TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT —OF THE— BROOKLYN Park Commissioners —FOR THE— YEHAR 1884. | Hrooklon: PRINTED FOR THE COMMISSIONERS. 1885. TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT BOOK Esa Park Commissioners 2 BAER L884: Hrooklyn: PCN ED FOR fHE- COMMISSIONERS. 1885. fe. : 5 * ' ’ ‘ ae , ie 2 . . > . 2 A hI Py ‘ ] ‘ iP, 7 fs ‘ Al ~s 16 : aa ’ i . - - eae a ‘ & % ’ - Pe a. qo a ’ ‘isl a on . ‘f J = pS 5 ie - a)" < ae U > : ; ' A“ ° = r TL ak ae ‘ ‘ F t ; ? f ‘ pal ; 2 2 = ‘ | , i ‘ ¥ 5 dl At A i : a wb rk | / 4, ¥ A > . v ie Sy oe *, bf af ‘ Fie Sa ae x» a ? c a ; i ‘ b " @ ty hd f Huta he * Bard Si" a iia Be COMMISSIONERS AND OFFICERS. COMMISSIONERS : JOHN GIBB, ANDREW DOUGHERTY, D. H. HOUGHTALING, GEORGE W. CHAUNCEY, CHARLES GARLICHS, HENRY W. MAXWELL, THOMAS C. SMITH, LEANDER WATERBURY, THE MAYOR, ex-officio. OFFICERS : President : JOHN GIBB. Secretary : ANDREW A. SMITH. Chief Engineer and Superintendent : JOHN Y. CULYER. i ' ~ < . 5 ¥ . * 4 ‘ - ) . « se x ‘ < . ¥ : ~ a ' . Lf x ; J > , ' ' 2 1 - « ~ s | ‘ . Fae) f j q ‘ & , i > < ‘ Z * id >| 4 A) J és Noe 4 by Mos ry a 7 rah ? i % ‘ ie Si AP dae oh aks 2 hy; 4 Be i Om OF THE Brooklyn Park Commissioners _ OFFICE OF THE BRooKLYN Park COMMISSIONERS, Ciry Hatt, Brook yn, January 1, 1885. To the Honorable the Mayor and Common Council of the city of Brooklyn: GENTLEMEN : The Brooklyn Park Commissioners, in accordance with the requirements of the statute, present herewith their report for the year ending December 31, 1884. There will be found appended statements showing in detail the moneys received and the sources whence they were derived, together with the full and circumstantial exhibit of the expen- ditures for all purposes during the yeav. The Commissioners are gratified to state that a moderate increase in the appropriation for the maintenance of the parks will relieve, to some extent, the difficulties attendant upon the discharge of their responsibilities for the ensuing year. The need of a stated annual fund for construction purposes in the development and improvement of unfinished portions of the Park, becomes more apparent each year. 4. REPORT OF THE This is particularly the case with regard to that portion of the Park lying along Ninth avenue, from Third to Fifteenth street, forming the southeasterly boundary of the Twenty- second Ward, and contiguous to the Eighth Ward of this city. The commpletion of this work, in accordance with the original design of the Park, would greatly aid in assuring a deservedly high character for the contiguous property. It would invite improvements inuring to the benefit of the city, while it would secure an ample return to its treasury, many times in excess of the outlay, through the increased assessable value of the property thus improved. In regard to the policy of selling the remainder of the east side lands, it has not been thought desirable to dispose of them pending the litigation which the city is now pressing to an issue as fast as practicable. For the details of the work we refer you to the aeccompany- ing report of the Chief Engineer and Sunverintendent. tespectfully, JOHN GIBB, President. OX BROOKLYN PARK COMMISSIONERS. REPORT OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER AND SUPERINTENDENT. OFFICE OF CHIEF ENGINEER AND SUPERINTENDENT, | Brooxtyn, December 1, 1884. i) To the Brooklyn Park Commissioners. GENTLEMEN : The work of the Commissioners during the past year has beeu mainly confined to that for which its principal fund is provided, viz., the maintenance of the several Parks, Parkways, &e. Our operations, of necessity, have been limited to the current and seasonable demands made upon us by the public for the appropriate uses of these several works, the object having been to extend all the facilities in our power to visitors, and at the same time, as far as possible, preserve from destruction the eroundwork of the principal improvements in our charge. It is unnecessary, therefore, to make more than passing allusion to the condition of the parks in detail, which, for need of a more liberal provision for expenditure during the period which has intervened since our construction fund was exhausted, ten years ago, have suffered from deteriorations caused by use and exposure, far beyond the limitations of real economy. This state of facts has been so constantly reiterated as to fully en- lighten the public in regard to our restricted financial resources, and has justly deterred criticism as to the condition of impor- tant parts of the work to which, with a hberal fund at our disposal, we would otherwise be exposed. It has been demand- ed of us, during the year, a careful and economical adjustment of our means to meet the requirements made upon us. Notwithstanding the many disadvantages under which we have labored for a number of years, as regards our ability to do all that would seem to be desirable, the parks have never before been put to such general and apparently satisfactory use by the people. This is in part the evidence and result of an . 6 REPORT OF THE increased appreciation of the means afforded for recreation, and in part to some modification of the prestige of Coney Island as a resort, interest in which prevailed so generally among our people a few years ago. ‘This greatly increased use during the last two years has been specially noteworthy. As a resort for picnicking, the Park seems to have permanently taken the place of many resorts whose imperfect’ accommoda- tions and meretricious attractions had previously afforded opportunity for out-door pleasuring to large numbers of people. During the past year the school and church organizations (statistical details of which will be found elsewhere), without regard to sect, have found congenial and acceptable facilities at the Park; it having acquired a deserved repute for comfort, variety of entertainment, and freedom from annoyance and danger. These attractions, together with the accessibility of the grounds, have established for them a permanent reputation in almost every way as a desirable resort. The provisions for other special out-door recreation, such as lawn tennis, croquet, archery, bicycling, cricket, lacrosse, foot-ball and base-ball, miniature yacht sailing, ice boating, and other winter sports on the ice, have been cheerfully extended to large numbers ina belief that the encouragement of such uses of the Park were in harmony with the ideas governing those who planned it, which in substance were to make it, as far as possible, available to the whole public for every proper and reasonable pleasure. These provisions, to a large extent, are not common to public parks generally, and in arranging accommodations for some of them a considerable expenditure of money was required. This has caused the diversion of a portion of our limit®d funds from the more specific requirements of maintenance work, but the results of these expenditures have contributed so directly to the comfort and pleasure of all classes of our citizens that it can hardly be made the subject of regret. The principal features of the work of the year have been the renewal of the surfaces of portions of our road system, made necessary by their condition as to wear, ordinary deterioration and superficial treatment, to which they had been subjected. ~I BROOKLYN PARK COMMISSIONERS. The East Drive, averaging forty-five feet in width, from near Battle Pass to the southerly entrance of the Park, the length being about 5,200 feet, was re-surfaced with Roa Hook sravel, involving an ageregate expenditure for labor and material of nearly eleven thousand (11,000) dollars. The gravel is in all respects similar to that used in the original construction of the roads