c 33 34 33 32 43 -+s- MAP OF IRAQ ■#*' Field Museum of Natural History Founded by Marshall Field, 1893 Anthropology, Memoirs Volume IV ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ THEIR HISTORY, ETHNOLOGY, AND PHYSICAL CHARACTERS BY HENRY FIELD ASSISTANT CURATOR OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY WITH INTRODUCTION BY SIR ARTHUR KEITH, F.R.S. FORMERLY CONSERVATOR, ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY 156 Plates, 4S Text Figures, 3 Maps Field Museum-Oxford University Joint Expedition to Kish, Iraq BERTHOLD LAUFER LATE CURATOR, DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY EDITOR N8544 Chicago, U.S.A. 1935 GN PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OP AMERICA BT FIELD MUSEUM PRESS CONTENTS PAOE List of Illustrations 5 Preface 9 Introduction by Sir Arthur Keith 11 I. Arabs of the Kish Area 77 Geographical Location 77 Evidence of Prehistoric Culture 77 History of Kish by Stephen Langdon 79 Social Life and Customs 82 II. Anthropometric Data 98 Measurements and Observations 98 Arabs of the Kish Area 101 Soldiers of the Iraq Army 305 Ba'ij Beduins 410 III. Statistical Summaries 430 Vital Statistics 430 Qaraqosh 432 Arabs of the Kish Area 434 Soldiers of the Iraq Army 444 Ba'ij Beduins 448 Tattooing 455 Summary of Anthropometric Data from Southwestern Asia . . 456 Appendix: Field Museum Anthropological Expedition to the Near East, 1934 458 Bibliography 464 Glossary 467 Index 469 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PLATES I-LI. Arabs, Kish Area. LII-CVI. Iraq Soldiers, Hilla Camp. CVII. Figs. 1-4. Iraq Soldiers, Hilla Camp. Figs. 5-8. Arabs, Kish Area. CVIII-CXVII. Ba'ij Beduins, near Kish. CXVIII. Ba'ij Beduins, near Kish. Figs. 1, 2. Herdsmen. Fig. 3. Black tent. CXIX. Ba'ij Beduins, near Kish. Fig. 1. Woman. Fig. 2. Woman with child. Fig. 3. Woman with spindle. Fig. 4. Woman weaving. CXX-CXXII. Arab Children, Kish Area. CXXIII. Building Mud House, Kish Camp. CXXIV. Arab Dancing Girl and Musicians, Kish. CXXV. Building Reed-mat House, Kish Excavations. CXXVI. Arabs, Kish Area. Figs. 1, 2. Making coffee. Fig. 3. Beside the hearth. Fig. 4. Author, taking measurements. CXXVII. Arabs, Kish Area. Fig. 1. Celebrating end of Ramadan. Fig. 2. Horsemen. Fig. 3. Workmen outside camp, Kish. CXXVIII-CXXIX. Arab (No. 26), Kish Area. CXXX-CXXXI. Arab (No. 2), Kish Area. CXXXII-CXXXIII. Arab (No. 10), Kish Area. CXXXIV-CXXXV. Arab (No. 74), Kish Area. CXXXVI. Arabs, Kish Area. CXXXVII. Arabs, Kish Area. Fig. 1. Native orchestra. Fig. 2. Woman. Fig. 3. Husband and wife. CXXXVIII. Scenes at Mahewil and Karbala. Fig. 1. Gubbah, Mahewil near Kish. Fig. 2. Karbala. Fig. 3. Central arch of gubbah, Mahewil. Fig. 4. Palm groves, near Karbala. CXXXIX-CXLIV. Chaldean Women and Girls, Qaraqosh. CXLV-CXLVI. Types, near Alttin Koprii. CXLVII-CLIII. Chaldeans, Qaraqosh. CLIV. Types, near Alttin Koprii. CLV. Chaldeans, Qaraqosh. CLVI. Scenes near Qaraqosh and Kirkuk. Fig. 1. Girl in brickyard. Fig. 2. Street scene in Qaraqosh. Fig. 3. The winnower. Fig. 4. View of Qaraqosh village. Fig. 5. Threshing. Fig. 6. Wooden threshing sledge. TEXT FIGURES PAGE 1. Chart I. Head length, breadth, and capacity of thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins ... 21 2. Chart II. Head length, breadth, and capacity of thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins, thirty-five South Arabs, and six Somalis 23 3. Chart III. Head length, breadth, and capacity of fifty Iraq soldiers (Nos. 500- 550) 24 4. Chart IV. Head length, breadth, and capacity of fifty Egyptians of the Khargha Oasis 26 5. Chart V. Head length, breadth, and capacity of fifty men of Chatri caste, United Provinces 28 6. Chart VI. Head length, breadth, and capacity of fifty men of Pathan caste, Punjab 29 5 6 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE 7. Chart VII. Head length, breadth, and capacity of fifty Iraq soldiers (between Nos. 553-671) 30 8. Chart VIII. Head length, breadth, and capacity of fifty Iraq soldiers 32 9. Chart IX. Head length, breadth, and capacity of fifty Kish Arabs from camp of Sheikh Miniehil (Nos. 1-50) 33 10. Chart X. Head length, breadth, and capacity of fifty Kish Arabs from camp of Sheikh Miniehil (Nos. 100-149) 34 11. Chart XI. Head length, breadth, and capacity of fifty Kish Arabs from camps of Sheikh Swadi and Sayyid Ruda (Nos. 200-249) 35 12. Chart XII. Head length, breadth, and capacity of fifty Kish Arabs from camps of Sheikh Hunta and Sheikh Aziz 36 13. Chart XIII. Minimal frontal width and maximal head width in three groups of Arabs 39 14. Chart XIV. Minimal frontal width and maximal head width in fifty men of Chatri caste, United Provinces, and fifty men of Pathan caste, Punjab ... 42 15. Chart XV. Nasal width and length of fifty Egyptians of the Khargha Oasis . . 44 16. Chart XVI. Nasal length and width of fifty Kish Arabs (Nos. 1-50) 46 17. Chart XVII. Nasal length and width of thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins 47 18. Chart XVIII. Nasal length and width of fifty Kish Arabs (Nos. 101-150) ... 48 19. Chart XIX. Nasal length and width of fifty Iraq soldiers (Nos. 500-549) ... 49 20. Chart XX. Nasal length and width of fifty men of Chatri caste, United Provinces .50 21. Chart XXI. Nasal length and width of fifty men of Pathan caste, Punjab ... 52 22. Chart XXII. Upper face length and total face length of thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins 53 23. Chart XXIII. Upper face length and total face length of fifty Kish Arabs (Nos. 1-51) 55 24. Chart XXIV. Upper face length and total face length of fifty Kish Arabs (Nos. 101-150) 56 25. Chart XXV. Upper face length and total face length of fifty Kish Arabs (Nos. 200-251) 58 26. Chart XXVI. Upper face length and total face length of fifty Iraq soldiers (Nos. 500-551) 59 27. Chart XXVII. Total face length and total face width of thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins 61 28. Chart XXVIII. Total face length and total face width of fifty Kish Arabs (Nos. 1-50) 63 29. Chart XXIX. Total face length and total face width of fifty Egyptians of the Khargha Oasis 64 30. Chart XXX. Total face length and total face width of fifty Kish Arabs (Nos. 100-150) 65 31. Chart XXXI. Total face length and total face width of fifty Kish Arabs (Nos. 201-250) 66 32. Chart XXXII. Stature and sitting height of thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins .... 69 33. Chart XXXIII. Stature and sitting height of fifty Egyptians of the Khargha Oasis 71 34. Chart XXXIV. Stature and sitting height of fifty Kish Arabs (Nos. 1-50) . . 72 35. Chart XXXV. Stature and sitting height of fifty Kish Arabs (Nos. 101-150) . . 74 36. Household Utensils 91 37. Weapons and Implements 93 38. Graph I. Standing heights. Continuous curve, 376 Kish Arabs; dash curve, 228 Iraq soldiers; dotted curve, thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins; dot-dash curve, composite of Kish Arabs and soldiers 438 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 7 PAGE 39. Graph II. Index of relative sitting heights. Continuous curve, 376 Kish Arabs; dash curve, 228 Iraq soldiers; dotted curve, thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins; dot-dash curve, composite of Kish Arabs and soldiers 439 40. Graph III. Cephalic indices. Continuous curve, 396 Kish Arabs; dash curve, 227 Iraq soldiers; dotted curve, thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins; dot-dash curve, composite of Kish Arabs and soldiers 441 41. Graph IV. Cumulative percentages of cephalic indices. Continuous curve, 396 Kish Arabs; dash curve, 227 Iraq soldiers; dot-dash curve, thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins 443 42. Graph V. Fronto-parietal indices. Continuous curve, 395 Kish Arabs; dash curve, 227 Iraq soldiers; dotted curve, thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins; dot-dash curve, composite of Kish Arabs and soldiers 445 43. Graph VI. Total facial indices. Continuous curve, 385 Kish Arabs; dash curve, 227 Iraq soldiers; dotted curve, thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins; dot-dash curve, composite of Kish Arabs and soldiers 447 44. Graph VII. Upper facial indices. Continuous curve, 391 Kish Arabs; dash curve, 226 Iraq soldiers; dotted curve, thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins; dot-dash curve, composite of Kish Arabs and soldiers 449 45. Graph VIII. Nasal indices. Continuous curve, 389 Kish Arabs; dash curve, 226 Iraq soldiers; dotted curve, thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins; dot-dash curve, composite of Kish Arabs and soldiers 451 46. Graph IX. Ear indices. Continuous curve, 390 Kish Arabs; dash curve, 226 Iraq soldiers; dotted curve, thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins; dot-dash curve, com- posite of Kish Arabs and soldiers 452 47. Graph X. Jugomandibular indices. Continuous curve, 393 Kish Arabs; dash curve, 227 Iraq soldiers; dotted curve, thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins; dot-dash curve, composite of Kish Arabs and soldiers 453 48. Graph XI. Jugofrontal indices. Continuous curve, 395 Kish Arabs; dash curve, 227 Iraq soldiers; dotted curve, thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins; dot-dash curve, composite of Kish Arabs and soldiers 454 MAPS Iraq facing page 1 Kish Area 83 Trip from Kish to Tigris River 84 PREFACE This publication deals with the physical characters and anthropometric data collected in 1928 on Arabs and Beduins living near Kish, Iraq. During the winter season, from December, 1927, to March, 1928, 1 was attached as physical anthro- pologist to the staff of the Field Museum-Oxford University Joint Expedition, at Kish. The continual discovery of human skeletal remains prevented the collection of anthropometric data on the living Arabs until the close of the archaeological season. Mr. Louis C. Watelin, field director of the expedition, then decided to work for two weeks at Jemdet Nasr, eighteen miles northeast of Kish. I accompanied him there, and, with the assistance of Mr. Eric Schroeder, who was attached to the expedition during that season, I began studies on a small group of the native workmen. Mr. S. Y. Showket, of the Mesopotamia Studio in Baghdad, was engaged to take front and profile photographs of each individual measured and studied. Early in the month of June, Mr. Showket and an assistant photographer returned with me to Kish in order to obtain anthropometric data on five hundred individuals of that region. I wish to express my gratitude to the late Dr. Berthold Laufer, who en- couraged and aided my research work by his interest in racial and cultural problems of the Near East. Before leaving the United States I had discussed various Arab racial problems with Professor E. A. Hooton, of Harvard University, who gave me valuable advice and suggestions. I am also indebted to Mr. Henry Balfour, Dr. R. R. Marett, and Dr. L. H. Dudley Buxton of the University of Oxford, under whose tuition no student of anthropology could fail to receive inspiration. Dr. Buxton, moreover, accompanied me to Kish for a period of three weeks during December, 1925, and January, 1926, and under his direction I learned the technique em- ployed in recording anthropometric data. Professor Stephen Langdon, who directed the excavations at Kish during twelve seasons, has been most generous with his assistance upon all occasions. I am grateful to the various local sheikhs of the Kish area, particularly to Sheikh Hadji Miniehil and to the late Sheikh Hadji Hunta, who allowed me to make observations and measurements on themselves as well as on their tribes- men. Khalef-el-Jebbar, who was my assistant during the entire season of excavation, rapidly learned the methods employed in the preservation of skeletal material. He also assisted my anthropometric work in the Kish area and ac- companied me to each Arab encampment. His chief duties were to further cordial relationships and to collect hair samples, which was no easy task. I must add a few words of thanks to Mr. Showket and his assistant, who exposed over one thousand negatives, many hundreds of which were developed under adverse conditions. I wish also to express my thanks to the Mutasarrif 9 10 PREFACE of the Hilla Liwa and to the officer commanding the Hilla army camp, who granted me special permission to measure and photograph a number of the troops in his charge. In Baghdad, Mr. A. Kerim, owner of the Mesopotamia Studio, was always generous in his assistance with the photographic work. Upon my return to Chicago it was necessary to calculate the statistics, and in this task I was assisted by Professor F. E. Wood and Mr. G. E. Arnold, to whom I am deeply indebted. Sir Arthur Keith, formerly Conservator of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, has written an introduction which places the Arab in a new light and shows his relationship to the main racial divisions of Asia, Africa, and Europe from Pleistocene times. I am most grateful to Sir Arthur, who has given me many valuable suggestions and who has devoted so much time and energy to this problem. My thanks are due to Dr. William M. Krogman for his assistance with cer- tain statistical additions, which were necessary for Sir Arthur Keith's summary of the anthropometric data. I also gratefully acknowledge the aid of Mr. Carl F. Gronemann, Staff Illustrator of Field Museum, and Mr. Richard A. Martin in the preparation of drawings, maps, and graphs, of Miss Lillian A. Ross in seeing the manuscript through the press, and of Miss Alice Wilkinson and Miss Elizabeth Reniff, who assisted with the preparation of this Report. The spelling of place names conforms to the system adopted by the British Permanent Committee on Geographical Names, published in London by the Royal Geographical Society. As a result of the personal interest of King Ghazi and the generous coopera- tion of the government officials of Iraq, various problems connected with the study of the physical anthropology of the peoples of Iraq are now approaching solution. Henry Field ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ INTRODUCTION It has given me great pleasure to write this introduction to Mr. Henry Field's Report for several reasons. The first, a minor reason, was this: When in 1926 I was investigating the human skulls and bones which Sir Leonard Woolley (Excavations at Al 'Ubaid, 1927) had discovered in the ancient graves of Ur, I found myself hampered by the almost complete lack of data concerning the racial characters of the modern inhabitants of Iraq. Dr. L. H. Dudley Buxton, when he was reporting on the ancient human remains discovered at Kish by the Field Museum-Oxford University Joint Expedition, was equally embarrassed (Excava- tions at Kish, by S. Langdon, 1, 1924). He could not determine, any more than I could, to what extent the human types who lived in the ancient cities of the plain were represented among the inhabitants of modern Iraq. At Ur I found men and women who were long-headed and big-headed; at Kish Dr. Buxton found round-headed as well as long-headed people. We had no data to guide us as to whether or not these ancient long-headed and round-headed people were still represented among the Northern Arabs and to what extent. Herein lies part of the value of the investigations made by Mr. Field during his sojourn in Iraq during the winter season (1927-28). His Report begins to bridge a hiatus in modern anthropology. A knowledge of the Northern Arabs was needed not only for such minor purposes as Dr. Buxton and I had in view, but for a much more important purpose, that of obtaining light on the evolution of eastern humanity. The origin of the Arab is the central enigma of this great problem. As I hope to show, the data collected and published in this Report provide us with the means of putting forward an explanation or theory of the evolutionary origin of the Arab and other types of the East. Let me first indicate the scope covered by this publication. The people whose measurements and characters are recorded here were met in the Kish area, between the rivers. Only men were examined. Records were made of 667 individuals. These fall into the three following groups: Group A. — Arabs living in the region of Kish in 1927-28. They are numbered in two series: Nos. 1-288 and 350-471— altogether 398 men. Group B. — Iraq soldiers measured in 1928 in the army camp at Hilla on the Euphrates, 231 in number. In the series they are Nos. 500-732. Group C. — Thirty-eight men of the Ba'ij Beduin tribe, living fourteen miles north- east of Kish in the direction of Jemdet Nasr. This small but most valuable addition to the series, comprising Nos. 300-337, was also made in 1928. The various measurements made of each individual and the racial features noted will be seen at a glance by consulting the schedule reproduced on page 101 (Arabs of the Kish Area, No. 1). Of each individual fourteen meas- urements were taken, three relating to stature, two to dimensions of head, 11 12 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ seven to face, and two to external ear. Nine indices were calculated. Twenty- three other features were noted and their development determined by eye- measurement. A record was made of name, age, birthplace, and other items. More than fifty items were recorded concerning each individual examined, and, as the number included in this survey amounts to 667 individuals, the total obser- vations recorded in Mr. Field's schedules are more than 33,000 in number. Thus, thanks to his labors, our knowledge of the modern Arabs of central Iraq has passed suddenly from a state of poverty to one of affluence. Of all the records and measurements, those which were registered by the camera are for myself of the highest value. Altogether 581 individuals were photographed, and, as in almost every instance profile and full face of the subject measured were taken, the total number of photographs amounts to more than 1,150 records. Of the subjects photographed thirty-eight were Ba'ij Beduins, representatives of what may be spoken of as the essential Arab; 223 were men enrolled in the Iraq army, all natives of Iraq; 320 were Arabs living or working in the neighborhood of Kish. I do not underestimate for a moment the value of exact instrumental measurements. A science of anthropology cannot come into existence unless we use exact instruments and precise arith- metical records. Our general impressions are of no value to those who come after us; only definite measurements are of use to them. They can incorporate our labors with their own only if we leave behind us precise figures of what we have observed and measured. Nevertheless, we have a very imperfect knowledge of a people if we seek to realize their characteristics merely from the examination of tables of measurements, however elaborate these tables may be. We know a people only when we have seen them in the flesh with our own eyes. But there is one substitute — good photographic records. We are apt to think of anthropology as a new science; in truth it is a very old art, perhaps the oldest. For since that remote time when man made conscious observations on the faces and habits of the members of his own family and of his own tribe, he has been an anthropologist. How soon we learn to discriminate by the cast of an eye the distinctive races of mankind! A Negro or a Chinese, a Hindu or an American Indian meets us in the street, and, before he has passed, we have assessed his racial characters and made our diagnosis. We can never hope to obtain, by the use of instruments, indices, and angles, the delicacy and precision of racial diagnosis reached by the tutored and experienced eye. Trav- elers and explorers may become so skilled that in a cosmopolitan crowd in an eastern bazar they will recognize the most delicate shades of race. They scarcely note the shape of head or even of face; a hundred minor points which they have never submitted to conscious analysis guide them to a true diagnosis. If we could cultivate those natural gifts and apply them in such a way that the observations made by one observer could be so formulated that those made by another observer could be added to them, what an engine of progress would be at our disposal for the proper discrimination of the breeds and races of man- kind! A series of photographs such as were collected by Mr. Field among the INTRODUCTION 13 Arabs of Kish provides me with an excellent opportunity to test my theory in a practical way. In his series of photographs which reproduce the facial features is one of 223 men enrolled in the Iraq army. I prefer to begin with this group for two reasons: the men are in uniform, and their heads are cropped. An Arab in national dress presents us with a racial diagnosis already made; to ascertain how far we can distinguish Arabs by their outward features from men of other races, all should be dressed and barbered alike. The Iraq soldiers present us with our racial problem in an ideal form. The soldier series also presents the problem free from another great difficulty, the changes due to age. Presently, in discussing the photographs of the Ba'ij Beduins, I shall have to draw attention to the changes which transform the youthful Beduin into the venerable old sheikh, but among the soldiers we are not confronted with age changes; almost the entire series falls between the ages of seventeen and thirty. In order that the degree of racial distinction of the Arab from surrounding nationalities and races should be tested properly there ought to be, dressed in the Iraq uniform, an equal number of photographs of Egyptian soldiers, of soldiers from the various parts of India, from Afghanistan, from Iran, from the Turkish army, from the Italian, French, and Spanish armies, and, more especially, photographs of Algerian soldiers. If in such a large, mixed series of photographs I could recognize every native of Arabia, then that would be proof that the Arab is a completely differentiated race — a Pan-diacritic race — a hundred-per-cent race (Sir Arthur Keith, Ethnos, 1931). Or if it happened, as I know would be the case, that I should succeed in recognizing only a portion of the Arab soldiers, I should then wish to know the proportion of my successes because that would be an indication of the extent to which Arabs are differentiated from surrounding peoples. Especially should I want to know the peoples that I was most likely to confuse with Arabs, for the extent of my mistakes would be an index of the relationship of the Arab to these other peoples. Not having at my disposal materials for comparison from other countries I made a close examination of the series of Arab soldiers and noted those whom I believed I could recognize as Arabs from their external appearances. Of 223 men there were 122 (54 per cent) whom I believe I could have picked out as Arabs from a cosmopolitan crowd. More especially is it important to note the peoples with whom the Arabs might be confused owing to high degrees of resem- blance. The dominating resemblances I detected in the Iraq soldier series were to men of the Mediterranean type. Two examples of Arabs of the Mediterranean type are reproduced here to illustrate the kind of Arab I have in mind (Nos. 713 or 714, and 500 or 504). In the series of 223 Arabs there were fifty-four whom I thought might be confused with Greeks or South Italians, giving a South European relationship of more than 24 per cent. The next group of aberrant Arabs had resemblances which linked them with peoples of Asia Minor and with Iranis. There were sixteen Arabs in this group, rather upward of 7 per cent. Certain minor relationships of these Arabs with the peoples of Africa and India I shall touch on presently. 14 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ My evidence, as far as it goes, points to the Arab as a branch of the stock which occupies southwestern Asia and southern Europe; he is an imperfectly differentiated member — imperfect in a physical sense — of the great Caucasian stock. In my system of nomenclature, the Arab is a mesodiacritic race, a race differentiated to the extent that from 40 to 60 per cent of its members can be recognized at sight in any cosmopolitan crowd. It was not with the Egyptian or Indian soldier I was most likely to confuse the Arab soldier. The Arab is akin to the South European; among the Iraq soldiers there were 24 per cent who might have passed as Mediterraneans. The Arab also has affinities with certain Asiatic races (7 per cent). Now this result is somewhat surprising in several respects. One would have expected a considerable number of Arabs to have Hamitic features, such as would lead us to confuse them with Egyptians or even with Somalis. In my list only nine Arabs are noted as showing Egyptian resemblances. Recently I had an opportunity to scrutinize Egyptian soldiers drawn up along the streets of Cairo on the occasion of the arrival of a foreign monarch. Most of them were recruits from provinces in the Delta. I came to the conclusion that the nationality of at least 85 per cent of these soldiers could have been recognized at sight. The Egyptian is more sharply differentiated as a racial group than even the Arab, but that is because he is more distantly related to the Caucasian stock than the Arab. Less than 10 per cent of Egyptians could pass undetected were they to enroll in a regiment recruited from a South European (Mediterranean) population. In reality the Arab and the Egyptian are sharply contrasted physical types. We shall return to the nature of the differences when discussing head form and stature. One soldier, No. 522, springs at once to the eye as a Negro. No. 699 is more than half Negro; although his hair is cropped its tufted arrangement is clearly discernible. No. 572 plainly has Negro blood in him also. The Arab cannot be confused with the pure Negro, and yet even in the most representative specimens there are certain Negroid features. Sometimes these are very evident, as in the soldiers numbered 581, 584, 595, 599, 602, 670, 694, 715, 719, 722, 729. Among "these Negroid features which may be counted normal in Arabs are the full, rather everted lips, shortness and width of nose, certain blanks in the bearded areas of the face between the lower lip and chin and on the cheeks; large, luscious, gazelle-like eyes, a dark brown complexion, and a tendency for the hair to grow in ringlets. Often the features of the more Negroid Arabs are derivatives of Dravidian India rather than inheritances of Hamitic Africa. Although the Arab of today is sharply differentiated from the Negro of Africa, yet there must have been a time when both were represented by a single ancestral stock; in no other way can the prevalence of certain Negroid features be accounted for in the natives of Arabia. Since the Arabs occupy a geographical place which lies between the center of the evolution of the Negro type in Africa and the center of differentiation of the Mongol type in Asia, it might be expected that we should find among them Mongolian as well as Negroid traits. This is not the case. Among the 223 INTRODUCTION 15 soldiers in the camp at Hilla only three show traits which could confuse them with the least differentiated Mongolian races. These are Nos. 556, 654, 682. The observer in making his record mentions the Mongolian appearance of No. 682. There is the same absence of Mongolian features in the Kish series of photographs, representing 320 individuals. There is in this series a man (No. 29) whom I should have unhesitatingly recognized as a Southern Chinese, and yet his history points to a pure Arab descent. No. 2 might pass as an American Indian, also No. 380. No. 469 has some Chinese features. No. 28 might come from the neighborhood of Lake Baikal. Thus the affinities of the Arabs lie in the direction of Africa rather than Mongolia. Let me now proceed to discuss another set of features which I noted in my survey of the photographs. They are features which I think most anthropologists would name Armenoid. Among such features I include a peculiarly shaped head, one in which the occiput is flattened, rising steeply from the nape of the neck. The post-auricular length of the head is thus curtailed ; the vault of the head appears lofty and pushed forward. Now this shape of head seems to have been evolved in southwest Asia. It is found in its purest form among peoples who occupy a mountainous tract stretching from the Pamir and the western flanks of the Himalayas to the mountains of Anatolia and along the western shores of the Adriatic. There is good reason for believing that the Armenoid shape of head passes from one generation to the next according to Mendel's law. The Arab belongs to a long-headed race; we may presume, when we find the Armenoid skull in an Arab community, that it represents an importation from the north. Another feature which I have reckoned among Armenoid characters — perhaps with less reason — is convexity of nose. In the Armenoid nose this organ assumes great prominence and there is great development of the nasal bones. An Armenoid or Semitic characterization of the nose is a mark of a certain branch of the Caucasian stock; it is confined to the Armenoid and Semitic stocks. Like the Armenoid head the Armenoid nose was also evolved in southwestern Asia, but the characteristic nose and head do not often occur in the same individual of any race. I cannot draw any reliable distinction which will serve to discriminate the Armenoid nose from the pronounced Semitic nose. Now a pronounced development of nose is very common among Arabs. It is not an imported feature like the Armenoid head, but an original trait shared with many other racial strains of southwest Asia. There never was a race in which all its individuals had pronounced noses any more than there has been one in which all the heads were molded in the Armenoid manner. A race is characterized by the number of its individuals who exhibit such features. After this digression I propose to touch briefly on resemblances to Armenians detected among the individuals photo- graphed by Mr. Field. Among the 223 soldiers I noted sixteen with Armenoid traits; among the 320 Arabs of the Kish area, twenty-eight; about 8 per cent of Arabs show Arme- noid traits. Soldier No. 603 reproduces the Armenoid head, but his features are frankly Arab, and with the Negroid strain more marked than usual. The 16 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Armenoid head form is also recognizable in Nos. 553, 555, 568, 575, 603, 626, 676, 686. Convexity of nose and certain other Armenian traits mav be seen in Nos. 510, 529, 540, 555, 568, 607, 612, 620, 653, 692, 698, 704, 715. Among the Arabs of Kish (320 in number) it would be possible to cite excellent examples of the Armenian type, such as Nos. 26, 134, 142, 144, 243, 245, 273, 393. As to the prevalence of the Armenoid head among the Kish Arabs we shall have a better opportunity of discussion when we come to deal with actual measurements; in the meantime we are dealing only with estimates made from photographic appearances. There is one point that was elicited in the comparison of the soldier series with the Kish Arab series of photographs, which may be most suitably mentioned here. Among the soldiers, 223 in number, I noted only twelve with pronounced nasal development — prominent, long, convex noses — a little over 5 per cent, whereas among the Kish Arabs (320) I noted sixty cases, i.e. more than 18 per cent. This difference is largely attributable to the fact that while the soldiers were less than thirty years of age, many of the Kish Arabs were more than fifty years of age. The nose grows in size relatively and absolutely after middle age. After middle age there are apt to be a loss of teeth and a reduction in the size of the jaws, the nose being thus rendered more prominent. But with the nose, and it is the same with the external ear, growth goes on after middle life. The nose alone is sufficient to give the Arab his place in the Caucasian stock in spite of a brown or dark brown skin. Between the Arab and the Jewish nose it is hard to discriminate in many cases. In the Arab, as in the Jew, the nose is not usually compressed from side to side in the middle of its length; in both there is usually a fullness at the upper part of the bony aperture. Perhaps the most valuable of the photographic records are those taken of the Ba'ij Beduins, thirty-eight in number. Nearly all are in their national costumes so that an unprejudiced recognition of race is not possible. We cannot help noting the frequency with which prominent, convex, elongated noses occur among them. One other valuable service that is rendered by the Beduin series is to illustrate the changes which the typical Arab undergoes from youth to old age. No. 302, M'hssein ibn Hashash, is twenty years of age — an excellent type of the young Arab. His hair is frizzly and reddish brown in color; his eyes are brown. There is a thin mustache on his upper lip, and thin hairs peer out from the point of his chin. The mouth is wide, the lips are quite full and rather thick. The forehead is wide, the face long and oval, the nose long, aquiline, and thick from side to side in the middle of its length; the eyes are full. A still younger stage is seen in Nos. 309 and 323, both being youths eighteen years old. I regard them as typical Arab youths. Then for a later stage of the same representative type I would cite No. 306, a man aged thirty. Note the usual Arab distribution of beard — bare patches on the lower lip between mouth and chin and thin areas on the cheeks. The nose has become more prominent and longer. A later stage is seen in No. 316, an Arab with a full beard and straight nose, a man with Euro- INTRODUCTION 17 pean-like features. Then next to him comes Luti ibn M'Sara, No. 317, reputed to be ninety years of age. One has difficulty in believing that a youth could be like No. 323 at eighteen, then at fifty resemble No. 324, and finally assume the features seen in No. 317. In estimating racial affinities we have to take these age changes into account. I am of the opinion that as the Arab ages he turns more Europeanoid in features. Indeed I find it much harder to discriminate Arab, Egyptian, Hindu, and South European from one another in childhood than in manhood. In discussing age changes I have selected the long-faced, aquiline-nosed Arab as a type. There are thirty-one of the thirty-eight Beduins who may be assigned to this class, the aquiline-nosed, long-faced type. But there is another type in which the features are irregular; especially is the bridge of the nose lacking in high development, leaving a notch at the junction of nose and forehead. The forehead in this group is often expanded and high, the face short. Seven of the thirty- eight Beduins are of this short-faced type. Among the Kish Arabs and es- pecially the Iraq soldiers the short-faced type becomes relatively much more numerous. Among the Ba'ij Beduins the short-faced type occurs to the long- faced in a ratio of 26 : 100; among the Kish Arabs the ratio is 60 : 100; among the soldiers the ratio of short face to long face is 280 : 100. The aristocratic visage predominates among the Beduins; it is still common in the Kish Arab group but is overwhelmed by a more plebeian visage among the Iraq soldiers, unless the effects of shaving, barbering, and military dress have somehow deceived my eye. Let me cite among the Kish population and Iraq soldiers examples of the two types just mentioned. Among the Beduins I have already cited, while discussing age changes, examples of the long-faced, aquiline-nosed type. I may now mention examples of the contrasted type among the Beduins — Nos. 307, 310, 315, 319, 322, 327. Among the Kish Arabs, as illustrative of the long face I would cite as examples Nos. 3, 11, 12, 13, 18, 25, 27, 31, 38, 39, 48, 50, 62, 70, 72, 74, 92, 94, 101, 103, and others. As examples of the short-faced, irregular-featured type, Nos. 1, 4, 9, 23, 28, 44, 45, 46, 69, 87, 90, 93, 95, 96, 102, 104, 168. Among the Iraq soldiers I would cite as Type 1 Nos. 501, 503, 505, 506, 508, 510, 513, 515, 516, 517, 522, 523, 527, 528, 529, 536, 553, 565, and others; as Type 2 Nos. 502, 507, 509, 514, 520, 526, 530, 535, 539, 543, 556, 558, 563, 578, 584, 590, 596, 603, 663, 670, 718. It is among the short-faced, irregular-featured Arabs that one meets with examples reminiscent of the Dravidian of India on the one hand and of the Hamitic types of Africa on the other. Presently I shall have to discuss the origin of such types. It is possible that they represent survivals from an ancient or modern Negroid population of Arabia. In the foregoing pages the photographic records have been submitted to an empirical method of anthropological analysis. I have been seeking to ascertain to what degree the modern people of Iraq have become differentiated from all surrounding peoples, and also with what peoples we are most likely to confuse them. The result of this analysis has been to prove that the races with 18 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ which the Arab is most likely to be confused are those of the Caucasian stock. We must regard the Arab as a member of this stock. Although distinguishable by external appearances from Hamitic and other African races, the Arab is marked by numerous minor Negroid traits. While I have cited many examples of both the long-faced and the short-faced type of Arab, I have not as yet cited examples of the individuals who if regimented with other nationalities, such as Iranian, Greek, or South Italian, might pass as true members of these groups. Let me cite, first, a few examples of Europeanoids from the Beduin series. There is, first, the handsome Arab No. 320; if in European dress his color and the dis- tribution of beard might reveal his race to the expert eye, but I doubt it. Nos. 306, 307, 310, 312, 316, and several others, could, if put into uniform, pass as Euro- peans. Among the Iraq soldiers I should cite Nos. 706, 708, 709, 710, 711, 712, 713, 714, 716 as types which might pass as Europeans. I diagnosed my racial types without referring to birthplace. On reading Mr. Field's notes I found that this string of European-like types came from Baghdad and still farther to the north — Mosul, Kirkuk, and Sulaimaniya. A further analysis revealed the fact that the men in whom I recognized European-like features came pre- dominantly from the northeastern side of the plain — from the north bank of the Tigris and beyond. For example, Amara, Ba'quba, and Basra provided a higher proportion of European-like individuals than those coming from the towns on the Arabian side of the plain, the Euphrates side. Altogether I counted that 54 soldiers, out of a total of 223 (more than 24 per cent), might pass as South Europeans. Examples of these types are Nos. 500, 504, 515, 533, 537, 538, 615, 623, 628, 648, 661, 667, 684. As said before, the experienced traveler takes unconscious notice of a multi- tude of points in coming to a conclusion as to the race and place of any stranger he may chance to meet. There are two characters which weigh with him as of especial importance: the degree to which skin, hair, and eyes are pigmented; also the hair texture. Many Arabs, whose features might be those of a European, cannot pass as Europeans because of their degree of pigmentation. Now Mr. Field has recorded the color of hair and eyes of the various groups of Arabs measured by him. Unfortunately no standard set of colors was used to measure the degrees of pigmentation. There are certainly many Arabs who are not more deeply pigmented than many South Italians. The hair was dark brown or black in 86 per cent of the Beduins of the Kish area and in 98.5 per cent of the Iraq soldiers. There were four of thirty-two Beduins whose hair was light brown or reddish; among the Kish Arabs this group reached 3 per cent, but it formed one and a half per cent of the soldiers. Thus, as a whole, the Arabs are more deeply pigmented than any group of South Europeans. In this feature (pigmentation) they are nearer to the Dravidians of India and the Hamites of Africa than to any European group. As regards eye color there is a considerable difference among the three groups of Arabs included in the anthropological census made by Mr. Field. Those in which the eye (iris) seemed black or dark brown made up 23.7 per cent of the INTRODUCTION 19 Beduins observed, 77.2 per cent of the Kish Arabs, and 86.6 per cent of the Iraq soldiers. Here again the soldiers appear as the most pigmented of the Arabs examined. In eyes reckoned as greenish brown the Beduins had 18.4 per cent, the Kish Arabs 12 per cent, and the soldiers 7.3 per cent. The Beduins with blue brown eyes numbered 58 per cent, the Kish Arabs 8.3 per cent, the soldiers 5.4 per cent. As regards gray brown eyes, none was observed among Beduins, 2.5 per cent among the Kish Arabs and 0.7 per cent among the soldiers. Thus as regards coloring the Beduins in their prevalence of black hair (38 per cent) com- bined with eyes which were of a blue brown shade (58 per cent) differ from all the other Arabs observed. Blackness of hair and blueness of eyes are character- istics met in the darker (Celtic) peoples of western Europe. Whether the Beduin type has been evolved in Arabia by isolation and selective breeding or whether it represents a type evolved to the north of Arabia that has mingled with native blood since its arrival, are matters open to debate. My opinion is that the Arab is a type which has been evolved from the general population of Arabia by selective breeding continued over many generations. But as will be mentioned below, there probably was, before this process of evolution set in, a Caucasian influx from the north. Before proceeding to discuss the anthropological data collected by Mr. Field it is important that we should note the position occupied by Iraq, where the data were obtained, in an ethnological map of the Old World such as that charted by Ratzel. According to this author, Iraq lies on or near an ethnological frontier. To the north, in a mountainous region, lies the home of the Iranians and kindred peoples. In the Iranian group we may include the peoples of Asia Minor (Ottomans, as Ratzel has named them). The whole of Arabia, from the Red Sea to the Persian Gulf and from the Levant to the Indian Ocean, is indicated by Ratzel as the home of the Semites. The Semites are represented as spreading across northern Africa, occupying the southern shores of the Mediterranean. Adjoining Arabia on the west and south, but separated by the Red Sea, is the home of the Hamitic peoples. They occupy a tract of Africa, east of the Nile, which extends from Cairo in the north almost to Zanzibar in the south. Still farther away in the east is India, occupied by a dark-skinned people — Dravidians in the south, Aryo-Dravidians in the north. Now, our object is to discover the relationship of the Arab to these other peoples — to the Hamites, the Dravidians, the Aryo-Dravidians, the Iranians, other Semites, and South Europeans — in short, to all peoples whose skins are brown or even black in color and whose faces are Caucasian in type. Whatever theory we may advance to account for the origin of the Arab it must be one which will explain at the same time the distribution and the types of people found between India in the east and Egypt in the west. We come now to the examination of the physical measurements made by Mr. Field of the Arabs living in the neighborhood of Kish. Our purpose is to ascertain what light these measurements throw on the physical constitution of the Arabian people and on the relationship of the Arab to races both past and 20 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ present. I propose to begin with a consideration of the two measurements made of the head, its length and breadth. We shall consider the three groups taken in this order — Ba'ij Beduins (38), Kish Arabs (398), and Iraq soldiers (231). The Beduins form a very small but a very valuable group, as they are representative of a separate class — the tribal Arab — in contradistinction to the town Arab. The average head length of this group of men of various ages is 191.37 mm, which if we allow 8 mm for flesh would give a skull length of approximately 183 mm — a short skull. The coefficients of variation for each measurement are given in the table (p. 455). The average head width of the Beduin group is 140.24 mm, which with flesh removed and skull dried would give a cranial width of about 130 mm. Thus we must note that the head dimensions are small. The relationship of width to length (cephalic index) of the living head is 73 per cent. If we allow for flesh the index on the skull would be about two points less; namely, 71. Thus the Beduin is both small- and long-headed (dolichocephalic). I am in full agreement with accepted anthropological practice — that averages of measurements with coefficients of variations must be obtained and recorded for the complete group of individuals examined, and if the groups are large enough, as in the case of the Kish Arabs (398) and Iraq soldiers (231), curves must be drawn to represent the distribution of each item of measurement. In averages and in distributional curves we lose sight of the individuals; very different kinds of men have their individuality obscured when included as items in the statements of averages and as units in distributional curves. Hence I have been in the habit, these twenty years past, of using an old-fashioned form of chart for the finer analysis of small racial groups. This form of chart is illustrated here (Chart I). The vertical lines of this chart represent the head length, having a range from 160 to 220 mm, one of 60 mm. The horizontal lines represent head width, beginning at 120 mm and ending at 170 mm, a range of 50 mm. Each individual is entered on the chart at the point where his measurement of head width crosses that of his head length. The "o's" on the chart represent the distribution of the thirty-eight Beduins. Four diagonal lines cross the chart from top left corner to bottom right; they are marked 70, 75, 80, 85. A head falling on the 70-diagonal is one whose width is 70 per cent of its length, and so on with the other lines. The heads which fall between the 75 and 80 lines I name mesocephalic. In most human races this becomes the most crowded compartment of the chart. Heads falling on the 75-line and below the 70-line I name dolicho- cephalic; if on the 70-line or above it, they form an ulira-dolichocephalic group. Heads which fall on the 80-line and above the 85-line I name br achy cephalic, and if on the 85-line or below it I name ultra-br achy cephalic. Now, when we look at the cephalic chart of the Beduins, we see that eight of them are ultra-dolicho- cephalic (with a cephalic index of 70 or less), twenty-one of them are in the dolichocephalic group (70-75), while only seven lie in the mesocephalic group. Two fall in the brachy cephalic group (80-85), but none are ultra-brachycephalic. The mass of the tribesmen fall between the 70 and 75 lines, but the individuals INTRODUCTION 21 who stray away from the main mass are, for students of race, as important as the main mass itself. A long experience in dealing with racial characters has convinced me that the actual dimensions of length and width are more important for the determina- tion of the status of a race than a statement of the cephalic index — the relation of width dimension to length dimension. I have sought to bring out the value of actual dimensions by drawing diagonally in Chart I two lines at right angles mm Head Le.ngrtrh ^c 90 ©> <9 © $ N s, 0 / * t> mm 12.0 ' s 2 , ^t o / / 6 s I / 8 s k, ' O c ) 0 130 / / <. ) Z / ( \ ■4- / / ^ ) 6 \ y ^ N 8$ \ \ / \ s> V J f-\ /40+? V b' u U f> °C *-> c Js P.?, P,C Cv *\ s t ■XJ >1 ] i \ 4$ < if' \ \ V J k j 6V 8o® O P.^ 'N <-> 4- s \ 6 ■ *i \ -N 8 X 160 -0 ^ P. A 7 4- 4 Y 1*1 y \ s 6 fi •)/ v s <& *o a v 7 \ 170 Fig. 1. Chart I. Head length, breadth, and capacity of thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins. cates an individual. Vertical lines indicate length of head; horizontal ones, width of head, entered on chart at point where his length and breadth measurements meet. Each circle indi- Each individual is to the cephalic index lines. One of these (line A) is drawn through the point where the vertical line 188 is crossed by the 140 horizontal. A head falling on this point (188 x 140) would have a skull length of 180 mm and a width of 130 mm — a small head with a capacity of about 1300 cc. All heads falling on this line or above and to the left of it, I count small heads. A curved line, with con- vexity downward and bending to the spectator's left, would give a more truthful result, but such a conventional line as A will serve our present purpose. The second diagonal (B) is drawn through the point which represents a head 198 mm long and 150 mm wide — one which gives a skull 190 by 140 mm — with a 22 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ brain capacity of about 1450 cc. This is not really a large head; the cranial capacity of the average Englishman is 1480 cc. All heads which fall on line B or below it (i.e. to the right of it as seen by the spectator) I count large heads; those which fall between the lines A and B I count heads of intermediate size. When we look at Chart I we see that the Beduins are distributed as follows: large head one; medium, twenty-four; small, thirteen. The Beduins are, compared to Europeans, small-headed and small-brained. We shall see pres- ently how they compare with other groups of Arabs and other races of mankind. If we pursue our analysis of the Beduins according to size and shape of head, they fall into the following groups: Groups According to Cephalic Index -70/ -75/ - /80+ /85 + Totals Heads Small (1300 cc or less) . . . Medium Large (1450 cc or more) . 4 4 0 7 13 1 2 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 13 24 1 Totals 8 21 7 2 0 38 Now the eccentric individuals revealed in Chart I are of as much interest as the average Beduin. We must keep an eye open for exceptionally small- headed individuals. In Chart I a single very narrow-headed individual falls below a third line I have introduced — one which marks heads about 1150 cc in size. In such a group of men it is usual to find two or three rising into the big- headed group; here there is only one, and he reaches only the boundary line. The two round-headed individuals falling between the 80 and 85 lines in the medium-headed group are also of interest. There is in the Beduin only a slight tendency to produce individuals with round heads. About the time Mr. Field was measuring the Arabs of central Iraq, Captain Bertram Thomas spent some months among the Arabs of the south coast, pre- paratory to his daring journey across the southern desert. In Chart II I have plotted observations made by Captain Thomas on thirty-five South Arabs, so as to make clear how markedly the South Arab differs from the North Arab in shape of head. The South Arab is intensely round-headed, while the North Arab is just as intensely long-headed. The facial type, so common among the Beduins of the north, does not occur in the south. But the North and South Arabs are alike in this: both are small-headed, as the following table shows. Small heads Medium heads Large heads Totals 33 2 0 35 13 24 1 38 South Arabs (35) 33 Beduins, North Arabs (38) 13 The South Arabs are smaller-headed than those of the north. Even allowing for the circumstance that the straight line A gives an unfair index of size of brachycephalic heads, the fact still remains that the South Arab is charac- terized not only by roundness of head, but also by smallness of head. A glance INTRODUCTION 23 at Chart II will reveal the fact that, as Dr. Krogman was the first to observe, it is in length not in width of head that the North Arab exceeds his cousin of the south. One suspects that the South Arab has come by his roundness of head not by a swelling in its width, but by a contraction in its length. Chart II brings out very well the extent to which the South Arab, as regards head form, differs from the Arab of the north. Only two of the Beduins cross the 80-line to fall in the brachy cephalic group; only four of the South Arabs mm. 6 1 8< i 9 % > > 1 i ^ b 4 ► & 4 i»/ 2.0 i x i r? • a\ * o i 1 F 1 1' ( f 6* 8«6 F *> S » — -w — « b > i > \ /50« c h 'V <°, ** i 5 s v ' \ -4 • \ £ 6 V v. fl Q0 & /6C n 2 A y v \, + c s. Po 6 n ■y >v % 8 rp /r£ > > A P. * SJI 1 •. +\ \ •j X 6^ »w & \ w *£ ^ \, — \ W~~ 2 4 6 8 N s ■& ieo Sj *w 2 \ 4- 6 . % 1 8 /70 Fig. 4. Chart IV. Head length, breadth, and capacity of fifty Egyptians. Measurements taken and recorded by A. Hrdlicka (Natives of the Khargha Oasis, 1912). For this purpose I used the first fifty men of his series. Now as regards distribution of head size, the Egyptians and the Iraq soldiers are almost identical : INTRODUCTION 27 Small Medium Large heads heads heads Totals Egyptians 18 31 1 50 Iraq soldiers 18 30 2 50 Beduins 13 24 1 38 The prominent feature of the Egyptian array of heads (Chart IV) is its com- pactness. Egyptian heads are grouped along each side of the 75-diagonal, none passing beyond the 70-line on the one side or the 80-line on the other. There is none of the Arab small-headed ultra-narrow-headed individuals; the Arab brachycephalic sports are also missing. There are, in the Egyptian series, one individual who almost sinks into the ultra-small-headed group and one who rises into the large-headed. It may be held that the uniformity of the Khargha Egyptian group is due to inbreeding and that the "outliers" of the Arab group are a result of outbreeding. But it is quite as probable that we have here an exhibition of real inherent traits of both peoples, the Arab having a tendency to vary, to produce sports, the Egyptian to breed true to type. In combining the Beduin and Iraq soldier charts we obtain a distribution of Arab head form and size which is very similar to that shown in the Egyptian chart. The real difference lies in the Arab tendency to produce eccentric forms. Let us now turn to India and compare the head form and size of two peoples of that country with Mr. Field's Arabs. I shall take fifty men of the Chatri caste of the United Provinces to represent the Dravidian element. The fifty examples chosen are from tables in "The Tribes and Castes of Bengal" (II, 1891) by H. H. Risley. In the following table the distribution is shown according to size and shape: CHATRI CASTE (DRAVIDIAN, 50) Groups According to Cephalic Index -70/ -75/ /80+ /85+ Totals Heads Small 4 12 10 1 0 27 Medium 1 17 4 1 0 23 Large 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 5 29 14 2 0 50 Now, the outstanding feature of the Dravidian head is its smallness; in this group of fifty Chatri twenty-seven fall among the small heads; only twenty-three rise into the medium group; not one reaches the upper limit, while three indi- viduals fall on or below the 1150 cc-line. Yet, if we except the degree of smallness, the distribution of head form among the Chatri is not unlike that among the Beduins (Chart I). There are five ultra-dolichocephalic Chatri and two brachycephalic ones. There are reasons, besides the resemblances in head form, which induce us to suppose that Dravidian and Arab have in them an inheritance from a common stock — an inheritance which has been retained more completely by the natives of India than by the people of Arabia. Turning to a group of Aryo-Dravidians, such as is represented in Chart VI (taken from Risley 's measurements), we see that the Pathan distribution 28 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ departs from that shown in Chart V of Dravidians and approaches that shown in Chart III of the Iraq soldiers. The fifty men included in Chart VI were members of the Pathan caste, Punjab. Their average stature is 1687 mm (5 feet 6.4 inches) — rather taller than the Beduins (1683 mm or 5 feet 6.3 inches), the Kish Arabs (1677 mm or 5 feet 6 inches), and the Egyptians of the Khargha Oasis (5 feet 5.5 inches), but shorter than the average of the soldiers of the Iraq army measured by Mr. Field. The average stature of the soldiers is 1725.6 mm oj t "> < > K k 6< v ►Is I *w- S N 8% /40^ •■ *^i * \ \? ■•- N ► f 2$ i p-* < ► • ► < ► -fTI 4 > •t (5«3 % f /SO rb \ \ 2 - \ w \ -4 6 B c°. > + ± 1 ji ► % 9 6-q 8 •4 > '• • 4 » 2^ "h w ^ 6 8 • '60 Qo -- 2 n ^ 4 y ,< i ^r £ A y S. n]^v8CD$(\)^voQo£(qi'ftaY'ooo^nt^'a ** ^T ' > * 6^ 4 > 3% 4 > i ► V ' 4 > (50^ o 2 4- 6 tf /6 2 V V -4 6 * *o 8 /7tf _£1 Fig. 9. Chart IX. Head length, breadth, and capacity of fifty Kish Arabs (Nos. 1-50) from camp of Sheikh Miniehil. We are struck, first, by the number of very small heads; three fall below the 1150 cc-line. Only one reaches the 1450 cc-limit. There are no ultra-doli- chocephals; there are six on or beyond the 80-line; most fall on either side of the 75-line. The next group also comes from the camp of Sheikh Miniehil (Nos. 100-149). A somewhat more compact group than the last; there is only one very small head; not one reaches the highest standard; there are two small-headed ultra- dolichocephals; and none of the five brachycephals reaches the 85-line. 34 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ When classified the men in this group fall into the following classes: KISH ARABS (Nos. 100-149) Heads Small... Medium . Large . . . Groups According to Cephalic Index -70/ -75/ /80+ /85+ Totals 2 8 13 3 0 26 0 10 12 2 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals. 18 25 8 CM t <0 00 £ f\j He-ad. Length, <\J ^^oo 0 a. Fig. 10. Chart X. Head length, breadth, and capacity of fifty Kish Arabs (Nos. 100-149) from camp of Sheikh Miniehil. The next group of Arabs (Nos. 200-249) is from other camps, that of Sheikh Swadi and that of Sayyid Ruda. They are larger-headed men than those of the two last groups; there is no very small head; four rise into the large-headed group. There are three ultra-dolichocephals and four brachycephals, but the latter fall just over the 80-line. This I look on as the chart which is most representative of the head of the Arab as regards size and shape. When classified the following is the result: INTRODUCTION 35 KISH ARABS (Nos. 200-249) Groups According to Cephalic Index Heads Small Medium . . . Large Totals. -70/ -75/ /80+ /85+ Totals 2 1 0 11 1 13 2 1 2 1 0 0 0 20 23 19 27 4 50 mm g ^<©Q0 § no V 9 1 ?, \ 3 \l 1*1 1 t 1 If 5 A S v 5 ^ f> 7 q fl f > 9 c in '40 0 i t ! p, p< i hi 1 rJ\ ? Hi tf L ?> w t 0^ $C 4 «S S f 0 fi h <$) rt 1 j 7 8 c 1 Ay 9 w 1 \ ?. ,7 4 5 (^ 7 fl fh Solotiers Fig. 13. Chart XIII. Minimal frontal width and maximal head width in three groups of Arabs: thirty-eight Beduins, fifty Kish Arabs (Nos. 1-50) and fifty Iraq soldiers (Nos. 500-549). Three diagonal lines divide the individuals plotted into four groups: (1) where the forehead is less than 75 per cent of width of head; (2) where less than 80 per cent, but 75 per cent or more, and so on. unexpected predominance of width of forehead. Not one forehead falls into the lowest group, twelve rise into the highest; only two soldiers have "narrow" fore- heads, while thirty-six have wide ones. I think it unlikely that there can be this difference between the soldier and other groups. The soldiers have their hair 40 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ cropped and their foreheads exposed. I suspect that surface markings then appear different in the soldiers. Yet, as I shall have to remark later, the soldier class is differentiated from the other Arab groups by many features besides great width of forehead. Now, one may justifiably suppose that there are races with heads relatively wide in front and relatively narrow farther back; or the opposite may occur, narrow foreheads and wide hinder heads. Let us see how the Beduins stand in this respect. The following table shows distribution of forehead width: BEDUINS (38) Minimal Frontal Width Greatest head width ^10° /wo^no /no^120 /120+ Totals /120-/130 0 2 1 0 3 /130-/140 0 7 5 0 12 /140-/150 0 10 10 1 21 /150+ 0 0 2 0 2 Totals 0 19 18 1 38 Note: 120- 130=head widths 120 mm in width or more but less than 130 mm; 130- 140=head widths 130 mm or more but less than 140 mm; and so on. There is a correlation between width of forehead and greatest width of head, capable, no doubt, of exact mathematical expression; but it serves my present purpose sufficiently well to point out that of the fifteen Beduins with a head width less than 140 mm nine had narrow foreheads, six had wide; of the twenty- three with head widths more than 140 mm ten had narrow foreheads and thirteen had wide (one very wide). Let us now tabulate fifty Kish Arabs in the same way. KISH A lRABS (Nos. , 1-50) Minimal Frontal Width Greatest head width -/100 /100-/110 /110-/120 /120 + Tota /120-/130 /130-/140 /140-/150 /150+ 0 3 0 0 1 11 19 0 0 1 13 1 0 0 0 1 1 15 32 2 Totals 3 31 15 1 50 Of the sixteen men with width of head less than 140 mm fifteen have narrow or very narrow foreheads — a result very different from that found in the Beduins. Of the thirty-four men with heads 140 mm or more in width, nineteen have narrow foreheads, fifteen have wide foreheads, in one case very wide. Here again the result is not the same as yielded by the Beduins. Although there are relatively more wide heads among the Kish Arabs, a narrow forehead is much more common among them. The degree of difference is almost masked in the fronto-parietal index, the frontal width being 78.57 per cent of the parietal in the Kish Arabs INTRODUCTION 41 and 79.29 per cent in the Beduins, a difference of 0.72 per cent. In the Iraq soldiers the forehead measures 79.28 per cent of the greatest width, 0.01 per cent less than in the Beduins. The classes among the Iraq soldiers are as follows (see also Chart XIII) : IRAQ SOLDIERS (Nos. 500-549) Minimal Frontal Width Greatest head width -/10° /10°- S rron.ta.l Width. O Cna.f-1'i, • Pa.tna.ri Fig. 14. Chart XIV. Minimal frontal width (vertical lines) and maximal head width (horizontal lines) in fifty men of Chatri caste, United Provinces, and fifty men of Pathan caste, Punjab. wide forehead. The correlation of width of forehead with maximal width of head is very different in these two races. In Chart XIV are reproduced the frontal and maximal head widths of fifty men of the Pathan caste (Aryo-Dravidian) as well as fifty of a Dravidian people (Chatri). The classification of the Pathans is as follows: INTRODUCTION 43 PATHAN CASTE (ARYO-DRAVIDIAN, 50) Minimal Frontal Width Greatest head width "Z100 Z100^110 Z110^120 /120+ Totals /120-/130 0 0 0 0 0 /130-/140 0 5 5 0 10 /140-/150 0 15 19 2 36 /150+ 0 0 3 14 Totals 0 20 27 3 50 How markedly the Pathan and Chatri differ in width of forehead is seen from the fact that only two of the fifty Chatri have a wide forehead, while thirty of the Pathans have wide foreheads, three being very wide. The difference is also brought out in Chart XIV by the numbers falling below the 75-diagonal. They represent individuals with foreheads which are less than 75 per cent of the total width of head. Thirty -two Chatri of the fifty fall in this low class, while only eleven of the fifty Pathans keep them company. On the other hand nine Pathans rise above the 80-diagonal line, but only one Chatri. Among the Kish Arabs (see p. 40; Chart XIII) sixteen had wide foreheads. Here as in the diameters of the head, there is a resemblance between the Arabs of central Iraq and the Aryo-Dra vidian peoples of India. The prevalence of narrowness of forehead in the Kish Arabs is probably due to the survival among them of Dravidian influences. The racial traits with which we have been dealing relate to the cranial or brain-containing part of the head. In our judgment of races we are influenced by facial traits far more than by shape and size of head. And of all the facial traits perhaps the shape and size and other characteristics of the nose claim our chief attention. To introduce Mr. Field's data relating to the nose, its length and width (alar width) as measured in the living face, I propose to refer first to a race in which the nose is wonderfully uniform in size and shape, the Egyptian. In Chart XV are set out the length and width of the noses of fifty Egyptians of the Khargha Oasis measured by A. Hrdlicka. In this chart the nose is divided into four classes as regards width : (1) noses less than 30 mm in width (represented by -/SO), which are very narrow; (2) noses 30 mm in width but less than 36 mm (/30-/36), which may be named the medium narrow class; (3) noses 36 mm in width, but less than 42 mm (/36-/42), medium wide noses; (4) wide noses 42 mm in width and more (/42+). As regards length, those less than 50 mm are counted short; 50 mm but less than 60 mm in length are counted of medium length, while those which are 60 mm and more form the long group. When the fifty Egyptian noses are classified, we obtain the following groups: EGYPTIANS (50) Nasal Width Nasal length "/80 /3°-/36 /36-/42 /42+ Totals Short, -/50 0 8 17 3 28 Medium, /50-/60. 1 3 16 2 22 Long, /60+ 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 1 11 33 5 50 44 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Of this series of fifty Egyptians twenty-eight have short noses, twenty- two have noses of medium length; none has a long nose. As regards width, one is narrow, eleven are moderately narrow, thirty-three moderately wide, and five very wide. Thirty-three individuals fall into two classes, the moderately wide and short (seventeen), and the moderately wide and moderately long CM ^ Wi&irh. of Nose 0] K) ^"O^s NCOC^o^/rz/Ti. <0 39 \ V 4-Q V 1 \ * k 2 > s 3 t i s. 4- ^ t X 5 ",.N i \ 1 1 1 6 1 1 SI i i 7 >-^>- S s i \if t m 9 \ d% i*i ilf'tS ■Jfc ^° M \ i N 1 1 / <0 1 • ^ v > % t % k 1 f £> — < r \ \.i i ' H F . < 3 tl \ V * i > J •5 f4 % t 6 -C 7\ 8 to t ' h g nI s. ^ 60 V !v / \ X 2 ^ V- 3 ^ 4- \ ° 5 ^ 6 7 8 S 9 \ -i. 70 Fig. 15. Chart XV. Nasal width (vertical lines) and length (horizontal lines) Khargha Oasis, measured by A. Hrdlicka. Diagonal lines indicate percentage of nasal of fifty Egyptians of width to nasal length. (sixteen). Only one individual has a nose in which the width is less than 60 per cent of the length; fourteen have noses with an alar width of 80 per cent of the length or more (see Chart XV). The Egyptian nose we may look upon as charac- teristic of a Hamitic people. The mean length of the nose of the Khargha Egyptian was 49 mm, its mean width 37.3 mm, the width being 76.3 per cent of the length. INTRODUCTION 45 Let us now turn to the Arab nose, taking first a group of Kish Arabs (Nos. 1-50). How different the dimensions of the Arab nose are from those of the Egyptian will be seen at once if Chart XV is compared with Chart XVI. When classified according to dimensions of nose the fifty Kish Arabs fall into the following groups: KISH ARABS (Nos. 1-50) Nasal Width -/30 /30-/36 /36-/42 /42+ Totals Nasal length Short, -/50 13 0 0 4 Medium, /50-/60... ., . . 4 16 10 0 30 Long, /60+ 1 10 5 0 16 Totals 6 29 15 0 50 Among the fifty Arabs there are six with very narrow noses (less than 30 mm in width), whereas among the Egyptians there is but one. Among the Arabs there is none with a very wide nose (42 mm and more); among the Egyptians there are five. Among the Arabs twenty-nine have moderately narrow noses, fifteen moderately wide ones; these proportions are reversed in the Egyptians. Only six Egyptians fall below the 70-diagonal (Chart XV), while below this mark fall forty-six of the Arabs. Six of the Arabs have noses with an index of 50 or less; fourteen of the Egyptians have an index of 80 or more. As regards length of nose, the difference is even more marked. Among the fifty Arabs there are sixteen with long noses (60 mm or more) ; among the Egyptians there is not one. Twenty-eight Egyptians have short noses, while only four Arabs have them. Nasal development is an Arab character. Let us now turn to the thirty-eight Beduins. Their nasal chart is given below (Chart XVII). Compare this chart with that of the Egyptian nose (Chart XV), or with that of the Kish Arabs (Chart XVI). Among the Beduins there are no very narrow noses, whereas there are six in the Kish Arab group. There is one Beduin with a nose surprisingly long and wide, the only very wide nose in the Beduin group. Among the Beduins there is not a single short nose; there are four short noses in the Kish group. The prominent feature of the Beduin nose is its length; twenty-two fall into the long group, sixteen into the intermediate group. The proportions are reversed among the Kish Arabs. Among the Beduins are three with an index less than 50 and two with an index of 70 or more. The average nasal dimensions in Mr. Field's three groups of Arabs are: External nasal Nasal (alar) Nasal length width index Beduins 60.45 35.16 58.4 Kish Arabs 58.33 35.32 61.2 Iraq soldiers 56.85 34.53 61.1 The average length of nose is greatest in the Beduins, least in the Iraq soldiers; the width of nose is least among the soldiers, greatest among the Kish 46 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Arabs. We have previously had reason to suspect the retention of a Dravidian element among the Kish Arabs, which is here indicated by individuals with noses of more than average width. /n rn. CM WLcfirh. oPNose • m, rrt -40 Fig. 16. (Nos. 1-50). Chart XVI. Nasal length (horizontal lines) and width (vertical lines) of fifty BA'IJ BEDUINS (38) Nasal length Short, -/50 Medium, /50-/60. Long, /60+ Totals -/30 0 0 0 Nasal Width /30-/36 /36-/42 0 13 9 22 0 3 12 15 /42 + 0 0 1 Totals 0 16 22 38 INTRODUCTION 47 As the group of Kish Arabs charted above (Chart XVI, Nos. 1-50) was found to differ somewhat from other groups in head dimensions, I charted another WLcLirh. of Nose. m m. f*l mm Fig. 17. Chart XVII. Nasal length (horizontal lines) and width (vertical lines) of thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins. group of Kish Arabs, Nos. 101-150 (Chart XVIII). When the second series of Kish Arabs is classified according to nasal dimensions we obtain these groups: KISH ARABS (Nos. 101-150) Nasal Width Nasal length Short, -/50 Medium, /50-/60. Long,/60+ Totals -/30 /30-/36 /36-/42 /42 + Totals 0 0 0 0 10 6 0 15 16 0 0 0 16 3 34 25 22 50 48 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ The very short-nosed and very narrow-nosed individual, which occurred in Group I, is here absent. Indeed, the nasal chart of the second group is almost the same as the chart of the Beduin group. There is a greater dispersion in the first group of Kish Arabs; in it six individuals had an index of 50 or less, four of 01 m 01 r> t *. •4- 5 6 7 8 9 50 / 4 2 f >-■> •5 U 1 ^ 0 5 * g i f J H 1 6 ^ 0 0 s J: 6(9 ft) \-±i ' r V ^ \ />» 1 V 2 \ C5 1 f— > L. 1 -4 \ w 1 H s t i \. | f i ► e % w V f 7 \ , i >- -1 \l 1 e \, t 1 -A 9 V 70 / ^> 1 \ <¥> Z tt ] ros. Fig 10 18 I 1 . < 50). 3ha rt : KV III. N as; 1 le Dgt h (1 lori ton tal lin< *) MM wi ith (v< >rti :al ine s) ( f tl 'ty Kis 1 Arabs 70 or more; in the second group the corresponding numbers of such individuals are two and one. The Iraq soldier surprised us by his width of forehead; there was also in him a greater tendency to brachycephaly than among the Kish Arabs. We will now see that the average length of the soldier's nose is less and the width less than in other Arab groups. In Chart XIX the nasal dimensions of fifty men (Nos. 500-549) are set out. When classified according to these dimensions, the following is the result: Nasal length Short, -/50 Medium, /50-/6C Long, /60+ Totals mm OJ to > INTRODUCTION IRAQ SOLDIERS (Nos. 500-549) Nasal Width -/30 /30-/36 /36-/42 /42 + 0 0 0 0 0 21 19 1 0 5 4 0 0 26 23 1 WLdt-h. o/= Nose CUK3^1o$>^CV]t0^tO^KC0 d O 49 Totals 0 41 9 50 s m m -40 \ 1 s v 2 V 3 4- ^V 5 \ 6 \ 7 > 8 \ 9 \ 50 \ \ \ 1 *> v ^ \ 1 V \ C) 2 0 \ • > \ > 3* 4 • K <\ *% t \ -« > II 1 r \ k 4 i u 5 ^ t • i s • •" 6 fc —^ t -H V '« > 7 ** 7 c: t \ i ► 1 4 \ % ' \ t 1 1 \ t i P > s„ 9^ % t \ \ 60 $> / g > 2 i 1 * f t w 3 ^ i ^ < f 5 6 < t o 7 % fc 8 V 2 N 70 Fig. 19. Chart XIX. Nasal length (horizontal lines) and width (vertical lines) of fifty Iraq soldiers (Nos. 500-549). The noses of the soldiers are predominantly medium in length; there are no short noses. There are forty-one of intermediate length and nine long noses; in the other Arab groups long noses tend to predominate. Nor are there among the soldiers any very narrow noses and there is only one very wide one. Not a soldier has a nose under the 50-diagonal, but there are seven on the 70-diagonal 50 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ or above it. The rise in nasal index among the soldiers is not due to an increase of breadth but a decrease of length. The striking feature of Chart XIX is the compactness of the array, so different from other Arab groups. The difference is such that one is tempted to suppose that the soldiers are not recruited from the Arabs represented in the camps around Kish or in Beduin tents. The population pi "0 * io vQ N 00 6* "■* CM 10 t (0 CO N Oq 61 ^» (U 10 t •0 ifi NOO ®> to 1 — mm. 38 9 \ ' -40 / jt 2 I k <3 f 1 * 1 •f < r -4 i 5 ^ k 6 i K; A v 9 7 1 5 1 S A 1 i 9 V 50 7 0 a * 1 W g n -i | S.I k 3 i 1 f \fl 0 5" <• 6^ 8 9 60 % 1 2 ■3 <4- 5 6 J. o 7 5 \ % 8 9 7(? ca? te, Vn ted ( Pr 'ha jvii 1 > ice: .X. (a N rter asa Kir ley Dgt h ior zor tai lin - am : v •dt" ' -i-rt teal lii es) of :::': r m en jf Chatri of Baghdad and of the lower towns on the north bank of the Euphrates has been fed, for a long time, by artisans drawn from populations other than the natives of Iraq. If soldiers were drawn mostly from town populations, especially those of the northeast, one could understand their wider foreheads and shorter, narrower noses. As one has reason to suspect an evolutionary kinship of the Arab with the native races of India, we shall compare very briefly the Arab nose with that of INTRODUCTION 51 groups of Indian people chosen to represent the Dravidian type (fifty men of the Chatri caste, United Provinces, and the Aryo-Dravidian type (fifty men of the Pathan caste, Punjab). Chart XX represents the Chatri (Dravidian) nose. When classified we get the following groups: CHATRI CASTE (DRAVIDIAN, 50) Nasal Width -/30 /30-/36 /36-/42 /42 + Totals Nasal length Short, -/50 Medium, / 50-/60. Long, /60+ 1 0 0 16 7 0 16 9 0 0 1 0 33 17 0 Totals 1 23 25 1 50 Among the Chatri there are no long noses; we have had to heighten the scale of Chart XX to bring in the noses which fall below 40 mm in length. There are thirty-three short noses and seventeen of medium length. The grouping is much the same as among the Egyptians save as regards three points: there are more noses of moderate length and of more than moderate width among the Egyptians; among the Egyptians there are five men with extremely wide noses (42 mm or more), whereas among the Chatri there is only one; eighteen of the Chatri have a nasal index of 80 or more, only one having an index below 60. The Arab did not get his long nose from either Egypt or India. In Chart XXI are set out the nasal dimensions of the Pathans (fifty men), and, when classified according to these dimensions, we obtain the following groups: PATHAN CASTE (ARYO-DRAVIDIAN, 50) Nasal Width -/30 /30-/36 /3S-/42 /42+ Totals Nasal length Short, -/50 0 13 6 Medium, /50-/60. 0 27 4 Long, /60 + 0 0 0 0 19 0 31 0 0 Totals 0 40 10 0 50 The Pathans are regarded as Aryo-Dravidians, Aryan blood leading to lengthening and narrowing of the nose. Only one Pathan has a nasal index of 80 or more, and only one of 60 or less. The Pathan array is very compact. Neither in this group nor in the last were there noses both narrow and long; among the Pathans there is no very wide nose. The Pathans differ from the Chatri in having thirty-one noses of moderate length and only nineteen short, whereas the Chatri reversed the proportions, thirty-three short and seventeen of medium length. As regards width, among the Chatri moderately narrow and moderately wide noses were almost equally common, whereas among the Pathans the moderately narrow nose predominates. The Pathan nose is a step nearer to the Arab nose than is the Dravidian or Egyptian, but we have to 52 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ go to the Northwest Frontier Provinces of India to find people who begin to rival the Arab in development of nose. The great nose is a Caucasian feature, and in spite of Negroid traits, pigmented skin, sparse development of beard, thick lips, and other features, the Arab has this Caucasian feature developed to its rnn%. CM t<2 WiaH-H oF A/ose Fig. 21. Chart Pathan caste, Punjab XXI. Nasal length (horizontal (after Risley). lines) and width (vertical lines) of fifty men of highest extent. One has reason to suppose that great nasal development is often associated with marked individuality of character. Among eastern peoples distributed in the southwestern part of Asia from the Pamir to Asia Minor, there occurs a type of face which seizes upon the attention of the student of human races. People with this type of countenance are sometimes described as "ram-faced"; the upper face carrying the nose is INTRODUCTION 53 long, while the mandibular part of the face is short. There are "ram-faced" Arabs, and it will be of interest to ascertain how often this type occurs in Mr. Field's various groups. We shall come by the prevalence of the type by com- paring the upper face height or length with the total (naso-mandibular) length Upper F~ac0 ^ ^ mm \ 1 V \ \ 9 \ s ■4 \ 5 \ i » i k s. 6 * i i \ 7 i k \ 8 f t \ 4Z \ \, //£ > % t (20 nl i \ t 1 n1 f ' \ 2 i 1 \ f J < t i 1 i \ 4 1 4 " .5 \ ^ 6 7 N S^ 8 \ 1 \ 9 \ /30 Fig. 22. Chart XXII. Upper face length (vertical lines) and total face length (horizontal lines) of thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins. The diagonal lines indicate proportion of upper face length to total face length. or height of the face. That the "ram-face" occurs more frequently in some of Mr. Field's groups than in others is evident when we examine his averages. Upper face Total face length length mm mm Beduins 73.63 117.2 Kish Arabs.... 72.97 119.8 Iraq soldiers ... 73 . 88 120 . 92 Total face Relative face width Total face index mm index 62.82 128.5 91.4 60.91 129.5 92.73 61.10 133.85 90.5 54 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ The Beduins have the shortest faces, the soldiers the longest; nevertheless, the upper face of the Beduin is very little shorter than that of the soldier. There- fore we should expect the "ram-face" to occur more frequently among Beduins than among the Arab soldiers. In fact, the soldiers are much bigger-faced than either Beduin or Kish Arab; the soldier's face on the average is 5.4 mm wider than the Beduin face. The total length of the face of the Kish Arab is greater than that of the Beduin, but as regards the upper (or nasal) part of the face, the Beduin has the higher measurement. In the averages the individual types are obliterated. We can elicit the occurrence of various types only by a process of graphic analysis such as I have been employing in connection with other features. We shall find that each group of Arabs has its prevalent types; the occurrence of group types is evidence, I think, of local evolution. As the Beduins promise to provide us with the most characteristic Arab face form, let us study this group first. In Chart XXII each has been plotted according to the upper length and total length of face. As regards upper face length I use four groups: short, less than 64 mm (— /64) ; moderately short, 64 mm and more but less than 70 mm (/64-/70); moderately long (/70-/76); and long (/76+). As regards total length of face I also use four divisions: short faces, less than 110 mm (-/110) ; faces moderately short, 110 mm and more but less than 120 mm (/110-/120) ; moderately long faces (/120-/130) ; long faces (/130+). When grouped by this system, the Beduins fall into the following classes: BA'IJ BEDUINS (38) Upper Face Length -764 /64-/70 /70-/76 /76+ Totals Total face length -/HO 0 10 3 4 /110-/120 0 4 8 8 20 /120-/130 0 2 8 4 14 /130+ 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 0 7 16 15 38 Here we have twenty-four men who are short-faced (less than 120 mm), yet nineteen have long upper faces, i.e. tend toward the "ram" type of visage. Or we may state the matter in another way; fourteen of the thirty-eight have upper faces which are 60 per cent or less of the total face length, while four have faces in which the index is 70 or more. The latter represent the "ram-faced" type. Among the Beduins there is not a single man who has a short upper face, but there are four with short total faces. Very remarkable is the number with very long upper faces (fifteen). Among the Beduins there occur sports — a very short- faced man (upper and total) and a very long-faced man (upper and total) ; see Chart XXII. The eccentric individual is perhaps more interesting than the average man. In Chart XXIII the facial dimensions of a group of Kish Arabs are displayed. When compared with Chart XXII, there is seen to be a greater degree of dis- persion or scattering, as is apparent in the following table: INTRODUCTION 55 Total face length -/HO /110-/120 /120-/130 /130 + KISH ARABS (Nos. 1-51) Upper Face Length -/64 0 2 0 0 /64-/70 1 9 4 0 /70-/76 1 5 12 3 /76 + 1 1 7 4 Totals 3 17 23 7 Totals. 14 21 13 50 mm Upper Face Length K 00 oj to ^ iQ/n/ra /03 Fig. 23. Chart XXIII. Upper face length (vertical lines) and total face length (horizontal lines) of fifty Kish Arabs (Nos. 1-51). 56 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Here extremes are represented more freely than among the Beduins; there are two men with very short upper face lengths and three other men with very short total face lengths. Whereas among the Beduins there were twenty-four rrt m •a <0 (\jK)^lOtOK0O<5*Q OJ \f) x*. to <£ SOO mm. /05 Fig. 24. Chart XXIV. Kish Arabs (Nos. 101-150). Upper face length (vertical lines) and total face length (horizontal lines) of fifty men the length of whose faces fell below the 120 mm mark, yet nineteen of them had long upper faces (70 mm or more). In this group of Kish Arabs, out of the twenty short-faced men there are only eight who have long upper faces. The "ram-faced" type is much less common than among the Beduins. In seven of this group of Arabs the face was very long (more than 130 mm) ; not one Beduin entered this class. Thirty-one of the thirty-eight Beduin Arabs had INTRODUCTION 57 long upper faces (70 mm or more); thirty-four of this group of fifty Kish Arabs had faces 70 mm in length or more. The most remarkable feature of this group is seen in Chart XXIII; twenty-nine of the fifty had upper faces which were 60 per cent of the total face, or less; only one man rose above the 70 mark. We shall meet no other group of Arabs showing such strange faces and noses. A second group of Kish Arabs, set out in Chart XXIV, has much the same dispersion as the last group, save that there are fewer individuals with such exceptional facial characteristics. A remarkable difference between the two samples lies in the grouping as regards the diagonal divisions (cf. Charts XXIII, XXIV). Twenty-nine men of the first group fell on or below the 60-diagonal; here there are seventeen. When the second group is classified, we see how the various compartments are filled : KISH ARABS (Nos. 101-150) Upper Face Length Total face length "/64 /64-/70 Z70^76 /76+ Tota,s -/no oooii /110-/120 0 4 6 5 15 /120-/130 0 0 11 17 28 /130 + 0 0 15 6 Totals 0 4 18 28 50 In this group there is not a single very short upper face length and only one very short total face length. Of sixteen men who have a short total face length (less than 120 mm) twelve have long upper faces. Indeed in this group the "ram- face" is very prevalent. Twenty-eight men have an upper face length of 76 mm or more, and yet of the fifty only six have a long total face, 130 mm or more. I have charted a third group of Kish Arabs to ascertain the degree of varia- tion of type of face from group to group. The result, as regards this third group, is shown in Chart XXV, and in the following table: KISH ARABS (Nos. 200-251) Upper Face Length Total face length " 64 64-/70 '70"/76 76+ Totals -/HO 0 110 2 /110-/120 2 13 11 0 26 /120-/130 0 6 9 5 20 /130+ 0 0 0 2 2 Totals 2 20 21 7 50 In this third group we obtain a dispersion in the Chart (XXV) very similar to that of the first group (Chart XXIII). There is the same preponderance of individuals on and below the 60-diagonal, the same absence of the relatively long upper face; not an individual in this third group reaches the 70-diagonal. 