APPARENT SURFACE CURRENTS OVER THE MONTEREY SUBMARINE CANYON MEASURED BY THE METHOD OF TOWED ELECTRODES. Karl Arthur Mahumed mux V onterey, California L T ET APPARENT SURFACE CURRENTS OVER THE MONTEREY SUBMARINE CANYON MEASURED BY THE METHOD OF TOWED ELECTRODES by Karl Arthur Mahumed September 1975 Thesis Advisor: R. G. Paquette Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. Unci nssi f i od £l-CUt»lTV CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PUGEfH^nn r>»(« fnl.f.J of internal waves. The observed surface currents measured with the GEK all exhibited little or no correlation with winds and tides. The flows were all generally southerly; their averages agreed with previous measurements made with the GEK. This direction of flow was opposite to the gener- alizations of Scott and possibly agreed with those of Pirie, depending upon the placement of one of his eddies. The k-factor for the GEK could not be determined because currents measured directly in the thermocline were found to be not correlated with the GEK measurements. However, the average current speeds were in reasonable agreement with currents measured at other times in Monterey Bay, leading to the con- clusion that k cannot be much greater than the assumed value of 1.0. DD Form 1473 1 Jan 73 Ilnr 1 n^^ifipfl . S/N 0102-014-GG01 0 SECURITY CL*SSiriC*TION OF THIS P»CEr»1"n D.I. F"'«""» Apparent Surface Currents over the Monterey Submarine Canyon Measured by the Method of Towed Electrodes by Karl Arthur Mahumed Lieutenant, United States Navy B.S., U.S. Naval Academy, 1968 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN OCEANOGRAPHY from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL ABSTRACT Five data cruises were taken on board R/V ACANIA to study the effect on the Geomagnetic Electrokinetograph (GEK) of various environmental factors, including winds, tides, and internal waves, over the Monterey Submarine Canyon. An in situ current meter was used successfully on one occasion to obtain data to establish a k-factor for the GEK in the Sub- marine Canyon, and to directly measure the particle velocities of internal waves. The observed surface currents measured with the GEK all exhibited little or no correlation with winds and tides. The flows were all generally southerly; their averages agreed with previous measurements made with the GEK. This direction of flow was opposite to the generalizations of Scott and possibly agreed with those of Pirie, depending upon the placement of one of his eddies. The k-factor for the GEK could not be determined because currents measured directly in the thermocline were found to be not correlated with the GEK measurements. However, the average current speeds were in reasonable agreement with currents measured at other times in Monterey Bay, leading to the conclusion that k cannot be much greater than the assumed value of 1.0. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 10 A. THE PROBLEM 10 B. USE OF THE GEK IN THIS STUDY 12 C. ADDITIONAL PARAMETERS USED 12 D. PREVIOUS STUDIES IN MONTEREY BAY 13 II. THEORY 20 A. GEOMAGNETIC ELECTROKINETOGRAPH (GEK) 20 1. Theory 20 2. Errors 23 B. INTERNAL WAVES 24 III. PROCEDURE 28 A. CRUISE PLAN 28 B. CURRENT METER EMPLOYMENT 30 IV. CRUISE SYNOPSES 33 A. RUN ONE 34 B. RUN TWO 39 C. RUN THREE 44 D. RUN FOUR 51 E. RUN FIVE 56 V. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS 61 A. VALIDITY OF THE MEASUREMENTS 61 B. SUMMARY OF DATA 62 APPENDIX A: PROGRAM AND DATA TABLES 64 BI BLI OGRAPHY 78 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 80 5 LIST OF TABLES I. II. III. IV. A-I. A-II. A-III. A-IV. A-V. A-VI. A-VII. A-VIII. A-IX. A-X. A-XI. Geomagnetic Activity Fix Determination Cruise Durations Averaged Data 24 29 30 62 Run 1 Run 1 Run 2 Run 2 Run 3 Run 3 Run 3 Run 4 Run 4 Run 5 Run 5 GEK Data 65 Wind Data 66 GEK Data 67 Wind Data 68 GEK Data 69 Current Meter Data 70 Wind Data 73 GEK Data 74 Wind Data 75 GEK Data 76 Wind Data 77 LIST OF FIGURES 1. Area of the Present Study 11 2. GEK Pattern of McKay [1970] 14 3. GEK Pattern of Smith [1972] 15 4. Generalized Upwelling Circulation Pattern 17 5. Generalized Oceanic Circulation Pattern 18 6. Generalized Davidson Circulation Pattern 19 7. Simple Internal Wave 25 8. GEK Pattern 28 9. Current Meter Anchoring 32 10. Run 1, North-Setting Components 35 11. Run 1, East-Setting Components 36 12. Run 1, Vector Scatter Diagram 37 13. Progressive Vector Diagram 38 14. Run 2, North-Setting Components 40 15. Run 2, East-Setting Components 41 16. Run 2, Vector Scatter Diagram 42 17. Run 2, Progressive Vector Diagram 43 18. Run 3, North-Setting Components 45 19. Run 3, East-Setting Components 46 20. Run 3, North-Setting Components, GEK and Current Meter 47 21. Run 3, East-Setting Components, GEK and Current Meter 48 22. Run 3, Vector Scatter Diagram ^9 23. Run 3, Progressive Vector Diagram 50 24. Run 4, North-Setting Components 52 7 25. Run 4, East Setting Components 53 26. Run 4, Vector Scatter Diagram 54 27. Run 4, Progressive Vector Diagram 55 28. Run 5, North-Setting Components 57 29. Run 5, East-Setting Components 58 30. Run 5, Vector Scatter Diagram 59 31. Run 5, Progressive Vector Diagram 60 A-l. Program KAMGEEK 64 