on Central Park, and was procured from a remarkable deposit of this material on the Van Courtlandt estate at Roa Hook, on the Hudson river, a short distance above Peekskill. It seems probable that though expensive as to cost of transportation, &c., it is the best natural product out of which to construct drives for pleasure riding that has yet been brought into use. The repairs to this portion of the Park drives amounted substantially to a partial reconstruction, and involved a pro rata expenditure for the year, for this class of work, out of pro- portion to the amount available for such purpose from our yearly stipend. Being, however, a part of the principal drive of the Park and forming practically the main thoroughfare in connection with the Parkway to the Island, the public have enjoyed and no doubt appreciated the increased comfort and facilities which this renovated roadwork has afforded. The covering of grayel was limited to a thickness of three inches—with this we shall probably be enabled to maintain a fair surface for two or three seasons, when it will be required to be renewed. The removal of the old buildings at the junction of Fifteenth street and the city line during the previous year enabled us to earry through the line of the roadway and to define the entrance at that point. The lines of walk on either side were also opened and graded, and these, together with the contiguous surfaces, which were roughly shaped, have been left in an un- finished condition, awaiting opportunity to renew operations next Spring. Scarcity of suitable soil for surfacing in this neighborhood may make it necessary to procure the required 8 REPORT OF THE material from distant points at an increased expenditure, other- wise superficial treatment, which in the matter of soil for turf and planting must always prove uneconomical in the end, must be substituted. A well kept turf of vigorous growth frequently cut, as is the custom during the summer season, is very exhaustive of the sustenance contained in the soil, and unless this is restored by frequent applications of manure or other fertilizers, will result in a deteriorated and scanty supply of grass. A considerable expenditure was also required at the Well. This amounted in part to the renewal of the plant required for operating our water service. The original boiler, after seven- teen years’ use, during which period it had been frequently repaired, was finally condemned by the official Inspector, and a new wrought-iron horizontal tubular boiler of increased capacity was put in its place. The covering of the well was also entirely renewed. The structure known as the Promenade Drive Shelter, on the south side of the Park, was reduced in height by the removal of a considerable part of the whole. The original intention was to equip this frame work with a series of awnings for the pro- tection of the public, with the expectation that it would invite visitors to gather at this point to view the driving, &c.; but the distance from many points of the Park and its central resorts, would seem to suggest too remote a contingency to justify the comparatively expensive maintenance which the idea practically carried out would involve, and has suggested the modification which has been accomphshed. The lease of the Litchfield Mansion expired during the month of January of this year. The building, without modifi- cation in any important particular of its interior arrangements, was put to use for the adminstration offices of the Commission in the month of April. The Litchfield Mansion being nearly thirty years old, there were many details of its construction that needed repair, together with considerable painting of out- side work—a new heating apparatus was put in—since which time it has served as a convenient executive headquarters. No) BROOKLYN PARK COMMISSIONERS. Repairs and painting to the permanent buildings, bridges and rustic work were made necessary by their deteriorated condition and their increased use. Owing to the wide-spread interest in lawn tennis playing, all the available space in the picnic house shelter was fitted up with lockers for the storage of the clothing, nets, &c., of the players. A portion of the basement of the Litchfield Mansion has also been temporarily fitted up for the purpose. The Park fences, to which attention has been called in previous reports, were in bad condition and have required a ereat deal of repair during the year. The length of the en- closing fence is nearly four miles, and the frequent renewal of posts, pickets, bottom boards, &c., involved a considerable outlay for labor and material, and will continue to do so until replaced by a more sightly and substantial substitute. Tn addition to the features of the work thus specially noted, the force has been busily engaged throughout the year on usual maintenance work, incidental to the several works under our charge. In the early winter months, and particularly during the prev- alence of skating, sleighing and other winter sports, the care of the ice and roads, removal of snow, &ce., required the services of our entire force. A number of snow storms at frequent intervals during January and February proved somewhat em- barrassing in view of the fact that the cleaning of the small parks throughout the city was required to be provided for simultaneously with the other exacting demands of the season. The work of general restoration in the Spring corresponds very much to that of the old fashioned custom of house clean- ing which everywhere prevails. The road surfaces had been broken up by the frost and were generally repaired. The turf, spaces and plantations httered with dead leaves, decayed wood, &c., were thoroughly cleaned, the water courses, silt basins and drainage system were overhauled, and the deposits carried into them by the storms removed. Considerable pruning was 2 10 REPORT OF THE done as late in the season as was permitted, and a number of evergreens and other plants removed from crowded plantations and transferred to more open and desirable sites. With the advent of Spring the more general use of the Park as a resort became apparent. As soon as the turf was in a suitable con- dition to be used for field games, lawn tennis, archery and croquet was established and participated in by their numerous votaries. These sports continued without interruption until Thanksgiving Day. Over two hundred regularly organized tennis clubs were pro- vided with courts and lockers during the summer. For this purpose alone, nearly twenty acres of the Long Meadow were used, the grass was cut as frequently as three times a week, and the courts marked out and otherwise maintained without charge of any kind to those seeking recreation in this form, at the Park. The Annual Sunday School Meeting and Parade occurred on the 21st day of May. The schools gathered together in three divisions at different points, where seats for 12,000 children, stands for speakers, &ec., were erected, and the whole space, including the north end of the Long Meadow, was enclosed for the manceuvres which followed the usual ceremonies. The weather was in all respects favorable, and it is estimated that from 25,000 to 30,000 persons visited the Park and witnessed the ceremonies and parade. On Sunday, the 25th, the customary memorial services under the auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic were held at the Lincoln monument on the Plaza at the Park and at the tomb of the prison ship martyrs at Fort Greene. The usual arrangements were made for the accommodation of the public. The Lincoln statue was profusely decorated with plants and flowers, many of which were contributed for the purpose by the pupils of Public Schools Nos. 9, 15, 39 and 42. On the 28th of May, exercises were held by the St. Patrick Society of this city, commemorative of the birthday of the poet Moore, at the Pedestrian Concourse. —— BROOKLYN PARK COMMISSIONERS. 