< . : re . 7 rats i divee-elabvnetetarehe a. ale lB vi } vf } | Mt big ib ive WH, I ie | esa WL U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF FISHERIES REPORT UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER OF FISHERIES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1933 WITH APPENDIXES FRANK T. BELL Commissioner UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1934 NOTE The first section of this volume, entitled ‘‘Bureau of Fisheries’”’, constitutes what was known in former years as ‘‘ Report of the Commissioner of Fisheries.”’ This year, in the interests of economy, it is a reprint from the ‘‘Annual Report of the Secretary of Commerce.’’ The pagination, therefore, is the same as that of the Secretary’s Report, rather than beginning with page I as in former years. ERRATA Page 163, third paragraph, third line, should read output of byproducts. Page 166: Caption of table should be Operating units: By sections—Continued. Page 177: Quantity of finnan haddie should be 2,822,179 instead of 2,282,179. Page 235: Catch of scup or porgy should be 2,341,430 pounds instead of 2,431,430. Page 294, box heads at top of page: Sea crawfish should be under general head ots. Page 371: Chubs, including the pounds and value under ‘‘ Total,’ should be deleted. Page 382: The pounds and value for shrimp under Ohio should be blank and the figures there given are for mussel shells in the same State. i CONTENTS Page Bureau or Fisueries. By Frank T. Bell. (Issued January 2, 1934.) SSecrOre ON. D. Tie) oo a See en oe ee a eee Se ciel 71-95 ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES IN 1932. By Ward T. Bower. Wopendix 1. (Issued: October tl, 1943.) 22222226 ea ees 1-78 PROGRESS IN BIOLOGICAL INQUIRIES, 1932. By Elmer Higgins. Appen- axis » (issued August 10, 1933:)_ 2. 2-2 pee ue eek 79-147 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED Stares, 1933. By R. H. Fiedler. Appendix dE) (Ussued October/25,1993)) 2242 223s 2a. se 149-449 PROPAGATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD FISHES, 1933. By Glen C. Leach. Appendix IV. . (Issued July 13, 1934.)-..---.-.-------- 451-484 88452—34 eet 43749 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF FISHERIES HEADQUARTERS STAFF, 1932-33 Commissioner Frank T. BELL Deputy Commissioner —CHARLES E. JACKSON. Chief Clerk—FLosst= WHITE. Chiefs of Divisions: Fish Culture —G.uen C. LEacu. Inquiry Respecting Food Fishes—ELMER HiGGIns. Fishery Industries —R. H. FIEDLER. Alaska Service—Warp T. Bower. Black Bass and Anglers——TatBott DENMEAD. Director of Aquarium.—F RED G. ORSINGER. Editor —C.uiFFoRD F. MAyYNE. Itbrarian.—LovtsE BEITZzELL. Publications —BARBARA ALLER. [Reprinted from the Annual Report of the Secretary of Commerce, 1933] BUREAU OF FISHERIES The fishing industry in all its branches has suffered severely in common with other producers of foodstuffs. The extensive decline in prices, especially of those products with which fish normally compete in the retail markets, has faced the industry with actual disaster. The complexity of the system of fish distribution, seasonal character of supply, remoteness of centers of production from popu- lation centers, and the limitation of the consumption of fish combine to make it most difficult for fishery operators to compete at present price levels. The temporary scarcity of some staples has tended to keep up the cost of production and added to the difficulties of the producers. On the other hand, advances in quick freezing, the pack- aging of fresh and frozen fish, and the value of marine products in the diet in combating faulty nutrition are tending to popularize fishery products with the consuming public. With the development of improvements in fish manufacture and merchandising, especially with respect to adequate display and refrigerating equipment suit- able for handling quick-frozen foods satisfactorily and their more general installation in retail stores, and the education of the public to a realization that frozen foods can be fully as sound, palatable, and nutritious as the fresh products, we may expect this branch of the fishery trade to become more stabilized. Commercial fishing by United States craft is far-reaching in its scope, being prosecuted on the high seas and in the territorial waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and the Gulf of Mexico, as well as in the Great Lakes and in interior waters. These fisheries during the calendar year 1931 furnished employment to about 123,000 persons as fishermen; and there were 82,000 persons engaged in trans- porting, manufacturing, and the wholesale trade—making a total of about 200,000 persons, who depended directly upon the fisheries for a livelihood. This was about 4,000 less than were employed dur- ing the previous year. The catch in 1931 amounted to 2,657,317,000 pounds, valued at $77,344,000, a decrease of 19 percent in quantity and 29 percent in value as compared with the previous year. The fisheries in 1931 were marked by decreases in the production of all the major groups of products; thus, the output of canned fishery products which amounted to 506,702,000 pounds, valued at $62,940,000, represented a decrease of 12 percent in quantity and 24 percent in value as compared with the previous year; byproducts, valued at $18,538,000, decreased sharply ; packaged products amount- ing to 139,283,000 pounds, valued at $23,076,000, decreased about 11 percent in quantity and 20 percent in value; cured fishery products amounting to 98,969,000 pounds, valued at $12,364,000, decreased about 21 percent in quantity and 27 percent in value; frozen prod- 27799—33——1 71 72. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE ucts amounting to 112,257,000 pounds, with an estimated value of $11,000,000, decreased 19 percent in quantity and about 33 percent in value; and fresh products (not packaged) estimated at 600,000,000 pounds, valued at $47,000,000, decreased about 25 percent in quantity and 41 percent in value. Imports of fishery products for consumption in 1931 were valued at $43,033,000, which is 15 percent less than in the previous year, while exports of domestic fishery products were valued at $11,574,000, which is 83 percent less than in the previous year. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS INTERNATIONAL PASSAMAQUODDY FISHERIES COMMISSION The International Passamaquoddy Fisheries Commission, ap- pointed by the joint resolution of Congress approved June 9, 1930, completed its investigation of the probable damage to the food fishes of the region which would result from the proposed construction of power dams at the mouths of the Passamaquoddy and Cobscook Bays. The investigators employed by the Commission, with the counsel of the advisory board, reported that they anticipated that the construc- tion of the proposed dams would reduce the herring fishery inside the bays to negligible proportions, that the fishery in the adjacent area outside the bays would be affected to an unknown degree, and that there appears little probability of the dams affecting the fishery along the coast of Maine or even seriously of Grand Manan. Owing primarily to the limitation of time, which would not permit completion of two full seasons of fieldwork, the investigations do not explain the unusual richness of the sardine herring fishery both inside and outside the proposed dams; and without an elucidation of the unique character of the area, the Commission was unable to state categorically that the projected dams might not so alter the environ- ment as to affect seriously the results of the fishery. The investiga- tion contributed results that greatly increase our understanding of the present water circulation, the production of plankton and the nature of the herring concentration in the region. The investigation of forces beyond these, that determine the existence of the fishery, requiring the development of new methods, has not been possible within the limits of the Commission’s work. The administrative report of the commission has been prepared and the technical reports of the investigators will be submitted dur- ing the coming year. NORTH AMERICAN COUNCIL ON FISHERY INVESTIGATIONS The nineteenth meeting of the council was held at Washington, D.C., on October 20 and 21, 1932, with representatives from Canada, Newfoundland, and the United States present. Views were ex- changed and the progress of investigations conducted by the various countries on important North Atlantic fishing banks, including fishery statistics, bait investigations, hydrographical investigations, includ- ing a study of currents by means of drift bottles, plankton, mackerel, herring, cod, and haddock investigations, was presented for con- sideration and criticism. BUREAU OF FISHERIES to Much attention was given to the success of biological research in predicting the abundance of the various species of fish many months in advance of the season, thus tending to remove the element of “fisherman’s luck” and increasing the value of the catch by reducing unnecessary expense. pane One of the most important undertakings of the council is that of coordinating the collection and dissemination of fishery statistics regarding the locality of capture and the quantities taken of the important species of fish in the North Atlantic in which the nationals of each country are interested. Revised charts were adopted by the council defining statistical areas of the North Atlantic region, to be used as a basis of a uniform statistical system among the several countries. ' The council approved the following resolution: Whereas much of the value of fishery investigations depends upon continuity of records over a period of years; and Whereas the present program of fishery investigations is proving to be invalu- able in determining governmental policies with respect to our highly important sea fisheries: Therefore be it Resolved, That the council extend a vote of appreciation to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution for loaning the use of its vessel to the United States Bureau of Fisheries for continuing high-sea investigations for the current year, and that it urge the importance of provisions being made by the United States Congress to supply the funds necessary for the continuance of _that work during the next fiscal year by the United States Bureau of Fisheries. CONSERVATION OF WHALES The Multilateral Convention for the Regulation of Whaling agreed to by the economic committee of the council of the League of Nations on September 24, 1931, has now been ratified by the following nations: United States, July 7, 1932; Norway, July 18, 1932; Union of South Africa, January 11, 1933; Switzerland, February 16, 1933; and Mex- ico, March 18, 1933. In addition to these ratifications the following have signified adherence to the convention: Nicaragua on April 30, 1932; Sudan, April 13, 1932; Monaco, June 17, 1932; Brazil, Novem- ber 21, 1932; and Egypt, January 25, 1933. There remains only the signature of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to make the convention effective. The more recent intensive prosecution of the whale fishery and consequent need of adequate regulation is indicated by a world catch of 42,874 whales in 1930-31 as compared with 11,369 in 1920; and a total production of whale oil in 1931 amounting to 184,348,800 gal- lons as compared with 20,366,350 gallons in 1920. HALIBUT INVESTIGATIONS The investigations of the International Fisheries Commission pro- vided for under the convention between the United States and Great Britain concluded May 9, 1930, have been continued in accord with the duties prescribed by articles I and III of the treaty. A practical demonstration has been successfully concluded during the past year as to the feasibility and effectiveness of international regulation of a deep-sea fishery when based upon adequate biological and statistical knowledge. Regulations of the commission in con- 74 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE junction with certain economic conditions have already had a most salutary effect on the stock of halibut. The long continued decline in abundance to the low level of 1930 has been halted, and on the more severely depleted southern grounds the recovery in 1933 has been to 50 percent above that of 1930. It is essential that the ground gained so far be maintained and the spawning reserve rehabilitated to the end that the fishery may become a stable resource with permanent yield. :, Collection of comprehensive statistical and biological data by the commission for the past 8 years has been continued, and its analysis has revealed certain fundamental short-time.-reactions of the supply to the demands put upon it by the fishery. ‘These reactions appear adequate to explain what has happened during the last 8 years. Hence it may now be possible to predict with a degree of accuracy what the immediate effect of regulation may be upon the stock. The biological work has consisted chiefly in the analysis of data previously collected, as field work was of necessity curtailed on ac- count of reduced appropriations. The preparation of reports upon studies of the rate of growth, maturity, fecundity, migrations, and biological statistics has engaged the scientific staff. The limited field work conducted resulted in definite progress being made in the development of methods of determining the suc- cess of spawning by means of quantitative net hauls during 214 months of charter of the United States halibut vessel Hagle in the Gulf of Alaska. The study of the migration and rate of decimation by the fishery of the few remaining spawning schools on the southern grounds was begun by conducting a tagging experiment off Cape St. James on the chartered Canadian halibut boat Capella I for 3 weeks, along the lines of the experiments of 1925 and 1926, already reported upon. A system of market measurements has been inaugurated to supplement size composition data secured from trade sizes. The practicability of the commission’s regulations involving di- vision of the convention waters into areas, limiting the catch from each area, licensing of vessels for the halibut fishery, collection of sta- tistics of abundance and locality of capture, modification of the closed season, and closing of nursery grounds has been satisfactorily proved during the past year. After public hearings during Novem- ber 1932 several changes resulting from suggestions by the industry and findings of the scientific staff were made for the 1983 season, including changes in the dates of the closed season and in the bound- ary lines between regulatory areas. The well-known spawning grounds off Yakutat Bay were closed to fishing from November 1 to the end of February and provision was made for the prohibition of the use of dory gear in southern areas. The catches in the two prin- cipal areas were fixed at the same amounts as in the previous year, taking into consideration the change in boundary lines. These reg- ulations were approved by the President of the United States and the Governor General of Canada and became effective on January 9, 1933. JAPANESE VESSELS IN BERING SEA The canning of spider crabs in Bering Sea was carried on in 1932 by Japanese interests as in the preceding 2 years. The floating BUREAU OF FISHERIES 75 cannery Nagato Maru operated in the region between Amak Island and Port Moller, well outside the territorial waters of Alaska, for a period of about 4 months, during which a reported total pack of 33,000 standard cases of canned crab meat was prepared. Two aux- iliary motor vessels, the Kasuga Maru and the Jse Maru, accompanied the cannery ship, and fishing was carried on from 10 small boats. The Nagato Maru carried a crew of about 45 men, and approximately 400 persons were employed in fishing and canning operations. The supply ship Setten Maru visited the vessel once during the season to deliver supplies and take aboard a cargo of canned crab for trans- portation to Japan. Karly in the spring of 1933 the Japanese cannery vessels Z'aihoku Mara and Shoheo Mara arrived in Bering Sea to engage in crab fishing in offshore waters. A third cannery ship, the Kasada Maru, arrived later and was reported to be engaged in crab canning near the other vessels. DOMESTIC RELATIONS COOPERATION WITH STATES AND OTHER AGENCIES Dwindling revenues for fisheries work in the States, together with curtailment of the Bureau’s appropriation, rendered even more valu- able and essential a broad program of cooperation and mutual aid between agencies concerned with the same activities. In connection with the propagation and distribution of fish, mu- tually reciprocal relations have been established with 21 different States, enabling the State waters to be stocked more effectively and economically. ‘These measures of cooperation have extended into practically all fields of fish-cultural work, including the exchange of eggs, joint use of hatchery facilities, distribution by the States of fish produced in Federal hatcheries, loan of experienced personnel to help the States, financial assistance on the part of the States in some instances, and loan of equipment. In addition the Bureau has directly aided 6 other States by supplying eggs, fish, or other services. Uniformly helpful contact has existed with other Federal agencies concerned with the perpetuation of fish life, principally with the 3 orest Service, Bureau of Biological Survey, and the National Park ervice. The maintenance of active cooperation with sportsmen’s organi- zations for the purpose of operating rearing pools and nursery ponds was on a more restricted scale. Approximately 100 organizations received fish for rearing from the Bureau’s hatcheries in comparison with 116 last year. Consequently the fish allotted dropped consider- ably below the 4 million mark which was exceeded during the previ- ous year. The State of Pennsylvania assisted materially by furnish- ing 475,000 brook trout for the nurseries within that State. The Bureau has endeavored to assist sportsmen’s groups otherwise by rendering advice on fish-cultural problems, making inspections where practicable, and any other feasible means. In the collection of fishery statistics unusual cooperation has been accorded the Bureau by the Pacific Coast and Great Lakes States, and also Maryland and Virginia. In addition, various other States have supplied statistics on one or more of the fisheries conducted within their borders. In this work the Bureau represents the cor- 76 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE relating agency, performing necessary service beyond the scope of any one individual State. _ The technological work of the Bureau has been aided materially by cooperation with other agencies. At the South Carolina Food ‘Research Commission one of the Bureau’s technologists studied the nutritive value of fishery products, with special attention being given to oysters from all sections of the country. In the feeding of fishery products to farm animals, the Bureau also cooperated with the Ohio State Agricultural Experiment Station, Wooster, Ohio; the North Carolina State Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh, N.C.; and the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Cornell Uni- versity, Ithaca, N.Y. The nutritive value of kelp meal was studied in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture and producers of kelp meal. The preservation of cordage was studied in cooperation with the Navy Department at Boston. A portion of the Bureau’s study of the preservation of textile fishing gear and twine was conducted in cooperation with the Weather Bureau, the Bureau of Standards, and various individual fishermen at various fishing centers. A study on the measurement of the size of mesh used in gill nets in the Great Lakes was aided by the Bureau of Standards and various States and certain Provinces of Canada bordering the Great Lakes, A study of the manufacture of salmon oil was begun in the vicinity of Seattle, with assistance from the salmon branch of the National Canners Association in Seattle. At Gloucester, Mass., the local fishing industry is making material con- tributions to the maintenance of the Bureau’s technological laboratory located in that city by providing the building for the laboratory without cost to the Government. Members of the staff of the Massa- chusetts Agricultural College, Amherst, Mass., have aided the Bureau in developing programs for bacteriological studies of fishery prod- ucts, and for the home canning of fishery products. A market study was made of the fishing industry in Florida in cooperation with the State Marketing Bureau, and various indi- viduals and companies in the State. In its marketing work the Bureau also cooperated with the State of Virginia, establishing marketing grades for certain fishery products in that State. The biological investigations of the Bureau were aided by the cooperation of several States that provided funds, personnel, and equipment for projects in their territory. The State of New York continued the joint nutrition studies on trout at Cortland in cooper- ation with the College of Agriculture, Cornell University, and the enlarged program of pond-culture work at Rochester. Michigan and Wisconsin cooperated financially in the study of conservation of food fishes through the use of improved fishing gear. Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas continued their assistance with personnel and other contributions to the shrimp investigations. The oyster cultural research program in the South Atlantic and Gulf States - has been aided by the help of North and South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. California provided all the field expenses of the trout and oyster investigations. Mississippi assumed the expense of a survey of the fisheries in that State. The Bureau is continuing its oyster research in Connecticut with the laboratory and vessel put at its disposal by the State, and similar facilties are available in Puget BUREAU OF FISHERIES 7 Sound through the cooperation of the State of Washington. The hydrographic program of the Bureau’s North Atlantic investiga- tion was enabled to be continued through the generous cooperation of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in assigning its vessel Atlantis to continue the work threatened with disruption when the Bureau’s vessel Albatross JJ was laid up for lack of funds. CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM No appropriation was made during 1933 to carry on the construc- tion authorized by the act of May 21, 1930 (46 Stat. 371). However, the unexpended balances for certain projects carried in an appropri- ation of $448,500 for the previous year were continued. This per- mitted the completion to the limits of authorization of new hatcheries already started at Lake Mills, Wis.; Ennis, Mont.; Hagerman, Idaho; _ Crystal Lake, Colo.; Flintville, Tenn.; and Butte Falls, Oreg. The first three of these did not enter into production during 1933, how- ever. In addition considerable preliminary development was accom- plished at Marion, Ala., where a large and desirable site was acquired. Two hatcheries, previously operated under lease, at Mill Creek, Calif., and Cortland, N.Y., were acquired by purchase and improvements were effected. A reduction of 10 percent in the amount of all build- ing authorizations imposed by Congress as an economy measure rendered it impossible to complete several of the new stations. The Government now holds title to sites in Indiana and Pennsyl- vania, which will be developed through funds obtained from the Emergency Public Works program. Under authority of the Bureau’s 5-year program a site was acquired gratis at Bear Lake, Utah, and developed as a trout-rearing unit. The new hatchery at Mount Rainier National Park, mentioned in last year’s report, was completed and placed in operation. A trout-rearing establishment was also developed in Jackson Hole, Wyo., adjacent to Yellowstone Park. This is intended to serve the new Teton National Park. PROPAGATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD AND GAME FISHES The Federal fish-hatchery system operated by the Division of Fish Culture was successful in increasing its output of fish and eggs for the fiscal year to a total of over 7,202,155,000. This is an increase in production of 2 percent over the previous year. Fewer species were handled than in the previous year, but 18 out of more than 40 species propagated were produced in increased numbers. Five new hatch- eries, located at Crystal Lake, Colo., Flintville, Tenn., Marion, Ala., Lake Mills, Wis., and Butte Falls, Oreg., entered into production for the first time. The size of the fish distributed, as well as their num- bers, has an important bearing on the value of the work, since the survival of the planted stock is correlated with the size and age at planting. The larger fish, many of legal size, particularly among the game varieties, are termed fingerlings, and a distribution of over 182,338,000 in this category represents an increase of 22.7 percent over the previous year. Included in the figures for hatchery output are the figures covering the rescuing and salvaging of fishes in the over- flowed area of the upper Mississippi River. 78 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE While the methods of operation largely followed those of past years, all worth-while developments and improvements in the way of fish-cultural technique, apparatus, equipment, etc., were given a trial and adopted where proved practical. Over 80 stations, substations, and egg-collecting units, practically the same number as in the previous year, were operated. There were several changes, however, owing to the closure of operations at several points and the opening of new stations at other locations. PROPAGATION OF COMMERCIAL SPECIES Marine species, Atlantic coast—Inasmuch as the eggs of the cod, haddock, and flounder are easily secured in tremendous numbers, this group accounts for 86.7 percent of the total output of the com- mercial group. They are propagated at only three stations, all lo- cated in New England. Both the cod and the flounder show a - marked increase in output; but smaller numbers of haddock, pollock, and mackerel were released in comparison with the output of the previous year. Pacific salmons——The only increase registered in this group was for the chum and sockeye salmon, the species of least and highest value. The Yes Bay (Alaska) station succeeded in raising approxi- mately 15 million sockeyes to the large fingerling size, in contrast with the usual practice of releasing them at an early stage. Anadromous species, Atlantic coast—These include the species other than Pacific salmon which migrate from salt water to fresh water for spawning. The shad and glut herring comprise the greater proportion under this category and were produced in some- what lesser quantities, because of weather conditions affecting the spawning runs. There was a slight decline in the output of Atlantic salmon, partially offset by an increase in the size of the fish planted. No striped bass were propagated in 1933. Commercial species, interior waters——A. number of hatcheries on the Great Lakes and elsewhere propagated whitefish, lake trout, lake herring (ciscoes), and pike perch. ‘They also handled carp, yellow perch, etc., during the off season for the other species. ‘The only variety propagated in larger numbers during 1933 was the whitefish. A practically complete failure of the egg supply at the Cape Vincent (N.Y.) station, together with the closure of certain commercial fish- ing grounds in Lake Superior, limited the collection of lake-trout eggs. Reduced egg collections and the failure to operate a hatchery on Lake Champlain accounted for a reduction in the number of pike perch handled. No special effort was made to obtain a large output of carp and buffalofish. Suckers, formerly hatched in cooperation with the State of Pennsylvania, were not handled. PROPAGATION OF GAME FISHES Game fishes, while commonly considered as a recreational asset, are a distinctive economic resource as well, since they are the basis of livelihood for a large number of individuals who in one way or another cater to the angler. Consequently, the enlargement of fish- cultural facilities, both Federal and State, has been mainly for the BUREAU OF FISHERIES 79 purpose of increasing the output of game fish. The Bureau’s efforts in this direction in 1933 resulted in an increased output for three gen of trout, for grayling, and for practically all forms of the pond sh or pan fish. It is particularly gratifying to report an output of almost 514 million largemouth and smallmouth black bass. The pop- ularity of this fish is responsible for a heavy demand. In fact the demand for all species of game fish, as shown by the number of applications, has undergone no abatement. In addition, special effort has been made to increase the planting of fish in the public domain, particularly national forests and national parks. The supply of trout eggs obtained from wild fish or from station brood stock was adequate for all requirements, no eggs being acquired by direct pur- chase. The practice of distributing fish by truck was expanded, although the increased output required the full use of four distribu- tion cars. It is desirable to emphasize that many of the species listed as commercial varieties—for example, the lake trout, pike perch, steelhead salmon, etc.—are eagerly sought by the sportsmen, and the actual replenishment of sport fishing is greater than is indicated in ie relatively small percentage listed as the output of strictly game shes. RESCUE OPERATIONS Rescue or salvage operations on the upper Mississippi River, chiefl within the confines of the Upper Mississippi Wild Life and Fis Refuge, covered the handling of over 72,180,000 fish, an increase of 20,569,000 over last year. In addition a considerable production of bass and other species was obtained from seminatural controlled ponds, operated as auxiliary hatching ponds within the refuge. As usual approximately 1 percent of the rescued fish were distributed to other than parental waters. AQUARIUM The aquarium, maintained in the basement of the Department of Commerce Building, was a focus of increasing public interest. Ap- proximately 1,000 specimens of 57 different species of native and tropical fish were on display during the year, together with 10 species of aquatic reptiles, crustacea, ete. Hatching apparatus was installed to demonstrate the incubation of eggs of trout, salmon, shad, white- fish, pike perch, and yellow perch. A model fish ladder was also shown. Several rare and unusual forms, such as the Alaska black- fish and Eastern golden trout, were added to the collection. STATISTICAL INVESTIGATIONS FISHERIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1931 New England States.—During 1931 the fisheries of Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, employed 17,900 fishermen, or an increase of 5 percent over 1930. The catch amounted to 540,298,000 pounds, valued at $20,141,000—a decrease of 23 percent in the catch and 27 percent in the value as compared with 1930. Landings of fish by American fishing vessels at Boston and Gloucester, Mass., and Portland, Maine, amounted to 263,685,000 27799—33-——2 80 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE pounds as landed, valued at $9,249,000—a decrease of 25 percent in quantity and 28 percent in value from 1930. Middle Atlantic States—The fisheries of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware in 1931 employed 9,600 fishermen or 5 percent less than in 1930. The catch amounted to 164,899,000 pounds, valued at $9,211,000—a decrease of 15 percent in the catch and 29 percent in its value under 1930. Landings of fish at New York City and Groton, Conn., amounted to 51,854,000 pounds or 9 percent less than in 1930. On the Hudson River the shad fishery was carried on by 250 fishermen who caught 414,000 pounds of shad, valued at $49,800—a large increase over 1930. Chesapeake Bay States—tIn the calendar year 1931 the fisheries of Maryland and Virginia employed 20,700 fishermen or 7 percent more than in 1930. The catch amounted to 293,271,000 pounds, valued at $7,428,000—a decrease of 7 percent in the catch and 35 percent in its value as compared with the previous year. The shad and alewife fisheries of the Potomac River were prosecuted by 680 fisher- men who caught 2,061,000 pounds of shad, valued at $193,000, and 7,352,000 pounds of alewives, valued at $55,500—a large increase over the previous year. South Atlantic and Gulf States—During 1931 the fisheries of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Missis- sippi, Louisiana, and Texas, employed 23,700 fishermen or 1 percent more than in 19380. The catch amounted to 289,309,000 pounds, valued at $8,082,000—a decrease of 31 percent in the catch and 27 percent in its value as compared with the previous year. Pacific Coast States—The fisheries of Washington, Oregon, and California in 1931 employed 19,200 fishermen or 2 percent less than in 1930. The catch amounted to 597,306,000 pounds, valued at $13,512,000, a decrease of 28 percent in the catch and 41 percent in its value as compared with 1930. The total catch of halibut by United States and Canadian vessels amounted to 42,845,000 pounds, valued at $2,842,000, a decrease of 18 percent in quantity and 43 per- cent in value as compared with 19380. Lake States—During the calendar year 1931 the Lake fisheries (Lakes Ontario, Erie, Huron, Michigan, Superior, Namakan, and Rainy Lakes, and Lake of the Woods of the United States and Canada) produced 120,832,000 pounds of fish and shellfish. Of the total the United States accounted for 91,927,000 pounds, valued at $6,029,000, a decrease of 3 percent in quantity and less than one half of 1 percent in the value of the United States catch as compared with the previous year. Mississippi River and tributaries.—During 1981 the fisheries of the Mississippi River and tributaries employed 15,900 fishermen, or 29 percent more than in 1922, when the first previous survey was made. The catch amounted to 82,382,000 pounds, valued at $2,897,000, a decrease of 22 percent in the catch and 36 percent in its value as compared with the previous survey. MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS IN THE UNITED STATES AND ALASKA, 1931 The total value of manufactured fishery products of the United States and Alaska in 1931 amounted to about $128,000,000. Fresh and frozen packaged products——The production of fresh and frozen packaged fish and shellfish in 1931 amounted to 139,283,000 BUREAU OF FISHERIES 81 pounds, valued at $23,076,000, a decrease of 11 percent in quantity and 20 percent in value as compared with 1930. Important items in this group were fresh-shucked oysters, amounting to 5,438,000 gallons, valued at $8,372,000, and fresh and frozen haddock fillets, 42,014,000 pounds, valued at $6,109,000. Frozen products—The pack of frozen fishery products in 1931 amounted to 112,257,000 pounds which had an estimated value of $11,000,000. The volume of the pack was 19 percent less than in 1930. The more important products with respect to volume were halibut, salmon, haddock fillets, mackerel, and whiting. Cured products —During 1931 the output of cured fishery prod- ucts (salted, spiced, smoked, and dried) amounted to 98,969,000 pounds, valued at $12,364,000—a decrease of 21 percent in quantity and 27 percent in value as compared with 1930. Important prod- ucts were mild-cured salmon, 10,160,000 pounds, valued at $1,550,000 ; smoked salmon (produced from mild-cured salmon), 7,788,000 pounds, valued at $2,270,000; and boneless cod, 12,205,000 pounds, valued at $1,047,000. Canned products—Canned fishery products produced in 1981 amounted to 506,702,000 pounds, valued at $62,940,000—a decrease of 12 percent in quantity and 24 percent in value as compared with 1930. Canned salmon, amounting to 6,740,000 standard cases (323,- 522,000 pounds), valued at $38,083,000, was most important. Other important products were sardines, tuna and tunalike fishes, shrimp, clam products, and oysters. Byproducts—During 1931 the production of fishery byproducts amounted to $18,538,000, which was a considerable decrease from 1930. Important products in this group were marine-animal meals and scrap, aquatic shell products, and marine-animal oils. MARKET INVESTIGATIONS Aquatic shell products—aA survey of the oyster, marine clam, fresh-water mussel, and marine pear! shell industries, which in 1932 produced products valued at nearly $8,000,000, revealed the sources of raw material and methods for its production and manufacture into useful commodities, as well as practices followed in distributing the finished product. Fishery byproducts industries of Maine.—A technical survey of the manufacture and marketing of fishery byproducts in Maine showed that present factories have ample facilities for the greater utilization of existing waste; that fish meals produced in Maine are not reaching markets that their good quality justifies; and that methods for pro- ducing fish oils could be improved. Establishing marketing grades for fish—Considerable confusion and disorder exist in the marketing of some fish because of the lack of uniform grades. Believing that this could be overcome in Vir- ginia, authorities of this State requested the Bureau’s assistance in establishing marketing grades for fish in their State. This invitation was accepted and after conferences by representatives of the Bureau and the Division of Markets of the Virginia State Department of Agriculture with fishermen, wholesalers, retailers, and others, a sys- tem was developed and established for grading various fish and fishery 82 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE products. The system was put into effect immediately in the State and has proved satisfactory in the more orderly marketing of these products with benefit to both sellers and buyers. The red-snapper fishery and industry —During 1932 a study of the red-snapper fishery and industry revealed that costs of producing red snapper might be lowered by the use of a fish pot which was shown to be very efficient for catching this fish. Also it was found that marketing conditions might be improved by more careful han- dling of the catch aboard vessel to retard deterioration, and by diver- sifying the type of red-snapper product offered for sale. In the latter connection, experiments showed that red snapper lends itself to smoking in the “ finnan haddie ” style. TECHNOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS Nutritive value of marine products——In cooperation with and in the laboratories of the South Carolina Food Research Commission, Charleston, S.C., the Bureau’s technologist completed an investiga- tion in which oysters from different localities were analyzed for their iron, copper, and manganese content, and the dried oysters fed to anemic rats. All samples, regardless of locality from which they were obtained, induced regeneration of hemoglobin, thus giving ev1- dence of the importance of oysters as a source of iron in addition to their other food factors. Studies on the vitamin potency of salmon-liver oils have revealed that they are from 10 to 12 times as potent in vitamin A as salmon oil from general cannery trimmings. However, since the yield of oil from salmon livers is low and since it requires solvent extraction to obtain the oil from the livers, it is expected that adjustments will need to be effected before placing the manufacture of salmon-liver oil on a commercial basis. : Further work in cooperation with a producer of kelp meal has shown that kelp meal is a valuable supplement to rations composed of vegetable feedstuffs in which the protein is suppled by plant protein concentrates. Preservation of fishery products for food.—Studies on the chemical and physical changes of fresh fish and frozen fish held in cold storage have shown that with improved methods the producers can offer to the public a product superior to those handled by the ordinary commercial procedure. These studies have dealt in detail with the rate of freezing, the temperature of cold storage at which the least change takes place in texture of the flesh, and the rate of change to be expected from fresh fish packed by the usual method in ice. An electrometric method for the determination of the rela- tive freshness of fish flesh also has been developed, which may be of great value in grading fish for quality. Practical experiments in the home preservation of fish by salting and smoking were made before county agents, home economics experts, fishermen, and house- wives, at various points along the South Atlantic and Gulf coasts. This work has shown that the outlets for fish can be expanded when consumers are acquainted with methods for preserving fish in rather large quantities for family use. Bacteriology of fish preservation.—In a study of the bactericidal effect of smoke and salt brining on fish, it has been found that BUREAU OF FISHERIES 83 contrary to the general belief neither smoke nor salt brine has a preservative effect on fish so preserved in ordinary commercial prac- tice. In this work the technologists have been able to produce a smoked haddock containing a higher percentage of water than is ordinarily found in this product, which has retarded losses in this process; but to date a successful method has not been found for preserving smoked fish for a greater length of time at the usual room temperatures,. Studies have been made of the bacterial spoil- age of frozen fish and of fish packed in ice, and considerable progress has been made in developing methods for retarding or overcoming this spoilage which are an improvement over usual practice. Preservation of fishery byproducts.—Researches in this field have shown where economies can be effected in the manufacture of fish meal to produce a more nutritious product, and have given funda- mental information concerning the effect of manufacturing methods on the factors controlling the nutritive value of the product. Studies of the manufacture of fish flour are still in the development stage, being concerned mainly with the study of methods for atomiz- ing macerated fish waste in a heating medium in order to effect extremely rapid drying. Research in the chemical and physical constants of haddock-liver oil have shown that while crude haddock-liver oil may be expected to come within the United States Pharmacopeeia limits, the cold pressed oil may be expected to exceed the limit occasionally. The significance of this is confused somewhat by the lower vitamin potency of the oil. This research also has shown that the col- orimetric method for determining vitamin A offers oil manufacturers a rapid and inexpensive estimation of the quality of the various lots of oil prepared. Net preservation.—For several years this Bureau has been endeav- oring to reduce depreciation and consequent cost of maintaining fish nets by developing net preservatives and encouraging improved handling of the nets. In 1932 the efficacy of covering dyed heavy webbing with a specification tar as previously recommended was con- firmed. Chemicals also have been found which retard weed growth on fishing nets, and others which are efficacious antioxidants. Tests also confirmed previous recommendation of the Bureau for cleaning the net and drying in the shade to reduce deterioration. In this con- nection it has been found that washing nets with lime water appears to treble their life. Some preservative principles developed in this research may have application to the preservation of other textile materials, such as sails, awnings, and rope. BIOLOGICAL FISHERY INVESTIGATIONS All of the most essential major projects of research comprising the investigative program of the Division of Scientific Inquiry, de- veloped through many years of careful planning and organization, have been continued during the past year with only moderate curtail- ment because of reduced appropriations. Investigations of the commercial fisheries are concerned with the changes in abundance of the food fishes of the North and Middle Atlantic areas and with the correction of abuses in the commercial 84 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE fisheries of the Great Lakes. The shrimp fishery of the South At- lantic and Gulf has also been studied with the aim of discovering and preventing depletion of the supply; and the salmon and herring fisheries of Alaska are undergoing scientific analysis as a basis for their regulation. Aquicultural investigations include studies on the improvement of hatchery technique for both cold- and warm-water fishes and the planning of rational stocking policies in interior waters. Shellfishery investigations have been directed toward improving the quality of the oysters in the North and Middle Atlantic section and toward increasing the production by cultural methods in the South and on the Pacific coast. Even with reduced appropriations for field operations the Bureau’s technical staff has made valuable contribu- tions to science, all of which have practical application to the welfare of the fishery industries, to the angler, and to the water farmer, assuring continued productiveness of the natural supply and in- creased production and improved quality of cultivated aquatic products. FISHERY INVESTIGATIONS OF THE ATLANTIC AND GULF COASTS Fishery investigations have been concerned with the haddock and mackerel in the New England section; with the squeteague or weak- fish, the butterfish, scup, and flounders in the Middle Atlantic sec- +ton; and with the great shrimp fishery in the South Atlantic area. tnvestigations on shellfish in these areas will be considered later. The haddock fishery, which is the most important on the Atlantic coast, reached a maximum production in 1927 and has fallen off sharply in succeeding years until a minimum was reached in 1931 of less than 183 million pounds. The maximum yields around 1927 were the result of unusually successful spawning during the years 1920 and 1922. A study of the statistics of the yield per unit of effort, combined with a study of the biology of the haddock stock, particularly size and age composition, growth rate and distribution, indicate that since these years no abundant year broods were pro- duced unti] 1930. It was anticipated that when this abundant year class reached marketable size there would be an increase in landings. During the spring of 19383 catches by the trawling fleet have been extremely good, but prices have declined in the mean- time so that only moderate production in the fishery has resulted. Reduced funds have prevented the conduct of studies on the abun- dance of year classes below commercial size. Tagging experiments to trace the migrations of the haddock have also been reduced, but determination of migrations is essential to an accurate prediction of the trend of the fishery on Georges Bank, and this study will be resumed at the earliest opportunity. The regular spring prediction of the mackerel fishery for 1933 was issued by the Bureau near the beginning of the season. At that time it appeared that a catch of about 44 million pounds was in prospect. Economic conditions, however, will prevent the fleet from realizing this yield, although the catches during the early part of the season indicate an abundance somewhat in excess of that of the previous year. Difficulties in compiling 1933 estimates of the mackerel fishery emphasize the need for a more thorough BUREAU OF FISHERIES 85 understanding of the causes of rapid declines in the apparent abundance of certain year classes contrasted with the gradual de- clines in others. The situation urgently calls for tagging experi- ments to determine the commercial drain on the yearling mackerel. Such determination of the strain on the stock would not only render a prediction more certain but would also yield important evidence as to whether beneficial effects would attend a restriction of fishing on these younger mackerel. ' When investigations of the shore fisheries of the Middle Atlantic States were begun in 1927, statistics of the yield presented the gloomy picture of declining yields of several important food and game fishes amounting in comparison with 1921 to 72 percent for blue- fish, 21 percent for croakers, 37 percent for scup, and 36 percent for squeteague. Studies have been pursued to discover the causes of these observed declines and to formulate recommendations for the restoration and preservation of the resource. Most recent canvasses show a substantial recovery from the low yield of squeteague of 1926, particularly in New Jersey. Investigations have shown that this recovery was brought about by the appearance of large num- bers of fish of the 1926 and 1927 year classes. The yield of butter- fish has recovered to near record levels during the course of the investigations. In view of the fact that a complete natural recovery has occurred and that there is no prospect of a material increase in the fishing intensity of the future, regulation or restriction of this fishery is not recommended. The yield of scup has likewise recovered naturally to very high fevels. The development of a year-round trawl fishery during the past three years has increased the strain on this stock, however, and particular attention is being paid to a study of this fishery which is prosecuted off the Virginia capes during the winter seasons. During the past spring a preliminary report on the life history of the most important commercial species of shrimp in the South Atlantic and Gulf areas was approved for publication by the Bureau. Field investigations in cooperation with the States of Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas have been conducted throughout the year and recently operations on the Atlantic coast have been extended from Georgia waters to include the shrimping areas of South Carolina and Florida. A study of the life history and migrations of the commercial shrimp has revealed the surprising and significant facts that this species spawns principally in the open ocean and Gulf, grows rapidly in the inshore waters of bays and estuaries, migrates seaward again where the life cycle is completed within a year by spawning and subsequent death. Hence, conservation measures must be applied promptly as soon as depletion is indicated in order to avoid serious consequences. Ichthyological studies in the South Atlantic and Gulf areas have been concerned with an examination of the fish fauna of the Gulf coast, which have resulted in extensive revision in the taxonomy of such species as the various flounders, gobies, and others, and a study of the fishery resources in streams and lakes in the State of Missis- sippi. This latter survey, conducted in cooperation with the State authorities, is an effort of the newly formed fish and game commission to assess the fishery possibilities of the State as a basis for more effective conservation laws. 86 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE FISHERY INVESTIGATIONS IN INTERIOR WATERS Investigations have been conducted on Lakes Michigan and Huron: in the interest of overcoming wasteful and destructive practices of the commercial fisheries, which are responsible to a large degree for the depletion of the more valuable food fishes. An investigation conducted from a number of Michigan ports on the effects of deep trap nets was completed early in the fiscal year, indicating a con- siderable increase in the use of these nets for catching whitefish, and a wholesale transfer of these nets from certain fishing grounds long famous for their whitefish production to new grounds on account of the depletion of the supply on the former grounds. Illegal-sized fish are most numerous in deep water, hence recommendations have been offered limiting these nets to waters less than 80 feet deep and requiring an increase in the meshes of the lifting pots to permit the escape of undersized fish. In Lake Michigan special attention has been given to the effect: of chub nets fished on grounds where small lake trout are numerous. It was found that chubs and trout were more abundant in Michi- gan waters where gill nets with larger meshes are employed than in Wisconsin waters. Recommendations were proposed therefore for legislation to prohibit or curb the sale of immature lake trout and to provide for an increase in the mesh of nets to protect undersized chubs from unnecessary destruction. The Bureau also cooperated with the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey in a series of limnological and fishery studies in the smaller lakes of northeastern Wisconsin. At the close of the fiscal year a manuscript was completed on limnological investigations in western Lake Erie, which were con- ducted during the years 1926 to 1930 in cooperation with various State conservation departments and scientific institutions. This re- port correlates the technical studies of a number of collaborators and presents for the first time in assembled form a great mass of bio- logical and physical data of fundamental importance to the con- servation of the fisheries of the lake. It concludes that pollution, long suspected of adversely affecting the fisheries, is not responsible for the continued decline of the more important species. FISHERY INVESTIGATIONS OF THE PACIFIC COAST AND ALASKA The Bureau’s investigators continued biological observations on the runs of red salmon in Bristol’ Bay and the Karluk, Copper, and Chignik Rivers in Alaska, in order to safeguard properly the salmon fishery resources of the Territory and to comply with the White Act. of 1924. In addition, a study of the age composition of the runs and an enumeration of the spawning fish passing weirs on their way to head-water streams for propagation was made. The final section covering southeastern Alaska of the analysis of statistics of the salmon fisheries has been submitted for publication. Heretofore little information has been available regarding the biology of the important runs of pink salmon in Alaska. An in- vestigation has revealed that this species possesses a distinct homing BUREAU OF FISHERIES 87 instinct similar to that of the red salmon returning for spawning with few exceptions to the streams in which the fish were hatched. The life cycle has definitely been establised as 2 years and further investigations regarding the biological factors responsible for fluctua- tions in time of appearance and abundance of the runs have pro- gressed sufficiently to have practical application in devising regula- tions for the upbuilding and maintenance of the supply. As a means of ascertaining more effectively the segregation of independent races of herring in Alaska, each of which is subject to overfishing without affecting neighboring supplies, a new method of tagging has been perfected for a study of their migrations. The method is unique in fisheries science inasmuch as electromagnets are utilized to recover metal tags in the factories in the process of manu- facturing fish meal. Further studies of fluctuations in abundance from year to year demonstrate the effect of year class dominance as a cause of changing yields and indicate the necessity for regulation of the fishery in times of reduced supplies. A study of the sockeye-salmon fishery in Puget Sound, under- taken during 1931, has shown that severe overfishing virtually destroys the big runs of salmon that occur every 4 years in the Frazier River system. Since this river supports the most valuable salmon fisheries in the State of Washington, efforts will be made to regulate the fishery so as to restore it to its former abundance. FISH SCREEN AND LADDER INVESTIGATIONS Investigations of methods of conserving the runs of anadromous fish on the Pacific coast by means of screens and ladders have been completed. Revolving mechanical screens have been found to be most effective and under certain circumstances electric screens have also proved their efficiency. Recommendations and perfected designs have been made for a large number of irrigation works in Washing- ton, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada, and recommendations for fish protective works at hydroelectric developments have been made to the Federal Power Commission. AQUICULTURAL INVESTIGATIONS Practical results of the Bureau’s investigations in the interest of improved fish-cultural practices have been evidenced by a sustained output of large and vigorous fish from the Bureau’s many hatcheries in the face of reduced appropriations. Studies conducted at the three experimental hatcheries have shown the feasibility of extensive utilization of cheaper ingredients in the diet of trout and the utility of fertilizers and forage fish in the economical production of bass and other warm-water fish. Trout breeding experiments have like- wise demonstrated the superiority of selected strains of brood fish over wild stock in increased egg production, in more rapid growth, and in resistance to disease. It has been shown that hatchery pro- duction can be increased four times by doubling the rate of growth and the number of progeny from a single pair through selection of the brood stock. Progress has been made in solving the problems 88 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE of sanitation and prophylaxis against disease in hatcheries and in disseminating such information for practical application in fish hatcheries. Cooperative investigations of the nutritional requirements of trout carried on jointly by the New York Conservation Department, Cornell University, and the Bureau of Fisheries at Cortland, N.Y., have progressed satisfactorily where synthetic diets have been em- ployed in testing the vitamin requirements of trout and their ability to digest the various food materials. Cooperative trout investigations in the State of California, be- cause of the liberal support afforded by that State, have been continued without curtailment. Ecological studies of the coastal streams and of those in the high Sierras have been undertaken on a large scale to determine the capacity of various waters in sus- taining fish life in relation to the food supply, the physical charac- teristics of the streams, and the drain upon the supply by the fishery as a basis for adequate stocking. FISHERY STUDIES IN NATIONAL PARKS AND FORESTS Asa means of more fully discharging the responsibility of the Fed- eral Government in maintaining the fish supply in the public domain, a survey of streams and lakes in Glacier National Park was com- pleted during the year for the purpose of formulating a stocking policy to be followed in the future. Extensive collections and obser- vations were made and analyzed for the purpose of determining the fish population and the available natural food present as factors in the carrying capacities of various streams. Assistance has been ren- dered various State fish and game departments in the inter-mountain region in solving particular problems regarding the stocking of fish in State waters. SHELLFISHERY INVESTIGATIONS Investigations on the various problems of the oyster industry were carried out in the North Atlantic and South Atlantic States and on the Pacific coast. In the Northeastern States where previous work of the Bureau has materially aided in increasing the propagation of seed oysters, main effort was directed toward a study of methods of growing and fattening oysters for market and in improving the nutritive quality of the product. Detailed analyses of the glycogen content throughout the year have been made on oysters from the cooperative experimental farms maintained with the State of Connecticut at Milford. In the laboratory at Woods Hole, Mass., and in Washington studies on the growth of natural oyster food give promise of solving the problem of increasing the food value of oysters and standardizing their nutritive qualities. In the South Atlantic, where the depleted state of the natural oyster reefs is most apparent, principal attention was given to methods of restocking and maintaining the productivity of natural and cultivated bottoms. Experimental oyster farms have been maintained in each of the South Atlantic States and extensive surveys in the State of Florida have revealed new areas suitable for oyster culture. On the Pacific coast studies of spawning and improved methods of seed collection BUREAU OF FISHERIES 89 are proving of practical value in the cultivation of the native Olym- pia oyster. Experiments on the artificial cultivation of fresh water mussels, which provide the raw material for the American pearl-button in- dustry, have been prosecuted with success. Large quantities of the valuable species have been grown in artificial raceways at the Bu- reau’s station at Fort Worth, Tex., and methods for feeding mussels have been devised, which materially accelerate their normal growth. POLLUTION STUDIES Efforts during the past several years to stock depleted streams of the Mississippi drainage with fresh water mussels, produced by artificial propagation, have failed because of the increased pollu- tion in these waters from industrial and domestic wastes and silt eroded from the surface of the land. The presence of great quan- tities of silt, which is rapidly increasing, moreover, jeopardizes the continued existence of all of the more valuable forms of aquatic life throughout the drainage. This problem has been given much study from the point of view of determining definitely the menace of silt pollution and the extent of polluted waters in the hope of finding areas suitable for restocking with the valuable mussel species. , A careful investigation of the physiological effects of toxic sub- stances found as pollutants in rivers of the Middle West has been continued in cooperation with the University of Missouri. Studies on the effects of arsenic, cyanide, and various heavy metals and acid mine wastes have demonstrated the disastrous effects upon aquatic life of these substances in the streams. During the fall a detailed investigation in the field, supported by laboratory studies, on the effects of mine pollution in the Coeur d’Alene district of Idaho, demonstrated the serious effects upon fish and invertebrate aquatic life of washings from stamp mills and from mine drainage, and recommendations were offered to the State outlining means of overcoming this menace to an important natural resource. ALASKA FISHERIES SERVICE ADMINISTRATION OF FISHERY LAWS AND REGULATIONS The general abundance of the fisheries of Alaska in 1932 may be attributed primarily to the conservation program that has been car- ried on since the law of June 6, 1924, gave the Secretary of Com- merce broad powers to control commercial fishing. Careful surveys of the fisheries were made throughout the season, and the regulations were modified to meet changing conditions. The Commissioner of Fisheries spent several weeks in Alaska for personal observation of the salmon fisheries, which constitute the Territory’s most important economic resource. Revised fishery regulations were issued on December 20, 1932, and became effective January 1, 1933. The restrictions in several regions were relaxed by extending the fishing season or by opening closed waters to limited operations. Trap fishing was further curtailed 90 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE in places where such action was deemed necessary to secure the escapement required by law of not less than 50 percent of the salmon runs, and additional restrictions were placed on the taking of razor clams in order to prevent depletion of the beds. A patrol of the fishing grounds was maintained to enforce the laws and regulations for the protection of the fisheries. Twelve statutory employees and 206 temporary stream guards and special workmen were identified with this work in 1932, in addition to the crews of 15 Bureau vessels and 8 chartered boats. Attention was given to the improvement of salmon streams by removing obstructions that prevented the ascent of salmon to the spawning grounds, and by destroying predatory enemies of salmon. The latter work was carried on chiefly in connection with the opera- _tion of salmon-counting weirs in parts of central and western Alaska. At its 1933 session the Territorial Legislature again made an appro- priation for this purpose, and it is planned that a considerable part of the amount available will be spent for bounty on predatory trout in the Bristol Bay region. ALASKA SALMON HATCHERIES At the Government hatcheries at Afognak and on McDonald Lake 44,651,800 red-salmon eggs were collected in 1932, as well as 3,082,500 pink-salmon eggs. Shipments of 3,011,000 red-salmon eggs and 2,608,000 pink-salmon eggs in the eyed stage were forwarded to Seattle in the fall. At the privately owned hatchery, operated under the provisions of the Alaska fisheries act of June 26, 1906, 25,895,000 red-salmon eggs were collected. PRODUCTS OF THE FISHERIES Notwithstanding the marked curtailment of fishing effort in the Alaska salmon industry in 1982, the total output of fishery products exceeded that of the previous year because of a substantial increase in the herring production and the resumption of operations by one of the whaling stations. Although there was an increase of 1 per- cent in the total yield of fishery products, as compared with that for 1931, the total value decreased about 25 percent. Salmon products comprised about 77 percent in quantity and 90 percent in value of the total output of the Alaska fisheries in 1932. Ninety-four percent of the salmon production consisted of canned salmon, the pack amounting to 5,254,000 cases, or 252,215,000 pounds, valued at $21,716,000. As compared with the pack of the preceding year, the output of canned salmon in 1932 showed a decrease of 3 percent in quantity and 25 percent in value. The number of can- neries operated dropped from 116 in 1931 to 87 in 1932. The total output of Alaska fishery products in 1932 was 349,635,- 000 pounds, valued at $25,029,000, as compared with an average of 361,590,000 pounds, valued at $43,856,000, for the 5-year period from 1927 to 1931, inclusive. The value of the 1932 catch to the fishermen was approximately $6,971,000, or about $3,072,000 less than in the receding year. ‘There were 20,000 persons employed in the various ranches of the industry, as against 22,500 in 1931. BUREAU OF FISHERIES OI ALASKA FUR-SEAL SERVICE GENERAL ACTIVITIES Fur-seal operations at the Pribilof Islands were handled by the staff of regular employees aided by the resident native population and approximately 50 natives imported from the Aleutian Islands region for work during the active sealing season. As far as possible, killings of seals were confined to surplus 3-year- old males, although limited numbers of other age groups were taken. Of the season’s take of skins, about 65 percent were blubbered at the islands before being cured. A computation of the number of animals in the herd was made at the close of the sealing season. Construction activities were curtailed considerably because of the lack of funds, but there was some extension of improved roads and continuation of work on buildings that had been begun during the previous year. The East Landing wharf at St. Paul Island was completed and the construction of boatways alongside was begun. The annual supplies for the Pribilof Islands were forwarded from Seattle on the U.S.S. Sirius, and the sealskins secured during the season were transported on the return voyage. Valuable assist- ance in maintaining a patrol for the protection of the fur seals and in performing other services was rendered by the United States Coast Guard. SEAL HERD The computed number of animals in the Pribilof Islands fur-seal herd on August 10, 1932, was 1,219,961, an increase of 92,879, or 8.24 percent, over the corresponding figure for 1931. TAKE OF SEALSKINS In the calendar year 1932 there were taken on the Pribilof Islands 49,336 fur-seal skins, of which 39,490 were from St. Paul Island and 9,846 from St. George Island. This was a decrease of 188 from the number taken in 1931. MARKING RESERVED SEALS Twelve hundred 38-year-old male seals on St. Paul Island and 1,809 on St. George Island, a total of 3,009, were marked and re- served for future breeding stock. The reserve includes also a large number of seals of this age class that were not taken in the drives. SALE OF SEALSKINS Two public auction sales of fur-seal skins taken on the Pribilof Islands were held at St. Louis in the fiscal year 1933. On September 26, 1932, there were sold 15,521 black-dyed, 10,157 logwood brown- dyed, and 801 miscellaneous unhaired and raw-salted skins for a gross sum of $296,604.75. In addition, 31 confiscated sealskins, raw, yielded $15.50. ‘92 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE At the second sale, held on May 15, 1933, 20,621 black-dyed and 5,000 logwood brown-dyed skins were sold for $394,303.80. At the same time 282 black-dyed, 229 raw, and 1 unhaired Japanese fur-seal skins sold for $1,755.75. These 512 skins were the United States Government’s share of sealskins taken by the Japanese Government at Robben Island in the years 1930 to 1932, inclusive. There was sold also 1 confiscated fur-seal skin, dyed logwood-brown, for $23. Special sales of Pribilof Islands sealskins authorized by the Sec- retary of Commerce in the fiscal year 1933 consisted of 184 black dyed, 226 logwood brown-dyed, 10 raw, and 9 exhibition skins, at a total of $7,566.02. FOXES The blue-fox herds on St. Paul and St. George Islands are a profitable adjunct to the fur-seal industry, and provide employment during the inactive period of sealing operations. In the fiscal year 1933 there were sold at public auction 1,401 blue and 25 white fox skins that had been taken in the 1931-32 season. The blue pelts brought $32,151.50, and the white pelts $336.50, a total of $32,488. Foxing operations in the season of 1932-33 resulted in a take of 249 blue and 22 white fox skins on St. Paul Island and 871 blue and 1 white on St. George Island, a total of 1,143 skins. Thirty-two foxes trapped on St. Paul Island and 408 on St. George Island were marked and released for breeding purposes. FUR-SEAL SKINS TAKEN BY NATIVES Exercising the privilege granted them under the provisions of the North Pacific Sealing Convention of July 7, 1911, Indians of the United States and Canada took 1,938 fur-seal skins in 1932, which were duly authenticated by officials of the respective Governments. Of these skins, 78 were taken by natives of southeast Alaska, 73 by natives of Washington, and 1,787 by natives of British Columbia. FUR-SEAL PATROL A patrol for the protection of the fur-seal herd was maintained by vessels of the United States Coast Guard, supplemented in the spring by two of the Bureau’s fishery patrol vessels. PROTECTION OF SEA OTTERS, WALRUSES, AND SEA LIONS No changes were made in the regulations for the protection of sea otters, walruses, and sea lions. The taking of sea otters is pro- hibited at all times, and the killing of walruses and sea lions is authorized only under specified conditions. LAW ENFORCEMENT DIVISION The appropriation for enforcing the law regulating interstate transportation of black bass, and for cooperation with local, State, and Federal authorities in protecting and increasing largemouth and smallmouth black bass was reduced 25 percent from last year’s ap- BUREAU OF FISHERIES 93 propriation; however, the Bureau has been able to continue and in some respects enlarge the work, securing a fair enforcement of the law in cooperation with the States east of the Rocky Mountains. This has been accomplished with 3 officers in the field, and 1 office assistant, a total of 4 employees, to carry out the intents and pur- poses of the law in 48 States. During the year the number of regularly employed State fish and game protectors authorized by the Secretary to enforce the law was increased to 80, located principally in the Eastern and Central States where black bass are most plentiful. These trained State officers received no salary from the Federal Government, and frequently supplied the regularly employed Federal black bass law inspectors transportation and assistance without charge. This cooperation is supplied by the State principally for the reason that a violation of the Federal black bass law is predicated on an infraction of an exist- ing State law followed by a transportation outside of the State. Every effort has again been made this year to advertise the pro- visions and purposes of the law. This highly important educational work has been carried on through the daily press, sporting magazines, and radio, and through personal contact between the commercial fishermen and dealers. In addition, the three regularly employed field officers, in their travels from State to State in making market inspections and investigations of alleged illegal shipments of black bass, attended and addressed gatherings of sportsmen, anglers, and State authorities. In sections where this has been done those af- fected display an intense interest in the work and a sincere disposition to obey the law and cooperate. It is essential that those who are enforcing the Federal black bass law, and the State officials and others, should be thoroughly familiar with the latest State laws protecting black bass. As the legislatures of 43 States met during the last half of this fiscal year, making many changes, a careful revision of the game-fish laws as formerly pub- lished in Fishery Circular No. 9 was made and will be available to those interested. A large number of reports of violations of the Federal law were received and an investigation was made in every instance. The al- leged illegal shipments came principally from the southeastern States, and were consigned to Maryland, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Tennessee, West Virginia, and other States. In some cases evidence of violation of State law was obtained and turned over to State authorities for action. In other cases, such as an alleged illegal shipment of black bass from Florida to Kansas, it was impossible owing to great distance between point of shipment and consignment for the Bureau officials to make personal investigation due to lack of funds; however, such cases were handled by one or more of the State deputies. The Federal black bass law inspectors, along with their regular duties, have by request assisted State officers in enforcing the State laws protecting fish whenever possible, and aided in various matters pertaining to the welfare and increase of game fish. They have assisted and advised the States relative to perfecting their black bass laws, and a considerable amount of beneficial game-fish legislation advocated by the Bureau was adopted this year. Five States passed laws prohibiting the sale of black bass regardless of where taken; 94 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE 2 States adopted State-wide measures for game-fish protection; 5. improved their daily limits, and 1 provided a closed season on black. bass during the spawning period; 10 States adopted part-time non- resident angler’s licenses at a cost considerably less than the fee for an annual license. This division is charged with the issuance of permits for taking bait fish in the District of Columbia, and has issued, or renewed, a total of 29 permits during the fiscal year. VESSELS The Bureau’s motor vessel /'uwlmar stationed at Charlevoix, Mich.,. and assigned to investigative duty with the Great Lakes scientific staff, was engaged from June 1 to September 13 in upper Lake Mich- igan north of Frankfort and Sturgeon Bay, Wis., in experimental fishing operations in connection with a study of the destruction oc- casioned by chub nets to small trout and immature chubs in the region. Owing to the lack of funds this work was discontinued and the vessel placed out of commission for the remainder of the year. Sixteen vessels of the Alaska service cruised about 133,000 nautical miles in the fiscal year 1933, as compared with 148,500 nautical miles in the previous year. The Penguin covered approximately 28,200: miles; the Zeal, 12,400 miles; the Brant, 11,800 miles; and the Crane, 10,900 miles. The Penguin continued as tender for the Pribilof Islands with base at Unalaska. Five round trips were made to Seattle during the fiscal year for transporting personnel and emergency supplies. Of the vessels that engaged in fishery protective work, the Widgeon, Murre, Auklet, and Petrel were employed in southeast Alaska throughout the season; the Zeal was on duty at Cook Inlet until the middle of August and later assisted with the patrol and stream inspection in southeast Alaska; the A7zttiwake was in the Seward-Katalla district; the Crane in the Alaska Peninsula area; the Hider in the Alaska Peninsula and Kodiak-Afognak areas; the Blue Wing and Red Wing in the Kodiak-Afognak area; the Jbis at Chignik; the Scoter on Bristol Bay; and the Coot on the Yukon River. The Puffin, which had been replaced by the Merganser as tender for the Yes Bay hatchery, participated in the fisheries patrol in the vicinity of Ketchikan. The Brant was used in general supervisory work in southeast Alaska and Prince William Sound. It was engaged also for several weeks in patrolling waters off Neah Bay, Wash., to protect the fur-seal herd during its northward migration. The Widgeon per- formed similar duty in southeast Alaska. After the close of fishery activities in the fall, the Brant, Crane, Hider, Kittiwake, Murre, Scoter, and Teal sailed for Seattle, where they were moored for a number of months. Before returning to Alaska in the spring they were given a general overhauling. The Penguin was overhauled at Seattle in November. Other vessels of the Alaska service were tied up for the winter at Alaska ports. The Albatross IT, owing to lack of funds, remained out of com- mission at our Woods Hole (Mass.) station during the entire past fiscal year. A caretaker is employed to look after the vessel. BUREAU OF FISHERIES 95 The steamer Phalarope, which was also placed out of commission June 30, 1932, owing to our reduced vessel appropriation, was con- demned and sold to the highest bidder. The Pelican was detailed to the International Passamaquoddy Fisheries Commission to assist in special investigations for the com- mission until October 17, 1932, when the vessel was returned to the Boothbay Harbor (Maine) station to resume its usual fish-cultural activities. The steamer Shearwater was engaged in the usual fish-cultural work at the Put-in-Bay (Ohio) station ee the fall and winter months. APPROPRIATIONS Appropriations for the Bureau for the fiscal year aggregated $1,976,020, as follows: SU US IRS se as oe a ee 5 ee es Pe ae i $175, 000 Miscellaneous expenses: EDR DNSY eee COT | a Ee BS ON cae 3, 500 Prope eationy Obs TOOG pushes] - 22 oon eee eee es 8 Se eee 886, 730 Men nbensnCe™ Of VESSCLS! oes ee ee a eee 200, 000 idiiny, respechneTO0G dishes. 2. xe eke a oe ee 200, 000 LATEST GV2S qt oY lr FS} oy ets ee is 2 eke er eee ae ee ee 95, 790 IPTGreChiNne= SPONP Es NSNETICS etek eee _ ee 3, 000 Protecting seal and salmon fisheries of Alaska___._.__._____________ 390, 000 Upper Mississippi Wild Life and Fish Refuge______________________ 7, 000 Hustorcement, OF blacks bass, law=2o 22 2.02 ee 15, 000 Sota ae ee ee ee ee ee ee 1, 976, 020 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1932 + we me Loe te tae see as - epee et ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES IN 1932 * By Warp T. Bower, Chief, Division of Alaska Fisheries CONTENTS Page EMME UCKION Soe. nena sae tn sea oeae 2 | FIisHERY INDUSTRIES—Continued Visit of the Commissioner of Fisheries to Salmon—Continued LAL DG) ST eR See Siesta ie a ets sce) 2 I OUR Ig joel e-Alerts nn Regulations for protection of walruses and Pigkling sy Mitr gsr ah TS Pree ge SAMI CT oe Ge LS ee gees ee ee 3 Rresh'salmonue. oes. eee! OR Piney TNDUSTRIEG.28 oo tus nen tenes. 3 Breezing¢Si _ i 10 eae Legislation and Executive order regarding Dried, smoked, and other miscellaneous mews ali bitetoaty <= - = soo oso coe 3 Salmon prOoGuchs-2- = - ee New fishery regulations____._-------------- 4 By-products Annette Island Fishery Reserve_-.-------- 17 lerning=:) <5. 20 eee: 2 es es eae Experimental planting of oysters---------- 17 Statistical summary Stream improvement--_-...---------------- 17 TRUDI pete. chek oe ot een ieee SUP TEETER es a ee 18 (els | Semen > eS Birean puerdse) ies? fee tk 18 Whales-.--__--- “DSi, Tn ERS 2 ea TT Se 18 Glamis! ee Complaints and prosecutions-_------------- 19 Shrimps 2) SS EY Se Oy Decision regarding license fee for nonresi- FO 9 Year cree Se es Se Ned EE iil pe ayy, ee MetHIROMOrS = oun tke ks eee eee 20 Japanese vessels in Bering Sea___________ Wermitorial license tax..-+=..2.---/-.2-.--.- 20 ROUUS Shs 5 5b oye ee Pee el ea ey Water-power projects in Alaska----__------ 21 Miscellaneous fishery products____________ Renskokwinr Rivers 20 ete et Lane Ad 21\)) (PUR-SEAE: INDUSTRY). iti TCS eT Parmeory en vers) f 2.2205 = faa eo ne 21 Pribileiisiandss: 2. foe Be ie Bo Weirs for counting salmon escapement---_-_- 22 General administrative work_.__________ JMET Ch ye \ cy ee eS ee SS Be SUPE TES Fs 22 ‘Transportation of supplies_______________ LSS ig Ue (Os) ae ae a ae 22 Power Vessel Pengurts se: 22a ele Riinnoyy OTGkke se a Ee eee 22 Roads vs. St ie lip ee eee OlineWover -.22u- 25.15. 2). Ae tto. 23 Buildings: 2-5 te ete A ee SV EY LEAT pk SS oe ea a arate el 23 Natives: 24u ele eal Bek 63k}. A isan Bayes. shies ye Oe t Oe) sas 23 Wensus! 60's ess. 5 Ue sed 1 Eshamy River 23 Medical services_-___ Jackpot River-_- 23 Schoolsi2t. st 3- 3% Bear Creek.-_-- 23 Savings accounts Alitak Bay 24 Payments for taking fur-seal skins_____ Ayakulik or Red River 24 Payments for taking fox skins_________ Wana ea a a eee 24 Hari seals 23202. ese ee eee: eee LST Uhl ed 35 hi) gle ae 2 OS CSR ed 25 Quotas for killing and reserving________ (URS ee See 5 oe ee eee 25 WOULINGS SOs) se ee eee ee HPLIRD Ye hee a ete t oe came 25 Are classesst - 42> cn 8tes 2E82 SSI Ialgini Island. Creek. <6 5u<5~._. 42832 25 Reserving operations. ._.......-.__-___ Chibi O12] ee See ee ae 26 Computation of fur-seal herd__________ SNe ari bed 29 els SSE ak 26 Momess Recut oe tsa") Sete Ee eye Orzanor River 2) «28. f fot 5. ats 26 Trapping season of 1932-33_.._.._______ WIBYZHOV ON DAY s2ncc— moan nate neencccee 26 Reindeer? 22s be= 2d SE bds Se Te: peeeere VCE ee < beets Steere eet eee ee 26 Mr séal seins © pe ot 5 os ad Ee, iednbnks tiveness 27 SRIDMON (Se As eS een ee Wopeeike Rivers 2) 2 ss oot See} Sues 27 Bales ti 2s257__ Et eae eer WA MMGnRAMGgo: Sot ta. ul soo do 27 Disposition of fur-seal skins taken at IMEMIGUAKRME VOR = fro oon ee oe oe 27 Pribulor Islands 2s isrs sei sche. The tee Salmon life-history studies_--..--...._.___- 28 Shipment and sale of fox skins_____________ Observations on the escapement of salmon. 28 BuY-senli NAurOleew ec eas ee EES Lis a DE Se See ee en Se 30 United States Coast Guard_.__-....______ Msxtenvot operations..2...-.2-/2-u2-4--- 30 Bureau) of Misherias 2 ge es See MIMEOHELY, TODALCS... so = amnic cose ee 31 Sealing privileges accorded aborigines_.___- General statistics of the fisheries..________- 31 Japanese sealskins delivered to the United CUETHTE 4 a SS Sa aes ee eee 34 Slates. =. toss sce ee te eee Lae Catch and apparatus-................... 34 Fur seals and birds for exhibition_________ Odmnineest A 23 reels re eee 36 | COMPUTATION OF FUR SEALS, PRIBILOF Changes in canneries. -._---.-.......... 36 TRUANUS ) A002 eee ote ae ene ae eee WEWiennHetIOs 2 oaa 2 eae Sy FA 36 Bullet Spas > Sete eS oe eet Canneries not operated__.._..._..._... 36 Averare Harem. 25) oe et sss fee ke Total canneries operated_..........._.- 38 PUDS GG COWS: 2 15s coer e eo. awa Ts0880S ANGvENSASLOrS. 12-2 scce8 te eee 39 Mortality of seals at sea_......_.....-.--.-- Statisticone piss) loss eects 40 Complete computation.__..---...-..---... Pack in certain districts............:_. 44 1 Appendix I to the Report of the U.S. Commissioner of Fisheries for 1933. Approved for publication May 27, 1933. Z Ne U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES INTRODUCTION The Bureau’s work in Alaska has to do with the conservation of the fisheries and the management of the Pribilof Islands fur-seal herd. This work in 1932 was conducted on the same general plan as in previous years. The Commissioner of Fisheries spent several weeks in Alaska during the summer for personal observation of the salmon fishery. The regulations for the protection of the fisheries were modified from time to time as the need therefor became apparent, and late in the fall revised regulations were issued to be effective in the following year. . In the patrol of the fishing grounds 15 Bureau vessels and 8 chartered boats were employed, and more than 200 persons were engaged for varying periods. Stream obstructions that blocked the passage of breeding salmon were removed, and some destruction of predatory fishes was accomplished. Scientific studies of the salmon, herring, and other aquatic resources were continued. Twenty-seven weirs for counting the escapement of spawning salmon were operated as a means of establishing the ratio of escape to catch. The propagation of salmon was carried on at 2 Government hatcheries and 1 private hatchery. Reports of com- mercial operations were collected, from which data have been compiled and are published herewith. At the Pribilof Islands 49,336 fur-seal skins were taken, a decrease of 188 from the take for 1931. Killings in general were from surplus 3-year-old male seals. A suitable number of this age class was reserved for breeding stock. The computation of the herd as of August 10, 1932, showed 1,219,961 animals of all classes, an increase of 92,879 over the corresponding figures for the previous year. From the fox herds at the islands there were obtained 1,120 blue and 23 white pelts in the 1932-383 season. Work was continued on the construction of buildings at the Pribilof Islands for use of the natives and for the sealing industry. Progress was made on the extension of improved roads, and the dock at East Landing on St. Paul Island was completed. Through the cooperation of the Navy Department the U.S.S. Sirius transported the annual supplies to the Pribilof Islands and brought out the season’s take of sealskins on the return trip to Seattle. Valuable assistance was rendered also by the United States Coast Guard in maintaining a patrol for the protection of the fur seals. Two public-auction sales of fur-seal skins were held in 1932, at both of which fox skins were sold also. Acknowledgment is made of the assistance rendered by members of the Bureau’s staff in the preparation of this document. VISIT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FISHERIES TO ALASKA The Commissioner of Fisheries sailed from Seattle for Alaska on the Brant on July 1. After spending a few days at Juneau he visited the Prince William Sound area, inspecting the fisheries and calling at the various canneries. No trip was made to the districts farther west, where generally satisfactory runs of salmon were re- ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES, 1932 3 ported. Upon completion of the examination of conditions in Prince William Sound, Commissioner O’Malley devoted several weeks to consideration of the problems in southeast Alaska, and returned to Seattle on August 17. Fishery matters in the Pacific Coast States were given attention by Commissioner O’Malley before his return to Washington, where he arrived on September 5. REGULATIONS FOR PROTECTION OF WALRUSES AND SEA LIONS A new (sixth) edition of Department of Commerce Circular No. 286 was issued under date of May 1, 1932, containing the laws and regulations for the protection of walruses and sea lions in Alaska, whereby the prohibition on the killing of those animals, except under certain specified conditions, is extended for a period of 2 years, namely, from May 1, 1932, to April 30, 1934, both dates inclusive. FISHERY INDUSTRIES As in corresponding reports for previous years, the Territory of Alaska is here considered in the three coastal geographic sections generally recognized, as follows: (1) Southeast Alaska—embracing all that narrow strip of mainland and the numerous adjacent islands from Portland Canal northwestward to and including Yakutat Bay; (2) central Alaska—the region on the Pacific from Yakutat Bay westward, including Prince William Sound, Cook Inlet, and the southern coast of Alaska Peninsula, to Unimak Pass; and (3) west- ern Alaska—the north shore of the Alaska Peninsula, including the Aleutian Islands westward from Unimak Pass, Bristol Bay, and the Kuskokwim and Yukon Rivers. These divisions are solely for sta- tistical purposes and do not coincide with areas established in de- partmental regulations. Detailed reports and statistical tables dealing with the various fishery industries are presented herewith, and there are also given the important features of certain subjects that were the objects of special investigation or inquiry. LEGISLATION AND EXECUTIVE ORDER REGARDING NEW HALIBUT TREATY An act to render effective the provisions of the revised Northern Pacific Halibut Convention, which became effective May 9, 1931, was approved by the President May 2, 1932. This act follows the general lines of the previous act covering the first convention, except for the extension of the powers of the Commission provided for under the revised convention. Under date of June 3, 1932, an Executive order was issued in regard to the maintenance of a patrol for the enforcement of the provisions of the above-mentioned halibut act. The vessels of the Bureau of Fisheries were again specifically included in the public vessels assigned to carry on such patrol, and the masters of these vessels and other regular field employees in the fisheries service were designated as officials to exercise all powers of search and seizure conferred by said act upon persons so designated by the President. 4 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES NEW FISHERY REGULATIONS The regulations for the protection of the fisheries of Alaska, issued December 17, 1931, were amended by the following regulations issued by the Acting Secretary of Commerce under the dates indicated : [December 31, 1931] Koprak AREA Salmon. fishery—Regulation no. 18 (7) is amended to read as follows: Kodiak Island: Along the coast on the west side of Uganik Bay between West Point and a point south of Broken Point at 57 degrees 52 minutes 80 seconds north latitude. [April 1, 1932] Bristol BAy AREA Salmon fishery.—Regulation no. 15 is amended to read as follows: The 36-hour weekly closed period for salmon fishing prescribed by section 5 of the act of June 6, 1924, is hereby extended to include the period from 6 o’clock ante- meridian Wednesday to 6 o’clock antemeridian Thursday of each week, mak- ing a weekly closed period of 60 hours: Provided, That in the waters of Kvichak Bay between the line extending across the bay from the marker ‘on a high point on the east bank of Prosper Creek, about 700 yards above the Koggiung Cannery of the Alaska Packers Association, to the marker on the opposite side, the course being about north, 44 degrees west, magnetic, and the line ex- tending at right angles across the bay from a marker at Jensen Creek to a marker on the opposite shore about 144 miles west of Squaw Creek, the 36-hour weekly closed period for salmon fishing prescribed by section 5 of the act of June 6, 1924, is hereby extended to include the period from 6 o’clock post- meredian of Saturday of each week to 6 o’clock antemeridian of the Tuesday following and the period from 6 o’clock antemeridian Wednesday to 6 o’clock antemeridian Thursday of each week, making a weekly closed period of 84 hours. ALASKA PENINSULA AREA Salmon fishery.—1. Regulation no. 22 (f) is amended to read as follows: Along the coast of Bold Cape for a distance of 2,500 feet from a point at 55 degrees 1 minute 12 seconds north latitude, 162 degrees 15 minutes 36 seconds west longitude. 2. Regulation no. 22 (mn) is amended to read as follows: Unga and Popof Islands: Hast coast cf Unga Island from a point at 55 degrees 12 minutes 10 seconds north latitude, 160 degrees 29 minutes 42 seconds west longitude, southerly and easterly to a point at 55 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds north latitude, 160 degrees 27 minutes 30 seconds west longitude; and east coast of Popof Island, (1) within 2,500 feet of a point at 55 degrees 16 minutes north latitude, 160 degrees 19 minutes 40 seconds west longitude, and (2) within 2,500 feet of a point at 55 degrees 18 minutes 36 seconds north latitude, 160 de- grees 18 minutes 48 seconds west longitude. KopraAk AREA Salmon fishery.—1. Regulation no. 18 (j) is amended to read as follows: Kediak Island near entrance to Uyak Bay: Along the coast, (1) within 2,500 feet of a point at 57 degrees 44 minutes 10 seconds north latitude, 153 degrees 56 minutes 30 seconds west longitude, and (2) within 5,000 feet easterly of a point at 57 degrees 41 minutes 48 seconds north latitude, 153 degrees 54 minutes 45 seconds west longitude. 2. Regulation no. 18 (a) is amended to read as follows: Afcgnak Island: (1) From a point on the north side of Raspberry Strait at 58 degrees 8 minutes 45 seconds north latitude, 153 degrees 13 minutes 20 seconds west longitude, north to a point at 58 degrees 9 minutes 30 seconds north latitude, 153 degrees 13 minutes 20 seconds west longitude, and (2) within 2,500 feet of a point on the south side of Paramanof Bay at 58 degrees 18 minutes north latitude, 153 degrees 2 minutes 23 seconds west longitude. ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES, 1932 5 3. Regulation no. 19 (p) is amended to read as follows: Kaflia Bay, on north shore of Shelikof Strait: All waters within a line from Cape Ugyak to a point on the south shore of Kaflia Bay at 58 degrees 13 minutes 30 seconds north latitude. PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND AREA Salmon fishery.—1. Commercial fishing for salmon in Port Valdez east of 146 degrees 40 minutes west longitude is limited entirely to set or anchored gill nets of not to exceed 450 yards each in length. 2. Regulation no. 10 (@) is amended to read as follows: (1) East coast of Knight Island within 2,500 feet of a point at 60 degrees 9 minutes 30 seconds north latitude, and (2) along the coast of Squire Island within % statute mile of its southern extremity. 8. Regulation no. 10 (bb) is amended to read as follows: West coast of Montague Island form Point Woodcock to a point south of Hanning Bay at 59 degrees 56 minutes 45 seconds north latitude, 147 degrees 45 minutes 15 sec- onds west longitude. 4, Regulation no. 10 (cc) is amended to read as follows: West coast of Montague Island from the north side of the entrance to Hanning Bay north- easterly to 60 degrees 9 minutes 45 seconds north latitude, exclusive of the coast between 60 degrees 3 minutes 15 seconds north latitude and 60 degrees 4 minutes 30 seconds north latitude. 5. Regulation no. 10 (dd) is amended to read as follows: Western coast of Montague Island from 60 degrees 10 minutes 20 seconds north latitude to 60 degrees 11 minutes 45 seconds north latitude. Herring fishery—1. Regulation no. 2 is amended to read as follows: Com- mercial fishing for herring, except for bait purposes, is prohibited from 12 o'clock noon of Wednesday until 12 o’clock noon of Thursday of each week, and from 12 o’clock noon of Saturday until 12 o’clock noon of the Sunday fol- lowing. 2. Regulation no. 6 is amended to read as follows: Commercial fishing for herring, including bait fishing, by means of any purse seine more than 1,400 meshes in depth, more than 150 fathoms in length, or of mesh less than 1% inches stretched measure between knots is prohibited: Provided, That any purse seine may have in addition a strip along the bottom not to exceed 30 meshes in depth and of mesh not less than 4 inches stretched measure between knots. No extension to any seine in the way of leads will be permitted. SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA AREA ICY STRAIT DISTRICT Salmon fishery. Regulation no. 15 (k) is amended to read as follows: Pleas- ant Island: Southern coast from the western extremity of the island easterly to 135 degrees 33 minutes 10 seconds west longitude; and Porpoise Islands, west coast of southernmost island within 2,500 feet of a point at 58 degrees 19 minutes north latitude, 185 degrees 27 minutes 31 seconds west longitude, WESTERN DISTRICT Salmon fishery.—1. Regulation no. 19 (e) is amended to read as follows: Baranof Island: From a point one-half statute mile south of Point Thateher to a point north of Point Lull at 57 degrees 19 minutes 30 seconds north lati- tude, exclusive of the coast between 57 degrees 20 minutes 35 seconds north latitude and 57 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds north latitude. 2: Regulation no. 19 (l) is amended to read as follows: (1) West coast of Admiralty Island from Village Point to Distant Point, and (2) Killisnoo Island, northwest coast between 57 degrees 28 minutes 10 seconds north latitude and 57 degrees 28 minutes 26 seconds north latitude. SOUTH PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND DISTRICT Salmon fishery.—1. Regulation no. 14 (i) is amended to read as follows: (1) Sukkwan Island: Southwestern coast from 55 degrees 2 minutes 30 seconds north latitude to the southern extremity of the island, exclusive (a) of the coast from 55 degrees 1 minute 15 seconds north latitude to 55 degrees 0 min- utes 45 seconds north latitude, and (b) exclusive of the waters of Kasook Inlet 6 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES and its tributaries and branches; and (2) McFarland Islands: Southwest coast of the westernmost island within 2,500 feet of a point at 55 degrees 2 minutes 35 seconds north latitude, 132 degrees 55 minutes 15 seconds west longitude. 2. Regulation no. 14 (j) is amended to read as follows: Prince of Wales Island, from Point Webster southeasterly to 54 degrees 54 minutes 49 seconds north latitude, exclusive of the waters of Kassa Inlet and its tributaries and branches. SOUTHERN DISTRICT Salmon fishery—1. Regulation no. 16 (1) is amended to read as follows: Cape Fox Island and within 1,000 feet of a point on the western shore of the unnamed island near the mainland shore at 54 degrees 47 minutes 42 seconds north latitude. 2. Regulation no. 16 (s) is amended to read as follows: Kanagunut Island: West coast from 54 degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds north latitude, 130 degrees 43 minutes 18 seconds west longitude, to Garnet Point, and along the east coast within 2,500 feet of Garnet Point. [April 15, 1932] Salmon fishery.—No trap shall be permitted to operate in the season of 1932 as follows: ALASKA PENINSULA AREA 1. Mainland coast, including adjacent islands, from Entrance Point to Cape Rozhnof. (22a.) 2. Along the coast on the east side of Morzhovoi Bay within 2,500 feet, measured along the coast, from a point at 55 degrees 0 minute 38 seconds north latitude, 162 degrees 57 minutes 48 seconds west longitude. (22e.) 3. Along the coast on the south and east side of Kitchen Anchorage, Belkof- ski Bay, within a distance of 2,500 feet, measured along the coast, from a point at 55 degrees 7 minutes 30 seconds north latitude, 162 degrees 6 minutes 42 seconds west longitude. (229.) 4. Goloi Island: Coast for a distance of 4,000 feet northeasterly from the western extremity of the island. (22i.) 5. Along the coast on the north side of Volcano Bay within 2,500 feet, meas- ured along the coast, from a point at 55 degrees 14 minutes 6 seconds north latitude, 161 degrees 58 minutes 36 seconds west longitude. (22).) 6. Mainland coast along the west side of Pavlof Bay: (1) Between 55 de- grees 15 minutes 30 seconds north latitude and 55 degrees 18 minutes 11 seconds north latitude, and (2) between 55 degrees 18 minutes 59 seconds north lati- tude and 55 degrees 20 minutes north latitude. (221.) 7. Mainland coast along the east side of Pavlof Bay: (1) Within 2,500 feet, measured along the coast, from a point at 55 degrees 35 minutes 12 seconds north latitude; (2) within 2,500 feet, measured along the coast, from a point at 55 degrees 29 minutes 38 seconds north latitude; and (3) within 2,500 feet of a point at 55 degrees 23 minutes 42 seconds north latitude. (22m.) KopiAk AREA 1. Raspberry Island: West coast from Raspberry Cape at 58 degrees 3 min- utes 25 seconds north latitude, 153 degrees 25 minutes 30 seconds west longi- tude, northeast to a point at 58 degrees 4 minutes 30 seconds north latitude, 153 degrees 24 minutes 20 seconds west longitude. (17b.) 2 Afognak Island: From a point on the north side of Raspberry Strait at 58 degrees 8 minutes 45 seconds north latitude, 153 degrees 18 minutes 20 sec- onds west longitude, north to a point at 58 degrees 9 minutes 30 seconds north latitude, 153 degrees 13 minutes 20 seconds west longitude. (182.) Cook INLET AREA 1. Along the mainland coast on the west side of Cook Inlet, (1) from a point at 60 degrees 48 minutes north latitude southeasterly to a point at 60 degrees 46 minutes 45 seconds north latitude, and (2) within 2,500 feet of a point at 60 degrees 45 minutes 4 seconds north latitude. (140.) ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES, 1932 “{ 2. Along the mainland coast on the east side of Cook Inlet, (1) between 60 degrees 55 minutes 15 seconds north latitude and 60 degrees 54 minutes north latitude, and (2) within 2,500 feet of a point at 60 degrees 50 minutes 33 seconds north latitude, 150 degrees 55 minutes 33 seconds west longitude. 14h. 3. ae the mainland coast on the east side of Cook Inlet within 2,500 feet of a point at 60 degrees 49 minutes 34 seconds north latitude, 150 degrees 958 minutes 3 seconds west longitude. (14i.) 4. Along the mainland coast on the east side of Cook Inlet, (1) within 2,500 feet of a point at 60 degrees 27 minutes 23 seconds north latitude, 151 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds west longitude; (2) within 2,500 feet of a point at 60 degrees 10 minutes 31 seconds north latitude, 151 degrees 28 minutes 54 seconds west longitude; (3) within 2,500 feet of a point at 60 degrees 8 minutes 18 seconds north latitude; (4) within 2,500 feet of a point at 60 degrees 7 minutes 22 seconds north latitude, 151 degrees 33 minutes 44 seconds west longi- tude; and (5) within 2,500 feet of a point at 59 degrees 49 minutes north lati- tude, 151 degrees 50 minutes 10 seconds west longitude. (14k.) 5. Along the mainland coast on the east side of Cook Inlet on the west side of Nubble Point Spit within 1,200 feet of a point at 59 degrees 28 minutes 45 seconds north latitude, 151 degrees 35 minutes 6 seconds west longitude. (14m.) 6. Along the mainland coast on the east side of Cook Inlet from a point at 59 degrees 26 minutes 30 seconds north latitude, 151 degrees 46 minutes west longitude, westerly to a point at 59 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds north lati- tude, 151 degrees 46 minutes 45 seconds west longitude. (14n.) PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND AREA 1. Culross Island: East coast, (1) within 5,000 feet northeasterly of a point on the southeast coast at 148 degrees 8 minutes 45 seconds west longitude, and (2) between 60 degrees 43 minutes 30 seconds north latitude and a point on the south side of the entrance to Culross Bay at 148 degrees 8 minutes 30 seconds west longitude. (10d.) 2. Along the mainland coast between the outermost extremity of Point Pellew and a point at 60 degrees 50 minutes 30 seconds north latitude, 147 degrees 37 minutes 45 seconds west longitude. (10f.) 3. Western side of Valdez Arm from Point Freemantle to a point at 60 degrees 56 minutes north latitude. (10h.) 4. From the north side of the entrance to Sawmill Bay in Valdez Arm to a point on the coast 1 statute mile northeastward. (10i.) 5. Bligh Island: Southwest coast from a point at 60 degrees 48 minutes 37 seconds north latitude, 146 degrees 48 minutes 47 seconds west longitude, to a point at 146 degrees 44 minutes 20 seconds west longitude. (10/.) Fae oh fara % statute mile of the southwestern extremity of Bidarka Point. .) 7. From a point on the east side of Landlocked Bay at 60 degrees 49 minutes north latitude to a point on the north shore of Port Fidalgo at 146 degrees 32 minutes west longitude. (10/.) 8. Mainland coast from a point at 60 degrees 40 minutes 56 seconds north latitude, 146 degrees 39 minutes 36 seconds west longitude, to a point east of Knowles Head at 146 degrees 36 minutes 20 seconds west longitude. (100.) 9. Within 1 statute mile of Red Head. (10p.) 10. From a point on the coast 1 statute mile northwestward of the light at Gravina Point to a point on the coast 2 statute miles northwestward of the light at Gravina Point, making an open space of 1 statute mile. (10q.) 11. Hinchinbrook Island: Within 3,000 feet, measured westerly along the north side of a peninsula, from a point at 60 degrees 28 minutes 47 seconds north lati- tude, 146 degrees 23 minutes 27 seconds west longitude. (10¢.) 12. Hinchinbrook Island: From a point on the coast at 60 degrees 28 minutes north latitude northward to the light at Johnstone Point. (10w.) 13. Hinchinbrook Island: From a point on the coast 214 statute miles north of the southwestern extremity of Bear Cape northward to a point at 60 degrees 24 minutes 53 seconds north latitude, 146 degrees 42 minutes 24 seconds west longitude. (10z.) 14. Montague Island: Western coast from Point Woodcock to a point at 59 degrees 55 minutes 10 seconds north latitude. (100b.) 179809—33 9 74 8 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES 15. Montague Island: Western coast, (1) between 59 degrees 59 minutes 50 seconds north latitude, 147 degrees 40 minutes west longitude, and 60 degrees 1 minute 50 seconds north latitude, 147 degrees 34 minutes 40 seconds west longi- tude, and (2) between 60 degrees 6 minutes 6 seconds north latitude and 60 degrees 9 minutes north latitude (as shown on U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8555). (10cc.) 16. Northern coast of Montague Island from Graveyard Point to a point at 60 degrees 21 minutes 41 seconds north latitude, 147 degrees 9 minutes 47 sec- onds west longitude. (10 ee.) SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA AREA ICY STRAIT DISTRICT 1. Mainland: From the east side of Dundas Bay at 58 degrees 20 minutes north latitude to a point 1,000 feet east of Point Dundas. (15a.) 2. George Islands: Any part of that island of the George Islands group located at 58 degrees 12 minutes 18 seconds north latitude. (15c.) 8. Chichagof Island: North coast within 2,500 feet of a point at 58 degrees 13 minutes 4 seconds north latitude, 186 degrees 9 minutes 47 seconds west longitude. (15f.) 4, Chichagof Island: North coast within 1,000 feet westerly from Hagle Point. (15g.) 5. Chichagof Island: North coast from a point 1,000 feet southerly from Pinta Cove Point westward to a point southeast of Point Adolphus at 58 degrees 16 minutes 30 seconds north latitude. (15n.) 6. Lemesurier Island: Northwest coast between the western and northern ex- tremities of the island. (15i.) 7. Mainland: From Point Gustavus to 135 degrees 50 minutes west longitude. (15j.) 8. Pleasant Island: Southern coast between 1385 degrees 40 minutes west longitude and 185 degrees 36 minutes 30 seconds west longitude. (15k.) 9. Mainland: Between 58 degrees 19 minutes 30 seconds north latitude and 58 degrees 22 minutes 30 seconds north latitude. (151.) 10. Chichagof Island: Northeast coast between 135 degrees 28 minutes west longitude and 135 degrees 20 minutes west longitude. (15m.) WESTERN DISTRICT 1. Chichagof Island: East coast, (1) between 58 degrees north latitude and a point on the north side of the entrance to False Bay at 57 degrees 58 minutes 380 seconds north latitude; (2) between 57 degrees 56 minutes north latitude and 57 degrees 54 minutes 50 seconds north latitude; and (8) between 57 degrees 52 minutes north latitude and North Passage Point. (19c.) 2. Chichagof Island: East coast, (1) between 57 degrees 42 minutes 30 sec- onds north latitude and a peint on the coast 1 statute mile north of 57 degrees 387 Minutes 47 seconds north latitude, 184 degrees 52 minutes 41 seconds west longitude, and (2) between 57 degrees 29 minutes 80 seconds north latitude and Point Hayes. (19d.) 38. Baranof Island: East coast, (1) from a point % statute mile south of Point Thatcher to a point at 57 degrees 23 minutes 80 seconds north latitude, and (2) between 57 degrees 20 minutes 35 seconds north latitude and 57 degrees 19 minutes 30 seconds north latitude. (19e.) 4. Baranof Island: East coast from a point 1% statute mile southeasterly of South Point to a point at 57 degrees 15 minutes north latiude. (19f.) 5. Mansfield Peninsula: West coast from 58 degrees 22 minutes 6 seconds north latitude southerly to 58 degrees 19 minutes 85 seconds north latitude. (19h.) 6. Mansfield Peninsula: West coast between 58 degrees 17 minutes 30 sec- onds north latitude and 58 degrees 16 minutes 15 seconds north latitude. (19%.) 7. Mansfield Peninsula: West coast between 58 degrees 11 minutes 17 Sec- onds north latitude and 58 degrees 10 minutes 7 seconds north latitude. (19j.) 8. Admiralty Island: West coast, (1) between 57 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds north latitude and 57 degrees 49 minutes 55 seconds north latitude, and (2) between 57 degrees 54 minutes north latitude and 57 degrees 56 minutes north latitude. (19k.) ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES, 1932 9 BASTERN DISTRICT 1. Mainland, east side of Stephens Passage: Along the coast within 2,500 feet of a point at 57 degrees 52 minutes 40 seconds north latitude, 183 degrees 46 minutes 50 seconds west longitude. (16d.) 2. Mainland, east side of Stephens Passage: From a point on the north side of Windham Bay at 133 degrees 33 minutes west longitude to a point at 57 degrees 33 minutes 55 seconds north latitude, 133 degrees 34 minutes 30 seconds west longitude. (16e.) 3. Mainland, between Hobart Bay and Windham Bay: Between 57 degrees 28 minutes 18 seconds north latitude and 57 degrees 30 minutes north latitude. (16/7.) 4, Mainland: From a point on the north side of Port Houghton at 133 degrees °6 minutes west longitude to a point north of Point Hobart at 57 degrees 23 minutes north latitude. (169.) 5. Mainland, Frederick Sound: (1) From a point on the south side of Fanshaw Bay at 133 degrees 32 minutes 30 seconds west longitude to Cape Fanshaw, thence southeasterly to 1383 degrees 31 minutes west longitude, and (2) between 133 degrees 22 minutes west longitude and 133 degrees 21 minutes west longitude. (16h.) 6. Admiralty Island: Southeast coast between 57 degrees 12 minutes north latitude and Deepwater Point. (16/.) 7. Admiralty Island: Southeast coast from a point 1% statute mile southwest of Point Brightman to a point at 57 degrees 8 minutes 54 seconds north latitude. (16/.) 8. Kupreanof Island: Northwest coast from a point 4% statute mile southeast of the outer extremity of Point Macartney northward and westward to the western extremity of Point Macartney. (161.) 9. Kuiu Island: Within 44 statute mile of the western extremity of Corn- wallis Point. (16m.) 10. Kuiu Island: Northwest coast, (1) from a point 1 statute mile north of the north side of the entrance to Washington Bay to a point at 56 degrees 45 minutes 16 seconds north latitude, and (2) from a point at 56 degrees 48 minutes 29 seconds north latitude to a point at 56 degrees 50 minutes 13 seconds north latitude. (167.) NORTH PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND DISTRICT 1. Kosciusko Island: Western coast from a point 1,000 feet northwesterly from the southern extremity of land at the west side of Halibut Harbor to 55 degrees 56 minutes north latitude. (15l.) 2. Kosciusko Island: Western coast, (1) within 5,000 feet southerly of Ruins Point at 56 degrees 4 minutes north latitude, and (2) within 5,000 feet northerly of 55 degrees 59 minutes 40 seconds north latitude. (15m.) 8. Kuiu Island: East coast of peninsula between Port Beauclere and Reid Bay from 56 degrees 18 minutes 30 seconds north latitude northward to 56 degrees 19 minutes 30 seconds north latitude. (15s.) 4. Prince of Wales Island: North coast between 133 degrees 29 minutes 4 seconds west longitude and 133 degrees 32 minutes 5 seconds west longitude. (15t.) 5. Prince of Wales Island: North coast between 133 degrees 22 minutes west longitude and 133 degrees 24 minutes 25 seconds west longitude. (15w.) 6. Prince of Wales Island: East coast between 55 degrees 56 minutes 50 sec- onds north latitude and 55 degrees 56 minutes north latitude. (15ff.) 7. Prince of Wales Island: East coast between 55 degrees 47 minutes 30 sec- “pgs north latitude and 55 degrees 46 minutes 30 seconds north latitude. (15 -) 8. Cleveland Peninsula: (1) Between 55 degrees 35 minutes 19 seconds north latitude and 55 degrees 36 minutes 10 seconds north latitude; (2) between 132 degrees 5 minutes 45 seconds west longitude and 132 degrees 4 minutes west longitude; and (3) between 55 degrees 30 minutes 50 seconds north latitude and 55 degrees 32 minutes north latitude. (15nn.) 9. Gravina Island: West coast, (1) between 55 degrees 22 minutes north latitude and 55 degrees 18 minutes north latitude; (2) between 55 degrees 10 minutes 30 seconds north latitude and 55 degrees 9 minutes 30 seconds north latitude; and (3) from 55 degrees 8 minutes north latitude to the southern extremity of Dahl Head, including the rocky islets adjacent to this coast. (15pp.) 10 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES 10. Grindall Island, off Grindall Point, Prince of Wales Island: South coast within 44 statute mile of a point at 55 degrees 26 minutes 20 seconds north latitude, 1382 degrees 8 minutes 1 second west longitude. (15ww.) 11. Prince of Wales Island: East coast between 55 degrees 28 minutes north latitude and 55 degrees 37 minutes 25 seconds north latitude. (15vv.) 12. Prince of Wales Island: East coast, (1) between 55 degrees 20 minutes 10 seconds north latitude and 55 degrees 20 minutes 51 seconds north latitude, and (2) between 55 degrees 21 minutes 52 seconds north latitude, 132 degrees 10 minutes west longitude, and 55 degrees 22 minutes 17 seconds north latitude, 132 degrees 11 minutes 40 seconds west longitude. (15zz.) 13. Prince of Wales Island: East coast between 55 degrees 12 minutes north latitude and 55 degrees 15 minutes 15 seconds north latitude, including Wedge Island. (15yy.) 14. Prince of Wales Island: East coast between 55 degrees 5 minutes 8 sec- onds north latitude, 132 degrees 3 minutes 30 seconds west longitude, and 55 degrees 6 minutes 19 seconds north latitude, 182 degrees west longitude. (15 22.) 15. Prince of Wales Island: East coast between 54 degrees 59 minutes 33 seconds north latitude and 55 degrees 1 minute 28 seconds north latitude, including Polk Island. (15aaa.) 16. Prince of Wales Island: Hast coast between 54 degrees 50 minutes 45 seconds north latitude and a point on the south side of Kendrick Bay at 18% degrees 59 minutes west longitude. (15ddd.) 17. Prince of Wales Island: East coast from McLean Point to a point 3,500 feet southward. (15eee.) 18. Prince of Wales Island: From a point on Cape Chacon at 54 degrees 41 minutes 23 seconds north latitude, 132 degrees 1 minute west longitude, northerly to a point at approximately 54 degrees 45 minutes north latitude, 182 degrees west longitude. (15fff.) SOUTH PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND DISTRICT 1. Dall Island: Coast from a point on the south side of the entrance to McLeod Bay at 54 degrees 41 minutes 3 seconds north latitude, southeasterly to Kaigani Village, including coast line of nearby island within 300 feet of a point at 54 degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds north latitude, 132 degrees 39 minutes 51 seconds west longitude. (14g.) 2. Long Island, east of Dall Island: West coast within 2,500 feet measured along the coast from 54 degrees 46 minutes 15 seconds north latitude. (14h.) 3. Prince of Wales Island: From a point at the south side of the entrance to Kassa Inlet at 54 degrees 55 minutes 18 seconds north latitude southerly to 54 degrees 54 minutes 49 seconds north latitude. (14/j.) 4. Prince of Wales Island: South coast between Brownson Bay and Nichols Bay from a point at 54 degrees 42 minutes 380 seconds north latitude, 132 degrees 10 minutes west longitude, easterly to a point at 54 degrees 41 minutes 26 seconds north latitude, 132 degrees 7 minutes 51 seconds west longitude. (14n.) 5. Prince of Wales Island: From a point at 54 degrees 41 minutes 40 sec- onds north latitude, 132 degrees 2 minutes west longitude, eastward and south- ward to Cape Chacon at 54 degrees 41 minutes 23 seconds north latitude, 1382 degrees 1 minute west longitude. (140.) SOUTHERN DISTRICT _ 1. Revillagigedo Island: Southwest coast between 131 degrees 27 minutes 32 seconds west longitude and 131 degrees 24 minutes 41 seconds west longitude. (16ce.) 2. Revillagigedo Island: From Cone Point southerly to a point at 55 degrees 14 minutes 80 seconds north latitude, 131 degrees 18 minutes 56 seconds west longitude, including Cone Island. (16d.) 3. Revillagigedo Island: (1) Within 1% statute mile of Escape Point, and (2) from a point north of Point Higgins at 55 degrees 27 minutes 45 seconds north latitude to Survey Point. (16e.) 4, Mainland peninsula between Smeaton Bay and Boea de Quadra: Between 55 degrees 10 minutes 53 seconds north latitude and 55 degrees 9 minutes 30 seconds north latitude. (16g.) ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES, 1932 11 5. Southwestern coast of island lecated southwesterly from Kah Shakes Point at 55 degrees 2 minutes 42 seconds north latitude, 131 degrees 0 minutes 33 seconds west longitude. (16/.) 6. Mainland south of Kah Shakes Cove: From a point at 55 degrees 1 minute 54 seconds north latitude southerly to Kirk Point. (16/j.) 7. Duke Island: East coast from a point on the south shore near Kelp Island at 131 degrees 15 minutes 12 seconds west longitude northward to a point at 54 degrees 538 minutes 18 seconds north latitude, 131 degrees 13 minutes 40 seconds west longitude. (16n.) 8. Kelp Island: Southern coast between the western extremity of the island and a point at 131 degrees 16 minutes west longitude. (160.) ALL AREAS The number and letter after each regulation in this supplement refer to the original regulation as printed in Department of Commerce Circular No. 251, eighteenth edition, dated December 17, 1931, and have been included herein for convenience in referring to the original regulation. [May 19, 19382] Salmon fishery—No trap shall be permitted to operate in the season of 1932 as follows: Kopiak AREA 1. Kodiak Island near entrance to Uyak Bay: Within 2,500 feet of a point at 57 degrees 44 minutes 10 seconds north latitude, 153 degrees 56 minutes 30 seconds west longitude. (18j.) SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA AREA EASTERN DISTRICT 1. Mainland: Between 58 degrees north latitude and 57 degrees 59 minutes 10 seconds north latitude. (16b.) NORTH PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND DISTRICT 1. San Fernando Island: Northern coast from a point at 133 degrees 25 minutes 30 seconds west longitude to a point at 133 degrees 24 minutes west longitude. (15c.) 2. St. Philip Island: Within 2,500 feet of the western extremity of the island. (15e.) 3. Prince of Wales Island: Coast along San Christoval Channel between 55 degrees 36 minutes 25 seconds north latitude and 55 degrees 35 minutes 30 seconds north latitude. (15g.) 4. Heceta Island: Southwestern coast between 55 degrees 42 minutes 45 seconds north latitude and 55 degrees 42 minutes 10 seconds north latitude. (15h.) 5. Tuxekan Island: Western coast within 1,000 feet of the western extremity of Turn Point. (15/.) 6. Prince of Wales Island: East Coast (1) between 55 degrees 55 minutes 20 seconds north latitude and 55 degrees 53 minutes 45 seconds north latitude, and (2) between 55 degrees 53 minutes north latitude and 55 degrees 52 minutes 25 seconds north latitude. (15ff.) 7. Gravina Island: West coast between 55 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds north latitude and 55 degrees 10 minutes 30 seconds north latitude; and along the coast of any island of the Bronaugh Islands group located off the coast of Dall Head. (15pp.) 8. Prince of Wales Island: East coast between 55 degrees 6 minutes 19 seconds north latitude, 182 degrees west longitude, and 55 degrees 6 minutes 54 seconds north latitude. (15zz. 9. Prince of Wales Island: East coast from a point at 54 degrees 49 minutes 46 seconds north latitude, 131 degrees 57 minutes 40 seconds west longitude, north of the entrance to Gardner Bay, northwesterly to a point at 54 degrees 50 minutes 45 seconds north latitude. (15ddd.) 12 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES SOUTH PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND DISTRICT 1. St. Ignace Island: Within % statute mile of the southern extremity of the island. (140.) SOUTHERN DISTRICT 1. Regulation no. 6 in supplement no, 251-18-3 is amended to read as follows: Mainland south of Kah Shakes Cove: From a point at 55 degrees 1 minute 54 seconds north latitude southerly to a point at 55 degrees north latitude. (16/.) ALL AREAS The number and letter after each regulation in this supplement refer to the original regulation as printed in Department of Commerce Circular No. 251, eighteenth edition, dated December 17, 1931, and have been included herein for convenience in referring to the original regulation. [June 1, 1932] PRINCE WILLIAM SounD ARBA Clam fishery.—1. Regulation no. 3 is amended to read as follows: The taking of razor clams for commercial purposes is prohibited from 6 o’clock postmeridian June 25 to 6 o’clock postmeridian August 31 in each calendar year. CopPpER RIVER AREA Clam fishery.—1. Regulation no. 3 is amended to read as follows: The taking of razor clams for commercial purposes is prohibited from 6 o’clock postmeridian June 25 to 6 o’clock postmeridian August 31 in each calendar year. SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA AREA Herring fishery.—1. Regulation no. 4 is amended to read as follows: All com- mercial fishing for herring, including bait fishing, is prohibited, as follows: All waters of Seymour Canal, Gambier Bay, Pybus Bay, the adjoining waters of Frederick Sound, and all contiguous waters, within a line extending from the southern extremity of Point Hugh to the northwesternmost point of Akusha Island, thence to the light at Turnabout Island, thence to Deepwater Point at 57 degrees 10 minutes 20 seconds north latitude, 134 degrees 13 minutes west longitude: Provided, That this prohibition shall not apply (a@) to the taking of herring for bait by boats of not more than 50 feet in length, as shown by official register length, in the period from June 1 to December 31, both dates inclusive; (0b) to commercial fishing for herring, including bait fishing, by means of gill nets of mesh not less than 21% inches stretched measure between knots in the period from June 1 to December 31, both dates inclusive; and (¢) to the taking of herring for bait by salmon trolling boats by means of any gill net of mesh not more than 244 inches stretched measure between knots, of not greater than no. 20 gill net thread, and not exceeding 10 fathoms in length and 100 meshes in depth. [June 10, 1932] Salmon fishery.—No trap shall be permitted to operate in the season of 1932 as follows: Koprak AREA 1. Raspberry Island: Within 2,500 feet of a point on the south coast of Raspberry Island at 58 degrees 2 minutes 48 seconds north latitude, 1538 degrees 18 minutes 54 seconds west longitude. (18d.) 2. Uganik Island: South coast within 3,000 feet of a point at 57 degrees 54 minutes north latitude, 158 degrees 30 minutes west longitude. (18h.) ~ 3. Kodiak Island: Along the coast on the west side of Uganik Bay between 57 degrees 50 minutes 30 seconds north latitude and 57 degrees 51 minutes 32 seconds north latitude. (187.) ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES, 1932 13 SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA AREA WESTERN DISTRICT 1. Baranof Island: Bast coast from a point at 57 degrees 15 minutes north latitude southerly to a point at 57 degrees 13 minutes 30 seconds north latitude. (197) . ©. Baranof Island: Hast coast from a point at 57 degrees 11 minutes 30 sec- onds north latitude to a point 1 statute mile northwesterly of Point Turbot. (199.) . 3. Admiralty Island: West coast between 57 degrees 42 minutes 30 seconds north latitude and 57 degrees 44 minutes 20 seconds north latitude. (19k.) EASTERN DISTRICT 1. Regulation no. 8 in supplement no. 251—18—3, closing the coast of Kupreanof Island to trap fishing in 1932 from a point % statute mile southeast of the outer extremity of Point Macartney northward and westward to the western extremity of Point Macartney, is hereby rescinded. (16l.) 2. Regulation no. 9 in supplement no. 251—18-38, closing the coast of Kuiu Island to trap fishing in 1932 within 144 statute mile of the western extremity of Cornwallis Point, is hereby rescinded. (16m.) NortH PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND DISTRICT 1. Prince of Wales Island: East coast from a point 1 statute mile northwest of the mouth of Eagle Creek southerly to a point at 55 degrees 56 minutes 50 seconds north latitude. (15/f.) ALL AREAS The number and letter after each regulation in this supplement refer to the original regulation as printed in Department of Commerce circular no. 251, eighteenth edition, dated December 17, 1931, and have been included herein for convenience in referring to the original regulation. [June 15, 1932] KopriaAk AREA Herring fishery—Regulation no. 1 is amended to read as follows: Commer- cial fishing for herring, except for bait purposes, is prohibited during the period from January 1 to June 15, both dates inclusive. [June 27, 1932] PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND AREA Herring fishery—1. Regulation no. 6 is amended to read as follows: Com- mercial fishing for herring, including bait fishing, by means of any purse seine more than 1,200 meshes jn depth, more than 150 fathoms in length, or of mesh less than 1% inches stretched measure between knots is prohibited: Provided, That in the period from August 1 to November 15, both dates inclusive, com- mercial fishing for herring, including bait fishing, by means of any purse seine more than 1,200 meshes in depth, more than 180 fathoms in length, or less than 1% inches stretched measure between knots is prohibited: And provided fur- ther, That any purse seine may have in addition a strip along the bottom not to exceed 30 meshes in depth and of mesh not less than 4 inches stretched measure between knots. No extension to any seine in the way of leads will be permitted. [June 29, 1932] Bristot BAy AREA Salmon fishery.—In addition to existing prohibitions, commercial fishing for Salmon in the Nushagak district, which embraces the waters of Nushagak Bay within a line from Point Protection to Etolin Point, is prohibited from 6 o’clock antemeridian Thursday to 7 o’clock antemeridian Thursday of each week, in the period prior to 6 o’clock antemeridian August 3. 14 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA AREA NORTH PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND DISTRICT Salmon fishery.—No trap shall be permitted to operate in the season of 1932 as follows: Prince of Wales Island: East coast from the outer point of land on the north side of Kendrick Bay at approximately 131 degrees 58 minutes 30 seconds west longitude northward to 54 degrees 54 minutes 45 seconds north latitude. This amends regulation no. 15ccc. [July 7, 1932] SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA AREA NORTH PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND DISTRICT Salmon fishery—Regulation no. 15% is amended to read as follows: Etolin Island: West coast, (1) from 56 degrees 18 minutes north latitude southerly to a point at 56 degrees 16 minutes 24 seconds north latitude, and (2) between Steamer Point light and Steamer Point. [July 8, 1932] Cook INLET AREA Salmon fishery.—Commercial fishing for salmon is permitted in the waters of Kamishak Bay and Chinik Inlet to within 500 yards outside the mouth of Chinik Creek from & o’clock antemeridian July 9 to 6 o’clock postmeridian August 1. [July 11, 1932] BERING RIvER AREA The Bering River area is hereby defined to include all territorial coastal and tributary waters of Alaska within a line extending from Point Martin to Cape St. Elias and thence to Cape Suckling. SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA AREA WESTERN DISTRICT Salmon fishery.—No trap shall be permitted to operate in the season of 1982 as follows: Admiralty Island: West coast from 57 degrees 56 minutes 20 sec- onds north latitude northward to 57 degrees 59 minutes 15 seconds north lati- tude. This amends regulation no. 19k. [July 14, 1932] SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA AREA SOUTHERN DISTRICT Salmon fishery.—No trap shall be permitted to operate in the season of 1932 as follows: Tongass Island: West coast within 1,000 feet of a point at 54 degrees 46 minutes 31 seconds north latitude. This amends regulation no. 16r. [July 23, 1932] PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND AREA Herring fishery—Regulation no. 1 in supplement no. 251-18-8 is amended so as to permit commercial fishing for herring by means of purse seines 1,400 meshes in depth. [July 29, 1982] SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA AREA ICY STRAIT, WESTERN, EASTERN, SOUTH PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND, AND SOUTHERN DISTRICTS Salmon fishery—The regulation prohibiting commercial fishing for salmon by trolling from 6 o’clock antemeridian August 25 to 6 o’clock postmeridian September 20 is hereby revoked. ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES, 1932 15 WESTERN DISTRICT Salmon jfishery.—Regulation no. 1 in supplement no. 251-18-8 is amended so as to prohibit the operation of any trap in the season of 1932 on the east coast of Chichagof Island between 57 degrees 51 minutes 30 seconds north latitude and the eastern extremity of North Passage Point. [July 30, 1932] PRINCE WILLIAM SouND AREA Salmon fishery—Regulation no. 8 is amended to read as follows: Commer- cial fishing for salmon is prohibited during the remainder of each calendar year after 6 o’clock postmeridian August 3: Provided, That this prohibition shall not apply (@) to trolling and gill netting through August 15 in the waters along the western coast from the outer point on the north shore of Granite Bay (known as Granite Bay Point) to the light on the south shore of the entrance to Port Nellie Juan, nor (0) to trolling in the period from 6 o’clock antemerid- ian August 2 to 6 o’clock postmeridian September 20 in the waters of Prince William Sound east of 147 degrees west longitude, exclusive of all waters of Valdez Arm north of Point Freemantle. All trap leads from shore to entrance of hearts must be removed prior to 6 o’clock antemeridian August 10. [August 8, 1932] SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA AREA ICY STRAIT DISTRICT Salmon fishery.—Regulation no. 6 is amended to read as follows: Commercial fishing for salmon, other than trolling, is prohibited prior to 6 o’clock ante- meridian June 15 in each calendar year and for the remainder of each calendar year after 6 o’clock postmeridian August 3: Provided, That in the waters of Icy Strait and its tributaries easterly of a line from Point Adolphus to Point Gustavus the closing date shall be 6 o’clock postmeridian August 10. WESTERN DISTRICT Salmon fishery.—Regulation no. 6 is amended to read as follows: Commercial fishing for salmon, other than trolling, north of a true line eastward from the southeastern extremity of Point Couverden is prohibited prior to 6 o’clock ante- meridian June 15 and after 6 o’clock postmeridian August 13 in each calendar year: Provided, That this prohibition shall not apply to the use of gill nets from 6 o’clock antemeridian September 5 to 6 o’clock postmeridian September 30 in Lynn Canal and contiguous waters north of the north end of Sullivan Island, including Chilkat Inlet outside of a line from Green Point passing across the southern shore of Pyramid Island and Chilkoot Inlet 1,000 yards outside the mouth of Chilkoot River. [August 10, 19382] SouTHHASTERN ALASKA ARBA NORTH PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND DISTRICT Salmon fishery—Regulation no. 6 in supplement no. 251-18—4 is amended so as to open the area to trap fishing between 55 degrees 53 minutes north latitude and 55 degrees 52 minutes 25 seconds north latitude. [August 13, 1932] KopraK AREA Salmon fishery.—Regulation no. 15 is amended to read as follows: Commer: cial fishing for salmon is prohibited from August 19 to August 31, both dates inclusive: Provided, That this prohibition shall not apply (1) to beach seines on the north coast of Kodiak Island from Cape Karluk to Cape Uyak: (2) to set gill nets on the north coast of Kodiak Island from Cape Uyak to West Point; (3) to traps (a) on the west coast of Kodiak Island from Chief Point to West Point and on the west coast of Raspberry Island from Raspberry Cape to a point at the entrance to Raspberry Strait at 58 degrees 7 minutes 45 seconds 179809—33——3 16 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES north latitude, 153 degrees 14 minutes west longitude, (0) to traps on Afognak Island, (c) to traps on the north shore of the entrance to Moser Bay within 1 statute mile outside of Bun Point, and (d) on the east side of Turn Island: And provided further, That, except as herein specified, all commercial fishing for salmon in Alitak Bay and all its branches is prohibited after 6 o’clock postmeridian August 10 in each year. SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA AREA WESTERN DISTRICT Salmon fishery.—1. Regulation no. 7 is amended to read as follows: Commer- cial fishing for salmon, other than trolling, south of a true line eastward from the southeastern extremity of Point Couverden is prohibited prior to 6 o’clock antemeridian July 5, from 6 o’clock postmeridian August 17 to 6 o’clock ante- meridian October 1, and for the remainder of each calendar year after 6 o'clock postmeridian October 15. 2. Regulation no. 9 is amended to read as follows: Commercial fishing for salmon by means of any trap is prohibited except in the period from 6 o’clock antemeridian July 5 to 6 o’clock postmeridian August 17 in each year: Provided, That such fishing north of a true line eastward from the southeastern extremity of Point Couverden is prohibited prior to 6 o’clock antemeridian June 15 and after 6 o’clock postmeridian August 13 in each calendar year. EASTERN DISTRICT Salmon fishery.—1. Regulation no. 7 is amended to read as follows: Com: mercial fishing for salmon, other than trolling, is prohibited for the remainder of each calendar year after 6 o’clock postmeridian August 17: Provided, That commercial fishing for salmon south of 58 degrees north latitude is permitted from 6 o’clock antemeridian October 1 to 6 o’clock postmeridian October 15. 2. Regulation no. 9 is amended to read as follows: Commercial fishing for salmon by means of any trap is prohibited except in the period from 6 o'clock antemeridian June 25 to 6 o’clock postmeridian August 17 in each year. NORTH PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND DISTRICT Salmon fishery—1. Regulation no. 6 is amended to read as follows: Com- mercial fishing for salmon, other than trolling, is prohibited prior to 6 o’clock antemeridian July 15 in each calendar year, from 6 o’clock postmeridian August 26 to 6 o’clock antemeridian October 1 in each year, and for the remainder of each calendar year after 6 o’clock postmeridian October 15. 2. Regulation no. 7 is amended to read as follows: Commercial fishing for salmon by means of any trap is prohibited except in the period from 6 o’clock antemeridian July 15 to 6 o’clock postmeridian August 26 in each year. SOUTHERN DISTRICT Salmon fishery.—1. Regulation no. 6 is amended to read as follows: Com- mercial fishing for salmon, other than trolling, is prohibited prior to 6 o’clock antemeridian July 5 in each calendar year, from 6 o’clock postmeridian August 19 to 6 o’clock antemeridian October 1 in each year, and for the remainder of each calendar year after 6 o’clock postmeridian October 15. 2. Regulation no. 8 is amended to read as follows: Commercial fishing for salmon by means of any trap is prohibited except in the period from 6 o'clock antemeridian July 5 to 6 o’clock postmeridian August 19 in each year. . [August 22, 1932} SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA AREA SOUTH PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND DISTRICT Salmon fishery.—1. Regulation no. 6 is amended to read as follows: Com- mercial fishing for salmon, other than trolling, is prohibited prior to 6 o’clock antemeridian July 15 in each calendar year. from 6 o’clock postmeridian Au- gust 30 to 6 o’clock antemeridian October 1 in each year, and for the remainder of each calendar year after 6 o’clock postmeridian October 15. ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES, 1932 17 2. Regulation no. 8 is amended to read as follows: Commercial fishing for salmon by means of any trap is prohibited except in the period from 6 o’clock antemeridian July 15 to 6 o’clock postmeridian August 30 in each year. [Septenrber 2, 1932] KoprAk AREA Salmon fishery—All commercial fishing for salmon in the Kodiak area is prohibited for the remainder of the calendar year after 6 6 o'clock postmeridian September 2. Revised regulations covering the fisheries of Alaska were issued by the Acting Secretary of Commerce under date of December 20, 193: copies of which may be secured, without cost, on application to the Bureau of Fisheries, Washington, D.C. ANNETTE ISLAND FISHERY RESERVE The Annette Island Packing Co. again operated in the Annette Island Fishery Reserve under its lease from the Department of the Interior. In 1932 the company operated four traps within the reservation, the catch of which totaled 449,522 salmon; and 774 salmon taken in seines and gill nets within the reserve were purchased from natives. In addition, 97,248 salmon taken outside the reserve and purchased from natives and other independent operators of seines, gill nets, and traps were packed at the cannery. In the operation of the plant and the fish traps employment was given to 19 whites and 168 natives. EXPERIMENTAL PLANTING OF OYSTERS In March 1932 the Murre and crew assisted B. E. Smith, of Ketchikan, in transporting and planting approximately 800,000 seed oysters of the Japanese variety in waters of the southern district of southeast Alaska. The experiment of introducing the oyster into this region will be watched with interest. It is felt that conditions in parts of Alaska may be as favorable as in the bays of Washington for the development of oysters, and if this proves to be the case, an additional source of food may be established there. STREAM IMPROVEMENT In connection with their patrol duties, members of the Bureau’s field force gave the usual attention to the improvement and enlarge- ment of salmon-spawning areas. Log jams and a number of aban- doned beaver dams were removed in various districts, and passages to permit the ascent of salmon were cut through the obstructions made by active beaver colonies. The fish ladder in Ketchikan Creek, which had been damaged by flood, was repaired, and the channel of the stream at the head of the ladder was changed by blasting off protruding rocks so that an ex- cellent flow of water was maintained in the structure without the use of a wing dam such as had been installed in previous seasons. Thereafter approximately 900 fish per hour passed through the ladder during the peak of the run. At the upper falls in McNeil Creek, Kamishak Bay, a fishway was blasted out of the solid rock, through which the fish can pass with- 18 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES out difficulty into the creek above. A temporary dam was con- structed at the crest of the lower falls in this stream, diverting the water to a side channel of comparatively easy ascent. ‘Some blasting was done at Chinik Creek Falls to facilitate the passage of salmon upstream. Because of the lack of funds for bounty, the destruction of predatory fishes in the Bristol Bay region was less actively prosecuted than in other recent years. However, Bureau employees stationed there and elsewhere in the Territory, especially those at salmon- counting weirs, destroyed large numbers of predatory trout during the season. STREAM MARKING New markers defining areas closed to commercial fishing were erected to replace those which had become illegible or damaged, and changes were made in the positions of others to conform with changes made in the regulations with respect to closed areas. STREAM GUARDS The Bureau employed 206 men in 1932 as stream guards and spe- cial workmen in connection with law-enforcement duties. Of these, 99 were stationed in southeastern Alaska, 60 in central, and 47 in western Alaska. Some of the temporary workers were engaged for only a few days, but the period of employment generally ranged from 2 to 5 months. In southeastern Alaska 53 stream watchmen furnished their own launches and were assigned to patrol larger bodies of water or in the vicinity of several streams. in central Alaska 18 guards were stationed in the Seward-Katalla district, 7 on Cook Inlet, 292 in the Kodiak-Afognak district, 2 at Chignik, pee 11 in the Ikatan-Shumagin district. Eleven of these guards, most of whom were in the Seward-Katalla distr ict, provided their own launches. In western Alaska 42 were on Bristol Bay; and 5, of whom 1 fur- nished his own boat, were in the Yukon-Kuskokwim district. There were also 9 special employees engaged in scientific work— 3 on herring and 6 on salmon investigations, ‘this work being carried on chiefly in southeastern and central Alaska. In addition, there were 12 statutory employees, 52 men on the Bureau's vessels, and 11 on the 8 chartered boats. The foregoing makes a grand total of 290 persons identified with fishery- protective work in Alaska in 1932 as compared with 312 in 1931. VESSEL PATROL Fifteen vessels owned by the Bureau were engaged in fishery- patrol work in Alaska in’ 1932. Of these, the Widgeon, Murre, Auklet, and Petrel were used in southeast Alaska throughout the season; the Avttiwake in the Seward-Katalla district; the Blue Wing and Red Wi ing in the Kodiak-Afognak area, wher e the latter also served as tender for the Afognak “hatchery; the /bis at Chignik; the Scoter on Bristol Bay; and the Coot on the Yukon River. The Crane patrolled the Alaska Peninsula area and transported Bureau employees and supplies between Seattle and Bristol Bay at the ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES, 1932 19 beginning and end of the season. After its arrival from Seattle in May the Hider engaged in patrol work along the Alaska Peninsula for a number of weeks and was then transferred to the Kodiak- Afognak area. The Zeal was on duty at Cook Inlet until the middle of August and later assisted with the patrol and stream inspection in southeast Alaska. The Brant was used in general supervisory work, chiefly in south- east Alaska. The’ Merganser, which was formerly used in the Ikatan-Shumagin region, did not participate in the fisheries patrol in 1932 but was used as local tender for the Yes Bay hatchery, while the Puffin (a vessel approximately 25 feet in length), which it re- placed, was transferred to patrol duty in the vicinity of Ketchikan. Eight small boats were operated by the Bureau in the patrol of Bristol Bay. These included an outboard-motor speed boat, espe- cially constructed for work in this region in conjunction with the Scoter. In addition to the vessels owned by the Bureau of Fisheries, eight boats were chartered for patrolling fishing areas, as follows: Gordon D, Valkyrie, Gazelle, and Lady Luck in southeast Alaska; Katherine Z and Oren ector on Copper River and Prince William Sound, Harlequin at Port Valdez, and Auk in the Shumagin Islands region and neighboring waters along the Alaska Peninsula. COMPLAINTS AND PROSECUTIONS The limited demand and low prices paid for salmon, combined with a general abundance of the fish in virtually all waters open to fishing, were conducive to a closer observance than usual of the laws and regulations for the protection of the fisheries. In southeastern Alaska a floating trap of the Nakat Packing Cor- poration at Niblack Point was seized on July 17 for having the heart walls up and tunnel open during the weekly closed period, but in view of extenuating circumstances the company was not prosecuted. In one or two instances it was necessary to warn seiners away from closed areas, but the infringements were not of a seriousness to warrant further action. The operator of the gas boat Era 7-1544 was arrested near the entrance to Salmon Bay for carrying on board a small purse seine 35 fathoms long, in violation of the reoulation limiting the minimum length of purse seines to 150 fathoms. On trial he pleaded culty, signed release of the seine, and was given a 6-month suspended sentence and fined $3.95 to cover court “costs. A gill net with 285 red salmon was found anchored near the mouth of a salmon stream at the head of Salmon Bay. The owner was not apprehended, but the net was seized and the fish were sold for $28.50, which amount was turned over to the Department of Justice. Twenty-four persons charged with illegal fishing were tried before the United States commissioner at Cordova. Of these, 18 pleaded guilty to having taken undersized clams and were assessed fines ranging from $25 to $45 and aggregating $595. Three of the defend- ants, in default of payment of the fines, were committed to the Fed- eral jail. The clams that had been seized when the arrests were made were sold to local canneries and the proceeds were turned over to the Department of Justice. Three persons were arrested for fish- 20 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES ing for salmon in closed waters of the Copper River area. The case against one of these defendants was dismissed and fines of $25 each were imposed on the others. Ysy 99045 a ote i eS DUUOG Si ce an ern yeetcces Gi Se ae ae Pal tre 2 oo go eae SE DONTES AIG “ eee elle TERRA SE IRs Oe ag ae io ag *Pp9D 818 ‘ITZ 969 ‘290 ‘2 |" "suo[[ed OAS an OP Aien ss ae 10 868 ‘E8T BLS S6Gn9 ts | bee ODr mec 9 ce scene eo et eT a Se aoa [BOT Se eS pes | eo etareiene oe pa on RODS Ar Rs ere ge oe net res eee en a as 2s e DOLIES AIG. 002 002 ‘T me OD ae ee es a ee ee ES ee ee peoidg c= 2 eee ae Le Coe! 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Ris. ae a oe A Sees ee ae. ee a Oe a Rare SS Pal GREG Boer MOR aed te eS FS ae Ree a Oe, aes ces gO Cie es os SES SOAIENT te a G69 ‘8 SE ie MT RR hee Gee Oe oy RELA. Soe Pa De ee eee COTRT AL GaoVONA SNOSUAd en[eA JaquInN sureqy] BYSBLY ySveqINog sss a... BS6] Ut satsaysy Dysv)y ay2 fo syonpoid pun pabobua suosiad fo iunmwungy 33 ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES, 1932 pepurl ‘gcr‘ZzI$ JO one [e103 B SuTAeT sainzy poo oy} Op 10u ‘zg6l UT sj10d ysvoo OgIOBT 3B pepuLy 000‘09$ 1B pon[ea spunod 900‘00¢ 7n0qe a10 eyL ‘spunod oo0‘sze‘22t noqe sem ZuUIIIeY 1oj oINsy Ssutpuodse.100 oy} pues "000'T26 ‘9$ Ajoyeuxoidde sea WoUIOYsy OY} OF ‘Sepet{A JO OAISNJOXe'|O7Bd OY} JO ON[VA OY} YVY} POJVUAI4So ST IT ‘spunod 900‘9e¢‘a¢r Ajo} Bur *S91BIG ISBOH IgIOV_ 9y] JO sqys0d 4B ‘san3u0} Jo spunod ooF‘9 puv poo pex[es-Arp Jo spunod ¢¢z‘g9‘¢ 0} poyuNoUTe YOGA ‘BYSE[Y 0} Udd[pv S19}BM THOIJ YO} BO BOYS YO oy} epnypout AM 919} POPBUITSO ST 4 TOIT JO ‘SIBAT] INGI[BY PepNfOU! 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This indi- cates the generally satisfactory condition of the salmon runs in virtually all localities. Red salmon were abundant in the Bristol Bay region and in many sections of central Alaska, especially at Chignik, where the fish were exceptionally plentiful. At Karluk, however, the run of reds was below normal. For the Territory as a whole, the only species on which the catch decreased was the pink salmon, and undoubtedly the catch of this species would have been much larger had operations not been affected by adverse market conditions. The total catch of salmon increased about 2 percent over that for 1931. By districts, southeastern Alaska showed a decrease of approximately 5 percent, while there were gains of 4 and 15 percent, respectively, in central and western Alaska. There was a decrease of about 37 percent in the number of fathoms of seines and 24 percent in the number of fathoms of gill nets used in Alaska in 1932, as compared with the previous year, while traps decreased 28 percent. CATCH AND APPARATUS The total number of seines used in the salmon industry in 1932 was 331, of which 242 were purse seines and 89 beach seines. The purse seines aggregated 39,795 fathoms of webbing and the beach seines 10,955 fathoms. The number of gill nets used was 3,563, having a total length of 197.996 fathoms. There were 150 driven and 198 floating traps—a total of 348. Southeastern Alaska was accredited with 193 seines, or a total of 34,455 fathoms, a decrease of 99 seines and 17,353 fathoms of web- bing from the number used in 1931; also with 158 gill nets, aggre- gating 12,125 fathoms, a decrease of 157 nets and 6,135 fathoms of webbing; and with 22 driven and 171 floating traps, a decrease of 18 driven and 63 floating traps from the number operated in 1931. Corresponding figures for central Alaska show 134 seines, or 15,520: fathoms, as compared with 257 seines, or 28,149 fathoms, in 1931; 1,499 gill nets, or 68,105 fathoms, as compared with 1,826 gill nets, or 82,523 fathoms, in 1981; and 127 driven and 22 floating traps, as compared with 177 driven and 25 floating traps in 1931. | In western Alaska, 4 seines, or 775 fathoms of webbing. were used, a decrease from 1931 of 3 seines and 330 fathoms of webbing. There were 1,906 gill nets used, or an aggregate of 122,766 fathoms, a decrease of 457 nets and 38,076 fathoms of webbing. One driven: trap was used in this district, as compared with 2 in 1931. Seines caught 14 percent of the salmon taken in 1932, gill nets 28 percent, and traps 55 percent, while lines and wheels took the remaining 3 percent. ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES, 1932 35 Percentage of salmon caught in each Alaska district, by principal forms of apparatus SS ee ——— — ————_ ——————— Southeast Alaska Central Alaska Western Alaska Apparatus a a rea a 1981 1932 1931 1932 1931 1932 ool Lo EERE es Re OE a es pees ie) 22 20 28 15 5 5 OSU 0 Se ee ae eee 2 2 9 10 92 90 Os ye es Re ER Be ae SEE ee 73 74 63 Wee | S22 eee ee. Wulmonr Pes open we 2... cerctt seckse 3 Uh ER legs Stl eee eee Ee See eS See CURES tts sas ag easel nde iy en Sy eepaai d | o ee liieny pel eo ed Le Le ES Be ag 3 5 The total catch of salmon in 1932 was 75,683,575, an increase of 1,834,893, or about 2 percent, over the number taken in 1931. The central and western districts showed gains of 912,093 and 2,584,805, respectively, while there was a decrease of 1 662 005 in southeast Alaska. By species, the catch of cohos increased 67 895, chums 2,982,648, kings 202,049, and reds 3,748,923, while the catch of pinks decreased 5,166,082. Salmon taken in 1982, by apparatus and species, in each geographic section of Alaska Southeast Central Wester Apparatus and species wikeka, Alaeen Hil Total Seines: QUTICRIO PUN Gre Sie mee DEED ES SE Sees 2p Ee 86, 775 Ge ULI es Aen 94, 486 Gui TEN i Os A es LE ee Se ie eee 2, 012, 563 312, 876 48, 699 2, 374, 138 Pink, or humpback 25 dei es2 ieee eee ee 3,961,808 | + 2,655, 108 |2.:--2-.---- 6, 516, 916 King, ie SER Te ae eee ed ara pat Ep gaia ied) 288 709 iagalal 6, 708 Sted; OT HOGER YO. era cee) | Fide ee 378, 041 670, 916 903, 607 ul 952, 564 ACCA 2 s legh ek Mile a id tl CN id pl eh oo AE AD, 6, 439,475 | 3, 547, 320 958,017 | 10, 944, 812 Gill nets: eho: Ons Ver =.=. 223 fs POP ING 143, 202 156, 980 4, 753 304, 935 OUP ISaTS (RL K: le al etapa a args ae aa a cat eee ee 12, 024 64, 321 1, 533, 284 1, 609, 629 rReiGn Hump DaACk= 4.eee. PE ee 73, 895 552, 281 215, 472 841, 648 TRIB PORN DEIN ee eee ee AYN) 25, 963 79, 228 98, 723 203, 914 ERA OPISOGEAUO ea pe es aa el 339, 629 | 1,571,051 | 16,051, 235 | 17,961,915 SOLAN EES oa ee a eee tock Be 594, 713 2, 423, 861 | 17, 903, 467 20, 922, 041 Traps: @oha,Onsliver= 22. 282 7A BR IE © 565, 234 Baz, GUO We 2 Aer sis 1, 097, 904 Chum, Onep tae 22 da. : big els py ih Be 3, 569, 147 1, 133, 057 1, 997 4, 704, 201 Pink, or humpback SE SR oe 8 NE a eke es 18; 5690 S074) L080, Lie foset eee 28) 877, 069 Nees OM SDrMNg.. 0-5-2 se a- sn th See 2 eee 4, 847 47,948 556 53, 351 Gu MOMSOCKE NOs ook es Sa 934, 395 | 5, 987, 513 62, 747 6, 984. 655 IGT (Ss ls ad Ea MS il LS cei a eee Bes 23, 643, 520 | 18, 008, 360 65, 300 41, 717, 180 Lines: ROOMS OF SUVORS saan sess. 7 FN SAIR SS AN US, BUA E06" 24 Fi 4h ae 8 EE OOS 504, 195 Ete GUATEINE oe OP | eta es) on | B06, 747 Wiese cc ag Sl ee 595, 747 Maall 2: ose st Ras wis lisss en!) iy 1992049 413_ os dal] Geely 1, 189, 942 Wheels: Chum, or UC ee Se Sees See eee eee ae eee ee 887, 000 887, 000 LET) Te OTR (f 0 alin te te eg al lel 2 te gallica ets Mey Bags] |= ate ca ad Oy 22, 600 22, 600 ANG TB See ee ee ae ree, Sa Rese Pe erg 909, 600 909, 600 ee Total: : COD OMRILVORS foe te ee ee 1, 389, 406 697, 361 4, 753 2, 091, 520 Chom Jorikethped? Lesa 8 retin re Sarl we 5, 593, 734 1, 510, 254 2, 470, 980 9, 574, 968 Pine OMUEID HAGEL asa ost ie ek 22, 605, 600 | 13, 414, 561 215,472 | 36, 235, 633 King, OF Sprinprenee ta BOP AP ERT 2h 626, 845 127, 885 127, 590 882, 320 BGA CIGCCKO VERE ee 3 tT de. 1, 652,065 | 8, 229, 480 | 17,017,589 | 26, 899, 134 PirAviC ORR meeee eee ee 31, 867, 650 | 23,979, 541 | 19, 836,384 | 75, 683, 575 ee eh 36 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES CANNING CHANGES IN CANNERIES Two canneries in southeast Alaska that had been closed in 1931— the Douglas Island Packing Co.’s plant at Douglas, and the Wrangell Narrows Packing Co.’s plant at Scow Bay—were reopened and operated under lease by the Ellson Packing Co. and O. Nicholson, respectively. Libby, McNeill & Libby leased the Kake cannery of the Alaska Pacific Salmon Corporation and operated it in leu of its Taku Harbor plant, which was destroyed by fire. In the spring the United Salmon Packers, Inc., bought the Skowl Arm plant, which they had operated under lease in 1931, and changed the corporate name to Skowl Arm Packing Co. As in the previous year, joint operations were carried on by a number of plants for purposes of economy. With few exceptions such arrangements involved no change in business organization. The Standard Packing Co. was formed to carry on the joint opera- tions of the Pioneer Sea Foods Co. and the Shepard Point Packing Co., the canning being done at the latter’s plant at Shepard Point. A new organization, the Strand-Jensen Fisheries, purchased and operated the plant of the Cordova Packing Co., at Cordova. The salmon and clam cannery at Kukak Bay, which had been leased for several years by the Seashore Packing Co., was taken over and operated by the Pioneer Packing Co. The Ikatan plant of the Pacific American Fisheries was reopened. At the close of 1931 the New England Fish Co. relinquished its lease on the Knight Island cannery of the Prince Packing Co. The plant remained idle during the year. H.C. Bennett purchased the cannery of the Toman Pack- ing Co., at Anchorage, which has not been operated since 1930. Operations of the floating cannery Jnternational at Sand Point were carried on by the Alaska Pacific Salmon Corporation, instead of under the name of Unga Fisheries Co. NEW CANNERIES One new cannery, built in July by Harry W. Crosby on the west side of Chignik Lagoon, was in operation during part of the season. A small pack was prepared by Bert Heglund at a hand plant on Halibut Bay, but this plant has not been included in the list of canneries. CANNERIES NOT OPERATED A considerable number of plants were not operated in 1932. In addition to the Taku Harbor Plant of Libby, McNeill & Libby and the West Coast Canning Co.’s plant at Tuxedna Bay, both of which burned down before the salmon-canning season began, 31 plants that had been operated in the preceding year were closed in 1982. The Kustatan Packing Co. resumed operations but was engaged chiefly in canning clams and put up very little salmon; therefore it is not included in the list of salmon canneries. Much of the canning machinery of the Karheen plant of Libby, McNeill & Libby has been removed, and it is probable that the cannery will not be re- opened. It has therefore been dropped from the list, as has the floating plant /’sther of the North Pacific Fisheries Co. Other idle canneries are as follows: ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES, 1932 Southeast Alaska: Alaska Pacific Fisheries Alaska Pacific Salmon Corporation Alaska Packers Association Alaska Sanitary Packing Co Columbia River Packers Association TEU Vic 5 SEC cs) yO [0 eee ac Coppermount. : mah, PEST) COTA EAIEY 9 oh CG KOE pea Ni \ecaniss Bay. 5 EES DAR ROK el Sai aK eG 9 ee ea ey See RG ge Pe Ketchikan. WGI bye MG N GING. Tai Dayal = a Pa te ee. Klawak. he Nika backine Corporation_- =. sae Ketchikan. Chatham. he Ketchikan. Merwe MNS Gani shy, CO Otete 2 oe te 1S} pews Noyes Island. Yakutat. Boca de Quadra. Dundas Bay. x ; : K ‘ Hunter Bay. INGLEAWEeS tern. KISheTiGs Cone ea ee ee ikdan Santa Ana. Shakan. Excursion Inlet. eenlerAmentean. MISheniCs == == o- e 2 ees Ketchikan. Port Walter. PeGMe Ser alcsnk 2 Clon & O- ao eee eee as ee Todd. SBE T Sn eee CRT ar Ss eee Petersburg. The Stuart Corporation (floating plant) —____________- Ketchikan. Central Alaska: Alaska Pacific Salmon Corporation_-___---__--__--_-. Drier Bay. AUanikaebackers ASSOCIatlon=2—- > __- = Beane Se Kasilof. IPigerisrannd be ackin a: © a Meee ere ee ee Blue Fox Bay. Columbia River Packers Association_________________ Chignik. Uy TOES GLb iC) ee SS Se Ne ae ees Se eee Point McManus. iw este haSheries:: ln@2-- ee wei ek _ Se eS ae Anchorage. Misano Orel a ns se eee fn ee Apes A Point Possession. AIT es PTR NE TICS Cg) beers Diana nen Be oe gS) Tae Re Shearwater Bay. Se pn ae kel © eer Le Ee Uzinki. MeTAleriverrEackine Oe 4-2 see el a Be aD Kenai. INGwebnelandetinh Cost sais 2 ad Te Cordova. PAS IN IN DIS OT 2S = «== ie COUR IT 12 oo ae so es se Portlock. North Coast Packing COs. e eee. eae Springs er Ninilchik. Chignik. Noxrtowestern Hisheries): Co_#.* 22 - - . eee er Saag Uyak Bering River. RAGINCAMeriGan wh Isneries. 2% A Se eee ee Ee ee Taiet. Valdez. MIS NV CHL a OMNA tae es ees tL a ee Iron Creek. PIGtICCIESCH MUOUGR LOO seas 2 er Ass ee Eyak River. Hollie EOSSeSSionmnisht OO. 2 ak ee ee Point Possession. Fort Walliams Packing Corporation. 2-2 ee Port Williams. ACCOMP AGI. OMe ttt SA Ve pee ee Drier Bay. BeUOUMm ay. Ee ACKING Cole. a. AN eee Redoubt Bay. eireks ; Tutka Bay. Mel Jung sinbing «© Packing Co______-___.____.- >. ec Bay. Nhepaeomin ek aCking: Coo 2h eek se ee Port Ashton. 13 CUR GTS eri a ee ea Se SE eer Sees West Foreland. Spur Fish Corporation Burnett Inlet. Boca de Quadra. Chomly. Funter Bay. Pybus Bay. Rose Inlet. Tenakee. Loring. Wrangell. Cape Fanshaw. Lake Bay. Nikishka Bay. 37 38 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Central Alaska—Continued Sunset Packing) @ot 2S Beas oe ee Otter Creek. (oman Packineio.2 2.2 A ee ee ee Anchorage. Trinity Pacener CoO. ase 2 .U eee eee eee Three Saints Bay. SNOUT Wg ea Re op ie Fon ene eee Kenai. Take eV OU eee ee ee Aaa ie eee re ee eee Port Chatham. Western Alaska: ures Naknek River. (Alaska MPackers yASsocia tion: 2 22) 52S seas eee eee (Rea Bay. Columbia River Packers Association_________________ Do. , : , Naknek River. Norn Wwestern MiShenies CO. == sass aan eee pee ee Bay. ReadrsSalmonsyCannines Coss 22 sae eee TOTAL CANNERIES OPERATED ie aknek River. Ugashik River. There were 87 canneries operated in Alaska in 1932—31 in south- east, 34 in central, and 22 in western—which is 9 less in southeast, 17 less in central, and 3 less in the western district than in 1931, a The Associated Fishermen of Alaska, Inc., operated the floating cannery Santa Flavia in both the central and western districts, but it is included in the total of western Alaska net decrease of 29 plants. only. Companies that canned salmon in Alaska, number and location of canneries operated, and number of traps owned by each, 1932 [New canneries indicated by (*)] Company Num- ber Southeast Alaska: Alaska Pacific Salmon Corporation____-_-_- Annette Island Packing Co____-_-_- Astoria & Puget Sound Canning Co___-__-- Bayview Packing @o_.--_-.-_---- Beegle Packing Co_-------------- Demmert Packing Co_.=--2--222- Diamond K Packing Co-_--------- Milson PackinelG@osten= 82.5 Fidalgo Island Packing Co_-_-__--- Haines) Packing \@om 2: ._ S355 2c. PBS Earnisy dr Goes =e = 2 = Hood Bay Canning Co______----- Icy Straits Fisheries, Inc_-—-_------ Independent Salmon Canneries, Inc_-_----- Ketchikan Packing Goo 2... 2 ee Libby, McNeill & Libby-_-------- Nakat Packing Corporation, The_ OVINICHO ISON a ere ee aoa are Northwestern Fisheries Co-_-___-_- Pyramid Packing Co., Inc_--_--_-- Sebastian Stuart Fish Co____--__- Skowl Arm Packing Co-_-_-_-_------ Superior Packing Co__________-_-- Ward’s Cove Packing Co_____-_-- Wrangell Packing Corporation Central Alaska: Alaska Pacific Salmon Corporation-__-___-_- Alaska Packers Association___-__- Alaska Year-Round Canneries Co eR SE ODOR SE OD ~ w | | | | Canneries Location Ketchikan ---__--_-___- Port Altjhorp==2-2-2=— INT taka hla Wrangell (floating) ____ Douglas: 2325 eae Baviot Pillans: oe eo Ketchikan’ == seams Letnikof Cove___-___- leenate lball\ne se George Inlet=—=-2== == Kako: ieee nos ae eee aku tats seers Biddentinie i= =.—see= Unicon Baye Wiatertallse 22 = cee SCOWDaYo ee eee Boca de Quadra !_____ Hunter Bay !_-_---_--- Kasgan-l 6: 38) 9h aii Driven "EV GOs os ee eee a Skowl Arm) 222.2 3.5 |S Tenake@. . == se eee at Ward (Coven. 22asae ee sees ee Wirantell= <= seen eee ee Sand Point (floating) _- Seldoviaso- a4. bt ues 1 Traps only were operated, the fish being packed at other canneries. _ i — DH 00 bd _ — ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES, 1932 39 Companies that canned salmon in Alaska, number and location of canneries operated, and number of traps owned by each, 1982—Continued [New canneries indicated by (*)] Canneries Traps Company Nom Location Driven| F eg Total Central Alaska—Continued Faria 4 ) E : DAHER Ye, ae ees | le: | a a 8 UMA TOUCI ILC GY eR SRS SSeS SE SESS 3 (Zacher Fey eek tea ved [ie Piel [ea tal Anderson Mercantile Co., Inc_------- ie HDeepi@reekes 2.2 <. Wee le 0 ee ae ee Associated Fishermen of Alaska, Inc-- ah | Reale @eeisse 23. SS oe - SS ee Columbia River Packers Association - -----|-------- @hignik: <= t2<- a 4, ee 4 Guok inleiseaekine ©0~. =--- 2 cen 1 | Seldovia_-_---- ig ine see 6 Copper River Packing Co--.----..--------- TU PMicgOlurevb ays. see |oee a 7 7 Plarr vais CLOSDV se oauc cae ee eoe eee eae as AGEs Ee es RS es |e See ene aoa Te Lgl AAG eC oe URE OS Saat eee 1 | Anchorage - -- Marwest Wisheries, Ine*s --— 34-2 Soc 55 ae] geste pO Oe oe Fidalgo Island Packing Co----_------------ 1 | Port Graham----_---- iacion mae king CO:s seo sen = Se = ae 1 | Cordova (floating) LC Yarestscjal ef Ca tabla Of 0 ele Raa ei ee sere 1 | Uzinki Peet irarris MeeO@e2s: ek 2. ee ee So seesse 1 | False Pass NERS Ip kwhaShORIAS OOS. 222255032 oe 3 eS. 1 | Kodiak Henai River Packing Col 2252201. 2 l2aes- =e Kenai ! Libby, McNeill & Libby__-----.---.------ Dees Co (eee + a eee Nim ChIKe PACKING} Oo. - 2 2_=- see Stes 1 | Ninilchik Nari Gossh Packing Cos: sesso sence eaaae—S 2 ck a | ese Gostesecs 255552 Northern Light Packing Co--..-_---------- 1 Slounvatn Slough Northwestern Fisheries Co_..._---------.- Beaees ents Pacific American Fisheries_-..-..-.-------- 1 olen 5 4% ordova oo Packing Co---.-.--.-------.-------- 2 (ronal 1s) hotest: | Ae peat Ede Atel beekd 3 PTADMOn HAM OD Cones Ss tS. So 228 S12 oo J ‘Orca mie see eee et 2 1 3 Albert & Josie Sandvik. 2-2-2 ...2.---2-<- Le) Uganik Villages soos |r - 2 ieee aa eae DOL Ste tad Gogh | Sees 2 Snug Harbor Packing Co--_---------------- 1 | Snug Harbor-_-------- Fale PaSe a Standard Packing Co__-_-.-2__-------_--.—= Ti SHeparglbointe sess se-|2s-—— 9 9 Strand-Jensen Fisheries Co____------------ LitGordovas: 22). =) eso es ese Sie sire Dganik Misheriess MNG=2. >. 4s o225- 3 ee Te wiiearike == 22 pele Sea Tee By eee 3 Western Alaska: Heepik Rivers o-t2-ssec nsec Sete | eee IRVICHAK DAY: (2) 2 soe cele aaa oe | ae Alaska Packers Association--_-.-.---------- VAlNaknoek River (2)22.0-|ba==s=--|seeae ane eee eee Nushaeak Bayou-> 2" _ |e oo oss) ee | eee Late VOD. <2 2 S222 [eon Se S| Ree aaa [eae wane Pec preatsl ol gifs Seems oe Eee BS el ee Sees ace ey Alaska-Portland Packers Association - ----- 2 { Nushadt Baye ty ee, ok gee AtnSis SalmoniCosire st. - 2. = bey se ee dt W OOGrRAon= 2 -ey A a ine ie Beet | 8 ees Associated Fishermen of Alaska, Inc_------ 1 oe Bay (odie |saokase eee eae eae ree ing). iBristdl: bay Packing’ Coit... 52- £2 4a taken akc rB ay se fle en ees el ee Herendeen Bay Consolidated Canneries- -- At eerendeen Bay. 2282-2 eis ee eee ee Picepikeiveress Sos= ls) Sis (cE ee eee eee eee ne eee eee ee Ares wo | oe . - MoNoill & 14 5 OpoNIMpE sth. 5 ESSE SSeS ele eee ee Tapby, McNeil & Libby_----2.-.-....---. 6 “EUS Veo Pace Ra aan gaan [las NAOCRANIC Re eee wee ee eS ee ee oe IN tISharred ese ee ee se eens Nakat Packing Corporation, The---------- 1 | Nakeen___- 5 ee ee ee ee Pacific American Fisheries----.----------- Z| seort, WMiolers. 22-2 i Sg ene See 1 Red Salmon Canning Co._.....-..-.------ 1 | Nake Ke River. coment ao See eae 1 Traps only were operated, the fish being packed at other canneries. LOSSES AND DISASTERS Reported property losses in the Alaska fisheries in 1932 amounted to $223,978. The largest single item was the Taku Harbor cannery of Libby, McNeill & Libby, which was burned on May 9, the loss of buildings, fishing apparatus, and boats amounting to $144,400. The salmon and clam cannery of the West Coast Packing Co. at Polly Creek on the west shore of Cook Inlet was destroyed by fire in the latter part of May, before the salmon-canning season had begun. 40 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES The loss was $7,000. Other losses consisted chiefly of launches, scows, trap frames, and miscellaneous fishing gear. In addition to the for egoing, the Lake Bay cannery of the Colum- bia River Packers Association, which has been idle since 1930, was considerably damaged by fire on June 20. Thirteen lives were lost—8 in southeast Alaska, 5 in central, and 5 in western Alaska. In the southeastern district 1 fisherman and 1 shoresman were drowned and 1 fisherman met death by accident. One fisherman in central Alaska was drowned, 1 died of disease, and 1 was killed by accident; 1 shoresman died of disease and 1 committed suicide. In western Alaska 1 fisherman was drowned, 1 died of disease, and 1 by accident; 1 shoresman was drowned and 1 died of disease. STATISTICS In 1932, 87 canneries were operated in Alaska, 29 less than in 1931. Employment was given to 15,738 persons, as compared with 18,158 in 1931, a decrease of 2.420. White employees decreased 1,492; na- tives, 7; Japanese, 189; Filipinos, 746; and miscellaneous (Kanakas, Puerto ’ Ricans, and Koreans), 32; ‘while Chinese increased 13; Mexicans, 13; and Negroes, 20. The total pack of canned salmon was 5,254,483 cases, valued at $21,715,801. This was a decrease of 149,256 cases, or about 3 percent, from the pack of 1931, and a decrease in value of $7,380,491, or 25 percent. The output in southeastern Alaska decreased from 2,538,936 to 2,208,053 cases, or 18 percent; and in central Alaska from 1,681,554 to 1,624,598 cases, or 3 percent; while in western Alaska there was an increase from 1,183,249 to 1,421,832 cases, or 20 percent. In Alaska as a whole the pack of reds increased from 1,694,278 to 2,103,081 cases, or 24 percent; kings increased from 51,867 to 69,526 cases, or 34 percent; and chums from 533,856 to 820,556 cases, or about 54 percent; while pinks decreased from 2 ,953,860 to 2, Aa. 145 cases, or 28 percent; and cohos from 169,878 to 148,175 cases, or 13 percent. Data are included in the following tables to show comparison of the 1932 pack with the average for “the 5 preceding years, 1927 to 1931, by cases of each species” and by districts. Three species—reds, chums, and kings—show a gain over the 5-year average, while cohos and pinks show a decline. “By districts the packs in southeast and central Alaska each decreased 5 percent, while that in western Alaska increased 86 percent, making a net gain of 3 percent over the 5-year average. Persons engaged, wages paid, and operating units of Alaska salmon canning industry, 1952 Southeast | Central Western Trems Alaska | Alaska | Alaska Total PERSONS ENGAGED Fishermen: OGM cer Oa et 4. BOE gb hee Fe 582 1, 076 1, 512 3,170 IN DIOS 5 ese ee en reese ee a erg 784 403 460 1, 647 eaaneSe he ae ott. Se PR eee Bae eee tee ep See ee ree CR Se 1 BOS es ee ae SUE Sot Ck ee ee er ee 5 Ls] ee ae Ce 6 IMexicanst 2s) 2 hi arid Sa See es RS Le ok es SRE eet 3 Miscellaneous tess lates te ee oe ae ye ad eee ae 2 FUN yt ea 6S So a RS ces CR ak ns et EE es 1, 374 1, 483 1, 972 4, 829 1 Kanakas, Puerto Ricans, ete. ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES, 1932 41 Persons engaged, wages paid, and operating units of Alaska salmon canning industry, 1982—Continued Southeast | Central Western Items Alaska Alaska Alaska Total PERSONS ENGAGED—continued Shoresmen: OTE RE 6 Gee Ce aoe > Sen See we ee ete 1,032 981 1, 449 3, 462 NBG VES = 2. 25-s.------> acinar wane potion ate acm oe 1, 278 504 94 1, 876 iN Oster 525. sons 26. ten en eee aes 128 180 369 677 BLUNT TOTO Re ae Ste Aenea bs See 4 ee weil Pe. 6: ea le ay 333 186 258 777 BOW IITION «28 = Ses oe Sekt eg Soe ek 752 663 550 1, 965 WO GSE Na ee Ese yap I A, Gia STE Sree 5 28 854 887 Tan rh 2 go eth ai Ca ie Sao EA Senin Rae cies Lee ated eee ee 51 52 CLIVE SESS a SS ee eee 2 1 16 19 ME Oa Gaon eee ne Seana aa a cane 3, 531 2, 543 3, 641 9, 715 Transporters: \ aN G Sie ne ie De + cael 3 ie, Bt perils, See Iain 369 426 331 1, 126 INES GS Ce ee a. Sa. i 21 4) |2o3cesesahes PIR IMOSG =e hi 5 Renee ae on a ome eels ee SPR ir ees (se er 5 5 JSS VTTV) £oSt Zee eee ee ar a eR pee eS as NS (EB RSS Serene yp [oes sc Se 1 RSet cap eta ed pee Tiley Sse ieeet, S ape AG 390 468 336 1, 194 Total MVIDILOSS 3 g2e oo See = oe ee eee 1, 983 2, 483 3, 292 7, 758 PACU VRS sae tas et answer eB Ss 2, 083 948 554 3, 585 ROS a er a eer alge ae eee 128 180 374 682 PDETIPSD os eet 7h A os ae, ee he ee” 333 188 258 779 LAG 60 URS a ea a A EE SRS SE Eee a 757 664 550 1,971 Ty EEG CT Se EE TE Se SY Cee 8 28 854 890 ROTORS 3— 2. Ser oo a cna eae eee heer 1 FD lees ea ea 51 52 MVRISCOUOENGOIS te) cee a one See 2 3 16 21 SEDAN LOLs eo meee nae eee 5, 295 4, 494 5, 949 15, 738 IRIARIIRIC SHOLCR INO =A ann hn ee on oe as $964, 961 $974, 409 | $1,345,627 | $3, 284, 997 Whares paid, transporters -- === — 3.0-28=225=25-25-5c5 $175, 526 $193, 716 $130, 274 $499, 516 OPERATING UNITS Plants: MHOTACANNOLOS = fa 5s. a to eo ence oeee et ak ate 29 32 21 82 Floating canneries: HG WEE AGOSSOIS SS fanaa oe res a ees 1 1 al 3 Net tonnage-_----------------- 56 1, 760 1, 424 3, 240 BAL POs ne ee ae ee 1 1g (ieee De 2 Net LOHNarS 2 = 35S. Se 488 S89) Seas: Bees 877 Total plants operated 31 34 22 87 Vessels: Piven OVE Db LORS. a ao= aoe see eon oe See 208 136 80 424 IND LOMNER C22 es ee bene se coslS 3, 874 5, 201 24, 043 33, 118 rnin es se!” 2. oh eee et. 72 274 27 373 REE CLOLIOS 2. sae eR ne eae oe Lo 17 21 3 41 CPIM Ts) 9] [021 <: ae eal aie era ie ee eer 25 61 1, 001 1, 087 ebio SHIMB 8). oe ee ok cee ee en 41 140 184 other Tow DOAts anc Skits... 5258.5 3-—. ee 496 649 162 1, 307 THEN LErSiHNG) SCOWS= Se =too 2 o aa ee eee eee eee eee 145 190 117 452 BEAHSADOALSS == ee owt a seen ee cee ee 12 4 29 45 PAIONIVED Rs oS o-oo Soe see ete eee eee 18 25 14 57 Me piers ete | So ee ee eS 2 5 ee 5 IPSN SCOW So cs a ee ee ee 19 (id Beene eae 25 Apparatus: PeeIECH GAUIGR Ie} 22 Job sooo) eee eee ee 189 48 3 240: NDS Se ne a SL Se Re Lo SES 34, 055 4, 900 675 39, 630 Beach seines-- 78 Fathoms_- 400 10, 160 100 10, 660 EUR Cs gE aie pee ep 157 1, 494 21, 282 2, 933 MECROMB LS 2 eee Sete ot 28 ee 12, 075 62, 925 112, 750 187, 750 Traps, driven 22 127 1 150 SneKAS NORTE masa a3 he Sebo eee Us see a econ 171 7) 1 eee ee 193 1 Kanakas, Puerto Ricans, etc. ; ; 2 Includes 268 stake nets of an average length of 25 fathoms each, used in the Bristol Bay area. 42 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Output and value of canned salmon in Alaska in 19382 * Southeast Alaska| Central Alaska | Western Alaska Total Product Cases | Value | Cases | Value | Cases | Value | Cases Value Coho, or silver: 14-pound flat__..-._--__- 3, 423} $21, 540) 19 $123 | Rs sateen eae 3, 442} $21, 663 I=pouUndihaten ss sees ens 1, 763 SS S15 | sate’ Ssh ke ok el ees oS eee 1, 763 8, 815 J=-poundspalle= 2-52 eee 81, 852} 334,789) 60,655) 244, 066 463} $1,882) 142,970) 580, 737 Motals zeke: 22. Sagea le 87,038] 365, 144 60, 674} 244, 189 463 1,882} 148,175) 611, 215 Chum, or keta: 14-pound flat____-.__--_- 624 2; ADB | haan nan] h ee een ie os ye 2 |e Da 624 2, 496 T=pounldl tall= seen ee 578, 819|1, 609, 799] 147,410] 408,523} 93, 703] 267,629) 819, 932) 2, 285, 951 PROTA ee eee eee 579, 443}1, 612, 295} 147,410} 408, 523 93, 703} 267,629} 820, 556] 2, 288, 447 Pink, or humpback: Buy 14-pound flat 6, 747| 31, 787 419 L878 | Saesessa|S2 == 7, 166 33, 665 J=-pounditallo==22 = s=ses 1, 372, 259|4, 331, 866) 723, 632)2, 238, 803 10, 088} 382, 628/2, 105, 979} 6, 603, 297 otal eae re ee 1, 379, 006/4, 363, 653} 724, 051/2, 240, 681 10, 088 32, 628/2, 118, 145; 6, 636, 962 King, or spring: 14-pound flat__....-.---- 509 4, 684 9,745} 73, 647 1, 459 11, 672 11, 713 90, 003 T=pound hap ee 2 2 ee 4, 691 27, 423 8, 121 61, 060 1, 988) 13, 062 14, 800) 101, 545 J=nounGiialiew eee 18, 424; 81, 800 14, 436 62, 029 10, 153) 48, 931 43, 013 187, 760 RO tae eee Sih Oe a 23, 624| 113, 907 32, 302} 196, 736 13, 600} 68, 665 69, 526} 379, 308 Red, or sockeye: | ae ; 16-pound flat___________- 14, 278) 110, 802! 33, 406} 278, 254 23 184 47, 707 389, 240 Iepound hate 4 13, 421 91, 263 54, 495] 353, 140 7,608} 47, 943 75,524] 492, 346 J-pPounaall=s-e noses 111, 243} 593,185] 572, 260/3, 039, 034|1, 296, 347|7, 286, 064/1, 979, 850/10, 918, 283 OTA See see ee ee 138, 942| 795, 250) 660, 1611/3, 670, 428]1, 303, 978|7, 334, 191/2, 103, 081)\11, 799, 869 Grand totale=22-_ pees 2, 208, 053]7, 250, 249}1, 624, 598/6, 760, 557|1, 421, 832/7, 704, 995|5, 254, 483/21, 715, 801 1 Cases containing /4-pound cans have been reduced one half in number, and thus, for the purpose of affording fair comparison, all are put upon the basis of forty-eight 1-pound cans to the case. Output of canned salmon in Alaska, in cases, 1927 to 1932 * BY SPECIES | Percent- age of in- sani crease or epee decrease Product 1927 | 1928 | 1929 | 1930 | 1931 | year | 1932 | 12 1982, ! as com- period, pared 1927-31 smiths year average Coho, or silver: W-POUNOth ste eee oS ke SER I eh na So \ BPA eee ec oem TA eee —100. 00 Pa=DOUN Gate ee 10, 105 13, 498 7, 880 18, 808 9, 962 12, 051 3,442] —71. 44 1EDOUNC Mapes. ne see 15, 047 5, 840 6, 730 5, 926 2, 902 7, 289 1, 763} —75. 81 pound tall 2% -- > eee. 227, 892] 279,285} 157,346) 307,317] 157,014! 225,771| 142,970) —36. 67 MOtAe hose eS 253, 044] 298, 623] 171,956] 332,422) 169,878] 245,185] 148,175) —39. 57 Chum, or keta: t Wee oto uh avo lisa (7) hey SON a 9, 414 5, 057 4, 961| 8, 3884 4, 242 6, 412 624| —90. 27 emotimdutiatess coe eee 1, 449 7M Nhat Sag SE || aU cit 35 298 sau = sees —100. 00 yoyeybbaco ly NU eens berks eee 496, 860} 990, 724) 859,551) 591,550} 529,579) 693,653} 819,932} -+-18. 20 OLB ew ee 507, 723} 995,785] 864,512} 599,934] 533, 856) 700,362) 820,556) -+17.16 1 The number of cases shown has been put upon the common basis of forty-eight 1-pound cans per case. ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES, 1932 43 Output of canned salmon in Alaska, in cases, 1927 to 1932—Continued BY SPECIES—Continued Percent- age of in- . crease or ae decrease Product 1927 | 1928 | 1929 | 1930 | 1931 | year | 1932 | i 1932, H period, arett 1927-31 DE with 5- year average Pink, or humpback: Menbtinin inte. set as. Shs ea ee Seas ee ae AAS aoe Sass | nt —100. 00 44-pound flat__...-....-_- 50, 455} 40, 473 44,762} 81,064 46, 524 52, 656 7,166} —86. 39 AeVOUM TAGs: oo econ 14, 662 6, 189 3, 910 4 867 4, 410 Bi 808 |= sae —100. 00 f-notirid tallies. fF. 1, 355, 658}2, 740, 580/2, 522, 985/3, 101, 490)2, 902, 926|2, 524, 728)2, 105,979) —16. 59 SRT as a 1, 420, 775|2, 787, 242/2, 571, 657/3, 188, 534/2, 953, 860|2, 584, 414)2, 113, 145} —18. 24 King, or spring: 14-pound flat-_-_-.------- 10, 528 11, 782 16, 320 17, 840 13, 208 13, 936 11,713} —15.95 J-pound. Hat... s-s6-—-- 11, 371 14, 854 26, 808 23, 686 16, 721 18, 688 14, 800} —20.80 P-penndstall--==2 5. 35... 48,492] 27,523) 28,979] 18,396) 21,938} 29,065 43, 013} +47.99 Totaly et see 70, 391 54, 159 72, 107 59,922) 51, 867 61,689} 69,526) +12.70 Red, or sockeye: Peapod) fates os ese ono sen I ee B70|peoee res (el eee —100. 00 44-pound flat__-...---.--- 88,874} 89,063) 100,136) 110,605) 58,178) 89,371 47,707| —46. 62 fnggnd abe. a — 5 S22. 57, 771 87,100) 75, 326 62,972| 41,002) 64, 834 75, 524) +16. 49 fenound tales ss ts ee 1, 173, 550}1, 771, 931]1, 514, 465; 677, 567/1, 595, 098)1, 346, 522/1, 979, 850) +47. 03 TNGRic eee we 1, 320, 195}1, 948, 094]1, 689,927} 851, 514/1, 694, 278]1, 500, 801/2, 103,081) +40. 13 rand totale. = 22. s.. 3, 572, 128/6, 083, 903/5, 370, 1595, 032, 326)5, 403, 739)5, 092, 451)5, 254, 483 +3. 18 BY DISTRICTS AND SPECIES Southeast Alaska: mee Ono; OL Silver_._------—- 114,970} 145,770} 97,847] 155,652) 88,455} 120,539) 87,038] —27.79 Ghuni or keta.- >. - 2 > 224, 433} 570,219} 290,797} 283,478] 274, 248) 328,635) 579,443) -+-76.32 Pink, or humpback- --_--- 588, 291/2, 142, 838}1, 542, 615}2, 309, 976|2, 013, 442)1, 719, 432)1, 379, 006) —19. 80 Wine, orspring---_-=--- 22 8, 031 5, 522 7, 000 6, 939 14, 896 8, 478 23, 624) +178. 65 Red, or sockeye-___------ 116, 468} 106,798) 162,952) 221,241) 147,895) 151,071) 138,942 —8. 03 Ln) a ee 1, 052, 193]2, 971, 147|2, 101, 211)2, 977, 286]2, 538, 936}2, 328, 155/2, 208, 053 —5.16 Central Alaska: Goho; or silver-—_--.-=.-- 138, 034} 152, 360 71, 330} 173,352) 81,331) 123, 281 60, 674) —50.78 Chum, or keta--.-------- 253,197) 377,857) 497,774] 284,751) 193,053} 321,327; 147,410) —54.12 Pink, or humpback ------ 817, 538} 643, 330/1, 025,652) 859,761} 940,418) 857,340) 724,051} —15. 55 Kanes or Spring: 222. 2.5... 43, 470 35, 036 35, 661 32, 060 27, 599 34, 765 32, 302 —7.08 Red, or sockeye---.------- 318, 864] 430,572) 454,086] 268,621} 439,153] 382,259) 660,161) +72.7 Motave:? seey te ie sees 1, 571, 103)1, 639, 155}2, 084, 503}1, 618, 545]1, 681, 554/1, 718, 972|1, 624, 598 —5. 49 Western Alaska: @ohovarisilwers.+,<.--—- 40 493 2,779 3, 418 92 1, 364 463| —66. 06 Chum, or keta-...------- 30, 093 47, 709 75, 941 31, 705 66, 555 50, 401 93, 703} +85. 91 Pink, or humpback--_----- 14, 946 1, 074 Spel, ISevOTs sess re 7,641) 10,088} +32. 02 Fetnips or sprigs. sect 18, 890 13, 601 29, 446} 20, 923 9, 372 18, 446 13, 600} —26. 27 Red, or sockeye-_-------- 884, 863/1, 410, 724]1, 072, 889} 361, 652/1, 107, 230) 967, 472)1, 303,978) -+-34. 7: LNG SS ee eee Soe 948, 832]1, 473, 601/1, 184, 445) 436, 495}1, 183, 249]1, 045, 324/1, 421, 832) +36. 02 44 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Relative importance of each species of canned salmon within each district im 1932 District Coho | Chum | Pink | King | Red pea Percent | Percent | Percent | Percent | Percent | Percent 3 Southeast Alaska. oo see. 22 J ee ‘ 26. 2 62.5 a 6.3 100.0 Central Alaska-_--- 3.7 9.1 44.6 2.0 40. 6 100.0 Westommalaska=sn. 1) ee 2.8 ee ee eee e566 ant 1.0 pays 100.0 ATIVAN ASK ow. ieee bet os 3 SES Eee ed 2.8 15.6 40. 2 1.3 40.1 100.0 Relative importance of each district in the production Of each species of salmon canned in 1932 District Coho Chum Pink King Red gic i Percent | Percent | Percent | Percent | Percent | Percen Southeast Alaska 58. 7 70.6 65. 2 34.0 6.6 42.0 Central Alaska: 2a ue: 41.0 18.0 34.3 46.4 31.4 30.9 Wester Alaska. S03= ee. 2 ee eee! 4133 11.4 ati) 19.6 62.0 Pi fess 50 HN TeR = en B n 100. 0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Average annual price per case of forty-eight 1-pound cans of salmon, 1922 to 1932 Product 1922 | 1923 | 1924} 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 | 1931 | 1932 Coho vor silvers eee $5. 47 |$5. 74 |$6.83 | $9.72 | $8.40 | $8.51 | $7.12 | $7.59 | $8.26 |$6. 51 | $4.12 Chnmiforketae se oe 3.98 | 4.65 | 4.68} 4.44] 5.01] 5.47] 6.06| 5.35] 3.60] 3.19! 2.79 Pink, or humpback-----__-_- 4.34 | 4.86 | 4.93 5. 28 5.39 5. 87 6. 56 6. 06 4.17 | 3.46] 3.14 King onspringe. 2 soe 8.08 | 8.56 | 8.89 | 11.91 | 10.37 | 11.25 | 11.13 | 11.92 | 13.32 | 9.40 5. 46 Regs or sockeye-s2-2 nese ee Oa ON2 1a) OL oonl ose 9,89 | 12.08 9.41 | 10.71 | 12.57 | 9.20) 5.61 PACK IN CERTAIN DISTRICTS Statistics of the salmon pack are again presented for subdivisions of the three main districts of Alaska, and comparison is made with similar statistics for 1931. Where the pack at a given cannery is made up of fish from more than one district, as in the case of that at certain Cordova canneries which pack fish caught both in Prince William Sound and in the Copper River area or at various plants in southeastern Alaska which draw for their supply on the catch of more than one district, due segregation has been made in order to credit each district with the pack from salmon caught therein. These districts are described as follows: WESTERN ALASKA Bristol Bay.—The Bering Sea shore, east and north of the Ugashik River. Port Moller and Herendeen Bay—Port Moller, Herendeen Bay, and Nelson Lagoon. CENTRAL ALASKA Ikatan-Shumagin Islands.—¥False Pass, Ikatan Bay, King Cove, and the Shumagin Islands. Chignik.—Canneries located at Chignik. Kodiak-Afognak Islands.—Kodiak, Spruce, and Raspberry Islands. ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES, 1932 45 Cook Inlet—The shores of Cook Inlet. Prince William Sound.—Extends from Resurrection Bay to Point Whitshed. Copper and Bering Rivers.—Extends from Point Whitshed to Bering River. SOUTHBASTERN ALASKA Yakutat and Dry Bay.—Extends from Yakutat Bay to and including Dry Bay. Icey Strait-Lynn Canal.—West coast of Baranof and Chichagof Islands, the shores of Cross Sound. Icy Strait, Lynn Canal, and Stephens Passage, south to Taku Harbor. Chatham Strait-Frederick Sound.—Both shores of Chatham Strait and its bays from Point Augusta to Cape Ommaney, and through Frederick Sound and its bays northward to Taku Harbor, including Kake. Sumner Strait-Dizon Entrance.——Extends southward from Petersburg and eastward from Port Beauclere to Cape Chacon and Dixon Entrance, and in- cludes all canneries on the mainland and intervening islands from the Stikine River to Portland Canal. West coast, Prince of Wales Island,—Territory west and south of a line from Cape Chacon to Point Baker and Cape Ommaney. Pack of canned salmon in Alaska in 1932, by districts * | Per- centage of in- District Coho | Chum | Pink | King Red Total a ae ; crease from 1931 Cases Cases Cases Cases Cases Cases LSTa S|) 2123.17 (ae Anan al de a ar a 463 88, 206 10, O88 | 12,778 |1, 225, 618 }1, 337, 153 | +19. 43 Port Moller and Herendeen Bay_-----|____----- 5 497 822 78, 360 84,679 | +33.11 Ikatan-Shumagin Islands____--------- 9,774 | 79,732} 194,537 | 4,398 | 238,758 | 527,199 | +59. 53 OU Sr iq Se a ee oer 2, 898 4,917 43, 839 142 153; 114 204, 907 |+135. 19 Kodiak-Afognak Islands___-__-_------- 4, 541 23, 135 254, 760 473 84,908 | 367,817 | —36. 28 ORT SIE) aes ls ae eee 32, 6385 6, 317 23, 806 | 17,912 87, 932 168, 602 | +21. 88 Prince William Sound_____- -| 10,826 33, 309 207, 109 1, 370 26, 659 279, 273 | —40. 01 Apter AnueBerine th Vers: =os-- = leaeoe eee a 8, 007 68, 793 76,800 | —7.27 Yakutat and Dry Bay_-__- 17, 870 362 ed 4, 909 21,175 52,033 | —22.10 Icy Strait-Lynn Canal____ --| 22,085 | 182, 765 238, 281 5, 829 54,540 | 503,500 | —15. 86 Chatham Strait-Frederick Sound____- 16, 773 | 114,336 | 231,184] 1,037 10, 562 | 373,892 | —37.73 Sumner Strait-Dixon Entrance_-___-_- 21,197 | 170,540 | 709, 494 295 36,166 | 937,692 | +9.97 West coast, Prince of Wales Island__-} 9,113 } 111,440 | 192,330 | 11, 554 16,499 | 340,936 | —18.95 NG) 4 | eh 23 23 Oven OL) 7] e2) (eee GSE eS A ee be 2 eS PASSES oe eee ee eee 4 18 67 89 SPD ES SOULS SES CCT aR fa ESAS TR aS eset eae | | 2 ae (I $3, 250 $3, 250 OPERATING UNITS Plants: RRR ee ee oe ee ee 2 ll 4 17 Floating: SSPE SVOSSO ee es ete Ee ce ee en pee |e a ee | aL 1 1 TRI RE) Fah Dra 502 (22) sees pe ap en eS Ih ee ae gas a (DO ME aa | oe LE 496 496 Total plants operabedies 2 ho. A Ae oat ee. 2 11 5 18 Vessels: Power, over 5 tons 1 2 4 v 6 62 76 Launches 3 3 6 Power dories 5 1 6 Gill-net boats 1 5 6 Seine skiffs Shad = ant 5 Rowboats 3 3 iG SPE ATRUCESS RETO (SCO) WY See ee ae te ae se A nee St ee ae 1 1 2 Apparatus: LEER TV Sn oie ee es ee ee eee |e P| eee oR oem 74 Veins Gira tephe se Sa Se ee ey ees Skee eee ee eee aS Fe] bs Ay Re 165 Beach seines® S22 ame 2 2 Sees A Ber ow” eek Re be A eee Bis | 28 setae 6 JCB y AC jeis 3 Mile SOU Y Oe BN eee DR ss Fee ee ie | ee ee >.) fal CE ae 8 eS 295 CHS Gis 2 ES oe OS CE ee ee eee eee ee 1 5 33 39 LP TGT OS) a- Roe S ee Foe Bae oe es ee a ee ee 50 180 1, 120 1, 350 Visite Cae Ss ee 7 pie Boos Pe Sire ha eek eee ere) 248 a 8 tee a eee ee ee z Products of Alaska salmon-pickling industry in 1932 Southeast Alaska| Central Alaska | Western Alaska Total Species : Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value Coho, or silver 13, 200 $700 1, 825 $214 800 $32 15, 825 $946 BUH Iy Ol) ROCA ese strates seek LAE dae gee Ns Ee See eee 17, 585 678 | 17, 585 678 DANI OUND ACK ser sont | Scneh ea s|t 22s ee |---| ee 1, 800 72 1, 800 72 er OIESIEITIP ne oe ee its ee 37 hee Se 1, 650 224 24,750 | 2,323 26, 400 2, 547 Red, or sockeye__.-._._-_-_-_- 3, 000 240: 113,800] 7,471 127,000 | 8,675 | 243, 800 16, 386 S| cr Sa Re Se a 16, 200 940 117, 275 7, 909 171,935 | 11,780 | 305,410 | 20, 629 48 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES FRESH SALMON The fresh-salmon business was largely incidental to the mild cur- ing of salmon and was carried on only in southeast Alaska. ‘Two dealers, whose chief product was fresh salmon, gave employment to 6 white shoresmen. The output consisted of 1,091 259 pounds of kings valued at $70,415 and 4,554 pounds of cohos valued at $159, a total of 1 095,913 pounds valued at $70,574, against 768,619 pounds valued at $55,918 in 1931—an increase of approximately 43 percent in quantity and 26 percent in value. The foregoing figures do not include the fresh salmon sold to hali- but boats for bait, which is shown under miscellanecus salmon products. FREEZING The production of frozen salmon was incidental to other fishery activities in southeast Alaska, where 6 cold-storage plants are lo- eated. Two companies whose chief output was frozen salmon gave employment to 20 white shoresmen. No production of salmon fil- lets was reported this season. The total output of frozen salmon in 1982 was 6,116,921 pounds valued at $226,204, as compared with 6,182,917 pounds valued at $411,815 in 1931. Products of the frozen-salmon industry in 1932 Species Pounds Value Species Pounds Value @ohoorsilver--22— eae 3, 883, 223 | $131,000 || Red, or sockeye- ----------- 400 Chim or ketasss see ee 247, 909 5, 300 SS Pink, or humpback-__-_------ 54, 670 547 Novalis tee ee 6, 116, 921 226, 204 Kang orspring-— 2-22 = eee 1, 930, 719 89, 345 DRIED, SMOKED, AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS SALMON PRODUCTS A few cases of smoked salmon packed in oil were prepared in southeast and central Alaska, and small quantities of kippered and dried salmon were reported also from the latter district, all of which production was incidental to other fishery operations. The sale of salmon to halibut boats for bait was reported by a number of oper- ators, chiefly in southeast Alaska. In the fishery of the Yukon, Tanana, and Kuskokwim Rivers, which is carried on principally by natives, 2,390,000 pounds of chum salmon were dried, valued at $96, 258, and 2,064 pounds of canned smoked salmon were _prepared, valued at $430. In this western district 11 whites and 670 natives engaged in the fishery, and the apparatus used consisted of 281 wheels, 578 gill nets of 8,276 fathoms, and 50 rowboats and skiffs. ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES, 1932 49 Production of dried, smoked, and other miscellaneous salmon products in Alaska in 1982 Southeast Alaska} Central Alaska | ‘Western Alaska Total Products : Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value Dried: MONO 7 Gl: SUVOloe = ee aa ae eae ce, 250 CVE; Hl WB el a 250 $13 COLT ee Rae gy cc) (RES a aS el |e eee 225 10 |2, 390, 000 |$96, 258 |2, 390,225 | 96, 268 PIES OEM NRGKS vo oe eee SESS Be o> = 95 PA ape nt Se 95 ) AEN aS eS eee Pee see eae eee 570 25 |2,390, 000 | 96, 258 |2,390,570 | 96, 283 Kippered. sing, orspring=_26| = 2-52. |e nee 200 CLE ae ene pe a a 200 60 Smoked and packed in oil: anes or spring ==-=2==2=== 1, 440 $288 1, 536 640 2, 064 430 5, 040 1, 358 Fresh, for bait: Chum, or keta-:-.=---==- 76, 400 DY (il eee ee eee See ree Ee eee 76, 400 170 Pink, or humpback- ----- 32, 500 160 7, 600 US. |[soaeee eases tee ee 40, 100 198 AWE) 2 (WS eae 2 oe eee 108, 900 330 7, 600 1) feet i cs" a 116, 500 368 Frozen, for bait: Pink, or humpback------ 50, 000 ZOO |e Lo Set he et Poe ea ee 50, 000 200 Crank totslegs 2 ==. 2-—— 160, 340 818 9, 906 763 |2, 392, 064 | 96,688 |2, 562,310 | 98, 269 BYPRODUCTS One plant in southeast Alaska prepared salmon byproducts, giv- ing employment to 12 white shoresmen, and two salmon canneries in central Alaska manufactured salmon oil and fertilizer as an adjunct to their canning operations. The total production was 847,285 pounds of fertilizer, valued at $11,060, and 39,821 gallons of oil, valued at $5,770; as compared with 1,585,288 pounds of fertilizer, valued at $29,094, and 54,980 gallons of oil, valued at $12,312, in 1931—a decrease of about 47 percent in the amount of fertilizer and 28 percent in the quantity of oil. HERRING An outstanding feature of the herring fishery of Alaska in 1932 was the abundance of fish in the Kodiak area, which yielded by far the largest output of Scotch-cured herring of any Alaska district. The Prince William Sound area likewise increased its production over the preceding year, showing a substantial gain in the output both of pickled herring and of meal and oil, although but two plants were in operation during the season. In southeast Alaska the out- put was somewhat larger than in 1931, but there was a sharp de- crease in western Alaska, where the herring were less plentiful and of smaller size than in former years. The herring industry, like other branches of the fisheries, was affected by the prevailing low prices, and notwithstanding the gain in volume of production, the total value of the products was considerably lower than in 1931. The floating plant Donna Lane, formerly owned by the Utopian Fisheries, Inc., and the Rosamond, which had belonged to the North American Fisheries, were operated in the Kodiak-Afognak district by new companies, the Oceanic Fisheries, Inc., and San Marco Fish 50 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Co., respectively. A number of small floating plants also were oper- ated in various localities. In southeast Alaska 18 concerns handled herring in 1932, a de- crease of 2 from the number engaged in the previous year. Of these, 4 were cold-storage plants handling frozen herring for bait and 8 operated pounds to provide fresh bait herring to the halibut fleet. Five concerns engaged in the saltery and reduction business, as. follows: ATEMESeTIO Cs COn- = see ae SAPS =. = ORR ees See ek ___. Big Port Walter. Buchanec- teinenweackine Oo ee= aes eae se eee Port Armstrong. NorttihwesternMiverrimncn © 0m ras. = ee BE eee ea es Port Conclusion. Bork Walter mElerninegs: Packing \Cos== saus— Saye ees Saginaw Bay. Storfold & Grondahl Packing Co____ eh ae ez Washington Bay. Thirteen concerns engaged in the herring fishery in central Alaska in 1932. The operations of 1 company were incidental to clam canning, 1 firm handled only herring for bait, 2 produced pickled herring and by-products, and 9 engaged only in saltery operations. The more important operators in the district were as follows: Salteries: DING G; 5S Mk ENTS Oa, 3 Sat IE Pg a ie Mh Wa ede Kodiak. Davide Buvack= ss ss LUSCH? SATA __. Shuyak Strait. JOHNSON SMISHEMeS 1} WOzss Sole, ek Ih ra ieee Port Williams. Kodiak Herring Co. (floating plant) —-__-_____ Kodiak-Afognak district. INESSHEISh ConGn ovens pl anit) ee Malina Bay. Oceanic Fisheries, Ine. (floating plant) __-__-___ Kodiak-Afognak district. CMATIES AVE HE ayy ONVVEN IT eA Ng ee Raspberry Island. San Marco Fish Co. (floating plant) —~----_--__ Amee Bay. Charles, Ii, Hy; Svendsenk 22 fi Saeed eo eee Shuyak Island. Saltery and reduction plants: CUaGh aie CAG HIS nC (meses arse eee eee eae Crab Bay. RortsBbennyePackinge Coss sas as al eget eet Evans Bay. The chief operators in the western district were the following, all of whom prepared Scotch-cured herring: IATISENSS Ge ROC ae a oe ees ee a ee Unalaska. Campbell & Dougal____-__-~_~__ belles 2 aR a Ne fled Dutch Harbor. JOrdanitColumibuS she=s Ces Sar Le ee eee hie eee eee Do. Andrew. Conrag! Swit wes eee > ig eh ce ne jn REE AEP Golovin Bay. Golovaniels aye akan oa © (eae eee ee Do. WawiacobsentaCo 2 4 Sasso kk eet Ek ES es Dutch Harbor. He iKkTuse > (loatine plant) Ses et eee See ee ae Do. INoxrthwesterny lerrina (OG2. 22 2 eee eee Akutan. OlatOlsenk ce 4 2 ee Win sw Foy Ble ee ee Ps Dutch Harbor. Biological studies of the Alaska herring were continued by Dr. George A. Rounsefell and two assistants in southeast Alaska. STATISTICAL SUMMARY Eight hundred and nineteen persons engaged in the Alaska her- ring industry in 1932, as compared with 730 in 1931. The number of plants decreased from 29 to 27. Products of the fishery were valued at $1,173,158, a decrease of $54,738, or approximately 4 per- cent, from 1931, when the total value was $1,227,896. Scotch-cured herring increased from 8,011,050 pounds in 1931 to 12,793,225, or about 60 percent. Herring for bait decreased from 7,607,797 pounds to 6,486,815 pounds, or about 15 percent; meal increased about 21 ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES, 1932 ol percent in quantity, but decreased approximately 16 percent in value; and oil increased about 16 percent in quantity but decreased 32 per- cent in value. Persons engaged, wages paid, and operating units, Alaska herring industry, 1932 Southeast} Central | Western Item Alaska | Alaska | Alaska Total PERSONS ENGAGED 109 32 343 18 20 44 127 52 387 173 20 347 16 61 in 189 81 424 BREN MEDALS RV KILOS) os oh Oe es 8 Be |e 2 6 8 Srpamautovale . acetone Boo Stee ck an dees eee 362 318 139 819 Wages paid shoresmen2_o—- ~~ 1220 242-2 heck $63, 882 | $63,401 | $11,216 | $138, 499 PV ReesM AIO UTALSDOLLONS 5 nn = sean ee een eee $1, 000 $2, 717 $3, 717 OPERATING UNITS Plants: PIOED = bere es ARP EEA EEE ED eee eet eet eee 5 7 10 22 Floating— PO WOnRVeESSEIS 6 etter nanos te ees OA PAL CLL SES LT beh ee eee 3 1 4 AGinionTip roe Rabe ree eek SNL Lie ea ea 1, 556 65 1, 621 RARE OSSO les = aan en ee Es nae enone | kee oe ce Va as ea ee 1 Net tonnage------.------- PET Sey 2 eh ee ea ae OB De a ees te 985 iotalplants operated +2. 225-3. 2 ese Be 5 lL ll 27 Vessels: IP RTAn. OVE MOUS. 2. oben eee se pe ee oe Soke ee 34 21 2 a4 CSE real 10.20 2 11 2 le. a a Gl th a ee 997 485 36 1,518 pPtiTiGhes= 9425 Sesser rere eee 88k pee Soop tt 2 1 6 9 IeGwer domes: = 2522252. =ho- eb 2 ee es Si eae 2 oe [ee Coe A a ee 2 2 AGTH net boais=—2 — -£2 3. “2st ee Stats ee Se EE Ee) ec ee ses 8 8 8 SiR) ali CSS ees SS ee Soe eee ae. pee eae 24 10 1 35 MOGHOErOMDOAUS AUG SKINS: <2 sos) ese eens eee eae 19 10 19 48 azighvers and SCOWS ee ce se) eee a Ce ees et Qi] sbes. Frees ee Deh Ee 2 PAD GECh 2) Se ne ee a ee ek eee ee eee uf ba (ee 2 Apparatus: Purse seines 50 Fathoms 7, 984 Gill nets_-_----- 88 Fathoms 2, 480 Pound seines 26 17-(0) 91213 Fee, See ees SE aie Le es eee ee eee 20 Products of Alaska herring industry in 1932 Southeast Alaska |} Central Alaska | Western Alaska Total Item Pounds | Value! Pounds | Value} Pounds| Value| Pounds | Value Hresh, for bait 22:!s222s42-=-- 2, 806, 210/$25, 490) 993, 000) $7, 956/_-_-__---|__--__- 3, 799, 210} $33, 446 Mrevenyior DAIL. 22 fe DROS 1; DUO TL 4: 400) oa. = sa oe eee ee Se 2, 687,605; 14, 496 Pickled, for food: Scotch cure._| 2, 680, 825}127, 698) 8, 342, 150/400, 532|1, 770, 250/$90, 650} 12, 793, 225) 618, 880 OnseGHor 1000) (DIOALEY, SLOCK,) |= 2552 * 3.4.5 pa eno oo a eel eee 422, 900) 14, 520 422,900} 14, 520 Riiconderee ee ee ee ee 1, 200 200. 28 aS SRS ne | eae el eee 1, 200 200 UERIRG Sen ee es a cee EE weet elG 25 2322 See 145, 470) 5, O91 145, 470 5, 091 1G: ee oS Se eee 15, 298, 179}183, 898) 3, 920, 300) 46, 008)_......._}______- 19, 218, 479} 229, 906 COLNE pee Ss sO ys See eee Ty 115, 432, 713/211, 818]? 3, 360, 105) 44, 801}___.___-_|.--___- 318, 792,818} 256, 619 1 2,057,695 gallons. 2 448,014 gallons. 3 2,505,709 gallons. 52 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES HALIBUT Anticipating continued unsettled market conditions, members of the Fishing Vessel Owners Association at the beginning of the 1932 season adopted a system of voluntary curtailment of fishing effort in an attempt to stabilize prices at levels that would permit the oper- ation of their vessels at a reasonable profit and at the same time pre- vent the building up early in the year of large stocks of frozen halibut to become a detriment to the fresh-halibut market as the sea- son advanced. The restrictive measures were stringent, calling for a number of lay-off periods aggregating about 2 months for each vessel in the association. As these measures were well supported, their object would probably have been attained but for the unforeseen abundance of halibut on the fishing grounds. Notwithstanding the curtailed operations, the catches were larger than in 1931 and the prices were the lowest recorded for many years. The amount landed at Alaska ports, however, showed a sharp decline, as the bulk of the catch was transported direct to Seattle from the fishing banks. Halibut livers became an important source of revenue to the fisher- men in 1932, in some instances providing the only profit gained on a fishing trip. Several large pharmaceutical concerns purchased the livers through halibut buyers in Alaska and Pacific coast ports. The International Fisheries Commission, under the direction of Dr. William F. Thompson, continued the life-history studies of the Pacific halibut. The Canadian vessel Zapora was chartered by the commission to transport its staff of scientific investigators to points along the British Columbia and Alaska coasts, where collections of halibut eggs and larvee were made and investigations of the general trend of the fishery were carried on. Important regulations were promulgated by the commission, effective February 13, 1932, dividing the waters into four areas, limiting the catch in specified areas, and requiring that all registered vessels engaged in halibut fishing should be licensed by the commission and should make statistical report thereto. In the Alaska fishery statistics are included only the output and operating units of the Alaska fleet, which comprises all American vessels landing more than one half of their catch in Alaska or British Columbia ports rather than in the States. There were 459 persons engaged in the industry in 1932, as compared with 946 in the preced- ing year, and the products totaled 13,552,296 pounds, valued at $493,052. Landings of halibut in Alaska totaled 4,562,988 pounds, valued at $134,652. In 1931 the landings of the Alaska fleet were 90,425,633 pounds, valued at $1,352,687, while landings in Alaska totaled 9,626,118 pounds, valued at $608,480. Thus the decrease in fares of the Alaska fleet was 6,873,337 pounds, or approximately 34 percent in quantity and 64 percent in value, while landings at Alaska ports decreased 5,063,130 pounds, or about 53 percent in quantity and 78 percent in value from the preceding year. These statistics are compiled from data collected by the Interna- tional Fisheries Commission and by Bureau agents. The amount of halibut livers landed by the Alaska fleet was not reported, but it was stated that there were altogether about 500,000 pounds of halibut livers, valued at about $60,000, landed at Alaska and Pacific coast ports during 1932 by American vessels. ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES, 1932 53 Persons engaged, wages paid, and operating uniis, Alaska halibut industry, 1932 Items Total Items Total PERSONS ENGAGED OPERATING UNITS Vessels: RR erenen UN tess .fe. ea SL! 452 Power, over 5 tons------ = a ee 78 Bhoresmen:’ Whites. .22_ -.- 25° 222222. 28 7 qNentonnaree sf 2-2 --=_ ee 1, 490 ——_-— Toy wie lel es ee Se oe eee 19 be) oS ee pee se ea 459 Dia ee aS eee ees 78 : =— Siratesion livtess 22 fa ese eee 2, 318 Wag s paid shoresmen-.----------------- $1, 432 Products of the Alaska halibut fishery in 1982 Southeast Alaska Central Alaska Total Products Pounds Value Pounds | Value Pounds Value Fresh (including local) -__------------- 11, 478, 568 | $427, 181 13, 933 $945 | 11, 492, 501 $428, 126 NST ee a Se ee ee oe ae 2, 051, 795 64, 366 8, 000 560 2, 059, 795 64, 926 PPopaleyetes so 2. tease ate eek 13, 530, 363 491, 547 21, 933 1, 505 | 13, 552, 296 493, 052 coD Cod-fishing operations from shore stations in Alaska have been comparatively unimportant for several years and in 1932 they were still further curtailed. Only 24 persons (15 whites and 9 natives) were reported engaged.in the industry, a decrease of 23 from the number employed in 1931. About one half of these operators were in the Shumagin Islands region, a few were located at Squaw Har- bor and Unalaska, and the remainder belonged to a native commu- nity enterprise at Nikolski. Products of the fishery were as follows: 146,345 pounds of dry-salted cod, valued at $3,471; 31,018 pounds of pickled cod, valued at $924; 19,600 pounds of stockfish, valued at $1,143; and 300 pounds of tongues, valued at $45—a total of 197,263 pounds, valued at $5,583, as compared with 414,898 pounds, valued at $23,650 in 1931. In addition to the foregoing, cod fishing was carried on as hereto- fore in Bering Sea by an offshore fleet, the products of which are not included with the Alaska fisheries output because the vessels operate from and land their fares in ports of the Pacific Coast States. The Wawona (413 tons) was again used by the Robinson Fisheries Co., the Sophie Christenson (570 tons) was operated in place of the C. A. Thayer that had been used in 1931 by the Pacific Coast Codfish Co., and the Zowise (328 tons), Beulah (339 tons), and William H. Smith (496 tons) were operated by the Union Fish Co. The halibut vessels Dorothy and Helgeland also were engaged in the cod fishery for part of the season. Products of the offshore fishery were 3,639,255 pounds of dry-salted cod, valued at $127,862, and 6,400 pounds of tongues, valued at $96, a total of 3,645,655 pounds, valued at $127,458, as compared with 3,352,011 pounds, valued at $220,129 in 1931. The offshore fishery employed 135 persons, or 12 less than in the previous year. 54 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES WHALES Only one whaling station—that of the American Pacific Whaling Co. at Port Hobron—was operated in Alaska in 1932. Four steam whalers were used, and employment was given to 107 whites and 7 natives. Two hundred and seventy whales were taken, of which 60 were finbacks, 128 humpbacks, 78 sulphur bottoms, 2 sperm, and 2 right whales. The products of the whale fishery were 736,011 gallons of whale oil, valued at $76,379; 7,208 gallons of sperm oil, valued at $884; 722 tons of fertilizer from meat, valued at $9,025; and 323 tons of bone fertilizer, valued at $4,845, a total value of products of $91,138. CLAMS In 1932, as in the previous year, the clam industry was less affected by falling commodity prices than were other branches of the Alaska fisheries, and the pack of clams increased considerably. Several new operators entered the field, the most important of which were the Strand-Jensen Fisheries Co., of Cordova, and the North Pacific Packing Co., Inc., of Seldovia. Although some packing was done at Aniakchak and on Cook Inlet, where operations had not been carried on for a number of years, and although there was a good production from the Kodiak district, particularly from the mainland shores from Kukak Bay to Snug Harbor, the bulk of the output came from the long-established beaches in the vicinity of Cordova. In the last-named region digging was so intensive that it became necessary to close the season June 25, instead of July 15, in order to prevent depletion. Employment was given to 697 persons, of whom 572 were whites, 109 natives, 12 Japanese, and 4 Filipinos. The output consisted of 71,395 cases, containing 1,756,776 pounds (1,754,472 pounds of razor clams and 2,304 pounds of butter clams), and 100 dozen clams in the shell, with a total value of $447,368. Of the canned product, 1,185,042 pounds were from the vicinity of Cordova, 316,770 pounds from the Kodiak district, 241.536 pounds from Cook Inlet, 12,948 pounds from Aniakchak, and 480 pounds from southeast Alaska. The total out- put shows an increase of about 59 percent in quantity and 43 percent in value above that for 1931, when clam products amounted to 1,108,002 pounds, valued at $312,457. Products of the Alaska clam industry in 1932 Item Cases Pounds Value Minced: A-OUnCe:Cans)\(48 tO Case)! a-sere sree eheeers ee ee ee ee 100 1, 200 $780 PAnoundicans! (48 itorcase) is oct eee) Ses eee ee de ee 66, 929 1, 606, 296 412, 392 L0-olince cans (48 tOvease) sa. 22a a Be ees pe ee 3, 066 91, 980 22, 382 12-ounceicans (48 ito ease)s_ 2 SF ee tee es Eee en ee 137 4, 932 1, 096 Lapound) cans (48 t0/CAase)- est eae ee ae een eee Ee 152 7, 296 1, 064 Whole: Ja-pound ‘cans (48 torcase))s2 225-22 Peers eee Ree Se eae ee 144 3, 456 1, 483 I=nound cans, (48 to\case) -uitsee. see ee ee oe ee eee 867 41, 616 8,171 sOUALE eee so een ee eee a. ee ee 71, 395 1, 756, 776 447, 318 Hroshysinishelll looidozents - «2.28 ae 6S ee Ee a ae a ee 240 50 Grandtiotalet 222. 8 ke ee EOE EES Pee seer eee ee 1, 757, 016 447, 368 ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES, 1932 55 SHRIMP One new concern—the Stikine Sea Food Co., at Wrangell—in addition to the two that operated during the previous year, engaged in the shrimp industry in southeastern Alaska in 1932. The Northern Sea Food Co. again produced a small quantity of shrimp meat at Cordova, in central Alaska, where operations are still in the experi- mental stage. The number of persons employed in the industry was 133, of whom 24 were whites, 76 natives, 1 Chinese, 18 Japanese, 10 Filipinos, and 4 Mexicans. Products consisted of 299,486 pounds of shrimp meat, valued at $113,903, and 2,350 pounds of fresh shrimp in shell, valued at $233, a total of 301,786 pounds, valued at $114,136. Comparable figures for 1931 show a production of 460,050 pounds, valued at $184,447. CRABS In southeastern Alaska crab products were prepared by the North- ern Sea Food Co. at Petersburg, by the Stikine Sea Food Co., which was engaged primarily in the shrimp industry, at Wrangell, and by O. H. Wood at Hoonah. Those that handled crabs in central Alaska were the Alaska Sea Products, Inc., the Northern Sea Food Co., and Ed Pfister, all at Cordova. Employment was given to 87 whites, 11 natives, 4 Filipinos, and 1 Mexican. Products consisted of 66,453 pounds of cold-packed meat, valued at $16,744; 1,106 dozen crabs in the shell, valued at $1,098; and 223,536 pounds canned (760 cases of 1-pound cans and 7,794 cases of 14-pound cans, 48 cans to the case), valued at $73,112. The total value of products in 1932 was $90,954, as compared with $42,066 in 1931, an increase of 116 percent. JAPANESE VESSELS IN BERING SEA For the third successive season the catching and canning of spider crabs was carried on in Bering Sea by Japanese interests. In 1932, as in the previous year, the floating cannery Nagato Maru was en- gaged in the industry, operating off the north coast of the Alaska Peninsula from the vicinity of Amak Island to Port Moller, and well outside the Territorial waters of Alaska, for a period of about 4 months, beginning in the early part of May. Two auxiliary motor vessels, the Kasuga Marw and Ise Maru, both of less than 50 tons, accompanied the cannery ship, and 10 small fishing boats were used to work the crab nets. The Nagato Maru carried a crew of about 45 men and about 400 persons employed in the fishing and canning operations. It was reported that about 9,000 crabs were caught daily and that the total pack during the season was about 33,000 cases (ninety-six 14-pound cans to the case). The supply ship Seiten Maru visited the vessel from the 18th to the 20th of June, delivering various supplies and taking aboard a cargo of the crab catch for transportation to Japan. TROUT A negligible amount of trout was reported by commercial fishery operators in Alaska in 1932. The output in the southeastern dis- 56 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES trict was prepared by companies engaged primarily in other lines, while in central Alaska three operators handled fresh and frozen trout, giving employment to six white fishermen. The products from both districts were as follows: Dolly Vardens, 4,582 pounds fresh, valued at $458, and 5,922 pounds frozen, valued at $360; steelheads, 594 pounds frozen, valued at $7, and 26 cases (1,248 pounds) canned, valued at $117. The total production of both species was 12,346 pounds, valued at $942, as against 87,530 pounds valued at $7,202 in 1931. MISCELLANEOUS FISHERY PRODUCTS Several species of fish of minor commercial importance are taken in small quantities, chiefly in connection with the halibut fishery, and are landed at ports of Alaska and British Columbia and at Seattle. Such products landed in Alaska in 1932 were as follows: Sablefish, 43,705 pounds fresh, valued at $1,281, 12,240 pounds frozen, valued at $192, and 30,774 pounds pickled, valued at $905; rockfishes, 762 pounds, fresh, valued at $18, and 2,000 pounds frozen, valued at $30; and smelt, 5,100 pounds fresh, valued at $357. The last-named prod- uct was from central Alaska and the others were from the south- eastern district. FUR-SEAL INDUSTRY PRIBILOF ISLANDS GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE WORK In the calendar year 1932, 49,336 fur-seal skins were taken on the Pribilof Islands, of which 39,490 were from St. Paul Island and 9,846 from St. George Island. On St. Paul Island 32,029 sealskins were blubbered in the course of curing operations. The killings were confined as far as possible to 3-year-old male seals, and an ade- quate number of these animals was reserved in order to provide for the future breeding stock. Attention was given to the management of a herd of blue foxes on both St. Paul and St. George Islands, and in the 1932-33 season 1,148 pelts were obtained. Work was continued on the construction of a community house and Government house on St. Paul Island and of additional build- ings needed for the proper conduct of the sealing industry. Some extension of improved roads was made, which will expedite the transportation of sealskins from the killing grounds to the villages for curing and packing. The Navy Department detailed the U.S.S. Szrius to transport the general supplies for the Pribilof Islands and to bring out the season’s take of sealskins on the return trip to Seattle. Smaller quantities of freight were transported between Seattle and the islands by the Bureau’s power vessel Penguin. The U.S. Coast Guard maintained a patrol in Bering Sea and other waters of the North Pacific for the protection of the Pribilof Islands fur-seal herd. Two vessels of the Bureau participated in this work during the spring migration of the herd, and two others, while policing the region, made investigations regarding the reestab- lishment of the sea otter in Alaskan waters. ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES, 1932 57 Two public auction sales of sealskins were held in 1932, from the proceeds of which payment was made, as heretofore, to the Canadian and Japanese Governments of their respective shares under the pro- visions of the fur-seal treaty. The United States’ share of fur-seal skins taken by the Japanese Government in 1932 was received at St. Louis in December. “TRANSPORTATION OF SUPPLIES Through the cooperation of the Navy Department, the U.S.S. Sirius transported the major portion of the general supplies required for the Pribilof Islands. The vessel sailed from Seattle on July 22, with 1,045 tons of general supplies, 1,365 tons of coal, 109,605 board feet of lumber, 27,000 shingles, and 5 passengers for the Bureau, and arrived at the islands on July 30. The Sirius left the islands on August 12, carrying a cargo of 49,337 fur-seal skins, miscellaneous freight, and 3 passengers for the Bureau. Seattle was reached on August 19. Six minor shipments of supplies, aggregating 1,000 tons, were forwarded to the islands on the Penguin during the year. POWER VESSEL ‘ PENGUIN ” Since the power vessel Penguin was first put into service it has proved of great value in the Bureau’s work at the Pribilof Islands. In addition to carrying shipments of supplies, chiefly perishable foodstuffs, from time to time, it has transported to and from Seattle employees who have been engaged in the fur-seal work at the islands, as well as persons in the naval radio service there. It has also been used in interisland work and in the transportation of natives from villages on the Alaska Peninsula for temporary labor in the sealing industry. At the beginning of the year the Penguin was at Seattle under- going minor repairs and a general overhauling. Five round trips were made between that port and the Pribilofs in 1932, and a sixth was begun in December. The dates of the voyages north were as follows: January 19 to February 11, April 19-30, June 11-21, Au- gust 15-26, October 2-14, and December 10, 1932, to January 5, 1933. Return trips from the Pribilofs to Seattle covered the following periods: February 17 to March 6, May 6-16, July 29 to August 7, September 11-21, and October 15-29. In addition to a total of 1,000 tons of supplies, the vessel carried on its northward voyages 61 passengers, of whom 56 were Bureau employees, 4 were for the account of the Navy, and 1 the priest at St. Paul Island. On the trips from the islands to Seattle there were transported the season’s take of fox skins, a shipment of live fur seals and rosy finches for the National Zoological Park at Wash- ington, D.C., items of miscellaneous freight, and 63 passengers, of whom 55 were for the Bureau, 7 for the Navy, and 1 the St. Paul Island priest. A number of employees for the Navy Service also were furnished passage between Seattle and Dutch Harbor, and for the Bureau from Dutch Harbor and Chignik to Seattle. Fifty-three natives were transported from various villages along the peninsula for work at the islands during the sealing season and were returned 58 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES to their homes thereafter. In September the Bureau’s launch Puffin was lifted aboard at Ketchikan and taken to Seattle. During the year the Penguin cruised 28,575 nautical miles. ROADS St. Paul Island.—In 1932, 4,400 feet of the Northeast Point road and 250 feet of a branch road to Lukanin were surfaced with scoria. One and one-half miles of plank were laid also, completing that part of the construction of the Northeast Point road except for short distances where small sand dunes are to be leveled before the plank- ing can be done. ‘To insure safety of the trucks it will be necessary to ‘complete the road by surfacing with scoria and by building fences in a number of places to prevent the drifting of sand. St. George Island —Further work was done on grading the road to East rookery, with the result that for a distance of about 214 miles the road is in condition to permit using a truck and trailer for haul- ing skins. An extension was made of the road from St. George village to North and Staraya Artil rookeries, between 500 and 600 feet being surfaced with scoria in 1932. This will enable the use of better killing grounds next year and will reduce the long drives formerly necessary on St. George Island. BUILDINGS St. Paul Island—The building program at St. Paul Island in 1932 was largely a continuation of the work begun in the previous year. The 46 by 100 foot washhouse and the 36 by 50 foot extension to the salt house were completed, and a part of the equipment was set up before the beginning of the sealing season. Both buildings have an overhead track and a trolley for carrying sealskins. All outside work, as well as a portion of the inside work, was com- pleted on the 32 by 54 foot bunkhouse for sealing assistants. In the basement are a wash room, a large room for use as a recreation room or dining room, a kitchen, and cook’s quarters. On the main floor there are six sleeping rooms and a living room. The building, which will be completed during the winter of 1932-33, will accommodate 36 men. The new 33 by 70 foot community house will also be completed during the winter. In the basement, the walls and floor of which are of cement, there are baths and toilets for men and women, a storage room, and a room that it is planned to equip eventually for bowling. On the main floor are a library, a card and pool room for men, a barber shop, and a large assembly room for women. The upper floor has one large room only, which is io be used for dancing, motion pictures, and basket ball and other games. The new Government house, 34 by 56 feet, was completed in the spring of 1932. A cement foundation and basement were put under the old company house and a central heating system and plumbing were installed during the following winter. Some alterations were made in the machine shop to permit more efficient use of the machin- ery. A cement wall for protection from storms and the sea was placed around the intake in the water supply system used for obtain- ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES, 1932 59 ing salt water to wash the sealskins. A new windmill was erected at Icehouse Lake to replace the one blown down in the winter of 1931-382. The East Landing dock of reinforced concrete, 50 by 225 feet, was completed during the year, and the construction of boatways alongside it was begun. Although the dock had not been finished prior to the arrival of the supply vessel, it was made ready for tem- porary use by covering with plank. It was of great value in facili- tating the unloading of supplies, as the work was carried on con- tinuously there, while at the West Landing it would have been possible to unload cargo only part of 1 day during the entire time the vessel was at the island. Thus the use of the East Landing dock not only permitted the supply ship to depart considerably earlier than would have been possible otherwise, but it also released promptly for other work about 100 persons who assisted in the dis- charge of the cargo. St. George Island —A garage, 28 by 50 feet, with cement founda- tion and floor, was built in 1932, and a 16 by 60 foot addition was made to the warehouse. A slip was excavated alongside and at the rear of the dock so that the truck may be driven on the dock. NATIVES CENSUS The annual census, taken as of December 31, 1932, showed 232 native residents on St. Paul Island. In addition, 1 St. Paul Island native was in a Seattle hospital, making a total of 233 credited to the island. During the year 3 natives departed to take up perma- nent residence on St. George Island. There were 9 births and 12 deaths among the natives. The census figure has been decreased also by the withdrawal of the name of the Russian priest who has been on St. Paul Island since 1929 and who has heretofore been listed as belonging to the native population. On St. George Island there were 153 native residents as of Decem- ber 31, 1932. Three natives from St. Paul Island became permanent residents of St. George Island. There were 9 births and 3 deaths during the year. The total population credited to both islands on December 31, 1932, was 386, a net increase of 2 over the figures for the preceding year. MEDICAL SERVICES Two physicians were stationed at the Pribilof Islands, as in pre- vious years, to render medical aid to the inhabitants. A dentist also was on duty throughout the year. Health conditions in general were good, except for an epidemic of influenza during August and September. SCHOOLS The Bureau maintains schools for the native children on St. Paul and St. George Islands, two teachers being employed on each island. 60 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES St. Paul Island.—The 1931-82 school year began September 1, 1931, and closed May 27, 1932. There were 14 boys and 19 girls enrolled in the junior and 15 boys and 17 girls in the senior school, a total of 65 pupils. St. George Island.—The school opened on September 8, 1931, and closed May 5, 1932. In the junior school 17 pupils were enrolled and in the senior school 20, a total of 37 pupils. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS As in previous years, the Commissioner of Fisheries had in his custody certain funds of the Pribilof Islands natives and of the native church on St. Paul Island. These funds were kept on deposit in the Washington Loan & Trust Co., Washington, D.C. On July 20 they were transferred from a regular checking account, upon which the interest rate had been reduced to 1 percent as of July 1,, to a savings account bearing interest at the rate of 3 percent per: annum. Interest was calculated on monthly balances and credited semiannually. One account was closed during the year. A summary of the accounts as a whole for the year 1932 is shown in the state- ment that follows: On hand Jan. ADs [Sra ieee fs) ob bere SUE TIE ea ee $8, 566. 65 Interest earned from Jan. 1 to Dee. 31, 1982____________ 188. 74 8, 755. 39: Withdrawn by natives and native church____---_______ 1, 840. 17 On hand. Dec ‘Sin tO32 Fuses" eee ee ee ee ea 6, 915. 22: An itemized statement of the funds, showing the individual ac- counts, follows: Funds of the Pribilof Islands natives in the custody of the United States Commissioner of Fisheries, as trustee, Dec. 31, 1932 Gromofis yl iam esa $359. 71 |. Merculief, Hrena____________ $683. 20) Kochutin, Alexandra________ 3, 387. 36 | Merculief, George___________ 98. 57 IozZlofi Marinas.a4s ae 120. 81 | Merculief, George, Jr_______ 64. 71 Foz Of Raisasteeneh fae hee 113.39 | Merculief, Tatiana_-____-___ 683. 20: Krukotl eMarthas 2:22 ee .80 | Morgan, Ouliana (Fratis)*_— SP Lekanof, Sophia M_________ 83. 86 | Pankoff, Agrippina______.____ 185. 25 Lestenkof, Michael______-___ 3e2. 30 | Sedick, (havrenty2=-222"22=s 1385. 24 Merculief, Alexandra_______ 152. 05 —_——. Merculief, Daniel_-_________ 464. 45 Totals a re ee 6, 915, 22 PAYMENTS FOR TAKING FUR-SEAL SKINS For their work in taking and curing sealskins the natives of the Pribilof Islands were paid in cash at the rate of 65 cents for each skin taken. This was 10 cents per skin less than the rate allowed in the previous year. The payments were distributed among the men and boys who engaged in the work in accordance with their rated skill and ability. On each island the persons entitled to this compen- sation were divided into classes, and each individual in a given class received the same amount. In addition, small bonuses in cash were paid for special work in connection with sealing operations. Pay- ments were made as shown on following page. 1 Not living on Pribilof Islands in 1932. ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES, 1932 61 St. Paul Island.—F or the 39,490 sealskins taken on St. Paul Island the sum of $25,668.50 was paid, and in addition $100 was allowed 2 foremen for special services and $80 for 4 mess attendants. A state- ment of the earnings follows: Paymenis to St. Paul Island natives for taking fur-seal skins, calendar year 1932 Num- Num- Classification ber of aes Total Classification ber of pee Total men men AYESe GiasSS= =) coe oe 31 $522. 60 |$16, 200. 60 || Foreman (additional Second class_.-______- 14 432.25 | 6,051. 50 compeunatiey eee Paes = See 6 Ne Third class_..___----- 7| 312.00} 2,184.00 |]. 00. ------------2-|--------|---------- Fourth class....----_- 4] 243.10] 972.40 So rei ener ge aan Fifth class--.-.-.--.- 4 45. 50 TSZS 00K] ct sek Seay earns « Ca net een meee STF | LAL ee inys class! 222227 4 19. 50 78. 00 POLS Eee fr seve > ee ee 25, 848. 50 St. George Island —F¥or the 9,846 sealskins taken on St. George Island the sum of $6,399.90 was paid and, in addition, $100 was allowed two foremen for special services. A statement of the earn- ings follows: Payments to St. George Island natives for taking fur-seal skins, calendar year 1932 Num- Num- Classification ber of pene Total Classification ber of pubic Total men men | WOirsp@lags- 2. — 23 | $192.40 | $4, 425.20 || Foreman (additional Second class____--___- tf 153.40 | 1,073.80 Compensation) j-n.4|--s- sae ae ee $55. 00 penirdrelage:—_ 8 -=- = 5 119. 60 598. 00 1D Ye ae NS es en ee |S 45. 00 Wourth class....-..-. 2 85. 80 171. 60 — Gi 2 65. 65 131. 30 | Mota = Seeks bie |e ie ed Sake, ae 6, 499. 90 PAYMENTS FOR TAKING FOX SKINS The natives were paid $5 in cash for each fox skin taken on the Pribilof Islands in the 1931-82 season. The total payments amounted to $1,570 for the 314 skins taken on St. Paul Island and $5,560 for the 1,112 skins taken on St. George Island, a total of $7,130. FUR SEALS QUOTAS FOR KILLING AND RESERVING The Acting Secretary of Commerce approved the Bureau’s recom- mendation of March 29, 1932, that about five thousand 38-year-old male fur seals, divided between St. Paul Island and St. George Island in approximately the ratio of 4 to 1, be marked and reserved for future breeding stock and that the remainder of the 3-year-old males available be killed. The plan provided, also, that if the count of harem and idle bulls during the season indic ated that a larger reserve was advisable it should be made. 62 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES II OF “Siar, KILLINGS. In 1932, 49,336 fur seals were killed, of Ae 39,490 were taken on St. Pani Island and 9,846 on St. George Island. Details in regard to the killings are shown in the following tabulations: Seal killings on Pribilof Islands in 1932 ST. PAUL ISLAND Serial . Date Hoa Hauling ground ned June 6 1 | Sea Lion Rock (Sivutch) 103 15 2 | Gorbatch 304 17 3: Tolstole tS seca. staan ee eee 87 18 4 | Zapadni_-_ 167 20 5 | Polovina 239 21 Gull Vostochniand Miorjovil S22] Be ee ae ee ie ee ee eee 626 22 Fail ARO] SE OI ge LILLIA AT Gs GUL OVA ers oe eee ee 153 235 8 |"Zapadnivand Little’ Zapadmi. 222 ee sos ee ee ee eee 341 24 9) Reel and Gorbatehte= =. 22-58-2222 3a 2 eee es eee 1, 489 25 10) Polovina and LittlesPolovina 222 ous 2st eer eee ee 211 26 J || sWostechnit and Mion] ova. st 2 ee ee oe eee See 1, 142 27 127" TolstoiLukaninsandrKitoviesto-se e eeee oe 388 28 134) Zapadmiand Little Zapadniass=ss> “22 oa eee ee ee ee ee 746 29 14°) (Reef-and Gorbateh oc =2- 26 c2o2 a. Uses co eee ea oes Sone eee ees er 2, 443 30 15) PolovinaandhittlesBoloving= ~~ =22 2-5-5 2n) 2 eee 297 July 1 16s) Vostochniand IMioriovil.. == 222-0. .-3Jl eee ee ee 1,471 2 7 ||P Loelstoi lakanin, and Katovit=s 22s. 5°.-0 ee 2 ee ee eee 602 3 184) Zapadnivand Little Zapadnis. 22-2 Sste Musas >t 2 otek 8 eae d 117 5 19) || Reetand. Gorbatch\ 2220 ee e262 as oh ee ee 3, 122 6 20) Rolowinaiand) hittlesPoloving==2222- = oe eee 905 7 Zi |eMostochnivand«Morjovile 252). oes eS eS ee 1, 866 8 22 | Tolstoi, Lukanin, and Kitovi----- 25 SESS eee 385 9 23h Zapadmivand leith levZiap a Gil ee oops cee ens ee ee ee eres ee er oe ea 1,135 10 24nl eect and (Gorbatehe sss -.cs- = 2 2, 207 1} 25 | Polovina and Little Polovina- 482 12 26.|) Vostochnr and Vion owl se. = ee ee eee 1, 608 13 Zia ROlstol suukaning an Geb tOWiE:. of ak ee as ee ee ee 602 14 28),|-Zapadni and wittle:Zapadmi — oi le ee en eee 480 15 29°| Reef and 'Gorbatenhh2 eee ere 20 sk ee ee ees 1,575 16 30) | -Polovinsand LittlePolovina® = (foes or ee eee 717 17 31-| “Viostochni-and-Morjovie-2 +. 2.2 oN ee en ee eee 1,777 18 32) | Rolstoi lukanin, and. Katovie+=22 Se bees oy ee ee 723 19 337|-Zapadniand: Littl Zapadni-— 22-2 at eee ae eee 1, 617 20 34: | eefiand Gorbatchs -o:-—. 25. = ff 2 ee ee ee bee ee ae 2, 013 21 35 | Tolstoi, Lukanin, Kitovi, Polovina, aud Little Polovina___._________-________ 759 22 36"|"Vostochnivand Miorjovicese os 2.5, 52202 eee eee ee 1, 024 23 30 |;Zapadniand Little Zapadniv test ier ae ee eee 750 24 383leeehiandiGorbateht 222k so ane le eee i ee 1,176 25 39 | Tolstoi, Lukanin, Kitovi, Polovina, and Little Polovina...__.___-___-_______- 580 26 40 | Vostochni and Morjovi SAREE oe ce Seek ee Te een see She eee 451 27 Al eZapsamiiandalittle;, Zapadmiss-.2. 54sec 2 ae ewe ae ee 397 28 42 \Reefand -Gorbatene2"-t:ste- .~ skies ete 2. aE a ee te eee 850 29 43 | Tolstoi, Lukanin, Kitovi, Polovina, and Little Polovina___.---_-__-_-_-_____- 360 S0-oth eee es Skins from seals that died as a result of reserving operations__-_------_-----_-_- 3 Motel 2 225 ooo cece e tenn awe ones eens = ence = cacea= = See ae 39, 490 ST. GEORGE ISLAND June 2 Ds INONS GDS A ete epee 2 SR 5 a eee a ers CS eee 24 8 2h ieee, Go. 5214. SU SE eh Se be ee eee 33 14 Oy, eee OO 8 ek Ee tee ob ae ee I ee ee 116 15 QB aStene~ sae oe eam a oe ke ee ne ee ee a eS ee 191 17 5 |; Zapadniiys 2 ews. - ets s at ee pt Ne ee eocer. ese eeen 48 19 6: |. Northand Staraya Artiles. 22.22 ss 2 oe 2 a ee ee oa 190 20 fh | ASG AEE ee ese ES 2d Ee eee eee 163 21 Si | -pZeapadinies, 2 etree ces A tee aaea ad 604, 962 | 653, 008 697, 158 723, 050 761, 281 Classes 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 Ji o et ha: Sasa See a eee oe 4, 643 6, 050 7, 187 8,312 9, 233 10, 088 Brecuimoicows=<* ==—- 4. +52 22225. -2e 263, 566 | 284,725 | 307, 491 332, 084 358, 642 387, 320 pale eel ie 2 Se sae. 2 ee ee eee 4, 827 5, 285 5, 207 3, 963 3, 291 2, 893 DoE EU Syl a a eel el RR ca Se 972 1, 449 1, 633 1, 899 1, 888 2, 349 G-vyear-oldmalés._ i212 22200) Lae 13, 450 12, 857 10, 399 5, 612 6, 553 8, 154 CAVE TG biel Coe ee ee ee 16, 073 13, 001 7, 016 8, 191 10, 193 11, 669 4-yoar-olésmaleési it) 4-0 tek set 14, 448 7, 798 9, 102 11, 327 12, 966 11, 351 ferpar-pignmales. +2. 2s. soot eee 9, 730 11, 133 13, 639 14, 871 13, 198 17, 849 Pepe aC Mid OSse ese = ee ea 41, 252 49, 087 64, 354 69, 674 74, 828 81, 101 PRPARrNe WN BIOS 2 22 oS ela eee 61, 026 65, 861 85, 381 92, 232 99, 612 107, 592 QevBATsOlO COW S=-= 25-2 eo = 5 -- 48, 186 57, 061 67, 210 72, 605 78, 410 84, 682 Weanling cows 23 i2. s74sl0 i 322 Lie 67, 131 72, 481 85, 417 92, 247 99, 626 107, 593 TRH GSES ae se OR Ste ea, Sh yeeye 263, 566 | 284,725 | 307,491 332, 084 358, 642 387, 320 Ao beaS e eep! s eoe hk. 808,870 | 871,513 | 971,527 | 1,045,101 | 1,127,082 | 1, 219, 961 FOXES The management of blue-fox herds on St. Paul and St. George’ Islands is given regular attention. In winter when the supply of natural food is scarce the foxes are fed preserved seal meat and specially prepared rations. Captures are made then for obtaining pelts and for marking and releasing a suitable number of animals for breeding purposes, TRAPPING SEASON OF 1932-33 During the 1932-33 season there were taken 1,143 fox pelts, of which 1,120 were blue and 23 white. Two hundred and forty-nine blue and 22 white pelts were taken on St. Paul Island, and 871 blue pelts and 1 white pelt on St. George Island. There were also trapped, marked, and released for breeding stock 32 foxes on St. Paul Island and 408 on St. George Island. Additional animals, not captured during the season, augment the breeding reserve. REINDEER St. Paul Island.—A count of the reindeer on St. Paul Island on September 30, 1932, showed 485 animals, of which 57 were the young of the season. During the year 47 reindeer had been killed and used for food. The herd was apparently in excellent condition, 66 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES St. George [sland —The reindeer herd on St. George Island as of September 28, 1932, contained 57 animals, of which 10 were the young of the season. None had been used for food on this island during the year. FUR-SEAL SKINS SHIPMENTS Shipment of the 49,336 fur-seal skins taken on the Pribilof Islands in the calendar year 1932 was made on the U.S.S. Sirius, which arrived at Seattle, Wash., on August 19. There was also included in the shipment 1 sealskin of the previous season’s take that had been inadvertently left in salt at St. George Island when the skins were being packed. SALES In 1932 there were sold at two public auction sales 33,715 fur-seal skins taken on the Pribilof Islands, and in addition 281 skins taken on those islands were disposed of at special sales. The first public auction sale was held at New York City on June 13 and the second at St. Louis, Mo., on September 26. In the following statements the sales of other fur-seal skins by the Department of Commerce for the account of the Government are included, in order that the record may be complete. Public auction sale, June 13, 1932.—At this sale 7,236 fur-seal skins taken at the Pribilof Islands, dressed, dyed, and machined, sold for $102,328.05. The number of skins offered for sale was 25,700, but all except 7,236 were withdrawn without being sold. Public auction sale, September 26, 1932.—At the September sale 26,479 fur-seal skins taken at the Pribilof Islands sold for $296,604.75. ‘These skins consisted of 25 678 dressed, dyed, and machined, which brought $296,131.50, and 801 miscellaneous, unhaired and raw salted, which brought $473.25. There were also sold 31 confiscated skins, raw, for $15.50, making a total of $296,620.25 for fur-seal skins at this sale. Special sales —During the year 1932, 281 fur-seal skins taken at the Pribilof Islands were sold at special sales for $4,528.28. Of these skins, 263 were dressed, dyed, and machined, 82 being of the black dye and 181 logwood brown; 10 were raw salted; and 8 were specially prepared 4-way skins for exhibition purposes. The following tables give further details in regard to the sales of fur-seal skins by the Department of Commerce for the account of the Government in 1932: 67 Lo | SS eee | SS emRRe maa aioe) aR YP COLE Gy SES eo cee ae lee eee ae lan eh) dlsol 5 ge Se eg cnc Se els 2g eR eee aOe8 BERRIES (680-09: “176 FERICSSLC Cee cen eae te oe ee are —e[ ar Ca ee a Re egos Pa a a ae on ae ee eas €1 ounr ae 2S9SSe [TV we GL OK 89°€ 0S GLE DU ay [hie eae re ee rons (UC 0 ee ee = ZI SZ 00 ZIZ‘ZE | 93'°8 668 ‘€ 4] OF 10% ‘ST | €8°2 00° CLL [PAULG. 5 | egg neienate 2 leo Saeatin hear nage OLORATTUG eS DOUTGOS cana ees nae rn ie aes 9% “ydag et GL‘L9L‘9T | €9°6 a 6 9 i: a cl erin gta” 0 a ta Cee meee Il ie . ‘ ‘ * 00 °906 40 °€ 16 Cute | 20 Rm ee eg, UR se aa sa ge ea eng pesseip pues pelequy PCO AEs SSE al Ses = =, S| cee eel (a TS op aN 5 gs oe ake oe aan PORCINE | ah, a Sa ale a ee 9% “deg Bas Cea (eee ool a ace BEES, | SRS ae ee ee er ea So as | ae ae ee gee a eT oune ZL 'e { 00 626 ‘ZT | TOL cL. °9 OGRE Sage linl soe ape ae eS oye ‘AqNey werepe 09 “L8F ‘IT 0L°8 GZ 8 0g 6 OC ORISS neta eee a ae eo ame II puey Bay CL ‘OFF OLE 0g % 0g °€ CLL ae SE ea Eee S aot ee ee Oe. RE Se, ui} 0S *L€6 0S “GI 0S “ZI 0S GT CU | ee Pee, piel ae SS a II pue J 099 ‘¢ of GL8cr ‘98 | TZ ‘OL | SL°6 OOSIEe ROG Ce leneeress cesar se ogee 010 ‘Aqney peness| 09 °269 ‘Sz 16 GI OORCIS KOO) Seas 066: lee |e r emp ae Sena anes aoe oe ees II pues J 00 “88S co € 00 °€ CG F 19)] We hl Feigtee Dee. vies ie” ie Ee os IRR a es TII SSI ‘Z 4| OF Zzg ‘2 VET HO OOS arco 2 lnaeses ee a oe ee ajo ‘Aynvy ‘porteag 00 ‘89F ‘6T | 20 FT GLI | 09 FI Tota gol | pre pean gs Sat SPO aa es SEEM SO II puv [ 968 ‘I | TAG — | Lele VL all WE A OES WO) Slate pees coe ed 40 ‘AqTney seateas 00 ‘S&T ‘ST 92°61 | 00°61 CU AUG tg HOO en ek eee ae ae Te ae RO ee ee I] pue J 00 ‘08 00 F 00 F 00 “F OG Sle a eee Se oe ee ee a eee III 00 ‘$22 ‘9 TEACIea GHC OG GE ItSOpie. 8 Meneat mts ce ee mer ee ea aja ‘£ynvy ‘porreag 00 “228 “6 GEESE | OS “ZT | OS 6I COGS sy | ewe ere ae ee II pue ly 6% { 00 ‘026 0¢ “€T 0S “€T 0S “€T (Ze eileatass ae Se ae eee 030 ‘Aqney eas GS ELT GG “61 GZ “61 G3 “61 OP ee eae oes ie eo ee a II puvy 00 ‘91 00 F 00 °F 00 F F ee gel RR RE ce oie) ee ual OS “€0¢ GS “ET GG ET GS ET Se ell eae oe. axe = ee ojo ‘AypNey ‘porredg GG P8P €9 8ST OPS Tee | OS Ol raalE GG | ge Ree pee ae Th re ca meme ad II pue J) perme Oe Oe | OO Lge ees me pare GL 26$ GZECTSAKGETEL Ge eT he Pe ae epee ee ee ec dj ‘AqMRy ‘paaaedg som ase req a 0% | sony | “OT | UH | omy epein ponuryu09—Zg6er ur woyonn o1qnd yw pjos surysjoas fopiquig fo ‘azis yava sabpzuaoiad yyw ‘sappib pup sazis fq ‘sanjpa aarjpinduog ALASKA FISHERY AND FUR-SEAL INDUSTRIES, 1932 69 Special sales of Pribilof Islands fur-seal skins in 19382 Number : Price per Date of skins Description akin Total Mar. 31 BO! nO eds Olaak pe ins so lee se. can oe et octet sai sachSoccceeee $18. 23 $911. 50 50 | Dyed logwood brown, medium--.--.-_------------- 17, 28 864. 00 June 3 25 | Dyed black, medium----__-.----- 14, 71 367. 75 25 | Dyed logwood brown, medium 14. 07 351. 75 Dec. 31 35 | Dyed logwood brown, large- -- 18, 32 641. 20 65 | Dyed logwood brown, medium 14, 07 914. 55 8 | 4-condition exhibition skins. -- 25. 00 200. 00 DAR SRLtGG. beers Sess Belt bea ae Se esse) Pete 7.98 15, 96 Shier oo (( ()) Sed 2 SE, Ge ee ee ee eee eee t= 5. 46 43. 68 SO venunlack:InngOsee we. soe Sete ke EES Pees 2 teste 21, 28 63. 84 2) vedi placks Meglumee ss =e es es Se on te 14, OL 56. 04 SD VOC lO pw OOG.DLO WH lateO oe oon ee aoe eee enon aso 19. 76 59. 28 3. Dyedilefwood. brow, ineditinW.- See eee se eet 22 5 ck 12.91 38. 73 RT oS COIS LAMAR Be a ah. als woes s eae Say, get 4, 528. 28 DISPOSITION OF FUR-SEAL SKINS TAKEN AT PRIBILOF ISLANDS On January 1, 1932, there were on hand 62,296 fur-seal skins taken at the Pribilof Islands. Of these, 62,278 were at St. Louis, Mo., and 18 at Washington. In addition, 6 skins taken on St. George Island in the calendar year 1932 were unaccounted for. Later it was found that 1 of these had been inadvertently left in salt at the island, and 5 had been included in the shipment to St. Louis, making a total of 62.283 on hand at that place and a grand total of 62,302 skins. In 1932, 49,336 Pribilof Islands skins were taken and 34,000 were disposed of, leaving 77,638 on hand on December 31, 1932. The following tables show further details in regard to fur-seal skins taken on the Pribilof Islands, as well as details in regard to other Government-owned fur-seal skins under the control of the Depart- ment of Commerce. Summary of Government-owned fur-seal skins in the custody of Fouke Fur Co., at St. Louis, Mo., calendar year 19382 Source On hand | Receipts | Disposed} On hand Jan. 1 in 1932 | of in 1932| Dee. 31 Taken on Pribilof Islands: Calendar yvoar 020... 55-222. 2255.82 eases etek S S26 (Ee. a eat pe ee ae ee SEU op 08 ale ieee es Sate a ie i et Ne ee ea 100.4% CS | al aaa & Gy lee tel Meal Se @alendar-yenr 1930 8 ct 3 ts s 25S eo a se ee ES ek 249, 523 1} 32), 254 28, 270 GCI Eup Gel gi CRY RS ee a RSS Say ee ee 49: 3363 |hoo ss ose 49, 336 United States’ share of Japanese fur-seal skins: PEO COND IA (aC ae Oe eee eS eae 1h?) Poeee ns oe (eee Aral 172 MGRBOTU Use te een ae eee ok eee ent a cone aa nae al (01 [a ee Fete 170 LT fy hs 7 ee oe Te eee eee Oe ee eee de Sey ye Oe DO, |Eeeet eee 170 MEnEnrted tir Sealisktng So. 28 tee ee Lae ot eu booes 31 131 1 LOLS ee eee a eS ee eee 62, 486 49, 678 34, 045 78, 119 1 Sold. 2? Includes 5 skins unaccounted for at close of 1931 which were subsequently found when shipment was unpacked at St. Louis. — 3 21,236 sold; 14 made into coats and shipped to Washington for display purposes; 4 used by U.S. Bureau of Standards in making tests. 70 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Summary of all Government-owned fur-seal skins under control of Department of Commerce, calendar year 1952 On hand Jan. 1 On hand Dee. 31 Pribi- ee Sales | Used Source tot Hs Fouke | Wash- in fea ie. Fouke |Wash- BAUS ington| Total | 1932 Fur |ington| Total Co. | office Co. | office Taken on Pribilof Islands: Calendar year 1918, held for TOLEhEMCOMULPOSES= = sae eee eee 7 | enemas een 1s Pa EE ak uf 7 Walendaryear, 192300 eee eee ee 3 Cee ae eae 2) 2 See eee 3 3 Wglendati year 192422 es os ses Skea Pee 1 OL) ase tio ae

See ee See bie Se) eis 265 BAlmon-lwer Olle se oe eae ee 153 North! Gar olinass2 =e ee tee ee 275 Antianemic properties of oysters_____ 153 SouthiGarolinas! ies iy ees 284 Kelp-meal experiments--_----------_- 154 Geoneia sas See ee ee vo ee 286 Preservation of fishery products for food. 154 LOTT eee eee eee eee eee ee 290 Improved methods for handling fresh ZMIGY oie eae oe ae ee Je Ble eS EN 306 anid frozen fishs=5 St aeee eh See ee 154 EVTGSSISSID Dike se nee = aN eee 308 Improved methods for smoking fish. 155 Mouisiana® =.= eseeuesey oh) be See ae 311 Bacteriological studies__.___________- 155 MOXHS eet Ak ee ee oe ee 315 Preservation of fishery byproducts_______ 155 | Fisheries of the Pacific Coast States_.._____- 319 Improved methods for manufacturing Washing tones: +s) ee 326 fish meal from nonoily fish waste.. 155 Onrecon eeweceo ee en ce eee ne nae ee a 331 Development of fish flour____________ 156 @aliforniahs =: Reet ees 334 ES GOCkliver Obs te een oe LOGr | guakefisheries2 20 aoe ewe ee ee 349 MEL PrOserusiign = eos - he es Oe 157 | Fisheries of the Mississippi River and tribu- Measurement of mesh size of fishing nets. 158 fanless seg Foes ee be tee FA 376 Red snapper fishery and industry_-_____- 158 Alabama 3s) co S ke as. Soe eee ae 392 Market and industrial surveys_____________- 158 Arkansass sets 2630 Jie 2st blue ees 393 A Guatic/shell industries! 2-~ 2. =.=. 158 NGS ye = et eee ee 400 Establishing marketing grades for fish... 159 InCianae ast = see Oe eee 405 Fishery byproducts industries of Maine_ 159 Fowak — 522. ese eee ae ee ee 409 Publications of the Division______._________-_ 160 IK ANISAS ses Sago ae ot gt os Be 412 Documents, reports, and circulars_______ 161 Kentiickyosi23 22. 22223-62424 hoa ee 413 Spacmalariichesss- 2. bos. 2 RE POg oe. 161 TOUISIEN A oo Soe te mone tee ee 415 Stansucal pullotins- 202. _5°. se 162 RVINTIACSO Galo ae cere cee ee eens nee 423 IMississippits2. 225 te eee 427 Part 2. Fishery Statistics, 1931 Missouri=.=. 2 3~-== =~ =8h ase 430 INeDraSkaes= ese 25 Sees oe ee 434 BreriGraroViOW<==ee tte ee. 5 4 aS 163 OT OE Fhe ee 434 Manufactured fishery products________-______ 176 QEISnOnIa=s2 ne a ane eee eae 436 Fisheries of the New England States________ 180 South Dakota 438 UC} eee ee ee 190 fl Wein s\n ne Ee eee 439 New Hampshire.-_____--____ 195 ff ¢ Cpe oe ee 9 Se ee ee et 442 Massachusetts__._.____ 196 WaAseonsIn =} 225 so) es 444 Bode Wind. == ene 203 Lake Pepin 447 MOC HICU p= as eee 208 Lake Keokuk 448 Fisheries of the Middle Atlantic States_____- 213 Mississippi River between Lake Pepin LM Gp 2) dco PSS ae 2 Se 220 and) ake-Keokwik. We. 32h 552225223 448 PSST ODS Ysa Mee ac. poe ee ORS, Se 231 | Statistical survey procedure--_-.....----_--- 449 FOREWORD This report constitutes a summary of the activities of the Division of Fishery Industries as well as an annual review on fishery statistics of the United States. As its name indicates, this Division of the Bureau is concerned with the activities and welfare of the fishery industries, including the commercial fisheries, the trade in fishery products, and the fish canning and preserving industries. Its func- tions include the collection and publication of fishery statistics, the conducting of market surveys, the prosecution of research designed ! Appendix III to the Report of the U.S. Commissioner of Fisheries, 1933. Approved for publication May 8, 1933. 149 150 ’ U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES to solve the technical problems of the industry, and the dissemination of authoritative and practical information to the fishery industries and the public. Results of technological investigations and mar- keting studies are published in separate documents as each project is completed. The information obtained from statistical surveys is published in part 2 of this report, which includes detailed statistical information for the year 1931 that has become available since the issuance of the previous report,’ together with such summarized statements and interpretations of the statistics as are deemed sig- nificant and useful. In the preparation of this report, members of the Division’s staff have taken part and their assistance is appreciatively acknowledged. Part 1. OPERATIONS OF THE DIVISION COLLECTION OF STATISTICS The statistical work of the Division in 1932, as in former years, included the collection and dissemination of statistics on the catch of fishery products and the gear employed in making the catch and statistics of related fishery industries. In the former group are statistics that are intended for the use of the fishery biologist upon which to base conservation measures. They are also valuable for economic purposes. ‘This is especially true of statistics of the land- ings of fish at principal fishing ports, which are published monthly. In the second group are statistics that are of use mainly for economic or trade purposes. These include statistics of the manufactured fishery products and byproducts of the United States, cold-storage holdings of fish and amounts of fish frozen in the United States, marine-animal oil production, and similar statistics. Continuing with the plan of making annual general statistical surveys of the fisheries of various geographical sections, the Division in 1932 under the direction of F. F. Johnson canvassed the fisheries prosecuted in our entire coastal, lake, and Mississippi River sections, obtaining catch figures for 1931. Continuous annual catch figures are now available for the Great Lakes from 1913, Pacific Coast States from 1922, South Atlantic and Gulf States from 1927, New England States from 1928, and the Middle Atlantic and Chesapeake Bay States from 1929. The survey made of the fisheries of the Mississippi River and tributaries for 1931 was the first complete canvass made since 1922. In addition to the general catch statistics, the collection and (or) publication of statistics on special subjects for the year 1932, was continued during the year, as follows: The landings of fish by Amer- ican fishing vessels at the ports of Boston and Gloucester, Mass., Portland, Maine, and Seattle, Wash. (published monthly); landings of halibut at North Pacific coast ports (published monthly); catchof mackerel in the North Atlantic fishery; cold-storage holdings of frozen and cured fish and amount of fish frozen, which are furnished by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics (published monthly); production, consumption, and holdings of marine-animal oils of the United States and Alaska (published quarterly by the Bureau of the Census); production of manufactured fishery products and_by- products of the United States and Alaska during 1932; the catch of 2 Fishery Industries of the United States, 1931. By R. H. Fiedler, Appendix II to the Report of the U.S. Commissioner of Fisheries for 1932, pp. 97-440. FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 151 shad in the Potomac and Hudson Rivers, and the catch of alewives in the Potomac River during 1932; transactions on the sponge exchange at Tarpon Springs, Fla., during 1932; volume of fishery products handled at the municipal fish wharf and market, Washing- ton, D.C., during 1932, and the volume of United States imports and exports of fishery products during 1932, furnished by the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. In the above surveys the division continued to receive cooperation from many of the State fishery agencies, which aided materially in the work, STATISTICAL AREAS At the nineteenth meeting held at Washington, D.C., on October 20 and 21, 1932, of the North American Council on Fishery Investiga- CHART NO.J. | STATISTICAL AREAS } ATLANTIC COAST OF NORTH AMERICA | Number Region XIV EastCoast of Greenland XV = West Coast of Greenland Hudson I Labrador t East Coast of Newfoundland Gulf of StLawrence Grand Banks Nova Scotia XXII Middle Atlantic States XXIV South Atlantic States XXV_ Gulf of Mexico XXVI Bermuda | XXVII West Indies and Bahamas XXVH Lesser Antilles 2) 90° «85° 80° 75° 70° 65° 60° 55° 50° 45° 40° 35° 30° 25° 20° tions, consisting of representatives from Canada, Newfoundland, France, and the United States, there were adopted uniform statistical P52 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES areas to facilitate the clear presentation of statistics of the western Atlantic and Gulf fisheries. These areas, which are shown together with their designating numbers in the accompanying chart, are indicated in the various sections of this report. TECHNOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS Never before in the history of the fishery industry of this country has there been greater need for economy in production methods and for the fullest utilization of valuable products from the material at hand. Under present conditions of depressed business, losses or leakages in factory operation, which in more prosperous times seemed relatively unimportant, now represent very frequently the margin between profit and loss. For this reason there is greater need for the application of the best technological and engineering knowledge available to problems of manufacture, preservation, and marketing of marine products. This is essential to make the most of the raw material available, to eliminate waste, and to bring factory operation to the highest point of efficiency. With this objective in mind, the technological research of the Division has followed the general lines of studies of methods of manufacture, preservation, storage, and marketing of both the primary products of the fisheries for food and the by-products for animal nutrition; biochemical tests to determine the food value of marine products; the development of fishing gear; and experiments in developing chemical treatments for fishing nets to Jenethen their usefulness. This has involved the application of the sciences of chemistry, engineering, bacteriology, and general technology to the solution of these problems. The discussion in the following pages is a summary of the accomplishments along these lines which have been made during the past year. RESEARCH ASSOCIATE In the above lines of technological research the Bureau has attacked those fundamental problems which promise to be of greatest value to the largest number and which are possible with the funds and per- sonnel available for the purpose. For this reason the Division has not been able to study special problems affecting certain products, processes, or methods. In order to serve the industry in this con- nection, the Bureau by congressional authorization has provided research associate facilities whereby firms or groups having special technological problems to solve will furnish the investigator ‘and pay his salary and expenses. The investigation is carried out in coop- eration with the Bureau’s staff in its laboratories and under its con- trol. Thus the industry can be provided with laboratory, consultation, and library facilities which in many instances it is unable to obtain elsewhere. During the past year a manufacturer of marine products took advantage of these facilities and placed a chemist in the Division’s labor atory to make a study of the nutritive value of kelp meal. LABORATORIES During the past year the Division carried onits technological research work under the direction of John Ruel Manning at laboratories in ee —_ a — FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 153 Washington, D.C., and Gloucester, Mass., and has provided equip- ment for a laboratory in the Bureau’s new building in Seattle, Wash. In addition, work was conducted in other laboratories as conditions warranted. For instance, certain cooperative biochemical studies were conducted at the laboratories of the South Carolina Food Research Commission, Charleston, $.C.; the experimental farm of the Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, Md.; the Ohio Agricul- tural Experiment Station, Wooster, Ohio; the New York State College of Agriculture, Cornell, Ithaca, N.Y.; and the North Carolina State College of Agriculture, Raleigh, N.C. NUTRITIVE VALUE OF MARINE PRODUCTS SALMON-LIVER OIL With the introduction of halibut-liver oil, which is very potent in vitamin A, the Bureau received numerous requests for some other source of oil which would compare in vitamin A potency with halibut- liver oil. From the results obtained in the study of salmon oil, it appeared that the oil from salmon livers might offer such a source, especially since salmon livers can be obtained in large amounts. For this reason arrangements were made to obtain samples of material from the five species of salmon. The samples were prepared in the same manner as those used in the salmon-oil investigation reported previously. Fresh raw mate- rial was placed in cans, evacuated, sealed, and processed for 1 hour at 228° F. These samples were prepared at Seattle, Wash., and other Pacific coast points by Norman D. Jarvis, one of the Division’s technologists. The cans were shipped to the laboratory in Washing- ton, D.C., where the oil was rendered and the chemical and physical properties and the vitamin content of the oils are being determined. Dr. Chester D. Tolle and Charles F. Lee, two members of the Divi- sion’s technological staff, are carrying out this investigation. The results so far obtained show that the salmon-liver oils are from 10 to 12 times as potent in vitamin A as the salmon oils previously tested. However, since under present conditions it requires solvent extraction to obtain oil from salmon livers, and since added expense would be necessary in recovering the livers from the cannery trim- mings, careful consideration should be given to these factors in any commercial undertaking. ANTIANEMIC PROPERTIES OF OYSTERS Through the cooperative arrangement with the South Carolina Food Research Commission, Charleston, S.C., E. Jack Coulson, of the technological staff, has continued the investigation dealing with the antianemic properties of oysters. A second series of samples taken from the same oyster beds as the first, but at a different season, was collected and analyzed for iron, copper, and manganese content. These samples showed the same relative tendency toward grouping by locality as did the first series, namely: (1) North Atlantic, with high copper, low iron, and low manganese; (2) South Atlantic, with 154 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES high iron, low copper, and low manganese; and (3) Gulf, with high iron, low copper, and high manganese. These oysters from different localities were fed to anemic animals and all induced regeneration of hemoglobin, thus giving further evidence of the importance of oysters as a source of iron in addition to their other food factors. “KELP MEAL EXPERIMENTS Cooperative work with a producer of kelp meal was continued by Dr. H. P. Morris, research associate of our technological staff, in the Washington laboratory to determine the nutritive value of kelp meal. The work completed with laboratory animals to which diets com- posed of plant substances, with and without the addition of kelp meal were fed, indicates that kelp meal has a beneficial effect on erowth. With some diets the addition of kelp meal definitely stimu- lated appetite. However, with the diet in which linseed oil meal sup- plied the protein this was not the case. The ereater growth of the rats in this experiment can probably be ascribed to the mineral con- tent of the kelp meal. The increased growth was not due to sodium a potassium chloride, as the control diets were corrected for these salts. At the conclusion of the experiments with laboratory animals arrangements were made with the Poultry Office, Bureau of Animal Industry, United States Department of Agriculture, for a coopera- tive study to determine the value of kelp meal when fed to poultry. However, due to the withdrawal of financial support by the kelp-meal producer, this work was discontinued December 31, 1932, before enough data had been accumulated to draw definite conclusions. PRESERVATION OF FISHERY PRODUCTS FOR FOOD IMPROVED METHODS FOR HANDLING FRESH AND FROZEN FISH Studies dealing with the relative freshness of fish were continued during the year at the Gloucester technological laboratory under the direction of James M. Lemon with the assistance of Maurice E. Stansby. Several methods for packing fresh fish were studied and the rate of spoilage under each was determined. It is expected that final results of this research will indicate methods for packing which are ane least injurious to fish and which will yield the highest grade of product. Efforts also were made to determine the temperature at which frozen fish suffer the least deterioration during storage. It is known that certain of the enzymes found in the flesh of fish continue to func- tion even at low temperatures. The study of this problem deals with these changes, and efforts are being made to effect a method which will retard this enzymic action. The technique of freezing and storing several varieties of shellfish is being given consideration for the reason that more efficient methods for this would be of great aid to the oyster, crab, and shrimp indus- tries. Thus far very little is known of the effects of freezing and long storage upon these products. These studies are aimed to determine the proper temperature for freezing, the most efficient temperature for storage, the effect of defrosting and refreezing, and the rate of spoilage after defrosting. FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 155 IMPROVED METHODS FOR SMOKING FISH The control of temperature, humidity, and smoke in smoking fish has been applied to the preparation of finnan haddie on a semicom- mercial scale. It has been found possible to reduce the loss of mois- ture to a considerable extent by employing a comparatively low tem- perature and a relatively high humidity in the smokehouse. At a temperature of 100°: F. and a relative humidity of approximately 60 percent, it has been shown that finnan haddie can be produced con- taining an average of 72 percent moisture. This moisture content is 5 to 10 percent higher than the average commercial product, and means considerable saving to the smoking firm in that it reduces their losses. BACTERIOLOGICAL STUDIES During the past year Francis P. Griffiths, bacteriologist of the Division, continued studies at the Gloucester laboratory of the rela- tion of bacteria to the preservation of fish. As a result of his studies it has been found that formaldehyde contained in the smoke has but very slight preservative effect upon light smoked finnan haddie for the reason that the concentration is so low. While brining the fish before smoking adds to the flavor, it has been found that its preser- vative effect also is practically negligible. This may actually become a source of infection, depending upon the type of salt employed in the preparation of the brine. The effect of the rate of freezing and temperature of storage upon the survival and growth of bacteria usually found on haddock fillets has been investigated by Mr. Griffiths, and work is being extended to include several pathogenic bacteria in the tests. In conjunction with the research cited previously dealing with the relative freshness of fish, Mr. Griffiths also made numerous tests to correlate a chemical test for freshness with the bacterial count of the fish flesh with very encouraging results, PRESERVATION OF FISHERY BYPRODUCTS During the past year the research in connection with the preserva- tion of fishery byproducts carried on at the Gloucester technological laboratory has been a continuation of the projects outlined in the report of the Division for 1931. This was carried on by Roger W. Harrison, with the assistance of Andrew W. Anderson and S. R. Pottinger. IMPROVED METHODS FOR MANUFACTURING FISH MEAL FROM NONOILY FISH WASTE The utilization of waste from the preparation of packaged fishery products, especially ground fish, has an important bearing upon both the fishing and agricultural industries, for the conversion of this waste into a useful product such as fish meal brings added revenue to the fishing industry and brings to agriculture one of the most highly nutritive protein concentrates obtainable. As a service to these in- dustries, it is pertinent that the fundamental factors of manufacture as related to the preservation of nutritional value be fully understood and, further, it is also of primary importance to obtain information as to the most economical means of obtaining this end. The studies, therefore, have been carried on with these aims in mind. 156 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Test materials were prepared under carefully controlled conditions in a manner so that each factor of manufacture could be measured. The test materials were then submitted to the Ohio Agricultural Ex- periment Station and Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, where tests for general nutritive value, digestibility, and vitamin G potency were made. Portions of the same samples were tested chemically in the Gloucester laboratory for the possible de- struction of several essential amino acids which are present in fish protein in limiting amounts. Further, exhaustive engineering studies were carried on to determine the economies of various methods of manufacture. At the present writing the various studies are practi- cally completed, but final conclusions can not be drawn until all phases can be considered collectively. Preliminary data indicate that digestibility, vitamin value, and general nutritive value are affected by drying time, temperature of drying, and method of applying heat, while the essential amino acid, cystine, is affected more by temperature. DEVELOPMENT OF FISH FLOUR Much of the material now converted into fish meal is suitable for human consumption. This material consists essentially of the back- bones, with adhering flesh, which is accumulated in the preparation of fish fillets. In view of recent studies in nutrition, showing the importance of minerals in the human diet, this material should form the basis of a valuable food product. Further, there is a need for dessicated foods, for special feeding purposes, which could replace the amount of raw foods used, providing the dried product retained essentially the vital factors of the fresh product. Evidence being obtained from the studies on fish-meal manufacture indicate the con- ditions prevailing in what is known as spray of flash drying should yield a product approaching the properties desired for the uses stated above. Studies to date have been concerned with methods of reducing fish waste to a consistency which will permit atomization and the development of a suitable apparatus to cause atomization. HADDOCK-LIVER OIL Fishing companies operating trawlers, catching largely haddock, have been concerned with a problem which indicated possible diffi- culty in the marketing of oil for therapeutic use prepared from the livers of the catch. This was due to the fact that the iodine number of haddock-liver oil might be sufficiently high to bring a quantity of oil, running largely haddock, above the maximum iodine number limit of 180 prescribed by the United States Pharmacopoeia. Durmg the past year oils prepared from haddock livers obtained from numer- ous fishing grounds, at varying intervals, have been tested for their physical and chemical constants. In only one of the 30 to 40 samples tested did the iodine number of the crude oil exceed the maximum limit of 180. However, considering the increase of iodine number caused by the removal of the more saturated glycerides during cold pressing, a larger number exceeding the upper United States Phar- macopoeia limit would have been recorded had facilities been availa- ble for satisfactory cold pressing small samples of oil. The significance of this is somewhat confused by the relatively low vitamin values FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 157 shown by the haddock-liver oils when tested both biologically and colorimetrically. ) Tests with the colorimetric method of determining vitamin A, when compared to biological results on the same oils indicate that this rapid method offers a valuable aid to liver oil manufacturers for keep- ing a rough control on the vitamin A value of the various lots of oil prepared. NET PRESERVATION The testing of preservatives for heavy nets was continued during 1932 by W. T. Conn, technologist of the Division, to twines used in lake and river waters in addition to those used in salt and brackish waters. From tests extending over a period of three years a principle of preservation has been established which has proved efficacious for this type of net even when subjected to exposure in water for long periods. In its simplified form this principle consists of giving the twine a series of treatments which in some way apparently effect a chemical change in its composition and then giving it a cover treat- ment. The first series of treatments consists of degumming or cleans- ing the twine from natural resins and from oil added to it in the mill, then a chemical treatment which subjects the degummed twine to a toxic dyeing, followed by a fixing treatment and then thorough wash- ing in clean water. For the final, or cover, treatment, the twine is coated with tar. In this connection no tar has been found which is superior to the specification tar previously recommended by this Bureau, although a high acid tar has been found beneficial. Twines prepared as above have shown great resistance to depre- ciation in every locality where exposures were made during the past 3 years. Research on net preservation also has shown that mercury, in organic combination, mixed with the tar is highly efficacious in killing marine weeds as well as acting as a preservative agent. The beneficial use of antioxidants in connection with preservatives for twine has been confirmed. A very powerful antioxidant has been found which when mixed in very small proportions in tar acts as a preservative for both the tar and the twine. It is apparent that the preservation of most seines and light nets is dependent upon proper cleansing and storage. In line with this, the Bureau has advocated the washing of gill nets with lime water. Where this recommendation was followed in 1932 it was observed that the life of the nets was trebled, especially when they were washed immediately after the fish were removed. Further study of the drying and storage of fishing nets in the shade has confirmed previous recommendations for this practice. In cooperation with the Bureau of Construction and Repair, Navy Department, an extensive investigation of the preservation of manila rope has been carried on through the year and will extend into 1933. As a result of this work it is expected that formulae will be developed for the preservation of ropes under all conditions. In the course of this investigation principles of preservation have been developed that may be of considerable value when applied to other textile material such as sails, awnings, thread, ete. 158 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES MEASUREMENT OF MESH SIZE OF FISHING NETS For many years there has been a controversy over the proper method for determining the mesh size of nets fished in the Great Lakes region. This has led to confusion among fishermen, State authori- ties, and net manufacturers. At the request of law-enforcement authorities in this region the Bureau of Fisheries and the Bureau of Standards cooperated in an extensive laboratory and field investiga- tion of this problem in an effort to correct this condition. Asa result of this work a principle for determining legal mesh measurements by a spring steel gage was developed and has been generally accepted by the State authorities. RED SNAPPER FISHERY AND INDUSTRY During the past year a study was made by Norman D. Jarvis, of the technological staff of the Division, on methods of production used in the red snapper and grouper fishery at Pensacola to determine the possibility of introducing more efficient types of gear for catching these fishes. Experiments were conducted especially to determine the efficiency of small fish traps or pots and trawl lines. In this work it was found that a slightly modified type of the West Indian fish pot could catch red snapper in considerable numbers, the catch for a single pot running from 7 to 93 fish, with an average around 20 fish, in a 2-hour period. However, it was determined that trawl lines could not be fished’ successfully on most of the red-snapper fishing grounds even when modified to meet local conditions, but they might be used to advantage in certain areas for catching grouper. A series of experimental cures of smoked red snapper were made in an effort to learn whether these fish would be suitable for marketing as a cured fish. As a result it was found that a smoked product of the finnan haddie type could be prepared. This product has an excellent flavor and keeps in good condition over a considerable period of time after preservation. The industry has adopted the method developed and is now marketing smoked red snapper on a small scale. Mr. Jarvis also was detailed to aid the State of Florida in conducting experiments in preserving various locally caught fishery products for home use. This work was received with enthusiasm, for it has shown the fishery industry in the State the possibilities for expanding the market for local fish. MARKET AND INDUSTRIAL SURVEYS Market and industrial surveys are made to supply the trade with useful market information regarding the distribution and consump- tion of fishery products and to supply descriptive and economic data on our fisheries and fishery industries. AQUATIC SHELL INDUSTRIES During 1932 a survey was made of our oyster, marine-clam, fresh- water mussel and marine-pearl shell industries by F. F. Johnson. The value of the products of these industries in 1932 was valued at nearly $8,000,000. FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 159 The high percentage of calcium carbonate content in oyster, marine- clam, and fresh-water mussel shells make the crushed product from them a valuable digestible feed for laying hens and growing chicks as well as an important agricultural liming material. The production of crushed oyster shells for poultry feed in the past 12 years exceeded the 1932 production only in 1929 and 1930, although the value of the 1932 production was exceeded in each of the preceding 11 years. The production in the North and Middle Atlantic areas, while small, has remained fairly constant throughout the 12-year period for which annual statistics are available; the Chesa- peake region has declined in production from a peak of nearly 120,000 tons in 1922 to less than 45,000 tons in 1932; the South Atlantic, not including Florida, reached a peak of 16,200 tons in 1927 and decreased to 10,400 tons in 1932; and the position of the Gulf States, including the Florida east coast, in oyster shell manufacture has increased rapidly in the past 12 years with exploitation of the vast supplies of reef shells. The production in Louisiana from 1927 to 1930, inclu- sive, has annually exceeded 100,000 tons, with some recession during the past 2 years, while the production in Florida in 1932 reached a peak of 61,000 tons. On the Pacific coast interest is being evidenced in exploiting the shells of the Japanese oyster which will supplement the west coast manufacture of products from currently accumulated oyster and clam shells, and reef and fossil deposits. ESTABLISHING MARKETING GRADES FOR FISH The Bureau, at the request of the State of Virginia, cooperated with the Virginia Bureau of Markets in a survey to determine the advisa- bility and practicability of establishing marketing grades for fish and fishery products to assist the fishery industries in the more orderly marketing of their products. This was made by N. W. Broome, representing the State of Virginia, and J. R. Manning, representing the Bureau. Such agricultural products as potatoes, applies, watermelons, peanuts, tobacco, and others are now graded as to quality, and this has promoted efficiency in marketing these commodities. In these cases marketing grades or standards have been adopted which are of benefit to producers, dealers, and con- sumers. With agricultural products, grades are based largely on quality and size. It was believed that a similar grading system would be of value to the fishery industry, since considerable disorder and confusion exist in the marketing of fish. In the conduct of the survey persons operating wholesale fish houses, hotels, and restaurants in Washington, D.C., and dealers and fishermen in the State of Virginia were interviewed as to their opinion on this matter. As a consequence it was found feasible to establish marketing grades and that a majority of the dealers and fishermen favored such a procedure. Accordingly, tentative grades for fresh fish and for salt-cured herring were devised and a grading system based on them was put into operation. Copies of the grades may be obtained from the Bureau of Markets, Richmond, Va. FISHERY BYPRODUCTS INDUSTRIES OF MAINE During the past year a technical and market survey was made of the fishery byproducts industries of Maine by Andrew W. Anderson and Roger W. Harrison. 160 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Asa result of this study it was found that in 1930 Maine byproducts industries prepared manufactured and semimanufactured products valued at $238,071. These consisted of herring (sardine) meal, herring oil, white-fish meal, cod and cod-liver oil, clam meal, fish glue, fish scale essence, and a quantity of salted ground fish skins. In addition, waste sold by canners to byproducts plants and pearl buttons cut from imported shells were reported as bringing various concerns a total of $123,374. Raw materials from which byproducts can be manufactured are accumulated from the canning and smoking of herring; the eviscera- tion and canning, smoking, salting, freezing, or packaging of cod, haddock, hake, pollock, flounders, and cusk; the shucking and canning of clams; the shucking of scallops; the picking of crabs and lobsters; the smoking and salting of alewives and mackerel; and trash fish. The available waste material during 1930 from the various fishery industries amounted to over 44,500,000 pounds. Of this approxi- mately 32,000,000 pounds were utilized by the 14 fish reduction, 16 oil rendering, and 1 pearl essence plants operating. Two additional fish reduction plants were capable of operation, but did not operate. The greatest portion of the waste results from the canning and smoking of herring and is accumulated in Washington County. The second important source of waste, that from ground fish, is accumu- lated largely in Cumberland County along with considerable herring waste. Shellfish waste is accumulated largely in Knox and Washing- ton Counties. Maine byproducts plants are equipped for the manufacture of exceptionally high quality fish meals, and facilities are adequate for increased utilization of waste without additional investment. In general it was found that herring oil and in many cases cod and cod-liver oil production methods need improvement and that clam waste and fish scale waste could be used to a much greater extent. In addition, cod-liver meal could be produced from ‘‘chum”’ from oil rendering operations. A considerable quantity of scallop waste is available. This no doubt can be converted into a useful product. Also, a small produc- tion of crab scrap and lobster scrap is possible and an additional market for ground fish skins from fresh waste could be had by salting skins. It was further determined that small accumulations of ground fish waste could be air-dried and that Maine fish meals due to their inherent value as a feed stuff should command a good market. PUBLICATIONS OF THE DIVISION During the calendar year 1932 the following publications were prepared by members of the Division. These do not include the monthly statistical bulletins of the landings of fishery products at Boston and Gloucester, Mass., Portland, Maine, and Seattle, Wash., nor the monthly reports on cold-storage holdings of frozen fish and quantities of fish frozen. The report entitled, “Studies in Crab Canning” was a contribution to the Bureau by Kokichi Oshima, of Japan. The fishery documents, reports, and circulars may be pur- chased at the prices shown from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. The statistical bulle- FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 161 tins and special or S-memoranda are distributed free of charge upon request to the Bureau. The special articles may be obtained from the sources of publication. Those wishing to receive current copies of this report and statistical bulletins issued by the Bureau should request that their names be placed on the Bureau’s mailing lists no. 128 for the Annual Statistical Report, 128a for general statistical bulletins, and 128b for monthly cold-storage reports. Those desiring historical statistical data on the domestic fisheries for the period 1880 to 1929 should consult the report entitled ‘‘Fishery Industries of the United States, 1930,” by R. H. Fiedler, Appendix II to the Report of the United States Commissioner of Fisheries for the fiscal year 1931. Figures for 1930 may be found in the report entitled ‘‘ Fishery Industries of the United States, 1931,” by R. H. Fiedler, Appendix II to Report of Commis- sioner of Fisheries for the fiscal year 1932. DOCUMENTS, REPORTS, AND CIRCULARS FIepuer, R. H. Fishery industries of the United States, 1931. Appendix II, Report of Commissioner, 1932. 8°, 343 pp. 20 cents. FIepueER, R. H., and Norman D. Jarvis. Fisheries of the Virgin Islands of the United States. 8°, 32 pp., 10 figs. Investigational Report No. 14. 5 cents. JARVIS, NORMAN D. The fisheries of Puerto Rico. 8°, 41 pp., 8 figs. Investigational Report No. 13. 5 cents. JOHNSON, F. F. Some unusual markets for fish and shellfish. 8°, 13 pp., 3 figs. Fishery Circular No. 11. 10 cents. Lemon, J. M. Reducing the shrinkage of frozen fish in cold-storage. 8°, 12 pp., 2 figs. Investigational Report No. 9. 5 cents. Developments in refrigeration of fish in the United States (with bibliography). 8°, 33 pp., 3 figs. Investigational Report No. 16. 5 cents. Osuima, KoxIcHI. Studies in crab canning. 8°, 8 pp., 2 figs. Investigational Report No. 8. 5 cents. Toute, CuesterR D., E. M. Newson, and Grorce S. JAMIESON. Chemical and physical properties of burbot-liver oil and its vitamin content. 8°, 6 pp., 2 figs. Investigational Report No. 12. 5 cents. SPECIAL ARTICLES Conn, W. T. Reduce the cost of Maryland fish nets. Maryland Fisheries, March 1932. Baltimore. Net preservative research, 1931, with recommendations. Bureau of Fish- eries Memorandum 8-326, June 9, 1932. (Revision of Bureau of Fisheries Special Memorandum 696-D, entitled ‘‘Principles of net preservation, 1931”’). Washington. Coutson, E. J., H. Levine, and R. E. Remrneron. Oysters and anemia. Address before the Food and Nutrition Section, American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C., October 25, 1932. Published in American Journal of Public Health and the Nation’s Health, November 1932. New York. Bureau of Fisheries Special Memorandum 2502. Washington. FIEep er, R. H. Fisheries of Louisiana. Louisiana Conservation Review, January 1932. New Orleans. Fisheries of North Carolina. Address before a meeting of fishermen, More- head City, N.C., February 16, 1932. Published in Fishing (New York), March 1932, as ‘“‘Green Pastures’’ and in the United States Daily (Wash- ington), April 4, 1932, as ‘‘Plan for stimulating fisheries in North Carolina.” 162 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Frepuer, R. H.