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS There are several people who had a part in this undertaking without whose assistance nothing could have been accomplished. First and foremost, my gratitude to Dr. R. G. Paquette for initiating this thesis and for counselling, advising and when necessary, prodding me along. Woody Reynolds and the entire crew of R/V ACANIA made data collection both profitable and enjoyable; their selfless help is gratefully noted. Lt . John Hollister provided the means by which I was able to communicate with the IBM 360 and receive output. P02 John Fanning of the Oceanography Staff assisted in on-loading and off-loading equipment, even when off duty. Last but not least, my family deserves a commendation. They were my "crew" for several cruises, and throughout the project have supported all my efforts in a manner which eased the burden of this study. To one and all, a most heartfelt thanks. I. INTRODUCTION A. THE PROBLEM This study was undertaken in an attempt to examine phenomena observed twice previously during experiments with the Geomagnetic Electrokinetograph (GEK) above the Monterey Submarine Canyon. Anomalously high apparent velocities were recorded by the GEK in studies by Howton [1972] and later during a student demonstration cruise. It was believed that these high values could be the results of internal wave activ- ity in the Canyon. Lipparelli and Beardsley [1971] postulated such an effect and computed its magnitude for frequencies as low as 1.8 x 10 hertz. Howton' s study had no method for detecting and recording the presence of internal waves, so no GEK-internal wave cor- relation could be made. The present study involved the use of the GEK, expendable bathythermograph (XBT) , and an iri situ current meter, together with wind and tide data. Five data collection runs were taken on R/V ACANIA. The location of each run is shown in Figure 1. All five runs involved the use of the GEK and measurement of the winds and tides. Runs Two through Five involved the added use of XBT's and an In situ current meter, although the current meter functioned properly only once, on Run Three. It was hoped that the same anomalous apparent values could again be observed and correlated. If the anomalies 10 •f <■■}' km, Tfe' A^^^: f ' ' -'I -S* « Si J* ',»-*, i? !*< 29 V, A to » ?*.„ i ■', 49 ■■■*> i9 3ft IjWjV 45 Krfil 13 *3 'operate* 22 Ti 62 X 36 v j/ 45 N *<*X «?C>5 ( '; :«e 7W*s /!/ St 58 5? 7* 49 267 iSI 222 586 **; •J-* O! ?>0 ,,,, ... \ / i! a«p, *»t t»:u\ \'->^: T U9 :> fciHx ;j8!>- 400 4»3 V 66 et 2v» A/ 1 $ S4& 4C3 *<5 75« I 78-3 1 .97! «" J < 73« 3(7 63 58 6i •>? 52 57 46 42 e> 13 i3 53 563 MI7 2 S4t i 646 ?35 3'7 i25 I?; 6^ 59 54 5? 50 tit -5 1 X - 16 ' *9 t*«,>\<~-v ^/- U.v,v# \\j. '.'■ ''•'■ I '•;. O-^^:0' ••''"■^ "",)",t* "'"•'<"•<>•"•'.•'■"'• . "" t ••■ •r*^?^^ • V -^Vfv ^•\ I - >' "• — ^»— — fijmtifi -:> „v s. r?' i \ / 77. C < A i- ^ 7 \ ■\p\ , . --'V. I ( i; "u'w , v-.76j *». y •'-'■•',> 'j v "4 \V- \ OTTT^rrr^,- ry. /„ . \ • - * —- ' ' % I ///■/to' ^vB'^iiLk •■"•';/^--: -N- / h i f /AV,//^), |7 \'to-v..^\r^c*-'v,. -> t .-,, 1/ I < J,J •- - ~-'f '• J ! Figure 4. Generalized Upwelling Period Circulation 17 & ■ r»g.r.»«f. i . , v oi . • , 1 | r ( ■. | • I x??.^ - v\r..' . j ■■ ' -> ■ ii«. ■ 1 1.. - ... ..i v ■ " ' o° r i . ! v\ .\'V' / . * ■' \ ■• •. \ ,r >' L'° ' _• | ■ ■ 'o ,>^ /\J ' ' X. » \ ... • '""■ '" «\ ■: , , v£- >C. v\ v ;.. V "• ^rS-O^-sr-- . ' : \r> • irk if » sv-, I '!*v\ / i' *» - ; »»< I / . XX^ ''.;-*• •-. \N^ .^i ■■:/.". „ ■•■ : iW .1 A •• »-8 ,*v A • \V » ; '.-^ V , L.-.X.. '-' v ■ o- i-'VK \ ■ t ., . /| W ' t ' \ Vl. j i ^ m • \ c-r^vrV - - y '/;, ><\ - >./: , .• - / / '.•/ v , • */•■ "' " .'y-v-/ - - • ■ , >t^-E-AS!DE •".•-^J ,.\ ."V -■ ;S£ PT. .." '"' •v- ,*- -». ?xx •/ \._- >*-- ^tex v,s;W\i -. :.v- ;/'. • ;. ■ ■ .' w^- Figure 5. Generalized Oceanic Period Circulation 18 v n 34'' x ,.■ DT Vi , < / V\N. '■...., C . »l !....■•. . I it) I h »■ n v. 1 Ih Figure 6. Generalized Davidson Current Period Circulation 19 II. THEORY A. GEOMAGNETIC ELECTROKINETOGRAPH (GEK) 1 . Theory Apparent surface currents are measured by the method of towed electrodes by using the GEK. The GEK consists of a pair of non-polarized electrodes, usually silver-silver chloride, connected to a recording potentiometer by a neutrally-buoyant, two-conductor cable. The electrodes are normally 100 meters apart, each connected to an individual conductor. The use of neutrally-buoyant cable eliminates any cable droop which might degrade measurements. The elec- trodes must be towed far enough astern of the towing ship to be free of ship- induced electromagnetic effects (usually two to three ship lengths). Von Arx [1950] and Longuet-Higgins , Stern and Stommel [1954] are the sources of detailed descrip tion and derivation of towed-electrode theory. Faraday, in 1832, proposed the induction of an electro-magnetic force (e.m.f.) in water moving through the earth's magnetic field. Equation (1) permits a quantitative calculation of this e.m.f., E. E = vxH x 10"8 volt (1) z E = induced e.m.f. (directed perpendicular to current vector) v = horizontal current velocity (cm/sec) x = distance over which v is measured (cm) H = vertical component of earth's