11 A meeting of the Eastern Archery Association, under the auspices of the Brooklyn Archery Club, was held at the Archery Grounds in the Park on Decoration day. The picnic season commenced with Anniversary day, and throughout the months of June, July, August ana September, the grounds were almost daily occupied by church, school and other organizations, to- gether with many social and family parties. The skating season commenced on January 4, 1888, and ceased March 5, 1884, making a total of twenty-six days of skating for the season of 1883 and 1884. The weather throughout this period was very favorable for winter sports. Nearly fifty acres of ice was frequently used by the public, who enjoyed every facility for skating, ice-boat sail- ing, curling and other winter ice sports. Snow storms caused the principal interruption to an otherwise more frequent daily use of the ice. The attendance was greatly in excess of previous seasons, and at times our public buildings were insufti- cient for the purpose. No serious accident occurred during this period. The first concert of the season occurred on Sat- urday, June 7th, and continued throughout the month of June, July and August, making thirteen concerts in all. The music was furnished by Mr. Luciano Conterno of this city, under whose direction there was given a most satisfactory series of concerts. . The season for field sports at the Parade Ground opened in the month of May, and the grounds were occupied, with scarcely any intermission, during the remaining fine weather of the year. Aside from the numerously organized base-ball, cricket, lacrosse and foot-ball clubs, composed of youth and adults, to whom grounds have been assigned for the season, over 1,000 general permits were issued for other games of this character. On Saturdays, frequently, and on special holidays, we were at times unable to meet the demands made upon us. Bicycle and tricyle riding has greatly increased during the year. The use of the Park for this purpose has been restricted to the walks, where, with such regulations as it was desirable to 12 REPORT OF THE impose, ample facilities were afforded without serious inter- ference with the privileges of others. The use of the Eastern Parkway, the Ocean Parkway and the Concourse at Coney Island, has been permitted without limitation and with no apparent conflict with the comfort or safety of drivers. The principal riders are expert in the management of their machines and conform to the rules which have been in part made up from their own experience. So long as these rules are intelli- gently complied with I see no reason to modify the provisions for using the Park for those seeking recreation in this manner. As to the unfinished portions of the Park, to which refer- ence is frequently made, comprising more particularly the considerable unimproved area along the westerly boundary of the Park lying along the extreme limits of the Twenty-second and contiguous to the Eighth Ward of this city, it may be said that suggestions favoring the renewal of construction work is entitled to the careful attention of the Commissioners. The tendency of improvement in the earlier years of construction earried the work through the main body of the area, its prin- cipal features following the trend of travel towards the southerly entrance. Our means, which had been provided by law for con- struction purposes, were exhausted ten years ago, since which time the area just referred to along Ninth avenue and Fifteenth street has remained in a state of incompletion. This, at the time of the cessation of the work, attracted no especial atten- tion or criticism in view of the generally unimproved state of that portion of the two Wards alluded to, bordering upon and adjacent to the Park. Since then, however, the property of the neighborhood has recovered to a substantial degree from the effects of the general financial depression which prevailed in 1873, the transfers of property at improved prices, which afford every promise of stability, and the erection of numerous build- ings throughout the district, indicate the early attaiment of a high class reputation for the whole western slope of the Park. The conformation of the area from Flatbush avenue to Fifteenth street, and even beyond, and extending nearly to the a vv BROOKLYN PARK COMMISSIONERS. 13; borders of the unsightly neighborhood to the south of Fifth avenue, combines toa notable degree, in its sloping surface and the character of the underlying material, conditions in every way favorable for a permanently healthy dwelling place. The few irregularities in the surface which have served in the past to impede temporarily the passage of the surface water, have almost all been removed, and will soon entirely disappear by reason of the improvements in progress or of those soon to follow. The completion of the streets by suitable pavements and a perfected sewerage will entirely remove the possibility of annoyance which often arises from arrested ground water per- colating through the surface. The numerous excavations that are being made from time to time for the foundations of buil- dings, disclose to the most casual observer, the fact that the substratas of gravel and sand afford the most favorable con- ditions for the rapid carrying off, by natural drainage, of any water that may find its way through the surface, and that dry foundations in cellars must of necessity be the rule. The geological structure of the Park, as would seem quite natural, is in the main a counterpart of that just referred to. The system of drainage and the care of surface water is prob- ably as complete as can be found in the country, while it is also the fact, to be demonstrated at any time, that no deleterious influences to health exist upon the Park that could be charged with affecting in any degree, disadvantageously, the healthful- ness of the circumjacent territory. The waters that flow into the lake of the Park, and the water in the lake itself, throughout any season of the year, is more suitable for potable purposes than the water supply that exists to-day for several communities of people not many miles from this city. The presence of vegetation during the summer months in portions of the lake is entirely natural, and is common to bodies of fresh water and streams everywhere. This vegetation consists of a minute and inferior plant believed to be of the Lemna order, commonly known as duckweed, and is blown over the surfaces from the shores, where it is first developed, into the inlets and narrow 14 REPORT OF THE bays of the lake and presents an unsightly appearance through- out portions of the season, but that it has ever seriously affected the health of any one, it is not believed. This much may be said in answer to occasional public reference to this subject. A comparison, at this time, of the progressive assessments of value of the Twenty-second Ward particularly, would seem to justify the conclusions as to the importance of interests to be favorably operated upon by the further improvement of the unfinished portions of the Park. In like manner the interests of the Eighth and Ninth Wards would be benefited to an important degree. Within this particular area of the Park referred to, portions of the surface have been worked over, and will remain as they now are permanently. The walks have been outlined and eraded, but no permanent superstructure has as yet been put upon them, with the exception of that connecting with the Ninth street entrance. The plantations are incomplete and_ will require modifications and additions in important particulars. The permanent occupation of the Litchfield Mansion for park purposes suggests the opening for public uses, of the section lying between it and the Ninth street entrance, which has remained to the present time in a condition substantially as originally taken. A very considerable amount would be involved, necessarily, in the improvement of this area, but with suitable treatment would be found to add greatly to the resources of the Park. No particular estimates have been made as to the cost of this contemplated work, and the amount necessary for the purpose would be controlled entirely by the perfection of detail to which the Commissioners shall ultimately commit themselves, and to the extent which it would be desirable to carry on the work in harmony with the original design, but an early consideration of the question, in view of the valuable influences that would quickly result from this work, is undoubtedly desirable. ects ga BROOKLYN PARK COMMISSIONERS. 