Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology. L. O. HOWARD, Chief. Wee D.C. Vv November 25, 1916 THE APPLE LEAF-SEWER. By B. R. Leaca, Scientific Assistant, Deciduous Fruit Insect Investigations. CONTENTS. Page. Page Im Groductiomecmecss secs es ae sees cioente «ate TG Pelabitsyaie ra Ob NSeeteereissaicnisieieinelteige seioe se eaate 9 ISUITIOIAY, Soak obedbodoou se deososSeouaousasebodS 2) NCU DaidOMt OMe Lessee as se cae te accinissieteseeee 9 DV IStHbUtIOM Nes repeisresiel oe iclereiciotisecicweiciclcmeee 2) \) Marvalifeeding period <./oc- sec cm cece n-ne 10 Feeding habits and character of injury...-..- 2> |idhibernatione guesses ss. Socece sete Seema casee 10 MESCLIPLIOMIOL SLATES atte o)-)-1- sera oa iaisieials cielo nee 4 iNaturalenemiestaer ses aceieeccn cease seaciere 11 Spring pupation of wintering larve........-. Gn PRemedialomeasuresseccece sere oeseeeeer cree 11 Emergence of moths. ....-.......-----2------ Ai Summanywss As SAGs = pois scretdati= aewiawcieieers 12 Ovipositionlofanophste see osc. siele/=cla- wi 8 Bibliography oes ececcese asic sscmeme eee nese 13 Mengeth of liteof moths)... -22-543.--2-.-.5- 8 INTRODUCTION. In the summer of 1914, while cngaged in deciduous-fruit insect investigations at Winchester, Va., the writer’s attention was attracted by the common occurrence of the apple leaf-sewer, Ancylis nubeculana Clemens, sometimes termed the apple leaf-folder, upon apple foliage. Although injury to apple foliage by the larva of this insect was ' recorded by Riley as early as 1877, very little concerning it has been published since. This apparent lack of attention may be attributed to the fact that although common and widely distributed, it has occurred so far only at infrequent intervals in sufficiently large num- bers to cause serious damage and attract special notice to it, as an economic pest. The feeding habits of the larva, while interesting when contrasted with those of other leaf-inhabiting species, are such as, under certain conditions, render the insect capable of considerable damage to the foliage of the apple, especially in young orchards receiving indifferent eare. At the suggestion and under the direction of Dr. A. L. Quain- tance, of the Bureau of Entomology, the study of the biology of this insect was made in the summer of 1914 and 1915. Notr.—This bulletin will be found of value to apple growers in the North and Central Atlantic States, the Middle West, and portions of Canada. 57166°—Buli. 485—16 2 BULLETIN 435, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. HISTORY. This species was first described by Clemens, in 1860, under the name of Anchylopera nubeculana Clem. In 1875 Zeller described the adult, pupa, and larva under the name of Phozopteris nubeculana. The first record of injury caused by this species is given by Riley, who called it by the common name of “apple leaf-sewer,” in his annual report of 1878, the injury occurring in Ontario County, N. Y., where certain orchards were seriously affected, one-fourth of the leaves being infested. In 1878 P. H. Hoy reported it a serious orchard pest in Wisconsin, while Lugger, in 1899, reported injury. by this insect in Minnesota. The moth has also been recorded as abundant in Ontario (Canada) orchards in 1895 and 1903. Felt in 1907 re- corded the ravages of the insect in New York State and gave meas- ures for its control. Slhngerland and Crosby have given a short ac- count of the apple leaf sewer in their recent ‘Manual of Fruit In- -sects.”’ DISTRIBUTION. Dyar gives the distribution of this species as ‘North Atlantic States.’ Fernald received it from Nova Scotia (Canada), while Rounthwaite collected it in Manitoba and Fletcher recorded it from Ontario. In the United States, specimens in the United States Na- tional Museum, the correspondence, notes, and collection of the Bu- reau of Entomology, and the available literature, all indicate that this species occurs in the following States: Connecticut, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hamp- shire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, and Wisconsin. FEEDING HABITS AND CHARACTER OF INJURY. This insect appears to confine its attack to the apple. Immediately on leaving the egg the larva migrates to the vicinity of one of the prominent main ribs on the underside of the leaf and spins a sheltering web of silk, under which it begins to feed (fig. 1, 0). The larva never feeds before completing its shelter of silk, and during the first 3 or 4 weeks of its life does not leave this silken covering, but extends it from time to time over the tender parenchymatous tissue on the underside of the leaf, gradually drawing the lower sides of the leaf together (fig. 2). At the end of this period, the young larva, having increased very materially in size, gnaws through the upper tissues of the leaf and makes its way to a fresh leaf, usually the one directly above. Here it stations itself on the upper side of the leaf at the juncture of the midrib and stem and spins another web of silk. Each strand crosses the midrib at right angles, and both ends of each strand are fastened U THE APPLE LEAF-SEWER. 