Sear ey oee 1 Hy ay yey! ; 0, oe ANN Sa 8 Se ‘ Vi Sy pn 138) Rts a § aso ~ IOs " s , ree me Vis TAS: Pes i i Bit : a oy vs By, Hoa ° he seh A Cau ; Ad Ba Pa SO riaevan i ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MECHANIC ARTS. PAR — hl: AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1888. om Dm mS AUGUSTA : FLYNT, PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 1889. MAINE) STATE COLLEGE. B, sY. oH af a7 L of hy) AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. STATION COUNCIL. Hon. Z. A. Giipert, No.Greene, Me., Commitiee Routitus ALprEN, Esg., Winthrop, Me., of Wo. H. Srrickianp, Esq., Bangor, Me., Trustees. IMER@APEURNALD, ha. Dia 5 22 esa da eal ee President College. President. NVA e OR DIAN Mls Sis. G.6 5 eee bare sieartelie «eve ... Director Station. Secretary. WaLTeR Baventiny, M.S. ............Professor of Agriculture. Be ee vELAR Vins (MSY oe. oo. ... Professor of Natural History. BMA CSSHEL IIMs Secu c eee ee ee ek. Veterinarian to Station. STATION OFFICERS. DV PEER LORDAN IVE AUS swiss gel tle weer dee wud ceed ia ean Director. Vrs Cee re Nar De: Dea Dias as Gee Se hae evel Meteorologist. Water Baventing, M.S............. Experimental Agriculture. reepeELARV RY s UME. SS 5 certs ae eile: oe Botanist and Entomologist. PPap ere RUOSSEEB (Vis, ISec (clei acum ee asin ed eieiaiee ois sia VM Cberinarian. Per Vibe sa DUR TT MS AS 52S eee 4 Sele! oral. cane MON Chemist. ee em EGR RTL Sai. sz sys ol aralore > dre Wane ek soe CONEMISE, F. P. Briggs .... ........ Assistant in Botany and Entomology. PNwaae VMs SIU AUWin (6: aj.) s. oialiaiie aise cosnnes atsaee Scone tialohele ... Foreman on Farm. VG Siete EININ TE AV OAS Galen git cour eenior Haun tatiepa an cee at aC Mot 5 Clerk. TREASURER’S REPORT. THe Marne State CoLtitece AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Receipts and Expenditures for the year ending June 30, 1888. RECEIPTS. Annual appropriation from the U. S. Treasury........ $15,000 00. EXPENDITURES. Salanlesmnyens srouuni, eect en i amen ne EU Me aes oteny $3.496 67 e ConsStruchiomers,sctesiont Same es enema re eas 3,000 00 Chemicalilvabonatonys as 75 10 Sas rast ie eats 3,745 52 Field and Feeding Experiments............ 664 16 GIES S LOC Karciee easy ce cio None eee tate sles sealers 1,005 00 NGS T yp cakes os ee taae Sey tcc ise carers coateel veers SOROS PTAVCMING PhS PCMSCh ps says Acceso ssa sie ei OOOO ZENG MO eens re Sere Seieushcisvels Uaveus cM cyaree none 254 31 Slatloneny ange OstaGe ae. an) veniosl ieee ele 104 25 Department of Meteorology.....°.......... 307 7S Department Botany and Entomology ....... 2 39 MC EMEHAl EK PENSC! hoi die sietevniars toate tsa te 453 93 $15,000 00 J. FRED WEBSTER, Treasurer, Trustees Maine State College, Agr. and Mech. Arts. I find the above accounts properly vouched and cast. Wiriram H. Srrickianp, Auditor Trustees Me. State College Agr. and Mech. Arts. * Mostly office furnishing. DIRECTOR'S REPORT. M. C. Fernald, Ph. D., President Maine State College: Sir :—The work of the Experiment Station for 1888 has been largely that of organization and preparation. This department of the college, which has been created and endowed by the act of Con- gress, and accepted by the legislature of this State. will, without question, be maintained as a permanent agricultural institution, provided the national appropriation is so applied in this and other States as to meet the approval of the intelligent farming public. In order that the Station organization shall be made on a permanent and progressive basis, such as shall meet not only present, but future needs, in a manner that shall insure the effective application of the funds appropriated, it is necessary to proceed slowly and deliberately at first. This is the reason why at the end of nearly a year’s active existence, it is possible to report only a limited amount of actual experimental work begun, and still less so far completed as to report results. The erection of a building with ils equipment of water, gas, apparatus and furniture, the purchase of the appliances for field and feeding experiments, and the special plans for the different depart- ments of Station work have engrossed much time and thought. The inspection of fertilizers, which becomes more and more laborious each year, has also been carried on as usual. That which has been accomplished in these various directions, it is the purpose of this report to make clear, and it is hoped that what has been done as a beginning, in laying the foundations for future work, will meet with approval. THE FORMER STATION. The Maine Legislature of 1885 passed an act locating at the college what was to be known as the Maine Fertilizer Control and Agricultu- ral Experiment Station, appropriating to its support the sum of $5000 6 MAINE FERTILIZER CONTROL STATION. annually. This Station was not placed under the control of the trustees of the college, but was intrusted to a board of managers, three of whom were to be appointed by the Governor of the State, the others to be the Secretary of the Board of Agriculture, and the Professor of Agriculture at the college. This Station existed about two and a half years, and issued twenty bulletins and three reports, the former being published only in the leading papers of the State, and the latter as a part of the report of the Maine Board of Agriculture. The work of this Station consisted of the inspection of commercial fertilizers, and the eonducting of such experiments and investiga- tions as the remaining time and means allowed. Upon the passage by Congress of what is known as the ‘‘ Hatch Act,” establishing an agricultural experiment station in every State, the legislature of 1887 repealed the law of March 3, 1885, by an act which took effect on October 1, 1887. It was expected at the time this act was passed that by October Ist a Station would be in operation under the provisions of the national law. This did not prove to be the case, owing to the failure of Con- gress to appropriate money, and had not the college assumed the risk of advancing the funds to pay the expenses of the Station for another three months, work would have ceased on the date at which the old Station law stood repealed. As it was, work was continued until January 1, 1888, when the Station force disbanded to await the action of Congress. THE PRESENT STATION. The congressional act establishing what are known as the national experiment stations, became a law on March 2, 1887, and desig- nated October Ist of that year as the time at which the first quarterly payments for the support of these stations should become due. Congress failed, however, to make the appropriation required by the act named, and so these stations did not go into operation. It was not until after the passage of a deficiency bill early in February, 1888, that funds became available for the payment of the expenses of the year 1887-8. Previous to this, the Maine legislature of 1887 had accepted the provision of the ‘‘ Hatch Act” on the part of the State, and at a meeting of the college trustees in June, 1887, the present Station was organized as a department of the college, by the election of a MAINE FERTILIZER CONTROL STATION. vi director and two other members of the staff of officers. It only remained, after the funds had become available, for the trustees to take such steps as were necessary to put the Station into actual operation, which they did at a meeting on February 16, 1888. RELATION OF THE STATION TO THE COLLEGE. The act of Congress establishing the Station, creates if as a department of the college, which stands in the same relation to the trustees and president as any other department. At the same time, such are the peculiar conditions under which this department is created, and so essential is it for the college to be able to show that the congressional appropriation is applied according to the intent of the law, it seems necessary for the management of the Exper- iment Station to be more fully distinct and separate than is the case with the other departments of the college. At a meeting of delegates of agricultural colleges and experiment stations held in Washington, D. C., Oct. 18-20, 1887, resolutions were adopted, a brief summary of which is given below: 1st. All the appropriations under the ‘* Hatch bill’? should be wholly applied to agricultural research and experiment, and not to the general uses of the college. i 2d. These stations should be so far separate and distinct from the colleges that it will be possible to show at any time that the funds have been used according to the intent of the law. 3d. Every department known as an experiment station should be distinctly organized with a recognized official head, whose time shall be chiefly devoted to this department. It is believed that the plan of organization upon which this Station has entered is in conformity to the letter and spirit of these resolutions. It is true that some members of the faculty of the college will divide their time between station work and the instruc- tion of students, but in all eases, increased assistance will be provided to compensate for added duties, and in no instance will the Station funds be used to pay for time devoted to teaching. ORGANIZATION AND WORK OF THE STATION. At the meeting of the trustees mentioned above a general plan for earrying out the provisions of the ‘‘Hatch bill,”’ involving the expen- diture of $15,000 per annum, was presented to the board of trustees, and was accepted by them, and the development and management of the Station under this plan was placed in the immediate charge 8 MAINE FERTILIZER CONTROL STATION. of an Experiment Station Council, constituted as follows: The president of the college; the director of the Station; the professor of agriculture; the professor of natural history; the Station veterinarian ; the Station horticulturist (when appointed). At a subsequent meeting this council was enlarged by the addition of a committee of the trustees. In accordance with the action of the trustees the Station Council has perfected the organization of the Station somewhat in detail, and the various lines of work important to Maine agriculture, to which attention will be given, from time to time, as seems expe- dient, have been assigned to the Station officers, as follows: {1) Cattle Foods, Cattle Feeding and Animal Products. (Director of Station.) The forage crops adapted to Maine agriculture. The composition of cattle foods, and the influence of varying conditions upon their nutritive value. The disgestiblity of cattle foods. The special functions of the ingredients of cattle foods in animal nutrition. The economical use of foods in the production of milk, meat and other animal products. The adaptability of the various breeds of animals to the profitable production of milk and meat. The best methods for the manufacture of butter and cheese, and allied questions. (2) Fertilizer and Crop Production. (Prof. Balentine.) The composition, availability and use of the various kinds of fer- tilizing material, including commercial and farm manures. The relation of different cattle foods to the fertility of the farm. The economy of different systems of farm management as related to the fertility of the soil and to the profits of farming. Methods of cultivation best calculated to promote tbe fertility and proper physicial conditions of the soil. (3) Varieties of Farm Crops, Agricultural Botany and Ento- mology, (Prof. Harvey.) A botanical study of plants, both useful and injuricus to Maine Agriculture. MAINE FERTILIZER CONTROL STATION. 9 The nature and remedy of the fungoid and other diseases to which agricultural plants are subject. Inspection of the agricultural seeds sold in Maine to determine their purity and vitality. The life history and ravages of injurious insects, and the means of their prevention or extermination. (4) Animal Diseases. (Dr. Russell.) Dr. F. L. Russell, a graduate of the Maine State College and of the New York College of Veterinary Surgeons, New York City, was elected veterinarian to the Station early in 1887, and since that time has been pursuing special studies in bacteriology and pathology at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, in preparation for the work which he is to undertake. He will enter upon his duties at the Station about the first of March, 1889, and will then devote his time largely to a study of the nature of those diseases from which the farm animals of this State seem likely to suffer. (5) Horticulture. (No special provision for this yet.) It seems desirable that horticulture should find a place in the work of the Station, and it is only necessary that certain. facilities be provided in the way of buildings in order that proper attention may be given to this important branch of agriculture. In the mean time as much will be done in this direction as time and facilities permit. (6) Agricultural Meteorology and Physics. (President Fernald.) This department of experiment and investization embraces such subjects as temperature, rainfall, evaporation and percolation or drainage, in their relations to the mechanical conditions of the soil and to plant growth. It is now proposed to begin in the spring of 1889 certain meteorological observations, additional to those heretofore made at the college. (7) Fertilizer Inspection. The new fertilizer law enacted in 1887 gives the Experiment Station the authority to sample and analyze the commercial fertilizers sold in the State, and therefore this inspection will be continued as heretofore. OO ve | ay 10 MAINE FERTILIZER CONTROL STATION. It will be possible, now that the Station bulletins are to be sent directly to farmers, to distribute information in regard to the character of the fertilizers offered for sale, more promptly than has been the case when the newspapers were the medium of communi- cation. On the other hand large increase in the brands of fertilizers offered for sale in this State will tend to delay the report of the spring in- spection. Samples can not be collected until the new goods are shipped to dealers, and the greater the number of brands sampled the longer the time required to perform the analysis. (8) Chemical Analyses, (Mr Bartlett and Mr. Merrill.) It is to be noticed that of the nine Station officers two are chem- ists, who will devote nearly their entire time to analytical chemistry, with perhaps some assistance. Almost all of the experimental work to be undertaken in the field, barn or dairy, will require the aid of the chemist in obtaining the data necessary to full and safe con- clusions. Conclusions from experiments in plant feeding and cattle feeding are often looked upon with suspicion as a guide to practice, unless chemical analysis is employed to give full information about the materials used, and the products obtained. Moreover, the amount of analytical work involved in the inspection of fertilizers is very great and because of the large business interests that are affected by the report of this inspection, it is essential that the analyses be reliable beyond question. So great is the necessity for entirely trustworthy laboratory data, the Station has adopted the policy of entrusting this work largely to men of experience at salaries that shall tend to secure their services permanently, rather than to employ mostly assistants of a lower grade, and at small salaries, whose results would he less satisfactory even with constant supervi- sion, and who would constantly be changing to more lucrative positions. (9) An important part of the conduct of field and feeding experiments is the immediate supervision of the details of their execution. An experiment may involve ever so interesting a problem, and may be ever so wisely planned, but unless it is carried out with good judgment and fidelity on the part of the one who attends to its actual execution, it is likely to be worse than useless. It is ne easy thing to exercise the care necessary to correctuess in MAINE FERTILIZER CONTROL STATION. 11 weights and records, when several experiments are being carried on at the same time. These duties now devolve upon Mr. Shaw, foreman on the farm, who has rendered the Station efficient service in this direction. The work of the Station, as outlined above, covers a wide field of inquiry, and it should not be expected that all the problems important in Maine agriculture will receive attention at once, or that these problems will be quickly solved. Many points in farm practice must be studied experimentally for several years, before safe conclusions can be reached, although some questions can be answered in less time. An effort will be made to adapt the work of the Station to the special needs of the State, and to secure results whose direct practical value shall be unquestioned. STATION BUILDINGS AND APPLIANCES. Since the first organization of an experiment station at ‘the college in 1885, it has occupied building space that has been needed by the departments of instruction. Moreover, now that national aid has so greatly enlarged the scope of the work to be done, the demand for more and better room for laboratory and other purposes has become imperative. ‘This fact was recognized by the trustees at the February meeting of 1887, and consequently they made arrangements for the erection of a building to contain the chemical laboratory, station office and director’s room. This building, constructed of brick with granite trimmings, is now nearly ready for occupancy, and is believed to be well suited to the work for which it is intended. Its general appearance and plan are shown by the accompanying plates. The basement contains space for the unpacking and storage of apparatus and chemicals, a Springfield gas machine for the manu- facture of burning gas from naphtha, a boiler which supplies steam for heating and laboratory purposes, and room for coal. On the first floor are five rooms devoted entirely to chemical work. including a reading room in which is to be placed a special chemival library. Three of these rooms are furnished with gas, water, tables, hoods, steam baths for evaporation and balance shelves set on brackets built into the wall. The apparatus for these rooms is already purchased. The upper floor has a Station office with an accompanying small room for storage, the director’s private room, and a room which will probably be temporarily devoted to 12 MAINE FERTILIZER CONTROL STATION. bacteriological investigations. The whole building is heated by steam and lighted by gas. In the office has been placed a large Hall’s safe for the preservation of the records, a National Files Cabinet for the systematic filing of letters and papers, and a large case for the proper storage and distribution of pamphlets, bulletins, etc. PETTITT TTI Teeter titi t Ui = = Fan AGRICULTURAL. EXPERIMENT STATION BUILDING, MAINE STATE COLLEGE. FRET FLOOR PLN | Whoa oo { +e 3 15 Sauk. E ee ‘gevctory a (valance) Aevator ae SS 2 : ‘ol [ : el : RDS AN GO is LN b a Some, on : : L Poon O One yee 16 MAINE FERTILIZER CONTROL STATION. The whole building is to be equipped so thoroughly, that with a given force the maximum amount of work will be accomplished. The experiments with live stock have been carried on so far in the barn that will be needed for other purposes as soon as the college farm is restocked, and space for this work must be provided elsewhere. If in some way funds can be secured to complete the outside of the unfinished new barn, the amount allowed from the national appropriation will probably be sufficient to fit the inside for feeding and dairy experiments, and to build the dairy room that must be provided when the one belonging to the farm is again occu- pied. Such an arrangement seems to be the only possible one that will adequately provide for the experimental work which the station proposes to do. Land necessary for field experiments has been set aside from the college farm, and is already occupied, and the field experiments to which it is devoted include the use of small plots for fertilizer tests and tests of varieties, and of large areas on which different systems of crop production will be practiced for a series of years. As a means of conducting feeding and dairy experiments, the station has purchased eight thoroughbred cows (two each of the Jerseys, Ayrshires, Holsteins and Shorthorns), six thoroughbred steers (two each of the Herefords, Holsteins and Shorthorns), twelve pigs and six sheep, also the necessary scales for weighing animals, rations and milk, and an outfit of dairy apparatus. THE CONTENTS OF THIS REPORT. This report contains the results of a comparatively small amount of experimental work, for reasons previously given. It is quite largely devoted to matters of an explanatory and informational character. For instance, under the head of foods, quite an amount of space is occupied by explanations in regard to the composition and digestibility of cattle foods, and the basis, value and use of the German feeding standards, and these subjects have been treated at so much length in response toa direct call for such information. It is proposed to treat other subjects in a similar manner, so that the Station Reports may serve as books of reference. It will be noticed, also, that the main part of the matter given in the bulletins published in 1888, is reprinted here. Quite a number of experiments are either under way or are definitely arranged, as can be seen by the following summary of what has been done, or is already undertaken, and some results have been secured which are not published here. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 1G EXPERIMENTS AND INVESTIGATIONS, THE RESULTS OF WHICH ARE ALREADY PUBLISHED. 1. Wood Ashes. Object: The determination of the composition of ashes from different woods, and of those burned and kept under different con- ditions. Plan: The collection and analyses of ashes from as many sources as possible. Time: Summer of 1885. Results published: Report M. E S., 1885-6, pp. 29-34, 2. Manure Residue. Object: The determination of the value of manure residue from corn meal and cotton seed meal. Plan: The feeding of corn meal and cotton seed meal with same amount of some kind of hay, and collection and analysis of feces and urine during the two periods. Time: Fall and winter of 1885-6. Results published: Report M. E. S.,* 1885 6, pp. 42-46. 3. Digestion Experiment. Object: To determine digestibility of timothy hay. Plan: Timothy hay fed to a sheep, with corn meal or cotton seed meal, for twelve days, fzeces collected for last five days. Digesti- bility of meal assumed from German averages. The feeding was carried on for three periods, of twelve days each. Time: Fall and winter, 1885-6. Results published: Report M. E. S., 1885-6, pp. 35-58. (4) Digestion Experiment. Object: Digestibility of maize kernel fed in different forms. Plan: Weighed quantities of whole corn, corn meal and corn and cob meal fed to pig, each for twelve days, and fceces collected for last five. Three periods. Time: Winter, 1885-6. Results Published: Report M. E. S., 1885-6, pp. 59-64. (5) Feeding Experiment. Object: The advantage of combining cotton seed meal with corn meal in moderate grain ration fed to milch cows. Plan: The feeding of same weights of food in three different periods, in first and third periods the grain ration being a mixture 2 *M. E.S., for Maine Experiment Station. i8 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. of cotton seed meal and corn meal, and in second period pure corn mea]. Three cows used in the experiment, each period of feeding being four weeks. During the last two weeks of each period a record was kept of the milk produced, and of the cream and butter, the milk being analyzed also. Time: Winter, 1885-6. Results published: Report M. E. S., 1885-6, pp. 65-72. (6) Feeding Experiment. Object: Comparison of wheat straw and a nitrogenous grain ration with timothy hay and corn meal, as foed for growing steers. Plan: Two lots steers, two in each lot, same weights of hay and straw fed, and same weights of grain, only the lot eating straw received some cotton seed in place of part of corn meal fed to lot eating timothy. Time: Winter, 1885-6. Results published: Report M. E. S., 1885-6. pp. 73-76. (7) Field Experiment. Object: The practical effect of different forms of phosphoric acid in crop production, also of a complete commercial fertilizer against yard manure. Plan: Three plots in series manured with each form of P2 Od, accompanied by a sufficient supply of ammonia and potash salts alone, three plots with no manure and three plots with yard manure. Time: Spring, 1885. Results published (first year) : Report M. E.S., 1886-7, pp. 41-49. (8) Field Hxperiment. Object: The use of partial as compared with complete fertilizer. The profitable quantity of fertilizers to use. Plan: Similar to experiment seven. Time: Spring, 1885. Results published: First year Report M. E. S. 1886-7, pp. 47-49 (9) Field Hxperiments. Object: To stimulate habits of inquiry and observation. To render farmers more familiar with the composition of fertilizers. To add something if possible, to our stock of Knowledge in regard to the profitable use of commercial fertilizers. Plan: The sending to farmers bags containing different mixtures of fertilizing material with directions for making experiments. The AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 19 various combinations were P2 O35 alone, P2 O05 and K2 O, and P2 05, K2 O and N. Time: Spring, 1886. Results published: First year, Report M. E. S., 1886-7, pp. 49- 64; second year, this report. (10) Digestion Experiment. Object: Digestibility of Timothy hay. Plan: Seven hundred grams hay fed to a sheep for twelve days, feeces collected for last five days. Feces and food analyzed. Time: Fall, 1886. Results published: Report M. E. S., 1886-7, pp. 72-73. (11) Digestion Experiment. Object: Digestibility of clover hay. Plan: Same as experiment 10, only 700 grams clover hay fed. Time: Fall of 1886-7. Results published: Report M. E. S., 1886-7, pp. 74-75. (12) Digestion Experiment. Object: Digestibility of oat straw. Plan, same as experiment 10 and 11, only 350 grams oat straw fed daily. Time: Fall of 1886-7. Results published: Report M. E. S., 1886-7, pp. 15-76. (13) Digestion Experiment. Object: Digestibility of potatoes, both raw and boiled. Plan: Three hundred and fifty grams oat straw used in experiment 12 and 1000 grams raw potatoes fed to two sheep for twelve days, feeces collected last five days. Digestibility of straw assumed to be as found in experiment 12; 300 grams Timothy used in experiment 10, and 1000 grams boiled potatoes fed to one sheep for twelve days. Time: Winter, 1887. Results published: Report M. E. S., 1886-7, pp. 47-79. (14) Feeding Expervment. Object: Same as experiment No. 5. Plan: Four cows used in experiment and in each period two cows received Timothy and two clover hay, otherwise plan same as experiment No. 5. Time: Winter 1886-7. Results published: Report M. E. S., 1886-7, pp. 84-89. (15) Feeding Experiment. Object: The profitable quantity of food and the profitable com- bination of foods, in feeding steers for growth. 