15 Other but less important sections remain in an unfinished state. Of these, that in the neighborhood of the Willink entrance, running south along Ocean avenue, is one. The neighborhood of the entrance just opened at the junction of Fifteenth street and the City line is another. Of important structures contemplated, the completion of the bridge at a site already established, adjacent to the temporary bridge over the northern inlet of the Lake, is perhaps one that would justify the earliest consideration on the part of the Commissioners. The erection of a bridge at this point and the modifications of the drive across it, which would result in a material improvement in the grades, would justify at the same time the continuation of work upon the unfinished surfaces of the slope and portions of the Peninsula, bordering upon the Lake. Within a short distance of this permanent bridge site it has been the intention to erect the hotel, which naturally would be of more ambitious design than any structure now in use upon the Park. The site is a commanding and accessible one, and would afford from its piazzas and windows an outlook upon the Lake, and would comprehend in a broad vista the intermediate section of the Island between the Park and the Island, and an expansive view of the ocean itself. The want of suitable provision for restaurant facilities, for the temporary care of horses and vehicles, and such accom- modation as visitors, particularly in carriages, demand, has greatly emphasized the criticisms as to the want of such accom- modation which has followed upon the great increase in pleasure riding in the community during the past ten years. The Lookout Hill neighborhood, a considerable portion of which is utilized as a site for the Park Reservoir, has been intended to be used as a site for an observatory, the position being every way favorable, and perhaps without parallel for such purposes in either city, m view of the fine outlook to be afforded from such elevation as the contemplated structure would command. While minor portions of the Park must of necessity require more attention and expenditure than their 16 REPORT OF THE proportional share of the present maintenance fund would suffice for, the features contemplated in the original construc- tion just enumerated are by far the most important, and are probably named in the order of interests, from a public point of view, to which they are entitled. Of the work which it is desirable to outline for the ensuing year, the continuation of resurfacing the main drives will merit the earhest attention. Resuming operations at the point where they were discontinued last year, viz., at the junction of the drives at the southerly entrance of the Park, it is intended to continue the repairs to the road superstructure on the maim line parallel with the old Coney Island road, Fifteenth street and Ninth avenue, constructing a new branch drive to Litch- field Mansion, and continuing the work thence toward the main entrance. The leneth of surface to be worked over, the roadway being generally in bad condition, is between one and two miles, and when completed, if we shall be able to do so, will furnish a restored road surface upon the main circuit drive aggregating a length of between three and four miles. Repairs to the other drives, to the bridle roads and portions of the more important walk lines are also contemplated. The condition of the unsold portion of the east side lands, with regard to which any present action on the part of the Com- missioners is held in abeyance, owing to. some technical ques- tions concerning matters of title which have been raised, soon to be finally disposed of by the courts, it is believed, has been made the occasion of criticism of the Commissioners, as to de- lay in their ultimate disposal. After the sale of a large number of these lots at the public auction, which took place in 1881, the failure to complete the purchase, on the part of a purchaser, has tended to retard their improvement up to the present time. It is not comtemplated that any further indebtedness shall be incurred in connection with them, beyond such as will be incidental to a further sale, but public sentiment undoubtedly favors an early disposal of the property still belonging to the city, in order that it shall not, from their abandoned condition, continue to operate against the general character of the neigh- EE —— -— BROOKLYN PARK COMMISSIONERS. 17 borhood, and that the further: benefits to accrue from a sale and the improvement of it shall commence to operate in favor of the city’s interest. Such a sale, not involving absolute sacrifice of the property, and its transfer to private owners, even at moderate prices, would result in benefits from several sources which are not now possible to be availed of. The amount to be derived from their sale and, subsequently, from taxes, upon an increased valuation and improvement, would quickly add a considerable revenue to the city, while the influence to be exerted by the development of the area, gener- ally, upon other sections of the neighborhood, would represent a considerable money value and prove a creditable auxiliary to the available resources so desirable at this time, with which to meet the general financial engagements of the city. SMALL PARKS. No special features of work upon the small parks of the city call for particular mention at this time. They have been maintained in as good condition as was possible under the cir- cumstances, and have been largely used as neighborood resorts ; their increased use would justify a more liberal expenditure, especially in the case of Fort Greene. The large structure of wood on the higher portion of this park, used as a shelter and resting place, is very much out of repair and should be replaced by a more substantial one. It is proposed, however, to make it temporarily servicable by necessary repairs during the com- ing season. Tennis playing at Fort Greene and Tompkins Park was per- mitted throughout the season to the fullest extent afforded by the turfed spaces available. An additional police service upon these parks, which is contemplated for next year, will add to the further security of the public. During the year a portion of the flagstone forming the plaza in front of the City Hall was removed. The underlying material was replaced with soil and covered with turf. This effected a desirable change in the character of the area 3 18 REPORT OF THE generally, and it is believed to have met with approval. A substantial curb of granite or bluestone may be substituted, and with such planting as the early Spring will afford oppor- tunity for, the general effect will be considerably