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J 7 oa bee es 7 : : erdey “ ; . +) Ovi tek pal phaed ib bly ated epee if . my dreetad hae 1 ibe epeenteneg i. i rertes lieu Pr be snp hy | revit as 4y- i 4 } ' i. ‘ o - 4 dl 60 ln al ore fediese sibel at: “aad oi «¢ patter sega, oo ¥s ted 27% ey nd bed) ; Heed aoe wh f= i, Oot m, casera ptst sete we * ble 7 i he ene | pee mie a4 1? idles idee ae av ' , Lope on - ’ ide.3 ibe D a om, wae : ae et ee ay ie oF . “the ; , > * en 7 7 7 « : “~ * ; : J : ~ ' y 7 tine hy te nee 5 > om H va haan iJ . nim Plot uel 4. *dwittebe Ton! biteks, ~~ sdbbdiee Lod “sdys eet yey | ah ee ? onree { ie ad ho) ot Gaede » ——= ANNUAL REPORT _ TRUSTEES OF THE “g at Harvard College, in Cambridge, TOGETHER WITH 10) T G REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR, 1 ola ole BOSTON: «WRIGHT & POTTER, STATE PRINTERS ~ hae 79 MiLk StREET, (CORNER OF FEDERAL.) 1869. F 4 > 25 oe ml U USE 1UM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY, Bi “aT HARVARD COLLEGE, IN CAMBRIDGE, a TOGETHER WITH HE REPORT a THE DIRECTOR, £00. 87. j Os T O.R: ; WRIGHT & POTTER, STATE PRINTERS, 79 Mitk STREET, (CORNER OF FEDERAL.) 1869. bY *, ; i ‘Se ALTA SS CPE Rod MOO. “il Uk pee Tt) cht ae rte Gs i -— fy dD be .. ie ae > : r é e + AC fi +} A - Koa #7 Te. . = oe eerie ? Pat ok 7, MPelfee eae aX ay Bs “/ Bi shistd aC! al a Dae “se AC Conmmonwealtl of Massachusetts. Boston, January 27, 1869. To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives. The Trustees of the Museum of Comparative Zodlogy respect- fully present the Annual Report of the Director for the past year, marked [A.] The paper marked [B] contains a list of the Trustees, their officers and committees, for 1869. The past year has been distinguished by a grant of the legis- lature of $75,000, payable in three annual instalments, condi- tioned on the raising by subscription, of like sums. The first $25,000 has been obtained, and the perio s $25,000 has been received from the State. ' The Trustees propose to devote the money thus obtained from the State to an enlargement of the Museum building. For the Trustees, THEODORE LYMAN, Secretary, pro tem. 4 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. [Feb. [A.] REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. For THE YEAR 1868. This year has been a memorable one in the history of our institution. When I prepared my report for the year 1867, it was under the depressing conviction that unless a large sum could be promptly obtained, the labor of years would be made of no avail, and the value of the materials collected in the Museum so impaired for want of the means essential to their preservation, that they would become in a great degree useless. By the intelligent liberality of the legislature, who took this matter into earnest and thoughtful consideration, and the gen- erous co-operation of individuals, this danger is averted. I have never felt so hopeful of the future of the institution which has so long been my care as now. With the prospect for the next three years of an income large enough to secure the aid of competent assistants in the different departments, we shall be able to put our immense collections in complete order, and to enlarge the building sufficiently to exhibit all our specimens in their true relations. I hope that in three years any intelli- gent observer will be able to say that a mere walk through our Museum teaches him something of the geographical distribu- tion of animals, of their history in past ages, of the laws con- trolling their growth as they now exist, and of their mutual affinities ; in short, that the whole will be so combined as to illustrate all that science has thus far deciphered of the plan of creation. This is my hope, and it is shared by the efficient 1869.] SENATE—No. 60. 5 corps of assistants on whose co-operation I largely depend for its fulfilment. All the efforts of the officers of the Museum now tend toward such an arrangement of the collections as will render their exhibition advantageous and prompt. For a long time all those engaged with me have, at the sacrifice of their personal advantage, and with the most praiseworthy zeal and abnegation, devoted their time to labors rather manual than intellectual, yet of a kind which, from their very nature, require a trained workman,—one who has an extensive familiarity with objects of natural history. It is the misfortune of naturalists _ that so little of the distasteful and purely manual work con- nected with their studies can be performed by more ignorant assistants. In the laboratory, the investigator must be his own servant. My associates in the task of organizing the Museum have shrunk from no sacrifice of this kind. When the whole collection is so arranged that any specimen required for investigation can be reached with ease, and without loss of time, we shall all be rewarded by the comparative facil- ity for original research. I may add, that this is an advantage by which, according to the policy adopted by our institution, not only our small corps of investigators, but all students of natural history throughout the scientific world, will profit. This assertion is justified by the readiness with which speci- mens have been sent out from the Museum wherever they were wanted by any one engaged in original researches whose scien- tific character made him worthy of our confidence. Assistance of this kind has been given whenever it has been in our power to afford it. I only lament that the bulk of our materials, so heaped together for want of room as to make them often inac- cessible, and the very limited number of assistants in past years, so that there were not hands enough to put up the special collections to be sent abroad, have prevented us from exercising this liberality so largely, and with such promptness, as we hope to do hereafter. At the last meeting of the Board of Trustees, a vote was passed devoting the $75,000 granted to the Museum by the legislature of 1868, to the extension of the present building. While I rejoice in the prospect of this new building, as afford- ing the means for a complete exhibition of the specimens now stored in our cellars and attics, and encumbering every room of 6 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. [Feb. the present edifice, I yet can hardly look forward to the time when we shall be in possession of it, without shrinking from the grandeur of our undertaking. The past history of our science rises before me with its lessons. Thinking men, in every part of the world, have been stimulated to grapple with the infinite variety of problems connected with the countless animals scattered without apparent order throughout sea and land. They have been led to discover the affinities of various degrees and different kinds, which bind together this host of living beings. The past has yielded up its secrets, and has shown them that the animals now peopling the earth are but the successors of countless populations which have preceded them, and whose remains are buried in the crust of our globe. Farther study has revealed relations between the animals of past time and those now living, and between the law of succes- sion in the former and the laws of growth and distribution in the latter, so intimate and comprehensive that this labyrinth of organic life assumes the character of a connected history, which opens before us with greater clearness in proportion as our knowledge increases. But when the museums of the Old World were founded, these relations were not even suspected. The collections of natural history gathered at immense expense in the great centres of human civilization, were accumulated mainly as an evidence of man’s knowledge and skill in exhib- iting to the best advantage not only the animals, but products and curiosities of all sorts, from various parts of the world. While we admire and emulate the industry and perseverance of the men who collected these materials, and did in the best way the work which it was possible to do in their time for science, we have no longer the right to build museums after this fashion. The originality and vigor of one generation become the subser- vience and indolence of the next, if we do but repeat the work of our predecessors. They prepared the ground for us by accu- mulating the materials for extensive comparison and research. They presented the problem; we ought to be ready with the solution. If I mistake not, the great object of our museums should be to exhibit the whole animal kingdom as a manifesta- tion of the Supreme Intellect. Scientific investigation in our day should be inspired by a purpose as animating to the general sympathy as was the religious zeal which built the cathedral of 1869.] SENATE—No. 60. 