3 to the leaf at equal distances from the midrib. At the beginning, this web is about three-eighths of an inch in width and somewhat Fig. 1.—Apple leaf-sewer (A ncylis nubeculana); a, Apple leaf showing location of silken covering of newly hatched larva; 6, portion of same, mucn enlarged; c, newly hatched larva, much enlarged. (Original.) greater in length, but gradually the outer edges of the leaf are drawn together and at the end of 24 hours are completely joined (fig. 3, a). - Fic. 2.—The apple leaf-sewer: Work of young larva on leaf. ( Original.) In constructing this web and weaving the strands of silk from the sides over the mid- rib, the larva appears to exert no force, and the drawing together of the upper sides of the leaf probably results from contraction of the silken strands in drying. When the leaf has been folded in this fash- ion, the larva sews the two halves securely iS one ae oe a, together with silk immediately under the — jarva is BO atoae (ine edges. Within this folded leaf (see Pl. I, fig. —_‘!arva, much enlarged. (Origi- 1) the insect continues to eat the upper par- sae enchyma, the excrement being deposited within the fold near the stem end (Pl. I, fig. 3). The leaf soon begins to present a scorched appearance and the larva eventually gnaws a hole through the 4 BULLETIN 435, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. side (Pl. I, fig. 2) and, crawling to another leaf, repeats the folding and sewing operation. During the season a single larva will thus destroy several leaves, and when the insect is present in sufficient numbers, extensive defoliation may result. Felt, in discussing the habits of the apple leaf sewer or ‘‘folder,’”’ as he designates it, states that the common name ‘‘apple leaf folder” exactly describes the work of the caterpillar, since the presence of the dark yellowish-green, black-marked caterpillars is most easily recog- nized by the apposed halves of infested leaves, their edges being held together by strands of silk. | From observations made in the spring of 1915 it developed that the larva of the apple leaf-sewer does not begin to sew up the leaf immediately on leaving the egg, as stated by Riley, Felt, Fletcher, and others. This would seem an impossible task for the newly hatched larva because of its minute size. DESCRIPTION OF STAGES. THE EGG. As far as can be ascertained, no description of the egg has been made in the literature of the apple leaf-sewer. This is probably due to the fact that the egg is minute, inconspicuous, and difficult ; to detect. Except in color, it bears a striking resemblance to the egg of the codling moth, be- ing a flat, somewhat oval-shaped object with a raised circumfer- ence or flange and a shallow de- pression in the center (fig. 4, b). The eggs are about the size of pinheads, and are fairly uniform, averaging about 0.8 mm. in length and 0.6 mm. in width. The surface is covered with a network of ridges which are closer together and more regular Fic. 4.—The apple leaf-sewer: a, Apple leaf, with posi- toward the central portion than ey Molen OBE On Portion onest greatly around. the edges. When tics deposited the eggs are the color of the leaf and it is only in reflected light that they can be detected. In 48 hours the color changes to a deep yellow. Later the embryo is indicated by the raised outer edge becoming darker in color, and shortly before hatching the larva is plainly visible, bent lke a U around the central depression. The eggs are always securely glued Bul. 435, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. PLATE |. ieee cogs oe aecpbomtop ssa irae wn comeconcresooe THE APPLE LEAF-SEWER. Fic. 1.—Twig bearing two leaves infested by the apple leaf-sewer (Ancylis nubeculana). Fie. 2.—Leaves killed by the apple leaf-sewer, showing exit holes of larve. Fic. 3.