 4400} OL NIVYG AHL YOsA FOVdS AHL AO AZIS AAILNNIWIG AHL GNV 1T11NMS S3HL AO SSANMOIHL AHL AVM ODILVHdW9A SYOW NSA NV NI AV 1dSIG OL 30IS LHOIY AHL WOYSA NAAS NAWIOSdS AWVS SHL 9 31V1d ys —*| ¢6] *‘quodayy ueIuOsyqIWIG TINHS ONIMAd AHL WOYS XIN LVW ANILYSAVYL SHL ONIAOWSY NI GQSa9VON3A Movig NOSGIAVG Yq LALV1d yqtwg—"| ¢6| ‘Woday ueruosyziwC Smithsonian Report, 1931.—Smith PLATE 8 THE PARIETAL BONES OF THE PEKING SKULL (2) COMPARED WITH THOSE OF A MODERN YOUTH (1) OF CORRESPONDING AGE Smithsonian Report, 1931.—Smith PLATE 9 IULYA2 6.19350 THE SECOND PEKING SKULL THE CULTURE OF THE SHANG DYNASTY? By JAMES M. MENzIES THE PERIOD The Shang Dynasty is the name given by Chinese historians to that line of kings which preceded the Chou.? According to the west- ern equivalents of the dates calculated by Sst-ma Ch‘ien, the author of the Shih Chi or “ Historical Record,” the Shang Dynasty lasted from 1766 B. C. to 1122 B. C., or, in other words, for 644 years beginning some 12 centuries before Confucius. These traditional calculations are, however, probably incorrect, and I have provision- ally adopted two statements made in the ancient “ Bamboo Books,” excavated about the year 281 A. D. and dating from the fourth or third century B. C. These state that “from the founding of the Shang Dynasty by Ch‘éng T‘ang until its destruction by the Chou people was a period of 496 years”; and that “from the time of the moving of the capital by P‘an Kéng to the present Waste of Yin until the end of the dynasty, 273 years elapsed.” According to the “orthodox ” dating of the overthrow of the Shang Dynasty, 1122 B. C. (although some would place it as late as 1050 B. C.), its found- ing would have occurred in 1618 B. C., and the movement of its capital, just mentioned, in 1395 B. C. In any case, the Shang period corresponds to that of the Late Bronze Age in the Near East. Within it fall the reigns of the religious reformer Akhenaton and his son-in-law Tutankhamon in Egypt; the occupation of Canaan by the Hebrews; the Minoan Pe- riod in Crete; and the Heroic Age in Greece. During its course Babylonia was under the sway of the Kassites; and it was perhaps then that the Aryan invasion of India took place. This historical background will aid us to correlate the Shang period in China with the better known history of the Occident. THE SOURCES Let us see now upon what evidence an appraisal of the culture of the Shang Dynasty must be based. Our principal and most author- 1Lecture delivered before the North China Union Language School, Peiping, China, on Feb. 6, 1931. 2'The title which we translate as ‘‘emperor’”’ was not assumed by the rulers of China until 221 B. C. Before that date they are properly called kings. 549 550 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 itative source is to be found in the inscribed bones from the Waste of Yin. In 1899 the first of these to attract attention were found 5 li (nearly 2 miles) northwest of the city of Chang-té Fu, otherwise known as An-yang, in northern Honan. It long remained unknown whence these bones came, although collections of them were made by Chinese antiquarians, among them L‘iu T‘ieh-yiin and Lo Chen-yii. Some specimens, both genuine and forged, were also secured by the Rey. Samuel Couling and Dr. Frank Chalfant, and later by L. C. Hopkins and by Dr. Richard Wilhelm. Certain curio dealers stated that the place of origin of the bones was the tomb of Pi Kan, near Wei-hsien, while others claimed that they came from Yu-li, in T‘ang- yin, where Wén Wang was imprisoned.* Again, Lo Chen-yii, the well known antiquarian above mentioned, was informed that they were being found at An-yang. No responsible scientist, however, had personally confirmed the place of their origin, and everyone was dependent upon the hearsay reports of dealers. I first visited the Waste of Yin in the early spring of 1914. The site has nothing about it to attract particular attention, save for the broken potsherds, which the farmers have carefully gathered from the surface of the ground, and which have become buried along the edges of the fields. From 1914 until the present I have carefully collected the many fragments of inscribed bones which have come in my way. The dealers from the cities would purchase only large specimens; small pieces were not wanted. Of these latter I was fortunate enough, in the course of 15 years, to collect many thou- sands, some no larger than a bean. These fragments have formed the source material for my study. Broken potsherds and stone and bone implements I also found and kept. It was at no time possible, however, to do any excavating. I could only make observations on exposed sections of the soil along the river bank. Unfortunately all my material was destroyed during the disturbances which took place in 1927. In the autumn of 1928 the Academia Sinica (the scientific branch of the newly established Chinese Government) sent one of its repre- sentatives, Tung Tso-pin, to undertake investigations on the site. Early in the following year he was joined by Dr. C. Li, then on the field staff of the Freer Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C., which then undertook the entire cost of the excavation. Work was carried on through the greater part of 1929, and the Academia Sinica has since published two reports (in Chinese), which add considerably to the information which we have been able to extract from the in- scribed bones themselves and from the surface finds. ’The date ascribed by the “orthodox’’ chronology to Wén Wang, the father of the founder of the Chou Dynasty, is 1231-1135 B. C. THE SHANG DYNASTY—MENZIES BOL Tt is earnestly to be hoped that the An-yang site will be carefully and scientifically excavated in accordance with the most approved modern methods; for it is the only one thus far known which gives us datable material for a study of the Shang Dynasty. To fail to treat it with the same exactness and care that are being exercised, for example, in the excavations at Ur or Kish in Mesopotamia, or in those of Megiddo or Bethshean in Palestine, would be one of the greatest archeological losses possible, not only to China but to the entire civilized world. In addition to the inscribed bones, there are certain other literary sources for our interpretation of the culture of the Shang Dynasty. These are to be found, in part, in the very few authentic sections of the earlier part of the Shu Ching, or “ Book of History.” The Pan Kéng Ptien and the “ Day of Supplementary Sacrifice ” are the prin- cipal ones. These were re-edited during the Confucian period, and thus are not entirely in their original form. But the most important literary sources that link up with the information yielded by the inscribed bones are the traditions preserved in the ancient “ Bamboo Books ”; in the “ Spring and Autumn Annals ” of Lu Pu Wei; in the T‘ien Wén Ptien of the Ch‘u Elegies; and also in that fabulous wonder-book, the Shan Hai Ching, or “ Mountain and Sea Classic.” In our study of the culture of the Shang Dynasty we must always bear in mind that the entire literary history of the period was written under the strict editorial censorship of scholars of the orthodox Con- fucian school. Many statements in the ancient records not in har- mony with their politico-ethical interpretation of life were deleted, as spurious interpolations, and an imaginary Golden Age conforming to their own conception of history was thus manufactured. It is this medley of the true and the false which has created in the minds of all serious students the feeling of the unreliability of early Chinese history. But now that we have available in collections, both those published and others as yet unpublished but accessible to investiga- tors, more than 10,000 readable bone inscriptions, all antedating the Chou dynasty, we have a reliable means of testing the literary and folklore source material. THE LANGUAGE Let us now turn to the language as we find it in these documents, which date in the main from the period between P‘an Kéng’s removal of his capital to the Waste of Yin in 1395 B. C. and a time not long before the overthrow of the Shang Dynasty in 1122 B. C. Within this period of 273 years the forms of the characters show some defi- nite change or development; but we may say that on the whole they remained pictographic throughout; that is, a horse was indicated by the drawing of a horse, a stuck pig by that of a pig pierced a 552 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 spear; and soon. But ideographs were also used; thus wei, “ to do,” is represented by a drawing of a hand guiding an elephant, just as the “ mali” guides the elephants piling teak in Rangoon to-day; and nien, “harvest” or “year,” is pictured by a farmer bringing in sheaves of grain on his back. How do we determine the modern equivalents of this ancient script? We have no Rosetta stone such as provided the clue to the ancient hieroglyphics of Egypt. We must restrict ourselves to the Chinese writing itself and trace the development of its characters down through the various periods with the aid of actual archeologi- cal evidence. Literary sources can not be trusted except when au- thenticated by actual remains. Hence we are restricted to the inscriptions on the bones themselves, on bronze vessels, and on stone. Those on the bronzes are very important, and when we have elim- inated the forgeries we have a valuable body of source material, such as the San Shih P‘an, now in the Old Palace in Peiping and dating from about 860 B. C. Following the bronzes, we have the Han stone monuments, mainly in the official or li script, which show that the characters were first written with a brush and then carved in the stone. From these we may trace the evolution of the Chinese writing down to its present form, which has altered comparatively little since the beginning of the Christian Kra. This development during the period from about 1400 B. C. down to the time of Christ has to do mainly with the form of character. But what of its mean- ing and of its sound? At present I have catalogued all the charac- ters in my own collection of bones and in most of those published by others. For purposes of comparison I am arranging in order all the sentences in which a given character appears, whether on the bones, the bronzes, the early stone monuments, or in the classical literary sources. From such an arrangement of these groups of sentences, sometimes containing a hundred or more examples, it is possible through comparison and a study of the context, largely to fix the meaning of an individual character. In this task the reli- ance has been very largely on the bone inscriptions, which have thus been used to interpret themselves. As for the sound attached to the characters in the Shang Dynasty, to my mind this problem is to be attacked by means of the “bor- rowed characters” (chia chieh), where two characters having the same sound are used interchangeably. In the Shang period it was not uncommon for a simpler character to be substituted for a more intricate one having the same sound. During the official examina- tion period, when the so-called eight-legged essay was in vogue, a man would have been “ plucked ” for using a character in this way. Starting with this use of homophones and with the rhymes found on the ancient bronze bells and in the Shih Ching or “ Book of Odes,” THE SHANG DYNASTY—MENZIES 553 we have a fruitful source of information regarding the sounds of the ancient Shang Dynasty language. Let us now turn from the technical interpretation of the latter to some of the more obvious results of its study. First, let us not be misled by the notion that because its script was pictorial, it was therefore in its infancy. That this was not the case is shown at once by the most common characters which it possesses, viz., the numerals and the 22 cyclical characters. ‘These are already conventionalized in many cases. Thus while it is possible to see the reason for the use of the symbols for 1, 2, 3, 4, and 10, I think I am safe in saying that the meaning of the remaining numerals and of the*cyclical charac- ters is not obvious, nor is it clear what they portray. This fact indicates that the script was already old and conventionalized and that it had already undergone a long process of development before the fourteenth century B. C. Secondly, let us not allow ourselves to be carried away with the idea that Chinese writing, simply because of its age, had its origin in Sumeria. In 1929 I visited the sites of Ur and of Kish, in Mesopotamia, and can assure you that the most pictographic scripts found in those two places, dating from before 3000 B. C., are far more conventionalized than is our Chinese script of about 1400 B. C. It is inconceivable that a form of writing already well convention- alized before 3000 B. C. should have retrograded into a more primi- tive pictographic form 16 centuries later. Such similarities as exist are to be explained by the fact that the minds of the Shang Dynasty Chinese and those of the ancient Sumerians worked in similar ways. Such a book, for example, as C. J. Ball’s “ Chinese and Sumerian ” is so defective on the side of the ancient Chinese script as to be value- less for purposes of comparison. THE CHINESE PEOPLE BEFORE THE SHANG DYNASTY As to the origin of the Chinese people and the relationship of the Shang Dynasty culture to the older prehistoric finds from northern China, all that our present knowledge justifies us in saying is that the interval between the Paleolithic Period and the fourteenth cen- tury B. C. is so enormous that the two fall into two entirely different and widely separated epochs. We are, however, sure of two very important points. One is, that man did exist in North China in very remote times, so that there is no necessity of introducing him from the West within the historical period. The other point is, that by 1400 B. C. the Chinese people had already developed a very high indigenous culture on the great plain of North China. Now Dr. J. G. Andersson has found numerous examples of a “painted pottery ” ware in various parts of northwestern China, 554 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 from Kansu as far east as the village of Yang Shao, in the Province of Honan, just south of the Yellow River. He has dated this mate- rial as preceding the culture of the Shang Dynasty, perhaps by as much as a thousand years. And Dr. C. Li reports the finding of a single fragment of this painted ware in a pit which also yielded in- scribed bones, at the An-yang site, the “ Waste of Yin.” On this evidence, he also considers that the “ painted pottery ” period had its beginning, at least, before the founding of the Shang Dynasty. The pottery of the latter, as found at An-yang, is mainly either of red or gray monochrome or else of that fine incised white ware regarded as especially distinctive of that period. It is to be hoped that a complete excavation of this important site will throw further light on this and other points. SHANG