58 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ There are, in the third group, the same number of eccentric individuals, two men with very short upper faces and two other men with shortness of the total face. As in the first group, too, the individuals with moderately long upper faces (/70-/76 mm) are much more numerous than those possessing very long upper mm *0 vo N 00 O, O Upper- Face Lengrf-h. CVJ 10 ^t lr>C£>NCOo\CU>0^10^>^to<^0 N CO e be 7 o 8 -J te.o8 / 2 iy 3t 5 6 7 8 9 mo I 2 3 3 6 Fig. 25. Chart XXV. Upper face length (vertical lines) and total face length (horizontal lines) of fifty Kish Arabs (Nos. 200-251). faces (/76+), whereas in the second group of Kish Arabs long upper faces were in preponderance. Among the Beduins moderately long and long upper faces occurred in almost equal numbers. In this third group, of twenty-eight men whose total face lengths were less than 120 mm, only twelve had a long upper face (more than 70 mm). In this group there can be few of the "ram-faced" type. (\1 fO ^ mm. J02 3 5 6 7 8 9 // \5 l _ V \ S \ ^ ^ v^ ^ \ _il |u> .JS X X h>- Ah* X V S cX X V H^r H- V S S"° s S it K K HA v4X \ \ \i » \ 1 1 i > \ v hX v V K^ V -\-<>- HI 1» i>- -A Hr- K I \ \ 1 k Ik \ ^ ^K-HK ^ V HhV S& 5 V v v Sh V 3 ' ^ S -V X Hh-- V £ V \ V V° t$ \ \- V JL 3 - -IE INTRODUCTION 59 We have already found that the Iraq soldier departs in many points from the standard of the Kish Arab. We have seen that in his upper face length, his mm S 00 <^ O >0 VQ Upper r~ace. L-encrt-h. C\lK5^^^Koo^S (\J 10 ^ ^ ^ m*n. /OZ \ \ 3 < \ \ <4- \ V \ 3 \ 4 k \ N 6 \ 1 P \ *> 7 \ k v \ 8 1 v \ 9 \ V I //o ^ j \ / ^1 2 1 * i l 3 i 1 1 p f -f ' 1 1 i 4 ► ^ i 3" % 1 i ^ ' 71- \i k I 4 V p i \ \< 9 t i t \ \\ \ a> \' s 4 i i t ][ g u \ % \ 1 2- o /20^, \ 4 k L i 4 k\ \ / o < > f \ > 2lS° \ t ' & 4 ,\ V P \ 3^ 1 » « ' V 1 k *.E 1 f S* L m fc\ \ 7 i 4 y- 8 ' i\ ^ •]• ^ ■9- ^ " s \ A \ 1 ^ w S 6^ \( s > \ ► * S *4° i }\ •T % • 1 \ v. A5(P,° A N s K 2 w 4- 4 i t° 6 8 i > \ 14-0 \ 2 i 4 % 6 i 8 150 Fig. 30. Chart XXX. Total face length (naso-mandibular) and total face width (bizygomatic) of fifty Kish Arabs (Nos. 100-150). massiveness of face — a face both long and wide. In the first group there were seventeen in whom the face length was equal to the face width or more; in this, the second group, there are but four. To find so great a local or group difference seems to me an evolutionary fact of great importance. This group differs as much from the Beduin group as from the first group of Kish Arabs. In the second group the spread is great, but in the first it was toward narrowness and shortness, here toward width and length of face, as in the Iraq soldiers. The table gives the following classification of the faces: 66 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ KISH ARABS (Nos. 100-150) Total Face Width -/125 /125-/135 /135 + Totals Total face length Short, -/115 Medium, /115- Long, /125+. Totals -/125.. Total 1 4 2 19 0 12 3 35 Width. oF F~a.ce !0 ^ 03 0 4 8 12 ^ ^0 00 % 5 25 20 50 (VI XJ V© oo mm 90 \ s 2 -4- 6 8 /OO 2 • 4- 6 i » 8 vol 2 ,~1 ^ w < ► • 4 il H * < -9 ^ V | \ 6 o 8 < • v S(J If ' '2° to 2* iir i 4> 1 '• *\ fo JL< > i > ' > 4 -K i fc a V • \ tm X '\ 6 N, V 4 i \ ^ /30Q % > ^ k N v, 2^ s \ -4 4 ► *0 6 8 140 \ 2 4- % 6 8 /SO Fig. 31. Chart XXXI. Total face length (naso-mandibular) and total face width (bizygomatic) of fifty Kish Arabs (Nos. 201-250). As the second group of Kish Arabs (Nos. 100-150) gave a variety of face forms so different from that encountered in the first group of Kish Arabs (Nos. 1-50), I took a third group (Nos. 201-250). The distribution of the facial forms of this third group is shown in Chart XXXI and its classification is as follows: INTRODUCTION 67 KISH ARABS (Nos. 201-250) Total Face Width -125/ /125-/135 /135+ Totals Total face length Short, -/115 2 6 6 14 Medium, /115-/125.. 4 16 12 32 Long, /125+ 112 4 Totals 7 23 20 50 In the second group (Nos. 100-150) there were twenty Arabs with long faces and only twelve who had wide faces. Here the proportions are reversed; there are only four individuals with long faces, while twenty people are in the wide-faced classes. In group one (Nos. 1-50) there were thirty-two Arabs with narrow faces; here there are only seven. The present group (Chart XXXI) is in several respects intermediate to the groups shown in Charts XXVII (Beduins), XXVIII (Kish Arabs), and XXX (Kish Arabs). To me the occurrence of such groups, varying as regards dimensions of face, is of high interest. I do not think they are the result of random sampling, but represent local evolutionary speciali- zation. The one point which is demonstrated is the extreme variability of the Arab as regards relative and absolute dimensions of face. And yet, in spite of this variability, expert travelers are able to recognize the Arab at sight. The interpretation of the distributional curves which have been constructed from this data I must leave to those who have the necessary mathematical equipment. For my part I never like to lose sight of the individuals during the process of analysis; hence my adoption of graphic forms such as the charts shown above. I am sure that an examination of Figure 43, which shows the relationship of length to breadth diameters of the face, will repay examination. The curves rise steeply to an apex, and then fall slowly toward the right. I sus- pect this skew form is due to the tendency to narrowing of the face among most groups of Arabs and also to the peculiar and characteristic development of the upper face in so many. Another matter into which Mr. Field inquired is of great interest. It refers to the manner in which the upper and lower incisor teeth meet. In the young of all races, when the incisors have just erupted, the lower incisors ascend behind the upper in mastication. In primitive races, among people who live much on uncooked food and use the incisor teeth for which civilized people employ knives, the incisor teeth in biting and chewing meet in the edge-to-edge position. In the more civilized races the overlap of childhood is retained; the natural edge-to-edge apposition of the incisors is seen only in a very small percentage of civilized individuals. In twenty-nine Ba'ij Beduins, Mr. Field found a marked incisor overlap in six (20.7 per cent), a slight overlap in twenty- three; none of the Beduins had the edge-to-edge bite. Among 139 soldiers 0.7 per cent had under bite, 1.4 per cent had edge-to-edge, 90 per cent had slight over- lap, while in 7.9 per cent there was marked overlap. In this point the Arab does not differ greatly from Europeans. Of the soldiers 99 per cent had sound denti- tions, wherein they differ very much from soldiers of the west. 68 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ I have already had occasion to call attention to the average stature of the various groups of men examined. The soldiers were, on an average, two inches taller than the other Arabs. Mr. Field is inclined to attribute this difference to physical training, but as we have found that the soldiers possess many other physical peculiarities besides excess of stature, I am inclined to think that the majority of the soldiers are not drawn from the same classes as the Beduins and Kish Arabs. They are selected individuals but even selection does not account for their wide foreheads, noses shorter and narrower than those of Beduin and Kishite, and the width, length, and massiveness of their faces. I am now to make a brief analysis of the stature of the Arabs, taking first the Beduin group (thirty-eight). My method of analysis will be understood from an examination of Chart XXXII. We want to ascertain not only the frequency with which the various degrees of stature occur among the Arabs but also how far the stature of each individual depends on length of trunk or on length of leg. As regards stature I use four classes: the short, under 1600 mm (-/1600) ; the moderate or medium in stature, under 1700 mm but 1600 mm and over (1700/- 1600/); the tall, under 1800 mm but 1700 mm and over (1800/-1700/) ; the very tall (/1800+). As regards length of trunk we have to make a finer division: very short, trunks under 750 mm (750/-); short (800/-750/); medium length (850/-800/); long trunks (900/-850/); and very long (+900/). When the sit- ting height stature of each of the thirty-eight Beduins is plotted we are again struck by the variability of the Arabs; this is brought out when they are classi- fied according to their places in the chart. BA'IJ BEDUINS (38) Sitting Height (Trunk Length) Very long Long Medium Short Very short +900/ 900-850/ 850/-800/ 800/-750/ 750/- Totals Standing height Very tall, /1800+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tall, 1800 -1700/ 1 7 3 1 0 12 Medium, 1700/-1600/. 1 3 15 4 0 23 Short, -/1600 0 0 2 10 3 Totals 2 10 20 6 0 38 Of the thirty-eight Beduins none rises to the 1800 mm limit (5 feet 10.8 inches), twelve are tall (5 feet 7 inches or more), twenty-three are of medium stature (more than 5 feet 3 inches), and three are short (below 5 feet 3 inches). Of the thirty-eight, two have really long trunks, six have short trunks. Four men who rise into the tall group as regards stature have trunks which are moderate or short in length. These individuals are tall because of length of leg. On the other hand one longest-trunked man falls into the group of medium stature; another man, in the tall group, is there because of length of trunk. Three individuals fall into the short group (below 5 feet 3 inches) ; one is in this group because of shortness of trunk, the other two because of shortness of legs. Into Charts XXXII-XXXV I have introduced diagonals which separate the long- INTRODUCTION 69 legged individual on the one side and the long-trunked individual on the other. The middle diagonal (A) is drawn so that it marks the line on which indi- viduals whose trunks contribute 50 per cent to their stature would fall. The diagonal B marks the line on which the trunk contributes 47 per cent and the irr O o « § ? ^0 01 Q ^ Q •Sit- ting- He. o o p o o o o ^ CO N v© ir> ^ tf) igrh t § o ^> £ ^0 to 1 \ \ \ V \ ^ y p \ o \ \ « \ m \ • V • } \ w \ \ • • \ A m • > I % w • hi W m • V \ • \ V \ ^> \ fc \ \ \ \ i \ 20 10 1800 eo 80 70 60 50 40 30 zo 10 1700 aobo 70' (0 60^ 50 bo 40^ 50^ / 80 \ . \ 70 \ s \ 60 > L • 50 \ 1 1 40 > "V o \ 30 \ •\ w i \ 20 > v • 10 \ • •, i 1700 \ \ *— V 90 \ % t 9 9 \ ~% -•4 t \ 80 \ \ J « \ 70 s> \ V \ 60 \ \ 1 • lj » \ 50 ±~ \ • \ 40 I \ i t^ * • \ \ 30 CO \ L i > \ 20 \ • -■ 4 k\ 1 \ ■ r— 10 \ \ 1600 • N L 90 « \ 80 \ | • 70 \ 60 \ SO 40 K° 1 w 30 ^ 20 . 10 \ % w 1500 \ \ \ mo ^ 20 Fig. 34. Chart XXXIV. Stature (horizontal lines) and sitting height (vertical lines) of fifty Kish Arabs (Nos. 1-50). Diagonal lines as in Chart XXXII. and limbs. There are twice as many long-legged Arabs in this group as in the Beduin group. In order to ascertain the amount to which one group of Kish Arabs may differ from another group, I plotted the stature and sitting height of another section (Nos. 101-150). The results are shown in Chart XXXV and in the following table: INTRODUCTION 73 KISH ARABS (Nos. 101-150) Sitting Height (Trunk Length) +900/ 900/-850/ 850/-800/ 800-750/ 750/- Totals Standing height /1800+ 0 10 0 0 1 1800/-1700/ 0 4 10 4 0 18 1700/-1600/ 0 1 11 13 1 26 -/1600 0 0 2 12 5 Totals 0 6 23 18 3 50 The distribution of the second group (Chart XXXV), although it corre- sponds in many respects to that shown in Chart XXXIV, differs in some respects. If we arrange the men in stature classes, these are almost identical in both lots of Arabs. But if we group the trunk lengths, we see that in the second series of Arabs there are eighteen in the short-trunked class, whereas in the first there are but nine. The first series has more long-trunked individuals. I have brought this difference out by the use of the diagonal lines. In the first series, six individuals are long-legged on this scale, i.e. have limbs which contribute 53 per cent or more to the stature; in the second series there are nineteen such long-legged individuals. The Arab stature is highly variable both in its absolute amount and in the proportions which trunk and limbs contribute to it. The following conclusions may be presented. Considering the part that Arabs have played in the history of the world, as pioneers of civilization, as early cultivators of knowledge, and especially as the initiators in the development of religions, we have neglected them sadly in an anthropological and racial sense. No doubt our lack of information concerning the physical make-up of the Arab is due to Arab aloofness rather than to negligence on the part of anthropologists. Mr. Field has overcome all obstacles and in this monograph makes a royal gift to his fellow workers. He has made the Arab known to us in the mass. Where there was dearth of knowledge there are now facts in plenty. Altogether he has made records of 667 individuals; his photographic records are of inestimable value. After working through these data, what are we to say as to the prominent features of this ancient people? I think the most conspicuous character is their degree of variability in every one of the physical characters tested. The second is the prevailing smallness of head, a characteristic we meet with among the Egyptians and more especially among the peoples of India. Nevertheless in every group there are a few big heads. I lay stress on these exceptional individuals because, although they may not represent the actual leaders of their community, they do represent Galton's exceptional individuals — thrown up in every animal community to play the part of leaders. Arabs are neither tall nor heavy men; their stature ranges from 5 feet 4 inches to 5 feet 8 inches; a very few tall people — ■ more than 5 feet 11 inches in stature — occur; diminutive men are also very common. It was fortunate that Captain Bertram Thomas should have placed the data he collected among the South Arabs at my disposal when I was in the midst of 74 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ preparing this Report. No doubt the difference in physique between the South Arab and the North Arab is remarkable. The South Arab is predominantly round-headed and small-headed; the North Arab is also small-headed but long- headed. Among the North Arabs round heads do occur, but never — if we except m rn ^ 00 N ■Si iri- in.gr He. Lgh t- Fig. Arabs (N 35. Chart XXXV. Stature (horizontal lines') and sitting height (vertical lines) of fifty Kish os. 101-150). Diagonal lines as in Chart XXXII. northern communities — among more than 10 per cent of the general population. It is possible that the round-headedness of Arabs is due to racial contamination by peoples from the northern brachy cephalic belt, but it may be that the brachycephalic individuals merely represent the normal extreme of a pure mesocephalic or dolichocephalic people. Certainly the brachycephaly of the INTRODUCTION 75 South Arab cannot be explained in this way; the right explanation is not yet apparent. Among the South Arabs, too, fuzzy hair and other Hamitic traits, which link them to peoples of northeast Africa, occur much more frequently than among the North Arabs. In the south one never sees the clear-cut features of the Beduin of the north. And yet a comparison of North and South Arabs has led me to the conclusion that these two peoples must be counted members of the same race. In the South Arab as in the North we see, peering through a dark brown skin, the facial and bodily features which link the Arab race to the Caucasian stock and separate it from the equally dark-skinned peoples of Africa and India. How does the Arab stand with regard to other races of mankind? On entering into this inquiry we must note the relationship of Arabia to adjacent racial frontiers. The Red Sea separates the great Arabian peninsula from the Hamitic peoples of Africa, many of which, to be sure, have received Arab infusion. Arabia is separated from the mainland of Asia by the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. This inlet of the Indian Ocean is also a racial frontier separating the Arab from a people not remotely akin to him, people of the Indo-Afghan type. Also, in the north the base of the peninsula abuts on another racial frontier, the southern frontier of the main or purer Caucasian stock. Then away in the east are the peoples of India, who have many other resemblances to the Arab besides a dark brown skin and dark brown or black hair. If we presume that the modern stocks of mankind have been evolved in or near the regions which they now occupy then we ought to find that the Arab has an evolutionary relationship to all surrounding peoples. That is what we have found in the course of our analysis. The Arab shares traits with Hamitic peoples of Africa, with the Dravidian and Indo-Aryan peoples of India, and with the peoples which extend from the gates of India to the Levant. The Arab's facial features are often so Caucasoid in appearance that we may mistake him for a South European but his pigmentation is usually deeper than that seen in South Europeans. Undoubtedly in his composition we recognize many Negroid traits, and traits which link him with Dravidian and with Hamite. Now, how are we to account for Arabia's being occupied by people who are mainly Caucasian in their physical make-up and yet possess so many features in common with dark-skinned neighboring races? In seeking to explain these facts there are other circumstances and relationships which have to be considered. Even today a belt of pigmented human races crosses the Old World. At one extreme we have the Negro of Africa, at the other extreme the Negro of the Pacific. India lies midway in this pigmented belt, one which we suspect extended continuously in Pleistocene times from one extremity of the Old World to the other. On this theory the original inhabitants of Arabia were deeply pigmented and akin to the Hamites of Africa on the one hand and to the Dravidians of India on the other. To the north of the black belt there were two other evolutionary centers: the Mongolian, north of the Himalayas, and the Caucasian, north of the upland mountainous plateau which extends westward from the Himalayas across Iran to Asia Minor. That there was an early break-through from the Mongolian center at the eastern end of the 76 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Himalayas is manifest; the Mongol stock at different times broke into the black belt and spread out in the Pacific. There was a Caucasian south- ward migration at the western end of the Himalayas. In Pleistocene times the great Arabian peninsula was a land to tempt adventurous hunters. The peoples of Arabia might thus represent a mixture of darker-skinned Dravidians into which invaders from the southern or Semitic fringe of the Caucasian center had infused their blood. Such a theory explains many of the facts relating to the racial composition and affinities of the inhabitants of Arabia. Or did the evolu- tionary center of the Caucasian type actually extend into Arabia? In the latter case the Arab would be a pure evolutionary race. Our interest in the ancient inhabitants of Arabia, particularly of the northern plain, has been stimulated by the expectation that we shall yet be able to prove that our modern way of living — our modern civilization — was initiated by a people or peoples living on or near the frontier of northern Arabia. Were the pioneers of civilization really Arabs (Semites)? Or were they of the less deeply pigmented Caucasian stock farther to the north? We have little evidence to sway us either way, but the only real difference I can perceive between the ancient Mesopotamians of Kish (fourth millennium B.C.) and the modern Arabs of central Iraq relates to size of skull and brain. The average cranial capacity of the ancient Mesopotamian or Arab exceeded that of the average modern in- habitant of central Iraq. I expect that it will yet be proved that the Arab of today is the descendant of the men who built the ancient cities and early civiliza- tion along the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. Arthur Keith I. ARABS OF THE KISH AREA GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION Ancient Mesopotamia, now called Iraq, was on the alluvial plain between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. This location is of considerable importance, as it was undoubtedly one of the main factors which contributed to the political domination of this region in the beginning of the historical period. Let us examine the geographical position of Iraq. To the west lie the North Arabian and Syrian deserts, which were fertile and well watered when man in various paleolithic periods inhabited this area. The general contour of this region shows a gradual rise from water level at the Euphrates to about 2,700 feet near landing ground P, and then a slight downward slope until the Harrat-ar-Rajil is reached. Farther to the west lie Syria, Palestine, and Trans- Jordan. To the north of Iraq are Anatolia and the inhospitable mountain regions of Lake Van. To the east lies Iran, and to the south the Persian Gulf, with a long sea passage to India. The southwestern borderland of Iraq joins the great wilderness and deserts of Arabia. There are, however, two gorges through which the Mesopotamian plain can be reached. These passes in the eastern mountains, which separate the plain from Iran, are located near Rowandiz and Sulaimaniya, where archaeo- logical research should be conducted. Thus, from a geographical point of view, the hypothetical "Garden of Eden" was located in a position destined to be the center of cultural development as well as the natural battlefield for various peoples. It is therefore small wonder that the ancient city of Kish was founded on the banks of the Euphrates, since the site of this city is in the central southern portion of Iraq. Historical evidence shows that Kish was the "first city founded after the Flood," and from a geographical point of view this was not altogether unexpected. Kish lies sixty-five miles south of Baghdad and eight miles due east of the ruins of Babylon. The region in which these anthro- pometric studies have been made is in the vicinity of Kish, where the Field Museum-Oxford University Joint Expedition conducted excavations from 1922 to 1933. EVIDENCE OF PREHISTORIC CULTURE It is desirable to trace in outline the main features which dominated the history of Kish from a late neolithic phase of culture down to the time of the modern Arabs, who form the main study of this publication. At Kish no evidence for the existence of paleolithic man has yet come to light, although in a limited area virgin soil has been reached. At the time when man in the various paleo- lithic stages of culture inhabited northern Iraq and the North Arabian Desert and adjacent territory, I believe that the entire alluvial plain, at least south of Baghdad, was under water. This large lake connected with the Persian Gulf to the south and was replenished by the Tigris and the Euphrates. These two 77 78 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ rivers at that time carried an enlarged volume of water owing to the increased rainfall over this entire area. Geological and climatological evidence lends support to this view, although it is impossible in the light of existing knowledge to correlate periods of time with the Pleistocene of western Europe or with the pluvial periods of British East Africa. From archaeological and geological evidence obtained during the Field Museum North Arabian Desert Expeditions of 1927-28 it may be stated that man in various paleolithic phases of culture lived in the North Arabian Desert between Rutba and the Hedjaz Railway. Flint implements were collected from several hundred surface sites, and at Bayir Wells hand-axes, upper Chellean in type, were unearthed from a gravel bed at a depth of 11 feet 6 inches. Hundreds of crude paleoliths were collected, as well as a number of neolithic tools and rejects. The most recent implements, from a typological point of view, apart from those flakes made by modern Beduins, suggest an extremely late neolithic technique. The earliest archaeological evidence from Kish, which is derived from a stratum between present water level and virgin soil, suggests a late neolithic phase of culture. Flint implements associated with a black incised ware as well as the entire absence of copper indicate that the earliest inhabitants at Kish were in an advanced neolithic cultural stage. From this archaeological evidence, combined with a comparative study of the flint-working technique employed, as well as from the geological and climatological data now available, I am sug- gesting the following hypothesis. The earliest inhabitants of the North Arabian Desert, the Proto-Mediterra- neans, lived in a lower paleolithic phase of culture, and there is abundant evidence of their wide distribution over this area. During the long period of time in which their flint-chipping technique evolved from crude hand-axes to late neolithic tools, the climate slowly changed and that once fertile and well-watered region gradually became less able to support the population. Finally a climax was reached about six or seven thousand years ago when a semi-nomadic existence became untenable. This climatic change was the dominant factor in forming the civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt, to which our own civilization can be traced. There was an alternative for the early dwellers in North Arabia: they could remain as nomads in this hostile and barren wilderness, or they could trek to the east, west, or southwest. The former mode of life was chosen by the ancestors of the modern Beduins, who with their flocks and herds wander from well to well across the wilderness, which only becomes green after the spring rains. During the remainder of the year this region is swept by wind and sandstorms; in the summer a blazing heat beats down upon it. The Beduins must often long to see water in the dry stream beds of the countless wadis, which are the evidence of a former fertility and which are now waterless except for a few hours after heavy rains. The aridity of this region has definitely increased since the Roman occu- pation; for example, at Qasr-el-Burqu', the easternmost outpost of the Roman Empire, the legionaries constructed a reservoir about five hundred meters long ARABS OF THE KISH AREA 79 and one hundred meters wide. When we visited this ruin in 1928, there was no water in the reservoir; according to our Beduin guides, water could be obtained only from deep local wells, which had been dry for several years except during the rainy season. It may be suggested that various groups of the prehistoric population wandered from this now inhospitable region to more fertile and well-watered lands. To the north and south lay desert or wilderness; they could travel west- ward into Palestine and eventually to the Nile, in a southwesterly direction into Abyssinia, or to the east until they found the pleasant lands watered by the Tigris and Euphrates. These wanderers brought with them a late neolithic culture which included or developed the making of heavy, black, incised pottery. From among advantageous sites, Kish was chosen by these stragglers, who founded the first community at the spot, which was afterwards to be designated as "the first city founded after the Flood." From a physical standpoint, these settlers were part of the Proto-Mediterranean group whose descendants are the modern Beduins of North Arabia. They were relatively tall in stature and dolichocephalic. About 4200 B.C. the Sumerians, who were probably brachy- cephalic and racially different in several respects, swooped down upon the settlers at Kish and conquered them in a decisive victory. The Sumerians imposed their sway upon the conquered Proto-Mediter- ranean group and ruled them for several centuries, until they themselves were subjugated. It seems probable that the dawn of the fourth millennium before our era witnessed the arrival of Semites at Kish. This would account for the apparently mixed population discovered by means of skeletal remains from the lower levels. Under a second Sumerian domination, however, which began five centuries later, Kish grew to be the first capital of the civilized world. Stephen Langdon, Director of the Field Museum-Oxford University Joint Expedition, and Professor of Assyriology at the University of Oxford, has kindly contributed the following brief summary of the history of Kish. HISTORY OF KISH BY Stephen Langdon According to the consensus of traditions, Kish was the first capital of Sumer after the Flood, a date impossible to fix with certainty, but on our records clearly in the neolithic age and before 5000 B.C. Chronological traditions place this date about 34,000 B.C., but that is obviously impossible. The first dynasty at Kish had twenty-three kings, among whom was the famous Etana, the shepherd who ascended to heaven on the back of an eagle in quest of the plant of birth, that his wife might bear a son to inherit the kingdom. This legend was known throughout Sumer, Babylonia, and the entire ancient world. Seals of every Sumerian city have representations of this ascension of Etana. A fine Accadian poem based on an older Sumerian epic has been preserved in the myth of Etana. About 4000 B.C., Kish, having been the capital of the entire land from the Persian Gulf to the Armenian plateau for centuries, lost the hegemony of the 80 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Sumerians. It is possible that the Semites then began to arrive, and a civili- zation of advanced type, marked by the invention of writing and the production of painted pottery, appeared all over the Kish area, and in fact all over Sumer. Kish, although not now the capital, thrived greatly under the dynasty of Erech and later under the dynasty at Ur. A sterile period followed — the great but brief period of painted pottery, which was in my opinion entirely a Sumerian culture. Soon after, about 3500 B.C., the first great buildings at Kish appeared, and the sterile period caused by the invasion of Elamitic conquerors of Awan ceased. Kish again became the capital, and at that time the first palace, which was excavated by Mr. E. Mackay, was built. Later arose a line of kings whose tombs were found in a stratum eighteen feet thick, marking a long civilization characterized by great buildings and the savage rite of slaying servants to accompany their masters and mistresses into the future life. Copper and stone work, carving of precious stones, and gold and silver work then attained a high standard. These kings were undoubtedly the "pigtail people" of the palace carvings. After the great tomb period, Kish lost the hegemony of Sumer for centuries, until about 3000 B.C., when the first famous woman in history, Kug-Bau, a wine merchant, appeared. She rallied the whole Sumerian people and enabled them to shake off the foreign rule of the northern Semites at Maer. She became queen of the whole land, and is said to have ruled one hundred years! She founded a dynasty of seven kings, her son Gimil-Sin succeeding her on the throne. Then came the great Sargon, a priest in the temple of the war god of Kish, now the ruins Tell-el-Uhaimir, situated in western Kish. He was a pure Semite. Uniting the Semites against the Sumerians, he conquered in a few years the whole of Mesopotamia, Elam, Syria, Anatolia, and the islands of the Levant, and subdued Palestine and Phoenicia. He forsook Kish and founded his capital at Agade. This city has never been found, although it existed as a great city down to the days of Nebuchadnezzar. From records of this dynasty at Kish, Agade cannot be far away. The Sargonic dynasty did little at Kish, but numerous inscriptions of that period have been unearthed. The great Sumerian dynasties at Kish, just before Sargon, had carried out colossal building operations — the entire temple area was reconstructed, the huge stage towers were rebuilt, and the palace was repaired. In such splendid condition did Sargon find Kish. But that famous son of Kish, and his equally famous sons and descendants, Rimush, Manistusu, Naram-Sin, and Shargalisharri, devoted their attention to Agade, where they created schools of sculpture, literature, and art. As splendid and rapid as was the rise of the fortunes of Agade and its mighty empire, so sudden and humiliating was its fall. A few feeble kings ended its rule, and the barbarians of Gutium invaded the land. The whole of Sumer, including Kish, sank into political and cultural mediocrity, save at Lagash in the extreme south. After 125 years of barbaric decay, the Sumerians united under the leadership of Erech and Ur, and the Guteans were expelled. ARABS OF THE KISH AREA 81 In 2416 B.C. arose the mighty kingdom of Ur, ruling the whole of western Asia for 108 years, succeeded by the contemporary rule of Isin and Ellasar, until the rise of the Semitic dynasty of Babylon, in 2169 B.C. Nothing is yet known of the history of Kish during the turmoil of the Gutean age, nor have we found anything of importance yet under the great kingdoms of Ur, Isin, and Ellasar. Only a few tablets dated during these latter kingdoms have come to light. But the memory of former glory remained strong at Kish. The city asserted its ancient rights to become the capital and three independent king- doms sprang up there suddenly to oppose the growing and aggressive kingdom of Babylon. From that period tablets dated by the names of these kings have been found. They failed, and Kish was soon received into the empire of Baby- lonia, with its capital at Babylon. Henceforth Kish remained, until the days of Nebuchadnezzar and Nabunidus, a thriving metropolitan suburb of Babylon, retaining the memories of its past and the privilege of being the center of the cult of the mighty earth goddess and of the god of war. During the long history of Babylonia, 2169-538 B.C., when Cyrus put an end to the political kingdom of Sumer and Accad, little is known of the local history of Kish. We have found there nothing dating from the Cassite period (nearly five hundred years). Temples were repaired by the kings of Babylon at Kish. Their scribes wrote grammars, lexicons, and poems and edited ancient texts. At the end of the period Nebuchadnezzar rebuilt the temple of the earth goddess on a magnificent scale, unequaled anywhere in his kingdom. There followed the Persian, Greek, and Parthian periods, extending to the third century of our era. Kish remained a thriving city and the center of a flourishing agricultural section of Babylonia during all these critical periods of ancient history. The commercial cuneiform records are especially prolific under the Persians of the dynasty of Cyrus, as well as under the Greeks; tablets from the period of Alexander the Great have been unearthed. Numerous Par- thian tombs have also been found. The Sasanian-Neo-Persian rule of Mesopotamia held sway from A.d. 226 to 628. The Persians chose Kish as their western capital, at least from the fourth century onward, and two fine palaces (probably one near the Manichaean Church) have been found just east of the temple of the earth goddess. Then followed the magnificent Arab period of the caliphs of Baghdad and the advent of Jewish influence at Kish. The caliphs had a palace at Abu Sudaira, three miles east of Kish, and their coins are found in many mounds of the city itself. Ruins of the canals of the caliphate period break the surface of the plain at and around Kish in every direction. It is clear that the Kish area remained a thriving center of agriculture and the city a great metropolis as late as A.D. 1000. From that time its history can no longer be traced, until European travelers visited Kish in the nineteenth century and found it a desert with only one tribe of Arabs living in the district. Moslem and Turkish rule had put an end to the oldest consecutive city history of western Asia. It is probable that in A.D. 1000 families still lived in Kish who 82 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ were related to the earliest Semitic people, of 3500 B.C. What was the Sumerian admixture of blood in them cannot be determined. Nor can the exact relation- ship of the modern Arab tribesmen to their predecessors be traced. SOCIAL LIFE AND CUSTOMS The Arabs who are the subject of these studies live within a small radius of Kish. They comprise three main groups: Arab workmen employed at the excavations and their relatives living near Tell-el-Uhaimir; members of the Iraq army stationed at Hilla camp; and a small group of Ba'ij Beduins. It is desirable to study in some detail the physical characters and the life and customs of the modern inhabitants of the Kish area. These Arabs appear to belong to the same racial group and, from the result of preliminary studies on the excavated skeletal material, appear to be direct descendants of the people who were inhabitants of Kish in the early part of the fourth millennium before our era. In the modern population the predominant shape of the head is long and narrow (dolichocephalic). This also appears to have been the basic element in head form at the dawn of civilization in the "Fertile Crescent." There is also a small percentage of round-headed peoples or brachycephals among the modern Arabs. This latter element appears to have been superimposed upon the original doli- chocephalic population. It is probable that the earliest inhabitants of Kish were conquered by brachycephalic invaders at an early date. A comparison of the anthropometric data obtained from the skeletal material and that recorded from the modern inhabitants will be of interest. The purpose of this Report is to record the data obtained on modern peoples of the Kish area, accompanied by some notes on their life and customs ob- served during 1927 and 1928, when I was attached to the expedition. From a cultural point of view the Arabs are entirely separate from the Beduins of Iraq, who wander at will in the desert (jazirah) between the Tigris and Euphrates. The Arabs and Beduins undoubtedly form part of the same racial group, but the centuries of agricultural life on the one hand and nomadism on the other have tended to separate them in many cultural adaptations. I shall record details of Beduin tribal life and customs in a subsequent publication. Within a radius of several miles from Tell-el-Uhaimir, the deep red temple tower (zikkurat) dominating western Kish, there is a group of small Arab encamp- ments, each of which is ruled over by a sheikh. The power of each sheikh depends largely upon the size of his camp and thus upon the number of men and their families who respect him as a leader and a dispenser of justice. These sheikhs are insignificant in power and wealth compared with the great Beduin sheikhs of the North Arabian and Syrian deserts. The location of the main villages in the Kish area, and more particularly of those encampments where the following anthropometric data were obtained, is shown upon the map (p. 83). The majority of workmen at the Kish excavations were drawn from the village of Sheikh Hadji Miniehil, which lies about three miles west of Tell-el-Uhaimir. < w 03 < en O 84 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ I was therefore able to examine the people of this large village closely, as the sheikh and his two sons, Ralli and Razi, were favorably disposed toward the members of the expedition. Before discussing the villages in detail it will be necessary to include a brief description of the country surrounding Kish. With the exception of the two temple towers, Tell-el-Uhaimir and Tell Inghara, which dominate the western and eastern sections of Kish respectively, some low mounds covered with broken pottery sherds — relics of former habi- tation— and large dry Abbassid canals, the entire region between Hilla, on the SHEIKH HADJI HUhlTA FIASHADA JEMDET NASR£; JEMDET ■Shifting Sand Dune-s 4* MAP OF TRIP FROM KISH TO TIGRIS RIVER Euphrates, and the Tigris, is a flat, alluvial plain. The rivers have changed their courses many times during the past six thousand years. Even today the Eu- phrates, which flows past Babylon, is denuding its western bank and gradually moving away from the great complex of mounds once ruled over by King Nebuchadnezzar. The Shatt-en-Nil is a small canal about twenty feet in width, which flows in an easterly direction from the Euphrates River to the eastern boundary of Kish near Abu Sudaira, and, turning northward, irrigates the country nearly one-third of the way toward Jemdet Nasr. There are numerous small canals which branch off from the Shatt-en-Nil. This network of canals partially irrigates the land, which is naturally fertile but for the most part lacks an adequate water supply. There are no palm trees except around several villages (Mahewil and others) ARABS OF THE KISH AREA 85 between Kish and Tell Ibrahim (ancient Cutha). There is considerable growth of camel's thorn (hatab) and rank grass surrounding two large lakes south of the Shatt-en-Nil and about two miles from Tell-el-Uhaimir. During the winter these lakes are the abode of wild fowl, including ducks, geese, and flamingos. The larger villages, such as that of Sheikh Hadji Miniehil, are composed of mud huts of various shapes and sizes. Around each village is a wall of mud brick, supplemented by a thick camel's-thorn fence. As an additional precaution against surprise visits of strangers there are numerous mongrel dogs which bark savagely and continually during the approach of a person either mounted or on foot. The Arabs apparently do not object to the almost incessant clamor of their dogs, as they make little or no effort to prevent it. Far into the night these dogs howl to their mates or in answer to the challenge of a fox, hyena, or jackal, as he prowls around in search of prey. Each village has a large mud-walled hut roofed with beams of palm covered with reed mats overlaid with mud. This house belongs to the sheikh, and is the central meeting place for the men of the village. About this house are grouped the smaller mud huts of the inhabitants of the village. Around each entrance is a camel's-thorn fence with a narrow opening directly opposite the door of the hut. The mud huts are constructed in the following manner. A foreman or master mason is engaged to direct the work of building the side walls and roof. The floor of the proposed building is drawn on the ground by means of a pointed stick, four large stones being left at the respective corners as markers. Eight men are generally employed to assist the master mason. The division of labor is such that two men bring water in buckets to moisten the clay during its preparation for use as a building material. One man digs clay from the edges of a small hole in the ground, while two men, adding water and occasional handfuls of straw, knead the clay with their feet into the correct consistency. In this connection it is interesting to note the punishment Pharaoh inflicted on the Israelites because Moses and Aaron begged (Exodus V:l-22) that the Israelites might pray and sacrifice to Jehovah three days' journey into the wil- derness so that they might be delivered from pestilence or death by the sword. Pharaoh refused to grant this request and ordered the imposition of additional tasks upon the Israelites to keep them occupied. Pharaoh said, "Ye shall no more give the people straw to make brick, as heretofore; let them go and gather straw for themselves. And the number of the bricks which they did make heretofore, ye shall lay upon them; ye shall not diminish aught thereof: for they are idle; therefore they cry, saying, 'Let us go and sacrifice to our God.' ... So the people were scattered abroad throughout all the land of Egypt to gather stubble for straw." The duty of the builder's chief assistant is to knead the clay which is taken from the damp pit into balls about twice the size of a baseball. These balls are then carried by two other assistants, one ball in each hand held at eye level with the palm upward, and thrown in turn to the master mason. The mason places the balls of clay one on top of another until the wall is about three feet 86 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ high, when operations are interrupted for a day to allow the clay to dry out. Then another few feet are built on top of the first and allowed to dry. This program is followed until the walls are about ten feet high. As a plummet a stone attached to a string gives the more or less correct upright angle for the wall. The never-ending chain of men carrying water, stamping the clay, kneading it into balls, and carrying it to the mason, enables rapid building of the side walls. The roof is a more complex matter. In the case of the central house of the sheikh, split palm trunks, purchased for one and one-half or two rupees (forty- eight to sixty-four cents) apiece in Hilla, are placed at intervals on top of the side walls of the hut. Reed mats, which are also purchased at Hilla for about eight annas (sixteen cents), are laid across the beams and tied down with twisted palm fiber. When this has been completed, the mud ball system is again commenced, and the mason stands upon the roof to catch the mud balls, placing them upon the top of the reed mats to form a continuous layer of mud (Plate CXXIII). A bucket of water is always beside the mason so that he can keep the clay at the desired consistency. In this way the mats are covered with a layer of mud, which is allowed to dry for several days. The same process is then repeated, and the hut finally becomes habitable. Windows are made by cutting a hole in the wall and setting bottles or a pane of glass in the space, the intervening holes being filled with mud. The approximate total cost of building a hut of this kind with dimensions 18 feet long, 10 feet wide, and 10 feet high would be about $40.00, and one week would be necessary for its construction. It is probable that houses of this type have been built in the Kish area for the past six thousand years. A bridge (jisr) spans each irrigation canal, in order to allow the passage of wheeled traffic as well as to facilitate the portage of supplies from Hilla. Each bridge is constructed in the following manner: Large split palm trunks, similar to those used to support the roofs of mud houses, are laid across the stream at a convenient point. The spaces between the planks are filled with camel's thorn, and a layer is spread over the bridge. The entire surface is then covered with the arenaceous earth and stamped into place with the bare feet or pounded with a wooden beam. The result is eminently satisfactory for the passage of horses and donkeys, but always precarious for wheeled traffic. The bridges which connect the various parts of the track between Hilla and Kish are kept in constant repair by Arab workmen, who use long-handled shovels to scoop the earth upon the surface of the bridge. There are horses, donkeys, sheep, and chickens within the village walls. A few camels are often seen browsing upon tufts of camel's thorn. There is no community ownership; there is much individual pride of possession. Every Arab desires to own beautiful horses and he is a good judge of a horse from the standards of speed and endurance. Several times during the winter season of excavation every horse owner in the village of Sheikh Hadji Miniehil galloped across the hard, flat plain to the camp at Kish. Upon their arrival they raced each other around amid wild screams of excitement. The horses are small and ARABS OF THE KISH AREA 87 stocky and poorly groomed, with the exception of those belonging to the sheikh or to his rich sons. The bridle consists of a rope tied as a halter over the head and passing around the nose through a slip knot. The loose end is held in the right hand and is used as the sole means of guiding the animal. For those accustomed to riding with a double-reined bridle and bit and perhaps even a standing martin- gale, the Arab's method of guiding the horse seems almost impossible. However, after a little practice the secret between horse and rider becomes established. There are three kinds of saddles. The most common type used by the Arabs is a narrow-seated leather saddle with sharp angles in front and behind. There is often a silver knob or pommel on the front of the saddle to which the less skilful riders cling when the horse goes out of a walk. A thin, flat leather saddle which closely resembles the type used in racing in America and Europe is also used. Lastly, second-hand British military saddles are seen occasionally, but the price (twenty rupees, about $6.40) prohibits their general use. The stirrups are very small metal loops; the leathers are short and often consist of thin leather or even string. Safety devices are unknown. The Arabs ride short with a forward seat, while little or no weight is placed on the stirrups. The saddle girths are narrow canvas bands attached on both sides beneath the saddle flap. Since the horses are fed only on grass and are usually turned out when not being ridden, their stomachs are dilated, and it is impossible to keep the girths tight. Conse- quently it is a common occurrence for the saddle to slip around beneath the horse. Trappings of various kinds are worn behind the saddle. Saddlebags (khurj) of camel's hair or wool, with two large, wide pockets and decorated with colored tassels, hang on both sides. In Spain, the saddlebag (al-Forja) is carried in front of the rider. It has a loop which fits over the back portion of the saddle and which theoretically keeps it in place. The rich Arabs place a colored saddlecloth (gamis) from the back of the saddle to the crupper. Each rider generally carries a rifle slung over his back or he rests the butt of the firearm upon his right knee with the muzzle pointing in the air. Donkeys and camels are used as beasts of burden. All necessities of life are brought from Hilla market on these overladen animals. Cattle and pigs are not kept, since they are deemed unclean according to Mohammedan law. Each Arab wears a long cotton garment (dishdashi or thob) resembling a nightgown in appearance, which is fastened at the throat with several buttons. It has long, wide sleeves terminating in points. Over the dishdashi is worn a coarse brown cloak ('aba) which is made of camel's hair and resembles the standard type of university gown. On the head is worn a white or a black-and-white speckled cloth (kaffiyah), held in place by a brown or black camel's-hair head-dress ('agal). The feet are often bare, but coarse leather sandals or shoes are sometimes worn. Each village has a shoemaker who knits the uppers from coarse string. The leather soles are purchased in Hilla. These shoes (kalhe) are also worn by Kurdish shepherds and by Beduin tribesmen of northern Iraq. The sheikh or his son wears a white kaffiyah with a gold or silver thread 'agal and a tight-fitting colored garment (ziburi) over the dishdashi. The sons of a sheikh often wear European shoes. 88 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Each woman wears a dark blue dishdashi with a correspondingly dark blue kaffiyah, the ends of which are wound around the head. The feet are always bare. Each little boy and girl wears some form of white or blue dishdashi, and the children run about barefoot. Dark blue outer garments are generally worn by women and girls. The men wear no ornaments or jewelry, but they are extremely vain concerning their personal appearance. Each young man carries a small folding mirror and frequently a brush and a small jar of kohl, which is applied above and below the eyes. The women also are fond of this form of cosmetic. In the graves excavated in Cemetery A and also in the graves in Y-trench at Tell Inghara, small shells (Pecten sp.) containing traces of kohl were found. These shells and the small copper toilet sets belonging to a period anterior to 3000 B.C. prove that the same types of cosmetics and depilatories have been in vogue at Kish for about five thousand years. The men and women apply henna to their hands to stain them a reddish brown, which is considered beautiful. Some of the women stain their feet with henna. The majority of the men bear tattooed marks, while the women and girls of marriageable age are tattooed with blue spots or more complex designs. As a rule, the faces of these Arab women are not as heavily tattooed as those of the Beduins, who desire a tattooed upper lip and chin. The women are not veiled, although young maidens always cover the lower portion of the face when a man approaches. The small groups have to a great extent intermarried, but they realize the necessity for fresh blood. The greatest possible care is taken to secure a suitable match. The method generally employed is as follows: A young man may fall in love with a girl whom he has known from childhood or who has taken his fancy when he visited some neighboring village. The boy's father calls on the girl's parents, who at once state that several other young men have requested their daughter's hand in marriage. The primary question to be solved is the amount of the girl's dowry. The girl is then brought into the family circle and admired, particularly by her parents. After consider- able discussion over cups of coffee and glasses of tea, the girl's parents state the amount of money or property the young man must possess before he can marry her. When an agreement is reached, the girl and boy are told that their engage- ment has been arranged. The amount required varies from two hundred to five hundred rupees ($64-$160). The young man has to collect this amount, which may be in animals or money. When the money or its equivalent has been raised, the boy's father announces this to the parents of the girl. A date is set for the wedding, which is duly per- formed by the sheikh in the presence only of members of both families. In the stricter Mohammedan groups the bridegroom does not see the face of his bride until after they are married. Among the richest members of the community the marriage is celebrated with preliminary dances by the sisters and female cousins of the bride. They dance to the rhythmic beat of drums and wind instruments from dawn until far into the night. In the meantime the bride is not allowed out of her house until the wedding ceremony takes place. ARABS OF THE KISH AREA 89 The Arabs, though fatalists, are superstitious, and this feeling of dread of the supernatural appears to be more deeply rooted in the women than in the men. The men, however, sometimes wear a stone on a string around the neck to remove a pain in the throat or to heal some disease which is gradually becoming chronic. Many of the women wear charms or amulets consisting of beads or cylinder seals which are supposed to keep away the evil eye. All young children wear blue beads of some kind around either the neck or the wrist, or sewed on their garments. The evil eye is credited with supernatural powers; the Arabs believe that it may be the will of Allah to allow an individual to be tormented by the Evil One, who, however, dreads the color blue and therefore cannot harm a person wearing blue beads. Unless there is sickness in the family the men ridicule the women for their superstitions. These same men, however, have blue beads sewn on the harnesses of their horses, camels, and donkeys. I have not seen any harness that does not include this simple protection against the evil eye. The beads are manufactured by the thousands at Birmingham, England, and cost of protection is thus negligible, even for the poorest Arabs. FOOD The main articles of food include unleavened cakes (chupatties), rice (tim- min), sour milk (laban), and dried dates (tamr). The food is stored in earthen- ware containers. There are no special storehouses in these small villages. Meat is rarely eaten, owing to its high cost, but on festive occasions a lamb or kid is killed. All meat is eaten fresh, except that of the gazelle, which is allowed to hang for several days. Gazelles, which are to be found only in the jazirah, are rarely killed. I believe that there is prejudice against the killing of this animal, which may result from a former primitive clan totemism. The unleavened bread (khubz) is baked in a crude oven (furn) outside the hut. The oven, consisting of a hole in the ground, is lined with clay and partially filled with camel's thorn, which is fired. Coffee (gahwah) is prepared by roasting the beans in a long-handled iron dish (sage, in Kurdish). After being roasted, the beans are pounded with a heavy metal pestle in a large brass mortar (Plate CXXVI, Figs. 1, 2; Fig. 36, k, I). The coffee grounds are boiled in an iron vessel, in which the sediment is allowed to accumulate. Wheat (huntah) and barley (sha'ir) are grown in this district. Charred grains of both these cereals have been found during the excavations (cf. my article, Amer. Anthr., XXXIV, pp. 303-309). Pottery of various kinds is purchased in the market at Hilla, but I did not see any glassware in the various encampments visited, except small thick glasses for tea. The water supply is obtained from a local spring, or is carried in large earthenware jars from the nearest irrigation canal. Since Mohammed strictly forbade alcoholic liquor in any form, there is no drinking of any kind in these communities. In the town of Hilla, however, the general principles of Mohammed are not so religiously and strictly obeyed, and a local alcoholic drink called 'araq is imbibed. This beverage contains a high percentage of alcohol and is therefore very potent. The mention of 'araq, the only stimulant of which they have heard, is forbidden among the Kish Arabs. 90 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ According to the "Encyclopaedia of Islam" (1924, pp. 1, 111) there is a description of the preparation of this intoxicating drink from the time of the Mughal Emperor Akbar, who lived in the second half of the sixteenth century. In Persia, however, according to Herbert (p. 261), "arrack and aquavitae [first edition: "arack or usquebagh distilled from dates or rice"] they also drink." The lighting of the houses or tents is done by means of oil lanterns and hurri- cane lamps, which are purchased at Hilla. MUSIC The Arabs enjoy music (musiga), and often chanted some refrain during the work of excavation. In the evenings they sit around the fire (nor) and sing to the monotonous wail of the rababah, the single-stringed instrument of the Beduins. An end-flute (mutlug) with two tubes of the same length held together by bitumen is also used by the Kish Arabs. This musical instrument is composed of cylindrical tubes open at both ends and is sounded by blowing across the upper end. A series of six open stops along each tube enables a variety of notes to be produced, since, by opening or closing the stops, the vibratile length of the column of air in the tube can be varied. There are two small reeds connected by a black thread, which can be raised or lowered to alter the pitch. This instru- ment is called mutlug by the Arabs, and duzahle by the Kurds, who call the reed mamzah. The strolling minstrel players use the rababah and several kinds of drums, with which they beat time for the dancing girls. WEAPONS An Arab is always armed with a rifle, a dagger, or a club, and after nightfall no man is anxious to travel without a rifle. There is no great danger, but at any moment in the darkness of the night the challenge Menu hadha? ("Who goes there?") may ring out. An unarmed man walking alone across the plain would be robbed by a stranger or by anyone who did not expect to be recognized. Apart from this danger, there are hyenas and foxes which may cross the path. The Arabs are inexpert marksmen mainly because of the high price of cartridges, which practically forbids target practice. Throughout this region cartridges represent a form of wealth; consequently, few bullets are wasted. The cartridges are worn in native leather belts or in crossed bandoleers. The old Turkish rifle is the most common weapon, but occasionally an out-of- date rifle of German pattern may be found among the Arabs. The ammunition is Turkish, and many cartridge cases bear a ten-year-old date of manufacture. The dagger (khanjar) is a short, curved knife with a wooden or bone handle made from the horn of an ox or a water buffalo. The blade, which is made of good steel, is not decorated or marked in any way, although the bone handle may have silver bosses attached. The silver knobs are fashioned from hammered Turkish buttons, and they are in some degree decorative. The handle is fastened to the blade by means of two nails. The scabbard may be of leather, and in this case is undecorated. On the other hand, the sheath may consist Fig. 36. Household Utensils, a, coffee roaster (mahmus); b, metal coffee cup holder (finjan); c, china coffee cup (finjan) ; d, metal water jar (bugwa) ; e, tea glass (istikan) ; /, large water pot (gumgum) ; g, h, coffee pots (telgamat); i,j, small copper coffee pots (dilal); k, brass mortar (hawan); I, pestle (id al-haivan). 91 92 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ of two curved strips of wood fastened together by means of some resinous material and covered with hammered silver or gold. The metal is obtained by melting local currency, and thus an approximate estimate of the value of the dagger can be obtained. The metal work, although not done by the famed Amara silversmiths, is very fine. The upper portion of the scabbard may be ornamented with parallel lines of dots and more rarely with a semicircle of small turquois beads on the outer side. Each scabbard appears to have its individual motif of ornamental design, which is reproduced on both sides. The lower portion of the scabbard tapers to a curved point, and is decorated with a heavier band of metal orna- mented with lines or dots. The point is broad and is decorated with five lines. On one silver scabbard fish and birds have been engraved (Fig. 37, k). The former are an emblem of happiness; the latter, a symbol of good news. The khanjar is worn on the right side, and is held in position by a camel's- hair girdle, which also serves to keep the dishdashi in place. The khanjar is a serviceable weapon; its curved blade inflicts a terrible blow. The excavators found these daggers most useful in removing the compact alluvial soil from around a buried object. The value of a khanjar varies from eight to ten rupees ($2.50- $3.50) for an undecorated handle and scabbard, to forty rupees ($13.00) for a silver case, and up to five hundred rupees ($160) for a magnificent gold scabbard. The striking club (Arabic, magivar; Kurd, mazrak) has a round wooden handle which varies from two to three feet in length. The head of the club is made of wood, bitumen, or stone (Fig. 37, a-c). In the last-named case a Sumerian cere- monial macehead is occasionally used, a nail being driven through the pierced stone into a wooden handle. The magwar is carried constantly by these Arabs as a means of protection. GAMES AND PASTIMES The Arabs drink large quantities of black coffee (gahwah) and sweetened tea {chai). They smoke long, native cigarettes, or suck the narghile. The cigarettes, which are very mild, are about twice the length of American cigarettes. Virginia or Turkish tobacco appears strong to the Arabs, and cigars are never smoked since they cause nausea. Coffee is drunk from china cups which bear red or blue designs (Fig. 36, c). These cups are often supported by brass holders, each of which is called a jinjan. One finjan in Karbala bore the Arabic inscription, fi Al-'ajalah al-nadamak ("Haste makes waste"). Tea is sipped from a thick glass container (istikan) which is made in Warsaw and imported through Iran. During these pleasures they gossip continually and allow their innate inquisitiveness a free hand. Horses are their chief joy and pride. According to an old Arab proverb heaven on earth can be found only on the back of a horse or in the arms of a woman. I have seen but two games enjoyed by these people. One of these is played as follows: A small hole is made in the ground, and a dagger is held in the right hand about six inches above the mark. The palm of the left hand is placed directly above the hole. As the dagger is plunged into the hole, Fig. 37. Weapons and Implements, a, club (chmagh) with wooden head; b, club (sakhariya) with Sumerian macehead; c, club (magwar) with bitumen head; d, finger guard (chinagh); e, sickle (minjal); f, leather pouch (chis); g, spindle (maghzal); h-k, daggers (khanajir); I, donkey halter (rashmak). 93 94 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ the left hand must be moved to the side and then replaced over the hole as the dagger is drawn upward into position. Skill is shown by the rapidity with which the dagger can be plunged into the hole as the hand is drawn aside. The left hand can be moved either toward or away from the person playing the game. Several of the Kish Arabs plunge and retract the dagger as fast as the eye can follow the rapid movements. The winner is merely the contestant who gains the most approval from the onlookers. The other game is a variety of astragals, which is so called from the fact that it is played with the astragalus or knucklebone of a sheep or some other animal. This pastime is of great antiquity, since one of the British Museum Tanagra terra-cottas, which date from the eighth century before our era, repre- sents two girls playing this game. In Horace's "Satires" (Book II) we read, "Ever since I saw you, Aulus, carrying your knucklebones and nuts in the loose fold [of your toga], giving them away and playing with them, but you, Tiberius, counting them and solemnly hiding them in holes, I have feared that different kinds of madness may seize you and that you will follow Nomentanus and you Cicula." (Nomentanus is used by Horace as a type of a prodigal and spend- thrift; Cicula is a very cautious money-lender.) The Kish Arabs draw a circle on the ground and place an astragal in the center. The object of the game appears to be to knock the astragal outside the perimeter of the circle by flicking another astragal against it with the thumb and forefinger. This game is akin to marbles, and is generally played only by children, although I have seen young men passing the time in this manner. (For further information see E. Lovett, "The Ancient and Modern Game of Astragals," Trans. Folklore Soc, XII, No. 3, pp. 280-293.) In Hilla the Arabs play a game with three brass cups and a thimble. Each cup is turned upside down, and the thimble is artfully hidden beneath one of them. The game consists in deciding under which cup the thimble reposes. This is similar to the three-card trick, which pays the traveling expenses of many professional gamblers. The game of mancala is also played in the market at Hilla. I have never observed any ball games among these Arabs. The Arabs lead a quiet existence provided that they do not draw police or government attention. The latter can be drawn through unwillingness to pay the annual taxation. TAXES The local government taxes agricultural Arabs by making them work a certain number of hours a year. The government pays a fixed wage of one rupee (thirty-two cents) daily. Each sheikh must supply the requisite number of men each day for two weeks out of every year. These men are employed either on irrigation and agricultural projects, or on road repairs. The government standard of wages fixes the salary of the workmen employed at the Kish excava- tions, since if lower wages were given they would prefer government service whenever opportunity offered. The Kish Arabs seemed to enjoy the govern- mental tasks mainly because of the additional revenue received thereby, although ARABS OF THE KISH AREA 95 they in turn have to pay part of their salaries to the sheikh, who has given them this means of revenue. The objects of making money among these Arabs are to purchase live stock or a wife or wives. RELIGION At noon the older Arabs cease work in order to pray. Each man faces toward Mecca, places his 'aba on the ground at his feet, and, muttering several verses from the Koran, kneels on the 'aba with lips moving in prayer. He touches the ground with his forehead three times. Finally he arises to his feet, shakes the dust from his 'aba, throws it around his shoulders, and continues with the affairs of the day. Each holy man (imam) is buried in a sacred, domed building (gubbah) . Dressed in flowing robes, I was allowed to enter the gubbah of Mahewil (Plate CXXXVIII, Figs. 1, 3) between Kish and Tell Ibrahim. I took off my shoes and came into the holy place with a guide. The tomb was under the central portion of the small dome and consisted of a block of hewn stone supported by two flanking stone blocks. A high, wooden, openwork screen surrounded the tomb. At each of the four corners and on the central portion of each side and end of the screen were carved wooden rosettes. As we moved slowly around the tomb, my guide bent forward to press his lips against each rosette, murmuring prayers for help from the saint. This scene recalled the numberless pilgrims who with their kisses have partially worn away the bronze toes of St. Peter at Rome. Near the village of Sheikh Hadji Miniehil stands the domed Imam Sa'id. This tomb was considered so sacred that I was not allowed to enter. Islam, which means submission to the divine will, is the name given by all Mohammedans to their religion. Every man must worship God five times each day: namely, at dawn, at noon, before and after sunset, and at the close of day. Before beginning his prayers, the worshiper turns toward the holy city of Mecca. While on a journey or during warfare or in special circumstances such as sickness, a man does not have to conform to the general rules of worship. During each week Friday is observed as a day of prayer, and in accordance with local custom the excavations at Kish were closed on that day, while work was continued during the Christian Sabbath. According to the Mohammedan doctrine, strict fast- ing is part of religion. In Islam the period of fasting falls in the month of Ramadan, during which period the Koran was revealed to the Prophet. The date of Ramadan, like the Christian Easter, varies each year. It begins with the rise of the new moon in March or April and lasts until the appearance of the next new moon. The fast commences daily when a white thread can be distinguished from a black one and continues until nightfall. During these long hours no particle of food or drink may pass the lips unless special dispensation is claimed. The workmen employed at the Kish excavations occasionally had to work through the month of Ramadan. The older men adhered rigidly to the letter of the Moslem law, and found the continual work with a pick-ax almost too hard to endure. The younger men and basket boys made little attempt to abstain from food and water, since their youth obtains a special dispensation for them. 96 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Each evening at sunset the men gathered outside the village for the close of the day's fasting period. During Ramadan sounds of feasting reached the expedition camp at Tell-el-Uhaimir far into the night. As the month of Ramadan draws to a close, great excitement prevails among the Arabs. There is considerable speculation on the probability of seeing the rise of the new moon. In many places, however, this spectacle is invisible because of clouds or mist. Therefore, when the new moon is visible in any portion of Iraq the information is telegraphed to every outpost, so that news of the termination of Ramadan can be relayed far and wide. This is followed by frenzied rejoicing among all Arabs, and there is singing, dancing, and revelry. In a discussion regarding the local belief in life beyond the grave, the work- men stated that they believed implicitly in a future life. I asked them for their conception of heaven and of the intermediate step between life on the earth and the celestial state. One of the men replied that he visualized the transition as follows: Each person must cross a narrow bridge over a yawning chasm to the promised land. Each sinner, who has made little or no attempt to appease the Creator by ritualistic prayers, will be pushed off the bridge into the seething abyss to await purification before a further attempt can be made. There are two bridges, one for men and the other for women, who, however, are less harshly treated owing to the fact that they are seldom allowed to make their own decisions under Mohammedan law. Arabs do not believe that animals have a future life. EDUCATION With the exception of a few of the older men, whose religious zeal has inspired them to learn to read the words of Mohammed, the population is illiterate. The children attend no school, but are taught in the family. They devote their early childhood to play but are soon forced to assist with the work around the home, whether this be mud hut or black camel's-hair tent. From the moment when a child becomes helpful there is little respite allowed for play from sunrise to sunset. The children are proportionately more alert and intelligent than at the age of maturity. They are eager, quick, and responsive, but become slow and dull- witted in their late twenties. The lazy or mischievous child is punished and often beaten by the mother; but the father, particularly if the child is a boy, will not touch one hair of his head. Paternal pride for the young boy who will carry on the family traditions is almost unbounded. A girl child is a disadvantage unless, when she reaches the marriageable age, she becomes the wife of a strong, healthy, and prominent young member of the group. The young men and maidens talk and think of little but marriage and the family hearth. During excavation work, agricultural labor, or while riding across the plains, the Arabs chant romantic love songs. Education, according to our concept, is unknown. There are no books or papers of any kind with the exception of copies of the Koran. These Arabs have seen no books, and it is often difficult for them to recognize the significance of a ARABS OF THE KISH AREA 97 photograph. Many an Arab was unable to recognize his own photograph or those of his friends. He would turn the photograph on its side or upside down, and often was unable to see the resemblance even when the original was pointed out. However, there was a small percentage of men to whom the above would not apply. They were naturally of the more intelligent type, who were chosen as head men (rais) of the gangs (jogat) employed at the excavations. The Kish workmen had little mechanical sense and seemed particularly slow in grasping even the most rudimentary mechanical principles. Achmed Hamadi (No. 34) was the most efficient mechanic, although his general intelligence did not appear to be above the average. The Arabs are very inquisitive and have no hesitation in asking any question which may occur to them. Upon the occasion of my first visit to Kish, in the winter of 1925, 1 was asked where the objects were shipped at the conclusion of each season of excavation. I replied that the most important archaeological treasures remained in the new Iraq Museum at Baghdad, while the other portions were sent to Chicago and Oxford. I was immediately questioned as to whether Oxford was near London, and I was impressed with their geographical knowledge until I discovered that London, Berlin, and Constantinople constitute all their knowledge of Europe. Not one of the 150 workmen had heard of the Americas. One of the foremen asked the distance and number of camel journeys from Kish to Chicago, but when I described the intervening ocean I was not believed by any member of the group. Repeatedly they would ask me to explain why we could not bring part of the great ocean to them, so that they might irrigate their properties. These Arabs, from an early age, are interested in the moon and stars. The former controls the fast at Ramadan, and the latter guide them by night. As a result they know many of the stars by name. The evening star and the Dipper (mizari) are immediately recognized by young and old alike. It is interesting to note that when Babylon was the capital of central Mesopotamia, Kish had degenerated into a mere outpost and then was the center of astronomical and mathematical research. II. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA MEASUREMENTS AND OBSERVATIONS The anthropometric statistics in this chapter were obtained from three groups of Arabs living at that time in the Kish area. The largest group includes 398 Arabs, who live in various encampments in the region of Tell-el-Uhaimir. The second group comprises 231 members of the Iraq army, located at Hilla in 1928. These Arabs were recruited from all over Iraq, and thus form a non-homogeneous group. The third series of anthropometric data was obtained from thirty-eight Beduins belonging to the Ba'ij tribe, which wanders north and south between the Tigris and the Euphrates. An anthropometer was used for measuring the stature, height from acromion to sole, and sitting height. This instrument is a graduated metal rod which is in sections, fixed to a metal base and provided with a sliding horizontal branch. In order to obtain the stature the sections of the anthropometer were screwed together and inserted in the metal base. The instrument was then placed against the main tent pole and tied with a loose string to hold it upright. Each subject was placed with his back to the tent pole and the sliding horizontal bar was moved down until it rested on the top of his head. With two Arab assistants it was possible to obtain this measurement, although the standing height figures of the Kish Arabs show considerable variation, since it was impossible to make them stand uniformly straight. The Iraq soldiers, however, were accustomed to drill and therefore stood erect. The acromion to sole measurement was obtained on the standing individual by placing the horizontal bar of the anthropometer on the left superior and external border of the acromion process. This measurement immediately followed the standing height, since it involved little change of position. The sitting height was obtained by seating the subject on a four-gallon gasoline can about 34 cm in height. The knees were flexed, the dorsal aspect of the trunk made contact with the anthropometric rod in the sacral region and between the shoulder blades. The axis of vision remained horizontal. The height of the vertex from the ground was measured and later the height of the seat subtracted to give the correct sitting height. It was found advisable to carry a gasoline can as a seat for this measurement, since the various native wooden stools varied in height, and it was easier to subtract a constant figure for the height of the seat from the ground. The measurements obtained on the head were as follows: greatest occipital length, greatest breadth, minimum frontal diameter, bizygomatic breadth, bigonial breadth, total facial height, upper facial height, nasal height, nasal breadth, and left ear length and breadth. Since there are several systems used in the taking of these anthropometric measurements, it will be necessary to state the methods employed. The spread- ing calipers were held with a branch reposing on the palm of each hand. Each 98 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 99 forefinger guided the metal end of the calipers to the desired point, and when they were satisfactorily adjusted the reading was made. The elbows were held parallel to the ground and in some cases the butt or joint of the instrument rested against the chest in order to give support, while the scale was being read. The facial measurements were obtained with the same instrument, which was firmly held by the hands when the body could not be used as the support. In the majority of cases the landmarks used for determining the exact point on the head upon which the extremities of the sliding calipers should be placed followed the international agreement for the unification of anthropometric measurements made on living subjects, contained in the report of the commission appointed by the Fourteenth International Congress of Prehistoric Anthropology and Archaeology at Geneva (1912), to supplement the work commenced by the Thirteenth Congress at Monaco (1906). This report was translated by W. L. H. Duckworth, and is quoted in A. Hrdlicka's "Anthropometry" (pp. 25-31). The measurements on the head were taken in the following manner. The head length (glabella to opisthocranium) was measured with the spreading calipers from the most prominent point of the glabella to the most prominent point on the occiput, as shown by the maximum determinable spread of the branches of the compass. The two landmarks were taken in the median line and a slight pressure was used on the ends of the calipers. The head breadth (euryon to euryon) was measured with the spreading calipers from the widest points above the supramastoid and zygomatic crest. The ends of the instrument were pressed lightly to the sides of the head and moved in an anterior to posterior line until the maximum reading was obtained. The head height could not be measured, since the Arabs would not allow any instrument to penetrate the auditory meati. The minimum frontal diameter was obtained by measuring the shortest horizontal diameter between the two temporal crests on the frontal bone. The ends of the spreading calipers were guided by each forefinger to the deepest part in the curve of each temporal line above the lateral angular processes of the frontal bone, and the reading thus obtained. The bizygomatic breadth (zygion to zygion) was measured by placing the spreading calipers on the most widely separated points on the external surface of the zygomatic arches. The bigonial breadth was obtained with the spreading calipers by placing the ends of the instrument on the most prominent external points of the angles of the lower jaw (gonion). The total facial height was measured with the spreading calipers from the lowest point in the middle of the bony chin (menton) to the point in the median sagittal line where the nasal bones join the frontal bone (nasion). This measure- ment was obtained by holding the calipers in a vertical position, while the scale was read from the side. The upper facial height was measured from the nasion to the point between the two front incisor teeth where they enter the gum of the upper jaw. 100 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ The nasal height was measured with the spreading calipers from the nasion to that point where the septum of the nose joins the upper lip (subnasale). The nasal breadth (alare to alare) was obtained with the spreading calipers by measurement of the maximum normal external breadth of the nasal alae, determined without the exertion of any pressure. The sliding compass was used for the measurements on the ear. The left ear was measured wherever circumstances permitted. The ear length was measured from the highest point on the border of the helix to the lowest point on the lobe. The rod of the sliding compass was held parallel to the long axis of the ear. The ear breadth was obtained with the sliding compass by measuring the distance between two lines parallel to the long axis of the ear, one of these lines being tangent to the anterior, the other to the posterior border of the helix. In recording observations the following subdivisions were used: hair, eye, eyebrow, nose, teeth, ear, scapulae, chest, musculature, and health. The form of the hair was noted as straight, with low or deep waves, curly, frizzly, or woolly; the texture was recorded as coarse, medium, or fine; the quantity on the head, beard, and body was noted; the color was recorded as black, dark brown, reddish brown, light brown, golden, red, white, or gray. The color of the eye was noted as black, dark brown, blue brown, gray brown, green brown, blue, or gray; the sclera as clear, speckled, yellow, or bloodshot; the iris as homogeneous, rayed, or zoned. The thickness, concurrency, and lateral extension of the eyebrows were noted. Median or continuous brow-ridges, and the prominence of the glabella were observed. The nasion depression, nasal root, and thickness of the nasal tip and its elevation or depression were recorded. The nasal wings were compressed, medium, or flaring, and the nasal septum was straight or convex with an upward or downward inclination. The prominence of the malars was mentioned whenever conspicuous. The eruption of the teeth was recorded as complete or unerupted. The wear on the teeth, occurrence of caries, number lost, and whether the bite was under, edge-to-edge, slight over, or marked over were noted. With regard to the ears the development of the lobe, whether it was attached or free, the degree of roll of the helix and the presence of Darwin's point were recorded. The vertebral borders of the scapulae were straight, convex, or concave. The chest development, general musculature, and state of health were recorded. Any pathological characters were observed, particularly the occurrence of smallpox, "Baghdad boils," or attacks of fever. The presence or absence of tattooing was observed and a general discussion of body-marking in southwestern Asia, together with a detailed report on tattooing in Iraq, will be published later. Since the anthropometric data already published on Arabs are limited, it seemed desirable to publish in full the figures and other data obtained. The statistics have been tabulated in Chapter III. It must be noted, however, that Dr. L. H. Dudley Buxton, with myself as the recorder, made anthropometric measurements on 164 adult Arab males at Kish during January, 1926. The results are included in the article by Buxton and Rice, entitled "Report on the Human Remains found at Kish" (J.R.A.I., LXI, 1931, pp. 57-119). The ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 101 figures are quoted here, since these Arabs belong to the groups studied and included in this Report. Each individual was asked if he had been measured before, and if so was omitted, so that little duplication could have resulted. In the following group 164 persons were measured in every case, except for the stature, when only 159 individuals were recorded. MEAN MEASUREMENTS OF LIVING ADULT MALES FROM KISH {After Buxton and Field. Season, 1925-26) Standard Measurements Mean deviation Stature 169.56±0.33 6.11±0.23 Glabella-occipital length .... 