—In- fei as torn apart, exposing larva, silken web, and partially destroyed parenchyma. (Original. pid f ea i /e THE APPLE LEAF-SEWER. eal 59 to the leaf and are usually deposited on the under side, singly or in irregular groups (fig. 4, a). After hatching the eggshell is white and retains its shape. One often finds shells which remain for some time after the egg has hatched. THE LARVA. On hatching, the larva escapes through an irregular crack near the outer edge and leaves the eggshell in 2 or 3 minutes. The newly _ hatched larva is very active; its color is yellowish green throughout, with the exception of the orange-colored head. Riley describes the full-grown larva as follows: Length about 11.5 mm. Head a yellowish orange, thoracic shield yellowish, the body a variable fuscous yellowish green. The head is somewhat flattened, the labium reddish brown, the mandibles fuscous apically and the small antennz are whitish basally, pale orange near the middle, and semitrans- parent apically. The large thoracic shield has irregu- lar black markings at the lateral posterior angles, the body is somewhat more fuscous laterally, and the setig- erous tubercles are rather large, lighter than the body, and each bears a single fuscous hair. Anal plate yel- lowish with a conspicuous irregular, transverse, black spot on the posterior half. True legs with the basal segment fuscous yellowish, the other segments dark brown or black, prolegs pale yellowish green. There is great variation in the size and color of the larvz, but the conspicuous black spots near each outer hind corner of the thoracic shield serve as a ready means of identification (fig. 3, b). THE PUPA. When first formed, the color of the pupa is a dark yellowish brown (fig. 5, 6). The last four abdominal segments retain their ee Hot aes original color, but the head, eyes, and wing and _ manner of emergence; 6, shields gradually change to black, mottled = Pi)” Pa UG ae Ia with yellow. The wing shields extend to the fourth abdominal segment; the antenne not quite so far. The anterior and posterior borders of each abdominal segment are armed dorsally with a transverse row of minute decurved spines. The anal segment is quite sharp. The size is variable and averages 3 mm. by 7.5 mm. THE ADULT. The moth (fig. 6) measures about 18 mm. across the expanded wings. The head, thorax, and abdomen are dark brown dorsally and light gray upon the ventral side. The antennez are dark brown, Oe! BULLETIN 4385, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. while the legs are light gray. The fore wings are marked by heavy white areas near the anterior margin and with a broad, oblique white stripe on the posterior margin near the extremity. The hind wings are light gray, merging into a somewhat darker gray at the outer margins. The adult was first described RN by Clemens in 1860. The fol- M1 lowing is his description: VIN WY iN \\ Vi i thi se Sift is ‘ AS un — az Anchylopera nubeculana n. s. Fore wings white, with a dark brown dorsal patch extending from the base to the Fig. 6.—The apple leaf-sewer: @; Adult moth, much middle of the wing, with its costal enlarged; b, same, natural size, atrest. (Original.) edge irregular or doubly curved. The oblique central fascia is almost obso- lete, except on the middle of the costa, where it appears as a dark grayish brown round spot exterior to which isa short black dash. The wing above the inner angle is varied with grayish brown and brownish. The costa exterior of the middle is alternately streaked with white and brownish, becoming reddish brown toward the tip. Extreme apex reddish brown. SPRING PUPATION OF WINTERING LARVZ. At Winchester, Va., in the spring of 1915, pupation of the winter- ing larvee began the latter part of April, and from that time pupation appeared to depend entirely on the temperature. A few days of warm weather would result in several larvee entering pupation, while a cold spell would prolong that period for those already in pupation and prevent any additional larve from transforming. In the latitude of northern Virginia and the District of Columbia pupation evidently begins normally about April 20, or possibly a little before, depending on the relative lateness of the season. The larvee used in obtaining these pupation records were collected in November, 1914, shortly before the leaves began to drop. They were placed in rearing jars partly filled with soil and carried through the winter in an out-of-doors rearing shelter. ‘The beginning of pupa- tion was readily observed, since the larva pupates within the folded leaf in which it undergoes the final molt. THE APPLE LEAF-SEWER. al TaBLE I.