7 Cologne or the basilica of St. Peter’s. The time is past when men expressed their deepest convictions by these wonderful and beautiful religious edifices; but it is my hope to see, with the progress of intellectual culture, a structure arise among us which may be a temple of the revelations written in the mate- rial universe. If this be so, our buildings for such an object can never be too comprehensive, for they are to embrace the infinite work of Infinite Wisdom. They can never be too costly, so far as cost secures permanence and solidity, for they are to contain the most instructive documents of Omnipotence. From the earliest organization of the Museum I have had three great objects in view. First, to express in material forms the present state of our knowledge of the animal kingdom ; second, to make it a centre of original research, where men who were engaged in studying the problems connected with natural history should find all they needed for comparative investigation; thirdly,—and this last object has been by no means less prominent than the two others, but, if possible, has engrossed my thoughts more,—to make it an educational insti- tution ; to give it a wide-spread influence upon the study, the love and the knowledge of nature throughout the country. I have wished—and I think the time is fast approaching when I shall be able to make this wish more completely a reality than it has hitherto been—to have the most various and extensive practical instruction in natural history going on there under the personal direction of the officers of the Museum in the dif- ferent laboratories, and at the same time to have courses of lectures of a more general character, and open to all, upon natural history in its various aspects, geology, paleontology, general and special zodlogy, embryology, comparative anat- omy, &c. I have labored under many obstacles in the carrying out of this scheme. Often, for want of means to pay salaries, the assistants have been so few, and their knowledge so immature, that it was impossible to organize any extensive scheme of instruction. Often, too, we have been so overwhelmed by the amount of labor to be performed by some three or four men, that I have hesitated to diminish the working force of the Mu- seum for a less pressing, though not less important aim. Ney- ertheless, ever since the Museum has been in existence, two 8 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. [Feb. annual courses of lectures have been delivered there by myself, except when illness or necessary absence have occasionally interrupted them; while from time to time other courses, and very valuable ones, have been given by the gentlemen connected with the Museum. We have always had, also, a certain num- ber of students pursuing special studies in the laboratories. This has been well, as far as it went; but the case is now very different. With very able men as assistants ;.with a distribu- tion of labor which makes the work of the Museum itself easier, it is now possible to arrange a very complete system of general and special instruction. The programme for the current year embraces seven courses of lectures, and practical instruction, - covering nearly the whole range of natural history. We hope to make it more comprehensive in proportion as some of those mature investigators who can act both as scientific assistants and as lecturers are drawn into our ranks. During the past winter, the lectures have consisted of an able course from Mr. Perry, on the geology of Lake Champlain, including a description of the geological formation of Vermont, and especially a critical discussion of the controversy concern- ing the Taconic system. Mr. Shaler has also given a full and interesting course on paleontology, illustrating chiefly the gra- dation of organized beings throughout the series of geological formations. J have myself given a course on the natural his- tory of Radiates. Of the latter I would say a few words. Since it may not be in my power to publish for some time the results upon which this course was founded, I wish to submit them summarily here, though they do not perhaps properly — belong in this very general report of the Museum affairs. The object of this course was to show the strict homology pervading the structure of all Radiates, including the Echinoderms as well as the Polyps and Acalephs, or the so-called Coelenterata. This identity of structure being proved, the division of the — Radiates into two distinct types, now adopted by most zodl- ogists, becomes unnatural. The argument rests upon facts, for it can be clearly shown that the chambers of the Polyps, sep- arated by their radiating partitions, are homologically identical with the radiating tubes of the Acalephs, and with the ambu- lacral system of the Echinoderms. These three classes form, structurally speaking, one and the same type. Moreover, these 1869. ] SENATE—No. 60. 9 homologies are circumscribed within the type of Radiates, and can by no means be extended beyond it; so that it may be said that the structure of Radiates is sui generis incompatible with the idea of any genetic relation between that and any other type of the animal kingdom. I also showed that the embryonic growth of all these animals is conformable, even the seemingly bi-lateral symmetry of the larval form of the Echinoderms, upon which Miller insisted so tenaciously, being as truly a radiate structure in its typical character as the Spatangoids, which also seem bi-lateral. I also compared the succession of this type in time with the growth of its present representatives in their embryonic condition, and carried out this illustration especially for the Crinoids; showing that in its successive transformations the Comatula passes through stages which, from their resemblance to the full grown Crinoids of earlier ages, I designated as the Cistidian, the Pentremitian, the Plat- yerinian, the Pentacrinian, and the Comatuline stages of growth. These phases of development coincide with the order of suc- cession of the types of the same name in the geological ages. It was farther shown that even the Ophiurans, the Aste- rians and the Echinoids have also their Crinoidal stages of growth, while their earliest embryonic forms recall in like man- ner the Polyps and Acalephs. Beside these courses of lectures Dr. Hagen has been training a few special students in ento- mology, and I have directed the private exercises in other departments. As in the preceding year, Mr. Allen has had general charge of the Mammalia and Birds, and, as may be seen from his special report, he has greatly improved the condition of the collections entrusted to him. But the work is too extensive for one person, and I hope to divide it during the present year. The collection of Reptiles has not been placed under the care of a special assistant during the past year. It is in a safe state of preservation, and for the distribution of specimens into sep- arate jars, according to their species, I have thought it best to await the return of the numerous specimens entrusted to Pro- fessor Cope for identification. For the Batrachians, however, this task of division and distribution is already begun, and is going on under the charge of my son, Alexander Agassiz. 