DYNASTY HISTORY Over half of the inscriptions on the oracle bones are records of divinations or inquiries by means of the bones themselves, regarding the ancestral sacrifices. In them we find recorded the names of the ancestors to whom sacrifices were to be offered. Often a sacri- fice was offered to a number of ancestors in common. On one bone we have mention of a sacrifice to Kao Tsu (“ Exalted Ancestor ”) Wang Hai. Then follow in order three ancestors whose personal name was the cyclical character I: T‘ai I, called T‘ien I or Ch‘éng T‘ang (the founder of the dynasty) ; then Tsu I; and lastly Hsiao I. After these follows Father Ting, by whom is meant Wu Ting, the father of Tsu Kéng. From such oracular records as this we can work out the whole ancestral line of the Shang Dynasty. Not only are the names of its kings given, but so also are those of its queens through whom the succession was passed on to the following gen- eration. It may be asked whether this indicates the existence of a matriarchate. Nothing in the line of descent seems to show this. Women were honored in their character of mothers, just as the matron of Honan to-day is most often referred to as “the mother of So-and-so.” Several mothers are often associated with one king’s name. Whether these were consecutive or concurrent wives does not appear, although there is no reason to suppose that the Shang Dynasty kings were monogamous. In one respect alone does the mother seem to take precedence in the ancestral sacrifice offered to her by her descendants; when a deceased king and queen receive a sacrifice in common, the rite is always performed on the cyclical birthday of the queen and not of the king. Succession under the Shang Dynasty was fraternal; that is, the kingly office passed from elder brother to younger brother, and only THE SHANG DYNASTY—MENZIES 555 after the members of one generation had thus had their turn did it devolve upon a member of the next. What rule was followed in passing from one generation to another, we are not in a position to say. Sometimes the succession went to the son of the eldest brother, and at others to that of the youngest; but in no instance does it appear to have gone to a son of one of the intervening brothers. This type of succession is in marked contrast to that of the succeed- ing dynasty, that of the Chou, which was from father to son. In the main we may say that the line of descent worked out from the bone inscriptions confirms that recorded for the Shang Dynasty by the Chinese historical books. THE ORACLE BONES AND THE CLASSICS The inscribed bones further enable us to interpret certain signif- icant portions of the ancient classics, such, for example, as the genuine document known as “ The Day of Supplementary Sacrifice.” The orthodox view concerning this was that Tsu Chi was a minister of Kao Tsu Wu Ting, who was offering the supplementary sacrifice to Ch‘éng T‘ang, the founder of the Dynasty. Now, however, we know from the oracle records that Tsu Chi and Tsu Kéng were brothers, the former being the elder. It was the younger, however, who was offering the supplementary sacrifice to their father Kao Tsu Wu Ting. How is this to be explained? From the bones as well as from tradition preserved in the literary sources, we learn the following story. King Wu Ting had three wives, named respec- tively Pi Hsin, Pi Wu, and Pi Kuei. By these he had three sons, known to later generations as Tsu Chi, Tsu Kéng, and Tsu Chia. The eldest, Tsu Chi, was a good man; but his mother died young. The mother of Tsu Kéng held the affections of the king, and pre- vailed on him to pass over Tsu Chi in the succession and place her son Tsu Kéng on the throne. Tsu Chi made no effort to assert his rights, although he was a favorite among the people. Tsu Kéng, feeling insecure on the throne, endeavored to ensure his hold upon it by offering excessive sacrifices to his father Wu Ting. Of all the oracle bones which record the sacrifices of sons to their fathers, those referring to the ones offered by Tsu Kéng to Wu Ting far outnumber all the rest; there are a hundred or more of them. During one of Tsu Kéng’s sacrifices to his father a wild pheasant flew into the ancestral temple, and, attracted by the seething grain in the bronze tripod cauldron, perched on its handle and crowed at the king. The latter was much frightened at this evil omen, and his sage elder brother, whose place on the throne he had usurped, entered and read him a lesson as follows: 556 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 The former successful kings Were upright, and served the people. Heaven mirrors the people below, Their laws and their just rights, And sends down harvests in perpetuity, Or not in perpetuity. It is not that Heaven oppresses the people, Cutting off its divine decree in the middle, But that people will not follow goodness, Will not listen to their faults. Heaven has sent forth its decree For uprightness and good conduct. What will you do in regard to it? You, O King, must work reverently at caring for your people And not oppose Heaven, Putting at naught the laws of succession and of sacrifice By excessive rites at the shrine of our father. Tsu Chi apparently never ascended the throne. He may have died before Tsu Keng, who was in any case succeeded by the young- est brother, Tsu Chia. The latter sacrificed to his two older brothers together, putting Tsu Chi in his rightful place of honor above Tsu Keng. The succession passed not through Tsu Kéng, who was so anxious to hold the throne, but through the son of Tsu Chia, K‘ang Tsu Ting, who maintained the old tradition of sacrificing to his two deceased uncles, Tsu Chi and Tsu Kéng, as fathers, according to one bone inscription. In another we have T’su Chi referred to as Hsiao Wang, “ Little King,” a title which so far as I know does not occur in the literary sources. Another erroneous orthodox Confucian interpretation of an inci- dent recorded in the Book of History is that of P‘an Kéng’s moving his capital. This was not from the north to the south of the river, as hitherto believed. Instead, it was from the east, near the birth- place of Confucius in Shantung, across the marshy river system to the Waste of Yin, west of the Yellow River, which then flowed almost due north, a few miles east of the present Peiping-Hankow Railway. This is apparently the reason why he was called P‘an Kéng—because he “moved house” (pan chia); for the character for “P‘an” is connected with that for pan, a picture of a man poling a boat along a river. We can not here do more than mention the wars of Wu Ting, and his struggle against the land of Kuei Fang referred to in the I Ching or “Book of Changes”; or to the intermarriage of the daughter of Ti I into the House of Chou. We must also pass over the untangling of many of the cryptic historical references in the I Ching, merely stating that the latter work, the material of which dates back to times long before Wén Wang,‘ seems to be one of ‘For the date of Wen Wang, or “ King Wén,” cf. footnote, 3, p. 550. THE SHANG DYNASTY—MENZIES 557 reference—a sort of key to the type of divination based on the oracle bones. A similar book, recording the historical fulfillment of auguries, was compiled during the Third Dynasty of Ur, in Meso- potamia, about 2500 B. C. There is no reference in the bone inscrip- tions to that later philosophical concept of the Yin and Yang (the Female and Male Principles in Nature), which appears to form the backbone of the I Ching as we have it to-day. There does seem, however, to be a definite relationship between the six successive divinations, each covering ten consecutive days in the cycle of sixty, and the six continuous and broken lines of the hexagrams. For in both bones and hexagrams, the order is from bottom to top and not the reverse, as one would expect. THE SHANG RACE BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF THE DYNASTY The Shang race naturally claimed descent from a long line of ancestors. Allowing 25 years to a generation, we are able to trace the existence of the family back to a period around 2200 B. C. There were undoubtedly other ancestors in the line, and in fact about most of them we have some historical statement in addition to the mere recording of their names. We have no space here to tell of Wang Hai and his troubles with the Yu I, or Ti as they were called in later times.° The story is given in part in a verse or two of the T‘ien Wén P‘ien of the Elegies of Ch‘u, as well as in passages in the Shan Hai Ching, and is confirmed by the inscribed bones. Nor can we pause to speak of Hsiang T‘u, or of Ti K‘u, whose personal name was Chiin. It is of interest, however, to note that the name Chiin of his Exalted Ancestor (called Kao Tsu Chiin) is interpreted in the Shuo Wen dictionary as Mu Hou, or “ Mother Monkey,” as the character graphically pictures. THE ART AND MATERIAL CIVILIZATION OF THE SHANG DYNASTY Let us now turn from the history to the art of the Shang Dynasty. It is a common mistake to confuse the long development of the hu- man race with the period of historic time, or to suppose that the art of Egypt and Mesopotamia, or Crete and India and China, must have been very rude at the time when the written record begins. Nothing is further from the truth. This is shown, in the present connection, by the sculpture of the Shang Dynasty, as exemplified by the torso which Dr. C. Li found at An-yang, and by a broken piece of ivory representing a coiled dragon in my own collection. These are superb in their execution. The jade carvings and bronze castings were magnificent, much excelling the work of any succeed- ing dynasty down to the present. The incised white pottery already 5A group of “barbarian” tribes on the north of the ancient Chinese feudal states which was not thoroughly subdued by the latter until well along in the first mil- lenium, B. C. 558 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 mentioned, of which we have now several hundred fragments,® has never been excelled in design. And from the bits of shell, ivory, and semiprecious stone evidently once inlaid on wooden objects which have disappeared, as well as from a few examples of bronze and bone where the turquoise still remains, we know that the artists of the Shang period were no less skilled in this type of decorative work. On a plain pottery bowl we find a quality of line hardly later surpassed. So we do also on a bronze vessel, almost certainly of the Shang Dynasty, now in the Museum of Fine Arts at Boston. This, a beautiful wine pail or yin, found 380 years ago near I-chou, the ancient capital of Yen, has an excellence both of design and of material (the latter evidenced by its patination) which is not often exceeded. Last year (1930), while engaged in making rub- bings of nearly all the inscribed early bronze vessels in America, I identified this specimen, which was valued only for its intrinsic beauty and not for its historical importance. This vessel and like- wise the inscribed bronze halberds found near the Lai Shui? suggest that the Shang culture extended as far north as I-chou, not far from Peiping. Now in contrast note the crude design of the most important bronze of the Chou Dynasty which followed the Shang, that known as the Mao Kung Ting. Its inscription is so significant that had Confucius known of it, declares the scholar Wang Kuo-wei, he would have included it in that compilation of official records known as the Shu Ching, or “ Book of History.” Surely the recording of such an important inscription on a vessel of so poor a design marks a distinct decline in the art appreciation of the early rulers of the Chou Dynasty in comparison with those of the Shang who preceded them. Occidental museums and authorities unite in refusing to allow any bronzes to be labeled “ Shang,” and unfortunately the Palace Museum here in Peiping has followed suit. But the Shang Dynasty was, we know, prolific in its art; and I am convinced that many of our existing bronzes belong to that period. On a fragment of in- scribed bone which dates from the time of Tsu Kéng are two im- portant statements: One which mentions the honorable (or valuable) tripod of Wu Ting; and another which speaks of writing on bamboo tablets. Here we have proof that not only were costly sacrificial vessels in existence in the time of King Wu Ting, but also that at that period, in addition to the oracle records on bone, there were also other writings, on slips of bamboo, which, however, have unfortu- nately not been preserved. °No entire vessel appears ever to have been found. 7A small stream in the province of Hopei (that in which Peiping is situated). TOTEM POLES: A RECENT NATIVE ART OF THE NORTH- WEST COAST OF AMERICA + By Marius BARBEAU National Musewm of Canada [With 6 plates] The totem poles of British Columbia and Alaska on the northwest coast of North America have long since achieved world-wide repute. Their decorative style at its best is unique and so effective that it is nowhere surpassed in excellence among the other forms of aboriginal art at large. They express native personality and craftsmanship in terms impressive and intriguing. The museums of Europe and America treasure a number of them, principally from the Queen Charlotte Islands; some adorn the parks of our western cities. These picturesque creations, however, can be seen to full advantage only in their true home, at the edge of the ocean, amid tall cedars and hemlocks, and in the shadow of lofty mountains. With their bold profiles, reminiscent of Asiatic divinities and monsters, they conjure impressions strangely un-American in their surroundings of luxuriant dark-green vegetation under skies of bluish mist. The art of carving poles belongs to the past. Racial customs and stamina are on the wane everywhere, even in their former strong- holds. ‘Totem poles are no longer made. Many of them have fallen from old age, decayed, and disappeared. Some were sold, others removed in maritime raids without the consent or knowledge of the owners. Quite a few were destroyed by the owners themselves dur- ing hysterical revivals under a spurious banner of Christianity; for instance the poles of two Tsimsyan tribes, in the winters of 1917 and 1918, at Gitlarhdamks and Port Simpson near the Alaskan frontier. Not even a remnant of the famous clusters of former days remains among the Haidas of the Queen Charlotte Islands. Barely a few are still left among the Bellacoolas, the Kwakiutl, and the Nootkas of the west coast of British Columbia; in a few years these will have totally disappeared. 1 Reprinted by permission from the Geographical Review, vol. 20, No. 2, April, 1930. 