—Length of pupal period of wintering larvx of the ous leaf-sewer, Winchester, Va., 1915. Date of— No. of ag Sees observation. mer- Bpa: pula gence of period . moth. SMe ee seine aine Apr. 19 | May 13 DARIN AA Wall ios ea UN Oe PLS oACOsaaoe Pa Re ee are Apr. 22 | May 15 AUS es SOUR UUE Ni sete May 4] May 26 Lae A Meas ts TE aE ee dos May 27 Ge Maa ial sented ic dora May 28 EPSRC A JOE x STS SS dose June Sa eae AR RUN Lh May 8] June OEE U eae suena sls ar iitdostas June UNOS 5 Bese Ne ee ae he dose paad Obeeee TTI aid ue Can pet ath i doueeee June A Ssh A Ra BRS, May 9 | June I pei igo ene he May 11] June 7 IZs Lt ase te” AND NE .do. RO nee nL er neaialticoara rine We eOses see June Gey ae Se De LN adousnee June Ts Ses eae ad May 12) June VERS el EN an Se AL do. Ofne-2 Maan ieee | ye it not Ml cet ot NG TA AON Nf Apa ens Fc iTS Mla) AV | The longest pupal period observed was 30 days, the shortest 22 days, and the average of the 18 observations 26.05 days. The records at Winchester show a much longer duration of this stage than has been observed by others, though data from other sources’ are rather limited. Johannsen, in 1909, states that in Maine the larve transform to chrysalids during April and that about 10 days later the moths begin to appear. EMERGENCE OF MOTHS. Table I gives the time of appearance of moths that emerged at Winchester in the spring of 1915 from field-collected rearing material, with the exception of the first adult, which appeared in the laboratory on May 7, and upon which no pupal record was obtained. The main emergence, however, did not begin until the latter part of May. As before stated, pupation takes place within the folded leaf. When ready to emerge the pupa forces its body through the edges or some convenient crevice of the folded leaf until about half the body is projected. The moth then emerges, crawls about upon the dead leaf, and holds the wings over the head to dry, leaving the discarded pupal skin hanging through the leaf (fig. 5, a). The moths emerge during the early hours of the morning, several having been observed drying their wings at that time. The moth is extremely difficult to detect in the orchard, but on three separate occasions, May 27, June 3, and June 6, adults were captured in the field, which verifies to some extent the emergence period observed in the laboratory. 8 BULLETIN 435, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. OVIPOSITION OF THE MOTHS. As the moths emerged irom day to day they were transferred to rearing jars containing apple twigs in leaf, the ends of which were placed in small vials of water to maintain freshness. The eggs are laid singly or in irregular groups, usually on the underside of the leaf, but sometimes on the upper side, and are securely glued to the leaf; in fact, they can not be removed without crushing. In the rearing cages the eggs are often deposited indiscriminately upon the sides and bottom of the jars. TaBLE II.—Oviposition of moths of apple leaf-sewer, Winchester, Va., 1915. Date of— | Days. Napiber ee i at : | From Number of cage. ) Emer- irs as efore | of ovi emer- oths oviposi- | oviposi- | oviposi- .Ovl | gence to Eortce tion, tion. tion. position. | Tast ovi- position. | g A Shy enh ene 3| June 1 | June 2/June 7 xl 6 7 DR a ES eee en 4|June 6/| June 7 | June 11 1 5 6 Fah eS, ee 3|June 7 | June 9 | June 19 2 11 13 Aes LIS ee tee ee 4} June 4 do....| June 21 1 13 14 | Maximum. o)t. ccacesclans bone te cla eee ee ee eee 2 13 14 Minimums. Slbess oss =| Pole ores e ee eee en seers 1 5 6 Averae es aos S| eteceic colon ee nee eee | eee | 1.25 8.75 10 fa eae ods aa eens Sasso els Le cee From Table ITI it will be seen that the moths begin to deposit eggs in from 1 to 2 days after emergence, the average for 4 observations being 1.25 days. The average period of oviposition lasted 8.75 days, the longest period observed being 13 days and the shortest 5 days. While these observations show that the moths oviposit very shortly after emerging, Johannsen, in 1909, states that in Maine moths appear in April and deposit their eggs in June. Copulation has not been noted, but occurs very soon after emer- gence, as indicated by the short period between emergence and oviposition. No individual egg-laying records were obtained, but in confinement the moths averaged about 65 eggs each. LENGTH OF LIFE OF MOTHS. The length of life of 11 adults is given in Table ITI. TaBLeE III.