189 . 94 ± 0 . 33 6 . 21 ± 0 . 23 Greatest breadth 143.48±0.26 4.88±0.18 Minimum frontal diameter. . 107 . 39 ±0 . 21 3 . 99 ±0 . 15 Bizygomatic breadth 133 . 32 ±0 . 26 4 . 81 ±0 . 18 Bigonial breadth 104.83±0.29 5.35±0.20 Nasal height 46.98±0.23 4.27±0.16 Nasal breadth 33.54±0.15 2.86±0.11 Upper facial height 66.51±0.23 4.35±0.16 Total facial height 114.53±0.37 6.71±0.25 Indices Cephalic index 76.61±0.18 3.43±0.13 Nasal index 72.80±0.46 8.64±0.32 Upper facial index 49.56±0.18 3.45±0.12 Total facial index 85.14±0.29 5.42±0.20 Coefficient of variation 3.61±0.14 3.27±0.12 3.40±0.13 3.71±0.14 3.61±0.13 5.10±0.19 9.08±0.34 8.43±0.32 6.54±0.24 5.86±0.22 4.54±0.17 11. 87 ±0.45 6.96±0.26 6.37±0.24 ARABS OF THE KISH AREA NO. 1. PLATE I, Figs. 1, 2 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 12, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 24; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living, 3 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: horse on right arm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1660 820 1420 184 139 108 126 97 114 66 46 31 59 31 Indices Cephalic 75.6 Relative sitting height 49 . 4 Fronto-parietal 77.7 Total facial 90.5 Upper facial 52 . 4 Nasal 67.4 Ear : 52.6 Jugomandibular 77 . 2 Jugofrontal 85 . 7 Hair. — Form: straight. Texture: coarse. Color: reddish brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, medium; body, medium. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Thickness: plus. Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Glabella: plus. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness plus, depressed. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Wear: none. Caries: none. Lost: none. 102 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: plus. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: convex. Chest. — Development: average plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 2. Plates I, Figs. 3, 4; CXXX; CXXXI Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 12, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living, 3 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: gazelle on right hand (identification mark); on right arm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1700 835 1435 192 143 115 130 108 129 76 54 33 63 33 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 74.5 49.1 80.4 99.2 58.5 61.1 52.4 83.0 88.4 Hair. — Form: straight. Texture: coarse. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled. 7ns: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Wear: slight. Canes: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: convex. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature.— Excellent. Health.— Good. Brother of No. 1. No. 3. Plate I, Figs. 5, 6 Date: March 12, 1928. Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Birthplace: near Imam Sa'id. Age: 20; married 18 months Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. No children. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1660 855 1360 183 140 114 116 104 124 73 56 35 61 30 Indices Cephalic 76.5 Relative sitting height 51.5 Fronto-parietal 81.4 Total facial 108.7 Upper facial 63 . 5 Nasal 62.5 Ear 49.2 Jugomandibular 89 . 6 Jugofrontal 98.2 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 103 Hair. — Form: curly frizzly. Texture: medium-fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, medium. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled and yellow. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: concave. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: free. Scapulae.— Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 4. Plate I, Figs. 7, 8 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 12, 1928. Birthplace: near Bagala on Euphrates. Age: 30; married 12 years. Sons: 1 living, 1 dead. Daughters: 2 living, 2 dead. Birthplace of father and mother: Bughaila. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1690 Cephalic 75.1 Sitting height 890 Relative sitting height 52 . 6 Acromion to sole 1435 Fron to-parietal 82.0 Head length 185 Total facial 91.2 Head breadth 139 Upper facial 54 . 8 Minimum frontal diameter. . 114 Nasal 54.9 Bizygomatic maximum 124 Ear 54 . 2 Bigonial breadth 99 Jugomandibular 79.8 Total facial height 113 Jugofrontal 91.9 Upper facial height 68 Nasal height 51 Nasal breadth 28 • Ear length 59 Ear breadth 32 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: coarse. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled. Iris: rayed. Eyebrow. — Thickness: plus. Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: average. Brow-ridges: median. Glabella: average. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: depressed. Teeth. — Wear: slight. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: plus. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: double plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: average plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Good. No. 5 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 12, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1545 Cephalic 75.2 Sitting height 710 Relative sitting height 45.9 Acromion to sole 1273 Fronto-parietal 76. 1 104 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length. ." Ear breadth MM 173 130 99 115 84 111 68 47 26 52 34 Indices Total facial 96.5 Upper facial 59.1 Nasal 56.3 Ear 65.4 Jugomandibular 73.0 Jugofrontal 86.0 Hair. — Form: straight. Texture: coarse. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: depressed. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Wear: none. Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Helix: plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: poor. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. No. 6 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 12, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Mugheir. Age: 16; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1497 722 1250 187 135 105 120 82 115 63 46 30 54 33 Indices Cephalic 72.2 Relative sitting height 48 . 2 Fronto-parietal 77.8 Total facial 95.9 Upper facial 52.5 Nasal. 65.2 Ear 61.1 Jugomandibular 68 . 3 Jugofrontal 87 . 5 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, medium; beard, medium; body, medium. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: minus. Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Caries: plus. Lost: none. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature.— Good. Health.— Good. No. 7. Plate II, Figs. 1, 2 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 13, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Atiyeh. Age: 25; married for 7 years. No children. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: on glabella. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 105 Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bi zygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1654 820 1432 180 130 109 128 95 111 63 50 37 66 33 Indices Cephalic 72.2 Relative sitting height 49 . 5 Fronto-parietal 83.9 Total facial 86.7 Upper facial 49.2 Nasal 74.0 Ear 50.0 Jugomandibular 73.2 Jugofrontal 85 . 1 Hair. — Form: curly frizzly. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown black. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled. Iris: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Thickness: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness plus. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Wear: slight. Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: convex. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health.— Good. No. 8 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 13, 1928. Birthplace: the desert near Jemdet Nasr. Age: 25; unmarried. Birthplace of father and mother: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: gazelle, as "identification mark." Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1672 842 1402 167 134 109 114 96 123 72 57 36 53 40 Indices Cephalic 80.2 Relative sitting height 50 . 3 Fronto-parietal 81 .4 Total facial 92.8 Upper facial 63 . 1 Nasal 63.1 Ear 75.5 Jugomandibular 84 . 2 Jugofrontal 95 . 6 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled. Iris: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Thickness: plus. Lateral extent: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Glabella: average. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: none. Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: minus. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: convex. Chest. — Development: average. 106 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Musculature. — Good. Health.— Excellent. No. 9. Plate II, Figs. 3, 4 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 13, 1928. Birthplace: between Hilla and Baghdad. Age: 20; unmarried. Birthplace of father and mother: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: gazelle on left forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1752 854 1451 176 139 102 119 81 114 65 48 32 55 32 Indices Cephalic 78.9 Relative sitting height 48 . 7 Fronto-parietal 73 .4 Total facial 95.8 Upper facial 54.6 Nasal 66.6 Ear 58.2 Jugomandibular 68.0 Jugofrontal 85 . 7 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: coarse. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness plus, elevated. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Wear: slight. Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: plus. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: average. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. No. 10. Plates II, Figs. 5, 6; CXXXII; CXXXIII Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 13, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 19; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 2 living, 1 dead (infant). Tattoo marks: gazelle on right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1641 811 1432 196 142 112 123 91 134 84 60 37 61 29 Indices Cephalic 72.4 Relative sitting height 49 . 3 Fronto-parietal 78.8 Total facial 108.9 Upper facial 68.3 Nasal 61.7 Ear 47.5 Jugomandibular 73 .9 Jugofrontal 91.0 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: coarse. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, average; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 107 Eyebrow. — Thickness: plus. Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Glabella: plus. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Wear: none. Caries: none. Lost: none. Condition: excellent. Ear. — Lobe: free. Helix: minus. Darwin's Point: plus. Chest. — Development: good. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent. No. 11. Plate II, Figs. 7, 8 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 13, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 25; married for 5 months. Brothers: 2 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: spot on end of nose. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1713 865 1446 171 122 104 113 82 122 76 59 34 51 27 Indices Cephalic 71.4 Relative sitting height 50 . 5 Fronto-parietal 85 . 3 Total facial 107.9 Upper facial 67 . 2 Nasal 57.6 Ear 52.9 Jugomandibular 72 . 5 Jugof rontal 92 . 0 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: coarse. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, medium; body, medium. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concave. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: none. Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: average. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent. No. 12 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 13, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Mugheir. Age: 50; married for 30 years, 3 wives. Divorced one wife, one left him, and one with him now. Sons: 4, 0, 0, dead. Daughters: 3, 0, 0, living; 4, 0, 0, dead. Brothers: 1 living, 3 dead. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: 2 spots on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height ........ mm Indices 1726 Cephalic 76.0 867 Relative sitting height 50.3 1456 Fronto-parietal 69 . 2 196 Total facial 95.9 149 Upper facial 63.1 103 Nasal 59.3 122 Ear 49.2 99 Jugomandibular 81.1 117 Jugofrontal 84.4 77 108 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Nasal height 59 Nasal breadth 35 Ear length 61 Ear breadth 30 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: coarse. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, minus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled and bloodshot. 7m: zoned. Eyebrow. — Lateral extent: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Glabella: plus. Nose. — Profile: concave. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: none. Caries: none. Lost: none. Condition: poor. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: average. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Poor. No. 13. Plate III, Figs. 1, 2 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 13, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: band with two spots on right wrist; three spots on right and left frontals. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1503 Cephalic 76.5 Sitting height 740 Relative sitting height 49 . 2 Acromion to sole 1265 Fronto-parietal 72.4 Head length 183 Total facial 100.0 Head breadth 140 Upper facial 60.5 Minimum frontal diameter. . 102 Nasal 66.0 Bizygomatic maximum 114 Ear 53 . 6 Bigonial breadth 89 Jugomandibular 78.0 Total facial height 114 Jugofrontal 89.5 Upper facial height 69 Nasal height 50 Nasal breadth 33 Ear length 56 Ear breadth 30 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double minus; body, double minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: depressed. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Wear: none. Caries: none. Ijost: none. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: average. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: average. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: poor. Musculature. — Poor. Health. — Poor. No. 14. Plate III, Figs. 3, 6 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 13, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 17; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 3 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: spot on tip of nose and on right wrist. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1620 Cephalic 75.0 Sitting height 766 Relative sitting height 47 . 2 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 109 Measurements Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1363 184 138 102 120 96 116 73 52 28 57 35 Indices Fronto-parietal 73 . 9 Total facial 96.7 Upper facial 60.8 Nasal 53.8 Ear 61.4 Jugomandibular 80 . 0 Jugofrontal 85 . 0 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: coarse. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, triple plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Thickness: plus. Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: average. Brow-ridges: continuous. Glabella: plus. Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Wear: slight. Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: average. Helix: plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Excellent. No. 15 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 13, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 40; married for 22 years, 2 wives (both living, the second the aunt of No. 13). Sons: 1, 1, living. Daughters: 2, 2, living. Birthplace of father: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Birthplace of mother: camp of Sheikh Hadji Hunta on Tigris. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: on right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1709 847 1456 169 148 113 138 100 113 71 53 40 66 30 Indices Cephalic 87.6 Relative sitting height 49 . 6 Fronto-parietal 76.4 Total facial 81.9 Upper facial 51 .4 Nasal 75.5 Ear 45.5 Jugomandibular 72 . 5 Jugofrontal 81 . 9 Hair. — Form: low waves. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, minus; beard, triple plus; body, triple plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Thickness: average. Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Glabella: plus. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: thickness plus, horizontal. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: triple plus. Caries: triple plus. Lost: on right side 1 upper, 1 lower pre- molar, 2 lower molars. Condition: very poor. Ear. — Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: plus. 110 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Chest. — Development: good. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Often fevered and has headaches. Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. No. 16 Date: March 13, 1928. 28; married for 12 years. Sons: 2 living, 1 dead. Daughters: Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1717 865 1464 182 145 110 123 99 120 70 59 39 57 37 Indices Cephalic 79.7 Relative sitting height 50.4 Fronto-parietal 75.9 Total facial 97.6 Upper facial 56.9 Nasal 66.1 Ear 64.9 Jugomandibular 80 . 5 Jugofrontal 89 .4 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: minus. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness plus, horizontal. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: plus. Lost: 2 right lower molars. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: plus. Helix: minus. Darwin's Point: minus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: good. Musculature.— Good. Health. — Fair. No. 17. Plate III, Figs. 4, 5 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 14, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Adi at Shomali. Age: 20; unmarried. Birthplace of father: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Birthplace of mother: camp of Sheikh Mutlukh at Butafia. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1653 Sitting height 820 Acromion to sole 1394 Head length 192 Head breadth 141 Minimum frontal diameter. . 110 Bizygomatic maximum 132 Bigonial breadth 106 Total facial height 120 Upper facial height 71 Nasal height 58 Indices Cephalic 73.5 Relative sitting height 49 . 6 Fronto-parietal 78.0 Total facial 90.9 Upper facial 53 . 7 Nasal 60.3 Ear 66.7 Jugomandibular 80.3 Jugofrontal 83.3 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 111 Measurements mm Nasal breadth 35 Ear length 54 Ear breadth 36 Hair. — Form: low waves. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: depressed. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Wear: slight. Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. No. 18. Plate IV, Figs. 1, 2 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 14, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 24; married for 9 years. Sons: 2 living, 1 dead Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 4 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: 2 spots on left hand. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1623 Cephalic 79.2 Sitting height 801 Relative sitting height 49.3 Acromion to sole 1374 Fronto-parietal 73 . 1 Head length 183 Total facial 91.9 Head breadth 145 Upper facial 58.4 Minimum frontal diameter . . 106 Nasal 44 . 4 Bizygomatic maximum 137 Ear 54 . 2 Bigonial breadth 104 Jugomandibular 75.9 Total facial height 126 Jugofrontal 77.3 Upper facial height 80 Nasal height 63 Nasal breadth 28 Ear length 59 Ear breadth 32 Hair. — Form: straight. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: gray brown. Sclera: speckled. Iris: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Thickness: average. Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Glabella: average. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness average, depressed. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Wear: slight. Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: average. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: plus. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature.— Good. Health. — Always good. No. 19 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 14, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 19; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 4 dead. Sisters: 2 dead. Tattoo marks: dog, gazelle, horse, etc., on right arm; design on forehead over glabella. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1764 Cephalic 71.9 Sitting height 837 Relative sitting height 47 . 4 Acromion to sole 1473 Fronto-parietal 81 . 6 112 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 196 141 115 132 110 127 76 62 37 64 37 Indices Total facial 96.2 Upper facial 57 . 6 Nasal 59.7 Ear 57.8 Jugomandibular 83.3 Jugofrontal 87.1 Hair. — Form: straight. Texture: coarse. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, average. Eye. — Color: gray brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Thickness: minus. Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, double plus; depressed. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Wear: slight. Caries: none. Lost: 1 right lower molar. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: plus. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: average. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Always excellent. No. 20 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 14, 1928. Birthplace: near Jemdet Nasr. Age: 22; unmarried. Birthplace of father: near Jemdet Nasr. Birthplace of mother: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Brothers: 1 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 4 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: snake design and gazelle on right arm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1701 836 1461 190 143 109 110 83 120 70 61 31 64 33 Indices Cephalic 75.3 Relative sitting height 49 . 1 Fronto-parietal 76.3 Total facial 109.1 Upper facial 63 . 6 Nasal 50.8 Ear 51.6 Jugomandibular 75.4 Jugofrontal 99.1 Hair. — Form: straight. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: gray brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: rayed. Eyebrow. — Thickness: double plus. Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Glabella: plus. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness plus, depressed. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Wear: slight. Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: good. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Always excellent. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 113 No. 21 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 14, 1928. Birthplace: near Kut. Age: 30; married 10 years. Sons: Hiving, 3 dead. Birthplace of father and mother: near Kut, Charrib tribe. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Daughters: 2 dead. Indices Cephalic 73.7 Relative sitting height 49 . 1 Fronto-parietal 74 .3 Total facial 102.3 Upper facial 59 . 8 Nasal 51.6 Ear 49.3 Jugomandibular 80 . 3 Jugofrontal 83 . 4 Measurements mm Standing height 1744 Sitting height 857 Acromion to sole 1503 Head length 190 Head breadth 140 Minimum frontal diameter . . 104 Bizygomatic maximum 127 Bigonial breadth 100 Total facial height 130 Upper facial height 76 Nasal height 64 Nasal breadth 33 Ear length 71 Ear breadth 35 HAIR. — Color: dark brown and gray. Quantity: head, average; beard, triple plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: gray brown. Sclera: speckled. Iris: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Thickness: minus. Concurrency: average. Lateral extent: average. Brow- ridges: median. Glabella: average. Wings: compressed. Lost: 2 right upper incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: depressed Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: plus. and 1 molar, 1 right lower canine. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Helix: plus Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Poor. Health. — Fair. NO. 22 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 14, 1928. Birthplace: Bughaila. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: 3 on left hand. Darwin's Point: average. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1663 781 1361 179 143 107 119 98 123 76 63 34 60 33 Hair. — Form: straight. Texture: coarse, average; body, average. Indices Cephalic 79.9 Relative sitting height 47 . 0 Fronto-parietal 74.9 Total facial 103.3 Upper facial 63 . 9 Nasal 54.0 Ear 55.0 Jugomandibular 82.4 Jugofrontal 89.9 Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, 114 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Eye. — Color: gray brown. Sclera: speckled. Iris: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Thickness: plus. Concurrency: average. Lateral extent: average. Brow-ridges: median. Glabella: average. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: thickness plus. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Wear: none. Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: average. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: average. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 23. Plate IV, Figs. 3, 4 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hindiya. Age: 24; married for 6 years. Sons: 2 living. Daughters: none. Brothers: 3 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living, 2 dead. Tattoo marks: on right hand. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1615 Cephalic 83.2 Sitting height 821 Relative sitting height 50.8 Acromion to sole 1340 Fronto-parietal 71.0 Head length 178 Total facial 90.1 Head breadth 148 Upper facial 55.4 Minimum frontal diameter. . 105 Nasal 52.0 Bizygomatic maximum 121 Ear 56 . 6 Bigonial breadth 103 Jugomandibular 85 . 1 Total facial height 109 Jugofrontal 86.8 Upper facial height 67 Nasal height 52 Nasal breadth 27 Ear length 60 Ear breadth 34 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, average; beard, triple plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: average. Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: plus. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: thickness, average; depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: average. Caries: average. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: average. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: average. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: good. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Generally good; sometimes fevered. No. 24 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 16, 1928. Birthplace: desert near Kish. Age: 18; unmarried. Birthplace of father and mother: camp of Sheikh M'Mahil. Brothers: 1 living (half-brother). Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: gazelle and dots on forearm, 3 dots and right angle on hand and wrist. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1575 Cephalic 75.0 Sitting height 724 Relative sitting height 46.0 Acromion to sole 1297 Fronto-parietal 75.9 Head length 188 Total facial 105.2 Head breadth 141 Upper facial 60 . 6 Minimum frontal diameter . . 107 Nasal 62 . 3 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 115 Measurements mm Indices Bizygomatic maximum 114 Ear 50 . 0 Bigonial breadth 91 Jugomandibular 79.8 Total facial height 120 Jugofrontal 93.9 Upper facial height 69 Nasal height 53 Nasal breadth 33 Ear length 60 Ear breadth 30 Hair. — Form: deep waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: average. Concurrency: average. Lateral extent: average. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: depressed. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Wear: average. Caries: average. Lost: first lower premolar. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: average. Protrusion: double plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: good. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent. No. 25. Plate IV, Figs. 5, 6 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 15, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 3 dead. Sisters: 5 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1730 856 1481 197 145 109 113 100 104 77 57 37 55 31 Indices Cephalic 72.6 Relative sitting height 49.5 Fronto-parietal 76.3 Total facial 92.1 Upper facial 68 . 2 Nasal 64.9 Ear 56.4 Jugomandibular 88 . 5 Jugofrontal 96.5 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled and bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: plus. Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Glabella: average. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: elevated. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: plus. Lost: right lower, 2 premolars, 2 molars. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: good. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Excellent. No. 26. Plates IV, Figs. 7, 8; CXXVIII; CXXIX Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 15, 1928. Birthplace: near arch of Ctesiphon. Age: 28; married for 10 years. Sons: 3 living, 1 dead. Daughters: none. 116 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Birthplace of father: Baghdad. Birthplace of mother: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Brothers: 2 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: on left hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1660 825 1410 194 145 111 130 111 129 72 66 35 66 36 Indices Cephalic 74.7 Relative sitting height 49.7 Fronto-parietal 76.6 Total facial 99.3 Upper facial 55 . 4 Nasal 53.1 Ear 54.5 Jugomandibular 85 . 5 Jugofrontal 85 . 5 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Thickness: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Glabella: average. Nose. — Profile: concave. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: average. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: good. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. Head and face closely resemble features portrayed in Sumerian art. External eye folds: double plus. Had fever and vomiting fits during cholera outbreak in 1927 and 1928. No. 27. Plate V, Figs. 1, 2 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 15, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: gazelle on right forearm. Also had jaundice. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1614 775 1344 186 145 108 120 100 121 66 53 36 62 33 Indices Cephalic 78.0 Relative sitting height 48 . 0 Fronto-parietal 74 . 5 Total facial 100.8 Upper facial 55 . 0 Nasal 68.0 Ear 53.3 Jugomandibular 83.3 Jugofrontal 90.0 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Brow-ridges: median. Glabella: average. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 117 Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: average. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: average. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health.— Good. No. 28. Plate V, Figs. 3, 4 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 15, 1928. Birthplace: Hindiya. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1632 Sitting height 786 Acromion to sole 1423 Head length 187 Head breadth 138 Minimum frontal diameter. . 103 Bizygomatic maximum 126 Bigonial breadth 113 Total facial height 114 Upper facial height 73 Nasal height 57 Nasal breadth 36 Ear length 63 Ear breadth 31 Indices Cephalic 73.7 Relative sitting height 48 . 2 Fronto-parietal 74 . 6 Total facial 90.5 Upper facial 57.8 Nasal 63.1 Ear 49.2 Jugomandibular 89 . 7 Jugofrontal 81.7 Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, average; none. Darwin's Point: Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled and bloodshot. Eyebrow. — Thickness: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Glabella: average. Nose. — Profile: concave. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: plus. Lost: Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: plus. Helix: plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: double minus. Musculature. — Poor. Health. — Poor; sick every year with fever. No. 29. Plate V, Figs. 5, 6 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 15, 1928. Birthplace: Seara on Euphrates. Age: 17; unmarried. Birthplace of father and mother: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. average. Measurements mm Standing height 1587 Sitting height 751 Acromion to sole 1327 Head length 180 Head breadth 144 Minimum frontal diameter. . 103 Bizygomatic maximum 119 Bigonial breadth 97 Total facial height 110 Indices Cephalic 80.0 Relative sitting height 47 . 3 Fronto-parietal 71 . 5 Total facial 92.5 Upper facial 56 . 3 Nasal 61.4 Ear 56.9 Jugomandibular 81 . 5 Jugofrontal 86 . 5 118 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Upper facial height 67 Nasal height 57 Nasal breadth 35 Ear length 58 Ear breadth 33 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double minus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. EYEBROW. — Thickness: plus. Concurrency: average. Lateral extent: average. Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: concave. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Wear: none. Caries: plus. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: average. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Poor, often fevered, especially during 1927. No. 30 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 15, 1928. Birthplace: near Bughaila. Age: 23; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 3 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: on right wrist; spot on left cheek; spot above glabella. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1683 Cephalic 80.5 Sitting height 812 Relative sitting height 48.2 Acromion to sole 1390 Fronto-parietal 73.9 Head length 185 Total facial 91.1 Head breadth 149 Upper facial 49.6 Minimum frontal diameter. . 110 Nasal 61.9 Bizygomatic maximum 135 Ear 51 . 6 Bigonial breadth 103 Jugomandibular 75.5 Total facial height 123 Jugofrontal 81.5 Upper facial height 67 Nasal height 55 Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 64 Ear breadth 33 Hair. — Form: straight, low waves at ends. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Brow-ridges: median. Glabella: average. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: elevated. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: plus. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: double plus. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: average. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: good. Musculature.— Good. Health. — Always excellent. Thickness of lips double plus, suggesting Negro blood. No. 31. Plate V, Figs. 7, 8 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 15, 1928. Birthplace: near Jemdet Nasr. Age: 20; unmarried. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 119 Birthplace of father and mother: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Brothers: 1 living, 3 dead. Sisters: 3 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1751 850 1506 195 144 108 124 100 124 79 60 33 60 33 Indices Cephalic 73.9 Relative sitting height 48 . 5 Fronto-parietal 75.0 Total facial 100.0 Upper facial 63 . 7 Nasal 55.0 Ear 55.0 Jugomandibular 80 . 6 Jugofrontal 87 . 1 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, average; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. 7ns: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: plus. Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Glabella: average. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: average. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: poor. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Always good. No. 32 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 15, 1928. Birthplace: Alhai on Tigris east of Jemdet Nasr. Brothers: 4 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: 3 spots in line on right hand. Age: 18; unmarried. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1594 786 1352 184 144 109 115 96 121 72 60 30 60 36 Indices Cephalic 78.3 Relative sitting height 49 . 3 Fronto-parietal 75.7 Total facial 105.1 Upper facial 62 . 6 Nasal 50.0 Ear 60.0 Jugomandibular 83 . 5 Jugofrontal 94.8 Hair. — Form: straight. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: plus. Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Tip: elevated. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: average. 120 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: double plus. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: minus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: convex. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. No. 33 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 15, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 30; married for 2 years. No children. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 3 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: gazelle on right forearm; spots on wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1708 840 1456 187 145 113 115 98 123 74 54 34 60 36 Indices Cephalic 77.5 Relative sitting height 49 . 2 Fronto-parietal 78.0 Total facial 107.0 Upper facial 64 . 4 Nasal 63.0 Ear 60.0 Jugomandibular 85 . 2 Jugofrontal 98.3 Hair. — Texture: medium fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, average; beard, double plus; body, triple plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: double plus. Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: plus. Brow-ridges: continuous. Glabella: plus. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Lost: 1 lower right molar. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: average. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent since marriage; fevered often before. No. 34. Plate CVII, Figs. 7, 8 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 15, 1928. Birthplace: Ramadi. Age: 25; married for 5 years. Sons: none. Daughters: 1 living. Birthplace of father : camp of Sheikh Miniehil . Birthplace of mother : Musaiyib near Hindiya . Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: on right hand, "to give strength." Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1761 847 1481 188 137 105 120 109 127 66 58 28 65 35 Indices Cephalic 72.9 Relative sitting height 48 . 1 Fronto-parietal 76 . 6 Total facial 105.9 Upper facial 55 .0 Nasal 48.3 Ear 53.9 Jugomandibular 90.8 Jugofrontal 87 . 5 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 121 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled and bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: slight. Lost: 1 lower premolar on each side. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good . Health. — Excellent except for occasional fever attacks. No. 35 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 16, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 16; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: gazelle on right arm. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1410 Cephalic 78.0 Sitting height 675 Relative sitting height 47 . 9 Acromion to sole 1176 Fronto-parietal 74.6 Head length 182 Total facial 97.4 Head breadth 142 Upper facial 58.7 Minimum frontal diameter . . 106 Nasal 58 . 2 Bizygomatic maximum 114 Ear 45.4 Bigonial breadth 86 Jugomandibular 75.4 Total facial height Ill Jugofrontal 92.9 Upper facial height 67 Nasal height 55 Nasal breadth 32 Ear length 66 Ear breadth 30 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: minus. Concurrency: minus. Lateral extent: minus. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium-flaring. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Good . Health.— Excellent. Not included in statistical summaries. No. 36 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 17, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Mugheir. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1681 Relative sitting height 48.3 Sitting height 812 Fronto-parietal 76.5 Acromion to sole 1411 Total facial 94.3 Head breadth 136 Upper facial 53.7 Minimum frontal diameter. . 104 Nasal 70.6 Bizygomatic maximum 121 Ear 55.2 122 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Indices Bigonial breadth 99 Jugomandibular 81 .8 Total facial height 114 Jugofrontal 91 . 1 Upper facial height 65 Nasal height 51 Nasal breadth 37 Ear length 58 Ear breadth 32 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7m: zoned. EYEBROW. — Thickness: plus. Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Tip: depressed. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Wear: average. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent except for occasional fever attacks. No. 37 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 17, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 17; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: spot on center of back of right hand. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1526 Cephalic 78.7 Sitting height 711 Relative sitting height 46.7 Acromion to sole 1297 Fronto-parietal 71.5 Head length 178 Total facial 90.3 Head breadth 140 Upper facial 59 . 4 Minimum frontal diameter . . 100 Nasal 51.6 Bizygomatic maximum 123 Ear 54 . 5 Bigonial breadth 93 Jugomandibular 75.6 Total facial height Ill Jugofrontal 81 .3 Upper facial height 73 Nasal height 62 Nasal breadth 32 Ear length 55 Ear breadth 30 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: rayed. Eyebrow. — Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Excellent. No. 38. Plate VI, Figs. 1, 2 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 16, 1928. Birthplace : camp of Sheikh Mugheir. Age : 25 ; married for 3 years. Sons : none. Daughters : 1 dead. Brothers: 4 living, 3 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: gazelle on right forearm; 3 spots on both temples. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 123 Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1653 826 1400 190 140 108 113 90 135 70 57 34 55 32 Indices Cephalic 73.7 Relative sitting height 50 . 0 Fronto-parietal 77 . 1 Total facial 119.5 Upper facial 61 . 4 Nasal 59.6 Ear 58.2 Jugomandibular 79 . 6 Jugofrontal 95.6 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled. Iris: rayed. Eyebrow. — Thickness: double plus. Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent. An excellent pickman. Brother of No. 40. No. 39. Plate VI, Figs. 3, 4 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 17, 1928. Birthplace: Daghghara. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: on right wrist; single spot on both temples. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1739 804 1472 188 147 108 119 97 126 75 62 32 55 32 Indices Cephalic 78.2 Relative sitting height 46.3 Fronto-parietal 73 . 5 Total facial 105.9 Upper facial 63 . 0 Nasal 51.6 Ear 58.2 Jugomandibular 81 . 5 Jugofrontal 90 . 8 Hair. — Form: low waves. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: plus. Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: horizontal. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Wear: slight. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. 124 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Musculature. — Good. Health.— Excellent. No. 40. Plate VI, Figs. 5, 6 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 17, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Mugheir. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 4 living, 3 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: gazelle on right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1714 814 1434 202 145 110 125 98 130 75 64 31 60 30 Indices Cephalic 71.1 Relative sitting height 47 . 5 Fron to-parietal 75 . 9 Total facial .104.0 Upper facial 60 . 0 Nasal 48.4 Ear 50.0 Jugomandibular 78.4 Jugofrontal 88.8 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Sckra: clear. Iris: zoned. EYEBROW. — Thickness: double plus. Concurrency: double plus. Lateral extent: plus. Brow- ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: average. Caries: minus. Lost: 1 lower right molar. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: average. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent except for occasional attacks of fever which last from three to four days. Brother of No. 38. NO. 41 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 17, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living, 3 dead. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1619 815 1345 181 138 98 123 96 109 72 53 34 62 35 Indices Cephalic 76.2 Relative sitting height 50 . 3 Fron to-parietal 71 . 0 Total facial 88.6 Upper facial 58. 5 Nasal 64.2 Ear 56.5 Jugomandibular 78.0 Jugofrontal 79.7 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, minus. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 125 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: depressed. Wings: flaring. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: minus. Darwin's Point: double plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 42 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 17, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 28; married for 8 years. Daughters: none. Brothers: none. Sisters: 3 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Sons: 3 living. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1560 797 1345 179 138 99 113 96 116 68 52 32 67 40 Indices Cephalic 77.1 Relative sitting height 51 . 1 Fronto-parietal 71.7 Total facial 102.7 Upper facial 60 . 1 Nasal 61 . 6 Ear 59.7 Jugomandibular 84.9 Jugofrontal 87 . 6 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: rayed. Eyebrow. — Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: plus. NOSE. — Profile: straight. Tip: depressed. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: plus. Lost: 1 upper left molar. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: plus. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: minus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good except for slight fever attacks of four or five days' duration. No. 43. Plate VI, Figs. 7, 8 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 15, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Mugheir. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living, 3 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: 3 dots on right hand. Measurements mm Standing height 1760 Sitting height 895 Acromion to sole 1500 Head length 196 Head breadth 152 Minimum frontal diameter. . 120 Bizygomatic maximum 127 Bigonial breadth 97 Total facial height 132 Indices Cephalic 77.6 Relative sitting height 50 . 7 Fronto-parietal 78.9 Total facial 103.9 Upper facial 59 . 8 Nasal 62.3 Ear 59.7 Jugomandibular 76.8 Jugofrontal 94 . 5 126 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Upper facial height 76 Nasal height 61 Nasal breadth 38 Ear length 62 Ear breadth 37 Hair. — Form: deep waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, average; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Iris: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Thickness: plus. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent except for occasional fever attacks. No. 44. Plate VII, Figs. 1, 2 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 16, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 20; unmarried. Birthplace of father and mother: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Brothers: 3 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: on right wrist. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1690 Cephalic 75.8 Sitting height 820 Relative sitting height 48 . 5 Acromion to sole 1420 Fronto-parietal 82 . 3 Head length 186 Total facial 89.1 Head breadth 141 Upper facial 52.2 Minimum frontal diameter. . 116 Nasal 60.4 Bizygomatic maximum 138 Ear 50 . 0 Bigonial breadth 110 Jugomandibular 79.7 Total facial height 123 Jugofrontal 84.1 Upper facial height 72 Nasal height 53 Nasal breadth 32 Ear length 64 Ear breadth 32 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled. Iris: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Thickness: average. Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: average. Brow-ridges: median. NOSE. — Profile: straight. Tip: horizontal. Wings: medium. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature.— Excellent. Health. — Excellent except for slight attacks of fever. No. 45. Plate VII, Figs. 3, 4 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 17, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 19; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 3 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: on right wrist. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 127 Indices Cephalic 86.4 Relative sitting height 50 . 3 Fron to-parietal 72.4 Total facial 82.1 Upper facial 46 . 9 Nasal 70.2 Ear 60.3 Jugomandibular 66 . 9 Jugofrontal 75 . 9 Measurements mm Standing height 1610 Sitting height 810 Acromion to sole 1360 Head length 176 Head breadth 152 Minimum frontal diameter. . 110 Bizygomatic maximum 145 Bigonial breadth 97 Total facial height 119 Upper facial height 68 Nasal height 57 Nasal breadth 40 Ear length 63 Ear breadth 38 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled. 7ns: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Thickness: minus. Concurrency: minus. Lateral extent: average. Brow-ridges: median. Teeth. — Wear: none. Caries: plus. Lost: first lower right molar. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: average. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent except for occasional fever attacks. No. 46 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 16, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: about 40; married for 7 years. Sons: 1 living, 1 dead. Daughters: none. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: on right wrist and forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1735 831 1525 193 145 110 121 93 120 73 60 36 62 30 Indices Cephalic 75.1 Relative sitting height 47 . 9 Fronto-parietal 75.8 Total facial 99.2 Upper facial 60.3 Nasal 60.0 Ear 48.4 Jugomandibular 76 . 9 Jugofrontal , 90 . 9 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown and gray. Quantity: head, average; beard, average; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled. Iris: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: plus. Lost: 1 upper right molar, 1 upper left molar. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: average. 128 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ M USCULATURE. — Good . Health. — Good. Fever attacks of five days' duration. No. 47. Plate VII, Fig. 5 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 17, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 24; Brothers: 2 dead. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: on right wrist. unmarried. MM Indices Cephalic 73.4 Relative sitting height 46.6 Fronto-parietal 74.6 Total facial 94.4 Upper facial 56.4 Nasal 57.6 Ear 60.7 Jugomandibular 79 . 8 Jugof rontal 83 . 1 Measurements Standing height 1667 Sitting height 777 Acromion to sole 1381 Head length 188 Head breadth 138 Minimum frontal diameter . . 103 Bizygomatic maximum 124 Bigonial breadth 99 Total facial height 117 Upper facial height 70 Nasal height 52 Nasal breadth 30 Ear length 56 Ear breadth 34 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: 1 lower right molar. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: average. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 48. Plate VII, Figs. 6, 7 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 17, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Mugheir. Age: 25; Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 5 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: on right wrist; gazelle on arm. married for 7 years. Sons: 1 living. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1640 795 1393 188 144 114 128 90 125 84 66 31 67 36 Indices Cephalic 76.6 Relative sitting height 48 . 5 Fronto-parietal .... 79.2 Total facial 97.6 Upper facial 65 . 6 Nasal 47.0 Ear 53.7 Jugomandibular 70 . 3 Jugofrontal 89 . 1 Hair. — Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, average; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled. Iris: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Thickness: plus. Lateral extent: plus. Brow-ridges: median. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 129 Wings: medium. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: depressed. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: average. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. NO. 49 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 16, 1928. Birthplace: below Kut al Imara. Age: 30; married for 7 years. No children. Birthplace of father: below Kut al Imara. Birthplace of mother: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Indices Cephalic 76.0 Relative sitting height 50 . 0 Fronto-parietal 73 . 8 Total facial 99.4 Upper facial 57 .4 Nasal 63.4 Ear 60.4 Jugomandibular 75.7 Jugofrontal 78.7 Measurements mm Standing height 1711 Sitting height 856 Acromion to sole 1440 Head length 191 Head breadth 145 Minimum frontal diameter . . 107 Bizygomatic maximum 136 Bigonial breadth 103 Total facial height 135 Upper facial height 78 Nasal height 60 Nasal breadth 37 Ear length 68 Ear breadth 38 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled. Iris: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Thickness: double plus. Concurrency: average. Lateral extent: plus. Brow- ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: depressed. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: plus. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. No. 50. Plate VIII, Figs. 1, 4 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 15, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 23; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height MM 1692 870 1423 184 138 105 110 97 132 73 60 Indices Cephalic 75.6 Relative sitting height 51.4 Fronto-parietal 76 . 1 Total facial 120.0 Upper facial 66 . 4 Nasal 59.3 Ear 57.4 Jugomandibular 88 . 2 Jugofrontal 95 .4 130 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Nasal breadth 35 Ear length 61 Ear breadth 35 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, average; beard, average; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: average. Caries: double plus. Lost: 1 lower right molar, 1 lower left pre- molar, and 1 lower left molar. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: average. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good except for fever attacks lasting four or five days. No. 51 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 17, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1691 Cephalic 76.2 Sitting height 920 Relative sitting height 54.4 Acromion to sole 1402 Fronto-parietal 72 . 3 Head length 189 Total facial 96.0 Head breadth 144 Upper facial 57.9 Minimum frontal diameter . . 104 Nasal 56 . 4 Bizygomatic maximum 126 Ear 61 . 6 Bigonial breadth 97 Jugomandibular 76.9 Total facial height 121 Jugofrontal 82.5 Upper facial height 73 Nasal height 55 Nasal breadth 31 Ear length 60 Ear breadth 37 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled. Iris: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Thickness: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: average. Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: average. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. CHEST. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. NO. 52 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 17, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Mugheir. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 2 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: on right wrist. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1662 Cephalic 73.0 Sitting height 847 Relative sitting height 50.9 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 131 Measurements Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1423 192 140 110 130 101 125 72 53 36 66 40 Indices Fronto-parietal 78.0 Total facial 96.2 Upper facial 55.4 Nasal 68.0 Ear 60.6 Jugomandibular 77 . 7 Jugofrontal 84 . 6 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: plus. Concurrency: average. Lateral extent: average. Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: average. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: average. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good except that he is often fevered. No. 53 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 17, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Age: 20. Married twice: first time 6 years ago, wife died 3 years after marriage. No children. Second time 3 years ago. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: none. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1770 851 1457 194 148 113 132 109 116 74 57 33 68 37 Indices Cephalic 76.3 Relative sitting height 48 . 0 Fronto-parietal 76.4 Total facial 87.9 Upper facial 56 . 1 Nasal 57.9 Ear 54.4 Jugomandibular 82 . 6 Jugofrontal 85.6 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, average; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Thickness: minus. Concurrency: average. Lateral extent: minus. Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Wear: average. Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: average. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: plus. 132 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good. Health.— Good. No. 54 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 17, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: on right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1610 777 1292 181 138 107 120 90 120 77 59 37 65 34 Indices Cephalic 76.2 Relative sitting height 48 . 3 Fronto-parietal 77.6 Total facial 100.0 Upper facial 64 . 1 Nasal 62.7 Ear 52.3 Jugomandibular 75 . 0 Jugofrontal 89.1 Hair. — Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Thickness: plus. Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Wear: average. Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: average. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good except for occasional fever of three or four days' duration. Four plaits of hair. Thick lips suggestive of Negro blood. No. 55 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 16, 1928. Birthplace: near border of Iran. Age: 30-35; married for 10 years. Sons: 3 living, 1 dead. Daughters: none. Brothers: 3 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: on right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth mm 1656 881 1416 194 143 108 124 106 123 68 60 38 Indices Cephalic 73.7 Relative sitting height 53 . 2 Fronto-parietal 75.5 Total facial 99.2 Upper facial 54 . 9 Nasal 63.4 Ear 57.2 Jugomandibular 85.4 Jugofrontal 87. 1 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 133 Measurements mm Ear length 63 Ear breadth 36 Hair. — Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: free. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: plus. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Excellent. Health. — Excellent except for some attacks of fever. No. 56 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 17, 1928. Birthplace: near Kut al Imara. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: spots on forehead. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1701 Cephalic 84.4 Sitting height 826 Relative sitting height 48 . 6 Acromion to sole 1404 Fronto-parietal 75.9 Head length 167 Total facial 101.5 Head breadth 141 Upper facial 61 . 6 Minimum frontal diameter . . 107 Nasal 48 . 5 Bizygomatic maximum 125 Ear 56 . 7 Bigonial breadth 94 Jugomandibular 75 . 2 Total facial height 127 Jugofrontal 85.6 Upper facial height 77 Nasal height 66 Nasal breadth 32 Ear length 60 Ear breadth 34 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: plus. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: plus. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: double plus. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. No. 57 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 16, 1928. Birthplace: near Kutal Imara. Age: 17. Birthplace of father and mother: Kish near Abu Biaraq. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1677 Cephalic 81.9 Sitting height 834 Relative sitting height 49 . 7 Acromion to sole 1450 Fronto-parietal 71 .8 134 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 182 149 107 120 97 123 72 59 32 61 30 Indices Total facial 102.5 Upper facial 60.0 Nasal 54.3 Ear 49.2 Jugomandibular 80 . 8 Jugof rontal 85 . 8 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, average; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Thickness: plus. Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: none. Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Excellent. No. 58 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 17, 1928. Birthplace: Daghghara. Age: 18; unmarried. Birthplace of father and mother: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Brothers: none. Sisters: 2 dead. Tattoo marks: on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM .1583 776 1344 178 145 105 115 94 121 76 56 31 57 30 Indices Cephalic 81.5 Relative sitting height 49 . 0 Fronto-parietal 72.4 Total facial 105.1 Upper facial 66 . 1 Nasal 55 . 4 Ear 52.6 Jugomandibular 81 . 7 Jugofrontal 91.3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Thickness: minus. Concurrency: minus. Lateral extent: minus. Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: none. Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: minus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Excellent. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 135 No. 59 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 16, 1928. Birthplace: near Muftiya. Age: 20; unmarried. Birthplace of father: near Muftiya. Birthplace of mother: camp of Sheikh Atiyeh. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 7 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1695 815 1440 192 140 110 117 90 128 72 60 30 64 31 Indices Cephalic 72.9 Relative sitting height 48 . 1 Fronto-parietal 78 . 6 Total facial 109.4 Upper facial 61 . 5 Nasal 50.0 Ear 48.4 Jugomandibular 76.9 Jugofrontal 94.0 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, minus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: minus. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. Skin very dark in color, suggesting Negro admixture. Marked wrinkling on forehead. No. 60 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 18, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Mugheir. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 4 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1703 839 1454 186 153 114 124 107 125 74 61 33 57 33 Indices Cephalic 82.2 Relative sitting height 49 . 3 Fronto-parietal 74 . 5 Total facial 100.8 Upper facial 59 . 6 Nasal 54 . 1 Ear 57.9 Jugomandibular 86 . 3 Jugofrontal 91.9 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, average. 136 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: slight. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: plus. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent except for occasional fever attacks. NO. 61 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 18, 1928. Birthplace: near Jemdet Nasr. Age: 20; unmarried. Birthplace of father and mother: camp of Sheikh Mugheir. Brothers: 2 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: on right wrist. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1657 Cephalic 75.6 Sitting height 807 Relative sitting height 48 . 7 Acromion to sole 1344 Fronto-parietal 69 . 8 Head length 197 Total facial 86.5 Head breadth 149 Upper facial 50.0 Minimum frontal diameter. . 114 Nasal 72.2 Bizygomatic maximum 140 Ear 61 .4 Bigonial breadth 103 Jugomandibular 73 . 6 Total facial height 121 Jugofrontal 81 .4 Upper facial height 70 Nasal height 54 Nasal breadth 39 Ear length 57 Ear breadth 35 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, average; beard, average; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. M USCULATURE. — Good . Health. — Good except for frequent fever attacks, especially in January. No. 62. Plate VIII, Figs. 2, 3 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 17, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 38; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: on right hand. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1586 Cephalic 77.2 Sitting height 806 Relative sitting height 50.8 Acromion to sole 1351 Fronto-parietal 74 . 6 Head length 184 Total facial 114.0 Head breadth 142 Upper facial 73.6 Minimum frontal diameter. . 106 Nasal 61.2 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 137 Measurements mm Indices Bizygomatic maximum 114 Ear 56.7 Bigonial breadth 92 Jugomandibular 80.7 Total facial height 130 Jugofrontal 93.0 Upper facial height 84 Nasal height 67 Nasal breadth 41 Ear length 67 Ear breadth 38 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, average; beard, plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Sclera: speckled and bloodshot. Iris: rayed. Eyebrow. — Thickness: double plus. Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Glabella: plus. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: plus. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: double plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good but often fevered. No. 63. Plate VIII, Figs. 5, 6 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 18, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Hadji Hunta on Tigris. Age: 48; married for 6 years. No children. Birthplace of father and mother: camp of Sheikh Atiyeh. Brothers: 3 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: on right wrist and gazelle on forearm. Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Concurrency: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: plus. Lost: 2 right upper molars, 1 right lower molar. Ear. — Lobe: free. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: average. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. M usculature. — Good . Health. — Excellent. No measurements obtained. Lips thick. Prominent in malar region. Marked wrinkling on forehead. Hard worker, employed as sakka (water-carrier). NO. 64 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 16, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 27; married for 6 years. Sons: none. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 2 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: spot on end of nose. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1648 Cephalic 72.4 Sitting height 817 Relative sitting height 49 . 6 Acromion to sole 1404 Fronto-parietal 80 . 2 138 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 188 136 109 120 104 134 73 58 35 60 34 Indices Total facial 111.8 Upper facial 60.7 Nasal 60.3 Ear 56.6 Jugomandibular 86.7 Jugofrontal 90.8 Hair. — Form: curly frizzly. Texture: coarse. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: 1 lower left premolar. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 65 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 17, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 19; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 dead. Tattoo marks: on right wrist and two spots on frontal. Measurements MM Indices Cephalic 75.9 Relative sitting height 48 . 8 Fronto-parietal 68 Total facial 101 Upper facial 60 Nasal 50 Ear 51 Jugomandibular 74 . 1 Jugofrontal 82.8 Standing height 1631 Sitting height 796 Acromion to sole 1370 Head length 186 Head breadth 141 Minimum frontal diameter. . 96 Bizygomatic maximum 116 Bigonial breadth 86 Total facial height 118 Upper facial height 70 Nasal height 59 Nasal breadth 30 Ear length 58 Ear breadth 30 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7ns: homogeneous. Eyebrow. — Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: depressed. Teeth. — Wear: triple plus. Caries: triple plus. Lost: none. Condition: bad. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: average. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 139 NO. 66 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 17, 1928. Birthplace: Hindiya. Age: 17; married for a few months. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: on right wrist. MM Indices Cephalic 73 Relative sitting height 48 Fronto-parietal 78 Total facial 100 Upper facial 56 . 8 Nasal 66.7 Ear 60.0 Jugomandibular 72.0 Jugofrontal 87.3 Measurements Standing height 1615 Sitting height 774 Acromion to sole 1375 Head length 178 Head breadth 131 Minimum frontal diameter . . 103 Bizygomatic maximum 118 Bigonial breadth 85 Total facial height 118 Upper facial height 67 Nasal height 51 Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 55 Ear breadth 33 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: plus. Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: free. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good except for fever attacks which last six days. No. 67. Plate XXIII, Figs. 3, 4 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 17, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: three spots on right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1750 858 1450 193 141 108 119 82 127 77 64 43 59 36 Indices Cephalic 73.1 Relative sitting height 49 . 0 Fronto-parietal 76 . 6 Total facial 106.8 Upper facial 65 . 6 Nasal 67.2 Ear 61.0 Jugomandibular 68 . 9 Jugofrontal 90.7 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: elevated. Wings: medium-flaring. 140 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Teeth. — Caries: average. Lost: 2 upper molars on each side. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Darwin's Point: plus. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Good. No. 68 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 16, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Mugheir. Age: 27; married for 4 years. Daughters: none. Brothers: 5 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Sons: 1 living. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1716 870 1456 195 137 119 123 96 122 79 53 34 71 36 Indices Cephalic 70.3 Relative sitting height 50 . 7 Fronto-parietal 87.0 Total facial 99.2 Upper facial 64 . 2 Nasal 64.2 Ear 50.7 Jugomandibular 78 . 0 Jugofrontal 96.7 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled and bloodshot. Condition: bad. Eyebrow. — Concurrency: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: plus. Lost: none. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Fair; often fevered and suffers from headaches. No. 69 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 16, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 23; unmarried. Brothers: 5 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: spot on end of nose and on right wrist; 3 spots on each temple. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1590 791 1312 187 138 105 121 96 121 70 52 35 56 31 Indices Cephalic 73.8 Relative sitting height 49 . 7 Fronto-parietal 76.2 Total facial 100.0 Upper facial 57.8 Nasal 67.4 Ear 55.4 Jugomandibular 79 . 3 Jugofrontal 86 . 8 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 141 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: double plus. Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: plus. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: minus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good except for occasional attacks of fever. NO. 70 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 16, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 17; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: 3 spots on right wrist. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1680 Cephalic 79.4 Sitting height 812 Relative sitting height 48.3 Acromion to sole 1418 Fronto-parietal 74.7 Head length 184 Total facial 96.1 Head breadth 146 Upper facial 61.3 Minimum frontal diameter . . 109 Nasal 55 . 8 Bizygomatic maximum 129 Ear 53 . 5 Bigonial breadth 90 Jugomandibular 69.7 Total facial height 124 Jugofrontal 84 . 5 Upper facial height 79 Nasal height 61 Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 58 Ear breadth 31 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: rayed. Eyebrow. — Thickness: plus. Concurrency: double plus. Lateral extent: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. M USCULATURE. — Good . Health.— Good. No. 71 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 16, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Atiyeh. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: gazelle on right forearm; series of spots on both temples. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1574 Cephalic 72.6 Sitting height 797 Relative sitting height 50 . 6 Acromion to sole 1307 Fronto-parietal 76.4 142 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 186 135 103 107 84 127 61 52 33 61 30 Indices Total facial 113.7 Upper facial 57 . 0 Nasal 63.5 Ear 49.2 Jugomandibular 78 . 5 Jugofrontal 96 . 3 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, average; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: double plus. Concurrency: average. Lateral extent: plus. Brow- ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: plus. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: average. Helix: double plus. Darwin's Point: average. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Excellent. No. 72 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 17, 1928. Birthplace: Daghghara. Age: 18; unmarried. Birthplace of father and mother: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: on right wrist and gazelle on right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1654 808 1400 178 144 110 126 96 113 67 54 33 61 34 Indices Cephalic 81.0 Relative sitting height 48 . 8 Fronto-parietal 76.4 Total facial 89.7 Upper facial 53 .2 Nasal 61.1 Ear 55.7 Jugomandibular 76 . 9 Jugofrontal 87.3 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, average; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: gray brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: rayed. Eyebrow. — Thickness: average. Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: average. Brow- ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: average. Caries: average. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Darwin's Point: plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: average. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 143 Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 73 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 16, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Age: 30; unmarried. Brothers: 3 dead. Sisters: 2 dead. Tattoo marks: none. MM Indices Cephalic 77.1 Relative sitting height 45.9 Fronto-parietal 77.7 Total facial 103.2 Upper facial 68 . 3 Nasal 66.1 Ear 55.4 Jugomandibular 91.6 Jugofrontal 95.8 Measurements Standing height 1732 Sitting height 796 Acromion to sole 1474 Head length 192 Head breadth 148 Minimum frontal diameter . . 115 Bizygomatic maximum 120 Bigonial breadth 110 Total facial height 124 Upper facial height 82 Nasal height 62 Nasal breadth 41 Ear length 65 Ear breadth 36 Hair. — Texture: fine. Color: dark brown and gray. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: rayed. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: plus. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 74. Plates IX, Figs. 1, 2; CXXXIV; CXXXV Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 16, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 3 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1753 796 1480 186 150 107 125 94 138 77 60 37 67 37 Indices Cephalic 80.7 Relative sitting height 45.3 Fronto-parietal 71 .4 Totalfacial 110.4 Upper facial 61 . 6 Nasal 61.7 Ear 55.3 Jugomandibular 75 . 1 Jugofrontal 85 . 6 Hair. — Texture: medium, body, plus. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; 144 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled and bloodshot. Iris: rayed. Eyebrow. — Thickness: double plus. Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: average. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Ear. — lA>be: attached. Size: average. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 75 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 17, 1928. Birthplace: near Kutal Imara. Age: 17; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: on right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1687 864 1444 178 142 107 125 101 127 68 58 30 60 32 Indices Cephalic 79.8 Relative sitting height 51.3 Fronto-parietal 75.4 Total facial 101.6 Upper facial 54.4 Nasal 51.7 Ear 53.3 Jugomandibular 80 . 8 Jugofrontal 85 . 6 No. 76 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 16, 1928. Birthplace: Kut al Imara. Age: 60; married for 30 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 2 living. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: on right wrist. Measurements mm Standing height 1711 Sitting height 803 Acromion to sole 1442 Head length 185 Head breadth 152 Minimum frontal diameter. . 115 Bizygomatic maximum 136 Bigonial breadth 105 Total facial height 125 Upper facial height 76 Nasal height 62 Nasal breadth 36 Ear length 70 Ear breadth 30 Indices Cephalic 82.2 Relative sitting height 47 . 0 Fronto-parietal 75 . 7 Total facial 92.0 Upper facial 55 . 9 Nasal 58.1 Ear 42.8 Jugomandibular 77 . 2 Jugofrontal 84 . 6 No. 77 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 16, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Age: 40. Married twice: first time 10 years ago, wife died; second time 7 years ago. Sons: 2 living. Daughters: 1 living, 1 dead. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 145 Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1594 Sitting height 763 Acromion to sole 1346 Head length 187 Head breadth 140 Minimum frontal diameter . . 105 Bizygomatic maximum 129 Bigonial breadth 107 Total facial height 124 Upper facial height 73 Nasal height 55 Nasal breadth 36 Ear length 65 Ear breadth 35 No. 79 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 18, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 15; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 1 living, 2 dead. Tattoo marks: gazelle on right forearm. Indices Cephalic 74.9 Relative sitting height 47 . 8 Fronto-parietal 75.0 Total facial 96.1 Upper facial 56 . 6 Nasal 65.5 Ear 53.8 Jugomandibular 82 . 9 Jugofrontal 81 . 4 Indices Cephalic 80.0 Relative sitting height 47.7 Fronto-parietal 75.0 Total facial 88.4 Upper facial 60 . 5 Nasal 90.4 Ear 58.1 Jugomandibular 67.2 Jugofrontal 90.8 Measurements mm Standing height 1491 Sitting height 711 Acromion to sole 1263 Head length 180 Head breadth 144 Minimum frontal diameter . . 108 Bizygomatic maximum 119 Bigonial breadth 80 Total facial height 115 Upper facial height 72 Nasal height 31 Nasal breadth 28 Ear length 62 Ear breadth 36 NO. 80 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 18, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Hadji Hunta. Age: 15; unmarried. Birthplace of father: camp of Sheikh Atiyeh. Birthplace of mother: camp of Sheikh Hadji Hunta. Brothers: 2 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: on right wrist and gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height , Upper facial height Nasal height MM 1555 741 1260 182 135 108 127 96 110 73 53 Indices Cephalic 74.2 Relative sitting height 47 . 6 Fronto-parietal 80.0 Total facial 86.7 Upper facial 57 . 5 Nasal 60.4 Ear 65.4 Jugomandibular 75 . 6 Jugofrontal 85 . 0 146 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Nasal breadth 32 Ear length 55 Ear breadth 36 NO. 81 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 18, 1928. Birthplace: Karbala. Age: 18; unmarried. Birthplace of father and mother: Hindiya. Brothers: 3 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: on right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1521 671 1274 175 140 95 117 87 110 66 52 39 61 35 Indices Cephalic 80.0 Relative sitting height 44 . 1 Fronto-parietal 67.8 Total facial 94.1 Upper facial 56 . 