—Continued Fisheries statistical research. West Coast Fisheries, De Luxe Reference Number, 1931-32. San Pedro, Calif. High food value of flour made from fish bones. United States Daily, November 1, 1932. Washington. Absorbing surplus oyster stocks. Fishing, December 1932. New York. Problems in marketing fishery products in the United States. Address before the National Association of Marketing Officials. Washington, D.C., December 138, 1932. Published as Bureau of Fisheries Special Memo- randum No. 2450-D. Washington. Jounson, F. F. The hot fish shops of St. Louis, Missouri. Fishing Gazette, July 1932. New York. United States Daily, November 4, 1982. Washington. Canned oysters for inland sections. Fishing, August 1932. New York. Galveston County leads in State (Texas) in fish production. The Galveston Daily News, October 1, 1932. Texas. Typical New England clam bake. United States Daily, November 10, 1932. Washington. Market for oysters, roasted or steamed. United States Daily, December 19, 1932. Washington. Lemon, J. M. Controlled smoking. Fishing Gazette, July 1932. New York. Ancient and modern refrigeration. United States Daily, October 27, 1932. Washington. MANNING, JOHN RUEL. Value of shrimp meal. Flour and Feed, April 1932. Milwaukee. Bureau of Fisheries Memorandum S-328. Washington. Opportunities afforded by fish and fish products in Florida. Address de- livered at University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla., during Farmers’ Week, August 10, 1932. Published as Bureau of Fisheries Special Memorandum 2494. Washington. Morris, H. P Studies on the nutritive value of kelp meal for animal feeding. November 1932. Bureau of Fisheries Technological Report No. 5. Washington. STATISTICAL BULLETINS Fisheries of the New England States, 1930. Statistical Bulletin No. 971. Fisheries of the Middle Atlantic States, 1930. Statistical Bulletin No. 966. Fisheries of the Chesapeake Bay States, 1930. Statistical Bulletin No. 967. Fisheries of the South Atlantic and Gulf States, 1930. Statistical Bulletin No. 976. Fisheries of the Pacific Coast States, 1930. Statistical Bulletin No. 974. Lake fisheries, 19380. Statistical Bulletin No. 972. Fisheries of the United States and Alaska, 1930. Statistical Bulletin No. 980. Production of cured fishery products in the marine and lake sections of the United States and Alaska, 1930. Statistical Bulletin No. 981. Fishery products frozen and cold storage holdings of frozen and cured fishery products in the United States and Alaska, 1931. Statistical Bulletin No. 973. Production of fresh, frozen, and smoked packaged fishery products in the United States, 1931. Statistical Bulletin No. 975. Canned fishery products and by-products of the United States and Alaska, 1931. Statistical Bulletin No. 977. Lake fisheries, 1931. Statistical Bulletin No. 1008. Fisheries of the Mississippi River and tributaries, 1931. Statistical Bulletin No. 994. ; Fisheries of Alaska, 1931. Statistical Bulletin No. 978. Landings by fishing vessels at principal New England ports, 1931—By months. Statistical Bulletin No. 962. Landings by fishing vessels at the three principal New England ports, 1931—By fishing grounds. Statistical Bulletin No. 979. Fishery products landed by United States fishing vessels at Seattle, Wash., 1931. Statistical Bulletin No. 965. FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 163 Part 2. FISHERY STATISTICS, 1931 GENERAL REVIEW The catch of fishery products in the United States and Alaska during 1931 decreased sharply from that in the previous year, the decrease in quantity amounting to 19 percent and in value 29 percent. The value of the production of canned fishery products decreased 24 percent as compared with that in the previous year; and by-prod- ucts decreased sharply. There were also decreases in the production of packaged, frozen, and cured fishery products There was a decrease of 15 percent in the value of imports and 33 percent in the value of exports as compared with 1930. During 1931 the domestic fisheries employed about 123,000 persons as fishermen, 4,200 on transporting craft, and about 78,000 were engaged in the wholesale and manufacturing industries, a total of about 200,000 persons, exclusive of duplication. The catch amounted to 2,657,317,000 pounds, valued at $77,344,000. This value, together with an estimated revenue of $3,136,000 received by persons on transporting craft and $45,483,000 received as salaries and wages by persons in wholesale and manufacturing establishments, makes a total of $125,963,000 as the income of primary handlers of fishery products. In 1931, in the United States and Alaska, the production of canned fishery products amounted to 506,702,000 pounds, valued at $62,940,000, and the output by by-products was valued at $18,538,000. The production of fresh and frozen packaged fishery products amounted to 139,283,000 pounds, valued at $23,076,000. The pro- duction of cured fishery products amounted to 98,969,000 pounds, valued at $12,364,000. The pack of frozen fishery products in the entire United States and Alaska amounted to 112,257,000 pounds, estimated to be valued at $11,000,000, making the total value of all manufactured products in the entire United States and Alaska in 1931, about $128,000,000. It is estimated that about 600,000,000 pounds of fishery products valued at $47,000,000 were marketed fresh, making a total marketed value to primary handlers of all fishery products in 1931 of about $175,000,000. Fishery products imported for consumption were valued at $43,033,000, while domestic exports were valued at $11,574,000. New England States—The 1931 statistics for the catch of these States show a decrease both in the volume and in the value of the catch as compared with any year for which there are records since 1924. The landings of fish by vessels at Boston and Gloucester, Mass., and Portland, Maine, also decreased appreciably under 1930, as did also the output of packaged fish. The production of frozen fish decreased about one fifth and the production of sardines in Maine declined sharply. Middle Atlantic States—The catch of fishery products of the Middle Atlantic States in 1931 was less in volume than in any pre- ceding year for which data are available and the value of the catch was less than in any year since 1908. The landings of fish at New York, N.Y., and Groton, Conn., decreased somewhat under the 1930 landings. There was a considerable increase in the production of 176453—33——2 164 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES packaged fish, but a small decrease in the production of frozen fish. The catch of shad in the Hudson River increased appreciably in 1931 over 1930. Chesapeake Bay States—In 1931 the catch of fishery products in the Chesapeake Bay States was somewhat less than that in 1930, but exceeded the production in 1929; however, the value of the 1931 catch was less than that for any year for which there are records since 1897. There was a large increase in the catch of shad and alewives in the Potomac River as compared with 1930. The value of men- haden products was but little more than one half that of the preceding year. South Atlantic and Gulf States—The catch of fishery products in the South Atlantic and Gulf States in 1931 was less than in any year for which data are available since 1908 and the value is less than any year since 1902. ‘There were decreases in the production of packaged fish, canned oysters, and menhaden products, although there was a small increase in the output of canned shrimp. Pacific Coast States ——The catch statistics for the Pacific Coast States in 1931 show the smallest catch since 1926 and a value less than in any year since 1922. There was an increase in the pack of canned salmon, as the biennial heavy run of humpback or pink salmon occurred in 1931. There were large decreases in the packs of canned sardines, canned tuna, packaged fish, and frozen fish. Lake States——The United States fisheries prosecuted in the Great Lakes and the international lakes of northern Minnesota in 1931 decreased somewhat under the previous year. Beginning in 1929 a revised statistical procedure was used, including certain products not canvassed in some of the preceding surveys, and there was a change in the methods of collecting statistics in some of the States. Mississippi Rwer and tributaries—The first survey for statistics of the catch of the Mississippi River and tributaries since 1922 was made for the year 1931. A considerable decrease in the catch is noted between these years, which is reflected principally in a smaller catch of fresh-water mussels, which are used primarily in pearl button manufacture. Alaska.—The catch of fishery products in Alaska in 1931 was less in both volume and value than that in 1930; however, the pack of canned salmon in 1931 exceeded that of the previous year. There were decreases in the packs of frozen fish, cured fish, and in by- products. Fisheries of the United States and Alaska, 1931 SUMMARY OF CATCH: By SECTIONS [Expressed in thousands of pounds and thousands of dollars; that is, 000 omitted] ’ ' South Atlantic Product New England, Be ere Chesapeake, | and aint areas Paine area X XII YN TIT area X XIII XXIV and XXIII 7 XXV Quan- Quan- Quan- Quan- onal i tity Value tity Value tity Value tity Value tity Value Fish___....---------| 496, 088] 13,817| 113,401] 2,950] 186,412] 2,872] 166,810) 3,393] 584,437] 12, 203 Shellfish, ete.....-_- 44, 210) 6, 324) 51, 498 6, 261) 106, 859 4, 556) 122, 499 4, 68] 12, 869 1, 309 otal. = ss2ehs 540, 298) 20, 141) 164, 899 9, 211] 298, 271 7, 428] 289, 309 8, 082} 597, 306} 13, 512 Note.—The Roman numerals appearing under the names of the sections are the numbers given these areas by the North American Council on Fishery Investigations. It should be explained that there are included under these areas craft owned under the respective areas but at times fishing elsewhere. FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 165 Fisheries of the United States and Alaska, 1931—Continued SUMMARY OF CATCH: By sEctions—Continued {Expressed in thousands of pounds and thousands of dollars; that is, 000 omitted] Mississippi River Product Lakes and tributaries Alaska Total Quantity | Value | Quantity | Value | Quantity | Value | Quantity | Value (aL) A Se ee 90, 068) 5, 990 44, 062 2, 258 595, 956] 9, 923 2, 277, 234| 53, 406 Bhaunsn, 660l0-45.2 9... 2 1, 659 39 38, 320 640) 2, 169 120 380, 083} 23, 938 Ar tet EE eee 91, 727, 6, 029) 82, 382} 2,898) 598, 125} 10, 043 2, 657, 317| 77, 344 OPERATING UNITS: By sEcTIONS ; South At- Chesa- lantie and Pacific Gulf! New Eng-| Middle Item land Atlantic | peake Fishermen: MEAS UOSSOIS ents ea er eo WUE GOD et. fae oe A Tee re Net tonnage aie eer. oe eee eo ee Net tonnage pMObAInVGSSeISS = rs oh eT Pe ee 706 525 320 603 940 Motalinet tonnseere <> 2222 oe 55 26, 116 8, 953 6, 108 9, 487 26, 134 Boats ITE [SAVE Stee Beta a ye a ae ee rare Ee oa 5, 026 1, 875 8, 483 5, 854 5, 383 OAL ETC) cpa ok Yel ee ti lh 5 Ser ar wy SBS 22 3, 848 2, 007 5, 616 8, 583 1, 366 NERS VE DOAUS Eten et ear et 1, 250 198 76 ot eee See Apparatus: j PESTE SINGS en ee es LS 160 382 316 988 186 2 PUD IGS GMS Ea ATE teen al Od eae ee aes 184 27 42 51 423 ip topegt he eT ee Se ea | ie ee (il ake Spe bese aa ae 209 Otter trawls (including all types and RIZGS) eee oes ok eee as Se 164 27 2, 255 MLap nets. oe eee Fyke nets BRO Nein ANG OCKOLMIOUS ee acer eee eale A UD) anaes ee ee ae? seeks ae eee = ae thor notes: =e tees Fee 390 ODKS, PAILS. OF SNOOUS2=.<5- -22nase ane 716,608 | 1,515, 456 413, 789 1, 131, 155 SRI In CUETO GY ee en poe ee ae Te ce aE ene Oe oe eee Smee 8 Spork Chee ern a 24 32 TOGTE TG Tay Rha Co [Rn 2 0 a ea ae eae 9, 175 11, 339 US lal aah Sa a Lue rate Ce ae Se ee PERG CP ees Ree | ea eee Crab and crawfish pots, traps, drags, ee ee ee oe ee eee 2, 681 Ce le ages Ife | 3, 526 16, 689 Girriratves ses a 28 3 ae 99 scl. se TN bye ae = REPEC Ci eal Pe eee ee et Te ee 44 112 it hoy Eee ee LSUPSTS DULG ete PTC ie ES a ia =| Paar Sie Se apse ols || bs ot ae a ee a SNe Cee pare a ee 336 631 724 591 3 Scallop dredges and drags---_-_--------- 3, 878 1, 069 1, 216 O11) 4 | See ee RED Sy SC ee a a eS eee eee ee ee ih oe SoS Se een ee Tongs, rakes, hoes, forks, grabs, etc_--- 4, 618 3, 109 11, 957 3, 397 3, 732 IMT ae Chay bs eae) Te Ure Se eee Ce al ne ces Ps Saat (eS ae Ses Ss 18 sporevecn abhi ite |n ile 2S a os Pi eee Bie een ee bese Sear es Ae Soren so OTHE AOARALESIS Ss: ome 3, 378 7 ee oa ee 4, 880 7, 400 1 Includes the operating units used in the fisheries of Lake Okeechobee, Fla. 8 Includes dip nets, cast nets, scap nets, reef nets, push nets, and other minor nets. 5 Includes fish pots, harpoons, spears, gaffs, crab, sponge and crawfish hooks, periwinkle and cockle pots, Picks, coquina scoops, and other apparatus not included in “‘ Other nets.” 166 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of the United States and Alaska, 1931—Continued SUMMARY OF CATCH: By sEctions—Continued [Expressed in thousands of pounds and thousands of dollars; that is, 000 omitted] Mississippi Item Lakes River and Alaska Total tributaries Fishermen: Number Number Number Number OnivesselSi 28-8. e eso Sate She ee GOT: | ee etees Ae es 28,914 31, 871 Onjboats'and!shoress. shane eee ae ee ee 5, 142 5; SRda ent ots We ee 90, 904 AYO) SH Ue ee sees Sas Aan Re de 6, 839 15, 884 8, 914 122, 775 Vessels: Steamea ss 2 eos a ese cee sae tee 186 Nei tonnages-2. 222) eset 12, 649 Motors 222 Soren. ee se 3, 652 Neb tonnavelcos:—- Se ee ene ee 72, 689 Sail ok oo ee Se oe | ee ede 343 Neb tonnage’. ieee Sa By ee | eee ee Bi 6, 461 TOtAIIWeSSCIS 2 os see cee ree ae Hai 0 Yel eh ee Sen Ts 582 4, 181 otal meptonnagessaes = ee See ees (Gata cay Ne SI TE Aiea 8, 416 91, 799 Boats: WOU OTs eee Se eee a ee ee 1, 756 4, 426 1,318 34, 121 thon: tt Sh ee res Sere ee Ee eee 1, 480 10, 120 3, 642 36, 662 VAICCOSSOLY DOGS 22-2 = Sao ae Lee tne ee cones See ae pee ee i eS ee 1, 699 Apparatus: - Haulsseines =. 54 29. 2at 2 ae ee 316 1, 013 143 3, 504 Punse:Seinesesoic 22s See ee he esa Wan} hs Se 468 1, 195 IBA AE ATG USS ee ce ee ee eee ge, eee | cee ee ee ee sr | Oe cee 209 Ottertrawis Gncludingall'typesiand!sizes)=-|e ar eee ee 3, 012 IB GAIT SUPA WSs sae ee cree eee eee eg ces balan 65 Paranzella nets 20 Gilli netss.22s- 52 Bees oe ee 160, 416 Drammelimeissvos. oe ees ee 1, 225 Pound nets, trap nets, and weirs___________ 8, 661 374 493 16, 495 STOP HOTS es ee oe eee ee Pee ee = ees te Peg eg pe er ge |e 130 Bykenets set 2s ies: Spee ee eS 2, 437 B2S4le Sore eee eee 44, 152 Bag metsian dypocket Meuse. ley ees ee fora ge es oe eee es ape ll ee Ren 255 OTTER Meissen Se eee SC abit ee See 1 Ol Eee eet eee 6, 238 Looks Daltsionsnocdseeee- sn eee 852, 871 2, 459, 179 (4) 11, 125, 462 MISH hWiHGCIS= oss reso one See ee ee DEE Aah a otek Niel [ioe a Seal ae 259 315 Helipotsiand: traps: S22 2222 FS 2 a a ae ee ee eee 27, 736 Mobster spotse 3) 25. ee ns BS ee Dar ME ee A Eyer oo 2p | Ce 406, 005 FSVou rh auiy own aYeyrfice vaKO lig Mets) Ofer Wel I Beep eR ante ns sepia 438" Reha Lae — 433 Crab and crawfish pots, traps, drags, etc___ 3, 680 18 450 27, 105 Clam Gréd es i fa PA ee cee ee Se eee ees ee oe See le ee 168 Crabydred sesis 20. sens eee ee ee rr bee | oe a ewe allt. oto aes Ss ae ee 271 Misselidned esha sian tees teen ere ala eae) BS ot A40N st Coe 444 Oysteridred peste ie Se gee eer ee Pe EE © Sa ae ee ee 2, 285 Seallopidredgestandidnieseet = oe Se Se Ue eee 6, 364 Crab SCrADeS eos ter aes ee sce AGI ue og a 1, 486 Tongs, rakes, hoes, forks, grabs, ete__--_-_-_- 31, 003 Crowioorsarsy(OalEs) ee one se ee 4, 896 PAI MONE GiVINICIOMAUSE es ee nee he ees, 18 Sponcerdivingioutitts. = 925 fs s ee Ae eee eee 55 OMOEA DATACUS base r seee epee ene ae 19, 695 2 Includes persons in boat and shore fisheries. 3 Includes dip nets, cast nets, scap nets, reef nets, push nets, and other minor nets. 4 Number not determined. 5Includes fish pots, haapoons, graffs, crab, sponge and crawfish hooks, periwinkle and cockle pots, picks, coquina scoops, and other apparatus not included in ‘‘Other nets.” FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 167 Fisheries of the United States and Alaska, 1931—Continued CATCH: By sEcTIONs § {Expressed in thousands of pounds and thousands of dollars; that is, 000 omitted] South Chesapeake | Atlantic and Pacific } Gulf? Species New England reerearrd Quan- Quan- Quan- tity |Value| tity |Valwe) tity |Value 2 Alewives Ma = RS AR oem Ben es, soe eater DOT ies ole: lie oe, lean ae eee 6 LV Tage 24 gees Bee oper ee Crappie Crevalle iL 2 Ra se eS eS 1 ya) cae eee at 198 33 1, 047 75 1, 150 398 24 117 7) @) (8) IORI EDS Aoi ee os 41, 838 | 1,423 | 10, 612 1,283 |} 60 1,312 | 95} 11,423 553 POL RSgr L/S) swap ate PO Re Na Polar ce ge Ty i (a | Pe Se) eee ete ee eee 46 2 Frigate mackerel_----..------ 4 eC) yee eae al | rat @25 % 2 \ Rpt aah fs ah el FR eS ees Are eet a a SEE Er Sh ea a ae A 1S Se Me ae ae ie 2s OO (a 8 ee ee br LG) | eee ae | ep ipcles eee SA TS Fyhy. |S Sard BE Ne ee oe. 64 2 34] (8) Hardhead Harvestfish pr sStarfish’ )) 22 yee ea ee elo oe CoH a 3) 48 1 FE) p Ale 0 ee pre oe ER Eg Seale ao be ee Deo Sees 67 2 237 9° | eee eee i Han = eee ee ee ll Jewfish emten (Oalitoriia): |e oe oe eee cier fee see | eee en | Doe ome ene] men 4i4 10 Kingfish or ‘king mackerel”’ (8) (8) 59 3 King whiting or “kinefish’’__ 4 (8) 149 11 OL a it hp ee eS Sa ae ee ee ee eee Ee ee ee | ST 1, 836 65 MAO GRE sere aso dann 1, 834 558 26 (8) 40, 567 | 181 10 (8) 656 43 Mummichog hss -o2 2525. (8) 111 po ig pe meee fe ae ES ae ee ee i ee PS 5 [ih etysayihalcieiere 5 eis Ore ea ne te ee Fe ies (eee ee eee Mameetl Ie oes Lee 36 1 [as ee | ead 6 Salt fish have been converted to the basis of round weight. 7 Includes the catch of fish taken in Lake Okeechobee, Fla. 8 Less than 500 pounds or dollars. 168 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of the United States and Alaska, 1931—Continued CATCH: By sErctions—Continued [Expressed in thousands of pounds and thousands of dollars; that is, 000 omitted] Middle eee ; Species New England . Chesapeake | Atlantic and Pacific Atlantic Gulf FISH—continued Quan- Quan- Quan- Quan- Quan- tity Value| tity |Value| tity |Value| tity |Valwe| tity |Value Pollock2= 2222 sie 10, 695 139 55 Dri ge Aas oe See i ae ee ee JeXo yaa) Ofst oo, ieapa Ape TER a ae et (PS ene ie A eee | Se alle (8) (8) 573 | 104 6 3 IROTEIGS MER O hae 5 hh Sa Sei SOS OT Se Oe hl ene eee | Sa ee ee eee eee aes 47 Iota a OG basss. fra See AND St Sel Ss Ae See Gl ee a ie gr a | | 546 31 FROCKASHGS set 25 Sg a SEES Ae SS See | 52 SAN Sa RS Oe a | ee ees | | ee ee 7, 736 260 FRUOSCHSHe ee eon ere ee 237 Oj | See ee | es A Ses | oe a ee el ee ee ee SEUTL ICT@T: ES Tora Somes sag See Ree eRe ope 8 | eter | ee |e | ol | Ce oe | 41 3 Sables shes Ss Sa See Se eee ee a ee oe eg ee aoe ee 8 oe ee elles SS eee eee eee 2, 373 76 Salmon: J NAGI One ae ee Se ee 70 NG (SEA See Blt be ok |e A dae Osea ee ee Bluehback red jorsockeye.|5.2 562 22) BSS 22> 2] Sess Sa a See eS Se eS ae ek ee 7, 316 605 Chinook orikimge!)2_ 22522 Seo P| Ss UO aoe (bee anaes | reese |e eee 39, 634 | 2, 527 Clrumiior ke tase seo oe Sa eal ee Be Se a ee |e AS te eee | eee ee 11, 394 115 Eu pbacksors pike 52 | Sa ses See RAS sae Se Pee ee eae |e S| ee eee | eee 55, 935 699 Silverjor COhOns joao Sa. sees eal Seen SIS ce Ee Eu Sal ene re eee 19, 081 684 CUPL oe aE see en ea Pee | a Sg TS ec ain |e cee na | ne | 92 8 CUI een te ete tees a nay! SA, 3, 196 116 8, 599 177 454 P2222 22-3|- ee eee ee DGat Assis esi ee a a 1, 012 32} 3,994 160 222 9} 411 17 500 22 See Dasssswaatoer@ alitorrai ay) 24) |E See 8 es RS See Ra ee eee ye 2 Ee | Pe eee | 1, 398 116 Searobine = eee 130 2 103 1 1 | (8) (eet ae ee Sato. at hs eas Bn ee 401 25 660 93 | 8,487] 989 1,788 | 287 2, 505 59 SHarkGe = ase ta ee 140 2 SOG tl Rae Se) Nee 970 3) (2222s ae Sheepshead salt-water coe a | ham ee acre es ae een | Eien 1 (8) 1, 062 26 198 6 Silversides 120 Ot) Se ate Shee ot hs eee ee Skatesh ses 84 1 Ae 8); ee elon |e eee 175 4 Simelise ssl oe eee ie eee es ALS C8) Gl etn acs Be |x seo | NDS a | eee 3, TL 98 Snapper: Milam erOvelisote - 3s Seiten Al S| ts A eS Sen ee ee he 114 3) |e (5X (ee a ee rd a (ae Se Sale (S) Ub Se eee ee 6,: 207)" 425) ||22 os ee SOO Kees oe ie a es el a ee = Se 8 oe ee 298) || o> | Dee ae STOR CLS Hie Ane ee ree | | Ee ee |e eee ee ee | De (8), es Se ee Spanishhmackerel sass. |e ee eee ee 234 34 14 1} 4,998] 208 24 3 SOLE Gen eee Ne Ee OR ED es ee a |e ee | re ec | 9 1 SPOR eres: See Seen (8) (8) 472 17 738 26 1, 871 29) |) 23a2e eee BS CUUMEN yas THE eS PI ea | SE CO De cee eee | ee he | ee ee ee | 3] Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’: Gn ayaee ees ea oe 230 14 | 13,553 | 489 | 12, 438 366 | 3, 433 114) |v 235 52-3| DO LLOG 4s sae sense es 3 (Sieh eases eee 5 5, 881 392) 23 ess | ae Steelhead routes 2o-2 eee 2 S| Sete ea eee eh eee oe es See ee oa ee a |e 3, 564 173 SUniped DASst-=— se. els eee 90 14 135 24 1, 116 159 327 35 995 96 StUTCeonne ese eat ees pc 7 1 16 3 1 60 8 120 4 SITCKERS steven eee Ay ESA 160 10 126 7 Hats gee 2 eee 9) @& 1) ® SUMS hie 9 eh aor ea: 8 Bers Re weeks Sod 2) (8) 1 eS) 599 18s |= sare ees Str feiss eee eee at Fees eee Ae A OO a Sal ets ee | SER | Se | eee 305 14 Swondits ieee tes oe ee es se 3, 211 591 106 25)) Be El eck Sa See | 358 49 PINAL SS 2 ere = SR ne ee SEAN MA Eee Sil Pees [ea ne el cael em era es eee |e eee ee eee ee 1} @) apOpees) A eee ey Ree 2s 486 23 200 8 (8) (8) 52225224 ees oe ee ee Menpounder 2 = se es es Fe) ie Bl be pee ae ie FS ee 119 3. |< oee eee Thimble-eyed mackerel ______|_-.-____|------- 106 3 69 3 |sste2ie3| eS ee ee ARiLe fils nee eee 5 Steer Seren 2 1, 637 65 1, 022 BQH) es S202 se ES ee A Noe er Pe | ee | EROTIC OCHRE Reet Se otc oo 107 12 62 2 (8) (Qi ee ee 4] TILA ue eee Lee ee tt tee oe el oe a ee ee eee a eee ee eee 8" Oa eee eee Tuna and tunalike fishes: AND SCONES tena. te EEG ee ae | ee ee oe De | ee ee | ee ee | eee! 37 3 Bluefin or horse mackerel_ 301 21 20 ‘Ly | 2.8 hosed | eee ek es 3, 534 169 IES OTNIEO sae ae = oe ee |e ee |e Ce SolST Re Sr Fee Ee ee | eee eee 3, 080 49 Skipjack or striped____-__|_---___- |W i | Se oe See aE ane | a el RO a ee 16, 507 504 BY GVLO GLIDER YE SE I =n nes A Se ee | eee ee | a 36, 580 | 1,979 Wellowspercht: se sui: tae seed Wellowcail ees or We er Sete Miscellanéous fish tee. aol eee MT otalesan. = = eee 496, 088 |18, 817 |118, 401 |2, 950 |186, 412 |2, 872 |166, 810 |3, 393 |584, 437 |12, 203 8 Less than 500 pounds or dollars. FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 Fisheries of the United States and Alaska, 1931—Continued CATCH: By sEctions—Continued {Expressed in thousands of pounds and thousands of dollars; that is, 000 omitted] 169 Middle Sous ’ Species New England Atlantic Chesapeake ag a Pacific SHELLFISH, ETC. Quan- Quan- Quan- Quan- Quan- tity | Value| tity |Value| tity |Valwe| tity |Valwe| tity |Value AON FILET (TS Se © Snel PT ad Je | [ad Sy APR Leet al | be Daal [IE | ee (ee ee 678 125 lams: Os Se 136 OL [eee te | csane ee | Re ee | Pe cen |S Pee 22 5 eS OE Fp pers Seas El aa eel PR ec OE So | | ee (Co) Yul bites etl [hes 1S a See 4, 811 699 | 2,646 | 738 743 | 254 1, 128 67 460 22 PPS UPi oa Se? SS NE a Fy [ he ep oe a pele nl (pS et [Maen | bE OM Ja SE ie Se 26 10 UIT F) ce ae i ei ee a 469 21 1 (8) a ea ee ee 818 151 [CET fase OE Se ee ema ne 10, 769 612 1, 549 13} 77) RBS OS So SO =e ae aa 49 10 STP TnL Scaled aeeal OS ee, ee 0 5 497 7 | ae ol | | eae || Ni ge 2 Se Tl oN LNs ae ee pe ee gl feet eal ic Ate os A Seas SD | Re A a eee eal (oe a 2 JDL es a eee eee] |S nee ae See 55 P| Feats BE Le 4x82) eee ee Crabs: 1 ele pe eee el 934 56 274 15 | 58,894 | 805) 7,709 94 | 4,294 334 BRN Ta eee se a its | (eed 8 2 5, 105 SLI Rene | |e ae? ee 8 | ee Sees 3())t Wee es SS ee 2 1 59 16 | 5,623 | 388 437 OS) |aeet a sl see SOV ECD oe SS eg ie eos SO nl ee ee ee Sel ae Sas ee 143 Oi ee eee | eee OES TES LET FL SD 2 Lo Bie Ss a ae ES | eed ON ek rel ee el ee a eee od 123 12 Lobsters: COVE] EUN EEL 0 | pepe eee Ea 11, 312 |, 2,719} 1, 149 | 292 (8) (8) fey Sead 2 eee ee SU ce = ee | ae Se PC ees (ee ea ed) oe ee eee one 456 42] 1,340 223 VETER I Re Ree ee no 117 7 174 8) [ES A ee eee ee 8) (8) IER Uce FSS se ee ds Ek AA a re A oe i) 1 124 Oysters: Eastern, market, public__ 53 7 457 63 | 22,331 |1,903 | 10,097 | 483 172 55 Eastern, market, private_| 4,013 814) 21,1090) 2. 7020) “9.9805 B8Ie 94s 778) cdl jones esse ee Eastern, seed, public__-_-_- 1, 055 LOZ POSSI esha eiT G04 Ide eee ees See eee eee Eastern, seed, private__--| 4, 563 549 735 78 45 1 CaS eae | See ts | ee ee ee 1 RSE SEDER hg) Fe a al SE in el ee |e i | en tl ee ee eee 205 162 PS PEE ME eee ie) Se a ba ee ee (ee ee A el a 1, 035 144 Levin yuu id See as ae eee 118 (Fd fg nee Pee he Pare | Sage ia ba Reais Bae rupee | LL abe el (EBS Scallops Pa ean ee 2 1, 698 428 1, 042 107 1, 226 79 508 51 2 Slike Soe AP ODN IE 5 | weed ein AO) tot fe cone 3 | rset he al do Rhvimiperene ss oe 3 1 1 340i bd) net ee [lea 96, 451 |2,730| 1,757 4% 30 ‘SU {ti GCL se ee ee ee 2, 811 56 2, 194 49 411 1 A |S see (ER ole 1, 744 14 PRES ee fee a ne ba ads Se (8) (8) 2 1 38 11 (8) Wea LES. Le ae ee oe een mr el el (mas AA A(G)aw |i see MeL td 74 3 1 See eee ae a ete) eee Pee eens Pee neen ee Eee 104 a Jal a es (Re ers ligtsiaias (C0 ees Se ee 89 (ifs) = ee 8) Se | ee eee eet eae ce ee reac Oe he 9 le | oe ee el Re ey ee eel eee mee SOL AAS ly | Pee eS ‘Blood worms: == == se: 55 50 21 I | a Sake he tn | a ales VS ok a | ee SIN CRWORINS = Soa eee ee 53 36 31 BON eae | es alee * 2 8 ee ee eee ee PROLat See tees 44, 210 | 6,324 | 51, 498 |6, 261 |106, 859 |4, 556 |122, 499 |4, 689 | 12,869 | 1,309 Graz ‘totale... = 540, 298 |20, 141 |164, 899 |9, 211 |293, 271 |7, 428 |289, 309 |8, 082 |597, 306 |13, 512 : Mississippi Species Lakes River and Alaska Total tributaries Quan- Quan- Quan- Quan- FISH tity Value tity Value tity Value tity Value LOTTE L hs SS a Se (eS ER, ae a) EI 5 SER fo, Pe ea | eee 2) (8) SOLES. - pa See ee eee Se ee ee 42, 197 359 Amberjack 6 (8) Anchovies_.....--- 308 6 Dae CEP. Se oe ea LE Sa Oe « Sie | ae (Rane (AT ey | Se a 4,195 363 IEEE Cee SES See a ae ee ee ae ee ee 515 49 PTFE ene. 22 5 ee ee ES ee Eee ere eee aa ee 6, 756 435 Blue pines. as Fe ks. : 12, 679 539 Libel Pash eter ao af ajo red [ee ae SG | Sd | ee ee See (aS ENN | 223 7 LE fake) hs oe 228 8 bs Se eS ae Es ee ae ee ee Se ee) |e ee 992 50 EER PATA on _ A See ere ge eS: 7 (8) 428 OR ee Ss | re 445 9 eralonshe cats eee Tina 16772, 68'7| eee es ee 15, 827 687 LEU LOT A teak SS pe A OS ES RAS ae SSS Sel LES ea cee IE ae ices | Eo | at a 14, 421 591 Ne Se. eee ee 464 (iy ears Pees ey | 464 6 METER OR Cie) GOLGI me Meee ee hoe Boe 9 ee ee | ee ee 10 (8) 8 Less than 500 pounds or dollars. 170 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of the United States and Alaska, 1931—Continued CATCH: By sEcTIOoNns—Continued [Expressed in thousands of pounds and thousands of dollars; that is, 000 omitted] Species FIsH—continued CCE] op ci Rs Ye SE ae eR el eA ge are i Py ch ea Ul We ay eal fee 2 ae Carp Catfish and bullheadsis2=22==sesee= GiSCORe res eee See aR A! OS Se Cor LT ee en eee ee Cee (B)0)2) Oy 0) (eee nee ees ES a ee Crevallesie. 2 bak Se aes eee IBY alia gurney PEE es Se a ears Bac kyes= eae Se be See) Red or redfish FGI Sha see aoe SUR eda Det ReGen Le rane Ugloim densi s2- eae eee see eee il haireyer ots) oe Ee ee ee a ee, Sale ee Rricatemackereluss 222-5422 22 2= @oosehishises sees sree we eee nena Gnas he ee ee See GTrOUpers=ttes tas Lh a te Seer eos GQEIIN Ss Se he aerate oak ee Halibyt eae Looe skeet age IS Hostel Dd Se ate ene ya ene De Wihishes = 32226 a ea eee eee sae x Wangrish! (Calitornisa) a == sese see Kingfish or ‘‘king mackerel’’_______ King whiting or ‘‘kingfish’’________ Ladyfish MUS KOM TOU neater eae eee ee SUIT COMM mee oe Sah NT TS Mackerel Vita Oe eee a Reh a a a | eh | [el INTE BO Tae S Een i re a A a | i a a eo | (BAe) Of SDs et eee meee ee ee Seer |e ee Mississippi Lakes River and Alaska tributaries Quan- Quan- Quan- tity Value tity Value tity Value 4, 180 119 | 11, 892 455) [=a = See 718 47 | 10, 267 S784 sence eet Soe 46041 5°% Boge ns Ae atl sca pealheee nn (ee ace leery Bin ees Dulac ache lee Goats teelite Seek ea reall Bi Le ae | ce ee 1, 187 7 Ree BM ia ke rt ee Dial ee SO eee 20 face Se eee (EINE oy ERS see DP (SG ra lo 6 "22,695 | 1,353 Bip Fishy Seve as NR EG On| eS Sa | re | ee eee |e PEKCROP DICK CLONe ee eo ere eee | ie ean fee, See 5 Biker(@acks) sos tee a eae EMULE 6 ey ern ae a ae alee a ee ne cca Be 8 Less than 500 pounds or dollars. Total Quan- tity Value 228 9 17, 252 662 - 16, 836 a ae 4, 624 322 36 1 347 38 112,303 | 2, 715 alae) 534 22 81 2 20, 184 407 453 19 6, 513 lil 71 6 (8) (8) 1, 560 43 2, 574 116 2, 764 22%; 66, 750 2, 554 46 2 Siieence) 74 1 98 2 80 2 18 (8) 1, 423 11 2, 816 74 23 1 182,561) 5, 430 16, 951 274 41, 701 2, 897 46 6 49 1 17, 412 430 5% 4 169, 574 1, 153 304 10 15}. © 562 17 18 1 414 10 3, 479 167 715 28 3} @ 10, 617 1, 365 241 2 1, 837 65 2, 023 ib 667 10 2 (8) 586 112 9 36 1 953 43 5! ©) 142 3 28 4 390 20 300, 204 1, 185 (8) ) 67 2 10, 750 141 579 107 47 1 269 ll 570 32 7,771 261 237 3 a oe FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 Fisheries of the United States and Alaska, 1931—Continued CATCH: By sEctlons—Continued [Expressed in thousands of pounds and thousands of dollars; that is, 000 omitted] 171 Mississippi Species Lakes River and Alaska tributaries FisH—continued Quan- uan- Quan- tity Value tity Value tity Value Ce Deke NA ESF Re RR a Te (a a A [aS ee pare ee manele a [ele GEUNER ae ste Se Seis, TE 2 | es CEO Ronee eae 411 13 Salmon: AALS S14 1 (Oe He Be a FE ay tO AS Sea (Eee! (Ee eens |i ene Nea MInGhneEeren, OF SOCKOVO S22 a\ so. see [sae Soe ecb pe eee wee 162,052 | 3,996 CEN ETT TGC ol a (eae ote ee ea) I ea ee eee ee ene 13, 606 345 COLO ant shy Lat ee ae, Se ees ee eee poeeee 59, 331 457 TSN Peri a os ects) oy oyna cae eas a ES ee eee ee eee > 215, 331 | 2,619 SLM Ti (OCT Cpe ener ae Ns TN ere | eal 5 ed ES ee eee A Sheepshead: Fresh-water Salt-water__ Silversides--_---- SEG GGG Jos ue Sa ee SE | ERS an eee ee ee Pee ere owes OU EVELERASTEL TREES Col) 0 Ma Ee Spa og ae (ES | | er eS ea ee eee Saeeee RAPS UEU beni epee et pn te ee sae Se Ne No eo eelecec oak [STEPS eS RE a SS Pe EA | Pere eA | (Ree | AR (ee (ere VEEL ERE TIS ie Ne Ry ae op i eet UO eG (A | Ree] (ee a | eases [ere oepere Squeteagues or ‘“‘sea trout”’: SPACE GL a) 2 Se ea he Re ee ae ere | ee Re? | Ee ee | ee SS aa (ee oe BUNTPRON eee cw ee eee os 26 Binmecon aU V CIOS. =< a seas |e eee BUGERrS oe 20-2 oa Ae ee eS LINE Tif So es ers ees See Meee. SO > ee) Aen eae Werinownder. = 52 bits ot fe a ol Se oe Ainmble-eyed' mackerel. -22-- ates | ee beak a JIMS fo ee ee ee Bee | Ee ae eee Lea Rees ee “ELS oh a ee ee SGU ae Se ee ee) aS A Pee ee SER Pee nae 3] LR Y > 7A 1 See Sa | eae 418 17 3 Ved EU ee eee ees oe Bees) Op ae od eee al Cine EE eee se eae eae 10, 761 214 MBHOW Perchizc5- ls esse ee MEMOW DIKC..2.0 oe eee so eee 11, 248 1, 646 NOU ge ie eae Spree OE] |S ee (ee el (EO (ne, (See eee hl IP Se Miscellaneous fish ® Less than 500 pounds or dollars. 5,990 | 44, 062 2, 258 |595, 956 Total 9, 923 |2, 277, 234 172 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of the United States and Alaska, 1931—Continued CATCH: By srEctions—Continued [Expressed in thousands of pounds and thousands of dollars; that is, 000 omitted] Mississippi Species Lakes River and Alaska Total tributaries SHELLFISH, ETC. Quan- Quan- Quan- Quan- tity Value tity Value tity Value tity Value PAT alone hae a 2 eee ee ee ee |b \2oee ees | Seer ae ae eee |e ee ee 678 125 Clams: Wockie sees Sse oe ee cee ole ee See a Se re as a eee 158 18 C@oguinie: 2) ce awe ol eee aoa 8 Soe el en nie oe Seah ee 6 8) ET ee Fo a SE Na eg | (Se ee ee se ee eee eS 61 2 9, 849 1, 782 PEAR SUT (ee ae = ne Cal etre aH SS | ps | 26 10 Se X0) ch ee, epee <0 S EES > OSE ee ee ee | em et ee oe! 1, 047 61 2, 335 233 Soft ses e hs Apes eo Bak tore ee See ee aCe el | ee ee Ce 12, 367 757 Suri ee SO ee ed ee es ye aa Ae ey hs a | en reel 567 33 IMI eds a eS es oe Se a ee PE |e 2 | Cee oe | 2 ae ence oe 8 | 2 @onchs se 24 Ea ee a lee ee | RE Lee ee 59 | 2 Crabs: TE ATi Pu ee ee a ae ty | kee rel eed ae lee ee ee 227 21 72, 332 1325 Roi a a ee tate 2 he ee ad ee | alle ee es 5, 105 11 S10) ec SEP RL pe eee Sent tee el (Meena ev Pep een | ree SR MET See oe ee ee 6, 121 498 TDG Be ga ee Oe | ee te |e al eh | eee | Le 143 9 Tavis eee hee ee Tia) 5 29 (Dist bos ee ee a 227 17 Lobsters: (@ ommim or aes ek ee a | EE ne eS | | ee 12, 461 3, O11 Sp Lay a i ie Pa Ea ae a ID rE SN ee es | 1, 796 265 WNVAITIGSEIS MSC cee an ee re ee Se eee ee SI ccm eee | 291 15 IMITISSEIUSH EM Sue os. - ted Lo ht nee 1, 584 31 | 37, 254 AQIS eats bee 38, 838 453 WCTOD ISH eae Ae OS oe Mee = | NE Se Nae | eee 129 8 Oysters HAS TORN MARKO Uys ILD O sets ate IU Seen ea | ee ee ee | ea 33, 110 2,511 HM AStera sy TMAR KO HD Whe Le ert = elle Ne ah eH a Ee ce ae a 39, 861 4, 708 Masternsseed, publics 22226 2ol- ee 21, 482 2, 146 Eastern, seed, private 5, 343 628 iWiestern; markets se 205 | 162 Japanese, amarkete- owen. eee eee 1, 035 | 144 PERI WINKIES ee oe ee he ee 118 8 Seallops: 1B hy pee eee, Le” SRD Sk yf eee aes, | Ome Nemeane A Wn ce Depa. NP Noe Le ee Re 4, 480 667 Bear Sens ee he NE ee eae I ge ee | eee 2, 333 236 Spiro yee See aS OSA a ee tl ee 49 4 834 36 99, 432 2, 850 ES UG he ARS A Rs S| sd OR | FE aA ee ee he eee ess 2 7, 160 131 TRERra Pint ke ace te ly a a eee 19 (po lEeL aes 22 60 12 MRICS a et ee eel a | ee ea ed 94 Bg) ence (ene Det 179 7 SPR OG Sic eee eo a ed a ee el ee NE Ie 875 vA 1 | Rae oes 2 979 144 SURG TFT SS ae a eI i le a 2 89 5 Sponsesh 28. me Ee es ae Se ee ee ees | ee 561 781 Blood WormisS: 26; yeas sae a aS ibe = eS Se ee 76 75 SS Bern hier rn SS a el eee ee I el 84 66 Pearl stands sles sass see ee eh ee. es By lec ete 80. s22~e-sc| eee lee 83 EROta wee penne ares bee 1, 659 39 | 38, 320 640 | 2,169 120 | 380,083 | 23, 938 Grand iiotal sesso 5-2-2 oe ee 91,727 | 6,029 | 82,382 | 2,898 ee 125 | 10, 043 |2, 657,317 | 77,344 _————— ee CATCH: By STATES [Expressed in thousands of pounds and thousands of dollars; that is, 000 omitted] States Marine and coastal rivers Mississippi and tributaries River Quantity J-NVEN of; 00 a ena ERE er 6, 168 PAU KANSAS teen Miners Sees ON Sos She eee California 430, 997 Connecticut____ 45, 770 Delaware 20, 983 TOT a Be oe aes Rortinn & Eaeiiyas 82, 075 Georgia 7, 350 SUD bi aX oT Seapine ME SE Ns a eae Ve eee & diana e164 ee ae terete Sal aaah, WhO Wye eee ae Ud SY eae Be | eee Ee | 8 Less than 500 pounds or dollars. Value Quantity ‘Includes Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, Rainy Lake, Nama- kan Lake, Lake of the Woods, Lake Okeechobee, and several mussel-bearing streams tributary to Lakes Huron and Michigan. FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 Fisheries of the United States and Alaska, 1931—Continued CATCH: By Statrs—Continued 173 {Expressed in thousands of pounds and thousands of dollars; that is, 000 omitted ] Marine and Mississippi River States coastal rivers and tributaries Lakes Total Quantity | Value | Quantity sols Quantity | Value | Quantity | Value LS CT AS ee eS eS Sees Ses See tel et a ee et ee 455 17 LG (hfe es SS ee eee 1, 622 a * 3532 Epa pages! 1, 622 61 WAVEINDA Sos 2 2 ee 45, 704 1, 331 19, 213 1 |-c Sa ee Ee ee 64, 917 2, 325 (Nip 7 a ee PGS 2a5..|) "3.1485; |2 ee 2eee a} as See IRL coe 2-3] 116, 235 3, 443 Lolo er Ci ata tat) 7 (0) RES Sessa (ee ee ee eee eee 66, 634 2, 706 Massachusetts ‘ : 12, 951 Wichigan: 2: .=--.-==- 2, 938 Minnesota 432 RPRINSISSIO Blea so ee 718 Reprint! See Skee 8 Sar PLS ee 77 DATES SPS Se ee ee) eee ee eee 16 New Hampshire 67 iN 7 eh ee 5, 854 1G a aes ee ee 3, 111 North Carolina- - --.---------- 1, 088 oe) it. i = ee eS (ee ee eres 1, 220 OSE ee oS SS ee | sae eee 4 Se eee 4 “ona te a 2 ee 1, 282 Perms ivania sess seo 321 npde island =—=5 2-2 se 1, 663 Bonentearolna-<-- S22 pe. 211 SLAM Led D goles 6he as I (eee er eae ee 11 PRPNMESSOR ee ea Ne oe ee ae 104 Wr he os SR a ee ee 796 Wirginiass 22-526 sl i PNAS Ss ans i mag ie ee — || an See (eee 4, 722 Washington pa empty | Pe ae ee ee ee ee 5, 122 WAPIROORI ee ot ee oe eee ees 2, 645 68 15, 870 1,025 18, 515 1, 093 2. GND AG) 7 aa Sa Ai ae eae DOS Loo LOMOD aM see ee te ee eae |eegooeas 598, 125 10, 043 “NT 7 [oe ae SSS Ce 2, 481, 229 | 68, 313 82,382 | 2,898 93,706 | 6,133 |2,657,317 | 77,344 Yield of the fisheries of the United States, 1931: By gear Gear New England Middle Atlantic Chesapeake Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value PNG SQINOS- == see Fee a2 61, 629, 804 | $1, 630, 272 | 43, 176, 649 $280, 131 |112, 011, 991 | $416, 026 PIAWUSHINGS ~ 2~ See S98) soci. 1, 829, 187 68, 404 3, 966, 162 147,259 | 2, 498, 935 | 130, 360 el siets. 2-2 ee ee see 20, 280, 597 633, 360 | 3, 560, 142 253,010 | 2, 543, 367 | 253, 124 Bmpse ose: 3 ei Soh eae 113, 066, 678 | 3,384,059 | 10, 923, 000 382, 808 | 50, 716, 000 704, 019 mopne nets hess fos tos 12, 994, 597 265,971 | 36, 703, 495 1, 145, 181 | 67, 024, 148 1, 960, 020 MGsbing trapsss] 8 S= oe 10, 780, 044 303, 788 370, 511 1459005 (2-2-2 =—* |= eee eee VC ie a ee See ae 33, 067, 730 149, 022 1, 539, 999 yi to ae a aed SU 3 Ye) et) SS a ae ae ee S| ee oe Se ete 168, 440 20, 719 26, 200 2, 208 Mr kenriGts:.. 6 22 225. sss. 293, 338 17, 457 1, 599, 869 71, 397 925, 372 47, 453 Loo hit) < Se oe 6, 960, 694 81, 632 84, 947 17, 534 | 2,750, 984 168, 964 np Tht ike Se ee ee ee ee eens Pee ee 3, 270 399 16, 376 1, 476 Spy Ee ae es is Se eee ee ese Sc ae es 158, 684 Q8095) [se (gC GS eee ee 174, 300 Uh (ON See oe (Se Ss eee ae eee ee oe oe SL oe ee ee ee eee Came se eee 99, 790 0.4 7 (ee ee ee ee Push nets 122, 265 31, 213 14, 750 0 Ai |e ee Ee ee Pocket nets-- 1, 600 FAQ) | ee | | he ee eee ie ae Otter trawls 233, 693, 841 6, 668, 552 | 16, 451, 487 553, 144 1, 235, 420 48, 868 raps. - 30 -=- 105, 300 2s nee | ee ee ae ee ee ae MT Sos 5 3S 12, 994,510 | 2,829,580 | 3,173, 550 406, 067 282, 179 16, 968 Harpoons 3, 338, 793 599, 549 106, 132 pe tt al | ee ee ad TS ee. eee et 182, 294 15, 945 208, 354 VT ig aie SE eee ed eee ee seen Seni) Tih oa Te ale eS es ld St ee ee aes Pee Se 4, 095, 027 227, 556 [DVS CS es Se ee 12, 660, 927 2,019, 153 | 36,381,386 | 4,686,028 | 14, 120,023 677, 141 dln ee ee TS Ae Se 2, 554, 000 422,730 | 3,369, 731 680, 031 | 34, 031, 680 2, 646, 801 12 7 ee So ee 1, 723, 106 237, 986 1, 148, 331 267, 489 568, 175 65, 182 ROME «oc ae ae ana woesea= 3, 008, 833 371, 010 289, 608 BA OG e OS | eee EfGGR. 5 = 22. setae 8, 619, 770 373, 230 1, 217, 900 LACS ko ae eS eee ee ee Le TE os eS i a ed ee een Ree wete y e 76, 872 27, 900 Se as Be oe) ee ee eee 845 1G = | See ee a= = 13 Og os Cs ne ae | ee ee 215, 712 15, 379 186, 705 20, O87 347, 997 33, 894 (Potal= Ait wee 540, 297, 920 | 20, 140, 288 |164, 898, 737 | 9, 211, 180 |293, 270, 746 7, 427, 960 174 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Yield of the fisheries of the United States, 1931: By gear—Continued Gear South Atlantic and Gulf Pacific Lakes Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value IPUbSeiseINGS2--e ee ee 76, 211, 828 $123,.442) |187, 788, 389)| $1::999;'642 |22 0-2 = ee ee Fiquiliseineseancosaes ee ae 21, 440, 656 663, 094 5, 654, 582 317,736 | 4,696, 700 $146, 785 Gillinetshes : re eee 36, 112, 584 1, 169, 156 | 33, 558, 680 1, 672, 136 36, 666, 681 2, 632, 408 Rramimelnetss = ae ee eee 4, 693, 894 224, 153 674, 069 65, 408 119, 977 3, 039 INOS e es Seer pene Te on 23, 329, 896 938, 141 |117, 489, 156 5, 386,909 | 2, 312, 722 299, 795 IROUNC mets == as ee ee ee 10, 422, 145 307, 856 | 35, 337, 624 1, 080, 290 | 15, 379, 128 1, 053, 263 OUTS se ee ee A yes A 3, 000 30 758, 920 ONSIS | ee eee WWihee las: essa Fase Tat 135, 000 1, 350 263, 040 U7 401: = SS Stopmets es ere ees Be 646, 849 11935; so sl2 oo 2 Bel ice ce Se | ee ee vie meLse ert 2: ee ee 566, 851 27, 789 364, 161 44,998 | 3, 725, 931 206, 951 Dipmersst ei 2S 6 so eee ee 476, 296 30,673 | 2,573, 757 78, 389 290 Castine ise aee ees cis hep ae 90, 820 4,125 \osSe 58 USE O08 coe a I oe IBA OUTIGUS ee mats ees She MODS All ee ocala [Leet ete ge 948, 680 14, 230: |x2 3220 2 el ID Tae Seem emer att hs me ee Silos eo open e le Po eben 149, 689 5,386) ||. 2 = ee ee FGOime ts eames oe wees eS ae ell a et ea oe 132, 859 3008"; =.= 3 See Wamipararictss tse hae a. ae ee Sok Was 5 | se Ne 188, 565, 521 944.1210). 22). 2 eee IPEranzellanetsace = Uke cee Mlae te gels kgs ia] 11, 970, 869 628, 194)|.-22. 25> eee Otter trawls 96;293;'848.") 2,724, S19 (to oe ee oe 8 2 pe ee Beamtrawls sot vee ee be |p ees | ee one ol 1, 180, 210 26):388. |. 29 2 oe eee ARTA pSeastis ees aes Ee 50, 000 750 6, 040, 412 582, 469 | 27, 166, 681 1, 647, 174 Ot See See Ee Es oe 987, 834 65; 4800S Ree eee AES ole ee 75, 130 4, ETAT OONSe este = sb oe Ee an ead Pe 383, 605 49).938 lS Spears 193, 597 Li3432| See ee ee 82 5 Dredeess aii istad Leah ieee 6, 339, 018 800) 867) ee ace eu Loe: 2 eee ee ODES o: Soe Aes ake A in lepers 6, 794, 829 480, 175 | 2 2, 794, 709 2 561, 634 24, 622 312 Crowiooti bares fo ss Se ieee ee | Bee ae ek eee 1, 142, 349 25, 307 RACs se sem ares Se ee 499, 093 46, 260 ete eo en Se 8 Ee ee ee ee HORKS se etek ey es 3 229, 588 8 10)116.)2 22852. Sab io | ee ee Gras eee Toe ern ee ene e & 2, 471, 740 68, 380e|o2) oe ee Seb ee a ee ee DEACON ENS Sk eh See Rae Es ee S| eR tle Morar eal Se ch dE a Bibb ce 310, 255 7, 150 FOO Ke aera be hes we 390 281, 770 249.0857 oo 2-22 eles ee ee es Diving apparatus, abalone, or SPONGES Sete eee ase eee aces 283, 151 539, 285 677, 580 124,404 |2. 22S eee TE Avilateiays Sean See is See 755, 214 {YY A (S101 (Ebene ee ey a lS LS BS 106, 297 2, 539 Ota Sees oy ee |289, 309, 501 8, 081, 934 |597, 306, 512 | 13, 512, 209 | 91, 726, 845 6, 029, 247 Mississippi River and Seat tributaries Total Pounds Value Pounds Value Purseseines.. 5-25. NSS A eee Ne | ee ee SL AS eee 480, 818, 661 $4, 449, 513 TETSU SOT GS Sent hee eC cit ee eg Nae | 13, 739, 657 $574, 541 53, 825, 879 2, 048, 179 Gillnie tse ee hee a ae ee ae ete eevee 166, 598 6, 547 132, 888, 649 6, 619, 741 POTAITITMOL MOUS ne eee ce ee eos eke ae a 1, 134, 206 75, 615 6, 622, 146 368, 215 ines Paar ea hl eee OS Soe DR 10, 140, 037 772, 245 327, 977, 489 11, 867, 976 Poumcdinets ee omen tee eee oe 224, 275 9, 541 178, 085, 412 5, 822, 122 OAH EEADS hoes re eee ee eae oN ee ll | es tee renee | eRe Oe po 11, 150, 555 318, 698 WiGITS B02 CL SS SR ee re ae a ROR Re 35, 369, 649 162, 118 Nghe" 2) ke ee SC Bia Oey ak A ea se e s 398, 040 18, 761 Stopmets:
pounds-_- UG RO ERE CON gee aes 02 ee ee ae gore. Lhe GS Sg SUG | 2 eae Ps Ee oe an eee ee See dos--= EERIE HOG al COG. a2 ee ee i ee seo ooo oS sc beeen dos Pilchard: Chip eed ER cot WTS ee Se 2 ee eee standard cases-- CRT oe UO SE Ss et epeaer kee ke a ee See eee tons_- Bi i a 8 ee oe eee eee gallons__ Pollock: OTSEGO eee ape ee eee me he pounds-- UGE AT GE 8 nS ee ee Se pa ey do== Salted: RNR ie Ae ae SOs ees 2 yaaa a A eon tee eae do-==— PHI R e ehe sake Oe te Shee dae eee wae (teen Po LOSER TOUR UE aS ees eo ae dor Sablefish: Na We ee ee eee ee (olen EG WL 2 ES See SS EO ee be oe ee do=_. 1S eG ee ee ee Se eer do:s.2 Salmon: LG Se Oe es ee rr ee dos ole ORs ae) cs a OL i es eee ee Geese DT Ba ee eS ee eee en ee ee doz- =. LORS REVS DL Se ee ee eee do-==- BANIBCLOLMIOS At1G DICkOMe 404. s+ Sn ool noo oe eee ot ae Quantity 219, 198 77, 800 30, 137, 035 11, 876, 821 383, 450 61, 500 506, 637 2, 282, 179 219, 500 3, 336, 676 131, 664 488, 530 11, 500 382, 680 60, 000 103, 110 36, 860 4, 252, 250 650, 748 242, 130 92, 400 35, 795 8, O11, 050 160, 500 2, 798, 100 1, 480, 569 2, 258, 617 98, 108 205, 015 274, 653 490, 650 885, 408 9, 498 2, 242, 109 184, 696 376, 834 39, 049 1, 058, 300 1, 292, 311 278, 007 102, 392 4, 943 19, 044 1,710 1, 948, 040 19, 000 1, 191, 362 74, 704 1, 595 1, 713, 407 16, 319 3, 916, 336 314, 604 131, 319 222, 100 226, 740 1, 350, 000 96, 535 57, 820 768, 445 357, 317 1, 660, 187 1, 240, 000 10, 159, 650 1, 287, 763 Value 7, 726 133, 697 100, 861 49, 162 246, 848 86, 393 620, 014 66, 643 298, 198 2, £00 48, 162 17, 350 812 4, 715, 089 610, 462 807, 647 28, 271 15, 151 4,779 6, 998 219, 500 4, 626 17, 684 88, 166 49, 550 35, 089 74, 600 1, 550, 048 146, 898 * These are intermediate products and in the case of mild-cured salmon are used largely in the production of smoked and kippered salmon and in the case of button blanks are used in the manufacture of buttons. 178 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Manufactured fishery products of the United States and Alaska, 1931—Continued Item Salmon—Continued. IKI Perec Ate elma. ec A ee ee eo ee pounds__ RSTO KC Cs se ee aa a A ce Dh 5 eh ec eae dos==— @arined eee Nee AN Vs yn OFF oe ee ee ae es standard cases__ 10 Gy eh es S| ee ee eee See ee ee, ee es tons_- TT hs eR i eis = Boh ee Se ee ee Bie ps gallons_- Eggs: Horfoods ean easels te re ne Oe eee standard cases_- Or bait; CAN Ed 2 see ets ee ee eee ee dos= Sacer dreshiand trozenuuuiletsc. = > ats eee ee pounds_- Sea bass (Pacifie coast): Blacks ireshitl eis ses ce Te ce 4S ee eR ee ee ae dols= Waite ares hon letS is eee Sek oe ge ae eee dou PRO RUA ApILESHP MULE LS Vettes Ee Sey SHS, ETS BOE Bib ee ena eee douss2 Shad: STO keel ee: ee ra sis Seek oP Ak LE x Se eee a2 Manned eee iS ae A eet ee Oe, CANMEGE See 2h. o Sale ee ie ne ar ee Seema eye Sse aa ee Sharks, hides or skins___ Sheepshead, smoked Snapper, red: Hresh: sid 'ifrozen: Steaks 22st) ae Dae Se ee eae A dose Tesh Candrrozen Gls se. es bc Se i Fane ge re dozs-e Spanishimackerel strozenm fillefsaa= aos: == See ee ee do. SPOLASAlLOGM Mey Bec LON ee Wk ey ere es ee Sa ce ee dows Squeteagues: SH TOZEIN AMET SSE Geo = eee ae See ere ee ee ne ee ee oe dosea Sr est fille us eters eas ae ek Da eee ee Sees a eee oe (6¥oys FE TOZON PETS eR eel ee Se ee eee ue ele doeeee SUIT 1G Ge Peta ee LE ie ke Se SL ed ads dose SLURS OOM SIN OKOG ses anes as EN ee ee Ae es eee a eee doe Sturgeon roe: SEUNG La Ste, 2 ee ap eee a eee ee 2k eee EP rie er dozs= @aviarcsammedseee toms seein Sy iat ee eee standard cases_- Tuna and tunalike fishes: AGT OS Ly Ti Otis Stennett Re PIES ee se ea ae oe eee pounds_- arin ed ae eee seen ees gaa ot ed ee ne standard cases__ Meal Oil gallons__ Whitefish: : Mresh illetsaeee es). ai ACLEs S\N oh A oh ep oe en 2 ae ay ne ate pounds__ FS1000) 4315 Ee, ak eee ae Seer aneee. Se GIR en cok eee aes /Weapereen on Ae S do Oa viern Cann GG aaa ce ee ee eet as A ee eee standard cases__ WI tIn SSO Kd See: Sooke aie Sea ee oe ee eee ee pounds__ Wiolitish fresh) fille pst cect eee a Si ee Sa a ae eee ee doze Yellow perch: PSS PUL See ee Re ee ae Re dows ITOZETNTMETS Ee xcs Lue Ra ees ines BT ea eas as 2 Ue ee ee cosas Crabs, blue: Meast-packaged sfresh=cooked 228% 5 2) Lote ee do. (Obey ahaleys Wm“ Se Sa Ren TS ea ee ee Cee ee ee standard cases__ Orabs)blueran dking s dry scrape ss) seuss Soo oe ee tons_- Lobsters, meat, packaged, fresh-cooked-___--___-.---_-_-__-_--___----- pounds_- Shrimp: TTBS HPA Chae OG =a soe res te a eo fa See, Bt ae a Oe al LER op Asya O12 (cl eak.(2 PMS alas joo eT aaa ape Be Pee Eee ee & pSpbb avec aaa =3° st De aS ee ol ere ee, eS hes ee oi eas ds Cooked and peeled @anned S sae fe Sk IGE OTE OF 2) 0 ee a oe een CS SS ea iy ee A tee Ns t Spiny Jobster, whole, fresh-cooked i225 2 ee pounds-_- Aijmlone SteakG- sees) 3 Le ee oe ere i ie Lee ee Che ee eee doze== Clams, hard: ieresh=shuckedee. | 220 Bans ti een ae sae MEd Sc ee gallons_- anne NYY a oC: fais to Ane an) 20 ce LP ea Aes SNE ae standard cases_- (CHOW Ger: Soe ee SONS ena ae ah ad a a 7 do 2 VET COCR Se 5 0 ee Are ia ict Ei Pe ee Ce doz Ve) os) 6 RR ee CE a CRE aN pt SRN NR DE ere Neue Ge NS es Se ches UCR A Bees BO BES ie a) ee cae ee: 2 ee ee doz=-= Cocktails? 222.0 Bee 2 ee ee 2 dons Clams, razor: Miresb-shucked'. 2-222. eis A A er ae gallons__ Canned: WYO) ee te Re a Oa ON RR ah Be AD Sa standard cases_. AU al 6 (Oa ees Se ene en OO Ne Pe eto sree does Quantity 1, 966, 333 7, 787, 500 6, 740, 045 2, 435 250, 871 3, 360 5, 246 18, 880 85, 000 350, 000 200, 000 147, 219 747 2, 100 31, 800 617 80, 193 66, 500 15, 500 63, 500 214, 300 384, 200 22; 500 33, 148 1, 767, 676 1, 399 4, 630 50, 000 1, 216, 976 5, 078 15, 939 15, 310 1, 179, 431 474 600 42, 929 1, 036, 323 160, 672 6, 779, 990 778 3, 150 124, 052 1, 874, 000 213, 354 | 1, 422, 387 1, 671, 455 821, 375 1, 289 1, 111, 500 578, 683 95, 926 23, 671 231, 350 8, 388 4, 216 6, 034 700 47, 046 4, 063 73, 078 364 Value $246, 653 2, 270, 374 38, 083, 176 108, 682 41, 129 30, 486 149, 186 3, 495 10, 500 75, 000 40, 000 31, 776 1, 440 609, 502 178, 751 30, 767 1, 749, 952 14, 921 58, 806 136, 542 262, 960 32, 024 318, 306 322, 688 3, 982, 247 25, 090 259, 330 185, 178 230, 200 135, 025 848, 928 55, 971 23, 037 25, 817 11, 274 19, 182 39, 890 634, 547 1, 120 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 179 Manufactured fishery products of the United States and Alaska, 1931—Continued Item Quantity Value Clams, soft: (DATS 002 j beh seeie iilen gael eTS Reai = 6 are” 4 Sei Se a gallons__ 256, 495 $314, 122 Canned: DAL Se ee ee See eee ee 98, 465 341, 963 Chowder. 2-22-22 d 46, 003 112, 677 Juice or bouillon___-.---.-_--- 14, 100 33, 569 Clams, surf or skimmer, fresh-shucked 1, 000 2, 000 Marine-shell products: roy Oe Se Se See eee date Sa ee e eee Seee gross-_-_ 4, 399, 512 2, 995, 500 Wert cies ee ee. Se ee ea ae SE 8 Oe Bes ew a bbe eck ecs se 664, 754 Mussels, fresh-water, shell products: SPENSER ee ee oa aw amare ae wae neon S wow amew ene gross..| 12,835, 671 2, 232, 520 PRITGROIS Et 04 2 Ah Os WIN SE 492 bo ec ee ee os do..--| 14, 598, 234 4, 041, 080 EO UCILIGS SE Fane =. ae once ee cn ee ea ee ee a 93, 892 Warenipees SOAS #5 LPS. 0 2a es Sb Aiko ete eee tons_- 2, 574 2, 825 PHI TOG Se: Se oe ee ese toe ao rep uy see Ske do: 11, 932 94, 246 TUMISTORHEEELS, PROUUCIS pact soe nese ge ana gee eee eae do-=-- 23, 813 98, 190 Oysters: Eastern: ie PSU Le ee eee See eee Pen gallons__ 5, 323, 036 8, 045, 179 parE Gd 2 oe OO Si ee standard cases_- 298, 348 922, 720 Japanese: Hresh-shneked _ - 2s soho. sete te ee a eet gallons_- 94, 188 171, 145 We 9 Se ee ee ee ae ne eee eee standard cases-__- 7, 930 40, 805 Wative; Pacitic. fresh-shucked.-53. 3223-634 ok Se es gallons_- 21, 209 155, 821 Shell products: Bartley OCs 9 ee eee ee eee ne een tons-_- 263, 145 1, 840, 333 TVET 2 aoa RI EEE NA a ee SN? SS EP dom 41, 762 138, 527 rie Por nOGs ots.) So ee oe ee eee Be Got = 11, 207 85, 884 Seallops, bay, fresh-shucked.....~ == <2 -ss<<1< 252 ssceseteesseseeess see gallons_- 467, 922 777, 073 Peet cmmasiinn {26S SUCK OC Sei ee. ee ee ee does—= 241, 379 271, 522 EDs Nites ee se 052 | PRE OES b S ee ee pounds-_- 88, 356 7, 363 Unclassified products: PAHOLESSEG: srOsh/ ANd frozen Ons se oe * 8 Pk oe ee do-e 175, 095 26, 604 love cicteg v1 2S] 0M) 2u GWA 00) 21 Spa ae a a ae a ee dos == 60, 000 14, 440 ap leES EON nN HOMPOZET Sao Se ed oe eee oss 202, 015 30, 634 Miscellaneous, packaged, fresh and frozen §_______---_------------- doz 250, 265 37, 622 Permanent eee ye a Se eae ee hae eee do" 942, 766 34, 072 SEP LS aD ae Se BE SE ee ee ee ee ae ree dare 8, 590 1, 585 Smt vile Joo see ES Te a ee eee hat eee ee ee eee doL=s= 102, 795 20, 344 Canned: Mash for cat, an Gor toad] ~ 2-2 a ae et standard cases_- 52, 509 143, 345 MInnPAKOS | DaUIS, ‘OtGcS seo sey one ae oe gee See oes oss = 103, 704 779, 411 i DDT Oh Le ee ee Be Se ee eee ee Se ee es don=2- 28, 486 514, 553 OWT AT oe SS OEE Repeal oR RE SS ie et 2 ee eee 2* eee does 24, 943, 228, 117 I, VESOIE oie eee ee ab ie ae ee tons_- 941 25, 830 Log pl ia oN sete! Dat 2 eee ae Den ae ae Be eee done 14, 272 782, 618 OR en cs tena See as et ers eee aa seeet sees gallons_- 45, 040 11, 623 A ee ee ee er eR ea dos. 432, 480 1, 042, 190 phar by=prodiets:1ss= Ss he re a hee ee et tae 124, 493 688, 381 Total, fresh and frozen packaged products_-_-_----------------- pounds_-| 139, 282, 621 23, 076, 370 SPOT \CHECG DLOGUCISS seh < 5 sa Sw Pee ee Ses ee ee do___-| 98, 968, 945 12, 364, 364 SBOLHE ureette _ e e e 4 eae ee Ee os os wee do___-| 506, 702, 116 62, 939, 879 Mies EV ikea ttcic he ee es ee See te Sees eee ee ee eee eee eee 18, 538, 008 PR ESSMET COTECT LEN Pt ete ee ee ee ee eee eee ann te etoee a aeaace 116, 918, 621 SS ee 2 See footnote on p. 177. 3 Includes butterfish, cod, pinfish, pompano, salmon, sea bass (Atlantic coast), sheepshead, Mangrove snapper, spot, and wolffish. 4 Includes cabio, red drum, halibut, salmon, snook, and tripletail. 5 Includes amberjack, bluefish, croaker, red drum, jewfish, lake herring, lake trout, mackerel, sea bass (Atlantic coast), snook and yellow pike. 6 Includes fresh alewife roe; frozen mullet roe, smelt, and scallops; barracuda fish cakes; sablefish sausage, fresh-shucked conchs; and steamed soft clams. 7 Includes anchovies, barracuda, bluefish, corbina, cusk, haddock, hake, lake trout, mackerel, pilchard, black sea bass, Spanish mackerel, and tuna; pickled Dolly Varden trout; and mild-cured shad. § Includes pilchard and salmon. f § Includes cusk, flounders, hake, sea herring (Bismark), paddlefish, pilchard, suckers, and certain im- ported species. 10 Includes pickled eels, haddock fillets, haddock chowder, finnan haddie, smoked salmon, shrimp gumbo soup, abalone, pickled mussels, squid, terrapin meat and soup, turtle meat and soup, miscellaneous fish eggs for food, and miscellaneous canned fish. 11 Includes meal from mackerel, salmon fry, clams, and mixed species. 12 Includes mackerel and shark oil, tanner’s oil and oil from mixed species. 13 Includes agar agar, green fish scrap, fish flour, fish paste, herring pomace, kelp by-products, ground clam shells, and marine-shell blanks. 176453—33——3 180 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES FISHERIES OF THE NEW ENGLAND STATES (Area X XII) The yield of the fisheries of the New England States (Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut) during 1931 amounted to 540,297,920 pounds, valued at $20,140,288. This is a decrease of 23 percent in the volume of the catch and 27 percent in its value as compared with the catch and its value in the preceding year. Of the total catch in 1931, 496,088,445 pounds valued at $13,817,156 were fish and 44,209 AT5 pounds valued at $6,323,132 were shellfish and miscellaneous products. These fisheries gave employment to 17,888 fishermen, which is an increase of 5 percent as compared with the number of fishermen in 1930. Of the total number of fishermen, 5,880 regular fishermen were employed on vessels and 8,021 regular and 3,987 casual fishermen were employed in the boat and shore fisheries. Fisheries of the New England States, 1931 SUMMARY OF CATCH Product Maine New Hampshire Massachusetts Pounds - Value Pounds Value Pounds Value a en ees he oS 100, 560, 305 | $1, 454, 083 631, 929 $16, 725 342, 300, 784 | $10, 811, 520 Bhantish, (2) ees ee ee 15, 675, 119 1, 989, 271 143, 289 50, 151 13, 533, 039 2, 139, 488 Mo tala Berea Eek 116, 235, 424 3, 448, 354 775, 218 66, 876 355, 833, 823 12, 951, 008 Product Rhode Island Connecticut ; Total Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value Dk ee en a ee 14, 438, 070 $511, 678 | 38, 157, 357 | $1, 023, 150 496, 088, 445 | $13, 817, 156 Shultish, (21 (epee eee 7, 244, 936 1, 151, 170 7, 613, 092 993, 052 44, 209, 475 6, 323, 1382 otal eek ae Fees 21, 683, 006 1, 662, 848 | 45, 770, 449 2, 016, 202 540, 297, 920 20, 140, 288 OPERATING UNITS: By StTATEs New : Massa- | Rhode | Connect- Item Maine gene chusetts | Island icut Total Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number OlnieviesSel siete =a ane 2 ee eee AGH Gee See 4, 403 233 790 5, 880 On boats and shore: 1 STEW KE rp Sy ee Se oleae 3, 862 60 2, 945 822 332 8, 021 (CEST) [pat SS SER ee 1, 082 36 1, 832 416 621 3, 987 BRO tall mee eet eens ne eee ee eee 5, 398 96 9, 180 1,471 1, 743 17, 888 Vessels RSLS tS) 0a Fey se deh Macey SOR Beene ABRs ep Sey | SUN eae ye oe EE Setar 21 3 24 48 INOS TONMS SO! nce sete eee acy ete gee |e eee ae 3, 1383 126 4, 399 7, 658 IVE UOT ee eae ee eee ree ee ee TO eee 396 77 103 654 INetitonnases =: .- 22 oS yeu Ean eee 15, 224 793 1, 473 18, 427 FS) 4 eb A nay pap a Ria nile npn la ie Peihag! | nid PB ch aA ll bee nk 1 hd (eo he 3 4 INettonnage: =. 225 >: ee Fe ll eee ey (;}) Pees ae" 25 31 TROLAIEVESSRIS he ener eee 1832. 418 80 130 706 Motalnet.tonnages_- 2 es O87 es Se eee 18, 363 919 5, 897 26, 116 3 This is the number given this area by the North American Council on Fishery Investigations. It should be explained that there are included under this area craft owned in the area but at times fishing elsewhere. Notable examples are the ground fish fishery in area X XI and the mackerel and southern trawl fisheries in areas X XIII and XXIV. FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 181 Fisheries of the New England States, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By States—Continued New ° Massa- | Rhode | Connect- Item Maine —e chusetts | Island icut Total Boats: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number MG) ks Re cee et, Sal CU ee ey eee 2, 418 57 1, 706 513 332 5, 026 OO) Sth abe Pe 2. Se SS ee 1, 292 1 1, 619 573 363 3, 848 PRI OMOEN UTS oo oo Sorc ocace oa abance nes 12) i a Bee ag 947 42 71 1, 250 Apparatus: _ Purse seines: WIR GR ORO ss B.S ck cee a ee ee 106 2 6 120 Went, vards=c2 ee. -2<= == TR SROh eee ee 50, 318 320 642 53, 160 “VU SSeS SS see ee eee BZa|seseee IN| seen en 1 64 eneth, -Vvargs= <_<. 8020 =~ - Ra ODO Meee UNE Oy | ea 400 14, 600 ONUISOINGS Se so ee ee Pe eS 56 1 19 16 68 166 Whancih-yaruse <0) hh S8 5, 920 100 3, 055 2,075 3, 646 | 14, 796 Gill nets: JNO Te) spe eee ape patet gate pepe ete oe ee DON bec See hed hh ee 2, 878 uere yards Secs _ 2690S ees 2 AAG SU 25 es ee. & a2 800 | aaa e vee oe ee 933, 975 LD Ree. 2 Se ee eee tt ee ee 9, 316 126 51 9, 497 MQUAareryards.. 220-25 -ee So = Ps 2OGN RSs se a8 se 13, 097, 864 44,640 | 125,023 | 3, 268, 727 PENITFIBFOUITACS Oh ete ee oa ee oP Se | eee 1b Opi ee ee ll Shops Sart ig bal eee ee ee) | 2 ae es a ee eee ae 197100"| = 13, 100 LeAS a Ba ea SES ES Ee Ss Ee ee) A ee a) ese 10 10 Stop rttes Wa grea Rite Ss Ra SS ee Se Pa ae ee ee eel | ees | See ee 4, 360 4, 360 Lines APPS Cs sees 2 Sate es Oe ee 4, 630 144 533 373 318 5, 998 PET OURS ees ee ee eee 4, 833 144 759 539 381 6, 65€ 2S A CE ae ae oe a Ee Se MERE 29, 932 620 47, 936 1, 562 912 80, 962 15 1a%0} CES SE ES See Se as 1, 496, 890 31, 000 |2, 383, 422 75, 380 43, 056 | 4, 029, 748 RMN NOSHBIS See hee oe bees ce cat. ile ee eee 132 54 18 205 Winging traps! 20 a DAG OE eee See 20 (CBR (Se ee eS 107 AU ol). aie 2S 2 a ae el eee ee T6OU be Sele Gi an eet SE 166 402 255 201 162 4 566 16, 259 8 2, 681 5, 893 357, 704 2, 705 274 399 336 344 Brallops sss eee 3 Beene sate (al at ee 3, 228 7S 22.2 3, 878 Wards: AGwnoOute se see eee IS6hibswe 2, 602 pO eee 3, 180 Glamis 52k ee Fee Fe ek OE a! et 88 TB eat oe 99 ards ab mouth se eee eee ee es 44 3) | oe eee 49 i ty 21-1: Se RE ES BS ee rae. 2 SO PE ae: | Pree SS > 218 489 185 892 (ENTE a OE AS Sas EE BN | ee See te 762 86 41 889 Lana Lae Ee Ee eee eee ee os Be ET ieee ee 864 30 10 904 YET es Sc a pera rs rae Me pp eee 440 13 8 1, 933 £99 ‘2 19¢ ‘998 929 ‘T 961 ‘661 OLS ‘¢ 122 ‘19 89F 060 ‘es pa eR ae fa un Rate ha salprd tak ah ee eo = eee Te soe ys 629 ‘T 816 ‘68 g CFS 0g 000 ‘¢ 6g¢ BPGO en. acreage woo 980 ‘T 926 ‘82 So ioe Seok gab PS ns syieys SSI “Gz GE ‘TOF 08 ‘ET PIL ‘GL £60 ‘T 016 ‘LT 98T ‘2 SL ‘OST ROT psleiks saa! 669 ‘E [VATA ion | ie eae & Be PRs Bericie a peys 999 ‘T 00 ‘O81 96 0L9 ‘8% 992 ‘I 002 ‘TOT if OST CMe Peer Sune ea Beasley Foo aes aE ar re UIqOL Bag EL ‘TS 280 ‘Z10 ‘T 092 ‘9 000 ‘661 619 ‘% 8&6 ‘IP 98 ‘Ze ORL ede at iene Seanies al Gree Seep Re oe ETT ST ee tee mente ssvq 89g S8O'LTE . | 222 ‘S60 ‘s | 288 ‘T 0g ‘Sg 98% ‘L¢ OOF ‘ZZ1 ‘T | Z9F ‘8¢ LOSNCED ac PSI. ol ee MP OREM Se MS Son Se Rake ee ASiod 10 dnag ZE8 ‘ST ROC OL free ale soak ag |2 ae Pe Bae |aeree = os ioe Sapes ey 8 Gr Singh Seer coe ara al Sp eeercey P28 ‘81 (0c (UA SRY | Sag Sa se Ce ieee ae ~--momy[Rg 90 ‘8 L9G ‘18S lL 060 ‘F paper Mila rs Se 3 688 ‘Z CMaeaGre —- fire casa han eee as TOL COUMORe =. nome lee ORs Tome En ae ysyosoy P82 ‘681 99 ‘669 ‘OT | 929 ‘6 080 ‘822 908 ‘T TES ‘28 SIé ‘SIT GPP ‘06 ‘L 18 OOT ‘FE | S61 “ST SOURGZ Sul welts 0 nas a MC Terris a yoorjog oF OOF oF Debts og ah Sa 2 ge wellibae Sas, De TR > ail a See ae cei Ue lh ge hl aa ela fereyord 10 ext 1g¢ 008 ‘T 1gé (We Les WONG ie ae ieoviahts eae 2a) fede wee ce aah eee eae eee el wig etn eee en (fee ee eer ae soyororman fy \ eT Clie he Si aakea seas eras sao = = Ge ape ae |e ORAS &I CAS AE DS al Ca ee cool beige tines rl|o 9 o> deter om (Pee Fat eo fe eR De ct de : OLT ‘OT G88 ‘BS C61 ‘6 CROKE Ss lage ws eae Eerie s oLe OG Calimesa ence fees G20 cr eS ae hee eo on ool IE AE oar SMOUULPT 09 LL1 ‘9 LI 002 ‘T &F LUT aan, erage gies 4 Senne Amiens ms to || ass = ee aa ee oa ED Sai 5 oa Ren cise = ana uepequeyy O&T “SEs ‘I | IST ‘FEZ ‘9F | BIO ‘ZT 189 ‘O&F 186 ‘EF Of Saran COPA080. lanl LOLh Soh 6G) Nimamesaulnwar cna may 86 ‘SPI iin Ges!) +o ee eae ema ga 2 ~~ [P10 HOV oD) bly OUCHLECRE oem tear Vinge een, eos olee ero sae ae ao PLES DOC TR Gre ane tiemect ll sok Sagas ig © oe gel an eee eee (EPs ake ana rene eoune’y a OST 109 ‘F 62 GILG Rest yr obal IE aReR a ata IPik ee RE 7 TOL PLOEE ta tel peete ane agr Ser 5 eae 02 HOT CR. sear | eee ees « USUSOIY,, JO SUNT Sury 4 g 661 ete Meee ee ne a ee ee g COT ee poe ide (Keaneey e| G6 oS cea gaa rca Pas cee ES « P1OYOVUL SUTY,, JO ysysury = 91z CPUs Recker ed| Sab a ae eS Ie I oe o 91Z 6PL ‘OT Deas Pal Pack eet lip ea et | Dene oi Ra gt ke Sr ysys0 RH ee soeave cuit) |: FOl 208169) .| oo aes [sc “| LOT GGT ‘Ez 208 ‘96 691 ‘648‘2 | O21 000 ‘8 £98 “ocz OLS PS2IC SES lee tae mena we amet Bes ‘SUILIOH q GLI ‘€6E | 820 ‘926'S | 2968 SEO CCl ema camerlne acc a 92 ‘TLE CES DO aeenliSe saith [pt aoieene G66 ‘ZI BOL CO4 Hpk are iy © Fon, Bamnae soe ynqieH nD 196 ‘69% | 466 ‘0L9 ‘OT | $89 ‘OT c08 ‘OLS 6LL G60 ‘EF 12 ‘T6I OST ‘191 ‘OL | #2E'S | O98 ‘zsz | 600 ‘e9 ESO) GV O)S 5 ol Ge eeenn =e aeons See 2O48 FT fy SE8 ‘OOP “S | 966 ‘BEI ‘IST | 962 ‘TOF GSP ‘IZ ‘81 | £22 ‘ST 686 ‘Zoe G19 ‘9S9 “F | 1LT ‘TEP ‘OST | 629‘6 | 0&2 ‘OFZ | 990 ‘oO9E TCGEPOR ST DNIG ie CC aes ae ees yooppeH PoP OCR iran ae eee eae Gee eI a ae PSF SAG Te lak tc (ab ia NE eed nl ew ce lsh eet rere a= Se ysyAeip Fy #9 099 ‘ZT 9 (NOV ACGIL adel oe ae alt Sag ame z UR es tee eka SEPP IT 8) acl eae Oo RISE En | ee ae eee Ysyesoor) i abe OUST ee lgeset ta lr arceanare 02 002 ‘T ete eres glee acme Ne oe (ee a gle pe lace <= ye ee IBD OEE MEL GLP “EGP ‘I | 269288 ‘IF | 216 ‘S6r 1£9 ‘169 ‘8 | 962 ‘SFT O6F ‘F80‘9 | 99‘THO‘T | 120 0 ‘sz | z2z O8F ‘L 888 ‘OF GID ;BCE Tye ieee ey en SIPEG =) T9F ‘GL 266 ‘960 ‘T LOL ‘9T 689 ‘TZT LOF ‘6% £99 ‘ZOE 69L ‘ES TOUS SLC ee teal men egied ere eco a 829 ‘ZT Tap SPO a es ive ene eg Ayes SP a < 6 G29 z (ith gian ti ae Ga reel Sok epee < ZL €&F ieee ae Shes (ta et ag Pak Settee Oy ||” Seamer re sR et as gee poy ical OL OSes We en areios erinue Saale o sins acs cece se soso Or CSS eal shite pice: Rae lie charset ar bee wile WRN ET ESPs te VL ioe} suniqg. =) PRL ‘ZIT =| 9 ‘6099 | 662 180 ‘8¢ Rages er tease Se €0F ‘88 006 ‘990‘S | 69T 098 ‘9T | €28 ‘Ez DLO LES che Clipe Seay, cee ae GARLIC) faa] GOT ‘61 1S8 ‘SF 0% 001 06F ‘€ 000 ‘E0T G69 ‘ST TELE) tee) ele ee | a Se pe eat kc see eee ei mee ges S1euUuN) : G6F ‘ST COIMCUP Emer |(R tens tale as saa al oeee eee mL | Tne ES er OSF ‘ST EGF S6pAa 1 wal), 0555 apeallieees meee ary Ce at We | ONE peg Sn? Cee TOYBOID 7) 98h ‘818% | 119 ‘F2S ‘6 | 906 ‘6ZT 99I ‘629 ‘G | FOL ‘EE 10 ‘S06 06G ‘S16 ‘T | €26 ‘222 ‘eL | OFS ‘T$ | 000‘09 | 966 ‘262 (ip AB alo |) xe) 5 116 08S ‘SZ Ze Ulrosth bs Fo ag emai eee aay OLE 000 ‘28 Ges |e a C6 ie PR CRUCE ean eat ets eee speeqiing pue ysyiep GOL ‘S ISh ‘FZ 699 ‘% CGS! BC Maia eee 255 cS ey aye ae & G8 atapclcaly Win. 2p 2 peak a ed aaa SE EER EER Gal DERM ie REST BOCAS die) 988 ‘16 68% ‘GOS ‘T GLP ‘T 96S ‘6T GIT ‘68 002 ‘Z¢z 862 ‘TS 10 ‘ee Penis sear Ses oe | Gap h MeseUcusys cate egal Aero rl Yspteq ng 9ST “IT 6FL ‘OST 61 128 696 ‘T SSP ‘1G SE Z CELIO Re Sm a eam ere Ve ates Fe ‘L YT PO ee etal ey ae hetie mea Oe O7LUO 801 ‘G9 | 861 ‘Oz 0€@ ‘Eg 8S ‘LOF 690 ‘ZI 160 ‘TT O18 ‘61 680 ‘T6I ect. ie -ee Obe pais 22 OMe Cee Qa ir) ce eee ae ysyen[q 102 ‘If 9BE‘Z9T"S | OFOS PSP ‘LZ 280 ‘1 82 ‘9BI ZOL ‘zed GLOQVG Gal iss \epires | emma ele EG» | CGR OGL GR" [5 a2 rhc lise ees Pee SOATMOTV seg (UALS ot Mia nal ha Si pag ge tae Sek ae 8e$ OOGRL Said pagee sarees 5 Wmer are | lan esealanmaeeee a alt PRBS LIN anjyDA Spunog an] DA SpUunog anjvA Spunvog anyDvA spunod anjoA | spunog anjDA spunod HSIA 1210. 4no1qoeuu0D pues] 9poyry s}EsnyoVsse Py elysdmey MON oule yl setoedg 182 SHLIVLS AG ‘HOLVO penulyuojn—TEG] ‘sanig punjbug many ay7 fo sarsaysry 183 *qno10euU0D UI spunod 0z pue pULIs] epoyy pur ‘s}jesnyorsseyy ‘eULe] UI [aysnq sod syvaur Jo Spunod gy Jo spjaré uO paseq O18 91GB} SIY} UI PAsN SUIBIO 4JOS WO SI4SIBIS ¢ “qno1joauU0D Ul spunod g pus puels] epoyy pus ‘s}yasnyoRsse A ‘oUIBIA, UI [aqsngq Jod s}vaur Jo spunod {T Jo spjarA WO prseq o1B 9B} SIG} Ul pasn SUIBIO PIBY WO SdI4SIVBIS 1 POT ‘2 OST ‘¢ c6¢ ‘T19 Z8E ‘TZ £68 ‘29 £88 ‘O89 00 ‘gI eg ‘Ge 986 ‘T 99 ‘EF 929 ‘18 G0 ‘T 629 ‘0Z 261 ‘T FFO ‘9 919 ‘22 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 3 z ot OST ‘L118 ‘EI| Shr ‘880 ‘96F | OST ‘EZ0 ‘T TORO. <||hetek ee DGMCOTE thames 7, 8z¢ ‘892 ‘OT | 986 ‘9 PeRISOpeY Atos oo 6FI ‘EIF ose 226 ‘L6E ‘F 862 ‘LE NEO STS a SIT ‘118 ‘% 6IT DOA 34> ple 610 ‘ZI ‘TI | 89T ‘Sel OFZ ‘Z Z6L Z00 ‘FE6 129 ‘T 821 ‘ET 9 6F6 ‘9LT $99 669 ‘0L0 ‘8 GE 100 ‘IT g £22 ‘TOE O88 02 ‘901 002 £6 ‘989 ‘T #0 ‘99 Lg¢ ‘CRP 669 ‘Z PSL ‘OIZ ‘8 Z88 ‘FZ 02 ‘O91 F0L‘G 989 ‘9 6 198 ‘06 L6¥ POSE Me) Miles 8a we oe G8z ‘O&% 9S 'Z OF ae eb es Z6I ‘169 ehh ko. “Sis ae opel Pp eoeeere F16 ‘F TS8 ‘9z ie eae gle staal Wr 000 ‘06 5 REET ee Ch 5 ee eI So ee OST ‘¢ 002 ‘69 ee ot ae as ee, eS Ceo ob DOORN Oa 002 ‘2 G02 ‘e ShL ‘61 ZOL ‘ZOE GPY000= Geka sa || eae sae BPO ‘8EZ SETNCGU etl ere coee ea ea z orqnd “yyos pepe ESE ote Cia Z8E ‘TS 266 ‘89F © eterna Ik wees taal |r pa BH Er apelle sh ee Lal ew ee RRR ae SCL S| OOT ‘T 899 ‘22% 26 ‘FIT GL6 ‘PF CORMLAS ae allo ct asa eee ae aT ee we le ee 1 9}BATId ‘prey OSL ‘SIT FZE ‘62S 160 ‘ISP ‘I | 192 ‘She TROMOS OMG ell Cpae. peel hues vote ae 000 ‘8T DOURRO lee oy dec ae eae porqnd “prey 2 he a 990 ‘9 812 ‘16 686 ‘9 298 ‘8E esa ganar oom ern eel ee eee ee RS Fate |S. SMO THOU) :SUIBID) gos ‘2 See “6z 002 ‘96% ‘T | 609 ‘ez EO ETA ee = Sait 3 See 69F [SVT Rael ieee alien tt cartons sae probs haga < | tikt at S| ae C26 000 ‘T ast ae tates |e el Mets | o.oo Toke Le POP ‘L6F 18% ‘69 GLT ‘6G% ‘T | 861 ‘229 ESL ‘SH ‘Z NOTOSs HOSTAC Pine ESORE GOAN LOLGLODMse calc: 2 00 “en. csmlic le ee DEGRA T bal econ Saeed | < Ter aees cal S eae Sa Lee el ee | ea eee lees ls... a ee JOS LOT ‘LT O6F ‘2 199 ‘PST OSL ‘82 DOT AG0G Settle cote sine ae tae 008 ‘ST 210 ‘ess ites os Pee Og ae et es “OLG ‘HSIATIAHS 18g ‘LST ‘88 | 819 ‘TIS 020 ‘SEF ‘FI | 02S ‘TIS ‘OI | P82 ‘00E ‘ZrE | Szz‘9T | 6z6‘TE9 | E80 ‘FSF‘T | S08 ‘09S ‘OOT |-~~~~-~---77 77 ~"" [BIOL 00L Z08 008 ‘% gg9 ‘T 089 “6 ge OSSD Behs O75 Sak axbon = gale eae oe oes 110 ‘F 290 ‘090 ‘% 960 ‘92 OOT ‘62T SIL ‘PI 096 ‘F00 ‘I | 629 ‘9 668 ‘086 ‘9 002 ‘9 OOr 6IT OLE ‘% ISI ‘T SAU ES | eal teralet iar + | an a in eee a ae (ierbermees 6 Saat) PETES Gee 008 ‘8 SST ‘8 626 ‘OOT 008 ‘F PSP ‘G9 PPO GLE els eee « O1OYOVUT OsIOY,, 10 BUNT, 000 ‘% 69 002 ‘F 618 006 ‘Te ~“poouo,y, DEBS EOL Lee | ae ea |Laee Leek. rales RaSh tae wl Se lke as Sic. Cae lh ee Ee, 2 ee ee ae YSyenL 901 ‘OS €L9 ‘TT 089 ‘8 FCF ‘8 TOSAOST4t ty: |ceccseel eee cea lk oe ee |e ces te Ey I ee ns sOjnB], SEL ‘Sz 6EF ‘PL SCL ‘9S 998 ‘IGP Resor lesca come eee ce PC ISLOLTS. | KRS0SSPO.5.0 = lneaahe a eens ouean pene? Ysyp1o Mg GLG4S0T & uliiass Baa srl Sa ee. cl ea ee | cae ale ce lee | QL 8 NOLO NEO ye tea te cera. sak ~~sreyong 1g 2 002 SIZ POGrO ¢ Meh lene alata toc SOLD ay MaleOU bea, Clemente oceans Bene hal ro, mwoasINgs Trl ‘e £99 ‘¢ 920 ‘68 918 ‘8 OOD 7a ee linaaees apart & ca cee or | ane Se Cara sseq pedis Eos aee (RECS ceciie alae 182% LG) teamed reetey |g" os mane ps | oe oO RR ET ~--====-paqqodg £21 ‘8% 929 ‘F OST ‘Zo are ‘9 PORMBELMM Eee iccac lPekec c elSi ee CeCe eee en eos a Nar Ane CE) :,,9N01} BaS,, 10 sondBejonbg ata eg aol aka or Read (i oer ee Sian OF Fes sco aee eas [ip aee samira araees eo online avis See ieee rts hata (eles) OST ‘% S91 ‘Z 068 ‘OL 626 O82 ‘P 002 ‘t | 000 ‘9 189 ‘06 Z2F ‘299 aay dele aa TT Sale eS U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES 184 ‘anseajonbs Avi pue ‘reyes ‘siepunog ‘sseq ves ‘A310d 10 dnos Jo Ayjedrourtsd paystsuoo sjonpoid eseyy, “AJoysy oures oy} UI Uae} o19M “9Z0'G$ 18 ponyea ‘sjonpoid Aregsy JO spunod ¢z0‘#eT ‘jnotoeUMOD UI zw [B10 Oy JO OTT BUL[OIBO YON PUB ‘BIUIsIT A ‘puLlArePy YO AroYysy [MBI] 19{U1M Wioyyn ‘IOYSY PULLS OY} UI Waye} 919M ‘Ege gOT$ 1B pon[Ba ‘sjonpoid Assysy Jo spunod gsg‘FG2‘¢ ‘s}Jasnyoesse Py UI F789 [8401 941 JO Os 0} UI Uexv) 019M ‘Q8P$ 1B pon[BA ‘sjonpoid Araysy JO spunod 9/9‘TI ‘eure Ul YoYBd [B10 941 JO—’ ALON *qnotJoeuN0D UT spunod 9z'9 pux ‘puL[sy epoyy ut spunod gy'9 ‘syyosnyousse WW UI [eysnq Jad s}Beur Jo spunod g¢"g JO splarA WO pased o1¥ 91GB} SI} UL PAsN S.19}SA0 Pas WO SI14S1}BIS 5 “qnod1jo9uU0 (>) ulspunod ¢¢', pue ‘pussy spoyy UI spunod ¢y'9g ‘s}yasnyowsseyy UT [eysnq Jod syeaur Jo spunod 9¢"9 JO spjordé WO paseq 918 9[GB} SIT} Ul posN S1eySAO JOYIVUL WO SOI4SI}BIG ¢ eee eee::":":","”"._—,—(—@—'00@0@©0@0@0€@0€0————: 800 ‘TS6 ‘ZT 88h ‘681 ‘Z | 60 ‘E8o ‘ET 069 ‘ce $98 ‘Zo 062 ‘6F G8 ‘g¢ 696 ‘F 082 ‘68 Ger ‘Lg £99 ‘86r 198 ‘G6E 162 ‘689 ‘T 00F % OOT ‘ZT OOF Gs bi 00g "eo 980 ‘6 9&¢ “PET 2OT ‘09 ___| 668 er 00r$ ZIE ‘T anqdA spunog s}jesnyaesse WT 882 ‘OFT ‘0z| 026 ‘262 ‘OFS | 202 ‘910‘% | 6FF‘OLL ‘SF | 8F8 ‘299 ‘T | 900 ‘E89 ‘Tz ZEL ‘Ez ‘9 | SL ‘60Z ‘FR | 790 ‘EE6 260 ‘E19 ‘2 | OLT‘TSI‘T | 986 ‘bP ‘L 069 ‘ce FONG Ot len lae aE se Bee = ce lee S10 ‘0g ZLE ‘GS td Io, i eee ee 696 ‘F OOCROSS > Linn Aiea ola cee oe eee IRR oe 098 ‘FET 956 ‘080 ‘T 6h O72 Ph Mem een oe le ee RCTMRC Tome MCOPRLOOuIS Vilisecteaos 2 Salecssacs aus TZ ‘cs 802 ‘LOT 08s ‘8 029 ‘LTT OLT OZ ‘9 Sz ‘¢ 00F ‘98 FSI ‘OCT 9F0 ‘098 PST ‘9ZT 9F0 ‘098 Lot ‘eer | 999202‘ | 292 ‘OP OCTHOCGE Cis ieaeanat = 5| sna cnmean GhF ‘G9 G68 ‘STL 6F8 ‘19 GL6 ‘FL9 6g ‘e 02? ‘OF 688 ‘98 £98 ‘6E8 LIL ‘98 Teg ‘28 ZL1 CEE '% 808 ‘09F 096 ‘LZ % LZL ‘$6 GOT ‘922 G6F ‘908 162 ‘L€8 ‘T £02 ‘ese €80 ‘S92 ‘T PE9 ‘09 09¢ ‘seg 196 ‘GE $29 ‘920 ‘T 128 ‘€ ESI ‘8% IZ1‘e E82 ‘9% 00z$ ose ‘T Gct ‘e$ LOI ‘SZ GSL ‘es GORM CC Mia ea |aee rir eaecoad lca aa ge anjvA spunog anjDA spunog anjvA SpUunog [TR10.L qno1j00u00 + pues] epoqry €28 ‘E88 ‘ese | 918 ‘99 | BIZ ‘CLL PSE ‘SEP ‘E PGP ‘GES “IIT IST ‘02$) 682 “EFT 122 ‘686 ‘I$ 6IT “G29 ‘ST spunog SULIOMpURS SUIIOM Poo[g SSOUI YSII] Sr ea dF EO aS (ERs ee eee Se Avg an] DA spunog elrysdmeyxyE MONT OUIvIT :sdoyjeog SO[YUTMIII gy | Rea mar cassia ; Te} ‘oqeAlid ‘peeg » sulads ‘ayvAlid ‘paeg nea ex r Ile} ‘orrqnd ‘paeg 9 tres ; sulids ‘orjqnd ‘peas ¢ [fey ‘aqveatid “oxIe yr ¢ Sulids ‘ajeATId “JoyIe\y Bera e [1ey ‘orqnd “ays ¢ sulids ‘orpqnd “yoxre PL :$103SAQ "pj m0oo— "OLE ‘HSIAITGHS seraedsg ee ee SS oo penuyju0O—salvig 4g ‘HO.LVO ponunyu0g—/ ger ‘sa7nIg' punjbug many ay} yo sar1aystg FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 185 PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN SHELLFISH IN NUMBER AND BUSHELS ———_ _ —_ —_ =S=—_>>_>>>==>=So—S>——___—_—————— Massachu- Rhode Product Maine setts Island Connecticut Total Quan- Quan- Quan- Quan- Quan- Crabs: tity Value| tity | Value| tity | Value| tity | Value tity Value ards number--|1, 659, 036|/$18, 300/627, 468/$28, 750/464, 001) $7, 490} 51, 501} $1, 671/2, 802, 006|$56, 211 Boticoss— 32S) (5 ea Se SN ee ae Ee | eee. eee 6, 720) 792 6, 720 792 Clams: 3 Cockle-_... -.- PERSTIGLS 2 a Sarge | Pare 2 159lT 16.9891 5.40 G: ObGle 2s |on enn 7, 560) 13, 005 Hard, public_.-.do-_--- 18, 000} 18, 000/239, 098/345, 761/131, 917/229, 324] 14, 844) 37,798] 403, 859/630, 883 Hard, eee Saal eS Sea) RR 27, 075| 44, 975) 10, 384) 22, 568 138 350} 37, 597| 67, 893 Razor SE (6 pear | EARS Pe | a 4 GaGipal ooe|be |e 3s coe, oe 14, 656) 21, 382 Soft, publie_____ apres 468, 143/238, 642/244, 629 362, 762| 1,317| 3,205) 2,860) 6,986) 716, 949/611, 595 Surf Ob amimmenidoss As |sogeesee ene oe PAC ed) BGAN eB a Ce (te a 4,647| 5,150 WiREeIsss s dole. O1000 92) 250/014, 215i) 49142 eae. |e oso. tensa 13, 215) 7, 164 Oysters: Market, publie, spring PTISHOIS=- pecs eel iee Se 200) 400 | Eo seee aE ee 3, 250) 2,755 3,450} 3, 155 Market, public, fall (aja) see | ee es ee a | 200 200} 3,644) 3,121 3, 844) 3, 321 Market, private, spre == meshelnee |e seer ee nee 20, 259) 60, 102)159, 500)232, 967] 75, 586] 60,634) 255, 345)353, 703 Market, private, fall Ipusnels=[22 255 _fs-|_- 7 eee 20, 512} 59, 086/198, 117/306, 495/105, 592) 94,727] 324, 221/460, 308 Seed, public, spring SUIS TGS S| pees ee ee ie Se 344 172) 53, 919| 36,717] 54, 263] 36, 889 Seed, public, fall TISHOIN Sea eee | Ses aes eee 5,988] 3, 593/107, 823} 61,849] 113, 811| 65, 442 Seed, private, spring MUSHeIses pees eee een eee 8) 008)2:2; 400) nen ee eee 583, 092/420, 767| 591, 095/423, 167 Seed, private, fall 1 a) G1) oT) ea a eee ag) NE ee Ig eee ea 137, 388}126, 154) 137, 388/126, 154 ee Lassa aOhee. 444 560) 950} 2,400} 4,800) 5, 250 340 170 6, 534| 8, 380 callops: ayes (6 (ase ad © od eee 256, 8321392, 851) 17, 428| 35, 271|_...--_|-2__.=. 274, 260/428, 122 Begeee ase e Go G5, 208| 71066) fay deo) Ofp400|-0 ese |— ee = 71 49) 138, 414/134, 850 Industries related to the fisheries of the New England States, 1931 OPERATING UNITS, SALARIES, AND WAGES Maine and Massachu-} Rhode | Connect- Ttem N ey Hae setts Island icut Total Transporting: Persons engaged: Number Number | Number | Number | Number Onivessels sss. 32 eee 179 66 29 33 307 On bhostet esses 2 ee ee, Sie | ae See cok Se 8 16 Total. 32). S23 ee eee 187 66 29 41 323 Vessels: Steam 1 Net tonnage 26 Motor 117 Net tonnage 1, 857 118 1,883 (2) PE. Pe Oe ee Ss Ee Bee. Sey ae aS yy Cote es. ee ee ee 4 8 Wholesale and manufacturing: BUR OMNIS? ett e Seek eS ee 157 204 40 35 436 Persons engaged: PE PORMGUGES as ee a Fawn 165 82 26 29 302 Balanied employees). 3402-22 2 153 697 48 68 966 Wage earners: Average for season.__-........----.-- 5, 254 2, 610 390 751 9, 005 AVGERES [OPAY OBL. 22 2: 2955 cao Jncs an 1, 349 2, 148 70 540 4, 307 Paid to salaried employees.....---..--------- $378, 316 | $1, 794, 357 | $110, 346 | $222, 158 |$2, 505, 177 (Paid tO wage earners. 5 oe 55.08 si. 988,080 | 2,787,368 | 274,057 | 558,781 | 4, 608, 286 Total salaries and wages_-_--------- 1, 366,396 | 4,581,725 | 384,403 | 780,989 | 7, 113, 463 Fishermen manufacturing_._...._--...---------- 239 2, 410 339 24 3, 012 U.6. BUREAU OF FISHERIES 186 (1) (1) Renter acer eh | a erm elo ALD 698 ‘621 bli | LOU ee | Beat Ce Taa liebe five Sere Se areca Gee 2m | Sal 8 TE, ete x irae | leaner 23 gti (1) (1) G8Z ‘102 6LL ‘116 ‘T a) (set cag ha tae [Oe hs 912 ‘oF TPS ‘E92 aA eles (ie Li ies Goo bo 12 ‘98 Osh ‘eRe Cael ROSE ESSE | SS tae SI (Beco he gt ge I aa | ete COGS tee teen (1) (5))a Soe | is ae ee a Ean EE, GPS ‘FFB 899 ‘EPG ‘2 tl Op ira ees ries tanto cen cet See ceenee ee POL "OGG "GS Fal ae Neo |S ae ake ho ae el ee Ra a 168 ‘02 6P8 ‘6ST eG) (GRAMS Sor ace ao sl Gere ee GLL ‘281 626 ‘F88 eager ieaee Alco eh (int en) ae eee PSE ‘PET Z19 ‘Eo8 LE SE a 0 Re oo GES "E OFF ‘TIT On ENCES: SEER AN ee ean Ree el OES ales Cp a Ce Sh et 8 ae a sess Oe eee er €£6 GZI ‘6 Ls Tae Seal eens esa: On ee 620 °6CF ee ®) Geet ak dpe (cra anne 802 ‘8E G60 ‘FS AMEN eP a taetaee Fleas ts ale 2 ee LPS ‘G6 ZSE ‘8E9 bedi Tracie i a|payis Tie to 2ul' eee oe 928 ‘00L G66 ‘E92 “6 ec ycp Te B| E a a S BTh 988 (1) (G) eats re Seer tear lee ake des G0Z ‘E21 ZE8 ‘PST ‘T =o apes aman Piet (0) ae TO ee ae TOL ‘9488 ei cee (eaten ey Hiram ee CLE ces | Ao IS S188 anjvA Anquongy anjdA Ajyuone anjdA. figuyuond qnotqoeuu0g pues] 9poyry s}Jesnyoesse fy @ (1) sielTy w98z01,7 222 ‘9 098 ‘OL eo TOD ee eS ee weed So ee Fae oo SOT TT SO2aL SIT ‘TE 00S ‘61z rape) a dae pars = Pewee a tee ey eer SYOMs YSolT ; ONC 009 ‘¢ 000 ‘FS pe OD ae ys ee Se OS Sea wees eIppey ueuUl gy 622 ‘GZ 089 ‘Gat Fe ODnertit 5 Se RE SOR ee OL ee ---$j9[[J pexourg Te peewee Ma kee ROR Sal ag RO Diss | hee Cae oR CE dae Pe OST Silas, Seer | csp eae eee ODssesesn Se SS SR es eA E £0F ‘% 8h ‘Ge POD Tho iar oe areennarm ge Serger are weet) 4 “pores 216 OT GL9 18 TeqODRae cod. Tost) 9 7p y Pe RS ee Se ----sqo]TY U98Z01 TPL ‘0% PIE ‘O9T 55270 PAR pars Sie ee ep ee ----Sy9TT J YSely 026 ‘FI 008 ‘22 SSAIODs Sar EEE ES 80 en EE Te Syors YSoly ie Ube cS hada | apt ite akan Se (ae ODE a5 Fee oe ae ae Ip OSSOIPUSCU SOT iT 4: :ooppeH Atlee EA (1) S520 Re es tee a? Ge pa ee S}@TB Ysory ‘stopunoyy glad pa SS 2°20, | Pa era, © ee ee OD pare co ik air Ube Sie ea ae SJ9[[Y Pexourg Bese al a | OP eae Cre es re 2 Sees) SE) ee OSE Oe: a bake pers game | pp Sol beg 0) 0 iat ean eaten pare ee aie ae es as See (GL 88 Hh eakd SSS ODN ST eae as SELES le 5 oe ee wealth :peqles (7) (1) a eOD we oe eee Sen i te ea ee S}o][y W9Z01,7 OF ‘T GLZ ‘ST SOD eae? ae aL ee ee Seeood S19TTG Ysera GZL ‘E 092 ‘68T BeS PUNO yaa asaya aap a Oe aaa eee SHOI]S YSe1y :ysngO 6e¢ ‘¢ 699 ‘ET PISO Gains = eh Roe GRE ae ad JOAT[-POd PUB Pod “TIE (1) (1) E<)UR E OSS RS See Ske RE ST SE be sjelly pexourg (1) (1) Raps ODA PGS Pe ae Tas -~-ssefouog F Ra Sa | hie, oe a | ee! OD aca ree ee ee ee OFS ‘E8 STF ‘899 ‘T eae GODAY Sars Se eee ONG Pea abe ~~" me014) :peres (1) (1) mies O Dpto tra + chara Sy ais pas ae wea ee SJoTTy W8Zz01T 61L ‘FT 969 ‘FPL RSRODRSET SSL oe eee Be SJOT[G YSe1T 8 ‘TP OT ‘61Z fi DIES 25 LES = hE CR ete ae Syorqs yselg -pop (1) (1) GG ny AOE sc 25 TS AR eo Naga os Ss ee pexours Gas ‘9z$ S82 ‘BOT ‘T BON DUNO Cpemicrr ag 5S Tat sotT ia ifs ae pei[es anjvA finguond ISOATMOTY iSJUSUIYSI[Geyse ZULIMjoRnueUL Ag errys -duvy MON pue suleyy m10}] GCaynNLOVaNANVW SLONGOoOUd penuyu0g— eer ‘sapig punpbug nan ay? fo sarsaysyf ay} 0} pajnjas sar.ujsnpUuy ay: os 187 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 GPS ‘CTL 882 ‘208 &28 ‘9 () (1) JOU SWiaAe aitaaas () L&z ‘Sess UENOBL Ie Mid eae Ges lhe eT a (1) DR Ws an eM ea a (1) Seer Lateaee it as a kao (1) = SF RSE S- Saigiacane cca aes £9F ‘OT 018 ‘FT OS ‘TIT (1) () 008 ‘9T$ 099 ‘2 () STS SERA TATE | RIOTS a en SP pr GPS ‘OST eet eed Bodleian EN Ob eae CL a Z2G ‘98 (1) Qi Alec, awitcne ema. s SST ‘¢ (1) (5) | elem nice all; A AE A cw 899 ‘09 eT ok Ce aT eras a RS AS I | Pa ag OED 096 ‘Z (1) (ne el mn. lckis ei. 08% ‘29 SR ee 8 ee eer Es PERE TE Yee Oe ae | 866 ‘9 tT al, Gs CSCS: aa Sale ee anes 07s Se (1) (()) 0 We RSS SSS ars, tie Sree 988 ‘F (1) (Cue 2 Hae aigtiene oie aeriaaie ly S86 ‘9 “lS Sana TT) Sag pe nGEEy ON ey | Tae oe Sy Caer O&F ‘FI Se TR Goa IN wh on cea ew an Mig mao SCZ ‘16 TAOS SIRS EE a | a te | ee aaa 169 ‘E81 letter tt Neale ltt et tt Veli 922 Ly} TS ACRSamReay Dera ei eel Gey anrlaptommets (pommel 2 ae Dae a re ee See ea ie cee ee | ce dates ae CR ee 169 ‘8 “TTS SRS A SS Gene e Neee eee: ee eer 982 “ST ran | Aaa RR ceo te (1) (1) 982 ‘EL 040 ‘ZO ‘T 008 ‘890 ‘T ‘sjonpoid poyissepoun Jepun pepnyoul useq sey U1EzT STU, 1 Sr = Aas EL Rea | RE OR ta eae ea ee SUO|[MS"s% sac Src: se ce ee Se DOSONUBS-tedly: SIOJSAC) (1) (()): St un Oe EME IE Toe Te oT a kormer ane SOT][PBAON (1) (1) pet: (') © eee iar rei SE ae su0}yng ‘sjonpoid [jeys-eulse yy 699 ‘ee OOT ‘FI pa iO Diceen een) oo. 1 on a uol[nog pus sone 820 ‘E0T OLS ‘eF ae) NE rT ENTE. eh. iapMOO FOF ‘LEE 181 ‘96 me SORBOS DIB DUG] S' qc acnie eect ms cien y ieee anmeaa sou MM. :peuuRoO erie’. < lae ee me ee SCS OD eo nee De HOLM poy: [10S at.
7>>>~>""--="-~payooa-ysely ‘peseyord “yeour 10ysqo’yT (1) (1) gapba) Sahiauyasmane fa oe peyooo-yselj ‘peseyord ‘Qrourqeig gia eUe Ss ip | MAS ARI els OD ean faa eRe Rat eed Po 2c, es SION USS UTIL O AA. hs Pi Sake te |? eee ra Se © OD ak a ads is a he en hag 3 al ORS ered AN Cg ook i eas. ane eee OD ig ta eee ee ee ae Ce AOL DOU Geist AML Ri B38. |e ee lees DD ae ee Cee ae eee 12, MOL MSEUL LOTS RacknnRe asaya | Rearae Sear SS. CDice aa Te ess th. A se, SSOTOUO GT Saat 7 Sa * ae Reh (Concent peg) hae Loree Saas goo Fa ee Sige tees eee (0 | g¢6 ‘¢ 190 ‘O9T Fearn) {Piss > GOS stay aaa ina eae eae ae weet >per[es ET Cases Ea Seis | Ie 5h s a ODS ae aS ECE Lae. CL ale ca SIO GuUeZOuin Rae Seg aa eer cate OD Mitte eer Ses ae 8 SIO ecu, >yool[og feat abe Ta lis hae Se al coe OD ecto een Br ee tan a eg gS DPR OGI 6ST ‘2 992 ‘TST or erle| i” aes Sz Ses py ee eee | PE SESE. Ds. yds a es Se oe a eee OU ee ee el, o.oo es 1 Ee ee “pees Serer For aes) anh iets eal | ed Oe ASO » pide Box. scdinn dat a PRIOR aon :[O1OyYOB JAY 88¢ ‘¢ 969 ‘FST ApH OU Ness oics 255 San os ke sa[Bog 680 ‘ZI £0F ‘68 PUBS an aa, (Ul. pe eter OLD 3) 180 (sr aOR OVALS :SUIBIO cee oe ee be oer LE eee el Bee eee G20 % 00S ‘F 000 ‘OT FI8 ‘61 PoC Ds Dike ae Seka mer ey Sines ties EOL UIT) PRT SE iS a Epa ae eae el | cea ar fala a aati II O&F E Geeta mal A ti OD cee. aebes sre PES SERS cg OOIe spaITeal 00] [0.7 Rao, he ed | ec ne | Dee ree as eens GIb Z G89 “29 (43 008 tO Dieters a2 8 aaa be pera ae Hardee DOT aL OIONOBIN. OS SSE a Re agree Pea Tl | Se. Bg Pee ee aa ae | EE ERR SS | 2 ce a Sale one! 9Sz ge ‘9 pO SSG as Loe kj] ain TSE te Lee DOT [ES GOS LEI een Teenie boul eet eee eo ae ee #o° 088 ‘g 1g G98 ‘T SrOD a Tero ist a aL ae ae ee POD IaNDOl Us SO 4 A Dima we ae Skee Lee ee, oe OL c19 (enn sue aah [eoe ee ea wee || Lee ODica coe pera ou coe om ke a ees LOO d 4 ONT US: ADO DD EH 620 ‘T (USEC ieee oman inp precire ren ra Ie aReK Fini aes fee lp sagas oe pe age Ip" MODRSaS aPer Sees eee oa SJOTIY. YSery ‘SIapunoy y ey Weds tee tat Gi pee Sek IE a 98 GCP ‘F 0% GoL iO DiS ge eee ae ane ae SOM eoeple ESE NSIC) LiL ne ces seal een eae ae | ee nant |e ae aie IFS ‘6z F08 ‘TES 622 ‘T SEL ‘08 fp ~ RODS Tgp asuce sa wBy oe awe ot, bine Bey LOOMED DOG) Bae Pee al pada |e es oa eee loos ek ee 00S 000 ‘OT 808 ‘IT OIL ‘C9z peODA eke a en as cow away aa eae sO NOLES a gee eh ad je GORD Lol |e COE Seana | See | GLO ‘ZI 000 ‘09F See mens | een eee ke HORN Sprinter One oa meen TELS pe eee are POlOIeN Se Spee ale oa G pe al oe eee | ese eee 086 ‘F 00 ‘28 Ree eo eee | roy eens mall alts} O10 10) 0 [eae tenga ee rin meer ae dai ee eee LUNN KS ISOATMOTY ‘ueulIeysy Ag OBORGLYAGtemtas\ ase soa ces bOI CO) eee Spe ee POS OPLpOle. ||paiiaveaxe = 5 TOL RCL G a awed dita cae Pao) | ERE © Gor: See Rane roe een ee eset re 1810, HOGESECaI Sir aM eee ISZEhE CS Clas las. casa aes Ope -OOL thin. ete eee PL GROG hi temee | Reneciaten sara BERR ENG sa CWS gaia x ae ocie aeam kee snosUe[[edst AL CR RoE | ae eer a a A A |e ar oe GZL ‘686 GE ‘868 Palaettiieens pam eee eters |paSUOl[U0- ol as anes oe Ti piea spre EOL) (1) UC) Aa en aes te berg oe 802 ‘TFS 890 ‘6 002 ‘6z Peo gg SILO a Soa [eeur Ysiy hic evghaa | ee (0) (s) 8ZT ‘€8 o1 290 ‘TS ot £69 ‘60F 6 116 ‘ST 6 eS O DF i te REE TE 5 ee ee BO parkpetnaes eee |koeSec Es 22 [SSE eck TESS tae 29 ‘801 Z88 ‘IT (1) (1) Pe eROD ae cen ana 95 oon pune a ten Tne fener aso te BAU Sh ee SG Se Ee eer cone tl (ie 7 ay ae Ried Raia oe re 918 ‘STL 96S ‘6 O&F ‘6F 086 ‘2 ~"Seseod plvpuBys-~~~~~~~~~ ~~" "=" ~~~ 4a ‘sTTeq ‘soxvd YS :peuueg (9) (9) @) (9) £68 ‘OT g 920 ‘09 s OFZ S 1 009 ‘S6I z BIRO DEeeeT Sy. 1 5- IF UEE SRR osEs Los cas Tit ee pexourg aati ie |Ponr tiaras go 5s aa age S6L ‘8T 9 G8L ‘BLL 9 ay PR Sano LY Beton ret ee iO Daag cr Sse ee ON TM Ia ied See DATES (s) (o) ey ieee es oso ase Po POL ‘82 + LET ‘ZEST + 062 ‘T$ ¢ CEL ‘OT ¢ rap ODER a bbs < | Fh p we aie ee a u9Z01J PUB YSET} ‘S}OT[T 7 Se aa a eal | cal | a Ge | Se ee CFO ‘68$ 2 PSG ‘GGG z Tai ome ani) cc aoaeen Jans eS DUN OU geass reo Sessa ee UOZO, Put li soijs DessoapuGd anjDA Anquone anjdA Anjunng anjvA Apyuong anjvA Ajyyuone :sjonpoid peygissepuy penulju0D—Ss jJUSTIYSI[GeISo SUlINjoRjnUueUL Ag eltys ynotjoeuu0D pues] epoyy s}josnyoesse yy : way -duey MON pue ouleyy penuju0oO—dayNLOVEANVIW SLOONGOUd penuyu0j—g6T ‘sajnig puvjbug nan ay2 fo sarsaysyf ay} 0} pazyvpas sarusnpuy 189 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 ‘mOTBaT[dnp JO aAIsnpoxe selijsnpuyT AJeysy 9} UI SuOSIEd Jo JEqUINU [e}0} ey} SUTyNduI0D UeYM PIJEpISUOD oq P[NOYS SIG, “BeuIYSY SB PepNpoUl Woeq Os[w eABY IJBI1O Suniodsues uo uMOYS suOsiad 9Y] JO F PUB USUTIEYSY sv pepnhypout useq osTe oavy FOz‘z ‘Sjonpoid peinyoRnuvU S,UeuTIEYsY JO UoTyvrBdeid oy4 Ul pesesue suosied JO Jaquinu [B}0} oy} JO 283819 9Y) UIYIIA Yo}eo 8y) YIM ATOsIIp peqveii0d aq you Ady) ‘ar1OJeIey ‘A1JUNOD JO 0481g JOYyJOUB WOT pezIOduT sjonpoid Wod paimjovjnueul useq sABY ABU s}onpoid @AOGE 84} JO OMIOg “CTH ‘OES$ ‘UeuIIeYysY Aq PUR !1eG‘9T9‘STS ‘S]UPUTYSI[GRISO SUIIMJoOVJNUvIT Ag ‘SMOT[OJ SB SBA S2}BIg PUL[SUG MON OY} IOJ sjonpoid Jo anyva [&}0} e.L— ALON “S91 [9A0U [[eUS-OUlIBU PUB ‘[I0 JOAT]-poo ‘;eew Ysy ‘suIe[O prey peyonys-ysol ‘sdoyjeos puw dur1ys uezoy pesvyoed ‘ysyoIqM pue ‘moesinjs ‘uous ‘s}eI[g Yooppey ‘davo ‘ysyse13Nq payous ‘s]jeuIs Uezol] peseyoed ‘uow]es pue ‘yooT[od ‘ynqr[ey ‘exvy ‘yooppey ‘srepuNnoy ‘poo Jo sya][gy Uezoay ‘YS~jOM pur ‘yoor[od ‘oxy ‘Yooppey ‘sdapUNoG “pod Jo SJo[[Y YSey SOPNOUT 5 “sjyonpoid [[eys-193sAO puB ‘JaPMOYD WLD-pABYy pouuLd ‘VIPPeY UBUUY SEepNpoUy gy ‘SOI][9AOU PUB SUO}ING [[9YS-eulIeUL PUB ‘sUoyINq [[eYS-[essnur ‘[I0 ysy ‘dvios AIp pUB UddIs ‘SUIB[O PABY POYONYS SepNnpoUy gy “sjonpoid |[eYs [assNuI JeyBA-YSedJ PUB OULIVUT PUB [IO SIOUUL} ‘[BaT UTL[D ‘desds Ap ‘SUIID JOS POUIBE}S “{VEUL QBIO ‘pod SsefeUOg PUB SUTIUEY Pe}[’s SEPNfOUyT jy “q1Bq JBI PUB poo] BOp ‘1apMOYO pUv O[OTA\ ‘SUIBIO WJOS {poo} IOJ S880 YS ‘YSeYy YSY.:[919YOVU :JopMOYO Yooppey -oippwy UBUUY SopN[oUyT oy “S}O[[Y JoOoppey puv ‘seyey ysy ‘oIppey UBuUY pPeuUvo SopN[oUy 4 “moesinjs pus ‘domes peards ‘ynoI4 oye ‘SJoTTY oYRY ‘oyvy ‘stepunoy ‘ysno ‘poo ‘divo ‘ysyse}jNnq pexouls sepn[ouy] g “S}OT[G ONVY puB ‘Sjo[[Y YSN ‘sje][Y pod ‘pod ‘saATMe[B peyOuls Sopn[ouy *“SUIIIOY Bes pepyord pure ‘eyvy pue ‘Yooppey ‘YSNo poyz[es-AIp ‘suey CES Poj[BS SEPN[OUT 9g *SNOJUB][OOSIUL JOPUN PEpNOUL U9Eq SBY UIE} SIL ¢ “HOUL[RS PUB INQITBY JO SHVoys PUB ‘[AIEYOVUI PUB SIOPUNOY JO Sjo[[Y USZOIJ ‘WOUI[RS JO SJO[[Y YSeJ SOpNpouy 5 : ‘ayBY PUB ‘sIopUNOG ‘ysNo ‘pod Jo Syo][Y Wezo1J puw SIOPUNOT JO Sjo][Y YSe1j SepN[OUyT ¢ “YSI[OM pus ‘uouTeSs “QnqITey ‘yooppey ‘poo passeipued uezoIj pUB ‘YSTBIOM puB ‘MOTUTRS “NqITey “siopunopy ‘poo pesseipued ysedj sepnpouy ; Se 2SY Cae I ee oe PLB OCOr Ee ale We a SoCal Wy lg a|a Gh ee DL COULP aS Alig aes we Als so, > age 5 ay eee ae [8}0} puvipH Wet e220 eo Ree 6 oe eS ty es i hi Sana ae Mm oS. WEY ie amg as Rae SEIS OS as Tod ee [BIOL eT ee (ga cae Be ee een ment anaes 8rL ‘S9 199 ‘89 O0T ‘82 #98 ‘29 Ae! ee ae T33-t TR Cee ee pexonys-ysery “vos aioe 126 ‘SE 896 ‘IT GPE ‘868 6LE ‘TILT [eee oe al ORs a ae cele ee oe) Reena ieed “sed :sdoy[eog 190 MAINE Fisheries of Maine, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Purse seines Gill nets Lines Item Han’ Pound Mack- , eral Other Anchor| Drift | Hand | Trawl Fishermen: Number| Number| Number| Number| Number|Number| Number | Number ONMVESSCIS oe A= 4-2 Sane eee 23 LSGe les Teh te 2h Dh eee ee 23 204. |b =-2 eee On boats and shore: 1 Riveyeq ll Gy es aig Se ea eee 6 90 108 1534|eaeeeeee 299 687 cee GAS TSE Ae ny re ee ae | IE er 2 80 5 867%0|_— ee 1 OVALS See aoe ee eee ee 29 276 112 285 5} 1,188 891 1 Vessels: IMIG TOR soe aa ote ees 4 33 1 10} eo 6 Pera la eee ING tonnages=2 23-6. =s 34 371 9 oy eee 55 43 Gee nee Boats: INTO TOR 22-208 ea eke a re 2 29 55 (ey ees 275 502; || == oe Other seo sc0 aes ey 2; 29 54 60 4 6 9 i Apparatus: ING a 0l] ofS) eae Ae ape res a 6 62 56 | 1,505 4] 4,630 29, 932 i GSN PUN sy ands ee ea eee ee 1,880) | eee Squeteagues or “‘sea TROUG 2 2UAY = s0- 2 ase|cneoen 2 | see |e ea |e | ee ee oe eee ee eee 45 2 SUULECOM meses a eam ae ae et eee eee | eee es | as 183 45 Grickerse ee eee aan 53, O10| BiB lO| enna. one ee can eee none aoe ee oe cee eel ee TMomGodesasee == === 1, 600 48 | 25 See | ae 64, 000 600) 2. 22222|-52222. =e ee Wrolffish:-- -252 22.25 2--|-22222-2 |S 2523) 22 a Pee a) sees | ae eee ee | eee 1, 557 14 Yellow perch----------- 38 AVeTTe SND oe 2, | ee ee ee ee re SOU Ge ee ae a ane een | So ee | | ee ee ee eee ee | eo 189 3 Motalssess=—->-== 58, 233] 4, 207]1, 710, 471] 11, 419) 174, 300) 19, 870 1, 600 240/38, 233, 951) 89, 508 Pots Species Box traps Harpoons Crab Eel Lobster Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value| Pownds| Value \Pounds| Value Wels e-eeseer en eoaaae TES SBKO |) Golo SY) ee eI 1:23;'691) ($6, 446).2 0 9S ee ee SO LCL SINS acres ee es an | Pra Ban a || [eee Be a a ee | 343, 038/$70, 812 Tuna or ‘‘ horse mack- US Reo et ee ae ae eee oe ee SE ee Sees 8 | ee | ee ee ee | ee a 124,044) 7, 584 @rabs har de -5 = 22 ee a aa 3685746) $l meee eee |e 184/966I" -$62579|) ae ee WODStONS mee se aaa = | ee |e 22, 152!) O 7900. sees | eee 7,.143;981)1, 627,.720]) == ee MNotalseauess ons 15, 300) 1, 436) 390, 898) 17, 630) 123, 691} 6, 446)7, 328, 247|1, 634, 308) 467, 082) 78, 396 Species Spears Dredges, Hoes By hand scallop y Pounds | Value |Pouwnds| Value | Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value 113) i Se Ee ee Se ee eee 39}1680 (937209 |e oon eee 2 2232 Se Se eee Clams: . Pela OUD Seen aera en ee | eee | eee | eee ea | eee 198;'000/$18,|000)2 25s | 2 Seeeee SOL INO LUD LG es ites en Se BS HES a ela | 74(022))1381238, 642) nena eee ANIC Se a a | a |e ee | eee 90, 000) $2, 250 Periwinkles' 2-5. 3822022 - ast 2b 2 |e ee ee eee | as 8, 000 560 MCSLODS | SCBsescsassscusesleac este se) ee ee 586,'870|$77; 366) 22 Sh Se ee MOU es sat ace ates aoe eee 39, 680) 3, 259] 586, 870| 77, 366|7, 220, 138/256, 642} 98,000} 2,810 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 193 Fisheries of Maine, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By cCounNTIES Cum- rene F Pe- | Sag- Item ber- Lin- Wal-|Wash- nob- | ada- : scot | hoc | 4° |ington Ken- Knox York Num- | Num-|Num-| Num-|Num-|Num-|Num-|Num-| Num- | Num- Fishermen: ‘ ber ber ber ber ber | ber | ber | ber ber ber OTN CaS ee eee 288 1Ghs tee 78 PS | Ree 12 4 On boats and shore (ee a ee 664 Sop ses G19!) “401 G2se22 166 40 865 277 LT ee? Se 15 377 3 90] 274 15 196 49 57 6 1) FP es Se Se SE 967) 1, 225 3 787 729) 15} 362) 89 934 287 Vessels: Wreten. £5. 2. ) s 8 See 38 (1 ane ee 20 h (1 | eee er) ee eee et | ae oe 3 1 Wet tonnage: 225.-2- 2-222 602 0. -| eee | 164 ta Ps [epee | AIS a es ae 43 8 Boats: LOR ek cet ee kee 380 521 il 475 274 2 85 12 475 193 O34 eee Se ee eee 224 273 2 131 127 13 95 49 292 86 Accessory boats 156 1) feet aa 17 LO) eae eee oe 3 3 Apparatus: Purse seines: ULTRA ae ee ae a, 2 ee ee 3 ca ene EERE he See eRe Wo SONIC HN VARS Ts eee uae inet PES ty a ee 11 E50) I ey 810) eee eel (SS eee ee ee (1 Ee OS ee ne 21 Pee 10 20. 8 1) Pes 7 1 Heneih, yards....-i2.. 5, 570 250. 3 ee 17 a70\.4, bo0|2eosee 160|S= = == 1, 750 300 Risa SeiTiesuee 2 2205. bee 27 {| oe BS 14 5] See oes ees tore ee 3 Bancth wyards=.-- 552-22. 2, 880 900|L= 22s 15:640}\ .43800)35--~ ol 4 cece Ue Sas ae 300 Gill nets: Loi) Se ae ee et 426 193/533 103 170 2 24 198 309 - aah Wardsies-2 sos. 212, 040} 39, 900}_____- 28, 292/85, a0 5, 343 360} 1,653) 23,604} 49, 780 Vb ees eee BE ese ES a eh Me de eal | Be | ee ee eee eyes ar On ek ee PICUHIAEG REGS se 2 Ss hee a (SL eae | ee a ee iy 200 Beat de | ee Lines: Ceti Ree ss 2. ee ee 96) 82,031 335) 1,179].-.=-- 886|s==-e5 100 3 LOOKS 2. Bo ee = T2u) 2134)-22_—- S70 195] 892)_..... 115 6 Ln G2 a ee ee 10, 980} 5, 238)_____- 4, 740} 1, 360]--__-- 1, 440 60} 3,814] 2,300 TOURS ye 5 3 ee 549, 000}261, 975!______ 237, 000/68, 000} - ----- 72, 000} 3, 000/189, o 116, 000 LE pTENELGN SNCS) SE eee a rE | eee ape ob Fe l(a NS, al 8 see ey fC eee =| ea | Floating traps_------------ See ee | oe ee 8 3 ; Sin Eee see aie men eae ae Rene |r 2 ae G2) eee 14 2 Se 4 19 5 | ees i TEA SC 11) pm RE bie 1 A = So REE 26). 2ee Ss (Pl eee GG eS AR oN oe ho LINTORTTS See Se ee eee eos i\lGee Ss 12 a C5} [eae 3 15 22 14 (APRS soe ae eee [oe 62] age dl | las ar lb a 2 2 54 1O5/E= == Leg SIGS a Tats apes Re Soc apes ok Ai TE Se ae | ee il (ape See | ee al (ee AS 4 see Se ULCERS EE AWIS! eo ooo ee 10 PAU! al 2 SC es Sl eee eee |e hae Yards’at. mouth.--2.---==-- 268 HOB): 222== 50 oe) eee) Sa ates eee eee eae ee TELE) Sh G2) oc een ae re 3 Be ee Deepens |e Cae 3 1] ee” |< See eee j | eee ots: (Oh nr] es Sapa antic EAR Min VAR?) | ee eeee lees Be Dole OD are ae ee ees |e ee | a ees eee > eae (fi) | ee | 8 4 30 taf etn al RE SR 40 hobster=se0 2 a ee 26, aa OL O91 22 53, 636/24, Si eae 4, 948 260) 45, 518) 13, 434 RAR ODRSE <= coe eens ae eee ee PA eee, et gee ARES hS diene lh =e Geen Ree ee (2 2s ipa OS Ss i GP SEL te [ae Ee 27 age ape 12 4 a ee Ol ete ses eaten 4 es scallopy Soe eon 12 45 iy de pepe ee ieee i es | Sse a SD ‘Wards'atamoath_—--....---- 16 i) ee Se AG) Aes Ss 9 ee oe | a ees | ere VC pe en am See ae Bap Ber 322 S| Se eee 102 i NTS | ee 95 28 377 89 194 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Maine, 1931—Continued CATCH: By COUNTIES Species AI BUIVICS So5 oe ee eee See a eee IBinehsht es 5. eens ee ee IBUperfish ee. 2: ee eS ee ee @athsh and bullheads#-——- = ee Cod Croaker BEING Sens tes ee ae King whiting or ‘“‘kingfish’’_-___-_____- Mig kereliies 220 = 222 Siete eae Cumberland Pounds Value 16, 980 $253 540 16 42, 076 3, 164 20, 382 215 4, 687, 776 145, 671 612 1 1,005,220} 17,805 12, 846 1, 156 387, 391 11, 879 4, 350,038 | 154, 686 2, 937, 606 39, 402 32, 011 4, 080 6, 537, 147 44, 605 515 20 1,704,797 | 51,877 Hancock Kennebec Pounds Value Pounds | Value 948, 083 $7, 093!|.22 3 ee “79, 509/065 | 40, 046l-ccase leek ete POG 3 |: ial ae 311 |... ae ee 8, 800 440 2, 860 $275 695, 010 19,656 22522 S38) eee 2, 189, 177 55,:862)|-2 2 eee 583, 107 3) (84 | 2-2-2224 16, 787 2, 51) 2 anne ees | 4, 711, 320 20, 942) || $2.4 es See Ree aah 17 eg 500'|. =.=) oe as IEfard tpublic®=- Seer So eee = 198, 000 TBSOQO) uses 2 ko A ee Soft, publickeg: Ss eee) eee aes: 1, 124, 145 52, 567 | 1, 148, 000 31,791 |e eee IMiMISSOISH 2 i ee ee eee eee 90, 000 2, 250) Weck SES ae] ke ll Scallops ;sea=_- 2. > eee eee 15, 300 3, 400 149, 110 26; 842) | coo ee Rees Totalet satan s a ee aE a ee 26, 456, 299 ; 918,007 | 15,025,939 | 604, 104 33, 635 2, 738 Species Knox Lincoln Penobscot Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds | Value Alewivestca 22 ho ta pee See Seer eee 456, 298 $2, 871 675, 833 $4, 593: |. 22 2244 a OBA Fs) oh 0b a Lm ee ee oe ee Se ee ee kee 31, 000 2,000) |= 2522 a COG. ee se ae ee Bee 2, 031, 482 38, 583 | 1, 271, 426 23; (904.'| 53° 2225 5 Reena @uskcn ts 3 2 a Be ee 101, 828 1, 127 44, 668 630 ||=23-2---- 7/2 MGlS28 Se OE cet ee eee ee 29, 280 2, 641 22, 400 2, 040 48, 400 $884 Flounders 214, 425 7, 797 19, 332 Y(t ial RS ies ae bey PAC dOCKsase ee 2, 363, 151 71, 126 721, 245 16050))|2= =e | eens Hake_-_-__- 707, 165 5, 358 311, 825 2; (13 |25 2-222. 4| eee Malibupes Se ee ees 15, 844 2, 205 3, 914 562". 2202.0 ese eee Heiring, sea 14, 961, 060 69, 571 6, 231, 970 50,446. |-22---2s=s)225- See IEE CVG) ees a a 413, 943 8, 841 2, 319, 555 61,045) --2-. = ia Rigg keer ea 5 ee ee i ee 168, 142 1, 108 108, 358 1; 048 |.-3.. 3 ele eee FS NaN Oy ak SI ae a fe pce te | [re Dy aN IE Mee tee LS 3, 500 700 10, 403 2, 870 (SHS G a ae a8 eee er eee ee ee ee 10, 705 176 69, 102 11898) (a= a3-0 2 S35] UAT KG eee sie ee se oe ee 2, 845 81. We oo ee | oe ee ee ee Bineltesncea nes. ee een eee 61, 540 8, 106 67, 434 10, 715 7, 500 1, 200 MINS DO Deere eee oc er nee ee ee | ne ee | Pe ee 131 7 ecss oe eee RUICK ORS see a a, ES Sate i ee IE SRS | rae 6, 000 360 lio ed See ‘PruneaOrs+NOrse MACK ere 3h a sea es | See 14, 720 883) |b.22225. 24S Wo ti shes nese oe Sa he ae 75 1 588 6"|4 426. eee Craps nerds ss 3 2 eee TE ee iE OR 337 122, 170 3;.665: (2-2...) eee Wopsterse pa oe ke Ses ee 1, 775, 370 398, S81 848, 915 196;:062)'|_-_ == sess | ee CT Ce es Sa 8 a eS | Se | ee 24, 000 20)" |i es ee Clams sote. public. ==. ee ee 578, 778 18, 316 625, 590 19,515 | :5. 42 | eee MCBIOMS) SOB: —s52— ee nn one sae Dad eee 422, 460 AT HRS: || ob RON Soke ok oe ae ee ee avi Total ess soa se eel eee ese 24, 320, 618 684, 195 | 13, 5438, 676 399, 675 61, 303 4, 954 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 195 Fisheries of Maine, 1931—Continued CATCH: By countizrs—Continued Species Sagadahoc Waldo Washington York Pounds Value | Pounds | Value Pounds Value Pounds Value 64, 000 9740) eesceee | et. ETAT (OA DRSE 0 Vy lea ea eS St |e 30, 964 RUC UIE| | cot Sue rata ia Ea ee, RR Geile (errs se 118 $8 5, 962 ip song St ANN FE ee = Sia | oe ee ee ree afk ok ae 2110 Sse Ee ani eee 360, 687 10,824 | 39,740 | $1, 387 919, 534 14, 538 741,860 | 22, 053 (2 TUS a eee eae 62, 931 1 8 Eel pee | 33, 758 183 115, 359 2, 262 OCU ae te ee 34, 460 gy il See Se io)! See 2, 500 300 37, 905 3,411 Migunderss== - <2. 2-2-- 2, 376 COT a eet ct 1, 900 39 7, 585 218 raddoek. (soe. kk 387, 610 14, 839 8, 610 512 895, 573 17, 851 778, 817 29, 139 j2 ie Soe et St ae 370, 301 4, 296 500 10 | 293, 601 2, 339 439, 482 5, 107 LEGA Ea a 2, 670 B20 ea ceeeee seo oe 18, 447 2, 751 Herring, sea-..-..2...- 796, 790 4,684 | 560,000 | 2,400 | 21,919, 783 62, 551 Mackerale=— 222-2: 425, 281 11, 641 — 7, 000 200 121, 700 1,770 POGOe ores eh * 15, 881 L(y) | eee a Sa ee 322, 692 2, 218 1is(osT21 7): | 1 Oa eae 125 | Eee ie | (age | 0 (a ees He | EE. 2 ee ae JEST ee gp ea 1, 160 234 | 23, 565 6, 629 6, 500 1, 700 Rtingiewe = etl St ad 2, 394 ODS ee ae se a] See see aes haan eee ee SEAT 2 58 ae SSID ee ae ee Sg Page 8 es I Fe a aS ee ee Ravelgeeees saber fea 57,750 | 8, 664 15, 957 64,120} 13, 124 RET eee ete te en eee ete Fet te [ence al sacebcaccemelenatatocs OLORGES: foeo2 5) 2h och. 16, $00 Ut Vb ee ST pal gl aes ages SP ee ee eee mel p pk * ‘Pomcnd2e.2 22; eee 1, 600 100 56, 000 400 Tuna or ‘“‘ horse mack- Breiner sneer cee 17, 465 SL | ee aS ne aos Se soem een Vi (GLb) ea 11, 377 TINE ere OE) [oa Sal | eee trope ie Po [ant eee Yellow perch__.______. 38 Na a yb a a 5 Bee A hed De al | er ee | Bre WVORSDOrS te nt 222,976 | 53,909] 9,204] 2,557] 1,090,821 | 240,000 516, 149 | 124, 126 Clams: Soft, public__- 821,950} 32,718 | 32,640) 2,098 | 2,453,985 | 68,855 247, 050 12, 782 Lb yea fe | Ses ple CAE Pe SS Gs eee cea Pee oe ee oe 8, 000 G00 (Ses oo ae ae eee gah: ee ee 3, 713, 648 | 150, 169 | 783,035 | 31, 850 | 28, 843, 625 | 431,506 | 3, 453, 646 | 216, 156 NEW HAMPSHIRE Fisheries of New Hampshire, 1931 } OPERATING UNITS: BY GEAR Tiiness* _ Total, ex- tau Haul Pots, Har- clusive seines lobster poons | of dupli- Hand Trawl cation Fishermen: On boats and shore: > Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number 3 17 §2 4 60 eg | eee ee 36 52 4 96 52 2 57 Soe | |= eee if Apparatus: : IR a a ee Sere ees 1 144 62 3, 825 pA) ee eS TESST LPN f(s [Sa a Seles Sei UG Oe ae Ed lp, = ee a aes oe eed eg eee inhi Stes ESL! ose Se ere eee Sa eee oe - eee 144 Ally (10) Oe] Sy pitta el ie eS ay res ee CATCH: By GEAR Lines Species Haul seines Pots, lobster Harpoons Hand Trawl Pounds| Value} Pounds| Value | Pounds) Value | Pounds| Value | Pownds| Value TONE RES. 2 aan ee phe at aed Bal in oes Se Pepe BOrR0O. | STa2 |" 26,00" |e Se0et eee eee ee en ee QU eS ee BOE Ss Ee Ce 3, 500 35 | 18, 360 Uae ee Seales. See ee le teee ee ON Gre see ee ee terre ce ery fete * 7, 280 218 200 At cee Pe ee es ec PERSP ee ey See | any rs LB SBOU Nrossed. | Obi30).|7aPauo taser eee sa alee con |e e oe i ea a ee Se vee eae 159, 160 | 2,387 | 93, 700 hy Al ees See oo Se es See Herring, Sea..-2.==--32262- BAOMON SLL em 2 tee eee | !52 = os | oo oes ee ee een ek ane tae ee 121 far | a oh || ee el 32, 760 328 1, 340 Nei bee eee | eS a ee ee TCT iS eS ot? ©. | CS eis Pa B00C ISL: 200 nos 22-.|. oe ee een een lan Eo a Plt NOS THHCR Ure mperee ae eae El cate SW! | 2 eee 2, 000 $140 Ao) 011/215 eo aa Pal | Soe al 3, 469 36 430 yh Fs Es | NO aS ie Pe iiibiels[yt yi ate ee ties STE. fd eel BES ee eee | meres LAS VeRO SR SDOMb), |e. soca shotaless (sty 8, 000 120 |394, 169 |10, 760 |227, 760 | 5, 705 |143, 289 | 50, 151} 2, 000 140 1 The fisheries of New Hampshire are confined to Rockingham County. 176453—33——-4 196 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES MASSACHUSETTS Fisheries of Massachusetts, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR Purse seines Gill nets Lines Haul ’ Item Suis. Pound Weirs N as Other Anchor} Drift |Hand)} Trawl nets Fishermen: No: ||| Nov|| Nox No. No. No. No. No. On vessels=---_--=--- O67 ane | ase eres 204 670 | 207 1,218) |) ee ae On boats and shore: Repmlar seo 57 4 45 26 183 | 205 577 8 Gets le | ees oe | ee 18 | ee coe 14 Sels3 66S ee Total == sess 1, 124 2 63 232 853 426 1, 800 8 Vessels: NiotOres-ceee ee eee EBS | et ee Si eee 23 73 19 Tl) eoso4 2 ee ees Net tonnage----- Bel OGh eee os | sees 416 1,709 | 557 3; 686).| 222222. o/s ees SiN peng a UR al Pa ape eal lege ee re ee Lists Sch ee eee INGUtOMM ACCS ssa | mente neal ere ee | ree eee 6) |---=----2|22.--35--|4- eee Total vessels _- (oY igh ate ese 23 73 20 71) ,|2-. 222-2 |be= ee Total net ton- Mae Oe eee eee SeLOGH|oceees|eereee 416 1,709 | 563 3)'686 | 22222 ee eee Boats: INOtOnS eee 12 1 9 16 87) || ele: 212 2 Others eee ee 12 1 24 9 83 47 60 4 Accessory boats--------- 180 | SS Se Uf 98 14 556; |!2---=t=- |S Apparatus: ING 5G Se eS 106 1 195| oie 9,316 | 533 47, 936 6 Length, yards------- OS 318") - 150) '3s055))|=2-2 aa eet eee | eo ee eee Sepia) \ewelSa2 == = | Se eee ee 487,803 13007; 864 ||. 2--|_ 2. --.-_ 4/2 2-- = ee Hooks, baits, or SnO0dS hea en sees eal onan eee eee |e ee Se eee 759"|2)}383, 4225| =— 2S as) SS ee eee Pots Fyke | Dip | Push} Otter | Box . Har- Item nets | nets | nets | trawls | traps Lab Fe poons Crab | Eel ob- | winkle ster and cockle pte oe ew EE ee = ie Fishermen: No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. @mnivesselss2= = sek | oe ee 24800 ee Loss| eee ae eee Ch ee 948 On boats and shore: Regulars =2-2-~-=—-2 19 149 34 161 3 22 53 604 21 112 Wasualles aes AC A SPSO! | se AUD) | Se eae Aa ae 11\ |) 3460 | ee “ otal see sane 30 179 156 2, 591 3 22 64 959 21 1, 060 Vessels: Shastspesit.. ae ee I eee ae 21 is cc 8 Slee SSL A ee eee =k | Se INet tonnage-=e22 == 2) 22-2 =- | Se eee 8) L388 see seed) eke |e See et ee ee ee Ty C0) Ff) ae oe pre a ea Ve) ee | a 232M 5-6 se | Sees | soe 5) =e 86 IN GG DONTE RO hese |= eae eee eee 9491" Seba eas eee eee 306 eee 3, 160 Motalevessels ies =. ute ewes eee 253] eat bee Fen Ree Bae ees 86 Motal netstonnage:| === | ea eee 1D: GQAd|. sR SE Sear | Se ee 303|s eee 3, 160 Boats: 1, Wf) 0) Cee ae oy ena er Pah Vases se 69) |} =28o— 22 39 728 12 44 Otheg eos ee 21 5 R4 jn 2) Fe ee 28 210 a 58 PACCOSSOLY, DOSS on see ae | a a | me ee | nm Oa | en tn ee 193 Apparatus: Tatu uea) oye) pS eee one 49 94 156 322 3 | 1,620 | 1,963 |72,914 | 1,015 130 Sands unouvne sae kee. | sae | sel eee 9) 760 nae ee a So saee | TS eee | eee FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 197 Fisheries of Massachusetts, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By Grar—Continued Dredges Total, B exclu- Item Spears Tongs | Rakes} Forks | Hoes head peu upli- Clam | Oyster | Scallop eaten Fishermen: No. No. No. No. No. | No. No. | No. | No. No. Renmarosnis=-¢ 022.522 enor e 37 11 66s hee S53 A Sn | ee ee 4, 403 On boats and shore: epiiarss-2 poe 136 139 14 452 169 470 464 294 27 2, 945 (Gyr cpn ts UE eae 1S y Qe ae ee 586 49 289 400 146 13 1, 832 PPOtaiors.—5< S- 273 176 25 1, 104 218 763 864 440 40 9, 180 SUTTER MR bee oC it peed |e ee? fal (oo pans ee el ee ee So (ee eee eee eS 21 20 ELS Tm BY OUTS Cs PN SNES pl Pn ST ea | ae ae (EES (EN "ey ( (ee 3, 133 Reine y ae eee ae ee 12 4 4s Eee a 7) || ae ee Beas eee ae ee ee 396 Net tonnage__.-___}_....._. 103 45 Ly (ig) Sta a Ae oe ES oa oe ee 15, 224 SAI ce a Ne eel ng ES i eee ae | IE Le ee De ae eee ee ee 1 CTE REY PPD oye | 2 ie et es ol Nea PG, | | Dh al ON | Sei RL) Sh SE ee Se ee ee 6 EGlaL Vessels: =-|ka—oe = 12 4 1A Bee PY pe See EE ee 418 Total net ton- HAO mee See eee 103 45 Gi ibe =o 1G |e Seas ee 18, 363 Boats Mpiraiis}emeese eee | Ses 76 6 610 61 129 39 Gh ee 1, 706 TOD RGE eer 2 eo ae [34 | pase coe oie 2 173 601 212 as ae 1, 619 MESHOLY. DOALS. 2-2 -2=+ |. a-5-- = 1 pee ree [ey | I eee fs Sere (ete Slee eA | Pe ee 947 Apparatus: bere ere ee oe 273 88 20 | 3,228 218 762 864 cL ae ys Se wards'st mouths ——-2_—|-ises=< 44 A Wel soa Gt OP ee i a Soe ar al Ne el OS eee ss CATCH: BY GEAR Purse seines Gill nets Species SSS SS | SS ed | Mackerel Other Anchor Drift Pounds | Value | Pounds) Value | Pounds | Value| Pounds| Value} Pounds) Valu? 266 57 O0liwaos, 018 | pera. sheet UI 8765700 SO 408). pak le Se 20 $19 45 2 1, 000 $300 19, 330] 2, 508 30, 507 2, 496)____ 4, 785 287 3, 806 373 eae Soe ee | eee al aE 2, 922, 052/112, 817 6, 242 206 Le See Be |S ey |S Se |e See ee |S Se ee ed S49OUT 50 OS bs So. = ae ele ae meee ee a ES (Sr [SESS ES ee 5, 899 88 302 4 Sea enrages eee A ae = ee eek ee Se OS uF ee oe OU BOO t= -- bet ihak at ee |e ee | ene 2 | ee |S ee SL ee Sh ak 1, 870 tl en Se it see hl Se Se Sa SS ee (ES A ee ee 2, 835, 370) 75, 894 3, 960 180 ALE Se On ore Sea CPS 8 | See, ae ae ee ee a ee 507, 736} 9, 070 3, 690 46 Herring, sea_._-__- 234, 100 QAR ie senlenosss. 4, 500 A5| =k. | see son! 4, 500 90 Mackerel. -------- Be, 20d) 24411501, Lede eseee |e eames 16, 000 715 4, 575 264|3, 665, 722/159, 857 ecg eee ese ae eo oe bale et ee ee ee ere | ee 1, 674, 515] 20, 575 550 5 Bandnannees .<- Tip foe) tS ee 1, 200 B24 240 O00) a 2450) =e hse ne le he ae eh S110 Ts Loe ee 2 el ES 11, 760 BTA) 2s 6, 000. 600} 115,093) 5, 147 30 1 SED oe ee ee Sed ee eS ee Lee eee te ee ee See ae 12, 010 1G | eo SPSS a: Ce a |e SES |e a ee 2 PS OO0 EA GbO ES © be | ka Se ee UNO DAP Te Soa OS SS |e Sees ls eee |. eer 7, 000: Ut) eee eS 1, 500 270 EEE SED, SEN aoe) | SPs Ae eT REST SR PA See PE es ES, Ae a 176 De ae aE LLU ey Tie ie el | er ee (Sanaa ieee) eee 85840) 9 1762312. = el Ss es Pele otal. _-=-. 32, 806, 226/1, 365, 638) 1, 200 24/1, 221, 540) 21, 816)8, 434, 232/240, 215/3, 710, 452|163, 559 198 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries-of Massachusetts, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GeaAr—Continued Lines Species Pound nets Floating traps Hand Trawl Pounds | Value | Pounds Value Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value BASE WyalViGSa c= ee ne ere oe eS ae | eae |B aes 2 aera 185, 279| $1, 648 17,850} $215 ve fishies ee 142400 |: $3667) = 22 ss eee 10, 392 957 32) 80 TB YO) aUH 0a ae ea es OS eee WE Ns a ee ee ee ee | 27,035). °2)050|_—- = (BS MULen fis iss = tee Se Ee eet ae | ee 703 $193 497, 564) 32, 423 72, 647| 6, 452 @atiishvandbullheads=-==4|2- see 37, 000 LOG (ae es a eee ce 1, 633, 126} 43, 808] 32, 367, 017 (USke pee ee eee ee 63, 252| 1,059) 4,176, 435 (Hel seus re ee ee eS 13, 600 OSBESS ee eee iloundersi-co 2 oe eee bes 24,730) 1, 255 733, 610 Gray fishes 2222s ee le os ee Ae es eee oh eS rad dock = 324 Saas =e 409, 370) 14, 551) 33, 920, 771 TER Ces og er ea 93, 259 1, 245] 4, 563, 917 alibutl ee 49,838] 6,852) 2,097, 118 SEER ES Yori a Gs IS aka wk Ee | eer | | eee ee 2, 593,999) 33,524) 950,170) 12, 424 Niackerele asta ee oe 7742 te 0,0) he te Lc 78 | pe, a || al el 2, 489, 295) 78,552) 556, 602) 20, 540 POlOCK.. Sess kar Cee 107, 592} 1,516) 1,388, 467 19, 148 9, 790 140 9, 542 92 RGsefishes Base On eee Se ee ee eS 26, 100 4232.4. -- -2-52|4 222220] eee eee Salmons ssoes- dios pee LS ae AE Pee rt 2 SNS | eee ola toe ee oece eee 38 8 Seup on poreye S21 O00! P21 S48 |hsso Seale cee 97,332) ~ 4,405]. 3_-— eSe eee Seagibasse = tees See 93900|) m4 830 tes ose lee eee 6, 600 869|_. Se eee ES Le LS Meee Tt a Sd ae Bs ly en Era (e e 10, 500 631 100 5 Sipanks). pee 4 Ee Sok ae 360 a 2, 076 20 38, 774 27 eee eee Sere Sue eters ne en sp ARIAS Sh Seee Dire #4 etic 13, 700 162 2, 100 22|.. 2 a Sige lteter hs 2 ohio 4, 100 895]! Soe sous pee es ee ee ee Squeteagues or “sea trout’’: (Cir hy See ee ae (eee ee oc NS eee ees (CE ee 400 32)25.. 2s Sn ae Shoot rays LS eS eee Re ee eee Ee ee eee 2, 737 281 |e 22s | ees Striped basso esse 4 ‘5000 | Fe, 000 Hae Ss eee 1, 400 140|_ 2-2 eae Shibine (royale See So oe | ee ee 270 4 ee erence Pree el} Sword fishes oss ees | eee en | ee 691 AWQ| 2 222 Sb oe 0 | ee Tatoo! sae as = ae eee ESO OO eat75059| see ae eel eee ee 25, 261 1, 279 315 10 Ui V0.9 001 670% | eae Beate el eee | eee A Vea SNR eles ae Soe ao || Sie tee 31, 900 319\-. == eee ‘Pumnarors HOrsemackereli7 aie a= ae 78 | saree S| ER Ee 63, 037| 4, 108 670 47 AWG rn pa Se ee ee ee ee ee 79, 300 1, 563] 4,613, 530) 40, 396) 1, 433, 950} 13, 033 Wioftish sie = ees See 10, 725 393 414, 072 10; 724-22 S22 |o- Aaya os) Nel oR Pe ae eee eee ee ee || oe Soe eee 400 4 350 28). 25-5 22-3 | ee SK [Bh pe ome acca ee a es ee | a ee 1, 083, 195] 21, 847 71,100) 1,936 7A RY 3 ae St ae ee a 3, 360, 852) 122, 248) 79, 821, 647] 2, 480, 622} 11, 964, 059) 228, 644) 3, 157, 261) 56, 357 Species Weirs Fyke nets Dip nets Push nets Pounds | Value | Pounds| Value Pounds Value | Pounds | Value IAN WV CS wes el aR oe te | ee oa |e ee 7:14; 800),|, (S7;,254.,|0 2 oe ee Biluiefisha ee —— seks ae 13;'000'1'$1;:690»| 2222-0 ao = Se |e ee ee Bonito peer eee ee te 3, 700 283 jon oe case ee ) S ee 8 A a ee Biitenfishs sae whee k ose 12, 680 O58 |e hen ed Rie ee | (Coys eS See Se ae 15, 042 #10) loo eet se eae Ee eel a ot eee TOASTS ce) Sp Ie SE a A ae os a (em pe ST SSNO00%| S410: eo" 2 —-|e eee e Graviishiee o> Lees fo ie 1, 500 23)| oak amosn| 2 sl ee EE a en lemming: seas ees uy 41, 200 2A ae haha | a amen 4,045; 000))|' 46).275)i|-. = ee MIRCK Ones e eeehe a 124, 575 Asi Afi) ee. oe Altea 5 eee S 8 286, 000 6, /540)|22 oe See eee IMINO Smee n= Sse ee ele S| ee eee S| ae ee ee ee 1, 250 375j|- 4 ee ee Siniped) Pass. 222 = te 2, 200 SOG a nae oll see 12).000 ||. 2) 1804)2—- == 2 ee PRAtLOPee =~ === = ees ne NOS 2, 125 106) [une eon ash ee | ee ees Tuna or ‘‘ horse mackerel’ __ 1, 500 120 \icbocwea| eet | ee ce ets | een se Se | WWM Gi seas Sess oy ee TOD G60 (7,70 20d) 22 2 oh 2| a ge | es Se ets Oa ee FS) GY Ft 0.00 je elle ey na | 5 EO OR) IP RIE eS ee 1, 000 925: | _.._. 2a Eee Beale oe a eae 81, 195 1=3Q9s| Pe ores eee | eee eno ee ge | oe Scallops t Days... s-s socio 21S on Ses ee oo ee | SS ee ee ee | ee 121, 950 | $31,1 Moval.= eke Soe ee 1, 000, 677 | 17, 276 | 58, 000 4, 160 5, 120, 050 | 63, 499 121, 950 31, 125 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 199 Fisheries of Massachusetts, 1931—-Continued CATCH: By Grear—Continued Pots Species Otter trawls Box traps Crab Eel Pounds Value | Pounds) Value | Pownds | Value | Pounds | Value LOPS G2. Se ie a ee a eee 90, 000 SADOW Soe eo ee ee ees LCG hl Ses 1, 049 CTT) eR 2 5) | OR REN i 5 PD | ae eet PES eee ahierfishs: ee Pes ok 110, 321 R116, | See |r Ge |S cet i 2 eae ott... eee hoyle 5 Sarl ao eee 06 |eeee ed [CCR ae to ee eee Goh). as RAROOR OSbale Mabe LOIS eee eee Pe sae 2 TIL ray Coe ye Rronkere! 25.0028 8 cb. 498, 493 TESS) |e eR Ue es 9 Rs It eee Solty beh oe POS Cee See eae ee pS RO 600 1 aa ED | geet a ses | a SY) Lae | EN a py ee ae ee ih a re SOT OL OT ees 15100) os meee |e S| NE TIE Se a [eat eats, CR aoe Drum: 15.1 CVS ES epee ees 880 1 te) | ea ee a | ee ie Sige | er ene |e Se 2 > Es 1s 6 ee eee 433 {Oe aS (SSR e |e ee el |S ee ee | ee WHOSE EO erctabwteieccads sce 10, 094 nah ee eS ee ee eee 189, 500 | $12, 591 Wiloundbrs:- 222.52: 922.24 24 OO 2a ORM O02. aoe beac ces (eee ae ante a oe lee co seeelbe ean GGOea kis ia ed 150 7 | See ee le See eC REE oS Ne aoe Se BE UU Gt copes NAGE TOU GNOULe A Ton eee Sere nee eon 2 ee Se ee ee eee 12 sy See eee 4, 992, 548 LOD SObGi [aS cee ao Se Sale ae ee Ge ee ee eee! ralipmG. 225. 52) ks 629, 930 BOSOZD esa So Se eee oe es al ee Ie coe ee | eee PRT SBS oe as sek se 5, 700 149 een deoleoe oes bee oe ee bee eee ete le Gisikl eee eer 10, 749 DAN SM SE eae el CE ES ee ee |e Se Se en, Kingfish or “‘king mack- sl Se a es ae ee eee zw. Whiting or “king- Mackerel Jou Art 2) ae re ee POMOC KS bass 25 wa a Rosefish Scup or porgy ea bass Sea robin LETS | hip sieensaat ie i reget am ie Uae a ee aT iy) ee eee Sit. ee ee DOORS Se se co Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’, eile 2 aa eS Spe eee Sturgeon Savorutish 8-88 <0 368. 254 Td fee i Ls a ee ek (ieee Sm a eS ad 2 (CS ee ee ee Tuna or ‘“‘horse mackerel’’-_ 247 Pda} aoe eee Oo pam wile Sey ewe, Ee eee By SEO OP | eo MILO PEPCh . Sees esac uns. 25 In| psi acs sete |e i ees reece NALS 2 eles la es 101, 659 Aa OY Nee oe tes eR |e Pg ey be es eee Vif be 2 0 a ee Se ae 1, 635, 094 STD SAN ie ee te ee ae ee a (ee ea i a (les REIS WAR eS, ct see Ape Se a i ee eo fe | 2 ARR THS*H608 ($21: \699 ene ee ee eee LOU tsi. 7 eee Se ee 4 0 se aia SE ee ee Pee at pel te FSS ee Sed ae ee a a 20, 631 Dy ose ee al ee SOR ere Parad es ra Roe MeANODS; SOG — a0-.5-5s-2554 1, 060 DETERS oe a |S ee a eee Lee Lf 1 A Oe ee Masala 2228: 203822 3 190, 396, 008 |5, 634, 672 | 90, 000 450 168, 560 | 21, 699 189, 500 12, 591 Pots—Continued Species = Harpoons Spears Thabeter Periwinkle and cockle Pounds Value |Pounds| Value Pounds Value | Pounds | Value OTE ee 2 Se ee ge ae Nr ei (Ree [eg 8 ee ee 67,450 | $4, 704 CUO FP alt 9 Se ae ee ee ee ee eee 2, 940 9 Od See SD re CAREER ET SRS Se ee Pe re) | eeeeerene ee see 2, 166) 875i} ADIS64T | Coes ey ee Grabs) bards: 2223. te ey oe AOSSOBN. (S7hO51s St Ale Se wd le i ee ae EE So WOUStEIS . ~22-~ 2st ADT AO G2re10F |W es Yt 2S ea a le eee CRA SSS Ebi 6 eld OEMS 6 eet ee ee 3B; 862) 1 G6; OBO) {ee ee Fi ee ae he See ER | Te UE (a a iy SP 2 | es 147400) | 11050) |e Seen See ee ee S30) i ee eee 2, 286, 345 | 634, 248 | 53,262 | 8, 889 2, 159, 815 | 421, 692 67, 450 4, 704 | 200 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Massachusetts, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR—Continued Dredges Species Tongs Clam Oyster Scallop Clams: } Pounds | Value | Pownds| Value | Pownds | Value | Pounds| Value Miard Api blicles sea 1,(0135088|/ $199 35411: 2-02 ee | eee eee eee 362, 274| $49, 651 Hard, ‘privatetss = J. ieee Slee ee oe Se eS ee eae eee 66, 825} 15, 225 WMhRCI Re ae Se ee ee 26,851), 4,914) 2327 5. |= See ee ee ee eee Oysters: J s Market public spring: 2-2 |-— 2 = aed Eee ee eee | ae ee el ee 1, 312 400 Market ipriviate: SPELmn poses |i snes een | ee ee 645654 $2874 7 ieee ee ee 68, 245) 31,355 Market palyale, calles mee eee ee ae eee AS. VIZ), 5200206 ee ce See ees 86, 444; 38, 790 Seed privates primp = 2-27 eee ses ee le eR a aE ee 52,500} 2, 400 Scallops: IB AV oo Me eee a a ee 2s ue ee ea a SL oe ee 1, 451,'641/$357,:586|22 = = es ee SeatG oo seca ee DS eee | Sak 4925603 |. '57,;323|==-===2—= eee MO tales accor eee 1, 039, 939] 127, 268] 112, 766] 49, 043] 1, 944, 244) 414, 909| 637, 600] 137, 821 Species Rakes Forks Hoes By hand Clams: : Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value Hard publicheesss= sees 1, 205, 572/$169, 348 49; 147), $4,408)... 222102 ee ee Ward; privates---------.— 231,'000)'."'29, '750|_. 2222 = 2- |. | as a IRVAZ OG ae = aa eae | Soe eee | oe eee 32,000) 1,500}, 436,992) $19, 882)_ -= 222s | Bee SOlieoe sos eee e ee a | ea 2 2,731, 550) 269,362). 937,892) 93, 400|_-___--- S2|eeeeaees SUncOr SKIIMMeCnSo a soso al Be 308100) > 230150) = 22 Smee eee 34, 000! $2, 000 IBeniwinklesso2=2ceeescoe son occ ee ee lee Se ale TS Eda | a0 sem sale | er 2, 700 450 Necahopsibayecs sors cee eee ante hee oe A, ere ae eo ee ge cee | eee 16, 200} 4, 140 Tinis hymn DSS =o= seek cee ee te 89,/250) 4,969). = 2 ese el) ee IE a ee Blood WOnMsso- a6 he eo soe | sae eae | ee 85,821) 49) /790|. ce 2. |_2 2 S| ee ee SandwormSa2-—2-2=s---ceasen| Me eae 52864) 35,1690)... 2-52.22 222 | 2 ee Notals ss sae ee 1, 525, 822) 204, 067| 2, 956, 582] 363, 900] 1, 374, 884: 113, 282 52,900) 6, 590 | OPERATING UNITS: By COUNTIES Item Bats Bristol | Dukes} Essex BNE, Norfolk pen Suffolk Fishermen: Number|Number|Number| Number |Number|Number|Number| Number Onivessels:—--2 22 sateen ae 141 196 35 1, 968 1023 | san nena 1, 958 On boats and shore: Regular: 2. s-ceceeeeee a 854 295 184 651 72 69 253 567 Casual ee272: se eee ee 496 131 17 381 104 118 371 114 Motel Hs52 seo le5-2-k% 1,491 622 336 3, 000 278 187 627 2, 639 Vessels: Steam oes sae coo Sc Ue |e ee ee eee IN| 2. 22 se 20 INGE tonnate:- 3. | Se aE ee | ee 194, 3< Se tees. 2 | 2, 949 1c) fo) hoe ee ee ee ee 27 28 7 155 26) ea eee 1 152 Taint tonnage. . = saa eee 350 709 96 6, 765 289) (Hose 228 10 7, 005 Salleh Sees oe at eo eens Tee oot eee OY ee ee Net tonnage-2=--- 222227 6. |wo Seew sees bse oe ee ee ee Total vessels. _-.---.._- 28 28 7 156 ahi | epee 1 172 Total net tonnage_____- 356 709 96! 6, 949 “sht) |e SS 10 9, 954 Boats: Wi [Co Ko} Pee See eee 463 225 166 303 89 35 270 155 OUneree -s2ob ease Same 563 185 137 388 59 30 207 50 INCCESSOnY (DORIS sp h— a2 = eee 30 9 16 593 rN eel pee ee 295 Apparatus: — Purse seines: IMacketelsia-= ses. 2en5-26 3 Bul ee O85 [Sone |e 30 Length, yards--.-.__- 1, 400 638/22 e282 Ba; 280) [stces soe oo eee 15, 000 Other. 53 ee ese eee Lion ocudes|seoes tee Mescece se: -|k=.. 2. |e ES ee Length, yards.-_-_-_- 150") St es | ees aon ee ee eee eimliseinese2 22 aes ae £8 7 1 4 Gy (See 2 | ssc length yards esse sess 1, 535 120 990 3600 |< 2c Sele 50 ||: Sees FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 Fisheries of Massachusetts, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By countigs—Continued 201 Barn- Nan- Plym- Item stable Bristol} Dukes} Essex tucket Norfolk anak Suffolk Apparatus—Continued Gill nets: Number|Number|Number| Number |Number|Number|Number| Number Wnohor = 2928 = ee Ae 2 Pel ee te (oF aE Ot) eee! eee) ees 54 Square yards.._...-_- 6) B60} 5228 tse RD DOR" |e riety ene 2s eee 1, 040 SD te a er Sere 1, 494 230 265 5, 002 16 df 27 2, 275 Square yards-___.--_--/434, 860 | 66,000 | 85, 860 |1, 742,140 | 5,184] 1,680 | 9,240 752, 900 Lines: (207 ee 68 176 24 5 ene oe 15 13 62 Hooks 80 348 24 A eee IE 15 13 65 2 a ea ees eee BARB4. (= stad 240 | 22, 896 il Eee eee 480 20, 396 Hoo SN RED yy) Ue (it a 7, 800 |1, 154, 124 2,100) |22225282 17, 280 | 1, 008, 918 Pound nets-_-_---- 91 18 Sane 2 4 peessSee (igh es LA see 3s Floating traps En OS) (ge OE DB. | ooh ee =o ss etn | ERR BT C2) cs ne TY ee |S) a ae ate ee te eel ie ay Laie Shas) SEE SS So 36 7 Co) a eet ee ee es es Pe pa ip nets: ==. 2=22-25-2---2e LG ee eae ec re Pe 40) 20s te 2 12 15 Iptigte Tipig. == 2 S252). (3 be ee LAD eases. (Rois Sees Fe mG Re a | ee pts OE ee Se Oiter trawis-=- 35) s=2 2s «2. 48 30 19 72 Ob [ere oa cs nee 128 Yards at mouth_-____-_-_- 1, 445 1, 005 495 2, 225 1 ee ae a 3, 880 LET ee i 22 a ee a) ree oe ees es ae | es ee ed ee eR eee Cy Pe ae el Pots: ROT yr ee a a chee ee et one la ee ca DS 60 35 1, 525 Rieke Se See cee 790 170 418 50 520) sa eee ee AD) | cee BODSLOr sae = sesh sae 9,420 | 16,203 | 8, 826 18,996 | 1,383 | 2,639 | 12,991 2, 456 Periwinkle and cockle_.__ 705s er TOO? (ee hte |e Sees 160" [sso ee iE MODHS. =22 S5-o0 otek ae ok 16 25 16 59 py) ee eens el Lee eee 12 Sees Oe a2 saa tees te ee 101 BYE 4 aU al Lee 40 (iil = ene Dredges: (0) 5s) a oe eee eee 34 22 hol ee ese Wulss- 22224 5 2 Yards at mouth_ 17 9 Ot ees coe ene tl Eee 2 4 Oyster yl ata at ee ag le SS ee Ol Rae ee Yards at mouth______ Tp 5 eee | Seek ae Side cies we Uy Shee as 5 ha Ee ee SOHNE es sens! See: S 862 501 21 fl ee 406) |S ee OOn |e Yards at mouth_____- 683 447 cals jpn ee ee ey) Peete (VPA hs es PERI sn ale phan oe SE 69 Ble |P sos Bees Be PN ape Chl Beane TTA CST eS ee ee ee 375 88 7a peek ce ee td eee i Cy eS Se LOTT AT ies SE Se Fae 42 Dinan Ch eee 140 12 185 CT pe ee peerage tears =e ha Bl 11. 5 PE a al os SS FOZ a ae 20 102) ese = CATCH: By countTvIES Species Barnstable | Bristol Dukes Essex Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pownds | Value| Pounds Value PIOWET UGS 6 487, 000 $4, 480 18, 504 $185] 657,475) $6, 991 237,540} $2, 553 STA a eas 2a 97,525} 10, 850 5, 662 460| 24,168) 3,309 60, 254 4, 869 ManiLOsee ee eS Ee 15, 380 1, 166) 1, 500 90 5, 755 1 D3!) ae eines ee |e SE eI ee. 2 jgSe Se elas 406, 602| 27, 048 18, 395 1,368} 87,797) 5,723 114, ae 9, ang ee eee ree Sen SEOs SO ee noes (Ome ee | eee fee en oe 5 Cathsh and bullheads__-___- 37, 000 YU beet Ss al Ne esses acl EO nalts | tel Sine pees peony ol |e nee ee NTT oe eee Se in Pee 3, 731, 830} 112, 331) 1, 741, 699 47,933] 206,360) 5,638] 25,699,177) 660,376 Cin PUG as) satatelleeet al pail ei A) tate mackie 3) aR ea Se 94, 615 7H ot: | ake aR oie | ean 241, 955 6, 487 OL AP TTL sep Bete ae ceed bea pashan | 5 Taide! |e auld Lew ots ntl: Sel ae hae a feel ts 349,151} 15, 581 DOK a2 2a aR ee eae 157, 630 1, 820 154 Dl peda St Sl aig ae 2, 055, 723) 34, 736 Drum: SUTTER Sa Fane St | [ir Sima SR as 5 Sa Sete |e, See eo = A | 756 8 OR) the see cee sR tel a aS (ee I a a ae | ca a alg ie a | Seth MN 220 4 UE eS eee SRS a as 155, 350) 8, 776 33, 350 2,319 57,500) 4, 275 20, 450 1, 501 COLL ta tg ei I ae 4,422,184) 108, 341) 5,434,371) 266, 696/1, 001, 379) 31,748) 2,410,602] 101, fee ce ba Lu LT i. — cant ce i pat gl fe APE hee an el arto | aide al I ce Sed La 150 Grayfish bo) eet 2d oe ONE 2 oe 35, 000: Souler eee Haddock 88, 267| 7,863, 768| 246,398) 146,520) 4,656) 43, 776, 7761, 336, 351 Te 2) Tea sacl. eps peace 9, 634 80, 670 1, 432 7, 200 120} 3, 226, 566 54, 302 Halibut 1, 919 36, 692 0, 200 ane ace eee 2, 052, 965] 267, 613 Herring, sea 41, 523 51, 600 588, 2, 950 30 796, 900) 9, 471 PE the Sh ee eh Oe oe a || oe ae ay) leap | eRe ee ae bee area | y= Sens 6, 367 137 Kingfish or “king mack- CETTE aoe 5 Ei We ode ll fe ie or es ci ae (OE ia Bs See ee me IY telaied Seer || a 30 1 ‘mine whiting or kingfish??| 2022 ~_.--|22 2 60 OW SaaS) | os 2, 029 69 LSE | ee ale RE aaa ee 3, 942,929] 131, 442 261, 000 8, 590} 243, 345) 14, 638} 24, 660, 224/1, 050, 941 PRTG 2 Se eee 1, 250 3] bape se Kabel ora Pa et Sle be =e ol pale a = geet) Papen a ee WUE eee ee a eee ee Are ee 223 be | Se eo Le gla eae | | a Onion ens 6" Sees 158, 653 2, 106 42,914 594 2, 750 45| 3,343, 468 45, 756 J 2ST C17 Se ed ee eS eee aes ey Nie a ee ( fohe = Sal be ee 48, 062 372 PEG A a MRE al a ald A eS Ee |e eR RE ee a CS Re ee | eke 38 8 202 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Massachusetts, 1931—-Continued CATCH: By countTiEs—Continued Species SERV OPS a= Seles ee DS Spotted ska alloye(o lol oc eS eee SUMESOOT Sees eee ee, Swordfish Tuna or ‘‘horse mackerel’’_- Wihite:perchess. = Soles Wihiting== 2s oY AVVO LETS Hee es reas eae oe Yellow perch._._-_--__--- ss Crabs, hard Hard, public Hard, private Razor Surf or skimmers----_--_- Oysters: Market, private, spring- Market, private, fall____ Periwinkles Scallops: Bloodworms Sandworms Bonito: teen aces LAD Herring, 2 een Se Hogfish Kingfish or ‘‘king mackerel’’_ _ _- King whiting or ‘‘kingfish”’ Mackerel Pollock SCUPOVIPOLEVeseee eee Sea bass | Barnstable Bristol Dukes Essex Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value| Pownds Value 1, 200 5271 eee oe 8 ND SR NE ERY eee | ets 240,000) $2, 450 41, 170 2, 122 547, 692) $21,340} 84, 562) $3, 885 845, 207| 22, 204 8, 100 1, 004 173, 558; 8, 271 1, 900 168 399, 919 8, 957 7, 300: 2 | eee nar ea ee ogee oe ae eee oe 139, 603 6, 489 2, 160 37 34, 454 117.14 [eae sre eee ee ee el 16, 854 188 100 2 2, 000 9) )\ eee ee ese 100 1 Sp Ape Be [gg ee es Ve | | MP Se | RS ph ee ts 1, 600 520 (ery Le Pears |e oe ee ae es | bee 2 A ee 40 if 400 32) 7, 143 AGON 8 2 SE Ses 94, 075 4, 084 237 23 2, 000 200 500) 68). 32.2 oe 33, 600 DE SSOlRe see | Sone ee 2, 000 300 12, 000 2, 130 pels eat IE ets 585 yy | Re Pee el Pein eS 2, 736 462 286, 825} 42,915 133, 140] 22,190] 183, 510] 19, 293} 1, 366,046] 299, 408 38, 700 2, 018 128, 308: 5, 348 9, 478 478 315 10 ee oe ae Res Sees 31, 900 319) 2-226 -2| 22 s-22.|s-60- ee ee 62, 962 4s MG oS fe | AS ere 1, 575 110 917 72 1, 500 7 (0 | eS eee Tee 7, 000 910 25 1 5, 720, 168 53, 132 360 4 3, 900 39 657, 600 5, 295 59, 548 1, 008 40, 952 (2G | sore cee ee oe 429, 605 9, 343 eI ea a) (ade 350. 28 8, 840) 1, 623 400 ee ee eee re ee eee ee | eee ae es eee, | ee eee 29, 680 4,911 272, ree 78,718} 288, 840 75, 952) 283, 103) 68, 109 668, 007) 194, 864 1, 000 925) 2. 2. 22 e224 Se lL} =. | 2h 5 - =| eee eee 1, 113, 080} 23, 082' 24, 050 255! 61,230} 1,016 39, 345) 873 16, 758 3; O65) 22 Bose es |e ate eee | ee 5, 184 1, 056 1, 124, 304) 145, 216 614, 900} 86,813) 255, 122} 36, 058) 49, 147 4, 408 66, 825 15, 225 231, 000 29;:750) 2-2 s=--=.|b2 =. _5..|S5. 2= Se ee 347, 392 163522) = 2 Sie s/o = eee oe ee 32, 000 1, 500 102, 200} 12, 400 4, 250 560)... Se ate eee 2, 440, 692} 240, 352 5 ce NE AN a a a aE =| ea 35, 700) 3, 150 124, 315 685140 eas ene a eee ooo 22 es alee a eae eee 122, 586 56, 475 4, 375 $76| >. 222 s2-|2Jo2.24|2. 4. = 2 ee 112700): 1, OBO) ee See Ne Bele ll eS || ee ee 819, 460) 209, 422 180:'500|) 345.555) 5:258,;700)| 64,7760) soe ee eee 87, 000 11,925) 391, 833 43, 568 900, 100|-2. 2.2-- = eee leh te ea Mateo ea Pare dae a Ma aa eee Aa ee 6, 811 6, 130 Sete me seta ee en a ell Ba ee ae Sees 13, 622) 9, 200 30, 741, 923]1, 296, 541)18, 527, 367) 917, 605]/3, 640, 569}274, 859/116, 631, 375/4, 429, 807 Nantucket Norfolk Plymouth Suffolk Pounds | Value|Pounds| Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds Value x= Ft 92 LE ly 15, 000 $150} 744,800) $7, 004 51, 700 $739 eee SHOOD! > “SS00lS S52 Be ee ee eal ee en | ee 430 22 phat 8, 100 G48)L 22-22 ee Se ee ees ee 1, 685 HL ees See ee 22, 600 1, 356 81, 527 6, 239 ep Ete Steere (eb 5 OE acon rf ane ees A lhl Bele 520 30 ait 1, 040, 615) 30, 587) 13, 200 360} 139,590} 3,807) 40, 705, 452)1, 054, 258 Lee 12, 994 AO) |S ae | Se | eee eee 148, 929 4, 238 ERNE eRe cer ae OR ie ae Re tS ee ee ee 600 14 SS tal ot Bh 2a Os ed | eee | 2, 853, 393} 51, 845 | pe AE EB ANB | EM |S |e Se ee ere (ah oeee es 124 2 RSC S| Cee bee ieee | 2a Orel Se TS ea aa | ee ees | eens 213 3 aed 66,000} 4,290} 16,000} 1,120} 19,700 1,379 9, 844 109 a 3) oe: fe 152,795} 3,500 125 6, 000: 300) 8,900, 493) 380, 506 ae are mae) y (| Lge pes O) ee eee MALI meme STS |fe ee 1 274900) 37992) 2224 a. aaa eee ae 14, 630) 665) 94, 424, 177|2, 842, 283 eeebs 6, 258, 765) 125, 775 669,427; 95, 746 3,000,000) 37, 500 a aeaes 4, 382 79 JERE Se SN Sea aS ee ete alee Ree tt | eee 169 4 ns a EY ae en | (epee oes ae Bel | cee S| fe ee ee dee 985 30 opens 43, 200} 1,470 2, 500 125 35, 370 1, 545) 10, 269,908} 421, 651 aye Sc 11, 000 150)2.22 see eee ose oe 1, 320 24) 4,360,340) 64, 643 Cees |e Bee oe eee eee Serene |b acco =| a eee 175, 350 2, 517 Spee 10, 784 ABQ) fac See Ree ee eo an eae 423, 452 8, 479 Sages 3, 199 LG oe ee Loe es So 3 oS eee 184, 473 3, 792 eee ee eae (2S Sooo ee ee ee 150 4 ee 3, 200 PPL | AR) | ab a a REL 375 16 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 203 Fisheries of Massachusetis, 1931—Continued CATCH: By countieEs—Continued Species Nantucket Norfolk Plymouth Suffolk Pounds | Value | Pownds| Value | Pownds | Value | Pounds Value Sharks 2, 160 (3!) | 2 See ae Eee | eS ee 7, 120 $94 Pe eat ental ae a enn a Se oe fae | eer | eso aee|-oanne oe 50, 890: 445 TS 2S Ges Sa ee eee ee Regs ee 680 34 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’, gray - Gy STor > os eee sere eee 41, 534 1, 499 af 2 No Be 5 SE US Re ance ae 2 Bese te 3 2, 073 209 OTT b1 2 ee See See 30, 240 158, 059 33, 164 ETE TESS Bae IIE i RES ee Seal | ee ees S600 |SE_ 2 See eee Wineries nen 2 5a Ea 1, 500 367, 162 1, 987 179, 709 4, 042 CCST al et as Sg IPE IE re a a (PRI OS SR Sal (KB SR 8 aT Perea 1, 529, 962 30, 934 eT Ce a ae eS ee ee 7, 416 1,525 163, 740} 20, 754 CLG) SS) 5S Space ae esa Seminal: 32,073] 8,858) 110,136) 30,382] 6501, 843) 143, 315 88, 759 27, 000 ip) Ul ee ec se 8, 815 hy gE ee ee 100 3 9, 501 206 Clams: Ree Se mee ees ee = gene 285) Peis eeoeeenla-saecee 163920). 23820|- =o oe eee |keeaeeens TELS Vea Bova} y 45) 1 Sais i ae aie ea AGIGSOR) G40 S16] e.-2 ase ee 135,300) 18, 450|2__ =" 22a See C0 se ee Se ee ei CO (ee) (aE ee (ea See [2 See ee 89, 600 3, 300|- 2 ~~ sseeeee tee Ot ee eee a Pe ee |e ee fe ee se 331, 500} 32,500) 210,800) 18, 450 580, 000 58, 500 (Epoch) The pe SPW E0TF #2) gaat ee aca papel [x pg i ec [a ie afl fae a 327000) 2000 |e se eee eae LORDS SS: 3k a SIE ee bE “ele Pee | eae es 2 | ays Oe eee Eee oe 26, 851 4,914 Oysters: Marmotennitplicsspring =a 26 \ 3 2222 SS} 52 oe at oases [eset s 2 1,312 400|-2eeee |S ae Market, private, spring 8, BSA wD OG 2s a ae ek ee eee iWMaerket, private, fall. = —....-|4-=-...- S: 7,595) 1,736 Nerie DE vate Spring es = on. | te eee ee oes | -| 52, 500 PT TEL ae ee EE fe Ene ee (Cae eee | ee eee 5, 400 callops OSSTA os eo eee See 223,\ 956) 56,244 soon n (pa eee ooe LOZ 2p 8277'870| Ses ee aa Se ee Sih 3: See ae Speen Gea se d LO 70) 415880) 5% 25- leon ane 2, 700 450) 160 12 CSS ah Sad TSEC, SR ed ES el NE ae Eee (eee - eerie 890250 )e er4, Oboe ee ae PSD BENS) cen Soe ence een See lee et oee Oly £41 (RO s OOO. -saateal-aseess 10, 733 9, 660 Rainer eto ae | ee ee LFA Le NOOO asec eefe eos. 2 21,465} 14,490 Pianaleet = 22 = ooo = SS 6, 818, 593/357, 496} 558, 210} 112, 697/3, 524, 372) 255, spelt, 391, als, 306, 481 RHODE ISLAND Fisheries of Rhode Island, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR Gill nets Lines are a | ord ge mackerel seines ! Run- nets traps Drift around Hand | Trawl Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number Cinnyesselses6 S222 = Sos -s ( hal |e ee a es ee sg (eee ee On boats and shore: BeAr a= eee 3 19 2 24 167 30 40 175 BASAL ttl Sac SS ae ee BUN eat Sn me | ene Dt) ee 719) | aE en Pi Motels so 7 49 10 24 225 55 42 175 Vessels: a UL eee i Ee i ESE 5 ee ee ee 17 10} ee ee ees Net tonnage--_-------- Fess OO) |= esas 125 7 fates (rs =e (ES 2 ee Boats: VIC) 23) 2s ae Sa ee 1 rf 1 4 118 17 13 25 Ch? Gg 22 22 = Re ee ee 1 13 1 ll el ae er 33 63 USO gC ee ee oe 4. |_ See 2 i ee eee Apparatus: UES ber st See ee See a 2 16 126 ll 373 1, 562 54 63 Length, yards__.._....... 320 2 ORBWIME = 2 oe ee ae on ee | eS |b en ae en ee DBiusre yards wesw 8 ee ee fee 4A. GAQ) [Al OO eae ee Se eee a |e oe eee IPEGU ES DALLA ORUDOUS tes acen. Cone ieee ooo ae. oe aie oS GSO 7 BRON see aol oF 204 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES . Fisheries of Rhode Island, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR—Continued Pots Fyke Dip Push | Otter Peri- | Har- Item nets nets nets | trawls| » el Lob- | winkle} poons Spears ster and cockle Fishermen: Number|Number|Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number On Vesselse ee sn sos ar eae ee Sa er Pg ad See eee ee On boats and shore: Regulerh 2s 18 28 2 53 29 308 25 27 Casita ees see | ee | eee ee 4 2 8 76 Pe toni wii 6 ABO HY [Bese OR ee oe 18 28 6 172 37 426 27 33 Vessels: BMG [C05 10) che = el fie al | i es emo ae AGA Roe oe 22 18"|-222=222) ~~ ae IN GatOn Tag Cie ee a | ase ts 2 ee eye 206h |=: 255==) 127 |. 2-2 2| 2520 eee Boats: Motor: Stes 2 ee ee 11 Payee ee 35 23 257 22 Ophers es Se Tid axe (Yl es ees 15 WAS sonore 17 Mecessory: DOats=-- coe aoe sea e eee |e ce a [Saha cece | Soe ae ea ae oe Apparatus: UNI Dela te a er ee 154 28 6 81 | 1,839 | 40,777 | 1,690 33 Mardsatmouthe kee NE See ee ee eee 27230) |.2-2-22 lh ee | a eee eee | Total Dredges exclu- Item Tongs | Rakes | Forks | Hoes oo aye Clam | Oyster |Scallop . dupli- cation Fishermen: Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number Onivesselsss ass 19 69:22 22823 eer bee | | ee eee 233 On boats and shore: Regular. === ess ple ed 110 277 76 10 5 13 822 @asuali 2.22 hes. Gp) ees 88 212 10 20 8 18 416 Motale ss ss ee 32 69 198 489 86 30 13 31 1, 471 Vessels: aa Steals a= aes sae re ar | ae Sulesa test | Be Sh Eee eee 3 iNet tonnage == sa22a24 hes eae 1264 eecace eee | Se ee ee eee ee 126 IMT OTOD: sete he Sea ees: 6 AB in| ees Pel ee SE eee |e es 77 Net tonnage_-_------- 68 230 | eon oes on| cance oon | eee toe |ba sk ee ee 793 Total vessels__--_-- 6 0h es Pe. ee nee Pee es eee 80 Total net tonnage-- 68 SGon/f ste |) ob eee eee eee 919 Boats: IMiDtOR Sree kis cae 4 aeot 110 140 Ou 2S) | ae ee 513 Others. 2 os 2 Rete 23 | ee does (ee a ph 353 46S ss=.4 137/223 573 SA. CERSSOLY) DOTS: 22 ee ea ee a Lees WIRES 2 | ee Pe oe eee 42 Apparatus: INum bers 22 2b eee 11 32 573 489 86 30 13. | 2.3. ee Yards at mouth--_-.------ 5 47 ADS NS UAL Ma ne oe ee CATCH: BY GEAR Gill nets Species Purse seines Haul seines Drift Run-around Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value IBLUGH SOEs 22 =~ ee | ee 12, 000 | $1, 080 7, 000 $700 34, 200 | $4, 080 TB TULORH SE he = Fa se | ee oe 2, 000 200 |---| SSeeeee= 1 OFS SSS Se eee oe eee | See a 60, 210 Od OTAISS ae os ee Oe ee BOM Gens s a= es— - = ee ee ee ee | eee 300 18) |_| | ee ee Miackereleccc2ss= steessbesabs 157, DOOR RON OO U4 see eee | ee ee 86; 000, |, 2,435. |.2i=—= Sa)aoeeee= SMO) hae se eee Meret ers oF ll Se Se 9, 500 1 90052. = nao 52| Sete | ee eee Squeteague or ‘‘sea trout,’’ 6, 500 780 1, 000 120 800 96 Striped bass 2, 000 400 |3.s-.---.2|Ssoee ceo eee eee Ay 2, 000 120'\)2-2-.22-2|2 oS 28S eee Tomecod 1, 200 D4 2. 225 =. | ee eee ee 93,710 | 9,519 96,000 | 3, 455 35, 000 4,176 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 205 Fisheries of Rhode Island, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR—Continued Lines Species _ SS ae Pound nets Floating traps Hand Trawl Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pownds | Value | Pounds | Value TAMILS S22) Se ae Se ee ee ee ee ee |e eee ae ee os 1, 900 $38 ENS Gh S Sega A a PR (IE A Rl | ae 85, 196 $658 41, 532 424 Dev Csi See Vos a ee Se 3, 700 CEE) ene ae ey | ee 1, 600 113 62, 591 5, 741 LA) (re i ee eee ae ee oe Se Se ee ee Se ae anaes 21, 485 1, 262 TEDL] D212 0 eee ae ea ee ie Sa (ER Sol ee ee es Be ee ee 158,100 | 8,053 | 592,600} 30,862 Ott: _. ee ee 581, 427 | 22, 823 135, 387 | $5, 488 143 4 149, 380 4, 053 (EE Se Re ORE ae os ae =e el ieee ae 1, 000 AO) | ere ols Be UG aS een 18, 411 1 Sr | ek ee a oe 59,950 | 3,911 1, 093 75 HORT EVIL OME Sen ses nee esol | es 1, 400 70 36,450 | 2,028 | 263,898 | 12,701 JOMTIEN iat | RS 2 Re ee ae ee eee een eee 1, 200 20 enon kee Os.) Bene Bee Se 16, 910 GOL. 2Op; O7Gan 25 4a le aos £8 |e 6, 633 241 ISVs eee ae i eats a eee 9, 330 194 2, 950 MON az et oe aslo. oe 9, 565 160 RR SO eee ae eee | neces eaee| eee en | eS accese = |caceeces 160,900 | 3,058 74, 255 1, 109 WG Si: Go a 4, 500 27 1 ee Sena eee ae 172,900 | 4,620 {1,002,250 | 31,140 UGH Sieg [VD EE) ER S| (ER a a, (ee ee 1, 900 27 1,577 16 TET TC SA a a ee 35, 697 581 2, 820 CDMS aes ollie aoe se 44, 014 683 Su VO Ee pL EEA ee SS rs eee a bare eee Pee een 11, 400 426 |1, 166,000 | 56,810 BHD TEMS ne Se Bae Be ee Bee te ee Le ees Ce eS) See | ee 41, 938 2,619 ‘S{f 7 9yg0) OVE ets ee ee | | ae RS (ee ee Pee Renee 5, 600 86 95, 600 1,170 I Gera ee oe a So Se ole se Le ces A A oh? 10, 440 592 7, 5380 501 SUED UTC) 5 Sa Rd ee 4, 500 90 5, 000 50 5, 000 50 2, 981 30 GGL oS a a ee oe eee ae (ean) eran ey mel (mea 1, 340 268 | === 2- |S Sees Squeteague or ‘‘sea trout’’, 2 DS ae eee 400 CL Sd ieee (eee ne 15,950 | 1,242 27, 500 2, 358 BMlpedNDASss + s=<2.-.-.- 550 pb Ki iy eae oe eee eS ee 850 173 35, 626 4, 980 FURL NSRSESED Ne ne re Ce ae fn aT fn | eee | ie ere ae | ee 200 22 ALTE Cle | ee Sea EaS RS ees 1345000)", 7845-25-32. es = See 51,050 | 2,158 40, 700 1, 673 OEE 0) 5 (ee SS Seen Meee, 1 epee © peeve Meee [ny eee ome pe 3, 000 ese eee Sramior ovOrsp IMAaCkerel’ = ele: 29,000) | 2) t0S,|fa2 nn else o ee. |Sosoe aes | Sone 8 71, 225 5, 697 White peng 9-52 022 5 Se ee eee fas ee a 2, 376 N19), | cee ee eee VOULGO a S S ee eee Ee ee Lae eee 49, 100 538 | 895,200 | 13,062 Se PAST [BETS Claes Sep SO Bel (Oe |e ee 2, 800 SO2t ao see ee eee eee [hy ee Se ee eS ee eee eee Tee ae 102,900 | 1,950 |1, 393,800 | 27,388 RUAN Ss 8d emer 834, 125 | 35,484 | 442, 633 939, 945 | 30,461 |6, 052, 273 | 204, 835 Species Fyke nets Dip nets Push nets Otter trawls Pounds, | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value SOO Cesc ee are re ars a te i eo calc ecene 38,675 | $1,336 WennNgts =. 6 oe oo een) > ee TO2SO00H|sbo;400 ee octets |S 2a esos ol S| eee, Wiaigte 222325252 eae 2 13, 200 Soon ete nee eaten [ae nee | he SE aS | eee NGHNOENE 2. oh. cse sane ae 41,500 | 1,573 .-|5, 740, 942 | 128, 906 Pao OCks o2 2 3 -- <2 22 ae eel cece ec Aewse neu 1, 197 TELA he = hs SE eI TA (AE BRR. 2 See aaa Ciara tal [cael ace 21, 250 355 SULA 6: | See Sap SRE RO pS 9 Wi BR fig Tile BA) |S Lele Sa | Soe Al ee = 3, 000 30 RICCO Sees ee oe ke | Cee | eee ene (eee oe ela ans 596, 790 Tautog--- Whiting---_-- Scallops, bay DUG be Se ae ea 75, 600 | 3, 203 102,000 | 3,450 315 88 |6, 495, 027 | 138, 287 Pots Species ee pares Harpoons eriwinkle an Eel Lobster cockle Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value ORIN So ata ceeee Rete ae 12K (| a 3 A 75 | i Peep es ee ce eee! |" Ls ay | ee hie Biel ee RwOrdHanes 0 5s nse ee Se jae ee ee ee ee metal Ne Tati 456, 158) $74, 439 raps, Ard Set s2 So eae EE Ee a Beers 164,667). $7,490) coe eee Ee oe Ti 3) 015) 72s {aks ae SS OS 5) SS | Sata De 1,259; 173)" 269, 201 |o- eee ean eee | ee Glamis: Cockle ’-s2-tSae he. | aebae. So es 15, 300 850) 81),018) {$5) 216)e0 ate PEC uh df en ess. 2 Sell ee eal Rees 16, 200 900 ROPLOO. 947 Sb) Sema es. [oases eS AOtGLe= 6. a Se oe oe 128, 076 8, 823) 1, 445, sag 278, 471 152, 118 9, 566 456, 158} 74, 439 206 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Rhode Island, 1931—Continued CATCH: By Grar—Continued Dredges Species Spears Clam Oyster Scallop Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pownds | Value | Pounds | Value 1312) Speer» 2 Ress eae a Se We 26;.723|: ~$2; 3691. Se ee a ee ee ener ea | Clams ards public. eee eee ea a 28615] $6, 398iIG- = sl eee || ee | ee Tar aomivate: wos no eee Be eS Oe al Cees ee 114,224). 22" 568)- .2.=~ a |- ees ole 4 Oysters: Markets private,ispring: S2|22-22---5|e ee 8 322 60) 1,076, 302)$232, 907). = .|- = ee IManket private stall eee es otra lk es od | eee ea ae 1,/335,,104|5 306; 057)|-c oe hs eee Manketeypublicitall a. seme Sse es | be teeo ee 1, 350 200)e Sl ee see Heallops pp ayssss- = eee ie Ce A RS Se Re ee ee ee ee 107, 393) $35, 183: Thotale! dees See eee 26, 723 2, 369 144, 511) 29, 226) 2, 411, 406) 538, 964 107, 393} 35, 183 Species Tongs Rakes Forks Hoes By hand a Pounds | Value | Pownds| Value | Pownds| Value | Pownds| Value | Pownds| Value ams: Hard, public_______- 1, :268,631/$198; 134) 153, 945|$24, 792) 252 22 | ee eee SOLt poUblics 22 eave. ae Peale s ||. ch SES ak WES a 9, 000} $1,800} 10, 748) $1, 405)__._____|______ Oysters: Market, private, fall_ 2, 187 438|22_ 5-2]. |bees ieee a | Seed spublic: spring s|2- . seo) elle eM a Pa 0 Su Re Ue ai ee 0 | 2,322) $172 Seedsapublic, falas ca |= 2 Bete eS Pe a |e Sa ad | all | 40, 420) 3. 593 Rotalee ssa 1, 270, 718] 198, 572] 153, 945} 24, 792 9,000) 1,800) 10,748) 1,405) 42, 742) 3, 765 OPERATING UNITS: By couNTIES Item Bristol | Kent | Newport pee Mies Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number Omavyesselshh 42 eee Re ed es aS 35 12 128 33 25: On boats and ashore: Regwlar. a eee ee es te ee 94 190 354 23 161 Casual Bosc 8. bie ee Pea EE ve Se 67 119 79 76 75: cl OX] 1 beeen ae Se ee et Se Ra ee 196 | 321 561 | 132 261 Vessels: Stearn 2208 § Jo bak sas Teen eras oes Fh bo. Elin 4 OSes cll | tee ler |e ee Base = Se IN GiTONN ACE 2: Stee Mice Soe aes oa ds CU Lae Ee eae || See eee a 126 3| eee VEO LOSS ak ee aa il ees ei ees b>: SL Ar An 10 3 50 4 10 INGHILONTIACO SS ieee ae te 13 Wh ott ie oad 134 34 445 96 84 PRotaiwessel se tyt2es t-te oc hes 9s PD eee 10 3 50 it 10 ‘Rotalenetionnagce= 22 2-2 ea el ee 134 34 445 222 84 Boats: NV ICo\ 0) use t= Ses ee et oy OM ERREE Rn crete bole 50 137 189 24 113 (Qua RS eRe Cae ea Ey rel St Se ess 74 190 165 57 87 EAC OOESOT VAD OTS Soe we oe ee Se | ae a | 38 1 3 Apparatus: PUTSE SeINGS; MACKETel Mea ma see se ee | ne | See te 2 ac GONE CH AV ARGS ee ee ee re ee | re $20) 0-222 |e eee EP TRSeIneS eee ae ear Pe eee 1 2 1 8 4 ihength; “yardset Sate ee ee eee 100 150 100 605 1, 120 Gill nets: ID Pitt oe see os ee ot a | eS 2 124, |=. == 23255 ee Squaretyards=.tcc aa an Se a ae ee eee 2, 400 42,240) =. 3 ee FRUNATOUNGs= Hoel eee ee Ee ee ee er 10 |e 1 Square yards Lines: Hand 2) ee. ee eee ee Ee Hooks Tra wi)... 7 eee Se.: Seeds hee Se Rael” Aa Hooks IROUNG NETS 22a seoe Floating traps HVIKOIMBUSS_o2eoeee DTU) 01s Shae appa pater pene rl Lema more ml wee fal SpE te PUSH MOUS. 2k Be Nae as ee een Otteritrawils_ 2. 222 Soe ee a Yards at mouth FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 Fisheries of Rhode Island, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By counties—Continued 207 Item Bristol | Kent | Newport ak pee Apparatus—Continued Pots: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number LS eS Se ee ae ee Ca eee ae ae. 2 455 232 177 755 Leg PO ee eee eee oe 3, 512 1,925 23, 380 350 11, 610 Rerwinkie sd COCckib_c222- 5-2 25 eee 807] Se see iD. cone enee 375 Sted th bee ah ees eS eee eee Saeeee ee oy ees” Sl 54 2 6 Spe SER Ste ae DET SE SS TEs Rae PE. Se 1 WWessenncas= ll 10 Dredges: Re 8 ee Si GP) Nee ae 1 7 eR Eats. oft? ||) ae pa deeb grata |oq 7 oe See ES 3 eee ee ee 1 3 1 eee a RR ONE ems osname, Beet oe oe aes eS 16 y |) | ee ee 10 4 Wardsiat miOUgh ostes oe ee eo ee 23 Bulent cesan ne 15 6 Hnalopuss= sac see cSs5 See ee 52 319 74 8 120 ard sat Montes 2) Steves. slays 43 246 54 6 93 CATCH: By couNTIES Flounders----------- nT AC RENO See = oo See Oe beok So ane e ns e ee 907 1,310 Vio) he aes (Eee eee or ‘‘horse Lobsters Hard, public_--_- Hard, private-__- Soft, public_-_-- Oysters: Market, private, spring gira Bi , private, Market, public, fall 124, 667 41, 811 204, 512 66, 000 5, 148 520, 858 119 3, 740 14, 735 27, 887 13, 050 617 84, 754 607, 824)100, 151 Seed, public, Sprinp=-- === Seed, public, fall_ Periwinkles ee i Scallops, bay-.-.---- 172 3, 593 3 2) 210 160 28,948) 7, 554 925, 892|149, 197 48, 224] 9, 518 Newport Providence Washington Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value | Pounds | Value 1, 900 6 3 aaa ea (me tm (Es ee ee 69, 432 33, 500} $398 85, 491 28, 600} 2, 547 20, 885 600 36 650, 850 99, 850) 5,110 793, 971 108, 465} 5, 128 TOSNOOO ass 490 |e = 2 See eee fe, Be 80, 450) 82,950) 5, 270 4, 454, 548 1, 550, 800) 45, 119 1, 200 20 351, 239 1, 100 50 22, 395) 20, 700 345 216, 155 19, 000) 273 1, 296, 650 126, 500} 3, 485 1,977 1, 500 23 50, 411 32, 120 493 1, 117, 300 60, 100} 2, 404 41, 838 100 7 82, 900 18, 300 208 7, 230 300 36 SHOOG er 080) ee a | ee ae ee 238, 781 375, 490} 2, 867 340 10, 500} 2, 100 16, 950 33, 800} 3, 061 34, 676 4, 350 810 425, 718| 69, 696 6, 200) 651 24, 240} 4, 092 131, 700) 6, 085 1, 000 58} 84,850] 3,996 3, 000 Cee Se 1, 200 24 Rt UM 5) Se ee |e | eee ee. ae S200GS0 lie as | oom oe wak, 175,000} 2,475 2, 800 | OE ae a (ie ee Ae ek Se eee BU OU a Or POU a Sane acne eee [tees 937, 036/192, 738} 4,644) 1,297) 246, 734! 52, 907 990;'700)"'19; 7545-52]. =- = 2 2- 506, 000) 9, 604 G1 0200 4" O5a|E-= = =| eee 36,198) 2,013 100, 665] 15,990) 69,322) 9,625} 150,700) 26, 625 ee ae 5, 600 788 9,000} 1, 800 Ree el os * 212, 728] 64, 828] 261, 405] 68, 267 81, 633} 15, 118 48,074) 8, 903 1, 350 425, 456) 132, 656 255, 937) 64, 785 49, 253) 16, 345 32, 400) 2, 250 22,950) 8, 638 576 128} 23,850) 7,950 208 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES CONNECTICUT Fisheries of Connecticut, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR Purse seines Gill nets Lines ESTA Se Ce SS SS eee | Item A peeks Other | S@2°S | prift | Stake | Hand | Trawl Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number @ntvessels sf = ee ee oat 13 yi) per pe ee ee ee 31 45 On boats and shore; Regular (1h ee eee 11 8 2 70 4 @asiale =e see a ee eee LOWeetee aes 151 94 3 51 8 PRO tales tee Ren oe ee ee 29 15 162 102 5 152 57 Vessels: INO) 10) peas ere ts ae es 4 dE |e ted el Cdl ep sep | exept 2 9 Boats: Netitonnagels255-" =. Suns ae sees 35 AT Nee CAR ee SSS Seis 2224S ae 116 122 INTOGOT Zee as wena a et ae eee ee a ee 3 44 1 72 6 (OGIO Te Se a er re ee aye | Cm lee rd 44 7 2 See ee ee ACCeSSOLY DORIS 2 = 2=e5-—5-- CG | eles eerie ee | PE ieies ec e 3 36 Apparatus: IND Ore ee eee ee ee 6 1 68 51 10 318 912 When eth yards sss. — eee 642 400 9). 646. |seec one | sos eses |S SausrewardS2222 ee ete es | As. See hee es SES ea eee 125, 023 4,360 |----3222 |p aeeeeee HOOKS) Dalts:; OF SNOOUS 2-28 See ee bees oo eee Se eee ete [ts eer oe ee 381 43, 056 Tia Pound | Fyke | Dip | Otter a Har- nets nets nets trawls Sha Fel Lobster | Peons Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number |Number OMMEVOSSOIS= ose a 5 hte ese ae ee ee eS © 2 OS 404g | See hes |e cee 9 60 On boats and shore: Rep ares saea cee 16 7 3 2p ee ee 22 133 13 Casal pea Sea 6 28 42 35 1 46 1340) Soe otal: cnoeestse cee 22 35 45 611 1 68 276 73 Vessels: = Steamts 2202 2 sae ee | eet Ses ere eee ee We |222 =. eee | INettOnNage = = 5a foe =| eee soe Ae ee ee eae 8) 282 |= oe ee ae n|b ee So ee ee IMO tot fo 35 S| ee a oe AUT Ne ins oe ES ANNES kl 4 14 INOtsCONNA LE Ones ae = ee ee ee ee |e 620); |e Se eee 30 206 MOPAL SVeSSE1S2e. 2k |S pees ea Alles lee a Se (3% Sal Re | eee ee 4 14 Motal met tonnage. | Mase fase ye ee Pee ee Se 00222 ae aE eS eee 30 206 Boats at ca ——— = | —- = —— WOtOPs a e-as 3 eS eee 2 2 1 665 Sete ae 7 195 5 Others ts a5 se ee 10 25 Deca | eee a A 1 56 20::||2 aes Accessory boats—=2== == 2 ==. === 5 A Gee ee | ee | (et | ee | 20 Apparatus: INMIDIb ere 22 hae ee 18 128 45 130 12 1,689 | 20,048 19 Mardsiat mouthe kas oe Meare so ae a ee 85413 || seecce ss |e es |S ee fA a is nated oa redges, y_ |clusiveo Item Spears oyster Tongs | Rakes | Forks | Hoes hand | duplica- cation Fishermen: Number | Number |Number|Number|Number|Number| Number; Number Onivessels si sss ari ene = Ue eee 246 DEN Sees ae ees Se Se |e 790 On boats and shore: VE PUL AT een ee tee 15 24 112 19 7 2 8 332 (Chie oe ees eet ea ee 47 8 71 22 3 6 z 621 AD) Gal) eevecorci tien i 2 nee 62 278 185 41 10 8 10 1, 743 Vessels: a | PS CQ SUTIN SES vp sey peg Bark 1 FA MN 5 ONS os eT eS EE 2 | 24 INGtitonmaget atte = 4 |e eee 11 T7242 kh ee 4, 399 VEG bOrse.. _ , aie arises 20" ot] ee 50 Oy oe eee | 2 ee Se = ee 103 PENG, tonn see e ene saan eee 708 Gye ee eS. Se Se | eee 1, 473 [Sh Se Re Se ok Se le Si iso es Ps See 2. so. ee eee §3 INGistonnag Gis sare rE ee See OA tee Set Se eal aes se ae i 25 FRotal vessels se 2 ae |e 60 1G ee | Se See eee 130 Total net tonmage_ 2 4)-- =. 