1 g,i!j;.'^mg-mg.''jg^. - • '■■ ->-■ »-^ Ex Libris C. OGDEN 1 Pctcrhorongh. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES A N T I E N T METAPHYSICS. VOLUME FOURTH. * CONTAINING THE HISTORY OF MAN, WITH AN APPENDIX, RELATIXG TO THE F I L L E S A U V A G E WHOM THE AUTHOR SAW IN FRANCE. EDINBURGH: ?RI>f different Characters. — They were of that clafs of Beings called Daemons. —This opinion fupported by the authority of Plutarch, Plato, and other Authors quoted by him. — Proved from theory that fuch Beings as Dsemons muft exift, otherwile there would be a void in the univerfe, which cannot be fuppofed to be in fo perfeft a Syftem. — Agreeable to the wifdom and goodnefs of God, that fuch Beings liiould be fent among men, to aflift them to recover from their fallen State, by teaching them Arts and Sciences. — This was done by the Daemons in Egypt. — ^This happened in other countries as well as in Egypt, particularly in China and Peru. — In Peru there was an Oiiris and an Ifis, under the name of Manco Capuc and his Sifter-wife. — Authorities from Scripture to prove the exiftence of Dsnaons. — They may be fup- b 2 . pofe4 C'O N T E N T S. pofed to have been the Beings called, iii 'Scfipture,' Xngels, who had the fuperiiitcn- dency of human affairs.— Each Nation had its Angel.— A bad tranflation of a text on this fubjeft in our Bible.— TZv Sons of God, who, we are told, copulated with the Daughters of Men, muft have been Daemons. — This interpretation of the text fiip- ported by the authority of the Fathers of the Church. — It was natural that thofe Dxmons in Egypt fhould be the objedls of Popular Worfhip there; — but the learned Ecvptians made a diftinftion betwixt the Popular Religion and the Religion of Phi- lofophers.— Pi-oof of this from their knowing the doftrine of the Trinitj-l-l^A gfSat deal of Rites, Ceremonies, and Pomp in the Popular Religion of ^.gypt. — The (afhe in the Religion of Greece and Rome; — alfo in the Religions of the Jews. — Proof of this from Scripture. — Mulic a confiderable part of the Religion of all Antient Na- ^tioiis'j— Very mticli attended to by the Egyptians. — The Antient MuIic among them '"carefully preferred. — Of the Oracles in Egypt. — By them only the Egyptians divined. '__Prom them Oracles came to Greece, but not to the Romans, who divined only by the Flight of Birds and Entrails of Beafts. — Ot the Egyptian Oracles.— Thefe were given By the Dsemons who had Reigned over them ; — difference in that refpeft be- twixt the Oracles of Egypt and of Greece, as well as betwixt the Gods of Egypt and of Greece. — Of the deceit and impofture of the Greek Oracles. — Of the Sacred Ani- mals among the Egyptians. — Thefe were types of their Divinities. — Better reprefen- tations of DivinitJ' than any thing inanimate, fuch as Brafs or Stone. — By means of thefe Sacred Animals, the Egyptians iived with their Gods, more than any other People; — and were the moft Religious of all People; — and alio the Happieil. — Ob- fervations upon the difference betwixt the Rel'gion of the Philofopher and the Vul, gar.: — A Religion of contemplation, fuch as that of the Philolbpher, not fit for an vininftrufted Mind. Page 155 C H A>! i?,o VIII. Of Government, and the general Principles upon which it muft be founded. — Of the impprtance of Government, — without it there could have been no arts or fciences among Men ; nor of confequence any Religion. — Even Religion witliput Govern- ment could not have made men happy. — Therefore Government a moft important part of the hiftory of man. — Men firft lived in herds, — then in fiunilies. — E.\amples of men living in that way in antient times, and even at this day. — Of the Union of families. States were formed. — There Government became neceffafyi— Every ^Statc muft confift of the Governors and the Governed. — It is nature that muil fit men to govern or to be governed. — ^The Greek Philofophers have faid too little o^ nature, and feem to have fuppofed ihzX. education 'm^t inatfeir of Gbvernmerit v.ms every thine : '■^Of the difference of men by nature, — fome fit to govei-n, and fomejit to be, go- verned.—Of Heliod's divifion of men :— The firft dafs of that divifioa only fit to be governors. CONTENTS. governors. — Thefe muft be very few in every nation. — The excellency of the fpecles, Man, confined to a few races, like that of other fpeciefes. — The two other clafles of men fit only to be governed, but in different ways. — Iso education can make men fit to govern, who by nature are not qualified : — How it was firft difcevered that men by nature were fo qualified. — It was by the look, the figure, and the fize. — In this way men were diftinguiflied in the herds; — and (U^ ^mprt; i^i^t^e f?^- eties formed of families, — of thefe were the firft founders of States and Rulers. —This proved by the example of the firft States of c.reece. — No States could have been conftituted without fuch men. — The defcription of fuch men by Homer. — Of the heroic Kings in Greece. — Thefe not Da:mons, like the firft Egyptian Kings, but mere men that came from Crete or Egypt. — Of the heroic form of Government, — of the qualifications necefiary for the governor of fuch a ftate ^The fame form of Government among the Indians of North America. — Obfervations upon the necefllty of eloquence for carrying on a free Government — The antient heroic Kings excelled in that art. — The account of thofe Kings given by Homer, an important part in the hiftory of man. — ^They were the nobleft race of men that ever exifted. — No exaggeration by Homer in their characters and manners; — all thofe heroes of noble birth. — The value of horfes depends upon their birth. — bio diftin<5lion betwixt men and horfes in that refpedl. — In later times, the diftinftion of birth obferved, particularly among the Athenians and the Romans. — The bad con- fcquences of the negleft of that diftincUon, particularly among the Romans. The fame diftinftion of birth obferved in modern times, particularly in the Knights of Malta. — No diftinftion of races of men now, as there was in the heroic times. Of the degeneracy of the heft races of men by impure mixtures, and by an improper education and manner of life — Example of one heroic race being preferved by living in a proper way. — The Government in Rome under the Kings, the fame with the heroical Government. — Better under one King than two Confuls. — Of the defeft of the heroic Governments in giving fo much power to the people. — ^The confequence of that in Athens and in Rome. — Another objection to tliis heroical Government is that it was not fitted for the improvement of arts and fciences. — ^Thefe defects reme- died in the Government of Egypt. p age 173 C H A P. IX. The queftion to be confidered is, "Which is the beft form of governmen*- amonfr men ? — That the democratical is the worft, the author fupppfe^ m the, preceding chapter. — That it is foj proved mons. — A Language of Art could not have been formed without Men having made fome progrefs in other Arts and Sdences. — This could not be without fome kind of Language being ufed before a Language of Art was formed. — The formal part of Language, a moft wonderful part of the Art. — ^There muft be words in a Language of Art, to exprefs every thing in the World of Nature and the World of Art, Immaterial thmgs as well as Material. — Each individual thing impoffible to be exprefled, — only the fpecies of them can be expreffed. — Thefe lb many, that they could not be all expreffed by words unconnefted with one anotlier. — But they are coimected together by the three great Arts of Lan- guage, Derivation, Compolltion, and Fleclion. — Of thefe three, the greateft Art is Fleclion. — An example of the Art of it in the Verb. — To a Language that is perfect is joined the pleafant Art of Mufic, conflfting of Melody and Rhythm. This com- mon to feveral of the Antient Languages, and to fome Modern Languages. Of the difference betwixt the Mufic of the Chinefe Language and that of the Greek The one is Chanting or Singing ; the other of a line Melodious flow, fuitable to Lan- guage, and quite different from common IMufic— Language thus iliown to be a moft beautifiil as well as ufeful Art, and of the greateft extent, variety, and, at the fame time, regularity. „_ 264 c 2 CHAP. €% N t\^\% CHAP. XV. Reafons for the Author infifimg Co mucli upon the difficulty of the invention of the Arr of Language. — One reafon is, that it tends to prove, that Language mutt have been invented in Egypt, where fo many other arts were m vented. — Proved, iw9, That Xifiguag^"¥as invented by the Egyptians, by the progrefs they made in other arts °and in fciences, which could not have been without Language. — 2iJ/y, Articulation Courd not have been i.nvented without the alEuance of thole Disemon Kings, whom the Egyptians had. — 3/;5, We are iure that the Egyptians made the firrt itep in the invention of au art of Language, by analyiing it into its elemental Tounds. — They did not flop at that analyfis, but liiiewife analyfed the words into the parts of fpeech. — But thefe words at firft monofyllabical. — In this Itate Language went to China, where it remains unimproved, in its original ftate, — Hieroglyphics went there alfo.; — and there they ai-eftill preferved. — In Egj'pt the art was perfected by the invention of the Alphabet, and of a PoUyfyllabical Language, formed by Derivation, Com^poii- tion, and Fle(5tion. — ^This compleated the Grammatical Art, and the Art of Lan- guage.— The Phcen;cians the only people that can contend with the Egyptians for tne mvention of Language. — Sundry reaibns given why they were not the inventors - of it. — i/w. Their Genius did not lead them that way, being wholly employed ia Trade, and ftudious oaly of Gain. — 2d/y, They had no Polity fit for the invention or cultivation of arts. — 3/w, They lived, in antient times, m the neighbourhood- of the Egyptians, and fo may be luppofed to have got Language and other arts from them. — 4/a, They had their Religion from Egypt. — This proved by fundry fads. — The Egyptians, therefore, the mventors, and the only inventors of Language. — How Language and other arts were tranfmitted from Egypt to other Counuies, is an important part of the Hiitory of Mam — This to be treated of in the following Book. fage 275 BOOK III. _iv;!f)f the Tranfmiflion of Arts and Sciences from Egypt to other Countries. CHAP. L ^dT — .eo .^aorae ai br Egypt fo fituated as to be fit for communicating its Arts to many countries of the Earth. —It communicated by laotl -with Africa and Alia. — In Africa their Arts do not ap- pear CONTENTS. pear to have made any great progrefs. — The Lybians quite a Savage People. — They jpoke a very barbarous Languagi^ which they gjay, have formed fro.n hearing the Egyptian language fpoken. — To Alia the Egyptian Laiiguage and Arts may have heeu carried by Scforiris,- who ove.-rpn ejv^i, :t3(§f^!^':;^yra,->p.3ris,.qf .Afia, and .efia- -faljllied a! colony at Ojlchis-upon-the i;j^}aft:^e^:-r7-^he3ji?,v^. l};a^ueravu^atipn ' the Egyptians had, the iiie in ,tfee, pajEeii tiiap^— The uea^pll,Ifl3iid in ^ the, Mediter- i ranenn Sea to Egypt was Crete.-^Thither the 'E^;^;.\:.n Arts firit went, being intro- duced by the /a'« Daciyle and tlie Cuntes. — i,:.!!: iieiigion came frpm Egypt to Crtte, proved by the Sainothracian and. Eleaii,-j.i-. I'tlyiieries, being well known there. — Saturn the firft Kjng of Crete, being a.;:i.runed by his gcin, Jupiter, carried : ifrom thence tile Egyptian Arts to Italy., and.niide a. _i'atur,nian agie there.— Jup^er rnied in Greece as weil as m Crete, — introduce i tatre the Egyptian Arts. — iliefc Arts brought inta Greece more uircccly by C - froai £.^\y^- — The cccciliiv of Migrauon from io Imall a Country as Egjji i-^fiJ^V'^i^-— y^i.thetwo.^Jplonies whicti came trom Etjypc, and fonneu ine iiat.jii6 oi .Aihenians and Arcadians : Thefe the two moft anticyit nations ol Greece,— from Aicadia came a Colonv under Oenotrus, that Icttled m Italy, and aiiovher under Evaiioer -From Arcadia came the Felafgi, who introduced a great dm. t civility and Arts .into Greece, particu- larly the Writing Art : — liui the Egy^-iians tarried their Arts to a Country very >e- mote, viz. India. — This tlie lubjcci o\ auotner chapter. fage 280 CHAP. II. The Cmilarity of Polity, Cuftoms, and Manners, betwixt nations fo remote as Egypt and India, wonderful, and without example, — ^not to be found even in nations con- tiguous.— The firft refemblance is, in a thing lingular to both nations, — ^viz. the divi- fion of the people into dalles, according to their fevei-al occupations. — This divilioa in India, more accurate and minute than in Egypt. — Another Angularity in which the two nations agree is, the veneration of the Cow. — Of the divilion of Time into Months and Years; — the fame in India as it was in Egypt, and is among us. — The iSxifion into Weeks hot necefTary for any piirpofes of life, yet obferved both in. India. . and: CONTENTS. and Egypt. — The days alfo confecrated to the fame planets and in the fame order. — The conformity betwixt the two nations, as to the figns of the Zodiac, moft ex- traordinary.— Of the Religion of India. — The fame diftinftion made there, betwixt the Popular Religion of the country and the Religion of Philofophers. — The fall of man maintained by the Indians, and a future ftate of rewards and punilhments, — alfo the doftrine of the tranfmigration of minds, which came originally from Egypt. — ^The diet and manner of life of the Indians, the fame as in antient Egypt. — They eat no flefh, but of the beafts which they facrifice. — ^They drink no wine or ftrong liquors ; and neither did the Egyptians in very antient times. — The fame regard for the animal life in India as in Egypt — The killing of fome animals was a capital crime in Egypt, and is fo in India. — There a mulft is impofed for the killing of any ani- mal, even Tygers A refemblance betwixt the two nations alfo in their feftivals, and exhibitions on thofe occafions. Page 288 CHAP. III. The conformity in fo many particulars, betwixt Egypt and India, could not have bcea by accident, — nor could each of thefe nations have been the original inventors.— The one muft have copied from the other. — The queftion then. Which was the original which the copy? — No third nation, from which thefe two nations could have taken their inftitutions and cuftoms, — fuch a conformity could not have been produced in the ordinary way of commerce. — The two nations, therefore, muft have mixed and Kved together for fome time. — The Indians did not go to Egypt. — Therefore the Egyptians came to India. — This proved not by argument only, but by fafts; a par- ticular account given by Diodorus of the expedition to India by Oliris, — alfo of that of Sefoftris to the fame country. — Both thefe expeditions by land But Sefollris was not the firft Egyptian King that went to India. — This attefted not only by the facred books of the Egyptians, but by tradition preferved among the moft learned of the Indians. — In that tradition a memorable ftory preferved, of Ofu-is having faved his army from a peftilential difeafe by carrying it to a hill called M«^o,-. — Hence the Greek fable. — Summary of the evidence of Ofiris having gone to India. Objeftion to the account of Ofiris's expedition, that Herodotus fays nothing of it Tliis an- fwered. — The tradition alfo mentions that Hercules was in India, and clothes and arms him very properly.- The abfurdity of the Greek fable, concerning the cloath- ing and armour of Hercules. — Memorials of Ofiris in India, to be feen in the days of Alexander, and even of Diodorus Siculus — Strabo did not beheve in the expedition of Ofiris.— A reafon given for that.- The Egyptians could not go to India to learn Civility and arts;— thefe they muft have K-.d -rfore,- and the Indians muft have learned them from them— This proved ^ '-'nek men, with wooUy hair, CONTENTS*. hair, to be leen in India; and alfo in China and Japan. — Proof that the Egyptian Rehgion, as well as arts, was carried to all the countries of the Eaft as well as to " Ihdia.-*-Language alfo carried from Egypt to India, — a language of art, the work of ''^ience and philofophy, in which analyfis is very much praiftifed. Page 295 C H A P. IV. The Egyptians nuift have had the ufe of a Language of Art before they could have in- vented fo many Arts and Sciences, as it is proved they uid invent. — This Language they muft have invented themfelves, or got from fome other country ; — 110 otlier country but Egypt, where it could have been invented — ^The Phoenicians could not have been the inventors of a Language of Ait, for reafons which are given. — The quefiion is, Whether Ofiris carried 10 India the Langu.ige of Egypt, as well as its other arts ? — It the language of India were a barbarous language, it could not be fuppofed to have come from Egypt. — But the Shanfcrit, the ongmal language of In- dia, a language of the greatcit art. — This proved by the teltunony. of Sir William Jones, and of Brafley Halhed. — It excels in the three great arts of Language, Deriva- tion, Compoution, and Fledtion, and parliculany m the lalL— In tiie pronunciation it has both Melody and Rhythm; — and iis Poetry is formed by Ihorc a. id long fylla- bles : — A ipccimeii of that Poetry given by Bralfey Halhed. — in that fpecimen the words are of grs-at length, and full of vowels — Their alphaoet coiinits of 50 letters. The long and Ihort vowels marked by diflferent characters. — Tlie author learned more of the Shanfcrit language from Mr Wilkins than he has learned any other way. Mr Wilkins has proved by fa£t, what the author thought could only be proved by argument, that the Shanfcrit was the Egyptian language imported into India by OH- ris. — This proved by comparing the Greek with tae Shanfcrit. — General reflections on the tranlmiffion of languages from one country to another, and the changes there- by made in the languages. — And, fiijl, as to the pronunciation. — -That chanoes in the fame nation ; but much more when a language is carried to a different nation and that nation at a great diftance. — idly. As to the fenfe of the words. — This chaiia- ed, too, by the language going to a diitcrent country. — Examples of derivative lan- guages much changed from the original ;— fuch .,s the Itah.m, French, ,j^nd SpajDi^, and the diaieifVs of the Gothic. — Though thelc languages did not travel far, yet {o changed as not to be intelligible, though one underftandb the parent lanouage :— So different alfo from one another, that the underitanding of one will not make you underftand another.— The change niuft have been much greater in the anticnt £g)-p. itian language, when it travelled Hs fc as India, and was introduced among a people ■fo barbarous as the Indj.lns then were — As it is fpoken by the common people there it is not to be known for the Lnngnage of anticnt Egypt, but prcferved among the Bramins.- CONTENTS. , Bramins. — Another obfervation upon the pafTage of language from one country tn another. — ^The pronunciation muft oe very much changed, particularly of the vowelsj — alfo of the confonants.— Words of the fame found do not prove two languages to be the fame^—r not^^yep if ^l^ey Jje of the fame fenfe like wife, unlefs there be many of. them, or words that muft have been original in all languages. — A conformity be- twixt two languages in the three great arts of Language, Compofition, Derivation, and Fledlion, the fureft proof of their being originally the fame language The names of numbers^ and of members of the human body, and of relations, muft be original words in all languages.^- 1;/?, Of the names of numbers. — Thefe in Shanfcrit the fame as in Greek and Latin. — Some anomalies in thefe numbers of the Shanfcrit, and the fame in Greek and Latin. — The namss of the members of the human body the fame in Shanfcrit as in Greek and Latin, — alfo the names of Relations ^The name of God in Shanfcrit, the fame as in Greek and Latin, — many words of the .Shanfcrit more Latin than Greek. — Inftances of that. — A difference in the found of the words in Shanfcrit, and in Greek, and Latin. — This accounted for, from the great changes in the pronunciation of language. — Of Greek names of places arid ^er- fons in India, when Alexander was there, — thefe names more Greek than the pre- fent Shanfcrit. — The reafon of this. — A great many more Greek words to be collec- ted from the Shanfcrit — Mr Wilkins has given the author about 70 more. — Other words he has got from other travellers in India — Of the refemblance of the two lan- >j guages in the three great arts of Language, Compofition, Derivation, and Fle-The Gothic a more perfe(St Language in fome refp;(Et than the Latin. — Any nation ipeasing a language of art, only proves that the original Language came to them in greater pcrfeftioii than to other nations. — The rejembiancc betwixt the Celtic and other Languages, no proof that thefc Languages are derived from the Celtic. — The Greek Language was certainly not de- rived from the, Celtic, but came directly from E^ypi. — If the Greeks did not invent their Language, bow can we fuppofe that tht Celts or Goths did. — The progrels of the formation of the Language of art, in Eg7pt, muft nave begun, with words of one fyllable. — In that way the Chinefe monofyliabic Language is to be accounted foi. — Thefe monofyllabicdl words were the roots of the primitive Language. — A great queftion. By what rule, or whether by any rule, theie roots were formed } — The letters, according to M. Gebelin, are to be contjdered as a kind of roots. — The Au- thors opinion in this matter : — Nothing, even among men, done without fome rea» fon. — Many words formed from the found. — Even ideas maybe exprefTed by a found, which is fuppoled to have fome analogy to ihem. — The Shanlcrit, according to Fa- ther Pons, a moft wonderful piece of art aud fcience. — It analyfes the particular ideas, expreffed by the words, into the general ideas from whicli they arife. — Thefe exprefTed by raouofyllables, which are the roots of the Language. — Monofyllablcs being the fimpleft words are the fitteft for Derivation and Compofition. — From thefc z-oots, in long order and with gre.it variety, are deduced, according to fixed and de- VoL. IV, d terrainatfi CONTENTS, terminate rules, the words of the Shanfcrit, expreffing the particular ideas, falling under the general ideas denoted by the i-oots. — Examples of this given by Pons the Jefuit : — a knowledge of the roots, and of the Grammar of the Language, together with the rules of derivation and compofition, will enable a perfon to form a Lan- guage of his own, which will be underftood by thofe who know the art by which the Language is formed. — The Jefuit Pons's account, of this Language, confirmed by Mr Wilkins. — This Language the work of philofophers. — It may be compared to the Categories of Archytas. — The Greek and Latin, though not fo perfeft as the Shan- fcrit, wonderful works of art, — connefting, by means of Derivation, Compofition, and Flection, fome millions of words. — Fledtion the greateft of thefe. — Its wonderful ef- fects in nouns and verbs. — In the Greek verb upwards of a thoufand variations. — M. Gebelin, though learned in Languages, knew fo little of the philofophy of Lan- guage, as to maintain that men fpeak naturally, and have from nature the ideas they exprefs by the words. — According to him, two perfons meeting, who had learned no Language, would hold communication together by fpeech, and underftand one another. — ^This the primitve Language of Gebelin : — According to him, all other arts, as well as Language, natural to men ; and they have from the beginning the know- ledge of aftronomy, and of all the arts of life — No natural ftate according to Gebe- lin, the Savages, at prefent to be found, being men degenerated. — The Author's fyftem, from antient books, very difterent from Gebelin's ; — though an admirer of Greek learning, and a reader of many books in that Language, M. Gebelin has not read their philofophers, who would have taught him the progrefs of man from capa^ city to energy. — Without Greek philofophy, no natural talents or application will a- vail. — Contradiction in Gebelin's fyftem ; — it is refuted by the faft, of deaf perfons being likewife dumb, and being taught to fpeak with great labour and much diflicul- ty. — Even the moft barbarous Language a work of art, if the words exprefs all the ideas of the fpeaker, and are connected together. — Men, in the natural ftate, witli- out the ufe of fpeech, are in the cafe of dumb men : — They could not teach them- f^.lves : — But the Dxmon Kings of Egypt, who invented Language, muft firll have taught themfelves, and then others. — Progrefs of the art even in Egypt. — The firft vords there monofyllables. — ^The Language in that ftate went to China : — When a Language of words of feveral fyllables was invented, thefe monofyllables were made the roots of the Language. — In this way the Shanfcrit was formed. — But the Chinefc have preferved the Language, in monofyllables, as they got it. — The great imperfec- tion of that Language. — The queftion. In what country Gebelin's primitive Lan- guage was Invented } — It could be no where but in Egypt, where the D;emon Kings reigned.— ^rhe Jews had no Language revealed to them, — no country in fuch a ftate of civility, when Ofiris went to India, that they could have invented the moft bai^.^ barous Language — Of the way the Egyptian Language was communicated to other nations. CONTENTS, nations, and how it came to be fo barbarous as it was fpoken by feme nations. — Ic was conveyed to India by Ofiris, and by him dcpofited in the hands of the Bramins, who have preferved it with little or no corruption, but have not improved it. — It al- fo went to Greece, but not in fo great purity as to India, — was preferved there by Homer and the other poets. — Next to the Greek Langu.ige, it is in the greateft pu- rity in the Celtic. — This proved by its refemblance to the Latin, — and by the name of Shanfcrit being a Celtic word. — Surprifing that in fome of the moft barbarous Lan - guages, a good deal of the art of the antient Egyptian Language fhould be preferved, — as in the Gothic ; — even in the Lan^^uage of Greenland there is a dual number.—- How fo many Languages, differing fo much from one another, fhoukl be all derived from one primitive Language, accounted for. — The variety made in the two Egyp- tian alphabets itill more wonderful — Objeftion anfwered, that it was not confiftent with the wifdom and goodnefs of God, to confine tlie invention of Language to one country. — That country fufficient for the purpofe. — The Variety of the fyllem of na- ture did not admit that many countries Ihould be fo well fitted for that purpofe. Objeftion, that all the people on earth have not learned the ufe of fpeech, particu- larly the Ourang Outangs. — But they may rtill learn it, as fome wild people in Ethi- opia have done. Pane "j-j-* CHAP. VI. The hiftory of Religion fitly fubjoined to the hiflory of arts and fciences. In what fenfe Rehgion is natural to man :— It does not belong to him in his natural ftate, nor even when he lives in herds, — but only in the civilifed ftate ; — not even in the firft ages of civility. — This proved both by the reafon of the thing, and by three exam- ples.— The knowledge of a God arofe from man's ftudying himfelf. — Th.e proircf^ of that Itudy, and the reafoning, by which men were convinced of the exillence of fuch a Being — As men formed the firft idea of a God from themfelves, tliey na- turally made him like themielves, confifting both of body and mind, but both more excellent than theirs. — Egypt the country in which Religion had its origin, as well as arts and fciences. — This proved both by the reafon of the thing, and the autho- rities of authors.— Egypt having been governed fo long by Dasmon Kings, tliere were two Religions there, a Philofophical Religion, and a Religion for the vulcnr. Religion went from Egypt to Greece ;— alfo to India, where feveral monuments of the Religion of Egypt are to be feen at this day.— The idea ot a God went to other countries as well as to Greece and India, though not the worflilp as prartifcJ in E- gypt.— A plurality of Gods according to the firft Religion among men ;— but one principle among them, according to the Religion both of Egypt and Greece.— As thofe antient Gods were fuppofcd to have bodies, they had alfo icnfes that were to- "^i^' b€ CONTENTS. be gratified ; — and their minds alio were to be gained, in the fame way as the minds of men, by things prefented to them. — The firft things oflered to the Gods were the fruits of the earth The memory of thefe offerings preferved both in Egypt and Greece. — ^When men began to eat tleih, animals were offered to the Gods. — This ,»jr^tir)i, xui row; TvSfcov; tt^iUfiKTixtv;. Cap. 48. De Adiniranda vi dicendi in Demoflhene. § Ibid. cap. 52. preface; v: could not have pleafed myfelf, nox- any of my readers of good tafte, if I had attempted, in a work of this kind, to make, with fuch ma- terials as the Englifh language or any other modern language affords, what is commonly called Jine language; and had not contented my- felf with exprefling in plain words, and with a compofition, which, at the fame time that it is not obfcure, is not harfh or offenfive to the ear, my thoughts upon fubjedts, which I think of great impor-" tance, and fuch as will certainly draw the attention of every fenfible reader. errata: FigC 3. line 20. /o>' endued read moved Ariflotle's read in Ariftotle's in Devonflnre read at Hull Mechior read Melchior execretion read execration whether read whither at once read once 2000 read 1200 And thus they arrived at the number ien/ read Which made the number tiine. And the next ftep was tO ten; muft be an read can be no things read thing 3. lu ae 20. 6. M' 21. II, 36. 22. 40. 24. 46. 6, 9S- 23- 163. II. 315- S. 328. 21. 380. 21. "TTTsTuTTT ' ""■ -j;;jorft I. ,e»ii. • I N T R O DUG TT5'a I '. * ALL Philofopby of every km,d is, the ki;ipvv.l^ge^f Caufes : But the Firft Philofophy, or Metaphyfics, as it is called by Arif- totle, is the knowledge of the Firft Caufes, and the Firft Caufe of all, or the Caufe of Caufes, that i^»..-Deity.-;.This is thehlgheftpart of Metaphyfics,' and which finiflies the fcience.; It is called Theology; the fubjed of it being God, whdm to know is the fuihmit of know- ledge, and the perfection of human nature. But wemuft begin with the works of God, by.iwhifjh only he is to be known : For, as we' ajfi told in [Scripture,, the' iovifible. ithings of God are clearly feen, being underftood by the things that are made * Tn tbefe works, it is, the caufes that we are chiefly, to ftudy ; for it is through inferior c^fe& that we are to afcend to the knowledge of the Firft Caufe. The caufes of every particular thing in this univerfe, or even on this earth, we cannot know. or comprehend. Uur knowledge, therefore. Vol. IV. A muft • Paul's Epift. to the Rooians, C!iap, I. v. 26 . i , INTRODUCTION. muft be confined to thofe that are moft general. Thefe are of different kinds : And therefore a general divifion of them was necef- fiary ; which Ariitotle has given us into four kinds, the efficient, the materialy the forma?, and tire final. And, if Atiftotle had done no more in philofophy than making this diftin<3;ion of caufes, I fhould have thought he had done a great deal : For, philofophy being the knowledge of caufes, he may be faid, by his dodtrine of caufes, to havCilaid the ver-y foundation of philofophy, as I have elfewhere ob- ferved *. Before Aritlotle,'no philofopher of Greece appears to have made this diftindion accurately, but to have confounded all the four caufes, and particularly the efficient and the material, which made the firft philofophy ia Greece, before the philofophy ot Pythagoras was introduced by Plato and Ariftotle, no better than downright ma- terialifm f- And fome of the modern philofophers, by endeavour- ing to account for the motions of body from a vis inftta in the body, or from ethers, fluids, and fubtile fpirits, have advanced dodrines v/hich have a tendency to materialifm : -For, if bcrdies can in any \yay move themfelves, there is an end of the fyftcm of the:fm J. The firft of the caafes I havs named is the Efficient, by whofe ope-*- rations every thing in the material world is produced. This caufe is^ what I call 7mnd; and I divide it int6 fouf kinds ; for it is either the in- telledtual, the animal, the vegetable mind, or that mind which I call' the elemental, and which is the principle of motion in all the bodies on this earth, not only the organized, fuch as the animal and vege- table, but the unorganized, fuch as the minerals. Thefe feveral minds I have been at great pains to diRinguifli from one another in different * See Vol. II. of this Work, Book iv. Chap. 4. in the beginning -f Pref.ice to Vol. III. p. 12. J^ Vol. II. Book iv. Chap. 3. in the beginning. INTRODUCTION. 3 different parts of the three firft volumes of this work, particularly in vol. I. p. 218; and the difterences I have fhortly recapitulated in the third volume, p. 20. Of the frrft kind of thefe minds is that Great Mind, from which all other minds, and all things in this uni- verfe, derive their origin ; and, among other things, all other intel- ligences in the univeri'e. The other three minds ad by intelligence, but they have it not in themfelves ; therefore, though they ad for a certain end or purpofe, it is without knowledge of that end, with- out confcioufnefs, without intelligence, delibeYation, or intention, and therefore neceffarily *. Thefe three minds, thus ading without intelligence, conftitute what the antient philofophers call Nature f: And thus the antient philofophers diftinguifhed God from Natiire ; two words that are in ev-ery body's mouth, but no body can diftin- guifh them accurately who has not learned the antient philofophy. Of thefe three minds, the two firft, viz. the animal and vegetable, our modern philofophers acknowledge, and can diftinguilh from one another. But the third kind of mind appears to be utterly unknown to them: Yet they obferve that bodies are moved, which are neither animals nor vegetables. This has led to two great errors : The firft is, that body is endued by a vis infita, a power efiential to it j or, in other words, that body moves itfelf : And this is the error which Sir Ifaac Newton has fallen into in his Principia, and which, as I have (liown elfewhere:}:, hasadired tendency to materiallfm, or what is the fame thing, atheifm ; though, certainly. Sir Ifaac did not for- fee this corifequence of his dodrine, otherwife he never would have maintained it. The other error is,, that God is the immediate aur thor of all the motions of unorganized bodies, by which they arc moved up or down, or in a ftraight line : Now, if God be the im- A 2 •' mediate •Vol. I. p. 2.18. , . . - t Ibid. See alfo Vol. II. p. 360. X V0I..I. p. 531. 546. 554.— Vol. II. p. -.3 19. 334. 541. ^yz."- Vol.. III. Chap. I. of Appendix. 4 INTRODUCTION. mediate caufe of the movement of body, he muft be incorporated with it ; for we have no conception of mind moving body other- wife * : And if, in this way, he move unorganized bodies, there is no reafon why he may not, in the fame way, move organized bo- dies ; fo that thefe philofophers may deny the exiflence of the ani- mal and vegetable minds as well as of the elemental, and make God the immediate author of all the motions in the univerfe: And, ac- cordingly, this is the dodlrine both of Spinoza and of Dr Prieflley; and they carry it fo far as to maintain, that God is the immediate author of our motions too ; fo that we have no mind in us any more than animals, vegetables, or unorganized bodies: And I think they argue more confidently than Mr Baxter, who fays that God is only the immediate author of the motions of unorganized bodies f. It is to be obferved that this mind, the principle of motion ia unorganifed bodies, is univerfal in nature, even in animals that have intelleft, fuch as man. And therefore, as it is a principle which goes through all nature, and is eflential to all natural bodies, Ariftotle calls it by the name oi Nature %. Andl * See Yol. lir..p. j2(5. and Vol. II. p. 47, f See Vol. III. p. 8. and Vol. I. p. 207. X See Vol. II. p. 46.. and 51. ; Seealfo Vol. I, p. 85, 205. 230. and foUowuig, m which I have given a particular account of this kind of mind. And. from the au- thorities there quoted, and particularly the authority of Proclus, quoted in p. 51. of Vol. II. it appears that the Platonic philofophers confidered it as the ar.'ima mundi, which iperva.tled.all> bodies, organized and unorganized, in fliort the whole material world; and he further makes it the Idea of every thing, which gives life to tlie moft lifelefs thing, and makes things which would otherwife perifh, immortal : So that it is plainly the Idea of Timaeus, in his treatife De Atiima Mwidi, which joined with Matter, he fays conftitutes Body, that is, a fubftance which is apprehended by our finfes.' Add! if we fuppofe it to proceed from a Divine Seipg, that.bejng muft be the Third INTRODUCTION. s And here we may obferve how wonderful a compofition the ani- mal man is; for there are in him, befides body, all the i'everal minds 1 have mentioned, the intelleflual, the animal, the vegetable, and the elemental, that is, every thing which is to be found in the great world : And therefore he is very properly called by the antients a IVIicrocofm, or litlh zvorld*. And thefe four minds in man, I have no doubt, were the famous TgrpaxTuj of the Pythagoreans ; which was thought fo great a myftery of philofophy, that the Pythago- reans fwore by him, who firft difcovered to them the rgxpaxTi/?, *" Eternal Jburce^^ as they faid, '' of evcr-foiving nature '[.'' AuJ thisr may fuffice, by way of recapitulation of what i have faid at great length in the two firft volumes of this work concerning mind, the efficient caufe of all things. As to the Material caufe, 1 have treated of it in the fitft chapter of the fecond' book of the firft volume, where I have Ihown that the antients made a diftii:dlion, unknown in modern philofophy, be- twixt matter and body ; for the antients abftradled from body all its qualities, even its dunenfions, in the fame manner as geometers abftradl from figures their furfaces and their lines ; and even from a line its termination, which they call a point, and fay that it has no dimenfions [f. So that, however whimfical this abftradion, made by antient metaphyficians, of matter from body, may feem to be, it is not more whimfical than the abftradion made by geometers of a point, or Third Perfon of Plato's- Trinhy. And if, further, we fuppofe this Divine Principle to be the author, not only of the motion of all bodies, but of all the aftions of in- telligent beings, fuch as man, then it may be held to be the Third Perfon of the Ghriftian frinity. * Vol. II. p. 1 3(5. . •j- Ibid, and Vol. III. p. 12.. ^ See Vol. I. p. 50. and 5.1; . 6 INTRODUCTION. or thing having no parts, from a line. But further, as it is admitted by all philofophers, that all the bodies on this earth, however dif- ferent in appearance, are refolvable into four •elemental bodies, earth, water, air, and fire, there appears to be nothing in the nature of things to hinder thefe four from being refolved into one matter common to them all. And if it be true, as I believe it is, that thofe elements change into one another, there muft neceflarily be in them fome common matter, vs'hich, by afluming different forms, be- comes fire, air, earth, or water *. As to the Formal caufe, it is explained at great length in Archy- tas the Pythagorean's work, irspi rov iravroi^ the fubje(5l of which is, tiniverfal forms ^ as I call them, (for generals are the fubjed of all fciences, but unmerfuls are the proper fubjed of metaphyfics), and Ariftotle's book of Categories, where we have all the different caufes of that kind enumerated and reduced to the number of lo. It is perhaps the greateft work of fcience that ever was compofed ; and indeed it is the foundation of all fcience, fince, without it, there can- not be any complete definition f. It is fuch a difcovery as, I think, could not have been made by any fingle man, but only by focieties of men, fuch as the Egyptian priefts, who had been cultivating fciences for thoufands of years. Though it treats only of the forms of things, yet, as thefe are fo infinitely various, and belong to every thing in heaven or earth, making an eflential part of the fyftem of the univerfe, they are a very proper fubjecl of univerfal philofophy or metaphyfics. And accordingly, Archytas has very properly en- titled his work, Of the whole of things. And Ariftotle, though he has made his book of Categories a part of his Logic, and the firfk part, for which, I think, there was -a very good reafon, he has like- wile treated of them in his Metaphyfics. The * See Vol. I, p. 48. t Ibid. p. 317. INTRODUCTION. 7 The only other caufe I mentioned is the Final caufe, which, though It be commonly ranked by the interpreters of Ariftotle as the laft caufe *, is in reality the firft and the principal ; for it is for the fake of the end that the efficient caufe ads, the form is given to the thing, and matter provided to receive that form : It belongs to intelligent beings, and to them only ; for it is only for an end propofed that intelled ads. It is, however, very little confidered by our modern philofophers, though, I think, it ought to be the chief ftudy of all philofophy, and efpecially by thofe who cany their fpeculations up to the firft Caufe, the Author of the univerfe ; for we cannot fuffi- ciently admire his wifdom and goodnefs, unlefs we know the final caufes of things. I will fay no more of it here, as I have treated pretty fully of it, and of caufes in general, in chap. 4. of book 4. of vol. 2. of this work J alfa in vol. i- book 1. chap. 4. p. 2^. In our little world, as well as In the great, there are all the four caufes, as well as the four minds I have mentioned : So that in man there are not only all the adive principles or minds which form the ivniverfe, but all the caufes which conftitute it, and make it what it is after it is formed. Of all thefe piinciples and caules, 1 have treat- ed at confiderable length in my firft and fecond volumes ; where, befides what 1 have faid of mind, I have explained the nature of Mo- tion, Energy, Aclion, PalTion, Power, Habit, Faculty, Matter, and Form t : And, in vol. i. book 4. 1 have treated of what I call the adjundls of Nature, Time, Space, and P'ace. Of the third volum.e, v?hich I hav-e prefaced with the biftory of antient philofophy, the fubjed is that moft wonderful compound — man ; of whofe compofuion intelled is part. And, as there is no other ♦ See Vol. II. p. 214. t See Vol. I. p. 46, 8 INTRODUCTION. other Intelledual being on this earth, it is only by the fludy of him that we can afcend to the knowledge of fupreme intelligence. It is therefore, as I have faid *, not to be wondered at that the feven wife men of Greece, when they joined all their wits together, could pro- duce no greater or better fruit of their wifdom, than what they pre- fented to their God, and infcribed on his temple at Delphi; I mean, the precept, Kriow thyjelf'\^ a precept not only of the greatefl; utili- ty in the pradice of life, but which leads up to the higheft know- ledge of which man is capable, and may be truly faid to be the foun- tain of all knowledge, divine and human. But though, in this third volume, 1 have examined the different parts of the human compofuion, and diftinguifhed them, I think, accurately from one another, it is chiefly the animal part of our na- ture that I have confidered. And I have been at pains to (how how much he is changed from what he was in antient times, in health, ftrength, and fize of body, and as the mind is fo intimately conneded wich the body, that the mind aifo is degenerated in thefe later times. 1 have alfo fpoken, in the third volume, of the natu- ral ftate of man \ and I will venture to fay, that there are colled- ed in that volume moie fads concerning man in that ftate, or near to that ftate, than are to be found in any one book ; and as what is called philofophy in this age, is chiefly converfant about fads of natural hiftory, one (hould ihink that we fhould at leaft be as curious about the natural hiftory of our own fpecies as about the natural hiftory of other animals, even fome of the loweft rank, I'licIi as v\'orms and flies, upon which volumes have been written. In this fourth volume I propofe to fay a great deal more upon the na- tural hidory of man, and to trace his progrefs from the natural ftate to * Ste Vol. II. p. 90, ■f- vva^i 5-s«i'To)'. Plato's Pi-otagor.iSj p. 243. edit. Serrani. INTRODUCTION. 9 to the (late of the higheft civilization. And this will be the fubje£l of the firft book of this volame, which may be called the Hijlory of Man. The fubjeifs; of the fecond book will be the Philojopby of Man : And the third book will conclude the Science of Metaphy- ■fiGS with Tkeology. Vol. IV. B A N T I E N T A N T I E N T ETAPHYSICS BOOK I. THE HISTORY OF MAN. CHAP. L Of the difficulty of defining Man.— 777zj difficulty arifes from its be- ing neceffary to define ivhat he is by Nature. — Arifiotle the only author ivho has defined Man. — His definition explained, and the full definition given tranfiated into Englifjy. — All the operations of the Human Mind, the animal as ivell as the intelleoiual, proceed from Comparifon. — 7 he ivonderful chain of things in Nature, to be feen in the progrefs of the Human Mind — This definition of Man not intelligible to thofe ivho have fiudied only the Philofophy of Mr Locke. — Ihe author s apology for pretending to teach a better phi- lofophy than any that has been invented in modern times, — The propriety of defining Man by his comparative faculty and the ca- pacity of intelleB and fcience. — Nothing faid of the Body cf Man in the definition ;-^nor has Anfiotk any "where elfe faid that hs is B 2 by 12 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book!. hy nature ereB. — 'The contrary is noiv found to he the cafe. — The faiis by ivhich this is proved. — fhe -wonderful progrefs of Man^ from a quadruped to fuch an animal as^he now is. — Qf the ivorld' cf art nuhich he has created^ — and made all the Powers of Nature fubfervient to him. WHAT is Man, is a queftion whicH I believe no perfon can anfwer who has not ftiidied the antient Philofophy. What makes the difficulty of anfwering it, is, that the definition of every animal muft inform us what the animal is by Nature, independent of Art, that is, of any quality he may have acquired by teaching, or by cbfervatioa and experience : For if, by natural inftind, he praclifes any thing which has the appearance of art, be- ing done by rule and meafure, it may very properly be made part of the definition of fuch an animal. For example, the bee may very properly be defined an animal that makes honey, and lays it up in hexagon cells ; but as to man, I believe there is no body who- fuppofes that he pradifes all thofe wonderful arts, which we fee him pradlife, by mere natural inftind, without teaching, obfervalion, or experience, unlefs he believe, as fome men do, that man fpeaks by nature: For if, in that way, he can pradife the art of more dif- ficult invention than any other, and of pradice too fo difficult, that if v>e weie not in the conftant ufe of it from our early infancy, we could have no ufe of it at all, he may pradife e\'ery other art by nature. The queftion then is, What is Man by nature, withou'c any of the arts or fciences which he has invented ? Now this quef- tion Ariftotle, and Ariftotle only, has anfvveied ; for he has defined" man to be X^aov Xoylxov, BiJiror, vov y.xi i-jriaTAui.-ni SeJtTJXoj'. What is meant by ^wor, or animal, which Ariftotle makes the genus erf this definition, is well known to be a being which perceives by fenfes ; but there is moie difficulty to know what he means by the fpecific difference Cliap. T. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 25 .difference of Ao>/xoi', by which a man not learned in the antlent Philofnphy, and not able to make the dlftindtion between Ao^'os and jo'js will fuppofe that he meant what we call rational. But it is evi- dent, from what follows, that Ariftotle did not underftand that Man was by nature a rational animal, as we underftand the word. To know what Koyi'^v means, we muft know what is meant by Koyoi. Now Myoi, in its proper fignincation, and as it is ufed by Euclid, who ufes no word in a metaphorical fenfe, denotes a certain relation betwixt things, fuch as numbers and figures *, and which we ex- prefs in Englifh by the word ratio. Now, it is by comparifon that we difcover the relation of things to one another, and therefore Ao- yiv.oi denotes what has the faculty of making this comparifon, ac- cording to the ordinary derivation of Greek words. Man, therefore, according to Ariftotle, is not only feniuive, as all animals are, but he has the faculty of comparing his fenfations : And in this way he is diftinguiftied from the loweft clafs of animals, fuch as mothSj and worms and other reptiles, and thofe imperfe^St- animals called Zoophytes, fome of which, like vegetables, do not move from one place to another f. Thefe do not appear to have that comparative faculty ; but man is ranked, by Ariftotle, with the higher fpeciefes of brutes, fuch as hcrfes and dogs, v?ho certainly have that comparative faculty ;. for they diftinguifh one kind of food from another, and of the different ohjeds, which they perceive by their fenfes, they choofe what fuits them beft. Any man, accuftomed to ride, will obferve, that his- horf&, when left to himfelf, choofes that part of the road which is fmooth and not deep, in preference to that" which is ftony or deep. Now, he could not give that preference without comparing the two. And the brutes form what we may call *• See Vol. I. of Origin of Lnng. p. 3t. and p. 333. % A:a{loteles de IMoria Animaliuin, lib, 1. cap. i. p. 193. edit. Da Vall^ f4 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book I. a refolutlon, by which their natural inftind direds them to do one thing rather than another ; and we fee them very often deliberating, when their natural appetites draw them different ways. Thus I have feen a dog deliberate mod anxioufly, and debate with himfelf, when his love for his mafter prompted him to follow him through a rapid river, while the fear of the water reftrained him. Ariftotle adds next in the definition, what needs no explanation, that he is mortal. Thus far Ariftotle has exalted our nature, fo as ro be ranked with the better kinds of brutes ; but he has not yet told us what diftin- guifhes man from them even in his natural ftate. But now he gives us that diftindion, and very properly concludes his definition with it: For he fays " That man is an animal, capable of intelle£t, " (or to tranflate the Greek word literally), that may receive intelleft, " and alfo of fcience." And here the reader will obferve, that I tranflate the Greek word vom, not by the Englifh word reafon^ as is commonly done, but by the word intelle^i^ by which I mean to denote that faculty of the mind which forms ideas, and fees the one in the many ; whereas Reafon, according to the Englifh fenfe of the word, denotes that faculty by which we compare our ideas, and form the laft thing mentioned by Ariftotle in this definition, viz. Science, which is formed by the difcurfive faculty of the hu- man mind, in Greek (fiuroia.. The full definition, therefore, of Man, according to Ariftotle, is, " That he is a Comparative Animal, (that is, an animal, who has the " faculty of Comparing), who has alfo the capacity of acquiring In- " telled and Science, and who is Mortal." And here we may obferve how properly Ariftotle has fet at the head of his definition of Man this Comparative faculty, as from it every Ghap.I. ANTI EN T METAPHYSICS. 