559 560 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 The only collection of poles that still remains fairly complete is that of the upper Skeena, in British Columbia, a short distance southeast of the Alaskan border, from 150 to 250 miles inland, at the edge of the area where this art is practiced. Nowhere else but on the Nass, where a number of poles also survive, are they to be seen far inland. The Canadian Government and the Canadian National Railways a few years ago inaugurated the policy of preserving the Skeena River poles in their original location. And the Department of Education of the American Government is also restoring some of the Tlingit poles of the Alaskan coast. Kisgagas -/Gitlarhdamks * sdoeatian ° itn & Gitwintkul (isthatn Js Rope i\ sft Kitwangae? Cs Ss 4 CO UiMir Beek Port ESimpson Kitsalas . 50 MILES 50 KILOMETERS THE GEOGR. REVIEW, APR., 1930 FigurE 1.—The Nass and Skeena River Basins Well known as is this striking form of native art, one is apt to suppose that our enthnographic literature is well supplied with data on their features and history. The supposition, however, is unjusti- fied. Casual descriptions of poles or models of poles have been furnished by Doctor Swanton, Lieutenant Emmons, Doctor Boas, Doctor Newcombe, and others; but their notes usually appear with- out the necessary historical context. It is too late now to recover much of this knowledge. The present writer made a complete study of the poles of the three Tsimsyan nations, while engaged in several TOTEM POLES—BARBEAU 561 ethnographic explorations on the northwest coast for the National Museum of Canada from 1914 to 1927; and a summary of his con- clusions is here presented.” SIGNIFICANCE OF THE TOTEM POLE The characteristic figures on totem poles consist of symbols com- parable to heraldic devices—not pagan gods or demons, as is often supposed. They usually illustrate myths or tribal traditions. They were never worshiped; and if they were held sacred, it was only because of their implications. Those of the Tsimsyan and the Tlingit in particular—and the same thing is also largely true of the Haida poles—were monuments erected by the various families in the tribe to commemorate the dead. In intent they were the equivalent of our tombstones. In- deed, the natives now have some of their crests carved out of stone or marble at Port Simpson or Vancouver and place them as tomb- stones in their modern graveyards. The owners’ object in thus showing their coat of arms was to publish at large their claims to vested rights and privileges. The emblems or totems varied with each family; they were their exclusive property and _ jealously guarded. They picturized legends, phenomena, and the animals of the country. The eagle, the raven, the frog, the finback whale, the grizzly bear, the wolf, the thunderbird, and many others are among the most familiar themes. Others less frequently seen ap- pear to be more recent: for instance the owl, the salmon, the wood- pecker, the beaver, the starfish, the shark, the halibut, the bullhead, the split person, the mountain goat, the puma, the moon, the stars, and the rainbow. These symbols in the last resort were property marks. The legendary origin of the emblems is explained in traditional narratives that used to be recited in the winter festivals or potlatch. They are still remembered by the members of the older generation, in spite of the decay of tribal customs. They recount how the an- cestors long ago met with tribulations and adventures; how they were harassed or rescued by spirits and monsters of the unseen regions; how benevolent spirits appeared in visions and invested their protégés with charms; and how ancient warriors conquered their enemies. The carved illustrations of the stories served a definite purpose, besides those of commemoration and ownership; they made familiar the legends and recollections of the past to all in tribal life. Soon after the death of a chief his prospective heirs appointed his leading nephew to his post. His induction took place in the 2 Published with the approval of the Director at the National Museum of Canada. 562 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 midst of a large number of invited guests during elaborate festivals, where liberality was an outstanding feature. The name of the uncle passed on to his nephew, and the erection of a totem pole crowned the event. Groups of related families mustered all available resources to make the feast memorable, as their standing and influ- ence depended exactly on their resources thus advantageously displayed. MAKING AND ERECTING A POLE The labor of cutting a large red cedar tree, hauling it overland or on the sea for a considerable distance, carving it, and erecting it often took years. The owners required sufficient time to gather their resources and proceeded with expenditures in installments, as it were. A tree was first selected and felled. The allies of the family interested took charge of the work—no relative could accept the stipend. They were fed and paid publicly at the conclusion. A carver was then hired also from among the allies. Should he lack the required skill, it was his privilege to appoint a substitute, over whom he stood ceremonially, assuming the credit of the work for himself. The carving was accomplished as secretly as possible, the figures being selected by the owners from their list of available crests, which often exceeded the fingers of one hand in number. Far more costly was the actual planting of the pole in the ground. When enough food and wealth were amassed, invitations were sent forth to all the leading families of the neighboring tribes; and the pole was erected in the presence or with the help of the hundreds of people gathered in festivities that were the corner stone of social life until about 40 years ago. These carved memorials as a rule face the water front, and the rivers or the ocean were the main highways. They stand apart from one another, in front of the owners’ houses, and dot the whole length of the village in an irregular line. In recent years the villages have been moved to new sites, and the poles seem forsaken in the deserted abodes of the past. Trees have grown up around them in several places, and it is difficult to find them—particularly along the Nass. DEVELOPMENT OF THE ART OF THE TOTEM POLE Enough material has been retrieved from oblivion for a detailed history of Tsimsyan plastic art and the making of totem poles. Our study covers over 150 such memorials. The villages of the upper Skeena are the only ones that still retain some of their earlier barbaric features. Kispayaks, Gitsegyukla, and Kitwanga each claim about 20 poles. Gitwinlkul now is the most remarkable of all the tribal villages. It stands on the Grease Trail from the Skeena to the Nass, claiming the largest number of poles now standing anywhere in a TOTEM POLES—BARBEAU 563 single cluster—about 30 in all. It is impressive. Its poles are among the tallest and best; they are also the oldest. It is evident that the carving of the poles was a truly popular art. If some artists were at times preferred to others for their skill, their choice for specific tasks was governed by customs largely unconcerned with craftsmanship. Each family of standing had every inducement to resort to its own carvers for important functions in ceremonial life. We have statistical evidence of this. The hundred totem poles of the upper Skeena were produced by more than 30 local carvers and 13 foreigners. Six of the foreigners were from the Nass, and they had been engaged in the earliest period when the Skeena artists were not yet proficient in the new calling; 3 others were from the lower Skeena, and 4 from the Bulkley River, a tributary of the Skeena. The Skeena carvers belonged to independent and widely scattered social groups or families; that is 23 of them were of the Raven-Frog phratry; 9 of the Wolf, 5 of the Eagle, and 3 of the Fireweed. Seventy-eight out of the hundred poles are ascribed to Gitksan artists, while the rest are credited to foreigners. The art of carving and erecting memorial columns is not really as ancient on the northwest coast as is generally believed. Popular mis- conceptions that totem poles are hundreds of years old are fantastic. They could not be, from the nature of the materials and the climatic conditions. A green cedar can not stand upright much longer than 50 or 60 years on the upper Skeena, where precipitation is moderate and the soil usually consists of gravel and sand. Along the coast it can not endure the intense moisture that prevails most of the year and the muskeg foundation much more than 40 years. The totem poles of Port Simpson, for instance, all decayed on the south side first, which is exposed to warm rainy winds. Most of the well-known poles now in our parks and museums were carved after 1860, while not a few of those seen in Indian villages, such as Alert Bay, were erected after 1890. The growth of native technique to its present state is largely confined to the past century. It hinged upon European tools—the steel ax, the adze, and the curved knife—which were traded off in large numbers to the natives from the days of the early circum- navigators—that is after 1778. The lack of suitable tools, of wealth, and of leisure in the prehistoric period precluded the elaboration of ambitious structures and displays. The benefits accruing from the fur trade at once stimulated local ambitions; they stirred up jeal- ousies and rivalries and incited incredible efforts for higher prestige and leadership. The totem pole came into fashion after 1830 through the rise of these ambitions. The size of the pole and the beauty of its figures published abroad the fame of those it represented. 102992—32-—37 564 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Feuds over the size of poles at times broke out between semi- independent leaders within a village. The bitter quarrel between Hladerh and Sispegoot, on the Nass, will not soon be forgotten. Hladerh, head chief of the Wolves, would not allow the erection of any pole that exceeded his own in height. Sispegoot, head chief of the Finback Whales, could afford to disregard his rival’s jealousy. When his new pole was carved, more than 60 years ago, the news went out that it would be the tallest in the village. In spite of Hladerh’s repeated warnings, Sispegoot issued invitations for its erection. But he was shot and wounded by Hladerh as he passed in front of his house in a canoe. The festival was perforce post- poned for a year. Meanwhile Hladerh managed, through a clever plot, to have Sispegoot murdered by one of his own subordinates. He later compelled another chief of his own phratry, much to his humiliation, to shorten his pole twice after it was erected; and he was effectively checked only when he tried to spread his rule abroad to an upper Nass village. The present crop of poles is the first of its kind to stand on the Skeena, with the exception of a few of the oldest that have already fallen and decayed. The oldest poles of Gitsegyukla (at Skeena Crossing) have stood only since the fire destroyed the earlier village in 1872; those of Hazelton were carved after the establishment of the Indian reserve about 1892. But several of the poles in the other villages—including Kitwanga—are many years older; they are particularly interesting, as they illustrate the growth of totem pole carving within two or three generations in the nineteenth century. Most of the poles of the upper Skeena were erected in the past 40 or 50 years. The oldest five or six may slightly exceed 70 years of age. Not a few are less than 30 years old. It is safe to say that this feature of native life among the Gitksan became fashionable only after 1870 and 1880. Only 6 out of nearly 30 poles at Gitwinl- kul—the earliest of these villages to adopt the art—exceed 50 years of age; and only a few poles at that time stood in the neighboring villages. TECHNIQUE AND ITS EVOLUTION Native accounts and the evidence of the carved memorials lead to the conclusion that, among the Tsimsyan, carved house-front poles and house-corner posts were introduced first, many years before the first detached columns appeared. Several houses and posts of this kind are still remembered by the elders and have been described; a few are still to be observed, particularly at the lower canyon of the Skeena, though most of them are in an advanced state of decay. The archaic style of house decoration was abandoned as soon as the TOTEM POLES—-BARBEAU 565 natives gave up building large communal lodges in the purely native manner, and memorial columns that could no longer serve as cere- monial doorways, or traps, became the new fashion. Some of the upper Skeena villages, indeed, never adopted the fashion wholesale; at least four of them boasted of no more than a few poles, and part of these were put up only after 1890. Internal evidence tells the same tale. The technique of carving on several of the oldest poles on the upper Skeena discloses anterior stages in the art. It is essentially the technique of making masks or of carving small detached objects; or, again, of representing masked and costumed performers as they appeared in festivals rather than the real animals or objects as they exist in nature. These early Skeena River carvers had not yet acquired the skill of their Nass River masters, who had advanced to the point of thinking of a large pole as an architectural unit that called for harmony of decorative treatment. Haesem-hliyawn and Hlamee, of Gitwinlkul, represent distinctive periods of the craft among the Gitksan. To Haesem-hliyawn goes the credit of carving some of the best poles in existence. He lived as late as 1868, while Hlamee, his junior and follower, died after 1900. The style of Haesem-hliyawn was of the finest, in the purely native vein. He combined a keen sense of realism with a fondness for decorative treatment. His art sought inspiration in nature, while maintaining itself within the frontiers of ancient stylistic technique. Haesem-hliyawn belonged to the generation wherein the totem pole art was still in its growth (1840-1880) and all at once reached its apogee. His handling of human figures counts among the outstanding achievements of west coast art—indeed, of aborig- inal art in any part of the world. The faces he carved, with their pronounced expression and amusing contortions, are characteristic of the race. Hlamee, a prolific worker, introduced the white man’s paint to enhance the features of his carvings. While he used paint with discretion and to good effect, it immediately lessened the sculptural quality of the work. The new fashion did not compensate for the evident loss of native inspiration and artistry. The carved poles of the Nass maintain a much higher average standard of art than those of the Skeena; but they are less numerous, for the reason that the Nass people gave up their ancient customs much earlier than the Kitksan—that is 40 or 50 years ago. The technique of pole carving in both areas represents well the passage from the earlier and better art of the Haesem-hliyawn type to that of Hlamee. The Tsimsyan of the lower Skeena, on the other hand, never were devoted to the art of carving totem poles. When they were moved 566 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 long ago to commemorate a historical