enhanced. Such further improvements of this area, together with the surrounding sidewalks of the main building as were outlined upon plans prepared in the early part of the year, would greatly exceed any means that the Commission would seem to be justified in expending in the absence of special appropriations for the purpose, but the central position of the representative official structure of the city would warrant it. Indeed the general effect and appearance of the City Hall building, due to its immediate surroundings, lack character and finish and would be greatly improved by the change suggested. OCEAN PARKWAY. A considerable portion of the main drive was repaired and resurfaced with gravel during the year and very much improved. The work upon other portions of the road will be resumed in the ensuing spring. The Concourse at Coney Island, which had been in a very dilapidated condition, was resurfaced with concrete in a substantial manner by Mr. J. P. Cranford of this city, at cost of $30,000, for which a special appropriation had been obtained from the County authorities. This work extend- ed over the length and breadth of the main roadway for a width of 75 feet, and a length of over 2,700 feet. The irregularities of the surface required, in order to adjust it to a suitable gerade, the application of material varying in depth from 2 inches to 8 inches. The Concourse area generally continues to serve as a most desirable adjunct to the few resources of the Island, provided for public use, to which no expense is attached and entirely free from modifying and undesirable features that pertain to certain portions of the Island. The importance and value of the reservation for public purposes cannot but be impressed upon all who are familiar with the relation it bears to other portions of the Island. BROOKLYN PARK COMMISSIONERS. 19 With suitable means, its usefulness could be increased a hundred fold. Provisions for carrying out the project sub- mitted for the consideration of the Supervisors would not only enable the Commission to ensure to the citizens of Brooklyn greater comfort and enjoyment at the Island, but would increase the value of important parts of the Island itself. The interests controlled by the Commissioners for the people are too im-~- portant not to have impressed upon them the responsibilities concerning its extended development as a seaside resort. In previous reports it has been suggested the necessity for a more efficient police surveillance of the Island. A still more serious subject is the provision for the removal of sewage. No suit- able plan of sewerage can be effected otherwise than by uniting all the interests that would share its benefits. The conditions would seem to limit the resources of engineering, within reasonable expenditures, to two projects; the first, that of the rather complex arrangement of collecting the sewage at various points, its preparation by disinfecting processes or by compost- ing, and its frequent removal, and its use for fertilizing purposes. The second plan would be to construct a tidal sewer, parallel with the ocean line, of suitable dimensions to meet present and reasonable future requirements, having its outlet at the west end of the Island, where all material discharged from it would reach a permanent current that would carry it away from the shore. The latter project would seem to be the most practicable, and would be most likely to prove the more servicable, as it certainly would be the most economical in the end. It isa matter of surprise that a scheme for improving the sewerage at the Island has not been effected, in view of its importance and of the great interests to be favorably affected by it. EASTERN PARKWAY. The renovation of this important thoroughfare has been pro- vided for during the coming Spring by the purchase and _ stor- age upon the line of the necessary material. The renewal of the entire surface from the Plaza to Brooklyn avenue is contempla- ted as early in the season as will be favorable for this impor- 20 REPORT OF THE tant work. I beg leave to submit the usual statistical returns, ) together with the list of the names, occupation, and length of , service of all employés during the year; this list comprises | a large number of men temporarily employed during the emer- gent seasons of work, and were required to supplement our ordinary force. These were discharged, in all cases, as soon as the necessity ceased. Respectfully submitted, JOHN Y. CULYER, Chief Engineer and Superintendent. 21 BROOKLYN PARK COMMISSIONERS. 00 00¢°61$ 00 00¢‘eIs 00 000°¢$ 00 000018 00 000‘01$ ‘[lounoH wowuoy ey yelellullsweneite eae sotjddns + FE S9L'L erleieliene) re OOO) Gow “On ‘JOABIS me gh CLOSE Boo Goo oot eo oOo poo ooo ses i 00 09L‘Z a tae ees “OISNUL ; 9% 0GG‘6LS Sottvpus ‘sodeexy ‘toqey Loz papuedxg /donpny fgg 02 payfiquag REPORT OF THE 22 00 00¢°E$ LY G6E'SES 00 00¢°E$ 89 COE ere eG ee es ee oN ‘satjddns x Po OES SOR stedeey pur 1oqey tof pepucedxg™ ‘aqNOOuUD AGVUVd JO AUVO GNV FONVNALNIVIN OOROUS Gar eee as rernsvery, AJUNOH 9YY UtOAT peateoat pur AyuNOD SouLTy JO SIOSTA -radng jo pavog ey} sq peyetadorddy|| eae — | Lap, © Sesh 21 aun yo eoMelea) 00 0e9 +++" s9SeTlAlad 10} Ppoateooyy| 00 000‘ES °° °° temsvory, AJUNOH 9} WOIF paatooor puv AyUNOD sSary jo saostatednug jo preog eyy Aq pozettdoiddy 00 N00‘OES ‘TRPeds—aomnsvory, AJUNOH et} WO, poateood puv AJUNOD SSULY JO STOSTA -radng jo pavog ey} Aq peyeradorddy LY 68'S 00 000'0&$ Li BOSSES ——S 96 089 -- oa ‘sattddns a IG TILES ‘t¢ co stedeoy puv toqey 10; pepucsdxy 00 000'E$ Me sie Re. e keen ee © ch [ese m8 ee OL Ae. 26 25 13|Metropolitan Gaslight Co ....... Gas! 2)2)yi =) 5 ot. ose 22 57 He Henry R. Worthington Se aeragete Brass nipplesh- sear 3 16 Eerie i sia gate 1 00 iB Beers & Resseguie Bea te ane Tiaumib er *.!>2....\0 ee ene 128 44 13 ht GANS ret Mn re epee amicus (On oa cide eee 75 77 S| Eowelly dy Saxtane ocr eije cll Repairing fence......... 20 00 13 BS Nias au WRN tenis tein 66. 9 Ane 67 50 13 lisaaeakinee! we rer messes eas Harness; 2.1... eee 24 00 13 Hosford & Sons} 40 crkemeccr Ntagtblonery;. See 9 00 S| ake Wg ce tem To ere rnc ereustore Se thee eee 17 00 13 ee Union ‘Publishing Co...)/Advertising for proposals 21 50 13|Brooklyn Daily Eagle............ ee e 33. 90 PAU ete SR cee oe Sas So Onan oe Officers and clerks....... 874 16 Jat GH) GAP TU Sao onbrabe boobs adec Laborers, 6... eee 6,171 80 3 OO aa hanes Sata ho OE PEERS RS 5% or 5 78 20 3 RU SIS Guo OS BAA 6 onbBS MMe sic 30'S 4: 405 00 3 SL IAA HG a oo Os bas oe $6 Se ee | 542 15 William Bergen, Agents werent. Coal csi ieee eee 147 00 been cach aeieteter Le ees ys Sic: 78 75 ‘ Jonn We Cullyier: e -eeene rine eer Incidental Expenses..... 65 44 A PauliG./Coimim.vecsess cick ee ses: Hardware.) 2. .ee hee 401 69 1 MN eh See eres Soy Ard us aoe ats Ree 15 50 1 WG MRD Cyne ety ec enero cucies 16 oe ee 109 21 4|Brooklyn Daily I Baise pei ee oe Advertising for proposals 23 80 5|Edward R. Shipman a Lee Oats, ce... ae 195 95 3 ee a atte | PE iI es Wrote COED Sy )3. 2G > come ee 40 50 Byles Sidebotham, Jr. .....|Printing Annual Report, USSS nee nee ieee eee 33 00 BROOKLYN PARK COMMISSIONERS. - 27 Statement of Accounts certified to Auditor—Continued. Date. April 10 10 May — [ooo ole oe oe ole 26) CO OO WH OO OH ~1 01 OF Or 1 OF OF O11 CO NAME. Henry Werner ee Gn ce ce GmMeMoscman tyBro.. soo die C. W. Keenan .... ee ce Automatic Globe Gaslight Co.... CPW haste Omen hse te beh aa yecoats Pratt Manufacturing Co....... gfe Janes cq kartlamdene sess aeenae VECO) (Cr. MUNI S 56a booenesyoc0N Metropolitan Gaslight Co ... Union Steam Printing Estabm’t. . C. W. Keenan... ce ce (MWarKeenan ae, oo lee. ee ce G Wii, Lore S MOMS 2.5 dea as saan James we IkGWMENNCl = ota oesconcacs- John Gallagher & Bro...... : Brooklyn Freie Presse........... IBeivaatt@ lilesparepet yey oes Ae Pay A lS. ce cé Vola Ms Cully Loss coedeacdecs Vanderbilt Bros’. Nephew... Ibromiiss ID. IBGE, cu kaschen oc Henry Werner....... ee L. V. Rlagemant sss aaa: Pehl O. COMitin o owccko scarce dodue .