magnetic field (gauss) 20 If the water everywhere is not moving at the same velocity, electrical currents will flow because of the po- tential differences. The generated potentials are decreased by the resistive potential difference due to the current flow. Generally, a space integral of E - ir is required to find the potential field and the distribution of current density, i, given the resistivity, r. Ideally, the velocity maximum is at the surface, and there exists beneath this surface layer a thick layer of essentially static water, which acts as a low-resistance shunt upon the resistive voltage generators near the surface, bring- ing the potential gradient to near zero. If then, two identical electrodes are towed through the water, they themselves are at equal potential. But the single length of wire between the electrodes is being carried transversely through the vertical components of the Earth's magnetic field by the athwartship component of the surface current, which affects both cable and ship. The voltage recorded aboard the ship then is gen- erated in this wire according to equation (1) . A thick, conductive bottom could serve the same purpose as a static water layer. If there is not a static layer below the surface layer and the bottom is more or less insulating, the voltage in the sea between the electrodes will not be zero and the signal due to the surface currents will be altered. If the current were the same at all depths, no voltage would be measured. If there were a reversed rapid flow near the 21 bottom, the voltage at the surface might be augmented. If rapid flow was present at mid-depth and the cross-section of the static conducting path were not great enough to dissipate it, its influence would be felt at the surface. Thus, surges and internal waves can affect the voltage measured by the GEK if the particle motion reaches the surface. The effect may still be felt if the water is not too deep, if the motions extend to near the bottom, or if the motion does not reach the surface. The resulting anomaly may either add to or subtract from the signal otherwise present at the surface, depending upon the relative direction of the flow. The precise calculation of the effects of such a phenomenon presents considerable difficulty involving three- dimensional integration (probably by numerical methods) and requiring a knowledge of the water velocity at all points in the volume. For this reason, the treatment of the phenomenon in this study is only semi-quantitative. Since Monterey Canyon is of moderate depth, it was anticipated that it might approximate an ideal case when surges are absent and that the degeneration which results in the necessity of raising the k-factor to above unity is fairly small. Part of the objectives of this study was to test this hypothesis by comparing the GEK-measured surface currents with directly measured currents. However, as will be seen, a current meter in the thermocline exhibited little correlation with currents at the surface. 22 2 . Errors There are several sources of significant errors in the measurement of apparent surface currents by the GEK: a. Deep currents or the effects of depth which result in a k-factor change, as discussed above. This results in an error in magnitude only, if the degeneration is an effect of an insufficient static layer. The sides of the canyon may also distort the electric field. b. Geomagnetic disturbances can disrupt the Earth's magnetic field. According to Longuet-Higgins , Stern, and Stommel , variations equivalent to 0.1 knot can be expected over long-term measurements, with maximum errors of 5 knots possible during major solar storms. Bennett and Filloux [1975], in a month of data collected in the deep Atlantic, rarely observed electrical fields in excess of 0.25 mv/100 m, equivalent to 0.13 knot; apparently Longuet-Higgins1 5-knot variations are not realistic, at least in deep water. Table I lists the geomagnetic activity for the days on which data was collected. It will be seen that the stormy conditions of 11 November 1974 coincide with the GEK records for that date, and may account for the observed high apparent values at that time. 23 TABLE I Geomagnetic Activity Run ] Date Geomagnetic Ind ex Condition 1 10 11 Nov Nov 74 74 6 31 Quiet Minor Storm 2 26 27 Feb Feb 75 75 6 5 Quiet Quiet 3 3 4 Apr Apr 75 75 5 5 Quiet Quiet 4 21 22 Apr Apr 75 75 12 13 Unsettled Unsettled 5 1 2 May May 75 75 6 15 Quiet Active C. Zero-point drift of the electrodes can result in errors. This drift can be the result of electrode deterior- ation or cable leaks. Drifts in the present study were either controlled or were slow enough to be negligible. d. It should be noted that over the submarine canyon Howton found the currents on opposite sides of his square significantly different so that the zero derived by comparing tows on reciprocal courses has an element of uncertainty. This error was minimized in this study by using the L-shaped tow pattern in which the reciprocal courses are close together in both time and space. Section III discusses the tow plan. B. INTERNAL WAVES We will first consider a simple, two-layer system, as shown in Fig. 7. In this system, internal waves are those waves within the water mass and on the interfacial boundary. 