event of first magnitude, they erected a tall slab of stone. If the Tsimsyan proper as a body were not swayed by the modern fashion of erecting carved memo- rials to their dead, they retained until fairly late the older custom of painting in native pigments their heraldic symbols on the front of their houses. While not a single totem pole seems ever to have stood in the village of Gitsees, near the mouth of the Skeena, five house-front paintings were still clearly remembered and described a few years ago. And it was related that many houses in the neigh- boring tribes were decorated in this style, which at one time may have been fairly general along the coast. The remarkable west coast custom of carving and erecting house poles and tall mortuary columns or of painting coats of arms on house fronts is sufficiently uniform in type to suggest that it origi- nated in a single center and thence spread outward in various direc- tions. The limits of its distributions coincide with those of the west coast art proper which embrace the carving or painting of wood, leather, stone, bone, and ivory. This art itself seems much more ancient in some of its smaller ‘forms than in its larger ones. Its origin on the northwest coast is remote. It goes back to prehistoric times. It was already in existence and fully mature and quite as conventionalized as it is today at the time of the early Spanish, English, and French explorers (1775-1800). Most of the early circumnavigators—Cook, Dixon, Meares, Vancou- ver, Marchand, and La Pérouse—give ample evidence that masks, chests, ceremonial objects were at the end of the last century deco- rated in the style now familiar to us. They also mention that house fronts were decorated with painted designs. There is, however, a striking lack of evidence everywhere as to the existence of totem poles proper or detached memorial columns, either south or north. For instance, Dixon examined several of the Haida villages on the Queen Charlotte Islands; but he fails to mention totem or even house poles, even though he minutely described small carved trays and spoons. But there were already, from 1780 to 1800, some carved house posts in existence. Captain Cook * observed a few carved posts inside the house of some chiefs at Nootka Sound, where he wintered in 1780; and Webster, his artist, reproduced the features of two of them in his sketches. Meares, in 1788 and 1789, observed like Nootka carvings in the same neighborhood, which he describes thus: “ Three enormous trees, rudely carved and painted, formed the rafters, which were supported at the ends and in the middle by gigantic images, 3 Cook, James, A voyage to the Pacific Ocean, vol. 2, p. 317. 3 vols., London, 1784. TOTEM POLES—BARBEAU 567 carved out of huge blocks of timber.” * And he calls them elsewhere “misshapen figures.” The earliest drawing of a carved pole is that of a house frontal or entrance pole (not a real totem pole) of the Haidas; and it is found in Bartlett’s Journal, 1790.° ORIGIN OF THE TOTEM POLE ART The custom of carving and erecting mortuary columns to honor the dead is therefore modern, that is post-Columbian; it may exceed shghtly the span of the last century. In spite of this, it is not easy to trace back its origin to its very birthplace. Even the simple poles of the Nootkas as described by Cook are not likely in themselves to represent a form of native art of the stone age in its purely aboriginal state, undisturbed by foreign influences. Iron and copper tools at that date were already in the possession of the natives; and they were used everywhere as only they could be by expert craftsmen through lifelong habit. The west coast at that date was no longer unchanged. The Russians had discovered it many decades before, and the Spanish had left more recent traces of their passage. More- over, the influence of the French and the English had crossed the continent through contacts between intermediate tribes and the arri- val of halfbreeds and coureurs de bois west of the mountain passes. From our records of exploration and adventure it appears certain that the northwest coast people were accessible to foreign influence for more than 200 years, to say the least. The natives themselves were highly amenable to foreign influence. Nowhere in America did they show more avidity or greater skill to acquire and utilize from the sundry goods and crafts of the white man whatever suited their needs. Precisely where the totem poles, or mortuary columns, first ap- peared and at exactly what moment is an interesting though elusive, point. Our evidence eliminates the Gitksan, or the Tsimsyan proper, from among the possibilities. Evidence abundantly shows that the Nass River tribes made totem poles at an earlier period than the upper Skeena people. Many families on both sides are mutually related. Several of the Gitwinlkul villagers have their hunting grounds on the upper Nass; and the Gitksan used to travel every spring to the lower Nass for eulachan fishing or to trade pelts or dried fruit cakes with the coast tribes. In the course of time a strong cultural influence from the more progressive tribes of the coast thus resulted. “Meares, John, Voyages made in the years 1788 and 1789, from China to the North West Coast of America, p. 188, London, 1790. 5Cf. The Sea, the Ship, and the Sailor: Tales of Adventure, ete., with an introduction by Capt. Elliot Snow, Salem, Mass., 19265. 568 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 Likewise the tribes farther south can not be considered. The Bellabellas were painters rather than carvers. The Kwakiutl and the Nootka plastic art always remained very crude compared with that of the northern nations; and, besides, it reveled in grotesque forms by preference. It seldom was at the service of heraldry as in the north, heraldry being of minor import on the coast south of the Skeena. Totem poles among the Kwakiut] and the Nootka are all very recent; not many of them, as they are currently known, may antedate 1880. The most familiar of the Kwakiutl poles, those of Alert Bay, were all carved and erected since 1890. None of them stood at the time when the late C. F. Newcombe visited the village at that date. At first sight it seems more likely that the Tlingit, of the southern Alaskan frontier, might have initiated the custom of erecting me- morials to the dead. They were closer to the Russian headquarters and must have been among the first to obtain iron tools. There is no doubt, besides, that they were most skillful carvers and weavers, through the whole local evolution of these crafts. Yet there are good reasons why the credit for originating totem poles should not fall to their lot. The early circumnayigators that called at some of their villages made no mention of large carvings that we know, not even of such house or grave posts as they observed among the Haidas far- ther south. Krom a keen and experienced observer of these people, Lieut. G. T. Emmons, who was stationed on the Alaskan coast for many years in an official capacity, we learn that the northern half of the Tlingit nation never had totem poles until very recently; and the few of those that have sprung up in that district within the scope of his observation are the property of a family or families that origi- nally belonged to the southern tribes and have retained their southern affiliations. The Haidas must next be dismissed from consideration as likely originators of the art. The Haida poles, as we know them, are partly house poles and partly totem poles proper; the former far more numerous proportionally than among the Tsimsyan. Indeed, almost none of the present Nass River carvings were house poles. The two large posts observed among the Haidas by Bartlett and Marchand in 1788-1792 were house portals. Though the Haida villages were often visited at the end of the eighteenth century and in the first part of the nineteenth, we find no other reference to large poles, still less to the famous rows of poles at Massett and Skidegate as they were photographed about 1880. The Haida poles as we know them in our museums are all of the same advanced type of conventionalism, all of the same period, that is 1830-1880, and presumably all from the hands of carvers that were contemporaries. They were from 10 TOTEM POLES—BARBEAU 569 to 30 years old when the Haidas became converts to Christianity and in consequence gave up their customs, cut down their poles, and sold them to white people about the year 1890 or afterwards. It is a common saying, however inaccurate it may be, that the fine row of poles in one of their best-known towns had risen from the proceeds of an inglorious type of barter in Victoria. There is no evidence of mortuary poles among the Haidas antedating 1840 or 1850, though a few earlier and transitional ones may have served to introduce the fashion. The probabilities are that totem poles proper originated among the Nisrae or northern Tsimsyan of the Nass River. It is evident, from traditional recollections, that the custom of thus commemorat- ing the dead is not very ancient among them; yet it certainly ante- dated that of the Gitksan or the Tsimsyan. It is far more likely that the Haidas and the Tlingit imitated them than the reverse. The estuary of the Nass was the most important thoroughfare of Indian life in all the northern parts. Eulachan fishing in the neigh- borhood of what is now called Fishery Bay near Gitrhateen, the largest Nisrae center, was a dominant feature in native hfe. The grease from the eulachan, or candlefish, was a fairly universal and indispensable staple along the coast. For the purpose of securing their supply of it the Haidas, the Tlingit, the Tsimsyan, and the Gitksan traveled over the sea or the inland trails every spring and camped in several temporary villages of their own from Red Bluffs eastwards on the lower Nass, side by side, for weeks at a time. Dur- ing these yearly seasons exchanges of all kinds—barter, social ameni- ties, or feuds—were quite normal. As a result, cultural features of the local hosts—whether they were willing hosts or not is an open question—were constantly under the observation of the strangers and were often a cause for envy or aggression. It is doubtful, on the other hand, whether the Tsimsyan ever traveled to the Queen Charlotte Islands or the Tlingit country unless to make a raid or an occasional visit to relatives. It is agreed among specialists that the Nass River carvers were on the whole the best in the country. Their art reached the highest point of development ever attained on the northwest coast. And their totem poles—more than 20 of which can still be observed in their original location—are the best and among the tallest seen any- where. The Haida poles are stilted, conventional, and offer little variety in comparison. It is noteworthy, besides, that the Tlingit poles resemble in character those of the Nass River. And the Nisrae assert that a number of totem poles at Tongas (Cape Fox), the southernmost of the Tlingit villages, were the work of their carvers within the memory of the passing generation. 570 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 The close similarities between the plastic arts of the northwest coast and those of the various people around the edges of the Pacific Ocean should not be overlooked. Common features in the art and technology of our coast natives and the Polynesians, for instance, are too persistently alike in some aspects to be unrelated, at least in some remote way. The early navigators noticed, about 1780-1790, the striking resemblance between the fortresses of the Haidas and other coast tribes and the “hippah ” of the New Zealand natives. Totem poles, as fairly recently carved and erected on both sides of the Pacific, offer the same compelling resemblance. Their technique of erection, besides, was identical. It will gradually become an estab- lished conclusion, we believe, that much of the growth of native crafts in wood carving and decoration as now exemplified in the museums of the world is far more recent than is generally believed. Smithsonian Report, 1931.—Barbeau PLATE 1 1. THE MOUTH OF THE NASS RIVER NEAR PORTLAND CANAL 2. GITWINLKUL, A GITKSAN VILLAGE OF THE GREASE TRAIL BETWEEN THE NASS AND THE SKEENA, SUMMER OF 1924 Writer’s camp in the foreground. PRATE 2 Smithsonian Report, 1931.—Barbeau 2. THE POLE OF TRALARHAET, A BEAVER- 1. TWO POLES AT KISPAYAKS, SKEENA RIVER, ERECTED AT 20 YEARS’ INTER- HALIBUT CLAN OF THE EAGLE PHRA- VAL IN MEMORY OF TWO SUCCESSIVE TRY, AT GITIKS, NASS RIVER The crests illustrate the myth of a migration south- ward of the owners. CHIEFS Smithsonian Report, 1931.—Barbeau PEATESS is hOvEM POLES AT GITWINLKUL, 2. TOTEM POLES AT GITWINLKUL, CARVED BY HAESEM-HLIYAWN, A CARVED BY HLAMEE, A LATTER-DAY LEADING CARVER ABOUT 50 YEARS FOLLOWER OF HAESEM-HLIYAWN AGO Smithsonian Report, 1931.—Barbeau PLATE 4 1. ONE OF THE OLDEST AND FINEST 2. ONE OF THE FINEST OLD POLES AT POLES IN EXISTENCE, AT GITWINLKUL ANG YEDERH ON THE LOWER NASS This was formerly a house-front portal, the cere- monial entrance being through the opening at the bottom. Smithsonian Report, 1931.—Barbeau PEAT ELS —————————————————— 2. TOTEM POLES AT KITWANGA (THE 1. AN EAGLE POLE AT GITIKS, THE THE UPPER FORMER NASS RIVER VILLAGE NEAR- RABBIT TRIBE), ON EST TO THE ALASKAN BORDER SKEENA The nearest pole—that of the Ensnared grizzly— counts among the finest. It was carved by Haesen-hliyawn about 60 years ago. This is one of the finest and tallest poles in existence. *puly 94) JO a[qen[Ba Jsour ‘QUAI BSI eqOI SIF{ “4se10 o[Svqy SIY SMOYS SsoAPpReY STH pus SOU 9] SUOUIB A1B 9GO1 IBY[IYO P[O pus ssaippRey PdAtKo SIA VNA3aMS YaddN AHL NO SSVN YseddQ AHL NO ‘SYWvad ‘YONVMLIM AO SASIHD 319V9 GIO NV ‘MSaSqGReWRS ‘Zz “YVILID AO ABSIHD GVSH A1ISvza AHL MSANAW ‘1 = 9 3AL1V1d nvaqieg—"|¢G| ‘oday ueruosyqiwCG BROBDINGNAGIAN BRIDGES? By Orumar H. AMMANN [With 7 plates] A hundred years ago it was predicted that the famous bridge across the Menai Straits in England, with a span of 570 feet, would forever constitute a world wonder. Only 50 years later that maximum length of span was more than doubled and the suspended mass in- creased tenfold in the Brooklyn Bridge across the East River in New York. And if we compare Brooklyn Bridge, which 50 years ago was by far the most outstanding engineering work of its kind, with the George Washington Bridge in New York now nearing com- pletion, we find that the span length in the last 50 years has been again more than doubled, the traffic capacity multiplied at least four times, and the total mass suspended over the river more than eight times. It is also of interest to note that in spite of this enormous increase in the mass and quantity of material in the George Washington Bridge, the time of construction will be less than one-half that consumed by the Brooklyn Bridge, and that the total cost, in proper consideration of the depreciation of the purchase value of money, will be less than twice that consumed by the much smaller Brooklyn Bridge. These results have, of course, been made possible only by the far-reaching developments in other technical lines, such as mechanical and electri- cal engineering, and metallurgy, as well as in the field of theory and experiment. From the engineering or technical point of view, progress in bridge construction manifests itself in improved types and forms of con- struction and details, in better and stronger materials, in more accu- rate and cheaper shopwork, and in more expeditious and safer erec- tion, all of which are essential for the construction of larger bridges. It is principally along these lines that I desire to illustrate progress made in recent years. TYPES OF BRIDGES The selection of the type or form of bridge to be used for any particular crossing is, from the engineering point of view, one of the 1 Reprinted by permission from the Technology Review, vol. 33, No. 9, July, 1931. 