2 = 1, 850 Greate IES = 45-2 |e 5, 897 Boats = =a 7 IMO TOs aS: So eet eee ea a 7 19 Oy ee a | A oe aes | Se 332 Othen2s sess see soe ae ‘OE See sae eee 171 39 6 8 a 363 JA-CCOSSOBYMDOAUS! i225 Sate eee <8 Nl te lve 7 alee Ase he yal ne | oe Ss || ae Se ee 71 Apparatus: INTMID Ora see so => = 62 284 185 41 10 85) 2224-2 |" Soca NANOS aM OMT Naan) eal ce ae 2163 |e tonne lpokot oe eee | See See oe FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 209 Fisheries of Connecticut, 1931—Continued CATCH: BY GEAR Purse seines Gill nets Species —$___________| Haul seines Mackerel Other Drift Stake pe ————$ —_ |__| Pouwnds| Value | Pownds| Value Fill wore Pounds| Value | Pouwnds| Value AN OU INTOS a Be Fo ae Lect alice ccode se sooces|Se santa NOOO A WreOaiases=sa-[eorasn7| tee e cee eee Cig, 2d Ne ae eS a NNN er ne | Bee GeS50|"i © e7bOl os Sede |e ae 11, 933 |$1, 343 AN USCLCS 07) ee a eae AGT SHO GLE DOV | ats Sa ee | ea es eos 2s eee Dale eee ee WO Ce ene 5 ES RS eee ee eer eerss |e > Es 21,895} 9,055 DAO $240 bene de rs - VENI CNG Pen ee Set es oe tg Dales coe 5 |e , 300 Cl pass Soe eye ep ores oe prey | ae ROMIORRD OIE ee a ne eS oe) a ge 5S OAD | eae LG | eeeh re | eed Sek ed | oan SE PSUS Baie Se oe Es ee eS Oe ee eee eet feesa|lntd, 2ba| "oo LOO oad bb /ese= =a een PETE Se ee es (ree) eee eens aes tee 2, 150 AS | ene mi lh 2 4 ell pee Squeteagues or ‘“‘sea MOU ee Gh OVE sass eae | Te sle= leans 323 i |e ae ON (a Se |e Se Peer ae Pees peel ee ST ELO Sahe tee 5 Oe SRE ee (Naa el eh a eres: | ree BOTO0|| 2 26144 | bee oak | a ee Re ANN Ces |e 1S ES ES a |e ern BOOS 200 eee == et Ee 2 ae Se ee eS AN) c:\ Pe oe eee er 407, 850) 11,507} 52, 581 931] 94, 684) 16,289) 53,399] 10,196) 11,933) 1,343 Lines Species a OU G HetS Fyke nets Dip nets Hand Trawl Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value |Pounds | Va lue|Pownds | Value |Pounds | Value PRM eu OS eee ce eee eee eae See dee eee 2,916 $44) 18,248) $276 7,600} $228 Binetsneee eee eet Shp N64 1832 (447 pane ee a a F364 lee cuS3llee eee (capa a| Sec seen Oe ay 1e{eicth ia (Ae ee Dae eae 371 oa es | a | ee | kak ol he TEED UNS APSE 5 SER SES eae (ae ame Pe al | are week Ie eee 12, 295} 1,011 250) 5] eee eet DE Tee 2 2S ES RS Te Lee] [ee aa | ep sgl [ceo ES ba ae 5, 313 663|-.- ==> =~ |-e ee SeEESEEL Seeto P| oyoW Has Ria Ee ee | be ESS (Ne Dae 8 |e ee ee ee 400 20 | 2: Sea Ofc(i hod ee ee ee LOpeod |e Lee] “ALS, cco, DOO ots = = =| et | | a | Gunners oe 3 == 5-2: 100 20) Ee arte pape | Ses pec |S oho eT ES eg | ene || SN A Pe a De LOGIE BRE SA See a) te eae | ae 24, 238 833 3, 711 431 +10. 144) 0-1 342). oe SE Go tS eee ne AS ae ee PG AGAS | ols LO | ee eee es | ee a oe | Se ee ee RTE hae eee res en 8 Sy eine la ik TORO tate OOO eee ere ten ee ol | eee | ee me |e TeTHae. es CS a ei eee TPM] Ogi |B aes 0 eA a Raa | ee TR | CR King whiting or ‘‘king- CLE US ae ed eee ae (eae rn ee ee! (eee 15 LOPE ar LS Se Sa Se Bee) ee bee ee eee 2200 CS GTRV ER Vets 5. NI ek Se ie A ee Se | err al eee 1, 700 Le CET Ge jae ae SE |e a a (a ee I ee eee |e Se) ee ea PRLS (CCAS) CRS | EE ET Ak (Me el | I es OG ue Sas et 7, 500 38 622500) O00 | seme Sos | Saree ee |e ee Seup or porgy-==---=-=-- 4, 200 Utes Shee SE pense 660 COM Cod ee eS eee 130000! so) O10] Steet Sa ee 98 DOERR eee Se ee Fee ees a oe ee See eee 1, 300 Ee tae nel SEN SS SP a (eS St oe = Saeki | eae ag (La Se Se ae eae seen ee ee 4, 226 50 1, 200 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea TOHD | RtAy =. 2. ~~ * =. 71 3] bas as ky | ee Re 24,000} 2,375 Striped bass 1, 841 SUC sees ety oS ie ta ab ota] [at 5, SE 2 RE ER SE S| fh as Lopes! = | 7,47 SORT CrRL HE epee see Se eet ee ee ow alt OB O48 neh Os4ee Tuna or ‘‘horse mack- NCS Ss 2 EE ee 8, 800 pp a i HER | fy an Sa fe a | eel ls Dal el | a ccna Fs A (MGR RDS oo TRE) es ey Maral a eR Seana Se aA) Lr ae 100 §|4xee2 = 2| 2eess. DES GIVepErC he eee cer |o~ eo lo. hee ce ee ee Sele 700 | a ae ee Crabs: LEON oe el Cee eee eee Fe ROR eee ae Sees eee 16, 667) 1, 656 Ree aes | SS Sh |e ee ae aie Se | ee ee | ee ee 2, 240 792 SOC CGMS 2 Se Se ae le (eee |e 5, 600 Oe eee Poe eee & THUAl 2 cee ee 669, 774| 41, 899/2, 721 799) 82,639) 90,393) 6,826) 101,505) 5,887) 28,173) 3, 264 210 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Connecticut, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR—Continued Pots Species Otter trawls Crab Eel Lobster Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value Mle WINGS set oR oo! state. a eee 720 $15 |e cnn oe] ssi -e|ee a. A] LoL le IBuitterfishvss: Ws = .te te eee 6, 981 t 573] eee | Se ea epee Berea Pye Pee le. | Catfish and bullheads__-_----------- 14, 836 305) 25 2~ 5 FNP ee el ete S| ee OG eerie ee 7 ee ee 529 ASO) 1920241. 225 oo ules 3 | | ee CUS Ke Re ase oe 38, 031 799) 2 0 oon | Pee el ee | AD Yeib ie hy: bape ees ee er ee 189 Qeesee~s|--2-=223)---c de e/a Lo tH EIR el LR ee para =a 3, 055 Cf ee ee Se ee 81, 100) $8),41 7): 2-2 |S NOUN erSs=2 = sean ean ge ee ee 8;:680;,694) 194,°593)_.. 2. = |b. 22.32 ).|_ 252824 2] a ee | ee Goosehshos=hbec see hae Pe Aes eee , 400 62) =~ 2222322 = |Seee 2s |e 2 | ea Had COCK sats oes sake eee 17,983) 985) 454, 256)se 222 atl ose Fe | 2 | | PEL AKG en cere 2 ee beer ee AST AGOQ2): By 432] chee 2 ee) eae ee SI a 9 ea | eee | Maliputet 2. 2ei 2. eh. eee 65; 638) 8, 952)- 2.22 Pole 2 ee King whiting or ‘‘kingfish’’_______- 897 4 | (eer nme rv rene el (Dee Uae eien (Be PE ee ei IMiaekenel ts ue! 205 ne pee eee Se 20, 562 438 ))20 So. Se Be eee ee 2 5 on oe PROMO G Kesey es ee ee eee 708,.080).. 8, 588)22-- 22s le A Se ee RROSC HS Het see cede eee tee 4, 090 72) ot 282 le ose) ot A eee eee Scuproriporgy-822--- et oe. 8, 387 259) 322 S20] eta 22| aoe eae S|Ue a eee Senibass® Saes20 ail = ree 68;902|/' 7 1; 735) 22 eee ee ee Sea robin 27, 370 288) 62200 SS|So cua 8 | ee | Sharks 245 6[vel betes oe Se Skates 193, 720); ), 1-46) Se ie Sees ON ee Squeteagues or ‘“‘sea trout’’, gray_-- 3, 604 130) ooo La ee |e Sr ad ew eels | ee | Stine COM hee ee oe ieee eee 31 Qj-d2u- |e tee cea) te oS Be ee en Mato pshae eons Uke tS tests 1, 200 48) eben 2 | ele |b vel ee ee RV ERG itd sr ek awe pa ee 129; 100)" 2-322) 20 Se bes ee ee Nua) haa) oh SS SRC I pee nas 36, 885 664) <2 3528 ace Cpe Bae | ee Grabs sphard eee seer je sees ee ae 8 |E le ee 500 $15)... --= 21... 5-3-4) See ee ODSTOES ashes ee es ee eS 30 LQ) = oe a 497, 464|/$138, 156 (So (ose ee ee Se eee 1, 908 38) ~~~ = |b a S| ssl = SSS | Se Periwinkles= = Swke = aes a a te = A | 6, 120 170 Scallops; Seatece sas asa nes eee ee 423 AQ SSO 3 ee So. Ae oe | See ees Total: wea es Meek oe ees os 33, 568, 855] 806, 085 500 15} 81,100) 8, 417| 503, 584) 138, 326 Species Harpoons Spears Dredges, oyster Tongs Pounds | Valwe| Pounds) Value| Pounds | Value | Pounds \ Value POLS Aes ete & Se Se $5; 613: | 2225-222 22| Ee Se | ee ees Swordfish... - ooo ee a | 258) 1738 |b24, 882 be = IS Se | Se | ee Clams: 18 G9 6 bf 601) 0) UN cae pet ys eg 24 Sy eR sate (a | A at ee MR Re) Ge es ee ee 97, 649 |$31, 079 EVAL) TI Vater ee 5 a ees EY See Sp he A | pe ee ee | pees 1, 100 350 Oysters: IMarkeuspublics Springs =seren | a5 Bare. | Ubt eae Uae ee eee 417 $31 22,380 | 2, 544 Market publichfallsssesie= 8 Sab. eee. 2 eee: ae 924 68 23,702 | 2,613 Market pnivate, springs ess | foe oe ee Eee ee es 547, 491 | 57, 937 8,069 | 2, 697 Wiarketioniwetesyienilis Ste 2 se | ii oe Re a ale ee 771, 501 | 93, 392 4,602 | 1,335 Seed spulbbliesspringe =: - Sea |— ee | ee ee ee 270, 908 | 30, 068 59,560 | 5,919 Seachem irl verte week ee = aN cee Sa eee a ee ae | ee 324, 403 | 29,969 | 316, 572 | 28, 608 Seedieprivatersponm see arses | Et eos een | es a pe en 3, 565, 257 |412, 175 84,899 | 8, 592 Secdspriviate; fall ere t= oye ee | eel eee ee 832, 897 |123, 554 27,149 | 2,600 bo Nay He UE aes ape eS el 253, 738 |24, 882 | 48,441 | 5, 613 |6, 313, 798 |747,194 | 645, 682 | 86, 337 Species Rakes Forks Hoes By hand | Clams: Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value iand=public2ae=sen = ota ere 21 °1019|? $6) 7190S eee eee oe eae | 2 oe Soft MUblich See > a SES ee ee ae | ee 43200) | 5; 0853)"'14;'000))| $1; 901 | 2s 2a ee Oysters: Market, public, spring__-_-_____- 178 ayia (ees Mek 2 2 2 hay ekg eee Ae! ae o 910 $155 Market, public, fall__..._.--_____- 1, 247 PAR OW ie Sys | ace RE Se 8 [ee 910 190 Seed, public, spring_---.-..------ 3, 938 CS i eT, ae Se eo eee a ee 3, 125 347 Seedsspublics fallcs ise ker ee 16; 875) |e) 7500 | eee eae ee Sk) coe ee 17, 125 1, 522 IBIOOG WORMS:= S22 ch soe eee a oe eee 51 220" |..s25505|Gonee<=- eae eee | Eee Total oe 2 2) nee ee eee 43, 339 9, 127 | 48, 251 5, 310 | 14, 000 1,901 | 22, 070 2, 214 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 211 Fisheries of Connecticut, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By countTIES Fi Middle- New New Item Fairfield | Hartford ace Raven | Lenton Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number COND NGC eee CR 8 SE ae et ee ee EE 1st Oe eS 2 SSS 156 483 On boats and shore LTT Ne a RT eS See ee = ae 3 ee 142 2 31 40 117 CASTOR 7 LSE SR ti io 2 aS aaa Cagis hanes 43 136 129 123 190 SON ee ee er 336 138 160 319 790 Vessels EL Ta ERPS Se OS ere 8 er ey re er Se ema Om 1 Bo eee | See eB 4 16 ROACH NER Nee a So ee Pah) a) epee aoe eae 1, 027 3, 074 LGV iE rel Ee i eB ne ey or oe ee eae BD sees tae be Poe 30 38 Net tonnages. oc -5244- fee 22d cae e8 CYC) Cen pees ee aaa 457 542 fSiP |S. ee? TS 71 een aes ae ae ee a Ohl aeee ee alee Sele Ac eee PRP ERON NALD ete sae kes. 2S ee Ae Dp aan canu| Peewee ale ae ae eee eS ee eee PROGR VESSRISS 2 eee ee ees a UJ ed: ay eel eae ee 34 54 iPeralmeutonnaves ees. bet ts es CAE ee Ad ati SRR 1, 484 3, 616 Boats DX TSR ES REST er AS ee ey 50 2 73 60 147 OM PGY 2 2.2 eS eS Se ae ae 137 40 45 69 72 PRECISE MAMES Sai toy ARN. Fe Es eS eee ee ol en 1 1 69 Apparatus: Purse seines: WORT Osos REE es ee DAM a Rogers bale et Ie ol ee a oe 6 et aadog WATS 2 = 2 te er ee ee) ee oe Length, yards_ 400 Waulseimes:. 22. = bee 8 ienmon. Varas. + eee . _.» jae. soe ml y 249 Gill nets: IDY oy Ses 2S Se ee ae SS ae ee | eee See let aS er pA Dhl SAS 8 S1G ENS) N76 Wa Es BD Oe SS Re Ee | Sees eee 2, LOD}:| 105; 0175 | eae Se 17, 906 er Rey er ree as oe Ne ee a a ee |e LOL 2S ese SYP VDRTEC GTC io |) a OR Se Se Ce RS ee Eee 4/3603) .35425 25s See Lines: UNI Gc a SE ORES ee een 16 ey ee 73 41 188 PTGORS eS. 2 esas oe See 5 gE Be 8 Baie Se eee 76 43 230 ALPES AER 22 sabe ia a 2 a OR Step etaeh 5 SEE OE ec 8 RES Ie (SER a 2 ee ah eg ee, 912 PMOOK Soa oats skys = ee OL aes IE GU I ee ale eo I Se Be 43, 056 TEC TEEZYE LSU Cel (RS Ea 2 eae Sees ee Naga Se oS eee 1 1 16 UALS TIES 1 a Ee a ea ee ee ee ee Pe 92 10 o 2 TD phe arety s = ape dp Sie ge RO ree Ce thal ied PS ee ee (eee er ee 19 1 leat aoe 25 ULORVULA WIS. Some cee Teo Se Lae ow Nee sig) (a Se ee 16 14 87 Mards at moutbeaeeese! ee ae OY fin (ae se a Sd 286 307 2, 583 Pots: NORD) oe eee SE ce ees ee, mye eas TIN Se |e 12) 1:2.) SOP a ees 1G] a SE Se aes 150 22 382 83 1, 052 Lobster----_-- 4, 410 50 1, 500 3, 540 10, 548 PRG OTIS:. - 2) aioe 3 eee Soa ee | OR ee ee 1 16 PGB HYR eR) 222 22 noc. 5 tea AE see Ce i Ee eee 2 19 30 Dredges, oyster ANS Re a Se Se (8 Sees eR &3) |bteadees.3 Menracmatwnouth. 9422 26. 2202) ea ee U78 (| ee SS. eee 2. 08) | aes See Siren yaberresees tne) mes Se Te A ee Pd (ee ee 15 39 6 LST, Se, SS es ee eee eae ae SO ses te SIR SAN | 2s oe 3 LE Se eer a eae gene Be = | ee eT ee 7 2 1 Pics Sees. 53 eo ls. ft te ee a 3: pthel wade 5 CATCH: By COUNTIES Species Fairfield Hartford | Middlesex New Haven New London : Pounds | Value | Pounds| Value Puanae| Value | Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value Alewives 720 $15) 20,848) $504) 2, 000; CE ee ee ee 3, 916 $76 he | Se rd ie ead 53, 864; 5,809} 24,124) $2,982 329, 540! 24, 439 Se ES ee (eee ee eee ee (ee oes Re Le ei 371 19 Lee Se ae 200 14 1, 750 141 16, 740} 1, 286 6, 138) 801} 16,783) 1,834 175 12 500 15 Catfish eric DUilDereeace ee ee ie I ee 400 20} = 10, 255 216 4, 581 89 oa Se a ae es 3, 289 V4" |, Spa ae 20552) 5 ee ee 194, 960) 6, oid 5, 430, 917/123, 399 Si eee se | | ee ae ee {=: 928 52 [bee ESS ae Set) ok Oe ODN eee S202 eee 2 ea 176453—33—— 5 212 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Connecticut, 1931—Continued CATCH: By countTiIEs—Continued Species Fairfield Hartford Middlesex New Haven New London Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value | Pounds| Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value NE Es PT 2 RN ONT Eee Se ee Se eae (eee 8, 975 $263 29,056) $536 189 $22 se eens on |e kt ee el Pe ees 22,429] 3, 001 8, 111 $920] 40, 792) $4, 387 11, 034) 1, 200 89, 323] 7,199 Mlounders=ees2es. s== BBY Gets] AWG 70 is| eee oS = SE eR 147, 722| 3,402| 676, 425] 16, 435) 7, 536, 101/158, 370 (OGSe MS Taye ae oe ew So | aa Le Se | a Sele ee | Oe oer | eae 12, 400 62 Haddogkita2 ees ase sce | el ae Bale 2 eel Pie te Seale oe 778, 970| 26, 49717, 642, 515/434, 759 Hake Deke Tee 2 19, 603 RS 40) A a> 2 i ee | | ee ee op ee 109, 400} 3,408] 441,302) 6,837 Mahiputess Sasa sales Sales |e ene a eee alee saeco alee ee 4,547) 1, 082 51,091} 7,920 King whiting or Cone tisiiye soos ee 897 27 | URE SNE i ae dnl | oe eee 15 2 TANGLES Viel ethos WER 2 MU oI fe) WS tl SN op 424, 187] 11, 970 MVienbad Grape es Reker eo ee An at ae ee a | 1, 700 17 IVER OWS ste tee sat e eee A eee 10}.585) 6; 145] 6,400) 1,000) = -.6,,100)) <2, 650|222222 2522 \S2==ee= INTE TTATINT CHO ees cet eee ee teers alae ds | el | te 1, 100) 151 Pikevor pickerel {a= | aa es | ee ee 300; Ol ee ees 100 3 IRolloeke W022 Ee Se ae aa RR ve A ee 759, 480| 9, 283 Rrosefish. yi no oes ee a ee ee eee Se | A O90 ee ae ee Scup or porgy-___---- 1, 587 Fah! | ete nt my RR BS ee SO 63, 918; 1,328 Sean bass ed ew hes en: 671302 |( ¢2H037 |x le es ee ee 127, 698) 4, 563 PE ke (Ee Pe 2 eae 28, 300) 293 21,631} 3,344] 45, 035 8, 448) 1,910 meee a Pope a a pe Se 245 5 es ree eee l(c ee 184, 710} 1, 407 RS Aono |e ae (ease 1,650| 243 Trou, PTay-—---——— 3, 604 130) eas 71 21,823} 2, 230 FSU eres oy. 0s CSP sea TN) FS | eT ee 3, 741 497 Bitrate eee Oey ET eb cle ge el ee CaS eae a | mee 31 9 Suckers. ete ee Dae eee ee Se 66, 600) 3,706) 36, 000 3, 800! 106 DSWORGhshizs2 2 eon oes 205846) 22 G00|E tees Sa) eu cee 2, 360) 229, 032| 21, 973 MANTOP® see eo 2, 024 203) ase eee es 12, 769 33, 453] 1, 483 SIGHS es are oe | eee ee | Sesh ee rn Nee S| es 1, 636, 943) 65, 044 Momeodest 2 te 2, 000) 200). 2 Se See e ee Tuna or “horse 8, 800 380 100 5 117, 800} 1,959 36, 885 664 500 15 Crabs: 1 5H 6 (SRR SS |e SRNR Vo) | tae Be 540) Ae. Fee ee es 16, 627| 1,647 OLS se es eS Nhe fag Ee all ee | 2, 240 792 WGDSiOrS. op seat 96, 650) 33, 773 300) 90| 53,426) 14,995) 91, 706) 27, 878 255, 412, 61, 432 Squidiet se. 25s 1, 908 BS |S Saale oe ee a 5,600) 81 Clams Hard, public___-.-- 4 Ud 74s gs Ge ee Se ee | ee eee 18, 338} 5, 925 1, 280 330 Hard, private_-_-_--- 1, 100 B00) 2 oe | os So Sen pee Ne oe | SOLE NDULDLIG 2 Nour 8 Cele iret: | Ey eee Ne 38, 700] 4,023} 11,000] 1,775 7,500} 1, 188 Oysters: Market, public, SDR eee Ae Se eee cee Ie Sale ee 9,404) 1, 157 13, 769} 1,473 712 125 Market, public, fale ees 7, 939 986 17, 062) 1, 785 1, 782) 350 Market, private, Springsteen ses 40; 943)'14, 6072228 |i eee eal ree 477,017) 43, 691 7,600) 2,336 Market, private, fallssoeee eee 163),61:7)): 205413 | [ose 2522) (25 CSS el eee 618, 486) 64, 046 4,000) 1, 268 Seed) public) spring) >322)934) (345802) asics. 2s eee eee ee 12, 737} 1, 593 1, 860 232 Seed, public, fall_.-|) 657, 716) 59,859|-.--_---|_--=-=-|-----22=|--_2_ = 16,959) 1, 945 300 45 Seed, private, Spay nee Sa 1, 096, 449 540 60|2)553; 167/307) di16| So Sees ee Seed, private, fall_ - 67 865!)5 16032) 22 alee a ceed c9 168 ‘T G0 ‘T CE OE Semel | psaieccreonse pen, reins eeten ce Ga SoS Se ~-=-yo0T10d SIT pee os | ae oe eee El baae Gees I fe A i | ere mi as eaten |r ge etait se Se deo ns Se aa ysyottd GG ee ees ae enn | eee | eee oS ieee Sat wee pie Ss) 88 (11 (°) 2a dg eee | | Heart sae Ser Rg SHS ter NS SSE > [ereyord 10 OYIq CE! aS || SEE [ee ia iar! leh aaa poner oe o6 Ge9 ‘e Ysysid ES Pa ih irae ee | cece tans | (3 ek ech ec a | ec a = a PL8 LSF ‘6 1F0 ‘8 OFZ ‘TOT Face apiece Aga aos ac cuines See aeiiccents Soyoraruin jy 91g ‘S99 128 ‘68 11S ‘289 — Seer eee Ee LOL ‘T FOL ‘ZS £02 ‘T CEC OSK Eat >"> =-sepunopy £96 ‘6FT ‘T 808 ‘OT COMO ell Pa ccm es eee ee 6IF ‘GS 22g ‘9g SSL ‘SS 8L8 ‘L6F oa ase ae Le ee eos STOOL a ee sree soeenc epee no =OSS oepeae $9 OUR iieie ns Saami a |peaeereeer ne rs (Cea Mas owe a ysypel 10 per ‘umd 00F ‘F eatin gh Aaa | caren eeeesaracas |e all een ee cel OOF ‘F ee ag 7 | Silo bins ay [ook tela peeeainteh cts set lgae piece wee oy = Sree eee. 19) ZEl ‘G28 ‘T S600 = |'S200c08"" — = liemen ces Poa se 91g ‘oS G29 ‘08S ‘T G16 BROVGD Cote PUP een cms were ae ee oh i er JOYBOID $68 ‘LEL ‘2 CLL ‘T 829 ‘08 Coes Se $0 ‘O9T LBB ‘TCs ‘9 LET ‘88 61S ‘SOF ‘T eR Oe Cpe eee eee nites ema DOD) 000 ‘% Spee peal e ee |ooe fal ates Sate 000 ‘ eet ote [Paes omer ty Soper ace ere vente FAR a ead ee Sra 0100 G6S ‘18 829 ‘% £2S ‘Lz OIT 000 ‘T 22S ‘% G02 ‘eh G09 ‘% 198 ‘ST 2 sear sproyyng pus ysyivO 96L ‘68E 6L9 ‘2 OLT ‘FL 102 G08 ‘T L9G ‘ST OFS ‘EFT G9¢ ‘OT DSB AOI ce lhc a te Sn oe OS ea ee eee ~die9 GE GONG? ale keat a; eae Co cin ee tale EFT ‘90% G0S ‘08 ‘Fb PRL ‘SOT TRRRGG ch ee |RSS GO OSS cae 2 ae ~--"--ysyieqng GEOR OT Eg | SPSS a al bot arna| es See HL SHOVE GPO ‘6Lz 612 ‘0% CRE OR es, Hotketeapias citroen Mee aaa aS RE Saisiestk ono g 186 ‘922 ‘¢ 119 ‘8 STSHOL 8 {Ss Rae ea Z88 ‘OLT 116 ‘FES % 108 ‘0S ZOE? | Re ee ee eee ae ~---qsgenig 91 ‘999 ‘e 022 ‘OI$ | O8t ‘PES oss$ 000 ‘ah 669 ‘L$ OST ‘068 ES ‘6$ GRONOS: A aS i ieee eared SOATMOTV spunogd anjvA Spunogy anjoA | spunog anjvA SpUuNOT anjvA Spunod HSI dIBMBIOCT eruvAlAsuueg AosJot MON yIOX MON satoadg SaLVLS AG ‘HOLVO ponuryu0j—y ee] ‘salvig ounpyy ayppryy ay) fo sarwoysiy PEF '8 OOF EH oa est | See © Z 182 OOT ‘F €ST ‘8 009 ‘69T sjassn yy R6F % TU cae | gee eerste SE Soe eos er ype =e ee’ 86F ‘Z OLT ‘eg See NE Se Sh Alea genes ae ita syouo,) 816 ‘LZ BEG 'LOF Sees on | Se peer aust i ee OOT ‘OT 0SZ ‘TST 828 ‘LT PRG cOhe st poe oe ees oo aegis ae SIOUIMITYS JO Jing OF8 | 00f ‘9 Bae Sa |P Spee saeiagee a |e epee [ES 5 eee a Pa Ce EE PSs ae eaten he OFS COGKO Mere aR aae ane Se See oe seg a oer ake Stas z OBATId ‘Jog PSP FET Teas es "gs Sa ule = a Pin SO | a “"""| 998 “G6 006 ‘812 ‘T 829 ‘8E CUMECE: =e Sean EpR eee he ar eae z oqnd “jog OFZ | (Ores fi 7. MERRY ae ZO Sa a7 emcee’ |bpng abe m5 leap coe ||) na ee a be Seeger OFZ 002 ‘T anew wee ory dae ARS ERAS SERS arn aan ce IOZEY G88 ‘sc POF ‘COL reac Sees || pears aaa | gle se || eee ete ce0 ‘8 919 ‘98 08 ‘o¢ ASPSRCGIa of) sass em pe EEE eee eS 1 9yBAlid ‘prey 98S ‘829 SFO ‘Ech ‘Z Sho ‘F CCPC Geet id meres Se toe aeee el LBE ‘BIE £92 ‘618 ‘T 199 ‘ege CEOESOIEL alee Be ge og 5. eg ae EES 1 o1[qnd ‘pie ‘SUIBI; B 180 ‘6F FAS SAO Goma | in Phage ge aa RIT che Me Sg 092 ‘8% 960 ‘ZZ8 TLL ‘9 QE PELL GT oes ee oo ew er Sp eae mre wee Be en Te aane ri = oOFF ‘8h GIONGEG se ed leaps [cee ee Gres |e goo ‘9 098 ‘O8T 162 ‘IP OSS! 6G lest an er ery ee eee er Te dumiyg fq sé SBE ‘Z6S O&Z ‘SFI ‘T FI8 ‘% OSCen Yai Re 189 ‘L9T Fe9 “es9 188 ‘TCT ORSKORR nc glee eo ea es eee Get ee S$191SqO'T f=] = 6P ‘ST 619 ‘8S 099 “2 (QOUSCE asa eaeoie ese Ses 119 ‘9 296 ‘61 LIZ ‘T Jah dS eee | REET AE BS A See oS 1, len bean Bea ee qos «688 ‘OT 14S ‘FOI ‘G 920 ‘T ZES “E89 Fi a £88 6 OWAOS bbs tal lees See oa |e ee pale oe oe ee eR aE ee surly wm 820‘ST ARINC) Got oases ad eet Cee ey Te 000 ‘OT 892 ‘691 820 “¢ 129 POL sat | FR eee a ee eae = pie a ISqBig ‘OLG ‘HSIATIAHS rs G29 ‘6F6 ‘Z 91g ‘TOF ‘EIT | GO8‘ISz | ZOS ‘026 ‘8T 869 ‘F | 080 ‘92 £08 ‘SZZ‘T | SOF ‘EFI ‘L¢ 698 ‘296 TOGE TOG LG coe |e eee te ee ep eee Sees [PIOL > F008 oF6 ‘TST 169 % (thE ES soc | ine alee | aaa ae PL8 ‘F GSI ‘TST S&F py al ot Se kee Pe eeeeon Mameprce er 5-0, sh fe es yorted Mola XK £66 19% 818 ‘GEL ‘Z Latehn Se | paren SP Stee bs |S abe 2 | aeeaR LEE ‘8 EIS ‘LOF ‘S 999 ‘¢ GQRLOC Oc) al Raton oe Sa Senne ENS pe ae Sunt A ei wel ye £20 ‘Chr 818 ‘81 OIF ‘TST | Sees a | ee eee | 2080.68 GEL ‘BLE 900 ‘8 OCENIGY -- | |aapes e ae a Se ee e eeee yosed ay pe COS'T 060 ‘8% Sa el ere tate Meare P| eo ee org ‘T (BD ARG 3S |e Sepa Re ES Oe es Weqeqy MA 5 £88 OOO Goe ol pe ae |e eee Se 00 088 ‘T eeL OCSERT: 5 Slee eee << PJOHIBUI VSIOY,, 10 BUN, a £96 ‘T ETA ZO leon ieee non, Pale senna ce Salas yy z oF £96 ‘T SIS CO ae | SS ae a Se SS es poouio J, 298 ‘0 OZ TsO! cal | nea ep eee eel | Sen | ee lite Th alee Z9E ‘OE OCI COL = RSS SS a ee ee ee USUeLL : 626 ‘Z CGpsd0 lees || eee er |e eg a Fe 626 % OV SO0 lines ual | Be aes Soa ea Se | oe Poe eee eee Se Peery my Jeleyovur paAe-s[quily Tf, DQ Flr ‘L $99 ‘661 Go. ‘T (010) Sei) ae ae | ce ai eee acs G00 ‘% Z8G ‘GL PIL‘ ZL8 ‘G9 EO Tg ie Ri Se RIEL «Ee Boyne, (a EINES GSAS, < aye |lveg ie ener ilicnee om cae v lal esl | tale eRe Rane |< Ohne Meat LIL‘ ZT OO eee [—a——Q0Qq—$—$man9 ——____———_——_= Item New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware | ee By manufacturing establish- ments: j Quan- Buffalofish, smoked Quantity| Value |Quantity| Value |Quantity| Value tity | Value pounds-_-| 657, 545) $230, 331|_--._-.--|--.-.----|------+--|---------|-------|-------- Butterfish, smoked_..do----} 549,787) 143, 867 45,485) $12, 091 (4) Adin yy i] eee SIRS Chubs, cisco, and tullibees, Smigked—- 2-22—.-- pounds-_-|2, 992,171} 960, 139 (1) (1) (1) GQ) . | =tet Bate Cod, fresh fillets __---- do. _..|2) 221, 346) 326,023). ---6-2=2)- 2-2-2 _|--_ susie: --_----|-------|--< =e - Eels, smoked --------- do..--| 19, 659 7, 154 (1) TT ak ee ee ee eee ~ = Flounders, fresh fillets Poundsz2| HL OROWereO ners knee |e oe 2 ee Ee een Haddock: Fresh fillets____--- oe 2 Dereee GRO erat 4 COOH Eee ee Reale |S, eee Soe innanthaGdiou..)dOsed mmsG 40016. (60) an0l 22 =a oes bo fe eee [Uo ean oo eo seme Hake, fresh fillets_-_--- (3 Cee YG FAP 8] GG RGR 2 Ee So) ed eee ees Sal ee Herring, sea: Smoked: Bloaters_-.-.--- do...-| 47,000 RODD aes ie ES oo cl Ae eee |r a ees Kippered__---- 180 ogee Fo iF eat ge $f ep? € I) [a es pe nl bape iy (eat se fe ates |S Miscellaneous POUNGS=-|) see ellen nee (1) (1) 236;520|' $26, O17|== = eee Lake trout, smoked__-do_---| 66,609) 22, 502 (1) (1) (1) (je di less Foss eee Mackerel, smoked__--do----| 133,981) 23, 386 7, 205 1, 516 9, 000 Te | eae eee Salmon: Smoked 6- do._--|5, 238, 792/1, 543, 823 (1) () (1) Q)ey ta ee ae Caviar, canned standard cases__- Goes BSG | ee See ee A era ee et oe = es ee | een Shad, smoked------ pounds_-| 49, 405 8, 441 (1) (1) 77, 000)'s, 19s USB|o-te =. | 2 eee Sturgeon: Smoked{-.=---2-- do-_-_--]1, 394, 067/1, 008, 728} 129,978] 86,108) (') (Re Oe ee Caviar, canned standard cases-- EB (SEU U (ile 0, eh 04 pepe eps Pe ea Ea (| Ee eae aes Pe be eae Whitefish: Smoked ------- pounds_-| 257,934) 64, 335 () (1) 108;'900]) 27,365) - [eee Caviar, canned standard cases-- 267 G5 420 | ty) ee a hh a oe le Sa a eee eee pes ee ee = Clams, hard: rash chpckederallonsest senso. ieee See ee eee 78, 927| 197,318} () (1) Cocktail, canned standard cases__ PET tee lg Leeg gees enor deo ee ae on Ce Oe ee (ee ee Juice and broth, canned standard cases_- Te 278) peed, OO) ee ees oe oa eee Eee ee ee Clams, soft, fresh-shucked CANONS Seo =k ee ee ee 20565)! 4 30\849| = ee os | ee eee Marine-shell products: Buttons.- -----.--- gross__| 428,764) 310, 295)1, 145,475) 890, 240 (1) (0) /-eael | ES) | os ING ii es Spee ee a Ee A046 ek es BLD 146) 5-22 525 2 2 (1), . [Seat a Sees Oysters, fresh-shucked gallons._| 295,550} 697,287] 448, 724| 795,169! 158,612| 396, 232) 77, 750/$132, 488 Oyster-shel]l products: Poultry feed_____- TOHS ss eereme ere ae eo 6,546] 67, 221 4,009} 42,884) (') (4) 171 eee Dae Cee fe aa LS ea 1, 648 6, 752 1, 248 6, 259} (1) (1) Unclassified products: Smoked-_----_-- pounds-_- (2) (?) 3 680, 646] 3 206, 168] 4 837, 100] 4 273, 276)__--_--|-------- Canned-_standard cases__| 5 5, 248) 5 90, 093 (2) ayy Slee rie 1 Lee ee Wiiscellarieous: . = ==—2-|5-225-3-2 0423; 450|5 2ocnone CG es Gt a D560, S472 se 9338, 099 AMA: RES Ss eee 1 ae ae 7, G2O;e08 | eee a = Beat tee 5 ae ee 1.550)049) =e 470, 587 ! The production of this item is included under unclassified products. ? This has been included under miscellaneous. ee smoked carp, chubs, cisco, eels, haddock, lake trout, salmon, sea herring, shad, tullibee, and whitefish. 4 Includes smoked alewives, butterfish, carp, Russian catfish, chubs, haddock, haddock fillets, lake herring, lake trout, salmon, sturgeon, and tullibee. 5 Includes canned smoked eels and salmon, pickled eels and mussels, imported miscellaneous roe, fish paste, whole hard clams and clam chowder, turtle meat and soup, and terrapin meat and stew. 6 Includes smoked fillets of cod and haddock, fresh-shucked bay scallops, buttons and lime from fresh- water mussel shells, and fish meal. 7 Includes pickled salmon, canned hard clam chowder, frozen fillets of cod and flounders, menhaden products, and miscellaneous fish scrap and oil. 8 Includes salted sea herring, marine-shell buttons and novelties, and fish meal. 9 Includes fresh-shucked hard clams, sturgeon caviar, button blanks from marine shells, menhaden, and oyster-shell products. Note.—The total value of products for the Middle Atlantic States was as follows: By manufacturing es- tablishments, $12,451,810; and by fishermen, $311,704. Some of the above products may have been manu- factured from fishery products imported from another State or a foreign country; therefore, they cannot be correlated directly with the catch within the State. Of the total number of persons engaged on trans- porting vessels none has been included as fishermen, and among the total persons engaged in the prepara- tion of fishermen’s prepared products, 463 have been included as fishermen. These facts should be con- sidered when computing the total number of persons in the fishery industries exclusive of duplication. 220 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Industries related to the fisheries of the Middle Atlantic States, 1931—Continued PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED—Continued Item New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Quan- By fishermen: Quantity| Value \Quantity| Value |Quantity| Value tity | Value Eels, smoked --__--- pounds 22 Su Se). Lae 9800): °$3$920)-8-._ = -22|4 2922 ee eee Whiting, smoked_-___- GOS | eee |e ae 600|) eh 430) Se 2 2 | ee Clams, soft, fresh-shucked Pallons ss |= wee eee oe 6, 000 6; 000|.22 288202! Eo... eee ee Scallops, bay, fresh-shucked gallons_.| 98,310] $152, 003 62 125| 2... .48|.....22 eee ee Scallops, sea, fresh-shucked gallons__| 100, 409| 114,015) 14,892) | 18, 605|..-_._-L=|-222 22 2|- eee ee King crab: Seraps diye. soe TIO) OC a [oR 506| 6 Ta DOR bes SLs eee ee 44 $508 GU) ia Seeieee Co mae (em Pr ea a ee ee Oe es Lt ee oe 88} 2,200 1 BOY a (SS Wiel A 266,018 Lees AD, 978) Sie eae De lap I 2 at 77 113 112 10 1,071 UAT YA tee tS Sorter lee ae a eg 579 468 305 23 3, 116 Vessels: SACS os at) ne ay a 1 Net tonnage_- 96 Motor -.:2**- 3: 167 Net tonnage 2, 408 Salsas. ees ae 1 Gt torminee semen eee Tre 6 TSOLR I VORREINe ne eee Scent es Le 31 | Ul Es ute els | 169 Totalitientonnnce 22s Se 197 1D ieee aoe ee tee 2, 510 222 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of New York, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR—Continued / Total, ex- Item Tongs Rakes Forks | By hand] clusive of : duplication Boats: | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number IT OLOR ee oo ee ce ene eee each Tales 185 199 Bi seb 619 CO}H A) pee oe Pe 88 OF Tear oer RD Se 250 217 77 1 1 132 IA CEBSSORV] DORUS seth tee Ee ree Pee ee ee ee ee ee ee | 65 Apparatus: ING ETT OA 2 Se Siva dee) SS a ee PE LSU Lo 577 468 320) | eae ee ee CATCH: By GEAR Purse seines Species Haul seines Menhaden Other Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value PATO WLVES See) Soe en De aes el ae ee ASE te ene td Se OSes Ra Oe 243, 683 $2, 610 39 /b T= 6) 0) SRR ae Re et enh el RIE BN UN UI On TO ON REO Ds | (AN are (ieee A ae I ee 4, 480 404 GST ne Ni aay Bin eg ge etre nd ee Bd De Pea [oe Eee | ce 2 |e 64, 271 6, 264 Catfishrand!ibullneadsh ote ps. se See cis yn Syl emiet ee MEE ean Bee Te Aree 4, 656 802 1} 5) Spe i a le UR gk Ra BORN eT lg aE a PE pee Sa an DS 12, 035 25a Flounders--_------ LE Pr GN eae re De A, ne WS PPT Ne ead aren eal wy eevee 15, 325 377 Wier fee reer te Lea ie ea 1651160; 000''} $89; 000" |22. 0 Ease tS ee ee ee IVI TG fete 2s Oe a US oN S ED Oe SY Ee oD UR LR By 2s 6, 400 482 INTa TN Chom see Es Bers Ce Spee ee ae Ee oe illo Baek Se Ee eves 65, 900 5, 362 SCUOLA att Cyt AER: EE SSA Dk Bel eee EA heel eee 414, 800 $6, 227 |iL she ee ee Bie cee Fe A Ie at eee as BUN ia Sek EN a i 2 At i lp ay say Cle Sh eee 36, 952 3, 753 Biliversidec tease eed a ee |e Se ae Be |e EO AS SY Oe eel oT ee 114, 540 7, 352 Hquetesgueor “Sew trout?’; Stays 2s See ee ee eee 265, 200 13, 260 25, 465 2, 190 Striped WASS: aa. eee ee el ee he ee eee |e 28, 330 5, 036 SPV) ph eee pn SS se EI ial a ws cet gen Se | Sea el || 2d ee al ee eee 10, 907 1, 072 Sinise ae ee a Oe ee a ha ee Seay Ee ee eee |e 107 9 omoodi ey: £ ee eee dae aS) Poe ae Se Sa aE he gal 2 ee 2 eee 600 30 Wihitebarts ities So ee Lega S ae ee ae es ee OS ee BO ee Sl ee 23, 090 1,510 WiHHbeyer Ch net es DET Cees Bh i as 2 i Se ee ea Re | eee 18, 825 1, 470 Wiellowe merch ts et sees Ba ee a a a ce aR ee eae oes 640 91 SETI pe ee ore Sere aa ee aco | OR Ce ole es = eee Ad 84, 800 22, 325 Mote leet sete Vee lae! oe yee 16, 160, 000 39, 000 680, 000 19, 487 761, 006 62, 396 Norr.—A recheck of the pound-net fisheries of Suffolk County, New York, shows that changes should be made from the data previously published for this fishery for the years 1929 and 1930. Additions in 1929 should be albacore, 51,625 pounds, valued at $1,032; bonito, 1,259 pounds, valued at $76; butterfish, 545,444 pounds, valued at $47,454; cod, 23,315 pounds, valued at $933; eels, 1,587 pounds, valued at $206; flounders, 30,159 pounds, valued at $1,116; frigate mackerel, 15,395 pounds, valued at $462; sea herring, 12,729 pounds, valued at $280; king whiting, 557 pounds, valued at $78; mackerel, 243,105 pounds, valued at $10,454; pol- lock, 1,130 pounds, valued at $31; scup or porgy, 84,116 pounds, valued at $4,626; sea bass, 30,549 pounds, valued at $3,360; shad, 3,839 pounds, valued at $790; sharks, 1,505 pounds, valued at $30; spot, 822 pounds, valued at $66; gray squeteague or ‘‘sea trout’’, 60,420 pounds, valued at $5,438; striped bass, 694 pounds, valued at $128; tautog, 3,960 pounds, valued at $217; tuna or ‘‘horse mackerel’’, 4,399 pounds, valued at $527; whiting, 186,229 pounds, valued at $4,655; and squid, 165,752 pounds, valued at $7,624; and deletions in 1929 should be bluefish, 65,429 pounds, valued at $6,543; and menhaden, 26,145 pounds, valued at $131. Additions in 1930 should be bluefish 58,751 pounds, valued at $5,875; bonito, 54,445 pounds, valued at $3,974; butterfish, 365,164 pounds, valued at $28,483; cod, 22,743 pounds, valued at $910; flounders, 32,645 pounds, valued at $1,077; king whiting, 2,192 pounds, valued at $282; mackerel, 109,700 pounds, valued at $5,485; mullet, 140 pounds, valued at $7; pollock, 661 pounds, valued at $18; scup or porgy, 128,740 pounds, valued at $6,437; sea bass, 74,309 pounds, valued at $7,431; sea robin, 1,330 pounds, valued at $27; shad, 1,901 pounds, valued at $380; spot, 140 pounds, valued at $11; gray squeteague or ‘‘sea trout”’, 10,725 pounds, valued at $912; tuna or ‘‘horse mackerel’’, 4,138 pounds, valued at $484; and squid, 214,162 pounds, valued at $8,566, and deletions in 1930 should be albacore, 9,871 pounds, valued at $335; sea herring, 5,150 pounds, valued at $103; menhaden, 80,202 pounds, valued at $320; and striped bass, 4,600 pounds, valued at $718. FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 223 Fisheries of New York, 1931—Continued CATCH: By Grar—Continued Gill nets Species a Anchor Drift Runaround Stake Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds) Value 2 ON eee eee Ne. eee te 18, 877 Poy ena Se al (age Sa the Wess $60 LOPES ee SS ee ee GAN B25 INGA O57 Re es | ee 104,415 |$10,275 | 2, 265 294 “tou PSA as 2 eg Se OS gs ES oe A es or | ae asl ee ; 1 900 fas ances | meee Np ee eo 6, 380 723 1, 866 1 ey dee Shel Bre a ay 300 45 CORO UY ARA GR Cr UTS Go ke ey et 22 Coil (ek pp See al oS ea VE, ae ahs | oth: SUDO a Se ee ee ee 50 iY hs SA | AEE (ee ol 1S ae a 300 45 Muernitente <2 2 2 Soe OSs ee boed oY 300 QUES ot SUE en oo, eee ee es King whiting or ‘‘kingfish’’_______- PR ODOIDM rr SS Geese =| ee ore ee * 4,200 333 350 28 Ta Le ee eee ee On Lee nel a ee 64, 365 SAE ee ee ee ee ce Soa PE SS ad Sa ee 9 RE (os, aD ee oe | 1, 600 yA fal RR 4 Mahe ff LUE UY ip eee © 5 Ee ee eee 2, 000 C16 tr fee as RA ae ere = al ee ES [Bree ee Lee sdk Te CEU CN TCL eT) SS eS ee (8 400 AUG eae es |S See ae oe ‘Shs? GR SC ee ee eer eee | eee ere | BOS; DOS WboO NLD lee ates estes eee 3, 231 1, 065 Peta So es ae eae ee 500 WTO Ope emer sea Cce RSE eee oe es en 2) a ee [area eee ee eee eee aS ees moe eee Squeteague or ‘‘sea trout,’’ gray----| 62, 094 5, 573 200 14 62,770 | 5,066 | 16, 285 1, 456 Striped bass 255 56 50 8 2,0 3, 114 634 Sturgeon_-_-_----- 900 215 890 Cr Wb ape Sa 9 aed bigest 100 22 SEUSS ee es Ee ee ee 222 32 1,810 URS PA) |e le all EP: Pye Be 90 4 White perch 5, 581 820 1, 108 1 Ud 6) AN Sch Rae al ae (=P 1, 565 118 LSS CS EE ee et eee 123, 857 | 12, 504 | 393,451 | 42,141 | 203,385 | 18, 089 28, 725 | 3, 771 Lines Species Trot with t vat with Hand Trawl baits or fy a Troll snoods OES Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value |Pounds | Value fineiinn = S22 = =e aks BP UNECE DORE?) [ene meal asl Pam re el [as Rae) OE ee ey A | Lag 8,500} $680 EE Oe eae ene al Pea ye bee ee! pee 1, 795 S2L2 IS oe eee eee L a SESE BS) (ee el Pee nee (ee on Rel Perea ne | eg BA 213 40) Se ERS BLG60) <1 BOLt G04 "A20 S23 RAs: Se ani vee eee ee aS ee ee nae ee | a | eee ae 350 2,000} $240 7, 326 DOT 1s See 24, 700) 382 400 75 epee Seat) EE ah RNS ee (Dee SES | OS S| ED SE wl RO ae ee | ene es aed 2 100 2) tig J | al RMSE Shi heals. ah ioe dab oe (Me Ra 8, 250) 210 23, 400 (7 (Se a a Be Cea See ie Pee pes Pies Lote Dae SS |e See as eg 21, 710 (55) (Ba AS a (i i RS (RII ET | SERN SL UCICU RPA |S ya. 4, 320 SES Se ee |e Te Sa eee sea ee aa a aba eg ay Ue Se 42,010 840, 300) +i pe ee eS 2) Re P| | eT A) Ce Ea OS 18, 315 P74 eke =e 3 be aes Oa [o Soeiaie a [E a Seen | ae rele | hans EAs pees 5 IARC T eMC IT U9 LS a sy ate [ee (eee) eee Fee oe eee ie Sa Re Behe! Re Es | Rete tee) ee 100 Uk see | are Se |e a ey ee ee Le SE TS SS atl (a | | 6, 200 Gee oo] ae ES = 2 ee ee ee | Squeteague or ‘‘sea RYTON, 6 STAY =. se-- 28S: 100 Bl won eDO mL acGin. cee lotr seb fe Soe See Ie eee eae WEED gp 8 ee a eT (ARSE pny) ee eae 5 SE al ee ade pee Se 300 51] REPO RE peter ad PRATITOD 5 oS Ss 17, 200 po) (i) Sem i ae ee | Re 8 | ee Pe (ie ee eal a 3 + * | ha daar LL GI te. 2 Se in SS) (ee Reena IE ae TV O21 e0l SO; abe) se a leek le [Ce See oe ale ope VSP SE eC Rs * Ss EE ee tae al a ie pate es | PCBS il LAS yf lees 100 1) eae | I eee Crabs: TST DG i a a8 ala Be EES Se aes nS bs Sete meee [Se 2s Fal <1) fee 2 6 | Re ae WPS Siiheeee dn eod hemes PSOE EA Ie iil eRemiee ates LOR ie (Dees te ec oe ania, a porte dene ! CUT ape ee ees 626, 829} 29, 884|1, 993, 350) 56,935 28,597) 1,652} 9,734) 1,300) 8, 500 €80 224 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of New York, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR—Continued Species Bluefish Bonito Flounders Frigate mackerel (G.COSCHS Meee eee aSeeeacses Herring, sea-_-- Kingfish or ‘king mackerel”’ King whiting or ‘‘kingfish”’ Mackerel Menhaden Mullet Mummichog Pike or pickerel Pollock Biat eeaels Uae 12 Le Squeteague or “‘sea trout,” gray Striped bass Tomcod Tuna or ‘‘ horse mackerel”’ White perch Whiting Yellow perch Crabs, hard Squid Species SSeS ss sled ee EE Pounds ANB WIV GSEs sees see eee Cc Flounders Mummichog Pike or pickerel Shad Suckers Sunfish White perch Yellow perch Crabs: Barinipy aioe eet eeene Pound nets Value $2, 450 15, 264 20, 217 101, 167 25, 258 Floating traps Pounds | Value 7, 720, 35 Dip nets (0/348, 264 Scap nets Pounds 158, 684 370, 511| 14, 910 Stop nets Fyke nets Pounds | Value |Pounds | Value 700 $22| 135, 169] $1, 105 37,079} 3,404) 7,450 470 72) 7, 786 913, 208) 19, 649 39,777| 3, 697 Drag nets Push nets Value $3, 204 Pounds Pounds 94, 230 14, 750 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 225 Fisheries of New York, 1931—Continued CATCH: By Gear—Continued Pots Species Otter trawls Crab Eel Lobster Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pownds | Value | Pounds | Value alwerishes =: 2532 5222202. ods 1, 230 ‘ Bwaupenash:: — 2-2 ss 10, 070 (Gatusn and puliheads-+:.--..|-.~2-..22-|.---2-5- (2 Dal aks ee 4638, 240 EST a a a ps Sa 42, 384 RINee ee eae OSS eee os 231 Miownders:23255225222.2-.0523 5, 876, 637 Haddomkss2 o5s5 35 25325 1, 378, 935 1303 (eS Se eens 37, 115 eee Duta ae se 1, 640 Kingfish or ‘‘king mackerel’’- 504 King whiting or ‘‘kingfish”’- - 2, 560 NVINTN@tAl ss = nee at ne eee 233 ANC HOM. aoe LER Sees. ge a een to s8 LECTUS c! es o e apn cele ee, ee 1, 395 Scryer ees eee 237, 234 Nea pane eo ad Pee 17, 050 Squeteague or ‘‘sea trout,” RIOBM ewer eres oot ean 2, 773 v (eX ee © cae ES A be he ee) We ee tae Oe Wee Le ‘Singhelneh| ) SO ae 19, 883 250) [2 ooo CR eae Ol Sa ee eee eee ELE TUS Sa I ae 35 diifiss ven SSS tu | Sacer ome eoe saa tanner eeeee TEAS RYU Ga eS 2S ae ee 55 pei ae Wp i A 2 Te ee ee eee SS TELLS ya eC] Men EEA a ce 0 Ae a i eee 200 BO (SASSER E Soe) eee VOTED PETE ba a eee era 4, 200 $420) Ros eae = ee eee 3, 700 131 Lobsters------- : ee 8, 866 Dy QWs 2S ae | bee ees ke Pee oe [Besos 474, 980 | 119, 670 SGiriele 82 J ie ee 12, 664 Dat (e Msecaie Ce se ONE NCTC | OM NT 2) Pls Sa Clams, surf or skimmer----_- 240 LSU e St Vee | Mele Fed. ae ee AE See ates eee eee RIQNCHS wes. 222 wR SS 3, 600 A ESA Sade a ae lh 8 ke Se eg 2h gle A, EA BL N72) Spa 2 ae 8, 118, 574 |279, 511 4, 200 420 252, 785 | 27,775 516, 097 | 120, 693 ! Dredges Species Harpoons Spears | Clam Conch Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value | Pounds!) Value Pounds| Value “OPTI ST ha ae Be ee) ie eee eel eee AG KOOL SD 9180S et 2 ee ee pS cee | 0° SRS Nie i Tas Sees BOS ae Ol (Sas ee bee ee 5, 000 AQMP S22 22. ee: Se 2 ee eee SAG Fi ae OS Se Ce 1061132) S22 Liles al eee oe SE ee ed eee ee eS GiBTENNSATE OF Skim MOrssoes 2 ose ete FARE odes Tbe See del oo he DOB hIBON S15; Ary aE | ee (Shaye ah i Se ae ee ee ae ne eee (cee ond ee ee eee meen Dee eee 6, 570 $548 PPotalo-ss et ee ee ae 106, 132 | 22,717 | 51, 054 5, 285 | 296, 160 | 15, 417 6, 570 548 » Dredges—Continued Species Soo 1a ae Crab Mussel Oyster Seallop Pounds| Value | Pownds | Value| Pownds Value Pounds | Value ra nes rang sce fe 5 - 2, 200 bY Ie | | ee eee ee oe 5S ee ee MinmoHArGs DIiValels so) feof 25255—_|t2 =e a iussesslesien2 Ses 800 ped iL ae eee (Ochre 2 ko i Ae SRS eee Ener eeeee Ee meme Bee recep ser pen) (5 20 ee ery (U Ppee ne a eee 5,000 | $1,800 WOE SB a ee (ee ey meee oe 166; OOO S7,000 #1228 3-52 598 02 ao Pus 8 fet Oysters: WEP EOICHIBUC fall (0s 202 ONES > an le eo Jesse 1, 400 2BOn | eae ees oe ek oe MASEL DINUALG, SULIT 225.122 3-2 (betes eo asa ai Sl be 279! erASe, GOI |e a Ore 32 Pe S- 2 Markoysnnivareieliscee- ==) (55 os) |i... 223 2 aes BD19) S040) MO4Oh Ol bole eee Ses ee Seed) mrlvaue springs =222 ei | bles ses Sn 203, 586 DO; Aas |e OrEmeney Ake ae BeGd Drive tauee wee. 2.3068 Ts 2) 2. eee ene ces 2 4 18 16 45 1, 606 190 57 Vessels: PERIL eee ee Sree ee ee Ve ee cs Aaah mene Mel Ea et SA > 428 Binal pode a Th eet S See Be ISREL NMG) EEA Re ge SS a 8 (Eee ce Nal ae SS ee eee (2 0 ea lat Ween pa De Ses EN Lit 6) eyes Se ee es ed ee jy Ae y NY fe ae Ly |e ees 2 IN Gi bOBRAGOS nea aa ere | (eet Vi\| eee Toko) |S 23 SEED L oe 52s CURE PRN i Ba 8 | FA Ra | Be I | PME | WRN | ot 1 a eee 9 mretionnace sel. b= seal ee ie Con ae os Pl ea tee (cig Sse end Ea SOLA SUOSRAIS SK 4 525 ee oT ee Lee | eee ge Vices LOS eee eee 2 Total net tonnage-_--_-------|-------. 165 esse Se 1h |S eee bling: a eee 23 Boats: AY 2510) ae a Oe eee Pe Se eee ee Sale ee Lary 477 6 3 Ghinpre. Saeee eee ieee 8 2 1 TB Wee 2 a 28 550 119 29 PA OURRAUES, LOG DAES 2 ee ae ok aE oo See RE | ies aw] [se RS IAS Sl fps, sat als ae Sl! Apparatus: Purse seines: TY Revel Gs EMR Sa Saeed Dp eee | | |S ee Eo a ee | Seekers [eee cee TESTE VAMOS 20 pete Ie ee ee |e ee ie eg RES "91 eee a ORO he ae ee roe Pa SRInase ss: 3st ee. eee |S ee 1 4 1 4 105 7 6 Weaneths Warde oon... toe 528 2th ae 133 498 5 691 | 9,090 869 700 Gill nets: PASTIG ORM 52 Fees 2 5) So nn eee [em meets | Saeed eae Oe 89 5 5 GUBTOcVAL Ass: 5255342522. eee coals ee one ates 2 Soe et 61,970 |} 1,085 497 1D) AR BE ie eee > en Sie a ee Se it) ae) a = | a a {5a (aes eS 49 9 BiGUIAS MANOR 2. pect Sopece. 21) 2.2 e Pee Re ee eee ee TS A028 ses sa 149, 587 | 27, 691 Runaround Square yards--- TakOwce Sees ee Square yards--- Lines: AWG 202225 Hooks ___ pyr digek eos ee ee Hooks Trot with baits or snoods Baits or snoods Trot with hooks ooks 176453—33——6 228 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of New York, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By countieEs—Continued Put- Rens- | Rich- | Rock- | Suf- West- Ttem nam Queens selaer | mond | land folk Ulster chester Apparatus—Continued. Number| Number) Number|Number| Number|Number| Number Number POUT TCHS SE ST PES ek Pa ey ala vA A 442) | 2 2 eee ISL OR PIN ELAS see ee a= Ea ee ee ee eee oe 2 ee 60 ee ee Stop metse sae a= tae oo ere UP SX Se | IN A a | ee 1h BS 7 1 NOUsTe Lands 2. erm ees See oe GQ) taut SeRes ke eee ee eres o 660s 3, 062 250 vikemetseee see ee ae |e eel eee ee AM tee ses 3 1, 613 71 34 ND UDMOCtS. See sete eke oe Be ee Ne Nee | oe Ste || Yk Ree 24 | oo te ee SYR a) Tae Mae a ed ee ee i a oe eee OR cere nL pee abe Ee 87 2 WO TACIN ETS Aiea sn See SLE aloe os Rendle ree |e Sees ee tee eal 2 17 |). Sees eee Bards a pMOU DDE ee 8 ce S| ea ee Se eee | 57 (| see 2 | aes BUSTIN GES oe mee be eas Oe | ys ea a De \ pee 5 TS a 5 Ac a st 16: |\ts Ee See OMErstraWwiS-= Se = eae see eee ify) 2/8 Cee i ipl |e rl 65)}\=s-2 2S 1 Ard SHAG AOU Gh ees = eee | ee ene H BOW) Seaeeeee iy (|| See ae 1605) | 2a 25 Pots: BO lese 2 eRe oe eee ee a |e 2 yee See ts ee 93 | 3,946 13 31 WODStEr a wee eae Bee Se ee ee ene Pe ie ae 300) e See 5, 68311) 54-2 =. ==] — aera 1S G2) of OfOTOy oh a ee Se ee eS ee Sk eee Ses Pee ee a be eee a 15) |S 1 Spears SATS aes 8 eee ae ee nee sanee ae OE See al ee Se 54; |--2-2 = 1 Dredges: Olam ee 2 SR eee al eke ole Bete A alice ee Po): 25552-|..2540s| ee PNCAN CLS ea © ULE EV me et sya |e cnn een | eel mame [| 22 8. sso) ee ee eee (OTAC ILE: Bee 8 Bet FS Ps = ee | Aw ee ea 2 |e csencus| 0 22s eee Syed seated Outi eee | | ee ee | Seren T low ok a )l. se Se CG ie] OSIRIA pak aee 8 Oa gah a ca fs rc Pad Se Ee ee SP eS 65): 22 So5 20 eee Wards7ath mot seca eee et eo ea eet es OSS lhe seen Oi ee Soe DVETISSO] S20 Saha SE ie Se eA Ss 5 | al see | 2). 22508 es Viardsvat mouths eee ea meee. Lenya oe |< ee eeem eee ool eee 3 | ee eee Oyster:eeee eee ee ACs a PS Fee Seek ea pe ee ee eee 72. | oes WOrGSiat a OU: es eee | eee Se ee | ee ee | eee 102!) ts 2. 2ee eee Scallopyets eee ae OB SR a) Ad NR Oe wr la | ee | Ree ae 15025). |e ee ee AVGAT Seat tN O UGA RE Lae ER i apa LAL ge we ae | te 640 | {Se a) ees PLD Y OY a Ss) SS es SP PU Sy) 9 ar Ce Pe 419) [552 ees 3 UK OSES se, See ee Rc Se Se CARE Sa Pe Lee Ee ee | eae 405:| Seeeee se 1 (BOTS oe eae Bi ee re ere re Se eerie | eee ee Eee Aa ee ae 130')|.2 232) eee CATCH: By COUNTIES Species Albany Bronx Columbia Dutchess Greene Pounds | Value |Pounds | Value |\Pounds | Value |\Pounds | Value | Pounds, Value PLE WIViGS ten aa ne area 2, 100 ESO) | fe an a Ue a 45, 135) $1,275) 34, 186} $1,075} 20,750) $449 Gaye tee Se pha te ek 2, 970 2G eee ee ea eo 16, 523} 1,558) 14,948} 1,538] 31,206) 2, 654 Catfish and bullheads-_--- 405 Bie SSDS ae eae 2, 855 555) 2, 445 422} 1,360 193 Mels near Glee 20 7) Leh eS |e Sie 545 109} 1,298 138 120 ll NST OULU GTS ss ee ace ee |e | eet 6 1) 28 3us TS Pike or pickerel-_--------- 34 () | Sonic | ak ee es ee ee 25 3|_-- = ae Seal ee eee |e Se eS aL a aa 5, 630 581] 97, 720} 12,039} 1, 031 128 Striped basse esas a ae ae eee ane tee | ee ee ee ee 155 30) 222 29. |5e eee SEUTSeOM mene eee asia se pr en RE Fe AE se | eee Ce oe 800 200) 226 Sa Guckters mesure See eet 3, 370 30,0] SSR ea | ed ee 4, 067 366| 2, 649 273) 019825 156 ESA a Hg a Key aed gly ad Shs 5 AL ee te Ed 114 9 879 77 50 3 ROM COGS ee te eee eee |e aoe s(t Ea ee eee ee eee 21 2 600 30 iWihite:perch5- "ees 2s 15 3 | ees eae 50 5 508 54 30 3 Wellownperche 2 sso —.-= 15 Near ee gel RECT 833 143 829 79 41 4 Glams-seard,, publics 2222 \b2-_ 2 Aibwene 2 1; 200))-- $450) tee Soe oe = ee ee ee “ID CORIf (ps em ee ee NS 17a 8, 929 634 1, 200 450| 75,752} 4,601) 156, 469) 15,931) 57,013) 3, 631 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 229 Fisheries of New York, 1931—Continued CATCH: By countiges—Continued Kings Nassau New York Orange Pounds | Value| Pownds | Value| Pounds | Value |Pounds | Value MUR IIINGRS 6 Poe oe ctr sn ne Sas | on a tee eee conan | aa aneeclsnenasmean|paeacs 2,755) $134 Tr LCi S105 hay SAE See soi $9, i 52, 190] $5,077} 165,000} $9, 000)...._.__|..______ oe la Dee ES ee ee ee 18, 400 750 170 LA ee ee eee oe Sa ey Sees of oa ah is a ee eee eke 11, 693} 1, 243 Catish SU SIL ee aM MCN) 2 ae Oh a RS a eae 895 152 tA Es Tee ee 562, 035) 14,354) 184,530) 4,482) 336,860] 9,579)...._._.|_______ EE Ree ee sano eee 350 35) 1, 085 213 pel Wp ies oy ee eee 376}:935), 14, 283}22 05 Lb | . Eee ee ee I, 079; 535|° 23, S80/b 2 22 ee 10, 300 DOU 35--lobatee 1, 640 77.1) (2, Soa pel Va rl ee 5 5 ee SS, a a! ee sees A eee -e 17, 860, 46: B05) (8; (20) 0 ao lee LSS TRD a8 (212 tp ee a ape Re ne a [ER a= ll EO geen | oe eee 4; 200,000) 18;' O00}. 2223. 5 ee 1 Da TG) Se eS ee 4 1, 000 WU esses pecs e|pee oe eal nF RUlverrGHGuiee one St See Lae 3, 224 LT LOO | 925 Ak Sein ere ee ne ee 9 ee re ali Ue. LoS hae POS ee pee tel eee ns Nl Soe |e Dena eee 1, 395 23 iss 52s o\ea ads oS A eee ai 593, 579| 10, 406 be 800|"= MaLT6|| 30; 060|— COO) sate nee Riri tes Suen Os Pr es 52,100] 1, 535 35, 275 747 1, 250 (| Sees | ea ee SUE Se RE a ee a rae el | SA aha ei eS ee ee pe eee ee ea ee 17,016} 2,672 Pith orrnitias = soars e fae Po ee 1, 100 16; O60) eye Se eos ee ee ee ee Squeteagues or “‘Sea trout’’, gray_--| 267, 920) 13, 334 32, 2O0|\" 2449) e558 cee ee | ere TS UISCo (2 L101 a 19, 883 250, 4, 530 O66) 22 205 el ee es Se BUIUR ONS Ste ne ae face pena ok ee |e nee ee ee | oo eas ee eee ae ee | ee 7, 340 775 OT TRU igh eae teed see ean ee DES eal O84 25 see eee ol ees BS) 9OL| B, 204) 45 se nee eater Sparerteypeaeee es = Pew e VE TTS Sy 16, 535 8265/2 eee eee 700 10). dlea ee" SN TET gs hs eee da ee esi 259 RTOS AZ oe Se ee ae 161,200) 21 987 |e - oases eee vib rv fa C005 LE ee =e gt Sena eR SRS epee ee, <5) (es ee ee ae Wet ee ee a hee eee 50 18 OS TE a es ae a ee el See lhe a ey | ane ee Ee See ot et 500 75 ere ee ke eee 55 Saga Saar ate SES [ae Lee Crabs: Hard.-__-. ee seu es 1 3 a 4, 200 420 4, 030 Lyf] 8 oy eee Le aT Heh ee Tala Be So BS RS aes oo aoreee iets) (ey Ce oe 65) RE ee 2,075 bas i 9 eae ree 58g eee | OPT De 1) Hs ee a Ly ae ao 259, 750) 56, 483 79;'820)\ 23, 180|ei. eee Sele So nnd ijee Uae De BE i ES Sa ene Le eae fej ee 1, 900 bi, |e ee ae a | eee ne Ee pe Oe (nae Aes AS OR eS ee 1, 357 | Pee ree (ee ee | a ei AS ae ae ee Clams: lar abla ste eens tT el eee 198740 |G0) S80 e325 e 1s eee ee ee ee VST s Vue Wg 1 nee lS | (ee ee ae 1, 000 ZOO | Fas Pe | 5 es ea Se ROOT SA aoe | (nO i 1, 200 7A) Sse saa ae |= ioe eae See Sithce Gelel oj t Olas 2 See a ae ee 18, 000} 1, 200 BONG6Z5| (QNOGOl= ok eee. 5.) 2 Sl ee ae eee HOt DIV ANGe = anne oe ee. ea 6, 300 40S ee seek ae =| al Sartor dkinimers:..2-.._ 25 4 268, 320} 13, 909 LOO DR4 (1c 2, 4anie ce are Ee ee ee eae eae Oa Tete) 11: Ee ple eile nee ee a eee SS OU ate G50 | sees Sie eee Sif ee eC See Flee | NERRINer ee ae ec ae ee ee 8, 000 OF 100) O00 (E75, S00[ES oo Eee ieee ee eens Oysters: Wearkeu, private, spring... 22 2)E 220, 493} 49,130} 461, 251) 69, 764)_.______|_._____ Market, private, fall 243, 357| 48,024) 473, 480) 72, 746)....____|_._____ See, public, sprig.) 2 eh oe 2, 324 Pi)! | ee eee ee ond eee Bae Need public, fale o. ooh sete 1, 162 A20| 5 32a = == Gee |e ee Seallops: LEDS a se ee ee ee Oe 456 | | ee oe SS Ee | ee ee pee ote ep Oe DiC ae oe ee eee ee 522, 054) 43, 355 285, 864) 23, 827 59, 700|' 4, 87o|2. = 2s eee Binncwmorms: =F 2522-20052 22ais 7, 245) 7, 245 NO RGAT TD: 204) = t SSk 31S oe eee gee ee BRMbWOPING =. 02s thc conn aoe 9,700} 9, 700 Wp 40| (Ly LO0l cose a S| See eels Peas eee 51 (eile See HOR ROS od 4, 004, 684/231, 408) 1, 916, 658288, 006/11, 040, 362/256, 966 41,334) 5, 282 Species Putnam Queens Rensselaer Richmond Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value abe EE ee eee ae 600 3 Beene a Ss ee 11, 734 Ce | Se a eee, SRR. ee ee eens tome 615 55 $30) 14, 266 1 af Us ee Se |e Catfish CUE] eCeIM EEG Ts FAIRS AS eR Se (Spree ge I [ear ee 2 ee U 3, 902 paste. 2 SCPe LUCID 2 SpE Sa rare 125 pe Sa aS | es a 7 1) 8 Aa | ES Lape 3 ea Se a ae I eee ol fe eee CA | eee ee 33, 423) $1,170 TAPE SL ES 2 TR eS Saat RT Baa EE eS | TARO (od wa RS 1, 000) LO ati atl eat RE SS ee ae Ee eS eee a) ea 6 ee Cees oS Be ST HGE ase ee SSS ae ES Oe ee fe ee 1, 150 oD fap ae ee ee ee ee | ee Citta Asse. ie aS? eee Sal ees 3 es eer EN 2 95 AO SETTLER eee stele tire. pee er eee Yaa, 50 i) EES SB |e Pe ae 1, 154 iy. |SS SR es een Se WHR Deer Chi a cepea =o ay se 200 1 eee coe 400 cL pe Re al [Sar eS BAU Giga SES cE EE OE ee ee 2 ee ee) |e De 17 le ead eee Oplers isiies 2 sehen. A ay Sees etl ae Re nn ieee 5 as | ee ae 3, 700 131 ie Ce ak aa 2s ge ees ae eee (aie ane (ae 150 Galesoree ste. Bae ee ,60C} 5, 900 Evie TssiidGn ac strrrerCh Skee a i A RN eens Beier be lsie bet | Tn 28,08C} 1,521 OO a os Soe Ses Se ee |e ae aS MET I Ree te PT all eel es 6, 57C 548 SEN fra ek ee Se es PD Se ee ee emer 40 ae es |F Pas eay 250 250 TRotalese oe eee eee es AS | 1, 490) 108) 188, 223 7,613) 31,581 2,317; 96, 622 9, 720 230 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of New York, 1931—Continued CATCH: By countTies—Continued Species iIBwetishie sees Bees. Ne ee Bonito Ap fan Mh eS RS Se ore SL lot Gersetee = eae oR Se ud ba te Private mackerels 2220" estes ok Goosefishen qiewe sts al toe aie Hering; ‘seal aee sens Ste esse Kingfish or ‘‘king mackerel’’____- King whiting or ‘‘kingfish’’___-__- IMAC Ker alesse nee ae Dee ee Whom chops a2 28 Soles Pikeior pickerel! 525-4 a= 2G Bollockae sis ones anne wee tate SUNS) 22 eee eee ete tes se OU Ree eee see al a! Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’, gray_ Striped basso 42s sss5 =: tee Sturgeon en ass eee Ree euaers ere Ore NE er a ee Se Le Tuna or ‘‘horse mackerel’’______- Wihiteb alta.) Boa eee eae Wihibe wench else SEF ol es adn INVA Gina or ae wily hare TE Hard, DUDES 22-2 sees yee anc ssprivites sean ee Soft, public Prod oR SM Det el Mussels. ett USNC De Shy thre CEN Oysters: Market, public, spring_-____- Market, public, fall. __.-.._._ Market, private, spring_____- Market, private, fall_.__-____ Seed, public, spring__..___-__- Seed, public; fall. = sues eee S2ed, private, spring -_______- Seed) private, fall-.2----- 2 Scallops: Bloodw (000: aes eee Mee eee Sandworms.- ----- aE vega YS Ae RE PIROUAN A. Eas ee Mane ere Rockland Suffolk Ulster Pounds | Value | Pownds Value |Pounds| Value 925) $45 644, 295 $5, 330} 27,125} $1, 203 pe Syl Naas | ne Lg A 309, 012 Dlg AO ore aerees | elas as pS RT te ee es oe 446, 983 OR 74h | Ani ey | Sa Be SPS be Se OS J i de ae 2, 202, 281 1G5; O19 eeere sae te 6, 600 605 9, 600 995) 48, 893 5, 095 293 PaO) tee Re Pe Me | ad ea 2, 330 350) ee ae | EE pee 382, 094 ONa2|- eee ea dueebes ELON an Sete eee 224 (2) |p Reae e lay eeIE 22, 061 1, 362) 401, 530 43, 069 1, 467 241 PPAR || a= ea 5, 562, 182 DAWG RM A597 apie nates | LENE age Se | Ok D age 4, 365 S6| "Lala eee Peet: 2 ps | aces ot 822 S| ce teed eee ee eee ey UR (Lh) Pn 1, 196) Ole see 2ene | ae eee ee eee ee et 262, 400) Oy OFS ee See Ce MS | 20, 287 (376 5 |S pe (Ee oe Pe S ie hi eee ae 46, 891 i e E ol ae ae S| |e eee a 13, 963 285 || eae eee | mee ree Agee See es [ess DEE 82, 673 LS (NP bet pee | Ee = pee Angee eee 258, 213 TLONO06|E 2 as Eas Bb soe Bite (Renee 8, 984, 664 21207 |e ey see | ees ER Gk (ie hae ie 19, 115 Lat 4G| 0 eee ea bee Ih See 54, 150 Ds Ty fr eg A) ee PEE apd AE NS 2 NE | lg Wy gy og Be 40 6 siecle ea laa ae pe 52, 460) TROS2 eee bees fens aes 707, 543 195509 22 ea Se a seat she eb a 195, 929 JIS OVC) Eee trate eee SP tenes See ee ae rae 33, 379 593 |e AS ae Rea 12, 226 2, 399 14, 337 2, 032} 158, 433) 17, 275 SaaS et poy beak eae 1, 022 7A ies Soe fee a 2k ae re) a ee te 96, 550) 5528/2 eS | eae reas Seca ee 14, 947 TSG st nt Dae ES e 5 Sea | cipro «at 2 500) 175 269 41 popped 1. £1 Ne yee eet 66, 779 OHSS Eat SE eee eae p= | (EE 1, 166, 636 QONG 7G orks test ee oe 3, 134 649 34, 732 6, 043: 100 25 106 22 646 162 240 55 1, 166 1.09 | See Sean eee eee 8, 478 841 Se AS 2 al ae RE RE LARD EES al | ael Bagh Aes 28 1, 209 119 =e yp eh IN 37, 411 ‘SelO Tt sae Oe awe ee re OB A UE 48, 637 PA oll to] este es 5 pert ARES: PREY «San epee ELE 61, 258 1, 902 264 11) a0 MME eS 18, 320 [33 CRON ee een SSE (an Ager 23, 090 WGN Teo 8 cols | 1, 065 82 22, 425 2, 125 1, 762 175 Aye 1 spe ae 326, 310 SAG dls tee ee | a eat 770 DU ya SN | Ba a a By 783 92 2p ed ee, OS eee 92, 591 4) 298 | Pec a desl Teens 3.) ae 3, 052 636|20 os ee Heater ca wees 120, 526 30; G8b|0o. aoe | oan et So Se |e oe 157, 450 CTY Md) RE eS a | Bis he Eee eee 1, 370, 069 25145 eee aes | Sees ae ed SVS REAR E tl 901, 992 285; t4| See A ee es Bie ete |e Nad 154, 848 208650)" Ste Pee eee racer hee oink RIGHT yey eh B ls ie eke lle Seen eee ae) Ee 61, 600 2 Abo | eco ere Aen 2 eee ae eS St 45, 486) 6) 52 28 2 os eee eee aR rn RDC ES 143, 223 Ps Bi od Ue a Hl Ng ye ak Pe AC en Pee Del FS ZHAI NANOS: OGG eee cee teen nae ee ee, (eee Te 2, 912, 869 CS PAN 07 ae gees a pe 2 SPS Oo aN 271, 922 287A 0 eo 2 ae es Beer hy) 2 Al Se cae 124, 971 TONGGU| 2a 2% Soe Ni i | eee 203-1586 ameoG x44 |e | tua PIR Er rae 12, 238 PH pra (ak ai ae Nelle ERT I DPE One El |S eS 1, 041, 400 106, S7|S2e= ooo eae ORES || 5 Sea TE eee 230, 250) UGG 6) ee a Pees ee 2 Ere 82 Be 90 Gale) oo eee See eee OS FTG Bae 11, 851 ES pe EOE 48, 340 5, 484 32, 909, 726) 2, 101, 676) 251, 398) 25, 529 Westchester Pounds | Value‘ 435 $32 “12, 467] 1, 270 1,377 187 Oy Ae) aia 919 64,500| 1,812 ore. 545] 71 "50, 550| 5, 727 Meee», 371 250) 80 5, 518) 583. "6, 612} 1, 150. = (a Gag Sees 424 7, 000 2, 190 163,951) 14, 816 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 231 NEW JERSEY Fisheries of New Jersey, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR Purse seines Gill nets Lines ae) Eel Item A Men- | other || Anchor| Drift |,2¥2-,| stake | Hand | Traw! “ haden Oe ie herein! eo.) oe a Fishermen: Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number) Number IE VESSOIS <0. mcs ete 27 ee ee ee ee st Ot ae ee eee 65 63 On boats and shore: TEA cae e SER EE 22) a a) es 87 1 115 108 51 262 298 MESHES Scare ee MIs ee ap ee 185 1 187 13 50 97 65 LG NS De oe os 27 143 272 2 313 121 101 424 426 Vessels: IMIGTOREE A ae eek 2 1G: |e sen eee 7a] EE eo (Oe 12 12 Net tonnage_________ 99 ZEN | Lae wf cael LP ag eer 7 fg) eats Eb See 172 170 Boats: Wee iat ab DE yo RS PO Ne 12 1 127 58 40 222 | 264 LES ip a ee ER | ae ee NaN ae es | Mae fog = “ap| |e ee 18 Sulbes Ses Accessory boats___----._--_- 2 17 8 7 | Aa | 24 15 Apparatus: iS Pe 1] a'2) eee Be PRES 2 16 114 1 1, 076 87 942 928 $36 Qeneth; yards... ..2..... SOB TS (yp MOD) LT OG as bs ne oe thE ae al lees 38 Dell a MeINRe Varsities seat cte 2 Ae aie! eee Sea 900! 1719; O60 }2545195 |118,010 |__L 2a) to EI OGHS alts; OMSNOOGSe:|2- 2-2 Fel oo sone bey nae cy ea Sd Aa Ba 1,185 | 504, 550 Trot Sete ae Pound] weirs | Stop | Fyke | Dip | Cast | Drag | Otter aaitsior nets js nets nets nets nets nets | trawls snoods Fishermen: Number|Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number IGTINVOSSOIR ee PAS 6024-3 325 6) bes P16 Ie eee Oe Se] ee ee | ee Oe Per eaeemcre eee pel ee i 5A 137 On boats and shore erie. = he oe! ot 3 1 4 | Sears 29 75 13 2 10 56 Ganriale se bee 2 6 25 55 41 37 5 Pere ieee Motant = 2-2: 3.3...) 5 400 25 84 116 50 7 15 193 Vessels: 00 0) a a ne le ee Pee Ot are I eh alas Maden BS ag ee eo a af ee 33 Nettonnager 3355.4 -|ce oe = 5s Da Ti | ea |i see | Fae |S en | a = 2 es Be 663 Boats: NEOLOY=352-- cyt bee ess as 2 20 6 17 33 1 ee es 9 25 pa le Se Bee 1 22 13 30 40 7 Fo pape ay be eye EN PECMOSEOE VeDOALS 36 coe ees sao Ee ete fee ees 5] ee 4 > Rl (orn ep ae er eee | LS ol Re eee ae Apparatus: PRHEDOR Ss 2 =~ 2 ee 3 186 109 61 1, 324 50 4 16 58 ner, VATORs 22 8 et oof o> 2 Sa oe eae Sak Ge og, rie |ifoe es Ee aii Eb Diels eee POMS Ai MOUs oi ose 2oi| ce Se een GRU UT (SSE a5 Sa a SS ed ee oe 1, 332 Hooks, baits, or snoods_- Oe io 528 |e Nene eee ee A Be a | he te eee: NC Re ED ee t 232 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fishertes of New Jersey, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By GeAR—Continued Ttem Fishermen: On vessels On boats and shore: Regul arate eas Sass Casual Net tonnage ...------ Sail Wire bas- kets Grab Number| Number Pots Lob- Fel ster Number| Number| Number 80 244 28 11 108 255 Dredges Spears Clam | Crab | Oyster | Scallop Number| Number| Number| Number NEL 48 14 | 2,399 8 42 Gales 52s 35's\p eas 42 | Ee Lo | eet Be 84 59 14 | 2,435 8 Total vessels_____- 2 Total net tonnage - 16 Boats: ae ING OCOR Sata ace ee eae re ny 1 46 143 14 (Ue 22a Other met 22 SSeS eM | ee ol at RS Shy ieee oe 66: }22-2 20s | es IN CCESSOLYA DOAUS Hee nee el ees Os) ee TE can anes 2 pve Wiese. i222) 2. 32 | bee Apparatus: INTMI pers ses ee eee ee 4 25 | 3,690 | 30,678 84 32 38 495 4 SYGAT Ste L oT O ULL Ls eee oe a Se ee | See aN fe 0 ae ee | 31 50 583 11 Totes clusive 0 Item Tongs Rakes Forks Hoes Gaffs | By hand duplica- tion Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number ONVESSO]S2e 528 aN Pee Se Sa AS ad aS ek eile, 5 |e 3, 021 On boats and shore Repularae 2 soles ier 418 305 12 104 3 44 1, 389 Casual’ fie eo Rake 429 268 33 88 2 63 1, 266 MNotalye eet ew Leas a0, 847 573 45 192 5 | 107 5, 676 Vessels: AINVIC TOY pS aS Be EI | SEE NY 3 a | eee | 274 INGTTOUNA RC! see ee Ses eee Ra 32 ST ees AS (eS ee ts 2 el ee 4, 257 FSi) [Ee sete ne ey oA Se RN, Ki SS | | Rape Cet A NE Layee OE 8 ee Aeeiie Ie 3 61 ING GTO ON ees Be wap aE FO eR 89 Sy Ok SN ad 1 Rss de Ng ae 1, 591 TRO talViGSSE1S! Sees ae le nme ee Li N o| Se ee 335 ‘Totalimetitonnage snes ke Sree eet eee ee a ete | eee 2 5 | eee eee 5, 848 Boats: IMOtGr a2 ea etwas kao 454 S244 heen 30) |e) oe | 1,178 (OXH OVS, Sty see SEI ee et 336 211 1 62 3 10 673 ACCESSOLYViDOAaLSes- ==) eee 21 Ary] 2 Seas eas) |. ate DRS NOES | = ene ees 101 Apparatus: ING Cree ie Sees ees 847 573 45 192 § |pcu cokes Eeceeeeeeees FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 233 Fisheries of New Jersey, 1931—Continued CATCH: BY GEAR Purse seines Species Haul seines Menhaden Other Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value JANES TIO 8 la SRST Se ae 2 ed ee Se ee 109, 900 2, 143 TELLER Se IgE ot UD ee a ee A ee ere 296,969 | $15, 113 4, 800 507 One soe ee a te ie a | se stececaue|Seacsesnee 2, 077 (Ree ee ed en ser Beteah (NE Yd CEE OS) a ee ee ee ee 72, 755 2) 018: [sas eeu o cen | sees Bee OE LD Rs EE eee he ee Se a 50, 640 Gat Li hrate Msp rin tec) « [eR DS SS) Ce eae oe eee 29, 653 iy YS SS ee ee eee ee ee ees eee ae ae 13, 500 NGO) 5 5s CTU Lees 2 SE Sas a" ee Ses |e 88, 060 1, 249 7, 050 TES. 2 2 Se eS 2 Sa YS Beas nas OES ER (Es ee ee 48, 957 TOE T01G GSES eS 1 02S Ae a Be oS ee Set ae 2, 695 79 27, 110 TINT 22 oe SEE A SS A eee EE ee eee 65 | 0 eee ame TE Graig) gr ee ee. SY Be Ee ee eT) ee eS 8 eens Eee oe 1, 000 20 Toate: TO ary ea abla ficti C ke) Ba! (PS aE = TS) Se eee 1,710 172 DELS EET EN ee eee ; , 997, 8, 974 200 6 EEL 2 SS UI To SE SS ee ee eee 10, 200 281 41, 004 1, 380 Uierererra TiahiCyeoes ee tee Ae TENE Ta VE es 3 eR ht |b ee ee | eee 5, 857 460 CEO COT LET 1 ee ie OR RE NRE a ee eo | eee 5 | See eae a Scup or porgy 14,841. |2h 2222-82 sk se eee eee Sea Pass <.-.22255 ( 954: |: 38 228 52 eee Sun Ge” ce SSS Se Si SOE a ee ee a ee eee eee eee eee 17, 216 4, 403 TESay SU SS ES ES aaa (PRE a ea (OS PG tO ees Ce Ee ee 5, 604 672 SLADE TSS Se CPE ee SFE Ee re |e ree 800 les ee ee ea SPREE ae SSS ROR 9 ee CE ST 7 (a Teed | SS ee ee eee 7, 100 614 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’, gray__-|_.......-__-|_-.-----_- 3, 758, 007 73, 094 45, 804 4, 218 CSU 206 a] RES 5 I (RE | eS rel hee eG ee ee 12, 760 2, 808 ST Se SS 2 eee | Peed ees ees ee ee 66, 095 5, 651 PBiinihlaarad mnackerale «em we 810. UU ee |e ee 8, 000 240 Migrants ea eran, AU nee 2 | So Pt, A ea eae lee eee! 20 1 VLEET Cai a oe SR CRE nS SAR EE Ee ER (ened ee ee eee See eee 29, 865 2, 881 eT SE PRES aed FOE he oe Pe aaa De 9, 000 720 Sie as Se a ee ae ee ee ee eee 33, 385 By (4 eens eee ee ena he) Ge SS ae See 3, 506, 300 11,699 | 8,549,749 | 116, 646 529, 345 41, 620 eR ee ee | Gill nets Species Lines—Hand Anchor Drift Run-around Stake Pounds | Value | Pounds| Value Paige Value |Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value LOOT Rye at a ae a 2 | ae os ll Fe Le eee ee ee a 86, 350) ($1, 742/28. __ | eae IDG ce oe ERE Se 900 $72| 31,020) $2, 129] 231, 640/$19, 695) 30,447) 2, 464/1,375,368/$96, 346 1G ives Ee ee eee es pee 9, 225) patel oe SS oe ee be eee 65, 018 3, 251 ttertinees 20) (ee er SEES sae e ee ee 16, 975 703 oe SON TS has eas a Se ce CEH ST avhata Wy ay al Ud atest belo | (ie ee | [I ES a eS ae oe e ee Pee eee e 300 30 CODD. aS ie | a Ee Be ae EE a ee 2, 000 80 (Onde 22 PL oe ee Pssst | oes AO a be ee sa eee Pee ee Ce oe 42, 800 856 CONT ert a ae ee al | | ee ee Se 13, 000 C1 Lape a a ea 1, 450 60] 11,578 595 TIGL, 2) ee el Pee eee PLE U UOC t) Samet Oe | ee ete Cae 5, 960: 512 Li deiGli ee ET) PR ee Pee eal Oe Ee ase [ae 113 8; 1,000 60| 57,428] 4,140 PE lieve ES | eee Fae ae Bie pe | pn 270 2 eee SES 2) Ee ee ees | ae Kingfish or i Wine mack- Sos e eee ee eee as Berend pees ery seca Pee 525) Bete mc al ecm | ote ore 45,000) 1,350 Hine whiting or ‘‘king- rh SST Ae re ee ed i ae ee be RN el Pee era 500 75 500 50 Alo yh ee ee ae TBO: SBT | 75 Pape eeee eae ees |e ae ee ee Menhaden...-.-_----.--_- 100 P| as se Cia 1, 720 51 een) ase eo tel EU ee Pes a a Te Thy Oa (oS ee ey eer eee ey ee eee Poe 24, 040 481 nap oS Ee ee eee Serer ee eres peer er pee | bee 543, 545] 23, 727 1) OLY; eps See ee ee 107, 560) 17, 260 Bye VEN bp) eS ee aa 8 SMe sn illo PERS. ee poe eee oF ase |e nce] see ipsa » 3, 500 320 Spanish mackerel_......_!------.-|----..-|.-------|-.-----|--------|----~--]--=---=-|--.=--= 11, 000 475 SSO be es aes, 5 AE 22, 600 916 2, 000 P|) PRS oe) Peet ce Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout? grays --<--~e- 100 6! 188,097) 5, 521 9,825! 25,308] 1,725} 49,068] 3,387 Siighe ta Qe che ko 3 Rs || ee eel ene ee Paes | 745 TAQ [Lae oe. 3p oe SIS at ay ON oe 2 Ree ee eee ee Ee eerie ears clade eee 31, 500 780 VAG Th CR aerate pee Le ee gat | | Seseae ee hn [ela 6) i BRN a) PS 44, 570) 5, 501 200 16 aie cated EE BS TR BES) BE Nie (Da HS ee ee oe | ee 200 16 STONE MATEY a WS ol | SE | Ee oe Eee Pee ee ae 360 AI ek A | A Ee Potala =-i25-- ee 1, 100 80] 545, 834) 37, 709) 416, 681) 29, 831) 265, 933] 21, 060/2,269,005|136, 412 234 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of New Jersey, 1931—Continued CATCH: By Gear—Continued Lines—Continued Species Pound nets Weirs Trot with baits Trawl or snoods Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value | Pownds dc LC Gab) epee eee a ee ole ee Cee ne ed eee ae eee 558, 894 HS INGO Me Ee Te a ei | ee ee ae ee ea 203, 322 Butterfish es. 3 seo: oye ee eee LY os ee Soe Le 4, 216, 672 (Oho (oR ECD es I eee eee 5, 737, 453)/$144, 936)_-------|]-------- 248, 309 CroOaker ES Ee) STS ee oe See AS re ee ae eae 142, 896 CS re Ta Ri S| USF AE Pc Fos aad | da | a 2 4, 400 DM) Ted ousreanshe tee =| Nee. Bae | ee |e ee 4, 300 OLS Se SS Ree th Sob 148 2} 1, 200 $132 6, 400 WI OUN Gers = Seats sae 9, 450 HOM eee eee ee ee 444, 052 (GOOSCfISH™ Bt ae NO ee tk ea ee aera |b eR ee 4, 200 (Gray fish hee ee es a egal Dee ee eee UE No) eed 3, 600 TET e: ee ae ee a se we ae 16, 750 188 |. = 24 See ees 126, 671 Herring ROUM GS ee PaO NS eae eee ee 56, 910 SO as a4 eee a SE eee oe ee IS eee Pee os See eee 395, 186 King sw hitimeon kime fisheye. -c|seseee o> a |b ata eal Neen feo eon am 50, 122 IVT alkene [os soi 0 Me ie ak fu eo gi ee | io See as eee 55, 475 IMenhadents == 52-2 22S eee ee eas ee eek a ee 3, 595, 842 Miletus Satie sy ror deat lek Thee Pe a et Lae SAE 1, 500 POM OCK s\n Beppe soe ea SS eal ees el ies Sa pe 1, 088 MICH DLOnDOTS yas Hee See Sa eee eae See Ane ee ee 3, 628, 469 Seabasseat pat vcs Soo tee ees! Be ae delice a Se ees 593, 469 i 70, 018 56, 228 29, 780 68, 020 223, 604 147, 803 7, 149, 354 789 920 17, 871 Thimblé-eyedtinackerel es o23 a bees eee Se eee 98, 452 uns On Morse IMACKerele= sae sa ses Se eee ee ea ST | ee 1, 830 WIGS OKC e a es! ER Nee EEE |e ate ee eas See en cs) leer a 1, 230 iWihitinp is bea eee a eee Le dalinsnes cee ilor be secu bd ome Sere seed 2, 404, 403 MSOs DELCh hes see es ote Me NN Sas = eee 2am a cece | rondo = ces, | nee eed 63, 658 Crabs: ELT ee ere Se OS SN |e eee ie ea 4, 160: 7231) fase peels REUTER pat SU a ones Meee eras AEE NE cae 2, 880, 716 BOT sae See! BS SOE UR REA bl eae SSNs 2 a 752) 282/225 hseieed Po HK |e UNE rh ISBN IR POTD LN ah er cae oy (Wes ashlee | lee 774, 299 ‘Rortles, loggerhead +222 122222 eee Ee eee ee ee We ee 225 ROtal= See eee ae Seareee amen 5, 763, 954| 145, 890) 6, 112 694/28, 330, 977| 792, 783) 1,539,999] 3, 548 Species Stop nets Fyke nets Dip nets Cast nets Pounds| Value | Pounds | Value |Pownds| Value |Pounds| Value PATO WAVE Same © aimee Cne cae ts Mee Fate ae a epee 193; 900) $3, Si4|_- -- = 3-6. = 3a GRE wes oe Bas Mee, ne ee) 904450 (9$123 O06): a. Sa aN |e ee ee ee ee 2, 750 $315 Catfish and pullher dst eas see ne 4 13, 202 =}: 17] Re wl ERE PE [Boe 2 |e eS ABO S phew aS tee Sk hae ee ed Ole Se 48,'856| 5, O74) =.= 28-0" ee HV vuta ers Miu Seite eis SUL) MR el | he Led, eee 7231188) 88083 eon se selec e een See ee PSM aes G [Wah ETI UU ae aN AE go 2, 493 BOT). 2k - 2 oe ee oS ne a ee HS GTO) Fee PAE NE I I EN ee eS al 50 Al) owe books. | nee re Squeteagues or ‘‘sea pout STAVe st ee Solel s See se 2, 20a Lit|2-22. 2 Lo | ee PS ELI ECND ASS i, Seta a Shyer ina: Sas UU elk 2B yee 4, 085 BoP eee MS oe La ROM COC aa mS OUe oy 2 Fei ane Va Leet eee Go ok 25 1 ees (a ree HE AWealberpenchiee fecal dt te ee a Ce aa ea V98%403) 23, C17! - oes | = ee | Mellowiperch. 2 hues 1b epee Shave eu ee ah ASNZB7! “SsOOL|-. 2. 2 |b 2c 2 Bee Crabs: AT Ns Sd = Saye Oe ee eh bi Tee ee ge ieee SD 11,'542): $1, 132)" 3222 SS eee SL eS a 5S ies eS Ns i eee ag at dh Se |e 15,600); ~ 4, O85|2- == 5 Pea Sees MMUETIES MSHADDEL so. seeese sk ese ec aes alee etn ae 1, 800 180) -. wee oo | See NOLAl' shea aeee eee anne cote oe 92,693} 12, 817 583, 001} 41,965) 27,142} 6,117 2, 750) 315 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 235 Fisheries of New Jersey, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GeEAR—Continued | Pots Species Drag nets Otter trawls | Wire baskets Bluefish Sturgeon ELST 70) sa le a ae White perch Whiting Crabs: Hard Soft Lobsters SETTLE 7 0 Sp + ie a SpeT SEC lake SS se ARIS aa) a 2 pci) te a a ee 5, 560| 2, 780|8, 332, 913]273, 633 34 2} 13,600] 1,850 281, 826| 25, 318 Dredges Species Pots—Lobster Spears Clam Crab Pounds | Value | Pounds| Value | Pounds| Value | Pounds| Value TTL etn fe TE ae a a ee eee ae en ee Cee, oe Th QOS 445/22 2 ee ae eel eee SL) 0 Co OE ge ee Sr eae See US AEP Fe) Peay 0) A me | TNS fe ee ee eee ee autor 52) ooo LS we eer Fs a we 18, 960 GE cs at SA Ae ee a RAE DER ekt 2 ee eR 1, 445 i ee ES LETS SE el ee 125, 727| $6, 744 Thies) Riese See) ES ee toe ee pepe eee 650, ABS HLS F20H 7 | Sa eees aon oul soe een Ee So AR eee Clams: 5 Y\WG Eg af 0) FC CRgE ae ae Spe Se ee eS Ie Se ee es ee Bye 9 WEE a st a eee 12 (6 yy alt gs) aly ey OES sae et (a NRE NN Oe ee 2 a De TF GLO" 2s O15 ase eee Stirl OF SkAUMIOrss ae =e ee es a ee 181. 250] LO 000 sae sees ees WG) 71 SE Pee GPS a 2, 050, 218) 221, 869) 155, 200} 17, 445} 231, 184! 20,141) 125,727| 6, 744 Dredges—Continued Species SS Se Tongs Rakes Oyster Scallop Pounds Value | Pounds| Value| Pounds | Value | Pounds} Value TOO PET, UPC 2, st a ie A ORES eed eae ie Peal (Se eae A |oosedee-[esseead 1, 600 $130] 14, 400! $1, 080 Clams: Hard, public eas Ba | (ES ae ee Bee eee ee 730, 337) 178, 807] 492, 538/116, 564 ariamrrvates 2) oo) t £57 oo %) 000)" SLISESi <2 Sea eee es 1, 129 581} 10,317) 2,681 Rybriec ieee ee a gt 63 ee he oa 100 NESS AGE et eae Oysters: Wr a coir pe bled MOM 7 od tc) a See AS a rae ener mee oan Je IES 53, 867; 8,201] 15,400} 2,484 whe) Gai, yerana) LO. CP a [ig aa Pa (aa a Se 86, 562} 11,025) 3,755 690 Market, private, spring___-__-- DOr O04), 60, 027)_2 3 seen es 90,027) 19,870} 21,104) 5, 484 Market, private, fall.........- 13, 682, 072)1, 544, 276)__.......|.-..... 118, 372} 27,236} 21,988) 5,732 Seed, public, spring.._....._.. Ut, 286, 925%, 603;:560)- Seo Beas 185, 269] 13,145) 32,176] 2,510 NeGty, DEMiGrInMeree not = beni ee Oe Seb eee ee 78,410} 5,392} 2,250 190 Seed, private spring-......_-_- 410-215) © 36;'880| = 22222 32a sees 15, 360} 1,200) 16,313} 1,271 Seed, private, tals 3255. 53 2k 52, 727 Bs tsp). ae ee ee 11, 533 906} 13,163) 1,026 Scallops: Wa (ih Peds Sah oe tot LS Ne) MSD eS ae (pS See pe oy SA De a 564 63 oi ee Lae Se OS 2 On eae aes 2) ese 154, 364 $13, eh | eS OOM A ees) Ree Ss ee Votals. S25. See ee cee | 25, 737, 333/3, 340, 736) 154, 364! 13, 5461, 372, 566| 266, 494) 643, 968 139, 775 236 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of New Jersey, 1931—Continued CATCH: By Grar—Continued Species Forks Hoes Gaffs By hand Clams: : Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pownds | Value | Pownds | Value 18 (Vea A obi) of Uehara te Tea ed (ES SN A OR Os a PN eee y | a 64, 064 | $15, 830 SOls DUblCe=seeae— as 1, 000 $75, |1521'7,900''|$95, 781. (| eek ee ee IVI SO] Sees 3 She a eae hehe Sieh capt lA ek a IR DE Re Se ee ee ae 4, 000 280 Oysters: Market; public; ‘springs 22|s 25 255 2s | Se See nee ae |e eee eee 340 86 Market; public; fall esos): soe alas EE Oe Pl ek ea at eee eee eae ee 1, 907 457 Mian kete orivates fables ae Fla PS SM Rae os Sas | Se eee ee eee 8, 689 1, 800 Seedipublich spring 2 s\ ae See Se eee he o/s eee een eee eee 1, 478 110 Scallops iey see she) al aL ee Gs 2 Be a ae eee eee iil) 12 Merrapine amon G=back esos |b aaa ee ee Se eee eee See ee | See 173 61 Turtles: Moggerheads: seeoscs os ola Me eee es See Ee oe 10 S|. eS Snappers ee ei 9h ee Bg ile eA Le eee ee 735 150: |_2 22S | eee Bloodworms! = fetes ee ees 2, 621 24054 foe eee PE ea ae ees A ee ee Sand worniss etl bea ee es es CpG | UT ABTON (Soe 2 S28 eo SOEs ees ae EEE | a ee eee Totale ose ee ies 11, 057 | 10,155 |1, 217,900 | 95, 781 745 151 80,763 | 18, 636 OPERATING UNITS: By COUNTIES ‘ Burling- | Cape | Cumber-| Glouces- Item Atlantic | Bergen ae May jane FOE Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number (OWA, TESTE Rs ee See ee BB) | eee | eae eee 353 2, 359 7 On boats and shore: Gr are = oe ee ea. 1 258 5 53 239 32 2 Ob Gin eS BA Ae ee ee ee 167 21 73 281 201 24 MOtal sae wee eee Ses BFS 508 26 126 873 2, 592 33 Vessels: BA 0) 10) ee ap eS nN RE pS RE NESS || ar ee | eee 58 157 1 INeintonnar ern ee bos ees Soe! DAT ee eet SR Ses 2S 893 2, 796 10 (Sh epielia elege ay Aen Se eet eee enon Ga Mam aN [Baste miares op send shes ss hl [Pe ge eee ee NY Les ose 60"| S22 aaeee INGE TONES Cee ee oe ee eo ee eee ee eee ee aaa as eee 1 6740s eee Totalivessels seus 243. 2a See 1 jul [beste BOE ape | Cg eal me Se 58 217 1 Totalinet tonnagess. = 2) 7 Wh abies ere TS Ly 5 893 4, 370 10 Boats: IMO tons bso s = a ee ee hee 196 3 62 238 51 8 Other _-_-__- 114 9 24 155 141 7 INGCESSOTY] DOTS Be 2a a= hee aa Seber RE ee PS Mee ey Se 46 12 2 Apparatus: Purse seines: IMenhadencsnt: = 5. eoemae atte a 1 Mg a pe ae cl Ue a 1 |S ee Meneth) syards ieee. sees oe SOON Se Liens alba toe ea = 466::|. oe 2 Others sh Awe Si ek ee ee Gh Pave te. 22 7) eS 12) 2 eee Mengiby yards 24 see Seely TOGO Mara ae eel ea lee 4.610 | 2 ee eee Tat liseinestts: aoe tere see tec ce cae (in| |e pease aed 20 15 9 2 encuhwyardsset: seen Ea 97379!) Se Sone BAe? 1, 905 874 900 200 Gill nets: 1 DY ca perees creek pe IME dee Beas Sey ee EE astra eae ee 17 429 7 6 SOuUarenyaldss eo= eae see 192, 308 69, 212 5, 560 RTM ATO UN Ceara ee ee el eee eee Squaateryandss- ape eee 3,300 |=... .222 22|Eeeae ae STAKGR seme eens eee wa ee 5 45" eee Sdusresyardsass2). ate 800 5) 247, |S eee eo Lines: MET yee es ade ee ee 474 24: |_-- 2 eee TOOK Suey A LOe ae a eee 622 625) one PT chy ae ea af 358 i yee eee 18 (elo) 4 pW EE a Cree ee 255, 500 4;,800' | 22222 ees Trot with pedis Or SHOOGS ewes Balke ies Dey 0 ia See are Weer eee te ee 1 eee Bai PSiOW SMO OS. ES NE a oO La ee Ps el RR | ae Yh et EE 3250 | 8 Seance Pound inets ise 2s ee ee a ee 101%)\.0 SOR eee See AVES ies oo ERS ER a ea 83 96:|. Ss eee FY 10) ogc] Joppa AR ES SPIN OT US fe sa DL eI UO a eee se 12 Sausne yards! = Meee Pees ee a Oe | eee al APO; OOO! | oer nso 9, 400 31, 200 HVIKOmMetS sede oo te ee eres eS 34 Rig eee idee DIDIMStSE ew Tae Fhe Se 4 3 2 eee OtterstvawlsMiie] see Pane uh Bio AG ed 33 pa Ae area SE WArdsS Au OUuNe. eat eee eee 674 28: | 52. eeas Wire baskets: fs. e0 ee ee ad Ae od oa ol Pots: OS are EES See hee et eee eee ee eee Shear octets a 169 20 {| ee eae Mobster sete Fa Ae ee ek 7 Ail (A ee | 448 jessees lace [pee ee SDCaTS He ass remain SD ot ee es eee Otte cee (D2 sce SESS FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 237 Fisheries of New Jersey, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By counties—Continued Burling- Cumber- | Glouces- Item Atlantic | Bergen ton land tar Apparatus—Continued Dredges: si slme Number | Number Orc ee Oe Sa Se ee ee 5 6. | sees (ONY Gh ED Mp ARE SES bi 13 432 2 don sex mouth Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number PYLE 3 Vessels: UN ICs ieee See ae ae ORE eee See 2k a ed (er ee oe eres Lee | 2 10 983 |po tee ows oe COUT) IIa) aba Cte, oe See ee ee el | aS EN a a, 14 119 154)!| ee ee SPU a ae 2 Be OE BPS eels Rac eee Me ee (eee a eae ot ee te ek 1 IeaeasnTe OATS: = 2-2 Saye eee ie G3] hae oe 8 OE Fa ie Se 12 3 1 Apparatus: Purse seines: Minera hanmenbanense. soc see to Bis | sie Poe eS MEME HV ATGs ee meee et ee eee ee A a Se PeMnPISEin es series tose Ear Sle ery 6 2 14 il 10 8 MENU VALS .feucn ce staat os see Gill nets: Le Ae BRE Se 8 Sey Re EL | (SER 2 To ce SLOWER a epee (ope ER ee eS ha) | aap SS Seas BE a PATITISTOUTIC 8 soe eS. 2 et 2 ee 3 22 Sen ee Fo Lhe Baits or snoods Pound nets jah 7 yore] ts Relient AAG Sa Se SERIES oly Sat Pe ee SH ee Paras a eee oe) eS BN PS Oe Ee ee PMAPON AL MNO LR 2a ne ooo es cas |aapecaee—e OAT LEH Onis reo ee eae eae ERIS, SROHIOULM eee oe oo me oe oe lem eee eee ee Pots: Oyster Scallop 238 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of New Jersey, 1931—Continued CATCH: BY COUNTIES Species Atlantic Bergen Burlington Cape May Pounds | Value |Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value | Pounds | Value tATawinesa ens se eta ree Ae 1, 700 SA os Tae ples PS 18,800). :$470|_. Sa ae IBIS TS ie Sey Oe MP ane Ry Ne Sindee SS 123)'940)- (O45) 222 222 e BE eel ie te er 1, 098, 609/$62, 162 EVOWAIG OI SSA A ES ee Es Ue a Sg poe Ee ca a 2 a Dee 10, 876 537 Lah iqe(eVmrdksd cS SS SA PIR ek ee 5, 610 DBO le = A os a en eR 1, 984, 678] 81, 520 Carp eee ee BS VTL ee see CC ee a et Se a ee 22;;080). .3;:314|.._-> = ee Cathsh and bullheadsseo ss) aie 21, 657 pc | Op ce Ree a 5, 500 405). 22222 5s ee CENT 1a ei AN gg OI FE PRUE Tends A ee teen (CS Den Wea gy Re Sal a Se eee) Wee oA ee 2, 000 80 COdL See PIR me ae ey ee 1 B22; Od| AON OS a | see ee =e ae | 2, 947, 551) 63, 840 @roakerseetieh ee Se ae 10, 703 ere epee sears beeps a fe ricer een 1, 411, 608) 50, 463 DRUM Yred Ori PeGfish = ere her Soc THD eae ale > PUR OS! He | be 4, 860) 64 1 YG) Sea BD el i NTS TS 2 Pils ern: ce 69, 977| 7,022) 25, 500} $1, 530} 12,300} 1, 225 31,199} 2,921 TOURS e ee ee red Wor BE Cee IBY ASV ap: UMS) becca SUN | Se re PR ae | aS 1, 599, 022) 64, 260 Ed OC Kes See a VEE al Ca ROE Ue ER ARE | pO clit eae a We 2 ee 10, 208 173 15 (No eyes chee EEE a) is Oe eR ERE, Bah Sh Ah SRT PP a(R Rede a alee) (Ee gt UN 2] Bee CE Leal 41, 789 746 Frerring wseales! alse ei See 12, 670 196) | ee es | elton 2 ee ala a ee 28, 818 338 Ringfishror king ivackerel ee es oe | see es ee een | aa ge 8p mea | ee bee Ql ere es 45,000) 1, 350 King whiting or “‘kingfish’’__________- 3, 420 | eee ee ee ee een eae 20,987) 1,474 Miackerelaae 2) 2k LEPIee r 18,357 |) Uh O80)2 2k eo bee aes 2 ee 55, 240} 2, 589 MISTI AMaTIMe eet erm ee eee 6, 500: BS beg pe 2 ee es er ee 6, 526, 620) 20, 834 NEC GG rR See EA ag al IE ga ER nan] Pg re 2 | te 21, 200 501 Mrummichoge tee 26 es ee, SS 2, 857 100) o= 22 Sse Se ee ee | EZ TOTSS fain ores ete Been DS Pee gece cr ge S| ame eens am [ptr ot nen aml ee eee |e Pe | ee 3, 635 95 UO UA SE ee eae ee ae ee ee wie tee |e ee RT ROE rae |e ie a Pe 115 1 IPO OC Kea(er eat a iere ld Se Wo ae et nas BP A RL RE (CE OY all) ee ea ee 309 12 SCUPYORND ORE Wee = ae ee ee LOQUARS eel 1786 |e eae OU ee ee Se 4, 804, 175)101, 901 Size VOR RO. 5 Ace eee SS ADEE a Cees ABS’ S0G 1g 280| See) 22 ieee | Do AS ee See 1, 555, 894] 66, 337 Seg opine yee aoe ee ee ee eet al |e Cee CP EY a 8, 552 25 Ned ee a EMR TIC "sR AE ELS CORI pe Mal AS Oe a DR Una (ieee 72,000} 8, 941 3, 593) 647, 3, 702 352 (So VeW cl ECS oS ORs REN ORE 2k Meee pam aaa NE ih MPa Bel | gee Fd nN ear ge TIER 2 8 3, 240 55 SVE RIS CS WaT NE Ee BS DEPOT Cee ee aa 574 SAW A eS eae eT re 16, 650 131 SADDER Ie ee tars = Be LRT Usha Ve ts Maeda pee: oil eae Soba |e a ete | nr 3, 500 320 SS DAIS MATTE AG ONG lee m eae ae San teal cece Pe es DU Eee pI | ee 24,941) 2, 567 pS OG) Fae wae Sk ay Se Bare Fee ae ae 6, 550) 262) 2 Re RE Eero | ae ee 72,739] 2, 756 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’, gray_____- 10833958 | 1G 220 7 (sees ees ee eee ee 6, 297, 336)188, 179 Striped asshstes 2 Pee ee tere Aap 35) an a7 (6 ele a Se epee Pe Oe Bee oe. Sitting en rt BYRNE ABest |, A 8 | eS a ee es | a Oe 9,099} 1, 367 STICKERS Saegs eect) Shee es EE eae 400 1] NGS ST) Be 29, 695) -2,:589|-2. ee eee ARE NUN Hoyt poe ae AE anh Sop Ane Ree re 1, 5383 cy] es we i oe ee 59, 448] 1, 374 Phimibleseyed mack eeey see Lies Ee oe eT | aca a ee cee oe ee oe | 20, 730 357 Wihiteiperch (oe 5.2 ewe Se he ae ee 6 7A Li (3) se (oft [eee eee | Ee iS he 4, 464 126 ATAU OV 15101 Se eRe OE RD Df sith <2 Og PAP NEE NA me SANE OS) [est S| |e ewomcae en! (EE PS SE Sale 73, 238 933 Crabs: JUN ROIS 2S STi bop ey eS Pal oe RRR a 3, 400 BGO) ./s = eek | ae ea eee 19, 354| 1, 403 ERT rr Fes SESS aR Di AL 8 Se a 0 PE ae | a oe | ee ee 4, 054, 048) 9, 033 Lobsters. -._------ aes iTS een 1, 239 SEL SE es 2 | Ie | 2, 451 509 Sirs pray See rete Sh Yo PS TA PRU, SSA Ae IN PT see UD ea 175, 000} 3,875 GS CTT cL a i RR ai ara 1, 300 (V1 ects el RD Me ee Pe ee 212) 232) 5, 850 Clams: 1S Hevea lh oy 00 ove es Ue 0455392) B44 ale Sea eee es 93, 083) 22, 856 327, 552) 79, 853 Hard, JOVEN A: (HSN EE Se a Sab Se ol ee eee re Be | ee ee 4, 638). 21, 140)225222222 | ae Soft, public AR SIC eae 12,000) 0, 800) see = SL ek eae a ee SUE ORSKa Tn Cre seen gr ee eee TO O00) pseHOO| le eat eee cee oe ae Eee Seta 63, 750} 3, 200 IVES GELS ra ads ee RR SN lS TA RE 8 ell a 2 Baa SL | I Se | 4, 100) 281 Oysters: Market, public, spring__.-_____--- 1, 275 74 As\ pare dae Papel Pee eS 8, 288] 1, 950 3, 825) 676 Marketipiiblicsifalles si. ie Coe BLOTS eee O0| Sater aaa haa 8, 288] 1, 950) 5, 561; 1,110 Market, private, spring. ___._____- IBY RE VAY (tele) ces mate I | SBE EN 89, 004} 19, 692 42 100 Market: private: fale sss. ee 155, 840) 34, 268)... -__|_-_--_- 88, 986] 19, 688 11, 239) 2, 400 Seed, public, spring____--._._____- yo mya bats teak (2 he) PS Pe 38, 823} 3, 020 11, 700 910 Seeds public fallesates es eee 900) (1) ree (ee es Pe) Ne Seal fee ee as ell Seed, private, spring____.....____- G0}040)\) (6;:4.75|2= 2220 S| bee ee 27,i28|| 2) 308| snes sae eee ee Seed, private; falles 2222. oe es” 494240) 451640) 5. = oe ee eee 21,'20a] 12) COU) oa sheen (aes SCALTO WS EV ee eee eee ae eed Bed |v Bip oae ee, et Lae PRU 1 Eo CS ee a ee 676 75 Turtles: LD (oped (2) ql of 42% 0 WMS Mmmin cm 8 PLEA HORM 2 Se ag Ney fe) Beate MUR NY PED a OD IRS aI LA PTY ea | et be 225 2 Sal ey 6) 01 c) Daewn teen wainy ce 3 NRE AS Gatto aS rid MAR Chesca AP Apert ciel Rice P| eh ee 1, 335 210 Totaly aes EDT Dyas Fs) SABIE 6, 006, 666/311, 773) 97, 500} 10, 471) 477, 646) 83, 661/33, 695, 505/830, 227 . Se re FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 239 Fisheries of New Jersey, 1931—Continued CATCH: By counties—Continued Species Cumberland Gloucester Hunterdon Mercer Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value |Pounds | Value INIT AY GSS" Ge Se Sees 1, 650 Satie 2 Se poe 10, 600 $178) 16,000) $285 IVGNRD eas S sb S0 St. oe ns cs pes 1, 020 $3 ee ee a be eS eee ae 28 ee eee ee 300 | |S ee eS ene Poon ed Reena fe See Ce Ce eee ora 18, 710 2,409] 22, 000) $3, 300 1, 850 269 1, 250 200 Catfish ‘and. ibullberds- =) 25522... =. 11, 980 DAD Cee Bee oe L33|"",) 20) eee teks Sees TES Ta ea ae ane a 19, 500 BA | Saas ie [kar |= Se 0 |e led ea oe es Coe SESE ee ke eee 18, 015 AC) SS | ee ee ae ee eee ep ices Ae Series aes AS hOOlne Malye Oeming oe |Bere sae wee CAEN ES 9 2,667, 500 MNGi ae thes Sa) 8 Le oo cpeae sees 2, 000 uN) REE SU (EY Ee ee ee fe el | ae TOR iec ere eee Sa fo el Oe et 47, 955 6, 438) 5, 378) 1, 704 4, 933) 1,771 9, 592} 2,076 Saye a eee a See eee 11, 000 BAO Pee ES Le See Se ee oe ee S soe eee Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’, gray_---- 53, 200) OHSS) eee SAE (ee aa ge Se || ee a Pee ee ot RIOT CASS ss sone So eee eee 935 148) Se 2 aaa ee | Se eos | 2 eo ee a ees ee ee yo lelie chlo SO Pe a SES Se ee ee eis | eee eee eee 20, 500} 1,500) 15,500) 1,550 ATV OT YH) a2) (cl «TRE es i ee ree ee eee 6, 860) By EE a Me ee eal (ee ee eee | pa Sa eee ge oe || Crabs: I een 62 oe eee Ses NS 2, 300 DEG eee | Bee oe a oe TER ee ae eee tH pease ease eee SVCHOWeDERGNG ase n nae aio. eee es 2 Ee eee oe ee ene ee 121,.1'25|' 4,.874|=2) 2222 Crabs: Var se eee teen eee ee a 10, 851) Gdsiis etek | GaiDb|e see eee ee 12,240) $612 660) ras See Los ee See er eet oe 4,000; 1,000 9,600} 3,700) 4,352) 1, 632 silo bsters == =F 32-2 See Peeks 2 3, 750} 1, 050 591, 290/150, 431 54; 904] 15,446]... eee SHEN DES 22 0cce nes eee on eS oe ee | eee eee | Sls 5, 560), 2,,.730\. =. 2b SIO 5 Ne > PO ER af A ORE Se 1 ES ee | Sa 212, 212) 5, 467 396, do2| 11, 89L|- a eee Clams: land publi Css =s8=— ee 14, 650} 3,296} 113,855) 25,814) 421, 411/101, 487/_._-____|--_---- Fan GS SpELV Ales 2 eee ee ee el ee eee ee 11, 446) 3, 262 2, 922 718)<2 = 2S eee Sole spUblics see 5 eae Saree eee EE eee 1, -206;'900)| '94;\056)_ 22-2 2/22 ee ee SUTOr SKIMMIMCr= 25 ae ee ee a IS ry Real eet 5, 000 400): 2 =.= 52-<)2- += - |e es Oysters: Market, public) springs es. a len oeee | ene 8, 670} 1, 020 21,209) 4,455)24 = = ee Market, public, fall.__.-_---_- | Seemed ETS ee (be Se ae es 13; 220|..2; 409|/22 22s ee IMGrKei DELVate, SDE Pa = see a. | eee | eee 2, 040 600| 185,099) 36; 120|2-2--- =e eee Market private: tale ese o le re ae 2,040 600) 183,991) 35,O8N|-=. 2) saa SHHEGL SOU oy bess) oye ov RE ee eee 2a) ee el ae | eet cee ees eae 13, 247) 1,070) 36,000) 5, 400 NGC ipUplicn fallise solr Pee eo eal ae 2, 700 240)... =. =2).. 2 be ee Seed iorivate: Spring ss se: Ooi ve a] ek CS | ee ee es a ee 306, 563]/'24, S18|-25> el Sees HESG private, fall Ae 2: Pawn ee | eer eee ee See ee See | Pate 900) 70|2-— ey ee MCALOpS:) Seatss= -- ee hee ae S| eer ee 154,364) 13; 546)". 2222. |. 2-3) |e STOO CW OETISIEe oo eee ee ee | 257 360 2,364), 25045)-- 2 22 — = =2|_ = 45s. |, oe Dane wOrnS 2222 s=-=s5--— offs eee 771) +1, 080 6;'665|| 6,595). -- 2. s|=24 22 se ee PROG eee See ee Bae ak 128, 074| 138, 709]13, 907, 994/675, 246/12, 624, 122/662, 700) 184, 773) 27, 433 PENNSYLVANIA ° Fisheries of Pennsylvania, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR : Total, ex- Item Haul seines ores Fyke nets | clusive of duplication. Number Number Number Number 2 13 1 Fishermen, on boats and shore, casual__-__-_____-_____- 2 5 Boats: AWE TONGS aot ee | Re es ee A eat ne RS ge ee at a 5: kee eee 5 Other see he eS rt Re 9 Sa ter eee Boal Bh 15 1 1 17 Apparatus: INGUIN OY ee ee ne eran = enn ee ee ee Re 16 7 30 |.-ss-setseus Peng th i vaTrdsuee oo. eae hohe ee eee 1,995) |..-<--_s-<52|t = 2 = 5. ee Savareuyards!25. 2 eee be oe 2 ae ee Ee Sa 15, 530)|. 2-2-2 2 | eee CATCH: By GEAR Species Haul seines Gill nets, drift Fyke nets Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value HATO GS Seo se see = SO aed te EE ee 40, 000 $500 2, 000 $60. |. | ee amps a Ba. Ler a ES A 2 i es a 1, 505 DOM Whe 32 ae ben]. 52 222 bbe eee ee Catfishrand bull leads: 204i: 2 ee Se es eee ee ee ie 1, 000 $110 Shin daa Jen Mes Lat en AAR ee ee 6, 110 1, 286 1, 190 139) |-=—- 2c. See Siickerse(s 22 22) SRG ea tee ER es 24-975 il) P2\38e, poco cat ace. . 8 2 es| ee Total <2 eek th eS ns ee Ee aS = 71,890 | 4,349 3, 190 189 1, 000 110 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 241 Fisheries of Pennsylvania, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By coUNTIES . ae Philadel- Item Bucks Delaware phia Boats: Apparatus: La ON CDIS SIT poe tel a eo pe ny I eae Bl ey ede yt eee 16 PSU EN PWS Cla ee ee fee te ees a: eee 1,995 (OLLUT RSS Ce Bi ee a ie DR eS a eae cei ih il [a ar 4 3 SHE LEAS) RN 1s LSS aS ae SR Se 2 i pe ie a Se eee ie a | lk Sti ee 10, 980 4, 550 1S ANG Ss eeceeree, SSS i ae CES Be tan, | geal al tre nee © i aie ares el (eae Rene 30 CATCH: By COUNTIES Species Bucks Delaware Philadelphia Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pownds | Value can cere een See Se oe. kes ike, Age 40, 000 $500 2, 000 S50 ie oe 2 eee os eee eee ts ALS Sais Seay Bel (ae ea wa 3 3 Opherces >) Se ees PE ee 18 21 16 19 Gl Eee om LS hi\| see eee ae Aceessory boatsic 20 ee 1 fl case A il | sh aps ea ees | ee Lee fi) ee | Apparatus: IN bere sees ee ye eres 59 39 333 34 4 805 160 OUare ny ands: oo hee eee aan Qs FRAY |. 2 eS ele ee a kf Ol Dredges Total, oe clusive o Item Spears Tongs Gaffs | By hand duplica- Clam Oyster tion Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number Onpvessel sis stt- ac act oe ee ae 30 964) a4 a¥ 227 t 1 OR de els epee 2 On boats and shore: Repilars es See ee eee eee | Ses Dole ee 64) |ce ese aes Lh ee 179 Casiralt see jae Toe ea 6 itis | eis ne ae 33 1 27 354 ARON Lk aes te Rea 6 38 96 87 1 27 737 Vessels: NSS esa ec see cases PY Bore ee ele a NT | Se dg pea oe 2 De) Fi f0) oa; Cents ce mame AN) a ee A Se Se a | Bla ah A ee a Id 230 IM ObOne et tte Rhea te Yo Oe Ba 5 AN See ee eel, S| ee 16 Netitonnages 2222 2b es eee aes 79 ZOD) Be ees SEE oe ee ee eee 326 SAT eth) He ae ae gd) eg Be OB Nee ea Bin ee eres Rese SAORI PES 3 Netitonmagets itis Ph eh ie ee RS} Yi eae te al bare eae Ne a ol a, = 39 ‘Dotallivessels:e2' = 2e| {eee 7G 1] SRO ae SS els See ee 21 Total net tonnage. _|___-_____- 79 239) eyesore) See 595 Boats: pe IVIO TOR == 555 eae So a te 2 Dy See eee Ay see Ce 73 Others Se pees cess 13 | Se ence OS a he 7B3| LL Le See ee 185 PACCESSOEVADOSTS Eee ee = are eel eae Le || Dees eee ae | Si eee Ae 2 ee 32 Apparatus: INT ens ness ire ee 6 20 34 87 Ve 222 NAO REN noolar belo mee ee 2 el eee Oe 17 Vf (ee ee fe rea amr SIE Ee is S. CATCH: BY GEAR : Gill nets : Purse seines, . Species mionhaden Haul seines Drift Runaround Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value |Pounds | Value | Pounds! Value PANO WAVES batt Soa Rete Beate Se Dna ge as cae ea a ned 2, 138, 189] $7, 664) 26, 500 $895) 20 Wa eee ee Beis escorts els sc rata | cla ape 600 36] 65,100) 3,275) 1,050 $56 Carp a feet Ore s ORS Se eet ar esa || etl rip Fen ee ed | PA SONOD)|) By 21.2) 552] EE | ee @attish randy pul leads see wl Sea tr el 14%-887)' \~ 1,400) -oa9e5|_ 282 | ee ee Croaker:____- Bey haces AGN Ginter As emai tesa alae 64, 350} 2,202) 51,450} 1,835) 126,612) 3,876 BESS 1 Sees re aa et ET Ts FEU | Eo ce a | 3, 411 393) eso | ee HMiloundersy ey. 2 bee eB De EE Ae 2 Eee 147/550) 1.140). 302 2 | bee ook 2 | ae Kane whiting or “king fishv7ee: 222 eo Se ee 1, 89C 78|.cyosnedle coc 5t) eee IMienbadontian 0a. bone Pa om Ree 14/280, 600|$93/299)- esto | eh eee CLES 222 | eS eee Jf Ea Cee SR AR TPR sh NOCaRSA Ma Coy Vets gs] Ps ah of NPS leek UP INN EN oe 582, 500) 39, 825 pe) 012 £0 WARS Sek RT) Sa SA 8 LL CRN INS FPS LAE NU REN 740C| 1;200),- 27,131). 5)'152|_2: See ee ee FS} 0 Yo} rsh tees OER RESUS ROER SHEMA US IONS Be FI MU 60L 12) 197,000) 7,025) 2,892 85 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’, gray_____|_.--__..__]__-_-___ 228, 90(| 8,978) 53,250} 1,948) 78, 50C} 2,021 HSH eaG ofz(0 Ma) fe hoy| eels caps UE ain eae EI) OP [LPL ete Ae 9 5 16;:81§)) 3,:148}) 15, 000) 094; 5G) 2 sea Eee fst] Uh aft Se Se he dat be 4 (eee ee PTE 342 222 564 Persons engaged: IPTODTIOUOTS re seee eked ene Te Le ae a a ale ee 633 277 910 Salariedtemployeeshs “- -- 08 tei oe 2 Ae on. De ee 2s 267 122 389 Wage earners: Average for season_____------ Bee 2 3G Ae eee 6, 512 4, 522 11, 034 “AsVerare) fOEMVieans 3 52505 bc Oba Byer nl Fake he 2, 753 1, 960 4, 713 Paidutoisalariediemploy.ceS-- se saat mee eee ae ts en ee $355, 712 $165, 179 $520, 891 Paid towwace.earnerss = > seks eee ols yo ae ee ees 1, 353, 246 928, 283 2, 281, 529 Motalisalariesian di wagesessa 26 60 ee eee ee 1, 708, 958 | 1, 093, 462 2, 802, 420 Hishermenmamutachypime ee seen ee eee aa ZOt| teen eee 76 PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED Item Maryland Virginia By manufacturing establishments: Alewives: Salted: Quantity Value Quantity Value Wormed’ tte Iatunsy Nay Ske Zee Norge aa! tad pe pounds-_- 65, 600 $1, 546 | 1, 530, 837 $31, 838 WISHt-PACkNCUber. wee en ce ee eee dose 437, 090 12,606 | 4, 987, 720 143, 067 Might-packeroers. a0 sae oe ee eee do_.--| , 46,350 2, 515 12, 800 I, 152 PiGklGd 22 tae eae ae ice bee. Seeylined do___-_| 1,698, 996 54, 396 252, 639 6, 858 @annedee ise ee alo eo standard cases__| 17, 650 41, 155 16, 970 37, 818 Roe Canned ie Ek ye lubed eghe ae ee eS adores 7, 896 35, 416 21, 270 83, 264 TD VUSCK AND tee aye ee aA eee oe ce ea tons-_- (1) () 515 19, 113 AOI Ant a ah Rees dep eno et ta ea ho etal BOY gallons_- Q) (1) 16, 696 2, 598 Groaker,ifreshipandressed2 {22 se DouUnGste | Sas as os.) - Le 40, 900 4, 229 Haddock iireshpnlletsun one er ee (6 Poy=4-9 Ml ge ea ek tery Ss 2 SE 171, 660 26, 210 Menhaden: DTV" SCHAD sae cate oe ee ee at ee Re nr a LON Sales eos ae las See ae 11, 373 366, 107 COME os SRA ole tec te Lied ceed al pallonsss|t22tetoec.=2 soos See 1, 122, 974 169, 471 Squeteague: Hreshipandressed pease. saneee noes eee eae PouUNndS44| Fe 208 ooo le eee 212, 800 16, 944 reshapes eee ee es Eee eR a C6 (7) = a eo be 376, 700 39, 604 ! Included under unclassified products. FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 249 Industries related to the fisheries of the Chesapeake Bay States, 1931—Continued PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED—Continued Item Maryland Virginia By manufacturing establishments—Continued. Quantity Value Quantity Value a meat, packaged, fresh-cooked_ ~~ -------- pounds__| 4,364,304 | $925,179 | 1,429,372 | $466, 689 ysters: Fresh-shucked- -------- 5a eee es ee gallons__| 1,858,114 |2, 181,131 | 1, 226,850 | 1, 800, 639 Shell products: Ponliny 1eede. = = oon eee oe tons_- 34,105 | 235, 504 19, 941 175, 669 airiie See eee ec eee > 8 as AY dona 15, 613 32, 758 12, 495 63, 486 TAIMe a DnINede es oe bee a a SO (lok See) he SE Aol 11, 207 85, 884 Scallops, bay, fresh-shucked--_--------.------- wallonsts-|- seer. s) seis asso 127, 758 134, 550 Unclassified products: Pandressed and fresh fillets. ___-.--------- DOUNGS== |poses aes | ere nee 2 102, 040 214, O11 IS Ca LIsNGOUS See sees See nee Se ee ee |b eee 35620, O8bsi---e-ceeees = 469, 124 PP Gale eee ee ees ee Oe ee eS eee Lt ea 8 a YL) I eee ee 3, 758, 325 By fishermen: Alewives, salted: lrned ae sete See nen eon JOLENE pounds-_- 6, 600 220) | ssi SP Seca ss anes, ip i DACkstCWuse = - = ee eae ee een doz=== 37, 280 L165: |n- 2 sss aeres| ease LORIE SE UC") ES a Oe ee ee eee dozt=- 71, 300 4602» |S See ere RE ee eee AULD RTS aes oe Bok Sg RF = ere ey 115, 180 5; 98 76 | aaa ect (arantitolalsoe: t Sed | ens ee 8S 2, 025 120.) 3-222 |We2-2. ee ee eS aM a sh RU SS oe 200 6e)2e4.. cnc) 22525.-| 2 ee eee SEE 32 oR Ae Sees EEC eo si aoe 1, 000 20')|¥se 2 2.| 52202 |E SS ee eee Deis 2d ebay Le ey 3 PPh ey a) Cas Wet eee Ne eee ee a | el eee 9, 800 630: See ea 3, 830 566 ||-22222..| 5. 22224 oe eee MRE Ee ee 1, 975 255 | 26, 596 2,991 |327,.967 | 28, 154 500 20 | 19, 500 G96 eee ihe. 25 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’, gray____- 202, 577 | 12,134 | 19, 323 871 | 12,050 485 | 2,000 * 200: Stniped) bass: Massie se nese Pe 155, 595 | 23,027 | 75,498 | 11,349 | 38,155 | 5,983 | 97, 886 15, 708 ASCITES ee eS ete ede O_O Meee ue |e 950 26) 2k 2 | ee White perch. Son eS ae See rae Ere eo ae 89,984 | 4,685 | 3,000 103 | 3,390 219 Wellownmerch ses 22 sie 6) ee PE ee ee ee 17, 88Bi|: 522 aes 143) 2222) eo) LoS | ee | A NGYy eyoubav, COWETA KOS oO] OF: 76) cee epee eR a ae re ml (oe aca ea ee 1,500) 1,000 MROtALE 52 Pee Nhe aula oes ee eae 13, 602, 355 1, 216, 721 1, 280 560 1, 820 1, 122 OPERATING UNITS: By COUNTIES Anne | Balti- Caro- . Dor- Har- Item Arundel) more Calvert line Cecil | Charles chester} ford Fishermen: Number|Number| Number|Number| Number) Number | Number| Number Omsvesselstaee = same tee Fee 13 77 LOG | eee a Se | ee 2223 |S eeee On boats and shore: Regular____- Se See Se eed 647 20 221 6 14 149 1, 108 10 @asual-t>272 2 eee 225 16 217 21 136 258 33 72 ROU alesse ee ee so ee Bt 885 113 448 27 150 407 1, 363 82 Vessels: Rineen| Mo torn tree reat ee ee Bi Se SS ee ee eee SS ee Netitonnage esses os 18) )-s2cen- 4) et See ol See ere ee eee ee EN | lsgecpe aig ataponr gs | yg eae eae reget oe Ce Cae ay 13 7 PPE Ney Wok EEK Bh aed ee O15 Boao INetitonnage = eee Sie ees Sere 350 E35 Res a Be | EE Bese fice ee 462") So see Total wessels----= = 2-3 3 13 2 a a a) ae ee eae ye eens Total net tonnage-_-_-_-_-__- 18 350 DS a) SE ed | ee | eee 4623) ee Boats ie | ee 194 06) 0) ere pee lems a coy ape BO IES 442 13 186 8 56 118 685 45 Others seater? sex please eal eh 137 9 177 11 31 94 161 13 IATCCESSOLY, DOATSEee et ne ee eee 2 LO, | 2 es | 5. | BS | Se a | ee Apparatus: IPUrTse Seinesee os wee as Se ee 1 6) [Lee see Be Das | Le ee Mensth*-vardsisss sass 800") .15:300.|'222o82- 2) 2. ees | a ee ee ee faliseineses ae ete i sake la 52 6 14 1 10 24" |e 4 Wcene th} yards s=2 esas 1,584 | 1,386) 2,270 250 | 1,800 3: 890! Sane 1, 600 Gill nets: PATI CHOTA eae tireee tn Oa ees | Pes 2 | teen 25 )|On = Leh Ske eee (Uarepyardshesss ee en | hae eee 1, 200 HBOR | te 7; 000") 5 =. S25 2)22 ene eee rifts ca etan. Lae se Ae ee 2 Dae ee 13 18 51 12 26 Square yards_____-___-_- GOOHN%3; O00F | 2eena aes 4,205 | 21,600 | 220,335 | 3,600] 31,200 Stake se oieni ne a kee Se SEE CE 112 233| "See ee in| ee 706 213 600 = SCQuarevy.ardsss2as=e hee 2600! 3; B00) meee 15200) ||}eus2 2322 45,847 | 7,790 | 21,140 ines: Trot with baits or snoods--- 1298 3 ES a eS Eel CU at tp 38 5 {i Re Baits or snoods..-..----- TTC) |p oe BY all) ae ee eee 34, 670 |241, 020 |.------- PORT OLS seer eaten ee wee 46 26 53 1 STOP MSUS ease ene eee ee ee Squareyards 22 he ssee re [yikeinetssatccs + ace ers DUD NES hers ee eee eee Net iC Ri Nee ase ree Sh SCLADOS a0 he Saeed Bs a |e Jee Yards at mouth red ees: OV SLON eae eee ae Le eee Yards at mouth Mon gs. ee. yee ete eae ee FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 Fisheries of Maryland, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By countTigEs—Continued 253 Prince | Queen St. Somer- Wicomi-| Worces- Item Kent | Georges| Annes | Marys | set | albot co. | ter Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number Ron wncsels ene see o.8 o! Dik|e = Ss Posae. eee 23 393 BGel 6 2 oes ee eee On boats and shore: iGo aa 611 2 764 810 1, 079 692 365 229 Oasuaho ee hts 158 29 149 287 84 183 30 88 AE OUALS see aa de 790 31 913 1, 120 1, 556 961 395 317 Vessels: Fel eceaea ae Tha “ES ee is See a ee eae el A ee 5 96° A | eae aaa al ae Net tonnage--..-_----- D2 laeseckeeulonn seoe~& 60 1, 042 1 sy (al earnest Boats: POON ee eb Sea 351 3 462 347 701 524 202 120 CFA E SY pe = Re aes Bae 186 14 68 398 810 169 ll 53 Aceessory boats... ---.-a22--— \ Gites ete CES eee || ee ee 2 pI) | eee, Sa Apparatus: Purse sees. - -.- 4-22... 3p fe Sl |e i ly (A 0 i 1 5) lc -seeee eel ea cece Length, yards-_-___---- Tit (oy eae ee || is a aa in pan a 260 20s ee oe Se eee faa ReINS s* =< =~ coos 49 7 4 5 1 1 eel ge 7 Length, yards____-__- 3, 949 900 1, 650 1, 860 400 200)))S2s=2eet 105: Gill nets: | PATICHOD ae o-oo ae Square yards_-__-_- PO Gee a ne eee Square yards_-__-_- “SAS eC ee i i ee, deg S Square yeards___-_| 101, eA Lines: UATE Ng ler, Ss ae A Bk ot lee a oe reed | a Scam a Ie ga [ee a ete | a ad (a Bp Spat 18 PET OO eee ee hs |e et ee en esl ee ee ne eer ee eee 36 Trot with baits or SnpANSes- sSuLos 22 = 77 ee ee 181 181 73 248 5 43 Baits or snoods-_--| 96,160 |__.. ____ 106, 740 | 164,000 | 63,700 | 182, 060 3, 000 34, 100 Trot with hooks______ DUN EN repc i | eee eos an 8 a | ea cnt apo | pegs es cx eh DLs oe IL, Fe ns OOKS- 222822 TY 22 BULL Ut eee Be hed [a ES es sl i eee i SEs) (AL SANA yu | SS eet Sesh | at ea [aa Pound nets >. eo 3. 4 36 10 8 | 85 73 91 17 36 [oa ee Ce 619 36 > | Saee eee 8 44 LAr ee TES SERS ERIE ES ee on ets on DO hbase te oe oS 108 412 624 a GY. Sj Coe a epee ee tee ast npises 2 32023 k 7 |e SA | Be FST hh pee See 2 ee ee |e ORY BOLE DES peer ean ets Heels ne) eee Sere 623 6 361 12 368 6-423 1G 3e> 2 2 eee ee SEG Das ae RE ogee) eS ek (ee eS (ee 1 (O46 22 ae eee Se al Parga anOU Ga. 4228| setae 2 Lee Tee Ce ae es ea BE 0 Oi (EI | | Sal) TIT GUP PRO VSLOL oe oe [eos ae fone lea 12 322 yD) PS | 32 REGS AT OOUE =. 1 a8e)| eo 2 2 ee bea ey eee ee 12 380 Citi = ep So 7 “LRG FTE Ts & es Se Sali ae ae bi: Lt a OS ae 866 984 401 658 365 130 asinaree a PF ae |---------|---------|-- Ba SORE LTS | ek |) Ne Si | Pee ee 85 CATCH: By COUNTIES Species Anne Arundel Baltimore Calvert Caroline Pounds Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds Value 'Pounds| Value JTRS al ee i ool 732, 475 $6, 630 17, 268 $182 581,575 | $5,412 | 11,758 $80 EMACHAD ASS oe eS Se pent See Le ae ee eee om see 25 2 100 10. LETT CATEIS fe oan 5 eae para s 55, 057 3, 718 28, 344 2, 263 300 30 100 10 = Le eee 532 7 Gs Fp a= ape ET tel 100 Shao eee ore ee che 222} Se 3, 982 297 2, 384 170 939 35 6, 875 662 Catfish and bullheads__-_-__- 91, 873 2, 791 6, 154 270 4, 070 143 | 12,031 381 Rare e ees See aS 148, 335 4, 952 Mi keg 450 19, 780 526 1, 500 30 Raper rs Sew is 21, 547 1,710 9, 904 731 200 22 4, 401 176 LW Tia Cy ee Se a ee 4, 484 233 634 17 840 62 100 5 iickory shad. 223... 22._.- 3, 090 74 811 109 Sp pence Dy cates ke LE | Legh I Dail lel ye es Tee CUS o lai fl et ea Dll RAS sad ieee! eA NI ba So || 12 FS EIN IL 194 21 ie Orpickerel. 2 222 0. 18542") 2 4) <2605 1" ( 2507 Ora ea ae oe eee eee 99 23 tS eee 69, 438 44, 483 5, 267 3, 854 490 eos S528 aht. $e ee 34, 975 1, 100 35 5 10 Squeteagues or ‘sea trout’, 72 aa - ARS Cae as 183, 599 3, 200 178 1, 500 75 Striped. bases 325-222. 31, 423 9, 233 1,669 | 12,620 1, 841 White :perchi. 2-25-5585 A 7, 864 7, 850 360 | 14, 294 488 GLOW: DEICH es ane ae es. 1, 768 » 3, 148 216 | 1,737 92 rabs: Hard =. 2-5 Bess: 3, 177, 000 | 1, 145, 700 T4321 eo ee ee Botts. - 2-3: 5 eee 69, 593 121, 263 D390) |S ese Oysters: Market, public, spring _- 741,832 | 74, 164 | 66,430 | 5,694 ZIG; 0270 ||) 20, 650, (522225 = 1E= Market, public, fall. ____ 1, 485, 008 | 127, 531 132, 860 | 11,388 DOG; 190) 1) 48) 06s e238 2 eee WIATKGts DELVAIe arin see es | Fl Lo ee 75, 544 ot a eee) eS ee NArEGLO DIV RU eee seu ono tere 8 | 3 2 ee ee S51 Si! 1 30) Bet oe Ae ci) <2 as Se ee ee 6, 865, 217 | 315,772 | 473,169 | 41,172 | 2,877,984 | 154,327 | 71, 663 4, 394 254 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Maryland, 1931—Continued CATCH: By countTIES—Continued Dorchester Harford Pounds Value | Pounds 928, 719} $7, 720} 213, 810) $2, 138 50 5| 2, 000 200 26,497) 1 810)5 22 ieee eee 350 30! 25-3 S See 3, 763 160} 13,700) 1,096 4, 043 206) 5,038 201 100; 789| VSS) eae | eee 42,861} 2,507; 11, 200 694 24, 123 908/225 22) |S eecee 500 10)s.: -2. 235 |Neeeee Rh ee ees 350 7 250 20| 1, 600 245 119, 887] 15, 132) 28, 758) 2, 858 2, 393 78)". 2. 22S See ee 31, O99) Ly ANS | alee | eee 41, 556} 6,013! 16,106] 2, 587 35, 943 988) 3, 226 173 365 19} 1,560 135 7, 408; 510|' 925 533| 22> 2eess| eee 465, 545) 27,932)_=--___-}2_ 22-8 960} 287|/'50),082)2 35 eee |S 1, 203;,760)101, 556|— sees See 1.55400): ~ 15510) 2S ees 887039)) 87500) 2 =e |e 11, 111, 529/320, 593) 292, 348) 10, 334 Queen Annes St. Marys Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value 6, 100 $37| 980,551) $8, 811 0740 ae 604} 13,171) 1, 114 aah Er sheep 6, 261 287 1, 048 123 850 34 eee ee eh, IB 3, 600 168 20, 250 430 §1,.225) 1, 491 4, 900 387 1, 056 63 250 25 8, 600 536 oar ies 10|.. 1).)) 2 0) eee 280, 63} 102,404) 11, 709 1, 285 56} 19, 800 815 1, 800 156 34, 792 2, 022 8,852) 1,304) 56,728) 8,177 D> sma een 156| 13,500) 752 3, 500 232 500 30 3, 540, 000] 53, 100/1, 909, 645) 24, 318 50,841} 4,068} 172,078; 15, 636 737, 520} 59,417) 262,667) 21,351 2, 212, 567} 178, 247}1, 041, 242) 85, 144 mea eh ll he 55 Oe 19, 852} 2,095 18, 200 1, 560 62, 827 6, 495 Species Cecil Charles Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value Ly ChE Se Te ee ee 286, 874| $3,425] 136, 000} $1, 046 Blackness 25-0. ts 7, 805 694 4, 855 759 18 UES CaN EES) a Pe IR Sa Se cee (eee el ee 300 30 TB un Greets a SN ob eI aL nee a SU a A ee eae Gar DWee ees ie ge 2 ee 35, 529} 3, 066 56, 009) 3, 877 Catfish and bullheads___-_-_-__--_- 78, 312) 3, 741 65,901! 3, 003 Grodker see en abe 3 ok RA 2, 150 77 HYG] SE en Poh eh ER 10, 054 678 6, 390 365 IR een er Se eet hee see Se al ae ie 2 ee 250 16 Ghiz cay GS ie cee Drees i See SE ale ee | Se a Be 4, 200 86 IPE KGB YAS Gis. Se eres Re) ek 2 Eco PB |e ee | ee deta |S See VT ese ae res es Ue ee 636 113 | San Siete BY SiS Pikexorpiekerela- Sos ==. 2 oa eh 6, 629 950 606 118 SOs. Sie iL ee ed athe 2S 60, 688) 7,081) 306, 790} 21, 059 SS TD Oe Be Sa wre EE 2 ME 28 Ze tae ee ee See 650 21 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’, gray__-|--------|------- 1, 670 61 Simimedsbass: aes meee SaaS eae re 42, 135] 6, 320 BDL | De LO SEA SIap ee as ae lt el Se ale Sas 800 24 Wilniterperchis st se ie seer 26, 859} 1, 412 54, 741) 3, 396 Bello waperchuy ire ieee fs Setehie se he 34, 746) 2, 197 7, 534 564 Crabs: 1S ieciirco bt gee SP UN Ee Pik ee eee ee 487, 995| 6, 739 POLO RA at ie IN A EE i hi a 25, 670} 2, 426 Oysters: Market, publicy Springs s- == 222/222 =) a|petse ae 25, 808] 3, 497 Markets publicwfall) 261 eee euler o hee eee 103, 307| 14, 003 Market private, Springs: 2252 2o{h2s<2i=siieptoess 20, 503] 2, 183 Marketmprivate tall ym: =o 555 |Esbs 22s 2) Bes 57, 708| 6, 596 ALOT IE exe ee Cee ers 590, 267| 29, 577| 1, 404, 952) 75, 316 Species Kent Prince Georges Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value INTO wVGS2 eee oe a EA Bh Se Teal 219,174) $1,415) 6, 100 $61 IBlaicksibascs S52 25235 es Seah 30 3} 3, 700 468 TS netics see, foes ee ae ee eae ee Z2NODSIL, Val Goo | nce end hee eto JS5ORR Me ats oe ee ee 2 RE SS Ue 600 (7; 9) ese as |S PAG Caroma see. Su ae ey eS 38, 782 3,809! 12,076 917 Catfish and bullheads_-_-__--_------- 77, 140} 3,264) 8,090 254 @roaker:42 2) ete ee ees ee SBROLA 51) 1276 eee A Peeves TA LS See Pe We 8 oye a8 i ate orl) 2 Mr ae 23, 100 1, 507 1, 400 lll TOU CrSee eo ae ae ae ae ee 1, 104 Pi a oN ee I eKOryISHAd a. pees ee eee 1, 000 20 |= eee ea eee de TATU St REM one aang meee tape ert hha eee an 916 27 45 3 Rikelonjpickerel ss. ee 77. 156 160 37 Shades sea MAL oy ae 104, 413] 11,227) 6,660 540 Dita eh coe 8 Behe Oe ee ee 4, 500 LO Shia Sas pets Me Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’, gray_--| 114,500) 6, 049 200 15 Spl ped oassens: Sees 2. cee ee 207, 086} 34, 249 525 65 ASU Ua AS) ay 2 Gai SE a RI De ep a oh im Ae 350 7 NWhite perchic se 228 ee 3 ta eS oe eat 73, 038 4,423) 13,334 682 SECM aig] OF =) 2 § le A i ag rae CE 58,730} 3,418] 2,975 272 Crabs: LANG Sates sob sees a Ree RS Yo DNA957400|en Goll eee ees BOltestenc eee 2 ae Se 39, 039 yd E715) (RS ee A a Oysters: Market, public, spring -_----_-_-- BOON S20 i e20s ONS | See ee 5 ee Market, public, fall] 5-22----2- TOT: GOO), 287, uhO4| se Se | oe Market, private; springs 225222 2) Sees 2s eas ee Gs ee | eee Warkets private, fall ios fae to ee 2 |e eee Se oe ee ee Seed, public, spring__---------- 14, 870 143) 2: See ES ee WARY HIN. Eek Ae SSE LT Lie ae 4, 931, 350) 229,818} 55,615} 3, 432 6, 620, 564) 299, 966/4, 763, 843) 191, 360 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 20505 Fisheries of Maryland, 1931—Continued CATCH: By countIrs—Continued Species Somerset Talbot Wicomico Worcester Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value Sy 2. oe i eS 643, 500) $6, 260) 3, 025, 475] $13, 483 32, 500 $630 5, 000 $25 EAL S11 Gi aad = aes ae a eet eee Le al ree 418 {3 | ese (eee BET | es el a oe TEST ve eles ae ioe eA 12, 125 894 140, 600} 9, 876 3, 000 300 160, 000) 11, 200 EDT Le Se pe Es SLD Ee Senge (EPR ©) REE Bi bs 2 2 Re he ae) eee 4, 000 200 Urry SLE (Sl ie ee a cee are 3, 500 77 | 4) Spaeee ean bar ee 25, 000, 1, 500! 1, 228, 000) 18, 420 Minin Onersiy GALOn sees 2 een 2d 2 ES Pe eee Ne ee Lee 00 15 20 le pel es ee eee 200 9 4, 404 429 350 by 4 Sa AE S| (hae Catfish and bullheads_--__-_--- 8, 000 374 26, 483 1, 007 15, 300 6735) R 2 OF Aree Oe ee CTA Cy i a aah aS el eee 140, 030 1, 803 268, 883 5, 733 38, 500 1, 155) 41, 000 820 rum: LeU? he gE I ES ep Bee i SE ee 1 EO Se eae 9 | eae So 2, 000 75 30, 000 450 TENS Sie tatee CaS) ee 8 OR na re ee jee ore ge 8) Ml P| ee 1, 000 25 10, 000 200 SRLS =e ee ear 11, 800 737 157, 587 8, 905 1, 500 130 15,000} 1, 500 Hlnenete = be eee 10, 250 422 1, 975 167 4, 000 240 40, 500) 3, 240 Mickory shad—.-—-- 2-22 1, 500 14) (Ae a eS Ae Sa Se ee A ee ied Fe Mackerel Mullet___._- Piehisht Pike or pickerel -- Pompano LEY ie = Sa ae ee es eee MpSbASH Pee. hon eae a ae Sees Sea robin ‘istélg, Lb 1% syle belies a rahe Sheepshead ro) Eye Ths Ss Sees De Ee eT orca ion De ead 1 Spanish mackerel OU eee ee eee ; 2, 500 24, 250 Squetesagues or ‘‘sea trout’’: Ue ke Sees ae eee aa aaeeae eaea 73, 974 2, 648 75, 700} 4, 495 38, 500} 2, 010! 1, 502, 000} 37, 550 SPELL ECo pass Se ae a ee ee |e 4 aa i Deas |) pel as 500 bt) ee et ac ee Striped bass Sturgeon Sunfish Tautog Witter perch... =~ 25 5.--55 10, 000 662 19, 854 928 4, 900 454) Been ss Se eee rae ercHP ta} 2 eae Fo ie fe es | ek 30,099) 1,717 5, 000 150| S235: 22 Tabs: [oO ye Cee Se oe ee 3, 220, 000} 43, 336] 6,474, 700] 83, 519 71, 600 926 100, 000} 1,000 Olver att Ao ea ce bet ases 2, 860, 055} 205, 720 09 7326/4) Mon O7 zie ae ee er) 7, 200 576 BREE eet ee Sere eee eS Oe ayn eet we pat eee es DA ety 30, 000 750 Slarsny Bard nu DUiC=sc25 = seas] to fs | ee ee se LU ae de ed 1, 920 804 Oysters: Market, public, spring----| 627,585] 62,289) 728,833] 67,293] 133,182] 11,416/_-________|_______ Market, public, fall_-_--_- 1, 277, 503) 126, 443) 1, 254, 302) 115, 408 267,918)" ‘22 ORAS 8 ese eer Market, private, spring-__ 84, 308ie- 8 008|b. 2 => See oe 76,405) 6, 549 30, 800} 3, 300 Market, private, fall______ 259, 931} 24, 626 51,373} 5,509) 254,835] 21,843 60, 200} 6, 450 Terrapin, diamond-back- - -___ FDO | fees COG ec rene eee eee tee eet Ae ee ol eee ji ee 4A) (ae pee 9, 394, 803) 503, 545)12, 599, 775) 351, 890) 1,030, 680! 78, 002) 3, 550, 070) 96, 334 2956 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES VIRGINIA Fisheries of Virginia, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR Gill nets ae Purse | Haul Soy Pound | Fyke |} Dip | Otter Item seines | seines d nets | nets | nets | trawls baits or Drift | Stake | Snoods Num- | Num- | Num- | Num- | Num- | Num- | Num-| Num-| Num- Fishermen: ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber Omiwessels 2 s22--222-—-3—- ESL 18 A ee see ae, 4 | a a el Ee alte 103 On boats and shore: Perley, fase (bose | eee 298 296 219 998 | 1,726 61 337, eee Gasuall= 428-25. 2 2eee a eee ee 203 498 292 96 600 94 408 (| ses eee Motaleseces 22 -eeces 899 501 794 511 1,094 | 2,326 155 745 103 Vessels: Steamers = ease nen all atic] (eteseeeal Sinkenianenia (aunmisemts Kiseeieel texenee eee Net tonnage__.------- 2108 \osese a o| enon | nee ee | et sea |_ nee aere| ee een INU OHO lee ee ee Oy ree | ree ce 7 Net tonnage---------- 1B ee ee ee eel | eee | ee na | ee eee | ee 394 Total vessels - ------ PAY rail ete oe es ee aes Se sa |e il 27 Noftal met tonnage= =!" 2,852: )25 25 5b. See a eee ee oe eee | eee 394 Boats: = a SIVA (a) oy ee eoreee ae 2 ae pee Ee ae 102 129 183 889 649 86 161° eee Ophea ee ee ee | eee 125 397 189 195 521 78 5a4) | fe eee Accessory boats- ------------- OEE sie oe | ree | eee oe | Apparatus: SNE ee es a7| 131| 540 | 14,021 | 1,094] 2,208] g32| 745 27 enethi yards. e--22 ee S520 PAB CB ig | eee eee ee eee | a Sapare yacdseess oe poe = |e | Beer ee 487,055; 503; 7807) 2 22 EY PS ee ee WAEGS At MOUS eee sal eo Ce eS oo aaa eae ele soso eee | See one | cee ee 795 Hooks baitswor SHOOGS =| osen a aes | eee | pean hee 472, 260) |222 22250) et ee si t ae Dredges - Total, ots . y_ | exclusive Ttem A ? |\Serapes Tongs |Rakes| Picks hand | of dupli- Crab |Oyster|Scallop cation Num-| Num- | Num-| Num-| Num-| Num-| Num-| Num-| Num-| Num- Fishermen: ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber (OT OSSC 1S ee epee | ee eee 161 OG) Pees ee 14) | 2222 S| ee eee 1, 261 On boats and shore: Regular----- — === 1 209 18 96 624 | 3, 466 843 731 365 6, 559 Casual: eeeeeae | be here |See aa Can cele ee eae 1 B78.| 2 soe 2 S| eee 3, 311 Totale sae 5 2 1 209 179 192 624 | 4, 848 843 731 365 11, 131 Vessels: Steam a2 225-4 5.222 19 Net tonnage - ----- 2, 104 IVTOTORS Basen eas ea 101 Net tonnage - - ---- 1, 756 Sales ome Ce eS 6 Net tonnage------ 39 Total vessels ---- 126 Total net ton- NAGS2 Ys eee Re See | Be 427 230 | sso O2\\|-2 ose eae Se aaa 3, 899 Boats: Mott i. ee oe se=ae Lee 6 60 300 | 2, 873 88 45 22 4, 220 Other Pee ee | a WAC | epee ee 62 255 615 740 648 343 3, 274 Accessory boats 2252222 223|5- 2222 2 | eee ee Bee ee ae Bees |e eee te eel ee 54 Apparatus: LS baal] os} oe ame Le ae 30 388 112 164 | 1,216 | 4,411 843 Ct la) ea 27, 574 Wards atunout nese. ee ee 388 224 212 SIL... 2222]. oot ES = | ee FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 257 Fisheries of Virginia, 1931—Continued CATCH: BY GEAR Gill nets Species Purse seines Haul seines Pounds Value | Pounds | Value| Pownds | Value |Pounds| Value LAL LSY DSi Sete ae at ates 7 > RS Neti gM ta 33, 700 $484 32,525} $561} 17,680) $274 PURINE eee ee te ne oe rath eh ed ph eI 32,900} 2, 540 3, 700 PA | as oes |S oe ee heats PE Pe os a ns oes f OS IS ATS we Reames 1, 600 BOiee: = S| he | Oe ee Ee ges eee See eee eee ee ae eee ee eee 14S 400 lec Osis | ese noes |e nee [aoe eee ee eee Catfish CEG gf oN Cy | oo ee ee Se) ee ee BAS N29! ley (Oe Mele (el ee ed ee Ln) ri age ee leniency ale Bt oe hers PEN eects Lat ee. 273, 040} 6,934} 205, 200} 4, 786 2, 000 62 preted OF FOU nSn = 2-2 oe See J ae ee gods Sd 6, 180 249 900 C1 | eee arene 1th TIS). = 2) Saheim SS Sa a ae aR egal ol | I el ee ae At) peas ae (Se le Sy et fo ee 10 (2) Fu 1UG 120s sR Beara ar eo eat PS] LORI eile pe ea I CL an US 0 gt OB 70 eee eee eee ee be Pe Givzara shad. =*- ..--2.<-2 27, 200 544 3, 200 96| 3, 000 64 Hickory shad 500 15} 14,725 444; 1, 200 24 Wranbedon--s--t.- 2.asssnnc apes SGLs HOU naOe, 440) eos oe ot eS 2A). Sele el ee eee T's PELE) ee Sate ll = Galea aE pale neh (Te ee 400 20 15, 700 745| 25,200) 1,054 TENG EU Bs Rt > Se aie i abe a aS || te hee a he 21, 000 862 8, 000 SY 1) Ra aie le Saree UG tie Sake’ 2 ida ae gi glare Sl SERINE Sot ean Seton Be 10, 930} 1, 236 643, 461) 72, 166! 504, 610) 67, 073 BUEPRTL SRILA REO = es ee a Ee Bae ef en 2, 900 290 2, 000 200| 222-6 Ee eee SOT 2 RE ESR ie a RS ne Se ae ee 232, 830} 8, 885 94, 400|. > '38306| 5-5 > ae Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’ TIN (oboe Sag ee Se ener eae a) ee wae 190, 100} 8, 827 4, 300 215} 4,800 240 BOP IU PLLC ae ae oe ee es he ins (OUST ek! 52000) « 45 710) foes ole no oe [peer ees SLLSR VED UD OVSS pee os ie an eee Se PR ee ee ee 108, 154} 15,044) 45,320] 7,776) 64,190] 9,314 TENIOROU: S2her on ee ee ep, OEE a ee 125, 000} 6, 220 2, 150 OOPS Zee WA ae es ae ee eee ee oe eee eee a nee ol eee 1, 000) GO| sea | bee * Se BERNE WINOrGUEE non eee ae Sle eee oe soe 12, 400 868|2 22a e| See [Se cen cl ae me BRO LO ee ae ee ee 111, 381, 950) 363, 440|1, 609, 987| 77, 849]1, 076, 581) 91, 104) 622, 680) 78, 105 —— $< —< <_<——<_———— eee Lines, trot with Species baits or snoods Pound nets Fyke nets Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value Alewives 17, 128, 015 | $149, 208 25, 200 $420 Bluefish_ 306, 043 ONOR 7; |Leeeree aes | Ser eee eee LNT ipa! es SS el Se WE De ata (ee ea 103, 199 AR oe ek oe sl Se eS Butterfish 4, 808, 106 LB YS 092) pase oe epee cee Ns ee ee eee ee ee ree Ne ee ee oe 16, 850 674 17, 189 653 aeeae ETRE yg OU oh NUeTS SG Efe taper ee SE eae yak eg Al | eg 40, 600 1, 732 265, 150 11, 092 on ae SE 5 Se ae een ar alpen aD a ae 39, 889 797 300 1 Ciroaiber et ene Newey se EEE sella ed Spe ee Se 11, 542, 648 220, 879 62, 100 1, 790 rum: Le EVO Keech a a op ek on a i ihe [he ate a ean SS 165, 825 BY fa eee eel oad a ete SOHMOTLOO USN ese eee ee Se |b? PBS oT! I, AS. 15, 144 6049 |5 25 ee50 SE ee Ele eee ee ce Seana Pee eee wl eee SS ee 61, 180 2, 689 12, 570 540 LOR SEG ca ee eens) Eee eee ee | ee ore ee 625, 510 26, 156 8, 000 351 CER CEO TG Chey: Fs Se Sa ee ae SN 5) (a aed | ene eee eo 8, 600 184 17, 900 361 EO Re iOS 8 ee a Seen beo. Lee ees = Oe SS 400 Giese ace Oe BS eres Teel sas SLAs a a I cies Se PE al | et | ee 42, 875 863 1, 140 25 Ronpawineor. Kingfish 72525 lols ie eee eee 20, 030 OD eee eee oe ee ae Pa Ss oe en ee ee en aN (ND Re Bes |e Pak ee SOT a! [ae ee ee lee ten Menhaden Aaa 610) eee ee eee te (a Mullet 50 700 35 Pigfish 1,015 1, 100 44 ey or porgy 5 O64 Wie astro: fs iseeee | ee US a ee es ee DUDE. sa ces See Ses See ae) AES Pe ONS ee Ses Sse 722, 291 9, 780 1,316 TGV Secale pill Sheet eal ee tae eae eee oS ee ea pT EE = ee | Lae ee Spanish mackerel 691 te eR ae once SN. Saale 0) a esd ees Rerernney 10, 522 1, 800 32 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout”’ Pe ee eee res ee rare eens oe S56) Lea meee 282, 571 19, 700 885 Spotted 6, C0 eee Sa Fe oe eee SURGES! | REC ee aE ET Ses eae SS (Se ene (ae ee =f 218, 427 25, 471 45, 350 4,171 SUGGS Tre aio tee. os oh et a lat en ee eee 4,975 BOOT ES See ee Dupnble-nved mMACcKBLal 2 6 2) Pe | es 68, 592 PAN Ce (6 | eS eS Se eer VEE STi OR re ot NE eh | |e ee (nee eee 56, 240 2, 364 50, 780 2, 391 SULT y get Ph) os by 2 Be od A SR ne SEE a ee (EAR CG (2 55, 640 3, 803 BTN AA SN fo ERR, RS a Sas a ae ae 21, 354, B60) ($284 007) Ieee eee ete HSE, | 35 ee {SFG ERRIE Se eceaiee Seis hel Ee (ee ee ene 376, 438 S206 kann ck SC ee ee otal 72 3.J-d Jaen ce ae 21, 354, 660 | 284,017 | 53, 900, 463 /1, 669, 155 594, 339 27,921 258 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Virginia, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEaR—Continued Species Dip nets Otter trawls | Pots, eel Pounds| Value Pounds | Value Scrapes Pounds | Value ing ayinitinevon “kingfish” Las el he a eee 16, 445 ARS) 22 2. 0s) 2 ee IPE Sees See Dae seed Leal ieer 9 SE ne 2 aoe a 1, 566 83|2225i |e eee fS\ ofl ayi(oyr)\0(0) nN ees eee a oy Le Th EN ee 237; G20|" *85625|" 52222222 eee eee Sea bassner a ms amie Uae i EE ee ae ES ae ae 52,494) 922769)! <2 ee fies el ee Ste ss aE ele ie bs ot re ae A sy cael 1 984 Qe eolus allt ee ee Sdueteacuesor ‘sea trout, orayos-- |ee ee 64,291) 2 Olle: 2542: - bok See ee SGU S CTR beth k CEN 2. ee. ee eee teal 1, 061 206|222: 224". See eee INO TENE C Cees a pees AIOE st NTE ANE a © pe AA | EP se Ly 8 87 Oo S22. S| Ve ee eee AYE OTH Aes) Oe) 6s eee at pr aa Ne | el Neel RENE 1, 025 20's ceo) 2 ses Su eee ee Crabs: 18 Ar tita RS Ae ee hes Lara Uy SENT! Oe 44, 000 Cae) 1) Pha apa es Pee Se) eee AAS a 350, 470) $4, 711 Sf ai oh iit TION ea ee GOSEZ8O| CSS e SOLE te ted ee Aw AD naan ee | eee 1, 109, 120) 66, 490° WP SUCNS A = Sal es USED Teen ERTIES Pe ME JE ad Sed 12 2\.2222552|e22 08S see ee Squire ee Ses ey bs Be a ae ea Pvoen ee 4, 774 105) S22 22 cele ee ee POR a a oe Bd Eek a 648, 580) 35, 987|1, 235, 420) 48, 868 600 24/1, 459, 590) 71, 201 Dredges Species Tongs Crab Oyster Scallop Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value Grass hand ee teas Ti; 2L4000/ $100) 025) 23 2a oa ie es ee Clams} ard gree ie a Sa eee eau eee ek | eRe. ere tied Petes ae ial | 523, 016|/$173, 676 Oysters: MALKSts DUDUC. Springs as) sae nee eee ZU IO Se S12 ieee ese eee 2, 057, 853} 165, 262 IMFATR Ot DUO] Ce teil eae | Wrenner geen es 455020 h ongsG meses eee ae eee 4, 952, 626) 386, 171 Market,.private, Spiing=.|0 22.02 }o ee 763° 238)" (64 806|220 52-2 ae eee 1, 490, 118) 135, 149 Market private; tales 24| 49 o cueetea | eee 25,0615 962/5160;7b14 [2222 22a a | eee 3, 817, 107} 338, 685 Secd-publicuspring ie 25) ee bos Ral oe Sa ee ae Sees Ce ee | ee ee 2,513,110) 77, 372 ESC APU Nier tall ik eee eT, ee er al Se Us a Se eee S| sae eee 5, 075, 495} 153, 765 Scallops Payee meee ae eae ea ae ee ee ee i ee 1, 226, 478 $78, 990|-.-2--=2=sie eae ROtHI ees eee eee ee 7, 214, 000} 100, 025) 2, 892, 260) 240, 068) 1, 226, i 78, 20020, 429, 325|1,430,080 Species Rakes Picks By hand Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value pe ra 1 O47 mmc oe Nag ea LS eS I ee Ot BU 100, 768] $36, 027 76, 872} $27, 900 40, 872] $15, 326 ysters: Market public; spring: 22. 9. ie ee 350 20) 42222242 See 101, 766} 5,815 Market; public, fall 920-23 2 eee ge 1, 050 GOs. ea 203, 539) 11, 631 Market, private,-spring._......-_....----_.. 141,,659|-- 9, 246} -2+ 2.2.22] oe sees e]E ke ee Market@private, tallies So \o 2s oCwe wie ey he 278, 068|> -18;190) 222 2228/2 ose a ere Seed, spublic,-falla.: 85.2 2a ee Ue 45,.000)- . - 1,080) Se2-.2. 2: =|<2 2ecc 22|E===2 ee ST ten Mette 2 0 08S 5 EURO ase a ei eM EL Bi 566, 895} 64, 622 76, 872} 27,900} 346,177| 32,772 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 259 Fisheries of Virginia, 1981—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By countIES Ches- P Eliza- Acco- | Alex- | Caro- | Charles Din- Fair- Item : ; : ter- aaas beth | Essex mac | andria} line City field widdie City fax Fishermen: Number| Number| Number| Number|Number| Number| Number| Number| Number (Oye BF hc call ee ee tle Lied epee ewe TI? |Wscastne|o= 22 coce On boats and shore: RGRAY Sa: = obese 1, 566 a2. 5. 28S pg 4) BY eee i eee 305 60) 23 @asual 2= =: ssoe 62 12 4 64 25 16 83 52 Total ws shank es 1, 655 26 4 238 25 16 430 143 52 Vessels: NIQbOR-.. 2 Oysters coean 25-554 Yards at mouth-_- SO LE ee eas Yards at mouth-- PONGHS 52.252 45S 2a locke akesed S85 o-csaseses-oes Picks= 2 wos) 85 cee eee - Glou- | Hen- | Isle of | James | Kit8 | King | 4/08 | Lan- | Math- ee cester | rico | Wight} City | Quen | George} iam | caster | ews Fishermen: Number|Number|Number| Number|Number| Number|Number|Number| Number Oaivessels) 295-22 24-- <)>. |-2=22255)25-52-<- 3) |aseakaea|aoe ee | Se eee 211 16 On boats and shore: R fo i SER Se aa 123} | s2222-2 275 (sd fees Soe 40 24 366 338 (OP Ct ee eee oe 395 134 94 20 62 63 64 553 387 SYD bea ee ee ee 518 134 372 88 62 103 88 | 1,130 741 ———— i ———— ————_—____— _______ _ } Vessels: Sy tei ee Mee ge ee Ee (0 es ee Bed eee peas pee ae 2 iiss LO (eye ap ehh: ys pe aps a eel Ph ER Ol |e eS ee pan eee Boe ee eae to ee eee Ges ae ee Bode = 2 oe Be ES 1p) Pregl (Fe Ta fe WE S| 8 4 ING? tonnage: ieee ee es |ocnt se cu]feeuL =. Bi lee. och ke ees bee beeen 329 36 otal wesselsee=-t \e—20 5. 212-20 o. 2 jy pers ren | (SS | |e SS eee 10 4 ‘Potal nevi tonnage. 222 |e. 2 2b. 2 (pees Se) TAPE Teh ECS SEY! re 513 36 Boats Wiotor-sosoaeee etek 335 2 180 37 2 49 24 414 339 Otero 2255 sete cess 2 48 96 68 19 38 28 36 127 145 LET TING Le cp a eee Be | Se TE | Ea | Sees (ee (se oe ee oe 12) xed SS 176453—33——_8 260 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Virginia, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By countIEs—Continued Ches- . Eliza- : Acco- | Alex- | Caro- | Charles Din- Fair- Item ; : - ter seas beth | Essex mac | andria| line City field widdie City fax Apparatus: Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number Pursesseines;tmemhs deri se cs et ste a lle be | Tl ce | ee ee Giles see Meneth, tyards=.42 2-22) eos I Ss se ee | a oe oe ee | ee oe 1 840) |S Hatuliseines 22-222 2222-1 ke ae 7 2 3 1 0) 2eee32- pp aoeeeee 4 Mensch yeandS ce a=-|2 ses e 1, 260 400 | 1, 100 100)|/6 655001). -... _- =|» aaa 1, 700 Gill nets: ID} dt en 9 17 8 7 39 2 32) [osc Square yards_---| 7,200 | 10,880 | 3,200} 4,200 | 23,400 | 6,485 | 19, 200 |________|________ Stakest--2-3: sles eieth tog 42520) |-5;,400)4) 32,160) |2a2 ee 8 O16) ||... | Se ee Squarewyardss---|po sa 45, 600 |162, 000 | 64,800 |___-____ 35; 060"|_--- <2 2} 2222s | eee Lines: ; Trot with baits or SNOOGS2=2 5225-8 30h | A Tie ee ae 1452-2 ee 85 56 Baits or snoods--| 19, 800 |_-_-_-_- 280 200 4) 2: see |e OOOO) | ene 34,500 | 44, 800 Pound nets SO Peak. es 1K RS Bae SE Pes Pea PAID peas Siehentie 238 480 Fyke nets--- 11 2 105 45 3 23 11 Z| a Dinimets 29 sae = ores iE eee ee be eee eS | ae ee ee ea ee 112 89 Dredges: @rabs j2i-6 Jo 2b 55) pole Janek Soe |Gest eck el he eal 2 So oe ee 2 Yardskat mowto| S28 Sc SSE ee ese oe Oa ee |e Ee S| eee | 4 COV ASG) le 2 RSS ee I eS ee ele Yo ea eee ee 8 6 Yards apimouthe | e225 ie ee ek oe ee eS ee el eee el eee 12 9 Mones- = 2 sdk eee ALGii24 Be 248 1 eee eee 27 24 482 227 nen Middle-| Nanse- | New | Noptor | North- orp Prince | Princess sex mond Kent ampton Teed George | Anne Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number ONnsVeSselSs ste sees- es 4 3 ey ee 25 3 704: |) PES On boats and shore: Repuilar: a= 2252" -= 2 569 50 40 95 636 741 4 82 Gasualt e2e eee ee 299 118 49 53 37 307 38 19 Totals een oe oe 872 171 89 173 676 EGP 42 101 Vessels: Steams. 222. oo accel Tee ee ae one ee eee ea oe Crea VY) os eee Net tonnages= === - 28 [5 tas. Seas See see |e ee eee lente ote 159209). 22a eee INT OLR eee 1 1 | Soe ee 4 1 5 | socos oes eee Net tonnage--------- 8 (13a pees 95 ll 464 | 25 8 Se See Total vessels - ------ 1 in| ee eee 4 1 22) Wn See Total net tonnage_- 8 Qriszata ses 95 ll 2,384" |. eS | ee Boats 1, 0) Ro) ee Oe See 526 83 3 38 301 421 4 22 Oilers 22 ae 22 24 70 62 455 572 18 33 TA'CCOSSONY) IDOAUS Hae ee ern weal cme es | en weer ne ene | ee | ee 42-|2 2 2 eee Apparatus: Purse seines, menhadens.|.5 450 S28 Ee ce eee ae: eee eee eee 21 |. Meneub pyargse. sone See a ee lb ee ee gee Pls cae Be 6,180) 2 ae ifauliseiness---\-2_ -2-- =. - sey Pee See 6 3 4 1 6 6 Length, yards-------- DIANE Feces tas 1, 875 900 1, 200 200 1, 400 1,300 Gill nets: rifts. 22 sess 2 3 1 SON a eso eee 65 ng lay 12s agers Square yards-_-____ 2, 400 SOON C4 GCBO| |e tte 44650))| oss 2eee 95860) ae Stakes2e-25---5 We ase caste hoes 1,110) 2-2 see $3). -------)<|Us¥-ssn24|2 2 eee Squaresyards=)—-*|- sie 44° 400) Soe 1320) |p2a-— eae eee er ree (ee Lines: Trot with baits or snoodSs=s2222224= 63; 800s) 2 s2-- ==. |e ee aa Lines: Trot with baits or BNOOGS:=.2- 2) eae ee co 1 ul Eee reo (eee ere ree 2 94 29 Baits or snoods-.-|.-...---- 380 45200: |22--s22ec|eneeaeee= 600 | 36, 740 33, 740 Pound netser 2 Se ee | eS 1k? hs ee a eee aa 58 67 33 Rive eos =. 2 ee 134 8 19 40 15 12 7 21 REROR LRA Sse eee ee Se I eae eRe oe al ee 6b) See ee ll A ACTG MEST Aa d(H 0 ee eR ee ae eee ea ee 90S cea ee 323 Dredges (CFs a tae ee oss FSR (A ee ee (SS |S Serer ey (ek ee ee py) eee 76 ‘ards atimonth® |). 52 2 |e oe he] anew scnclecessee< eee ee 152 RID Soe ee ee TE C0745 ae EL oo Bi gee ree Pers ae aay 203 173 292 em ee te ee | ee Ne ee ee ete | meee em | oe a 118 CATCH: By COUNTIES Species Accomac Alexandria Caroline Charles City Pounds | Value|Pounds| Value|Pounds| Value |\Pounds| Value BANG AR = ee ee ee a 735, 650 7 Lilli Clit) 0) oe Se ees es oe eee 61, 250 130) 2) {eee eee) ELE Ce es 62, 500) Uterine 2h ON) Rae = Sh 2, 389, 432 Payee 2 eerie epee As Ba ii g ee eed Pe ee ee Se | Se bee Catfish and bullheads.-__-..........-.- 200 opp ee ee ae ee 2 11, 000 ON) | ewe ke a ee ee ee ee SLET TED ee SS, SES Sa ee Eee S142 20s bbe 208 |p eee = |e ee aI ee rer eee | Se Drum: Lge) I oo ee a eee TOUR S25 (ees ees Teste eek ee ae LR es RE ocsormredash 2a) i 2 2255 14, 000 OS | ke Fe all eee aS aN aE HR AE a LH) Fe RAS SS ae eee ae BOS OOPS 2) O15 | koe sod | |e a ae SSE IN Gy GE PSS LP) ee ee | 232.400) cD) S64) 220222 cae ss toe l cec [ECS ee 2 1, 600 64 CTT BELT? NEE Ss eee a PS EB Oe ae ees ee 5. ae 11, 000 220 King whiting or ‘‘kingfish’’______------ 15, 000 625) See se 3 ee 5 ed el BR OE ees el bees LNT UE ahs 1 Og os Ee Sa a a eee 19, 800 ied Ae hee aN Pe ee eres ee oe ee | 8 eee 12 RC. Sea ce ee 5, 100 VAL | Se Se | | ree eee (eee 8 Be aera eee “UTD 91 0/))y ajo em a earn eeeeemenaes 68; 000) 2040) ween | Penk |= oo oA tore |e eee |e aoe MoS ee ee ed ee 3, 700)" © Aer ee | en. 2) oo os ee | ees one Shiite ho ty seit ae ee ee ee ee 201; 084! 20, bl sGo;407|" 4, 56012. --- =. -|bs-522- 293, 300} 38, 124 oe ee eerie ese es as 2, 000 DE eee ee Oe | ee slo a a he ee renee een eee Spanish mackerel... 2... oe 1, 400 1), SY eee eee ae! | oe se een oe eee Se NT ete 2S 2k es 2 Se Sealy, bel ieee 82.230 | aes ladles soles 6-| sone aie eee | a See ee Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’: | Loh (epee ean 2 aie IRA aT hee eS 3,100, DDO] po rsimleneness: (585 ca eee ae saesr 1, 200 60 boro late ESS © aameage eeee s 27 OOO ee) | re ee ee | es aha ena Stee MET OC: DHSS eee ae eke eee St ek Sn pees i) Sd 4s | ere ee | ee ee A be ae 10, 200} 1, 530 Shp yuc cis Spe Ee te = = OS ae ES 1,775 OD eo ae | Se c= = Sl ere eee ene ee. een ree Thimble-eyed mackerel-___.._....-_---- PORT | ley ¢=" 1] aD DAR S| cli (ei badd (Sure Al Lae be YC er CHl: 2s eee ene Oe # 7, 540 106) aie Bee tae? 500 40| 3, 600 144 VAD a rape Ee PE i ln |e (ee me pete a (eee ee epee ee ee Wali Oy erent Gis soe oS TS ee eg se ee 5 Fe ne es 1, 840 bs] ele Sag ioe Be stad i et shel | a 262 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Virginia, 1931—Continued CATCH: By countTreEs—Continued Species Accomac Alexandria Caroline Charles City Crabs: Pounds | Value | Pounds} Value | Pouwnds| Value | Pounds| Value Mardes. 2230.6 eee 07. ACs a 3)'768; 470|$49::446| 2= eee eee | ee SOL ee en Pee ed 1 34.5; /120! 805700) 22 ae Aeon 22]. -|_ Saud eee RE se be pe eee 2312000|..6,,980|2c 2 She/eeesen alec e|_t | Clams ards pUlbliGsss== see paren ne 211, 352)|\ 78,782). Yall eee kbs ea) ee eee Oysters: Market, public, spring_------------ 177, 4A 12: 456e2 eh ee 2 ee eo ee Market “public> falls 222255 (2222s 390)439|-27,9balt a2! ces etis se ele sd Lo) ee ee Market, private, spring 3} ©5109 938}\-49; L76hesc* 2-25. 2) eee oh ee Market, private, fall______- 15024562}: 98; 404) 'steo2 2 |e feeble 2 |_- Se ee eee Seed; publics spring = 2-2) soe 198/000) 7/920) .228 oS. ol es es Seeds public, tall: <= tess es 897100013 R283 ce Le ok ee ke |e eel ee BUallOpSM Da yore a wee ee eee ee, I 709;,2001..44; 505).2 22 2| don cole Ee | ee Bon: 2S apa aie Ry pee ST Os 19, 904, 146/768, 921] 69, 847| $4,806) 3,200) $148) 346, 700)/$41, 017 Species Chesterfield Dinwiddie | Elizabeth City Essex Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value| Pounds | Value |Pownds| Value tA] GWA OSs = eae oe Sees. ey ema 8 Pe 15,375; $205) 2,600 $39} 30,000) $300) 5,000 $74 BT tre fis ye eee eR leg a eG | aE ae eT A ogee le 15, 067 FG A| ute See BTU TORTS sre eens ak he ML epee ae RI Ree ae eee | Re | ea eee 601,877) 123070| =e eee (OE yr oe eee Ns ss SS ee eek a FB el A 3, 060) Ve | Se S| Pe ee Ses pa 3, 750 150 Catfish ang@ibullheadsta ssa 3, 500 TIO) S22 2 oll 2 ee Pe eT es eae 4, 400 186 WORK Gree aoe igeren es ois Pe ENE ea (Eee ae Drum, red or redfish TSG) ca ee are ee ees Se Flounders____- Gizzard shad__ lad dock see. ees. aren eens aes eR TB LO ee ab Sa ee OR a eee se Hickory shad ' King whiting or “kingfish SST Bt Ves ae ars |e Aa | weg el | meee en | ee 8, 327 226)... 52 jee eee IMS Ker elon sates onic yi: SBE Ae 2 PRL Eom Ep) ae. See | eee eee |e 1, 000 00: eee DAU UG CG) Rees Shag ap ey ie Se nope | cede =| fake fp rl fe 1, 000 50 |S ee eee IPERS Fat phe Ae EE daa 2 ae Ea | Sk a 2 ae eee 3, 989 80|.2-. 23 eae SCUPION DOLL yer. el OM RE ieee aol PS ee ee ee oll eee 71, 375): 1833) 3-2 be eee ES EES] cot TRA RG Pe VAD PATA i eae Oe | ee en el a ae tee | ee eee a ewes Se 22,208} 1,244). =2-4-/b eee Sine cleat Arh | Wee nh ae eh oe oe 3, 985 562) 3, 600 540| 900, 000} 90,000) 1, 650 247 fo OLD | hee cs be Se IR CET eSey ad ll A We US Sy ee ee er ee cf ||. On | eee 784 15). -s2 222 Sees squetesrues ori..sea trout; ebayic cs oh. | 2-2 eae ee eo ee eee ee 648; 634|\135476|2 22 Sas eee Striped bass StuUreeomas sss ee ek ee Oe Ally awe ae ROM COM as Af 2tio PL Dai Soa ee Nae ee White perch VV Sai Tia eps ses A ae er CE eR ib SP ppc re a Crabs, hard Lobsters. - -_- RSfe ie ue DI eee CE Ce eB Yee Se eA | Per ei cl ec | eee ee ae 60 Clams hard Su Dice oe a he CE ie ee ee Slee 102, 400) 35, '840)_2---- 22 |e See Oysters: IMarketnpu bles Spring 2 2c) a eles Do Rs | abe eee es beeen 8, 400 480) 53,067) 6, 064 Market publics fallc 2) oe is RT) ee le es Deen Wk ye Es Se 19, 600} 1,080} 159, 194) 18, 192 Market Onvace, Spring. o200) 0 oe Soe eae ee Nee a Bee oe 147, 000} 11, 800) 82,320) 8, 232 VPA G ESE AD ELV ALO. fell ee Par ee ae | 413, 000} 33, 400} 246, 960) 24, 696 Seegapulblic: spring? = 26 Roe ee Wa) eee |e are eee Se 57,000). 1,710). 2 Gees bees Sesdapublicwfallitys 2 eo lt a Lal Bn el ek te al VE a eae 118,000). 3,540). = 35 eee ECON RT (BSR BO eh Oe OE A SS 27,360} 1,111) 8,540 930/9, 714, 911/327, 646) 561, 816) 58, 165 Species Fairfax Gloucester Henrico Isle of Wight Pounds| Value| Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value | Pounds | Value Je NICS SAG 11 SIRES agp Bele SME | AR ic Wt 110, 900} $1, me 7, 380 $146 18, 200 $364 Hickory shad Mullet FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 263 Fisheries of Virginia, 1931—Continued CATCH: By countiges—Continued Species Fairfax Gloucester Henrico Isle of Wight Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value | Pounds | Value PcG hin» Se Ee SS Se ete eee «om | See 1, 100) CS | es ee eae 2 STG Rel Se ee els 2 2S ee Ss eee, eee 87, 743) $6, 635 51, 600} 7,632) 28,900] $4,330] 164, 600/$24, 690 MORIN AROre) = eee Say PO. Ss Foes). 2 See ee 1, 100 11 | Sea | See a ee i Vets SY STS Oe Dh ae Se ey Re ee Se See eee so ESS TOURROON AS OSO0IEs SOU IRe ie tee eee Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout”’, gray---.--|--------|------- G6RATO0) 14 2aRie 5 a) ee 25,500) 1,275 BURTON IDASS fags oot 2 oe | ee 12, 460) 1,836] 26,700) 3, 264 Wenite perch) $_ 2. 2222225022 Yellow perch LOVAD oo TAs ie at See 2 ee ee ineismparo, Dip iGee: - 2 Fer ee ot eh ee eae Oysters: Markat,publicpspring] 2202223) 52 kes EE 151, 725 AVIBERGUs DiblG; fabless t es ose ee teak Se 302, 540) NIGLEOE. Drive. SDl0e. 2 aces ne} Eo eae ee on 28, 791 Marat sOrivateyinll cok 2 lbs Ele es 67, 928 SUED TELE STORES 6) a oti ee ee I eae eee 102, 500: SEE yey ayn 0) Phy PAL Re 2 RS he A a ee Se 195, 000 oT LEST Sag Eine gs EE ah ee Lp Eats 211, 583} 12, 251) 5, 126, 184/145, 326) 59,840) 6, 868 3, 480, 929/153, 652 Species James City on King George | King William Pounds| Value |Pownds| Value |Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value oe pea cs ERS oR Me ewe 11, 000 165) ES ee ies 154,600) $1, 590) 2022 3:|Eoe ee EL 2 pe a eS ee eee eee See 10, 000 U1") ES SR Ea EK PER Sern (Pe Re Pree Nye ee Catfish Dative le be eee ee ee 14, 700 512} 1,200 $48] 113,000} 4,730! 2, 400 $96 Mappa eraee tes - 25 ee SR Re ee ee 9, 000 270 |e). eee eee eee eee : 40 ipiieeeemete pte es ROE 5. Se 200 LO esos. ee eee eee ee POL te SS SSC eS ee ee eee 4, 000 160 250 ()] ess ee 300) 15 GHMROTOISN a OLS are re 3 oe kk 9, 000) 180 100 A aes ee le te Bt 100 2 PS ITO Se Tie ESL Vo Gig eee TEESE 8 US Se ee ee (Ue ee 12, 500 Bd ee Se pie tee 1, 200 36 AUT BORE Sn Ok Oe oe es Sa coe waseas|eot ens = 5 | ence (ees 600 30 PS LE (0) as Se as (ee oer ere 113, 100} 14, 634] 17,650) 2,598} 54,887} 5,070) 14,390} 2,158 Shas ne 2 ae le ee ee td) ee eee te) eee ne Eee eee 200 8 Squeteagues or ‘“‘sea trout”’, gray--------- 8, 000 400 900 AG |e eee Ee 1, 000 50 SEUTYent! [aide hie CE ae ee es hy ee Se 24,100) 1,872 500 50) 71,300} 10, 275 800 80 We) Too 1 eR ee OE: eee 6, 200 348 500 25) 66,000) 3, 300 500 25 GUT [aeiel se ee Sm Ai ee ee eee 1, 500 (a1) PE Be tp oN Bs 8, 600 602 600 36 EET LE SS 9A 1 | le ed 18 | (eo ee eee ee 210; QO0)S'2,.625|28) see Sab ee Oysters: Markel, piiblic springs: ! 122 -_ 28. Say Se ea eee ee ae OR4A50) OSES lear er eee TCG ob of MSs AE eR 8 Be DR) Pe |e ee ee ee 28, S50} SiGas ess es ere Market, LUA) SDULEO soso eaten ee ue Peal ee oe ee ee 63, 000) 5, 400 WIRMEOLAREAV ALA) MALLS oe eC eee Sere ON OES Aiba) 2 se Se eke 189, 000} 16, 200 Seed; public, spring. 2222-25... 18, 650 BbO es sae teak = keh k oS ee ee Sead soablic, falls 25 2257203 ls SHBooll Ne LD sees et 2 | See Ns oe ee ae ALLY Cn Sees 2 Sa aS Re oe he ea 266, 600} 20,681) 34,300} 3,193) 716, 187| 33, 152) 275, 090) 24, 176 Species Lancaster Mathews Middlesex Nansemond Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value 2.0 Sak oe a ae fi es erage 2, 742, 800/$25, 769} 18,000) $235)..-..----|------- Bluefish-__-- DIgSOO) ra, O48)0" (GRO00ih? 4360) 422" oa ea ase oe 22) 340 OSI) jek oF i eet 4 Sale aie Me Cae ee Catfish PUEDES oL SEU geo g FSiee a Mai MSS SE cea gy PER EO I SE Sere $64 COVER G Tes 4 Re SO ee Ee ee ee 669, 400) 10,062} 140,900) 2,942 aT. 400} 1,122 LS gS Ee RS SS ER RR Da ait a ffs) es eee 200 j {;) Seer ee eee Pye fie Ht eee 2 38, 500) 1, 552 3, 000 1p |eshs i Be para > Cr TS LOG 2 os NS cle Sa Bead PS (A a) ee ee ee ee LS 3, 600 108 rena Heer es eee to cr 2A 811600] 1, OSB) een ae eee ee 2 a 2 ee | Se ee Jon 2 ee eee eee 14, 820 Sa ee ee |e ae eee ee Sp METS ae st eee | 644, 262) 77, 511\1, 861, 800)245, 010 17, 800} 2,670 28,040) 4, 196 SS Bl ee ae ee eae 75, 300} 2, 262 53, 980} 2, 314 0b, 50022, 800l- 22. ete e Squeteagues or “‘sea trout’’, gray_.--| 348, 000) 10, 469/1, 124, 200} 33,926) 25,300} 1, 091|----_--__|------- aPings 20) ast 5s wares ag Sa ees 13, 200} 1,617! 22,300} 2,676! 17,800) 2,136 500 75 eee pelt jae RE, ESS eee 10, 300 470 7, 000 350 7, 800 332 200 8 rabs: DB Roy (tae ee a ce 3 Fe eg oe 1, 111, 500} 16, 672)1, 182, 000} 14,930) 784,500} 9,806) 70,000) 1,050 Boley, een BR 70° 400| <6,:984|' 17-280)" 1. OB y | eames ome SUE. eae eer ‘Oysters: Market, public, spring 144, 928] 12,422} 67,487) 6,771} 213,640) 24,415) 81,375) 4,650 Market, public, fall_____- 434, 798} 37,268} 189,413] 17,522) 640, 934) 57,865} 389, 725} 22, 310 Market, private, spring -- 390, 586] 33,479} 83,391) 8,278} 135,968) 15,539) 93,625} 5,350 Market, private, fall__........-. 1, 185, 758|101, 636} 222,950) 21,722) 264,929) 22,827} 280,875) 16,050 GGG MU Dit. Knipe ven oe en at SP Sk 11, 500 345) 19, 000 570} 45,000) 1,350 Siecle kwon) Fag ee eel SE ia 34, 500} 1,035) 38,000) 1,140) 142,500) 4,350 fifa) 1:) Re Pelee ee eee 8, 403, 021/397, 995) 2, 449, 271/145, 923)1, 174, 440) 60, 683 264 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Virginia, 1931—Continued CATCH: By count1ES—Continued Species New Kent Norfolk Northampton | Northumberland : Pownds| Value | Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value IAG Wiv eSeeS se se Seo ke Lou 6,500) Mir SISO) eee eae eee 9, 025 $90) 9, 979, 840/$86, 113: Bluelish2 22912222 en ae 56, 133} 2, 959 14, 000 840: Boniton sa). See neh ee ee A0;.699|, 1 '827|_ ===. = ee IBITLenhShot at Paes. ee A ee 1, 349, 734| 54, 489 63, 500} 3, 140 @anp set. 3 Se aoe ah eee ele Oe LG OD PE 4 Gai yes A Sf RE es | eo ee Cattish/andibullheads_2 <2. =... 2220)" ShOOOIWN? '240)c 2 Soe aS ee ea ee Code ees: Oe sae eS See eee 16, 889 337|_-.-= 222s ee Croaker sh ss x22 Seip ss ee 704, 786) 18, 758) 1, 444, 000] 26, 068 Drum: . UES Teh cae ens Se 4, 000 80|.- 2... 2S eee Redtorredhshves.2 2425s haus 1, 824 85)_ Lob). See eee HOS) Ss UMN SE RPE SS Ea oe are os 9, 280 523 5, 600 280° MOTI GSTS ts eee ie be 70, 610) 2, 888 43, 200) 1, 728. Gizzard'shades ooo. dest EGP G00 7 1B0|CS eee fa se el a BRL. USN Re tee cee [eas Ee A ee 2195 Ao) aD) 2 ee a ie 2s ee ETRE VS fis eee se ey ae LE 400 16|.s5 27 eae IG KOrY,S HAGA. oes ad ee || S| ee oe ee eee 36, 600 732: King whiting or “‘kingfish”’ 5, 030 25 2 eR ees Misickerelte ae. miter tan tae es ae 58,696), 3, 522|--2= 22 Se eee Menkad en's: s. 10 eee te ee 1,175 8! 88, 607, 150/287, 524 BMW DOU 2 Reape cles oe eer ate pen Cola, 13, 700 685| Se Pig fishreres is sae ote we ee Te EN eg 400 20 2.5223 SS eee Scup OL DOre Vat = ss sacse eee aoe pene | EeeeD 08.136); 3, 024): 2" Oe ee Seasbassee-cou2 2 eh ee ee 1, 521 69| ~ -16,.178)~— 1,.127|. 2 ee eee Shades se hie sees asl Se a ae nek ete 51,000) 6,808) 79, 500) 11,925) 12,800} 1,536] 1, 884, 750/203, 422 Spanish mackerel a: ee See wee eS a ee ee ee es es 6, 354 608)... | 225 a eee DODO bees ee ah Re ek = EL a 34, 900; 1,396) 51,615) 1,988 3, 000: 120 Squeteagues or “‘sea trout’’: TEEN? ee Re oe Cee 3, 229, 534/100, 537 289, 600} 10, 160 Spothed sos yas) Ne la Cee | ale 3.000)! «1 S00| Ee Sse Be es ee Striped bass 5, 927 780 48, 800} 5, 200: Siumereomte sete eh a Ca eee WR 2801 AG) Le 2 zee oes | ee | Thimble-eyed mackerel --_-_- 24, 092 967|_. 2-2 ee NVihite; perch. 2. k=. Se Re eel! NOOO Te BRiole ee hee ee ee ee ee rabs: 18 (fr ir(0 [pe eR ES RE ape ee 976, 960| 12, 146] 6, 500, 500} 79, 196 Softeeaees Sia) renee oy Sl = eg pee | ee oe | See Ae |e ee & 279, 600} 14, 070: Sauide eye 2: 2 ae aN aA eae 145,438), -4,.363) 22. _2 eee Clams; shard;spublics..eis 8 eee Dee) | ee ee 85, 256)..27, 044|_5_ =< Sates eee Oysters: IVE V el sos} RAY oY bl OL NCO S) oy aval ge Pe oe ee 196, 000} 14, 000 1, 750 140 92,981; 8, 900: Mankets public falls soos ee | Sau Set cig) See cabal ap eer 3, 850) 300 281, 757| 27, 021 Market; privates Springees-- =|] eee ee 315, 000) 22,500) 99,743] 5, 960 20, 069} 2, 103 Market; Drlvateniauer sso ane | ae eee 2 ea 945, 000) 67, 500) 193, 886) 11, 620 60, 613} 6, 343. Soed sa MbMe Stormin es se ee ee a Se eeE | ea 84,830) 2,544)... 22 s\n bee al oe Seodpublic; fall ats fo Se ee are 169).670|:)'5;,090)2.- -- | ee © | ee ea ee Seed private, Springas. ae oe |e een Ee een em ae | ee ne 45,:000).1) 080) 2 se ecos 28 eee Scallops tia eee be ee oe ee eevee © | ae he A eer eal eae 51%, 278) 34 485/45 = eee See MO Gal Sry. eis et ae 93, 040) 8, 594|3, 144, 885|152, 185|7, 856, 178/294, 993109, 655, 560|762, 960° 1 7 a Species Prince George | Princess Anne ne ad Richmond Spotsylvania Pounds| Value | Pownds| Value | Pownds| Value | Pownds| Value | Pounds| Value INOWAVES:- 222 => Shess. = 2 58 10, 000 SIAR | aoe a ahead ae eae 8, 000) $150) 61, 650 $924 8, 000) $100. WB lwetis kis ss See a |e | yee» 5,000) :.,.$400| a2 soce |. UU le ad ES Su er IB intents his -=* oe eee Ee ale 22, 000' BBO |e a beats | ee Ce ee ee Wann het wane The BS SS] el B25 | are [eee ecole een oe 4, 500 180) = oe Soe Catfish and bullheads____| 65,404) 3,259)._..____]_______ 102, 400} 4,096} 12,300 615} 37,000) 1, 480 Groakernrwete es trea pei ge GBs Ayo LOG O00 ISO Gee eae oe 27, 000 810|2222 2 eee lop ESE eae eee 600 7), | Nepiiets Ue es ARS a Lt Pa a, Lee 1, 450 58|- 22 5 oe ees Hlounderse 2-2) eee ee 400 20) 10,000 400| ox ee Lek os | ickorvasbad ois el Pee ae Oe ee Ba em I Aes ane |e eee gs |S Cee 525 20|\..: oe eee BACs heel ah oe shh 8 9, 235} 1,373] 51,000} 7,650) 88,189) 6,760) 14,650} 2,197| 24,300) 2,490 Spanish mackerel ose as ee ee es Se 200 16) ose Se ee Ba ae | BOE = Vee le Bk a Sa a eg oe CE ZU RGO0|) aL, 390| sas saan eee 4, 400 176|.. 322 | Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’: Graven as foes oe Bel po be al SE 29,500 |6 1175 | es a eee oe 3, 350 198) -- = eee SDOued 2 seas eke ae ae Cee eee :8;'500|) 91; 850) Sees | Cee oo bs = Ee ee es Bun pedibassao sa ean e Sits: 2, 124 Pasi apne eeomtes baleg Ey 30, 200} 5,960) 2, 000 $00)222 ae PsA Wihitevperch!. ie 1, 400 5G |e aA ete 19, 800 990 7, 900 503 9, 600 480 NVOILOWADOTC Nate Weel ee Se ete. ets DB bl eee 8 ARGU 2 O22] cm Sees 9, 000) 630. Crabs nar doce ene ee en eneell ads bee DOL TO00 Tt SROles eee ele oe 7, 200 108) 70,000) 1,050 Oysters: Market,public, SDEIN GY = 5 fet ae oe ree Se ea LS ee sey 5 ear | pee oo 2eee| 64, 505/19 210 ae" 22 ee ee Market apubhio stall ota). cree 2a Se aie il eee ra] oem esa enemies | Bae 1939515) 220 01G| 2 ose eee Market, private, yo) esha cE Sa ee PUY A P| (la PRISE) RES | S2400|'5 ol e00laaesse 2c). eee 134, 400) 15,360) 22-2222) aoe Mianket,privateyatall | 4o 2 ee eee ee LO 600 |e 200 | eet | ees 403;'200)) 46; '080)=> = 2-225 | cee Seed, public, spring_-|-...