24 If the wave shown is progressive, from left to right, particles in the cell A-B-C will orbit in a clockwise manner while particles in the C-D-E cell will orbit in a counter- clockwise manner. -< D Figure 7. Simple Internal Wave If the apparent surface current is also moving from left to right, it can be seen that the apparent surface current will alternately experience degradation and enhancement as the internal wave progresses past the point of measurement. Motions in the lower layer also will contribute to the potentials measured. These simple internal waves are the only ones possible in the two-layer model discussed above. The ocean is not two-layered, and there are an infinite number of possible internal waves which can occur in the continuous density gradients in a given water mass anywhere in the ocean. 25 Since the tidal character of internal waves is so prom- inent, tides were for some time considered to be the only cause of internal waves by forcing a tidal oscillation of the density boundary, either near shore or in deep water. Internal waves need not be clearly periodic. Aperiodic characteristics, such as wind-induced surges, are also possible The effect of an onshore wind into a semi-enclosed basin can cause these aperiodic internal waves by building up surface water at the coastline, depressing the boundary, and setting the boundary in motion. There is reason to expect internal waves in the Monterey Submarine Canyon. McClelland [1972] obtained fragmentary records of internal waves in the Canyon. He noted a 90-meter movement of the 7°C isotherm in a period of 3 hours. Motion of that order was not seen in any of the data for the present study; most of the internal waves observed were of the order of 20-30 meters. Shepard [1974] observed internal waves in the Canyon to be moving up-canyon at speeds of 25-88 cm/sec. In other experiments off San Diego, Shepard observed the passage of the same internal wave over the shelf and in a canyon. His results showed that the canyon-confined wave propagated faster than the wave over the shelf, suggesting that the constriction of the canyon walls tends to increase propagation speed. The work of Lipparelli [1971] suggested that the effects of internal waves on the GEK might be important. He computed the effect of short-period, idealized, free internal waves on 26 GEK signals. He modelled a two-layer ocean and limited his study to free internal waves which would form on the inter- face. The concern in the present study is with a wave forced at semi-diurnal frequency and with a wave number of lO^m"1 . Extrapolation of Lipparelli's results to such wave numbers and to a 12.4 hour period for depths and densities appropriate to the canyon yields a signal of about 10 mv/100 m, correspond- ing to 5 knots. This must be regarded as an order of magnitude only, since the canyon is far more complex than Lipparelli's model. The calculations do suggest that sizeable effects of internal waves may be expected. The length of time-series was limited by practical con- siderations to periods of a little less than 24 hours (see Section III for details). With this length of series, it would be possible to extract a 12.4 hour periodic component reliably only if the data were relatively free of other fre- quencies and noise. As will be seen, this latter property did not prevail and neither tidal components nor any other characteristic period could be extracted with certainty. 27 III. PROCEDURE A. CRUISE PLAN Sailing plan C-2 from Von Arx [1950] was chosen for this study (see Figure 8) . The dogleg plan has advantages over the previously discussed square plan used by Howton [1972]. Howton's fixes were obtained by summing reciprocal courses on opposite sides of the square. The sum resulted in a zero- point for that pair of courses and the apparent velocity perpendicular to that course could then be determined as the difference to the right or left of a zero-point. One circuit of the square resulted in two pairs of two differences. Using successive vector sums, apparent current velocity could be calculated twice per circuit of the square. Figure 8. GEK Pattern 28 The dogleg plan used in the present study essentially "folds" the square in half diagonally. This results in re- ciprocal courses being transited on (ideally) the same track. Howton's reciprocals were separated by the width of the sail- ing plan. Fixes for the present study were calculated in the same manner as Howton, by using a leapfrog scheme wherein each value of apparent current is used for two separate cal- culations. Table II shows the sequence of obtaining a fix. TABLE II Fix Determination Fix No. Track Segment E/S Track Segment N/S 1 A, " *i Bi - c, 2 B2 - A2 c, " B2 3 A2 " B3 B3 - c2 4 B„ " A3 c2 " B, At a speed of six knots, a complete traversal of the track took about forty minutes, so a fix was obtained about every twenty minutes. At each end of the track, Williamson turns were executed to maintain the proper track. Occasional vari- ation of the track was necessitated by fishing boats, fishing buoys, or mechanical problems of the ship. During these devi- ations from the track, no data was recorded until the track had been reestablished. With the exception of a two hour break in the data for Run Three, no data gaps exceeded thirty minutes . 