—Length of life of moths of apple leaf-sewer, Winchester, Va., 1915. : | Number of moths. neue Number of moths. ‘otlie. Noes a Sac Seite 5 gM as Se aie hoe od 15 245 SS ROA SRE 8 Deepen sok ae Be 15 Ae Mee ea OS 6 10 (Boies ak ene eds 2 17 DEC TR ae 19). Se a ee 18 | > aM eee: 7 eae te 14 | Sot | } | Mogae tejes| sterol: | 11 eee | i Maximum. .) 18 i i| Minimum... | Average....- | 10.3 | | THE APPLE LEAF-SEWER. 9 These moths were supplied with honey and water. Several moths were given no food or water and several were given water alone. The former lived only a few days after emergence and the latter lived a shorter period than those supplied with both water and honey. The moths fed upon water and honey lived from 5 to 18 days, the average of 11 observations being 10.3 days. No data were obtained upon the relative longevity of the sexes. HABITS OF MOTHS. The moths are active during the day, especially in the morning, at which time they appear to deposit most of the eggs. In the rearing cages they are rather inactive, spending most of the time resting on the underside of the leaves, with their wings tightly folded (fig. 6, 6). In the orchard they are active, making short, quick, erratic flights from one portion of the tree to another. The moths are so small and so adept at hiding that they are seldom observed in the orchard. INCUBATION OF EGGS. The shortest incubation period observed was 7 days, the longest 13 days, and the average for 16 lots of eggs 8.8 days. As a rule, the incubation period for the individual eggs of a given lot varied only a few hours, and in recording observations for any lot of eggs incuba- tion was considered over when the first egg hatched. Table IV shows the incubation period of the eggs. TaBLE 1V.—Incubation period of eggs of apple leaf-sewer, Winchester, Va., 1915. Date— Number of eggs Period observed. Depos- Gaede itede Hatched. Days. yea eRe ata CEA June 2] June 15 13 (0 ies Ne ST aN a A June 5] June 14 9 POR ean Nk alt yn tk June 6] June 15 9 DA Nel RaRU EA Cs ant .-| June 7] June 16 9 BSS SE SS a Ea Re June 8} June 17 9 DOE SM GN June 9}...do.... 8 Pah este A Sl a An June 11] June 18 7 OP cee tL EUR June 12} June 19 7 ASL iret) Wien ARN AD ns Hh June 13] June 20 7 AR TUN ROLES ae egy June 14} June 22 8 Pr Sa ae el eat Da SS June 15} June 23 8 EN Ze poesia ER a June 16] June 25 9 Sse SeH use aesessasl adhbaarsy Illy dhubars) 215) 9 97) as MAU MeL ya) June 18 | June 25 7 Ea EO ag a TCR TNS June 19 | June 30 11 aS ey AUR LaU He A -| June 21} July 2 11 10 BULLETIN 435, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. LARVAL FEEDING PERIOD. As fast as the larve hatched in the laboratory they were trans- ferred to the leaves of young trees growing within cages of wire net- ting. When placed upon the leaf the newly hatched larva imme- diately crawled to the underside of the leaf and began the construc- tion of its silken web, as previously described. About this time (June 24) young larve were very abundant in the young unsprayed orchards in the vicinity of Winchester, Va. During the remainder of the summer the larvee continued to feed upon the leaves, the length of the feeding period therefore being directly dependent on the time the individual infested apple leaves begin to drop in the fall. The leaves infested by the apple leaf-sewer usually fall before the rest of the normal foliage, owing to their weakened condition. In 1914 the leaves continued upon the trees until about November 20, while in 1915 they had all fallen to the ground by November6. Table V shows the feeding period of the larve. 3 TaBLE V.—Feediny period of the larve of the apple leaf-sewer, Winchester, Va., 1915. | | Date— Number | Number i- | | | of days | viduals. | Began Leaf feeding. | feeding. (ieee | | June 15, N June 16 | Nov. | June 17 | Oct. June 18 | June 19 | June 20 Ww OO Ne Olle ae OF Nov. Oct. 3 | June 23 |...do....| | June 25 | “Novy. | June 26 | Nov. | June 30 MiG Se | July 2 | ‘Nov. 4 ' oe Fea FS est et Yo en ae ie) 3) ZC ° ah The shortest feeding period was 125 days, the longest 141, while the average for 15 gpacrent iene was 132.66 days The leaves boca dry and hard within 2 or 3 days after fallmg. The feeding period of © the individual larva was therefore considered as completed when the — leaf infested by it had fallen from the tree. HIBERNATION. When the folded leaf containing the larva falls to the ground in the late fall, the larva lines the inside of the folds with silk and hibernates until spring. Experiments indicate that the larve hibernating in the fallen leaves are able to withstand great extremes of moisture and © temperature conditions, and that a larger proportion of them suc- — cessfully withstand the winter than would ordinarily be supposed. THE APPLE LEAF-SEWER. 