15 every operation of the human mind, animal as well as intellectual, is to be derived. And fir ft, he compares corporeal obje£ts, or the objedis of fenfe, with which all our knowledge in this life muft be- gin ; and by that comparifon he difcovers that fome of them are more fit for the purpofes of animal life than others, and to thefe gives the preference, being diredled either by his fenfes, to which fome of them are more agreeable than others, or by inftincfl, which prompts him as well as other animals to choofe what is fitteft for the prefervation of the individual, and the continuation of the kind. The next a£t I fliall mention of this comparative faculty, and which is alfo common to him with the Brute, is that by which he difcovers that the feveral qualities, he perceives by his fenfes in any particular object, are joined together in one obje(ft. This is an union which, as Proclus, ad Timaeiim^ p. 76. has very well ob- ferved, is not difcovered by the fenfes, which only report each its own perception. It is therefore difcovered by the Ac^oc, or compa- rative faculty, which is common to us with the brute. Another ex- crcife of that faculty is that, by which he difcovers an Gbjed to be the fame with that which he had feen before. This he does, by comparing the objed, when he fees it a fecond time, with the pic- ture of it which he had retained in his Phantafia after feeing it the firft time. And farther, when he fees an objed of the fame kind, having all or moft of thofe marks which his fenfes had perceived ia- the firft ohjed, he knows it to be of the fame kind. And this fa- culty of comparifon the brute likewife has i for it is by it that he- diftinguifhes animals of his own fpecies from thofe of another, or animals of different fpeciefes fro.Ti one another, as a man from a. horfe, or a horfe from an ck. fraosi 1,6 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book I. From this comparlfon naturally arifes another comparlfcn, but which it does not appear that the brute makes, fo that here the road parts betwixt man and brute. - By this comparifcn, which is of the thing with itfelf, man, when he begins to have the ufe of intelledt, and to form ideas, difcovers that there are certain qualities in the thing, which are principal, and diftinguifh it more from other things than its other qualities. For example, he difcovers in a horfe that he has a long body, long legs, an elevated neck, a head and tail of a particular form ; and that he is fwiftef of foot, and, when he lays himfelf out, covers more ground, than other animals. From thefe principal qualities he feparates other qualities, which are common to him with other animals, fuch as that of colour, or having four feet ; and thus he forms the particular idea of a horfe : And the forming in this way the ideas of particular things, is the firft opera- tion of the human intelle<5t, without which we could have no ge- neral ideas, as a general idea is nothing elfe but the particular idea generalized*. When we are further advanced ia arts, fciences, and phllofophy, we difcover what is unknown to our modern philofo- phers, that the particular idea of any thing is a mind or immaterial fubftance, which animates the thing, gives it motion and all its quali- ties, and makes it what it is, diftind from every thing elfe f. And here we may obferve, that this comparifon of the objedl with itfelf is no- thing more than making more accurate and more particular that com- parifon, by which the brutes as well as we difcover that other animals are of the fame fpecies with themfelves, and by which they alfo diftin- guifli diffc^rent fpeciefes. The reader will alfo obferve, that here we ufe * Stc what I have laid u'-ou this fubjcci in Vol. II. of this Work, Book 11. Chap. II. p. 76. and 35. The whole chapter is worth reading by thole who define to know accurately the difierence betwixt fenfations and ideas. t Ibid. p. 73, 74, nnd 75. Oiap. L ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 17 life the faculty of abftradlion and feparatlon, which is peculiar to the intelle£lual nature, and without which we never could have formed ideas of any kind. For in this material world, as fome of the antient philofophers have obferved, paiticularly Anaxagoras, as I remember, all things are fo mixt with all things, that unlefs we can make that feparatlon and difcrimination, which is made by ab- ftradion, we cannot have any diftind notion of any thing, but mud perceive all things, together with all their qualities, as the brutes perceive them. Now even abftradion cannot be without compari- fon ; for we muft compare the thing we abftradl with that from which we abftrad: it. Another thing to be obferved is, that in forming the particular idea, as well as the general, we difcover the cne in the many ; for we difcover that there is one things or a cer- tain determinate number of things, which make the objeds, that we perceive by our fenfes, what they are and nothing elfe. Here, too, there is comparifon ; for we muft compare the one with the many^ by which compariloa we difcover that the one contains the many. The next ftep in this progreffion, and by which we are ftill more diftinguifhed from the brute than by the former, is that by which we difcover that the one, which we have found in one individual, is to be found in many. And thus we form the idea of a fpecies, then of a genus, and fo on till we afcend to the higheft genufes, explain- ed by Ariftotle in his Categories. And in this progreffion we may obferve, that we ftill ufe thofe two great inftruments of human knowledge, Generalization and Abftradlion ; for we muft both ge- neralize the fpecies, and abftrafl from it the fpecific differences, in order to form the idea of the genus ; and both thefe operations, as I have faid, cannot be without comparifon. In this manner wc form ideas fuperior and fubordinate. Vol. IV. C The 38 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book L The next ftep in the human progreffion Is Propofitions^ in forming which we mufl: necefrarily compare the two ideas that we join together in the propofition : And by that comparifon we difcover that the one is either a part of the other, or not a part but excluded from it; for the truth of all propofitions, po- fitive or negative, is the refult of that comparifon. Some of thefe relations of ideas we difcover intuitively, and fuch propo- fitions we call Axioms. But of other ideas we difcover the rela- tion by a procefs we call Reafoning or Syllogifm ; but which ftill goes on by comparing the ideas with one another. Thus I think i have {hewn, that both intelled and fcience are derived from that lacui-y of ('omparifon, which Ariftotle has made the firft thing ia th'. Definition of Man ; and which, by our having the capacity to earry it further than the brute, makes us Intelligent and Scientific Creatures. 2 J/y, It appears that the definition, which Plato has givea us of the operation of the mind when it forms ideas that is, making one of the many^ is perfedlly juft, and applies not only to ideas, but to all the operations of the intellect in forming arts and fciences. And, laftlj/y from the account I have given of the progrefs of the human mind, what I have elfewhere faid* is evident, that in this ftate of our exiftence we know not the eflence of any thing. What we know is only the relations of things to one another : For example, that one thing is the genus or fpecies of another ; that there are certain differences which diftinguiili the fpecies from the genus; that there are properties of things which are peculiar to them, and others that are accidental. What v;e know, therefore, is all in fyf- tem, which is conftituted by the relations and connexions of things to one another. And thus, by afcending from lelTer to greater fyf- tems, we may come at length to the contemplation of the fyftem of the univerfe and its great Author, which, to the intelledual mind, is the beatific vifion. And here we may obferve the order and regularity • Vol. I, of this work, p. 56. Chap. I. A N T I E N T IM E T A P H Y S I C S. ig regularity of that fyflem, by which man is conneded with the brute, and how he begins where the brute ends, that is, with com- paring an objed of fenfe with itfelf, fo as to difcover what is princi- pal and predominant in it : So that there is here, as well as in other parts of natnre, a chain where no link Is wanting, and where every thing is connected with every thing. What I have here faid, I know, will not be intelligible to thofe who have ftudied only Mr Locke's Philofophy, and confequently have not learned to diftinguifh betwixt Ideas and Senfations, and know nothing of the one in the many, which, according to Antient Philofophy, is the foundation of all the operations of the human intelled ; and I can tell thofe gentlemen farther, that they never will underftand this, nor any other part of Antient Philofophy, till they give up all they have learned in modern books of philofophy, and have come to know that they know nothing of philofophy : for, as I have obferved el fe where *, to knoiv that ive do not hioiv, Is the foundation of all human knowledge. Now this is fuch a facri- fice of a man's vanity, as we are to exped very few will make ; and indeed to do fo requires a candour and a love of truth and knowledge very rarely to be met with in this age : But even men of the greateft candour and modefty might be offended, if 1 pre- tended to have invented a philofophy fo much better than what this age or modern times have produced. — But that is not the cafe : I pretend to have invented no philofophy, I only mean to reitore the philofophy of men much fuperior to us, I mean the antieni Egyp- tians and Greeks, who, if they had been inferior to us in genius and natural parts, cultivated philofophy fo much more than ever it was cultivated any where elfe, that they mull have excelled us in it, C 2 and * Orlgla and Progrefs of Language, Vol. V. p. 296. ao ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book i; and which philofophy was, for two centuries after the reftoration of letters, the only philofophy of Europe. — But to return to the Man «f Ariftotle. He has defined him to be " A creature of Intelled and Science only, in capacity ^^^ marking in this way the progrefs of man, as well as of every thing elfe on this earth, from capacity to aftuality; for every thing here has firft the capacity of becoming fomething, before it is adually that thing: And it is from this grand and comprehenfive view of nature that Ariftotle has given us that fine definition of motion, the great agent in all natural operations, which I have elfe- where explained *. How much longer the progrefs in man is, front mere capacity to the completion of his nature, than of any other animal, 1 Ihall prefently obferve« As Ariftotle thinks the mind is principal in all animals-, he has defined man by his mind only, and faid nothing of his body in the definition, nor any where ehe, as far as I can recoiled, except in his Hiftoiy of Animals, where he has told us, that man is more fitted by nature to be a biped than any other animal. But from thence I infei, that he did not think that he was by nature a biped f : For if he had thought fo, he would not have faid that man was fitted by nature to be a biped more than any other animal j that is, as I underftand the words, he could become a biped more eafily than any other animal j hut he would have faid plainly and fliortly, that he was by nature a biped. But if he had faid fo, he would have been miftaken ; for ic now appears to be certain, that man is by nature a quadrupeds This 1 have proved if, by fundry inftances of favages that have been caughs * Vol. I. of this work, Book I, Chap. III. p. 19. f Vol. I. of Origin and Progrefs of Language, p. 1 86. of fecond editioii. ^ Ibidtm. CIiap.L ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 21 caught in different parts of Europe, going upon all four. One of them was well known in England, under the name of Peter the Wild Boy ; for he was caught in the woods of Hanover not many years ago, and brought to England, where I faw him *• And there is another very remarkable inftance, which I have mentioned in the third volume of this work f, of a quadruped of the human fpecies that was found in the woods of Saxony. And I have lately difcovered that there were found in Devonfhire two children, a boy that appeared to be about ten years of age, and a girl of twelve, going upon all four with furprifmg celerity. This I learnt from a newfpaper that was publlflied in Devonfhire, of which I have given the words in the note below:]:. But befides thefe inftances-of fingle favages walking that way, I have mentioned, in the palTage from the Origin and Progrefs of Language, above quoted, two nations, namely the Hottentots and Carribbees, where the children walk {o long upon all four, that they are taught with much difficulty to walk upright. Thefe examples prove, I think, beyond doubt, that the natural motion of man is upon all four * They are not very many in num- ber ; * Vol, III. of this work, p. 57. and alfo p; 363. t Ibid. p. 74. \ '■'• A Faci. — There are at prefent two children at Gruw]pt in Devonfhire, who- *» have been fuf&red, by their mother, to run wild from their infancy rather than " accept of the parifh affiftance. The one is a boy of ten, the other a girl of twelve " years of age. They are both in a ftate of nature, feeding only on wild berries, " and running on all fours with amazing celerity. If purfued, they utter a terrific " fcream, and hide themfelves oa the top of a hill, or in the recefles of a thicket " They are never feen in a (landing pofture ; nor can they be prevailed on to ap- " proach any perfon but their mother, with whom, though they cannot fpeak, they " have always kept up a diftant and fearful communication." What is become of thefe children, or whether they be yet exifling, I cannot tell, though I have ordered, an inquiry to be made. 22 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book t ber ; nor is it poffible that fuch a fad in natural hiftory fliould be proved by indudion of many examples. And indeed I think it is furprifing that fo many fhould have been found in a civilized coun- try, fuch as Europe, where it is impoffible that any individuals iliould have been found in this ftate, except fuch as, by fome acci- dent, were expofed when they were infants. But if there were any doubt in the matter, the way of walking of our own infants, upon all four, fhould convince us that it is the natural motion of man. And I am perfuaded, that if we were not at pains t© give them the ered pofture very eaily, they would continue to walk upon all four as long as the children of the Hottentots and Carribbees do; and if they were allowed to run wild as long as the Saxon favage did, they would be ereded with as much difficulty as he was, to whofe fhoul- ders they were obliged to hang weights, to counterad that natural propenfity he had to fall prone ; and which would be as ftrong ia our children, if bj cuftom, from their eaxlieft infancy, it were not toatt'iciaifkd! Now, from a quadruped, and a creature only capable of Intelled and fcience, what a wonderful progrefs to man in his prefent ftate. And firft, as to body, what a difference betwixt fuch an animal, and the noble, ered, ftately figures of the heroic age, or even of fuch men as we are : And as to the mind, what comparifon can there be be- twixt a mind void of all ideas, and the minds of the Egyptian priefts, or the fages of Greece, replete with fcience and philofophy. Then what a number of arts of neceffity, eafe, pleafure, and ele- gance have been invented by this quadruped, more than I believe have yet been numbered. In (hort he has made a world of art, to which nothing we know can be compared, except the great world of nature, the work of Infinite Wifdom and Power. In forming this world of art, he has ufed all the materials which the natural world afforded him, and has ranfacked the animal, vegetable, and mineral Chap. r. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 23 a mineral kingdoms ; and, not content with what he found above ground, he has dug into the bowels of the earth, and and from thence produced metals. But thefe could have been of little ufe to him. if he had not brought down from heaven fire, as it is faid, but which he now ftrikes out of flints, a difcovery that the Chinefe have not yet made. Of the vegetable he makes food, and feuel for fire, and many other ufes ; and as to animals, it is furprifing what a do- minion he has obtained over them. The fiercefl: and ftrongeft of them he has been able to refill and conquer ; others he has tamed and fubdued, and made ufeful ta him, even fome of them of the largeft fize, fuch as the elephant ; others of them he has domefti- cated, and made companions of them, and guardians of his houfe, and others of them he ufes for food. Nor is his dominion con- fined to the land ; he reigns over the fea, and makes it fubfervient to him, not only in furnifhing moft delicate food, but in wafting hin\ to the moft diftant countries, and bringing from thence all the good things of thofe countries which he by that means enjoys. The Leviathan, ^^ whom God Created hugeft that fwim the Ocean ftream *, he has been able to conquer and kill, in his own element, and make ufeful for the purpofes of life ; and modern art has fhewn upon the fea a machine of enormous fize, vomiting fire and fmoke with the noife of thunder, and fending death and deftru^lion to an amaz- ing diftance : And this fo prodigious machine is governed by little men fuch as we, and made to ride triumphant over the waves. In fhort, fuch is this wonderful world of art, that not only thofe ftu- pendous produdions of it I have mentioned, but even the meanefl domeftic utenfil, aftonifties the philofopher who knows from what fource it comes. Now, * Milton, 24 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. BockL Now this wonderful progrefs of man, fo much more wonderful than that of any other animal, Ariftotle knew : For he has told us, that in his natural ftate he has not the ufe of intelled:, but only the capacity of acquiring it. Now it is by intelled that all the world of art has been produced, and man made fuch as we fee him. And indeed if we could fuppofe, as many do, that fuch a natural ftate of man, as I have defcribed, never exifted, then Ariftotle would have defined a mere nonentity, a creature that neither is, nor ever was. But that is not the cafe j and he has not only properly defined man, but in his definition given a kind of hiftory of the fpecies, carrying it on from the fir(l beginning of it, to its completion and perfedion in intelleft and fcience : And, in my opinion, there never was a bet- ter definition given of any thing. CHAP. Chap. ir. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 25 CHAP. II. Of the feveral Jleps of the human progrejfion from the Brute to the Man. — The Author has feen three fiages of that progrejfion; — firft, Peter the Wild Boy ; — fecondly, The Ourang Outang^ of ivhom the Author has difcovercd fome fiHs, fmce he publifJoed upon thefuhjetl; — thirdly, The Wild Girl in France. — She ivas an amphibious ani- fual. — Several particulars concerning her mentioned. THE fubjedt of this chapter will be to mark fome of the firfi: fteps of this wonderful progrefhon of man. Of thefe I have iten with mine own eyes three, which I believe is what very few now living can fay. The firft I faw, was in the pure natural ftate when he was catched in the woods of Hanover, walking on all four. It was Peter the Wild Boy, as he was called, whom I have mentioned above*. I faw him twice, and I had a very particu- lar account of him from an Oxford gentleman, who, at my defire, went to fee him ; which account I have publifhed f. He had learned to articulate but few words, though he was put to fchool, and no doubt a great deal of pains beftowed to teach him to fpeak. But this we Ihould not wonder at, when we confider what trouble it re- quires to teach deaf men to fpeak, though born and brought up a- mong us. Of his being a man, there never was the leaft uoubt en- tertained ; and that he was not an ideot, or dcfcclive in natural ca- VoL. IV. D pacity, • Page 21. •} Vol. III. p. 368. See slfo p. J 8. of the fame volume, where I have given the ac- counts of him that were published in the newfpapers, iminediately after he was brought to Enj^laad, 26 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book I. pacity, I think is evident from the feveral accounts of him which I have publifhed in the paflages above quoted. And indeed, from what i faw of him myfelf, I think I can atteft, that he had as much underftanding as could be expeded in a man who had learned none of our arts, not even the ufe of his ovcrn body fo as to walk eredl, till he was 15 years of age ; for till then he was a quadruped. The nest ftep of this progreffion Is the Ourang Outang, or Man of the Woods, as the name imports, by which he is called by the people of Africa, where he Is to be feen, and who do not appear ta have the leaft doubt that he is a man ; which, as they live in the country with him, they fhould know better than we can do. Two of them I faw in London fome years ago, and one of them I could have purchafed for L. 50 ; which money, poor as I am, I would have given for him, and been at the expence of his education, if I had not been convinced, not only that ^^ was a man, but that it was of abfolute neceflity that, in the progrefs of the human fpecies,. man Ihould at fome time or another be fuch an animal : For, if he was originally a quadruped, as 1 think I have proved by fadts in- conteftible, with only a natural aptitude, more than any other ani- mal, to walk on two, as Ariftotle has fald, the firft ftep in his pro- greffion was to become a biped, to which, by nature, he \yas fo much adapted. I will not here repeat what 1 have elfewhere faid at fo great length, in proof of the humanity of the Ourang Ou- tang *, where I think 1 have demonftrated that he Is a man, both in • See chap. 4th of book 2d of vol. I, of the Origin of Language, ad edition, and particularly p. 289. of that chapter, where I have iummed up the evidence of his being a man : In which there is one circumftance dcferving particularnotice, that he carries otF negro boys and girls to make fervants ot them, and keeps them for years, ufing them with great gentlenefs and humanity ; a thing of which we cannot conceive any brute animal capable. See alfo what I have faid in the Appendix to vol* Chap. ir. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 27 in mind and body, and particularly as to his mind, by which, as I have obferved, Arlftotle has chiefly diftinguiflied animals: For I have fliewn that he has the fenfe of what is decent and be- coming *, which is peculiar to man, and diftinguifhes him from the brute as much as any thing elfe. And he has a fenfe of honour, which is really furprifmg, and fuch as is not to be found in many men among us ; for he canno: bear to be expofed as a fhovv, nor to be laughed at ; and travellers mention example? o'c Come uf them having died of vexation, for being fo treated f. He has alfo the feeling of humanity in a ftrong degree ; and a fenfe of juRice, as is evident, from a remarkable example given ijl. Further, he has made fone progrefs in the arts of life; for he builds huts §, and he has got -^ae ufe of a flick for attacking or defending, which, as Horace obferves |, was the firft artificial weapon man ufed, after he had cealed to ufe his native weapons, his nails and fifts. He has learned alfo the ufe of fire H, which is more than the inhabitants of the Ladrone Iflands had learned, when they were difcovered by the Portuguefe i and laftly, he buries his dead **. D 2 Thus vol. Ill of this work, and particularly what I have there ftated from a French Book of Travels, lately publiflied, where there Is a faft related, p. 360. which, if true, puts an end to the queftion, viz. that the Ourang Outang not only copulates with females of our fpecies, and produces children, but that the offspring of that copulation does likewife produce. • Vol. I. of Origin of Language, 2d edit. p. 273. 279. and 291. From which paflages, it appears, that both the males and females there mentioned bad a fenfe of modefty, which made them conceal their nudities. f Ibid. p. 282—284. :|- Ibid. p. 204.— 288. § Ibid. p. 274. — 277.-283. H Sertnotiutn, lib. I. Sat. 3. ^ Origin of Language, p. 285. »• Ibid. p. 274. eS ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book L Thus I'have proved, that the Ourang Outang is not only a man, with refpedt to his body, but alfo in mind, the principal part of man and of all other animals. As the reader, however, may be defirous to know ftill more of this wonderful phenomenon of hu- man nature I will add here fome information concerning him, which I have lately received from a gentleman of the name of Begg, who was captain of a Liverpool (hip, employed in the flave trade on the coaft of Africa. He was promifed, he told me, a handfome reward, if he could bring home an Ourang Outang from Angola, where he faw herds of them, and was at great pains, with the afliftance of his crew, to get hold of one of them ; but to no purpofe. He therefore refolved, that as he could get none of them alive, he would try to get one or more of them dead : And accor- dingly he fired upon them, and killed fome of them, which 1 am perfuaded he would not have done, if he had been as fuliy con- vinced, as I am, that they were of the human fpecies. But in this, too, he was likewife diiappointed ; for, before he and his crew could get to the place where they fell, they were carried off by their com- panions, for the purpofe, as he fuppofes, of burying them, which, we are informed by others, they pradice*, I have correfponded with this gentleman likewife by letters, m one of which he fays, that " In a voyage to Old Callabar in Africa, '*- I purchafed a female Ourang Outang from one of the natives. She " was, as I was informed, about eight months old, four foot fjx *' inches high, of a dark brown colour, but white about the breafts j " of a gentle difpofition, walked generally upright on her hind feet, " fometimes on all four ; but the latter feemed to me not to be her " natural motion. Palm nuts, roots, and fubacid fruits were her " favourite food. She would "not eat beef or any animal fubftance. '^^ Water, and wine drawn from the palm tree (very much efteemed "■ by * Vol. I. of Origin of Language, p. 274V Chap. II. ANTIENTMETAPHYSICS. 29 " by the natives), were her conftant drink. She would often drink *' a tumbler glafs of wine and water, and always put the glafs foft- •' ly down on its bottom, and never broke one* She was very fond *' of the girls and boys, but more particularly of the latter, and ' *' would weep and cry like a child when (he was vexed ; but never *' fliewed any figns of great ferocity, and was eafily appeafed. I " gave her a blanket for a bed, which (he would take great paina *' to fpread in fuch a manner as to make it fmooth and eafy, and " then would lie down. She always flept with her hands (if I may " ufe the exprefllon) under her head, and would fnore when afleep, " refembling the human fpecies. She lived three months, and died " of the dyfentery. " The following is the information I have been able to colled " from the inhabitants of Africa, where I have been, on whofe ve- ** racity we cannot altogether depend ; but having compared diffe- " rent accounts, I always found them in a great meafure to corre- " fpond. ct That they have been feen in feparate great bodies, attacking each " other with fticks with great animofity. That they generally build " their nefts or houfes together in great numbers, a fingle Ourang " Outang being but feldom or never feen feparately. That they " often have been known to beat and bruife the negroes, and even " to kill them, when fired at by them. That the common fize of " an Ourang Outang is from five and half to fix feet. That they " have great ftrengiii \n their arms, and run with great agility. *' That they have a kind of chattering guttural noife they make, " but whether they can communicate their ideas or not to each o- " ther, 1 cannot fay ; but it is the received opinion among the na- " tives that they can. That dead Ourang Outangs have been found " covered with leaves of trees, but whether from accident or defign ** could not be afcertained. — This is what Informatioa I could ac- " quire- \o ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book I. " quire from the negroes ; but I can by no means vouch for the truth " of any part of it. What I fay from my own obfervation you may " depend on for fa<3:." From this account of Mr Begg, it is evident that they are fo far advanced towards the poUtical hfe, as to herd together, and to com- municate together, by a chattering guttural noiie, which, I am per- fuaded, led the way among all people to articulation and the ufe of fpeech. And the Briftol merchant, with whom 1 have correfpouded, and whofe communications I have mentioned in the xft volume of the Origin and Progrefs of Language * fays, that he heard that they were fo far advanced in the political life, as to have a king or go- vernor f. It appears alfo, from Mr Begg's account, that they have fo much of the focial fpirit in them, and are To much attached to their herd, as not to negled them even when they are dead, but to carry off their bodies for burial. This animal, it is to be obferved, lives entirely upon the fruits of the earth ; for the carnivorous diet I hold to be unnatural to man, and that he was firft driven to it by neceflity, which could not be the cafe of the Ourang Outang, who lives in a fruitful country, very thinly peopled. Further, he has not the ufe of water, except to drink it j for fwimming or failing, I hold to be likewife unnatural to man, and that it was alfo neceffity that firft drove him to it. There is another obfervation I have to make, which is, that the Ourang Outang fometimes walks upon all four. And the Briftol mer- chant, above mentioned, fays, that the fmalleft clafs of this fpecies, called Chimpenza by the natives, walks oftener on all four, than upright:}:. And there is a French writer, La BrofTe, who • Page 281. f Ibid. p. 282. j" Ibid. p. 282. Chap. ir. A NTIENT METAPHYSICS. 31 who has made a colledion of voyages in the South Seas, one of which gives an account of an ifland, where the people, though they be fo far advanced in the arts of life, as to have the ufe of fpeech, yet walk fometimes upon all four. This, I think, fhews very clear- ly, that originally they walked upon all four, as well as the Ourang Outang; and that they have not been very long from that primaeval ftatCj any more than the Ourang Outang. Thefe examples, I think, prove very clearly what I have laid down in the preceding chapter, that man, in the firft ftage of his natural life, was a quadruped ; fo that it was very natural he fhould retain that way of walking, in the firft ftages of his civilized life. This account I have given of the Ourang Outang, agrees perfed- ly with the defcription which Horace gives us of man, in the firft ftage of his exiftence on this earth. I quoted it above, p. 27. ; but I Will give it here entire. Cum prorepferunt primls animalia terris, Mutum ac turpe pecus, glandem atquc cubilia propter, Unguibus et pugnis, dein fuftibus, atque ita porro Pugnabant armis, quae poft fabricaverat ufus : Donee verba, quibus voces fenfufque notarent, Nominaque invenere: Dehinc abflftere bello. &.C. This account of man, in his firft ftate, applies fo exadlly to the Ourang Outang, that it may be faid to be a defcription of him ; for man is laid firft to creep, that is, to go upon all four, and then he is very properly denominated muium ac turpe pecus. After that, he is ere<3:ed, and gets the ufe of an artificial weapon? fuch as the Ourang Outang ufes. Next, he invents rude and barbarous cries, which Mr Begg calls chattering guttural founds, quibus voces fenfufque nota- rent^ that is. by which men communicated their fenfations, appe- tites, and defires to one another. And, laft of all, they formed ideas, and 3« ANTIENT METAPHYSICS- Book 1. and invented words to exprefs them, which Horace calls nomina. But this is a ftep in the progrefs towards the civilized life, which the Ourang Outang has not yet made. This hiftory of man, I am perfuaded, Horace learned from the philofophers with whom he converfed in Athens ; and 1 hold it to have been the general opi- nion of the Greek philofophers at that time, and particularly of the Epicureans, who ftudied fads of natural hiftory very much *. Of this led Horace was, though not wholly addided to it ; (Nullius addiiElus (as he fays) jurare in verba magiftri.) but getting all the information he could from the other feds of phi- lofophy. There are, I know, many, who will think this progrefs of man, from a quadruped and an Ourang Outang to men fuch as we fee them now a days, very difgraceful to the fpecies. But they fliould confider their own progrefs as an individual. In the womb, man is no better than a vegetable ; and, when born, he is at firft more im- perfed, I believe, than any other animal in the fame ftate, wanting almoft altogether that comparative faculty, which the brutes, young and old, poffefs f. If, therefore, there be fuch a progrefs in the in- dividual, it is not to be wondered that there (hould be a progrefs al- fo in the fpecies, from the mere animal up to the intelledual crea- ture : But, on the contrary, 1 fliould think it not agreeable to that wonderful order and progreffion of things that we obferve in na- ture, if it Vv'ere otherwife j for the fpecies, with refped to the ge- nus. • Epicurus was a diligent inquirer into fa£ls of natural hiftory, particularly con- cerning tlie progrefs of men in the invention of arts. And accordingly Lucretius tells us, that he difcovered that men learned mufic f om the (inging of birds, which, as I (hall prefently fliew, is confirmed by what I learned from the favage girl I faw ia France. f See wliat I have faid of this comparative faculty, p. 13. of this volume. Ghap. n. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 33 nus, is to be confidered as an Individual, and accordingly it is called, by Ariftotle, t« V,to/«4. t- 't,h,. The laft ftep of this progrcflion I likewife faw, and it was a great one. It was the wild girl, o^c JiUe fawvage^ as the French called her, who came from a country where the people had learned to articulate very imperfedly indeed, but fufficiently to communi- cate their wants and defires. I faw her in Paris about 26 years ago, and converfed with her much, as fhe had been then in Paris for fe- veral years, and fpoke French well enough. She was taken up by a French fhlp fomewhere upon the coaft of Labradore, and was carried to one of the Weft India iflands, from whence fhe failed in a fhip, which was wrecked upon the coaft of Flanders, and only fhe and a negro girl were faved. Her firft appearance in France was at a village called Songe, near to Chalon in Cham- pagne, whither I went to inquire about her. She was firft {ttn there fwimming a river, and coming out of it with a fifti in her hand, which fhe had caught : For fhe told me, that in her country they lived like beavers, always near water, and caught the fifti with their hands, by diving, as the people of the Ladrone Iflands do. They were hunters, too; and flie and the ne- gro girl, in their journey from Flanders, fubfifted on game, which they caught by ipeed of foot. She faid, that in her country, befides language, they had a certain mufic, which they had formed in imitation of birds. But they had no ufe of fire, and in that, too, they refembled the people of the Ladrone Iflands; and fhe told me, that, when fhe firft came to France, a fire in a room was her terror and abhorrence ; and the eating of flefh, drefl"ed by fire, threw her into a very bad difeafe, of which fhe recovered with much difficulty. She was wonderfully fwift of foot, and could overtake, in that way, almoft any animal, and then knock it on the head with a bludgeon fhe wore, which Ihe called a boutoUy a name given, by the inhabitants of the Carrib- VoL. IV. E bee 54 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book 1. bee lilaEQi, to a i^udgeoa ; frcm which ii appears fhe had been in one of thofe iilar-ds, in her way from America to France. She could climb a tree, too, like a iqnirrel, and leap from one tree to another; but all tbefe bodily factjltief, ihe told me, "wkh much regret, fiie had left at the tirr.e I faw her. Who- would deure to know more of her, may read her life, publiihed at Edinburgh in the year 1 768, tranf- laied from the French by a clerk cf mine, who was with me ia Frsnce. The faSs contained in the French work, I was aflured, nsighr be depended on, by M. la Condamine, who knew the lady that wrote it. In the preface prefixed to the tranflation, I have related feveral fzdth concerning her, which I learned from the girl herfelf : And if the reader be defirous to know ftill more concerning her, he may read a converfation that 1 had with her, which I have printed from a pocket book that 1 then kept ia Paris, and have publifti-- ed in the appendix to this volume. CHAP,. Chap. III. A N T I E N T M E T A P H Y S I C S. 35 CHAP. III. The frjl flep that men maJe^ in their progrefs to civilization, was to learn the ufe oj their oitti body — firft, By ereBing themjcl-ues ; then by learning the uje of their hands ; and lajlly to fwim^—Sivim-^ ming not natural to man; but his acquifitions in that -way ivonder- Jul. — Till man learned the life of his oivn body, he could not pro ■vide Jufficiently for his fubJiJlence.—-At fr/t he lived u'^'on th' • ral jruits of the earth. — Theje failing, he took '' ffhing, being able to live upon any kind of food. ■ culture could furnijh fubfflence for numbers oj moi, ther in clq/e communication. — Before fuch aii art could be . and pra^iftdf language ivas neceffary, FROM thofe examples of wild men I have mentioned, it is, : think evident, that the firft art man muft have learned, war. the ufe of his own body: And he muft have begun by erefkin r himfelf, without which he could not have had the advantage of the length of his body, for attack or defence, or for the pradice of the feveral arts of life. Befides, it gave him the ojyH^//w^— enabled hiiu to look at his native feat, the Heavens— and gave that dignity to his appearance, which was fuitable for an animal that was deftined to govern on this earth. The neceftary confequence, too, of the ered pofture, was the u: of the hands, a moft ufeful organ, without which, as Xenophon h E 2 V 36 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book I. well obferved, our reafon would have availed us little in the inven- tion and pradice of arts. Thus far, therefore, the Ourang Outang is advanced in the arts of life ; but he ftill retains fo much of his primitive natural ftate, that he fometimes goes on all four, as Mr Begg, in his letter, has^ faid, and alfo the French gentleman, above quoted*. There Is another ufe of the body, which man has not from na- ture, as many other animals have, but has learned by pradtice or teaching, I mean fwimming : For of the Indians of North America, who excel us fo much in bodily feats, none can fwim, except thofe who live near the fea, or a great river, and have pradlifed if, as A- dair and others, who have publifhed accounts of North America, tell us ; and the wild girl, above mentioned, defcribed to me very parti- cularly, the pains her mother took to teach her to fwim ; but with that teaching and pradice, (he became quite amphibious, fuch as the inhabitants of the Ladrone Iflands are, who fubfift, in a great meafure, by the fi(h which they catch with their hands in the fea ; though I am perfuaded, it was neceffity which firft drove man to feekfor food" in an element not natural to him. There is a weekly publication in Spain, called Semanario Erudito^ containing many curious fads. In a volume of it publifhed in 1788, there is a piece written by Don Mechior de Macanaz, a gen- tleman of great learning, who was employed in many negociations, in the reign of Philip V. The tranllation of it, for which I am obliged to a very learned and worthy gentleman of my acquain- tance, Dr Geddes, who refided for ten years in Spain, I have given in * P. 27. of this vohimc. See alfo vol. III. of this work, p. 349, and 361. Chap. III. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 37 in the note below, as it contains feveral other curious fads concern- ing wild men*. From * " Francis de la Vega, and Mary del Cafar, his wife, irihnbitants of the village of " Llexganes, in the territory of Cudeyo, of the archbifliopric of Burgos, two leagues " from Santander, had, befides other children, a fon called Francis, who, at the age " of fifteen years, having been apprentice to a joiner for two years at Bilboa, went " to fwim whh other boys, on the 23d of June in the year 1674, and difap- *' peared ; nor was he again heard of, until he was caught like a fifh in the fea '« near Cadiz, in the year 1679. He did not now fpeak any language; but " having been brought to a convent of Francifcans, he pronounced the word " Liexganes, the name of the village where he had been born. From this it " was conjectured, that he mull: have been of that place, and thither he was con- " dudted, and his mother immediately knew him. He remained there nine years : " He ate what they gave him ; he put on his clothes and his ftockings and flioes, " if he was deGred to do fo : He carried. a letter pundlualiy enough to the place he " was ordered ; and, having been fent with one to Santander, he fwam over the " bay, which is more than a league bro.d ; and when he had got the anfwer, he re- " turned by the fame way. He was fix feet high ; his hair was red and ihort, like " to 3 new bom child's ; his complexion was fair. He feemed to be incapable of « reafoning by himfelf ; but capable of underftanding what he was commanded to •' do. He had lolt the habit of fpeech : Litxgaties, pan, vino, tobacco, were all the «' words that he fpoke, and thefe not to the purpofe. His two brothers were then " alive, and Don 1 homas, the elder, was a prieft After nine years he difappeared " again, and was never feen, that we know, any more." Thus far the account of Francis de la Vega. " In the fame paper, Macanaz makes mention of Nicholas of Catania, in Sicily,, who was wont to fwim round that ifland, and to carry meflages all around in that manner. " He alfo mentions a woman, who was found on the coaft of Weft Frlezeland in the year 1430, and could never be taught more than to eat as we do, and to fpin,. Hft 38 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book!, From the fa£ls related in this Spanifli work, joined with what I have publilhed concerning mermaids *, it appears, that the human body is wonderfully adapted for every ufe, to which we can con- ceive it applicable : For he is not a land animal only, but likewife a fea animal; at leaft he may make himfelf fo. And when he is fo made he is more truly amphibious than any other animal we know, as he can live wholly either on the land or in the water, which no other animal, we call amphibious, can do. Man, therefore, is fuperior in body to all other animals, as well as in mind : But he is fo much a creature of art, that without art he has not the perfed ufe even of his own body. Till he had ac- quired that, he could not provide properly for his own nourifhment, of which he required a great deal, being, in his original ftate, a large animal, without difeafe, long lived, and all employed in the great work of nature, the propagation of the fpecies. At firft, I am *' He likewife fays, that a man, to whom they gave the name of Jofeph Urfino, was caught in tiie woods of Lithuania, but could never be taught to Ipeak. He was •found with bears. <« Finally he tells us, that about the year 1723, one of the inhabitants of Navar- rens, a town of Bearne in the fouth of France, when hunting in the Pireneaa mountains, caught a wild man, and endeavoured to taoie him. He (laid in a place called Ornes, and although they brought him to eat of whatever others eat ; yet, when he came to the fields where they were, he devoured ears of wheat, as if they had been cherries ; but they could not teach him to fpeak. It was intended to carry him to the Regent, Duke of Orleans ; but when thofe that kept him heard of the regent's death, they became fomething more carelefs in watching him, fo that he efcaped, nor could they ever again find him. He was in every refpe,aT*ri »o,a»j4)» Ttoa. (pxyt!,>Tu>, S'l* t« «ys4'§7JiT»» ; which explains the reafon why they fed upon grafs. Diodorus Siculus, lib. 3. cap. 23. where he gives an account of a people in Ethiopia, who live entirely upon the roots of reeds, that grow in the marlhes. See a great deal more upon this fubje£t, which I have collei^ed in vol. III. of this work, p. 371. and following; to which I may add the example of a man from Shetland, wlio died within thefe two or three years. His nanie was Magnus Graham. He was employed by the Hudfon's Bay Company, and loft his way in that country, among the woods, where he remained for about fix months, and had nothing to feed upon all that wjiile, but any wild fruits he could find, which could not be many in fo cold a country, and the bark of the pine tree, which was his chief fubliflance. Upon this diet he lived all the time I have mentioned, and when he at laft found his way back to the factory, he was lean indeed, but in very good health. This account I had from a gentleman who knew him very well, and told me upon what occafion he was wandering in the woods, when he loft his way, and by what accident he got back again to the faiTlcry ; but; thefe particulars it is unnccelT^ry here to relate. 40 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book I. . cum jam glandes atque arbuta facrae Deficerent fylvae, et vidum Dodona negaret, then, and not till then, they took to hunting and fifliing ; for a flefli or filh diet I hold to be unnatural to man, as unnatural as to aa horfe or ox *. But fo pliable is the human conftitution, that he can fuit himfelf to it, and even become very fond of it ; and it was fit that he fliould be fuch an animal, as he was deftined, by God and Nature, to fpread all over the earth, and to live in every country and climate of it. That man, before he took to agriculture, lived upon the natural fruits of the earth, and by hunting and fifhing, is well known to thofe who have (ludied the hiftory of man in antient books. Dio- dorus Siculus f has given us an account of many favage nations in India, and upon the coafts of the Red Sea, who lived altogether up- on the natural fruits of the earth, or upon hunting and fifliing, which they pradifed in many different ways, fome of them very ex- traordinary ; and 1 think this is a very curious and entertaining part of his work, which is preferved to us, as it {hews us that man, in his diet and manner of life, as well as in other refpeds, is the moft va- rious animal on this earth. But it is not neceflary that we {hould go to antient books, to be informed that man can live in that way, and even prefer it to the life of agriculture ; For a great part of the Tartars at this day live in that way, travelling in hords from place to place in fearch of food ; and it is an execretion among them, That a man may be condemned to live in one place, and to labour like a Ruf- fian. But in this nomad life, men could have no regular polity, nor be governed * That it was necefflty which Erft drove men to this unnatural diet, is the opi- nion of Plutarch, a-s^i s-u^xo^ayix;, p. 4j6. cdit. Frobein. \ Book 3d. cap. ij. and fol'.owing. Gliap. III. A N T I E N T METAPHYSICS. 4^ governed by laws. For that piirpofe it was neceflary that they fliould have a fixed habitation, and live together, in confiderable numbers, in one place, for which agriculture is abfolutely necefTdry ; and therefore Ceres was very properly faid, not only to be the goddefs of agriculture, but of laws j and for that reafon flie was called Qicftiifcfci*. Without fuch a life, by which men have the clofeH: in- tercourfe and communication, they could not have invented any arts and fciences worth mentioning, and confequently could not have made that progrefs in the recovery from their fallen (late, which, by God and Nature, they are deftined to make even in this life. But in order to qualify man to live in that Rate of fociety, the ufe of language was abfolutely neceflary, an art, without which there cou'd have been neither fciences nor arts of any value, nor civility or regu- lar government among men. The pradice of this art belongs to the fubje£t of which I am treating in this chapter; I mean the ufe of the organs of the human body. But they are organs infinitely more delicate than the arms and legs, which are .the only organs I have hitherto mentioned, being very much fmaller, and concealed, for the greater part, in the mouth; nor is the ufe of them prompted by nature fo much as that of thofe other two. As Language is an art of the greateft ufe, and which may be faid to have made man fuch as we fee him, and as it is at the fame time of mod difficult invention and yet muft have been the firft art of any confequence invented bv man^ being, as I have faid, the foundation of all other arts, I think k is not poffible that man, without fome fupernatural afliftance could have invented an art, of which even the prad:ice, afce*- it is invented, is very difficult to be learned, and can hardly be learned Vol. IV. F at • Diodorus, lib. 5. cap. 68. and cap. 5. In which laft paflage he makes a very pro- per eulogium upon her, where he fays, " that there could not be a greater benefac- '' tion to men, than what {he beftowed upon them ; for fhe not only gave them the ♦• means of life, but taught them how to live properly." 42 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book 1. at all, except in our earlieft and moft dccible years. But of the in- vention and perfedlon of this art, which is fo capital a part of the hiftory of man, I will fay a great deal more in the fequel. In the mean time I will proceed to give an account of man in this fe- cond ftage of his natural ftate, after he is ereded, and has got the ufe of his hands and feet, but before he has learned the ufe of laa- guage, or of laws and government. CHAP,- -Chap. IV. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 43 CHAP. IV, Of the habitation of man in the natural Jl ate, — // ivas in cave', *which nature furniJJjed, or ivhich he dug out of the rocks. — This proved by the authority of antient authors-^- and monuments Jlill ex- tjling. — Man as various in the form of his body, as in any thing elfe. — Of men toith tails. — Of Satyrs y ivith feet of gcatSy and *with horns upon their heads. — This proved by the tejlimony of St. Jerome. — Of men ivithout heads, but ivith eyes in their breafls ; — > and of men ivith only one eye in their forehead .—~Thefe facts attejl- ed ^/ St. Auguftlne. — Of men ivith the heads of dogs— -proved by the teflimony of fever al authors. — Of the Sphynx, — The exiflcnce of fuch an animal only attefed by Agar thar chides. — This author had a very good opportunity of being informed. — His ivork is ex- tant, and bears no 7nark of fable or romance. — No proof that fuch animals did never exifiy that they are not noiv to be found. — Rea- fon ivhy they fioould have ceafed to exifl. — The ivonderful variety of the outivard form of man, as ivell as of his inivard form. — Of the variety of the fze of men in diferent ages and different nations of 'the Ivor Id. — The civilized I fe makes a great difference in this re- fpefl. — But there is a difference alfo in the natural flat e. — This proved by the example of the Ourang Outang, THAT man is more varIous,'in his diet and manner of life, than any other animal, fo various, that he is both a land and a fea animal, I think I have proved in the preceding chapter. A fhelter from the weather, and an habitation at land, Nature furniflied him, while in the ftate of nature, as well as his food ; for he was proted- F 2 ed 44 A K T I E X T METAPHYSICS. Book I. ed from the injuries of the vreather by thickets, rocks, and caves, la caves the Cyclops, as Homer tells us, lived ; and in the fame way, fays Dionyfius, lived the Cureies in Crete *. The antient inhabi- tants of Italy lived in the hollows of trees ; and the New Hollan- ders do the fame at this day f. This laft mentioned habitation Na- ture has provided for man, and alfo caves in many places : As to thefe, vrhere Nature did not furnifh them, men have fupplied the want by labour and art. Diodorus tells us, that in his time the in- habitants of the Balearic Iflands dwelt in caves which they dug out of the rocks %• But before men could do this, they muft have made feme progrefs towards a life of civility and arts ; for at firft I am perfuaded, they ufed no other protedion againft the weather, but fuchasthe brutes ufe; that is, what nature has provided. When that was found not fufficient, it was very natiu'al that men fhould make to themfelves habitations in the rocks, or under ground, before they learned to raife above ground that artificial habitation we call a houfe. And I am perfuaded, that thole excavations of rocks that are to be feen in AbyiTmia, and other parts of the world, and parti- cularly in the ifland of Elephantis, off the coaft of Bombay, where there are to be feen, not only fingle houfes, but little cities and ftreets, all cut out of the rocks §, were all the original habitations of men. That • Lib. 5. cap. 65. f Vol. III. of this work, p. 83. } Diidorus, cap. 1 7. 5 See vol. III. of tKis work, p. 83. and 84. Tht fame excavations of rocks are to be feen in another ifland, called Salfei, near to Gca. See Letters upon the Origin of the Sciences, p. 312. addreSed to M. Voltaire by M. Bailly, printed in 1777. See alfo Churchhill's -voyages, vol. 4th. p. 154, where we hare, from the famous traveller Gemelli, an account of the excavations in the ifland of Sal/et. We have an account, L'kewife, of tfcofe of Elephantis, horn Hamilton's New Account of the Eaft Indies, vol. ift. chap. i:. p. 245. Sec alfo Bryanrs Mythology, vol. 3d, p. t6i. Chap. IV. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 45 That clothes, as well as houfes, were the inventions of art, and not uled by man In his natural ftaie, I hold to be certain. Our fa- cred books have told us, that the firft men were niked, as the inha- bitants of the Ladrone and Pelew Iflands are at this day. And the fame books tell us, that the firft clothing of men was {kins, fuch as the inhabitants of Terra del Fuego, and many other barbarous na- tions, wear at prefent. Nor is man lefs various in the figure of his body, than In the o- ther things I have mentioned ; and the individuals of the fpecies are, I am perfaaded, more different one from another than thofe of any other fpecies. And firft, that there are men with tails, fuch as dogs and cats have, 1 think I have proved beyond the poflibility of doub: *• And not only are there tailed men extant ; but men, fuch as the antients dtfcribe Satyrs, have been found, who had not only tails, but the feet of goats, and horns on their heads. One of this kind, we are told by St. Jerome, was, under the reign of Conftantine the Emperor, publicly fhewn in Alexandria, while he was alive ; and after he was dead, his body was preferved with fait, carried to Antioch, and there ihewn to the Emperor f : So 561. 