233: W245 ee eee ——- sii 2o8st5es2-S5bst5 , . as ’) 466% Lettering for Bac we Y «J 34 Pamphlet COLOR Black Red Maroon Light Blue Dark Blue Tan Light Brown Med. Brown Y Dark Brown | + | Pe | dl Light Green Olive Dark Green 1903-1921 Grey Marble Paper or Smooth Back > TO BE IN oN ee B24 WAAC |S BULLETIN NO. 51. ¢ MONTANA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Or THE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE OF SPlONTANA. First Annual Report of the — State Entomologist of Montana, 4 _—— re, BOZETIAN, MONTANA, DECETIBER, 1903, Mie See! Bozeman, Mont. ‘ oat oem The Avant Courier Publishing Co. ee ree 1904. ee Montana Agricultural Experiment Station, Bozeman, Montana. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION. JOSEPH K. Toore, Governor | James Donovan, Attorney General EX-OFFICIO........ Helena W. W. WELCH, Supt. of Public Instruction J INGO WIM CE ONNE LAG yoi2is 0s cadhvonusceuaser ones sence acre ane ececkte aie eens Helena Wie ML; OTINSON, Seis cen cngenenonatchneees bevel ooedestotae neers hin ve oe ore ..... Billings QO» P, (CHISHOLM. kiga. ties aacescases de RaET Th eee ae Reo Be ele ee eee Bozeman TLEG SMICKCAY fk. 3.8. Snne ss setes Secs scadte Se ces ae ee ote ee eee Missoula Oy Dg AID as Socrates Ss ba Steen cee da accion eniass sate ce oinaing Guedes anna ne eee eee Dillon PNG = ELOISE Riciaeawts caus sashonisustigrenvascosts echenccteaeestemee Cbene ec oete ae eee Helena Byes Ne SI VAAING) £0, che snc Santa hoecee babe beac eomna ddcatiu seus eecenee Neato Missoula TEAS, AR BONAR D eaicess codes ate vaceseneneve rode embenset vstsencescaean te aeeenam Butte EXECUTIVE BOARD. VALTER :S: HARTMAN, ‘Presidem tiecs47geticcscecsssseec see eee Bozeman AU Ee te AUR cata ac seaie tees once esc oce each peleseter ene aera ee Bozeman PRTER: KOCH ;SCCKOLALY 122i sans ois sc sactvlecctn socniee dee toca gusesscneenaeeaee Bozeman ROSE PED INOUN PZ ir ias nas cdsaccce Pee Maceo sede scenes aiek neon ta ccatenecea Seana Bozeman ) Seat 3 SR) BG." 5% [) aera aoe eae pmo” '|~ CSe Obm Dee igs of Leys Pere Ma IS Caco Bozeman STATION STAFF. *SAMUEL ForTIER, Ma. Bw ake Director and Irrigation Engineer FE, B: LINFIELD, BLS Gate Se ee Vice-Director and Agriculturist BP: W."PRAPHAGEN, PhD heGs So. th. ceteereees deer waas cane Chemist JoW.-BiANKamseP; Ph. 1). t a ccg. ons cscs store ostemer sac mans Botanist eA) COOLEY ) Bs (Seles essa hoctasereosti tana case eee ane Entomologist ee he EOE SETIN Ric ERR Sy ceca swtsneee Soaee Meee seen eueeTneeee Assistant Horticulturist DMO IS URGE fo 4.2.2 mevas de anon ce nes enne eae onale te. eee mates Assistant Chemist ANG | fg 25 0 5 (0429 OR nae RE RPP on ON CARRE E CE ane Assistant Dairyman *Absent on leave. Post Office, Express and Freight Station, Bozeman. All communications for the Experiment Station should be addressed to the Director, MonTANA EXPERIMENT STATION, Bozeman, Montana. Notice.—The Bulletins of the Station will be mailed iree to any citizen of Montana who sends his name and address to tue Station for that purpose. THE COMMON TOAD (See Article in this Bulletin) — Montana Experiment Station. DECEMBER, 1903. BULLETIN Si. INTRODUCTION. This first Report of the State Entomologist of Montana contains an account of a few of the most important insect pests of Montana and in addition, a fairly complete, though condensed, manual of insect pests. This manual is intended to put in easily accessible form the most important information regarding a large number of insects now in the state or liable to be introduced. Considering the great importance of the codling moth, the reader will perhaps expect to find an account of it in this report. However, such an account is omitted for two reasons, first, a report on this pest was issued from the Experiment Station a few months ago, copies of which are still available for distribution, and, second, it is intended to conduct further investigations on this pest during the coming summer (1904) and we shall desire to publish those results one year ircm now. In view of the fact that the codling moth will for years to come be the most important insect pest with which Montana apple growers will have to contend, it is our inten- tion to make the next report upon the subject the most complete and practical that has yet been issued from this Station. In view of the great economic importance of grasshoppers and because of the unusual demand for information concerning them, we have given them prominence in this report. We renew our statement of willingness to answer inquiry re- garding insect pests. Such requests for information should always be accompanied by specimens of the insects that are doing the damage and a statement of the facts necessary for our information in making recommendations. Every vegetable product of the soil is subject to the attack in insect life and every crop that is grown by men is more or less in- 200 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. jured by insect pests. These injuries may be so conspicuous as to force themselves upon our notice or they may be so hidden and in- sidious as to escape detection except by the most observant. The farmer may suffer heavy financial loss, or because of the higher price which comes as a result of a shortness in the crop, he may be only slightly affected. In the latter case the general public become the suffers, but in all cases, losses through depredations of insects come out of the coffers of man, if not out of his daily bread. Considering the great agricultural possibilities of this state, together with the fact that, incidental to commercial practices, in- jurious insects new to this region are constantly liable to introduc- tion, it is very important that every possible means be imployed to prevent the introduction and-spread of pests of all horticultural and agricultural plants. All rational means of defense against injuries from animals of this class are based on a more or less intimate knowledge of the life history and habits of the insects. It is apparent, therefore, that as a defensive measure the acquiring of a knowledge of life histories of the insect destroyers of our crops is of great practical ‘value and must always precede quarantine and medical work. Again, in order that investigations may be safeguarded against danger of becoming narrow and losing their practical setting, it is obviously necessary that they be conducted not only in the entomolo- gist’s office or in one locality, but in the field and throughout the state. Realizing the truth of these statements the Entomological De- partment of the Experiment Station is centralizing its efforts.on the accumulation of information regarding species of insects that are now or may become injurious and, obedient to the Act of the Eighth Legislative Assembly, whereby the office of State Entomologist was created, is making its observations and conducting its experiments in all parts of the state. MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 201 THE BUD MOTH. Tmetocera ocellana_ Schrif. The bud moth was first discovered in this country in 1841 in Massachusetts and was at that-time doing considerable damage. In 1869 it was pronounced the most injurious enemy of the apple tree, next to the canker-worm, in the state of Massachusetts. Since that time it has been spreading westward and has at times been very destructive, notably in 1891 throughout Massachusetts, New York and Canada and again in Michigan in 1892. It now occurs throughout Northern United States from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean but is much more thoroughly distributed in the east than in the west. It has been found as far south as Washington, B.C. For fully fifty years previous to the time the insect was first de- tected in Massachusetts it was a well known and destructive species in Europe. There can be little doubt that it was introduced into America from Europe on young trees, intended for planting. OCCURRENCE IN MONTANA. While engaged in certain investigations concerning the codling moth in Missoula in the spring of 1902 the writer’s attention was called to trees in the home orchards on Front street, Missoula, the foliage of which showed distinct signs of injury by insects. On examination it was found that the injury was caused by the bud moth. The vernal form of the larva was doing rather serious damage on many trees. The buds, both leaf and flower, were severe- ly injured and a large proportion of the expanding clusters of leaves were tied together, each containing one of more nearly full-grown larvae which were feeding voraciously. Beside occurring through- out Missoula and in the orchards just outside of the city, the insect is also gaining a foothold for a considerable distance up the valley of the Bitter Root river. . iMPORTANCE OF THE PEST. To just what extent this insect will be destructive in Montana’s climate, if it becomes generally distributed, cannot be foretold. Ex- 202 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. perience of other localities has distinctly shown that its injuries will be more severe some years than others. For the present, at least, Montana fruitgrowers should look upon it as a pest of first-class importance. They should inform themselves concerning the habits and appearance of the insect in all its stages and should be on the lookout for it in the orchard. é Spraying does not appear to be effective in killing the larvae Should the moth be admitted to the nurseries of the state it would be very unfortunate not only for the nursery men but also for the persons who purchase trees from them. NATURAL HISTORY AND FIAB EES: The larva or so-called worm spends the winter in a temporary cocoon or hibernaculum on the trees. These hibernacula are re- markable objects in that they so closely resemble the bark and the felty surface of the young twigs as to be very difficult of detection even by a trained eye. They are closely secreted in crevices around the buds or in the depressed scars that mark the spots where leaves were attached. They are about one-sixteenth of an inch across and though made principally of the silken secretion that is produced from the silk organs of the mouth of the caterpillar, they contain enough of the surface parts of the surrounding bark to make them very in- conspicuous. . Besides occurring on the twigs as has been described by various authors, the writer has found them also under the scales of bark in association with the hibernating larvae of the codling moth. In the spring of the year at about the time the buds are swelling, the larvae, which are dark brown with black heads, emerge from their winter quarters and crawl to the buds. Observation is lacking in Montana as to the precise time, compared to the opening of the buds, that they arrive. It is probable, however, that in this respect the habits would not vary much between here and other climates, for fhe same conditions of weather revive both insect and plant life. Without much doubt, while a few larvae arrive early enough to make it necessary for them to bore into unexpanded buds in order to get food, the majority of them reach the buds after they have begun to open. In both cases, alike, the larvae, which at this time —_— ———EE— ss ee eee MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 203 are less than a quarter ot an inch in length, go at once to the tender, inner part of the bud, where they teed on the tender parts and do great injury, often destroying the terminal growing portion of the twig. If the bud be a fruit bud it likewise is destroyed, thereby preventing the possibility of the production of fruit. The destruction of the terminal bud prevents the further elonga- tion of the twig and at the same time causes some lateral bud to grow into a principal stem. While in some cases such an unatural growth is not a disadvantage, in many cases the result is a very undesirable shape of tree. This is particularly true of young trees in the nursery row. The larva soon makes use of one of the more advanced leaves in the construction of a tubular retreat, which constitutes its home and from which it emerges from time to time to feed. In feeding, it draws in other leaves and fastens them together into a sort of nest which is very characteristic of the species. Some of the leaves become detached, but being bound to the other leaves fail to drop to the ground, thereby making the nest all the more conspicu- ous, because of the brown leaves among the green. A badly infest- ed tree therefore has a decidedly unnatural appearance. The larvae continue to feed in these nests until they reach full growth, when they construct cocoons in which the remarkable change from the larva to the pupa and from the pupa to the moth is to take place. The full grown larva is a half inch in length, nearly naked and of a brown color with glossy black head and shield just behind the head. See plate I, (figure 7). The cocoon is constructed, in many cases, in the tubular re- treat occupied by the larva. The walls are thickened and the ends closed up, thereby preventing the entrance of parasites, while the moth lies in the defenseless pupa stage. Other cocoons are made at any convenient place. Sometimes they occur in a fold of an otherwise uninjured leaf. In due time, o1 about two weeks from the time the larva changed to a pupa, the moth appears. The pupa works its way out of the end of the cocoon, aided by the hook on its back, and the anterior end splits, thus setting free the moth, which crawls out, expands and dries its wings and flies away. In Missoula the moths 204 | MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. appear from about the first to the twenty-fifth of July. The moths are most active during the night, remaining quiet during the day on the bark of the tree, which they closely mimic. They are also found to some extent during the day in the foliage. - The cage. erected’ im Missoula: in’ the “sprint “ot 2100277108 the purpose of facilitating the study of the habits of the codling moth, has afforded us also an opportunity for the close study of the bud moth. The bud moth was very abundant in this cage in 1903 and destroyed practically all the fruit buds, interfering seriously with our investigations of the codling moth. When disturbed or frightened the moths often flew directly away from the tree and com- ing in contact with wire netting clung quietly to it for a few mo- ments. In a few moments, however, they flew back to the tree. It is plain that they did not feel safe on the netting and they would not have been safe were it not for the fact that no birds could reach them on the inside of the cage. In flying at such times the moth pursues an irregular zig-zag course and comes immediately at rest on light- ing. It is worthy of special notice that there is a close resemblance be- tween adults of the bud moth and of the codling moth. An experi- enced person need have no difficulty in distinguishing between the two if he has before him fresh specimens, but when the scales of the wings are rubbed off as they often are in specimens captured in the orchard, separating the two at sight is not so easily done. When once placed on his guard, however, a trained observer is not liable . to make a mistake. On the other hand there are many less important small moths in the orchard which the untrained observer or the per- son who has paid little attention to insect life may mistake for both of these orchard pests. In a few days after emerging the moth begins to deposit eggs. We had no difficulty in finding quantities of them in the cage at Missoula and they were invariably on the smooth upper surface of the leaves. Other writers have stated that the eggs are laid singly or in clusters and on page 61 of Prof. Slingerland’s bulletin on this insect (No. 107, Corn. Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta. 1896), is given a figure of a group of these eggs numbering about six, but our observation shows plainly that in Montana the eggs are laid singly. We have never found MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 205 more than two together. A single egg is shown at plate I (figure 1). They are usually oval in outline, some being circular or nearly so, and they measure slightly over one mm. in length, including the flat outer rim by which they are attached to the leaf. They are trans- lucent and almost colorless at first, but as the embryo develops the black head and thoracic shield of the larva show through and the ‘outline of the curled larva may be distinctly seen. The egg shell reflects the prismatic colors, both before and after the larva emerges. We have above called attention to the close resemblance between the adult of the bud moth and that of the codling moth. It is even more difficult to distinguish between the eggs of the two species. In size, shape and general appearance, they are very similar. They are laid in precisely the same position on the foliage and are deposited at the same time. ‘They both reflect light and show irridescence alike, and both are translucent. I know of no way to distinguish between the two except by the difference in the character of the surface of the shell of the egg. The hatching of the egg takes place in from six to ten days after being laid, and, issuing from the egg, the larva makes a hole through the edge of the central portion and crawls forth. This cater- pillar is greenish in color, very small and delicate and it at once sets about making a place of retreat and protection. Passing to the un- der side of the leaf it constructs a very small silken tube near the mid rib and usually towards the base of the leaf. The larva feeds from the epidermis and middle layers of cells leaving the opposite epidermis unbroken. The castings of the larva are built into the tube giving it a black color. The portion of the leaf from which the -larva feeds is covered with silken threads laid down by the larva and whenever possible a near-by leaf is drawn up and fastened to the first leaf by the silken threads. Thus one often finds two leaves stuck together, and,in pulling them apart, finds the little black tube of this insect. The larva will not be seen unless forced to crawl out. In selecting a place in which to construct a home the larva searches for two leaves that are near enough together to be easily brought in contact. y In the manner here indicated the larvae continues to feeduntil some time in September, when, apparently prompted by instinct they 206 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. crawl to the twigs, spin the temporary cocoons which they occupy during the winter months, and from which they issue in the spring and pass to the buds as previously stated. THE.KINDS OF TREES THE BUD MOTH ATTACKS While this insect is best known as an apple pest, it feeds also on pear, plum, quince, peach and cherry trees and on blackberry bushes, in