571 572 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 most important factors in the construction of large bridges, and is a question which has often led to animated discussions and differences of opinions in the profession. It is a question which depends upon many different factors and not in the least upon the personal con- ceptions of the designer. At the beginning of this century and up to as late as the World War, two types of bridges appeared to be particularly favored, although they are generally the least satisfactory from the esthetic point of view: the cantilever bridge for the longer spans and the simple span truss type for the lesser span lengths of up to 700 feet. The most outstanding example of the former t¥pe is the Quebec Bridge across the St. Lawrence River with a main span of 1,800 feet, which until recently has been the longest span in existence. The longest simple span is that of the bridge across the Mississippi at Metropolis with a length of 720 feet (pl. 5, fig. 2). Many bridges of the cantilever type have been built across the Ohio, Mississippi, and other wide streams. To the most recent and typical examples belong the two bridges built by the Port of New York Authority across the Arthur Kill in New York. The type is particularly suitable where foundation conditions make other types expensive or subject to the effect of possible settlements. But its merits, particularly the alleged advantage of its being stati- cally determinate, have been overrated. For a long period there existed a very general prejudice against the so-called continuous truss, so much so that, in spite of its eco- nomic advantages, it was practically excluded from consideration in favor of the simple truss or the cantilever. Its application in 1916 in the bridge across the Ohio at Sciotoville with two spans of 775 feet each marked a revival of that meritorious type and it has since been employed in quite a number of bridges (pl. 4, fig. 1). Less frequently, and only under favorable circumstances, such as the presence of rocky abutments to resist its thrust, has the arch type been used. Until the present the famous Hell Gate Bridge, completed in 1917, across the East River in New York with a span of nearly 1,000 feet has been the most outstanding example, but it is now being outranked by two bridges, both now nearing comple- tion; namely, that across the entrance to Sydney Harbor in Australia with a span of 1,650 feet, and that across the Kill van Kull in New York with a span of 1,675 feet. The suspension bridge is the type eminently suited for long spans and is now recognized as the only one to be considered for very long spans. The true nature of this naturally graceful type has long been misunderstood and it is only very recently that it BRIDGES—AMMANN 573 has begun to regain the prominent position which it occupied in the early part of the nineteenth century. A large number of bridges of this type, particularly for highway and combined high- way and rapid transit rail traffic, have been built in the last 10 or 15 years, even with moderate spans, and its greatest length of span has been continuously leaping to new records. The Manhattan Bridge in New York with a span of 1,470 feet was the most outstanding modern suspension bridge only 10 years ago. Since then there followed in rapid succession the Bear Moun- tain Bridge across the Hudson with a 1,630-foot span, the Delaware River Bridge in Philadelphia with 1,750 feet, the Detroit River Bridge with 1,850 feet and now the George Washington Bridge near- ing completion with 3,500 feet. And a start has been made on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco with a span of 4,200 feet. A factor which, I believe, has very materially contributed to the revival of the suspension bridge, is the changed conception regarding the proportioning of the so-called stiffening system of this type. As a result of the insufficient rigidity of many of the early light and short suspension bridges it became a general practice here and abroad to proportion suspension systems as rigid systems, such as the truss or the upright arch. This theory leads to enormous waste of material in long-span suspension bridges, more particularly those bridges carrying highway or mixed highway and rail traffic, because it does not take into consideration the stiffening effect of the large suspended mass, compared to the relatively much smaller load units which cause the span to sag or oscillate. Conspicuous stiffening systems also give an unsightly, clumsy appearance to such bridges and destroy the gracefulness of the cables hanging in their natural catenary. To-day the justification of a flexible, more economical, and more graceful stiffening system in long and heavy suspension bridges is generally recognized. Studies made in connection with the George Washington Bridge indicated that such a long span of 38,500 feet, with comparatively short side spans, designed to carry vehicular and rapid transit traffic, required practically no stiffening of the freely sus- pended cables. Accordingly, the bridge was designed and is being built without any stiffening whatsoever in its initial stage, in which only the upper deck for highway traffic will be in place. When the lower deck for rapid transit rail traffic is added, it will have com- paratively flexible, very light stiffening trusses between the two decks. When it is considered that in such a long span every pound of steel unnecessarily applied for stiffening is merely ballast, and that this pound of useless material requires the use of another pound of material in the cables, towers, and anchorages it may be realized that such wasteful proportioning involves millions of dollars. 574 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 QUALITY OF MATERIALS An important phase in the development of long span bridge build- ing is the improvement of the materials, more particularly the intro- duction of so-called high strength alloy steels, for high strength material does not only effect a reduction in the dead weight which in large bridges may mean a saving of millions of dollars, but it makes possible certain structural members and connections of large propor- tions which would be impracticable with ordinary steel. For riveted members and connections a medium hard structural steel of from 55,000 to 70,000 pounds per square inch is still generally used for ordinary bridges. About 25 years ago nickel steel, which has a strength of about 50 per cent greater than the ordinary steel, was introduced and found increasing application in large bridges, as for instance in the Quebec Cantilever Bridge, in the stiffening trusses of the Manhattan Bridge, and also in a number of long simple span trusses. During and after the World War silicon steel entered the field in sharp competition with nickel steel. Its strength is about 40 per cent greater than ordinary steel or about 7 per cent less than nickel steel, but it can be manufactured at a materially smaller cost than the latter. In fact, its cost has now been so reduced that it can be used economically even in bridges of medium size in place of ordinary steel. The towers and floor structure of the George Washington Bridge are built almost entirely of silicon steel. In the case of the Bayonne Bridge with its exceptional span of 1,675 feet, manganese steel was introduced for the heavy main arch ribs. Its strength is equivalent to that of nickel steel, but its price was slightly less. In this same bridge there was also used for the first time manganese steel for the rivets with a strength of about 60 per cent in excess of that of ordinary steel rivets. For suspension bridges in particular the marked improvement in quality of wire steel was of importance. Since the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge in which steel wire of 160,000 pounds per square inch strength was used for the first time in place of the earlier wrought-iron wire, the strength of wire successively stepped up to a new record in almost each new large bridge until it has now reached a strength of nearly 240,000 pounds per square inch in the cables of the George Washington Bridge. The question is frequently asked, What would be the maximum practical length of span? The answer to this depends essentially upon the quality of steel wire. With the quality now available it would be structurally feasible to build suspension spans of up to about 10,000 feet in length. Such a span, of course, would be ex- tremely costly and probably nowhere justified financially. BRIDGES—AMMANN BaD SHOP FABRICATION In the fabrication of structural steel members in the shops impor- tant improvements have been made in the past 20 years which were essential for the building of large bridges. Imaccuracies in the fabrication of steel members were largely responsible for the failure of the Quebec Bridge in 1907. Since then more accurate methods and powerful machines have been introduced so that in the present- day large bridges a remarkable degree of accuracy is being obtained. Thus, for instance, the towers of the George Washington Bridge were erected with an accuracy of three-sixteenths inch in a height of 600 feet, and the 1,675-foot arch span of the Bayonne Bridge was closed with a difference of one-half inch from the theoretical length. To-day individual members of greater size and weight are being completely assembled in the shops. While 30 years ago members of 25 to 30 tons weight were exceptional, the weight attained to-day is not infrequently 80 to 100 tons and in a few cases 150 tons. The accurate fitting together of connecting members is also being given great care to-day. In some cases whole trusses, or large portions thereof, have been completely assembled at the shops. FIELD ERECTION When we compare the present day erection of large bridges with that of 20 or 30 years ago, we notice two striking improvements; the speed with which enormous masses of steel for large bridges as well as buildings are being assembled in the field, and the avoidance of cumbersome falsework and erection equipment. The structures often appear during construction as if they were erecting themselves, and this is literally the fact to the extent that frequently members of the final structure proper are being used to lift or temporarily sup- port other members or parts of the structure. Where falsework is unavoidable, it is almost invariably built of steel members which are often members of the permanent structure. Erection of bridges by the so-called cantilever method with or without partial use of false work, is very common to-day, not only for cantilever bridges, but for simple and continuous trusses and for arches. The absence of false work of any kind is particularly strik- ing in the erection of the towers of suspension bridges. A simple frame carrying the erection derricks and lifting itself up along the completed portion of the tower is the only temporary structure. The erection of the wire cables in America is accomplished by the old and well-tried method of “ aerial spinning,” in which the indi- vidual wires are pulled from one anchorage to the other over the towers. Then, packed in bundles or strands, the wires are lifted 576 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 from temporary into final position in the cable and finally the cable is compacted into cylindrical form and wrapped with a layer of finer wire (pl. 3, fig. 1). While the principle of this method is an old one, having been used already 50 years ago in the Brooklyn Bridge, the machinery and equipment necessary for the spinning have undergone radical improvements which have resulted in greater accuracy and speed of erection. THEORY AND RESEARCH Advances in theory and extensive research work have aided materially the construction of large bridges, in fact, refinements in theory and experiments are called for and justified mainly in con- nection with structures of unusual size. The refinements in theory include the elaborate calculation of secondary stresses of all kinds, stresses which are usually neglected in ordinary structures, but whose magnitude it is well to determine, and where necessary pro- vide for, in larger ones. Such elaborate calculations were carried out in connection with the Hell Gate Bridge, the George Washington Bridge, and more extensively in the Bayonne Bridge. Stress determinations by calculation are now being supplemented by stress measurements on models. In order to check the highly statically indeterminate stresses in the towers of the George Washing- ton Bridge a celluloid model 6 feet high of one of the tower bents was constructed and the stresses were measured by means of very sensitive extensometers. For the Bayonne Bridge a complete model of the main arch was built of brass, loaded in various manners ver- tically as well as horizontally and the stresses measured by exten- someter. A complete model of the Mount Hope Suspension Bridge was recently built by Professor Beggs of Princeton and the stresses in it measured with excellent results. As a further means to check the theory, stress measurements by extensometers on the actual structure have been undertaken. Such measurements are now in progress in certain parts of the George Washington Bridge and more extensively in the Bayonne Bridge. Finally, in order to gain further knowledge of the actual be- havior of large-sized members and connections when loaded to de- struction, a series of such strength tests have been undertaken. In connection with the George Washington and Bayonne Bridges, for instance, compression tests were made of a number of columns of various materials and of the largest sizes ever tested, taxing the 10,- 000,000-pound testing machine of the Bureau of Standards in Wash- ington to its capacity. Many tests of large-size riveted connections have also been made in recent years. BRIDGES—AMMANN 577 ESTHETICS Besides the technical advance in bridge construction we may record welcome developments with respect to the esthetic side. While engi- neers generally are possessed of a strong sense of utility and are inclined to justify the appearance of any structure from the economic and scientific point of view, there is a marked recognition of the de- mand of public opinion that proper esthetic treatment be given to our public structures, and that the collaboration of the architect who is trained and better qualified to develop esthetic forms and archi- tectural embellishments is essential for that purpose. In large bridges, of course, the principal lines and proportions of the structure must be determined by the engineer, for they are, to a large extent, dictated by the fundamentals of strength and stability and by local geographical and topographical conditions. Within certain limits, however, the engineer must and can apply his own sense of beauty in determining them. But it is often essential, in order to improve the general appearance of a structure, to mask or supplement certain crude engineering features by architectural em- bellishments, the design of which must be left to the architect. It is by such collaboration between engineer and architect that some of our modern large bridges have progressed beyond the field of purely utilitarian and scientific structures. oe ra eae inka rca dy gone Fayre ipnirenttnter iathien. a8 GT Shiney | ie 2a ites vat) gi ar yao. iptv W Me : E eB fri wie Ry), Webel Snort! # to’ Hacduleiabe wie! 7.) HETO59, ante nowt wetoeryye “gtk 4 to. rican Silt ian "as fd fife ~oly nt 10-ctoltingrt ‘hodtaia-s be Dtady ety tS ‘gaidty vitistthe : ol ‘faTis out pay x" sisodday shi: dinskh COktlite oiling Yo bur _ dilve doaiiclone oilt to agigs nacelles sty, seceld fon, 2a oite pekdiucy, ue -iflote brs aarvoY sttarlles qolsveh o} boililsup sodtod ‘baa hatin at . . 