4 Nasal 75.0 Ear 57.4 Jugomandibular 74.4 Jugofrontal 81.2 NO. 82 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 18, 1928. Birthplace: Hindiya. Age: 15; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: on right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1458 809 1173 176 140 96 108 76 105 68 49 29 53 35 Indices Cephalic 79 Relative sitting height 55 Fronto-parietal • 68 Total facial 97 Upper facial 62.9 Nasal 59.2 Ear 66.0 Jugomandibular 70.4 Jugofrontal 88.9 NO. 83 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 18, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Age: 16; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. MM Measurements Standing height '. . 1504 Sitting height 716 Acromion to sole 1263 Indices Cephalic 79.8 Relative sitting height 47 . 6 Fronto-parietal 73.2 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 147 Measurements mm Head length 173 Head breadth 138 Minimum frontal diameter. . 101 Bizygomatic maximum 113 Bigonial breadth 86 Total facial height 104 Upper facial height 71 Nasal height 53 Nasal breadth 28 Ear length 53 Ear breadth 30 NO. 84 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 18, 1928. Birthplace: near Hilla, west of Euphrates. Age Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1700 Sitting height 849 Acromion to sole 1421 Head length 177 Head breadth 143 Minimum frontal diameter. . 108 Bizygomatic maximum 127 Bigonial breadth 101 Total facial height 118 Upper facial height 72 Nasal height 59 Nasal breadth 32 Ear length 57 Ear breadth 36 Indices Total facial 92.0 Upper facial 62.8 Nasal 52.9 Ear 56.6 Jugomandibular 76 . 1 Jugofrontal 89 . 4 18; unmarried. Indices Cephalic 80.8 Relative sitting height 50 . 0 Fronto-parietal 75.5 Total facial 92.9 Upper facial 56.7 Nasal 54 . 4 Ear 63.2 Jugomandibular 79 . 5 Jugofrontal 85 . 0 NO. 85 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 18, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1452 714 1201 178 134 102 118 80 100 67 52 35 51 33 Indices Cephalic 75.4 Relative sitting height 49 . 2 Fronto-parietal 76.2 Total facial 84.8 Upper facial 56 . 8 Nasal 67.4 Ear 64.7 Jugomandibular 67 . 8 Jugofrontal 86.4 Locality: Jemdet Nasr, Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Swadi No. 86 Date: March 18, 1928. Age: 17; unmarried. 148 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1666 769 1413 188 143 100 117 95 121 85 64 35 57 33 Indices Cephalic 76.1 Relative sitting height 46.2 Fronto-parietal 70.0 Total facial 103.4 Upper facial 72.6 Nasal 54.7 Ear 57.9 Jugomandibular 81.2 Jugofrontal 85.4 No. 87 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 18, 1928. Birthplace: Hindiya. Age: 17; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living, 3 dead. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: on inside of elbow. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1681 816 1431 182 136 108 122 96 113 71 64 32 62 36 Indices Cephalic 74.7 Relative sitting height 48 . 5 Fronto-parietal 79.4 Total facial 93.6 Upper facial 58.2 Nasal 50.0 Ear 58.1 Jugomandibular 78 . 7 Jugofrontal 88 . 5 No. 88 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 18, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 17; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: spot on end of nose. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1492 700 1235 177 140 100 121 91 144 70 53 28 58 32 Indices Cephalic 79.1 Relative sitting height 46 . 9 Fronto-parietal 71 . 5 Total facial 119.0 Upper facial 57 .8 Nasal 52.8 Ear 55.2 Jugomandibular 75 . 2 Jugofrontal 82.7 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 149 No. 89 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 18, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Age: 90. Married twice: first time 50 years ago, wife died after 2 years; second time 5 years ago. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: none. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1720 864 1469 189 132 113 128 104 121 77 60 36 70 43 Indices Cephalic 69.8 Relative sitting height 50 . 2 Fron to-parietal 85 . 6 Total facial 94.6 Upper facial 60 . 2 Nasal 60.0 Ear 61.4 Jugomandibular 81 . 3 Jugofrontal 88.2 No. 90. Plate IX, Figs. 5, 6 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 18, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Age: 50; married for 4 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 2 dead. Brothers: 2 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: on right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1594 761 1382 194 151 106 133 106 125 74 61 38 71 41 Indices Cephalic 77.8 Relative sitting height 47 . 7 Fronto-parietal 70.2 Total facial 94.0 Upper facial 55 . 6 Nasal 62.3 Ear 57.7 Jugomandibular 79.7 Jugofrontal 79.7 No. 91. Plate IX, Figs. 7, 8 Date: March 18, 1928. Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Birthplace: Hindiya. Age: 25; married for 6 years Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Sons: 2 living. Daughters: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1702 Sitting height 830 Acromion to sole 1410 Head length 191 Head breadth 148 Indices Cephalic 77.5 Relative sitting height 48.8 Fronto-parietal 72.4 Total facial 106.8 Upper facial 57 . 5 150 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 107 120 90 128 69 56 35 60 40 Indices Nasal 62.5 Ear 66.7 Jugomandibular 75.0 Jugofrontal 89.2 No. 92. Plate X, Figs. 5, 6 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 18, 1928. Birthplace: Bismaya. Age: 50; married for 30 years. Sons: 3 living. Daughters: 1 living, 1 dead. Brothers: 3 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1647 740 1404 180 142 108 130 97 121 84 57 30 60 35 Indices Cephalic 78.9 Relative sitting height 45 . 0 Fronto-parietal 76.1 Total facial 93.0 Upper facial 64 . 6 Nasal 52.7 Ear 58.4 Jugomandibular 74 . 6 Jugofrontal 83 . 1 NO. 93 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 18, 1928. Birthplace: Hindiya. Age: 25; married for 6 years. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. No children. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1636 761 1380 181 138 107 124 88 124 72 56 34 58 32 Indices Cephalic 76.3 Relative sitting height 46.5 Fronto-parietal 77.6 Total facial 100.0 Upper facial 58 . 1 Nasal 60.7 Ear 55.2 Jugomandibular 71 .0 Jugofrontal 86 . 3 No. 94 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 18, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: gazelle on right forearm. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 151 Measurements mm Standing height 1640 Sitting height 805 Acromion to sole 1396 Head length 186 Head breadth 130 Minimum frontal diameter. . 107 Bizygomatic maximum 127 Bigonial breadth 94 Total facial height 116 Upper facial height 74 Nasal height 53 Nasal breadth 37 Ear length 52 Ear breadth 32 Indices Cephalic 69.9 Relative sitting height 49 . 1 Fronto-parietal 82.4 Total facial 91.4 Upper facial 58 . 3 Nasal 69.8 Ear 61.5 Jugomandibular 74 . 0 Jugofrontal 84 . 2 Locality : Jemdet Nasr Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. No. 95. Plate X, Figs. 7, 8 Date: March 18, 1928. Age: 19; unmarried. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1644 785 1355 184 148 107 120 90 115 62 58 36 53 31 Indices Cephalic 80.4 Relative sitting height 47 . 7 Fronto-parietal 72.4 Total facial 95.5 Upper facial 51 . 6 Nasal 62.1 Ear 58.5 Jugomandibular 75.0 Jugofrontal 89 . 1 Hair. — Form: deep waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Wings: flaring. No. 96. Plate XI, Figs. 1, 2 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 15, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 40; married for 15 years. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 4 living. Tattoo marks: 3 spots on right hand. Sons: 2 living. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height , mm 1545 764 1310 186 144 105 115 85 117 74 61 Indices Cephalic 77.5 Relative sitting height 49.5 Fronto-parietal 72.9 Total facial 111.5 Upper facial 64 . 4 Nasal 52.5 Ear 62.1 Jugomandibular 73.9 Jugofrontal 91.3 152 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Nasal breadth 32 Ear length 58 Ear breadth 36 Hair. — Texture: coarse. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, average; beard, double plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: double plus. Concurrency: double plus. Lateral extent: plus. Brow- ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: depressed. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: plus. Lost: 3. Ear. — Lobe: free. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: plus. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: convex. Chest. — Development: poor. Musculature. — Poor. Health. — Poor, often sick. No. 97 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: March 15, 1928. Birthplace: Jebel Hamrin. Age: 55; married for 20 years. Daughters: none. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Sons: 1 living, 1 dead. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1777 838 1509 185 135 110 115 90 123 73 56 30 62 34 Indices Cephalic 73.0 Relative sitting height 47 . 1 Fronto-parietal 81.5 Total facial 107.0 Upper facial 63 . 5 Nasal 53.6 Ear 54.8 Jugomandibular 78.3 Jugofrontal 95.6 NO. 100 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 25; married for 1 year. No children. Brothers: 2 living, 1 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: on left wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height MM 1645 820 1394 191 146 110 129 103 134 86 70 Indices Cephalic 76.5 Relative sitting height 49 . 8 Fronto-parietal 75 . 4 Total facial 103.9 Upper facial 66.6 Nasal 57.2 Ear 59.7 Jugomandibular 79.8 Jugofrontal 85.3 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 153 Measurements mm Nasal breadth 40 Ear length 67 Ear breadth 40 Hair. — Form: low waves. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: depressed. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: none. ImsU 1 left premolar. Ear. — Lobe: free. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. Circular shaved area on back of head. No. 101. Plate XI, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 30; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: on right wrist. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1810 Cephalic 77.7 Sitting height 896 Relative sitting height 49.5 Acromion to sole 1526 Fronto-parietal 77.4 Head length 188 Total facial 107.9 Head breadth 146 Upper facial 60.3 Minimum frontal diameter. . 113 Nasal 57.2 Bizygomatic maximum 126 Ear 53.8 Bigonial breadth Ill Jugomandibular 88 . 1 Total facial height 136 Jugofrontal 89.7 Upper facial height 76 Nasal height 63 Nasal breadth 36 Ear length 65 Ear breadth 35 Hair. — Form: deep waves. Texture: coarse. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: rayed. Eyebrow. — Thickness: minus. Concurrency: minus. Lateral extent: average. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: depressed. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: average. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: average. Musculature. — Good . Health . — Excellent. No. 102. Plate XI, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 4 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: on right wrist. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1625 Cephalic 77.9 Sitting height 757 Relative sitting height 46.5 Acromion to sole 1375 Fronto-parietal 78.7 Head length 181 Total facial 92.9 Head breadth 141 Upper facial 57.6 154 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Minimum frontal diameter . , Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 111 125 96 116 72 57 35 56 35 Indices Nasal 61 . 4 Ear 62.5 Jugomandibular 76 . 8 Jugofrontal 88.9 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: yellow. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: minus. Concurrency: average. Lateral extent: average. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: depressed. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: minus. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Excellent. No. 103. Plate XI, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: on back of right hand. Measurements mm Standing height 1715 Sitting height 781 Acromion to sole 1430 Head length 185 Head breadth 134 Minimum frontal diameter. . 110 Bizygomatic maximum 127 Bigonial breadth 100 Total facial height 114 Upper facial height 68 Nasal height 59 Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 60 Ear breadth 33 Date: June 4, 1928. Indices Cephalic 72.5 Relative sitting height 45.5 Fronto-parietal 82 . 1 Total facial 89.8 Upper facial 53 . 6 Nasal 57.6 Ear 55.0 Jugomandibular 78.7 Jugofrontal 86 . 6 Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; Sclera: yellow. Iris: zoned. Concurrency: average. Hair. — Texture: medium body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown Eyebrow. — Thickness: minus. ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: slight. Caries: average. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: average. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: plus Musculature. — Good . Health. — Excellent. No. 104. Plate XII, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: on back of right hand. Lateral extent: average. Brow- ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 155 Indices Cephalic 79.1 Relative sitting height 46.0 Total facial 92.0 Upper facial 53 . 3 Nasal 70.0 Ear 59.7 Jugomandibular 73 . 7 Measurements mm Standing height 1793 Sitting height 825 Acromion to sole 1513 Head length 187 Head breadth 148 Bizygomatic maximum 137 Bigonial breadth 101 Total facial height 126 Upper facial height 73 Nasal height 60 Nasal breadth 42 Ear length 62 Ear breadth 37 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled. Iris: zoned. Teeth. — Wear: none. Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: average. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: plus. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Excellent. No. 105. Plate XII, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 22; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1590 811 1291 181 141 111 130 103 119 80 34 65 37 Indices Cephalic 77.9 Relative sitting height 51.0 Fron to-parietal 78.8 Total facial 91.6 Upper facial 61.6 Ear 56.9 Jugomandibular 79 . 2 Jugofrontal 85 .4 Hair. — Form: straight, low waves at ends. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: plus. Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: plus. Nose. — Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: slight. Caries: plus. Lost: 2 right premolars. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: average. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good, except for yearly fever attacks. No. 106. Plate XII, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. 156 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1720 804 1441 181 141 110 133 96 123 78 65 33 61 35 Indices Cephalic 77.9 Relative sitting height 46 . 7 Fronto-parietal 78.0 Total facial 92.4 Upper facial 58 . 6 Nasal 50.7 Ear 57.4 Jugomandibular 72 . 2 Jugofrontal 82.7 Hair. — Form: straight. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: average. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: double plus. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good, fevered one year. Cousin of Nos. 1 and 2. Bears family resemblance. Very prominent malars. No. 107. Plate XII, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 50; married twice, 30 years ago and 1 year ago. Sons: 3 living. Daughters: 2 dead. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: on right wrist and gazelle on forearm. Indices Cephalic 76.9 Relative sitting height 46 . 4 Fronto-parietal 79.0 Total facial 97.0 Upper facial 56.4 Nasal 63.4 Ear 45.1 Jugomandibular 78 . 2 Jugofrontal 85 . 0 Measurements mm Standing height 1760 Sitting height 817 Acromion to sole 1420 Head length 186 Head breadth 143 Minimum frontal diameter. . 113 Bizygomatic maximum 133 Bigonial breadth 104 Total facial height 129 Upper facial height 75 Nasal height 60 Nasal breadth 38 Ear length 71 Ear breadth 32 Hair. — Texture: fine. Quantity: head, average; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7m: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: minus. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, average. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: minus. Lost: 2 right lower molars, 2 left lower molars. Ear. — Lobe: free. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health.— Good. No. 108. Plate XIII, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 30; married for 15 years. Sons: 2 living. Daughters: none. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 157 Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: gazelle on right inside forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1766 810 1472 185 146 105 128 100 126 78 58 34 51 33 Indices Cephalic 78 Relative sitting height 45 Fronto-parietal 72 Total facial 98 Upper facial 61.0 Nasal 58.6 Ear 64.7 Jugomandibular 78.1 Jugofrontal 82.0 Hair. — Texture: fine. Quantity: head, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: compressed. Tip: horizontal. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: free. Helix: double plus. Darwin's Point: average. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good, sometimes fevered. No. 109. Plate XIII, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: 4 living. Tattoo marks: on right wrist and spot on glabella. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1690 784 1404 187 146 119 138 102 118 76 63 35 61 36 Indices Cephalic «.. 78.1 Relative sitting height 46.4 Fronto-parietal 81 . 5 Total facial 85.5 Upper facial 55.1 Nasal 55.6 Ear 59.0 Jugomandibular 73 . 1 Jugofrontal 86 . 2 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7ns.' zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: double plus. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: horizontal. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: none. Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: average. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: plus. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent, except for occasional fever attacks. 158 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ No. 110. Plate XIII, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 40; married for 20 years. Sons: 2 living, 2 dead. Daughters: 2 living, 2 dead. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1695 820 1420 198 148 114 132 118 128 83 63 38 60 36 Indices Cephalic 74.7 Relative sitting height 48.4 Fronto-parietal 77.0 Total facial 97.0 Upper facial 62 . 8 Nasal 60.3 Ear 60.0 Jugomandibular 89 . 4 Jugofrontal 86 . 4 Hair. — Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: double plus. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: depressed. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Helix: average. Dancin's Point: double plus. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good, except for occasional attacks of fever. No. 111. Plate XIII, Figs. 7, 8 Date: June 4, 1928. Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil Age: 60; married for 15 years, wife now dead Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 5 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1723 761 1450 181 147 120 134 110 125 76 65 38 60 33 Sons: 2 living. Daughters: 1 dead. Indices Cephalic 81.3 Relative sitting height 44 . 1 Fronto-parietal 81 .6 Total facial 93.4 Upper facial 56.7 Nasal 58.5 Ear 55.0 Jugomandibular 82. 1 Jugofrontal 89 . 6 Hair. — Texture: medium. Quantity: head, minus; beard, double plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: minus. Lost: third left lower molar and right lower molar. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 159 Ear. — Lobe: free. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: double plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent. No. 112. Plate XIV, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 35; married for 15 years. Sons: none. Daughters: 3 living. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1673 811 1401 187 140 115 125 107 122 77 69 42 70 38 Indices Cephalic 74.9 Relative sitting height 48 . 5 Fronto-parietal 82 . 2 Total facial 97.6 Upper facial 61.6 Nasal 60.9 Ear 54.3 Jugomandibular 85.6 Jugofrontal 92 . 0 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, double plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: elevated. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Wear: triple plus. Caries: triple plus. Lost: 3 right and 3 left lower molars. Ear. — Lobe: free. Development: average. Helix: double plus. Darwin's Point: triple plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Good, except for poor teeth. No. 113. Plate XIV, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 60; married twice, 40 years ago and 5 months ago. Sons: 4 living. 2 dead. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 4 living, 3 dead. Tattoo marks: gazelle on right inside forearm. Daughters: 3 living, Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1712 820 1438 187 144 113 134 94 130 82 68 36 70 40 Indices Cephalic 77.0 Relative sitting height 47 . 9 Fronto-parietal 78.5 Total facial 97.0 Upper facial 61 .2 Nasal 52.9 Ear 57.2 Jugomandibular 70 . 1 Jugofrontal 84 . 3 Hair. — Color: dark brown and gray. Quantity: head, minus; beard, triple plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. 160 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Eyebrow. — Thickness: double plus. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: depressed. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: minus. Lost: 2 right lower molars, 1 left lower molar. Chest. — Development: minus. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good now, formerly frequently fevered. Father of No. 74. Very prominent malars. Cheeks very thin. No. 114. Plate XIV, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 60; married for 30 years. Sons: 3 living. Daughters: 1 living, 1 dead. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1655 Cephalic 73.1 Sitting height 822 Relative sitting height 49 . 7 Acromion to sole 1415 Fronto-parietal 78.7 Head length 193 Total facial 90.0 Head breadth 141 Upper facial 57 . 9 Minimum frontal diameter. . Ill Nasal 63.1 Bizygomatic maximum 140 Ear 66 . 2 Bigonial breadth 110 Jugomandibular 78.6 Total facial height 126 Jugofrontal 79.3 Upper facial height 81 Nasal height 65 Nasal breadth 41 Ear length 62 Ear breadth 41 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, average; beard, double plus; body, average. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: elevated. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Wear: triple plus. Caries: triple plus. Lost: nearly all. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Helix: double plus. Darwin's Point: plus. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. Father of Nos. 1 and 2. No. 115 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 38; married for 15 years. Sons: 2 living, 2 dead. Daughters: 1 dead. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 5 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1629 Cephalic 78.6 Sitting height 761 Relative sitting height 46.8 Acromion to sole 1372 Fronto-parietal 81 . 1 Head length 182 Upper facial 46.3 Head breadth 143 Nasal 67.9 Minimum frontal diameter. . 116 Ear 63. 1 Bizygomatic maximum 136 Jugomandibular 88.2 Bigonial breadth 120 Jugofrontal 85.3 Upper facial height 63 Nasal height 56 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 161 Measurements mm Nasal breadth 38 Ear length 65 Ear breadth 41 Hair. — Texture: coarse. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: double plus. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: average. Lost: 1 right upper molar. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Helix: plus. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. Fevered last year. No. 116. Plate XIV, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 35; married for 20 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 2 living. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: slight line on back of right wrist. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1660 Cephalic 72.7 Sitting height 772 Relative sitting height 46.5 Acromion to sole 1425 Fronto-parietal 78.6 Head length 187 Total facial 91.7 Head breadth 136 Upper facial 54 . 9 Minimum frontal diameter . . 107 Nasal 64 . 1 Bizygomatic maximum 133 Ear 55.0 Bigonial breadth 103 Jugomandibular 77.4 Total facial height 122 Jugofrontal 80.5 Upper facial height 73 Nasal height 53 Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 60 Ear breadth 33 Hair. — Form: straight. Texture: coarse. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concave. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Wear: triple plus. Caries: triple plus. Lost: front lower teeth broken. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: plus. Helix: double plus. Darwin's Point: double plus. Chest. — Development: minus. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Excellent. NO. 117 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 30; married for 6 years (wife now dead). Sons: none. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 4 living. Tattoo marks: on back of right wrist. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1676 Cephalic 77.4 Sitting height 755 Relative sitting height 45.0 Acromion to sole 1328 Fronto-parietal 74.9 Head length 190 Upper facial 57.5 Head breadth 147 Nasal 59.0 162 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Indices Minimum frontal diameter. . 110 Ear 62.6 Bizygomatic maximum 127 Jugomandibular 81 . 1 Bigonial breadth 103 Jugofrontal 86.6 Upper facial height 73 Nasal height 56 Nasal breadth 33 Ear length 64 Ear breadth 40 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: minus. Concurrency: minus. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Tip: thickness plus. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: none. Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: free. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: plus. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Fair. NO. 118 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 65; married for 20 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: none. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: gazelle on right wrist. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1590 Cephalic 73.0 Sitting height 773 Relative sitting height 48 . 6 Acromion to sole 1325 Fronto-parietal 74 . 5 Head length 188 Total facial 102.6 Head breadth 137 Upper facial 60.7 Minimum frontal diameter . . 102 Nasal 64 . 9 Bizygomatic maximum 115 Ear 59.6 Bigonial breadth 93 Jugomandibular 80 . 9 Total facial height 118 Jugofrontal 88.7 Upper facial height 70 Nasal height 57 Nasal breadth 37 Ear length 62 Ear breadth 37 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: double plus. Concurrency: average. Lateral extent: average. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: depressed. Teeth. — Wear: triple plus. Caries: triple plus. Lost: 10 or more. Ear. — Size: plus. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. Formerly suffered from fever attacks. No. 119 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 56; married for 20 years. Sons: 2 living. Daughters: 2 living. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living, 2 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1743 Cephalic 70.9 Sitting height 876 Relative sitting height 50.3 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 163 Measurements Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1496 195 138 108 141 117 127 82 70 42 70 41 Indices Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 78.3 90.1 58.2 60.0 58.6 83.0 76.6 Hair. — Form: very low waves. Texture: medium. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: horizontal. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Wear: triple plus. Caries: triple plus. Lost: 1 right lower incisor. Ear. — Lobe: free. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: plus. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Fair except for bad teeth. NO. 120 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: on right wrist and gazelle on right inside forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1701 786 1411 188 144 110 126 100 127 73 60 36 61 33 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal . 76.6 . 46.2 . 76.4 .100.8 . 58.0 . 60.0 . 54.1 . 79.4 . 87.3 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. 7m: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: horizontal. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: none. Caries: none. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: free. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature.— Good . Health. — Good. No. 121 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 30; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: gazelle on inside of right wrist. 164 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1581 745 1305 196 149 115 142 105 128 78 61 32 65 34 Indices Cephalic 76.0 Relative sitting height 47 . 1 Fronto-parietal 77.2 Total facial 90.1 Upper facial 54 . 9 Nasal 52.5 Ear 52.3 Jugomandibular 73 . 9 Jugofrontal 80.9 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: plus. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: horizontal. Wings: compressed. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: average. Darwin's Point: double plus. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. NO. 122 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 20; married for 3 years. No children. Brothers: 3 living, 3 dead. Sisters: 3 living, 2 dead. Tattoo marks: gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1682 792 1420 195 127 109 130 106 127 85 65 36 61 37 Indices Cephalic 65.1 Relative sitting height 47 . 0 Fronto-parietal 85 . 9 Total facial 97.7 Upper facial 65 . 4 Nasal 55.4 Ear 60.6 Jugomandibular 81 . 5 Jugofrontal 83.8 Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; Wings: medium. Darwin's Point: plus. Hair. — Form: low waves body, minus. Eye. — Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: depressed. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Helix: plus. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Poor, always fevered. NO. 123 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 80; married for 60 years. Sons: 2 living, 1 dead. Daughters: none. Brothers: 3 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 165 Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . , Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1621 720 1480 192 136 113 137 105 122 86 67 41 72 30 Indices Cephalic 70.9 Relative sitting height 44 . 4 Fronto-parietal 83.1 Total facial 89.1 Upper facial 62.7 Nasal 61.2 Ear 41.7 Jugomandibular 76 . 6 Jugofrontal 82 . 5 Hair. — Form: straight. Color: white. Quantity: head, double minus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: elevated. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Wear: triple plus. Caries: triple plus. Ear. — Lobe: free. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: double plus. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Poor. Health. — Poor. No. 124 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 30; married for 10 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on right hand and gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1754 875 1461 178 146 105 128 92 124 80 63 30 61 30 Indices Cephalic 82.0 Relative sitting height 49 . 8 Fronto-parietal 72.0 Total facial 97.0 Upper facial 62 . 5 Nasal 47.6 Ear 49.2 Jugomandibular 71.8 Jugofrontal 82 . 1 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, shaved; beard, average; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Poor. Health. — Poor, due to stomach trouble. Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 50; married for 17 years. Sons: Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. No. 125 Date: June 4, 1928. 1 living. Daughters: 3 living. 166 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1796 840 1140 188 145 108 135 76 67 40 65 42 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Nasal Ear 77.0 46.8 74.5 59.7 64.6 Hair. — Form: very low waves. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Blind: right. Nose. — Profile: convex. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: average. Helix: triple plus. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 126. Plate XV, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 26; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living, 3 dead. Sisters: 1 living, 2 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1690 Sitting height 824 Acromion to sole 1426 Head length 178 Head breadth 129 Minimum frontal diameter. . Ill Bizygomatic maximum 131 Bigonial breadth 100 Total facial height 119 Upper" facial height 81 Nasal height 66 Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 70 Ear breadth 41 Indices Cephalic 72.5 Relative sitting height 48 . 7 Fronto-parietal 86.1 Total facial 90.9 Upper facial 61.8 Nasal 51 . 5 Ear 58.6 Jugomandibular 76.3 Jugofrontal 84.7 Color: dark brown. Iris: zoned. Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: depressed. Ear. — Lobe: free. Helix: double plus. Darwin's Point: plus. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature.— Good. Health. — Excellent. No. 127. Plate XV, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 27; married twice, 6 years ago and 4 years ago. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 1 dead. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 5 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: gazelle on back of right hand and inside of right forearm. mm Measurements Standing height 1631 Sitting height 775 Indices Cephalic 77.6 Relative sitting height 47 . 5 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 167 Measurements Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1342 178 138 107 128 96 115 67 61 36 62 33 Indices Fronto-parietal 77 . 6 Total facial 89.9 Upper facial 52.4 Nasal 59.0 Ear 53.3 Jugomandibular 75.0 Jugofrontal 84.4 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: double plus. Lost: 2 left upper premolars. Ear. — Lobe: free. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: plus. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent. Son of Sheikh Hadji Miniehil. No. 128. Plate XV, Figs. 5, 6 Locality: Jemdet Nasr. Date: June 4, 1928. Birthplace: Kut al Hai. Age: 16; married for 4 years. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: on right wrist. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 1 dead. Indices Cephalic 75.4 Relative sitting height 46 . 5 Fronto-parietal 75.2 Total facial 96.0 Upper facial 57 . 7 Nasal 52.5 Ear 60.0 Jugomandibular 80 . 5 Jugofrontal 83 . 8 Measurements mm Standing height 1396 Sitting height 650 Acromion to sole 1150 Head length 182 Head breadth 137 Minimum frontal diameter. . 103 Bizygomatic maximum 123 Bigonial breadth 91 Total facial height 113 Upper facial height 71 Nasal height 61 Nasal breadth 32 Ear length 55 Ear breadth 33 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, minus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: average. Concurrency: plus. Lateral extent: plus. Brow-ridges: median. Glabella: average. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, average; depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: average. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: average. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: minus. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Yearly attacks of fever. Nervous and rather stupid. Marked wrinkling on face. 168 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ No. 129. Plate XV, Fig. 7 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 30; married for 12 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 1 living, 2 dead. Brothers: 5 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: spot on right wrist and on end of nose. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1663 760 1415 188 144 107 124 101 120 80 60 40 60 35 Indices Cephalic 76.6 Relative sitting height 45 . 7 Fronto-parietal 74.4 Total facial 96.9 Upper facial 64 . 5 Nasal 66.6 Ear 58.4 Jugomandibular 81 . 4 Jugofrontal 86.3 Hair. — Texture: coarse. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, minus; beard, plus (white). Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: thickness, double plus. Wings: flaring. Ear. — Lobe: free. Helix: double plus. Darwin's Point: average. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Excellent. No. 130. Plate XVI, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: Age: 70; married for 40 years. Sons: none. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1677 828 1442 180 145 106 134 100 120 76 60 36 71 36 June 4, 1928. Daughters: 1 living. Indices Cephalic 80.6 Relative sitting height 49.4 Fronto-parietal 73.2 Total facial 89.6 Upper facial 56 . 6 Nasal 60.0 Ear 50.7 Jugomandibular 74 . 6 Jugofrontal 79.1 Hair. — Color: gray and white. Quantity: head, double minus; beard, double plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: extreme. Caries: triple plus. Lost: all but 2 incisors in both lower jaws. Decay of teeth and absorption of gums. Ear. — Lobe: free. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: plus. Chest. — Development: minus. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 169 Musculature. — Very poor. Health. — Poor. No. 131. Plate XVI, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 45; married once, wife died 13 years ago. No children. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: three dots on right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1590 800 1340 189 132 103 127 101 120 71 56 36 64 35 Indices Cephalic 69.9 Relative sitting height 50 . 3 Fronto-parietal 78 . 0 Total facial 94.5 Upper facial 55 . 9 Nasal 64.4 Ear 54.6 Jugomandibular 79 . 5 Jugofrontal 81 . 1 1 lower molar right and 1 left. Darwin's Point: plus. Hair. — Color: dark brown; beard, gray. Quantity: head, double minus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7ns: zoned. N Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Tip: depressed. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: double plus. Lost: Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: minus. Helix: double plus. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent. In prison at Omsk, captured from Turkish army in 1914. No. 132. Plate XVI, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 30; married for 4 years. No children. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: on right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1657 783 1416 196 141 113 131 104 129 79 60 35 58 32 Indices Cephalic 72.0 Relative sitting height 47 . 3 Fronto-parietal 80 . 1 Total facial 98.5 Upper facial 60.3 Nasal 58.3 Ear 55.2 Jugomandibular 79.4 Jugofrontal 86.3 Hair. — Form: curly frizzly. Texture: coarse. Color: dark brown, plus; beard, minus; body, average. Quantity: head, double 170 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Eye. — Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: thickness, double plus; depressed. Wings: medium. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: minus. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: average. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 133. Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Plate XVI, Figs. 7, 8 Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 31; married 6 years ago (wife now dead). Sons: none. Brothers: 5 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: gazelle on right forearm. Daughters: 1 living. Indices Cephalic 74.3 Relative sitting height 46 . 3 Fronto-parietal 75 . 9 Total facial 95.3 Upper facial 63.0 Nasal 62.3 Ear 54.6 Jugomandibular 80.3 Jugofrontal 84 . 2 Measurements mm Standing height 1710 Sitting height 793 Acromion to sole 1414 Head length 190 Head breadth 141 Minimum frontal diameter . . 107 Bizygomatic maximum 127 Bigonial breadth 102 Total facial height 121 Upper facial height 80 Nasal height 61 Nasal breadth 38 Ear length 64 Ear breadth 35 Hair. — Texture' medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7ns: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: thickness, plus; horizontal. Wings: medium. Ear. — Lobe: free. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: average. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent. Brother of No. 129. No. 134. Plate XVII, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 30; married for 3 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 2 living. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements mm Standing height 1672 Sitting height 782 Acromion to sole 1380 Head length 185 Head breadth 143 Minimum frontal diameter. . 109 Bizygomatic maximum 125 Bigonial breadth 97 Total facial height 110 Upper facial height 73 Nasal height 58 Nasal breadth 36 Ear length 53 Ear breadth 38 Indices Cephalic 77.2 Relative sitting height 46 . 8 Fronto-parietal 76.2 Total facial 88.0 Upper facial 58.4 Nasal 62.1 Ear 70.4 Jugomandibular 77.6 Jugofrontal 87.2 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 171 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Wings: medium-compressed. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Helix: double plus. Darwin's Point: plus. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent. No. 135. Plate XVII, Fig. 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 35; married for 13 years. Sons: Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 2 living. Daughters: 3 living. MM 1651 790 1335 184 142 110 124 98 110 75 60 34 61 41 Indices Cephalic 77.3 Relative sitting height 47 . 8 Fron to-parietal 77. 5 Total facial 88.6 Upper facial 60 . 5 Nasal 56.7 Ear 67.2 Jugomandibular 79 . 1 Jugofrontal 88.7 Hair. — Color: black. Quantity: head, double minus; beard, double plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Blind: right. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Tip: thickness, plus; elevated. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: double plus. Lost: one. Condition: poor. EAR. — Lobe: free. Size: double plus. Helix: double plus. Danvin's Point: double plus. Chest. — Development: double minus. Musculature.— Poor. Health. — Poor, always sick. No. 136. Plate XVII, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 38; married for 2 years. Sons: none. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height MM 1601 830 1330 185 140 106 130 109 120 72 58 Indices Cephalic 75.6 Relative sitting height 51.7 Fronto-parietal 75.7 Total facial 92.4 Upper facial 55.4 Nasal 62.0 Ear 60.0 Jugomandibular 83 . 9 Jugofrontal 81 . 5 172 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Nasal breadth 36 Ear length 60 Ear breadth 36 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, average; elevated. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: double plus. Lost: 1 right lower molar. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Helix: double plus. Darwin's Point: double plus. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. Brother of No. 82. No. 137. Plate XVII, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 30; married for 2 years. No children. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 living, 3 dead. Tattoo marks: spot on right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1760 823 1460 186 139 109 131 101 123 74 63 34 60 36 Indices Cephalic 74.7 Relative sitting height 46 . 7 Fronto-parietal 78.4 Total facial 93.9 Upper facial 56 . 5 Nasal 54.0 Ear 60.0 Jugomandibular 77 . 1 Jugofrontal 83.2 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, minus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: minus. Concurrency: minus. Lateral extent: average. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: double plus. Lost: 2 right lower molars. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Helix: average. Darwin's Point: double plus. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil Age: 35; married for 5 years. Sons: 3 dead Brothers: 4 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. No. 138. Plate XVIII, Figs. 1, 2 Date: June 4, 1928. Daughters: 1 dead. Measurements mm Standing height 1740 Sitting height 821 Acromion to sole 1443 Head length 182 Head breadth 144 Minimum frontal diameter . . 107 Indices Cephalic 79.1 Relative sitting height 47 . 2 Fronto-parietal 74 . 4 Total facial 92.0 Upper facial 60 . 8 Nasal 54.8 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 173 Measurements mm Indices Bizygomatic maximum 138 Ear 52.4 Bigonial breadth 103 Jugomandibular 74 . 6 Total facial height 127 Jugofrontal 77.5 Upper facial height 84 Nasal height 62 Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 61 Ear breadth 32 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, triple plus; beard, double plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, plus; depressed. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: plus. Lost: 1 right lower molar. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: plus. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 139. Plate XVIII, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 35; married for 16 years. Sons: 1 living, 2 dead. Daughters: 1 living, 1 dead. Brothers: 2 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 3 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: 3 spots on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1704 812 1440 185 142 113 144 110 125 80 63 36 61 35 Indices Cephalic 76.7 Relative sitting height 47 . 6 Fronto-parietal 72 . 5 Total facial 86.8 Upper facial 55 . 6 Nasal 57.2 Ear 57.4 Jugomandibular 76.4 Jugofrontal 78 . 5 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Quantity: head, minus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Tip: thickness, plus. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: triple plus. Lost: 2 left upper premolars, 1 right upper molar. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: plus. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. Brother of No. 45. No. 140. Plate XVIII, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: dog on right inside forearm. 174 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Indices Cephalic 82.6 Relative sitting height 45 . 9 Fronto-parietal 79.6 Total facial 88.9 Upper facial 51 . 8 Nasal 59.6 Ear 61.0 Jugomandibular 74.9 Jugof rontal 85 . 9 Measurements mm Standing height 1650 Sitting height 757 Acromion to sole 1400 Head length 178 Head breadth 147 Minimum frontal diameter. . 117 Bizygomatic maximum 135 Bigonial breadth 101 Total facial height 120 Upper facial height 70 Nasal height 52 Nasal breadth 31 Ear length 59 Ear breadth 36 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: thickness, average; horizontal. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: average. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: plus. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 141. Plate XVIII, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 4, 1928. Age: 35; married for 15 years. Sons: 4 living, 2 dead. Daughters: 1 living, 1 dead. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements MM Standing height 1697 Sitting height 800 Acromion to sole 1450 Head length 183 Head breadth 144 Minimum frontal diameter. . 117 Bizygomatic maximum 134 Bigonial breadth 100 Total facial height 133 Upper facial height 92 Nasal height 68 Nasal breadth 38 Ear length 62 Ear breadth 30 Indices Cephalic 78.7 Relative sitting height 47 . 2 Fronto-parietal 81 Total facial 99 Upper facial 68 Nasal 55 Ear 48 Jugomandibular 74 Jugofrontal 87 .3 Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, minus; Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. beard, double plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Slight cataract in left eye. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, average; depressed. Teeth. — Caries: plus. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: minus. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: triple plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 142. Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 30; unmarried. Brothers: 2 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and gazelle on inside of right forearm. Plate XIX, Figs. 1, 2 Date: June 4, 1928. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 175 Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1681 803 1397 192 142 109 137 108 118 73 60 36 66 36 Indices Cephalic 74.0 Relative sitting height 47 . 7 Fronto-parietal 76 . 8 Total facial 86.1 Upper facial 53 . 3 Nasal 60.0 Ear 54.6 Jugomandibular 78 . 8 Jugofrontal 79 . 5 Hair. — Form: curly frizzly. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eve. — Color: dark brown. 7ns: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: double plus. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, plus; depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: average. Caries: average. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: attached. Size: average. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: double minus. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent. No. 143. Plate XIX, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 55; married for 4 years. No children. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: spot on left temporal. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1640 785 1375 191 145 120 137 113 132 79 66 31 67 38 Indices Cephalic 75.9 Relative sitting height 47 . 9 Fronto-parietal 82 . 8 Total facial 96.4 Upper facial 57 . 6 Nasal 47.0 Ear 56.7 Jugomandibular 82 . 5 Jugofrontal 87 . 6 Hair. — Color: dark brown and gray. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. 7ns: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: thickness, plus; depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: double plus. Lost: 1 left lower molar. Chest. — Development: plus. M usculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 144. Plate XIX, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 50; married 4 times, the last time 4 years ago. Sons: 2 living, 1 dead. 3 living, 1 dead. Daughters: 176 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1705 865 1455 187 150 116 148 110 137 78 70 35 67 35 Indices Cephalic 80.2 Relative sitting height 50.7 Fronto-parietal 77.3 Total facial 92.6 Upper facial 52 . 7 Nasal 50.0 Ear 52.3 Jugomandibular 74 . 3 Jugofrontal 78.4 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, minus; beard, double plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: bloodshot. 7m: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: thickness, minus; depressed. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: double plus. Lost: right lower canine. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: plus. Chest. — Development: double plus. M usculature . — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 145. Plate XIX, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 50; married 3 times, all wives dead. Sons: 3 dead. Daughters: 2 living, 3 dead. Brothers: none. Sisters: 2 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1520 745 1255 178 139 102 126 92 109 76 60 32 64 35 Indices Cephalic 78.1 Relative sitting height 49 . 0 Fronto-parietal 73.4 Total facial 86.5 Upper facial 60 . 3 Nasal 53.3 Ear 54.7 Jugomandibular 73 . 0 Jugofrontal 80.9 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, minus; beard, double plus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: thickness, double plus. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Wear: triple plus. Caries: triple plus. Lost: at least half. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Very protruding at top. Chest. — Development: double minus. Musculature. — Very poor. Health. — Good but looks weak. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 177 No. 146. Plate XX, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 25; married for 18 months. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: none. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: gazelle on inside of right wrist and 3 spots on each temporal. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum . Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1671 830 1335 200 145 115 128 101 129 81 70 35 60 38 Indices Cephalic 72.5 Relative sitting height 49.7 Fronto-parietal 79.4 Total facial 100.8 Upper facial 63.3 Nasal 50.0 Ear 63.4 Jugomandibular 78.9 Jugofrontal 89.8 Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double Iris: homogeneous. Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium plus; beard, minus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot Eyebrow. — Thickness: double plus. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: plus. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: double plus. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Good . Health.— Excellent. No. 147. Plate XX, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 40; married for 20 years (wife now dead). Sons: 3 living, 2 dead. Daughters: 2 living. Brothers: 3 dead. Sisters: 2 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: gazelle on right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1710 851 1410 187 141 111 134 105 116 69 58 33 72 30 Indices Cephalic 75.4 Relative sitting height 49.7 Fronto-parietal 78.7 Total facial 86.6 Upper facial 51.5 Nasal 56.9 Ear 41.6 Jugomandibular 78.3 Jugofrontal 82.8 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, minus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye.- — Color: dark brown. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, plus. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: double plus. Lost: 1 upper molar left and 1 right. Ear. — Lobe: free. Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: double plus. 178 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good except for fever attacks. No. 148 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 40; married for 20 years. Sons: 3 living, 1 dead. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: spots on back of left wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1668 811 1396 193 142 108 127 105 123 74 64 37 63 32 Indices Cephalic 73.5 Relative sitting height 48 . 6 Fron to-parietal 76.0 Total facial 97.0 Upper facial 58.2 Nasal 57.8 Ear 50.7 Jugomandibular 82.7 Jugofrontal 85 . 0 Hair. — Form: low waves. Color: light brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Ins: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Caries: double plus. Lost: upper left canine. Ear. — Helix: plus. Darwin's Point: plus. Marked protrusion. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 149 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: gazelle on inside of right forearm, spots on back of left hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1725 830 1418 197 145 114 128 102 121 73 60 33 58 31 Indices Cephalic 73.6 Relative sitting height 48 . 1 Fronto-parietal 78.7 Total facial 93.8 Upper facial 57 . 1 Nasal 55.0 Ear 53.4 Jugomandibular 79.7 Jugofrontal 89.1 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 179 Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: elevated. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: 1 lower molar on each side. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 150 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: on back of right wrist and on both temporals. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1711 802 1420 190 140 113 132 103 119 68 52 34 63 34 Indices Cephalic 73.7 Relative sitting height 46.8 Fronto-parietal 92.9 Total facial 90.2 Upper facial 51 . 5 Nasal 65.4 Ear 54.0 Jugomandibular 77.0 Jugofrontal 85.6 Blind: right. Wings: medium. Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: coarse. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, triple plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. 7ns: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, plus; horizontal. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 151 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1750 880 1470 183 147 121 134 110 115 76 55 35 58 27 Indices Cephalic 80.4 Relative sitting height 50 . 3 Fronto-parietal 82 . 4 Total facial 85.9 Upper facial 56 . 6 Nasal 63.6 Ear 46.6 Jugomandibular 82 . 1 Jugofrontal 90.3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus. 180 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: thickness, plus; elevated. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. Lost part of right hallux in railway accident at Tell Inghara. No. 152. Plate XX, Figs. 5, 6 Date: June 5, 1928. 3 living. Daughters: 2 dead. Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 45; married for 25 years. Sons: Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: on back of left hand, spot on right upper lip, and spots on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1685 815 1425 197 157 120 139 122 129 72 62 38 66 35 Indices Cephalic 79.7 Relative sitting height 48 . 4 Fronto-parietal 76.0 Total facial 92.8 Upper facial 51 . 7 Nasal 61.3 Ear 53.0 Jugomandibular 87.7 Jugofrontal 86 . 3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, minus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: gray brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, plus. Wings: medium. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 153. Plate XX, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Abied. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 55; married 3 times, one wife now dead. Sons: 2 living, 2 dead. 2 dead. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: gazelle on inside of right wrist. Daughters: 2 living, Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1730 823 1440 191 153 119 131 115 120 74 62 34 71 37 Indices Cephalic 80.1 Relative sitting height 47 . 5 Fronto-parietal 77.9 Total facial 91.6 Upper facial 56 . 5 Nasal 54.7 Ear 52.1 Jugomandibular 87 . 8 Jugofrontal 90.9 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 181 Hair. — Color: dark brown and gray. Quantity: head, shaved; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: speckled. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: thickness, plus; depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: triple plus. Caries: none. Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Excellent. Health. — Excellent except for fever attacks. No. 154. Plate XXI, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Abied. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 55; married for 2 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: none. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth . . MM 1764 830 1505 193 138 114 133 102 132 77 62 35 70 37 Indices Cephalic 71.5 Relative sitting height 47 . 0 Fronto-parietal 82 . 6 Total facial 99.2 Upper facial 65 .4 Nasal 56 . 4 Ear 52.9 Jugomandibular 76 . 7 Jugofrontal 85 . 7 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, minus; beard, plus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, plus; depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: 1 lower molar left and 1 right. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 155 Residence: camp of Sheikh Abied. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1710 830 1435 196 141 118 135 110 140 68 52 41 60 34 Indices Cephalic 73.5 Relative sitting height 48 . 5 Fronto-parietal 83 . 7 Total facial 103.7 Upper facial 50 . 4 Nasal 78.9 Ear 56.6 Jugomandibular 81.5 Jugofrontal 87.4 182 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: thickness, average; depressed. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Fair but frequent stomach trouble. Residence: camp of Sheikh Abied. Age: 30; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth No. 156 Date: June 5, 1928. MM 1702 740 1410 191 144 113 133 103 123 72 56 35 59 33 Indices Cephalic 75.4 Relative sitting height 43 . 5 Fronto-parietal 77.5 Total facial 92.6 Upper facial 54 . 1 Nasal 62.5 Ear 56.0 Jugomandibular 77.4 Jugofrontal 85.0 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: none. Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 157. Plate XXI, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Abied. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 35; married for 15 years. Sons: 2 living. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1670 740 1382 196 151 115 130 100 117 64 56 40 65 36 Indices Cephalic 77.0 Relative sitting height 44 . 3 Fronto-parietal 76.2 Total facial 90.0 Upper facial 49 . 2 Nasal 71.5 Ear 55.4 Jugomandibular 76 . 9 Jugofrontal 88.4 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 183 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: thickness, plus; depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: plus. Lost: 1 left lower premolar. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 158. Plate XXI, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Abied. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 40; married for 20 years (wife now dead). Sons: 1 living, 3 dead. Daughters: 2 living, 1 dead. Brothers: 2 living, 3 dead. Sisters: 4 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1700 855 1410 194 138 110 138 110 110 74 58 40 57 34 Indices Cephalic 77.2 Relative sitting height 50 . 3 Fronto-parietal 79.7 Total facial 79.7 Upper facial 53 . 6 Nasal 69.0 Ear 59.7 Jugomandibular 79 . 7 Jugofrontal 79.7 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double plus. Eye. — Color: gray brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: triple plus. Lost: 3 left lower molars, 2 right lower molars. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent. No. 159. Plate XXI, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Abied. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 50; married for 14 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 1 living, 2 dead. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand, and gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height 1597 780 1310 197 134 108 127 104 115 70 58 Indices Cephalic 68.0 Relative sitting height 48 . 9 Fronto-parietal 80.6 Total facial 90.6 Upper facial 55 . 2 Nasal 58.6 Ear 57.2 Jugomandibular 81 . 9 Jugofrontal 85 . 0 184 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 63 Ear breadth 36 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, minus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, plus; elevated. Wings: medium. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 160. Plate XXII, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Abied. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 4 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: spot on inside of right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1635 800 1360 191 135 113 133 97 106 63 49 32 60 36 Indices Cephalic 70.7 Relative sitting height 49 . 0 Fronto-parietal 83.7 Total facial 79.7 Upper facial 47 . 4 Nasal 65.4 Ear 60.0 Jugomandibular 72 . 9 Jugofrontal 85 . 0 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. 7ns: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: elevated. Teeth. — Lost: 1 right upper molar. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good. Health. — Good. No. 161. Plate XXII, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Abied. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 30; married for 10 years. Sons: 2 living. Daughters: 2 living. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements mm Standing height 1635 Sitting height 840 Acromion to sole 1345 Head length 190 Head breadth 136 Minimum frontal diameter. . 113 Bizygomatic maximum 130 Bigonial breadth 101 Total facial height 113 Indices Cephalic 71.6 Relative sitting height 51 . 4 Fronto-parietal 83 . 1 Total facial 87.0 Upper facial 58.4 Nasal 64.4 Ear 55.2 Jugomandibular 77 . 7 Jugofrontal 86.9 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 185 Measurements mm Upper facial height 76 Nasal height 56 Nasal breadth 36 Ear length 58 Ear breadth 32 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: elevated. Teeth. — Lost: 1 right upper molar. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good. Health. — Good. No. 162. Plate XXII, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Abied. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove and gazelle on right hand and forearm and four spots on each temporal. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1675 Cephalic 75.8 Sitting height 850 Relative sitting height 50 . 7 Acromion to sole 1400 Fronto-parietal 75 . 7 Head length 190 Total facial 94.7 Head breadth 144 Upper facial 55.6 Minimum frontal diameter. . 109 Nasal 54.0 Bizygomatic maximum 133 Ear 66 . 1 Bigonial breadth 107 Jugomandibular 80 . 5 Total facial height 126 Jugofrontal 82.0 Upper facial height 74 Nasal height 63 Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 53 Ear breadth 35 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-compressed. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good. Health. — Good. No. 163. Plate XXII, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Abied. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: spots in cluster on back of right hand. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1655 Cephalic 72.7 Sitting height 785 Relative sitting height 47 . 4 Acromion to sole 1400 Fronto-parietal 81.6 Head length 194 Total facial 97.6 Head breadth 141 Upper facial 61.6 Minimum frontal diameter. . 115 Nasal 69.3 Bizygomatic maximum 125 Ear 54.0 Bigonial breadth 90 Jugomandibular 72.0 186 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Indices Jugofrontal 92.0 Measurements mm Total facial height 122 Upper facial height 77 Nasal height 52 Nasal breadth 36 Ear length 63 Ear breadth 34 Hair. — Texture: coarse. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Tip: thickness, plus; depressed. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health . — Excellent. No. 164. Plate XXIII, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Abied. Date: June 5, 1928. Age : 40 ; married twice, 20 years ago and 1 year ago. Sons : 2 living. Daughters : 3 living. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: glove and gazelle on right hand and arm, spot on right side of upper lip. Indices Cephalic 73.3 Relative sitting height 47 . 7 Fronto-parietal 83 . 1 Total facial 89.6 Upper facial 53 . 7 Nasal 56.7 Ear 54.6 Jugomandibular 85.8 Jugofrontal 91 .0 Measurements mm Standing height 1720 Sitting height 820 Acromion to sole 1345 Head length 201 Head breadth 148 Minimum frontal diameter . . 123 Bizygomatic maximum 134 Bigonial breadth 115 Total facial height 120 Upper facial height 72 Nasal height 60 Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 66 Ear breadth 36 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: gray. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Tip: thickness, double plus. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: double plus. Lost: 1 left lower premolar. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 165 Residence: camp of Sheikh Abied. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 45; married for 25 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 4 living. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1744 Sitting height 740 Acromion to sole 1425 Head length 186 Head breadth 156 Indices Cephalic 83.9 Relative sitting height 42 . 4 Fronto-parietal . . .• 77 . 6 Total facial 87.5 Upper facial 52 . 1 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 187 Measurements Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 121 144 114 126 75 64 34 57 38 Indices Nasal 53.2 Ear 73.1 Jugomandibular 79.2 Jugofrontal 84.0 Quantity: head, plus. Iris: zoned. Hair. — Form: low waves. Color: dark brown Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: 1 right upper premolar. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 166 Residence: camp of Sheikh Abied. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 30; married twice, 12 years ago and 8 years ago. Sons: 2, 1, living; 1, 0, dead. Daughters: 1, 1, living. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: cross on right wrist following wrist injury. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1700 855 1435 198 155 115 124 96 117 61 56 32 60 31 Indices Cephalic 77.2 Relative sitting height 50 . 3 Fron to-parietal 74 . 3 Total facial 94.4 Upper facial . . . 49.3 Nasal 57.2 Ear 50.4 Jugomandibular 64 . 4 Jugofrontal 77.2 Hair. — Form: low waves. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: 2 upper and 2 lower molars. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent. Son of Sheikh Abied. NO. 167 Residence: camp of Sheikh Abied. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 55; married for 20 years. Sons: 3 living, 2 dead. Daughters: 4 living. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. MM Measurements Standing height 1640 Sitting height 770 Indices Cephalic 71.7 Relative sitting height 46 . 9 188 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Indices Acromion to sole 1390 Fronto-parietal 81 . 0 Head length 198 Total facial 99.3 Head breadth 142 Upper facial 64.5 Minimum frontal diameter. . 115 Nasal 60.0 Bizygomatic maximum 140 Ear 63 . 8 Bigonial breadth 115 Jugomandibular 82.2 Total facial height 139 Jugofrontal 82.2 Upper facial height 91 Nasal height 60 Nasal breadth 36 Ear length 58 Ear breadth 37 Hair. — Form: low waves. Color: dark brown and gray. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, double plus; horizontal. Teeth. — Wear: triple plus. Caries: triple plus. Lost: 6. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Poor. Health. — Fair now, formerly often fevered and sick. No. 168 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Age: 23; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: glove on right hand and gazelle on outside of right wrist. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1620 Cephalic 74.0 Sitting height 730 Relative sitting height 45.0 Acromion to sole 1340 Fronto-parietal 78 . 5 Head length 192 Total facial 88.9 Head breadth 149 Upper facial 49 . 6 Minimum frontal diameter. . 117 Nasal 71 . 7 Bizygomatic maximum 135 Ear 57.8 Bigonial breadth 105 Jugomandibular 77.8 Total facial height 120 Jugofrontal 79.3 Upper facial height 67 Nasal height 53 Nasal breadth 38 Ear length 64 Ear breadth 37 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Tip: thickness, plus. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 170. Plate XXIII, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Eliowie. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: 3 spots on inside of right forearm. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1651 Cephalic 75.9 Sitting height 854 Relative sitting height 51 . 7 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 189 Measurements Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1360 186 141 119 128 113 120 65 56 38 64 36 Indices Fronto-parietal 84 .4 Total facial 93.8 Upper facial 58. 6 Nasal 67.9 Ear 56.3 Jugomandibular 88.3 Jugofrontal 93.0 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Good. No. 171. Plate XXIII, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Eliowie. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: design on right inside forearm. Measurements mm Standing height 1725 Sitting height 890 Acromion to sole 1426 Head length 195 Head breadth 146 Minimum frontal diameter. 117 Bizygomatic maximum 140 Bigonial breadth 106 Total facial height 127 Upper facial height ........ 75 Nasal height 67 Nasal breadth 36 Ear length 65 Ear breadth 35 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Scapulae. — Vertebral borders: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Good. No. 172. Residence: camp of Sheikh Eliowie Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: on back of right hand. Measurements mm Standing height 1700 Sitting height 845 Indices Cephalic 74.9 Relative sitting height 51.6 Fronto-parietal 80. 1 Total facial 90.7 Upper facial 53 . 5 Nasal 53.8 Ear 53.9 Jugomandibular 75.7 Jugofrontal 83.6 Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; Iris: zoned. Plate XXIV, Figs. Date: June 5, 1928. 1,2 Indices Cephalic 74.9 Relative sitting height 49 . 7 190 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1395 179 134 98 124 97 106 67 48 33 55 33 Indices Fronto-parietal 73.1 Total facial 85.5 Upper facial 54 . 0 Nasal 68.8 Ear 66.0 Jugomandibular 78.3 Jugofrontal 79.0 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: coarse. Color: reddish brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, plus. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: average. Caries: none. Lost: none. Chest. — Development: fair. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. No. 173. Plate XXIV, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Eliowie. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 60; married twice, 20 years ago and 15 years ago. Sons: 2, 0, living. 1, 1, living. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: on back of right hand. Daughters: Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1660 840 1400 195 138 115 120 110 122 78 63 36 60 36 Indices Cephalic 70.8 Relative sitting height 51 . 6 Fronto-parietal 83.4 Total facial 101.8 Upper facial 65 . 0 Nasal 57.2 Ear 60.0 Jugomandibular 91 . 7 Jugofrontal 95.8 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double minus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: triple plus. Caries: triple plus. Lost: 3 or more. Chest. — Development: poor. Musculature. — Poor. Health. — Good. Father of No. 43. No. 174. Plate XXIV, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Eliowie. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 30; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 191 Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1653 867 1370 190 146 115 142 113 122 73 60 34 64 32 Indices Cephalic 76.9 Relative sitting height 52 . 4 Fronto-parietal 78 . 8 Total facial 86.0 Upper facial 51.4 Nasal 56.6 Ear 50.0 Jugomandibular 79.6 Jugofrontal 81 .0 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7m: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Tip: thickness, plus. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: 1 left premolar. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 175. Plate XXIV, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Eliowie. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 35; married for 5 years. No children. Brothers: 5 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: on back of right hand and inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1740 860 1440 192 142 110 130 104 132 78 61 36 56 36 Indices Cephalic 74.0 Relative sitting height 49.4 Fronto-parietal 77 . 5 Total facial 100.8 Upper facial 60.0 Nasal 59.0 Ear 64.4 Jugomandibular 80 . 0 Jugofrontal 84 . 6 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus. Eye. — Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, plus; depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: plus. Lost: 1 left lower premolar. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 176 Residence: camp of Sheikh Eliowie. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 70; married for 40 years. Sons: 2 living. Daughters: 2 living. Brothers: none. Sisters: 2 dead. Tattoo marks: none. 192 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1726 890 1440 182 131 108 130 101 128 75 62 37 70 45 Indices Cephalic 72.0 Relative sitting height 51 . 6 Fronto-parietal 82 . 5 Total facial 97.7 Upper facial 57 . 6 Nasal 59.6 Ear 64.4 Jugomandibular 77 . 7 Jugofrontal 83.1 Plate XXV, Figs. 1, 2 Date: June 5, 1928. Hair. — Color: gray and light brown. Quantity: head, double minus; beard, double plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, double plus. Teeth. — Wear: triple plus. Caries: double plus. Lost: first lower molar on each side. Chest. — Development: minus. Musculature.— Poor. Health. — Good. No. 177. Residence: camp of Sheikh Eliowie. Age: 35; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1674 870 1380 180 144 109 137 106 101 73 55 33 64 34 Indices Cephalic 80.0 Relative sitting height 52 . 0 Fronto-parietal 75.7 Total facial 73.7 Upper facial 53 .4 Nasal 60.0 Ear 53.1 Jugomandibular 77 . 3 Jugofrontal 79.5 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: reddish brown. Quantity: head, minus; beard, plus; body, average. Eye. — Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: thickness, minus; horizontal. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Chest. — Development: average. M usculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. NO. 178. Residence: camp of Sheikh Eliowie. Age: 30; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Plate XXV, Figs. 3, 4 Date: June 5, 1928. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 193 Measurements mm Standing height 1670 Sitting height 810 Acromion to sole 1394 Head length 181 Head breadth 133 Minimum frontal diameter . . 109 Bizygomatic maximum 130 Bigonial breadth 100 Total facial height 122 Upper facial height 66 Nasal height 61 Nasal breadth 38 Ear length 55 Ear breadth 35 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: reddish brown. plus; beard, minus; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7ns: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Fair. Health.— Good. NO. 179 Residence: camp of Sheikh Eliowie. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 3 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Indices Cephalic 73.5 Relative sitting height 48 . 5 Fronto-parietal 82 . 0 Total facial 93.9 Upper facial 50 . 8 Nasal 62.4 Ear 63.6 Jugomandibular 77 . 0 Jugofrontal 83.9 Quantity: head, double Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1625 813 1324 176 146 115 134 106 113 63 51 36 54 33 Indices Cephalic 83.0 Relative sitting height 50 . 0 Fronto-parietal 78 . 8 Total facial 84.4 Upper facial 47 . 0 Nasal 70.6 Ear 61.1 Jugomandibular 79 . 1 Jugofrontal 85 . 8 Hair. — Form: low waves. Color: reddish brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, plus. Wings: medium-flaring. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 180. Plate XXV, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Eliowie. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 55; married for 12 years. Sons: 2 living, 2 dead. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 4 living. Sisters: 3 dead. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1650 Cephalic 72.0 Sitting height 845 Relative sitting height 51 .2 194 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1375 196 141 120 142 117 113 67 56 41 63 36 Indices Fronto-parietal 85.1 Total facial 79.6 Upper facial 47 .2 Nasal 73.1 Ear 57.2 Jugomandibular 82.4 Jugofrontal 84 . 5 Hair. — Color: gray. Quantity: head, double minus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: bloodshot. 7m: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: thickness, plus. Wings: flaring. TEETH. — Wear: double plus. Caries: minus. Lost: none. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. No. 181. Plate XXV, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Eliowie. Age: 40; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Date: June 5, 1928. MM Indices Cephalic 62 . 6 Relative sitting height 48 . 8 Fronto-parietal 87. 1 Total facial 98.5 Upper facial 55 . 6 Nasal 61.8 Ear 58.6 Jugomandibular 81 . 7 Jugofrontal 85.7 Measurements Standing height 1700 Sitting height 830 Acromion to sole 1390 Head length 198 Head breadth 124 Minimum frontal diameter. . 108 Bizygomatic maximum 126 Bigonial breadth 103 Total facial height 124 Upper facial height 70 Nasal height 55 Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 58 Ear breadth 34 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: reddish brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: 1 left lower. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent. No. 182. Plate XXVI, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Eliowie. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 35; married for 10 years. Sons: 2 living. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: back of right hand. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1760 Sitting height 885 Cephalic 75.8 Relative sitting height 50 . 3 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 195 Measurements Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1455 194 147 120 142 105 110 65 57 31 57 32 Indices Fronto-parietal 81.7 Total facial 77.5 Upper facial 45.7 Nasal 54 . 4 Ear 56.1 Jugomandibular 73 . 9 Jugofrontal 84 . 5 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: reddish brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 183. Plate XXVI, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Eliowie. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 40; married for 5 years. No children. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1690 850 1460 201 146 110 140 110 113 77 50 37 62 35 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 72.4 50.3 75.4 80.7 55.0 74.0 56.5 78.5 78.5 Texture: medium. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Hair. — Form: low waves. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Nose. — Profile: convex. Teeth. — Lost: 3 right lower molars, 1 right upper molar Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. No. 184. Residence: camp of Sheikh Eliowie Age: 60 or more; married for 30 years. Sons: 2 living Brothers: 1 living, 2 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Plate XXVI, Figs. 5, 6 Date: June 5, 1928. Daughters: 1 dead. MM Measurements Standing height 1650 Sitting height 780 Acromion to sole 1365 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height. Fronto-parietal 71.8 47.3 77.0 196 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Xasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 188 135 104 124 97 120 86 62 35 71 35 Indices Total facial 96.9 Upper facial 69 . 3 Nasal 56.4 Ear 49.4 Jugomandibular 75.2 Jugofrontal 80.6 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: gray. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double plus; body, triple plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: thickness, minus; depressed. Teeth. — Wear: triple plus. Caries: triple plus. Lost: many. Chest. — Development: minus. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. No. 185. Plate XXVI, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Eliowie. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 40; married for 20 years. Sons: 1 living, 1 dead. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1720 875 1455 197 145 115 140 107 123 74 61 39 53 36 Indices Cephalic 73.6 Relative sitting height 50 . 7 Fronto-parietal 79.4 Total facial 87.9 Upper facial 52.9 Nasal 64.0 Ear 68.0 Jugomandibular 76.4 Jugofrontal 82.1 Hair. — Form: low waves. Color: dark brown and gray. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, double plus. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: 1 left upper molar. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good. Health.— Excellent. No. 186. Plate XXVII, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Eliowie. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 28; married for 5 years. Sons: 1 dead. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 5 living. Tattoo marks: a spot on each temple and each wrist. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 197 Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1660 873 1385 186 148 103 135 116 114 68 56 40 55 36 Indices Cephalic 79.5 Relative sitting height 52 . 6 Fronto-parietal 69 . 6 Total facial 84.5 Upper facial 50 . 