2 10 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. [Feb. As usual, I have had the collection of Fishes under my special care, and, though an immense amount of work has been bestowed upon their arrangement, not by myself alone, but also by Dr. Staheli, Mr. Bliss, and Mr. Lockwood, under my direc- tion, yet it seems as if the task grew, instead of diminishing under our hands. The specimens contained in thirty-nine kegs and barrels have been put up in glass jars, and distributed according to their species. Dr. Stiheli has revised some 10,000 jars, containing the work of former years, and yet not half the — collection has undergone more than a preliminary arrangement. I have, however, begun monographic examinations of the Gon- iodonts, the Characines and the Gymnonotes, and Mr. Bliss has also made a beginning with the Chromids; while Mr. Lock- wood has been assisting me in the arrangement of the Char- acines, and Dr. Stiheli assorting the species contained in bar- rels. This work will be continued during the present year, with additional aids, and I have some hope of being able to complete the distribution of the whole collection in glass jars, though at this moment there remain three hundred and sixteen barrels of fishes unarranged in the store room. Mr. Theodore Lyman, who has charge of the fisheries of the State, has added to our collections in this department an inval- uable series of young fishes; especially of the family of Sal- monide and Clupeoids. ‘These specimens have been bred arti- - ficially in different parts of the country, and the value of the gift is greatly increased by minute information concerning their age, the conditions of their growth, &c. As often as possible, the specimens have been brought alive to the Museum, and have been drawn and painted from the life by Mr. Paul Roetter. We may in course of time have ample materials for a compar- ative embryological history of these families. I have already communicated to the National Academy some of my observa- tions upon the early stages of growth of the salmon, and Mr. Lyman is now engaged upon a comparative study of the differ- ent species of salmon living in our waters. The collection of Articulates has been not only overhauled in all its parts, but Dr. Hagen has completed a monograph of the North American Astaci, and has carried forward the gen- eral arrangement of the insects, which are put up according to the plan proposed by himself, and which I have sanctioned the 1869. ] SENATE—No. 60. 11 more readily, as it includes the simultaneous exhibition of the larval condition of these animals, as well as their perfect state. Mr. Anthony has been constantly busy this year, as during so many previous ones, in the arrangement of the living shells, and has brought this part of our collections nearer to its final order than any other in the Museum. More than 17,000 tablets are now ready for systematic arrangement and for exhibition as soon as the new building is completed. The separation of a special systematic collection and of faunal collections, deter- mined according to an investigation of their range of distribu- tion, and not, as is so often the case, based only upon a consid- eration of the physical character of the country in which they occur, has been fully carried out, and may in future serve as a guide for the arrangement of other types. And yet a very important part of the work remains to be done. The species are labelled according to the names under which they were first described, and this was done with the view of securing authen- tic identification. It will require a vast amount of research in the ultimate arrangement, to ascertain what are the generic relations of each and all of these species, as also to determine the family affinities of the genera. The combination of the families into natural orders is hardly begun. Mr. Blake is now engaged in drawing the characteristic features of the soft parts of our fresh water mollusks, with a view to illustrate the systematic collection. Messrs. Theodore Lyman and Alexander Agassiz share the work upon the final arrangement of the Radiates. The explo- ration of the deep-sea fauna of the Gulf Stream, undertaken by Mr. Pourtales at the direction of the superintendent of the coast survey, has brought to light an unexpected number of new species. The results of this valuable investigation were?’ given by Mr. Pourtales in the last two numbers of the Museum Bulletin. The institution is indebted to Professor Peirce for the pre- sentation of all the specimens collected during these explora- tions, the duplicates of which will be distributed to other insti- tutions as soon as they are completely assorted. The fossils have been entrusted to the care of three different assistants. Mr. Shaler has had general charge of the whole i 12 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. [Feb. collection, but has given his special attention to the arrange- ment of the bivalve shells. Mr. Perry has had charge of the tertiary fossils in general, but has been especially occupied with the arrangement of the Gasteropods. Mr. Lesquereux has been engaged upon the fossil plants. The reports of these gen- tlemen have left me little to add concerning the condition of these collections. I have to lament my inability thus far to provide for the arrangement of the fossil vertebrates, but I hope to remedy this deficiency in the course of the present year. I regret the neglect of these collections the more deeply because they contain a considerable number of rare and valuable speci- mens. The magnificent series of Dinornis, for instance, which the Museum owes to the liberality of Dr. Haast, will be one of its greatest ornaments, whenever these specimens can be mounted. Report on the Fossil Plants of the Museum of Comparative Zoélogy, by L. LEesQuerEux. The work done this year to increase, arrange and improve the collections of fossil plants of the Museum is scarcely impor- tant enough to furnish materials for a report. But as it is essential, not only to mark the progress of the collections, but also to indicate the means of increasing them, and of render- ing those already acquired more useful, and therefore more valuable, it is proper, to say a few words of the actual state of the department of botanical paleontology, by reporting what has been done in it this year, and what should have been done under more favorable circumstances. The report of the past year mentions, § 11, page 15, a num- ber of specimens still in boxes in the magazine, which, from want of place, had not been exhibited, and which were still undetermined. The examination of these specimens has been completed this year, and all have been provided with labels bearing specific names, together with the names of the donors or former proprietors of the specimens, and indications of the localities whence they were obtained. At the same time, they have been assorted according to the age of the formations to which they belong. 1869. ] SENATE—No. 60. 13 Some of these specimens are valuable in themselves, as rep- resenting rare or new species; some others, like those obtained from Messrs. Lyell, Bronn and Marcou, and which mostly compose this collection, have a historical value, and are precious as mementoes of some of the most celebrated geologists of our time. The distribution of these specimens according to the forma- tions to which they are referable, and to their original propri- etors, is as follows :-— Tertiary, Bronn’s collection, ; ; 92 specimens. tf Duval’s as , : 4T 6 Cretaceous, Bronn’s ‘“ ’ : 35 $4 Lias (of Virginia, by Mr. Wheeler,) , ; 30 3 Carboniferous, Bronn’s collection, : 82 = mostly from Lyell’s elastin. 