--..|...-_- 10, 000 SOO eee Soc Selb ee ee 2 Eee NOUN eee ee 127, 301| 6, 692! 902, 100] 35, 426] 263, 189] 18, 978] 942, 545] 98, 860! 157,900) 6, 230 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 265 Fisheries of Virginia, 1981—Continued CATCH: By countizs—Continued Species Stafford Surry Warwick Westmoreland York Pounds | Value |Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value Alewives......-.------| 6,000) $185) 7,500} $113} 150,000) $1, 500|2, 266, 800/$15, 411 51,150} $512 i315) CT 2s Seep ea a Fae Cp a) (Aap SE CE Sle ey 2 ES) [eho 76, 800} 4, 608 37, 700) 2, 662 ot ai SPS eS Ee SS eee ee eee eee Bs bValie HAG | sooo Sn 290 10 eee eee 17, 400, Dae| ose comelensn ose 14-400 |)? U000|Es oa cee eee Catiish and bullheads_| 30,500} 1,220} 21, 200 626/easeeee ace 58, 000} 2, 848 3,000) 105. Chitcs 25284 | ee (SS ey ae Sree eee eee iS ae Se lee 424 21 TOTO ete sek ee. etl LE |e dy 5, 100 153} 85,560] 1,772} 34,000 510} 358, 153] 7,728 EDYsre: So. TVO RIGS abe b ake! a QE | RS aia Se ee |e | een ees a een eee 6,420] 257 ican eet RR ee ee ewe in ew ie eee MILE ee oe alee lL lS eal eee 1, 000 60 (Ursvels GY gs SR SE a a ee | Ee eee eS LOZiSPOltes) Sollee one ee ec eo 211, 498) 9, 844 SEAT a INSTR (ae ee ae SRI RS es Lo 10, 400 208 1, 200 | |e) (ee a ee Ee Spent eee 8 0 a a ee ee oe a L472 sty Oe Si se a [Es a 1, 553 33. King whiting or Ran Pose ae es ee | oo See Rd Sh. 2 Ae. 2, 093 (a3 (seer eps Ae ERE Ore 6, 025 194 IPL Dns 3 Se, ee | A |e eee ee eee ee ae ae 2, 000) 10) PS | A A Fe 8 LEVEES ble 5 5. dep ae cee alll ie le rela ee (pee 53 PAPE Ri teeay rate |= Pate 29, 279] 1, 166 Sa Or OT a hae Be eS ee eee 861844305 Sse 2 = cee 3, 282 87 SUAS 2 ig Si ea TO a (el lS! | RO 15, 399 Cie (a PS a De EN i 13, 206] 685 (S077 Conte eee eee 19,173} 1,565) 34,700) 4,164) 130,400) 19,560} 199, 069} 22, 582 88, 600/11, 382. SY SSTCANISL DL TRY ECE Sa sVnel Ngee a ee eR [ik a a eee er | eee [ele mee | ie a Gee 4,900} 490 OB oo Te a NR oe ed | i ie em (rede 100 3S see, Spi ieee sd 107, 000} 4, 114 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea MUR PEA VO ee acne eee kak ee | a 121, 308] 6,051) 148,000) 3,760) 130,309) 5, 106 Buriped DAaASS---— ===. 2 == 2, 400 360} 8, 000 964| 76,200) 9,144) 54,500) 7,080 27, 800) 3, 328 SLAPER EC 0) Cit et tne Nas pl AR a chan cP |e el |S ed 241 48 | dae one cpl 27588 1,459) 197 White perch. ....-..-- 11, 200 560| 4, 700 188 5, 407 215) 20,600) 1,100 63 2 Yellow perch____-_--__- 9, 000 (iB (0) RES oe eS i eee Ee 1, 200 96 2, 000 90 Sea 1 (c\ oe LF ep eee eee e ees) (MES see li le REE i eS 982 178, 000} 2, 225/1, 780, 000) 22, 249) 6, 478, 000/95, 100 NGL = © AN ey eee eee ee eee 7 1.0 | See Bees a ee 858 18 Coe. bard, public. .|-.--2.|s ERR PERO OE RSE eae er |i a | cea Sag a ae eee 285, 520/97, 183 Oysters: Market, public, Tyla Pere shoe | eee lel Eel Fae ele | Pee Ve aa 275, 310] 15,732} 99,400} 12,320) 312, 620/17, 864 Market, public, lille. Des eed eee a appetite leone (ee ane eee 550, 690) 31,468! 297,150) 36,822} 625, 380/35, 736 Market, private, Cryer ae fe A Se | (re eee eee el be eee eee os Risso0 kere leo eee cae lee ae 208, 810)17, 148 Market, private, LV ie ei ee ee eee | ee eee 74, 725} 4,270} 24,745] 3,055) 470, 190/38, 052 Seed, public, ETE Ses (al [eae See) Eee yee |= eee rete Wee BI4, 300244201 522, 465/15, 674 Seed, public, TEEN Ee Me 8 ee Se ee | 1, 628, 700) 48, 861}____- ee hell| ads 24 1, 045, 035/31, 353 Motalaos-e25.2 4 78, 273} 4,470} 109, 000 ine, 948/4, 443, 846/182, 799)5, 074, 664/133, 441/11, 033, 989/396,201 FISHERIES OF THE SOUTH ATLANTIC AND GULF STATES (South Atlantic, area XXIV; Gulf, area X XV) The yield of fishery products in the South Atlantic and Gulf States (North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Missis- sippi, Louisiana, and Texas) during 1931 amounted to 289,309,501 pounds, valued at $8,081,934. This is a decrease of 31 percent in the volume of the catch and 27 percent in its value as compared with the previous year. Of the total catch in 1931, 166,809,600 pounds, valued at $3,393,352, were fish and 122,499,901 pounds, valued at $4,688,582, were shellfish and miscellaneous products. These fisheries gave em- ployment to 23,722 fishermen, or an increase of 1 percent as compared with the previous year. Of the total number of fishermen employed during 1931, 2,895 regular fishermen were engaged on vessels and 16,012 regular and 4,815 casual fishermen were employed in the boat and shore fisheries. Pippy are the numbers given to these areas by the North American Council on Fishery Investi- gations 266 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of the South Atlantic and Gulf States, 1931 SUMMARY OF CATCH Product North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value (Riser nee cee ead Ste ee 93, 332, 707 $828, 700 630, 924 | $57,295 | 1,351, 042 $55, 185 Shelifisheere=- eee ee eee 4, 828, 611 258,858 | 5, 205,988 | 154,162 | 5,998, 771 195, 953 PRO Gal ee esimreebes Abt 2a bs ek 98, 161,318 | 1,087,558 | 5,836,912 | 211,457 | 7,349, 813 251, 138 Product Florida Alabama Mississippi Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value ARS Dee Se ee ee aor cle eee 61, 264, 350 | $1,902,082 | 2,842,702 | $127, 026 1, 372, 865 $49, 452 Shelifishyete 2s 2. eee 22, 789, 496 1,691,380 | 3,325, 098 95, 746 | 21, 612, 457 545, 921 ROCA es ae ane eee ee 84, 053, 846 | 3,593,462 | 6,167,800 | 222,772 | 22, 985, 322 595, 373 Product Louisiana Texas Total Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value TTS 0s, 2 oe eS Seeees ee es 1, 810, 321 $102, 310 4, 204, 689 | $271, 302 | 166, 809, 600 | $3, 398, 352 Shellfishsetes sues. eens 43, 893, 320 1, 228, 024 | 14,846,160 | 518, 538 | 122, 499, 901 4, 688, 582 TOtalese a eee oe sete ee 45, 703, 641 1, 330, 334 | 19, 050, 849 789, 840 | 289, 309, 501 8, 081, 934 OPERATING UNITS: By StTatTEs | North | South Mis- Item Caro- | Caro- | °F] Florida we sissip- | LOU | Texas| Total a Rais gia ama pi siana Num- | Num- Num- | Num- | Num- | Num- Fishermen: Number | ber ber | Number} ber ber ber ber | Number On:vessels ee ee ee 960 39 82 826 134 485 214 155 2, 895 On boats and shore: : Regi ar pee oe 2, 863 871 428 6, 375 450} 1,015} 2,618] 1,392) 16,012 Caswall. tei be 2 arses 1, 425 806 498 1, 156 71 213 254 392 4,815 MRO fae ae aoe eee 5, 248] 1,716) 1,008 8, 357 655| 1,713} 3,086] 1,939) 23,722 Vessels: DS UOSAITa eee teeeepee elle es le ea ROME | ee ed Us foe Se Seen oe 3 ee ee | 1 INGE fONMA COR eee 5s wile eet eee |e G5): fase es NO ee ee eee 65 What arte) i aed AE tee 95 12 26 115 28 127 85 41 529 INeintonnagels se essees 1, 754 170 211 3, 272 322} 1, 683 620 454 8, 486 Pols Ma Te SE Os ae, SATA > G0) eee eS S|) ay, ae ee ee 5 4\S oe Netitonnage:-2= 2— os C4215) eae || 2 oe a 249 [Feet Ss 70 62|-seaeae 936 Total vessels__.__.__-- 155 12 27 119 28 132 89 41 603 Total net tonnage-__- 2, 309 17 276 3, 521 322] ies 682 454 9, 487 Boats INO} FO) OE ey gS TEES Ss 1, 326 104 149 2, 401 175 327 928 444 5, 854 Ojai ose ee eee eee ee 1, 563 989 486 3, 295 188 499| 1, 074 489 8, 583 Accessory boats_...------------ 93 BO) sets a 2) eA ee Pe ee ee 175 Apparatus: Purse seines: Menhaden--_-___-__-___-- 43 | eee 1 [5] (ere 2 ee SR eel ps 49 Length, yards---_-_-_- ORG ees es 300 1,440|Ge. oe Bei ee Se ee En ee 12, 485 CO Hid aVer oiihe OES SES can. ee Pe gS ee) | gears ANS eel ES aE eed 8) ee see 2 Length, yards--_---- 7 |e peeve ry eee Me 10,0) [pe eer (Ee Fe | ee | 475 Haul seines: Commons 2 tease ee 474 21 13 128 6 18 143 59 857 Length, yards---_-_-- 71, 696] 2,830) 1, 430 43, 660} 3,900) 4,045) 17,995) 10,000) 155, 556 Nb cr0teph Me eet AH ey ee it) EA ee LE Bly oe) S| ae ee oe Lee BE st SAK OE ot 131 Length, yards_-___- 54 SOO eee DRS ORE Gas400| e228 eee wee es see. 118, 200 Gill nets: Anchoress pie oe vee 2 1, 882 365 14 AD os he oo Reale a Be eee 2, 273 Square yards--_____- 1, 018, 380)131, 100) 3, 800 SNG00| eo 2 Bape Se 0 a eee | 1, 162, 880 Drifter ee ee 348 502 118 WLS). = 3 k|22 5 ee ee 1, 083 Square yards-_____- 40116491447,50117545)700) 167; (650|_ 22-2 | Sane Sees ee ee 1, 071, 500 Jgybuatzbeoyonoyo lea hee te ee 205 Mi 8 2, 607| = 26 2a | See ee eee 102 2, 859 Square yards. -_____ 94,300} !'1:800))", 2; 46012; 789, 002)2) us S)b sce ew ERe es 23, 279}2, 910, 841 Stakes: Seems a eee 2s 2 (Ao Ve eee 85 3 22| 2 eee 391 7,815 Square yards. -___--- 674,235). 22-2. 46, 230 1; 500), 93,/b00/22 oe Seu eee 97,172) 822, 637 ‘Tramme) Nets een 5 je a ee | Ow 187 65 46 61 81 440 RLUATO Sy ear CSS er see | Ee ee ee a a 117, 875] 21, 063! 15, 353] 16,050! 27,003) 197, 344 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 267 Fisheries of the South Atlantic and Gulf States, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By StatEs—Continued North |South- Mis- : Item Caro- | Caro- | FF | Florida ey sissip- ee, Texas| Total lina lina gia Ee pi ere Apparatus—Continued Number | Num-| Num-| Number | Num-| Num-| Num-| Num-| Number Lines: ber ber ber ber ber ber iS Cees [Oe Se ee el Ee 76 160! 2 t53 1, 702 141 162 156 461 2, 858 Hooks=22e 3. se. 302 620) 222222 2, 913 249 188 161 667 5, 000 1b) ee a ae Neha ees eee 1, 241 ?) ee See 6 1, 270 Hooksie- .- eee = 21) se sek eeooes 1, 649 Al eee | Sassen 6 1, 678 Trot with baits or eNOOdS ek St * Bee Se 206 6 23 5 18 47 333 29 667 Baits or snoods-__--- 159, 750) 4,500) 7, 100 840} 3,025) 11, 996] 69,060} 3,670) 259, 941 Trot with hooks_------- je ae 266 Cp) eee 34 571 1500) <5 et ee ee 1 200|/ eae. 5,050) 117, 100) 18, 550)_-__--_- 300; 4,970) 147,170 MOENGINOUS 4825, 22s i papi |e Saat Ae tt ren Wee nce Poe meas , 282 AW te ee oe Se ey he 4 3 Be mali he ee SS A 1 ee a RN Se Tree 2 UC GAR eS = ee See OA eee tS ies | eee eae. Fle ee oe Ue 24 SP GTR TG) CE ee Be SPREE! Eo ae aS) es em ea ee | See ai er ee oe Se 8 SS COUTERT GS EN CAS eh es oer on |) a it ashi nee 122500] ee = |e ae a ee 12, 500 five metsec 2: ot eS AES 950) 5555 Ss 40 50 117 eee OSS ae a EF 1, 162 Dip nets: COTTON 2 236s oe! pele See cee 64) bo | Boe Jan eS ee ee 258 TET) Vesela Ne ie Ne | a NS Rae) Deas Ba AG ISON. 135 (iiey715| ees 1, 901 CER] Den SE eS ORE A eae Bee re 12 a) ES aes 60 1622s 106 Otter trawls: Rouniiere ster > Eee CUA 2p Be 5 | SES | ED ea ee [ieee ed eR elke eS 4 Yards at mouth_--__ ELS eS AT OE! | AC aE) (Se | Ne Pe flee 74 SUE sey epee eS ee 39 60) 165 383 137 335 838 294 2, 251 ae Yards at mouth---_- 727| +1, 260) 3,300 7,121) 1,778) 4,226) 10,720) 4,318) 33,450 ots: “OD LSE As Gps ges ee eee eee 10 eA S |S eee | ee eee eee 1, 453 (OTs Oe ee er RE TRG (| PS Ol Ue | eae (ieee cea PS BPR IY See Sa 1, 321 AES gee eee ea eens | a AE SoS AS 240 |e Ee ee Rae eee ees 4, 240 Reacrnwinhe2 se eegae. oe or cia ao eS 2 1ViG | ase See (eS pss) ee es | ees 2, 073 nous. ee tye dS 30 (ileoee Be 27 65| Sse ee 168 336 Dredges: AMUPLT 2B FSR SESE SEs St i eg |e oe | es eee al We Fete Sats ef ee il NOD pD ype Se Se eee TUB esc atines |emes A B8 R a TS ie i es PA 1 a ae 115 Yards at mouth__--__ CYRSS ie AN Se et Eh ee | | 143 Sustar were ge eet 210 1) ea 2 Aa Is a aa 314 36 30 591 Yards at mouth_-_-_- 213 Mya SS Ne Ee oa ek 315 36 29 594 Bealinpe cee tae ved ee 1 | Moe el ee SS Se Ie NL Re Re a 201 Yards at mouth_-_-_- I AS, | eee (Ce a 7) GS al | sees | |S Re Oe ee 201 2, 334 589 47 427 eOrPEIA SCOUTS =) oe = see aias Se ne | aes a 2 PIGREHABDDILO teers aes [loeb es: | eee Re: 2 302 IDiviInP ApNArAuIS = 25.2 co] te oe ee ee aoe 55 CATCH: By STATES Species North Carolina | South Carolina Georgia FISH Pounds | Value | Pownds | Value | Pounds | Value LNG 8 eee ee eee eee ee Ie TR Prt Sy cate eS ee aD a ep eae OSD 1 ot 4 ie ip es 5 ES Le ee Se (2 Eg SA slap Te A Ee Ses eam a ee OPTS 28 Rs | pees oe Dena a ge a Rs Sea CS estint nse ese del ee Sai) ee eee ae Catfish and bullheads TONG the Oe eee il CS ae Drum, red or redfish Lu GUE plete: yt her play RS eRe Spht lk Ree ee ee UEICLOR occ se ener aa pment P CTE TEs Te a Etre pave ts (eT SS es ae a Harvestfish or ‘‘starfish’’ - Hickory shad 5, 653 565} 14,000) 1, 020 Fein whiting Ore kingtisn 2 ee 181, 100 5, 396} 15,700} 1,257} 35,000) 1,440 WEGHIACOTE oe eee meme se ene) eGR 2 te 67, 87.7; 400)” “04,006 nee eee. = 869, 048) 2, 463 TE GE EE ee 2 BO eS eee eee 2, 123,650} 43,952) 240,000} 12,000) 76,500) 4, 185 210 iT) EA ae SES 4 of Be ee ae ee , 300 PGR he i Pe A be ae eee Lee ine all ti5 7) Ue ee ae a ne ae 6, 450 Li oa 2 | Sees eee ee BATITISD OF SRUIOES COIICGs tou ese ons cn ot ae 20, 800 vali As Bead =| wet hee |e eee (eee ae ERIE TG oe ete teen a ee ee 100 CA (TR | ES DENS sale (eee 1 aa ee ee Re oe ee Se ee 500 AE Soe ee Eee ee eee 268 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of the South Atlantic and Gulf States, 1931—Continued CATCH: By States—Continued Species North Carolina | South Carolina Georgia FIsH—continued Pounds Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value GOD ASS HE Cea uh ere Sea at ye pe WEL RE a 157,000} $5,910} 150, 000) $6, 450 1, 000 $40 Shah 4 Seis he the ee a Fe ie 883, 375) 139,409) 151, 556) 30,311) 132, 294) 33, 073 Sharks S20 eas ae avast 25 Leek a ed A be OR |e as 5, 000) 100). --=- aie Sheepsheade.. osx. See eal! ea 3, 700) 160|t2222. s.:)|2..2-24|. eee ee Snapper redo. sas 25 7 Sie os WR De ae ee 1, 500 30) -2 0. 2. oo == |e Spanishimackerelee se sae eee 84, 250 6)'332).2%_ 2.22 ]-.. 2.| Le a SPOl eee Maced ia es TSS ee Pk 1, 715, 400 25, 754 9, 000 270 3, 700 104 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’: A eee a ee A ke eS eee 2, 994, 200] 103, 926 3, 500: 240): Pec | See SPOULOGIE Seay wks Liye aie Ree Be ete ek 1, 108,350} 65, 537 15, 000) 1, 320 10, 000 880 StUPEGROASSus-) wr a De el ae Se ee ae 326, 510 34, :526)...=-==-|- 3. -=22 |e eee Sturceon see eae ee ae aie ae! Sree 1, 000 240) 27,485) 4,325 2, 000 700 TICK ONS aie 8 Usual As wea bac bene nas a A 9, 300 186)..--2 242i... 22.2| Le SUMS Hes Se eS OSs oT RDS SR ene eeet wy 7, 900 160) b=. | | Ee Wihitesperch-<= sees) 0 US Eee See SS 327, 650 13025)2. 2: == 42|5--22 2) eee ello wa PORCH se ane a. es ae Tet ee ae Nos Oat 83, 150 3,:490|--22 32-2 -- 2/2 ee To Gal 44 eyo TR ee ve, ee 93, 332, 707) 828,700} 630,924! 57, 295/1, 351, 042) 55, 185 SHELLFISH, ETC Crabs: Tear plo 8 Say 2 es a eee 1,851,829] 25,211} 20,000 600} 209, 250} 3,139 SOlpe See ese ee ne Sin eed | eee ee ees 5S 2 kd 310, 594 46; '586| 2. 2-5 :|2-.2.52| sete eee SNPs See ee ae Cee eee ems ee ee eo 338, 273 13, eee 635, 336} 91, 167/5, 471, 063/180, 583 Wlams; shards pub licya= eee eee nee eee nee 3325344 |e S0 07 0| eee eel eee 1, 200 150 Oysters: 3 Market public. springs - eee ee ee 894, 041 55, 037} 910,359} 22, 948)-._-._-_-|------- Marketspublicwiallees 0 cers. ee ees 606,530] 37,024): 545, 351] 105 826/22 see ae eee Market, private, spring_......._____- be to AS She Se S| ee ae 752, 189} 17,797| 210,714) 4, 640 Market privatentallsye os) a wie Roe a eee | ae Gs 331,903) 9,105} 97,052) 4,611 PCOMODS MDAV sae ee eee ee ee Besar ae 495,000) ..50;250)-- 2. ||. =. S| ee CTO DUIS see ee oS Oe ew a Rees d|ld Taleeheh Dpll pan ge 5, 000 500| 22:0: 4st |S aeeeeee Merrapiatdiamond-backer:s=/ ie tee ea EL ee ee aS a 5, 850} 1, 219 9,492) 2,830 ANG LZ 5 Fit RRR Na te PR a, Cee ee See 4,828,611] 258, 858/5, 205, 988/154, 162/5, 998, 771)195, 953 Grand totale 2s ees hes 2) an ka eee 98, 161, 318'1, 087, 558)5, 836, 912/211, 457/7, 349, 813/251, 138 Species Florida Alabama Mississippi FISH Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value| Pownds | Value PIO WAVOSE =: oe nice eee SR ema eT 320)'586|, -$1,606|_2-2_---- |---| ee eee AD er aC ks-!4- Ae es a eS Le Lae Oe OO 6, 420 194). 3h <. 2 )..|5. 52 52| lee ee iB arrachidaes 24s alka eee Saad eb Pee Wala oes, 18, 720 749). Vas |e ee es Black asses eh eT a Ae een) ee 2 Pe) 423. 559|. \88,967|.-2.---.|).-92+¢|s =e ee TE PEG vats) al? La esa ks BRUCE eee Se ae en 1, 208, 255 63, 679 34, 875) $1, 518 18, 358 $834 Bluemunneryorharitaile.-. teen eee ee 220, 057 7, 287 3, 040 66-2 ee eee Leyayauh fo) see Se ks be eres ee he Ses eS ea ata 550 8) .<--=--2|o 22> 2 |S. 5 ee ee BUTT ATOTISHE eC eee ae et Te Ee ere ren aN a ee bd | em i 44, 806) 2, 037 9, 196 502 Cabiovoricrabieaterses co. Dae aes Bee 9, 513 226 550 15 385 14 Catfishvard) bulliheadshes 26 ese aes eek ee 3, 449, 427] 146,017} 142,773] 6, 489 52, 462) 2, 008 Cero eet ie Oa. CLE Ae | PE 2, 310 84) >... ASSN ies) Le ONEEANG ats) o VCR IS Re EA Tie Rd ag 8 Se ee ae 35, 840 81 [tt gs ee | =| ase ee ee CHTEEY 0) ah Le) AN ts SOE ee AAS AON 720) 7s OG sees aoe sl ees | ee POEMS Fie Wrovalleucs set Sed, «nee AOL ain Fe awed 69, 573 1, 591 4, 995 91 5, 793 106 roakere Ci gh ake LS oe Lek RE OI 2 RN SN 46, 665 882 40, 871 748 11, 941 326 Drum: Blacks! == 322 ee} eee AS bok See et ae 27, 919 531 2, 446 51 15, 720 432 Redtonrined fishy 050 is. Saris eee ease ae Si 1, 049, 393) 21,320) 61,826) 2,084 99, 518) 3,618 DO) Leia Soa 5 Se iene Ste ie ee eee gat 3, 344 40 ee Be ee nana os oan eee ee Wound ers! ete ee ee Te ee eS 87, 138 3, 202 32,041} 2, 205 61,171] 3,929 rou perseee elo OP ee Tae inet 2,612,515) 68,050) 107,876) 3,039 24, 092 623 GETITITS Ee MRE RT AA Se Oe RE NEY ES 20, 574 451 118 | ee a ee mUckoryeshadeecs 20 ook Mie 2 ee a ea ae 25, 248 768|)2.3--5--l.-.-=. | 1 Statistics on hard crabs used in this table are based on yields of 3 pounds per dozen in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia; 4.104 pounds in Florida; 7 6 pounds in Louisiana. pounds in Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas; and 2 Statistics on hard clams used in this table are based on yields of 8 pounds of meats per bushel in all States. 8 Statistics on market oysters used in this table are based on yields of 5.97 pounds of meats per bushel in North Carolina, 5.07 in South Carolina, 6.24 in Georgia, 3.46 in Florida, 2.55 in Alabama, 2.53 in Mississippi, 3.92 in Louisiana, and 5.18 in Texas. FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 269 Fisheries of the South Atlantic and Gulf States, 1931—Continued CATCH: By Statrs—Continued Species Florida Alabama Mississippi FIsH—continued Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value IR Roos oe RE Ss 2 SS ee ee ee 9, 564 DL dee ee Beers Nas 690 $17 Banpnsh onwkine mackerel” =. =._...-----+_-.__- 3, 414, 904] 164, 234 1, 320 S$60|E- 2-=- =| Monpawhitine or “kingfish’*=. 22... =. 2e.2.2-.25-2 206, 375 5, 549] 10,819 281 6, 404 175 Trg US eS ee ee ee eee ee 2, 878 Arig] Sa ESS (SES a Fs ee TAG ee ne ee 8, 156,040} 21, 139 3, 548 (A ee eS DMC TAS ae a SS EE RE ee etna 06 aT 0] ee rea ee ee a ee Pee Dail Gia s8: 2 ee AS ee ers 22, 349, 788 420, 031}1, 316, 274) 37,524) 746,095) 19, 381 DSU UPG VIR LS = 22S Se a ee ee ee eee 35, 664 1) B03 | Sos see aes | ee ee eee Cee BARRE SHIDGSDOON Dll Cabs cts. Soon ee ee ORE ee eae ee 2, 403 LOG): 2 | Se ee LES 0eE Sait 7 2S a en Oe ee U0) Le LEIS trl) Nor ee pe ee Ses ne See rae Pinfish or sailors choice TES EP TUE Ee en eo SEE i Ee Re cee ee See TUS A Se, Ce eee eee eee “EES LOTS So ibe es 8 oe eee ee eer Leys |e 5 at ee BBArKS 2) Se0s 25 < - Sheepshead Snapper: Loy P OHS ON nds Ae pegs SER ee eh ee ee 114, 460) 3; 201| 2 Sie oe eS ee ee eee E310 RR ae ES Se ee 'Y aoe s SOS ek ee 4, 504, 850} 298, 474] 863, 201) 60, 430 68, 236) 4,777 BMOnaOn SArpeanbiSueer = 2 een es hee ae 263, 758 0) S60) 5. 2 Se os ae | eee SOC SGT Fishel out ees Jp RN Sd 2 ae pe eee ee 533 LO) stn ee oe ol aes oe eee DDT iar ec Silt) ER SS ee ee ee 4,835,414) 198,192} 12,953 470 1, 303 40 bo Rislewe 2 ee Se ee nee 131, 727 2, 838) 783 20| 2222-2 a2. |Rexseee Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’: Ripper reme ey ere 6 hg: Cenk et Re oe es Me Im he 23, 734 1, 085 7, 728 256 95, 713) 2,612 She DiGi ol 21h A Ee Se ee ec eres See ep kaes 2, 982,912} 164,479} 101,533) 6,972 120, 296} 8, 748 Sra Ties ees ene 8 aE ee EN es Lela 14, 734 POSE SLO TB4 Ws 613) ss ee oe ees EUTSTOSSS ai cy Se i a ep ee er es 591, 325 U4 |e. See 28 eee ee | eee Mibn papndiens! 46s 2 eet ee Eee os ct 116, 221 2, 585 315 6 2, 425 48 pel lGhar leas ee = es Fe eee 1, 708 32 71 3 484 22 Eo [8 oe - 9-2 ae eee ng aE a 340 S| hoe ee | eee ee | a ee a MUM f irinll. 2 Roo Be EE eee ee eee mete ae eek 103, 794 Gre71G| See ee | te ee | eed CARED 29) USD oe te Se ae eee eee 61, 264, 350}1, 902, 082|2, 842, 702/127, 026] 1, 372, 865] 49, 452 SHELLFISH, ETC Crabs: La tivy gli. + 2° aie igi Sol be gata ee ae ee ene 60, 535 2, 823 78,358) 1,062) 454,381) 7,076 SO) (tL. Uk Ra ets Be Re BE ee ee | (aera LE eee 1, 164 254 4,592) 1,228 [S1OTEIG i, 2 22 Ma aS Res eee ee 2 ed Se ea S| 142, 837 2) ee ee eee ee Ee eee ee Sea crawfish or spiny lobster_____---_----.-------- 455, 0041.) 4500) 22. so oe |e eee ae Ti EOD ope. aE Le ie Sees: in pe Se ee 18, 852, 822 682, 658/2, 475, 200! 65, 676/17, 715, 590/393, 774 Clams: UTC (CPE LEV EES so aS 2 NURS 9 Sa = 5, 740 CE ee aaah | eh ge | A gs De (ERIK. aCe oe, es ae ees Pe ee 7 oe YL le aorta eee oe fae eel eng Se ae ee yee (Of etl ae Pee, SS os eee Sota 3, 500 ORG eae ae. es Seeral ae ee | eae Oysters: # NirarkeL public. Spring. - 5.5. 28--S-nan ane ee 683, 895} 44,993) 521,307) 18, 236) 2, 679, 761/110, 798 Markety public; fal: 2) 3)2) acs. ioe 799, 975 58, 699} 224,498] 8, 622 758, 133} 33, 045 Market private, Spring: - 208s 222.- 22s -2u 146, 260 Mankebs private, falls - 222 22-2-0-.... eas 118, 646 SCPC) 2 a ee ee 13, 526 Lin = eS --| 104,336 Somer er eel snONG-DAGCK . 2 -S=52- 22 oe eee ee es eee en Turtles: (oO Die, eR ee ee es oe eee ee See 31, 086 LB SOG == eae ae | Oe ele MUS ISG) at ee ee eae 8,2 14, 690 | ES a ae A ee ed Sponges: Canpii is 2 WN Ep be See RE eee ee ee ae 1332680) ai. 26, bonita ae loc e ewe ee eee socalled Tall eee S ey (oe OE. Se ee B11 GOSH Ol Masia = Se 2S Se ee ee are GIL. Le ee ee eee 190 (01) Sa eee ee 7 ale OE eS re OD Wik... - Se Se eS eee ee 12, 514 pL) 31 | kaa UG, gene a el (gt WOLD Se ee ee 118, 177 45660) States «2 sabge Melero 282 ee ae GMS 2 oan ee ey ne tan op 22, 789, 496/1, 691, 380/3, 325, 098) 95, 746/21, 612, 457/545, 921 GREATIOM OLA ee ee Se fa scarce 84, 053, 84613, 593, 462/6, 167, 800/222, 772/22, 985, 322/595, 373 1 Statistics on hard crabs used in this table are based on yields of 3 pounds per dozen in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia; 4.104 pounds in Florida; 7 pounds in Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas, and 6 pounds in Louisiana. ? Statistics on hard clams used in this table are based on yields of 8 pounds of meats per bushel in all States ’ Statistics on market oysters used in this table are based on yields of 5.97 pounds of meats per bushel in North Carolina, 5.07 in South Carolina, 6.24 in Georgia, 3.46 in Florida, 2.55 in Alabama, 2.53 in Mississippi, 3.92 in Louisiana, and 5.18 in Texas. 270 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES & Fisheries of the South Atlantic and Gulf States, 1931—Continued CATCH: By States—Continued Species Louisiana Texas Total Pounds Value | Pounds | Value| Pounds Value TATGW IV CS @ae st S282 P a aS sil a La inde A ca ats pannel ile he ues 2a |e 8, 314, 136) $82, $29 AMD er] HGke oa 25 Aa: Dada 3.< MNS oe RE SIONS is RS el ee 6, 420 194 IBArrACura eee Aus seers st OE a DA ae ee ao SR alle ae etl ee, Vue eee 18, 720 749 NSTC AS toe Sek Psa a ra Pe 2 a ed a ie aN Lary a em 481, 431 44, 753 Bluefish 22 s2 35 Se ea bd ge oles Ae se Se A eh 2,640) $144) 1,942, 758 83, 763 Blueirunnerjor Wardtailliss sc Stes Sis ea ee ON eee ee ae be Selle ee 223, 097 7, 342 BOnCO ese a a Se ae PI AE Re ede Ue ed ee S| eee a Seas 550 8. AE YO} ) ib 0s tee ae heh eS Ley Foie ACE 2. A IES | 0 eee | pees Ue eee re Se eee 9, 650 96 TEES UE Sy EV eae SM 2a er fel g ee age clea eo Py Pe et | 54, 002 2, 539 SUPE LIS aes Meee A Ie ey AE Oe eee Oe A eee oe 2 303, 700: 5, 173. CabiorOr Crab Caters fake se Sa oo 5 Se ee SIR Oe aso gy Ph ee 10, 448 255 Carpi sess Soba Se eee ee i SUL eee bag Sor Ae aes. SA Sa eS 9 eae 260, 200 15, 351 Catfish and. bullheads:22 2 le eS 83, 630} $2, 193 94,682) 3,469] 4,297,874) 182,022. Genoese 3 ae ence eh Ok Ses kB ee ee eh a eas Se gia 7,310 484 Gigante 2 he Oeil 2 ee wall: 5e ce NP RIS di ee ee Del eek ony ae sn nls Se Ae al 35, 840: 819 Crappie=s-255-222 4 SR MTR SS cid |W ear | ees Vig alle eee ea Bae ye 489, 721 17, 516 @roevalle-< 225-4 Lo Bee ES Pe 150 9 385 7 80, 896 1, 804 erpake BRN eka ee 0 Se Oils Ae SARS Se bic 58, 830 3, 216 34, 275) 1,246] 4,511, 182 63, 384 rum: VER Eee oe es a Se eee ee ew 179, 166 5, 457] 1, 1386, 120} 32,162} 1,361,371 38, 633 MeGborredhshta eas Jer Lee! Be 369, 443] 22,322) 863, 539) 63,214} 2,534,619} 115, 180: UB) OL Eee et Nie SL Be heh eS ye EE TE Ue Rel ee ee Sen eee 117, 044 6, 814 MIGUNIGerss32 20S See Eber e oe ee Lean 28, 935 2, 158 74,745] 6,995] 1,312, 230 95, 266 Garfis eae Rey Se a ee Ek es BE El 500 40)2 3a Sa eee eee es 500 40. Gizzard shad---__-- Se SEES Pas SR ae Se UR SA ie ee NS ke | 34, 300; 343 (QOH OLE OTe) eh OE ee Ot ae a Se eet 4, 170| 125 45, 831] 1,367) 2,794, 484 73, 204 GREETS ure ee fae ORE 8 Ot a a oA ais SB ree RN 0 et |e 20, 692) 455. Fen VeESttsnTOl + Staniisia: 2 3 eke AM et A APR I Sus ee 10 Ae Re de ey 48, 400 968 Ieiekonysshnd G2 Sea 2 2G ea c= = ag 2 Oe ee 237, 001 8, 220: VOWS ited 22-5 ST sh ee ee Sse de he rer 17, 579 491 ikeinprishtor kine pm ackeneh. 2222 ee Seed ee 3, 419, 964) 164, 480 Rane. whiting on kine tishys:- 2220 bee eee 524, 903 15, 796 Ladyfish 2, 878 57 Menhaden 76, 906, 036) 117, 869 Mojarro 71, 806 1, 610 Mile took ses 2 OS end ee es Ee 26, 864, 797) 537, 461 Muttonfish 35, 664 1, 303 Paddlefish or spoonbill cat 2, 403 109 Renin fase nse rp abe mee ae SR RES BIO | (ak Us RR (EL AE hh aa Se as a Ye 4, 730 60 Pig fish Soe strat (o's PED ss a a Ie | eas ee 2 eo eee 85, 596 1, 387 Pikeiormpickerel 28s. yeas as ATF Saye ey (EE as OY | ued, TUE oe rae bo a 6, 450 506 Pintishyor-Sailors Choice: ess = 45 sss a ae otc en ee Peeaee seal ee en 66, 858 1, 413 IPompangs sae sare eks oe ee Ae. 1, 049 138 8,558) 1, 167 572, 948} 103, 889 IE OL RIBS see an SS ec EAN ee IS eR ONE Cl Ae aa Sn ee eee hem oe Eee 46, 510 1, 140 Retake | OF fa alae EDs We RR TS SNE a NR Be gk SIE ee SP lige AA 411, 217 17, 425 Shadiat false ilies ells 252 es he AR ee Ss eee ee Se ees 1, 788, 100} 286, 468 Sharks ve ees 2h i Viele ae Se eae een 20, 000; Ae ee DN fe ee 970, 000: 3, 260 Sheepshead? «2== 226-22 ee eee in ee 133, 618 7, 74 46,967) 2,411] 1,062, 338 26, 281 Snapper: IA EW Fd fc TI a eg TNL a ae | PS Det AR apr | Be eh ee a Ud ed 114, 460 3, 201 Redes. sas NA oF 2 a ay 78, 835 5,518} 690, 664) 55,252) 6, 207, 286) 424, 481 Snooker serrean tists 225 REST | ee ee ee 34, 430) 1, 254 298, 188 7,114 Spadehshyy wes sel lhe ST SAE A TS UY ag SON ee eae eect a ae ee 533 10° Spanishtmackerel] 2-222 = 25 eee 900 36 63, 205) 2,361} 4,998,025) 207, 431 Spoterssss Sew hs eh el a TY 10, 475 300 esha thoes] |baemeoe 1, 871, 085 29, 295 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’: 1 es NS DNs RE | EC NE CE Hal) BhivG Gohl 6.2054 ae aoe eee 8, 432,430) 114, 334 Spotiedess 222i cae te: Fe ae eee 459,615] 44, 847) 1, 088, 738] 99,382} 5,881,444) 392, 165 Striped Pass 2-222 heed La a ea 2 Oe carn Pale eee oa ase oe ae eee 326, 510 34, 526 BUUreeore tech Soe yl Gy ee See BB ee ae ge ge | | 60, 303 7, 864 Suckerseceo2 5252 SoS eas a aS a Sa Ne rey oe | Eo 9, 300 186 ISREGGY EIS) 01 cape espa am NP ETA 3 Sa | a Ay MP es PE PY a Fe ha 599, 225 17, 874 ANON OUN GOR: Une eee Sa 2 Te a ell eee ee eee 118, 961 2, 639 Mripletailss 2222 toe eel ek ioe Se ey 5, 300 2,0 eee ee hele a8 7, 563 339° PRI HO GE = oo He LSC es aE Se ca DR het Eg yg |e Peel 2] ce ee 340 3 Ni VA oud ENG 01s) (6 eee ag ve eh Maa eS ag SE a De GE ge |S te ee 327, 650 13, 025 MELLOW DELO: = tae ee ee Ue ee SU Ee es ee | oboe sates |e 83, 150 3, 490 PRCT Cp Cae tea Pi Mee I eT SA AO RIE | a ae (AE eg ALLE Pa ae 103, 794 6, 716 Total ye eee ge PE oh pels Pee ee 1, 810, 321 102, 310 4, 204, 689|271, 302) 166, 809, 600) 3, 393, 352: ——— FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 201 Fisheries of the South Atlantic and Gulf States, 1931—Continued CATCH: By Stares—Continued Species Louisiana Texas Total SHELLFISH, ETC. Crabs: : Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value| Pounds Value TEN et 2S SE Ree eee eer 4, 985, 280) $52, 859 49, 455) $1,015 7, 709, 088| $93, 785 Gh eS Oe 2 eet SER ae ae eee 120; 784||" 745,202) = 22s sie 437, 134 93, 360 COT ERE as De BR i poe ese le Be ORL ST [eee ee ee | | eS ER oy 142, 837 9, 589 Sea crawfish or spiny lobster Eid Pa eae et ST ay || SR Aes | ee 455, 907 41, 530 SLT! Tye tgs See es ee ee ee ee 35, 148, 226/844, 061 |13, 814, 373/458, 152) 96, 450, 883) 2, 730, 046 Clams: CUSTER A SE SL MS NS a BR | Se ee Sit (ge Ree | eet re el re 5, 740 48 Teit3 Soy ELE aR a eee BRS SO aS ee ee See ee ee ee ee 1, 127, 864 66, 710 NET noe ohn Se eek Oe a a ee oe |e ee ees 3, 500 280 Oysters: 5 Market, public, spring__,--------------- 268, 092} 12,863) 405,627| 26,762) 6,363,082} 291, 637 Markets public; falls 2. 25. a oe es 222,996) 10,863] 576, 705] 32,609} 3,734,188} 191, 688 Market, private, spring--....------------ 11602) 337" 1387880|=2--22 2222/02 32 - 2, 805, 036; 170, 433 Markel private; (alle 2-2 2-2 2228S TANG 473i LIGE260| 2s |e 1, 973, 454) 140,622 “SLES UEL Sy ONS LEE A sie sa is oy DS i ea a be pn oe bleak 508, 526 51, 174 Over aries SESS SNES Se ee Ee ee a eee Ee eee eee! eee 5, 000) 500 LO dfegsy 2 SRE Bes ar 2 ee eee do eee Se eee WIN Ny ee Te Oe ee 104, 336 12, 520 Werrapim, Giamond-back= =. 2-c-=...22-522-- 21, 312 6; 390)2 = - Se ee 38, 309 10, 935 Turtles: CUPP NT ESS SE Oe || ee ae, el eee mn SSeS Eee ee ee 31, 086 1, 896 TS IVEY GEG |e 5 cE elie eral ee ee 27, 820 656 |Eecs 3. we. eee 27, 820 556 SCs Sek oe a (eee ee cee |e Ans a! hy |e ee 14, 690 233 Sponges: (Ea eo 2 SI eee ee eae en SS, 118, 580 26, 127 MEER PS OOo so ee ares er eee 311,960} 701, 168 PURO eee ae = = ae SR Sh Ie 190 AVA ees sits on ea cy Se een 12, 514 4, 986 Pare Gogh tere a ae See Se eee 118, 177 48, 660 ANG 21 2 te MAREE See an ee eee 43, 893, 320|1, 228, 024/14, 846, 160/518, 538] 122, 499, 901] 4, 688, 582 (Segereca | a 11a Rs EE eee eee 45, 703, 641/1, 330, 334/19, 050, 849|789, 840) 289, 309, 501) 8, 081, 934 1 Statistics on hard crabs used in this table are based on yields of 3 pounds per dozen in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia; 4.104 pounds in Florida; 7 pounds in Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas; and 6 pounds in Louisiana. , 2 Etauetice on hard clams used in this table are based on yields of 8 pounds of meats per bushel in all tates. 3 Statistics on market oysters used in this table are based on yields of 5.97 pounds of meats per bushel in North Carolina, 5.07 in South Carolina, 6.24 in Georgia, 3.46 in Florida, 2.55 in Alabama, 2.53 in Mississippi, 3.92 in Louisiana, and 5.18 in Texas. PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN SHELLFISH IN NUMBER AND BUSHELS Product North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Crabs: Quantity Value | Quantity| Value | Quantity; Value errant to Ee number--| 7,407,316 | $25, 211 80, 000 $600 | 837, 000 $3, 189 SU) li: ee A ee ee do_.--| 1, 242, 376 AG OSG) he ao 25k Ene Ss Sa ee as Sees Clams, hard, public. -_-.-------- bushels_- 41, 543 Bi eo Sees | ee ee 150 150 Oysters: Market, public, spring_------- de= 149, 756 65, 037 | 179, 558 B2nO48 eee eae eee ee Market, public, fall.......--- Mo. 5 101, 596 37,024 | 107, 564 TOSS26s (eS Se ee ee Market, private, spring------- Go.2t i |b tee ee eee 17, 797 33, 768 4, 640 Market, private, fall___..-_--- ( [cen eer Sel | Se eee 9, 105 15, 553 4, 611 ERIG TIS Min yee: 2. oe 2 SSR Los dos 90! ODD) | 208250 pea ee es er a ales ee eo Product Florida Alabama Mississippi Crabs: Quantity | Value | Quantity| Value | Quantity| Value ISI G eees cane et ee oa number-_-| 177, 004 $2, 823 134, 384 $1,062 | 779, 263 $7, 076 Otte 22. = ee es ee 0 (6 SS EE [ee 3, 492 254 13, 776 1, 228 @lams, hard;‘publics2-f2c22_.._- bushels_.| 99, 290 BD 7 Ste ey 2 | oe ee te far eS Oysters: Market, public, spring____------ do_-=-| 197,657 44,993 | 204, 434 18, 236 |1, 059, 194 110, 798 Market, public, fall__......._..- da {| 2315207 58, 699 88, 038 8,622 | 299, 657 33, 045 Market, private, spring-._-.---- do....| 42,272 8, 856 1, 387 2.711 Mee C2 Re RO ate tae Market, private, fall..........-- do...-| 34,291 9, 506 7, 600 iL 2 iin SN RIE Daas Dealops, bay. -2ees--2 552 Fos do.:-- 2, 552 O24 |= es eer eee ine NS" ee OU aa 272 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of the South Atlantic and Gulf States, 1931—Continued PRODUCTION OF CERTAIN SHELLFISH IN NUMBER AND BUSHELS—Continued Product Louisiana Texas Total Crabs: Quantity Value | Quantity; Value | Quantity | Value Ds his be See ee Dae ay, ee number--| 9,970, 560 | $52,859 | 84,815 | $1,015 | 19, 470, 342 | $93, 785 Soft: 22s Steet es all ors eae domes OG25352" 745.202) ee eee eee 1, 621,996 | 93, 360 Clams; bard) publics 2ece6 SASe Seis’ ace ee meee |e ge | ees ee | ee el 140, 983 | 66,710 Oysters: Market, public, spring..-_-_-.---- 68,391 | 12,863 |- 78,306 | 26,762 | 1,937, 296 | 291, 537 Market, public, fall____- 56, 887 | 10,863 | 111,333 | 32, 609 996, 282 | 191, 688 Market, private, spring v1 i A be YS (eg a | PE 657, 507 | 170, 483 Market, private, fall_...__......_- BOS C4 | Ml Op OO eens | ees 481, 702 | 140, 622 BI CHITO WSS tI) Vises ree ee tes oe Sse re el |e ee eer ee rn ee | ee 92, 552 | 51,174 Industries related to the fisheries of the South Atlantic and Gulf States, 1931 OPERATING UNITS, SALARIES, AND WAGES North South Item Caroling araune Georgia Florida Alabama Transporting: Persons engaged: Number Number Number Number Number OnsVvessolSi saan ase ee eae 60 85 9 OnyDOatsee aaa e eee he eee eee 4 30 | eee 73 2 OUR Nese tse 2 era eee pees eee LS 64 124 8 116 ll Vessels: | IMGtOnS erent ain tens ee ee 37 9 4 22 8 INGiitonnage:s wee ee 342 101 26 318 68 ST Le er IE Se EE SY oes LA the eee ot a lee 2 ess A, 1! sete e ee INGistonnage sasha soo) Oe 2. | DeoaS 263))|22b55222- e 16) |. eee ae “Potalovessels: 222. a: 4 ese 37 38 4 23 8 MTotalimetitonnage= 2228202) 342 364 26 334 68 IBORtS e242 -- ae eat a ee ee ne 2 cb ie ee eeeeeeaes 72 1 Wihpicents and manufacturing: Sta DMSHIMentge. m= ee ee eee oe 64 28 35 250 20 Persons engaged: IBTODNIGCONS sae ss oe eae = ee ne 70 23 34 311 27 Salaried employees-_-__._.---_---__- 25 24 22 105 16 Wage earners: Average for season.___---_---.- 669 763 1, 198 2, 447 352 Average for year__._._--._----- 265 269 273 927 183 Paid to salaried employees- $33, 112 $58, 986 $64, 047 $257, 707 $41, 238 Paid to wage earners_.______ 146, 855 109, 845 137, 498 561, 198 59, 919 Total salaries and wages____________- 179, 967 168, 831 201, 545 818, 905 101, 157 Fishermen manufacturing. .__..__.-.-.-__- 729 10 17 254 46 Item Mississippi} Louisiana Texas Total Transporting: Persons engaged: Number Number Number Number Omnevesselsesat i. ase ee eee ee a ee 147 354 OTEDOATSSaees oo ee ee I ee 16 265")|. + == 389 NG EN es mop See EK ee En ya Bn 2 oe Bah 16 402 2 743 Vessels: INTO TOTS oS Tae Was 2 TPR Pye ALPE 9 tee oon ee el ee 71 1 152 INettonnagesis =: Bic ecco RY PUNE ee See 579 6 1, 440 FS nag Nae Hae gO elk ged BRA e ees | Sere fin dee (os Shp ve al ea a 30 INGE COME Oe es i EE ee | ee oe eee 279 Total-vesselsai agai & 2055 oe SPE. eae 71 1 182 Totalineti tonnage 22 oo ee er | Ee ee 579 6 1,719 ORS terete, 22 ee OS SY ee eee 5 GOS LE CAE a ees 8 1275 .csaxeastaeee 251 Wholesale and manufacturing: Establishments: 206. fuoic) ies eee ee Ue 46 90 52 585 Persons engaged: iIProprietorss=22sassse50 eee eae tia wate 1) 62 112 61 700 Salaried emplovees2.. sos ee cee 31 96 33 352 Wage earners: ‘Average for‘seasoni 2s fee Mee See 2, 286 3, 287 1, 581 12, 583 Average .for-yearic ites) ee eae 968 1, 280 416 4, 581 Paid to salaried employees_..-.-------------------- ~~ $82,525 | $202,958 | $45,430] $786, 003 PaIGiCOWWwage earners: ces colt le a eee eee 301, 101 541, 074 178, 050 | _2, 035, 540 Total salaries and wages_-:-......2----..--c.-.-<- 383, 626 744, 032 223,480 | 2, 821, 548 Mishermenunantmiacniurings: esse een ee ee 86 10 227 1,379 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 273 Industries related to the fisheries of the South Atlantic and Gulf States, 1931—Con. PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED Item North Carolina | South Carolina Georgia Florida By manufacturing establishments: | Quan- Quan- Quan- Quan- Alewife roe, canned tity Value tity Value tity Value tity Value standard cases _- Bt O74 B10, BOG sea ssceeln ee asks eee ans |Sasep aadln ets cibe eee ce ae Groupers: Frozen fillets- - --- MOUNGS+2[ [oss esses ioe ea leeee oe (Sees eee coke Res 18,000) $2,880 Frozen steaks__------ Cs Ca ee ee ee ee (ee Se eo a ae 130, 000) 18, 420 Menhaden products: oid strap :-....<2.. << tons_- 865} 14,449) = (1) (1) (1) (1) 1,419} 27, 763 Dryiserap...<. 20.22 eos. 1,951} 59,075) (!) (Oya eases bee ---| 8,580] 116, 081 ish arieale 2 22.2 2 (0 ee rte] MALE 1 7 :| See (Ce ae (eae ee (eee ed 1, 254 45, 276 RAT) eee on ed allons__| 291,659} 42,365) (1) (4) (4) (1) 209, 079} 32, 307 Mullet: Frozen fillets PODHES se assole case eles ao lee eo cee alte cbc eeehoodee cee 19, 000 2, 800 Salted _-_--.- ---do.-.-| 278, 000 320, 167} 12,754 GG pESITGO Ss sao 2-5 = Os 2 Se Se el Ce at ess a alls 30, 590) 6, 485 Snapper, red: rozen fillets __--.--- OG. 55) 2s5- S3oes|-22- 51,500} 11,370 Frozen steaks____---- ce oR] Ee Os 8 a RE ee es 2 ee ee 36, 193 6, 241 Spanish mackerel, frozen fil- Ci ee NGUHUG cle aea see voles ee | 2 ee | ee ee 15, 500 3, 140 Pho aimee frozen fillets ' Perak 21 |e ee [AE A SS | eee eel ee eae oe 16, 000 5, 400 oo meat, packaged..--do_---| 188,032} 33, 748]/......-_|-------- 18, 250} $5,844) = (1) (4) imp: PONG, ANG NORIO <= O0s.5~|os- sannka|-Sactea|ecaesesleseon aan (‘) (CD igi Ae Sc [SE eae Canned_--__standard cases--|_-...----|.------- (1) (1) 67, 704| 390, 624) 48,193) 312,932 Clams, hard, juice and broth, canned______ standard) Cases s)5 03 Ase Ps Se Ss ee eee (1) (1) 7,147| 32,878 MUP REINIO- GHAI TO VOLO eee cae eee | ere ee | ners oe een tes eal ee a e ee ae 8, 375 Oysters: = Fresh-shucked__--gallons__} 119, 238] 111, 350} 20, 514! $21, 668) 23,467) 25, 897| 113,629] 142, 827 Canned___-standard cases_-| (‘) () 74, 186) 224, 248 (1) () Ao ae ER ate a Ene Shell products: Poultry feed __-_-- tons_- 1/675)" 72962): «9, 310}, 86,261) 2 2-822 |- 22-2 <2 28, 722] 152, 553 NRLIN Gels os ee dose: (4) () (}) (2) | REESE 1, 019 1, 571 Unclassified products: Chea. Steaks and fillets_pounds--_ () 6 AE SE ees Beene 3 53,415] 3 1u, 981 Canned_-___standard cases_- (2) 2) () (?) 43, 526 | 4 12, 562) 5 28, 942! 5 188, 316 ING VBIUAg = 2 ee ee Se SRA «i oe BEA e ee UR eee ees ols boo React eles seed 22, 100 WSN ETIGN Res se ee een eee (ler bs i971 Seo a ERG, Odd seee n= = 8(43, 280) =-2-.. § 13, O81 LUA LR Ease 3. eR De Kyo. | ANT aLO ee ae YER. {|e ee ee 1, 176, 536 By fishermen: Alewives: Gorneds=22_ +2 5—") POUHES-© | arpter GU, cas OND) =oee see eee one clone ea | se eee eee ee? Tight-pack cut __---- do_---} 23, 100 po la pel i Ch ee ate Ak RRL Nell Fe eis eal Ss Se eS Tight-pack roe_-_--_-- Geer |" * 182, O00) rare Soares sae] Come ron woo | Seen es Saleen eee eee Brnok ede ese ss Gos. 6, 000 pte) [eel a aka SPE SP) PAS ee aL ape atl la cet! ees Mullet, salted_-_--.-_.--- On SLO) GOUne er OU ee screen ec ee ee Ue ee ARE ee 475,195} 18, 793 Mullet, roe, salted___---- Ga taal ees Bed ETL als 2 ele 4 Osi bd” 9B eed SS a 44,114 10, 865 So ea ss ane: BM 20; O0Or xb epl es eee oe (ee |e 22 Sa ee eee Sinrmeon Cavin. 259 5.00s0c- |e eae ses| eae ees 312 1) pe SO ee Se 12 10 Crab meat, packaged __ oan a dneen cases | Saree aee Semen tela ena ect | meester eran 1, 000 500 Clams, hard, fresh-shucked allons_- 200 Ud peek | ep LAN ag ge | epg [Le a Fa Lk Sa Oysters, fresh-shucked_..do_---| 15,150) 12,120} 1,139} 1,159) 5,648) 5,648] 27,915) 35,870 Scallops, bay, fresh-shucked Pallons__|, °55;,000)' (66/250 eee eee eee ference ion oan 1, 265 1, 305 NCO eye ta iy ae SL Se eS 118, 829].----..- UGE 5 U7 Se pope D;,038 | asae eons 67, 343 LOS TS ds) ot ah ee | ee 447, 095).--...-- 418, 525)....---- 483, 855)_.....-- 1, 243, 879 For footnotes see p. 274. 274 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Industries related to the fisheries of the South Atlantic and Gulf States, 1931—Con. PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED—Continued Item Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas By manufacturing establish- | Quan- Quan- Quan- Quan- ments: tity Value tity Value tity Value tity Value . Mullet, salted_-___- pounds-.|__— OHS ENE tea (1) GQ)? escent eu | ae Snapper, red: Frozen fillets____- Gomes | ai) Q)), (y [eee ela oie Sa es ee Frozen steaks___-- Gome=.|ea() (@). os Wed be ea ae fle = 2 ee a ee Squeteagues, frozen fillets pounds.-| (‘) CR) yuh ieee eat to ell aan | ge (1) (1) crab meat, packaged "doses |2a- >see: ane 22,500} $5,825) 174,550} $47, 184 (1) () rimp Haareend, headless, fresh DOULA Se | Pee aes aera all arg ale Sees are na |Pan e | ee 1, 874, 000!$262, 960 Sun-dried______._- Coen cel ea i A SE Na atoll eA el 1, 333, 668)’ 302: 04%). =: 2a eee Cooked and peeled C3 Ko sl WS RE Ot 326;,550l) : 81688 = 38. |S... — |e Canned_standard cases_- (1) (1) 201,959} 791,953) 364, 569)1, 778,619) 81, 689) 443, 125 Mien] ts 4 222 Sree tons_- (1) CC) peepee | Se a ae re 930, 16; 520| 23 222 Cee Oysters: Fresh-shucked _gallons__| 20,370] $23,424) 41,436] 42,198] 202,015] 256,882] 65, 294 74, 448 Canned_standard cases_-| 23,551! 75,332! 159,808} 487,644) 24,415) 85, 278/___.._.--|_._-__.. Shell products: Poultry feed_-_tons_- (1) (1) 32, 801) 224,200) 93,729) 654, 027 (1) (1) Damen ac. 35-4 does (1) (1) 1, 855 1, 000 4, 421 13, 198 (1) (1) Unclassified products: Canned_standard cases__| (2) (2) (?) @) bei osiees tS | Miscellaneousss: 2425 2332225 235-2 10953, 460|eo2 222 == WA GOES sae ae 12/6, /366|-esececes 13 42, 887 MO tal sail Ae Ee ener oe BP AA Mal eee as 1, (638,018 |e=sa=naae 3,0 60 16|- = sees 823, 420 By fishermen: Crab meat, packaged DOUN GS | Levees Ashe paw gene eS NN oe A ee ae 460 115 Shrimp: Sun-dried_____---- GO 3 Bis ernie | eee Fo al ent Ses ergo ea 13, 900 2; 780 |.2222 =. 5/2 eee Mien lear se os 22) COTS | Ti ae | es RS ee |e 7 105): So ee Oysters, fresh-shucked gallons_- 6, 289 6, 747| 17, 1383 16s. 205}. ~ 3-2 See ake 46,151} 39,718 Total eee see se as tea ee eee (Ely epee a 1165205) Ease 2, S80l tae sae 39, 833 Grand totaltes Sao ae eee 3085 003| see 1, G54): 82a 222-2 a ee 357.633, 000 | anes 863, 253 1 This item has been included under unclassified products. 2? This item has been included under miscellaneous. ‘Includes frozen pandressed pinfish, pompano, mangrove snapper, sheepshead, and squeteague; fresh steaks of red drum, grouper, and red snapper; frozen steaks of cabio, red drum, snook and tripletail; fresh fillets of red snapper; and frozen fillets of amberjack, bluefish, jewfish, and snook. 4 Includes canned oysters, terrapin meat and soup, and whole hard clams. 5 Includes canned whole, chowder, and minced hard clams; oysters; and turtle meat and soup. 6 Includes fresh fillets of gray squeteague, salted spot, fresh-shucked hard clams, canned oysters, and oyster-shell lime. 7 Includes canned shrimp, oyster-shell lime, and menhaden products. 8 Includes cooked shrimp, fresh-shucked hard clams and menhaden products. 9 Includes salted bluefish and Spanish mackerel; frozen packaged mullet roe; crab meat; fresh-shucked conchs, hard clams, and bay scallops; shark hides and oil; and miscellaneous meal and oil. 10 Includes frozen fillets of red snapper and squeteague, frozen steaks of red snapper, canned shrimp, shrimp bran, oyster-shell products, and shark hides. 11 Includes salted mullet and creole gumbo soup. 12 Includes sun-dried squeteague and shark hides. 13 Includes fresh-cooked crab meat; frozen packaged shrimp, frozen fillets of red drum and squeteague; and oyster-shell products. Note.—The total value of the products for the South Atlantic and Gulf States was as follows: By manu- facturing establishments, $8,374,588; and by fishermen, $258,805. Some of the above products may have been manufactured from products imported from another State or country; therefore, they cannot be correlated directly with the catch within the State. Of the total number of persons engaged in the prepara- tion of fishermen’s manufactured products, 1,098 have also been included as fishermen and 391 of the persons shown on transporting craft have also been included as fishermen. This should be considered when com- puting the total number of persons in the fishery industries exclusive of duplication. FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 279 NORTH CAROLINA Fisheries of North Carolina, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR Purse seines Haul seines Gill nets Item Runa- Drift round Stake Number|Number| Number Fishermen: 318 107 286 14 115 92 332 222 378 Se eee eee 236 121 44 194 JOG a ee ae erat 10 2 445 46 64 108 94 PRRSSSRI DORAL oon ao Sots ccenc sce 10. \eeweanes 2 1 ca Se lS a ee ee |e eee Apparatus: LSE TEL oie 43 1 474 58 348 205 7, 314 acene in wards... 2) ...2.5ss-ssa4 10, 745 Vos hee t696' | 54, S00) | 2 eee a SSeS L ee eee PITHRORU EUS. = Sent Soe oe so |e sans Sa ee a ee eae eee 1, 018, 380 |401, 649 | 94,300 | 674, 235 Dee en nn ee eee eee eee —————————— es Lines Otter trawls Item Trot | prot Found Weirs| Wheels Lb ae Hand | Troll |, With | with Fish |Shrimp hooks snoods Num- | Num- Num-| Num- | Num- Num-| Num-| Num- Fishermen: ber ber |Number| ber ber ber |Nwmber| ber | ber | ber |Number On vessels_..-.--.--- 15 pooh ee ed aT Yn Se Se | eee | (Be are [Seem (hr ee 12 13 On boats and shore SN ees aa 15 148 6 456 1 6 CRT hes pl ee 66 NS eee 7. ee eee Tiegh Gee meow 75) i a eee 12 (heen pA at 8 Total: i... 35 23 221 6 687 1 6 55 194 12 79 Vessels: MMiotar 25. eso nate 5 “id See ane) (eee fe een ee ee a eee 4 6 Net tonnage- ---- 35 AQ iit aE Se Sk. eee ee el ee ets perce ee 70 46 Boats 0) a 10 15 115 \}a 265 1 6 34 TO? 2255 33 pL ES See oe ee eee a ane 63 3 236 jane au 10 24 ASD. (25225 |:-S eee Accessory boats-..-.------ 1) See beets Od ee 8S ee eee! ee ae ee ee oe ae Pee pe Apparatus: ot 76 21 206 6 | 2, 257 2 24} 950} 194 4 39 VED TONED ET (1 RS, | a | ee Oe eae ee Rae ee a ee eee ee eel eee ee 74 727 Hooks, baits or Cie ob | 302 240 1169}. 760 | 1200 se ee eee alec teed oscecalpese te [eoodeu[seckee = 276 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of North Carolina, 1981—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR—Continued aah, Dredges : Total, ots, a ay inane y_ |exclusive Item ea Spears Tongs | Rakes hand | of dupli- Crab | OY: | Scal- cation ster lop Num- Num- | Num- | Num- Fishermen: ber |Number| ber ber ber |Number|Number|Number| Number @nnvessels == eae ee Se ae ee S77 |S-2 2 ese |e ee 96! On boats and shore: eeulan tease eee. SOMES Seana 75 68 237 236 270) |2n sees 2, 863 WASIAl teeta ae eae 16 3 es He ae 20 15 256 325 36 1, 425 Motal-t sss wens 46 30 75 275 252 492 595 36 | 5, 248 Vessels: IMO GOR oto ees ae Sel cess Ciao i A) ce ee ae eo oon eee 95 INer Tonnage so. Seen er OOS ete ee le ote AG 352. 22 4e-22 5-222 eee 1, 754 Sein essed oe EP ee a ee 60). | ete: OF Sake ee Se 60 IN6t tonnage: - 22 -ce2 8/22. Peeaiee toes See 555) ise. s222)]2-2- = =| soe 555 Motaliviessels mies | J SENT Pee ee ee 4s eee Sd ee | ae | 155 Motalmet,tOnnaces. 2 |a es ee See eee GON ee See Biles Soe. |Co ees 2, 309 Boats 104 10} 0) sae ae et ee | ns aap 71 44 124 127 LO) 22 aes 1,326 Opherse2t eats ee, Beets 34 304) os? See eeeaee 302 383 36 1, 563 A‘ccessoryyboatsw aoe 22a s oe s|o 3 Soo Pee Sa be 3] 22 oe ee ee eee 93 Apparatus: INumbers=s2-22¢22see = =22 115 210 199 487 Sib je eee Yards at mouth 143 213 199: |22ssaceclotce cel eee ee CATCH: BY GEAR Purse seines Haul seines Species Menhaden Other Common Long Pounds | Value |Pownds| Value} Pounds | Value} Pownds | Value BAST Gs yah OS 8 eR ON el Ie ma fre gh B [ent ee Se 2, 112, 200}$21, 144) 118, 800} $1, 211 BJAG DASG ase Oe oe aE Ce Ae See Ch Ae oe ates 46, 348) 4, 634 3, 881 388 TES Ua £4 S Ease ee is SE a ES | | ae [Peri 234, 250) 6,045) 171,000) 4,400 IB owing a aes ee eS nf | te ol ae [acre 2, 950 29 1, 300 13 Butteriishe 2S: te se Vly eae eee ee | ee eee ee ea eee Soe 4, 100 61|_.---c2 |e Warp is Oe Sn Bee eo Me geal GUS el i 2 Se ae | ee 118, 750} 7,967| 39,000] 2,640 Gatfish andsbullheads: 22 eee 8a eee Se ee eee 43, 000 870) 31,000 770 Groakenee siete Bae: 2 Dk ee Ce i ie | Se ee ee 696, 500] 9, 035]1, 158, 700} 12, 307 Drum, rediorredhshe == >. bss 2 = SN be ae |e ee oe 43,500) 1,324) 20, 200 404 ISS Bs SS AEN BP lee SPL EL Wey Se 0) Ee ee es | |e ee eee 200 12 ESTO UIC G Se ation Bk CE 2 ee FN ey Se UU Tey ee ee Be 2 232, 700) 12, 579 2, 400 88 GZ AT EES ENE Sn a | Se ee eS 2 oS |e 3, 700 37| 11, 700 117 lanvesthishiors Ss tarnish t jes. See a oe ee ti es 3, 000 60 3, 000: 60 EM CKORV ASA Ce mete a bee nae eee Se Ee Pee eh ee |e Ee ns 44,000) 1,320 300 9 Kine wihitingor dking fishes 22S i ee | ee eal [Een 126, 500|\ 3, 795)22= =e eal eee IVrerib adem. 2) ess see ees ee ae 66, 857, 400/$92, 838)--_-.._-|------- 720, 000 958} 300, 000 400 Ta Trt (yh a Ma a See wR ee ne EN Rta ee Se [Eee 1, 084, 700) 20, 426 1, 500 67 TEE a OS) ego eeepc or a een ee go eee sie |Party ee 19, 300 193| coe seat eee er On DICKOLOl sane cease 8 oe eS EE ae cee | 2 ee | ee ee eee 4, 050 324 350 28 TESTS) 0 ae en a eM ee eee 20, 800 216) =. 2-24: |Eaeeeee SOTO EU OS ae Se hee | ae See ee ge ee 100 20|~ 22 = Sees poems PRODRIOS (6a os Seine eee eee wes cana k Saar e See | Cee | ore ene | Seat 500 16|22. 22 222| See SSIS LOE SS a a Ea Ta NN HRs EU | al eo Ble 30;'000|". 1, '500|-s=2ese==|2eeneee Reale ea SU Se re eee el See Seno al |S ea ce | Se | em 33, 500} 5, 050 750 112 pueepsheed . ~ oo =e weet ee ee ea te re eee eens 1, 000 30|--:-22 22 |e SDPAMISN: MACKOLOl ss oe ne se | Lee Ne ee eel 19, 650)! 1, 616\foeeea= ss eee OG eee a re te eae cen ee eee | ee | ee ee ees 880, 600) 13,319} 359,000} 4, 890 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’: Gna he ee Cees |e oS RS ee ee | eee 218,000) 6,025} 263,000] 6, 755 Swotted)= chee Ce eae eel ee EE ere es eee eran eee 524, 300} 31,916} 420,000) 23, 630 Stripedsbass-. ee eee a ee ee Re eee | nee 5, 000 $750) 121, 560) 11, 957 64,000} 5,914 SWMNTSD Se Ce hae Re A | eae oe | een eee eae [eA eR 5, 900 118 1, 500 30 Wihite Perch = sae She sub Se oe il COPE SA ee eee atte ol (oe 122,000} 4,590) 70,000} 2,300 Wellow percheao2..6 ee eR ia ee ee a lage ae eee al 27,500) 1,040 8, 500 416 PADS) SOft. 5-22 Gee 2 Ee St Nn ee pe ee Fe he eee 121,013| 18; 256)... == eee Motale ac Ae See ae sae 66, 857, 400) 92, 838 5, 000 750|7, 666, 871/186, 469]3, 050, 081) 66, 961 — - FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 277 Fisheries of North Carolina, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR—Continued Gill nets Species Anchor Drift Runaround Stake Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value |Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value JAE ee ae a ees Esra € 477, 800) $4,796] 87,000) $870) 5,500 $55) 214, 500} $2, 195 cing. 2 ee eee 29, 000 870| 47,500} 1,860) 3,500 70| 146,200} 3, 196 Wail} SS a ee eee ee 1, 500 Dot Sees | SEE ob ier a eal coe ee oh 0 | eee Bs eS 2, 550 V1: | SESE 2) SES AO Seren eee! (ecm |S Catfish and bullheads_-_-....-.-----_-- 4, 750 12 LS eee ES Se Pe eee oe 650 20 fone et eT Eee eee 335, 000) 4,950) 447,000! 8, 880} 30, 600 420) 114,000) 1,810 Drum, Fred or redfish: 2.....:2-.-2....- 3, 500 70 200 Al Seen ee 1, 000 Es ee Ee od es ot Ee es Sebi y= CU Ni mt AA a ad el oem La Ee Pe | epost 10, 500 320 PRO EISbLOr. Sbaminnt. 2 eee a, ee OOD os cece ase es oe eee eee ee 8 2 TE aCe aa hiar ol ots eee tae 19, 100 563 King whiting or “‘kingfish’’_--___--__- 2H Se SES 2 eae | Pe encromeel (meena) Sen mene) TT | MV ef ees sec sews sneces-see 187, 200} 5,994 Bipfich?) Pay SAk 22 ote Biot poe ee 1, 000 20 IGRI SSNs ose eee eee ee 5, C00) = 450|b 2 lcs TOF000)|.. » S120" (ieee Sa aes 2 Seren eae a ee | yok oe EEVAHT Toh ov Va Os ERE aS Sb SRO a ee ee J 4, 000 $200 TMDL Wa re e eee 5, 000 0:10, 0 (Ee ee | ee Pa ee Sea bass_--_--__- 1025000) |S33660)| eects acim ae A shee 25 SES eee WE Fe oe OE Bee Snapper, red 1, 500 SO as aS es So 3 ee ene |S en Ppminitonneierel ooo oo bs (sek an |S ks 14 O00 5 1000 ite ee oe |e ao |e See | CGH ESTA So BS Ta a AS) a eo) eS Se | dee eee tS | | U5 565) Odoe|bLO5 7Ovi fame qanees |eemenieey Gb tees Joe 103. 500 | 3,690 23,000 | 1,520 |!, 565.973 | 19, 767 4. 000 200 Species Pound nets Weirs W heels Fyke nets Pounds Value | Pounds| Value | Pownds| Value | Pounds | Value 1 UNS Sa eae A190, 200) eo40, Ls tlle an la see 135, 000] $1,350 | 47, 500 $925 LUE GL Lhe op te tel me Ope ae hap gr ed bert A ae Lael haa al net operas ae Bt 7, 643 764 Sayre i = Se eee 11, 000 OA ee ee an le oan oak ad | ace ee Gir 23 oe eee 800 haf te, 5 ees Em cates Pa oe See We he 4, 600 46 hyp eit. a ee 228; 100. sb DW alee 2552. Sa ae ees eee oe Rae eS See ee IVs ee ee eee 35, 300 777 | 3,000 CS (il eS |e 61, 600 3, 912 Catfish and bullheads_--__---_- 102, 200 OP LLO} ease oe eeee oe ale eee? 104, 300 4, 006 (8) 0 ct ea | 2 RS 1,248, SOU galt boa tee ee imeee =: Se | RE soe a A eee Pls ee Drum, red or redfish. ----....--- 17, 000 ET (ieee Se ti ee aS Se et ee ae | eee |e (ape {352 y See eee 2, 800 LUGS [onc epee eae reece oe ape i 2, 000 160 LOVE (1 (12 ee BH2, 200) p6Op 246) ener sala lok en 11, 300 352 Gizzard shad___..---_____-----_- 9, 100 | OF poe eA fe ae 4) 300 43 Harvestfish or ‘‘starfish’’__.____- 41, 400 72 fl ee al |S SS | aa Fae ee eS eS Pe ee Semicony QHAG. = Jo. tt seep 101, 800 7 C0 3 | Pe) | eae a rl TE spl ea ee 200 10 King whiting or ‘‘kingfish’”’_____ 7, 900 SY Gd eee 4 by poe, eae PL ee ere |S eS ae INTC eS ee a eee 10, 900 BBs ao | Saweee Se bs Semone a| 700 34 Pike or pickerel_----.._--....-_- 500 ysl Resets =e SN OS Rae 1, 550 119 REE sera cackeusse Sa 434, 950 TO O20 roms ats eee 52 |G co aa eee eee 600 90 SUT) 0 Vs ae ee a 2, 500 120) 2-35-22 \9 25-2 Cees oe ee eee _ |e ee Spanish mackerel_._-___...____- 14, 000 1 7M Pe See Un Sl PODS ey (2 go Nee Es) See 290) Se Se ee ee 158, 000 VY 2S en ae eee ee Eee kal ey ee Se ee Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’: TG hg. a3 = ey te TBRAROOUM PAB ORDO Loans eae Ok eee orange eee ceil iets Ste, “Ri a Sas TE Bil cOU name EDL isd cael occas. | eer an Cee ge ee ee Binined pass. 252... tee 57, 550. (Aah See oe | eae EE [ee ea ie ee 14, 500 1, 845 Ricwetgs see 8 fo = 2 oe she 5S 4, 900 ee SS reer ee) Mace Pee - 400 10 BURNS acoso a ses cone 200 (2) SS (See een eee As I ee 300 6 WITULO IKON 3. 25 Acc sis cc week e 65, 750 i ip hl a ORS (eS ge 5 ene 43, 300 1, 599 AG a ee eee 5, 300 iy) er a epee (Re eS See 41, 850 1,877 TG LC' ae SO eae eae 9.793.450 | 279.198 | 3.000 20 1 135.000] 1 250 | 348 R43 | 14.798 278 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of North Carolina, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR—Continued Otter trawls Species Dip nets Pots, eel Fish Shrimp Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value Bm fish a ee TG oe ee | ee ee 30, 000 $600) 3-..- ==) 21) 2 eee Rirenk erees seo tee eae eee 180,'000/.| $1,:800:|.-....-- >. |_..= 2225 eee ee ielsHi PW es ee 2 ee Sa a hae EE alee oe (seas 108,500 | $6, 290 ilo denssa—o- 7 ha So Ee ee eee 46, 000 920 32, 300 046) || e--. Se_ 2a) eee Ane wits Ore pba es hn? oft ook el a a ee ee eee 13, 700 374, |-2 ee e Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’: NAG PA pe | es I ee 23, 000 690) |-2-- 22s eee Spotiedeesasse ss ee se he es Nee ee ee 500 3b. 22. = See ee Grabsisolts +. ee 107,'512) |$16, 155, )|-.3.- 2 Se os ee ee SBT 3 se ee ee | ar Na ee RS ek Seed 338, 273, |, 13) O75) (22 eee eee ra Eye sce UE a aie Ope Re 8 oo 107, 512 | 16,155 | 226,000 | 2,720 | 437,773 | 16,620 | 108, 500 6, 290 Dredges Species Spears Crab Oyster Scallop Pounds| Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value Pl OUICerS! sae ne 7, 000 $210.22 ae |e es a ee ee ee eee rabs: TS BURG hehe Bil ND Sl ei (hs a a 272, 256:|.:$4, O84 |= 2. 2. 22 | 2522-222 ee SO fitted 5 Peg wh Biter ot Pena: AE | Se Ft 81/169! |\42).1'75 |=. 2a) Se ee Oysters: Market publics Spring 5o = 52a) ieee SN Sa Sa see ae $11; 871 |$22::240) |e eee ANY EES Veh Cet hy 1b 0) WK cos (ot (Ea Ee ee ee ae ee ce eee 380, 449 | 18; 18852 see eee SCallOps; Day sess eo ee a ee 2 ee ee See Se eee 5 s/s 323, 750 | $35, 028 MNotale 2 se een ee 7, 000 210 | 353, 425 | 16, 259 | 892,320 | 40, 428 | 323,750 | 35, 028 Species Tongs Rakes By hand Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value rabs;-nard). 26 jess 5 Be ls Ss a eee eee eee 13, 600 $1, 360 Olams; hard; publics222-2--2 23s 11, 600 $800 320;.744 | $20::975 |) 2 ee ee Oysters: Market, public, spring__-_--___-_- 336, 647 28, 245 164 16 45, 359 4, 536 Market, public fallse=__ 2253s" 197, 842 16, 116 1, 415 141 26, 824 2, 579 Scallops, ay is 3226S eo eee ae eae 171, 250 15,222) | 2 ee ee eee Totalasesh 2552622 ee 546, 089 45, 161 493, 573 45, 354 85, 783 8, 475 OPERATING UNITS: By COUNTIES Beau- - | Bruns-| Cam- | Car- Cho- Cra- | Curri- Ttem fort | Bertie| wick | den | teret | wan | ven | tuck Fishermen: Number |Number| Number| Number| Number| Number|Number| Number Onivyesselses= =e tee ce 514] ee 228 | ee 669 i ee 3 On boats and shore Regular. 2.5.22 Sa oS 221 19 95 8 WIS iaa---C- 8 21 282 Casuals lec Soe et 74 14 46) | eee = 254 185 71 1 Wotalsses sean ee ences 350 33 262 8 | 2,060 188 95 283 Vessels: MOU OT ee eae Se roe Ses eens |e ee LOW Stee see 2 Net:tonnage cis.) 5 le a ee S| ee Sil Ee Sil) fee ee rere 0? Jp PRED eI i 2 Netitonnagerte. ose D2 8 hee ee || Oe on ee ee Motalsvesselssso52 See ok ase 22) ee ROU aes a 90 1 pig es 2 Total net tonnage--------- 233: |scel22 S1Oh Sees ooee 1, 457 21 i eee el te) ee FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 279 Fisheries of North Carolina, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By countres—Continued Cho- Cra- | Curri- wan ven tuck Bruns-| Cam- fort | Bertie | wick | den Number |Number| Number| Number| Number|Number| Number| Number 23 5 403 51 43 118 51 31 1zl PRS UNLIG ATT ae ke S| SES eo ee 1D [enone ona ad tan |==ae6 == Dy Pe SET RS Apparatus: Purse seines: Length, yards.___.------|---------|--------| 1, 545 |--------| 9, 200 |--------|--------|-------- Haul seines: 8 Length, yards-...2.. 2). |2-222222.| 1,600) |22=2-222|--—----| 21,600 |-------- 900 | 8,500 Gill nets: aH oak : LEST Se aa 7 Se ee "Uae a (eS wh See oe Square yards_____-__-__-|---------|_--..--_|--------|--------] 66, 269 |--------|--------|-------- unaround 2 TOR oie pee oes eet ed eee oH ee S| eee See Se Trot_with baits or snoods- -- a (gaia al ABER, oe ree em Dae) Ese PTs SCRE AA | Baits or snoods__-_------ ee nets Yards at mouth Siripy nes ie he te 8 | ese ere Yards at mouth citys ANS ie Cea eee cs Red Re ae |e ene oe eee Yards at mouth New Item Dare | Gates a Hyde | Lenoir | Martin Han- oN Fishermen: Number |Number|Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number Pinivencdig eee [eee Lanes ee er es Tr” Guha 2 ee ee eee On boats and shore: Tan DC Se a eee eee Gas. i2zoss5.~ 9 86 Pease 15 104 4 ALT La Raagen ST NERS i a aS Ey ke ae 18 eee 6 8 22 66 150 ANT NETS, sigs Re a 641 18 9 98 8 37 170 157 Vessels: 1G ee SS ee ee ee De lak teh es a ha eee ee 5 ee a ee eee 1 INGL WONNHE Gs. < 50 a-5=- ooo 4 y (| apnea (eae Sa al | ee etal Cy es tS a eae 8 SIDA ogee eS 2a salen Br Sel cae ae ees Se 7 EE |S es i IB U LOninueeemmees eee ken I Pee oa 7a ee eee oe eeere Total’ yesselas: = 2 =< 2... ee eee Dy Ee ee 5 as 1 Total net tonnage_--_------ (i) Se ape | antes hf) ee eae eee 8 Boats SiG] See eee nes. 3 eee 245 2 41 2 ll 15 41 4 LOS eee es oe se as a 177 12 4 4 3 15 90 68 280 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of North Carolina, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: B Y COUNTIES—Continued Item Dare Gates Apparatus: Purse seines: Other than menhaden Length, yards Haul seines: Number Number eM 1 175 Length, yards_.--------- Gill nets: NOTE G2) cae ere uh Ree ee Gal Square yards TRUMAN OUNG eae ee ee Square yards Stake Lines: Hand Pound netsee.is-24 86 2. does Weirs Oyster Hyde | Lenoir | Martin Number| Number Number New Han- over Number| Number Number 81 61 242 384 INGi ponmape cfs) thd 7 EEE Sail (GJ. 02 nlp ae ares ete sceelee ge le ene ek eu mye FAIGCESSOLVADOATS | Oa kee oom Loe maacht Apparatus: Haul seines: Square yards Runaround Square yards-- Stake Square yards Lines: Trot with baits or snoods Baits or snoods Perquim- Pender Se Number | Number Number 15 400 Tyrrell Number Wash- ington Number FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 281 Fisheries of North Carolina, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By countirs—Continued Item Pamlico a bey Pender rae Tyrrell Nl oe Apparatus—Continued Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number Cc UC) a a oS ee 199 vl Se 50 96 52 LU US Co as Bee SE ee eee 2: ee a oe TOO et ee ad eer Ree 76 [usa Otter trawls: 1) SE 2 RD SE oa oe eee) eae eee Set 243) 5 2. Sen (ee Ee eee a8) eure) oe Prardsiaf moushie «ose ck |b sek BANS Soneaelas Sacto pee ae ee TTiip itil” 52 ae eo eee ee 20 ry |e 75 40.) 222252508 Uist Saft See eS eee eee 2 eee 10S o eet Ae Ee Se Dredges Ost 0 Ee Ae ey Sees ote Ce ores es 54 AOS et IS ee hI GeN oe le | a aes Wands At MOU ce bona 54 i eee re eee eee ae ee ee ees a MODES oot cos ee Ss Zot et SAR Be Bah meee eo oes Se aus Pee Teqiueicn We 01) RSS?) eS eee: ee ae oe eee ee 148) 322 225=— Sete oe eee CATCH: By COUNTIES Species Beaufort Bertie Brunswick Camden Pounds | Value|Pounds| Value| Pownds | Value|Pounds| Value JNUGO TR Go Cee oe 344, 500} $3, 445} 440, 000) $4, 400)....--____]_-__-__ 11, 000 $110 LEED SS eS Se eee ee eee | Sesto cre fa | SNE AS ee ee In ree el pe 2, 000 200 TUES TS 1 Ss ant I as era |S epee bes 7 EA Pe 30;:000|5»$600|b- 22225 (Sees ss ES UREA eee) ee te ee ee Oe a ee. | See Bie Ss Lee eet cae 1, 000 10 eves ee vee Se Te a es eee 15, 000 BOOMS Eee i) oF. ie eG eae Pe eee (0 Cig CUS Ee ery eee eae, eee 17, 000 tt ee SO ee SE eee a es 6, 000 60 Datish and. bullheads- i --- 2" - 8, 000 200 700 Bil eee ACS eee 2, 000 100 ONES Sa CR ees ene nee ee 1835000) F01 850) See te 24, 000 2A0| DEE LOMB enapaieredvong nana 4 ne ean a See Soe ee ee Pe 600 12). 2 eee PO TUS ta Sheer Sen Se DOD ee ee pe eae eel epee e| |= pea a 1 Pee [Ae ae 400 24 Hlgwndersee se 5 Ee a es 7, 500 LSb ees OE eee 32, 300 | ee | ee ODT PS TEL 2 AES Bae Se ae | ee ee (8 ee ER ee re (Bre a ee Pee ae 300 3 PRR een en nn 20, 000: C3 1S | be = ae el es i | Pe ae 300 9 Pearrni ine OF SRINE NSN ar. | Soe ee eee ee 15, 700 CN Dee ra | jo DE icea yee Sa a ge sn IE, el ee td set EIS Pe | eae eee M257 O00) 1b O00) seen= an |nan ee iN Bien = a oe aos see tes ssi eee 27, 000 | a 265, 000; 5, 300 1, 000 30 LP URETDETTS aS Gs SP ee NS | tee ee | ee ee ee Se |e eee (ae ee eee oe PET ee i el (De Rd (ail ae | (CE es (Fe SUPE GUS! Ji: oA RRS ES SE es el 58, 900 pl AE EP OSCR a PP RR ee tea ae [ab eee Ae pd ee a Fa | a (Tasso oo ie a eee a aces ee 3, 500 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout”’ Tips ge sh oe Sete ae ee ee ea 180, 000 poco) 20s La fe ee 1], 550 PARVUM oe ean te et RR St 23, 500) VIED IDELUi eso. ss scene eee St 4, 600 ECM OEE On == tebe 2 Cee ewe ee SS 10, 500 Or Soy Oe --/1, 485, 973 (UVa ethene Sie ee ee eee SS | Sales SE ee Oysters: Market, public, spring _- 97, 125 Market, public, fall___..--.-.----- 171, 055) BRR Ca syd ep ner BD * Siar St Bee on So 2, 668, 703] 53, 807) 453, 700) 5, 369/11, 999, 768) 38, 392) 36, 750 Species Carteret Chowan Craven Currituck Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value 1 Gate. Se a Dee eneerereee 6 2, 000 $30}2, 059, 750/$20, 597; 110,000) $1,100} 2,800 $56 TSUN 2 1 ES ee eae) een eeneeann (2 Oeead rs ee Pewee oes} tc) Reet cs See ee | ee Bluefish ---- Ee Re SS er a eee eee eee ee Ke Butterfish_ 282 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of North Carolina, 1931—Continued CATCH: By counties—Continued Species Carteret Chowan Craven Currituck Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value} Pounds | Value |Pownds | Value Gizzard/shiadte= 22 sot ees ee es ae 3, 000 $30| se eee 14,600} $1 Harvestfish or ‘‘starfish’’____-__.______ 13,000) $260) 222-2. Jone eae | ee es MANICKory, Shade =ssk oon st 17, 800 534) 12, 000) 360 2, 500 $75| 3, 100 93 King whiting or ‘“‘kingfish’’__________ 38,000) S sT40 it =. SAN ene | ere ae | ee eee 28, 000 840 ECTS OTs Sete ae 56,:620/400|' '79;136)-0 2) 8s | ee ee eee eee Vigilietwaeere n= ahs ek ee Mee el 603, 2005 Q#050|Raa ee 2a 147,000} 4,410) 1,400 56 Levy RUNS Se ea OE eee ee la 25, 300 268) oh Sse ee ee ee | ee PUK OFADICKGLOl seen sa ee ee oe | eS ee ea | eae | LER go | ne 4, 900) 392 IPantis eerie gh De eee tee ea ee 20, 800 216) c= 30) es) ee eee ee POT ATO ae a sete Ne ee 100 20). 2 Shela ee ee eee Beabasse eons = a wee eee 96,000) -3,'860).2 2.2 hase ee eee ee eee jSH OY Y Latin Sl, ae SEs ee eed gta 30, 200) 6,040) 52,000} 7,800} 70,000} 8,187} 12,200) 1,830 pheepsheads eke as se. ee Ne ee = os 1, 000 BOS eo a ee ene Spanishianackerel2=-2 =e DG SOO BS ASBOl eee rs | Oe ee | eee eo eee 250 20 ISH OO Roc ates ss San er le atta Heat cy $84,900) 37 085/222e 2 eee 61, 000 610} 11, 000 165 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’: EUS eo ee ole en i oe ET EMO OU eh eae mete na See 220,000} 5,500) 15, 000 425 Spottedisase tee tase heres aes i ZOE BOONE b10| once eae | ee cae 35,000] 2,450) 12,000} 720 Striped bass 14, 500} 1,450] 15,400) 1,540) 56,760) 6,621 Suckers 4, 650 O2)3. 2 eee 200 4 FSB G00) SU a a at pe a A [pee ree (ws LE, oD |e Sire 2a ee A ee 7, 200) 144 AWE Gey per chit: ie oe te ee ey Sea | EE ee gee eee 7, 500 S750 | eee 156, 300} 4, 739 eee Os) 6) Ola aw ooh pee pees Eien ah OS) PR Be eS RY Coe 2, 000 A0|2 2 eee 56, 400} 2, 800 rabs: 18 hs |e Me re ig ae ay 272, 256)" 4, 0841-2 222 Js we ee eee (S(0) RS eee ea eee as Sere ee 310,594) 46, 586)..-- | eee ee ee Shrimp Saeek se ees oe ee ee 44,405)" 2; 200) | eee ee Glas Leyevqo ph op bl OV NLR ee ee as Des 176,112) W6i512) 28) oi a ee ee Oysters: Market, public, spring-----_-___- 361; 290) 82:378)" eek | al | ee ee ee Market public; tallies peas ee 178,809) 7186) 2 fas | oo a ee eee Sesllops ni bays: -o5- a5 Se ee Se ee 495, 000)' '50,.250). | IL | Se ee ee MOtalec 2 tee ae ee 62, 555, 966/331, 211|2, 265, 950) 33, 727/1, 031, 400} 29, 592) 851, 432) 45, 204 Species Dare Gates Hertford Hyde Pounds Value |Pounds| Value} Pownds | Value| Pounds | Value ATO WIV OSi2 = ee at ee eae ts 223,500 | $2,255 | 35,000 | $350 | 105,000 |$1, 050 31, 500 $315 SAND TSS LS) a Om es ee ei ee ae 313, 250 to Oa La a a |S |e Sree a 85, 500 1,710 1, 000 10.) eee aE Se Se AC 210, 600 Beals (REI ae NS» ea Mosely SL an 2 37, 000 555 30, 000 1, 050 350 3a eee 24, 000 1, 020 5, 000 250) joo 2-23 |e | ee @Wroakersee tee pc os) eee AE 032; 700) 16; G4 zee = 5 see ra oe a ee | 447,000 | 7,390 ‘Drum, red or redfishe= "822 - = 29, 500 17315 (ian eres | Wak es Nes 20, 000 400 EO Soe aie ee nc ne he WETS 5, 750 455 300 13) ") 2 obo ee I OUNGOLS hee aes. a teen ae 8065400) 106080) 2 Reese cere Re Seo eee 1, 000 20 Gizzard snag iste se Se ie 1, 400 V4) oo a) Oa see ee | Harvestfish or ‘‘starfish’’________ 5, 400 1080 Se Ue See ees ee a Re eee 30, 000 600 Bickorysshad]= pes sae ea 42, 200 1, 326 500 pL Meh ea see ee 38,000 | 1,140 King whiting or ‘‘kingfish’’_____ 93, 400 DSO DN sa mba (te sol cre (CIS De ol ee ae 4, 000 120 VETO toe Sat wale eae ees ae ewe el 118, 200 D OOO seer a See eee eee eee 100, 000 2, 000 Bike/orpickerel....-=-.-=.- = -2- 800 BOE] oe ae Sle el 8 | a | |SU)OTEG e n O e O l a 453,000 | 75,200] 4,000 600 250 37 5, 000 750 Sheepshead 222e)22 66% vis Wee Sa icles Bop oa tes] eit oo Mathias aga orden le ea 2, 000 100 Spanish mackerel. _._-_._------- 18, 000 1403 2 Cees ee ae ee ee 5, 200 416 SObw ease les ea ee a 149, 000 DODD) || ee er es hl See ee ae oN ee ee 104, 000 2, 070 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’: rie h yeas Ree Av ey ee Se G42 Oil 42 eee ee eee ee 223,000 | 8,170 Bpotiedas esis seca teyseeh 4 B2 C50 in) Se 8S 8 ees oa era eee ae 32, 200 | 1,972 Siripedi bass. -22)2 222. see 10, 947 200 20 i eles Sa aes aed 350 35 Reis hota ee se i Yl oes en | ee ce) Ee ee eee ke Nhite perch! = Jr ae ees 460 | 2,500 125 900 yO es (oa PICULOW NOI CD: 202 = LCE oe able a 126 150 Deo can ao] eons ee ee re Clams, hard, public TOO" | 2 aes eee oe 5 | oo ee ee Oysters: Market, public, spring___--- 210, 966 se tots (Ee See S| Eee a Boe ne | Pe 70,715 | 3,620 Market, public, fall___...-_- 6, 145 BG fc RA Se oo ee 73,685 | 3,778 ROTA Es sen ee 6, 221,711 | 331,496 | 48,000 | 1,383 | 106,150 | 1,132 | 1,310, 150 | 35, 161 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 283 Fisheries of North Carolina, 1931—Continued CATCH: By countres—Continued Species Lenoir Martin New Hanover Onslow Pounds | Value | Pownds | Value| Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value ace hag 20 se AE eR a (es og | es a pe A Oil M2 Ee Y. Pe eRe (ARE aR PSS API b 9. “ee SoS: Bea San 2 Ae pe See 5 a Se | ee 3, 750 LY Gl Pee ae See Se eee ee Cat SLE Dy 210 15 Fe a WG SP [eR ie 1, 500 75 AF OOO WI S200 5 ean pee eee (0 Ti LA 2 ssa see see pane aeepneenesy Pain teeta Heyes i 2 ame | Ee 3, 600 60 5, 000 $70 ET NOt iP TAUB 2.526 so wht sce cue kate se] Soe oe bee a 400 1) A ee eS efit ste eee Se ee oa SS oad Lee 9, 000 AQ) eee Been |e ee ee LACES 2 See REST: Lo 5 EE Sa re aS |S eS a ee) eee 4, 000 120 4, 000 120 Leb Give 0) a0 bee a ee ee 1, 500 Cf Ss a | |S hed ES ar oS Le TASS each 9 Ea aT ce ee ree Pa Us 2 (ee | 2, 000 CO. |) 2 eee TS (8 Da a ee ene ee (ee ene eee) Pte es | ee ee eee ee 235, 000 | 3,525 | 163,000 | 3, 260 Sr RSS Se oS pee ees ae PG = P| a | ae 500 1 USD os el eee al |e PS On 2 Pg ee Bale Ra eh a i | agate flee | se fen | ca | | eee 30, 000 | 1, 500 6, 000 300 CLD bate SES ES Be See pa ts ate or 1, 000 150 600 90 10;000) 1 1 500s (O72 oo eee ee CUE UEP I SUD Pe Soe a OS SR lp ee ae (ee ee | ie 1, 500 30 “cre TOAST Te TT GT SB a AR | Sd A | et em Pn eed ee ae 4, 000 $20 Eee clseeee DT 3. He SASS ee SS tes Saad pape a ae ae (Ee ee (ees 70, 000 | 1, 400 15, 000 300 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’: Te aS A 2 Bare nd ts beeper ©) a ica) lh el | a panei Ee he ee 400 12 LUE TU FST be paler = Saha la pee ae el ee Eau A Maule ibd (pn gence Bl ee 800 56 2, 800 196 Peat OMY aSSea ns oe ed 1, 500 75 1, 500 THO || Seen se es ee el eaeee CS) TPEQEEE 3 aa ae = ape ep ea TES SE Se Sate ps Spiers bonne! | ae (Lp a es 1, 000 TD aepenas SA [ss BS Lair gel PES oa ee SS Oe (a a oe eae 2, 000 TOD) }o ees ee | eee |e ee Le Sen i ee Eegyoja 2] Fe eo I ee a ee eee Lee 114, 632 |11, 463 4, 000 400 Oysters: LODO Ti PEELE T(t 70) 9 Fa i ges ng Oa a |e dg ER | cae ala hg | te 6, 500 250 UTP: Agee TE CCG eb Raa EE SI ea Sie By (eS | ees eae eee 1, 431 40 8, 300 375 Bibra ey ter oes kor ee 4, 000 270 | 250,350 | 3,312 | 481,363 |20,511 | 216,500 | 5,313 Species Pamlico Pasquotank Pender Pounds Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value 58, 500 $600 AIS HOO G1 Aa0) sa 5--ea2e4|2-se——e— eRe ee eel | EE OE Po SS 500 Dales aseneee 5, 500 1 DE (alan aie el LAA SP A SAN ee mA Be (opps ES 200 8 2, 400 yee SS ee a Fee Esp gh ea Tt ices a al nt gl BOP 20) |e 2; 12h eran bea | ee 704,000 | 7,040} 180,300] 1,309 2, 000 $20 3, 000 (77 eee (est eee 2 ae 3, 000 180 4, 000 Oe oe 27, 000 760 33, 400 716 3, 000 90 a8 ee ee eS ee ee eee oes 10, 500 LOGh| Ute Sosa ese 6, 500 135 5, 700 1h a te 1 eee 75,000 | 2,250 1, 700 119 | 385, 000 7, 700 De ee Oe eee 500 6 ans a 32,500! 4,437 32, 275 os ee ee ee 500 Fe ae, NaS SS ea |e eee ees Spe es Se Be ee ee 00/0001) 14 2265))2 5. Sas Seas poeece 310, 000 4, 650 Squeteagues or “‘sea trout’’: LN ( See SE SS EE ee: ae AQSKOOO || E967 se ecm att sete cea LTCC As [ee ee RS aa ee ate) 10, 000 CBO) | eo = ee a Se ln | ees Stri iS EEE i eS eee a ee 2, 100 210 13, 600))\ 12, 212), | 52 3- ses)2ee= 28 SSL A Se Ee a ae (eet | Se ee 200 el Oe ners Ee LCG Se ee aE eee ee See See fee es Se eee Dt ee 11, 600 464 |=... ele rN ht, 1) ee Se SS Se Ta ee a ee ee S = ee Lees 2, 800 140) |= eee iy eee Len 15 SE as eee eee am Oe SEOs 805000) 1/0115 2001 |: ae ae Re See nL Clams, Cro 2) hs eR ei Sa RN II ee el ee ee Se ae ae eee 36, 800 2, 300 ysters Market, public) spring =. -.--.<.--2.- ees 142, 223 | 5,611 5, 222 7 (eS SE ee Ae Marreabsnuplicn falls - => 2020-4 shee esoe ss 155, 203 | 7, 257 11, 902 DOO) eee] |e LLISY per atc ei lean ea ae pee ee 1, 810, 226 | 40,850 | 386,349 | 15, 290 736, 800 14, 760 Species Perquimans Tyrrell Washington Pounds | Value Pounds Value | Pounds | Value IOS os Re SS RE SE eS ee 190, 000 | $1,900 1, 576, 500 |$15, 765 | 2,500, 000 | $25, 000 ie A rh i a a a et nmin 800 Py le See ea | ME: 2 Ss | 2 8 ee fe Bes 35 9 as S 4, 050 40 6, 500 65 Cathsh and bullheads -| 27,250} 1,360 21,000 | 1,050 yo frets | eS eS ee SPN Eee eee Seal 2, 100 42 5, 000 100 SL Se eS eS a ee 250 84 LLU 2 111 Rape SE Rad et 25 SSS Se eae eet 50,000 | 2, 500 2, Sr eSHaS Oy AT sas oe Ee en en oe 400 8 6, 200 124 284. U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES SOUTH CAROLINA Fisheries of South Carolina, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR Gill nets. Lines Haul Otter Item seines - on enaa- a trawls Anchor rift Pouniel Hand baity or snoods Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number Oymsvessels. ans Smet We Sa ere Sai 2 eae oilhae E e EE | e ee 10) | eee On boats and shore: CEIIAT ee tee eee an ere eee 38 100 120 12 150 6 102 Casual. - 2 ele eee 140 245 7 alae HE nents ari fe See py | PROUGleas. cue PR en rte Be aes 178 345 544 12 160 6 125 Vessels: 9s U9) (C0) aes aa a agen le et re ey mem bat! ala A ARIS 8 Nel a ht 7a pe 2 INettonnages: fo 52-0. 2 saat el See ne | See eee eee Dae eee y. |) sees 131 Boats VIO TO Dees se 22 eee ee ete ene eee eel ieee ree 9 21 3 16") sees 51 O Gierseeue dei ea eee ee 21 274 BBE Jol ees eael 30 Gi leesecccee Apparatus: Ash eed oc) eee Cee SUR ee Ee eae 21 365 502 7 160 6 60 beneath Syards tc se Seer eee ee 2°'830).\|2825~= EAS eo ote 2 eee Square-vardss 550 ot ee ae ee 131, 100 | 447, 501 1,800 |--. ccc See eee Noardsiat Mouth ac oe et pee | De ae REE | ee | | 1, 260 HTOOKS, DAlTS OF SUOOUS onan. ce pete ene nee rap te ewe | Cat el sre ae 520 4,500" |Sexaeeenss Total, ex- Item Spears ae at Tongs | Grabs | By hand Pre tion Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number ONnivesselsoece: esac. See EA a Oo ced etl bees | Soe eee 39 On boats and shore: Regular: 2 2e0_.* Saeco ene SES 6" aes a eee 417 34 871 CATCH: BY GEAR Gill nets Species Haul seines Anchor Drift Runaround Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value Drum) red s=| 22a ee Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’ Dey eee Pel ae Ge ee Ne Pe a OR a 2, 000 120 |_--=.-~--- |e tSWaveyije(cio ls BeOS Sis OS ee ee Dey pee er ps eae ee 12, 000 1, 080; |, =-.- 34-231 eee SEITE ECO Dee ee oe ke ee en SS i ss | Le 3 ae See 8, 081 1, 293 TSS; ghar dee Pe ee RL ee ese | ere er 20, 000 600 ||. -=- == See Wat tiao') 0) waeee ieee pie le A GEE eS 1, 910, 390 66, 864 651, 901 21, '746).| 22-2 (253 | See Oysters: Market, public, spring___--------_-- 641, 174 15, 074 269, 185 7, 814, )| 252.0353 eee Market, publicwtallt- soe: pase S28 eee 370, 276 6, 017 174, 749 4,.797 |=... 2. i eee Market, private, spring_-_---------- 230, 868 6, 014 496, 761 10, 853:||. 22 2s eee Market. "privatestalles2 22222 eee 114, 652 3, 216 208, 388 6, O77 ices eee Terrapin, diamond-back_._---.---------- 2, 600 633 3, 250 586° )22_3 22 ee Ui DY} rr cane Spe pees aes eee Ae 3, 285, 569 100, 834 | 2, 046, 884 68, 344 47, 301 8, 737 Species Georgetown Horry Jasper Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value DP yrims: Tedvorreaishs=- sss eee Nk ee de ll Ee 1, 500 7) {2 Set Le ee RIOUTIG Gr Saesnes eee ke CRN eu ale et See 1, 700 $100 1, 200 60 |.220 2 eee Pickony Shadow ene ee ee he eee en eet em ae rere 600 60") 222 See eee King whiting’or kingfish??22s2222. 2 sees 2, 500 150 2, 700 162, |2-23253- 43 ee IM ret Gye Se ee a i eee ae 35, 000 1,750 | 205, 000 10, 250)! 5 eee {SO CENG bate eS 59, 880 11, 976 7, 430 !.486 | ee SPObe ees eas aS ed Seay 8, 000 240 1, 000 30) |s-30- = eee Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout”’ TAs a ee ee Se eras ea a ees ee ee oe 1, 500 120) | 2... See Spotted: 222228 ees See 8 a es eo eee 3, 000 240 |. -4.-222 ee Sturgeon tas Sess a re ee ee 14, 354 2, 232 5, 000 800) | i222 Se |e eee Shrimp ses eee a ee ee 73, 045 2.557: |2ses ces 22| sc ee | eee eee Oysters: Markets public, falls. 2 as 222 see ee 326 120) 2202. 88|5 Se Al es 2 ee ee Market, DEL Vt SSP ess ee es Se a A aN RE aw Ay ee 24, 560 $930 Market, PEIVAtOs fall 2 tals as ea NG Se SE ad Se Sk ee eee 8, 863 312 TRO bale: 2% Ree eo er 194, 805 19,017 | 228, 930 13, 283 33, 423 1, 242 GEORGIA Fisheries of Georgia, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR Gill nets Lines he Haul Trot Tear seines, au 0 Trot men- | seines . Runa- with ;. haden Anchor | Drift | round | Stake | paits or ped snoods Fishermen: Number| Number) Number |Number|Number|Number| Number| Number On vessels: 2222228 2 we eee | 78 BON |e Be | Ree Sen 2 Oe On boats and shore Regular: hee see pel ee ae 77h) (a arom a © ey 14 2 20) Peete nes Casuals 225 3ee ee ees ae a ea 38 22 D343 |'S¥SSR Eee 4}-\| 2: Saaee 80 otal: 5 Seem as ee Ale 30 40 22 234 14 43 23 80 Vessels: team ssh -a>. Set ee Mere S| a eS eS TUN eS oe os ae Se | ee ee Net tonnage-.cs.--. 2 22sneo” 3 ES ea | Lc erat [a eer eS ee Boats: IMEOTOD..3-. 2252s eet | Oa el epee alle eee 8 I eet) ENN AS Obheres 2 22 5 so. Me Ta a ee 18 22 122 6 45 23 80 Apparatus: NUM bers 222. eee ee eee WONEUN VALdGsa) ese Seen eee POMATCIVALOS: soca onceso ee en ae ee| eer en Hooks, baits, or snoods FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 287 Fisheries of Georgia, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR—Continued peor Fyke | Cast | Otter | Traps By | oe Item nets | nets |trawls| crab | 1028S] Rakes) Grabs) pong pig cation Num-| Num-| Num-| Num-| Num-| Num-| Num-| Num- Fishermen: ber ber ge ber ber ber ber ber | Number 5 Total vessels Total net tonnage CATCH: By GEAR = ‘ Gill nets : urse seines, : Species imenbadon Haul seines Anchor Drift Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value| Pounds | Value i eee Boe eee toe el Pee Od Gere e 10) ee ee eee GUE eT EE 1 (SR Rt RR aS OE RG (Oe ee Re ES Deena eee ees 1, 000 $80 6, 800 $544 i. GILT 2 ee oa ae 2 ae S60 OIG arab arlene se leeec ea to oe | ea See | eens Seem [epee ee Lait |G] ekg DEE ERE 2 See aren ene Be ee 20, 6 15 200) | eee 2 eas 5 ee oe DEG 2 Base es ee Ee ee eet a he Se ee eee 5,500 | 1,375 | 938,794 | 23, 448 hj 0) a A ee = Seen ee ee ees |e ee 700 1 ead eee | oe ae | ELD EDs 11 Seapine a oe pg ae a] ee See Se! | ee a? a. (eee 2, 000 700 Reman dinutond-papk son 2s bei oa eee EB PAE BT is Sa a ae nee ed Wotgiats-<.* See Sees eed 869, 048 | 2,463 | 30,692 | 4, 254 6, 500 | 1,455 | 102,594 | 24, 692 Gill nets—Continued Lines ee 7; hb T; h rot with baits rot wit Runaround Stake or snoods hooks Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value | Pounds, Value |Poumds| Value OT ODT Tare en fea [ne ge ee ee 45,000 | $2, 250 aT Ce eee 8, 000 SIGD 5) ee eee Re eae ‘erp. Tee Gy redisn__ 2 .-==---=-~.- 4, 000 pi fe (eee eae) SS Be rey a a | i ee ee 21 eIT i ic: a ee 1, 500 0 a a Ske Re | ees eee eed ae |) DLO oi gps GT eee es a | es (ere 6, 200 SONG | a 2eae se Sees ARE eee) King whiting or ‘‘kingfish’’___...._- 3, 000 120 eS an eee ee ee een Sel ae Let eee Do > lh ne 0 a 16, 500 pT Re er ee eee Sel te Se LOCC Seok. ee ee ee 1, 000 CLO eee (le Ee ee eee 9 eel 2 Te Ee TG 2 Le WN ete Pee Oe: ae ey ee 33, COG Tru een se Soran |e em ne” ee = Re tee ee St a ee re 3, 000 90 [nose eas oe eed ee a ees a ee ESL =, Squeteague or “‘sea trout,’’ spotted__| 10, 000 = 2! al See | Se Soe NT et SE el eb Jae | eUTCN ie AM a Pe. tle PE eel el ee Ree cere | Ses ea Len Se oee | ssemee Seles Ao ee a = eee 47,000 | 2,680 | 39,200 | 8,646 | 159,250 | 2,389 | 45,000 2, 250 288 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Georgia, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR—Continued Species Fyke nets Cast nets Otter trawls Traps, crab Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value| Pounds Value |Pounds| Value Catfish and bullheads____---------- 140, 000) 198,400) |3 2-52 215-2. snc 2c = a | ee ee TON ay wha Fev s ei Ne Ss RE gE ie ee ES ee nal Eee IGhalee gy law capberea coy med ab at eg at:) se eee Oe Oe | ee ae | Pee AVitteG = Cee e Same ae ese aS Oe es 2a | eee 40, 000 | $1, 600 (pissy aysyy ake eG ls se eee eae Ne I eee cE ese So] ent oesel|= see 50, BMD! See nee a ae ae nee ee sas | i eee ee | ae eet Totaiee. tessa get ceuei eee 140, 000 | 8, 400 | 40,000 | 1,600 | 5, 511, 563 | 182, 158 | 50,000 750 Species Tongs Rakes Grabs By hand Pounds | Value |Pouwnds\ Value |Pounds| Value |Pounds} Value @lams’ shard public=--24-- <= se eos eee eee 1, 200 $150;|_=-=--<-\2-=----4loseeee se Ee Oysters: Market, private, spring--------- TIL, 8660|ip2; O16b|-Se= se |oecee ee 44, 086 $565 | 54,762] $1, 159 Market» privatentall= 922s: 222 =e 79, 695: | 44,082 | 222 -22|_ 22228 eh. oe ci oe 17, 357 579 Notale tn -santesanbsesesseass 191,561 | 6,948 | 1,200 150 | 44, 086 565 | 72,119 1, 738 arenas nanan SEE IEEESEEEEESEEEENEEEEEEEREERSEEEERESDERERESEIEE OPERATING UNITS: By CounTIES el Item Bryan | Bullock | Camden | Charlton|Chatham| Glynn Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number ONGVCSS0] se a a res) oe | ee ee ee B4: |saweseseee 16 28 On boats and shore: Veecsven mist nee |= 08 Res es ee ee eee | ee es Lo a a a B8ilees-2 ee 207 85 COPA b Yat eee Se ee ee 52 12 36 18 213 70 otal: ee Meee ee See 52 12 108 18 436 183 Vessels: ; 65:20 ee P| ER eae ee 8 14 18y| 2 65 104 Motel: vessplst=* Bee soe Se ae a ee 6 Sees 8 14 Nofal-netwonnace! ==. eee e es oe tea tee 837 pee 65 104 Boats INV OtOR: -2eii eo ees ae oe oe ee Le ek 19% ee 72 26 Ophere ses 2 BRR aa ft oa ek 26 6 18 9 238 65 Apparatus: IPMTSeseinies; MenhAd ene eon eee eee ere eee 1 oss ea eee eee ength’ yards 22). 222 eget PAN Eek See eee eee 800 || cose ced eae FEL SUTISS CIN OS etre ne et eee ee Ne | merece eee |e eee re | ace ene 4 Meng Vana s ees pots se A eae cl Ree re Gill nets: CNG CLOTS se ea ee ee end, Bea Bu ee ale ie oe I ae Sataretyardsee es oe ee ee eee Pal eee TD) fife aia Py eee 26 6 Sdustrervardsh22-0 te eee 14, 600 2, 800 uN aroun deed: Seely SP eee Sp eee ed 2 ee eee ee Square yards SEAMOn at eee Be hh ate aed |b 0 ee ee Square yandsee a Le eee ee ae ee ee oe Lines: Prot withibaltsior SHOOdS: ¢ weer =| ree wre Sa oe Se eee | eerie 20 3 Baits or/snoodsiwise a2 2 a ee ie ee 6, 000 1, 100 Droit with: WOOK ei Se ek a Oe | a ee ees |e See Soe 80.15. ee BROOKS: 2 oe eo ko eRe eee SE seen |e eee 6,050) |sq sees @astnets:. <2 25e50 45 2 ee a | ae S| ee ee | ees Sa a eae 12 |S SS Otter trawils2tc2ss2 se Soe ee ee ee ee Oi) ol Ree 78 34 Wards at mouth: 6252 at eek Se ee ee ace 420 nce ee 1, 560 680 EDA TIS) CLAD a2 sete hee ee a | eel crs eo | ee | eee 10 MONGS. =. 2 -aaweks cece oe Sete al ee eee eee a fo] ees 124 20 Rakes fo. a ee en ak DEE DO ee ee es ee eo cdl oe eee 6. eee FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 289 Fisheries of Georgia, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By countizs—Continued Item Liberty |McIntosh} Screven | Tattnall | Wayne Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number aE WORN SSI oe. bn thiban hun meab ast peeentosaa | fe es Re AD ater Sele MAL to SSE = On boats me shore: ra a PeCU GR tee ttwct. WUcenvasacseussaecusmkaasaplee = Sle ee OO |eecunonesel=atacceen=|>asuenneem 7 LE Ses) Sere ee ee ee Se See ee ee eee | 66 6 15 10 AGA U2 Te pe i SRR IS ae eae ee 18 150 6 15 10 Vessels: (1 aS le Ral SaaS ak SS SNES P CES Cer Oe) (ae a RES Se Re ee ae (AA Cae See eee. Sees eee ee Di | eS i oo Re Boats: eo) Dene CRE RSS es ie oe eee ee Oe Seen MIRE eee te Le claldasustnansetpeceessease 18 75 6 15 10 Apparatus Gill nets: PRGTOHD Reet 28 on fee hn cee padacutinnnte meats packsecene|Useecascas _ Square yards. - LDS at) See ee re euaae yards... Square yards... CO) SSS SSR ee Sag hae es ee aes er POE RHES GER OM Rete CME Nand Seas ce ceeco ues ae| Sees PeRMS A MNONUNCE soos ccc one ee ne cue wo tees CE pe aati ge EG Rg SS es eae EC eee Rep eter ee ek te es on Oey a| aaa Species Bryan Camden Charlton Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value | Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value meOmOro shad ; «5 oo - 2 5222-22 ee. 600 Tad] OR ba ae al SO beg peel ee eek | pet a al ORRIIISEIORGN fees ee ene a Sab ee elie ele 2 800, O48) 'O2°460 |= 25 eee eee CISC SS SRS ae eee 24,000 | 6, 000 7, 000 mse 750 CGT, Sets SOS SE Ree 5 ree Ot Se 5 PERE 5 RS 922, 688))| $2, 204 |. ees bhi SPOR Ras Sos asccketocanasoct 24, 600 6, 048 1,000 | 1,812, 731 7, 000 1, 750 Species Chatham Glynn Liberty MelIntosh Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value |Pouwnds| Value} Pounds | Value Catfish and bullheads--------- AG OOG WE SeeoO tec. +o ees |-uncconelaccoaans|>eaces- 140, 000 | $8, 400 MOR NOI teeta. 8 oo ee gees anew soa oonlee nada 8, 500 nis TOC) OF THOUS as pate oslo occa cnk eae 4, 000 MiguMmoGrs--4— <> oe eee 4, 000 120 6, 000 EiGwory chad 33, 32 o-acnaancce 5, 800 364 6, 000 King whiting or ‘‘kingfish”’__- 13, 000 780 22, 000 Mullet 41,500 | 1, 660 35, 000 PI 8 on cae gan walam conned neaes cok 1, 000 Shad__- 39, 000 9, 750 18, 044 [> ea eee 3, 000 90 700 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’ spotted - - 4, 000 400 6, 000 Sturgeon--- 1, 000 BOON ae oo ea el Bosco Crabs, hard_- 135, 000 | 2,025 74, 250 J Tie al tails Ele ke ale 1, 574, 327 | 55,050 | 1, 403, 330 ert hard; public. =_-..--... 1, 200 160) font. aac guskesta ce laa aaben lyon cape ee Sena bat edece Oysters: Market, private, spring - -- 115, 230 | 2,479 4, 541 408 | 18,069 | $602 72, 874 1, 151 Market, private, fall_..__- 35, 601 1, 198 752 91 | 32,454 | 1, 623 28, 245 1, 699 Terrapin, diamond-back.- ----- 1, 250 537 8,243", 2; 208 |< Sel eee eeteces Sane cee on (haa ae py a ae 2,018, 908 | 77,353 | 1, 598, 359 | 59, 243 | 50,523 | 2, 225 | 1,820, 592 | 60, 339 Species Screven Tattnall Wayne Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value egal CLES RAR ARE See te ples SPS ca | eee (ne a ee 600 Sin) eee eee, . 290 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES FLORIDA Fisheries of Florida, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR Purse seines Haul seines Gill nets It | ee em m Men Com An . Run- Haden Other aati Long Ghee Drift ABEAE Stake | nets Fishermen: Number|Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number Onuvesselstetee sre eas 141 TO) 2 se Ss SRE 2h tos See | ee | Se ee On boats and shore: Regia ete See ei ross | ae | Sate 595 224 6 L0G)" 2.411) saererae 222 @Wacuale soa s ao ees | eS eC eee oA | eee eas eee 51 254 3 6 Hote | Coe ee ee a 141 10 629 224 6 157} 2, 665 3 228 Vessels: 1A) (C0 H0) eet PS ee a 5 Dynes aol Ss cc enn| pose ccse|a2 ce eacloanc en |e Net tonnage__-.---------- 246 WY) seo eee] tl a aon | seen ce oce| Sone oes | rr Boats: IMObOR SS = eee ee ee ae ee ee ee 110 89 2 56/1097} Sees 102 Ophener ett S eee. Soe ee ee 89 146 | See 74, = 1, 853 3 146 Wecessory. boats. = --f-2-- 2- =| sane sen a|---2=52-|---- 2222] ooo cE See er Apparatus: ONE er fase eS 5 1 123 73 12 115) 2, 587 3 187 heneth; yards-—— 22" 52-<=. = 1, 440 300): 43; 660)" -63;,400)-- == 20 |= 22 2 Se ae ae ee ee Squareyards S22. 0022 = oS Soa Se a ere 2 Sk aes 9, 600] 167, 650}2,789,002} 1, 500} 117,875 Lines Dip nets Item aot Trot | Pound| Stop | Fyke Hand | Troli | baits | with | ets | nets | nets | Com-| pio, or hooks snoods Fishermen: Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number @névessels s5-ae ee i 668]. | |e | lok 2 ee ee ee re On boats and shore: Ree wlan’ 2 0s eas ee 686 731 6 256 23 52 5 45 25 Wasuale so. sees ee 453 201) S222ce Se Ol agers Sees | ore ee | ee ee 19 23 Total = eS 1,702} 1,022 6 265 23 52 5 64 48 Vessels: IMotor-s22o- 5 osercee eee G7) seeseet bl cee c heal eoedn lee] We cese| sole) Se ee eee Net: tonnages2-62 22-22 2, 520; 2255 2. 232 abe se bes ee be San Ole ee ll eee ea {SET [os Ee RD oe eet aE a ee | ee Net tonnage_------------ 2A ee cocoa ne eee cee eee Soe oe ee See ees ee Motalevessels’.— Ss aees MU e soe Ue Sole seek es oo Cee he ats | Total net tonnage --_-- 2, PAS se NS Deh 2S as eee a 2S Se | Boats: VAIO FiO Tee ear een, in Se 353 507 4 32 10 14 5 31 25 OPH eet res ei BAL: 384 50 2 181 9 5} bere Nasal 43 15 Apparatus: INTIN D OR er ee e eUe Fe 1,702} 1,241 5 266 25 8: 50 64 48 DGtranesyands ie sas Seo sees ts Bee pose oe |e Ce eel ee eee 12; 500) 2. 20522) 23 ee eee Hooks, baits or snoods-__-_-- 2, 913 1, 649 840). 117,,100|2-2222)2- 452265 Se Se ee Pots | Dredges Cast | Otter Item a Sea | Spears nets | trawls Crab Eel Fish | eraw- omy fish ie Fishermen: Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number WIRVGSSpise. Es. bt Seok s Ree alee wee NS AQ) oe So Seale et Seo eee oS 2 oe eS ee On boats and shore: PRO OU a cee ee 6 829 33 2 107 44 7 12 3 Casale eee Ley 12 8 2 ee Se 5 16 Bh | ME ae neg “AR aN Pe Fee to 29 aed So 18 949, 35 2 112 60 40 12 3 Vessels: ia IMO TOT @ 2) 3 ae ee pe BO) os a eee oo 22 8 2 2 ee Nef tonnage 22 S22 | 200] 5 So er ea els | ee ee | ee ee ee ee Boats: Walloli(o) =o re aes a ap abel 4 341 19 2 18 O0|2cneee ne eee 1 (O43) Y=) a a ne Re ees Gee a eS Gp tee ae 109 1l jiiss | eaeee Apparatus: it3fiin6l) O(c) Sekee ieee SRT Sela 18 383 1, 443 45 4, 240 2, 073 40 1 2 Weandsiat mouth Se =e tee ee Fog 28 | (ae a SS en ees 2 Be ky | etre ae 2 Notr.—Fish pots were formerly shown as wire baskets in Franklin County and fyke nets in Lake Okeechobee. FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 291 Fisheries of Florida, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR—Continued Cc pi /O- Bad exe. u- : Hooks,| Diving| By 4 Item Tongs | Rakes | Forks | quina sive of scoops sponge | outfits | hand duplica- tion Fishermen: Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number|Number| Number Eek ED Toate ce 2h Sa, iar fe Rae papi (cs al | lt al a ee (Rea ane [ae eps 4 Se eae 826 On boats and shore: PEEP Th ae Sere Bd 404 8 7 pees ipa 6, 375 CETTE belle cea. S ORES Sa Cees Tol teense [nee 1, 156 + DE vee: Ai Mapa See pe 449 8 47 8, 357 Vessels: : Al TTT = LO eee ee es ee ee ee eee eee oe hae errs peak ase 115 RAS a ee Se eee ee en ee eee See cee eeee pen eae aes 3, 272 Pt oe eS ie TD eS ee eee | eee cee) eee nom eee) (eons Sees 4 POG SOT eee ee ee ee Cees eae eee ee eee eee om ok ee 249 MRP VORHONS <= Se 8 | So en as odes bathe ces cnabeeeus 119 AGE Ea eG al | A eae Fe ers ee ee ee eee oe eee 3, 521 Boats: Sait an. 7 a or . ra ars UY) ST Se See eae j |e a ae Bees Week eeae 2, 401 LLU ae aS 1 ee Se ees 177 4 1 (Ae El 3, 295 PEDCARAEy DORIA =, 34 0t. Pit See nel eee lee doen laos ea ema en ee meen loaner na 2 Apparatus: | CLESE STi eae ee eee ee 449 8 Ye Ane ie aaladad 7- neige 517' Maple eel put tay See sh CATCH: By GEAR Purse seines Haul seines Species =a Se A Menhaden Other Common Long Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value ce TT Loe detec el lp nae sl lel Lie aide apa bene ied RTRs |S Seale RES SER BN See 320, 256) $1, 603 OD ST ae I See ee Site Red 5 RI 5 6 An Dee |e a eed (ie ee $900} 315,383) 29, 261 Jul iT inte nce ibe, Sephes Sibi ed Mba aliens eng iea May Jaa hen 6 fal ch leeenetan ae 6, 660) 3, 000 270 Ce LE Siar 5 OCT be eatin) ieee ees eek ie a8 (alae DA oN lara pe) 574 800 PareE ISD MeRICIINIETSITIOCI + ttn eee | os en a ee epee Se Basle 5, 659}2, 249, 000} 95, 715 CPUDDGLUU: 2/252 See aati, Lo ai iid ol et ands bea leis Od [ipa Ciena see kt Wat Bs SS ep ene PET ad aE aE ty lan til Mei I al ial lee eae (Zoe ea 713) 376,944) 13,726 COUP? DD ate PENG I RED Same Sed |S se eee eee 35) 5, 000 150 LIED ele eo la oP ea Shel (ea ca ae oe a Spee (ee 75 1, 200 24 rum: UD iT ete te te) aan a ES Stee Se se es ee oe 175 500 10 erm SeRatialt eee | oe a SE ee ee 1, 553 4, 088 103 Lo TTT TL, pst dpi i aes Mallee 5g) (iets eae 0) RR pe et Sh oS bh | bee etl (eee a AES Te conse 5 RS IRE | As = al) pi i eS | Sabet Wi ee eae PR 25, 248) 758 OC eggs CTBT a Se) a eae See S08) 52252 ea Mire Citig Ob KINPTisihe eens (oS Seen eee ee Re 143 600 18 Te a Seale Gal igi ie A MIE” 25 OS (sac SR RSS eee Ty | neta ah mops Li Coo ITC Ty ea ti lina i a 8.105, 280) $19, 891|— =f 1 ZAR oe eee bai) Ly 7: tlt Sa Sa Set Reet Ali i HDDS. || Bete: Bese es ae See 14; 20,000 600 Mr ee ad oe ee na ee 375, 000} $7, 500/2, 311, 485) 46,868} 52, 641 829 Pr ee ee et ah 2p ee ee eee eee | pee ee GON ae see Mae Tea mecas Jilin Rd Use se eee ee Pee ee as Lee ee ceo 117 2, 000 60 Suni Ga bn eG) 6 Neh ob ASSIS ol eSB) ot Soe Ss 200 3, 000 90 Conall) tivated, RE aE aii eR iM ee Sea ak so) (ook Lee Ed bo ee 5, 371 4, 000: 120 bbe Dit ie rat Ben ails a RS eal APIS 2 St by ae SE [ii SEE Al lee 8 Aa PLS se eS I ee Ee Sa Ee ere Eeesee et en 27, 533} 172,190) 18, 671 Se bi Vi bape as te ee sales ieee GEERT a (cee |e kee 832 400 16 Sev eh Gti E vs Dae cmd ei RRS iF Aetel Shes (RN EA end 47 1, 500 60 bbe Loyiis eu Sri cl: ieee pete a! (pI valine | ieee x er 579 2, 000 80 Gls i ie Si ep tsta,. salet STi Ee 2551 (pt aie (Ga Se ee ae eA eae ieee eee oe DEE ERICa IPI CMLR Se ee Sn no a|sacomnaseename ee ir es i he ee le Sat BS SL Leet at Sener 5 ig Me eS a hel ES ey ees 71 15, 408 462 Squeteagues or “‘sea trout”’: UN Se se ee ied ae eee eee Gey DERE S ae i, |< eee | Seapets Bik Lo ST ail a se ave a ee le ea la a [alse ee EO eS 7,469} 16,000) 1,280 Bo iit so aeds Ae Se ig eh De iaEs Ee eee eee Bee St 420) 446,655) 13, 209 Tas nt has gen ees ational ESP CaS eee) cee ee ART | ence e Deel LAR adapta SALA LS (GCL By goo genteel ltig IE SPA a A eer fe eR Weare: & Sas fuente dope Tel 11, 690 173 Ai 71 Mee eS YES wae ge Ee 8, 105, 380} 19,891) 375, 000 7, 500}4, 305, 734) 129, 562/4, 049, 503) 177, 402 NoTe.—Fishpots were formerly shown as wire baskets in Franklin County and fyke nets in Lake Okeechobee. 176453—33—— 10 292 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Florida, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR—Continued SS eee ee Value | Pounds Value 1,000) $150 1, 000 150 Trot with baits or snoods Pounds | Value Gill nets Species Anchor Drift Runaround Pounds | Value | Pounds| Value| Pounds PEST Uae Gas ere eee ere re eee | | See 6,818} $372) 746, 373)$48, 955; ine runner or hardtaveee tases aan se aaron as beer alee Eee 111, 082) 2, 231 COP este) ohne) ony ee ee ae ee | Ee aoe 400 24 CGhejnathoutsatal) oye UU ove ¥e pa eee ee eo eet rel aoe 54,718} 1,990 Ope NU apa A a a el oe le | ee |e 57, 662) 1, 341 Oa ST a a ae | ee ee | ee 33, 255 705 Drum: AES Ste Kee ee ee ae ee oe ee es |e ee em ee eet 15, 773 305 Teal Gyn naeveb oe hee ee | ee eee eee cet ecu eaesa se 721, 742| 15, 310 ARON CUA CLOTS ae ee re ete 39, 319] 1,170 MGEOUUTS OLS eet a ee eee eee 19, 412) 712 Kinefishor!‘king mackerel””-.-_------|_ -_------|_ 2 - 500 23 King whiting or eA: Aa Hea Dar EE, FI 15, 242 457 53, 350} 1, 211 Mojarro , 500 760 Mullet-2.:.--- 7, 500/18, 043, 946/330, 510 Muttonfish - -- 7 90 Rermite sete 4 5 Richshe ee ee ones = oe eee 48, 495 927 Pinfish or sailors choice 41, 058 907 Pompano 235, 331) 46, 428 CURR Le ta a eae ee ae ee eee Bee ee 22, 500} 3, 375 har kc ee ay 920, O00 pay COU name seme | ee ee ee a Sheep Gul See ee eee ee eats oe | ee eset 552, 181} 10, 031 Snapper: INEST O TON Oconee ee rn | ee eee | eee ree | ee 66, 898) 1, 549 13S Lee aye ee ee Ee ee a el eo Re 6, 750 559 STOOKGOR SOLE BeTU LLNS Leese re ee re rete | ee ere ee re 154, HH 4, ae [SVOpE COUTTS) Me Se ee et es lt Spanisnwmackerel ase: aaa ae eae | See es | eee 15, 132 688) 4, 111, ove 174, 888 BS ee ee eee ee 2, 440 67 106, 416} 2,195 eee eae eS ae 200 10 7, 413 73 apes oe 8 at OO Be 8, 124 812) 1, 971, 838)108, 859 Petes SERN |e opt 5, 941 447 3, 645 265 Zeal peop | eleene EE 3) ph SB 15,507) 182 apres es | ehiece dhs | leeane cts 1, 300 13 16, 500} 1, 167 14, 586 729 941,500} 4,127) 534, 453) 44, 629/27, 311, 376/761, 462 Lines Species Trammel nets Hand Troll Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value Amber] ACh a aoc en ene emo lee ee oe 6, 420 S194 ee ee ee IBARTACUC ane ante hee ek See ee eee ee 18, 720 AG |E tenes Dee ae Kingfish or ‘‘king mackerel’”’ King whiting or ‘‘kingfish”’ Mullet Sheepshead Snapper: Mangrove......-...----- Red meee |e Ss A ee 1, 982 99 mee 550 15 1, 310 39 Be 255-5 843)(266) 10) 400|-o 22s eS ah SERS | ee te 17, 664 813 Dh bee 255, 677) 46,070) 15,000); 1, 500 Beer Semasas Sle se ct 5, 388; 1,114 Be ee eae oe ee | re 101,942) 4,970 Ste 9, 594 278} 212,993) 3, 172 waite 2, 630) 72) 37,085} 1, 439 Se ee ease ae | eee 4, 498, 100} 297, 915 See) ee FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 293 Fisheries of Florida, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR—Continued Lines Species Trammel nets Trot with Hand Troll baits or snoods Pounds| Value | Pownds| Value | Pownds| Value |Pounds| Value Brook or-sergoantfish-..< =. 224 ~.|.-2s-2-2-|s225-2-2 29, 033: OLS ee cecee es | oa See tS eee Spanish mackerel-.-..-.-..--.------ 594 $22) 17,771 654} - 59,965} $8, 094)......._]_._____ Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’: SS 8 eee eee 660 12) 7, 530 | ee Seer eee eee ee geese eee et Ppovied anna. Soted. o5 Os ek 129; '766). -« 6; 660): - 682,887): - 84, 141)2.2--222]o5- 25. se]-ss2-5s/L2L ee SLOT a2 ee ee ey eee eee 5, 148 yl eee Seer Ee ee See ee aes meee ee | es ea, Aa CCU eee es Se ee (eee 1, 708 SA eserse te | soda ee ela MES ETT yr S25 SS SE ee ee Oe Se ee | ee BELT SS eee bee ee Pee LOS F794)" 5016) eee Ee ee ee ee eee COSTES LCG ogee Seep a a Pet pees 2 as lel ara | eae met (ears bereee: OE ee eae eer 49, 165) $2, 458 Ui) Eee ee eer 1, 264,021) 73, 327|8, 551, 451) 426, 583/3, 489, 816) 170,199} 49,165) 2, 458 Species ag bee Pound nets Stop nets Fyke nets Pounds | Value igre bie’ Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value 3 cmeeamereremmete rey | 5 slik d. . ce tenty yt aga eo) Eee’ |) ei SS 0M) oles eles ose [eek oe ee WSUS Si RTE DE ee a al oe ees | a | 44,489} 2,022 935 $34) cco Sea eae Bivie MUNNeH Or Mara Tallon) cocoate AIS Bo eee ATOR 2 TOR E0368|) aon eee | to ce | aoe ee ee PEPE 8, aS aay a es a OE RS 2 2 Ce Sl Le es 8 eee 550 Sia eee eres aia onerapiesteres 2 tll lis cies ORR Sa 2 1, 784 (is | Rn Des) Paani Pee eR Catfish and bullheads-_.....--..-.-- 492, 200) $22, 407 350, O00!) 13; 750 eee coe eee 10, 000 $400 Cig a a, Se ee eel |e See ea 21, 786; SHliseenceo es | ssa sales ee sae a ee COUPE TUT 2 5222 SR Ps el | RAS) ee S|) eee a eee 2,915 AQ EOE ia PRS Se Ci - a. SR EE Ss ee ees nee ee a eee e 5, 940 BEES BREA aS Drum, red or redfish. ----..------- | 2o ee, ee 16, 095 439| 28, 105 By | eee gem see he COC T areenge aie ae aan py Re dae | eT pcp Uren ese agen 14, 522) 423| eee rree ee Sete ee PSLGUNII See sees ON Bi IE ee ee ON ks 1, 263 QB dcecen ate eesee lee arcaa ere os 222 Kingfish or ‘‘king mackerel’’_____- | er 24, 636 Ct en ones Seema, to See Les EGE) 0G) Fe ba 1 ied et pe fe Rese = [eee ae Se fae 5, 759 16| saz ncoee |aoeee cee Snapper, Mangrove- -- SHE OG TUTE (ils Le Be sea Ld | eee See [Seen es eee Sparesivmacker Glas .waxchsacccsesu|) ss cenaca(Saneeoes Si) a 2 ee ee es ee eee ee ee A Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’: DG) 7 ae Se ee | 495,200) 22,467) 628,695) 28,728) 646,849) 11,935) 10, 000 400 | Dip nets Species a ee eee Cast nets Otter trawls Common Drop Pounds | Value | Pownds | Value| Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value LO PTET GTi Sok ee 8S ee SE a Ee a ee cel eee Semerees eS Se eee 6, 000 $180 Dt Tah neato) aig abot 1 Pei oe ee ee ery (eee Le Saat) (tamed Re ao 123, 000 3, 590 LO EE ee eS ee ee ee eee ee Se eee 1, 000 Lt) Se al ee ae = Ove ote et a ae ee ED Eee ee ae ee eee (eae hee 20, 500 15 1 4) lee el a ee | aalie Crabs, Lirivt pe Diy Sn ips Soe Shae St) eee (ae 3, 570 POO? aay ce a | See ae ae San |e Sea crawfish or spiny lobster--_---- 119, 814 |$8, 387 | 41, 666 Cig el Mager eae = ol fase eye ta| [kn enna aha (ee epee ae SUSU = SES ge SR Pe SRS 9 | a (a ae ey eS ee (eee t 2S) eae 18, 852, 822 | 682, 658 ENG [07] ES SS ates ee 119, 814 | 8, 387 45, 236 | 4,358 | 21, 500 663 |18, 981, 822 | 686, 428 294 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Florida, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR—Continued Pots Species Sea crawfish Crab Eel Fish Pounds | Value | Pownds| Value| Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value IBlackibassoweec. 2.2s So Se eth. sch RUe Ka bag ek OS ee a eee 9, 176 808: (2. 52a ee Catfishiandtbullheads<2-2~ 22. = eae |e see a eee eee 150, 916 | 6,096) | =... ==) eee Orappiesc: ase ese Pee oe ee en = ee Se 73,641 | 2,206, |.--2-2.=-)beoeeee DRM predvonrediish. —. 2222 25 Se ee Ee 976 $29) |. - 2-2-2) s<-cea kes Seg ee JOD See Eee See ee eee cee | eee | me | ee TS 168 3i,|-. 2 eo eee RST ENS Deere re se a ee eee ee | 110,:794:| 93; 324, |... = sie Crabs: 18 (C1 cha |RSS 2 RS a eee Oe 6,600) $2604) 2 e222 ce oie 8 See ee [Sho Ve eee EE ee ae Sa a 142,837} :9; 5892 | oo eco oe Sap ee ee Ses .crawishcor spiny lobsters: eee bes ta Sh eal eee ee |e eee ae ee 294, 427 |$28, 877 CO RYO} eS Cae ae Se Na eis ak Se) 149, 337 | 9, 849 976 29 | 434, 594 | 20,435 | 294,427 | 28, 877 Dredges Species Spears Tongs Clam Scallop Pounds | Value| Pownds | Value |Pownds| Value| Pounds | Value DIOS eae a ete a ne 15, 3785 \e i SO6Re) 2 oe |e a ee CY 24 ie aE ee a EN © D2V 1686) 260 | to. soe oe ee ito eee Clamsihard publicue 2 aes ee eee | eee 663, 288:1$24, 644 |" 2-2. 2) sa es ee Oysters: Market: mublic: Spring — 2) ssh Se Se ees ee ee eee eo ee ee eee ee 677, 655 | $44, 581 Narket publics fall 2525-2 oles See ce eS ete Seen Se ao ee | Ree 783,975 | 57, 663 IVATKOE OnLY aes, SDLING eS eae sane ee SS a Sa a eee 38, 700 3, 776 Markets private, tell ae 2 ee ol see eee ep aoe | een |e eee es 10, 012 805 Seallansybaiyn eso es 2 eke es COS 2 a eo be Se ee 3,478.| $166 /|s32-- = eee C4 Ao to (gee es Sa ee 67, 546 | 7,225 | 563, 288 | 24,644 | 3,478 166 | 1,510,342 | 106,825 Species Rakes Forks Coquina scoops Clams: Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds) Value @oquin a ae eae a ee er a ee es | ee | ee ee na 5, 740 $48 ard sp up lickese 2s Seee es eee Seeeee 4, 320 $756"). -223;'848) (STO O67 |= eee ee MD OtaLS te Leet bee eee eke Ae ee ee 4, 320 756 223, 848 | 10,067 | 5,740 48 Species Hooks, sponge Diving outfits By hand Pounds | Value | Pounds| Value | Pownds| Value BOTS ee 2 a a 2 pg a ee eNO YG Eg ie gh lp 52,168 | $6, 260 Mlams Hard pip lG sn ose ale esi ee ee en | Renee cake | Crete a ees | Screed 2, 864 318 OXY aT) OE LE oe a a PL aR pw ee tage 3, 500 $280" ii sk et es ee oe | ee Oysters: Marken DUDICsSpring sooo. 2 aoe enw a| eee ee ee] oes Oe eee oes 6, 240 412 Whariketspiblic stall ese ag Re rp ae ee SE eee Sana a | ee 16, 000 1, 036 IVESTIOL DTT V ALCS GP TLI oc ey ee a sa a mee eee 107, 560 5, 080 Mean ets rl vate s Leite ee teal 2 Eb ak teehee ohh Bie es Sera | gene he ieee see | ee 108, 634 8, 701 [SEIS Ma oh of i ea OR ABO LED ee OP Sed Caveman [ek Eee eR ie ee 10, 048 758 Sponges: (Bi rs LY ie a Ot OR NAR SL: ihe OSE Ik Be aw Fh Sent 112, 282 24, 238 6, 298 $1,889) |. 2.c<- ses ee PNCEDS WOO Lie ee = ee Se ee aye EE 123, 262 | 204; 528.) 188, 698: .496, 640 |---=---=s)- Seeeees Melvete ooh Nw — ih Ao 2 Sea PR eS 2-2 See 190 OOM ee a 8 ee WV APs ee eS al) a US UI Rn Se 124 30 12, 390 4, 956. |... 222 Moelows:2 ose esos Bats ely hg CET poe cebws 42, 412 12, 860 75, 765 35, 800! | 20. 22. 2c oe ee Motale aac Jaeste Het ie Pe A Ma Sale a eee 281,770 | 242,035 | 288, 151 | 539, 285 | 303, 514 22, 565 — FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 295 Fisheries of Florida, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By couNTIES Brev- | Brow- | Char- Item Bay ate and iotte Citrus | Clay | Collier | Dade Fishermen: Number|Number|Number|Number|Number| Number| Number |Number LOS To ae ae eae 2 156 peers: aes Ti se 8 CSA ee ee | eee fare ea ee 2 On boats and shore: POOIIA eS c ute rad ene om 197 a 183 172 36 160 445 CES US See ee ee eee 25 47 70 43 Pit) |e ee 25 119 SUS hee 378 203 70 226 197 36 185 584 Vessels: . IG) 20) = ne a ee 17 11 CE hes Se SY |e a |e eee Wee Arf Sa ot) + Pe 3 Wet tonnaresc. 5 $2245... 437 pC) a RS 50 (De a ae | [i 9 aa [ys pe 39 Boats Lo nT SoS NESS SiS Pe ee epee 51 76 33 93 63 10 66 287 LON Na (Gi ct Cee een ee es a 62 115 8 171 185 26 147 90 LORE TS 2 ie RE RE | Rae ZS RE | Spee a een (eee |e Ronee eee) LS 2 Apparatus: Purse seines: DY TACT Cee ee Bees TUES RAN ae esl Ce | | Sees SE) Sr) Fares Sa oo Length, yards.....-..--- DAD) ioe ek Sa le 2 > I a he oa ee eee | ee YEG Ri 5 Be al SESS SE SS eS 5) ee See eee a ge 1 Heenieth (yards: 60 ys ae See ee eee Se Se ee [8 a | ei eee. 300 Haul seines: CON Terk a0 6111S open eee eee es AY RAM a 9 Ys Be Bulteeeas LO cht 22a tk ae Length, yards.......-.-- OOO) |p eee eee ee 2700) ote 8, 000: |22 55s ae ee Gill nets: RB AL OMA see san wee 104 123: |24e4 129 110 Square yards 1 i Sy Pe 141, 210 | 256, 630 sheammen nets... oo se Square yards ines: Hands - Hooks-_- LTS” ea Sees GG Ss Se Trot with hooks Guns - See ee et TTR So Be = ae I OS | ue a Re CRS ee (eee. Square yards To Te TESTES > ce Tia a a amie a OR) a ES SE BE fa SS eee ee (See Bee eee CaM eee. cee ee ee ee TUES Tag) ae aaa SR | RE ae fi | See oe Se eae a (eee eee Ie enero (eee a waras at. motith= 222.2. je a. te S20} | eee ie a ee ee ee ee ee 2 Pots: Ob 5 ee, ee eee [ee 2 A TE ERS eee | eee Coe ee ers ee 100 DEO) te) vending 9 aometaea Di eda ae pepe tal kale ay eee TiS Lb [open e=e ene (Bes 2 oS SER PRE SS | ee 1, 000 pe S SR 2 Lene ae S (| LE a Fl (Re Se (a eer 0 IE Th ve eee Peperrees esa cil enrr sae ee eth hoe re. ees eel eee oe, 3 |_-n se ea] --n esc 1 ie Pe ee JUTE St ERE Sea hae CON fa a ae See 5 Cl eee = See Ree oe TET Sk OE SARS SE, er ge ee TAT Sees eats eee ER ear ees |S eeees eee Seee phil) 2 See Eseam-| Frank- Her- | Hills- | Indian Item Duval | “’bia lin | Glades) Gulf | nando |borough| River Fishermen: Number |Number|Number| Number|Number| Number| Number| Number ODETTE ep Se 5 333 ys St 1 gt (Oe am oes OPN LO oan On boats and shore: ST PLS 2 ae a ae 170 164 475 113 28 6 75 79 SOT: a ee ee 40 18 1G) Eset Al sp wt 12 50 CTT i ee sl ef a 215 515 509 113 89 6 109 129 Vessels: JOT) E'S teens Epa Sa aaa ene 36 Bote cseanee 7 ie age eer Soo _ Net tonnage 1, 897 20 occ nwae 06 lee ar! esse Net tonnage pal a a FET pea 2d | AE hE ll bo lence Total vessels 40 iy eee yy Ie aes fel Pere See Se Total net tonnage 2, 146 20 aaa se 06: [ooo Cy fl ne ee Boats: LAY a De Fae Ne es aed 49 187 36 6 1 33 32 CUGBET Ss Seo a olen oe eee 30 92 91 5 6 59 30 Apparatus: Purse seines: TU PSTEL CTP Ney op Rp Ea I |) Pe ea Me ae a > [Ea nced el (See! Seana 296 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Florida, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By countTIEs—Continued Escam- | Frank- Her- | Hills- | Indian Item Duval |""'bia lin | Glades} Gulf | pando |borough| River Apparatus—Continued Haul seines: Number |Number| Number| Number| Number|Number|Number| Number Comimnones* =. 92a be ee 6s) iiss |e 3 |---| oe eee enepheyards-2ee 2 22 eat epee 2, L201) \r2, GOO} | =aaae ae 1,200: |-- 2-4... | 22 eee Ong sae Boe ne ie ae SE Rn ea a 21 G2 305.2-|4 22 | ee Wen ehh yard sess as ee ae eee ee ae 24,'600) |52229-<.|5- 23a Se Gill nets: ID PIT ee err acre es WOM ee See PH See eee wee el prem ee) I eS Square yards sci s 10050003 |Seaesen= 950) |2.02.-ul:-565. 1 ee eee eee IRMA OUNG Ss: 15 ee ee 4 10 D2) ol ee ST a 2 6 76 Sauareyvardss 225 eon 5, 330 | 61,400 | 18, 580 |_.-____- 4,200 | 3,740 | 48,360 | 69,000 PHramInel nesses vee aie ah bale aa ae OF) cee a | ee | Sauaresyards: 2a te ee ee 19,684) | 22.2280 |-2. ot lok ee ines: PEL UT) oth Es 1 eee ee he 38 397 CN ee i 50 18 OOks320 bs ea ee 76 1, 104 SS i J eee D seas eee 88 36 LTO 5s Pek RRND SN | NE eS aS TE OOKS ee EL | ek SEE SE eee eee Trot with baits or snoods_-_ Baits or snoods__-__-___-- Drotwith hooks. sseseseos : 18 Kolo): ae aes ee ey ae DIT TSts SD rOph sc: ss cotee feel ee BS Castmets = 2 eaet sb ee ae oe Ps ae Obtteritrawls jason Lei: Wards/at mouths 2205) 32s Rots hhishie. 2. 22 FRE Rd Hie a coe Spenrsaenwartins Lrg Eee Bila te Seely SO Dredges: SQN oy 0) 35 We ete te re Bide 2 Oe | eee ee 2. o.cetads| ote eed ESS eee Wiandslatmouthess == 2a e222 sae ee ee Q)ses-ie nee ch eee Ron pg eaeneciy a pee DORR a Ae 29 220) ||P 2 eee 4.|_..-_. See eee Jeffer- Mana- «| Mon- Oka- Item Sel Lee Levy ten Martin rae Nassau loose Fishermen: Number|Number| Number| Number, Number| Number| Number| Number OnGVESSCIS2 23 ie hi ER ae S| mre || eee [ee era eee i Ce eee 1s peeb eS On boats and shore: Rerularseeee oes yee hae 10 235 155 96 60 449 218 122 WASIAlL ests sate, Poca eee 8 35 35 6 20 19 71s ee os ee Ota Aseria SNC 2 aie 18 270 190 102 80 468 329 122 Vessels: Ts IFO 0 2 Sa ag Ae Dap nRL TN | Oa a UT A a ei oat) ee ele gt 14ieete ING iEOTITI Ae se eR BI Ee | a ay ed | a |e ee 266) nee Boats: IMO GOK Sayets tee aes a ea ere ele 3 127 70 44 30 105 83 29 Opiep re sete Coens UA EDT Faigle) 18 238 164 87 10 300 39 30 Apparatus: Purse seines: Vier aden sats eee 8 13H eee 1 rl eee ength) yards 2... sae. oo sees Sau 2 (B40 ib; 400 Ween 150 1,200; | 20-2222 GOR pe ye eS ee eS a ee oe ce | ee 3 .js2tece eae Nene th. VaTngs ies 2 one 8 oe oe Sa a eae ee de | ee 2, 200 .|2- al eee eee Gill nets: ROT ATOUM Cee ee ee Pl i eee 40 25 228 We eas SQUSrOWVARGS2 oe = ae ete eee O24, G40 ieee Se 18, 660 | 19,250 | 116,620 |-.--_... FDTAMIMG Nets ee ee 5 5: \|asos Saal tnt ae eee a 36 5 Squaresyardsso sae 2, 200 13,1050 :|-25-20-4 3 eee 12, 600 1, 500 Lines: 12 5 0¢6 bo es eee 2 ee 26). bases 53 15) 222 ee eee HOOKS .Ues Hast he eo lous k seule 26"|2=2=25=4 53 30.2322. ee eee 1 BS ot) 0 VS Re a SSeS er ee oe 84 [222-222 222l 2. | eee ee EV OOKS) eas nes ke ene ajo ere Se 40) ee | Soe sh a] Se Trotawith: baits OMmSnoods: 2 =-=22-|Sse82—-3|- eek = 6 2s | eee ae eee 1 VEDUESTOR IS TOO US sess em er eee er ee eee [neers hes oe Coquina'scoops: 425. 5-5. 2a Sr a ee | a oe eee 2 |22.2ccssoo eee LOOKS SPDONEB see eee ee ees | a ee eee ee 30°). =.222-2|2-25255ee| eee CATCH: BY COUNTIES Species Bay Brevard Broward Charlotte Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value | Pounds | Value Blnefish soe as seh eh ie 244, 145) $3, 549 25, 650} $1, 086 1,500} $150) 36,716] $1,335 Blue runner or hardtail_.___.._.___-_- 19, 800 192 1, 500 70|.222222 c/s 7, 304 92 TB OTL ee ease Rind Ske ee ee a ee ee ge |e | ee 550 8 Cabiovoricral eaterts-22 22 2h oe Soe ee ll nw ORE a | ee ee | a ee 2, 100) 42 Catfishiandi bullhedds:: 2220222 Joe) Sse ae 20, 000 800)... 222823). SS ees Wigarfish telus es le Fe eee See eS 20, 500 B12) oA oie |e sees bese eee sa os ee ee @revallassessSo53 bP oa eS el ee 1, 500 30 500 25 4, 871 6l @roaken tegen MO an el gall PR hes es Spall ea dee RA 9 Fl se a 8, 360 105 Drum: IBA CRs rs ose eh PS es Sik Oi gad lle Weare 2, 650 S| ae eee 330 6 Redior redfish: =a eis Oe ds 6, 160 126) 32,888) » 1,045)-2---2-2]Sseseee 107, 992) 1,366 PMOUNGERS! Te Rl ae 4, 180 14 Relea Ct ree Reema DEP oy Oy (ee aE 17, 492 504 GroUpers so) so Pie Shee oe 489, 382} 9, 786 750) 15| 12, 000) 360) 5, 9. 119 Grn 2 a a Uae a Te a |e a a 2 he ee 3, 000 60 GWSD ee = = PETROS eee ee ele 600 1D) Pe RR |S £2) S| Se eee a 850) 17 Kingfish or ‘‘king mackerel’’__________ 22, 044 SOP estewee sees ok 170, 000) 10,200} 28,229) 1,121 Kainpewhiting: or “kinefish 7525 2225. |c= a dl eee 2, 500 510) SPR A WR 2 oe 6, 969 90 Wenhaden. - = 2225 s208 wet cee 912,800) 67788) aa ee ESN ale RE ee ee ee IVE OVAT TORS Ss os ee es See pin [bee | eee ee ai Ice ae ae ee 13, 706 186 100) (fa SA eee x ae ee a ee 573, 599} 11, 472)1, 347, 553) 20, 588 2, 000 100)1, 445, 394] 21, 679 WVEIGONSNE oso oboe els Pe RE all Ae a ee eee eee cn 5, 000) 500 6, 050) 121 i 4, 290) 56 3, 700 53 59, 635) 10, 843 82,826} 1,074 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 299 Fisheries of Florida, 1931—Continued CATCH: By countiEs—Continued Species Bay Brevard Broward Charlotte Snapper: Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value| Pownds | Value OTS Wee SE Se oe eee epee paises perc (Ot ae 750 Ci) Ce eee See 12, 537) $150 fhbe at ee fe a et eee oot 820, 504|$49, 224 1, 500) pT) Ree es) eee ee eee Srinicnr serroAntSsn: 2-2-2 ose|onc scence lee acne 3, 000 et eee esis Se 53, 366 677 Spanish mackerel-_................--.. 360,101) 9, 821 15, 750) 630) 1, 000 $70} 156,071) 5,246 ey saris ee e e 2, 200) 40| 42,000 S40) ooo owe 3, 740 49 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’: oD ae EE a SP ey cope (ee See |e > My 8 | 2, 250 1b pe 1, 797 VTE | ak Ra a 98, 298) 3,727) 229, 689] 11, 384/......._|_.-_._. 239, 216] 12,111 DUEL CEG Co a RI i POO. Ui} at Ay BYP ee cae eee Peer ares eee ce ser ee 4 STA) 2 ESI esa age = eae | S| |. ti (2 een 8 be ee 2 ee eee 800 16 NLS ET Te aa a FE fae Deen Fh (Ca 28 8) 8 ee | eee eae Dees 4, 994 100 REreRr US eTIpEN) hee eee ey) oe Se Pe a eee eo 7, 800 77 | Oe a Se ete Sewerawish OF spiny loDSster-- oo. sce | nonce on lenesese[e—socecee|saccc—- 00;\000|' 9s G00|Es= 52 = Bie oe IIS TT OSCE Es See Sees 2 ets 3 Lees 0302700) 21 BSS tees eee ee ee ee Oysters: Market, public, spring._..--.--.-- GisB48 30, (66| sos 2 oe ea Sl ee eee 14,130} 1,178 Market, MUPUG Als eee YG) aR (7 eR 6 | | ee 9, 180 459 AMT ee eRe Ree oe ee ea 3, 817, 217/110, 188/2, 374, 133) 63, 902) 282, 000; 20, 405/2, 342, 145) 58, 972 Species wo Citrus Clay Collier Dade Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value| Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value JosTh PS BVO eae ot IS (RE pe Se Pe Se |e ee ee Se 4, DEPORT Di 2 se Oh RRR Ss | ES, ES | ee VA | es i NS ee TUNG SoC. a eed eee ane eee beens LP CEN iC ie ae ag Sere ee Blue runner or hardtail Catfish and bullheads Sipe) ASE ES a a ee eee eee eens Erde hee SUES Te? ee eee ee ed eee Drum: Oo SS SR oe al | Se ee ce | (ee mead errednsh = = 529 22s =... lo rit; Ca a Seer Shrimp micnin hard, public Oysters: Market, public, spring. -__._- 32, 895 Market, public, fall......_._- 49, 080 NU Ea SO el ee eee 2, 132, 609} 50, 129} 193, 450| 8, 253) 3, 327, 356) 95,973) 4, 665, 466/226, 614 300 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Florida, 1981—Continued CATCH: By countTIEs—Continued Species Duval Escambia Franklin Glades Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value Bl sek basse~-- eee eee Ue 2 Rae cee ae re Ta Reh eee eb re 291, 529/$26, 238 TBUIGTIS Hise: Sie colts rae a ne 1, 116 $56 27, 268 $744 23, 008 $442) 25! =. a ees Blue minner on hardtails 2-22 | ees ae tales 13, 281 121 1, 320 I 2) 2.20 el ees Cabio or crab eater______.____- 400 24 212 6.25222 Pee Catfish and bullheads________- Ff Oars 10,0) Pant Reto] a INR 246,890] 8,978] 602, 488} 29, 124 (GF if21) 0 6) (its faa ma ieee Te) Lg ng a Ua ps | Mh ae | CRT rt egg Sa IL ge Pn) 214, 624) 6, 438 rodkereet es <2 tee Pe se hea Ne ee 880 16). ec. ln el loceaee es le Drum: 131 OSs Spay m Dire | Oat al | lice eee 4,961 90 220 edsor nedtisnuts tn 2, 214 lil 2, 530 46 8, 855 TOVSISES is SSeS fies eee tried 2, 200 NTO | Sees sanl| See Be 168 OUT dersre ek 2 te ne Se | eee = Sal ee 1, 221 67 7, 684 Gronpers. 22) Ae ea a 412 12} 1,186, 786| 33,937; 306, 036 VSM ELS Lalo Rae oe ee a eel ll pte a ne la 1, 420 43 67! Kingfish or “‘king mackerel’ __ 1, 982 99 2, 206 GO) ee ee | ee King whiting or ‘‘kingfish’”’___ 19, 552 586 374 7 1, 480 IMpnih aden: 2 toe F 8 ee ee ree ee Peel ner ce 3, 000 INH OIG) URE a oT ieee ele aa S 254, 092 7, 622 264, 583 6, 715 773, 602 Pie fish Ses py een 2 6 i Me eh hr Salle pee 250) win. p>? Site. 2-5. |! 2 | ee ee POUND AM Os at seer ee Lib tes 1, 536 307 5, 733 860 2, 122) 276| $2202 eee TRO Tei es Moree nent ated ees Oe 48 2 15, 306 460 3, 400 68)2- =22e Seangasseenae sane § at Boe ane OF. GOD) uly 4) SBbl ee eee ee 275 Si. ee eee Shad hus (PtSi oad 151; 449) $22,383). os wees Ol oe a ae Sheepshead fer Bate cre ils lk aw aa 1, 746 63 1, 100 $i). eee Snapper reddses Macs niin 13, 608 9521 2'448,933)| 171, 657|' 287) (778) 17, 260\oae ae ean ne ES OPSYO Sy Bh) ates heres GSD ST ES | a eae Mg sd 92 2 55 1 ee eee Spanish ckerelhe ssc. es es Pee 158, 462} 4,322 38,280). 1,:252|2532— eee SDD t= See ey es 2, 440 Gif Set en aes 203 4|_ 2... ae Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’: 13h 6p 5h Se eb; © Ss 200 10 385 7) ns -eenese]-s225522|5-—555006 eee Spottadtes 23) mies Sliraes 40, 622) 4, 062 9, 250 328]... 65;324|_ {2493 "t sa sees ares 2 FOU rf brfems) oy aU gee nD, Setar es » LSSan || Pam 8 Ai Ops Te || ae Se a | epee a 5, 854 410|:Ucu2) See eee SUES esr) ee Oe ee Re ee aloe oI a A we Ee eg ne | 329, 392] 9, 782 Woenpoumnder. Co! Wee Sar LEA ok BE i A Dae a ee Da 11, 902 357| <2. 22S eee Crabs) bardiee tate cae 32, 265| 1,613 3, 570 iy] eeenecona ene PRE NE ET FA Shinimpe te et Pea oa 767;850| 80) 714| _'72525| 4, 3521.15 730) 377|| 150; 270). 2 ae esnel eens Oysters Market, public, spring2___|_--.------]_---_--- 50,932) 4,494] 468,354] 27, 847|__---___-_]______. Market publi¢gitall: aiess| 22) {bel sa ees 88, 604 7,818) 443,638]. 30, 485|_- == = eae Scallopskibaiye: eee ee ae ae Be Salers eh 3, 478 166) =~ <-.= 55 BU Lk ee WSS Ae 1, 439,971) 76,130} 4,310,910] 236,312) 4, 424, 973} 162, 627) 1, 488, 033) 71, 582 Species Gulf Hernando Hillsborough Indian River Pounds | Value | Pounds| Value| Pounds | Value| Pownds | Value BUMe fish eo 2 Ulead «0 i ergs 45, 452) $1, 564 1, 320 $48 1, 526 $85 10, 000 $760 @abio/or crabieater:2°- pen eee ee ee i eee Ce 13 pl eee oe et Cirpyallee se Pees Feces ee ey aa rae as Se i Se RL ee a ee 547 10 5, 200 144 @roakkert ee ee oc Pee id ie sae ie ce ol Bn 3 5 IE SRS I as aor el ee 1, 700 36 Drum: EG ke eo Far ee OR ae ee PAO Ye TDI As Ree oe ae ne ee oS ee 1, 800 36 Riedvor redfishes.2:_-. oe 1, 650) 45] 10, 230: 279 27, 610 517 13, 450 526 LON Oy CRG LO KS Anh Sek ee Dope A eet ae 550 2 | ee eel ree 557 19/2) - ee eee (GugO Ley OST hk PR Sk NS | SRS Cee sla eae 161, 883} 3, 236 8, 000 480 RT Se es RE Bee he ps ae ne PSP “RRS ened eae mi sears 304)- . - - \« 6) -sserSsee eee Kanefishor ‘king mackerel? 2s 2te sali nn sees Sesion ee ee eee 4, 000 200 King whiting or ‘‘kingfish”’ 110 Dns east nn ot Bal ees | 16, 000 380 Menhaden 3, BLT; 580k ~ “Fi O94 ba ks mal a eal ee | Mintle ies t= 290, 499} 5,810} 90,450} 1, 809 456, 252) 12,518} 170,000) 3, 750 WRIGEOTMES ee i= ee ee A ie ites A ied ea a ie | ER la | oe eee | 9, 000 270 TOS In eee ek AU a a) a Ae i Nn pate Sl a RL Re ee | ea gm | ee 1, 900 57 PATS VOT SAllOrS: CHOLCO ee ee ee ed ih hae HE ae wl Ye goed ero ee eae tare 6, 100 122 AO MITAN OS poet oe ee ree ve OMO20 |) Pea setae eee 2, 189 398} 48, 500] 8, 200 Tete ret (Se Raed Meet LA nfarts MELE ete ema ee MSE Yi at | ek eee 1, 200 24) Si _ eee ee Sheepshead: 222 Saks eee ee es 220 6 1, 045 28 9, 460: 176 4, 000 120 Snapper: | Ae oT OW OS fe ect tn ee eee en eS | Ae 4, 730 129 1, 946 38 7, 000 280 12226 [a SRR Ean RRA eee NAAR BER Ba Tie fot _ wl Ee Cet 08 aes exh 230, 805} 13, 849 6, 500 552 Snookor sergeantfish.c. secon) Son eS a |S eee ee ae 5, 610 102; 20, 000 880 Spanishemackerel ns sess eee nee ee DRO RA | Shed | eases | a re 515 24; =11,090} 1,109 BDO te ere ee ic mts oe te ee te em eel ws Se ee ell eee ec 1, 063 20} 21,000 420 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’: PSV ee ee he oe a eS Pe oe | mm re ie | Pe 2, 640 48) ..22. 2.2/2 BDOULO Giese ne ere een eens 16, 313 906 9, 526 520 128, 535) 8, 582 66, 160} 6, 126 Mennounders = s1saeecee sere ce eee 10, 000 200) 2 Ses) SoC 187] Sic 22-oS cee Oysters, market, public, fall__.------ 7, 800 BLOC ee ee a ee | ee eee Motels = 550 aoe pea Beene _.| 4,018, 588] 21, 468] 117,301) 2,813] 1, 032, 842) 39,656} 431, 400) 24, 448 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 Fisheries of Florida, 1931—Continued 301 CATCH: By countres—Continued Species Jefferson Lee Levy Manatee | Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value} Pounds | Value oa, Sa ee eee lon Sane] sees 19,663) $715 49, 134) $2, 242 11,316} $405 Me rNtOY OF NATAtAlL. S.. =.-|.. <5. -22-|-.Us.5- 14, 410) 131 47, 368} 4,670 1, 650 15 COA SOOT 2 i a eee Cae 4, 500 90 1, 784 53 400 8 Wo RE Sots Qa UN NG a) es |e ee eee eee ee ee 12, 853 F154 | Se 2) |e Dy SU ae eee 880 8 OT ea ee ene 550 10 Drum: [11 aa SRS a 2 Se 660 6 Red or redfish 50, 891 819 MPROIMICNAES (ooo ne a 935 25 RETO parson oe seme cae chee eee 800 16 ere ee See! ee se | lin’ © BE BOO) AGE) 1 LAD ipa RSS sees lees rernnNITMINIS ay gs ren lee ae I [eee GL nk coe [Goeunce| © B48) rir didip ss. — eee Z-_=2 Kingfish or ‘‘king mackerel’”’ 3, 597 164 RMOMMCOS Sas 22! er ce eee 12, 600 214 167 eae a See eee eee 971, 508) 17, 226 fDi SEG eae aes See ae 440 4 i. CS) 1 See SS eee 1, 320 12 EPRI RATIO eos sk ee eee 14,181) 2,579 Porgies_---- 3 CP PURO a El es pepe rea era ie ES Sera SS Se (en eee a eee ees ee |i) | a -13) eee (n= MMPEDSUPAG. 2 5 o22 oc oces a 45, 980 836 Snapper: Mangrove-..-------- 3, 300 60 Par ere gE ge re oe ee (Coen eas ae ccna ones seeetlee tea se|* oe Ls 200) st SOS bo Soe eee eee Snook or sergeantfish 37, 620 684 Spanish mackerel 36, 998} 1,333 Sa a SE Se Ee ent ee al el aU i te Ee ee Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’: Lr EE CREE Tip RE AS eae 1S es De ee eee Se ee eae eee 6, 382 116 Sinobiodeese=: 2a ak ees 28, 413} 1,291! 380,088} 20,732) 271,290) 18,404) 132,973] 6, 681 (PSR PTT eg ee eS eed ee ee Pees Seen 8, 79: G89) 2 Qe See OG St eS ES Rae eS Ot (ey ee See ees 13, 600 7 (7-| sh Nae OS RE PRE (Pree te 8 a LOIRE Tyg eee ro) CR a eS PS OR EE © 6 ASE eee ee eee) eee 480 48 Oysters: Market public, spring". =|. -----.|---- = 1, 615 119 12, 181 706|G2= sere si: ees LUE SITS ate eis (| a eee Ee See a eee 2, 125 156 22;503)! <1pd47\S2b 5 eee eee Dy La SP ee SS ee es See ee eee 14, 586) (20|222-2 = eee GT ees See Pee | 175, 933} 4, 309} 3, 899, 102} 90, 558) 1, 944, 717| 61, 926] 1, 335, 761) 31, 275 Species | Martin Monroe Nassau Okaloosa | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value JSUT C11 te a ee anaes ee ae 63, 000 | $5, 670 3, 307 $120 700 $70 | 16, 154 $294 Blue runner or hardtail_----_-- 800 24 5, 830 LOG hae os eae ee 19, 250 175 (cite. 2 ee ee ee ee eee sD 2, 310 Of foe ee A at ee (DUST EL OSS SES Ce SSS ae FE ee 8 ee oe | en ee he ee ee 15, 340 307 DMV TU tC ees Se aes 15, 000 FT| Se ae (a a Sele I geet nae | ets (eae = 2 (ONG ine Se 1, 800 1 | eee ee! (eee aes 75 3 |esnaseoee | eae rum: LE 900 18 165 Oy ee eee a | Saeco 1, 540 28 Redorredfish-~-s<— <.° las 2, 500 75 10, 065 149 200 6 7, 150 130 LOUGTRRD DG Siete Oe SS a ea al leita See) eee ees: i eee spo ane Fae 6, 000 180 4, 675 295 rrntiisees J. 2 =o hee 2 ae eae ae =| oe 6, 750 its ES Ss eee eS eee 74,083 | 2,222 STE OE Se ees ree ee Eee 1, 200 02, es Sees hee eres See ae ee COUT SE a eee Lee ee 1, 200 ). gl aepaay Seine ayes Oey 350 10 Kingfish or ‘‘king mackerel’’._| 60,000 | 2,400 | 425,267} 19, 260 |_..-..-----|_---.-_- 1, 320 36 gemmip whitine-or ‘‘kingfish’”’_.-|, 1,800)). 9 64.jo--22-—2--|-__-_-._- 90,500 | 2,715 440 8 2 TE a ee ee Ce cee bee ee ie ee fe Se ae 3,710,000 | 8,984 | 12, 660 283 nese ee Sls Fae Ue oe, 27, 000 +L 1 fa alien 5 | er ere A PRES 2 I GS Sd. ae eal I Ee eeu) ee tS ee 250,000 | 3,750 105, 450 1 O4D | occa skeen aeameeree 209, 677 |. 5, 241 COT Say Ce oe ea eee | ee 5, 300 TO6: [222-2 5 ee a eee fT CL ae eT a eee a 2, 000 00" | 225 seals oe 2152 ak 2 | eee Eee ee Pinfish or sailors choice-------- , 000 DO eee ee | oa manne we ee | | tes ae Pompanoss=_ 2. sc-<.--~----- 24,000 | 6,120 3, 723 677 | L222 ok eee 9,606 | 1,441 Legis RS ee es asta $8 eee 500 10\\)-.0c324e-closeeee =. 4, 200 126 Lp eS RR Pee BEA Ns SURE) ee A ee ee Se) eee 10, 500 r/c ee Paes oe OND SE SOE Se ee es a ee eee 8 925, 000 2, BOO | oes coweutinelpaeeeees sap epeee alee nent ROTI Sos 8 ES 4, 400 176 9, 273 146 loon snes cedlessceee! 4, 730 172 napper: MSR STOVG-..2=~-------n=- 4, 000 160 3, 850 1 es See! ek ae a eee Sees 2 ESS ee ee Re ee eee 4, 100 123 10, 000 700 | 101,145 | 7,080 Snook or sergeantfish____.____- 23, 000 920 330 a RSet 2S Pal fice! | en EG Uae a a eS Ee SE eee al (See aS Pees aos Bea? 2 see ee 330 6 Spanish mackerel--_------..--- 1803000.) 213; 600.1606, 970:).13 200.12 = ee ie see ee 70,629 | 1,926 Cn oe ie ee ee ee ae 16, 000 480 33) 6 300 12 550 10 302 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Florida, 1931—Continued CATCH: By countizs—Continued Species | Martin Monroe Nassau | Okaloosa Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’: Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value Pounds | Value Pounie Value CE UPN fae AO TP RA NE sy SS Bc aN Ue I Sell | a Re | Ea a 3, 000 $300 $4 Spotted io- ree eee ae 25, 000 | $2, 000 10, 037 $548 12, 250 1, 225 25, 802 1, 409 feqiI DBL e010 Waa Ae est Up ui Mean | [metas P| ee Reis) Oe Se Re Le kee shee 87 37! eee AON POUT Ores eS See EE Ui MN a ea tree pl cf | 16, 412 328 Drip letanls i sven ehiy ie oi 2 Nerd oh ee a ae re ee 150 Fi Pee eee eee fet Se i PERTEN I OL erste ee ks eee ean Steed fheg 05) | ieee je ee 340 i eee en ee pare ee al PVGIOW Lalla) caw e ees SON RS Se eee 16, 400 B28 1 | sue eee Lae 22 |2-. ee TADS SLO Oat ee eee NS eee 13, 500 046 | 25.2 2222 1|0- 2 |e Sea crawfish or spiny lobster--.|_------.--|-------- 152; 107 | 10, 648) | 22-2 aoe ee ee [SH aren ba ay oe a ee Pe eR Ce ee [ae ar ee ag 6;'578, 320: (209; 171" |= 223222 eee Wonchsee ee arte ee Ee WP ee On ee 3, 500 280: |. 2.222222 d). eae eee Oysters: Market: publichsprin exe a| ss oa | + ae | ee ee ee 2, 625 233). |-<2 2-22 ee |e IMIGEKA LE DuDLiCh falls eset | tele TEE Rake eel See i Ly 7, 875 700 4, 080 360 Marketprivatesspring se. | soe eee 28|— een he Tee ee eee 107,560!) °0,'080))|2==_ 22 e=5|Saeeeee Marketaprivatentallas = oa) aes reais | Rote | Seb ee De oes, 108,:634:|) 8;701*|22= = Eee FRUNULOS TOTee ns see ee SEES at aes eee | Rae 16, 500 167 |_-.2228.222|-22 Se eee Sponges: GY ASSERS fics oe ies ai evs Sells enna eal Cee Ie 55, 272 1 167 (te 2 =e | 2s eee BHeCEpSWOOl in Sst s a2 oss UE ELA 67; 994: | ~-78:691.|. 2. ioe ceo ee eS eee BLVD ee ee ae aa es a ee ae ed 190 99 | 22st c2 Sc. cc] ea ee ee NAAT Hee a yO er aera 25) al Pepi a or [ L242 SOr) ce ee ee | 28 ae a ee ee RELL Wet ee SD STE a nein oe al ee 28, 854 6, 390. |i2 no. tos es ee eee U1 DY (SO a A Ee a) 704, 200 ! 35, 893 |2, 384, 897 | 146, 082 |10, 648, 626 |239, 692 | 600, 343 | 21, 891 —_—===—=>=————_—_——=—=—=—=—_[=_—_—_============SSS_L_LL_L_==—-—_=_=_=_=S=== Species Okeechobee Palm Beach Pasco Pinellas Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds ee LSC OTS) A EO nets A tk SANG» 2 ee | TREMP | [Ro ec aia| Meee Ce OE GEE a0] be | PRAY a Sts 2, 420 iBlackahasseescte se Sih es eL 49 (682)||:$4,/200 ito Fo | ee Sel ae BIC LS heen 22S ee By | eee ee ese aes 367, 204 |$29, 376 3, 520 $128 103, 909 5, 147 Blueirunnenior hardtail 2. 0 5|5-22 | Sees 20, 000 400) 22 aE 2, 855 142 @abioloricrab eater es 2 ea SR see eee | Ons Oe pent 104 2 Catfish and bullheads__-_-___- 204; 3U5i |) 10,1636.) £2 250-25 |S Wee ee eee Cranpie: >= 2.222 E Wee Eee 825257). 2,468). 52552 h los SS) oS cos eee ae IPOTCIGR Ree 00g Pe a a nie DS fa yee pak eh eo lh Bo CR i RS Ee 5, 220 105 BHEGDSHEAG 2 na et eee SaaS Sart te 3, 000 90 1, 320 36 28, 625 770 Snapper INTENT 4 20) 4: ee OY el eee a) eee) Se Le eS 6, 820 186 5, 557 144 2S i Fe te aE RS I RS Ge re ae Re 499, 067 29, 943 Snookorsergeantfishios-! ee ee 3, 000 QO) inn Me] aD 7, 506 136 Ppadefishes 222 a ho tie) SEE 0 th 2 Se ie a ee ee 56 1 Spanish mackerel-_--__-----__-|_- ee th eerie 709, 205 | 35, 480 275 8 395,816 | 16,575 BS POUE eee ee SA Ed SEER ITER ite shenesk bala ea ee Sea oti ee ed 588 il Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout”’: Grays a ha a ee ee at HR BCI a ele ie ae a al le 2,117 Spotted= 2-2 gece sete ta) ee ca a 8, 000 800 11, 978 653 273, 947 14, 942 Punish’ sol 32. a 92, 665 2, 780s |ss2es ee Seok a SS Us wo Shs see Se ee Pon poun Gers ss sa eo 2s |e a | ee A 2 OS. eee 4, 356 87 Crabs; Stone =a = So Sec aan Eo) SN a Oe oe ee 106, 680 6, 378 BOL Se eres ecm tan ee ee 104,336" )|+12;/520' | Meee e e sees 3 ane Jseseseo} 2 ee eee @lamnis; hard; publics) = 2) kes s5 20 bale sooo ee De Se eal es een S| sss oe 4, 792 479 Scallops; bay-2-- 5 -ssscesh soa ee et | Se see ee oo =| 10, 048 758 Turtles, soft-shell__---.-._-_- 8, 024 160H S222 ee eer pee [eee Soe er |e Sponges: GY ASS 24-2 2 She nl cee SA ee i Se Se See Ree 62,983 | 18,895 Sheepswool isso EOE 2 Pe Be es 2 a 2b ses) eee 221, 808 | 583, 827 Wires: = n22 os Sccebee sae ete ses |i EN os fh Ce Oe 12, 390 4, 956 IeHOW:=. -sacoass see Ba See el ne Bis A | a pint eral ae 89,079 | 42,097 Motel... Jae 2e--ct oes 541, 278 | 32,764 | 1,577,509 | 94,635 | 526,685 | 11,182 | 4,572, 600 | 794, 250 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 303 Fisheries of Florida, 1931—Continued CATCH: By countigs—Continued Species Putnam St. Johns St. Lucie Santa Rosa Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pownds | Value |Pownds | Value TC ee 920; 686) - $1; 006. .-c2ercee|-=2-osaxMacsetects |peasacwc| owe cone] 2 oeees USS coe Se ae CE) aa 7-2) a eS es eae oe | oe nee ELLE TES Se eee Eee eae ae 100 $10 70,000) '* $4,880) 52-52 ]e en WUeMONnrer Or narctalls - << 22-=-|--225.52-|s2-peses|-acis-ee ee beatae Ai!) ie 1) Spee eee | ee Catfish and bullheads---.---.--- AS BAL) B08 [72000 |aa ashen ete eaeas ent leone oe rete ana eaaceleoeceses Eee On SS Cee ee eee 167; S00) WOT anteeeeas|-cocss se] pes cee (han tae aa? RU NRMR Cn ae nS aos kan lar etascanalae cc cel eepactacalteewcens 26, 500 fir.) SEES ae CURDS. oe eS, ae (ry ba ee ee (Eee er 26, 000) 620)-2 222.5. | eet Drum: 13) EYL RS Se ae Poe een Meee ee 384 8 7, 700 164) Ss ee SS Hed Onrequan=..-3.02--.s--= 2, 588 58 15, 680) 1,098 27,888} 1,116} 3,800) $105 VO Sega a et 976 | a A ees eae eee ty es te See ee ee ee Loy oete lS Mea a ee ee ee 1, 950 eee eae 8, 393 606 GLA ES 8 ee oS ee en hee eee 2S es §,000\<° ~~ 100/2322=- | ES eigkeryenad 25 52-2-2==4+2:- 25, 248 Chi] Se a ee ee rn ere Deh ed a re seinprshier, - king mackerel’? 2.2 -[2 262-5 222-|- 222202 [42 22k |e icles 226, bbO|) 115 102/22 ae eee aang whitingror “‘kinefish’’ =. --2)- 22222. |5. 25.22 1, 650 50 36, 500 (30-2 ES USD ee ae ee BS i | ee ere Re a oe 17, 500 S50} sss se See DAT) eS a ee ee 10, 133 Ff!) Re ee Pe 539,000] 8, 085] 138,980} 3, 474 PAPHR poe Seca aeucchetasaccal—-eae seen n+ ER Ree ae ears 2, 500 50) Th. Se ONE as Pintinhcor sailors ehoice...- >= ==. .|-225--2-2=|s-22-5<- 4, 458 175 2, 500 60)b55 5 eee THE 2 Se ee ee See ee ee gee Se Sage, oes ae 50 10 22,;400|\_ 6,600). | SS 00 ee ee ae ee 2625268 | S20 184|" = 2 ons oa ee a oc ewenee |p see ee pone PPS SUE ae SSE Se a a | a eer (hr i Pee ere 27, 000 810 550 20 BoE TOUE Day pata [Oe ed es pt (a Nee er ees fee ene Te PIngEcOn sorreantiish =: ===: 22/52 sbi ens es look Soe le aoe 27 S88 irs 1116 ree SSPE TIE Se TAL Ye 12] (RS Se (ES eee pee (Bie amare tat epeeeee 378, 263|\0.10;120]2. 22 oe ee SO gee ee ane See 5, 408 2) ee TS eee ee 30, 750 GLb 2S eas | ee Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout”’ YN ie ee Eee ee EE Ea Be eee ee te eee ere ERE 4, 083 367 660 12 SO tOd ass a. es eens eee le 17,000} 1,530 63,000) 5,670} 3,960 216 Sy Pr ESL] webs aoe aap ee ale Faas eee ce ite EF (it | fac: aC fee eam lepers Ca Fs Ne A Fe SEY hg Bhrimn: 2 273 5, 319, 450) 212, 779} 2,110,000} 84, 400)__- Clams hard, publ , 320 CA) eS ee ee ee ee (tee Oysters: Barre. PuUDC, Spring =<. Se |i 2-2 ee oe 2, 000 60 13,500} 1,400) 98,840 780 Wier keL DOD, Jail es sass a|.f ae oe Lee 6, 000 180 25, 988} 2,695) 13,838] 1,221 Leake S12) ep pt gS hep Et (eae es Ua es ph es es el eee oe Wer 1, 012 105) = oss aS Prrmbles SOft-shalle 22. oe coas a. 6, 666 (| ee oe eee OR eee ee eee a eee eee ie eae ANG) Oot ee eee 2, 848, 378) 126,710} 5, 373, 292) 216, 721] 3, 713, 997| 146, 014] 179,021); 6, 434 Species Sarasota Seminole Taylor Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value LEUT Gh ee a Se ee 10, 005 $3 a 3, 113 $85 Blue runner or hardtail- TOS GOLF "ee OG) ESL ese ess ee ee Giatinnand DUlneaGe eo) = fess 0) Ss 2 ee oe SE 983 38 RPERERE LCE ee ee oe ee eee eo Se a RIG; 000) [bo 5 600) [see ties ee Crevalle......-- EL ES See ee res (ee eee! (aes eee a eo) EE CBA OR Mee oo oo Sanaa nse ok ee SAG4O) ou, | O24, ema cs cele anon so |L ee rum: Rn es ee ee 275 iy EE SE | ES AE ea [oa SE EC eg dech or rectisn. = -~S4> 355 tee. 35, 797 EU 10) ele ee ee ee ee 37, 050 1, 065 LOST Ee SS te eee ee 2, 210 (7 Sen esl Bee ee Sea 2, 640 96 ES aS Se eee ae 2, 553 Ps (Oe a es SR PE a ee ee ee 200 og See [oes See Ie aE he eee Kingfish or ‘king mackerel’’_._----_- 71,491 DOA eee eS eee eee ee ee LD ar Te aa aa TOMS Absa aie ol bh COR. ea | he es 375, 653 7, 513 Pisfish jt Be Ey Se ee 5, 915 11 | ela ae ee EE Sel ae POS eS ES Pee ete LETyerbal 1 Ye eae ers Sage bp eS a ae 40, 467 TAL | ee cee a eS ee | 2, 585 352 eR EROR Sc ee ec o mL ee sil eR SN PSR i SY fay oY te a] he ae CT eS Se a ae ae Soe | ee a (eB ee 196, 665 27, O80) |RSS oo, eee gale ETS Pe iE SS he SE ae 68, 312 rit hat ne [ieee Ta 14, 355 392 Snapper, Mangrove...----.--------- 2, 060 221) ese eee ieee 2, 090 57 Snook or sergeantfish.......-...-...- 7, 563 2 Ee a ene esse E(B el Mpanish mackerel. O28 2.2. ses. 94, 654 Oh LOU) |b 2 won po ecwen een 2, 145 58 Sie5| Dee Soe eee ee SIM a, XD) [boo =. cnbcalbaneeeseee 440 12 Core aia or ‘‘sea trout,’’ spotted_ 96, 557 4,380 [0236.4 . 2 [ee 106, 723 5, 757 ECT es Ee See a ta i a | eee es SS ee 7, 500 PLT aes Se ars ages ae at Clams, hard, public......--.--.-..-- 1, 280 160) |irsea ce 2b Soule Sees eee etek ae SCE cs Se Sponges: CUO bE aha pane GE 5 EE fephy= eee ot A Seem (5) age eee ERR Na 325 65 EE I wm Es SE a ht A | ER le at ea | Re a pe ee (PNR a 22, 158 38, 650 AS Sr Pee Bee UE A S| ee ee ee Ae ane (eee ee 244 173 dian A he ae ee 1, 499, 237 36, 023 419, 165 38, 433 570, 504 54, 313 304 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Florida, 1931—Continued CATCH: By countTIzEs—Continued Species Volusia Wakulla Walton Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value Black basse] he We oc ee ee a Bluefish ss> 4526. te oe Blue runner or hardtail Catfish and bullheads_-------------- CAD PIO = 2 =- a ans eae Se oe eee Crevalle ses te Ae Se ee @roakers 2-3 es Aa See ae Se Drum: BG Cc Bees 5S eee ee ae Ried.or redhshs.. =) sues ee Monn Gens 6 22 ses. 25.2 Bee pate Bas eee King whiting or ‘‘kingfish’’__-.-__-- : ON Tree Gt eens ses Se ee ee 263, 000 Pigfishs. =o ess 18k ee a 30, 000 Pinfish or sailors choice. ----------_- 2, 000 Pompano: 2 sf -S5se. Soe ee 4, 000 Sheepshead. = =e" - 22. Uae Se ee 1, 500 Snapper, mangrove. -—-s2- Fe -- = = 1, 500 [S) 010) BAe pe ee ne oe eee am 4, 000 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’, spotted_ 115, 000 Sunfish S2 22 =a s- sas Ae ee sae 22, 000 Crabsiinard =~ = deere = 3k ing eek he 16, 900 SDriM ples ence Se ae ee 1, 714, 600 Clams: Coquinas=4-25>: she 8 ee 5, 740 ard, PUDlIClh2=2 see ee ee 320 Oysters: Market, public, spring---------- 3, 672 228 7, 803 459.|_..._=.. oe eee Market, public, fall.._.--.-.---- 16, 057 1, 503 10, 251 603 -|-2 =. 35>. Market, private, spring--------- 38, 700 By 0 0G) |e ae eee Market, private, fall_--_------_- 9, 000 100) | ese ec one oe eee Totals... ye 2. 25 fee co ee 2, 393, 889 94, 245 | 1, 680,838 37, 978 115, 480 2, 662 CATCH: By DISTRICTS Species East coast West coast Lake Okeechobee Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds | Value A OWIVESee est oss a oe eens ee ee 320, 586 $1,'606)| 22. 2h ee ee ATID er aC Kee ot Sel eee see 4, 000 150 2, 420 $44) (bse sc ee ee IBALTACT GAM 22h Sites ware tS Sart ae 18, 720 749) | oa | eee BTA CKSDASS aie ee eee ete nen aah nneN 82, 349 B20 | Seems Oe eh eee ee 341, 210 | $30, 438 Bilvetishe 2.” Seman! =. SSE b eee 566, 570 45, 198 641, 685 18; 48]. | 2:22 See Blue runner or hardtail______________ 53, 800 1, 329 166, 257 5, 958.) =.= ee LBVOR AUC HO Yat LA oo Re yee Sie gh Oy yh eam pest Rem eo ehh a ES a 5500). 2. oc. 2118) | 28 2 eee @abioor crabieaters 2 ous ie See 400 24 9, 113 202) |2= 222 Sea eae Catfish and bullheads-_-__-_--_-----_-- 2, 381, 898 96, 774 260, 726 9, 483 806, 803 | 39, 760 (OIE) Oy eh en CANE ET ey ea a ce ee er eh TE nae Sat 2, 310 840) ee Cignrfist? ate Qasr eae ele. Deane ee Ree es ae ee 35, 840 819,,|__.-) 5 eee OTA DION eae head ete hor 192, 840 Si 6104 |= ee kal > ee ee 296, 881 8, 906 (OSMS ysl a os RS taal ae Da ae 59, 700 1,479 9, 873 112.) 0." 2, aah ae ae @ronikcerst Seales eon soe oe Aa 33, 575 715 13, 090 167 )|. ster ee peal eee ee Drum: LENNON ty SPADES AP, Spc. ie Saya 15, 434 309 12, 485 222 || eee Red or redfish 115, 408 4,915 933, 985 TOYS UES Se ed Solel ae pallets EE Baad Suk lt 3; L726 139 168 Flounders 7, 950 238 79, 188 (OTR OLS Ss soe ree et ee eta 128, 162 6,427 | 2,484, 353 ‘CEST OT eae SN NA ip le oe 4, 000 120 16, 574 COR VISES Gc ete eta = el aed 25, 248 OS Wee eee oe |e kon eo ARS) iA LS) «OS a i peop td Ty) rs Mine) era ume, 1) 2 2, 250 90 7, 314 164 |. --2. eee Kingfish or ‘‘king mackerel’’_________ 2, 670, 676 132, 622 744, 228 31,.612 |_-- == 2s ee King whiting or ‘‘kingfish’’__________ 196, 502 5, 405 9, 873 144) | ssc So ee PRU PAS Fane eS Se ee Ee a ee |e aoe ee 2, 878 571) ase es Mpa en eet ater. fy ey ee 3, 710, 000 8, 984 4, 446, 040 12,155 |. teetesse | ae IVEOIAREOL = 5 seemed eee 45, 500 1, 210 26, 306 400 ||. a eee VICISY <= Lone ouae eee en oS 3, 849, 778 70, 054 | 18, 500, 010 349; 977 |2- ies seca ae IME bOn nS he = atc ee ee ee 24, 000 1, 070 11, 664 233 |---| USTED a2 Se ed res a er ee | | me 4, 730 60 || ccne col ee Vert{id (5) oe BS Ae AES 3 ee See 39, 400 827 20, 896 297 |....c--2 eae Pinfish or sailors choice___._--_--_____ 46, 058 WO feo a | ee ROLEDADO Sates eee the te 186, 189 36, 592 371, 350 65,192 |= Sones eee IRON Pl Gseme me oe © Sn oe nee ue eee 1, 048 32 44, 962 1,.093..|.-.-5 ses See SSSI RSSme sooo. -=-s_24|5o4-=+-|--2-seaa (beeen |S-a25=e8 2, 403 tee |e ae vo SUN AG Le SS BS ee ha eae ee eee 78; S68+ $1,062) | en eece|aaceees oateee eo eee oon otal S22 222 e os os sjeseesse 1, 870 75 | 78,358 | 1,062 |113,405 | 5,155 3, 191 Species Otter trawls Spears Tongs By hand Pounds | Value | Pounds| Value | Pounds| Value | Pownds| Value LUT ereG GT 2 1) SE eee Se ee ee ee OSes 23,210) 131, G80) |_- sseaealseacanee|Yarsona|-eeeoeer SOugSt erp Ste Reg Bg SS Bc FR RE TS SES ee See eee eee Ee Eee 1, 164 $254 TE a ee ee ee ee eee 2 7b 200 UISGDKOMO Neacat wae oe osee|e| eee | ee SE ane ee |LOSS) tte dy M40) Seen ete PRET OTIC AC Ks at ee | a oe | eee [ee 1, 655 496 LTS Ne ie a ears Se a Sa 2, 475, 200 | 65, 676 | 23, 210 2, 819 750 OPERATING UNITS: By couNTIES oo —ooooooeaeaoaDDananBaBhOanBaBaBBBBnna{&oae=_QQauauquwounnaneeeeeeeeeeee—— nn Item Baldwin Mobile Fishermen: Number Number COT) TEE ami Es a a sf, UE = ed ee ae eee ee 4 1 On boats and shore: Le iiyad Eva ty gS at noe a Ee bale Race ee BIENe Seg hcp nie pn ee pee tat 71 379 CRB E Eat eee Saree cee ke eee oe ee cele 21 50 RB iale nemreae 8 et. eS OR ee CS oe ee 96 559 Vessels: 1H) ea eae pO eS eee Roe a Se 2 26 all INP tts elo Se ona eA Re a eS ee ee ee ee aes ee 17 305 Boats OTT eS oe ee ee Re as ne Re Re ate eee 27 148 Tse aa aR alr ea nO Le ee: ae Ue RPO Sts, Sec RE el et 45 143 Apparatus: EIR GIDE 3S et sie eae ee eae eet Sos nee ae the Gus 1. ae 1 5 Deane ATOR. ce hice ose oe en ey SS Sok fe 500 3, 400 BeTIIOLS UG Chee Seo Se oe De ee ee eo one u shoe awass 77 ere SSS ‘Sp he Nat Re oS ee OR es cee ee cee ae a ee BA00D! |22e se eee PEPE TIDUS: ees ces oe Se ae eet Se eee eeceaae 30 35 _ Square yards_.._.......-:-----------------------=<-----=-=-------------- 10, 918 10, 145 ines: Tosa OE eS Ne See a Se nae eee Se Se a ee ee 14 127 PECAN a oe dee ee ee ea ee en awa 14 235 OSS) eae a ea nee RD Ee Saeed We Ses = Sed oe." em yl Ea i a are Lolth ee oe ee ea es ae ee Set See 2 Ee ree ientewAbth DHiLs LOL ANODUK =} - 2.280. See seen aces oe meen ee pe eeee oes 18 SEEDER ES RITUASTAE NICS ote os tn oe eee eae Sepa pane ol ae ere en 3, 025 wii ale cet 2 ee ot Oe ee eee oe ee ee 4 178 COR Sp Pe a ae RE Re ee ere aft bap ee atte 2 oO 750 17, 800 TINGS TW a oe SR | a aa se 2S aaa RS ese Be Ss aie tae 122 Shay ot fa eee eee we ee oo eee oe eae ee 8 129 MelTs a Cart ibaa Ge] sh 9 eas ee aS ee See ee ee ere Pe ee see aed aa 105 1, 673 Tig Bo ae bn sr Sp RTE A ai ete 5 pee eter toby 8 oe oe as 11 1 TN oe eS ES Eee Oe ee Se ee ere ee eee eer 21 110 176453—33——11 308 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Alabama, 1931—Continued CATCH: By COUNTIES Species Baldwin Mobile Pounds Value Pounds Value Ble fishes seas 4 32 = A eOsh anes Paige ee BE 7, 370 $268 27, 505 $1, 250 Biluemunnerornhard tall ss ee ea ae es 924 17 2,116 38 BS itALO Since aie bese Se epee LA OE ee Le eee ee ae ee ee oe 44, 806 2, 037 Oabioiorierabieaterau2- a scshane! 1 oe le I cae IN DRO 8 Al PBL @aphish andibull heads 62 ees) aac, 129, 738 5, 897 OFS ATL UPS Ae Oe AA RR NUS RT ut 4,775 87 Cronkers Rhe.ah Pier se Fins OO Le ee aes Ae 26, 461 484 Drum: JE WNG rete ee SE TT, NIE IR DES Sk Th AE rg ODS ol LPR 1, 753 38 Redon redhishy ey: SN 7 eo eee be liven mre ae 35, 525 1, 367 1 Koyo Gn Yo KeVary ene wh SR ALE EAN OMEN SU ON AA MeN 27, 531 1, 935 Groupers 22 ae! Bae a eae ne 107, 876 3, 039 Uleiwtis epee Sg ee eon 118 4 Kingfish or‘king- mackerel”? 22020. se sie SSR ede geo. |le aoe 6 160 || Sak eee ee Kane wiitingior kine fishy os tee een cl eee 10, 159 269 IN IGS sTo V6 (c) o as ieeerae sepeene LT EATER ROS LL Sain pene LE Se hy Lele eae ma ae 3, 548 71 DANG EYE) GAS PROD ard 4 Oe dah EE OEP! SET 827, 412 22, 859 pad dlofish orspoonbillicate: asshole el See Ue Ao ell kat Dies 2, 408 109 IPOM PANO I nll ENS Cain Sera aa Dye 1, 705 234 Shanks See sole ak A OE SR S| Te ee lee Lee 20, 000 75 SSDS ee Cec eS ee ENS es eas sen gt eee 1,977 80 Snapper ares 2) hace ei Ber ee er EE Be ee Ie a 863, 201 60, 430 Spanishimackerelsas- eee Meee one oe eer 5, 913 214 Bipot sae ee Ua Se Seley Lae Va Penns eae 2 ee hn 398 ll Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’: (ODE hice ee ie CU ORR as 1 EYE A UN AEN ee eee tytn PREM C tee gies 2 LM 7, 728 256 Spotted. heed ee eb ee ae 33, 580 2, 163 67, 953 4, 809 SUUreeOnh eee. PCa a a ee eae ah 15, 134 1,513) |so.22 2 ee AD OTT POUL OL 2 FS eee nna ek wap te TU het endl i opin ee ene le NL | eon alee yok oe ail nek ene nd 315 6 firrplepail see we © Pe hha PE Bue TRUE be. Lie eee ae De, Tt ee 71 3 Crabs: PETT leet Se ree ee ES a eee Sea SUI ST pease, 6 vas ae 78, 358 1, 062 SL} Fe a SOR AOE Ee EE Oh a Seine Mur) eee ee Oa ER MER Tal Ms || ce a Ren) 2 1, 164 254 fSHon pha aly oy 8 LAS ae ee SES ee ae ee al 190, 800 5,005 | 2, 284, 400 60, 671 Oysters: Market, pUDUCSSpring 222 = ee es a 3, 825 169 517, 482 18, 067 Manket jin iblich tells ei oie ees eae ae 53 11, 135 491 213, 363 8,131 Markets DLLVatess prince amare. ec ies ee eeenue ee one 3, 536 200: |-s22- 2 eee Market, privatentall soos. 6) eee eee 19, 380 1,140) 22-22 22S eee ‘Rerrapin Giamond-Dack seek. 2 veel Raney 978 293 677 203 ‘AYO ef zi N k ARe DI LL ge A Fe hs A Sy 851, 369 28,782 | 5,316, 431 193, 990 MISSISSIPPI Fisheries of Mississippi, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR Lines Haul /| Trammel Dip nets, Item seines nets Trot with| drop Cast nets Hand baits or snoods Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number INV GSSOISs We ene I Entei Rt cae ae Os Riese tp ht | 16) Jv eae ee On boats and shore HVOQU AT Neeser ee Betis suk fe. tere PME 108 80 20 36.,|.