|Mouldings Wiliam Tererqerein., ss sod5cccceddase | For. MONIES... goeceaceooes oe GG Oak Posts Lo ; FLATNESS pty tele assets Supplies... ce 66 WeTOMEN,. oscoctecoskoo Setteeless: ==. Lamp hinges Gialsiteetecnc thee oie see Pripting .... Supplies Lime, cement, &c...... ce “ Home light oil......... SWYOOUIES oc cocaccos soos Stationery... ce OLAS IAS, 5 cede db obese Cer Tae INES 5 ooh e cons Advertising for proposals |\Officers and clerks.. .... IDE OXOREAS, WUObas6 cuoscue ee fb pee bebe ee Incidental expenses..... Grass and clover seed... Watchman’s register Feed and meal...... Shab Oats nic Mn eae ae tek em oie. Doorandasash wae seas Mouilchimes cco ae secs Plumbings, &ec., ‘‘Litch- eld! Manisiomi? 2... 5... Balusters IPinenSlatseqeemn a eee tate Oakes eae spe eat pedal ste. Attending sick horses... . iandwarGenctnncsae seen Overhauling, &c., engine PIE vAWVCelll le less oder Mine once AMOUNT. $68 95 28 3d 20 48 00 14 86 29 50 34 86 22 92 28 REPORT OF THE Statement of Accounts certified to Auditor—Continued. Date. Name. For. AMOUNT. May 8j|Gillis & Geoghegan.............. Steam heating apparatus.| $1,125 00 rolfepanvielm buoy lavenssh NGS Stn Gusie um Aloe pie. Boiler at Park well..... 1,450 00 1O/A- W. Shadbolt & Son......2...- Wagon supplies......... 18 75 10|Brooklyn Gaslight Company...../Gas..:.@.............-- 97 44 10 ee ete RRS MN hs leo Sx 97 16 10|/Metropolitan'Gaslioht Commpanty.=|)°o 9922 ee eee 33 08 10 Howell is tSaxtan: © occ cass Park well supplies .. 81 12 10) Kendall Towne. . .|Horseshoeing .........- 2 50 QD hale SHINS ghee 5 fees & ~. ..|Movine safe" acs ne eee 18 00 10| Frederick Loeser & Co.......... Supplies. ... 20k epee 7 52 10\John Morton & Son ........-.... Brick and cement....... 6 00 10 SOS y ee AS eee ie ee fh es 26 50 10|Union Steam Printing Estabm’t..|Printing................ 13 00 10/Beers & Resseguie..... ........ Lumber): 22.2 eee 63 08 10 Re nots areca MY ak ans Cee 466 11 10): Brandeis & Son: 22.2.2. -2-4 Lead “pipes... saneeaeee 1 16 LOC SAWenicenanmnn 2s serra Honest Onl =eee ee 9 67 10 PCS Nan See ORGS OES ee Paints; oils) cheeeeee 60 75 10 COON OG Le Sr el eats tM SPP Sr 112 34 10} tT SANA meee a8 ee: Supplies .....t.. se eee 8 65 10 Fs $6 1s) ae ee 9 90 10 CoA Pings gry © A Bad 8 eka Bers Paints; ce... eee 1 25 10 ON Mi dcedis eters eee SC heer 21 60 10 Be Re OD oir eon et Supplies. -), ceases 1 00 10 BBs eran roth tee dowel cas DRE ras). o.0). a4 ac 4 80 10 Ce a, Mics nee Reste erties Paice ae (Casi Ae eee 3 60 10 RSs yr Pe, Meo eet att ti Mg aes 3. 8 13 10 10 Heche nan icinctacite uaa er os Brushes... 022 eee ee 3 60 10 SE ete Sots tee eee 2 Wihittin'o. cans eee 22 00 10 fee la teat tone eae Supplies)... seeeeee 21 20 10 SO dg Re Ree ene ft eb to, eee 3°75 IO Elostondyac Sons see ee nier erie Stationery... s+ sees 61 80 10 Sal ees ay ere Ledger... 2.) (pee 7 50 10/Union Steam Printing Estabm’t.|Printing............... 17 50 10/Kenyon & Newton Sashis-)).:).\ 6: eae 2 50 LOIN Vina SNVelUe Sis Omer Seen oe ree Marlin€, .\.o 25 sae een 11 56 10} CME Mivsenvany css Biomn se ene Rubber horse cover..... 5 00 10 as A ry ke Stirrup leather, &e...... 16 00 10|/Pratt Manufacturing Co......... Naphtha; 2). fe ce eee 51 71 10 fe fly) pelea eases 51 92 10|Balch, Price & Co .... i. 2... (Police officers” hatha 4 00 LO) Jocob*G: Miner s......:ee..2-.. Globes» Domes. seme 56 50 10/stephen Stevenson ............. Soap:;.2:.. 0: eee 6 25 A AG aVs AB enol; a aa ...|Drawing materials...... 11 20 LO CA W.Keenant i. beeen eee Paints, oils) ce) seer PAD ET IM) Henry Werner: sects o..l-os eo. Chestnut posts, &c...... 41 40 10) Watson & Pittengwer.....:....... Lmmibers. 5 sce eee 59 75 10 ee ate! fee ays 2 ts | Do. ee 68 64 AQ Payroll: £ 2erar aera ween eae Officers and clerks ...... 874 16 June 4 i a 4 97 JiCeevin Mosemany cs Bron ss sec. : IBEMAMONS oaodonocosousss 5) Gis, We DeodoriaMne COsc. cpechess Disinfectants .......... 36 00 SD emmiSawineelen sae sat sa i Unloading gravel, &c.... 105 75 8/George Elford & Son ............ Making shades, Xe ...... 15 50 Qh. COiMBAN® soccaco bo .|Music, 5th concert..... 160 00 9 SO UMN acste ace Re es res STs NOMHL GL VTC fo eee 160 00 16 BG Mets pep area etnias se a Pa USM AU LES acon Rang aera Nes 160 00 PP NECEUV ATOM Bese cats ect tctnireh att ts Officers and clerks ..... 874 16 Pub (COMMiENO.-5 J Sancnouse soe Music, 8th concert...... 160 00 Aug. 9 Dette Wee epee eich xc yer ta Sore ae Aeae5s SPRUE 1 LGlOT Sema Oo Nee Saran 160 00 5 OG Sena eee RRL OR Ee Cora O Glas yest iene 160 00 &| PH TRON es Bale aaeae cacao S| ILEVOOREMS, CWO, o64cbaense 4,715 93 5 OS TWAS picinicts Sho othr Bate einer DN beeiacece rhe st Oe 287 50 5 Sp a Me persue se ore lesa ed alee ele BOR it teed Coeur 1,847 48 7|William -Bergen, Agent.......... Coal eenirenisa eyes ioe ee 198 90 7 “¢ pi eS eee SO ae Rane to acta eRe Oe 30 60 Tiolinmn W, Cwlhyers.aspescuesconose Incidental expenses..... 60 12 Adlolaa Wl, Bolle; Soon soscacae SHAMNOME sb boddeedoos 1 05 Gils I. SuirOwse ws COs cuod occ sease Criminal and penal code. 6 50 7 satire pes meta Runa che taese we aie Session laws, 1884....... 2 00 Wi brows ID). IBAOK 5 caukdacgasaduas Roa Hook gravel........ 1,822 65 (Demis Wineelleres 2575 onodogboseas Unloading gravel........ 208 17 fibdward R. Shipman’........2.. Oats, feed and meal..... 68 25 Cl of Be uataat tiie RIES ane Oatstamdicorn- essa se 94 13 Til; COMUSMNO. soo so60cbo abo IMA STC hia eu asearetala earn oe 80 00 7|\Beers & Resseguie....... pecan uma ernaira syns ween wa 7 80 12\|Metropolitan Gas Light Co ..... Gras een Mae We pea yeeennetes 26 95 lAiNationall (Meter Cony Wiss.)-- 2 Repairs to meter........ 1 10 IA Shama, IBHHOS, 6 vibe be odbc o0o0 vauee € oR steam roller. . 217 18 Iieaull ©, COW oooccccodocee aces IGGHAGOWENAE: on) 6 clon gieweue 141 94 Iola IDewalieissinsen wolsdopina ca Aes Repairing boilerhouse, &c. 52 00 a2 REPORT OF THE Statement of Accounts certified to Auditor—Continued. Date. NAME. For. Amount. Aug. 12)A. W. Shadbolt & Son.........:. Wagon supplies ........ $44 20 12)Knickerbocker Ice Co........... Ice for park offices ..... 2 80 '2i\Bernamd! Shines cert cette Repairing picks, &e..... 42 82 12 Ee Ns cig:ah ty ec oe See 8 66 12}0. M. Moseman & Bro..........: Harness): eee ee 1 00 12 i eta Seas Chamois):: «4025 seeeeene 1 50 12 SRL awe pies ae 20 6 UU} oe gee ee 1 50 12|Brooklyn Gas Light Co.......... Gus). sc... 2-05 eaten eee 25 06 12 SCO PEAT LY cake ee PEE Be ott 2 3 Sy Oe 36 12 12|/Union Steam Printing Estabm’t..|/Printing............... 4 50 12 Sf ss ie fy pate 10 00 12| et ts 4 § ie Sen eee 6 00 12/Prospect Park & C. I. R. R. Co..|Railroad tickets. .....'... 50. 00 12 & 3 nt: ais clopeeoe 50 00 1 Wine Wells Sons esr mny eae tae Marling. 4. 22S eee 6 76 12|/Pratt Manufacturing Co......... Naphthar <4... 51 77 IZ Wiatsont doplenhtam gern. ore i seer Lumber-c.-9 eee 8 55 12|John Morten & Sons.... ...... Lime and Cement....... 4 65 AVETOSLOROLC SOUS ane eerie eta ae Stabioneryiec gee) eee 3 25 12} Se Perec eee eee eae CO eee ees 3°75 12 STE at Wie cio seesarack: ete ME ies S 5i5 Se 18 70 12 CAMWi.GKeenant.¢.5)) seen: oe ee Castile soap, &@..+...... 1 35 12 é SE Siete ta cafe 10 oe Whiting..2522 ee ees 7 31 12 se Dak ys ase bie de, || SUD DLS eee 29 49 12 a teh ARGUE eineee Home Lichtoili yeeee- 13 90 12 Se i PR be Se Ae ea Sionalloil cee de 53 98 12 ca ede ctr et esos noo s| Castor, Ol] AmGewiiiyil eee 28 35 12 LP Ase hone ne Ce Whiting and oils. 21 73 14) 5rooklyn Improvement Co....... Dockage: 02. C.44-ceee 120 00 2 Wit SDs Davi Sac aan tee y tetera ase Repairs to wagon... .... 