1] NATURAL ENEMIES. The larve of Ancylis nubeculana are attacked by a number of parasitic and predacious enemies. Pseudomphale ancylae Girault, n.sp.[MSS.], a hymenopterous para- site belonging to the family Chalcididae, was found to be a very common enemy of larve of the apple leaf-sewer in the vicinity of Winchester, Va. Six hundred and seventy-eight infested leaves were collected in the fall of 1914, and of these, 98 contained the pupal eases of this parasite, indicating that about 15 per cent of the leaf- sewer larve were destroyed. In late summer and early fall the para- sitic larve leave the body of the host and spin their cocoons within the folded leaf, attaching the cocoons along the midrib of the leaf. From 4 to 6 parasites emerge from a single leaf-sewer larva. Only in two instances on examination at this time were pups found in these cocoons, and it appears that the parasite does not commonly overwinter within the folded leaf. ; No parasites were reared from the breeding material in the spring of 1915. , Riley reared a braconid, Rhysipolis phoxopteridis Riley MS., from a leaf-sewer larva, in 1884, at Kirkwood, Mo., and in 1877, at Ithaca, N. Y., reared Angitia paediscae Riley MS. Ants are an important factor in reducing the number of larvee and pup during the winter and spring. In the spring of 1915, during the pupal period, ants almost ruined the writer’s breeding material, - which had been placed upon the ground under wire rearing cages. REMEDIAL MEASURES. The apple leaf-sewer larva migrates from one leaf to another several times during the season, which renders the control of this insect by the use of arsenical sprays very simple. According to the life-history studies of this insect at Winchester, Va., in 1915, the egos begin to hatch about June 14 and continue hatching until about July 2, the maximum number of larve appearing about June 20. The regulation arsenical spray of 2 pounds arsenate of lead to 50 gallons of water, applied by June 15, will therefore control this insect, and as the second spray for the first brood of codling moth is usually applied by the above date, in the vicinity of Winchester, no special application will be required for the control of the apple leaf-sewer. : Spraying experiments conducted at Winchester, Va., indicate that even the full-grown larva is extremely sensitive to arsenical sprays and readily killed by that means. This is easily understood when one remembers that on sewing up the leaf the larva consumes all the upper parenchyma and can not escape the arsenate of lead deposited thereon by the spray. 12 BULLETIN 435, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. In Virginia young apple trees which do not receive the arsenical spray are frequently defoliated by the apple leaf-sewer, whereas neizhboring orchards in bearing, having received one or more codling-moth spray applications, almost entirely escape. Young orchards should receive the arsenical spray as soon as this pest appears in numbers sufficient to cause any serious damage. Mr. Fred Johnson ‘describes conditions in Niagara County, N. Y., in 1905, as follows: The depredation of this pest is becoming quite marked in many orchards in the Youngstown district and also in orchards on the Canadian side of the Niagara River, The worst infestation coming under my notice isin an orchard of about 60 acres of the Greeninz, Baldwin, and Duchess of Oldenburg varieties. On many oi these trees nearly all the leaves are sewn together and have a scorched appearance. The larva does not appear to attain its full growth in one leaf, but as soon as it has eaten the greater part of the tissue on the inside of the leaf which it has sewn together it gnaws a hole through the side of the leafand escapes. It then attacks another leaf and proceeds as with the one it has vacated. This entire orchard is in sod and received only an indifferent spraying early in June. Parts of trees and whole trees that were fairly well sprayed have good foliage, whereas the foliage of trees or parts of trees which received little or no spray has either fallen or presents a scorched appearance on the tree. Duchess of Oldenburg trees sprayed June 9 and June 23 with 4 