-42 = (CA SUAT ees sees eek Le Re Sa Ses 4 126 11 38 60 4 Yok tr Etat ae Ary he ahaa SS on TA 108 84 162 47 38 60 Vessels: 151 [0 770) ARES MEST A EPIC ap TA via es plied he BDA leaf oe oboe IS ol ae Do ts | a ee INCU FOMMAC ES 2 Pe Uv TAN Den ah CeCe | ea ae Ne Te eee ae ae 25 Ee eS 2 Oe eee Boats: VEO TOT ye esd ates CT, oO ed ee 18 29 ll Gijiscusxsccd |e ee Other sir ese rete ee a Do 8 45 120 41 18) |s 22 eee Apparatus: WSR D isl] oY.) Py ae I Ate Su ae cate EL EAN aA a 18 46 162 47 138 60 Weng bi Vvarasis ses 208) esl ha Cee oe ae A OSB en ee tN a oe aed aE Ni I ee DIGITAN CLV ATO SE scys st aoe ST ee ee os Seelam GO eee 1 Was tots Hl bd ea pO (PS a RR Pe ee IO OKS alts, Or SHOOGS! le a. ys Mae eh inh aa eae LS eee ye 188 10,006") 2 2.29.5 2 P. FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 309 Fisheries of Mississippi, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR—Continued ket ex- Otter Dredges, clusive Item trawls Spears oyster Tongs | By hand of dupli- cation Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number Rinegossnigs coca es ek EGns- See 409 Cai ie eM an Bags 485 On boats and shore: CDT ae So es ee ee 554 3 229 oi [etegeneie hs Le 1,015 OPED Semen, 55 gee ppinet Nie ieae ee| (cp Pee = ie a) ee 28 213 Ue ae SS 8 ve eee Ce 730 65 638 310 28 1,713 Vessels: Lit) ee sae oS oe ee LSM ee 2 RM 96 i eee 127 PN ULONAPO See ete er = GUS |E = See- 3° 1, 375 Cia See ee 1, 683 Lay vara Eo Soo Soe Sn Pe TO) | aor Sel Raed, 70 PRG LSNVOSSOIS 20 ee DSR tase eee Se. 101 jh Se a he 132 Total net tonnage_______________ GO Se |= serene 1, 445 (:)8| eee — 1, 753 Boats IWRC UOT gE A 2 = ies ee ee eee eRe ee Und Eee Le ee 51 Ty da a PP 327 OVILEYETE ES ih So Oe Sak NS Song AE lh “eal te ees Wheel ara CARY 5 722) ee ae ae 499 Apparatus: INSET DY pe, 5 a ne oe ed aes 6 aii 335 65 Mears an SOOUUN a AS D26%)| Ware se Bt CATCH: BY GEAR Lines Species Haul seines | Trammel nets Wand Trot with baits or snoods | Pounds| Value | Pownds | Value | Pownds| Value | Pounds| Value CET VEEL Ste SO TAT See ay oe ee ca | (ee I (ie 18; 358) POOA Se ee ee a oe ee PUREE GREG st. SER aS Sc |e SOY (ent Piel Ueaee tee ee] eva 9,196), $b02/ Sense SEHRROIONICTAIROATGI.— aie eS lL eee ee oo eee 38 14) OOS ANS | Se SSN GDM Odds one). ose SON wath Toe Pe 25, 644 932) 265818) 1°076)2--- ae CCUG ALE Sk Se a eee es Sd Cache eee 5, 419 99 6 (| Vey | (Es 8 oe es ae ee OSD 2 ee ee ee ee ee ee eres 7, 211 197} 4,235 nha Ur) a Dee (pee ee 9 Drum: IRE SPR et 2s Fee i a Re 13, 850 380} 1,870 paps See REPUAHATSEOUULIS Ne iss So ies ee a 2 fs eee Sit Ba 89,002} 3,236} 10,516 382 \2) Bee MPP oe LOL RE IS a Se See i, Rin ee oe ROE Ys, Ce eee AUS 15) bee Ned (ees Wee eee ee). tan) 2S ESV Se ee aS RES (ae ae PEA (Fe Ae ae eee 24, 092 625/22 RIEL See = TEE te ee 2 Se Oe eee ee See Oey Poorer ae) eee SS 690 phe, eee ee ee Pinpomuineor kingfishe’— -<--- 22 Sul. et ee 5, 084 189) 22k ~ | s-5 | ee ee ueees ae ss Sok eS oes Ste Ee ee ee 720) OLOP IS R65) Ssee 2 ste een ee peor IETS A ee ee eS Set ears) eee 521 (7) eee [ee eee Fg te 5b CUVEE pT (27s SSR a a aE RR AE ee ect | 28, 575) 1,041} 3,487 1297|<_-. ee SE] 0. iC) aS Se en ait ee Boe S| | ee ee See ed 68,2561) 45777 |. ee es SENSU TET SS pW i Sy fg Un 1, 045 31 2S}. ys GE tena ee Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’: CHEN ee ale ER ee are eee i (as oF ae ee spat 50, 869] 1,388] 44,844) 1,224).._.____|_______ PEGH eee a wees Sade et ee Woo) 6,200] 9 48,00!) apodel oc. oe ie lees. © DEP apo tto lit, eg S25 6 ial Se I gS SS (peta (peg ee 2, 425 2] eee ees OM ee ee eee OMEGA cr Set aan SIE FS RES, bes SN RS OS EAE or 484 7) ie Se eed RS ae Crabs: "IG 3 Nea a ae ee a ba a Pee Epi) EG Sire} PVE Fe ee 382, 197) $6, 045 Lin Ete bn po, 2 A IS A SS ae 62, 4001, $1,060 | 2b 2a ee | tn ee eet eee Laie ne 2s) gs SRO ee Re en Ses oe ae 62,400) 1, 560/1, 068, 948) 33, 582] 244, 196] 12, 489 382, 197 6, 045 ——_—$_<_$_<—$—<—<—_—_—_— ——_=__—SYS—SYSY—Y—Y—EI_————— SS SSS Species Dip nets, drop Cast nets Otter trawls Spears Pounds| Value | Pounds| Value| Pounds | Value | Pounds| Value OUP et Sao he sry Eade? Sel OEY SEK PN PRT 495 te | aah oie es Spee S Flounders_________- bE TORS TD Do eB ae 8,250} 450] 32, 576) $2, 3¢9 eGtipiphinmagior kingtign spe s Se os) fee | ae 1, 320 SOs 2 eee Pee es WAT 2) «eR ea Se Pie POTS ae ae ee 17, OBO |=; $5L2 | so sae ree ee 2 8 re |b od e CLT OE eS eee a PSE (PAUEE VE 3 tj ane ee) ay NS i.e ey Res ae aris Sane enn A eins ey Ee Aye 7,790} 1, 169)17, 645, 400891, 045|.._.____]_______ TT i eae cert ee 72,184} 1,031 76] 2,269 24,870) 1, 681/17, 655, 465/391, 645] 32,576] 2,269 310 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Mississippi, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAr—Continued Species Dredges, oyster Tongs By hand Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value GRADS 5) (Sai eet Pease a Da so ee | ee |S | 4, 592) $1, 228 Oysters: Market, public, spring, Mississippi_-_--__-_- 1,301, 871)):$51,.632) 116,639) $6, 640|_--- 2 Ss eee Market, public, fall, Mississippi______-___- 97-246), (85935) 121; '735| 6,759). See eee Market, public, spring, Louisiana_________- 1, 204, 848] 49, 477 66;403| 3;:049)) 22-2 Sie eee Market, public, fall, Louisiama_____________ 532, 323] 21, 982 6, 829 369|_-- 5 acaba h eee LING) EA Pye ER Noe oh 2 ih ig i ey ee is 3, 136, 288) 127,026) 301,606] 16,817 4, 592 1, 228 OPERATING UNITS: By countiEs Item Hancock | Harrison Jackson Fisherman: Number Number Number Oniivesselsi. 2.2222. a 2S A ee ete oases ee ee eee 469 16 On boats and shore: VOR U ar eset es ee ee oe ee ee, 30 818 167 (Gp FN ER ee ek aad ee oe ee Burs A Se 46 116 51 ETO Gen] See nee eae oe ee eee Oe eR ay Ls a 76 1, 403 234 125 2 1, 658 25 5 $223 eee 10: |=232 ae 130 2 1, 728 25 261 54 357 99 Apparatus: ef aaliseines. = 2k oe. ees Se ee ue |g eo 18 |) ee THOME GS Van Csi see se mentee AA Ee Se ee eee 4,:045-)2-2 508 Sees LTAMIMeN NCtSae see ek eRe es ee ee ee. 8 18 20 Squarebyards: sees coe caer eae be hee Se Seen eee 2, 672 6, 916 5, 765 Lines: TET he res oe CA Gs LAE eh EN Mea Fr He ETO OKs a5 Sees 8h RE SA ae 2 Te eee Trot with baits or snoods-_-- Baits or snoods Dip nets, drop CaStTIS tS ae Ch eae Ae Ee: US ae ee ee ee ODperyera WISE 2 AAER ate ek AS a hee ae See Yards at mouth SPeOarS 2s eee a RE eed oe TBA gOS ;OVStOLs = poses ee a I BO ete Sele ca eee 312 2 YVArd Sia amouuines 2s a ek APRON os Pa 8 NS RE eee | eee a 313 2 FROME Se kr ena s CEC eRe ass ie el I Ph en ee ee 13 242 53 CATCH: By COUNTIES Species Hancock Harrison Jackson Pounds | Value Pounds Value Pounds Value BTM SI ee ee te tig oh ts Sea tee Ryton. lanleses eal 6 | Se ad eee Ae | ocd) ee 18, 358 $834 BES a fel] ELS Tal See > 2k i a OaNE e S eee | Ee | lit ga Pee ees a cee a 9, 196 502 C@abioonitrab eateries be I ha Se 385 $14.22 ee eee Catfishiand, bullheads:< 2) ees 4, 400 $160 33, 473 1, 216 14, 589 632 Erevallewel st et sates Wah AeA 8 te Ee TIE eee} ee 539 10 5, 254 96 ROTOR ROT ee Ee LT PR a nee) See ae 1, 320 36 5, 500 150 5, 121 140 Drum: ; Black 5, 500 150 4, 851 135 5, 369 147 Red or redfish 7 40, 602 1, 476 Flounders-__- 12, 865 806 Groupers 24, 092 623 US) eae PE a SI aeRO ORE 690 17 King whiting or ‘‘kingfish’’ 2, 180 59 Mullet 591,299 | 14,738 Pompano 326 Sheepsheadce. 22+ Saale eae! 6, 270 228 4 5, 412 199 20, 380 741 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 311 Fisheries of Mississippi, 1931—Continued CATCH: By countTiIEs—Continued Species Hancock Herrison Jackson Pounds | Value Pounds Value Pounds Value ST Ey og Se mee foe nee | | eee 68, 236 | $4,777 CORR SST rr 440 $16 93 $3 770 21 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’: Ca ae eee ees oa 32, 901 897 31, 193 852 31, 619 863 2 p00) 2 alll AE Ere eles ee 33, 781 2, 457 41, 330 3, 005 45,185 3, 286 Sis]. (6 [tial ke 2A SSE Sea Sam SARE | EPS Ee Y | ele ee ee Pee 2, 425 48 eo ee Se eee | a ae 220 10 99 4 165 8 Crabs: Petes ac es SoS eke can Se 72,184 | 1,031 326, 750 5, 384 55, 447 661 ee ne ee ibe Ae) Pee 1, 400 350 3, 192 878). ech tes eolteasen ci igura) ot yu See? eee ae Oe Se pee ee eee | eee 15, 783, 450 | 345, 353 1,932,140 | 48,422 Oysters: Market, public, spring, Mississippi--__| 16, 058 868 | 1,356, 313 54, 664 46, 139 2, 740: Market, public, fall, Mississippi-_---_-- 17, 868 966 170, 275 7, 889 30, 838 1,839 Market, public, spring, Louisiana_----|....------|-------- 1, 261, 251 626526) asso. = ele ees Market, public, fall, Louisiana_._.-...|-...-..---].------- 539, 152 22 Sb |e. & 29s)! 25: ae WR oC eg aR eS Re nee ee 297, 772 | 10,933 | 19, 724, 265 500, 920 2, 963, 285 | 83, 520 LOUISIANA Fisheries of Louisiana, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR Lines Haul |Trammel Dip nets, Item seines nets a Trot drop Hand 4 with baits or hooks snoods Fishermen: On boats and shore: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number HADES ee SSeS Le 627 124 52 221 3 Ricci ag Sees 22 SAAS Eien A i We Bae ae 104 ib) eee tS) 17 ATC ES SS eae St Cee Se 641 124 156 333 3 26 Boats . Lh AT ee ete EE LS Ee ps a tee 139 56 22 28 3 ll SU eee eR eee eee 161 62 96 288) ||oocneeeace 24 Apparatus: ih). ieee, on eee 143 61 156 333 3 1,715 SEP MUMIA Senne apes ee ee 0s COB i195 ae BE one ee ee Ts ee eee RIIMER VREOS see en ne Sree eee 1 9) Fe ei | hr il Fai a ate se out Bb KS alts OL SUG00S--25 "> oe - = eae ee ae ee 161 69, 060 300) Socom Cast | Otter | Dred nt as er redges, exclusive Item nets trawls oyster Tongs | By hand of dupli- cation Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number (OTM Tih Sees aoe es ide eee vee | ves Ae Bae 15 GS8 fo es alace eee 214 On boats and shore: CAEL cas Se eel ap A ea Se ae 4 1, 528 14 501 121 2, 618 CICS TSS ee ae eee ee at pd eau | 28 | |S eee 5 92 254 PROGRES eee a ese bd Uh 3 nse te 16 1, 678 82 506 213 3, 086 Vessels: anna we IMA aps eae Re ee OS eee eee 74 IO lee 85 DG) rerbit:t 4: es eee Re ee RR Pe ey |e es Sh 487 140 eee Sa eeeeeeeee ek 620 ia POG RR OS ES Se EN AES EE SS es eee rT es |e eee 4 BNGINLORMN SM sas aan es eo Ale lew se deena 62) | 22a soe eee esses 62 POLL VORSDIN se een elas sa. eo 74 16) aocceeeeedleccasce 89 POLL Neb LOMMIAD es on5 <8 5 Sok 2 [Elekta Fe 487 202 ee ee ee 682 iE Tye a Re SoS ee ee (Pear ae 764 4 oN oe ee es 928 LD yet 2 Be SR ARES on eet alt ee a ES Rs ib 6 SR) vee 1151 aS PO 1,074 Apparatus: LUTE 21 eS aes ae ee 16 838 36 006) |Ss5e5 225-2 heaw esas i hese Abert (AL a a es es 10, 720 36 312 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Louisiana, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR Lines Species Haul seines Trammel nets { Trot with baits Hand or snoods Pounds | Value | Pounds| Value | Pownds Catfish and bullheads $558} 33, 780 $792) 27,650 @reyall leper sek eA esl Leg CE =| he eae Bh es wie TSG | ty Seah ae |e eels os Oroakersee soa. tae aes eee 1, 628) 22,890) 1,285) 5, 450 Drum VESEY eet SG ed i 1, 549} 90,786] 2,759) 38, 300 Redioriredfish sls ese 6, 567| 171,543} 10,328] 99, 450 HSlouMNGersee eA kee eee ee 2 HS2 HP eLOMS6o |r to tG|eeeee =e Garfish ies 23ers eee a ee mele es 500 AQ) a he oe GEE OULD OTS Se BEE see oe MIN CROLL a Ki cap Fig | NI NH wll ae 4,170 OLE WV ALLS 10 Eee SAM SE A a NU oleate Ses tal ENING 0 28] RE Oe Se 9 ae 7, 050 King whiting or ‘‘kingfish’’______ 27, 050 568| 27, 460 588 200 LANG i OHS rege arene eee Spe an ee ee 4,040 121 250 1) pate al OT EO Meee eee eee ee eee ee 24 4 1, 025 PB 2 Mase eek aT Kes eek ARE IN REE AN oth 5 OTe DIONE GLY All Loo | ee ora 20, 000 Sheepsed dewey we Se eee 30,440} 1,861) 85,778} 4,845} 17, 400 BMaAppersned Meera yest non A el Pe ee ee ose eee ee 78, 835 mpanishmackerels a 5-222" Ste a Se te at ee al eee ee OE os ae 900 SPO i. epee es os i eel ee 5, 860 173) 4, 615 136 eset oe I Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’: (Cherie 5h RE See a es 80,470} 1,642) 138,835} 2,808] 88, 250 SYoyanet( sy Lanka BON oe Se ee 135, 672) 138, 593} 211, 553) 20, 402) 112, 390 Si Serih a) Vey pe Se eae esa 2 eo es | Eee et 5, 150) 274 150 8 CO} zi] ofeach eo (ESI oe a eee ee Are (ey renege ae eee, ee ee Pe ee ‘Sab ej ad)y ges ene oss sails ain ap eptionm 598; 560) 14° 400) 202 2a ee | ee Turtles, loggerhead__--_---------- 27, 820 BGA Seen. be ae se Eo ee ee ANG belie we seer eee nies > resale 1,127,776} 48, 802} 813, 880) 45,991) 491,195) 27, 340) 4, 853, 730) 52, 117 Lines, trot Dip nets, dro Cast nets Otter trawls Species with hooks 9 OEY d Pounds| Value | Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value | Pounds Value Catfish and bullheads--_--------- 1, 750 $70) es lL | ok a ee ee aba (COD (| Fen te Py ee 6 Tees te 105 pe Spat | Ce ema |e Se. 8 hel LL SEES 2, 100 $63|_.-_. aa eee Crabs Her ease Se au Ae ea el 131, 550 S742). 20 ed bie |b ee ee (Shave ody ojamee peels baie Si Tsetse Tee al he pees nal | ay Sate eee 2) oe 2, 350 118} 34, 547, 316} $829, 543 MO tal esc eee ae ee 1, 750 70| 131, 550 742| 4,450 181} 34, 547,316} 829, 543 Species Dredges, oyster Tongs By hand Pounds} Value Pounds Value | Pounds} Value AD SSOL BL ete ia aN ak eS a EE Sa lb all SR SS A ee 120, 784} $45, 292 Oysters: WN Eee seh er ob lo) WKH ACG 9) ch a sgh ee ee les Ng 259, 848] $12, 220 8, 244 $643). 22 22 25/7, eee Marketi publics ifalliyoe ex tae BN ee ee 222/996!) \1O) S68)22. 22.2 35 2G eS | ee ee Mianket private; spring. 2-3-2 ae ann oe eee 19420) 1; 8382) 1,672,917) 137,045)" ese eee Wier ketliprivate jiallee cake e ee oe. eek 76;,600| 7,182)" > 1):330)'873)| 109; 128 |Ce aes eee MPerrapins diamond“ Dacke: Ae Ae ae slag nike hes hie SS ae sl ea ere ee eee 21,312} 6,390 PO aba Wer pera es) s Le A e ROE Cie 577, 864| 32,047) 3, 012,034] 246,819} 142,096] 51, 682 a FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 313 Fisheries of Louisiana, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By PARISHES ' La Plaque- Item Cameron| Iberia | Jefferson Fourche Orleans mines Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number OUD ET Tid I SEE aS | I | | ae a 2A De 18 52 26 On boats and shore: Lisi th oe A ee 19 30 700 453 117 374 eRSTIrLS | Sees ee Ra ye on es. ee ee 16 45 5 31 8 CONG CUR, SIRI aRS A a I a See 19 46 763 510 174 428 Vessels: LOG IR aes Sean eee ia, || a ee 9 26 9 11 INeb-toniage.- 2228s) 2-2 eave cet | 2ssosbscee|s-seeeno-s 60 167 70 88 Pe as ia 8 essa caee| Saat teen pose eee peels sapeonn-al eeeenees 4 Web PONRAGR: suse te osc ea es eee eet lee needa [pen soe] Soe ee 62 SDOVALWORSEIS! see oes eee SS Sp ee ee CO 9 26 “9 15 PPOUAL DOL LOBNSPO=.55 = 2855522 52)Sa5553225|5 52s ee 60 167 70 150 Boats: AVEIL OF oe on NESE eh 12 6 257 168 61 150 LOU Ti ge A SS ge a ae ee 8 28 180 170 52 103 Apparatus: ier NSeinPS = po #5. OS ae 6 6 | 38 18 10 14 Length, yards 405 690 4, 920 1, 890 1, 230 2,010 EPEAT MG) NOt = Fab Se. st 1 1 7 9 ll | SEED Ie 130 235 1, 945 2, 645 1, 785 6, 035 ines: DERN ts Las OE ee ee reed ee ee S| ee a ETO eee eS Se ee ee eee ce 1 een eee Trot with baits or snoods-----_--- 3 8 51 (ip ee 9 Baits on snooda:. 22. . ces 22 340 845 10, 180 B50) ee 1, 450 rol Mine NOORS-—o2 oo. oe ee a pe Se (BE aS eel ee eel ee a eee et ee IGOR tet Siemens > ode Sieh eies a [ep eee se aed eee teen igen pe preety een TEASE STEEL) obey Ses See eek eee: Ed eee a ee eae eS eee eee eee 1. 26505 = eee SEMIN stan en eee rete ener se CEA a lea ot SIU Uh a ag 9 | a aR el 1 a | ele UES OF een 2 ee ra 3 4 227 184 36 138 Wards ay mouth =f ose 34 48 2, 861 2, 438 485 1, 759 Dredges, oyster_...-..-- .... CPCB ta are Se On IS a aN PN | ee EN ee el 8 12 CAEP Pera ron 0 079 F&O So lg i et a Dy re © | Dae eet Sg 2 [mrp se es 8 12 tyre = ee al I i iy AE 8 ol 4 12 76 BSS ag apie nae a 57 St. Ber- St. St. Tam-| Terre- | Vermil- Ttem nard Charles St. Mary many bonne ion Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number Se SC Ee Ee a eee ae Peeper. vl Se ae Z2r | 4 = rye Bale » PORE BREE sacs Reese On boats and shore SG ee a ee eee ee 158 33 179 17 486 52 Gasnal Ate ee re ee 59 8 20 4 49 9 pRotat a. os 22 Se st he ee 221 41 221 29 573 61 WES OATIOLOD. 225225. SNS ee 7) ns Se 7 2 19, |--eeeee S Netronnare. 2! 225222525 ee ty dl (SE yt ee 77 22 1b See) aaa Boats: ING) oe een Se ey ee oe ee! 34 14 54 5 152 15 URC =. fo soc actalcceeneeees eet 147 18 105 10 236 17 Apparatus: eianissines si. #8<-!-.2+---.2. 95.2. 16) [Poe ee 3 9 MVenpthy Yards): 2 22:3. fa ke 2,040) [sees ee 390 325 2, 415 1, 375 SRST TREE ETT uo 412177 planes eae ae Np Sis 3 2 1 Bodaré yards:.. of. 225 Se Feo LE See ee oe 755 540 460 135 Lines: 12 TEU bags, = anti neil ete ape aan eae comm ae a (iy Nt em Ths) |= === eg a Lae tie G8" |ts-2"-- eo Lait: | os ie ei as So ee ae ae Ly eee 2S". S) ee eee 68) esses ee Trot with baits or snoods---_--_-_- 135 18 6) Si Me SED Ste a 3 5 RIS Or SOD Cs eee aoe 29, 965 240 ODD | a2 = 340 300 ATCT NOs se eee eee eS | ee ee v8 Dea pet | Uses a Bee L OLiCnWAWiti et as eeee ee ee st 15 14 bl | ee ee 159 5 MGrOs MilOriiie ene eet 195 178 Ca Mad | Sara pl cee 2, 007 64 SU hese eM pele glee i= pees Oe Relaale! | HS Se ee ER Mea ee | 8 of) fade be 4 SCNT REN ae ete) Th it te a alte SES | does aM Dh ie Ma Nel UR Rae 8 aE sane ees 4 SUT) ERs ade oe 2 +o Bee SALSA! |e We Oe Ree ie eo 23 3 173 2 314 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Louisiana, 1931—Continued CATOH: By PARISHES Species Cameron Iberia Jefferson La Fourche Pounds| Value | Pownds| Value | Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value Catfish and bullheads_.-.-...-..-_--- 21850} (SLT ease | oo 1, 050 $21) 222 el ee Groagker2i nil isis Wiese sulle 2 Bees 3 2, 700 108 550 $16 2, 220 99 1, 000 $30 Drum: BTA CE ROR Nees POON he” SURES oe 250 9 800 24 16, 970 510 16, 350 500 Red or redfish_ 2, 500 150} 3, 200 192 41,100) 2, 486 54, 375} 3, 235 TEM Fob Vo (Ei ps Zee ee a SA eee Nae a 4, 200 168 50 4 2, 695 216 9, 800 784 King whiting or ‘‘kingfish’’__________ 850 26 600 18 19, 400 388). 1 bots ee Viet soe ee fee Bee 2, 100 (55) (Pe Fe Een 2, 300: 70) << eS ees SE sar ces es A er wets SA ae eee | eat Cea PR ae aa ee 2, 000 125|._..-. 2 eee Bheepshedae 2a ok eae ee yee 4 2, 550 153 800 48 12, 450 766 37, 360) 1, 867 ATUIS Ly raa Oe es Bee ee ea ee Se a Le Be a Sco 150 6):.4322 ee ee [SOLON Ais AA eH A a RANT mA PUNE (Lib) es | a Op 850 ys) ee | Oe Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout:”’ 1h ai eae ey RE es Welles ee ae hones 1, 800 54 950 28 7, 290 146 7, 950 159 Spotted Sores eae Suet Beene 9, 800 980 3, 750 375 76,195} 7, 233 46,175) 3,694 PG By cht oy Cea he Whe UE es MP A YU TO RU 2 Vs CA PART Vl Pe a eee a Cee Se 3, 150 157 rabs: 12 (Veo Le Acai et En eee Boa naan ee St 41) 24, 600 328] 1, 024, 950} 13, 666 309, 360} 4, 125 SOL see enn OF NS NN 2 ee OS Wve ge |e Pe Ee ee 29,320) '10;995|-=— ee ee nD leat ee ST En ieee 2,944) 178,700] 4, 364! 9, 659, 642/231, 824) 7, 592, 068)182, 215 ysters Market, private, spring 1, 242) 50,954} 4,974] 586,840] 45,802) 257,707) 24,312 Market, private, fall__ 1,547} 84, 508) 8, 249 384, 287| 29, 984 126, 703} 11, 953 Rerrapin GiaMoOnd-VaCkr as soe seen ne helen | i Sad eS ae 21;.312| 6,390|22=- 52 a2 | ere rbartles log rerhe sds: Ses. wre A eile a So) alsa | ae 27, 820 b56)2- eee eee Doh" pe Bea SS eee AR 4a 7, 599} 340, 462) 18, 620/11, 936, 841/351, 306] 8, 461, 998/233, 031 ———— Species Orleans Plaquemines St. Bernard St. Charles Pounds falue | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds} Value Catfish and bullheads____._-_-_- 15, 300 $306 15, 730 $315 5, 950 $119) 2 | ee Mronkers. 2 ee. hh eee 11, 900 714 11, 490 690 16, 530 992)" 2 ee ee | eee Drum: IB a CKmae ie ae eer em teen or er 12, 200 367 47, 336 1, 420 50, 010 1/5012 S22 eee Mediorredhshe-ssess. a2 ee 30, 760 1, 845 52, 508 38, 151 34, 860 2, 09] = 5 See, MTLOMNG er Ses ee ee one nee ee 850 68 4, 420 354 1, 720 138). 232 |seeee Gromperso2eeeae ee 4,170 P| re) eee | ee eee erm ne ens VTP a(t ones Veytish we he Pee ee ee FOOL 2 yaa Soe oe ee eee King whiting or ‘‘kingfish”’ 8, 200 PNT I TG GSS a ie al ae Mag YS ees 1, 590 TOG ATT Os ee pike ee ee 199 Sheepshead ---.-_-_-- 17, 310 Snaepperiredi ese 2h ee A Pe TRY BAD bot DLR |e ae ere eh Lac Se SI al Ta le ae SS Spanish mackerel 750 Spo be eae Ce Ny NUM ett Te 3, 250 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout:”’ yo RV eS Sa a a a A SSE Pee eNO) 6, 550 131 83, 025 1, 660 169, 590 Spotted ewes oye are aS 9, 350 935 88, 365) = 8, 837 123, 880 ch sy) C2 Ue es ON Mea a a aT Nea 1, 500 74 300 Crabs: LS OCs 0G FE UEP SAS Wg RR 44, 850 598 145, 500 1,940] 860,760} 11,477} 258, 000) $3, 440 [YOY 8 ret eee ZS a 2 a 7, 580 2, 841 4, 760 1, 785 74, 172\., 27, 814). e ee ee pasty Lert SES ae te 1, 445, 522} 34, 750) 5, 796, 106} 139, 105 613, 224) 14,718} 598,000} 14, 352 ysters Market, public, spring--__-_- 68, 648] 3, 232 83, 805)\ 8,948) a. oe Na Market, public, fall_________ 117, 744; 5,540 24,429], 1,,149)2. lo I Market, private, spring_-___- 19, 420). 1.832): 115,841!) 9 97047) lose. se ee ee ee Market, private, fall..._.._- @5, 600] °F) VS2]}) 43s 680) US ee ke Hi Bo} (zi Le 5 EM Ds eS Map 2, 1, 973, 229] 67,097] 6, 662, 418) 186, 682) 1,982, 295) 76,050) 856, 000) 17, 792 Species St. Mary St. Tammany Terrebonne Vermilion Pounds | Value | Pounds| Value| Pounds | Value | Pounds} Value Catfish and bullheads $31 39, 500} $1,185} 1,790} $102 Brevalloe:- Ase PN sk SUPE Sy RN BS SOE Spee Om Mae ga UEP) Seay eee eeeeeen| YS A et Se 150 9 ONG) 2M = Riis UR) Da SSS URE Fi TS 210 4, 600 137} 1,800 144 Drum: Black 255 22, 150 665 1, 450 112 Red or redfish 302} 129,300} 7,758} 5,600 560 NOTING ORS 2 a Ra RT a 52 4, 150 332 150 22 Gilets rye ess S28 ek eR Ne Adal ee | ae mss Fd |, SRS | Oe 500, 40 King whiting or ‘‘kingfish’’__._____- 1, 800 45| 5,390 106 3, 700 74} 1,050 63 YSU VOU (2) rhe Re SES rar CL el Wa Da ee | NGO) iP) 4] oe Sees 250 15 Pompano 100 Lt eee ed i FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 315 Fisheries of Lowisiana, 1931—Continued CATCH: By PARISHES—Continued Species St. Mary St. Tammany Terrebonne Vermilion SSS ee ee Pounds | Value | Pounds| Value| Pounds | Value | Pownds| Value BIRR NTIOR GEE soe 2 2,600) $156) 4,350} $261 13, 050 $783} 2,200) $220 Pe ee eet ee cbc cee aoa leeesone 1, 100 + a EY VAP iis ao [wee Squeteagues or ‘“‘sea trout”: ° 22 e SSS ee eT ey 2, 700 66} 18, 100 362 8, 950 179 650 39 oye) 1c RE SS ey ee ee 9, 800 980} 15,000} 1, 500 73,400} 7,340] 3,900 585 SITE DAT FS eB SB cere Pee ae eS ae | Bee ak | a ee || ee I ee eee 350 35 rabs 1? its ESS | ae ahs Sa eee 2, 160, 000} 16, 200} 86, 700 144 6, 300 84| 61, 200 816 La eR SS oe Se Mae | BBA A BO luse ee ee ee ee ROPE INT pp Se 8 = gore Shr eo yak 2,207, 256|\'Ob; 42015 2s [eae 6, 698, 128) 160, 767] 232, 580) 5, 597 Oysters: Market, public, spring. _.-.-_-_- AS TT 1) wale O21 41, 258i) 2, 107) oa Sasa lee eee 30, 514) 1,834 Rierkel, pubic. fallc= 3-5 < See) ry 2 | ete 65; 868 [pj 23,250| seen conan lene se 11, 955 934 Market, private, spring-------_- 75, 534) 7, 373)/.----- a eee 565, 470) 44,160) 1, 767 138 Market, private, fall.........-_. 91,749} 8,958] 12, 030 940} 460,252) 35,984) 4, 288 335 417 AU's Sk BERS BERS Ee 8 4, 610, 356) 89, 597) 278, 048] 11, 494) 8, 029, 050) 259, 466} 362, 054| 11, 600 TEXAS Fisheries of Texas, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR Gill nets Lines Tram- Tem ines. he mel Trot | prot una- nets wi : eit Stake Hand | Troll balts\or A baie! snoods Fishermen: Number| Number| Number| Number de Number| Number| Number 5 eneih. yards) 7p AP 10, OU) | pee ee Tee me ea He ne eh ol So eto ee MESARG VANS 22 Sse a tee cay. | ose ose Zayed: O71, Li2sle ek, GON os ease eet aoe oka eee Pg KS HDRES), OF: SUDOGS = 4- 2-23] 2. Se a SS i ee 667 6 | 3,670 4,970 ee ae eee, tter redges, exclusive Item teaeda Spears oyster Tongs | By hand of dupli- cation Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number Dua GSE ee Be SO Ses rt aa |S 155 On boats and shore: | TV ee oe ES a ees 526 63 74 243 80 1, 392 Oppapnc) LE UE et eee | [ene eee tte | a 10 62 392 flap oe SS Tee 606 168 92 253 142 1, 939 Vessels: VE ROT Ee see eae en ee es es 38 i eee = ae, iy ee Soe ee |S ee oie 41 ICD SOnTaP Ose s ates Poe cnt 71 eee ir] eS Se |e ee ee 454 Boats CS Tr) a Se the FN 262 3 24 a ae 444 LOLI eee eRe RST eas) ee ey | ES a oN A 172 72 489 Apparatus: PURO DRIA ae ink s Soeeenn ee e= ! 294 168 30 215th (Be a SE el ae oe 316 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Texas, 1931—Continued CATCH: BY GEAR Gill nets Species Hail:-seines - |---| emel nets Runaround Stake Pounds| Value Pounds Value | Pounds | Value | Pownds| Value OES Tee gs I I Oe S| ES so 640) ($144). 2 | See @atfish/andbullheads:222_ 2 = Sees 8. 25,080} $912) 5,885 214; 13,612} $495) 11,770} $428 CWroyallerersse 28 88 ea eo] Se OI eee 385 U|saseu-252|- 2288 42|- oe ee eee Wronkes eee ac es ee ee ee RES 11, 715 426] 8,910 O24. =. 2252 eee 12, 770 464 Drum: TET eo EE NS oa ae Lee 46, 475} 1,690] 160,944) 4,649) 837,346) 22,971] 68,970) 2,078 Redtonredfish: Assumes oer leo eek 79, 574) 5,857) 61,248! 4,247) 312,829} 22, 751] 157, 493} 11, 681 Mloun ders hae Pe re keer Oe Boe aS ee 8, 525 787| 2, 530 230|f ee 1, 925 159 Kine whitine or “kinefish??-. 50 2222s 7, 920 288] 4, 290 166) <5 See ee 2, 585 94 I OTD CG) ree So en re rete Le 5, 500 165 600 24) 222224 ee ee eee IBOMDAN Obes esse Soe ee eee ae eee tae 6, 115) 697 770 106) Sos Si2 oe ee 2, 673 364 Sheepshead: ene sae ee eae 7, 590 414) 3, 685 201 8, 690 369] 8, 415 429 STHOOKsOr Sere ean hisses aes eee 14, 630 534) 2, 365 86] 16, 885 614 550 20 Spanishimackerel® 622 ws bea ol eee 2, 750) 100} 7, 755) DR D| bce Lh pete ae oa 2, 320) 99 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’, spotted__-_- 119, 966] 11, 033) 119, 900) 10,900) 315, 739) 28, 704) 236, 633) 21, 911 Ua BY OY FEE LNA SoA ais SONA ea 334, 840] 22, 903) 381, 907) 21, 570\1, 505, 101) 75, 904) 506, 104) 37, 727 Lines oe Trot with b Trot with rot wi aits rot wi Hand Troll or snoods hooks Pounds | Value | Pounds| Value | Pownds| Value | Pounds| Value Catfish and bullheads__-_..-_-_-_-_-_. 22, 165 S51 |e saree | ee ee | See 16,170} $610 @rosken- isos ok" she Pe eee is be as 880 $2| tess S| Eo kee) ee eee eee Drum: aC kee eae ee al aa Oe 21, 725 G50 | Pepe S| Ea a ee ee ee 660) 24 Rediorredfish=—- 232 22-- es 222:'695)\ T6yS8S| to 2 8 2 | eee | bes eel ees 29, 700} 2, 290 Gropersateese sss 2 ee eee Leal 45, 831) 1, (36g) 2 see —/5 a2 -0e =| es a | ee ee DOW LS HO tee aca s eas ee es ee 275 SSSI Cee oe ae Hein otisMlons skin oe Mackerel se. aes 2 Rawe 2 ees | See eee 35740)) ($136|322- 2524 ee a a ees Sheepsties dis ae ee A) AEE oe eee 18, 587 O08) 4 2 hoe ee a ee fShatey Oj O(e mpg s(6 ee ene eed Bye LO eee a 690).6641) 5 '55;-252) 12 22 | foc see ee Sees By ee ee Spanishimackerele see eo 50; 380) 4"; 880) 22282 5 || Paes | to Se ee eee Squetearues or “sea trout’; spotted=:_| (291,500) ) 26,834)2-_- <= 2 =|. +.2--|-- se ee| 2 ee ee C@rabswhar dees fan aie ee Cee ee od | een ed Eee 49 "A551! $1 O15 Pees eee U1 Moy 2 Ga Se ee pee 1, 364, 702} 104,319} 3,740 136} 49,455) 1,015) 46,530) 2, 924 Species Otter trawls Spears Dredges, oyster Tongs By hand Pounds | Value | Pownds| Value | Pownds| Value | Pownds| Value | Pownds| Value HOU G els vase nee a= oe eee |e ae 61,765) $5, B19). oe eek Se] se re | ee Oysters: Market, public, CSO) fee pa pl fa) ce ne een al | RS hs So 176, 921|$11, 329] 179, 858/$12, 299] 48, 848) $3, 134 211, 684, 12, 280} 275, 378] 15,912) 89, 643) 4, 417 Totala 2222s 18, 814, 373] 458, 152) 61,765) 5, 819) 388, 05 23, 609) 455, 236) 28, 211) 138, 491) 7, 551 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 O17 Fisheries of Texas, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By COUNTIES Item Aransas | Brazoria | Calhoun | Cameron |Galveston| Harris Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number ONTLORSRBING ween sess. Siege 2 Pe eee oe 724) oe aa QE tees On boats and shore: Ted te So ee ae ve Re Sis ee eee 123 6 199 210 271 5 OLN At ee de ee 75 |i se 68 19 [Ale aah pe ce A Tats NE ty he Se EE ees 146 6 287 229) 484 5 Vessels: RRR Seer ee a Nee eS ee Ee ee ee eee Se Sie ee eae 1 Enea ee & PNISG OL NEGZO nae cre ye a Se 2 eR SIE eee pee tee cee a ye ee 258 | 5 Sse ee 3 Boats 1S) a) aap Re and a kL I EE 214 NEES eed 76 30 129 2 LUTE yp et RN ea a Re EEE 55 6 46 46 94 2 Apparatus: REP SEITE CUTIE eee ae ene oe ae ee ee eee TOTP LO VANOS scree eke Beene Coote ie ae ee Gill nets: Runaround_--__-- Square yards CN a ee Se rae BOMATANVArUS. cose fs ket oe AE neMINOL NEES a see eee oe ae ese ale Sigupre. vards= 2) ees 632 Lines: TPAC MGs eee ee ee es See TEGO Rs See ae 5 Fe ho hs ee 2 Trot with baits or snoods___------ 6 IB RIbS Ol SHOOGSsce- aos e aa ss = ONO] = ee a ree eres | eee 2, 420] ok oes IELOL WiILMVHOOKS: ==. -22 252-4 ee 20S 224s ee ee este alG ate se ae ae ih pee ROOK Socket eRe 15g SAO 2 he ere eg Ce ILE ee ee oh | ae NET RETT IS See eee ee ee ae Oe Se 6b sues 58 10 LD4 | Pease PAPAL MOUbNS 22 2-2) oe eee ees | eee See 847 131 dre eee eee So: PE jaw A Spe th tele pe Mele etal Sirah Ee 0.) Ae See eae 35 10 2) .| ee ep ods 9) Piredoer OVStOl 2 at te en eee ya Pe Sta a eg te | aw nen or es { ALOS ML OULN 22 2. - ose ne so 7) REE Poe TA a as aoe Re oe “NEES SB" eae, pagal es | i aes ee es ge a 30 6 A} be Sere PL gs 36 5 Item Jefferson | Matagorda] Nueces Refugio | 542 a Fishermen: Number Number Number Number Number CE NESS cS SON TS RS Aa 8 TON (RT ie BEET DSS) URS CC) (MO ct Re Ma C2] Ae On boats and shore: OTT EN PS ae iE ay ta Se Rs Tk ee ee 139 338 2 99 CTS) De Ee ee, ee ee ee 5 18 92 8 45 ANA ES Se Lee Rae fa 5 167 446 10) 154 Vessels: Te Mele os Sandee ep aes eee ens Sal P RS) Ane ee oe 4 Wists tee 5 ING COUNEP Oui. once th =o ete ee a 41 js) | Rs ee es 37 Boats 115) (G) oe Oe See et eee, ee | PTS ae 46 2) es 46 G3 eC es Pe BS OS Se eee ty, 5 20 186 10 19 Apparatus: (CUS bet. os ae en ie coe ta eRe eee Us) ek ee eer ge (arse 2 ata BOSE Length; vardssess. 2335 Po ol eb Be ea 1, .500|. Selo ee Gill nets: PBPITIAT OUT oes ae i So ce 2 eee Oe co 1h FS eee 38 Pamare ards: = 2.22322. slo LOS Dob) 2 23 ses OF ee 10, 544 CLI! ees Sala eae ate U33lbe peo once ene ee 2 Ravlare yardat noo M7. 0.2). OR ae. LR es 235780) 22 e eee eee | ee eee rama mets. 64.906 2 ee ae 11 LO] ee ed 4 | RISEN 1 SOR ne os |C ae 3 4, 665 2; O00) Se Sees as 1, 200 Lines: Hand Spears 26 JOTRGP OS: OYStSl ee eee I TN e Se a (PE Un Se ee SR SArGS at mOnGh Se ae ps = ot se i] 2 sth ESE [ic eRe Ne Re | (iis Sate ee AM: i SN cae Sy Gee eee, | a ee 40) 58 15S ee 318 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Texas, 1981—Continued CATCH: BY COUNTIES Species Aransas Brazoria Calhoun Cameron Pounds | Value|Pounds| Value| Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value Catfish and bullheads-_-_------------ Ce 1) Nii 2 ect in RI 9,790} $356 8,497; $309 Grodker 7 foo eee ee ee 4, 895 LS SEE tole Sees 2, 860 104 3, 850 140 Drum: Bac kia See ee ene a eee 31; 180) USle2|- aes See ee 13, 090 476| 584, 223) 15, 933 Redionredtish!-tt. 42.7 2 eae Gi(1320|(.5 4. 890|2- 222 a tee eens 241, 665] 17,576) 217,316) 15, 805 Wl QuNGeTSs4.- 2 - =. dee ee eel 4, 400 A200 | 530) 222 cee Sse 8, 580 780 935 85 King whiting or ‘‘kingfish’’_-_____- 1, 980 2 | en eee a ae 1, 980 72) =e eee BOM pANO Msc oh ae ee 385 DAR sees eh er mas 165 22 715 98 Sheepshesda 2c. tee Eee 2, 035 TST Sate esa ee ee 2, 332 127 8, 360 304 Snapper sree ce 2 te Se ee ee el eee ee ee eae ee ees 24,487| 1,959 Snook or sergeantfish_--_-_--------- 715 26 | See | SR 385 14 16, 885 614 Spanish mackerel=~ S22) 22> 322-2 1, 155 AQ eee alae Se 1, 320 48 550 20 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’, spotted_ BOSD! iy Ladlaeaa = 5 alles ee 260, 755| 23,705) 246, 785) 22, 435 Crabsahardes ei wes en eee 21, 630 G'S | aati 2 Pe ee Se ae ee | ee Pornp CS SES SSS Sp Ses ee 89) 184630) 300|2 esse nee eee eee 1, 378, 330) 48, 240} 357,915) 10, 737 ysters: Market, public, spring--------- 19, 295) 1,022) 3,315) $244) 101,749] 6,061 1, 920 225 Market, public, fall__---------- 36,482) 1,824] 3,570 262 95,198] 6, 683 2, 688) 315 Motal eet ae oe Gate 1, 167, 901} 48,052) 6,885 506} 2, 118, 199)104, 264) 1, 475, 126) 68, 979 Species Galveston Harris Jefferson Matagorda Pounds | Value |Pownds| Value |Pounds| Value| Pounds | Value Catfish and bullheads-_-__------------ 12, 540 G7 Et RY i gh |e 3,960} $144 Croakens te al 2 ota ad Mints 2 10, 175 ey (0) eevee Co aS When ee a 1, 770 64 Drum: IB Ta ckesncs sae a a Bees See eee 7, 040 7G] ERR ie Nee oa 220 $8 5, 720 208 Rediorred fishes. 208 Lo eee GaxOTA rs and| econ (ake eee 1, 320 120 12, 463} 1,133 MIOUNGEr Sass ese eee eee 8, 085 TAB Soa aes |e Cee | ee ee | eer 10, 285} 1,122 Growpersts= 25-222 be eae oe een AA SUA P vB BD Se ee eS See ee a Ve yiisheenie 2 ose = nie Sees Ea 275 Blas a Se ee ee ee ee King whiting or ‘‘kingfish’’_--_----- 5, 005 1321 Rare Sao ae eee ee a eee 1, 540 56 Ni Gee ees ae 5 Re 5, 500 131i} Eee |r ieee | ee ee ee Ee i = Poninanoe asa 803 OG HGS Ee | te ea | eee 165 22 Sheepshead _------- 8, 195 447 | Soo obese sa 55 3 1, 870 102 Snapper, red GLON78Ol) (48 BbSIB AT AE oes ee 2 | ee ee | Snook or/sergzeantfish--_= 2522-02 2-2 880 Bans o£ Ae Sis le Se eee Spanishsmacketelur 22 ree 3, 685 JAS} olay Rees yer hems Aertel by mane al fete ca 835 45 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’, spotted_| 128,557) 11, 986/__--_-__|_-_---- 1, 760 192 22,462) 2,450 Wraps ands 2.00 a. Se ES eos 22, 575 S22 Ase as eed hoe 5;250|) ..-\7b|- eee SHIM pe aes ee ee Re SS 6059048) AOS Shoe ees ea ee ee ee | 971, 135] 29, 130 Oysters: Market, public, spring---------- 145 637)]) Mls 256|) 13,45 Rep eel ste se el Ree 172, 516} 12, 152 Market, public, fall’. --.-------_2 24,684) 2,147) 3,281 7. '5] Rees NE, (ce aCe 243, 295| 13, 242 POT ATE Ee Re bee Pee esses 7, 030, 058) 271,950) 6, 426 472| 8,605 398) 1, 448, 016} 59, 870 Species Nueces Refugio San Patricio Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value Blnefish= + su. ssl 2S She oe eel Joe 2, 640 $144). in ne eee ee ee Catfish and bullheads-_------.--------- 48, 180 1, 752 2, 805 $128 2, 200: $80 Crevallex thy noose ke Se ae oe 385 | es Mee eeee tees Pere |. ak tS Mroaker oe se ee RE 6, 655 DASE CU Cae RAs aera 4, 070 148 Drum: BAC roe eee ey Ene A 472, 587 13, S45 Serena eee ca eee 22, 110 804 Redkor redfish esi sie ro 208, 131 14, 929 9, 790 890 42, 460 3, 088 POUT OTS Ase e se Nea ee ea 34, 320 5 Fa 0 ee ee ere Re Ee 8, 140 740 FT OTLDOLS seen i eth oe eg ee 1, 320 B6[be Me det] et ee Keinghsh Orinkingamnackerely to. 52.286 2| sere Sk oe See Ps ee eee a ee 3, 740 136 King whiting or ‘‘kingfish’”’__-_-_---_- 1, 980 7 Pleas ak ORE eS eS ee 2, 310 84 TUTTO ts he Nae a Se NG es ee oe ne ee ee hea 600 24 PPORIDAN OE a oes a ee ee eee es 5, 500) (ROL See Ee eae ee eS 825 113 mneenpshead ee: oo os oe ka ee tee 20, 955 1, 143 550 30 2, 615 144 Snapper rer sa2- ioe sae ere ee 55, 388 4,430} eo a ee eee eee Snook or sergeantfish......_..--------- 13, 750 SOD Ease = 222 2. |. ee 1,815 66 Spanishimeackerel. soo wks sl 53, 020 1025 eeee eG eee 2, 640 144 Squeteagues or ‘‘sea trout’’, spotted-_-- 222, 734 20, 249) 7, 150 780 114, 950 10, 450 Shrimps iso ee es ee 2, 049, 016 (io pll| ee IS eee ee 2, 107, 745 71, 665 Oysters: Market, public, spring-_---------- 88, 756 5, 548 294 23). 2k ee Market. public, fall sto= ses ey 167, 110 7, 864 397 31|_...2eeona ae eee Motales 2 cG ls eee ye a 8, 452, 427} 145, 781 20, 986 1,882} 2,316, 220 87, 686 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 319 FISHERIES OF THE PACIFIC COAST STATES‘ The yield of fishery products in the Pacific Coast States (Washing- ton, Oregon, and California) during 1931 amounted to 597,806,512 pounds, valued at $13,512,209. This is a decrease of 28 percent in the volume of the catch and 41 percent in the value of the catch as compared with the quantity and value for 1930. Of the total catch in 1931, 584,437,666 pounds, valued at $12,203,843, were fish and 12,868,846 pounds, valued at $1,308,366, were shellfish. These fish- eries gave employment to 19,235 fishermen, or 2 percent less than in 1930. Of the total number of fishermen employed during 1931, 6,454 were employed on vessels and 12,781 in the boat and shore fisheries. Fisheries of the Pacific Coast States, 1931 SUMMARY OF CATCH 5 Product Washington Oregon California Total Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value 15131 vie oe Br ae 136, 690, 063/$4, 601, 750/24, 832, 283/$1, 216, 821]422, 915, 320/$6, 385, 272/584, 437, 666/$12, 203, 843 Shellfish, ete____- 3,800,660} 520,094) 986,755 65, 334] 8,081,431] 722, 938) 12, 868, 846] 1, 308, 366 PPO —--2- 140, 490, 7 5, 121, 844/25, 819, 038} 1, 282, 15/} 430, 996, 751! 7, 108, 210/597, 306, 512} 13, 512, 209 OPERATING UNITS: By STATES Washington Oregon Item Puget Colum- Colum- Sound cae bia River} Total | bia River ia bn Total district district district c Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number Pinivesspisueesn 5. 3 seAne Fe 2, 971 16 2 2, 989 32 34 66 On boats and shore__----_--- 1, 653 3, 152 1, 478 6, 283 2, 209 1, 212 3, 421 1 1{0) 4:1 ee ee er eee ae 4, 624 3, 168 1, 480 9, 272 2, 241 1, 246 3, 487 Vessels: RUGAIMS eis teh. eee Sy [b= 5 StL ee S SE eae iy (eee ie peepee a os Dal ee ee Net tonnage_........_.- (1 eee ee 3 CANS yA Se eee (a ts pie OES 11 (fa) aye SOB eae ee 473 8 1 482 15 12 27 Wet itonnage=_-22_.--__. 9, 705 66 20 9, 791 163 102 265 EL ee ae ey ees yA) = Saas |, 72e Cee (eee ate se it. Nh, Net tonnage_-_--__...-..- iO ee ee a ds ee ees BOF ee eke seeks 2 | eee Rotal-vessels:.<=..s--se< 478 8 1 487 15 12 27 Total net tonnage-----_-__- 10, 580 66 20 10, 666 163 102 265 Boats LC 001 5S a aS ee ees 893 318 775 1, 986 1, 185 759 1, 944 Opes. 2) a, eee 483 174 148 805 76 116 192 Apparatus: Purse seines: SAMMONS Lorene 2 201 Sie. eee SEL TE sche cs Sct | er ea na Length, yards_____- 10; 118) |e | eee eee TOD, VARY |e sins hee La we eee BU Somes 2 2225 (CA eee § 47 119 39 3 42 Length, yards_.__...._. Grids | eee eee 14, 133 20, 287 21, 860 493 22, 353 Gill nets: Drift: cl batts) en eee oS 296 86 506 888 886 424 1,310 : Square yards_.-| 490,454 | 159,960 !1, 224, 760 |1, 875, 174 |2, 790,900 | 532, 544 | 3,323, 444 et: Salingnss 2.) ee 10 213 201 424 141 671 812 Square yards_-_ 3, 480 70, 290 48, 441 122, 211 35, 955 107, 360 143, 315 7 Data on the operating units and catch of the fisheries of the Pacific Coast States have been taken largely from statistics collected by the various State agencies. Supplementary surveys, compilations, and analyses have been made by agents of this Bureau in order that the figures may be presented in a manner compara- ble with those of other sections. 320 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of the Pacific Coast States, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By States—Continued Washington Oregon Item Puget Colum- Colum- Sound shire bia River| Total | bia River Coastal Total district district district TSM Apparatus—Continued | Lines: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number Trawl, set and hand___-| 21, 989 5 81 22, 075 103 150 253 OOKS! eo ARE RES 460, 727 500 8,100 | 469, 327 11, 550 18, 750 30, 300 0 bya) See ee eee ae 2, 167 184 286 2, 637 860 513 1,373 HHOOKS ste eee eae 9, 968 828 1, 287 12, 083 3, 870 2, 308 6, 178 POUNGINCLSE Sas aan oe Se 104 70 240 414 49) .\. See 49 RTUSH WelES! ose 2 see aes (i) es Se ele) ees 7, [seven bes|22b. coo ee AMISH wheels 08.0 See eae Se ee oe 32 32) \U0l 2. 3.2/2 eee eee ADI MOUS see Sa ee 8 35 132 175 ale {<3 ee reese 178 DracipaemMetsee- ssa o ees 36 ES Sere SS SY. |secoss42-5|25203 2 os Eee Length, yards---------- 3, 078 60}|Seas aoe 3,138) 22. 32522 Se eee ARN a0) fp eas Sc Op] Seer mies patter eas 6 |S ee Beant trawlss-s- sae oes BOY |S eee I ee a 30. |izeei cio. -|2 2a Yards at mouth---_--_- 204 a) SR Siete | SS ae 204 || 2525 se | Ce ee Traps: (Gia) ghey Mase eel seer ae 2, 413 Bye hohe Lee eae 6, 131 ag h Aas) CLP NM sar eS a A Sa ga a ee) Oa peel ies ae Tongs and rakes___--------- 212 28 | Ne Pe SHOVelsieys eee eek eS ees 218 AN( 40.2 eee 2, 964 SDOarS Sea eo ae ce ee tee tae artes ee AMO) ee cere te Mredees oyster ooh se eee alee ee are ial eae ale Vardsatamouth. — vu oes fi) ee eat ee California ee | Southern district Grand Northern San Monte- total ANSEL Francisco| rey dis- Sori Sar Total district trict . Pedro Diego division | division Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number OmnjveSselse. = 2a ee on 16 265 519 1, 795 804 3, 399 6, 454 On boats and shore-_-------- 470 938 680 770 219 3, 077 12, 781 Motalte aie eater ee 486 1, 203 1, 199 2, 565 1, 023 6, 476 19, 235 Vessels: StGarmiee 8 2 Ree SE ee ee A | i ae ENS ee ees 1 4 INettionnage 285. <-22 2 See ee 32) eee 2 Oe NS EL eae 32 103 IM OTODESSee = Cae ee eee 6 30 50 233 104 423 932 Net tonnage___-_------- 58 396 859 7, 387 5, 647 14, 347 24, 403 F(T Hie ok Se RR hE | eg eget De CR ave | Se ee 2 4 INetitonnage eee eks yaa ees Rep BR coast eh eck cet cpm al PR Pa pe 824 1, 628 Motal Viessels2=2 Bae. 8 6 33 50 233 104 426 940 Total net tonnage_---_-_-_- | 58 1252 859 7, 387 5, 647 15, 203 26, 134 ; i Boats: | INT OT OLS eRe Se ea ee eB 154 557 227 401 114 1, 453 5, 383 Omnersee Se! SL Ee Ser ee] 158 109 45 51 6 369 1, 366 Apparatus: Purse seines: AS HT aheke CLD Co (Pear pe ee mente eat YF ZO a LE UO A pe eve Pt UMAR ag Oe BL tes anes 31 31 Mensthi yandse so sail te ee eee Mee rc) eee UST 3y/2-])| MEMee Boomer 13, 672 13, 672 SUNT Ta es 5 RE a a SE NS ae BR MN I ee et ne 251 Beng thytyardss. 4-eipee Eeeeks Pls =A MRR Ne | ee 155, 118 SANGIN) Se eee ye AO A eens Se ee 12 O8bbe.csaeeee 70 70 enegth;: yards 5-222 Bae 8 2 ee ae 4, 350 74 SU SH eee See 28, 431 28, 431 MAS Sep Sa ae 3) eae EL Ae ee (file Re ke 71 71 Hength;'yardss 2252s ee EE eee teh > (RS i 40}'500) |2o=26 ae 40, 500 40, 500 = FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 321 Fisheries of the Pacific Coast States, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By States—Continued California eae Southern district Grand Northern San Monte- total district Francisco} rey dis- San San Total district trict Padro Diego division | division Apparatus—Continued Lampara nets: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number Mackerel ae. 22.2252. |e oo 8 eee ee eee 30)|2o eo ebee 36 36 engths yards sese|. 5 Sows e tee ee 14 (a6) easee oa 14, 738 14, 738 Pe mBrGines sus sso et cay [ee elas 13 54 35 18 1 120 Hanged yards)! fos [bes 2 2, 210 17, 350 15, 400 4, 070 39, 030 39, 030 cio 1 Ee rs oe ee ae [Ese ee ee pT ct 38 38 Menethy Wards see |22o- 20 ale ee GOO |e Seas ae eos 7, 450 7, 450 | 2 ee ee ae a Ba iene eae Seat 21 | ea eee | a pe errs 1g eee es 15 15 IBEDEERMVArOS poet laen can See ae ee ea 6; 860 [222 eee 6, 860 6, 860 HBL SPINOSS=—= 5 or 2 -- Fos: 21 | Ui | Se eee 3 cece 25 186 Length, yards: ~-.-_-..- 2, 586 25 een 2 tea Z. 1 [ae aes Se 3, 131 45, 771 Gill nets: Drift: Barracuda... 2- sae 19 33 20 72 72 Square yards_-- 22,100 | 237,736 | 157,310 | 417, 146 417, 146 PIO SS te ees ee LOC eee UO” [ea 8 oee ie |e le 333 25a BduaresyAaArGs- |, 144195 Olay eo caaae aoe oe emcee [ee eee 661, 635 | 5, 860, 253 Bea beassee-aec saan i eee ey ee a 42 42 Square yards__-_ SRSA00N ee a> ero Eee Se 113, 392 113, 392 DSi eee a ee | eee EOD) (Bee tee ee ee rae |e ee 105 105 HauaresyaArdsss po. =. sale eee Oop ue = sane oon ee Ee eae, 322, 655 322, 655 Siiped Dassae— ela eee) OO) lee weee cet Te eee eee eee 135 135 : DOUArG Varusss:|oe ooo: e eel, GSO Re ce eee ne |e eee Oa 332, 640 332, 640 et: PSE OM Ese setae nen ne eee eee een UN SI eee ease ere 2 eae oe | 1, 236 PUUarenyancsree he ~ ce aN ae I el eae | ee Soe |e eet, 265, 526 | SYST OYE Sp a |e oS NO (By Saarek | Weer see 46 221 67 67 DBOUALeSVArGs ees |p i 22 2 W322. 3 ee shoes Ets | Sie eaveens|bac ae -aleee eee 37 Penttntyards-—- - = mein: 5 SPE ee ee Ae | Ree | ee ee ee 3, 138 LEA SELMS ETS) he ae i ST ae 5 Re | |S, ben i) ee PhS ee Seed er ee eee [a LOL Ee 6 Paranvellametsse.-- 2-2. 202.1% oe 11 4 |g) ae pee ie 20 20 Wardstamolon.3-cseiic-. 2 ae 183 67 Soy [ue se ecee 333 333 PROAUILUNE WARES: - fc 2 st at olan ane Oa Se 9 ee ae ET ay | eT SS 25 55 Mardsimipimouths.s-c2--|-2 222452 OSV (a) Ree RO ee Se ee ee eee 167 371 Traps: ‘Cys = a eee ee 506 BAO U Resse hares oa ne 4, 846 16, 026 BUHL LTRS A ge RO I) > Pee ie (I 2 A IO |S. SE ap | et PEOPLES lo oP 663 Lifal of pte): pe BS Ok Rae Aiea a See os Se el a ee ee 4, 987 2, 226 7, 213 7, 213 Metwmpuws: oe. fo. 2 Le LOUIE Jose eet + LORS pas 8 2 ee ee 116 116 Harpoons: SEG eG lab bye (oe ai eR eee 36 25 61 61 Tongs and rakes__...__...__ 8 27 i ees ae 2 | ete sere 41 383 Bhovals + sh ee 2 AEG 16 43 26 56} eo Ses 141 3, 349 PMs pyar chee ee TS) | ee a ee dee aa 15 Fp Cet Lo 18 18 chur Chy: fie Ss ie Rees ee ES EE eS ee | eee’ 2 | Se ewes Kae i lee Se Ce z 10 BIPEGreSs OVEL Cie eee 8 50 Sl Ue ee eae es lee eee Se 3 petite l yy gi tiigle oe GN a Se el SO © eee (ae ee |e eee is 22 SPE oe YS 5 322 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of the Pacific Coast States, 1931—Continued CATCH: By STATES Species Washington Oregon FISH Pounds Value Pounds Value “ANCHOVICS? 32222 s3c 2 Nstiit eas ee ae | eee ee 20 Carpaene AC Niles Os hel Tee. ot ee Oe ae eet 80, 307 $2,409 |... .- Sete ben (CODE 5 ES ee ee ee 5, 891, 971 G8;.129 |. 1 =e el ee ie Flounders: SS Olen eee eee CO eee Se ari em eae Oe fie 225, 405 6, 762 7, 845 189 LONI AVet oS he SAWS s Ree = » Sees epee Sa ER ee See 109, 130 1, 713 37, 276 745 Gray hse ae wee Na oe Be a a eet 778, 560 2.330 || o> 3 ee eee MEDAL T ID Ui Geeoeee ese She ERR 2 ys Se BY 2h 15, 039, 485 | 1,073,879 242, 897 21, 978 erring? Seaseesse sooo eee ee Se re 8 RES 920, 699 11, 509 45, 144 STINE COM eee ee oka er 488, 213 14, 029 119, 986 3, 570 Perches eee eS eine eee SE eT ee Sete 47, 851 1,778 31, 714 § PROC Ki SIGs Bree ae Le a Se Lh Sets ee 377, 616 9, 061 90, 833 2,077 SAIS S bE 9 Reena, 5 SERA we re Se Be 2d 1, 287, 616 44, 555 63, 976 Sali onl See doe: EAC pn ey wna ome ST 107, 448, 325 | 3, 244, 839 20, 491, 307 1, 054, 839 Sabet FAM ep Sede mes We he aR LOSS 268, 363 5, 368 1, 384, 985 26, 111 Sikateste: Sf eh lose vee eee ee Se ea ee 344 4 |-.22226: 3 8 ee ST TOT Ge NR BL et La td pa ek Lee 1, 824, 087 26, 481 481, 452 14, 539 Steelhead trout 1, 835, 493 87, 053 1, 728, 801 86, 350 STEIDC GD ASSAY IT. i opRin tele mile sales SDR Soak a ela fA Re gs ae 18, 939 1,477 Stupzeons aa 49,130 | ° 1,491 71, 056 2, 092 SUVA tS by Sug as Sg a a ane a A SE | a ee ene oe 15, 863 239 OPHerifishy Sia hak 2 A so see se ea ee oe ke 17, 468 355 Wonca TING el) SR Ne Need nines ons HB Des ee 136, 690,063 | 4,601, 750 24, 832, 283 1, 216, 821 SHELLFISH, ETC. Cra psee eae ee Wes ones sobs wale sew abe ST ES 1, 278, 228 64, 726 790, 774 38, 822 Gravis See ee LE ee stn do nea I ein Ses ed ve ds Oe SO ee ee See ae 123, 000 12, 300 Seinen SUS he Deen Se EN oe SAS eae oe 68, 261 4, 006 |. OTS ees |S Clams AEAPEST, CLS Se STS Ret Ve i pie Se ae Pata tA ds on Sd 459, 472 22,418) | 22. 2 ee eee BEY) RY, 5 Sees EL NM EE LY en SOS a ee eee ee 767, 635 141, 799 50, 572 9, 553 CS (07 a eae MN A poten hee oe ee eee Re giete Me aa lh BA Soe eee nee eee eae 16, 413 1, 805 CTO MS Ses oe Died Oe Se OB ao ne SIS ed ew a 59, 662 2061244. 2.) Ree. ee Oysters: zi HP ASTEED SIAL KO bss oe Seem he Bea iy 3 Av ca ee 2, 650 1,96)" |S ee | eee Jananesenimarkets 2) 22k. is See eee 975, 758 129) /567s|22-222-- eee Native, market 182, 197 151, 465 5, 993 2, 854 Scallops, bay 6, 384 1-757 || <2en5 =) eee Slopviole gee aL REN AP Se ie eS 5, 413 044). =). 1 MO ae AMGEN ERS Reet eee CE a ae ee 3, 800, 660 520, 094 986, 755 65, 334 (@ppznaoly hays een wel ae One ise Oe Pa Soe ene 140, 490, 723 | 5, 121, 844 25, 819, 038 1, 282, 155 Species California ! Total FISH Pounds Value Pounds Value ATI CHONILES SAHEU I ME © 12 SAN yr SIE SIE a a A Sas Le 307, 494 $5, 534 307, 703 $5, 5386 Barn ae Gees ee baneee Mo oe An ee ee 4, 177, 330 362, 334 4, 177, 330 362, 334 O10) ch EL CN STR a UL ET as Se A EON ee ae 227, 837 9, 403 227, 837 9, 403 | Garp esate eee Ce san Ie Se a eae 77, 564 4, 038 157, 871 6, 447 REFS ee ee eae ee he BS ete 370, 642 47, 598 370, 642 47, 598 (Oxoy6 UEP SONS TAC ee SNe Tene ane te ces bile U8 ee 4, 920, 968 61, 020 10, 812, 939 129, 149 Gye nea a eh a ie RS as I 2, 084 96 2, 084 96 Dolphin hae See OS | Se ee ee ee eee 498 13 498 13 He sabe ease ee: JA ee ae bee eee 226 6 226 6 Flounders: Pe@alitonnia hal pith sane eee ee ee Se 962, 262 99, 732 962, 262 99, 732 ISO at ee 3 eS eee eee 9, 418, 585 415, 526 9, 651, 835 422,477 OVE Ory paneer Sk Se Ee ek ae ee 662, 447 28, 651 808, 853 31, 109 TR eriird Ors nee et es ene Sis ee 46, 265 1, 723 46, 265 1, 723 Grayfish_-_ 595, 930 8, 980 1, 374, 490 11, 315 Groupers-_-- 21, 609 804 21, 609 804 1 esa RE Eas eas See PY ERC ees | Bee 12, 501 266 12, 501 266 DEY Say Tasty ee aA a I Sg i a 796, 189 55, 499 16, 078, 571 1, 151, 356 Tennent eee nes ae eben ee ee ee ee 45, 943 5, 775 45, 943 5, 775 LOLTiTi PyIS Bays) == 5.2] Sees WP el ee eh ee 685, 759 4, 026 1, 651, 602 16, 075 nlorse iiackenelies seu iss Ale ae eee ee 562, 475 16, 989 562, 475 16, 989 VSrh gg CS) a Be Se ge GN et a Oe ae 413, 867 10, 397 413, 867 10, 397 PLANE COO naan. ane cee ae a tonne n ee ate eee 1, 227, 890 47,718 1, 836, 089 65, 317 Ny EVO) aS) 31 [SS Aa Pa i le ae oe 14, 252, 866 158, 302 14, 252, 866 158, 302 WM rer ha Sg BN (OB ae ee Se ae 24, 102 1, 050 24, 102 1, 050 VET T bose an ad ae eee Soe eee eet ek es eed ea 24, 327 1, 852 24, 327 1, 852 1 Taken off the Pacific coast, including Latin America, 2 The cod were taken off Alaska. FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 323 Fisheries of the Pacific Coast States, 1931—Continued CATCH: By States—Continued Species California Total FIsH—continued Pounds Value Pounds Value erniiees ae oetnthte! - ee eee ee 225, 270 $11, 534 304, 835 $13, 845 nnnnrear Soreing:. 2. Sh. Lee ee ee 300, 204, 561 | 1,185,215 | 300, 204, 561 1, 185, 215 Vv er, oat 3 She 2S ae ee ee Be UH 5, 811 2, 590 5, 811 2, 590 Jv jc ea 8 Ee eee eRe Se 545, 575 31, 168 545, 575 31, 168 17 0 ee eee) ee a ee 7, 267, 670 249, 303 7, 736, 119 260, 441 Paripiripeerinrietese vee et ek hs tt ee 40, 516 2, 658 40, 516 2, 658 OVE BES gS SA Ce oe let Le, 1, 021, 209 30, 268 2, 372, 801 76, 363 LL) Note Ss lo ae Se Sa eae S ee ener as te 5, 420, 943 330, 972 133, 360, 575 4, 630, 650 Cyd i. SR Sep er eee ae ee 91, 983 8, 280 91, 983 8, 280 Sea bass: UN ie BA SE Sk, ae ee ee a 500, 211 22, 420 500, 211 22, 420 VUE ss eee oe ee Se ee 1, 398, 098 115, 513 1, 398, 098 115, 513 Peres oS Ee 2 Ne RS oS Ot! 851, 917 27, 963 2, 505, 265 59, 442 Bisaneibiand: eke bevetse ih wus toe. eee ocviclse 198, 347 5, 708 198, 347 5, 708 A et Se RST Se eae St a eet od ee 174, 507 3, 541 174, 851 3, 545 lenGlis of © eS 2 Se eee eS Reet = ee eee 1, 065, 324 56, 631 3, 370, 863 97, 651 Bpaenish mackerel: 2224) 6<.se2 2s selene tse 23, 702 2, 699 , 702 2, 699 aie | see Son. Se PORE 6 Bhs OAL Lk 9, 136 526 9, 136 526 OU DEL Sak ah eS a ee oe eee ee 2, 501 120 2, 501 120 TR Gat) =a U2 a RS SR) eee eee een eee eee ee 3, 564, 204 173, 403 CSRS GYR aes A a 9 ee ee eee 975, 877 94, 070 994, 816 95, 547 PAE in See eee ee ont anes eaas oooh dkces | aracaccencesce|-sosnnnaspaq 120, 186 3, 583 REPUTE RS yee 8 eo hse SG 649 649 20 CTT POGL TEU ya aes oe RS ee ee eae eee 357, 747 48, 579 357, 747 48, 579 Fenn ae Sr eyo Le See eee 1, 165 58 1, 165 58 CONSE C LS 8. 2 Se ee eens set eee 3, 799 76 3, 799 76 Tuna and tunalike fishes: IMT a eS ee ae ee See Set ee 37, 322 2, 830 37, 322 2, 880 LiL UT HW seh Oe ee Se eS eee Se es Se ee 3, 534, 030 168, 890 3, 534, 030 168, 890 Thr isso ee 0 Meee Spee Beer See By kos pees Je eee Se 3, 079, 667 48, 637 3, 079, 667 48, 637 ag he PMeiriped tung .22-25. 5 22th ke See 16, 506, 761 504, 123 16, 506, 761 504, 123 hey Oe ah ree ae a ae ee eee eee 36, 579, 580 | 1,979, 204 36, 579, 580 1, 979, 204 NUT rN a SS Se RE eee) EEE Sates 140, 495 6, 721 156, 358 6, 960 Volah Dsl BB eS ee ee ees 220, 428 11, 783 220, 428 11, 783 So qin Ee ee ss eee seen ern 2, 525, 853 83, 894 2, 525, 853 83, 894 CG 1 Le a ee eee eee eee ee 67, 006 1, 946 84, 474 2, 301 Sita clerk eee a 422,915,320 | 6,385,272 | 584, 437, 666 | 12, 203, 843 SHELLFISH, ETC “up riels ees Ds ee Se eee ee ee ee eee 2, 230, 334 230, 595 4, 294, 336 334, 143 aby ESA. Me she SS SER eS ee SPE SR ee es eee: ee ae oe ae 123, 000 12, 300 Sea crawfish or spiny lobster_-.............--------- 1, 340, 085 222, 657 1, 340, 085 222, 657 REE ee ere tt were 2 ee eee seans 1, 688, 877 26, 343 1, 757, 138 30, 439 WTA eS TE Sa ee ee eee ae 677, 580 124, 404 677, 580 : 124, 404 22, 048 5, 352 22, 048 5, 352 ee = ee Nee oa eee et tn aes Se See oe (een ae ae ke 459, 472 22, 418 26, 209 9, 522 26, 209 9, 522 Sa ot ee oe 8 eS eee 818, 210 151, 352 32, 570 8, 266 48, 983 10, 071 8, 189 1, 556 8, 189 1, 556 140 15 140 15 64, 601 4, 489 124, 263 6, 550 Oysters: Matern, MATEKoh Ae te fo ee eee 168, 916 52, 785 171, 566 54, 746 eaenene, Mar keh ees Sto 2 SU eee 58, 8383 14, 684 1, 034, 591 144, 251 PN AGUS MIRE ROL. soo tio eee ease oe eee Soe 17, LU2 8, 032 205, 301 162, 351 CCC ta cP OO eS >) a STS a a ee. SE — «ye a ee eee 6, 384 1, 757 SI Ee ee Se er on cee en) Heme eT 1, 738, 621 13, 622 1, 744, 034 13, 866 CONTE 7 oS Sa aS EM Wan Sy PSs SR 60 110 660 110 SPC DIP Spe See ee eet et felt ee 6, 657 506 6, 657 506 ARTCC) 2, | 4a ha eine Beale EEE ao 53 8, 081, 431 722, 938 12, 868, 846 1, 308, 366 RPEPITICINA IE Sete eas oo ok ce eee 430, 996, 751 7,108,210 | 597,306,512 | 13, 512, 209 176453—33——12 324 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Industries related to the fisheries of the Pacific Coast States, 1931 OPERATING UNITS, SALARIES, AND WAGES Item brates Oregon | California | Total Transporting: Number Number Number Number Persons|Oneaseeds seek Jae ete. he Se ee ee 202 50 22 Vessels: IMD OtOGE 2: eee a nS% 2 RE ie TR Pee 73 29 4 106 INetitonnage: <-> Sas sa eae eee 1, 782 315 238 2, 335 Wholesale and manufacturing: stablishmentseee. . Paae ee So Te Pe eee 113 56 147 316 Persons engaged: IBropnietorssss eos 2 gee een eee ee ES 135 53 208 396 Salaniediemploveests-.- 4 ssase La eee 180 60 537 777 Wage earners: (Avera zenol) SCASON setae oa eee eee een 2, 853 796 6, 829 10, 478 IAverapeilon yearset eo ee ees PES 1,015 423 2, 520 3, 958 Paid to salaried employees------------------------- $650, 245 $192, 354 | $1,602,649 | $2, 445, 248 Paiditoiware Carnes ses ees See ee ee oe 1, 136, 001 444,508 | 2, 724, 850 4, 305, 359 Total!salariesjand wagest=.2 252-2 ese Pee eS 1, 786, 246 636, 862 | 4,327, 499 6, 750, 607 Hishermen mantifactiring——- 37222 ea Psy cent. siete Ee 124 149 PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED Item Washington Oregon California By manufacturing establishments: Quantity; Value |Quantity| Value | Quantity) Value Barracuda, fresh fillets.._.._----- DOUNGS 4h Tt OU nes See al ee | aera 290,000) $53, 500 @apnillapineshefilletse: oat sea eres CG Ka eli 5 |e NO ete ane a | Ee 35, 000 5, 500 Cod, dry-salted and boneless__------ (Kojo = af ate olay (Oeil Be ee Oe le Se (‘) (1) Flounders, fresh fillets___.---------- CK oes [RE | pS 2 ie | ee 4,410,000! 669, 500 Halibut; ireshiillets2: 2-sse-=s2 2" oe RO KO) pet) ok Sea S| ty | pee Ne (Eh Tee A 60, 000: 18, 000 Herring, sea: Saltedvandispicedtt2--25 2222 = do_.--| 48,795 G%6dlen 22h 2h |b te le ee Smoked eye 2h es ee ee GOLLES |) s27O} S30 t BCE200) (oe ee | a se Mackerel: tSagYO) 2(6 [eye ap Saran ele LO aes 2 aoe ge a | 2 el a 53, 984 8, 098 Canned 101, 217 239, 327 Pilchard: Canned, ‘‘sardines”’ 1, 718, 407| 4, 715, 089 Mea 16,319) 610, 462 (Oy Se es ae es ee ee ee 3, 916, 336} 807, 647 Rockfishes, fresh fillets__--------- pO 0 oY [Se ecu al A a Boe Vi i (one el 1, 350, 000} 219, 500 Sablefish, kippered ----------------- OBC F404" S06 Ni S38 8n355| sane e ee (1) (1) Salmon: Salted vee sabes. Se Bowe oe Ee do__-_| 538,286} 10, 898|1, 092, 087; $21,903} (1) () IMild-cunedibe = - oo 2322 oe 82k do_---|4, 948, 050} 673,947) 975,250) 132, 473 915, 550 109, 875 Ikippored sak Seve Naess a Ok ONE 870) 2851/2191 868 een en eee ueeee ) 1) Smiokedee Soe. aos ba yhie eos ie ek dozis. 39, 928 10, 645 53, 033 1], 178/22... 2 eee Canned: Chinook or king_-_standard cases_-| 112, 408)1, 297,076} 209, 064)2, 348, 350 7, 663 77, 206 Blueback, red or sockeye-_--do_---| 93, 714/1, 423, 548 2, 245)" 35; 920) 25 os ee aes Silveron cohos i228 ease es doe-28|| 85, 004) 2'6575'579]| > 29: '497 1". 257, 884 ie eas a eee Humpback or pink--------- Goe. 22! 705, 52812485047). 22 a ee @hum~orsketas fess: =. 2. 5 67,351) 213, 544 11, 463 34,/575|- 20 eee eee Steelhead trout-_....------- 4,738] 57,349 7,559), 98, 235|2 2 25 = ess ae ees eestor Daite ss eee ae 4,196) 120, 544 1,,050)|. °:28),642) = = 2 oe ee IV ey Te csi rae Sek Ee i Sa ocak 1, 427 70, 988 (1) @). decane ee ee COTE a 0) 2 Cape ae oe ee 149,891) 22,247} (3) Qe ee Sea bass: BlackAfreshfilletse see sos 5 MOMS Ee ee ee Se 2 ee ee Bee |e eee es 85, 000: 10, 500 Wihite wireshyAllotss+ssse2 S25 4= 3 CO Saree eee | eee | a eee eee eee 350, 000 75, 000 TRO TU AVA) EOS LV EUL CTE a Gl ye TO ee | Cee eee se Ree 200, 000: 40, 000 Shad roe, canned --------- 164 4, 592 1,080} 30, 220) () () Tuna and tunalike fishes: Yellowtail, fresh fillets_------ POUNGSLS| Sze Bees 2 | Tee ee Cee | aS ee 50, 000 9, 000 Canned ica Stand argicaseswsls sake a. cues |e Cee Sa eee 1, 216, 976) 7, 279, 392 INANE A PN Neg es a Lop oe gl (Eee TR Pt tO RE 5,078) 169, 505 OT ea Aes Sale x eens gallons! 2 |e eaten see | ea ees | ee ea OL eee 15, 939 3, 296 1 This item has been included under unclassified products. —_————————— a FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 325 Industries related to the fisheries of the Pacific Coast States, 1931—-Continued PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED—Continued Item Washington Oregon California By manufacturing establishments—Contd. : ; Crab meat, packaged, fresh-cooked Quantity) Value |Quantity| Value | Quantity| Value pounds.-| 128,900} $51,510) 140,659) $659, 542)/....______}__.._...-. Bran yagustary.w ole, iresh-Ccooked 2 -- do. 2o5 | Se oa ee | Pewee oi | 222s so- 1,111, 500} $259, 330 Abalone, steaks-.----..---- pte ae aie GO ee Ener er tee eee Bese ate Bae as 578, 683} 185, 178 Clams: Hard: Fresh-shucked - --____---- gallons_- 4, 569 Cogeco TS Siac Sea a a ge) el 2 ES at a Canned: Whole. 2... StanGardicasess |e Ti Salle bu; 4a eee cee | coe t ee ee eee VEIN 06 Gio tae Shee do=s-- 829 i UE pe Pt fel Spa SS AS SD ee Juice and chowder-__---- dors. 2, 112 PERSE bea eee Pa A el Se a eee eta ey LS Razor, canned: Whole, minced, and juice-_-do__--}| 40,509} 354, 011 2) O40)" "17, O88/ G2. oes 2 eee TUTE TSU EVD TUS V1 CS a I i Ee [Ee = 38, 373 ‘Oysters: ¢ Japanese: Fresh-chucked__-_-_------ gallons_-| #49, 788, 295,845} 238,096) 2 63, 084 (1) (') @Ganned=..: <2--=: - standard cases_- 15:950))"; AU: SUD 220s |S Aes Se Cee ee ee Native, fresh-shucked -_------ gallons__| 13,094} 102, 213 6,130) 38, 720 (1) Q) Shell products: Poultry. feed 2x2 .-2222-Neccs COTS 55 | eae een a eee eee pene eee et soe oe 23, 482) 135, 399 Unclassified products: Salted pounds-_- @) (3) ters aes |e eee 41, 732, 844) 4 225, 514 Smoked Gn os eee oe ace | cee ee (8) (3) 5 372, 844] 5 81, 200 SET ee Se standard cases__| 5,105) § 38,019 (8) (3) 7 131, 514) 7 230,370 1A 2 Eee ee tons_- (3) (8) (3) (3) 82,313) 8114, 446 Ovi Se See ee ee gallons. /22= 2b 2 |_ 2 eee see (8) (3) § 36, 031 9 5, 822 Mikcellangous:- 222-022 2eesstheeeasse|leesasseae Ns Vivien ate A202) ee aes 12 581, 988 Seite lieece ott OAL 8 Da RY ieee He (02a (| ee 372005316 | eae eal 16, 978, 017 By fishermen: Cod, green-salted 13_______-._---- BOUNDS 2 L826" oll) /68, Wap|2=-- |e ee 1, 525, 000 61, 020 Shrimp: (DTG Eeeeeeeee: See Geen eee owed | PRPS Sh a ABO | tee cal as 2 ee 40, 030 7, 205 Cine) i's Lg Res Be eee (6 Co) fa SE FE ce ee ae ee ee 550, 000) 27, 500 Mion Tats cal PE TOMS 22 | os et ats 2 | Sennett So eee 29 580 ST Gg Ue eee ee eee ee ee ee Ne eet ( No}AR p52 PRENR, Sp fl a ge irl Inet ak S| 96, 305 Goda Gira) 2 Ce ae So RS ore ey ope | aay Wigts Ch) heen eke Bp 200; SL) See es 17, 074, 322 ! This item has been included under unclassified products. 2 Includes a small amount of fresh-shucked Eastern oysters. ’ This item has been included under miscellaneous. 4 Includes salted anchovies, barracuda, corbina, Bismarck herring, mackerel, pilchard, salmon, black sea bass, yellowtail, and yellowfin tuna; mild-cured shad; spiced pilchard; and dry-salted and boneless cod. 5 Includes smoked pilchard or sardine, and kippered sablefish and salmon. 6 Includes canned shad, salmon roe and caviar, crabs, cat and dog food, and miscellaneous fish. 7 Includes canned barracuda and other fish cakes, shad roe, abalone, squid, and cat and dog food. 8 Includes mackerel, shrimp, kelp and miscellaneous meal, and fish flour. 8 Includes oil from mackerel and miscellaneous fish. 10 Includes salted sablefish, sablefish sausage, fresh-shucked scallops, packaged shrimp, salmon-fry meal, and ground clam shells. 1! Includes canned razor clam juice, shad and crabs; smoked sablefish; and salmon meal and oil. 12 Includes dried and cooked shrimp; fresh-shucked native, Eastern, and Japanese oysters; oyster-shell lime; glue; agar; and kelp byproducts. » |? The production of green-salted cod is used in the preparation of dry-salted and boneless cod. Note.—The total value of the products manufactured in the Pacific Coast States was as follows: By manufacturing establishments, $28,488,079; and by fishermen, $164,434. Some of the above products may have been manufactured from products imported from another State or country; therefore, they cannot be correlated directly with the catch within the State. Of the total number of persons engaged in the prepara- tion of fishermen’s manufactured products, 149 have also been included as fishermen. This should be con- sidered when computing the total number of persons in the fishery industries exclusive of duplication. 326 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES WASHINGTON Fisheries of Washington, 1931 CATCH: By DISTRICTS Species Puget Sound district Coastal district Columbia River district FISH Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value (CIN) OW 2 ee Sos eee he Rees ee eas be eee PES eet ail ae ee 80, 307 $2, 409 Cin eee 5, 891, 971 $68,129 7}. -. S20 SESE SL So | 2 ea ees | Flounders: RRO Oe oe te ee eae 225, 405 6762) | xe 22 ee 2) A ee ee ee (Oy Hae ote ep ee 109, 180 ha’ Ae ne Per geome ema Speer ee Sy) @payiisiie.----s]--asee == 778, 560 2 BSD. |i. sere ees n | eee | é TB GUA Ue ye erp a So 15, 038, 588 | 1, 073, 829 897 $50 || 2. Sate ee errno ee eee eee anten se 20, 699 11, 500) ea | ee Oi HFCL (ab une rts Ee 473, 463 13, 881 14, 750 148, |. oe | Tt eee eee sae Beeson seee 47, 573 1,770 278 8 |e cos 2 ee Rag fishes. see tae eee ae 335, 301 8, 849 42, 315 213 \sn 2 eee | Gaiplens hee ee eee 1, 287, 616 44-555 ),| oo ooo oe eece ol pene eee Salmon: Blueback, red or sockeye-.---- 6, 437, 408 517, 469 625, 212 60, 958 129, 246 13, 573 Chinook or king-------------- 10, 208, 087 658, 530 | 2,359,603 | 125,841 | 7, 747,834 514, 919 @humlonketas eae anna 7, 001, 021 100,114 | 2,006, 052 5, 015 838, 460 3, 145 Humpback or pink_---------- 55, 935, 208 699;-191 "| oy 2 | ee eee Silvenonconhos=----------.-—= 10, 320, 414 420,940 | 2, 455, 047 66, 208 | 1, 384, 733 58, 936 CS EY (ou meat a aay Ap apace es ADS lr sep Seye es| | epee NS I ane Say aS Se Se 268, 363 5, 368 Gikates ne ee eee 344 AY ee sok na] sols eal ee ee rr CLG ee ee a ne eee 160, 617 7, 528 128, 330 5,133 | 1,535, 140 13, 820 SreolhendsthOlvse: ao eke ane = 81, 414 6, 838 168, 310 8,405 | 1,585, 769 71, 810 Vireo eae ge Ie eee 700 38 4, 440 133 , 990 1, 320 Gilets Nese ae ee eee 17, 468 B55 oc e oe ee eee Motalees se see ee 115, 270, 987 38, 644, 339 7, 805, 234 272,111 | 13, 613, 842 685, 300 SHELLFISH ee ee ee eS iG HSS NE RT RAN aE 7 425, 194 20, 628 $48)'034),|\ 44, 008) |. 2-5 Sala ee SRL eae 68, 261 45096) | oo ee be | ee Clams: Spbarleea es ee Ss SE 455, 474 22, 170 3, 998 2A8 |. bert le ee AZ OD ees eee a no ee eee Len aaa ee 767,635 | (141,799 |22.-22-2 == 2| See (OVE OTS ea oe eo eS Se eee 59, 662 2, 061} ce 22k 2 ee eee Oysters: ISRRLORESRMArKebeetas ean. eS 2 Oe |e ee 2, 650 1,961 |2¢ 2220. eee Japanese, market__--_--_-_-_- 232, 450 29, 986 743, 308 99; 581 [222-20 Sen eee Native, market-_-.--...-.---- 153, 855 130, 967 28, 342 20; 498) ||_2 20 seen eee SCHLOSS see ae eee 6, 384 L5G) | sss 22 SUE ae ee ee Sod ee eee 5, 413 D244 oo See I Se ee eee Motale.csssesss2 sees sees =e 1, 406, 693 211,909 | 2,393, 967 308.185))|. 2-5). soe Granditotalg=s === =a 116, 677, 680 | 3, 856, 248 | 10, 199, 201 580, 296 | 13, 613, 842 685, 300 Fisheries of the Puget Sound district of Washington, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR i Gill nets Lines urse F Haul Pound } Brush Ttem e ‘ 3 : te Bread seines | Drift, | Set, aw “| reo | Bets | weirs salmon | salmon nan A Fishermen: Number|Number| Number|Number| Number| Number| Number| Number On VeSSOlS#entes et saws -besiee aes 1, 946 13 Ose Fee 861 184 19:1) Sates On boats and shore.-.-.-.-------- 14 212 310 8 48 498 155 14 Motel Bee one eee aoa n ates as 1, 960 225 313 8 909 682 17: 14 Vessels: Shc ii s\e Sy Sea eee gape ke ES ee pee en rats me ee eb | Pe ee ae ae 1 eee INGtitonmage: coe Meese Uk ey Lied ab 2 eee, Oe 1 | ES SS ee 4D) | ae es INTOCOTE eee Ee ee aE 249 4 2) | See 122 101 Cy ee eo 2 INGt tonnagere e258 See es 5, 952 28 2 ee a 3, 041 802 119 ¢) ees ee Bile eee he te tse Jee ee ee ae ee 2 | Soke SEL INGE TONTARG cas Se es oe Oe eS th | eS 2s oe eee 804 |.22) eee eee Motal vessels saa- seo see ee 249 4 Uh ee 124 101 i eee Total net tonnage_._______- 5, 952 28 ib) Ae 3, 845 802 161.) esas Boats: INT OU ORY 28 ae ae Eh See eee le barely ya 38 288 3 71 360 TOs |e eae Opher se ck. wees eC Ee | ees ae 35 8 5 122) |e 101 6 Apparatus: Numbers ae ese ee Saltese 251 72 296 10 | 21,989 | 2, 167 104 7 Men oth Var dsc.sa5 see ee ae oy 1551183) ONT |e ee Se | ee ee | GUAT "VATS ates Selects eres (eee lle eee 490) 4581 3480) (22 eee ee | ee ee LOOMS Sos em mae erat ey | es fC aoe ae | ee WE Sew 460,727 | -9)968) |e2 222232 eee FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 327 Fisheries of the Puget Sound district of Washington, 1931—-Continued OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR—Continued : Drag Dip Reef Item bag nets nets nets pet Tongs exclu- Beam | Traps, and Shovels] sive of trawls | crab | pokes dupli- cation Fishermen: Net tonnage Sail Boats: rhe} ee) oa AN ea Ee FR) SSO | 25 6 10 114 285 eo 893 (OR ee ena ey ae oe ee ee 13 2 ai i (9 ee 483 Apparatus: oA VTEES) 0 27d © apeseepet te oe = a eee ea 8 36 30 | 2,413 212 218 jesse ses meenpahrvards esis: S- sh soc cosss| sees Sp OTRe eae ere tae tee se le Se Ie fe ee nome MOuth.. 222 28>. EL REST Cais eee 2 | ae 7.1. aes al WE Paes 2S abd 2 | 9 ees ES CATCH: BY GEAR Gill nets Species Purse seines Haul seines Drift Set FISH Flounders: Pounds Value |Pounds| Value| Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value ofS sj aa ee ets eee (eee EEE ee ere peer A904) 5 $147 [ers on bond to|b oe Be | SSS ee [DT ted SE A Ee eS ee ee ee eee 4, 082 GA ile ees | Ed eae LTR LEU ae a De es Ss ES) Pe ae eo 5, 500 1G |S AS So | eek Se ee ee TE ye Se ae ee oe et ee eee ee LZO S10). TS B04 [Sete yas nl se eee | ees a ee EC rae one = an ead sae figs ees Ea hes Be 18) SNe lee eae 4,085} $134 LPG) epee = the 2 ay aptoemmea pa Sap | eure Bee lens ane eae ph a2 at 4 al A 17 (| LS a fa Se oy | ee al ee J Uae ini eS aS ee ae es oe TMG OTe 5 ¢ DBA sets ecole e's eae $e 1, 790 66 Salmon: Blueback, red or sockeye__.-| 3,477,437] $281,672} 15,778] 1, 262) 7, 406 Lis 1 | eal gt Chinook or king._-------_-- 713, 799 36, 404) 10, 280 730| 628,760) 44, 642/_._____. Pet ueas OHO KOLa-=—~ 5-0 2ecea" 5, 992, 351 85, 691 100 Die LOO S80). « 220005 ake Humpback or pink__-_------ 37, 124,046) 464,051] 19, 475 243 isa OS0| 1. cis Obs eee cee: ore Bilger or Cono - 2. -__o-.- 3, 592,648} 147,299} 2, 256 92) 2, 587, 424) 106, 084 232 10 SHLD Ts NPS FE) Rd OS | | el ia Pe 8 a als SR 27 CE Rl bares 11, 395 p72) coca Be male eB atl | 5 = eA 2 [ne Sy hE 324, 564) 9,913) 3, 507, 027) 155, 133 6, 107 210 45 sc] eta a (a tarde | ge trees ot Seb wed 883 30 20 5, 413 pV Rare |oeagee pe} vl meth Ie ee eR as ; 6, 341 277 20 Grand’ total J.) 2224... _-| 50, 900, 785} 1, 015, 159] 330, 905] 10, 190) 3, 507,027) 155,133) 6, 692 230 328 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of the Puget Sound district of Washington, 1981—-Continued CATCH: By GEAR—Continued ‘| Lines Species Pound nets Trawl, set, and hand Troll FISH Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value (O0Y6 tats ee Tata? Sere ema tt 5, 891, 971 $68;,120| oe 2 |_| eee HMiounders others 2 #22’ | ba Ee ae Rae ee ey ee a 1, 820 $29° Cobra y iS a eae ey eee a PR 761, 060 2; 288|iw--- 2-22 -50|-20-42--5 4) eee eee eee Halibutiestoten soiree aes oa 15, 002, 640} 1,071, 996 34, 978 $1, 784 970 49 1S Wg aver eee Seema TOMER acs S Rese Ee Sane ly AS Ei | ety os te En ff |- oh regi esa | ene i 298) 4 peal S COU ee seis a ee aha ie ee 425, 253 12, 321 23, 137 740 1,810 59- PROCKMSRESHe Sa ewe eke 293, 342 7, 446 13, 873 416 8, 035 269 Sableishie sneer en Be 1, 287, 586 BANG D4) eo le Ale ee 30 1 Salmon: IBebacks iT6qUOr SOCKC VG. eee et els Se 4, 270 342} 2,916,256} 232, 300 HIN CORON KAT Geena ya eel Meet ae Rue Ae et 5, 428, 880} 374,593) 3,425,224) 202, 081 MOR ee Gas Fe eae al ee By ae SB NG a AN ee cn Be AE aL 855, 660 12, 236 mip backionp ines ee | ee Dee eS eee 29, 897 374! 18,522,140} 231, 527 Silver on coho.a.22 222 eee ee ed 2, 196, 566 87,863) 1, 9384, 984 79, 334 Steelhead troupes sess thee Oe a ieee ne | SO as eee Eero aioe ool ee 80, 883 6, 794 WOUUIT CONE corsa es eae TS RA earaps EEA re e eee c | e e 700 38 Othor-fisheso--Se sss cede 1,310 Ole See A i eee ee 363 8. +4 Na) ifs) aaa) Oe a eS 23, 663, 162 1, 206, 760} 7, 731, 601 466,112) 27,749,173) 764, 72S- SHELLFISH Oclopuseei Pear eek Oaks 57, 448 PAGS | ates Se ee ae Se ee 132 5- Granditotal ae ee ers 23, 720, 610 1, 208, 745 7, 731, 601 466,112} 27,749,305) 764,734 Species Brush weirs Dip nets Drag bag nets Reef nets FISH Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value OUI ETS 70 DH OR ek 52 ace oe eg ehe eeragea ne oe yal Oe eet | eee nee 665 $10|2 25 3 Le (Giaritie es eae 3 eae ee fs See eee 758, 000} $9,475} 3,316 $41] 38,775 485|.- 2. -32| Sees VERS Se) aN ata SSRN, SLE Fa Rs Uae a nek 8 See Se Pe Pee 7, 958 296)... 22.2 eee Salmon: Bliebacksredor:Sockeyesso esse | a ES a a a os | ee |e 16, 261) $1, 301 @hinookvortkin passe se ee eet Nee ees eee Bs 0 2k eae 1, 144 80 @htamvloniKetar sat sce 2 eee |e Me Es See ee Dla eae Ue ee 2, 530 36 umipbackior pink 32 = os. ea eRe ee ee ae TRE ee el eee ee 106, 620} 1, 333. Silver or coho 258. Smeliaee a eee ae OGherstishy a eo ote ee ere ee Motaleniwsv et see wee EN 758,920) 9,518 3, 316 41| 125,189} 4,406) 132,859] 3, 008. Species Beam trawls Traps Tongs and rakes Shovels FISH Flounders: Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value CEES (0) ed gh a eee I sai igre aan 220)'501') 0° $6; 625.2 24524 | bel ele |ee Rh eso See COM ashy SUS aN a a a 102, 563 Dy O10 tee soca poe a ee eee | a Sa ee ee Gravis neabaatn eee ee ede aD 12, 000 | ae VE | TN ee SOE |S SOT IMOCOGn ye te ene ros ae 18, 578 COO Ere Se (IRerch eee ene ee a Noreen beam 80 bp a a Vi cee ae | CEO epee! (eee Cl PROCKASNOS ene see bes ule Re Me AP VI 10, 968 408) 2 2 A Lo SR ee Se ee Sf es hepa nck Os a a tm > She Nd 344 425 8 1S ESSE See 8 es OTHersish ret eee ie La ae alee el 3, 250 65) a Ee ee SESS eS ee AUC] HTN Vga a pe TR Se Ne SNe 8 28) 368, 284 9/350). 2c) eee ee he 2 eke S13 Sees Ue ee Crag eres nae ON PEE DRS ee Me es Pe a 425. LOS S20) 628) 52 cn | Se ee ee Shrimp 222222 ee ee sl 685 216) 24008). oo ee | Se on oe | beeen rere | Clams hard ee ee Sat Re Pe a aS NS | ee ee ee | ee eee 455, 474) $22, 170° Octopus re ee es BLE Sa oe eee eee Se. ee ee Oysters Japanese) markets 2-24 25 23) 0s SS ee ee ae 232,'450|' $29; O86)" <—. <2] Se ae INStLVE) MATKet = sos us eee | See ee es | ee ee 153, 855] 130,967)... <=. 2/22 ees Ballast ee ies a Sete Gta eae a ee 6,884) ULB aoc o sees | aoe s 3 alan ee | ee Pa Mota] 15 Stee ea sees 75, 214 5, 871] 425, 194) 20, 628) 386, 305} 160, 953) 455, 474} 22, 170° Grand: total 2S. soe ee oe ek 443, 498} 15, 221) 425,194) 20, 628] 386, 305] 160, 953) 455, 474) 22, 170: — FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 329 Fisheries of the coastal district of Washington, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR—Continued Gill nets Lines Pound : Drag bag Item Dip nets Drift, | Set, Bae icanieh ee asi salmon | salmon ° a Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number LOVE) oS NS SS SRS IS el | ee SS ee oe TO cee er oe ees S SUS oes On boats and shore_-------- ess a! 202) 160 5 51 44 35 4 ~ TYS S S A SOe \ 102 160 5 61 44 35 4 Vessels: at | Fe eT ee eee RE oe eee ened ieee ee caps Char Gee (idle eee hee ele ee ee Neu tonnare 6 258 LA eh elke | ged A lrg eed rl eee eal (Coyaeel: A ARR || d dad Fe Boats Lo fe) 8) ahaa apa RR pe 86 65 3 34 Sl agen bee cae 1 LCN es Ne eS Beane ee oh eee 104 | (ae eee U2. eee ey Ie 3 ae PS Apparatus: INGTON ot ee SS koe 86 213 5 184 70 35 1 OR EEG Se eee eae ie eee Eee MC eA ot ere eae esse ona eee ba 60 Biparo wards. 9 2- cece oe 159, 960 OU 2G0 7 Se eeasoe. | eee) 282 |e a ee ee ee 1564) (oe eS Ae ER SE ee ge | Ot ee 500 bo fell Pe epee cel [As Se Tongs Total, ex- Item aEBDS, and Shovels | Spears | Dredges | clusive of rakes duplication Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number PUT VORSGIGS: Stee sesso 1 vos os Sek. eee at Sopa est eel eth ber ee 6 1 Onmboatsiand. shore.1 5 2< 222 106 68 2, 746 LOWE ee Meer 3, 152 TCV AN 1S ess san a citi i, te ee 106 68 2, 746 10 6 3, 168 Vessels: eran al CRM a nl | a CE | eee || eee [0 ENGL a See ead BG Ps am Nt sere | aie Spee 2) ieee tel Set |= eae hss been heed PRES y) UASRAV OTA RT: Ce YR Be 2 | Sy 8 See eee a SE) | A re me) Aes Ng 17 866 Boats BUS Ree eS al ak oes eS 97 AD SE ee Se 8 ek soe oo Oe ee 318 ONE ey tee BREE ete | PEE CSE a 9 Oa lp cl Mies See |S 174 Apparatus: [EC G00 0. 2) ee Se ne Ee ae ee See us 3, 718 128 10 Be eee aa RATTAN EA ATURE LLY Ce to rset ene IES te aS tN eee So SL aed a fF) labo a ee eC CATCH: By GEAR Gill nets Lines Species ata IG DEEL GS ee 1 Drift Set ! Set Troll FISH Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value| Pounds | Value USSR ee Le tard os |e Set emetelee = chs eee a8 |e Ee BM ee 897 $50 LETC GU a ES eed aT De ke | Apap! Sal ea SE ee el | ce 14, 750 148 Lake bos ee Se =, = ee) eee :))! Se See eee ee 27. SBC es seo Se ee IP Ts a ee | ea hi ade ee || Be See ee eee 100 1 42, 215 211 Salmon: Blueback, red or sockeye--|_-_-------|-------- G26) 212A 60RO8Ss tesa es cas be oe] ae Sle Chinook or king_---_------ 297, 712 | $7, 443 vp May N 2 (61) ee ek 1, 633, 259 | 107, 795 Ginn or kete.. 22 3252.52 377, 892 945 358, 116 BUS Lee ot 2 cee eed Set ee Silveror cohess..22. 5. 231, 640 4, 633 20, ZOO) SAAB) 2 SoS Ses Sere 1, 425, 607 45, 619 Steelhead trout__.._-...--____- 4, 720 236 154, 455 Th 7 P| ee See |: TEE 1,115 45 Tae aa Aer +l ST aa 4, 410 M2 less oo oe ee aes | a |e a nan ee eee ee S391 Ie cae ae 6 RE 916, 374 | 13,389 | 1, 457, 563 | 76, 421 378 9 | 3,117, 843 | 153, 868 Species Pound nets Dip nets Drag bag nets FISH Salmon: Pounds | Value | Pounds| Value | Pounds | Value ninook OF Ringe ten seenesees 2n25) 26S B16; 112) | $7, O06) laaaee eee eee an ears hee pT OF Kiba. oct ee ee ee Td L270, 044 || SOG 222 ee eee Se Da ee a Ritvaron CONGs .00. see ee ti 500,640) |) DSU oe ie es Ee oe ees eee oe SPAM se. 5 eee ES Be i ee el) ee [oa Sos 103, 830 | $4,153 | 24, 500 $980 SEpcinGad Grout... < 3a eee eee So 8, 020 ET 13 Ep ee Sa a SNS ar A (oO ae (ee Ey he 8 RRR ae 2 oS eae 1] | Scag al |g Bee ea Sd ee = “ORY ae SR BAPE ek SN SE 2, 184, 746 | 23, 291 | 103, 830 4, 153 24, 500 980 1Includes catch by spears. 330 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of the coastal district of Washington, 1931—Continued CATCH: By @EAR—Continued A Dredges, tongs Species Traps anidieahes Shovels SRELLEISE. Pounds | Value | Pownds | Value | Pounds | Value Grabs sec sons soe ee 848, 034 | $44,098 }|_-_..-___- wsccd sun. e|bpeee ee. se ee Clams: 13 Ef DAG © eee el Ma alle} Ao ip name iN A a sm (AUD ee FA a ee 2 is 3, 998 $248 URAZONS 2 oo notte wenian ats miwae Seecatlne | heap outa no| aetna ts | Poeeameen | ok ae eee 767, 635 141, 799 Oysters: MEStOrn pal kOlessstec eee a er anes) at oe eee See ee. 2,650) | \ $1,961) 552-22 eee PAD ATIOSOs TRE Gan eye TT eae A | ee ae ee 2 743, 308 99)581 |. - 205 See ee eee ANSE Ip Brg sir On U2 ot) rl a mre Re See Peep dn Le 28, 342 20, 498 |... cecc8ea| Ube LING}: GEAR ee San Goal i ee Me a 848, 034 44,098 | 774,300 | 122, 040 771, 633 142, 047 i] Fisheries of the Columbia River district of Washington, 19381 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR Gill nets Lines Total, m Han) |= | Pound ish) ie em seines : nets | wheels} nets | V@0 Drift, Set, Set Troll dupli- salmon |salmon 9 cation Fishermen: Number| Number |Number|Number| Number| Number|Number| Number| Number ON VOSSO)S et a ence Ee eae ee eT a 2. | iw ane cel he neha eee eee 2 On boats and shore---- 416 680 82 29 84 138 21 132 1,478 Motali-ces nen ese eee 416 680 82 29 86 138 21 132 1, 480 Vessels: INTO TON rn neers |e ee AS Be a ees 1 Ue) Pe i WREREE Sah | = = 1 INStILONNE Renee ec cs Seceae ss onus een | loan eae |e aeons 90" | ee Sirs ee eee 20 Boats LANA Co (0) yup Sey nes Se Eh 34 506 49 22 67 O4 eo to ae 70 775 Opherteece< ceeseeee BYaleces seen 33 7A | Sees VL [LLL SS ES |e ee 148 Apparatus: INUIMpereoee esses sen 47 506 201 81 286 240 32 182) ||--- 2 ee Length, yards--------- 1 Oi Ya rece [Ln | I aie Seemed reese aces sci Square yargs- 22 cos See sue iT: a) I Uae | in ee as a es |i Fon) Seepage OR Reet ee | VRS ol ERMA 8 1005| » 1)287 |e 5 |S ee ee CATCH: BY GEAR Sac eEEEeeeEeEmSS==™DE=QDOQDQDDQDDDQQSQ“QQQ™=>“DD=>“$QD*D**S*S=S Ee Gill nets Species Haul seines Se Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds| Value | Pounds| Value O17 Hr] ay Aad 2 fe SR EO 80) 807)! $2400). cee oN a ee ee eee Salmon: Blueback, red or sockeye------- 14, 660) 1, 589 83, 823!) $3,551) 2,559) $260/02-<. 22) 22S -— = @hinook or kings: —2---.-u- se 1, 386, 416} 92,197] 8, 453, 608) 228,629) 91,061) 6, 087|--------|------- Ghuimioniketast oe eee 503 2| 420,838] 1,578) 7,078 27). <- ana eeeeaee Silvenor COMUOl uss. cnet eaenee 3, 944 197} 116,693} 5,835) 2, 741 187) ..2cssenuleeeee NDAGe seen eee Leia. Soe 138, 101 2, 762 64, 837 1, 297 34 Ve oe eee pobun ls) (plsth 5 Seema AOI aS ihe RI ACG all) a sll ko 70: 658\".) 2, 466/222 2-24 ]/b cso [Sea ptealhead tromts.teeeee ee ss 227, 399) 10, 801 851, 218). 18,170} 25,694) 1, 220). <2 222) Sono eee MLUTIOON aa see ee se oe ates oe 997 30 22, 017 661 342 10] 5,577 $167 UINCG) 1 Shel el 22 ea A Sa eae 1, 852, 327] 109, 987] 4, 542, 582) 257, 187} 129,509) 7,701) 5, 577 167 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 331 Fisheries of the Columbia River district of Washington, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GeEAr—Continued Species Lines, troll Pound nets Fish wheels Dip nets Salmon: Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pownds | Value | Pownds | Value Blueback, red or sockeye-.-|_-.------|..------ 43,231} $4,539} 21,947] $2,307 13, 026} $1, 368 Chinook or king-..-.--.--- 60, 637| $4, 245) 2,279,062) 150,418) 200,086} 14, 006 276, 964) 19, 387 @hom' orn keta.u-..---...--|- Pat ss | id eee 410, 041 1 Boe eres oon eee pee |e wel eens Minveran CONO......2-.2-~- 614, O11" Thrsa7 wale 7o0|)) 07) Uculececcue-slenec=n~ 4, 658 231 “Lt oe ple a eR es SOE eal ee ee! [oa 38, 195 764 27, 196 Gy ee Boe ere eres soca oe ees | 28S aed Sea ee ee tee |e FV 2 Leen ee 1, 455, 587} 11, 354 So TAT ETO Lh ra He a Ay a a re oR 941,704| 44,731 7, 988 379 31,771! 1,509 Sp hg tlie aR ee ea ene sme be are 9, 170 275 5, 823 175 64 A017 1 ee Soe eee ees 575, 548] 19, 692} 4,463,189] 239,354! 263,040) 17,411) 1,782,070} 33,851 OREGON Fisheries of Oregon, 1931. CATCH: By DISTRICTS Species Columbia River district Coastal district FISH Pounds Value Pounds Value JULES OOS, RS TA Sa | ene Pee ern REY Pa ee ead [Pewee FS Se 209 Flounders BPMIRE Me cce Sap tas ee ee on 5 coon Senos a 5, 275 $138 2, 570 51 DENTE EEE SOS SPER E PSAP EP Oe eee (GL uae ee ees: 2 37, 276 745 EATS Ere en ee Pree Bonk eink ener OSes eee 107, 842 11, 469 135, 055 10, 509 PEER ere eS Saga LA Oe oe a ILS St La oa Ae eee eee 45, 144 540 SO OG SS SO eee eee Seat ie a be 27, 824 787 92, 162 2, 783 atte ee ee ee Bete epee ee Sse kOe oe elusvecsacecee 31, 714 533 WeMRINIOH ee coe os ek eee en ty te a TS 27, 002 753 63, 831 1,324 ils jailavitci 0) et eee! 2 Snell Sar a lS glares. Ss a ere 13, 455 355 50, 521 1, 185 Salmon: Blueback, red or sockeye..-...-.-.-.-.---_-.-.- 123, 765 TOP BOG tite Sake: Cee ee IPO ROMIRINE. = poms ete eC ee ce eee sees 12, 581, 170 834, 556 1, 316, 258 62, 763 UE TL 0 68 1 Se ae Se er ere 379, 205 1,421 1, 169, 363 5, 554 RD RIICICON Os oe resets on ee ae 1, 532, 380 51, 060 3, 389, 166 86, 490 hci oboe, 5 apa Bei i dogs aie Ad hal ie in ea 590, 190 11, 805 794, 795 14, 306 (Uf aii ty gt AR gO ae ae eines Bee ah SS ie ee 472, 453 14, 196 8, 999 343 PROPOR WOUGss = ease en ccc ence ecko ane eee ee 1, 390, 356 66, 043 338, 445 20, 307 Ue SLIDE ees. Ee alleen: Sepa chase EP Wilh ef BBs avira OP se Lait’ ay Baie’ | s kool) hE ee 18, 939 1,477 Sturgeon Bae Ade ee renee nne wae ose rene seenoee 68, 866 2, 068 2, 190 24 WVHNReN EG ee eeee yee ee 8 ey OD en becom ene dl eean aan kelse 15, 863 239 110) 2) EE eS ee ne ee co NS 17, 319, 783 1, 007, 646 7, 512, 500 209, 175 SHELLFISH "OS LT! eae SR ee TOS A eS ee a Se ee 790, 774 38, 822 SLE, 2 rs re 2), ) ke eee 123, 000 12-800) esac Jee oo Re a Clams LT De a ES AE SRR S$) ab I og ES (Se ee Be eee Se |S gs 50, 575 9, 553 0 Oe ee SES Se eS a "toc SEE Pe ee ok eer ee 16, 413 1, 805 Cronies, MAT Ver MIGe KOE 65 os. eee eee tt eee ee ere 5, 993 2, 854 AL OER « «'stanesso-Haiae abn oas EES Lek Cee eee 123, 000 12, 300 863, 755 53, 034 Ar aviC COLGL Ss. —5--rn=- ws eStt kde 17, 442, 783 1, 019, 946 8, 376, 255 262, 209 332 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of the Columbia River district of Oregon, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR Gill nets Lines Total ota ne Haul Pound| Dip | 7'@PS: | exclusive seines Drift, Set, | Trawl aoe nets nets Ash of oe salmon _ |salmon| and set CALLON Fishermen: Number| Number |Number|Number| Number|Number| Number| Number) Number ONEVESSCILS = to eee Ce a ae | a ee ee es 8 Zaye Bee ee 2, On boats and shore_ 507 1,191 57 42 234 28 178 39 2, 209 Boy Hi ee eS 507 1,191 57 50 258 28 178 39 2, 241 Vessels ia TYIC0) 10 chy aati RAE pi ce Ra NL PN ere ene aati Fo ep 2 13" one Se Ce eee 15 Net: tonnage v2sa)-- tec Se eee) secu de|eboeeces 34 W2Q he ciel fas Ao | 163 Boats Wiotonee= oes ees 25 886 54 32 180 iS Hl Neg el e 25 1, 185 Opherseeet sss eu ABN eyersuaeac ears 3 LO) Sse ses 1 ee ee 14 Apparatus: Ino baal ose ee 39 886 141 103 860 49 178 663))|| == ates Length, yards------ 21 SOO ke aes 2a eee alae Pie TS nee lie bo Oe Salo ee Squsrenyards-2 s-=-5| 20s sews 2:790;,900/'1)'35; 956) |2-- Sat seen le elle Se eee AERO KS rea ee ee Sa Ee |e aes oe 115550" |0%8, 870) [noose | ee | Ce ee CATCH: BY GEAR Lines Species Haul seines Gill nets Trawl and set Troll FISH Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value |Pownds| Value | Pownds | Value I OUN GEIS, he SOLO tae ee eee ee al ee ee ae eee ee 5, 275 $138\| 222525822 S/he TE UG DY pee RUT MS I PS Feat ee pp Re | [eee tea) hs ah ele 1078425] 1469 2-5 =e eee Lib ahate(efale fla aai RES ea) | DRG RE Rome ea 0 aie eae Se eee 27, 824 797. <0 -- 221 re PVOCKIS HOSE Soo ae = es eS ES ies ee I Se ee 27, 002 103: |o25 25 RSE LO TIS Timea tea test cr Pate ie eer ge Re | ea Ee te |e ee eee ee 13, 455 300) |2 22 cee oe ere Salmon: Blueback, red or sockeye_- 34, 389 | $3, 611 607802"! $6; 3842222 2-23 | ee eee Chinook or king_-___------ 2;'205, 281 3|1467430" |) 9) 3675 847-1619) 205-2 == 22a ene 141, 732 | $9,921 @humionketa= ss 2, 457 9 326, 682=|\ 1,225 |-s22522 21 eee ee ee Silver or coho___---------- 11, 529 576 PZ S220| ton aeee see | aan ee 1, 278,018 | 38,341 CEO LK REPS SEU eh ap ge eS De 407, 687 | 8, 154 169; 249);|| <°3)'385u|2. 2.2423) 22S | Eee ee FSHOEYE | SE) ae Ra Oy Sat Le EAS Lo Sl 8 te Rom a | oa 452) 915 | 14;040):|22 2222-2 |e ea ESS See ee Steelhead trout_- 541, 510 | 25, 723 4726198122449) |2e sae ees | Soe 155 8 Sturceon eases Sea ee 2, 658 80 52, 823 1,585 | 9, 486 285)\|- = 5 SASS ee ee WN a Fee Ma a a ers OS ia 3, 205, 511 |184, 583 |11, 024, 259 |674, 349 |190, 834 | 13, 787 |1, 419,905 | 48, 270 Species Pound nets Dip nets Traps FISH Salmon: Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value Blueback, red or sockeye__-----_- 17, 528 $1, 840 11, 046 $1;,1600).2.220. 2S eee @hinookwor king 22. oe Lhe ee 434, 686 28, 776 431, 624 80) 214/252 55 ska See Chiumtonkettsvesess soca oom were 18, 880 70 31, 186 V7 425 2S ee eee Silvenonconolleste se) 0 esl eee 118, 755 5, 939 2, 756 138\|-:.2524202 2a Ue ee PA) EERE ARS ANE re =u Ihe eo oa eee 12, 928 259 326 Ci |scncoe loa kee | Gee pos FSP aco C eee Ue YMA AOS SR Ne BE TAN pa eZ ND ee 19, 538 156 | 22. 220. eee Steclhesavtroutiesee ses eae eae oes 337, 096 16, 012 38, 976 1851 | 2-2 222205. |bee eee Siuigeone sess Ry Seo BA eae ais ae 511 15 3, 438 103\|222 2223 eee SHELLFISH MOrapfishit fale hs eek ee NL RN es ae 2 | 2 ee 123, 000 $12, 300 HA Moy 21 | ee eee Serine ee ae eae ee 940, 384 52, 911 538, 890 33, 746 123, 000 12, 300 — a oa FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 333 Fisheries of the coastal district of Oregon, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR Gill nets Lines Haul T a aE au raps, .| exclusive Item seines : crab | Longs | Shovels! of qupli- Drift, Set, | Trawl Troll anton salmon | salmon | and set 9 , Fishermen: Number| Number|Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number UTE GOSS BINS a- he oee eee ol 2 ee I eS ee 23 Ui | pg SaTa pis OS A eae aA On boats and shore--_- 9 537 pg See 137 153 2 244 1,212 Lehr Re Es se Pho 9 537 245 23 148 153 2 244 1, 246 Vessels: LN iC) 10 see a 8S May RA pl ed eaters ApS 6 (oie | Se er el PT 2 Sd bes ak ed 12 2A 1G) 0 TC ae Ry bd See | a Sel (ee 58 pee oe IIL ah 2 So a 102 Boats Ti Ee jn i) ek Soe ee eee, Cee ee 3 418 119 [Al See ae 115 134 | te See ae 759 LD) iets ce Ge ee SOON 1 6 104) eota= te loeteen se 19 ot eae Se 116 Apparatus: in ects) 671th a A oe 3 424 671 150 513 5, 049 2 DAS, ee Es Length, yards___--_--- AD Sia eee eee | ay | Oe Re eel | te Oe | ee Oe a ee ee NOMASeCURTOS 22 ote ose oes ae, Ae NU COO een = | eee eee Oe ES eee ee ee | eee ee i BUS TY ies) 3 ee Se EE | | a ed ae ee TR P50) hee BOS" 22 ees eee oo ees oe | eee CATCH: By GEAR Lines Species Haul seines Gill nets Trawl and set Troll FISH Pounds| Value| Pounds Value | Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value CCT Ca re Se 209 3 pe ee et te | an ak ad So | | ee aed et em Pe Pua 2 99) | bee? Flounders: OSES EG | LER mAs Be IE bale aS aol Dae pe | ee 2, 305 $46 265 (Oy As het 2 Ee eee 3, 367 67 27, 290 546 6, 619 LETT] yi, 22 oe i Re RE Sl Fh See a |e eee) (ogee ee ee eee 134, 778 EL BIYEN ee Lee cic octobre 8, 012 95 37, 132 BAD) |) Gee ooo peep eA EPE CD eat SE SE es 2 | i ek ere ae ls 64, 421 Lets: = er eee 11, 622 232 20, 092 BOOMs 222 Ses see RG BISHOS ene ae be 1,011 22 129 4 52, 820 SIP GAGE 6 set tee SINE EE willed ES Seal (Ea A S| (nd a Lp aa AL | ere 50, 521 Salmon: inno E Ob Kings 3 Se ee OE BT vate id le eel cits! PA [el pea a Pe USL ECS CET 22) 1 RI a a ae (ea 1, 169, 363 Soo [ees eee |S Gt Ses See ee ae BIBVAIMONICOUO. =. 42 522% | SOE eee ee TOR Oe le (DAGON Talat ieee s| See Fg [ac 2s She ln gS Ga Ti aa gy Ta Laney nel ett A 794, 795 VAs S06 io Sere ies ee ee EAT Gs oo lee Se eens aaa be 119 5 8, 880 908) 28s 25424; (Stee ste |saoes aap: ee eee SpE EAN SZ 2V 0 Wp) oH ea A a SAR fab epee | | Do 300, 445410 20, BOF: | ase ose LS SS eee STRSIEUASH Same eee 2 SESE Se ee 18, 939 WATT oC ae Sa See ee SL 0) aaa a IRIN aoe a id See Ue ee 2 2, 190 pg feel Rabel Ee aR eae Bee otal | arte Vy GLEE: 2/20 mance Mie ae a a 6, 604 100 9, 259 130° 5. 2388. |e le eee ee ee BROUAIN 36.2 Scpcawensnee 30, 944 523 | 5, 939, 226 | 154, 306 | 309, 424 |14, 862 | 1, 232, 906 | 39, 484 Species Traps Tongs Shovels SHELLFISH . Pounds Value | Pounds Value | Pounds Value eT ee ee oe eee RODE AG S08, Soot lea ores 2 |e s aoe ees enn sels I Peereer yo Clams: LPOG pe be oo ot! EE les i BES I 2c = | Ye | (A 50, 575 $9, 553 SIT a yoke NR ei aR acne ais AR bn = ot gl RR eel erie al eee iy BEST) 16, 413 1, 805 ONT peel inlapprnt cal) epee 2 EC I TE] FOE A PI 2 5, 993 So Shah seen es ees oe: 11%) UE Se ee Ue 790, 774 38, 822 5, 993 2, 854 66, 988 11, 358 334 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES CALIFORNIA Fisheries of California, 1931 CATCH: By DISTRICTS Southern distriet— San Francisco Off California— Species Northern district istrict Monterey district San “Pedror telat sion FISH Pounds | Value | Pownds | Value | Pounds | Value Pounds Value PAN CHOVICS 42st one Soba 22) sme | Gare ee 164, 657| $2,973 104,810) $1, 650) 37, 787 $906 IS ELACU GAS mn) eee dia peers 2 SL Ue Jie he 8, 270 365 139, 835] 5,927) 2,093, 832} 188, 365 UFO Se PS ea ee A) pS eel (ANS Ry) 37, 055 157 Pe a ah Sa 40, 509 3, 204 KC ufishtamgys Seated: BENS SNA Ba, 3 Bale Oe 370, 642) 47,598) 2 222 al Se ee (OY (a Laas bol Ee Ra a ahead fa ee 4.990;'968|" (61,020): aie es ee |e WOLD Hiner! Se NRE Se alee wee | eau ek ar ills el Aer eka |e agen 1D Crea nein | 2 ene 498 13 TEES ee CS i as A I eet eee A ee | 86 | eet ROSE pS Ss ep 140 3 Flounders: “California —hali- Lee OU ESE REPAIRS Pe BB SN RN | (EE (hd NE eto 16, 251 cian! 817, 221 82, 956 Ciststoy (yd 2b an eet aiid 7, 323, 590/$329, 559} 1,196,887) 50, 868 535, 990} 21, 321 360, 060 13, 550 Othersesenan ures 379, 319} 15,423] 212,706] —8, 162 58,905} 2, 547 11,517| 2, 519 AM bab afin) cee palates lara spl [alanis iclabal | epee deel Od wk Nw all he Et ae eS tel Ope ee 46, 265 1 i 8 Grayhshees memo manm andl 27, 235 972 90, 560 906 5, 154 62 289, 435| 6, 747 Pg kee aah eae eae ais 420 8 11, 796 236) ioe oss o eieol hulu hes) 285 22 TETEtIa yc oe oan 790, 352} 54, 990 5, 837 F(a ee RT SSS eI Var dines Ges eee | ees a va eee 455943)" SBN775| oe es a 18 ela b tse eeu a eee 17, 819 274 634, 012 3, 302 16, 236 163 99 5 iorsemmackerel Level seer ae Nee el est wie ha | lm ope ae oe | ene a 248,491] 6, 899 313, 984; 10,090 RIM OTS he eee ee ON | Cay Ae Ee 4, 358) 153 141, 772| 5,373 263, 639 4, 793 SID eLaye( coy [AA IN 791,018} 27,733) 297,442! 13, 385 134, 985| 6, 367 4, 445 233 Nig Kerel Steen at nan mae (peeve aan | tint ee 2, 364 72| 1,255,687] 38,510} 12, 781,138] 115, 878 104 (Fete Oi ae me ON | NEG EP IAS apes gd Neen tetera ir ge ees) eemmrtes re lt toe 24, 102 1, 050 Vcr Sees sre ae De Sey Se oe | | | Nee | 8, 350 569 Per chiee ewan ene ala 9, 787 355 92, 826] 3, 369 36,155] 1, 449 86, 169 6, 345 Pilchandlo“ sardine = aes | eee eaten leew ee 50, 661, 534] 166, 494/153, 431, 686] 617, 673} 95,979,175] 399, 821 POMpATiOwe see ees eel PON als | 20 8 731 259 3, 996 2, 130 ROCKS ASS Re t VE Keel Lee ATES EUIPN AAUP REN Et oh wee Sem ERAT a i Pd ln Peal 337, 502} 21, 071 Rockfishessesus lies 455, 693} 14,982} 638,694] 22,911] 2, 616,652} 87,055] 2, 664,753] 90, 659 EDI Getic ine se 2 UD Lg A the 2 TV AP aN a ete Alling eee Are ie a 40, 317 2, 644 Sablefishos 2h ob ee * - 701,959} 21,743 61, 932 1, 858 237, 817 5, 744 19, 501 923 Salmon sees. / 5: Sree 3, 940, 754] 229, 866] 1,387,370) 93, 365 92. 819| 217,741 95 | Si Crap irae ed eee Un ng iA | AL 624 9 422 6 78, 422 7, 242 SORE Bee ee See) Bee 55 2 112, 328) 5, 278 23, 663) 1, 918 40,087) 3, 165 783, 503) 71, 602 B ShINSOZ ar 27 HOO Reaee eens a eee eee 20 2 set is ee a a ee Oe 2 ee ee Sale eee 171, 408 4, 888 2. LES x 797 85, 415| 1, 708 13, 551 284 34, 148 718 Siniel ie Reels eee Re on 58, 379} 2,433/ 236, 106] 12,994] 367,703] 29,379 386, 248] 11, 393 ry OY OA aS eC SES PR ee Po [Sed be it 9, 136 BBG): eo ee al | Ae aE S Cera yyibis eee ee ens | Ph eh eee | ea 2, 501 DDO) 2 hoch See A Oe ele Be ee Stripedshasss Seeks ieee) Gh Re wae ml oS nt O75;.877| | 94,070] ee Pe ice se 8 ia Suckersoe saben ese Salih up es eaa 649 Dies cuvereboss os Sek I SNA) RG Vals) oles a, Sennen dm hel DER, Nupeed [Se SACL ONS Pye eMaame A Pe ots foN| (eek pen ee) e ea Te 211,399} 28, 906 ommend sass. Fie BEeSe us 2, 465) 49 1, 334 Diy neat i Cod soos a le ee Tuna and _ tunalike fishes PAU COTO Stee Loar sail fre Sees | Nae ee 7 1 30,080} 2,151 7, 235) 678 LEAT) Ae VS Roe AO. Scola ea aera (iy eee] es CIaNpR | ee ae BL pa BT Ner eee, allay Ee 2, 355, 088] 121, 314 BOMLOr Ie west ae Ploecarcnre ral ot SMe MC cn Mel Megs areal 12, 093 472| 2,777,302) 44,318 Skipjack or striped UIT se REE SO et hE fi Se NL oR SE NAS Da al SR | Oe ee 7, 616, 823} 231, 181 NACE ibe lace pieaeae arpa Pee ain p oaeatl [ark aigey dbl | Non son eee ase ltgahe Renee et gee ee el | A yd 99, 113 7,474 Wihitebaits2.225h 22 ts 128, 505 6, 050) 10, 192 615 1, 798 56) oe ee |e See AVVAEIET CHS Tt e es. Ok PSS PR POI es Ti A BLN |) | 97, 787 6, 095 RYCCTIO WUT as ete | RETA | REE OE TP RA, LO ONE ate 9 | Ea | Ed 727, 105 21, 328. Opihennish eens 2 ais) 31, 753 652 6, 449 138 14, 163 301 13, 438 806: Motale == oo Nees 14, 698, 892) 705, 186] 63, 049, 809] 624, 273/159, 553, 928] 846, 307) 131, 696, O086)1, 519, 442 SHELLFISH, ETC. @rabsess2k Sot eon 111, 672} 9,883] 2,115, 763] 220, 391 2, 843 318 56 3 Sea crawfish or spiny IC) oc} rs) eps at Cc Peel pa) ee dope ls | ee Nm BE at WN Loree eft tt A baal Pad Co Ne 248,393} 41,179 fS[etqirey op Ree See CCN) MST wey ETE ar 1, 684, 763| 25, 271 4.114) > 1,072|222: 22 2 a ee AD EVLO NIG ® Seer Ae Ne LE oo A i ee aS 21 a en | 642, 165} 115, 932 35, 415) 8, 472 Clams Wockle: vasa Bek 128) 30 13, 300) Bs}: | eleanor eae te 8, 620 2, 033 TEARS a io RM Pape mt aa PRU v aN] URI Ses S| Wea ASIN RSL DD 4,128] 1, 381 22,081] 8, 141 Soir ean a 2a Ne Cena? 72 13 32,479] 8, 251 19} 1°) PQ awa a Co IVETE OC), 4.8L See ow 7, 522 1, 342) 667 e214) eocss oR oe ee eee FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 335 Fisheries of California, 1931—-Continued CATCH: By pistricts—Continued wee Mer yee Py : alllornia— distriet Monterey'district! gSay“Pedro divi- sion Species Northern district | 58" Francisco ‘ Tide Li Pounds | Value | Pownds ies Pounds Value Ni PLA AR all me ge a + Gs | ER 2 a | ae eal) er ee ee! ree See Re ot on a 2, 012) 161 3, 852) $270 58,412} 4,018) 325 $40 Oysters: Mactan Wiarkot-~ jh o oo oo 262 nts. Se NGS HOtG|) boven © cor eesat ee Seer 2 ees eh ee | OEE SEINE TENG) pale ESS (Ee ae el en 08, 830)" #14 6841-528 = eee eee Native, market --- 7,712) = 3, 535) OABOG] TASS ee ee Sel See = Sse ee OS a ee op luis BYt WU SEI A eo [ae es aieieletie ey ene eee 1, 706, 671 12, 311 31, 950) 1,311 a) POLS ES (eee eee eee (ees earns 660 TAQ] A ees P| Bee os oot ee Po ee eee ST boa 5 Se SE 129, 243} 14,977] 4,029, 799) 315,078} 2, 477, 200). 149, 720 346, 840} 61,179 Grand total.._.-- “14, 828, 135| 720, 163] 67, 079, 608] 939, 351/162, 031, 128) 996, 027| 132, 042, 926|1, 580, 621 Sonthern dis: Southern district—Off Latin America : imci— On Cal | ————————— Ore SO NETE Species fornia—San di trict ‘ Pasi San Pedro San Diego Hai Diego division division division FISH Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value Pounds Value MHPNEWIOS! 2 2— = 5-22-5455 240 $5) hao eee ee ee ee a el 38, 027 $911 EEE = eee =o > 1, 108, 496] 51,325) 652, 128)$102, 240 174, 769} $14,112) 4,029,225) 356, 042 CEL STS Le a | TT ES 101,749] 4,386] 126,088) 5,017| 227, 837| ~~. 9,403 LF) Lh ae eghs 28 Sv RARE Se Ra he 8 1 Ree ee) (eee oe | ol | ee 40, 509) 3, 204 Ee ee ee rene ae en ee ORIG, a a OBIE s ahah ae so 2, 084 96 498) 13 140 3 Flounders: ad California halibut’’_-_ 88, 441 4,013 946,011) 97,981 SAS CES Se ee 2, 058), P72) fee ee ee ae (EM BSS CSP Ed S| eS 362, 118 13, 778 CUE ie aE RS | (ASI tot ea) (eae eel eee eee ere ere (eee eee 11, 517 2, 519 TEAR ESE a SESE IS eA (APE SAE SRT (ie Se LT 2 | oN) ae SR | age Se 46, 265 1, 723 oh Eee eee 180, 176 987 25 1 3, 345 5 472, 981 7, 740 SIROMDAIS ae cc eee e eee neo ao] ee ee 452 14 21, 157 790 21, 609 804 WED ST pe 2 38 SEE Se Be |) 2 ER (a 2 Eee | ee, eee | eee ee eel eee 285 22 ge es Le 17, 593 DBO ee crane, Ret oo ee eh. Seer 17, 692 287 UDOT EEA 2o a a | eae ie | (Ee eS eee ee eee eens eee ene 313, 984/ 10, 090 Uri ens Cd a 1, 465 38 2, 633 AQT a= ee ole: = See 267, 737: 4, 871 < Pidgaod SME 6 i TCG | eee ale ce Sl Rs 2 PS Ed eS een 4, 445 233 Winpkerel soe iosso0 oan 213, 524) 3, 839 153 Bet Soe 2 eS 12, 994,815} 119, 720 CR eS Se Se ae ea ae BTR 2 Ad Se ere ee SN (eee eee 24, 102 1, 050 24,327} 1, 852 STEN SSS) eee AOS PR Pe opel (eee ee a 86, 502 6, 361 Mut Soe | saa comnnihen men soae poe ces 96, 111, 341} 401, 048 phi Se | | ee 5, 060 2, 323 545, 575) 31, 168 3, 556, 631) 124, 355 40, 516 2, 658 19, 501 923 90, 937 8, 265 114, 953 5, 699 130, 673 5, 529 500, 156) 22, 418 137, 567 9, 686) 203, 336 14,842) 1,334,348) 110, 430 Ch ee es RS pile | 5 Se [lek SP Dol | Ae ae ea |) See els hee 20) 2 (pa See pas 1, 290 39 198, 347 5, 708 TAR aS ee 1, 549) cj) Ss Se es |e ee Ee eee 35, 697 752 Li ee 2d ee ee 16, 791 429 88 2 9 1 403, 136) 11, 825 SSRTIN ERO CLE ee sees one. , eee 18,780} 2,487 4, 922 212 23, 702 2, 699 a | a 145, 983} 19, 662) 365) 1 hee eens! (BS eel 357, 747 48, 579 oh Bee Gee pS Oe |e SS Rs | ||) ee Eee eee 1, 165 58 1, 165 58 Tuna and tunalike fishes: POLO see ae ee a] oe Se ee | ee i ee 7, 235) 678 dlijetiiit ed ai ee 3, 168 228) 1, 168, 263) 47,001 7, 511 347| 3, 534,030) 168, 890 Monito=: oe. oe. eee 225,122} 2,8231 64,492) 1,004 658 20/ 3,067, 574| 48, 165 Skipjack or striped TEES 2 ee 4, 348, 793) 129, 565} 2,185, 289] 66, 846) 2, 355, 856 76, 531) 16, 506,761! 504, 123 PGUIGWER:. acco eee 56, 052 2, 933/12, 992, 690) 668, 497/23, 431, 725)1, 300, 300) 36, 579, 580)1, 979, 204 A AG 1 rr a 8 109,212} 4,945 10, 670) 617 2, 759 126 220, 428) 11, 783 Wenowsau! 2 = <3. 2s 980, 636} 22, 327 466, 555) 24, 273 351, 557 15, 966} 2, 525, 853 83, 894 CUNT 1) a aD ia Eos 353 15 850) He eee al (CS Be a 14, 641 855 336 U.S. BUREAU. OF FISHERIES Fisheries of California, 1931—-Continued CATCH: By pistricrs—Continued Southern ais. Southern district —Off Latin America ‘ trict—Off Cali- Total, southern Species F , SOU fornia—San : district . arpse San Pedro San Diego Diego division division division SHELLFISH, ETC. Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pownds | Value Pounds Value (Oz) feet pa 2 1 a PN RE PT ae ees eg | aie es oP a (Ee a eee se 56 $3 Sea crawfish or spiny lobs- BG hee eee ee eer ayn res =F 134, 218] $21, 353 1, 799 $353} 955, 675| $159, 772) 1,340,085) 222, 657 AN) ODay) eR Ae ere SES Fe Pye | eet, a ee Lc Sit De eal Cale se 35, 415 8, 472 Clams: WOCK ewe eae re kines nee’ balls FN | ate el Ba) SES TEA a | ee sd eae ere 8, 620 2, 033. TEREST OO op Re PY TG Mean Te (UR te at le Ply a 22, 081 8, 141 CONG HY OU AS p sy Sole Sen, Aiea 8 aa LE pe ITS Me (RE sel Ss Se eee Se 325 40 ES{SL DRUG Vee ape peak tee ohare Rear | SP BSI 100) ee Ie RT MR, SO) (US | ee | oe eee 31, 950 1, 311 MURUETA LOS aera a soos ee es | ee pie ec NO WAR he clas | ae seen 6, 657 506 6, 657 506. HADRON eee SA py 134, 218} 21, 353 1, 799 353] 962,332} 160,278} 1,445,189) 243, 163 Grand totale seseas 9, 225, 888] 337, 099]17, 951, 094] 935, 197/27, 837, 972|1, 599, 752)187, 057, 880)/4, 452, 669 CATCH: BY WATERS Species Off California 1 Off Latin America FISH Pounds Value Pounds Value ATICHOVICS Se oe SRC De ARATE SRR i 3 Se SS SN 307, 494 $5}'534:\|_ =. | ee FES RTI E CLIC ete ele ete eee A ied eee ae BI eC 3, 350, 433 245, 982 826, 897 $116, 352 (ClrlovetiDbeus os Mae igi oe 1 SIN el Bs ap eas Ls de NESE, 2 "2 CU ey iene Cae 227, 837 9, 403 (Chapa) eee = hat ee BR RO ne Re yee I et a Sp 77, 564 4,.088)\|223.. 20-3 ee COREA ORS GM 2D > Ee ES BC Ae eS Sane VSG ea CaS 370, 642 47.598 ||. = os. 22 (Cerrar 2 ee ees FEE RRL Ee Ee Te CP POS 4, 920, 968 61; 820, |= 22 22 Ss ee @orbima sees aves Ve eee I SR a GUE TD a Se Oe 2, 084 96 TABS Co tos Fan thee aes Pg NE PET EE ON a Nop I Pe Ns 498 13) |P:3--2 232s eee IEYESIS Pee sete ee ele DUCE Opie a ORs tee ot 226 6) Catt = 2 2 ee Flounders: “i@atitonnia halibpat? 2. a= eee eee AT SRE 921, 913 95, 609 40, 349 4,123 SABO Geren tte 22 NNR ee Oe eee 9, 418, 585 415,526 )|\-.6 ==" = | OEIC Tere ee tA RENE ae SAY a) 95, Seve WS Ae inks De 662, 447 28; 653") |- 8 2 Se ee ee AUVATI OTIS ieee ee iy ie eC ROY sede eae iccls S 46, 265 1,728) |b 5 2 8 S| ee GIs yiiS ti etree Sas See NN Ae A ene ee ee 592, 560 8, 974 3, 370 6 TOUET TS Bete a eet ae Ae ee Be Tag SPUR a ASN gO DA Re eas bee ee 21, 609 804 E21 Fe asp OE Ga ae Eee Rs eee Ok eS SL EE SS 12, 501 266) |o Us 2 S| eee 5 1 iL OV a pete, Sg YS I I ON Me aS ARE hk A 796, 189 55),499 jt a. Se ee 15 eho laycteWelS hs aces WSR Ae ENTS LSE 2 Wliat Mees 45, 943 6, .775)|2222.. Se |e ASUS tG ofc Vee Rm UD Riba) Os LN ORa Mee my 5) Che eae Lr 685, 759 4,026) (|222 2 ee eee HOTSO TACK ORE Let pie rath ular Hers Diet uae RC A 562, 475 16, O89: 2 ee eh Sree crbhayeg TSUN bys Oe gE yl ID Sea RSD FI Nec We elon a RT 411, 234 10, 357 2, 633 40 PATO COMMS Mam ch URetmb Litter. Sma aedl SLR Ne a ee U1 1, 227, 890 47, 718 |- 22 =. Soe 14, 252, 713 158, 299 153 3 24, 102 15050) 4282 2 S| eee 17, 165 1, 278 7, 162 574 225, 270 LY, 684 |e loL ee ee 300, 204, 561 1,185, 215 5)252. 225 2a eens g L(V} 2, 502 738 8& 180 (e) ici] OF KS AES 8 Team elutes ee (QE) URE peek as 25 Re rd 509, 813 28, 648 35, 762 2, 520 FROG ELS ry Sees eS ax (PA a ANS CER a 7, 263, 666 249, 145 4, 004 158 Tue Koy seen ow UD SR i ae ee Bl De ate 40, 317 2, 644 199 14 SEE OUVSTERSVOYL » y sneered fence TD ite 0 ya Rag AG Bed CASE OE gE 1, 021, 209 30; 268°) 5-6 e 2a. | ee SSN TO OHO cae at toe Ma Vai di Sele ge RA aaa eee ae OY 5, 420, 943 $80,972 |-22= 2. ES eee Sempin ee se ier ha ES bora ue cet aC Rh pee AD 91, 868 8, 271 115 g Sea bass: TOU LAS geet SARI ON Oe Re 2 AOR ME A Fac sae DD 254, 585 11, 192 245, 626 11, 228 AW HiT Oee ee Ss ne Wee toe ee Lee cere Wr eee 1, 057, 195 90, 985 340, 903 24, 528 (SIL 2io [Aas 2ST A RAR WS ee aan che plat bie Exel Ste ak 3h os ke 851, 917 27, 963 |-sbs luo ee ES HY (eV OLS) a Sys | pb Ny San BI ST Pa A RCL MIR SU ae 8 SLL 197, 057 5, 669 1, 290 39 RCABES eM e Slee me Me Ae ee RTI Geo DS Me 174, 507 3; 64) |e. cto 52-323 | eee STIG Mee tres Ge LA Se et ee Se eee 1, 065, 227 56, 628 97 3 Ope aU ASU wdpn ogi: Yel e(x) \ Voseeatae Aa Ue RN en Me mR ON SD Ra) 0 (A Ne) Gt Fe 2 |e ets 2 23, 702 2, 699 SSO UL Tt ea SRE TRS) EOE WN) TE a DDS 9, 136 526 eee SS CULPA eae a Epa Es UCN ee 2, 501 12022 cc eee eee HAD oY: (6 oY = Raf fegey he ME SL 2) Uae Lis vga RRS SO Le 975, 877 94.070))).-2-2 2.) - eee BG ers) stot Aes ERIN IRE G8 PENS cates See ai 649 20) |oochssnnc-ts| see 1 The catch of cod was taken in Alaska waters. FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 Fisheries of California, 1931—Continued CATCH: By watERs—Continued 337 Species Off California Off Latin America FIsH—continued Pounds Value Pounds Value ho a (oS a eR ee em ay L 357, 382 $48, 568 365 | $11 ARES Abie sag RY Da ae agama atta oS See lap ee > a ek Sige Fa ae ae 1, 165 58 gh OT ee ee Oe ee eee 3, 799 (i ee ees ee eer Serge Tuna and tunalike fishes: ALCS) oe a | See oe ee me 37, 322 2) S00), | eeses ssa ats aa ee LUG ao ae ee ae ae er ane, 2, 358, 256 121, 542 1, 175, 774 47, 348 a Lays Te Ee Se Se eee 8 ee ce 3, 014, 517 47, 613 65, 150 1, 024 cies eed Onetriped tune secs cessctct ooo ewes ssece 1], 965, 616 360,746 | 4, 541, 145 143, 377 Yo oo eee SO a Ss SO oe 155, 165 10, 407 36, 424, 415 1; 968, 797 VUNG ciMsj ee ee ole bois Ee, oe Baie a= se peal 140, 495 CP hd [epee Se las EY ee OS a eer aera arse neon meee 206, 999 11, 040 13, 429 743 “TLL PLP Ie: SES a 0 BR eT eS ee 1, 707, 741 43, 655 818, 112 40, 239 PTET het 2 Se a EE ye Sr eee eh 66, 156 1,912 850 34 Abs Os Bee AB ae ee eS eee 378, 090, 385 | 4,010, 954 | 44, 824, 935 2, 374, 318 SHELLFISH, ETC. AOL DS put a a apnea ne sae By prs Plas Pall: La Sly E eT 2, 230, 334 BOO OGD eee fe ee eee eee TEIN ch To ic) No aR Se ee a Re Se el Ae Se 382, 611 62, 532 957, 474 160, 125 RTS LETEE) ne eee enter tod ORAL a ede) RS = It 1, 688, 877 26; 343) |b seth a sae ee eens ee PANDA SPE seme asa Cet elon see ee 677, 580 124, 404 |e doccatioss oceeeeeene sa Clams: esis Te ees Sa 5 Te eS 22, 048 G02) | are eer: ee ae ee ee, LESTE RE ae See Se eS eee oe 26, 209 Oi 522 |e os... A ee See ibe. (oc ae RS SS. es Sas ee eee 32, 570 S206 sso ee see eee WR SPs BS See te ae tere ee 8, 189 pO ta) i ee oe eee SS VIR eee 8! 2 Rahal? Foe ds TS ee 140 16 | 2222-22) 2. | eee (LUM G pe 2 Ee OE Bees We enc earn (2 64, 601 Bs ARO We 2 = 2 Jee ee eee ee Oysters’ BSUS POT RELL ca geek et ee 168, 916 D2), LOO) | o= mene ea |e ee TES Ve SCE eh at ) cian ee ER a A EE as BI aE 58, 833 14) 684) ee eee ek a eee HRI VOAIMA DERG => 25, 25.250 2h a eh Sh ee 17, 111 $;082)|-2o 22 = UE 2) eee ee Girilinge. | et ee ee a, see 1, 738, 621 TBNO622,|- tao Soe A) tees ae Jee Sen YA AR Oe Se ee oe ee ee 660 ia Kt ee LS TS EEO. AS ae ee es Se Oe EB ee |e Sees eee pee emer ee 6, 657 506 TUT Ley fees deel a ay il i eee peer. te Pes 7, 117, 300 562, 307 964, 13] 160, 631 RA ATIGROLAL es = oe eo ees 385, 207,685 | 4,573, 261 | 45, 789, 066 2, 534, 949 Fisheries of the northern district of California, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR Gill nets Lines Item Haul seines rifeesat : rift, sal- et an wor Other hand Troll Fishermen: Number Number Number Number Number SETLIVOSSO) Geers Sc 2 es ee Ae ee ae A SNe) ed Lr eee ee 14 10 Ompoatsand'shor6-252).----£- =. 40 237 2 91 176 UT URES Seas Ee” ea Ng BS 40 237 2 105 186 Vessels: ie ty 2. 2 es a ee | be a ee | ee ae 5 5 LISS aS DS SRS | eo Ss Ie ee 8 iy A ee ee 41 38 Boats: 1G) a) ee ne a i i ee 2 63 149 Wii eee ae eee 4 1 Uy gl ee Al VS ere ee a See ee Apparatus: WEIR ste? = ee Se Se sc 21 157 2 266 678 icv PR Vel: ee Sees eR ee UBBG Wr = fees 2 eae te Dee eee es es STC) tis ks 5 SR SOR (no eae A 144, 195 1 GO) |e Sak aie a a eee REAR ele eae eee ee Seer ne ef | So ee ele eee 36, 728 3, 111 338 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of the northern district of California, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR—Continued Traps j Total, ex- Ttem Dip nets Rakes Shovels | clusive of Crab Octopus duplication Fishermen: Number Number Number Number Number Number ODEVOSSGISUR OE Ls Ake eee es Le Coe et ee oes Le e e|ee 16 On boats and shore-_-_------ 31 35 1 8 16 470 Totalecteoteo = 2S ets 31 35 1 8 16 486 Vessels: IVEOCORusee ish soe SUR SBOE 2 LL URE - ol esa) ee. Sol eee oe 6 Nietitonn ages: ce SR Nein Lee a ee aU de oe baoeee see hese. oa 58 Boats: IMOtore: 2 sees we pe eet aaest 27 y Wena ne S| eee es 154 Others. 202s Uke ete See eek Bed diy ic tece esses bo eL ela ie | Se 158 Apparatus: Mim bere Ses ees 31 506 10 8 16 eee See a CATCH: By GEAR Species Haul seines Gill nets Lines, set and hand FISH Flounders: Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value OTST 0) UP ce ae rae rence oe Gt RE SR es | RL ees ees ae 3 215 $7 Others eas a ee hook ra 4, 299 64 3 TERT Ge ee ct te oe oo eee ees ee bo 726, 411 50, 564 Herring -_---- AZ B46 yo Q6O Gh LIB ss 25) Se “Lingcod’’_--- 23 208, 089 5, 027 IPBreleees tole Bones. ot Stee Se ae 8, 329 64 UOC SOS oe een es Re | ee ae eee es 102, 255 2, 654 Shlol erie se eee Ee ee oe eee eal eee ee all ee eS 604, 525 18, 819 Sell on eee ras seetens be et eclipse ae 18, 014 593 | 576, 278 24,296) | 2 ee Sineltyesco = i bae gS See a aS 42, 293 1, 914 266 ll |. PUVA TTI Ge Dei teh i eR eer as aS RRL ee ees Ses ep Nee 68 3c ee COipaYS\ os att OA UN a te TF AREY UG al SR ae ene ee leas 5, 780 132 SDOt al Coir hn see go 2 i on TT ee 90, 604 3,580 | 581, 046 24, 412 1, 647, 403 77, 210 Species Lines, troll Dip nets Paranzella nets FISH Flounders: Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value SLITS TU Zea yg eg gy ae ear A EDN Oe pe eee (ae eae eS eS 7, 323, 345 | $329, 551 370, 725 14, 829 27, 235 272 420 8 55, 346 3, 874 551, 396 22, 056 "350,215 | 12, 258 97, 417 2, 923 Bie 30,844] (797 BR et: 2,465| 49 VVIITOD AIG ae ea Sy Bele Fee Sar el ee ee Us See ee 128, 437 6, 047) |2o.. oS] eee Other: fishes sey 25 SSN) Se aes 551 1D» | Ree er ee is ee SE 24, 422 508 4 BYoy 2 [te At Re me SS Se ey eS Aer 3, 390, 358 | 206, 261 145, 651 6,598 | 8, 848, 830 387, 125 SHELLFISH OCPODUS HAS ee ne Cee ee Pe ea ee as 2 el (eee oe ee 80 6 Granditotalns -. 22s e 3, 390, 358 | 206, 261 145, 651 R 6,598 | 8, 843, 910 387, 131 Nore.—The catch by paranzella nets was made entirely by fishermen from the San Francisco district. FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 339 Fisheries of the northern district of California, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR—Continued ——oOoOCOCOCO_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_———_——_—======_—==_—_=E_EEEE_=_-_--———_—=——=={_—=—_—_—_—_—_——_=== Species Traps Shovels Rakes SHELLFISH Pounds Value | Pounds Value | Pounds Value SUSU A ee Se eee 111, 672 TRE 2S al EN Seiten Seemetenee aha Ee Aree Se al [ies ado 3 Clams: OCS gee ae aie = ER SE | al = 128 S801 seo coscane | ceae cee TB SE ee eee ras eee Shoal 28 See 72 iL id Saat (A Spee dre “ye 2 een ee ae ee ere 7, 522 WiG4a! | =cac- een albaacemee SU UU pent SE SS ES ES eae (ee ec | ania» rel oma gee 125 $13 (OTLB PEN Sie apes a ae a 1, 932 ATH Se Ss Sel | fate tai (Poe “Re il Pe Se Oysters, native, market_---.-..-.---------|----------]----------|----------|----------|__ 7, 712 3, 535 UCT SES es Se eee ae ae 113, 604 10, 038 7, 722 1, 385 7, 837 3, 548 2 Fisheries of the San Francisco district of California, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR Gill nets Lines Haul Item = . . seines . Drift : Drift Drift, 2 Drift ey Set and salmon ee shad’ striped Other |"handg | Troll Fishermen: ‘Number|Number|Number| Number| Number| Number|Number|Number| Number Sepp NISS eee n er ceeee =} Se OG neem eo eee © Ae oe Se sie ae meneace 89 35 On boats and shore 3 315 20 175 233 Wet 34 (aa 7 245 OLE aecowsssceceen= 3 315 20 175 233 94 362 280 Vessels: ie 7 areas ee a a ee” BUD SS RE ere ir Oe ile ee bags ene (ene a Mp ea es al (cae Ue 3 14 I 1S) "Sy aer Cs a PS et (1p) RE Re as (ee oe el ee ea 195 Net tonnage-—-------[----22-2[i--2—-- [ooo] oo] oon | aoe ene] 824 foe Se ee ee Ne get O. fe ae tee nts os sa See [be ee ete an | Seeks [else oe 5 14 USVO SUN cyte agp ie | UEP; OI Cea es i IS Se ad ee S| A | a HD 857 195 Boats: capalich de atl) op AGL | eae | ee st ee mee > ae | | ei ee ope Le YUL? neem geen ating rae ear Re | emai (| erie ee 172 14 101 128 51 132 243 CAP ae a eae | eee 1 4 2 4 7 6 Jy (tl awe Ske Apparatus MPM DORs = oe ses 1 176 16 105 135 82 714 922 Length, yards--_--.---.-- aT je eS ee | IO See SS Oe eee ees | ae ee PEON RECS. aoe 822) e son caso poe ss 517, 440 | 24,992 |322, 655 |332, 640 | 99,920 |_-------|-----__. be 2 ee ed Ee ba a (-2e8= sae eae Pilchard or/sardine@.s-—2 see asse- a= 50; (661, 3841166; 493/22 2-2-2 |2- see = = 150| 1 [POMIDAN Ges see ee 20; 2 8 --------|--_----|---------|-- -----|_-___----|--_____ RROGKAISHOS oe a ee ee a | eee oe oe ee aren le ae oe ee FST ep Leva bol o Waa aris ancea uty op pre ae ial pe HRY i i Nga Rd a at ee Sl ll Se eae Salmon2e 23.2283 2222 ee ee ee ee ae -| 949, 959 Seulpins = eno oe en een na ee an na ete | | en |e ee Bea basssu Willies sac o> eemee oe 1, 793 aU a7 (eae i te ce 20, 895 SS Eek sett erisrrne lth age nen Siti ei is ev a NE eR ee |e ee 851, 897 Smelttsts soee ee ee eas 7, 176 403) S430e cl estes 228, 930) SST Gen ee eee eee eee ees een eee | een 435 32|~ 14 Soy piaywatiel ote Oe ea at See a ele ee eee be ene oes 1, 185 SUTTONS ee tes eee a res | ee 765, 813 TRomcod: eee" tal = sea Sees 269 fi ee (i a 26 Wihitebaits- ses 22: ee Sere 7, 930 480 |Sae see ee 2, 262 Miherwish.= 2422 S52 2 2S eee ee oe ee Se | ee een eee lc ae 500 Total oso see ae oe ee eee 50, 859, 435}171, 189] 39, 233) 4, 123/3, 572, 049/188, 193|6, 080, 238/121, 347 SHELLFISH i. ae Ee ae a. (OXG}H0) OWS ee es ss ee ree ee eee ens [poe Sse Pooeec ee Eee sec 3, 817 267 Grandstotales2-220 eee 50, 859, 435)171, 189] 39, 233) 4, 123|3, 572, 049/188, 193)6, 084, 055)121, 614 Species Lines, troll Fyke nets Bag nets Paranzella nets FISH Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value CARD se ene oe ee eee es |S eee eS eee 6, 206 $133) s22222 222 |ULaee Catfish? ease sheets site al Sse ee See 331; 503) % 42) 231) Se (eee Ses |e ee eee Flounders: POR OIO esec ose ce ono aas ewe laccootenca| eae Sones (Sen ees Cee cee oe ee 1, 191, 378) $50, 634 Opher’.. 22 2b ca ee cee a ee ee ee ee ee 210,051} 8,058 Grayfish®) 32. 3.2 toe 1, 275 CHAS IR | UO SO | ae a | 72, 628 726 AGRO felt Pete anno ance 8- bee|-s 252 zeeee |Seadee ee |p Seber ee eee 11, 796 236 Halibut! 225. 2225 225-2 ot 564 38/522 Be oO ee eee 4, 682 421 Hardhead’-2262s+-2 oes ase eer re ee 14,445)" | 1; '878\- 22-25 225/20 eee ee iKaimefish. £220 2 ose oe oe a ee Dee oe ti ale ee ee SE el ee ee 261 9 Sin COU (ee eae tence nee 38, 535 1k) ae a tl |e Sea NS Naeem ie 7 |S a 25,462} 1,146 Rocksishess eee oat ee 523 AB ee toa | bas LS | eee 74,010} 2, 655 Sablefish) 2-28 ae 2 os canton wate oeen ese See Ss |e ee eee 8, 074 242 Salmons. 22822225 ke 437, 401|" 28,232). 2) Bits | SE See eee ee Sea bass) Wihitess.2=-22s-=-s: 962 68) 2s are ee ee oa ea ee ee pkates <= ei. Sb soe Sa oe al eB A he a ee 85, 415) 1, 708 Bolt tail. ete eee sere Se a Se Ree ee 8, 687 403) 82 =o). 2. So he Sana wishes a eae ee ees eee nee eee, 1, 290 62) 2 oe eo eb oe Striped bass see es Fes stesso eee sce 721 71| cio en enc ln. eee ee DUCKCIS. . Retr oi ont coc aceee (peace sees soot eens 649 20). ba oe on ceo Se rr ARDINICOG Lewes Coie op eh Oe Ce OS TOR ae ee ieee | Ce eee fee 2 es | 1, 039 21 Tuna and tunalike fishes, mibacore™ 2.2 2a eae oe 7 Dienst kc |- She o|_ bee cel bc eek ee Se Oban fish. oo ae Ba SI Rh ee ke eel 5, 651 112 Rota ase oe ee 444, 277| 28,439] 363,501) 44, 888)._..___.__|_---_--- 1, 690, 447] 65, 968 SHELLFISH Cea ee | eae ee | ee | ea eee 1, 046 108 Shrimp ees) ess ee OT ee IPI eee end een ee eC eae 948, 680| $14, 230|......----|--.----- Octopus: hevwes ease ae eee Pe coe eee Sone ee - bene aae | sien cones eee ae 35 3 Menrap in = eeee eas SSeS S| rae eae ae | sane 660 21h )) eam ae Ee ee |e SS - (otal se ees. ceece | ee Oe ae ee 660 110 948, 680} 14, 230 1, 081 lil Grandtotalessse-o=see4 444, 277| 28, 439 364,161) 44, 998 948, 680} 14, 230} 1,691,528) 66,079 “a oe FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 341 Fisheries of the San Francisco district of California, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR—Continued Species Beam trawls Traps Tongs and rakes Shovels FISH ‘ Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds| Value nD of CC eee a a 629 S106 een aed a tee ee ne 2s] eet ee ss ee SHELLFISH Pace | me oar TiDIST hake le aa aes ER eS Sa DEA ez | SPA) ORS | ea Ss liek Ca el «Se be I CLT Ty ce OS eS 786,083}. 115 04:1) Sek ala as a eee sons Eee setae sears seco Clams: "OUP EEL A [ee a ko Bay EY (TE a PE |. pg ||. 7 a ae Oe ee oe 13, 300} $3, 289 fr on as i Re | ee oe) (ee Pe eee oer 32,479) 8, 251 cyan ts Hh Se See ee So) ES Ce Se es Seen ok Pe Ere aed ee eee ee 667 214 Oysters: LOE VS 0S SEEN 1G) ep IRE 5 SE aR eg Le US | eee (ee 168) O16) S52; (8b as= se =e ees DSP ig Dee ec) Fe Bp le SEI Satie 08 A a be eS re ae Cee 9,-S00|" > +4; 407125 253 Ses ee Mptalee 2 o- cao. sts 736, 083) 11,041) 2,114,717) 220, 283 178,315} 57,282) 46,446) 11, 754 Grandsotal. 22522. 736, 712} 11,167| 2,114, 717} 220, 283 178, 315} 57,282) 46,446) 11,754 Fisheries of the Monterey district of California, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR Lampara nets Gill nets Lines Purse l ah an Drift, | rift Set and sardine ; : EZ rift, et an Sardine | Squid BAER: peal bes Other hand Troll Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number On vessels.._----- 127 34 63) oe ee S| ees Sed 3 8 On boats and iii ee eS eee 316 169 29 41 132 229 160 Jb) 3 127 659 232 29 41 135 237 161 Vessels, motor-_------- 12 28 Oy A 1 3 1 Net tonnage--.--- 504 338 1 73 | ae Se eS ee 6 18 6 Boats: AG) ae ee Ea | pe pe 26 28 18 26 65 180 158 CO)R eh eet ea Ps ee a 3S eee se | eee i Bee 18 33 |Heeees 2-22 Apparatus: aig NS Se 2 12 54 38 19 26 132 1, 094 569 Length, yards.--- 4, 350 17, 350 Wy S00 Be = - eee | ae eee ae |e nee = ene a Square yards 22, 100 88,400 | 108, 892 TS PtT) coe SS |e, ee Eee meee cen ee Pee ee ee ee Total, ex- Paran- | Traps, Abalone pall Item zella nets | octopus Rakes | Shovels outfits Pee a Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number eS or Pe a ae 1 Faas gel |e ep) eas Ss 65 519 On boats and shore-.---------------- 24 6 6 26 10 680 VAT ie Ge Bale ee 35 6 6 26 75 1,199 WIT ITE 1) Po ee re ee yy eS ne FS oe | ae 5 ee 13 50 = TC GEE oe ee en 2224 ep A a Boe Le pane op 106 859 oats: lO ee. (a ee 6 fa ee ee | ae Ba 2 227 Sr cre ee rn ee pee cet | aeesk 2-2 |ae= aan n sen |e en mae wen | omen nn enee 45 Apparatus: gn page? eon ee A. See a 4 106 6 26 16 ee ee oe Wards ab Hehe (real te 8 CARON pepe tot (oie ela pret | SE So ei Se ee ee ee ee 342 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of the Monterey district of California, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR Species Purse seines Lampara nets Gill nets FISH Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value PAN CHO VICRS feos 22 aCe ae et | oe a ee 103, 436 $1, 628 1, 374 $22 WSRITACHURG «250 cae ane oe eer al ire ee eel a 104, 208 4,417 35, 525 1, 506 Flounders: SJ@alitornia; HANDUb se esa2e |e pee cee e ee | sees 959 103 12, 053 1, 298 f(s Ce) (he are a Se See ae pre ee Y ee eee a 118 5 693 29 C5) 0 i Oa gr | RE RS ong EX VR I ee ge Oo Re ee 2, 020 69 Kerery fineee oan ee Oe Soe S| Cees ea eee id” | a Fp ees 3 eee 1, 147 22 PPLORTIN Pee es ane 2 ees 15, 986 $160 250 3 |2ecaces2 ee fee PHOTSEMMAGKERO] Sao os = Seal ee ae ad 240, 910 6, 688 7, 090 197 LESUTST=¢a VA) = pga 0b ae aba Daa Ee | ae ya oe ae ee See 61, 601 2, 335 74, 690 2, 831 pe SINE COU gree oe eet se lL ees ee lee See 20 ] 648 31 IMackerelics 2. SeiGen es tee a 934 28 145, 857 4, 473 499 15 i 63) 1 01 0 aR OR eS pe a ey ee 15, 782 631 17, 262 688 Pilchard'or'sardine-22- = a 63, 227,529 | 252,910 90, 197,996 | 364, 701 6, 161 62 PROTUDANO 2 os. s we Oo ee ete | keer See ela aaa 698 247 33 12 Rockfshes = 225 2200 2! eS ee | ee eee ees eee 943 42 478 18 Sableftsh fis) 2 - baa. es a ed See en ey pee ell oe Sei oe 50 1 MICELI UAE, sens Te SSeS ee |e ee | re eee ee Se ree ed Ge aa 140 2 Sea bass: BIR GK om Se en ee |e 0 1 25 1 WW, TS He ek Se age eS ig NR ed es 6, 497 513 33, 444 2, 640 Skatesets fa. se eels eee en | ce eee ee 35 1 2, 418 53 Briel nee art ea ee Pee 130 10 50, 980 4, 074 312, 737 24, 989 Tuna and tunalike fishes: Bonito_ 130 5 9, 481 370 2, 422 95 Whitebait 213 7 1, 585 49 Other fish 1, 300 62: | 2ccc-o2ce ee ae pote lie a sere eae ee 63, 244,709 | 253, 113 90, 941,314 | 390, 292 512, 494 34, 630 SHELLFISH tSfo | o 0ts gee RE a eee |S 8 See ee be ee 1, 703, 018 12, 146 3, 653 165 Grand! total sere. oa cee 63, 244,709 | 253, 113 92, 644, 332 | 402, 438 516, 147 34, 795 Lines | Species Paranzella nets Set and hand Troll FISH Pounds Value | Pounds Value | Pounds Value Barractide ste. Ree se SBR ac [se aehoa soe |Nae wee eees 102 $4 Flounders: “Californiavyhalibute 22 one 1, 547 $167 22 NGO ee ee ee eee 23, 069 964 || 's2:255.422 |e Othereese 2s St Ree eh 5, 042 AU ih eee ane ol es TE Giraycish 2h eet he ee Fs LE oe eA ee See ed ee ae Pfiorseunackereli..o2 2 oe a 491 14 oe oso] Loads 252] 252 l ee e Gino fish 3022 42 Oe Ree Ea ae 4, 622 ai yal ee a IE WINS COU gai BE Bea PE 131, 398 6, 194 183 MIA CK eres. 2.8 6-1 28ers 1, 107, 906 33, 979 491 POVC hts vee te eee ee ee eee opal 130") 2222 Nn ae oe eee OCKISHOS = 22 ka PAPE eee 2, 557, 710 84, 690 116 Baplensh-=2— setae eee a ee 237, 372 GP th epee eee es Se ea RUBIN OMG sire ee oe oh | ALD 92, 819 S{olrti a) Tepes fh ER ae eS ae tel 282 4 | oe cece ste he a Seaibassmwhite:eioe- 22 oo ns 40 3 100 Skates sie ae AN a se 2, 695 BO eee eee ee Te: ees ee nS Eee Byte. QO eee oe al eee Tuna and tunalike fishes: AIDA CONDE ese sa do eee eae ere ee ee ae | eter 30, 080 15 Yo) 00 | 0 J Soca en eet ana Si Le aP aes | PEs er bier PAN ay. 60 OAH TT Fs GE i DS Aa 2, 921 (ie) Pa oa es Motal saree so he ee eee 4,081,927 | 132,690 | 123,973 SHELLFISH WOT ATS cise kc a a I 2 See | eo. ls en SP Octopiiss. 2 car 27s eee eee eee 5, 379 870" | 2322 |See eee Totaled ®. 2... scho ee a 5, 379 O00.) ceca 8s eee eee Grand total: Asses eee 4, 087,306 | 133,060 | 123,973 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 343 Fisheries of the Monterey district of California, 1981—Continued CATCH: By Grar—Continued Species Traps Shovels and rakes Abalone outfits FISH Pounds Value | Pounds Value | Pounds Value IN C1 eae eel let i a ae eT Se 37 7.7 |S Sia |S aT Se lane cele FS" a OE Rookfishes- .-.......-..--------. un eet 433s 138 | ee eee eo ee ee SPINS le Se en oo hc 175 Ope witemals ante cemndl occas tacos eae SHELLFISH CORSE G T° Sipe SaaS ae nie ee Be aah eet age 4, 114 TOS aioe esa arta [ama ome tee (ok etna | See teas NS 1 RE ORES spall Sera a ae eae Manet eet |) ck eae ee es 642,165 | $115, 932 Clams: Neen on cas theca amas an aaceecalteweaaa ee eee ee 310, 568} 11, 044 TSS 701) 138463 2=2 8-2. S ae 22, 435 702 Other: fis bse | 2 ee ie ee ga Se pe 2 del Beek ee 825 50] Ss 2See eee 309 16 Mopal ata se beers ae ss 70, 606, 116/524, 833/44, 774, 814/363, 610] 105,026) 4, 796) 895, 931) 62, 496 SHELLFISH Seatcrawfish.onmspinylobster=t.- ct see | ea es ee eee 9 2 OT TE eee ee a eee eee |e ee ee 32 SS Squidetss tie eee ee Sa eee 180 18 318663] 4 1) 285/222 2 ae ee 37 4 Motel ae ect eee Met 180) 18 31, 663) 1, 285 32 4 46 6 Grand *totala-ce22.-2 ae 70, 606, 296/524, 851/44, 806, 477/364, 895) 105, 058} 4, 800) 895, 977| 62, 502 Lines Species Trammel nets Paranzella nets Set and hand Troll FISH Pounds | Value} Pounds | Value |Pounds | Value |Pounds | Value IB AMACU OS Beene one nee eee eee 7 $1) 558, 826) $28, 847| 260, 317/$11, 862)_-------|------- (Oh Hin bee ee iter. arene ees terest eee eee 498 13 eo eee ee Flounders: “California halibut’’__.._.....--__- 381, 026] 44, 281 28, 573] 3,168 20 2| 404, 800)$35, 180 Be Solas: Seo scent ber SC men 4 7,009| 376 3, 179 se hee Pagel eat 349, 524) 12, 979 Other. seis Week en ee ada ae ees 639 33 || ONGDT iene 468 | utes |e ena 243 17 Graviishzes. =. eaeete wae ek Shee 49,425] 1,193} 175,913) 4, 110 98 1} 5,033) 116 1 ENS pe ge I aero a pee Se Be Mig I STE | NS Oe 285 22)| cc deca] ote | ee eee Horsevmackerel = eee tees ee ee ee | ae 3, 352 108|_......<|-.-. | 225s eee Kine she =o Tee a ee es | S| eee 22, 226 428). ee eee “Lingcod”’ 4, 445 233) on cc) ones eeoeen ee Mackerel..._..-____-_- 1, 650, 353} 18, 336 211 2). = eee Marlin ene ie eee oe 4, 53 186) 260222) - oe ee E42) Ct) 0 WAI Nelle Bed Fane Seah mt chet aS Fay BE 2, 538) 144d cee eee 416 34 Rock bass.8/2 Seite: ea a 220, 879} 13, 649 1, 465 81 392 27 HROGETISHES 2 2 ie. nas anne Wey ee ia ora 2: 661; '549|| 90, SRG) os ae aes 1, 230) 52 Rudderfish 18) ae ee et en FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 Fisheries of the San Pedro division of the southern district of California, CATCH OFF CALIFORNIA: By GEAR—Continued 345 1931—Con. Lines Species Trammel nets Paranzella nets Set and hand Troll | FisH—continued Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value |Pownds| Value |Pounds | Value Si GH ae es oe Se OEE Bee Sa ae ie Se) a See 19, 501 LLY) aS | eee (eee mene hE Se SUF L Ae ae ae as $30 73,855} 6, 832|........ = 184 $18 Sea bass: Blahirg see 96 99, 299 cay (1 | ee | | Peed 102 5 White.....- 562| 26,519] 2,776 227| $26} ++1,040| 134 Sheepshead 694 46, 917 719 43 1 140 t SLC Sas Ste: oa BS Pe ee See 138 7, 647 1G. | See See 19, 414 415 SUTTL | Se eS ee eee eae ee ee 2,352 jc) ae BEE SSS 65 1 Tuna and tunalike fishes: LUV VONCT eS oS eS a a ees Cs See ee ae 427 39] 5, 866 636): ....- 52 |e see (UA Sa eee eee ts eee ee 204 16 120 ake | eee SS Ie ose i eee ee a 251 5] 159,107) 2,592) 9,296 163}¢=-2==-|2eeeee Skipjack or striped tuna-2s-~5<5-2.|<--5.=.=|-..s_.- 7, 132, 238) 215, 987) 31, 978 Saslis Sees eS oe NGL gab SO ee ee Se eee ee 88,417|\ 2,436) « 16; 104)), 1,453]. -- es eee os (CAROLS PS a BE eee aes 1, 505 82 94, 262 5,900)... /ee= =e ee ee SWralioyueta = 5 tee fs ered ht oS 276 8 223, 465 5, 597| 18, 570 512 90 2 COLA ATEES ST 1S Se ene ee eee eae 578 26 9, 391 607| 1, 945 82 390 25 NCU SP oe ee ee eo 480, 638] 47, 625/13, 276, 378) 411, 777| 346, 260) 15, 570) 783, 063) 49, 009 SHELLFISH | Sea crawfish or spiny lobster_--_.------ 12, 934} 2,372 15 8 [ee abe <2 | ae 98) 15 WIGAN EIB = = Bete ae a ee 2 eg oe (sls o5-.| ssh aenn 164 PA ee | | se ne) be ee SST TEL G be 6 LO Se SS Se a Se ae ee Pe eee ee ee | 5 eee |e ee 5 |e 70 4 AMT) 2) ee So es ee 12, 934) 2,372 179 pA ee a Es |e EE 168 19 Grand ‘totale 22222 5==5 2-522 -25- 493, 572) 49, 997/13, 276, 557| 411, 801) 346, 260) 15, 570) 783, 231) 49, 028 Species Traps Harpoons Shovels Abalone outfits FISH Pounds | Value |Pounds | Value |Pounds | Value |Pounds | Value MIDHHOGL (SUIS vecse- san a see cee 160 8 poe eae | See E Ses | eee he eed eee nA ee ee eS a 102 7 a aera | Sees | eee | eee SOS eee Sead Re Eee WU ay UO 2 np Gf lpi 10 Ya ah | aac a [Pee kat ahaa A Le fil | 2 hes 8 IW Cie See oS pene ee ee aero 10} GGG S804 ce0 sees eS eee ee JE OR Se i ae eee ef ae 231 14 eee eee | ee ee Ne ee 1272) CS a ce ee a ea LOA AG hs 75 | ee ee Ee ee ae IROCRHSNGHE 82> 222 sees s ae ae sasocccoee il ap a a je ay a fa Sac Saye ey, Fa | (a Sie RS 8 Bee DCH = 4 eee O88 soa. 1, 703 162) So sets (ES <5 SEe 3) So ne re EE ee Dipemshibad ines Heo 8-2 oe 97, 886 74 ee a eee ae ee eeees || SSS aera ee AUS UM ATIN IN co eaP <2 ie Oe 8 n= | ok eee ona] LL, B90) 28s 900|. ak Se oe oe |b_ ee See Vd EO a ee ee ee Opole SO) 22 = cee ss AAS eines ob a ee ee eee SRC ea TS Seales | Soe any ae ape 196;'895)" ‘9, 966) 230; S65)429! 77Ojeser: _-|_ 5-2). =] nce SHELLFISH Sie ae be Ee SES eee Bee ee 56 Sea crawfish or spiny lobster-_-....---.-.-- 235, 337 Abal 8, 620 $2, 033 22,081) 8, 141 129 346 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of the San Pedro division of the southern district of California, 1931—Con. CATCH OFF LATIN AMERICA: By GEAR —eEE>>>~~~>=E=~]=*]“])[=[][_]_=_—>—s_>_]_——E_—_—E=E—_>E{—V——_—oEoESEE—S>S—S>EEES——S— — ——_—_=s Lines, set, and Species Purse seines | Lampara nets Gill nets hand Traps FISH Pounds | Value | Pounds} Value | Pouwnds| Value | Pounds | Value | Pownds) Value 607, 520/$99, 082} 3,788] $300 336 $18 40, 484! $: Flounders, ‘‘Califor- nia halibut’’.__...__ 574 AG |i She Maes | eee | Ee | eee 1, 060 64|...... 2 eee Gray fishtete ooo 25 Up eee Se ee ye SI OL ot) Se el 2S a ee Groupersses.: 24% 2 es ie: S| Be ee | ee | 452 14| 28S in orisheees 2 Se oe 2, 633 AQ|. S522 Sasa scszssss eee Widckerel:aet = U7 O70 ee le eee ae ee eel RS 1,940, 968) 58; 876|- 22-225) | Saas Yellowfin.__-_._.. 640;,009|£34,51:20| Bare te ha ee 12,352, 6811634, 368). =--- 2 -a}2eeL eee Wihitefishis sss 585 1S |see 2 e| adele eee cee Ses 10, 085 509) 22-0324]. 0S SVellowtailes-ss aes see LTE DAT ale OM OSD eca leone eal neni 251, 770) 16, '484|- <2 eee @therwGish ess ee ees eR en 160 2] ee Sg ES ae ST 690 26) owes [Se see SHELLFISH Sea crawfish or spiny JOR St er eee = Seat ey ee ae ed es, te ee ae SIN ee eee en | ee 1,799} $353 Totaleasasacsck2 2, 967, 615}203, 175} 114,011] 3,635) 10,997 680/14, 856, 672/727, 354| 1,799 353 Fisheries of the San Diego division of the southern district of California, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR Gill nets Lines Har- Lam- eae poons,| Total, para Traps, | sword- jexclusive Item nets, | Drift, | Set, mel Set lobster at of du- an sardine] barra-| sea | Other | 2S | ana | Troll plication cuda bass turtle Fishermen: Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number|Number| Number|Number| Number On vessels...-- 6 3 40 80 On boats.-.--- 40 40 36 Totalwss222 46 53 76 Vessels, motor-_-_._ 2 4 9 ' Net tonnage-__ 14 24 83 Boats: Motor: 22222" 18 17 16 Other 22. Jeers UR BE ee as AR OLD ane 2 2 I Ria tal ot | et a ae a to ie i A Apparatus: Number------ 20 21 25 meneth, yards-|-'4,070 (ce 52S a oe eS eae 8 ee ee Square yards.-|______.- 157,310: 1125; 420) |, 9: '740)))196, 6689/22. 2 ee. es a ee ee aoe eee 1S (00) -¢. eee (ee eaten ie [eee er oe a) epee Ae oes ee | Eee 94,345 | °° 870.|o-c 28222082 See — FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 347 Fisheries of the San Diego division of the southern district of California, 1931— Continued CATCH OFF CALIFORNIA: By GEAR Species Purse seines | Lampara nets Gill nets Trammel nets Pounds) Value one Value | Pownds| Value | Pownds| Value be See ee ee A eee 131, 156 i 20 UE CEPR PPE CS SS SS ee aap ie pe (penne [Chea Sse 326 UE IS RR Sep ow, ee pt een aoe | ee Se om | seal) (ene (eae 130 3 339 10 SORES a 3 SEES OR PS, 5 SEES RE 2 2 re ee ee 484 7 865 14 PeeLnWwNls 32" oo She Se ee CTE STIS SS eg al) (ae 9 (eee ES ee ee eee 17 1 SHELLFISH Bemirnmnanorspiny lobster: =: 32—- <2. cao eek oe |e eee | eS See se 1, 335 217 Grand,total= <2 #22 021223.o-2--+252 46,595) 1, 784] 138, 223) 1, 645) 337,112) 14,710) 136, 173) 11, 182 Lines Traps Harpoons Set and hand Troll FISH Pounds | Value | Pownds| Value | Pounds| Value | Pownds| Value 1s Cote ee eh i Sn ae 820, 989] $37, 451] 250, 135/$11, 411)--------]-------|--- es pe Flounders: os California Nain? ele DSB BIE mr GONl Cieetes [iter 35, 428)". 1, O68 825-2 | ec Sae| skeen. faeces. WOHOW INES. os cos ccbce ue 53, 833 CE): aa eS a a es eee eee ee ba oe Se Be St a 1, 564) 145, 983) 19, 662 SHELLFISH Sea rrawtish OC spire lOpateeees 225402. fss ness leon tese|=--c--2-[-o-s~-.)) 182) S88) 21) 1aBle-— ao os-]-.--= = Grand total: = .W2226 2 aces =- 7, 892, 234] 251, 473) 351, 576) 13, 943) 177,992) 22,700) 145, 983) 19, 662 Note.—The catch by purse seines was made entirely by fishermen from the San Pedro division. 348 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of the San Diego division of the southern district of California, 1931— Continued CATCH OFF LATIN AMERICA: By GrEaR Species Purse seines Lampara nets Gill nets Tramme!l nets FISH Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value | Pownds | Value |\Pouwnds| Value IBSShaCuds 3-422 Sane ee ean 10, 765 SOV0 | Pees a Pee se 1, 605 $123) |°: 5 ee ees Plounders;\“ California halibut?’ 5-2|22-2----| 2. ae alee ea eee ‘ ae 12 | 38,461 | $3,992 Ba ei i SN pee SE Se Sa S| ee a a ea eee ee , 345 5) ofS eee eee oh Sg ai So REA ER REI ee | LR ao 1 ee 2, 305 $231 342 QT sce See ETE PR at eS ag yl ela te gt | (a 738 88 oe ee ee bee Se | Ee | ee ee Se Eee 14, 647 541 5, 716 221 pa eS ele ae ee Lee Pee Pee eee eee 101,315 | 7,394 5 3 Tuna and tunalike fishes: Bluefin.-| 7,140| $00 | lc Se NWiellowitalls 2232 =. 2 eo eee see 4, 484 DOO ee = soa ee ee 691 25 loos ae eee Moth 22a0 sec eee 22,389 | 1,560] 3,043 319 | 122,120 | 8,128 | 44, 229 4, 216 SHELLFISH BS@ar era WS iOS DIT y AOS Ue Np seme = |e mee | ee eee ee ee ee eee 95 13 Granditotalees se ee 22,389 | 1,560] 3,043 319 | 122,120} 8,128 | 44,324 4, 229 Lines Species Traps Harpoons Set and hand Troll FISH Pounds Value |Pounds| Value |Pounds | Value |Pounds | Value Barracuda------------------------- 123,101) 1}, $9) 8695) BO 298' |$3,050) fess -— =| aa | ee eee Cabrilla-_-----------.----- =--->---- 126, 088 Beh O17 0 | es nem ene es | eee | ee Flounders, ‘‘ California halibut”? - -- 88 (| eee Ee pe ee (Ee ee ee ee |e Groupers__---.--------------------- 21, 157 790) | pose et Aes Se ee LS) 1S Ce ene er ae eee ees 13, 381 1, 081 42 3 [iecansen|oepee a ee eee ee Rockfishes..-.--------------------- 3, 182 7h) VE oe ee Penal bss2222 secceee sigrthoyetls- sae ee ee a a 115 Qh | ae ee aa | ee Sea bass: Black wo. pesakes os oie ue Seek os 110, 310 4,707 |22c. costs oo s|Seeeeee | eae RWihite sce? leno ee co er 101, 372 7, 401 597 440\_ 2.2 eee eee Sheepshead esses aaa een 1, 290 30 u[euecic eal ssa2 lal S224! |e eee es Spanish mackerel------------------ 4, 922 PAG ja ee) (eal ee ei aie i ae ee ee eee 1, 165 BO ie Aue Ne ee ee ee Tuna and tunalike fishes: Blvehnees teen ene eee 371 96) ook elon 2 elt 2 a ee se Bonitos2_--225 Speer oce bate 658 20 Wheus Qa. | sate. eae ee eee Skipjack or striped tuna-__------ 2, 355, 856 Ais sta es | eA eae (ES |e -||-- 2-2 Vellowfinss22s06-4- se 23, 431,725 |1, 300, an SE | ee eS ee ele ses Whitefish!) 2: so eee eee ee 2; ci ee: (an ae RMR TG Wellow tails. 228. See eee 343, 833 15, a 2, 549 pL Ys eee =A ee a Motal2s ceo - 2 ese nse eee '26\641,373. 11, 421, 9891842, 486. || 8, 8120 |aanese ee |e ee aa eee ae SHELLFISH, ETC. Seartcrawtishion spiny lODSten- oo 52.5 |o5 sah | ee eee ne ell ee 1955, 580 |$159,759 |...-....|-----.. CG DT Fag Uae eS TERS ey pa) (PR ee US a PRD IW PG) | ne Ie sea I $506 Motel ain BS Se Ba i tT ei 2A eee een 955, 580 |159, 759 | 6, 657 506 Grand itotal=s peas eons see 26,641,373 1, 421, 939 42, 486 | 3,312 955, 580 |159, 759 6, 657 506 Notre.—The catch by purse seines was made entirely by fishermen from the San Pedro division. FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 349 LAKE FISHERIES °® The yield of the United States fisheries of the Great Lakes, including the international lakes of northern Minnesota, during 1931 amounted to 91,726,845 pounds, valued at $6,029,247. This is a decrease of 3 percent in quantity, and less than one half of 1 percent in the value as compared with the quantity and value in the previous year. These fisheries gave employment to 6,839 fishermen or 2 percent less than in 1930. Of the total number of fishermen, 1,697 regular fishermen were engaged on vessels, and 3,674 regular and 1,468 casual fishermen were employed in the shore and boat fisheries. Lake fisheries of the United States and Canada, 1931 CATCH: By LAKES Lake Ontario Lake Erie Species ; : eee Canada Total aed Canada Total Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds neeO = S Ae e Soe ee A 36, 946 37, 400 74, 346 | 12, 642, 872 5, 358, 300 18, 001, 172 EOC Tis = oe eS See eel 450 (1) 450 2, 765 (*) 2, 765 LCE a1 iad 6 8 Ee eee ee 56, 181 (1) 56, 181 270, 630 (‘) 270, 630 uh Se ee 34, 932 45, 400 80, 332 2, 340, 069 425, 300 2, 765, 369 Catfish and bullheads___________ 42, 029 163, 500 205, 529 508, 711 141, 800 650, 511 eee cen ca a= ee ee ee ee ek 346, 553 949, 300 1, 295, 853 TIE) ep ES de MA Se eee 44, 577 74, 800 TONS Tah |= eae ed ey pits ney Ay CS TLEL EGE Co ROE firs xen ge aay lap pan tes ape Fb pW es aly et 79, 774 () 79, 774 Ween herrings’. 8h Se: fd BOVSNOM PES UE 7. SOOY ald OS 100 |e See Dek ole ose ee eh ee | EY Pee Peer te eo 8 Fe 14, 004 388, 200 402, 204 3, 047 7, 100 10, 147 iY 2 Ute a Sep Spec ea deel ag 2S be hea Sates a ape tal tear ae Pare: 20, 593 (1) 20, 593 PROMI ACKS ie soe ssc 10, 746 173, 300 184, 046 24, 002 63, 200 87, 202 Cea Fis [aye Ss ces Sat rea ee Be (1) 2 3, 451 1) 3, 451 AS EN Le eee ae eee a ee cpa pal a] epee mies al ipa an 2, 025, 513 (1) 2, 025, 513 SUES Uses ae TE ie SS 2 SEE es Eee Se Poe eee 1, 616, 889 (1) 1, 616, 889 Bien: pe ye 8, 275 2, 303 10, 578 15, 234 22, 736 37, 970 Bromere Mu Gise ans ee eS 29, 079 ( 29, 079 1, 414, 842 (1) 1, 414, 842 u lid’: waka, reese 26 13, 182 13 182+ ae. ae can es Sa eat eene rcs AU TE 2 ESO CRE Set GR ea SS ee ie eee See ee See 418, 199 (1) 418, 199 Whitefish @emmon= -. = 2-2---=- 2222. 67, 485 525, 900 593, 385 | 1,272,902 | 1,106, 400 2, 379, 302 Menominee_-_ 111 (1) [FT Tl er rene en nl einie Ucn’ eee Dee ee Yellow perch__- 23, 848 77, 100 100,948 | 9, 057, 161 4, 265, 100 13, 322, 261 Yellow pike_- 8, 789 25, 700 34, 489 2, 640, 556 366, 400 3, 006, 956 Mussel shells_- , 446 1) 68, PEIBORTLATIEOUIS= === = sete = FSF Re A Be 266 OO NIT 2607 700) 22 -cncesn oe 1, 102, 000 1, 102, 000 otaless ct Ss er ea 441,545 | 2,898,103 | 3,339,648 | 34,772,209 | 13,807,636 | 48, 579, 845 1 Where there has been a Canadian catch of these species it is included under ‘‘ Miscellaneous.’”’ 8 The statistics of the catch presented herewith were obtained largely from the records of the various State fishery agencies and from the Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Ottawa, Canada. The data for the operating units (fishermen, vessels, boats, and gear) of the United States were obtained largely by Bureau agents in a special canvass; although State records in several instances were very helpful in this work. In all cases the statistics collected are for the calendar year, except for Lake of the Woods, Rainy Lake, and Lake Namakan in Minnesota, which are for two seasons. For Lake of the Woods the seasons are from June 1 to Noy. 1 and Dec. 1 to Apr. 1 and for Rainy and Namakan Lakes from May 15 to Nov. 1 and Dec. lto Apr.1. The catch for these two seasons, in the order named, have been combined to constitute a year. Shed ee fish taken in these lakes between Jan. 1 and Apr. 1 is estimated at less than 3 percent of the total catch. 350 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Lake fisheries of the United States and Canada, 1931—Continued CATCH: By LakEs—Continued Lake Huron Mictican Lake Superior Species United United United States Canada Total States Sintes Canada Total Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Bowifimiz G28 2b cee 3, 275 (1) 3, 275 B6.i2e fice. 2 2) See ee IBUTALOHS hee een oe ees a ee eee ee eee BOO} 2-22 = set Bun Otese ese oo 3, 646 (4) 3, 646 94, 393 2, 994 (1) 2, 994 Carpeetore. 963, 709 78, 300 ile 042, 009 831, 669 153 2, 500 2, 653 Catfish and _ bull- Meads*. ee 107, 982 11, 000 118, 982 46, 865 25 (1) 25 Chubss22280 72am 500, 647 987, 200 1, 487, 847 3, 401, 737 663, 868 () 663, 868 Lake herring__..---- 5, 201, 543 757, 200 5, 958, 743 5, 248, 738 6, 911, 624 | 1, 396, 100 8, 307, 724 Wake troutes-- = e2—= 2, 067, 940 | 2, 847, 800 4, 915, 740 5, 542, 698 2, 989, 643 | 1, 328, 400 4, 318, 043 Moone ye se. 52525 soo) a a ee | ho 6,105:|322. 222 eee eee Pike (jacks) 39, 536 213, 600 253, 136 34, 450 11,977 8, 600 20, 577 Rock bass 2: 228 = ss 18, 671 (1) 18, 671 15641"). i2-:. 1-3 2 ee Saigersea: pees ee 170, 905 (1) 170, 905 26, 218 583 (4) 583 paces vend Ce ee 8, 641 (1) 8, 641 ts OO2h | see ene ~| 2. Je eee Melis eet es ea all Bane eee dtm |e ere 86; 4609): 22. eel See eee Steelheaditrouteee |e | es eee se Dee |b ee ES 539 1) 539 Stureeonizseh 22) =e. eee ae 17, 267 DAV | Pees sen ee = een 4, 600 4, 600 ee “mullet’’__--] 2, 303, 990 (1) 2, 303,990 | 2, 452, 745 168, 096 (1) 168, 096 Whitefish: Common._---.-- 4,491,458 | 1,460,100 | 5,951,558 | 4,327, 387 489, 903 256, 000 745, 903 Menominee-----_- 42,785 (1) 42, 785 159, 666 11, 789 (1) 11, 789 Yellow perch___..__- 822, 775 40, 600 863, 375 1, 278, 968 4, 847 (1) 4, 847 Yellow pike__-..___- 848, 452 416,900 | 1, 265, 352 51, 753 25, 084 103, 200 128, 284 Cratwiish 722 22 to. tee cet ane eel Rom a 75,180) |22-_ <2 soe| eee Mussel shells___..___ 131, 210 (1) 131, 210:)|- 15383, 867 |ois 222 oe tee Miscellaneous: ee) Seen 385, 000 3805000 .)) fo eee. sae EAE eee ee 69, 400 69, 400 Motal =m 17, 727, 165 | 7, 214,967 | 24,942,132 | 25, 058, 947 | 11, 281,125 | 3, 168, 800 | 14, 449, 925 eee ee Namakan Lake Rainy Lake Species f F Bored Canada| Total el Canada | Total Pounds | Pounds | Pounds | Pounds | Pounds | Pownds Bite pike ee Sees eee eke au oe eer Ea oe NS Pe eee S| eee 3, 275 3, 275 (Gl ab | Os ak Se San Ee ote SB ent abe ile AS TVA 485749) Sok Cael 48, 749 9, 106 63, 657 72, 763 Crapper ee bee ee ee 3) LOGY] eee ee 3; 106 |-o222.2--|5.-<22—see | eee PAK OMA CKS) Bsc eae Se en oe eel 40, 809 4, 624 45, 483 59, 883 112, 129 172, 012 Sino te ee ee ee 772 2, 094 2, 866 1, 061 780 1, 841 Buckene vmullety soe ope et oe 8) 327) seen eke 8, 327 842 (1) 842 Wihitefish: 22 osoo8 ose 885 770 987 109 3, 674 Wasaga: 2s. 22232828 SS eae Oo ___1, 008 06! |b ee eee 1, 468 Totale.cs22 est 1, 182 2, 790 1, 200 109 6, 839 Vessels: Siéamte = 2-2 . eas—s-56-=|bS eo ace 15 58 oS Soe Se lll ae a Bb LONNBPO2 5.2 o 5s. - sh cso at 1, pg ve eens 2: a Rie fo see ek ees a 1 Re casos pee) OO a he CO Ie, ew eS ceeemene: Net tonnage--------.--- ipl Se 3, 038 a! po BIB Lo2y Sst 4, 192 Total vessels.__....-- 65 336 A0 ioe. SEE 505 Total net tonnage---__ 793 4, 217 LE Ce | mind 6, 585 Boats: WOU. 2 cae ot Se ok 337 524 479 82 1, 756 : aed eat pas. Saar. a eee 200 538 253 24 1, 480 pparatus: Paul BObNGg. os 3 oss] oS 74 51 Orne bee 316 aercas y WETOS scc_ cena 33, 734 18, 828 1 DE 7a 9 582 3 134, 173 net RR cy Ud oie EOS) eee Ns ee OR on cenlocancmencar|anncnastons eae ede = 884 Sq uare GATOS oopssee me eee Ra ee | a oS en Nees aici | See 320, 892 “shoal” “4 OF, to 334 8 ee eee “Shoal pig | on 6 inches__- uare yards- -__--- “‘Shoal’’, 6 to 10 inches__ Square yards_-_--_--- = Shoal ts ri0t to 14 inches_ Square Wurdsss se —- 3a2 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Lake fisheries of the United States, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By LakEs—Continued Lake of Lak Wool Item aoe Lake Lake Lake Lake pons. Onta- : amir : Rainy Total riG Erie Huron | Michigan} Superior Lake, and Namakan Lake Num- ber Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number Trammel nets 21 5 216 Square yards 9, 002 Lines: Hand: 2 = es 52 Hooks 54 Prollisssa sass hee 31 Hooks 48 rotesso-4 3522.5 ee 2,175 Hooks 852, 769 Pound netsi=4252 === ees 1, 673 Trap nets: 42 42422. eee aes 6, 988 MvKewielseees 2 o- = SSA 2, 437 Dipimets: =~ Lees i Se ee ; ut Crawfish pots 3, 680 Spears] 20) A ea eee 1 Crowfoot bars 416 Ong SS Ngee eek eR Se SE nN ee 9 Ricks) 2.2 (voy Feet SSS eae. boo Be 187 OPERATING UNITS: By STATES AND LAKES New York ee Item Viake! Lake Lake Lake Total Eri Erie Ontario | Erie we Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number Onivessels Sa eo oe a ee 3 73 76 157 99 On boats ans shore: NReg lanes eee ke Wee ee A eee 94 56 150 34 629 @asiaeeet Fe sak ecu s Pasha ee epee fe 53 43 96 4 84 MA Day CoN 3 £2 2 NS Mp eetee a nes Be 150 172 322 195 812 Vessels: SLOAN Sete hs ee oe eee Re SE ines Eee 2 5 5 17 8 Net tonnage. Santos 8 ee tos SI 122 122 444 233 INT OTOP Sebo FS ele ie are a Se 1 10 11 12 11 INet tonnage ss its. AS os ok Be ee 18 69 87 124 119 ALOGALVeGSSO)S Neca: = 5 ete ee 1 15 16 29 19 Totalsnetiwonnages. 