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COMPACTING THE WIRE CABLES OF THE GEORGE WASHINGTON BRIDGE om 2. CANTILEVER ERECTION OF HELL GATE ARCH BY TEMPORARY BACKSTAYS Smithsonian Report, 1931.—Ammann PLATE 4 1. SCIOTOVILLE BRIDGE OVER THE OHIO RIVER, LONG SPAN CONTINUOUS TRUSS (2 SPANS OF 775 FEET) 2. BUILDING THE CONCRETE ARCHES OF THE WESTINGHOUSE MEMORIAL BRIDGE, PITTSBURGH Smithsonian Report, 1931.—Ammann PLATE 5 1. 720-FOOT SIMPLE SPAN OF THE METROPOLIS BRIDGE OVER THE OHIO 2. METHOD OF ERECTING CANTILEVER BRIDGE, OUTERBRIDGE CROSSING AT NEW YORK YSAIM NOSGNH AHL SSOYNOY ADCIYG NOLONIHSVM 3ADYOsSDS AHL 9 ALV1d uuRWwuly—"|¢¢| ‘j4odayy ue PLATE 7 Smithsonian Report, 1931.—Ammann THE GEORGE WASHINGTON BRIDGE ACROSS THE HUDSON RIVER SHOWING THE DETAILS OF ONE OF THE TOWERS Smithsonian Report, 1931.—Moulton PLATE 1 ALBERT ABRAHAM MICHELSON 1852-1931 ALBERT ABRAHAM MICHELSON? By Forrest R. MouLton [With one plate] On May 9, 1931, in his seventy-ninth year and at the zenith of his fame, Albert Abraham Michelson died. As the news of his death was spread by telegraph and cable, the whole world acclaimed his incom- prehensible genius; but his intimate acquaintances mourned and still mourn the loss of a friend who was gentle and wholly without affectation. No scientist of the present day has had a more romantic life than that of Michelson. As a small child, his parents brought him to the United States from Strelno, Germany, where he was born on Decem- ber 19, 1852. His school days were spent in San Francisco, Calif. In 1869, at the age of 17 years, he made a journey alone across the continent to Washington in order to apply personally to President Grant for an appointment as a cadet in the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md. Since genius has a habit of recognizing its kind, he received the appointment. He graduated in 1873 and became a midshipman in the United States Navy. From 1875 to 1879, inclusive, he was an instructor in physics and chemistry in the Naval Academy; in 1880 he served on the staff of the Nautical Alma- nac, in Washington; from 1881 to 1883 he studied in Berlin, Heidel- berg, and Paris; he was professor of physics in Case School of Ap- plied Science, in Cleveland, Ohio, from 1888 to 1889; from 1889 to 1892 he was a professor in Clark University, in Worcester, Mass.; and in 1892 he answered President W. R. Harper’s call to join the new adventures in research, scholarship, and education which were then being started on the Midway, in Chicago. Until his retire- ment in 1927, he was head of the department of physics in the Uni- versity of Chicago and he was the first distinguished service professor in the university. Many of the great scientific societies of the world elected Michelson to their membership. Moreover, he received numerous prizes and medals, among which were the Copley medal of the Royal Society + Reprinted by permission from Popular Astronomy, vol, 29, No. 6, June-July, 1931. 102992—32 38 579 580 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 and the Nobel prize for physics, in 1927, in each case the first granted toan American. Many universities, both American and foreign, hon- ored themselves by bestowing upon him honorary degrees. He was president of the American Physical Society, in 1901-3; of the Ameri- can Association for the Advancement of Science, in 1910-11; and of the National Academy of Sciences, in 1928-1927, Dates and lists of honors do not really constitute biography; at the most they form a framework on which may be hung a more or less adequate picture of an individual. No intimate friend of Michelson ever thought of him in terms of high positions or great honors. To me he was like the sea on a summer’s day—serene, illimitable, un- fathomable. This was not a superficial impression, for I knew him intimately for more than 25 years. On scores of occasions I played tennis with him and against him; on a larger number of occasions I played billiards with him. I accompanied him to tennis champion- ships, to billiard matches, and once we occupied ring side seats at a professional wrestling match. Often we took lunch together; many times I called on him in his simple office in Ryerson Laboratory. I said that to me Michelson was like a serene sea. He was un- hurried and unfretful. He was never rushed by university duties; he never drove himself to complete a laborious task; he never feared that science, the university, or mankind was at a critical turning point; he never trembled on the brink of a great discovery. He gave the impression of the serenity of illimitable breadth and un- fathomable depth. Though one had a feeling that the depths on occasion might be disturbed by a storm, I never heard him raise his voice above its accustomed level. There are doubtless many motives that inspire men to scientific achievements. If I have correctly caught the dominant note of his life, Michelson was moved only by the esthetic enjoyment his work gave him. In everything he did, whether it was work or play, he was an artist. His coordination was so perfect and his touch was so deft that there was more satisfaction in being defeated by him at billiards than in winning from another opponent. I recall with what pleasure Professor Sargent, of the art department, used to watch the gracefulness of his playing. Michelson was an artist also in the more ordinary sense of the word, for he was a skillful amateur performer on the violin and his water colors were a delight. And often at luncheon on the back of a menu card he would sketch the profile of a colleague. But all these expressions of his artistic nature were in private and purely for his own pleasure, and many of his friends were quite unaware that he had these accomplishments. Michelson’s art was also manifested in his experiments, even in the first experiment he performed, that of measuring the velocity of light as a class demonstration, at Annapolis. With his hastily con- MICHELSON—-MOULTON 581 structed apparatus he secured results of a higher order of accuracy than any that had theretofore been attained. Much of his scientific work throughout his long life related to light, and his last experi- ment, completed just before his death, was an extraordinarily ac- curate measurement of its velocity. In all of his experiments he exhibited an uncanny ability to make apparatus work. For example, after French physicists thought they had proved both theoretically and experimentally that interference phenomena could not be se- cured in white light, he set up in Paris his recently invented inter- ferometer with the materials that happened to be available and aston- ished the French scientists with its performance. For the purpose of measuring short distances or small angles, the interferometer is incomparably superior to the microscope. An outgrowth of this early instrument is his later stellar interferometer with which in recent years the diameters of several stars have been measured. Early in his scientific career Michelson, in association with E. W. Morley, performed an experiment which marks a turning point in the philosophy of physical science. To the mass of mankind the sur- face of the earth appears fixed, but to the astronomer the earth is a tiny globe which spins on its axis and revolves about the sun. If one should be tempted to conclude that motion with respect to the sun is absolute, astronomers would inform him that the sun moves with respect to the stars; and recently it has been found that our galaxy is moving with respect to exterior galaxies. In 1887 Michelson and Morley undertook to measure the motion of the earth, not with respect to the sun, or our galaxy, or exterior galaxies, but with respect to the ether, an assumed all-pervading medium through which light is transmitted and which, if anything, would give absolute motion. The quantity to be determined was so minute that it could be measured only with the aid of Michelson’s interferometer. ‘To the astonishment of scientists no certain motion of the earth with respect to the assumed ether was found. ‘Though light has the properties of wave motion, it appears to be propagated with a speed which is independent of the motion of its source. Einstein’s theory of relativity has its roots in the Michelson-Mor- ley experiment. All the changes in point of view it has introduced into physics and astronomy rest upon the experiment carried out in Cleveland in 1887, and upon the subsequent verification of its sur- prising results. Whatever modifications the theory of relativity may undergo and whatever may be its ultimate fate, the results of the Michelson-Morley experiment stand. In 1918, Michelson and Gale carried out their first earth-tide ex- periment, the purpose of which was to determine the degree of rigidity and of elasticity of the earth, Sir George Darwin had built 582 ANNUAL REPORT SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, 1931 up a beautiful theory of the tidal evolution of the earth-moon sys- tem, including the separation of the moon from the earth by fission, on the hypothesis that the earth as a whole is a viscous body. A number of us in 1909 had concluded from dynamical and geophysical considerations that the theory of tidal evolution is quantitatively errroneous. The tide experiment and the associated laborious mathematical work were undertaken cooperatively for the purpose of testing the basic hypothesis of the tidal theory. As scientists generally know, it was found that the earth on the whole is as stiff and as elastic as steel. The brilliancy of Michelson as an experimenter is well illustrated by the tide experiment. Although the radius of the earth is uncer- tain by several hundred feet, he measured the variations it under- goes as a consequence of the tidal forces of the moon and the sun to within one-hundredth of an inch. The final series of measure- ments, extending throughout all of 1917, were automatically recorded on motion picture film by the aid of his interferometer. Another adaption of the interferometer led to a means of measur- ing the diameters of minute satellites and planetoids and of the larger of the stars. It is applicable also to measuring the distances between the components of double stars which are so close together as to be completely inseparable by the most powerful telescopes. Although Michelson’s work has had an enormous influence on science and will be referred to as basic for generations to come, he published a relatively small number of papers and books, only about 75 in all. He never rushed into print with immature work. He was not in the habit of publishing the same thing over and over again in slightly varying form. He did not run around the country, posing as a genius and addressing minor scientific organizations. He never invited the press to carefully timed dramatic announcements before the major scientific societies. He never proclaimed the explosion of the universe. He never attracted popular attention and approval by claiming to find support for theological dogmas or the doctrine of the freedom of the will in the laws of falling bodies or in any other scientific principles. Instead, he pursued his modest and serene way along the frontiers of science, entering new pathways and ascending to unattained heights as leisurely and as easily as though he were taking an evening stroll. LANDA X A Page Abbot, Dr. Charles G., secretary of the Institution_______ TLE Xs OT KITT ets 21, 42, 44, 45, 58, 59, 74, 85, 116, 124, 187, 139, 151, 158, 168,169 (Twenty-five years’ study of solar radiation) -_.__._..__..-_________ 175 aN} 09 9,0) re tped Dg) otal Wahl ahead Sh ge la NS a dele AN Doe ape eg Ae ep 4, 32 ETSTAG Vp OE CLLGS Geena ee eee tee Oey ae lee SR RL RE URS ORE A Pe, SEO NEON 45 Adams, Charles Francis, Secretary of the Navy (member of the Institu- COVA) ee noe an earl Ln hea Se ee ea ee eR ea Scene XI PCLATIUS ot ERED G Ie a crete es ee nd a ny Seuss eee eee ae 46 Agriculture, debt of, to Tropical America, The, (Cook)__..-_.-_._-_____-_- 491 Agriculture, Secretary.of (member of the Institution)__.._._._..__-_-____- XI Agriculture, United States Department of. _._._-.-_-- 14, 26, 27, 125, 129, 1386 PNUC RECS nad Bs aoe Co) ob agli! UE mance lentes aaah alent cs hahaa eter AL A Laat Ale dy xr, 134 Aldrich, Loyal B., assistant director, Astrophysical Observatory_....---- XIII A OCMERtS OL Prin bin Oak as See ee ee ONC ee ae See ee 158 ANETICAD EMISLOTICAl ASSOCIATION TEPOlt. - = a stan ee Nooo’ Ammann, Othmar H. (Brobdingnagian bridges) _-_..-2--__..2.-_2l2L2 571 Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory._----.----------- 2,18) 117, 124) 1153 Antevs, Ernst (Late-glacial clay chronology of North America) ___-_---- 313 Antevs, Ernst, A. E. Douglass and, Research Corporation awards to, for NESCArChes INC hLONOlOR yest wea eee eS a Ek ced 303 Archeological Society: of Washingtomes.---. 2455. 