29 It had originally been planned to make all data collection in 24-hour periods, but ship commitments or equipment mal- functions prevented this. Table III lists run durations. TABLE III Run Duration Run No. Duration (hrs) 1 20 2 23.5 3 19.5 4 20.5 5 21 Although no cruises lasted as long as had been planned, lengths of records were long enough to give a reasonable probability of encountering anomalous events and correlating between tides, winds, and directly-measured currents, provided such correlations were strong. Program KAMGEEK, Figure A-l, was used to calculate the apparent current vectors. The program computed resultant vectors from the north and east components read from the strip chart of the recording potentiometer. B. CURRENT METER EMPLOYMENT The Hydro Products Model 502 current meter was used as the in situ meter for Runs Two through Five. However, the meter worked properly only on Run Three. Data was read at fifteen minute intervals from the strip chart output of the current meter for reduction; the components are listed in Table A-VI. 30 Figure 9 shows the anchoring scheme used for the current meter. The subsurface float was intended to support the array vertically with 150 pounds net buoyancy. The surface float, also of 150 pounds net buoyancy, the spar buoy, of 100 pounds buoyancy, and the surface marker were intended to provide about 200 percent of the total array weight in buoyancy in order to prevent the array from sinking should the anchor slip into deeper water. One-half inch braided nylon was used to connect the current meter to the anchor: three- eighths inch polypropylene line was used for the remainder of the array. The array was deployed in reverse order; marker, surface float, subsurface float, current meter, and anchor line. Once the proper position had been reached, the anchor was released, and the array sank. After it had been determined that the anchor was stationary, the spar buoy, with strobe lights and radar reflector, was attached to the marker. The position of the array was then established as Point B in the cruise plan. 31 RADAR reflector' STROBE *~^ LIGHT """*'U SURFACE FLOAT MARKER SPAR BUOY -V^AA^^ 100« COUNTERWEIGHT O SUBSURFACE FLOAT 6 m HYDRO PRODUCTS 502 CURRENT METER 600i -CONCRETE ANCHOR(150 lb) BOTTOM Figure 9. Current Meter Anchoring 32 IV. CRUISE SYNOPSES The data are presented in several different graphical forms in Figures 10 through 31, grouped by runs. The dif- ferent forms of presentation are discussed below. For each data collection run, GEK and wind data are graphically presented in north and east components versus time; the tide height and depth of the 10°C isotherm and thermocline are also shown. Wind speeds are divided by 10 relative to the speed scale. The current meter data are added in Run Three and they have been multiplied by 5 in order to provide resolution in the north- sett ing components (Figure 18) . In order to permit comparison of the GEK and the current meter on the same scale, Figures 20 and 21 are included. Vector scatter diagrams were drawn manually from GEK components. Progressive vector diagrams were drawn using the VECTORDRAW program of Hollister [1975]. Note that the scales are different on individual diagrams. 33 A. RUN ONE Date: 1200, 10 November 1974 - 1200, 11 November 1974 Coordinates : A- 36° - 46.7'N, 121° - 54.9'W B- 36° - 46.7'N, 121° - 56.0'W C- 36° - 47.5'N, 121° - 56.0'W 65 Data Points Vector Average: 9.39 cm/sec @ 152. 5°T Note: No temperature data was available for this run due to the lack of XBT's on R/V ACANIA. 34 Tide Height(ft. above WLLW) en r^ in to A to •H 0) •x. o VO O *3 C-4 o o o CVJ +J H C to O 0} 2 T3 *» C •* +-> •H (SI S G •H ^ 3 o O CC X U, •H 40 Depth (m) o o o CM tO Tide Heiqht(ft. above MLLW) an i*- in tn o o a r~ o o 00 O 0) -a • O •H £ O o VD * -C O TO 4-> C O O •H V) • O ^ rH 00 •C c o 13! C_J -H Co ^ rto fl o rH O o « rH CM W no O C3 rH o m rt o o o u •c C to CM ' » (/) -H r- PH !fl Q c u a a Ql O O £ o C S -h CM O rH 4-> CM -a p. o t/> C t/i U3 rt 03 r" o •> +-> -H o cm ,rs ;s <3 oO C -H Jh POO Oh X P-. o o CM • r— rH o o o o rH (oes/Luo) peeds puifYi/^uejanQ D DO •H Ph 41 N CanV on I — i 10 cm/sec Figure 16. Run 2, Vector Scatter Diagram 42 -9 -6 -3 Km East EN3 .c -♦-> £-6. E -9 — Figure 17. Run 2, Progressive Vector Diagram 43 C. RUN THREE Date: 1000, 3 April 1975 - 0900, 4 April 1975 Coordinates : A- 36° - 47.0'N, 121° - 53.75MV B- 36° - 47.0'N, 121° - 54.7'W C- 36° - 47.75'N, 121° - 54.7'W 58 Data Points Vector Average: .69 cm/sec @ 180°T Note: During this run the cable and electrodes had to be reeled in to resolder a leaking electrode. This resulted in a two-hour gap in the data. 44 Depth (m) o Tide Height(ft. above MLLUl) o o CM o CM I o CO o c o •> -H r- 5-. ID ID CD CD o (DCHlH CO 2 tf oj o u o •P CD (/) i— ( C c rt CD CD -H (/) U O >H I— 1 CD CO VD u o e O 3 O'Hifl U E P\ O J-. rH o *> a> o ■Q- ^XlHTJ o W H cd CJJ nD CD O )-> •> CM X TD o (/)+-> •> CD ■P cx,-d CD o e cd cd a, o (DP O « •C C Oh CM ^_^ Oil Ifl ^ o< c cu 1 — E rt iD -M o u~> O G CD CD Ol C_J «'H E CM ^-' 4-* £ CM bOX 4-> CO g * G t>0 Jh £ •H -H O CD 4-> O Ph Vl a h +J X ^ CM CD 3 CO CD • U r -d 6 o X! -H >h ^ o +-> H CD O CO U JZ<+4 <~ O •> +-> 2 X) O ■•> o C W CO CD •>-h i— i c; vD K) ^ -H ^— u x> CtJo aj 3 C O CD o Pi 0J rH u CD «tf T- • CO o i-H a CM CD ^ 3 CD CD DO •H CJ (oas/ujo) peads puTfry^uajjn^ 45 Tide Heiqht(ft. above MLLUJ) 00 o c o CD M •H T3 O u CD T3 a3 o a *-> C rH U O O o3 03 o s u o VO to rH D 4-> C 03 C -H w u O CD rH H rH 0 O o •>X i— ( ^3 o « H 03 CN W -d o O O 4-i 03 U O CD o m U •> o o x; -d "«J 4-> •> CD OJ to cxtj o s v •)-> 0) CD £, \- C Q CD to o cn 0) d, o a. C ^3 C/l >H CM ■^s o c O CM CO, 03 T3 +-> CO 6 C a O E O •« ■H E O •H U +J *^ o r— X •M CM 00 00 H C C 'H o o •H 0) Hh Jh o +j ac rH o +-> 3 co CD CD • o r- co x> g I 'H rH ^ O •M H CD O o to ■r! •M T— W T3 o •* G to oo •>-H i-i c o fO ;s •H o U T3 ^ C T3 o 03 *— • 3 G o CD OS o3 rH rH O o CM • (3BS/UJ3) paeds puTm/^uajjnQ CT> CD 3 oo •H 46 (3as/w3) psads quajjn3 u a> +-> C 0) PS o e o CJ PS •H +-> 4-J o o o u 3 •H 47 ^H 0 r^ +J O 0) o 3 *■ c; o H3 m C o as w « o W O o 14-I O ^r to x« on **is M ^ / 10 cm/sec s La CftrqcK* I ■a— —»?■■*■ iraatpaaai Figure 22. Run 3, Vector Scatter Diagram 48 -4 -3 Figure 23. Run 3, Progressive Vector Diagram 50 D. RUN FOUR Date: 0900, 21 April 1975 - 0900, 22 April 1975 Coordinates : A- 36° - 47.1'N, 121° - 53.7'W B- 36° - 47.1'N, 121° - 54.8'W C- 36° - 47.8'N, 121° - 54.8'W 54 Data Points Vector Average: 9.79 cm/sec @ 158. 5°T 51 Depth Tide Height(ft. above MLLUl) cr> Is- in ro T CD CD a o o CO o CD O v£> CD CD CD •H o j£ en • M to T3 c C U •H CTj o T3 O CO « 1- h +-> 6 o O -C O U H i— 1 00<+H T3 c o c3 ■H CD +-> rC >h •M 4-> 0 Ph #» CO a t3 i Q H ^ X £ M c H Si 3 CJ O ex: ~ Uh ^j- cm CD ^ 3 QO •H Ph (oes/wo) peeds puT(Yi/^uej jn^ 52 Depth ( m) o a r- CM o Tide Height(ft. above PflLLUl) en r- in to o CD CD x— O o co a> o ■H E o O c o •H C/) . O ^ 1-1 GO CD c •sj TIU-H CD Cot) rt o rt rH Cl) a « >H □ W TD CM O C 0) O CO .—I O o CM CX CM E -C o CD O H rH a E u o •H 4-i ^3 o f— MO tU CM c a» •H X! rH 4-> 4-> CD n a » CD 0) 0) T3 CO CO Q CD ^~ i CD O w C w o aj as VO W T3 CD 60 CD C -H ^H < 3 CD O *" C£ X Uh CD O • CM LO *— CM o o u D D CD GO «— •H (oas/wo) peeds puTM/iuejjno 53 N 1 1 5 10 cm/sec 1 Figure 26. Run 4, Vector Scatter Diagram 54 Figure 27. Run 4, Progressive Vector Diagram 55 E. RUN FIVE Date: 0900, 1 May 1975 - 0900, 2 May 1975 Coordinates : A- 36° - 47.1'N, 121° - 53.3MV B- 36° - 47.1'N, 121° - 54.2'W C- 36° - 47.9'N, 121° - 54.2'W 61 Data Points Vector Average: 13.68 cm/sec @ 175.75°T 56 Depth (m) o CM a to Tide Height(ft. above ItiLLUl) CO V£) ^J- o D O T_ CD o T3 o •H • CO o o X) jC o C 4-> UD •H O O 3= c/> • O O 13 C C U -H 03 o 13 o as o o O T3 o C CD CM 4-1 Ct! rH O O CTJ O to C t/i ■M -H CD CM Ch irt CD U CD c o e o e -h O h- CU >h -P O CD a s CD CM O rC O CM' U H rH O CD O CM E •H D0<+H T3 CO tfl •H CD +-> +-> x) p< 5h C O O o a r- O c: -h ?h o 3 CD o o (/) -H CM . P i— 1 10 C U CD "■x h- O 0) CD -d o co Q a CO l CD t— pt) a to C to o 03 03 o W T3 VD * G t— * P -H WXS DO O C -H P o 3 CD O ■^ Q^Xfe -p SCALAR 178.8 EAST COMPONENT NOF -167.54 ITH COMPONENT 1000 110 61.15 1100 168 89.4 -18.60 87.43 1200 130 134.1 -86.23 102.72 1300 277 312.9 310.71 -38.13 1400 294 402.3 367.70 -163.74 1500 273 357.6 357.11 -18.60 1600 255 357.6 345.44 92.62 1700 170 223.5 -38.89 220.15 1800 187 312.9 38.17 310. 71 1900 178 134.1 -4.69 133.97 2000 118 178.8 -157.88 83.86 2100 156 89.4 -36.39 81.71 3300 184 44.7 3.13 44.61 2300 110 134.1 -126.05 45.86 2400 177 178.8 -9.30 178.44 0100 331 402.3 195.12 -352.01 0200 221 223.5 146.62 168.74 0300 131 89.4 -67.50 58.65 0400 100 178.8 -168.07 61.15 0500 095 223. 5 -22 2.61 19.44 0600 139 44.7 -29.32 33.75 0700 093 268.2 -267.93 13.95 0800 095 312.9 -311.65 27.22 0900 081 223. 5 -220.82 -34.87 1000 206 44.7 19.58 40.19 1100 252 44.7 42. 51 13.81 1200 274 89.4 89.22 -6.26 68 TABLE A-V Run 3, GEK Data TIME MAGNITUDE DIRECTION LOCAL) (CM/SEC) (DEG TRUE) 12.30 22.9 164. 12.62 21.8 163. 12.90 21.0 174. 13. 18 17.1 172. 13.47 17.2 191. 13.77 7.6 207. 14.07 7.0 166. 14.33 2.4 45. 14.65 2.9 53. 14.97 6.1 22. 15. 27 5.6 0. 15.58 3.4 0. 15. 87 5.2 311. 16. 17 5.2 311. 16.47 7.1 299. 16.73 6.8 246. 17.02 13.3 258. 17.35 13.1 262. 17.65 14.2 263. 17.95 16.2 241. 18.22 15.6 240. 18.53 16.6 235. 16.82 14.0 227. 19. 10 10.5 257. 19.47 7.7 252. 19.77 15.3 208. 20.02 13.7 170. 20. 25 4.1 146. 20.52 3.4 0. 20. 75 3.4 0. 20.98 5.6 127. 21.23 6.4 45. 21.47 5.3 32. 21.68 5.3 32. 21.95 4.5 0. 22. 17 3.4 0. 22.42 5.6 127. 22.67 4.6 104. 22.88 3.0 112. 23. 10 4.0 135. 23.33 2.8 0. 23.53 5.6 0. 2.25 9.6 135. 2.48 8.8 130. 2.75 7.9 135. 3.03 7.9 45. 3.32 5.6 0. 3.55 3.4 0. 3.75 3.4 0. 3.97 11.9 0. 4. 20 12.7 21. 4.45 9.6 28. 4. 83 8.5 0. 5.05 14.1 0. 5.35 18.1 39. 5.57 21.3 32. 5.80 19.3 21. O.05 11.3 37. 69 TABLE A-VI Current Meter Data TIME (PST) CURRENT METER READING MAGN (cm/sec)/DIR (°T) COMPONENT E (cm/sec) SPEED N(cm/sec) 1300 2.6 / 056 2.2 1.4 1315 2.6 / 061 2. 2 1.3 1330 5.2 / 061 4.5 2.5 1345 6.2 / 076 6.0 1.5 1400 10.2 / 106 9.8 -2.9 1415 18.0 / 131 13.6 -11.8 1430 12.9 / 126 10.5 -7.6 1445 15.5 / 106 14.8 -4.3 1500 18.0 / 086 17.8 1.3 1515 15. 5 / 081 15.2 2.5 1530 12.9 / 076 12.5 3.1 1545 15.5 / 086 15.3 1.1 1600 12.9 / 081 12.6 2.1 1615 15. 