20 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Plan: Ten steers about eighteen months old, divided into five lots. Lot 1. Maintenance ration, hay. Lot 2. Ration for moderate growth, hay anl corn meal. Lot 3. Ration for moderate growth, hay, corn meal and cotton seed meal. Lot 4. Ration for rapid growth, hay, corn meal and cotton seed meal. Lot 5. Straw substituted for hay. Time: Fall and winter, 1886-7. Results published: Report M. E. S., 1886-7, pp. 89-938. (16) Feeding Experiment. Object: The comparative value of whole corn and corn meal for feeding hogs. Plan: Two lots of pigs, three in each lot; first period lot 1 fed whole corn, lot 2 fed same weight corn meal; second period lot 1 fed corn meal; lot 2 fed whole corn. In each period same quantity of potatoes and skimmed milk fed each lot. Time: Fall and winter, 1886-7. Results published: Report M. E. S., 1886-7, pp. 97-99. (17) Feeding Experiment. Object: The comparative feeding value of corn meal and corn- and cob meal for hogs. Plan: The feeding of two lots of pigs, three in each lot; lot 3 received corn meal, potatoes and milk, and lot 4, a weight of corn- cob meal containing same amount of kernel as the pure meal of lot 3, and same amount of potatoes and milk. Time: Winter of 1887. Results published: Report M. E. S , 1886-7, pp. 99, 100. (18) Feeding Experiment. Object: The relative feeding value of raw and boiled potatoes. Plan: Two lots, of three pigs each, to be fed in same weights of potatoes, corn meal and skimmed milk, only with one lot the pota- toes to be boiled before feeding. Time: Winter of 1886-7. Results published: Report M. E. S., 1886-7, pp. 100, 101. (19) Feeding Experiment. Object: The profitable composition of rations for growing poultry. Plan: The feeding of a pure corn ration against a ration consist- AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 21 ing of a mixture of corn and some highly nitrogenous material. Two lots of cockerels, of twelve each. Time: Fall, 1886. Results published: Report M. E. S., 1886-7, pp. 101-104. > (20) Dairy Huperiment. Object: The effect of varying temperature at which milk is set for cream raising. (1) Upon volume of cream. (2) Upon com- position of cream. (3) Upon quantity of cream to each pound of butter. (4) Upon fat leftin skimmed milk. Other minor points are considered. Plan: The setting of equal weights of same milk at different temperature, the milk, cream and skimmed milk to be analyzed, and the cream and butter weighed. Time: Spring and summer, 1887. Results published: Report M. E. S., 1886-7, pp. 107-119. (21) Available Nitrogen. Object: Relative value of organic nitrogen in different fertilizers. Plan: Treatment of fertilizers with an artificial pepsin solution, and determination of undissolved nitrogen. Time: Spring, 1887. Results published: Report M. E. S., 1886-7, pp. 124-126 (22) Digestion Methods. Object: The comparison of artificial digestion of protein, with results obtained by ex erim2ats with arimils; als> errors for pro- tein of natural method. Plan: Treatment of foods used in digestion experiments with animals with artificial solutions of pepsin and pancreas, and treat- ment of feeces with sucd solvents as will remove the ‘‘stoff-wechsel producte,” and not act upon the audigested food residue. Time: Fall and winter 1886-7. Results published: Report M. E S., 1886-7, pp. 127-135, and this report. (25) Test of Varieties. Object: Test of comparative value of different varieties of oats. Plan: The sowivg of equal areas with the different varieties under similar conditions, the wain facts of growth, yield and bushel weight to be recorded. Time: Spring 1886. De AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Results published: First year, Report M. E. S 1886-7, pp. 105-6; second year, this report. (24) Test of Varieties. Object: Test of comparative value of different varieties of barley. Plan: Same as experiment No. 23. Time: Spring 1886. Results published: First year, Report M. E. S., 1886-7, p. 106; second year, this report. (25) Test of Varieties. Object: Test of comparative value of different varieties of potatoes. Plan: The planting of equal number of hills seeded alike, under’ similar conditions with record of growth and yield. Time: Spring, 1886. Results published: First year, M. E. S., 1886-7, pp. 104-105. Second year, this report. (26) Digestion Experiment. Object: Determination of composition and digestibility of different species of grasses and other forage plants. Plan: Collected at same stage of growth, subsequent analysis and digestion experiments. Time: 1887. Results published: First year, this report. (27) Culture Experiment. Object: The effect of hilling potatoes as compared with flat culture. Plan: The cultivation of equal areas of potatoes under similar conditions, only certain plots hilled, and certain plots given flat culture, to be tried with both deep aud shallow planting. Time: Summer, 1887. Results published: This report. (28) Feeding Experiment. Object: See experiment No. 16. Plan: See experiment No. 16. Time: Summer, 1887. (29) Feeding Experiment. Object: The economy of feeding grain to growing steers while at pasture. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 23 Plan: The feeding of two lots of steers, one on grass alone and the other on grass and corn meal, the rations to be alternated between the two lots. Time: Summer, 1887 (Failure). EXPERIMENTS OR INVESTIGATIONS ALREADY UNDER- TAKEN OR PLANNED. (30) Study of Breeds. Object: A study of the characteristics and economy of different breeds of cows for dairy purposes. Plan: The use of four breeds, two cows of each, Holstein, Shorthorn, Ayrshire and Jersey, a record of the amount and composition of foods, the weight and composition of milk, weight and composition of cream, and weights of butter; also a study of physical characteristics of milk and chemical and physical properties of butter. Time: 1888, and continuing. (31) Study of Breeds. Object: Study of relative production of beef with different breeds. Plan: The use of three breeds, two steers of each, Hereford, Shorthorn and Holstein, to be grown from calves under similar conditions and feeding. Time: 1888, and continuing. (32) Feeding Experiment. Object: The economical composition of a ration for beef produe- tion. Plan: The dividing of steers used in experiment 31 into two lots, one steer of each breed in each lot, one lot to be fed a ration such as can be compounded without the purchase of highly nitrogenous foods, the other to receive an equal weight of food containing a certain proportion of cotton seed meal (or linseed). Time: 1888, and continuing. (33.) Fodder Investigation. Object: A study of the relative feeding value of Timothy, cut at different stages of growth. Plan: Determination of weights, composition, digestibility and growth produced, of Timothy from plots cut at different stages of 24 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. growth. Piece divided into six plots, three cut when in bloom, and three cut about two weeks later, Time: 1888. (34.) Fodder Investigation. Object: The relative amounts and composition of dry matter pro- duced by different varieties of corn grain for ensilage. Plan: The growing of the different varieties of corn on equal areas under similar condition of soil, manuring and cultivation. Two acres divided into twelve equal plots, four plots being planted to each variety of corn, southern white, common field corn and sweet corn. Time: 1888. (35.) Feeding Experiment. Object: The feeding value of ensilage as compared with hay. Plan: The feeding to milch cows and growing steers the same amounts of digestible material in ensilage and hay. The other parts of the ration being alike. Time: Fall and winter 1888-9. (36) Feeding Experiment. Object: The determination of the actual maintenance ration. Plan: Feeding steers with hays, record to be kept of weight and composition of foods fed, change in weights of animals, and weights and composition of excretions. (37) Feeding Experiment. Object: The relative value of skimmed milk and corn meal as foods for growing swine. Plan: The feeding to two lots of pigs, of two animals each, the same amounts of digestible material, to come more largely from skimmed milk than in the other, a small amount of bone meal to be fed to each lot. Pigs from same litter. Time: 1888. (38) Feeding EHuperiment. Object: The effect of a large amount of drink on the growth of pigs. Plan: The feeding to two lots of pigs, of two each, the same amounts of digestible material, in one case the amount of drink to satisfy the thirst of the animal, and in the other the animal to be induced to drink more than necessary. (99) Feeding Hxuperiment. Object: The use of nitrogenous foods in the growing of pigs. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 25 Plan: The feeding of two lots of pigs on same amounts of digest- ible material, the ration to be more nitrogenous in one case than in the other, drink and all other conditions to be similar. (40) Fertilizer Pot Hxperiment. Object: The study of the availability of different forms of phos- phoric acid. Plan: The growing of plants in sand, different plots being manured with different forms of P2 O5, all other elements of plant food being supplied in abundance, and conditions of temperature, moisture, being the same for all plots. Galvanized iron pots used. Time: 1888, (41) Fertilizer Box Experiment. Object; Same as No. 40. Plan: Same as No. 40, only plants grown in boxes three feet square, set ground, no bottoms, and filled with ordinary soil. Mime: 1888. (42) Fertilizer Box Experiment. Object: A study of the availability for plant growth of different forms of nitrogenous material. Plan: Same as No. 41. Time: 1888. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. The publishers of the following named papers have kindly placed this station upon their complimentary list, for which grateful acknowledgement is hereby made: American Analyst, 19 Park Place, N. Y.; American Cultivator, Boston, Mass.; American Grange Bulletin, Cincinnati, Ohio; American Rural Home, Rochester, N. Y.; Delaware Farm Home, Wilmington, Del.; Eastern Farmer, Waterville, Me.; Farmers’ Advocate, London, Ont. ; Farmers’ Club Journal, Hornellsville, N. Y.; Farm and Fireside, Phila., Pa.; Farm and Home, Springfield, Mass. ; Farmer’s Home, Dayton, Ohio; Farm Journal, Phila., Pa. ; Farmers’ Review, Chicago, Ill.; Hoard’s Dairyman, Fort Atkinson, Wis.; Jersey Bulletin, Indianapolis, Ind; Mirror and Farmer, Manchester, N. H.; Maine Farmer, Augusta, Maine ; Massachusetts Ploughman, Boston, Mass.; National Farmer, Augusta, Maine; New England Farmer, Boston, Mass.; New York Weekly Tribune, New York, N. Y.; Ohio Farmer, Cleveland, 26 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Ohio; Orange County Farmer, Port Jervis, N. Y.; Philadelphia Weekly Press, Phila., Pa.; Practical Farmer, Phila, Pa. ; Southern Cultivator, Atlanta, Ga.; The Husbandman, Elmira, N. Y. Lewis & Cowles of Catskill, N. Y , very generously presented the Station with a Lewis Combination Force Pump, some account of the use of which is given in this report by Prof. Harvey. Thanks are also due to Hon. E. E. Parkhurst of Maysville Center, Me., for the present of a thorough-bred short horn bull calf. Several fer- tilizer manufacturers have very kindly offered to supply the Station with quantities of their goods, sufficient for field experiments, but the offers have been declined for obvious reasons. W. H. JORDAN, Director. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, MAINE STATE COLLEGE, Orono, Maine, Jan. Ist, 1889. ba | AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 2 FERTILIZERS. INSPECTION OF FERTILIZERS.* The inspection of the various brands of fertilizers sold in the State has for its object (1) the comparison of the actual composi- tion of these brands with the guaranteed composition, this being required by law, and (2) the determination of their relative values. In carrying out this inspection the fertilizers must be sampled in the hands of dealers or consumers, analyzed, and their values then calculated on the basis of ruling commercial prices. There are given below the history, analyses and valuations of eighty-five samples, taken from thirty-eight brands, with such pre- ceding explanations as are deemed necessary for a clear under- standing of the main facts pertaining to the composition of com- mercial fertilizers, and of the real significance that the analyses and valuations have for the consumer. VALUABLE INGREDIENTS OF FertILizers. The ingredients of commercial fertilizers upon which both their agricultural and commercial values chiefly depend are nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash. Besides these more valuable ingredients, sulphuric acid and lime are always present in superphosphates in considerable quantities, being a necessary accompaniment of phosphoric acid as it exists in nearly all manufactured fertilizers. Fertilizers also contain soda, magnesia, iron, alumina, chlorine, silica and more or less organic matter, the number and quanitity of the ingredients varying according to the raw materials used. Nitrogen is the most costly of the three important ingredients mentioned, and adds largely to the commercial value of all the fertilizers sold in Maine, with a few exceptions. It is found in the markets in quite a variety of substances which are used by manu- facturers to supply this ingredient to mixed fertilizers, but which are available for fertilizing purposes when purchased unmixed with anything else. *The explanations in regard to the composition and valuation of fertilizers which are made under this head are mainly reprinted from the previous reports of the Station, with such changes as are necessary. The apology for quoting so largely trom a previous report, is that there are no new facts to be stated, and that to express the old facts in a new form would probably not add anything in value or clearness to the explanations already made. These explanations will not be repeated in further reports, so that those who receive this report will do well to preserve it for future reference. tPreviously printed in bulletins 23 and 25. 28 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Nitrate of soda, a compound of nitric acid (aqua fortis) and soda, and sulphate of ammonia, a compound of sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol) and ammonia, are two of the most valuable nitrogenous materials which are used to supply nitrogen to the farmer. Their nitrogen is immediately available for use by the plant, the nitric acid of the one and the ammonia of the other being the compounds of nitrogen which largely serve as plant-food. The following materials furnish organic nitrogen to fertilizers : Dried blood, dried and ground fish, azotin and ammonite (pre- pared animal matter), fish scrap, meat scrap, cotton-seed meal, castor pomace, horn, hair, wool, leather waste, etc. These substances must decompose and the nitrogen become changed into | compounds of nitric acid and ammonia before it is largely available to plants. There is, therefore, a great difference in the value of organic nitrogen as found in the above-named materials. Dried blood, for instance, decomposes in the soil rapidly, while horn, hair, wool and leather scrap in their natural condition decay very slowly, and the nitrogen which they contain becomes useful only after a long period of time. These latter substances are not only less useful to the farmer than blood, fish and meat, but they are also much less costly, and their presence in a fertilizer supposed to be manufactured of the best materials is good evidence of fraud. It is now possible to determine whether organic nitrogen of so poor a quality is largely used in any fertilizer. The phosphoric acid of superphosphates is determined in three forms, according to its solubility in various liquids, viz: soluble, reverted and insoluble. Soluble phosphoric acid is that which exists in fertilizers in a form freely soluble in water. It is obtained by treating certain phosphatic materials, such as bone and South Carolina rock, with sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol.) In the chemical changes caused by the sulphuric acid, besides the production of a soluble calcium phosphate, with perhaps some free phosphoric acid, hydrated calcium sulphate (gypsum) is formed if sufficient water be present, which is the same compound as land plaster. The advantage of having the phosphoric acid of fertilizers rendered soluble is not that it remains so in the soil, for it becomes insoluble in water very shortly after application, but in the fact that when the compounds of the soil change it back to an insoluble con- dition it becomes deposited in particles so minute that they are easily appropriated by the roots of plants. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 29 Reverted phosphoric acid is a term originally signifying phos- phoric acid that has once been ‘‘soluble,’’? but which from some cause has ‘‘reverted” or ‘‘gone back” to forms insoluble in water. Now it is used to designate that which is dissolved by a solution of ammonium citrate, and includes not only the truly reverted, but also more or less of phosphoric acid as combined in the original, undis- solved phosphatic material. Reverted phosphoric acid, in so far as it comes within the strict meaning of the term, most probably hasa value for crop production equal to that of the soluble form, but itis not clear that this holds true of that which would be dissolved by ammonium citrate from finely ground South Carolina rock, for instance, at a temperature of 65° C. Insoluble phosphoric acid is that which is readily soluble neither in water nor in a solution of ammonium citrate, but which can be dissolved in strong acids. In superphosphate it comes from some of the original phosphatic material that has not been acted upon by sulphuric acid, and depends somewhat for its value upon the kind of material used, whether bone or rock phosphate. In any case it has less value than the soluble or reverted forms. It should be remembered that the terms ‘‘soluble,”’ ‘‘reverted,”’ and ‘‘insoluble” are merely relative in their significance. There is no compound of phosphoric acid that is not dissolved to a slight extent, at least, by pure water, and to a still greater degree by ammonium citrate, and the extent of the solubility of raw phos- phates in these liquids, and in weak acids such as are found in the roots of plants, depends very largely upon their mechanical con- dition, or the degree of fineness to which they are ground. The potash used in this country for agricultural purposes comes mostly from Germany in the so-called ‘‘German potash salts,” which include potassium sulphate, potassium chloride (the muriate) and kainite. Except for a few special purposes, potash is equally valuable in all these forms, but costs least in the muriatic and in ’ Kainite. All fertilizers contain more or less water. The presence of this ingredient does not affect the actual value of a fertilizer unless it is in sufficient quantity to cause stickiness and thus render it difficult to distribute the fertilizer uniformly by hand, or by a corn planter or other machine. That is to say, two fertilizers containing the same quantities of the same kinds of plant-food will be equally valuable, no matter whether the amount of water present is the 30 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. same or not, provided, as stated, there is not enough in either fer- tilizer to induce a bad mechanical condition. THE VALUATION OF FERTILIZERS. The law regulating the sale and analysis requires that the aver- age of three analyses of each brand of fertilizer sold in the State, shall be compared with the guaranteed composition of the fer- tilizers examined. This Station, in common with all American experiment Stations that stand in an official relation to the fertilizer trade, goes farther than this and applies a schedule of trade values to the goods that it inspects. By means of these trade values there is calculated for each brand what has been designated as the ‘‘estimated value” or’ the ‘‘station valuation.’”’ As these estimated values are not intend- ed to represent the proper selling price of mixed goods at the point of consumption, and in order to prevent any possible misappre- hension as to their real meaning, the following explanations are offered : 1. These trade values represent very closely the prices at which a pound of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash, in their various forms, can now be purchased for cash at retail in our large markets. They are based mostly upon the ton prices at which certain classes of goods are offered to actual consumers, and correspond also to ‘‘the average wholesale prices for the six months ending March 1st, plus about twenty per cent. in the case of those goods for which we have wholesale quotations.” 2. These trade values do not include the charges for transporta- tion from the market to the consumer, for storage, mixing, selling on long credit, bad debts, etc., etc. 3. They are the prices of nitrogen, phosphoric aeid and potash, ready for use by the farmer, when these ingredients are purchased under the above-named conditions, singly and not mixed. In ordi- nary superphosphates we find these three ingredients mixed, but this is not a necessary condition of their use. An illustration may serve to make clear the above statements. A farmer wishes a ton of fertilizer similar to the well-known brands sold in this State. If he purchases for cash in New York or Bos- ton sixteen hundred (1,600) pounds of dissolved bone black, three hundred (300) pounds of sulphate of ammonia, and one hundred AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. ol (100) pounds of muriate of potash, and mixes these ingredients together, he will have a complete fertilizer not essentially different from many standard brands of ammoniated superphosphates. The cost of the ton after mixing (if the farmer prefers to mix the ingredients) will be made up as follows: a. Cost of materials in the markets. b. Costof transportation. c. Cost of mixing. The first element entering into the total cost is the only one included in the ‘‘estimated value.’’ If there is added to this one ele- ment not only the charges for transportation and mixing, but also the expenses of selling through agents and dealers, long credits, bad debts, etc., we have the factors involved in the cost of our ordi- nary superphosphates when delivered at or near the place of con- sumption. As is to be expected, the Station valuations of super- phosphates fall below their selling prices. In 1886 the average difference in this State was $9.96 per ton, and in 1887 it was $8.00 per ton, excluding certain brands for which there is evidently a serious overcharge. 4. The Station valuations stand in no direct or necessary rela- tion to the comparative profits which may be derived from the use of the various fertilizers by individual farmers. These values have an almost purely commercial significance, and are not designed to point out to a farmer whether he shall use potash, which is a com- paratively cheap ingredient, or nitrogen, which is comparatively costly. For instance, if a farmer finds that he needs to use potash he can buy it for less than five cents per pound; but if an artificial supply of nitrogen is necessary to successful crop production on his soil he must pay nearly twenty cents per pound for the best forms of this ingredient. The success or failure of a particular kind of fertilizer in some special locality has no bearing on the cost of the materials entering into its manufacture. If ordinary superphos- phates are compared, however, on the basis of commercial valua- tions it will generally be found to be true, that their fertilizing power under conditions favorable to their use, is in proportion to the money value. The following schedule of trade values used in this State for 1888 is the one agreed upon by the experiment Stations of Massachu setts, Connecticut and New Jersey, after a careful study of prices ruling in the large markets of New England and the Middle States. 32 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. For comparison, the trade values used in 1886 and in 1887 are also given : TrapDE VALUES OF FERTILIZING INGREDIENTS IN Raw MatTERIALS AND CHEMICALS FoR 1888. 1886. 1887. 1888. Cts. per lb. Cts. per lb. Cts. per lb. Nitrogen in ammonia salts..-.......-.-.+.-+-. 183 173 17% ot LIMITE ALES iraictetssinis cmlnteley steternicle tae teal 184 16 16 Organic nitrogen in dried and fine ground fish, 17 173 164 ee in azotin, ammonite and dried and ground meat.......... 17 163 164 ut in cotton seed, linseed meal : and in castor pomace...... ¢/ 17% 164 Bt in dried and fine ground blood 164 163 a in fine ground bone........-- 17 16 163 oe in fine medium bone......... 15 14 13 OC in medium bone...........-.. 13 12 103 aC in coarse medium bone....... 11 8s es $6 horn shavings, ce ee hair and fish es uC SCLAD iano 9 8 8 Phosphoric acid, soluble in water.............. 8 8 8 ce oe ** in ammonium citrate ; (commonly calied ‘reverted ”’).....- 74 7h 74 ne ‘* insoluble. in dry fine ground fish and in fine bone......... 7 7 7 ce ‘¢ insoluble, in fine medium bone’ 6 6 6~ < oe ot in medium bone.... 5 5 5 ob OC ee in coarse medium ; DOMEsarcicreutereceierele 4 4 } 4e Sf es : in coarse bone...... 3 3 ee cf “S in fine ground rock phosphate........ 2 2 2 Potash as high grade sulphate................