22 50 119 |(Paly roll ity ee eres ie eas Officers and clerks....... S74 16 FAO Dig Ora VO ss 9, yt. hs Ae aoe Music, lith concert. .. 160 00 27 es Biel Sean eueee RS Pee. al2thi ‘ oeee 160. 00 Sept. 4/Payroll....... Onan EE Gm) Miu Daborers;: &C oan 6,116 34 a SON bs Riri earn oe otter eee eae Ee 112 05 Bh EO Yo iran Mina ae RI i ee oe ots 7a 728 64 4\William Bergen, Agent.......... Coal... a8 Re eee 153 00 4 a Stern Nia e ARON cs 65 5 35 5 35 70 A ohn S¥ecO@nlyersun eee _......|Incidental expenses.... 65 69 9|Edward RK. Shipman,.... ....... Oats, dc... 72 see 108 35 9 iy fe RE ret asc: Oatmeal ........ Annes: 7 50 9 Bie BOE able Stn, oan Oats, Corn, cceosee. 104 63 OR. (Beg Woomisiaemerines eve one ete Automatie lubricator... .. 22 50 9 Ete Conternom soa mane meinen Music, 13th concert....- 160 00 10|Dennis\ Wheelers 2622s ns: 4 Unloading scows, &e.... 50 24 11/Charles Winterwerb............ Repairing buggy........ 26 7d NS OA TAC ING saben ek QonRese Medical attendance for horses 2: 2.0) eeeeeeee 11 00 22\Stephen Stevenson ............ S08)... 207 Sse ee eee 6 25 22)/Union Steam Printing Estabm’t..|Printing.. .t............ 2 50 22iPaycoll ar eee By ee etek sek Officers and clerks .... 874 16 SO Paie Coit eae eee eee Hard warel-: > is ereerer 1 80 BROOKLYN PARK COMMISSIONERS. 30 Statement of Accounts certified to Auditor—Continued. Date. NaMeE. For. AMOUNT. Sept. 30/Doane & Wellington ............ Automatic burners...... $30 00 BUC. Wo IkGGHERN oSpoccan wl soase Homes iiahitiollae esses: 7 30 30 FP oe HALE eo seer oe Walt TT Ss eae NS ore 34 83 30 SSUES MME ceo aetna aba e- syat eee Lubricating oil.......- 19 50 30 BG (2) a) Pe oes Gian Geet eecee Oilfor machinery. ..-... 79 10 30|Hosford & DOMSPerine che cts nie 8 Slavloneny ss eee 5 75 30) Re Deo oe chub bata a Sirs bates Siew iots SER IMRT fe Paster A teers hs 16 75 30'C. M. MISeone SBRORAL SG Soa EAT NE SSis te Sane oe 2 3 00 Alb IPCI SON Geo ecoed dco a Plumbing materials..... 2 25 30! William H. Douglass.........-.. DU GSiehrs eel oh Cotes eke 2 50 30|Prospect Park & C. I. R. R. Co. .|Railroad ticket...... ae 50 00 30|Pratt Manufacturing Co......... INEVOMENNGS coc mocsoueoee 44 46 30|Metropolitan Gaslight Co......- Fal Cha Stee st os DMR Geee chaste 28 35 30|Brooklyn Gaslight Co .......... TL oe st Saar aas te 29 26 30 GU Oa rat \ tdeee asym ete (Sei Sere ea Maa ees wg Se 23 52 axl} irae dl, COG. nocagsbouceuco coe Gloves for keepers...... 10 50 SOME elie Wiel See ye ae en Sie jo ecle 2 Diespecn owe ten aeuan nine: 9 20 ROG MWe USSG nS Saale atu on eae ere [BEMIMICH OKO oto be o5u0 em 23 50 30|Brooklyn Improvement Co ...... Dockage Ane. WER 40 00 GUC Woe ISeeineiitt' so a colleas do pooes SUDOMNIET eco pocegoveuus: 15 50 aU Fostond da SONS= se) fe one ee Stationery..... Seine 4 85 30|Brooklyn, FV bwh & C.L B.R. ColRailroad tickets ......_ 50. 00 Ocinueealketerib brackenwsramee es -2e Repairing harness...... 5 30 aul etyieOlllt Ci erence o besa inane Halbonenstarccceee= se 869 17 GUS) CONANGEEE Sans Oe ere ee aaa Slay Aer Pete ie ie ay) 835 17 FUE eater ae) Ae SR Ame ais ote BT eee en 432 22 6/William Bergen, Agent ......... Coalaeaee. Bide 137 70 donnpver Cuilivietaac espe at doce Incidental expenses Mitel 52 32 7/The Brooklyn Improvement Co. .|Dockage ............... 10 00 7|Union Steam Printing Estabm’t . Printing. Borate Nae ae 4 50 7'Hosford & Sons. cep pl PNRUMOINEIY « 6a¢ chccaueo ss 1 75 7 Metropolitan Gas ‘Light Co.. eS Gash Seapine ta nee ae 29 22 7, Brooklyn ee Light Go At Ses AG Sing aaa Ron eee 36 96 (Ue Swe, rage av eh RO see Riaeed opener as PID AR lo os 29 96 d\Coney 1 Tad Gas, Buel SrA ECO rea hots Sera teers ae. hap 118 00 7| a RG aecien iat wn cece ; 117 00 Oi eal OL XStonithal WS See os Oy setae lar diwianGen tse. n in cree | 48 50 i@spWar Keenan, (75 ko ok oe PALlarns re eiae o ose ye eel 22/13 a iis Fee eek ACP ea Ne Glaziers’ point. Beata e sets 60 @ SC Tate Serer ere ale Mate tea Home light oil .:......- 14 40 WA. W. Shadbolt &Som....:--...: Wagon repairs, ECR eects 101 67 7\Isaac Knee....... Sisie Macee Rocke ao eye Repairing harness.,..... d4 25 7. Brandeis & Son...........-.. Fountain supplies. ...... 3 60 7WjEdward R. Shipman............ Oatsasche eis veces: 81 13 8 Sean ETL wae OCR at cei) ay a Cornnaanieal chan eae 46 60 18 OCT i a Sin ate shee fis: | OaiStan deo) Guemeate on tee he aa 76 88 Wows), (HEB yy iol ees canlGouene tonic dee one Officers and clerks ..... 874 16 7 ee iol; IDOWeeISie, 6 eid o aes Bel DIVA Sie eee eer ete Ane | 6 75 fl Cae Weuccnams yee te IRGROSNO Oillogsese ooaves 13 95 7 DY) gps cyctapersyena ielaeersioeislons. Home Light oil. &e ..... 16 95 7 eA am RP he Noe ee SAT -|Paint brushes, &c....... 7 40 Tilo Wo JANG S253 non bocce scone cee Drawing materials...... 15 00 5 34 REPORT OF THE Statement of Accounts certified to Auditor—Concluded. Date. Name. For. AMOUNT Nov 7jEdward KR. Shipman........... Oats, &¢:32° 5.5 See $94 93 7)/Union Steam Printing Estabm’t .|Printing ............... 5 00 wl OG i Me Clee es 6 00 7,Metropolitan Gaslight Company..|Gas:. ..........-...-- 31 68 “WC. M. Moseman & Bro.... .\.:.- Chamois and brush...... 2 50 7 SE yak ip te Joo Ae Chamois: 23. eeeeeee 75 7|William Porter’s Sons........... Lamp supplies......... 15 70 Wee Ba Day tonyds SOn ayemew en se Grate to heater.......... 2 50 fi |ReterRrackene tense se. ier nesae Horseshoeing........... 34 91 7/Coney Island Fuel, Gas & Light Co.|Gas.................--- 117 00 7|Brooklyn Gaslight Company..... OCS. dahon 33 32 7 Sor eh (ry we Th Aicee abn: MAA ch 50.00 36 26 UW HD AAS Sere ticirectoe erratic Repairing wagons, &e.... 2 25 i John Ae sco llayee ae cane eee ae Rep’ng green house boiler AT 00 7|Edward R. Shipman ............ Oats... 00's irc Celene 23 75 7)/William Bergen, Agent....... . (Coal. dx... merece eee 116 45 7 AP ea ee N cviceate tng o/c DEE on tind on: 52 25 diNewecomibdmCoy es periem aa. arse Hats for keepers ..2..2-- 9 75 (Johny YeuCulverasseer ere eae Incidental expenses.... 57 32 Dec. 5 eM Wyrm tot thal terme, : 66 IN Se ee: 47 67 O SMidh Brow ors) selene Repairs to machinery... . 93 10 5|Brooklyn, Flatb’h & C.1. R.R. Co.|Railroad tickets......... 50 00 5|Manning, Maxwell & Moore..... Steam gauges........... 48 00 5/Pratt Manufacturing Company...;Naphtha..... .......... 36 24 5| Brooklyn Gaslight Company.... |Gas .........s0s2-emek =» 21 00 5|Edward R. Shipman............ Oats....... ped orem 71 25 5| William Bergen, Agent.......... Coal). 65....RRi eee 224 40 5\John Gallagher & Bro....:...... |Carriage hire; ~ 22 s.se2 23 00 Bly Worohyectng ie 26 cs onsogdono¢ Attendance on sick horses 17 00 o|Colevdn Conan pees Mewetntee ¢ Well boiler supplies. .... 8 60 deliv LOpmon(Hloell, oo nop acqndsooos: Tron pipescee eee 40 Oo) abrandeisrds SOM rr seme e eek Wellisuppliestes--eee 2 50 Di Ce Wie Gem Baye ere te ces Sel ot eyese fare ee Matches..05 0.05 ee eee 5 20 o\C. Me Moseman & Broy.. 25-2... Elarness,. \2202 oleae 3.50 5 “ Nerae cere ETT .5.5.095 5 7 50 5/WiJliamsburgh City Fire Ins. Co.|Insurance.............. 176 96 ol AndrewlAs (Smitha weres ees: Office expenses.......... leat Total $138,104 42 =) 0 j@, 0,0 0 fe \eKelelele = s\le mele) u76 [vis fel ,0l|\s is) © © a oo)» leh ole (6 )'s iv wisiuie anita Len) PARK COMMISSIONERS. 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Latitude, 40° 41 North ; Longitude, 73° 57 West from Greenwich. Height of Instrument above the sea, 220 feet. METEOROLOGICAL TABLE No. 1. Table showing the observed height of the Barometer, monthly, for year ending December 51, 1884. the MEAN Mean MEAN : z E e es Monras. AT AT AT HS S a Z Woasente ||| 2spzewie. | OPS ve és a a cc = = = Jamueny, 2s. 2 29 954.) 