123 “ Devonian and Silurian, Marcou’s “A : 20 ie Specimens of coal and lignite, Bronn’s collection, F 25 aA Specimens of fossil oy 4 of tier pallid: Bronn’s collection, . ‘ : : ; 18 a Total amount of specimens, . - 472 It was surmised in the former report that the Museum could this year obtain a large supply of specimens from Morris and Mazon Creek, Illinois, two contiguous localities, with strata identical in geological horizon and lithological characters, and which have become justly celebrated for the beauty of the specimens of fossil plants which they have furnished to science. But the want of place for the exhibition of large specimens prevented our spending money or making special exertions for increasing the collections of fossil plants. The only acquisition made for this department of the Museum, therefore, has been that of a lot of one hundred specimens in concretions, repre- senting fossil plants from Mazon Creek, with twenty other specimens from the same place, representing the remains of animals of the coal measures, especially Crustacea. These, presented to the Museum by the curator, together with two specimens of wings of insects from the carboniferous measures 14 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. [Feb. of Arkansas, are among the rarest fossil remains of that epoch. Another lot of sixty specimens of fossil plants was obtained by the curator in Rhode Island, some from the black shales exposed along the beach at Newport, and the largest number from the anthracite bed worked ten miles north of Newport, at Mount Hope coal mines. The same opportunity is still offered to the Museum of pur- chasing at a low price a fine collection of fossil plants at New- port, from the carboniferous measures of Rhode Island, and another at Morris, essentially composed of specimens in con- eretions from Mazon Creek. Both these collections would be already a valuable acquisition for the Museum, if it were merely on account of the beauty and rarity of the remains of plants which they contain. But the fossil plants of these localities are, by their nature and their number, intimately connected with scientific questions of importance, which they may help to elucidate. For example, Morris and Mazon Creek have fur- nished till now, by their fossil remains, the largest number of species of plants found at the same place, and therefore they represent, far better than any other local flora, the vegetation of the carboniferous epoch, and its true character. For this reason, this fossil flora of Morris is a reliable point of compari- son for the fossil plants of other deposits, considered either in their geographical or their stratigraphical distribution. ee oa Pe: = 1869.] SENATE—No. 60. 31 Japan, China and Burmah ; from Australia, Melbourne. Other localities are more or less represented. The first step is to secure the safety of the present collection in the new boxes; the second, to separate them as well as possi- ble; the third, to enlarge the collections in such a way, as to fulfil as far as may be, the plan proposed. To accomplish this purpose, I have begun to bring together the lepidoptera for the systematic and faunal collection, while Mr. Burgess has been doing the same work for the North American lepidoptera. Nearly 300 boxes are filled, and all the lepidoptera except the valuable European collections, are arranged. Mr. B. P. Mann has commenced the same work for the North American coleoptera, especially with the view of putting in safety the valuable collections determined and arranged by Mr. Uhler, and partly revised by Mr. LeConte. I have also begun the arrangement of the larve, pupa, &c., for the collection representing the metamorphoses of insects. They are arranged in glass tubes, in alcohol, and then placed like the insects themselves, in well closed boxes, insuring their perfect safety. This arrangement is made upon a peculiar plan, facilitating the study of the objects and permitting a better view and more ready comparison than is usual. This is the beginning. Hard work, the sympathy and aid of all entomological students, and a liberal pecuniary support, are needed if the large and comprehensive scientific plan adopted, is to be fulfilled. Iam sure that it will be! Report on the Tertiary Gasteropods, by Rey. J. B. Perry. During the year just drawing to a close, my attention has been mainly confined to the Museum collections belonging to the Tertiary era. In reporting upon the investigations begun, and the progress thus far made, it may be well that I refer at the start, to the collections themselves, and to the condition in which I found them on assuming the position of assistant in the department of Paleontology. The Tertiary fossils of the Museum consist of several impor- tant Tertiary collections brought together in one building—the 32 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. [Feb. old Harvard collection, and the large gatherings made by indi- viduals, in some cases during a lifetime of paleontological activity. Among these may be mentioned the extensive collec- tions of Professor Agassiz, which having been for many years in process of accumulation, were presented in 1851; those of Pro- fessor Bronn, of Duval, and of Boucault, which were purchased in 1859; and the entire gatherings of De Koninck, and portions of those made by Carl Meyer, Hichwald, Hornes, Michelotti, Bellardi, Appelius, Rigacci, Rouault, Tarbé, Krantz, Lyell, and many others, which were secured by purchase, exchange, or donation. These various assemblages of Tertiary organic remains had ’ been unpacked and placed in drawers previously to my connec- tion with them. Considerable work had been also expended at an early day on the Plants, on the Radiates, on the Brachiopods, and the Cephalopoda. Of the remainder, the larger part was deposited in a single room, while a portion, by no means small, was scattered through the building. They were all safely stored, though all were not in equally good condition. Of these speci- mens, some were undistributed; others were placed together, apparently at hap-hazard, and certainly without system; while there were still others which had been partially arranged ; that is, they were arranged so far as they could be said to have any arrangement, according to five or six different methods. In given instances, specimens in greater or less number had been disposed in small groups. These groups, however, were never found complete; they occurred, for the most part, in isolated conditions, there often being twenty, thirty, or even forty sepa- rate and different parcels, more or less alike, scattered through the various collections. In other instances, specimens had been thrown together, to some extent, according to countries, colloca- tion being the main thought apparent, and this never carried out with rigorous exactness. In yet other instances, an effort to group the specimens was evident, a series of drawers being found to hold fossils from many different regions, a single drawer containing sometimes two or three groups, usually six or eight, often a dozen or twenty, and occasionally species from almost every branch in the animal kingdom. Again, the specimens having come from a great number of collectors, of course bore the names given by various different 1869.] SENATE—No. 60. _ 33 paleontologists, species widely unlike being designated as if they belonged to the same genus, and those agreeing in their generic characters, being referred to distinct genera. Under these circumstances, as is not surprising, fossils intimately related were often widely separated, even when there was an attempted arrangement, while those not at all closely allied, were arbitrarily placed in juxtaposition from a mechanical fol- lowing of names —a result naturally to be expected in the first efforts to classify diverse objects. In this endeavor to arrange specimens systematically, as should be added, the work had been seldom, perhaps never, pushed so far, as to appear in the grouping of species according to their natural affinities; so, again, older specimens were frequently found mingled with the Tertiary, especially those of the Cretaceous era, there having been a failure to discriminate closely between those