- 54 5s 5s ‘6 NZAIMIBOK etateve ieee retele ela clea tiarae eo ere 44 54 44 Oe muriate..... Pin/ote Seva nts: wye¥aye aia vemisiateleion ee 44 44 44 It is seen that the prices for 1888 are practically the same as those for 1887. These values are applied to the valuation of Superphosphates and all mixed goods, as follows: It is assumed that the organic nitrogen of these goods has for its source such materials as dried blood, ground fish, or nitrogenous substances of equally good quality, unless a special examination of AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 33 some particular brand shows that inferior material like leather has been used. Organic nitrogen in mixed goods is therefore valued at sixteen and one-half cents per pound. The nitrogen pres- ent in nitrates and ammonia salts is reckoned at 16 cents and 174 cents respectively. The insoluble phosphoric acid of mixed forilivers is considered as coming entirely from bone, and not from South Carolina rock, and is reckoned at three cents per pound. The potash is valued at the price of that ingredient in kainite and the muriate, unless the chlorine present in the fertilizer is not sufficient to combine with it, in which case the excess of potash is reckoned as the sulphate. The valuation of a fertilizer is obtained by multiplying the per- centages of the several ingredients by twenty (which gives the pounds per ton), and these products by the prices per pound, and the sum of the several final products is the market value of the fertilizing ingredients in one ton. These estimated values should be studied in the light of the pre- vious explanations. It will probably rarely happen in this State that a mixed fertilizer can be sold near the point of consumption as low as the Station valuation, the excess of cost representing cer- tain expenses previously enumerated. The station valuations give the consumer a fairly accurate basis for estimating the relative cost of plant-food in the various brands of fertilizers, and will help the farmer to determine whether he can in any way profitably change his methods of buying fertilizing ingredients. A caution should be uttered, however, against making too close an application of the Station valuations, as a difference of a few cents, or even of a dol- lar, on a ton between two brands may have no real significance, but may be due to unavoidable errors of sampling and analysis, that render it impossible to determine to the utmost exactness the com- position of the entire bulk of material that is sold. On the other hand farmers should be cautioned against the state- ments of interested parties to the effect that the Station valuations are misleading and are worthless as a guide to the farmer. It is generally accepted that nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash are the ingredients which determine not only the agricultural, but also the commercial value of a fertilizer. The most searching tests of the chemical methods now in use by official chemists show that these 3 34 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. methods are accurate in determining the amounts of these ingre- dients. How then can it be demonstrated that chemical analysis is unreliable as a means of testing the quality and value of a fertilizer? Manufaeturers of fertilizers very generally employ a chemist to test the quality of the raw materials and chemicals which they purchase, and to ascertain the composition of their manufactured goods, and that these business men have confidence in the chemist is shown by the fact that they buy and sell material worth thousands of dollars on the strength of his verdict. It is unreasonable, it is even worse than unreasonable, to claim that the same methods which so efficiently serve the manufacturer are valueless as a means of pro- tection to the consumer. Granting, then, that the analyses are relia- ble, the valuations are a safe means of determining the comparative commercial values of fertilizers, within the limits of accuracy already pointed out. There are given in this report the analyses of thirty-eight brands of fertilizers, and it is to be noticed that more than half of these brands have ‘‘estimated values” that are very nearly alike, the differences being mostly insignificant. On the other hand certain brands have a low comparative valuation, which is more significant from the fac. that this year is but a repitition of last year in this respect. The two brands of Common Sense Fertilizers, so called, have a valuation of $15.87 and $12.29 respectively, which is not so good a showing as these brands made last year, and the prices for which they were then offered were $35.00 and $20.00. The fact is, these brands contain only from one-third to one-half as much nitrogen, phospho- ric acid and potash as the leading fertilizers sold in the State, and it is perfectly demonstrable that their cost to the manufacturer is in about the same ratio as compared with the best goods. Why then should their selling prices be so out of proportion to their cost? The tables which immediately follow give the history of the samples taken, and their analyses. The comparative money values, as calculated by the Station in the manner previonsly explained, have much more significance than the excess of selling price over valuation, because the selling price varies in some instances according to the quantity of fertilizer sold, conditions of payment, location, ete. There is one point in connection with the excess of selling price, ‘however, to which attention should be called, which is that the same AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 35 excess of selling price over valuation in two cases does not necessarily mean that one fertilizer is sold as cheaply as the other. This can be illustrated as follows: A’s fertilizer is sold for forty dollars per ton, and values at thirty-two dollars. B’s fertilizer sells for twenty-four dollars per ton, and has a valuation of sixteen dollars. The excess of selling price is eight dollars in both cases, but this is only twenty-five per cent of the money value of the ingredients in A’s fertilizer, while it is fifty per cent of a similar valuation of B’s fertilizer. In other words, B is charging the farmers twice as much as A for handling a given quantity of plant-food. In studying the composition of fertilizers with reference to their use the following points are important: 1. The relative amounts of the different ingredients, or what is the same thing, the relative expenditure for the different ingredients, It is to be noticed, for instance, that one superphosphate mentioned in these tables contains 14 06 per cent of phosphoric acid, and 2.59 per cent of nitrogen, while another contains 8.35 per cent of phosphoric acid and 5.73 per cent of nitrogen. In the former case the valuation of the fertilizer is $29.14, and of this $18.18 is derived from the phosphoric acid and $8.53 from the nitrogen. In the latter case the total valuation is $32.80, of which the phosphoric acid furnishes $11.44 and the nitrogen $18.70. At whatever price these two fertilizers are bought, in the one case about 62 per cent of the price would be expended for phosphoric acid, and 29 per cent for nitrogen, while in the other case these figures would be nearly reversed, 35 per cent of the cost belonging to the phosphoric acid and 57 per cent to the nitrogen. Whether it is wise for the farmer to make the larger expenditure for phosphoric acid or for nitrogen is determined by his needs, and with this question these analyses and valuations have nothing to do. 2. The condition of the phosphoric acid, whether largely available or not. The total phosphoric acid in one of the fertilizers examined this year is 11.17 per cent, of which only .48 per cent, or about one twenty-third is in the insoluble form. In another fertilizer the total phosphoric acid is 18.35 per cent, of which 13.69 per cent, or about three-fourths, is insoluble. This means that the phosphoric acid of one fertilizer is largely available at once, while the other fertilizer will give up this ingredient to plants much more slowly. This is an important matter, and if a market-gardener or sweet 36 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. corn grower finds it necessary to decide between the two fertilizers he should not be long in doubt. Two main considerations, then, should control in the purchase of commercial fertilizers, the composition and the market value. No farmer can afford to purchase material he does not need, and it is equally unwise to pay $35 per ton for a fertilizer whose valuation is only $15.87. The figures which show the composition of the various fertilizers analyzed represent the pounds of ingredients found in one hundred pounds of the fertilizer. Tables showing History, Analyses and Valuations of Fertilizers offered for Sale in 1888. Analyses by J. M. BARTLETT and L. H. MERRILL. STATION. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT 38 008 S1é £62 865 g8é LOE 162 606 GLE *1oquIN NY WOL}RYS SO00-0000 Db.0050 Byjsnony PODS S050 | OO05 NTE RAOy p ecccose DUDOOODOGE iticfe | vie sicteloleseioenseeclT 1 ONO] [CET SQO0OGURGD OOCOG Ty AIS) sse0 sees score s+ DUBIIIOg e000 © e068 oo °° * 1odueq e208 0200 ae00 ** puelylog sleiniercielaisiesi*iei* TOTP PIG. 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Olt S'S 19°% 68° COT 90°% 06 T 00°T rel ‘payleaoy 0F'9 €9°8 94°8 9{°8 8o'l 69°F 66°9 80° 78°% €9°9 1Aoe Oi 18°h 02°8 92° § GEL Lek 09°2 gPs 88°9 16° och 69°6 02°9 “a1qnjog “ploy o1oqdsoyd PLS 9£°S 8S°% 19°% LL°T GP 78° £6°% 82 °% 69° T 62°% VFA 18° €L°3 61°S CLs 1L°% c6°% £o°% Lo Z £8°% 89°S COE Vhs GE's A me €8°21 CcE°sl CZ El 18 &I 92°02 €L°Ul 11°8 €L°8 76°6 €L° Il 1s°tl Vo°¢ Or il £9°OI i) a 6P'9 Cal Co'al Thal cg °al 92° LT £6°OL 88 Il F0°TT eg’ Lh *10}8 AL se te rees eee ooeee ss oopudsond 09830 oyeydsoyg ooonqoy, pur doy ‘or0q “s+ oyugdsoydiodng s,009 [RUISiIG seves sees es conggdsoqdsadne out “e+: soydiodng ouog muy s.SiqovyT siaviaiesaies eiensie sess ourny OSULTIR TT corres eeessoguydsoydiodng sani te teescese sees ss ognqdsoydsodng euog ‘MMY Optipy YSITT 8900 “A ee eee oe we cows ae CYAN RON | osuig ‘IOZIIJIOT UMOG Sarpoog purjioqmng ae sss ssoqdiodng ouog purjloquing Q puowrry ‘1oz1] 4104 esueg uomMMOD sree ON AOZI[IQIOT OSUBG TOTIUOD sreeee ress sees sondiedng purjeagy *soydaadng "Ty 'X s,A0] prrg AOZIIWO Cyoungq s Ao peag trees cess OtnURA O9RqOdg S Ao[prg * oyeqdsoyd [IMq pur [NP] Soy Mog ss" eu0g poaossiqT Waly SdoyMog sheer eee ss oN [MOT BS CT sreees ees ogugdsoqdsodny oyRyg Arg siehejeiele cisise ee TOA LO OIUINEAR GT sreees sondsodng ouvg poyriuommy ***soydiodng euog ‘muy snoliomy Fee ee tere coos veer cqoztylOg UOLLY *puvig AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, (6 T°18 €8 4 LI S% oo's {| 19°8 18°31 18's org F1'2 86°6 = [ttt tt togeydsoqdsodng ‘wmy usooluy L |) 229% LE SU || 89 LZ 61'S L¥'8 SL UL 98° 19°h 60 SOL |oztiyt0g uM Surpoog 8,93 p11q yoo g & aad 69 2 Vb GE Oleg &9°8 FE Ol 1P'a 1% 9 €L°s 8G — ffoanuKA, “SoA punt opNgog 8,9Fp11q 909g G 6°12 0% 2 08 @& £6°% 9¢°9 c&'8 of T 92°9 || Lg 22 31 *s-Paissarq doy, sstuy s,espiiqyo0ig £ 89% 8F 8 €¢ 1€ GS bee ime les OIL eo" ll 01'S LPL 82°S 80°8 foINUv ULV pur UlOD 8,a5p1igyo09g & Irs if 6 6E 13 IEG is tae TL*1l LO°T GPk 6L°% ChoPL pusew sees cose F<" ssoydiadng purpuryg I ZB°GP 1€ OI 69 06 91°% 0£°8 06°6 (alien RIL || 8arl (On ea | pooner OURO) PLU DU t Pi ep OL OL O08 2 96°% COZ eSCuril 66° cO°L || 61'S GOO ie aes seine ceeir'e TEZL LIT pPuBpuRgg & Uts 91 6 #8 9% GLB 16°8 7 A 86°% 66°9 || R9°S LPC ioe ee OCA) LOU LOR sero % OL GP FP 89 92 TrZ% =j| OC's 90°11 LPS £079 16°2 IS °tl *- ayrydsoydiodug oogupesuy I lst Il 9 68 £E 94°9 | Z9°6 06°01 BLP. 81°F cg's COIL "*LOZI[LJAOT ssBigy ourdiuuingd g 6°13 cI 8 61 6% LL°% 2° OL | 880 £0°T 61°6 60°& 6L EE sree sss ogeqdsoyg ovsdrauing § 6°81 06 g OL 1& 99°9 88°9 8L°8 GL°S 99°§ 96°& 1v'8 *sornUB, OpUzog ovldrauing mc 60 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. MISCELLANEOUS FERTILIZERS. Below are given the analyses of three samples of bone, and one of sulphate of potash. iJ fo sie Brand. Manufacturer. Sampled at Bz, 361 | Allen’s Pure Ground Bone| American Man. Co. Boston, Mass.| Saco. 297 | Ground Bone...........| EH. J. Philbrook, Augusta.......| Augusta. 312 | Pure Guano Bone.......| C. W. Belknap & Son, Portland..| Portland, Sold by 379 | Bradley’s Sulphate Pot’sh| Bradley Fert. Co., Boston, Mass..; Kennebunk. gs Brand. Moisture. | Nitrogen. |Phosphoric| Selling | 37g Acid. | Price. | 3 5 BZ Allen’s Pure Ground Bone..... 6.24 4.06 20.99 $35 00 361 Ground! Bone) -ccreiesjeisic leo sielels 9.66 4.i4 21.34 297 Pure Guano Bone..... 2... .0e- 7.09 3.17 23.46 312 Selling Stat’n Moisture. | Potash, Price. No. stetsicle 1.41 24.35 $50 00 379 Bradley’s Sulphate Potash AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 61 ANALYSES OF MUCK. During the year 1887 several samples of muck were sent to the station from different parts of the State, and these have been analyzed with a view to determining their absorbent and fertilizing value. These samples were as follows: No. of Sample—278. From William Downs, So. Sebec. ee Ge Dok ‘¢ LL. H. Blossom, Turner. ve vs 280. ‘¢ §. L. Holbrook, Brunswick. 66 “6 281. ‘¢ A.C. Chandler, New Gloucester. es Ob 282. ‘¢ D. B. Johnson, Freedom. The tables below show the pounds of organic matter and mineral matter in 100 lbs. of the dry substance of the muck, the composition of the mineral part, and the nitrogen and mineral substances in 100 lbs. water-free muck. WaterminetroSieMUCK.. s8 on pac as a we, uray a) 3 oe CNY oO 35 > o 5 > oS cra?) — a . S i) - ° (or) The cost per acre of these fertilizers is given for the benefit of those who wish to study the results of the following experiments from a financial point of view. only the cost of the materials delivered in Orono, the small expense of mixing and the freight paid for re-shipping to the various experimenters not being taken into account. ‘These figures include The prices which the Station paid for these materials are lower than the retail prices quoted for small lots, but are applicable to lots of several tons. AE NOU eielale clalatersieiaterantermetdiekcievetersisisle|aleleie(eievelsle clavela\eiclatete lero BES UD S a(n avelnlelateleletelolerstelstatelavetareteleleielsiepalsie|evele/eiels/evela\sYajeroistetete 9.00 BAPTA. atolaie/s\chsisietelatelatere wiatelelatereloicleis’s\ele/atsieie\ete(aelajejclolecielsier 13.00 NS VOM Omopatalelcteteleretcteletateleteatetctemtateinclalesicfe\elelsieleiieleisietersicisicie 7.60 *Complete fertilizer. “ce “ $6.50 per acre. 72 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. AVERAGE. Yield per Plot Yield per acre. e Toa | = = wm n - || n = ns} cs nm fe) es — 2 B/S) Ziale ls See s |e Re ER Su ae lie ce oO = = nD: a a Saeed yee) Sif) ea) = | seems IN (OY TICHAWUU AEs SOS DOO Sosa OO DOLDaaD Gabon OOGOmadbdaos 24.5/44.5 69.3), 8.2)14.5/23.1 | Dissolved bone black, containing phosphoric acid.. || 65.5/36.0)101.5) 21.8 41.9/33.8 | Dissolved bone black Containing phosphoric Q | ee of potash. acid and potash. ; DenU eee tem dil al) 16.2/27.6 acid, votash and nitro- 56.5|163.5/35.618.8/54.4 gen. Muriate of potash, Dissolved bone black, } Sulphate of ammonia. Containing phosphoric ‘ 107.0 Containing phosphoric | § Fine ground bone...- | acid and nitrogen. 5 98.0(36.5] 75.5] 12.9 12.1/25.0 Experiment of H.,.L. Leland and W. E. Leland, East Sangerville. Soil, medium clay, slate, loam; had been exhausted by cropping for many years without manuring. Previous hay crop, one-half ton per acre. Crop, potatoes. Season unfavorable. to ra fa SS | ea anne cece ae} cs Plot Fertilizer Applied cand FA RCS Ss : PP ‘ ns is Bw Sie, ls Sunes gen Be 2a =|/194.0)24.0) 21.8)/64.6) 8.0/72.6 - |C@ Sulphate of ammenia............../ 100 TOM Bineyerown d! bone)... tewiencicie’s wee!) 400 45.0)30.5) 75.51115.0)10.1 25.1 74 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. ee ee _ INO AaHIHCATE Sage does ou00 GOCOC00D 0600 00000050 o00d Dissolved bone black, containing phosphoric acid ...|| Dissolved bone black, |Containing phosphoric acid Muriate of potash, and potash, 5 4 Dissolved bone black, { ois 3 P Muriateloftpotash Containing phosphoric acid Sulphate of ammonia,|Poease Bad mitr Oz en, Containing phosphoric 5 Fine ground bone. . avid and nitrogen, Yield per plot. 27.1 134.1 “1 39.0 - 2)|13.0 Yield peracre. 44.6 9.5/54.1 8.3)21.3 D. B. Jounson, Freedom. Crop, beans. The experimental field has been in grass for six years. Soil very uniform. 7 8 | = >) oa Plot. Fertilizer Applied. = i = = °o = =x | Ibs. NA Niomtertilizerrtastyescleutata OAc oeOd ca0r : 2 |Dissolved bune black............ 400 3 | Dissolved bone black............. 400 |@ Muriate of Potash........... . 100 |( Dissolved bone black...... eee... 400 4) 2 Muriate of Potash’ 22% < \.clejciees0e 100 |CSulphale of ammonia.............. 100 5 ‘Fine Ground bone..........+-.- 400 Gry Nomertilizen/iyejuricpsion sivsooreleichs/eteleiielaiar 5 7 |Dissolved bone black.......c0..0- ooee | 400 8 | Dissolved bone black.............. 400 Muriateof potash) .22/sr- | jaa) > lbs. | Ibs. || bush.| Ibs. 27.3 | 24.8 || 9.1] 495 | 32.5 | 31.5 || 10.8 630 | | } l 24.3 | 19.8 || 8.0| 395 35.5 | 38.3 || 11-8 40 765 31.0 | 31.0 |{ 10.3 | 620 ..|| 98.0] 23.8 || 9.3 | 475 34.5 | 33.8 || 11.5 | 675 ‘ 32.0 | 31.3 || 10.6] 625 ‘ 40.0 | 38.8 || 13.3 | 775 28.3 | 32.5 || 9.41 630 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 75 AVERAGE. Fertilizer Applied. Yield per Plot. | Yield per Acre. Beans. | Vines. | Beans. ; Vines. z | tbs. | Ibs. || bush. | Ibs. INGREOSEILIZOTccslco + -clescccs secs cose vecs seal | 2000 24 || 9.14 485 | Dissolved bone black, containing phosphoric | EGG 562 ddco0 Brod nabe 2O0d CONS coco coEaudda 33.5 BE) hea 652 | | Dissolved bone black, | Containing phos- | phorie acid and 28.1 265) |enoe3 510 Muriate of potash, potash, | Dissolved bone black, | Containing phos- > |) Mouriate of potash, phorie acid potash >|! 37.7 38 1255 770 Sulphate of ammonia, | and nitrogen, ine Gram Wir Wsegs args 6000000660 0000 Hoge [29/6 32 9.8 635 Experiment of Witt1am Downs, So. Sebec. Crop, beans. Land had had no manure for six years. Soil uniform. Plot. Fertilizer Applied. | | | | | | | mee | Niowfertilize rs. sictste sci, ccc o-eisteal oatelatieieiacins. o's iris Zum Dassolvedsbonoublack:....: 2 csel-/seierineiesie) sees 3 Dissolved bone black,..... .see see. see coon ee | IMMUTIALOLOFEPOLASH.. - 0c cleinin) se /sievlevsiale cle rclisieicie tere Dresolvedsbonelblack..2. «.s-sciceceliasacal ceisler 4 MiumraiberotgpOtashy: qrsles bye |Hinexeround, DONOW sls 2.22 .0.00%sc10 6 eviem sesjs\sicie.s cle 6 |No fertilizers... .... .. GoGUO SHON ODDO AOD OOGO-c ee |Dissolvedtboneblackcn,.2-\ccs. cca coc ones oh | 8 j Dissolyedibonejblackrie cee wenclcceicnec cers se | Minriate-ofipotasiiasisctecrsicisiclcieinscisineesic ces cll | § sri bone'blacksaccrssesits aiccce nace ccee all Miurintetof potasiasciepiciciciciccsctcclss cs eielevsiotele | Sulphate offammomniawe. sc cscs access csi sa: | LOMA Hineeroundiboneipeyescicce es cice er 5 5066 c600 Cc mM 8 = Yield | Yield 5 per plot.|per acre. i el 2, ° = Tair | Riis aan ek = || Beans. | Beans. <2 | lbs lbs. bush. Soleiehsts 50.0 16.6 400 || 60.0 20.0 400). . 00 ¢|| 72-5 23.8 400 100¢ 84.0 28.0 100 | | 400 | 43.0 14.3 GAC BHOE Site 12.3 400 42.5 | 14.1 400 J 100 ¢|| 85-5 18.5 400 100 74.5 24.8 100 400 46.0 15.3 76 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. AVERAGE. Fertilizer Applied. INovfoentiliizerpsce ceiciercciels Dissolved bone black, containing phosphoric acid......... Dissolved bone black, Containing phosphoric acid, Muriate of potash, | and potash, Muriate of potash, Dissolved bone black, Containing phosphoric acid, 3 Marts of ammonia, | ‘ ee potash and nitrogen, INNS FONE NONE) a6se cava doou.e050-0e0d sade sEaS uac Yield .|per acre, Beans. ;bush. 14.4 17.0 2iLene 26.4 14.8 Experiment of W. H. Keith, Winthrop. Soil, sandy loam, clay subsoil. The field had not been plowed for nine years. Crop, barley. The grain only was weighed. es | & ¢ iS 2 Se 2 Plot. Fertilizers Applied. < = 3 ey Spee ca == ao) | 21s ere <8 A kD St 5p lbs. lbs. bush. Mesa Noten tilt zersys te ate lolielelatontolovenare\atelceraiutel elc| ote) ateteramareistal licietapelietater= 29 12.0 Zia Dissolvediponovbl ackyeerarsietalctererettatetsencivalclelernsicrers 400 25 10.4 Dissolvedibone black.) t) cant 400 30 12.5 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. AVERAGE. Oe S 5 r3 a 3 3 ry Pa =| | o's O's ats Ra! PA &0 A bp Ibs bush. IWIGERERPULTZOT fc \c ciciisicieie seice:cclee: cis'cle cee) ous alecis sleicle weleiclisiesie see 24.5 10.1 Dissolved bone black, containing phosphoric acid.... esee.ee0 wee. 24.5 10.2 Dissolved bone black, Containing phosphoric acid and 34.5 14.3 } Muriate of potash, potash. 5 g Dissolved bone black, aii - A : Ee Containing phosphoric acid, pot- = 3 siurat of potash, — ahaa i trocen: ss 45.5 18.9 Sulphate of ammonia, 2 Fine ground bone, containing phosphoric acid and nitrogen..... 30.0 | 12.5 Experiment of J. A. Torman, Rockland. Soil gravelly loam, had been cropped for ten years without manure. Crop, barley, sown for fodder. rotor eeae lus oN 2 Pe | Ra Plot. Fertilizer Applied. a= 8 =| ee g5%| 238 | Se tm A, Pe | a lbs. lbs. Ibs. DM NIOHTOLbILIZOTsiel/ occas) minio'clsjaeleiatalnliolaaisvsleye eli sieve (olctelei| |icie'crete (ele : 136 2720 Zen\Dissolved bone)black. .<%. cccctec ose eece cose cee 400 99 1980 Dissolved bone black... .oce 200 cece cece cece 400 : Pe Ouriish 4... eee 100 ¢ 81 1620 Dissolved bone black.......... HOSdOO DOOD. COOL 400 4 } Narat Ofepotashiemicttersielsiateicn tsteretsilesieienicve 100 129 2580 Sulphate of ammonia........... cece cere vel 100 Hen | HNer round!’ ones... cele cicicsaice | screisice siecle 400 110 2200 6 |No fertilizer........ occas cece cece cece ven ceee |leeee cece 90 1800 | Ra Wissolvedsbonewlackiaseic cicisletejelsisiscicieisis) = -isis 6 le 400 || 116 2320 Dissolved'bone blacks./.5\.| 2801) 25).0 A820 eee Dissolved bone black ........ 400 9 3 Nuria Ol potashiert. Je 2: 100 135.5) 186.0) 321.0/| 36.1) 3720) 6420 Sulphate of ammonia....... 100 10'\Fine ground bone............. 400 94.5] 110.8] 205.3)' 25.0) 2214] 4108 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. AVERAGE. Nowfertilizer: ....¢2 .0« Dissolved bone black, containing phos. acid... | 104.0] 128.5) 233. ; Dissolved bone Muriate of pota Dissolved bone Muriate of pota Sulphate of ammonia, $ Fine ground bone.... Yield per Plot. eC black, | Containing phos. F sh. lbaata and potash. ; Beno le ceoiazae black, sh, phorie acid, potash Containing phos- and nitrogen. acid and nitrogen. | 143.5] 193.5, 336. Contaningy phos: RT 100.5) 113.3. 213. aes & s a =} eal | o ot <=} . || bu. | Ibs. 9.0)/27.6/2243 .0; -8 |24.0,2902.5 6 |27.0/2267.5 7)|28.0,2595,0 5 |38.43870.0 || Yield per Acre, |4272 Experiment of A. L. Moore. from long cropping. Crop, corn. Soil, gravelly loam, very poor os Yield per Plot. Yield per acre. 3 Ho Fertilizer Applied. a ~ os - ° : Spe ebsites 3 Seu eee calles edie Rs <8 || & es BA || S &, = Ibs. || Ibs lbs. | Ibs. |} bush. | Ibs. | Ibs. MVNOMENUIZOR i262 «00a ce ss se e'sinell|ie=cielars 120 | 100 | 220 || 32 2000 | 4400 2|Dissolved bone black..........|} 400 108 | 112] 220 || 28 2240 | 4400 Dissolved bone black........|| 400 4 Wiitsats Of; potash)..00.- . vss 100 ¢ wa may 2689) eee 2800)))/ 75360 Dissolved bone black........|) 400 4 ; Muriate of potash .......... 10 172 | 272 |) 444 || 45.9 | 5440 | 8880 Sulphate of ammunia........ 100 5/Fine ground bone............. 400 96 | 100 | 196 || 20.6 | 2000 | 3920 | GiNoptonbiliZorss ere)-\\tctcteisiciorele’e.s ||\scisie o> 84 | 100 | 184 || 22.4 | 2000 | 3680 7|Dissolved bone black...... ----|| 400 100 | 100; 200 |) 26.7 | 2000 | 4000 Dissolved bone black........|| 400 8 ; Muriate of potash........... 100 ¢ NY A Get CRUD) oC Dissolved bone black........ 400 9 3 Nariat of potash...........]| 100 152 | 240} 392 || 20.5 | 4800 | 7840 Sulphate of ammonia........|| 100 10|/Fine ground bone.............!) 400 128! 240! 368 ) 34.1 | 4800 | 7360 80 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. AVERAGE. SS SS A! Sa INOMLOTCUlUZ OTe erehatrictel cele citaisialals\ elereiniatsiictatcieicelatersievefoioreretete Dissolved bone black, containing phosphoric acid..... Dissolved bone black, Containing phosphorio Muriate of potash, acid and potash, } Muriate of potash, Dissolved bone black, ; acid, potash and nitro- Sulphate of ammonia, Containing phosphoric ‘ gen, Containing phosphoric ‘ Fine ground bone : 3 3 & , acid and nitrogen, 33.0,5120/8360 { 27.0 3400}5640 ! Experiment of J. E. Shaw, Hampden Crop, corn. . Soil, gravel loam. Had been cropped eight years. Cut about 500 Ibs of hay in 1886. tas Yield per Plot. we 3 Su Fertilizers Applied. Bae. : (S) . be Bie is 2 a3 ses ‘a S 2 =| 2S Leal (=) Au IHAESG 5ocol KAU ais caog sadoeenooconessall cette Let, .26 87.2 EXO DD Sere Walni Col Glowersemsarnatercucisisrensterclanevares 2.42 2.03 aes) 84.6 2 GADD Sz pally dabuasg soo Gono Goon GaoD Dane 1.47 1.30 oly 88.4 ONG rere yeler- OrcharduGirass\easrr-e tet clevereciterseiee 1.20 115 05 95.8 X.QHAY saae| TMI o 550.5460 G006. 4600 dd00.00b0 1.20 1.07 13 89.2 PROM Wie rere | Wal Gs O ats GirasSierelousteyeiaesiolaleijetelencteree 1.10 noo Ali 90.0 OXON Ger MWAl CH GHASS tereierelolelelerelsieistoesteiye) sisiele)| | mel ea 6 1.24 12 91.2 MOINES | palllEAteKON) Goadooo GOOG sean sooo uoE 1.45 1.37, -08 94.5 NOT Vile erera | Witten Wieed eee cicleisieuctcieste-leistniere 1.35 1.27 .08 94.1 So far as we can judge by these determinations, there were no marked differences in the nitrogenous compounds of these fodders, but it is possible for the protein of one fodder to be essentially unlike that of another, without this being shown by the mere separation of the albuminoid from the non-albuminoid (amide) nitrogen. The figures show, however, that the protein of these feeding stuffs existed largely in the more valuable, or albuminoid, form. COMPOSITION OF THE NITROGEN-FREE EXTRACTIVE MATTER. As before stated, the non-nitrogenous part of fodders, excluding the crude fiber and fats, is made up of quite a variety of compounds. Among these are the sugars and starch, of whose composition and nutritive properties we have definite knowledge. The gums are also included in this class of compounds, and as they, like starch, are inverted to sugar by the action of an acid, it is fair to suppose that they, like starch, are changed to sugar in the process of digestion, and that they have a value in nutrition very similar to starch. Beyond the compounds mentioned, the nitrogen-free AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 89 extractive matter is, in the case of fodder plants, made up of substances of which we have very little definite knowledge. Enough is known, however, to make it reasonably certain that the carbo- hydrates (sugar, starch and gums) are the most valuable part of the non-nitrogenous compounds of a hay, the fats excepted, and therefore, that the larger the percentage of the nitrogen-free ex- tractive matter, which exists as carbohydrates, the more valuable the fodder, other things being equal. Consequently, it is reason- ably certain that the nitrogen-free extractive matter of the grains has a greater nutritive value than that of the coarse fodders, because in the former case it is made up almost wholly of starch and the sugars. If it were found then that one species of grass, or grass cut at a particular time, was comparatively rich in starch and sugar, it might safely be considered a point in its favor. With a portion of these fedders an attempt has been made to ascertain the percentages of the more valuable carbohydrate material, viz., that which, after taking out the ordinary percentage of crude fiber, exists as the sugars, and as starch and other compounds that by treatment with an acid are changed to sugar. The following table contains the percentages of the sugars, and starch in the fodders. The term ‘‘ starch” is intended to include all material, not sugar, that is inverted by the treatment with an acid.