all cases feeding on the buds. MEANS OF DISTRIBUTION. The manner of hibernation of the insect makes it very easy for it to be distributed on nursery stock, and this is doubtless the way in which it has become so widely distributed. It may be readily dis- tributed on scions. The moths are capable of flying and doubtless go from tree to tree and from orchard to orchard but they can only spread slowly in this way. NATURAL ENEMIES. It is very probable that many of these insects fall a prey to the birds that frequent the orchards. In fact it is reported that birds sometimes eat the moths. There can be little doubt that the Ore- gon chickadee, that is so common in the orchards searching on the trees for food, does much good in destroying these insects. Various other birds probably eat them in Montana. It was very noticeable that the tree which had been inclosed in the cage in Missoula for one year was much more seriously affected by this insect. Birds had, of course, been excluded. A number of parasites have been taken from the bud moth in the United States and in Europe but just how much, good they do can- not be stated. I have reared an undetermined species from speci- mens of this pest brought from Missoula to Bozeman for study. METHOD OF PREVENTING ITS RAVAGES: In the East this insect is said to be a very difficult one to control. Just why this is so has never been fully explained, and as yet we lack a sufficient knowledge of the habits to enable us 207 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. to state definitely the cause of the failure of remedial treatment, but there is some reason to believe that in Montana a large majority of the_larvae arrive after the buds have opened enough to allow them to crawl into the narrow cracks between the expanding leaves. It is instinctive with these larvae to get out of sight as soon as pos- sible, and once inside the opening buds with a few leaves tied to- gether into a nest, sufficient food for the remainder of the larval life is protected in such a way as to make it difficult, if not impossible, to get the poison in contact with the food. If on arriving at the bud, the larvae finds its sufficiently open to allow it to crawl in, in all probability very little food is taken from the surface parts. If, on the other hand the bud is still closed, more or less of the surface is eaten in boring to the center. If the part of the bud through which the larva eats its way is coated with a pois- on, a fatal dose may be taken but at this season of the year the buds are very rapidly swelling and a bud that is well coated one day may two days later, on account of the expansion of the surface parts, be so insufficiently covered as to be harmless to the larva that enters it. As is well known to all fruit growers, some trees expand their leaves earlier than others, and again peach buds open before most apple buds. Again, after the bud may be said to be fully expanded the inner terminal growing shoot continues to put forth new leaves. These leaves are the ones that form the food of the larvae and they expand within the nest where they are not easily reached with a spray. Considering how admirably the insect is protected by nature and its own habits, its control when in its spring nest is at least un- certain. The problem is less perplexing when only nursery trees or trees in a young orchard are concerned. Under such circumstances hand picking of the nests should be very satisfactory. In picking the nests, however, care should be taken not to allow the larvae to es- cape to the ground for they would probably return to the trees. A pail, not a basket, shold be used in gathering the nests, which should be burned or thoroughly saturated with kereosene oil. If left in a pile at the side of the field, the chances are that some of the larvae would complete their development to the moth and fly to the trees. 208 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. There seems to be some promise of good results from the use of “summer sprays applied at the time the eggs are hatching. As is indicated cn a previous page, the very young larva on hatching from_ the egg pzsses to the under side of some leaf where it spins a delicate tube from the end of which it issues for getting its food which it takes from the surface parts of the leaf. If this part of the leaf be coated with a poison, the treatment should be successful. It would be necessary to get the coating on before the larva spins its web on the surface. The spray should be directed against the under side of the leaves. For this purpose we recommend the use of arsenate of lead in pre- ference to Paris green on account of the much greater adhesive quality of the former insecticide. Arsenate of lead sticks to the foli-- age through severe rain storms and when applied in the spring may be found still adhering in the fall giving a whitish color to the leaves. For this reason it has a particular advantage in the treatment of the newly hatched larvae of the bud moth. In controlling the insect we recommend the following: (1). Pick by hand and destroy the nests on nursery and young orchard trees. (2). Spray thoroughly with arsenate of lead in the spring of the year just as the buds are expanding. 3). Spray thoroughly with arsenate of lead about June 15.. Give particular attention to coating the under surface of the foliage. CONCLUSION. This is a serious insect pest and one that the fruit grower would do well to become familiar with and suppress before it takes pos- session of his orchard. : MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 209 THE OYSTER-SHELL BARK-LOUSE. Lepidosaphes ulmi Linn.) This widely known injurious species is the only scale insect of im- portance to the fruitgrower that, so far as is known to the writer, has been recognized in Montana. It appears to be generally distributed .in the state, particularly west of the main divide, where in some cases it has proved to be a serious enemy to apple trees. One orchard of 800 trees in the Bitter Root valley is so badly infested as to show its sickly condition at a considerable distance. Nearly every smaller limb and twig on the greater number of the trees is thickly incrusted. There can be little doubt that this scale insect, which was known in Europe upward of a century ago, was imported into America on nursery stock by the early settlers and later transferred to Mon- tana from other parts of the United States in the same way. FOOD PLANTS. The oyster-shell bark-louse has been recorded on a large number of food plants, the total number for America being about forty. The list included, beside apple and pear, various other fruits and prac- tically all the more important shade trees of northern United States. Dr. Howard has suggested that eventually two species instead of one may be found in the series in the list of food plants. LIbE BISBORY AND: -HABLTS: If during the winter one of the female scales be turned over it will be found to contain a mass of very minute yellowish-white eggs, and in the pointed anterior end of the scale, the shrivelled body of the female. Dr. Howard has found the eggs under each scale to vary in number from 42 to 86. In the New England states these eggs hatch about the first of June, varying in different years according to the forwardness of the season.. We have had but little opportunity to make observation on this point in Montana, and have but one record. On June 5, 1903, none of the eggs had hatched at Lo Lo. The young (Fig 3, c.) are able to walk immediately after hatching, and working their way out 210 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. from under the protecting cover of the parent scale they crawl to other parts of the twigs, principally to the young shoots which at that time of year are tender and succulent. In rare cases they settle on the fruit of the apple and pear. After settling down and inserting into the bark the long thread- like hairs through which the juices of the plant are extracted, the Figure 2,—Oyster-shell Bark-louse- a, female scale from below showing eggs; b, same from above, greatly enlarged; c, female scales; d, male scales enlarged; e, male scales natural size. (Howard, Yearbook, U. 8. Dept. of Agr.) insect goes through remarkable changes. From pores in the back, principally at the hinder part of the body, a glandular secretion ap- pears, and from it the scale is formed. The female molts or casts the outer skin twice and the male once. The cast skins are incorporated in the scales (See Fig. 2, b). After molting both sexes continue to grow, the female attaining a much larger size than the male; com- MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 211 pare b. and d. of Fig. 2. The scales indicate approximately the com- parative sizes of the insects under them. The mature male and fe- male are very dissimilar in appearance. The male has long anter- nae, a pair of eyes, three pairs of legs, one pair of wings and at the end of the abdomen a long sharp-pointed organ. ‘The female has no antennae, eyes, legs or wings, these parts all being lost in the first molt. When mature, the body of the female reaches to the posterior end of the scale, but as the eggs are laid the body shrinks and be- comes shortened and when the full number of eggs has been laid it may be found lifeless, at the anterior end, the cavity under the scale now being occupied with the eggs. As previously stated, in this con- dition the insect passes the winter. The adult male and female are shown at Fig. 3. | In the northern part of the United States there is only one annual generation but in the South there are two. REMEDY. Insects of this character, covered as they are by a scale that fits closely to the bark, are not easily killed by contact insecticides. The most vulnerable point in their life appears to be just at the time the young are hatching and settling on the bark. We have previously recommended the use of kerosene emulsion as a remedy for this insect, in the strength of one part to nine of water. Various reports to the effect that this treatment has not been effective in Montana, have come to this office, but inquiry has shown that fue ouiese cases. there is no. ‘certainty that the ap- “plication was made at the correct time. We can dono better than to repeat our previous recommendation to watch closely for the hatching of the eggs about the first of June and spray with with _ kerosene to the strength above mentioned, after the young have hatched. If, after a few days, more living lice are found the treat- ment may be repeated. EXPERIMENTS WITH LIME, SULPHUR AND SALT WASH AS A REMEDY. We take this opportunity to present the results of experiments conducted at Lo Lo, Montana, in the early spring of 1903, for the 212 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. puropse of determining the value or non-value of the lime, sulphur and salt wash, and certain modifications of the wash, as-a means of destroying the eggs of this scale insect. The experiments were conducted in the apple orchard of Mr. Delaney. At the time, pear buds were swoHen almost to the point of expanding their first leaves and apple buds were slightly swollen. Figure 3. Ovyster-shell Bark-louse; a, adult male; b, foot of same; ¢c, young larve; d, antenna of Same; e, adult female taken from scale; a, ¢, e, greatly enlarged; b. d, more enlarged. (Howard, Yearbook, U.S. Dept. of Agr.) The trees are large and were badly infested with this insect. Seven to nine trees were used in each experiment, each lot being sprayed with a different mixture, but the total number of trees used consti- tuted but a small proportion of the orchard. The spraying was done April 21 and 22. MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 213 One lot was sprayed with the wash as follows: ARE ae MT Ben b, vob. xe vin ofe-e'org eO8 ae I pound. Suh TGS oe de eg a I pound. PMEMEM SET Ai tic foie hs ete Be aes a. I pound. PDIPE EIS Remind (i ceh i ay 5 hoc tw, oR er arava, sais 4 gallons. Lot two was sprayed with the following: PM crer SRA iy so cee Cees SEMA Oe e ee I pound. Sin eager eae SEB rary poe eee I pound. VN eS ha LA es SS ae 4 gallons. Lot three was sprayed with: Ne NR acin oS o si dhe sn tae a b's yY% pound SMU etre ciate sre ataclia ciel h\sm,ocn os I pound. \NUSILLETI scr Sr pia a a MR gallons. In the fourth lot lime only was used as follows: WB rd trees) ies sichciais, ois s/alonce Siac abe bie c oi I pound. Ey ll ipsa tes Ay sutdes-eses"S sea Soke ke > 8 gallons. Two subsequent visits were made to the orchard, one before the hatching of the eggs and one after, but I could not find the least evidence of any good having been accomplished by any of the four treatments. © 214 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. APPLE LEAEF-APHIS. Aphis pomi DeG. A few years ago practically all the accounts of plant lice on the foliage of apple trees were written of one species, which was known under the scientific name, Aphis mali Linn. Dr. John B. Smith, of Rutgers College, New Jersey, and others, had noticed that accounts of the insects in other localities did not agree with their own observ- ations, but not until Prof. E. Dwight Sanderson* published the results of his investigations, was it made clear that, instead of having one apple aphis in the United States we have several. We have at least two species in Montana, but one of these, the Apple Leaf-aphis, is far more common than the other and is respon- sible for practically all the injuries. CHARACTER AND EXTENT OF INJURY. No fruit pest has been more frequently inquired about in the let- ters to this Station than has this aphis. These letters, as well as the writer’s experience in various parts of the state, show conclusively that the species are very troublesome and at times a very injurious pest. It is universally felt that as a rule young trees are much more susceptible to attack than trees in bearing. The writer’s field notes re- cord one notable exception to this in the case of a large orchard in Flathead county, composed of trees which had been in bearing for many years, which were so badly infested as to have the foliage with- ered, and the fruit undersized and poor. A prominent characteristic of the work of the aphis is the curling of the leaves. In this respect there is a marked difference between the effect on the tree of the work of this species and of “Fitche’s apple aphis,’ which, on the whole, is more common in the United States. In curling, the deformed leave usually takes a characteristic shape. The surface becomes irregularly raised and the whole leaf curls bringing the under surface inside and the upper surface exposed. The tip of the leaf rests upon its base, not in the middle, but to one side *Thirteenth Annual Report of the Deleware College Agricultural Experiment Station. MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 215 Figure 4. Wingless viviparous female on left; oviparous female on right— ‘greatly enlarged. (Sanderson, 13 Ann. Rept. N. J. Exp. Station). or the other of the mid-rib. The lice live inside of the curled leaf, a fact which has much to do with the difficulty in controlling them with insecticidal splays. There is some reason to believe that the presence of the lice in large numbers on a tree has the effect of keeping the sap in the tree late in the fall, thereby making it more liable to injury by cold weather. It ‘s certain that badly infested leaves on the ends of the new growth often fail to mature and remain on the tree through- out the winter. This is often noticeable on trees in the nursery row. The general injurious effect of the lice is to check the normal growth of the tree. This office has many records of this effect in a serious degree. We have never found this louse occurring in great numbers on the young buds in the spring as is often the case with “Fitche’s apple aphis.” As a rule, only a few scattering lice are to be found early in the season, and our exeprience has shown that frequently only here and there a tree will be found infested in the spring of the year, though as the season progresses the lice will gradually spread throughout the orchard. aa } 7 216 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. DESCRIPTION AND ETRE Eis TOR Like many other plant lice, the apple-aphis passes the winter in the egg state. In the spring the eggs hatch, producing very minute, dark greenish lice which may be found crawling about over the sur- face of the bark or closely nestled on the young buds and expanding we leaves. The spring of 1902 was looked upon as being very cold and back- / ward in the Gallatin valley, and the writer was much surprised in going into the Station orchard on April 16th to find an abundance of newly hatched lice. The buds had not started and were no more ~ swollen than they were the fall before. There had been a few days © of hot weather which had caused the lice to hatch, but had not been ~ of long enough duration to start the buds.. Part of the lice had been feeding and had distinctly increased in size. On April 1gacold stormcame andonthe 20th there were about — three inches of snow. For the next few days the writer was out of © town, but on May 1: the trees were examined and the lice were found to have been nearly all killed. Only two living ones could be found ~ and many dead bodies were still attached to the twigs. Since that © Figure 5. Winged viviparous female greatly enlarged. (Sanderson, 13th Ann. Rept. N. J. | Exp, Station. MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 217 time, we have observed a similar, though less extensive, early hatch- ing and killing of the lice. If not destroyed by natural enemies or climatic conditions, the young lice in due time become mature and begin to produce young. Dr. Smith of New Jersey* found that about fifteen days were requir- ed for the first genetation to reach maturity after hatching. The lice are known as the “Stem mothers,” (See Fig. 4, b). They are wing- less and are greenish in color. No males are produced from the eggs and the stem mothers are able to produce young without them. The young of the second generation (offspring of the stem moth- ers) are produced alive—not hatched from eggs—and are able to begin feeding almost immediately. Tlrey settle down near the moth- —e er and one may often find a stem mother with her large family close by her. Our office notes show that the stem mother gives birth to young at the rate of from one to fourteen per day, and that she con- tinues day after day for fully eighteen days, producing an average Figure 6, Male of the oviparous generation greatly enlarged. (Sander- son 14th Ann. Rept. N. J. Exp. Station. number of about six or seven. Thus each stem mother produces fully 100 young. *Bulletin 143 of the N. J. Experiment Station. 