pounds of arsenate of lead to 50 gallons of full-strength Bordeaux mixture are quite free irom this pest, whereas its ravages on the check trees are very marked. The condition of the foliage in this orchard at this date indicates that the pest can be held in check by thorough spraying at the dates that applications are usually made for scab and codling moth. Mr. Johnson used 4 pounds of arsenate of lead to 50 gallons of water, but the spraying experiments conducted at Winchester, Va., indicate that 2 pounds of arsenate of lead to 50 gallons of water is sufficient for the control of the apple leaf-sewer. Lime-sulphur solutions or Bordeaux mixture may or may not be added, according to orchard conditions. SUMMARY. When present in sufficient numbers, the apple leaf-sewer may cause serious injury to appte foliage. The apple leaf-sewer is generally distributed over the North and Central Atlantic States, the Middle West, and in portions of Canada. The insect appears to confine its attack to the apple. The newly-hatched larva spends the first 3 or 4 weeks of its life under a silken covering on the underside of the leaf. The remainder of the larval feeding period is passed within a succession of folded leaves. It destroys these leaves by eating the upper parenchyma. In appearance the egg is very similar to that of the codling moth. The average period of incubation was found to be 8.8 days. The full-grown larva is yellowish green, with an orange-colored head and thoracic shield, the latter with irregular black markings 1 Unpublished notes, Bureau of Entomology. THE APPLE LEAF-SEWER. 13 at the lateral posterior angles. This last character serves as a ready means of identification. The larval feeding period varies from 125 to 141 days. The larva hibernates upon the ground within the fallen leaf, and while in this state is able to withstand wide extremes of moisture and temperature. When first formed the pupa is a dark yellowish brown, some por- tions later changing to black, mottled with yellow. The moth is grayish brown and measures about 18 mm. across the expanded wings. In the latitude of northern Virginia, in a normal season, pupation begins about April 20, or possibly a little before, depending on the relative lateness of the season. The larva pupates within the folded leaf upon the ground. The average pupal period of the wintering larva of the apple leaf-sewer at Winchester, Va., in 1915, was 26.05 days. In 1915, the moths continued to emerge from May 7 until June 8, They began to deposit eggs upon the apple foliage in from one to two days after emergence. Oviposition lasted from 5 to 13 days, and the moths averaged 65 eggs each. . They lived from 5 to 18 days, aver- aging 10.3 days. The moths are active during the day, especially durmg the morning, at which time they appear to deposit most of their eggs. The principal insect enemy of the apple leaf-sewer in Virginia appears to be Pseudomphale ancylae Girault, n. sp. [MSS.], of the family Chalcididae. At all times during the larval stage, the apple leaf-sewer is very susceptible to arsenical sprays. Arsenate of lead should be used at the rate of 2 pounds to 50 gallons of water. Bearing orchards receiving the customary spraying for the codling moth usually escape injury from the apple leaf-sewer. Young orchards should receive an arsenical spray as soon as the insect appears in numbers sufficient to cause serious damage. BIBLIOGRAPHY. CLEMENS, B. 1861. Contributions to American Lepidopterolory.—No. 6. Tineina. Fam. Tortricidae. Jn Froc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1860, v. 12, p. 545-862. Described as A nchylopera nubeculana, p. 349. ZELLER, P. C. 1876. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der nordamericanischen Nachtfalter, besonders der Microlepidopteren. Jn Verhandl. K. K. Zool. Bot. Gesell. Wien, 1875, v. 25, p. 207-360. Described as Phoropteris nubeculana, p. 249. Riney, C. V. | 1879. Report of the entomologist. Im Ann. Rpt. Comr. Agr., 1878, p. 207-257, 7 pl. ae apple-leaf-sewer (Phozopteris nubeculana, Clem.), p. 239-240. 