Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. B-245 UNITED STATATES Forest Entomology Brief 57. Ants are fremiently found about skade and yark trees ard shrebs and their occurrence may be cue to one of several conditions, Many trees ere infested by scele insects, aphids, or somewhat similar ee insects % excrete a sweet sticky liguid, This £1 contains considerable sugar so that in many instances the presence £ e nd. é of these sucking i s sponsible for visits of the ants. nder this concition the annoyance of the ants may be eliminated by the control of the sucking insect present. sometimes the ents are attracted to fresn or sap-moist wounds or Giseased areas. In such cases Ccleening, treating, and coating the in- gured places will renove the source of attrectinn, The most frequent cause of complaint, nowev is the working and nesting of ants within tre trunks and limbs es ogee! This type Of injure ery ccmmcen, often following rapidly woon injuries ond wounds waen not Very Gy ee eae treated, The damage caused by the ants’ galleries and the decay oe accompanies, or precedes them is oftérn wery extersive an iS J ae and tress bagdiy weakened sometimes vreserve the apncarence of health and eee when they are reelly dangerous, a menace to lite, iimb, when trees are badly infested by ants the strength of the injured parts must be the guide for determining whether te remove cr preserve the trees; If i4 is found desirable to preserve a considerably weakened tree, rales Tiiling the cavity and vracing can be resorted to for strengthening it. Always the infectec and cecayed areas should be removed, cutting dovm to sound wooG and then clearing and coating the see or cavities thickly with soae waterproof preservative, such @s a mixture of equal parts (by weient) of asphaltum and creosote, one-fourth Cee Oe end three-fourtis white-Lead eecae altnough these materials must not oe their coming into contact with the freshly if 4 5 or tne livirg bark, vhere a stellac should be pused, In some instances carbon disuiphid, a poisonovs voletile liquid that must be handied with cars, ent avay from fire aad not inhaled, may be injected into she ant gallsries, after which all the ovenings should ry vA x a cof material, such as grafting wax Ss. > Shis) will krit the ans ain save nd treating of the cavity as described 6 preservation of the tree. 3 be Kept plugged tighsly with some putty, or wet clay, recor s area fumigatel, out the aveve Will stili be essen WILLIAM MIDDLETON Specialist in Shade Tree Insects. < aes! > x ad tid ‘Relbivas bo en v sd a aia ea ig gesbos ah) a my spe aes tae fi A aac Fi * : ose i an Sige et re oe * 2 He an Be Rae ei, & DS Y ENS acct ae Nae a aa 1 lang set 4 % ay . wo I tae Tok te 3, i yueo- at Ss ¢. . Hina i 4 . ie ‘ Ry Set iy! a ae er ice 2 tenner d <7 usta ates Sapte Shigiiiry’ Ld fa v Uheie! acs cee tH ce Parorte ett aie eet ar) call ae ~ "ation yes " Pe Le RS 2 Re ie FS i TE ie tis bo? ~ 4 pe Perey ar (3% at a <2 . Oi waa t ae * * sy a pis PE, pious) bis a UO p.teeih a Roradig oP 2 RARE) DBS Oda ota a Laat vig tis eau! e POL Oe BORE sk i e:, assign #02003 aia ai aan