of the Meso- zoic and those of the Cainozoic age. The same was likewise true of the Post-Tertiary fossils, the line of demarcation between them and the Tertiary not having been critically regarded, as was not indeed to be expected in the earlier stages of the work. Once more: it became apparent that Tertiary specimens were to a considerable extent, scattered all through the building, some being here, a few more there, and others in additional corners, occasionally by themselves, though often mingled with fossils of various ages. It also became evident that there had been, in some instances, a mixing of fossils from different local- ities —a result scarcely to be avoided in the repeated removals of so many collections, consisting of such a vast number of specimens. Toa very large extent, these specimens were in small pasteboard trays, accompanied by original labels — labels which give great value to the specimens, as being the determi- nations of such men as Bronn, Duval, De Koninck, Meyer, Eich- wald, Hornes, Michelotti, Bellardi, and others. In most instances they were accompanied by a sort of semi-duplicate labels, consisting of portions of the original labels, respecting which there was no question, with the designation of the collec- tion to which the specimens respectively belonged, and occasion- ally of the year of purchase or exchange. Such is substantially the state in which I found the Tertiary collections of the Museum —a state almost inseparable from the mode in which the specimens have been brought together, 5 34 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. [Feb. and the aims which heretofore have been largely prominent. These specimens, as should be borne in mind, have been in proc- ess of collecting for more than twenty years. They have come from a vast variety of sources, under an almost endless multi- plicity of forms, often in small numbers, and received at a great number of different times ; so they have been packed away, not as the Director might have wished, but as the storage rooms would best allow, — the primary design being the accumulation of valuable materials, in as large amount as possible, for subse- quent investigation and arrangement. Accordingly, the occa- sional mixing of specimens from different localities is a result, even when there is the utmost care, necessarily incident to the unpacking of large quanties of fossils from various localities, and the repeated handling of them on other occasions. At the same time, it is evident that such a condition of things renders a vast amount of labor imperative. A partial mingling of specimens, for instance, necessitates a deal of comparison, of examination of kindred groups, of study of minute points, characieristics of particular localities, if a restoration ever be effected, and even then leaves every such specimen destitute of that fixed certainty which is so important in all strictly scientific investigations, and in order to really trustworthy conclusions. It is, therefore, clear that these several collections, while remaining in the condition referred to, kindred specimens being so widely separated and the same species being designated by such a variety of labels, could be made, only to a very small extent, available for the purposes of instruction and of advanced studies, or of intelligent comparison and of exchange. In order to become both theoretically and practically useful, they must be brought together in a systematic way, consolidated in conso- nance with a fixed plan, and so worked up that each species should have its appropriate place, as determined by its affinities, and receive its designation accordingly. And this, asis evident, must involve an immense amount of work, both on the speci- mens themselves, and in the consultation and comparison of authorities in respect to classification, synonymy, and the nomenclature to be adopted in each specific case. Without all these labors, and more than these, it was plainly impossible to have a single grand collection so arranged throughout according to both the affinities and the analogies of nature, as to be the 1869] ss SENATE—No. 60. 85 harmonious representation of the animal kingdom during the Tertiary age, —so disposed as to stand in becoming relation to the forms of an earlier day, no less than to those of the existing era, — with all the parts in such a way designated, as to give due credit to every previous collector, observer, and collaborator in this broad field of inquiry. » It was consequently natural for me to feel, in undertaking the ‘systematic arrangement of the Tertiary fossils of the Museum, that I had a great task before me. I accordingly began at once to prepare for it by a more thorough study than had before been in my power, of the several branches of the animal kingdom, and especially by a more exhaustive and minute investigation of the Tertiary, as well in all the manifold phases embraced in itself, as in its relations alike to the past and to the present. Entering immediately upon the practical work to be done in the Museum, I found myself in due time separating all the zodlog- ical remains of the Cainozoic age into grand groups or parcels, according to the several branches and classes to which they respectively belong. At the suggestion of the Director, I took ‘up, at the very start, the Pleurotoma, a group of Gasteropods, as a special study. Bringing this group of fossils together by slow degrees, and devoting myself to a minute investigation of them as they appear in a fossil state, and in their relations to their living representatives, I gradually from this group as a centre, worked my way outward in different directions, as occa- sion offered. Advancing in this manner, I proceeded to sepa- rate the entire assemblage of tertiary Gasteropods into kindred groups of about the same equivalence, as Murex, Fusus, Ceri- thium, and the like, according to their zodlogical affinities. This work has been diligently prosecuted, and is largely accom- plished. | In addition to this, I have also been over these several differ- ent groups, one after another, aiming to bring together in small specific circles, all the individuals in each larger section, accord- ing to their specific affinities. Having done this roughly for the entire division of Gasteropodous Mollusks, I have in several large groups taken up every specimen, examined it closely, and thus endeavored by critical study, to bring into its appropriate specific circle, each individual according to its natural and characteristic features, as indicated by the object itself. This 36 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. [Feb. has prepared the way for another process, which has been carried on to a considerable extent in a number of large groups; viz., that of bringing together all the species, and arranging them in distinct generic circles ; that is, in circles of species determined by generic affinities, or according to their kinds; all this being done in the light derived from the study of the fossils them- selves. And this has suggested, and if the truth of nature be carried out, it necessitates an additional step equally important with the preceding; to wit, the disposing of these several genera in more comprehensive groups, holding intimate or remote rela- tions to each other, according to their sub-family or family like- nesses and differences. Still another step contemplated and all along kept in mind, but in respect to which I have as yet done little in the practical arranging of the collections I am investi- gating, is such a co-ordination of these several large groups, as shall cause them to stand in due and proper relation to each other, as making up the various great divisions composing the class to which they respectively belong. j In connection with, yet in addition to, this work on the speci- mens themselves, there has been a large amount of labor expended in the examination and comparison, as well of the earlier names, figures and descriptions of species, as of those now prevalent, and for the most part to be met with in recent publications. This is necessary, in order that what has been heretofore done by paleontologists may be definitely known, and so the way made clear for intelligent advancement. It is also desirable, in order that every species which has been accu- rately named and figured, may be determined and designated with strict historic fidelity ; and that thus such specific groups as have not yet been properly worked up, may be in due time accurately arranged, named and described, as truth and the exigencies of each case shall dictate. In this direction a large amount of preliminary work has been done, and the result briefly noted, — a work which has necessitated the ransacking of many musty tomes, some of them long out of print, in Eng- lish, French, German and Italian ; for original documents have been in all cases consulted, so far as adit in connection with more recent authorities. There is another important aim involved in the work under consideration, — an aim, which as suggested by the Director of 1869.] | SENATE—No. 60. 