14 BULLETIN 435, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Hey, Poe : 1879. Insects injurious to the apple and grape. Jn Trans. Wis. State Hort. Soc., 1878-79, p. 230-238. Brief notice, p. 233. CoguiLtueTT, D. W. 1881. Larve of Lepidoptera. Jn 10th Rpt. State Ent. Ill., p. 145-186, fig. 50-79. Larva described as Phoxopteris, p. 153. FERNALD, C. H. 1882-83. A synonymical catalogue of the described Tortricidae of North America north of Mexico. Jn Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., v. 10, p. 1-64. Synonymy, description as Phozopteris, p. 48. Baney, C. Vv. 1890. Some of the bred parasitic Hymenoptera in the National collection. In Insect Life, v. 2, no. 11-12, -p. 348-353 (p. ty v. 3, no. 4, p. 151-158 (p. 156). Notes on parasites. FLETCHER, J. 1896. Report of the entomologist and botanist. Jn Canad. Expt. Farms Rpis., 1895, p. 185-181, 22 fig. Injuries as Phoxopteris, p. 148. LuaceEr, O. : 1899. Butterflies and moths. Jm Univ. Minn. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 61, p. 55- 333, 257 fig., 24 pl. Brief general notice, p. 293-294. SAUNDERS, W. 1900. Insects Injurious to Fruits. ed. 2, 436 p., 440 fig. Philadelphia. Summary account as Photopteris, p. 99. Dyar, H.G. ; 1902. A List of North American Lepidoptera. U.S. Nat. Mus. Bul. 52, 723 p. Synonymy, distribution, p. 466. JOHANNSEN, O. A. 1911. Insect notes for 1909. Bul. 177. Im 26th Ann. Rpt. Maine Agr. Expt. Sta., 1910, p. 21-44. Notes on life history and control, p. 26. SLINGERLAND, M. V., and Crossy, C. R. 1914. Manual of Fruit Insects. 503 p. (p. 61), 396 fig. New York. PUBLICATIONS OF THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE RELATING TO INSECTS INJURIOUS TO DECIDUOUS FRUIT. AVAILABLE FOR FREE DiSTRIBUTION. Bw Insect and Fungous Enemies of the Grap2 Hast of the Rocxy Mountains. (Farmers’ Bulletin 284.) Spraying Peaches for the Control of Brown Rot, Scab, and Curculio. (Farmers’ Bulletin 440.) The More Important Insect and Fungous Enemies of the Fruit and Voliage of the Apple. (Farmers’ Bulletin 402.) The Gipsy Moth and the Brown-tail Moth with Suggestions for Their Control. (Jarm- ers’ Bulletin 564.) ‘ The San Jose Scale and Its Control.. (Farmers’ Bulletin 650.) The Apple-Tree Tent Caterpillar. (Farmers’ Bulletin 662.) The Round-headed Apple-tree Borer. (Farmers’ Bulletin 675.) - Rose-chafer: A Destructive Garden and Vineyard Pest. (Farmers’ Bulletin 721.) The Leaf Blister Mite of Pearand Apple. (Farmers’ Bulletin 722.) - Oyster-Shell Scale and Scurfy Scale. (Farmers’ Bulletin 733.) The Cran>derry Rootworm. (Department Pulletin 263.) Buffalo Tree-hopper. (Entomology Circular 23.) Apple Maggot or Railroad Worm. (Entomology Circular 101.) How, to Control Pear Thrips. (Entomology Circular 131.) FOR SALE BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS. Grape Leafhopper in Lake Erie Valley. (Department Bulletin 19.) Price, 10 cents. The Lesser Bud-moth. (Department Bulletin 113.) Price, 5 cents. American Plum Borer. (Department Bulletin 261.) Price, 5 cents. The Parandra Borer. (Department Bulletin 262.) Price, 5 cents. The Terrapin Scale: An Important Insect Enemey of Peach Orchards. (Department Bulletin 351.) Price, 15 cents. The Cherry Leaf-beetle: A periodically Important Enemy of Cherries. (Depart- ment Bulletin 352.) Price, 5 cents. Peach-tree Borer. (Entomology Circular 54.) Price, 5 cents. Plum Curculio. (Entomology Circular 73.) Price, 5 cents. Aphides Affecting Apple. (Entomology Circular 81.) Price, 5 cents. Nut Weevils. (Entomology Circular 99.) Price, 5 cents. Pecan Cigar Case-bearer. (Entomology Bulletin 64. Pt. X.) Price, 5 cents. Spring Canxer-Worm. (Entomology Bulletin 68, pt. II.) Price, 5 cents. Trumpet Leaf-miner of Apple. (Entomology Bulletin 68, pt. III.) Price, 5 cents. Lesser Peach Borer. (Entomology Bulletin 68, pt. 1V.) Price, 5 cents. Grape-leaf Skeletonizer. (Entomology Bulletin 68, pt. VIII.) Price, 5 cents. . - Cigar Case-bearer. (Entomology Bulletin 80, pt. II.) Price, 10 cents. Grape Root-worm, With Especial Reference to Investigations in Erie Grape Belt, 1907-1909. (Entomology Bulletin 89.) Price, 20 cents. California Peach Borer. (Entomology Bulletin 97, pt. IV.) Price, 10 cents. Notes on Peach and Plum Slug. (Entomology Bulletin 97, pt. V.) Price; 5 cents. Notes on Peach Bud Mite, Enemy of Peach Nursery Stock. (Entomology Bulletin 97, Pt. VI.) Price, 10 cents. : 15 16 BULLETIN 435, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Grape Scale. (Entomology Bulletin 97, pt. VII.) Price, 5 cents. Plum Curculio. (Entomology Bulletin 103.) Price, 50 cents. Grape-berry Moth. (Entomology Bulletin 116, pt. II.) Price, 15 cents. Cherry Fruit Sawfly. (Entomology Bulletin 116, pt. III.) Price, 5 cents. Fruit-tree Leaf-roller. (Entomology Bulletin 116, pt. V.) Price, 10 cents. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. AT 5 CENTS PER COPY A WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1916