562. There are likewife to be feen in Upper Egypt, near to Thebes, Syringes, conGiting of many paflages, which lead to a variety of apartments. See Ammianus Marcellinus, lib. 22. p. 263. And there were in that part of Judea called Galilee, Subterrants, where dwelt great numbers of men, as Jofephus informs us, lib. 14. cap. 15. See alfo, upon this fubjecV, Bryant's Mythology, vol. 3d, p. 502, 503. • Vol. I. of Origin of Language, xd edit. p. Z57. and following; and vol. IlL of this work, p. 250 Belides thefe authorities, there is one Wolfe, a German, who tra- velled in the iflacd of Ceylon, and who fays, that one of the titles of the Kicg of that iiland, is Dejiendani of the Tailad Monarch. \ Tome I. of St. Jerome's Works, 46 A N T I E N T M E T A P H Y S I C S. BookX So that we ought not to treat as a fable, what the antients have toM us of animals of that form*. We have the authority of another father of the church, for a. greater fmgularity ftill of the human form ; and that is, of men without heads, but with eyes in their breads. This is related by St, Auguftine, who faw thefe men in Ethiopia, whether he went to preach the gofpel ; and was fome time among them, and relates fe- veral other particulars concerning them f. And the fame faint tells us, that he faw, in the fame country, men with only one eye in their forehead %, Nor do thefe fads reft folely upon the authority of St. Auguftine ; but antient authors mention them, particularly Strabo, who tells the ftory of men with eyes in their breafts, which he fays is attefted by feveral authors whom he names, though he does not believe them. Asto the men with one eye, it is related by Herodotus, of a people in Scythia, who, from that quality, had their name of Arlmafpians, as he interprets the word §. We muft not therefore treat as a fable what Homer has told us of the Cyclops, any more tlian what is related, by other antient authors, of Satyrs. There is another fmgularity of the human form, as great or greater than any I have hitherto mentioned, and that is, of men with the heads of dogs. That fuch men did exift, is attefted by the authors I have eliewhere mentioned [], whofe authorities cannot, I think. • See vol. III. of this work, p. 250. where Paufanias is quoted giving an accounc of Satyrs, which he had from one Euphemus, who was an eye witnefs of what at related. f Vol. III. of this work, p. 2J2. If Ibid. p. 253. § Ibid. p. 252.— -253. I Ibid. p. 263. and 264. Chap. IV. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 47 think, be queftloned. One of them, by name Agatharcbides, fays, that they were to be feen in Alexandria in his time, having been fent thither from Ethiopia and the country of the Troglodites. So that it appears, that the Latrator Anubis^ as Virgil calls him, which was the form of one of the Egyptian gods, was not an imaginary form, but taken from real life. This author, Agatharchides, mentions another animal of mixed form, having the head of a man and the body of a lion, fuch as he is reprefented in ancient fculpture, and is called a Sphynx. He fays he was fent to Alexandria from Ethiopia, with the dog-headed man above mentioned. And he defcribes him ta be, by nature, a tame and gentle animal, and capable of being taught motion to mufic ; whereas the dog -headed men, he fays, were exceedingly fierce, and very difficult to be tamed *. According, therefore, to this author, the fphynx was no imaginary animal, but had a real exiftence, as well as the dog-headed men. Agatharchides, however, is the only author, as far as I know, who mentions the fphynx, as an animal adually exifting; whereas the dog headed men are mentioned by fe- veral other authors It may be obferved, however, that Agatharchi- des had an opportunity of being very well informed ; for he lived about the time of Ptolemy, III. king of Egypt, who had a great curiofity to be informed about the wild men of Ethiopia, and for that purpofe fent men to that country, particularly one Symmias, from whom Agatharchides got his information f. And I am difpofcd to believe that he was well informed ; for I have read his book, and 1 think it has all the appearance of being an authentic narrative, with- out any mixture of fable, unlefs we are difpofed to believe, that there never exifted, on this earth, men different from thofe we fee now. But • Vol. III. of this work, p. 264. t Ibid. p. 50. 48 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Bookl. Bat the variety of nature is fo great, that I am convinced of the truth of what Ariftotle fays, that every thing exifts, or did at fome time exift, which is poflible to exift *. And though ic were certain that fuch animals as the fphins, or the other animals that 1 have mentioned, did no longer exift on this earth, it would not from thence follow, that they never exifted. I do not believe that men with eyes in their breafts, or with only one eye in their forehead, are now to be found on the face of the earth : And yet I think we cannot doubt that they once exifted in Ethiopia, where St. Auguf- tine fays he faw them. We are fure that there are whole fpeciefes of animals, which were once in certain countries, but are not now to be found there, fuch as wolves in Britain. It is not probable that fuch compounded animals, as the dog-headed man and the fphynx, were ever very numerous ; and if fo, it is likely that they would be confidered as monfters by the other men of the country, and fo .would he .dellroyed by themf. Befides thefe varieties in the whole form of man, there is a va- riety in one part of him, which I think wonderful, though, as it is fo familiar to us, it be not commonly obferved. The part I mean is the face, in which a man may obferve, in a crowd of people, or walking the ftreets of a populous city, fuch a variety of form, and figure, and features exprefling different difpofiiions and fentiments, as is really wonderful. Thus I think I have fhewn, that man is more various In the form of his body, than in any thing elfe; and that there is a peculiarity in ■* See what I have faid in explanation of this maxim, in vol. Ill, of this work, p. 261. f Vol. III. of this work, p. 263. Chap. IV. A N T I E N T M E T A P H Y S I G S. 49 in the form of fome of the individuals of the fpecies, which is not to be found in any other fpecies ; I mean the mixture of different fpeciefes in the fame animal. And yet I think it is not unnatural, if we confider how much his inward part or mind is compounded ; for it confifts not only of the vegetable and the animal life, but of the intelledual ; and if fo, I think it needs not be wondered, that his nature fhould admit of a compofitlon Ilkewife, in his outward form, of different fpeciefes of animals. As to the Cue and flature of men in the different ages and na- tions, it would be indeed extraordinary, if in an animal, the moft va- rious upon <:his earth, there was not found the common variety of great and fmall, a variety which, I believe, is to be found in every other animal on this earth. That fuch a variety does in fa£l exift in our fpecies, I think I have proved beyond all doubt in the third vo- lume of this work*, where I have (hewn, that not only in different nations there is a great difference of fize, but in the fame nation in different ages ; and that it is in the natural ftate that men are larger in body, ftronger, and longer lived : And it is a truth of reafon and phllofophy, as well as of fad and obfervation ; for the eafe, in- dulgence, and luxury of the civilized life, together with the unna- tural diet, and all thefe continued through many generations, muft ne- ceflarily produce a great degeneiacy in the fize, ftrength, and longe- vity of men ; unlefs we believe, that man could invent a way of living more conducive to the health and ftrength of his body, than that which God and Nature have deftined for him. If we fliould not be convinced by the teftimony of profane authors, our facred " books furnifh us demonflrative proof; for they tell us, that before the Flood, when men lived upon vegetables, that is, upon the natu- VoL. IV. G ral " Page 1 3 J, and following* 50 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book L ral diet, they were very much longer lived than after the Flood, when they fed upon flefti, and confequently more healthy, and of greater fize and ftrength. And I hold that they have been degene- rating ever fince, and ftill continue to degenerate ; which every man, who has lived fo long as I, may obferve : For I am now- living, as Neftor lived, with the third generation ; and I can fay with him, ' That I have feen fuch men as I do not now fee, • nor ever expedl to fee*.' And 1 think I can add, as Neftor does, ' That with fuch men I lived and converfed.' And the fame poet tells us, from the mouth of the Goddefs of Wifdom, ' That the children • now are not like their fathers f.' A learned Roman, Solinus Polyhiftor, aiks the queftion, ^is enhn jam aevo nojiro non minor parentibus Juis iiafciturf To thefe teftimonies may 'be added, that of the Greek philofopher Empedocles, who fays, ' That the men of his • lime were of the fize of children, compared with antient men |.' Who would defire to know more of the degeneracy of men, in fize and ftrength, may confult a book written by one Fiermannus Conrin- gius, a German, entitled De Habitus Corporum Germanicorum^ antiqiii ac Novi, Cau/isy where he will find many curious fads concerning the ftature of men, and a great deal concerning giants, who appear not only to have been in the land of Canaan, but in the northern parts of Europe, and indeed in every country in the world, of whofe antient ©»)«-|« T* Aiynh>t £5r(M)nA«» uiaiuTtiri, Iliad I. V. 262^ t Ou yue T»( »«(?«{ 'tftuci iritr^i viXcnict, OdyiT, II. V, 273. Jl Plutarchus, De Placiiis Philofiphorum.^ in the end of that work. Chap. TV. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 51 aritient hiftory we are well informed. And it appears to me, that in all countries there have been, in very antient times, a race of wild men of extraordinary ftature, the remains of which continued ia fome families down to later times. Of the monuments of fuch men there are many exifting in different parts of the world ; and parti- cularly there are, in the north of Europe, works that it is impo.Tible could be executed by men fuch as we. But we are not to imagine, that it is only the civilized life that makes the difference of the feature of men. In the natural ftate there is a great difference ; for of the Ourang Outangs, who are cer- tainly in the natural ftate, there are three kinds, very different in their fize. The firft, which are called Pongos or Impongos, are of very great fize, betwixt feven and nine feet high, and prodigiouily ftrong. The third clafs of the Ourang Outangs, or Chimpenza, as they are called, are only about the height of five or fix feet when "they are ereded. And the middle kind, or Itzena, as they are cal- led, are greater than the Chimpenza, but lefs than the Pongo * : And that there were pigmies to be found in other parts of the world, as ■well as among the Ourang Outangs, I think I have proved very clearly in the third volume of this workf. After man had learned all the ufes to which his body could be applied, and had made himfelf a fea animal as well as a land, fo that he was in every refpedl the mod various animal upon this earth, I think it cannot be denied, that he was fuperior to all other animals here below in bodily faculties : And I will only add, that he has from nature a ftrength of conftitution, fuch as no other animal we know has : For, in the firft place, he can fubfifl upon every thing G 2 the • See vol. Ill of this work, p. 281 289. t Ibid. p. 136. ', ' » V2 A N T I E N T METAPHYSICS. Book I. the earth produces, even the grafs of the fields* ; and not only up- on the fruits of trees, but upon their barks ; and he can live in all climates of the earth, and endure the greateft extremuies both of heat and cold t« But what I think (hews the ftrength of his confti- tution more than any thing I have mentioned, is the life of many people of falhion in great towns, particularly in London, who not only feed upon what I call an unnatural diet, that is flefh, and drink ftrong liquors, but ufe fire, which, as Horace fays, has brought upon the earth a cohort (he might have faid a legion) of difeafes. And not only do they not work off the effeds of this unnatural life by any exer- cife worth mentioning ; but they do not even enjoy the common be- nefit of air, at lead of a pure uncorrupted air j for if fuch an air was> to be got in a city like London, wliere the fuel ufed muft neceflarily fill the air with fulphureous vapours, they do not go out to feek ir» When they fay they go oa/, they truly go zw, as they do not walk the flreets, but ufe clofe carriages, in which they may be faid to be poifoned by their own breath. And if fuch be the life of the people of fafl:iion in London, how much worfe muft the life of the vulgar be, who befides pradifing arts very unfavourable to health, ufe a drink the raoft pernicious of all the things which the art of man- * Appian, De Bdlis Pitnuis, p. 6. & 63. in fine. Herodotus, lib. 3. cap. 28. lib. 8. cap, 115. f There is a book written upon this fubje^ by a German of the name of Zim- merman, entitled, Zoographie Geographique, where he tells us, that man can live where the mercury falls 126 degrees below Zero, according to Fahrenheit's thermometer, which is the greateft cold that art can produce by the mixture of fal amoniac and ice. This cold, he fays, the bears in Nova Zembia cannot bear, nor any other animal, except man and the whit- fox. And he tells us, that in Green- land the men have their bodies very flightly covered, their head and neck quite unco- vered, and no fires in their huts. As to heat, he relates, upon the authority of a French academician, that women can work in an oven heated to the degree of 275, by the fame thermometer, which the academician fays he faw. Chap. IV. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. s3 man has invented for his own deftrudion, I mean fpirituous liquors, which, fo far from being fit for the drink of any animal, are fuel for fire, producing a quick and violent flame. The being able to endure fuch a life for any number of years, and without that regi- men which the antients ufed conflantly for the prefervation of their health, I mean bathing, anointing, and fridion with a kind of curry-comb, which they called Sfrigil, fhews, in my opinion, a greater ftrength of conftitution than that of the inhabitants of an ifland a degree farther fouth than the Straits of Magellan, whom Sir Francis Drake faw quite naked ; or than the inhabitants of Ter- ra del Fuego, who are very flightly clothed, wearing nothing but Ikins loofely tacked about them, and yet have no difeafe, as far as we know, except blear eyes, which they have got from hang- ing over the fire, the ufe of which they appear to have learned from fome of the nations upon the continent, and in that refpecSt were more unfortunate than the inhabitants of the Ladrone Iflands, or of the country from which the favage girl, whom I faw in France, came. That this way of living mufl (horten life, is evident. But what 1 think much worfe, it makes that fhort life end with a long and miferable death : For fuch men are nine years a killing, the death that Othello in the Play wiflies that Caffio may die. And I have knowa fome of them, that were 20 years a killing by doftors and apothe- caries ; a death infinitely more miferable than that of DamieUj, which lalled only one day. C H A F. 54 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS, Boak L CHAP. V. Vf the chamber of man in bis natural Jlate^—Not knoivn ivhat his charaShr ivas in the jirjl Jlage of that fate, ivhen he ivas a qua- druptd ; — but from -what ive knoiv of the Ourang Outang, man in the fecond ftage of his progreffion^ is a facial, friendly animal^ and capable of tntelled and fcience. — To judge of a man in the civi- lized fate, after he has got the ufe of language, a dijlinftion is to be made betxvixt thofe ivho live by hunting, and thofe ivho fubfifi upon the fruits of the earth.-— The inhabitants of the Peleiv I/lands a fpecimm of ivhat men are in the firf Jlate of civilization, and before they are hunters. — The zurong confru^ion given by fome men to the behaviour of ths inhabitants of the Peleiv I/lands to- ivards us.— The behaviour of the Nciv Zealanders as noble and . generous as that of the Peleiv men^ — A remarkable in/lance oj their , behaviour given, HAVING laid fo much of the body of man In his natural ftate, I think it will be proper to fay fomething of his mind. It is by mind, chiefly, as Ariftotle has obferved, that the feveral fpeciefes of animals are diflinguifhed from one another. And the feveral ftates of an animal, of fuch wonderful progrefTion as man, muft be marked by a great difference of charader or difpofitioa of mind. AVhat the mind of man was, while he was a quadruped, we can- not, from fad or experience, determine with any certainty, as fo few Chap. V. A N T I E N T M E T A P H Y S I C S. S5 few examples have been found of men living in that ftate. But I think ■we may guefs v/hat his charahole things in the Univerfe are reduced to cei'tain claffcs. — This the greatefl difcovery of philofophy that ever ivas made. — But the human mind goes beyo7id the Categories, and dif overs ivhat coutaiiis the Categories, and every thing in the Univerfe. — This progrefs mofl ivonderful, from ivhat is loivef in mature to ix;hat is hi'^hefl. — Language neceffary for that progrefs. — Therefore it is the parent art of all aits and Jcicnces. HAV- Chap. VI. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 6i HAVING faid fo much of man in his natural ftate, I proceed to confider him in a ftate of civility and arts, beginning with his progrefs from the natural to that ftate ; for that there muft have been a progrefs, and that he did not become at once an animal of civility and arts, is what no perfon can doubt, vpho knows any thing of the hiftory or philofophy of man ; or if he be fo ignorant of that hiftory and philofophy, as to have any doubt in the matter, I think -what I have faid in the firft volume of the origin of language may fatisfy him. The firft ftep in this progrefs muft have been ajfociating^ or living together in herds, as the Ourang Outangs do at prefent, and as many people of the antient world did * ; and the firft thing to be conft- dered is, What prompted man to live in that way ? Was it inftind, foch as prompts cattle and ftieep to herd together ; or was it fome motive of neceflity or convenience ? Ariftotle has divided animals, very properly, into gregarious and folitary, and fome that partake of both kinds ; and the gregarious he has fubdivided into political and not political. The political he defines to be thofe who carry on fome common work, that is, a ■work for behoof of the whole herd ; whereas thofe, who are not political, carry on no common work, and therefore have no bond of union, though they herd and live together f . Man, he fays, is that kind of animal, which is neither altogether gregarious nor altogether folitary, but participates of both. So that here we may oblerve another variety in our fpecics, not hitherto mentioned, by * Origin of Language, vol. I. book 2. chap. 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7. I This divifion of animals I have explained in the fecond chapter of the feco'nd book of the firft volume of the Origin of Language, where I have alfo corrected the text of Ariftotle. 62 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book f, by which he is both fecial and not fecial : So that man appears to be made up of contradidlions; for he has intelle£t, and he has not intellect ; he is a biped, and he is not a biped ; he is a land animal, and he is not a land animal ; he is a water animal, and not a water animal ; and, arnong other varieties, he is, according to Ariftotle,. gregarious, and not gregarious ; to which may be added, political,, and not political. He is therefore as much mixed in mind, as L have fhewn that he is in body ; fo that he can hardly be faid to bej one fpecies of animals, but a compound of all fpeciefes. That man can live in the folitary ftate, is proved by many exam" pies of folitary favages that have been found : And that in fuch a ftate he has no inftindt or inclination which prompts him to affociate- with his fellow creatures, is evident from this, that thefe folitary fa- vages, when they arc firft difcovered, run away from men, which was the cafe particularly of the favages that were difcovered in the Pyrenean mountains * ; For that by nature and inftindl we have: not that attachment to our fpecies, which other animals have is evident, from a peculiarity of man that I have not yet men- tioned, namely, that he is the only land animal that feeds upon his own fpecies, and prefers that food to any other. This I have elfe- where very clearly proved f. It was therefore fome reafon of con- venience- • Vol. in. of this work, p. 46. and 47. f Origin and Progrefs of Language, vol. i. p. 227, 228, and 229, in the note. Nor does this contradidt what I have faid of the worth and goodnefs of the people of the Pelew Iflands ; for the New Zealanders are as generous and noble minded a people as thofe of Pelew, yet they cat their enemies. And the faft is, that when men have once got a tafte of animal food, they become very fond of it, as we fee men among us are very fond of many things ftill more unnatural than the flefli diet, fuch as tobacco and fpirits. But men, farther advanced in civility and arts than the Chap. Vr. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 63 venience or neceflity that firft made men herd together. The Ou- rang Outangs affociate for the fame reafc-n that they are armed with a ftick ; that is, to defend themfelves agalnfl the elephants, and to drive them out of their pafture ; alfo to fight with the blacks, and with one another, when they quarrel. And as they build huts, they, no doubt, join in companies for that purpofe. He is there- fore a political animal for the fame reafon that he is gregarious, that Is, for the fake of neceffity and convenience. That men, when they were no farther advanced in the focial and political life, lived together in the brutifh way, copulating promif- cuoufly, without diftindlion of families or races, is evident from an- tient hiftory *. And indeed men could not be faid to be removed from the brutes, when they only herded together, and carried on fome work jointly for the behoof of the whole herd ; for there are fundry fpeciefes of brutes that herd together for that purpofe, parti- cularly the beaver, an animal which refembles man in this parti- cular, that he can live either by himfelf or in fociety ; and is not, by the neceffity of his nature, Tocial and political, like the bee or ant t« Thus tlie New Zealanders, will abominate the ufe of their own fpecies for food, though there are fundry examples of their being driven by neceflity to take to it ; and the men, fo neceflitated, have all agreed with the North Americans, mentioned in the pafTage quoted in the beginning of this note, that it is the moft delicious of all flefh. And it is faid, that a lion, that has once tafted human flefh, prefers it to all other : So that here we may fee another excellency of our fpecies, that our flefli is a more deli.ioas food than that of any other animal. * Origin of Language, vol. I. book 2d. chap. 3d. t Ibid. p. 417. and following, where there are examples given of other animals living in the fame way. 64 ANTIENTMETAPHYSICS. Book h Thus far, therefore, man is advanced from the folitary favage^ fo as not only to be gregarious, but even political, in Ariftotle's fenfe of the word. But he is ftill far removed from that ftate of civility, which is abfolutely neceffary for the invention and cultivation of arts and fciences, by which only he can make any progrefs in this life, towards regaining the ftate from which he has fallen. For thai purpofe, a regular polity muft be formed, and properly carried on. Now, this cannot be done without language, which, I think, I have fhewn clearly, is not from nature, but more a thing of art, than any other thing among men. Lan- guage, therefore, may be faid to be the foundation of all arts and fciences : For it is only by that communication among men, which language beftows upon them, that any art worth mention- ing, or fcience, can be invented or cultivated ; for though men. may herd together, and carry on fome joint work, by inarticulate cries, or by figns and geftures, as the beavers do *, it is impoflible that without language they can have any thing that can be called go- vernment, or become an animal of inielle£t, not in capacity merely, but in energy and adluality. But men, before they could have the ufe of language, muft have formed ideas to be exprefled by words ;. for a language, having only names for individual objects perceived' by the fenfes, would not deferve the name, nor afford the ufe of a. language. That language is a wonderful invention, every fcholar, and indeed every man of fenfe and obfervation, muft know. This even a fa- vage of North America knew, who, in converfation with a miflio- nary, acknowledged that the Europeans had much more wit than they J ' But,' fays he, ' has any of you invented a language f?' But that • Origin and Progrefs of Language, yo\, I. p. 4)7^ f Ibid. p. 566. Cliap. VI. A N T I E N T M E T A P H Y S I C S. oj that operation of our minds, by which we form idean, is flill more wonderful. As this is a view in which ideas have never been con- fidered, I will enlarge a little upon ic. To be convinced of this, let us confider that our firft ftep, from the mere animal to the intelledlual creature, is the forming of ideas ; for it is that which gives us intellect in actuality^ which, in our na- tural ftate, we had only in capacity. Now the beginning of all things is the moft difficult; and it is particularly {o in this cafe, if we confider, that all our ideas are formed from Nature. Now, what does Nature prefent to us ? It is what may be called a Chaos, where every thing is mixed with every thing, animals, vegetables, and minerals, the elements of earth, water, air, and nre j the hea- vens above, and the earth below. Thefe are all perceived by our fenfes, which are our only inlets to knowledge in this ftate of our exiftence. But the fenfes perceive them altogether in the lump, and as they exift in nature ; but in order to form ideas of them, we muft arrange them, and perceive their feveral relations and connexions. This is done, as I have flaewn*, by the two great faculties of the human intelleQ, abftradion and generalization ; that is, by dividing and uniting. As the face of Nature prefents to us all things, as I have faid, mixed with all, in v.'hich way they are perceived by our fenfes, it is of abfolute necefTity that they (houlJ be -divided and confulered feparately, otherwife it is impofTible we can form that diftindl notion of them, which we call an idea. And particularly it is neceflary, that in forming the idea of any material fubftance, v-re fiiould abftract it from the matter. And here there is another effentiul difference betwixt the idea and the perception of fenfe, which perceives nothing but what is material in the fubjecfl. Vol. IV. I As * P. 17. of this VQlume. 66 AN TIE NT METAPHYSICS. Book I. As to the uniting, we muft perceive what is common to many things, and in that way connect and join the things together, which Is cal- led generalization, or, as it is expreffed by Plato, perceiving the one in the many. By the firft operation of divifion, we fee what is principal in any individual thing, and feparate it from the other qualities of the thing ; and thus confidering it by itfelf, we form the particular idea of that individual thing. Then we exercife the other faculty of uniting, by which we difcover, that this parti- cular idea is common to many other individuals ; And thus, by feeing this one thing in the many, we form the general idea of the fpecies, as of a man, for example, or a horfe*. But not (topping here, we go on, and find that the one thing, which is common to the man and horfe, is common to other things ; and thus we form the idea of the genus Animal, where we fee the am in many more things than we favv it before. From animal we afcend to animated body^ or the ro ifi4"'X'"' ^s the Greeks call it, comprehending both animals and ve- getables. And from thenc^ our next ftep is to body, and from body to fubjlance, which is one of the Categories. And thus we go oa difcovering the one in the many, but that many always increafing. And while we thus unite things, which feem, at firft fight, fo re- mote from one another, perceiving what they have in common, we perceive alfo in vi^hat they differ; and this is what is called \.h.Q fpe- cific difference, by which the feveral fpeciefes of the fame genus are dirtinguifhed from one another. And while we thus go on, invefti- gating the different relations and connedions of things, we difcover that fome things exift by ihemfelves, while other things have no fuch * See what I have foid of particular and general ideas, in vol. III. of this work, p. 341. and the paflages there quoted ; -where I have Ihown the abfurdity of fuppofing that there could he general ideas, if there were not particular ; or that an idea could be abltraiRed from any corporeal fubflance, if it did not exift in it : And yet our philofophers, at prcfeiit, fpeak of general and ahjlracied ideas, as if they were the fame. Chap. VI. A NTIENT METAPHYSICS. 67 fuch independent exiftence, but exift in other things, and yet of thefe we form feparate ideas ; fo that, in this formation of ideas, we divide things that are by nature indivifible, fuch as fiibftances and their accidents, and which, by the fenfes, are always perceived toge- tlier. Of accidents we form ideas, as well as oi fiihjlances, and by the fame procefs of dividing and uniting. In this way we form the idea of magnitude or quantity continuous, and of number or quantity difcrete, and a more general idea ftill, that of quantity. And in the fame manner we form ideas of the qualities of body, fuch as figure and cohur. The number of fpeciefes, as well as of individuals, is infinite with refpe£t to us and our comprehenfion, but not in the nature of things: For as the univerfe is a fyftem, it can admit of nothing in- finite, but every thing mufl have meafure and bounds. But though the fpeciefes be infinite, with refpe£t to us, fcience has contrived, (and a wonderful work of fcience it is), to reduce the genufes to cer- tain clafles, and to number thefe clafles. This was a difcovery of the Pythagorean fchool, and the greateft difcovery, in ray opinion, that ever was made in philofophy, by which all the things in this univerfe are clafTed and numbered. The work is very properly entitled, by Archytas, the author of it, n.j. tou n*.T.t, that is. Of the ivbole of Things ; but in the Treatife of Ariftotle, that we have on the fubje(fl, and which is little more than the work of Archytas tranflated from the Doric to the Attic, it is entitled, Of the Categories ; for, as he makes it part of his logic, he gives thofe higheft genufes the name of the Praedicates of Propofitions *. This progrefs of the human mind, from objeds of fenfe, with which I 2 all * Who would defire to know more of the Unlverfals of Archytas, and the Ca- tegories of Ariftotle, may read the 3d book of vol. I, of this work, particularly the firft three chapters. 68 ANTI EN T METAPHYSICS. Book L all our knowledge in this life muft begin, to the univerfals contained in the Categories, by wliich, as I have faid, we make an arrangement and diRribution of all the things in the univerfe, muft appear very wonderful to the philolbpher, who confidcrs of what infinite variety thofe things are, and how mixed and feemingly confufed they arc prefented to the fenfes. But the human intelligence does not ftop even here ; for it goes beyond the Categories, and not only perceives an infinite number of things contained in them, but alfo that which contains the Categories; fo that it perceives not only the one m many different objeds, of number infinite, but it difcovers the one in all ; that is, it difcovers God, who virtually contains in himfelf all things of this univerfe : For, as our facred books tell us, all things are in God^ and God in all things. And thus, by a ladder, fuch as Jacob faw in his dream, reaching from heaven to earth, at the top of which was the Lord*, we afcend, from what is loweft in nature, that is, objedls of fenfe, to what is higheft. But to explain this more particularly, be- longs to Theology, which is not our fubjed at prefent. I will only add farther, upon the fubjedt of ideas, that every idea Ave form is a fyftem j for even the particular idea of the individual thing is a fyftem, as we perceive in it what is principal and what is fubotdinate. The fpecies is a larger fyftem, in which we take in many things, and perceive what they have in common, and how ihey are conneded together. And thus we proceed, from lefTer to greater fyftems, till we comprehend, as far as we are able, the fyf- tem which compreliends all other fyftems, 1 mean the fyftem of the univerfe, and its Great Author. Thus it appears, that a good logic, which explains accurately the nature of Ideas, does lead us, by the moft natural progrefs, up to Theology, in which all fcience ends : So that it is of the utmoft importance to philofophy, that we ftiould learn a logic which teaches us to diHinguiili betwixt ideas and fenfa- tions, * Genefisj chap, xxvill. v. 13. Chap. VI, A N T 1 E N T M E T A P H Y S I C S 69 tions, and not to confound them, as Mr Locke has done. What I liave faid here, and clfewhere, I hope will enable every man of common fenfe to make the diftindion, and to perceive, not only that the ope- ration of the mind, by v*-hich Vv^e form ideas, is perfeftly different from the perceptions of fcafe; but that the objeds are quite diffe- rent ; for the intcllcd, by which we form our ideas, perceives no- thing but in fyflem ; whereas the fenfe perceives nothing in that way, but only corporeal objeds, not analyfed, as they are by the in- telled, but altogether in a lump with their feveral qualities*. » It may be farther obferved, that as there can be no fyftem, but of things which have a connedion and relation to one another, in forming the feveral fyftems of our ideas \\s perceive all the con- nedions and relations that can be imagined betwixt things : For we perceive the genus, the fpecics, the difference, what is proper or peculiar, and what is accidental, in things ; and thefe comprehend all the feveral relations of conformity or diverfity, in which the things of this univerfe (land to one another. Thefe are the /ve zvordsj which Porphyry, and his commentator Ammonius Hermeias, have fo well explained. The work is very properly entitled, by Philoponus, zic-uyt:yii, or IntroduSliotiy and indeed it is the beft intro- dudion to philofophy that ever v/as written \\ And this fuperior faculty of our minds, by which we perceive things in fyftem, and in fyftem only, and by which we proceed from lefTer to greater fyftems, fhould convince us, that we are not deftined, • See what I have faid upon this fubje^V, in vol. III. of this work, p. 342, anfl following, where ! have fhcwn that intelleft is as incapable of perceiving the objefts of fenfe, as fenfe is of perceiving the objects of intellect. j See what I have farther faid of this valuable work, in vol, V, of Origin of Language, p. 413. 70 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book I. deftlned, by God and nature, only to eat and drink in this world, and to enjoy other fenfual pleafures, but for a much more noble end ; — To contemplate the feveral fyftems of which this univerfe is com- pofed, and the univerfe itfelf and its Great Author, the contempla- tion of which may be called the Beatific Vifton^ being the greateft happinefs of which our nature is capable. This world of ideas, upon which I have enlarged fo much, and. which may be called the intelle^ual ivorld of our microcq/in, could never have been formed without the ufe of language : For, in the firft place, we muft have had certain figns or marks of our ideas, which would be abfolutely necefTary for our own ufe, as without them we could not retain them in our memories, or put them toge- ther in propofitions. And, Jecondly^ we could not otherwife have communicated them to one another. Now it is by communication,, in the way of difcourfe, that all arts and fciences have been invent- ed and cultivated, and regular forms of government framed, under which men might live in peace and good order, and be fupplied with all the neceflaries of life, fo that they might have time to apply to arts and fciences. Language, therefore, may be faid to be the parent of all arts and fciences, and to be the firft ftep of that ladder, by which we are to afcend from this earth to that flate from which we are fallen. CHAP. Ciup. Vir. AN TIE NT METAPHYSICS. 71 C H A P. vir. Of the progrefs of the human mind from ideas to Science. -^Ideas the materials only of Science. — They mujl be put together in order to make fcience. — This done by propofitions. — All Propofttions confijl of apraedicate and a fuhjeCl- — The praedicate the more general idea^ containing the fubjeit being the lefs general idea. — Of the 7nunncr in -which one idea contains another ; — and hoiv the more general idea contains and is contained in the lefs general. — This explained by the diftinclion betivixt containing potentially and di^mWy. — This difinciion f^jeivn to apply to all propofitions ^ ivhether praedicating the genus of the fpccics, or the accident of the fubflance. — Propo- fitions alone not fit for fcience. — There muf he that comparifon of propofitions., ivhich ive call Reafoning. — Where the connexion bc'^ tivixt the two lerms of the propofttion is not evident^ it muf he made /o by other propofitions. ^This cannot go on in infinitum, but mufl fop at felf evident propofitions. — Of the procefis of reafoning from thefe propofitions^ and of the coUe6lion of propofitions into Syl- logifm. — Of the nvonderful invention of the Syllogifm, and of the ivkole logical ivorks of Arifiotle. — Syllogifm alone not fufficient for Science. — There mufi he alfo Definition. — Of the nature of Definition. — The Terms of propofitions may confifi of fieveral ideas, exprefied by fieveral -words. — This illuflrated by the example of the firfi axiom of Euclid. — Definitions, therefore, as ivell as Axioms, necefary for Science. — Of the utility of Logic, and the neceffity that a 7nan, ivho pretends to he learned in any fcience, fJjould knoiv zi'hat Science is. — Opinion amojig men, prior to fcience or demctifiration. — All men, iz'hen they firfi begin to think^ form Opinions, — and mofi men nc%-er go farther. — Polybius's definition ofi Man, that he is an opinion- forming 72 A N T I E N T METAPHYSICS. Book I. forming animal. — This not fo good a definition as Ariflotles. — A- rijlotk gives us afyjlem cf recfoning from Popular Opinions, ivhich be calls DialeSlics ; and ivith this, and his treatife De Sophifticis Elenchis, he concludes his great luork of Logic. — Summary of this, ivotk. BUT before I proceed to fpeak of the invention of language and other arts, I think it is proper to fhew the progrefs of the human mind from ideas to fcience. What ideas are, and how they are formed by intelledl, I hope I have explained, to the fatisfadion of the reader, in the preceding chapter. Cut ideas are only the ma- terials of fcience ; and in order to know what fcience is, we muft know how thofe materials are put together fo as to produce fcience. The firft ftep from ideas towards fcience, is Propofitions, which are formed, by comparing one idea with another ; fo that, from the comparative, or Logical faculty, as Ariftotle calls it, which we have in common with the better kind of brutes, not only our ideas pro- ceed, but fcience, and, in general, all the operations of the intellec- tual mind *. When we compare our ideas, we perceive, as Mr Locke tells us, their agreement or difagreement : But wherein this agreement confifts, he has not told us ; nor can any man tell, who has not ftudied the antient philofophy. But that philofophy teaches us, that in every propofition there is one idea more general than another, and that this more general idea either contains or comprehends the lefs general, or does not : And thus are formed affirmative and negative propofitions. The more general idea, which • See what I have faid of this logical or comparative faculty of the human mind, In the firft chapter of this volume, and in vol. L p. 381. Chap. VII. A NTIENT METAPHYSICS. 73 which contains the lefs general, is called the Predicate of the propo- fition ; whereas the lefs general is called the Suhje^. But this dif- tindion, however obvious, and fuch, as that, without it, we cannot have fo much as the idea of a Propofuion, Mr Locke has no where made; fo totally ignorant he appears to have been of logic*. But to thofe, who know no more of logic nor of anlient philofo- phy than Mr Locke did, it will be neceffary to explain in what fenfe one idea can be faid to contain another, or the idea lefs general can b faid to be a part of the more general. And, in the firft place, it is not in the fenfe that one body is faid to be a part of another, or the greater body to contain the lefler ; nor is it as one number is faid to contain another ; but it is virtually or potentially that the more general idea contains the lefs general. In this way the genus con- tains the fpecies ; for the genus may be predicated of every fpecies under it, whether exifting or not exifting ; fo that virtually it contains all the fpeciefes under it, which exift or may exift. And not only does the more general contain the lefs general, but (what at firft fight may appear furprifing) the lefs general contains the more general, not virtually or potentially^ but equally. Thus the genus Animal contains virtually Man, and every other fpecies of animal either exifting or that may exift: But the genus Animal is contained in man, and in other animals aflually -, for man cannot exift with- out being in a^uality^ and not potentially only, an animal f. There are only two ways in which the more general idea of a pro- Vol. IV. K pofition * See what I have farther faid of Mr Locke's logic, in vol. I. of this work, p. 382. and following. f See Book V. Chap. II. of vol. I. where this matter is explained at great length, and particularly p. 479. where I have acknowledged that I got the diftindlion betwixt containing potentially and aftually, upon which I think, the whole truth of the Syllogifm depends, from a Greek now living, iiugeniut Dtaeonus. 74 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book I. pofition can be predicated of the lefs general : One of thefe is, as the genus is predicated of the fpecies, which I have already mentioned. It IS caWed hy An{{ot]c aocd'vTroiiUfAivov*. The other Arlflotle calls (v *vro}csif^ivu, when an accident is predicated of a fubftance, which is, when it is affirmed that the accident is inherent in the fubftance ; as when we predicate the colour ivhite of man. In this cafe likewife the predicate is a more general idea than the fubjeit, containing not only man in the inftance given, but every other fubftance of that colour. And the fame diftindion will apply of containing virtually and ac- tually : For ivhite contains man only virtually, but is contained in man equally ; fo that what I have (aid of ideas containing and not containing one another, applies equally to all propofitlons predicating either the genus of the fpecies, or the accident of the fubftance ; t and this may fuffice, as to propofitions in general, for our prefent purpofe. Who would defire to know more upon this fubjedl, may confult the fifth book of the firft volume of this work, where he will find the whole doQrine of propofitions explained on the prin^ ciples of Antient Philofophy. But propofitions alone will not make fcience. For fuppofe that we cannot perceive the connexion betwixt the two ideas, in the propofition, nor difcover that the one makes part of the other ; what is to be done in that cafe ? This Ariftotle tells us, and not any other philofopher antient or modern, that I know. We muft find out, he fays, a third idea, which we muft apply to each of the ideas in the propofition, and which, therefore, he very properly calls a middle term ; and, in this way, try to difcover the connedlon be- twixt the two ideas in the propofition. This operation of the intel- le£t, by which we apply the middle term to the two ideas or terms of the propofition, and by which we form other propofitions, is cal- led * See the beginning of the Book of Categories. I See, with refpeft to thefe two kinds of Predication, vol. I. p. 383. Chap. VII. AN TIE NT METAPHYSICS. /^ led in Greek hiavota, in Latin difcurfus mentis, and in Engllfh Rea' fonhig ; or, as the Latin expreffion may not be improperly tranflat- ed, Difcoiirfe of Re nf on. And the way, in which the two terms are conneded by the middle term, is this. If the predicate, or greater term of the propofition to be proved, contain the middle term, and if the middle term contain the fuhjed, or leffer term, then the predicate muft necefTarily contain the fubject; and thus an affirmative propor- tion is proved. But, on the other hand, if the predicate do not con- tain the middle term, but the middle term contain the leffer term of the propofition to be proved, then it is proved that the predicate does not contain the fubjod ; and this is the demonftratioa of a negative propofuioB. But fuppole two propofitions, by which we apply the middle term firft to one idea of the propofition to be proved and then to the other, are not fufficient to difcover the connedion of the two propofitions; what is then to be done? And I fay, more propo- fitions muft be difcovered, by which the two terms of the propo- fitions to be proved are to be conneded together. But is this to go on in infinitum f If this were the cafe, there could be no demon- ftraiion, or fcience of any kind ; for, if every thing was to be prov- ed, nothing could be proved. There muft, therefore, be fome pro- pofitions, which require no proof : Thefe are called flA:/o77ZJ or felf- evident propofitions ; in which, by the fame faculty that enables us to form ideasj I mean the intelled, we difcover the neceffary con- nedion betwixt the two terms*. . And here it is evident, that before we can arrive at felf-eviJenE propofitions, many other propofitions muft be formed, and all thefe muft be arranged, and put together in fuch an order as to make de- monftration or fcience. To know how to do this is itfelf a great fcience ; the greateft, I think, that ever was difcovered by man. 2K 'it * See, upon the fubject of AxiomS; vol. I. p. 383, and following. 76 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book I. It is called Logic ; of which Ariftotle, and he only, has given us a fyftem; and as all fcience muft begin with an analyfis, he has given us a moft wonderful analyfis of the operations of the human mind; be- ginning with fimple terrns ; then proceeding to propofitions ; from thence to the colledion of thefe propofitions, which he calls very pro- perly Syllogifm, and which is the laft work of demonftration. When we confider the infinite variety of fubjeds, upon which men reafon, how this infinity is bounded, and limits fet to it by the book upon the Categories, which reduce to clafles and numbers the whole things of this univerfe, and without which there could have been no fcience of logic, as there can be no fcience of infinity;— when we confider alfo the variety of propofitions. formed of the ideas contained in the Categories, and the feveral fpeclefes of them produced by the differences of the predicate and fubjedt, the matter and manner of the propofition, all enumerated by Ariftotle and his Commentators to the number of 3024; a number that muft appear incredible to thofe who have never thought upon the fubje£t ;— and when we join to all this, the analyfis of the fyllogifms compofed of thefe propofitions into three figures and 14 modes, we muft ac- knowledge, that Ariftotle's Logic is the moft wonderful fyftem of fcience that ever was invented ; fuch as could not have been in- vented by one man, even a man of fuch a genius as Ariftotle, but muft have been the invention of a fucceflion of men from father to fon for many generations, conftantly employed in the cultivation of arts and fciences. Such a fucceflion never was in any other country than Egypt ; and which, therefore, I hold to be the parent country of all arts and fciences*. But even Syllogifm is not fufficient for demonftrative reafoning; for there muft be likewife Definition^ by which we know exadly the nature • See page 54, and following of the preface to the III. vol. likewife p, 45. of the fame preface, where I have enlarged much upon the wonderful invention of logic, and the utility of it. Chap. VII. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 77 nature of the fubjeds that we join together in propofitions : For unlefs we know with the greateft accuracy the meaning of the words that we employ to exprefs our ideas, it is impoflible that we can demonftrate. And here we return again to the doQrine of ideas, and the divifion of them into genus and fpecies, fubftance and ac- cident ; one of which two divifions muft be expreffed in the defini- tion, according to the nature of the fubjed. And here it is to be obferved, that a fingle predicate or fubjeft of a propofition may be expreffed by feveral words. Of this the firft Ax- iom of EucHd, and which one may think fhould be a very fimple propofition, That things, ivhich are equal to the fame thing, are equal to one another, may furnifh us an example. For there the equality of things to one another, is predicated of things equal to the fame thing : Where both the predicate and the fubjed are ideas com- pounded of fevera! ideas, and expreffed by feveral words*. Thus it appears, that definitions, as well as axioms, are neceffary for fcience ; and, therefore, Euclid has prefixed to his Syftem of Geometry, both definitions and axioms. And here I would advife a man, who defires to learn the art of reafoning, to ftudy the Elements of Euclid, before he applies to the Logic of Ariftotle : For in Euclid he will readily perceive the pro^ grels of the mind from propofitions felf- evident to propofitions that need to be demonftrated ; and this upon fubjeds the moft fimr pie of any that are the fubjed of fcience and the lead removed from the perceptions of fenfe, being lines and figures, which are re- prefented to the fight, not like other fubjeds of fcience to be com- prehended only by intelled. The method Euclid follows in his de- monftrations is called the Synthetic Method, by which he proceeds from felf-evident propofitions, or propofitions before demonftrated, to • Vol. I. p. 391. and following. 7? ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book I. to the theorem, or problem, which is propofed to be demonftrated. But I would advife the ftudent of geometry, not only to follow that method, but to reverfe it, and pradice what is called the analy- tic method, which begins where the other method ends, that is with the propofition to be demonftrated ; and inquires whether that propofition be not neceflarily conneded with fome felf- evident propofition, or fome propofition, one or more, that had been before demonftrated : So that, as it begins where the other method ends, it ends where the other method begins. And I am perfuaded, that, in this analytical way, the truth of the propofitions, which Euclid has demonftrated, was firft difcovered : For analyfis is the beginning of all fcience : And by going thus forward and backward in the demonftration, the young ftudent more perfedly comprehends the truth of it. It was the application of reafonlng to fubjeds fo fimple as to ht prefented to the eyes, which I am perfuaded determined the Pytha- goreans to make geometry the firft ftudy of their fcholars ; for they thought it was teaching them in the eafieft way, to know what demon- ftration was. And, further, they thought that it was the eafieft and moft natural way of raifing the mind from objeds of fenfe to things immaterial, which have a real and permanent exiftence ; and, there- fore, were called by thefe philofophers the ra ovrag ovto,, whereas things material, are always changing, and in a conftant viciflitude of generation and corruption, fo that a material thing was faid by them to be always becoming fomething, but never to be aflually any thing : By which circumlocution we only can render in En- ohfli what they exprefted in two words, 'ovx, la-rt aXXx ytyvircci. It was for this reafon that geometry, and arithmetic were called Ma- ■6r,'j.a.Tu,, as teaching men to reafon, and to raife their minds above the perceptions of f:nfe, which was the chief objed of that ex- alted philofophy. But a man, in thofe days, would have been thou'^ht lidiculou?, who, becaufe he underft.ood lines and figures, thought Chap. VII, ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 79 thought himfelf a philofopher, even though he had joined to the knowledge of geometry, the fcience of numbers, which was alfo very carefully taught in the Pythagorean fchooL It was only by the ftudy of morals, natural philofophy, metaphyfics, and theology, that a man in that fchool could deferve the name of a philofopher. Thefe ftudies, however, of geometry and arithmetic, were held to be very proper preparatives for philofophy ; and, I think I may add, for logic, though even logic by thofe philofophers was not held to be, properly fpeaking, philofophy, but only an organ of philofophy. As to the utility of logic, I need only repeat what I have faid in more than one place of this work. That no man can ever know what fcience is without ftudying the logic of Ariftotle, and muft reafon as a child reafons, or as an unlearned man fpeaks, without knowing the principles of the art, or being able to tell why one argument is con- clufive and another not *. It is, therefore, furprifing, that any man fhould pretend to be learned in any fcience, who does not fo much as know what fcience is. But, in the progrefs from fenfations to fcience, there is a ftep which is neceflary, and has been made by all men before they at- tained to fcience, and that is opinion^ which is not like the conclu- fions of fcience neceffarily true, but may be either true or falfe, as it happens. All men, when they firft begin to think, muft form o- pinions^ particularly concerning what is good or ill in human life. And by far the greater part of mankind, as they never attain to fcience, have only opinions by which they are governed. And, therefore, when Polybius has faid, that man is Zuov ^o^oToinTiKov^ that is an opinion-forming animal, he has given a very good defini- tion • See the paflage above quoted from the preface to third volume of this work. See alfo vol. I. book V. chap. IV. where the nature of the fjllogifm and its ufefulnefs are explained at great length. See alfo vol. VI. of Origin of Language, p. 47. and follow. ing. ^8o ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book I. tion of a great plurality of the human fpecies, but not fo good a de- finition as Ariftotle has given, which takes in the whole Ipecies, and marks the progrefs of Man, from the mere fenfitive animal to the per- fe£tion of his nature by intellect and fcience, of which progrefs Polybius in his definition has only mentioned one ftep. "But as opinions are fo prevalent among men, and govern the lives of fo great a majority of them, it was fit that Ariftotle fhould teach us, in this great logical work of his, not only how to argue, from felf- evident propoficions, and fo demonftrate, but alfo how to aro-ue from the common opinions of men, and in that way perfuade men, who do not fo much as know what demonftration is. And here we may admire the admirable order and economy of this great work. Fir ft he begins with fimple terms, arranged and divided into ten clafles ; And this is the fubjed of his firft book upon logic, entitled Categories. In the fecond book, entitled vt^i Uof^m'oi'Si or Of Interpretation^ he proceeds to treat of propofitions, which he has divided in the wonderful manner above mentioned. His third logical work is entitled the Firjl Analytics^ in which he treats of the form of the fyllogifm, and fhows us how the propofi- tions are to be arranged and conneded together, fo that the con- clufion muft neceflarily follow from the premifles. But that is not demonftration, becaufe the premifles may be falfe; and then the con- clufion will be falfe alfo. But, in his Second Analytics^ he proceeds to (how, how not only the form of the fyllogifm may be regular, but the conclufion of it made true and certain. And, in this way, he ac- compllfties what he profefles to be the defign of the whole work*; name- ly to (how us what fcience and demonftration is. And he concludes this magnum opia, the greateft work of fcience that ever was execut- ed with the work above mentioned, upon Popular Argumentation, or reafoning • -In the bcrginning of his Firft Analytics. Chap^VII. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 8i reafoning from opinions, which he entitles Dialeflic *, to which he fubjoins a treacife, De Sopki/licis Eknchis, where he fliows how the captious arguments of the fophifts of thofe times were to be refuted. And thus he concludes his Logical Work, confiding of fix trea- tifes, in which he has fhown us not only what Science is, but what Art is ; for nothing deferves the name of art, which is not founded upon principles of fcience: So that, in this work, we have explained to us the principles of all arts and fciences. And, now I think I have fully explained Ariftotle's definition of Man, by (howing not only what it is that he makes the genus of this definition, namely, a Logical Animal^ but alfo by fhowing the progrefs from that logical or comparative faculty, which Man has in common with the better kind of brutes, to the operation of intelledl in forming ideas, and then his progrefs from ideas to fcience, where his progrefs in this life ends. If all this can be better done or done at all, upon other principles than thofe which the antient philofophy furnifhes, I (hall acknowledge that Mr Harris and I have beftowed cur time to very little puipofe upon the ftudy of that philofophy. But if, on the other hand, that cannot be done, the greateft admirers of the modern philofophy muft confefs, that, without the affiftance of the Ancients, we cannot fo much as tell what fort of animal we our- felves are : And if we do not know what man is, it is impoflible, as 1 have elfewhere obferved, that we can know any thing of God or fuperior intelligences "f. Vol. IV. L CHAP. * See Vol. VI. of the Origin of Language, Book I. Chap. III. in which I have treated very fully of the Diakaic of Ariftotle, and fhown that he has the honour of the invention of that art. ■}■ Page 7, and 8. of this volume. 82 ANTIENTMETAPHYSICS. Book T; CHAP. VIII. Of the necejfity of arts and offcitnces and a regular polity among Men, — Without thefe^ men cannot be happy though ajfociated; and in cer- tain circumjlanccs may be mojl iniferable,— This proved by the ex- ample of the people of Paraguay in South America, — Of the tivo Authors, Charlevoix and Mur atari, ivhogive us the hijlory of this people. — The loft may be thought the more credible hifiorian \ but Charlevoix s. Narrative vo ell vouched. — The country of Paraguay of prodigious extent. — The inhabitants of it living under no go- vernment, not even the family government, except in time of ivar ; — the mojl favage and brutal people ive read of; — no faith or honefly among them, nor fenfe of the Pulchrum and Honeftum ; — addi^ed to the ufe of Jlrong liquors, ivhich made them fill more barbarous ; — very dull and fupid ivhen the Jefiiits came among them, but capable of being taught ; — itiore difeafed than any civ ilifed people. — This accounted for. — Example of other men ivho have lived in a brutifJj manner, but not fo brutifh as the Paraguaife before they ivere civilifed. — Of the hardfhips and dangers the fefuits ix^ent through in civilifing them. — Had the great efl difficulty to get at fever al of thefe nations, through defartj andforefs. — Had their languages to learn ; — and the'w Sorcerers and Magicians to encounter. — Their greatefi obflacle ivas their ap- prehenfon of the Spaniards making Slaves of them vnhen they nvere Cbnjlians. — Of the martyrdom the Jefuits fuffered, to the number of T^o, — Of the oppofition they met vuith from the Spanifh noblemen •who governed the coinmanderies. — Notxvithflanding all thefe obfla- cles, the jefuits in the beginning of this century had efablifJoed 30 Mtffions. — The greatefi order and good government in all thofe miffions. — The Jefuits did not chufe that the nwnber in any of their mifjions Chap. VIII. A N T I E N T METAPHYSICS. 8^ jiiijftons /honld exceed 6.000, as they thought great numbers could vot be ivell governed ; — ivere very attentive to the education of the youth, teaching them all the ufejul arts of life. — Nothing the Sa- vages learnt Jo ivell as mufic ; — learned the life of arms, and per" Jormed great aclions both againjl the Indiant and Portuguefe ;^- not dejerted by the J'lfuits when in the field. Oppofition ^iven to the arming them ivith fire arms, — Of the divifton of property a- viong them. — Ao money allonved among them. — JVere made mol zealous Chrifiians. — Became Apoflles themflves, and fnjered mar- tyrdom.— An account of their happy fate, given in a letter by the Governor of Paraguay to the King. — The love they bore to their teachers, and their teachers to them. — Of the methods by ivhich the reformation ivas brought about. — ift, By Religion : — The In- dians tamed and civili/ed by the jefuits, in the fime manner as the Greeks voere by Orpheus. — 2dly, By Muftc, in the ivay that Am- phion civil fed the Greeks : — The jefuits may alfo be compared to Prometheus. — 3:10, By Government the Indians ivere civilifed. — Without government Man an imperfed animal. — Obfervations 2ipon the Men of Paraguay in their ivild fiate. — The flate of civilifation and government abfolutely neceffary to make men live in an orderly ivay. — The Paraguaife iv anting thefe, and having the ufe of firong liquors, the ivildefi people that ive have ever heard of — No fenfe in them of the Pulchrum and Honeftum, ivhich cannot be^ but ivhere there is government. — Of the difeafes to ivhich they are liable ; and the reafons ivhy they are fo much difeafed. Of the difference betivixt them and the inhabitants of the Peleiv-Iflands, and the New Zealanders. — Of the methods ufed by the Jefuits to civilife them ; and firfl Religion. — This natural to man. — All men ivho have the leaf ufe of reafon, mufl be con- 'vinced that beings fuperior to man exifi : — Thefe beings they ivill obey.— It ivas not by teaching only that the Jefuits made Chrifiians of the Indians, but by a ivorfhip of pomp and /Jjoiv. — Of their pro- cefjions and triumphal Arches. — A particular defcription of them. • L 2 Mific, 84 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book I. Mufic^ a great part of the Religion, to nvhich the Indians 'were converted.— Of the natural power of Mufic over man ; ivithout it the Savages of Paraguay could not have been converted. — The lafi method the Jefuits ufed, -was the eflablifhment of a good Go^ vernment among them.— This -was a Religious Government.— The hefl Government in Antient times., fuch as the Hetoic Government in Greece, was conneBed with Religion.— The fiory of the civilifa-^ tion of thefe Savages, a renewal of the Hiflory of Jntient times, —To be confidercd, whether Religion be not as neceffary for con- tinning good Government among men, as for introducing it.— Of the difperfwn of the Jefuits ;—a great blow to learning ;— compared to the difperfwn of the Pythagorean Colleges in Magna Graecia, Of the noviciate of 15 years, the Jefuits went through before they were admitted into the order ; — were not only taught them- f elves, but teached others ; — afier they were admitted, they were difpofed of by thefuperior of the order according to their different geniufes. — Not known what is become of the Miffions in Paraguay after the diffolution of the order of Jefuits. — Their parting with their Difciples mofl forroxvful. — If they had not chofen to leave them, the power of Spain could not have forced them. — Might ■ have eflablifhed many more Mifftons, — and made a new Empire^ and a new World of Learning in that Country. HAVING explained In the preceding chapters the operations of the Human Intelledl:, firft in forming ideas, and then of thefe ideas, arts, and faiences, the reader would naturally exped that, in this Hiftory of Man, I fhould proceed to fhow in what country or countries thefe arts and fciences had a beginning, and where firft a regular polity was formed, without which no progrefs could be made in them. But, before I proceed to this moft important part of the Hiftory of Man, I think it will not be improper to fhow the necefllty of thefe inventions, and that without them men, though alTociated, Chap. Vill. AN TIENT METAPHYSICS. 85 affociated, cannot be happy in any clrcumflances or fituation ; bur, in certain circumftances, may be moft miferable, and at the fame time the wildeft and moft lavage animal on this earth. This I will fhow, by the example of a people in South America, known by the name of Paraguaife ; from whofe hiftory we may alfo learn this moft important leffon, how men are to be recovered from fo defperate a.- ftate, and arts and civility introduced among them. It is an event, the moft remarkable, I think, in modern hiftory ; and we have an account of it from two authors, firft Charlevoix the Jefuit, who has given a very full and circumftantial account of it in three quarto volumes ; and then Muratori^ who has given us a (hort, but very diftin(£l account of the civilifing, or as it may be called^ the humanifing of thofe favages. His hiftory I confider as an ex- cellent abridgment of Charlevoix, though it was publiflied feveral years before Charlevoix's work; and by many he will be thought an author more worthy of credit, as he was no Jefuit, wheieas Charlevoix, as I have faid, was a Jefuit, and on that account may be thought partial to his brethern of that order, who were the prin- cipal adors in this great work of making men and chriftians of the moft favage people that I believe ever exifted. But, he has fup- ported the truth of his hiftory by co[)ies of original ;vriting3, which he has fubjoined to his 2d and 3d volumes, under the name of Fie- ces yujiijicati'ues ; nor do I think that there is any good reafon to doubt of any of the fads he relates, unlefs, perhaps, the miracles, which he fays were wrought for the converfion of the favages, and which, whether true or falfe, it was proper they ftiould believe^ The country of Paraguay, as defcribed by Charlevoix, is of prodJf gious extent ; ftretching all the way from the lake Xarcies^ where the river Paraguay rifes, (which gives its name to the people), along that river, and as far fouth as the Straits of Magellan, and bop.nded by Brazil 8.6 A N T I E N T M E T A P H Y S I G S. Book I. Brazil upon the eaft, and upon the weft by Peru and Chili *. It is inhabited by a great number of fmall nations : For, into fuch, men at firft aflbciated ; and it was only in procefs of time that great na- tions were formed. All thefe nations were in a ftate of the greatcft barbarity when the Jefuits came among them, excepting only the Manaficas, who, from the account which Charlevoix gives of themf, appear to have had fome civility and government among them : But all the reft of them had no kind of government at all, not even family government. They lived in the Cyclopian way, in detached families, but of which the father had no authority over his children, who had fuch abhorrence of all conftraint or obedience to fuperiors, that they had no regard to the commands of either father or mo- ther. Thefe families, however, when they went to war with any of their neighbours, affociateu together, under a chief who was cal- led a Cacique, but who had no authority except while the war laft-" ed %. None of them pradifed any kind of agriculture ; and all of them lived chiefly by hunting and the flefh diet, of which they were fo ravenous, that they ate of it as often as they could find it, as tygers and lions do : So that, as Muratori tells us, it was with the greateft difficulty, that their inftrudors, the Jefuits, could perfuade them to make regular meals fuch as Europeans make. They were Canibals too, and the worft of that kind we have ever heard of. The New Zcalanders eat only their enemies, as the Indians of North A- merica formerly did, and as fome of them, far removed from any commerce vvith the Europeans, do at this day ; but the Savages of Pa- raguay ate their countrymen and friends, when they could furprifc and catch them. In fhort, men were their prey as much as the beafts of the field are ours § ; and human flefti being, as I have ob- ferved, * Charlevoix's Hiftory of Paraguay, vol. I. p. 7. -}■ Ibid. vol. II, p. 274. ■^ Ibid. vol. I p. 191, and 192= § Muratori, p. 26. Chap. VIII. A N T I E N T iM E T A P H Y S I C S. g; ferved*, very delicious, they appear to have preferred it to all other ; and Charlevoix mentions a Cacique who made it his ordinary diet 1". And not only did they eat men when they could get them, but they ate other animals of prey, fuch as tygers $, which no other animal of prey does. Monkies too they ate; and fuch was their paflion for animal food, that they ate worms, moles, vipers, and reptiles of e- very kind §. There was no faith nor honefty in them, nor had they any fenfe of the Pulchrum and Honefium in actions or fenti- ments, which, as Polybius has very well obferved, only comes after men are civilifed, and live under a regular governmen:. Their barbarous difpofitions were inflamed and made much more brutal by the ufe of a fermented liquor, which they made of rice, and called chica. For they were fo unhappy, that though they had not learned the common arts of life, they had invented, or what I rather believe to be the truth, had learned from the Spaniards the art of making this intoxicating liquor ; of which they drank to fuch ex- cefs, that, in their drunkennefs, they did things which Charlevoix doe? not chufe to mentioa. As to their genius and natural parts, Charlevoix tell us, that when the Jefuits came among them they were quite dull, and unable to comprehend any thing that they could not perceive by their fenfes ; fo that the Jefuits were in doubt, whether they ought to admit them to the participation of any facrament, except that of baptifm, and confulted their fuperiors the Bifhops upon the fubject : But they were foon -convinced that they had the capacity, when properly taught, of learning any thing \. I * Page 62. of this volume, "t Charlevoix, vol. I. p. 365. X Ibid. p. 387. S Ibid. I Ibid. p. 240. and 241. 88 A N T I E N T r^I E T A P H Y S I C S. Boole L I will mention only one thing more concerning thefe nations : It is what may appear very furprifmg at firft fight to thofe of my rea- ders wha have been informed, and truly informed, that barbarous •nations are much more healthy than the clvillfed, whereas the na- tions of Paraguay are more difeafed than any civHtfed people we read of. For, according to the account Charlevoix gives of them, they are liable to more peftilentlal and epidemic difeafes than any other people upon the face of the earth, and not only grown peo- ple among them die of thofe difeafes, but there is a great mortality among their children ; fo great, that their forcerers and magicians imputed it to the baptifm which the Jefuits adminiftered to them. But when we confider what I have faid of their manner of living, devouring fo much fleih, and drinking fo much of intoxicating li- quor, it is rather furprlfing that they are not more depopulated or altogether extinguished. Upon the whole, though we read of many nations, wlio In an- tient times lived in a brutifla manner, copulating promifcuoufly, e- ven fuch nations as in later times became moft learned and polite, fuch as the Athenians, among whom Cecrops firft inftituted mar- riage, from whence he had the name of ht(pv>;?, yet there is no ex- ample in antieni or modern hiftory of men fo extremely barbarous, fo wicked, and fo much worfe than any brutes, as the inhabitants of Paraguay were, before they were tamed and humanifed by the Jefuits. Thefe fathers began their operations among them about the be- ginning of laft century ; and fuffered hardfhips, and encountered dangers, in the profecutlon of their defign to civilife and make chrif- tlans of them, fuch as could not be credited, if they were not very well Chap. Vill. A N T I E N T M E T A P H Y S I C S. S9 well attefted. In the firft place, they had the greateft difficulty to get accefs to feme of thefe nations, which never had been conquered by the Spainards, and were hardly known to them. For this pur- pofe, they were obliged to travel through pathlefs deferts for hun- dreds of miles, and to cut their way with axes through forefts other- wife unpenetrable even by foot pafTengers. And, when they came among them, they iiad their language to learn, which was very dif- ferent in the different nations. Then they had their Sorcerers and Magicians to encounter, v. ho would very naturally oppofe fuch an innovation in the religion of the country, as the Jefuits propofed to make. But their greateft obftacle of all was the hatred of thofe nations to the Spainards, who had made flaves of {q many of them, after converting them to chriftianity, and who they fuppofed in- tended to make flaves of them all when they were converted. It was this chiefly which raifed the fpirit of the people againft them, who, headed by their Caciques, perfecuted the Jefuits wherever they could find them, and beftowed upon many of them, to the number of a- bove 30, as Muratori fays, (more than a third I believe of all thofe who were employed in thofe miffionsj, the crown of martyrdom, which they appeared to defire rather than to fhun; and one of them, mentioned by Charlevoix, of the name of Lizardi, was in a tranfport of joy upon the hopes he had of ending his life in that way, and which accordingly happened *. A greater obftacle I believe to the fuccefs of the Jefuits than any I have mentioned, was the oppofition of the Spanifti Noblemen, who governed in South America certain diftricts called Commande- ries, in which they made thofe Indians, converted to chriftianity, ferve them as flaves : Whereas the Jefuits made all thofe of their miflions, or Redudions as they called them, free men as well as chriftlans, knowing fo much of the difpofition of t"he Indians, that if they were Vol. IV. M to • Charlevoix, vol. Ill, p. i68. 90 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book I. to purchafe chriftianlty at the expence of their liberty, they never could make any confiderable number of converts. Thefe Noble- men not only made all the intereft they could againft them at the Court of Madrid, but ftirred up againft them the Spanifli Bifhops in South America; by one of vphom, and the mob he raifed againft them, they were driven out of the town of Afcenfion, the capital of Paraguay. But notwithftanding the perfecutlons of Infidels, and the lofs there- by of fo many of their number, and notwithftanding the oppofi- tion of avaricious and interefted chriftians, the Jefuits were fo fuc- cefsful, that they had eftablifhed in Paraguay, and the neighbour- ing countries, in the beginning of this century, 30 Reductions, con- taining each between 4000 and 6000 people. But neither Murato- ri, who publifhed his work in 1743, nor Charlevoix who publiftied in 1756, tell us how many there were when they wrote. But there is one, Florentine, a Capuchine quoted by Muratori*, who fays that, in 171 2, when he wrote, there were above 100 towns built, all Inhabited by chriftians ; by which I do not underftand that they were all miffions of the Jefuits, but towns inhabited, partly by Spainards, and partly by converted Indians. The order and good government eftablifhed by the Jefuits, in thofe miflions, was wonderful as it is defcrlbed by Charlevoix. The fathers had the diredion and fuperintendency of the whole : But they had officers under them, who took care that all their orders were pundually executed ; fo that I do not believe there ever was a private family more regularly governed than thefe little ftates. For they did not chufe that their miffions fliould confift of great num- bers, or of any number exceeding 6000 : And in that they imitat- ed • Page 289. Qiap. VIII. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 91 ed the wifdom of the antient phllofophers, particularly Arlftotle, who did not think it was pofTible to govern well any very great community ; and, therefore, he limited the number of the citizens in his commonwealth to the number, as I remember, of 10,000. They beftowed the greateft pains on the education of their Neo- phytes, as they called the new converted chriftians, inftru£ling them, with the greateft care, in all the ufeful arts of life ; and particular- ly agriculture, which they learned from the Jefuits themfelves, who taught them the ufe of the plough and fpade, to fow and to reap, working themfelves with them *. They had {hops and work houfes where they were taught the mechanic arts, fuch as the arts of carpen- ters, fmiths and even painters, of fculptors and guilders and likewife of clock-makers: And the children were applied to thofe different trades, according as their genius and inclination feemed to dire<£l:; for, as Charlevoix has obferved, art ought to be direded by nature f. They had fchools alfo where they were taught reading and writing, and alfo arithmetic, which went no farther among them, while in their favage ftate, than to count as far as tiventy, the number of their fingers and toes. They taught them alfo, the art of building, fo that they not only built churches for themfelves, but ornamented them in very good tafte with paintings and engravings %. The women alfo were taught all the arts proper for their fex, fuch as fpinning and weaving §. In all thefe arts, according to the accounts of which Charlevoix and Muratori have given us, they made great proficiency ; but in none, I think fo much, as in mufic ; for which they fhowed fuch M 2 a * Charlevoix, vol. I. p. 242. t Ibid. X Ibid. $ Ibid. p. 243. 92 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book L a wonderful genius, that, as Charlevoix fays, one fliould think, they fung like birds^ by inftin£l* ; which confirms an obfervation I have made in more than one place, that mufic is much more natural to man than articulation, which is very difficuk to be learned, and can hardly be learned at all, except when we are very young. Nor were the fathers content to teach thofe Savages the arts of civil life ; but they made foldiers of them, and the beft militia ia that part of the world : For they were not only a match for the In- dians, and particularly a barbarous nation among them they called Mamelus, who infefted the Spanidi dominions very much, but evea for the regular difciplined troops of the Portuguefe, whom they de- feated more than once. And when they made prifoners of them> they treated them with great humanity; particularly upon one oc- cafion, when the provifions failed them in a long march, they divid- ed what they had with their Portuguefe prifoners, gave them mules to carry them to the neareft of their Reduclions, and guides to ihow them the wayf. The feveral Redudlons furnifhed, upon one oc- cafion, 6000 men, when the Spainards could only furnilli 800 J i And, upon another occafion, 4000 of them, with only 300 Spain- ards, took by affault a very flrong place belonging to the Portuguefe, and very obftinately defended by them^. And all this fervice they performed to the King of Spain, at their own expence, receiving no pay, and furnifliing their own arms and provifions 1|. And, up- on one occafion, they refufed the reward that was offered them by the Spanilh general for their good fervices %. Nor • Charlevoix, vol. I. p. 257. f vol. II. p. 187. X vol. III. p. 73. § vol. II. p. 194. — 199. II Ibid. p. 199. 11 Ibid. p. 2<5l. Chap. VIII. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 93 Nor did tlieir faithful paflors defert them when they took the field, but attended them even in their battles; and when any of them fell, they went to them expofing themfelves to the greateft danger from the fire of the enemy, in order to give them all the comfort they could while they were dying *. But even in forming this militia, without which, I am perfuaded, the Spainards in that part of the world muft have been conquered by the Portiiguefe or Indians, they met with great oppofuion from their enemies both in the Court of Madrid and in India, and it was with great difficulty that they obtained the permiflion of giving the ufe of fire arms to their Neophytes, without which they could have been of little fervice. As to property In their little ftate?, there was not an entire com- munity of goods in them, nor was it all private property ; but the Jefuits followed a middle way which I think better than ei- ther. Every man had a portion of ground allotted him, which he cultivated for himfelf: But there was a great track of ground fee apart for the public, which was cultivated by the whole com- munity, and the fruits given to every man who needed it ; fo that they enjoyed the great bleffing, that Agur prayed for, of neither po- verty nor riches. As to riches, thefe Jefuit legiflators adopted a moft valuable part of the policy of Lycurgus, who forebade the ufe of money among his citizens. Commerce, therefore, in the miffions, was carried on in the moft antient and I believe bed way, by exchange. While the Neophytes were thus employed in the arts both of peace and war, religion was not negledled among them ; but, on the con- tr-ry, • Vol. II. p. 286, 94 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book I. trary, they were mod afliuLious and punctual in the dlfcharge of all their duties as chriftians ; nor do I believe that in the prefent age there are or have been, in any country, more zealous and fervent difciples of Chrift. They became at laft apoftles themfelves, and laboured much in the converfion of their barbarous neighbours; fome of them, Charlevoix tells us, in that fervice fuffered even martyr- dom *. In fhort the people, who were colleded by the Jefults in thofe miflions, were entirely changed, and, from the wildeft of all barba- rians of whom we read, were become tame, gentle, orderly and re- gular in their life and condudt, and pradifing every virtue belong- ing to human nature. This is attefted in a letter written by the go- vernor of Paraguay to the King of Spain, of which Charlevoix has (riven us the contents ti wherein he fays, ' That he had vifited all the * redudlions in his province ; and that he found them all in a ftate, * which could not be believed by any who had not feen it with his ' own eyes : That nothing could be added to the policy and good * order in which they lived, to the innocence of their manners, and ' the piety and union among them : That the tender affection and re- ' fped, which they fliowed for their paftors, could not be exprefled ; ' and that every one of them was difpofed to facrifice with pleafure ' his life, and all that he pofleffed in the world, for the fervice of * God and his Majefty'. To this account of them I will only add, that as the greateft pleafure we enjoy in this life, is to love and to be loved, the Indians of thofe miffions enjoyed that pleafure in a very high degree, loving, as they did, their governors, and being fo much beloved by them, a ching which very rarely happens. And when to that we join their religion, the excellent government they li-ved under, the vices of which they were cured, particularly their chief * Vol. II. p. 264. ■ Vol. II, p. 261, Chap. VIII. A N T I E N T M E T A P H y S I C S. gs chief vice, drunkennefs *, and the arts of life which they had learn- ed from their governors, I think we may pronounce with great aflurance that they were as happy as any people that ever exilled, while they continued under the government of the Jefuits. We are now to inquire how fo wonderful a change was wrought upon thofe barbarians : And this is an inquiry which belongs, as much or more than any other, to the hiftory of man ; for it is in- quiring how man, from a ftate more wild and favage than that of any brute, came to be a mild and gentle animal, and in a ftate which fitted him for the acquifition of arts and fciences, by which only our nature, in this ftate of our exiftence, can be brought to any degree of perfedion. And I fay that it was firft by religion, the great tamer and civilifer of men, without which 1 hold that no nation ever was or ever can be civilifed. The Jefuits there, were, among thofe Indians, what Orpheus was among the Greeks, of whon^ Horace fays, Sylveftres homines facer Interprefque Deorutn Csedibus et vidu foedo deterruit Orpheus f. where by the words aedlbus et viclu fodoy it is evident Horace meant that the Greeks then killed and ate their fellow creatures, as the In- dians of South America did before they were tamed and humanifed by their Miflionaries, and as the Indians of North America, I believe, at once did, and fome, far to the weft and beyond the Apulachian mountains, do at this daylj;. And, 2dly, By mufic, for which men have a natural and inftindtive love, and organs which eafily adapt themfelves to the performance of it. And particularly this was the cafe * Vol. I. p. 256. \ De Arte Poetica, v. 391. :j: Origin and Progrefs of Language, vol. I. p. 227. in the note. 96 A NTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book I. cafe of the Indians of the miffions. Charlevoix tells us, that when the Jefuits were failing upon the rivers, and for their own enter- tainment finging facred hymns, numbers of Indians flocked to hear them ; and the Jefuits, by explaining to them the fubjedl of thofe hymns, made converts of many of them f. Nor do I believe that any thing contributed more to the advancement of religion in their miflions, than the choirs which, Charlevoix fays, they had in all their churches J. And here the Miflionaries maybe faid to have aded among the Indians the part which Amphion aded among the Greeks, as Horace tells us, Dlftus et Amphion, Thebanas conditor arcis, Saxa tnovcre fono teftudinis, et prece blanda Ducere quo velkt Vv'here the uncivilifed Greeks, at that time as dull and ftui)id as the Jefuits found the Indians when they came among them §, are not unfitly imaged by Stones. Thofe MiflTionaries may likewife, in the allegorical and poetical ftile, properly enough be faid to be Prorne- iheufest who made men ; for the Indians, before they were civilif- ed by them, were wild beafts, and the worft of wild beafts, who did not defcrve the name of men. The laft method, I fhall mention, ufed to tame thofe Savages, was to edablifti a polity and regular form of government among them. For, as man is intended, by God and nature, to live in civil fociety, which cannot be without government, it is evident tha^, if he be not governed, he is an imperfed animal who cannot anfwer the purpofe for which he is in this world. The Indians therefore of the miflions were formed into regular governments, had property \ Vol. I. p 241. — 242. % Ibid. § Ibid. p. 240, Chap. Vlir. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 97 property afligned to them, without which no ftate or community can fubfift, and were taught arts by which that property was to be made ufeful. From what I have faid of the Indians in their wild flate, and the methods that were ufed to civiUfe them, the following obfervationa naturally arife. In ihefrjl place, it may be obferved, that though men may be af^ fociated and live together, yet, if there be not government among them, not even the family government, fo that every man does ivhat feemeth- good in his oivn ejes, (the defcription which our fcripture gives us of the worft ftate that I think men can be in), it is impoffible, by the nature of things, but that in fuch a fociety there muft be the greateft diforder. And when to that diforder is added the intem- perate ufe of ftrong liquors, by which the diforderly paffions of fuch men muft be very much inflamed : — And when to all this is added the flefh diet, carried to fuch excefs as to make men devour every thing of the animal life that comes within their reach, even their own fpecies, the moft unnatural of all food, and fuch as no land animal except man ufes, the diforders in fuch a fociety muft go to fuch an excefs, as to make man a wild beaft, and vvorfe than any other wild beaft which does not feed upon his own fpecies. In fuch a fociery there can be no fenfe of the Pulchrum and Honcf- ttini, which is the foundation of all virtue among men, and of eve- ry generous and noble fentiment. Of this, it is obferved by Diodo- rus Siculus and other writers, that nations living in the brutal ftate, though not in a ftate fo brutal as that of the wild Indians, are in- tirely void. And Polybius has very well obferved, tiiat this fenfe comes to men only when government is eftablilhed among them : For, though it be as natural to man as intellect and fcience, yet he has, in the firft ftages of his progreflion, only the capacity of acquiring it as Vol. IV. N well 9'3 A N T I E N T M E 1^ A P H Y S I C S. Book L well as liitelled and fcience ; fo that, like thefe, it lyes latent in him till it be produced by certain circumftances and fituations of life. It is from their moft intemperate and unnatural fle(h diet, without any mixture of vegetables, as we ufe It, and joined with their drunkennefs, that thefe barbarous Indians are more difeafed than any other barbarians we hear of: For even the common flefh eliet, though ufed with moderation and without flrong liquors, not being natural to man, produces difeafes, and fhortens life, as is evi- dent from the long lives of the Antedeluvian Patriarchs, who ate no fleih, and 1 think is evident from our own experience of men, who, having loft their health by intemperance, the flelh diet and the ufe of flrong liquors, have recovered it by the vegetable diet and drink- ino- water. Now, what will recover health when loft, will much more preferve it before it be loft. With refpedl to the difeafes of thefe Indians, I will only further obferve, that nothing endeared their Mif- fionaries more to them, than their attendance upon them when they were dying, and their adminiftering all the rites of their Church to give them comfort, and eafe of mind, in their laft moments.— And thus 1 think I have accounted for the favage difpofitions of the Indians before they were tamed by^the Jefuits, and for their want of health. What I have faid here, of the brutality and mifery of thofe In- dians, may appear contradi£tory to the account I have given of the inhabitants of the Pelew Iflands and the New Zealanders * : But it fliould be confidered, that the men of the Pelew Iflands do not live by hunting, as thofe Indians do, but upon the fruits of the earth, and what fiHi they can catch, eating no flefh, except that of fome birds which they may happen to kill, and having no ufe of ftrong liquors ; and they have a very regular and orderly government, as I have fhown t* And, as to the New Zealanders, they have no four footed beafts in their Ifland; therefore they are not hunters, and fo do not live upon flefh, but upon vegetables, particularly the roots • Page $6. t Ibid. Chap. VIII. A N T I E N T M E T A P H Y S I C S. 99 roots of the fern and what fifh they can catch ; and have no ufe at ail of ftrong liquors. And it appears that they have a regular government, and pra£lice an art, of which there could be no ufe except in a regular and a free government, I mean the Rhetorical Art *. How different the charader and manners of thefe two na- tions muft be from thofe of the wild Indians, is evident at firfl fight. And the truth appears to be, that, as I have elfewhere ob- ferved f, man, while he is yet a mere animal with only the capacity of being a rational creature, is not a focial, and much lefs a political, animal ; for, as Marcus Antoninus has very vi'ell obferved in his Meditations, be is Political becaufe he is Rational J. We are not therefore to wonder that the Indians of Paraguay, living without arts or civility, and feeding only upon flefli, and even the flefh of their own fpecies, and having their paffions inflamed by the mod intemperate ufe of ftrong liquors, l"hould be fo favage and wild a people as they are defcribed by the Jefuits. I will now proceed to make fomc refledions upon the methods that were ufed to recover the Paraguaife from fo barbarous a ftate. The firft method 1 mentioned was Religion, without which, as I have faid, no nation ever was clviliied. For, the belief of a power fuperior to man, I hold to be abfolutely neccflary, when men have come to think at all, or to have any ufe of reafon ; nor do I be- lieve, that there either is or ever was any aflemblage of men, deferv- ing the name of a nation, that did not believe that there are pow- ers that govern in this world, infinitely fuperior to man. This no man, who thinks and obferves what palTes around him, can doubt of. Upon fuch powers he will fuppofe that his happinefs or mife- ry muft depend ; and he will naturally believe them to be moved, as he himfelf is, by fupplications and intreaties ; and that they will N a favour • Origin of Language, vol. VI. p. 4. t Page 62. of this Volume. % E»-Ti T» ^«Y(ii«r, tvlvf %mi To^iTtJcsF, Meditat, Lib. tO. i-oo AN T TEN T METAPHYSICS. Book I. favour tliofe who apply to them in that way, and who do what is agreeable to them, but on the contrary, will puniQi thofe who ne- gled them, and acb contrary to their will. Whatever, therefore, is recommended to them, as the command of thofe fuperior powers, will be readily obeyed. And, thus it appears, that religion is found- -ed in the nature of man ; and that it is impoflible to conceive any number of men colleded together, having the leaft ufe of reafon, though they do not employ it otherwifc than in procuring the necef- faries of life, without fuppofing that they have fome idea of fupe- rior powers, by whom they are to be affifted or hindered in procur- ing thofe neceffaries of life. And, accordingly, in all the barbarous nations of which we have heard, there were men who pretended to ■have a communication with thofe fuperior powers, and to predid to their countrymen events which were to happen, and upon which their good and ill fortune depended. Such there were even a- mong thofe barbarous Indians, and who, therefore, were their in- ftrudors and diredors in all their affairs. Among thefe men the Tefuits Introduced Chriftianity. But it was not by teaching only, or reafoning with them, that they made them Chriftians. But they applied to their fenfes, by which Savages are much more governed than by reafon ; and captivated them by a woifhip of pomp and Ihbw, feftivals and proceflions *, with many ceremonies," which may appear to many to be mere fuperftition, but with which the (Aitholic Religion, as is v^ell known, abounds. One * * The procefiion of the Holy Sacrament pafTes under a triumphal arch, compofed f of branches of trees adorned with flowers, and with birds of different kinds and co- • lours attached tonhe branches by very long firings, fo that they feem to be altogetlwr •■ at iheir liberty ; and by their notes, mixed with the mufic of the proceffion, make a « moft agreeable melody.' This, fays Charlevoix, (vol. I. p. 258. and 269.) is a beauty of fimple nature ; and, for my part, the iiglit of fuch an arch fo adorned, would have pleal'ed ms more than any arch which archltetSlure could ereiftj and the niufic of fuch a proceffion I likewife believe would have pleafed me more than any concert I ever iieard. Chap. VIII. AN TIENT METAPHYSICS. loi One of the greateft allurements of thefe Savages, and which made multitudes of them follow the Miflionaries, was, as I have obferved, mufjc, and mufic fuch as the Church mufic among the Roman Ca- tholics is, tending to infpire devout and religious fentiraents. How great the power of muiic is, and how congenial to the nature of man, is well known to the philoibpher, and indeed is a matter of common obfervation and experience. By mufic, the manners may be formed of young men, even of children, who are incapable of being inftruQed by teaching or reafoning ; and, accordingly, it was v^ry much employed by antient wifdom in the education of youth. And if it had not been employed in taming thefe Savage Indians, and fubduing their violent paffions, inflamed, as I have faid, by their moft unnatural diet and manner of life, I do not believe that they ever could have made Chriftians or even Men of them. The laft method ufed by the Miflionaries for humanifing thofe brutal Savages, was to eftabllfh a good government among them. If it had been a popular government, it would have done them no good ; but, on the contrary, would have been produdive of much diforder. But it was a religious government ; for the Miflionaries were their governors : And it was adminiftred by officers of their no- mination ; and it may be obferved, that the firft governments in all countries were more or lefs conneded with the religion of the coun- try. The government of Egypt, the moft antient, and, I think, the beft government v/e read of, was a government by Priefts ; and the Jewifh government was much of the fame kind. The firft government of the Greeks was by their Heroic Kings, that iSj Kings who were fuppofed to be defcended of their Gods. And here I conclude what I have to fay of this remarkable event in Paraguay, which may be faid to be a renewal of antient limes, and to have verified, by recent fads, the truth of what we are told, under I02 A N T I E N T M E T A P H Y S I C S. Book L under the difgulfe of fable, of Orpheus and Aniphion having civi- lifed the Greeks by rehgion and mufic ; but which, I beheve, to be as much a truth as the Jefuits having civilifed, in that way, the people of Paraguay : And I would have our philofophers confider, whether religion be not as neceflary for continuing good government among men, as for introducing it at firft ; or, whether our Scotch philofopher, Mr David Hume, be in the right, who has informed us, that the lefs religion there is in a nation fo much the better. The order of the Jefuits, who wrought thofe wonders in Para- guay, is now no more. I was in France when the perfecution of them began there ; and I had an opportunity of being pretty well informed how it was brought about : But to fpeak of this is fo- reign to our prefent purpofe : I will only fay, what is very well known, and is acknowledged even by their enemies, that they were the mod learned body of men in Europe; nor do I think, that there has been, at any time in Europe, fince the Colleges of Philo- fophers which were inftituted by Pythagoras in Magna Graecia, a more (deCt body of men ; And I hold the difperfion of the Jefuits to be one of the greateft blows that learning and philofophy have got, fince the difperfion of thofe Colleges. The Jefuits, before they could be admitted into the order, went through a novitiate of no lefs than fifteen years, which time they fpent not only in ftudying moft diligently Antient Learning, Antient Philofophy, and Chrifti- an Theology, but alfo in teaching them : For teaching, as well as learning, was part of their education ; and, indeed, there is nothing that perfedls our knowledge more, in any thing we have learned, than teaching it to others ; and it will even make us learned in fome de- gree, when we were ignorant before, according to the common pro- verbial faying, Qui docet indoilos, licet indoftiflimus efTet, Jpfe brevi reliouis doftior elTc oueat. And Chap. V!1I. A N T I E N T METAPHYSICS. loj And after they were admitted into the order, as all men are not hy nature fit for all things, for, Non omnia poflumus omncs, the fuperior of the order took care to be well informed of the natural bent of the genius of tlTofe who entered into the order, and employed them according to their different talents. Some, vvhofe genius feemed to be only for letters, v/ere made ProfefTors in Univetfities, and employed in writing books of learning. Others, who were of a more adive fpirit, and more fitted for the bufinefs of life, were fent to Courts, and employed as the Confeffors of Kings ; and very often by their councils the kingdom was govern- ed : While others of a more daring fpirit, and who {bowed an et: thufiaftic zeal for the propagation of the Gofpel among barbarous nations, and had fortitude enough to fubmit, with refignation, even to martyrdom in that caufe, were fent to North or South America, to the Eaft Indies, or to China ; and, I believe, they have done and fuffered more for the propagation of the Gofpel, than all the men of modern times put together: So that they may fay, Quae regio in terris noftri non plena laboris. What is become of their MifTions, fince they left them, I am very cuiious to know, but have not been able to learn. I have on- ly been told, what I can very well believe, that the parting was moft forrowful, of them and their dear Neophytes ; and that many tears were fhed upon both fides. If they had not chofen to leave them I am confident that the Spainards had no power in South America that could have forced them : And they might have gone on increaf- ing the number of their little dates, and have formed a confederacy a- mong them, not unworthy to be compared to the Achaean league in Greece, which might have been a match for any force that the Spainards could have brought from Old Spain : And I doubt not but that, in procefs of time, they might have made Jefuits of their dif- ciples ; and fo eftablifhed a new world of learning, on the other fide of the Atlantic. BOOK I ©4 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book IL BOOK II. Of the Invention of Arts and Sciences^ CHAP. I. 7 he fubjeSi of this book is the invention of Arts and Sciences^ begin- ning ixjith the Art of Language.-^ Language not natural to Man, but an Jrt. — Men herded, and carried on fome com7)ion bufinefs be^ fore they Spoke. — Language began "with animal cries, varied per- haps by fome articulation, in imitation of certain Birds ; — varied alfo by Mufical Tones. — By fuch a Language no progrefs could have been made in Arts and Sciences. — The Chinefe Language not jit for Arts or Sciences : — Thefe, therefore, among them all, put into hieroglyphical "writing even their laxu bufinefs. — A Language of Art necejfary for the invention of Arts and Sciences. — This the mojl difficult of all Arts. — Proof of this:—Y\r'^ as to articulation, — This performed by the organs of the mouth operating varioujly. — Thefirfl organ of fpeech that appears to have been chiefly ufed, is the throat. — By this guttural founds are produced, fuch as the Orang Outang vfes, the Wild Girl that ivas feen in France, and the Huron in North America. — Articulate founds divided into vowels and confonajits. — The nature of thefe explained. — The voivels feiv in nunibsr, the confoncv.:: maity. — The confonants much more -Chap. I. A N T I E N T M E T A P H Y S I C S. lo^ more difficult in pronunciation than the 'voivels.— Differences from thence accounted for, betivixt the barbarous and civilized LaU' guages. — Another difference betivixt the barbarous and civilized Languages, is the extraordinary length of the ivords of the bar" barous Languages : — This accounted for. — Of the origin of articu- lation.— It could not have been brought to any perfeSlion, but in a country vuhere it ivas fudied and praSiifed as an Art. — Of the progrefs of articulation from monofyllabical ivords to ivords of fe- veral fy liable s. — Of the variety in the fowud of Language by diph- thongs;— and by voix'els and confonants, afpirated and not a/pirated, — Language mujl have been analifed into its elemental founds^ be- fore the found of it could be made fo perfe^. — Of the melody and rhythm of Language. — Of the expreffion of ideas by Language.— Thefe of number infnite ; — but divided into certain clajjes or parts of fpeech. — This divifion correfpondent to the divifion of our ideas ■into Categories. — The number of ivords appear to be infinite •,^— made camprehenfble in our memories, by the three great Arts of Language, Derivation, Compofttion, and Flection. — Of Syntax^ Mnd the neceffity of it. — Conclufion, that Language is the grsatefl of all Arts. — Ohjeclion anfivered, That children learn to fpeak without Art.— Speech, though a mofl common thing, is very ivon- derful : — An acccufit given hoiv it is learned; — offo difficult in-- vention, that it ivould have been a miracle, if Peter the Wild Boy hadfpoken ivhen he ivasfirfi caught, or if the Orang Outang could fpeak. — ObjeSiion anfivered, to the Orang Outang' s being a Man, That he is the only Man, that has been found, ivho could not fpeak, — General obfervations upon the invention of Language. 1 N this book I propofe to treat of the invention of Arts and Soiea- ces, a principal part of the Hiftory of Man, the fiibjed of this part of my work. I will begin with the invention of Language, the parent art, as I have faid, of all arts and fciences *, and with- VoL. IV. O ^ out * Page 70. of this volume. io6 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book IT, out which we muft have ftlll continued an animal, only capable of intelled and fcience. That language is not natural to man, but an invention of art, I think I have proved fufBciently in what I have written upon the Origin of Language * : Or if the reader fhould have any doubt in the matter, I hope it will be removed by what follows in this chapter, where I am to fhow that it is not only an art, but the greateft of all arts, and of the moft difficult invention. That men mud have herded together, before they could have in- vented a language, or indeed any other art, is evident ; for it is only by communication together, in one way or another, that men have made any difcovery in any art or fcience, a folitary Savage being in- capable of inventing any thing of the leaft value. That animals, even fuch as are incapable of intellect and fcience, when they herd together can communicate without language, and can even carry on fome joint work, is alfo evident j for the beavers, who not only have not the ufe of fpeech, but are incapable of acquiring it, can neverthelefs carry on their bufinefs of building and repairing their dams by figns and gedures and inarticulate cries t- And in the fame way the Orang Outang carries on his bufinefs, building huts, arming himfelf with a (lick, and attacking and defending hinifelf againft his enemies :j:. In this kind of fecial intercourfe men continu- ed, I am perfuaded, a very long time, before the)- invented a lan- guage ; which certainly took its rife from animal criei)§, varied per- haps by fome articulation which they may have learned by imita- tion of fuch birds as the Cuckoo or Cochitoo, which they may have heard ; and I am perfuaded that they alio varied it by mufical tones, that is tones differing in gravity and acutenefs ; for though Man • Vol. I. f Vol. III. of this work, p. 53. if Page 27. and following of this volume. J Origin of Language, vol. I. Book III. Chap. IV. Chap. I. ANTIENTMETAPHYSICS. 