37 the Museum, has been constantly borne in mind, and actually carried into execution as rapidly as the advancement in the arrangement of species has allowed. Reference is made to the selection of specimens from this large mass of material, as it receives systematic consolidation, for three Museum collections. First of all, with a view to the formation of a grand system- atic collection, choice has been carefully made of a type-speci- men — intended to be the best single representative to be found —in each specific group. In all cases, so far as possible, these type-examples are authentic specimens selected from the collec- tions of the paleontologists who described the species, great pains having been taken to secure such specimens. The purpose of this assemblage of representative individuals is the presenta- tion to the eye, by actual examples, of the true scientific rela- tions of the animal kingdom, viewed as a systematic whole, so far as they are already recognized, or may from time to time come to be known, and to just the extent the additions to the Museum will warrant. Of course, in this collection, which is designed to be a sort of world in miniature, every species of which the institution possesses an authentic example, will be represented. ‘In the second place, specimens are in process of selection, from each specific group, for a grand faunal collection. With the design of making this assemblage as complete as possible, specimens are chosen in sufficient number to show all individual and specific characteristics—the relations of sex, with the various other points, both of agreement and of variation — as well as to illustrate whatever peculiarities have been noticed, or may come to light in the process of investigation. At the same time, this collection is intended, as its name implies, to demon- strate by positive ocular evidence, the geographical limitation and distribution of each species, so far as its actual extension is indicated, or shall come hereafter to be indicated, by the materials at the disposal of the Museum. Of course, this assem- blage of specimens, as progress is made in its formation, natu- rally divides itself in various more or less distinct partitions, according to the regions, basins, or zodlogical provinces to which the species respectively belong ; while these as readily subdivide themselves into sections answering to the different chronologic horizons which they severally represent. In making up this 38 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. [Feb. collection, the utmost care is taken to select those specimens alone, in respect to which there is no doubt whatever as to geological horizon and geographical position. In the third place, specimens are in process of selection pistes all the different specific groups, a single one from each locality, intended to make up a grand chronologic collection. The design of this last assemblage of fossils, is the visible represen- tation of what I have been wont to term life-periods. In other words, it is the actual exhibition of the vertical extension or geologic duration of each species in every locality, of which the Museum has, or may come to have, specimens; and so of the: succession in time, both of species and of all the different divis-. ions of the animal kingdom. ‘The indication of succession, with other closely allied points, being the prominent purpose of. this collection, ordinary specimens are used; while sometimes in the lack of them, or, if the species be rare and. the fossils of great value, simple tablets, appropriately labelled, with refer- ences both to the systematic and to the fanual collection, will be for a while employed. This, however, will only be the case until the deficiency can be supplied by the reception of a larger. amount of material; for it is desirable that each collection be as. full of instruction as possible, without detraction from its peer dominant aim. As this work has gone’on, two results have come to light pri of which is deserving of notice. I refer to the completeness and deficiency of the Tertiary collections belonging to the institution.. In my study of these organic remains, the richness of the Museum stores has become more and more evident, surpassing in some instances even the highest expectations entertained in regard to them. As an instance of this amplitude and fulness, I may cite the consolidated collection of fossil Pleurotoma,—a group, the specimens of which have been for the most part brought together and pretty thoroughly worked up, though many details yet remain unexecuted. In this group alone, the Tertiary species belonging to the Museum, and in most instances represented by a fair number of individuals, probably exceed 450; while the whole number cited by S. P. Woodward, of the British Museum, is 800. The Cerithium group, the systematic arrangement of which is considerably, though by no means so far advanced, seems to be equally large. Many other groups, 1869.] | SENATE—No. 60. 39 in the arrangement of which no small progress has been already made, such as the Voluta, Pyrula, Fusus, Murex, and the like, are very well represented in the Museum collections. But the study of these fossil remains has also revealed defi- ciencies in various directions. Some groups, as we might naturally expect, are much less richly represented than others. So there are localities famous for their Tertiary fossils, of which the Museum has only a meagre supply of specimens. These and other like defects, as it is hoped, will constantly become less as time advances. In connection with this point, it may be proper for me to say that there have been lately received in this department about 300 specimens, comprising some twenty species, from Mr. J. G. Anthony’s collection. While making a vacation gathering of Paleozoic fossils last summer, I was able to add about 200 specimens of fossil seeds and fruits, from the Pleiocene beds of Brandon, Vt.; likewise, upward of 900 speci- mens, consisting of about a dozen species, from the Pleistocene formations of western Vermont and of Montreal. During the past year nothing has been done in the way of making exchanges of Tertiary fossils, it being the aim, first of all, to get the Museum collections into a well organized condition. And I am happy in being able to say, that this work is now so far advanced, as to render it proper to turn attention in this direc- tion. Indeed, the reference to existing deficiencies was made in the hope that it will lead to a system of active and more extensive exchanges, which must prove at once TRG EBE to others, and beneficial to the institution. This reference to exchanges suggests an additional point, which may receive a moment’s notice. In making up the three Museum collections, a considerable amount of unemployed material is in process of gradual elimination, which