* *On following pages of this report can be seen the methods employed by Mr. Bartlett in the determination of the sugars and starch. The method used for starch and other material subject to inversion to sugar by an acid seems to have especial merit, as it provides that the production of sugar from crude fiber shall be no more and no iess than is the case in crude fiber determinations, and that all other carbohydrate compounds shall be completely inverted. 90 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. NITROGEN-FREE EXTRACTIVE MATTER. In 100 parts Water-Free Substance. 1g , IE gs 2 2. eee <3 3 (|82 |setez a3 a |g® |g28 28 2 eS sleas ES G |S Sao o & Ge eee | Ss le eeigee ce 2 8 2 Piha elles! 2 Sas i s |Se jae ee As | wn or) oe |e (2a a|| oS : To To To % % Te Yo GUILE AS od Alsike Clover ......... 40.74, 1.49} 3.09) 10.64) 15.22) 25.52) 37.3 HN oas White Clover.......... 41.65 -39) 2.73, 15.77) 18.89) 22.76|]| 45.35 .OAUUCS Soe BW MOiniasoo spon o6ec 44.66) 2.23) 3.53) 14.49) 20.25) 24.41|| 45.34 2 hacp'aoos Orchard Grass..... -|| 44.08) 1.54) 4.05] 16.53) 22.12] 21.96); 50.18 L Rede Topp stjejsrsereich= siei> 50.64] 3.14) 4.25) 16.58) 23.95) 26.69), 47.29 MIDE, Sao MNGi icodsoo coéae coon 50.98) 3.70) 6.76) 16.17] 26.63} 24.35]| 52.24 MMe eteecteve-| KAA OW yarreyeretsteielevetensroters 51.30) 3 25) 6.48] 14.92) 24.65) 26.65]| 48.06 SY Geode Wild Oat Grass ....... 51.74) 1.78} 3.76) 17.46) 23.00) 28.74]| 44.46 XXXIX ../Witch Grass.......... 43.21) 2.57) 5.09) 16.66! 24.32) 18.89]| 56.29 SUVs a utter cu preeleciererarel cieiele 45.47 -60) 4.65) 9.15) 14.40) 31.07|/ 31.66 XLVILI. .J|White Weed.......... 46.17 o79) 4.39) 10.77) 15.95} 30.22)| 34.54 The above figures show that the true carbohydrates form a much larger part of the nitrogen-free extractive matter of some plants than of others. For instance the white weed has nine-tenths as much non-nitrogenous material as the timothy (No. XLIV), but of sugar the latter has twice as much, and of starch one and a half times as much, as the former. Jn other words, more of the nitrogen- free extractive matter of the white weed consists of compounds of which we have some reason to suspect a nutritive value inferior to starch and sugar. Just what these compounds are in composition and in nutritive value we do not know. They form in these instances from a fifth to a quarter of the dry substance of the plant, and in general constitute an unknown factor in the compounding of rations involving the use of coarse fodders. DIGESTION EXPERIMENTS. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. The composition alone of any feeding stuff is a very imperfect standard by which to judge its food value. Of the food consumed by an animal, only that portion which is digested, 7. e., that which is dissolved by the several digestive fluids and passes into the blood, can serve to maintain the vital functions, or to produce AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 91 growth. Consequently, certain cattle foods, by being much more digestible than others, are much more completely utilized. The main facts of digestion, and those upon which the methods of digestion experiments are based, are the following: A portion of the food which an animal eats is dissolved by the several digestive fluids with which it comes in contact, viz., the saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic juice, etc. That which is dissolved, or digested, is absorbed by certain vessels which are distributed over the lining of the stomach and intestines, passes into the blood, and is then used to maintain and build up the animal body. The undissolved or undigested portion of the food is carried along the alimentary cana], passes from the body as the feces or dung, and constitutes that part of the food which is useless for the purposes of the nutrition. The method of ascertaining the digestibility of any cattle food is simple in principle. An animal is fed a weighed quantity of food, of which the composition is determined by analysis. The solid excrement is collected, weighed and analyzed, and the amount digested is the difference between that which is fed and that which is excreted. From the data thus obtained is calculated the percentage that is digested of each- ingredient, these several per- centages being called the coefficients of digestibility. As the process of digestion is slow, it is necessary to feed the animal on the weighed ration several days before collecting any excrement, in order that the centents of the intestines may become wholly freed from the residue of the previous food, so that the dung collected shall come wholly from the food tested. On account of the irregularity with which dung is voided, it is collected for several days, and from the total amount the average for one day is ealculated. The digestibility of these fodders was studied through digestion experiments with sheep and by treating them with artificial solutions of pepsin and pancreas. EXPERIMENTS WITH SHEEP. In the digestion experiments with sheep the animals used were full grown wethers in all cases. They were confined during the time the experimental rations were fed, in stalls large enough to allow comfortable lying down, but small enough to oblige the animal to feed in such a way as to prevent loss. The feed boxes were zinc lined, and projected up around the head in front and at the sides so that none of the finely cut fodder could easily be scattered out. ‘The feces was collected in rubber lined bags closely 92 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. attached to the animal by a light leather harness, and any loss of either fodder or dung could be easily detected. The feeding period with each food was twelve days, during the last five of which the feces was collected, the preliminary feeding of the first seven days being considered necessary to entirely free the digestive apparatus from any residue of former food. Fortunately the rations were completely consumed, except in two instances where the amounts uneaten were too small to materially affect the results. The feces was collected twice each day, weighed on a balance sensitive to one-half grain, and from the whole amount, carefully mixed, one-tenth was taken and dried for analysis. The data needed for calculating the coefficients of digestibility are : (1) The composition of the foods eaten. (2) The composition of the feces. (5) The weight of food eaten and dung excreted. The composition of the fodders has already been given. That of the feces follows. The second contains the weights ef food con- sumed, and of solid excrement voided. COMPOSITION OF FECES. 2 In 100 parts Water-free. s | : Be From 2) i. 23 S Po Se = = | 9 i oa a ey oo he =I om © on > 3 2 : 2 co 1 ES| o aS iy ul eea ey ke fel) yy lence he ali cot eesti Tom We ZOMG salle Al 0701 eu oan nae XLI....|Alsike clover... ..220.-0- eee | 04. 16/25. 24]/11.08)13.70/40.94)27.65, 6.63 Ts ra Wihitenclover cies oir sielsis ae |108.19]/41.81]/10.30/13 .55/32.84)37.24| 6.07 XLIIL..| Blue joint.. 2. 1... cece ee. ee ee 165.45/34.55]] 8.97) 7.28)38.27/42.22) 3.26 XL. .../Orchard grass.......0- ss02 see 65.27/34.73]/10.03) 7.66/34.54/44.15| 3.62 Wesgoase FG dito riaicie isrelsleilteiels! s\e/elrlicielelelis i= 59.16/40.84|| 9.01} 9.06/28.33/48.81) 4.79 HAY alin Sogo GobooupaboddaDooEe 55.02/44.98]| 7.75] 9.45)35.95/44.79| 5.06 Mon eoao Abb; Sob cosbada sooo Dono 598.61/41.39)]] 8.10) 9.50/33.80/43.55} 5.05 XLV ...|Wild oat grass........0-.02- ++ [[O7. 72/42. 28] 7.86) 9.55)29.55/48.66) 4.38 RXR || Witch ig ragsiicn es vs vlcleielsie eecle 67.29)32.71]| 8.05) 8.54)38.76/40.84| 3.81 XLVI ..|Buttorcup.... ...... es ecee cone |[64.56/35.44]/ 7.93} 9.69/45.53/34.22] 2.63 XLVII..|White-weed...... jouddinoon dace /64.57/35.43|| 8.64) 9.24/41.37|/36.40] 4.35 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 93 WEIGHTS EATEN AND EXCRETED. *Total fodder con-| Total feces excret- sumed in five days ed in five days. oO oO oo Lo B ie “8 Ll ud uo 1S ae rs) 2a As a2 2 a2 < ee Hoongo Orchard grass. .......-.. Wigogor o0 Rieditoprceierieeetsise cnc HA Scbinadine GaoodopoonUsSdc IN eAeeon (Dimothiyaecewaeiet XLV ...;Wild oat grass..........- DORI DEG MMO (NIG Ge Acad oaac EXCL buttercuips yacchse/ - Le 2) iz) Crude Fiber. Nitrogen-free ex- tractive matter. [DAA oe MH 1 Foe ee cee Om mt 0) lor ww — 66.9 66.7 64 1 65.7 58.9 53.2 *See report of Maine Experiment Station, 1886-7. Ibid, 1885-6. In order to see more closely the differences in the digestible mate- rial of the several feeding stuffs we must construct a table, showing the actual pounds of the various ingredients digested out of 100 Ibs. of the food. This is done by multiplying the pounds of each ingre- dient in a hundred pounds of the food} by the percentage (or coefficient) of digestibility. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. QUANTITIES OF NUTRIENTS DIGESTED. 97 — ——- KXIV ..|Alsike clover................ .-s. SIE aol SC Gi “SgadeopG GoOU c0G4 Hhde. ebu0 SIbING 4 ae OiGivacoe paseteone Boooesne cope XLIIL..|Blue joint...... Giondo GDH obI0s Cogn A0Ks PROM eiaie |OTCNATO (PTASS c:c00. a0 ~'s \0ie\e vie ieisis «ein ores» SOX) JUS (OA Bae Pdogoenon sade Gonesonoopnd ooon MOBY 35.56 | AMiMIOU Wredoedsdoe Sone nae CoUD.0D0a Gor XXIII Ge | Sageusoss Sncd dees coos cnou ouKs XLIV 06 IWS ABeoc SCUIM- Vavaretariereots curs eicis\slsis\slotsialsyaneis/sisusisisis >. oo NGI) GTEC ap ooesc dae Goud aeas coop REXENUEXG Witch prass. 222. 2.620165 : o |BUUSTSRUG ) oGabion 6 dodo 5008 eaEea0000 OC AIWARLL Os Weeds.) ayefe snel-ieieiataieielalslcieisie alot From 100 lbs. air-dry food. Total Organic ast Cutie sé moe Onwowe > ° Oe Protein. won on Oh et jen te. ie. Bm Oro & > po po Oil (ey ol este tem elre Crude Fiber. Nitrogen-free ex- tractive matter. 98 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. DIGESTIBILITY OF NITROGEN-FREE EXTRACTIVE MATTER. With a part of these fodders an attempt has been made to ascertain the digestibility of the more valuable carbohydrate material, viz., the sugars, and starch and other compounds that by treatment with an acid are changed to sugar, erude fiber excepted. In order to compare the digestibility of these compounds with that of the total nitrogen-free extractive matter, determinations of the sugars, starch and other non-nitrogenous material capable of inver- sion to sugar have been made in the feces from several of the fodders, by a method exactly similar to that used for the hays. The following tables contain the percentages of starch in the feces, and a comparison of the caleulated digestibility of the carbohydrates with that of the total nitrogen-free extractive matter. The term starch is intended to include all material, not sugar, that is inverted by the treatment with an acid. In 100 parts water-free substance. |! 4 E Se es is ass o 2 Bee Feces from £8 3 & 8 zg ae a arene ace 3 2 Sane = 2S 5 a Bee See a SS |a oa QUI AS46 cope Allsikeclover.) << c'e)-1)i -\e<'< 2 TieGo) 6.44 21.21 23.29 PXOTHTilipeveterelatets Wihitexcloverysr- -GHUEESGa8ec Blue joint ...... Sop00 Food 42.22 10 73 31.49 25.41 ig goae Gone Orchard /orags) ci jere sien sie ele 44.15 10.50 33.69 23.78 Dieselsuaeletctisvetey= INCUGtODtersclelensisretertiereisnstere= 48.81 12.44 36.37 25.49 XT Vis epeeletsrs AMM Gedo ebo0 Cascades 41.79 11.38 30.41 27.23 nL S655 0000 Mimo thyjerracteci ctsierstic : 43.55 11.67 31.88 | 26.80 GING Son.o500 Wild oat grass.........-.. 48.66 12.85 35.81 26.41 IXEXONUNG retell C hie Tassie) oi clareliejetslet ererele | 40.84 11.94 28.90 || 29.23 >». OM isGacood BUttercupisiesticrersleicicien-reiets 34.22 5.98 28.24 17.47 DONO Gbo.a||Mat WORE lbin Gone dodo Sone 36.40 5.64 30.76 15.49 99 Zi ° - w “| 5 Be 4:99 1°29 1'¢8 6'F6I 1601 8'°¢8 Z'L6 U'28 U'ot 1262 | Z°t6r 6'00L ||*7 77 *** pooat OMIT AA] * ITATX % 699 0°09 L'18 8'06T O'LIT 8 fh £ +6 8'LL GOT 168% 8'FS1 $06 ces dnoseyyng) "= TAT Beto L'88 9°08 S*LOT 9° OF 6121 Z 201 SL 6 62 9°69 | 6'LIT BIOL |[cc''*'ssead yourm|**’ XIXXX eS 129 L'6 Q'LL Z'90% 8°16 mae 8 CZ | 9°%6 Z'Se O'2ss | F'FST Q LPT ||" ‘s8v13 yo pitM|’*'* ATX O19 UF WSL 9'T6T CSL USstl Z Bel ¢ 68 L%E s's1g | 091 S209 -|lmenae oes Aug On ren ose Try ae 8° Ls U'Lg € o8 o'9s% | 2°68 8'orT 2°06 U'19 19% TLee al) €: 990 GLO | | oe eee OU ee ANT Ta: K 1°69 Zz oY 0'8h L Fst ¢ 69 2911 9221 1°96 QZ gzle | 9'F9T IliVle | hore aes edotapeny sce seer v9 108 V8 € 6FL 217 U'80r ee a 1°66 8 6% 8'F LE 6'98I G'hEL |[oct8 * sse18 prvygosg] °°" TX o'er 9°22 Z'89 «| Geel 2°98 £°88 L291 6021 an G2 9°S8% L991 Q'6Zt |frett tt guiof enrg| °° JTITX fe «9°69 8 ¥9 Zo || G°LLt ¥'06 1'L8 8 LL 16% 1°82 e'9Gz o'6gI SOIL || 7°" ** deaoyo eqiq@ ay] TITX Bp th €'89 6°98 8'F8I L901 'Sh o'F9 o'67 0°ST £60 Z‘9G1 [86 || 22°29 tes0[0 oye y| °°" TTX 8 mi m |i 2 tA wD 8 w 8 iA wn : epee Seo a2 |Meat 3 ee 05 = é = S Eo | o r% — On es = orn 2 = n ° S Cn = . as 4 . Bs Wm . o i= . Pes 4 io) 03 8 93 2 : * 03 8 < Fi = 5 3 g. F e ~ ok i) fest © i) a B » i=] io) B i) pu a a a [=] a oa = = 10) (2) aqaed ioe miosmooeent ‘Ap ouo ul poysosiqy ‘Avp 00 UL poyoroxy “£Bp ouo Ul pog ‘UALLVA HAMLOVUYLXH FATA NANO LIN 100 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. The above figures show that sugar, starch, and other compounds that are inverted to sugar by the action of an acid, are found in larger quantity in some fodders than in others, in proportion to the total non-nitrogenous material, and moreover, that these carbohy- drates whose value as nutrients is well established constitute the most digestible part of the total nitrogen-free extractive matter. These facts seem to explain in part why the bare statement of the analysis of a fodder as given in fodder tables does not constitute a definite measure of its value. SUMMARY. Some of the practical lessons to be drawn from the facts previ- — ously presented, are summarized below: (1) The upland grasses,* so far as analyzed, do not differ greatly in composition. (2) The different species of upland grasses were found to differ very little from one another, and from Alsike clover, in digestibility. The Blue Joint, in the one experiment made, had a low comparative rate of digestibility. (3) While the total amount of dry substance digested out of 100 Ibs. of the hay from the true grasses, such as Timothy, Witch Grass, etc., and from Alsike clover, was very nearly the same in all cases, the character of the material from the clover differed materi- ally from that digested out of the grasses, being much more nitro- genous, and therefore better adapted than the grasses to the nutri- tion of an animal forming albuminoids rapidly, such as a milch cow or a young growing animal. (4) The fodders proved to be quite unlike in the percentages of sugar and starch which they contained, and which was digestible. The cases observed so far are too few to allow general conclusions, but there seems to be good reason for the assertion that the analyses of our fodders would much more fully give a measure of nutritive value if they showed what are the ingredients of the non-nitrogenous portion of the plant. For instance, the White Weed has as much non-nitrogenous material as the Timothy, (XLIV) 31 per cent of this being sugar and starch in one case, and 52 per cent in the other. Any analysis that stops short of showing these facts fails to give data that is important in judging of nutritive value. *The term grasses is used strictly in a botanical sense. The clover are not true grasses. ® AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 101 WHOLE CORN vs. CORN MEAL. On pages 97 and 98 of the Maine Experiment Station Report for 1886-7, can be seen the results of a feeding experiment with whole corn against corn meal, which shows no difference in the feeding value of the two foods. This experiment was repeated with somewhat older animals, under very similar conditions. A lot of western corn was purchased, one-half of whieh was ground. Six pigs of quite uniform quality and size were selected from the same litter, and at the time the experiment was begun they were about five months old. They were divided into two lots, as equal as possible in size and quality, and were fed eighty-four days. The first period of feeding occupied forty days and the last forty- four. In the first period Lot 3 was fed meal, and Lot 4 whole corn. In the second period this order was reversed, Lot 3 getting the whole corn. The rations were as follows: Period 1. Lot 3. Lot 4. 12 pounds corn meal, 12 pounds whole corn. Water. Water. Period 2. Lot 3. Lot 4. 18 pounds whole corn. 18 pounds corn meal. Water. Water. 102 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. The two lots of pigs gained as shown in the next table. Meal— Whole Corn— Lot 3. Lot 4. Period 1, weight October 9th.-..........- A -.-..-...-| 511 pounds.| 478 pounds, weight November 17th... .... 0.60 see vee- 616 ss 612 es Cr ymarin AGES Lsag 50060000000 9000 6000 bo nB5u6 C0005 Tas poe, eh sands, Lot 4. Lot 3. Period 2, weight November I7th.... ...............--| 616 pounds} 612 pounds. weight December 3l1st.......... ..0..20. eee 763 oe 749 Sc Cryin mie ZY OES nodolbeoe sone oooh addon cba wou sane 147 pounds. a3 peandale Totaljgzainywith wholeycormes rl. emielsialefeiel-.c -\s1-/afasy- ile =| -l=lein\aleiniel= 281 pounds. Aor Pe yh YAN lEG os BadaiGooo coed ouby Go0G GuodOdoad boob O65) cE OG The results of the two vears’ experiments are certainly favorable to feeding whole corn, for it seems to produce as much gain, pound for pound, as meal, and the cost of grinding is at least saved. Dees it pay to even shell corn when that raised on the farm is fed? THE COMPOUNDING OF RATIONS FOR THE DIFFERENT CLASSES OF FARM ANIMALS. The economical use of cattle foods is a matter to which farmers are very properly giving much attention. Concerning the most efficient and economical rations for this or that kind of stock, our agricultural papers contain numerous inquiries and answers. In fact, the feeding for milk and meat pro- duction is a department of farm practice to which the aid of scien- tific facts and principles are called to such an extent as to encourage the belief that farmers are beginning in some measure to reap the fruit of scientific investigations made in their behalf. While there is still a large field for inquiry in the domain of cattle feeding, and many problems yet unsolved, we already possess a mass of organized facts in regard to the composition and digesti- bility of a large variety of feeding stuffs, the functions of the differ- ent nutrients, and the practical effect of certain combinations of foods, that can be made valuable to the intelligent and thoughtful farmer. There are many farmers in the state to whom these facts are not available, or if so, they are distributed through such an amount of literature as to make their possession a laborious task. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 103 It is proposed, therefore, to give in this connection the data and explanations necessary to the calculation of a ration for any specified purpose. What an efficient and economical ration'is, and how to obtain it. (1) An efficient ration must be sufficient in quantity. An animal may be very fitly compared to a machine. If we wish to run a machine we must apply force enough to move its various parts, and then if we use it to perform work we must add to this force in proportion to the work done, In the case of the mow- ing machine, for instance, it requires a certain amount of exer- tion on the part of the horses to start and keep it in motion, even when no grass is cut, but when the Knives are cutting grass the horses must put forth an additional amount of muscular force. So, if an animal is kept alive, gaining nothing and losing nothing, doing no work either as a draft animal or as a producer of milk or meat, yet maintaining an undiminished bodily condition, a certain amount of food will be required to simply run the machine. When the animal is put at some labor, or is used to produce something, then the food must be increased in proportion as the demands upon it are greater. (2) A ration that is both efficient and economical must not only be sufficient in quantity, but so compounded that there shall be no waste in any direction. It is safe to assert that for a specified pur- pose, milk production for instance, there is some particular combi- nation of food ingredients that to a greater extent than any other secures a utilization of the food eaten. When a milch cow con- sumes a ration in which the amount of digestible protein bears such relation to the amount of digestible non-nitrogenous material that each class of nutrients just fills the place to which it is best adapted, we say we have a well balanced ration. If the protein is fed either in a greater or in a less relative quantity, the ration becomes either insufficient or wasteful. The truth of these statements will be more clearly seen if we con- sider the matter somewhat in detail. The food which an animal eats is used for several distinct purposes. These are: (1) The production of new material, either that in the milk or that stored in the body, the latter including the g owth of the fetal young. 104 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. (2) The supply of the waste caused by muscular activity. (3) As fuel, which is consumed in keeping up the bodily warmth. What relation do the various parts of the food sustain to this work? The ingredients of cattle foods, as before enumerated and explained, are, the ash, (mineral matter) protein, (nitrogenous substance) fats or oils, and sugar, starch, gums, &c. Here we have on the one hand the work to be done, and on the other the means with which to do it. We must first consider whether all the above kinds of material are necessary for running the animal machine, or whether any one of the ingredients named ean perform the variety of work that is demanded. In other words, have the ash, albuminoids, fat and starch peculiar parts to ~ play in the animal economy, or can they be used indifferently in any direction where they seem to be most urgently needed? The investigations of physiologists and chemists have answered this question, and the following may be stated as safe conclusions: (1) The chief office of the ash of plants is to furnish the bony framework of the animal, besides which it supplies certain mineral compounds that take part in the digestive processes, and that are distributed in small quantities throughout the flesh. (2) Protein (albuminoids) is the only source of lean meat, hair, horn, hoof or any other nitrogenous substance that becomes incor- porated into the animal body. Fat is formed from it, in some in- stances chiefly perhaps, as in the case of butter fat. It also plays an indispensable, but not fully explained, part in the maintenance of muscular activity, and its decomposition must contribute something to the heat supply of the body. In fact, experience shows that in the absence or deficiency of the other food ingredients, except the mineral compounds, albuminoids can, for a time at least, serve to maintain all those vital processes which otherwise would wholly or in part be supported by the fats and carbohydrates. (8) The vegetable oils and the earbohydrates are alike in being fat and heat formers. Their combustion is also somehow connected with the maintenance of muscular activity. In the matter of quantity the fats or oils are relatively unimpor- tant as compared with carbohydrates, and in the case of ordinary cattle foods, the latter class of compounds makes up a very large part of the nutritive substanee. The carbohydrates serve to supply the most of the needed fuel, and are important as a source of fat. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 105 We have seen that protein is an indispensable ingredient of cattle foods. Are the fats and carbohydrates? If from the protein can come all the new material, energy and heat needed to nourish and sustain animal life, why be particular about the amount fed, or why take pains to secure a certain relation between the quantities of the different ingredients of the food provided enough is fed? In answering these questions we can appeal partly to physiological facts and partly to experience. One reason why a diet, consisting mostly or entirely of albuminoids, would not be advisable, even if possible, is that the excretory organs would be unnecessarily bur- dened in throwing off waste products occasioned by the decomposi- tion of the albuminoids, thus causing disease perhaps. Moreover, experience shows that even a carniverous animal will not continue long in a healthful condition if fed a diet of pure albu- minoids, and that the food of herbiverous animals can easily be made so nitrogenous as to create a tendency toward disease. While the terms ‘‘flesh formers,” as applied to albuminoids, and ‘*heat formers,’ as applied to carbohydrates, do not express the whole truth, yet it is a fact that fat, starch, sugar and allied com- pounds are the natural and economical source of a large part of animal heat, and to some extent of animal fat and muscular power. Science and experience both clearly indicate that these are the peculiar offices of the non-nitrogenous constituents of cattle foods, and that the mixture of food ingredients for which nature has so evidently arranged in the composition of plants, best harmonizes with the laws regulating the maintenance and growth of the animal body. Granting all that goes before, then it is certain, as before stated, that there must be some mixture of food ingredients which secures less waste of material than any other. Generally speaking we can feel assured that it is rational to feed carbohydrates to the full extent to which they can prevent the use of protein for any purpose to which it is not indispensible. The unnecessary use of protein would in general increase the cost of feeding, with no corresponding returns. On the other hand, if a ration contains less than the quantity of indispensible protein, production will be limited in proportion to the deficit. There is, in fact, much less of over-feeding with nitrogenous foods than of under-feeding, although the former mistake may some- times be made where cotton seed meal is freely used. All these 106 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. facts force the conclusion that an ill-balanced ration is easily pos- sible, and that there is as good an opportunity to use economy in compounding cattle foods as in buying the materials with which to build a house. It may occur to some to ask whether a farmer, using the ordinary cattle foods at his command, is likely to feed a waste- ful or inefficient combination. For instance, a ration of coarse fodders, roots, corn, meal and bran is not an unusual one, and yet very good evidence can be cited to show that for young animals or milch cows, the same weight of a different mixture would be more economical. It is well known to every farmer that nothing excels young pasture grass as a food for all classes of stock, mileh cows young: - stock and fattening animals. This is explained, in part at least, by the fact that such grass is comparatively rich in digestible protein, much richer than the mature plant. But it is the latter which is stored for winter feed- ing, and this furnishes a much less nitrogenous ration than the grazing animal selects when given the power of choice. In subjecting our domestic animals to conditions somewhat arti- ficial, placing them as we do entirely at our mercy in the matter of food, the practice has been, especially when we have depended wholly upon the resources of the farm, to feed much less protein proportionally than is supplied by pasture grass, or any other young and succulent material. This is true of even our better class of farmers. . What shall be said then of those who sell their good hay and feed that whieh comes from inferior low ground grasses, whose eattle eat straw and corn fodder which have been robbed of their protein to produce the grain that is sold? The writer believes that no mistake in the use of cattle foods has been more general than that of feeding so little digestible protein as to sufficiently meet the requirements for generous growth or milk production. This defect can be remedied. Itis possible, now that the markets offer so great a variety of foods, for those who depend largely upon purchased grain to make good the deficit of home raised materials, to buy that which will balance the ration. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 107 THE GERMAN FEEDING SYSTEM. The German feeding standards, as they have come to be called, are an attempt to state in exact terms the quantities of digestible materials of different kinds that the daily rations of the various classes of farm animals should contain in order to secure the best results. The standards were calculated by Dr. Emil Walff and others from the data furnished by German investigations and experiments, and they represent a large amount of observation and experience. They are in no sense guess-work ; neither should it be said of them that they are wholly theoretical. It is claimed by some that they should be revised, and it seems probable that not only the actual but the relative amounts for which these standards call will sometime be modified by fuller investiga- tions and larger experience. So far as we have any hints of what these changes will be, they indicate lower figures for the total digestible material, and a smaller proportion of protein in some cases. Such would certainly be the changes if these standards were made to imitate the practice in vogue among a large percentage of American farmers, for as they now stand they call for very liberal feeding, more liberal, perhaps, than is in all cases profitable. Nevertheless, so long as feeding insufficiently for generous production is a very prevalent fault, it is better, perhaps, that the standards we set should err, if at all, on the side of too generous rather than too small rations. The quantities stated in these German standards are the amounts of digestible material of different kinds that should be fed daily for each 1000 pounds of live weight. If an animal weighs more or less than one thousand pounds, the ration is to be increased or diminished in proportion. It is important to notice that not only the amounts, but the kind of digestible material varies with the kind of animal. This is but a recognition of the obvious fact that the demands upon the food for the various kinds of production are greatly different. The amounts, and also the proportions, of the several food ele- ments required to maintain a resting animal, or to sustain labor, or to produce rapid growth, or to keep up a liberal flow of milk, are quite unlike. 108 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. The differences in total amount of nutrients as shown, are easily seen. In order to express the relation in quantity of the digestible protein to the digestible non-nitrogenous material, there is given in the last column of the following table what is called the nutritive ratio. As an example of how this ratio is calculated, the standard ration for a milch cow is selected. This calls for 2.5 lbs. digestible pro- tein, 12.5 lbs. digestible nitrogen-free extractive matter and fiber, and .40 lbs. digestible fat. The fat has a greater value per pound than sugar or starch, and in order to reduee the figures to the same basis, we multiply the percentage of fat by 24, because for heat production a pound of fat is equal to 24 pounds of the carbohydrates. 2a ( LON 24) ==135. 1316 5 ee The nutritive ratio is therefore 1: 5.4. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 109 A—POUNDS PER DAY PER 1,000 POUNDS LIVE WEIGHT. Lend ° ° 7 Sia |S : A is | 5 2 E lee eltea le 3 3 Kinp oF ANIMAL. | a fg |. iS = | a0 S ou 5 2 | § fg | Ss Baan |e = om | =o ors cS i I Eng | Bas = ° fslitaq | sa os = AH |to/4a |) | au a Horsesat Meht work 22: csc -2s6 cece cscs coe 21.0 | 1.5 9.5 0.40) 11.40 |1: 7.0 ce average WOrk........-..--.--seee.-| 22.5 | 1.8] 11.2 [0.60] 13.60 |1: 7.6 oe hard WO gon bhOn oou0 COBO HaOG Goll Cow |) Pea) MBE ISDN OOo” 5) Oxenwati rest inistall jc. 5.2 1. cece rece cies] LO Org 80 |0.15) 8.85 |1: 12.0 GB Ordinary WOLKA saat: esiesiels valor are 24.0 | 1.6] 11.3 10.30] 13.20 |1: 7.5 £RY IOASTO OFIT MA sree eses TOAOTO YONU Sururyyu09 LVy_T eet wh et ww tt eee wee se Key 1OAOTO re YaAddoOy ASUVOD AUT ANV AVAY Cr ‘edeRpisuo eFvqqro SOOO SOD COOP OOGR OOS OF LY TES (MON OK{g) POON DOOR GHGS OUST BHDOGS Oey Ay OY Lckay **quernoons pus uo0l3 ‘SOUIA Rod-MOO eers cess cere "++" peseyisue ‘19A0]O eee sr 88" JQAOIO sseee sets Joppoy 480 ‘podeyisuoe ‘1oppoy of woes sete cee ee ee Joppoy Ay eces cores «& * posyisuo ‘anys10g i ec ac sore cees es TINGTLOG *'* poseiisue ‘1oppoj oziepy beet eeee sees seer ete s+ rQppoy ORBIT ‘adaddoy Naguy ‘oUt NT 113 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 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NEON UME © pn shee ceeteeee ceeeeeee seers qggms 4g sete e eer tere ere eeee eee er au yy OBS00UH0:G060 HSAs Oa 0-SNoD Ook TE yD ‘OzIB IT ‘Saag YUAHLO ANY NIVUH ee *oUlBNy 115 EXPERIMENT STATION. So Le) An + o> AGRICULTURAL Oorrevtoaov'n NADND OLA Feet iieciac ia) 8°Z 02°01 = — = = = eg Dee 9° Ou Ft 9°9! Cay Pp eoee - BRO COIN OD OSU OH ORO UOD OO COSC aXe MUU pads! P'S | OL'SS [P'T9G'FS09'S |Z°I16'S |lOS' Sl |S°ET\L ST) OS°16 |P°eGl9°Gs |Z [ttt* “°° +" esooN]S Mos osnjor ‘polip UIy ‘pooy avsng Qe won aS Gwell| COnGee|GerGel tue heh Oca ihee noel Woke) SiGe Rela =: ours CINIORTO Ue sot SAMO Tp es tyer “poss yoreyg 7°82 |6G°CS [P99 &° GF ISF" 6° |t° llogtz lnce lett llnocoe Ie*zelocag lel [octet ttt reer tees eee qoo ozreyg u° |rorze |stacle'reltea [ace ery lisstez jocceloozlltgcog |aczelecse itt [tt cttt tt et ett re eet sees peour weynTD Gare GE TOE to UMOtal|crasie Gall Omval Cone usize(lesze|98-88. |Gale|G208 UI) 225 css eae sc eae eee cee ecco canoe uour | OJLYM ‘[Lom oloulzvg ‘pesos Aurmoy ‘sdoyo AurmozyT g°g llestng ln-n9le'ecllrree « [ere lore liescer ltcorlttt|igzes lovesiarg |g [vcctor te tee eee egos 45 US |166°09 |6°OLO°SE1O°F JL°OUe lL [LU St [6° 6TLOT00°88 |F°16)0°F8 /L] De ples neon see eee Soe eee: care 84 UN DDL ays Pe TD EOC NS HBT LTT NE TSENG PS SHG, ESIC ko OASIS) |] 252 2 oe a Se Se oe UR OTUAA (ar? 99° ¢9 9‘L9/8°6¢ 9r'Z% 6°? s°l 82° SI 8°9I Gant 1¢°88 8° 16IE°98 19 Cy BOOS SOOT OUT RG| Gy. ey L°SEiss°se ‘9° THiS EslOs' Sl |A°ST/P'9 [6 FI [O'OTIS EI|[2°16 |S SGlL"6BiE [oc TTT TT eee re ees eee eoud gad weg SS WSPE RI) SS NEO Se eS NA GG 4S S29 e tones = HV SE a ee Sees a SENET) EO ” DL W6Gs8S OSFS°GeisOes |P h SeE WEBNGS Il LE|T ATCA 68-16 S6iI9°OB GL | o> ee See 9, MOU ” I'L ||02°SE 6 TFSOSlFS'S OTITIS |[ee"Ze [2-VelL-nGEllL6°0G [6°S6/F°LB (SE | ttt tt ett setts sseooid pjo ‘[eom poosury L°G |/26°0G |O°SEL SILE EL [OSG OL/6E Gh [3° OLE" &2)/89 16 Giaa.G| Gea LOH G Cl | tnicara ae eanneies aan een mn mene eein dar 0.0L 208002305) eng 09'8F EOC 7° CF (APOT 6°% TeV L6°CS 6° eS Omz ZL°68 1°%6 0°88 g seer sere tees we ee Oe ee Boe HOS HOO see's *sanoids VBA -_ 00°% oe co 08° = Ss 06°L ae = OL'S = = iit seer cc ee es er oeoe 9799 COOOTOOD 9990 DH09S (UNE ECMO GT Cees GAG Te Seon Oe iilenGee \GeiGen Saalea PO mOs .|(eeNe Sisal SOs | Gere GPO. Ge acne eens enter ce OTS SUTOTT ” Bee UP ae eee Le PL OE RON SE, ae nec eecoeeenc iso -pel om z GoOn Cee Ree Seo TsO nem CSOs Gar GSeOl Ge OciGsGUiLS NG Gmcoll B88. lone este pic tec: cess 7 50) | POND ” O'S 198 GT JL SUL ONjs9°t j6°% |8° |jLE"G jh°k JE" F [66° Fz P*1}/9°06) GT [tres ctttsstecstss + AroMorq Wosz yom ‘suTwIs SIOMOIg 0°% €9°SI 9°L19'Z1 9E°T M2 Oe OPT eT O°L BOwez P°LZIL SSL eee cove ease sees oF ee eeee eres reer sess soopuiod ofddy | ‘aSQaqy NV sLOadoug Ag 116 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. DIGESTIBILITY OF AMERICAN FEEDING STUFFS. Very few determinations of the digestibility of American products have yet been made, and so we are still obliged to use German figures. These are sufficiently accurate, without doubt, so far as they apply to the grains and such by products as bran, cotton seed meal, &¢c., but in the case of the hays, coarse fodders and similar materials, the percentage as stated for European products will probably be modified. sere reer ease Ce ee oe ee eee Ome TLOSSO[q ul ‘kuq ouldn'yT reer eseseseees (TOSSO[G 010}0G) SOYD}AA sOppoz Jo ABET ed (pood 10a) Avy vuloony srees s+ (osloy UG syuomlsodxo) Avy A9A0I[D DOUG OIOD BO00 900% 000 207 Hs ihNgaee)) ANE YM) (9) Peer eee ceeraees oee+ (Hood fios) LBq IOAOIQ (esioy uo syuomIJedx» ‘tanipom) Acq Mopvo | **(esi0q uo squoultiodxe ‘pooS 10a) Avq Moprop b]e ein (s]e eh 4lnjn es eeieivivn' = si (TOIL JUI)) AB MOPEOTY ‘AVAL se et oo ee Care Beer BHO es OHHe wee (amipon) key AMOproyT srreerereesss(Nnood AloA) AVY MOPBOT : ee eoe tees ee et Oe Oe FEO OHH HSEHH HEHE EH Ewe Avy MOPvoOfy 00°FL | - = WOE) iS = HOO S n|| OOP = sacl ae = me ||G 00°FS | — = IMWEMD SIs SDPO) ey | QOS 2is |e eee | 00S i Be |9, OO*SF j8h |FE jN0°99 [eh |T9 ]/00 6E [CG |6% NO FL |€8 JL9 ‘0°09 {kg [SG |/8Z OO'LE |6& {SE [00°FO |LO9 ITD |/00°6S WIE [8% 190 99 09 JIG |NO°EG jeg j6F 19 OO°SP 29 j6E j00°SD |L9 [RG |/00°TS |/OL JS [100°Ss |19 JSF jOO"LE \7g9 |FS |l6t OO*LF (29 |6E j00°OL |ZL |L9 |/00°09 JZL |tF |/00°Z9 |69 169 jO)°TD \Eg9 |89 {21 OO°LE [OP |&€ j00°S9 |I9 j6F |/00°8% [EE JOT |100°8E |Z9 JE j|00°RF |Tg [EF J/9 OO°SF |9F j9E JOO°LE |29 [29 |00°FS \2F ITE |0°F9 199 | j|/00°S9 j¢c [br |IF OO°FS (19 |9F J00°8S |19 j6F |0O°LF |LE |OL |/00°IS 9S jer |]00°SE j6g |9F IST eal r-naooOot Oe 00°8S |99 /9F (00°29 j€L 6% |/00'8h /€9 JOT |/00°LG |2L |%F |/00°09 I69 J9F /29 00°29 |[L |$9 |00°89 J9L [8S |]N0°OS |€9 |tE |100'49 jOL [LE 1)00°S9 |TL 19 (au OO°LS [TL |9F [00°F9 j9L [6F |]00°%S j€9 [OT /00°S9 j2L jZF ||00°%9 |tL JOP |IFOT | Os oH AHN : ° ° ° . . . 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Ot Ged eon — 100°%L | = Sait jes ‘++ (s3id qyIA syuemiiodxo) jvow poorg 4 00°001 = - 00°00T _ - 00°29 - = 00° £9 reat = 1% I WOOCENT EC BOIS OUD D OOUD-OC AEsOry Te) a poolrg 00°L8 | — SH TR =e 10096) |e = 18 Reali “s+ 9(a31d gyi squomtiodxe) jkom ysorg 00 86 -_ =_ 00°¢6 Ss — 00'S6 = = Z I OD 2008 CORE OCUG BORG GDIOG OO ALR LPOG | 00°09 | - CONG Ss eee OOS Re EN UOL ee ieee OO SOSH eer eae Gumi ‘(ssid YAIA sjaomtlodxo) oyvo ynuvoo0g 00°29 _- 00°I8 mn = 00°00L = = 00°92 — = 00 gh ~ = Z if eC ee ee “*** 9yVvO JnULODND 00°&% | - OO Oe OD MCE SHOT SP SAYA ONG I = Whiz LT Joss ct ecseccess s(pagroiqiooop gou) oxo poos 009409 5 00°S6 | - meet! () 8 Ss lhncce er | (OMG Sie - |00°08 | - = Me T [cout ct tse ss secs s"(pageoljiooap) oxRo paes 009400 00°28 |26 00°F6 [96 (26 |/00°C6 OOL \68 |/00°C6 jOOT j68 [00°16 \€6 [68 |S |e fr tr ttt ttt tt Cpaqoesqxo [10) vom ynu weg 3 00'FF \29 00°08 |16 jO4 |00°06 \16 ipe QO RO SiH Siam IE Biel OU manele Cie Ste || Olan | Gist eee eee ome torr noc br) Goo eee sOs Ron POQsUIyy : ; = (OEE TE STIS SS INCA SS SU = = (Re Pr ee seers ss (pegotig xe) [10)) [ueun poasiiry 120 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. The figures given in the foregoing tables have cost a great deal in time and money, and they should be made useful. It seems to be the custom for farmers to request those familiar with these tables and their use to make up for them from certain specified materials a ration adapted to a particular purpose. This is not necessary. A person who has had the average training in mathematics which our public schools give can by the use of the previous tables calculate a new ration, or ascertain how the one he is feeding compares with the standard. Perhaps the following calculations may serve to make plain the manner in which this is done. Itis a question we will suppose whether the following ration is correct for a one thousand pound milch cow. 40 lbs. maize ensilage, 10 ** Timothy hay, 4 ** corn meal, 2 ** wheat bran. Looking in the table of fodders analyses we find what is the com- position of ensilage, and in the table of digestibility of feeding stuffs under green fodder we find the digestibility of green maize fodder, which differs but little, if any, from the digestibility of en- silage. Using these two sets of figures we can calculate the pounds of digestible material in 100 pounds of the food. Ensilage Per cent Pounds in 100. In 100 lbs. Digestible. Organieimatteren cs). wearer: Mo ee TO) = 12074 PEOUCMI lta ie nacliahis senators auote sc LOO MX its = 1.09 a Gye less ares s ie raiayatete nies tes u68) DS vo = vol Nitrogen free extractive matter.. 10.26 X 67 = _ 6 87 @rndestilber cry ate ee eel een OO ON alae thie = 4.09 By the same method we ascertain the digestible material in a hun- dred pounds of the other feeding stuffs in our ration, and these are as follows: DIGESTIBLE IN ONE HUNDRED POUNDS. Nitrogen Free Organic Extractive Crude Matter. | Protein | Fat. Matter. Fiber. NRE ase og dddncago.KooD edoo coc) il de 1.09 | .61 6 87 4.09 imothiy Peay; seleielsercisteetsontarsis eisieleleelll Loo wae 3.45 |1.03 29.20 17.61 Cornea ler ecricicistshelclcicteieie evel 78.67 8.16 |4.33 64.30 1.41 WiheatiBramyey cc cise neeielceeisialeicineel | OUes SomnmlleniDr al 2/10) 41.78 2.87 ee AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 121 These are the quantities of digestible ingredients in 100 pounds of the different feeding stuffs. A determination of what our ration wil] furnish is now asimple matter. For instance 40 pounds of en- silage contains four-tenths as much as 100 pounds, so we have: WeeamMeMMADLeT.. 8) i. oes eee eels eran 2, TAK ATO = 510 FaMERL RS URW YP et cers cle aucrs6 Patio) s) Gheray «nsx ie -edseane 1.09 X 4-10 = .436 Ere SE ogden A See cya: aveSunyelays 651 X 4-10 = .20 Nitrogen-free extractive matter ....... 6 87 X 4-10 = 2.75 CODTS OOH SS Bae eee en oes He RRO Ses 409 X 4-10 = 1 64 A similar calculation for the hay. meal and bran gives the follow- ing figures : DIGESTIBLE MATERIAL IN PROPOSED RATION. 3 23 = 2% ; a we a a oe g ° a oo =| ‘5 = ; 0 > © rd »_ mn Psa ol s e 2 =e = = Ay Fa es iS) Mnsilage, 40lbs.......'....8 -. 5an0 436 20 2.75 1.63 Timothy hay, 10 lbs......... 5.13 345 10 2.92 1.76 Cornmeal 4 Tbs. «4.1. << 3.15 2326 17 2.57 -06 Wheat bran, 21bs .....6..-.....,| 1.18 235 05 84 06 STAN (5 215 stove eee cene ees 14.56 1.342 159 || ohosiieseol A comparison, shows this ration to-be widely different from the German standard. Proposed ration. German ration, Organic matter (total nutrients)...... 14.45 15.40 PUGLISI) See gt Sates Ren ane en Re Cree 1.32 2.5 Nitrogen-free extract and fiber... .... 12.59 12.5 i oa Ba cre elie ye Hats ape 92 40 PSGNORIGIVS TACO! 4 6 js.lesaccietcye suis ais \orevegs A ORS 1:5.4 The proposed ration differs from the German standard mainly in having a much less quantity of digestible protein, the total digestible material being somewhat less also. While it is doubtful if feeding 2.5 pounds of protein would be good economy. but little over half that amount is undoubtedly too small a quantity to secure the most profitable results. It is evident that the thing to do is to feed for a portion of the grain ration some 122 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. material more nitrogenous than the corn mealor bran. Cotton-seed meal, linseed meal, pea meal and gluten meal are some of the foods, any one of which would serve to amend the ration. Let us caleu- late the ration with three pounds of cotton-seed meal put in the place of two of the four pounds of corn meal. DIGESTIBLE MATERIAL IN AMENDED RATION. : 5 o 8 = oS 2 : | SE | 6 ce £ Eos ie s = n 2 = s = = S = 3 2 ° av ch Zs 1S) Ein'silaizes 40) iDSi.iersleyo«\<1e1oueielsse1 nels 5.10 436 - 20 2.75 | 1.63 | Timothy hay, 10 Ibs........ BAMA rst) 6) 345 10. || 2:92 ieee Cornpmealey2pllbSerlesjec cca sae citer 1.57 . 163 -08 1.28 .03 Cotton seed meal, 3 lbs..........- 2.20 1.07 -30 66 Wiheatibran,t2 Ibs /semee siecle see 1.18 | ABN 05 584006 otal toate atu sees 15.18 | 9.249 || 78° || S45) 0 aeaeas Even now our ration is not strictly in accordance with the stand- ard, but it is probably as nitrogenous as is advisable. In fact, the practical tests of the German feeding standards which have been made within the past few years, show that a ration may be very efficient when it differs from them considerably. These standards furnish a good working basis, however, not only for practical feed- ing experiments, but also for scientific investigation in matters per- taining to the feeding of farm animals. Fixed standards for the guidance of cattle feeders may certainly be made useful, and whether the German formulas are approximately correct or not, they surely are a long step in the direction of practice based upon scientific principles. It is because of the prominent place the so-called Ger- man rations have in the current discussions concerping the feeding of live stock, and because these rations furnish valuable suggestions to stock growers and dairymen, that they are given here and their use explained. The farmer who understands the purpose and mean- ing of these rations, and the general principles upon which they are based, is prepared to quickly grasp aud apply the better knowledge to which they may lead. fe AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 123 TESTS OF VARIETIES. The Experiment Station tested in the summer of 1886 a number of varieties of potatoes, oats and barley. (See Station Report 1886-7, pp. 104, 107.) The same varieties, with some additions were again grown in 1887 and 1888, also a large number of varieties of peas. The results of the year 1887 were reported in Experi- ment Station Bulletin No. 24. But as they have not appeared in the annual report of the station they are reported here with the trials of 1888. POTATOES. REPORT OF TRIALS IN THE YEAR 1887. The varieties of potatoes were planted on a loam, somewhat lighter and less clayey, than the college farm in general, a soil uniform in character and well adapted to hoed crops. This piece of ground was manured, after plowing vhe previous fall, with about ten cords of good stable manure per acre, and in the spring a small quantity (300 Ibs. per acre) of a mixture of dissolved bone black and muri- ate of potash was spread broad-cast. Each variety occupied a row ninety feet long, containing sixty hills, the hills being eighteen inches apart and the distance between the rows, three and one-half feet. In each hill was planted a piece of potato having three good eyes. All the rows were carefully cultivated at the same time and in the same manner. | Injury by the potato beetle was carefully guarded against by the use of Paris green, and it can be said that the trial was not dis- turbed by mishap of any kind, the growth of the plants being very uniform and satisfactory. In the tables which follows are recorded : (1) The date on which each variety was first noticed to blossom, this being an indication of the time of maturing. (2) The yield of large and small potatoes per row, and per acre (calculated), also the total yield. The date of planting was May 18th and 19th. It was intended to record the date at which the tops began to die as an indication of ripeness, but this was rendered impossible by the fact that the tops | of all the varieties remained green until the date of digging, Septem- ber 12th and 13th. All the varieties were comparatively free from seab or rot, and all presented a fine appearance when dug. No test of quality for eating has been made of these varieties, but the com- | ing season an attempt will be made to do this. | 124 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. First Yield per Plot. Yield per Acre. Potatoes. Blossoms { No Name of Variety. Seen. |Large.|Small.| Total.||Large. Small.| Total. lbs Ibs. | Ibs. | bush. bush. | bush, We Rh orburnsee recite cele sieleleieote}| A UNO yal Oi, ZOO N22 7 223 58 | 281 7D VES UI I@e 1 Ge 36 5006 Sode oF July 1) 91 103 /1013 210 24 | 234 3 |Rose Magnum Bonum....... ‘“ A} 503%] 153 | 66.25]! 117 35N lb AV Barly;Ohio. wee osaenaa dese se) Seo 86 1101893 N82 (g7e50I207 19 | 294 Sy MarlivyaMainesyssiecrche-vecise sci une ae O2eali elo! lad ZENA 6 |Early Vermont........... .| June 27); 733 | 112 | 84 75|} 169 25 195 7 |Watson’s Seedling... .... | July 4/ 683 |) 11 | 19.5 |] 157 25 183 Swaine 34 Joes 6 6 bods oz SPS) (8.6 93 | 95.5 || 199 21 220 OU BiphitWieekss. 2 rset eieisiejeral) sone ls} e120 LES BS} AG 41 | 317 10 |Harly Sunrise... .......... “ 18) 593 11 | 70.75} 137 26 163 WN Tee ESOS Ba oad, Sooo oc HOM er Bales 132 |105 25)| 210 32 242 12 |Hale’s eee Peach Blow.. on 84) 5103) Std 6! 162 12 | 174 13 | Criumpbh. Bo soocioobo o¢ GG UU ey 72 133 1225.5 || 258 31 289 14 |Early ese ger eau Meese 834 | 19 /102.5 || 192 44 | 236 15 ;Beauty of Hebron... ....- A SG a P23 LOS on|| 199 53 252 16 |X range Co. White........... SOF 7A Mays 8 |159 348 18 | 366 17 Dunm. Msdos doa 6 000600 30) 148 113 |159.5 || 341 26 367 18 |Queen of the Rosca Pereeieee 4 GG NN) 23° «1122 228 53 281 19 |Rural Blush. 6 sodaoar eS) p36 52 |141.5 || 313 12) 33:25) 20 |Garfield. sierernis! eng a4 alo9 7% |166.5 || 366 17 | 383 21 [improved White Rose . 26.00% GS ake) Bel 9 |106 223 21 | 244 22)|\Wihite) Stars... 2.5 cooef (04 AAD 1! 3 {117 262 7 | 269 Jan Stwbwtnickecceriscteces ise Ga TUT Mey 63 |126 275 15) || 290) - 24 |Vermont Champion......... Coe 28 ae 29 92 {138.5 || 297 21 318 Ws} RONG Sean. Seen eo00 socal OG I aby 4% |116.5 || 258 11 269 26 |Rochester Favorite. ........ eZ ONO) 3 73 161 7 168 27 |Perfect Peach Blow ........ St Si Siz ou 189 20 209 28) | Charter: Oalkeetnctetel seiselsse slit li) 96% 7 103.5 |{ 222 16 | 238 29 |Great Hastern..... ........ se 30) 1253 7 |132.5 || 289 16 | 305 SOR DACtatOrveercsne ererslonetelel oles GG OKO te SN 7% | 88.5 || 186 18 | 204 Sil} Empire state, ecrieet tec) «sjro| oSeye Dsl 89. 113 {100.5 || 205 26 | 231 32 |Burbank Sport. soonccn|| OC lsh) ane 54% |113 247 13° | 260 33 |Dakota Red . 56 doo). Gi) Ue 5 {117.5 || 259 11) 270 34 |Thorburn’s Late Rose. re evetatstols OF (31) W123 4% /116.5 || 158 10 268 35 |Late Beauty of Hebron..... eA} 1043 103 |115.2 || 240 25 265 36 |O. K. Mammoth Prolific .... se 29} 1263 10 {136.5 || 291 23 314 Si) |\WihiteHlephantscr. cncciceen|| $5 Ol a8 5 |143 318 11 | 329 SSnRedelilephants ern. cstereiieienel|i me uece 120 ie eGo 5 | 90 196 ll | 207 BG) |WunMlsyys Gq sono cone boos deat «s 29| 126 6 |132 290 14 | 304 40 |White Seedling ........... se 18] 143 13 |144.5 || 330 3 | 333 41 |Monroe Co Prize........... se 14) 1583 3 1161.5 || 365 Ge) esti74 42 |Roses New Giant. Rosoal| » CAe aly ley) 13/145 304 30 | 334 43 |Roses Beauty of Beauties. sé 28] 1253 9% |135 289 22 =| 3ll 44 |Jackson White............. OS Ep ae 3 | 80 177 tf 184 45 |Harly Goodrich ........... “© 18} 130 5% {1385.5 || 299 13 | 312 46 |Morning Star.............- CS BI EBD 5 {190.5 || 428 11 | 439 47 |Gregory’s (No Name) ..... « 18! 362 13) 38.25)| 253 10; 263 REPORT OF TRIALS FOR 1888. The varieties of potates were planted this year in soil similar in character to that on which the potatoes were planted in 1887. The land had been cropped the previous year. At the time of planting 600 pounds of a reliable superphosphate were applied per acre. The varieties were planted in rows three feet apart and 180 feet long, each row representing one-eightieth of an acre. Otherwise the conditions were the same as for the preceding year. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 125 as — - : 4 See 2 a Babe ose vee 3 = Bile lng |= |e 2 ; a @ 2 Pace Spe No celLa Potatoes-—Variety. wh = s S = |e = ae s 3 s “2 San |e Ber 5 2 2 be) 2 = ale oe| & |S 5 a Lolo g a ~ Z, A A Bao sa se lee Ibs | Ibs.| Ibs. DMPO MU Niel steretaiveisiejs; oivielaiieieiee May 24, July 14, Sept. 24,)1093) 223/132 |176 DhGlanks NO, Vrsvaos sZc0 ses: een neon G «© 1110 | 11 [121 |161g 3|Rose Magnum Bonum...... 6S Sy Silos La fe 11193) 93/129 172 AliGian live OHiOs. (cs o000 -.c.c sioee BG GG GG UG): se -25,)104 | 84/1123)150 OD Hanlhygela Sleterscisisistcveterercteisil| wetalessil ice maaGs sc se | 82 | 14 | 96 |126 GibarlyaVerMOnty cress) cae! 6 <6 16% y LGs fc 6 | 74 | 20 | 94 11254 °|Watson’s Seedling......... SC Cae hl es 66 © 1102 | 11 4113 |150¢ §|Vanguard......... aaa «ee | ee 1B, «© 1101 | 18 |1193/1594 9|Kight Weeks....sseceesees 255 66) 219) © 66 11492) 16 [1584/2114 10|Harly Sunrise............. eee | ee Bi) as | © 11084) 20 [1984/1714 11|Peart of Savoy ....--.. .-s- soe fee 13, S| se ee 11654! 15 [1803|2408 12|Hale’s Early Peach Blow...) “* ‘* | 19) ™ se 1104 | 34/1073)1434 IBirinmiplicsisecsrcsccceccce| 6© “© "Aug 4.) 2) ye (ee oa aT los (lee MAW Wanly essex... sciieiccsie esse! (© § IJuly 135) ra fe) 95 | 27 (122 [1622 15|Beauty of Hebron......... a CU Ge Hs eS ONG 2R Ean se SoniLls 16\Orange County White...... GS OG GG aa oe co 11343) 103/145 |193 17)/Dunmore......... SpO0'6000 Li AEN SSNS Se) se 66 1247 | 17 1264 1352 1&|Queen of the Roses......... sc 6 July 14,) © se 26,/163 | 22 |185 |2462 W9lfural’Blushis......4..-2..| * | © 19, — |) «¢: « loog | 14 |213 |284 WOiGarfisld sess. osscsces.s 1 | TG) Gt | €e 1201 | 183/2193/2992 2\\[mproved White Rose......! | 6 21, cS ce T1315) 16 §14531194 DE WVICOMS UAL siericisciss esis esac) se 8 Aug. 1, a SSeS 146 9 )155 |2062 ZENS (in TANIOKOS Gag dota Dodreode |e 9 So anil bya Kp sie ce 1186 | 10 {196 |2614 24/Vermont Champion........ «« JAug. 3,| FE | « 28,/1573| 22 [1793/2394 PDE Worsano Goce orea Sa neenOS Cc Siuliys Ait, ar == se 66 17423) 17 [1593 2122 26) Kochester Favorite ........ CS OG WN es II) as ce 11278) 9 113803176 27|Perfect Peachblow. ........ «(July 20,| ‘3 «¢ 6¢ 1139°] 19 |158 (2102 DE GhrantersOwls ctecselssiecreece| © 68 | 66 | 235) (oO ce © 1765 | 25 1190 |2534 29:'Great Hastern...........- cee oA NO; = «© 11903] 18 |2083)278 BUWICtdtOnacedaiccse senciescclace Sf 55) 18,)|) 02 os 11504] 123/163 [2174 SiiEmpirestatOri.sicesecececn.| 6 §* \July 14,|' 3 ce 11693) 16 |175$)234 AMUN OAKS POL beijeelecaeversiels een Geiss e aku = GO AG iby 83)1623:216 SONOMOtA Red sct-crs ces cence SOK 235) 3 | CF se 65 | buliloule2en 34!Thorburn’s Late Rose...... CGS NG se 6 12103] 9 | 2193/2928 35|Late Beauty of Hebron.....