107 Man has not from Nature the faculty of articulation like thefe birds that 1 have mentioned, yet flie has given him the power of varying his natural cries by tones of the mufical kind. By this I would not: be underftood to mean that man by nature fmgs as fome birds do ; but that he has from nature fuch tones of voice, of which mufic may be formed, and of which, according to Lucretius and the Wild Girl I faw in France, he made fongs in imitation of the birds. I am, therefore, pcrfuaded, that the firft languages were all more or lefs mufical, as the Greek, Latin, and Sanfcrit were; and as the Chi- nefe and the languages of North America are at this day *. But a language with fome articulation and even variety of tones, though it might be fufEcient to communicate men's appetites and defires to one another, and to carry on fome of the ncceflarv arts of life, never could ferve the purpofe of expreffing ideas and forming arts and fciences. Even the Chinefe language, though it have a good deal of articulation, and a wonderful variety of tones, by which it is fufEcient for carrying on the common bufinefs of life, yet is altogether unfit for communicating matters of art and fcience ; and therefore that is done among the Chinefe, by their hieroglyphical writing, exprefling not the words of their language, but their ideas. The language they fpeak is in this refpcd fo defici- ent, that it is not fit for carrying on their law fults; fo that they have no pleadings, but all their judicial proceedings are in iheir hiero- glyphical writing "j". It was, therefore, of abfolute neceffity that a O 2 language * Origin of Language, vol. V. p. 443. and vol. VI. p. 132. f This faft 1 have taken from a book, in two volumes }2mo, entitled, ' Mifcellane. < ous Pieces relating to the Chinefe,' vol. I. p. i 2. This is a book in which many- curious particulars are related concerning both the written and the oral language of the Chinefe ; and which, I think, well vouched by the authorities the author quotes. Accord- ing to the account he gives of the language they fpeak, it is the moll defective, and the moft incoherent language, that is now to be found in the world, more defective than any of the barbarous languages, which I have mentioned in the firft volume of the Origin a 108 ANT I ENT METAPHYSICS. Book IL language of much greater art than the Chinefe, or than any other barbarous language, fliould have been invented, before any confide- rable progrefs could have been made in the invention of arts and fciences, which could not be without a more perfed communication by fpeech. That a language of art is the greateft as well as moft ufeful art praaifed by men, and likewife of moft difficult invention, 1 have Ihown in feveral paiTages of the Origin and Progrefs of Language *: In one of which t, I have obferved a very great difference betwixt language and the other arts pradifed by man : That in thefe other tts, fuch as, architedure, fculpture, and painting, nature has furnifhcd us the materials ; whereas of language we have ourfelves furnifil- ed the materials, that is, articulate founds, which we may be faid to have created; and this alone makes it the moft wonderful of the arts of men. But as the difficulty of the invention of this art is a mat- ter I think, of great curiofuy, and not of common obfervation ; — and as it will tend much to fupport the argument, which I am to main- tain, that Egypt is the parevt country of this as v/ell as of the other arts and of fciences, I will here fay a good deal more upon the fubjed. As Origin of Lsngunge. And it woi.ltl be intirely unfit even for the ordinary commerce of life, if they did not fupply the defeifl of their articulation, not by tones onIy,but by figns and geftures, and fomething.like writing on the paVms of their hands, (p. 33-). 1 once thought that the different fignificatlons, which they giv€ to the fame monofyl- lable, had fome affinity, fo as to refemble in feme fort our derivative, compounded or infleifted words. But this author has convinced me of the contrary by the example he has given of the monofy liable /i(7, which has eleven different fignifications, according as it is differently accented. In one way accented, it denotes glafs ; in another way, it fionifies io toil ; in a third way, to ivinnoiv corn or rice ; in a fourth way, /age or prudent or liberal ; in a fifth way, to prepare ; and in a fixth way, an old -woman, &c. (p. 28.) So that the wonder is, not that fuch a language fliouId need the aid of geftures, but that, in any way, it fliould be made intelligible, (fee what I have further faid of this ftrange language, vol. VI. of Origin of Language, p. 139. and following.). • Vol. I. book III. and vol. II. book II. + Vol. IV. p. 177. and following ; and Vol. VI. p. (35. and following. Chap. I. A N T I E N T M E T A P H Y S I C S. 109 As articulation is efTential to language, I will begin with confider- ing the nature of it ; and I trufi: to make it appear, that this alone is fo complicated and various an operation, that if there were no- thing more in language, it muft appear a work of the greateft art, and altogether of art j.for nature has done no more than to furnifli us with the organs of this fo artificial operation. So that, articu- late founds, the materials of language, are, as I have faid, intirely of cur own produdtion. — And here we may obferve the difference be- twixt mufic and language. Nature has not only given us an organ for mufic ; but we have naturally in our voice the variation of grave and acute, which are the materials of which mufic is formed. The organs of pronunciation are the throat, the larynx, the- tongue, the palate, the teeth, and the lips ; all of them, as I have obferved, out of fight, (except the two lad mentioned,) and their operations very nice and delicate. As they are for the greater part concealed, their operations are not perceptible by our fenfes ; but if we faw them, as we fee the operations of our hands, we fhould, I am perfuaded, admire them very much. Thefe organs, which I have mentioned, conftitute what Mr Gebelin, an author whom I fhall frequently quote in the fequel, calls our vocal injlniment. He has very minutely and accurately defcribed it in the 6th chapter of the third volume of his Monde Primitif. According to his defcription of it, it is a very complicated machine : And if we can fet It ago- ing, and work it by nature merely, without Inftrudion or exam- ple, and without pra^flice or obfervation, as fome imagine, I think there is no machine that we may not work in the fame manner, nor any thing of art that we may not perform by mere inftind. I will not repeat what M. Gebelin has faid at fo great length in the chapter above quoted ; it is fufFicient for my purpofe to obferve, that the breath, which comes from our lungs, and, pafling through the wind- pipe, goes out at our mouths, is the material of which fpeech is compofed. no A N T 1 E N T M ETAPHYSICS. Book IL compofed. Ic receives various modificacions in its paflage through that part of the windpipe which is called the larynx ; and particu- larly from the upper part of the larynx, which is called in Englifh the knot of the throat, and in French la glotte, by which the breath enters the mouth : And it receives ftill more modifications in the mouth, by the organs the mouth contains, fuch as the tongue, the palate, and the teeth, and by the lips, through which it goes into the open air. By a certain pofition of thefe organs of the mouth, while the breath is paffing through it, are formed thofe articulate founds, which we call voivels : And by the different aftions of thofe organs are form- ed founds of much greater variety, which are called con/o7tants, but which, as the name imports, cannot be founded by themfelves, but only in conjundlion with the vowels. Our vocal inftrument, therefore, is fo complex, as iVl. Gebelin has defcribed it, that it is not only a wind inftrument fuch as a flute, but alfo a ftringed in- ftrument, and likewife an inftrument that operates by the touch like an organ *. But before the voice is fo varioufly modified by the organs of the mouth, it receives a modification by different con- tractions and dilatations of that part of the larynx above mentioned, called the knot of the throat, by which are produced mufical tones, differing in acutencfs and gravity ; which tones, 1 am perfuaded, ac- companied the pronunciation of all the antient languages. That this was the cafe of the Greek and Latin, is well known. The Sanlcrit alfo was and is ftill a mufical language in India, as I have elfewhere obferved f ; and fo was alfo the Hebrew : And as mufic is more natuial to man than articulation, particularly in the fouthern Snd eaftern countries, fo that I am perfuaded he fung before he fpoke, I think it could not well be otherwife. Laflly, there is ano- ther modification of the voice before it comes into the mouth ; and that is in the throat, by which it forms guttural founds. The • Vol III. of Maude Primitif, p. 74. -5- Vol. Yl. of Origin of Language, p, 14^. Chap. I. ANTIENTMETAPHYSICS. in The fubjeft, upon which all thefe various operation are per- formed, is, as I have obferved, the breath from the lungs, which pafTes thiough the throat into the mouth, and from thence into the open air ; and in that paflage it receives all thofe vari- ous modifications, which form articulation. The firft of thefe is from the throat, and the leaft artificial of anv of them. It appears, therefore, to have been firft ufed, and more ufed than any other, when men firft began to fpeak. The Orang Outang, who has noc yet learned the art, utters, as I have faid*, guttural founds ; and the Wild Girl I faw in France, who had learned to fpeak, told me, that the language of her countrymen was full of guttural founds, and that they fpoke every thing with open mouth. The Hurons of North America do the famet; and Baron Hontan tells us, that he fpent four days to no purpofe, in trying to teach a Huron to pronounce the labial confonants, fuch as B, P, M :]: ; and the leafon is, that fpeech was originally formed from animal cries, as I have elfewhere £hown§, which are all with open mouth without any ufe of the lips. Articulate founds are divided, as I have fald, into vowels and con- fonants. For the pronunciation of vowels nothing more is required than a certain pofition of the organs of the mouth, through which the biealh pafles. They are, therefore, few in number; nor do 1 know that any language in the world has more than five of them, though, by- compounding them, they make, in the languages of art, feveral more vocal founds, called diphthongs. The confonants are formed by dif- ferent adlions of the feveral organs of pronunciacion, which may be faid to articulate in the proper fenfe of the word, that is, to break and divide the found of the vowels, which otherwife would be con- tinuous. They are, therefore, much more numerous than the vow- els, and of pronunciation very much more difncult; though they cannot. • Page 28. f Vol. I. of Origin of Language, p. 4^8. and following, X Ibid. p. 502. § Ibid. Book III. Chap. IV. 112 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book II. cannot be founded without the vowels, that is, without the breath pafling through the mouth. From what I have faid of the nature of vowels and confonants, feveral particulars concerning the barbarous languages may be ex- plaijied : And, i?«(?, as the vowels are abfolutely neceflary for the pronunciation of language, and at the fame lime are fo much more eaJlly pronounced than the confonants, it is very natural that the barbarous languages, for tlie greater part, fliould have the ufe of all the five. All of them, however, have not the whole^x'^. The Chi- nefe has not the U, but in place of it ufes the diphthong EU. And the fame is the cafe of even the Englifh language; which like the Chinefe ufes the diphthong in place of the fimple vowel. But that this is not the found of the Greek ypfilotiy is evident from what the Halicarnaffian has told us, in his treatife of compofttion^ of the pro- nunciation of that vowel, and which is preferved in the French lan- guage. This alone may fhow us the difficulty even of the pronun- ciation of language ; v/hen a language, which I reckon one of the beft that is now fpoken in Europe, has not the ufe of one of no more than Jive of the mod fimple founds of language. But that the barbarous languages ftiould be very deficient in the confon- ant?, is eafily accounted for from the difficulty of thejr pronuncia- tion : And accordingly, the Chinefe language wants the confonants, B, D, R, X, and Z * : The Huron language, in North America, wants the confonants B, P, M, as I have before obferved f , alfo the confonants r,V,G,N, and even the vowel U, which the Hurons cannot pronounce for the reafons I have given in the paffiage quoted below J. And the Peruvian language vi'ants no lefs than fix confonants, S, B, D, F, G, and * See the Mifcellaneous Pieces, relating to the Chinefe above quoted. Vol. I. p. 24. f Page III. 4 Vol. 1. of Origin of Language, .2J edition p 479. — 48c. Oiap. I. A N T I E N T M E T A P H Y S T C S. 113 and X *. 2do, This makes the found of thofe languages very vo- cal, confifting of many fyllabks of only one vowel. 3/io, When they ufe confonants, they feidom ufe more than one of them in the fame fyllable ; fo that when two confonants happen to ftand toge- ther in the fame word, they divide them in the pronunciation in- to different fyliables. Thus in the Peruvian language, they pro- nounce Roc-ro not Ro cro'f. For to ufe more, would be to join to- gether different adions of feveral organs of fpeech, which make a difficult pronunciation, and indeed impoflibie to favages who are not accuflomed to it : Whereas, in languages of more art, four or moie confonants are founded together in the fame fyllable, as in the Greek words, trpuyi and Xo|, and the Engiilh wordj Jlrength ; where the adion of the different organs is fo complicated, (more complicated ilian any adion of our hands, or any other mem- ber of our body,) that, I am perfuaded, no favage, unlefs he was taught when young, could ever learn to pronounce thefe words. In order to give a variety to their language, which they want by hav- ing fo few confonants, and by not making fo much ufe of thofe they have as they might do, they often repeat in the fame word the fame fyllable, confifting only of one vowel, as in the name of a Lady of Ottaheite, Othea-Othea : And indeed, in a language fo vocal as theirs, they could hardly, without fuch a repetition, diflin- guilh the feveral words from one another. There is another peculiarity of the barbarous languages, I mean the extraordinary length of their words, but which is derived from another fource, namely, that language was originally formed out of a- nimal cries J, which have all a confiderable length; fo that the language Vol. IV. P of * Vol. I. of Origin of Language, 2d edition, p. 505. t Ibid. t Ibid. Book III. Chap. IV. 1 14 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book IL of barbarians is nothing but thofe cries, joined with fome aniculation*. But even with their articulation and their words of great length, very diflrerent in that refped from the Chinefc words, they could not exprefs their meaning fully without figns and geftures, fuch as our dumb men ufe. So that their language may be faid to be little better than the language of dumb men, aided by fome articulation. And the fame may be faid of the language of the Chinefe, who, as I have obferved, ufe a great many figns and geftures to help out their very imperfe£l articulation, more imperfedl I believe than that of any of the barbarous nations. But, it will be afked, how did thofe nations get their articulation, imperfed as it is ? That they may have learned to articulate fome few founds from fuch birds as the Cuckoo or Cockitoo, if they happen to be in their country, is, as I have faid, pofnble3 But even thefe few founds they could not learn to articulate per- fectly, as they could hear thefe birds but feldom, and only at certain feafons of the year : For though our children learn to articulate founds very mugh mbre various and more difficult, by m.ere imita- tion, it is by hearing them continually for years together, without any interval, except when they are fleeping. There muft, therefore, have been fome country where the difcovery was made, how much the expieffion of the human voice might be enlarged by articula- tion, and where it was ftudied as an art of the greateft ufe ; nor do 1 think, that articulation, fuch as is fit for a language of art, of which only I am now fpeaking, could otherwife have been invented. In * Who woulJ know more of the found of barbarous languages, may corifult voL I. Origin of Language ; and the paflages from that vol. quoted in vol. II. p. 6. 7. 8. As to the length of their words, there is one mentioned by Mr de la Condunrine, ufed by a people that he fell in with upon his voyage down the river Amazons, of no lefs than eight fyllables, denoting the number three, the word is, Sohzzjrorincouricie. Ciap. I. A N T I E N T ]M E T A P H Y S T C S. 115 In tliis" invention there muft have been a progrefs, as in the in- vention of ether arts j an J I think men muR have begun with arti- culating one found, and of that making one word, before they join- ed together feveral articulate founds to compofe but one word. In fliort, I believe, that the firft languages were all monofyllabical, as the Chinefe is at this day. But even this firft ftep in the art of language the Chinefe did not make, but got it from Egypt, as' I have faid elfewhere *, and, I hope, rhall prove to the readers fatif- fadion. But it did not remain, I am perfuaded, fo long there in that infantine ftate as it has done in China *; but the monofyllables were lengthend into words of feveral fyllabies. The monofyllables, however, were not for that laid afide, but mixed with words of fe- veral fyllabies, which made a beautiful variety in the found of the language ; for without variety there can be no beauty in any art. And befides this variety in a perfedl language, there is the variety, above-mentioned, of diphthongs, or vowels run together in the pro- nunciation, and of vowels afpirated and not afpirated, and of confo- nants likewife afpirated and not afpirated, and fuch as are in the •middle betwixt thefe two "j". It may be thought, that what I have faid here, of the firft lan- guages confifting of monofyllabical words, is contradided by what I have obferved of the great length of words in the barbarous lan- guages. But thefe languages are without art ; and even, artlefs as they are, they could not have been invented by a barbarous people. What, therefore, they have of articulation, the barbarians muft have . P 2 o-ot t>^ • See what I have faid further of the Chinefe Language, vol. VI. Origin of Lan- guage, p. 139. and following. f See what I have faid of ;he different kinds of letters, vol. IL of Origin of Lan- guage, bock II. chap. IT, ii6 A NTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book I[, got froai a people who had the ufe of language, with whom they happened to have fome commtrnication. From them they would learn to articulate fome words ; and by imitation they would be naturally led to invent other articulate founds : For I do not think, as I have faid, that from hearing only fuch birds as the Cuckoo and Cockitoo, fuppofing them to be in their country, and continuing long enough in it to enable them to imitate their voices, the mod barbarous languages ever could have been formed. Now, thofe articulate founds, which they had learned from nations that had an art of language, they would very naturally lengthen, fo as^ to make them refemble the animal cries, which they ufed before they got articulate founds, and which have a certain length. But when language was formed into an art, which could not have been 'among thofe barbarians, and when it was intirely removed from a- nimal cries, and made to confift only of articulate founds put toge- ther in a certain Older, it was natural, and, indeed, I think, necef- fary, that men fhould begin with the mod fimple words, that is» words of one fyllable, before they proceeded to compound thofe monofyllables into words of many fyllables. This, as I have faid, in the paflage above quoted *, adually happened. in Egypt, where the iirft language of art was invented, as I fhall afterwards fhow. And it was very natural that it fhould be fo in the firfl ftep in the progrefs towards a language of art; for, if the firft words of fucb a language had been words of feveral fyllables, the three great arts of language, derivation, compofition, and Jlcdion, could not have been pra£ticed without making the words of great length, as great as the words of the barbarous languages. This monofyllahical lan- guage came from Egypt to China, where it is the language at this day ; and with it came alfo the written language, or Hieroglyphi- cal charaders, which have fach a connexion with characters of that kind • Vol. VI. of Orgin of Language, p. 139. &c. Chap. I. A N T I E N T M £ T A P H Y S I C S. 117 kind to be feeii at this day iii Egypt, that they muft have come from the fame country*. All the beauty and variety of the found of language, which I have mentioned, could not have been difcovercd, if language had not been firft analyfed into its elemental founds. This I believe was done before thefe elemental founds got a form, which made them vifible to the eye; that is to fay, before alphabetical charaders and writing was invented j which compleated the art of language, by making it fpeak, not only to thofe who are prefent but to the abfent, and even to future ge- nerations f- But, befides all the variety I have mentioned, there is ftill fome- thing wanting to make a language of perfe£l art ; and that is melo- dy and rhythm, which make the mufic of language, and, I believe, where they were governed by art, as they were among the C reeks, added more to the pleafure of the ear than all the things 1 have men- tioned J. Of thefe I have treated very fully elfewhere § ; and I will only add here, that as in animal cries there is a variety of founds, differing in tones as well as in length, it was very natural that there (liculd be the fame variety in language, which fucceeded to thofe cries, and may be faid to have been formed out of them by being articulated ; and, accordingly, the mod antient languages have all, as i have obferved, that variety. — And thus I have finilbed what 1 have to fay of ihe Jo uniJ, or material part, as I call it, of lan- guage ; which 1 have analyfed into Articulation, Meloily, and Rhythm. Bus * Vol. II. of Origin of Language, p. 438. f See more of this fubjeft in vol. II. of Origin of Language, book IL chap. II. % See what I ha»e faid upon this fubjccl, vol. VI. Oiigin of Lano-uage, book H.. chap. IV. and vol. II. f Vol. II. of Origin of Linguagc, p. 226. anil 227. n8 A N T I E N T M E T A P H Y S I C S. Book If. But the found of language, however mufical it may be, and plea- fant to the ear, is only fubfervient to the purpofe for which lan- guage was intended ; and that is the expreffion of cur ideas, and the con^munication of them to one another. A language of art, and which is proper for the invention and cuhivation of other arts amd of fciences, nuift exprefs all the things in the heavens or the earth, of which we have any notion or conception. We muft give names to accidents as well as to fubftances, alfo to the feveral rela- tion« of things to one another ; and we muft exprefs what they fl<5? and what the fuffer. Thefe things are of number infinite. But fcience here fets bounds to infinity, as we have (hown it does in the matter of our ideas of genufes and fpeciefes. This is done by the di'vifion of wMDrds into what is called the Parts of Speech, which may be called the Categories of Language; — comprehending, like the categories, the whole of things, but divided and arranged in fuch a vv'ay as toferve the purpofe of fpeech; and not confidering the nature of things abftradly, as they are confidered in the categories, but with reference otdy to their ufe in language. They admit, howe- ver, of that general divifion of the categories into fuhjlance and ac- cidents \ and accordingly Plato and Ariftotle have divided the parts cf fpeech into thefe two, calling the one of them exprefling Sub- ftances a noun, and the other exprefling Accidents a •verb *. Words, however, though they admit of this divifion into clafles, appear ftill to be infinite in number, as well as the ideas which they exprefs. They would feem, therefore, to be altogether incompre- henfible by our memories, and confequently not fit for the ufe of language ; and they certainly would be fo, if all things were to be exprefled by words having no connetSion with one another. But fcience has contrived three ways of connecting words together both 'by found and fenfe, fo that the knowledge of one word naturally leads * See vol. II. of the Oii^in of Language, p. 2S. Chap. I. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 119 leads to the knowledge of other words. And thefe are the three great arts of language, known by the names of derivation, cornpo- fttion, and flexion *. Of thefe three arts I reckon fe^ion the great- eft ; for in nouns it exprefles numbers and genders, and by its Cafes the feveral relations which the thing expreffed by the noun has to other things ; and in the verb it not only expreifes numbers, but perfons, times, and, befides thefe, the difpofitions of the human mind ivith rejpe5i to the a^ion of the verb t .• And all this is exprefled by a variation only, and fometimes a very fmall variation of the word. But of all thefe three great arts of language I have faid (o much in the 2d volume of the Origin of Language, and likewife in the 4th (book I. chap. II.) that I need fay nothing of them here except to obferve, that the barbarous languages, as they do not ufe thefe arts, are extremely defedive in fenfe as well as in found j and are obliged to exprefs things, neceflarily conneded together, by founds quite diflFerent ; and not having learned to divide their lan- guage into parts of fpeech, they very often exprefs two or three dif- ferent things, fuch as the adion, the agent, and the fubjed of the adion, by the fame word. All thefe defeds of barbarous languages i have obferved in the firft volume of the Origin of Language. Although we may have given names to all the things of which we * See the nature of thefe explained In vol. II. Origin of Language, p, 12. and faJ- iowing. f The variety of the fleftions of a Greek verb is really wonderful. I have counted 1300 words of different fignifications, from one theme of a Greek verb, fuch as rtj-xru including all the teni'es of the three voices, with the variations of thefe tenfes by per- sons and numbers, and' including alio all the participles with their feveral oendcrs, cafes and numbers, but without t.iking in the derivatives or compounds of the verb. Th-s may appear incredible to a man who has not ftudied language as a fcience, nor has not learned to diftinguKh betwixt a language of arr, fuch as the Greek, and the languages of barbarous nations. It is therefore not to be wondered, that Julius Csfar, who was fo ftudiojs of language, fliould even, amid his great occupations, h^ve written a book De Aralcgia, the name the Latins gave to what we czW feclion. — O^ Csefar's ftudy and knowledge of language, fee what I have faid in vol. II. of Origin of Language, p. 224. 225. ; and vol, VI. p. 314. 120 A N T I E N T M E T A P H Y S I C S. Book I!. we have any perception or idea, and although, by the three arts a- bove-menlioned, we may have connedted together a prodigious number of words, fo as to make them comprehenfible In the memory, and applicable to ufe ; yet dill there is fomething wanting to com- plete the art of language; — a thing of fuch confequence, that without it all the other things I have mentioned would be of no ufe for the purpofe of fpeech. And this fo neceflary thing is what is called Syn- tax, by which the words are fo connected together, and their rela- tion to one another fo marked, as to make fpeech or difcourfe ; for if they were not fo conneQed, though we might underrtand the fenfe of every word the fpeaker ufes, we could not make out his meaning. This art, therefore, is, as I have faid, the completion of the grammatical art ; and it is performed in the learned languages chiefly by one of the three arts above-mentioned, namely, JleSiion^ but in the modern languages of Europe, chiefly by juxta-pofition. But of fyntax I will fay no more here, as I have treated of it at great length in the Origin of Language, vol. II. book III. chap. I. In this manner, I hope, I have convinced the reader, that lan- guage is not only an art, but the greateft as well the mod ufeful art among men, and of mod difficult invention, being a wonderful compofition of what may be called the mechanical ufe of our organs of fpeech, by which articulation is formed ;— of mufical founds, by which the pronunciation of language is fo much adorned ; — and, laftly, of fcience, by which it is reduced to rule and made a per- fedl art. What makes many people believe that language is natural to us, is, that we learn it when we are children, and can fpeak it, when we are grown up, fluently and correctly, if we have been educated a- mong people that fpeak it fo, without knowing any thing of the art of it. But it is by imitation, not by teaching, that we learn to fpeak, as well as to do many other things ; for man, as Ariftotle has OIiap.T. ANTIE NT METAPHYSICS. 121 has told us, Is the mod imitative of all animals : To which I will add, that he is particularly fo by the voice ; and in this refpe<£t he is more imitative than the monkey, who imitates only by geftures, but not by the voice. We ought alfo to confider, that when we are children we learn moie eafily by imitation, than at any other time ef our lives ; and, indeed, we can then learn in no other way ; and, therefore, if wt have not learned to fpeak when we are young, we cannot learn afterwards without the greateft difficulty. For proof of this, Peter the Wild Boy, being about fifteen years of age, as was conjcflured, when he was caught in the woods of Hanover walking on all four, could only learn to articulate a few words, though he was put to fchool, and no doubt much pains beftowed to teach him, and though, as he heard as well as other men, he might by imitation have learned to fpeak. When fuch was the cafe of the Wild Boy, what mud be the cafe of dumb men, who cannot learn to fpeak by imitation at any time of their lives, but only by teach- ing. In this way, indeed, they learn to a certain degree, but with the utmoft difficulty, though they be men of good underftanding, and very defirous to learn fo ufeful an art. If any of my readers had feen, as I faw, the Abbe de I'Epee in France and Mr Braidwood in Scotland teach their dumb fcholars to fpeak, he would have needed no argument to convince him, that articulation was a moft artificial thing. It was taught by thefe mafters with the great- eft pains and attention ; for they not only fhowed their fcholars, by their own example, how they were to employ their organs in pronunciation, but they applied their hands to the mouths and jaws of their fcholars, giving their organs the pofition and ailion v/hich was proper. I will only add further upon this fubjedt, that fpeaking, though it be one of the moft common things among nven, is perhaps the moll wonderful thiog to be found in our fpecies. For that a man Vol. IV. Q^ wjio 122 A N T I E N T METAPHYSICS. Book IT. who lus never learned the grammaiical art, nor perhaps any arf, and even a boy Co young as to he incapable of being taught any art or k-ience, ftiould, by imiiatioti merely and habit, praftlfe a thing of fo great art as language, and praftife it well too, if he has been educated among people who fpeak well, is to a philofopher a matter of very great wonder. Even that he fhould learn in that way a laiv^iiage, fuch as ours, is wonderful : But it is much more won- derful, that a boy in Athens Ihould be able lo learn, in that way, a lan^ua"-e fo difficult as the Greek, of fuch variety of fledion, de- rivation, and compofnion, and v;ith melody and rhythm too fo difficult, that we can only learn to underftand it with a great deal of fludy, but not to fpeak it *. It can only, I think, be accounted for, by fuppofing that our organs of pronunciation have an inftindive movement, fuch as there are many in our animal economy, by which, upon hearing any articulate founds uttered, they put them- felves in a pofition, and make the motions, neceflary for imitating thefe founds ; — very imperfedly, no doubt, at firft, but more perfect- ly by continual practice for a confiderable time. But for this pur- pofe the organs muft be foft and pliable, fuch as they are when we are young. But when we are advanced in years, and the organs become rigid and ftiff, they cannot without the greateft difficulty be made to accommodate themfelves to the various pofitions and mo- tions which articulation requires. It was for this reafon that Peter the Wild Boy could learn only to articulate a very few words. For the fame reafon, Baron Ronton, as I have faid, could not teach a Huron to pronounce the labial confonants, fuch as B, P, and M f , which are among the firft that out children learn to pronounce : And for this reafon, likewife, a Frenchman, when he is advanced in years, cannot learn to articulate our afplrated T, in fuch words as ihee, though^ thing, &c. Thus * See upon this fubjeft, vol. III. p. 220. f Page 1 J I. of this vol. ; and vol, I. of Origin of Language, p. 502. Chap. I. A K T I E >-! T M E T A P H Y S I C S. 123 7hus I think It is evident, that men, who have the fenfe of hearing, learn to fpeak by imitation, and not imitation only, but much pradice ; for that is abfolutely neceflary to give us the ready ufe of fo complicated an engine as our vocal in- ftrument. But before any art can be learned, it muft be invent- ed ; and if the pradice of it be fo difficult to be learned after it is invented, tije invention of it muft be much more diffi- cult. It is, therefore, not to be wondered that Peter the Wild Boy could not fpeak when he was caught, or that the Orang Ou- tang does not fpeak. But the wonder would have been, and in- deed I ftiould have thought it a miracle, if either Peter had fpoken when he was firft catched, or if the Orang Outangs had the ufe of language in the ftate in which they live; which is only in herds, not in a fociety fo formed and regulated as could produce the invention of fo difficult an art as language. I have heard it faid, that if the Orang Outang be a man, he is the only man that has as yet been found, who has not the ufe of fpeech. If that were true, the argument would not be conclu- five ; for it would only prove that he is the only man that hi- therto has been found in the natural ftate. But the fad is not true ; for Diodorus SIculus informs us *, that there was a Savage people that inhabited a country near the Red Sea, who lived in herdsj copulated promifcuoufly, and had not the ufe of fpeech. And what muft have made this people much taken notice of is a- nother particular that he relates concerning them, and, I think, a more extraordinary thing ftill ; namely, that they lived without the ufe of water, for which he accounts from their food being raw fifti. In that way fome barbarous people have been known to live at fea for many days without frefh water. And a gentleman whoai I know, of the name of Graham, fubfifted for fome months in a Qj2 country * Lib. 3. cap. iS. 124 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book IL country upon the fide of Hudfon's bay, without wood or water^ and, confequently, without the ufe of fire, upon game which the Indians he had with him killed for him, and which he ate raw*. There is, therefore, no rcafon to doubt what Diodorus has told us, of thefe wild men not having the ufe of fpeech : And in a patfage in the beginning of his hiftory, which I have quoted elk- where, he fays of all men in general, that, while they were in the ftate of nature, before arts and civility were introduced among them, they had not the ufe of fpeech f. I will conclude what I have faid, at fo great length, of language, with fome general obfervations upon the fubjed:. In \.\\q frft place, I think 1 have faid enough, and the reader may perhaps think more than enough, to convince every man, that language is not from na- ture, but a work of art, and of very great art. The ufe of our hands, that great inftrument of the neceffary arts of life, I have fhown not to be from nature %, but one of the firft fteps that man made in his progrefs lovpards the arts of civil life. And if fo, hovsr can we fuppofe that the ufe of organs, hidden as thofe of articula- tion are, and of more various and artificial ufe than any other of rur or-^ans, (hould be from nature and not from art. if there were any doubt in the matter, we mufi be convinced by the progrefs we fee made in this art, as well as in others, by the barbarous nations ; — from the Troglodytes mentioned by Herodotus, who, when they fpoke, made a noife like bats ; — from the favages whom M. de la Condaminc faw upon the banks of the river Ama- zons, who make a muttering noife when they fpeak ; — from the Hottentots, and the people lately difcovered to the weft of Nev/ Mexico, • Vol. III. of this work, p. 32. in the note. f Vol. I. of Origin of Language, p. 37U. 2d edition, where I have given the words, of Diodorus. t Page 35. and 35. of this vol. Chap. I. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. -125 Mexico, who fupply their want of articulation byfmacks*; — and from a people in South America, whom I have not hitheito mentioned, called Chiquites t, who fpeak fuch a jargon, that the Miffionarics could not learn it, nor did they well underftand one another ; — When, I fay, we obferve the progrefs of language from thofe fa- vages to others more advanced in the arc, fuch as thofe I have mentioned in chap. X. book 111. of vol. I. of Origin of Language ; and, when from them we proceed up to fuch languages as the Greek or Sanfcrit, we cannot doubt that language is an ait ia Vvhich there has been the fame progrefs as in other arts. 2^0, That ivriting, or the making founds vifible, is a great art, no body can doubt ; and alfo a very ufeful art, as it connccfls the oral language with the written in fuch a manner, that, if we know the one, we alfo muft know the other : Whereas in China the two languages are pcrfedly dilFerenc ; fo that fome nations in the neighbourhood ufe the written charaders, or hieroglyphics as they are called, of the Chinefe, though ihey know nothing of the Chi- nefe oral language. But it v»-as a greater art, and of much more dlf-. ficult invention, as it muft have been invented before the other, to make ideas audib/e, that is, to make the operations of our intellect perceptible by the fenle of hearing, which is done by Iangua<^e. It is this that makes the difference betwixt language and animal cries which exprefs our fenfations, appetites, and defires, but can com- municate no ideas : And thus by art we fupply what is wantin-^ in cur natural faculties. 3//0, There is another thing v.-hich I have already mentioned', but which 1 will mention again, as 1 think it more wonderful in the art of language than any thing I have hitherto mentioned. And it is this, that by means of dtrivaiion, compojition, and jlc^ion^ by which • See what I have faid of thefe barbarous languages, in vol. I. of Origin of Language, book III chap. VII. and IX. \ Memoires Geograjh. Phyfic. et Hiftoriq. Tom. 5. EJ. Yverdon, 1767, p. 122. 126 ANTI ENT M ET AP H YSICS. Book II, which words are conneded together in the found as well as the fenfe, men have contrived to make five millions of words, the num- ber fuppofed to be in the Latin language *, comprehenfible in their memories and of ready ufe. This muft appear very extraordinary to a man who compares the Chinefe written language with fuch a lan- o-uage as the Latin. The number of Chinefe charaders is computed to be no more than 80,000. ; and though they have the diftindion of radical or elemental charaders, and of charaders derived from thefe t? yet it is a certain fad, that the learned among the Chinefe fpen<] a great part of their lives in learning their charaders ; whereas a boy, in the fpace of feven or eight years, may make himfelf fo much raafter of the Latin language, as to be able readily to underftand any au- thor in it, and even to fpeak it, if he pradife that alfo. And, here I conCiUde what I have to fay of the matter and form of a language of ait : And, I hope, the reader will not think it im- proper, that in treating of fo important a part of the hiftory of man, as the invention of arcs, I fhould have dwelt fo long upon the in- vention of the firft and greateft art among men, and which is the foundation of all the other arts of civil life, and of civility itfelf. It is the mod univerfal art among men, as well as the moft an- tlent ; and, by means of the writing art, it is made the moft lading. The knowledge of it alfo leads to the knowledge of many other things concerning our fpecies, particularly our migra- tions from one country to another, fuch as that of the Ma- jars, or Hungarians, as they are now called, from a country fi- tuated betwixt the Euxine and Cafpian Seas to Hungary and Lap- land X, and the migration of our anceftors, the Goths, from Crim Tartary • This is a computation of Bifliop Wilkins, in his moft curious work upon language, which he gives us from Varro. See vol. H. of Origin of Language, p, 482. + Pare Du Halde, Tom. 2. p. 226. See alio the book I have quoted above, Mif- tiUatisous Pieces relating to the Chinefe, vol. I. p. 18. X See vol. VI. of Origin of Language, p. 138. ; and vol. I. p. 594. Chap. T. A N T I E N T M E T A P H Y S I C S. ny Tartary to Germany and the northern kingdoms of Sweden and Den- mark*. And there is another thing proved by language, and which is ftill more interefting to the pliilofopher ; and that is the pro- grefs of the human mind in forming ideas, the materials of all our knowledge. This we learn by the ftudy of the barbarous languages, which to many may appear a very ufelefs and trifling ftudy. But by it we learn what can no otherwife be learned, the progrefs of the human mind in the improvement of thofe two great faculties the fource of all our knowledge ; I mean, abJlraBion and generalifa- tion. How defedlive men were at fitft in the exercife of thefe fa- culties, and how by degrees they improved them, is to be learned only from the ftudy of barbarous languages. There is only one thing wanting to make this part of the hiftory of man compleat ; and that is, to difcover in what country language was firft invented and formed into an art. This is a fubje(fl of very curious inquiry, and which will be treated in the next chapter. CHAP. f Vol. I. of Origin of Language, p. 594. 12-8 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book IT. CHAP. II. The ^left'ion here to be confidered^ is. In ivhat country or countries •was a Language of Art invented? — Language not invented by every Nation that /peaks it. — This proved by the examples of the Goths^ the Laplanders^ and the Greenlanders.—As Language is the mofl jlntietit Art among Men^ it mufl have been invented by a very An- tient Civilifed Nation Men mufl have been ajjociated, and lived upon the natural fruits of the Earth, before Language or any other Aft could have been invented. — A regular Polity necejfary for that purpofe^ and a clafs of Mcnfet apart for it. — La/Ily, Genius and Natural Parts required. — The Egyptian Nation, is that in •which all the requifites above-mentioned for the invention of Arts^ concur. IN -the -preceding chapter, I think, I have clearly proved, that a Language of Art, of which only 1 am now fpeaking, is the greateft art pradifed by men, and of the moft difBcuIt invention, at the fame time of abfolute neceflity for the invention of other arts and of fciences, which never could have been invented without fuch a communication among men, as a language of art, and only a lan- guage of art, can produce. We are now to inquire in what coun- try or countries fuch an art was invented. That it is not the invention of every people who pradtife it, will readily be admitted. The Goths, for example, a barbarous people, never could have invented a language of more art than any which is Chap. II. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 129 is at prefent fpoken In Europe : For it has four cafes of nouns formed by fledion ; whereas the prefent languages of Europe vary, in that way, only fome cafes of their pronouns. It is even a more perfe£t language than the Latin : For it has one part of fpeech which the Latin wants ; I mean the Article. It has alfo two pafl: tenfes, the aorlft and preterperfedl ; whereas the Latin has but one tenfe for both : And it has a paft participle paQive, which the Latin like- wife wants *. The language of Lapland, of which I have fpokea elfewherefj never could have been the invention of fuch a people as the Laplanders : And, accordingly, we are fure that it came from a very diftant country lying far to the eaft, from whence it came firft to Hungary, and then from Hungary to Lapland. The Green- landers are ftill a more barbarous people than the Laplanders ; and yet they have the ufe of a dual number in nouns, which the Latin has not, and form the tenfes of their verbs by fleQlon, and have one tenfe, which the Latin has not, I mean a fecond future. This I learned as well as other things, which I have mentioned in the courfe of this work, from a grammar of that language, to be found in the King's Library at London. As languages, therefore, v>rere not invented in every country, But muft have gone from one country to another, the queftion is, where they were firft invented. And, in xhejirjl place, as language is the moft antient art among men, being the parent art of all other arts jnd of all fcience, it is evident, that the nation, which firft in- vented it, muft have been a very antient nation, and the firft civilif- cd nation of this earth. Vol. IV. R 2d6, * This account of the Gothic language, I have got from Mr Thorkelin, who is at prefent Profeflbr in the Univerfity of Copenhagen, but is a native of Iceland, where the Gothic language is ftill preferved in the greateft purity.— See further of the Gothic Language, in vol- I. of Origin of Language, p. 552. -|- Vol. VL of Origin of Language, p. 138, 130 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book 11. 2dOy As neither language, nor indeed any art of value, could have been invented, except bv men aflbciated together in confiderable numbers, and living in clofe intercourfe and communication, it is e- vident that the country where language was firft invented, muft have been fuch as could enable men to live upon the natural pro- duQions of the earth, without even thofe arts, which we call the neceffary arts of life : For that men muft have lived a long time in that way, before thefe arts were invented, I think, is evident ; and they muft have lived, aflbciated, as I have faid, and in confider- able numbers, otherwife, I think, no art could have been invented, 2,tio, For the invention of a language of art, it was alfo neceffary that men fliould live not aflbciated only, or even carrying on fome common bufinefs, but that they {hould have a regular polity, in which fome were to command and dire£t, while others obeyed, fo that all public bufinefs might be regularly carried onj for, I fay, that men, living as the favages of Paraguay did before the Jefuits came among them, without any regular government, and every man doing what feemed good in his own eyes, never could have invented an art of any value, much lefs an art of language, fuch as the Sanfcrit or Greek ; for the Invention of which not only a regular polity was neceflliiy, but I think it was further neceflary, that a clafs or order of the beft men among the people fliould be fet apart for the in- vention and cultivation of arts. For I hold that arts of fo difficult invention as that of language, never could have arifen from com- mon ufe and obfervation of men engaged in the ordinary bufinefs of life. Lajlly, I require, for the invention of the arts I have mentioned, that the inventors of them ihculd be men of genius, and of very good natural parts : For Nature muft lay the foundation of all arts and fciences ; and I deny, that fuch men as the Laplanders and Greenlanders, Chap. II. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 131 Greenlanders, fuppofe they had enjoyed all the other advantages I have mentioned, could have invented a language of art. Thefe are the things required for the invention of a language of art, fuch as, I think, it muft be admitted, are not to be found in every nation which has the ufe of language : And the queftion now to be confidered is, whether we can difcover any very antient nation in which all the things I have mentioned concur. And, I think, there is one to be found in which they all concur j and that is the Egyp- tian* Ha CHAP. x^i ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. BookIL C H A P. in. The Egyptian nation undoubtedly a 'uery antient c'lvlUfed nation. — > None can pretend to be fo antient ^ except the Indian. — A regular Government among the Egyptians In the niojl antient times. — This attejled by Mofes. — No other regular Government then knoivn. —Of the ixonderfui number of Kings there according to HerO' dotus and Dlodorus Slculus, from Menes the frfl human King, doivn to Amafts. — Of the number of years thefe Kings reigned. — ■ The antient hlflory of Egypt a matter of curlofity^ as ivell as the ajitlcnt hlflory of Greece. — Both to be confidered as part of the hlflo" ry o/'Mati. — T^e^fecond thing required, of a country where language luas to be Invented, Is that It fhould be abundant of the natural fruits of the earth. This the cafe of Egypt. — The third thing re- quired, is a regular government fitted for the Invention and culti- vation of arts. — This alfo In Egypt. — The lafl thing required, in a country fit for the invention tf language, is that the people floould have good natural parts. — This alfo the cafe of the Egyptians ^ as is prjQved by the authority of facred and frofane -writers. THAT the Egyptian was a very antient civilifed nation, is a fad indifputable. The moft antient civilifed nation at prefent exifl- ing (for the antient Egyptian nation is now no more) is the Indian, by fome thought to be more antient than the Egyptian: But I hope I (lull be able to prove to the readers facisfadlion, that the Indians got their civility and arts from the Egyptians ; and if fo, there can be no doubt, that the Egyptian is the moft antient civilifed nation of which there is any record or tradition. For their antiquity, as a ci- vilifed nation, we have the authority of Mofes, the moft antient ^iftorian extant, who tells us, that when Jofeph vi-as in Egypt, the Egyptians Chap.Hl. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 133 Egyptians were living under a regular government by Kings, with a divifion of their land, fuch as is not to be found in any other an- cient ftate as far as I know, by which the Priefts had a certain por- •tion allotted to them * ; and I am perfuaded that the King had ano- ther portion, and that the whole land was divided in the manner men- tioned by Dlodorus Siculus, that is, betwixt the King, the church, and the military clafsf: In the fame manner as by the feudal fyflem the land was antiently divided in Britain, and in other kingdoms ;of Europe, And it is to be obferved, that while the Egyptians were Jiving under this fo regular polity, the families of Abraham and Lot, ^nd I fuppofe many other families, were vagrants in the plains of Afia, without being formed into any ftate. As to the account which the Egyptians themfelves gave from their Sacred books, that is, books kept by their Priefts, of the antiquity of their nation, we have, in Herodotus and Dlodorus Siculus, a wonderful catalogue of .cyi^ef.itciy xiti aid otTroyja^*- ^ fuch as thofe to be feen at this day in fome parts of the world, particularly in the Ifland of EJephan- lis off the coaft of Bombay %. But before the Egyptians could raife buildings of ftone, they muft have difcovered, as 1 have faid, the ufe oi fre, and learned the pradlice of Metallurgy. So that, not con- tent with converting to their ufe every thing that the land, the wa- ter, and air furniflied, they dug into the bowels of the earth, aad from thence^ befides many other things, they brought metals, of which, • Of the ufe of fire being unknown to feveral nations, fee p. 38. of vol. III. of this, work. t See p. 44 of this vol. \ See further what I have faid on this fubjefV, in vol. III. of this work, p. 83. v?here I have acknowledged, that what I have learned concerning that ifland, I owe to Dr Lind now of Windfor, who (howed mc a plan of the extraordinary excavations there. eiiap. V. ANTIENTMETAPHYSICS. 147 which, by a wonderful application of the element of fire, they made a variety of things both of ornament and ufe. Before this difco- very, men, for the purpofe of cutting and piercing, ufed the hardeft flones they could find, fuch as flints ; and the barbarous nations at this day head their arrows with flints, which was the practice in Scotland in antient times as well as in other countries ; and I have myfelf a flint head of an arrow, found in the Pentland Hills near Edinburgh. For carrying on the bufinefs of civil life, and particularly of ag« riculture, the obfervance of times and feafons Is neceflTary, and for that purpofe the divifion of time into certain portions. The mofl: obvious divifion, and no doubt the firft that was made by men, is into dajs ; that is the interval of time from the rifing of the fun in one day, to his rifing again the next day ; which we divide into twenty- four parts called hours. But a greater divifion of time was neceflary for the bufinefs of life : And therefore the next divifion of it, made by man, was by the motions of the moon, containing that fpace of time betwixt the one new moon and the other ; which we call a t?ionih : And the barbarous nations appear to have gone no farther, than to divide their time by months and by feafons; for none of them, unlefs they have learned it from us, know that divifion of time we call a year. This fo impor- tant divifion, without which we could have had no chronology of any extent of time, was firfl: invented by the Egyptians, as Hero- dotus has told us *. They difcovered that the courfe of the fun round the eaith, or, what is the fame thing, of the earth round the fun, is performed in 365 days and 6 hours, which hours every fourth year make a day more, that was added to that year; And here we are to obferve, that though the Egyptians did not lay afide the divifion of time into months, it was act lunar months, but months fuch as we T 2 ufe, * Lib. 2. chap. 4. 