2 = was ee eT 18 191 209 568 = 302 Boats IVE OCT Says Sees Sete oes he oe oe pt Ey es 43 20 63 13 214 Other sonst ck ete a ea Oe eS 61 49 110 16 268 Apparatus: IE aiiliseiness ie: {Set at. a ee eee 3 15 194] <-aeeec eee 95 Length, yards 183 1, 633 PSIG yj eoee nae 59, 984 Gill nets: “BU 43 UO Ose) iN CNOS en see eee oe | eal 592 592 202) |e ee ae Squarewvards 3. 2225 he ial el as 214,896 | 214,896 | 105,996 |__.._._-.. “Shoal” 2an4 tO ose inChes= sae eee ee 640 622 1, 262 5, 026 5, 237 Squarexyards\ ses: sheet ee ee 91, 950 110, 640 202, 590 | 828, 290 788, 750 *‘Shoal*’;4: to Gdnches: i202 2 ees 602 2, 284 2, 886 3, 360 186 Square yards2>-. 222 eee re eee 79, 580 642, 204 721, 784 | 804, 042 27, 900 ‘Shoal 77 6:tOLOunChese ieee — 1645 |2een 95-28 164+) See eee Square yardshis 2s ee ar eee al S20W ae se ane 215320) ha ae epee. Sa ee SHOAL 22 wlO Owls ineheses- bos oe eee 10 108 A118) | =e eee Square yards 65-2550.) ee ee 1, 150 22, 494 25,644 1.8 ae ‘Dramme)l nets. 22-2222 cacao Sa | Oe eS St ee eee 211 Squarejvards. 02.22.02 22 ee a ee Se | RL | ee ep 8, 862 Lines: "Protiscs®scock RRL Re ee ee 23 54 Teo eee Hooks 22 5e Bo i a ee, ee 6, 510 11, 455 17,966) (222.5 2-3 "|" sase eee POUNG ‘nets er oi; SAO Te ae A EU ERE TR I ASS | re 53 20 Sorap nets... oo) ee eae eee 137 23 160 26 3, 722 LNB Cop 0 (=) fo pa NE Sea RE Oo 152+) See 1 Pe) pl (ee to 384 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 353 Lake fisheries of the United States, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By StatEs AND LAKES—Continued Michigan Indiana, Lake Item gis Lake Lake Lake | Lake Su-| motal Michi- Erie | Huron | Michigan| perior Su Fishermen: i Number| Number | Number | Number | Number | Number CUA GEESE 2 ei SE RES a See I (YES ; 236 473 785 18 On boats and shore: So Se Sais ae eer 110 885 445 332 1,772 6 (2 TG SS Se eS See ae 119 61 509 56 745 57 LIED es ea peat a 229 1, 182 1, 427 464 3, 302 81 —_—_————$|« ——————————————— | | | Vessels: SDT CTE = ae ei Be toe SEER th wenn Ee | age ares 15 29 8 52 i OG CORNAUOS ete eee SSRI nee ee 247 457 168 872 26 LAG} 17 ACES 5 Sieh Se iS Se as Be RIES § 50 121 18 189 5 546 1, 186 136 1, 868 76 65 150 26 241 6 793 1, 643 304 2, 740 102 ———; 337 315 171 867 67 200 368 49 688 1 Apparatus: PAUP INOS = eee 2 Soest 69 74 1 i J (ee Henetns yards. 6 oo ee nk 18, 594 33, 734 300 1,217 bapS45 |S Gill nets: “Shoal’’, 2144 to 334 inches___-_---- 14 2, 018 5, 983 2, 310 10, 325 405 Buusreyards.--9-e.5. 2 et 2, 330 530, 430 | 1, 279, 340 522, 810 | 2, 334, 910 99, 839 SeRHORL 4 COO INCHES seo 10 7, 043 26, 792 5, 489 39, 334 448 Bunareyards-—4 re 1, 666 | 2, 246, 670 | 6,718, 256 | 1, 758, 614 |10, 725,206 | 120, 756 AISLE be ouhAO ML Aah 06's ES i ee VO A ie |e eee LMA OSES ies, 7 eS es eae 1 15 15 Site Ea aes LEWC) Foes a eecmatie! Cade ate 5 Faken 2 15 31 AS, | ESS ees Sit ree So SES. 8 Se Ee ee Ses Eee 117 86 781 O84: | Are aster JB} Gl cc): See ee eee ee eee 110, 400 136, 200 296, 254 G42; S54, /2. Se eae LEST [PPELGL G12) fe OE Sa PES gael ba eae ences 612 550 70 1, 232 5 PErAINGLHe tee tet ee 120 2, 497 362 83 SNOG2 pee ae eee RERHOLS! ees ee a 541 377 60 6 O84; 2 3 oe 10 (yay tS Sega ae ae ws Serene. Laer ET oe eee ee aoe eee eee 1 oe ee STIS 2 ae oa ee ee DE aS PR Sd hee ae 1 SS nee, ee gh es Crowfoot bars =32<= 22226202 22-8 22222 2 3 oN Ue | es De 346 70 Lei aris Soe eS CRS BP Se re Se 10 8 ay /' |e fee eee 1753)\ ones | Wisconsin Minnesota Lake of Illinois, the Item Lake Woods, Michi- Lake Lake Lake | Rainy gan Michi- Supe- Total Supe- | Lake, | Total gan rior rior and Fishermen: 354 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Lake fisheries of the United States, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By STATES AND LAKES—Continued Wisconsin Minnesota Lake of Tllinois, the errs Lake Woods, Michi- Lake Lake Lake | Rainy gan Michi- Supe- Total Supe- | Lake, | Total gan rior rior and ama- kan Lake Boats: Number | Number | Number| Number | Number | Number |Number J 16) 50) oS Se a ee Ws rp Se 4 148 64 212 244 82 326 Other28 222 ee a er 1 168 52 220 152 24 176 Apparatus: Hanl'seings.2. = 2 = Sa - 0 See ee HO esses sek Sin 9 605 ta |e ee hensth syardse sos. s0 <3 eee oe 1S, O28cie sacs asee 18,628 ||. ac or ee Gill nets: “‘Shoal’’, 244 to 334 inches__ 1, 381 9, 430 1, 025 10, 455 S/ 237) eee 3, 237 Square yards_________- 312, 030 | 2, 302,700 | 255, 480 | 2, 558, 180 | 918, 570 |_______-- 918, 570 “‘Shoal’’, 4 to 6 inches_-____ 1, 366 14, 621 1, 591 16, 212 1, 391 244 1, 635 Square yards-._._--...- 434, 640 | 4,477,305 | 532, 660 | 5,009, 965 | 420,066 | 74,930 | 494, 996 iramimellmetsss<2- see cae oe a ee ee Be Seo ee Fl ers be eal he py SCUaLO) yards eee nen es eernnenee 140) | 35 -s 140%|- 33. ee eee ines: ETP Obset cos rok ee see ea es eee ee ee 546 134 680 434s | eee 434 IHooks=2 2a Ee eS 176,650 | 28, 550 205, 200"; -86;:750' |Z Sesees 86, 750 IRounGmnets a2 see eee 1 25 GLa. S286 ee 76 rap inetss Se <3. WEE Seer Bee wal eras 6 Sh 16 2 1942 a ee eee GVO Metso ae. a eee eae tA eT 793 19 S12 unease 105 105 Wrawishipots=a. eee eee Rese 3) 680)|Sese sane 3; 680 ee ee ee OnGS 2 25a. sae So PSs ee Sa ol ee Os eee bd ree teat a2) Ricks! fase te ea ee = ee 2) | ee Saee 1a ee oe ee | ees OPERATING UNITS OF LAKE ONTARIO:! By GEAR Gill nets Pee ee ee Total, ater Haul Trot | Trap | Fyke | exclusive = seines |‘‘Shoal’’,|‘‘Shoal’’,|‘‘Shoal’’,|‘‘Shoal’’,| lines nets nets | of dupli- 214 to 334] 4to6 6 to 10 | 10 to 14 cation inches | inches | inches | inches Fishermen: Number| Number | Number | Number | Number |Number|Number|Number| Number Onivesselss a2) 5. soa 8. | eseesenen|secanaccn|seoweuses|Secceese | =ate=es [ese 3 On boats and shore: Rerulars-s2.2= 6 54 45 7 | Pe 4 29 18 94 Casualeree es ee 15 2 3 7 20 8 2 53 Totales eae 6 72 47 7 7 24 37. 20 150 Wessels, “motor ~-2.2 2] -2 = 3 Lilt Boo] eee Eo | Sanaa |e | ee ee 1 Net tonnaze----..-|---...-- sf: | Seas ets 2) ES ee ee Cee eee (ees eee ae 18 Boats: ING) (0) cape ee 2 25 20 Ale 6 3 Eee 4 12 6 43 Otheresce- 2. ee 3 15 49 ene 7 19 15 9 61 Apparatus: Nampber:-— esses 3 640 602 164 10 23 137 162i) 25522 Length, yards_-_-- 183) secs eee es = ee ee ee ee ee ee Square yardss== 2s e 2-22 91,950 | 79,580} 21,320 15150)| 22-2] ese. |.2 oes eee FTOOKS SSAau Wek SAE te: SR ER. eee Sb. See oe esl | ee ee eae 6;810°| 2222.24). eS eee 4 Includes Niagara River below the Falls and the St. Lawrence River. FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 3505 Lake fisheries of the United States, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS OF LAKE ERIE:? By GEAR Gill nets Tram- Haul Trot | Pound Item seines | “Bull”, | ““Shoal’’,|‘‘Shoal”, | ‘Shoal’, ae lines | nets 3 to 36 | 24 to 334, 4to6 10 to 14 inches inches inches inches ——— ee ee ee eee Fishermen: Number| Number | Number | Number | Number |Number|Number| Number RRR OUR 88 ioc coe ct 107 254 72. (es eS a | oes a ee ek On boats and shore DL aes eae = a fe Re ae 30 27 11 16 14 31 OECD) Sie 1 oeeee pis ein Sent 9 2 7 3 35 2 AS 7 Je De eee 415 107 293 249 18 19 49 33 Vessels: RRR Ae oan eee eens [Eee 7 25 Dil | eee oe Ne a ees INetitonnage:)7--—- |i es 215 677 526. oo = sek bao ee ee 1) Typ eels aie HS ap pede. (eS Sioa ee 14 23 OF lbs |e ee ee INetionnage <2 Lahti 127 228 189 ice Sock oe eee oie eae ee otal VOSS. =— ss] = 2a 5o8 21 ASeotey 4 4! (h des sesh [ee ene ee ee eee |e oe Total net tonnage--}_____-_- 342 905 706 lie ta Sas Seles |b se Boats Walon. soe cont ce (ised ee 11 8 9 8 9 12 Oni: SE Ri setae cb gl ee See 7 4 1 4 36 13 Apparatus: MMAR a= on 179 884 10, 899 5, 840 108 211 54 73 Wenpin: ‘yands- =*22 -- ROMO EE See cle cee OR ete eee en | Ae ee Nunarea yaros-ooo 2) 320, 892 |1, 730, 010 |1, 475, 812 22,494)" 8862) |e seaseee ee DEL LDL iepe 2 oan AR ate] Det rer a Cat | RNE Na S La (ReneP) ( 2 20 ee AD 455) [Pe ee ee T D Crowf pie rap Fyke ip rowfoot P exclusive Ttem nets nets nets bars Picks | By hand | of dupli- cation Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number (OD FeET SSL Sc taal, Te ea able Re ei Beans pe | am ae RY oo |e ea ae | (eee ee (ae eee ee aeeeeee SP 329 On boats and shore: pspintars 28 8 CLES E Lae eli ee ieee 9 oT a is SP ae Vessels: Say seer ae ah Es a i es ee ee | eee ee le eee enn eas ae Sey eee LO Ra Tre Cis Se ee eee ek S| aegis Se as |e See nee ee Ee ee ee WIRD $2 Samii sae Sagi ae pai tein dado | (ea aE | IP SO EO een ee ee EEN IAISTINOO Pe oe sf ts ee ote en oe Soe a OS ee eee eee eS ANT OUS S F es | (ae | | |e ee (ee ee a ese Total net tonnage 2 Includes Niagara River above the Falls. 176453—33——14 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Lake fisheries of the United States, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS OF LAKE HURON: By GEAR Gill nets Lines Haul Pound Item seines **Shoal’’, | ‘‘Shoal’’, nets 244 to 334 4to6 Hand Troll Trot inches inches Fishermen: Number | Number Number | Number | Number | Number | Number ONPVeSSOISHS = os 5252 s8 Ls eee 75 hy ee ee ea 72 3 On boats and shore: Regular Ss. 22.5 -b 176 175 ZEA ha 2 SOREL" Dee eae 54 314 Casual:- hee Op aay ay a 35 45 3 1 i 2 Mota 2 Geese Sts 176 285 424 3 1 127 352 Vessels: Steame- >. oc 04 2a Sao she |S a eee 7 A Nee eal ete So ok ae 7 2 INefstonnagesle. 2 =| 5225s 126 TAS ee: ny) Rae ee 148 16 IMO LORS =c> sacs nee | eee 10 7-1 es ee ae| Mee hea 6 10 Net tonnage’. ---2-.|2-- 2 183 BAT sl a Sane | Pens 122 62 Motal vessels==- ==. S252 17 48 | ae ee el fae pe as 13 12 Total net tonnage-_|_________- 309 (27 | el ee Sd 270 78 Boats: Niotonea--= 53 95 129 Lite ewer he 24 104 Others st 23 28 32 1 1 6 96 Apparatus: INGmMmber: 22s es 74 2, 018 7, 043 2 1 117 612 ihength, vardso os - 33,104. [Satay sess slesteescese ct ete Le eee ee | Square-yardse 226s. 2 ie ee 530;,430"|(9'2, 246:'670) |= 2 al ee ee eee TOO KS PE a ease Ea pele Ps | al cee 4 2 | > 110;400"|222="ssee5 I T Fyk Crowf a be rap yke rowfoot . exclusive Item SCE aie Spears pars Picks | By hand of dupli- cation Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number Onavessels 39. ae LH ih eens (ic Rey as |e Oe eee ek (Cae ee 236 On boats and shore: Regulars. 22-5 ee 523 | eres = ie os 8 oe 885 Castel s20 oe ae es Se ee 1 1 3 8 4 61 Motaliz= 22.25 ee ee Ee 576 73 1 3 8 4 1, 182 Vessels hi Steam ees soo ee ele heed |e ees beers pe ee ee 15 NOG POM AS Oe Ete i ea eter ae a a Sn 247 Motors ee A ees 20) ee a ee | ee eee 50 iINetatonnage:=_.-<.ae N62) see a ee | Se 546 Motaliavessels=22-- see 20 Je | ee ee Dk la ee 65 Total net tonnage -__-_ 162: eel ee ee al ie ee 793 Boats: INI) (0) oe, 177 264] tee oa SS DO rs EN Pen met 337 Otherss-6 5-2 ee BS 58 14 1 2 Qi {y=2 Sees 200 Apparatus: Number.-_-----.---- 2, 497 377 1 3 8 [223 ee eee FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 357 Lake fisheries of the United States, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS OF LAKE MICHIGAN: By GEAR Gill nets Lines _———— | Tram Haul Pound Item seines | ‘‘Shoal”’, | ‘‘Shoal’’, | ‘‘Shoal”’, me nets 214 to 334 4to6 6 to 10 Troll | Trot inches inches inches Fishermen: Number| Number | Number | Number |Number|Number|Nwmber| Number On avessels<-o oose ean 3 560 914 12, eee eee 214 73 On boats and shore: pears. . Soh ose 104 251 CUT a 21 220 Woatals 22s 223. 128 1, 031 Vessels: CST ee 2 hs Sig Re Se en (ee 32 WNGULONRAPO.. 23.5 25)Geeacs- 646 Wigtor<2o Stes 2 ee 1 154 Net tonnage-_-_-.__--- 6 1,715 Total vessels -_---- 1 186 300 Bel ee | eee 65 27 Total net tonnage- 6 2, 361 3, 634 66%) 2.28064 |Geeeeeoe 1, 024 235 Boats [iNT] Ty eae se Sa Bene ll 150 220) Soe ae ee ee eee. 9 25 160 Ciher sees oF a 43 66 it | See (yal Pees ee 12 112 Apparatus iN pili): ree aes 51 17, 199 43, 227 180 5 15 632 781 enpth;-yards-------2-.- 18-828) |. 325.2- e/a ek e[Gees Ses SL eee | oe eee Bavaro yards..- 8.5202). S 22. . 3, 993, 909 |11, 750, 957 34, 200 JA0) e225 hee eee Oe ee ee ae |e one. ee Secs Se Sano ane ta ee ae eee een em eaw ee 15-|312, 850) |p 2252 Total, ex- Craw- | Crow- aly Trap | Fyke . By _|clusiveof Item nets 1) nets fish foot | Tongs} Picks | pong duplica- pots bars tion Fishermen: Number| Number| Number| Number|Number|Number|Number| Number TGV EGREIS = eS 37 [rs (le eee) Eee ee |e ee | ee ee 1,012 On boats and shore: (eae 8 2 eee 118 145 1 ee a | A ee 77 ATCT ae sae ee. Oe 1 23 36 230 9 169 67 1, 008 WNT | ella te Sree are “a8 156 223 37 230 9 169 67 2, 790 Vessels: A) Pc oe ae ana aes LU ee ee eee (ee eae (eter me ey ae ba 58 Neb -Onnare._-22. 5 28255 se 1 Wa (2 Sees Hi ay bap os | S| ee eae eee 1,179 Lorie, eee EE ee een Bile Je ee eee 11 P| |e eens Aiea ese | oe at ee ea EL LS 278 Net tonnage--.:.-....--...- 110 IRS i eS |S ee a) oes ee eee ea ee 3, 038 otal -vessels=2-= 222522... 12 a] | A ee ol fs P| OO RS | | ee EH Ua eee 336 Total net tonnage_-_-_---- 125 YS) ph Ail 0 es BR! | SoS gel | Be aE) | os CEs 4, 217 Boats UGE een ee ieee e 53 Si Ie = ae pU N | ee pea 35 524 (2 LETTS ae RES ACA Ale 23 49 37 160 9 JAB 2e3 2 538 Apparatus: Number-_-...---.---.-- 378 853 | 3,680 411 9 169 358 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Lake fisheries of the United States, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS OF LAKE SUPERIOR: By GEAR Gill net Li ill nets ines Total, Haul Pound | Trap | Fyke | &XU- oe seines | “‘Shoal’’, | ‘“‘Shoal’’, nets | nets | nets aver 2% to 334} 4to6 |Hand| Troll | Trot pe inches inches Num- Num- | Num- Fishermen: Number| Number | Number ber |Number|Number|Number| ber ber |Number Onivesselss..S-S)usees = 3 65 963)222 0. (Pee ee 65 6. 224 aes 117 On boats and shore: Regular------ 16 744 5g 4 3|e 22 Se ee eee 306 73 24 16 987 Casuale=- = 2 35 40 2 10 2G'|_ <2 S-=s4\t- | 96 Total2=2222 18 844 670 2 10 397 79 26 16 1, 200 Vessels: Steam lessons 3 fo) [eel (EA eae 6. Sac oes Pee eee 8 Net tonnage-.-}___._._- 92 TGSS |= 2 |S 0 ee eee a pet 168 IMOtOn 2 oar ee = ak 20 Pe tee el Veet a 16 2 pe aes 32 Net tonnage-_-|_-.._--- 169 ZV ZH = | 115 16 9°) Sess 278 Total ves- Selss= 22. a|2 es ced 23 Bo) Sona ses ae eee 22 2 pe ee 40 Total net tonnage: 5|226.-<2 261 SO0E| a soe eee eae 239 16 Q:)-Sase 446 Boats Wrotome:ss25.2 1 360 279) Vases 5 169 33 11 7 479 Other 8 181 Ay Ws RS eeu | Ae 24 35 10 7 253 Apparatus: Number 2-222. 9 6, 572 8, 471 50 15} 1,349 131 85 25)\|Qaee ee Heneth, yards. 2)" 1, 217 [i222 |e ee 2a ee ee be ee ee re Square yards_-_-|.--.---- 1, '696,'S60:|) 2):711,:340): |_.= 222.5. =--_|Socs2 Le ee eee eee TL OOKS hea i en ee oe 50 31 411, (554; 5 5=| 3 22 |e ee ee OPERATING UNITS OF LAKE OF THE WOODS: RAINY LAKE, AND NAMAKAN LAKE: ° Y GEAR Gill nets “a ” Total, ex- Item chow , Found Fyke nets} clusive of inches duplication Fishermen: Number | Number | Number | Number Ontboatsiand' shore; hegular=s see eee ee oe 66 43 35 109 Boats: IMGtOT sae eee te eae ees eee eae 66 18 28 82 Other i Sec ee Su ose at oe ee ss es a aes ae ee 18 8 24 Apparatus: Number Square yards 74, 930 OPERATING UNITS: By STATES AND COUNTIES New York Item St. Ca- | Chau- . | Jeffer-| Mon- |,;. Or- |Oswe- yuga|tauqua| Et@ |’ son | roe |Ni8Fljeans| go poe Num- Num- | Num-; Num- Num-| Num- | Num- Fishermen: ber |Number| ber ber ber |Number| ber ber ber Ontvesselsecue 8255 eae cie eee 73 On boats and shore: Regilar: $2 see 2s eee eee COPAT Ri [ia ee ee ee Totals ke > ee Vessels: Steant sso ee ees ce ees Net tonnage_- IMOLOnSe sae 3 Exclusive of operating units used in the mussel fisheries of streams tributary to the Great Lakes. i, ee). 2 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 359 Lake fisheries of the United States, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By StaATEs AND counTIES—Continued New York ava Ca- | Ch Jeffer-| M Or- |O St ‘a- au- effer- on- |,;; r- sSwe- = yuga|tauqua| E™!@ |"son | roe |Ni88raljeans| go Pane Num- Num- | Num- | Num- Num-| Num- | Num- Boats: ber |Number| ber ber ber |Number| ber ber ber Se eee a es Se es ae RAs TG hee hi linekan a Glaae Alaska LA re OIL oe ee DA EG) 9 py ae ie tele As (eae TT 17 20 26 7 19 4 7 7 Apparatus: BSE OGIIDSA er 28 oe Soe ee 1b] See eee 3) a emcee A ee Al | aA a _| | pe Length, ATURE oe eee rece See L638) 222526 AB str etl eet et ae a Ne ee Gill ne oBuil”, 3 to 336 inches- . ....|_.-.-- OU De oe aan = Ses no) Sh na 8 aloe tas sees |e eee [eee ee BauAravards. 252" = see Ga Ee a Pee eee Seen es Peer 58 ee eae “Shoal”, 244 to 334 inches____ 51 616 6 80 86 67 47 280 beak Sduare'yards-. 2=.=-=-.=-- 8, 085} 109, 440} 1, 200} 11, 250) 11, 610 9, 045] 6, 345) 35, 050}_---__- *SShoal’,4-to 6:inches 2--2- s=-| 2-5-2 Po | aaeeenee 257 45 18 34 186) __- MOMETO WATS: aan aoe eee 642; 204) = =. 31,975] 5,625) 2,250) 4, 250) 27, 730|_-.-__. MSE SST May Cpe eU eas eal 2 Na 8 0 ae 3 Se Oe eee eee 164i2 8s S40 SAT 18 (PI a ae NP as DE | ey | ee eS ee aay ences PALEY. teen Se PASHOAI +. 10 tO)14 Inches. &2 |) ee |e 108) 28 oe eee ee ee re 1S Ee SUMALOVREOSS aoe aon se ce eee ee 22, AOA ee eee 2 ee eee ee ya See Lines: PT) ae a ee ee a ll 31 4 1 19 1 2 OOK Sean See eS oo 28S 2,150] 6, 655) 950 500} 4,550 10 500} 2, 400 SEYAD NOtsea= ae abet Se SE EN 23 Ny | ees ame ee eE! ta ee ee LISA o AS} See eS SR a TS) (CaS, (dees renee 147 HRS 2ee Es 22a eee Penn- New York— : ; sylva- Ohio Continued nia Item Wayne} Total | Erie ae van Erie | Lake |Lorain|Lucas Num- |Num-| Num- |Num- Fishermen: Number|Number|Number|Number|Number| ber ber ber ber LET LIT EE Ee Ic ete eae ats) | Ree 22 fi era ae ey i) ee On boats and shore: eer nlan se kee ae (OCT ke Sees PEERS a See Tetalc2s 2 ste Tees Vessels: Sjepourare te SE ee Ee eed (eee NAIR COUBAOO = ae nao a=. <2 |=55 82 LY AT 7) la ee aS ee eae Wettonnageis. -tsiae- 2 :|-e- oo Wie VORSEI re eens eee nee Total net tonnage-.__._--|-------- Boats: Wa | ee eee Oe eres OU a ee ER Apparatus JE VTO1 aie: eS Se eee eee ae IBSR SRN, VRCdS oe aes See ee Gill nets: “Bull”, 3 to 3%6 inches Sq uare pt ee Sn ee “shoal”. Oi to 334 inches_ ‘ 1,240} 3, 220/__ Square yards i 199, 200/473, 000} _- “Shoal’’, 4 to 6 inches_ J 2s 90 SGuare yaros. 232] Shoal”*s'6 to 10 inches <2. :}_-_-...- Squspevards. us eet “Shoal’’, 10 to 14 inches-_-_-_|_.._._-- Square yardss 2227s F -2 22 Trammel nets Mec] Beets Mes 28 STS es Le eee 360 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Lake fisheries of the United States, 1931—-Continued OPERATING UNITS: By STATES AND COUNTIES—Continued Item Fishermen: Regular Net tonnage__-----.-------- Motor Apparatus: Haul seines Length, yards Gill nets: “Shoal’’, 214 to 334 inches_- Square yards “Shoal’’, 4 to 6 inches Square yards Trammel nets Ohio—Continued Michigan Otta- | San- Alle- An- | Are- wa | dusky Total |Alcona} Alger gan Alpena trim | nae Num-| Num- | Num- | Num-| Num-| Num-| Num- | Num-|Num- ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber Venaane ee etee se OGRE a ae 31 10 38222 5b: {] Seen wee 629 18 30 14 55 8 73 24 14 84) oo ES 2) ee 3 |e eee 213 14 812 18 73 24 96 10} 78 eee oie ae See aeee 5 1 Ala ise totes ee (ee eee 725 ee eee es 76 26 Alice TEEN ess aes eee 1M (Stee te ce 5 2 fees dere ee Avesta SE Seo 1D | aes 42 12 $1 (8-2. eee ee See Qs ee 10 3 (ees ee Eee i S| pie ae O02 | eee 118 38 130| 2232-5 |e Al\eeeee= 214 7 19 7 25 3 29 85 8 268 5 5 2 9 | 7 64 Ob [ea oes | Sire eed U.S eee ee 18 46, 159|\ 2) 172|| SO NORs ress cane ees 300|: == 2222 eee 8, 748 168|s25-5.=5 {O87 eee 6 35 307 14 48 20,;200|22- == - = (i) ae 1,650} 5,810) 99,775) 3, 500/11, 536 1 | ee 186) esse" 2 949, 360 700 19 147 T800|sars2 5 27,900) 222228 354, 505) 63, 000; 227, 500) 4, 750)38, 970 eels Ie cee 210) -2-2222|22. Bee | 2232222 |22 eS ee eee Fishermen: On vessels On boats and shore: Regular Minton eli vies Waa Total vessels Total net tonnage Apparatus: Haul seines Length, yards Gill nets: “Shoal’’, 244 to 334 inches- - Square yards “Shoal’’, 4 to 6 inches Square yards Bar- aga Bay Num- ber ber Ben- zie woe ene Bea 119 7] 66 1 Bliceay ale eae Ebb ral “Old ees eae 10,446) 2 tye oe 107| 56] 228 14, 980/14, 224| 85, 300 35] 299] 1, 266 5, 810176, 174|658, 053 Michigan—Continued Che- : Ber- | Charle- Chip- Em- rien | voix | P°Y- | pewa| Delt@ | met gan Num-| Num- | Num-| Num-| Num- |Num jie ber ber ber ber ber 106 5 9 16 35 74 14 4 2 1 21 51 3 176 484 153 190 792 68 55, 060} 121,000) 35, 430} 19,400} 108, 930}10, 761 986 5,065) 1,004) 1,001 6,025) 205 323, 858/1, 266, 250/229, 448/273, 924]1, 319, 960/25, 753 ound Nets-—. 26. eae ee PPrap Nets: -3..0 so ea ee Fyke nets 2 25 66 150) ll a Me as Se 411 179 oe 13 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 361 Lake fisheries of the United States, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By STATES AND coOUNTIES—Continued Michigan—Continued Grand Ke- Go- y. | Hough- lruron| Iosco | wee- erse ton naw | Bau Num-| Num- | Num- | Num-| Num-| Num-| Num- Fishermen: : ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ope ORES Sh oe Ea pn ee 9 12 27 39 3 Vessels: SSC 6 hae = Sold pth a a renee el por ao Neh wnRere.2 Fee 2 se se UNO ne os ee Soe Lth2| rep ead): 1: ae ae ae en (EB (otal vessels. =e 2s 22e,| ee Total net tonnage-._--___-|_____- Apparatus: HHanleaines-. 3 == 2. use s2e mengeh> VaArOs= 2. see 5== Gill nets: “‘Shoal’’, 244 to 334 inches- 52 264 956 168) 25 716 C7 ee 940 Square yards____-__-_- 7,840! 46,050) 213, 550! 48, 583) 7, 910!188, 870/208, 299!_______ 194, 010 ‘Shoal’’, 4 to 6 inches_-__- 80 431 1, 374 689} 1,177} 1,717) 2,453 6| 2, 843 ii Square yards! _._..=_.- 2, 600} 126,990) 396, 860/236, 601 491, 186 515, 100|579, 090} 1,000) 899, 225 ines: ALRU) (0 aes RE (eee 8) Se EE (ee Oe (Se Se ile ees eee Hog keane ot Fe eae S| PE ES) | TSS (IE 2S ee 2 pein. 3 ee ee Mirgusees ose ese ne See 10 2 125 40S LEZ, 280l) oh Bis ses 2 6 18 C71) ‘ccf ae ee 5,000} 1,200) 62,500} 39, 600) 13, sn 55, 454| 18, si ue eo 3, 000 nce TB ys = Sack Ae eG. he 28 4 243 8 3 223 UNE 1G) at ee es ee 38 5 558 a 1 5H pense nt 150 JNGAUS EES ee eo ed ee | Se eee sae 148 | ERO S| eR |e oS ee Michigan—Continued Item Me- On- Man-| Mar- | Ma- - | Mon- | Mus- Otta- : nomi- Oceana | tona- istee |quette} son Tide roe | kegon gon wa Num-\ Num-| Num-| Num-| Num-| Num-| Num- | Num-| Num- Fishermen: ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber (G1 Te ke a oe ee ae 16 9 19 14\(a 21 6 ll 42 On boats and shore Peiinte wee: ee 5 ee 2 13 8 53 78 23 4 9 24 Crasnal 2 S08 e OS 3 Tee 7 ed 5 61 3 4 6 2 J UT EN Ese ae es . Sere 25 30 27 72 139 47 14 26 68 Vessels: ioe ead a ta (er aera bie aa (ge 2 | ee ee pare Ser Se Rees (eee a 1 1] Sa (ee P|) =p tone 2 6 INU LONMAPE.- =20= 6 soe oo eee 41 ii le SS SE CS Ae eae 5 51 94 UN) See A. 6 1 7 Aint 6 3 1 4 iNet tonnages-2) 2-2 24-2 =- - 50 6 67 (yd Cee 54 30 6 39 Totalovessels--_ 422... 6 2 8| ligt Ere 8 3 3 10 Total net tonnage_-_-_.__-- 50 47 82 (| oe 72 30 57 133 Boats: ‘J ix Tie ae oT ee EOL eee 8 ee ee 3 10 2 23 32) 1l 2 9 15 Oi eet) tee To See ee eee 4 2 4 16 37 4 2 1 4 Apparatus VSS TST eee ele See oe ee ee ee Lae 2 ee AD eee Se ee, Pength, Si | 2 Se Pie i ipea Nie aa i174) |-¥ esi ee pe DA es pkey Ee ay | De a | Gill net “Shoal”, 244 to 3% inches_- 81 i {13 Ee eae 400) 222 295 10 142 884 Square yards.._..-...-- 15, 066} 16, 160)_____-- 12), 200 sea sone 52, 150 1, 500) 50, 360/201, 296 “shoal”, 4 to 6 inches____-- 802 452 808), 22; 18liza-2s== 1, 055 369 265} 1,355 Square Hrs] eee 148, 572/208, 640/202, 000}541, 400)______- 180, 325] 70, 830/103, 300/291, 890 362 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Lake fisheries of the United States, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By STATES AND COUNTIES—Continued Michigan—Continued ae Pres- | g Sani- }School-| st. | T ; agi- | Sani- | School- t. us- | Van te naw | lac | craft | Clair | cola |Buren| V@y2¢| Total ; Num-| Num-| Num-| Num- | Num-| Num-| Num-| Num- Fishermen: ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber Number Onnvesselss23e esr eed 7. fe sa | fu ea 33 10 4 22) = se ee 785 On boats and shore PBR ULAT Ge one Se eee 1 13 23 15 28 26 6 32 1,772 (ORS Be sO ES a SO Ya 3 3 6 1 Vee ae eal 40 369 Mo talaee set er eee 35 13 26 51 44 32 28 72 2, 926 Vessels: Fee | Haas a | ae |e Cane | | Ol FS Avs \2 11 0 Ee ee Re So Me Se Pee arn mre | ep ona ad Pe 2 Ol awe 4 | ea ees) 52 ING tLOnMn ar enw emer. aa ae eee a ee eee 28 CA hein 67-2 872 VEO TOTS ea aa ees eee fs} Beet a) Me ace (7) We 2 2| sone soe 189 Net tonnace--2e 2 aS OO) ae She Se 1G ese 16 AD eee ee 1, 868 Total vessels___._._-_-- | nena es | eerie 8 2 2 6|_ = 241 Total net tonnage_--__- 10,0] PaRS ed 3 Viket AE 138 41 16 69) ee 2,740 Boats SS ee NOLO) RE, Secs BO a 4 2 9 7 13 9 3 12 787 Others el ee ee see See is 13 8 7 | pepe eee 19 444 Apparatus: Hauliséines 28) *. bis ee Ee ae i | ogee ee Pre Ree a ie 28 5 eae DF 153 benett VATS! ete ca | bek cee G5) ee 2 cae a. Ta 705| 5222255 6, 095 53, 845 Gill nets “Shoal”, 214 to 334 inches 421 2 108 239 415 115 340 14 10, 325 Square Vards: 22 1738, 310) 532) 25,435] 78, 900} 53, 095) 30, 600) 59, 448} 2, 330} 2, 334, 910 “Shoal’’, 4 to 6 inches_ __ 167 10 120 1, 012 644 125] 1,128) 10 39, 334 = Square yards---_----- 64, 990} 2, 660! 31, 920} 302, 600/235, 704) 37, 092/185,010) 1, 666/10, 725, 206 ines: 15 G75 og (ete © te man Sa ua na | ss Se ee lero | A | Oe [Be “ied [Pe oo) I 2 52 em Ie aie |e ey 54 11 By 0) | [SGA AS py ues ea Esp [ae aay Ve are (ees Nec! MR ae gm al (OM om By | PSE ele ee ts 31 2, Nel eee 48 rots oe SS eee a Ee a SS SR DEE a ieee 8) ae 4 984 MEE [es 542, 854 Poundinetsss-2 =. 2th Se ae Re Re 45 lhey | ra 7 eee een 1, 232 Trap nets_- 3, 062 Fyke nets_ 984 Dip nets__- 1 Spears 1 Crowfoot bars 346 125 () .¢:/iege eee ROME) tee mae | 5 2 SEMEN (enone hap! Vek fe aetna os peed Seer Se ole oe 715 Wisconsin Item | Lake ere Porter} Total | Cook | Lake | Total fon Bey Num-| Num-| Num- | Num-| Num-| Num-| Num- | Num- Fishermen: ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber | Number OneVeSsel se ae ae ed 2 16)-==<2-2 18 23 22 Able seee 41 On boats and shore Revular: <2 ase he 2 (Nase Stes 6 8 3 11 7 109 @asialla heros shoe ae 1 9 2 11D) SS | ae eee 8 20 Totals ope. ae ee ok 5 29 2 36 31 25 56 15 170 Vessels SSS SSS SSS SSE SU cee h ce ae ee ATP ee ERE pelea Wt i esses 1 il 1 Dy stale ees INetitonndee =) Besse 2. 228 See D6) see 26 16 13 20) sche eae IVE Ob Or en GRP el as ae 1 Pi Nee ne ee 5 7 4 gi | ge 14 Net-tonnarese: 22. 12 64 eaaaere 76 78 64 142) 142 Dota Vesselsse =e) sees! 1 fi haga 6 8 5 $3). .28 14 Total net tonnage_-_-_----- 12 1 ee 102 94 77 | eee 142 Boats aa cll Sa ell DVeaieal| Ma | ral | I (0) (0) Geer es eRe a eae a pT 2 9 1 12 3 1 4 4 54 OPH eR see eet eee at 1 | Peek aes ata lee oe 2 pie ieee 1 1 7 35 Apparatus: Gill nets: “‘Shoal’’, 24% to 334 inches- - - 31 356 18 405 657 724) 1,381 2 990 Square yards---_-------- 3, 963) 91,916) 3, 960) 99, 839])119, 430}192, 600 312) 030 400} 247, 250 <*Shoal>?, 400 6 1NCHeS- 4-0 |=2 ee ASR She eee 448 498 868) 1, 366 93 1, 449 Square -yardsos ss eee seen 120 756|o eee 120, fe 122, 040/312, 600 434, 640} 12, 270 512, 060 *Shoal??; 6 tol0inchesso—-—_|_ nee 180) 22. 2), 180). 322 2 | Bee ee ee Se eee BaUaresvards: sono eso eee 34, 200). -2=-4- 34, 200 pe pees) ee a ee eal Wee || eo Lines: DROPS ae re oe es een eee esac e peel Soe Ee ee eee ere 134 HOOKS. 2 sate oe ee a a | te eee eee 28, 550 Pound n6ts.2 Se ee 2) errs 3 Oa eee 1 i ee eer 60 WVKGINOUS! — oc 22 CE See i ee | | oe | ee eee ee ee 2 13 CLO WOOM DATS foresee | gee Le cee ee 70 (eee) | eee ee eee FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 363 Lake fisheries of the United States, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By STATES AND couUNTIES—Continued Wisconsin—Continued oe Doug Ken- Ke- Man- | Mar- Mil- Ocon- Brown| Door |“jg5 | 1foD | osha heat itowoc| inette sha to Num-| Num-| Num-| Num-| Num-| Num-| Num- | Num- Fishermen: Number| Number | ber ber ber ber ber ber ber ber Cirvecsoles. cone ek 50 185 | eae 34 30 37 29 48 40 On boats and shore Regular=-2-.--...<- 91 61 7 3 2 4 23 yi | oak 81 UL Cr That ae ee ee 56 162 («| eee 16 32) 20 61 21 52 Ota ete ae 197 358 13 3 52 66 80) 107 69 173 Vessels: Bteeme==s-5e 2 een: Bee Jee ee Fee ee Se 1 1 || | Oe hl aS Net tonnage----_--_- g6 la ees Su | ees | ee 30 19 || [ean gel Paty fe aes = LAT) 9) seh = AE ee 20 O5|E eee seeeo 10 10 Tine 2 i 116 Net tonnage--.----- 158 Bab tec [Beas es 182 101 203} < 95 31 137 Total vessels-- --- 21 Teepe | ace ee 11 11 12) 12) 12 516 Total net tonnage 171 BGG len a eee | aie 212 120 221 95 242 137 Boats TCG) ee ae ee ee 22 44 5 1 6 4 11 13 4 31 Oi 0 2 as 49 9 8 2 10 3 16 11 16 24 Apparatus: isu? Seles = Sos 2552 bi) OR Sf a ee ey (Ee See levrene 5 7) eee 13 pensth, yards=-2:-- LOPTOAN ee essere eee eee 400| Fees Se 766 450| 222 oes 6, 090 Gill net “Shoal”, 214 to 334 NONE Lee Ae Se 340 2, 480 24 9 559) 315} 1, 548 947} 1,035) 1,500 Square yards-.--| 37,400} 876,170} 6,930 900}202, 410]114, 090/280, 805}137, 105/177, 210}185, 980 “Shoal’’, 4 to 6 in- cnas= 2 893 5, 572 36 ole 470 474 857| 1,874) 1,672) 2,063 Square yards__-_} 132, a 538, 600} 6,570} 1, 760)211, 140|106, 270/144, oo 379, 656) 341, 600 282) 614 CSET APTTYS EE) Cd aR (NTO |G Se) (ARR P| Ste el SLE SN es ar eee os! erase ea ene Square yards--_---- 100 ee ee Sa (ee eee = ae ee 40 es Db ee eens es: v1 Wat) Reo RS AN ee: GS | ee 111 CE | es ee ees | a 12 ea ee ee Rs (Re el eae 36;,150]| 22; 900) <--=—=|-=----- 13200|=2-=-== Round mais s2 2 02s 27 62 1 p= eee ge SE EA 6 16 1 41 UD SUPT TEG Ghee. eal SE ee | Wo! 2) ee oes Alb eee k ee eee ees OV ES MPLS: - 52s Sere 2 2 465 37 Aes ars 1 40 13 25 2 208 Crawfish pots__...----- ESCs 210) |e = cd FS FAS Ea cern (EE res el eel |e eee (ale AEP be Wisconsin—Continued Minnesota Roseau Item She- and Ozau-| Ra- Kooch- . boy-| Total | Cook | Lake |.) - Lake | Total kee | cine gan iching es of the Woods ‘ Num-| Num- |Num-| Num- | Num- Fishermen: ber ber ber ber ber OTe Rens TUE ge SR 7 RR Vie oD | bd es CR em | ee (ee rae td cd So bs On boats and shore Fa - LH lf See a ee 226 26 83 Garrininseaeeen eae. ot Dis ieee LO = AGS cette cee ees ee G22 6 | De ee a 226) 26 64 83 644 Vessels: Sree aE RS ee a | ene | eect SS a |e) ere ee ce UT Ppr arenes qs ee Ser ns me 7 DY tal by) | el (|S Se ees eee eee TLE pete AS STR a See ge GT a a aR | a 2 ;) a | Ree el (6 SE bee (peewee a (Eee Be SLMS gE a Sg SU) | TE) i Ua (| (a De (Sp ee ee Ree ee fos ae ren GVenneine eee ee Oe ae Bl) bin TRE ee Se ee le se leben eee Wott ray tonuaves |) IS6)0 ADB) MA2b) ee AaB lee hoe sk ooo] oan ca [boeeeeleeeees Boats: 1) 1) SPSS EE ere lll 19 23 63 326 Opt ee eS ee ee 70: 7 24 17 176 364 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Lake fisheries of the United States, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By STATES AND COUNTIES—Continued Wisconsin—Continued Minnesota Roseau Item She- and Ozau-| Ra- Kooch-| St. = boy- | Total | Cook | Lake |<"). ..| Lake | Total kee | cine gan iching | Louis of the Woods Num-|Num-|Num-| Num- | Num-| Num-| Num- |Num-| Num-| Num- Apparatus: ber ber | ber ber ber ber ber ber ber | ber FER AtURSOINCS 22s 2a ee loa Beet 1 60). 2..-2| 65.52.) 2422. 22.|5e2--5| Wenephreyards2es sem. 0) oe ee Bisse 100)" 18; 528/222 22) ee ee | ee Gill Ae YoY 44 “Shoal’’, to 334 mMchés=.2 22 aeons 537 68 101 TOR450| el OU 7 | el een 2538p ooaee 3, 237 Square yards___-_- 240, 170|17, 540/33, 820/2, 558, 180/429, 060/410, 760|___---_- 78, (o0|-c aon 918, 570 “Shoal’’, 4 to 6 inches_ 512 42 192 16, 212 610, 550 64 231 180) 1, 635 Square yards_-__--- 244, 600/14, 700|81, 540/5, 009, 965) 179, 020/164, 053) 14, 930|76, 993) 60, 000/494, 996 pamine Mets: ata eee alee ae Ol2ee- tos |Sta2= = = ri SOarevvards 2. 8 | hen ee DAN ee ae | seme oe ines: i DY Obs: eee oo eee 15 146 25 680 381 HOOKS 22e- sae o > ee 6, 000/46, 800! 8, 300} 205, 200} 80, 050 IPOUNGINetS2 Va! a= a ET ee 40 Zaps eee ee Mra nie temas Seana ee Hieeteoee “| [Dae eiel Pewee 18[ees- 2. Soe Vie Mets tee see eS 2 oe 2 6 ese Beal le Ta (Crawhshipotssecsons see ote ee eee oe 3; O80 fee ce eee MONG S200 a es eee eae | ee Bek O|u ss. | eames 1 PAY ie Genta

ae ees PLAGE ee PT age BPE DR Eien ae ee 2, 274 YH Rig ete ae pa) | se SUG See Saas Se ee | te A ee eee ee ee 24, 195 968 340,007 | 13, 600 es a res 6, 325 253 23, 370 1, 188 525, 602 | 13, 140 9, 885 247 STS ear ef 150 45 866 721 See ake aS ale 651 163 Sucker “‘mullet’’._....-___- 11, 400 144 37, 697 377 52,442 | 1,049 34, 405 688 VAR CT a ee re 700 35 21, 895 1, 095 28,352 | 1,134 891 36 Weiiransn common. 22.2 5--|22=-22=-|_-22-.-2 Gs5 987) |) 107, 7EOn ee 8 pee el eee 21, 558 3, 880 Yellow perch..--.-...-..... 5, 350 235 480,214 | 21,129 11, 860 415 | 2,659,585 | 93, 085 Yellowipike:-. ses. see. - 4, 300 533 16, 200 2, 008 12,948 | 1,424 15, O11 1, 651 fii Oe ee oe 72,475 | 3,707 | 5, 057, 984 | 316, 161 | 1, 967,892 | 52,389 | 3, 640, 685 | 139, 126 366 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Lake fisheries of the United States, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR—Continued Ohio—Continued Species Trammel nets Pound nets Trap nets Fyke nets Pounds | Value | Pownds| Value | Pounds Value | Pounds | Value Blue: pikeres Ace _~ Sick Ws Fe 2) Sore Sth | eS es 13, 049 $522 | 7,336,897 | $293, 476 236 550) \10 00 6 ase aaa Stee aR Ey | | SOUR eel (9 A oe | De Ag, PRE eter oa BREE eal ee ee 410 4 Poe lps Ep ekiny same Veins ang eae (Ba ES lh DE NS a 255, 173 2,062... 322252 eee pe rtey a Sh a La 112, 377 | $2,809 | 11, 880 297 107, 546 2, 689 54, 723 1, 368 Catach and bullheads-__-_--_ 564 28 | 8, 537 427 189, 653 9, 483 37, 848 1, 892 Giscot—- seemie Soe aa bee i ct ee 2 25 4 1,819 256 | eee Goldiishee = ssa e ae as 65 (0) Pmt Ba |e 2, 100 21 4, 032 40 INTOOH OVC se ets reg eee ee | eee oc Ret Oe 5, 6382 56 4, 555 46 1, 488 15 Pike iG ACks) ses oe ee eee a Pe Pe a 4, 290 515 1, 540 185 Sarena Sasa ee ea ee ee ae | eee ee ree 1, 617, 896 64, 716 16, 945 678 Sheepshead! sso ae eat 2, 363 59 249 6 928, 802 23, 220 78, 560 1, 964 Strrgeon ees 2 2 es | ee ee ae Dee en) 71 18. |. .222 se eee Sucker!<¢mrllet 7252222 195 4 | 30, 294 605 931, 597 18,632 | 134, 587 2, 692 White ibass=4== 2 Seis ne Nice See a 2, 588 104 326, 635 13, 065 37, 838 1, 514 Wehitefishwcomimonsss sors | es | eee 1, 147 206 546, 844 98, 432 2, 701 486 Wellow. perches = an ee eee ee 2, 121 741 5,732,537 | 200, 639 49, 033 1, 716 Wellow: pikes. 82h e heel eee ea 4, 682 515 Dy 457, 235 | 270, 296 50, 738 5, 581 Mi Xa) 17 eee Ae ay 115, 564 | 2,907 | 80,204 | 2,816 | 20,443,650 | 998,055 | 470,679 | 18,144 Ohio—Continued Michigan Species Total Haul seines Gill nets Lines—Hand : Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value | Pounds} Value Blueipikesse-2— == 15849: '0472|"*$3134961' |= 2 Ss ee a eee BOWines «secs 4 2, 124 21 915 $10 conto ee te eee eee aoe See ee 267, 001 2, 670 95 2 8, 074 $162-|- =e eee Garpiss 22 eaic ar 1, 459, 299 36, 482 | 1, 486, 517 44, 599 1, 100 33)'|2...4 ee Catfish and bull- eR OS see wae eae 321, 122 16, 056 43, 908 4, 644 (2). 5. SO eee eee Git seo eee ee Ree ea ee es 1, 579 111 973, 708 68,169" | eee @iscol ee ere 41, 353 5, 1700 2-2-2 s8soc|-4 222) | ee ee Goldfish- 247 56, 981 576 8, 458 592 |. o_o eee eee Tuakey herring ee ee Se Rs ae ee ee 64, 622 2,262 | 1,048, 600 36,701 ||-- 2 =| eee WAKO trout sees coe ae te oes SES eee 1,775 231 | 4,673,170 607, 510 183 $24 Miooneye! 2s 20, 593 906 sn eee See ee ee ace SS | ee Pike (jacks) ......._ 8, 104 973 5, 205 468 7, 860 707 71 6 RRO CK ASS Besos ete ete eee ea ee cer ened 1, 511 68 181 0 |... eee Sanger]. ose ae 1, 999, 043 79, 962 1, 408 98 122, 490 8,574 |<: 5: eee Sheepshead -_-.__--_ iF 545, 461 38, 636 21, 214 636 98 3 ||. <2 See eee Sr Gee ee ee es | cc en = ee Sie all Cone ea 400 60 |--.-.. 4 ee Sturgeon______----_ 722 AST 22a Te) a ee | ee ee BEecer “‘mullet’’_._| 1, 183, 520 23, 670 222, 256 7, 779 298, 519 10, 448 |)-- eee White bass________. 396, 304 15, 853) || 322-- S22] e 2a aoe) soe552c8s2|-22-2-2 eee eee Whitefish: Common...-.... 572, 250 103;:0049)| 28 SHES Be 2, 671, 082 398, 672 |. ee a| eee IMienominee 2254] sae bao 3s ees a | een so aS ere ee 165, 443 10, 754, |22 eee Yellow perch..._---] 8, 455, 136 295, 929 30, 549 2, 289 213, 965 16,048 | 2,198 165 Yellow pike._.-._-- 2, 540, 614 279, 467 28, 204 4, 936 60, 728 10, 627 76 13 Total_....--- 26, 718, 674 | 1, 213,437 | 1,918,216 | 68,725 | 10, 245, 490 | 1,168,472 | 2,528 208 7 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 367 Lake fisheries of the United States, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR—Continued Michigan—Continued Species Lines—Continued Pound nets Trap nets _ Troll Trot Pounds| Value| Pounds Value a Mor Pounds | Value LSD 1E) 2 SS ES Be eed (RS See ES eee ae ee Se ee 7 1, 467 15 Led 7 Se | ee tees Sess | Pe 4, 673 $94 1, 551 31 2, 080 42 Co SS A ee ee 2 eee 215 6 23, 924 718 166, 479 4,994 Catfish and bullheads.__.-.|.....-..|_--._-- 697 52 2, 568 189 110, 860 8, 028 cho (CGR a Sale er el ae Se eae 5, 858 410 1, 644 115 12, 043 843 (CEE a ee Se 2 2 Sl ee ee be ea) |e ee ek ee ee 650 23 STULL sin Ne pein ee cll a | SBA 8) eae RS) Oe ae Pee es eee 8, 134 569 UPD aaa”. al EE calle > ee eS ia ee 5, 368, 376 | 187, 894 190, 931 6, 682 Gaketroot. = 22.-_* 252). 38, 304 [$4,980 | 1,375, 706 | 178, 842 269, 560 | 35, 043 227,837 | 29,619 Ena Tg 7) eS ee | 122 ll 6, 632 597 39, 114 3, 520 DPT GL OP eS cali | Eee 3 eS ae ee eS eee 2, 774 125 10, 346 466 Cop Eye 2 2 a ae Eps aN eS ed Ried See |e ees Pee 8, 408 588 65, 796 4, 606 PREAH BAC es cen ee PRE al Ue et tl See 8, 054 242 16, 257 488 CTE TL Tet age ce Cy re a ae ie (AF SO ae a 1, 653 58 591,442 | 20,701 | 2,055,090 | 71,928 Whitefish: Wiornsnian + Sek? Lee eee te 5, 830 874 | 3,379,909 | 506, 986 | 2,320, 543 | 348, 082 Tal sia(era hel: peepee ea el ME eae rae 123 8 8, 407 547 1, 882 122 Mnbonnerch 2. 5 Saye. |e PA eS 5, 344 401 63, 396 4, 754 628, 598 | 47,032 Mellow. pike... 28 _5. = 626 110 754 132 322,837 | 56, 496 471,473 | 81,129 PPotare 2S. 5-222 oy 38, 930 | 5,090 | 1, 400,975 | 180, 888 | 10, 060, 116 | 815, 033 | 6, 329, 580 | 608, 188 Michigan—Continued Species Fyke nets Dip nets Spears Crowfoot bars Pounds es Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value | Pounds | Value dame (JACKS) Poe. 82 2 Sos e ale ec Lhd ic! 28 ee STi eee ed SS + ae MMODIISNBAC oo ee eee a, SuGkon Stale. sees Whitefish: SERIO Tie 2 eae eS, (i erorinGe: ee a ee 1 POBNOW DELON. = ioe oes Uh he Ba fia | ee De ees oo ee ee a ea Walnw pikesss. 23). selene Ree GA PMB ON OO este as We ee eo lesen a eee Sa ae eS eee [EFAS Ya 11D a IR (Ee (el (ee a eee (een aes Se (ee eee 978, 349 > oa ANGINA | Ea, Ss ee 972,176 | 59,742 290 ll 82 5 | 978,349 | 22, 273 % 368 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Lake fisheries of the United States, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR—Continued Michigan—Continued : Indiana—Gill Species nets Picks By hand Total Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value | Pounds Value Pounds. | Value BO wilt ete ele le 2. BO ee ieee 4, $42 |) ee ee UESTAT OG ene es te ee = | ee es er | eer ae | ee 18, 510 371 14, 692 $697 (OPT a ae COs TREO SS. ee eee eee ee ee See ee a 1, 842, 414 55, 275 302 15 @athsh andspallheads2. —-|-2>- 853-22: Se eee 286, 498 22;,040 |... 222-3" | See EMTS, SUR AE Ik ts Fe AS I 5 ee eee 995, 919 69,714 | 210,984 | 18,145 COTES Re PE SR 5 oe a 8 ee A eee | ee 650 23 IL-5 eo eee Goldtish ete wee? spas S| Aan ee ao A See ee 22, 793 1, 596): 22 Se eae Teakelonning es 2 RSP Cy ee. eee eee eee 6, 722, 528 235, 288 | 201, 296 7, 524 WAKO ihDOlT Gee = oe ese ee | Os paren a eR Ti be SE Eee ee 6, 588, 061 856, 447 | 106,212 | 14,775 PI EL(TACKS)E See ee Be SE eee eo | a eae Se 80, 056 7, 205..|532-5-2s=2 | eee Rock bass 23, 724 1, 068 || 2 ~ = ee se Sauger-___--- 224, 176 15,.692' |... __ ee Sheepshead - - - 63, 681 1,911 |..2.- a eee Smelt) Se ee see 400 60 |... See Sucker Sminllete is Aes as ee ae ee ee a 3, 479, 920 121, 797 6, 256 248 Whitefish: Common--ee ss FOS AES s eee. Vee Se eS ee ee 8, 396, 567 | 1, 257, 496 2, 875 622 VIET OMIIMOG ee cae ae etl re ee ae att Re eee ee | ee 176, 190 11; 452 | 20 oe eee SVellow Perch eco Ao tee ey hee ete Ae 2 ee ho Se oe Oe, 1, 063, 474 79, 442 24, 398 1,801 IVOLOW: DIKE 6 =e Se CRS Ee ACNE TTS i Se Pe cate 978, 820 1f9, 444 170 23 IMiussel'shells aus. 322552 275, 393 | $5,797 | 91,297 | $1, 809 1, 345, 039 28, 049... Se ee IRPeanis and sles c2 4500s) ales fee S420 ib ok Ne BUD, tee ee 3, 047.)|22 225 eee ee Totals eee 275, 393 | 6,639 | 91,297 | 2,184 | 32,318,422 | 2,937,458 | 567,185 | 43,850 Indiana—Continued Species Pound nets Crowfoot bars By hand Total Pounds| Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds| Value | Pounds | Value Buiialofish=—- =2 os seo keke oe 500 $30:| 2: 2282: o- siete oe eae 500 $30 BERD Ose ree ee ee e 75 Di 2k fs 52 ee Ss Sa |e 14, 767 699 (CIN A OLE Lees ERE ake as ae ea 1, 700 AS) | Segre Dee Ny ie Sens) See es | 2, 002 63 CTD See ae eee eS | | ee ee eee 210,984 | 18,145 bake Herning so es ee eee 65 269 Niele Sp Sil Seek. Ae ee ee ae ee 246, 565 8, 882 Wakestrowtees tec see ee ee 275 BO} | see el Ec ee el ee Se 106,487 | 14,811 Suckers canes) = eee Eee ara 1, 073 AA) | oe ee 2S) Pee a OE A Ae eee 7, 329 292 Wihitefish commons). eee = 2, 400 BOB) See ea Ee ee eee 5, 275 930 Mellow perches sas sse see ae eee 1, 642 157) 2 ee ee | eee ee ee 26, 040 1, 958 CEH tH OF eee i See eae a AL leh fa preety | ees Fea 1 a WK ees See ae 170 23 DVINTSREMIS OLS Ss Septet eter San eee ie Be a ee 164, 000 | $2,870 | 15, 000 $315 | 179, 000 3, 185 Pearlsand snes wee Re | ee ee eee 164] a= 2 Ot Ce At 204 G ay ee Sa Se sa et 52,934 | 1,983 | 164,000 | 3,034 | 15, 000 355 | 799,119 | 49, 222 Illinois : Wisconsin—Haul Species seines Gill nets Pound nets Total Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value IBUTDObss = essen. ao senaseceeee 3, 350 $341) ee 22 ee ee 3, 350 $34. |. 2... eee Wane SOs ee Ts ee | er Se | ee eee eee 765, 469 | $22, 964 Watfishtand bullhesds: 22s) ee | ee ee a ee eee ee eee 2, 130 1 TUTE SaaS he ee ee 4036308532200 Woe oe we 403,630. | 32,290 |..-.--- 222) ceseeeete Makevnerning 2) 2 seer ee 71,000 | 1,420 6, 000 $120 77,000 | 1,540 249 5 EGRET OU bei we eee eee nes 200523) | 20; 163e) S222 | Eee 201, 523. \))20, 153 ||| =25 222223 | Eee cee Pike (ackks)- 0. ee ee ete pe ae I ed Se eee ee ee 306 28 Sucker Soto te oto |e Se Sete ae aa care pee | or 2 ee 12, 969 389 Whitefish, common--_-_------- 480 72 4, 000 600 4, 480 672 30 5 Wellowiperchee- ess. ce ee eee 25,000 | 2, 500 2, 000 200 27, 000: | .(2;700'))2. = 232222 See Yellow pikes n0 ee oe re er ee ee | | 86 13 Motalacn es eee 704, 983 | 56, 469 12, 000 920 716, 983 | 57, 389 781, 239 | 23,574 | { FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 369 Lake fisheries of the United States, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR—Continued Wisconsin—Continued Species Gill nets Trammel nets Trot lines Pound nets Pounds Value |Pounds| Value | Pounds Value Pounds | Value hg roe SeAPSCE Eee 31, 310 LS eS CS | Sa 25, 205 $252 1, 541 $15 gD ~e ee 8, 805 264 | 3,521 QlOGAiaaweaceca|-eues eee 380 ll Cat sh and bullheads-_-- 704 Ec Sl ial Re SE |S eee | eS ae Se 14 1 Ul ee = 2. ees + BO eb 1 TERN LG 9h] Ee ea ee en ES ee oe 9, 277 649 re Perrine ss SELL 1, 694, 105 AD, 254 | Ceee ee Se eee sceeeescaloemesecon 3, 211, 864 | 64, 479 ake trout..2-2s..1....- 2 162°.563.|' 2835b80 |oseeal =A leo ook 2 793,055 | 103,990 215, 850 | 28, 407 (UNS 2 Ce 6, 105 ES: | SSS eee ae emer ae emer 2 gr tee Pikerdacks). 222. -.-1..... 138, 812 gon 0: a Ps ee Sere 76 7 1, 554 131 Sheepshead --..-_------.--- ee aes 2 Ve | ee eee cok | eee ee Mae et eee 8 EES 84, 469 AP 2Ad +) ormabee [oe o et cu ee bone ce luna |Camoueee sea] =e STEMGINBHCSITORNY.- 2208. -(aa2 Gk len. |os tec on c|-e oes apis Skate IE aes eae Sree eee 539 81 Sucker “mullet’’_....._-- 829, 971 24, 899 892 26; eee soak | Seeeeee ue 141, 235 4, 237 Whitefish SN MON a. teen 372, 844 (ati EP AGM [age 2a ae RS a eee ee eS 380,414 | 57,063 Menominee-_--_-__-__-- 24, 948 UO ee 2S as ee Re Se 8, 337 595 Mollow perch*.222..2...... 150, 022 LOS DOG Ue eee esl 1, 539 108 15, 070 1, 055 Mellow; Dik@.22.ce- 2 20... 5, 462 BOF | ME AE ote sae eee A See 10, 046 1, 507 Total aac Fa Sens 8, 313,013 | 622,531 | 4,413 132 | 819,875 | 104,357 | 3,996,121 | 158, 231 Wisconsin—Continued Species ara eo Scie Raemaat ; Trap nets Fyke nets Crawfish pots Tongs Pounds | Value Pounds Value |Pounds| Value | Pounds| Value ed mee BAS si ae oe 382 $4 6, 549 ot ear eee ol ae eee A |e ree re ee Se io ee ere oy eee epee baa renee 39, 912 DOT eco see | ae | ee Cathish ANG DMHOAGSso =) ole eeee Ie SS 40, 952 Bp) 0 Gt |e on ee ee ee ee Btteiajes Sha ee SE oa 1,105 77 CEP AY Cl Pann 18) me ee eee | Oe Pe” ote ake hearing 32. 22 2 ko. 405 12 46, 539 OB%~\|\ ace tee| see rs eee eee TC a) a 4, 826 629 1, 647 7 fl ee (are fea A ee OCHS pene swe s BELLU |o Bee os ue 6, 057 6a. |Se2s2. Sele. SE es eee MAGEDSHOEGat Hf 6o-2- ~~ 22-s2e|socnca cee kl ose 727 Ph) aie eee Wepre al wae oe Palen | Fl Sted pg Ue an ee ee pees eee cee ee 1, 600 SOiil Aas sees aes ek eae eee Backer -cmeallet’’_.--. 2-28... 60 2 623, 978 LB e200 [tes Sears es ee |e i is | NS ee Whitefish: Wommone 3 fen = 138, 393 | 20, 759 1,905 DOU 6 |e es ad CE |e ee | ee ee Menominee. -----.------- 89 6 10 De | asta | 2 Sl 8 |e a a eo MEMO WAPCEGH Sodas te seco e cd |enecedécce| 2 s5 cee S 889, 897 625203: (Bist calek suka d es |e £1 pe MEOW DEO N= oo soe bce cco es 128 19 8, 149 Ws 2224) SaaS 5A ee ee | aes ee SP i k= ee SSS ee eee eel fee oe ea es eee) ee ao 76,030) 7$45508)|s24e22 2G: See RMHISON SHOlISA Sasa coats tee Es ote a | se ee AS 2S ls Spa acl 24, 622 $269 eR SATIRE Sees es nor eo | ane Sek oe ee me |e ee Se ef eee ee | Aen S Nhe Ly BON 43 Otalec oa ocwssceecane 145, 388 | 21,508 | 1,675, 159 89, 362 | 75,130 | 4,508 | 24, 622 312 Wisconsin—Continued Minnesota Species 37 a = Picks Total Gill nets Trot lines Pounds| Value Pounds Value Pounds Value |Pounds| Value Can ES Sete Se eee) ek ae 2 Ee ee 64, 987 $649 17, 861 $10 ||-- ae ee eee ee ee ee Oe ee ee 818, 087 SAS Aare eee eo ee on ee ee ee Catfish snd: bullheads:.|__. 2. 5-|-_ 45. - 800 Ps) eee epee 2 CE Sa a Sel ee |S ELUDES ia Ses bear 1) naa ate Bend B Fifi 2, 955, 359 199, 874 40, 858 Ct tir Ga) eee fe Orapples-c2 cco an fee seus Sse ore sess se cececoesccltecenece cece 1, 653 a Ui perenne | Sere eed WRGUIEITING soon fo ale ee 4, 953, 162 105, 687 | 5, 362, 650 fe Pe et Uo EUSTiNg yy a See | Seen (ee 3, 167, 941 416, 783 YR ee (ee) ee a 6, 105 61 L004 Ghd 2) a eS Eee 21, 805 1, 845 Se oe ee ee Se a ee eral (eee ee ae CURE] CCL) Die a) rae ee See 880 26 CUTIG ie? SES eae: 20) el reed 86, 069 4, 323 SU EEE GCG 121 |e lagen) (AR as 539 1 SERGE CEMENT TTF) at Aas OR [aS ee | LS 1, 609, 105 48, 273 LACEL DCS Se i nate 2 ee ae a LE lel ee a oe a | Whitefish | | SO Tri ttt) ene a eepcel | eee ae a ea 893, 586 134, 038 IMPGNGMUINOG= este sane |e ee 33, 384 2, 399 SATU T gph ot gic 1 Re See Es oP cael |S 1, 056, 528 | 73, 956 Pen Gw TRO sc. 22-bit ete vee 23, 871 3, 655 Se eae ae) ie aed Se 75, 130 4, 508 Mussel shells........... 34, 862 $450 59, 484 719 Wearlsand slips. 2 2254" 2. 61 Senet 104 SRotsle= 9. 32 aacan 34, 862 511 | 15, 869, 822 1, 025, 026 370 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Lake fisheries of the United States, 1931—Continued CATCH: By crear—Continued Minnesota—Continued Species Pound nets Fyke nets Total Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pownds Value Burke! aes 5 SA eho ks sees od 2 La be 8, 931 $67 8, 931 $67 35, 723 $268 [TG OE ae ee te poe oo a eh ak a ae, SE Pa 5, 000 150 4, 532 136 9, 532 286 Catfish‘and (bullheads: 22-25 see a ra a eee el ee ee 12, 299 984 12, 299 984 ULLIS Sareea ee eater es Dees pe ee i Se 12, 027 294 5, 330 132 58, 215 1, 433 Wrap pie= sae ea ses SR es Sa 1, 589 BOB Ro tsetse ree 3, 242 792 Wake erring see so aes a eee | ee ee | aera 5, 362,650 | 73,960 MUAKG ItOUt ee eee Fe A. a ae 27 Bim Beas 5 ee 536,612 | 54, 672 Pikes (jacks) eee eset ee eee 65,221 | 2,304 49,163 | 1,881 9, 447 SH TIE GT ge a ee ee ee ee 54,670 | 2,734 54,658 | 2, 733 218, 657 | 10,933 Stureeon a oat ae Cee ee 2, 833 863 135 47 2, 968 910 Bucker “mullet < stata sae oe 68, 005 730 37, 164 413 135, 169 1, 443 AI bees 222522 20 5 kee ee ee ek 108, 869 | 1,089 | 108,719} 1,087 435, 225 4, 352 Whitefish 3 Commons. 32s esac eee eka wil 33, 068 | 3, 460 IPA PAB ea ESE 123,910 | 12,824 Menominee =: 2-22 2.2 ese ae ee | ee || et eee 4, 666 280 iellow. perchs2 2-3 2 ee eee 15, 393 1, 252 14, 875 1, 200 59, 944 4, 860 SV ellowapike=stc-= aco Ss 270, 977 | 28,964 | 248,130 | 27,007 | 1,093,810 | 116, 549 otalvscsesets* ee ee aes 646, 610 | 42,302 | 556,149 | 37,018 | 8,361,666 | 293, 993 CATCH: By LAKES 1 Lake Ontario Lake Erie Species , New York New York Pennsylvania Pounds | Value Pounds Value Pounds Value TB UE (Sy) 0) UC. epee Ae ee em Ieee See Se ee 36, 946 | $2,955 | 1,103,326 |$55,166 | 3,690,499 | $166, 272 Own ieee foc nse Oe eee 450 5) | sececeasce=-|3 2232 es eee 441, 545 | 37,324 | 1,447,630 | 99,237 | 5, 057, 984 316, 161 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 371 Lake fisheries of the United States, 1931—-Continued CATCH: By LAkes—Continued Lake Erie—Continued Species Ohio Michigan Total Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value PIER OMS 252 ohne tecass-nsacce 7, 849, 047 SUL OGL) | Sane Sess | 12, 642,872 | $535, 399 dy uili <.| 1. Se ee 2, 124 21 641 $7 2, 765 28 a oe a a ee ees a 267, 001 2, 670 581 12 270, 630 2, 722 LST gs a ee as 1, 459, 299 36, 482 866,972 | 26,012 | 2,340, 069 63, 393 Catfish and bullheads-_--.....-.--- 321, 122 16, 056 175, 426 | 12,375 508, 711 29, 461 Pps cge hy ET ESR EL Oe ee ee PM Di a De ee De 22, 793 1, 595 CU RS OU ee SI Fees 2 pes 41, 353 5, 790 650 23 346, 553 38, 310 SLUG TGS eS Oe SE eS 56, 981 576 22,793 | 1,595 79, 774 2, 7h CL PLASC ae RN SP | 5 ee Sr [em ese eS 16 2 3, 047 355 [OUP in Ce ee er eee 20, 593 DOG) Se et Soe | SSS Eso: 20, 593 206 Pike ats = |e PE eerie 8, 104 973 15,898 | 1,431 24, 002 2, 404 CRUE ee eee eee ee ee ee pees Pee eres seers 3, 412 154 3, 451 157 CIDE Rs ne ce Pk 1, 999, 043 79, 962 26,470} 1,853] 2,025, 513 81, 815 ECD a ST Go) SS a SL 1, 545, 461 38, 636 48,058 | 1,442 | 1,616,889 41, 266 RTP SON | eo as sissies eS 722 te Be ae Seer 5, 234 5, 173 BHRREEL NUOL, ne ooo naa 1, 183, 520 23, 670 171,523 | 6,003 | 1,414,842 31, 381 Mihiterbasss sate ee ee rt 396, 304 1 RNY Reel ea oe es 418, 199 16, 948 Whitefish, common_-----.----.--- 572, 250 103, 004 3, 011 452 | 1,272,902 227, 336 Yellow perch ae eS ee 8, 455, 136 295, 929 66,452 | 4,668 | 9,057,161 324, 494 Molin, pike ees tee CPN or te 2, 540, 614 279, 467 77,572 | 11,726 | 2, 640, 556 293, 571 2 CTS MET ES A. eee oe Fe a es en ee 68,446 | 1,333 68, 446 1, 333 Pen TICS Se: Ao econ ss eels Ser eel ce lle See ee 943i) |e sak a eee 943 SLU TAs (ea ea pe il a ere 26, 718, 674 1, 213, 437 1, 547,921 | 70,031 | 34,772, 209 | 1, 698, 866 Lake Michigan Species Lake Huron, Michigan Michigan Indiana Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds | Value SST aCu rie 2 Bees OS SE 3, 27 $33 86 $2|2 ess See eee IUMIQHSH Seo sobs eee a as aes | oe a ee | a ee ese ane ease kell oe 500 $30 oo 523 Se ee eek eee 3, 646 73 12, 722) 255) 14, 767 699 2 US ee eee 963, 709 28, 911 11, 580 347 2, 002) 63 Catfish vate] oV VL T21: 0 {ee ee 107, 982 9, 449 3, 090 Zit a aes eed LN oo Ui Dae sae i se ee pee 500, 647 35, 045 431, 560 30, 209} 210,984) 18,145 iL VSD Giger Me en ee ee eee 5, 201, 543 182, 054 634, 490 22,207} 246,565] 8, 882 RSIS oe Sa cee oe tS 2, 067, 940 268, 832] 2,561,929} 333,050) 106,487} 14,811 12a Vel <<) |e ee SS Se eee 39, 536 3, 558 24, 353 2, 192 Rock bass- 18, 671 840 1, 641 7A|_- Sauger__----- 170, 905 11, 963 26, 218 1, 835]__ Sheepshead _ 8, 641 259 6, 982 210|___. Gl ee BS | eee re een Aer 400 60 BHgeen navel 8s) ek oc ee 2, 303, 990 80, 640 913, 023 31, 956 7, 329 292 Whitefish: MOM NAOH 2. sate a 4, 491, 458 673,719] 3,476,093} 519, 424 5, 275 930 WReinrHninee as Osea st bes ey. Sees 42, 785 2, 781 132, 492 S56U2i* pe ee eee Mellownpenenssic+ = - Ut ie 822, 775 61, 706 169, 707 12, 728 26,040} 1,958 WAAC i ee ee eee 848, 452 148, 479 46, 896 8, 207 170 23 MPINIRHAN PIS S58 oe oe 131, 210 1,453) 1, 145, 383 25, 263] 179,000) 3,185 DEES AGRE (af eee Se Oe oe een eee eee S72) 2 host 1 aelen cone 204 POtlee ore eens 2 8s Fre 17, 727, 165 1,510,167} 9,598,645) 998, 579 799, 119} 49, 222 For footnote see p. 373. 176453—33——15 372 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Lake fisheries of the United States, 1931—Continued CATCH: By LAkEs—Continued Lake Michigan—Continued Species Tilinois Pounds | Value (Bawfien 8 ee Be eS so ee so a ee 22 AE GES TIAN Su) OTIS TA eee Sek he eh OE [ee eee | ye Ree Eu Ed Sela ake ete PA oh ee fre 3, 350 $34 Cathish ANG Uhedds ese oe ay es eee Ses 5) eee @hiihs sates ase eae ea need 403, 630] 32, 290 (hakeshernin pase sos eee. aetna ca 77,000} 1,540 DENS) 1 0) DU pen Se 201, 523) 20, 153 INDOONG YC: tee e a eS 2 ee eee als Vee | ee Pike (jack See eae is enn abe | Eee = 2 Ga Rock: bass! ee 2 lb ae ae ee Oe eee oe ee Se Saligens a. 2) ae Cent ee es ee ys Salle Soe 6 2 Poe SleepsheaGin== 222 2.20 oe eee ew be eee | aa Sho 0) reesei tae AAD papas Rel ey meager ee POA Sea oy (a ege he yepel L eye hey Suckers mullet) Coie ole Begs EI EN Oe ie a ee ene ae Whitefish: @ommon’-2e ses te oe Se Oe Se Menominee Sveliowa perches cama 22-22 Se See Ses ee Wellows pikes 2S S22 Hon oo Eee ee eae ee Mole ee @rawiishss fee es ON Rute: Ie es oe AEP SEY fuel oe De IVitSSelShells’4: Sass Nese oe Acie |e adaae ee WOE an) (Bearlsand shies si Sees Be oe ee a ee ee, U1 Bk ay 3") Rae he A EE Sonn kee eee ee 716, 983} 57, 389 Species Michigan Pounds Value BUDO Gees Sas aoe eee ee wee oe 1, 561 $31 Warprse anes soo Be eee 153 5 Cathish andibullheadset. = 0 te eee |S Le |e ee @HUbSe ee oe ee LS Aa eke 8 63, 712 4, 460 Make Meneses ome aN dss ee 886, 495 31, 027 MUA KOy GPO be ae ae te ee ee aoe Rte 1, 958, 176 254, 563 PIKE) (JACKS) Sass ee eras lee 2 269 24 SAP erase ol Se ek ase ale 583 41 Steelhesdhrow tel ek eee ee sl. Ba alee sO | a dee wee Suckeremulletzcere tes eo oa 91, 384 3, 198 Whitefish: COMMON Eo eee Sea ee 426, 005 63, 901 Menominee. - 22a es tt Sees se 913 59 pviellowamencheseetet ean sateen 4, 540 340 Mello wspike 22: sss series eed ne ere 5, 900 1, 032 Hd bro 2" (eee a De rae ne eee SEO 3, 439, 691} 358, 681 For footnote see p. 373. Wisconsin Pounds Value Ay igiecd 63,554, $634 818, 087 24, 542 43, 775 3, 502 2, 355, 563) 164, 889 4, 290, 683 85, 813 2,672,759) 347, 458 6, 105 61 10, 097 908 CAR BeOS 0 cae 86, 069 4, 323 1, 532,393] 45, 971 841,539} 126, 231! 27, 174 1: 902) 1, 056, 221 73, 936 4, 687 778 75, 130 4, 508 59, 484 719 UAE NC 104 13, 944, 200 Lake Superior Wisconsin Pounds Value 1, 433 $15 EE 0 va ie hte a 599, 79€ 34, 985 662, 479 19, 874 495, 182 69, 325 11, 708 937 Eat etal 539]. «8 76, 712 2, 302 52, 047 7, 807 6, 210 497 307 20 19, 184 2, 877 1, 925, 622 138, 721 Total Pounds Value $2 500 30 94, 393 1, 622 831, 669 24, 952 46, 865 3, 718 3,401, 737| 245, 533 5, 248, 738 118, 442 5, 542, 698 715, 472 6, 105 61 34, 450 3, 100 1, 641 74 26, 218 1, 835 7, 862 236 86, 469 4, 383 2,452,745] 78, 219 4, 327,387) 647, 257 159, 666 10, 514 1, 278, 968 91, 322 51, 753 9, 008 75, 130 4, 508 1, 383, 867 29, 167 me 2, 040 886, 305} 25, 058, 947) 1, 991, 495 Minnesota Pounds Value 5, 362, 650| 73, 960 536, 285| 54, 639 11, 851 1,519 4, 666 280 5,915,812} 130, 412 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 373 Lake fisheries of the United States, 1931—Continued CATCH: By Lakes—Continued Lake of the Woods, Rainy Lake, and Species Lake Superior—Total| Namakan Lake Total, all lakes Minnesota Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value LEY UEC ifa) Nae So ae pee eee, Sa seen See ve eee Weak oe ae 12, 679, 818] $538, 354 RCV ete ee ere oa} SS oS | no aes et Oe | ee oe Eee 6, 576 78 CEyrEE TUD ahs Te SERRE SE ee Sere eee See GE SO tel ee hee es ee ae 500 30 PS ie oe oe oe Co 2, 994 $46 35, 723 $268 463, 567 5, 854 ty oe Sn a2 ee Sea ie ae 153 5 9, 532 286| 4,180,064} 119, 119 Catfish and bullheads-_-_---_-----_- 25} 1 12, 299 984 717, 911 46, 557 Nn Ost) Re SEE es ee ae ee ees 663, 868| 39, 459 57, 855 1, 419 4,624,107; 321, 456 (CIR Da) Soe Se oe Se Ss © a 2 2) [pee ee ae [oe eo a a Eee a eee ee 346, 553 38, 310 Sires oan fees enc ea es See Seek De a oe 3, 242 792 3, 242 792 LOGI oo 2 SES ee eae Zk eS CE AT Lo | SR a Yael Pea) ee 2 oem re en | ACE ee 44, 577 2, 253 (SSG ES SE ee 2 Os a eS ee ee | eee ere! (ee ee an (ee ee 79, 774 2, ad TUTE Chg be ee ee eee 6, 911, 624 24361 ae See |e eee eee 17, 412, 214) 429, 382 TUS) [00] 0 ee a RC 2, 989, 643} 378, 527 327 33] 10, 617,659) 1, 364, 900 STG TOY GMS See SE Ee eS ee cee oe [ent a (ee eee mea 26, 698 267 IRB NIOGES) a neaca se aS 11, 977 961 269, 044 9, 447 389, 755 20, 410 Rock b 24, 365 1, 089 Sauger 2,441,876) 106, 587 Sheepshead 1, 633, 392 41, 761 STG he ee ee 86, 469 4, 383 Steelhead trout 539 81 SPARED So A ee ee ee I eee ee eae | ee ee 2, 968 910 26, 477 8, 850 Sa eC) ip ae Ba 168, 096 5, 500 135, 169 1, 443 6, 503, 921 198, 211 SEP ELS ELS DS PS IE chr ere nr ra | ee daee Seed fe oe Sale SL (Es Se 13, 182 396 LL TUNED (oro pe es SS Se ae eed ee Aires) 2 UE ka Deen 435, 225 4, 352 435, 225 4, 352 ANUV ORCAS SEIS Se ee Se Bee SE eee re DOM Ses Le PRS ONO NN eee ew! Le TS SEN 418, 199 16, 948 Whitefish: ; Gonimonl-2 he See anes eet 489, 903 73, 227 112, 059 11,305) 10, 761, 194) 1, 646, 341 Monominge: = 2: So 25. Sek 11, 789 S36) eee Set ee ee 214, 351 14, 142 SAGE CTE Dv E TC ae a ee ee 4, 847 360 59, 944 4,860) 11, 247,543) 483, 962 ONE Oe eS Bee oe ge 25, 084 3,909} 1,093,810) 116,549) 4,668,444) 572,395 (Es SENS TST eS I ES SE Pe ae eel Oe oe Scie 1S A eee Se Be ale ee ee 75, 130 4, 508 RD IOSOMA HEL S st Sees ee hes (ee eh Ae oe aL See OE Pl a Be 1, 583, 523 31, 953 EEC DUE i DRT eS SS ee FES a eS Ee Ee ee ea epee ea 0 | ee 3, 355 AGC See oe ee Ee eee 11, 281,125) 627,814 2, 445, 854 163, 581| 91, 726, 845} 6, 029, 247 4 From streams tributary to Lakes Michigan, Huron, and Erie. Industries related to the fisheries of the Lake States, 1931 OPERATING UNITS, SALARIES, AND WAGES New | Pennsy!l- 5 Ane Item York Smee Ohio Michigan Transporting: Number | Number | Number Number IPErsois CHPAPOd ask 22s a ok 5 Eee See eee dT 15 Vessels: IE OLOT EE ese ae Senco a na a cere. ee Og ee ee) 8 i ICURLONTIAZ OM << Serre Soma! 1 oe mS ER PES 2 Ore iy nee 88 32 Wholesale and manufacturing: MAPA DUAMMION ger hee edt Ao hh) ae 16 8 41 57 Persons engaged: ESO DEIOUOES = 2 te Se eg be ee ee 15 14 58 67 Polamecientplovees=< 25:2. as Pl a eT RR Tr 22 7 63 54 Wage earners: ASVOTUSG NGL SGHSOT 48.) Ses A ee 69 58 249 | 438 JSG Gy eee QA: a ae SR ee oe 54 53 215 193 EAid to\salariediemployees.----2------J--.2-5-u55-.-- $36,516 | $24, 225 $201, 954 $157, 875 PAG LO WHEE EAINIET Ss] eee LM eee 58, 062 59, 860 261, 908 183, 872 Motal salaries andswages= 2s = se = eee 94, 578 84, 085 463, 862 341, 747 Wishermen manufactucings-_-- --=-2-...5--_. =. ok 2 Dil oe eee 37 374 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Industries related to the fisheries of the Lake States, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS, SALARIES, AND WAGES—Continued : Raine Wiscon- | Minne Item Indiana Tilinois ait mas Total Transporting: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number Persons engaged.f. "== Pissece eee oe a eee ee Se ee eee ee 19 Vessel: MOOR. 22222 4 Poke eee be eee nee eee Oe orca ee ee ee | 9 Nettonnare: << 2 we oe a eh ee ee ee | 120 Wholesale and manufacturing: Hstablishments: 3 25sec 2 eee 3 55 35 15 230 Persons engaged: IPTOPTIGLOIS = 542 5+-<5"2-26S225.-ss5 ft 3 26 33 9 225 Salariediemplovyees. 22-22 -4-2- 222-22. s 1 249 48 27 471 Wage earners: Average 1OL SCaSON = ass) == =~ ee! 4 352 275 61 1, 506 IAM OTACOIOl Veatase eee ase a eee 4 318 150 47 1, 034 Paid to salaried employees_------------------ $5, 500 $765, 402 | $109,407 | $49,010 | $1,349, 889 Paid towwaze) CsTNers: = 2-5 nas oe ee 5, 500 479,437 | 167,271 44, 640 1, 260, 550 Total salaries and wages_--------_---------_- 11, 000 1, 244, 839 276, 678 93, 650 2, 610, 439 Kishermen)manufacturing.--_=2=--- =~ ee 3 12 50: |e 106 PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED Item New York | Pennsylvania Ohio Michigan By manufacturing establishments: Quan- Quan- Quan- Blue pike: tity Value} tity Value |Quantity| Value} tity | Value Hreshifillets seus ss 1 pounds--]| 132, 900|$28, 462) 423, 747/$81, 495} 638, 082)$123,138]__..____|____-_- Hrozenwmibletss. ~ 2-5 = 2-4 do_---| 39,500} 8,075] 225, 646] 43, 594) 181, 240} 35, 975)_____-__]_______ @hubsyismoked® 2-62 2=. 2225 dove=.|'7'<@) () | See | ee (4) () 269, 800)$67, 591 pls smoked so Gace See es dozs= |) .@) (1) »JeLe22.4|te2ou2-|2- ce | ee ee Lake herring: Dae Gea se ose. a do 4228 |e So | eo eee 2,052,300) 52, 433 Smoked. & 22ksas 5 2 see Goes (2) (CO Eee eee eee (1) () 1 1 Lake trout, smoked---------- C6 Co een ee eae ee ee eel (eee (1) (4) 21, 245) 4, 570 Salmon, smoked_------------- donee) @) (Qa e- Sora oe 115, 000) 24, 200|2- seas ee ee Sturgeon, smoked__----------- Goze =s() (Ae eee | ea 12°50)’ 8. 135ja ee eee Tuilibes, smoked -22*=25--2-2- dor (1) (Speke | ees 142,'500| 28, 230|-2 5-2 =— 5) Sees Whitefish, smoked_---------- doLs-s)) 1@) (hye) ee 2a | ee 44, 500} 9,780} 18,579) 4, 255 Yellow perch: iresh fillets2.=- === doz-s- (4) (1) 18, 454) 3,587] (666, 718)126,444) 2252 ea eee Frozen fillets) --—---=-=--- GOs 2 | So ee ees esas 19} 155), 3,884) 141, 517)" 26; 883 | see eeeen eae Niassel-shellbuttonsplanks:<--=--= W200;95110/70; S90|22 2.22 a) pee ee eee eee ee er 10 25, 085}!0 4, 692 UOT See ete a eae 472, 351)107, 427) 687, 002)132, 560)2, 053, 897/412, 180)_______- 185, 072 By fishermen: hubs smoked s+22---eo= MoUNGs a 2s) 2 = ete ee ee | eee er ee 17,700} 5, 040 Lake herring: Saltedeiss se ' 21 oe oe oe) 62S Aes Ue ae eee eee | eee 249, 600} 6, 911 Sinokede ce eebe eee God case SE ee Se ee eee 6, 250) 1, 222 Lake trout, smoked-_---------- COM ee | See eC ee ee a SS ae a ee | ee 5 153 Sturgeon roe, salted___------- dons 45 52 50 50) 22 co ea Whitefish: Common, smoked-_------- Og 22). abe Se |e | 5,300} 1, 240 Menominee, smoked-_--_-- C0 Ye) Py fe SI eee ee So Pe Pe 200 50 Motalc= 2223-52-23 eee 45 52 50 50) 5 =e ae 279, 600} 14, 616 Grand totals S22 Se ee 472, 396}107, 479} 687, 052/132, 610]2, 053, 897/412, 180)________ 199, 688 See footnotes on facing page. a i = manufacturing establish- | FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 375 Industries related to the fisheries of the Lake States, 1931—Continued PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED—Continued Item Indiana Tlinois | Wisconsin | Minnesota | Quan- 2 : - Quan- enor Fresh fillets : tily Value | Quantity | Value | Quantity = tity Value pounds " Chubs, smoked_-_---__- © © Paes ee ee ee) eee ES Ses Sete Lake herring: ’ ID SS eee ES ae Ee See eee el 7 eS oT bis ea SS Eee See 22, €) 1) Lake trout, smoked____.do_-_- 23,847) () @) Salmon, smoked_-_-_---do----}_____-_-|________ 6,364, (() ©® SUT ee Se a | ea) Set) Te Sere! SRS eee = ee ee ae ee ee ee Whitefish, smoked____.do_-_-|.___.. |... 19,40 8) ©) 49, ® © ®) ® @ 1712, 79314174, 250) $34,064 (283, 495| 174,250, 34, 064 y fishermen: | * Cubs, smoked__-___ pounds__' 42,200 $10, 550! 53, 000 10, ~“- ee es aE ee at Lake herring, salted___do_-._|_.______|________ a ee 1, 027, 000) 25, 675) eee | SE Lake trout, smoked___do___| 8,450) 2,113, | IGRESEEY Se TER | Seeieeal Beret) ee Whitefish: Common, | congue eo pounds __ 750 Ct ee ee = : isle dhe oil | eens _ eae ee ee | 51,400) 12,851) 53, 10, 600/1, 027,000, 25,675, |_______ Grand total:) =. } 251, renmr 2, 81| * 4,672,570 3 515,019 eee et 309, 170) 174,250) 34, 064 1 The production of this item is included under unclassified products 2 A small amount of smoked chubs and lake trout produced in Indiana is included with Dlinois. 3 The production = this item is included under miscellaneous. 4 Includes fresh and frozen sauger fillets, fresh whitefish fillets, and frozen yellow pike fillets. 5 Includes fresh fillets of lake herring, lake trout, whitefish, and yellow pike. § Includes fresh fillets of blue pike, lake trout, sauger, and yellow pike. 7 Includes smoked carp, chubs, Iake herring, jake trout, sablefish, and spoonbill catfish. 5 yap ateares a buffalofish, butterfish, carp, flounders, lake herring, mackerel, sablefish, shad, stur- geon, and w! a ae est tech fl fillets of yellow perch; and smoked chub, cisco, eels, lake herring, salmon, sturgeon, tulli- and whitefish. 18’ Includes smoked buffslofish, butterfish, carp, lake herring, sablefish, salmon, and menominee; and Pickled sea ut Includes pickled ag herring and fresh fillets of yellow perch and yellow pike. 8 Data not a 13 Includes smoked tullibees, canned whitefish caviar, spiced alewives, pickled sea herring, and mussel- products. 4 Includes smoked — lake herring, lake trout, salmon, suckers, tullibees, and whitefish; salted lake trout; and fresh fillets of lake herring. Note.—The total value of the products manufactured in the Lake States was as follows: By manu- Satine establishments, $1,659,217; and by fishermen, $63,844. Some of the above products may have manufactured from products imported from another State or country; therefore, they cannot be cea ar directly with the catch within the State. Of the total number of persons engaged on Porting craft aaa Wan iets Gielaad as fishermen, and sot ene) es ape sg es aration of fishermen’s manufactured products, 103 have also been narra as fishermen. These uate a. be considered when computing the total number of persons in the fishery industries exclusive of tion. 376 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES FISHERIES OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES® The yield of fishery products of the Mississippi River and tribu- raries during 1931 amounted to 82,382,523 pounds, valued at $2,897,357. This is a decrease of 22 percent in the catch and 36 per- cent in value as compared with the catch and its value in 1922, when the latest preceding canvass was made. Of the total catch in 1931, 44,061,714 pounds, valued at $2,257,204, were fish and 38,320,809 pounds, valued at $640,153, were shellfish and miscellaneous products. The fisheries of this section gave employment to 15,884 fishermen, or 29 percent more than in 1922. All of these fishermen were engaged in the boat and shore fisheries, 5,153 regular, and 10,731 casual. Fisheries of the Mississippi River and tributaries, 1931 SUMMARY OF CATCH Products Alabama Arkansas Illinois Indiana Pounds | Value Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value TONG) nee Te ake A OR 187, 153 |$20,178 | 4,859, 717 |$285, 094 | 6, 818, 525 |$271, 623 387,960 | $32, 632 Shellfish, ete____--__- 1, 635, 000 | 12,576 | 10,872, 790 | 126,357 | 7,444,105 | 95,615 | 7,329,636 | 124, 590 Motel eases 1, 822, 153 | 32, 754 | 15, 732, 507 | 411, 451 |14, 262, 630 | 367, 238 | 7,717,596 | 157, 222 Products Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana “ Pounds Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds Value Pounds | Value 1 OSES) Te ue CE 3, 373, 648 |$214, 785 | 142,859 |$13, 324 508, 719 | $51, 244 |18, 163, 253 |$858, 394 Shellfish, etc_.-----.___- 4,404,319 | 87,610 | 312,562 | 3,349 | 1,113, 032 9, 638 | 1,050,115 | 135, 980 AR OGA Se ee ees. 7, 777, 967 | 302,395 | 455, 421 | 16, 673 | 1,621,751 | 60, 882 |19, 213, 368 | 994, 374 | Products Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value ISH fbe ses vimana 2,715, 650 | $128, 498 | 2, 639, 623 | $121, 458 833, 636 |$75, 670 145, 310 | $16, 253 Shellfish, ete___...____- 782, 630 9, 158 10, 100 1, 503 94, 000 pS) | ee ee eee HA Day of2 Fe a AR 3, 498, 280 137, 656 | 2, 649, 723 122, 961 927, 636 | 76, 981 145, 310 16, 253 Products Ohio Oklahoma South Dakota ‘Tennessee Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds Value FDIS ee tn 2 seth, Spree) De 31, 481 | $3, 759 | 39,640 | $4,145 114, 361 [#20, 576 | 1, 275, 749 $86, 275 Shellfish ,|etes. veka u aro 154, 000 BpO Loh sae ee ees el a a 2, 159, 320 17, 640 ADyoy see ead rele 2 eel a 185, 481 | 7,072 | 39,640 | 4,145 | 114, 361 | 10,576 | 3, 435,069 | 103,915 | Product Texas | Wisconsin Total | Pounds | Value Pounds Value Pounds Value TOES) a Yi EE EI Fe Nese BOE TE tg 138, 500 | $6,368 | 1,685,930 | $56,928 | 44,061,714 | $2, 257, 204 Shaye Nba) DUNC) even Bee IE Oe Saal Cee Ne a 959, 200 11, 513 | 38, 320, 809 640, 153 POU ERE Sees Sie! s SER Bhs EL eS veeaT aeant 138, 500 6, 368 2, 645, 130 68, 441 | 82, 382, 523 2, 897, 357 8 It should be noted that the statistics for the various States of the Mississippi River and tributaries include tables on the operating units and catch by waters. Where waters are inset in the stub under other waters, it indicates that they are tributary to such waters; also in those cases where one or more waters follow another, separated by colons, such waters are tributary to the water immediately preceding. FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 Fisheries of the Mississippi River and tributaries, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By StatEs 377 Ala- | Arkan- fn ke : Kan- | Ken- | Louisi- | Minne- Item Davia aan Illinois |Indiana| Iowa sas | tucky aria sota Fishermen: um- On boats and shore: Number|Number|Number|Number|Number| ber |Number| Number |Number Hepulars <6:-22-.2-- : 104 1, 463 708 20 245 35 89 1, 402 160 COTE eee eet ee 131 1, 524 1, 318 1, 735 648 88 440) 3, 108 578 Pte te loons cece 235) 2,987; 2,026) 1,755 893 123 529 4, 510 738 Boats: L1G 10) yo il ae a 32 907 676 544 309 18 92 1, 225 65 OG ee de ee 190 2, 359 957 1, 189 457 123 420 2, 369 446 Apparatus: 1a EUV G Chae eS ES 16 127 50 Hebe | eters 24 377 113 engihs yardsene2 4) 1/ eare eas 7,308) 33,975) 5,170) 36, 339)--____- 2,057) 85,166) 49, 968 ANGHON DHLMetse es ae oe CW pees et ele ¢ eh a Nee a Bll bet | cae 74 SQUAre VArOS. o2 4 «. 1/2220 S31 DSU) eae eS | a RLS ER ws Si let arene Le Sete 17,400) 9,999 sbrammel Metso = 20.27 fo es 31 | ee ek TS CS ese eo {|| ae ee MUUAre VArGs so jae se 3,899} 4,890 BO0|Hoses nee Oh O26|Eansaaee LOS G06 (eos s ae ines: AB TOUSEs eee A* be 5d 449 5, 327 1, 312 320 1, 158 17 627 5, 757 186 ETOOKG es eo 35, 980) 455, 000' 124,715] 16, 767! 186, 250 360! 37, 395)1, 392, 200! 41, 800 Lega a 576 lis ate) ae SS RS EE (Ee LOCOS ICS 8 eae ea a ns aoa 2s eee ee ae ne 27 LUA 1G pe es ae 610) 5,346) 9,852 335 1, 981 189 1, 231 5, 908) 74 TD Uy OTR pk aS PS ee Se, Ol ere 11 | ee emeaes|| eee e aUs* | ares raps: CEPT ATI! Spade gS ESSE ES a ble ee (sate (a BS Un lO ee 1b Be PELL RIES OY 0 het enya aphea ead |S ye PS TA |S pe (EE ae Al Oe SBiicxeea se LF C1 Gy ee See ee ely ee Pad (Se 7G Se aa, Uap eA SE pea ay EB. eel Mussel dredges__.-.----.|-------- 426 1 | RSE I | AS an ain 8 | PRLS > |e a [reac Niardsatmotutn: | os. |e 286 | pea |e TS ee ee Oe eee Crowfoot bars_._.-._--_- 168 1, 038 840 1, 092 AGAIS ecle 256 10 192 EE yripe eo Sere als vos Pele 8 xe hs 15O)e eee 1/7) espe pie ae SEs |e a oo 1s) he Bae LENT be eee {8 PT NE ER SY RL vee A OR iy) | Ba en oe eae | Ben Ga TiN yi] pe SEES ee Pe 102 33 LIQ Sl erncne as 9 | | Peaeaaeaaieacs WET yy) |e oe es TEES bee ee ee | ee | Ss |e Sa ek See |e eee ene | Pe Papa yp) oboe e nee enn ee nee nee eee ee aac Missis-| Mis- | Ne- | opio | Okla-| S0Ut® |rennes-| moxas| Wis- | otal sippi | souri |braska homa kota see consin Fishermen: Num- | Num- | Num-| Num-| Num- Num- On boats and shore: |Nwmber| ber ber ber ber ber |Number| ber |Number| Number ecilar: ceases 211 nies Wa es Ls je oe 327 5 202 5, 153 Casgale 2 gs 198 170 299 49 19 67 206 41 112 10, 731 Mopaleees ee 409, 347 299 49 24 67 533 46 314 15, 884 Boats: Wa) nee ee a 138 84 | [eae ated OL See 2 138 6 160 4, 426 LTE oe et gee ap ene 329 304 187 49 18 34 467 42 180 10, 120 Apparatus: Haul'seines. 2 22.2-=2 16 47 12 2 2 iif epee key | Ee 83 1, 013 Length, yards_-__- 6, 885} 5, 668 906 180 60) rl (948)- 22-622 Si- no 2-2 20, 149} 255, 779 Anchor gill nets______ 4 Ue eae > Bee. 3) ee eee Be 6 101 Square yards_-____ 800 171] ay 2 | hia eae 090| Sy ae asa ee) 13,488) 45, 637 Trammel nets_______- 17 104 15 | ee ele es RY Ae 52 Ree ee Lee 518 _ Square yards--__- 2) 86714, CB8h 44/880) un on sek ees a lel oe 8. B60 522223: peee oes 63, 799 Lines: EBPATA CE Safe ea oh Ses. te ON ade ae lee ae 2 LSS A Gi esn2. IM ee 67 TIGORS =e Sots aces see [ose ea ea ea EL 2 Ottescetenles ese 67 Pratos52-55 847 p16) =. 228-5 19 29 18 464 80 3 17, 129 Hooks 72, 155) 34, 600|-._--_- 900} 1,075) 3,600) 41,690) 14, 500 125|2, 459, 112 LaF fren (ot Te Chk NS 2D Bee Me Sats EN | es aaa ae |S Pei a ton | ees eee 345 374 EGKG NOS! ooo. = 2,591) 1,872 296 76 85 68} 1,735 70 222) 32, 541 DEPOT eM Bae Se 6 Fel pd: 0 ic SS ee DO Dee ee Cor ee Pee | ber eevee) aad 191 Traps: COTA gale Ss SN Te |e ne 9g A Ee |S SS 8 ey ee ee (Pepe eye ered | emer e CaS er abs 8! 18 PHTIM ps2 22s lee ty i] eee oe RTS) be PAY (ae rae Memes) We eines) hs eda |G" Pee hy 438 IPCs OL S| fede Sek PR EO OT eee ial ag RS) ss (EE Bs oy 3, 769 2) OCCT ee Ar Py lll 2s ad JP EP Pa, | OR ie (aes Deira 1, Pee IS ks 12 IVRSAL Gr Od gone ee ieeeen ee ae MES EAN. 88 fa bo oT el 3 a at ee Ea 440 Ward eerminiraticn| eee. es Se a a Wg oe = Be Sil ea | ie ee ee 296 Growtoot Darel see seer Cee aceasta ks 230| 2550525 190 4, 480 (0) ae SINE fe) ca Gee |i a way eh [us a a oer | ear 245 TSA ie ts OS PR NGL Tl I) i ie | Poa a Eas PT erry es Re ee Fd a 70 1yo)7 2 DPE ANT 2 Ey Ry RE ey (eran Maree ed Be Recen PSOE LE | PR: 99 | h SSE 1, 447 ER aee es 258 oy Suen eee Late ee at" ifioe 3223 | fs a ees 2, 232 378 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of the Mississippi River and tributaries, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By WATERS Arkansas River and Des Moines River Illinois River and tributaries and tributaries tributaries Atcha- Item ileya River | Tribu- iver | River | Tribu- River | Tribu- proper| taries | Total proper| taries | T°t@!| proper | taries | TOt@l Fishermen: Num- Num- Num- Num- Num- On boats and shore: ber |Number| ber |Number| ber |Number| ber |Number|Number| ber Regmlanseess- sa 124 6 130 1043 |e 9 347 6 353 Wasnaleenea== ase 147 40 187 1, 947 183 15 198 261 31 292 Motel sae < 271 46 317| 3,020 183 24 207 608 37 645 Boats: IMototses-22 =a AT Reeves. € 14 GAQ |e et |S Ee ee ee 215 5 220 Otherto eee ee 259 44 303 1, 370 126 10 136 239 32 271 Apparatus: Haul seines---------- 2 1 3 66| ee = 5 5 66 2 68 Length, yards_---| 1,000 50) 1,050) 32, 066|_-.---- 8, 565) 3,565} 26, 115 160} 26, 275 Anichorelllmetsaa=—2 5 |e 2222-2 3 BLED Uh ile ee en Sauarevyands222 25 \eoeeee 990 po) 2) 0) aR a S| Ree eee Wes ree US) Oe ee ss lect ccc Trammel nets-_------- By Sree ee 4 QO) eae dL Nc ad] SE Eee Square yards----- 200\beeer nus 260)" )"6400|2 25-22 Sa 22 een ee | ee ines: Trot see oer ses 510 53 BGS eeee Aes he OS | ha ees 240 38 278 Hookss-2222 58, 425| 10,065) 68; 490) 614, 800)_-_----|--------|_-__-2_ 45,400} 1, 520) 46, 920 My kemets22 25-2 o see 256 30 286 2'O50|Pee ase sls 2 eh eae ed 6, 073 123) 6,196 Dipmets. 6220272 SSL ees | Pee Se 1b |S S22 | Sees a ee | ee MP TADS, SATIN Pes = OE | 2 ee re ee | ee IBASK GUS ee ee ee se eee a beens 55| 1, 655 Crowfoot bars 164 OPKSs2 oso ees See ewe eee 5 Grabss- sec css2oss) ee eel ee 9 i eee a Iowa River and Minnesota River and Mississippi tributaries tributaries River and tributaries | Lake es oe Alle- mle Cannon River | Tribu- | motay | 72748 | River | River | Minor) | | River| Biver proper} taries proper| and aries proper) tribu- tribu- taries taries Fishermen: Num- Num- um- Num- | Num- On boats and shore: ber |Number| ber |Number| ber |Number|Number| ber ber |Number 14 14 16 25 55] 1, 048 6 26 96 25 56 177| 1, 439 30 40 110 41 81 232) 2, 482 36 24 1 eae | ee et 7| 1,028|s4-—— 26 84 16 32 132} 1,517 20 Apparatus: var seinesece see ae ae ee ee eee 8 21 7 44 443 6 WMeneth syAards= oss) 2: oa ese o eae see 2,600! 3, 031 5, 063) 10, 227) 18,321) 87,319} 3, 299 An Chor rillinetsers=* Nos o25lalbeio2 le S| os aS eae | Se Se eee | ene Cea SOuUAreyardse-- oss. = Ieee EE RS Ree | Ret eae eS Ss | De ae ee 20) 314|! Sota Tramine) INetsese oe ee |e RN Se Ue ee oe ee ee eee eee (01 ee oe Square yards! So 2hetce Se ees See ea eS Se 2 eae ee ee 1O:433| 2225 ines: Mrotusce- see k~ 2 eee sce a ae eS 96 Bose) (Le a) | ee 38] 93) 45)|2ee- eS Mussel dredges------- Yards at mouth_- 1 Includes all tributaries not shown separately. FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 379 Fisheries of the Mississippi River and tributaries, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By waters—Continued taries—Continued tributaries tributaries | Mississippi River and tribu- Missouri River and | Ohio River and Item as bee lee Cum: iver eel- inor ; ; ‘ : and | foot | tribu-| Total | River | Tribu-| ota) | River Ie tribu- | Lake | taries! proper! tories PEODSE Riv taries iver Fishermen: On boats and shore: Number|Number|Number| Number |\Number Nene Number|Number| Number Cost) a re 5 90 223 1, 367 8 121 98 28 C@asaal es 2 62 16 343 1, 890 444 Gi 511 484 96 (igo ic beeen =e 67 106 566 3, 207 524 108 632 582 124 Boats: IWC RS a ees ae (aot 30 153 1, 211 64 8 72 39 5 Opber 2 AGP eo 36 102 444 2,119 402 58 460 518 115 Apparatus: Haul saines: ==... .-.- 1G. Py |e Bes 46 507 27 16 43 Bly ees Length, yards-_-_-_-__ G7195 ies sven 215085. |) 11'7; 908) |} 8):204)} 5,513) | 98,717 |b ob7, |Z =--==S Natal Tero (5 ele) ee 11 Bat eee oN le a | eee ee | eee Bgnare.yartiseoo fo) a eae CME BEF he ieee (ee ET a) ae Be RS eee et ke ob wrammel mets= 2-22 2) ea 46 26 1 2649) Bee A oe ee b Bi vane wards! se | 2. 3,150 | 4,587 PANSY Pal Be Soe nes ines: Tene ee Le ee iy (0) Pe ea IP Sam, 2 fal eee ener Oe pee eee Be ee jhe I Goks2oU Seos 2/5 ee Cy AA) jet PR WP a RAY 2 ls Se EM [ea (LE A112 | ARS ERA a | EE 80 1,010 253 1, 002 172 TOOK She on ha |e 8, 000 |221, 830 19, 030 | 72, 015 13, 530 LECpn bere (7710) to a eee er gs nS Te a Cee eae it Pcp ei seatbpell [a TES Wey Reaintsae 20. Sealer oe 465 | 1,089 1,238 | 1,568 302 TOTS Tes) Bas 35 SERS SE ee eee eee eee Ltr aS Malcig ree) oye Se OE et ee eee ee ee LOC) qa ee Se et ee se eee ee SC USS Ae Se oe eS eee ibn ee iiriesel (ONG (3 EXC 2 SRS DD OE ee 2 ee ee eee eras Minott se |e teen ele cess | see Crowfoot bars__-------- Safi ces sek 16 OP et is Nas OS eee ee ee eee Ca) O)S perce ee a RS FM ae EC Se ee 20 Ohio River and tributaries—Continued Tennessee River and | Wabash River and tributaries m - ainee mle . tribu- ota White . . River | Tribu-| ota | River | River aticed Total taries! proper | taries proper | and trib- taries 1 utaries Fishermen: On boats and shore: Number|Number|Number|Number| Number |Number|Number|Number| Number OPUIBT= Vo eaos. 22 Pigalle ke. a 212 719) (RISE De) (a a 2 5 365 GETS 123 Dien a AO Si elie 364 6 370 872 703 156 1, 731 58 2, 739 OLA A 2eee 576 6 582 894 703 156 1, 753 63 3, 104 Boats SS 1G 10] (1 Ge aS ee nes TDS a ee noe oe 158 356 205 58 cosy dO) Li) a= pe SY 412 5 417 543 510 101 Apparatus: SE ECV SEIS CVV REE in EA fe a eth | ea AUS So 1 J aa al pa por CRS VALS 252 |eeeeer ole ok Ree eS BIO ees ean Serres Alpaeees ure Cuba C11 ba se CURES 2 oa EER leat Sole Oe, | relearn, S| > eran) |e ee ars EIMAe Verses ome leee rene ee eoeer: S60" |becs. sess Cores ines: Trot ASG Roce eco 28 T0028) eae eee ae 800 Fyke nets 206 -e cosets 122 Baskets Oe poe 10 Crowfoot bars 978 288 24 Ni Re aa RE Ss Sl) SE Pa id ES 12 60) (2S ty 2: a SN | oe 2 ee ee eee 483 700 118 1 Includes all tributaries not shown separately. 380 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of the Mississippi River and tributaries, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By waters—Continued Red River and tributaries Item 1 Includes all tributaries not shown sepa Ouachita River and rately. Rock River and tributaries mi Be ck tributaries Wear * ne iver iver Piz iver ribu- proper | (Louisi- pees Total | proper | taries | tal ana) | River | Tribu- Total proper| taries Fishermen: um- Num- Num- Num- On boats and shore:|Number| Number| ber |Number| ber |Number| ber |Number|Number| ber Regular___-___- 21 30 14 44 24 185 2 87 @asualeee es 365 54 159 171 330. 160 909 477 93 570 Motaleaas =e" 461 75 189 185 374 184} 1,094 562 95 657 Boats: INT OtOn see ees) 261 41 93 25 118 85 505 191 22 213 Otherto eS 300 53 166 155 321 156 830 195 28 223 Apparatus: Haul seines_-__----- 59 28 22 39 61 17 165) sy eee 7 Length, yards__| 14, 100 2,800) 3,800) 3,525) 7,325) 5,210) 29,435) 1, 010)/2--=-28: 1,010 Anchor gill nets____ 7 Be St 20 12 a EAN A RE 44). 28 5. bel aes ee Square yards-_-__ 2400 eae ie 4,000} 2,000! 6,000}________ 8, 400|. -2. 2232 eee Trammel nets-__---- DA er IY ca 1 1 21 AG) su Phedeam 2 2 uF Square wardss alli. 6800 benno 8| Zeus 140 140} 4,996} 11, 936}_-_____-_ 250 250 ines: Otte pees ae 1, 225 102 383 250 633 288)! (2,248 | 222 ale 221 221 HOOKS sae- = 249, 200} 20, 400) 47,460) 42, 150} 89,610] 55, 710/414, 920)________ 6, 030) 6, 030 Myke nets... 1, 545 202 683 556} 1, 239 282||7 (3.208 |2- eee 74 74 WITISSCLIGhedseSzs Volt ek ee al eh || Bi ey ee oO CPE S ek ete, 1) ac hee 1 SEELH Co h=}es rn we C0) Uae] oy [ogee aap (MSI | WR A TE) Oo Pe i aes a eee Se 1 230 ae 1 Crowiloot parse 222 |e eee Eo 10 | Seen 10 RNeeeE ae 10 379 47 426 PROM See ee ae ate tera ee een eae tae (5) bees a | See {i} eee te 9 9 TE OTIGS BEC OTT S 3 | Aah A ia |S eet (0) Asset ee M0) We eee 10|.2-. .-- 4/22 ee (Grapstee ee 48 43 10 21 331] | rea es 122). = 23). See eee St. Francis River and White River (Ark. and Mo.) and tributaries tributaries Item Black * , P . . Minor River Tribu- River River . proper | taries Total | proper | and trib- Siar Total utaries Fishermen: On boats and shore: Number | Number | Number ; Number | Number | Number | Number Regan see se een ae 233 257 761 184 76 1, 021 @asuali tected c Se fe 292 27 319 498 146 109 753 STotaleen es Benet 525 51 576 1, 259 330 185 1, 774 Boats: MOTORS == ei fis 2 ee Lee 26 6 32 583 141 64 788 Othere nei Saas See ue 8 512 49 561 825 220 157 1, 202 Apparatus: Hr anlseines Sea oe 2 Aske oe es SR he eS ee Bee 10). 22332 eee 10 NOVICE VaANGS vee! SR EA aS wee eee Uh cee 4,200) 22 oC Se eee 4, 200 MramMaImMeliMOtSek oa8 asa a ee I CU he ee ere 12 3 u 16 Sqwaresyards 2s 2hosw sss eee Rae ees Se ee 688 200 60 948 ines: “ARs LO) Reet a atten 8 EI EIN a Bay ts] Waals vanes 1, 575 1, 416 472 355 2, 243 Hooksii. 2 Siuees BL OO ase oe 51,095) 156, 225 37, 270 39, 290} 232, 785 IV Kemeise pen wee ne O28|haneea ee 528 2, 355 665 383 3, 403 Miussekdred ges... vse 2A |4 Oe Sena oe eee oe 305 103 18 426 Ward stat mm Out hee et eat ee Re sare ee See 205 69 12 286 Mrowloonbarsee- sees asses BO bese 2 LE 30 766 206 36 1, 008 OTIC are Sent Se ee nase Ae NY Pee eeeae MSV ((Re es sere p.7 Aa eee 22 RAKES 2) Galea Se Deas 2 ee Cees Ses te 3 67). oS eae 67 TY OTR GR Ste ah es RE Ney I 90 ee a ov | OF). 2 a oo eee 97 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 381 Fisheries of the Mississippi River and tributaries, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By waters—Continued Wisconsin River and tributaries Yazoo River and tributaries Item VR AS ST es Cy tt : ; 5 z tal River | Tribu- Total River Tribu- Total to proper taries proper taries vel Fishermen: On boats and shore: ~ | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number ree UN hal Se eae A) eed ae 4 84 28 112 5, 153 SIT) ELL ee SS SES, (aR ee 9 9 73 14 87 10, 731 SAG UC\ ORS hs ee ei 4 9 13 157 42 199 15, 884 Boats: INU co es A ae a 1 5 6 54 19 73 4, 426 other oe eet 1 4 5 121 29 150 10, 120 Apparatus: lau) Seinese— =< -=-S = ~~ Del peaeon es 1 2 5 7 1,013 Length, yards-_--_------- SUG Renee 300 1, 100 1, 385 2, 485 255, 779 PACD O GPU NOLS eee ee | ee Ce ee Io cs cole ask eos) Sloe lel ee eee 101 PSKO LEED SS Pao AS a ea a | CC aRRS | |O eee e eles Sees fe a Se Se 45, 637 PreLOA TH CeTIe DS ane net a le ae ee eee | oS eee ee oe ee eee 1 1 518 ITPA ONY AL GOS ee | eee | EE SE lh EO ee | 133 133 63, 799 Lines: TRA ee ee ne ee eee ee A te ee leno 67 ETGOR Se eee ee enn el eee ead oy OR), Le tg a Se Ee re eee 67 bt) Heaps we ee oe ae eee eS ol Ee ee ee | eee 450 104 554 17, 129 CATCH: By STATES Species Alabama Arkansas Illinois Indiana Iowa IS Pounds |Value| Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value} Pounds | Value yp). eee Re ee ee 700 $28 S308 | aloes besa ee 91, 825) $3, 759 Buffalofish--------- 21, 330|$2, 342) 2, 182, 446/131, 474) 911, 609] 51,893} 85,045) $8,156) 746, 615} 59, 705 Ranpeses--- 3 —=-- 11,000} 1,118) 808, 206) 27, 268) 4, 878, 744/128, 221} 157, 641) 10, 162/1, 594, 244) 80, 134 Catfish and bull- REAGS. 2= 3-25 =-—— 81, 200) 8, 850) 1, 077, 343] 93,150) 647, 696] 68,890) 35,370) 5,302) 467,340) 48, 593 rappie------.- 9, 772} 1, 004 11, 325 7 eo ee Soe | en Ea LS a ee | ee | eee cee LOGIT Se ee P| oe Sen Eee nee ee ee 4, 985 ae ee eee ee eee 325 15 Mooneye--.--------- 1, 000) all eee 1, 100 28 Paddlefish or ; spoonbill cat----- 338 93, 200) 2, 159 104, 846| 5, 480) 16, 492) 1, 724 9, 400: 638 TE AEG) pay Pel arly Tle eee |p © Socal ea Baya] Een | WR) | BN i | Ee Cees ae he 4, 700 470 Quillback or “« 4 merican carp’’_ 7,657) 875) 6, 830 676 17, 532 608} 30,312} 1,436) 60,450) 1,339 Sheepshead - --_----- 45, 909) 4,972) 676,358) 29, 877 177, 709} 11, 321 38, 740} 3,711) 343, 449] 17, 619 Sturgeon, shovel- 10 39, 766) 3, 448 3, 013 292) 17,650] 1,663 Sucker ‘‘mullet’’__- 25,130) 1, 087 16,797) 1,156) 36, 550 822 White bass--------- 1, 200 ODI Seem Iu tee ake he ve LY 8 ees SUAS TIES OV REDEE Cee a fee eee = a ee ak ce TAC aly 2)e ee econ 4, 550 GOS ee fei |e Potal== == -=-- 6, 818, 525/271, 623! 387, 960) 32, 632/3, 373, 648/214, 785 SHELLFISH, ETC. Mussel] shells-_------ 7, 429, 528) 82, 894/7, 328, 736/105, 632)4, 366, 219) 65, 685 TEST oe SS DET AS ON 6G ae | ee | a aS) FOR Oe (| 100 ae eae 125) ee ee , ti trl oie USS C8 eS |p| Ee re ee | 1S Sop eee ee ae iby) | ae 13, 924 EG 2) SOR ge ae | OE ss ee ee es ees a eS oe 19, 100 377 Turtles SATIS a] ae Nag ag OD) |e ae | 14, 577 696 500 25 2, 000 40 SAS R s BS Pe || SST eee EE (apne aie) eee 400 20; 17,000 340 1 a) <1 ee 1, 635, 000) 12, 576/10, 872, 790/126, 357| 7, 444, 105] 95, 615|7, 329, 636/124, 590/4, 404, 319] 87, 610 Grand total _- |1, 822, 153/32, 754/15, 732, 507/411, 451|14, 262, 630/367, 238|7, 717, 596|157, 222/7, 777, 967/302, 395 382 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of the Mississippi River and tributaries, 1931—Continued CATCH: By StatEs—Continued ; = Species Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Minnesota FISH Pounds| Value| Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value Bow tinea 22 = fe a ee | Se ee © 3) eee 5,715} $114 16, 598} $282 Burralofisht2 2-8 sleet eS ke ee 24, 325) $2,222) 164, 558/$14, 429] 8, 784, 314/263, 261) 257, 431] 15, 092 arr: OP ois See Fee ee ees 117, 489) 10,956) 113,461) 8,124) 204,743) 4, 127/2, 151, 119) 97, 756 eipet SuGipalinesds== ssa ee | 770 111} 181,777| 17,043) 6, 602, atl 528,579} 53,804) 4, 841 pleas | Noa et PO ES 6). 2-2 a es a ee See ee 72, 450 79) |25- oe 990 105|_-==_2-s2|.-. 2.2 | eee eae PaAddlefishior spoon pill cate eee eee eee 18,322) 1, 617|' 495,544) '21;'508|"2 = Sess eee Quillback or ‘‘American carp’’-_-_--- 100 11} 1,355 984 20, 700 431] 17, 246 519 ATIC CL eee Lee ee al aE WEN RE aes 2b eee a a 2, 365 451... |. 2. 8 ee BHESpsheadan o2. so sneee oe ees cal Peo ee 52, 560} 6, 762] 1,976, 600} 39,577] 152, 545) 7,938 Sturgeon, shovelnose____------------- 175 24 2, 967 380) 225. Cees eee 1, 634 115 Suckers mullep so 2e Se 2 Aer 2 ed ae EE ate LOS 204) el 33 C Se ae eee 65, 273} 1,955 BOWE DIG once te Sect eS SS |e ors ee 70) 18.2... 2222 | Eee eee RO tae eee ees ae ene ee 142, 859) 13,324) 508, 719, 51, 244/18, 163, 253 SHELLFISH, ETC. Ora wiiSh estes a 2 sete a ee a ee |e ee a ee oe eee 29, 248 POP pee oe a ke er a ee ee eee 38, 503 Miiisselishallseaeoc teat s Neen 2a 312, 562] 2, 713)1, 113, 032] 8, 786 50, 000 TP OATS ec et ar i ee er ae ee ae Te | Eee eg] eee | nae ene | a ee ee ey BN Gree ee see eee oe ae Soe ell eens 636/522 S=se Bb2/e22 7 Bee LED RO SAL Se eed SAN Spat eh Sg 5 Sek 2 Eee IS A le se fie el eee 872, 651 Turtles STAD DOks ts se eee ae ee See eee ee | pee eee eee ae ens 58, 013 Hott-shelless os eer eee Pare pees a ge eal eee ee ees 1, 700) PROval es se eee ee ae 312, 562} 3, 349]1, 113, 032] 9, 638) 1, 050, 115)135, 980) 782,630) 9, 158 Granditotal see oe ee ae 455, 421] 16, 673/1, 621, 751] 60, 882/19, 213, 368/994, 3743, 498, 280)137, 656 Species Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Ohio FISH Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value PBS OWL Mse es em nate anges = So pa ie eg PEF Seale aya | 17,000), $520)... .2. |S: eo eee BTA O fishes serie ae ae ee 1, 511, 126/$63, 824] 178, 991] 16,414) 18, 104) $1,813] 6,483) $662 OE 0) pees ae ay SE ee eee eee 225, 276| 6,730) 433, 117) 33,356] 93,032} 9,305} 14,370) 1, 543 @atfish'and bullheadst=222 2-92 esse 635, 049] 42,384] 91,430) 15,487) 34,174) 5,135 4, 380) 811 1 DYE) (Safad al, DI i IE UR Dae Saeed Oe ee oe 250; 20 1, 055 $3). Je 22222) 22 2 eee eee INEINNOWSE tne as we DT ee Lee ee 525 209) u.22") |. 22. | eee eee Paddlefish or spoonbill cat_____-_-_----- 158,821) -5,879); -40;103| .2,917)=-- 2-2) =|. -- 2a ea Quillback or ‘‘American carp’’___------- 2, 157 42| 13, 672 946/205 | Dee 1,195 119 Sheepshead TOG} 844) Osh TON AS LSOl roethol sees ee | = eee 1, 318 224 Sturgeon, shovelnose 100 Bly itp ee2|). le 03 |=seaeere Seer 558 72 BUCKer TUT Ob caste beeen aw epee UR eee ee 2, 275 202 | (ee see |e 2, 902 268 EXCITING oh y yt eae wee ae RII AP LEED ive | pe ie A Be Oe ee Se | eee 325 MNO taltee 52 meee eOe ass iy oo ESE frre 2, 639, 623/121, 458] 833, 636] 75, 670) 145,310} 16,253) 31,481) 3, 759 SHELLFISH. ETC. BDRM Dee eee ae Bie aales he ere EI £0; ' OOO)" 500 |i es 2 Sse Senks | Raat he eae ees 154, 000} 3, 005 MiirsselvShiells?2:d: f= 5 Sly 25 Sear Rae Oe | |e 94,,000|" 1,198). 22. - 8 || 2 eee SAUD ee I RS a oP SD HN 2 a gd 118) 2232208 oe 308 ERRRtLeS SMa DDOESe hee a sen ee ae 100 Slee oe eet | ee ALOT lame Ree aie OURS gh SS ee ee 101 00/0503] (94 000)) 10 Sil See eee 154, 000} 3, 313 Grandtotale = soos el ree ng 649, 723]122, 961) 927, 636) 76,981} 145, 310) 16, 253} 185, 481) 7, 072 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 383 Fisheries of the Mississippi River and tributaries, 1931—Continued CATCH: By States—Continued Species Oklahoma South Dakota ‘Tennessee FISH Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value | Pounds Value NWOT jets 8 ch 6k ee eee epe Serer te dl ee eS eek | eee eee 14,000 | $1, 680 PPeTeR TER fleets ten a es CL ee ee 21; 605 $2, 142 | 38,926 | $3, 894 478,592 | 34, 247 eee Se ee SS el US oe ae ee 4) 268 425 | 52,836] 2,642 247, 841 9, 594 Cathsh TIEN ae IGRNT Ss 3s. fo note oe Ee Se ee 4, 935 695 13,500 | 3, 528 271,753 | 24,750 Lo GLE a a ee eet ete eae) een Se hee 1, 392 70 18, 652 1, 658 Tio. 2 SSS Se ee ee eee eel Os (ee a eee =) ere eee eer 163 25 Pacdensh:or spoonbill cat.-=.-=.-.....-.--2..-s<.-- 5, 3382 533 400 40 5, 034 301 @uiliback or ‘American carp”. .--.-.-.-.---.-=--- 1, 950 195 4, 364 220 6, 065 843 UAE 2, 0 27s aE SS See ae ve ee es eee 1, 550 155 697 70 197,670 | 10, 465 SVP 2 CR TO CT Dae SS Be 2 ee eee oe Seer eS ee Se ee eee 3, 706 393 SSUPUEL TENET ered TEN Aga a AS Se Se SE a eae er eee ee 2, 246 112 8, 323 1,119 SULT a2 NTS SIN BT Se Shee se OP? Ce Se ee ie eS ee eee 21, 850 1, 094 WOT ANTS ce SC RS Oo De EE ERS es. 2) eer eens | eee! ere eee |e = 2, 100 106 VT] ge ee SS tes ee SS ee eee a a See 39, 640 | 4,145 | 114, 361 | 10,576 | 1,275,749 | 86,275 15, 604 28 1, 724 270 14 17, 640 COSTER RUIN 12 SES So aye © Se pete me feel tees Ape 39, 640 | 4,145 | 114, 361 | 10,576 | 3,435,069 | 103, 915 Species Texas Wisconsin Total | FISH Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds Value TSG a ES ee ee ae Ee cere i apne er peep Ree = tere Rly [eee ete | Spe See Paget | alee at Se 14,000} $1, 686 fin 288,170] $4, 355 428, 316 , 299 268,001) 13,528] 15,772,451; 687, 288 777, 474) 23,800; 11,891,761) 455, 399 65, 539) 5, 825) 10, 266, 847} 877, 798 oo gO CS IS ia Se ay Din seal FRE ie | eg ee ee 41,141] 2,9 ee ee eR ee ae a ee eee eee oe I ee 6, 978 441 Sopot Te Re ES Re a eee |e Sk Pee Be eo 72, 450) 791 BE Lie eet BOO 3) ach EPS | Re Se aids = ea he = 525) 209 wast Roti SOY ee a ie Se ae fe eS UE Ee Oe Oe PL RS fea ees Se Pap Shed, 3, 090 153 Paddlefish IESHOO HDC Gb. one te eee Ss Se ee NE ere ee ee oh see oN 951,452) 43, 134 REET OT Le oes ee ek eee Se SE A are BS eee Poe ee | eee 4, 700 476 Quillback or ‘‘ American carp’’_-.------------- 500 10 66, 353) =. 2, 032 268, 438} 11, 286 UTES oes aR IS Ea ae ae Ee a AS Segawa (Se Sei ee [eee See | Sees ee eee ee 2, 365 451 SHEED TYeS1 1( 77s [eae ae Mea Bled es eae pee ee ae 10, 300 206 84,409} 3,692] 3,904,844) 142,938 PE NPeUMEBOVEINOSO eee en eee te ee ak oe se ees ste deen fee eae se oA 2 f 8, 163 cece LST a) pA eee en 9a (ae pea eee | Seen 135, 984 3, 696 314, 835: 12, 682 ETRE ees se = ee Pr is en fee el | ee bce = eee (eee 21, 85 1, 094 I SIEEINS eee ee oe ne oo Ss eR 7 ee a eee © seas 3,3 199 NOLL og LG a Ea TE eae a a el ep er et [EE |S ae eee 4, 945 771 CUP C e ee ete ene See 138, 500} 6, 368) 1,685, 930} 56,928) 44, 061, 714)2, 257, 204 SHELLFISH, ETC “PUR owe dou SL a Se A ae Ee bls Je I ee ed ee ee | ee ee ee 29, 248 29% IED STL Ege 3 ee Bein ig ea a aaa Spare nn isn ey (Ba Sag) eeleraecat wk nae) Ve 48, 503 3, 923 SEIS 3 Ee ES Se oe op ae eS eS Be ES eee [ee eee eed a RES 75, 190 3, OOF Ba Pe Se NN ae eS 2 | Oe ee ee | ene ee eS a 19, 1 394 Tt ABD SOMES, Cee Se Sue | i on A 959, 200) 11, 513] 38,320,809] 640, 153 UT ie pe Ree rk oe ee Oa 138, 500! 6, 368| 2, 645, 130/68, 441| 82, 382, 52312, 897, 357 384 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of the Mississippi River and tributaries, 1931—Continued CATCH: BY WATERS Arkansas River and tributaries Species Atchafalaya River River proper Tributaries Total FISH Pounds | Value | Pownds | Value | Pounds} Value | Pounds Value Buttalotisnee sees = Se Ace ee 164, 921 |$16, 346 | 12,905 | $1,271 | 177,826 |$17, 617 | 3, 638, 907 |$108, 901 @Garnpi ebro ee So ote 50, 659 5, 066 3, 453 344 54, 112 5, 410 6, 343 126 Catfish and bullheads_---_____- 117, 919 | 12,310 830 88 | 118, 749 | 12,398 | 3, 998, 234 | 322, 252 Garis heey Aor ae Se nse Ga eee ee eS See | eee os oe | eee ee eae ere 650 13 Paddlefish or spoonbill cat____- 2, 020 100 6, 425 569 8, 445 669 6, 137 361 Quillback or ‘‘American carp’’_| 7, 080 709 1, 500 150 8, 580 850) |v a2. 22 Se Sheepshead i. eet eee 93,984 | 9,399 2, 320 232 | 96,304 | 9,631 | 1,101,591 | 22,026 Mota aoc kes Joe e ss 436, 583 | 43,930 | 27,433 | 2,654 | 464,016 | 46, 584 | 8, 751, 862 | 453, 679 SHELLFISH, ETC. 7 ‘ ASTAT IVD Se Shere oie eee cee ee) ce ESE ee eens |e ie ee |e re |e 1, 686 168 INITTSSelSHelIS! Wo Se eee 2 Ue 8 | Be ee eee ee S127 562) ||) 2703) 3126627) 2573) ee Fe Be ego Rs CS AID A Perper [ne ae a cet Ol 636" |e ees 2 636) | .-¢-2 2 eee ATO GS Be BNE: ae aa A a EPA SS Ba OI |e ef er eee eae | ee 451,056 | 67, 654 TMIEtles; (SNANPer as aL Ske Sa he se ee SA ae ae he ee ee ee Ea eae 26, 431 1, 613 6 DY 0} fe Ue eo ae ed Ne (DES 312, 562 3, 349 | 312, 562 3, 349 479, 173 69, 435 Grand}totale ee 436, 583 | 43,930 | 339, 995 6, 003 | 776,578 | 49, 933 | 9, 231,035 | 523, 114 : : F . Illinois River Des Moines River and tributaries and trisaranies Species River proper Tributaries Total River proper FISH Pounds} Value | Pounds| Value | Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value WES Ou EL TEN ee ee ee pe a ea 2 oN ae Fyn Rye un ee OS SSP Ny RA Aa egal [2 Be psoas 7, 508 $209 OS TEE) O Lis Paes ae cal pe a aE ES AT a as 1 oe 21, 537) $1,610} 21, 537) $1,610) 512,987) 25, 044 CArp anew Esra eke UN Shee alae eson ee ee ae 187,858] 9,857} 187,858] 9, 857/4, 055, 456] 96, 077 @atfhishramnad pull iee dss eae See See Ae te pes I | ee | ee re 228, 044; 21, 091 ET LS eames pees HoH, S Senet SE AE Se UE ee SN oe Sa ee | ee oe | ee ee 3, 150) 198 IPaddilefishror spoonbillicat- eee ea eee ES el ee ee eee See ee a eee 10, 961 569 OmillbackvorsvAmenican! Carp paseo eee eee eB es 8 DUS ee | Se ee ae eee| epeages 1, 172 40 SHECDSHe Re eee La eS a ee ee eS ee P| a ae eee 25, 647} = 1, 306 Sturgeonyshovelmosens< oo 2k ae. a Se | ee ee ee Se eee ee ees 360 36 Sucker “amulets See eS se eee 3S PE eee | a eee ae ee eee 8, 640 331 PT Geen oe tga eit Aen Aare eed Reg os Nl ee 209, 395] 11,467] 219, 395} 11, 467/4, 853, 925) 144, 901 SHELLFISH, ETC. IVITISSEL’SHO]IS eee eee We ROE ee Ue 885,162) $14) (626) 2822 see ee eee 885, 162} 14, 626/1, 034,400) 8, 341 CEES Uf eas ce i ST ye Ee i a pa “es SN 1 G56 | SE |e eae on 1, 656) 25S Se ee PSIG FASS i yc LI pee apa [ening ey ot DOG ae a er Se 2a Sa a a 2;'965|U. Saaeeres 719 TMT ELOS MSTIAD PODS cesses OL auth eae ie NE Ales SEAM aa | ae Rete eT a yee | 13, 827 638 i) BG A POR a ee ee ae 885, 162| 1S 2 Vd 885, 162| 19, 247|1, 048, 227 9, 698 =——— ———— ——T——{—=—— _—————————————— Graridut otal puaen mac sues ters oe 885, 162] 19, 247) 209, 395) 11, 467}1, 094, 557) 30, 7145, 902, 152) 154, 599 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 385 Fisheries of the Mississippi River and tributaries, 1931—Continued CATCH: By wATtERs—Continued Illinois River and tributaries— Iowa River and tributaries Continued Species Tributaries Total River proper | Tributaries FISH Pounds | Value| Pownds | Value | Pounds| Value | Pounds| Value Voy Lieto py eta eR SE a a et a ee ee) | Seka Brae | 5 oo Ee eg Co? 1) RES ap a (Sota ISTE DSi SR a 4,900) $415 517, 887 vole Sah) [eee ees | ee Sea Ve eee Se a a ap. 22 yj a. ee a ee ene ee 21,600} 1,645) 4, 077, 056 CO P27 ee ea [ape ae [ee a | ps ae Catfish and bullheads___---_--------- 17, 200) 2,277 245, 244 Papa tt: 3) Ee een | eee Ne) (eS ee ee (AG 2. SSRN i COR RP eae ie ee Seer pal ei ed |e ee 3, 150 LOB ens os Se onan |p eee Paddilefish or spoonbill cat. .......-_].=---=--]------- 10, 961 130) 8) ene Se SIRI] ES Sea ee aS ale Quillback or ‘‘American carp’’--_----- 2, 200 116 3, 372 P56 eres Ses ee ee oe ee ee cUGCy eta s Ee ot ae Se Bee ee ee 1, 100 110 26, 747 D416 as oe 2. eee ee ee eee BIULESON SHOVEINESO son co nec oee oar tan ae Elk te 360 16) ES Ear Soe 18 8 8 es Se SUTUCUSET RASC rR) tg a OI NE oe ee 8, 640 = (ee I SY seme LN alah Be [Mo We UM) ATA AS ee Ey eRe see bo 47; O00)" 4; 563); 4,900; 925), (149) 464)422 5.2 > 2) 2. [ea ee eee SHELLFISH, ETC. res Lae og SLES oe 2s ee Oe Pe eae 34, 900 422) 1, 069, 300 8, 763] 18,680} $252) 659, 938) $8, 685 NT eS Pe Sap eOe Tee re RUE ih ey Set Se OF ASG (es Lett eee (ee ev ge nee tee nh) bes Pg SCE SUITES 5 2 Ade 0 Sh aR Sire ae ee (Se SER 1) | ee 700) Fae sus Dae e 1, 740 PuTues. SHAppeln oe isso oe ane 500 50) 14, 327 C1125) a (cea 2 TY ae Ea leeks 3 OLE TUTE SE ee eee ie 35, 400 552] 1, 083, 627 10, 250} +18, 680 324| 659, 938) 11, 065 ASTANGKEOial ss fe. eS oo 82, 400 5, 115} 5, 984, 552} 159,714) 18, 680 324) 659, 938) 11, 065 Towa River Minnesota River and and tribu- tributaries taries—Con. : Lake Des Species Allemands Blue Earth Total River proper River and tributaries FISH Pounds | Value |Pounds | Value |Pownds | Value |Pounds | Value TELE ga PLAS bt np TS Ely TT Sp 8 (Ri nT GAR fae ee | EE ee O54]. $150) 2224 taba Sees Tt Tn NE Se a a ee ee eee ae 175, 011) $5, 250) 43,492) 3,450) 54,176) $3,522 Cerys Serle Ee Ae a Dee as Oar eet roe! (Pepe ad edt 800 16] 87,079] 3,191) 229,898) 9, 262 IBHSTURNG PEHINOAGS! 22 oso Se ge oe es Bee Se 134, 464] 10,757] 20,541) 1, 841)/.----.--|.-.---- PA eusHer- Spoon Chta-=- 222) =e |e Se eee 2, 280 1 2 P| a ee a ee eee A ee ee Omiipack or American carpe 8 EE oF Pe ee See oee [oes 6, 435) 105/22 eee eee EGGS Le ok i a ee ee) Se heel es See 7, 414 148} 51,290) 2,573) 5,875 447 pete Tp SST i a a a a a Ney al | EE Rie ee 6, 045 AN (f | a remy |B es eee 678, 618 678, 618| 11, 389) 369, 209) 18, 448 327, 349] 13, 764 386 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of the Mississippi River and tributaries, 1931—Continued CATCH: By wAtERS—Continued Mame olaptl yer and a ibu Mississippi River and tributaries Species : : ‘ Cannon River Tributaries ! Total River proper and| tribmtarien Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value ge. Ue) ae 2S 9,545) $159 397, 795|" $8, 649)_- = Teele 19, 900) $1,011) 117,568) 7,983] 2,911, 904! 159, 439 667 $31 590, 357} 26,155} 907, 334) 38,608) 3, 587, 513) 151, 526) 103,051) 5, 083 nee ee |e. ee 1;'800;:370)| 160; 918|2 222 Se ee eee 2, 665 138) -..2. 43) 14, 800) 148) 4g 2 eee 2, 100 48). 2 2-3 5a 215, 424|- 11, 700|E nee eee Pike or pickerel 4, 700 470)- 242 523) Quillback or “American (canp?72==5|- 22 as) Se 6, 435 195 138,594), . 4,:220|- 2 2S eee Sheepsheads 300 ee ee 5, 135 207 62, 300) 3, 227 790, 757| 36,644; 17,740 610 Stureeon, shovelmoses 2-222 22s 22 2 | See ee |e oe |e ee ae eee 57,794) «5, 735| = 2aSt ee eee Sucker wmiullotoco- oe eee eens eee See cere 6, 045 177 217,'885).. - -5)\080|22= sees eee sWihite basse: 228 22th) 2S cee ee ee ee ee ee eee 100 16| -.. 52254 Pee Mota] eke Ieee eee re 615, 392) 27, 373] 1, 129, 768} 52,190) 10, 142, 401} 545, 639) 121,458) 5, 724 SHELLFISH, ETC. Sarimap ee esse es ee ees ee ot ee Se eee | eee ee 46, 500), 3, '725|22-22282 | See Nirisad! Shelistscras Ae ee ee ee 44, 000 440} 119,900) 1,199) 5, 234,792) 63,368) 114,070] 1,141 Ber See te se a Sd ae hs hes Bigs toed As 5 Sell pea | le RAN ape 15) 2S 5, 380}... 4 ees 47 RS Wesel yes al Aa Se a ee ee al [hl rt SX) Pia SU PAG |i oA ee 13;'538|s255eeee 304 Soy eS Sa SE oy Ne eS (ee ne ee ee 318:'719) 47,'529| 4a eee eee AL ASS sh OV oie dese a a ae IN ei eer onl bee Se il (hg || AP AT (foal fe AT 19, 100 BY WA ees ee Turtles: Snapper. oe be ees a ee ee ee Sa ee ee eee Ae 14, 050 284|- 22 223 Softeshe Uae ee aa EN | ye RE | 17, 700 354i see | Es LTO Gall eee ens hl a 44, 000 520) 119,900) 1,463] 5,650, 861) 134, 555) 114,070} 1, 492 Granditotale ss eens 659, 392) 27, 893] 1, 249, 668] 53, 653] 15, 793, 262) 680, 194) 235, 528] 7, 216 Misssissippi River and tributaries—Continued Species Crow River and tribu- | Reelfoot Lake pee Le Total taries FISH Pounds | Value |Pounds | Valwe| Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value BTA CKs ASS eo Sate es ee Doe eeee Ce ee ee 14°000|"$1;(680\2— => = = 2S eee 14,000} $1, 680 EO wir eee eae ss Se Se | eee 404, 248) 8, 763 abe a a Ree Seed =< ROS. ee Vi 7,749| $440 4, 194, 586} 217, 456 (Cryo Be poet e ars WERE WET ak eee 301, 368] 14, 045 4, 509, 330} 192, 845 Catfish and bullheads 2, 786, 091| 239, 384 Crappiest 22s. = 16,600) 1, 238 1 BY2) Rice ee es be 2, 665 138 Garfishets 24. 52) CU. bBo 25, 800) 268 Mooneye 2, 100 48 Paddlefishyorspoonbillieata == 2 a2 ee) ee 427,831] 20,139 Rikeorpickerel fe. uous Cee Se a) oe ae 4, 700 470 Sul backtor-/Amoericanecarp, = 424|20. <6 seen es 146, 256) 4, 437 SHESDSHEAGE = ae ce a teensy oa Nat ea ee Cee Re eee 89, 450) 1,789) 365,447) 9,472) 1, 263,394) 48, 515 DLULEPON SHO VelMOsde wows She tS Sua eee ee ee ee ee pe 1, 340 94 59, 134) 5,829 FSAORG) ES) MCU) oo HOG (=) ely eo cls Seg ah wi LAN ca le aa a Gt He aye yell mine 21, 557 648 239, 442) 6,628 SETS eh eS Le ee he olla Se id ea ee 21,800) wks OG4)E 222s sue 21, 850) 1, 094 WVVILTE OUD ASS see eee we SR Tae | Brea eb | D 2, 100 10G6|2 522-2222 Rea 2, 200 121 PROtale See se eee de! ot on es See 309, 117] 14, 485] 548, 550) 32, 923} 2,998, 701] 150, 282} 14, 120, 227} 749, 053 SHELLFISH, ETC Shrimp? seer see aes oS ke ea ee ee es | eee |e eee 46,500, 3, 725 IMiVisselishell saat: ioe 22 tas 220 100|| a2e20ll|S 2a sos|tec eee 141, 623 1,775) 5,715, 585} 68, 5385 IR GATIS a eer oe See CS, Siprhs | Ee eee P1) POS (BSE ee ee 350/222 eee 5, 797 SU Gere eek re oe oe eee |e ee ee 6652. 2 ee ee ee eee 509|- Les coe 14, 416 TRO GSE See e SSE Se Bre ae ee 2, 250 270 2, 693) 403 323, 662} 48, 202 PI BYT APIs a yee el he eye | a la ees ee ee 19, 100 377 Turtles: pep atch Oy 0[2) pace eet ere cian aa abe S| Sr le Mea Met ee ote et ee 5, 100 103 19, 150 387 Soft=shellis se Se Le a Ea ee le 2 eee ee 17, 700 354 Ui No) sfc Fee Seas Oe EE re oe tl Oe Ae 225, 100} 2, 336 2, 250) 7| 149, 416 3, 140| 6, 141, 697| 141, 793 Grand totale. oso ee ae 534, 217) 16,821) 550, 800} 33, 193) 3, 148, 117] 158, 422) 20, 261, 924] 890, 846 \ | 1 Includes all tributaries not shown separately. FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 387 Fisheries of the Mississippi River and tributaries, 1931—-Continued Species FISH PSSA a ee Sia) ahs SS eS ee ae Catfish and bullheads________- C1 GL Aa a a ee OTTO MIR te eee see ee LAS DT CS 2 Se eS ee Paddlefish or spoonbill cat___- Quillback or ‘‘American carp’’ PP OR ee sees Set er Riepnstiend 2 xe 92) Pens) eres Sturgeon, shovelnose____-_-__- Haaken smueallet?? 2-222) White bass SHELLFISH, ETC. Mrsssel SHEUS* = 55212 eek Granditopal a2 =. 2. Species Quillback or ‘‘American carp’’ SLED TERE 70 Poke, Tepe ieee Nee oe Sturgeon, shovelnose__________ Sucker ‘“‘mullet’’ Stab oe Sek Pel eae aoe 176453—33——16 CATCH: By WATERS—Continued Missouri River and tributaries Ohio River and tributaries River proper | Tributaries Total River proper Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value| Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value 5 SS Se eee ee 300 $6 88, 674| $8, 584] 139, 967] $9,853] 228, 641/$18, 437} 270, 733) 23, 410 409, 025] 38, 099! 271, 998} 15,445} 681, 023) 53,544] 308, 089) 19, 023 84, 396] 15, 639] 12,443) 2, 504 96, 839) 18,143} 172, 745) 23, 818 tie PS gel ne (Ca 1, 392) 70 1, 392 (i) Reet PES Se 525 7 1} aaa aa pes eee ee 525 209 wae ee ee ee We ae aES SE ees alee IESE Soe a ope 990 105 1,115 112 2, 000 210 3, 115 322 92, 457) 5,170 1, 000 66) 4, 364 220 5, 364 286 31, 532} 2, 202 Rep Ra fea eee allt EE RY Pee 2 ee Oe el Pee 2, 365 451 18, 894; 1,605) 6,779 919 25, 673) 2,524) 109, 558] 11,914 3, 368 SiOleap oe sees 3, 368 376 17,505) 1, 266 250 LA 221 359 4,471 370 25,976) 2, 444 er SUN eee a a ee Pe ee ae Ree Ue 1, 100) Ch Rey ae ee Pe ee) ees ees reel eee 4, 945 771 607, 247| 64, 701) 443, 164) 29, 580) 1, 050, 411) 94, 281) 1, 038, 295) 90, 657 eS eee aE 1, 000 10 1, 000 1 8) eu Crees be | eee 607, 247| 64, 701) 444, 164| 29, 590) 1,051, 411) 94, 291] 1, 038, 295) 90, 657 Ohio River and tributaries—Continued Cumberland River Pounds| Value 21, 095] $2, 112 14, 550) 1, 283 30, 053) 4, 085 2,052] 420 95 16 1,897} 183 3,630; 331 24,735] 3, 634 2,868} 304 4,915| 663 Tennessee River and tributaries River proper Pounds 52, 306] $5, 522 25, 236) 2, 261 136, 298] 15, 572 9,772) 1,004 68 6, 265 12, 732 62, 569 1, 566 9, 060 105, 890) 13, 031 315, 872) 35, 265 4, 905, 032) 34, 522 28 Tribu Value |Pounds taries Total Pounds | Value 52, 306 25, 236 136, 778) 15, 668 9, 772 68 6, 265 12, 732 62, 709 1, 566 9,060) 1, 082 316, 492) 35, 389 4, 905, 032) 34, 522 8 4, 905, 032) 39, 570 5, 221, 524) 74, 959 388 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of the Mississippi River and tributaries, 1931—Continued CATCH: By waters—Continued Ohio River and tributaries—Continued Species Wabash River and tributaries : White River and |} Minor tribu- River proper tributaries taries! Total FISH Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value| Pownds | Value IBO Wal he eee tao MOR De eee 400 SIG |S rare eae | heroes a 100 $10 500 $26 IB UT AO Shea see ee eee eee 30, 509 PAN Yass | ASL li cl eerste nee 10, 040 878 40, 549 3, 031 CQ FEY iy eee SF A ue AL Se ae 73, 601 Ps fo eA a 17, 350) + 1, 228 90, 951 4, 579 Catfish and bullheads_-_-_---___- 41, 220 HAO 4i1 | es ear ee iS eee ee 3, 328 482) 44, 548) 6, 423 CLS ee eer RAR Lc SARE ae 1, 000 BO ee ee ee et 2 ON eee ee 1, 000 80 Paddlefish or spoonbill cat_____- 3, 760 DOO WEY ML eas eee s 400 16 4, 160) 275 Quillback or ‘‘ American carp’’__ 10, 120) 220 |r oe aS | ee eee 10, 120 229 Sheepshead soi) eee tues rae 19, 210 NT a Ye 2a Aa ea SO ea 2, 350 195 21, 560 1, 746 Sturgeon, shovelnose_---_---__-_ 2, 625) TASH ah eT ug VE SA rs) 2 oped 2, 625) 181 Sucker juniillot ee eae 6, 792 OG Eee ae aoe a ace 175 8 6, 967 514 500) 1 Wie ae Sen POSS 2 PEON 2S7 > MAN 2G 7 ie aes see aes ee 33, 743] 2, 817 222, 980} 17, 084 SHELLFISH, ETC. IMGusselishelisssee-: tb shin ekki 5, 480, 870} 74,870} 2, 344, 866) $34, 537) 338,000) 4, 992) 8, 163, 736) 114, 399 Ee SEW el ASSP Wa iE ES PS al 8 ae ES ee h 1s) CE ee eee eee ee Se 125 TUS eee re aa en Oe SOC MEN (ie ee ee 12A8O5 eye men es Gic63 |e eee 1045/2. eee 20, 303 Turtles STAD Dense Mss es arent heen 500 PA] ee BCH de Ea, Sale| spo Nt CY Ba 500 25 SOM-sneli Soe eas oe ee 400 DO eat dec lal i ca fa eo Shek | hh OR 400) 20 Mo tales vocal ee hake ete 5, 481, 770} 87,935] 2, 344, 866] 40,900) 338,000) 6, 037] 8, 164, 636] 134, 872 Granditotal ass nss ae ee 5, 671, 007} 102, 202) 2, 344, 866] 40,900! 371, 743) 8, 854) 8, 387, 616] 151, 956 Ohio River and tributaries—Con. Red River and tributaries Bpenes Mi trib Black Ri inor tribu- : ac iver taries! Total River proper (Louisiana) FISH Pounds| Value| Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value RES OVER Tea re eee es rege rr lla Om Lip | Nepean Ca 800 $32 5, 715 $114) 5. eee BUflalofish ss oe eee a ea 13, 735) $1, 077 398, 418} 35, 152] 2,178,441] 65, 407) 256, 000) $7, 680 (GAEN OTR Ses ik Ie ER es See 4, 642 369 443, 468] 27, 515 95, 640 1, 941 8, 600 178 Catfish and bullheads___-_________ 7, 675 753 391, 799} 50, 747 777, 258) 62,183} 108,100} 8, 648 COPS ee eM a RSE a Po A States Sa a Be 11, 824 1,424) oe Pn ee ee 12) ARENSON ES TSS ec saa URS (Tey Me leh 1, 163 105) 2 eee ee Giarfish weep Loe oe aCe ULE Sa BN he Fa A | 25, 000 300} 3,000 30 VEO ONE Cees eee ne RON sc mA ME Nh) ABS ha oes SNe aes 990 NOS) iyo oe Paddlefish or spoonbill cat____-__- 80 10 104, 859] 6,269} 213,521} 8,540] 13,000 650 Quillback or “American carp’’_=._|--------|---._-- 58,014) 4,275 100 2) +6, 300) 146 ES TEND (2) eSATA a ae PUL POY ene ah AR BHESpSHeA dN ie Lowa De a 1, 480 205 STungseon. SNOVelNOséesee— aoe eee ne ee ee eee Suckers smile tse We es ne ae 825 73 INVATTUGOWDSSS SCS i ak esd a Ms Gi eae ORR he oA (Maa inal OM OW TOT Ke eases crete a VE aaa a AN No) Cot aes MS eS Ce Ta 28, 437| 2,487) 1, 712,094) 158, 648) 3, 603, 789} 144, 655} 426, 350} 18, 003 SHELLFISH, ETC. IMI sselish elisa se texas Seen ely Seas 1:54;|000));-3; 005) 13; '222) 768] 15926) = Je Sak ee VER Epo a i ee SUS a Tf a FE I ba eee Sle 153) 222-25. h.|2oo eee Tras ee ae TOS ee EE BOSS 2 uh Ae 95, 681)i 2 33] ee TOES ae A Sees 2 SOREL Vee Te | Se RE I et) 60,900} 9,135) 16,500) 2,475 PIR OPT ATT at a OS ORY Se ee gs | ye ae 70 14) oo eR ee Turtles: JS) aU: 0) O;-) aeRO | AO ea |G ee 500 25) 6, 500 130)-U 2 = |e BOtt-shelle re ek 2 rea ae ae 400 20 1, 000 20) ..-- sl Seon FT ten ees see Pad ake 154, 000) 3, 313} 13, 223, 738) 177, 769 68, 400 9, 285) 16,500) 2, 475 Grand total s/h) Sos 182, 437/ 5, 800| 14, 935, 832! 336, 417| 3, 672, 189] 153, 940] 442, 850] 20, 478 1 Includes all tributaries not shown separately. FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 Fisheries of the Mississippi River and tributaries, 1931—Continued CATCH: By waTERs—Continued 389 Red River and tributaries—Continued Species Ouachita River and tributaries Minor tribu- f taries ! River proper | Tributaries Total FISH Pounds) Value |Pounds| Value| Pounds | Value|Pounds| Value Pree RT ree nee te gad oS 407, 809|$14, 424) 462, 127)$15, 653 869, 936/$30, 077| 484, 900|$14, 645 LOPS TS BRS Spa Sel OAS ee See Dien ae 27, 728 556} 27, 600) 552 55, 328} 1,108) 14,075 335 G@athsh and bullheads_ ose 2) Fe oe te ee ed ee ee | ee | ee 300 6 little, WabashuRiverts |i. s |e ee 2) ee eee 400 16)... 2s | ee Ota Roa eee ee 150 OSE Se Nate 2215 7,917 499) 4,600) 165 Baskets: : Mississippi River: Illinois River -- 950 57|------2-|s- =~ a5.|2 5 ae ee Total by waters: Mississippi Ruivetsec. -ss=- ee 835 44] 1,000 20} 28,485) 2,095) 2,900 122 MINVOISvRV.eresese ee ee 3, 150 198) eel ene 10, 961 569 1, 172 40 Sangamon: River == + | Se oe eee Se ee eee ee 200 16 Mermilion River... os 8- |e BS ee oe ee os ee eee 2, 000 100 Ohio WRiver-2—. 3-2 2225-345. tetas S| sa | ee ee 70,000} 2,800} 2,100 58 Wabash River-_--__-------- 1, 000 c=] Ree ee SS ee epee oe (Be ey 300 6 itive Wabash. River soos es |-oe en oe ae eee eee eee 400 1) eee ee Rock#River =. asessesce cn ee hs CE) ee ee oe 2 ee 8, 860 266 oY si] (oe Ae Na i a ta eats 4, 985 322 1, 000 20) 104, 846 5, 480} 17, 532 608 — FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 403 Fisheries of Illinois, 1931—Continued CATCH: BY GEAR AND WATERS—Continued ——— ————————————————————————————————————————— ns Sturgeon, Sucker P Gear and waters Sheepshead shovelnose “mullet” White bass Haul seines: Pounds} Value |Pouwnds| Value |Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value JSG) 0) gl | 63,612) $3,507) 2, 559) $354 300 : ie a Se ae Ne 1S aa Illinois River_....-.--.--:----- 16,789) T76te 2: Meee. - Soper :’ ont|- sie Tees JOUR LLU gE se Sa eS SD 2 SS ees eS 4, 000 ha hi ha ae eal [eT ea SN Sa Wabash River-.-....-__-.. 30 DNase eee tee been eee a cee eee eat: eee ee UE AICTE EGY A SSS Se See Eh pee crea |p eg CM [ay os dl (ECE ered 5, 010 pW ee Een A (ee Y Perit Se heer ee 2 79, 384) 4,286] 6,559 594; 10, 260 oe i] eae ba So Trammel nets: Mississippi River-_--_- 2, 740 137] 20,350) 2,035 960 1 (ea a Ee Trot lines: ABS (S14 0) 6) Ol 2 7) ce 4, 195 203) 1, 240 BO | lS a et | are MIBIGIS HAVO. cooc coe eos 200 10 360. 611] BES 38) CSS Se Die ee ee Fyke nets: . Mississippi River--.---.---.------ 34,790} 2,469) 1,217 168} 5,995 268 100 $15 Big Muddy River_.--_-.------ 200 RE ap EE) | eee ee 4 (ta | FE i | Spe Peers (Se Pilar wRrver + 28s 5-3 oo 9, 705 fp) (pet Pare | fh a 3, 690 150) Pegs se eee | Ee Sangamon River-__----_--- 1, 100 ta OLE Se SE ek Se I Se PE a Ol (eee “Oui 4G ee eae 9, 900 723 2, 200 110 1, 650 91 1, 100 77 Wrabash: River: 2-0" !oe. 1, 060 105 500 30) 2,320 Pld apes oe ene) |e anal! ofan a Sil 89) rs) eee ee a Be) (ee eee AS | ee 50 aioe a eS Little Wabash River-__ 1, 950) DU fe mcged race ea [a 125 Ole ae ee ML AGT) [lly ln er 58,705} 4,111 3, 917 308} 13, 830 709 1, 200 92 Dip nets: Mississippi River__-_-__-_- 645 Gale en eee eC ne Be cS eee dee Re Total by waters: WOGNEIEAT IST Sar Ver = ee 105, 982} 6,369} 25,366! 2,680) 7, 255 310 100 15 Bip Wiudd yRiver_--- e222 = = 200 75) ee Sade A oe eae, | [See PR ae Al |) TE | SR CURL CS TET 2 pale pase es ae ae 25, 647; 1, 306 360 36] 8, 640 S333 Ucn “Pola FE Sangamon River_-_-------- 1, 100 LK) Eee pec) (Le Oe (ee ee ee ee ee ae ee Wbioukiver: 20h oh 33,000) 2,376} 12, 200 620 1, 650 91 1, 100 77 Winash River. =o >220"5- 9, 430 942 1, 840 112} 2,400 77. Soe PERT Laval eevee ns Yel 84 hf) ene a el Oe Ee ae el ee 50 ORM ee oe a Little Wabash River__| 2,350 hth) Pee ee Eee 125 | DS ees oe aN TES EPEAT SG Bsc) ge ee ek | a Se (Se ee |e me 5, 010 ify {hoe 2 Sel eee TT ee se 177, 709} 11,321) 39,766} 3,448) 25, 130 1, 087 1, 200 92 Turtles, Gear and waters Mussel shells | Pearls} Slugs snapper Total Haul seines: Pounds | Value | Value} Value |Pownds| Value| Pounds | Value LESS FT Sy PTS A ee aE SE ee a Pe) TS eh) pe pel ee, ee eee 456, 106) $21, 067 DETTE TS 24 ip) es ee ER ee ae (Mo ae (he ae ee 11,957] $556) 2, 882,416] 86, 685 PIP HLIETD SEAMED es bbe. fe [eee ale ee 8 | eee I ee a es Se cee 400 41 Mer HNO Rivers on. Clee a os See eee at ee 500 50 4, 600 235 ARERR Ube gene ree foto = |e ea phe le SRA Soe aS ae 79,000} 3,480 GIES SiN 3) ee TS ee 2 SEE Se] (PRES eo ees Ree es eet 855 69 TOME eg ER Ale 8 eee es | Spa gl | AR 2 SE pL Fae (| |e me 125, 934| 6, 189 TNT) iCN Le Se ee oe par 2S Dee ee See ea ee oe ee Ss ee 12, 457 606} 3, 549, 311) 117, 766 BITEEMIPIMALS: SVIISSINSIDDE LeLVer. | ose ac- a2. |e lee ton |e ee ee 88,415} 4, 641 Trot lines: LISS DS Cee CaN ig ST ie Se ees = Pi I a el | alee | SE re (Lae 90, 301 9, 850 Wlinois River. 2. os) *- 2 3 36S ace Se eS SE he ee ee es | Sti 75,006} 4,898 SATE Nee A SAS Tyeted, 9 Na gS oth [De ek al (ee aa) (a naar Ue eg) Nl 3, 600 438 SDAA UCONN eA faire BRS oe SE es TT! pees Mn ee ee Oe Ie) ee areeel eee ae 154, 275) 11, 304 VUE PSE gi chee eles we! | be SR S| Poe er la | Sa SS laa a geen (tele eae 48,900) 5, 289 Little Wabash Neh ef Be ll) sale | ate eee ene SS A eee ene |e! 4, 300 518 AMT chet Sa 5 le, MEE A hc eS) (a a ee | (mr A 376, 382) 32, 297 176453—33——17 404 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Illinois, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR AND WATERS—Continued a Turtles, Gear and waters Mussel shells | Pearls} Slugs snapper Total Fyke nets: Pounds | Value | Value| Value |Pownds| Value| Pounds | Value IMSSISSIDDIWRINClas sean es |e re cee |e ee oe | eee 250 $8] 452, 496] $26, 424 Big Muddy Rivers..- --==|=—-=-os~=-| oon ae | ete ee ale el ere 9, 300) 985 TNinois#RiVers-= = 3355-222 = eae RE es See ee 1, 870 82| 1,863,931) 49, 810 Sangamon® Rivers 2222.) 52. 28 3/8 Feel ee | ee 23,600} 2,049 fh a) quakes | Dye: (eWe a See Se SP ee See fe ee eS ee eel ee 2, 000) 80 GOO MEU IV CT es es Ee | ae ee | ee etre tee a 155,950} 9, 102 Vis baSHUR Vere cee eres ea A oe sae |e Ae ee | ee Se ee ee 29,790} 2,905 i Mparras RVers. -52 28 aes | eset SR ee ee ee 1, 978 156 Little Wabash TRU AS) Beeee eere eel eeee o a s el ee el k 27,325| 2,125 MOtai: Se Sele ee le | ea 2, 120 90| 2, 566,370) 93, 636 TDI Me bS sey WIGS ISSO OVC betes eee ee eee | eed |e ee eee 19,920} 1,917 Baskets: IWR RSI oyON TRIN WE IIE Se RSA ee fe Seales soll Sele eee elle 171,940) 16,012 MUTI MOISHEUI VY Ora 2 ee eee ee | re ce | re a | 46,399) 4, 146 Sanoamon, Rivers - ease <= ee ao | eer ee er eee reel tere ere 13,300} 1,770 Ohio River: WiabashiRivene = 22) Soo es es ee eee eee oe a | ae 925 116 Hn Dabras RLVeres--| 2s ss-° | k | eee ee ee |e 140 18 Motel = Sees avis ol ee ee ae Stee oe See | Oe eS ee | ee 232, 704; 22, 062 Mussel dredges: IMUSsissippiRiver-—--2--==---—— 537, 500) $4, 424)-__-___ $607|-<2-2= |S 537, 500) 5, 031 IROCGKeRIVeLES ses essecese se 41000 e StS4 er Ses) Me ee ee : 34 Motel nn oon eaeee eee eee 541, 500) 4, 458)--____- 607/282 sa| Soe 541,500) 5, 065 Crowfoot bars: IMississippl River.--=----=---—= 245,000} 2,045 $65 (6) 6 | Pena real hd 245,000) 2, 723 MUNOIS RVI eCie ase ee 630, 900 cage | eee ALT eo eee 630, 900 5, 658 Ohio River: Wabash River-| 789,500) 8, 410)--_---- i 440 |b ae 28 | ee 789, 500} 9, 850 Rock River oo225 2-5) - soe 3, 138, 320} 41, 464)-_____- 5; 8b3/=22—-- = | ae 3, 188, 320) 47, 317 Pecatonica River------- 5B Sie |e LAI ao eee TGs | Pe ae 158, 372/ 1, 908 Totaling etme cee tee 4, 962, 092} 58, 875 65/9. Sib 6|=422— s ee 4, 962,092} 67,456 Forks: IMsSISSIPpPisR Verses ee= = ee 12, 500 0): Eee ee 62| 2225p ae 12, 500 166 Ohio River: Wabash River--------- 54, 500 545/22 1 0|cekee sez ee 54, 500 655 Embarras River---- 15, 500) LES | eee 40) 232 ees eee 15, 500 195 Ova = saa ree see 82, 500 804/ seer 212 |S at Se ee ee 82,500} 1,016 By hand: Mississippi River -.------------ 443, 566) 3, 594 125 OFT Sane | emacs 443, 566) 4, 696 MUiMOISMRIVereessee eee 408 7500|5 a3; sOlaan == P| a SAE ers 403, 500} 3, 402 Sangamon River------- 8, 000 fy eee eee eon cee |h Se ae 8, 000 52 Vermilion River: Salt Fork of Vermilion Riivenkan sees eee 1, 900 20|een cee 5| esse See ae 1, 900 25 Ohio River: Wabash Riv- er: Little Wabash River_- 500 Yee el yet wee) (ere | ee 500 7 ROCK RIVED See ee et 8027020)) Oy 836leas ase 1,041). - 22a ae ae 802, 920} 10, 877 Kishwaukee River. ---- 12, 000 1.50) eee oe eee Ss | eer eo eee 12, 000 150 Pecatonica River-_------ 175/050) 4)1;:968|S-—— oe 205|< 222 Seal pee 171,050) 2,173 Boy if) Whe = ee 1, 848, 436] 18, 757 125 2 600 f2 . Sees See ee 1, 843, 486] 21, 382 Total by waters: IMNSSISSIDDL Rilveneaase---. eee 1, 238, 566] 10, 167 190 2, 259 250 8} 2,517, 744] 92, 527 BiryMuddy Rivers-s-----4|-2<— Se Rees ee ee |S eee DE Le = ae eee eee 9, 300 985 ITM GISMEIN Gla ete sae ee 1, 034, 400 BS) oS] |Eoneces 719) 13,827 638} 5, 902, 152) 154, 599 Sangamon River------- 8, 006 52 lee BN Cee | eee 48,900) 4,350 Sine aes FEE ee See eee en SRN a ee ee | ee |e 2, 000 80 WMermnONMR Vers sae 2 |e ce eee ees | See Se Se Sele ee 500 50 4, 600 235 Salt Fork of Ver- milion River----- 1, 900 20) pes sea Ol os es ee 1, 900 25 OHIO URTV Gre ee | pa er ES ee coil een eens Bl) ee | 389, 225} 28, 886 Wabash River-.------- 844° 000) 8, 985)--22 222 1550/52 a ses oe 924,470} 18, 884 Embarras River__-_- 15, 500 155| nee 40 oo sss eee 17, 618 369 Little Wabash | vere sass Sone ee 500, fd cee Pa LN eta || foe an 32, 125 2, 650 Rock Wiversacnce noses ota 3, 945, 240) 51, 334/--.-_-- 6) 8943S se | eee 4,071,174) 64, 417 Kishwaukee River- ---- 12, 000 1 0) ee BC) (apn alee PE ee |e 12, 000 150 Pecatonica River__.---- 329; 493)" “3i713ioenoe 51: | eee | ey ee 329,422) 4,081 Total see .-| 7,429, 528] 82, 894 190) 11,835) 14, 577 696,14, 262, 680) 367, 238 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 405 INDIANA Fisheries of Indiana, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR Tram Crow B Te Haul “| Trot | Fyke ; y | exclusive Item seines sob lines nets Head Tongs | Forks hand | of dupli- ; nets a cation Fishermen: On boats and shore: Number| Number| Number gtd Number| Number Number| Number Be age moepular. _-.-_-.... OE ate Sate Ree Ale OL eee Soe ee ae Se ee d Sea BS ee ae 83 8 lll 88 546 72} 1,278 + 1,060 1, 735 otal. 22 = = 102 8 lll 91 546 72 | 1,278| 1,060 1, 755 Boats: IVIGLOR Stee tee ooo =e ee A | eee 1 362 25 450 325 544 RODGERS ose eee ES 49 3 109 86 194 47 833 733 1, 189: Apparatus: iG 0) eae ee Length; yards. -------- Honareyerdsee) =. .../-2|5- 4. 2 - LL GUVs: SS ERE eo eee] ee eee (ee 5 eee OPERATING UNITS: BY WATERS Fishermen Boats Waters aif ae lo Haul seines Regular| Casual} Total | Motor | Other Mississippi River: Length, Illinois River: Kankakee River: Iro- |Nuwmber|Number|Number|Number|Number|Number| yards PRIOIS ROLU Ole = nee ee re | 5 iy eee if ee | ee ke LEC Te SRT ae Ba Es a ape eee 2S 13 179 192 6 161 32 2, 980 ‘org Glens Sica te See SS Re ae i 719 726 278 439 18 2, 190 AU DECHNOR EELVGle == see - ee [Ee eS 129 129 55 yA eee | a gt a Vic LET LT a ee I RE SE 13 13 5 yet eee CS eee East Fork of White River__|_-_----- 651 651 194 yo fal | eee Ss Driitwood Rivers. - =| 2. ee 3 Oylbast ase Py apenas Bim nye rok West Fork of White River__|_-___-_- 36 36 6 Boe oe eae ee es —— | 2 eS eee Potala se oe es ee wee 20] 1,735) 1,755 544 | 1,189 50 | 5, 170 ; Fyke Crow- Waters Trammel nets Trot lines = foot | Tongs | Forks ets | bars Mississippi River: Square Ilinois River: Kankakee Riv- |Number| yards |Number| Hooks |Number|Number| Number| Number er: Lroquois River. Dai it ak eae SS a eG as eee 279 | 15, 335 7/3041) Fees Bese 2 [ev = a | Wabash River. _-..--.--_ ==: 3 360 41 | 1,432 55 780 12 459 PID PCA DOO LY Clee = ees. |e ee aE ei es oS Pe Slee ee 7 ees a 114 VILE es TS li a So A | ee Lelie EID Sa aa) eS) ope ee 8 2 10 East Fork of White ARIEL Re Sa A Sa agin Giese eee eee oe aera tee NN DEE 280 58 651 rico manmer |e fs Denby 2 ee | STRESS) ps Dial | RO ala 3 West Fork of White URES oe ord AR a beet EN] |e a [tio Sel Ui Gest SAR HE OO ees lad Meee TN 36 POUAL = 2s pee 3 360 320 | 16, 767 335 | 1,092 72 1, 278 406 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Indiana, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR AND WATERS je ee ee aS Catfish and Gear and waters Buffalofish Carp bullheads ie eS SS SS Haul seines: Mississippi River: Pounds| Value | Pounds | Value Pounds| Value Olan ROK orgs 8 RSS EE Bee ee aa 18, 061 | $1, 720 62,790 | $3, 278 6, 082 $786 Wabash River------------------------------ 16, 407 1, O84 38, 984 1, 375 950 95 Tye oie ee eh ea ee eae 34,468 | 2, 804 101, 774 4, 653 7, 032 881 Trammel nets: Mississippi River: Ohio River: Wabash River. .---------------------==----- 500 50 760 70 25 4 Trot lines: Mississippi River: @hiOUR Wer. 29-2 ee ne 22, 782 2, 461 11, 225 1, 235 | 12, 407 2,028 Wabash River----------------=------------- 400 32 1, 337 101 2° 375 351 Motal | oh esbe sos eka eee eee 98,182 | 2,483 12, 562 1, 336 | 14, 782 2, 379 Fyke nets: Mississippi River: Ola LIAYS boo ee oes eee ae a 20, 008 2, 341 34, 235 3, 645 | 10, 236 1, 694 Wabash River_.---------------------------- 6, 887 478 8, 370 458 | 3, 295 344 TTS Gy Bed ee a re ee ca 26, 895 2, 819 42,605 | 4, 103 | 13, 531 2, 038 Total by waters: Mississippi River: OiioeR Verse en ee 60, 851 6, 512 108, 250 ; 8,158 | 28,725 4, 508 Wabash River-.----------------------------- 24, 194 1, 644 49, 391 2,004 | 6,645 794 TN tiet ee a 85, 045 8, 156 157, 641 | 10,162 | 35, 370 5, 302 es Paddlefish or Quil Iback or Gear and waters spoonbill eat (on Sheepshead DotA Se Haul seines: Mississippi River: Pounds| Value | Pounds) Value Pounds Value ON On RVC he eee en ae 11, 877 | $1,382 | 11,960 $394 | 13, 440 $974 Wabash River__..----=----------------------- 2, 760 209 7, 580 162 7,425 448 Mota ae oe ne eae ee a ee er 14, 637 1,591 | 19, 540 556 | 20, 865 1, 422 Trammel nets: Mississippi River: P Ohio River: SWisibas NURI LV Cle a0 see ene ee eee 50 ie SS Trot lines: Mississippi River: GION y Cree ee a ee ee |e a one a 130 14 | 9,800 1,378 STA ASTER LUGE es ee fer eal ame | 200 16 TG tele Sete os ee ee a ir oe ee eee 130 14 | 10,000 1, 394 Fyke nets: Mississippi River: ObiGMR Veh. soos seen en ea 855 83 | 8, 402 805 5, 720 750 Wabash River -------------------------------- 1, 000 50 2, 190 58 2, 155 145 EN cy usa ee ne ee me en 1, 855 133 | 10, 592 863 | 7,875 895 Total by waters: Mississippi River: Renna as OIG RIV ere oe ee ee ene 12-732 1,465 | 20, 492 1, 213 | 28, 960 3, 102 Wabash River-------------------------------- 3, 760 259} 9,820 223 | 9,780 609 TIN tell see ee oe oe ee ee 16, 492 1, 724 | 30, 312 1, 436 | 38, 740 | Be bt FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 407 Fisheries of Indiana, 1931—Continued CATCH: BY GEAR AND wATters—Continued r Suck ‘ Gear and waters Brea owe demain » Yellow pike Mussel shells Haul seines: Mississippi River: Pounds) Value | Pownds| Value | Pounds) Value| Pounds | Value JU LIAN CTE ei a aS a Ss 1, 263 $99 | 6,600 | $361 a Bas (1 Ui eet 32 9) ME ys Ea Sel fea Wabash River.--_-..--- Qe eet 450 37 | 2,902 (U7 Ss Reel Gee aot ae ne aes oe eee JL ee SSR se a es 1,713 136 | 9,502 535 | 1,300 LOD sees oh ae Trammel nets: Mississippi River: Ohio River: Py BDERUD IRI VO <-e aso oe 100 15 200 1G" |e ee Tee SELLS ee ee ces ik eee Trot lines: Mississippi River: NOI VEES as ee oe 850 1 aol le ee Ee ene aera) [oy Se SAREE | POY ES, Se Wabash River. 22:2. 72-535 175 13 40 Bi! ae Re eee ee en ee “LN CER ag ST 1, 025 121 40 rN (a ee ENE el (ae rea «| a ee Fyke nets: Mississippi River: DUTY ES hy ce aS 115 16 | 5,805 509 | 3, 250 eC Fe ae 2 ol a a Wiabasheniverces == 525 see on 60 4 1, 250 92) | F-- eee ee ee be oe ee SAE 1 Ee ar ea ee 175 20 | 7,055 601 3, 250 cA sia erp eae Oe Bape | Crowfoot bars: Mississippi River: 4 Ohio River: WEE ARTS LS GE) gepana: paca apc [Ute gape 2) Sie TA ee seers fhe «Ue RL a S| ee 1, 321, 120 | $17, 597 PRINPecAnOS ee Verss.. fi 22 | oes vee [Eee eee ee ees. |S eee ee see 24, 000 360 SLB UEE 2003 381 gi SS EI ae 1 a Pw GRY ae Saeed | ceca (Pe Jen tt bees tes 8 14, 235 152 East Fork of White RUIMORS: cos .>. ee 785 69 | 4,392 22 eee ae SS 4, 636,870 | 65,915 AB yay Noects Cee! coh Ce tees a) ER | A | eee beeen Ce ee 322, 000 4, 830 Rida) Bea ogee ae oe ae ee See Se ees eee |e ree ee) eee 104, O85 1, 057 East Fork of White a: a ow fe] | 9 el ES Se SH peo ae | Se en |e Se 1,908,731 | 28,490 DE en igete eoeee en leoce neo oe ccce|neceas. none ae see eee 5, 000 West Fork of White 1h eee A EE el ea Ee es ye eee aes) (gre | (teen oe 327, 050 4,915 Rotel aes aos 3, 013 292 | 16,797 | 1,156 | 4,550 693 | 7,328, 736 | 105, 632 408 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Indiana, 1931—Continued CATCH: BY GEAR AND WATERS—Continued Gear and waters Haul seines: Mississippi River: Ohio River Trammel nets: Mississippi River: Ohio River: WiabasheRiverss 5-525 55 ato Trot lines: Mississippi River: OhiovRivers Ae eee Wabash River Fyke nets: Mississippi River: ObionRiver:: 2: tess ae ee ae Wabash River Crowfoot bars: Mississippi River: Ohio River: WialbashoRiiy eres ste: ae Tippecanoe River_-_------ WihiterRivers-- oe = East Fork of White River Tongs: Mississippi River: Ohio River: Wabash River White River East Fork of White FRVier ae ee See Forks: Mississippi River: Illinois River: Kankakee River: Troquois River Ohio River: Wabash River Tippecanoe River White River East Fork of White River River By hand: Mississippi River: Ohio River: Wabash River Tippecanoe River White River East Fork of White River West Fork of White River Turtles Pearls | Slugs Total Snapper Soft-shell Value | Value | Pounds| Value | Pownds|Value | Pounds | Value meres pie) cece ae ake oe eee |e ee ei ee ae 133, 373 | $9, 189 eee al eee & 500 $25 400 $20 78, 358 | 3,629 nA || aa Pe 500 25 400 20 211, 731 | 12, 818 ee Ee ALL 5 DR se Ree ee eee eee 1, 575 158 fe ned ele ben cast singel ee A eed eee. Bra es eae 57,194 | 7,214 a ar ss (S| eR ES a Pe | ee oe ee 4, 527 517 eS ee ee egeiee) [ope ays | (eee ee Phe 61, 721 7, 731 Eo ge a aeslWaase: = opel hs agen ee | 8 See |e cee 88, 626 | 10, 341 aes S| lens Nell ee eee |S el lee ee 25, 207 1, 629 Se Eo) ae ee Ee eon | eee 2 eee 113, 833 | 11,970 esl ns $3,004 is 22 Mune a ee eee ITO Ree eee ROU ES caso ee anaes sae on eee | Serene 24, 000 435 Bh Perr tah! D9 in) ht em Vane os 2 ee a | ee 14, 235 181 shee at +20 al (eee ES ees te ee |e 302, 565 | 5, 364 aS 4, 108), |ULs se.) seek a |e a es OGIO ea oar Leann a 120 |e | S| oe | Se 48, 060 792 bg gv 22) |paeasee= |S. toe Pe oon |e 9, 900 122 ES eet 402} | 3252-22 as + ee eee 134, 826 | 2,424 A ee eee AAG E x2 Set a a oa | Cee A 192,726 | 3,338 ee ee 15) |2eeeee8. |b eaooe|be ese eee eee 25, 000 425 SRB SS. 5,192) | o2. k 222 |e OR nat eee B50) ee eae ee fe eS PS ee 106, 000 1, 920 LOO) sae SS ee pe Se ees 48, 800 602 Len 3627 enol oe| at | |e 208 ee eee UD ase ON ae ee 5, 000 87 we SO 250UL <. Mss Ee ea ees eee 228,900 | 3, 685 been eras 9,595: Bee cols. 2 bela Sed Se] SS SBR 2 COG r ie rue $125 229800) = ee S| Ce el Seen 1, 197, 200 | 21, 004 Ee Seen 600:s| S228 8 be | Sac Eee 192, 000 3, 480 J nt LES (2: i Rapes See 0) 1 kA 8 ee 31, 150 380 Bee Se Be oe 12711 ee = a Be ee ee een = = 262,990 | 4,670 eth WAR! 108" so Sebo cal ee eee 98,150 | 1, 588 125 Ae ne See eam | re ere ae | neta 1, 781, 490 | 31, 122 { FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 409 Fisheries of Indiana, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR AND waters—Continued 2 —____ a ‘Turtles Gear and waters OEE eS Total Snapper Soft-shell Total by waters: Mississippi River: Illinois River: Kankakee River: Value | Value | Pownds\ Value | Pounds) Value} Pounds | Value fProguois -River.-->-..---.}--.---.- Crt ese el een ee be ee 25, 000 $425 OEE Te) 23) Re cea aa PEERED ETE (Se |S eS eg (ed = Se ee eee 279, 193 | 26, 744 Wabash River $125 | 11, 345 500 $25 400 $20 | 4, 746, 537 | 83, 318 Tippecanoe River----.----|-------- TS O05: beeen e-|baee eon |a- ses toeliascess 322,000 | 5,835 White WLVEls s- fo soee cue les cnet Do} Wetgen se Sl | a Seas [Lae ath shah be 104, 085 1, 285 East Fork of White PERI ese eee peers oe BGp) else =< |-os2=-<|- 4 eee ae ee 1, 908, 731 | 34, 255 Driftwood RVers =o 3552 |e oe es OU i EN eee | Ee 5, 000 87 West Fork of White Bah.) ieee Be Oe ee Ee ae 2h G umes = ft | ee ees ee 327,050 | 5,273 TOUa Se <2 3: = 125 | 18, 788 500 25 400 20 | 7,717, 596 |157, 222 IOWA Fisheries of Iowa, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR : Gennes Total, ex- Ttem Haul Trot Pound} Fyke Dip foot By_ | clusive of seines lines nets nets nets Hare hand | duplica- tion Fishermen: On boats and shore: Number| Number |Number|Number|Number| Number|Number| Number Regulars 31.2 2--2522 Le 117 1 D7 il ae 1Oln sss ee 106) =e es ae 245 incr lace eee eee 184 183 4 195 10 137 342 648 Moray =: Fete 301 310 4 386 10 243 342 893 Boats ° G1 aR. Sear eee See 108 187 ease yy fl See 103i sees 309 ii ae ee ee he ree eee 116 103 2 168) |S See 42 235 457 Apparatus: INH re es 2 SC 133 1, 158 2 1, 981 10 Oe ees ee ee eripihs Varaes =. po) 2a Ss B63330 ie ea 2 2 | Soe |S na [Soe ole ramen eee eterna TEPC ACL aes Se ee eo) eee TSG S25 0) | eee | ee ee Ee ae oe | ee ee ee OPERATING UNITS: BY WATERS eee OO) Fishermen Boats Waters So Haul seines Regular] Casual! Total | Motor | Other Length, yap Number| Number| Number| Number|Number|Number| yards SIRIRM DEIN ONS aa age 6 ea ano =~ 245 273 518 309 191 125 34, 774 TIBRUVEGUIOR FLY Ol 2 on a Sosa —~ esl sonnw nse 183 183; (5o-ee es 1 (7 Ge I (er aa LO SOT Se Se ie Oe ie | eee 7 T i\eooseeee 1 (y) Se SRE | ee eS CULL 6 iG eee See Eee ee ee 108 a 0 oe 5) (ee Ae ere ee © . Bhell Rock iver ——---- --22=-2_|-2_ 2. 2 Pil ee eee 7 Se ae 8 ee == NCCT inh S4 ya) eee a De SS ee ee ees 33 + see ee ae 31 8 1, 565 BIG PiOUXE Ven eee eet esau etane 2 Di |sakdeeg Ph Re PoE ie ER Lira bi ¥ oid 24 heen Ene i a See Reine alan eae 6 Gee ee [i ee Bes | oe eee WRHTSI DINICON REVOr) 6 beet eee beso. .[anenoe= = 34 Ye hale ee 80) ||2 2 eee 410 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Iowa, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By watEeRs—Continued Pound nets Crowfoot Waters Trot lines bars Fyke nets} Dip nets Number | Hooks | Number | Number | Number | Number MUISSISSID Dlg RAIViOhe ee ne tee nae a eres POZO he 179 800) |e nee 1, 855 10 464 IVEISSOURIM RAV el sees ee ee ee 129 6, 450 2 1:26) |=. 3-e0 4] eee To teil ee See ae es Oe a 1,158 | 186, 250 2 1, 981 10 464 CATCH: By GEAR AND WATERS Gear and waters Bowfin Buffalofish Carp ee Pounds| Value|Pounds| Value| Pounds | Value|Pounds| Value Haul seines: Mississippi River 89, 725) $3, 701) 261, 562/$20, 774) 701, 054/$33, 961) 65, 200) $6, 520 IMISSOUTIMRIV OL a2 soso ee ees eae oe 5, 000) 460) 33,000! 2,640) 1,950 340 FERR () treg De at og ore ten a ad ee cies 89, 725| 3, 701) 266, 562] 21, 234| 734, 054) 36,601) 67,150) 6,860 ARTO CHINES VIA SSISSTP PI EULV Clie sae ee lt eee eee em | ae Mk pe (Sere | 64, 600} 3, 116} 321, 290) 32, 129 INTISSOUTISR VOL s 2s 52 se Sa a ero el ee ee nec ie | pn eatls 5, 290 423} 13,400] 2, 680 WS MOY eH [pm et Ba Te AS a WY eA RE Bs | ee eee 69, 890} 3, 539) 334, 690) 34, 809 Pound nets: Mississippi River: IVEISSOUTISEGIVOIs ces es at | eee | Eni 1, 000 100 7, 000 560} 1, 000 200 Fyke nets: Mississippi River_-_-------_- 2, 100 58| 476, 453} 38,115] 741, 00 36, 050} 59,800) 5, 980 IVETSS0 UDIVECLV. OL Nee Se ce ee oe em: | _ pe op Be | BEES 2 2, 600 256} 42,300/ 3,384) 4, 200 694 HN 0) 2M Nh oe ae SR A 2, 100 58] 479, 053} 38,371! 783,300) 39,434) 64,000] 6, 674 ID IpIMELS VMISSISSITO PLS Ler ae ee as |e me | cal ee | ee 500 50 Total by waters: Mississippi River_-_--- 91,825) 3, 759) 738, 015] 58, 889]1, 506, 654) 73, 127) 446, 790) 44, 679 BVITSS OUT REC INV CD rey = hoes en es ele SP nea 8, 600 816] 87,590} 7,007} 20,550) 3,914 bd Moy 21 US eae 2s eee Say ee ee oe 91,825] 3, 759} 746, 615] 59, 705/1, 594, 244) 80, 134) 467, 340) 48, 593 Gear and waters» Eels Mooneye Sees Pike or pickerel . Pounds| Value | Pouwnds| Value |Pounds| Value |Pownds| Value Haul seines: Mississippi River_-.-.------ 325 $15} 1, 100 $28} 9,400) $638] 4,700} $470 Quillback or Sturgeon, shovel- Gear and waters “American carp”’ Sheepshead Since Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value $743 156, 100) $7, 805 17, 200} $1, 609 Haul seines: Mississippi River _---_-------------- 35 3, 800 306 150 30 IMiSSOmrIgEUIV Olsen ees ses a eee MAY GFN Fes ho Re a lo ts Ph LE a 778 159, 900 8, 111 17, 350 1, 639 ERROU INES AVNISSISSUD Ds Rul Ole ce ee emer me ge 40, 800) - <2, (055) 22 ae see eee NVINSSOUTIMELV Ole sa tee hehe Re ra REL Can Rie | SOIR Po yal oes 4, 050 319). =-- ses Se FUR TRU Sa eV en ea ra A | ae =| ae 44, 850 2: 374). 2 3S See | eee Pound nets; Mississippi River: IVE SSOUINIMERIV Oren fee ee ee ER ol I ee 1, 600 128). 23-22 ee eee Fyke nets: Mississippi River_.........---------- 561} 132,149) 6, 607 300 24 MissourisFiiversis 2-2 2 222 ee or eae a 4 | eee 4, 950 399) 53352282 =| ee FT ee 7s ie nl te CS 561} 187,099} 7,006 300 24 Total by waters: Mississippi River...--_-.------ 1, 304} 329,049] 16, 467 17,500} 1, 638 AVETSSOUTI Elven eee eee ee ee 35 14,400) 1, 152 150, 30 On eIE ota a eee os ee eee 1,339} 343,449) 17, 619 17,650} = 1, 663 eee ae FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 411 Fisheries of Iowa, 1931—Continued CATCH: BY GEAR AND WATERS—Continued Gear and waters Sucker ‘‘mullet’”’?| Mussel shells Pearls | Slugs e| Pounds | Value | Value Value Pounds | Valu Haul seines: Mississippi River_.........-...---- 25, 200 S000 (> Abeee nao oleae Ss] saa ee Missouri River-.-.-------------------------- 150) |----------|--------|----------]-------- NG) eS ae 25, 350 Dag) Sins eer een eee Se eee Fyke nets: Mississippi River_.........---------- he Sion i) LisS sje 1 \( cali Se Bei ee 5 eR Sed 8S SUNS al a te pl eo a fe Din nets: Mississippi River. --.2:~<--.2--=2-..-- Crowfoot bars: Mississippi River By hand: Mississippi River: Pare INIDS ECL VOI 2 oe ae ene Ss Sel Sees Seas ER A oso Lever SV Gs SoS ee EES ed oe ieee 0 op hl eee a Lae CC LEGIGNT LES gi cele 0 ar a ee fe te Tea ae 2 2: ee | SUT CAW ELS GY 01 oll 24 hii) einen ate pine co eae vel (Ege 2 i a eee Miissour River: Big pioux Rivers 2225. 2°-.-|----.--2 =|. =5--..- 1, 000 10) Sees Seer SUTELD USA Gig gee 0 eS SEE eo) Pe ees eee 26, 580 TOF ee a 30 SORTING OTIEEE TUT ese eee ee aoe Nee eee SES ae 103, 593] 1, 353 350 373 LM CTR [pO oe ee SR Seed eee eee td a te SEES Sie a oe 1, 694, 953) 25, 230 2, 664 5, 162 Total by waters: Mississippi River_------------- 36, 300 811] 2, 671, 266} 40, 455 4,580) 8, 762 HORS VEOITION EVI MGle eset oF ee i alle DI Sol a 885, 162) 14, 626 1,656) 2,965 JUNG TE al B02) Re Sa et ie SE aA a ER Es A I DE (epee Rea a | Seer hel 18, 680 252 18 54 Gener Wivers foo. 82 hess oy Bee he lee Eek 655, 938] 8, 625 640) 1, 740 SU SCA hed 29) Cl Sel Oo Ags ig eee Si pe eo! [er eae | SI aren 4, 000) G0|S22 22 2. oes |e ee APIRAOTITINEQLVGL= 22 tere ys Fens oe ee 250 CL AP eRe ns | ete Fe aay [Sa a ag 1 eS oats PEP OSE ENS ROL WOL. a etna Se ee Ae he 1, 000 LO) Ese re ee ae LS VERLG Ei (ee es ee pee ie | (Ll AS e GO| 26, 580 804 ose 30 PASIDINICON Ry Glee eee es TS STN ts 2p ee 103, 593 __ 1,358 350 373 GY 2S SS SAR eS aR ae aes Bees 36, 550 822) 4, 366, 219) 65, 685 7,244) 13,924 Turtles Gear and waters er reit Total Snapper Soft-shell Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value|Pounds| Value| Pounds | Value Haul seines: Mississippi River__-_----- 2, 000 $40) 17,000} $340} 18,900} $373} 1, 404, 616) $77, 546 MVRISSOUTIRESL VOL 09s sea =) a ee no==---|--------|----+--|--------|------- 44,750) 3,818 eavevir rape ae ewe ares cele yee Pee 2, 000) 40} 17,000 340} 18, 900) 373] 1,449, 366) 81, 364 Trot lines: Mississippi River-.-.------|--------|-------|--------|-------|--------|-------| 426, 690] 37, 300 CON LEAS 5) tL 8 1p cy ee ame RNB ea 8 Tae (Ee ae (ek ee ee See eee 4 eee 22, 740 3, 422 CET (ayo set we Sols hake A A el esp (EO S| |2 Se Ta [Fal Rea (PRR EAD (FT 449, 430] 40, 722 Pound nets: Mississippi River: EPR! te"? fe JTS TT aL 21 1G) ae aga Se ipa Sa ae |e Seve [Te ele Ae a ng oe ee 10, 600 988 PEC RCRED IN 2 VUISSISSID DLV Ol sc 2c |Se eo eee ee os Se 200 4| 1,441,702! 87,501 MAES ETIOLULV GD £95 ere ee a oe Le --------|-------|--------|------- 54,150) 4, 737 Svein oe Cas Nee Oe pe ee Res = ae FS OC [ere (ae oe Se 200 4| 1, 495, 852| 92, 238 PETRA ISM LINSISSTI DIEU VOR” coe eee sane ate | Soe gee (oe eee ee ee 6, 500 230 Sree D Ars sAVISSISSI Np Ie tt Ver ene. |n oom e |= ase enn eeeeen [ne ee |e eee |e Se 2, 671, 266] 53, 797 By hand: Mississippi River: Des Moines River--_-- Iowa River------.- 18, 680 324 Getsr River. <9 25. 560 ease. ce| tc. 2en | eweboa|bie 52225 [bese chee eope tee 655, 938} 11, 005 Shell Rock River 4, 000 60 rims igeate ort Ele PIOUS eel VEL > 612 on > ee eae te a on oe ones | see eeee eee eee 1, 000 10 pia iat ae See ES ae a ee ee a ee eee eae ee SE ee 26, 580) 334 VSSOSTEMICORMSL ORT eee ee eh se IE ee ee 2) oo eee ee 103, 593} 2,076 NTA) eg 2 oe Oe AES Be i AS aa IST | (cer RRR PE a Ie) |S aa 1, 694, 953! 33, 056 Total by waters: Mississippi River-_---| 2, 000) 40} 17,000 19, 100 377| 5, 950, 774) 256, 374 ES WEOMES rel vers ma aeereer mes Sane 8 eee ee ee nck epuseace|eetie wee 885, 162) 19, 247 Iowa River---_..-- 18, 680 324 EER Shieh eee Rn RN Re ed | i | a eee) (ee oe eer 655, 938} 11, 005 Shell Rock River 4, 000) 60 WUERGHT TAR aha ne See SY Se Tee Se OPN ae ee | eee Ee es eee 132, 240) 12, 965 LSTA SIT) 3 a gc LENS age Se PRS) |S | SE an (RR eens (een 1, 000 10 SUSU GUT Pe ae ale aes mote pe 9 ek| bane ees) Cel (ee Ce Meee | ose eed 26, 580 334 Midi pliiteye AG ha ee we |S ee Se a eee eee SES Fae 103, 593) 2, 076 ERG bel sett ot Ee Sd 2, 000) 40} 17,000 340} 19, 100 377| 7,777, 967| 302, 395 412 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES KANSAS Fisheries of Kansas, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR Total, ex- Item Patel Trot lines | Fyke nets} Forks | clusive of duplication Fishermen: On boats and shore: Number Number Number Number Number COGIAR = 276 See oe 5 eee ene ae 35 pO ape ee es Wisistisal fiery esse es 59 2 24 29 88 “LNG 57 ee ee 2 ee 94 ‘5 48 29 123 Boats 1G) ee ee ee a ee Eee 16 2 1p |e a See 18 @Qthers= 3) ee. a ee ee es 93 5 47 29 123 Apparatus Nim ber: 24202 AO oe ee ee ee 90 17 189 29) 28S eae Squaresyards= 223 oo Sk ee eee 9, 026% |= s2225)..) S232. 2 eee eee EPOGES? 200 RS aa ae 360 [220-20 .4222c| os eee OPERATING UNITS: BY WATERS Fishermen Boats Waters Trammel nets| Trot lines Eats Forks Baga Casual} Total |Motor| Other Num-| Num-| Num-| Num-| Num-| Num-| Square | Num- Num-| Num- Mississippi River: ber ber ber ber ber ber vards ber |Hooks| ber ber Missouri River___- 35 59 94 18 94 90 | 9,026 17 | 360 TSO" Saeeee= Arkansas’ River: Neosho River___-}_---__- 29 Pratl eis See 29 eee oS). 2 eee ee 29 LEY #25 aga Ss 35 88 123 18 123 90 | 9,026 17 | 360 189 29 CATCH: By GEAR AND WATERS Quillback or Gear and waters Buffalofish Carp pea “American carp” | Trammel nets: Mississippi River: |Pownds| Value| Pownds | Value |Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value VEISSOTINIVEREMOR=— 6s See see 20, 172 |$1,842 | 98,383 | $9, 144 183 $22 100 $11 Trot lines; Mississippi River: Mis- SOUTTUECEV OE =e 6 se oe Rees en Pe Te eee | ee 587 92 Fyke nets: Mississippi River: Mis- SOUND EUR GL oe se Oe er ee 4, 153 380 19, 106 1, 812. |.2--- =| eee Ae act Total by waters: Mississippi River: IWHSSOUTINEURV OR 52 ee ae 24,325 | 2,222 | 117,489 | 10, 956 770 111 100 ll Sturgeon, ; S Gear and waters signaiaaes Mussel shells | Slugs Total ‘rot lines: Mississippi River: Missourl River:_-|.2--.