may here- after serve for purposes of study and illustration, of donation and exchange. This unused material naturally divides itself into two parts. The first portion consists of such specimens as have been mixed, either accidentally or in process of moving — in fact, of all those specimens which are eliminated because of some doubt which may be entertained, either as regards their locality, their geologic horizon, or any other point impairing their scientific worth. Specimens of this kind, though their value in one direction be diminished, are still of great use; and 40 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. — [Feb. they are all preserved, and will be put to good service, either as objects on which students may be engaged in learning to note likenesses and to discriminate differences, or as material for the making of sections illustrative of the interior structure of fossil remains. The other portion of this material, steadily increas- ing as the Museum collections advance, and in respect to which there is no question, is laid aside and will be faithfully reserved for purposes of donation and exchange. Although this be a subordinate and incidental feature of the work that is going on, it is yet one of no small importance as respects the permanent usefulness and interest of the institution in advancing the aims of science. This surplus material being worked up, in many cases with as much thoroughness as that reserved for the use of the Museum, is coming to be greatly enhanced in value, as well in a pecuniary, as in a scientific point of view; and it is believed that, as judiciously employed, it will in the end con- tribute not a little to the prosperity, because it is calculated to add so much to the usefulness abroad, and to the efficiency at home of this cosmopolitan school for the training of naturalists. In what has been said, I have had primary and exclusive reference to the systematic arrangement of the Tertiary collec- tions of the Museum. Substantially, the same remarks might be made in regard to the rich assemblages of Mesozoic and Palseozoic fossils in the possession of the institution. Indeed, essentially the same principles are applicable, and, as I infer, are to be carried out in the entire department of Paleontology, as well as in the several other departments, of course receiving modifications as exigencies may vary, but everywhere pervaded by singleness of purpose, and brought to bear in the light of one all-controlling idea. It is the aim of the Director to build up a Museum, in the proper scientific sense of the term—a Museum in which the whole animal kingdom shall be represented, both under its existing relations, and as it was in the past, the vast — assemblage of specimens being so arranged as to exhibit, in one picture, distribution in space as it has appeared from age to age; in another, succession in time; and in a third, a system- atic view, at once of the affinities and of the diversities of all recognized animal forms,—a Museum which shall stand as a transcript of the world of animated existence, everywhere reveal- ing the thoughts of a Supreme Intelligence, working out under 1869.) SENATE—No. 60. 41 an endless multiplicity of structures, a primal and all-pervading unity of design, — thus a Museum which shall stand as a monu- ment of all that is yet known of the living forms which have peopled our globe, on the one hand suggesting the true philoso- phy of nature, and on the other, teaching its history by a mani- fold variety of well-selected examples. ' In closing this Report, I desire to say that in the little I have done, I have all along received kindly counsel and valuable suggestions from Professor Agassiz; and that I have been able in all points cordially to sympathize, and, as I trust, in some actively to co-operate with him in his various plans and efforts to advance the interests of the Museum. Report on the Collection of Fossil Remains in general, by N. _S. SHALER. u The assistant in Paleontology has to report a resumption of the work upon the collections under his charge, which had been interrupted by two years’ absence from duty in the Museum. During this time he has had the opportunity of visiting about fifty of the principal museums of Europe, of carefully examin- ing the various matters connected with their administration, and of obtaining much information which may in the future be made useful in the arrangement of our own collections. Al- though this systematic study of the great European collections resulted in the acquisition of many valuable details concerning the mechanical appliances for the care and arrangement of ma- terials, it afforded no results which could have an influence upon the general plan which should regulate the arrangement of the stores of a museum. So far as his observations extended he found no museum where any other purpose than a desire to produce a pleasing and convenient disposition of the specimens, was manifested in the general plan of arrangement. In the few cases where there was an evident intention of showing some of the more important general features connected with the distri- bution of life over the face of the globe or in the successive geological formations, the imperfection of the means has been too great to afford any great result. Among the fifty museums visited not one was found in a building especially designed for 6 42 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. [Feb. the purpose of exhibiting collections arranged to show the his- tory of life. Where, as in the Oxford, Heidelberg, and other university museums, buildings have been constructed to hold scientific collections, they have been designed to contain other museums besides the zodlogical, and have thus had their shape partly determined by the needs of other departments. The great collections of Europe are crowded into buildings which were not planned for their accommodation. The liberality of the people of Massachusetts has given to zodlogical science the first, and as yet the only structure erected for its sole use. The work of cataloguing the collections of fossils has been resumed. This work has been nearly finished in the order of — Brachiopoda, and is already well advanced in the Lamellibran- chiata. Over twelve thousand (12,000) lots of fossils have been entered on the lists, and corresponding numbers written on the one hundred thousand specimens they contain; thus permanently securing those specimens against loss from acci- dental displacement. The arrangement of the Brachiopoda into its proper subordinate groups, and the separation into the differ- ent geological and faunal divisions, has been carried so far that the greater part of the specimens are in order for the work of placing on tablets for exhibition. The collection of Brachiopoda now in our hands, is one of the most extensive, if not the most complete in the world. We have added to the large and valu- able collections purchased from Bronn, De Koninck, Campiche, and many others in Europe, very large collections from the most important American localities. Every effort will be directed towards making this collection of fossils useful in the devel- opment of our knowledge of the history of life on this continent, by increasing our stores of American fossils, and by extending the work of comparison of our own species with those found in other regions. As soon as the whole collection has been secured against mischance by the system of cataloguing and number- ing, it can then be intrusted without danger to students and preparators for study and for the work of preparing for exhi- bition. The completion of the series of racks now being built to hold the two thousand drawers in which our fossils are stored, will greatly facilitate the work of arrangement and enable us to have all our materials readily accessible. © 1869.])) © - SENATE—No. 60. 