2.55 Mew e ee ee 26 Archives; Researches in. Huropean 2". ee bees IF ik ee 9 ATURE SAEs fEStAtG Of oe c.0 2 See eS es Tei ee 4 BLES CLE Se 2 he 0 F 3 ik ee BS eon le 8 Bo Sr lpe ER coos he 2, 4, 159, 165 Assistant secretary of the Institution__________ XI, XII, 26, 28, 32, 35, 87, 168, 169 AS inopiysicalk Observatory: 2.40 ee oe Ge Sa xap, 1, L817 ETAT EO LS a eee Ne aN eed Men Py ie a Ll BoE 2, 18, 114, 153 AUC POMS Gi euOIS et oh a2 2 ee ey ee ee ee eh eel 2, 123 Mi Tray i ee Sh es ers ee ns a ed Be es 140, 146 plantiandiobjectsi hash 9 gaci wr ee Hee el $e fA So chad Bly TEPOLRbSS Sale DA sec ee be me eee sel ed ed te ks ee 117 SU Lene es A te en ee eee Se ee ES XIII worsiatiWashing tons ext 92s bees ook doen Si edocs eel 117 Atomic disintegration and atomic synthesis, Present status of theory and experiment. as, to) (Millikan)e 35 5 seo es A ee ee ee 277 Adonis vAssault ion s(Compuon)) 22222). eos ae ee eo ts ee 287 Attorney General (member of the Institution) ._._.........-..---_----- XI LASS: 28 LU 00 (BO Re ee Ee RPE, Pee ne tot Sm eae Nn ee 2 4 B Bacon fund wVirginiaeburay setter enn tee Be ee Res cel Be eb gee 4, 159, 165 Bacon traveling scholarship, Walter Rathbone--..-------------------- 33 Bearcat) Taery Ey eee ct BB gg ae rane hee Dg Sh NS 4, 159, 165 583 584 INDEX Page Balduteaweven Ouriniends thernsects) aes se ae eee ee 431 Barbeau, Marius (Totem poles: a recent native art of the northwest coast ofpAmenrica) Aas suk: SR ee ee ieee tee ee eee eee 559 Barstow fund, Frederic: D=. 22 eee ee ees 4, 88, 159, 165, 169 Barstow; William S22 os A020 Se 2 eae 2 pea Sees eee 88 Bartscla, rs Parti ice ae aes es A adh ce ne x11, 11, 26, 33 Bassler Dr Ray So.c2 se ae oe ee ace ae ee re ee ee ae ee x11, 158 Belote?. Theodore Tile se Se Sos Shs Se Se es See ee eee XII Benedict, Dr. w James) Bk ee tek cy ea ae ey ae a epee ree 41 Benjamin, Dr: Marcus si. (2.2 oe) ee te ee 41, 152, 156 Biological Survey, Bureau of, United States Department of Agriculture -- 87 Bishop, Carl Whiting, associate curator, Freer Gallery of Art-------- xu, 16, 59 Boettcher Wire Wora iWin gic co MbTAary =e ew oe We ee ete eee 13 Bowie; . William) (Shapingithe earth) sos. eee a ee eee 325 Brackett, Dr. Frederick S., chief, Division of Radiation and Organisms__ xu, 19, 182, 137 Brice, (Miss Jame iB otk laa a ak Be el ah 2 ig ip a 45 Bridges, Brobdingnagian (Ammann) 222 — eee ee Se ee oe 571 Brookings, Robert S. (regent)__-.--------.- Yi POR RSE Metal P: SANE Neh a Mile 3 Brooklyn Botanic: Gardens. 920 koe lute ey Fe see PER Ree eee 27 Brown, Walter F., Postmaster General (member of the Institution) -__--- XI Bryant, Herbert S., chief of correspondence and documents, National DG GUTSY E01 ee aa A ea a ee eS See ee re eee ee eee ae XII Bundy, John, superintendent, Freer Gallery of Art._-.---------------- XII BB ater Ce a ha ATE ON ee Fe ES SY a feed ee a a hel ee Ee 123 Byrd, Admiral Richard Evelyn, presentation of Langley Medal to_-_----_--- Gs 8, 168, 169, 170 C @anfieldicollectionifunds a4. eo ee Sp ies ee 4, 160 Carnesiedmstitution of aWeashing tomes eee ere te ee ee ee 25 Casey, fund,.Phomias Muses an eS Serena ctor ee ee 4, 160, 165 @aseyasMirsss Tamar Wels ties eee ee rc er re ge rae a are 4 Catalogue of Scientific Literature, International, Regional Bureau for the United, States. i. doh. eet eel a i x11, 1, 20 TE OT Ge ee a ag i oe Beh cf ant el 138 (O1aVenoaloysvd by bolle AbbcYo were Seems Neue We pvents muerte eye SUN ANd Nn Seer OE ar 4, 160, 165 Chancellor of the Institution._..........-.-.------ x1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 168, 169, 170 Chief clerk of the Institution and administrative assistant to the Secretary_. = XI Chief Justice of the United States (chancellor and member of the Institu- GLO DY) Sree Seale en ea OS pe ee x1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 168, 169, 170 Chronology, researches in, Research Corporation awards to A. E. Douglass and Erist,Antevs fort 2. {OU 20! eile Lie Dee OES ERS 303 @larkks, Asner ‘lS Sh rh ct A a RO En XII Olarle, Dir Cs Ua Re Sia AA OES te) Ee 9, 169 Clark; Leland» Bow cele bn ek. ee ya ee ee xii, 135, 136 Clarke..Dr,-Erank ‘Wiggleswortha3 2.94450) saat sa a ene eee 20, 21, 42 Clay chronology of North America, Late-glacial (Antevs)___._.._.-.------- 313 Collins; Henry Bs 5 jr aie yh RO i eA a ee 11, 14, 25, 31 Commerce, Secretary of (member of the Institution)__.___._.____._------ XI Compton, Arthur. H.. (Assault-on atoms) /Ui Wea eee eet 287 Cook, O. F. (The debt of agriculture to Tropical America) _______------ 491 Corbin, William L., librarian of the Institution._._..........._-_-- x1, 57, 151 INDEX 585 Page CovillesPb rene Gericke Ve let ae Leh oA Pl YG BE ON eh Ue Ae eo Xai @urators ofthe instinution ew ei. oe Te es a oe XII Curtis, Charles, Vice President of the United States (regent and member of thevinstitution) Aner sayeo eee ee ee ke ee Ce Xi, 2, 3; Loo D Daughters of the American Revolution, National Society, report of the-_.. 158 Dawes seron., © darles GS # ae Wels Fe Rie i win ek wles diy eal ee as eh Me 4,9 Delano. Erederic A® (repent)! tit sews noe ie ed re x1, 3, 167, 168, 169 Denmark Clay tonwiecs se ae eee ee ie ea ee ee Ee tend XII Densmore; Mrancesn0' (Ace teens ne fA ead ee ee ee Lt as 17, 69, 70 Doak, William N., Secretary of Labor (member of the Institution) -__--_- XI Dorsey, Harry W., chief clerk of the Institution and administrative SSSIStADL LO) Ue SCChEtALY ooo 2k ee = a ae aie eae aa ae a a Xl Dorsey, Nicholas W., treasurer and disbursing agent___..._-..-_------ >I oat Douglass, A. E. and Ernst Antevs, Research Corporation awards to, for EESCALCHeSs IM CHLONOLO RY As ee ae Dene eee eee ae eae eee 303 Douglass, A. E. (Tree rings and their relation to solar variations and chro- TROY) at eek a eI elt ta ol AER AN eS rt 304 Dunham; Theodore, jr. (Stellar laboratories) <2 202/222. -<-2222222.-200 259 E Earth beneath in the light of modern seismology, The (Hodgson) - ---_-_-- 347 Harths Soa pine hey (Bowie ioe oie ee ice oye ed ee ee 325 Earthquake problem, Coming to grips with the (Heck) -_______-__-_--- 361 Hddington, Avs. (he rotation of the galaxy) ss==24) 22-2222. 239 Editorial work of the Institution consolidated_______._.__._-.------_- 1, 41, 152 Editors of the Institution and branches______________- XI, x11, 41, 74, 152, 156 NGO wMent hun Gee STAM SOME Tey eee eee ee pee 3 Statement) Olsson en ee ee AN TS AOI EL te Lay 7 Environment, adaptation of living organisms to their, Some aspects of GQWiardlawir 2 aoe ee Oe SU RAMEE ENE LCRA OATS TOE LS 2 ep OLS Sees 389 Ethnological and archeological investigations, cooperative_____-_-------- 10 Hthnology,;bpuresw of “American 202 4.82255 x 2 ORT OPe Gy eo a 1, 2, 16, 32 COMES CHO TS eee ee EIN APSR AD rt hd alps PAS IES Tp PENSE 0 73 editorial work and-publicationse = 2U2 3 Ve BOG eee. FURY OS eae Ss 71 APTI TR AGL OTA oie es ea pec el Mi at aa lg ats a BR EER alc 72 RES Te SAT yee ae eng SA hg a eho ala Santa el SA Sa EN ta alan 73, 140, 146 UDI CATT OMS eas emir tarts, ety a sts RL og Ale LR UO WA UE ak 12,72, 153, 157 Fig] OO) 5 NS gi nal pel Mi par Seslp opel eae ee ree LL 60 BPCCIAI PESCAT CHES! eee ee BR A Malte ality ee tare cacy I 69 CS EEN BN I i eas Sel eek ge Sek eR ND A ete areca nice eee at EOL XII Huropeanvarchives, researches ina som] ae ese 2 ae See Ne er ay Ae ey oe 9 HiVans nV 1CLOL. J. DEQUESU— ee ee eee Pte ee ek DAE 14, 17, 25, 86 EVOlvineiumiverse, Ami (Jeans) eso eee reer eek ee eRe ee 229 Exchange Service; International2= = 22.222 22 ag ee Bu ee 1,17 foreign depositories of Governmental documents-_--___------------ 77 FOTEIATIMEKCHAN PLE! ASIICISS eee weet mer ne ae lesa eats LULA ENE 82 interparliamentary exchange of the official journal________-_------- 80 TEP OL US s eesen See ee Re ree ee eee erg AD ND, EO ROOD oe AL ROOT, ho SS Usa Lege ae RS ee ea eee Se Wea he de oe oe AO EEE EL XII 586 INDEX F Page Hinances, of, the Institution. 22 aS ose ees es oe ee ee ea 3 Fisheries, Bureau of, United States Department of Commerce_-_-_-___-__- 27 Fixed Nitrogen Research Laboratory, United States Department of Agri- COIGUITGS! 12sec oe a aoe ae ee ee 2, 20, 123; 125, 132,135; 136 Flowers, wild, from Swiss meadows and mountains, Some (Wood) -_-_-- .- 503 Horbes/ leila _.G: ,assistant librarian 2_- 22-2222 .2 325 sees en ee ee XII COT, Ais VA et Sie Aopey ntpen se hae Oe ah ae 31 Roshag rs Wi kysso. sce ee Se ha ie eS oe a a ee emer eee nes aire ee XIE PHO WAL NP IR OG) gl CaS ep Te ce eae as ee yh ge eR ede XIII GFSSCY, Jd ATES In ta eee oe oS i Ok Se ence Ses es, he er 44, 45 reer: s@ban) ese sheila pe hae ec ae Ge ae On She ee 160 reer Gallery (Oly Agt ee f thee Soe ee as te UE ea Beale ae ee 1,15 attendancerseeee oh. 25s Poe ple te eee SA ge ed er ee 58 Joy VD Ko Liha 3%, ee ee aie AQMD aS RR ia hee ORE no a GRE eee pa ck Bnet oe 58 rel ER WOT a ese eo eR eras pS OI SR Bs FN SE eh PE ee ret 59 103 BRT cop MMPCL yen 12 See SRP A PORN ae UN Rr Ee 4, 160, 165 TID PAT yee ate eee ae See er ee ee 57, 140, 148, 156 PUbIGa TIONS See Gee ae Sy Ba ko ek ne ol eee a re ara ae 156 reproductions and pamphlets: - 2229s ae ee ee ee ee 57 BE) Of OP | Toon cee a ge emf ON ye eG al i yee Shy 54 SCS Les on pepe, Bie ae tS ST NS es ee Sh eae, aN XII Hriedmanin. Wr Ver Derbi ce oc See ear a cater alee aap ae XII G Galaxy, Che rotation of the, (Bddington)) 542-522 4 eae ea ee 239 Gellatly, John 2) 222 .o 9 Seo Sok pa ae ee ae ake oe ee 169 CesthRI LE tes 2). cp 20 oe Dy ei ARR eee oe ag eae Ae ee 44, 45 Ce POU Shpall ESA eB yen ge De eo BN eR TENG APU Pe On Le Seat 14, 28, 36 Gilbert: | @hesteni Gant Seek te wee. 0 Bo Se gee ee oer XII Gill, De Lancey, illustrator, Bureau of American Ethnology__-._------- Xi, of 2 Gilmore; Ghanles pw. stoc4 oko 50 2 ee es Se x11, 14, 28, 36 Goldsmith, James S8., superintendent of buildings and labor, National Museu ee 3 oe ied aes ys ates eet ee de cere ape XII Graf, John E., associate director, National Museum-_~__--.------------ xr, 40 Graliam Reva avigiGs. ol Sohne hes Paes eee ee oe ee 11, 14, 26, 33 Guest, Grace Dunham, assistant curator, Freer Gallery of Art---------- XII Gunnell: TeonardiG@s stash NS kg eae ae ee xn, 139 H Fabel fund xc dpe nO ie tea eh ee ok on ee eee te 4 achenbergfundh tse.) USS os ow oe eS eee 4 VAM GO meh yt le a NS I ee a Herriman Alaska Hxpedition, Téeporte 3s -<52 226.4" ae ee 153 Migerinetome: don: (Pi ao see BE hare cee ee x11, 16, 63, 64 ay, Dr. Oliver Perry} ss-ctek oe oe Se ee eee ee 42 Heck, N. H. (Coming to grips with the earthquake problem) ---_-------- 361 Henderson whdward Po. Ace ec toe ee eee ee ee ee 35, 36 FR Tar VisPear a eg te A ace cn BE ee ge ee 4 Frewitt,, JobngN s Bi Weenie ae eee oe pe oe eee es Xin, 17,07, 68 Hill, James H., property clerk of the Institution_____----------------- XI Hodgisingfurnd: geéneralé.. 3.42 oes bee cee ee ee eee 4, 165 SPOON! 22 fee ae Se SC ae ee eee ee ee 4, 160 INDEX 587 Page Hodgson, Ernest A. (The earth beneath in the light of modern seismology). 347 Holmes, Dr. William H., director, National Gallery of Art__._.---_-_-- XII, 15, 44, 48, 51, 52, 53 Voli sbrenest Ge a Saeko cae Rees Cece e were aa yete 14, 26, 34 Hoover, Herbert, President of the United States(member of the Institution)_ x loo mers Vis: Ft er Wert fs 2 i oat a Se See dyertok Due ea el 50 EGO wer Whi sara a Se oe a eee aaa y Lie Nile eh Lage Satan x11, 19, 129, 135 EV grr ea VV ALLO ere ee ee SN ss ck een ee XII HowarcdyOr. Leland /@ 25202 tek sy coach nuh. pe ee x11, 2, 46, 148 Ble cli Chas rs A GS ee eerie as eras eRe ciel ert ei X11, 2, 11, 14, 25, 33, 39 Hughes, Charles Evans, Chief Justice of the United States (chancellor and memberiof the) Institution) 2=- 5-25-- 222222525... xI, 2, 3, 7, 8, 168, 169, 170 ghost Cwm Ecos seers none ee aun eCard ee ok ce 4, 25, 160, 165 Hurley, Patrick J., Secretary of War (member of the Institution) _____-_ XI Hyde, Arthur M., Secretary of Agriculture (member of the Institution) -- XI ; if Insect head and the organs of feeding, Evolution of the (Snodgrass) - __-- 443 IMSeCtS Our tri|emds Me Cesc kU) eters a ci wetaie jon saveN tuna empha arctan aay laa ac 431 Interior, Secretary of (member of the Institution)____._.__.__-____-___-_ XI International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, Regional Bureau for the WMITEG States saa eee nae eee oc tye ais Spe AG a cee rirees a goa KI 1120 EE OY 0) RN ag eg MPa A a ae eS Ne 138 international Hixchange Services aaa e ak See es ee ee eee aa ly foreign depositories of Governmental documents____-___-_-_--_-_-- Cs LOTCIPMVEXCO ANP EIA PENCLES eee Ne eee eyo aay Lye RP OAD ay WARM 82 interparliamentary exchange of the official journal_________________ 80 FREY OO) Sess es Sia i ets Sg LE a sae NI ie Pa te DAC Eh a eld Ree SAL Oe 75 FSAI 0s a wl gat a ed ep A ARE YR NE AL ERO oe NCE eB Ta XII ives MeLbertrbiy (lWO-Way CeleVISION) © =e oe ooo et fh ls PN ee 297 J Jeans som, James (An evolving universe). 22--.222--2- 0 nh he 229 Jomns ee epkinssUiniversityses s-seb. 22) eee eke eee ee 132 Johnson, Representative Albert (regent) _......../.-.____._______- x1, 3, 168 JORUStOn, WO GHATS) eck eee sees st SL x11, 19, 127, 129, 134 (Groming«plantsiwithoutisoil) mani. Gadde) Yonsei s ote Yeh at 381 AIRECRGE A ING UM N38 39 pe a gs is py at 9 apg a ai ees VE ee a x11, 40 K Kellers, Lieut. Henry C., United States Navy________.__--_____ 11, 14, 26, 34 RGN pS Ells worhhybes ve eter esc yee) ge pet cpa oe Bg XII Knowles, William A., property clerk, National Museum________________ XII eploo eran OLberts Wert ena. eee ee ee i cet xi, 16, 31; 32) 35, 61 L Lamont, Robert P., Secretary of Commerce (member of the Institution) - XI angley aeronautical library 22 Sees ae eure he a 140, 147 Langley Medal, presentation of, to Manly and Byrd_______________ 7, 168, 170 agli. swine.) (REZeNb) ots Nees Rh ae Sue soe he Sal al ee 8 xi, 3 588 INDEX Page Leary, Ella, librarian, Bureau of American Ethnology__._.______-_____ x11, 73 Lenman,i Isobel. HU. oot. J veneer py en tnaredty . PT iin We deg 41 DewboniDreilimederick Tis oe eC Si iene eo yah a A XII Libraries of the Institution and branches....__.......--.-------=222Lk 12 TEPOPtsSVa gL LE eA DST UE Meee deere 140 SUMMDALY IOL. ACCESSIONS en esse tn ere ee I Ee 149 Library of Congress, Smithsonian deposit in____.._._..______-_____- 140, 143 j Era (a (25 Til Of 01 2) eect MMe tht dn aN eS Oe RIEU RT Ty eT | 20, 132 Lodge, John Ellerton, curator, Freer Gallery of Art__._.___________ x11, 44, 59 ieveworth; Hon. Nicbolass 22 2:0 seve Lecce sees eee ee ta 40 Luce, Representative Robert (regent)___.......-_-22--222 25-4. x1, 3, 168, 169 M Mallery,: Otto vRaue rs tent sie Se Sanity) ie. 2a petit Hera. 4, 169 Man, civilized}The antiquityiofi(Sayde)ibiuce 4: yoss ee, ae 515 Man, primitive, in China, The discovery of (Smith)____.______________- 531 Manly, Charles Matthews, presentation of Langley Medal to________- 7, 8, 168 Miambye@ barlesi Wists fins ea tek oe ee acted ag aera Be REN BLO Ato ae aoe oe 8, 168 Mann, William M., director, National Zoological Park_______- xu, 87, 116, 158 Naver ETON Ks, ft Mes OMe. oon oe op ee ee Sry nee 44, 46 Matheson, Robert (The utilization of aquatic plants as aids in mosquito (OXON 0115 G0) |) BS Arrears ab mana, ep eelse nN ole ec patuliry orgue fil Bed aig otal cand ee 413 UVES Cav ceed Da gale GUE ool 5 Sagem i ae iments tesa loreal ey «al teal teh te i ost XII NMCATISteD ry Pine De oe ae a, Seen ey ee ee ae eae xi1I, 19, 20, 127, 133, 134 Meier, Droilorence BS cn settee yam eae a ae oe ed 19, 129 Mele hers 5 Gare 75 42 ae epee EIN 3s SE 5 ih ee Clee ann a oe 44, 46 Mellon, Andrew W., former Secretary of the Treasury (member of the GAYS OTL AE CH Co) 01) japan RRS apie oe th pe ceria pclae Ak A uri emp h nile ies rtet nb vapid. xI Members: df.the institution’: (2030) Sk ee ne og epee meena ma ees XI Menzies, James M. (The culture of the Shang Dynasty) _-_____________-_ 549 Merriam,” Drs John Cs (regent) esa ai ne aoe. ye nenal ne x1, 3, 167, 168 Merrill, Mrs. George P., books presented to library_____._..