| © ** | * 16) & Ce GS MN fp, 7 |189 |252 36/0. K. Mammoth Prolific....| «© ‘* |Aug. 7,| w «¢ 29,)1763) 20 |1963)262 37|White Elephant........... “66s July 23,) 2 se 6 1195 | 123/2074/2762 38/Ked Hlephant.............) *€ | “ 16,) 'a © 1184 | 113)1953)2608 DOIN OWsteyersieieledwiciste cleleieloisieie! [fee 6) Ao. G, g 6 66 11623) 23 (1753/2384 40) White Seedling....... Aséoal| oe CO amiK? ah) ce © 11894) 12 |2014)2682 41|Monroe County Prize....... GB GG NGG Sp BAF | ies: ce «© 1201 | 6 [205 |2728 42/Rose’s New Giant.......... <6 nce 25 lw ey © S¢ 11963} 7 |2033/2714 43|Rose’s Beauty of Beauties..| “© ‘* |Aug. 1, ce 11274) 22 [1473/1968 44|/Harly Goodrich............| *© ‘ |July 20, SE SECS G ea eaten | iran 23.2 45! Jackson White.....sesee..| ‘ |Aug. 1, SSS 20 2 8 |210 |280 46|Morning Star..... Sdoc Kens) CF hy 240) se 6 1164 | 7 JLT1 1228 AG\Melawarelciccs esc cccusca (pee 165s |S e1G. «ce 1993 | 12 |235 13134 48)*stray Beauty .... ecccceee| ‘ OG - Wo) COU lt) 1 | 56 49|\* Bonanza. ..cccsescccccce-| * © |July 25, Soe OR ela e203 bu\*New Wide Awake........ a ee) 107] 1g! 114 51|*Windsor’s No. 1..........| © ‘ |July 25, Be Healy 2olelS 521*John Emerson’s Seedling..\June 6, |Aug. 1, CG SO idl 3! 4k *Of the Stray Beauty, only 35 hills were planted; of the Bonanza, 14 hills; of the new Wide Awake, 23 hills; of Windsor’s No, 1, 16 hills; of John Emerson’s Seedling, 5 hills. 126 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. OATS. REPORT OF TRIALS FOR 1887. Each variety of oats was sown broadcast on a fortieth acre plot, two quarts of seed to each plot. The seed was sown May 17th, on much the same kind of soil, manured in the same way, as in the ease of the potatoes. In the next table can be seen a record of the (1) Date when the heads first began to show. (2) Date of cutting, which indicates date of ripening. (3) Yield of each variety per plot and per acre. (4) Weight of a measured bushel of each variety. It is impor- tant to notice that a few varieties have a weight per bushel that marks them as being of superior quality. Some of these varieties having different names are undoubtedly the same. =] eS, be No | Oats—Name of variety. |Heads began|Date of cut-| Yield | Yield 4, z = to show. ting ripe. /per plot.|per acre.|3 a Sak lbs. bush Ibs Iitinunyaita “Gao gooo pacelbos July 14 Aug. 17 24 32 18 2INWel COM Ghereeiletjaleveceieieieisiste OG ra ee 8 36 48 33 3!White Probestier......... 2 GG) ilk) 463 62 24 4|Mold’s Ennobled.......... se 15 Coney 323 43.3 | 21 5|Clydesdale............... GOs cb fs 8 304 47.3 34 6) Russian White.... 2.2 eee G5 INS) sc 20 4] 542 28 USM PTUSC)eu-/- oto nlolelei sicielelieleinte GE? Gg ts) 425 56.6 | 2435 8/Hopetown.....-.--.-. «.- GE) 232) GG PAD 19 254 183 9|Henderson’s Clydesdale.... Go eK) OG Fs ts) 343 46 33 10)New Race Horse. ........ Cort aa AW) 35 46.6 | 34 11/White Belgian........... Gos eailyl cSieonere 342 45.6 | 313 12\Black Tartarian.......... Ge) 1163 Gao NY 373 50.3 | 26 13|White Schoener... ....... ie! sem 16 384 51 25 14|White Australian......... 6 el 6G, 76) 41 54.6 | 26 15|White Victoria........... cL S10) 35 46.6 | 32% NG ElearsrSeveteelefaledecelerelieferelsileierele ie 2 a 1 313 42 20 AiO pany eferscrslohcpelcieljaicieleieicle Sevier GE 0) 345 46 26 18\Challenge........ «00.20 G5) 119 Sel 28 37.3 29 19)Wide Awake......... 2.6. sory ale OF NS 32 42.6 | 22 PME EINES) Ga0 o008 500u Gade BO 9) 165 GG NY 293 39.6 | 25% 21)/White Centennial.......-. Oe PAY Sopa 20 174 23.3 | 19 22)White Seizure........... a) iM CES, 223 30.3 | 33 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Aa TRIALS FOR 1888. The trials for 1888 were made under the same conditions as those for 1887 except as to manuring which was 600 pounds of super- phosphate per aere sown broadcast. os | Be Ak We | @ an et ere e 33 SO ercis ie h Oats—Vari B | gs Breas ‘ ats— Variety. ° Eo s Ss a |. ha E Su sheweyeis us: (aes (ee ee | 5 2 38 2 |e iS (ha =) | aa Co) 2 2lo a f Z a aie QA |FaRBES [ Ea RS aa cma | Wn TR Oem a Uta a Papean | oakace || MT ' Ibs. lbs. I AWD AeAlatcyasetet aici ewe er tere coal a ae May 23 July Hl Sept. 6/22.00/29.3) 28 H 1 eikonal “ 6| Aug 27/36.00/48.0| 36 | AlWihtteyProbestior.... su. 1. sees see GEGEN GG is se 191.00/28.0} 32 ; AlMoldes HnnObled era. |2| = |e 3 5 = Ce |S Zi = a S| me IBS Ibs. | bush | lbs 1) |) Mine) 6 Sa oc'6c65 pons goon code 6a86 odoa a5 July 4) Aug 2) 23 | 17.]) 38 FAG JUIGIAINTIA Zo 30505 66.20 0d00 00d0 JOOG cobs Doon Cd 6121920) KGS 36 B} |)" nen Allie 6 caoG aood GoGU eb50)0000 Ga56 dac : *TQAIV, 8, 00jXeT “*UOTJOOJIOg Soqoq}oA seer woos PIOd £4107 oecc cece coer es *[Bis0ed uy enig -°+ ++ -enoqdaoy, MeteKoisiisievere “7 'qeTMOLIB edie] BHO CUO Od.On * qRy MOIR posq yovg cisicione lec esiecll- TrOLd ULE UG) eve coee cues coce “oer seee IBSNG JIVMC seer sos? soatyepiedng s,u04xe] 2009 27 18 TORO OIGROUSSUO A ERP ENS eoee cee: ae ee eee vee ivsng 1eqyng U2L ecee coves *Zuiesg [enjodiog § 1o¥[B A BASE OORD O00 COGS SHGo CCA I() CHUN 290 ONDD OISG 030 = dbo Gaon nono tap Ain CORR UOOO GOS COS COUT nek Liha ats § 10418) eee ee e- Co ee coe ees + @ eee coos woe eeer Coes ese coos see ee ee wee we ee es ceee cess osee eevee core *A,OLIBA “8B0d &¢ (ay 1g 0¢ 67 8h Lv 9F SY v¥ &¥ (A ly 0F 6& 8& Lg 9€ GE VE €& (Oe Ig 0€ AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMBNT STATION. 135 EXPERIMENTS IN IMPROVEMENT OF PLANTS BY SEED SELECTION. The idea prevails to a considerable extent that great improvement may be made in the productiveness of agricultural plants by the careful selection of the largest, plumpest seeds for planting. With a view of learning to what extent if any, such improvements could be brought about the following experiment was undertaken. Four varieties of oats were taken from which were selected the largest, heaviest kernels to the amount of two quarts in each case. These were sown on plots of land 12 feet by 90 feet while like amounts of the same varieties of oats whieh were taken from the common stock were sown on similar adjoining plots. Both sets of plots received the same treatment as to cultivation and manure. In the following table the results are given: | S82 a8 | lem ' lyase 5 1a} Rae) 0 eI (ears Sy) tae Be | Ga aang ‘a. Se ene Ge Oats—Variety. eS te ad cai Bie | Soe ww eB a ive mn SD See S23 SB3|)828 aaron gue ws | we Ss emetic Boo eee |) Sag Heg Este i ss lbs. oz. lbs. og. lbs | lbs Cliy.desd alors cic: scesisisiaiicleisiese sists live se] She 0) 19 0* 34 | 34 New Race Horse. .... 000 eee eee eee 42 8 43 «=O 36 | 36.5 IWIN ECV OLOLIB ch iele creynetsiaiarctscpeis ctehclecis'| 42 4 30 12 35 lewnnore Wii tomSeizmrashiscs cers ceutivacmemiecie |G viddur.12 43 12 Sans *The Clydesdale plot sown to the common seed was invested with witch grass and the yield much depressed. During the growing season many who visited the plots believed those which were planted with the selected seed, to have stronger and more vigorous plants. An examination of the results show ne increase in the weight of a measured bushel of the oats from the selected seed over those grown from the common stock, and it is very doubtful if any actual gain has been made in the yield per plot. 136 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. REPORT OF BOTANIST AND ENTOMOLOGIST. Prof. F. L. HARVEY. GERMINATION EXPERIMENTS. It is well known that seeds often fail to germinate, causing great loss to the planter. To what extent poor seed is offered for sale in this state is not known. Farmers do not usually take the trouble to sprout seed before planting. The germinating power of seed cannot readily be told by its appearance, and there is opportunity for dishonest dealers to mix old seed with fresh, and sell an inferior quality, without danger of being detected. Reliable dealers may sell a poor quality of seed without knowing it. If the quality of seed offered for sale in our markets could be improved, it would be a great saving to farmers. Published accounts of the germinating power of seeds offered for sale by seedsmen will make them more careful of the quality of seed sold, and also help protect reliable dealers from disreputable ones. Failure to germinate may be due to imperfections in the seed, or result from improper management of it by the planter. Seed, to be reliable, should be mature and plump when gathered ; properly dried and kept from changing conditions of heat, cold and moisture until planted; should not be too old; true to name; entirely free from insect depredations and the seeds of noxious weeds. When possible, select seed from the same or from a more northern latitude. Lightness in weight indicates immaturity or weakness. Low germinating power may be due to immaturity or weakness, improper care of seed after it is gathered, or to great age. Insect depredations and the presence of foreign seeds can usually be detected by a pocket lens. To determine whether a seed is true to name it has to be grown, or, more quickly, it may be compared with a correctly named sample. To properly germinate, seeds require heat, moisture and free access of air. The relative amount differs with different seeds. Proper time, depth and method of planting; and the conditions of soil as regards heat, moisture and porosity, are almost as impor- tant to the planter as good seed. Seeds with a small chit or embryo start slowly and suffer more from vicissitudes than those with a large, strong embryo. In gen- ~l AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 13 eral, small seeds demand shallow planting and larger ones more depth of soil. Nothing is gained by planting before the soil is warm enough or properly drained, but the seed is frequently lost. Seeds buried in a cold, moist soil any length, of time are liable to rot. The soil should be dry enough to work, porous, allowing access of air to the seed. Seeds planted early should be more lightly covered, so as to secure necessary warmth. So complex and variable are the conditions due to the season, soil and seed, that no invariable rules for planting can be formu- lated. The planter has largely to rely upon his experience and judgment, even when his seed is first class. To remove or lessen one cause of failure would require more careful farming. The other cause of failure can be lessened by a careful, systematic inspection of seeds. To determine to what extent the failure of seeds to germinate is due to inferior quality, the station will conduct germination tests from year te year; and, as was indicated in bulletin No. 24, May, 1888, inspect seeds sent by the farmers of the state as to their purity and germinating power. For the germination tests conducted this season, there were selected for examination and comparison, seeds offered for sale by wholesale dealers in the state; those kept at stores to be sold on commission; those obtained direct from wholesale houses outside the state, and those distributed by the Department of Agriculture. The material for this season’s work was obtained from the fol- lowing sources: Edwin Chick & Co., Bangor, Me., direct; R. B. Dunning & Co., Bangor, Me., direct: Kendall & Whitney, Port- land, Me., direct; B. Walker McKeen, Fryeburg, Me., direct ; EK. W. Burbank, Fryeburg, Me., direct; Thos. W. Emerson & Co., Boston, Mass., Dunning, Bangor; D. M. Ferry & Co., Detroit, Mich., direct; David Landreth & Sons, Philadelphia, Pa., direct ; James M. Thorburg & Co., New York, N. Y., direct; Iowa Seed Co., Des Moines, Iowa, Department of Agriculture ; Department of Agriculture, Washington D. C., direct. GERMINATORS. The germinator used was a galvanized tray eight inches deep, covered with a dome shaped lid. On the inside of the tray, on two sides, and one inch from the top, were soldered waving shelves, in 138 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. the groves of which rods to support pockets or folds of canton flannel cloth were placed. Near the top of the tray, above the shelves, was a row of one half inch holes for admitting fresh air. Water to the depth of two inches was placed in the tray. The pockets were provided with two free ends of cloth which extended below into the water, carrying moisture to the seed by capillary attraction. The pockets were three inch deep and two inches from the water. The greater depth of water in the tray, than is commonly used, secured a more uniform temperature. Very small seeds were germinated in porous flower pot saucers, set in water in the bottom of the tray, deep enough to keep them moist. To sterilize the trays and pockets they were scalded after each experiment. The above apparatus was satisfac- tory. In all the tests one hundred seeds were used. They were counted and weighed, and then put into the pockets without being soaked and spread so as not to touch each other. They were examined daily and those sprouted were removed, counted and recorded. The experiments were continued two weeks, if any sound seeds remained that length of time unsprouted, and then the sound seeds left were counted. The following tables are a record of the results of experiments conducted the past season. Seeds of the same kind are grouped together for the purposes of comparison. It is well known that with the uniform conditions maintained in germination tests that usually a larger per cent of seeds will sprout, than would vegetate under the variable conditions of out door planting. Yet it does not follow that the testing of seeds is use- less Seed showing a high germination per cent would almost invariably be reliable for planting, while those that do not start with favorable conditions would be worthless. 139 ef of Mem moaNA oO oO 6 oO oD AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. *ynoids 09 J[By-oU0 JoJ me N op Hid Oo 19 |R€ JL Sie ieee | erate Gem ee MeN Geena (Ge Ol (ore OGG (nee ene enn eral V ed, eT COsey, CUCISIgCT c6é {I | Perel Fea face eH —- |- le |b 9% 99 | - | - |gep: [orct cc css s*ady 4.deq ‘Aqnveg esrysxi0g)) oy 98 |€ eal St faceoff (ee eee en (R ee Cre She Ces 00m poe CCCs tuns ners ss coe aleve eq ee mooung guy 6L 0% I ie | Gee ere IS ING Te hee atoee kA b oe uge” | ° “aay 9,deq “seqi8Iy pegniod Alsey 81a xHT/991 eh 1% = Ih ses ee | as (ieee engeel aes (owiglG (Coen 9Ot ease | = el9NGc. all terete Kasoq “proyunig 0187/24 26 ¢ if = = = = I € = — F - Es ek = = 1€$° vers“ TOsSIOUA ‘WOLMsUnIg posoid uy 8 19/}IOW OE 83 9 Z = = = ~ — I ré = ¢ c cy a = = 9ZE" eee cece ener ceet ses e suimung ‘proyquiniq |9] 69 9 mil eeeeel| es lice ga [eseaeal =e ie al Gel /Z lg - (09 | - | - | - [Teg fort tts qorqO ‘Hormsunag poeaosduy 8.101990 /¢ “aD VddvO Ih AG L I a8 a = = = Zz r ¢ y g¢ as = 5 C17" slelelooleceloiietetsivneisielereleteisiiors fis0,q oe »» |9F 16 ¢ — - -— = > ~ = - ¢ 0 FG oy = & 9G7° sees wee DOOR ROO OOOO KEEL | 6 Om LE 62 Cy 2S = I I I ¢ Zz C @ 9 c i = = Ss (Age wore eter eee weet ew *+ +> Saraung ‘eBeg vyny LI Oem | Ce ieee |e eee eaee (eal Ve ge (Gem c(Dee Ce eC) aa SR ergo ale eee ee AON O, ROR EIN a AU IAL AGI? ‘dINUOY, VG | Saal eee |e Le eee |e aS I Sage |(CGa-a| 8 Oe cee | OPT peas een ace r, ‘dosRIvA OFT M|FOT 98 = a = = = co = cA = = ¢ FL FE €§ = = Ose Biot gio voanyno13 y dod ‘eud1avgg SIHOMIEOT 86 = |b S = = Ni = seal Sit = = |c¢6 = = = |pepe [utte ses sece ess - 9 aleq ‘ozg Ajleq 3/A1i8q | 7 ye ery eee Me lee ee eee Ure ee se noe) oranecococusnmin iia see Siailge Hie Glad ere toca | ae |e T sos Geese One| sl Ne NGOs (ere eee we eee AO LOO NC pe lANgUOIROd | Fy Gee ea cece |e ce eee a 66 ee I | Ol es eaqUQLo ta mM: A[LBAIT “AONLLa'T TIP T/AISL | UIST) GIT T/GIOT| 496 | 498 | 492] 499 | UIC | GIF] PS | PZ [48ST Allasio] a hy] oe 2) | S| 2 Solis. 5 eilecelees oe] 2°. = 5 ta oo © E> 5 eo | 8 voles e J S fe *Aup Youo poynoids spoos jo soquinn c Se = *uotyd1ioseq 5 a} 2/8 el S 2/1 60 ui s n C ies ae ets @ SF a = Alp ‘1oquInu [wIL0g | BdCHHS NACGUVO-SLSHL NOILVNINGHDS FO SLTINSAaH x Hood | 8% Fee Pepe Ble a Nee ee cee eae, I Ga Ges | Gis | OG eee rere OL. eee aU On ” » al LG Se ler eal Westie al bina a aes HI Tete 2 (Gee Olena SP tle ali ae OG Gann tenn eae es OL) BLOAUCCUAOT TOR 9 9% *NOING I Z - Gg L el Ol 9 t — o oe = = — ZP0° 0900 009, 0000 NI U5 OOD OOANA ray 9 *) tP cz r? 8 OL L 1% L 9 p ¢ a : — = mee LPO" sae DROP SIGS VUGS OOO TCG INTYG| 50 ay 6 $2 eé, 9 G Y 7 = ¢ g = = = o — = a ceo’ owe wee scdchscoKsvesedexs BoM OLY) Qoylvy uo0ysog G €% ‘AADTIO SS he IB I IS ere hae toe - [= [= |= f= foorr frrristss crc t cs Karo ‘qoyuq egg Fu07/2F | 2% (ral FPS aiPs IRR = Re OIE Ve ele i oe eee | OG ieee |e teres sees see UOSeTI “UMOID AO[TOH/6§ z - f e P L P g g £ I = = a5 = l2P° . see ee eee *sutuung ‘qoqynq su07y 81 0z = — = g = c = € ¢ — OL = — I Ber’ sistelrarhepuieaeisisiriccreneln shede! euenesen St () TU fay ‘qqooulg Suor] | F 61 *dINSUV UIPLIMIEL|GIZT/ GIT AIOT! WIG | 498) UIL | 199) 199) TIP) PE} PZ | 981 an = 5 tp} 08 wn] n e |e Sales E | § | a3) FS gS 5 n og B ot Bb aa: eae eas ~o | Oo ‘vp youo poynoids spoos JO 1OQUINN TY = “wold r19soq Bless a | ee aes Salas Be ce ey pes a ae ei) 8 = a) Bln ‘(QHONIINOD)—'SGHUS NUGUVO-SLSUL NOLLVNIWUAS WO SLIOSHa 141 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. BANANAMAN OAIANN Hino Oo cm Of 6S 63 B= 8h 69 69 GL 88 Is 06 T6 16 48 96 46 £6 66 28 £8 06 8% 0% 16 £6 09 8F 1g {? ¥6 OL oF 69 18 09 {¢ ah 08 a a 9 — ae) any A o.6o— Nonmon or Non i>) me aaN (4 010° 890° 990° 890° 090- LOT’ 09T* ‘9° O9T* stl" 991° PSL" i F80°82 BLO $Z 003° FZ 026 °8I 982° BLE" 508° Og" OTT” (OS) ie a £60°% O0&F'S 819°C 922" 3 2861 09g" T 89F°% /qjorpuery + VUM YP “PUoOy >, WUINgloyg, ry suruunagg 55 ” ”? | ” ” {IITA YP “puery ” 2 ” ” mInqi0yy, on i ” ” “+ Suruung 0 ewes coos eee “NUON wee we ee ae + £1107 Se ee Po OU eeee ce es wh ween ee ee ee et woes tees +09 poag UOT Tres ss MO1gO ‘asuagvad wnyofey, ‘UDAOIO—SANNDAT -a8y 4, dog ‘ean, "Isy 9,doq ‘isang [wed my poaojd ay tresses rasy 4 doq ‘isng (viuodmy seury sss ISy 4.doq ‘esdijoq “sy 9,daq ‘poyoapag s,u10gsg ‘sg LOUPARH JOYIVAL MON ” ” ” ” ” ” ” “avstyorn ‘y10X MON YIION ” ‘OUTA Od ‘poy uomul0g ‘unpoyw omiig ‘OULA Og ‘poy uourmoy LATING ‘oSuvig Suoy poavidmy ter eeer cesses sqostamgy ‘eduvig, Suoy oziig Suruung ‘osawig suo7y *LOUUVO io 1OIs[OOXq S §ULOWTITA C8 IL 98 1x6 Mogg ‘wnpughy ‘gsuaqoid wns ‘omispy LT STI PIT ell (6 88 x4 &% 8 ese squBqing * AA ‘peaord my §, YURqING |FOT sy 4 doq ‘|eluueiiog s,y901g | ec] ro i iy ISW 4,doq ‘parq SH s Allg 291 “ TOOyOW “AM ‘G “uomMMOD 8F eeee eee wees cone "aIsy 4,doq ‘Qoyavyy uoqsog 291 TORO OOS ONO OOODO! shale 4,daq ‘QouUvAPY Avg 191 eece eevee cee DOOD-SO00 DODO Ose NaCI a) ‘Kynvog |QOT tess ss sasy 4.doq ‘Aynvog puvjs] s,pooy|6el ‘OLVNOL {f && ST 8Fl Lvl OPT GF Isl Ost 61 v9 £9 69 19 09 69 89 LQ 99 gg ¥¢ £¢ ag 1g 0g 6P 8F LY 9F oF tP &P GP Iy OF 6& 8E LE 9€ 9¢ FE ib NNNN HOS He CO | HROANS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. *peqynoids *quoo Jog | "qnoids 09 J[ey-9U0 10j poimnbai sfep jo ‘on | ie - |t - 12 = |i Zz Zz [ G 8 6 9% - = |T60° seeses cInqsoyg, ‘sisuaain vjpnhiady ‘fa1indg9¢ 18 = = = = = = = eis |b = 5h 88 iI > 106° cteseess res emINgIOyy, ‘vas vpvyy 68 08 ‘SQOENVITAOSIPY 61 = st (4 di € 9 rT ofl FI |Ol &@ 0 = — |'90°S | °°" 77°" Gjorpuey ” ” 6II | 6L 9 - - I Z g fi, 8 ral IL P Cl } 0 = = CO 6m bee “<* Udnqgiogy ‘pains siyahuqouyr) ‘aroyultg £6 8h - - = - - - - - - V 6 Ch 20S) VAT cS =| () (yes ae 0), Lal eee eee UINQIOY YT, ‘swswawrs soyoyo(y ‘Stogd MOD|)6 LL Zz = = = - - - - - - = 10 - |l Z6 - 1899° sroseses ss Tingloyy, ‘sravadoung x2a7IQ ‘ezINW)Gg 9) 0% - - - I - - 1 - Gc 0% GE <6} € = = (COs see dsnqgloyy, ‘vzvigs vzapadsay “1OALTO J8NG|6g cL CZ ss - |r = = = = = - - 113 3% 9 Ge - j9g * |UIngIogy, “Vq7Y snjojipapy ‘1GAO[O g JO VARY Ye/)8 L § = = = = zs = ant = = = gil 4 6h (OF — (926° |YJo1puey d ” SIT | en 9¢ Sit I - = lI - - - = I 9 rE '1% - 10%Z° JUuanqioyy, ‘varnvs ohvoipayy ‘oudoon'y 10 TIIVILV | t6 aL ee eat ea reed ea esl nee a i SING) SU BGC tier eee Sse qgaapoery ” » |POT | IL eA A ee al ieee ae if fem HT - € lor |Iv | - [Set° |** wanquogy “(OFT MOTLAA/GS | OL ‘saNaAyAT - - - - - - - - - - - - = 4G CG - 189¢° UsNqIogy, ‘wngpusour ” ‘OYBVUITOUT | 16 69 €1 =< be > = = = = Seat I }j ib sh IL] = XO. eA AY TDA ” ” ” LII | 89 ae enc pee Alten = eel SO eel ea eit athe el Ch aU tl CGS 1/09 Ota lee LOTT sary ” ee Kaa. = ees) 8 sees ceclecen Siegel sf al =a SC QU ee at HP.G Qiseeees ee CUCTCLTN (Tonaets ” » 19% | 99 81 - - - - - |¢ Z L CT ok 9z Icy |€ - SKC Ope oo Moly ‘swades ‘asuegnid wnryofisy Sov MOL 69 ‘UHAOTO—SAINADAT TIPL GIST GIST) GILT GIOT| 496 | 498) GIL | 199) 49¢ | W9P | PE | PZ | ISI mm a rp) 09 w le z Seles z || 2 = 3.8] 2S =| S net, g eral ot o | me *kep yovo d s =o) = : d 5 B a py poynoids spooes Jo ‘ON is = aod tiosog B = o . 5 S a] ac) io} un 8 s 5 =| s © oF Q =. 2 B 3 142 ‘(Ga ONILNOD)—SGHAS NAGUVO—SISUML NOLLVNINYAD AO SLLASaY 143 FI 6 PA (o} _ HB < qe mM BH FI pa & z me 6 B 6 ls Hw Boe Pp Bee j=) oof a a <{ vA z £ Z (4 z £ ee ee i a ae A ee Oe LE oie (as) % 68 cg 86 4 0¢ OF 09 68 18 OO 98 C8 £8 6 (4 Caen KH ANMOR AS nO —a a ODO (4 ct Fh is 68° c10° 990° §c0° 020° 610- 420° 810° 020° 120° £7.0° 810° r10° 010° 010° 900° 600° 900° 600° 010° 800° 600° 010° F£0° 0F0° 00° 0F0° (ate (81° F81° £26" 09¢" 06T° GER" 010° UUM Ppuey 5, ” ” ” * UINGLON, ‘402172072 DUIAYT “4UQ MOPVEY [[BL “TUM P ‘puoy ” ” Y» sees saingioqy, ” ” » sreesee Surmung ‘gwvsamoph synpougy ‘pavyoic) 39 ‘pssaiduoo DO ‘oni gq BpYUuLVg yy» ‘Syv1arl4? vo ‘MOPREW poOH[VIg qHnoy uinqiouy, ‘vayonbn vod ‘MOP 109V AA SAITO ” ” ” ‘UNIO y, ‘syviowau vod ‘MOpvoyY poor “HUM 2 puoy ” ” » sites STIN CLOUT 20 . > sre Suraung ‘sisuagnid vog ‘onjg Ayon\uoy weer eee ** LION 50 bo a BS JIU M x ‘puoy ” Pa) ” er POOLING 5 0 on Sse oees- Gurung ‘vuiosas voy ‘MOproyl [MOG ainqloyy, ‘v4afruajoas sysouhp “yuog Suidaeip “AN x wa > ”? ” ” uinqloq y, ” ” ” ”» ‘fuluunyy ‘vue sasviby ‘Quag puRIs] spoyy parece ULL O LOT YTS ) ” ” ssroeess sBuraung ‘sz vbyna sysouby ‘doy, pay “OAT oP ‘puoyy ‘dog, poy Aourg Sleicienoleog UNULUN (i ‘doy, poy Aoury ee Me DUST ” ” sees manquoyy, a sisiskencii 2 OULUET GY 6 9 terseeseeoesHoag ‘Sasuaqpid wnajyd ‘AOU *SaSSVUyH ‘qjoipavy ” ” “M # ” ” ‘aanqioqy, ” 33 Sung ‘wnauvwsy wnsuvg Uviiwsuny * *dunqioqy, “[Avog verse: TQOIDURT ‘u1eygnos “UUM P ‘puey ” ” sh eeeseSuruund “wnaoniypw wnouvg ‘ueploy “LAT TIJA—SI8S Vuy, 66 19 86 69 66 cL [L €9 vale OL OO 89 82 621 fol LL O€ 6g Z0I 67 1€ Lg GE 601 £3 Ill 99 02 6 IGT aa #8 1% [8 (aa OIL (06 SII LIT 9IT cil FIL ell agi Ill OIL 60 80L LOL 90T COT FOL £01 Z0L IOL OOr 66 86 16 96 C6 ¥6 £6 66 16 06 68 88 18 98 cg v8 £8 68 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 144 HO | | ‘qgnoids 03 J[vy-ouo JoF | 8 (Sl = 3 = = ma = ait 8 €¢o |0% |% = a = ale G60" °° FIOM Y “pueysy (9ingxim) ‘UMeT) ROT - (001 | - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - = Ine: PSS QOD SOA Cin | 90 n9 (eI Zz 86 - - - - - - - - ihe - - = - |g0Pr° cess SUINGIOgT ‘asuadvyny WNYHLOS ‘auosuygor: a £8 OL ¥ = = all 5 3 = |8) § Il |@& |0€ = = — 1208° see" YJoLpuv'y ” ” TA 9€ |L¢ = Fe 3 = at I I = 6 LI e = — (99T° IIT M 2 pues ” ” 90T cy |cc - - - i% - If if € £ OG salzal - - - == 1 OATe: “sudlnqioyy, ‘auwasad wnijos ‘ody [vluuedtog |e), cg \¢9 = = = = a1 eG € y 8 Ol |g a = = NAAC PS YqoIpuBy ys ” yal 96 16 = = et = = = ay GZ OIE FI 28 = = ~ (GAZ [ct taanqiogy, wnoyniy wnyog ‘aky ur1ye9]/09 g 106 - - - if - - - - I I = - - - - ggo° 39 ‘nynosn?inp DINISI ‘onosey pavA PL (XS VOR 6 ee Ke NB 18 E ; Ses SIAL) ” ‘puyofinuay vonisaq ‘ONOSoT IOpUsTS|gg MG ee re CS Nae ee te SSS Ss ae gia ” ‘Udo voNISAy “ONDSAT 8,doeqS|9¢ € L6 1% = = = allt = = = = Se = = — |G60° j|UdInqioqy, ‘py hiydosaqay vongsay ‘Onodsay PpoOAvo]-SNOLIB A |G co \Gh 1% ¥ = = aG aa F. v L (4 a = 2 — |PLT° |9tGM 9 ‘puey ” ” LOL GZ eh = bz Set = meal P g (eG = Ss Ea — 1660° |°alnqioqy ‘1ouvya vonsag ‘ONSET []BL|L9 €L |06 = = = ans | Co € € € (HE MASE NE = = alae N\( I9L’ [°° ° “Addo ” ” ” OT s) 06 = = NK = a 3 alll G I E = = = - 1280" “MM POM ” ” ” Sol HWS Ni Sea eealit Sie ieis 2”? 99 An jo yinay >? 99 99 ” ” 79 9) 9 50 esetloq ‘se01} ojddv jo soyouvig 99 99 *soolq ofdde jo yuniy, aisiviole **1091[0U0 OLIqouey, 8008: OOQG'OO0T00S0 DOCS OG fittq ‘edo1yun BSsouvA eore e802 088 oo es 088s BeBe *BYVNI1B eonyysi0g a0 ee 200% C2 ee Ceoe ooee ‘*UUly ‘snjelnoo0 snely teteeeee cers eeee ee erromBig ‘seTosy onldeg pees eeeercoe cee sssquonog TION snjoIpidsy S000 DuGH-OO0n 6000 Sn ‘snSOOLIJUOA SNyeVmMo Ny slojaisnaletclateleteltitetetalsieinisis s-l0RT “se100 snzikj soceeser coee casqioH ‘itydnueu snjoyouijou0g elec uence ccce vices «civic aU ‘epuy eloydngy HOOOGH AAO O8Gn S56 DDoS Rye UTIs) BIIPUBl[EG sore cserooes se JONIEM “BIBUNOUG ouRydoNIIT EGO DONO OO GOST OSL TT ‘e]jouowod eyod Ary, sore creseeceeses CULT ‘eljouomod esdeooditg ee ec ee ee 2082 oe oe Coes roe *IqeRT ‘Tye siqdy «eee «eee 2000 - vee **yIyog “BuR] [000 B1ION0JOUTT, stecteeresecees 4, ‘erieqomod xf104dosiuy 5 ‘eorqeal As ey) Teese sees B1IGH “VURoLlomYy BdiMeooIstiy Terr sesseeeesss ouonog ‘uniowod sidseyiyé py sree esos oere eso lauT “EqeIoMoF SsLIqyoqos Ey 3 = 4 °o : Bi ae ree q m4 n eH b= IS cr) 5 SS ° So Be | Sa | 2s) aaa 2 se) ou ie ge | eae) | UE te | a ole i an ° ee Bb oO a oO 20 Sg om os Oy Oy AY i=) (Wie) AA Arsenious Oxide (white arsenic)...... 47.68 56.35 1.20 1.61 19.09 On owe Odi s5aodudds udeodo dans oso QT.AT 7.4) Calcium Oxide (lime)........... .... - 26 23 29 41 34.75 Sulphuric Acid (anhydride).......... 78 22 42.05 49.66 Carboni cmAlcidemcalyeisiiiclflelerelselole ars - 27 GAH INOS oS 4acd Sode'déén daar 7.16 ‘Dead oil’ (by difference)*.......... - - 5.00 Insoluble residue........