218 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. Dr. Smith found that the second generation matures in nine or ten days and that of this series about three-fourths are winged; that the third series matures in about two weeks, less than one-half being winged and that thereafter no more winged forms appear but that seven series of parthenogenetic females in all appear before the end of the season. The 8th and last series is made up of males and females. Late in October, after the mating of the sexes, the females deposit the eggs which remain on the trees during the winter. Figure 4, right hand figure, shows an oviparous female. Figure 6, a male of the oviparous generation. A part or all of the winged individuals of the early generations fly to other trees. A winged partfenogenetic female is shown at Fig. 5. The eggs are minute, glossy black objects, oval in shape. They may be found on any part of the tree from the base of the trunk to the tips of the twigs, and are usually more abundant in the crevices of the bark and around the buds than on the exposed, smooth surfaces. A very large proportion of the eggs, probably upward of 90 per. cent, failed to hatch during the three years that we had the species under special study. NATURAL ENEMIES. sees Of the various ratural enemies that feed upon the plant louse, none is of greater value than the Fire-marked Lady-bug (Hyperas- pis 5-signata). Next in importance are certain species of syrphus flies. Besides these we have observed a Braconid parasite, a small fly that has not yet been named and the “Aphis Lion.” After two years of close observation of the babits of this lady- bug we are prepared to say that it is a very prominent factor in the prevention of the aphis from becoming exceedingly abundant and destructive. During the latter part of May and in June the beetles were found in great numbers in the Experiment Station orchard, and in various other orchards, running rapidly over the limbs and twigs in search for the young aphids. The number they eat when in con- finements is astonishing. In a previous paragraph we have called attention to the fact that only a comparatively small number of stem mothers are to be found MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 219 early in the season and that the large numbers to be found later in the season is the result of the rapid multiplication. It is apparent, "y qdeoxe pesaerue *) dINSLy ‘uory stydy 20 ‘Ay pesutMm-s0R'T ayy HY] | 2 ath At Abt ‘| ‘ASOLOULOQUT JO “AIC *Saldlag ‘09S 2 IB[NIIIN 99RTRIWV) [[v—ozIs [Banjeu “4[npe ‘y feures JO pBeY ‘sd ‘yoasuUI 4[NpwB ‘fF ‘100900 ‘a ‘e[[Asd ® SULIMOAGp sures ‘p sABAABLe parr (‘ay jo ‘4deq *s ‘gUIBS JO JOOS 0 :BAIVY WAOAD [[NJ ‘q ‘ade ‘B tles eat early in the season must have a great effect in the abundance of the lice later in the season. Though the larvae of this lady-bug eat large numbers of the lice later in the season when they have become very abundant, we look upon the work that they do as being of much less value than that of the adults. 220 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION The Surphus fly larvae are probably of greater usefulness than the larvae of the lady-bug since they are usually more abundant, but like the beetle larvae, they do not appear on the scene until the lice have become abundant and are multiplying with such rapidity that it would require a large number of destroyers to dispose of the increase alone. Figure 8 illustrates a common species of lady-bug of the East, while at Figure 2, plate 1, is shown an adult of the species here discussed. Figures 3 and 4 of the same plate show the eggs of the same species and at Figure 5 is shown a full grown larva. ta) az b d e Figure 8, The Two Spotted Lady Bug; a. larva; b, mouth parts of same; c, claw of same; d, pupa; e, adult; f, antenna—all enlarged. (Marlott Circular 7, Sec. Series, Division of Ento- mology U,S, Dept. Agr.) REMEDIES FOR APPLE LEAF_APEMS: In spraying for this aphis we would emphasize the importance of watching for the individual infested trees here and there in the orch- ard and treating them before the lice spread to the other trees. In other words, the spraying for the apple leaf-aphis should be done and out of the way early in the season, for under ordinary circumstances, when vigorously fought early in the summer, though some lice es- cape, there will be so few left that the natural enemies will be able to keep them from overrunning the orchard. @he value of prompt treatment is apparent when ' we gealize the enormous power of multiplication with which nature has endowed these insects. In a _ previous para- a ee eS ae Le MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 221 graph we have shown that the stem mother’s’ maxi- mum power of production is upward of 100 young, and 1? is probable that later generations can give birth to a similar number. Acting on the basis that all of the young of each generation come to maturity and produce the full unmber of young, we find that the progeny of one stem mother during one summer is something enor- mous. (Si Gut eae vio (0) 9 ee re I aphis. PHS REMECHALION ie. xs von ee steers 100 aphids. ' SL TUBRPE AST nC ie: (8 1 io OP 10,000 aphids. Peers STLO URDU le piace iw’ ote 5) woe? 1,000,000 aphids. Rinie eEMeRAClONMe sacicrs.c s's.% ee ata «9 100,000,000 aphids. Guivgencrition we. . 6 ihe. cid 10,000,000,000 aphids. PEWe TCMEL AT NOM Sl cece ce. sve lw tole ve T,000,000,000,000 aphids. Thus starting with one aphis in the spring we would have in the seventh generation one trillion aphids, a number which the human mind cannot appreciate. Under natural conditions, however, the in- sects are decreased in number from one cause and another, all thro’ the season, so that, while they increase very rapidly, they never do so to the extent above indicated. At the same time, however, it is easily seen that the destruction of a large proportion of the first and second generations will very markedly affect the numbers through- out the season. There seems to be little doubt that the killing of the first generation, by inclement weather in some seasons and the absence of storms in other seasons account for the great variation in abundance and destructiveness of this louse in different seasons. Because of the great difficulty in controlling the insect after the leaves of the trees have become curled, the writer has undertaken to learn if it is feasible to destroy it in other ways. An extensive series of experiments in fumigation with the deadly hydro- cyanic acid gas was conducted. In these experiments w: used a large canvas tent, a large paper box and a strnall air-tight wooden box constructed for such work. We _ will mele al this time - give «the detailed results, of , these. ex- periments but will indicate the lessons they taught. Detailed instruc- tions for the use of this substance will be found on another page of this report. (See index.) 222 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. We found that every aphis could be killed without the least injury to the foliage. Even though the experiments were conducted in both cloudy and bright, hot weather, not a leaf was injured in the whole series of tests. We used the cyanide in strengths varying from 0.10 grams per cubic foot of inclosed space up to 0.30 grams and while 0.10 gram killed practically all the lice, and, on the other hand, 0.30 did not injure we decided upon 0.20 gram per cubic foot as being the suit- able amount to use in practical work. The time of exposure was 20 minutes. Considering the fact that by a timely and persistent use of sprays and washes the aphis may be brought under control, I very much doubt if this treatment should be considered as a suitable remedy except in the case of very large owners or in company orchards where the expense of providing a complete fumigation outfit would be justified. Having the equipment already at hand it would cost ‘about 41% cents per tree to treat a large orchard. Information rgarding fumigation boxes suitable for such work as this may be obtained from Professor Johnson’s work on fumigation published by the Orange Judd Publishing Co., New York. We also undertook a series of experiments with the use of the lime-sulphur and salt wash as means of destroying the egg during the winter. We sprayed a series of trees with this wash and modifications of it in the Experiment Station orchard and at Lo Lo. Subsequent examinations of the trees at Bozeman showed that while none of the eggs hatched on the trees that were sprayed they also failed to hatch on all the other trees in the same part of the orchard that had not been sprayed. We therefore felt that the experiment had taught us nothing. The Lo Lo experiment also failed to be of value for the same reason. During the past few days a bulletin from the Idaho Experiment Station, written by Proffessor Aldrich (Buletin No. 40) entitled “Winter Spraying for Aphis Eggs” has come to my desk. The bulletin gives in detail Prof. Aldrich’s experience in the use of seven different sprays used in the winter treatment of eggs of this aphis. The seven sprays are the following: I. Pure kerosene. MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 223 2. Kefosene ae, one-third kerosene. 3. IXerosene emulsion, one-fifth kerosene. 4. Sulphur and lime wash, 1-1-2. (One pound sulphur, one pound lime, two gallons water.) 5. sulphur and lime, 1-1-4. 6. Sulphur and lime, 1-1-8. 7. Crude petroleum emulsion, Io per cent. strength. From the results of his experiments Prof. Aldrich drew the fol- lowing conclusions : “Crude petroleum could not be uniformly applied. The emulsion was very unstable, and the oil is much too thick to apply pure. No damage resulted to tie trees, but in many cases the eggs of lice were not destroyed. Pure kerosene scriously injured the trees to which it was applied, but killed all the eggs. Kerosene emulsion of one-third strength injured the foliage to some extent, though not very seriously; it did not kill the eggs with any uniformity. in one-fifth strength it did not injure the foliage, but was not at all effective in killing the eggs. Sulphur and lime did not injure the foliage in the least, however strong. In the 1-1-2 and 1-1-4 proportions it killed almost all the eves; it is a question whether the very few that hatched had not been missed by the spray. Of the seven kinds of spray used, the choice for commercial pur- poses would undoubtedly be No. 5, sulphur and lime in the I-1-4 pro- portion, or what is called the “Piper formula.” I-I-4 proportion is probably a successful winter treatment, it will be applicable only on small trees that can be closely examined and thor- oughly sprayed. In conclusion, we recommend that Montana apple growers make careful, conclusive tests of the 1-1-4 lime-sulphur wash as a winter treatment, and mean while place their main dependence on the use of kerosene emulsion and whale-oil soap or quassia-whale oil soap solution, spraying trees that are generally infested and dipping the He further concluded that while the lime-sulphur wash in the extremeties of limbs that are infested only at the ends of the branches. Formulae for these washes are given on a later page. (See index.) 224: MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. THE FLAT-HEADED APPLE-TREE BORER. Chrysobothris femorata Fab. One of the most troublesome insect pests with which the Mon- tana fruit-grower has to contend, is an apple-tree borer, which in the larval stage is expanded and flattened near the anterior end, as shown in figure g, a, an appearance which has led to its being called “the flat-headed borer.” Besides attacking the apple, the borer has been recorded also on various other deciduous trees, among which are pear, peach, oak, maple, mountain ash, box-elder, hickory, chestnut, sycamore, horse chestnut, redbud and currant. Mr. F. H. Chittenden of the U.S. Dept: of Agriculture, from whose circular, (Gire? 32; Division of Entomology) many of the facts in this paper are taken, states that cherry, beach and white birch are probably food plants, while an unknown authority has stated that elm, tulip, and cotton- wood are also host-plants. Although not considered to be a pest of first class importance this species has been doing a great deal of damage in this state, par- ticularly in the Bitter Root valley, and there is an increasing demand for information concerning its habits and the means of controlling it. It has been particularly destructive on young orchard trees, gird- ling the trunk near the ground and killing the trees. The accompany- ing photograph (see Plate II], Figure 7) shows the manner in which many trees have been affected and killed in Montana. The only ex- planation the writer has to offer as to the cause for the rather unus- ual numbers of this insect, is that under the climatic conditions in Montana trees seem to be affected to a considerable extent with sun- scald, an affection which leaves the trees in an inviting and favorable condition for this insect. It has long been known that this insect prefers for a breeding place trees that have been previously weakened by some other cause. Observation has shown that trees which have been injured on the side exposed to the winter’s sun are often selected by the adult in depositing their eggs. Young trees are affected principally on the main stem close to the ground, but on old trees the borers work on any part of the tree except the smaller limbs and branches. MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 225 Like other members of the same family of beetles (Buprestidae) the adults are diurnal in habits and are most active during the heat of the day. By a close search in an infested orchard during the sea- son of the year whea the adults are out, one may find them basking in the sun on.the trunks of the trees and on prostrate logs. DISTRIBUTION AND OCCURRENCE IN MONTANA The flat-headed apple-tree borer is a native of North America insect. In spite of this fact, however, we believe that it is an in- troduced species in Montana. None of its principal food plants, so far as known, are native to the state, or if present, occur only spar- ingly, and moreover, its presence has been detected only in restrict- ed localities. We think it much more probable that the insect was brought into the state on some of the earliest shipments of trees from the older apple growing regions. It is a widely distributed pest throughout the United States east of the Rocky Mountains, and in southern Canada. al Figure 9. Flat-headed Apple-tree Borer. e a, larva; b, beetle; c, head of male; d, pupa —twice natural size. (Chittenden, Circular 82, See, Series, Div, of Entomology U. S. Dept. of Agr.) Dib REST ORY: The eggs, which are pale brown and about one-eighth of an inch long, are laid on the trees during the hot summer months. One ob- server, Dr. Riley,-found them being laid from June to September, but our observations in Montana indicate that while a few beetles may be found on the trees later in the season the majority are out and 226 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. depositing their eggs late in June, and early in July. In about three weeks the eggs hatch and the young larvae bore under the bark, where they feed for three years, first just under the bark and later in the woody parts oi the stem. On young trees they most common- ly occur at about the surface of the ground as shown in the photo- graph above referred to. The location of the burrow may often be detected from the outside by the discoloration or slightly sunken condition of the bark. At the end of three years from the time the egg was deposited the beetle bores out from the pupal chamber which it constructed at the end of its larval life. The sexes-mate and the eggs are de- posited for the new generation. NATURAL ENEMIES. The downy wood-pecker which is so common in Montana and which is so often seen in our orchards, is the fruit-grower’s friend. Besides picking up miscellaneous pests it locates burrows of this borer and extracts them in considerable numbers. In the older orchards of Montana scarcely a tree can be found that does not bear the marks of wood-peckers, a large proportion of which are made by this species. METHODS OF -CONTROL: Borers as a class of pests are difficult to control. When once in a tree they cannot be reached with an insecticide. They may in many cases be removed by means of a sharp knife and a wire but their presence is not usually detected until a large part of the dam- age has been accomplished, and the injury done to the tree in re- moving the larvae may be greater than would be done if they were left to do their worst. It has been found, therefore, that clean, strong, cultural methods and the use of deterrent application on the trees, both of which are preventatives, constitute the best means of control. In the first place, in planting out a young orchard the trees should not be allowed to become weakened and so rendered liable to attack. Young trees in an exposed position should be protected against the strong rays of the winter’s sun. The alternate thawing and freezing on the exposed side of the trunk produces the condition MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 227 known to all as sun-scald, and makes typical conditions for the bor- ers. Dead or worthless trees should not be allowed to stand and become a menace to the healthy ones. It is a bad practice to have a brush pile made up of dead trees and prunings at the side of the field. Such piles should be burnt very frequently, for they soon become nurseries of pests. In a locality known to be infested with this borer it is often de- sirable to use deterrent applications on the trunks and larger limbs of both weakened and healthy trees. For this purpose, a number of substances have been recommended. Some use old newspapers as mechanical barriers placed about the base of the tree. Mr. Chittenden recommends that these papers be put on the trunk for about two feet from the ground up, and that above the pa- per a carbolated or akaline wash be applied. Wire netting is some- times used. d The paper and netting not only prevent the deposition of eggs but also prevent the escape of the beetles that emerge underneath them. Among the substances that may be used as washes to make the surface of the trees objectionable to the adult beetles and so prevent them from depositing their eggs are the following: I. A thick solution of whale-oil soap. 2. Soft soap rendered thick by the addition of caustic soda or potash in solution. 3. Either of the above washes would probably be made more effective by the addition of crude carbolic acid at the rate of one pint to ten gallons of the wash. James Good, 939 and 941 North Front Sstreet, Philadelphia, Pa., _ offers for sale a product known as Caustic Potash Whale-oil Soap, which of itself would be a good substance for this purpose. It should be diluted with sufficient water to make a thick fluent mass, and applied to the trunk and limbs of the trees to be protected. Such washes when not of a quality that makes them injurious to the hands, are sometimes applied by a man wearing old mittens or socks that are saturated with the wash. 228 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. THE PEAR-LEAF BLISTER MITE. (Phytoptus pyri Scheuten.) Though probably of European origin the pear-leaf blister-mite is now widely disseminated throughout the world, having been dis- tributed by the agency of traffic in nursery stock. It is sparingly dis- tributed in Montana, but where well established is a troublesome pest. NATURE OF INJURY. As the leaf-buds of affected trees unfold in the spring there may be seen red blister-lhke spots and blotches which in severe cases may involve practically all the surface of the leaf. At first the galls are more distinctly seen on the upper surface of the leaves but later in the season the spots turn brown, owing to the death of the tissues com- prising the blisters, when the affected spots become more apparent on the under side of the leaves. The blotches often take the shape of elongated patches one on each side of the midrib. In each blister, on the under side of the leaf, may be seen one or more minute holes that lead to the cavity of the blister and usu- ally visible only under a lense or microscope. Within these blisters composed of abnormal plant tissues, the mites live, feeding on the juices of the plant. Under the shelter of these galls they are very well protected, not only from wind and rain which might easily sweep them off, but also against insecticidal treatment. The tissues on the inside of the galls also furnish better facility for the mites to acquire nourishment than would the thicker layers of cells on the surface. The freshly formed galls are thick and succulent, but as they die and turn brown they shrivel and dry. Badly affected trees lose their foliage long before the normal time which must be an injury to the health of the tree. CELE Vrs The mites that produce these galls are very minute, being scarcely visible to the naked eye. Under a high power microscope, the body is seen to be elongated in form, about four times as long as wide, and has the appearance on the surface of being made up of MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 229 a large number of fine rings. There are four legs, all of which are placed at the anterior end of the body and though small they enable the mite to move rapidly. The head is made up chiefly of a conical snout within which are two lance-like jaws. To cover a linear inch about 150 mites placed end to end would be required. LIkE HISTORY: From the eggs which are laid in the galls by the parent mites the young hatch,-and, crawling out of the hole, go in search of an uninjured spot in the leaf. Then, boring through the surface they start new galls. The mites remain in the galls until the end of the season when they crawl to the buds and seek shelter for the winter under the scales. Some mites remain on the leaves.too long and are borne to the ground when the leaves fall. MEANS OF DISTRIBUTION. Of itself the mite cannot travel far. For distant dissemination it is dependent upon outside agencies and has doubtless been spread from country to country on nursery stock. Frem tree to tree in the same vicinity they may be carried on the feet of the birds, or blown by the wind on the leaves in the fall of the year: REMEDIES. The only vulnerable point in the life cycle of this mite is when it is secreted under the bud scales after the leaves have fallen. Prof. M. V. Slingerland found that the mite “can be nearly exterminated in a badly infested orchard by a single thorough spraying of the trees in winter with kerosene emulsion diluted with five to seven parts of water.” In all cases of treatment with a spray or winter wash, we recommend that no twigs or branches that have been pruned off be left on the ground. We recommend that the leaves from infested trees be gathered and burned and not allowed to blow about. Having learned from various fruit-growers of the state that they had not found the kerosene emulsion treatment to be satisfactory, 230 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. the writer undertook a series of tests ef the lime-sulphur-salt wash as a remedy. The experiments were conducted in the orchard of Mr. C. M. Allen of Lo Lo. I would here express my gratitude to this gentleman for many courtesies extended to me, both in connec- tion with these experiments and at other times. In the experiments Mr. Allen’s entire orchard of 190 trees was used and we feel entire confidence in the results we obtained. The spraying was done on April 21 and 22, the pear buds being swollen almost to the point of opening. In the various tests we used the following: Spray No.1: Pte ha 2s ta eo nols oa ae iene eae I pound. Sulph ite 5.c4n eke op cee ae rete eee I pound DALE hla Te tae eae Mate ie LEE I pound. NWiaibOie Sh CNet mech se petayiare ts eratencte re ec 4 gallons Spray No. 2 ime “a, Pseeinec poe ene eas ee eee I pound. Sl PUGET onc Meera be eiets eee ere eee I pound. Waters tee wiia tn tracers chore east ere 4 gallons. Spray No. 3. Waa Sp lee eal e aenc we eehalace me telat omen YZ pound. Salo iattie eis 2 sn ote aon neers ie ic eae etree I pound. AVA ReD eite a atee aia maton a Cietocate ee taraite ls 4 gallons. < Spray No. 4 . Veatch eae seca Cae ree arene eee I pound. Wide isc alse omat els wnsscate eran eeten 8 gallons. Ten trees were used in experiment No. 4 (lime and water only) and ten trees were left unsprayed. The remaining trees were about evenly divided in experiments Nos. I, 2, and 3. The results of the tests were very satisfactory and seemed con- clusive. The mites were practically exterminated on all trees treat- ed with sprays 1, 2, and 3. The mites on the ten trees sprayed with No. 4 were, so far as we could determine, wholly uninjured. These trees and the ten left unsprayed were badly affected with the mites after the foliage expanded. Directly the other side of a barbed wire fence are more pear trees badly affected with the mite. The two pear orchards are really i? MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 231 but one, since Mr. Allen’s orchard was purchased and fenced off from the other larger one, the fence, in fact, passing diagonally 7hrough one row. The trees on the other side of the fence were badly infested the following summer, thus giving us greater con- fidence in the efficiency of our treatment. It*appears that allof the first three sprays were equally effective Spray No. 3 %-1-4 contains only enough lime to cause the sul- phur to go into solution, thereby making the caustic ingredient of the mixture. The spray when ready to apply is clear and transparent instead of milky as is No. 2, which has an excess of lime. In spray No. 1, the excess of lime goes onto the tree merely as a whitewash. We are not prepared to say that there is not some benefit in having this excess of lime,and for the present we recommend the use of spray No. 2. We do not feel that the addition of salt in spray No. 1 renders the wash of any more value. » In conclusion, we recommend, as a means of holding this mite in control, a thorough spraying with lime-sulphur-salt wash in the I-I-4 proportion, in the spring of the year before the buds open. Directions for the preparation of this wash will be found on another page of this report. (See index.) «32 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. GRASSHOPPERS. During the past three years a considerable amount of damage was done by grasshoppers in eastern Montana. An extensive territory was more or less affected, in some localities the grasshoppers, being so abundant that there was no vegetation left. From this extreme there was every gradation down to no injury. During these three years the grasshoppers steadily increased and the seriously affected territory was extended. The injuries have been principally confined to the fenced and Se ee open ranges used by the stockmen in grazing cattle, sheep and horses, — but some damage was done to grains, cultivated grasses and alfalfa. We received reports also of damage to fruit trees and to garden crops. Coincidental with the appearance of the grasshoppers has been a series of years in which the rain and snowfall has been much below the average. Aside from any direct or indirect influence which this scarcity of moisture may have had on the unusual increase of grass- hoppers, it certainly very much shortened the crop of grass. While the amount of grass that the grasshoppers ate would have been missed even if there had been a full growth, it is certain that what — they took was more seriously missed on account of the scarcity of grass. Roughly speaking, the territory injured through the combined effects of dry weathe1 and grasshoppers may be said to be embraced in that part of Montana drained by the Yellowstone river east of the © town of Big Timber. Not only were the valleys of the tributaries — of the Yellowstone affected but the cross country as well. We also received reports of injury in other scattering localities. One report came through Townsend from the country northeast of that town and we were notified of injury on the range in the eastern part of — Madison county. One species, the yellow-winged locust, was very abundant in re- — stricted localities in and about the Gallatin valley. We also noted the big-headed grasshopper to be more abundant than in previous © years and in two instances the yellow-striped locust was found in great numbers in the edges of this valley. oe. a MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 233 INJURY NOT CAUSED BY THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN LOGUSE. Many persons have supposed the “old-fashioned” or Rocky Mountain Migratory Locust to be responsible for the losses in Mon- tana. Our investigations of the subject, however, show that no one species is alone the cause of the loss and the above species (Melan- oplus spretus Uhler) if present in the state at all is very rare. Dur- ing the five summers that I have been collecting in all parts of Mon- tana I have not captured a single example of this interesting species. Moreover, I learn by letter from Prof. Gillette of Colorado that he has had a similar experience, having been unable to find any speci- mens during a longer period in his state. In our various trips into the worst affected regions we found a fairly uniform state of affairs throughout. On the range two or three species, taken together, constitute a large proportion of the total number, though in restricted localities one or another species besides these was more abundant. The three most common species on the range were the Big-headed locust, (Aulocara elliotti), the Lesser Migratory locust (Melanoplus atlanis) and the Yellow- -winged locust (Camnula pellucida). In point of abundance the Big- headed grasshopper was the leading species of the three. The Less- er Migratory Locust was second in importance. It prefers the dryer uplands to the irrigated valleys, but in many cases it was found in great abundance in grain fields, particularly on the benches and in non-irrigated fields. The Yellow-winged Locust is more local in its distribution, often occurring in immense numbers in restricted localities and at times becoming very injurious to grasses and grains. We found the two-striped locusts to be common in practically all the cultivated fields that were injured by grasshoppers. This “species was particularly injurious to alfalfa, the succulent stems and eaves of this plant apparently suiting its taste. 4 ie tials PORN. q All our particularly injurious species are alike in the main fea- aie of their life history. The winter is passed in the egg stage in 234 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. the ground. The eggs are about one-fifth of an inch in length and are deposited in compact masses or “pods” which are arranged ver- tically, or slightly inclined, just below the surface of the ground. In making the hole in the ground to receive the eggs, the female makes use of special organs at the extremety of the abdomen. Plac- ing the point of the abdomen against the ground the pointed organs work rapidly back and forth and as the hole is made the abdomen settles into the earth. When the hole is completed it is filled with the mass of eggs and a viscid frothy substance. Prof. C. V. Riley’s classic illustration of the process of egg- laying of the Rocky Mountain Locust, together with his description of the process, show that in that species the eggs are laid in four re- gularly parallel rows and that the number of eggs varies between 20 and 35. He also found that two or three such egg-masses were: deposited by each female insect. The two-striped locust lays a larger number of eggs than this for we have counted as high as 62, in a mass, and two or three masses are deposited. The Big-headed Locust (Aulocara elliotti) probably, deposits only two masses. . In general the places most chosen by the females for the pur- poses of egg-laying are those at which the soil is fairly free from grass-roots, or other roots that would interfere with boring the holes. Such places are found on the sides of roads, in abandoned roads, among tall weeds, etc. When the mating season comes the adults of a species gather into colonies where they stay for the re- mainder of their life. As a result, the young are often found in the | spring of the year in more or less restricted localities. . In our investigations of the outbreak of grasshoppers in Mon- tana in 1903 we fornd that the Big-headed grasshopper paid little attention to where the eggs were laid; for miles and miles over the denuded ranges the females could be found performing this act. In the spring ot the year, in some species earlier than in others, the eggs hatch into very small nymphs which on close examination are seen to resemble adult grasshoppers, but there are no indications of wings. As they increase in size and molt from time to time, rudi- — mentary wings appear which increase in prominence with each molt until the last when with fully developed wings the insect is mature MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 235 and ready to lay eggs. While a few species of grasshoppers pass the winter as adults and a much larger number as nymphs, thereby making it possible te find some grasshoppers in the early part of the summer, it is a matter of common knowledge that they are niuch more commonly seen in August and September. This is not because there are more grasshoppers in the latter part of the season but be- cause when winged they are much more conspicuous than in the younger stages. . MONTANA’S MOST COMMON AND DESTRUCTIVE SPECIES. In the following paragraphs we present a few of the leading facts regarding the most common species of grasshoppers that we have taken in middle and eastern Montana. They are not arranged in the order of their importance except the first five or six. Not all the species discussed are of great economic importance but all are com- mon and liable to be observed by anyone. Since some of the species are not yet known by vernacular names, we have used the scientific name of all, but have given also the popular name when one is known. I am indebted to Prof. Lawrence Bruner of the University of Nebraska for valuable information concerning our species and for the determination o1 a large number of species including a part of those discussed in this paper. Dr. L. O. Howard of the Division of Entomology at Washington has also very kindly identified a num- ber of species for me. Aulocara elliotti Thomas. THE BIG-HEADED GRASSHOPPER. This grasshopper, in point of numbers, stands first in the series here discussed. While it has been mentioned as being injurious in various parts of the United States, it has never before been consider- ed a prime cause of devastation. It occurs throughout western United States and is a true grass-eating species. When viewed from above or from the side the head is large (see figure) and the tibiae 236 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. are bright blue; the antennae of the male are long. It occurs prin- . cipally on the range, in Montana, having seldom been found in ir- rigated valleys. Melanoplus atlanis Riley. THE LESSER MIGRATORY LOCUST This species is distributed throughout most of the United States and Canada and often becomes so abundant as to be injurious. In ‘Montana we have found it in cultivated fields where it has occasion- ed considerable loss, and on the range where in association with A. elliotti1 it has been injurious. The tibae are usually red. The size and general appearance of the species are shown on the accompanying plate;.(Plate 1V, figures 1 and 2); Camnula pellucida Scud. THE YELLOW-WINGED LOCUST. It may be safely said that not a year passes in which this spe- cies does not become injurious in either one part or another of the United States, usually in the northwest. It feeds particularly on grasses and grain. In Montana it has been found to be local in its distribution and has been destructive on the range in only a few re- stricted areas. The under wings are yellow, the upper wings and general surface of the body are variable in color, between yellow and brown. Melanoplus bivittatus Say. THE TWO-STRIPED LOCUST. This is among the larger grasshoppers of Montana. It occurs throughout the greater part of the United States. It is especially in- jurious in cultivated fields and so far as our experience goes is practically the only species that has caused injury to alfalfa. The femora have longitudinal stripes and there are two yellowish stripes on the back. - Hippiscus neglectus Thomas. We found this grasshopper to be fairly common over the larger part of the affected territory. Its appearance is well shown in the accompanying figure. (Plate VI, figure 2.) MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 237 Spharagemon zquale Say. This grasshopper is often met with in the heat of the day, is a strong flyer and a difficult one to catch. In some places it was so common as to be somewhat injurious. Arphia tenebrosa Scudder. “This grasshopper fies with a clattering sound, often poises it- self in the air in the heat of the day, remaining in one spot with the wings rapidly vibrating. Chortuphaga viridifasciata DeG. THE GOAT-HEADED GRASS- HOPPER. This exceedingly variable species, found in the early part of the season, often assembles in colonies. It varies between bright green and. dull brown. Dissosteira carolina Pian. Lee, CAROLINASLOCUST: This grasshopper is the species known to most people as the one that poises in the air making a peculiar rattling or rustling sound, settling to the earth as the sound dies out. It occurs commonly along dusty roads and hct,gravelly places as along railroad tracks. The writer has often observed it to be abundant in various parts of Montana. Cordillacris occipitalis Thomas. This species occurs on the plains east of the Rocky Mountains. We have found it very abundant in eastern Montana. _ Melanoplus dawsoni Scudder. This species when mature has rudimentary wings which reach only about half-way to the end of the abdomen. The under side is yellow, with prominent black bands on the abdomen. It has been common in lowlands in the Gallatin valley and in the Yellowstone valley. é 235 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. Encoptolophus sordidus Burn. THE CLOUDED GRASSHOPPER Often met with in the field and somewhat resembles C. pellucida. Acrolophitus hirtipes Say. This grasshopper of striking appearance, is uniformly green throughout. It occurs in restricted localities, often in considerable abundance, where in contrast to other sombre-colored grasshoppers, it is quite conspicuous. INSECT ENEMIES OF GRASSHOPPERS. . : Grasshoppers have a large number of parasitic enemies and when the grasshoppers as hosts become abundant, their parasites, because of a plentiful supply of food, become numerous also and soon gain the mastery over the hosts. This balancing process is continually active. While we cannot say positively what is the cause of the ap- pearance in Montana of grasshoppers in unusual numbers it is prob- able that parasites as a direct or indirect cause have had a great influence. Various correspondents have called our attention to the pre- sence of minute red spots on the bodies of grasshoppers. These red spots are the bodies of a red mite which occurs commonly through- out the state, and which doubtless does some good in preventing the undue increase of grasshoppers. They have often been mistaken for eggs of parasites but there is no reason for confusing the two, since the eggs of parasitic flies are white. In every part of the grasshopper affected sections of the state that we visited in the summer of 1903 we found dead bodies of grass- hoppers which contained maggots or larvae of a fly. Some of these were reared in the laboratory to the adult stage and the flies were sent to Dr. L. O. Howard for determination. He reported the fly to be Sarcophaga cimbicis Townsend. We are unable to state whether this fly killed the grasshopper or whether the larvae were merely feeding as scavengers on the dead bodies of grasshoppers that had died from cther causes. It was noticeable that a blister beetle or Spanish fly whose scientific name has not yet been determined was very abundant throughout the Yelowstone valley from Columbus eastward. We MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 239 received a few letters notifying us that these beetles had been in- jurious to garden plants and other plants of value. ‘This species and various other of the same family (Melodidae) are well known to be very beneficial in the larval stage as destroyers of the eggs of lo- custs. In brief their life history is the following: In the latter part of the summer they deposit their yellowish colored eggs in the ground, each female producing four or five hundred eggs. The eggs hatch in about ten days into long-legged larvae. These larvae are very active and they run about over the ground search- ing for eggs of locusts, finding an egg pod they enter it and begin devouring the eggs. It is said that if two larvae come upon the same egg-pod a deadly combat oc- curs, resulting in the death of one or the other, leaving the successful contestant sole owner of the store of food. As the larva feeds and grows it molts from time to time producing remark- able changes, until in place of the long-legged larva there is one with short legs and rudiamentary mouth parts. The mature beetle appears again the next spring. Besides the enemies we have mentioned, which are among the most important, are many others which, taken together, doubtless do much to reduce the number of grasshoppers. REMEDIES. The remedies that have been devised in the various parts of the country are not adapted to the conditions we find on the grasshop- per-ridden ranges of Montana. They apply much better to the agri- cultural fields of the middle west states, but some of them may be used effectively in the agricultural valleys of this state. We give below a few remarks regarding the most important remedies that are known, leaving the farmer to select for himself the one most suitable for his conditions. Ploughing.—Late fall or early spring ploughing is the best of all artificial remedies. It is practiced for the purpose of destroying the eggs and it follows that the eggs must first be located. In our re- marks regarding the habits of grasshoppers we have called atten- tion to the fact that in the breeding season the grasshoppers accumu- late in more or less restricted areas and that the eggs are laid in 240 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. these areas. The observant farmer will locate these patches and by ploughing deeply will place the eggs so far under the soil that when the young hatch they will be unable to reach the surface. Even the young hoppers, when very small, may be turned under in the same manner. Where ploughing cannot be resorted to, a thorough harrowing, especially with a disc harrow, will result in the destruction of a large number of the eggs by crushing some and exposing others to their numerous enemies and to frosts. Burning.—When the grasshoppers are young and travel slowly they may be killed on or near the locality where they hatch by covering them with a thin layer of straw and then burning it. In some sections of the west where crude petroleum can be ob- tained at small cost it is sometimes employed in the form of a spray as a remedy against young hoppers. This oil kills by contact but additional effectiveness can be secured by. setting fire to the oil on the ground. Bandages.—Some property owners in Montana have suffered injury to their fruit trees by grasshoppers. The young may be pre- vented from climbing the trees by bandaging the trunks with cot- ton batting, axel grease or some other adhecive substance. As the grasshoppers acquire wings they may fly into the trees and in such cases relief may be secured by the use of poisonous sprays. Hopper-dozers.—Hopper-dozers are metallic pans of any con- venient dimensions which are partly filled with kerosene oil and drawn about over the field for the purpose of catching the partly grown grasshoppers. Many of the insects after hopping into the Fig; 10 Hopper-dozer, after Riley. MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 241 pans and getting covered with oil jump out again but these are in- variably killed. The back of the pan is extended vertically by means of a strip of cloth or canvas supported by upright stakes. See Figure 10. In large fields several hopper-dozers are sometimes attached in series by means of a long pole and drawn by two horses, one at each end of the pole. ‘Iwo horses attached in this way are much better than one in the middle of the pole because they tend to gather in the grasshoppers rather than drive them away: The Artificial Use of Diseases.—Under such conditions as occur on the Montana ranges, where the greater part of the injury by grass- hoppers has been done, the artificial use of deadly diseases is an at- tractive subject. It we were able to propagate and distribute a disease which would be communicated from one insect to another and so extended over large areas, the solution of the grasshopper problem would be reached. Various experimenters in the United States have made careful tests of such diseases but thus far very few encouraging resulis have been secured. Realizing that the artificial use of diseases, though offering small hope of success, constituted the only hope, the Experiment Station through this department made a careful test of what has been called the South African grasshopper fungus disease. A sin- gle tube of this disease from Africa was very kindly given me by Prof. C. P. Gillette of Fort Collins, Colorado. Cultures on potato were made and distributed to about 300 applicants in the state. We also made careful laboratory tests on caged grasshoppers of various species, but so far as we are informed not one grasshopper was kill- ed either in the field or laboratory test. The various other entomolo- gists also failed to get results of decided value. We feel, therefore, that until something entirely new in the form of a disease is known, we will still have to wait for Nature to take her course, except where it is possible, in restricted areas, to use some of the other remedies. CRIDDEL MIXTURE: The substance known by this name has lately come into favor as a grasshopper remedy in some parts of the United States. It was first brought to public attention by Dr. James Fletcher, govern- ment entomologist of Canada, who, at the meeting of official entomo- 242 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. logists at Washington, D. C., 1903, stated that it had entirely re- placed the cumbersome and inadequate hopper-dozer. It is made as follows: Take cone part of Paris green, two parts of salt and 40 parts of horse manure by measure. Add sufficient water to make the mass soft without being fluid. Distribute through the field to be protected in quantity proportioned by the number of hoppers. The material may be scattered from a wagon and because of its cheapness may be used ‘sparingly over fairly extensive areas. We recommend that it be given a very thorough test.around the edges of grain fields and other crops that may be threatened. We know of no remedy to recommend for use on the the ranges. THE COMMON TOAD* It is the purpose of this paper to call attention to the value of the toad to the fruit-grower, the gardener and farmer, to outline its habits and life history and to urge that it be protected against de- struction by thoughtless boys. At first thought an account of the toad may seem out of place in a report of insect life. It is entered, ltowever, on account of my firm belief in its great economic value as a destroyer of terrestrial insects, a large number of which are injurious to the interests of man. As will be noted, I have freely consulted and often quoted Mr. A. H. Kirkland’s paper that treats of this animal, published as a bulletin of the Massachusetts Experiment Station. His paper is the most valuable that has been published on this subject. PALSE IDEAS CONCERNING, LEE 2 @ Adm: Since before the beginning of the Christian area students have observed toads and written of their habits. Too frequently, however, -actual facts and superstitions have been confounded, with the re- sult that the early literature on this interesting and valuable batrach-_ lan is a queer medley of fact and fiction. For the sake oi brevity we will pass over this topic very briefly and omitting an account of the venomous character and medicinal *Bufo boreas MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 243 virtue, as well as many other equally ludicrous qualities attributed by the ancients of Furope to this harmless and humble animal, will touch upon certain beliefs that are now current in this country. Perhaps the creation of the imagination tliat 1s given more cred- ulity than any other, is, that to touch a toad will cause warts on the hand. Other beliefs that have been held in this country, (we hesitate to say that any of them are now held) are, that to ill a toad will produce bloody milk in cows; that a toad’s breath wiil cause convulsions in children; that a toad in a newly dug well will insure a good and unfailing supply sf water; and that a toad in a new made cellar wil. bring prosperity io the household, No less absurd than the above are the statements fiat we often see in the papers to the effect that some particular. section has been visited by toads that fell in a recent storm in such numbers as to be very abundant in the roads, on the sidewalks and over the entire surface of the ground. While it may not be an entire impossibility for a toad to be picked up by a tornado or cyclone, no one would accredit such an atmospheric condition with the power of selecting toads from among the other equally movable objects, or if other objects were taken into the upper air along with toads we might rationally predict that both classes of objects would be deposited in the same places. The explanation of the occurrence of toads in noticeable num- bers is usually to be found in the fact that they have either hatched and grown to a sufficient size for migration in some nearby swamp or pond, or that adult toads are on their way to or from such near- by breeding places. It is well known that toads during the sunny hours of the day seek protection under stones, boards, bridges, in dense vegetation sr in the soft earth—in other words, moist, cool locations. For a short time after a storm, when the air is cool and the earth and vegetation are wet, the toads are known to venture forth even at midday as they do in the cool twilight hours of the evening and morning. Lib HISTORY AND HABITS. The toad in common with other batrachians, and like reptiles, spends the winter months in hibernation. In the early spring, when 244. MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. the earth has become warmed, the toad emerges from its winter quarters, and, during the warm hours of the day, makes its way to some pool or stagnant water where it meets others of its kind. A little later, their shrill cry, the mating call, may be heard. The eggs of the toad and those of the frog may both be found in the same pool, the former in long slimy strings, the latter in irregular masses. In about four weeks the eggs hatch and the tadpoles, which at first are very small and very numerous, feed on the vegetable detritus and slime which are found on the bottom of the pond and attached to weeds, sticks, etc. The tadpole has become full grown and has transformed to a very small toad by about the first of August, in this climate. The young toads leave the pond and scatter in all directions, keeping out of sight because of their sensitiveness to heat except after showers when the earth is cool and damp. Kirkland states that he removed 1279 ova from one average-sized female which had already commenced laying. This statement indi- cates great powers of multiplication in this animal. We have ob- served, however, that a large proportion of the tadpoles never mature into toads. For hibernating quarters the toad makes use of cavities under rocks, in cellars, in rubbish heaps, ete. Both in summer and in winter the temperature of the amphi-— bian and reptilian body is about that of the surrounding air or water. When the surrounding medium goes below certain temperatures, the animal becomes torpid, stiff and may even freeze without injury. If brought into a warm room.such an animal soon becomes active as in the summer cnly to return to the same stupor when returned to the cold. That the physiological state of hibernation is not de- pendent alone on a fall in temperature is shown by the fact that the many animals go into hibernation long before the approach of cold weather and, further, by the fact that other animals hibernate in warm weather during the period that their appropriate food is scarce. Some animals, morever, are not aroused from their hiber- nating torpor by being brought into a warm atmosphere. When roughly handled, the toad sercets from the wart-like pro- jections on the back a milky fluid of a most offensive odor. That MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 245 this secretion is not objectionable to all animals is shown by the fact that hawks, owls, etc., include toads in their fare. PENGIH OF LIFE OF THE TOAD. European literature gives authentic record of a toad that lived 36 years and was then killed by accident. Kirkland, in his paper al- ready referred to, records the results of his inquiry into this inter- esting matter in the following words: “Nearly every old New England homestead has one or more semi-domesticated toads whose age can only be conjectured. The writer has sought different parts of the state (Massachusetts) among families who have long resided on the places they now occupy, for some accurate information on this subject, and from a mass of state- ments, given in many cases with strong corroboratory details, there may be taken apparently veracious records of two toads that have occupied dooryards in two different towns for twelve and twenty- three years respectively. The histories of these toads have been given me by people of unqustionable veracity, yet I hesitate to pre- sent the records as facts, since from the evidence offered [ cannot feel positive that the identity of the toad in either case has remain- ed unchanged. There can be but little doubt that toads live to a con- siderably greater age than is supposed and we may hazard the opinion that many of them reach an age of at least ten or fifteen years.” FEEDING HABIES. Particularly in the dry climate of Montana, toads are seldom seen during the sun-lit hours of the day. That they occur here, however, is known to all observing people.. In the spring of the year they may be found in large numbers in ponds and pools. The toad takes only living, moving animal life as food. Dead food is rejected. Motionless living food is likewise rejected as has been observed by the writer and other authors. Insects that “play *possum”’ and remain motionless are not taken by the toad. Unlike the tongue of most other vertebrates that possess this organ, that of the toad is attached only at the anterior end where it is fastened to the floor of the mouth. It is coated with an adhesive substance that causes insects to adhere when touched by it. By a 246 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. very quick motion the tongue leaves the mouth, touches and picks up the food, and returns. So quick is the motion that the eye can scarcely follow it. While out on their foraging expeditions these animals show in- teresting traits. Mr. Kirkland observed eight good-sized toads seated under an arc light engaged in picking up insects, which, de- prived of their wings, fell from the lamp above. A physician in Malden, Dr. Charles Burleigh, observed that a colony of some half dozen toads made their abode under his piazza, and each summer night about eight o’clock went forth down the walk and into the street where they stationed themselves under an arc light. Here they fed upon the insects that fell from the lamp until the electric current was turned off when they returned to their accustomed shelter. From his observations, Mr. Kirkland concluded that under ordinary conditions toads feed continuously throughout the right except where food is abundant. He observed that in twenty-four hours the food consumed was equal to four times the stonrach capacity. ; It would be interesting to follow in detail the results of Mr. Kirkland’s examination of the stomach contents of 149 toads but we must abbreviate and summarize. Various investigators have shown, and it is a matter of common observation, that the toad takes pretty much any living animal food that crosses its path, provided it is not too large to be swallowed whole. It follows then that in various parts of the country the diet of the toad will be determined largely by what are the common in- sects found on the ground and low-growing vegetation, where the toad can reach them. The following table by Mr. Kirkland shows the results of the examination of 149 stomachs contents, in Mas- sachusetts. Were such a study to be made in Montana the gener- al character of the food would be the same but in detail it would be very different. Unidentified material ..../..7.. 