4 Nasal 71.5 Ear 65.5 Jugomandibular 85 . 9 Jugofrontal 76.3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, minus; depressed. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. No. 187. Plate XXVII, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Eliowie. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 25; married for 5 years. No children. Brothers: 5 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on right wrist and gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1691 860 1390 197 131 108 124 100 108 70 57 40 56 35 Indices Cephalic 66 . 5 Relative sitting height 50 . 8 Fronto-parietal 82.5 Total facial 87.1 Upper facial 56 . 5 Nasal 70.2 Ear 62.5 Jugomandibular 80 . 7 Jugofrontal 87 . 1 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7m: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent. No. 188. Plate XXVII, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Eliowie. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. 198 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent. MM 1810 905 1530 194 137 107 131 103 107 67 56 36 58 31 medium-fine, clear. Iris: zoned. Indices Cephalic 70.6 Relative sitting height 50 . 0 Fronto-parietal 78.1 Total facial 81.7 Upper facial 51 . 1 Nasal 64.3 Ear 53.5 Jugomandibular 78.6 Jugofrontal 81.7 NO. 189 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1620 843 1331 190 147 108 117 104 115 58 37 63 32 Indices Cephalic 77.4 Relative sitting height 52 . 0 Fronto-parietal 73 . 5 Total facial 98.4 Nasal 63.8 Ear 50.8 Jugomandibular 88.9 Jugofrontal 92.3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent. No. 190 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 48; married for 25 years. Sons: 2 living, 2 dead. Daughters: 2 living, 1 dead. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. MM Measurements Standing height 1702 Sitting height 849 Acromion to sole 1456 Indices Cephalic 77.9 Relative sitting height 49 . 8 Fronto-parietal 77.5 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 199 Measurements Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 194 151 117 143 102 120 71 55 40 65 35 Indices Total facial 84.0 Upper facial 49 . 6 Nasal 72.7 Ear 53.9 Jugomandibular 71.3 Jugofrontal 81.8 HAIR. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown and gray. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: plus. Lost: 1 upper molar on each side. Upper incisors very large. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature . — Poor. Health. — Good. NO. 191 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 30; married for 10 years. Sons: 1 living, 1 dead. Daughters: none. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1906 874 1600 206 148 119 142 120 126 72 60 46 67 32 Indices Cephalic 71.8 Relative sitting height 45.9 Fron to-parietal 80.4 Total facial 88.8 Upper facial 50 . 7 Nasal 76.6 Ear 47.7 Jugomandibular 84 . 5 Jugofrontal 83 . 8 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: thickness, double plus. Wings: flaring. Chest. — Development: triple plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. Overgrowth, probably due to unbalanced metabolism caused by irregular functioning of endocrine glands. No. 192 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 40; married for 4 years. Sons: 2 living. Daughters: none. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. 200 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1646 820 1380 175 141 123 134 114 115 64 56 29 55 35 Indices Cephalic 80.6 Relative sitting height 49 . 8 Fron to-parietal 87 .4 Total facial 85.9 Upper facial 47.7 Nasal 51.8 Ear 63.6 Jugomandibular 85 . 1 Jugofrontal 91.8 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. NOSE. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: double plus. Lost: none. Chest. — Development: minus. Musculature. — Poor. Health. — Good. No. 193 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 35; married for 10 years. Sons: 2 living. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 4 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1631 852 1350 189 137 113 128 104 118 72 55 35 56 35 Indices Cephalic 72.5 Relative sitting height 52 . 2 Fronto-parietal 82 . 5 Total facial 92.2 Upper facial 56 .2 Nasal 63.6 Ear 62.5 Jugomandibular 81 .2 Jugofrontal 88.2 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, double plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, minus. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 194 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 60 or more; married for 40 years. Sons: 2 living, 2 dead. Daughters: 2 living, 1 dead. Brothers: 1 living, 3 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 201 Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1757 885 1492 196 138 121 140 114 137 74 67 37 66 42 Indices Cephalic 70.4 Relative sitting height 50.3 Fronto-parietal 87 . 8 Total facial 97.9 Upper facial 52.9 Nasal 55.3 Ear 63.6 Jugomandibular 81.4 Jugofrontal 86.4 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: gray. Quantity: head, plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. 7m: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, double plus. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Good. No. 195 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 5, 1928. Age: 40; married for 20 years. Sons: 2 living. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand, gazelle on inside of right forearm, and spots below nasion. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1740 885 1447 193 148 107 134 115 120 73 58 38 62 37 Indices Cephalic 76.6 Relative sitting height 50 . 9 Fronto-parietal 72.3 Total facial 89.6 Upper facial 54 . 5 Nasal 65.6 Ear 59.7 Jugomandibular 85 . 8 Jugofrontal 79.9 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown and gray. plus; beard, double plus; body, average. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Chest. — Development: double plus. M usculature . — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 196 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 5, 1928. Age : 50 ; married for 30 years. Sons : 1 living. Daughters : 2 living. Brothers: 4 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Quantity: head, 202 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1620 834 1357 194 148 117 120 115 123 79 50 39 76 43 Indices Cephalic 76.4 Relative sitting height 51.5 Fronto-parietal 79.0 Total facial 102.5 Upper facial 65.8 Nasal 78.0 Ear 56.6 Jugomandibular 95.9 Jugofrontal 97.5 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown and white. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Lost: none. Condition: good. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent. No. 197 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 45; married for 20 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 2 living. Brothers: 3 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1675 828 1411 200 150 114 138 120 126 75 57 41 62 36 Indices Cephalic 75.0 Relative sitting height 49 . 4 Fronto-parietal 76.0 Total facial 91.4 Upper facial 54 .4 Nasal 72.0 Ear 58.1 Jugomandibular 87 . 0 Jugofrontal 82.7 Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Hair. — Form: low waves. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: thickness, plus. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health.— Excellent. NO. 198 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 65; married for 40 years. Sons: 2 living. Daughters: none. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 203 Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1730 893 1472 197 138 110 123 104 123 73 53 34 67 36 Indices Cephalic 70.0 Relative sitting height 51 . 6 Fronto-parietal 79.9 Total facial 100.0 Upper facial 59 . 4 Nasal 64.2 Ear 53.7 Jugomandibular 84 . 6 Jugofrontal 89.4 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: gray. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double plus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: bloodshot. 7ns: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Tip: thickness, double plus; depressed. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Poor. No. 199 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 75; married for 50 years. Sons: 3 living. Daughters: 2 living. Brothers: 4 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1636 820 1331 184 144 105 128 103 115 69 64 37 68 33 Indices Cephalic 78.3 Relative sitting height 50 . 1 Fronto-parietal. 73.0 Total facial 89.9 Upper facial 53 . 9 Nasal 57.9 Ear 48.5 Jugomandibular 80 . 5 Jugofrontal 82 . 1 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium beard, double plus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: triple plus. Caries: triple plus. Lost: half. Chest. — Development: minus. Musculature. — Very poor. Health. — Poor. No. 200. Plate XXVII, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 35; married for 8 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 4 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: none. Color: white. Quantity: head, double minus; 204 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bigonial breadth Total facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1761 862 1470 187 144 115 115 113 50 37 60 33 Indices Cephalic 77.0 Relative sitting height 48.9 Fronto-parietal 79.9 Nasal 74.0 Ear 55.0 Hair. — Form: curly frizzly. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 201 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 80; married for 60 years. Sons: 2 living. Daughters: 2 living. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: spots on back of left hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1675 863 1430 195 146 117 138 115 120 70 56 32 61 38 Indices Cephalic 74.9 Relative sitting height 51 . 5 Fronto-parietal 80.2 Total facial 87.0 Upper facial 50 . 7 Nasal 57.2 Ear 62.3 Jugomandibular 83 . 3 Jugofrontal 84.8 Hair. — Color: white. Quantity: head, shaved; beard, plus; body, average. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: triple plus. Caries: double plus. Lost: several. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good. Health. — Poor; eye trouble. No. 202 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 40; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: 2 spots on back of right hand. MM Measurements Standing height 1740 Sitting height 870 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . 71.6 50.0 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 205 Measurements mm Indices Acromion to sole 1470 Fronto-parietal 77 . 6 Head length 187 Total facial 100.0 Head breadth 134 Upper facial 61 .7 Minimum frontal diameter . . 104 Nasal 56 . 6 Bizygomatic maximum 123 Ear 53 . 3 Bigonial breadth 96 Jugomandibular 78.0 Total facial height 123 Jugofrontal 84.5 Upper facial height 76 Nasal height 60 Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 60 Ear breadth 32 Hair. — Texture: medium. Quantity: head, shaved. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Tip: thickness, double plus. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: minus. Musculature. — Poor. Health. — Poor; eye trouble. No. 203 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 75; married for 35 years. Sons: 2 living, 2 dead. Daughters: 2 dead. Brothers: 1 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: spots on back of each hand and on each temple. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1730 Cephalic 73.4 Sitting height 890 Relative sitting height 51.5 Acromion to sole 1490 Fronto-parietal 77.9 Head length 191 Total facial 94.6 Head breadth 140 Nasal 62.0 Minimum frontal diameter . . 109 Ear 64 . 1 Bizygomatic maximum 128 Jugomandibular 85.2 Bigonial breadth 109 Jugofrontal 85 . 2 Total facial height 121 Nasal height 58 Nasal breadth 36 Ear length 64 Ear breadth 41 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: gray. Quantity: head, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Caries: double plus. Lost: 4. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Poor. Health. — Good. No. 204 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 20; married for 8 years. Sons: 1 dead. Daughters: none. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1650 Cephalic 78.5 Sitting height 828 Relative sitting height 50 . 2 Acromion to sole 1390 Fronto-parietal 76.0 206 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Head length Head breadth : . . . Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 181 142 108 132 100 115 70 54 33 60 39 Indices Total facial 87.1 Upper facial 53 . 0 Nasal 61.1 Ear 65.0 Jugomandibular 75 . 7 Jugofrontal 81.8 Color: dark brown. Quantity: Iris: zoned. Hair. — Texture: fine body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent except for cataract in eye No. 205 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 40; married twice, 25 years ago and 12 years ago. 2, 1, living. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. head, double plus; beard, minus; Sons: 1, 0, living. Daughters: Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1765 868 1470 195 148 113 139 106 121 77 60 34 63 37 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 75.9 49.2 76.4 87.1 55.4 56.6 58.7 76.3 81.3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: thickness, plus. Teeth. — Lost: none. Condition: excellent. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 206 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 40; married for 30 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 2 living. Brothers: 3 living, 2 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 207 Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1635 808 1392 191 137 113 126 100 114 71 62 35 58 36 Indices Cephalic 71.7 Relative sitting height 49 . 5 Fronto-parietal 82 . 5 Total facial 90.5 Upper facial 56.4 Nasal 56.5 Ear 62.1 Jugomandibular 79 . 4 Jugofrontal 89.7 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: thickness, double plus. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Poor. Health. — Excellent. No. 207. Plate XXVIII, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 35; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1771 858 1471 188 149 108 134 108 120 68 54 36 65 34 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 79.3 48.5 72.5 89.6 50.7 66.6 52.3 80.6 80.6 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest.— Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 208 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 35; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. mm Measurements Standing height 1687 Sitting height 800 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . 77.6 47.4 208 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1396 188 146 120 126 104 121 74 60 34 55 35 Indices Fronto-parietal 82.2 Total facial 96.1 Upper facial 58 . 7 Nasal 56.6 Ear 63.6 Jugomandibular 82 . 6 Jugofrontal 95 . 3 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7ns: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent. No. 209 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 30; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1681 849 1406 188 149 115 135 102 120 65 52 28 58 31 Indices Cephalic 79.3 Relative sitting height 50 . 5 Fronto-parietal 77.2 Total facial 88.9 Upper facial 48 . 1 Nasal 53.9 Ear 53.4 Jugomandibular 75 . 5 Jugofrontal 85 . 2 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Lost: none. First right upper incisor broken. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent. No. 210 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1620 Sitting height 820 Indices Cephalic 71.9 Relative sitting height 50. 6 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 209 Measurements mm Acromion to sole 1330 Head length 188 Head breadth 135 Minimum frontal diameter. . 110 Bizygomatic maximum 128 Bigonial breadth 100 Total facial height 110 Upper facial height 66 Nasal height 53 Nasal breadth 31 Ear length 64 Ear breadth 36 Indices Fronto-parietal 81 . 5 Total facial 86.0 Upper facial 51 . 6 Nasal 58.5 Ear 56.3 Jugomandibular 78.2 Jugofrontal 85 . 9 Hair. — Form: low waves body, minus. EYE. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent. Texture: medium. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; Iris: zoned. NO. 211 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 42; married for 20 years. Sons: 1 living, 1 dead. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1660 878 1385 189 147 109 131 103 117 68 54 32 63 39 Hair. — Texture: medium. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health.— Excellent. Indices Cephalic 77.7 Relative sitting height 52 . 9 Fronto-parietal 74.2 Total facial 89.4 Upper facial 52 . 0 Nasal 59.3 Ear 61.9 Jugomandibular 78 . 6 Jugofrontal 83.2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Age: 32; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: 5 living. Tattoo marks: none. No. 212 Date: June 6, 1928. MM Measurements Standing height 1620 Sitting height 812 Acromion to sole 1345 Indices Cephalic 81.0 Relative sitting height 50 . 1 Fronto-parietal 77.8 210 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 194 157 122 140 119 123 72 61 33 54 32 Indices Total facial 87.9 Upper facial 51.5 Nasal 54.1 Ear 59.3 Jugomandibular 85.0 Jugofrontal 87.2 Hair. — Texture: coarse. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, minus. Teeth. — Lost: 2 right upper premolars. Chest.— Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Excellent. No. 213, Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi Age: 45; married for 5 years. No children Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Plate XXVIII, Figs. 3, 4 Date: June 6, 1928. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1690 861 1410 186 144 114 123 102 126 74 59 37 61 33 Indices Cephalic 77.4 Relative sitting height 50 . 9 Fronto-parietal 79.2 Total facial 102.4 Upper facial 60. 1 Nasal 62.7 Ear 54.1 Jugomandibular 82 . 9 Jugofrontal 92.7 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown and gray. Quantity: head, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Caries: double plus. Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent. NO. 214 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 30; unmarried. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. MM Measurements Standing height 1860 Sitting height 898 Indices Cephalic 74.5 Relative sitting height 48.3 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 211 Measurements Acromion to sole Head length , Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . , Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1490 188 140 110 126 102 120 66 58 35 65 36 Indices Fron to-parietal 78 . 6 Total facial 95.3 Upper facial 52 . 4 Nasal 60.4 Ear 55.4 Jugomandibular 81.0 Jugofrontal 87.3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7ns: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 215 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 30; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: one spot on each temple. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1740 888 1453 203 147 115 130 108 135 81 64 36 63 37 Indices Cephalic 72.4 Relative sitting height 51.0 Fronto-parietal 78.2 Total facial 103.9 Upper facial 62 . 3 Nasal 56.2 Ear 58.7 Jugomandibular 83 . 1 Jugofrontal 88 . 5 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: black. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 216 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 58; married for 30 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. MM Measurements Standing height 1711 Sitting height 902 Indices Cephalic 75.0 Relative sitting height 52 . 7 212 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1450 188 141 113 130 104 113 74 57 37 71 37 Indices Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 80.1 86.9 57.0 64.9 52.1 80.0 86.9 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 217 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 62; married for 40 years. Sons: 1 living, 4 dead. Daughters: 3 living. Brothers: 2 dead. Sisters: 2 dead. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and spots on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1700 852 1450 199 144 119 136 109 123 82 57 37 60 41 Indices Cephalic 72.4 Relative sitting height 50 . 1 Fronto-parietal 82.6 Total facial 90.5 Upper facial 60.3 Nasal 64.9 Ear 68.4 Jugomandibular 80.1 Jugofrontal 87.5 Hair. — Texture: fine. Color: dark brown and gray. Quantity: head, minus; beard, double plus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 218 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 30; married twice, 12 years ago and 1 year ago. Sons: 2 living, 2 dead. 2 living. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: 3 spots on left side of glabella. Daughters: ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 213 Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1746 878 1500 195 131 108 138 110 117 64 52 37 65 38 Indices Cephalic 67.2 Relative sitting height 50 . 3 Fronto-parietal 82.4 Total facial 84.7 Upper facial 46 . 4 Nasal 71.2 Ear 58.4 Jugomandibular 79.7 Jugofrontal 78.2 Hair. — Form: low waves. Color: black. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. NO. 219. Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Age: 30; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth Plate XXVIII, Figs. 5, 6 Date: June 6, 1928. mm 1670 813 1375 183 143 109 136 100 119 64 52 30 58 32 Indices Cephalic 78.2 Relative sitting height 48 . 6 Fronto-parietal 76.2 Total facial 87.5 Upper facial 47 . 1 Nasal 57.7 Ear 55.2 Jugomandibular 73 . 5 Jugofrontal 80 . 1 Texture: coarse. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Hair. — Form: low waves. Eye. — Color: green brown. Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 220. Plate XXVIII, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 50; married for 15 years. Sons: 4 living, 2 dead. Daughters: 2 living. Brothers: 3 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. 214 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1594 794 1330 191 141 113 135 114 123 74 55 35 73 41 Indices Cephalic 73.8 Relative sitting height 49 . 7 Fronto-parietal 80.2 Total facial 91.1 Upper facial 54 . 8 Nasal 63.6 Ear 56.2 Jugomandibular 84.4 Jugofrontal 83.7 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Wear: double plus Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Caries: double plus. Lost: 4. No. 221. Plate XXIX, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1690 813 1386 187 147 120 134 104 121 67 62 36 60 40 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 78.5 .1 .6 .2 48. 81. 90. 50.0 58.0 66.6 77.6 89.5 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: coarse. Color: dark brown Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7ns: zoned. NOSE. — Profile: convex. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health.— Excellent. No. 222. Plate XXIX, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 17; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 215 Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1663 814 1370 192 140 114 123 100 124 77 60 36 62 38 Indices Cephalic 72.9 Relative sitting height 48 . 9 Fronto-parietal 81 . 4 Total facial 100.8 Upper facial 62.6 Nasal 60.0 Ear 61.3 Jugomandibular 81.3 Jugofrontal 92.7 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Teeth. — Caries: double plus. Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health.— Excellent. No. 223 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 32; married once. Sons: none. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Indices Cephalic 74.9 Relative sitting height 52 . 0 Fronto-parietal 79.7 Total facial 76.4 Upper facial 52 . 1 Nasal 38.1 Ear 63.4 Jugomandibular 92 . 8 Jugofrontal 81.4 Measurements mm Standing height 1727 Sitting height 898 Acromion to sole 1445 Head length 191 Head breadth 143 Minimum frontal diameter. 114 Bizygomatic maximum 140 Bigonial breadth 130 Total facial height 107 Upper facial height 73 Nasal height 97 Nasal breadth 37 Ear length 60 Ear breadth 38 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: black. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 224. Plate XXIX, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 40; married 3 times, 15 years ago, 6 years ago, and 2 years ago. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 5 living, 1 dead. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 2 living, 2 dead. Tattoo marks: none. 216 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1720 868 1420 199 150 115 145 110 124 75 56 39 66 40 Indices Cephalic 75.3 Relative sitting height 50 . 5 Fronto-parietal 76 . 6 Total facial 85.5 Upper facial 51 .7 Nasal 69.6 Ear 60.6 Jugomandibular 75.8 Jugofrontal 79.3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Quantity: head, minus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: 2. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 225. Plate XXIX, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 30; married for 13 years, wife now dead. No children. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1745 868 1460 197 145 114 138 105 113 64 58 37 60 35 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 73.6 49.7 78.6 81.8 46.3 63.8 58.3 76.1 82.6 Hair. — Color: dark brown black. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. CHEST. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 226. Plate XXX, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 217 Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1600 818 1310 189 137 117 131 108 115 69 60 35 56 35 Indices Cephalic 72.4 Relative sitting height 51.2 Fronto-parietal 85.4 Total facial 87.8 Upper facial 52 . 7 Nasal 58.3 Ear 62.5 Jugomandibular 82 . 5 Jugofrontal 89.3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown black. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 227. Plate XXX, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 30; married for 7 years. No children. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1736 878 1450 198 149 110 138 117 118 73 57 32 60 40 Indices Cephalic 75.2 Relative sitting height 50 . 6 Fronto-parietal 73 . 8 Total facial 85.4 Upper facial 52 . 8 Nasal 56.1 Ear 66.6 Jugomandibular 85 . 5 Jugofrontal 79.7 Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus, zoned. Hair. — Form: low waves. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 228. Plate XXX, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand, spot on glabella, and spots on both temples. 218 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1604 813 1301 182 148 114 128 100 120 73 55 34 58 33 Indices Cephalic 81.2 Relative sitting height 50 . 6 Fronto-parietal 77.0 Total facial 93.8 Upper facial 57 .0 Nasal 61.8 Ear 56.9 Jugomandibular 78 . 1 Jugofrontal 89.1 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, double minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7m: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: double plus. Unerupted: third molar. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Good. No. 229. Plate XXX, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 35; married for 10 years. Sons: 2 dead. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: none. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1680 840 1410 184 143 117 140 119 115 66 50 33 60 35 Indices Cephalic 77.7 Relative sitting height 50.0 Fronto-parietal 81 . 8 Total facial 82.1 Upper facial 47 . 1 Nasal 66.0 Ear 58.3 Jugomandibular 85 . 0 Jugofrontal 86 . 0 Color: Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. double plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth.— Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 230. Plate XXXI, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 50; married for 30 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 2 living. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. black. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, zoned. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 219 Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1690 838 1430 182 142 109 128 109 123 69 58 36 61 43 Indices Cephalic 78.0 Relative sitting height 49 . 6 Fronto-parietal 76.7 Total facial 96.1 Upper facial 53.9 Nasal 62.1 Ear 70.5 Jugomandibular 85 . 1 Jugofrontal 85 . 1 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown and gray. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, average. Eye. — Color: gray brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Good. Deformed right hand, radius, and ulna. No. 231. Plate XXXI, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 55; married for 22 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: none. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: two crosses on inside of left forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1740 898 1470 192 156 122 144 115 130 82 70 40 65 40 Indices Cephalic 81.2 Relative sitting height 51.6 Fronto-parietal 78.2 Total facial 90.2 Upper facial 56 . 9 Nasal 57.2 Ear 61.5 Jugomandibular 78 . 8 Jugofrontal 84 . 7 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, average; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, double plus. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Excellent. Health.— Excellent. No. 232. Plate XXXI, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Date: June 6, 1928. Age: 25; unmarried. 220 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1660 823 1374 195 142 113 130 103 122 72 60 37 61 46 Indices Cephalic 72.8 Relative sitting height 49 . 6 Fronto-parietal 79.5 Total facial 93.8 Upper facial 55 . 4 Nasal 55.2 Ear 75.4 Jugomandibular 79 . 2 Jugofrontal 86 . 9 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown black. Quantity: head, triple plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. Residence: camp of Sheikh Swadi. Age: 100; married for 50 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: none. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth NO. 233 Date: June 6, 1928. MM 1770 883 1470 190 132 110 128 107 115 70 62 41 70 40 Indices Cephalic 69.4 Relative sitting height 49 . 8 Fronto-parietal 83.3 Total facial 89.9 Upper facial 54 . 7 Nasal 66 . 1 Ear 57.2 Jugomandibular 83.6 Jugofrontal 85 . 9 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: gray. Quantity: head, minus; beard, triple plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Eyebrow. — Thickness: double plus. Concurrency: double plus. Lateral extent: double plus. Brow-ridges: median. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: depressed. Wings: flaring, plus. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: plus. Lost: none. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: average. Helix: double plus. Darwin's Point: double plus. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 221 Chest.— Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 234. Plate XXXI, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sayyid Ruda. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 30; married for 10 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: none. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1764 940 1478 188 139 113 121 110 119 74 61 36 64 31 Indices Cephalic 73.9 Relative sitting height 53 . 3 Fronto-parietal 81 . 3 Total facial 98.3 Upper facial 61 . 1 Nasal 59.0 Ear 48.4 Jugomandibular 90.9 Jugofrontal 93.4 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double Iris: zoned. Residence: camp of Sayyid Ruda. Age: 21; unmarried. Brothers: 2 dead. Sisters: 2 dead Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth No. 235. Plate XXXII, Figs. 1, 2 Date: June 7, 1928. MM 1664 830 1380 183 141 108 127 100 116 75 55 37 64 37 Indices Cephalic 77.0 Relative sitting height 49.9 Fronto-parietal 76.5 Total facial 91.3 Upper facial 59 . 1 Nasal 67.2 Ear 57.8 Jugomandibular 78.8 Jugofrontal 85 . 1 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Iris: zoned. 222 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 236. Plate XXXII, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sayyid Ruda. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1701 870 1420 191 147 115 137 103 113 66 53 34 65 40 Indices Cephalic 77.0 Relative sitting height 51 . 1 Fronto-parietal 78.2 Total facial 82.5 Upper facial 48 . 2 Nasal 64.2 Ear 61.5 Jugomandibular 75.2 Jugofrontal 84 . 0 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. Color: black but dyed with henna. Iris: zoned. No. 237. Plate XXXII, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sayyid Ruda. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: spot on right wrist. Measurements Standing height. Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth Date: June 7, 1928. MM 1636 790 1337 183 141 115 135 96 113 70 55 38 55 34 Indices Cephalic 77.1 Relative sitting height 48 . 3 Fronto-parietal 81 . 5 Total facial 83.7 Upper facial 51.8 Nasal 69.1 Ear 61.8 Jugomandibular 71.1 Jugofrontal 85 . 2 Hair. — Form: curly frizzly. Texture: coarse. Color: black. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. NOSE. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 223 Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 238. Plate XXXII, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sayyid Ruda. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 25; married for 8 years. No children. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on right hand and gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. , Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1730 890 1421 188 138 106 132 101 114 68 50 37 70 32 Indices Cephalic 73.4 Relative sitting height 51 .4 Fronto-parietal 76 . 8 Total facial 86.4 Upper facial 51 . 5 Nasal 74.0 Ear 45.7 Jugomandibular 76 . 5 Jugofrontal 80 . 3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown, dyed with henna. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, average; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 239. Plate XXXIII, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sayyid Ruda. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 30; married for 10 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 1 dead. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand, spots on both temples. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length . Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1882 880 1525 185 148 115 137 109 113 65 53 37 61 40 Indices Cephalic 79.9 Relative sitting height 46 . 7 Fronto-parietal 77 . 6 Total facial 82.4 Upper facial 47 . 4 Nasal 69.8 Ear 65.6 Jugomandibular 79.6 Jugofrontal 83 . 9 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, average. 224 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose.— Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, minus. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health.— Excellent. No. 240 Residence: camp of Sayyid Ruda. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 30; married for 7 years. Sons: 2 living. Daughters: none. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 4 living. Tattoo marks: spots on back of right hand and one spot on each temple. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1777 896 1510 179 138 115 134 100 116 71 54 34 60 42 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Nose. — Profile: concave. Teeth. — Lost: first right upper molar. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health.— Excellent. Indices Cephalic 77.0 Relative sitting height 50.4 Fronto-parietal 83.3 Total facial 86.6 Upper facial 53.0 Nasal 62.9 Ear 70.0 Jugomandibular 74.7 Jugofrontal 85 . 8 Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, triple Iris: zoned. No. 241. Plate XXXIII, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sayyid Ruda. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 26; married for 15 years. Sons: 1 living, 1 dead. Daughters: 1 dead. Brothers: 2 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements mm Standing height 1666 Sitting height 870 Acromion to sole 1411 Head length 178 Head breadth 143 Minimum frontal diameter . . 109 Bizygomatic maximum 137 Bigonial breadth 96 Total facial height 114 Upper facial height 70 Nasal height 58 Nasal breadth 38 Ear length 60 Ear breadth 36 Indices Cephalic 80.3 Relative sitting height 52 . 2 Fronto-parietal 76.2 Total facial 83.2 Upper facial 51.1 Nasal 65 . 5 Ear 60.0 Jugomandibular 70 . 0 Jugofrontal 79.6 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 225 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: black. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concave. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Poor. No. 242. Plate XXXIII, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sayyid Ruda. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1670 805 1425 179 133 113 128 102 113 66 52 33 59 29 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 74.4 48.1 84.9 88.3 51.6 63.4 49.2 79.7 88.3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: black. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Excellent. Residence: camp of Sayyid Ruda Age: 35; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 1 living Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1630 Sitting height 850 Acromion to sole 1360 Head length 191 Head breadth 146 Minimum frontal diameter . . 105 Bizygomatic maximum 136 Bigonial breadth 105 Total facial height 120 Upper facial height 66 Nasal height 57 Nasal breadth 31 Ear length 60 Ear breadth 40 No. 243. Plate XXXIII, Figs. 7, 8 Date: June 7, 1928. Indices Cephalic 76.3 Relative sitting height 52. 1 Fronto-parietal 71.8 Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 77.2 88 48 54 66 77 226 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: coarse. beard, plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 244. Plate XXXIV, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sayyid Ruda. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; Iris: zoned. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth " Ear length Ear breadth Hair. — Form: low waves. Eye. — Color: dark brown. NOSE. — Profile: convex. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent. MM 1727 860 1455 190 138 108 123 96 124 70 54 .• 35 61 34 Texture: fine. Sclera: clear. Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal . 72.6 . 49.8 . 78.2 .100.8 . 56.9 , 64.8 55.7 . 78.1 . 87.9 Color: dark brown. 7ns: zoned. 3,4 No. 245. Plate XXXIV, Figs. Residence: camp of Sayyid Ruda. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 35; married for 12 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1723 867 1455 196 152 120 138 110 128 77 60 34 60 33 Indices Cephalic 77.5 Relative sitting height 50 . 3 Fronto-parietal 78.9 Total facial 92.7 Upper facial 55.8 Nasal 56.7 Ear 54.9 Jugomandibular 79.7 Jugofrontal 87.0 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 227 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown and gray. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. NOSE. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, minus; depressed. Wings: compressed. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Good. No. 246. Plate XXXIV, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sayyid Ruda. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 21; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1745 900 1465 190 143 110 130 110 115 63 53 37 65 37 Indices Cephalic 75.3 Relative sitting height 52 . 6 Fronto-parietal 76.9 Total facial 88.4 Upper facial 48 . 5 Nasal 69.8 Ear 56.9 Jugomandibular 84 . 6 Jugofrontal 84 . 6 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Head shaved. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Poor, much fever. No. 247. Plate XXXIV, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sayyid Ruda. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living, 2 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: spots on back of left hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1690 835 1415 182 137 107 122 100 113 68 50 35 62 30 Indices Cephalic 75.2 Relative sitting height 49 . 4 Fronto-parietal 78 . 1 Total facial 92.6 Upper facial 55.7 Nasal 70.0 Ear 48.3 Jugomandibular 82.0 Jugofrontal 87.7 Hair. — Form: low waves, average. Texture: fine. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, 228 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Eye.— Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Teeth. — Condition: good. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Excellent. No. 248. Plate XXXV, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sayyid Ruda. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 4 living. Tattoo marks: spots on right wrist and one spot on nasion. Indices Cephalic 75.8 Relative sitting height 49 . 2 Fronto-parietal 81 . 4 Total facial 86.5 Upper facial 53 . 8 Nasal 71.2 Ear 67.8 Jugomandibular 79.0 Jugof rontal 92 . 4 Measurements mm Standing height 1730 Sitting height 850 Acromion to sole 1420 Head length 178 Head breadth 135 Minimum frontal diameter. . 110 Bizygomatic maximum 119 Bigonial breadth 94 Total facial height 103 Upper facial height 64 Nasal height . 52 Nasal breadth 37 Ear length 59 Ear breadth 40 Hair. — Form: low waves. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, triple plus; beard, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health.— Excellent. No. 249. Plate XXXV, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sayyid Ruda. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 40; married twice, 20 years ago and 10 years ago. Sons: 2, 0, living. Daughters: 1, 1, living. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1765 Sitting height 847 Acromion to sole 1500 Head length 196 Head breadth 137 Minimum frontal diameter . . 114 Bizygomatic maximum 128 Bigonial breadth 103 Total facial height 113 Upper facial height 68 Nasal height 60 Nasal breadth 37 Ear length 64 Ear breadth 37 Indices Cephalic 69.9 Relative sitting height 47 . 9 Fronto-parietal 83.2 Total facial 88.3 Upper facial 53 . 1 Nasal 61.7 Ear 57.8 Jugomandibular 80 . 5 Jugofrontal 89.1 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 229 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown and gray. Quantity: head, average; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 250. Plate XXXV, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sayyid Ruda. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 45; married twice, 20 years ago and 5 years ago. Sons: 2, 0, living; 1, 0, dead. Daughters: 1, 0, living. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: spots on right wrist and spot on each temple. Measurements mm Standing height 1605 Sitting height 814 Acromion to sole 1318 Head length 191 Head breadth 138 Minimum frontal diameter. . 110 Bizygomatic maximum 125 Bigonial breadth 104 Total facial height 123 Upper facial height 74 Nasal height 57 Nasal breadth 36 Ear length 65 Ear breadth 40 Hair. — Form: low waves. Color: dark brown and gray. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: elevated. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 251. Plate XXXV, Figs. 7, 8 Indices' Cephalic ' 72.2 Relative sitting height 50 . 6 Fronto-parietal 79.7 Total facial 98.2 Upper facial 59 . 2 Nasal 63.1 Ear 61.5 Jugomandibular 83 . 2 Jugofrontal 88 . 0 Residence: camp of Sayyid Ruda. Age: 40; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: spot on each temple. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth Date: June 7, 1928. MM 1672 810 1410 188 145 113 141 107 118 73 57 35 58 34 Indices Cephalic 77 Relative sitting height 48 Fronto-parietal 77 Total facial 83 Upper facial ...;.. 51 Nasal 61.4 Ear 58.6 Jugomandibular 75.9 Jugofrontal 80 . 1 230 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ HAIR.— Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Teeth.— Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Good. No. 252. Plate XXXVI, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 40; unmarried. Brothers: 7 living. Sisters: 4 living. Tattoo marks: glove on right hand and gazelle and spots on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1554 794 1312 177 141 115 129 105 125 71 62 36 53 37 Indices Cephalic 79.6 Relative sitting height 51.1 Fronto-parietal 81 . 5 Total facial 96.8 Upper facial 55.0 Nasal 58.1 Ear 69.8 Jugomandibular 81.4 Jugofrontal 89.2 Hair. — Form: low waves. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. Texture: medium. Sclera: bloodshot. Color: dark brown. 7m: zoned. No. 253. Plate XXXVI, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sayyid Ruda. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 35; married for 3 years. No children. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: spots on both wrists. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1600 862 1320 194 141 107 128 108 122 76 54 48 61 36 Indices Cephalic 72.6 Relative sitting height 53.9 Fronto-parietal 75.9 Total facial 95.2 Upper facial 59.4 Nasal 88.8 Ear 59.0 Jugomandibular 84.4 Jugofrontal 83.6 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 23i Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 254. Plate XXXVI, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Miniehil. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 55; married for 30 years. Sons: 2 living. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove and gazelle. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1744 850 1544 187 141 115 138 106 130 53 36 60 32 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 75.4 48.7 81.5 94.2 67.9 53.4 76.8 83.3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown and gray. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. 7m: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth.— Lost: 5. CHEST. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 255 Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 40; married for 14 years. No children. Brothers: 3 dead. Sisters: 2 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1680 857 1425 175 131 105 131 105 128 83 66 30 65 36 Indices Cephalic 74.9 Relative sitting height 51.0 Fronto-parietal 80.2 Total facial 97.6 Upper facial 63 . 3 Nasal 45 . 4 Ear 55.3 Jugomandibular 80.2 Jugofrontal 80.2 Hair. — Form: low waves, plus; body, plus. Texture: fine. Color: black. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, 232 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Eye.— Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Lost: 2. Condition: poor. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. No. 256 Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 25; married for 10 years. Sons: none. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove and gazelle on right hand and forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1685 872 1425 197 138 109 135 107 126 76 62 30 61 35 Indices Cephalic 70.0 Relative sitting height 51 .8 Fronto-parietal 78.9 Total facial 93.3 Upper facial 56.3 Nasal 48.4 Ear 57.4 Jugomandibular 79.3 Jugofrontal 80.7 Hair. — Form: low waves Eye. — Color: dark brown Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Good. Texture: medium. Color: black. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Wings: medium -compressed. Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Age: 42; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on right hand. Measurements mm Standing height 1710 Sitting height 892 Acromion to sole 1455 Head length 196 Head breadth 151 Minimum frontal diameter. . 116 Bizygomatic maximum 138 Bigonial breadth Ill Total facial height 116 Upper facial height 74 Nasal height 60 Nasal breadth 39 Ear length 65 Ear breadth 42 NO. 257 Date: June 7, 1928. Indices Cephalic 76.9 Relative sitting height 52 . 2 Fronto-parietal 76.8 Total facial 84.1 Upper facial 53.6 Nasal 65.0 Ear 64.7 Jugomandibular 80 . 5 Jugofrontal 84. 1 Hair.- — Form: low waves. Eye. — Color: gray brown. Color: dark brown black. Sclera: speckled and bloodshot. Iris: rayed. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 233 Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Teeth. — Caries: double plus. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Poor. No. 258. Plate XXXVI, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Age: 40; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: spots on back of left wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1660 887 1340 184 149 113 138 115 120 77 62 38 65 38 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 80.9 53.4 75.8 86.9 55.8 61.3 58.4 83.3 81.9 Hair. — Quantity: head, average; beard, minus; body, average. Eye.— Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. 7ns: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: thickness, double plus. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health.— Good. Skin very dark in color. Appears to have some Negro blood. No. 259. Plate XXXVII, Figs. 1, 2 Date: June 7, 1928. 1 dead. Daughters: 1 living. Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Age: 30; married for 10 years. Sons Brothers: 3 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove and gazelle on right hand and forearm Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1650 867 1370 183 138 106 122 95 113 78 64 31 61 36 Indices Cephalic 75.3 Relative sitting height 52 . 6 Fronto-parietal 76.8 Total facial 92.6 Upper facial 63 . 9 Nasal 48.5 Ear 59.0 Jugomandibular 77.9 Jugofrontal 86 . 9 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: black. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7ns: zoned. 234 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: elevated. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Excellent. Health. — Good. No. 260. Plate XXXVII, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Ghatal. Age: 40; married for 20 years. Sons: 1 living, 2 dead. Daughters: 2 living. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove and gazelle on right hand and forearm; spots on left hand; 6 spots over left eye, and 7 spots over right eye. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1744 Cephalic 76.8 Sitting height 889 Relative sitting height 51.0 Acromion to sole 1460 Fronto-parietal 76.1 Head length 185 Total facial 100.0 Head breadth 142 Upper facial 60.3 Minimum frontal diameter. . 108 Nasal 69.1 Bizygomatic maximum 121 Ear 61 . 5 Bigonial breadth 92 Jugomandibular 76.0 Total facial height 121 Jugofrontal 89.2 Upper facial height 73 Nasal height 55 Nasal breadth 38 Ear length 65 Ear breadth 40 Hair. — Form: low waves. Color: dark brown black. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled and bloodshot. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: elevated. Wings: medium. Teeth.— Lost: none. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 261. Plate XXXVII, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Abdullah on Tigris River. Married for 6 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: none. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove and gazelle on right hand and forearm. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1690 Cephalic 74.5 Sitting height 819 Relative sitting height 48.5 Acromion to sole 1442 Fronto-parietal 74 . 5 Head length 189 Total facial 98.4 Head breadth 141 Upper facial 59 . 3 Minimum frontal diameter . . 105 Nasal 55 . 1 Bizygomatic maximum 128 Ear 65.2 Bigonial breadth 100 Jugomandibular 78.2 Total facial height 126 Jugofrontal 82.1 Upper facial height 76 Nasal height 58 Nasal breadth 32 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 235 Measurements mm Ear length 46 Ear breadth 30 Hair. — Texture: fine. Color: dark brown black. Quantity: head, average; beard, average; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 262 Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Abdullah. Age: 26; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: spot on right wrist and one on each temple. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1690 857 1443 187 136 104 128 100 122 81 70 38 62 32 Indices Cephalic 72.7 Relative sitting height 50.7 Fronto-parietal 76.4 Total facial 95.3 Upper facial 63.2 Nasal 54.3 Ear 51.6 Jugomandibular 78.2 Jugofrontal 81 .3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 263. Plate XXXVII, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Abdullah. Age: 32; married twice, 13 years ago and 9 years ago. Sons: 1, 1, living. Daughters: 0, 2, living. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height mm Indices 1720 Cephalic 75.4 847 Relative sitting height 49.2 1450 Fronto-parietal 78:6 192 Total facial 95.5 145 Upper facial 59.7 114 Nasal 5078 134 Ear. 45.9 108 Jugomandibular; 80.6 128 Jugofrontal 85.1 80 236 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Nasal height 63 Nasal breadth 32 Ear length 61 Ear breadth... 28 Hair. — Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Dyed with henna. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7m: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Wear: plus. Caries: double plus. Lost: none. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 264. Plate XXXVIII, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 35; married twice, 15 years ago and 3 years ago. Sons: 0, 1, living. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: gazelle on inside of right forearm. Daughters: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1720 847 1445 187 140 113 136 105 115 83 61 32 65 28 Indices Cephalic 74.8 Relative sitting height 49 . 2 Fronto-parietal 80.7 Total facial 84.6 Upper facial . . '. 61 . 0 Nasal 52.4 Ear 43.1 Jugomandibular 77 . 2 Jugofrontal 83 . 1 Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Wings: compressed. Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: black. Quantity: head, average; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 265. Plate XXXVIII, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Abdullah. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: spots on right wrist. Measurements mm Standing height 1712 Sitting height 890 Acromion to sole 1442 Head length 184 Head breadth 143 Minimum frontal diameter. . Ill Bizygomatic maximum 130 Bigonial breadth 116 Indices Cephalic 78.1 Relative sitting height 51 . 9 Fronto-parietal 77.6 Total facial, 90.7 Upper facial 54 . 6 Nasal , 53.3 Ear 51.6 Jugomandibular 89 . 3 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 237 Measurements mm Indices Total facial height 118 Jugofrontal 85.4 Upper facial height 71 Nasal height 60 Nasal breadth 32 Ear length 62 Ear breadth 32 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: speckled and bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Condition: fair. Nose. — Profile: convex. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Fair. Right eye blind and left eye strained. Cataract forming in left eye. No. 266 Locality: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Ghatal. Age: 50; married for 20 years. Sons: 2 living, 1 dead. Daughters: 3 living. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on right hand; line of spots across forehead (one-inch gap at glabella). Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1780 Cephalic 79.8 Sitting height 877 Relative sitting height 49.4 Acromion to sole 1530 Fronto-parietal 78 . 1 Head length 188 Total facial 94.3 Head breadth 150 Upper facial 58. 1 Minimum frontal diameter . . 117 Nasal 61.7 Bizygomatic maximum 141 Ear 54.4 Bigonial breadth 110 Jugomandibular 78.0 Total facial height 133 Jugofrontal 83.0 Upper facial height 82 Nasal height 60 Nasal breadth 37 Ear length 68 Ear breadth 37 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, double plus. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health.— Excellent. No. 267 Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 80; married for 50 years. Sons: 1 living, 1 dead. Daughters: 2 dead. Brothers: 4 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1730 Cephalic 70.6 Sitting height 867 Relative sitting height 50. 1 Acromion to sole 1460 Fronto-parietal 80 . 7 Head length 191 Total facial 83.1 238 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Xasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 135 109 136 107 113 74 61 37 60 37 Indices Upper facial 54 .4 Nasal 60.7 Ear 61.7 Jugomandibular 78 . 7 Jugofrontal 80.2 Hair. — Color: gray (reddish from henna). Quantity: head, average; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. NOSE. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: 15 or 16. Chest. — Development: minus. Musculature. — Poor. Health. — Good. No. 269 Locality: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Abdullah. Age: 40; married for 30 years. Sons: none. Daughters: 2 living. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1680 882 1450 174 143 110 124 106 113 79 60 31 66 31 Indices Cephalic 82.2 Relative sitting height 52 . 4 Fronto-parietal 76.9 Total facial 91.1 Upper facial 63.7 Nasal 51.7 Ear 47.0 Jugomandibular 85.5 Jugofrontal 88.7 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, average; beard, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Derelopment: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. No. 270A Locality: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Birthplace: camp of Sheikh Abdullah. Age: 34; married for 2 years. Sons: none. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: 2 spots on right wrist and on inside of right forearm. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1693 Sitting height 892 Cephalic 75.2 Relative sitting height 52.7 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 239 Measurements Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1402 186 140 111 126 105 116 77 62 31 55 29 Indices Fronto-parietal . . 72.3 Total facial.... 92.1 Upper facial 61 . 1 Nasal 50.0 Ear 52.7 Jugomandibular 83 . 4 Jugofrontal 88 . 1 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. NO. 270B Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 30; married for 15 years. Sons: 2 living, 1 dead. Daughters: none. Brothers: 2 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove and gazelle on right hand and forearm. Measurements Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 198 152 108 133 118 123 78 65 39 68 36 Indices Cephalic 76.7 Fronto-parietal 71.0 Total facial 92.4 Upper facial 58 . 7 Nasal 60.0 Ear 52.9 Jugomandibular 88 . 7 Jugofrontal 81.2 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, triple plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: 2. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. —Excellent. Health. — Good. NO. 271 Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove and gazelle on right hand and forearm. Measurements Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. mm Indices 178 Cephalic 79.8 142 Fronto-parietal 75.3 107 Total facial 91.6 240 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Bizygomatic maximum 130 Bigonial breadth 100 Total facial height 119 Upper facial height 72 Nasal height 58 Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 58 Ear breadth 38 Indices Upper facial 55 .4 Nasal 58.6 Ear 65.5 Jugomandibular 77 . 0 Jugofrontal 82.3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, average; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Condition: good. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 272. Plate XXXVIII, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 184 139 116 128 97 117 72 58 34 64 35 Indices Cephalic 75 Fronto-parietal 83 Total facial 91 Upper facial 56 Nasal 58 Ear 54.7 Jugomandibular 75.8 Jugofrontal 90.6 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7ns; zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Teeth. — Lost: none. Third molars unerupted. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 273. Plate XXXVIII, Fig. 7 Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 25; married for 10 years. No children. Brothers: 2 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: spot on nose. Measurements Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height mm Indices 188 Cephalic 71.8 135 Fronto-parietal 77.7 105 Total facial 96.0 125 Upper facial 60.8 101 Nasal 60.0 120 Ear 54.8 76 Jugomandibular 80.9 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 241 Measurements mm Indices Nasal height 60 Jugofrontal 84.0 Nasal breadth 36 Ear length 62 Ear breadth 34 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. NO. 274 Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 30; married for 15 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 2 living, 1 dead. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove and gazelle; spots on right temple. Measurements mm Indices Head length 182 Cephalic 78.0 Head breadth 142 Fronto-parietal 71.1 Minimum frontal diameter. . 101 Total facial 94.4 Bizygomatic maximum 125 Upper facial 62 . 3 Bigonial breadth 90 Nasal 48.5 Total facial height 118 Ear 56.9 Upper facial height 78 Jugomandibular 72.0 Nasal height 66 Jugofrontal 80 . 9 Nasal breadth 32 Ear length 58 Ear breadth 33 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. 7ns: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. Brother of No. 266. No. 275. Plate XXXVIII, Fig. 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 2 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: cross on each temple. Measurements mm Indices Head length 187 Cephalic 74.8 Head breadth 140 Fronto-parietal 81.4 Minimum frontal diameter. . 114 Total facial 74.6 Bizygomatic maximum 134 Upper facial 59 . 7 Bigonial breadth 110 Nasal 56.6 Total facial height 100 Ear 50.0 Upper facial height 80 Jugomandibular 82. 1 Nasal height 60 Jugofrontal 85 . 1 Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 64 Ear breadth 32 242 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. M USCULATURE. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 276 Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on right hand. Measurements Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth Date: June 7, 1928. MM 183 139 104 127 97 114 67 58 30 63 30 Indices Cephalic Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 75.9 74.8 89.7 52.8 51.7 47.7 76.4 81.9 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. . Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Tip: thickness, double plus. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. NO. 277 Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 30; married for 2 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: none. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: line on left temple. Measurements Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth : mm 198 130 108 119 100 117 68 53 38 62 35 Indices Cephalic 65.6 Fronto-parietal 82 . 9 Total facial 98.3 Upper facial 57 . 1 Nasal 71.7 Ear 56.4 Jugomandibular 84.1 Jugofrontal 90.8 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Tip: thickness, plus. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 243 Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 278. Plate XXXIX, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 70; married for 30 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 1 living, 2 dead. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Indices Head length 198 Cephalic 71.2 Head breadth 141 Fronto-parietal 80 . 8 Minimum frontal diameter. . 114 Total facial 87.2 Bizygomatic maximum 133 Upper facial 57 . 1 Bigonial breadth 100 Nasal 64.3 Total facial height 116 Ear 52.9 Upper facial height 76 Jugomandibular 75.2 Nasal height 56 Jugofrontal 85 .7 Nasal breadth 36 Ear length 68 Ear breadth 36 Hair. — Color: gray. Quantity: head, average; beard, double plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: double plus. Lost: 2. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature.— Good. Health.— Good. No. 279. Plate XXXIX, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 50; married for 15 years. Sons: 2 living, 1 dead. Daughters: 1 dead. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements mm Indices Head length 193 Cephalic 69.2 Head breadth 137 Fronto-parietal 85.4 Minimum frontal diameter. . 117 Total facial 93.3 Bizygomatic maximum 136 Upper facial 56 . 8 Bigonial breadth 100 Nasal 54 . 6 Total facial height 127 Ear 55.2 Upper facial height 76 Jugomandibular 73 . 6 Nasal height 66 Jugofrontal 86 . 1 Nasal breadth 36 Ear length 58 Ear breadth 32 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, average; beard, average; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: flaring. Teeth.— Lost: 2. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Good. No. 280. Plate XXXIX, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. 244 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Indices Head length 187 Cephalic 71.6 Head breadth 134 Fronto-parietal 87.3 Minimum frontal diameter . . 117 Total facial 95 . 5 Bizygomatic maximum 134 Upper facial 56 . 7 Bigonial breadth 113 Nasal 70.2 Total facial height 128 Ear 52.4 Upper facial height 76 Jugomandibular 84.3 Nasal height 57 Jugofrontal 87.3 Nasal breadth 40 Ear length 61 Ear breadth 32 Hair. — Form: straight. Texture: medium. Color: black. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. High cheek-bones suggest Mongoloid blood. No. 281A. Plate XXXIX, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 35; married for 15 years. Sons: 3 living. Daughters: 1 living, 2 dead. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on right hand and gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements mm Indices Head length 193 Cephalic 70.4 Head breadth 136 Fronto-parietal 83.8 Minimum frontal diameter. . 114 Total facial 90.0 Bizygomatic maximum 131 Upper facial 58.8 Bigonial breadth 99 Nasal 60.0 Total facial height 118 Ear 54.3 Upper facial height 77 Jugomandibular 75 . 6 Nasal height 60 Jugofrontal 77 . 1 Nasal breadth 36 Ear length 70 Ear breadth 38 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: double plus. Lost: 1. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 281B Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 55; married for 4 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 2 living. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements mm Indices Head length 193 Cephalic 74.6 Head breadth 144 Fronto-parietal 76.4 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 245 Measurements Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 110 136 116 122 78 66 35 63 41 Indices Total facial 89.7 Upper facial 56 . 3 Nasal 53.0 Ear 65.1 Jugomandibular 85 . 3 Jugofrontal 80.9 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. NOSE. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: double plus. Lost: 2. Ear. — Darwin's Point: double plus. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. No. 282. Plate XL, Fig. 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 80; married for 50 years. Sons: 1 living, 3 dead. Daughters: none. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 198 153 112 146 113 127 66 76 34 86 33 Indices Cephalic 77.2 Fronto-parietal 73 .2 Total facial 86.9 Upper facial 45 . 2 Nasal 44.7 Ear 38.4 Jugomandibular 77 . 3 Jugofrontal 76.7 Hair. — Color: gray. Quantity: head, minus; beard, double plus; body, average. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: bloodshot. 7ns: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: many. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. Very prominent malars. Cheeks full. Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. . No. 283 Date: June 7, 1928. mm Indices 184 Cephalic 74.4 137 Fronto-parietal 83.2 114 Total facial 89.4 246 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Indices Bizygomatic maximum ..... 132 Upper facial 53.8 Bigonial breadth 104 Nasal 67.9 Total facial height 118 Ear 53.9 Upper facial height . 71 Jugomandibular 78.8 Nasal height 53 Jugofrontal 86.4 Nasal breadth ; . 36 Ear length 63 Ear breadth 34 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Unerupted: third molars. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. NO. 285 Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: spots on back of right hand. Measurements mm Indices Head length 191 Cephalic 72.2 Head breadth 138 Fronto-parietal 79.0 Minimum frontal diameter . . 109 Total facial 89 . 8 Bizygomatic maximum 127 Upper facial 52 . 7 Bigonial breadth 101 Nasal 61.8 Total facial height 114 Ear 68.7 Upper facial height 67 Jugomandibular 79 . 5 Nasal height 55 Jugofrontal 85.9 Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 64 Ear breadth 44 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Unerupted: third molars. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 286. Plate XL, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Date: June 7, 1928. Age: 90; married for 70 years. Sons: none. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Indices Head length 182 Cephalic 70.3 Head breadth 128 Fronto-parietal 83.6 Minimum frontal diameter . . 107 Total facial 98 . 3 Bizygomatic maximum 121 Upper facial 76 . 0 Bigonial breadth 98 Nasal 40.0 Total facial height 119 Ear 47.8 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 247 Measurements mm Upper facial height 92 Nasal height 80 Nasal breadth.. • 32 Ear length 67 Ear breadth 32 Indices Jugomandibular 81.0 Jugofrontal 88 . 4 Hair. — Quantity: head, minus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: speckled and bloodshot. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, double plus. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Wear: triple plus. Caries: triple plus. Lost: all but 1. Chest. — Development: double minus. Musculature. — Poor. Health. — Poor. Deformed right hand. Condition of eyes poor. Extremely thin. No. 287 Residence: camp of Sheikh Khadem. Age: 30; married for 4 years. Sons: Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth Date: none. 194 144 106 114 105 114 70 61 34 62 37 June 7, 1928. Daughters: 2 living. Indices Cephalic 74.2 Fronto-parietal 73 . 6 Total facial 100.0 Upper facial 61 .4 Nasal : . . . 55.7 Ear 59.6 Jugomandibular 92.0 Jugofrontal 93 . 0 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Good. Quantity: head, average; beard, plus; body, plus. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. No. 288. Plate XL, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Ghatal. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: spots over glabella. Measurements Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . . Bizygomatic maximum ..... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth Date: June 7, 1928. MM 180 138 108 127 107 118 80 64 34 60 38 Indices Cephalic 76 Fronto-parietal 78 Total facial 92 Upper facial 63 Nasal 53 Ear 63.3 Jugomandibular 84 . 3 Jugofrontal 85 . 0 248 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 350 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 40; married for 15 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 4 living, 2 dead. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1700 831 1400 188 151 114 142 100 130 78 60 32 63 32 Indices Cephalic 80.3 Relative sitting height 48 . 8 Fron to-parietal. 75 . 5 Total facial 91.6 Upper facial 54 . 9 Nasal 53 . 4 Ear 50.8 Jugomandibular 70 . 5 Jugofrontal 80.3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: many. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 351 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 30; married for 3 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: none. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1630 793 1333 180 134 107 115 93 121 66 58 34 67 33 Indices Cephalic 74.5 Relative sitting height 48.7 Fronto-parietal 79.9 Total facial 105.2 Upper facial 57.4 Nasal 58.6 Ear 49.3 Jugomandibular 80.9 Jugofrontal 93 . 1 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: black. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 249 Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth.— Lost: 1. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good . Health. — Good. No. 352 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 20; married for 1 year. No children. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: cross and spot on back of right wrist. MM Indices Cephalic 68.7 Relative sitting height 45 . 4 Fronto-parietal 85.0 Total facial 91.3 Upper facial 57 . 1 Nasal 56.4 Ear 54.9 Jugomandibular 81.0 Jugofrontal 90. 5 Measurements Standing height 1695 Sitting height 770 Acromion to sole 1395 Head length 195 Head breadth 134 Minimum frontal diameter. . 114 Bizygomatic maximum 126 Bigonial breadth 102 Total facial height 115 Upper facial height 72 Nasal height 55 Nasal breadth 31 Ear length 62 Ear breadth 34 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: 1. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. No. 353 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 30; unmarried. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1600 760 1310 195 143 107 128 100 134 74 60 36 52 39 Indices Cephalic 73.4 Relative sitting height 47 . 5 Fronto-parietal 74.9 Total facial 104.8 Upper facial 57.8 Nasal 60.0 Ear 75.0 Jugomandibular 78.2 Jugofrontal 83 . 6 Hair. — Form: deep waves. Texture: coarse. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, average. 250 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Eye. — Color: green brown. Nose. — Profile: concave. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. Sclera: clear. 7ns: zoned. No. 354 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 30; married for 2 years. No children. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1770 875 1405 205 138 117 141 120 131 77 62 36 66 41 Indices Cephalic 67.4 Relative sitting height 49 . 4 Fronto-parietal 84.9 Total facial 92.9 Upper facial 54 . 6 Nasal 58.0 Ear 62.1 Jugomandibular 85.2 Jugofrontal 83 . 0 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Blind in right eye. NOSE. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Lost: 1. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 355. Plate XL, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 75; married for 8 years (wife now dead). Sons: none. Daughters: 2 living. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1725 805 1500 191 147 113 143 108 125 72 57 39 80 45 Indices Cephalic 77.0 Relative sitting height 46.6 Fronto-parietal 76.9 Total facial 87.5 Upper facial 50 . 4 Nasal 68.4 Ear 56.3 Jugomandibular 75 . 5 Jugofrontal 79.0 Hair. — Quantity: head, minus; beard, double plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 251 Nose. — Profile: concave. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Lost: many. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth No. 356. Plate XLI, Figs. 1, 2 Date: June 9, 1928. 1605 743 1330 181 136 108 130 98 106 65 60 33 60 37 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fron to-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 75.2 46.2 79.4 81.6 50.0 55.0 61.6 75.4 83.1 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. NOSE. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium-flaring. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. No. 357. Plate XLI, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 50; married for 20 years. No children. Brothers: 2 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living, 2 dead. Tattoo marks: spots on back of left wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height. Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1655 722 1370 184 130 106 126 100 ■111 69 60 40 61 34 Indices Cephalic 70.6 Relative sitting height 43.6 Fronto-parietal 81.6 Total facial 88.1 Upper facial 60 . 2 Nasal 66.7 Ear 56.7 Jugomandibular 79 . 5 Jugofrontal »•> 84.2 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, average; beard, double plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Nose. — Profile: concave. Wings: medium. 252 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Teeth.— Lost: 1. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. No. 358. Plate XLI, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 2 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Sisters: 1 living, 4 dead. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1695 844 1380 198 147 110 138 107 127 85 61 33 65 30 Indices Cephalic 74.2 Relative sitting height 49 . 8 Fronto-parietal 74.9 Total facial 92.1 Upper facial 61.6 Nasal 54 . 1 Ear 46.2 Jugomandibular 77.6 Jugofrontal 79.7 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Good. No. 359. Plate XLI, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 2 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Sisters: 2 living, 1 dead. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1750 805 1450 193 140 110 128 99 120 78 61 38 67 35 Indices Cephalic 72.6 Relative sitting height 46 . 0 Fronto-parietal 78 . 6 Total facial 93.9 Upper facial 60 . 9 Nasal 62.3 Ear 52.3 Jugomandibular 77 . 3 Jugofrontal 86 . 0 Hair. — Form: frizzly woolly. Texture: coarse. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 253 Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: thickness, double plus. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. No. 360. Plate XLII, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 40; married for 10 years. Sons: none. Daughters: 1 dead. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: spot on chin. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1710 830 1405 197 145 119 136 109 117 66 45 31 60 32 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear... Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 73.6 48.6 82.1 86.1 48.6 69.9 53.4 80.1 87.5 Hair. — Quantity: head, average. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth.— Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. Very prominent malars. Cheeks full. No. 361. Plate XLII, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 30; married for 10 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 1 living, 1 dead. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living, 2 dead. Tattoo marks: spots on inside of right upper arm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1725 835 1452 203 141 116 135 104 118 73 56 35 67 33 Indices Cephalic 69.4 Relative sitting height 48.4 Fronto-parietal 82 . 3 Total facial 87.4 Upper facial 54 . 1 Nasal 62.5 Ear 49.3 Jugomandibular 77.0 Jugofrontal 85 . 9 254 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Slightly cross-eyed. Right Hair. — Color: dark brown Eye. — Color: dark brown. eye bad. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 362. Plate XLII, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 33; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Xasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1645 782 1375 188 146 118 138 105 121 71 58 35 58 34 Indices Cephalic 77.7 Relative sitting height 47 . 6 Fronto-parietal 80.9 Total facial 87.7 Upper facial 51 . 4 Nasal 60.4 Ear 58.6 Jugomandibular 76 . 1 Jugofrontal 85.5 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Lost: 1. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Good. No. 363. Plate XLII, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1655 805 1365 198 144 119 136 96 114 67 53 34 60 30 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 72.7 48.6 82.7 83.9 49.3 64.1 50.0 70.6 87.5 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 255 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 364. Plate XLIII, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 20; married for 3 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: none. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1625 728 1320 184 131 114 134 103 108 68 55 35 59 32 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 71.2 44.8 87.1 80.6 50.7 63.6 54.3 76.9 85.1 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Lost: none. Condition: good. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 365. Plate XLIII, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 19; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1614 770 1340 187 145 108 130 98 113 70 60 32 58 34 Indices Cephalic 77.6 Relative sitting height 47.7 Fronto-parietal 74.5 Total facial 87.0 Upper facial 53 . 8 Nasal. 53.4 Ear 58.6 Jugomandibular 75.4 Jugofrontal 83 . 1 256 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Hair. — Texture: medium. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, average. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. Marked prominence of malars. No. 366. Plate XLIII, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 17; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: spot on nasion and gazelle on back of right wrist. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1610 Cephalic 80.4 Sitting height 740 Relative sitting height 46 . 0 Acromion to sole 1341 Fronto-parietal 76.4 Head length 184 Total facial 84.4 Head breadth 148 Upper facial 49,2 Minimum frontal diameter. . 113 Nasal 53.6 Bizygomatic maximum 128 Ear 50 . 0 Bigonial breadth 104 Jugomandibular 81.3 Total facial height 108 Jugofrontal 88.3 Upper facial height 63 Nasal height 56 Nasal breadth 30 Ear length 62 Ear breadth 31 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Lost: none. Third molars unerupted. Teeth in good condition. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 367. Plate XLIII, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 90; married for 40 years (wife now dead). Sons: 1 living, 1 dead. Daughters: none. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on right hand and gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1570 Cephalic 69.5 Sitting height 755 Relative sitting height 48. 1 Acromion to sole 1320 Fronto-parietal 88 . 1 Head length 193 Total facial 95.2 Head breadth 134 Upper facial 57.3 Minimum frontal diameter. . 118 Nasal 67.7 Bizygomatic maximum 124 Ear 40 . 9 Bigonial breadth 113 Jugomandibular 91.2 Total facial height 118 Jugofrontal 95.2 Upper facial height 71 Nasal height 62 Nasal breadth 42 Ear length 88 Ear breadth 36 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 257 Hair. — Color: gray and white. Quantity: head, average; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: all. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 368. Plate XLIV, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 45; married twice, 15 years ago and 4 years ago. Sons: 2, 1, living. Daughters: 3, 1, living. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1770 780 1435 195 134 113 126 104 109 77 60 36 58 45 Indices Cephalic 68.7 Relative sitting height 44 . 1 Fronto-parietal 84 . 4 Total facial 86.5 Upper facial 61 . 1 Nasal 60.0 Ear 77.6 Jugomandibular 82 . 6 Jugofrontal 89.7 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. No. 369 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 50; married 4 times (all wives dead). Sons: 1, 0, 0, 1, living. Daughters: 1, 0, 0, 0, living; 0, 0, 2, 0, dead. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth MM 1680 760 1380 206 137 116 137 118 127 78 60 40 Indices Cephalic 66.5 Relative sitting height 45 . 2 Fronto-parietal 84 . 7 Total facial 92.8 Upper facial 56.9 Nasal 66.6 Ear 57.4 Jugomandibular 86 . 1 Jugofrontal 84.7 258 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Ear length 61 Ear breadth 35 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. NOSE. — Profile: straight. Wings: flaring. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Good. No. 370. Plate XLIV, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 50; married for 10 years. Sons: Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. 1 living. Daughters: 1 living. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1728 780 1480 198 136 114 133 110 115 71 63 35 64 30 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 68.7 45.2 83.9 86.5 53.4 55.6 56.3 82.7 85.7 Hair. — Quantity: head, minus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: 1. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 371. Plate XLIV, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 50; married for 10 years. Sons: 2 dead. Daughters: 2 living, 1 Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: gazelle on right wrist. dead. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth MM 1720 800 1415 191 144 117 138 110 115 77 66 40 Indices Cephalic 75.4 Relative sitting height 46 . 5 Fronto-parietal 81.3 Total facial 83.4 Upper facial 55 . 7 Nasal 71.5 Ear 47.8 Jugomandibular 79 . 7 Jugofrontal 84 . 8 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 259 Measurements mm Ear length 67 Ear breadth 32 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, minus; beard, plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 372 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Age: 40; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth Date: June 9, 1928. mm 750 1375 192 138 117 131 100 115 69 61 35 64 41 Indices Cephalic 71.9 Fron to-parietal 84 . 9 Total facial 87.9 Upper facial 52 . 6 Nasal 57.4 Ear 64.0 Jugomandibular 76 . 4 Jugofrontal 89.3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 373 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 30; married for 4 years. No children. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: spot on right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth mm 1614 753 1350 198 146 111 136 100 118 78 67 33 Indices Cephalic 73.8 Relative sitting height 46 . 6 Fronto-parietal 79 . 5 Total facial 83.1 Upper facial 57 . 4 Nasal 49.3 Ear 52.5 Jugomandibular 73 . 6 Jugofrontal 81 . 6 260 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Ear length 61 Ear breadth 32 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: black. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, average. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. NO. 374 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 35; married for 6 years. Sons: none. Daughters: 2 living. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: 3 spots on each temple. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1784 800 1475 192 144 115 134 102 113 75 53 32 60 31 Indices Cephalic 75 Relative sitting height 44 . 8 Fron to-parietal 80 . 0 Total facial 84 Upper facial 56 Nasal 60 Ear 51 Jugomandibular 76 Jugofrontal 78 0 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature.— Excellent. Health.— Good. No. 375 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 40; married for 12 years. Sons: 1 dead. Daughters: 3 living. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height mm Indices 1695 Cephalic 70.1 810 Relative sitting height 47 . 8 1426 Fronto-parietal 79.4 194 Total facial 92.5 136 Upper facial 54.1 108 Nasal 76.0 133 Ear 59.1 102 Jugomandibular 76.7 123 Jugofrontal 81.2 72 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 261 Measurements mm Nasal height 54 Nasal breadth 41 Ear length 66 Ear breadth 39 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: black. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Lost: 1. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Poor. Health. — Good. No. 376. Plate XLIV, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 80; married 5 times, 40, 35, 31, 29, and 25 years ago. Sons: 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, living. Daughters: 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, living. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1708 Cephalic 76.9 Sitting height 792 Relative sitting height 46.3 Acromion to sole 1435 Fronto-parietal 75 . 4 Head length 190 Total facial 92.6 Head breadth 146 Upper facial 57 .3 Minimum frontal diameter. . 110 Nasal 83.4 Bizygomatic maximum 136 Ear 51 . 5 Bigonial breadth 110 Jugomandibular 80.9 Total facial height 126 Jugofrontal 80.9 Upper facial height 78 Nasal height 54 Nasal breadth 45 Ear length 68 Ear breadth 35 Hair. — Color: gray. Quantity: head, average; beard, plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: double plus. Lost: 2. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. Very good teeth considering his age. Four wives are dead. No. 377 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 35; married once (wife now dead). Sons: none. Daughters: 1 living, 1 dead. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1735 Cephalic 71.9 Sitting height 832 Relative sitting height 47.9 Acromion to sole 1437 Fronto-parietal 84 . 1 Head length 192 Total facial 93.3 Head breadth 138 Upper facial 56. 1 Minimum frontal diameter. . 116 Nasal 55.2 262 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Indices Bizygomatic maximum 132 Ear 61 . 9 Bigonial breadth 110 Jugomandibular 83.4 Total facial height 123 Jugofrontal 87.9 Upper facial height 74 Nasal height 58 Nasal breadth 32 Ear length 63 Ear breadth 39 Hair. — Form: deep waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 378. Plate XLV, Fig. 1 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1560 710 1292 191 137 106 122 104 66 52 35 60 30 Indices Cephalic 71.8 Relative sitting height 45 . 5 Fronto-parietal 77.4 Total facial 85.3 Upper facial 54 . 1 Nasal 67.4 Ear 50.0 Jugofrontal 86.9 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, minus; depressed. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 379. Plate XLV, Fig. 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 50; married for 10 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 2 living. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand, gazelle on inside of right forearm; spot on left wrist; 2 spots to the left of glabella. mm Measurements Standing height 1685 Sitting height 775 Acromion to sole 1415 Indices Cephalic 70.4 Relative sitting height 45.9 Fronto-parietal 79.8 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 263 Measurements Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 196 138 110 137 110 121 75 58 36 70 35 Indices Total facial 88.4 Upper facial 54 . 8 Nasal 62.1 Ear 50.0 Jugomandibular 80 . 3 Jugofrontal 80.3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Tip: thickness, double plus; elevated. flaring. Teeth. — Lost: 1. Chest. — Development: plus Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 380. Plate XLV, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 30; unmarried. Brothers: 2 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: 2 spots on left wrist and spot at nasion. Wings: medium- Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1680 794 1390 195 154 116 130 103 124 68 60 36 60 31 Indices Cephalic 79.0 Relative sitting height 47.2 Fronto-parietal 75.4 Total facial 95.5 Upper facial 52 . 4 Nasal 60.0 Ear 51.7 Jugomandibular 79 . 2 Jugofrontal 89.3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, average. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth.— Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 381 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 30; married twice, 10 years ago and 1 year ago. Sons: 2, 0, living, living; 1, 0, dead. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 5 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Daughters: 3, 0, 264 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1740 800 1443 201 138 110 138 108 121 72 58 38 66 42 Indices Cephalic 68.7 Relative sitting height 45 . 9 Fronto-parietal 79 . 7 Total facial 87.8 Upper facial 52 . 2 Nasal 65.5 Ear 63.6 Jugomandibular 78 . 3 Jugofrontal 79.7 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Lost: 1. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. No. 382. Plate XLV, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 80; married for 50 years (wife now dead). Sons: 2 living. Daughters: 10 living, 7 dead. Brothers: 4 dead. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1720 832 1443 188 134 115 126 100 134 82 63 36 71 38 Indices Cephalic 71.3 Relative sitting height 48 . 3 Fronto-parietal 85.9 Total facial 106.3 Upper facial 65 . 1 Nasal 57.1 Ear 53.5 Jugomandibular 79 . 4 Jugofrontal 91.2 Hair. — Color: gray. Quantity: head, minus; beard, double plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: double plus. Lost: 4. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. Lips very thick. Marked wrinkling on face. No. 383 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 45; married for 15 years. Sons: none. Daughters: 5 living, 2 dead. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 265 Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: bar with 3 lines on right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1625 760 1344 182 136 108 130 100 105 64 46 35 55 35 Indices Cephalic 74.8 Relative sitting height 46.7 Fronto-parietal 79.4 Total facial 80.9 Upper facial 49 . 2 Nasal 76.1 Ear 63.7 Jugomandibular 76 . 9 Jugofrontal 83 . 1 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: black. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Lost: 3. Chest. — Development: plus. M USCULATURE. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 384 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 43; married for 10 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 2 living. Brothers: none. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: 4 spots on back of left hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1683 796 1384 195 137 119 136 106 116 76 56 33 64 41 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 70.4 47.3 79.6 85.3 55.8 59.0 64.1 77.9 87.5 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: black. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Condition: good. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 385 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 30; married for 4 years. Sons: none. Daughters: 1 living. 266 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1655 765 1318 188 140 111 138 110 116 70 58 33 61 36 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fron to-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 74.5 46.2 79.4 84.1 50.6 57.0 55.7 79.7 80.4 Hair. — Fornix deep waves. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: compressed. Teeth.— Lost: none. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Good. No. 386 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 40; married for 14 years. Sons: 2 living, 2 dead. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Daughters: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1792 875 1520 193 143 122 128 116 113 66 56 35 68 38 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 74.1 48.8 85.4 86.0 51.6 62.5 56.0 90.7 95.3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Eye. — Color: dark brown Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth.— Lost: 1. Chest. — Development: plus Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Tip: depressed. Wings: compressed. No. 387 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 30; unmarried. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 267 Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1570 740 1260 186 144 102 124 100 111 73 53 34 56 34 Indices Cephalic 77 . 5 Relative sitting height 47. 1 Fronto-parietal 70 . 9 Total facial 89.6 Upper facial 59 . 3 Nasal 64.2 Ear 60.7 Jugomandibular 80 . 7 Jugofrontal 82.3 Hair. — Form: curly frizzly. Texture: coarse. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: average. M USCULATURE. — Good . Health. — Good. Third molars unerupted. Marked prominence of malars. NO. 388 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 30; married for 8 years. Sons: 1 living, 1 dead. Daughters: 1 dead. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 2 dead. Tattoo marks: glove and gazelle on hand and inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1730 795 1435 203 142 120 134 110 124 75 60 36 64 34 Indices Cephalic 70.0 Relative sitting height 45 . 9 Fronto-parietal 84 . 5 Total facial 92.6 Upper facial 56 . 0 Nasal 60.0 Ear 53.2 Jugomandibular 82 . 1 Jugofrontal 89.6 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. 7m: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. M USCULATURE. — Good . Health. — Good. 268 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ No. 389 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 60; married twice, 30 years ago and 20 years ago. 1, living. Brothers: 2 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Sons: 1, 2, living. Daughters: 7, Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1570 770 1300 194 140 110 133 113 123 74 56 39 61 30 Indices Cephalic 72.2 Relative sitting height 49 . 0 Fronto-parietal 78.6 Total facial 92.5 Upper facial 55 . 7 Nasal 69.6 Ear 49.2 Jugomandibular 82 . 0 Jugofrontal 87.3 Hair. — Color: dark brown and gray. Quantity: head, minus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. NOSE. — Profile: concavo-convex. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Lost: 2. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. NO. 390 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 30; married for 10 years. Sons: 1 dead. Daughters: 2 living. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: glove on right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1596 800 1340 186 137 110 126 104 118 68 50 31 53 32 Indices Cephalic 73.6 Relative sitting height 50 . 1 Fronto-parietal 80.4 Total facial 93.6 Upper facial 54 . 0 Nasal 62.0 Ear 60.4 Jugomandibular 82 . 5 Jugofrontal 87.3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 269 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth No. 391 Date: June 9, 1928. MM 1571 858 1405 188 134 113 127 100 114 71 57 32 58 36 Indices Cephalic 71.4 Relative sitting height 54 . 6 Fronto-parietal 84.4 Total facial 82.0 Upper facial 55.9 Nasal 56.1 Ear 62.1 Jugomandibular 78 . 8 Jugofrontal 88.9 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. double minus; body, minus. . Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Nose. — Profile: concave. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Unerupted: third molars. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 392. Plate XLV, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: cross on inside of right forearm. Color: black. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, Iris: homogeneous. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1647 790 1360 187 150 113 138 106 116 70 59 34 64 39 Indices Cephalic 80.2 Relative sitting height 47 . 9 Fronto-parietal 75.4 Total facial 84.1 Upper facial 50 . 7 Nasal 61.0 Ear 61.0 Jugomandibular 76 . 8 Jugofrontal 81 . 9 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: black. Quantity: head, triple plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. 270 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ No. 393. Plate XLVI, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 45; married twice, 15 years ago and 5 years ago. Sons: 1, 0, living; 1, 0, dead. Daugh- ters: 3, 0, living; 1, 0, dead. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 815 1355 196 147 110 135 95 126 83 68 35 61 36 Indices Cephalic 75.0 Fronto-parietal 74.9 Total facial 93.5 Upper facial 61 . 5 Nasal 51 . 5 Ear 59.0 Jugomandibular 70 . 3 Jugofrontal 81 . 5 Hair. — Color: black and gray. Quantity: head, minus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 394. Plate XLVI, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 2 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Sisters: 2 living, 4 dead. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1683 820 1380 195 133 124 138 97 108 71 54 34 64 33 Indices Cephalic 68.3 Relative sitting height 48 . 7 Fronto-parietal 93.4 Total facial 78.3 Upper facial 51.4 Nasal 57.6 Ear 51.6 Jugomandibular 70 . 3 Jugofrontal 89.9 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: reddish brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concave. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 395. Plate XLVI, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 18; unmarried. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 271 Brothers: 2 living, 2 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Sisters: 7 living. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth . . . . : Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1650 800 1355 191 147 118 132 99 103 68 57 36 60 34 Indices Cephalic 77.0 Relative sitting height 48 . 5 Fronto-parietal 80.4 Total facial 78.0 Upper facial 51 . 5 Nasal 63.2 Ear 56.6 Jugomandibular 75.0 Jugof rontal 89 . 4 Quantity: head, double plus; beard, Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: black. double minus; body, double minus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concave. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 396 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 35; married for 15 years. Sons: 2 living, 1 dead. Daughters: 1 living, 1 dead. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 7 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1715 817 1460 198 137 108 134 102 115 70 53 38 64 42 Indices Cephalic 69.2 Relative sitting height 47 . 6 Fronto-parietal 78.9 Total facial 82.8 Upper facial 50 . 3 Nasal 71.7 Ear 65.6 Jugomandibular 76 . 1 Jugofrontal 80.6 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: black. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health.— Good. No. 397 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 30; married for 8 years. Sons: none. Daughters: 2 living, 1 dead. 272 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Brothers: none. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand, and 2 dots and cross on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1520 737 1270 186 143 108 127 104 118 68 51 34 50 34 Indices Cephalic 76.9 Relative sitting height 48 . 4 Fronto-parietal 75.5 Total facial 93.0 Upper facial 53 . 6 Nasal 66 . 6 Ear 68.0 Jugomandibular 81 . 9 Jugofrontal 83.1 Hair. — Quantity: head, average; beard, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. NO. 398 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 50; married for 20 years. Sons: 2 living. Daughters: 1 living, 1 dead. Brothers: 2 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1660 805 1430 180 138 113 127 98 116 70 65 33 59 40 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 76. 48. 81. 91. 55. 50.8 67.8 76.1 89.0 .7 .5 .9 .4 .1 Hair. — Color: dark brown and gray. EYE. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Caries: plus. Lost: none. Chest. — Development: minus. Musculature. — Poor. Health.— Good. No. 399 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 9, 1928. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: glove and gazelle on right hand and inside of right forearm. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 273 Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . , Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1640 750 1360 195 138 110 120 90 118 74 57 35 55 37 Indices Cephalic 70.8 Relative sitting height 45.7 Fron to-parietal 79.8 Total facial 98.4 Upper facial 61 . 6 Nasal 61.4 Ear 67.3 Jugomandibular 75.0 Jugofrontal 91.7 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown-black. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: speckled. Blind in right eye, cataract in left eye. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: minus. Musculature. — Poor. Health. — Fair. No. 400. Plate XLVI, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Hadji Hunta. Date: June 11, 1928. Age: 45; married twice, 10 years ago and 3 years ago. Sons: 1, 0, living. Daughters: 2, 1, living; 4, 1, dead. Brothers: 4 living. Sisters: 15 living, 12 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1790 892 1500 189 138 121 139 104 124 79 61 42 64 33 Indices Cephalic 73.0 Relative sitting height 49 . 8 Fronto-parietal 87 . 7 Total facial 89.2 Upper facial 56 . 8 Nasal 68.9 Ear 51.6 Jugomandibular 74 . 8 Jugofrontal 87 . 1 Hair. — Form: deep waves. Texture: medium. beard, double plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. Color: black. Quantity: head, double plus; homogeneous. Residence: camp of Sheikh Hadji Hunta. Age: 23; unmarried. No. 401. Plate XLVII, Figs. 1, 2 Date: June 11, 1928. 274 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1723 838 1435 185 147 118 133 97 118 76 60 33 67 37 Indices Cephalic 79.5 Relative sitting height 48.4 Fronto-parietal 80.3 Total facial 88.7 Upper facial 57.2 Nasal 55.0 Ear 55.3 Jugomandibular 73 . 0 Jugofrontal 88.7 Hair. — Form: deep waves. Texture: medium. Color: black. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 402. Plate XLVII, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Hadji Hunta. Date: June 11, 1928. Age: 25; married for 10 years. Sons Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1 living. Daughters: 2 living. MM 1723 843 1430 194 141 107 137 104 126 70 58 35 58 34 Indices Cephalic 72.7 Relative sitting height 48 . 8 Fronto-parietal 76.0 Total facial 92.0 Upper facial 51 . 1 Nasal 60.4 Ear 58.7 Jugomandibular 75.9 Jugofrontal 78 . 1 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 403. Plate XLVII, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Hadji Hunta. Date: June 11, 1928. Age: 39; married for 8 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 2 living. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 275 Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1706 893 1410 176 135 113 128 100 108 70 56 34 55 31 Indices Cephalic 76.7 Relative sitting height 52 . 3 Fronto-parietal 83.7 Total facial 84.4 Upper facial 54 . 6 Nasal 60.7 Ear 56.4 Jugomandibular 78 . 1 Jugofrontal 88.3 Hair. — Color: black and gray. Quantity: head, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7ns: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 404 Residence: camp of Sheikh Hadji Hunta. Date: June 11, 1928. Age: 25; married for 10 years. Sons: 1 living, 1 dead. Daughters: 3 dead. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 4 living. Tattoo marks: 3 spots on back of right hand and 1 spot on inside of left wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1650 833 1350 196 138 110 126 99 114 69 60 35 57 37 Indices Cephalic . 70.4 Relative sitting height 50 . 4 Fronto-parietal 79 . 9 Total facial 90.6 Upper facial 54.7 Nasal 58.4 Ear 64.9 Jugomandibular 78 . 6 Jugofrontal 87.3 Hair. — Texture: fine. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, average. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 405 Residence: camp of Sheikh Hadji Hunta. Date: June 11, 1928. Age: 43; married twice, 20 years ago and 5 years ago. Sons: 1, 0, living; 2, 0, dead. Daughters: 1, 0, living; 0, 1, dead. 276 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1775 829 1440 193 148 114 138 110 74 64 36 63 38 Indices Cephalic 76.7 Relative sitting height 47.4 Fronto-parietal 77 . 1 Upper facial 53 . 6 Nasal 56.3 Ear 60.3 Jugomandibular 79 . 7 Jugofrontal 82.6 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, minus; beard, double plus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, plus. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Lost: 4. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 406. Plate XLVII, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Hadji Hunta. Date: June 11, 1928. Age: 23; married for several months. No children. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: gazelle on inside of right forearm; glove on back of left hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1670 878 1430 182 147 116 135 101 130 72 61 33 63 31 Indices Cephalic 80.7 Relative sitting height 52 . 5 Fronto-parietal 78.9 Total facial 96.2 Upper facial 53 . 2 Nasal 54 . 1 Ear 49.2 Jugomandibular 74 . 8 Jugofrontal 85.9 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Lost: none. Condition: good. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health.— Good. No. 407 Residence: camp of Sheikh Hadji Hunta. Date: June 11, 1928. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: circle with 8 rays and glove on right hand; designs on back of left wrist. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 277 Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1670 809 1410 197 144 108 129 97 118 67 53 34 68 36 Indices Cephalic 72.9 Relative sitting height 48 . 4 Fronto-parietal 75.0 Total facial 91.4 Upper facial 51.9 Nasal 64 . 1 Ear 52.9 Jugomandibular 75.2 Jugofrontal 91 . 5 Hair. — Form: deep waves. Texture: medium. Color: black. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Good . Health.— Good. No. 408. Plate XLVIII, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Hadji Hunta. Date: June 11, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and design on back of right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1690 835 1410 176 141 121 135 98 115 72 62 43 54 30 Indices Cephalic 80.1 Relative sitting height 49 . 4 Fronto-parietal 85.8 Total facial 85.2 Upper facial 53 . 3 Nasal 69.3 Ear 55.6 Jugomandibular 72 . 6 Jugofrontal 89 . 6 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: black. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Lost: none. Condition: good. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. Skin dark in color; some Negro blood. No. 409. Plate XLVIII, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Hadji Hunta. Date: June 11, 1928. Age: 18; unmarried. 278 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove and cross on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1665 825 1394 184 130 104 113 90 115 64 56 37 67 34 Indices Cephalic 70.7 Relative sitting height 49 . 5 Fronto-parietal 86.9 Total facial 101.8 Upper facial 56 . 6 Nasal 66.1 Ear 50.7 Jugomandibular 79 . 7 Jugofrontal 92.0 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 410 Residence: camp of Sheikh Hadji Hunta. Date: June 11, 1928. Age: 30; married for 9 years. Sons: 4 living. Daughters: none. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1682 831 1401 185 137 118 138 107 134 82 70 35 63 37 Indices Cephalic 74.1 Relative sitting height 49 . 4 Fronto-parietal 86 . 1 Total facial 97.1 Upper facial 59 .4 Nasal 50.0 Ear 58.7 Jugomandibular 77 . 5 Jugofrontal 85 . 5 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: black. Quantity: head, plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, minus. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. NO. 411 Residence: camp of Sheikh Hadji Hunta. Date: June 11, 1928. Age: 75; married twice, 30 years ago and 25 years ago. Sons: 0, 1, living; 1, 0, dead. Daugh- ters: 1, 1, living. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 279 Brothers: 1 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: glove on right hand; design on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length : Ear breadth MM 1685 835 1395 190 144 118 145 109 118 74 59 42 80 44 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 75.7 49.6 81.9 81.4 51.0 71.2 55.0 75 81 Hair. — Color: gray. Eye. — Color: blue brown Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Lost: half. Chest. — Development: plus Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. Sclera: bloodshot. 7m: zoned. Wings: medium-flaring. No. 412 Residence: camp of Sheikh Hadji Hunta. Date: June 11, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 4 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1534 735 1240 180 141 113 122 90 110 63 54 40 57 31 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 78.4 47.9 80.1 90.2 51.6 74.1 55.4 73.8 92.7 Hair. — Form: deep waves. Texture: medium. Color: black. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7ns: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good . Health. — Good. No. 413 Residence: camp of Sheikh Hadji Hunta. Date: June 11, 1928. Age: 40; married for 10 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 1 living. 2M> ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1730 860 1440 191 134 115 125 107 116 66 53 37 64 37 Indices Cephalic 70.2 Relative sitting height 49 . 7 Fronto-parietal 85 Total facial 92 Upper facial 52 Nasal 69 Ear 57 Jugomandibular 85 . 6 Jugofrontal 92.0 Hair. — Form: low waves Eye. — Color: dark brown Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Lost: 2. Chest. — Development: double plus M usculature . — Excellent. Health. — Good. Texture: medium. Sclera: bloodshot. Wings: medium. Color: black. Quantity: head, plus. Iris: homogeneous. NO. 414 Residence: camp of Sheikh Hadji Hunta. Date: June 11, 1928. Age: 30; married twice, 12 years ago and 6 years ago. Sons: 0, 1, living. Daughters: 2, 3, living. Brothers: 4 dead. Sisters: 4 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1685 850 1390 177 133 116 126 97 118 75 56 31 64 46 Indices Cephalic 75.1 Relative sitting height 50 .4 Fronto-parietal 87.2 Total facial 93.6 Upper facial 59 . 5 Nasal 55.4 Ear 71.9 Jugomandibular 77 . 0 Jugofrontal 92.1 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Quantity: head, double plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: compressed. Teeth.— Lost: 3. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 415 Residence: camp of Sheikh Hadji Hunta. Age: 22; unmarried. Date: June 11, 1928. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 281 Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1711 850 1570 185 140 108 131 97 117 71 53 33 61 30 Indices Cephalic 75.7 Relative sitting height 49 . 6 Fronto-parietal 77 . 1 Total facial 89.3 Upper facial 54.2 Nasal 62.2 Ear 49.1 Jugomandibular 74 . 0 Jugofrontal 82 . 5 Hair. — Form: deep waves. Texture: coarse. Color: black. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7ns: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 416 Residence: camp of Sheikh Hadji Hunta. Date: June 11, 1928. Age: 75; married for 35 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove and 2 spots on inside of right wrist; circle and spot on back of left hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1610 834 1380 190 148 113 141 102 126 76 70 36 76 44 Indices Cephalic 77.9 Relative sitting height 52 . 8 Fronto-parietal 76.3 Total facial 89.3 Upper facial 53 . 9 Nasal 51.4 Ear 57.9 Jugomandibular 72 . 3 Jugofrontal 80 . 1 Hair. — Form: low waves. Color: black and gray. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. 7m: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Teeth. — Lost: 6. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 425 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 50; married for 22 years. Sons: 2 living, 2 dead. Daughters: 1 living, 1 dead. 282 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: spot on back of left wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1760 749 1425 181 133 116 138 102 118 69 53 38 55 32 Indices Cephalic 73.4 Relative sitting height 48.2 Fronto-parietal 87.2 Total facial 85.5 Upper facial 50.1 Nasal 71.7 Ear 58.2 Jugomandibular 73.9 Jugofrontal 84 . 1 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: black and gray. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: flaring. Teeth.— Lost: 2. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. No. 426. Plate XLVIII, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 60; married three times, 30, 20, and 15 years ago. Daughters: 3, 1, 2, living; 0, 0, 2, dead. Brothers: 1 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 2 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Sons: 1, 1, 0, living; 0, 1, 2, dead. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1644 813 1380 198 138 114 136 101 119 76 60 35 60 36 Indices Cephalic 69.7 Relative sitting height 49.6 Fronto-parietal 82 . 6 Total facial 87.5 Upper facial 55 . 9 Nasal 58.3 Ear 59.9 Jugomandibular 74.3 Jugofrontal 83.8 Hair. — Form: low waves. Color: gray. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth.— Lost: 2. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 283 No. 427. Plate XLVIII, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 55; married twice, 30 years ago and 15 years ago. Sons: 0, 2, living. Daughters: none. Brothers: 2 dead. Sisters: 2 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1695 843 1390 194 147 107 130 104 115 63 50 35 55 34 Indices Cephalic 75 . 7 Relative sitting height 49 . 7 Fronto-parietal 72.8 Total facial 88.4 Upper facial 48.4 Nasal 70.1 Ear 61.8 Jugomandibular 80 . 0 Jugofrontal 82.3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Color: black and gray. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7ns: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Lost: 1. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good . Health. — Good. No. 428. Plate XLIX, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 45; married three times, 24, 20, and 14 years ago. Sons: 0, 1, 3, dead. Daughters: 3, 2, 1, dead. Brothers: 4 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1710 865 1430 184 148 114 136 108 116 73 60 35 68 42 Indices Cephalic 80.5 Relative sitting height 50 . 6 Fronto-parietal 77.0 Total facial 85.2 Upper facial 53 . 7 Nasal 58.4 Ear 61.7 Jugomandibular 79 . 4 Jugofrontal 83.8 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: 3. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; Iris: homogeneous. Blind: left. 2M ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ NO. 429 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 55; married twice, 20 years ago and 15 years ago. Sons: none. Brothers: none. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: none. Daughters: 4, 4, living. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1745 887 1483 202 132 113 131 110 110 76 56 41 77 44 Indices Cephalic 65.4 Relative sitting height 50 . 8 Fronto-parietal 85.6 Total facial 84.0 Upper facial 58.0 Nasal 73.3 Ear 57.2 Jugomandibular 84 . 0 Jugofrontal 86 . 3 Hair. — Color: black and gray. Quantity: head, average; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Slightly cross-eyed, left eye in bad condition. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. NO. 430 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 20; married for 3 years. No children. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1752 847 1470 195 138 114 131 102 107 64 52 33 64 35 Indices Cephalic 70.7 Relative sitting height 48.3 Fronto-parietal 82.7 Total facial 81.7 Upper facial 48 . 8 Nasal 63.4 Ear 54.7 Jugomandibular 77 . 9 Jugofrontal 87.0 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: 4. Unerupted: first lower molars. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 285 No. 431 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 60; married for 15 years. Sons: 4 living, 1 dead. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1620 775 1355 188 148 114 143 109 113 74 61 43 75 44 Indices Cephalic 78.8 Relative sitting height 47 . 8 Fronto-parietal 77.0 Total facial 79.8 Upper facial 51.7 Nasal 70.5 Ear 58.7 Jugomandibular 76.2 Jugofrontal 79.7 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: gray. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. 7m: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Lost: 5. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Fair. Marked prominence of malars. No. 432 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 23; married for 1 year. No children. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: 5 spots on back of right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1670 807 1417 195 155 117 132 96 120 74 59 38 66 40 Indices Cephalic 79.5 Relative sitting height 48.4 Fronto-parietal 75 . 5 Total facial 91.0 Upper facial 56 . 1 Nasal 64 . 4 Ear 60.6 Jugomandibular 72 . 7 Jugofrontal 88 . 6 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7ns: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, double plus; elevated. Wings: flaring. Teeth.— Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. M USCULATURE . — Good . Health.— Good. 286 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ No. 433 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 70; married for 50 years, wife now dead. Sons: 1 living. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Daughters: 1 living, 1 dead. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1628 795 1410 196 148 120 139 120 117 80 60 53 70 41 Indices Cephalic 75.5 Relative sitting height 48 . 8 Fronto-parietal 81 .0 Total facial 84.2 Upper facial 57 . 5 Nasal 88.4 Ear 58.6 Jugomandibular 86 . 3 Jugofrontal 86 . 3 Hair. — Color: gray. Quantity: head, minus; beard, double plus; body, double minus. Eye.— Blind. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, double plus. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Lost: many. Ear. — Lobe: free. Size: triple plus. Chest. — Development: minus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Fair. NO. 434 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 30; married for 7 years. Sons: none. Daughters: 2 living. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1667 825 1386 196 153 113 125 109 122 81 61 37 70 37 Indices Cephalic 78.1 Relative sitting height 49 . 6 Fronto-parietal 73.8 Total facial 97.4 Upper facial 64 . 8 Nasal 60.7 Ear 52.9 Jugomandibular 87 . 2 Jugofrontal 90 . 4 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye.— Blind. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 287 Musculature. — Good. Health. — Fair. Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Age: 33; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. , Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth No. 435 Date: June 13, 1928. MM 1620 822 1365 182 133 108 124 102 120 73 57 38 67 34 Indices Cephalic 73.1 Relative sitting height 50 . 7 Fronto-parietal 81 .2 Total facial 96.7 Upper facial 58 . 9 Nasal 66.6 Ear 50.7 Jugomandibular 82 . 3 Jugofrontal 87.1 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: coarse. Color: black. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 436 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 30; unmarried. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements mm Standing height 1730 Sitting height 845 Acromion to sole 1460 Head length 194 Head breadth 144 Minimum frontal diameter. . 113 Bizygomatic maximum 135 Bigonial breadth 103 Total facial height 118 Upper facial height 74 Nasal height 47 Nasal breadth 38 Ear length 66 Ear breadth 33 Indices Cephalic 74.2 Relative sitting height 48 . 9 Fronto-parietal 78.4 Total facial 87.4 Upper facial 54 . 8 Nasal 80.9 Ear 50.0 Jugomandibular 76 . 3 Jugofrontal 85 . 0 Hair. — Form: low waves, Eye. — Color: dark brown Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Texture: medium. Color: black. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Wings: medium. 288 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 437 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 30; married for 1 year. No children. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Indices Cephalic 71.3 Relative sitting height 49 . 0 Fronto-parietal 83.4 Total facial 90.4 Upper facial 52 . 5 Nasal 66 . 1 Ear 54.5 Jugomandibular 78.9 Jugofrontal 84.7 Measurements mm Standing height 1730 Sitting height 846 Acromion to sole 1430 Head length 195 Head breadth 139 Minimum frontal diameter. . 116 Bizygomatic maximum 137 Bigonial breadth 108 Total facial height 124 Upper facial height 72 Nasal height 53 Nasal breadth 35 Ear length 66 Ear breadth 36 Hair. — Texture: medium. Color: black. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. NOSE. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Good. No. 438 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 25; married for 1 year. No children. Brothers: 1 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of left hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1740 845 1405 195 158 118 142 109 131 78 66 37 63 38 INDICES Cephalic 81.0 Relative sitting height 48 . 6 Fronto-parietal 74.7 Total facial 92.3 Upper facial 54 . 9 Nasal 56 . 1 Ear 60.3 Jugomandibular 76.8 Jugofrontal 83 . 1 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: coarse. Color: black. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 289 Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. NO. 439 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 65; married seven times. Sons: 2 living, 5 dead. Daughters: 3 living, 1 dead. Brothers: 2 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: 3 spots on right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1590 865 1325 187 138 110 126 107 125 76 63 37 75 37 Indices Cephalic 73.8 Relative sitting height 54 . 4 Fronto-parietal 79 . 8 Total facial 99.3 Upper facial 60 . 4 Nasal 58.8 Ear 49.4 Jugomandibular 84 . 9 Jugofrontal 87.3 Hair. — Color: gray. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double plus; body, minus. Eye.— Blind. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: many. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Poor. Health. — Poor. No. 440 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 40; married for 20 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: none. Brothers: 2 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1690 825 1425 201 140 108 135 96 124 70 60 41 72 42 Indices Cephalic 69.7 Relative sitting height 47 . 8 Fronto-parietal 77.2 Total facial 92.0 Upper facial 51.8 Nasal 68.3 Ear 58.3 Jugomandibular 71.1 Jugofrontal 80.0 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. 7m: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, double plus. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Lost: 2. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. 290 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ NO. 441 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 30; married for 8 years. Sons: 1 living, 5 dead. Daughters: none. Brothers: 9 living, 6 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and 12-rayed circle on right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1755 890 1473 187 140 113 128 111 128 76 58 33 64 35 Indices Cephalic 74.9 Relative sitting height 50 . 7 Fronto-parietal 80.7 Total facial 100.0 Upper facial 59.4 Nasal 56.9 Ear 54.7 Jugomandibular 86 . 7 Jugofrontal 88.3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium-fine. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: compressed. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 442. Plate XLIX, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 40; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: glove on right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Head length Head breadth MM 1660 835 1390 182 151 117 137 106 121 76 61 36 62 36 Indices Cephalic 82.9 Relative sitting height 50 . 3 Fronto-parietal 77.5 Total facial 88.4 Upper facial 55.4 Nasal 59.0 Ear 58.1 Jugomandibular 77.4 Jugofrontal 85 .4 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: black. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth.— Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 291 NO. 443 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 23; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: design. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1740 860 1470 195 146 120 141 106 120 71 55 39 70 38 Indices Cephalic 74.9 Relative sitting height 49 . 4 Fronto-parietal 82.2 Total facial 85.1 Upper facial 50 . 3 Nasal 70.9 Ear 54.3 Jugomandibular 75 . 2 Jugofrontal 85 . 1 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. Residence : camp of Sheikh Aziz. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth No. 444 Date: June 13, 1928. MM 1750 835 1460 188 143 110 130 100 118 74 48 34 72 34 Indices Cephalic 76.1 Relative sitting height 47.7 Fronto-parietal 77.0 Total facial 90.9 Upper facial 56 . 9 Nasal 70.9 Ear 47.3 Jugomandibular 77 . 0 Jugofrontal 84.7 Hair. — Form: curly frizzly. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good . Health. — Good. 292 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz Age: 17; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth No. 445. Plate XLIX, Figs. 5, 6 Date: June 13, 1928. MM 1702 879 1425 185 140 110 128 101 113 73 58 32 61 35 Indices Cephalic 75.7 Relative sitting height 51 . 6 Fronto-parietal 78.6 Total facial 88.2 Upper facial 57.0 Nasal 55.2 Ear 57.4 Jugomandibular 78.9 Jugofrontal 86.0 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: coarse. Color: black. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 446 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 30; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1705 860 1430 187 140 113 127 102 128 77 66 36 69 38 Indices Cephalic 74.9 Relative sitting height 50; 4 Fronto-parietal .■ . 80.8 Total facial 100.8 Upper facial 60 . 6 Nasal 54.6 Ear 55.1 Jugomandibular 80.3 Jugofrontal 89. 0 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: coarse. Color: black. Eye. — Color: black. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA No. 447. Plate XLIX, Figs. 7, 8 293 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on right hand and cross with 3 spots on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1702 820 1430 176 146 104 127 104 110 72 58 33 70 37 Indices Cephalic 83.0 Relative sitting height 48 . 1 Fronto-parietal 71 .3 Total facial 86.7 Upper facial 56 . 7 Nasal 56.9 Ear 52.9 Jugomandibular 81.9 Jugofrontal 81 . 9 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7m: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Unerupted: third molars. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health.— Good. NO. 448 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Date: June 13, 1928. MM Indices Cephalic 76.7 Relative sitting height 51 .3 Fronto-parietal 76 . 4 Total facial 91.9 Upper facial 55 . 3 Nasal 60.7 Ear 53.5 Jugomandibular 73 . 4 Jugofrontal 81.3 Measurements Standing height 1690 Sitting height 867 Acromion to sole 1412 Head length 193 Head breadth 148 Minimum frontal diameter. . 113 Bizygomatic maximum 134 Bigonial breadth 102 Total facial height 123 Upper facial height 74 Nasal height 56 Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 58 Ear breadth 31 Hair. — Form: deep waves. Texture: medium. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. 294 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ No. 449 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 60; married for 34 years, wife died 1 year ago. No children. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: 5 spots on each temple. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height \ . . Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1605 825 1320 189 146 110 132 101 107 71 61 43 66 34 Indices Cephalic 77.2 Relative sitting height 51 .4 Fronto-parietal 75.3 Total facial 81.0 Upper facial 53 . 8 Nasal 70.4 Ear 51.5 Jugomandibular 76 . 5 Jugofrontal 83.3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Color: dark brown and gray. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Caries: double plus. Lost: 2. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 450 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 38; married three times, 24, 16, and 15 years ago, first wife now dead. Sons: 0, 2, 0, living. Daughters: 0, 1, 0, living. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height. Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1752 845 1434 197 145 120 138 110 118 70 60 36 70 40 Indices Cephalic 73.6 Relative sitting height 48 . 2 Fronto-parietal 82.7 Total facial 85.4 Upper facial 50.7 Nasal 60.0 Ear 57.2 Jugomandibular 79.7 Jugofrontal 87.0 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Good. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 295 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth No. 451 Date: June 13, 1928. MM 1670 810 1373 186 137 105 124 96 116 78 57 37 63 37 Indices Cephalic 73.7 Relative sitting height 48 . 5 Fronto-parietal 76.7 Total facial 89.9 Upper facial 62.9 Nasal 64.9 Ear 58.7 Jugomandibular 77 . 4 Jugofrontal 84.7 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: coarse. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health.— Good. No. 452. Plate L, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 3 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1605 795 1315 168 136 113 128 107 108 64 53 30 61 35 Indices Cephalic 80.9 Relative sitting height 49 . 5 Fronto-parietal 83 . 1 Total facial 84.4 Upper facial 50 . 0 Nasal 56.6 Ear 57.3 Jugomandibular 83 . 6 Jugofrontal 88 . 3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. beard, double minus; body, double minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. NOSE. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. Quantity: head, plus; 296 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Age: 35; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth No. 453 Date: June 13, 1928. MM 1730 815 1480 200 138 120 134 108 122 78 57 37 63 36 Indices Cephalic 69.0 Relative sitting height 47 . 1 Fronto-parietal 86.9 Total facial 91.0 Upper facial 58 . 2 Nasal 64.9 Ear 57.1 Jugomandibular 80 . 6 Jugofrontal 89.6 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: coarse. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: 1. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature.— Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 454. Plate L, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 30; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and 3 spots on each temple. Measurements mm Standing height 1740 Sitting height 895 Acromion to sole 1485 Head length 176 Head breadth 134 Minimum frontal diameter. . 123 Bizygomatic maximum 128 Bigonial breadth 108 Total facial height 118 Upper facial height 68 Nasal height 56 Nasal breadth 42 Ear length 68 Ear breadth 36 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: black. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: flaring. Teeth.— Lost: 2. Chest. — Development: plus. M USCULATURE.— Good . Health.— Good. Indices Cephalic 76.1 Relative sitting height 50 . 9 Fronto-parietal 91 .7 Total facial 92.1 Upper facial 53 . 1 Nasal 75.0 Ear 52.9 Jugomandibular 84.4 Jugofrontal 96 . 0 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 297 No. 455. Plate L, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 23; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove and 3 spots on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height . *. Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1770 875 1490 185 131 120 130 108 132 80 64 36 63 36 Indices Cephalic 70.8 Relative sitting height 49 . 4 Fronto-parietal 91 .6 Total facial 101.7 Upper facial 61 . 5 Nasal 56.2 Ear 57.2 Jugomandibular 83 . 1 Jugofrontal 92.3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: black. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Good. No. 456 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 55; married for 20 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: none. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1710 845 1430 198 138 117 130 108 127 77 66 33 58 36 Indices Cephalic 69.7 Relative sitting height 49 . 4 Fronto-parietal 84 . 7 Total facial 97.7 Upper facial 59 .2 Nasal 50.0 Ear 62.1 Jugomandibular 83 . 1 Jugofrontal 90.0 Hair. — Color: gray. Head shaved. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Wear: triple plus. Caries: triple plus. Lost: many. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Fair. 298 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ NO. 457 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 65; married 30 years ago (wife now dead). No children. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and gazelle on arm. MM Indices Cephalic 73.9 Relative sitting height 50 . 4 Fronto-parietal 80.9 Total facial 86.4 Upper facial 60 . 1 Nasal 61.7 Ear 50.7 Jugomandibular 85 . 7 Jugof rontal 86 . 5 Measurements Standing height 1595 Sitting height 805 Acromion to sole 1340 Head length 192 Head breadth 142 Minimum frontal diameter. . 115 Bizygomatic maximum 133 Bigonial breadth ' 114 Total facial height 115 Upper facial height 80 Nasal height 60 Nasal breadth 37 Ear length 77 Ear breadth 39 Hair. — Quantity: head, average; beard, double plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: bloodshot. 7m: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Wear: triple plus. Caries: triple plus. Lost: many. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. No. 458. Plate L, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 80; married for 25 years. Sons: 2 living, 2 dead. Daughters: 1 living, 1 dead. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1710 805 1455 191 137 114 133 109 117 74 58 41 65 58 Indices Cephalic 71.7 Relative sitting height 47 . 1 Fronto-parietal 83.2 Total facial 87.9 Upper facial 55 . 7 Nasal 70.7 Ear 89.2 Jugomandibular 82.0 Jugofrontal 85.7 Hair. — Color: white. Head shaved. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Lost: 3. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature.— Good. Health.— Fair. Some Negro blood. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 299 No. 459 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 30; married for 5 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: none. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1675 830 1425 196 142 114 126 113 120 72 58 40 64 41 Indices Cephalic 72.4 Relative sitting height 49.6 Fronto-parietal 80.2 Total facial 95.2 Upper facial 57 . 1 Nasal 69.0 Ear 64.1 Jugomandibular 89.7 Jugofrontal 90. 5 Hair. — Form: curly frizzly. Texture: coarse. Color: black. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. NOSE. — Profile: straight. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: double plus. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 460. Plate LI, Figs. 1, 2 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 35; married twice, 6 years ago and this year (1928) (first wife now dead). Sons: 1 living. Daughters: none. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 dead. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements mm Standing height 1705 Sitting height 835 Acromion to sole 1430 Head length 198 Head breadth 145 Minimum frontal diameter . . 108 Bizygomatic maximum 133 Bigonial breadth 105 Total facial height 116 Upper facial height 73 Nasal height 64 Nasal breadth 38 Ear length 62 Ear breadth 39 Hair. — Quantity: head, average; beard, minus; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good. Health.— Good. Indices Cephalic. 73.2 Relative sitting height 49 . 0 Fronto-parietal 74 . 5 Total facial 87.2 Upper facial 54.9 Nasal 59.3 Ear 62.9 Jugomandibular 79.0 Jugofrontal 81.2 300 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ No. 461. Plate LI, Figs. 3, 4 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 55; married once (wife now dead). No children. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1683 895 1420 190 142 113 133 107 126 77 63 34 68 32 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fron to-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 74.7 53.1 79.5 94.6 57.8 54.0 47.0 80.4 85.0 Hair. — Color: gray. Head shaved. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 462. Plate LI, Figs. 5, 6 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 35; married for 15 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 2 living. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1735 910 1456 194 142 107 134 98 114 81 58 36 64 30 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fron to-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 73.2 52.5 75.3 85.1 60.4 62.0 46.9 73.2 79.9 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: black. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth.— Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 301 Residence : camp of Sheikh Aziz Age: 27; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 3 living Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth No. 463 Date: June 13, 1928. MM 1696 855 1400 194 136 107 120 107 108 62 50 35 65 35 Indices Cephalic 70.1 Relative sitting height 50 . 4 Fron to-parietal 78 . 6 Total facial 89.9 Upper facial 51.7 Nasal 70.0 Ear 53.9 Jugomandibular 89.1 Jugofrontal 89 . 1 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Wear: double plus. Caries: double plus. Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good . Health. — Good. Bad throat. Voice always hoarse. No. 464 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1705 850 1450 184 140 115 128 103 110 66 53 35 64 35 Indices Cephalic 76.1 Relative sitting height 49.8 Fronto-parietal 82 . 1 Total facial 85.9 Upper facial 51.6 Nasal 66 . 1 Ear 54.7 Jugomandibular 80.5 Jugofrontal 89.9 Hair. — Form: curly frizzly. Texture: coarse. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concave. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. 302 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Musculature.— Good. Health.— Good. No. 465 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Xasal height Xasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1690 821 1410 180 143 113 124 108 126 72 60 30 61 35 Indices Cephalic 79.4 Relative sitting height 48 . 6 Fronto-parietal 78.9 Total facial 101.7 Upper facial 58 . 1 Nasal 50.0 Ear 57.4 Jugomandibular 87 . 1 Jugofrontal 91 . 1 Hair. — Form: deep waves. Texture: medium. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. XOSE. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good. Health.— Good. NO. 466 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 30; married for 6 years. Sons: none. Daughters: 2 living. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: design on inside of right forearm. M EASUREMENTS Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Xasal height Xasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1627 815 1374 186 148 115 134 110 122 72 53 37 68 41 Indices Cephalic 79 . 5 Relative sitting height 50 . 0 Fronto-parietal 77.7 Total facial 91.0 Upper facial 53 . 7 Xasal 69.8 Ear 60.3 Jugomandibular 82 . 1 Jugofrontal 85 . 8 Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: homogeneous. Xose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth.— Lost: none. Chest. — Development: average. M usculature. — Fair. Health.— Good. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 303 No. 467 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 20; married for 5 years. Sons: none. Daughters: 1 living, 1 dead. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bi zygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1710 860 1401 192 146 110 132 94 113 70 58 32 61 43 Indices Cephalic 76.0 Relative sitting height 50 . 2 Fronto-parietal 75.3 Total facial 85.6 Upper facial 53 . 1 Nasal 55.2 Ear 70.5 Jugomandibular 71 . 3 Jugofrontal 83.3 Hair. — Form: curly frizzly. Texture: medium. Color: black. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, double minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: 2. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 468 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 30; married for 10 years. Sons: 2 living, 1 dead. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 2 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1710 845 1425 198 144 115 133 99 122 75 58 34 68 36 Indices Cephalic 72.7 Relative sitting height 49 . 4 Fronto-parietal 79.8 Total facial 91.7 Upper facial 56 . 3 Nasal 58.6 Ear 52.9 Jugomandibular 74 . 4 Jugofrontal 86 . 5 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Quantity: head, plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Eruption: complete. Bite: marked over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good. 304 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Health. — Good. Brother of No. 432. No. 469. Plate LI, Figs. 7, 8 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1640 795 1355 183 135 106 107 116 71 58 38 66 31 Indices Cephalic 73.7 Relative sitting height 48 . 5 Fronto-parietal 78.0 Total facial 108.3 Upper facial 66.3 Nasal 65.5 Ear 46.9 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 470 Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Date: June 13, 1928. Age: 80; married for 35 years. Sons: 1 living, 1 dead. Daughters: 2 dead. Brothers: 2 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1760 815 1510 197 136 119 138 103 133 84 72 51 73 42 Indices Cephalic 69.0 Relative sitting height 46 . 3 Fronto-parietal 87.4 Total facial 96.3 Upper facial 60.8 Nasal 71.8. Ear 57.6 Jugomandibular 74.7 Jugofrontal 86.3 Hair. — Quantity: head, double plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: homogeneous. Condition: bad. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Wear: double plus. Caries: triple plus. Lost: nearly all. Bite: under. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 305 Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Average. Health. — Fair. Residence: camp of Sheikh Aziz. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth No. 471 Date: June 13, 1928. MM 1660 745 1390 186 147 114 131 104 108 66 35 63 33 Indices Cephalic 79.0 Relative sitting height 44 . 8 Fron to-parietal 77.5 Total facial 82.4 Nasal 53.0 Ear 52.4 Jugomandibular 79 . 4 Jugofrontal 87.0 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, average. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. SOLDIERS OF THE IRAQ ARMY No. 500. Plate LII, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 7 dead. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: spot on left wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1765 878 1462 183 135 114 134 113 103 67 55 35 64 34 Indices Cephalic 73.8 Relative sitting height 49 . 7 Fron to-parietal 84.4 Total facial 76.8 Upper facial 50 . 0 Nasal 63.7 Ear 53.2 Jugomandibular 84 . 4 Jugofrontal 85 . 1 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye.- — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. 306 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 501. Plate LII, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Mahewil near Kish. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1691 822 1400 188 145 123 137 115 113 76 60 34 55 38 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height. Fron to-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 77.1 48.6 84. 82. 55. 56. 69.1 84.0 89.8 .9 .5 .4 .7 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 502. Plate LII, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Samawa. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth ...', MM 1665 819 1378 183 134 114 124 100 114 64 53 32 55 31 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fron to-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 73.2 49.1 85.1 91.8 51.7 60.3 56.3 80.7 91.9 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 307 Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. M USCULATURE. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 503. Plate LII, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Samawa. Age: 30; married for 15 years. Brothers: none. Sisters: 2 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Sons: 2 dead. Daughters: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1692 928 1403 196 128 117 128 109 134 84 58 36 61 38 Indices Cephalic 65 . 3 Relative sitting height 54 . 8 Fronto-parietal 91.4 Total facial 104.8 Upper facial 65 . 6 Nasal 62.0 Ear 62.3 Jugomandibular 85 . 2 Jugofrontal 91.1 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 504. Plate LIII, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: near Hilla. Age: 25; married for 16 months. Brothers: 4 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: 3 spots on right wrist. No children. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1798 819 1509 191 147 117 132 113 118 66 55 33 58 32 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 76.9 45.5 79.6 89.4 50.0 60.0 55.1 85.6 88.6 Hair.— Color: black. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. 308 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 3. Chest. — Development: plus. M USCULATURE. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 505. Plate LI 1 1, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hindiya. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1742 828 1454 183 145 114 138 113 123 72 56 31 61 41 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 79.2 47.5 78.6 89.1 52.2 55.3 67.2 81.9 82.6 Hair. — Color: black. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 1. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. No. 506. Plate LIII, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 21; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 2 living, 3 dead. Tattoo marks: glove on right hand, two spots and cross on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1722 808 1410 204 141 123 137 106 118 77 50 35 60 36 Indices Cephalic 69 . 1 Relative sitting height 46.9 Fronto-parietal 87.2 Total facial 86.1 Upper facial 56.2 Nasal 70.0 Ear 60.0 Jugomandibular 77 . 4 Jugofrontal 89.8 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7ns: homogeneous. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 309 Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 507. Plate LIII, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hindiya. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: spots on back of left hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height **Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1683 828 1400 190 130 114 128 106 113 72 58 35 55 35 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fron to-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 68.4 49.2 87.7 88.3 56.2 60.3 63.7 82.8 89.1 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 508. Plate LIV, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: spots and line on right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1710 818 1404 188 146 122 133 115 118 77 64 41 55 40 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 77.6 47.8 83.5 88.7 57.8 64.0 72.7 86.5 91.7 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. 310 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good. Health.— Good. No. 509. Plate LIV, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 25; married for 4 years. No children. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: spots and line on right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1770 808 1471 188 150 115 142 115 133 77 58 38 59 43 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fron to-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 79.8 45.6 76.7 93.6 54.2 65.5 72.9 81.0 81.0 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. M usculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 510. Plate LIV, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 27; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: spots on right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1718 820 1430 206 141 116 133 111 138 82 66 35 60 38 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fron to-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal . 68.4 . 47.7 . 82.2 .103.8 . 61.6 . 53.0 . 63.3 . 83.5 . 87.2 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: homogeneous. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 311 Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 511. Plate LIV, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 19; unmarried. Brothers: 6 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height . . ; Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1784 868 1480 184 144 118 132 105 118 65 55 38 63 33 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 78.3 48.6 81.9 89.3 49.2 69.1 52.4 79.5 89.4 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 512. Plate LV, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1715 798 1421 201 141 111 132 106 116 72 57 36 54 35 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 70.1 46.5 78.7 87.9 54.6 63.1 64.8 80.3 84.1 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. 312 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 513. Plate LV, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1794 866 1507 191 140 118 135 115 126 75 55 32 57 33 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fron to-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 73.2 48.2 84.2 93.3 55.5 58. 57. 85. 87. .2 .9 .2 .4 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: very compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: marked over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 514. Plate LV, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hindiya. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1782 1340 188 135 118 128 100 116 68 55 35 63 40 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fron to-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 71.8 49.8 87.3 90.7 53.1 63.6 63.5 78.2 90.7 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concave. Wings: flaring. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 313 Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good. Health. — Good. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. No. 515. Plate LV, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1772 898 1460 194 148 118 140 113 131 77 58 31 60 40 Indices Cephalic 76.3 Relative sitting height 50 . 6 Fron to-parietal 79 . 7 Total facial 93.6 Upper facial 54 . 9 Nasal 53.4 Ear 66.6 Jugomandibular 80 . 7 Jugofrontal 84 . 3 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 1. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 516. Plate LVI, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1710 824 1390 185 148 118 135 115 128 80 57 35 70 36 Indices Cephalic 79.9 Relative sitting height 48 . 2 Fron to-parietal 79.7 Total facial 94.7 Upper facial 59 . 3 Nasal 61.4 Ear 51.4 Jugomandibular 85.2 Jugofrontal 87.4 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: compressed. 314 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. No. 517. Plate LVI, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living, 3 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: spots on right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1810 884 1534 201 133 113 133 110 135 76 60 36 64 34 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 66.1 . 48.8 . 84.9 .101.4 . 57.1 . 60.0 . 53.1 . 82.7 . 85.0 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: thickness, minus. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 1. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. No. 518. Plate LVI, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: gazelle and design on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1700 768 1413 184 138 117 137 110 131 72 57 35 58 32 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 75.0 45.2 84.7 95.6 52.6 61.4 55.1 80.3 85.4 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 315 Chest. — Development: plus. M usculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 519. Plate LVI, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 28; married for 4 years. Sons: 1 living. Brothers: 2 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Daughters: none. MM Indices Relative sitting height . Nasal Ear Measurements Standing height 1730 Sitting height 845 Acromion to sole 1460 Head length 196 Bigonial breadth 101 Total facial height 113 Upper facial height 72 Nasal height 55 Nasal breadth 40 Ear length 62 Ear breadth 38 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 1. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. M USCULATURE. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 520. Plate LVII, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 22; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. 48.8 72.8 61.3 Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1732 822 1454 198 146 118 138 103 114 70 55 40 54 33 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fron to-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 73.7 47.4 80.8 82.6 50.7 72.8 61.1 74.6 84.0 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. M usculature. — Good . Health. — Good. 316 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ No. 521. Plate LVII, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 22; married for 3 years. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: 3 spots in line on right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1750 828 1424 192 147 115 137 110 117 65 50 40 52 38 Sons: none. Daughters: 1 dead. Indices Cephalic 76.6 Relative sitting height 47.3 Fron to-parietal 78.2 Total facial 85.4 Upper facial 52.2 Nasal 80.0 Ear 73.1 Jugomandibular 80 . 3 Jugof rontal 84 . 0 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concave. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 1. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. M USCULATURE. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 522. Plate LVII, Fig. 5 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 23; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1674 835 1390 200 144 115 138 110 118 74 56 40 62 40 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fron to-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 72.0 49.8 79.9 85.5 53.6 71.5 64.6 79.7 83.3 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 1. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. M USCULATURE. — Good . Health. — Good. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 317 No. 523. Plate LVII, Figs. 6, 7 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 29; married for 4 years. Brothers: 2 dead. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: straight line on back of right hand. Sons: 1 dead. Daughters: 2 dead. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1731 832 1455 196 151 116 140 116 133 74 60 33 55 38 Indices Cephalic 77.0 Relative sitting height 48 . 1 Fronto-parietal 76.9 Total facial 95.0 Upper facial 52 . 8 Nasal 55.0 Ear 68.1 Jugomandibular 82 . 9 Jugofrontal 82.9 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 1. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. No. 524. Plate LVIII, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: 2 dead. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1772 843 1483 192 143 117 129 105 136 80 62 35 61 39 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal , 74.5 , 47.6 . 81.9 .105.3 . 62.1 . 56.5 63.9 . 81.4 . 90.7 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 2. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good. Health.— Good. 318 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ No. 525. Plate LVIII, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 21; married for 2 years. Sons: 2 dead. Brothers: 3 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Daughters: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1726 785 1445 202 154 128 147 106 128 77 57 40 66 40 Indices Cephalic 75.5 Relative sitting height 45 . 4 Fron to-parietal 83 . 1 Total facial 87.1 Upper facial 52 . 4 Nasal 70.2 Ear 60.7 Jugomandibular 72 . 1 Jugofrontal 87.1 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concave. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 526. Plate LVIII, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1690 790 1395 194 141 121 140 110 117 68 55 33 57 42 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fron to-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 72.7 46.7 85.8 83.6 48.6 60.0 73.7 78.5 86.5 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7m: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 319 No. 527. Plate LVIII, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living, 2 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1710 838 1425 183 144 116 133 101 124 80 60 36 58 35 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fron to-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 78.6 49.0 80;5 93.2 60.1 60.0 60.3 75.9 87.2 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 528. Plate LIX, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Married for 3 years. No children. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fron to-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal Measurements mm Standing height 1810 Sitting height 803 Acromion to sole 1530 Head length 200 Head breadth 145 Minimum frontal diameter . . 126 Bizygomatic maximum 142 Bigonial breadth 118 Total facial height 129 Upper facial height 72 Nasal height 60 Nasal breadth 37 Ear length 63 Ear breadth 40 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. 72.5 44.3 86.9 90.8 50.7 61.7 63.5 83.1 88.7 320 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ No. 529. Plate LIX, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 22; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1660 822 1381 197 142 110 128 106 121 73 57 35 60 41 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 72.1 49.5 77.4 94.5 57.0 61.4 68.3 82.8 86.0 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 1. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. No. 530. Plate LIX, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: spot on nasion. Measurements mm Standing height 1720 Sitting height 803 Acromion to sole 1451 Head length 185 Head breadth 136 Minimum frontal diameter. . 113 Bizygomatic maximum 130 Bigonial breadth 113 Upper facial height 68 Nasal height 57 Nasal breadth 38 Ear length 52 Ear breadth 37 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: third molars unerupted. Lost: 1. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. No. 531 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 25; married 14 years ago (wife now dead). Daughters: none. Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 73.5 46.6 83.1 52.3 66.7 71.1 86.9 86.9 Sons: 1 living. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 321 Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1724 818 1433 201 148 125 143 107 121 78 56 37 70 46 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 73.6 47.4 83.4 84.7 54.5 66.1 65.7 74.9 87.4 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 532. Plate LIX, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 19; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: spot on nasion. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1690 774 1420 186 144 113 127 100 123 80 60 34 54 35 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 77.4 45.8 78.4 96.9 63.0 56.7 64.8 78.8 89.0 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. NOSE. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: third molars unerupted. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 533. Plate LX, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 20; married in June, 1928. Brothers: 5 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: spot on back of right wrist. :V22 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1700 818 1423 193 145 113 136 107 115 70 53 36 50 37 Indices Cephalic 75.1 Relative sitting height 48 . 1 Fronto-parietal 77.3 Total facial 84.6 Upper facial 51 . 5 Nasal 68.0 Ear 74.0 Jugomandibular 78 . 7 Jugofrontal 83.1 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 534. Plate LX, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 22; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1666 832 1410 200 140 110 128 121 115 76 56 37 62 40 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 70.0 49.9 78.6 89. 59. 66. 64. 94.5 85.9 .9 .4 .1 .5 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good. Health.— Good. No. 535. Plate LX, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 18; married for 4 months. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on right hand and gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements mm Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Standing height 1730 Sitting height 809 70.1 46.8 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 323 Measurements Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1452 200 141 113 138 111 128 74 55 33 57 42 Indices Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 80.1 92.9 53.6 60.0 73.7 80.5 81.9 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: third molars unerupted. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 536. Plate LX, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1734 818 1440 185 137 113 135 107 124 77 58 32 56 36 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 74.1 47.1 82.5 92.0 57.0 55.2 64.3 79.3 83.7 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: third molars unerupted. Lost: 1. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. No. 537. Plate LXI, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. MM Measurements Standing height 1673 Sitting height 791 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . 67.4 47.2 324 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth. .' MM 1387 193 130 113 129 95 119 71 52 35 54 36 Indices Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial \ Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 87.0 92.4 55.0 67.4 66.7 73.6 87.6 Eye. — Color: very dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. Some Negro blood. No. 538. Plate LXI, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Karbala. Age: 23; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1686 822 1417 187 141 117 133 108 122 80 57 40 62 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 75.4 48.7 83, 91. 60, 70, 56 81, 88.0 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good . Health. — Good. No. 539. Plate LXI, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hindiya. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. MM Measurements Standing height 1706 Sitting height 781 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . 76.8 45.7 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 325 Measurements Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1405 185 142 113 132 98 116 73 54 37 55 35 Indices Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 79.7 88.0 55.3 68.6 63.6 74.3 85.6 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concave. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: third molars unerupted. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Fair. Health. — Good. No. 540. Plate LXI, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hindiya. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1711 808 1421 191 155 120 136 108 135 78 62 36 61 36 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 81.2 47.2 77.5 99.3 57.4 58.1 59.0 79.4 88.3 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 541. Plate LXII, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hindiya. Age: 22; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: none. MM Measurements Standing height 1690 Sitting height 853 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . 78.4 50.4 326 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1445 189 148 113 132 103 123 73 56 35 60 38 Indices Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 76.4 93.3 55.4 62.5 63.4 78.0 85.6 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 542. Plate LXII, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 23; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: glove on right hand and gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1751 874 1411 186 145 123 132 105 115 72 57 35 63 36 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 78.0 49.9 84.9 87.1 54.6 61.4 57.2 79.5 93.2 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good. Health.— Good. No. 543. Plate LXII, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. MM Measurements Standing height 1660 Sitting height 824 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . 74.4 49.6 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 327 Measurements Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1350 182 139 126 138 103 117 72 55 43 61 41 Indices Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 90.7 84.9 52.1 78.2 67.2 74.6 92.8 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: thickness, double plus. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: third molars unerupted. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 544. Plate LXII, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and star on right temple. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1690 858 1400 188 138 118 134 105 121 67 57 36 54 37 Indices Cephalic 73.4 Relative sitting height 50.7 Fronto-parietal 85.6 Total facial 90.3 Upper facial 50 . 0 Nasal 63.2 Ear 68.5 Jugomandibular 78 . 3 Jugofrontal 86 . 6 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good. Health. — Good. No. 545. Plate LXIII, Figs Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 25; married for 6 years Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: 2 spots on left temple. Measurements mm Standing height 1764 Sitting height 909 1,2 No children. Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . 79.6 51.5 328 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Indices Acromion to sole 1471 Fronto-parietal 81.2 Head length 186 Total facial 90.4 Head breadth 148 Upper facial 50.3 Minimum frontal diameter . . 120 Nasal 53 . 5 Bizygomatic maximum 135 Ear 56 . 7 Bigonial breadth 105 Jugomandibular 77.7 Total facial height 122 Jugofrontal 88.9 Upper facial height 68 Nasal height 58 Nasal breadth 31 Ear length 60 Ear breadth 34 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 546. Plate LXIII, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 24; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 8 living. Tattoo marks: 4 spots on back of right hand; glove on back of left hand. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1730 Cephalic 75.0 Sitting height 880 Relative sitting height 50.8 Acromion to sole 1394 Fronto-parietal 81.6 Head length 188 Total facial 96.3 Head breadth 141 Upper facial 57.5 Minimum frontal diameter. . 115 Nasal 70.2 Bizygomatic maximum 132 Ear 54 . 8 Bigonial breadth Ill Jugomandibular 84 . 1 Total facial height 127 Jugofrontal 87.1 Upper facial height 76 Nasal height 57 Nasal breadth 40 Ear length 62 Ear breadth 34 Hair. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. M usculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 547. Plate LXIII, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Ad Diwaniya. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and spot on inside of right forearm. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1643 Cephalic 75.0 Sitting height 835 Relative sitting height 50 . 8 Acromion to sole 1355 Fronto-parietal 74 .3 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 329 Measurements Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth '..... Ear length Ear breadth MM 192 144 107 127 106 117 72 56 33 64 37 Indices Total facial 92.2 Upper facial 56 . 7 Nasal 58.9 Ear 57.8 Jugomandibular 83 . 4 Jugofrontal 84 . 3 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: third molars unerupted. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 548. Plate LXIII, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Ad Diwaniya. Age: 30; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 5 living. Tattoo marks: spot and lines on right hand; spots on left hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1720 903 1460 193 150 120 138 118 120 72 55 36 62 36 Indices Cephalic :..... 77.8 Relative sitting height 52 . 5 Fron to-parietal 80.0 Total facial 87.0 Upper facial 52 . 2 Nasal 65.4 Ear 58.1 Jugomandibular 85 . 5 Jugofrontal 87.0 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. -Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 1. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. No. 549. Plate LXIV, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: spot on left hand behind thumb. MM Measurements Standing height 1694 Sitting height 843 Acromion to sole 1397 Head length 184 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial 77.8 49.7 81.1 90.2 330 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 143 116 142 115 128 81 62 32 57 34 Indices Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 57.1 51.7 59.6 81.0 81.7 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 550. Plate LXIV, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: spot on back of right wrist; 1 spot on inside of right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1758 875 1470 183 145 115 133 106 113 70 52 35 56 32 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 79.3 49.8 79.4 85.0 52.6 67.3 57.2 79.7 85.5 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 1. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good. Health. — Good. No. 551. Plate LXIV, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1721 Sitting height 838 Acromion to sole 1436 Head length 185 Head breadth 141 Minimum frontal diameter. . 113 Indices Cephalic 76.3 Relative sitting height 48.6 Fronto-parietal 80.2 Total facial 89.7 Upper facial 53 . 3 Nasal 56.2 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 331 Measurements mm Indices Bizygomatic maximum 135 Ear 67.3 Bigonial breadth 110 Jugomandibular 81 . 5 Total facial height 121 Jugofrontal 83.7 Upper facial height 72 Nasal height 57 Nasal breadth 32 Ear length 55 Ear breadth 37 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 552. Plate LXIV, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Basra. Race: Sudanese Negro. Age: 28; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: snake and other designs on inside of right forearm. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1812 Cephalic 75.3 Sitting height 850 Relative sitting height 46 . 9 Acromion to sole 1525 Fronto-parietal 83 . 6 Head length 186 Total facial 85.5 Head breadth 140 Upper facial 52.7 Minimum frontal diameter. . 117 Nasal 67.2 Bizygomatic maximum 144 Ear 57 . 4 Bigonial breadth 116 Jugomandibular 80.6 Total facial height 123 Jugofrontal 81.3 Upper facial height 76 Nasal height 61 Nasal breadth 41 Ear length 61 Ear breadth 35 Hair. — Form: woolly. Texture: coarse. Color: black. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concave. Wings: flaring plus. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: one. Bite: marked over. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Good. Negro; therefore not included in statistics. No. 553. Plate LXV, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 21; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: cross on inside of right forearm. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1770 Cephalic 74.9 Sitting height 893 Relative sitting height 50.4 Acromion to sole 1445 Fronto-parietal 90.8 332 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Indices Head length 187 Total facial 101.5 Head breadth 140 Upper facial 65.4 Minimum frontal diameter. . 127 Nasal 63.7 Bizygomatic maximum 130 Ear 53.3 Bigonial breadth 106 Jugomandibular 81 . 5 Total facial height 132 Jugofrontal 97.6 Upper facial height 85 Nasal height 55 Nasal breadth 35 Ear length 60 Ear breadth 32 Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concave. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 554. Plate LXV, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and line on inside of right forearm. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1650 Cephalic 73.6 Sitting height 828 Relative sitting height 50.2 Acromion to sole 1328 Fronto-parietal 77.0 Head length 182 Total facial 91.9 Head breadth 143 Upper facial 54.8 Minimum frontal diameter . . 110 Nasal 65 . 5 Bizygomatic maximum 133 Ear 56 . 0 Bigonial breadth 106 Jugomandibular 79 . 7 Total facial height 122 Jugofrontal 82.7 Upper facial height 73 Nasal height 55 Nasal breadth 36 Ear length 66 Ear breadth 37 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7m: homogeneous. NOSE. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: third molars unerupted. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 555. Plate LXV, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Karbala. Age: 20; married for 3 years. No children. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1670 Cephalic 80.1 Sitting height 853 Relative sitting height 51.0 Acromion to sole 1335 Fronto-parietal 80.6 Head length 180 Total facial 83.5 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 333 Measurements Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 144 116 133 121 111 73 56 33 57 37 Indices Upper facial 54 . 8 Nasal 58.9 Ear 64.9 Jugomandibular 91 .0 Jugofrontal 87.2 Hair. — Quantity: head, plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: thickness, double plus. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Caries: double plus. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 556. Plate LXV, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 20; married in 1928. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1701 833 1405 187 142 113 128 106 113 73 54 41 56 32 Indices Cephalic 76.0 Relative sitting height 48 . 9 Fron to-parietal 79 . 6 Total facial 88.4 Upper facial 57 . 1 Nasal 75.9 Ear 57.3 Jugomandibular 82 . 8 Jugofrontal 88.3 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 557. Plate LXVI, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 25; married in 1928. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand, design in three colors; figures 7663 on inside of left forearm. MM Measurements Standing height 1736 Sitting height 898 Acromion to sole 1441 Indices Cephalic 75.3 Relative sitting height 51.7 Fronto-parietal 81.9 334 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 190 143 117 134 106 121 74 61 38 58 33 Indices Total facial 90.2 Upper facial 55.2 Nasal 62.2 Ear 56.9 Jugomandibular 79.1 Jugofrontal 87.3 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 1. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good. Health. — Good. No. 558. Plate LXVI, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 22; married for 18 months. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. No children. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1673 850 1370 192 147 117 135 105 117 68 50 34 60 31 Indices Cephalic 76 . 6 Relative sitting height 50.8 Fronto-parietal 79.6 Total facial 86.8 Upper facial 50.4 Nasal 68.0 Ear 51.6 Jugomandibular 77.7 Jugofrontal 86.7 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Derelopment: plus. Musculature.— Good. Health. — Good. No. 559. Plate LXVI, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: line on back of left wrist. Measurements mm Standing height 1673 Sitting height 840 Acromion to sole 1410 Indices Cephalic 79.4 Relative sitting height 50.3 Fronto-parietal 78.2 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 335 Measurements Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 184 146 114 131 106 123 74 52 38 56 35 Indices Total facial 93.9 Upper facial 56 . 5 Nasal 73.0 Ear 62.5 Jugomandibular 80 . 9 Jugofrontal 87.0 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 3. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 560. Plate LXVI, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: slight line on back of left wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1662 801 1393 188 143 114 136 108 117 78 54 33 61 35 Indices Cephalic 76.1 Relative sitting height 48 . 2 Fronto-parietal 79.8 Total facial 86.1 Upper facial 57 . 4 Nasal 61.2 Ear 57.4 Jugomandibular 79 . 4 Jugofrontal 83.8 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bile: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 561. Plate LXVII, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements mm Standing height 1671 Sitting height 823 Indices Cephalic 75.0 Relative sitting height 49.3 336 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Indices Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal Measurements mm Acromion to sole 1390 Head length 188 Head breadth 141 Minimum frontal diameter . . 108 Bizygomatic maximum 127 Bigonial breadth 94 Total facial height 116 Upper facial height 73 Nasal height 54 Nasal breadth 37 Ear length 51 Ear breadth 38 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 2. Caries: plus. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 562. Plate LXVII, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. 76.6 91.4 57.5 68.5 74.0 74.5 85.0 Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1770 869 1455 189 144 117 132 107 116 77 57 37 60 36 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 76.3 49.0 81. 87. 58. 64. .3 .9 .3 .9 60.0 81. 88, Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 563. Plate LXVII, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. MM Measurements Standing height 1730 Sitting height 919 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . 82.5 53.1 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 337 Measurements Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1465 177 146 120 148 107 115 72 53 32 58 36 Indices Fronto-parietal 82.2 Total facial 77.7 Upper facial 48 . 6 Nasal 60.4 Ear 62.1 Jugomandibular 72 . 3 Jugofrontal 81 . 1 Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 564. Plate LXVII, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hindiya. Age: 22; unmarried. Brothers: 2 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: girl in red and blue on back of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1764 908 1452 189 146 125 143 114 115 70 63 40 56 35 Indices Cephalic 77.3 Relative sitting height 51.5 Fronto-parietal 85 . 7 Total facial 80.4 Upper facial 48 . 9 Nasal 63.5 Ear 62.5 Jugomandibular 79 . 7 Jugofrontal 87.4 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Caries: plus. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 565. Plate LXVIII, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 22; married 4 years ago (wife now dead). No children. Brothers: 2 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1685 Sitting height 838 Acromion to sole 1360 Head length 168 Indices Cephalic 86.9 Relative sitting height 49.6 Fronto-parietal 71.2 Total facial 96.2 338 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Indices Head breadth 146 Upper facial 56.9 Minimum frontal diameter . . 104 Nasal 61.8 Bizygomatic maximum 130 Ear 61.5 Bigonial breadth 93 Jugomandibular 71 . 5 Total facial height 125 Jugofrontal 80.0 Upper facial height 74 Nasal height 55 Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 52 Ear breadth 32 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Caries: plus. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 566. Plate LXVIII, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Karbala. Age: 26; married for 5 years. Sons: 1 dead. Daughters: none. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1700 Cephalic 76.5 Sitting height 832 Relative sitting height 48.9 Acromion to sole 1404 Fronto-parietal 75 . 5 Head length 187 Total facial 94.5 Head breadth 143 Upper facial 54 .7 Minimum frontal diameter . . 108 Nasal 63 . 8 Bizygomatic maximum 128 Ear 69 . 1 Bigonial breadth 108 Jugomandibular 84 . 4 Total facial height 121 Jugofrontal 84.4 Upper facial height 70 Nasal height 47 Nasal breadth 30 Ear length 55 Ear breadth 38 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 1. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 567. Plate LXVIII, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 23; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1800 Cephalic 72.6 Sitting height 861 Relative sitting height 47.8 Acromion to sole 1452 Fronto-parietal 83.0 Head length 194 Total facial 103.6 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 339 Measurements mm Indices Head breadth 141 Upper facial 59 . 6 Minimum frontal diameter. . 117 Nasal 58.1 Bizygomatic maximum 136 Ear 54 . 0 Bigonial breadth 113 Jugomandibular 83.1 Total facial height 141 Jugofrontal 86.0 Upper facial height 81 Nasal height 62 Nasal breadth 36 Ear length 63 Ear breadth 34 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. No. 568. Plate LXVIII, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 17; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand, gazelle on inside of right forearm, and spot on nasal tip. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1704 Cephalic 83.6 Sitting height 891 Relative sitting height 52.3 Acromion to sole 1400 Fronto-parietal 76 . 4 Head length 177 Total facial 86.3 Head breadth 148 Upper facial 54 . 2 Minimum frontal diameter . . 113 Nasal 60 . 8 Bizygomatic maximum 131 Ear 60.8 Bigonial breadth 96 Jugomandibular 73 . 3 Total facial height 113 Jugofrontal 86.2 Upper facial height 71 Nasal height 51 Nasal breadth 31 Ear length 56 Ear breadth 34 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: third molars unerupted. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 569. Plate LXIX, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 17; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and snake on inside of right forearm. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1740 Cephalic 75.4 Sitting height 868 Relative sitting height 49.9 Acromion to sole 1432 Fronto-parietal 78.7 Head length 187 Total facial 97.0 340 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Indices Head breadth 141 Upper facial 63.3 Minimum frontal diameter. . Ill Nasal 51.7 Bizygomatic maximum 128 Ear 68 . 2 Bigonial breadth 103 Jugomandibular 80 . 5 Total facial height 124 Jugofrontal 86.7 Upper facial height 81 Nasal height 62 Nasal breadth 32 Ear length 60 Ear breadth 41 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. NOSE. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: third molars unerupted. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 570. Plate LXIX, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1810 Cephalic 80.1 Sitting height 849 Relative sitting height 46.9 Acromion to sole 1504 Fron to-parietal 78.6 Head length 181 Total facial 82.9 Head breadth 145 Upper facial 46.8 Minimum frontal diameter. . 114 Nasal 72.0 Bizygomatic maximum 128 Ear 60 . 0 Bigonial breadth 100 Jugomandibular 78 . 1 Total facial height 106 Jugofrontal 89.1 Upper facial height 60 Nasal height 50 Nasal breadth 36 Ear length 55 Ear breadth 33 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 571. Plate LXIX, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Ad Diwaniya. Age: 30; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove, small bird, spots and lines on back of left hand. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1720 Cephalic 74 .2 Sitting height 817 Relative sitting height 47 . 5 Acromion to sole 1450 Fronto-parietal 75.2 Head length 190 Total facial 91 .0 Head breadth 141 Upper facial 54 .9 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 341 Measurements Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 106 133 108 121 73 53 30 57 34 Indices Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 56.6 59.7 81.2 79.7 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Caries: plus. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 572. Plate LXIX, Fig. 7 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 21; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1771 888 1477 188 144 115 140 110 124 70 52 34 62 33 Indices Cephalic 76.6 Relative sitting height 50 . 1 Fronto-parietal 79.9 Total facial 88.6 Upper facial 50 . 0 Nasal 65.4 Ear 53.3 Jugomandibular 78 . 5 Jugofrontal 82 . 1 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concave. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good. Health. — Good. No. 573. Plate LXX, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 30; married twice, 2 and 5 years ago. Daughters: 1, 1, living. Brothers: 1 living, 3 dead. Sisters: 2 dead. Tattoo marks: 3 spots on back of left hand. Sons: 1, 0, living. Measurements mm Standing height 1790 Sitting height 882 Acromion to sole 1511 Head length 197 Head breadth 140 Minimum frontal diameter . . 110 Indices Cephalic 71.1 Relative sitting height 49 . 2 Fronto-parietal 78 . 6 Total facial 100.9 Upper facial 56 . 4 Nasal 58.9 342 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Indices Bizygomatic maximum 133 Ear . 50 . 0 Bigonial breadth 103 Jugomandibular 77.4 Total facial height 132 Jugofrontal 82.7 Upper facial height 75 Nasal height 56 Nasal breadth 33 Ear length 66 Ear breadth 34 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. NOSE. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 1. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 574. Plate LXX, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1811 Cephalic 79.6 Sitting height 918 Relative sitting height 50 . 6 Acromion to sole 1538 Fron to-parietal 72.4 Head length 186 Total facial 87.4 Head breadth 148 Upper facial 59.7 Minimum frontal diameter . . 107 Nasal 52 . 5 Bizygomatic maximum 134 Ear 58.2 Bigonial breadth 113 Jugomandibular 84.3 Total facial height 117 Jugofrontal 79.9 Upper facial height 80 Nasal height 61 Nasal breadth 32 Ear length 55 Ear breadth 32 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7m: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. M USCULATURE. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 575. Plate LXX, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 25; married for 2 years. No children. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: thick line on back of right wrist; large spot and line on inside of right forearm. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1743 Cephalic 72.8 Sitting height 857 Relative sitting height 49.2 Acromion to sole 1455 Fronto-parietal 84 . 0 Head length 180 Total facial 93.0 Head breadth 131 Upper facial 58.3 Minimum frontal diameter. . 110 Nasal 58.4 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 343 Measurements mm Indices Bizygomatic maximum 127 Ear 62 . 1 Bigonial breadth 101 Jugomandibular 79 . 5 Total facial height 118 Jugofrontal 86.6 Upper facial height 74 Nasal height 60 Nasal breadth 35 Ear length 66 Ear breadth 41 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, double plus. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. M usculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 576. Plate LXX, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1685 843 1400 187 134 111 132 96 117 75 64 34 66 37 Indices Cephalic 71.6 Relative sitting height 50 . 0 Fron to-parietal 82.9 Total facial 88.6 Upper facial 56 . 8 Nasal 53.1 Ear 56.1 Jugomandibular 72 . 7 Jugofrontal 84 . 1 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Tip: thickness, minus. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. M USCULATURE.— Good . Health. — Good. No. 577. Plate LXXI, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 22; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1784 Sitting height 778 Acromion to sole 1495 Head length 188 Head breadth 135 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial 71.8 43.6 81.5 94.7 60.6 344 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 110 132 100 125 80 57 32 60 41 Indices Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 56.1 68.4 75.8 87.1 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 578. Plate LXXI, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: An Najaf. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1735 898 1444 192 146 116 132 101 126 76 60 41 63 32 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 76.0 51.8 79.5 95.5 57.6 68.4 50.7 76.5 87.9 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: thickness, plus; elevated. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 579. Plate LXXI, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 17; unmarried. Brothers: 4 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1730 Sitting height 838 Acromion to sole 1430 Head length 180 Head breadth 143 Minimum frontal diameter. . 113 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal 79.4 48.4 79.0 89.7 60.3 57.1 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 345 Measurements mm Indices Bizygomatic maximum 117 Ear 57.7 Bigonial breadth 104 Jugomandibular 88.9 Total facial height 105 Jugofrontal 96.5 Upper facial height 71 Nasal height 56 Nasal breadth 32 Ear length 52 Ear breadth 30 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7m: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: third molars unerupted. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature.— Fair. Health. — Good. No. 580. Plate LXXI, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: spot on back of right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1711 893 1416 178 140 113 132 100 117 75 56 33 62 35 Indices Cephalic 78.7 Relative sitting height 52 . 1 Fron to-parietal 80.7 Total facial 88.6 Upper facial 56.7 Nasal 59.0 Ear 56.5 Jugomandibular 75.8 Jugofrontal 85.6 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 581. Plate LXXII, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 25; married for 10 years. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Sons: 2 living. Daughters: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1760 Sitting height 910 Acromion to sole 1466 Head length 188 Head breadth 137 Minimum frontal diameter. . 114 Bizygomatic maximum 135 Bigonial breadth 115 Indices Cephalic 72.8 Relative sitting height 51.7 Fron to-parietal 83 .3 Total facial 88.2 Upper facial 57 . 8 Nasal 70.7 Ear 67.3 Jugomandibular 85 . 2 346 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Indices Total facial height 119 Jugofrontal 84.5 Upper facial height 78 Nasal height 58 Nasal breadth 41 Ear length 61 Ear breadth 41 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7m: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 1. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 582. Plate LXXII, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Shatra. Age: 22; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: 7 living. Tattoo marks: 3 spots on back and 5 spots on inside of right wrist. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1747 Cephalic 75.6 Sitting height 899 Relative sitting height 51-4 Acromion to sole 1430 Fronto-parietal 81 .3 Head length 188 Total facial 86.1 Head breadth 142 Upper facial 54 . 6 Minimum frontal diameter. . 116 Nasal 54.8 Bizygomatic maximum 137 Ear 55.0 Bigonial breadth 103 Jugomandibular 75 . 2 Total facial height 118 Jugofrontal 84.7 Upper facial height 75 Nasal height 62 Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 60 Ear breadth 33 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concave. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 583. Plate LXXII, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 22; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: cross and two spots on right wrist. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1820 Cephalic 75.2 Sitting height 902 Relative sitting height 49 . 5 Acromion to sole 1511 Fronto-parietal 78.0 Head length 193 Total facial 92.7 Head breadth 145 Upper facial 55 . 6 Minimum frontal diameter. . 113 Nasal 56.2 Bizygomatic maximum 135 Ear 63 . 5 Bigonial breadth 106 Jugomandibular 78.5 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 347 Measurements mm Total facial height 125 Upper facial height 75 Nasal height 57 Nasal breadth 32 Ear length 63 Ear breadth 40 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. M usculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 584. Plate LXXII, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Ad Diwaniya. Age: 25; married for 3 years. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of left hand. Indices Jugofrontal 83.7 No children. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1866 963 1557 200 151 118 137 102 116 71 57 39 65 32 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 75.5 51.6 78.2 84.6 51.8 68.4 49.3 74.4 85.1 Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Good. No. 585. Plate LXXIII, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: near Baghdad. Age: 19; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1817 Sitting height 885 Acromion to sole 1502 Head length 193 Head breadth 150 Minimum frontal diameter . . 113 Bizygomatic maximum 137 Bigonial breadth 105 Total facial height 121 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 77.8 48.7 75.4 88.4 48.9 62.5 62.0 76.6 82.5 348 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Upper facial height 67 Nasal height 56 Nasal breadth 35 Ear length 58 Ear breadth 36 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 586. Plate LXXIII, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 22; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand; 2 lines with dot between on left hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1666 880 1368 180 142 113 130 104 117 73 53 35 61 35 Indices Cephalic 78.9 Relative sitting height 52 . 8 Fronto-parietal 79 Total facial 90.0 Upper facial 56 . 1 Nasal 66.1 Ear 57.4 Jugomandibular 80 . 0 Jugofrontal 86.9 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good. Health.— Good. No. 587. Plate LXXIII, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 17; married for 2 years. Sons: none. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Daughters: 1 living. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height mm Indices 1682 Cephalic 76.3 839 Relative sitting height 49.8 1410 Fronto-parietal 75.3 185 Total facial 96.9 141 Upper facial 58.6 106 Nasal 66.1 128 Ear 62.1 100 Jugomandibular 78.2 124 Jugofrontal 82.8 75 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 349 Measurements mm Nasal height 56 Nasal breadth 37 Ear length 58 Ear breadth 36 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7m: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, double plus. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: third molars unerupted. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good. Health. — Good. No. 588. Plate LXXIII, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: spots forming snake, high upon inside of left arm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1685 878 1400 188 140 113 136 104 130 73 60 35 60 31 Indices Cephalic 74 . 5 Relative sitting height 52 . 1 Fronto-parietal 80.7 Total facial 95.6 Upper facial 53 . 7 Nasal 58.4 Ear 51.6 Jugomandibular 76.5 Jugofrontal 83 . 1 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 589. Plate LXXIV, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 14, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: Tattoo marks: none. 19; unmarried. 1 living. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height MM 1750 865 1449 183 142 106 129 110 127 73 58 Indices Cephalic 77.6 Relative sitting height 49 . 4 Fronto-parietal 74.7 Total facial 98.5 Upper facial 56 . 6 Nasal 59.7 Ear 59. Jugomandibular 85. Jugofrontal 82 . .6 .3 .2 350 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 30 57 34 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. NOSE. — Profile: convex. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 590. Plate LXXIV, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1700 842 1427 186 131 106 130 95 116 74 60 35 60 33 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 70.4 49.5 80.7 89.3 56.9 58.4 55.0 73.0 81.5 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: third molars unerupted. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 591. Plate LXXIV, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 22; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living, 4 dead. Sisters: 2 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth 1666 842 1382 186 149 115 135 113 118 76 56 38 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 80.1 50.5 77.3 87.4 56.3 67.8 54.4 83.7 85.1 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 351 Measurements mm Ear length 57 Ear breadth 31 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concave. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 592. Plate LXXIV, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 17; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1685 824 1422 185 148 110 127 103 115 65 56 32 60 33 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 80.0 48.9 74.3 90.6 51.2 57.2 55.0 81.1 86.7 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: third molars unerupted. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 593. Plate LXXV, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: spots on each temple. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1725 885 1446 194 149 117 137 114 121 76 58 34 58 36 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 76.7 51.3 78.6 88.4 55.4 58.6 62.0 83.2 85.4 352 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. NOSE. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. M usculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 594. Plate LXXV, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1723 885 1440 190 136 113 128 98 106 66 57 31 57 34 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 71.6 51.4 83.1 82.7 51.6 54.4 59.7 76.5 88.3 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: third molars unerupted. Lost: none. Bite: marked over. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature.— Fair. Health. — Good. No. 595. Plate LXXV, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1711 836 1430 189 145 117 134 100 123 75 55 35 54 36 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 76.7 48.9 80.7 91.8 55.9 63.7 66.7 74.7 87.3 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium-flaring. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 353 Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. Bite: slight over. No. 596. Plate LXXV, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1790 1517 183 139 110 130 100 124 73 60 35 56 36 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fron to-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 75.9 49.6 79.1 95.4 56.1 58.4 63.3 77.0 84.6 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. NOSE. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 597. Plate LXXVI, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Hindiya. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: 3 spots on back of right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1783 857 1484 188 136 115 130 98 122 80 65 35 63 40 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 72.3 48.0 84.5 93.9 61.5 63.6 63.5 75.4 88.5 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: thickness, minus. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. 354 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 598. Plate LXXVI, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: 4 living. Tattoo marks: two spots and animal on right arm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1680 853 1381 180 149 107 133 113 117 75 62 30 58 33 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fron to-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 82.7 50.7 71.7 88.0 56.4 48.4 56.8 85.0 80.5 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concave. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 599. Plate LXXVI, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 19; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: 4 spots on right temple. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1750 876 1466 194 141 110 129 100 120 74 60 35 55 34 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 72.6 50.1 78.1 93.1 57.3 58.4 61.7 77.5 85.3 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 355 No. 600. Plate LXXVI, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1745 930 1410 196 152 119 136 115 128 85 63 43 70 43 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fron to-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 77.6 53.3 78.3 94 62 68 61 84 87.5 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. NOSE. — Profile: convex. Tip: depressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Caries: plus. Lost: 2. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 601. Plate LXXVII, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: near Kut al Imara. Age: 21; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove with circle and spot on back of right hand; gazelle on inside of right forearm; ring of spots on each temple. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1838 880 1534 195 159 124 144 114 121 75 60 37 65 36 Indices Cephalic 81 . 5 Relative sitting height 47 . 9 Fronto-parietal 78 . 0 Total facial 84.1 Upper facial 52 . 1 Nasal 61.7 Ear 55.4 Jugomandibular 79 . 2 Jugofrontal 86 . 1 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: thickness, minus. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 1. Bite: marked over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good . Health.— Good. 356 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ No. 602. Plate LXXVII, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 30; married for 3 years. Sons: none. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: spot on right side of nose. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1785 878 1495 194 142 106 132 110 115 70 54 37 63 40 Indices Cephalic 73.3 Relative sitting height 47 . 5 Fron to-parietal 74 . 6 Total facial 87.1 Upper facial 53 . 0 Nasal 68.5 Ear 63.5 Jugomandibular 83 . 3 Jugofrontal 80.3 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 603. Plates LXXVII, Figs. 5, 6; LXXVIII, Fig. 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1760 875 1470 173 147 115 128 100 120 74 56 35 57 35 Indices Cephalic 85.0 Relative sitting height 49 . 6 Fronto-parietal 78.3 Total facial 93.9 Upper facial 57 . 7 Nasal 62.5 Ear 61.5 Jugomandibular 78 . 2 Jugofrontal 89.9 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concave. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 357 No. 604. Plate LXXVII, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 23; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1726 876 1448 185 138 110 134 102 120 71 58 35 63 35 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fron to-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 74.6 50.6 79.7 89.6 53.0 60.3 55.6 76.1 82.1 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. M usculature. — Good . Health.— Good. No. 605. Plate LXXVIII, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: near Kut al Imara. Age: 30; married for 6 years. Sons: 2 living. 1 living. Brothers: 9 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: line on back of left wrist. Daughters: Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1720 900 1428 187 144 114 134 109 115 74 65 35 60 35 Indices Cephalic 77.0 Relative sitting height 52 . 3 Fronto-parietal 79.3 Total facial 85.9 Upper facial 55.2 Nasal 53.9 Ear 58.3 Jugomandibular 81.3 Jugofrontal 85 . 1 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. ar>s ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ No. 607. Plate LXXVIII, Fig. 5 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 20; married for 3 years. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 6 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1754 896 1450 183 148 117 138 106 117 80 60 36 56 34 Indices Cephalic 80.9 Relative sitting height 51 . 1 Fronto-parietal 79. 1 Total facial 84.8 Upper facial 58 . 0 Nasal 60.0 Ear 60.7 Jugomandibular 76 . 8 Jugofrontal 84.8 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. NOSE. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 608. Plate LXXVIII, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1770 923 1450 189 144 120 139 115 120 74 62 33 62 37 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 76 52 83 86 53 53.3 61.3 82.7 86.3 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 359 No. 609. Plate LXXIX, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Baghdad. Age: 21; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1798 925 1495 180 135 107 128 111 123 77 60 37 60 34 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 75.0 51.5 79.3 96.2 60.2 61.6 56.7 86.7 83.6 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7m: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 1. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health.— Good. No. 610. Plate LXXIX, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 19; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1665 881 1390 195 140 110 127 100 116 73 64 30 52 33 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 71.8 52.9 78.6 91.3 57.5 46.8 63.4 78.8 86.6 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. NOSE. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good. Health. — Good. 360 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ No. 611. Plate LXXIX, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Shatra. Age: 19; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand; animal design on inside of left forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1741 839 1437 193 147 116 137 107 128 85 57 34 64 32 Indices Cephalic 76.2 Relative sitting height 48 . 2 Fronto-parietal 79.0 Total facial 93.5 Upper facial 62.0 Nasal 59.6 Ear 50.0 Jugomandibular 78 . 1 Jugofrontal 84.7 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: thickness, double plus. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 612. Plate LXXIX, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Khanaqin. Age: 30; married for 3 years. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: triangles and lines on right wrist. No children. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1727 899 1441 173 147 110 132 110 120 75 61 35 61 42 Indices Cephalic 84.9 Relative sitting height 52 . 0 Fronto-parietal 74.8 Total facial 91.0 Upper facial 56 . 8 Nasal 57.4 Ear 68.7 Jugomandibular 83.3 Jugofrontal 83.3 Hair. — Color: light brown. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. Note: Omitted from averages due to artificial cranial deformation. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 361 No. 613. Plate LXXX, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 23; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 4 living. Tattoo marks: 2 crosses on back of left wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1740 885 1457 189 149 118 147 110 116 75 57 36 57 41 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 78.9 50.8 79. 78. 51. 63.2 71.9 72.2 77.6 .3 .9 .1 Hair.— Color: black. Eye. — Color: very dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: marked over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good . Health. — Good. Some Negro blood. No. 614. Plate LXXX, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Samarra. Age: 25; married for 11 years. 1 dead. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Sons: 1 living, 3 dead. Daughters: Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1654 835 1376 191 136 107 131 100 113 67 56 32 52 35 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 71.2 50.4 78.8 86.3 51.2 57.2 67.3 76.3 81.7 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. 362 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 615. Plate LXXX, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Shatra. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: 3 spots and line on back of right hand; 3 spots on back of left wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1690 861 1402 176 145 115 133 110 116 72 60 35 64 37 Indices Cephalic 82.4 Relative sitting height 50 . 9 Fron to-parietal 79.4 Total facial 87.3 Upper facial 54 . 2 Nasal 58.3 Ear 57.8 Jugomandibular 82 . 7 Jugof rontal 86 . 5 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 616. Plate LXXX, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: 6 spots on back of left hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1640 860 1345 199 152 113 138 113 118 80 62 32 55 37 Indices Cephalic 76 . 4 Relative sitting height 52.4 Fronto-parietal 74.4 Total facial 85.6 Upper facial 58 . 0 Nasal 51.6 Ear 67.3 Jugomandibular 81.9 Jugofrontal 81 . 9 Eye.— Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. 7m: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 363 Musculature.— Good. Health. — Good. No. 617. Plate LXXXI, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 23; unmarried. Brothers: 4 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: spot on each temple. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1741 860 1448 194 142 116 137 108 122 74 54 34 60 37 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 73.2 49.4 81.7 89.1 53.6 63.0 61.6 78.9 84.7 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. NOSE. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 618. Plate LXXXI, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Mosul. Age: 24; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1703 870 1438 184 142 116 132 103 120 74 55 32 60 35 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 77, 51 81 91.0 56.1 58.2 58.4 78.0 87.9 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. M usculature. — Good . Health. — Good. 364 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ No. 619. Plate LXXXI, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Mosul. Age: 25; married for 1 year. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1601 845 1349 172 144 110 137 105 114 71 58 34 52 30 No children. Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fron to-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 83.6 52.7 76.4 83.3 51.7 58.6 57.7 76.7 80.3 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 620. Plate LXXXI, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Basra. Age: 24; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1645 843 1391 169 147 110 121 110 128 85 65 36 69 40 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal . 87.0 . 51.2 . 74.7 .105.8 . 70.2 . 55.4 . 59.4 . 90.9 . 90.9 Eye. — Color: gray brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 1. Bite: marked over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health.— Good. Note: marked facial prognathism. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 365 No. 621. Plate LXXXII, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 26; married for 3 years. No children. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and gazelle and spots on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1765 894 1485 200 155 114 140 113 115 78 60 34 57 33 Indices Cephalic 77.5 Relative sitting height 50 . 6 Fron to-parietal 73 . 6 Total facial 82.2 Upper facial 55.7 Nasal 56.7 Ear 57.9 Jugomandibular 80 . 7 Jugofrontal 81.4 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 622. Plate LXXXII, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 26; married for 3 years. No children. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height. Nasal breadth .' Ear length Ear breadth MM 1747 895 1446 182 143 106 132 103 114 74 66 32 73 34 Indices Cephalic 78.6 Relative sitting height 51.2 Fron to-parietal 74 . 1 Total facial 86.4 Upper facial 56.1 Nasal 48.5 Ear 46.6 Jugomandibular 78.1 Jugofrontal 80.3 EYE. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 623. Plate LXXXII, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 26; unmarried. 366 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: line on right index finger and spot on each temple. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1875 908 1565 192 146 110 143 114 122 76 56 30 61 33 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 76.1 48.4 75.4 85.4 53.1 53.6 54.2 79.7 76.9 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good. Health. — Good. No. 624. Plate LXXXII, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: glove on back of left hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1788 858 1501 196 155 115 142 100 125 77 62 35 65 37 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 79.1 48.0 74.3 88.0 54.2 56.4 56.9 70.4 81.0 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. NOSE. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. No. 625. Plate LXXXIII, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 23; married for 4 years. No children. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 367 Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1747 908 1456 197 158 117 148 113 123 74 60 35 70 43 Indices Cephalic 80.2 Relative sitting height 52 . 0 Fronto-parietal 74. 1 Total facial 83.2 Upper facial 50 . 0 Nasal 58.3 Ear 61.4 Jugomandibular 76.3 Jugofrontal 79.1 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 1. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 626. Plate LXXXIII, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: near Kirkuk. Age: 26; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: long slanting line crossed by 8 short lines on left wrist. Measurements mm Standing height 1780 Sitting height 935 Acromion to sole 1457 Head length 187 Head breadth 145 Minimum frontal diameter . . 116 Bizygomatic maximum 134 Bigonial breadth 110 Total facial height 134 Upper facial height 80 Nasal height 57 Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 68 Ear breadth 40 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. M usculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 627 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Kirkuk. Age: 22; unmarried. Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal . 77.6 . 52.5 . 80.0 .100.0 . 59.6 . 59.6 . 58.7 . 82.1 , 86.6 368 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Brothers: 2 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Sisters: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum ... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1694 888 1404 184 158 116 144 110 130 82 65 37 60 35 Indices Cephalic 85.9 Relative sitting height 52 . 4 Fron to-parietal 73.4 Total facial 90.4 Upper facial 56 . 9 Nasal 56.9 Ear 58.4 Jugomandibular 73 . 8 Jugofrontal 77.9 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Good. No. 628. Plate LXXXIII, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Ad Diwaniya. Age: 28; married twice, 7 and 1 years ago. Sons: 1, 0, living. Daughters: none. Brothers: 1 living, 3 dead. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1750 918 1465 188 147 122 137 116 116 71 46 34 62 34 Indices Cephalic 78.3 Relative sitting height 52 . 4 Fronto-parietal 83.0 Total facial 84.7 Upper facial 51.8 Nasal 74.0 Ear 54.8 Jugomandibular 84.7 Jugofrontal 89 . 1 Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good. Health. — Good. No. 629. Plate LXXXIII, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 25; unmarried. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 369 Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1773 843 1505 191 147 123 138 110 125 74 57 34 68 40 Indices Cephalic 77.0 Relative sitting height 47 . 5 Fronto-parietal 83.7 Total facial 90.6 Upper facial 53 . 6 Nasal 59.6 Ear 58.8 Jugomandibular . .' 79 . 7 Jugofrontal 89 . 1 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: depressed. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 630 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 30; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1805 910 1531 191 142 110 134 104 123 77 64 33 67 36 Indices Cephalic 74.4 Relative sitting height 50 . 4 Fronto-parietal 77. 5 Total facial 91.9 Upper facial 57 . 4 Nasal 51.6 Ear 53.7 Jugomandibular 77.7 Jugofrontal 82.1 Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: thickness, double plus. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. M USCULATURE. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 631 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 30; married for 5 years. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: spot on back of right wrist. Sons: none. Daughters: 2 living. 370 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1636 808 1350 186 141 122 132 106 142 73 50 34 64 33 Indices Cephalic 75.8 Relative sitting height. . ... 49.4 Fronto-parietal 86 . 5 Total facial 107.5 Upper facial 55 . 3 Nasal 51.6 Ear 51.5 Jugomandibular 80 . 9 Jugofrontal 93 . 1 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 1. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 632. Plate LXXXIV, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: near Kirkuk. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 6 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1730 908 1427 176 141 110 128 96 113 80 55 34 61 44 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 80.1 52.4 77.0 88.4 61. 61. 72. 75.0 85.9 .7 .8 .2 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 633. Plate LXXXIV, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 4 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and circle of spots on each temple. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 371 Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum. . . . Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1650 858 1480 186 142 113 130 106 122 73 60 38 63 42 Indices Cephalic 76 Relative sitting height 52 Fronto-parietal 79 Total facial 93 Upper facial 56 . 2 Nasal 63.4 Ear 66.6 Jugomandibular . . 81.5 Jugofrontal 86 . 9 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. M usculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 634. Plate LXXXIV, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: near Ramadi. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1724 896 1410 188 136 115 131 101 134 74 64 35 65 40 Indices Cephalic 72.3 Relative sitting height 52 . 0 Fronto-parietal 84 . 6 Total facial 102.1 Upper facial 56 . 4 Nasal. .'. 55.7 Ear 61.5 Jugomandibular 77.1 Jugofrontal 87.8 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good. Health.— Good. No. 635 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: line on back of right wrist. Measurements mm Standing height 1733 Sitting height 873 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . 75.0 50.3 372 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1508 184 138 114 136 105 107 73 51 32 68 36 Indices Fronto-parietal 82.6 Total facial 78.7 Upper facial 53 . 6 Nasal 62.7 Ear 52.9 Jugomandibular 77.2 Jugofrontal 83.8 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, minus. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. M USCULATURE. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 636. Plate LXXXIV, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Basra. Age: 30; married for 3 years. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. No children. Measurements mm Standing height 1660 Sitting height 861 Acromion to sole 1378 Head length 180 Head breadth 150 Minimum frontal diameter. . 116 Bizygomatic maximum 141 Bigonial breadth 103 Total facial height 134 Upper facial height 82 Nasal height 66 Nasal breadth 31 Ear length 70 Ear breadth 37 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. Indices Cephalic 83.4 Relative sitting height 52 . 2 Fronto-parietal 77.4 Total facial 95.1 Upper facial 58 . 2 Nasal 47.0 Ear 52.9 Jugomandibular 73 . 1 Jugofrontal 82.3 No. 637. Plate LXXXV, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 30; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. MM Measurements Standing height 1750 Sitting height 877 Indices Cephalic 75 . 5 Relative sitting height 50 . 2 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 373 Measurements Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1490 188 142 113 131 110 120 80 50 30 54 32 Indices Fronto-parietal 79 . 6 Total facial 91.6 Upper facial 61 . 1 Nasal 60.0 Ear 59.3 Jugomandibular 84 . 9 Jugofrontal 86 . 2 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 638. Plate LXXXV, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 30; married twice, 5 and 1 years ago. No children. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1730 909 1441 180 143 113 137 107 122 78 63 40 71 34 Indices Cephalic 79.5 Relative sitting height 52 . 5 Fronto-parietal 79 . 1 Total facial 89.1 Upper facial 55 . 4 Nasal 63.5 Ear 47.9 Jugomandibular 78 . 1 Jugofrontal 82 . 5 Hair. — Color: dark brown and gray. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: thickness, double plus. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. M usculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 639. Plate LXXXV, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Shatra. Age: 24; married for 5 months. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: line on back of right wrist. MM Measurements Standing height 1685 Sitting height 859 Indices Cephalic 78.3 Relative sitting height 51.0 374 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1402 184 144 105 137 105 121 73 55 34 55 30 Indices Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 72.9 88.4 53.3 61.7 54.6 76.7 76.7 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 640 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal Measurements mm Standing height 1698 Sitting height 884 Acromion to sole 1436 Head length 188 Head breadth 143 Minimum frontal diameter. . 113 Bizygomatic maximum 137 Bigonial breadth 104 Total facial height 131 Upper facial height 86 Nasal height 61 Nasal breadth 35 Ear length 64 Ear breadth 32 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 641 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. 71.3 52.1 79.0 95.7 62.7 57.4 50.0 75.9 82.5 MM Measurements Standing height 1766 Sitting height 873 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . 75.0 49.4 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 375 Measurements Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length " Ear breadth 1498 188 141 109 132 102 117 73 53 35 60 36 Indices Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 77.4 88.7 55.4 66.1 60.0 77.3 82.6 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 642. Plate LXXXV, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Shatra. Age: 22; married for several months. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: 2 spots on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1727 858 1460 193 157 127 148 113 126 76 52 35 53 36 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 81.4 49.6 80.9 85.2 51.4 67.4 67.9 76.3 85.8 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 1. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 643. Plate LXXXVI, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1702 Sitting height 859 Acromion to sole 1415 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal 77.5 50.4 84.9 376 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 178 138 117 140 108 116 71 61 30 60 36 Indices Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 82.9 50.6 49.3 60.0 77.1 83.5 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 644. Plate LXXXVI, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Samawa. Age: 24; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1614 820 1342 178 138 104 107 101 106 76 58 32 54 38 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 77.5 50.7 75.3 99.1 71.1 55.2 70.4 94.3 97.1 Hair.— Color: black. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 645. Plate LXXXVI, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Karbala. Age: 25; married for 1 year. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. No children. MM Measurements Standing height 1730 Sitting height 861 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . 77.8 49.8 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 377 Measurements Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1465 180 140 101 127 99 123 76 57 30 60 36 Indices Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 72.1 96.9 59.7 52.6 60.0 77.9 79.6 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. 7ns: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 646. Plate LXXXVI, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Mosul. Age: 22; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: figures 8090 in Arabic on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1668 886 1366 194 152 113 140 117 116 74 57 35 62 32 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 78.4 53.1 74.4 82. 51. 61. 51. 83.6 80.7 .9 .4 .4 .6 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. NOSE. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. M USCULATURE.— Good . Health. — Good. No. 647. Plate LXXXVII, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Shatra. Age: 22; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements MM Standing height 1707 Sitting height 843 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . 74.3 49.4 378 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Indices Fronto-parietal 83 .0 Total facial 100.0 Nasal 76.7 Ear 61.6 Jugomandibular 88.3 Jugofrontal 88.3 Measurements mm Acromion to sole 1434 Head length 190 Head breadth 141 Minimum frontal diameter. . 117 Bizygomatic maximum 113 Bigonial breadth 128 Total facial height 113 Nasal height 73 Nasal breadth 56 Ear length 52 Ear breadth 32 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. NOSE. — Profile: concave. Tip: thickness, triple plus. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 648. Plate LXXXVII, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 15, 1928. Birthplace: Mandali. Age: 30; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1690 843 1403 190 147 115 141 110 132 78 51 35 65 37 Indices Cephalic 77.4 Relative sitting height 49.8 Fronto-parietal 78.3 Total facial 93.6 Upper facial 55.4 Nasal 68.6 Ear 56.9 Jugomandibular 78.0 Jugofrontal 81 . 5 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. NO. 650 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. MM Measurements Standing height 1661 Sitting height 811 Acromion to sole 1345 Head length 189 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial 74.1 48.8 83.6 92.4 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 379 Measurements Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 140 117 132 102 122 80 57 35 64 37 Indices Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 60.6 61.4 57.8 77.3 88.6 Hair. — Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. No. 651. Plate LXXXVII, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Khanaqin. Age: 22; married for 3 years. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1734 832 1450 188 135 105 128 108 111 66 55 36 57 32 Indices Cephalic 71.7 Relative sitting height 48 . 0 Fronto-parietal 77 . 8 Total facial 86.7 Upper facial 51.6 Nasal 65 . 5 Ear 56.2 Jugomandibular 84.4 Jugofrontal 82 . 1 Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. No. 652. Plate LXXXVII, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 25; married for 1 year. Brothers: 4 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height MM 1753 861 1452 185 146 115 137 102 119 74 53 No children. Indices Cephalic 78.9 Relative sitting height 49 . 1 Fronto-parietal 78 . 8 Total facial 86.7 Upper facial 54 . 0 Nasal 64.2 Ear 60.0 Jugomandibular 74.5 Jugofrontal 83.9 380 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 60 Ear breadth 36 Hair. — Form: low waves. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. No. 653. Plate LXXXVIII, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 25; married for 2 years. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Sons: none. Daughters: 1 living. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1716 776 1437 191 146 119 144 105 123 73 50 35 56 30 Indices Cephalic 76.4 Relative sitting height 45 . 3 Fronto-parietal 81.5 Total facial 85.5 Upper facial 50 . 7 Nasal 70.0 Ear 53.6 Jugomandibular 72 . 9 Jugofrontal 82 . 6 Hair. — Color: black. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. NOSE. — Profile: convex. Wings: medium. No. 654. Plate LXXXVIII, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Basra. Age: 21; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: line on back of right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1690 739 1423 178 137 106 128 102 120 68 48 30 60 35 Indices Cephalic 77.0 Relative sitting height 43 . 6 Fronto-parietal 77.4 Total facial 93.9 Upper facial 53.2 Nasal 62.5 Ear 58.4 Jugomandibular 79 . 7 Jugofrontal 82.8 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 381 No. 655. Plate LXXXVIII, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Sulaimaniya. Age: 20; married for 1 year. No children. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1722 865 1415 176 157 117 140 111 125 73 61 41 70 41 Indices Cephalic 88.7 Relative sitting height 50 . 3 Fronto-parietal 74.5 Total facial 89.4 Upper facial 52 . 1 Nasal 67.2 Ear 58.6 Jugomandibular 79 . 3 Jugofrontal 83 . 6 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: convex. Wings: flaring. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature.— Excellent. No. 656. Plate LXXXVIII, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Mosul. Age: 20; married for 3 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: none. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and circle with 8 rays on back of right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1682 761 1405 192 145 113 134 107 120 72 51 31 55 36 Indices Cephalic 75.5 Relative sitting height 45.2 Fronto-parietal 78 . 0 Total facial 89.6 Upper facial 53 . 7 Nasal 60.8 Ear 65.6 Jugomandibular 79 . 9 Jugofrontal 84 . 3 1,2 No. 657. Plate LXXXIX, Figs. Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 20; married for 1 year. No children. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and animal on inside of right forearm. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1715 Cephalic 78.2 Sitting height 857 Relative sitting height 50.0 Acromion to sole 1478 Fronto-parietal 76 . 8 382 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Indices Totalfacial 89.6 Upper facial 53.7 Nasal 64.3 Ear 64.3 Jugomandibular 79 . 1 Jugofrontal 84 .3 Measurements mm Head length 188 Head breadth 147 Minimum frontal diameter. . 113 Bizygomatic maximum 134 Bigonial breadth 106 Total facial height 120 Upper facial height 72 Nasal height 56 Nasal breadth 36 Ear length 56 Ear breadth 36 No. 658. Plate LXXXIX, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: near Kut al Imara. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: his name and figures 7030 on inside of right forearm. Indices Cephalic 75.2 Relative sitting height 48.1 Fronto-parietal 81.0 Totalfacial 95.5 Upper facial 58.7 Nasal 55.4 Ear 60.7 Jugomandibular 74.0 Jugofrontal 84.7 Measurements mm Standing height 1750 Sitting height 841 Acromion to sole 1450 Head length 182 Head breadth 137 Minimum frontal diameter. . Ill Bizygomatic maximum 131 Bigonial breadth 97 Total facial height 125 Upper facial height 77 Nasal height 56 Nasal breadth 31 Ear length 61 Ear breadth 37 No. 659. Plate LXXXIX, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 20; married for 1 year. No children. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: his name and figures 6424 on inside of left forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1731 854 1436 197 151 118 137 104 132 81 60 37 60 38 Indices Cephalic 76 . 6 Relative sitting height 49.4 Fronto-parietal 78 . 2 Totalfacial 96.4 Upper facial 58.4 Nasal 61.7 Ear 63.4 Jugomandibular 75.9 Jugofrontal 86 . 1 No. 660. Plate LXXXIX, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 21; unmarried. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 383 Brothers: 4 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1741 Sitting height 791 Acromion to sole 1443 Head length 181 Head breadth 140 Minimum frontal diameter . . 115 Bizygomatic maximum ...... 131 Bigonial breadth 98 Total facial height 110 Upper facial height 65 Nasal height 46 Nasal breadth 32 Ear length 60 Ear breadth 34 Indices Cephalic 77.4 Relative sitting height 46 . 5 Fronto-parietal 82 . 2 Total facial 84.0 Upper facial 49 . 6 Nasal 69.6 Ear 56.7 Jugomandibular 74 . 8 Jugofrontal 87.8 No. 661. Plate XC, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 22; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: 3 spots on back of right hand; spot on each temple. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1860 865 1576 178 147 119 137 98 117 73 57 31 64 36 Indices Cephalic 82.6 Relative sitting height 46 . 5 Fronto-parietal 81.0 Total facial 85.4 Upper facial 53 . 2 Nasal 54.4 Ear...! 56.3 Jugomandibular 71.5 Jugofrontal 86 . 9 Extreme height, very large hands, and feet of abnormal size suggest unbalanced metabolism caused by irregular functioning of endocrine glands. No. 662. Plate XC, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 24; married for 3 years. Brothers: none. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: large spot on each temple. No children. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum ... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height mm Indices 1676 Cephalic 78.6 788 Relative sitting height 47.0 1400 Fronto-parietal 77.0 187 Total facial 83.4 148 Upper facial 49.3 114 Nasal 80.0 138 Ear 61.5 106 Jugomandibular 76 . 8 115 Jugofrontal 82.6 68 384 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Nasal height 50 Nasal breadth 40 Ear length 52 Ear breadth 32 No. 663. Plate XC, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and spots on temple. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1706 784 1405 182 144 117 135 103 117 71 50 31 55 31 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fron to-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 79.2 45.9 81.3 86.7 52.6 62.0 56.4 76.3 86.6 No. 664. Plate XC, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 22; unmarried. Brothers: 4 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: spot on back of right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1675 769 1390 188 148 110 132 118 74 52 41 68 41 Indices Cephalic 78.8 Relative sitting height 44 . 0 Fronto-parietal 74.4 Total facial 89.4 Upper facial 56 . 1 Nasal 78.8 Ear 60.3 Jugofrontal 83 . 4 No. 665. Plate XCI, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 22; unmarried. Brothers: 4 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: gazelle and selugi on inside of right forearm. MM Measurements Standing height 1734 Sitting height 825 Acromion to sole 1470 Indices Cephalic 76.2 Relative sitting height 47 . 6 Fronto-parietal 76.7 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 385 Measurements Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 185 141 108 130 110 113 71 48 32 57 31 Indices Total facial 86.9 Upper facial 54 . 6 Nasal 66.8 Ear 54.4 Jugomandibular 84 . 6 Jugofrontal 83 . 1 Right ear: length 46, breadth 29, due to part having been cut off. No. 666. Plate XCI, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: west of Mosul. Age: 20; married for 8 months. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: "Ghasim Sinjar" and figures 8242 on inside of right forearm. Measurements mm Standing height 1741 Sitting height 810 Acromion to sole 1453 Head length 186 Head breadth 140 Minimum frontal diameter. . 119 Bizygomatic maximum 137 Bigonial breadth 110 Total facial height 114 Upper facial height 70 Nasal height 52 Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 54 Ear breadth 31 Indices Cephalic 75.3 Relative sitting height ..... 46 . 5 Fronto-parietal 85 . 0 Total facial 83.2 Upper facial 51 . 1 Nasal 65.3 Ear 57.4 Jugomandibular 80 . 3 Jugofrontal 86 . 9 No. 667. Plate XCI, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 25; married three times, 6, 4, and 1 years ago. Daughters: 1, 0, 0, living. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: line on back of right wrist; also spots on each temple. Sons: 0, 1, 0, dead. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1632 845 1425 194 146 110 136 102 124 76 52 39 60 34 Indices Cephalic 75.3 Relative sitting height 51.8 Fronto-parietal 75 . 3 Total facial 91.2 Upper facial 55 . 8 Nasal 75.0 Ear 56.7 Jugomandibular 75 . 9 Jugofrontal 80.9 386 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ No. 668. Plate XCI, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 21; married for 5 years. Brothers: 3 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1665 826 1359 184 144 106 128 98 110 66 46 33 50 31 Indices Cephalic 78.2 Relative sitting height 49 . 6 Fronto-parietal 73.6 Total facial 86.0 Upper facial 51.6 Nasal 71.7 Ear 62.0 Jugomandibular 76 . 5 Jugofrontal 84 . 4 No. 669. Plate XCII, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 4 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: line on back of right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1786 897 1466 187 142 113 135 111 120 74 51 37 60 34 Indices Cephalic 76.0 Relative sitting height 50 . 2 Fronto-parietal 79 . 6 Total facial 88.9 Upper facial 54 . 7 Nasal 72.6 Ear 56.6 Jugomandibular 82 . 2 Jugofrontal 83.7 No. 670. Plate XCII, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: An Najaf. Age: 19; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 3 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1756 Sitting height 815 Acromion to sole 1455 Head length 192 Head breadth 148 Minimum frontal diameter. . 115 Bizygomatic maximum 137 Bigonial breadth Ill Indices Cephalic 77.2 Relative sitting height 46 . 4 Fronto-parietal 77.7 Total facial 83.9 Upper facial 47 . 4 Nasal 70.0 Ear 57.8 Jugomandibular 81.0 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 387 Measurements mm Total facial height 115 Upper facial height 65 Nasal height 50 Nasal breadth 35 Ear length 64 Ear breadth 37 Indices Jugofrontal 83.9 No. 671. Plate XCII, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living, 1 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1829 844 1540 192 138 112 133 98 122 74 58 30 70 37 Indices Cephalic 71.9 Relative sitting height 46 . 2 Fronto-parietal 81.2 Total facial 91.8 Upper facial 55 . 6 Nasal 51.7 Ear 52.8 Jugomandibular 73 . 7 Jugofrontal 84 . 2 No. 672. Plate XCII, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Mosul. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: sun on back of right hand; bird carrying letter on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1644 782 1434 180 146 107 130 108 117 76 57 30 55 33 Indices Cephalic 81.2 Relative sitting height 47 . 5 Fronto-parietal 73.3 Total facial 90.0 Upper facial 58 . 5 Nasal 52.7 Ear 60.0 Jugomandibular 83 . 1 Jugofrontal 82.3 No. 673. Plate XCIII, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Kut al Imara. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: gazelle and two spots on inside of right forearm. 388 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Standing height 1802 Sitting height 860 Acromion to sole 1478 Head length 182 Head breadth 145 Minimum frontal diameter. . 110 Bizygomatic maximum 129 Bigonial breadth 108 Total facial height 120 Upper facial height 73 Nasal height 54 Nasal breadth 30 Ear length 57 Ear breadth 34 Indices Cephalic 79.7 Relative sitting height 47.7 Fron to-parietal 75 . 9 Total facial 93.1 Upper facial 56 . 6 Nasal 55.6 Ear 59.7 Jugomandibular 83.7 Jugof rontal 85 . 2 No. 674. Plate XCIII, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: near Ba'quba. Age: 21; married for 1 year. Brothers: 5 living. Sisters: 1 living, 5 dead. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. No children. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1772 907 1477 194 144 111 138 124 122 66 51 31 66 40 Indices Cephalic 74.3 Relative sitting height 51.1 Fronto-parietal 77 . 1 Total facial 88.5 Upper facial 47 . 8 Nasal 60.7 Ear 60.7 Jugomandibular 89 . 9 Jugofrontal 80 . 5 No. 675. Plate XCIII, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living, 3 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1600 773 1424 192 138 106 128 100 116 75 55 34 54 33 Indices Cephalic 71.9 Relative sitting height 48.4 Fronto-parietal 76.7 Total facial 90.6 Upper facial 58.6 Nasal 61.8 Ear 61.1 Jugomandibular 78 . 2 Jugofrontal 82.8 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 389 No. 676. Plate XCIII, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 24; married for 2 years. Sons: none. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: spot on glabella and spot on each temple. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1690 775 1406 176 142 110 133 101 122 72 51 32 60 37 Indices Cephalic 80.6 Relative sitting height 46 . 8 Fronto-parietal 77 . 5 Total facial 91.8 Upper facial 54 . 1 Nasal 62.7 Ear 61.6 Jugomandibular 75.9 Jugofrontal 82.7 No. 677. Plate XCIV, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 20; married for 6 years. Sons: 2 living. Brothers: 10 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: none. Daughters: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1802 885 1511 168 139 110 131 109 115 72 50 32 53 34 Indices Cephalic 82.8 Relative sitting height 49 . 0 Fronto-parietal 79 .2 Total facial 87.9 Upper facial 55 . 0 Nasal 64.0 Ear 64.2 Jugomandibular 83 . 2 Jugofrontal 84 . 0 No. 678. Plate XCIV, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: spot below thumb on back of right hand. Measurements mm Standing height 1735 Sitting height 822 Acromion to sole 1448 Head length 182 Head breadth 147 Minimum frontal diameter. . 113 Bizygomatic maximum 136 Bigonial breadth Ill Indices Cephalic 80.7 Relative sitting height 47 . 4 Fronto-parietal 76 . 9 Total facial 89.1 Upper facial 55 . 8 Nasal 53.4 Ear 54.0 Jugomandibular 81.6 390 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Total facial height 121 Upper facial height 76 Nasal height 60 Nasal breadth 32 Ear length 63 Ear breadth 34 Indices Jugofrontal 83.0 No. 679. Plate XCIV, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 21; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1801 909 1505 180 150 120 140 114 117 70 60 36 53 36 Indices Cephalic 83.4 Relative sitting height 50 . 4 Fronto-parietal 80.0 Total facial 83.6 Upper facial 50.0 Nasal 60.0 Ear 67.9 Jugomandibular 81.4 Jugofrontal 85.7 No. 680. Plate XCIV, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Kut al Imara. Age: 21; unmarried. Brothers: 2 dead. Sisters: 3 dead. Tattoo marks: 2 spots and cross on right hand below base of third finger. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1747 798 1447 184 144 109 134 106 129 78 55 36 65 42 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 78.3 45.6 75.7 96.4 58.2 65.5 64.7 79.1 81.4 No. 681. Plate XCV, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 5 living. Sisters: 6 living. Tattoo marks: elaborate glove on back of right hand. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 391 Measurements mm Standing height 1822 Sitting height 836 Acromion to sole 1555 Head length 187 Head breadth 149 Minimum frontal diameter. . 116 Bizygomatic maximum 142 Bigonial breadth 113 Total facial height 120 Upper facial height 72 Nasal height 57 Nasal breadth 31 Ear length 63 Ear breadth 37 Indices Cephalic 79 . 7 Relative sitting height 46.0 Fronto-parietal 77 .9 Total facial 84.6 Upper facial 50 . 7 Nasal 54 . 4 Ear 58.7 Jugomandibular 79 . 6 Jugofrontal 81.7 No. 682. Plate XCV, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: near Ba'quba. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: cross on inside of left forearm and gazelle on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1690 821 1395 192 145 117 133 104 120 72 57 30 63 46 Indices Cephalic 75 . 5 Relative sitting height 48 . 5 Fronto-parietal 80.7 Total facial 90.4 Upper facial 54 . 1 Nasal 52.6 Ear 73.0 Jugomandibular 78 . 2 Jugofrontal 88.0 No. 683. Plate XCV, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Basra. Age: 23; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1786 779 1400 182 157 115 134 110 108 66 57 33 66 40 Indices Cephalic 86.4 Relative sitting height 43 . 6 Fronto-parietal 73 .3 Total facial 80.6 Upper facial 49.3 Nasal 58.0 Ear 60.6 Jugomandibular 82 . 1 Jugofrontal 85 . 8 Hair. — Form: curly frizzly. Texture: medium. Quantity: head, plus; beard, minus; body, plus. 392 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ No. 684. Plate XCV, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: Ba'quba. Age: 30; married for 10 years. Sons: 2 living. Daughters: none. Brothers: 1 living, 5 dead. Sisters: 5 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1701 855 1410 188 145 115 128 103 117 75 60 37 66 41 Indices Cephalic 77.1 Relative sitting height 50 . 2 Fronto-parietal 79.4 Total facial 91.8 Upper facial 58 . 6 Nasal 61.7 Ear 62.1 Jugomandibular 80 . 5 Jugofrontal 89.8 Hair. — Form: low waves, average. Texture: fine. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, average; body, No. 685. Plate XCVI, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 16, 1928. Birthplace: near Ba'quba. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Age: 25; unmarried. Sisters: 1 living. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1691 832 1332 184 136 111 133 106 127 74 60 37 67 38 Indices Cephalic 74. Relative sitting height 49 , Fronto-parietal 81 . Total facial 95. Upper facial 55 , Nasal 61 Ear 56 Jugomandibular 79. Jugofrontal 83 . 5 No. 686. Plate XCVI, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Baghdad. Age: 26; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1720 Sitting height 809 Acromion to sole 1445 Head length 176 Head breadth 147 Minimum frontal diameter. . 115 Indices Cephalic 83.5 Relative sitting height 47 . 0 Fronto-parietal 78.3 Total facial 94.9 Upper facial 58 . 1 Nasal 49.8 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 393 Measurements mm Bizygomatic maximum 134 Bigonial breadth 106 Total facial height 127 Upper facial height 78 Nasal height 62 Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 57 Ear breadth 38 Indices Ear 66.7 Jugomandibular 79 . 1 Jugofrontal 85 . 8 No. 687. Plate XCVI, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Ad Diwaniya. Age: 21; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand, gazelle on inside of right forearm, and spot on nasal tip. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1645 812 1361 185 138 104 126 95 118 74 58 32 61 37 Indices Cephalic 74.6 Relative sitting height 49 . 4 Fronto-parietal 75 . 4 Total facial 93.7 Upper facial 58 . 7 Nasal 55.2 Ear 60.7 Jugomandibular 75.4 Jugofrontal 82 . 5 Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. No. 688. Plate XCVI, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Mosul. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 4 dead. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: line and 4 spots on back of right wrist and spots on each temple. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1853 806 1544 188 144 113 133 102 139 84 70 37 64 42 Indices Cephalic 76 . 7 Relative sitting height 43 . 5 Fronto-parietal 78.5 Total facial 104.5 Upper facial 63 . 2 Nasal 52.8 Ear 65.6 Jugomandibular 76.7 Jugofrontal 85 . 0 No. 689. Plate XCVII, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Samawa. Age: 20; married for 6 months. 394 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living, 2 dead. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements mm Standing height 1804 Sitting height 789 Acromion to sole 1530 Head length 177 Head breadth 144 Minimum frontal diameter. . 118 Bizygomatic maximum 135 Bigonial breadth 92 Total facial height 119 Upper facial height 71 Nasal height 57 Nasal breadth 32 Ear length 60 Ear breadth 36 Indices Cephalic 81.4 Relative sitting height 43 . 7 Fronto-parietal 82.0 Total facial 88.3 Upper facial 52 . 6 Nasal 56.2 Ear 60.0 Jugomandibular 68.2 Jugofrontal 87.4 No. 690. Plate XCVII, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 23; married for 2 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: none. Brothers: 1 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1735 828 1445 194 148 108 133 105 124 74 62 34 58 37 Indices Cephalic 76.3 Relative sitting height 47 . 7 Fronto-parietal 73.0 Total facial 93.2 Upper facial 55 . 6 Nasal 54.7 Ear 63.8 Jugomandibular 78 . 9 Jugofrontal 81.2 No. 691. Plate XCVII, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Baghdad. Age: 20; married for 1 year. Brothers: 4 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height MM 1711 772 1430 188 128 106 123 100 123 72 58 Indices Cephalic 68.1 Relative sitting height 45 . 1 Fronto-parietal 82.9 Total facial 100.0 Upper facial 58. 5 Nasal 58.6 Ear 61.2 Jugomandibular 81.3 Jugofrontal 86 . 2 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 395 Measurements mm Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 54 Ear breadth 33 Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. No. 692. Plate XCVII, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1700 741 1415 191 138 106 122 98 114 67 55 33 54 35 Indices Cephalic 72.2 Relative sitting height 43 . 6 Fronto-parietal 76 . 8 Total facial 93.5 Upper facial 54 . 9 Nasal 60.0 Ear 64.8 Jugomandibular 80 . 3 Jugofrontal 86 . 9 No. 693. Plate XCVIII, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 22; unmarried. Brothers: 4 dead. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1670 812 1377 184 145 105 132 102 115 73 58 37 60 40 Indices Cephalic 78.8 Relative sitting height 48 . 6 Fronto-parietal 72.5 Total facial 87.2 Upper facial 55 . 