-.. seseeeee| 2.04 Water of hydration (calculated)...... - - 18.91 MVEA) Coon Gone booldode donc so6oecoal|, lea 5.29 3.43 *Also determined approximately. The Paris Green is mainly an aceto-arsenite of copper, or in other words, a compound of acetic acid, arsenious acid and copper. The London Purple is composed mainly of arsenite of lime, contain~ bd 8 GTi ale tea i ei eli 4 q iL AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 191 ing, besides, quite an amount of coloring matter. It is quite variable in composition. Hammond’s Slug Shot does not make a good showing as over nine-tenths (exactly 90.87 per cent) of it appears to be nothing but plaster. It contains only 1.2 per cent of arsenious acid, and approximately 5.00 per cent of a heavy oil. Peroxide of Silicates contains only 1.61 per cent of arsenious acid and 84.41 per cent of calcium sulphate. A large part of the calcium sulphate is anlydrous and may have been added either as the mineral anhydrite or as Plaster of Paris. Doyen’s Potato-bug Preventive contains 19.09 per cent of arsenious- acid and 7.41 per centof copperoxide. The remainder consists chiefly of starch in large fragments. ‘The presence of copper oxide and the green color of the mixture indicate, that the arsenic was added in the form of Paris Green. Paris Green contains about forty times as much arsenious acid as Hammond’s Slug Shot and the London Purple analyzed over forty- six times as much. Peroxide of Silicates is but little better than Hammond’s Slug Shot. A mixture equally as strong as Hammond’s Slug Shot can be made by mixing two and three-fourths lbs. of Paris Green with one hundred lbs. of plaster, and a mixture as good as Peroxide of Silicates by mixing three lbs. of Paris Green with one hundred lbs. of plaster. The heavy oil in Hammond’s Slug Shot is probably no benefit, as the mixture contains enough arsenious oxide to kill the beetles without it. Doyen’s Potato-bug Preventive cannot be compared with the others, as the directions require a different method of application. This insecticide is put up in small wooden boxes holding an ounce and a half of what appears to be merely a mixture of about four parts of starch and one part of Paris Green. Itis retailed at the mod- est sum of fifty cents per box. A similar mixture could be pre- pared from four parts of flour and one part of Paris Green, ata cost of less than one cent per box. Flour, which is cheaper than starch and just as good, has long been used as a carrier for Paris Green. The novelty of this insecticide is the method of application as shown by the following directions pasted on each box: 192 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. “*\ HALF HOUR’S WORK TO THE ACRE SAVES THE CROP. Directions for use—Take two tablespoonfuls of the powder and put it inte a ten quart pail; then add three quarts of boiling water. Fill the pail with potatoes cut in small pieces; then fill the pail with water so as to cover the potatoes, and let stand over night or longer. Just before the potatoes come up, scatter the pieces over the ground. This is enough for one acre. Price 50 cents.” The millennium in potato raising would certainly be here, if by ‘“*a half hour’s labor to the acre’ at a cost of ‘‘fifty cents’’ we could ‘¢save the crop” from the ravages of the ‘‘potato bug.” If potato beetles would all come out of the ground before the potato tops appear, and could be assembled to partake of the invit- ing feast spread for them, their destruction would be inevitable. ‘But as they prefer not to appear much before early potatoes are up, and continue to emerge for a month or six weeks; and as they will fly a long way in search of their favorite food and will not eat the tubers when young tops are to be had, there seems to be great difficulty in fulfilling the necessary conditions. As it might be difficult to induce the beetles to change their tastes and habits probably the safest and most economical plan would be to use the cheaper mixtures of Paris Green and apply them in the ordinary way. This insecticide was tried by two parties at Orono without any apparent ‘‘substantial benefit’’", as the usual applications of Paris Green had to be made later in the season. RELATIVE COST. ‘Hammond’s Slug Shot, 100 lbs., $5.00 Peroxide of Silicates, 100 lbs., 4.00 London Purple, 2 lbs. 40 cts., 100 lbs. plaster 50 cts. = 90 Paris Green, 3 Ibs. 70 cts., 100 lbs. plaster 50 cts. = 1.25 Paris Green, 2 lbs. 50 cts., 100 lbs plaster 50 cts. = 1.00 Paris Green, 1 lb. 25 cts., 100 lbs. plaster 50 cts. = 7d Paris Green, 3 lb. 15 cts., 100 lbs. plaster 50 cts. = .65 Hammond’s Slug Shotand Peroxide of Silicates will kill insects ef- fectually. Itisnot a question of efficiency, however, but one of relative cost. For garden use where only a few pounds are needed many would prefer to pay a good price for an insecticide than to take the trouble to prepare one. Most farmers who use considerable quan- tity rather buy the plaster and Paris Green and mix them, than to pay three or four dollars per hundred pounds to have it done for ‘them. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 193 In the above table we have for the sake of comparison of cost used two pounds London Purple to one hundred pounds of plaster, and three pounds of Paris Green to one hundred pounds of plaster. Experience shows that these strong mixtures are unnecessary, scorch the leaves and are a waste of material. Economy would suggest the use of as weak an insecticide as possible and yet secure good results. Hammond’s Slug Shot and Peroxide of Silicates contain consider- able more arsenious acid than is necessary to kill the beetles. One pound of London Purple to one hundred pounds of plaster is the strongest mixture advisable and the work can be done with less. The strongest mixture of Paris Green advised would be two pounds to one hundred pounds of plaster, and there is good reason for believing that one pound to one hundred or even two hundred pounds of plaster, when thoroughly mixed and well applied, is sufficient. The cheapest and most efficient poison for potato beetles is Paris Green applied with plaster or in suspension in water. If plaster is not useful as a fertilizer on the land the cost could be still further reduced by applying the Paris Green in water, at the rate of one pound to eighty gallons. This method has the advan- tages of less cost, greater rapidity of application, more equable distribution and no danger of inhaling the poison. The Paris Green is insoluble in water and has to be kept thoroughly stirred if an even application is desired. This is easily accomplished with as little trouble as mixing the Paris Green with plaster. An ordinary sprinkler with a jine vase serves a good purpose in making the application. SPRAYING TREES. Spraying fruit trees with insecticides in solution, or suspension in water about the time the young fruit is forming, has become a com- mon practice, and has been attended with good results. Paris Green, suspended in water, one pound to eighty gallons, applied thoroughly with a spraying pump with a spray nozzle, two gallons to the tree, has given good results. The ravages of the coddling moth, canker- worm, plum curculio and other insects are said to be materially checked by this treatment at a cost of ten cents per tree. The station has tried ‘* Lewis’s Combination Hand Force-Pump ” manufactured by Lewis & Cowles, Catskill, N. Y., and find it a 13 194 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. handy instrument well adapted to the uses of the farm and orchard. It is a brass pump and will readily throw water to the top of orchard trees from the ground or from a wagon. It can be used as a veter- inary or agricultural syringe, or as a force pump. The instrument retails at six dollars. Every farmer or fruit grower ough! to own some kind of a force pump. REMEDY FOR ANTS. Inquiries have been made for a way to exteiminate field ants. Below we give the method advised, thinking it may be useful to some. With a crowbar or some other instrument make three or four holes in different parts of the nest, extending to the bottom. By means of a tin tube, which any tinman can make, pour a few table- spoonfuls of kerosene oil to the bottom of each hole. Stop the holes with dirt and when convenient throw some dirt over the hill to keep the ants in. The kerosene oil will volatilize, permeate the chambers of the nest and kill the ants. When Bi-sulphide of Carbon can be obtained, perhaps it would serve a better purpose, being more volatile. REMARKS. The entomologist for the station desires to become acquainted with insects doing injury in the State to farm and garden crops, orchards and forest trees, also parasites upon domestic animals, or any insects in the State whether injurious, beneficial or neutral in their habits. Correspondence in regard to insects is cordially solicited and any one finding specimens not known is invited to send them here for determination. Below we give directions for sending specimens : DIRECTIONS FOR SENDING SPECIMENS. All inquiries about insects, injurious or otherwise, should be accompanied by specimens, the more the better. Such specimens if dead, should be packed in some soft material, as cotton or wool, and enclosed in a stout tin or wooden box. They will come by mail for one cent per ounce. INSECTS SHOULD NEVER BE ENCLOSED LOOSE IN THE LETTER. Whenever possible, larve (7. @. grubs, caterpillars, maggots, etc.) should be packed alive in a tight box—the tighter the better, as air-holes are not needed—along with a supply of their appropriate food sufficient to last them on their AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 195 journey ; otherwise they generally die on the road and shrivel up. Send as full an account as possible of the habits of the insect respect- ing which you desire information; for example, what plant or plants it infests, whether it destroys the leaves, the buds, the twigs, or the stem; how long it has been known to you; what amount of damage it has done, etc. Such particulars are often not only of high scientific interest, but of great practical importance. [In sending soft insects or larvee that have been killed in alcohol, they should be packed in cotton saturated with alcohol. In sending pinned or mounted inseets, always pin them securely in a box to be inclosed in a larger box, the space between the two boxes to be packed with some soft or elastic material, to prevent too violent jarring. PacKaGes SHOULD BE MARKED WITH THE NAME OF THE SENDER, and addressed to the ento- mologist for the Experiment Station, Orono, Me. ANALYTICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL METHODS. Protein Digestion.* DIGESTIBILITY OF THE PROTEIN WITH ARTIFICIAL SOLUTIONS. The methods employed in the artificial digestion experiments were essentially those finally proposed by Stiitzer, viz: the diges- tion of the finely ground substance for twenty-four hours in an acid pepsin solution at 40° C., followed by digestion with a solution of pancreas for the same time at the same temperature. The variations in the methods were the use of scale pepsin instead of an extract from the inner membrane of a pig’s stomach, the preparation of the pancreas solution in the way proposed by Dr. Chittenden, and in the case of the fodders from XXIX to 41 the digestion with pancreas for only twelve hours. *Printed in advance nearly as given here in Agricultural Science November, 1838. 196 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. DIGESTIBILITY OF PROTEIN BY PEPSIN-PANCREAS DIGESTION. In water free substance. a 5 tos a of = 3 ; S2 | Bota a0 GENER ie e Besse Soe ty 2 ° toa = 2 Lo} A 3 Slee: 2 om 3 a= S09 7] as re) 3 lires a =n Bs Ss ae 25 Se (ea eee) & | ss SH 3 am 20 = oO » & 2q a obo ae ay 5 = Pas) a5 las Ho = on 5S | XXIV ....|/Alsike clover......... 1886 1.81 = 87 52.0 GN EGS coos Oh POOR Soars ao 1887 2.32 2.02 457 80.3 TT.4 HOC Goat Wihitesceeilerrer-tele 1887 2.76 2.32 502 81.8 78.4 XLIII... |Blue joint....... Gooner keteie/ 1.61 1.42 -525 67.4 | 63.0 ROXGV leer Oatustrawartersjoiicteteletelel- 1886 -63 ~ 344 45.6 | 5. REE Orchard grass ........ 1887 |. 1.35 1.29 393 | 70.9 | 69.6 rere ralierevare Reed iRopienarsreterevererel= sete 1887 1.55 - 557 64.1 ZOU GS coll Pinan 76 coho cabalcadS 1886 1.07 - 464 56.5 Gi odos BG Sj don0 Good OOH 1887 1.31 Hotty .338 74.2 | Gioil Iino bs Sade GG eS ood Goodo008 1887 1.25 - 2469 62.8 XLV .....|Wild oat grass........ 1887 1.20 1.08 414 65.5 61.7 XR <.) Witch: grass) cee. cc 1887 1.52 1,39 .329 78.7 76.6 AD Vily 7)... Buttercup cies eicreic sli 1887 1.62 1.53 391 75.9 74.5 VALLE. 2 Wihite: weed 2. \.... <= 1887 1.49 1.40 .398 Bee) Nae A CoMPARISON OF METHODS FOR THE DETERMINATION OF THE DIGESTIBILITY OF PROTEIN. A reference to the coefficients of digestibility previously given shows that the coefficients of digestibility for protein differ in a marked manner as determined by the natural and artificial methods. The latter method gives coefficients from 3.7 to 51. per cent higher than the former, as is shown in a subsequent table, where the two sets of figures are placed side by side. In one instance only does the artificial digestion give a lower result. It is important to know the cause of these differences. On the one hand we have the long confessed inaceuracy of considering the nitrogen of the feces as fond AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. . 197 belonging entirely to the undigested protein, and on the other, it must be acknowledged that the treatment of the fodders with arti- ficial digestive fluids is arbitrary and may not cerrespond in the extent of its action to that of the natural process of digestion, The most promising direction in which to look for an explanation of widely different results for protein by the two methods seems to be in a study of the nitrogen compounds of the feces. If by any means it is possible to separate the actual undigested residue of protein from the other nitrogen compounds of the solid excrement, we shall have a standard by which to judge artificial methods of digestion, as well as a means of correcting the coefli- cient of digestibility for protein, as usually calculated, if such cor- rection is necessary. Three methods have been tried for the separation of the biliary and other waste products (stoffwechselproducte) from the real undigested food residue, viz: (1) Successive treatment of the feces with ether, alcohol and hot water; (2) the same followed by cold lime water, and (3) digestion with a pepsin solution. he treatment with ether was the same as for a fat extraction, and with the alcohol and water, 50 c. c. of each were used for each gram of substance, the solvents being added cold, brought quickly to the boiling point and kept at that temperature for about ten minutes, filtered at once, and the residue washed with the same liquid used for extraction. The treatment with lime water consisted in letting one gram of the substance stand in 50 ¢. c. of a saturated solution for six hours in cold. The pepsin solution was the same as that used in digestion of fodders, the time of treatment being twenty-four hours. The nitro- gen was determined in the residues after extraction, and not in solution. Determinations by two persons one using two grams of substance, and the other one gram, gave practically the same results. In the table following can be seen the results of these different methods of treatment. 198 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. NITROGEN IN THE FECES. | Nitrogen in 100 | parts water-free | feces Per cent. of total nitrogen extracted by ether, alchohol and hot water. #xtracted by cther, alcohol and Extracted by ether, aleohol, hot water and cold lime water, Extracted by digestion with pepsin solution Per cent. of total nitrogen extracted by ethor, aleohol, hot water and cold lime Per cent. of total nitrogen extracted by digestion with pepsin solution. eens f Sirs < S cs a -_— —— — SS) ll - _ -— SOV ce SA sikoncloveniena sen pemeeeee 1.66] 20) 24) .42) 12.00] 14.46] 23.30 XE ANY Inte oC cena P67) 21) 225] 242) eon aera .Jhibyalenca| “ CU anes ante ee osu ((2eli9|) selZNy- 49] 184s Tae GiIl M22 ed Ge Se Ge Ma seoai athe RCO GeG soe bon sce (olla) coe SOC CON SSO ls Sosi8o). Alek XLIIL .. |Blue joint Pokus sade socal Nol) o2Al matey SOG MSM O85), BS) Ba NS ee O.nchandycrasseeye apiece NEP ocal cea Paco) ) esa) P26) 621 2s MXVIL. |) |Oat straws os. 2 sss ce) eee AS) SUP 37) S421 QOS RET oe Siien Oe Os DDS TU Gis al eS, PU Ces nae ery Stee be ene ae epee a 1.35] .21] .40) .54, 16.33) 29.85) 40 00 ete pe ae ..,2.16 -5i] .57| 98 23.61] 26 39] 45.37 XXV'I...|Oat straw, {bas Pali Le , Lee Salinas epraceeet EO RN ee 2.04) .56/ .67)1.12} 27.45] 32.84) 54.90 | ih eee Redito paarcrriiacicevcssrcicr 11.45! 52) olla = 20.00) 31.03 ODOURS IU Aad sous cégaldods cool a Sci coi etal MONO RHO OS Bin. 37 OL OOO BA a9 Re Pictenstareia tere nie te Pe aMETS lO} 28 S36) V6 sO) S2aeioiees ONS Us XLIV .. “ weap sta eae oat ates 1.51) .18] .36) .55| 11.92] 23.84] 36.42 1 Stones “ ee ae eee eas Beet IN| 34) 54 2”.36| 35.53: XLV .... |Wild oat grass............ 1.53) ~24| 642) 057) 15.6%) 27.45) 37.25 XOXOXUPKG RC IMit hig Tassie seiscrcel cece 1.37) .24] .38) .53! 17.52) 24.20) 38.69 XLVI... |Buttercup ..... mute eetaeys NIRS .35| .54 22.58] 34.84 Wi oe | Mihite sweeditnecme4 coe) ony 4S |v rer 2CUH ese - 18.24) 35.27 | 17 87| 24.78) 36.79 A brief analysis of the above table shows that in 15 of the 19 experiments from 12.00 to 27.45 per cent, or an average of 17.87 per cent, of the fecal nitrogen was soluble in ether, alchehol and hot water, in the same cases additional treat- ment with cold lime water taking out an average of eight per cent. more, the amounts extracted by this latter solvent ranging in the several experiments from 2.46 to 15.66 per cent. of the totab nitrogen. The percentage of nitrogen, dissolved by the pepsin digestion was on the average 12 per cent. more than that extracted by the com- bined action of the other four solvents. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 199 As is well known, the digestibility of protein, as shown in tables of fodder analyses, is calculated by assuming that all the nitrogen of the feces belongs to the undigested residue. The coefficients of digestibility previously given were so calculated. In the next table these coeffisients are compared with those ob- tained by reckoning as undigested nitrogenous material, that left in the feces after successive extraction with ether, alcohol, hot water and cold lime water, and after digestion with a pepsin svlution, and also with the coefficients from a pepsin solution. For convenience the four methods are designated as A, B, C, and D, respectively. DIGESTIBILITY OF PROTEIN BY DIFFERENT METHODS. A. || i, Cc. D. ‘After correc- || les | tion by ex- | Aiter correc- | l=. || traction of | tion by diges-| Artificial Ae feces with tion of Jeces || pepsin pan- £3 |ether,aleohol.|| with pepsin | creas diges- OS hot water and], solution. tion. =e (|i Cold lime 2 | water. | a2 | : ic = | Ss = mo | | be ay 25 als iene tices eles tS | 2223 |s22| 28 leis 22 lea | B25| 22 |S28|| 23 822) 24 [S28 CN oe I Ure ea ese ites 2 ~-2o|/a2c8 HsE| os Mos Gio od Toei oan Om Ulitao % To XXIV... |Alsike clover .... . 59. 1]| 65.2 6.2|| 69.6) 1Q.5 aC aera CO ieee | Case liardhy) Bese Sool do Wh bead oO ie GeOy | LOsS bs palin 2 Obl og coool 08) ‘odove' soos 64. 0261) &.1|; 77.9) 13.9] 80.3, 16.3 XLII. ....|White clover. .... Stee sila en Sere eS cio) pie 241i Sil] Sis IWIN G5 coll KN unao escidc | 56.4]! 69. NOE) WB6O) Uda re ei) Oa Malian | Onchardvorass\y.. 210 DRED Ode embAre Sil aorta sai Ne iO) Sle laes NOW ca OG AP Poomeod aorodeoIDeOh Oleg iy PPIs UIs io. ¢ 48 6 Seen Go Seika cae 27.7] 30.2) 38.4) 40 9 ay a ; Ae NN : i) ORs a 19.5| 59.5) 33 6) ) | : aw potatoes | | | 78.61 51 XXVILI... Oat straw and 99 | 52.71 93 7| 68 1 39 hl p78.5) 51. XXX ; Raw potatves ; x hl| 37 earn Al |S) Date cs: Red top aye ee ae | 60.4)) 68.4 8.0] 72.6] 12.2] 64.1] 3.7 AXIIL....|Timothy.............) 45.6) 60.2) 14.6) 65.8 20.2) 56.61 11.4 Se eh, Overt asa enoneliarad oll ore Olas cn) t6ileG 16,7) $36 RILLV) CEH SER eS nO 60.4|| 09.8) 9.4] 74.8 14.41) 74.2] 13.8 ID feo Gamobe sie Boo booa Fono.ooy CRS OP OMe rs tera Gre 19.5]| 63. | 18.5 XLV. . |Wild oat grass. .....| 48 5|/ 63.4) 14.9] 68. | 19.5] 65.4] 16.9 XXXIX ../Witch grass...... sooe| 64.2) 73.9) 9.7) 80.5) 16.3]| 78 7) 14. 5 XLVI....|/Buttereup....... ...| 57.8|| 67.5] 9.7] 72.6. 14.8] 75.8] 18.0 XLVII...|White weed..........| 68.4]| 65.7) 8.3] 72 8 14.4) 73.3) 14.9 | | | 200 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. It appears that method A, gives uniformly much lower results than either of the other three methods, method C, giving the highest. The average coeflicients obtained by the four methods in 15 of the 19 trials, excluding the experiments where oat straw alone, and oat straw with potatoes were fed, are as follows: Method A. 56.9 per cent. ‘© BB. 67.3—10.4 above A. SO tee lem noua jee Gel B ese S57(5 51 LM) rae OG iain The increase in coefficients of digestibility due to the corrections applied, range in the 15 experiments from 6 per cent to 14.9 per cent with method B, and from 10.5 per cent to 20.2 per cent with method C. In those experiments where the daily ration was only 350 grains of oat straw, or 300 grains of oat straw and 1000 grains of raw potatoes, the amount of nitrogen extracted as presumable stoffwechselproducte is relatively much larger, and in these instances the coefficients by method B, are from 19.5 per cent to 30.2 per cent, and by method C, from 33.6 per cent to 40.9 per cent larger than by method A. The large differences in the results by the three methods in these two experiments are due to the fact that in one case an abnormally small amount was fed of a food poor iu nitrogenous material, and that in the other, the amount of material added to the oat straw contained a relatively large quantity of digestible substance as compared to the additional protein consumed. The amount of waste nitrogenous products in the feces, such as biliary compounds, etc., seems to be determined by the ‘‘wear and tear” of the digestive apparatus, and not by the quantity of nitrogen in the food. This ‘‘wear and tear’’ within a given time is proportionate, we may believe, to the amount of food digested. The next table shows that the nitrogenous material extracted from the feces by method B, bears a more nearly fixed relation to the material digested than to the protein fed. The error involved in method A, is in general, inversely to the amount of nitrogen in the food. The corrections of methods B and C then, affect the coefficients for oat straw and timothy much more than that for clover hay. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 201 Nitrogen extracted from | feces by successive treat- /ment with ether, alco- | hol, hot water and cold wi ighme water. a) o£ | i Za eee Te teen ae si AS | eB S o 8 ee oO = | =" @ m aes | | ane herds Els i) Honk eS gees ee 3 \aesin is g\2oa Ss a as s z Bee ars a8 ft $s Ko oO ON Sisal Orc irs Aa &0 o Ay Te | to S to XXIV ....|Alsike clover........... 70.4 344.0 68 20 | .96 3H eae | Ea ee 88.8 349.5 ||- 1.14 33 | 1.30 EXinIN? |White clover...........| 105.8 374.0 || 1.40 371 |\ole32 | | MUNI @ 2 (Elie joint. .cs 63 +. 64.3 251.5 || 1.27 -50 . |4 1.97 5 | f | XL....... Orchard grass..........! 52.5 323.7 || 1.22 37 | - 2.32 XXVIL...|Oat straw.......... 002. | -- 19:5 158.6 || .60 38 | 4.80 | | XXVII... Oat straw and raw pota- 2 | 1] 9 POLE hee a aaa do) Se Ol eleas EEA) pee | | bh ay dave [edibopysiis fees anzhrsec: 59.8 SATI6 lll 276 SDD heh aed ROHR se Timothy. it s.0.22:0c |" 416 320.4 || .99 pale 2238 | | HI SETHI ok IN ae (ibe out| e486 9% lllcnee'79 Be) LED Fe lc a Ca NU ey 1 276.2 || .82 30 | 2.00 XLV .....|Wild oat grass.....-.... 48.0 378.9 1.09 2990 | 2237 XXXIX ..|Witeh grass... 0... .... | 59.5 360.1 || .95 26 | 1.59|Buttercup «...4....0c¢.| -! 63-4 331.3 ||. .92 fog <| 1.45 RUV...|White weed... -..- 0s: 59.1 340.7 || 272 SH 1.22 The value of the foregoing observations as an aid in solving the problem of protein digestion must be decided according to the answer given to the following question: Do the solvents used in methods B and C extract from the feces any of the undigested protein? If not, then there seems to be good reason for applying some method of correction to the coefficients of digestibility of protein as usually determined. If nitrogenous waste products are present in the feces to the extent these methods indicate, the error they cause is too large to be ignored. Let us first consider method B. The solvents used are ether, hot alcohol, hot water and cold lime water. 202 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION:- It seems to be generally acknowledged that tlie ether and’ alcohol remove only biliary products. This assumption may safely be regarded as correct, unless the feces contain amides, certain: acid amides at least being soluble in both these liquids. If amides or peptones are present. then the extraction with hot water is also not allowable ; otherwise it would seem to be, for it is not probable’ that treatment of the feces for ten minutes with hot water would dissolve any albuminoids that bad withstood the long-continued action of the digestive fluids. In fact Dr. Armsb;’s work on the separation of albuminoids from: amide nitrogen in hays shows that treatment with hot water extracted’ no more nitrogen than Stiitzer’s method where a precipitant is used: to bring down any albuminoids that might be in the water solution. It seems hardly probable that the feces contain peptones or amides. These are compounds soluble in water. and are those into which the albuminoids of the food are transformed in order that they may be resorbed. It seems as probable that these substances should be wholly resorbed as that sugar should be, which is either in the food: or is formed from the starch of the food, and as can be seen later,. the feces examined in these experiments were found to contain 007 sugar In future work, however, tests will be made for peptones and amides, An examination of the figures given shows that the action of cold lime water for six hours removed considerable nitrogen not taken: out by the other three solvents. Did any of this nitrogen come: from the albuminoids of the feces? The results of an experiment with two hays indicate a negative- answer to this question Hays XLII and LI were submitted to an ordinary pepsin diges- tion for twenty-four hours, and also to the usual pepsin-pancreas- digestion, after which they were allowed to stand for different. lengths of time in a cold saturated solution of calcium hydrate.. Below are the figures showing the nitrogen in the hays before andi after standing in the solution. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 203 (er Car Fea Ton = Lt “) ° . = = me Nitrogen in residue after adii- = < | tional treatment with cold lime | = = 5 ~/|| Water. \ae 2.86 3 Ez =. | IZ Ze A| lh. |2brs 4 hrs.) 6 hrs. |36 hrs. “a= —— | Se % | % \\% | % | % | % | % XLIT..... |White clover hay. ....| : met) z zs & mG | | LI ..... |Timothy hay aoe ena.) ail) SBS I) oe ofan) 50 39 As has been observed, the digestion with a pepsin solution extracis more fecal nitrogen than method B. Does method C extract too much? It now seems to the writer that there is some reason for thinking that it does. By method B the nitrogen exiracted is that which is readily and immediately dissolved, while the pepsin solution continues to remove an increasing quantity up to 24 hours’ digestion. and perhaps farther. This matter was made the subject of but one experiment The feces from LI were treated with pepsin solution for six. twelve. eighteen and twenty-four hours, the nitrogen in the water-free residues being 1.19, 1.08. 