-|2- =e s Es eee 587 Bykeinets:.Mississippiv Rivers Missouri River.) 26. 228) -e | | eee 23, 259 Forks: Mississippi River: Arkansas River: INGOSnO Rivals sae oo) 2 Saker ee a eee 312, 562 |$2, 713 $636 |312, 562 Total by waters: Mississippi River: WEISSOUNIFRAV OE = seo ee ee a eae 175 DASE 2 ee oil soe ee Se ee a 142, 859 ‘Arkansas ‘Rivers Neosho River. -- 22582 = =| _-- Slee 312, 562 | 2, 713 636 |312, 562 otal. 2. iso. eee ese 175 24 | 312, 562 | 2,713 636 |455, 421 ———— FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 413 KENTUCKY Fisheries of Kentucky, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By crEaz Total, ex- Item —_ ‘Trot lines Fyke nets (Crowfoot clusive of ; ae. ) | | | | | On boats and shore: Number | Number | Number Number | Number Regular-...-----.------------------------- 3 | 57 | 46 | 20 89 Ee ee en ee ee eee ) 36 271 179 | 95 0 S ER Fan Se ee et a 39 | 328 | 225 125 529 Boats: ) ee ee Ae ae ee eee 3) 16 | 8 79 | 92 (SE a a eee 2 2B | 300 206 | 49 | 420 Apparatus: ’ : } a See R ts Pe Set ce pe a Ep ere a | a : 627 | 1, 231 | | Cea ae Es ee, (be ee eS ee iG) eee eee (eee (ee ees 0 SS eee ee ee ee 37, 205 [25-23 eee SS : OPERATING UNITS: BY WaTERs : : | Boats | Fyke | Crow- Waters | Haul seines | Trot lines nets | fot Casual] Total |Motor Other | . | | = ES SEs 2 | Num-| Now] Num- Length, | Num-} Num-| Num- | ber | ber yards | ber | Hooks ber ber Mississippi River____ 2 160 | 22) 1,200; PI fade ie! Ohio River_______- 1,897} 370| 23,380) 708|_____ Cumberland | Se OO gd ee es ae” emer Pe SS ee “ae eS ae } 36 1,300 a TESS tet §) el ee BS Oe Boe Eee | 86 | 3,60 ky ee Tennessee River.| 40} 122} 162}; 82} 9 }-_----~--}-------- 55 | $025 | ; 77 256 LC 2, 057 627 | 37,395 395 | 1,231 256 CATCH: BY GEAR AND WATERS Catfish and Gear and waters Carp Tarlitineisie | “bultbeads | Mooneve Mooneye Haul seines: Mississippi River: Poids Value| Pounds | Value| Pounds | | Value \Pow a Value Ta ee ee eed Ake eed 5 | $234} 2,960] $319} 1,070} $154 |____._- 2 ee | 234| 2,960| 319 Trot lines: Sa Mississippi River Co See ee 1,812 | 18,874 Green River____._.._----- Barren River. -------- Tennessee River____-____- Fyke nets: Mississippi River__._.........._-- JL ee eee Cumberland River Total by waters: ee og eee eae Cumberland River Green iver. Barren River_________ Tennessee River__-_-----_- 414 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Kentucky, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR AND WATERS—Continued Gear and waters Haul seines: as Mississippi River See Ce Oe Cah eee oe ee ee OMOURVer t= Meee Ses Se a ee Trot lines: Mississippi River: OhiovRwers2 she ed ee ee Fyke nets: IMASSISSIPDIURIVeL_ ena a2 nok Ae een Ee Se ODIOMRIVER ei Nahe = oes a a eae Gréen Rivero. 2-2". cole eee Cre eC "RENN CSSES TRIG ee eee ee ee ae Total by waters: Mississippi River OhiotRiver2.: 2 eee Gear and waters Haul seines: _ Mississippi River: Ohio Riv ere eee Se ey ee ee a Trot lines: IVINSSISS) DD IWEVLV OTs oe eae = ee Re OhiogRiversl. Leen sale Ee eee Si es Greene Vere se es ok eee ee ee a IB ATTOUURI VOR ate one ee Fyke nets: IVICSSISSUD DIV ele] ise oe. Cee os aes ee eee ODIORRIVOL Sa ee eee Bee pipe Green vRiver. . sess snares Meee) Eee Barren Rivers ee se wee ee. ET “ROHMESSERNRUL VOR ean eee i Ge Total by waters: IMEISSISSIO DIMRULV.Ol nick eee Tsuen es aan ee aa OR IORESLV OT eo ee eee a ae = DS Paddlefish or | Quillback or : American Sauger spoonbill cat carp” Pounds| Value Pounds Value |Pounds| Value 4, 400 $9805) 2-2-2 5 7, 500 700 1, 090 $78 180 $27 11, 900 1, 005 1, 060 78 180 27. 600 63 30 3 |b-2. S33 eee 50 5 |p22i-w2-| 8a ee Se ee peers eeeess Se 200 10) |: 228 ele 650 68 230 i3'| laatanete 1, 402 92 970 | 46 ee fee Sat 1, 625 142 6, 715 731 2, 185 | 424 1, 210 110 2,015 95) |223o--= eee 80 10g oe eS. 2 jcfo ae 1, 455 190 425 21 | See | Le ees 5, 772 544 | 10, 125 893 2, 185 424 397 97 46"). 3. 2 ees 905 7, 745 812 | 2,365 451 115 2,015 OF loc. =e eee 10)|ss2---=-|--- S| eee ee 190 625 31) SS ee P6L7i|) dil, 355 984 2, 365 451 Sturgeon, Sucker Sheepshead shovelnose “mullet” Pounds) Value |Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value 4, 540 | $1, 053 170 $25 170 $10 160). 8 8,565 | 1,676| 1,007 29).|., 5 eee eee 15.[°°) 1) ee eae jeje its Seca hit (oad rena ol 475 48 8,740 | 1,685 | 1,007 220 475 48 1,175 59 295 17 150 13 33,175 | 3,483 | 1,342 106 | 8,849} 1,205 2, 320 163 53 2 |i ozs eal eae 160 it eee 7 350 25 1, 305 1968 {0-220 Wl ee 1, 145 115 100 10 300 30 39,280} 4,024 1,790 135 | 9,649| 1,273 1, 335 67 295 17 150 13 46,280 | 6,212 | 2,519 351 | 9,019| 1,215 2, 320 163 53 2y|. eee 175 O. |: eel) oes 350 25 1, 305 i aE (OSS 2 475 48 1, 145 115 100 10 300 30 52,560 | 6,762] 2,967 380 | 10,294} 1,331 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 415 Fisheries of Kentucky, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR AND WATERS—Continued Gear and waters Yellow pike Mussel shells Slugs Total Hau! seines: Pounds| Value| Pounds | Value} Value| Pounds | Value a SS eS et oe eek ee eS Pee 4, 400 $305 LO eR ee RR eae SE (5s SE PEE PPE ee Se [eas 19,805 | 2, 600 A er Sr ee Cee, Pee ee See / nee 24,205 | 2,905 Trot lines: d | Se NT a Re ale MO ei | I ee es SO | oe ee eS ele 6, 065 824 CoS ae ee Sree fee) | ee Eee ee Eee ese 82, 562 | 10, 308 CER STE I OST Be a Se ES eae! Ba sR ees Sees) Paes ee ee Sek | eee &, 238 683 SoS? es Reo’ Seen Pei Peers se ee ee ee 5, 472 388 Nig 2 Tae SE) |, ee Oa Se aS wee (2 eared (eee 3, 940 437 ATTRA TULE e Sed e e Rs PE PRP: Caner Be beh Aon | 11, 085 | 1,224 LED ee Oe eS ed |S ee ee |: See |------- | 117, 362 | 13, 864 Fyke nets: WEES Hs PC ae Es ed |e oe es oe ee |e Seed Ene 28,286 | 2, 306 iia titwer 3 ee SE 70 0 Bee eS Se ee ee ee 236, 029 | 23,360: SE Ce TRIP e oS eS See SS eo ee eS ee | ae eee 30,682 | 2,427 EEC PEE G(R EE LES SE) (SSA ERG RE Nahe | irae: eel ees 13, 370 962 SETTING Soi 2h Ses 2 ee ee ee ee 5, 655 700 Tennessee River_...-._..-...__- (pee Sees seteces See ee Pee 53,130 | 4,720 LT aN Re eS i ee ee Cr ee 70 Lt 9 CS ee eed eee 367, 152 | 34,475 Crowfoot bars: Mississippi River: Ohio River: CL DEEDTINS TS Dp P 7 as le es, CSB 4 1, 113, 032 |$8, 786 | $852 | 1,113,032] 9, 638 Total by waters: oe SET Tee ae ai ees oi (Sea el [See hss Ee eee ede (ot eee 38,751 |} 3,435 LULA a Oe 70 Lae. <= Sa a ee 238, 396 | 36, 268 pebies PR STi METS Rie AES sae pl [REE Ja (MORONS aS OES s PEE TS ee 38,920 | 3,110 ERIE US Da ee a NE SP eee aoe ea (eee Pree eee 18,842 | 1,350 (ea eS) ESE RS RN See ee Pea De ee ee, (Se 9,595 | 1,137 ET eT eS Se a, Si ole ie, ee eee) 1, 113, 032 | 8, 786 852 | 1,177, 247 | 15, 582 ivr] 2 Wee wee a See ee Nee ese 7 18 | 1,113, 032 | 8, 786 852 | 1, 621,751 | 60, 882 LOUISIANA Fisheries of Louisiana, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEaRr ian Haul Anchor |Trammel| Trot Fyke Dip seines | gill nets nets lines nets nets Fishermen: On boats and shore: ' Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number Tat tee ae eee ee 148 14 13 428 Re boeee eees CS pee 2s ee eee eee 633 50 51 1,439 1,007 59 Ligh Ee a 781 64 64 1, 867 1, 384 59 Boats LS ee ee eee oe 218 38 52 872 912 10 ett St eS Se eee eee 238 33 14 786 1, 621 49 Apparatus Cipro ae ee 377 74 78 5, 757 5, 908 159 PO a oe ee See i Ld ee A, MaRS lee een RR TS ee oD ee er ee ee oe 17, 400 TONGS ie = 2 o ee e eeeee LEV) Spee JE: Re ae RES S SENG eS eee See le meee 1 302, 200 12 oe ie ee 416 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Louisiana, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By cear—Continued Crawfish} Shrimp | Crowfoot eee fis rimp rowfoo clusive of Item traps traps ers Tongs Forks Grabs duplica- tion Fishermen: On boats and shore: Number | Number | Number |Number | Number | Number | Number UG EEUL Lea eee eee nee | ere ee Bye se ee ho || ee ee » 890 1, 402 Casta ae. eed 6 28 5 5 5 2, 144 3, 108 Ota fo oe Ee tS 6 36 5 5 D 3, 034 4, 510 Boats: (x | INNO) RO) fe seem a Bee Ph Be a 27 Di ee A 196 1,225 OR ee REDE ee ese 6 15 5 5 5 1, 394 2, 369 Apparatus: IN pers ses Sa eee oes 18 88 10 5 5 2, 232) 22a ‘ OPERATING UNITS: By WATERS Fishermen Boats Waters Haul seines Bee Casual| Total | Motor | Other Length, Numober| Number| Number| Number| Number|Number, yards IMUSSISSID DIN IVelaetee ee oo ie ee eee 101 389 490 205 317 118 13, 800 Aehafalaya: River. .=2-- 225s" 5- 2 see a 1,073 | 1,947} 3,020 440 | 1,370 65 32, 066 Make-DestAllemandseee. saat eee 14 26 40 24 26 8 2,600 Wa kegvantOn sess 2h ee ee ee cee 62 115 177 105 100 24 VOU MEUI Meissen ee a re eee eer 85 275 360 238 216 59 14, 100 IBIS Ck BRIV ens ena. Me eee oe 21 54 75 41 53 28 2, 800 Waddosakee as ao ee ee ee 2 30 32 18 22) 22 ee DorchesatiBayiouls = 2ss- see 10 41 51 40 46 6 600 Ourehifarhivere sets: ews 2 ee 22 7 95 77 86 21 3, 700 Bayou Bartholomew- ---------- 2 10 12 3 1122. 2-2 A eee Boeutthtiver=22ss<- i |e 40 40 4 25 25 1,800 Little River and Catahoula FEN hes ae pe DS rons 4 36 40 11 34 3 300 MenSaswelVele= ot as ee ee 1 18 19 4 20 6 600 Bayou Vicon as ==s5e = aes 2 26 28) Eee 23 4 400 Min oritributariess=-2=-2 see) eee 3 28 31 15 20 10 4, 600 FT OG al Se ea en 2 a ees oe 1, 402 3, 108 4, 510 1, 225 2, 369 377 85, 166 Waters Anchor gill nets Trammel nets Trot lines pa Square Square Number| yards |Number| yards |Number| Hooks |Number INTISSISSID DI Euly Olsen eae ae ne ae 30 9, 000 5 1, 500 924 231, 800 658 IN CHaisl ay GUrly pia seen eye een ae eee 28 6,400 | 2, 424 614, 800 2, 050 ake DesyAllemands:.. 2. S226" | BSE ac Se | ee eee 96 25, 200 120 Bakemiartorect te ok - a bas 2s aos ole bas el See oe ee | = ee Se 625 175, GOO 550 TERS (OI LRN (2) clap ae a yn ee a pn ye 12 2, 400 24 6, 800 1, 058 217, 400 1, 425 IBISGKARIVOl. saat eee ae | eee ee | Ete oe | ee | eee 102 20, 400 202 (CHENG Vo Covel Sse \eeaete mate ste ieee es ee RE [eee ee 16 4, 221 30 6, 000 50 Dorcheat Bayou Aas sees see = |e eas ee ee 3 300 85 17, OVO 105 Ouaehite Rivers sae 20 4000) ) = e2 = a/b 197 39, 400 344 Bayou Bartholomew_ ---_- 12 2.000: | eae Ss ee 15 3, 000 39 Bout Iver nhs Shee eS ee a ee ee Se ek 41 7, 200 59 Little River and Cata- hotilatlake. (seeks 2] os eee | 2 ee se | eee eee A 77 15, 400 115 Mensas Rivers 0 te 8 ee BRE eee eo eee a ee oe 35 7, 000 65 Bavotp Viacom sss) ee a ee eee ee 18 3, 600 95 INDINIO? thi biItaniess.- = So soer | Sees |e 2 475 30 9, 000 31 Motel” oes See ee 74 17, 400 78 19, 696 5, 757 1, 392, 200 5, 908 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 Fisheries of Lowisiana, 417 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: By watrers—Continued P Craw- |a;..; Crow- Waters ane fish abe foot | Tongs | Forks | Grabs traps I bars Numober| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number| Number WL O ESO 255 en i i on ee Sie ee ee [eee os) Bs CAA) See eee 302 IMI BIA VON IV Ole 220 22 one See Ot ec weer ees er ee ee a 3, 306, 636/266, 929 enOM DESPA MAMMANCS ps ces . ole et eee Sons Sell vee t= ees oe ee 2 114, 000) 9, 120 eRe ALAT GO Seo ook eae rs Ses 2) eS: See eee I ee ee 2, 500 50} 355, 061) 28, 604 Let Le Ne SS oe Pee | Poe | | eee ee (eee | em eee ee 1, 800 39] 546, 000) 43, 680 LETS ea hy Se eS ee | eS Pee ean enn 1, 800 42} 93,000) 7,440 CsGh Gti nti See aS ae) ae ae 2 eee ol (ee ee | eee 7 14/ 18,000) 1,440 RIOLGUGHIMEST OIE cee gee 5/2. = a SE et 800 16} 67,000) 5, 360 MOVIN OLUtT RU Al ee wee 2 alc Se EN ae ke 6, 600 132} 132,000) 10, 560 IAC RHEE ATUnGloMe we, - |)... s2elaeee sali eee 300 6 9, 000 720 bef ek a ee eee ee Goran 1, 000 20| 24,000} 1,920 Little River and Cata- LODE IVS Ee ee ee) | Se 3, 300 66) 69,000) 5, 520 PPeHSAS@absees. 225. cohecer = ee 1, 500 30| 28,000) 2, 240 Bayou Macon 600 12 7, 500 600 Mihbeegna lac LTT ae ees een I ee ee ae 45,000} 3, 600 Bin ese tn oe ie Oo ane neon Meee 24,200] 493/5, 314, 097/425, 475 i ———— = —- | 418 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Louisiana, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR AND WATERS—Continued Gear and waters Fyke nets: IMassissippleR viens =s aaa. ae Atchafalaya River_.--_-_------ Lake Des Allemands-__-_-------- Doreheat: bayou s2e2==—_ == Ouachita Rivers 2-2 2s25- = Bayou Bartholomew_-- Bocuiwhiverss--2 2) = Little River and Cata- howlacuaker === Tensas River-_2------ == Bayou Macon..-__- Minor tributaries__-_-__--- PDO pale = --ee romees 2S Total by waters: IMississippi River=—- == = 22 Atchafalaya River------------- Lake Des Allemands----------- Dorcheat Bayou----------- Ouachita River_—.--------- Bayou Bartholomew_-- IBOeIisRiVeDk: S=-eee = Little River and Cata- houla Lake____------- Tensas River. --------- Bayou Macon-_-_-_-- Minor tributaries ---_------- Gear and waters Haul seines: INUSSISSIPplRaver =? == 2 Atchafalaya River-.--..-.------ Lake Des Allemands----------- Make duartoxses esas soe ROG RAVOnN eos sees ue eo eS IBISCKORiVieh a= seo! Ouachita Rivers 24 == IB GEL EvIVen = eee Little River and Cata- noua takes ss ARMenSAS RIMeG.2 see ea 2e Bayou Macon-.----- Minor tributaries---------- Anchor gill nets: INISSISSIP DIL Rela se eee eee oe Red River: Otachita®River-2.222--=- = Bayou Bartholomew- -- Trammel nets: Mississippi River: Red River: Bowfin Buffalofish Carp Pounds| Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds| Value ee Se pe es 646, 320/$19, 389} 8,760} $176 ra Fi Reb [tp S288) 3, 130, 387| 93,610} 4, 343 86 Be ee Ne eee 104, 602} 3, 138 500: 10 See ae | Sete 420, 000} 12,600} 3, 000 60 715 $14)1, 634, 000) 49,020) 34, 300 695 eee aa) eee Sa 205,000} 6,150} 5, 100 102 ra res | CO eee 50, 000} 1, 500 700 19 eek Se aes oe 186, 000} 5, 580 1, 000 20 ee oo eee 284, 000} 8, 520) 14, 100 282 ier ale Pend Mes 39,000; 1,170 800 16 Sh eo hed cbse 52,009} 1, 560 1, 700 34 ee | a eae 115, 000) 3,450) 5,600 112 ted Hirt |e 65,000} 1,950) 6,000 120 ee a 90,190} 2,705) 3,600 2 PGES ae ee (it ea 622000 alt S60). ses | eae 715 14/7, 083, 499/212, 202) 89,443) 1, 804 Catfish and bullheads Pounds | Value 28, 732) $2, 298 357, 031| 28, 559 2,964| 237 58, 000| 4, 640 44, 500) 3, 560 6,600] | 528 1,500; 120 10,500} 840 12,185] 974 5,000) 400 2,400} 192 4,300] 344 3, 600/ 288 4,000! 320 2,000} 160 543, 312) 43, 460 i ee || fee 818, 465} 24,553) 34, 100 684) 553,715) 42, 046 Bs votes | Ree ee 3, 638, 907|108, 901 6, 343 126|3, 998, 234/322, 252 Coe ee |PS ase 175,011) 5, 250 800 16| 134, 464) 10, 757 613, 000} 18,390} 8, 500 170} 672,061) 53, 964 2, 097, 741] 62,932] 87,100) 1,759) 666, 128) 53, 290 256, 000) 7,680} 8, 600 178} 108,100) 8, 648 80, 000} 2,400} 2,000 48 20, 500} 1, 640 Rees | eee 202, 500) 6,075 2, 000 40}. 82,300) 6,584 afope eset s | Bee ee a 366, 500) 10,995} 27, 700 554) 151, 685) 12, 134 ees POS bat 51,000} 1, 580 1, 400 28 17, 000} 1,360 genera a Se 80, 000} 2, 400 3, 100 62 27,400} 2,192 Bass ae at eae 130, 000} 3,900! 9,900 198 74, 300} 5, 944 Siete ae ae 75, 000}. 2,250} 8, 500 170} 32,600} 2, 608 Eee Ty aks eer Stes 98,190) 2,795 4, 700 94 12, 000 960 by Ae 23) eee 107000) 3521 0|2ee= ss bee 52, 500) 4, 200 5, 715 114/8, 784, 314/263, 261) 204, 743) 4, 127/6, 602, 987/528, 579 Pea AN et? le DY NSD en RE ee OCEANS IR: BEM pce SR Meee Neer ee hee, a) | Paddlefish or | Quillback or Eels Garfish A “ American spoonbill cat carp” Pounds| Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds| Value | Pounds | Value ee Wag OE) eee 14, 800 $148] 101, 254 cps EN [ees a 650 13 6, 137 pr ac alec I Te Te Mae ee Eh 2, 280 EN re ee ea 11, 000 120} 126, 766 ie Ew oy (ees 25, 000 300} 213, 521 mes eens 3, 000 30} 18, 006 aes eR ee 4, 000 40 7, 423 er Ee fe 3, 000 30 |e ee al S| Pome es 10, 000 00) ene 2h lee ee ee eee ees Nps oa Ran RAPES Ti 1, 060 10} 6, 663 333 1, 000 20 a Es TN Ns es aN alge 22 ae at] YS | 300 3 ate 3 he IF S| ae eh atl Re: Bee 10, 000 800). :--cA2e2 |S 1 ewe see Ee || Pee aes 72, 450 791| 487, 044} 20, 933 6, 300 123 eae I BE ied Ue Sete BR ye hn ee 3, 500 175| 22-5. ee eee Sea hs Al) ee Ae eS || ie 500 10 Beery teeta (eee SSS |e Ee lft ae 200 4 Be Sp Se Rn gee (EE Ser Ss |. ee 3, 500 175 700 14 aap | (SS ee Oe | |e 5, 000 400}. 32-52] --e8eae Mn OntribiwhanleSs= a= a aeeene Trot lines: MUSSISSIPDI Riverssse-o-- === - 2 =F CO FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 419 Fisheries of Louisiana, 19381—Continued CATCH: By GEAR AND WATERS—Continued <3 Paddlefish or Quillback or Gear and waters Eels Garfish spoonbill cat Bape Fyke nets: Pounds| Value | Pounds | Value} Pounds| Value | Pounds | Value Mississippi River-.------- ES ee Lk le eS) Ce pe Se es [bee Lee eee? 500 $10 Red River: PROT VOl. n= Keene oan~ aos cae ee ot ee | Pee Demin Seen ae eee 2, 800 76 POC Eek (Rul VOL oe Se ee | ee Se een ede eee eee 20s Sele ae 3, 300 66 Deion S| van atel toy cats) es DMR Se) Ae TERE a El ee ee ees ee 500 10 WOel Rivers. = 2 eal sae ee dee eaieae so eloe a e Sh re | eee 1,300 26 Little River and Cata- Tere TE gl DE Sa a Ba ME PR | CL ge he ee oe) ere) Le ate ae 2, 400 48 RATINGS SeULU ele a see erent een |e Ee es | eo cS ee ae 1, 700 34 Lai age Qi VIET ta) a |S eee GE Bi RS Baie ee (ee cose ae Needs ee eee 1, 200 4 AM ep M eae eR) ee et fae peek (ae bee cae | SS 13, 700 294 Total by waters: MMississippietivers.224—. 2: 2-~s Se. 200 $6] 14,800) $148) 104, 754) $4, 642 500 10 IAGO ER FG) 85 fe) ge a ee] FE ee ee (ee 650 13) 6,137 bl ee ees Tal B TAU LETTE ete haha as ieee el ie eee 9 ee (0 eee ees 2, 280 if. | eas ie eee WAG GALLO] eee oe ec cee Slee cet 11, 000 120) S26; 766|\6 b 2v0l2 22 Se SS ee LSD TIL) eee eee AS) Fee See 25, 000 BUN ects iO2Ll JosD40l ==. eee Led (PVG eg] 22 ye) = en ee et Fk ae (see Se 3, 000 30} 13,000 650 6, 300 146 (Oe Gicleiy rs Ua 8 4a +) eden Oe ae al bee ye ees i ees 4, 40| 7,423 330 4, 800 96 BAYOU ID ALLOOlOIIG Wasa. oases] ea os eee ae|en eee len bc eene 700 14 Lb {es |e sic sik (2) cee ane ll OE eae A ea ee 3, 000) SU eee ee 1, 800 36 Little River and Cata- HOCIBMGRK Geen ee ete es 10, 000 LOO ee es see 2, 400 48 FRETS NV OI ee er ee ee 1, 000 10} 6,663 333 2, 700 54 PUR COTO: saree [oe tse ta ans sare | erence Sa ee ere ae ee 1, 500 27 WATT EERE EELEAT TOS: St ee eat ea eee 15,000) "0, 200 S25. 2-1 S oS a8 LING) Lips Rear Ea a 200 6 72, 450 791| 495, 544) 21, 508 20, 700 431 Gear and waters Sheepshead Crawfish Shrimp Mussel shells Haul seines: Pounds | Value|Pounds| Value | Pounds! Value |Pounds | Value Mississippi Rivers 2-222. - 2-25. 46,131} $922 Atchafalaya River. -_-...-.------ 226, 377| 4,525 Lake Des Allemands__-_--------- 3, 000 60 PAE BIUALLO Sees ooo 2 Se 211,000} 4, 220 Redwaivers=. sseccese eee aes 120, 859) 2, 417 Bink Vver == =5- 2222. 5, 550) lll Dorcheat Bayou----.-------- 3, 500 OP ea Se be Dae cos Soe See eee Q@bachita River. 2-2-2... 18, 000 OO ee | ee eee ee ee Boel River. +. 5 55-2 2, 500 50 Little River and Cata- houlavDake---2-5---__. 2, 000 40 Wensds ‘River: =-24===.2- 2, 000 40 Bayou Macon-..----- 800 16 Minor tributaries__..---._-- 5, 000) 100 PURO LAS ee SOE pec ees SPs 28 646, 717) 12, 921 Anchor gill nets: MRineissippl WiVels 2-22 osencs coos. 10, 000 200) -- 1G ay oe ee 1, 000 20! Ouncoia ml vers 2S 22 8s 38, 000 60). Bayou Bartholomew---- 400 8 fly) rc) | eee 14, 400 288 Trammel nets: WIRSISSTOD eLVON see onan e oe oe 700 14 Atchafalaya River.....-........ 8, 254 165 Hed iver sqeccesectcks sono eck 8, 000 160 COS ih) i 7-0 es ae ee 1, 500 30 Dorcheat Bayou-.-...-------- 2, 000 40 Notalas= see ease ee 20, 454 409 176453—33——18 420 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Louisiana, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR AND WATERS—Continued Gear and waters Sheepshead Crawfish Shrimp Mussel shells Trot lines: Pounds | Value | Pounds| Value |Pounds | Value | Pounds) Value IVGISSISSIPpIlRiWels === === BVA GAO | Toles oe os PO 2 |e Se eee o2||2225- =: Atchafalaya River -------------- TATA OD || Ly OO | eee | eee | ae ee Lake Des Allemands------------ 1, 500) 80) eee ee | ee eee |e |r akewvantOne eee =o 27, 558 Obl) 2-222 |e ee les | Ses | ee Regu RiViGh see ee ee 61,800|| -1,/236). 22.228 eee eee | ee ee | ees IBJackuRiver----s-—-====-—— 5, 300: WOlece 253) 2 es 22) oak ee | ee @addosliake! <2 == 2=-=--2== 2, 000 40) cee ase] eS e8 EW ee ee ee Dorcheat Bayou---_-------- 9, 800 196|222 5-222 )e- Lew lee Oe ee ee Ouwsaehitaykivelen = —--—-- = 14, 300 266) = 22. 28|25 08 LE a ee ee Bayou Bartholomew-_--- 500 JO) 2c 2222) 2s Le sce| eee ee BOCUPRIVeL= ssa! = == = 2, 000 60)isecte5-|Se eo 2|. 225 oh See 2 eee eee Little River and Cata- houlatualke>= S222 "2=—— 4, 100 8242 Se ee |e ele | eee ee MonGas River 222222 see —— 2, 000 404 cu) oe el a | ue Ses 221 a Bayou Macon-_------ 1, 500 BOE ee ees) ee ee rs Minor tributaries ----------- 1, 500 30). oe ee oe Totals. sete eo ee 243; 36014; 9072-52-28.) 2-45. bo e |e! |e ee Fyke nets: IMMSSISSIp OER Vela =e 29, 750 BOB ee a ee Se | Atchafalaya River_—------------ 789; 905) 15; '790\eee ese ese se 22] SS 2 Se ee ee Lake Des Allemands------------ 2, 914 68)o28 Pe PS Se ee | Wakewuartoe == 2232225432 oee 44, 500 890).2 882) e2 ee eee TEXEO Rd Bey 2) eae pe eae ees aes ee 98; 800), 1, 976)2228. oo | ee ee IB ackehiven sae = =a ee 20, 500 430222) 22 iL ae See ee eee Caddo Wakes] =e 4, 500 90) 2 ceed hi eae. | 28 2 ee eee eee Doreheat Bayou------------ 10, 000 200) io eS ee ee ee Ouachitashive4nrss--=—-=——=—- 26, 000 20|. 2 lee |. eee ee eee eee Bayou Bartholomew ---- 1, 500 30). ea Se Boel Riviers.--2--=— 4. == 5, 700: W140 ee eee lho eee eee ee Little River and Cata- houlawwakers == ss-5 == 5, 800 WGllce oben 's]ae tele: cas a ee MonSaSpRwehe ae === 4, 300 86) cee ote ow ee ese | ee eee Bayou Macon------- 4, 500 90).occeee | Lie eee ee IMinortributariess2—--=—--=— 3, 000 60) 222 lee eal nes lal ee ee es MOtal ALeR sats ee eS TOSI GG9 eal 1052 eee urn eee Traps, crawfish: Mississippi River: Lake Des Alle- TNA S Sant eee eee ae en ee |e ee 29,248) $292)<.~--=.:|) 2s eer Traps, shrimp: IMississippitRiver:=--4-- essen Gna tee es aera ee a ee 3655001 $2225 | ieee | ees DAC Ea ss Cea xy ex ER Tv 1s et re ee npn | ape (ee 1, 686 : bee 41 ae ihalkerDes Allemand sss b= 25 es sl oe Soe oo eel | eae ee | tea 317 30| 22.22 | See LADO SASS nel ei Pe ne re, 7b We es S| rcs chet le, Leber WES aa 383503): 2)/423)-2 2522 23/2ee see Crowfoot bars: Mississippi River: Red River: OWA Chiba why Ons saa a a sae el eee eA ree | 30,000) $225 SSE ie pe ele Ride ee A eM eae eT omy ae pce ei ; Mississippi River: Red River: OnachitawRiversesa=\ sansa oll aren dat Se | a 5 | ree | ee 10, 000: 75 TOTES” Ge MMS RN: Ua ae Poteet Wa |. aa Niel em | SNE Eas ia lca a ; Mississippi River: Red River: Ouachita River. Seo eee ea Re ll | ee [cara 10, 000! 75 Total by waters: — IMIISSISSIpDIPHiVer == =— == 2 =ae nee AN OSI) 525308 | Sine aes ees 36, 500} 2, 225 Atchafalaya River_...---------- Tal O151501| 5224026 eames een 1 686|: °° 168| nna ee Lake Des Allemands___--------- 7,414, '148| 29,248) 292) 317 30| 55 sauna ae Mako suartoe. 722k oe 283, 055) 5, 661|--22- = d|2-c-- [a2 | FROGMRIVOL pee eA ou er te. ee 900, 450] 5, S09] ve. eli c cc IC. ae a eee ieee BlacksR vers = se = 31, 350 67ill case [o oc | cel eae a CaddowWakes sess Lege 238 O00] GO) sfc tealles | ca ec et | Dorcheat Bayou 25:'300|. ~ G06) cme elec clls oe eel a Ouachita River_____-------- 6, 'S00): 196 |e ceoeaml | ioe | Sa ae 50, 000/375 Bayou Bartholomew -__- 2, 400 Age OFFS OS: 21 eee a : Boouftthivers. 2 = san 10, 200 ene ME OORG neers || Little: River and Cata: |. eo “ome 2 >| ee tee |r one | een houla Lake____...-._-- 11, 900 PA are peel, Soe ee Menisas) Rives ene 8,300). 6S) e sae cn a), oe aeee ; Bayou Macon------- 6, 800 136k eel ee Sheek cell aie been Minor tributaries-_--.....-- 9, 500 190) coe. (TIC ee ee ihe | a | Motel. soc shee ees 1, 976, 600} 39,577} 29, 248 292} 38, 503} 2,423) 50, 000 375 a ae | | FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 Fisheries of Louisiana, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR AND WATERS—Continued Gear and waters Haul seines: WRISSISSID OL LVOP-.. 5 22--0c Atchafalaya River. ..........-- Lake Des Allemands.------.-.- | DS fo ch LS g 10 eae Se aR Ae cae Dorcheat Bayou_ . Ouachita River-_- BoeutsRivers 2 226.= == 2 Little River and Cata- houlaake--=---= Wensas River: 2222+ 22>. Bayou Macon_-_--_-_- Minor tributaries Anchor gill nets: Mississippi River yb es eed sate SOR eS Ouachita River-_-___--__---- Red Dorcheat Bayou Minor tributaries Trot lines: Mississippi River ------------------ Atchafalaya River Lake Des Allemands-___-_------- LORDS fon Sede Dorcheat Bayou Ouachita River Bayou Bartholomew__- Boeuf Rivers ——-=2=—==- Little River and Cata- houla Lake__---_----- RONISAS; RAVOE: =) 225552 Bayou Macon.----- -Minor tributaries Fyke nets: Mississippi River Atchafalaya River Lake Des Allemands----------- Lor acy) OS 11a et Red River Black Rivers) 8 tle Caddo Lake Dorcheat Bayou Ouachita River Bayou Bartholomew__- SOCHm REVOle nee]. 2-- Little River and Cata- HouIe LAKe 2-2-5 =2. = MSNSAS IRIVOles” 2 -o- > 22 Bayou Macon_---_-- Minor tributaries Totgl_-----.---.--------- Turtles Frogs Snapper Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value fa AS a Se! 2,000] 40 gE DSS AM 1,499] 29 ee 3,499) 69 i Bie | EEN MR eae bs Se Tee; See ree Mey ee ———}|——_—— —— Soft-shell Pounds, Value 421 Total Pounds | Value 375, 113/$12, 808 1, 083, 172) 46, O81 86, 250} 3, 105 20, 500 718 107, 423] 3, 285 35, 400) 1, 018 29, 000 690 22, 663 03 5, 100) 159 54, 000) 2, 270 3, 561, 407;140, 201 26, 100 787 7, 700 246 23, 500) 740 15, 900 618 73, 200) 2, 391 5, 000 153 33 100) 1, 025 6, 500 275 16, 500) 820 587, 850| 38, 521 3, 385, 190/268, 497 115,500] 9, 150 385, 116] 29, 205 609, 600] 44, 955 100, 106| 7, 612 20,700} 1,494 77,600] 5,572 152, 900) 10, 958 9,800} 736 27,000) 2, 000 76,400! 5, 668 31,500] 2,310 9,600 | 642 46, 500} 3, 630 5, 585, 356/430, 950 714, 002| 22, 468 4, 283, 166/138, 082 110, 980} 3, 443 525, 500} 18, 190 1, 815, 815) 55, 335 240, 000) 7, 286 56,700) 1,729 207, 500} 6, 640 339, 585| 10, 362 46, 800) 1, 626 63,100) 1,926 133, 100) 4, 070 80, 600) 2, 478 103, 490) 3, 211 67,000) 2, 080 8, 787, 338/278, 926 422 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Louisiana, 1931—Continued CATOH: BY GEAR AND WATERS—Continued Gear and waters Dip nets: Mississippi River: Atchafalaya RIM ON He sates te neatcen ean ose Traps, crawfish: Mississippi River: Lake Des TMV yor ihe ps Se eae eee era | Traps, shrimp: IVIISSISSID DL IRIVere = veseaeen sean Frogs Pounds) Value Turtles Total Snapper Soft-shell Pounds| Value | Pounds, Value| Pounds | Value BOZO] Wil aU GO| cease a | serene 3, 625! $1, 160 ere ea (ae aes Peres Te SAE Ret 29, 248 292 IST CHALALAW AVIV Ol oe ate ame sean oe eee Lake Des Allemands Crowfoot bars: Y Mississippi River: Red River: Ouachita niverl. ese 26 fae SS eae eee eee Tongs: . Mississippi River: Red River: QUeGMITANRAVGI: - semen oe eeen shee oulee seen Forks: F Mississippi River: Red River: Ovmeciite RIV eres er. nancemnsecon son cesne ame rene Grabs: Mississippi River-.------.--------- 318, 719]$47, 529 Atchafalaya River-...--------. 451, 056] 67, 654 Lake Des Allemands 11, 393} 1, 608 ake Noartovces soo =e 2, 693 403 RediRivery. Wess se eos 60,900} 9, 135 Black River----------- 16, 500] 2, 475 Ouachita River-...----.---- 866 130 Tensas River---.--.---- 300 45 Bayou Macon...--- 10, 224] 1, 633 Notalosa22-acasee 872, 651/130, 612 Total by waters: IMBISSISSID DINNVOliweoe === eee neem 318, 719] 47, 529 Atchafalaya River.-.--....-.-- 451, 056) 67, 654 Lake Des Allemands-.---.------ 11,393} 1, 608 IAROW IVAN UO eee ne tan eee = ra 2, 693 403 FUCCBAL VEL ose aemicieh eines a als 60, 900} 9, 135 Black River..-..------.-2- 16, 500) 2, 475 OgddoWoakesee se set cmesel acer seem. oo NDOYGUSATA tO Use eee tae |e nee ee Ouachita River ----.------ 866 130 Bayou Bartholomew-.-}_..._..-|.-_.... BoeutRi veri .gs sass as ss |e ce eee | bee ease Little River and Cata- OWA Mees co ee SE eee lS eee TensassRiver-<.ss0—505- 800, 45 Bayou Macon..---. 10, 224) 1, 633 Min on trl bultteniesinsecs eases | eaadeeesl-aneese Motalicc *h2 cscs ees aces 872, 651/130, 612 36, 500) 2, 225 1, 686 168 317 30 Ue eregl See ae eee 38, 503) 2, 423 See ee | eee eet 30, 000 225 pte teal bene oie | eee 10, 000 75 Ge agen ees eee 10, 000 75 318, 719] 47, 529 451, 504] 67, 663 11,393! 1; 608 2,693| | 403 60,900] 9, 135 16, 500| 2, 475 866} 130 300 45 10, 224) + 1, 633 873, 099/130, 621 2, 013, 284/124, 491 9, 231, 035/523, 114 369, 209] 18, 448 1, 722, 075) 84, 078 3, 454, 064/142, 029 442, 850] 20, 478 2,244; 1,700 34)19, 213, 368,994, 374 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 423 MINNESOTA Fisheries of Minnesola, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR 2 EEE eee Total, ex- Haul Anchor Trot Pound Fyke | Crowfoot alustvs of seines | gill nets lines nets nets bars duplication Fishermen: On boats and shore: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number mepnlere Co 2s os chs 145 9 4 6 14 3 160 Gasuall. wes se tese sees 274 6 182 20 17 93 578 Notalee = uc sak sc ace 419 15 186 26 31 96 738 Boats AVE OUOY soos oo eee ke eae 39 0) aeeree oes 5 10 10 65 Wel aS Se eee 166 9 186 20 9 86 446 Apparatus: US Ls) ee es ens 113 9 186 27 74 E21 a es WenrEn, VOrus: —.cuscens=- R07 ha AS CD He alc Uap Sp = a Sh elite IE ee eal eS = em Prinerevvar ds. Gec oecee eee sce OFO00) [2c tci ones ee ce IP bane So dnee canal wns eee (20) eae ae SS a ae See | eee AIC ROO) ete ORR ee oe eben sete cele den ea eee OPERATING UNITS: By WATERS Fishermen Boats Waters SS Se eee Haul seines Regtilar| Casual | Total | Motor | Other Length, Number) Number|Number|Number| Number|Number| yards IVE IGHIBE I MRCLUBT cho 804 Boies eee conn 38 205 243 50 162 27 7, 061 CUENTA CT eC gna oR 2 BS oe pee ee hee Sage a, 15 0 jy eee ese 12 1 500 Minor tributaries-...........-....-- 6 15 2) I a a 8 5 2, 799 PO SC 21) Sia OS a ae Bea 2 15 iY (la Se gO ae Weel FR Minor toipiiteriese so. [6-2 eee 3 47 BOW SEE oes 19 12 6, 195 Des Moines River: Nino tributaries; -.2.0see0.--cneo 9 15 Di. ae 10 5 3, 565 Minnesota River =e ok. ate sees} 14 96 110 7 84 21 3, 031 Blea Rivers 2... .atosen-~2u-|eacce == 4 ASH an 58 AW 3 ee ee oe 5 Minor tributaries__......---... 16 21 a Al Ea 12 7 5, 063 Pomme de Terre River--------.---- 1 2 sf (OM ee 9) |knnnon-sleeeeReeeee Minor tribitarips. | 6.6 ics. 5h So, 24 54 Ht NY | eee 29 16 10, 227 Missouri River: Big Sioux River— ; Minor tribiutariess--28. 2-2-2 17 6 23 1 8 3 2, 765 Enrol ver = 264. ceckécceet coon ans 8 48 56 7 50 5 1, 898 SRGPIIIUOU SLVR Gs fee de cdeanascccawm 6 3 Oe see 5 2 599 NT TOOr tr DvArIGg = 254.525. -- 260. 8 3 1 ba eae as 4 2 1, 499 VAL BLE (se ee en a (8 2 Dy ae oe oe yg eee ks |e See ee PORHONTEE Wak Gotan seek oo 8k Ck ee peau cae 2 PN ee Oe ee i 1 400 MIHOr tel DUtaT Bsc ba. eet eons ke 8 25 85; ' Leese 16 6 4, 366 Pound| Fyke | Crow- Waters Anchor gill nets Trot lines nets nets foot bars Square spl 2? Number| yards |Number| Hooks |Number|Number| Number MP IBMIERMO EER Ol goo. See et ae oe Cuoco owe 6 | 6,666 107 | 21, 400 80 Lop estes GE aa hi Pe ne NO ee: ee fe ne Perens jee meter (Mas “PS eae 22 CnC RE ee en ee Re Te I lon dowann|caumnarnl avemesids lsanemman 34 REP ETIGROM RLV Oliot a eo men ee oe fone ecu leech en | nce = sae 38 | 11, 400 23 17 26 PMP e OE De el ieee ean, coe ad ak bee ae oo wn colonics leone eon depen seta |e meee 8 ORT een EENGtiLO Ia: oat tee Af a ne oo ce Sema cancion | Eee cabenlenemeane 6 SLBIO PTs © B25 G7 ee nN 2 eee ae ea 8} 3,333 39 | 8,600 1 a (eee ee 8 Me es Ba 71 ae allie oe ap ELS Sane Se eme | RRS Se (pameeeee 2 400) scacscesleoees paED eRe oe COTA TS) 03 Ee mee ne, a SESS 2] | ed re) haere meemmcers ee serge |) tee SO 8 0 CLA EE ee oe er ee ee 9} 9,999 186 | 41, 800 27 74 192 424 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Minnesota, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR AND WATERS Gear and waters Haul seines: Mississippi River Canronehiverca et = ens Minor tributaries Crow River: Minor tributaries__ Blue Earth River: tributaries Minor tributaries Missouri River: Big Sioux River: Minor tributaries_____- St. Croix River Vermilion River Minor tributaries Whitewater River: Minor Rochester Anchor gill nets: Mississippi River St. Croix River Drotlinesseya as Mississippi River IMonmesotamhihvenst= sa snes Pound nets: Mississippi River IMinnesotaghiverases es - see St. Croix River Fyke nets: Mississippi River Minnesotarkivers-seee eee Total by waters: IMMSSISSID pINRIVelse= =e ae Senses @annonuRiiverse 2 = sss nae Minor tributaries_-_-_.______ Crow River: Minor tributaries_- Des Moines River: Minor tributariesoee 2 eee nee Minnesota nruliyehosseme eee Blue Earth River: Minor Uri pubaries. Bese ese sk Minor tributaries__________- Missouri River: Big Sioux River: Minor tributaries_____- St. Croix River Wermilllonuniven. seen sa santeen Minor tributaries__._-_____- Whitewater River Rochester Lake Minor tributaries Catfish and Bowfin Buffalofish Carp pullhcade Pounds| Value \Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value|Pounds| Value 600 $9] 20, 868) $1,044) 157, 596) $6,383) 14, 278) $1, 287 Ne et epee | ley 2, 622 105): 2.-233.4|5 eee PR BF ae “= 667 81) 100 420)). .4)'978)| 55 ee ee PEE EE Se ee 7, 749 440) 301,368)" 14,,045|_ 22-22 eee Ng als See 21,6387) “1),610| 1877858) \97857|Saa= eee eee 2, 560 38} 27, 657| 2, 233 63, 776} 2,370) 6,986 606 ape hae Nea 54,176) 3.522) 2295898). 95262|eaeeee nee eee Lp et te | ieee il 19;'900) 1010) "590; 3571926; 155| oes eee | pees pe 72;'890) 3; 119| 163,989) 75820|-222eeee eee 3, 078 46 7, 534 377 53, 366) 2, 137 7, ool 659 3, 375 68 20) 2) ~44)°731\- 1,.823| 22 ee aN Sd | Ch ENON 432 42\ | 186; 238|/- 4,454) 22 Se eee each Se AL NP Pee (Ror e aalt| pee 2, 935 160 | 222 eee eS hol Pe 1, 811 126) 107, 743) -°5;/964|-5225 Saale 9, 613 161) 235, 241| 13, 557/2, 092, 906} 95, 513} 28, 595) 2, 552 eee hae enee 2, 490) 125 18, 985 119) 25 lee Eee | Se SE ae ae Sas ae 2, 800: 112\. 5-2 ee eee fae LIAL | 4 ae es 2, 490, 125 21, 785 885|_~ =. 2253S sas Seep Ly 360 17 4, 849 207| 7,016 635 PE Sy ST eh a ead oe 4, 880) 203 6, 825 636 PER Yh 52 [ea Pe ie eae EL ee 712 29 2, 219 200 i |e | ea | oe ee 100 4 42) 4 J — eee ee ee 360 17 10, 541 443) 16,102) 1,475 rea a eh 185 9 3, 950 158 195 16 2, 910 43 3, 670 183 7, 045 292 4,915 435 bse || ee 700 35 |caee ee eee 300 7 2,910 43 4, 555 227 10, 995 450 5, 410 478 Se RES eo ee ae 2, 620 132 3, 514 139 1, 882 172 4, 075 78) 12,165) 1,034 11, 378 326) 1,815 164 4, 075 78) 14,785} 1, 166 14, 892 465 3, 697 336 600) 9} 26,523} 1,327) 188,894; 7,660) 28,371) 2,110 A Se See (ended alloc eg a lg Seat el 2, 622 105) 23. Se eee SoS Ss A 667 31), 100; 429) 724::978|- See ee on ME hes 7, 749 440). 301,368) 14,045)-_ 22 aa) Seeee ee pe eS a ee ska 21;'537| 01,610)" 187,858] 9s Shi eee eee 9, 545 159} 48,492) 3, 450 87,079} 3,191) 20,541) 1,841 WA je ender tl MED oi 54; 176) 13;,522] 229) 898] 19/262) 252 Saas ee SE SR A ae 19;,900). 1,010) . 5905357) 265.155) 222 see ee a ier re [I ee 2 72;,890| 3;,119]" 163;:9801| “7820)2- eee ee 3, 078 46 8, 234 412 56, 878) 2, 278 9, 850 886 3, 375 68 20 2 44,7381 1/823). ce So eee eee cee Os ee 432 42 86, 238|° 4,454). .- =. 2 See SS eee ea ae, ee | ee ree 100; a 42 4 aie ee ee EE Selle eal eer 2, 935 1600. 3225242 sel eek eye 1,811 126) 107,743)" 5964/2. 2 Sees eee 16, 598 282) 257, 431) 15, 092/2, 151, 119) 97, 756} 53,804; 4, 841 ee FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 Fisheries of Minnesota, 1931—Continued CATCH: BY GEAR AND WATERS—Continued 425 Gear and waters Haul seines: Quillback or “American earp”’ Sheepshead Sturgeon, shovelnose Sucker “mullet’’ Pounds | Value |Pounds | Value} Pounds | Value |Pounds Value 35, 315) $1, 059 19, 877 597 Mississippi River_ __-__-_- D eee 4,649} $139} 36,830} $2, 000 Cannon River: Minor tribu- GAN IDSee eee ee ee NCR ea ees 17, 740 610 IMISMNESOLA REVOl..< 7-22: a0 ones! 3, 575 108} 25,822! 1, 298 Blue Earth River: Minor TOT GANGS =e eee ee > eee Pe oe 5, 875 447 Minor iibutatioseeesccn sos |peoc cee eee 5, 135 207 or Orois bul vers = eee eee ne ee 6, 162 185) 25,187) 1, 511 Vermilion River: Minor tribu- (UH (GOP gee ee ore ete et Sa 8 lV eet ete ee 230 16 1 Ao) 1 | Sena os Sie eed 14, 386 432) 116,819; 6,089 Anchor gill nets: Mississippi River__---_|____-___|______- 1, 045 52 Trot lines: MN SSINST ODI Cul GAR eee 4 eee 4, 940 274 TV AVES La Eh Gels aoe ee sa cn eee SP ee eay Te 3, 555 216 Sije (CATE CARR ees ee eres 2are 2 [ie a a ese) (oe 833 49 WihtiLeurnbel reliveles- 12 510 5 Ota Seeee ee ee eee ate ae 2 60 3 990 29 1,075 85 CATCH: By GEAR AND WATERS Catfish and | Paddlefish or Gear and waters Buffalofish Carp Dullheads spoonbill cat Haul seines: Mississippi River: Arkansas River: cerecian River: Gaines N@ekes 22 tases eee eee Red River: Minor tributaries___- UO USI ans. 5 verbena eee Anchor gill nets: Mississippi River: Arkansas Riv- er: Canadian River: Gaines Creek_ Prot lines: Mississippi River: Arkansas River Canadian River: Gaines Creek. .__-...___- North Canadian River___ Deep Fork River--_-_- Red River: Minor tributaries__._ Pounds| Value |Pounds Value |Pownds | Value |Pounds | Value 300 $30 75 $7 200 $20 300 $30 500 60 |2----4-<|22.-422|0h 2S gee See eee 800 80 75 7 200 20 300 30 1, 500 160) [<2 3 ss) 0 22] kee 2, 100 210 Senate Re -ee |e eeeske| hates -- 85 12) | 22 oneal ee 125 13 75 7 200 2 150 15 180 18 153 15 30 @ |--=noes Geen ee |e ee 50 6: ato et a eee 400 40 125 12 240 33 150 15 705 71 403 39 555 68 300 30 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 437 Fisheries of Oklahoma, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR AND WATERS—Continued Gear and waters Fyke nets: Mississippi River: TATRANSOS HVOl oo 0. annem cemoe Canadian River: Gaines Creek. .-.-.-.-..- North Canadian River__- Deev Fork River- - -- Total by waters: Mississippi River: AT RARSASMRIV OI: octsets aoe eee oe Canadian River: Gaines Creek. .-..-------- North Canadian River-__-- Deep Fork River----- REC River joe ee Se eee Ee Minor tributaries___-......-- Gear and waters Haul seines: Mississippi River: Arkansas River: Canadian River: Gaines Anchor gill nets: Mississippi er: River: Arkansas Riv- Trot lines: Mississippi River: TAT ERUSES lvl: = 252) e_-2 Canadian River: (Gaines Creek=2 a Deep Fork River____- Red River: Minor tributaries Fyke nets: Mississippi River: WT MATINGS IVOD. 2 occ cuch-acaeas Canadian River: Gaines Creek wm wenn een ene North Canadian River___- Deep Fork River---- Leal 1: hits By Goa ae een Minor.tributaries_-__--...._.- Total by waters: Mississippi River: Arkansas River PEGG NL er a Minor tributaries___ Canadian River: Gaines Creek__ Catfish and | Paddlefish or Buffalofish bullheads | spoonbill cat Carp Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value|Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value $8 6 $ $3 9, 76 3,800 | $565 32 3, 000 300 | 1,000 LOD) |hasiekes sla ote fe 2, 600 260 5, 300 530 | 1,300 130 300 30) ooo. alae ee 100 10 300 SO seeaas—|ancones|aecpades [Eeaene 700 75 140 14 30 5, |e ee ee 500 50 450 45 50 y fal Ce ee 1. 3 FN 18, 600 | 1,841 | 3,790 379 | 4,180 607 | 2,632 263 9, 000 876 600 60 | 3,885 577 82 3 4, 925 493 1, 150 114 400 40 | 5,150 515 5, 480 548 | 1,453 145 330 5 3 ae Oy ee 1 10 350 $6) |b sooe es: Es Se eee 700 75 140 14 30 BOs 2 ote] ee 1, 400 140 575 57 290 40 150 15 21,605 | 2,142 | 4,268 425 | 4,935 695 | 5,332 533 Quillback or “American carp” Sheepshead Total Pounds Value Pounds Pounds Value = 200 $20 100 1,175 $117 RF a Sit oe al SE aE a |e a 500 50 e 200 20 100 1, 675 167 Pe Ee ee ee A) ee eee ee geet 3, 600 360 2 he aes Gt dere S gS By 50 135 17 x 100 10 150 800 80 A ee 2 ea ee 105 468 46 Be eS Pe Fe ah ee Be RR eee are 50 5 4 100 10 75 1, 090 118 a 200 20 380 2, 543 266 4 350 35 300 14, 082 1, 567 z 1, 000 100 500 8, 100 810 200 20 200 7, 300 730 a eee soe ot fe See ee" ee 15 415 42 os (ae SI ol (ee, Spe eB 55 925 101 pal eles a ORS 3 RES. CN SE URE eonset 1,000 102 B 1, 550 155 1,070 31, 822 3, 352 i 350 35 350 33 14, 217 1, 584 a 750 75 13, 675 1, 367 305 30 7, 768 776 15 2 465 47 55 7 925 101 Z 100 10 75 8 2, 590 270 <, 1, 950 195 1, 550 155 39, 640 4, 145 438 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES SOUTH DAKOTA Fisheries of South Dakota, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR Total ex-, Item Haul seines| Trot lines | Fyke nets | clusive of duplication Fishermen: Number Number Number Number Onibeatsiand!shore: casuals ets 2-2 ee ee 44 9 20 67 Boats: Motor Qi (tile SiS. Pee eee 2 Other 11 9 20 34 Apparatus: Number 11 MONE hay yards ies. Seat eae eee Pe ses She 1/948, |s22sis-.2--|bs see PLOOK Sess Sees a ee Se eS SEO Bo Sa Reed OPERATING UNITS: By WATERS Boats Fisher- Waters men, |———~—_|_ Hau] seines Trot lines pel) casual | wrotor | Other Length, Mississippi River: Number|Number|Number|Number| yards |Number| Hooks |Number IMGSSOUTI RVers sarees 735 Yn ln 75 penne ease Se 18 | 3,600 68 Affrire av a{s pul RY Dede) gl yepees Le SE A 44 2 11 11 1,:948.|..-. -523/22 53 SS eee Notalait ae leek esas eee es 67 2 34 11] 1,948 18 | 3,600 68 CATCH: BY GEAR AND WATERS Catfish and bull- Gear and waters Buffalofish Carp heads Haul seines: ‘ Mississippi River: Missouri Riv- | Pownds Value | Pounds Value | Pounds Value erswames Rivers -ose- 8 seen ceeos eee 37, 876 $3, 789 50, 036 $2,502 |_--. 2-222 eS eee Trot lines: Mississippi River: Missouri River----- 350 35 1, 400 70 2, 300 $276 Fyke nets: ; Mississippi River: Missouri River----- 700 70 1, 400 70 11, 200 3, 252 nn Total by waters: Mississippi River: MMiissourl Rivero 25-2 sheen ane 1, 050 105 2, 800 140 13, 500 3, 528 TAMOSURIVerS eos ooo eee eee 37, 876 3, 789 50, 036 2,602) |2=2 25220 eee Bota ese See looses eee 38, 926 3, 894 52, 836 2, 642 13, 500 3, 528 Paddlefish or spoon-|Quillback or ‘‘Amer- bill cat ican carp” Gear and waters Crappie Haul seines: Mississippi River: Missouri Riv- | Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value er: James-River=.<.sss2L2-2 22820252 1, 392 S7OH|Sec0e soa Ree cee 4, 364 $220 Trot lines: Mississippi River: Missouri River-_--_--]_-.-------|---------- 400 $02 2 eee Total by waters: Mississippi River: Missourt Riversecc22 tooo noe wae pee |b eee 400 40 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 439 Fisheries of South Dakota, 1931—Continued CATCH: BY GEAR AND WATERS—Continued Gear and waters Sheepshead Sucker “mullet” Total Haul seines: Mississippi River: Missouri Riv- | Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value ere wamies River... 2828. caecctece 697 $70 2, 246 $112 96, 611 $6, 763 Trot lines: . PUMINE DE ELLWOrS MSSOULL Fel VOlec<-5| aaa oe al i [een el ee 4, 450 421 Fyke nets: IVNESISSID DI ae Vers. MOSSOUPURL VOM. coool = 5a ee ieee ae | see ee ele oe 13, 300 3, 392 Total by waters: Mississippi River: PMURAOTAT aR VO: 2 tat ene Seana ween ee le ee eae el AE 17, 750 3, 813 James River 697 70 2, 246 112 96, 611 6, 763 ri Ma) Se Are Set Se, ae aaa 697 70 2, 246 112} 114,361 10, 576 TENNESSEE Fisheries of Tennessee, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR | Total, ex- Trammel| Hand Trot Fyke Crowfoot, clusive Item nets lines lines nets Spears bars | of dupli- cation Fishermen: On boats and shore: Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number ARTIS bee 2 See ee 50 67 159 Lb0) U2 aie 45 327 SGC EU see 4, | iets aaa 104 68 12 70 206 POMBE sams bee nae aes 53 67 263 227 12 115 533 Boats WVEQUOD stew 5 = oe oe tee Toes | pee Te 6 Oa ates to wee 42 138 WOE ped Een i ees pee 52 67 252 217 12 73 467 Apparatus: NMG. te ‘ 52 67 464 1, 735 12 230" Ee Se SOUATO VALS. 2sesecacesent 060 | cae aeewel donee eee owes See cfeceeteeslee een cote ene G0 hee ee eee S| eet 67 NAGY BY 52 et Sal | RS el ls 5 oe all ss Le OPERATING UNITS: By watTErRs ee | Fishermen Boats Waters Gente Trammel nets ie Casual! Total | Motor | Other Num- | Num- | Num- | Num- | Num- | Num- | Square ber ber ber ber ber ber yards MGMNIRSIOEIL VOR? e>. .¢ S42. 25-2 5_5.---- 3 .-5-- 60 5 65 33 3S] os eee (SS ee DEO AGUA i Ss 2 ee eee eee 17 6 23 2 21 6 410 DIG EN 1ES Of) ee a a 8 Se a 74 3 77 DAN thon ce ece |Penetcats USSD Ga OU ot RS a ees 90 16 106 30 102 46 3, 150 Ohio River: Cittiperiang miver.--.-_-. hk 18 59 1K 5 60), [2.3 =e eee. CTPReI SS D1 24h) 7) Re a a 68 111 179 44 bs 9] eee Se |e eS LENS er 8 281 a eR rare I 6 i ee eee GS cebess lee 2S AUG Ly pe ee ae 327 206 533 138 467 52 3, 560 e di P Fyke Crow- Waters Hand lines Trot lines nets Spears | foot bars Num- Num- Num- | Num- | Num- ber Hooks ber Hooks ber ber ber PUSS hy yesh i a ree! ee) eee Cho a 56 | 5,000 OO0: eeaeere Ses ib oe a rere en Fe ae (ips eS 28 | 2,800 ye eee penne ON) Fey) OC Se ee eee eee) PY Be teal ey 104 | 7,300 Ta eee eee DN Gp PO 2 es a a 67 67 80 | 8,000 465 bg aS Ohio River: RMOHINHENANG: LIVER. =< Lécwrtanes artical soe ames = 114 | 10, 230 jh ON ae Ca | eh BHNGHHOO MELVOL Ss > «dani ceoitesaea del see sos |e 74 | 7,900 A ost 230 HON MAWOl ae oo os ants Soo ceno ds lopeeden| caw eee 8 gle eee, ee Ra Povey oes 440 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Tennessee, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR AND WATERS Gear and waters Black bass Buffalofish Carp Trammel nets: Mississippi River: Pounds| Value | Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value Hatchie LVDS Ac. So oe Ro Se 5 eo ee ae Sue 3, 400 $238 | 3,700 $180 Obion Rivers -ReelfootHuakese os ssesn ss ea eee 59,900 | 4,124 | 19,550 587 Motel 2... & les St oes by ee Se a in| | a ee 63,300 | 4,362 | 23, 250 767 Hand lines: j 7 nig | BADIIN F Mississippi River: Obion River: Reelfoot Lake_-_| 14,000 | $1, 680 |.---__--_|_---_-__]_-______|_______- Trot lines: iP = IVISSISSIippINRiVvonttete a eee <1 PUREE Ee ee Ball Pee eae cee 4, 750 293 | 7,420 221 Hiatchie (River ss22 23: be ee ol Dell at oe a 1,175 83 | 3,200 122 Obion River see: ee CE ee aes Se ene ies ee eee ae 6, 560 473 | 5,000 185 ReGliOOENalcere core see lee a a ert cee en | Ye eae 6, 650 466 | 1,000 31 Ohio River: ; Cumberlandeiver- 2. ee ee | ee ee eee 481 70 | 1,244 146 ‘Tennessee River. = vase. wee Te Saad eee a 6, 665 823 | 1,331 150 Total Fyke nets: Mississippi Bivens 225 2202s Ny ERI Ae Oy eae Pe ee Hatchie River Ohio River: Cumberland tRiverte2. ss aes = oe | eee ee ee ee 3, 685 561 toed 856 Tennessee Rivers sles Se ot a 2 NON ees PS 3, 426 426 | 3, 555 474 Ro talig Sone Se ae. y= Sat Ne NE Eee eee |e eemoe |e eee 389, 011 | 27, 677 |205, 396 7, 972 Total by waters: tei = |c is ainnc| c = a | Cn IVIISSISSID Ds RLV GF 2 baer wesc er ke ee eed | Best eel | Ra Ma cd 118,750 | 8, 213 | 87,620 2, 883 ETAL CHIOURIVER sn eu DE a a a Rat 15,975 | 1,112 | 15,800 606 ODiompRiiwvier 5 Ayia ati ae Mahe NaS seg nO gael 90, 860 | 6,399 | 73, 120 2, 742 Reelicotilakel = sian on) hae er ee 14,000 | 1,680 | 238, 750 | 16, 643 | 57, 850 1, 737 Ohio River: Ghmiberland tRiver sess sae ee | eee en eee ee 4, 166 631 8, 565 1, 002 eennessce wR Ver see. ae aca ee oem a a A coe a 8 ipl ae, 10,091 | 1,249 | 4, 886 624 ROtal esse ox See enue oot h SRG Ee St eel 14,000 | 1,680 | 478, 592 | 34, 247 |247, 841 9, 594 Catfish and 3 Paddlefish or Gear and waters bullheads Crappie Eels spoonbill cat Trammel nets: Mississippi River: Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value|Pounds | Value |Pounds | Value HatchielRiverss 22 -one ees oe 4, 500 S838 ib bo Tek Ee ps ed ee oe ee 450 $14 Obion River: Reelfoot Lake-_.--| 13,450 | 1,076} 6,650} $499 --------|-------|--------|------- UBC Co AE ae TiS I el a 8 17, 950 1,414 | 6,650 499 ao sen ee see 450 14 Trot lines: MC ai aaa... | Mississippi River’. 222222242 ae PAVIA ONY Nm Lys ia) Paes er (eee es ae se | Be SS 1, 250 44 HAatchiov Rivers: sass ee ee 8, 600 C53) |t 2 2 ee Ee ee 50 2 ObioneRivert ees see ee ee 53310201 4 226 eee eee a ee ea eee 825 29 Reelfoot Lake__..-.-.------ 89,500 | 7,160) 1,050 79 loss 2c8] 52 ea See Eee Ohio River: 95 $16 37 4 68 | 9 30 3 163 25 2, 192 82 Fyke nets: TE | PR Tae pe ea | Mississippi River ease .os se see 20,490) |} C5 531. |bec seen oc 2.5] eee aeeeeee 520 22 atchiolhhiven- ssc sce eee aes 2, 500 200)|22 228 on} aoe ape cee ee eee 350 14 ObionvRiversa: Sean Soe 6, 025 ATOM Ee oo. ee Jnnera-=-|-=-nn== 100 5 Reelfoot Wakels.) s22e2 sts 5, 000 400 | 8,900 660! [o. .. 25/53 c |e ee ee Ohio River: Cumberland River-_-_------- 5,955 | 1,039] 2,052 420 th. oe le 600 64 Tennessee River_-__-------- WAOSSLP AON O82, lean aaeee eee se | oe eee eee 822 100 Motels Ge See ee eae 47, 028 4) 680) OS 96251 0 O80) |= = see oleae 2, 392 205 Total by waters: a Mata Mississippi River: oo o22eate 2 uae AA 9AQ" 35406 Loo. Soca, See ee 1,770 66 Hatchiel River. eato2 eee T5 GOO) Si. WO |B eee nes Se | 850 30 Obion River® hea ee 8 59) (O46 il 4s 706 keke eee ee ee 925 34 Reelfoot lakes =_-- sai 8 107, 950 8, 636i) (165600. 151,.288 | 2.8 225 | 2 eee Ohio River: Cumberland River-_._------ 19,695 | 3,112) 2,052 420 95 16 637 8 Tennessee River-- -| 24,743 | 3, 604 68 9 852 103 @linchiRivers2 sos 96 Total sen eee 271, 753 | 24,750 | 18, 652 | 1, 658 163 25 | 5, 034 301 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 441. Fisheries of Tennessee, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR AND WATERS—Continued Quillback or - rr : Sturgeon, Gear and waters ue Sheepshead shovelnose 3 ; Bh PAL ii’ pelt Trammel nets: ' Mississippi River: : Pounds| Value | Pounds | Value |Pownds| Value CSTD NR 8) ieee ape Ree eft th ah li Ses aye “ie | pty Sa 1, 500 ee al |= oa eo Opipnrrelver: Meeloay Lake. .oles caessceec|bes ata pceecee LEGCO) |) SBS: ja seee NS es TRO GAL ios nt ee ee ee ee oe oe Ree eee eee LOFA00) |" 418 1022 2 ee ee Trot lines: IS DISSE SSURGY 0) LY rd 2k ae = ancy iy 5 ats et Se el bee eee he ae BOO! ly. | g8B ube ee 8a ese CON relay eee a eae nae See A ee) ae Ee 67 050" |) e202: |e eee eee eee Tealion’ Lake aise eo Ses et be ee eee e sean AS O50. |) = 701 et ee ees Ohio River: Cumberland River-_-.---------- 55 $8 10; 640) |" 1, 7EUs ee aa sn Tennessee River------------- 2, 000 249 6, 654 300 $15 (Oi atonal 24 (cis SE a a Se ee ee) ee ee 140) |e) oan eee oes Totalts—22-- sew a ete eet 2, 055 257 27, 434 300 15 Fyke nets: LESS STAY 01 I) en [oe ee | ei 2551001 ey" O60) ae ed | eee MISLEHIGMEIVOLS. oo cons toner ne ese nececeonleee eh Uc esoens 2 860)|| 99S sees eee AD DG el vetee. 5 85s ons 2 Se es Soa ee (Ec 35, 250' | 1, 408) [2 os eee eR NOGt aR Os i 2 = 286 oo oss och ek eran eee nee 67500) hy “1 SODi eee EN Eee ae Ohio River: Cumberland: River?.—=22223.-2222e55=2: 1, 560 228 11,775 2, 815 302 Termessee ‘River. = 2==-s-=--4s2ss2s422 2, 450 358 8, 861 591 76 ALUMS eee eee eee eee 4, 010 586 | 150, 836 3, 406 378 Total by waters: TOULRSUR Sey eh ded hy Gree Se SS eee] Ree ae Coma 26; 000) 1; O05? (Oa. 5-2 2) 22a PIMECIIONERLV CL foes tae cen ores cn en enero ce |peeemeee acces ae 3800). 164 2 ele eee VALE ee es See ee ee ee ee AD! 30031) 1605) | ae OP HOOU ARG eae eee see! oe Teel UE a SO;a00Nh 1780! | sseeene ease ee Ohio River: Grmberiand. Rivers. 5-5-2. 224.-22-2 1,615 236 22, 415 2, 815 302 Mannessee) WIVOl=. oc. ote nse nae cce soso de 4, 450 607 15, 515 891 91 Linch iver ee eee nese ect Se. [A Pete ZIRE ne TAQ NT? ? 18D Fe eee PROLGIG ste oe eae eee ee 6, 065 843 | 197,670 3, 706 393 Gear and waters Sucker Sunfish White bass Mussel shells Trammel nets: Mississippi River: Value|Pounds| Value| Pounds | Value Obion River: Reelfoot Lake--|--------]------- $189 750 Ft eee | | eee Trot lines: Mississippi River: Obion Riv- RPSL GOUOOL PUARG = 75 oan! 2 eoltos sonclensene Ty) | Soe eh) em (oe Se Se oe Fyke nets: Po EE Sah hE 8s Ria Se oe Se eg 2 ee ee ee een bere ee eel a ONiOnPRIVel” = i= csc-ncsee ce pa }h, (ete dl. | ya SS | RR EES Ae ee Li CCT) il Po ee Ss oe eee 865 | 1,350 68) |.2) 2) See Ohio River: Pivend HerinsiGsl LV6r os. - eOLD |. |e ODS A lose ana) cee ee Wee cereal ne eins awe eme = ees Tennessee River---------- CE Sal We © ©) | aN line ee REECE AS St | OLS) |e otal s »F-- sei eh 2 2 865 | 1,350 68) Le ee Sete ee Crowfoot bars: Mississippi River: Ohio Riv- COUN OUST a Aya oid he Os So |S es Meeces eeee te Er ere 2, 157, 000 |$15, 604 Total by waters: WEREIPS Sn eb ycres Sea eS SD 1 ae Pee NS ee Peo ee ie ota, cei ee eee OBO Bh sos 2 eles en ee | ae eae ame ee eee | ees eM glu ed oe 1,094 | 2,100 Ct ee Oe ee See Ohio River: (CM pErnen ver. --<2-) 4,015. |" 6633|.....--2) eb. lee ce eee [eens abe moe ee eee Tennessee River. --------- rh ORs | eS aan | AEE. 2, 157, 000 | 15, 604 TEIN ee nos ewan 1,094 | 2,100 106 | 2,157,000 | 15, 604 442 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Fisheries of Tennessee, 1931—Continued Gear and waters Trammel nets: Mississippi River: Pearls | Slugs Frogs CATCH: By GEAR AND WATERS—Continued Terrapin | Total Value | Value|Pounds | Value|Pounds| Value| Pounds | Value Matchie Riverss2: 222. 22 e Re 2h ees oe Se ee 2 os a ee ee 13, 550 $830 Obion RivenwRecloot cake: 2) 2 27 Sele sop she ae eee ee 121, 950 6, 871 Ul Bo ifs} pe Si pean Er ee Eg pS We (eee ee ee eee eet ee eee 135, 500 7, 701 Hand lines: a) iy Mississippi River: Obion Riv- ens neelfoot Lakes se. 22 2225225 Trot lines: Mississippi River_-_--._.--------- Hiaichiel Rivers sses2-4-3-—== Obion Rivers: 2 a2= sar Reelfoot Lake___--------- Ohio River: Cumberland River eee eae 5) (Pt [eee eae ae Sd eis eee Beet te 14, 000 1, 680 38, 070 2, 469 13, 025 860 70, 455 5, 115 103, 050 7, 857 Tennessee River--------- 34, 733 4, 674 Clinch River--------- 620 124 PTV OGL ha ese cpa eee BS aa I Re ig | ed 70 14 286,315 | 25, 141 Fyke nets: IVISSISSIPpIVRIVen ee 2 eas eS CLAS Ce eee ae ee a a ee ee 240, 460 | 13, 109 IELaAtCHIO URTV OR! 3 care eee aU 2B SB | See dl Dewees 2 (ek ee eee eee 25, 500 1, 403 Obion River oss he se ah ae eee | ie Se Ae a ee ee oe 194,045 | 10,378 ReelfootwWuake: 424: 25520 Bile ehh lala Mee See ee oe ee eee 309,550 | 16, 515 Ohio River: @umberland/Rivenes: ot oisah oak Nee kee eee ee ea es 40, 678 5, 893 Tennessee River- ---- pt) et (eee te 8 PLUN Ae ee VE ee | Pe SOS A) ea 29, 771 4, 469 MRO tale Soph eae SBE rs PE Ei oa ee Se | | ee 840,004 | 51, 767 Spears: 7 Mississippi River: Obion Riv- er Reeliootbakess22o oe 2 eee ee al 2P 250M Poe CON te = Seen ol eee 2, 250 270 Crowfoot bars: Mississippi River: Ohio Riv- er: Tennessee River------------ S28 ST 240) 2. 2 ol ee ee Se 2,157,000 | 17,356 Total by waters: i IVEISSISSID DIR enise nee te a eee Se aS ae a ee a ee eee 278, 530 | 15, 578 ET atchieRi vier se se ceo ae lee De a es ree Ses ee ee 52, 075 3, 093 Obion (Rivers: eee EE | ee ee ee ee 264,500 | 15, 493 Reelfoot'Wake- te. ts _| ey eee elise 2, 250 270022522. 2 |e 550, 800 | 38,193 Ohio River: CiumberlanaGiRiivier ss aes) | tee es ee | ee eee 70 14 67, 040 9, 935 Tennessee River -_------_- 73 (la a Pee Se Vea ae SP a 2, 221,504 | 26, 499 (@ ABE ae) a al R2a hes} eee emerge) Ste ey SIS 5 SE | eee BS A Si) eS Pe el en oe 620 124 Motel 2: esse se 28 | 1,724 | 2,250 270 70 14 | 3,435, 069 | 103, 915 TEXAS Fisheries of Texas, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR Total, ex- Item Trot lines | Fyke nets | clusive of duplication Fishermen: On boats and shore: Number Number Number Peg are Poe ee RA Lee I 2 Bris J Eo os ee 5 5 5 Casta! he rei Alek sete mi ae Ale Sc 41 26 41 Mofal Hasse Aes oe MAMAS Sy Pea A al | Pea ae he igh hoe bigest ae ea ae 46 31 46 Boats: IV OCOD ee) eee = RS oe el OS oo 6 6 6 OTR ere a RE ee a eR re See ee eee PA Apel als BM Dad 39 29 42 Apparatus: IN Der’. 2: eee AER as Bel. ee Ee ee hs ee eee 80 70) 23 ees TOOK Sateen alte we Ree ie a ee ee Pee ee see 14, FOO "ese See 23] oe ee FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 443 Fisheries of Texas, 1931—Continued OPERATING UNITS: BY WATERS Fishermen Boats Waters |_| _ Trot lines phir Regular| Casual} Total | Motor | Other Mississippi River: Red River: Number| Nwmber| Number| Number| Number| Number| Fooks |Number eR GR ete) ee ee 2 18 20 3 19 35 | 7,000 30 Pitino HLVAl cto ects ke 3 23 26 3 23 45 | 7, 500 40 PP OLAL 5-< se see ea tees 5 41 46 6 42 80 | 14, 500 70 CATCH: BY GEAR AND WATERS Gear and waters Buffalofish Carp Seen Trot lines: Mississippi River: Red River: Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value |Pounds| Value SE Va ta Cad USE te, aap a aoe Nee tt aati = ay 40 xl Se ea [Cea 2, 000 $40 | 20,000 | $1,600 Sulphur River... 2--25255- oa eee cc ee|t esta 1, 900 38 | 24, 000 1, 920 5) 6: | ey eae A Ste oye | ee 3, 900 78 | 44,000 3, 520 Fyke nets: Mississippi River: Red River: Caddovbake 22520" 5. 5. 5a hei 5 pus $1,050 | 2,000 40 | 2,000 160 Sulphur River 1,140 | 1,000 20] 1,800 144 SR OLAN SS Ae oe ae oe ee ee es eee 2,190 | 3,000 60 | 3,800 304 Total by waters: Mississippi River: Red River: | CEo HLA EE a) eS a NE Se BA 35,000 | 1,050 | 4,000 80 | 22, 000 1, 760 Sulpnnr Lake 23.2. 5_2i2 es SS 38,000 | 1,140] 2,900 58 | 25, 800 2, 064 Pa a tye cnt ne A Eo 73, 000 2,190 | 6,900 138 | 47,800 3, 824 Quillback or Gear and waters “ American Sheepshead Total earp’”’ Trot lines: Mississippi River: Red River: Pounds| Value |Pouwnds| Value | Pounds| Value IACG OWA OC: saree cana ee ‘ $50 | 24,500 | $1,690 Sulphur River t 60 | 28, 900 2,018 SOLA Sao See ces oe poe eee eee eens 110 | 53, 400 3, 708 Fyke nets: Mississippi River: Red River: Panidowake:-- 2 ee ee 500 $10 | 2,000 40 | 41,500] 1,300 RP DNTIE URL Sects 2 Son ae eee] eens eee eu were 2, 800 56 | 43, 600 1, 360 “Si LG Ce i ie aap eR ei Raat 2 ox st 500 10 | 4,800 96 | 85, 100 2, 660 Total by waters: ississippi River: Red River: POG LOCH CC Aaa ea RS pL Spe. SS 500 10 | 4,500 66, 000 2, 990 ROUBLYSTTEIY: RCD Se ee 3 on no a ae garda te aeons at | seer 5, 800 116 | 72, 500 3, 378 444 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES WISCONSIN Fisheries of Wisconsin, 1931 OPERATING UNITS: By GEAR Total, Tern Haul pie Trot | Pound} Fyke CaO, By _ | exclusive seines | nets lines nets nets bars hand | of dupli- cation Fishermen: On boats and shore: Number|Number|Number|Number|Number|Number|Number| Number RUBS ee a eee eae 132 6 1 32 15 47 40 202 Casals tk ae 50 9 1 2 | es 2 Seo | 55 2 112 Motal-ae ies bee ee 2c oe 182 15 2 36 15 102 42 314 Boats INTO forsee. . ee ERs Soe 76 Bulbs 31 ll 6) | 160 Otherse es) eee 78 6 Z 31 13 41 42 180 Apparatus: INumibers2 Sse ess oe Sees 83 6 3 345 222 190 .|_ 222 22 See Went havardstes seaweeee e ee 20495) = ee Lo | a ee Sduarevyardstessm etree eel |S aye 13; 488 [a 8e oS es See oo 2S ee LE Woyay fc pe epee RTE CNS EN eee el at ee 126 |occelesdlecctecsd ea eee eee OPERATING UNITS: By WATERS Fishermen Boats Waters SS | a ste Regular| Casnal} ‘Total | Motor | Other Length, cae Number|Number| Number|Number|Number|Number| yards INDISSISSID DINE VeD sees eae ee ane ee eee 198 103 301 154 175 82 | 19,849 NWisConsinniiiverse =) eee are ae a ee Asilwcerons 2 4 1 1 1 300 PoxsRiverawoltenivers soso. to oe ees 9 9 5 rl aeons 5 eee Ota seeeee ee ere ee 202 112 314 160 180 83 | 20,149 Waters Anchor gillnets| Trot lines Pound | Fyke ee $ * 8 nets nets | yrre Square Pmt Number| yards |Number|Hobdks| Number |Number| Number MississippiliRiver: 26026 see one eee eee 6 | 13, 488 Sale 2o 345 222 172 Wisconsin. River; Hox River: Wolf, River. |) 222-2 |S Shs 28 2 | Sa es |e ee i8 DOtA near ee te ee Ree aye ee 6 | 138, 488 3 125 345 222 190 CATCH; BY GEAR AND WATERS Gear and waters Bowfin Buffalofish Carp Haul seines: Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value IVEISSISSID DIURMVGr 2 een kee onsen Eee 248, 436 |$3, 742 | 157,958 | $7,956 | 670, 292 |$20, 332 WHsconsin River sss 2 on eeceae en ee ee at eee oes ol eee 33,000 | 1,650 7, 000 265 Motale eee se eee a eee ea eee See eee 248, 436 | 3,742 | 190,958 | 9,606 | 677, 292 | 20, 597 Anchor gill nets: Mississippi River-...--------------- [etl yes 13,430| 741 | 18,838 | 496 Pound nets: Mississippi Rivers.------ sees eee nasene 20, 284 319 | 31,048} 1,553] 53,304] 1,798 Fyke nets: Mississippi River.......--....--..-..-.-- 19, 450 294 | 32,565 | 1,628 | 28,040 909 Total, by waters: er = e Mississippi Rivers 242 ats ce ee cee eens 288,170 | 4,355 | 235,001 | 11,878 | 770, 474 | 23, 535 Wisconsin Rivers Sees ee ee ee ee 33,000 | 1,650 7, 000 265 Motalitts sees eat tote sone eee nee 288,170 | 4,355 | 268,001 | 18,528 | 777, 474 | 23, 800 FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 445 Fisheries of Wisconsin, 1931—Continued CATCH: By GEAR AND WATERS—Continued Catfish and Quillback or Gear and waters bullheads “American carp” Sheepshead Haul seines: Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value TEASER VON - oe ee --| 41,017 |$3, 588 45, 930 | $1, 369 49, 518 | $2, 245 WASCORSIN RU] VOR Se bie onsen pewda oe ass| sen eensan lest he ae 10, 000 fe (RR a (ees SAROL Se So a es eR ce et wa meeenee 41,017 | 3, 538 55, 930 1,719 | 49,518 | 2,245 Trot lines; Mississipp! River. <__.....-.2.--<2.22-4-0 950 LO) Pete aee lence seen 250 12 Pound nets: Mississippi River: --.-.....-..-...22...- 15, 747 | 1,507 | 10,423 313 | 23, 651 980 Higko nets: Mississippi River_<< --..5.-255_ 2-2 -t.-. 7, 825 BVOMER eek. | es 10, 990 455 Total, by waters: "nis URSIRS ET ELV Olen ee ee es = oe oo ek eee 65, 539 | 5, 825 56, 353 1,682 | 84,409 | 3,692 WRIEBNTISING LLY Ole sosere ste soca escent cece clecetenamclsatscud 10, 000 S60) Reese 2-1 cs sh 1rd eee 2 Se SE 5 SS pe Se er oe a 65, 539 | 5,825 | 66,353 | 2,032 | 84,409 | 3,692 Gear and waters Po et Mussel shells | Pearls} Slugs Total Haul seines: Pounds | Value | Pounds | Value| Value| Value| Pounds | Value MUInsissinnl River=o- 2s sse sack UAT EUS G3) Fs ay (a es ee ae a ee eee 1, 322, 187 |$42, 449 Pv SUOTISETIPEU VRE ec ce nee emma cea teet ee eee whee oe ee ee ee 50,000 | 2, 265 U8) ot | * ee ee DOOUOS Bula eOtietee saa tases al Bec ee |G cee 1, 372, 187 | 44,714 Anchor gill nets: Mississippi River_-._|--..-----|-------|_---_ 2 ee ae 32, 268 | 1, 237 AEG EG eA ER WES SHRCTT oy 0) PD ay CR eS GS STN | Ta ae ee ee eee eens 1, 200 122 Pound nets: Mississippi River._____. 25, 498 SHAT Ge oe SAU re at ee se ol ha 3 2 179,955 | 6,855 Fyke nets: Mississippi River----_--- 1, 450 CVD) Es oes hell BS Pe eee Se SD eee 100, 320 | 4,000 Crowfoot bars: ). ba ag PM USSU ee) 024 (a) eee = ee a ee Se (a oe ed | PR 786, 500 |$7,763 | $460 |$1, 546 786, 500 | 9, 769 Wisconsin River: Fox Riv- ELA e 2 he Gee Se a ee ee 22, 500 281 20 71 22, 500 372 POLIO seems ones | ee 809, 000 | 8, 044 480 | 1,617 809, 000 | 10, 141 eae TIE. UMISSISSI PDE TeLVOle = coe |e ce eS ee 150, 200 902 75 395 150, 200 | 1,372 Total, by waters: a Pe Whsnisstoni Rivers == + 5-<- 2) 222 135, 984 | 3,696 | 936,700 | 8, 665 535 | 1,941 | 2, 572,630 | 65, 804 MVE Ty bg 2 hee (oe nee |e es eee 50,000 | 2, 265 Fox River: Wiolliver. .)s-oe eee ioe 22, 500 281 20 71 22, 500 372 i ir <2) BE See 2 peer 135, 984 | 3, 696 | 959, 200 | 8, 946 555 | 2,012 | 2,645, 130 | 68, 441 Industries related to the fisheries of the Mississippi River and tributaries, 1931 OPERATING UNITS, SALARIES, AND WAGES mbes Arkan- | 7; . Ken- |Louisi-| °° Item Illinois |Indiana| Iowa and sas tucky ana North Dakota Transporting: Number | Number |Number| Number | Number |Number| Number mersons enpared.____-7--.- 4-3-2 De eS ee at be eee ee ll i ee SUR) a re CS a es ee eee ae 2 0 aes DUM COT Rae i Se SSS ee Ses eee ee 15 (ee Se Wholesale and manufacturing: PStAisHeNts..2.0225520-—---2--- 6 38 4 61 11 22 13 Persons engaged: CT a i 3 42 1 52 8 24 ll Salaried employees- ---_-------- 9 3 5 79 20 14 27 Wage earners: Average for season-_-_-_------ 152 331 140 2, 500 261 70 112 Average for year_-..-.-.--- 72 235 93 2, 179 159 68 112 Paid to salaried employees_.....---| $11,417 | $9,520 | $6,820 | $141, 346 | $33,159 |$12,400 | $55, 200 Paid to wage earners--------------- 53, 503 | 145, 683 | 51,444 | 1,417,678 | 81,643 | 37, 700 81, 500 64,920 | 155, 203 | 58, 264 | 1, 559,024 | 114,802 | 50,100 | 136, 700 Total salaries and wages_-------- Fishermen manufacturing --~_.--.--.---|--.------ 446 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Industries related to the fisheries of the Mississippi River and tributaries, 1931— Continued OPERATING UNITS, SALARIES, AND WAGES—Continued ripe Pe ont mete eee 7 em issis-| an raska an ennes- is- Item sippi | Okla- | and | Penn- see | consin | Total homa | Kansas |sylvania Transporting: Number| Number | Number | Number | Number | Number | Number Persons engaged? i te Aes SoU Bee a Sen oe ee ee be eee 29 EWESSELS ex OU ORs ee eee a al ie | eal bee Ne Rs oe 8 INGtitONMAge eee see SSE SUS BIN oe a el Oe a ee a ee eee | ees 104 Wholesale and manufacturing: Hstablishiments: aes oe ee 6 21 3 13 11 8 AWE _ Persons engaged: IPTOPPICLOTS See eas enn uf 24 3 17 9 3 204 Salaried employees. __-------- 3 125 8 37 15 10 355 Wage earners: Average for season--_-___--- 26 328 52 175 90 38 4, 275 Average for year --.-----__ 26 261 52 145 52 29 3, 483 Paid to salaried employees___-_-__-__|$16, 000 |$291, 874 | $17,400 | $95,878 | $34, 884 | $12,998 | $738, 896 Paid ‘to wage earners.._._.-.--...__ 22,382 | 202,944 | 45,580 | 138,817 | 38,177 | 24, 483 | 2,341, 534 Total salaries and wages__------- 38, 382 | 494,818 | 62,980 | 234,695 | 73,061 | 37,481 | 3, 080, 430 Fishermen manufacturing_-___-_--____- 7 r OF | See ot |b eo ee eee ee 216 PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED Item Arkansas By manufacturing establishments: Illinois Indiana Mussel-shell products: Quantity Value | Quantity| Value | Quantity} Value IBUGtOnS see eee es cee GrOSSa.|= ete ere | eae (1) Q). | ee eee Button plankseee eee ee do_-_.| 503, 548 $87, 752 (1) 8) (1) (1) Poultry feede =. 225. ee PONS bs | hase Pee | ees se ee () (4) () () OI TICTASSI flee 20 seo, Pitan yea Pe eae pees | We SE ees ok at S282 814! (ue fees 3 $115, 866 PU AER ape me te, Ms le Is a ahs A i Sialogaeene = ZOO ROLE Waa se eee 115, 866 By fishermen: Carp; Smoked is). eae POUNCSES|Vase sae es eae es 667 67 | .-2-c5sbe5 | 22-2 5ee Paddlefish roe, salted__________- (ovo) ekaey hey Vote mien dP Ry eee ery a | Pees eat 450 180 Sheepshead, smoked __--_--___-- Goris | See be EN 617 0 |, 2 are eee Sturgeon: Smoked Item Iowa By manufacturing establishments: Quantity Value Salmon, smoked___--_- pounds_-_ 240, 000 $48, 800 Sturgeon, smoked_-__-_---__ doses 162, 000 39, 140 Tullibees, smoked-_-_--__-_- dosees 58, 000 11, 440 Mussel-shell products: IButions 42 ene ee gross__| 12,121,024 | 3,399, 952 Button blanks____-__- do_---| 8, 590, 598 1, 424, 618 ae Shiellsse8.2 ie Fate tons-_- 22, 239 42, 749 i Uy oct: ape A Doss See dos 2, 291 2, 291 Boultry feedaense= sees (ote 11, 288 89, 503 Wnelassifiedts sesh 20 5s Fe | MEM 2 sete Ae ee Unclassified, miscellaneous. -----|__---------- 5 152, 092 FLO EBs NAL ZU RENN IL TE hs Me Ea 5, 210, 585 By fishermen: Alligator hides-_-_---_- ppundses. 2|:t Se. 2.2 Feels ee eee 2 Granditotalipss ek ee es | ae ae 5, 210, 585 Kentucky Louisiana Quantity Value Quantity | Value (1) (1) tp Sees ee (1) 0) ey eee || oe iC eee es ene eames sd eee ¢ $155,182.50. oo 2 ieee A et 188,100) joo 0a aaa i cbachie | 88,356 |___$7, 363 re as 166, 188 |Jocseccocsl AN ee 1 The production of this item is included under unclassified products. 2 Includes the production of buttons, button blanks, and poultry feed. 3 Includes the production of button blanks, and a small quantity of poultry feed and stucco. ‘ Includes the production of button blanks, cut shells, and poultry feed. 5 Includes the production of smoked buffalofish, and mussel-shell novelties, bird shell sugar, aos chips, polished chips, and stucco. FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 447 Industries related to the fisheries of the Mississippi River and tributaries, 1931— Continued PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED—Continued Minnesota, Gat Item Re ea Mississippi Missouri oie Wisconsin Quan- Quan- Quan- Quan- By manufacturing establishments: tity Value tity Value tity Value tity Value Salmon, smoked------ DOUNGS ee tee eS a ee See oe ac setae | eae (1) (1) Sturgeon, smoked --_---- dese 2") (ae te (Sees ee ie a eee Pee ee ee eee ees Bl pee Tullibees, smoked. - --_-- (0 (eee 5 Mil Fat Wet |S MCE ie | Sy | Sea ror) eee eee (1) (‘) Whitefish, smoked------- Gols 221256; 000!" '$475200) eee ese eel cede. Sees (4) () Mussel-shell products: ribons eee eee gross_- ef One || 4 Iu tons_-| (!) (LRT Te eee ee ae ee ee () imps 2 SOE Ee os geese |) (lye fe ee (1) LS ee Br Wi SS IC a ees Poultry feed__..---.- dom= 252 1 S7Ds |e ee ese nes () (QM a |S = = uae FTES i ae TUES (CI EYSSTES (ote Lee Se BS aT NE Ne A Oe ee SE = Ca ee SSTAT 607; epee emai ee eee Unclassified, miscellaneous--___|__-_---- RecA Se | eee Se) na a at ete sale oo ee 1 ee §$131,433 PAE aig eS oe Se ha) Cenk 3 PAY VALE Sele Meets 4 [258 EFS CSR |? Sea aloe Bove OS7tie 131, 433 By fishermen: Paddlefish roe, salted. pounds__|________|_-_______- 245 $92 900 AO ties A el eee Bend tit se A Mae 279, 293 |_______- 92° |poe 142, 237 |__------ 131, 433 1 The production of this item is included under unclassifiea products. 6 Includes the production of buttons, button blanks, lime, and poultry feed. anne the production of smoked eels, salmon, and sturgeon, and buttons, button blanks, cut shell, and novelties. 8 Includes the production of smoked buffalofish, butterfish, carp, chubs, lake trout, paddlefish, salmon, tullibees, and whitefish, and button blanks, and cut shells. Note.—The total value of the products n the Mississippi River and tributaries was as follows: By manufacturing establishments, $6,357,622; by fishermen, $8,751. Some of the above products may have been manufactured from fishery products imported from another section of the United States or foreign countries; therefore, they cannot be correlated directly with the catch within the section. None of the persons engaged on transporting vessels has been included as fishermen; and of the total number of persons engaged in the preparation of fishermen’s manufactured products, 16 have been included as fishermen. These facts should be considered when computing the total number of Persons in the fishery industries exclusive of duplication. LAKE PEPIN Fisheries of Lake Pepin, 1931 Anchor gill . Total, exclusive Item Haul seines nate Pound nets of duplication OPERATING UNITS Fishermen: On boats and shore: Number Number Number 12 EL ae a a eee 33 7 44 Sia ee Se 20 10 27 is) Sk Se SS ee eee 53 17 71 Boats: Uitte. 5.8) . a ee 24 7 39 (Op1? PS ot eS a eee ee 24 7 39 Apparatus: LS US Se 5 ee ee ee 24 (ne (MONDE? Kal gm | Cae OE Penigths wands. J. 22. 5-52.55-2--.- O.Bbbnee Ul oe een Sooo ails key 5 |e eee een cee Pirrmpmonyendgess 2). ore) t's J | 5 hne gts eax TB; OBS) jo loca eee enous eee oe CATCH Pounds | Value |Pounds | Value Value | Pounds | Value Ulamgin £0: | SS ee eee 700 1G el ees) ee Oe $40 2, 464 $51 TE Thiititl ! 2.. S a ee ae ae 2, 367 175 2, 599 $199 276 10, 479 650 On Bias) > re eee 274, 100 | 8, 744 | 21, 274 746 | 26,819 842 | 322,193 | 10,332 Cat RUSTIC OMNnGAUS =. 623 ks ae ns 3, 492 CTT ae fad ee 814 | 10,279] 1,217 Quillback or ‘‘ American carp’’_-------- 4, 200 1p eee by |S ere 313 | 14, 623 439 “Cl apiic' alee) Si eae 11, 503 el Rear PBa eS 712 | 29,389 1, 354 UT Ae oe a Se 16, 584 A eta | AE Teh 385 | 42, 082 882 1 EE SS aaa ls 312, 946 |10, 598 | 23,873 | 945 | 94,690 | 3,382 | 431,509 | 14, 925 448 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES LAKE KEOKUK Fisheries of Lake Keokuk, 1931 Baskets Total, exclusive Item Haul seines Trot lines Fyke nets of duplication OPERATING UNITS Fishermen: On boats and shore: Number Number Number Number Number Regilars=-e st. . 21 36 42 24 51 Casta Seen Se 20 32 T8)). nglete oe ee 38 otal: So 41 68 60 24 89 Boats Motor=:252. 222538052 19 28 37 12 41 Others Se eee 17 40 34 10 46 Apparatus Number Length, yards Hooks CATCH Pownds | Value |Pounds| Value| Pounds| Value| Pownds| Value| Pounds| Value Bowne sso ee eal hs 5, 125 SVA9 eee ee 1, 900 Ct ae ee ee , 025 $203 Cann Soe Sete es Sipe? v2 5068 kakewer a Bae one (01253 |)el), 805 | 2a aoa ol aeeeee 112, 365} 8, 821 Bite Oe EN 105, 004} 4,179 9, 395 $350} 55,750} 1,914).--..---|_---_--| 170,149] 6,443 Cathsh and bullheads__--| 12,130) 1,213] 46,060) 4,579} 12,190} 1,207} 49,290] $4,722) 119, 670) 11, a LO ee ee Se ae a eee eae Pe ea 215 HY See ere eee oe ee 215 IMOOTIGYO. = 6) Sean eees = 500 TO (2255 Oe A eee oe eee | edeseee ee 500 10 Paddlefishmiensss2s2a 2608 7, 100 Ai |lehm iets seal oe a Sl eee pa A a 2 le 7, 100 478 Quillback or ‘‘ American Cai 3-22) eee 6, 500 SO |e se | etc 2, 200 G4\ LOL eas sae 8, 700 174 Sheepshead cess ses ae 53, 300} 2, 665 3, 735 186} 15, 794 V65|5-2 52> 22 Se eee 72, 829} 3,616 Sturgeon, shovelnose_--_- 300 B02 sie ook Ue Se ee Ee ee 300 30 Sucker ‘“‘mullet’’.______-- 38, 000 60 |2a-sae eae 1, 000 20) cies oe See eee 4, 000 80 Terrapin. so sie Fie 3, 800 TG) het Oh a) Ped ee Se a 3, 800 76 Turtles: Snappersa see ee 2, 000 40). 2.232 alesse S| tes sacs] eon sl ee eee 2, 000 40 Solt-shelleeas-= 22 3, 000 60| 2222s at be eo eee oe ee el eee 3, 000 60 NOt aoa re 238, 871) 12,058) 59,405) 5,126) 164,087) 9,857) 49,290) 4,722) 511, 653) 31, 763 MISSISSIPPI RIVER BETWEEN LAKE PEPIN AND LAKE KEOKUK Fisheries of Mississippi River between Lake Pepin and Lake Keokuk, 1981 Anchor gill nets Trammel nets Item Haul seines OPERATING UNITS Fishermen: On boats and shore: Number Aum ped CATCH Pounds Value | Pounds| Value| Pounds| Value BO WT eae RA i a ad De hs pas ANE 329, 176 $7, 213° | 2 tae ene ol ee Lae ae TT iy Rie SNE AR RA OFS ae le WE eR a ee 453,614 | 29,874 | 13,321] $667] 6,950 $397 Cary S ae Mo LR ee on 1, 255,579 | 51,708 | 16, 549 523 | 15, 650 470 Catfish andi bullheadsi2s 20s Seo ee es ee TOO VMS 1 0) 426 +}a seen e ee oeecee 1, 050 105 1) ER a LE IE NS Ee aD) ag SPR 325 16 |ocsuciud|socen se) eee ee eee Paddletishe Miche Whee ot Depa os Ie eee ee ee 2, 000 196 |. oe ee | sbl sou eo Be ee Bickerel soe i eye ANE ee Se a 4, 700 470 |. REL e tel ee Quillback or ‘‘ American carp”’.........--.-------.- 58, 709 1,600 | 26-26. occ een l]be 2 Sheepshead ce eel ey eae ee oe eee 219,187 | 11,182] 1,045 52 910 45 Stureeon, SHovelnoss=see sce eee. stan eee eas 15, 959 1, 583 284 20] 1,240 124 BTICKGN GS ole eee ch oe te eae a ere pe pe 145, 667 4,174 900 7 | P| fee LINCSY ig a gai A be Se MRR a A ay Bl 13, 100 Py de ne Ee) SE THIntlosSOLt-SHell et accent ee ee on 14, 000 280) = te eee ee eee FRotalie Js sce kd Pete eee Sen eer 2 2, 621, 167 | 118,877 | 32,099 | 1, 289 | 25,800; 1, 141 WwW FISHERY INDUSTRIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1932 449 Fisheries of Mississippi River between Lake Pepin and Lake Keokuk, 1931—Con. Item Trot lines Pound nets Fyke nets OPERATING UNITS Fishermen: On boats and shore: Number Number Number OS a Se en es eh ae a 110 15 236 RORRA «<= ao atk ee oes Sa eee SN Wh hace neeenes otace 168 SPGGAL: . . a ne ee ee a 339 15 404 Boats: 1S 1G) 2 a Re EE oe PIERS 7 eee a ter 166 14 290 i ee oo ee eo eee eee 158 14 168 Apparatus: RETRO! eee ee ee a 1, 116 181 2, 698 LEN eT Ee A ee ee eee ne LTT S00 Py) |\easese sens cae | bos nano ee eee CATCH Pounds | Value |Pounds| Value| Pounds | Value GUNA ee RR i Ea Te Seen epee eS S| eee 18,520 | $279 19, 450 $294 pee Lee eee See OS See eee 275 $14 | 25, 535 | 1, 277 457,590 } 34,845 UDP Cue pq ee pS re ip hag ga aI ee =o UP Coa as 60, 320 2,970 | 30, 200 } 1,105 802, 606 | 38, 238 Catfish Ane HiNNOnGs eee see eae 294, 352 | 31,070 | 8,960 693 79, 214 8, 713 LG) SS as Pe ee ee eee 50 5) (eae ee a) (eee ees eens (ee = LEP UE. Lins Sie es SEE Se ne Sere an eS See eee 2 epee meres 3, 840 269 CG Gr: A NETICATN COLD © oon 5 eee ee es ae rae nce |e eae inn eaencasa|annsess 19, 400 427 SY ToC G ee CA Ae ee ee ee ee 38,416 | 1,958 | 5,825 271 138, 405 7,115 (LOS UBDRE JL ieee SRS Bee se a = eo el | eee Scere ae 1, 467 187 STURT OSS 2 a ogee See ee ee Se ee 1, 325 LUV) te ae ee es 6, 141 144 CLUE DUN eee 8 ae Re Bais Ee per SP 1S ae eee | a 200 4 Thy Sie SOUR ET Sa 2 A ee eee 394, 738 | 36,055 | 89,040 | 3,6 1, 528, 313 | 90, 236 a Total, exclusive Item Dip nets Baskets of duplication OPERATING UNITS Fishermen: On boats and shore: Number Number Number PoC EN hs Se ee eee Oe ee eee 22 436 CERT Ute Se ae Sg a a Se eee ae 4 1 439 ive i ee oe ae ee eee As eae 4 23 875 Boats A ine eee eee eee ee ee EE een Sect eee Sete 13 428 Jato es eS Sis 2 Se ee a Soe ess (eee oe ee 425 Apparatus: LSP ESET) 67) gale ae a ope ee ee pe aS eae 4 6908) PEs ee CATCH Pounds| Value| Pounds | Value| Pounds | Value LEVEY LTS LE ie ta ee ee eens ee ee ne es ee ee ee eee 367, 146 $7, 786 en seg De) See EE? AS Re eo ae eee Beebe) | Stee 2) | a a ee ee 957, 285 67, 074 eet 5 Se A ee Je 1, 275 Gln ee eee k= | 2182 ro 95, 078 Cat RISaRTEIO LITER DORE Borst ee eee eee ee eee ee | ee 77, 300 |$7, 140 570, if 58, 147 oad C25 Sa ee ee a ee ot ee ee ee es eee 5 1 PEC EIT LUTE AS SEA a ES SAPP) ene ales) Nee Le | See ae aes ee 5, 840 464 Te SL ls Soe se el Ee SR Ss eg ee 9 A ee ee eS ee 4, 700 470 ES DDE GG Tr Ses VET ee) ee ee ee 78, 109 1, 927 LP Pha te Oe ae ia Se ee ae 645 {ist hl | ta SA 404,433 | 20, 676 PV TLE Gites Nt a a ED | 55” | |S ee eee 18, 950 1,914 renee Moses lode 5 a ae SE |S an ee | a ee eee 154, 033 4, 385 yy 225 ae ee ae ere |e eee eee 13, 300 261 eties, TRATES Se 8 EE ES | ae hs (es ee eee 14, 000 280 NG) C7 [SSN RD ie ooo toe ae SRR Aro BER ee 1, 920 117 77, 300 | 7,140 | 4,770,377 | 258, 480 STATISTICAL SURVEY PROCEDURE For data on the statistical survey procedure generally followed in collecting and compiling the figures given in part 2 of this report and also fora list of common and scientific names of the fishery products mentioned in this report, the reader is referred to ‘‘ Fishery Industries of the United States, 1931’’, Appendix II to the Report of the Com- missioner of Fisheries for the fiscal year 1932. O ie ie. eek ies ” my i by. Nepali < to . or en Gs mg a o ti iis Rene se y Wier i 2 rN inp a Prine U tJ 3 bye Bites , as te xi te agt : FRE 3 b et a Date sais PP ee ee ¥ et a {toto pes abel ~ Wee? rH ultae eae 2} ry War a cee Ade +h RO Z “ se Piote. Fagecntapy parte oo Ata b SF : dsp mee eh bs pele os 4 « he :" They ie a Ain #8 LN apres reek ' at t + he ets ’ ye, S > fh 2 < 7 sure mun ‘Ear alain hs a ; a 4 ; ; | ; > es tte e é aa See Oo . ; : » mar +33 prs Ueeiteed hs se tutg ne ary aie ae 1 f* ye ‘alegre Aye A eer eee mh OF } 7; ¥ i : | 7 ‘ % oy aa ‘ aN Pa th . a es a> Pe ee ¢ be de et ina Hr SCtAyt, BY LEN RE ces ek be oR Cop owee Tae ia eas ia 9 i Ey TP TERRORS Mery f) eee a tN a ; : Paget ny J etre does Ot ebhwtra hop an Galo dd tig viele maar: % Ag ee: AO ee Se aye Prete ral ‘ae Oe peta La ray pets Bate boy 4 ia ake a, Ag: iz) te ee Fh 3 f va an PROPAGATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD FISHES, FISCAL YEAR, 1933? By Guen C.:Leacu, Chief, Division of Fish Culture CONTENTS Page ntimeorivenon! ecstecebier: tS 2 ers Re SA ee Se rl ieee (eh ia 451 TOT SIS RT ST Lae 27. SE SE SS Se PY Seape ey PL NCR WY Mee par 452 I ca a a a a rs en ar re 454 Cooperation with other conservation agencies_______------------------ 454 Cooperation with sportsmen’s organizations________------------------ 455 Salyaee operations. o< 2.1) So 4siiceseu4 Le gepeet as Hed Bose eee b-ae 457 Assignment of fish eggs to States, Territories, and foreign countries__-__-_-_ rarisiersyoweecps DSUWeen: StaWOns sere. ow ee EE oe eee ee 459 OMAN DYING GUE LEAST) SEES oS ec a oe a a a parca hp ae RE pe fe AI Sy 460 EG TELE 7 Be a ee ee a ee 467 IND CesON TO Dera VIONSs pet ey rate ENE CAPPS EET Sa AS 468 Wammerctial species: fil Ratowile so ails Ae soley Suet) 3 Gamenhen mropamation 32 bib. fe bee ee ee pee Ot ale pee: 471 Por RIGUEGAIN, PETMCOTN cee ye ate a ee Peng 472 MCPS | HU LIODS ot 2 CE ee eee Ros re el eee ne eg 474 Combination trout and pond-fish stations_______________________- 475 Warm-water or pond-fish stations___._._._. LL 22LuL i 1-2 ele 477 Rescue operations and Upper Mississippi Wild Life Refuge_-__-_-____ 478 [ORT SSS erly PE Gs I ae a ciel ae ona RE a PRs Ps SN ee ie Oe) 479 Pepe RIN SLOLOR ce so te Ape as ed re et nih oe ee ne ee 479 Preservation of scrim in hatching boxes_______.______________-_- 479 Distribution in national parks and national forests_______________- 480 Meririctiyeness Of Spiderssi.3 0. eA Oe wee 480 Cooperative fish culture with municipalities________.____________- 480 pereration operations. 2. 22k a eT eg eerie ag 481 INTRODUCTION The system of Federal fish hatcheries inaugurated contemporary with the establishment of the United States Fish Commission in 1872 reached its point of greatest expansion and development during the year ending June 30, 1933. New hatcheries and auxiliaries placed in operation, together with enlargements and improvements of facilities at older stations, rendered possible an output exceeded only once previously. It is indisputably evident that the need which prompted the estab- lishment of Federal hatcheries in 1872 must be emphasized many fold 60 years later. If the artificial replenishment of fish was essential when the country was just emerging from the pioneer era, what must be the demand under conditions of increased poulation, industrializa- tion, improved transportation, and added leisure time? The more intense drain on aquatic life which civilization has imposed has in pact been met by fish-cultural activities on the part of a number of the States, by protective legislation, and by the application of biological 1 Appendix IV to the Report, Commissioner of Fisheries, 1933. Approved for publication, Mar. 3, 1934. 451 452 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES principles to all phases of fisheries conservation. However, many States still accomplish comparatively little in restocking their waters and some of the most important species of fish are essentially migra- tory.by nature, being no respecters of State lines. These facts, to- gether with the requirements for restocking a tremendous area of Federally owned and controlled lands, have brought about a continua- tion and expansion of fish hatchery work as a function of the central Government. Occasionally it has been suggested that this work be supported by charges levied against those who benefit by the planting of fish rather than by general taxation. The fallacy of this belief lies in the fact that the benefits aceruing—the catching of food and game fish—cannot be reserved for those who might directly defray the cost of planting fish in public or open waters. The individual cannot be fairly assessed for the stocking of fish which later on are to fall victim to those who take no interest in maintaining the supply. A system of direct charges for governmental fish-cultural work would eventually result in depletion to the point of extinction of the most valuable food and game varieties. SPECIES HANDLED Discontinuance of the propagation of suckers, striped bass, and golden trout reduced the number of species handled to 46. Of these approximately 40 were propagated directly at the hatcheries, the remainder being handled in connection with rescue or salvage acti- vities. While only five species of marine fish were handled, they are propagated in tremendous numbers. The fresh water forms included in the output comprise practically all types which are of importance from either a game or commercial standpoint. Fish from the Bureau’s hatcheries were planted in every State in the Union and in the Terri- tory of Alaska. Following is a list of the species handled during the fiscal year 1933. CaTFISHES (SILURIDZ): Catfish (Leptops olivaris). Spotted catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Horned pout (Ameiurus nebulosus). Carp (Cyprinip#£): Common carp (Cyprinus carpio). SHap AND HERRING (CLUPEID#): Shad (Alosa sapidissima). Glut herring (Pomolobus aestivalis). Saumons, Trouts, AND WHITEFISHES (SALMONID#): Common whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis). Cisco (Leucichthys artedt). Chinook, king, or quinnat salmon (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha). Chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta). Pink or humpback salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha). Coho salmon, silver salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Red salmon, sockeye, or blueback salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Steelhead salmon (Salmo gairdnert). Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Landlocked salmon (Salmo sebago). Rainbow trout (Salmo shasta). Black-spotted trout, redthroat trout (Salmo lewis?). Loch Leven trout (Salmo levenensis). Lake trout, Mackinaw trout (Cristivomer namaycush). Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). Dolly Varden trout (Salvelinus malma). Grayurnes (THyMALLID#): Montana grayling (Thymallus montanus). Prxes (Esocin#): Common pickerel (Hsozx reticulatus). PROPAGATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD FISHES, 1933 453 SuUNFISHES (CENTRARCHID2): Crappie (Pomoxis annularis and P. sparoides). Largemouth black bass (Micropterus salmoides). Smallmouth black bass (Micropterus dolomieu). Rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris). Warmouth bass, goggle-eve (Chaenobryttus gulosus). Bluegill sunfish (Lepomis incisor). Green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus). Redbreasted bream (Lepomis auritus). Red-eared sunfish (Lepomis heros). Common sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus). Rio Grande perch (Herichthys cyanoguttatus). PERCHES (PERCID#): Pike perch (Stizostedion vitreum). Yellow perch, ringed perch (Perca flavescens). Wuite Basses (SERRANIDZ): White bass (Roccus chrysops). White perch (Morone americana). Drums (Scimnip#): Fresh-water drum, lake sheepshead (Aplodinotus grun- niens). Cops (GADID 2): Cop (Gadus callarias). Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus). Pollock (Polachius virens). FLOUNDERS (PLEURONECTID#): Winter flounder, American flatfish. MACKEREL (ScomMBRID#): Common mackerel (Scomber scombrus). Summary, by species, of the output of fish and fish eggs during fiscal year ended June 30, 1933 Species Eggs Fry Fingerlings Rtetgisies ehsses SP eee tees fel. A besteee heed tos bs casas 29, 417, 300 LESCOL TAPE) UT) gl I ch Se ae ape Ri ae eal OAOAONOOOF [ase nee eee 1, 053, 000 Ot ys ECS Me Os Ta ETS ees ea ete eS . GOLIOOD Eee test tos 2, 232, 200 RU ee re ee ee a See ae ae brT7 RYO il Sees See eee Peppa Arr ripeness Le aS ee eee 25).000; 000 |2 222.22 22 UCU UR Se Sea ee ee eee 500, 000 OG ural OOO ae 9. . 2 ee ISCO_-eSe Tey Wee ES A ee se eer ey, eee Fe $00s000y =a ee eee! CORT ATUTTS CHD b cfr) 1 meee A lee tens een ao eine rte 10, 354, 000 13, 437, 000 34, 491, 000 “DEUS AEF TET (alte ae a et Ps ataly BE ee ily Sat) | Se ahepe Eahese eh, ag PLY OCT be See de RE Silver Halston. {PE eL 7) fee alee ioe, 807, 000 , 004, 000 1, 597, 000 De lh) ee ee ORS eee eee 3, 011, 000 27, 717, 000 21, 985, 000 Humpback salmon--__----------- 2, 608, 000 TSE DOO EEF 2 Lisa Steelhead salmon___- SSR 4000 ffs 2 ce be oe 1, 563, 000 Atlantic salmon_-_--- NUE EY eee an 474, 600 Landlocked salmon_____----- 25, 000 8, 000 911, 100 CEST "ald oo re 5, 860, 000 128, 000 8, 558, 300 Black-spotted trout__---.._---_- 64853,000) Ltt t 2 het le? 14, 122, 700 Leech Leven trout. 2.24 =~ = eee! 12, 054, 000 2, 436, 000 5, 579, 200 PRM CREATE oe ooo sate tes oie oe cio eos ete 0, 000 18, 683, 000 356, 500 mesons trormia! bot ie prs ste lengeaes 150, 000 2, 923, 000 15, 454, 400 Pralugwardon toitt2.s 2-52-22 eRe ROT a ea ee eee eereey ini. ee eee FV ROP CP aa ES Se 50, 000 146, 000 25 deel SWIG IOKOTON. reas Soe ee tee ise eka |S ce ceded dn sgic cee 163, 700 cub arty rhe hee eg aelon age o 9 Ml pe ati nt meg Pail Oy apiad opts ob erat Aig Oy Ut een ie © Wrappias 2 ee) | Paste: arty lies se ye eye baer tat 2 eters ee 15, 046, 300 earcemonth black bass*. 9 se- <2 8 oe ee 1, 125, 000 2, 950, 900 Beinllinguath biaek bass..2-12.. L522) es ye tts 806, 000 357, 200 RTE 2) Se ge Se ee ee ER eee ea ed 91, 800 CPE STA D7 aS RE SE S| AUS aa ee ad 3h tte 22, 200 iil 2a a,b Bye BR aS Bo eee ve 8 Pes i RET EATS eee a Pees Poe aseee 19, 200, 000 La 7 Pee ClO RO Oe AE ERE SST Peer re ee ee ee 127.477 DAUUO) ste aeons ONO AC i) Ms Se OES SE 8 Ss Ce 8 st ee 172, 635, 000 374, 500 ET oN Se ee ee eee 2 ee |S Ye eee 3, 350, 000 600 Vy ataecels Accu” Sel Dee do eae 1M esl a ela Co 12 Lela ER Sets 21, 500 Riic Wrrarieto teres es 2842 Fe ee ee 8 el ich ech a epee age 3, 900 COCR eee ora pr rs 2 DES GT Ee ee Se re Ee er ae ae 15, 000 Gods 2. 18) see Ps ei i 1, 812, 414, 000 AG8' 335,000! [b. 23-22 (UC h) S ese Se ee See on 704, 250, 000 20, 583; 000 ji s- 3.5 3--- CET cl Alle etal aude, os oad Sl be a eed Ee BENS Bes ee eee 13) 80%; O00 ta aneee es) oes Wi titer flounder! eghisitiys 48 a Te teal es ee ied 3} 180; 662, 00D [sss_2282 48. WIESPBNATIOGUS HANES seeenes see 2 Se Sep ee alin eS | Pa Ne See 6, 295, 700 "TRA. A 2 ae see ee ey ta be | 2, 677,817,000 | 4, 342, 000, 000 182, 338, 625 EESER5 SSS8s8s 3 SESSs = G1 00 = ieetee SSSSSSESE — 7, 202, 155, 625 1 All carp and buffalofish shown in above table are planted in commercial areas of the Mississippi River. t 454 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES OUTPUT The hatchery production and distribution for the fiscal year 1933 was in excess of that of 1932, the increase being approximately 1.8 percent. The total output of eggs, fry, and fish of all sizes was 7,202,155,625. This increase was achieved in spite of the reduction in the appropriation for hatchery operations, and represents a more intensive use of existing facilities, together with expansion and im- provement at the older stations and the operation of several new auxiliaries and rearing units. It is especially gratifymg that the fish in the category of fingerlings were distributed in greatly increased numbers over the previous year. The output of this larger stock amounted to 182,338,625, an increase over last year of 22.7 percent. The percentage of the various groups represented a considerable change from the previous year. Game fishes accounted for approxi- mately 2 percent of the total and the bulk consisted of 5 marine species, amounting to 86.7 percent of the entire output. Commercial species of the interior waters represented 8.5 percent; while the anadro- mous forms, those fish which migrate from salt water to fresh water for spawning and are largely of a commercial classification, represented 2.7 percent; the balance, less than 1 percent, comprising various mis- cellaneous forms. This represents an increase in the game fishes, an increase in the marine varieties, and a drop for both the commercial species of the interior waters and the anadromous types. The figures for output include the fishes salvaged from the overflowed areas in the upper Mississippi River, including those which are replanted directly in the waters of the river itself and the very small percentage which is distributed to more distant points. Summarizing, 18 individual species were produced in larger numbers than during the previous year, and the details are tabulated above. COOPERATION WITH OTHER CONSERVATION AGENCIES The existence of an International Association of Game Fish and Coaservation Commissioners, comprising the fish and game authori- ties of most of the States, the Dominion of Canada, and some of the Canadian Provinces, demonstrates the importance attached to con- certed action 1a meeting mutual problems. Cooperation is a potent force in fisheries conservation and the Division of Fish Culture has had the fullest possible recourse to the benefits arising from joimt deliberation and action with agencies engaged in like activities. While one of the primary original functions of the division was to assist the States in maintaining fish resources, many of the States have now developed to a point where their efforts can be advantageously coordinated with those of the Bureau. Much of the common effort is a result of the contacts maintained by the Bureau’s field employees in charge of the hatcheries with the State fish and game personnel. No formal agreements or programs are necessary to enable these individuals to take advantage of various opportunities for good management requiring the joint use of equip- ment, etc. As the Bureau’s appropriations have decreased it is becoming more vital that the States undertake to supplement Federal fish-cultural work by contributing in one form or another to the support of the propagation activities, and especially by acting as a distributing agency for the fish produced in the Bureau’s hatcheries. PROPAGATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD FISHES, 1933 455 The collection of eggs, operation of hatcheries, and distribution of fish are fields in which cooperation aids efficiency and permits econ- omy. In at least 21 States relationships of the foregoing type have been established or continued. At least 6 other States have received special services or aid from the division in addition to the routine activity of distributing fish in State waters. The joint operation of a pike-perch hatchery on Lake Champlain by the division and the States of Pennsylvania and Vermont was discontinued, but other useful contacts with these agencies were continued in force. Like- wise the striped bass hatchery at Weldon, N.C., formerly operated with the assistance of the State, was not opened, but trout eggs and bass were assigned to the State for its own hatcheries. Even closer affiliations than last year were maintained with the States of Mary- land and Virginia, particularly in the distribution by the States of fish produced in Bureau hatcheries. Cooperative arrrangements for the collection of trout eggs in the Rocky Mountain States, of eggs of commercial species in the Great Lakes region, and in the propagation of salmon on the Pacific coast are now established on routine procedure. With regard to cooperation with other Federal agencies, there are no other organizations of the central Government performing func- tions related to those of the Bureau of Fisheries. In dealing with a natural resource there is, however, considerable contact with Bureaus concerned with some phase of conservation or administration of natural resources of the public domain. In fact, in assuming respon- sibility to a large degree for the maintenance of fishing in national parks and natoinal forests the Bureau must work in intimate relation- ship with the agencies and officials controlling and administering those areas. During the past year there has been evidence of a mutual recognition of the problems involved and of the difficulties confronting the Bureau. Policies at one time uncertain or conflicting have been worked out until now the difficulties are chiefly those concerned with ways and means and the overcoming of natural obstacles. The Bureau attempts to serve all other Federal agencies insofar as they deal with fishery matters to the fullest extent of its resources. Throughout the year the policy has been to view all requests for cooperation or aid from whatever source strictly in the light of ability to assist, rather than as a question of desirability. COOPERATION WITH SPORTSMEN’S ORGANIZATIONS The desirability of sportsmen’s organizations receiving fish from the Federal or State hatcheries for rearing in ponds or nurseries spon- sored and operated by the clubs is now universally accepted. The diminution in the extent of these activities during the fiscal year 1933 was the result of financial and economic conditions rather than doubt as to the value of such activities. It would be most desirable that the cooperative and auxiliary private rearing ponds should be in- creased in number and capacity as the Bureau’s activities are being curtailed, since such curtailment means a planting from Federal hatcheries of a larger number of fish at a smaller size. However, during the present year only 88 organizations deemed themselves able to maintain their own fish nurseries, and the fish allotted to them comprised slightly over 3,500,000 in comparison with over 4,000,000 456 furnished to 116 organizations during the previous year. U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES As usual these allotments consisted of trout, since the bass nurseries are not yet developed to any extent and the supply of fry at the hatcheries is extremely limited. Cooperative nurseries and rearing ponds supervised by the Bureau in 1983 Number Locality of fish Kind supplied Iowa: Wecorahte sss 5, 000 Loch Leven trout. Massachusetts A damishe uo = 212. 25, 000) Brook trout. Blantord -2_ 25222 5, 000 Do. Florence______---- 19, 000 Do. Great Barrington- 10, 000 Do. Mowellu2 leo ft 10, 000 Do. Pittsford see 20, 000 Do. Springfield (2 nur- 45, 000: Do. series). Michigan: Gaylord! ).fee2."% 100, 000: Do. Earcisone ae = 150, 000 Do. Doves ea hee 45,000) Rainbow trout. Bighlandtec). 22. 10, 000} Brook trout. 1D Yoel eect 5,000} Loch Leven trout. Ellman ieee es 100, 000, Brook trout. Epon eee 200, 000 Do. Spruce! . 2220. bes 25, 000} Rainbow trout. Vanderbilt______- 100, 000} Brook trout. Minnesota: Anokais: >for te rer. 5, 000 Do. Kenyonka sense 3, 000} Rainbow trout. Lake OY, PPR VES) 10, 000} Brook trout. geile ial viata 5,000} Rainbow trout. Northfield Eames tee 5, 000 Do. Red Wing---_---_-- 3, 000 Do. DQ a ae ae: 8, 000} Loch Leven trout. Rushford___---__- 25, 000 0. Winona. 2.23... 10, 000} Brook trout. New Hampshire: Claremont_-_--__-- 10, 000) Do. East Hampton__- 10, 000 Do. Peterboro-_-_-_-___-- 10, 000: Do. New York: IATONAS sone eee 29, 500| Loch Leven trout. Barneveld_____-_- 682, 650} Brook trout. Doses. as koe 150, 420| Rainbow trout. Powwet _ 54 hi 7, 650} Loch Leven trout. 19 (ce Serge ps 5, 000} Landlocked salmon. TD ope pe 5 Nae ds 880} Lake trout. Lowville______-_- 20, 000} Brook trout. Malone. = _--2— *_- 82, 800 Do. mays Franklin _- 96, 500 Do. LBS Spee > 15, 000} Loch Leven trout. Ww Sieronna yard 60, 000) Brook trout. Pennsylvania: Altoona__-__----- 80, 000 Do. IBORWiICKk=ae ss] === 40, 000 Do. 1D Yow ae Renee 25, 600} Rainbow trout. Bethlehem __-____- 37, 500} Brook trout. Coatesville_______ 30, 000 Do. (yeas ps tal Laat 8 Loch Leven trout. Fairmont Springs_ Brook trout. Does ohare Loch Leven trout. Galeton Brook trout. Hazleton-___- Do. Henryville Do. Dockal Rainbow trout. Indiana___ Brook trout. Johnstown - Do. Dp vss Rainbow trout. Kian6 2-8 iy oD Brook trout. Marienville Do. Monaca Do. Locality Pennsylvania—Con. Punxsutawney--- pee Springs__-- Willinsasport (3 musreule) Durbin. 23 4 ess D Wisconsin: Appleton_---_---- Ardadiauws | 20824 Eau nurseries). Ellsworth __------ Elmwood.-.------- Elroy_ eee Gays Mills_____-- Hazel Green._-_-- Independence - - -- La Crosse_~------ Manitowoc___-_-_-_- Mindoros2 2 = IMronnoe= aes. Nekoosa oe ey athe Ee Rothschild____--- Shell Lake___----- Shullsburg- ------ Stanley-__- seiete ss WiGlait ss eeee ee Number of fish supplied 3, 000 Ss oo bo SMO ww $83 82832 ow or 15, 000 3, 561, 350) Kind Brook trout. Loch Leven trout. Rainbow trout. Loch Leven trout. Brook trout. D 0. Rainbow trout. Do. Loch Leven trout. Rainbow trout. Loch Leven trout. Brook trout. Loch Leven trout. Brook trout. Rainbow trout. Brook trout. Loch Leven trout. Brook trout. Lake trout. Landlocked salmon. Brook trout. Do. Rainbow trout. Brook trout. Do. Do. Rainbow trout. Loch Leven trout. Brook trout. Rainbow trout. Do. Loch Leven trout. Brook trout. Loch Leven trout. Brook trout. Loch Leven trout. Rainbow trout. Loch Leven trout. Brook trout. Rainbow trout. Do. Do. Brook trout. Do. Rainbow trout. Brook trout. Loch Veven trout. Oo. Brook trout. Rainbow trout. Brook trout. Do. Do. A number of the larger nurseries, particularly those at Watertown and Barneveld, N.Y. Hillman, Mich., and at several other points are operated as substations to the Bureau’s hatcheries but are listed here- PROPAGATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD FISHES, 1933 457 with in order to give a complete picture of the extent to which sports- men’s clubs have participated in this movement. The majority of the establishments shown below have been in operation for several years and the turn-over, meaning the abandonment of older nurseries and the initiation of new ones, is becoming less each year. The inefficient establishments or those lacking suitable facilities have been weeded out by unsatisfactory results during the first year or two of operation. ° The State of Pennsylvania again cooperated by delivering 475,000 brook trout to nurseries located within that State. Many of the other States maintain their own system of cooperative rearing projects, so that the total list of interested individual sports- men or sportsmen’s organizations who have taken upon themselves the responsibility of an active effort toward maintenance of good fishing will number several hundred. SALVAGE OPERATIONS As usual, the landlocked pools in the upper Mississippi River area, including the Wild Life Refuge in that section, were covered by seining crews sent out to salvage the fish and prevent their loss by the com- plete drying up of sloughs and backwaters. This work was somewhat more extensive than during the previous year, and the total collections represent an increase of almost one-third. In this total, however, there are almost 3,000,000 fish which were produced in artificially controlled rearing and hatching ponds. These are located at ad- vantageous points within the refuge and adjoining territory and are operated as auxiliaries to the La Crosse (Wis.) hatchery. Since these fish are produced independently of the natural supply, a much larger percentage of them is used for supplying applicants at more distant points. The rescued fish are very largely returned to the Mississippi River and its tributaries, from which they are derived. Number and disposition of fish rescued, fiscal year 1933 “ Restored to | Total num- : : Delivered to —s Locality and species ; original ber of fish ‘i . applicants waters rescued All stations: SSG Claes ch pease ae se tind tak Sn a lh I ee a ee ae 1, 053, 370 1, 053, 370 TOURS seit a eo mo | ems AN FS Sales nla Pm a a |e eS ee 3, 281, 710 3, 281, 710 Soni Tt (eek ee ae 5 ee) a Rant gel apne 405, 460 29, 416, 160 29, 821, 620 Oye) | ee eS ee Ee a a eee 10, 280 14, 809, 830 14, 820, 110 aR ESOMST EET CRETE eee ee ee ee oer ee oc S ee 15, 000 15, 000 Lo Suspertpe td cig cll: 'cl el of: 6 ely oi os ea al lear a 334, 200 322, 650 656, 850 LENT (a bah tele ore Sans le! gai i Gh lig pee a BP WE. ens ks 168, 760 168, 7 SUPE LIT] emda ing elie an a Bs pal al RT iS lll ia ee | 526, 480 17, 511, 720 18, 038, 200 COC gre bv ode La GEE OD Nordea Sayan mS ee SRE Meets 21, 52: 21, 520 WTO fa" oC 1 alent all oc oh IPS a a a ae ieee a a 41, 780 326, 770 | 368, 550 PSRRENEVIGUUN TINKDS a he ee A ee Pn atte ae oe oe 7, 638, 460 7, 638, 460 SN La RR Bes Se ee es ee eee 1, 318, 200 74, 565, 950 75, 884, 150 Summary by stations: Bellevus, Vay oe 1 ei ee eee 97, 330 7, 739, 290 7, $36, 620 Le Tasting Ulva (lee op a oS a 35, 490 130, 030 165, 520 PrOMar tinnee ee See eee pees kee 224, 680 19, 056, 940 19, 281, 620 ee O ORAS tee Sor ge 5g ee oe pea 285, 810 | 8, 634, 27: 8, 920, 080 TES E a UW ars ee he ee SNe ae eps. | 78, 910 | 8, 447, 450 8, 526, 360 Wisin slit, ea ea ii ii aS TS 5 Se Sa 92, 980 28, 132, 860 28, 225, 840 Refuge and cooperative ponds. --......------------------- 503,000 | 2, 425, 110 2, 928, 110 UN: ek 2s ones ae ae ee SOE Se 1,318,200 | 74,565,950 75, 884, 150 47007—34——2 458 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES ASSIGNMENTS OF FISH EGGS TO STATES, TERRITORIES, AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES The Division of Fish Culture is in part an agency supplying raw material to other organizations engaged in the propagation of fish. These raw materials, largely in the form of fish eggs, are furnished to a number of the States, as well as to certain foreign Governments. The shipments to foreign Governments were somewhat reduced below the figures for prior years and consist largely of assignments to South American countries. The assignments to Canada consist of trout eggs, furnished in exchange for Atlantic salmon eggs supplied by the Canadian Government. It may be pointed out that all foreign ship- ments of fish are made only at the solicitation of the Governments of the countries receiving them, and these requests must be submitted through diplomatic channels. The assignments of fish eggs to various States amounts to slightly over 39,000,000, in comparison with 149,- 500,000 furnished the previous year. This difference is largely attrib- uted to the absence of any allocation of pike-perch or whitefish during 1933. The other species, almost entirely trout, were furnished in slightly increased numbers to 22 States and Territories, in comparison with 24 receiving them the previous year. The value of these assignments and exchanges lies in the fact that many of the States are able to receive species which they could not otherwise obtain readily, and the cost of securing a supply of eggs for their hatcheries is materially reduced when they are furnished through the Bureau of Fisheries. Shipments of fish and fish eggs to foreign countries, fiscal year 1933 County and species Eggs Fish County and species Eggs Fish Canada: Ecuador: Rainbow trout____-_-- 50, 000 )|-2- 222 WAKOtTOUL ss nace ees ee ae 200; 000) ee 2 Panama: Rainbow trout_-_-_----- 20; 000), |2= === Loch Leven trout___--_.__-_- 801, 000 |____--- Venezuela: VAIN DO Wa trOUl see eee 473,000) [bee a_ = Carp oc oe we ee 200 Cuba: Catfish! 5 2 22h ee 200 15) (ots ney aie Md Pa CED Las chet ne Re a 120 | (OP Ty aaa ese ns i SE Ae veal SWE Seed RT 75 Totals ei... os eee 1, 594, 000 715 Catfishen 2. oe 2 ae SPS en 2 ei 120 Assignments of fish eggs to State and Territorial fish commissions, fiscal year 1933 State and species Number State and species Number Californias Brook troutesee see ces ee 27,000 || New Mexico: Colorado: BochvlLeven trout. 2-2-2 ae ee 1, 000, 000 PAKS ULOUTE SOR eA ae wo 25, 000 Rain pow rtroute see ee eee 315, 000 Woche ven stloutees se. as ae eee 1, 152,000 || North Carolina: Rainbow trout_------- 210, 000 Steelhead! salmonm ee Bhs sees oe 150, 000 || Oregon: Connecticut: Loch Leven trout__---_-- 150, 000 Black-spotted rows. 22s oe eee 1, 000, 000 Georgia: Rainbow trout__-____--_--_-_- 255, 000 @hinookisslmion®2s28 oe eee 6, 524, 000 Hawaii: Steelhead salmon_______--____- b2NOOOM |e UeSilverisalmons = -ecmesn seamen eee 451, 000 Idaho: “Sockeye salmo nu os sae seee oe eee 3, 011, 000 IBlgck-spotted trout: 2-0. ee ee 1, 025, 000 Steelheadisalmons-*) 22 =aea aes 50, 000 Risinbow troutes es. oe See ine 1, 100, 000 || South Carolina: Rainbow trout___-_--- 301, 000 Maine: South Dakota: Loch Leven trout-_-_---| 501, 000 AGLANTICISALMAO Te eae 2 eee a ae eee 500, 000 || Tennessee: Rainbow trout_-_----------- 206, 000 TAKE trout s wth h seh Lee tee 150, 000 |} Utah: Massachusetts: Biack-spotiedwtroute 2 sess eee 250, 000 @hinook*salmonet=s=— seen ee 50, 000 Mochileven\troute 2: eee eee 301, 000 iochtVevenrtroubess ae eee ee 100, 000 || Vermont: aT DO WetlOllien eee = cone eee 50, 000 BROOK TOUt se ep ee ee eee 330, 000 Michigan: Takertrouits Beets bo ease te eS 100, 000 LC OMrOUb. sas eee ee tee et eee 165, 000 || Washington: Landlocked salmon--.._.--.----_----- 10, 000 Black-spotted trout. 222-2 2s 222 oe 1, 300, 000 AIM DOW TLOUte ates ee ues ees 200, 000 Humpback Salmons soesosoe ae oe 2, 608, 000 Montana: Wyoming: a IHOCH Mev enytrOlti ee stores. ee noe eee 5, 850, 000 Black-spotted trout---- 2 750, 000 BilvVer Salmons a esses eas 502, 000 Wake troutesoe sess eae 2 = 100, 000 Nebraska: Rainbow trout 100, 000 Loch Leven trout.-.------- 750, 000 Nevada: =e MochMbeventtrout=-sa-cene see e eee 250, 000 Total 222 ose See ee 39, 171, 000 Rainbow tYolt=.-s2oscescce seen eee 550, 000 | PROPAGATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD FISHES, 1933 459 TRANSFERS OF EGGS BETWEEN STATIONS As hitherto, the interdependability of the Federal hatchery system is illustrated by the widespread transfer of fish eggs between the various units as shown in the column below. Many of the hatcheries or substations are operated largely as a source of egg supply, enabling the hatcheries at more distant points to handle a much larger number of fish at a greatly reduced cost. Transfer of eggs between stations, fiscal year 1933 Number of Speci — Species eggs From. To— Atlantic salmon--__-- 25,000 | Craig Brook, Maine__-.---------- Grand Lake Stream, Maine. Black-spotted trout__- 500, 500 | Bozeman, Mont---_.----_-------- Glacier Park, Mont. 10,000 | Birdsview, Wash__-..----....__.- Leetown, W.Va. 217600) (Quileene,} Wash. -.---=—-- 2.22. Mount Rainier, Wash. 2b,000)| Saratovas WW VO: sto =e se Bozeman, Mont. 200,000 | Yellowstone Park, Wyo---------- Birdsview, Wash. 200, 300 |__--- GR ee eee see Clackamas, Oreg. 150, 000 |____- Oe ee eee coe coos Glacier Park, Mont. 500, 200 |_-..-- 6 aR apes See en ae ee eee Leaaville, Colo. 125, 100 |--.-- eee ee ee Creede, Colo 30, 100 |_-.--- WOue ee ea aca fone Bourbon, Mo 350, 000 |__--- CLOGS Ss es a ee eee Saratoga, Wyo. 25, 200 j----- GQ Ess ee aoeean- Wate sneoe Crawford, Nebr. 600, 000 |__--- SOEs ee ee ee Springville, Utah. Brook trout: ...------ 308, 400 | Berkshire, Mass__-.----.--------- Nashua, N.H. 138, 800 | Madison Valley, Mont--------_-- Bozeman, Mont. 120, 000 | Craig Brook, Maine--_---------_- Grand Lake Stream, Maine. 905, 000 5 Ca neue ae pa A ae CA ee Cape Vincent, N.Y. (6 (ep ea ener ee ee Barneveld, N.Y. (SRS Se. ee ee EES Ithaca, N.Y (3 (0 ans aa ee ee Erwin, Tenn. 253 (uPA Ee ap et te = gh a A Lala i ee Flintville, Tenn. A; (cya eh wee hy ar era ee La Crosse, Wis. do-__- --| Manchester. Iowa. (3 ts oR ees ----| White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. Leadville, Coloss-. 2 -4-5-- === Bozeman, Mont. (0 (1 iene baa eS ae Sees Clackamas, Oreg. (os eee ee ee 2 eT ae ee Se La Crosse, Wis. co (pe ae eee ae ee San es See Therma, N.Mex. CGS SON es 5 SEE ae Ss ae Spearfish, S.Dak. GOS sete b= seca oes aan Crawford, Nebr. ( (7a Se es Sees Springville, Utah. @resdes Coles tess 5-5-5 ee Bozeman, Mont. (G10 ee ee ee Ses ae Leadville, Colo. Oe eee a cea eee ae Manchester, Iowa. (6 {3 oS a aes fe ee ee Saratoga, Wyo. Clas Se Crawford, Nebr. Loam bPintstonds Vise oo ne Ithaca, N.Y. 50, 000 |_____ (Cys Se eee aera er Seem Leetown, W.Va. 12,900}. 22. Ca (te Sos oi ep cha sik te York Pond, N.H. LOROUGS avonk: POHGtON: Eo cosn2cc-nnecne Craig Brook, Maine. 600, 000 |_____ (a (apo ott Bee a Neg” Seater eds BAp 5 ora Erwin, Tenn. 300, 000 }_____ AGsrse iss ccceewi sc cececasees Flintville, Tenn. 205000) BS a2 Os sae eS eee Leetown, W.Va. 100, 000 |_____ i eee ee Nashua, N.H. 1, 250, 000 |_____ (06 gs ee A eS ate ha cti S Northville, Mich. 1, 409, 000 |_____ (5 {0 eel See SP ee eee ne < St. Johnsbury, Vt. 40,.000'}.3...2 Go sse beds 5.2. pb eesssaly Pittsford, Vt. 1, 250, 000 |_____ 3 (a ea ea see PA Coe $a White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. 700, 000 |_____ 0.842 5tis Pisses Sos. Wytheville, Va. Chinook salmon_-_--- 525, 000 | Battle Creek, Calif..-------.----- Baird, Calif. 10, 000 | Little White Salmon, Wash_----- se Station, Washington, Dt OF 600, 000 |_____ (3 Yo foe See Oe SR eS bes, 3 ei Clackamas, Oreg. 3, 108, 000 |_____ lo sae eee es ei tt ee Puget Sound stations. Chum salmon... _--- 2,400, 000 | Quileene, Wash-_------ Pe aaa. Duckabush, Wash. isco es ee 800, 000 | Cape Vincent, N.Y-------------- ai Station, Washington, QO KOOU S008 ae eae sees meet Nashua, N.H. Dolly Varden trout-__- 154,000 | Afognak, Alaska......----------- Puget Sound stations. Grayling. 5232 ee 30; 000:), Pittsford, Wits. pet ona paseo ae Leetown, W.Va. Landlocked salmon__- 5,000 | Craig Brook, Maine--._--.------- Barneveld, N.Y. 25,000, | 222% i Re CUE Pee ee eee Nashua, N.H. 50, 000 |_.--- Geek Cee Ee Pie 8 oA dss Grand Lake Stream, Maine. 50,000 |--= =. 2 | Ree Ses a ee meee Bear Lake, Utah. 35, 000 |..--. 5 ee ae ee la re ah ae EH St. Johnsbury, Vt. | 625,000 | Grand Lake Stream, Maine------ Craig Brook, Maine. 460 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Transfer of eggs between stations, fiscal year 1933—Continued : Number of Species eges From To Loch Leven trout----- 200, 000 | Madison Valley, Mont-__-------- Cape Vincent, N.Y. 100, 000 OLED cM EEE E POST cree Pees Bozeman, Mont. 202,000) 322: SdO ea 2 Pee Ber eee ae Creede, Colo. 400;(000),|===-G0_ 22-20-23. oe es SGU Ea La Crosse, Wis. 200:000)|S=22 dC OCS See ee ee Leetown, W.Va. 1005000) |= .dols 42 See ee --| Manchester, Iowa. 50, 000 d Northville, Mich. 151, 000 Puget Sound stations. sta 1 1)t| Mepis 0 Fo eae St. Johnsbury, Vt. 301000) |2=--2do: 22st. Rees sees Saratoga, Wyo. 251000) Ado. 2 use aIet SY 2 Spearfish, 8.Dak. TOT OOO! Ean Oh ase ee neo eens eee eee Crawford, Nebr. 301-000 += 22 0 a2-- -4eS ss= cee eee Springville, Utah. SOOM OOO Hass AGO nc fuente: 5 Grae So ans White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. LOOK 000 = 2423 doe we = eI Wytheville, Va. 60, 000 Leadville, Wolo sy wes) «Leen. Therma, N.Mex. Pike-perche- 02 2) 100/000) | Putin Bay;-Ohiow. =e Waren Station, Washington, Rainbow trout_____-__ 75,000 | Eagle Nest Lake, N.Mex-_------ Cape Vincent, N.Y. 75, 000 |----- doe Ae 8 ee Ithica, N.Y. 220, 000 |----- Goss rdostessse sds sss ess Leadville, Colo. 100, 000 |----- (ol; eee ee ee eee eee Bourbon, Mo. 65, 000 |----- Os 2e) poset sao Se Peas Saratoga, Wyo. 251, 000 |----- GO wir ssh s asses suse a oat Crawford, Nebr. 304, 000 | Manchester, Iowa_-_---- ON. 2b Bozeman, Mont. SON O00 e222 Ov 2at soe Suucd iors s eas o's Ogletown, Pa. 475, 000 |----- dost ssn 223522 bn ess So 2 La Crosse, Wis. 877, 000 |----- GO es ee A oe Pe 1 Leadville, Colo. AAO) |a2222 GOR ss 2 EE PETER 5 Creede, Colo. BO O00) [22222 Owns = NAME COREE £) SLE RIAEINS 3 Northville, Mich. 303, 000 |----- COs see Ie, ATE AGT Saratoga, Wyo. 209, 000 |----- Ow Fes rr Ses PaO Pes Crawford, Nebr. 6815000) ||| Neosho; (Miozs* 222 s5 82 =as Bozeman, Mont. 200" 000 |) Bourbon; Mos: 22282252 ae Flintville, Tenn. 150, 000 |----- Gos sensu? = ob 2 cna Wt Creede, Colo. 100000) |22=22 Gow stare sae se 5a es Northville, Mich. 550, 000 |----- COS! s- sa Urs a 6 is 5a eRe Saratoga, Wyo. 50, 000 |----- COTA: Fas sul ait sos Da ge a White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. 100, 000 | Springville, Utah____----_-_----- Creede, Colo. 100, 000 | White Sulphur Springs, W.Va__-_| Cortland, N.Y. 125, 000 |----- OOM 252255225 eA ee Leetown, W.Va. 50, 000 | Wytheville, Va__-.=:=----------- Barneveld, N.Y. DS O00 aa == GO > Sate se manana See hee rats Station, Washington, DOO 22s GOs Rees fa pases sh AO hs Leetown, W.Va. 75) 000) |=22=2 Cowes ac te sehe weno: sre Nashua, N.H. Silver salmon________- 400, 000 | Applegate Creek, Oreg__--_______ Butte Falls, Oreg. 650, 000 | Quinault, Wash___.__--..-___-__- Birdsview, Wash. do Clackamas, Oreg. Sockeye salmon______- Little White Salmon, Wash. Quilcene, Wash. Steelhead salmon__-_-_ Hagerman, Idaho. Butte Falls, Oreg. Hagerman, Idaho. Charlevoix, Mich. OUTPUT OF FISH A total of 91 establishments contributed to the production of the 1933 output of fish. These comprised 42 main stations and 49 sub- stations. The previous year 84 establishments had been in operation. The hatcheries, field stations, ete., covered 39 States and the Territory of Alaska. The increase in the number of stations was due to the opening of 6 new hatcheries authorized under the 5-year building program and the reopening of an auxiliary rearing station. However, during the year 3 fish-cultural units were discontinued, so that at the close of the period only 88 were in operation and preparations were being made for the closure of several others. PROPAGATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD FISHES, 1933 46] Stations, and substations operated and the output of each, fiscal year 1933 [Asterisk (*) denotes transfer of eggs, see table, p. 459] Fingerlings, yearlings, Total! Stations, substations, and species Eggs and adults Afognak, Alaska: Dolly Varden trout 166,000), hase cinseccied oon nc Lee 154, 000 Humpback salmon___- py Ay 2: 1 ty SEP CRD EE ok 8 2, 228, 000 pocwsye SALMON. SUN os leer ntoncu ccf» 1%, GOU00 12. tones 17, 600, 000 Baird, Calif.: SIE TU Se NS | Ee: SR, NR 2h 857, 500 857, 500 Whiriook salmon... 8 tt) (*) 3, 417, 800 8, 417, 800 Mill Creek, Calif.: inter yal oa ye Se En fe Be a | 1, 667,900 | 1, 667, 900 Baker Lake, Wash.: ERDIN I 7 TART [78 See De eal A ile ENED ES Oe A Pee ri y 67, 000 67, 000 SHAT JN 5 fe 2 Nee ROE, BPR DRIED NOT CORRE 404, 000 404, 000 SATS LISA En Ra ee eae ier bt (be 7 Ria Anes | SOS Set CARE 802, 000 802, 000 Birdsview, Wash.: Blacksspoted: trout... (*) 6, 000 6, 000 SERRE UV REET 5 Nites (GSA A S| [eS SOON! ana re athe 175, 050 175, 050 Ghijogis glmon + Ae Ge ae 8, 132 540, 132 Paeathan WELEON Ure ee een ae oe TL er Ee ES As eae 67, 250 67, SURG OH ae ae pane eae RNET peters 113, 592 1, 279, 592 Hockeyesdlmon. .- . 484, 000 484, 000 Steelhead salmon 2.8 2.2. * 118, 000 672, 000 785, 000 Duckabush, Wash.: CUNT 2 PU VTS CCR Re By | Mates Uhl 46s, | We we a 268, 000 268, 000 Jal Re SR ee RL Dae a CT eee 13, 616, 000 [US "1 el eR asa: GRA Hieweees Mraea asset 262, 000 262, 000 S22 25h 2 Aline) SE, TG an a WE Seay Camas ara 108, 000 108, 000 Quilcene, Wash.: Black‘spotted trouf.—— 5 ut (*) 4, 020 4, 020 Buta: VD) et a Rh (ees) Se ieee 144, 010 144, 010 RISERS SOT 0 ea aT Fei cel RIA aad a Ca ae 5 266, 000 266, 000 hrmigalinpue to ee ee Qie eh ..7,.978, 0001]... eas 7, 978, 000 Silvenisalmions o> 400d ena oS 502, 000 1, 267, 000 SIN NES ae RE A (RS Rahman) Eerie =» 210, 000 210, 000 SUCH 20 1 Ge nee: Dini acal TUS Pellerin NE Fase aso ae 283, 319 283, 319 Sultan, Wash.: En (eel ON Lire) 2 en rs A ee] ER, Meee eT eIet re rhS 137, 200 137, 200 itivate oi: Vis Ruairi MRO Sa fea) PECL Faded ne een wenn TS 14, 800 14, 800 Berkshire trout hatchery, Mass.: BrOGiaieuMee ss See sae * 3,000 209, 980 212, 980 CEG EI De OE 2 aS ere Pe ee eee 1, 1, 000 SOU Se ee Oi eR Senarenel ne Ran PRN aay 1, 850 1, 850 Smalimbuth Wlack bass 208. 02 Oo. De 450 565, 450: Boothbay Harbor, Maine: i LS ee ie Saree) Reta 8927305, 000 |. 225. eos 1z__. - . 892, 455, 000- LSEYotsl 3.2 0 OS Seana eae | en 500), 4875, 000 opts Seen ee Stats 509, 457, 000 WVGRRN OT teeing ntn nnn oat cna. .12, 414,209 000.1. -_Luos) wad 2, 414, 292, 000 Bozeman, Mont.: ‘Black-spotted trout....-..---.-.2--..-.- * 90, 000 2, 712, 420 2, 802, 420 1g ee, SPE RES oF (|| ee aa eran 2 461, 275 461, 275 LPO Uo in 2 Se SPE Sane 7, |S a apie aes 226, 700 226, 7 Rainbew ORO t oct (?) 31, 196, 425 1, 196, 425 DMOUMGAd salinon os wel sen Cee REC Ee eee fete w|i 4 356, 600 356, 600 Glacier Park, Mont.: IE Nee ee nal Naas RANT LE 22 AR 404 404 Dil) i) ey ae ay tae dey ee OR Oe Oe Py ee Ole Pek Oe Se Pee ee ee Se ee 42, 454 42, 454 Yellowstone Park, Wyo.: Black-spotted/trout: 2. ve Aes. f23-.. *6; 193), 000) 2522 32 Sel ye 7, 545, 000 13, 738, 000 ESGORGHEE EE Se Reps a Ay Laks STE Rs Oe Pe gt a 74, 500 74, 500 Yes Bay, Alaska: Brook troitstcan sos! soph eons oh oe eel ele tel eeelho 4 tee cope 36, 000 36, 000 iPnrmpback Salmons. 5.522 eee ee ee 380, 000 Toa 000) eeoseassooeee 534, 020 Sockeye salmon. -- 2/4222. 2263 522s 3, 010, 000 2, 480, 000 18, 980, 500 24, 470, 500 44 Includes 770,600 fingerling brook trout turned over to the State of West Virginia in cooperative work 45 a ore 100,000 fingerling Loch Leven trout turned over to the State of West Virginia in cooperative - work. 8 Includes 332,600 fingerling rainbow trout turned over to the State of West Virginia in cooperative work. 47 Includes 60,700 fingerling brook trout turned over to the State of Virginia in cooperative work. — 43 Includes 39,600 fingerling rainbow trout turned over to the State of Virginia and 18,090 fingerling rainbow trout turned over to the State of West Virginia in cooperative work. EGG COLLECTIONS The eggs collected from commercial species, wild trout, and from station brood stock constitute the raw material from which the dis- tribution stock is produced. It will be noted from the following table that the collections for the past 2 years were practically the same as far as totals were concerned although there was considereable devia- tion as between various species. A reduction in such forms as the glut herring, some af the Pacific salmon, pike-perch, yellow perch, etc., was offset by a considerable increase in the take of cod eggs. The fact that the distribution of fish was larger than the previous year although there was a decline in the egg take indicates a greater efficiency and a higher percentage of hatch. 468 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Comparison of egg collections, fiscal years 1933 and 1982 Species 1933 1932 Species 1933 1932 Wihite suckerse--2 5S leese eee 17, 275, 000} Lake trout__.____----- 33, 414, 000 43, 982, 930 Shid aes Seon 27, 355, 000 37, 342, 000)! Brook trout---------- 23, 833, 130 24, 115, 810 @lut herrings oes 84, 826, 000 117, 220, 000|| Dolly Varden trout__- 175, 000 2, 731, 420 Wihttefish 82 G2 es ee 211, 452, 500 133, 215, 000] Grayling___-.-..__._- 2, 118, 400 768, 000 Wiscoe tee Rh BEEe 26, 840, 000 35, 200, 000/| Pike perch__-_-__-_--- 296, 925, 000 717, 393, 190 Chinook salmon ___--- 55, 268, 300 73, 432, 400|| Yellow perch_-__--_--- 125, 020, 000} 178, 080, 000 Chum salmon__--_----- 22, 651, 000 20;'035,,000)!| Striped'ibass.22 == === |2_ 3 Se eaeaee , 095, 000 Humpback salmon--- 3, 082, 500 8, 432, 000|| White perch--_--._-_-- 5, 400, 000 13, 700, 000 Silver salmon_-_------- 5, 885, 000 8; 168, 800]| Cod: -==2-+=--==2-==: 2, 121, 060, 000) 1, 715, 437, 000 Sockeye salmon-_-_--_--- 62, 566, 800 69, 123, 220 820, 894, 000 Steelhead salmon_---- 3, 065, 300 2, 791, 000 21, 212, 000 Landlocked salmon-_-_ 840, 000 994, 980)| Winter flounder_-___- 3, 532, 946, 000} 3, 398, 941, 000 Rainbow trout_-_---_-- 22, 414, 700 18, 807, 710} Mackerel_._._...----- A 164, 000 16, 782, 000 Black-spotted trout_-- 26, 667, 700 11, 484, 300 | Lock Leven trout----- 22, 881, 100 21, 674, 200 Total.==222<222 7, 490, 472, 430) 7, 531, 227, 460 NOTES ON OPERATIONS COMMERCIAL SPECIES Pacific salmons.—The work of the hatcheries propagating the com- mercial salmons of the Pacific coast yielded an increased output for two species only—the chum salmon and the important sockeye salmon. A number of these stations handled game trout in addition to the main work with the salmons. In Alaska the Afognak station experienced an average season and special attention was given to improving conditions in Letnik Lake, in which the larger proportion of the output of the station is planted. However, this station was closed at the end of the year, owing to economy requirements and some question as to the value of its operations. At Yes Bay, Alaska, successful results were experienced during the fall of 1932 in the feeding and rearing of sockeye salmon fingerlings. Some 19,000,000 of these were reared and at least 4,000,000 were released at a length of 4 inches. An attempt to follow the same procedure during the spring and summer of 1933 was seriously interfered with by the outbreak of an epidemic, which caused a heavy loss among the fry and fingerlings. It was not possible to determine the cause or the most effective treatment for this trouble. A number of brook trout hatched and reared at the station was distributed in certain lakes in the vicinity by airplane. In the California field the most striking development was a very sharp decline in the take of chinook salmon eggs, the total collections amounting to only a small fraction of the previous year. A special appropriation was available for improvement of the stations in this territory and was expended largely in remodeling the superintendent’s residence at Baird and in the development of a deep well and pumping system for improving the water supply at Mill Creek. Other improve- ments of a minor nature were also accomplished with these funds. In the Columbia River section the main station at Clackamas enjoyed a normal season with both salmon and trout. The collection of salmon eggs, chiefly of the chinook variety, exceeded those of last year by some 9,000,000. Water supply pipe to the extent of 400 feet was laid at the Clackamas station. The Little White Salmon (Wash.) substation froze and stored 27 tons of spawned-out salmon for use in feeding the fingerling fish held at this point and at the Big White Salmon substation. At Butte Falls, Oreg., a new substation, / PROPAGATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD FISHES, 1933 469 its equipment including a hatchery building, a residence, 24 standard hatching troughs, and 48 concrete rearing tanks, was placed in operation. This station handled over 2,000,000 salmon eggs and fry, es with a number of trout, during the vear. It constitutes a splendid plant for efficiently serving the important Rogue River watershed. The Salmon (Idaho) substation did not succeed in collecting a large number of salmon eggs and for this reason its operations were limited. At most of the stations in the Puget Sound territory favorable conditions permitted a fairly successful output, though their total egg collections were somewhat below those of the previous year. The run of sockeye salmon in Baker River, which is checked at the Baker River Dam, was somewhat below previous years. Work has continued on a highway leading to the Baker Lake hatchery and has been carried to the point where transportation of supplies by truck is feasible. At the Birdsview (Wash.) Station repeated floods have shown the necessity of diverting water from a nearby creek and work was started at the end of the year on the construction of an entirely new channel, which will relieve the flood difficulty in part. Repeated experimental plants of sockeye salmon in this creek have at last shown returns of a considerable number of this species, and it is evident that a new run of sockeyes has been built up by this means, The substation at Sultan, Wash., formerly operated chiefly for the collection of salmon eggs, was discontinued because of unsatisfactory returns. Over 10,000,000 chum salmon eggs were secured at one of the field egg-collecting stations and incubated in the Duckabush and Quilcene hatcheries. The new Mount Rainier substation, serving the national park of that name, was opened for the first time at the beginning of the year and supplied a considerable number of cutthroat, Loch Leven, and blackspotted trout fingerlings for waters in the park and its vicinity. The Quinault (Wash.) station, serving chiefly the sockeye salmon fishery in Quinault Lake, collected 15,500,000 eggs of this species and smaller numbers of the other varieties. A considerable number of the resulting fry were reared to fingerling size before being distributed. The old hatchery water supply flume was replaced during the year with a 14-inch pipe line and a new concrete pipe drain was installed. Great Lakes species. —The production of commercial species from 5 hatcheries in the Great Lakes area showed an increase for the whitefish but a moderate reduction in output of the other important forms including the lake herring or cisco, lake trout, and pike-perch. As has been the case in the last year or two, the Cape Vincent (N.Y.) station on Lake Ontario obtained only a negligible quantity of the eggs of the commercial varieties. This station therefore concentrated its activities upon the production of smallmouth bass at the main station and game trout at the 3 substations operated under its jurisdiction in New York State. At the latter points fairly successful results were obtained and considerable additional development work was performed at the Cortland (N.Y.) substation. At this point cooperative research in conjunction with Cornell University and the State Conservation Department is being conducted with the purpose of ascertaining basic physiological facts on the nutrition of trout. Put-in Bay (Ohio) station enjoyed an average season with the whitefish and pike-perch and did not undertake to collect the eggs of carp or yellow perch as heretofore. 470 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES In Michigan, the Charlevoix station had a successful season with a very satisfactory quality of eggs yielding a high percentage of hatch for the whitefish and lake trout. At Alpena, Mich., experiments with the use of a charcoal device for the eradication of chlorme in the water supply gave promise of overcoming a difficulty which has in the past produced heavy losses at this point. Approximately 600,000 lake trout fingerlings were retained for rearmg. On Lake Superior the weather conditions were adverse to a successful collection of lake trout eggs and the take was somewhat below normal. The handling of 6,000,000 whitefish eges was an improvement over the results for this species in the last few years. The distribution of the fry in the spring from the Charlevoix station was rendered difficult on account of early hatching before the fish could be transported by vessel. By various expedients including the use of truck, etc., the fry were returned to the spawning grounds in good condition. At Put-in Bay the joint use of the Bureau’s steamer Shearwater by the State of Ohio and the Bureau’s hatchery resulted in distinct economy. Marine stations —This group of 3 stations in New England propagate 4 species of strictly marine fish. Increase was registered in the output of cod and winter flounder. At Gloucester poor market conditions with no incentive for commercial operations reduced the catch of pollock and consequent collection of eggs. This station handled almost one billion cod eggs of which over 600,000,000 were planted after fertilization upon the spawning grounds, the balance being incubated in the hatchery. This is the main station at which haddock are handled, and during a short season over 235,000,000 eggs were taken. The propagation of flounders is concentrated at the other 2 stations located at Boothbay Harbor, Maine, and Woods Hole, Mass. An average or normal season prevailed at Boothbay Harbor, Maine, although there was a slight improvement in the take of haddock eggs all of which were planted directly on the spawning grounds because of the fact that the water at the hatchery was too warm for their incu- bation. An interesting feature is the fact that the collection of adult flounders from which the eggs of this species are taken at this station, was materially reduced by the disappearance of eel grass. This epidemic which has affected the growth along the entire Atlantic coast caused the flat fish to move their spawning grounds and added to the difficulty of egg collections. At Woods Hole a new diesel-powered vessel has materially lowered costs for the collection of brood cod. A smaller number of adult cod was secured for eggs than in previous years but because of their better condition the hatch of fish was very satisfactory. In addition to the routine fish cultural work it was necessary to give considerable attention to the maintenance and upkeep of the extensive plant at Woods Hole since biological studies are also carried on during the summer months. Anadromous species of Atlantic coast—The commercial varieties handled on the Atlantic coast aside from the marine fish are the shad, yellow perch, white perch, glut herring, and Atlantic salmon. The latter is handled only at the hatchery at Kast Orland, Maine, and its substation. An exchange of eggs with the Canadian Government provided the usual supply-of 1,000,000 eggs of this species. Part of them were allotted to the State of Maine hatcheries for incubation and distribution and the remaining share distributed as fingerlings in PROPAGATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD FISHES, 1933 47] the Penobscot River and other suitable waters. The Craig Brook station also. handled large numbers of trout and landlocked salmon, the latter derived from the collection of 840,000 eggs made at the Grand Lake Stream (Maine) substation. The principal point for shad propagation is at Fort Humphreys, Va., a short distance below Washington. The season opened here with the propagation of yellow perch in March, egg collections approx- imating 117,000,000, yielding over 105,000,000 fry. The majority of these were planted locally although 39,000,000 were allocated to the State of Virginia for stocking other waters tributary to the Po- tomac River. The shad work was of average magnitude, an output of 18,400,000 having been obtained. At Edenton, N.C., effort was made to restore the output of shad to earlier numbers, but the encroachment of brackish water on the spawn- ing grounds has resulted in a catch by the fishermen of large numbers of shad in which the eggs are not mature and are incapable of artificial incubation. The same also applied to the work with the glut herring at Edenton, the output being limited to 25,000,000 herring and 1,200,- 000 shad. Adverse weather limited the output of yellow perch also bringing it below the figures for the last several years. A limited number of white perch were propagated and planted in local waters. The Edenton station discontinued the propagation of striped bass which formerly had been conducted in the Roanoke River incoopera- tion with the State of North Carolina. During the off season for the propagation of commercial species, the Edenton station is propagating and distributing bass and other pond fish. While the output was satisfactory in the case of bass, an influx of muddy water limited the production somewhat. The station was, however, able to fill all pending applications within its territory. At Orangeburg, S.C., cooperative arrangements with the State of South Carolina were continued whereby the Bureau and the State jointly operated a shad hatchery on the Edisto River. This work yielded over 3,000,000 shad fry. Operations were restricted to one point only due to the fact that experiments of previous years have indicated that the most profitable location for this activity is at Jacksonboro on the Edisto River. GAME FISH PROPAGATION While the proportion of game fish in the total output of the hatch- eries is numerically small, amounting to approximately 1.6 percent of the total or more than 115,000,000, its relative importance is far be- yond this ratio. Through the influence of the Federal game fish hatcheries in improving fishing in interior waters, this activity has a bearing upon the interests of at least 10,000,000 people who to some extent fish for fresh-water species. Where the hatchery bred com- mercial fish are distributed at a comparatively small size a short time after hatching, it has been the increasing practice with the game varieties to rear them for as long a period as possible so that when planted they are subjected to natural enemies for only a short period before being large enough for the angler. The greater costs attending this type of work lie in the fact that added facilities and increased expenses for food, care, etc., are involved in the retaining of the fish for periods of 6 months to a year before distributing them. Also the cost of transporting these larger fish to more distant points is obvi- 472 U.S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES ously much greater. The Bureau’s objectives in this field were in general attained with gratifying success during the fiscal year 1933. There was an increase in the output of 3 species of trout, grayling, and practically all forms of pond fish. Of the latter the most important was the largemouth and smallmouth black bass, and an output of 5,250,000 represents a healthy increase. Since the majority of the fish which are distributed as fingerlings or larger come under the category of game fish it is significant that the distribution of these larger fish during 1933 increased 22.7 percent over the previous year. Owing to the divergent nature of the activities it has been necessary to make a division of a geographical character in reporting upon the stocking of interior waters. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TERRITORY While there is a considerable number of trout propagated at the hatcheries in the Pacific Coast States in connection with the main work of replenishing the salmon runs, the chief game fish cultural work in the West is conducted in the Rocky Mountain States and is very largely concerned with trout. Summarizing briefly the activities in this section it may be stated that the collections of black-spotted trout eggs at Yellowstone Park, a temporary seasonal activity, were about the average in number. This activity extends over two fiscal years. Consequently the figures cover July, August, and September, 1932, and do not take into consideration the collections made during May and June 1933. A limited number of grayling eggs were handled on an experimental basis at Grebe Lake and the results were so encouraging that a perma- nent hatchery of small capacity was installed at this point. At Mammoth Hot Springs operations were conducted as usual, yielding a total of approximately three quarters of a million trout fingerlings for distribution. The Leadville (Colo.) station and its substations at Creede and Crystal Lake were operated as usual yielding the bulk of the brook trout eggs collected at the western stations. The take of this species in this field was in excess of 6,000,000. Concrete rearing ponds and a dwelling were constructed at the Crystal Lake substation and other improvements were made. At the Springville (Utah) station considerable work was performed upon improvement of the hatchery spring water supply, necessitated by apparent pollution which had resulted in heavy mortality during the previous year. These improvements together with chlorination of the hatchery water supply have apparently overcome this difficulty. There was constructed at Bear Lake, Utah, a substation intended ta be operated for the restocking of Bear Lake which extends into Utah and Idaho. One million and two hundred thousand trout and salmon eggs were incubated at this point. The hatching trough system at Springville was modified so as to provide a more adequate water supply for each trough, and the fish food or grinding room was remodeled. The operations at Saratoga, Wyo., approximated those of previous years with the exception that the collection of eggs from station brood stock and from field stations was reduced. PROPAGATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD FISHES, 1933 473 The Spearfish (S.Dak.) station was rendered more efficient by the construction of a small auxiliary or substation on leased property several miles from the hatchery. This was necessitated by recurrent failure of the main spring water supply in the hatchery during the winter months. . 235.5.4. 2 ons oe 450 i 15, 000 24 19, 220 1, 000 23, 857 7, 430 1, 365 Yellowanerchases-2 29s) eee 200, 105 Massachusetts: Gatfishi ths! suet lx. ot ae Sere 2, 600 Chinook: salmon------=----.-—-< 50, 000 Rainbow trout. 1228S ea 106, 200 Loch Leven trout-------------- 100, 650 Brook trout)-2-22--0 sees sn aee ae 160, 370 Largemouth black bass--..----- 200 Smallmouth black bass--------- 170, 385 Mackeréli- Lien Pu Gass sa eeee 5, 127, 000 Wihite| perchstecase se - cea eee 635 Cod... f Sa eee 1, 103, 509, 000 Haddockvews- J-sessassctotess 224, 326, 000 Pollock 2 s==2s=2se-< = eee ee 13, 681, 000 Winter flounder-_.__------------ 718, 370, 000 Michigan: Catfish: A's eee 10, 000 Wihitefish#ccge 22 eee’ 44, 700, 000 Landlocked salmon 10, 000 Steelhead salmon- ------.------ 99, 632 Rainbow trautes--- ate ee 321, 620 Loch Leven trout -----.-------- 34, 720 Lake: trout: 228 2. bot eater ets 18, 272, 200 IBTOOK TTOULL cee eee ee een 986, 600 Crappie. .ul isa eee eee 1, 465 Largemouth black bass- - ------ 36, 500 Smallmouth black bass_--.----- 41, 200 Suntishijis 2222. Seer eee 13, 420 ‘Yellowsperch..c22 esses osece 2, 120 Minnesota’ @atishts. 23 oes ee 2, 948, $00 IBiiaAlOUSs Hess see ee ne 1 763 Warp et csi tletcs bes ae 1 654, 987 1 All carp and buffalofish shown in above table are planted in commercial areas of the Mississippi River. PROPAGATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD FISHES, 193% 483 Summary, by species, of the distribution of fish, fiscal year 1933—Continued State and species Minnesota—C ontinued. Re TmOTG tse es Ne Pane... Be ae Largemouth black bass----__--- Smallmouth black bass_---_---- a, ht tales eb tel tpg Lane Fresh-water drum_ Pike and pickerel - - MelOW. DErCN-. - = 2-2-0 ~ se nacee Miscellaneous fishes----_-_.---- Mississippi: Largemouth black bass-_-------- | SEE eS ae eS BT OCEOMHAS see see eee. ao seee BreuGw DerCh = -secas—-) ee Montana: rrerRI Shee ee eee e ee ene MGNOW: DOIG ons a= oceans cee eee Miscellaneous fishes_----------- Nebraska: BSTODHLIOUG- -— aro cosa eco Prapuie== 2. ~~ ooo onan cee loi hh a ee eee MeO DOLGh sooo n sa =e Nevada: Loch Leven trout Brook trout__------ GrApple. 2230 ne aes an sn ii Pi Ws os toed 2 eee New Hampshire: Mathish: 22 se a9 2 Vdoee eee Texas: Rainbow: trout=2=-2=2222-+2=52) @rappie:=_ 485225245 -5=52 Largemouth black bass Warmouth bass=-)=s==+++ 22-222 Rio Grande perch-__--_--------- Wiellow perch-=22 242 ae Utah: Wihitefish. ji 2es se. oa chee oes Landlocked salmon- ----------- Rainbow troutss+2-2==-==-222 45 Black-spotted trout ------------ Loch Leven trout--_------------ Yiellowsperche==s=2222s4-s22--22 Vermont: Steelhead salmon----.---------- Atlantic salmon-__--------- Landlocked salmon Rainbows trout. = se ee ake :troutisa sees eee ee 5 Black-spotted trout. ----------- Brookitrout=--22--22 22222 222.55 Largemouth black bass--------- Smallmouth black bass-----_--- Virginia: @aifishest 3-22-6240 sah Rainbow trout=22222---==. = 224s Loch Leven trout-_---.--------- Brookstroulsess seeesa oe SLE | @rappies2.22- -2-2--225248U Us Largemouth black bass----__--- | Number State and species Number Virginia—Continued. 12, 000 Smallmouth black bass_-_-_____ | 23, 683 212, 650 ROCK Dass aes ee asiess seus Chee 35, 315 364, 670 SLNSH-= =. 5e= se tes se 49, 474 280, 092 SPY CURA ee pal tetas cee tS SAIS 18, 400, 000 1, 650 COMMOT piIcoe eee See ey eee 850 7, 060 RYGLLG Wa DOC@Ht = ae eee ee eee 199, 185, 000 2,630 || Washington: 8, 450 Chinookisalmone+=222ese- 2s 20, 615, 282 Sockpye'salmion® 222-2222 = 15, 279, 000 6, 909 Chamisalinon = +2 esse es 21, 700, 000 397, 368 SilVersalmorst Seek tee eee 3, 300, 752 103, 835 Steelhead salmon._--____-_-_-_- 1, 063, 319 44, 550 Humpback salmon--__-_------- 2, 607, 904 80, 455 RaimbOwatloute.=- =e eee 68, 250 8, 700 Black-spotted trout --.--_------ 2, 720, 200 22, 265 ochweven troutes. ce. --o a 67, 200 41, 988 Brook trout... 22a 232, 260 West Virginia: 18, 785 GaAthShi a Peke = <