29.897 | 29.891 | 29.914 | 30 485 | 29.123 | 1.362 NE PUA 4. cosea6 29.839 | 29.840 | 29.839 | 29.727 | 30.404 | 29.311 | 1.093 Marcha as. - 55 || PYLseay 2D ceiss) || PAvctserSy | SS ti 1) Ie reys I GAs) aly 374 ENViyt | 3 cre aero renee 295687) | 292604 |) 29), 3802) |) 2973 1) 30.002) 29).083 .919 WENT 3 66/55 Sosa 29.714 | 29.724 | 29.802 | 29.771 | 30.083 | 29.415 668 FUN CRE cctarcvcicis 29 $72 | 29.902 | 29.875 | 29.897 | 30.269 | 29.595 671 olulliveeweetet. 38. .| 29.483 ) 29.428 | 29.693 | 29 683 | 29 867 | 29.396 AT1 AMO USTS )./ <6). <5) 29 848 | 29.851 | 29.989 | 29.829 | 30.086 | 29.540 .546 September....... 29.810 | 29.855 | 29.850 | 29.831 | 30.269 | 29 576 693 OGrol sere, 4 oS sees 29.947 | 29.859 | 29.957 | 29 9116 | 30.259 | 29.540 StS) November ....... OS) terol |} PAS) ters) |) Bas) foi |) DS) thie |) BY) 2816 1) PAD Ssilis) il December........ 29.936 || 29.929 | 29.922 | 29929 | 30.362 || 29.361 | 1001 Atommenll sen ema EN IN Ee See OR ee an ny et alee Rei ne ee Sea 29 813 Annual mean at2 P.M ..... Tae SAS Coe oS ama temas, aera aay ee AS 29.501 Ava lernaecaneatsome MNP Mas ketene RRR eS eh RAE Se eee eae a OOe Aim TMeaAn Of UGS Obsenvatlonsies. =). ecm eee. fe hee ae 29.825 Maximum, VAT RGY LA Use ete le tre tee dst geet erin.) c hee e A tenia iva non wa 30.485 IN ironivranrmnsaony ANG ayer PASS) i BPTI E Wee Ar Ne ea iene RUAN ek MA Py ey Va mete ete egy 29.083 TRE TINGHS: 5.4 of otis O05 RIE CTI DAR Saks cet gS Eee RRP IO AUS Aa ace een ear 1.402 50 REPORT OF THE METEOROLOGICAL TABLE No. 2. DRY. Table showing the state of Thermometer, monthly, for the year ending December 31, 1884. 3 ; Mean | Miran | Mean 5 3 a Monrus. AT AT AT aI a Zz Ta.M. | 2P.M. | 9P.M < Zz pe a s TAINLY Stead ne cet ee aa 24.40 | 30.32 | 26.74 | 43.50 7.00 | 36.50 MeDuUAL Vee ceive pest ee 32.92 | 38 12 | 33.52 | 54.50 5.00 | 49.50 A EERO Soe Re a ee Re SAY 29.28 | 36.88 | 54.51 | 61.50 6.00 | 55 50 April 49.94 | 53.48 | 46.42 | 78.00 |} 30.00 | 48.00 Maney Rape ee eee oe 52.42 | 67.00 | 61.16 | 96.00 | 4¢.00 | 56.00 PUMER eet ece ee oe cee S55\) Wioesy! 78.14 68.00 92.5 44.00 48.50 SN Me On els Seas ch aa 68.50 | 77.94 | 70.80 | 92.00] 54.00 | 38.00 AUpUSh. yaoi eta 70.00 | 80.68 | 72.23 | 94.00] 54.00] 40.00 Le] OWS NED 5 an laa aoa deen 68.96 | 81.36 | 71.28 | 94.00 | 47.00 | 47.00 Octobensnece ace eee 54.82 | 65.73 | 58.04 | 86.50 | 32.00] 54.50 November. se) eens see 41.90 | 50.30 | 46.60 | 67.50) 20.00 | 57.50 December) eee he awe 34.90 | 41.40] 39.80} 59.50 0.00 | 59.50 Annual’ mean; dry, at 7-Av ME 825) .tlotidsles i © wkeces wate 6 0 oe ee 49.53 Annualmean; diy,vat2Po ML. cance «sph: c,ae ce oe eine eee eee 58.43 Ammiualemesi cinyanati ome: Wise eee tert renin Sek sisi) Se een ee 55.75 Annualimean, dry, at 1098) observations 4. eee See eee 54.57 Maximum, dry, May 2222505 /0..20- ch boot t ee eae ee ee 96.00 Minimum, dry; Decemosr 1922 fincas Vas hoe eek «ice ee Boh oid - 0.00 BROOKLYN PARK COMMISSIONERS. SL METEOROLOGICAL TABLE No. 3. WET. Table showing the state of Thermometer, monthly, for the year ending December 31, 1884. . Mran | Mean | Mean 5 S Monts. Av AT AL B) & RAnGu. Ga.M. | 2P.M. | 9p. M. 4 a = = IRINA? 6 Sane Al Aeaoeltae D158) QTAO4 | 2550) |) 40.00 6.00 | 34.00 ISCO OTA Yo cl uiele ote ae basin SOUS, a¥l eal | 30.66 | 50.00 4.00 | 46 00 WIGRGI Ui eee eee Ee . 26.05 34.87 31.33 55 00 4 00 51 00 Agora dal, Se ee ae 40.80 | 48 34] 44.66] 56 00 | 31.00 | 25.00 INIEIAT>.. Aiea lat iausee tania Rare a 50.96 60 V4 52.94. 74.00 41.00 33.00 MUNIN RE ingen de eet e 61.10 68:78 62.34 $0.00 50.00 30.00 iullivge ser. Patios Pease 62.44 69 54 66 12 7.00 55.00 24.00 ANTUSAUIS ois olen ag oRaebee Buen See 64.55 | 70.67 | 66.67 | 78.00 | 55.00 | 23.00 September = ses: .<0..2:-4 60.42 | 69.98 | 64.62 | 80 00) 48.00 | 32.00 MChOWer me. tie es 49.63 08.3 54 39 70.00 34 00 36.00 INowmemiberee 4... 405. 37.00 40.60 41.80 57 00 19 00 35.00 Deeenn oer. 55 6-52 sees) BOO || Bro Bo-20 | F600 2.00 | 54.00 Amnmalemeansnwebs at a A IME et) so8 2) nage a os SP PRY ORHAN Cee 44 59 Aroma MERA, We, Bah) TE INL ee eo oe filer URC ag SRN ey As PVE ROOM OM A Nva ATED TaD OS AGEL EG eel eee TRO RC ee ne ee ee ee 48.12 AMmualmicans wets of 1,098 observations .24.-. 96. 22.5.4. 5.082s555 56 50.98 INIT bP AS OMS TOL e searches Wee aes cua eet a harsinte Scan eare Shwe aw 80.00 Minin aawietwDecemlbery AQM sireca ss ptsne te Nee Bs eectctraaistanis eda oleaandie oieleces 2.00 52 REPORT OF THE METEOROLOGICAL TABLE No. 4. Table showing the force of Vapor, monthly, for the year ending December 31, 1884. | Mran Mran Mran MontHs. AT AT AT poe ae 7 A. M. 2p. M. 9 P.M. JAUUARY. &o. ee Ree Aes eee 088 109 104 100 GMAT, Gee Sa, sit tae execpt Hee eee .137 146 141 .141 Vinh ters Being ya ais cee eek oie 138 Pali .186 178 PATO ee ee eed nag ai. Se ane ee Ne .209 .275 . 239 240 WE Ashe Sow moc ost St ee 321 444 Pape .372 MTT ARS Sis Pac ie Be Se Peed, Pe 475 616 495 .528 Dilivers ere ees ee einem ee con 497 627 .590 O71 NU PUS BE Cieitcns ayers ees Meio ee STO 501 643 .638 610 SePtempberey Seas vicivex ee een : 473 586 BAD .536 October +s Meas eee syceaes 360 433 369 369 ING meHNSEIEs eee ES yh tater ces losctery. beens 169 212, S219, -199 Decemiber Meson) cette alten yz eur 175 1638 Foreeof vapor, maximum, September 64. 22. lace eee eee 1.033 Force of vapor, minimum, March 1........ MOET ne ys Colas « 007 AMSG. 2S 2 he Ss sa ors See ees oe Me AE Phe ey eee i Se 1 026 BROOKLYN PARK COMMISSIONERS. METEOROLOGICAL TABLE No. 5. 53 Table showing the relative humidity (saturation being 100), monthly, Jor the year ending December 31, 1884. Mzran Man Meran Monrtus, AT AT AT OE 7 A. M. 2P.M 9 P.M. A TEIN EIN 2 SERRE eS CCIE PRR eae 57 63 68 63 ie bans yee tore Sa ets cece ocaiere yes oe 65 .59 .67 .67 Marnch eens Mts to Nor he eer 56 66 .68 63 /\j0 Tet Age. b TORRE ROE OO ae ete 69 .68 SI: .70 WERT 3 0 Bete 6 Ge nee eee ca eee as See 72 63 72 69 TIVES SVG he ae eee Pe eo 71 61 59 63 DWhy. coSoie) apiece a eee rane 72 65 75 Syl INUGUISE 5 opten. deo aa RCo RE OROee . 14 =59 75 .63 September. ..-..5....-. Seeing pies ic 66 57 aU 64 OGiTIDGE s Jalan ewe EH aetna eee .66 62 Tal .66 IN@VGINLDESs Wo Saas soe ae mee ee 61 56 .66 61 Necempers at sect Sse Shige ee .63 61 .69 . 64 Maximum, November 24........ See ome airs Een onac oes, ee od Nee 100. Nilisargenabans JM IGNRG IY Laas oe Bigs eeclem Elegies Ait reais Beans oe cues BEB cctvee A het abere itoti IVAN Oe oer: Mote peet eae eter ot srohacereben ec asteigc Cie eras cs vapeanto tay. Sie Aen iore Meas tee .89 54 REPORT OF THE BROOKLYN PARK COMMISSIONERS. METEOROLOGICAL TABLE No. 6. Table showing the duration and depth of rain, snow and prevailing winds, monthly, during the year ending December 31, 1884. a Rain | 2 I Duration. 2 Faun or Snow. re . vo S85 iS ce MonTus. a) = A 25 3 Se | 20 ado a a o.4 & ar) Be wn | . o T'S eS Pod] oc aaal ¢ a |e re 4A 2 s2e| ea Be eS | a) Bo Bee eee = = [o) aH ~A |A|m |e} Aa | 8 =| Sole te APRA co andos ees 15 6) 2] 00) 6.45 7.45 |, seo 00) SINE Wie JAG ROR Nos 6 os 6 Oo 4 8 2 | 40 575: | 13.1825 | TOs vote 20ssINeWa Marclieniseia race 12 7 1) 20 titi 19.915 3.00) aoe, (NE OW= LN oral Rahs aa shane 8 4 | eo 2.46 PYM BHO || 2 v0 5: Be tra Nee AMG ae eich ere tier omic 8 4 sya 0) 3.92 2622952 |ce ete eee N. W Abhay test ee emccotcar 2 ON 20M 25 5.15 SL 2445 ||| eel ieee S. oilliyer crev Hapa aed 5 2 2 30) 6d) S8elS6e |e Sead ssl oe INU ooo bbO Oe 8 33 |) WE NB y/ 8.46 46). 616) |e eee S. September ........ 2 O; 41 30 207) || A638250;0 eee eee Wie Octobenv= so.8 Joes 7 3 een) 26 2). 885) | 49 708is| peer eae WwW. Novemiber!.’,. 70. 4. 4 al] CO) || 4455 2.6035} 52.315 § 0035) W. December ...4..... 5 6 Sloe 5.87 59.275 | 11 00|1.09 |W. § Melted as it fell.