1.04, and .99 per cent respectively. Again the results by method C average considerably higher than by methods B and D (pepsin-pancreas digestion), while the two latter agree closely with each other. Nearly twenty digestion experiments are now being planned tor the next year’s work at this station, and an effort will be made to so increase the data bearing on the main points here presented, that more definite conclusions can be reached. REPORT OF CHEMIST. J. M. BARTLETT. FERTILIZERS. The official methods adopted by the Association of Official Agri- cultural Chemists (see bulletin No. 16, U. S. D’p't of Agr’l,) have been quite closely followed, therefore only the most important varia- tions are published below. Soluble Phosphoric Acid. In this determination the substance is brought directly upon a filter and leached with 300 to 350 c. e. water into a 400 c. ¢. flask, care being taken to add the water in small portions at first, and allow each portion to run through before adding a new one. After the leaching is completed the solution is made up to the mark and 100 c. c. taken for analysis. This seems to us’the simplest and best method yet recommended, as we get no higher results by following the official directions. Washing by decantation from a beaker is. especially objectionable with phosphates, that revert rapidly, as quite a portion of the phosphoric acid is precipitated in the beaker and remains on the filter. In many instances only 15 to 20 minntes time has been allowed for the precipitation of phosphoric acid with ammonium molybdate, and it has always been found to be completely precipitated. Potash. The same method as employed heretofore and described in Maine Experiment Station report for 1886-1887 has been used, as it has required less time than the Gladding method and gives accurate results. Nitrogen. When nitrates were present a modification of the Kjeldahl Jodlbauer method which was worked up and tested at this station during the AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 205 summer of 1887 but not published heretofore, has been used. Practically the same method has been suggested and tested by other chemists since that time with good results. The method is as follows :—1 gram finely powdered substance is introduced into a dry digestion flask, 30 c. c. concentrated sulphuric acid containing 14 grams phenol added, shaken until thoroughly mixed and allowed to stand ten minutes at ordinary temperature. One-half to two grams powdered zinc is then added, the flask placed over a very low flame and heated cautiously for 15 minutes, when about 7 grams mercury is added and the flame increased sufficiently to boil the acid. The remainder of the process does not differ from the regular Kjeldahl method. This method has proved very reliable when properly worked. The only precautions necessary to secure good results are, to mix the substance with the acid and phenol, thoroughly, before adding zinc or heating, and to have the flame very low on beginning to heat. The following table shows the results obtained with pure nitrates and fertilizers containing nitrates. Samples I to V inclusive were prepared from fertilizers containing only organic nitrogen and ammonium salts. The nitrogen was carefully determined in them and a weighed amount of pure nitrate added to each. A few de- terminations were made with benzoic acid substituted for phenol—a modification of Asboth’s method. 206 AGRICULTUKAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Total Nitrogen -~ 2 a a eles 3 S|) Sues ° re =%3 =3 re ie oo ao i a See es | = 3 sii fA) cS ca Zz ZZ we Me iS) ane Zo % % % Potassium nitrate,c.p.... .. = 13.86 13.84 13.86 {| 13,86 on OG — - 13.87 13.93 66 6s 66 = = 13.84 13.75 ce “cc GI) WN BHaGG:cda0l60dC - - = 13.82 «“ Rertilizenicocsc cee caeenecines I 42 = Bota 3.73 “ RAR eC nA ye betes I .42 = 3.78 pa “ PUA ae eek aaadin a Late II 69 3.90 3.94 3.93 ce eho eaers EPSvettW vip ekretrels Il .69 | 3.92 Boe?) = 6 : tL 1.356 4.53 4.55 GAR RE US MMM Es Ate ack LIT 1.386 4.49 2 GOW Be GonnoD BAGS CANO SHOD.OOG0 IV GG - 3.89 3.93 UG LV OG - 3.96 “ COAG auivect lal say erat ca peta inc Ste cas IV & = 3.92 “ O.Gie CIA ae ett IEA Ue Sic IV “ = 3 96 “6 Sie en ga Be tN A rape A Vv “ 4.01 3.98 3.96 CG Bs ngs ak PN lobe Mee a V OG 3.97 4.07 6c IO BN pa I Saar AALS cod Heal apo yas V 66 + 04 “ Irs USSU Ea i OU etna Lara V “6 - 4 00 6 ag Vi Gt - 3.98 | Copper Oxide. GOiC h kees cul Leee be ak bss uiayaysicwieecs VI 42 - 2.64 2.60 ec Bo AGES Sieh sien Pale ee see stts Fava VI arin - ats) = “ AD UECLs Boon oe ene ORIARAS VIL ott) - 2.48 2.47 GG GN De eet Se teeta eee VILL £83 = 1.45 1.45 ‘6 Fh iia Heer ain Cae OY ofa) RS ip.¢ . 63 - Mos) 2.49 ss BAP tcoare eee Patel Pants torers ac x 54 - 3.00 3.05 se Ut IE eee RO EL eaote XI .86 1.94 1.96 1.89 OG AAA Sits AOn eo oon ADR EXAIGS XI 2.72 - 2.96 3.05 “ SBS EEA Ae be ORO a eariann hr uee>. © UI EIE 1.59 = 3 25 Bam “ arte ae Eire XIV = 2.98 2.89 Prof. Scoville’s method with salicylic acid has also been given a trial, and results were satisfactory, but thus far, we fail to see that it has any advantages over the Kjeldahl Jodlbauer modification MILK. Solids. A small quantity of asbestose, suffivient to absorb two grams of milk, is placed in a two and one-half inch watch-glass, deepest form, lined with tinfoil. This is dried at 100° and together with its cover and clamp. is weighed. About two grams of milk are then run from a pipette on the asbestose and the whole weighed again, dried for two hours at 100° C. cooled and finally weighed. First weight subtracted from the last gives weight of soli 1s. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, 207 ‘By using watch-glasses ground together and clamped the use of -a desiccato is avoided unless the weighing is to be deferred for -quite a time. Fat. The portion dried for solids is removed from the watch-glass, the tinfoil drawn toa thimble form around the asbestose, perforated with a pin, placed in the extracter, the fat extracted with ether and -dried for one hour at 100° C. and weighed. Nitrogen. About two grams of milk are run into the flask from a weighing pipette and without drying down the nitrogen is determined by Kjeldahl method using only 10 ¢. c. sulphuric acid. Heat should be applied very gently and the flask shaken frequently until the water is boiled out, otherwise a loss of nitrogen may occur from the milk spattering on the hot walls of the flask and burning off. Ash. Two grams are ignited at a low red heat in a platinum dish till constant weight is obtained. SUGAR AND STARCH IN COARSE FODDERS. Sugars. Five grams of the finely powdered substance are placed in a beaker, 100 c ce. water at 40° C. added and allowed to stand for one-half hour, with frequent shaking. The extract is then filtered through paper into a 250 ¢. c. flask, the substance brought upou the filter and leached with water at ordinary temperature till the solu- tion is made up to 250 ¢. ¢. Twenty-five c. c. of this solution are taken for determination of glucose and another portion of twenty-five c. c. is heated, after adding a few drops of HCl, in a covered beaker on the steam bath, for one-half hour, then neutralized with KHO and total sugar determined. Allihn’s method and tables* were used in all cases for all sugar determinations, except that instead of reducing the copper oxide to copper it was ignited and weighed as CuO and the Cu calculated. -Several comparisons showed this method to be accurate. *Freseneus’s Quan. Chem. Analysis, 6th Ed., p. p. 595-597. 208 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. ate Milligrams. Milligrams. (She ee Reser b a Pease from Determinationylyrsmewecceseecleveemcneciee .0715 0718 “ DD es aie nies eters teteneisiaces bettie 2378 379 & MUD scion wtateterayas aires wiearnate .380 375 Starch. The five grams that have been leached for sugars are washed into a flask with 150 c. c. water, the flask attached to a condenser to prevent the escape of steam and the contents boiled for one-half hour. Then fifty c. c. of a two per cent solution of HCl are added and the boiling continued for one-half hour more, the solution filtered through linen into a beaker and the residue thoroughly washed with hot water. (The washing is much facilitated by wring- ing the water completely out each time before adding a new portion). The beaker is then placed on a steam bath, the solution evaporated to nearly 200 c. c. and 15 c. ec. HCl (Spe. grav. 1.12) added and the heating continued for three hours. The solution is then filtered if necessary, transferred to a 250 c. c. flask, made slighuly alkaline with KHO, filled to the mark and filtered through dry filter. Twenty-five c. c. are taken for each determination. The above method was employed for the determination of starch in some coarse fodders and excrements where it was thought desira- ble to use a method that was compatible with our present one for determination of crude fibre. Most of the methods published here- tofore subject the fodder to the direct action of the acid for the time required to convert the starch to sugar. Such treatment will give a much larger percentage of starch than is found in the acid solution from a crude fibre determination, and will also reduce the total amount of fibre in about the same propor- tion. A few comparative tests were made with the method recently published by Mr. E. F. Ladd,* in which the fodder is treated with 150 c. c. water containing four to five c. c. concentrated HCl for twelve hours at 100° C. A sample of Timothy treated by this method gave about seven. per cent more starch than the method described above, and to ascer- tain whether the cellulose was very much acted on, a crude fibre determination was made, treating the fodder with 200 c. c. water *Sixth Annual Report N. Y. Agricultural Experiment Station, p. 462. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 209 containing 5c. c. concentrated HCl at 100° C. for eight hours, then one-half hour with alkali as by the regular crude fibre determination and the result was about five per cent less fibre than when treated one- half hour with one and one-fourth per cent sulphuric acid in the usual manner. Asa further test, five grams of crude fibre were treated by Mr. Ladd’s method and the extract tested with Fehling solution. The amount of copper oxide precipitated was equivalent to six and four-tenths per cent of starch. By boiling a fodder one-half hour with a one-half per cent HCl solution as much material that reduces Fehling solution is rendered soluble as when a 1.25 per cent Sulphuric Acid is used. The follow- ing fodders were treated with both acids. Equal to Starch. One-half per cent. One and one-quarter per cent. H Cl. Hy SO, SamplerA Corn fodder... J... ses. +e. 13.7 Dor OG ISS SOG LO DeG5c sens Gang Hasecude 15.16 16.0 SOMO tL UM OUMYa\=\a100es, cie/ic sla eislelelioie els 13.80 13.5 sé DD, Alsike clover....... breyelzyeieiste 9.31 Dolley HCl was employed to bring the starch into solution for the rea- son that it is considered more favorable to the conversion of starch to sugar than sulphuric acid, and amixture of acids during the latter part of the process was not desirable. The strength required was determined by making a number of crude fibre determinations, substituting HCl solutions of varying strengths for the 1.25 sulphuric acid, until one was found that gave practically the same crude fibre. The treatment with acid removes nearly all the matter that. reduces Fehling solution which is extracted in a crude fibre deter— mination, but a small amount being found in the alkali solution.. Several alkali solutions that were examined contained less than two- per cent and as high a percentage of starch was obtained by boiling: the substance one-half hour with water previous to treating it with acid as when both alkali and acid solutions were used. 14 REPORT OF CHEMIST. L. H. MERRILL. FODDER ANALYSIS. With the exceptions noted below the methods used during the year have been those recommended by the American Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. Ash—Crude ash was determined by burning two grams of the fodder at a low red heat in a platinum dish. Ether Extract—One gram of the air-dry material was extracted for six hours. The extract was dried one hour at 100° and cooled in a desiccator. Crude Fiber—Two grams were weighed into a round-bottomed flask of 500 c. ec. capacity, 150 c. c. of water were added and the contents of the flask raised to the boiling point before the addition of the acid (50 c. c. of a 5 per cent solution.) The soda solution was added in a similar manner. During the boiling, the flask was connected with a condenser. Both filtrations were made upon linen. After the final washing with water, the fiber was transferred to a Gooch crucible, washed with alcohol and ether, and dried at 100°. ARTIFICIAL DIGESTION. The pepsin and pancreas solutions used in the work were pre- pared in the manner described in last year’s report. The pepsin solution was allowed to act twenty-four hours (two days of twelve hours each.) The time for the pancreas digestion, however, was shortened to twelve hours. It is probable that even a shorter time would suffice (Stuetzer, Zeit. Phys. Chemie, xi. pp. 207-238,) but no experiments were made to test this point. To ascertain the effect of reducing the time of the pepsin diges- tion, samples of corn meal and white clover were treated in the AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Zilali usual manner, while in a duplicate set the action of the pepsin was limited to twelve hours. The nitrogen found in the undigested residues is shown below. 24 hs. pepsin, 12 hs. pepsin, 12 hs. pancreas, 12 hs. pancreas, per cent undigested, per cent undigested. Corn Meal, XX, .26 42 White Clover, XIII. 49 04 A sheep excrement, after 6 hours with pepsin alone, gave nitrogen 1.12 per cent; after 12 hours, 1.02; 18 hours, .98; 24 hours, .93. It would appear from these figures that the full effect of the pepsin is not obtained in 12 hours—at least, in the case of the materials named. In this work much depends upon the complete separation of the digestive fluids from the residue, and the careful washing of the latter. As a rule, the filtrations were effected with extreme difficulty, and a few anomalous results were manifestly due to the fact that a part of the digested material remained upon the filter. The best results were obtained by the use of the ‘‘Best German’’ filter paper. Soft filters, 13 c. m in diameter, were selected and pleated. After the final washing no attempt was made to separate the residue from the paper. When dry, the tops of the filters were cut away, and the nitrogen determined in the whole by the Kjeldahl method. LOSS OF NITROGEN FROM NITROGENOUS SUPERPHOSPHATES. Andouard* calls attention to the loss of nitrogen which many superphosphates suffer through the decomposition of nitrates. This decomposition he believes to be due to the presence of free phos- phoric, sulphuric or fluorhydric acids. The nitric acid thus set free escapes either unchanged or after reduction by the iron sulphide, ammonia salts or organic matters present The statement has also been made that sodium nitrate undergoes . decomposition in the presence of free sulphuric acid together with large quantities of iron sulphate and organic matters.t In August 1887 six nitrogenous superphosphates were prepared in the station laboratory. They were mixed as follows: 1. 500 grams Dissolved Bone Black. 100 ‘* Sodium Nitrate. *Comptes rendues, Tome CIV, Nr. 9, S. 583--585; Abs. Bied. Centralblatt, Mai, 1887, S. 304--305. t+Chemikerzeitung, 1887, Nr. 36; Abs. Bied, Centralblatt, Mai, 1887, S. 305. Dil? AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 2. 500 grams Dissolved Bone Black. COs: Sodium Nitrate. IO) Ge Dried Blood. 3. 500 ‘* Dissolved Bone Black. 60 ‘** Sodium Nitrate. 100 ‘* Dried Blood. 60 ‘¢ Ferrous Sulphate. Samples 4, 5 and 6 were prepared as 1, 2 and 3 respectively, except that dissolved South Carolina Rock was substituted for the Bone Black. The superphosphates, after being finely ground and well mixed, were placed in wide-mouthed bottles, loosely stoppered and allowed to stand on the floor in one corner of the laboratory. From time to time the nitric acid and total nitrogen were determined in these samples. In order that the results might be compared, the moisture was also determined and all the results reduced to a water-free basis. The first determinations of total nitrogen were made by the abso- lute methed; the others by the modified Kjeldahl method. The results are given below. | ? | August, 1887. October, 1887 December, 1887 July, 1888. pons r= , =| ; S a | : 5 Ee g ba 2 Som Dm uciess Sp £ 50 Be ists fae s2 Sy be ene @e Bir | Se eZ ZF, ae ZZ Sipe Ia eaee az, wiz | oe | | We 83663 3.18 3.42 3.09 Bet i Bart Bo NS} 3.07 3.07 Z| tia OO) USK) 3.50 1.70 Baa) | Ne?) 3.64 Hetil 3.50 3 3.38 1.62 3.46 1.65 Bord) | - 3.26 yea 54 3.12 | | | 4| 3.06 = = 3.05 3) 5 onal 2.94 2.88 2.89 The amount of moisture present varied greatly from time to to time, and the apparent fluctuations in the amount of nitrogen was undoubtedly due in part to errors in reducing the results toa water-free basis. . Four months before the last determinations were made the samples were wet almost to a paste. Although the conditions were AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. 213 made as favorable as possible to the changes indicated by Andouard, yet the results obtained seem to show that the loss, if any, was trifling. METHOD FOR PHOSPHORIC ACID. Isbert and Stuetzer (Zeit. Anal. Chemie. 26, 583) propose a simplification of the ordinary method of determining phosphoric acid. The abridgement is based upon the constant relation which is said to exist between the ammonia and the phosphoric acid in the ammonium phospho-molybdate precipitate. These writers also claim that washing the yellow precipitate with cold water dissolves out the ammonium silico-molybdate which may be present, without removing any appreciable amount of phosphoric acid. The method proposed is briefly this: The phosphoric acid is precipitated in the usual manner with ammonium molybdate, the precipitation being hastened by heating the solution to 60-70° C. for fifteen minutes. After cooling, the supernatant liquid is poured upon a filter, the precipitate washed several times by decantation with cold water, and the precipitate itself at last transferred to the filter. The washing is continued until the washings amount to one- fourth litre. The filter containing the precipitate is then transferred to a distillation flask, soda solution added, the ammonia distilled into standard sulphuric acid and determined by titration. The relation of nitrogen to phosphoric acid in the ammonium phospho- molybdate was found to be 1: 1.654. In order to test the applicability of this method to general laboratory use a number of trials were recently made at this station. The results obtained were not satisfactory. Moreover great diffi- culty was experienced in washing from the filter the last traces of ammonium nitrate contained in the molybdate solution. So much time was consumed in this way that the method was abandoned as being longer and less accurate than the gravimetric method in ordinary use. As regards the use of cold water in washing the ammonium phospho-molybdate precipitate, it was found that in a few cases slightly lower results were obtained than when ammonium nitrate was employed. The differences were so slight, however, that it was decided to make this substitution in fertilizer analyses of the coming year. 214 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. LAWS. Chapter 177, Public Laws of Maine, 1887. AN ACT to regulate the sale and analysis of Commercial Fertilizers. Szction 1. The manufacturer, company, or person selling or offering for sale in this State, any commercial fertilizers exceeding teu dollars per ton in price shall, on or before the first day of March annually, or before offering the same for sale, register in the office of the department of the Maine State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, known as the Agricultural Experiment Station, the name or trade mark under which the fertilizer is sold, the name of the manufacturer and the place of manufacture. Sec. 2. Any manufacturer, company or person who shall offer, sell, or expose for sale in this State, any commercial fertilizer, the price of which exceeds ten dollars per ton, shall affix to every package, in a conspicuous place on the outside thereof, a plainly printed certificate, stating the number of net pounds in the package sold or offered for sale, the name or trade-mark under which the article is sold, the name of the manufacturer, and the place of manu- facture, and a chemical analysis stating the percentage of nitrogen, or its equivalent in ammonia in available form, of potash soluble in water, and of phosphoric acid in available form, soluble or reverted, as well as the total phosphoric acid. Src. 3. 60 6056 coun Codd conD Shue 84 ASR SCIAGy LATO ag60 cpoGHsse G008-00000009 sade dono odGe poo uges.ccmo dogo oeee | 0G ES AML OV AME OSUSRO Licteerc rol area aera ravayis lala Solas ie stares siepwiodavere cite wisi ¢ sisjavalsisien lane cieeles Sete 128 129 Bae UALS SMOMLILIZOrs says aaa nielaye ct zeros nc/etefictetee ye Sine! aisietes vate ysle cis} alee ere SOON OOF IOD SEPA V ASIN cab 6 agus ada 0006 2005 6505 0008 000n dho0 sou0 coe 38, 39, 58 BPO ES OAEMOW GUANO) 2.125. 5% ices chee aes > ialete oisibis csielels) ee ol wlaele, fis = 5 elevaeleeinte 40, 41, 58 Belkmapiseeuro Guano BONG sre cen selec cies, sie-eret sieves 2 Ocis) ace seesalt sisters eins ous 60 Black Spot, on apples........... aobedou 9500 46d0.b004 good condicnan oano Bsns Wel aul Bing: Srell@nwelnle ones Goagas50 cooenobe doDouoDs nodoodde shoanose soos aaer 186-187 Moroes eCOMPOBSLtIOM Ofer «2 aisia) vic wists clare) s.cieis eeieisicisisisl cise ei eeials evieiciesicececs | | .O0 AiSEstibility soli cicisire cele eve ccesusievetes cele moat ica siete emiora Grave 94, 96, 97 E@WUEDIbe 1b 4h) MCR CR Ayes Se coco coos aeee dddadnecmades) ds ccoo noe Gane Jn Botanistiand Hntomologist, report Of....\.2 sicec cscs co-= -o0e sce snc ccs ose 136-195 Bowkerns-Ammoniated Dissolved: Bone: sence nene cc cle tnlc tenes) vctnletelciotecres 40, 4], 58 Hill and Drill PHosphatencmecancctckeriie sie cicislels excels iprteie tarmac 40, 41, 58 BragleyssmurekayMOrtili Zn. orcs cisicisisiecisiters Gels etericis male ere ee cet he nionec Say Sas OS BG tatosMan Urs sass os:c\ce slet eye wie elclelehalavarnoe Or lacie Staak ite ettie ce chee 42, 43, 58 X.L ,Superphosphate........ So00 G0ne, Hobe BOOS dan cocuosoD Gane 42, 43, 58 LAUER, CO mM USO Wis Goon CoGe 6600 Ddga no00 Gdb0 6505 GOOE BOCs 6606 asa a sack 86 CHARITON AAO baan6 geno Goch dou Sone sade sodalnbao nado aos ace 95, 96, 97 CHEMISES BLO DOLGK YO fase cfs nia) eis Iaereeneieratateialetece iain ot eaks mepone ae eier aaa lerel eotelerelin si eure clare 204-213 Ohannelirea AGN IBIS 6ad0 Goce G56 Gb00 Goud cede suds 4oNa cbse cdes bodice os IPN: Cleveland superphosphaterr «eis cimian ~mclelalsisinlaclclelesicieleiswielsicisls wl ©) eieivs cian tS, 40,106 220 INDEX. Clover, VAlsike composition Of eiieseelelelaiielellelelelelelsleleialelalaleeivleleiainicl se) leet enero 86 Aigestibility Of. . 6c scce ccs c ence seen cacricccs coes «eee den 04,905 Oil WANE, COMMON Wises o6G5 4000 506550006005 Fo0b 5000500 o600 DaG0.05c0 86 digestibilityjofyermiyecierieniceitc oe BH pEHOO Hobo aos coco, HG, OF (Osha WOW. Gacoes boas A6us Gooe GODS con odho cabo docousen Gone Soto odooesos NIMH CommonSense Hertilizer Diamond: Deri islets ielelele) ctelsie clea isisla/ --+ ces «ccs «roe ssce cccs sm aves 193 194 Mayc Superphosphate......... eee 48, 49, 58 ni bhil WWI so ‘bog Gab0lesoo cane Bsn po0e Cool mnan peun O0bo bane HopeinabereGuicncsi Wk, PMMAReETe LOM EOL, ANALYSIS) Ole is. m\e/stcinsis lam © osistsis EiSois/ ccis) a, a sieicias.e siete le arecie 206 207 Moore, A. L., experiment of.............. . 79 80 AU DPPC =9 OR) MASS Sansisace Good os00 S050 dodo ade> 550d dose obod eee 187-188 PICK ANALY SOS OL 2 2\c-) eeicis ccisic sve cl eee wists, soy vechais olan OL Ge Nitrogen, albuminoid in fodders...........-..2...- : 5 AG ga5C Sab: | | tele) amide &s 2 Sa Becca 88 determination of .............. ees 204 206 UPR OEE a5. does eve oon ohocene ss ecgs ocousaetsaae 27-28 loss of from superphosphates....... SAG Ans monoens endo Bley) B: Nitrogen-free extractive matter............ StDIseod bdOe “Oo Goad deau nooniecoe 85 composition of............. 88-90 digestibility of .......... - 98-99 LGU GIO bo deeon eas ese sn odpoensD oo : 108 WARIS ERAS eof (= i~ oi=) six sivicinjs i sce sla Bese AOR BAe ence E, Slaape eine . 96 97 Eo 25), CRSGiC aR aA te te Sue AAP EBS ISGRS) She Gabe Sor 126-127 DO DSCR TE GET Gir ISON tsigees done coon poco dooucooo dade seer soouese eo GH MOL ni seein cogs code ceases bane she ssacebes doce 94, 96, 97 Onemal! Coes Superphosphate,. 05 5. cece ese. sane wccr cece ven ce - 48, 49, 58 Oyster-Shell Bark-Louse ........... Paris Green, analysis of........... Grin llofiee scree whi hong Coup Doo onemodh< Coco dada aeSae 189-190 seeiafalar iNet ae roray ste Meee eiel eaten OD 190 222 INDEX. PAGE. Pear Tree Slug... -- 176-178 IBGHICH (ERENOHa oh. 66 bo doe n98e COO oOo GnObLUond Dabo bS00 aduE coGd 6960 6000 cobs 129-134 Peroxide of Silicates, analysis of.. 5 ae iS Rete 191 trial of... ale Sooo li) PhillbrookssyG mound WB ONG) cetesreierse/aieielelouelnielelcolelsiolleie ounce iei-tei- flee ielai= ier ee ere 60 Phosphoric acid, forms of.. 50 600 - 28-29 method of detonnination. 213 soluble, determination vee Aiea Hon. PAIS Plum ACuncull oss :as atvicrtor ce stevens exalts: sieves) javats jeiclelemelsveloiarev stems aieielicievarenste cicte Ce PRIA 178-181 Potash, determination of ........ 0 204 forms of.. S00 . 5 29 Potato, Hop and Tobacco Phos. OG BOG0 6006 UONH caso DdON dos G00 Hos 50, ‘81, 58 Phosphate ... he ..50, 51, 58 Scalbwepircterts -- 148-149 JERE KES HES Ola be nboS Gdd0 GOO BOOS D000 GOOG dGOD DOGH oon aden suds Gans case 123-125 JACK eg douse sour DoUe ddoc done bond adcuoooG dade mGuD dubs GoeDIGhOS 6000 ooo: cote 84 artificial digestion of ................. 606 : : -. 195-196 digestibility of by different methods........... 2... .+00 seen seee .. 196-203 Purrington, J. F.. 3 ee --- 73-74 Quinnipiace Grass Fertilizer.... 6 .- 50, 51, 59 HNO NNMoe cag do0b dade CGO GOEG 6000 6nao BNO0 9000 donDOODe Soo 50, 51, 59 Potatoy Mantels cacicistcrons!s cistron ciarcteireiierevslelotslieys eyesore acetal eee 50, 51, 59 IRENA NS, COL KoA HVS CE566G 64600000 6d08 6560 0000 DodD Gncn. 6005000 cObe cO00 102 -122 Red Top, composition of ...... 50 066 56 86 CHRO HUNTER? O55 Goo G509 0000 006600005060 F400 GbOO OOD sao bos s0ce 95, 96 SacadahociSupenphosphatery-i.1--\<1sie) ealejetoie/aleliclelel=velsis\s} GOoO Shas BOND Dd06 dodo cade 29 “WiDwi® SOG cag odes done spc0 eens cove sdag “400 66605055 5000 S006 4000 CnbaSEEC 184 185 White Weed, composition of ....... 2... 2... .205 eee 3505 9000 DOGO NOOO coon Bane 86 TEE DUA Win no agoe codc soa 0Nde docddg4a Doo CCOREOSa Doce Bh MH, Ot Wink Cath CARER, COT EA OIE Gos eo ho gaoGado> 2o65 ogoO JdamlUonoEdee seas eens, | Gls CHEN OIA TONG coor bao0 6508 cbc 20540000 2055 Gone Cond Hoadeb, Ws, Oy “Win, CRDEE, COL MUON? Sa5 5500 coop Sone coon e000 4055 Sade 50bn ceoneuse sono] tte (BCR TA, Dis 50 cote 6060 nob DOD CODe GUD CoSno00A 6O50 506+ 95, 96, 97