__--___-_- 13 Michelson, ‘Albert; Abraham (Moulton) 2 ec i) 579 Michelson, ‘Dr: Truman 52020 Pete ertele aie aod xT, 16,62 Miller: \Gerritys., ihe so iye oe eR Ah hd Oi ara ct a X11, 29, 35 Millikan, Robert A. (Present status of theory and experiment as to atomic disintegration and: atomic symthesis) 63). 6 OE 277 Mitchell, William D., Attorney General (member of the Institution) ____- XI Mitmaan: Carl Ween Soko ee i Be Dn Ale si ener XII Moore Al ict Sea es eN SRLUE fe 0 aol oak art mm, 19, 123, 124 Moore sCharies 5 = oc ts Sikk s Oe ek WE ok ce 44 Moore, Representative R. Walton (regent)_.__...____-_--__--- x1, 3, 167, 168 Norrow, Senator “Dwight: o-22.- 2 LT Oie Oe sae be ee eee 3 Mosquito control, The utilization of aquatic plants as aids in (Matheson). 413 Moulton, Forest R. (Albert Abraham Michelson)__......._._-------_-- 579 Munroe? Helent.) 8+ a0+ ot bh ene 4 eerie hea ee eee 72 Myer. fund; 'Gatherine Waldene43232_ 222 Seno son a ee eee 4, 160, 165 N National Academy of Design; ‘Council-of the=2= 25" 5-2 ee 50 National 'Gallery ‘of -Artes2:02 i) Pe Tia Se eee 2 oe See 1,15 art collections, present distribution of the......__.__._.-__--_-___--- 43 art works received during the year___________ eB ie te eS 48 INDEX 589 National Gallery of Art—Continued. Page CEE DUES AUN py Sa ea pp ye al a as Pen epee SS 46 GOMMIITSS] Orne ee eae SN I ee eI ee a ae 15, 44, 46 GITCCLOR ee een eee Noe ee ae xut, 15, 44, 48, 51, 52, 53 GUNS ae OND OH OY a A a ga ale ya ee 50 exhibitions el avduningy they earees a sete an ee. ee eee ee 46 TI eS Pa a eg SSP ea a eo en an 51, 140, 148 LOPE a Syste Se AN a ge ad lal ni lp i ay NN 48, 50 >OLSY 6450) (of a pep a ye 5 ea lh yi i A 53 pO CL UU CPE Ap aye gy A 8 i See 53, 153 Fey OO SU tee yey Sieh ye gal A Le Sa 43 INE GIOnaIE GeOpTaApHiC SOCIGhy maa sacs te ee wa ono ee eee 14, 26 INE bIOT Ss eV lnie Urine eeen iceereet ote he Ee ee ce ape ae ale cm rete Li2sis bundinesandsequipmentuc=s@een aan at eee on ew Soe oem 37 Collechionge ssa. a ee ee eee ee ee Se he 24 TG AM MITT CLUS GT] CS eet eta teres nee ee Di een Hy ey Severe fey ay ees 28 SH THTOPOLO Gy ar ett eS ee I SS tear Sy 25 W510) 0 pays ete ee ree is wd yee yh BN ee SS ee ee eine 26 F510) (OY a fe Ry i A de ee ee 27 LODE) oy wy os ays SPs pa ia NR Se eee es a a SR NS ea t= 29 ERED UGIOTIS COVE CB yin eee eee meee ee ees eel ect eer ee 30 explorations and field) worki2s 42 2S wee Soe eee ee ee 30 meetings and TeceptiOns-=-==— ---— eee esos Soe ee ee eee 38 Natural History Building, appropriation for extensions to---------- 1, 24 Dublications=- -So ese sh eee ee ee 12, 40, 152, 153, 156 FRE) OO) As See en he gE ea Sl Se Ss RN BOSE ES ES ee ars 22 SSE eee cs en cee Lp RR Be ee ou eet eyewel ey Se po XII WASH C Oy genre ee a eo eo ere eee Ss Ae ee ea 40 NationalyZoologicals bark. 2. te eee eee ae oe eee Wan We UCC ESATO TIS a ere ete RU RI IN Ly OG Ls eS a Te 86 aniumnalshnethecollection June oO Ooi ee = ae ee ae ee ie ee ees 95 ran e164 i Sp dOMk. Sys Op AU UR Sy RP UO ge Se ey Sg nee xil, 87, 116, 158 ETON Tabs aa ec a ati hl lg a Be ee eh ete aha ol 88 ANP T.O VTL CTU ees eet ae cae eh arcane ee er 1S DS Tr ER peas eee a a ad al a A cS aft at gh ee ee 149 waYSXS{OES| HOVE) [HOV ey AA OLOY sees ne ek RA aL Sa NT ees et OH gS aE 116 bE) OY 0) et eee eg eo es we sr Er aye NUL POS Ay Se ge Oe Oy Oe a 86 FSS Ep ALIS Ap Tea a es ee Ip eyewear iver, Spyeeee et Heh eS XII SY AESTULRCOY Gf pee ea ange cet a RE Ug rE ae eee 18, 114 Natural History, Building, additions|to:.42421 552 2eesie ee eee eee 1, 24 Navy, Secretary of the (member of the Institution) ---_-.-------------- xI INGCTOLO Ry eee Se a ee ee a Se ee ei ee 20 O Oehser, Paul H., editor, National Museum---_--------------- x11, 41, 152, 156 Olmsted br Ay ioc s ance pete see a a yet ee eee eee ee ee eta Po raiaiae Organisms, living, adaptation to their environment, Some aspects of CVV iecrclsaie, Pero ep ote ee Reh epee hae es eet Re ah ae el 389 12 iParmelee sd aimesis 2244 ose ns Aa ee a ee Bs ee ER 53 Patrights Sica chide 2a Eas Sk LN LS OU EN RUSS See 3 val PTS EN Ve ee ee eas aes a er eee eA ee es eee ese 11, 35 590 INDEX Page Pell fund; Comelia luivingstont 2422-752. S45 ses 5-—2- ee eee 4, 160 Plant Industry, Bureau of, United States Department of Agriculture -- ---- 88 Plants, aquatic, The utilization of, as aids in mosquito control (Matheson). 413 Plants without. soil, Growing @ohnston) ——--- 2. 22255202 See 381 Poore fund; Lucy, -l..and George Wa--=252 022-6. Se 4, 160, 165 Postmaster General (member of the Institution) _...------------------ XI President of the United States (member of the Institution)_---___------ 5a) Printing and publication, Smithsonian advisory committee on-_--------- 158 Public Buildings and Public Parks, Office of__....-------------------- 37, 88 Publications: of the Institution. and branches_...-+-_..--=~-=2-=4-- =. - Til TOPORG= 2) ey ste ee ee a ak Si ie a eee ee ee 152 R Radiation and: Organisms, Division of2= 2222-2 5-2 —- =e =e 1, 2, 19, 169 Cl AWS GR ee i ee ee AE Me RS Ree EL LY RL lee ee XIII POCO] axe) EN DICeNN KO) Gl ecient tt 131, 136 UI a 6 Pa rye aS a gE Ke A 3 140, 147 Tg) 80) 4 er ea ae et ep EP hy ey Pa Ih 125 TESeATeh sin: PYOPTCSS 2 oa ee a ee ee 125 FE 18 i a AS Se ae eR Ns Rig eg Se MU Se Stahl hag Ses XII Radiation, solar, Twenty-five years’ study of (Abbot) _.---- ------------ 175 Radio reception, Sun spots and- (Stetson) 22222-22248 sss eee 215 Ranger bequest, Henry Ward, paintings purchased from ------------ 15, 45, 50 Ravenel, W. de C., administrative assistant to the Secretary -_- .- .------- XII Redfield. HW sorseso et Eo See eee eee 44 Regents of the Institution, Board of___-- Bi Pech eee ey oleh ee Bel x1, 3, 45 executive committees. oan ee ase Sh eee xI, 167 TOPOL Lee ea Rees ee ee ee ee ee ee ee 159 PTOCCCC LI Ras Seah es pe se rete nae 7 Re ee ee 168 Reid fund Addison ih =e sae ee ek Oe On ee ee oe 4, 160, 166 Research Corporation =. 22 soo ee 5) Peas eee 4, 134, 185, 136, 169 Research Corporation awards to A. E. Douglass and Ernst Antevs for TescarehesincChTOnOlOgy =.= ae ee eee ee ee 303 Resser: Drs ‘Gharles> Wiel se ee ee eee ee xu, 36 I Rays (ers Wb GDN eV o estate sear canta Teak Miah eRe SATO RTT Te a eye Ep kg ey a ER hae a 4 Rhoades, Katherine Nash, associate, Freer Gallery of Art__.------------- XII Richmond.,Wr- Charles Wesses toss eee Se ee eee ae XII VOR GE GS se Coe Gs a he ra Av cee ene ee a een 14, 25 Roberts, Dr. “PranksH i) reste eee Ree ee x11, 17, 64, 66 Robinson, Senator Joseph T. (regent) -_-.--------------------- x1, 3, 168, 169 Roebling funds Se ee 4, 160, 165 Roebling John Ass 22 2 sakes a as eee ee ae eee ee ee 4, 123, 169 Russell, Henry Norris (The composition of the sun) - ------------------ 199 Russell: J. Lownsend, jt---22-- 252200 pee a ee 32, 148 Ss SF rhivose(o tn fu hao Lemay esi eR ea ener Sein ee Se ee ed PrP ie et Po a Sayce, A. H. (The antiquity of civilized man)------------------------- 515 Schmitt, Dr. -Wald@@: . -.---222 2-80 22222 eee ee xl, 34 Sculpture Society2....2 2-3-5222 22 2S see ee ee ee 46 Searles, Stanley, editor, Bureau of American Ethnology- ----- xu, 74, 152, 158 INDEX 591 Page Secrevany of che. Insvibution= 22-25 Sob las eee eases Bh, Boh Sodan! >Gale 1, 10, 21, 42, 44, 45, 53, 59, 74, 85, 116, 124, 137, 139, 151, 158, 168, 169 Seismology, modern, The earth beneath in the light of (Hodgson) --____-- 347 SeuzlerwiHrankeViee os 4 Ge ee aos De Sean Lee Soe eS eae 32, 41 Shang Oynassy, Lhe culvure of the. (Menzies)e is a2 ose te 2a ee 549 Shoemaker, Coates W., chief clerk, International Exchange Service____ x11, 85 Smith, G. Elliot (The discovery of primitive man in China)_-_-__-______-- 531 Saat In ee ear deb settee Seige mre eer aah ete ee Se ie ag 14, 26 PSTAOGII A aVSYOW ONG Fo 60Y =) = UR PR I OO sagt oT VEY ei ON le pe See ee RE ave lee Nae 2 Smithsonian advisory committee on printing and publication_---_____-_- 158 CONGEOUMOMSiLONKMOWICOS Cre 5 cose ne eye Oe a ey ee 153 EIMELOWAITLETNG PLUNGE pene ee eet eye ip er ee Rn eee ee ees areas 159 TANTS COMATICOUSNC OLE CUO TS meyer a ls 12, 152, 153 DGIEM GIO RO CRICS - ener 2a 2 ace cles ee ee se Ra ieee Vp Bah ey Saath te 8, 169 SPecialG publica tiom shes sess eee ee See ee eae eae a ee 152, 153, 156 HU a ge SY =H eo Oh of SY UO A V6 RU A 0 I Ni 8 EV a a 4,165 Smootus senator needs. (repent)izas 2 aware es We oa ee ee eS XTo Snodgrass, R. E. (Evolution of the insect head and the organs of feeding)--_ 448 Solar radiation, Twenty-five years’ study of (Abbot)-----_------------- 175 Noes oa kexes oak Avg ne (NGA Ta ef) al aM SATE es a a Ae ee ete re 3, 4, 160, 165 State, Secretary of (member of the Institution) -__-_-._---------------- SI ASUS HGCEy ete aNd a el Svan OF 6 WO TP Se a xu, 158 Silanes (Drea) soso. eee eee ee eee eS 259 Stetson, Harlan T. (Sun spots and radio reception) _-._-_-------------- 215 Stimson, Henry L., Secretary of State (member of the Institution) -___- xi Stirling, Matthew W., chief, Bureau of American Ethnology_-___-_--_-_- XII, 16, 35, 60, 61, 68, 74, 158 Strong ry Wilts) em eS res rai cee ei ee eke Ae xu, 74 Sun, Arthur fund for promoting knowledge of__.-222.-.2....-.-2_1---- 2 io, lune: compositionfof, the (Russell)=_ =.) 52252522 obs ee 199 SUM spots ane radio reception (Stetson) =.-2. 6.22 22 22 eee 215 Swansonsoenatom ClaimderAn (reg ember XI, 3 “SHEE SER POD IG LD RANI LI’0) 0 aN) 8 ey gel tp eS ren A Ue tm tag RE x1, 16, 61, 62, 74, 169 Swine Ore Wilber i 2 2 lee pe coe ee Ng tk eh LOMS Swiss meadows and mountains, Some wild flowers from (Wood)__-____-_- 503 Aly elevision. -Lwo-wayu(lves)ee=ssssscses5 So sess ess soe e eee 297 Totem poles: a recent native art of the northwest coast of America (Barbeatt)=s-s aes sane Sires bee a ate oe ek fa ee Bae EE is 559 Traylor, James G., appointment clerk of the Institution___...__._________ XI Treasurer and disbursing agent of the Institution....-..._....._._____ XI ‘Preasury Department,» United /Statess: sss ~22=s=22252sceeecesc22ele 30 Treasury, Secretary of the (member of the Institution) __._._..__..______ XI Tree rings and their relation to solar variations and chronology (Douglass). 304 Tropical America, The debt of agriculture to (Cook)_--.--.-.__.___-_-- 491 True, Webster P., editor of the Institution._._..__._._..____-- xI, 41, 156, 158 Tyne Foundation: of Pngland, Stephen. H- 2... .---.2--5.2225-.----- 29 U Universe Am CVOlvines (CANS). ete ee eos ee eT 229 592 INDEX Vi Page Vice President of the United States (regent and member of the Institu- TION) csenejn ast Hoge Sue Ss yale eA gene Aah Ee ae xI, 2, 3, 168 W Walcott fund, ‘Charles, and: Mary, Valxcu a aoe le oe ee 4, 160, 165 WV AICOLG, WERE: VRE cr Mista ye cnt mi nen acne gee, COE amet Ret ates vee OE 169 Walker, Ernest P., assistant director, National Zoological Park ._._______ XII Wialllcers WV Ine) owi Vieete eae ren s h eae See eee eae agence ne ee x11, 17, 69, 74 War, secretary of (member of the Institution)-_.--- ---_--- 2 eee dl Wardlaw, H. S. Halcro (Some aspects of the adaptation of living organ- ASINS GUO CHM SLEF CTT OTIILE TG) payee eta a see és 389 Washington bicentennial celebration, The__--~.2-2-._- :_._-____-_=__-_ 46 Wenley, Archibald G., assistant, Freer Gallery of Art_._.......-_----_- XII Wetmore, Dr. Alexander, assistant secretary of the Institution.________- >. XII, 26, 28, 32, 35, 87, 168, 169 NV UVETGPS etd Bes BA iat a aeep aan a CRD Ati o-eBiee i Aid EA Deh ky) pele ek WE XII Wilbur, Ray Lyman, Secretary of the Interior (member of the Institution) _ XI Wood, Casey A. (Some wild flowers from Swiss meadows and mountains). 503 Wioudlevancharles) Oe an cos Oe aes Sn ale REE ener re eer ee ee 4 Wit eri ver hess ane So Rant Se Seen Sine ee nes eee ee 20: 123; 1142 6 Meaeger'& CounWyilliam Wisse 82 See 2 es ee oe 167 Vounger/fund,’ Helen Walcott 35 s42225 bo ee dee 3, 4, 160, 165 Z Zerbee fund, Franees: Brincklé.22 2. SY SOL a Os AL ey a) 4, 88, 160, 165, 169 Zerpec, Maj; heigh-Fs Jissco22feseo% = sas PRB PARE 5 Pe 4, 88 Zoatner;: bis Pits sees aes si ass so 28 t COR BOOT Dae Ba 123 Zoological Park, Nationalis.22252 <5) ra > res “> a 5 2 = e 22) on n* a a z o z o 3 NOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S3I1yuVvusg = w = wn = = = : =< = Y/; = = = = = = 2 = w ” rat e on Vp 9 = re) 8 Oo be Z2 iE S = zt fe = = ~~ a = ay ” ° Fan w = q —NVINOSHLINS Sa 1HyVYa i7_ LIBRARI ES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTIOI 2 = : = 77) us te) , z Z = G5 Bo Wee < za < A paseen! ss y . faved Cc Le i ( xy RON ST a a 7 ee oO "DSS — {@) se oO z _ Zz J me ARIES _ SMITHSONIAN _INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLIWNS S3IYVUaT z re) = re) = : 5 =—_ oe wo — be at = ma kK = = = : = =” = oi = = 2 - St = Bie es Z : ite | NLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S31uyWvyait SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTIO! rd w = w” - tse << = = s < SS . > = = 4 Z AYN © E 2 E Z = a A 2 a Es = 7 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI LIBRARIES SAIYVYUdIT LIBRARIES SA. NASN YS ARIES SMITHSONIAN S3IYVusI7_Li BRARIES INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI SAIYVYaitT INSTITUTION ~* NOILNLILSNI ty AN yy WS % * “LIBRAR NVINOSHLIWS NVINOSHLIWS SMITHSON! saruvyuai PAG VLILSNI TITUS. __NVINOSHLIWS es ES SMITHSONIAN N ES 1ES SMITHSONIAN NVINOSHLINS S3IY¥Vvual LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTIO! x o, ow Gy, 2 op te A> Gio? 22) NVINOSHLINS S34 IyVvygl = y = obs é2) oO = >" ae _INSTITUTIO? oe N er. f Zz us = ln Se af a. i fy “S 2 % WX = . = ie 5 z 73 E 2 E ve > \ QS = > = i> S| WA — Eras “9 — QE z | e m x \S 2 m ”) m ” SE = wn = n RIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI_ NVINOSHLINS S31uVvyugit j w = % w = w . = 2 Xw i 2 = YY. we: 2 SINS 6 Up Ye 2 S lf, ps = = ENS 8G fi’ = ZaV/t fr" 2 ee 2 = —NVINOSHLINS SS iyvuag a BRARI ES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Zz Zz Zz 77) uy Ye) ; z : g = Yi? = ok = 2 aE a c ce Sa = co = a | : {2) mee ro) ca - = A a ZA ms = c 1 ES_ SMITHSONIAN _ INSTITUTION NOILALILSNI_NVINOSHLINS_S3 tuVvYyudiy re) pos: fe) = NS ) Ee ew fg = = = > Vf > =) A ==) EW = Ss cas E oe by = = = = S ‘“? m = m of = wo — (ep) = JILSNI NVINOSHLINS SSIYVYEIT LIBRARIES | 2) 75 we: ” = = = uf i . \ = <= ra = eg ee Ss 4 z n QD I WY, n Sy ™“ a ”n - g “iy ENG 2 z / = > < ; = e = # a ra : LIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILALILSNI_NVINOSHLIWS | S3 tyvydgin ow. Ly — fare ae oa % Yj =a a = SS > = > } aie ; w ‘ie —- : ” = ILSNI_NVINOSHLIWS S43 iyvVudl cae BRARIES SMITHSONIAN _INSTITUTION Bei) asta i le el ee eee a a