148 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book If. ufe, each of a certain number of days : Whereas the Greeks, dividing the year into twelve lunar months of about 29 days each, were obliged, in order to adjuft their year to the motions of the fun, to intercallate a month every third year *. And among the Romans, Niima for the fame reafon intercallated a month of 22 days every two years f. But notwithftanding this reformation made by Numa» the Roman callendar went into fuch diforder, that Julius Caefar, in order to redify it, was obliged to intercallate, firft 23 days, and then Sj^ making altogether an intercallation of no lefs than go days % ; and having thus adjufted the year to the courfe of the fun, in order to prevent its going into diforder again, he adopted the Egyptian year as above defcribed. This reformation of the Roman callendar, Ju- lius made by the diredions of Sofigenes, an Egyptian aftronomer, who cam.e from Alexandria ; and it is this year which is now ufed all over Europe, with a fmall alteration made in it, in the i6th cen- tury, by Pope Gregory XIII. What made this alteration neceffary was, that the 6 hours added, as faid is, to the 365 days, exceeded the folar year by 1 1 minutes. This excefs, in the courfe of fo many cen- turies, made a difconformity betwixt the folar and civil year, which was redified by that Pope ; and it is faid, that Julius Csefar, if he had lived longer, would have made that amendment himfelf, by the diredion, no doubt, of the fame Sofigines. So that the Egyptians knew the true folar year to a minute ; and thus it appears, that to them we owe, among many other thing?, the difcovery of the folar year, and the divifion of it into months, which are adapt- ed to the feafons of the year; fo that the fame months are always vernal, fummer, autumnal, and winter months. The Egyptians had another divifion of time, unknown to the Greeks * Herodotus, uM /upra, t Gebelin, vol. IV. p. 153. X Ibid. p. 163. Chap. V. ANTIENTMET A PHYSICS. 149 Greeks and Romans till later times : I mean the divifion into weeks; •which was carried by Ofiris into India, whereit is at this day in ufe; and, what is very remarkable, the feven days of the week are in India not only confecrated to the feven planets, but each day to the fame planet as among us. But this divifion of time was for many ages only known to ihe Egyptians, Jews, and Indians ; but not to the Greeks till latter times, as Dion Caflius informs us ; and from them we got it. I will only add further upon this fubje£l, that this fo lingular divifion of time, which was not founded in the neceffities of life, like the other divifions that I have mentioned, but took its rife from the religion of the Egyptians, who, as Herodotus tells us, confecrated every day to fome deity or another, being ufed in In- dia, is a proof I think demonftrativej if there were no other, that the Egyptians were in India. But of this, I fhall fay a great deal more in the fequel of this work. CHAP. ICO ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book IL CHAP. VI. Of Religion, and the iiecejfity of it to conjlitute and carry on a good polity. — The opinion of Mr David Hume upon this fitbjeSl^ 'very different from that of Cicero. — Religion not knoivn to Man in his natural Jlate, — nor in the firjl age of civility — This proved, firfi by Reafon, and then by Fa£ts, — and fir ft as to Realon. — // fhoivs that Man in the natural fate can have no ideas at all ; and, in the beginning of civility, only ideas oj corporeal fubftajices, — but no ideas of inviftble powers a^mg upon body, ivitbout -which there can be no idea of God. — This idea only to be acquired in procefs of time ajter the invention of different arts. — Secondly as to Fa<9:s ; it is ■ proved by the example of the Orang Outang, — Peter the Wild Boy^ — the Wild Girl in France, — the people of the Peleiv Iflands, — - thofe of New Zealand — of Neiv Holland, and particularly of Bo- tany Bay. — Obje^ion anftvered, from the example of the Indians of North America, who have got the notion of a great fpirit. — This they muff have got from a people further advanced in arts and civility, -who are proved hy monuments fill exifiing to have been once in that country. — That the idea of a God, is not an in- nate idea; — no innate ideas of any kind. IN ihe preceding chapter I have treated of arts, which are abfo- !utely neceffary, or of great conveniency in the civilifed life : And I am next to fpeak of two things, which are of abfolute ne- ceflity for conflituting and carrying on a regular polity. The two things I n^ean are Religion and Gcveriiment ; and fiiftas to Religion. " The fear of God," as our fcripture tells us, " is the beginning " of Chap. Vr. A N T I E N T METAPHYSICS. 151 *' of vvifdom." Without that fear, I hold, there is no real wifdom or found underftanding among men ; and, therefore, that, without religion, there never was nor ever will be formed, or carried on, any polity in the lead degree perfect. — So far I differ in opinion from our philofopher Mr David Hume, who has thought proper to in- form the public, that the lefs religion there is in any country, fo much the better for that country *. Cicero was fo much of a dif- ferent opinion, that he thought the chief praife he could beftow up- on his countrymen, was, that, however they might be excelled by other nations in other things which he names, fed pletate ac religi' one, atque hac una fapientia, quod Deorum immorialium numine om.' nia regi gubernariqiie perfpeximus^ omnes gentes nalionefque Juperavl' mus f . And I am perfuaded it was to their religion chiefly that they owed the conqueft of the world : For it was their religion, and par- ticularly their moll religious regard to an oath, which made thera. fo good citizens and foldiers if. I am, however, of opinion, that religion was not known to man in his natural ftate, nor even in the firft ages of civility, but was difcovered by him, like other things, in procefs of time, as he im- proved in underftanding. And this is a truth not only proved by fa£t and obfervation, as I fhall afterwards ftiow, but I think is evi- dent from theory, and may be demonftrated in this manner. Men in the mere natural ftate have no ideas at all, but only the capacity of forming them. They have therefore only the perceptions of fenfe. From thefe perceptions, when they are a little advanced in civility and arts, they form, by abftracflion and generallifation, ideas in the manner I have elfewhere ihown §. But their firft ideas were only of • See ■vol. il. of this woek, p. 301.; and fee further concerning the philofophy of Mr Hume, -vol. I. p. 309. f Oratio, dc Harufp'xcum refponfts. \ See what I have further faid on this fubjc(f\, in vol. V. of Origin of Language, p. a. 5 Page 65. and 66. of this voluLrie 152 A N T I E N T M E T A P H Y S I C S. Book IT. of corporeal fubftances, and of their operations upon one another. In this wav, they difcovered a difference of bodies, and that one body ads upon another. But it is impofiible that at firft they can have any idea of an inviiible and immaterial principle ading upon body, and in that way conducting the operations of nature, and influenc- ing the affairs of human life. Now, a man who has no idea of this kind, can have no religion, which can only come in procefs of time, by obferving that there are invifible powers infinitely fuperior to any power that he can exert, by which all the wonderful phseno- mena of nature are produced. It may be faid that man, by confidering himfelf and his own powers of adion, might difcuver that there was an invifible power within himfelf, which moved him to adion. But a favage cannot pradife that precept of the wife man in Greece, Knoiv thyfelf^ which was infcribed on the frontifpiece of the temple at Delphi, and was underftood to be an addrefs by the God to thofe who came to vifit his temple*. Some I am affraid, even of our modern philofophers, know fo little of themfelves, as not to know that the principle, which moves their bodies, is an immaterial prin- ciple t- Religion therefore muft have come among men only in procefs of time, after they had lived together for a confiderable time in a well regulated fociety, and had not only invented fome of the neceflary arts of life, but had learned to reafon and to fpecu- late upon caufes and effeds. And indeed, to me it is inconceivable, how a creature only capable of intelled, which is the cafe of man in his natural ftate, (liould immediately upon acquiring the ufe of it without the exercife of it for fome confiderable time upon dif- ferent fubjcds, form an idea of the Supreme Intelligence, or of in- teUi^'ences fuperior to his ovi'n, or even of his own. This • See p. 8. of this vol. See alfo Plutarch in his Treatlfe upon the Infcription of EI. on the entry to the temple at Delphi, f Vol. V. of Origin of Language, p. 422. and 423. Chap. VI. AN TIENT METAPHYSICS. 153 This theory of mine is fupported by fads : The Orang Outang has certainly no religion ; and if the reader be not yet convinced of his being a man, Peter the Wild Boy, of whofe humanity there never was any doubt, had no idea of a God *, though he was tam- ed and domefticated, and lived very quietly in a family, where I faw him, and had learned a little language. Him, however, as well as the Orang Outang, i confider in the natural (tate. The Savage Girl, whom I faw in France, came from a country where thf V not only had the ufe of language, but prattiled fome of the arts of life, particularly fiiliing, in the natural way indeed, I mean by their hands, but fo that they lived by it. but, from the converfations I had with her, 1 could not learn that they had the leaft idea of re- lig on. And the people of the Pelew ifiands, though much farther advanced in the arts of life, have none neither, as far as we could dilcover dunng the i;^ weeks we were among them ; though, dur- ing that time, we appear to have informed ourlelves of their govern- ment, and the arts of war and navigation which they pradife ; and as there is no religion in any nation, without religious ceremonies and forms of worfhip, thefe we muft have alfo obferved,if there had been any fuch among them. The people of New Zealand appear to be ftill farther advanced in the arts of life ; for they have not only the ufe of language, but are orators and public fpeakers t, and are a generous noble-minded people, as well as the Pelew men ; yet neither have we difcovered any religion among them. The Indian na- tions of North America have notions of religion, which they carry fo far as to acknowledge a Great Spirit, in whofe name they make their treaties of peace. But, in the firft place, I fay, thofe nations are much farther advanced in the arts of civil life than any of the peo- ple above-mentioned; and, fecojid/j, I fay, that even this further progrefs would not have carried them on to the conception of a Supreme Being, if they had not learned it from a people much Vol. IV. U farther * See p 371. of vol. III. of this work. I See p. 4. of vol. VI. of Origin of Language, 154 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book 11. farther advanced in arts and fclences, who appear once to have in- habited the country of North America. Of fuch a people, memo- rials have been obferved by travellers in that country, particularly by Adair, who was 40 years there, trading with the different nations of North America, and appears to me to be a man of veracity and accurate obfervation. He fays, in his hiftory of the American Indians *, that, in certain parts of North America, there are to be feen plates of copper and of brafs, to the number of feven, five of copper and two of brafs ; and particularly of the brafs, he fays, that they are round in their fhape like a medal, and have upon them two ftars and an alphabetical charafler, at leaft it fo appears, refembling the charadler by which we mark the M diphthong in Latin. This Author likewife fpeaks f -of the re- mains of regular encampments to be feen in this country : And the fame was obferved by Carver, when he was there, as he has related in his travels through the interior parts of North America $. Thus 1 have proved both a priori by the reafon of the thing, and a pofteriori by fads, that religion does not belong to man in his natural ftate, and not even in the firft ages of civility, but that he acquires it, as he does arts and fciences, by the cultivation of his intelledual faculties. There are fome, I know, who think that the idea of a God, is an innate idea in man. But fuch men do not know, any more than Mr Locke and Mr David Hume, what ideas are, but confound them with fenfations ; from w'ich, no doubt, our ideas are formed in the manner I have elfewhere defcribed, (for in this ftate of our exiftence, all our knowledge arifes from our fenfes) ; but they are quite different from our fenfations, as diffe- rent as intelled is from fenfe, generals from particulars, and man from brute. CHAP, * Adair, p. 178. t Ibid. 377. \ Carver, p. ^6, .Chap. VI. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 155 CHAP. vir. Impoffihle that the Egyptians, tvho had invented fj many arts and Sciences^ Jl^onld not have been Religious. — They ivere the moji Re- ligious of all Nations. Religion here confide red as a Political In- fiitution^ ivhich produced no had effecis among the Egyptians, as it has done in many other Nations. — if it produced no bad effefls^ ivhere there ivas Jo much cf it as in Egypt, it mufl have produced good efjeSis. — -Difference betivixt the Religion of Egypt and that of other Countries. — In other countries the Gods only predicted events ; in Egypt they ivere Kings, and Governed. — Of the nature of the Egyptian Gods. — They ivere embodied, ivere born, and died ; and ivere of different Characters. — They ivere of that clafs of Beings cal- led Daemons. — This opinion fupported by the authority of Plutarch^ Plato, and other .Authors quoted by him. — Proved from theory thatfuch Beings as Demons mufi exifl, othenvife there ivould be a void in the univerfe, ivhich cannot be fuppofed to be info perfect a Syfleni. — Jgreeable to the ivifdom and goodnefs of God, that fiich Beings fJooutd be fent among men, to afftfl them to recover from their fallen State, by teaching them Arts and Sciences. — This ivas done by the Dcemons in Egypt. — This happened in other countries as ivell as in Egypt, particularly in China and in Peru. — hi Peru there ivas an Ofiris and an Ifis, under the name of Manco Capuc and his Sijler-ivife. — Authorities from Scripture to prove the exifence of Dcemons. — They may be fuppofed to have been the Beings called, in Scripture, Angels, ivho had the fuperintendency of hutfiatt affairs, — Each Nation had its Angel. — A bad tranflation of a text on this fubjcfl in our Bible. — The Sons of God, ivho, ive are told, copulat- ed with the Daughters of Men,mujl have been Demons. — This in- U 2 terprctation j^6 ANTIE NT METAPHYSICS. Book 11. terpretation of the text Jupported by the authority of the Fathers of the Church. — // loas natural that tbofe Damons in Egypt /}jould be tue objecis of Popular Worjhip there ; — but the Learned Egyp- tians made a dijlinciion betwixt the Popular Religion and the Re- ligion of Philojophers.— Proof of this from their knowing the doc- trine of the Trinity. — A great deal of Rites ^ Ceremonies, and Pomp in the Popular Religion of Egypt.— 'I he Jame in the Religions of Greece and Rome , — aljo in the Religion of the Jeivs. — Pi oof of this from Scripture. — Mufic a confidernhle part of the Religion of all Antient Nations ; — very much attended to by the Egyptians. — The Antient Mufic among them carefully prefer ved — Of the Ora- cles in Egypt. — By them only the Egyptians divined. — From them Oracles came to Greece, but not to the Romansj ivho divined only by the Flight of Birds and Entrails of Beajls. — Of the Egyptian Oracles. — Thtfe iv ere given by the Damons who had Reigned over ihcm ; — difference in that refpect betwixt the Oracles of Egypt a7id of Greece., as well as betwixt the Gods of Egypt and of Greece. — Of the deceit and impoflure of the Greek Oracles. — Of the Sacred Animals among the Egyptians. — Thefe were types of their Divinities. — Better reprefentations of Divinity than any thing inanimate, fuch as Brafs or Stone. — By means of thefe Sacred Animals, the Egyp' tians lived ivith their Gods, more than any other People ; — and ivere the mofl Religious of all People ; — and alfo the Happiejl.—' Obfervations upon the difference betwixt the Religion of the Phi- lofopher and the Vulgar. — A Religion of contemplation, fuch as that sf the Philojopher, not fit for an uninflrucled Mind. HAVING fhown in the preceding chapter, that men mufl: noE only have been civilifed, but have made fome progrefs in aits and fcienccs before they could be religious, in this chapter I propole to inquire concerning the religion of Egypt. That Chap. VII. A N T I E N T M E T A P H Y S I C S. i^y That men, who had conftituted fo perfe£l a polity, as I fliall fliow the Egyptian was, who had alfo invented thofe arts which I have Ihown the Egyptians invented, and other arts and likewife fciences, of vi'hich 1 fhall fpeak in the fequel, fliould not have difcovered, that there were, in this univerfe, beings of power and of wifdora infinite- ly fuperior to man, is a thing very impoffible, and indeed, in my apprehenfion, abfolutely incredible. But the matter does not reft Upon theory or argument : For it is a fadl uncontravertible, that they were a moft religious nation, I believe as religious a nation as ever exifted : Herodotus fays, the moft religious ot all nations *. Whether their religion was what may be called a true religion, is not the bufinefs of this part of my work to inquire ; for I here confider religion only as a political inftitution ; and I inquire, ^r/?, Whether religion among the Egyptians produced fuch bad confe- quences, as it is known to have produced among other nations, fuch as that abomination of human facrifices, which we know were prac- tifed in other nations, particularly among the Carthaginians f, like- wife among the Greeks, the Cananires, and even the Jews. But a- mong the Egyptians, fuch an abomination was abhored, and was never pradifed, as Herodotus has told us %, In other nations religion has produced, particularly in modern times, great diforders in the ftate, civil wars, perfecutions, and maffacres. But we hear of no fuch ef- feds of religion in Egypt. Secondly^ If religion, fo much as there ■was in Egypt, produces no bad effeds, it muft necefLrily produce fome good ; for it is impoffible that it can be a thing indifferent. I therefore hold it to be certain, that the piety of the Egyptian& muft have had a great effed upon their morals, and made them bet- ter citizens and fubjeds than otherwife they would have been ;, for * Lib. 2. cap. 37. •}- Diodjru--. lib. 20. cap. 2^, where he tells us, that the Carthaginians, upon one occaGon, facrificed 500 children, of their nobleft families, to appeafe the wrath of Saturn. % Lib= 2. cap. no. 158 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book 11. for they believed, as much as any people ever did, in a prefent diet)' ; and may be faid to have lived with their Gods. In one refped the Egyptian religion differed from any other that we read of. In other countries their Gods predided events, and in that way governed the councils of the kings and rulers: But in Egypt their Gods, in very aniient times, were theii kings : And there were three races of them, as Herodotus tells us ; the firft, confifting of eight Gods ; the fecond, of twelve ; and the third, and laft, of three ; and after them came their human Kings, of whom the fiift was Menes. And this leads to a curious inquiry, what kind of beings thefe God-kings, as they called them, were. And, in \.\-\e frjl place, it is certain, that they had bodies, fuch as we have, and were not immortal, but died as we do, though their life was much longer. Secondly^ As they died, fo they were born, and were produced in the ordinary way by generation ; but they mixed in that way only with one another : From the firft race therefore proceeded the fecond ; and from the fecond the third, in the common way of generation. They did not therefore mix with the women of the country, and beget Heroes, as the Greek Gods did; for Heroes were not known among the Egyptians; and Herodo- tus tells us, that they did not live wiih the men of the country, but among themfelves. Thirdly^ Though they were neither Gods nor immortal, they were much fuperior to men in council and intelli- p-ence. And, IcjUy, they were not all of them good and virtu- (His beings, but one of them was a murderer and a villain, he who was called Typhon. To what clafs of beings then fliall we fay they belonged, and v\hai name {liall we give them? And I think Plutarch has very rrcrcrly defcribed and named them, when he fays, that they were not Chap. VII. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 159 not Gods, but Dtemons^ that is, beings Intermediate betwixt Gods and men. This opinion he gives after informing us, that there were fome, who thought that they were mere men, who afTum- ed divine honours, and were confidered as Gods by the Egyp- tians, on account of the many benefits they had conferred on them by the difcovery of fo many arts. His own opinion he fupports by the authority of Plato, Pythagoras *, Xenocrates, and Chryfippus, who, in conformity with the antient theologifts, maintained that fuch beings exifted, much fuperior to man, and participated, in fome degree, of the divine nature, but not pure and unnixed. Plato, he tells us, fays, that they were placed in the middle betwixt Gods and men, and kept up a communication betwixt thefe two, carry- ing to the Gods the prayers and fupplications of men, and bringing from the Gods, to men, predictions of future events, and gifts of good things. And he quotes Empedocles, the philofopher, who fays, that fome of thofe Daemons were wicked, and committed crimes, which they expiated by certain punifhments ; and then they recovered the rank they had loft f. After this, Plutarch gives us the opinions of thofe philofophers, who allegorifed the Egyptian divinities, fuch as Ifis and Ofiris, and interpreted them to denote parts and powers of nature [f. But the allegories of thofe authors he rejeds, and gives what he himfelf thinks a better allegory § j for allegorifmg had come much into fafhion at the time that P'u- tarch wrote ; fo that both the Egyptian and Greek theology were allegorifed j * That It was the opinion of Pythagoras, that there was a clafs of beings that dwelt on earth, L ut were of a nature luperior to man, is evident from the aurea carmbia of Pythagoras, in which thay are called, ^uifiom xantjiionoi, (v. 2.) and the commentsny oS Ilierodes upon that verfc, p. 38. edit. Needham. f Plutarch, de Ificle et 0/tridef p. 360. and 361 of the Paris edition, toI. II. % Ibid. p. 363. S Ibid. p. 373. i5o ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book II. allegorlfed ; and in later times even hiftorical fads ; and there Is a late French writer who has made Romulus, the firft King of Rome, to be a fymbol of the fun. But that thofe Dsmon Kings of Egypt were real perfonages as much as Menes, their firft human King, neither Herodotus nor Diodorus Siculus appear to have the leaft doubt; nor Piutarch hiraielf, as he has told us in exprefs terms, that they were DrEmons, and held a middle place betwixt Gods and men. So that I hold the reign of the Go:is in Egypt to be as much a part of the antient hiftory ot that country, as the reigns of their human Kings, and attefted in the fame manner by the books 9f the priefts. That fuch beings as Dxmons do exlft, is, I think, evident frona theory, though it were not attefted by hiftory ; for it is impoffible to fuppofe, that the great interval betwixt an intelledual creature fuch as man, and the fupreme intelligence, fhould not be filled up by intelligences fuperior to man, but inferior by infinite degrees to the fupreme. Some of thefe we may fuppofe to be cloathed with fuch bodies as ours, which was the cafe of the tgyptian Dsemon Kings. Others we may fuppofe to be, like the Dsemons mentioned by Hefiod, cloathed with aerial bodies, ai^a, ^ta-a-ccy^f^svoi, as he ex- preffes it*, and who, he fays, were the guardians and benefadtors of men ; and others we may fuppofe with no bodies at all, but to be pure immaterial fubftances. If in this way the immenfe interval betwixt God and man was not filled up, there would be a great gap in the fyftem of the univerfe ; and things would not be con- neded together, the higher with the lower, which niuft be the cafe in every perfed fyftem, fuch as that of the univerfe certainly is ; and fo far as we can obferve on the earth, every thing is conneded with every thing, as I have elfewhere obfervedfj arid the more we obferve of the variety of nature, the more we ought to be convinc- ed • Ilefiodi, Ojtira et Dks. \ Page i8. and 19. of this volume. Chap. VII. A N T I E N T M E T A P H Y S I C S. i6r cd of the truth of what Arlftotlc has told us, that every thing, which is poflible to exift, that is, which does not imply a contra- didion to the nature of things, does adually exift; for, otherwife, that poflibility or capacity of exiftence would be in vain. Now, t'le fame author tells us, that as there is nothing deficient in the fyftetn of the univerfe, fo there is nothing fuperfluous. Moreover, I am of opinion, that it was agreeable to the wifdotn and goodnefs of God, that Man fhould, in the firft ages after his fall, have the affiftance of fuch beings as the Egyptian Daemon-Kings were, in order to enable him to recover in fome degree from his fallen ftate even in this life. And, accordingly, 1 am convinced, that all the arts and fciences invented in Egypt derive their origin from thofe Daemon-Kings, fome of whom are mentioned as the inventors of certain arts; fuch as Ifis and Ofiris, of agriculture, and Theuth, or the Hermes of the Greeks and the Mercury of the Latins, of the art of language, as I Ihall afterwards obferve. Nor was it in Egypt only that Providence interpofed in this extraordinary way for the good of man. It is preferved in the traditions of the Chinefe, that while they were in the favage ftate, a man appeared among them, whom they called the Son of Hea'vcn: And, in their religious proceffions, they Ihow the figures of twenty-four men, whom they call immortals. Now thefe with the Son of Heaven, as they called him we may, I think, with great probability, fuppofe to have been De- mons, who, like thofe in Egypt, civilifed the people,, and gave them laws ; and for that reafon are remembered, and have thofe honours done them. Manco Capuc, the firft Inka of Peru, and his fifter- wife, have a very great refemblance to the Ofiris and Ifis of the E- gyptians : So great, that I have not the leaft doubt of their bein^- fuch Txmons as the Egyptian; for I think it is impoffible to ac- count, how fuch a man or woman ftiould have appeared in Peru at fo early a period as the eighth or ninth century, and introduced ci- V0L.1V. X ,;ilUy i62 ANTIENT MET APHYSICS. Book II. v'llity and arts among the fava,a:es there. They could not, I think, have come from any part of North or South America, v^-hich we mufl: fuppofe to have been tlien much more barbarous than it is now. And it is impoflible to fuppofe that they fhould have crofled the At- lantic, and have come from Europe. I am, therefore, of opinion, as I have faid, that they were genii or Dsemons, fent down from hea- ven to civilife thofe barbarians, and thus far enable them to recover from their fallen (late. Nor, I think, is the teftimony of our fcripture wanting to fup- port my opinion j We read there of angels, and likewife of archan- gels, who certainly were an order of beings fuperior to the angels. We may therefore, I think, fuppofe them to be altogether imma- terial beings : "Whereas the angels may have been Daemons that were embodied. That this was the cafe of thofe angels, who came to vifit Abiaham, is evident ; for they not only had the bodies of men, but ate and drank with Abraham *. And that angels had a fuper- intendency and diredion of human affairs, Plato and Kefiod fuppofe. With them too our fcripture agrees; for we read, in the Revelation, of the angels of different churches : And in Daniels vifion, he fays, he faw the angel of the Kingdom of Perfia, whom he calls the Prince of Perfia, but plainly dillinguifhes him from the Kings of Perfia, and the other Kings whom he mentions in that vifion t ; and alfo the Prince of the Greeks, whom I underftand likewife to be the angel of the Greeks:):. And he alfo mentions the angel Michael, as thff great Prince ivhich fanJttb for the children of thy people, thitiSf for the children of Ifrael §. And there is a very remarkable paffage in Deuteronomy j] , which fays, Whsn the mofl high divided the nations^ and * Genefis, chap. i8. f Daniel, chap. 1 1, v. 2. and following. % ibid. chap. lo, v. 13, 6i :o. J Ibid, chap, 12. v. i. ;; Deut. chap. 33. v. 3. Chap. Vir. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 163 and fcattered the fans of Jdam, be Jet bounds to the 7iatioiis according to the number of the Angels of God*. And for this Mofes defires the peo- ple of Ifrael to enquire at their fathers atid their elder s^ and they tvill tell them fo'X. So that it appears to have been a conftant tradition among the Ifraelites from the earhefl: times. It therefore appears, that every nation had its guardian angel ; and I think we may rea- fonably fuppofe, that thefe angels, being in rank inferior to the arch- angels, were Dasmons, though perhaps fuperior to the Egyptian De- mons, having bodies of a finer texture ; and, if not immortal, liv- ing longer than the Egyptian Daemons did, though thefe lived very- long, forae of them of the firft race, it is faid, 2000 years, as I re- member. But if there were any doubt of there having been in antient times Dsemons, on the earth, of the human form, there is a paflage in the fixth chapter of Genefis, which, in my apprehenfion, puts the matter out of all doubt. It is in the 2d verfe, where it fays. That the fans of God faiv the daughters of men, that they ivcre fair^ and they took them 'wives of ail 'which they cbofe. And in the 4th verfe we have thefe words : There "were giants tn the earth in thofe days : Andalfo after that^ 'when the fons of God came in unto the daughters of men^ and they hare children to them ; the fame became mighty men^ 'which X 2. 'were^ * The words of the text are, *«ts S'ls^ij/^ii' « 'vi'iim? tint, 'tn hi^frn^it 'vnvt A^xu, ic- mrtt 'ofici ihuv x«t' u^ilu37 'a'/'/E>i«v 0£ou : Which are thus tranflated in our Bible, ff^Aen the mofl high divided to the naiwis their inheritance, -when he feparated the fons of jidain, he fet the bounds of the peofle according to the number of the children of Ifrael. This is one of the mofl: blundering tranflations in our Bible ; for it gives a meaning to the paflage quite different from the true one ; which undoubtedly is, that God divided the nations according to the number of the angels, affigning to each a nation as his particular province. I have elfewhere obferved (Vol. II. of Origin of Lannuace, p. 84.^ another blundering tranflation of a paflage in Exodus, (chap. 3.} where our tranflator'! make nonfenfe of a very fublime Theological truth, t Verfe 7.. x64 AN T I EN T METAPHYSICS. Book II. ivere, of old, men of renotvn. And the paffage is rightly tranflated according to the Septuagint, and alfo according to the Hebrew, if we can truft to the tranflation by Calmet, publiflied at Venice in 1754. Now thefe /cnj 0/ GoJ, as they are called, who copulated with the daughters of men, muft have been Daemons, that is an or- der of beings above men, but embodied as men are; and if io, it was very natural that the children fhould be much fuperior to other men, and fuch as the Greek heroes, or 'Ki/^ihav yivoi 'av^^m, as Homer calls them ; being a mixture of women with a fuperior race of beings. From the commentary of the translator above mentioned, it is evident that this was the opinion of the elder fathers of the church, fuch as Laaantius, Origen, Juftin Martyr, Clemens Alexandrinus, Cvprian and Ambrofms. At the fame time he informs us, that the later fathers were of opinion, that, by \hefons of God here, were meant the children of Seth, and that the daughters of men were the children of Cain. And the reafon they gave for their opinion was, that thefe /ons of God were angels, or fpirits entirely feparaied from body, fo that they could not mix with women. But this is plainly begging the queftion ; and fuppofing that they were not Dsfnons, that is fpi- rits embodied, but pure immateiial fubftances. Neither, do 1 think, can any good reafon be given, nor indeed any reafon at all, why the daughters of Cain fliould have been fo much handfomer than the daughters of Seth ; fo that the fons of Seth fhould have fal- len in love with them rather than with the daughters of their own family and tribe. And thus, I think, it is proved that Dremons, fuch as the Egyptian, exi[\ed in other nations, in very antient times. As thefe Daemons had been Kings of the country, and had intro- duced civifuy and invented arts> it was very natural that they fhould be Chap. VII. ANT I EN T METAPHYSICS. i6s be the objeds of the popular worfhip. At the fame time, I think it is evident, that the learned among the Egyptians, I mean the Priefts, diftinguillied betwixt the reiigion of the people and the religion of philofophers : For I think it is certain, that the Priefts not only be- lieved in the exiftence of one fupreme being, but they knew how all things proceed from him, and in what order; firft, the principle of intelligence, by which all things were made; and, fecondly, the principle of life and animation^ without which the whole creation would have been a lifelefs mafs : In fliort, they knew the myftery of the Trinity, which 1 hold to be a truth of Philofophy, and of the high- eft part of philofophy, theology, as well as of revelation; a truth, which was difcovered by fuch philofophers as the Egyptian Priefts, but could not have been known to the apoftles and firft Chriftians, with- out revelation. This Theology Plato brought with him from Egypt; for that Plato knew this myftery of the Trinity, but kept it a myf- tery, ty uTo^orjroii, as he exprefled it, there is no doubt*; and for that reafon, his Theology is faid, by the fathers of the church, to agree fo much with 'he Chriftian"!". Now he could have learned this Theology no where elfe but in Egypt. He certainly could not learn it in Greece, as among the Greek philofophers before his time, and even after his time, down to the time when Alexandria became the feat of philofophy, there is not the leaft hint given of it. And as to the notion, of Plato having learned it from fome Jews that he met with in Egypt or elfewhere, in the firft place, there is no evi- dence that Plato or any other Greek philofopher went among the Jews to learn philolophy ; and fecondly, if he had gone to Jerufa- lem to converfe with the Jews there, he could not have learned it from them, as it is certainly not revealed in the books of the Old Teftament, nor was it known to Jew oj Chriftian till the coming of our Saviour. As * Vol. I. of Origin of Lang. p. 7. 2d edition, and vol. V. of the fame work, p. ■^•5?. f Vol. V. of Origin of Lang. p. 344. and 345. l66 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book II. As to the popular religion of Egypt, it was full of rites, and ce- remonies, and of pomps, and proceffions, which were wonderfully attended by the people : And Herodotus mentions one proceffion to the city of Bouhaftis, in honour of Diana, in which there were 700,000 men and women befides children*; for it is by their fenfes, and not by their underftanding, that the vulgar muft be captivated, and their attention fixed on any thing: So that temples and altars, pomps and proceffions, and ceremonies of every kind, are neceflary for the popular religion of every country. Accordingly there was of thefe a great deal in the Greek and Roman, as well as the Egyptian religion. The Jewirti religion, befides a great many rites and ce- remonies, was a religion of more fplendour and finery, than any. of thofe I have mentioned. Among them Solomon's temple exceeded any thing, of the kind, to be feen in the other countries I have named. Even when they were in the wildernefs, they made a Ta- bernacle, an Ark, an Altar, and a Mercy Seat, of wonderful finery and fumptuoufnefs. The Mercy Seat and the two Cherubims were of pure gold, the Ark was overlaid with gold, outfide and infidef. The Altar was likewife overlaid with gold|. And not only were the inaterials fo coftly, but the art, with which they were wrought, we muft fuppofe to have been perfed of the kind ; for the artifts were infpired §: And there was a magnificence and a finery in the drefs of the Jewifti Priefts, fuch as is not to be found in any other antient nation, particularly in the drefs of Aaron the high Prieft, which, befides gold, purple, fcarlet, and fine linen, had, upon the breaft- plate, twelve precious ftones of different kinds, in four rows. Such grandeur and magnificence could not fail to excite the atten- tion of a people, who were as much or more governed by their fen- fes, » Lib. 2. chap. 60. f Exodus, chap. 25. X Ibid. chap. 30, 5 Ibid. chap. 31. Cliap. VIT. A N T I E N T M E T A P H Y S r G S. 167 fes, than any people we read of. Even after their miraculous deli- verance from Egypt, by the plagues fent by God among the Egyp- tians, and the dividing the Red Sea to give them a paflage through it, I doubt whether they would have believed in God, if he had not condudcd them through the Wildernels by a cloud in the day and a fire in the night; and if they had nor, from the top of mount Si- nai, not only feen him but heard him : So that he was perceived by two of their fenfes. And when this intercourfe with divinity had ceafed for a few days, (not more than 40), they defired to have a cor- poreal God, whom they might worlhip : And this was the figure of Apis, whom they had feen fo much adored in Egypt*. And it would feem that God thought it neceflary, in order to confirm the faith of even Mofes, to fhow himfelf to him under a bodily form "f. — Even after they were fettled in the land of Cannan, they had fo many facrifices, religious rites, and ceremonies, that they ftill kept up a communication with the divinity by their fenfes. And as to the Egyptians, befides facrifices and proceflions, they had fo many liv- ing fymbols of divinity, with which they were daily converfant, and of which I fhall prefcntly fpeak, that they might be faid to live with their Gods. And they were fo fond of that life, and fo much occupied by it, that when they were debarred it, and their temples fhut up and facrifices forbid, which was the cafe under Cheops, the King who built the pyramid, they reckoned themfelves miferablej. It is true that they were employed by Cheops in building his pyramid, which to be fure was a great labour. But they would have been flill more miferable if they had had nothing to do; for they would not have known how to have fperit the time, which they were in ufe to fpend in their devotion. Mufic was an efl"ent;al part of the religion of the antient world: Nor indeed is there any thing perceived by our fenfes, thatafFeds the fcntiments * Exodus, chap, 32. t Ibid. chap. 33. J Herodotus, lib. 2. chap. 124 i6g ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book II. fentiments and difpofitions of our minds more. And particularly it may be fo compofed, as to infpire devotion more perhaps than any thing elfe. And accordingly it was by their church mufic, chiefly, as I have elfewhere obferved*, that the Jefuits converted the barbarians of Paraguay. Nor was the Religion of Egypt wanting in this reipedl; for their proceflions were accompained by mufic f, and Plato tells us, that they had feveral fongs of Ifis, that were 10,000 years old. And they confidered mufic as fo eflential, both to the religion and the good government of the country, that they would fuffer no in- novations to be made in it, nor any other mufic to be practiced but that which had defcended to them from the age of their Gods X- The Egyptians, befides the intercourfe they had with their Gods, by facrifices, proceflions, and many rites and ceremonies, had a more dire£l and immediate communication with them by the means of their oracles, which they confulted, not only in their public affairs, but in matters of private concern, fuch as difputes between man and man. And the refponfes of their oracles were not myfterious and ambiguous, as among the Greeks, but plain and dire^K y tcv xuxtitet 'ts i'J iivtiTi Tnlnffi- '0( h xi fttiT uvrtt »08>i fiTit' af>}i*v axttint Opera et Dies. v. 293. et fequett. Homer very well defcribes the men of the firft clafs, by faying that they fee t« »-{«r* x»t titiocu. Of fuch men the head of Janus with two faces, the one looking hefure and the other behind, is a very good emblem. • De Republica, Lib. i. Cap. 5. and following. Chap. VIII. A NTIENT METAPHYSICS. 179 thofe who are fit to be governed as free men, that is, by perfuafion, and alib thofe who mufl be governed as flaves. There is another thing to be obferved concerning the nature of man, which, I am perfaaded, Hefiod knew, though he has not told it ; that the quaUties of mind as well as of body defcend to the race. And in this refpeft, too, man refembles other animals, and particu- larly the horfe, whofe blood is known by his fpirit, as well as by his figure, (hape, and movements. Thus I think it is evident, that nature has laid the foundarion of excellence in the great art of government, as well as in other arts; and that no education can make a man fit to govern, who is not by God and nature deftined for that office : And it only remains to be inquired, how we are to difcover this deftination. That men by go- verning, will ihow themfelves fit to govern, there is no doubt. But the queftion is, by what marks they were firft diftinguiflied, and al- lowed to govern. And I fay that the charadler of a governing man is as eafily to be difcerned in the features of a man, his look, his voice, and the movements of his body, as blood is in a horfe, by his look and movements : Nor do I think that there is any defignation of chara£ler fo marked in us, as that of a governing man. Thefe marks that I have mentioned, joined with a fuperior fize and figure, make what Euripides calls the 'j<5o? 'a|/oi' rv^awi^oi^ or as Tacitus has very well tranflated ix, forma princ'tpe 'viro digna. It was in this way, that, I am perfuaded, men were firfl diftinguifh- ed among herds of favages ; for that men lived in herds before they were formed into civil focieties, and what may be called nations, is, as 1 have faid *, evident, both from fa£t and hiftory, and from the reafon of the thing : Now I fay, that, among thefe herds, men who 2 Z were • Page 176. of this Vol. i8o ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book II, were by nature deflined to govern, would be diftinguiftied by the marks above mentioned from the reft of the herd, and followed and admired; and ihey would be much more fo, when families joined to- gether to form ftates. And if, befides their fuperiority of figure, they diftinguiflied themfelves in fight and in council, and invented or car- ried to greater perfection fome of the neceffary arts of life, they would become chiefs and rulers, and form nations, to which they would give their names. And this I hold to have been the origin ot the firft governments among the Greeks, where fuch men as Dorus, .^olus, Ion, and Hellen, formed the nations Dorians, Cohans, lo- nians, and Hellens ; and in like manner in Afia Dardanus and I'ros formed the ftate of Troy, and gave their names to the people. Without men fo diftinguiflied by nature, I do not think that fuch ftates, as I have mentioned, could have been conftituted in Greece, nor indeed in any other country ; for it is impoflible to fuppofe that favages, who had by nature no fuperiority one above another, would aflemble together, form a plan of polity, and chufe kings or gover- nors : I am perfuaded, therefore, that in every country, when polity firft began, providence fo ordered things, that men ftaould have the afTiftance either of Beings fuperior to men, fuch as the Daemons in Egypt were, (which country, as it was intended to be the parent country of all arts and fciences, appears to have been particularly fa- voured by heaven,) or of men much fuperior to other men, and who were by God and nature deftined to govern their fellow creatures. And this 1 hold to have been the origin of all nobility, and of the Jure Divino right of Kings. Of fuch a King Homer has faid, And this leads me to fpeak of thofe heroic Kings of Greece, who fought at Troy, to whom Homer fo properly applies thefe lines, and of ♦ Iliad. 2. V. 205. Chap. VIII. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. i8i of the form of polity in thofe ftates, which they governed. They pretended to be iomething «iore than men, as Homer calls them, being the Sons, as they fald, of Gods. But the Gods of Greece, as I have obferved elfewhere, were not even Demons, but mere mortal men, who came to Greece from Crete*, but originally, I am perfuaded, from Egypt, from which Greece got its arts, and a great part of its inhabitants. The Arcadians, who were the moft antient people in Greece, and called themleives t^oo-i- Xtivoi^ that is more antient than the moon, were a colony from Egypt; and fo were the Athenians the firft people in Greece f. And Hero- dotus has told us, that the leaders of the Dorians, a molt antient tribe in Greece, were all from Egypt : And one of them Hercules, of whom they made a God, was originally an Egyptian, as the fame author tells us, both by the father and mother.. The governments in thofe ftates of Greece, where thofe heroes ruled, were, I think, perfedl models of what may be called a free government ; for the kings there had for their council the el- derly men of the ftate, which vpas what they called the /SoyXjj yi^ov rut. With them the Kings deliberated : Anj what was determined, was reported by the King to a general aflembly of the people. So that it was no law till it had their approbation; and that was obtain- ed by the King haranguing them : So that they were perfuaded before they adled. And for that reafon it was neceflary that the Kings fliould excel not only in council and in fight, as Homer fays, but in eloquence. And accordingly Phoenix taught Achilles. A * Dlod. Lib. 5. cap, 77. f See what I have faid upon the fubjeft of the Athenians and Arcadians, being Egyptian colonies, in Vol. I. of Orig. of Lang. 2d. edit. p. 636. and following. And in Vol. V. p. 1 01. X Iliad. 9. V. 443. iSi ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book II. A very compleac plan of education defcribed In very few words. So that the Kings in thefe heroic governments, were not only by their birth fuperior to other men, but by their education. This fame he- roic form of government is at this day the government among the Indians in North America ; for they are governed by hereditary chiefs, and a council of their Sachems or elderly men. And what the chief and this council determine, is propofed to a general aflem- bly of the warriors for their approbation by the chief, who ha- rangues them, and who, therefore, like the Greek heroic Kings, muft excel in eloquence, as well as in council and in fight. And accordingly it is well known, that a chief can have no dignity or authority, if he cannot fpeak. And this fhows the excellency of the art of eloquence, by which alone a free government can be carried on : For in private conver- fation men may be convinced by queftion and anfvver ; in the man- ner of the Socratic dialogue, the mod inftrudive of all converfation ; but converfation and public fpeaking, are two things quite different; for, in the affembly of the people, the only method of perfuafion is by haranguing, when the ears of the people muft be filled and pleafed, as well as their underftandings informed ; fo that the found in eloquence muft be ftudied as well as the fenfe. And of adion, which is the principal quality of an orator, the chief part is the management of the voice; joined, however, to that, there muft be the look and the gefture of the body; and a certain dignity in the whole appearance of the man. Oratory, therefore, requires not only great talents of mind, but advantages of perfon, fuch as none other of the fine arts requires, fo that it is the moft eminent and moft dignified of all arts, and I think is not improperly honoured by Ci- cero with the appellation of Retina artiutn. And I have no doubt but that thofe antient heroic Kings, who were fuperior men, both in mind and body, were very great orators, perhaps the greateft that Chap. Vlir. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 1S3 that ever exiRed ; and, accordingly, Homer has put into their mouths, as I have elfewhere obferved *, fome of the fined Speeches that ever were made. The account which Homer in his Iliad has given us of thofe he- roic governments, is a very important part of the hiftory of man ; For I do not think, that ever fuch men eKided fo eminent in council and in fight, in eloquence, public fpirit, private friendlhip and hofpitaliry. Whatever liberties Homer may have taken with fads, and 1 think there can be no doubt that he has added and taken a- way circumftances, and altered the order and arrangement of them, that he might give to his fable that unity and ihat ideal beauty without which no work of art can be perfedl. But, as to the cha- raders and manners, I have not the leaft doubt, that he has given them truly and faithfully, and at the fame time minutely and circum- ftantially. He has defcribed the Greek heroes, not only as very great but very amiable men. So that I do not wonder, that Horace, though he lived in what is commonly thought a very fine age, earneftly wiHies to have been born in that heroic age, Hos utimam inter Heroas naturn tellus me prima tuliflet f There are, I know, who think that Homer has exaggerated much in this matter, and that, upon the whole, thofe Greek heroes were men fuch as we, or very little different. But if he had afcribed the adions, he makes thofe heroes perform, to men fuch as we, I fliould have thought the Iliad a mock heroic poem, like the battle of frogi and mice. All thofe heroes were, as I have fald, men of illuftrious birth, though not Gods, nor even Daemons, like the firft Kings of Egypt. Nor is there any example, in thofe antient times, of men who founded * Vol. VI. of Orlg. of Lan. Book 4. Chap. i. t Lib. 2. Sat. 2, V. 92. 184 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book 11. founded ftates or performed any great adion, that were not defcend- ed of noble parents. Among us at this day, no horfe is efteemed that is not of a good race ; and no reafon can be given why there fliould not be blood in men as well as in horfes and other animals*; for if it were otherwife, it would be a Angularity in our fpecieS) fuch as cannot be prefumed. Homer geneologifes his heroes as accurately as we do our horfes ; or even as the Arabians do theirs, who record the geneologies of their noble horfes as carefully as we in Scotland record the rights to our lands; and fome of thefe geneologies are carri- ed back 2000 years : I fay their noble horfes; for we are not to ima- gine that all the horfes of Arabia are of equal value : For there are - there, as well as among us, vulgar horfes of no eftimation. But not only in the heroic age was birth in fuch eftimation, but alfo in later times. Among the Athenians there were the evraT^i^ctiy that is, men of noble families, who were highly refpeded till the go- vernment became quite democratical : and then almoft all the offices of State, all of them as far as I remember, except that of General or Admiral, vpere difpofed of by lot among the people, without the leaft regard to birth, education, or fortune. Among the Romans in the firft ages of their ftate, the men of birth made a diftindl order or clafs of men quite different from the Plebeians or vulgar men ;*and they only difcharged the great offices of ftate. And their race was kept pure • Fortes creantur fortibus et bonis : ElT: in juvencis, eft in equis patrum Virtus ; nee imbellem feroces Progenerant aquila: columbam. Herat. Lib. 4. Od. 4. By which it would fcem, Horace thought that there was as great, or nearly as great, a difTerencc betwixt races of the fame fpecies, as betwixt different fpeciefes of animals of the fame genus. To this authority from Horace, may be added the authority of Ariftotle, who has defined nobility to be x^tri) rev yiveg : And indeed the very name given it in Greek of luynu* implies that. It is, therefore, evident that Ariftotle, as well as Horace, thought that nobility was not a thing merely of iiijlituiion, as fome people now»a-days believe it to be, but that it had a foundation in nature. Chap. Vlir. ANTIENTMETAPHYSICS. 