5 / 101 15.2 -2.9 1630 18.0 / 126 14.6 -10.6 1645 15.5 / 106 14.9 -4.3 1700 15. 5 / 106 14.9 -4.3 1715 15. 5 / 106 14.9 -4.3 1730 10.3 / 116 9.3 -4.5 1745 15.5 / 106 14.9 -4.3 1800 15. 5 / 116 13.9 -6.8 1815 10.3 / 086 10.2 0.7 1830 7.7 / 106 7.4 -2.2 1845 5.1 / 101 5.0 -1.0 1900 7.7 / 131 5.8 -5.0 1915 7.7 / 086 7.6 0.5 1930 5.1 / 081 5.0 0.8 1945 7.7 / 076 • 7.5 1.8 2000 10.3 / 086 10.2 0.7 2015 12.9 / 126 10.4 -7.6 70 TABLE A-VI (continued) 2030 15.5 / 126 2045 18.0 / 136 2100 12.9 / 131 2115 12.9 / 131 2130 12.9 / 126 2145 10.3 / 096 2200 12.9 / 106 2215 12.9 / 111 2230 20.6 / 126 2245 15.5 / 146 2300 15.5 / 141 2315 15. 5 / 136 2330 18.0 / 126 2345 18.0 / 126 2400 12.9 / 086 0015 15.5 / 091 0030 18.0 / 096 0045 15.5 / 101 0100 15. 5 / 096 0115 15.5 / 106 0130 18.0 / 101 0145 15.5 / 106 0200 20.6 / 106 0215 15.5 / 096 0230 15.5 / 091 0245 18.0 / 081 0300 18.0 / 086 0315 18.0 / 076 0330 15. 5 / 076 0345 18.0 / 076 0400 15.5 / 071 0415 15.5 / 081 0430 18.0 / 081 0445 15.5 / 081 12.6 -9.1 12.4 -13.0 9.7 -8.5 9.7 -8.5 10.4 -7.6 10.2 -1.0 12.4 -3.6 12.0 -4.6 16.7 -12.2 8.7 -12.9 9.8 -12.1 10.7 -10.8 14.6 -10.6 14.6 -10.6 12.7 0.9 15.3 -0.3 17.8 -1.8 15.2 -2.9 15.3 -1.6 14.9 -4.3 17.6 -3.4 14.9 -4.3 19.8 -5.8 15.3 -1.6 15.3 -0.3 17.6 2.9 17.8 1.3 17.5 4.3 15.0 3.6 17.5 4.3 14.7 5.1 15.2 2.5 17.6 2.9 15.2 2.5 71 TABLE A-VI (continued) 0500 15.5 / 081 15.2 2.5 0515 15.5 / 081 15.2 2.5 0530 15.5 / 086 15.3 1.1 0545 15. 5 / 086 15.3 1.1 0600 12.9 / 096 12.7 -1.3 0615 15.9 / 101 15.2 -2.9 0630 15. 5/106 14.9 -4.3 0645 15.5 / 126 12.6 -9.1 0700 18.0 / 116 16.2 -7.9 72 TABLE A-VII Run 3, Wind Data TIME DIRECTION SPEEDS (CM/SEC) PDT o *r SCALAR 134.1 EAST COMPONENT NOF -32.45 TH COMPONENT 1000 166 130.08 1100 213 402.3 219.25 337.53 1200 307 402.3 321.44 -242.18 1300 256 402.3 390. 23 97.36 1400 243 536.4 477.93 243.53 1500 244 491.7 442.04 215.36 1600 238 357.6 303.24 189.53 1700 240 402.3 348.38 201.15 1800 241 402.3 352.01 195.12 1900 243 536.4 477.93 243.53 2000 253 536.4 512.80 156.63 2100 273 402.3 401.50 -20.92 2200 272 312.9 312. 59 -10.95 2300 257 312.9 304.76 70.40 2400 251 312.9 295.69 102.00 0100 240 312.9 270.97 156.45 0200 222 312.9 209.33 232.48 0300 192 178.8 37.19 174.87 0400 188 178.8 24.85 177.01 0500 192 89.4 18.60 87.43 0600 154 89.4 -39.16 80.37 0700 227 491.7 359.43 335.34 0800 227 491.7 359.43 335.34 0900 232 223.5 176.12 137.68 1000 162 178.8 -55.25 170.04 1100 181 268.2 4.57 267.93 1200 220 357.6 229.94 273.92 73 TABLE A-VIII Run 4, GEK Data TIME MAGNITUDE DIRECTION (LOCAL) (CM/SEC) ( DEG TRUE) 12. 13 22.8 150. 12.4b 27.8 156. 12.78 27.8 156. 13.15 14.1 127. 13.57 21.5 113. 13.88 22.8 120. 14.35 20.3 124. 14.72 26.0 140. 15. 15 20.6 164. 15. 50 10.2 147. 15.63 12.0 135. 16. 18 14.1 143. 16.65 18.1 129. 16. 97 14.4 101. 17.25 4.0 135. 17.63 11.6 166. 18.03 11.3 0. 18.30 19.8 0. 18.73 20.6 196. 19.07 10.2 213. 19.60 10.2 213. 20.05 5.6 90. 20.45 0.0 0. 20.82 16.9 0. 21.18 17.8 193. 21.55 28.8 191. 21. 92 28.3 186. 22.28 11.6 194. 22.63 14.1 217. 22.97 29.5 343. 23.35 28.8 191. 23.67 6.3 243. 0.05 2.8 0. 0.43 25.4 0. 1.13 26.0 163. 1.72 10.2 147. 2.07 8.9 162. 2.40 6.3 27. 2.77 12.6 64. 3.10 18.1 39. 3.40 16.5 31. 3.72 18.9 153. 4.08 18.9 153. 4.45 14.1 143. 4. 75 12.6 154. 5.07 10.2 147. 5.33 10.2 147. 5.67 5.6 90. 6.40 2.8 0. c.72 2.8 0. 7.02 4.0 315. 7.35 8.9 342. 7.68 8.5 0. 8.00 8.5 0. 74 TABLE A-IX Run 4, W ind Data TIME DIRECTION SPEEDS (CM/SEC) PDT 0 H"* SCALAR 89.4 EAST COMPONENT NOI -48.72 UH COMPONENT 1000 147 75.01 1100 263 89.4 88.77 10.91 1200 256 312.9 303.51 75.75 1300 283 581.1 565.99 -130.75 1400 267 402.3 401.50 20.92 1500 253 536.4 512.80 156.63 1600 244 581.1 531.13 236. 51 1700 234 536.4 433.95 315.40 1800 236 581.1 481.73 324.83 1900 229 715.2 539.98 469.17 2000 232 849.3 669.25 523.17 2100 243 581.4 517.76 263.82 2200 240 491.7 425.81 245.85 2300 218 402.3 247.82 317.01 2400 270 312.9 312.9 0 0100 274 312.9 311.96 -21.90 0200 248 312.9 290.06 117.34 0300 275 491.7 489.73 -42.78 0400 288 491.7 467.61 -151.94 0500 297 357.6 318.62 -162.35 0600 301 447.0 383.08 -230.21 0700 300 268.2 232.26 -134.1 0800 307 89.4 71.43 -53.82 0900 240 178.8 154.84 89.4 1000 230 134.1 102.72 86.23 1100 230 223.5 171.20 143.71 1200 258 268.2 262.30 55.79 75 TABLE A-X Run 5, GEK Data TIME MAGNITUDE DIRECTION (LOCAL) (CM/SEC) (DEG TRUE) 11.80 21.5 23. 12. 10 12.0 135. 12.43 16.5 121. 12. 78 19.9 135. 13. li 18.1 141. 13.48 12.6 116. 13.87 5.6 0. 14.15 16.9 0. 14.50 17.1 171. 14.85 6.3 153. 15.20 6.3 153. 15.57 6.3 153. 15.92 7.9 135. lb. 25 12.6 154. 16.58 11.3 0. 16.88 22.6 0. 17.25 23.3 194. 17.55 31.5 190. 17.88 31.5 190. 18.17 34.4 189. 18. 53 35.7 198. 18.83 30.4 202. 19.18 32.9 211. 19. 50 32.9 211. 19.90 32.9 211. 20.18 22.0 230. 20.58 24.3 234. 20. 90 24.3 234. 21.25 16.5 211. 21. 58 10.2 303. 21.93 6.3 27. 22.22 14.4 169. 22.55 18.1 141. 11. 83 14.1 53. 23. 18 14.1 53. 23.48 11.6 76. 23.83 8.9 72. 0. 18 10.2 123. 0.57 12.6 116. 0.90 10.1 141. 1.25 14.4 169. 1.60 14.4 169. 2.00 15.2 158. 2.30 15.2 158. 2.62 16.5 149. 2.97 12.0 135. 3.32 8.9 162. 3.63 4.0 135. 3.98 6.3 117. 4.30 15.2 158. 4.65 15.2 158. 5.00 12.6 154. 5.32 12.6 154. 5.68 7.9 135. 6.03 5.6 0. 6.37 25.4 0. 