43 Although our collection of fossils is in many respects unsur- passed, many things are still necessary to give it the value it should have to accomplish the ends in view. Assistance for cleaning and mounting the specimens is imperatively necessary. At least two persons could be employed on this work for the next year without going out of the material already catalogued. There is also need of some expenditures to complete the series of forms now in our stores, which having been purchased from many hands, require considerable additions to fill the blanks which remain. We ought also to have at least one collector constantly at work on our American rocks, in order that our representation from them be more complete, and that we may haye ample means for exchange. Itis no exaggeration to say that for every lot of carefully collected American fossils we can obtain valuable European specimens, which would cost us twice or thrice as much to purchase as we pay by exchange. The assistant is now preparing a map to show the regions from which we have collections of American fossils to guide the work of collecting, should it be concluded to undertake it. The most serious deficiencies are to be found in the collections from the Southern States. The war prevented collection for many years, and the disturbed state of the country has made it difficult to get collectors to go there since its close. Now that this difficulty is removed, there should be more attention paid to the rich Cretaceous and Tertiary localities so generally absent in the seaboard Northern States. Several correspond- ents are very desirous of haying collections from that region. Since the resumption of work in September, several exchanges have been prepared for our European correspondents. During his journey, the assistant in charge of this department, was so fortunate as to make arrangements which secure this sort of co- operation on the part of about a dozen valuable correspondents, in addition to the thirty or more already on our books, to whom collections will be forwarded as rapidly as possible. The assistant in Paleontology has given thirteen lectures of a course on Paleontology, which will be continued during the remainder of the present term and part of the next. The second part of the course will be especially devoted to instruc- tion in the identification of fossils. 44 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. [Feb. The Museum is indebted to the following persons for dona- tions of fossils :— | Grerenoucnu, Horatio, Mrs. 1 lot of fossil, from Vaches Noires Calvados. | Wuitney, Prof. J.D. Teeth of fossil elephant, Ciark, President, of Mass, Agricultural College. 2 specimens of fossils, from South Carolina. ao McPuerson, Wo., Jackson County, Florida. 1 mastodon tooth. Exuis, C. Stuart, of Muscatine, Iowa. 1 fossil plant. Rapin, Dr., of Grandson, Switzerland. 1 lot of neocomian fossils. Gispon, Gen., U. 8S. A. Fossils, from Laramie Plain. Agassiz, Prof. L., Curator of the Museum. Boxes of fossils, from the Smoky Hill route, Rocky Mountains. Agassiz, Prof. L., Curator of the Museum. Boxes of fossils, from Ithaca, New York. . Acassiz, ALEx., Assistant in the Museum. A lot of fossils from the drift beds of the Lake Superior region. - Barnarp, James M. Fragments of vertebrate skeleton, from a citation Territory. BouTeE..E, Capt. Fossil tooth, from Ashley River, South Caro- lina. Wrman, Prof. J. 1 lot of fossils, from Florida. Rice, Prof. J. M. 1 box of fossils, from Annapolis, Md. Sater, N. S., Assistant in the Dep’t of Paleontology. 1,200 species, about 30,000 specimens of European fossils, representing about 100 localities, and most of the European horizons. Suater, N.S. 50 species, 300 specimens Silurian and Tertiary fossils, from Ohio and Kentucky. Prrry, Rev. J. B., Assistant in the Museum. 915 specimens Pleistocene shells; 200 specimens Tertiary seeds and fruits, from Vermont and Canada, and 850 specimens of Paleozoic fossils, from Vermont and New York. SEeRRES, M. Hector, a Dax, France. 1 lot of Tertiary fossils. Ravey, Sam. One large Orthoceratite, from Nashville, Tenn. The following lots have been received in exchange since the last report of the assistant :— Hop \Davis, H., McGregor, Iowa. 1 box of fossils. a Dr., Delaware, Ohio. 1 box of fossils. oa iO. | Je GQ VAIN TAS td 45 9f. we , Oberlin College. 2 boxes of fossils. x of fossils. F. A lot of European fossils. Dr., , New Zealand. A lot of Dinornis bones, embracing r y perfect skeletons. | A. 1 lot of Zamerioan | fossils. . ae ity avIN PTYERWAT #09 uiomil ALS Se AUT. GO GENT ART %o the lon ¢ ee aclu ie Palzontology om his place, it is not impossible that some omissions will we is bo detected in the list of persons to whom the thanks he Museum are due; should euch be discovered, the, 26 x entivtll be made in the — eae 2 i rs \ era PAIRS, Oe T Be ceanesss 2) PESO = ba LE SAANTA TS EA FLUO... SRT) 4O AaAAANG ABS pyc DAR AL $9) tit sa + ae > Pee anes oh byF ae 5 5 a : ° aera . "sh : J gill? 4 & - Pai. iam / WAY BTMAY otveD ea ~ leit a y COMO A LEY zoe h iat! ta ee ae AROIWE vt BeINU caamahe 9 r meer o -Pisset =| 21ND S SRY OW? DAF? _ eit i] cj ' iri oa! een Sis , OF aS iy v abepaDaeA of » ie — ir A bad A | - i ; : AU. - : - f ; \ fet ‘ {HED Poy ¢ : aM al Ma GA ae ae ee ARS ¥ as &: BOubulers ch GEA) ORB eo r Ie R, 0. 95 WA Au Mas bb begets 9 if jqul Pal P - 4 T ffaeo} 46 MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. [Feb.’69. [B.] TRUSTEES OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. | 1869. Tue GOVERNOR OF THE COMMONWEALTH, WILLIAM CLAFLIN. Tue LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR, JOSEPH TUCKER. THE PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE, ROBERT C. PITMAN. THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, HARVEY JEWELL. THE SECRETARY OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION, JOSEPH WHITE. THe CuieFr JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME JUDICIAL Court, REUBEN A. CHAPMAN. LOUIS AGASSIZ. JAMES WALKER. JAMES LAWRENCE. NATHANIEL THAYER. THEODORE LYMAN. SAMUEL HOOPER. C. W. FREELAND. (And two vacancies.) OFFICERS OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY FOR 1869. His Excellency Wriiti1am CLaFruin, Governor of the Commonwealth, President. THEODORE LyMAN, Treasurer and Secretary pro. tem. Louis Acassiz, Director of the Museum. SAMUEL Hooper, JosEPpH WHITE, NATHANIEL THAYER, JAMES LAW- RENCE, Committee on Finance. Louis AGaAssiz, ReEuBEN A. CHAPMAN, Committee on the Museum. i) i — ae ” bes pete ty ae Le laceae (ra easel at ite acta aah ree feet Pahiee ners feoece ea ‘ re ‘ ce foe ie = arer ; i o4 Sian reeeaes 8 oe ; et at mane honk sea S te reite tebt etn iit tia ts ge orate mitt reason te bef itn i] Pans tas ely Caer ta RAS popes Dw dgtorsy, ee res ponte = ns ie toei hel peal mf ite falsmerte Sits Ppa ie Etats Beare secant ir Heap blatctenectena nie pry ken Ai ee is Crtihoctmetlente it a ate =f ee am 4h ont pps steedy Ue ia peraee a = ab esti : ep nal 8 tat oe rey welt raiding 7 * = eh beeen tphoees ale evbry rere aties Estoy Ab dale te! phe one =) iets ie : oe i hit sont Ash Sole saer eRe Bells op pega A adacody Sha aye eat 4 eal ay nach 7 r Phy 7 ah . , it 1h be f =; es alien, apts = ce ee hls ’ : saad of ah ‘ ee see let * bebo of ate ; or" o dat she ett vba ee er 71. re rs an Wet : wdagecs an : wat F . ris " ieee Pits he 2 Apt inet Ape ond: ’ ’ eh iy Uae be be rtrd nnaghe Ve stabor eye. | hes Ohi } pptdd ye 6 ¥ +t N i pager eat Abhi n toby Foal rh © es ory teria aah” al lober” oie inhi sae eal ores ey lhedys ‘" et Py 7 + hal aur ight Ayeteetenntled oa ‘ 4 Mu +4 ret " Al he ry M st aye _ ré eis mtn beg ‘ Sot ath fhe ete FA ep ekape gs | fa ay x a Vas ve ba eces: Pili ke om fe ter cst ; fa tat , oF site ‘eb nrg y Se ot 4 i wh? bath «Whos, Tatts a sate ve si miatinet: | te - eee tea ' anes : Mr sade ae aes Pecan ove a: ? pre fhe pb ey by 3 a a at - a '. ose pg | ir ne ‘ie ‘i $ ies Doped =tyt n wn ‘ : - ore - abet soit eae : a8 hen ee phe Pes) <9 es a“ me iy fy rie hoe a) i abi ~ . 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