1S5 pure, and unmixed with the Plebeians : Betwixt whom and the Pa- tricians, Intermarriages were prohibited by the laws of the XIT. Tables; and the repealing of that law, and admitting the Plebeians to the great offices of State, fuch as that of Conful or Dikflator, was, in my opinion, one of the chief caufes of the ruin of their State. The firfl Plebeian Conful was taken prifoner, he and his army, by the enemy ; and another Plebeian Conful, Terentius Varro, loft the battle of Canne^ which brought the Romans to the brink of ruin*. In modern times, birth was alfo much refpeded, particularly la the military orders of knighthood, fuch as the order of Malta, into which no man at this day can be admitted, who cannot prove his noble defcent for fix generations on both fides. And the pradice of any mean trade, or money making art, does ever, in thefe day?, degrade a man of the highefl; birth fo much, that he cannot be a Knight of'TVlalta, though ever fo nobly born. But I do not think that, in the degenerate (late of man In modern times, there ever was fuch nobility, even among our Kings, as that of thofe antient heroic Kings, or of the Kings of Sparta in later times, who were defcended of Hercules. They were truly jure Divino Kings, deftined by God and nature to govern their fellow creatures, fuch as Homer has mentioned in the paflage above quoted. But the beft blood may be corrupted by Impure mixtures, which mufl: happen very frequently. In countries where money is fo much valued as it is at prefent in all the nations of Europe f; or it may be debafed by the education of tlie youih in vicious pleafures, or Vol. IV. A a in • See upon this fubjecl, Vol. V. of the Orig of Lang. p. 199. and following. t There is an old Greek poet who fay:, 'hat ttAsvtoj ful- '/m; : Which fhows that even in antient tin:es tLofe impure miitures, for the fake of money, were kncwji. j36 a N T I E N T M E T a FH Y S IC S. Book H.. in floth and indolence, without thefe manly exercifes, of emulaticn and contention, pradifed by the Greeks, which, as Arlftotle has obferved, give vigour to the mind as well as ftrength to the body. It was fuch an education under the difcipline of Lycurgus, which preferved fo long that heroic race of Kings in Sparta, the lad of whom died glorioufly in battle, as Diodorus Siculus informs us. The form of government of Rome, under the Kings, was the fame, or nearly the fame, as the heroic goveinment: for it was a government by a King and a Senate, or fiovXx yioovrm, with the con- currence and approbation of the people, afTembled, and perfuaded of the juflice and expediency of the mcafure by the fpeeches of the leaJ- Hig men : And 1 hold, that the government under one King was much better than the government under two Confuls : For, hov/- cver government may be divided in the ordinary management af affairs, and in times of peace and tranquillity, in all extraordinary emergencies, when thefafecy of the ftate is in danger, recourfe muft be had to the government of one man ; which undoubtedly is the beft of all governments, when that man is what he ought to be. And accordingly the Roman commonwealth was not nine years old,, before they were obliged to have recourfe to a Didator *, The heroic government, with all the advantages it had, was liable to one defedt, in common with all government in which the people have any (hare. And that was fadion and oppofiiion to the govern- ment of the bed men. This evil is very little felt while the people continue virtuous. But, when they become deg,enerate and corrupt, it produces a great deal of mlfchief. Even as early as the time of the Trojan war, while the Greeks were yet a virtuous people, there was a Demagogue among them, called Therfites, whofe delight it was to rail at tlie ruling men, fuch as Agamemnon and Ulyffes, from envy no doubt of their lupeiior merit, and becaufe he thought, and • Eutrop. Lib. i-. Cap. l%. Chap. VIII. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 187 and I am perfuaded he was not miftaken, that he was defpifed by them. This Demagogue was treated by UlyiTes,as he deferved to be; that is he was beaten by him; and there are many Demagogues, in modern times, who deferve to be no better ufed. Btrt in latter times, when the people were corrupted by weahh and luxury, the number of them increafed prodigioufly. And when the people came to have the whole power of the Rate in their hands, whicli was the cafe of Athens in later times, thofe Demagogues flattered the people, and made them do fome as bad things as ever tyrants were perfuaded to do by their<:ourtiers. And in Rome, when the government there be- came democratical, the flate was rent to pieces by fadlions, pro- fcriptions, and civil wars, and at laft ended, as Democracies com- monly do, in a mod violent tyranny. But another very capital defe<£l in thefe heroic governments, was, that no arts or fciences of any value could be invented or cul- tivated in them. So that however good the government might be, while tlie people remained virtuous, it was only fit for a people pradlifing arms and agricuhure, and other necelTary arts of life, -which was the cafe of the people of Greece at the time of the Tro- jan war, and of the Romans in the early ages of their ftate. But the chief end of the political life, is to improve the human intelledl by arts and fciences, and fo carry men on in that progrefs, which by God and nature they are deftined to go through, in order to re- ct)ver that ftate of blefs from which they had fallen. That thefe defeds were remedied in the Egyptian government, I will fhow in the fequel. But, before I come to fpeak qf that go- vernment, I think it will be proper to make fome obfervations more upon government in general ; for as It is by government that man is made a political animal, and fo is enabled to go on in that pro- grefs, which God and nature have deftined he fhould make in this life, it is a matter of the greateft importance in the hiftory of man, A a 2 CHAP. ,i88 A N T I E N T M E T A P H Y S I C S. Book IL CHAP. IX. ^he qmjl'ion to he con/tiered is, ivhich is the hejlform of government among men. — That the demccratical is the tuorfi, the author Jup- ■pofes in the preceding chapter, — That it is fo^ proved a priori,. from the nature of man and of government: — Proved aljh by fatl and experience, — particularly by the example of the Athenians^ a people^ the cleverefl that perhaps ever exifled; yet they could not govern themf elves. — When they ceafed to be governed by the laws ivhich Solon gave them, or by eminent men, that got the lead among them, their affairs ivent into the greatefl diforder, and their State ivas ruined. — Their feizing the public money, and applying it to their maintainance and pleafures, one of the chief can fes of their ruin. — This made them live an indolent and pic ajur able life-, ivhich made them unfit for the great ivars,. i.vherein they engaged — of their loffes in the Peloponefian ivar, — ivhich had like to have ended in the total deflruBion of their city. — By the peace ivhich they ivere forced to make, they ivere fubjecJed to thirty tyrants. — One chief reafon of their illfuccefs in the ivar, ivas their fufpicion of all the men of eminence among them, — ivhich made them practice that ex- traordinary form of procefs called Oflracifm. — Example of that in the cafe of Ariflides. — They might perhaps have taken Syracufe, if they had not recalled Alcibiades from that expedition. — Their rea- fon for recalling him, a mofl frivolous one. — The adminifl ration of their affairs at Rome infome inflances accompanied ivith the great- efl injuflice, — an example of this in the condemnation and execution of fourteen of their fea commanders, ivho had obtained for them a fignal vi^ory,— Their democratical form of government corrtipted their Chap. IX. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 1^9 their manners ^ — and made them a people quite different from their ancejlors.—'Th'ir po'vernment a inojl compleat democracy ^ ivhere Libeitv and Eq;i itv nvere in the highejl perjenion. — No other ex- ample necejfary to p'ove ho-u> bad a government democracy is, than the example of France before our eyes; — more folly, madnefs, and crimes-, committed under that goHjernment by the French, than there is any example (f in any other nation in the fame fhortjpace of time. —Afonarchy the bcfi form of government. — It is the government of the Univerfe, and the frfl government among men—fo much found- ed in nature^ that it takes place occafionally even in confitutions of ii'hich it is no part,— as in the cafe of the DiBator among the Remans. — Of the perpetual Diclator in Rome, and then of their Emperors. — One effential difference betivixt the democratical and monarchical government s , that the democratical never can be a good government, but the monarchical, though not reftrained by laves, may be a good government ; — Ivjo chances for that, if the King be a good King, or his Minifer a good Minifer — The particular hap- pinefs of Britain is to have both good. — Nothing can make men de- firous of a change offuch a government^ but the infciion of ths French madntfs ; — proper means vfed to prevent that. THE chief thing to be confidered In government is, which of all the various forms of it that have been ufed by men, is the bert. From what I have faid in the preceding chapter, the reader will fuppofe that I think the democratical form is the word: And indeed I am fo much of that opinion, that I hold it to be impofuble, by the nature of things, that a democracy fhould be a good govern- ment, or even that it ihould not be the worfl: that has been ufed by men. That there have been virtuous people, and that a good go- vernment, and good inflitutions with proper education may make them to, there is no reafon to doubt. But that there fhould be a vcifc 59© ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book IF. nuife people^ Is by the nature of things impoffible, unlefs we are to rejed that divifion of men made by Kefiod, and maintain that all men are fit to give good council, or at lead to take it when given by others. I, therefore, hold that what government is carried on by the whole people, without diflindion of birth, rank, education, or fortune, whether it be carried on by every individual in perfon, or by deputies or delegates chofen by them, is of neceffity a bad government, and the worft of all governments, in which their can be neither virtue nor wifdom. A propofition which is not only fup- ported by theory, but by fads, and the experience of all ages. The Athenians were certainly a moft ingenious people : Nor do I believe that there ever exifted a people more acute, and of better natural parts, and thefe too improved by the culture of arts and fciences. They were alfo a noble, high minded people : Nor was there ever a nation which a£ted fo genc-ous, and fo difmterefted a part as they did, when Xerxes invaded Greece with the greatefl force, both by fea and land, that, I believe, was ever coHeded to- gether ; By which they not only faved Greece, but all thofe arts and fciences which we have got from the Greeks, and which are all that we now have *. But even they could not govern them- felves. While they were contented with the conftitution which Solon had given them, who had been in Egypt, and had no doubt ftudied government there, as well as other arts and fciences, they went on well enough ; though the government he gave them, he faid, was not the heft he could have given them, but the beft they would receive. And even after they had made their government quite popular, while their councils were direded by a Themiftocles, a Peiicles, or an Alcibiades, their affairs were profperous, and they were the leading people in Greece. But when their counfellors were • See what I have further faid, at confiderable length, in pralfe of the Athenians. Vol. Yl. of Orig. of Lang. Book V. Chap. 2. p. 344. and following. Chap. TX. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Ts^l ■were Demagogues, who flattered them as much as ever King was flattered by his courtiers, afking them frequently ivhat they ivoiild have, and ivhnt they JlooJild do to pleafe them^, their affairs went rnto the greatefl dilbrder, and ended at laft in the ruin of their flate. One of the chief caufes of their ruin, was their feizing upon the revenues of their ftate, which, we are told, was greater than all the revenues of the other ftates of Greece put together. And this money they laid out upon their living, and their pleafures, particu- larly the pleafuie of their theatre : So that there was nothing left for defraying the public fervice, except, fiiJI, the contributions of the richer citizens, called 'ncrcpo^ai^ a very unequal and arbitary af- fcfinent ; slxiA fecondly, what they called Xsircv^yiui, or public fer- vices, which were alfo a burthen upon the richer fort, fuch as the fitting out of flaps of war, which was a great part of the expence of their ftate : And even the rich they made contribute to their pleafures, by defraying the expence of the chorufes of their tragedy and comedy, which contribution they called %'i^r,') io!..'\ . By thefe means, the Athenians led an eafy, indolent, and pleafure- abie life ; fuch as made them very unfit for any great un'dertakings.- But their vanity, flattered by their Demagogues, made them en- gage in the moft dangerous enterprifes, by which they fuffered greater calamities, in a fhorter time, than almoft any people we read of. Of thefe Ifocrates, in his oration, i) of itfelf, make the Hindoos happier than the people of other countries. The only ambition they can have, is to excel in their feveral profeflions, and in no other. And this ambition muft pro- duce an emulation, which, as I have obferved, muft make them ex- cel in their feveral arts ; and which muft be much greater among thofe of the fame art, than among thofe profeflTmg different arts • and, indeed, a-mong thefe there can hardly be any emulation at all efpecially when it is impoffible that a man of the lower caft can rife to a higher. He therefore will not compare himfelf with thofe above him, but will be contented if he can out do thofe of the fame. H h 2 caft I • See p. 1 7<5, of this vol. 244 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book II. caft : And this, among others, I think, Is one great advantage of the divifion of the people into clafles according to their feveral em- ployments. For my own part, I have heard fo much of the Hin- doos, and of the bravery and fidelity of thofe who are in our fervice, that there is no people I fhould defire more to be acquainted with ; and if I could acquire knowledge enough of their learned language, fo as to read their books of fcience, of which, I am informed by Sir William Jones, they have a great many upon every fubjedt, I believe I fhould learn more of the antient Egyptian philofo- phy, which was brought to Greece by Pythagoras, and which I hold to be the only genuine philofophy, than is to be found in the Greek books. In fliort, I confider India as Egypt ftill preferved to us; and, if I were there, I fhould confider myfelf as in the parent country of all arts and fciences, where they were beft cultivated, and brought to the greateft degree of perfedion. CHAP. Chap. XII. A N T I E N T M E t A P H Y S I C S. 245 CHAP. XII. Compart/on of the prefait State of Egypt ivitb its ard'tent State. — The change more for the worfe than in any other country. — /;/ He- rodotus^ s time^ it ivas a country more -wonderful than all the other countries upon earth. — Of its climate, and its river. — 7 he climate not liable to excefs either of hot or cold, dry or tvet. — The changes of thefc produce many difeafes among men. — The river more "wonder- ful than the climate. — // has created a country in Egypt, — and makes this country ivonderfully fruitful by r€ne'wing the foil of it, — Without that, the land of Egypt could not have la/led or maintained Jo many people. — -Examples to prove this. — The Nile made agricul- ture in Egypt a very eafy art, which is fo laborious in otljer coun- tries,— // deliver ed them from the reproach of feeding upon dung. — The river, befides, yeildtd many plants of different kinds, upon •which the inhabitants of the marfhy part of Egypt lived. — The land of Egypt fertile as -well as the water. — It produced wheat and bar- ley which grew wild there, and no where elfe. — Of the works of art in Egypt.'-^The in^ and greatefl work of that kind, the mounds of earth, upon ■'which the cities were built, and without which the country could nst-Atave been inhabited, —The fecond great "work of art in Egypt, was the Lake of Maris ',~a moji tfeful work,--of -wonder- J'ul circumference ana^ depth.'— The third great work of Egypt, 'was the Labyrinth. — The fourth, the Pyramids, — the lajl of the great works of Egypt, as Herodotus has arranged thejn, but fuch, that, if they had not been fill extant, we could not have believed in the ■Either wonders of Egypt. — The greatefl work of art among the E- .gyptians^ was their Government, — -the fubje^ of which was Men, ajid 246 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book m and not materials fuch as Jlone and brick. — In this they exceeded all the world. — All thefe arts ^joined with their prodigeous numbers, and the arts and/ciences they invented, make them the mojl wonder- ful people on earth. — Of the prefent Jlate of Egypt ,— wonderfully changed for the worfe^—frft, as to the numbers of the people. — "The antient Egyptian Race not to be fomid in Egypt : So that the na>- tion may be faid to be annihilated. — Injlead of being the mojl fruit' ful country in the world, not able to maintain the few inhabi" tants that are in it : And, inflead of being the healthiefl country in the worlds it is now the feat of difeafe. IN this chapter I propofe to compare the antient with the prelent ftatg of Egypt; a compai'ifon which will exhibit an alteration, and a change fer the worfe, fuch as is not to be found in any other country upon the earth, though in all countries the changes have been very great in latter times, and I am afraid none for the better. Herodotus has faid, that, in his time, Egypt exhibited more won- ders both of nature and of art, than all the countries of the earth put together*: And he mentions particularly their heaven, or cli- mate they enjoyed, and their river fo different from other rivers, and alfo the manners of the people. As to their climate, the coun- try is in fuch a latitude, as not to be liable to any excefs, either of heat or cold, nor of dry or of wet. In Upper Egypt it never rains; or if it did, it was, in antient times, accounted a prodigy; which, Herodotus tells us, was the cafe before the Perfian conqueftj and then it only rained in drops : And in Lower Egypt it rains but feldom ; nor have they any of thofe fogs or milf s,which make other climates, lefs favoured by Heaven, fo unwholefome. They have not, there* fore, that fucceffion of hot and cold, dry and moift, nor in general that ♦ lib. 2. cap. 35. Chap.XlI. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 247 that change of weather, which, as the fame author obferves, affeds the human body fo much, ami produces fo many difeafes. Their river was ftill more wonderful than their fky; for there may perhaps be other climates as good as that of Egypt, but there is no river, known, like the Nile, or which has produced fo wonderful an efFedi as the produdtion of a great country ; I mean the Delta ^ which, as Herodotus tells us, was the gift of the river : And not only has produced it, but, by annually overflowing it and the Up- per Eg}'pt, lias made them both the moft fruitful countries in the world. Other rivers by overflowing only water the foil, and pre- vent the bad eflfeds of exceflfive drought ; whereas the Nile not only waters the foil, but annually renews it, by bringing from ^Ethiopia a very rich earth, which it depofits upon the plains of Egypt, while it Aagnates. Nor do I think it is polfible, that, without fuch renew- al, Egypt could have maintained fo many millions of people for fe many thoufand years, nor have invented fo many arts and fciences, and by their colonies propagated them to fo many countries. For the fame foil, however good, muft be exhaufted at laft by continu- ed cropping for a great number of years, notwithftarKling any dung we can give it; for we carry off, in every crop, more of the vegetable earth than w^ can add to it by the richefl: dunging; and of what re- mains we exhauft at laft the feminal virtue. I was told by a gen- tleman employed by Government to fur\^ey the Weft India Iflands, which we took from the French in the war before the laft, that he was informed, that fome of thefe Iflands, when they were firft cul- tivated, produced 20 crops of fugar without dung or changing the plant; whereas in our Ifland of Barbadoes, which has been very- long in culture, they miift dung and change the plant every year. Paleftine, which was once a moft fruitful country, and maintained a prodigious number of inhabitants, is now fo much exhaufted, that it is little better than a fandy defert. The 248 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book IL The Nile, by overflowing and renewing the foil, made agricul- ture, which in other countries is an art requiring much labour and fkill, a matter of great eafe in Egypt: For, as Herodotus has told us*, the farmer there, was not obliged to plough or dig the ground; but afler the river was retired, he had no more to do, but to fow his feed upon the wet mud, and then employ fwine to tread it in ; and in this way he had a plentiful crop, which he faved himfelf alfo the trouble of threflxing by treading the grain out with fwine. Another advantage the Egyptians had by the overflowing of the river was, that they efcaped the reproach which the King of iEthi- opia caft upon the Perfians, that they lived upon dung ; for having, alked the Perfian ambafliadors upon what they lived, and being told it was upon wheat, which was raifed among them, as among us, from land dunged, he faid that it was no wonder that they lived fo Ihort time, when they fed upon dung f : And it is certain, that all the fruits of the earth muft have in them more or lefs of the manure by which they are raifed and nourifhed : And I have no doubt, but that many difeafes are produced among us and other nations in Eu- rope by our being fed in that way ; and I hold it to be one rea- fon of the great health of the Egyptians, that all the corn they ate was not raifed from dung, but from new earth brought down by the river. Whereas, we feed upon fruits raifed in our fields and gardens from the dung of other animals; and thofe, who live in great towns, feed upon fruits^ a great part of which is raifed from their own dung ; for that is a principal part of the manure of fields and gardens near to a great city. Now^ we can hardly imagine a food more unnatural than this. And not only did the river produce the moft plentiful crops with- out any culture,, but it abounded fo much with filh, and with herbs, whicJi * lib. 2. cap. 14. t Herodotus, Lib. 3. cap. 22. Chap. XII. ANTI EN T METAPHYSICS. 249 which it produced, particularly the Lotus^ Agrojiis^ and Biblus^ that it maintained numbers of men without the ufe of any corn : For He- rodotus mentions a part of Egypt which was altogether marihy, where the inhabitants neither fowed nor reaped, but lived entirely upon the produce of the river ; and Diodorus Siculus tells us, that, even in the country that was fown, the children were brought up chiefly upon plants that grew in the river, with little or no expence to their parents. But not only was the water thus bountiful to the inhabitants, but the earth, I imagine, was of the beft kind, producing plants which were to be found in no other country : So that 1 believe we owe to Egypt the very bread we eat ; for wheat and barley, and every other fpecies of grain, mull have grown wild in fome country before they were cultivated ; and, accordingly, Diodorus Siculus tells us, that the wheat was a wild plant in Egypt before Ifis taught the people the culture of it. Now, I do not believe that the common wheat, and much lefs the finefl kind of it, which they called Zea^ and which was the Far of the Romans, and the food of the beft people in Egypt*, is, at prefent, or was, at any time, the natural produce of any other coun- try. The barley, too, of which we make our ale, and upon which the Greeks fed before they got the ufe of wheat, was, I am perfuad- ed, likewife a native of Egypt, and of no other country j and fo alfo was the vine, which Ofirls carried to India and taught the In- dians the culture of. And if it went as far as India, we may pre- fume that it went to Greece, and that the Greeks learned the cul- ture of it, as well as other arts, from the Egyptians. Herodotus has likewife mentioned the works of art in Egypt, as being moft wonderful, as well as thofe of nature. I will fay fome- thing upon this fubje£t likewife; and, I will begin with one of them, which, I think, was as neceffary as it was wonderful, and in that Vol. IV. I i refpea * Herodotus, Lib. 2. cap. 36. 250 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book II. refped differed materially from the Pyramids, which, though works very wonderful, were certainly not neceffary ; and it differed from the Pyramids alfo in this refpedl, that the Pyramids were confined to particular fpots, whereas this great work was all over the country. The work I mean is, the building of fo many cities upon mounds of earth, raifed above the overflowing of the river ; without which the country could not have been inhabited for near one half of the year, as Herodotus informs us *. Now what a labour it muft have been to place not fmgle houfes, but cities, to the number of 20,000, upon the tops of artificial mounds. How high thofe mounds mufl have been, we may judge from what Herodotus tells us of the over- flowing of the river, which, he fays, covered not only the Delta of Egvpt, but fometimes a part of Lybia upon one fide, and of Ara- bia on the other fide, and to the extent of two days journey on each fidef : And more particularly he informs us, that, in his time, if it did not rife 15 or 16 cubits at leafl, it did not cover the coun- try X ; fo that the mounds, upon which the cities were built, muft have been more than 24 feet high. When the river overflowed, the whole of Egypt was a fea, and the cities only appeared ; which, therefore, he compares to the Cyclade Iflands in the Ega:an Sea |j, that is what we call the Archipelago Iflands. To this work of na- ture, I think it was not improper to compare this greatefl, and, at the fame time, moft ufeful, work of man. The next moft ufeful work of the Egyptians, and the mofl won- derful too, was the Lake Mseris, which was about 400 Englifh miles in circumference, and 50 fathoms deep wi.ere it was deepeft. This lake received the waters of the Nile when it overflowed, and retain- ed them when it retired: So that it was a refervoir for thofe waters, from * Lib. 2. cap. 19, •j- Ibidem. I Ibid. cap. 13. {1 Ibid. cap. 96. Diod. Siculus fays the fame thing. Lib. i. cap. 23. Chap. XII. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 251 from which they were derived by many canals to every part of the countr)"-, w^hich wanted them. Of this wonderful work a fmall re- main is yet to be feen. The next mofl wonderful work in Egypt was, the Palace of the 1 2 Kings, built in the form of a Labyrinth. Of this there is no vef- tige, as far as I know, remaining. The laft of the wonders of art in this country, were the Pyramids; of which there are three ftill remaining, one of thefe called the Great Pyramid, of ftupenduous fize, covering about eight acres of ground as it ftands at prefent ; but it muft have covered more v.'hen Hero- dotus faw it, according to his defcription of it. If thefe Pyramids had not been ftill extant, I doubt whether we fhould have believed in the other wonders of Egypt related to us by Herodotus. And, yet the Pyramids were the leaft of the wonders of the works of men in Egypt, according to the account Herodotus gives of them ; for he fays the Labyrinth exceeded the Pyramids, as much as it was exceeded by the Lake Mseris. But I have not yet mentioned the greateft of all the arts, in which they excelled ; the materials of which are not ftone and mortar, earth or water, but men, the nobleft fubjedl of art upon this earth. By this defcription the reader will readily underftand that I mean the art of government, in which I think I have fhown that the E- gyptians exceeded all the world. When to thefe works of nature and of art I join the prodigious numbers of the people, their geni- us, and their invention of fo many arts and fciences, their conquefts too, and the ufe they made of thefe conquefts, I think we need not hefitate to pronounce, with Herodotus*, that Egypt was the moft wonderful country on earth, and more wonderful than all the other countries put together. And, I think, I may add with Diodorus I i 2 Siculus, * Herod. Lib. 2. cap. 03' 252 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book II. Siculus *, that they were a moft happy people, enjoying all thofe advantages from nature, which I have mentioned, of air, earth, and water; likewife a form of government, which, I think, 1 have fhown to be the beft that ever was pradtlfed or even Imagined ; and befides all thefe, the arts and fclences they invented, by which they made the civil life compleat. Let us now compare the prefent ftate of Egypt with Its antient ftate, as I have defcrlbed it ; and the change for the worfe will ap- pear wonderful; — greater, as I have fald, than Is to be found In any other country on earth. Egypt was once, as I have fhown, the moft populous country in the world ; and now It may be faid to be a defert compared with what It was formerly. It is inhabited at prefent by Turks and Arabs, and a mongrel race of people, they call Copts, who have a mixture, it Is faid, of the antient Egyptian blood. But black, woolly-haired men, fuch as the antient Egyptians were, but with features very different from thofe of the negroes, are not now to be found In Egypt ; and, according to my information, are only to be feen In the Ifland of Meroe, formed by the Nile in iEthiopIa, but who probably are Ethiopians; fo that the whole Egyptian na- tion may be faid to be extlndl. Inftead of being the beft governed country, as It formerly was, I believe there Is no country at prefent worfe governed. There was a Scotch fhip from Aberdeen, which, a year or two ago, went to the Levant, and was employed to carry corn from dif- ferent parts of Africa to Alexandria. And, though there had been a great many ftiips, before this Aberdeen fhip, employed in the fame way, yet, when fhe came to Alexandria with her cargo of corn, there were people dying every day of hunger. This informa- tion I had from one of the failors; who told me that the fcarcity vv-as not ♦ Lib. I. cap. 6^. Chap. XII. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 253 not owing to the Nile not overflowing as ufual, but to the bad go- vernment of the country, and the negledl of agriculture Now, how extraordinary a change is this, from a country fo populous as antient Egypt was, and abounding fo much with corn and every other neceffary of life, to a country fo thinly inhabited as Egypt is at prefent, and where the few, that are left in it, are dying, for want of bread ? Inftead of being the healthieft of all civilized coun- tries, it may now be faid to be the feat of difeal'e : For the plague is feldom out of it; and ahnoft all the plagues, which at different times have aflBlfted Europe, have come originally from Egypt. And be- fides the plague, which at times makes prodigious havoc among them, they are eaten while alive by worms, and particularly by one very great worm, called the tape-worm ''•. * See Haflelquift's Travels. CHAP, 254 A N T I E N T M E T A P H Y S I C S. Book. IT. CHAP. XIII. Recapitulation of what has been /aid in the former chapter. — Thefub- je£l of the origin of the arts and fciences co?itinued. — The art of go- vernment invented in Egypt, and brought to perfection. — Of the neceffary arts of life there invented. — Language alfo will be fhown to have been there invented. — The ufe offre difcovered in Egypt; — and the ufe of it in making glafs, which was unknown to the Greeks and Romans. — Glafs coloured like precious flones, alfo known to them ; — Ukewife the hatching of chickens without incubation. — Of the art of mufic : — It was praElifed in Egypt for the befl purpofes : — ^s it was praBifed there , it ivas alfo there invented. — The prac- tice of it very antient in Egypt. — // was invented under the Da- / mon Ki?igs, — and was preferved with the greatefi care, and no in- novation of it ftffered.—For this purpofe, there mujl have been a notation of it. — An art of mufic of very dificult invention, being the application of numbers to the tones of the human voice or of in- fruments, — a fhort account given of the difficulty of the invention. — // could only have been invented in a country fuch as Egypt, where arts and fciences were cultivated. — The Greek mufic no betttr than the mufic of the Hiirons, till Pythagoras brought the art into Greece from Egypt. — From thence they only got the Diatonic Scale. — To this they added the Chromatic and the Enharmonic. — This refne- ment of mufic not fo proper for the ufeful purpofes to ivhich the E- gyptians applied it. — The Greeks bad alfo modes of mufic, fuch as the Dorian, the Phrygian, and Lydian — The writing art more con- nected with language than mufic. — It is language not pronounced. — A wonderful art, by which founds are made vifible, — a progrefs in Chap. XIII. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 255 in the ivrititig art as in every other. — Atjirjl^ the ideas ivere di- rectly reprefented^ by Jigures natural or fymboUcal. — Ihefc lajl •were ivhat is called Hieroglyphics. — Of the ajjijlance given to our intellefl by our fenfes^ and hoiv wonderfully the t-wo concur to carry on man in the purfuit of knoivledge. — 'The advantages of the ivrit- ing art. — This art inventea in Egypt by a Dcemon., called Theuth. — But he invented only the notatiofi of the elemental founds by ivrit- ten characters. — The analyfs of language., into elemental founds^ was before his time., under the Dcemon Kings. IN the preceeding chapter I have given a pretty full account ot the country of Egypt and the people, and particularly of their government, oi which 1 have faid a great deal, I hope the reader v^dll not think too much, as it is a thing fo eflential in the hiftorj' of man, that without it there could have been no civil fociety, nor confequently any progrefs made by man in this life towards a better in the world to come. I go on now W'ith what is the proper fub- jeft of this book, — the origin of arts and fciences. Of one of thefe, and that without which other arts and fciences never could have been invented, and of which, therefore, I have treated at fo great length, I mean the laft mentioned art of government, I think it is evident, that Eg)"pt muft have been the parent country ; for, as it was the oldeft civilized country, they could not have borrowed the art from any other, and therefore they muft have invented it themfelves ; and, 1 chink, I have fhown, that they not only invent- ed it, but brought it to the greateft perfeAion. In the preceeding chapters I have treated of other arts, which they invented, particu- larly the art of agriculture ; and, I think, I have fhown that we owe to them the bread we eat, and the wine and the ale we drink. I think 1 have alfo fhown, that we owe to them the clothes we wear, and 256 A N T I E N T M E T A P H Y S I C S. Book. II. and that we have been alfo taught by them to make that artificial defence againft the weather, which we call a houfe^ inflead of thofe rocks and caves which were the only protedion that men had againft the injuries of the weather in the natural ftate. And in this way, I think, I have fhown, that the Egyptians were the inventors of all the neceflary arts of life in the civilized ftate. And if I can further prove that they were the inventors of language, without which no other art could have been invented, I think I fhall have proved, what I have frequently thrown out in the courfe of this work, that Egypt was the parent country of all arts and fciences, arid even of civil fociety itfelf, which could not have been formed or carried on without the ufe of language. For the purpofe of agriculture and building, metallurgy was neceflary. The Egyptians, therefore, firft taught men to dig into the bowels of the earth, and from thence to bring forth metals. But thefe could have been of little or no ufe without the ufe of fire, a thing, as I have ftiown *, unknown to nations who are fo far advanced in the civil life, as to have got the ufe of fpeech. Of. this fo ufeful invention, therefore, we muft give the honour to the Egyptians. And there was one ufe of fire, which was unknown to the Greeks and Romans, but was pradiifed in Egypt, 1 mean the making of glafs ; for Maillet, the French Conful in Egypt, in the account he has given us of that country, tells us, that he has feen windows of glafs in fome cafes of mummies. We owe, therefore, likewife to the Egyptians this invention, which in modern times has been of fo much ufe and ornament to us. And the fame Maillet tells us, that there has been found, in the cafes of fome mummies, pieces of glafs coloured, re- fembling precious ftones, like the French pafte. And there is the art of hatching chickens and other fowls in ovens without the in- cubation of the females, which was difcovered in Egypt, as Diodor- us * Page 146. of this vol. Chap.Xm. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 257 us Siculus informs us ''', and which, as he obferves, muft have multi- plied very much the breed of fowls. This fecret is known in Eu- rope, and has been practii'ed by way of curiofity, but, as travellers informs us, is ftill a common pra<3:ice in Egypt. Hitherto, the arts I have mentioned, invented in Egypt, are arts of ufe, fome of them of the greateft ufe, fuch as agriculture and the other arts conned:ed with it; others of them arts of conveni'Snce, and fome of ornament merely. But I am now to proceed to fpeak of an art of abfolute necefuty in the civilized life, without which there could have been no civility, nor any arts invented worth men- tioning. By this defcription the reader will underftand, that I mean language ; which, I fay, was invented in Egypt, and formed into an art there, as well as the other arts I have mentioned. But, before I come to fpeak of it, I will mention another art, which is one of the fmeft of the liberal arts, being that which gives us the greateft pleafure, and which, if properly applied, may be made highly ufe- ful. The art I mean is mufic. This art, as I have fhown, is fo much connected with language, that there cannot be a perfect lan- guage, which is not more or lefs mufical f ; and, therefore, it is not improper to fpeak of the invention of it, before I come to fpeak of the invention of language. That this an was praclifed in E^ypt, and for a very good pm-- pofe, — the infpiring fentlments of devotion, as I have oblerved elfe- whereif, is a faft that cannot be difputed, being attefted both by Herodotus and Plato. And Plato, in the pafi'age I have quoted from him, fays II, that it was employed for another excellent purpofe, the Vol. IV. K k forming * Lib. I. cap. 61. t Page 117. J See p. 167. and i68^ !t Ibid. 25§ ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book IT. forming the manners of the youth. Now, as it was an art pradtil- ed in Egypt, I fay it was invented there, as well as the other arts I have mentioned. For Herodotus tells us, that they borrowed no- thing from other countries ; and, indeed, there was no other coun- try in thofe antient times, from which they could have got any art fuch as that of mufic ; which was an art of very antient pradtice in Egypt. And the invention of it goes back to their Dsemon Kings : For Plato tells us, that they had fongs of Ifis, which were 10,000 vears old ; and of this fo antient mufic no alteration, he tells us, was permitted. It is evident, therefore, that as early as the dayb of Ifis, mufic in Egvpt mull have been reduced to an art ; and not pradifed, as we know it is in barbarous countries, without any art at all ; for otherwife, I think, it could not have been preferved with fo much accuracy. And, I think, it is highly probable, that they had a notation of mufic as well as we have ; without which it could not well have been preferved fo religioufly (as we muft fuppofe it was) in the memories and voices of men for fuch a prodigious num- ber of years. That men have naturally a perception of the difference of acute and grave in founds, and that they can make that diftinclion by their own voices, is a faclt which cannot be difputed. But I do not for that fay, that men naturally ling, that is to fay, compofe acute and grave founds together, fo as to make what we call a tune; but this, I fay, they learnt by imitation of birds, (man being, as Arif- totle has told us, the moft imitative of all animals, and particularly by the voice). And this was confirmed to me by the Wild Girl I faw in France, who told me that the people in her country learnt to fing in that way. But the practice in every art precedes the art : And therefore I am perfuaded, that men fung a great while, in the way I have mentioned, before they had any art of mufic. Before ehap.XIII. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS, 259 Before fuch an art could be invented, the tune or fong muft firft be analyfed into its elementarv notes ; and then we mull difcover what the ratio is of thofe notes to one another; that is in other wcr' we muft apply arithmetic and the doctrine of ratios to the diiff . '. tones of the human voice, or of any inftruaient of muiic. To do this, and likewiie to make the analyfis, which muft neceffarily pre- cede it, muft appear, at tirft fight, a matter of great art and fcience. But even this is not all ; for as the acute notes rife above the grave in an infinite progreffion, to which nature has fet no bounds, in the fame manner as numbers increafe in iiifinitiim^ it was the bufinefs of fcience to fet bounds to infinity in this as well as in other things. And this it has done by ftoppmg at what is called the odave., (that is when the acute note is to the grave, as tisjo to cne^ which is the firft multiple ratio), and making it a new fundamental, and from it count- ing upwards as we did from the firft fundamental, and fo going on from one odtave to another: In the fame manner as in numeration we go on till we come to the decade, and there we ftop, and reckon from it, as we did from unity, faying 10 and i, 10 and 2, &c. ; and fo v,'e go on till we come to another decade; and in this manner we reckon, proceeding, from decade to decade, to numbers, which we denominate by the names of hundreds, that is, ten decades ; and then from hun- dreds to thoufands, which are compofed of ten hundreds ; and fo on. To explain fuch a progreffion at more length, in the matter of mufic, does not belong to a work of this kind. But, I think, I have faid enough to {how, that mufic could not be reduced to an art, and what is called a gamut, or fcale of mufic, formed, except in a country fuch as Egypt, where there was a body of the beft men of the nation fet apart for the cultivation of arts and fciences, and where fo many other arts and fciences were difcovered. The mufic of the Greeks, while they were yet barbarians, rofe no higher than the mufic of the Hurons in North America, that is to a K k 2 fourth. 26o ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book IT. fourth. And, I am perfuaded, they knew not any more than the Hu- rons, what a fourth was, viz. that it was, with refped: to the fundamen- tal, in the ratio of three to four. It is a fad not difputed, that it was Pythagoras who taught them to raife their mufic to an oftave; and, I cannot doubt of his having brought that difcovery with him, as well as many others, from Egypt, where he was 2 2 years. At the fame time, 1 am perfuaded, that he gave them a fcale of mufic, and taught them the ratios that the feveral notes bear to one another. And thus the Greeks learned the Diatonic fcale of mufic, which, I am perfuaded, was at firft their only mufic ; as I believe there was no other at any time known in Egypt. But the Greeks, though they got from Egypt not only the neceifary arts of life, but the elements alfo of the liberal arts, fuch as painting and ftatuary, and of mufic among the reft, having, as I have elfewhere obferved, a genius peculiarly fuited to thofe arts, made refinements and improvements upon them, and particularly with refpedt to mufic ; for they added to the Diatonic fcale, by which the tone was only divided into two parts, or femitones, a fcale, which they called Chromatic, by which the tone was divided into three parts; and, not flopping there, they add- ed another they called the Enharmonic, by which the tone was divid- ed into four parts. By thefe refinements, their mufic was no doubt •more foft and delicate, and more proper for pleafing the delicate ear of the Greeks, but not fo proper for the purpofes to which the E- gyptians applied their mufic — Devotion, and the inftruftion of youth. For thefe purpofes the mufic muft be fuch that it can be eafily apprehended by the vulgar and even by children : Whereas the refinements, the Greeks made upon mufic, were fuch, that even thofe who had ftudied the art among them, denied, or at leaft doubt- ed, that fuch a note, as the fourth part of a tone, could be executed by any voice or inftrument, or could be perceived by the ear; and not content with thefe refinements upon the Egyptian mufic, they add- ed Chap. XIII. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 261 ed what they called modes, fuch as the Dorian, Phrygian, and Ly- dian. Bfefore I come to fpeak of the invention of language, I will men- tion another art, which has a much greater connexion with langu- age than mulic ; for it is language itielf, only in a different form, not being pronounced as language is. The art I mean is the writ- ing art, which, though ii was invented in order of time after lan- guage, yet, is fo conneded with that art, that I think it leads to the difcovery of the invention of language. By language, as I have faid, our ideas are made audible : But by the writing art they are made vifible ; not directly and immediately, but by the intervention of the founds of the words which are marked by certain characters, that are perceived by the fight. As there muft have been a progreG in all the arts, the writing art began by making the ideas themfelves an objedt of fight, diredlly and immediately, without the intervention of the founds by which they are exprefled. The firft writing, there- fore, was a kind of painting, whereby the fubjeft of the idea v/as re- prefented as it really exifted. In this way the Mexicans wrote when the Spaniards firft came among them j and I am perfuaded this was the firft writing in Egypt. But fuch writing could only reprefent cor- poreal objedts, which had form and figure that could be painted; hut could not reprefent things immaterial, fuch as the thoughts of men, their fentiments and pafTions. This could only be done by figura- tive, or fymbolical reprefentations of fuch things : And we are fure that this was pradifed in Egypt, as there are many remains of it in that country to be feen at this day ; and it was ufed in flicred thinf^s even after the alphabetical writing was introduced, and from thence it was called hieroglyphical writing. And here the reader may obferve, how wonderfully our intellec- tual part is connected with our fenfitive. From our fenfes all our knowledfi:? 262 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book. II. knowledge in this life is derived ; for they furnifh the materials of which our ideas are compofed. But, as of our ideas no art or fci- encc could have been formed without the communication of thofe ideas to one another, our fenfes have likewife furnifhed the Aans of that communication ; firft by language, by which our ideas are made audible ; and fecondly by wiitlng, by which they are at firft made vifible by pidlures and fymbols ; and then by that wonderful art, by which the founds of the words expreffing the ideas, are made vifible ; and fo the ideas are conveyed, not only to the abfent, at the greateft diilance, but to the lateft pofterity, and with the ideas the language in which they are exprefled. And in this way the pro- grefs of man in this life towards a better, has been wonderfully pro- moted ; and to this progrefs, as we have feen, both his intelle(3: and his fenfes have concurred, and affifted one another. — But to return to the writing art. That this wonderful art of alphabetical writing, by which not ideas only were made vifible, which is the cafe of hieroglyphical writing, but, what is much more wonderful, the founds by which ideas are exprefled, were invented in Egypt, I think there can be no doubt, if Plato had not told us fo in more than one place *. Be- fore an alphabet could be invented, the language muft have been analyfed into its elemental founds. Now, analyils is a great work of fcience, and indeed the foundation of all fcience ; fo that this analyfis could not have been made, but in a country where arts and fciences were cultivated, which, in thofe antient times, was only in Egypt. Plato, in the firfl paffage above quoted, tells us, that an Egyptian, he calls Theuth, was the inventor of letters: But I beUeve it was of letters only ; for I am perfuaded, that before his time, the art of language in Egypt was perfedted, at leaft fo far, that the words were analyfed into their elemental founds : For as no arts or fcien- ces * Sec vol. IT. of Origin of Language, p. 24. and 229. Chap.Xm. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 263 ces of any value, can be invented or cultivated without a language of art, I am perfuaded, that fuch a language was a very early invention In Egypt, as early as their firft race of Djcmmi Kings, of which Theuth was not, but only of the fecond. And, I think, the anfwer which Plato has mentioned, that the Egyptian King made to Theuth, when he boafted that he had found out an art of memory, implies that he had only invented the charailers, by which the elemental founds were marked, not the elemental founds themfelves. For, fays the King, you have not invented an art of memoiy, but of reminifcence *. Now, that could not apply to the difcovery of the elemental founds, but only to the notation of them in writing "f. But fuppofmg that Theuth had difcovered nothing more, it was a wonderful difcovery, as there could have been no writing art, without inventing marks for thofe elemental founds. And of what wonderful ufe this invention was, we may judge, by comparing our writing with the Chinefe. The Chinefe, in order to exprefs their ideas by writing, are obliged to make ufe of 80,000 figures of one kind or another; which to know and diftinguifh from one another, is the labour of the life of their learned men : Where- as we exprefs all our ideas in writing by 24 letters or alphabetical charaders, by which we not only communicate the ideas, but the founds, that is the language, by which they are exprelTed ; while the Chinefe charafters communicate only the ideas, but not the lan- guage; fo that fome nations in their neighbourhood ufe their writ- ten language, but know nothing of their oral. CHAP, * Vol. II. of Origin of Language, p. 24. and 25. f See what I have faid upon the difference betwixt the two difcoveries, ibid. p. 256. and following. >64 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book II. CHAP. XIV. Of the diffuiihy of the irroention of Language. — The forming of Ideas, ftecejfarily previous to the invention of Language ; as there can be no Language y "which has only names for individual things. — Of the difference betwixt Particular and General Ldeas. — Abflra£l and General Lleas not the fame. — Of the material part of Language, Articulation; — of ivonderful dificult invention. — Nature has fur- jiifhed the materials, with which other arts work ; but we have created the materials of Language. — Wonderful, that we fjould have learned to articulate by any praElice. — Speaking the mofl wonderful thing among Men. — As Men fpeak by imitation, they muf have been taught to fpeak. — This could not be done by Alen fuch as -we, — but they muf have had fupernatural affflancc, and been taught by Dcemons. — A Language of Art could not have been formed with- out Men having made fame progrefs in other Arts and Sciences. — This could not be without fome kind of Language being ufed before a Language of Art was formed. — "The formal part of Language, a mrfl wonderful part of the Art. — There mufl be words in a Lan- guage of Art, to exprefs every thing in the World of Nature and the World of Art, Lmmaterial things as well as Material. — Each Individual thing impcffible to be expreffcd,—only the fpeciefes of them can be expreJfed.^Thefe fo many, that they could not be all expreffed by words unconneBed with one another.— But they are conncSed ■ together by the three great Arts of Language, Derivation, Compo- fition, and Fle&ion. — Of thefe three, the greaief Art is Fledloii. — An example of the Art of it in the Verb. — To a Language that is perfeSl is joined the pkafuit Art of Mufc, confif.ing of Melody and Chap.55:iV. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 265 and Rhythm. — This common to feveral of the Antient Languages, atid to fomc Modern Languages. — Of the difference betwixt the Mufic of the Chinefc Language and that of the Greek. — The one is Chanting or Singing ; the other a fne Melodious flow, fuitab'c to Language, and quite different from common Mufic. — Language thus fhown to be a mojl beautiful as well as ufeful art, and of the great- efl extent, variety, and, at the fame time, regularity. THE analyfis of language into its elemental founds, naturalh/ leads me to fpeak of the invention of language itfelf ; a moi': curious and wonderful art, as well as a mod ufeful one, being the parent of all other arts and of all fciences, and, at the fame time, ot moft difficult invention. Of the difficulty of the invention, I have faid a good deal in the firft chapter of this fecond book ; but, I will add fomething more here, as language is the mofl: important part of the fubjedt of this book, which is the hiftory of the invention of arts and fciences. The invention of language is neceffarily connected with another moft important part of the hiftory of man, fo important, that with- out it, he could not have been a man at all, that is, an intellediual creature. What I mean is the Ideas of things, which he forms from the objects of fenfe ; for, as I have more than once obferved in the courfe of this work, our fenfes are the inlets of all our knowledge in this life. Ideas are fo effential to language, that without them there could be no language at all ; for a language, expreffing only individual objedls, could not be called a language. Of ideas, I have treated pretty fully in Chap. VI. and VII. of Book I. of this vo- lume; where I hope I have fatisfied the reader, — Teat there are par- ticular ideas as well as general; nor, indeed, can general ideas with- out particular be conceived to exift ; — That abftradl ideas are diffe- VoL. IV. L i - rent 266 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book II. rent from general, though they be confounded by our modern phi- lofophers ;— And that an idea muft be firft abftraded from the par- ticular objea, in which it exifts, before it can be generalized. According to the method in which I have treated language, I liave divided it into two parts; which I have confidered feparately, the matter and x\\efon}2. The Matter of it is articulate founds; and, in this refped, if in no other, it muft appear to the philoibpher the moft wonderful of all arts : For in other arts, as I have ellewherc obferved*, nature has furniihed us with the material, fuch as wood, ftone, and metals ; whereas, of language we have ourfelves fur- nifhed the materials, that is, articulate founds, w^hich we may be faid to have created. Of articulation I have fpoken at confiderable length in the chapter above referred tof; where I have fhown how complicated an engine our vocal inftrument is, by which we articu- late; fo complicated, that it is wonderful, that, by any teaching or pradic^, we fhould have learned the ufe of it, efpecially in fyllables, where feveral elemental founds are to be enunciated together ; as in the word Jlrength in Engllfh, in which there are no lefs than eight elemental founds, and feven of them confonants J. The material part of language therefore, I mean the pronunciation of it, I hold to be of fuch difficulty, that it never could have been invented with- out fupernatui-al afhftance ; and, even after it was invented, it could not have been learned by pradtice, if Man had not been, as Ariftotle fays, the moft imitative of all animals, and more imitative by the voice than in any other way. But, even imitative as he is, fpeak- ing, though the moft common thing among men, is, as I have elfe- where obferved |, one of the moft wonderful. That * Page io8. of this vol. I Chap. I. of this book. — p. 109. and foUowJDg. 1 Page 115. B Page i2i- Chap.XIV. ANTIENT METx\PHYSICS. 267 That men do not fpeak naturally, but muft have learned it by teaching or imitation, is evident; and it is as evident, that they could not have taught themfelves, any more than dumb men could teach themfelves. They muft, therefore, have been taught by others; but thefe others muft have been firft taught themfelves. Now, who taught them, fmce they could not teach themfelves ? And, I fay, it was not men fuch as they were, or fuch as we are, but fuperior intelli- gences, fuch as the Dasmon Kings of Egypt were. I hold it, there- fore, to be certain, that the moft barbarous languages, and the moft defe£live and impcrfeft in their articulation, were not invented by the nations that fpeak them, nor by men fuch as we, but proceeded from fuperior intelligences. I have faid, in other parts of my writ- ings upon language, that men in certain countries may have heard fuch birds as the cuckoo or cocketvo^ to which the articulation of thefe founds is natural, and may have imitated thefe founds : This, how- ever, is only pofTible. But it is not at all probable, that hearrng thofe birds only at certain feafons of the year, and then only occafional- ly, men Ihould have learned to have imitated thefe founds; for it is only by hearing articulate founds daily and conftantly, that we learn to give fuch a pofition to our organs, and to put them in fuch an adion, as to make us pronounce them. But if it were pofTible 1 think it impoflible, that out of fuch fimple articulate founds, as the names of thofe birds, any language, even the moft imperfed in its articulation, could have been formed. What, therefore, I have all along fuppofed, in the courfe of what I have written upon lano-ua^-e that it could not have been invented by men, at leaft not without fupernatural afTiftance, I hold to be certainly true. And this may fuffice at prefent, with refpedt to the material part of language. As to the formal part, I think it is evident, that a language of art, of which 1 am now to fpeak, could not have been formed except L 1 2 iii 268 A N T I E N T M E T A P H Y S I C S. Book. 11. iu a country where arts and fciences had made confiderableprogrefs. Now, this could not have been without a language however imper- feft : For, language is undoubtedly, as I have often faid in the courfe of this work, the parent ;u-t of all other arts ; as it is by it, (hat men have communication with one another, and, in that way, have invented arts. It is, therefore, I think evident, that men muft have had a language, however imperfeiS, by which they were enabled to form a more perfedt language. And, this firft language, I think I have iiiown, miift have been taught them by fuperior intelligences ; and I alfo think it is very probable, that thefe fame intelligences may have aflifted them in the formation of a language of art. Tat fonnal part of language confiders words as fignificant. And- here the art, when it palTes from founds to things, enlarges itfelf wonderfully, and is as extenfive as our ideas; for a perfect language niuft exprefs by wotds every thing, of which men living in civil fociety and cultivating arts and fciences, can have any idea. Now, thefe are all the things in the heavens above, on the earth below, and even the things under the earth and in the air or waters, which are perceived by our fenfes : And befides thefe natural objedts, there are all the artificial works of men, which, in their intercourfe in civil fociety, muft likewife be expreffed by Avords. So that language muft comprehend the two worlds, of which I have fpoken elfewhere *, the world of nature and the world of art. And not only muft it exprefs material things, but things immaterial, fuch as mind and the feveral kinds of it, the intelle£lual, animal, and vegetable, and their different qualities and operations. And at the fame time that it expreffes the fubjlancts of the feveral kinds I have mentioned, it muft alfo exprefs their accidcrJs^ and their relations and connexions with one another. Now, to exprefs each individual of fuch an infinity of things, by a diftinifl word, is a thing by nature impofli- ble, • Page i2. Chap. XiV. A N T I E N T M E T A P H Y S I C S. 269 blc, at lead for an animal of fuch limited capacity as man is. It is, therefore, only the fpeciefes of things, that we can denote by words. Ho\V' many of thefe are in number has not yet been afcertained : And all that fcience hitherto has been able to do in that matter, is to i-educe them to genufes of the higheft order, and in that way to clafs and number them ; which, as 1 have Ihown*, was a very great work of fcience, the greateft perhaps that ever was performed. But, even as to the fpeciefes, they are fo many, that hitherto they have never been, numbered, nor 1 believe ever v^dll. The grammatical art, however, has reduced them to certain general heads, which it calls parts if fpeech, and has made them eight in number. Thefe, I have obferved, may be called the categories of language; and thev admit of the fame general divifion into fubftance and accident f . The fpeciefes of things compi-ehended under the parts of fpeech,. though they never have been numbered, we are fure, are fo many,, that, if they were to be all denoted by diftind: words, unconne<3:ed with one another, there is no memory that could comprehend them,, fo as to make a ready ufe of them. It was, therefore, of ahfolute neceffity that fome way fhould be contrived, by which, in a lan- guage of art, the words ufed to exprefs lb very many different things, which ia the Latin language amount to no lefs than live millions J, fhould be fo connedfed together, that they may be comprehended ii\ the memory, and readily applied to ufe. This wonderful work is performed by the three great arts of language, Derivation, Compofi- tion, and Flection, by which the words are fo connedled together, • both in found and fenfe, that the knowledge of one naturally leads to the knowledge of another. Of thefe three, fledlion, as I have elfewhere obferved || , is the greateft art ; for without making a new * Page 76. of this vol. f Page 118. ibid. t Page 119. ibid, 11 Pa7f a ; and laka, which is the Shanfcrit word for locus.y but is quite different from the Greek word ror.f. In thefe words the reader will obferve, that there is a good deal of difference in the found betwixt the Greek and Latin words and the Shanfcrit: But' there is nothing in language fo changeable as the pronounciation of it, even in the fame nation. But, when the lan- guage goes to a different nation, efpecially to one at fuch a diftancc as India is from Egypt, when there mull be an intercourfe betwixt the two nations, fuch as might preferve, in fome degree, the original pronunciation of the language, the change mull be very great. To the words which Mr Y/ilklns has given me, I will add fome that are preferved in Diodorus Siculus, and Arrian's Indica: And,. as they are the names of places and perfons in India, when Alexan- der was there, they are undoubtedly very antient words of the Shan- fcrit, as the names of perfons and places arc the moft antient words in all languages ; they have, therefore, more of the Greek found, in Chap. IV. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 329 in them, than the words vfliicii Mr Wilklns has furniihed me, be- ing of an older dlaledl of the Shanfcrit, as we may fuppofe-, tlian thofe of Mr Wilkins, which are from the Shanfcrit language rs ir is at prefent. The words arcj Ta|.'?.a, the name of a Town in ■n'iii* ; TKa.vKov;xcci, the name of a Nation in India f; Ku^caoi and 0;--jc cjkoi, names of Nations alfo 4; ; 'To^:, o/r^j, the name of a River, and Tltu,- 'r?ci[/,xy the name of a City|j ; Mov(rix!x.voc, the niiTio ot a King in India §; Ox,vo^ax,ai, the name of a Nation^; '•A^ic«ri7?./a, the name of a Town ** ; 'TaXcc;, the name of a City ; n^i-;;, the name of a country ■j"!"; and Cioirxi, the name of tiie peopie oi that country if:}:; Efj^lBoXtfji.^, the name of a City ■[ l| ; 'T j a (T~tg and ''Ttpjca-ig, names of l\.i- vers; Toipavig, Ta(po'hat no man before him has done ; having proved by fads, from the comparifon of the two lan"-uap^es, that the Greek and Shanfcrit are dialeds of the fame lan- '•'■uage, the antient language of Egypt, as certainly, I think, as it is proved that the Englifh, Swediih, and Norwegian, are dialeds of the Gothic; and vv'hich language of Egypt is thus proved to have been carried to India, as it is certain that the Indians never were in Kgypt. And as feveral of the antient authors doubted of the Egyp- tians ever having been in India, and the learned Strabo pofitively denies it, I think the learned vvrorld has gn at obligations to Mr Wil- kins for having eflablifhed fo curious a fad, not only in the hif- tory of language, but in the hiilory of man. CHAP. Chap.V. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 333 C H A P. V. Tbe Language imported by Ojiris into India is Jiill preferved under the name of the Shanfcrit. — // is the Sacred Latiguage of India ; tiow under/load only by the Bratnins. — It is to be pref timed, that the Language of Egypt, as it ivcnt as far as India, went alfo to the neighbouring coiintiies. — But, befidcs prefumption, there is proof from facts. — 'This furnified by M. Gebelin in his Monde Primitif. — He, and Bullet in his Celtic Di£iionary, maintain, that there ivas a primitive Language, from -which all the other Languages on earth are derived. — That fuch a Language did exif, M. Gebelin has proved, by comparing the fcveral Languages in the world -with one another, — the European, Afiatic, and American, Languages com- pared together by him. — America peopled from the north eaji parts of Aft a. — A curious fiB related of afingular cufom of the Egyptians -which the Americans have adopted. — The method which M. Gebelin has followed in makitig this comparifon, very proper, by fn ding out the radical words in the fcveral Languages. — Of the difference of found of derivative words from their radicals in the fame Language: but this difference much greater in different dialeEls of that Language. — An exa& account, digefed into tables, given by Gebelin, of the changes of derivative words from the original. — The change of voivels in the derivative Languages, not fo great as of confonants: — The reafon for this. — But confonants alfo changed. — This ma.kes the difference fo great betwixt the original and derivative Languages. — Of the monofyllables of the Chinefe language; — many of thetn to be found in other Languages, and particularly in the Coptic. — Thus proved, that there was a time zvhen there was only one Language on the face 334 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book III. face of the earth. — The author^ before he read M. Gebelin, -was of a- itother opinion. — What that Language was M. Gebelin has not deter- mined.— All the Languages of Europe, he fays, are derived from the Celtic. — But the Celts did not invent their La?iguage, nor the Goths theirs, — T'he Gothic a more perfeSl Language in fome refpeSl: than the Latin. — Any nation fpeaking a Language of art, only proves that the original Language came to them in greater perfcBion than to other nations. — "The refcmblance betwixt the Celtic and other Lan- guages, 710 proof that thefe Languages are derived from the Celtic. — The Greek Language was certainly not derived from the Celtic, but came diredly from Egypt. — If the Greeks did not invent their Lan- guage, how can we fuppofe that the Celts or Goths did. — The pro- grefs of the formation of the Language of art, in Egypt, mii/l have begun with words of one fyllable. — /// that ivay the Chinefe mono- fyllabic Language is to be accounted for. — Thefe monofyllabical 'words •were the roots of the primitive Language. — A great queftion. By ivhat rule, or "whether by any rule, thefe roots ivere formed, — The letters, according to M. Gebelin, are to be confidered as a kind of roots. — The Author s opinion in this matter: — Nothing, even a- mong men, done without fome reofon. — Many words formed from the found, — Even ideas may be expreffed by a found, which is fup- pofcd to have fome analogy to them. — The Shanfcrit, according to Fa- ther Pons, a mojl ivonderful piece of art andfcience, — It analyfes the particuhr ideas, exprejfed by the ivords, into the general ideas from which they arife.— Thefe expreffed by monofyllables, ivhich are the roots of the Language. — Monofyllables being the fimplefl ivords are theft- tejl for derivation and Compofition. — From thefe roots, in long or- der and with great variety, are deduced, according to fxed and determinate rules, the words of the Shanfa-it, exprefing the particu- lar ideas, f idling under the general ideas denoted by the roots. — Ex- amples of this given by Pons the Jefuit;—a knowledge of the roots, and of the Grammar of the Language, together with the rules of deri- vation Chap.V. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 335 vaiion and compofiiion, lulll enable a perfon to form a Latiguage of his onion ^ which -will be underflood by thofe who hiow the art by which the Language is formed. — 'The Jefiiit Pons' s account^ of this Language, confirmed by Mr Wilkins. — This Language the work of philofophers, — // may he compared to the Categories of Jrchytas, — The Greek and Latin, though not fo pcrfeEt as the Shanfcrit, 'won- derful "works of art, — conneSling by incans of Derivation, Compo- fition, and Fle&ion, fame millions of %vords.- — FleBion the greatefl of thefe. — Its wonderfid effcEls in nouns and verbs. — /// the Greek verb upwards of a thoufand variations. — M. Gebelin, though learn- ed in languages, knc-w fo little of the philofophy of Language, as to maintain that men fpeak naturally, and have from nature the ideas they exprefs by the "words. — Jlccording to him, t'wo perfons meeting, "who had learned no Language, voould hold commu7iication together by fpeech, and undcrfand one another. — This the primitive Language of Gebelin: — According to him, all other arts, as -well as Lajtguage^ natural to men ; and they have from the beginning the knowledge-' of aflronomy, and of all the arts of life. — No natural fiate according to Gebelin, the Savages, at prefent to be found, being men degenerated. — The Author s fyf em, from antient books, very different from Gebelin s; — though an admirer of Greek learning, and a reader of many books in that Language, M. Gebelin has not read their philofophers^ who would have taught him the progrefs of man from capacity to energy.— Without Greek philofophy, no natural talents or application will avail. — Conlradi&ions in Gebclni sfyfem; — it is refuted by the fact, of deaf perfons being likexvife dumb, and being taught to fpeak with great labour and much difficulty. — Even the mq/l barbarous Language a work of art, if the words exprefs all the ideas of the fpeaker, and are conne£led together. — Men, in the natural fate, without the ufe ^'f IP'^^'^^^-> ^>"^ "^ ^-^^ '^^fi °f ^'""^^ "i^'^- — They could not teach thcm- f elves : — But the Dcemon Kings of Egypt, who invented Language, mufljirll have taught themfelves, and then others. -Progrefs of the art even 536 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book III. even in Egypt. — T'be firjl -words there monofyllahles. — The Lan- guage in that flat e went to China: — When a Language of "words of feveral fyllables ivas invented^ thefe nionofyllables -were made the roots of the Language. — In this -way the Sbanfcrit was formed. — But the Chinefe have preferved the Language^ in nionofyllables^ as they got it. — The great imterfeclion of that Language. — The quef- tion. In what country Gebelins primitive Language -was invented? — It could be no "where but in Egypt, "where the Dt^emon Kings reigned. — The Jews had no I anguage revealed to them, — no coun- try in fuch a fate of civility, "when Ofiris went to India, that they could have invented the mofl barbarous Language. — Of the way the Egyptian Language was communicated to other nations, and how it came to be fo barbarous as it was fpoken by fome nations. — // "Was conveyed to India by Ofiris, and by him depofited in the hands of the Bramins, who have preferved it with little or no cor- ruption, but have not improved it. — It alfo "went to Greece, but not in fo great purity as to India, — ^vas preferved there by Homer and the other poets. — Next to the Greek Language, it is in the great ef pu- rity in the Celtic. — This proved by its refemblance to the Latin, — and by the name o/'Shanfcrit being a Celtic ivord. — Surprifng that in fome of the mof barbarous Languages, a good deal of the art of the antient EgyptianLanguage fhould be preferved, — as in the Gothic ; — even in the Language of Greenland there is a dual number. — Ho-w fo many Languages , differing fo much from one another, fhould be all derived from one primitive Language, accounted for. — The variety made in the two Egyptian alphabets fill more "wonderful. — Objec- tion anfwered, that it was not confifant with the "wifdom and good- nefs of God, to confine the invention of Language to one country. — That country fifficient for the furpcfe. — The variety of the fyfem of nature did not admit that many countries ffould be fo "well fitted for that purpofe. — Objection, that all the people en earth have not learned the ufe offpeech, particularly the Orang Outangs. — But they may Chap. V. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 337 may jTill learn it, as fome "wild people in Ethiopia have done.—^ IN the preceding chapter I think I have proved, both by argu- ments and fadts, that Ofiris carried with him to India, among other arts, the art of language, which, as well as the polity he intro- duced into that country, is ftill preferved, under the name of the Shanfcrit: — That it is now their facred language, in which their moft antient religious books are written, and is underftood only by the Bramins, that is, the priefts of India, though it appears to have been once the general language of the country; — and that this language could be no other than the language of antient Egypt. Thus I think I have proved, that Egypt was not only the parent country of many other arts and of fciences, but alfo of that firft art among men, and the foundation of all^ther arts and fciences, I mean the art of language ; at lead that it was fo with refpedl to India : And if it travelled as far as India, I think it may be prefumed that it went to the neighbouring countries in Africa, Afia, and Europe. But, in the hiftory I am giving of the origin of arts and fciences, I would not have a matter of fuch importance in that hiftory, as the origin of an art, which, as I have faid, is the parent of all others, reft upon mere prefumption and probability, and therefore I will try to prove by flids, that language came from Egypt to other countries, as well as to India. But before this can be done, it muft be firft proved that there is, or was, at fome time or another, one original language, of which all the languages on earth are derivatives. But this is a fubjedl where Mr Wilkins can give me no affiftance, which I regret very much. I muft therefore hajj^ Tecourfe to a I rench author, M. Gcbclin^ who has written a book entitled Monde Primitif^ in nine volumes in quarto, in which Vol. IV. U u he 338 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book III. he has endeavoured to prove, that all the languages now in the world are derived from one language, which he calls the primitive language : For that there is or was fuch a language, he lays down as a principle, in which he fays many learned men agree with him; and there is one author,very learned in language, M. Bullet, who, in his Cel- tic Didionary, has made a colledion of many words from feveral lan- guages that he mentions, which he fays are w^ords of this common lan- guage. But M. Gebelin has taken a much wider range, and has gone through not only all the languages of the old world, but even thofe of the new ; and has endeavoured to fhew, that they have fuch re- femblances, and are fo connected with one another, that they muft be all derived from one original, or primitive language. But where this original language was inver.ted, or where it now is or ever was, neither he nor M. Bullet has faid. But that is not the queftion at prefent, which is only w-hether fuch an original language exifls, or ever did exift in any country. Now this M. Gebelin has endeavour- ed'to prove, by comparing together all the feveral languages I have mentioned, and which, indeed, are all the languages of the world. And I think he proceeds upon a principle which cannot be difputed, that languages, which refemble one another, not only in the found of the words, but in the fenfe of them, muft be all derived from one common language : for otherwife it is impoffible to account for fuch a conformity. This work, in which he compares with one another all the languages, antient or modern, that are known, is the greateft work upon language that ever was undertaken ; and, in executing it, he lliews, I think, a wonderful knowledge of many languages, and alfo very good judgment in comparing them together. Tiie reader, therefore, I hope, will think himfelf obliged to me, if I give him a fummary view of it. He not only examines the languages that are now fpoken in Eu- rope. Chap. V. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 339 rope, or that were formerly fpokea, fuch as the Greek, Latin, Celtic, Gothic, and their feveral dialers ; but the Afiatic languages, fuch as the Hebrew, Arabic, Phoenician, and Chaldean, aud alfo the Ma- layfe language, and that fpoken in the ifland of Madagafcar. And he has gone to the eaft as far as China ; and he might have gone farther ftill, even to Japan, betwixt the language of which and the Teutonic, a late German writer has difcovered a great refemblance. And he has not confined himfelf to the old world, but has crofled the Atlantic, and gone, as I have faid, to the weft, and examined the feveral languages fpoken in the different provinces of North and South America, and alfo in the illands of the South Sea ^. As to America, I am convinced that It was peopled from the north-eaft parts of Afia, from which it is at prefent divided by a very narrow fea, full of fmall illands, which look like ftepping- ftones between the two continents. And I think there is realon to believe that there was a time when they were not divided at all by any fea : For there is a French author, M. le Page du Pratz, whom I have mentioned elfewhere f , who travelled a good deal in North America, and in his travels met v»'ith an Indian, who had travelled in that countiy much more than he, and who told him that he had met with an old Indian who, in his youth, had known an old man that had feen the two continents joined if : So that the fea appears to have made an irruption there, and to have feparated the tvv-o continents, in the fame manner as it feparated Sicily from Italy, of which the name of the town in Italy, built upon the ftrait, was a memorial ; for It was called Reggiuin^ a word which in Greek, denotes biirjling or breaking, I think It is proba- ble that Britain was feparated from France In the fame manner ; U u 2 and * Vol. 8th, p 489. and following. f Vol. 3. of this -work, p. 53. t P. 303. of the Hiftory of LouiCuna, by M. le Page du Pratz. J40 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book III and undoubtedly many fuch changes have happened on this earth, of land into water, and alfo of water into land *. The Afiatics, who peopled America from the north-eaft parts, as I have faid of Afia, would undoubtedly carry their language with them, and did fo, as it appears, to the mod northerly parts of America : For it is now difcovered, that there is a very great affinity betwixt the language of the Kamfchatkans, who inhabit thofe north-eaft parts of Afia, and the language of the Efquimeaux ; and there is alfo a great refemblance in their cuftoms and manners, and like- wife in their faces and perfons. The language, thus brought into America, muft, according to my hypothefis, have come originally from Egypt : And with it there is come into North America a very Angular cuftom of the Egyptians, as it is remarked by Herodotus, and which was peculiar to them ; I mean the cuftom of the men making water fitting, and the women ftanding. This is the univer- fal cuftom among the North American Indians, as Mr Adair, in his hiftpry of the American Indians, has told usf . And he has told us in the fame place, that he was informed that it was alfo the cuftom in Mexico. Now this author was longer in America than I believe any European ever was, who returned to Europe ; for he was forty years in that country; and, as he was a trader with the Indians, was very much among them, not only in the way of bufinefs, but often in their parties of pleafure, and ibmetimes in their campaigns. He therefore had an opportunity of being very well informed of the fadts which he relates, efpecially a fad of this kind falling under common * See, upon this fubjeiTt, Strabo, Lib. i. towards the middle; whefe there is a very curious account given of the feveral changes that have happened in different countries, by Inundations and Earthquakes. — See alfo upon the fame fubjcft, Sheringhame, De Ariglonim Origine. t Page 216. Chap. V. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 341 common obfervation. Nor can we fufpedl him of any intention to impofe upon the reader with refpeil to this fa£t. If indeed he had maintained that the Indians of North America were defcended of the Egyptians, and came from that country, he might be fuppofed to have feigned this fa,Ki»o 5 tri, xMi iiiTriii; kktic tijh yKio-if, that is, tG his own countrymen, who were to be confiJered as infants ysi in under/landing, avd only beginning to learn. And to the faine purpofe, St Chryfoftom, in his Second Difcourfe upon Genefts, fays, That Mofes, in givihf an account of the beginning of things to the Jews, who were unable to com- prehend any thing of a fpiritual or intelleftual nature, addreffed himfelf to their feuies; at whid), lays he, we ought not to be furpriled, as he. was fpeaking t 2 Tvlioni' * Page 384. -$^ ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book III. whom very many animals were facrificed upon different occafions ; for this rite of worfhip was fo univerfally pradifed among all the nations in their neighbourhood, and they had been fo much accuf- tomed to it while they were in Egypt, that, if Mofes had prohibit- ed it, they would not have received his laws, but would have con- formed to the general practice, and have offered facritlces to the idols of the nations. And Mofes, in this as well as in many other articles, appears only to have changed the obje£l of the worfhip, not the rites and ceremonies of it, as, I think, Spencer has very clear- ly fhown in his work above quoted; and, indeed, I think, that, with- out changing the courfe of nature, and the general rules of the fyf- tem of the human fpecies, by which they muft make a regular pro- grefs in religion, as well as in other things, God could not have adted otherwife with refped to the Jews. But our Saviour having come in the fulnefs of t'line^ when the minds of men, by the progrefs they had made in arts and fciences, were prepared to receive a better religion, facrifices, as well as many other rites and ceremonies, were laid afide altogether, and a pure religion was eftablifhed, by which the true God was to be worftiip- ped in fpirit and in truth, not by the works of mens hands ^ as the apof- tle fays *. At the fame time, I am not of opinion, that all the rites and ceremonies of the Pagan worfhip were ordained by the gof- pel to be laid afide. And particularly one part of their worfhip, I mean mufic, is very properly continued in the Chriflian church ; not becaufe we are to fuppofe that God is pleafed or entertained with our mufic, but becaufe mufic, if it be proper church mufic, muft have a great effedl upon the minds of men, (who muft be go- verned more or lefs by their fenfes), in exciting them to devotion. And, accordingly, as I have elfewhere obfervedf, it was chiefly by mufic, • Ai^s of the Apoftles, chap. 17. v. 24. and 29. f Page 95. and lOi. of this vol. Chap. VI. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 397 mufic, that the mofl: favage people we read of, the Paraguayfe, were converted to Chriftianity ; and, I am perluaded, if it were more ufed by the MiiTionaries, among the barbarous nations, they would fucceed better. As to the time when our Saviour came to eftablilh his religion on this earth, I have obfers'^ed that it was in xhtfulnefs of time, accord- ing to Scripture language, with refpe£t to arts and fciences ; and I will now fhow, that it was alfo in fulnefs of time with regard to the ftate of the human ipecies at that time. That men are at prefent very much degenerated both in mind and body, and that they live in fuch a way that their numbers are daily decreafmg, I think, I have clearly proved in the third volume of this work. As to numbers, I think, I will prove very clearly in the fequel of this work, that they are decreafed, and continually decreafmg fo much, that, in not very many generations, the fpecies mufl die out, though it were not to be deftroyed by any convulfion of nature, fuch as is fore- told in our facred books. Now, this degeneracy of man, and de- folation of the earth, was begun, and had gone on for many years, before the days of Auguftus Cxfar. The great empires of the Af- fyrians, Medes, Perfians, and Macedonians, no longer exifled. Of all thofe antient empires, none remained but the Roman, which was eftablillied at a great expence of the human fpecies, even in Italy itfclf, the feat of that empire ; for Italy was fo much depopulated, that colonies were brought from other countries to repeople it; and particularly Conftantine the Emperor fettled there 300,000 Sar- matians*. As to arts and fciences, they were likewife upon the de- cline. Egypt, once the fountain and feat of all arts and fciences, from which they were propagated all over the world, and which, at one time, was the beft governed country that ever exifted, had become, in the days of Auguftus Cxfar, a Roman province, not famous for arts and fciences, nor for any thing elfe. Greece was no longer the country * Vol. V. of Origin of Language, p. 25. 39S ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book III. country that it had been; and though its inhabitants ftill preferved arts and fciences among them to a certain degree, yet they were not fuch as had been in former times. And as to the Romans, what arts and fciences were among them, they had learned from the Greeks, but never earned them to fuch perfedtion as the Greeks did. With refpedt to the arts, they never had painters, ftatuaries, or fculptors, of any note ; nor were they eminent in any fcience that I know: And as tophilo- fophy, they had not fo much as a fchool of it. Nor were men, at that time, improved in morals any more than in arts and fciences ; but, on the contrai-y, there was a general corruption of manners, in every nation then known, more or lefs, and particularly among the Romans, as their own hiftorians inform us. That things have grown better fmce the days of Auguftus Caefar, no body will affirm; but, on the contrary, vice and difeafe have greatly increafed, and de- population, within thefe laft four or five hundred years, has gone on to a furprifing degree, not only in the countries known in antient times, but in a new world unknown to the antients^ there has been fiich depopulation, as there is no example of the like in the hiftory of man. And as to arts and fciences, by learning tnofe of the anti- ent world, we confefs how much we are fallen off in that article. Such being the Hate of man at the time that our Saviour came to the world, it was very proper that he fhould let them know that there would be foon a change of this fcene of man, for which they ought to prepare themfelves by a religious and virtuous life : And to confidev this life as a tranfient ftate of Unal and probation, which was foon to have an end ; and, therefore, not to look for any per- manent happinefs in it, but to put their truft in the life to come ; which, as I have faid*, is a principal doctrine of the Chriftian re- ligion. As ■ Page 387. and 392- Chap. VI. ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. 399 As the Jews were a people chofen by God, and kept diftlnguiih- cd and feparated from all other nations, and as they were the only people then on the earth, who believed in one God, the Creator of heaven and earth, it was proper that our Saviour fhould be of that nation : So that the prophecies, which foretold that the Meffiah was to be of that nation, might be fulfilled in him. Accordingly, he was born in JeruHilem, and his mother, the Virgin Mary, was defcended of the nobleft race among them, the race of David, the King, v^ho, with the reft of his countr^^men, was defcended of Ab- raham, to whom it was promifed, That in him Jljotdd all families of the earth be bleJftd-'\ It was alfo fit, that the dodrine of Jefus fhould be firft promulgated among the Jews, who believed in the one God, from whom it came ; nor do I think, that, in any other nation, our Saviour could have found difciples to propagate his doc- trine, firft among the Jews, and then among the Gentiles. As our Saviour faid that he was the Son of God, miracles were neceffary to fupport his high title, and give credit to his miflion • and, accordingly, he wrought many miracles, and in the view of all the people, and which were all works of benificence, fhowing divine goodnefs, as well as divine power. And he concluded them all by raifing himfelf from the dead, after he had been crucified by the Jews, contrary to the inclination, as appeared, of the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate ; but he, in this, fubmitted to the will of the Jews, who could not bear any other rehgion than that of Mofes. After his death and refurredion, his difciples, who had alfo the power of working miracles beftowed upon them, and had a very great miracle exhibited in their own perfons, I mean the gift of tongues, which was neceflary to propagate their religion among the Gentiles, laboured very much in their calling, and were very fuccefsful in making converts among the Gentiles, much more fuc- cefsful than among their own countrymen, who, as I have obferv- * Genefis, chap. 12. v. 3. 400 ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book III. ed, did all they could to ftop their progrefs. But befides the mira- cles they wrought, and their gift of tongues, they were affifted by the Holy Spirit, which animated them, and fome of their converts, and made them go on fo fuccefsfully, that, in not very many years, a confiderable part of Greece and Italy was converted to Chriftianity. As to the general ftate of religion of this earth at prefent, I have already obferved', that Chriftianity is the religion of Europe ; for even where the Turks are the Sovereigns, the Chriftian religion is prevalent. It alfo prevails in feveral parts of Afia, and even in Egypt, particularly in the country about Alexandria, where they have a Patriarch; and have joined together Judaifm and Chriftianity in one remarkable particular, the obferving both the Chriftian and Jewilh Sabbaths. In the weftern parts of Alia, Mahomedifm is the prevailing religion ; and in-the eaftern parts, fuch as India, China, and Japan, the popular religion of Egypt, which was brought to In- dia by Ofiris, is predominant. Into India, it appears, that the Egyp- tians imported their philofophy, as well as their popular religion j for among the Bramins of India the doctrine of the Trinity is an article of faith*. Of the nations of Africa we know fo little, that we cannot fay what their religion is. And I have only been informed by a ne- gro, who is emancipated, and has embraced the Chriftian religion, and whom I had an opportunity of feeing in Edinburgh, that, in his nation, they pradice circumcilion ; and aUb, that they performed an operation upon the women, which is called in Greek ixri^vziv^ and which was only pradifed in Egypt, but not in Judea. So it appears, that this nation of negroes learned the pradice of circum- cifion from the Egyptians. As to the New World on the other fide of the Atlantic, all we know with any certainty of the religion of the inhabitants there, is, that the nations of North America have got the knowledge, as I have elfewhere obferved f, of one Superior Be- ing, * Page 292. I Page 153. and 368. hap. VI. A N T I E N T M E T A P H Y S I C S. 461 ing, whom they call the Great Spirit, and in whofe name they make their treaties. And this may fuffice for the hiftory of Religion, of which, I think, I have faid as much as was proper in a work of this kind. 1 have aUb given the hiftory of Arts and Sciences, and likewife of Government; which, together with Religion, comprehend what I call the Hiftory of Man, at lead in the ftate of civil fociety : For, as intelligence is of the effence of man, and that which diilingulllies him from other animals on this earth, 1 confider his hiftory to be that of the opera- tions of his intelledual faculty, which are all guided and direded by the three things I have mentioned, arts and fciences, government and religion ; as it is by thefe that his chara£ler, fentiments, manners, cuftoms, and inftitutions, are produced. As to the various events that have happened in the feveral nations of this earth, fuch as wars, conquefts, migrations of nations, and revolutions of government, they are the fubje(fl of what is commonly called Hiftory ; but they are no part of what I call the Hiftory of Man: Nor, indeed, do I pay much regard to them in reading the hiftories of particular na- tions, except in fo far as they fhow the charadlers of men; for, otherwife confidered, they are things which might have happened or not happened, and therefore cannot be the fubjed of any fcience. And here I conclude this volume of Metaphyfics, which, though it has run out to a great length, much greater than I expedled, does not finilh the hiftory of Man. For I have a great deal to add upon the natural life of man, which neceffarily preceded his life of civility and arts : Then I am to fhow the difference betwixt thefe two lives, and all the evils which arife from the civilifed life : And this will na- turally lead me to that great queftion of Metaphyfics, with which I propofe to conclude this work, concerning the origin of evil in this ftate of man, and how it is to be reconciled with the wifdom ard Vol. IV. 3 E goodnefs 4oa ANTIENT METAPHYSICS. Book 111. goodnefs of God. And, In that part of the work, I hope, I (hall be able to (how, that all thofe evils are abfolutely neceflary, unlefs the order of nature, and the whole fyftem of man, had been altered; but, that the providence of God has fo ordered matters, that good fhould arife out of evil, which is the greateft work of wifdom; fo that man, after all his fufferings in this life, or in another, fhall at laft enjoy all the happinefs of which his nature is capable. And thus, I hope, I may aflert eternal Providence, And juftify the ways of God to men. Milton's Par. Lojl. A P P E Nr- APPENDIX. [See page 3.}.. of tlils Volume.] P^RTS, Friday, 22th March 1765. ** npHIS day faw and converfed with Madcmoifelle le Blanc (fother A called her). — Says that flie remembers the country, fhe came from, is a very cold country, covered wi'Ji fucw a great part ofthe year and the nights very long. That the children t lere are accullomedto .he water from the moment of their birth— that they learn to fwim as foon as they can walk ; and alfo to climb trees — and that a child of a year old, there, will climb up a tree. That they live in little huts above the water Ulce Beavers ; and that they fubfift very much by tiihing. That flie was fo much in the ufe ofthe water, that, wixn fhe came to France, fhe could not live without it ; and, at iirft, was in ufe to plunge into it over head and ears, and to dwell in it like an Otter or any other amphibious animal; and afterwards, when fhe was re- ftrained from that, fhe always wafhed her head and hands. That though file fuppofes fhe was a child only about feven or eight years of age when fhe was carried away, yet, by that time, flie had learn- ed to fwim, to fifh, to fhoot with the bow and arrow, to climb and to leap from one tree to another like a fquirrel. That the people of her countr}' had no clothing but flcins, and had no ufe of fire at all: So that, when fhe came to France, fire was her abhoirence- and flie could not even bear the clofe air of a room, nor the breati.s of people that were near her. That there were another fort of men in her country, who were bigger and ftronger men than her peorle, and all covered with hair ; and that thefe people were at war with her people, and ufed to eat them when they could catch them. That fhe had, when fhe was catched, in a pouch by her fide, a club with fome charadters upon it, which exprcffed her name, and the 3^2 perfons 404 APPENDIX. ^■perfons to whom fhe belonged ; and this ckib is in the pofleflion of the/be'irs of the Comte d'Epinoy. That, young as fhe was, fhe had , the knowledge of feveral plants and roots, which were good for the ftomach and head, and could cure wounds; and that fhe fed upon certain roots, which fhe dug out of the ground with her' fingers, and particularly with her thumb, which, by that means, was broader and larger th^an the thumbs of the people of this country; and when (he ^ leapt from one branch of a tree to another, Ihe ufed to hold by her thumbs, 4nd pitch heri'elf upon them as well as upon her feet. That Ihe could riot bear to lie upon any thing that was foft ; and that, at hru, wlien fhe came to France, fhe ufed a flone by way of pillow. .Tnat when fhe was taken from her own country, fhe was at lea in a little round canoe, which children ule in that coimtry. in this canoe fhe was fet, and clofe fhut in with fome kind of covering that drew clofe about her ; and, when the waves came, fhe ducked, and let them oafs over her. That fhe was taken and carried to fome diflant and warm country, where fhe was fold for a flave ; that fhe was re-em- barked with her mafter to come to this part of the world. That her mafler wanted to make her work with the needle, at a fort of work which obliged her to crouch and look up ; and that he beat her when fhe would not work; but that her miflrefs, who, fhe believes, fpoke French, was very kind to her, and would hide her when her raafler was feeking her to make her work. That the ill ufage of her mafter made her fo furious, that they were obliged to chain her, and confine her to the hold, where fhe made acquaintance with a negro girl older than herfelf. That, when they came upon the coaft fomewhere in Europe, the fhip being in diflrefs, the crew took to the boat, and fhe, together with the negro girl, were thrown into the fea to fhift for themfelves; and they fwam afhore, fhe aflifling the negro girl, who could not fwim fo well, and who was kept a- bove water by taking hold, of her foot. That, after flie was fold as a flave, fhe was painted all over black, except her feet, whicli ftill remaiaed; APPENDIX. 405 remained white; but the negro was black all over. That fhe could have imitated the llnging of any bird, and that imitation was the only kind of mufic known in her couritry. That. any kind of vic- tuals prepared with fire dilagreed with her extremely; and fhe te- members particularly, that foon after (he was catched in Champagne, obferving a woman feeding a child with warm milk, flie held up her mouth and got a little of it, which affected her fo much, that fhe lay as dead for fome time. That any flefh fhe ate, that was !ei- ther falted, or prepared with fire, did not digeft with her, but turned into bile, by which fhe was reduced to the laft extremity : And the phylicians, in o.der to change her habit, and put French blood into her veins, blooded her, till the blood ftopt of itielf; by which means, and by her change of. diet and manner of life, her health is quite impaired, lb that fhe cannot now perform any of thofe wonderful feats of agility and flrength, which fhe formerly performed;.^ and fhe cannot even utter thofe ihriU cries,, ^which ufed to alarm people -- - '' ' .'. , : ',-.1 1. 1'Hrj- fo much formerly, bhe fays, that when fhe was taken in her own country, fhcr had only the little bludgeon above mentioned :. But in the country fhe was carried to, before fhe came to Europe, fhe got a longer flick, with three pieces of iron at the end of it^ one i[n the middle fharp and unni\{fd^^if^Xi^jM^ other two^ each on the fide of it, hooked; and the .uji^ jL^xi'iP^iSiPli-^^ny^-^ ft^b any wuld beaft, that attacked her, V?ith t|^.4^axj^p^i,nt, ami with thq hooks to catch the branches of tr'^-,^, iii/Ovtl^r ip^hjll Ju;3;4n climbing; and fhe faid it •was particularly uiciul to her in detending her againft the bears, when they attesnpted to, foil Ojs^ .her up^|t^i^j ti-c^p^ , ^fie. fays that flie xemembers the cullom. of funerals, iiji her country; that 3ie defundt is carried to a place where there is a, great, deal, of fnow, where he is fet upon. his breech, ifi a fort of ^itle;^ jipt unljk© ar^ eafy cJiair^ That bis relations approach him with imany i!eyer^;i;ce&.,^nd proftra- tions, and the neareft relation makes a,,fp^ec|i,.,tq,,jih|]njL|^^wjiich flie repeats in her, own language, importing that Jie h^ eyes,, ears, handvS 4o6 APPENDIX, hands, arms, &c. yet is no more, but is gone above to tbe mofl: liigh; and then the ceremony is concluded with what fhe calls «« cri dt triftejfe^ which is a cry that they alfo ufe upon occafion of any danger or diftrefs, and which fhe remembers to have ufed upon a particular occafion to the terror and aftonifhment of rhe whole neio;h- bourhood. Befides this fervice of the dead, (he has preferved feve- ral words and phrafes of her language, particularly the name of a lit- tle bludgeon, which is Boutou*i and her longer ftick, with the iron upon it, fhe calls Triblee^ which is probably a word of the country where flie got it. The phrafe for wounding one, is to make him redy and for killing, to make him fteep long ; and, by way of falutation, they fay, I fee you. It appears that fhe muft have been fome con- fiderable time in the country where fhe was firft landed, afrer fhe was taken from her own country; for fhe fays, in that country, fhe got her Tribiee^ and learned the ufe of it ; and fhe remembers very well, that fhe was a long time in the pofTeffion of a man who want- ed to make her work and, on that account, as fhe faid before, beat her and treated her very ill ; and fhe remembers ver^^ well, that his wife was a handfome tall woman, who was very kind to her, and ufcd to hide her, when her hufband was feeking her to make her work. And it was, no doubt, with a view to fell her as a negro flave that they painted her black. That the female negro, that fhe had with her in the woods of Champagne, fhe firfl became acquainted with aboard the ihip ; that the negrefs could not fwim very well, but ihe helped her. The negrels did not fpeak the language of Mademoifelle le Blanc's country, but had fome words of French, a.id beiidej. ieemed to • This is a wor J of the Caribbee language, mentioned by Sieur la Beaud in his ac- count of the Caribbees, who has defcnbcJ this weapon, and particularly taken notice of fome gravings upon it, by way of ornament, filled up with painting. Of thiS grav- ing, upon her Biutou, this girl fpoke much ; fo that, I th iik, there can be no doubt, but that ihe got this weapon among tlv- Caraibes, in one of the Antilles Ifiands, wliich certainly v;as the warm country to wliich the was brought, after Ihe was taken away from her own. APPENDIX. 407 to have a language of her own, of which Mad. le Blanc remembers a word, Broutut^ fignifyhig bread ox fomcthhig to eat. As to her own lan- guage, Mad. le Blanc remembers hut verv' few words of it; and what fl:ie repeats, as the language of her country, is chiefly French words^ fpoken in the tone and manner of her own country. From which man- ner, it would appear, that the language of her country is little better than inarticulate founds from the throat, in the formation- of which the organs of the mouth have very little (hare. For (he told me that Ihe did not move her tongue at all in fpeaking, and that, when fhe came to France, ihe had no life of her tongue, except in fwallowino-- and her mouth was much lefs than it is at prefent, and almoft round. And when {he laughed, llie did no: open her mouth as we do, but made a little motion, with her upper :ip, and a noife in hex throat by drawing her breath inwards. Thp.' -hen (he was in the woods with her companion, fhe converfed -. h- r by figns, and certain cries, fome of which ihe remember-^ . -! 'inicularly after they had fwum the river together, near to bfmgi, fhe got firft out ; and having catched filli, that ihe thought fufficient for them both, ihe gave a call to the negrefs to come to her. That after this a quarrel happened bet^vixt them about a firing of beads, of which, a Gen- tleman of the name of St Martin, was witnefs ; the fame who fir- ed a fhot at her in pailing the river, but of which flie knew no- thing at the time. That the Gentleman, upon ieeing them come out of the water, and run and leap in the manner they did, v/as ex- ceedingly frightened, and fell fick of the fri2:ht. That, after fhe had knocked down her companion, and faw her lying bleeding upon the ground, ihe had comrailion upon her, and run, as that Gentleman faid, with a velocity that is not to be conceived, and catched a fro^- which ihe put upon her companion's head that fhe had broke, and tied it on with fome threads that ihe made of the bark of a tree. That fhe thinks flie mufl: have been very young, not above feven or eight years of age, when Ihc was taken from her own country, be- caufe 4o8 APPENDIX. caufe {he was put into the little round canoe, into which they put chil- dren, in order to accuftom them to the fea : For they are put into it with a thing like a purfe that draws clofe about their middle, fo as to keep the water from coming in, by which means the water might pafs over the child, and the canoe might be overturned never fo of- ten, but it could not fmk ; and, in this way, fhe fays, the children were taught to fwiin. That iTie believes fhe was a confiderable time in the country, to which (he was firft carried, where Ihe learned the ufe of the Tribiee^ as above mentioned, and likewife to fhoot with the bow and arrow. That, after fhe had efcaped from the lafl fhip, in which fhe was embarked, fhe remembers that fhe palt through great tradts of country with her companion ; and fhe re- members particularly that fhe was in one country, where fhe favvr a great number of people dancing. That fhe and her companion liv- ed upon roots, and upon what game they could catch. That what they killed, they fucked the blood of, while it was warm, and eat the flefli immediately. That fhe remembers they killed a fox, but found the flelh very bad, fo that they only fucked the blood. They alio catched a hind, and, after having fucked the milk of it, they cat the flefh." As I thought this Girl, who hjfd been born and bred a favage, and could give fo good an account of that ftate by her fpeaking the French language, the greateft curiofity I had ever feen, I had many other converfations with her, and learned feveral other particulars of her manner of life, which I have mentioned in other parts of this work. N I S. 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