5 per cent. a Gravelaticcn acs ee eee ee be cretion I° percent. Vegetable detritte i: ces eee I per cent. NVKOR INS: P3ae A. crite eet 6S oJ spermecenns Snails .23 425 ete oe ene 1 per cent: MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 247 SNS i GA? aha hiwi'e' seg pe och ac 2~pericent: ! Drip TIOO Gs tid a ara Wis eisa vids vis ew 10 per cent. . 0 So Sa eer 2 Der, cent, | Grasshoppers and erickets ........ siner cent: ea ARNE tah Ray ooo eae oaiel dc SRO IG per cent: : Rian ye are ale a: Gea ald bois s gv = RO eDeE Cewt: - GAIAM Gh. au lsthae oe he cweiaies sé 6 per cent. 1 PION MAEERIES ei): 3.2 sis, b Wie vs iele Wnlete 5 per cent. ; ey UGierk ar Saga tants oS: Son bet. 5 per cent. = ROME SOMES Mohan ss eG tle ech ai. 0 I: per Cent. Ps Neg GON NC 3 RoE Se Oe a L percent. PeSCeWaneois-DeetleS)/.s. 42.1. Peper cent. 4 MRM OEUCS fice orc. feat, oto 5 Syed is 27. Per cent. PMP VVOEINS 0. Sees ek ee eas 16% per Cent. * Ment ycaterpillars 2... 0 2. Seta Q per cent. * Muascellaneous laryae .... 2.2.65... 3 per cent. Total cut worms, caterpillars, etc. 28 per cent. The gravel and vegetable detritus were doubtless taken by accident in the rapid stroke of the tongue with which the food is taken into the mouth. It may, however, be of some value in grind- ing up the food, though it is not always found in the stomach. . Of the total food 98 per cent is animal and by far the greater part of this is insect life. _ In this brief account we will not discuss each of the items in the above table, but we would call attention to the large pro- portion of grasshoppers, ants, scarabaeids, click-beetles, weevils, _chrysomelids, cut-worms, tent caterpillars, and miscellaneous lar- _vae_all of which are for the most part injurious. hRibeaVOUNT OF FOOD THE TOAD EATS. When in the presence of abundance of food the toad eats a very large amount. Mr. F. H. Mosher of Massachusetts fed between thirty and thirty-five full grown celery worms to one toad in three hours time. Mr. J. E Wilcox, an employe of the Gypsy Moth Com- mittee of the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture, before that committee was abolished and its work abandoned, fed to a toad of medium size twenty-four fourth molt gypsy moth larvae, all of 248 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. which were swallowed in less than ten minutes. Mr. Kirkland found in a single stomach the remains of twenty-seven myriapods, in another fifty-five army worms, in another sixty-five gypsy moth caterpillars and in another thirty-seven tent caterpillars. It is not possible to make even an approximate estimate of the financial equivalent of the, saving to crops brought about by the toad, but the foregoing facts are enough to remove any shadow of doubt that this humble animal is of great value to the gardiner, florist, fruit-grower and general agriculturist. THE TOAD SHOULD BE PROTECTED AND FAVORED The wanton destruction of toads by ubiquitous boys is known to all. It is not an uncommon thing for a party of boys to or- ganize an expedition to nearby ponds for the express purpose of killing toads. Dr. C. F. Dodge, published in the Worcester (Mass.) Evening Gazette, March 31, 1897, an account of finding in a sin- gle day two hundred dead or wounded toads on the shores of a pond on the grounds of Clark University. We should not blame the boys alone for this, the parents and school authorities are in a measure responsible for this worse than useless taking of life. Rightly trained and directed the boy can get more real pleasure, and at the same time a pleasure that is infinite- ly better for him, by observing the habits of toads and other animals. - The toad is as deserving of protection by legislation as are in- sectivorous birds. The asthetic, to be sure, is lacking, but the as- thetic side of the question is not the one that prompts us to enact laws that make it a misdemeanor to kill birds. It is the economic, and on an economic basis the toad is as deserving as almost any bird. F MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 249 A MANUAL OF FRUIT PESTS WITH REMEDIES. In this manuai we purpose to present in condensed and easily accessible form the most essential information regarding the more wmportant insects and fungus diseases that have been recognized in the state or which are liable to appear at any time. It is our in- tention at an early Gate to prepare another manual similar to this but dealing with farm, garden and lawn pests. The reader should freely consult the index in seeking the in- formation he desires. All insecticides .and fungicides recommended are discussed at the end of this section, and formulae for their pre- paration are given. Unless the fruit-grower is confident that he knows the pest he is dealing with he should send examples to the Experiment Station for identification. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE APPLE. 1, The Red-humped Apple Tree Caterpillar. Bright colored caterpillars with a red hump on the back, feeding on the foliage of apple. Seldom very abundant. Remedy.—Remove by hand or spray with an arsenical poison. 2, Tent Caterpillars. Hairy caterpillars with a bright bluish stripe down the middle of the back. Living on wild and cultivated cherry and on apple in the spring of the year. They construct tents or nests in the crotches of limbs from which they venture and feed during the middle of the day. Remedy,—Remove the tent by hand, taking care to do so when the caterpillars are home. Under some conditions it is feasible to locate and destroy their eggs during the winter. The eggs appear as thickened bands cn small twigs. Individual eggs are cylindrical and in the cluster are placed on end, side by side. re 250 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 3, The Bud Moth. Brownish caterpillars with black heads, feeding in the opening buds of apple, pear, blackberry, raspberry, and other plants in the spring of the year. Sometimes very injurious to apple, destroying the fruit buds, and by eating out the terminal-growing shoots, caus- ing a bushy appearance of the side buds and giving the tree an un- natural appearance. Remedy.—Keep the buds coated with an arsenical poison in the spring of the year. 4, Canker Worms. : Not yet found in Montana. Appearing soon after the foliage is expanded in the spring. Rapidly devouring the foliage or turning it brown. Whole orchards may be seen to be of a brown color at a distance, as a result of the attacks of this insect. When an in- fested limb is jarred the slender caterpillars, about three-fourths of an inch long let themselves down by silken threads, Remedy,—Spray promptly and thoroughly with an arsenical - poison as soon as their presence is first detected. In regions where they are suspected to be present it is well to keep the trees banded ~ with building paper and smeared with an adhersive substance which — may be watched in the spring of the year for the purpose of learning whether or not the wingless moths are ascending the trees to lay their eggs. A large proportion of the damage may be averted by the use of such bands. “Bodlime,”’ sold by the Bowker Insecticide Co., Boston and Cincinnati, is a good adhesive substance to use for — this purpose. Tar or printer’s ink may be used but are less sat- isfactory. 5, The Codling Moth. The larva is known as the apple worm and infests a number of fruits, but is most injurious to apple and pear. It is probably the most important pest with which the Montana fruit-grower has to deal. Remedy.—Spray with Paris green, arsenate of lead or arsenite of lime after the petals have fallen, again two weeks later, again the first week in August. If it is not yet in your orchard, watch for its appearance by searching for wormy fruit among the wind-falls- , MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 251 -— +e — — $$$ $$$ and when harvesting the crop, and if the pest is found, begin spray- ing the next season. Do not bring to your orchards second-hand boxes from fruit dealers in town; it is against the laws of the state and you are liable to prosecution. Such a practice will almost sure- ly result in the establishment of the pest in your orchard. 6, The Web-worm. Colonies of hairy caterpillars living in tents on fruit and shade trees in the latter part of the summer and early fall. Affected limbs are enclosed in nets and the leaves are brown. Remedy.—Remeove the caterpillars by hand. — r 7, The Flat-Headed Apple-tree Borer. Fairly common on apple trees in western Montana. Prefera- bly attacks diseased or weakened trees and feeds in the larval stage in the trunk and larger branches, excavating irregular cavities under the bark and later boring into the deeper parts of the tree. It may often be detected by sunken or discolored patches in the bark. Remedy.—Not an easy insect to combat. Practice clean culture. Dig up and burn worthless trees that are infested. In some cases it is advisable to locate the burrow of the borer and dig out the grub by means of a sharp knife or wire or other suitable instruments, taking care not to injure the tree more than necessary, Use deter- rent washes. 8, The Round Headed Apple-tree Borer. Large, legless borers in the trunks of apple trees near the ground. The anterior end of th body is of about the same diameter as the posterior part. Remedy.—Treat as for flat-headed borer. 9, Apple Twig-borer. Small, cylindrical, mahogany-colored beetles about one-third of an inch long, boring holes in twigs of apple, pear, cherry and other trees and in grape vines. Remedy.—Prune off and burn infested stems. 10, Leaf-hoppers. Small soft-bodied insects with sucking mouth parts, on the under side of the foliage of apple and other fruits. Another species is known on pear, still another on rose. 252 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. — Remedy.—Spray the under side of the foliage with kerosene emulsion early in the season before the insects acquire wings and are able to fly. : 11, Buffalo Tree-hopper. Greenish or brownish three-cornered insects which make longi- . — tudinal slits in the bark of apple, laying their eggs in the slits. Remedy.—Prune off and burn affected twigs, practice clean culture, keeping out all weeds and unnecessary vegetation. 12, Woolly Aphis of the Apple. May be detected by the whitish woolly masses on the water- sprouts at the base of the tree and on old scars on the trunk and limbs. The colony masses are made up of the bodies of the lice and cottony secretion produced by them. The most injurious form’ of the insect feeds on the roots of the trees. Remedy.—For the areal form use strong kerosene emulsion early in the season. [For the root form dig away the earth down to the roots and soak with hot water and return what has been removed. 13, The Apple Leaf-aphis. Dark-green lice on the leaves of apple, causing them to curl. Common throughout the state. More abundant on young trees. Remedy.—When only a few terminal branches are affected, dip the affected parts into a pail of kerosene emulsion. One part in nine of water, or whale-oil soap solution, one pound in eight gallons of water. Early in the season it is well to single out individual affect- ed trees tnd spray with one of the above solutions. . : 14, The San Jose Scale. An insect which has caused great destruction in the United States but which would probably be much less injurious in Montana. Minute circular scales on the bark of practically all our common fruit and shade trees. When abundant, giving the trees the appearance of being coated with a layer of ashes. Remedy.—Spray with lime, sulphur wash when trees are dor- mant. ot 15, The Oyster-shell Bark-louse. Brownish scale insects, one-twelfth of an inch long, elongated ita ie SN ad MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 253 in form, occurring on various plants but mostly on apple, on which it is most abundant at the ends of the twigs. Remedy.—Watch for the exceedingly minute whitish larvae early in June and when they appear spray with kerosene emulsion, one part in nine of water. Repeat in a few days if more larvae are seen. 16, Putnam’s Scale Insect. This insect occurs sparingly in western Montana. Resembles the San Jose scale, being a degraded form of life that lives under a very inconspicuous scale closely adhering to the bark. Remedy.—lIf necessary to treat for this, wash with strong whale oil soap solution while the trees are dormant. 4 17, The Scurfy Bark-louse. A white scale insect on the bark of apple, pear, currant and other rosaceous plants. Remedy.—Watch for the young to hatch early in June and spray with kerosene emulsion, one part in nine of water. If neces- sary spray again ten days later. 18, Mealy Bug on Apple and Pear.* Occurs in the vicinity of Missoula.. White cottony or mealy masses around the buds in the spring. Found in the winter under the scales of bark. Has been reported as injurious to young trees. Remedy.—Use whale-oil soap or kerosene emulsion as strong as the trees will stand. In the winter search for and destroy the cot- tony masses on the trunks of the trees, using whale-oil soap as a wash. 19, Ants as Fruit Pests. We have received reports of ants as being injurious to young friut trees, building their mounds at the bases of the trees and eating off the bark and girdling the trunk. We have also known ants to be injurious to apple trees by gnawing the buds in the spring of the year. . Remedy. from one to five or six tablespoonfuls, should be enough. This sub- stance must not be put close to the trunks of apple trees. Pour bi-sulphide of carbon into the colonial mounds; *Phenacoccus sp. 254. MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 20, Grasshoppers. Young grasshoppers sometimes crawl up the trunks of trees and devour the foliage. Later when they acquire wings they tly into the ETees: Remedy.—Spray the foliage heavily with arsenate of lead. To prevent the young from ascending the trees; tie belts of cotton about the trunk or smear printer’s ink or some other adhesive material on a band of paper on the trunk. 21, The Clover Mite. Giving the leaves of apple and other trees a whitish devitalized appearance. In the fall of the year and during the winter masses of very minute reddish eggs may be found on the trees, particularly in the crotches. The mites sometimes become annoying on lawns and in dwellings by crawling through the windows. Remedy.—Spray affected trees with the 1-1-4 formula of lime- sulphur wash in the fall or early spring, while the trees are bare of leaves. Spray with kerosene emulsion to destroy: the pest in the vi- cinity of the house. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE PEAR, 22, The Pear-leaf Blister-mite. Generally distributed in Western Montana. Causing thickened reddish spots and blotches on the leaves of pear; later in the season the spots die and turn brown, sometimes causing the foliage to drop prematurely. Serious on individual trees but does not spread very rapidly. Remedy.—To prevent spreading, gather and burn the fallen leaves from invested trees. Spray in the spring before the buds open with the 1-1-4 lime-sulphur wash. 23, The Pear Slug. Injurious to the leaves of pear, plum and cherry. Slimy slugs on the upper side of the leaves, eating off the surface parts, leaving the under surface and the network of veins, which later turn brown, giving the parts of the tree affected a brownish appearance. Remedy.—Spray with arsenical poisons or dust or spray with — hellebore. MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 255 INSECTS INJURIOUS TO CHERRIES. 24, The Cherry Aphis. A dark colored aphis on the under side of the leaves of cherry. Common in western Montana. Occuring throughout the state. Remedy.—Treat as for apple-leaf aphis. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE PEACH. 25, The Peach Tree Borer. Primarily a peach pest, but attacking also cherry, prunes and plum. Boring in the trunks near the ground, causing characteristic gummy masses to exude on peach trees. The injury is most appar- ent in the spring. ; Remedy.—A difficult pest to control. Keep the trees well fed and in a healthy growing condition. Prof. Slingerland has recom- mended the use of gas-tar smeared on the trunks to prevent the moths from depositing their eggs, and in combination with this the digging out method to destroy such larvae as gain access to the trees. 26, The Peach Twig Borer. Though not yet found in Montana, it may turn up at any time. Reddish pink caterpillars boring in the young tender twigs of peach, . plum and prune in the early spring, later feeding in the fruit near the pit. : Spray with strong kerosene emulsion in the winter. The oil de- stroys the worms by penetrating into the holes. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO PLUMS AND PRUNES. 27, Plum Gouger. Small beetles, about a quarter of an inch in length, of a leaden gray color with a yellowish head and thorax, eating pinholes in growing plums. The larva of grub feeds in the pit, later eating its way out through the pit and flesh of the plum just as the fruit ma- tures. Attacks only American varieties. Remedy.—Jar the trees early in the morning or in the evening when the trees are in bloom and the fruit is setting, catching the beetles that drop on a sheet spread underneath. A few beetles are able to do a great damage. Prof. Gillette found that a single female 256 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. lays as many as 450 eggs. Gather and destroy all the stung plums before the grubs escape. Spray heavily with arsenate of lead te- fore the blossoms are out. 28, The Plum Curculio. The beetles make a crescent-shaped slit on the fruit of the plum. The larva feds in the young fruit causing it to drop. Said to be in the Bitter Root valley. Remedy.—Spray thoroughly with arsenical insecticides before the leaves open. Jar the trees in the early morning catching the bee- tles on canvas or a sheet and destroying them by burning or cruch- ing. Promptly gather and destroy fallen fruit. 