6.75 25.4 0. 7.07 28.2 0. 7.42 28.8 191. 7.78 28.8 191. 8. 17 28.8 191. 76 TABLE A-XI Run 5, W: ind Data TIME DIRECTION SPEEDS (CM/SEC) PDT O rp SCALAR 268.2 EAST COMPONENT NOP 268.2 LTH COMPONENT 1000 270 0 1100 242 223.5 197.35 105.05 1200 243 268.2 238.97 121.76 1300 239 312.9 268.16 161.14 1400 254 402.3 386.61 111.03 1500 261 402.3 397.47 62.76 1600 249 402.3 375.75 144.02 1700 257 402.3 391.84 90.52 1800 258 447.0 437.17 92.98 1900 248 491.7 455.81 184.39 2000 219 536.4 337.40 416.78 2100 211 491.7 253.22 421.39 2200 178 223.5 -7.82 223. 28 2300 135 178.8 -126.41 126.41 2400 132 178.8 -132.85 119.62 0100 180 44.7 0 44.7 0200 202 44.7 16.76 41.44 0300 284 312.9 303.51 -75.72 0400 283 223.5 217.69 -50.29 0500 283 223.5 217.69 -50.29 0600 239 312.9 268.16 161.14 0700 296 312.9 281.30 -137.05 0800 291 312.9 292. 25 -112.02 0900 282 178.8 174.87 -37.19 1000 274 223. 5 223.05 -15.65 1100 280 268.2 264.18 -46.67 1200 261 312.9 309.15 48.81 77 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Bennett, D.J. and Filloux, J.H., "Magnetotelluric Deep Electrical Sounding and Resistivity," Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics, Vol. 13, No. 3, p. 197-203, July 1975. 2. Garcia, R.A. , Numerical Simulation of Currents in Monterey Bay , M.S. Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, 1971 3. Hollister, J.E., Currents in Monterey Submarine Canyon, M.S. Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, 1975. 4. Howton, H.M., A Study of Time Variability of Surface Currents at a Point in Monterey Bay, M.S. Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, 1972. 5. Lipparelli, M. , The GEK Signal of Lowest Mode Internal Waves , Ph.D. Thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis, 1971. 6. Longet-Higgins , M.S., Stern, M.E., Stommel, H. , The Elec- trical Field Induced by Ocean Currents and Waves, with Applications to the Method of Towed Electrodes, MIT and WHOI , Papers in Physical Oceanography and Meteorology, XIII(l), 1954. 7. McClelland, J.J., An Oceanographic Investigation of Thermal Changes in Monterey Bay, California, September 1971- January 1972, M.S. Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, 1972. 8. McKay, D.A. , A Determination of Surface Currents in the Vicinity of the Monterey Submarine Canyon by the Electro- magnetic Method, M.S. Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, 1970. 9. Pirie, D.M. and Steller, D.D., California Coast Nearshore Processes Study Final Report - ERTS- 1 Experiment #088, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, 1974. 10. Scott, D.A. , AMBAG Oceanographic Survey, Oceanographic Services, Inc., #168-2, Santa Barbara, California, p. V-7m, 1973. 11. Shepard, F.P., Marshall, N.F., and McLoughlin, P. A. , '"Internal Waves' Advancing along Submarine Canyons," Science, v. 183, p. 195-198, 18 January 1974. 12. Smith, T.D., GEK Measurements of Surface Currents in Monterey Bay, 1971, M.S. Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, 1972. 78 13. Stevenson, CD., A Study of Currents in Southern Monterey Bay, M.S. Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, 1964. 14. Von Arx , IV. S., An Electromagnetic Method for Measuring the Velocities of Ocean Currents from a Ship Underway, MIT and WHOI , Papers in Physical Oceanography and Meteorology, XI(3), 1950. 79 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST No. Copies Department of Oceanography, Code 58 3 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93940 Oceanographer of the Navy 1 Hoffman II 200 Stovall Street Alexandria, VA 22332 Office of Naval Research 1 Code 480 Arlington, VA 22217 Dr. Robert E. Stevenson 1 Scientific Liaison Office, ONR Scripps Institution of Oceanography La Jolla, CA 92037 Library, Code 3330 1 Naval Oceanographic Office Washington, DC 20373 SIO Library 1 University of California, San Diego P.O. Box 2367 La Jolla, CA 92037 Department of Oceanography Library 1 University of Washington Seattle, WA 98105 Department of Oceanography Library 1 Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 Commanding Officer 1 Fleet Numerical Weather Central Monterey, CA 93940 Commanding Officer 1 Environmental Prediction Research Facility Monterey, CA 93940 Department of the Navy 1 Commander, Oceanographic System, Pacific Box 1390 FPO San Francisco 96610 80 Defense Documentation Center Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22314 Library (Code 0212) Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93940 Professor R. G. Paquette Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93940 Associate Professor J. J. von Schwind Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93940 W. W. Reynolds Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93940 LT K. A. Mahumed Commanding Officer USS GALLANT (MSO-4 89) FPO San Francisco, CA 96001 81 MONTEMY, CALIFORNIA Ml Thesis M27718 c.2 Mahumed Apparent surface currents over the Monterey Submarine Canyon measured by the method of towed elec- trodes. Mahumed Apparent surface currents over the Monterey Submarine Canyon measured by the method of towed elec- trodes. thesM27718 Apparent surface currents over the Monte i iiiii iiiii 111 3 2768 002 04197 2 DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY