"■ ■ . dedicated to the appreciation and conservation of the Colorado native flora" Volume 13, Number 1 January/February 1989 Instant Experts Dr. William Weber in his article "Asperugo, the reluctant weed": [Vol. 12, No. 3] was correct in his assertiion that even botanical amateurs can contribute impoftant and valuable information to the ecology of almost any species. Calendar Overview Additional information about calendar items will be fourKi throughout this issue. Winter Workshop Schedule The questions surrounding the pollination and seed disper- sal mechanisms of Leucocrinum montanum (Sand Lily) have long gone unanswered. Burton O. Longyear, in hfs book Rocky Mountain Wild Flower Studies, asked the same questions regarding this species back in 1909. His studies revealed that perhaps the reason we know so little of the pollination of this plant is that its white blossoms sug- gest that the primary pollinators are night visitors, and few botanists are awake to observe them. Seed dispersal from an ovary positioned several inches un- derground also poses questions, as Dr. Weber remarked. Longyear noted, however, that the stalked ovary rises ^ through the soil as it ripens, leaving the mature seeds only i a quarter inch or so beneath the soil surface during the I remaining summer and throughout the winter. Upon spring regrowth, he af^ noted that the new buds aid the previous year’s seeds by pushing the pods even closer to the sur- face or even completely out of the ground where climatic factors or animals can act as dispersal agents. Jan. 14 Presettlement Vegetation Leader: Dr, Dexter Hess Feb. 4 High-Altltude Grass^^s Leader; Dr. Helen Zelner Feb. 25 Keying Composites Leader: Dr. JoAnn Flock March 18 Penstemons Leader; Gwen Kelaldis Aprii 15 Poilination Ecology Leaden Dr, Boyce Drummond The lengthening of the ovary stalk up\ft®rd through the soil presuppose rather remarkable physical and physiological abiiyties for (^ant tissues not generally asscK^iated with such phenomena. More common in members of the Uly FamMy Is the ability of specialized roots to grew then con- tract. pulling the upper i:^ant parts deeper into the soil. That Sand Uly also has this latter ability has been demon^rated Inexs/fu pot culture. A large Sand Lily plant may be propagated by dlvkllng the many crowns into separate entities and planting each in a small pot as one would any other plant division. Although the plant crown may be only shallowly covered, after Speciai Field Trip June 20 - 23 Leader: Tamara Naumann Yampa River Trip (comlnued, page 2) Page 2 Aquilegia Volume 13 ANNOUNCEMENTS Natural History Grants The Colorado Natural History Small Grants Program will have small grant funds availaWe In 1989 to corxiuct re^ search and inventory rare species and natural com- munrties In Colorado. Api;^ications may be submitted by anyone, and a standard research proposal format is ac- ceptable. Grant applications and project proposals must be submitted by February 1, 1989. Grants will be awarded ba^ on applicability and project cost and are typically in the $1000 range, to cover field travel and ex- penses. Salaries may be considered for proj^ts which tar- priority research needs. Priority research projects Include distributional study of selected rare jp^ants of the Front Range, such as Eustoma gmndiflora and Hypoxia himuta; floristic survey of the Col- legiate Range, with emphasis on atpine areas; and distribu- tional studies of rare plant species on the 1988 list of Colorado Plant Species of Special Concern. Funding announcements will be made by March 1, 1989. For additional information and submission of proposals, contact: David KunCt, Director Colorado Natural Areas Program 1313 Sherman St. Room 618 Denver, CO 80203 Phone: 866-3437 Sand Lily continued from page 1 several months of growth it will be fCHind several Inches lower than when planted. The new roots puil the entire plant down into the pot. One imagines that the same phenomenon occurs In nature. Although 1 have no ex- perience with propagating Sand Lily from seed, shallowly planted Calochortus (Sego Uly) seeds will germinate, grow and, after a year, produce a tiny bulb several inches deep in the soil. Many more mysteries of the Sand Lily must still be resolved. Who are the seekers of the nectar found several Inches deep in the grourKi? Are they the same as the pol- linators? How can a commercial grower handle a j:iant which constantly seeks the bottom of the pot, and propagate a plant which remains dormant during the usual growing season? Finding answers to any of these, and many more, questions can make the amateur seeker an in- stant expert in the field. Denver Chapter Activities January 25 7:30 PM Chapter meeting at Denver Botanic Gardens. Bob Heapes, well-known wiidflower photog- rapher, will speak on: In the Footsteps of Lewis and Clarke: Botanical Bedrock of Western America. February 22 7:30 PM Chapter meeting at Denver Botanic Gardens. Sally White wtll present a slide show on activities and projects ofthe Jefferson Co. Nature Association, espe- cially tallgrass prairie identification, and preview plans for a nature center and dinosaur visitor center n^r Morrison. Meetings for the Denver Chapter take place the 4th Wed- nesday of each month, unless otherwise Indicated. They are located at the Denver Botanic Gardens. Contact Carol Dawson at 722-6758 for information. Restoring the Baiance A conference about human impacts on planetary systems will be held at the University of Colorado February 3-5, 1989. The conference will address ways in which human- caused disruptions can be slowed enough to restore the healthy functioning of planetary systems; systems on which all life, inclixfing ourselves, depends. Conference topics include: fossil fuel dependency, bur- geoning population and consumption levels, the momen- tum of international economics and rising third worid expectations as driving forces behind global change. Speakers will ^dressa broad array of solutions, from ener- gy conservation and sustainable technologies to economic incentives and intemationai cooperation. Sponsored by the CU Environmental Center, the con- ference will beheld atthe University of Colorado in Boulder, CO on February 3rd through 5th, 1989. The conference fee^^ is $18 (Saturday lunch, dinner and dance are extra). For more information, contact the CU Environmental Center, Campus Box 207, University of Colorado. Boulder, CO 80^9: phone (303)492-8308. A Planet in Peril: Numt^r 1 ^uHegia Pages Floral Tributes Ann O. Cooper As I write (December 4, 1988), we’ve had only one small snowfall this winter. Ind^n summer still lingers. Astragalus tridactylicus, the three-fingered milk vetch, mm in bloom on the shale outcrops north of here last weekend. The seasons are awryl I expect to see It In March or early AprH and link It In my mind with two other early favorites of the shale, TownseiKila hooked, the Easter daisy, and Physada bellH, double bladder-pod. the®cp^ed normal species especially in our area. I like to think this excuses my ineptitude I The genus Townseodia is named for John Kirk Townsend. He was an ornithologl^ on the 1834 V^eth expedition, which included Nuttall as the botanist. Townsend refers constantly to "Mr. N" in his journal and the fc^lowing describes their arrival at Scotts Bluff: These “big three" are my first reassurance that spring real- ly will come, besides being among my best-loved plants. I'd lived here many years before I learned to look for them soon enough. The Easter daisy blooms as early as January. On a sunny day the two-inch white ccmriposite heads shine out above the mat of grey- green leaves. On a dull day the entire plant is quite overiookable. There are two likely candidates for early bloom in this area — Townseridia hooked and Townsendia exscapa. They are told apart by several details. The first species has a tuft of angled cilia at the apex of the linear phyllaries, and the 5 mm disc corollas are scarcely exceeded by the pappus. The second has narrowly lanceolate phyllaries with no cilia, and a longer pappus on the disc florets. If, like me, you read this description with no faith that you could tell the plants apart, take heart! A note in The Flora of the Great Plains explains that Townsendia is "compli- c^ed by apomixis, where the plants produce viable seeds without cross fertilization". Plants of the next generation are Identical with the parent and may be intermediate between "The road was very uneven and difficult, wMing from mnongst innumerable mounds of hard yellow clay, without a particle of rock of any kind, and along their bases ... flowers of every hue were growing. It was the most enchanting sight. Mr. N was here in his glory. He rode on ahead of the company, and cleared the pas- sages with a trembling and eager hand, looking back at the approaching party as though he feared it would come ere he had finished, and tread his lovely prizes underfoot" In partnership with the Easter daisy I expect to find the three- fingered milk vetch. It is (usually!) not quite so early to ttoom, but very eye-catching when it does, with Its magenta pea-flowers emerging from a cushion of silvery grey. The species on "my mesa \s Astragalus tridactylicus, but a related and quite similar species, A. sedcoleucus, also occurs. I've found that one on the chalk cliffs near the Pawnee Grasslands In mW-May. To complete my spring trio I add the double bladder-pod, Physada bellH, a plant restricted to shales and mesas. The rosettes themselves are charming and distinctive. By April, rings of yellow blc^oms have eased out from the rosettes to rr^ke vivid golden circles against the sparsely vegetated grey shales. Even botanizing at automobile speeds, you are likely to iK>tice these plants. The genus is rmmed from theGreekphy^, meaning bellows or bladder. The species, my modest Latin suggests, should mean beautiful (and so it isl), but In fact it was named by author Gerald A. Mulligan "... after E. H. Bell of the Plant Research Institute, Ottawa, for the outstanding contributions he has made to fi^d work that has been carried out by the staff of the Institute." (Thanks, Miriam Denham, for putting me right!) I’m always surprised to see my "big three" flowering days, even weeks, earlier on the dari< shales than on the lighter colored sub^tes. I speculate on the reasons. Darker shales absorb more sun-warmth. South-facing slopes are particularly poised for solar advantage. The drainage through the loose shale must prevent the dank, chill clag- giness that the clay in my garden exhibits this time of year. Or are there certain minerals present that favor the early spring "big three"? As always, I ^gn off with more questions than answers. Page 4 Aquilegia Volume 13 Among the Carices Workshop Report by Dawson A workshop on S6dg€^ (the genus Carex) was held at the Ckilorado School of Mines on Saturday, December 10th. Dr. David Cooper, Assistant Research Professor at tfie School of Mines, conducted the workshop, assisted by Tom Cottrell. About 22 students of Carox and one very young observer were present. The purpose of the workshop was to r^ew the charac- thistle features of sedges, b^ome familiar with some of the regtonadly important sp^es, and learn to the avail- able botanical keys. This was a valuable exercise because sedges have a number of features which make them often difficult or unrev^rding to identify. Th^ features inclixie: inconspicuous fiewer parts, unique taxonc^nic characteris- tics, presence of numerous and somewhat confusing species, and keys which are often difficult to use without prior familiarity with the species or the backup of an her- barium, Ail of these, Dr. Cooper helped us overcome. As a result of the workshop, Colorado now has a few more peof^e willing and able to work with this genus. We were first taught the terms and features used in differen- tiating sedges, such as "phyliopodic'*, "gynaeoandrous" and "F^rigynium*'. We keyed out 19 specie of sedges, using Weber’s Rocky Mountain Flora and Colmdo Flora: Western Slope. By keying the species we gained an understandir^ of the meaning of some of the more am- biguous coupled in these keys. In addition, we examined specimens of a number of other species, so that by the end of the day we had seen about 25 of the 75 or 80 sedges species in the ColCM'ado flora. We learned that many species are easy to key, and that some can even be resdi- ly recognized in the fleldl We also learned a number of interesting or important facts about sedges: Not all sedges have edges (only the larger species). The presence of tall sedges in ODlorado nearly always means that you are in a wetland. The most com- mon wetland sedge species in Colorado are Carmcnebras- kemis on the trains, Carex utricular in the mountains, arxi Carax aquatilis on the west slope. Many sedges exhibit poor reproduction from seed, and nx>st reproduction under current corKiitions app^rs to be by vegetative means. Many of the sedges In Cdorado have circumpolar distributions, with their ranges extending down the Rock- ies into Colorado; thus floras from Alaska can be useful In identrf^ng species here. We appreciate Dr. Cooper’s efforts to mitigate our Ig- norance of this Important genus, arxl look forward to his promised workshop on Juncusi Joint Research Opportunity Dorothy Udall Partners in Parks is a nonprofit corporation recently formed to promote technical and scientific cooperation be- tween the National Park Service and private organizations or indh4duais. Partners In Parks presklent, Sarah Bishop, ms in Colorado recently, talking with Rocky Mountain Na- tional Park staff about some of their scientific ob|ectives and about what sort of private sector partners might cooperate with them to their mutiml ad^ntage (see related article, page 6). Colorado Native Plant Society had been suggested as a likely partner. A few CONPS Board members and Rehabilitation Committee membera met with Ms. Bishop and Richard Keigley, Rocky Mtn. Park ecologist, to explore a possible joint effort relating to a research program to find ways to restore disturbed sites in the park so that the plant communities are ecologically appropriate to the site. Partners in Parks would assist in establishing a coopera- tive venture arxl would seek funding sources. Ajoint venture between CONPS and the National Park Ser- vice could lead to other opportunities for CONPS expertise to Influence management decisions in other areas of the state, if this cooperative venture appeals to you and you would like to be kept infexmed about developments, drop a line to: Dorothy Udall. Horticulture/RehabiHtation Chairman 4300 West County Rc^ 50 Fort Collins, CO 80521 Number 1 AquifegiQ Pages Highway Construction and Rare Piants Kathy See Because I am a part-time assistant to the Colorado Dept, of Highways (CDOH) landscape architect, Jim Borland’s article on Phymria ballH prompted me to write and explain the highway project development process, CDOH or- ganization and to encourage other CONPS members to sfrare their special knowledge with the highway depart- ment. Jim Borland has been in touch with the landscape architect’s office both this summer and last summer about different populations of Physaria bellii. Although the solu- tion to the C-470 population eluded our combined knowledge, last year we put Jim in touch with CDOH Dis- trict Environmental Manager (DEM) for Boulder Co. to see if some kind of mitigation could be arranged. The DEM set up a new mining plan on the borrow pit where some Physaria bellii had been found in order to save as many plants as possible, ar«d also wrote a letter to the US Fish and Wildlife Service to inform them of the plant’s presence. The difficulty in many situations is that rare plants are dis- covered during highway construction when ft may be too late to save them. Although highway construction Is the visible part of a project, it is the last phase of the long process from perceived need to final product. Briefly, it takes from 18 to 24 months to design major projects. During the course of design, numerous office meetings and field visits are held to an- ticipate and prevent later problems. The job plans are then advertised for bids as very little construc- tion is done by CDOH. Most construction and paving is done by private contractors who have gone through a complicated bidding process to win the job. Naturally, these contractors are Inter- ested In getting the job built, as designed, on time and under budget. Because of the visibilfty of construction, this Is often when public awareness is triggered and potential problems are raised. Once construction has started, it is often too late to make changes because it is time- and cost-prohibitive. Atthough CDOH is a complex organization, cer- tain sections are directly concerned with highway design and construction. There are about 40 people who coordinate the environmental issues affecting highway property and construction, in- cluding wetlainds, hazardous materiais. regula- tions arKl permitting. In the design section, there are approxinrmt^y mo engineers and technical people to design roadways arKi bridges. There are two landscape architects who work directly with the engineers to produce seed mixes, landscaping plans or wetland designs which are incorporated into the final plans. These two people translate onto paper many of the environmental re- quirements for each project. One of these landscape ar- chitects is based in Grand Junction and is responsible for the northwest corner of the state, Including Glenwood Canv^n with its myriad of eccrfogical Issues. The Denver- bas^ landscape archit^. my boss, is resixinsible for all projects in the other 75% of Colorado. Each year there are about 225 highway projects and obviously many potential gaps in statewide information. Drawing attention to a problem whether by identifying a sensitive population or by requesting the addition of species X to the revegetation plan is more effective early In the design process than when the bulldozers arrive. As always the volunteer public has to help fill the gaps. It is not enough to simply point out a problem. Volunteer legwork, with which the CONPS is very familiar, is often necessary, whether it is seed collecting, planting hours or site monitor- ing. There are many formats for communication. A budget map of profK)sed projects Is printed each year. The high- way planning process is responsive to the public which is encouraged to attend public meetings concerning high- way projects. Also, each of the state’s six districts has a District Environmental Manager who is responsible for [next page I P£^e6 AquHegm Vcsiume 13 Highway, cont. these issues. There Is also the CDOH Hotline (1-800-999- 4997) which you can call to express your concerns. Sensitive populations can be presented only if there is a tim^y sharing of information. As a state agency, our process is open to tl^ public. As concerned plant people, you need to find the best vehicle for communicating. Ed. Note: Kat/iy has provided considerable perspective on this important concern, but it would also be useful to know whether any rare piant populations were identified during the environmental Impact assessment process, which In the case of 0470 was extensive. If not, And how can the Society help make pre-construction evalua- tion more effective In identifying and resolving plant-re- lated effecm? Park Partnership Sarah G. Bishop PresMem* Partners In Parks I have |ust recently become acquainted with the Colorado Native Plant Society and some of your members. I am Im- pressed with both who you are what your goals are. Conserving native flora - frow important that Is to our in- creasingly urbanized society. Our manufactured world ex- cludes the original natural and native fabric of our environment Those who are wise recognize the need to preserve and promote the growth of what little we have left. Small enclaves, tike national parks, are ideal preserves of the native fabric as weli as unique laboratories in which we can learn the essentials of how to rmintain our natural hertege. Partners in Parks promote technical and scientific col- laboration between rational parks and organizations like the Colorado Native Plartt Society. Rocky Mountain Na- tional Park has a major goal of restoring native vegetation to areas disturbed by human use. This tremendous goal raises research and management questions I think may be of great interest to you. How do you encourage natural suc- cession on a steep slope? How do you add nutrias to the soil? Once something takes hold or is planted, how do you keep it alive? What propagation techniques are ap- propriate in a national park? The park has needs: you have interests. Surely there Is a great deal of overlap. What exciting projects would you like to undertake in the park? What Ideas do you have that might help the park scientists and managers corxiuct ef- fective research ami make good decisions? I look forward to having Partners in Parks work with you and the park staff to explore areas of mutual inters and build a paitnershlp among colleagues who share a vision and can see the benefits of working together to reach it. Wheat Ridge Greenbelt Peter Root Jim Borland’s recent article on hybrid birches along Clear Creek prompted me to revisit the Wheat Ridge greenbelt. This recovering riparian area lies along Clear Creek be- tween Kipling and Youngfield Streets south of 44th Avenue. The best way to enter It is through Prospect Park, it offers a wide variety of habitats including cottonwood forest, oi^n fields, and shrubby wetlands. Jtmrn are also three gravel pit ponds and cattail marshes. When I visited, an early frost had withered many of the plants. The cottonwood leaves had turned yellow but there was still a wonderful display of New Engiand asters. I had not realized that there were so many erf them, birt this Is a place for plant surprises. Perhaps the most unusual find here has been a lady’s tresses orchid {Spiranthes diluviaiis) which was described only a few years ago. It grows with a blue iol^ria (L. siphilitica) in some areas along the creek. Other plants which can be observed here are two ex' three species of scouring rushes (Equisetum) and their hybrids, and both broad- and narrow- leaved cattails and their hybrid. The ponds are often used by waterfowl and the cotton- woods arxi shrub thickets are welt known as a resting place for other migratory birds. In the spring and fall this is a good place to see warblers: during the winter, raptors are often here. The greenbdt Is used for many forms of recr^tlon, rang- ing from fishing to dog walking. Most of these are com- patible but the Increasing uncorrtrdled use by bteyciists is disturbir^. Having a bicycle pass within inches erf you vrfthout warning on the trails can be quite an experience. Bicycle tracks are now often fourxi off the trails and this type of riding will have an effect on the vegmation. Thfr" managers of this area will be faced with many contrasting^ demands as the surrounding community develops. It is hoped that they can preserve the natural futures while providing a good source of varied recreation. Number 1 ^uilegia Page? Book Review Trees and Shrubs of Colorado by Jack L, Carter; illustrated by Marjcrle C. Leggltt. Johnson Books, Boulder, CO. $11.95. The trouble with books tWed ”Rora of ..." or 'Trees and Shrut^ of . . is that the potential reader must first read the Introductory material or already know the plants of the regton covered to determine whether the book title shoukd have "All of* or "Some of plac^ before ft. "Some of the Trees and Shrubs of Colorado" would have been a more appropriate title for this book which reported- ly covers both the native and Introduced trees and shrubs of Ckilorado in a 1 50-mile radius of Pikes Peak. Preparation for publishing this manual took over eleven y^rs as Mr. Carter continually refined the dichotomous keys through the toughest means known to man - student use. Although one will learn little of familial relationships through the use of the diagnostic keys which are based almost en- tirely on leaf characteristics* the book's intended user group undoubtedly will find rt easier to use than will college botany students who must learn and often memorize com- f^lcated floral structures. Because the intended audience is not the serious student 7 ^ of plants, it is somewhat difficult to seriously fault the con- tents. However, as the manual’s intent Is to describe na- tive, naturalized and cultivated woody plants, the consistent use of the terms ’native* or ’introduced* would have added to the book’s value. Raises of cover based Icxjsely on mile mdlus figures are often fraught with proWems of how to handle the edges. Several of the listed native species generally fall outside the described radius and several found within this radius are omitted (e.g. Ceratoides fenafa, Eriogonum sp., Forsel- lesia planitierum, Mimom borealis, Atiemlsia nova, Amor- pha canescens, Opuntia imbricata, Betula papyrifera). The inclusion of only a few cultivated species only muddies the waters, and at least one (Acer negundo) Is noted as being both native and escaped without explanation. A few specific difficulties with this bCK^k: Although the key states that the included broad-leaved plants are rarely evergreen, at l^st 18 such species representing 13 genera are listed, several without any notation regarding their perennial leaves. Under Viburnum it is wrongly stated that three species are native; yet none described are noted for owning this title. Although I would not seriously fault Mr Carter in stating that the berries of Shepherdia canaden- sis are ineditte, they are in fact otherwise, albeit un- palatable to my taste. Even with 6- to 12- foot specimens of Artemisia tridentata aside, this species and its varieties are definitely woodier than A bigelovii as stated. Spelling errors are few, but my personal pet peeve ' Artemesia" for Artemisia occurs much too frequently. It is always Interesting to observe the constantly changing philosophies regarding the naming of species. For in- stance, Juniperus monosperma has become J. mexicana var. monosperma and, apparently, Pyracantha has be- come Cotoneaster. Regardless of the faults one may find in the body of this book, one cannot find fault with Mr Carter's desire to see that every college student graduate from a course In botany. It is with the understanding gained from such cour- ses tfmt people "will underhand limits to growth and vote for alternatives to the growthmania sweeping Colorado." Last, but certainly not least, the illustrations by Ms. Leggitt are some of thefinestto be found in a popular plant manual. Reviewed by Jim Borland Pages ^uilegia Volume 13 About CON PS Workshops Bill Jonnings The Cdorado Native Plant Society workshop series was e^blished with the objective of having somethlr^ to do during the winter when field trips are imvK)$sible. Since the first workshop in January 1985, twenty-seven have been held. Our concept of a workshop for plant identification means bringing together plant lovers arid a well-informed Instruc- tor who has photographs, herbarium specimens and live plants for the attendees to study hands-on, with oppor- tunities for one-on-one Interaction with the instructor as well as lectures to the group as a whole. No special skills or requirements, other than a love of plants and a desire to learn, are necessary for atterKling a workshop. Even though the descriptions may make these workshops sound highly technical, the case Is exactly the opposite. The objective Is to demystify plant Identification and to allow the confused but sincere plant lover to better enjoy and undersmnd native plants. SIdeoats Grama Boutetoua curtipendula Registration for Workshops Enrollment In workups is always limited, usually due to room constraints, so you must register in advance. Contact CONPS workshop cootdlnator for registration and workshop information: Bill Jennings, 360 Martin Dr., Boulder, 80303, 494-5159. Be sure to include your maHing address and phone number if you mall in your registration. Registrants will be notified by mail about two weeks prior to the workshop regarding final location, time, lunch, suggested references, etc. Please register prompt- ly. as workshops tend to All up fest. However, cancdlatlons sometimes create openings, so you might want to check with Bill up to the night before the workshop if you want to try to register at the last minute. Unless otherwise noted, the fee for each full-day workshop Is $8 for members and $16 for non-members. If you plan to at- tend more than one workshop per year as a non-member, it Is cheaper to jean CONPS as an individual member ($8 per year) and come to workshops as a member. Plea^ hold payments until the day of the workshop. it takes conskferable time and effort for the instructors to plan and develop workshops and field trips. Please let us know how you like the workshops and field trips offered by CONPS. We need your suggestions for other workshops and trips, as well^^ as your feedback on whether you found them informative and exciting or dull and uninteresting. We need to know whether we are serving you. our members, the way you wish. Number 1 Aquilegia Page 9 CONPS Workshops Winter, 1988-1989 'r' High-Altitude Grasses Saturday, February 4, 1989 Dr. Helen M. Zelner Fee: $$ ($10, nonmembers) Grasses are considered by many to be difficult to identify or understand be- cause of the lack of big, showy flowers and because of the specialized ter- minology nec^sary for describing the plant parts. At this workshop, Dr. Zelner will focus on the recognition of the grasses to be found at high al- titudes in Colorado, with special emphasis on the Gunnison National Forest area of the western slope, where she has studied the priant life for many years. This half-day workshop (9AM to 12:30PM) will be held at the herbarium, Den- ver Botanic Gardens. Keying Composites Saturday, February 25, 1989 Dr. Jo Ann Flock At last, our first workshop on the daisy family! After attending this workshop, you can finally identify that scraggly yellow composite you found growing at roadside last summer. In this workshop, the use of Dr, William A. Weber's ex- tends keys to the composites in both the West Slope Flora and Hocky Mountain Flora will be demonstrated. Usually, only a few features of the com- posites need be carefully examined to properly Wentify the plant. What to ^look for arKi what these features are called In the keys will be explained. To be held at Foothills Nature Center, Boulder. Penstemons Saturday, March 18, 1989 Gwen Kelaidls The Intermountain region is a major center for Penstemon species. Though beautiful and often highly prized for horticultural purposes, the many species of Penstemons represented make Identification difficult The primary purpose of this workshop Is to enable the botanist to identify the different sections within genus Penstemon, Once the characteristics differentiating the sections are understood, keying from there to species is usually straightforward. Location to be announced. Pollination Ecology Saturday, April 15, 1989 Dr. Boyce Drummond Through the use of slides, sketches, plant specimens, and probably some arm-waving, Boyce will cover three basic areas vital to uFKierstafKiing the ways plants reproduce themselves: (1) the structure of the flower and the function of the parts in terms of pol- lination requirements; (2) the breeding system of plants or modes of pollination (i.e., wind, water, animal); and (3) the evolutionary interaction of plant and pollinator. To be held In Colorado Springs at Warner Center on the Colorado College campus. Page 10 Aquilegia Volume 13 Riparian Ecosystems Symposium Report by Sally White The Rocky Mourrtain Chapter of the Society of Wetland Scientists sponsored a major symfx)sium on Restorationt Creation and Management of Riparian Ecosystems in the American West In mkf-Novemi^r. Excellent organiza- tion of the thr^-day session provided a broad revtew of riparian and wetland isajes: from restcxation theory and practical application to legal aspects and regiHatory Im- plications. This balanced approach provided plant people the opportunity to learn about stream hydrology and dynamics, and the physical scientists to encounter the In- tricacy of working with living materials; toward a realization by ail that streams are living systems in which physical and biological factors are deitcately entangled. One concept that echoed throughout the symposium was David Rosgen's “If we fight the system, the system will win". Refreshing in a group devoted to manipulation of natural systems (albeit with intent to restore rather than exploit), the priority of the system" was reflected in widespread recognition of how littie we know about ratural function In riparian systems. Even so, there was much to be learned from the talks - the necessity of choosing between con- current sessions was at times frustrating. Fortunately, a wrap-up session chaired by Lyndon Lee (US EPA, Washington) pulled all the threads together in a summary of the relevant administrative and functior^ paradigms revealed during the symposium. A highlight of the week was a review by Ralph DU (Cdormio State University) of the mythology of science and ttm difficulties created by the Newtonian world view. He cxinlrasted reclamation (If we can't dean It up, we can hWe it under crested wheatgrass and smooth brome") and redoration ecology (using landscape architecture to emu- late nature) with his suggestion of a new "restitution ecol- ogy", an approach based on respect for natural systems with the goal of bringing the disturbed area into balance with what it originally was. Encouraging trends on the management front included wetland banking, identification of priority wetlands as "just say no" areas, importance of developing native seed and plant sources for stream restoration projects, importance of wetlands for water poliution treatment, and recognition of long-term stability and self-maintenance as restoration goals. Overlap with interests of Colorado Native Plant Society members is ^kJent in the areas of preservation arxi res- toration of native communities. Perhaps CON PS can tfdfHte in restoration projects, or assist in promoting the use and developing purees of native wetland plants. Cer- taWy the loss of riparian areas and wetlands has had tensive effects on the native flora we are working tu conserve, and several plant species of special concern are found in riparian areas. Nature Calendar Available For those who have always wanted to know how to reset their sundials, or when to look for spring beauty or how to distinguish dog from coyote tracks, the Boulder County Nature Association has the answers. The newly released 1989 Boulder County Nature Calendar works elsewhere in the metro area as well, and is well illustrated and full of seasonal nature facts you won’t find anywhere else. C^Jendars are available ($4 BCNA memt^re, $5 rran- mem- bers) from Jim Knopf (494-8766), Mike Figgs (447-1 8^) or Lynn Carner (652-3314) while supplies last Dom0Stic Dog Oo^ Pads radiate outvmrtl Outside daws do not atways show, Number l AquilegiB Page 1 1 Natives in the Garden Ribes aureum Jim Borland Ignoring the proWems that the scientific community has in assignlr^ the Ribes to either the Saxifrage or Gooseberry family, the hoiticultumi community Wllhely continues to use the various members for both food and aesthetic value. Ribes aureum, variously known as Golden ... Buffalo ... Missouri ... Flowering . . . Fragrant ... or Slender Golden . . . Currant as well as Clove Bush, is perhaps the only Colorado native gooseberry us^ to any extent for landscaping. Its numerous common names neatly describe some of Its favorable features which have assisted Its acceptance by the general landscape populace. Most of these names refer to the many flowered mcemes of golden yellow, red-tipped tubular flowers which emit a wofKlerful clove or spicy odor. These May-produced floweis are coupled with bright green 2-Inch wide leaves typical of the gooseberry family, and attractively displayed on a 3- to 9-foot upright branching spineless shrub. A similar species, Ribes odomtum, r^tive to points east of the range for golden currant, is often separated because of its larger and longer petals. Fruit is unusually large for a wild currant, up to 0.5 Inch in ^ diameter. Its Danish-derived nam^ke ’Ribes' means ’red, but berries can also be yellow or black. Eaten out of hand, mixed with dried buffalo meat to make pemmican, or other- wise used In cooking, the berries are ©ccellent for man or beast. Even the blossoms are edible. Native to a large portion of the western US, golden currant is usually found growing with a multitude of other native shrubs and trees from the plains into the mountains. Al- though It Is more common to river and creekside habitats, it has proven adaptaMe to drier sites and poorer soils. Its native soils generally are coarse to medium in texture, shallow to deep, well-drained, fertile and with a pH of 6.5 to 7.0. Garden soils either more acid or basic than this generally result in excellent growth as well. Plants tolerate some shade, but full sun locations produce more compact growth and more numerous flowers. In these loca- tions, burnished yellows, reds and oranges can be expected for tali color. The shrub propagates itself through under- ground suckers which generally presents no serious problems. Through observation of Its natural growth habits one will see that the best manner of pruning is one which pe- riodically removes entire canes to the plant’s base. Nursery propagation can be accomplished by subjecting the seed to moist and cold (4r F) conditions for 60 to ^ days and then germinating these treated seeds at 70** F. Sixty to 90% germination can be expected from sound seed which averages between 200,000 and 285,000 per pound. Both nursery and landscape growth are considered rapid. The root suckering habit of golden currant Indicates that additiorml plants can be propagated through division and the planting of root pieces. Similar to other Ribes, both softwood arel hardwood cuttings taken nearly anytime of the year will root through mist or outdoor bed propagation techniques. This species should prove cold-hardy anywhere in Colorado, unless one lives above timberiine. Due to Its af- finity to moist habitats, It is difficult to assign a definitive moisture requirement to golden currant. However, 15 to 20 inches of annual precipitation should ensure good growth anywhere in the state. In full sun, additional moisture usual- ly results in a larger and faster-growing shrub not becom- ing unduly top-heavy. Aphid infestations, among other common gooseberry maladies, have been noted, but do not seem to produce serious consequences in the wild. Officers Scfiedule of Membership Fees PresWent Eleanor Von Bargen 7^1400 Vice-President Seth Painter 482-2233 Secretary Meg Van Ness 279-2^ Treasurer Myma P. Stelnkamp 226-3371 Board of Directors Lee Barzee (^) Cdo. Spgs. 634-4715 Jim Boriaixl (88) Denver 329-911^ Boyce Drummond (89) Rorissant 689-2025 Mark Galatowrtsch (88) BerthoiKl 532-4^ Tina Jones (^) Denver 75^9701 Neal Osborn (89) PueWo 546-0319 Elizabeth Otto (88) Idaho Springs 567-2384 Velma Richards (88) Englewood 794-5432 Eleanor Von Bargen (89) Denver 756-1400 Gayle Weinstein (89) Denver 333-3024 Chapter Presidents (Members of Board) Boulder Margie Wortzman 494-1640 Denver Metro Carol Oawscxi 722-6758 Ft. Collins Jennifer Crain 493-2142 Committees Conservation Sue Martin 226-3371 Editorial Peter Root 433-9340 Education Miriam Denham 442-1020 Field Trips Jeff Dawson 7^-6758 Florissant Mary Edwards 233-8133 Horticulture/Rehabilltatton Dorothy Udall 482-9^6 Membership Myma Stelnkamp 226-3371 Publicity Tina Jones 759-9701 Workshops Bill Jennings 494-5159 RETURN AND MAILING ADDRESS Colorado Native Plant Society P.O. Box 200 Fort CoUias, Colorado 80522 Life $250.00 Family or Dual $12.00 Supporting 50.00 Individual 8.00 Organi^tloii 25.00 Student or Senior 4.00 Memtmrship Renevsls and Information ^ Please direct all membership applications, renewals and address changes to the MEMBERSHIP chairperson, in care of the Society's mailing address. Please direct all other Inquiries regarding the Society to the SECRETARY In care of the Society's mailing address. Newsletter Contributions Please direct all contributions to the newsletter to: Peter Root 4915 West 3lsi Avenue Denver, CO 80212 DegwHlnes for newsletter materials are February 15, April 15, June 15, August 15, October 15 and Decemt^r 15. There is a special need for short items such as unusual in- formation about a plant, a little known botanical term, etc. Please include author’s name and address, although items wilt be printed anonymously if requested. Non-profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit #1475 Denver, Qalorado Time Value Material - Mailed on or about January 15