29, Plum Aphis. Numerous pale-green lice on tender shoots of plum. Common in Montana, sometimes injurious. Remedy—Treat as for apple aphis, but use extra precaution as the plum foliage is much more liable to be injured by insecticides. 30, The Box Elder Plant-bug. Sometimes very injurious to foliage and fruit a plum and prunes. Feeds primarily on box elder. Red and black bugs with a long, jointed snout Remedy.—Spray with kerosene emulsion to kill the young in- sects. It is sometimes necessary to remove neighboring box elder trees for the sake of doing away with the breeding place of the insects. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO THE STRAWBERRY. 31, The Strawberry Leaf-roller. Generally distributed in Montana, and at times a destructive species. Feeds on strawberry, blackberry, raspberry and other plants. Rolls or crumples the foliage. Larvae small, greenish in color. Remedy.—After harvesting the crop, mow the vines, leaving them to dry. Then burn them. If there are enough vines to burn well first put some hay or straw over the field. If preferred vines may be sprayed with arsenate of lead after harvesting the fruit. 32, The Tarnished Plant-bug. Common throughout the state. Native to Montana, feeding on many wild plants. About one-fourth of an inch in length, variable MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 257 in color, but Se marked with Dain: black and brown. Flies when disturbed. Most injurious in the spring of the year when they attack tender shoots and opening buds. Most commonly known in Montana as an enemy to blossoms and young fruit or strawberry and to young trees in the nursery row. Remedy.—It is not always easy to control this insect. When found on young fruit trees, jar them off in the cool of the day into some receptacle which contains kerosene oil. 33, Strawberry Root Weevil.* Small hard beeties with an elongated snout which feed on the foliage of strawberries in the early summer The larvae feed on the roots and are very injurious. Remedy.—Delay the planting of the new crop until the westles have deposited their eggs. Keep the foliage coated with arsenate of lead in the early part of the summer. 34, Strawberry Crown Borer. Small yellowish white grubs boring in the crown of plants dur- ing the summer. A species which though not yet recognized in Mon- tana is liable to be introduced at any time on imported plants. Remedy.—In a field that is known to be infested do not allow the plants to become very old but start a new bed at some distance from the old one; burn over the patch as for the strawberry leaf- roller. INSECTS INJURIOUS TO CURRANTS AND GOOSEBERRIES. ~ 35, Native Currant Saw-fly. Pale-green larvae which appear in the latter part of June or early in July and very rapidly devour the foliage of gooseberry and current bushes. ‘he second brood appears about three weeks later. Shows preference for gooseberry. Remedy.—Dust the bushes with powdered hellebore or spray at the rate of one pound to a gallon of water. Be prompt in the treatment and do not allow them to defoliate the bushes. 36, Currant Flies. Maggots feeding the fruit of the currant, causing here and there *Otiorhynchus ovatus Linn. 258 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. a berry to turn red prematurely; in severe cases causing the entire crop to fall to the ground. ; Remedy.—Either gather the fallen fruit frequently and destroy it, or, after all of the insects have dropped to the ground, turn with a plow a deep furrow of earth against the row, then with a rake or shovel smooth the earth down around the bushes so as to cover up the hibernating insects so deeply that they cannot escape. This should be done in the fall or early spring. 37, The Currant Stem Borer. Larvae of a clear-winged moth, a near relative of the peach borer, which makes burrows in the currant canes, sometimes becom- ing very injurious. Remedy.—Watch the currant bushes in the early part of the summer about the time the fruit is, setting and cut out and burn affected canes which may be detected by the yellowish color or wilted condition of the foliage. 38, Currant Leaf-hopper. Minute whitish insects on the under side of foliage of currant in the early part of the season. Later they acquire wings and have pinkish markings. Remedy.—Spray the under side of the foliage with kerosene . emulsion, one part in nine of water in the early part of the season. 39, The Currant Aphis. . Green lice on the under side of currant leaves, causing the leaves to turn reddish in color and to have an irregular surface. Remedy.—Spray with kerosene emulsion or whale-oil soap solu- tion. This spray kills only by coming in contact with the lice, there- fore direct it against the under side of the leaves. 40, Currant Thrips. Minute reddish insects of elongated form which cluster on the tender buds and blight them. Remedy.—Pick off and destroy the affected parts. 41, Currant Cottony Scale. Cottony masses on the canes of currant and gooseberry. Remedy.—Spray with whale-oil soap solution, 1 pound in 4 gallons of water during the winter. In gardens where it is .possible wash off the cottony masses with a strong stream of water. MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 259 42, The Gooseberry Fruit-worm. A near relative of the codling moth which feeds in the goose- berry fruit, causing it to prematurely turn color and later to drop off. Several berries are often bound together. Common in the fruit-growing sections of the state. Remedy.—Carefully go over the bushes and pick off the affected berries and destroy them before the worms leave. Do this at least twice in the season. FUNGUS DISEASES. 1, Black Spot, or Apple Canker. This is peculiarly a northwest disease and attacks only the ap- ple. It is said to occur in western Montana. The disease is confined to the bark and produces characteristic brownish or nearly black spots. The spores are distributed during the early fall. Remedy.—Under some circumstances relief may be secured by cutting out the affected parts. Since the disease spreads from No- vember Ist to February Ist, it is evident that trees should be coated with a fungicide during this period. On account of frequent storms however, it would be difficult to keep a fungicide on the trees. 2, Crown Gall. Various plants, including apple, almond, apricot, blackberry, cherry, chesnut, English walnut, grape, peach, pear, plum, raspberry, and poplar are affected with abnormal growths on the roots which have been called crown-gall. These galls vary from a size as big as a fist or larger down to very small excrescences on the fine roots. Whether or not all of these trees are affected with the same organ- ism is not clear. A serious trouble on apple in Montana. Irrigation seems to favor its development. : Remedy.—Do not plant affected trees. Examine the roots of all new stock and discard any that shows even the slightest sign of this disease. 3, Apple Scab. Attacks leaves and fruit and sometimes also the twigs. Circu- lar smoky spots on the fruit which interfere with its development. Spots begin to appear when the fruit is about half grown. They 260 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. may be as large as a dime, but are usually smaller. On the leaves the fungus appears as dark olive green spots which do not have a distinct border line and occur mostly on the upper side fo the leaf. Remedy.—Spray with Bordeaux mixture three times and ammon- iacal copper carbonate (cupram) twice. First spraying of Bordeaux should be applied just before the blossom open, the second just after the petals fall, the third about ten or twelve days later. The two sprayings of cupram should follow the Bordeaux at intervals of two weeks. Bordeaux is not used in the last two sprayings since it causes the fruit to russet. 4, Pear Scab. So similar to apple scab that no separate account is necessary. Remedy.—Treat as for apple scab. 5, Pear Blight or Fire Blight. Attacking individual limbs of pear, and occasionally apple and ‘quince also. Rapidly spreading until the whole tree may be in- volved. The foliage turns suddenly brown as if by fire and an ex- amination under the bark shows a fermented condition. This dis- ease is believed to be distributed by insects that visit the flowers, as well as by other means. Remedy.—Cut out the disease as soon as it appears and prune again whenever necessary. Always cutting below the point where the disease is reached. It is usually best to cut at least a foot below the point where the disease appears to end. 6. Gooseberry Mildew. This troublesome disease usually appears in the spring upon the developing buds and leaves, first showing as a sparse cob-webby coating, which later develops into a denser white, powdery coating. The young berries are also attacked. A serious disease which very much interferes with the growing of choice foreign varieties. Remedy.—Spray with potassium sulphite at the rate of one- half ounce to one gallon of water, making the first application as soon as the leaves begin to unfold, repeating the operation at enter- vals of one to three weeks. The ammoniacal solution of copper car- bonate would probably be equally effective. MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION.- 261 INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES. Arsenate of Lead. This valuable insecticide is rapidly coming to the front as a safe and reliable arsenical poison. It can be applied to the foliage _in any desired strength without injury, and when applied remains through rain storms. Its white color may be detected on the leaves thereby serving as a guide in its application. It is made by the union of acetate of lead and arsenate of soda, both being soluble in water. It is no longer necessary for the user to make his own arsen- ate of lead for it is now being sold at reasonable prices by the Bow- ker Insecticide Co, Poston, Mass., and Wm. H. Swift, Boston, Mass. Paris Green. Paris green is an old, well-known arsenical insecticide. It was first brought to prominence in connection with the war that was waged against the Colorado potato-beetle in the western states be- tween 1860 and 1870 In spraying with this substance a hot day should be avoided if possible, especially 1; it is desired to apply nearly to the limit of what the foliage will stand without injury. The water on the foliage soon becomes warmed and when warm dissolves the Paris green more rapidly, thereby resulting in injury to the leaves. Arsenite of Lime. The desire for a reliable and cheaper arsenical insecticide has led to the employment of a product resulting from the union of freshly slacked lime and commercial white arsenic. The propor- tions are: ; Commercial white arsenic...... I pound. Winolaekedolime (roh6 5 osu Serene 2 pounds. STE ET TS ASE SS mR ea 2 gallons. Boil together for twenty minutes to half an hour. As soon as the arsenic is dissolved it is precipitated by the lime as insoluble arsenite of lime. There is danger however that not all the arsenic will be precipitated out as it is difficult to tell when all has been 262 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. dissolved. For this reason the following formula is considered much more reliable: WW hte? arsenic. ese seis: 2 pounds. Salsodahs\s i nett ee eee 4 pounds. Water: 5, atin ohio merpecrnes ..2 gallons. Boil for about fifteen minutes or until all is dissolved, leaving a clear liquid. Add water enough to replace what has boiled away to prevent chrystalization of the arsenite of soda. A large quantity may be prepared at one time and kept asa stock solution to be used when desired. It should be covered to prevent evaporation and plainly labeled for it is a deadly poison. One pint of this stock is approximately equivalent to four ounces of Paris green. It shouid be used only in a solution in which lime is present for, as seen above, it is soluble in water. With lime it forms arsenate of lime which is the resulting product of the previous formula. It may also be used in connection with Bordeaux mixture, in which case Bordeaux mix- ture is used as a diluent in place of water. Counting the cost of the preparation of arsenite of lime it is not probable it will be found cheaper unless large quantities are to be used. In using this substance in preference to Paris green, however, one avoids the danger of purchasing adulterated goods. : Hellebore. | Hellebore has a narrow range of usefulness and is effective chiefly against saw-fly larvae. It kills by coming in contact with soft-bodied insects or by being eaten. It is usually dusted on the foliage either pure or mixed with twice its amount of lime, plaster or cheap flour. The foliage should be moist when it is applied in a dry form, otherwise it will not adhere. In Montana where the foli- age is almost perpetually dry, it would be better to apply it as a spray at the rate of one ounce to 2-4 quarts of water. Hellebore is not poisonous to man. . Kerosene Emulsion. Pure kerosene is fatal to almost all insects. It is extremely pen- etrating and enters the breathing pores of the insects and interfering with their breathing causes their death. Pure kerosene, however, is more or less injurious to plant life and for this reason has to be diluted in some way. Since it will not mix with water it is necessary to form an emulsion, and soap is usually used for this purpose. A good formula is: Ordisiaty bat ‘Soap ies a scmme er Y% pound. Ort water cic. .cne nee ete see 1 gallon. Kerosene <2 2.54... 2A due epee 2 gallons. aie ~~ MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 263 The water is placed over a stove to heat and the soap shaved into it. When the soap is dissolved and the water has reachedd the boiling point the solution is poured into the kerosene and vigouous- ly churned for four or five minutes with a force pump the nozzle of which is directed back into the vessel. The mixture takes on a milky appearance and on cooling becomes jelly-like. This is the stock emulsion and if properly prepared will keep for a considerable jength of time, but should be diluted when used. Whale-oil Soap. Whale-oil soap, more correctly known as fish-oil soap, is of great value as an insecticide against certain classes of insects par- ticularly scale insects. Some species of plant lice which fail to suc- cumb to an application of very strong kerosene emulsion are readi- ly killed with a solution of whale-oil soap. An example is the louse so commonly attacking spruce trees in Montana causing cone-like galls on the twigs. Ordinary foliage will not safely- stand a stronger solution than one pound in four gallons of water. Most plant lice are readily kaill- ed by 1 pound in 6 gallons of water. If a good whale-oil soap can- not be obtained a substitute may be made by the following formula: Concentrated Me win wc Po ous 3% pounds. WAN OT Stites ores Sw ths ey eee 8 gallons. HS Olde eis oan oe es Bee a tas I gallon. Dissolve the lie in boiling water and add the oil to the solution still boiling. Continue to boil for two and a half hours and then allow it to cool. The fish-oil can be obtained in eastern markets and beyond doubt it would be cheaper for the fruit-grower to make his own soap provided he intends to use a considerable ces Lime-Sulphur-Salt Solution. This insecticide is used chiefly as a means of destroying the San Jose scale, but is of great value also as a remedy for many other pests. Though various formulae have been given for the preparation of this wash, the active caustic principle is the same in all. The caustic ingredient is produced by the union if the sulphur and lime. In part two of Bulletin 56 of the Washington Experiment Station by Prof. C. V. Piper and R. W. Thatcher it is shown by accurate chem- ical processes that, practically speaking, one part of lime causes two parts of sulphur_to go into solution and that the presence of salt in the solution does not influence the action of the sulphur and lime upon each other. {t follows then, that if a greater proportion of lime is used, the excess goes onto the tree merely in the form of a white- wash, and if the salt has any value it is purely a mechanical one, for salt in such a small proportion is valueless as an insecticide. We 264 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. —— are not prepared to say that there is not some benefit to be derived from the presence of the salt and the excess of lime and for the pre- sent we recommend the formulae given below. We suggest, how- ever, that fruit-growers make more careful tests of the wash with the salt omitted and with the sulphur and lime in the proportion of 1 to 1. It will, of course, be understood that a variation in the amount of water used in the formulae will result in making the wash more or less concentrated according as more or less water is used. The ingredients may be used in the following proportion: LATION. ny XSite. age ce eas ace Coen I pound. Sul phils t eee. aaneh. eee aA ee I pound. Sallis scene Spas ien ihn fut ioe veteecaer? % to 1 pound. Weal eit: to.2) Sieve ceeds 2 oo ete te 4 gallons. While we recommend the addition of salt under ordinary cir- cumstances, this substance is unnecessary in the treatment of pear- leaf blister mite, moreover, Prof. Piper found it to be unnecessary in treating for the San Jose scale. Slake the lime thoroughly in a vessel, which is to be used in boiling the mixture, then add the sulphur; boil at least for one hour using enough water to completely cover the sulphur and lime. Add the remainder of the water of the formula. ; Hyhrocyanic Acid Gas. This very deadly gas is coming into common use as a means of destroying many forms of insect life that cannot be controlled witi poisons or contact insecticides. The gas is a deadly poison to all animal life and in its use great care must be taken not to inhale it. It is prepared by the action of sulphuric acid and potassium cyanide. The potassium cyanide, again, is a deadly poison and a small quantity taken into the stom- ach will result in death. Potassium cyanide may be obtained from Roesler Hasslacher & Co. of New York City. The gas is used in different strengths for different purposes. The desired strength being obtained by taking a given quantity of the potassium cyanide and adding to it the required amount of sul- phuric acid. For fumigation of nursery stock the proprtions used, per each cubic foot of space inclosed are: Potassium cyanide, 0.25 grams. Sulphuric acid, 98 per cent. One-half more acid, liquid measure than cyanide. | Water, one-half more water liquid measure than acid. The following is taken from Johnson’s Fumigation methods: “The amount of cyanide necessary for any inclosure is determin- ed in terms of grams per cubic foot of space ineclosed To deter- MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 265 mine the exact amount of cyanide necessary to ft m+gate a room, car, ship or building of any kind the cubic contents must be accurately computed. As an example: a room 20 x 30 x I0 feet contains 6,000 cubic feet of air space. To estimate the amount of cyanide ncessary for this inclosure mu!tiply 6,000 by 0.25; thus: 6,000 times 0.25 equals 1500 grams. To reduce this to ounces divide by 28.35 as there are 28.35 grams in an ounce; thus: 1500 divided by 28.35 equals 53 ounces, the exact amount necessary for the inclosure. It is now easy to determine the amount of acid and water, as a half more acid, liquid measure, than cyanide, and a half more water than cyanide are used; thus: 53 divided by 2 equals 26.5, which added to 53 equals 79.5 ounces of acid or practically 5 pounds liquid measure. Again 79.5 or practically 80, as we usually discard fractions, equals 40, which added to 80 makes 120 ounces of water.”’ In liberating the acid the gas is first measured and poured into an earthenware dish, then the water is measured and poured into the acid. The potassium cyanide which-has been previously weighed is then added to the acid and water after every precautionary arange- ment has been made. If a room is to be fumigated, a bag contain- ing the potassium cyanide should be suspended directly above the jar with the string suspending it passing through a pulley. Then the operator from the door may release the string and allow the bag to settle into the jar. If the space to be fumigated is under a tent the cyanide may be dropped in from the hand. Close the door tight- ly or drop the tent quickly and leave the desired length of time. The room or the tent should be air-tight. The exposure usually employ- ed is thirty to forty minutes. Some horticulturists fumigate their green-houses a few times a year and are able by this means to keep down all injurious insects except the red spider. _ In fumigating mills, hotels, etc., it is neces- sary to have an arrangement for ventilating the rooms from the out- side. This may be done by attaching cords to the window sashes. After fumigation, such buildings must be allowed to ventilate thor- oughly before entering them. In fumigating buildings give an ex- posure of 1 hour to 24 hours. Bordeaux Mixture. We quote the following from Farmers’ Bulletin, No. 38, U. S. Department of Agriculture, prepared by Dr. Galloway: “All things considered, it is believed that the best results will be obtained from the use of what is known as the 50-gallon formula of this preparation. This contains: Weebl era. teetia 2 Sees ter teats «sashes 50 gallons. Sopper sulphate a..%..- >.< -.. 6: pounds. inslacked sities. tose es 4 pounds, 266 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. It has been found that the method of combining the ingredients has an important bearing on both the chemical composition and ithe physical structure of the mixture. The best results have been obtained from the use of the Bordeaux mixture made in accordance with the following directions: In a barrel or other suitable vessel, place 25 gallons of water. Weigh out 6 pounds of copper sulphate, then tie the same in a piece of coarse gunny-sack and suspend it just beneath the surface of the water. By tying the bag to a stick across the top of the barrel no further attention will be required. In another vessel slack 4 pounds of lime, using care in order to obtain a smooth paste, free from grit and small lumps. To accomplish this it is best to place the lime in an ordinary waterpail and add only a small quantity of water at first, say a quart or a quart and a half. When the lime begins to crack and crumble and the water to disappear add another quart or more, exercising care that the lime at no time gets too dry. Toward the last considerable water will be required, but if added carefully and slowly a perfectly smooth paste will be obtained, provided, of course, the lime is of good quality. When the lime is slacked, add sufficient water to the paste to bring the whole up to 25 gallons. When the copper sulphate is entirely dissolved and the lime is cool, pour the lime milk and copper sulphate solution together into a Barrel holding 50 gallons. The milk of lime should be thoroughly stirred before pouring. The method described insures good mixing, but to complete this work the barrel of liquid should receive a final stirring, for at least three minutes, with a broad wooden paddle. It is now necessary to determine whether the mixture is per- fect—that is, if it will be safe to apply it to tender foliage. To ac- complish this, two simple tests may be used. First insert the blade of a pen-knife in the mixture, allowing it to remain there for at least one minute. If metallic copper forms on the blade, or, in other words, if the polished surface of the steel assumes the color of cop- per plate, the mixture is unsafe and more lime must be added. If, on the other hand, the blade of the knife remains unchanged, it is safe to conclude that the mixture is as safe as it can be made. As an additional test, however, some of the mixture may be poured into an old plate or saucer, and while held between the eyes and the light the breath should be gently blown upon the liquid for at least half a minute. If the mixture is properly made, a thin pellicle, look- ing like oil on water, will begin to form on the surface of the liquid. If no pellicle forms, more lime should be added. If spraying is to be done upon’a large scale, it will be found more convenient and economical in every way to prepare what are known as stock solutions of both copper and lime. To prepare a MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 267 stock sotutien of copper Piatets: procure a barrel holding fifty gal- lons. Weigh out 100 pounds of copper sulphate and after tying it in a sack suspend it so that it will hang as near the top of the barrel as possible. Fill the barrel with water and in two or three days the copper will be dissolved. Now remove the sack and add enough water to bring the solution up again to the 50-gallon mark, previ- ously made on the barrel. It will be understood, “of course, that this second adding of water is merely to replace the space previously oc- cupied by the sack and the crystals of copper sulphate. Each gallon of the solution thus made will contain two pounds of copper sul- phate, and, under all ordinary conditions of temperature, there will be no material recrystalization, so that the stock preparation may be kept indefinitely. Stock lime may be prepared in the same way as the copper sul- phate solution. Prepare a barrel holding 50 gallons, making a mark to indicate the 50-gallon point. Weigh out 100 pounds of lime, place it in a barrel and slack it. When slacked, add sufficient water to bring the whole mass up to 50 gallons. Each gallon of this pre- paration contains, after thoroughly stirring, two pounds of lime. When it is desired to make Bordeaux mixture of the 50-gallon formula it is only necessary to measure out three gallons of the stock copper solution, and, after thoroughly stirring, 2 gallons of stock lime; dilute each to 25 gallons, mix, stir, and test as already described. One test will be sufficient in this case. In other words, it will not be necessary to test each lot of Bordeaux made from the stock preparations, provided the first lot is perfect and no change is made in the quantity of the materials used. Special care should be taken to see that the lime milk is stirred thoroughly each time be- fore applying. As a final precaution it will be well to keep both the stock copper sulphate and the stock lime tightly covered.” For trees in foliage use only 4 pounds of the blue stone to 50 gallons of water. For tender foliage like plum, cherry, and peach use 3 pounds of blue stone to 50 gallons of water (Bul. 75, Oregon Exp. Station). Ammoniacal Solution of Copper Carbonate. We also take this description from Farmers’ Bulletin No. 38. “This preparation as now generally used, contains: i iecimer eres ties. scot coe aS « 45 gallons. Stone Agua ammonia: ...... 0. 3 pints. WO nper Gai DOMALeNy «cos osc sh nahass 5 ounces. The copper carbonate is first made into a thin paste by adding a pint and a half of water. The ammonia water is then slowly add- ed, and if of the proper strength, i. e., 26 degrees, a clear, deep-blue 268 MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. solution is obtained, which does not become cloudy when diluted to 45 gallons. The ammoniacal solution of copper carbonate being a clear li- quid its presence on the leaves, fruit, and other parts of the treated plant is not so noticeable as where preparations containing lime are used. In case it is desired to keep the strong solution as a stock pre- paration, the bottle or jug in which it is placed should be tightly corked.” Copper Sulphate. Copper sulphate (blue vitrol or blue stone) solution is some- times used in place of Bordeaux mixture. It is also used as a means of destroying the spores of grain smut on seed grain, but for this purpose formalin is considered to be better. For trees in a dormant state, use copper sulphate, 1 pound in 25 gallons of water. For trees in foliage use copper sulphate, 1 pound in 250 gallons of water. Potassium Sulphide. This substance, also known as liver of sulphur, may be obtain- ed from almost any druggist. It is used in the proportion of one- half to one ounce in one gallon of water. A stock solution may be made as follows: PO TAS Iigy i uaees ye wie etree beak 32 pounds. SiLipinu he yee sae aie wee ome 37 pounds. Salli te hess Coe eerie et ionstaes 2 pounds. Wiiaitietrk voces speateiarcere ede wpabeeee 50 gallons. The potash, sulphur and salt are put into a large, metallic tub with a part of the water; the chemical action will make the mixture boil. Add the remainder of the water and set it away as a stock solution, covering it to prevent evaporation. Dilute with 99 parts of water before spraying. R. A.. COOLER MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. 269 EXPLANATION OF PLATES (Photographed from Nature by R. A. Cooley except top figure of plate II, which was loaned by Prof. Slingerland from his bulletin on the bud moth, 147, Corn. Univ. Experiment Station.) BEATE: Fig. 1, Egg of the bud moth, greatly enlarged. 2, The 5-spotted lady-bug, enlarged. 3, Cluster of eggs of the 5-spotted lady-bug. 4, Same. 5, Larva of the 5-spotted lady-bug, about four time en- larged. Fig. 6, Base of apple leaf from below showing work of bud moth larva. The web and tubular retreat are indistinctly shown. Fig. 7, Full grown larva of the bud moth, about three times enlarged. PLATE Bt. Fig. at top, Apple twig showing work done by bud moth larvae early in the season. Fig. 1, Apple-leaf aphis on the under side of a leaf. 2, Terminal apple shoots showing leaves deformed by ap- ple leaf-aphis. PUALE Yt. Fig. 1, Top view of Sarcophaga cimbicis Townsend, about twice natural size. Fig. 2, Same from side. 3, Larva cr maggot of same. 4, Pupa of same. 5, Apple leaf-aphis, enlarged. “6, Eggs of apple leaf-aphis, about twice natural size. 7, Root and base of trunk of young apple tree showing in- jury done by Flat-headed apple-tree borer. 270 ~ “MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION. PLATE IV. Lines indicate the length of the body from front of head to tip of wings or abdomen, whichever extends farther. Fig. 1, Lesser Migratory Locust, Melanoplus atlanis. Riley, female. 3 Fig. 2, Same, male. “3, Big-headed Grasshopper, Aulocara ‘elliotti_ Phone) female. Fig. 4, Same, male. ig Boel Ds Lines indicate the length of the body from front of head to tip of wings or abdomen whichever extends farther. Fig. 1, Yellow-winged Locust, Camuula pellucida Scud, female © ~ 2, same, sinale: 3, Two-striped locust, Melanoplus bivittatus Say, female. — 4, Same, male. ce “é PLALE Vi. Lines indicate the length of the body from front of head to tip of wing or abdomen whichever extends farther. Fig. 1, Melanoplus dawsoni Scudder, female. “2, Hippiscus neglectus ‘Thomas, temale. “« “3, Chortophaga viriditasciata DeG., female. 4, Encoptolophus sordidus Burm, female. me PLAME Vil: Lines indicate the length of the body from front of head to tip 7 of wings or abdomen whichever extends farther. Fig. 1, Spharagemon aequale Say, female. “2, Melanoplus spretus Uhler, female. “3, Arphia tenebrosa Scudder, female. ' “4, Acrolophitus hirtipes Say, female. PLATE VA. Lines indicate the length of the body from front of head to tip — of abdomen or wings whichever extends farther. Fig. 1 Dissosteira carolina Linn., female. “2, Cordillacris occipitalis Thomas, female. “ 3, Egg mass of M. bivittatus, about three and one-half times natural size . Fig. 4, Same with the surface removed. BATE, || saperaa vite a ra a ny acne pe da dies por ae eos eis5 » Sy ee? ag BEATE Hl PLATE => SG ma aes mp bh tee 7 2 ee : 7 x at = . : A p Ra _ 7 7 a rae sl ni) &. i oe hae = PLN MY PEATE V PATE Vi PLATE VII PLATE VIl\| DN. DEX. Page. MERIT US TUR TIPEIS Cid cicciccleces ctaveswdbeecdec eadeue 238 » AMMONIACAL SOLUTION OF COPPER CARBONATE...... ....++:: 267 EPRI EOUE TD PEEING oon sin od sevescd dacs ocecs cei ccddedevevlddy twee 253 Ee PESETIO DLT IIA Poe se Ende acta e) iivAcveaceelclcavececeesas 214-252 4 EIR A BE Se ee 255 NPI TERING yas fccaencies. 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THB. «2 ons aaecct ceive sis ole Whe ieee dks eke ees 250 COPPER CARBONATE, AMMONIACAL SOLUTION OF............... 267 COBRPDR: (SUG PEAT He aos visieleorara seg’ « ave a. ocupelecatenencleneuey ores —icekoeneye einen 268 GORDILELACRIS OCCIPIMAMIS oo. vcr ccs sistem © viele leis eteYostole woke tee eee 237 CRIDD TZ HGNUEXSIMUIR Ea aie a cesiete steve steveua le) ei & sjossidpersaciareye che. 6st oheteiek Cen A 24d CRO WIN GAMES 5 sic eset ecoscts soit oo ous ove setae tone seve ious a fetal oie lele ce’ oyeloy ses eerstene aie meee 259 CRUDE PETROLEUM) said. fi i tieretleid alge eelacle’ d's toler aiate Seve ose ce reel ott eee 223 CURRANT APHIS, “TEIN... .-<\s-s:cisverw o'e seo ee 6 oe hiete wale De ieee eee 258 CURRANT COTTONY SCA oc isn a6 So o0ciek is wicis oe eis eee 258 CURRANT BLIDS f.0.2 «a Sis e 5 4 fayabe viele dial solodsvalecepelojeseleters cote aro eie te a ee ee 257 CURRANT. bHAK-HOPPEIR ss sctian s sie glee ele ak See Sie eben Dicken 258 CURRANT SAW-FILY, (NASI VEN. & sieve ions cogese «sve ors, cusve,ote.sro:8.0okeccheue eet nero 257 CURRANT STEM-BOR ERS REE tron cols: coatee siecle ereteracteies si Sava) a) ealeceee eres 258 CURRANT: THIRERS 2 hse sane e oie exe lalate tele ol eb oteniale.o Sint Siotalt ee aecke cesta CTO ean 258 DISEASES, ARTIFICTAD USO wox.ciwelelascjsys.scelv coco: cleiccore st iersie eens _ 241 DISSOSTETRAU CAROLINA. .c\c strc actelod aloaserslsrsics siescrarcteel sorcerer eee eee 237 HCCENDRIC SCALE OR) PUTINAMZS S CAUIB sc cciec cre cles siehensen- serene 253 EMULSION? KiBROSEINIBY ioeioersnverera cletaslclet s1erchocel iin oleleledeie(elenclc relate etiatae 262, 223 ENCHOPTOLGPAUS) SORDIDUS Ee a .cicce oc ieleteyeloiersselelotsial ots ole siereretatienetenete 238 KLAT-HEADED, APPIN) TREEF BORER: «cc «ico cieiisic.c.c.0 ele lore alenetelslateneiete 224, 251 Distribution and Cccurrence in’ Montana-). .\. - ao .eciels 2b8 RED-HUMPED APPER. TREE CATR PIMGAR ncn cei entices 249 ROUND-HHADED A PPI. TREH-BOR ER ac sicieilc «vleclccieiecs eteheeieinieerieriees 251 SVAN HOMO MSIOVNIDID SSS G5 0K andonu Gor syaie Seles Oba ‘eis le 1 eliche\iondl eure ies ousttett te hates ener Ree 252 SARCOPHAGA. 'CIMBICIS# ooccicielcs cree bsevetetore vile 6. uerele oke eye alcte etenerctene eae ane 238 SCUREBY: BARK: TOUS Biitiwiin% otiaa cic 5 sireles cieee tie eeneleviels cetele ts eee - 2b3 SOAP oivarenershatsteuchstelas ee) ule wks secacssutaig eveud genase Metals eae Some lerate ee estes Dene een 262 SPHARAGEMON ABR QU ALD i ecccc: oe onda cists Nate le cree Connie Ge et STRAWBERRY CROW N-BORERGS oi. ics cc ticle cretenicle ote miei 257 STRAW BERRY?) TABAT-ROLIGE Ros <6 sacri cles eeieic cost aiecsiche a cle cio raetereneae 256 STRAW BERRR ROOT WHEVUILNN OR THE VAR BPIGE osc cjocl eic.arereleuelctornrcicte cieeie seiner sees 252 YBELOW-WINGED LOCUS Dok os cisciwie aie icleleleie's eieibl cl roistete astern enna 236 Monrana AGRICULTURAL: COLLEGE EXPERIMENT STATION F. B. LINFIELD, Director BULLETIN NO. 55 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SATE ENITOMOLOGIS1 BY RA COOLEN BOZEMAN, MONTANA DECEMBER, 1904 MontTANA- AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE EXPERIMENT STATION BOZEMAN, MONTANA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION JosepH Kx. Toour, Governor, James Donovan, Attorney-General, Ex-Officio, . HELENA W. W. Wetcu, Supt. of Pubic Instruction, J. M. EVANS, ; E ; : 2 . MIssouLa C. RB... LEONARD, é : ? ; ; ‘ BUTTE N. W. McConneE.LuL, : : ; : HELENA W. M. JoHNSTON, : ; : ’ : BILLINGS O. P. CHISHOLM, p : : : ; ' . BozEMAN J. G. McKay, ; : ! : : : HAMILTON Gil2-PAUi : ; ; : DILLON N:oBe Honrer: : : : : 5 HELENA EXECUTIVE BOARD WautrerR S. Hartman, President, : f : ; BozeEMAN “ i. B. Lame, Vice-President, ; | ; : BozeEMAN Peter Kocu, Secretary, : : BozEMAN JoHN MAXEY, 3 : 3 ; ; BozeMAN JoHN M. ROBINSON, ; ; : ; : BozeEMAN STATION STAFF EF. B. Linrietp, B.S. A., Director and Agriculturist. J. W. BuANKINSHIP, Ph. D., Botanist. R. A. Cootry, B. Se., Entomologist. Vo We Cousrnur, Ba Sse5(Chemish J. S. Baker, B. 8., [Irrigation Engineer. R. W. lisuer, B. 8., Horticulturist. JAMES DrybENn, Poultryman. EpMuNp Burke, Assistant Chemist. W. J. Ecviiorr,’B. S: A. Assistant Darryman. Aurrep ATKINSON, B. 8S. A., Assistant Agronomist. H. J. Reess, B. 8., Assistant Chemist. Postoffice, Express and Freight Station, Bozeman. All communications to the Experiment Station should be ad- dressed to THE MONTANA EXPERIMENT STATION, Bozeman, Montana. NOTICE.—The Bulletins of the Experiment Station will be mailed free to any citizen of Montana on request. Please state whether all publications are desired as issued or only those specified. Give name and address plainly. ‘YsIy Joos ZI puw punois oy} UO Joos ZIXZI St vdvoO oY, “‘yjyou pug oy} pues your sutppoo oy} jo SOLO JSTY-aIl] ou4 jo Apnjs oy} 104 posn B[NOSslf, FB aaRy ee es ~ .* : » ap tell iia ale CONT EIN LS, ‘ BEE MeAI YO BUCS Oss ele wee tea e Seok Pee REEMA etMNS ME CIES polaicc srs cue. cp (64's d las «a Wore cichele ne wile OSIRIS GIONS yee (a ga a ee Pee Sete: Ulam MVC ALY DUI, Soe es base's» ae ee fies MoGitser NV ito tne VV OOllys Aphis... 0... 0. 6 ede dad ae a EM re cet oere ier eo SL Sere “sale abel Li SL ES SE dc BARN atte nate es Ns Aca ta png ROCA Semana WiWerry (Crown GIFdler se ee ct eee waves eaena pica 1 iSttipihion fury oss ist cee. eee Veale eee PEMMUNELUNIUMIN URIDES Nee ca Natal. Se and ta Acs bes sa dw Aegean cs cl ele eines Pearl ALILGY 5 400 (a kta! Ns a een OS wih dS 3's e's ins ep Wee nce pee VINES RESIS GS RUD ie ee a oe ae Injuries to Plants other than the Strawberry............ HONE AVES SI ACI 21 ee cic) 20% se el a Pee PET Pian atidaNALUT al MLAISLORY co cots 6 el ahs ie ea wes ocala BIE Mesee ACHE EVO ORLE olend