2 Nasal 63.8 Ear 66.7 Jugomandibular 77.3 Jugofrontal 79 . 5 No. 694. Plate XCVIII, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: none. mm Measurements Standing height 1692 Sitting height 781 Acromion to sole 1394 Indices Cephalic 73.4 Relative sitting height 45 . 1 Fronto-parietal 75.7 396 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Head length 191 Head breadth 140 Minimum frontal diameter. . 106 Bizygomatic maximum 125 Bigonial breadth 99 Total facial height 108 Upper facial height 70 Nasal height 60 Nasal breadth 30 Ear length 52 Ear breadth 36 Indices Total facial 86.5 Upper facial 56.0 Nasal 50.0 Ear 69.3 Jugomandibular 79 . 2 Jugofrontal 84.8 No. 695. Plate XCVIII, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 20; married twice, 4 and 1 years ago. Daughters: none. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: none. Sons: 1, 0, living. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1790 920 1474 189 151 115 138 110 120 74 65 32 55 36 Indices Cephalic 79.9 Relative sitting height 51.4 Fronto-parietal 76.2 Total facial 87.0 Upper facial 53 . 6 Nasal 49.3 Ear 65.4 Jugomandibular 79 . 7 Jugofrontal 83.4 No. 696. Plate XCVIII, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 30; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 2 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: spots on back of right hand and single spot on each temple. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1760 807 1465 186 140 114 135 102 113 67 58 34 56 38 Indices Cephalic 75.3 Relative sitting height 45 . 8 Fronto-parietal 81 . 5 Total facial 83.7 Upper facial 49.6 Nasal 58.6 Ear 67.9 Jugomandibular 75 . 6 Jugofrontal 84 . 5 No. 697. Plate XCIX, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Baghdad. Age: 22; unmarried. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 397 Brothers: 4 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1745 Sitting height 910 Acromion to sole 1426 Head length 186 Head breadth 141 Minimum frontal diameter. . 113 Bizygomatic maximum 135 Bigonial breadth 120 Total facial height 122 Upper facial height 76 Nasal height 57 Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 66 Ear breadth 40 Indices Cephalic 75.8 Relative sitting height 52 . 0 Fronto-parietal 80.2 Total facial 90.4 Upper facial 56 . 3 Nasal 59.7 Ear 60.6 Jugomandibular 88 . 9 Jugofrontal 83.7 No. 698. Plate XCIX, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 21; married twice, 2 and Daughters: none. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living, 2 dead. Tattoo marks: 2 spots on back of right wrist. 4 years ago. Sons: 1, 1, living. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1750 859 1442 181 145 117 138 114 130 74 55 37 65 43 Indices Cephalic 80.2 Relative sitting height 49 . 0 Fronto-parietal 80.7 Total facial 94.2 Upper facial 53 . 6 Nasal 67.3 Ear 66.3 Jugomandibular 82 . 6 Jugofrontal ... 84.8 No. 699. Plate XCIX, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Race: Sudanese Negro. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height MM 1658 816 1360 187 146 113 135 116 113 75 56 Indices Cephalic 78.1 Relative sitting height 49 . 2 Fronto-parietal 77.4 Total facial 83.7 Upper facial 55 . 6 Nasal 64 . 3 Ear 74.5 Jugomandibular 86.0 Jugofrontal 83.7 398 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Nasal breadth 36 Ear length 51 Ear breadth 38 Negro; therefore, not included in statistics. No. 700. Plate XCIX, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 17; married for 2 years. No children. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: cross enclosed by circle on back of left hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1745 795 1466 185 140 118 135 111 123 62 53 33 65 39 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 75.7 45.5 84.3 91.2 45.9 62.3 60.0 82.3 87.4 No. 701. Plate C, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Ba'quba. Age: 30; married for 7 years. Sons: 1 dead. Daughters: none. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1758 852 1470 188 147 113 138 108 120 78 63 30 55 37 Indices Cephalic 78.4 Relative sitting height 48 . 5 Fronto-parietal 76 . 9 Total facial 87.0 Upper facial 56 . 5 Nasal 47.6 Ear 67.3 Jugomandibular 78 . 2 Jugofrontal 81.9 No. 702 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Baghdad. Age: 18; married for 3 years. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 1 dead. Measurements mm Standing height 1694 Sitting height 790 Acromion to sole 1390 Indices Cephalic 77.7 Relative sitting height 46 . 6 Fronto-parietal 74.0 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 399 Measurements mm Head length 188 Head breadth 146 Minimum frontal diameter . . 108 Bizygomatic maximum 138 Bigonial breadth 105 Total facial height 127 Upper facial height 80 Nasal height 63 Nasal breadth 38 Ear length 56 Ear breadth 38 Indices Total facial 92.0 Upper facial 58 . 0 Nasal 60.3 Ear 67.8 Jugomandibular 76 . 1 Jugofrontal 78.3 No. 703. Plate C, Figs. 3, 4 Date: June 17, 1928. Place: Hilla Army Camp. Birthplace: Amara. Age: 26; married for 5 years Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Sons: none. Daughters: 1 living. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth .... Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1790 835 1526 181 143 103 133 101 122 76 53 30 57 41 Indices Cephalic 79.1 Relative sitting height 46 . 6 Fronto-parietal 72 . 1 Total facial 91.7 Upper facial 57 . 1 Nasal 56.6 Ear 72.0 Jugomandibular 75 . 9 Jugofrontal 77 . 5 No. 704. Plate C, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Shatra. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 7 living. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and spot at nasion. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1751 790 1471 193 145 114 136 104 127 80 64 30 63 40 Indices Cephalic 75.1 Relative sitting height 45 . 0 Fronto-parietal 78.6 Total facial 93.5 Upper facial 58.7 Nasal 46.9 Ear 63.5 Jugomandibular 76.5 Jugofrontal 83.8 No. 705. Plate C, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Sulaimaniya. Age: 25; unmarried. 400 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 3 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1666 Sitting height 802 Acromion to sole 1361 Head length 183 Head breadth 150 Minimum frontal diameter. . 114 Bizygomatic maximum 141 Bigonial breadth 130 Total facial height 123 Upper facial height 77 Nasal height 56 Nasal breadth 30 Ear length 62 Ear breadth 36 Indices Cephalic 82.0 Relative sitting height 48. 1 Fronto-parietal 76.0 Total facial 87.3 Upper facial 54.6 Nasal 53.6 Ear 58.1 Jugomandibular 92.2 Jugofrontal 80.8 No. 706. Plate CI, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Baghdad. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand and gazelle on inside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length * Ear breadth MM 1761 816 1476 184 140 107 128 106 114 72 61 30 68 41 Indices Cephalic 76.1 Relative sitting height 46.4 Fronto-parietal 76.4 Total facial 89.1 Upper facial 56.2 Nasal 49.2 Ear 60.3 Jugomandibular 82.8 Jugofrontal 83 . 6 No. 707. Plate CI, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Ba'quba. Age: 30; married twice, 8 years and 6 months ago. Sons: 2 living. Daughters: none. Brothers: 4 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height MM 1731 809 1430 190 141 113 138 106 132 81 73 Indices Cephalic 74.2 Relative sitting height 46.7 Fronto-parietal 80.2 Total facial 95.7 Upper facial 58.0 Nasal 43.8 Ear 58.6 Jugomandibular 76.8 Jugofrontal 81 .9 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA Measurements mm Nasal breadth 32 Ear length . 58 Ear breadth 34 401 No. 708. Plate CI, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Baghdad. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1676 860 1360 193 138 109 131 98 135 84 62 35 64 39 Indices Cephalic 71 . 5 Relative sitting height 51 . 3 Fronto-parietal 79.0 Total facial 103.1 Upper facial 64 . 1 Nasal 56 . 5 Ear 61.0 Jugomandibular 74 . 8 Jugofrontal 83.2 No. 709. Plate CI, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Baghdad. Age: 29; married for 4 years. Brothers: 1 living, 5 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1748 880 1445 178 148 110 134 107 122 75 57 34 54 35 Indices Cephalic 83.2 Relative sitting height 50 . 4 Fronto-parietal 74.3 Total facial 91.1 Upper facial 53 . 9 Nasal 59.6 Ear 64.9 Jugomandibular 79 . 8 Jugofrontal 82 . 1 No. 710. Plate CII, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Baghdad. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living. Tattoo marks: girl in red and blue tattooed on inside of right forearm. mm Measurements Standing height 1672 Sitting height 846 Acromion to sole 1377 Indices Cephalic 76.3 Relative sitting height 50.6 Fronto-parietal 81 .2 402 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Indices Total facial 88.4 Upper facial 51 .4 Nasal 68.0 Ear 60.0 Jugomandibular 79 . 4 Jugofrontal 85.3 Measurements mm Head length 186 Head breadth 142 Minimum frontal diameter. . 116 Bizygomatic maximum 136 Bigonial breadth 108 Total facial height 120 Upper facial height 70 Nasal height 53 Nasal breadth 36 Ear length 50 Ear breadth 30 No. 711. Plate CII, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Baghdad. Age: 45; married for 25 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1687 895 1403 190 146 113 128 107 124 76 50 38 71 37 Indices Cephalic 76.9 Relative sitting height 53.0 Fronto-parietal 77.4 Total facial 96.9 Upper facial 59 . 4 Nasal 76.0 Ear 53.5 Jugomandibular 83.6 Jugofrontal 88.3 No. 712. Plate CII, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Baghdad. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: on right arm, two hands joined, girl's head, Turkish armored car; on left arm, armored car and nude woman. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1736 875 1460 192 143 121 140 114 124 65 55 37 65 40 Indices Cephalic 74.5 Relative sitting height 50.4 Fronto-parietal 84.6 Total facial 88.6 Upper facial 46 . 5 Nasal 67.3 Ear 61.5 Jugomandibular 81 . 4 Jugofrontal 86 . 4 No. 713. Plate CII, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Baghdad. Age: 27; unmarried. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 403 Brothers: 3 living, 7 dead. Sisters: 3 living, 2 dead. Tattoo marks: spot on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1701 907 1440 178 145 111 128 108 121 70 50 31 52 31 Indices Cephalic 81.5 Relative sitting height 53.3 Fronto-parietal 76.6 Total facial 94.6 Upper facial 54 . 8 Nasal 62.0 Ear 59.6 Jugomandibular 84.4 Jugof rontal 85 . 7 No. 714. Plate CIII, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Mosul. Age: 22; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 2 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: large spot on outside of right forearm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1673 857 1380 183 149 111 138 107 115 76 56 36 57 32 Indices Cephalic 81.5 Relative sitting height 51.2 Fronto-parietal 74.5 Total facial 83.4 Upper facial 55.1 Nasal 64.3 Ear 56.2 Jugomandibular 77 . 5 Jugofrontal 80 . 5 No. 715. Plate CIII, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 2 living, 2 dead. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth MM 1765 895 1471 183 152 116 142 110 127 76 50 33 Indices Cephalic 83.1 Relative sitting height 50 . 7 Fronto-parietal 76.4 Total facial 89.4 Upper facial 53 . 1 Nasal 66.0 Ear 56.9 Jugomandibular 77 . 5 Jugofrontal 81.7 -104 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Ear length 58 Ear breadth 33 No. 716. Plate CIII, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Baghdad. Age: 22; married for 3 years. Brothers: 3 living, 4 dead. Sisters: 3 living. Tattoo marks: none. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: none. Measurements Standing height. . Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1731 866 1405 175 144 118 131 104 118 66 52 31 52 34 Indices Cephalic 82.3 Relative sitting height 50 . 1 Fronto-parietal 82.0 Total facial 90.1 Upper facial 50.4 Nasal 59.6 Ear 65.4 Jugomandibular 79 . 4 Jugofrontal 90 . 1 No. 717. Plate CIII, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Baghdad. Age: 33; married for 2 years. No children. Brothers: 3 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 3 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1727 876 1431 185 144 114 131 108 127 66 55 36 55 38 Indices Cephalic 77.9 Relative sitting height 50 . 7 Fronto-parietal 79.2 Total facial 97.0 Upper facial 50 . 4 Nasal 65 . 4 Ear 69.1 Jugomandibular 82.4 Jugofrontal 87.0 No. 718. Plate CIV, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Baghdad. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living, 7 dead. Sisters: 1 living, 3 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1773 Sitting height 895 Acromion to sole 1444 Head length 197 Indices Cephalic 75.1 Relative sitting height 50 . 4 Fronto-parietal 81 .2 Total facial 88.5 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 405 Measurements mm Head breadth 148 Minimum frontal diameter . . 120 Bizygomatic maximum 138 Bigonial breadth 115 Total facial height 114 Upper facial height 68 Nasal breadth 44 Ear length 60 Ear breadth 40 Indices Upper facial 49 . 3 Ear 66.6 Jugomandibular 83 . 3 Jugofrontal 87.0 No. 719. Plate CIV, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Nasiriya. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 5 dead. Sisters: 3 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1745 Sitting height 796 Acromion to sole 1440 Head length 180 Head breadth 147 Minimum frontal diameter. . 116 Bizygomatic maximum 130 Bigonial breadth 100 Total facial height 122 Upper facial height 77 Nasal height 60 Nasal breadth 40 Ear length 64 Ear breadth 37 Indices Cephalic 81.7 Relative sitting height 45 . 6 Fronto-parietal 79 . 0 Total facial 93.9 Upper facial 59 . 2 Nasal 66.7 Ear 57.8 Jugomandibular 77 . 0 Jugofrontal 89.2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Birthplace: Ba'quba. Age Brothers: 3 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. No. 720. Plate CIV, Figs. 5, 6 Date: June 17, 1928. : 20; unmarried. Sisters: 1 living, 2 dead. Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal Measurements mm Standing height 1641 Sitting height 829 Acromion to sole 1322 Head length 178 Head breadth 143 Minimum frontal diameter. . 116 Bizygomatic maximum 137 Bigonial breadth 110 Total facial height 122 Upper facial height 67 Nasal height 55 Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 55 Ear breadth 36 No. 721. Plate CIV, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Ba'quba. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. 80 50 81 89 48 61.8 63.6 80.3 84.7 406 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Standing height 1676 Sitting height 871 Acromion to sole 1391 Head length 184 Head breadth 145 Minimum frontal diameter . . 109 Bizygomatic maximum 131 Bigonial breadth 114 Total facial height 118 Upper facial height 77 Nasal height 53 Nasal breadth 35 Ear length 61 Ear breadth 32 Indices Cephalic 76.7 Relative sitting height 52 . 0 Fronto-parietal 75.2 Total facial 90.1 Upper facial 58.8 Nasal 66.1 Ear 52.4 Jugomandibular 87.0 Jugofrontal 83 .2 No. 722. Plate CV, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Kirkuk. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 dead. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1816 921 1511 178 146 113 138 105 124 75 53 37 54 42 Indices Cephalic 79.2 Relative sitting height 50 . 8 Fronto-parietal 77.4 Total facial 89.9 Upper facial 54 . 3 Nasal 69.9 Ear 77.8 Jugomandibular 76 . 1 Jugofrontal 81.9 Place: Hilla Army Camp Birthplace: Ba'quba. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 4 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. No. 723. Plate CV, Figs. 3, 4 Date: June 17, 1928. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1651 839 1386 184 143 113 137 100 124 68 54 33 63 34 Indices Cephalic 77.7 Relative sitting height 50.8 Fronto-parietal 79 .0 Total facial 90.6 Upper facial 49 . 6 Nasal 61.1 Ear 54.0 Jugomandibular 72. 5 Jugofrontal 81.9 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 407 No. 724. Plate CV, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Ba'quba. Age: 28; married for 10 years. Sons: 1 living. Brothers: 3 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: designs on inside of upper part of right forearm. Daughters: 1 living. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1611 851 1337 187 148 113 138 108 114 69 44 34 52 37 Indices Cephalic 79.1 Relative sitting height 52 . 7 Fron to-parietal 76 .4 Total facial 84.8 Upper facial 50 . 0 Nasal 77.3 Ear 71.2 Jugomandibular 78.3 Jugofrontal 81.9 No. 725. Plate CV, Figs. 7, 8 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Ba'quba. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 3 living, 1 dead. Sisters: 2 dead. Tattoo marks: 3 spots on back of right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1711 840 1424 194 147 116 138 115 126 80 57 38 57 38 Indices Cephalic 75.7 Relative sitting height 49 . 1 Fron to-parietal 78.9 Total facial 91.4 Upper facial 58 . 0 Nasal 66.7 Ear 66.6 Jugomandibular 83.3 Jugofrontal 84 . 1 No. 726. Plate CVI, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Ba'quba. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1714 Sitting height 873 Acromion to sole 1410 Head length 196 Head breadth 141 Minimum frontal diameter. . 116 Bizygomatic maximum 137 Bigonial breadth 106 Indices Cephalic 72.0 Relative sitting height 50 . 8 Fronto-parietal 82.3 Total facial 99.3 Upper facial 55 . 4 Nasal 55.2 Ear 59.7 Jugomandibular 77.3 408 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Indices Jugofrontal 84.6 Measurements mm Total facial height 136 Upper facial height 76 Nasal height 58 Nasal breadth 32 Ear length 62 Ear breadth 37 No. 727. Plate CVI, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Ba'quba. Age: 35; married for 10 years. Sons: 1 dead. Brothers: 4 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Daughters: 1 dead. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear breadth MM 1774 867 1463 186 138 103 128 107 128 72 63 30 31 Indices Cephalic 74.3 Relative sitting height 48 . 9 Fronto-parietal 74 . 6 Total facial 100.0 Upper facial 56 . 3 Nasal 47.6 Jugomandibular 83 . 6 Jugofrontal 80 . 5 No. 728. Plate CVI, Figs. 5, 6 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 20; married for 1 year. No children. Brothers: 7 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand; name and figures 15815 on left arm. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1726 881 1470 191 144 110 132 106 117 71 55 30 56 30 Indices Cephalic 75.3 Relative sitting height 51.1 Fronto-parietal 76.4 Total facial 88.7 Upper facial 53 . 7 Nasal 54 . 6 Ear 53.6 Jugomandibular 80.3 Jugofrontal 83 . 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Birthplace: Hilla. Age: 22; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living, 2 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: 3 spots on back of right hand No. 729. Plate CVI, Figs. 7, 8 Date: June 17, 1928. MM Measurements Standing height 1700 Sitting height 876 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . 70.3 51.5 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 409 Measurements mm Acromion to sole 1415 Head length 195 Head breadth 137 Minimum frontal diameter . . 108 Bizygomatic maximum 130 Bigonial breadth Ill Total facial height 124 Upper facial height 76 Nasal height 65 Nasal breadth 31 Ear length 57 Ear breadth 41 No. 730. Plate CVII, Figs. 1, 2 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: An Najaf. Age: 21; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living, 3 dead. Sisters: 1 living, 2 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Indices Fronto-parietal 78.9 Total facial 95.5 Upper facial 58 . 5 Nasal 47.7 Ear 71.9 Jugomandibular 85 . 4 Jugofrontal 83 . 1 Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1706 895 1432 179 145 117 134 116 123 76 48 31 58 34 Indices Cephalic 81.0 Relative sitting height 52 . 4 Fronto-parietal 80.7 Total facial 91.8 Upper facial 56 . 7 Nasal 64.6 Ear 58.6 Jugomandibular 86 . 6 Jugofrontal 87.3 No. 731. Plate CVII, Figs. 3, 4 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Mandali. Age: 28; unmarried. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1751 Sitting height 892 Acromion to sole 1460 Head length 202 Head breadth 153 Minimum frontal diameter. . 114 Bizygomatic maximum 136 Bigonial breadth 103 Total facial height 124 Upper facial height 76 Nasal height 58 Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 56 Ear breadth 35 No. 732 Place: Hilla Army Camp. Date: June 17, 1928. Birthplace: Kirkuk. Age: 25; unmarried. Indices Cephalic 75.0 Relative sitting height 51.0 Fronto-parietal 74 . 5 Total facial 91.3 Upper facial 55 . 9 Nasal 58.6 Ear 62.5 Jugomandibular 75.8 Jugofrontal 83.8 410 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Brothers: 5 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1670 Sitting height 850 Acromion to sole 1372 Head length 181 Head breadth 142 Minimum frontal diameter . . 116 Bizygomatic maximum 136 Bigonial breadth 103 Total facial height 118 Upper facial height 72 Nasal height 53 Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 54 Ear breadth 40 Indices Cephalic . 78.5 Relative sitting height 50 . 8 Fronto-parietal 81 .7 Total facial 86.8 Upper facial 52 . 9 Nasal 64.2 Ear 74.1 Jugomandibular 75 . 7 Jugofrontal 85 . 3 BA'IJ BEDUINS No. 300. Plate CVIII, Figs. 1, 2 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 35; married 20 years. Sons: 2 living. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth mm 1640 845 1377 201 147 118 121 110 119 75 66 36 64 38 Indices Cephalic , Relative sitting height Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 73.1 51.5 80.2 98.3 61.9 54.6 59.4 90.9 97.3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 301. Plate CVIII, Figs. 3, 4 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 60; married five times. Sons: 2 living, 5 dead. Daughters: 2 living, 3 dead. Brothers: 4 dead. Sisters: 2 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1775 Cephalic 68.4 Sitting height 861 Relative sitting height 48 . ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 411 Measurements Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1511 190 130 103 123 108 118 77 63 37 60 36 Indices Fronto-parietal 79 . 2 Total facial 95.8 Upper facial 62.6 Nasal 58.7 Ear 60.0 Jugomandibular 87 . 8 Jugofrontal 82.9 Hair. — Quantity: head, average; beard, double plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: bloodshot. 7m: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Wear: plus. Caries: double plus. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Poor. Health. — Poor; extremely thin. No. 302. Plate CVIII, Figs. 5, 6 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 20; married 2 years. Sons: none. Daughters: none. Brothers: 1 living, 3 dead. Sisters: 2 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Lost: 2. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1620 828 1340 181 125 107 124 101 120 72 57 34 63 37 Indices Cephalic 69.0 Relative sitting height 51.1 Fronto-parietal 85 . 6 Total facial 96.7 Upper facial 58 . 1 Nasal 59.6 Ear 58.7 Jugomandibular 81.5 Jugofrontal 86.3 Hair. — Form: curly frizzly. Texture: coarse. Color: reddish brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 303. Plate CVIII, Figs. 7, 8 Date: July 10, 1928. Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: spot on right side of upper lip. 412 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1745 908 1450 198 147 114 135 100 124 71 56 35 65 37 Indices Cephalic 74.2 Relative sitting height 52 . 0 Fronto-parietal 77.5 Total facial 91.8 Upper facial 52 . 6 Nasal 62.5 Ear 56.9 Jugomandibular 74 . 1 Jugofrontal 84 .4 Hair. — Form: deep waves. Texture: medium. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. No. 304. Plate CIX, Figs. 1, 2 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1680 868 1430 196 136 109 134 105 114 73 60 36 61 37 Indices Cephalic 69.3 Relative sitting height 51 . 6 Fronto-parietal 80 . 1 Total facial 85.1 Upper facial 54 .4 Nasal 60.0 Ear 60.6 Jugomandibular 78 . 3 Jugofrontal 81.3 Hair. — Form: deep waves. Texture: coarse. Color: dark brown, plus; beard, double plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Excellent. Quantity: head, double No. 305. Plate CIX, Figs. 3, 4 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 40; married (wife now dead). Sons: none. Daughters: none. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 413 Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1706 823 1450 194 136 107 127 100 116 77 59 31 68 37 Indices Cephalic 70.1 Relative sitting height 48 . 2 Fronto-parietal 78 . 6 Total facial 91.3 Upper facial 60 . 6 Nasal 52.6 Ear 54.4 Jugomandibular 78.7 Jugofrontal 84 . 2 Hair. — Texture: medium. Eye. — Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: elevated. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Wear: double plus. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 306. Plate CIX, Figs. 5, 6 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 30; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1708 868 1430 193 141 115 128 98 118 78 63 36 67 34 Indices Cephalic 73 Relative sitting height 50 Fronto-parietal 81 Total facial 92 Upper facial 60 . 9 Nasal 57.2 Ear 50.7 Jugomandibular 76 . 5 Jugofrontal 89.8 Hair. — Form: curly frizzly. Texture: medium. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, double plus; body, double plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: depressed. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 1. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 307. Plate CIX, Figs. 7, 8 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 74; married 40 years. Sons: 2 living. Daughters: 1 living. 414 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1730 858 1490 190 144 104 128 117 124 76 64 41 73 38 Indices Cephalic 75.7 Relative sitting height 49 . 5 Fronto-parietal 72 .2 Total facial 96.9 Upper facial 59 .3 Nasal 64.0 Ear 52.1 Jugomandibular 91.4 Jugofrontal 81 . 2 Hair. — Color: gray and white. Quantity: head, minus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Tip: thickness, double plus. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bile: slight over. Chest. — Development: average. M usculature. — Average. Health.— Good. No. 308. Plate CX, Figs. 1, 2 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 20; unmarried. Brothers: 2 living. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1680 783 1330 182 140 113 126 100 120 68 52 31 60 38 Indices Cephalic 76.9 Relative sitting height 46.0 Fronto-parietal 80.7 Total facial 95.2 Upper facial 54 . 0 Nasal 54.7 Ear 63.3 Jugomandibular 79 . 3 Jugofrontal 89 . 6 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: coarse. Color: reddish brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, double minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: marked over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good. Health. — Good. No. 309. Plate CX, Figs. 3, 4 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 18; unmarried. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 415 Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1700 848 1430 189 147 106 121 91 114 74 55 34 62 38 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial , Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 77.7 49.8 72.1 94.2 61.1 61.8 61.3 75.2 87.6 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: coarse. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: marked over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 310. Plate CX, Figs. 5, 6 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 25; married 5 years. Sons: none. Daughters: 2 dead. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1690 844 1375 194 143 109 125 96 114 68 54 38 70 41 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height Fronto-parietal Total facial , Upper facial Nasal , Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 73 49 76 91 54 70 58.5 76.8 87.2 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: coarse. Color: black. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: concavo-convex. Tip: thickness, minus. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 311. Plate CX, Figs. 7, 8 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 30; unmarried. 416 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1650 1410 188 137 108 124 100 113 71 55 32 58 34 Indices Cephalic 72.9 Relative sitting height 53 . 8 Fronto-parietal 78.9 Total facial 91.1 Upper facial 57.2 Nasal 58.1 Ear 58.6 Jugomandibular 80 . 6 Jugofrontal 87.0 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: black. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. NOSE. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium-compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: marked over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 312. Plate CXI, Figs. 1, 2 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 25; married 1 year. Sons: none. Daughters: none. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1652 854 1351 193 129 110 126 106 123 77 61 31 65 38 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 66.8 51.6 85.2 97.6 61.1 50.8 58.4 84.1 87.3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: coarse. Color: dark brown. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, plus. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 313. Plate CXI, Figs. 3, 4 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 35; married 20 years. Sons: none. Daughters: 2 living. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 417 Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: gazelle on back of right wrist. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1628 828 1350 200 141 105 116 108 116 77 59 36 61 40 Indices Cephalic 70.5 Relative sitting height 50 . 2 Fronto-parietal 82.3 Total facial 100.0 Upper facial 66 . 3 Nasal 61.0 Ear 65.6 Jugomandibular 93 . 1 Jugofrontal 90 . 5 Hair. — Form: deep waves. Texture: medium. Color: black. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, double plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. NOSE. — Profile: straight. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: double plus. Musculature. — Excellent. Health. — Good. No. 314. Plate CXI, Figs. 5, 6 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 30; married 4 years. Sons: none. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1692 838 1420 198 143 118 133 110 118 74 60 38 58 36 Indices Cephalic 74.1 Relative sitting height 49 . 5 Fronto-parietal 82 . 5 Total facial 88.7 Upper facial 55.6 Nasal 63.3 Ear 62.0 Jugomandibular 82 . 7 Jugofrontal 88.7 Hair. — Form: deep waves. Texture: coarse. Color: black. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: green brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concave. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. 418 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ No. 315. Plate CXI, Figs. 7, 8 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 25; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1643 772 1361 187 151 113 130 91 118 78 62 31 57 32 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: speckled. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. Indices Cephalic 80.7 Relative sitting height 46 . 9 Fronto-parietal 74.8 Total facial 90.7 Upper facial 60.0 Nasal 50.0 Ear 56.2 Jugomandibular 70 . 0 Jugofrontal 86.9 Color: black. Quantity: head, double plus; Iris: homogeneous. Blind: right. Bite: slight over. No. 316. Plate CXII, Figs. 1, 2 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 45; married twice, 19 years and 2 years. Sons: Brothers: 2 dead. Sisters: 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. 3 living. Daughters: 1 living. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1635 816 1347 196 128 108 123 100 114 78 63 30 56 31 Indices Cephalic 65.3 Relative sitting height 49 . 9 Fronto-parietal 84.3 Total facial 92.6 Upper facial 63.4 Nasal 47.7 Ear 55.4 Jugomandibular 81 .3 Jugofrontal 87.8 Hair. — Form: curly frizzly. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, triple plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Chest. — Development: plus. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 419 M USCULATURE. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 317. Plate CXII, Figs. 3, 4 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 90; married 60 years. Sons: none. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1691 848 1460 194 142 111 135 107 121 78 64 38 70 37 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height , Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 73.2 50.1 78.2 89.6 57.7 59.4 52.9 79.2 82.2 Hair. — Color: gray. Quantity: head, minus; beard, double plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Blind: left. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, double plus. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: all but 2. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Poor. Health. — Poor. No. 318. Plate CXII, Figs. 5, 6 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 45; married twice. Sons: none. Daughters: none. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1754 822 1496 195 134 104 129 97 106 76 63 32 65 39 Indices Cephalic 68.7 Relative sitting height 46.8 Fronto-parietal 77 . 6 Total facial 82.1 Upper facial 58 . 9 Nasal 50.8 Ear 60.0 Jugomandibular 75 . 2 Jugofrontal 80.7 Hair. — Color: black and gray. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. 7ns: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Bite: marked over. 420 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Chest. — Development: plus. M USCULATURE. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 319. Plate CXI I, Figs. 7, 8 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. 1 living. Daughters: 1 living, 1 dead. Age: 40; married 16 years. Brothers: 2 living, 1 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Sons: Sisters: 1 living. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1554 828 1390 184 134 111 126 91 108 78 58 35 62 34 Indices Cephalic 72.9 Relative sitting height 53.2 Fronto-parietal 82 . 9 Total facial 85.7 Upper facial 61 . 9 Nasal 60.4 Ear 54.8 Jugomandibular 72 . 2 Jugofrontal 80 . 1 Hair. — Color: dark brown and gray. Quantity: head, average; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: concave. Tip: thickness, double plus. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 3. Bite: marked over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 320. Plate CXIII, Figs. 1, 2 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age : 45 ; married twice, 25 years and 15 years. Sons: Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. none. Daughters: 2, 0, living; 0, 2, dead. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1690 918 1415 196 137 115 134 101 116 78 60 35 67 43 Indices Cephalic 69.9 Relative sitting height 54 . 3 Fronto-parietal 84 . 0 Total facial 86.6 Upper facial 58 . 2 Nasal 58.4 Ear 64.2 Jugomandibular 75.3 Jugofrontal 85.8 Hair. — Color: black and gray. Eve. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Caries: double plus. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 421 Chest. — Development: plus. M usculature.— Good . Health. — Good. NO. 321 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 40; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: two spots on inside of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1650 813 1396 188 136 117 124 105 117 69 55 33 56 34 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fron to-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 72.4 49.2 86.0 94.3 55.6 60.0 60.7 84.6 94.3 Hair. — Quantity: head, minus; beard, double plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. NOSE. — Profile: concave. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature.— Good . Health. — Good. No. 322. Plate CXIII, Figs. 3, 4 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 35; married 3 years. Sons: 1 living. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 1 dead. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: 3 spots and cross on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1690 818 1430 188 146 116 131 102 123 74 61 37 58 34 Indices Cephalic 77.6 Relative sitting height 48 . 4 Fron to-parietal 78.1 Total facial 94.0 Upper facial 56 . 5 Nasal 60.6 Ear 58.6 Jugomandibular 77 . 8 Jugofrontal 88 . 5 Hair. — Form: curly frizzly. Texture: coarse. Color: black. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. • Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. 422 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. No. 323. Plate CXIII, Figs. 5, 6 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 18; unmarried. Brothers: 1 living. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: spot at nasion, spot on each temple and behind each ear. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1553 758 1282 182 140 104 119 94 100 66 55 34 58 35 Indices Cephalic 77.0 Relative sitting height 48 . 8 Fronto-parietal 74.4 Total facial 84.0 Upper facial 55 . 5 Nasal 61.9 Ear 60.4 Jugomandibular 79 . 0 Jugofrontal 87.3 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: fine. Color: black. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double minus; body, minus. Eye. — Color: dark brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: homogeneous. NOSE. — Profile: concave. Tip: thickness, double plus. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. M USCULATURE. — Good . Health. — Good. Some Negro blood. No. 324. Plate CXIII, Figs. 7, 8 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 50; married twice, 14 years (wife dead) and one year. Sons: 2, 0, dead. Daughters: none. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1696 828 1396 188 137 108 137 105 128 83 70 41 66 39 Indices Cephalic 72.9 Relative sitting height 48 . 8 Fronto-parietal 78.9 Total facial 94.5 Upper facial 60 . 6 Nasal 58.6 Ear 59.1 Jugomandibular 76.6 Jugofrontal 78.8 Hair. — Form: deep waves. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Texture: fine. Color: dark brown. ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 423 Nose. — Profile: convex. Tip: thickness, double plus. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 325. Plate CXIV, Figs. 1, 2 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 65; married 25 years. Sons: 1 dead. Daughters: 5 dead. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter . Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1682 782 1432 198 148 114 132 100 121 70 65 39 67 43 Indices Cephalic 74 Relative sitting height 46 Fronto-parietal 77 Total facial 91 Upper facial 53 . 0 Nasal 60.0 Ear 64.2 Jugomandibular 75 . 7 Jugofrontal 86 . 3 Hair. — Color: black and gray. Quantity: head, average; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose.— Profile: straight. Wings: medium-flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: many. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 326. Plate CXIV, Figs. 3, 4 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 30; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1649 818 1400 188 139 105 130 95 113 77 59 32 64 40 Indices Cephalic 74.0 Relative sitting height 49 . 6 Fronto-parietal 75 . 6 Total facial 87.0 Upper facial 59 . 2 Nasal 54.3 Ear 62.5 Jugomandibular 73 . 0 Jugofrontal 80.7 Hair. — Color: black. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. 424 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ NOSE. — Profile: straight. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: 2. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 327. Plate CXIV, Figs. 5, 6 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 35; married 5 years. Sons: none. Daughters: none. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1600 818 1295 189 141 116 137 113 122 72 60 34 60 38 Indices Cephalic 74.6 Relative sitting height 51 . 1 Fron to-parietal 82.2 Total facial 89.0 Upper facial 52.6 Nasal 56.7 Ear 63.4 Jugomandibular 82.4 Jugofrontal 84 . 6 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: dark brown. Quantity: head, plus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 328. Plate CXIV, Figs. 7, 8 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 50; married 15 years, wife now dead. Sons: 3 dead. Daughters: 1 dead. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1761 858 1495 188 138 118 136 110 117 74 64 48 58 37 Indices Cephalic 73.4 Relative sitting height 48 . 7 Fronto-parietal 85 . 5 Total facial 86.0 Upper facial 54 . 4 Nasal 75.0 Ear 63.8 Jugomandibular 80 . 8 Jugofrontal 86 . 7 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 425 Hair. — Color: gray. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Tip: thickness, double plus. Wings: flaring. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Average. Health. — Good. No. 329. Plate CXV, Figs. 1, 2 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 35; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1724 859 1435 193 145 107 133 98 123 68 58 40 66 36 Indices Cephalic 75.1 Relative sitting heigh' 49 . 8 Fronto-parietal 73 . 8 Total facial 92.4 Upper facial 51.1 Nasal 68.9 Ear 54.5 Jugomandibular 73 . 6 Jugofrontal 80 . 4 Hair. — Texture: coarse. Color: reddish brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good . Health. — Good. No. 330. Plate CXV, Figs. 3, 4 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 30; unmarried. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: spots on each temple. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth 1692 815 1435 192 143 111 115 98 110 66 52 33 Indices Cephalic 74.4 Relative sitting height 48 . 1 Fronto-parietal 77.6 Total facial 95.6 Upper facial 57 . 3 Nasal 63.5 Ear 54.9 Jugomandibular 85 . 2 Jugofrontal 96 . 5 426 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements mm Ear length 60 Ear breadth 33 Hair. — Form: deep waves. Texture: fine. Color: black. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. NOSE. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 331. Plate CXV, Figs. 5, 6 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 30; married 5 years. Sons: 3 living. Daughters: 1 living. Brothers: 4 living. Sisters: 6 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1740 829 1460 192 138 113 124 100 116 68 61 36 60 37 Indices Cephalic 71.8 Relative sitting height 47 . 6 Fronto-parietal 81.8 Total facial 93.5 Upper facial 54 .8 Nasal 59.0 Ear 61.6 Jugomandibular 80 . 6 Jugofrontal 91 . 1 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: black. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, minus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: compressed. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 332. Plate CXV, Figs. 7, 8 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 25; married twice, 4 years and 2 years. Sons: none. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Daughters: 1, 0, dead. Measurements mm Standing height 1742 Sitting height 871 Acromion to sole 1500 Head length 198 Head breadth 144 Minimum frontal diameter . . 108 Bizygomatic maximum 136 Bigonial breadth 97 Indices Cephalic 72.7 Relative sitting height 50.0 Fronto-parietal 74.9 Total facial 86.7 Upper facial 51 .4 Nasal 56.7 Ear 50.0 Jugomandibular 71.3 ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 427 Measurements mm Indices Total facial height 118 Jugofrontal 79.4 Upper facial height 70 Nasal height 60 Nasal breadth 34 Ear length 60 Ear breadth 30 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: reddish brown. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Average. Health. — Good. No. 333. Plate CXVI, Figs. 1, 2 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 35; married four times: 12, 5, 4, and 2 years. Sons: none. Daughters: none. Brothers: none. Sisters: 1 living. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1695 Cephalic 74.3 Sitting height 819 Relative sitting height 48 . 3 Acromion to sole 1425 Fronto-parietal 75 . 3 Head length 191 Total facial 96.1 Head breadth 142 Upper facial 56.3 Minimum frontal diameter . . 107 Nasal 58 . 9 Bizygomatic maximum 126 Ear 63 . 9 Bigonial breadth 105 Jugomandibular 83 . 3 Total facial height 121 Jugofrontal 84.9 Upper facial height 71 Nasal height 56 Nasal breadth 33 Ear length 61 Ear breadth 39 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: black. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: marked over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. No. 334. Plate CXVI, Figs. 3, 4 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 45; married twice, both wives dead. Sons: 1, 0, living; 0, 1, dead. Daughters: 2, 0, living. Brothers: 2 dead. Sisters: 3 dead. Tattoo marks: glove on back of right hand. Measurements mm Indices Standing height 1760 Cephalic 75.8 Sitting height 779 Relative sitting height 44 . 2 Acromion to sole 1410 Fronto-parietal 73.4 Head length 194 Total facial 85.7 428 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Measurements Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 147 108 140 105 120 72 67 32 64 37 Indices Upper facial 51 .4 Nasal 47.7 Ear 57.8 Jugomandibular 75.0 Jugofrontal 77.1 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: black and gray. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: clear. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Wear: double plus. Caries: average plus. slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. No. 335. Plate CXVI, Figs. 5, 6 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 38; married 16 years. Sons: none. Daughters: none. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: spot on back of right wrist. Lost: 4. Bite: Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1710 859 1445 181 152 114 125 101 121 70 64 30 60 40 Indices Cephalic Relative sitting height . Fronto-parietal Total facial Upper facial Nasal Ear Jugomandibular Jugofrontal 83.9 50.2 74.9 96.7 56.0 46.9 66.6 80.8 91.2 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: black. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health.— Good. No. 336. Plate CXVI, Figs. 7, 8 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 80; married 50 years. Sons: 1 living, 2 dead. Brothers: none. Sisters: 2 dead. Tattoo marks: none. Measurements mm Standing height 1650 Sitting height 779 Daughters: 2 living, 1 dead. Indices Cephalic 71 . Relative sitting height 47 . ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA 429 Measurements Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth MM 1238 195 140 113 136 103 118 74 62 38 70 41 Indices Fron to-parietal 80 . 6 Total facial 86.7 Upper facial 54 . 4 Nasal 61.3 Ear 58.6 Jugomandibular 75 . 7 Jugof rontal 83 . 0 Hair. — Color: gray and white. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: half. Bite: marked over. Chest. — Development: average. Musculature. — Average. Health. — Fair. No. 337. Plate CXVII, Figs. 1, 2 Locality: near Jemdet Nasr. Date: July 10, 1928. Age: 40; married 2 years. Sons: none. Daughters: none. Brothers: none. Sisters: none. Tattoo marks: 2 dots and cross on back of right hand. Measurements Standing height Sitting height Acromion to sole Head length Head breadth Minimum frontal diameter. Bizygomatic maximum .... Bigonial breadth Total facial height Upper facial height Nasal height Nasal breadth Ear length Ear breadth 1687 819 1410 188 140 123 132 110 111 80 67 35 64 36 Indices Cephalic 74 . 5 Relative sitting height 48 Fronto-parietal 87 Total facial 84 Upper facial 60 Nasal 52 Ear 56 Jugomandibular 83 Jugofrontal 93 Hair. — Form: low waves. Texture: medium. Color: black. Quantity: head, double plus; beard, double plus; body, plus. Eye. — Color: blue brown. Sclera: bloodshot. Iris: zoned. Nose. — Profile: straight. Wings: medium. Teeth. — Eruption: complete. Lost: none. Bite: slight over. Chest. — Development: plus. Musculature. — Good. Health. — Good. III. STATISTICAL SUMMARIES This chapter contains the tabulated summaries of vital statistics and anthropometric data as well as some notes on the Chaldean village of Qaraqosh. The graphs in this section are frequency graphs, with the exception of Figure 41, which records the cumulative percentages of the cephalic indices of 396 Kish Arabs, 227 Iraq soldiers, and thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins. In plotting the index numbers, an index, for example, falling between 74 . 5 and 75 . 5 is indicated as one unit in the 75-frequency group. Those indices falling on 74.5 are split, a count of half an individual being credited to the 74 group and half to the 75 group. There is a brief summary of anthropometric data obtained in southwestern Asia during the past decade. A general description of the Field Museum Anthropological Expedition to the Near East during 1934, together with a list of the 3,056 individuals measured, is to be found in the Appendix. The bibliography does not include references to the early explorations and excavations at Tell-el-Uhaimir (Kish). For this information the reader is referred to "Excavations at Kish" by S. Langdon, Paris, 1924, pp. 43-55, where excerpts from the travels and scientific reports of Benjamin of Tudela, Buck- ingham, Bellino, Mignon, Oppert, Baillie, Layard, de Genouillac, Jensen, and others will be found. A list of bibliographical references will be published in the Report of the Field Museum Anthropological Expedition to \he Near East, 1934. VITAL STATISTICS With the assistance of C. Champion de Crespigny the vital statistics have been summarized as follows: A B C D Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total 0 16.21 1 12.56 12.56 4.36 4.36 7.87 6.48 14.35 2 8.37 4.19 12.56 4.58 .66 5.24 9.03 7.17 16.20 3 14.15 4.95 19.10 12.37 3.35 15.72 6.78 10.35 17.13 4 11.24 6.10 17.34 13.63 5.58 19.21 5.00 5.65 10.65 5 7.49 4.32 11.81 11.09 6.81 17.90 4.07 3.80 7.87 6 5.61 3.18 8.79 9.16 4.81 13.97 3.24 3.24 6.48 7 5.53 3.26 8.79 8.48 3.75 12.23 1.85 2.32 4.17 8 2.26 1.26 3.52 1.25 .93 2.18 1.15 1.63 2.78 9 1.50 1.26 2.76 1.70 .92 2.62 .55 .84 1.39 10 .58 .68 1.26 1.05 .70 1.75 .18 .28 .46 11 1.11 .64 1.75 .59 .80 1.39 12 .50 .50 1.00 1.06 .69 1.75 13 .46 .46 14 .35 .09 .44 15 .32 .12 .44 16 .30 .14 .44 17 .24 .01 .25 19 .04 .42 .46 32 .04 .21 .25 A = number of children in each family. B = percentage frequency of brothers and sisters in families of 398 Kish Arabs. C = percentage frequency of brothers and sisters in families of 229 soldiers in Iraq army. D=percentage frequency of children in families of 216 Kish Arabs. 430 STATISTICAL SUMMARIES 431 A random selection of individuals throughout a comparatively small area, made necessary by the condition of the country at that time, prohibits definite conclusions. But from this material may be drawn fairly accurate generaliza- tions of interest and value, which can only be confirmed when a census of the territory is undertaken by the government of Iraq. One group of statistics is based on 398 male Kish Arabs. Each individual in reply to routine questions gave the number of his brothers and sisters, alive or dead, so that the size of the families of his father's generation could be deter- mined, and distinction was made between his male and female offspring. It is surprising that the families are so small. In an agricultural community it might well be expected that the higher frequency percentages would fall in the five, six, and seven children groups. On the contrary, there is a noticeable drop from a high of 19.10 per cent in families of three, to only 11.81 per cent in families of five. Further, the astounding frequency of 12 . 56 per cent of families containing only one child suggests that preventive measures, generally more common in urban sections, are also used widely in the agricultural settlements. Upon examination the figures reveal that male children were usually recorded in families where only one child was present. This is due to the fact that an Arab father wishes above all else to have a son, who shall perpetuate his name and tradition. The important factor is for the first-born to be a male. Thus the disappointment of a female first-born child is often concealed from the anthropologist by denying the very existence of the girl. For example, a man who is disappointed by the arrival of a girl will be so delighted with his new-born son that he may not even mention the former when questioned. Furthermore, to admit of only one child and that a daughter would test the veracity of an Arab of the Kish area almost beyond the breaking point. If a first-born female child dies in infancy its death is considered little cause for sympathy; but the death of a young son is a major tragedy. As a direct result of this a female baby receives less care and attention and is therefore more subject to death. In the Kish area the infant mortality rate is high due to the lack of medical knowledge and sanitation. The frequency distribution of children, rather than brothers and sisters, of 216 of these 398 Kish Arabs was tabulated. The trend toward small families is intensified by a percentage of 16.21 of childless families. The fact that some of the men reported upon had hardly been married long enough to have children is to some degree responsible for this distortion. A comparison of figures in the tables shows a distinct gain in females in the progeny of the 216 married Arabs, over the relatively small percentage of females in the families into which they were born. The majority of the males were married after the age of thirty and after the forty-first year all had taken wives. These late marriages are due to economic conditions outlined in the section dealing with the social life and customs (p. 88). In the group of 229 soldiers, the much larger percentages of families con- taining four, five, six, and seven children in the fathers' families and the rare 432 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ occurrence of families of only one and two children predispose the conclusion that the army is a good resting place for surplus sons in families overburdened beyond the point of having enough to eat. This conclusion, however, is liable to error, since, if conscription be in force, other factors would contribute to this distribution. The number of children by each wife was recorded in the cases where a man had more than one wife. For example, "Sons: 2, 0" and "Daughters: 0, 1" mean that the first wife had borne two sons and no daughters while the second wife had no sons and one daughter. QARAQOSH During the summer of 1928 accompanied by S. Y. Showket I visited northern Iraq. The road from Baghdad to Mosul passes through Erbil, the ancient Arbela (Babylonian, Arba-ilu), and continues across the plain to the village of Qaraqosh. The inhabitants were friendly as soon as they learned that we were Christians (Nasrani). Mr. Showket addressed them in Chaldean, their native tongue, and they were overjoyed to find a visitor who could talk to them in their own language. The physical features of these people, different from the Arabs, Beduins, and Kurds, indicate that they are a homogeneous group. Except for the young girls, who were shy in posing before the camera, both men and women wished to be photographed. This seemed a valuable opportunity to take a large series of photographs; so Showket and I, each with a camera, exposed as many negatives as possible in the hour and a half at our disposal. Time did not permit us to stay overnight in this village, and consequently we were unable to take anthropometric observations or measurements. Kappers (Kon. Akad. van Wet., XXXIII, No. 8, p. 806) refers to measurements on nineteen male and female Chaldeans from Qaraqosh. The cephalic index for males was 86 . 01 and for females 86 . 17. The people appeared to me to be taller in stature and stronger in general physique than the Arabs of the Kish area. The men possess fine features which suggest an Arab-Kurdish mixture without any trace of the long, thin features of the Beduins. They wear head-dresses, kaffiyah (Kurd, aghabanu), wrapped about the head in Turkish fashion and the 'agal was little seen. The faces are hard and stern in appearance, and wrinkled, particularly in the region of the glabella. Masseter muscles, which are well developed in many cases, broaden the lower portion of their faces. The nose is straight and leptorrhine with a suggestion of a downward curve at the tip. Some of the men have coarser features, more flaring nostrils, and thicker integumental layers of the lips. The ear is medium in size and the helix lies close to the head. The eyes are dark brown in color and set relatively close together. The teeth are clean and white; caries is less conspicuous than among the Arabs of the Kish area. The color of the skin shows a tendency toward medium brown, and there appears to be an entire absence of the negroid element in the population. The older men wear beards and the younger ones wear mustaches, dark brown in color. This is the usual shade of the hair also, neither light- nor black- haired individuals being seen. STATISTICAL SUMMARIES 433 Dressed in Arab clothes of various colors, many of the men wear leather shoes resembling Dutch sabots (yamani). These shoes are made by hand in the suk at Mosul and brought to the village by traveling salesmen. The men smoke stone pipes (sabil) which are ornamented, or cigarettes which they roll for themselves. Although European cigarettes are considered too strong and cause irritation in their throats, the men smoke tobacco (titin), a light green mixture which is harsh to the palate. The tobacco is carried in a cloth pouch (chis). Older men often carry a rosary (sibha). Though shorter in stature than the men, the women are strong and willing workers and the men do little manual labor. The women have pleasant faces, round in shape, wide in the zygomatic arches and the bigonial breadth. The hair is dark brown in color and relatively coarse in quality. The nose is broader and shorter than that of the men, and the majority of the girls wear a golden nose ring (khazzamah) through the right nostril (arnabah). In a few cases we observed the nose ring worn in the left nostril. Dressed in black heavy robes (izar) which hang down to the ground, the older women cover their heads with a black cloth (kaffiyah) so that only the face, hands, and poorly shod feet are visible. The young girls are decorated with golden ornaments which include nose, ear (idhin; Kurd, guwarhe), and finger rings (mahbas; Kurd, hangustir), bracelets (kahwas; Kurd, kol-bend), and anklets (hijul; Kurd, pa-bend), and a circlet or diadem of golden coins (Kurd, karmak) around the forehead, fastening beneath the chin (Kurd, cheneghe). Their long robes are covered with many designs while the headcloth is often tucked in at the back of the neck. The teeth appeared to be clean and strong, but among the older women there was considerable evidence of dental decay. Due perhaps to carrying pottery jars {kuwaza) filled with water on their heads or left shoulders, the girls have straight and well-proportioned figures. They draw water from the wells by means of a rope (habil) and pulley wheel (bakara) attached to a leathern bucket (dalu). The people of this village appeared homogeneous; at some future date I should like to obtain anthropometric data and additional historical information on this interesting Christian group. We asked one of the old men if there were any books (makatib) in the village. He replied that one of the religious elders possessed a very old and valuable manuscript. Although we made numerous attempts to examine this manuscript, thinking that it might be of important historical interest, the owner refused us permission, explaining courteously but firmly that we might be of the same faith, yet our foreign eyes would defile the holy book. The site of the battle of Gaugamela in which Alexander overthrew Darius Codomanus on October 1, 331 B.C., was named after Arbela, the modern Erbil. The exact location of the battlefield has remained in doubt. According to Ptolemy and Aristobulus the fighting took place at Gaugamela and not at Arbela. Furthermore, the word Gaugamela means "the black bird" or "the black eagle," which is exactly the same meaning implied by the modern name of Qaraqosh 434 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ in Turkish (cf. Kara-qush as transliteration). Thus, on the basis of philology and a detailed study of the historical sources, it seems probable that the battle of Gaugamela took place near the modern village of Qaraqosh. Dr. Alexander Sushko of the University of Chicago brought this information to my attention. ARABS OF THE KISH AREA STATISTICAL SUMMARIES Number of Hair individuals Percentage Form: Straight 12 4.6 Low waves 222 85.0 Deep waves 14 5.4 Curly frizzly 12 4.6 Woolly 1 .4 Texture: Coarse 38 12.7 Medium 191 63.6 Medium-fine 5 1.7 Fine 66 22.0 Color: Black 42 13.4 Dark brown '202 64.4 Dark brown black 8 2.5 Reddish brown 8 2.5 Light brown 1 .3 Gray 15 4.8 Black and gray 6 1.9 Dark brown and gray 20 6.4 Gray and light brown 1 .3 Gray and white 6 1.9 Dark brown and white 1 .3 White 4 1.3 Quantity: Head: Double minus 8 2.9 Minus 30 10.7 Average 34 12 . 1 Plus 104 37.1 Double plus 96 34.3 Triple plus 8 2.9 Beard: Double minus 10 3.7 Minus 78 29.0 Average 21 7.8 Plus 94 34.9 Double plus 61 22.7 Triple plus 5 1.9 Body: Double minus 4 1.6 Minus 49 19.7 Average 57 22.9 Plus Ill 44.6 Double plus 25 10.0 Triple plus 3 1.2 STATISTICAL SUMMARIES 435 Number of Eye individuals Percentage Color: Black 2 .6 Dark brown 275 76.6 Blue brown 30 8.3 Gray brown 9 2.5 Green brown 43 12.0 Sclera: Clear 230 63.2 Speckled 26 7.1 Yellow 2 0.5 Bloodshot 95 26.1 Speckled and yellow 1 .3 Speckled and bloodshot 10 2.8 Iris: Homogeneous 100 28 . 6 Rayed 2 .6 Zoned 247 70.8 Eyebrow Thickness: Minus 14 22.2 Average 7 11.1 Plus 26 41.3 Double plus 16 25.4 Concurrency: Minus 6 12.5 Average 11 22.9 Plus 27 56.3 Double plus 4 8.3 Lateral extent: Minus 3 6.2 Average 15 31.3 Plus 29 60.4 Double plus 1 2.1 Brow-ridges Median 59 96.7 Continuous 2 3.3 Glabella: Average 12 60.0 Plus 8 40.0 Nose Profile: Straight 209 57.6 Concave 40 11.0 Convex 73 20.1 Concavo-convex 41 11 .3 Tip: Thickness: Minus 10 13.5 Average 8 10.8 Plus 32 43.2 Double plus 24 32.5 Depression : Depressed 80 70.1 Horizontal 14 12.3 Elevated 20 17.6 436 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Wings: Number of Nose individuals Percentage Compressed 35 12.3 Medium-compressed 13 4.6 Medium 166 58.5 Medium-flaring 31 10.9 Flaring 39 13.7 Wear: Teeth None 16 12.7 Slight 14 11.1 Average 12 9.5 Plus 33 26.2 Double plus 32 25.4 Triple plus 19 15.1 Caries: None 37 28.9 Minus 7 5.5 Average 10 7.8 Plus 25 19.5 Double plus 29 22.7 Triple plus 20 15.6 Lost: None 197 64.0 One 40 13.0 Two 29 9.4 Three 10 3.2 Four 11 3.5 Five 2 .7 Six 2 .7 Seven 1 .3 Ten 1 .3 Half 2 .7 Several 1 .3 Many 8 2.6 Nearly all 3 1.0 All 1 .3 r i Ear Lobe: Attached 51 44.4 Free 64 55.6 Size: Minus 7 8.5 Average 29 35.4 Plus 42 51.2 Double plus 3 3.7 Triple plus 1 1.2 Roll of helix: Minus 2 2.3 Average 27 31.4 Plus 44 51.2 Double plus 12 13.9 Triple plus 1 1.2 Darwin's Point: Double minus 1 1.1 Minus 4 4.5 Average 25 28.1 Plus 39 43.8 Double plus 18 20.2 Triple plus 2 2.3 STATISTICAL SUMMARIES 437 Number of Scapulae individuals Percentage Vertebral borders: Convex 6 9.4 Straight 58 90.6 Chest Development: Double minus 10 2.8 Minus 13 3.6 Average 56 15.7 Plus 238 66.7 Double plus 39 10.9 Triple plus 1 .3 Musculature Poor 23 6.2 Fair 51 13.7 Good 198 53.2 Excellent 100 26.9 Health Poor 20 5.4 Fair 15 4.1 Good 210 56.7 • Excellent 125 33.8 In recording the data of the Kish Arabs it was necessary to estimate the ages of many individuals since after thirty years they did not have any exact knowledge of their ages. For this reason, among the older men the greater numbers of individuals are grouped at ages 35, 40, 45, 50, and 55. The statistical sum- maries follow: Number of Number of Number of Number of Age individuals Age individuals Age individuals Age individuals 15 3 25 37 38 4 58 1 16 4 26 3 39 1 60 11 17 13 27 4 40 33 62 1 18 25 28 4 42 2 65 4 19 6 30 60 43 2 70 4 20 61 31 1 45 11 75 5 21 2 32 3 48 2 80 8 22 3 33 2 50 20 90 3 23 9 34 1 55 12 100 1 (No. 233) 24 4 35 26 56 1 The average age for 397 individuals is 33.70 years. No age was recorded on No. 261. Hair samples were obtained from all individuals except those listed below. Many of the men were shaved so that it was impossible to cut a specimen long enough to be of value. Permission was refused by No. 60 because he was in mourning. In the case of No. 71 a sample was not taken because the hair was diseased. No hair samples were obtained from the following individuals: Nos. 25, 49, 58, 60, 62, 63, 71, 89, 97, 111, 113, 119, 123, 124, 125, 128, 130, 131, 135, 137, 143, 152, 153, 154, 158, 159, 162, 166, 167, 173, 176, 180, 192, 198, 199, 201, 202, 206, 217, 225, 231, 246, 258, 267, 274, 286, 355, 357, 367, 370, 371, 376, 382, 389, 393, 405, 411, 429, 433, 456, 457, 458, 459, 460, 461, 466, and 470. I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 438 1 i i i i i i i 1 1 ' ' 1 ' 1 i 120 K — , no — i I \ — - / \ - 6 / \ "~ 100 — / i \ i I — - / - / \ ~ 90 / i — o / i - i _ / • : 80 /' i \ — / o \ _ j A \ - 70 / \ \ \ \ — - / 6 \ \ \ \ - 60 — / \ \ — — / \ \ — - / \ \ - 50 / \ \ _ / / / / ~" 6 1 \ ~ 1 \ _ 40 i f 4 -M — i / / / O A > - i I / M ' — 1 / / \\ I _ 30 i 1 i i \ \ — i f i i V o \ - 20 // o" // / f \ \ 6 \ i \ — /' / A \ ■ ? / P V 10 1 6 / A s\\ — JD : / q/.-6 if ...o- •• A i - / M/ \ v \ / ^ \ / o V \ o 20 - la / , IN I i 0 / ° /' d ' ° \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ » \ \ \ \ \ \ ° \ 10 - 7 ' ° i/ o ; / o — _\\ z - o. - 0 O' i v i - i i ' x / \ 20 - ! ° | /' j 'A / -o i vr - // / : ° i i i t i i 4 \ X \ \ \ \ 1 > \ -'\ v \ \ \ \\ \ R - 10 - '/ ; a ' P ' / / / * / / ' /vs/V - U - / '° p - £ J* / A ""°: .o 'k---* \ " 3 1/ 1 — o / .o.. ..o" 1 W' V 1 1 1 "° / i i i 1 ■•o -0"'" '" 1 1 1 .8 \ \ O-- —or V \ i i 1 i -i..- TVai Pv l / y\ \A i \l 1/ M 1,'M -.1 - Index 70 75 80 85 90 95 Fig. 42. Graph V. Fronto-parietal indices. Continuous curve, 395 Kish Arabs; dash curve, 227 Iraq soldiers; dotted curve, thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins; dot-dash curve, composite of Kish Arabs and soldiers. HAIR The majority of the soldiers had dark brown hair of medium texture with the form low waves. Sixty-four individuals had dark brown hair. Nos. 504, 505, 613, 644, and 653 had black hair. No. 612, who had a very peculiarly shaped 446 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ head, had light brown hair. Nos. 509 and 555 had an unusual quantity of hair on the head. There were no observations recorded on No. 514. EYE The majority of the soldiers had dark brown eyes with clear sclera and homogeneous irises. The following information was recorded: Number of individuals Percentage Color: Very dark brown 2 (Nos. 537, 613) 1.4 Dark brown 126 85.2 Blue brown 8 5.4 Green brown 11 7.3 Gray brown 1 (No. 620) .7 Sclera: Clear 144 97.8 Bloodshot 3 2.2 Iris: Homogeneous 150 89.9 Zoned 17 10.1 No. 525 was cross-eyed and had the right eye partly closed. NOSE The majority of individuals had straight noses with medium wings. The following information was recorded: Number of individuals Percentage Profile: Straight 81 57.0 Concave 14 9.9 Concavo-convex 3 2.1 Convex 44 31.0 Wings: Medium 66 53.3 Medium-compressed 6 4.8 Compressed 6 4.8 Medium-flaring 29 23.4 Flaring 17 13.7 In regard to thickness of the nasal tip No. 647 was triple plus; Nos. 543, 555, 575, 587, 611, and 638 were double plus; No. 578 was average. Nos. 517, 576, 597, 601, and 635 were thin. No. 578 had an elevated nasal tip and Nos. 600 and 629 had depressed tips. TEETH The average condition of the teeth was good. The occlusion was normal and the majority of the soldiers had lost no teeth. The following statistics were recorded : Number of individuals Bite: Under - 1 Slight over 125 Marked over 11 Edge-to-edge 2 STATISTICAL SUMMARIES 447 Lost: Number of individuals None 106 One 22 Two 3 (Nos. 524, 561, 600) Three 2 (Nos. 504, 559) Eruption: Complete 131 Incomplete 13 Caries: Plus 5 (Nos. 561, 564, 565, 571, 600) Double plus 1 (No. 555) -i — i — | — r— i — i — i — | — i — i — i — ■ — | — i — i — i — i — | — i — i — i — i — | — i — i — i — i — |— r — i — i — i — I — ' — i — i — ' — I — 1~ 50 40 30- 20 10- \y *o — o--:&. *'-o' 75 Index 80 85 90 95 100 Fig. 43. Graph VI. Total facial indices. Continuous curve, 385 Kish Arabs; dash curve, 227 Iraq soldiers; dotted curve, thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins; dot-dash curve, composite of Kish Arabs and soldiers. CHEST The average development as recorded on 132 soldiers was good. Nos. 609, 627, and 655 were excellent and Nos. 505, 529, 530, 536, 539, 579, and 594 were average. MUSCULATURE The average muscular development as recorded on 133 individuals was good. Nos. 584, 609, 627, and 655 were excellent and Nos. 505, 529, 530, 539, 579, and 594 were average. HEALTH The statistics recorded on 142 soldiers showed them to be in good health. 448 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ SMALLPOX Nos. 531, 537, and 603 had smallpox scars. PATHOLOGICAL CASES No. 661 was extremely tall and his general development suggested a patho- logical condition due to unbalanced metabolism as the result of irregular func- tioning of the endocrines. NEGRO BLOOD Nos. 537, 552 (Sudanese), and 613. ANTHROPOMETRIC TABLE Number of Standard Coefficient Measurements individuals Mean deviation of variation Standing height 228 1725.6 ±.23 5.11±.16 2.96±.09 Sitting height 228 850.2 ±.19 4.16±.13 4.89±.15 Acromion to sole 228 1435.5 ±.22 4.93±.16 3.43±.ll Headlength 228 187.38±.28 6.27±.20 3.34±.ll Headbreadth 227 143.64±.24 5.38±.17 3.74±.12 Minimum frontal diameter.. 227 113. 82 ±.22 4. 91 ±.16 4. 31 ±.14 Bizygomatic breadth 227 133.85±.25 5.49±.17 4.11±.13 Bigonial breadth 227 106.78±.28 6.22±.20 5.82±.18 Total facial height 227 120.92±.30 6.81±.22 5.63±.18 Upper facial height 228 73.88±.21 4.64±.15 6.28±.20 Nasalheight 227 56.85±.21 4.66±.15 8.19±.26 Nasal breadth 227 34.53±.13 2.91±.09 8.42±.27 Earlength 225 59.54±.22 4.85±.15 8.14±.26 Earbreadth 227 36.18±.15 3.33±.ll 9.20±.29 Indices Relative sitting height 228 49. 23 ±.10 2. 28 ±.07 4. 62 ±.15 Cephalic 227 76.66±.17 3.87±.12 5.04±.16 Fronto-parietal 226 79.28±.17 3.70±.12 4.66±.15 Totalfacial 226 90.52±.24 5.46±.17 6.03±.18 Upperfacial 226 55.23±.17 3.96±.13 7.17±.23 Nasal 226 61.12±.31 6.83±.22 11.17±.35 Ear 226 60.68±.25 5.54±.18 9.13±.29 Jugomandibular 226 79.69±.19 4.29±.14 5.38±.17 Jugofrontal 227 85.03±.15 3.40±.ll 3.99±.13 BA'IJ BEDUINS During June, 1928, a sub-tribe of the Ba'ij Beduins was encamped between Kish and Jemdet Nasr. Twelve miles from Kish, on the desert track toward Tell Barguthiat, about fifty black tents were grouped. Sheikh Abbas ibn Diab, leader of this Beduin sub-tribe, which wanders between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, possesses large herds of camels and sheep and is much feared by the fallakin or pastoral Arabs. The Beduins feel contempt and scorn for the settled Arabs. When desert pasturage is poor, they do not hesitate to drive their camels to feed in fields sown with corn. The Arabs, however, can only rain down curses on the heads of the marauding Beduins, for they dare not attempt to drive them away. Sheikh Abbas gave us a cordial reception although the trappings of his tent indicated great poverty for the sheikh of a large tribe. After tea and coffee STATISTICAL SUMMARIES 449 had been served, I invited Sheikh Abbas to examine the head calipers and the cameras. He then allowed me to make anthropometric observations and measure- ments on him as well as frontal and profile photographs. A hair sample was obtained only after much persuasion. ~i — | — i — i — i — i — | — i — i — i — I — | — i — i — I — i — | — I — i — i — I — | — I — i — i — i — | — i — i — I — r 60 50 40 30 20 10 45 Index 75 Fig. 44. Graph VII. Upper facial indices. Continuous curve, 391 Kish Arabs; dash curve, 226 Iraq soldiers; dotted curve, thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins; dot-dash curve, composite of Kish Arabs and soldiers. The anthropometric data on his tribesmen are of particular interest since they were obtained from a group of Beduins from the jazirah lying between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. While the number of individuals upon whom measurements and observations were taken is small, and therefore no definite conclusions can be drawn from them, the racial indications suggested are of importance. It seems probable that the Beduins, including the hundreds of individuals with whom I came into contact in the various camps of the Huwaitat, Ruwalla, Bani Sukhr, Anaiza, and Sba'a visited by the Field Museum North Arabian 450 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Desert Expeditions, 1927-28, are directly connected racially with the earliest inhabitants of the Kish area. Racial admixture among the Beduins is at a minimum owing to their inde- pendent nomadic life and to the resultant tribal inbreeding. The latter thus tends to preserve the ancient dominant strain and would leave little room for racial variation. The outline of the face, the stature, and the general muscula- ture of the body at once separate the Beduins from the dwellers in cities who have become racially mixed. The only exception to the purity of the Beduin peoples is the infiltration of Negro blood through the importation of slaves. Negroid characteristics are apparently more dominant than are those of the Beduins, and thus usually appear in the progeny. One of the Beduin children appeared to have a relatively high percentage of Negro blood in his veins. Inquiries revealed that he was the son of an unattractive young Beduin girl and one of the big Negroes forming the Sheikh's bodyguard. As soon as the other children saw that we were particularly interested in this child, they began to make fun of his flaring nostrils and thick lips, and to shout that he was no true Beduin boy. The eyes of the majority of the Ba'ij Beduins were blue brown in color with clear sclera and zoned irises. This eye color was observed occasionally among the Kish Arabs, but was not predominant among them. Several individuals complained of eye soreness due to wind and dust storms. The teeth were in fairly good condition considering that they never brush nor take any care of them. The soft diet, however, consisting of starches and sugar, with the rare addition of proteins, tends to soften the gums and to cause dental caries and general decay at an early age. The smoking of the narghile is a general pastime and the nicotine and other injurious tobacco ingredients stain the teeth and cover them with a yellow film. The Negroes and those members of the community with Negro blood possess excellent, white teeth. As will be seen from the anthropometric data recorded on this group of Ba'ij Beduins, they are dolichocephalic, but the cephalic index of the Kish Arabs is only slightly higher (1.89), probably due to the arrival of a brachycephalic element, which forced itself racially as well as culturally upon the original population. A preliminary study of the skeletal material excavated at Kish from the earlier graves belonging to the period about 3250 B.C., suggests that the physical features of the peoples of the Kish area have become little changed during the past five thousand years. The ages of the Ba'ij Beduins can only be estimated, since no individual could give an exact figure. Number of Number of Number of Age individuals Age individuals Age individuals 18 2 38 1 65 1 20 3 40 4 74 1 25 5 45 4 80 1 30 6 50 2 90 1 35 6 60 1 The average age of the thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins is 38.37 years. STATISTICAL SUMMARIES 451 HAIR Color.— Dark brown: Nos. 300, 302, 309, 312, 316, 324, 327. Dark brown and gray: No. 319. Reddish brown: Nos. 302, 308, 329, 332. Black: Nos. 310, 311, 313, 315, 322, 323, 326, 330, 331, 333, 335, 337. Black and gray: Nos. 318, 319, 325, 334. Gray: Nos. 307, 317, 328, 336. Form.— Low waves: Nos. 300, 305, 307-312, 315, 323, 327, 331-335, 337. Deep waves: Nos. 303, 304, 313, 314, 324, 330. Curly frizzly: Nos. 302, 306, 316, 322. -j — i — i — i — i — 1 — i — i — r- 50- 40- 50- 20- 10- i^N^ Fig. 45. Graph VIII. Nasal indices. Continuous curve, 389 Kish Arabs; dash curve, 226 Iraq soldiers; dotted curve, thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins; dot-dash curve, composite of Kish Arabs and soldiers. Texture.— Fine: Nos. 315, 323, 324, 330. Medium: Nos. 300, 303, 305, 306, 311, 313, 316, 327, 331-335, 337. Coarse: Nos. 302, 304, 308-310, 312, 314, 322, 329. Quantity.— Head: Minus: Nos. 307, 317, 321. Average: Nos. 301, 319, 325. Plus: Nos. 318, 323, 326, 327. Double plus: Nos. 302-304, 306, 308, 309, 311, 313-316, 322, 329, 330, 331, 332, 337. Beard: Double minus: Nos. 308, 323. Minus: Nos. 309, 331. Plus: Nos. 302, 303, 307, 315, 322, 325, 329, 330, 332. Double plus: Nos. 301, 304, 306, 311, 313, 314, 317-319, 321, 326, 327, 337. Triple plus: No. 316. Body: Minus: Nos. 309, 323. Plus: Nos. 302, 307, 311, 314, 315, 318, 319, 322, 325-327, 329, 330, 337. Double plus: Nos. 304, 306. Hair samples from twenty-three individuals were obtained. It was impossi- ble to obtain specimens from Nos. 301, 305, 307, 313, 317, 319-323, 325, 329, 336, and 337. 452 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ EYE Color.— Dark brown: Nos. 300, 303-305, 308, 310-313. Blue brown: Nos. 315-322, 324-337. Green brown: Nos. 301, 306, 307, 309, 312-314. Sclera.— Clear: Nos. 302-305, 308-313, 318, 319, 321-323, 326-332, 334. Bloodshot: Nos. 300, 301, 306, 307, 314, 316, 317, 320, 325, 333, 335-337. Speckled: No. 315. Iris.— Homogeneous: Nos. 302, 304, 305, 309, 310, 312, 315, 323. Zoned: Nos. 300, 301, 303, 306-308, 311, 313, 314, 316-322, 325-330, 332-337. -] — i — i — i — r -i — i — i — r -| — i — i — i — i — | — r -i r— i r «-^ 45 Index Fig. 46. Graph IX. Ear indices. Continuous curve, 390 Kish Arabs; dash curve, 226 Iraq soldiers; dotted curve, thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins; dot-dash curve, composite of Kish Arabs and soldiers. No. 315 was blind in the right eye and No. 317 in the left eye. No. 329 had a spot under the right eye. NOSE Profile.— Concave: Nos. 300, 305, 314, 319, 321, 323. Straight: Nos. 301-304, 306, 308, 311-313, 315-318, 320, 322, 325-337. Convex: No. 324. Concavo-convex: Nos. 307, 309, 310. Tip.— Thickness: Minus: No. 310. Plus: No. 312. Double plus: Nos. 307, 317, 319, 323, 324, 328. Depression: Elevated: No. 305. Depressed: No. 306. Wings.— Compressed: Nos. 305, 306, 313, 318, 320, 326, 331. Compressed- medium: No. 311. Medium: Nos. 302-304, 308, 312, 315-317, 321, 322, 327, STATISTICAL SUMMARIES 453 329, 330, 332-337. Medium-flaring: Nos. 314, 325. Flaring: Nos. 307, 310, 323, 324, 328. TEETH Eruption.— Complete: Nos. 300-314, 316-322, 324-334, 336, 337. Wear.— Average: No. 332. Plus: No. 301. Double plus: Nos. 305, 334. Caries.— Nos. 301, 320, 334. 1 T" 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 | i i 1 i | i i i i | 1 1 1 1 | 1 1 i i | i i i - 60 A - o /' <\ - 1 V1 \ \ o - 50 i i i r i 4 I i i i i i : 40 i i i i A i A - 30 - l / i a / i / O / /' / \ \ \ * » - * V '• - 20 1 / A \ / ' \ S _ / / 6 o d 1 - f I I 1 ' \ A \ - i / 1 ' \ / \ 1 ' t, / \ . - i I i , W \o - 4 4 1/ H o \\ " 10 — / f i - °- / / - - a>oy ,o '' \/\bN - 1 1 / --0 ° / 1° °:. .q . \ \ / V *-« ° r i a \ ° \ - 3 2 - a^°\ / j/ "t> °" ' \.' i -~u' i I r I I 1 I I '•d' i 1 - Index 70 75 80 85 90 95 Fig. 47. Graph X. Jugomandibular indices. Continuous curve, 393 Kish Arabs; dash curve, 227 Iraq soldiers; dotted curve, thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins; dot-dash curve, composite of Kish Arabs and soldiers. Lost.— None: Nos. 300, 302-305, 307-314, 320-322, 324, 328-330, 332, 333, 337. One: No. 306. Two: Nos. 301, 317, 326. Three: No. 319. Four: No. 334. Many: Nos. 325, 336. Bite.— Slight over: Nos. 300, 301, 303, 305-307, 310, 312-314, 317, 320, 321, 324, 326-332, 334, 337. Marked over: Nos. 308, 309, 311, 318, 333, 336. CHEST Development.— Average: Nos. 301, 307, 317, 336. Plus: Nos. 300, 303, 305, 306, 308-312, 314-316, 318-335, 337. Double plus: Nos. 302, 304, 313. 454 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ 70 60- 1 1" n — r 1 ' ' ' — i — 1 — r "i — i — I 1 — i — 1 — i — | — r n — ' — n 50 40 30 20 10 100 Fig. 48. Graph XI. Jugofrontal indices. Continuous curve, 395 Kish Arabs; dash curve, 227 Iraq soldiers; dotted curve, thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins; dot-dash curve, composite of Kish Arabs and soldiers. MUSCULATURE Minus: Nos. 301, 317. Average: Nos. 307, 328, 336. Plus: Nos. 305, 306, 308-312, 314-316, 318-327, 329-335, 337. Double plus: Nos. 300, 302-304, 313. STATISTICAL SUMMARIES 455 HEALTH Poor: Nos. 301, 317. Fair: No. 336. Good: Nos. 305-316, 318-335, 337. Excellent: Nos. 300, 302-304. No. 327. No. 323. SMALLPOX SCARS NEGRO BLOOD ANTHROPOMETRIC TABLE Number of Standard Measurements individuals Mean deviation Standing height 38 1682.90±.57 5.23±.40 Sitting height 38 834.00±.39 3.57±.28 Acromion to sole 38 1408.10±.66 6.06±.47 Headlength 38 191.37±.55 5.20±.39 Head breadth 38 140.24±.66 6.07±.47 Minimum frontal diameter ... 38 110 . 79 ± . 53 4 . 80 ± . 37 Bizygomatic breadth 38 128 . 45 ± . 66 6 . 07 ± . 47 Bigonial breadth 38 102.05±.66 6.07±.47 Total facial height 38 117.21±.61 5.55±.43 Upper facial height 38 73.63±.45 4.13±.32 Nasalheight 38 60.45±.46 4.19±.32 Nasalbreadth 38 35.16±.41 3.72±.29 Earlength 38 62.74±.47 4.25±.33 Ear breadth 38 36.95±.32 2.94±.23 Indices Relative sitting height 38 49 . 51 ± . 23 2 . 10 ± . 16 Cephalic 38 73.37±.40 3.63±.28 Fronto-parietal 38 79.29±.45 4.14±.32 Total facial 38 91.42±.50 4.56±.35 Upperfacial 38 57.37±.41 3.73±.29 Nasal 38 58.42±.65 5.90±.46 Ear 38 58.99±.45 4.10±.32 Jugomandibular 38 79.53±.59 5.35±.41 Jugofrontal 38 86.09db.52 4.79±.37 Coefficient of variation 3.11±.24 4.28±.33 4.30±.33 2.72±.20 4.32±.33 4.33±.33 4.72±.37 5.94±.46 4.73±.37 5.61±.43 6.93±.54 10.58±.82 6.77±.52 7.95±.61 4.24±.33 4.94±.38 5.22±.40 4.98±.39 6.50±.50 10.09±.78 6.95±.54 6.75±.52 5.56±.43 TATTOOING A detailed report on the tattooed designs will be published later. The word "glove" refers to an elaborate design, consisting of a line across the wrist and a line of spots on the back of the hand leading to the base of the thumb and to each finger, forming a kind of mitten, a pattern which the Arabs call a glove (chaff). TABULAR SUMMARY OF TATTOOING Position Right hand 91 Right wrist 62 Right forearm 80 Upper arm 1 Left hand 13 Left wrist 10 Left forearm 2 Glabella 8 Temples 23 Kish Iraq Ba'ij Arabs Soldiers Beduins 62 9 23 2 35 1 10 7 6 1 15 1 Kish Iraq Ba'ij Arabs Soldiers Beduins Design Spots 86 53 Lines 4 22 Glove 67 51 Gazelle 71 18 Snake 1 3 Dog 2 1 Horse 2 Army number 4 Armored car 1 (J 1 Iraq Ba'ij Soldiers Beduins 231 38 125 14 54.1 36.8 456 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Kish Iraq Ba'ij Kish Iraq Ba'ij Position Arabs Soldiers Beduins Design Arabs Soldiers Beduins Forehead 5 Cross 8 6 2 Nasion 4 3 1 Triangle 1 Nasal tip 7 2 Sun 2 2 Nose 1 Girl 4 Upper lip 2 1 Name 4 Cheek 1 Animal 5 Chin 1 Bird 2 Behind ear 1 Star 1 Thumb 1 Design 53 4 Colors 3 Circle 1 3 Circle with diagonal ... 1 Right angle 1 Ellipsoid 1 Hands joined 1 Total Design number Glove and gazelle 44 Glove (alone) on right hand 74 Glove (alone) on left hand 6 Gazelle (alone) on inside of right forearm 37 Gazelle (alone) on inside of left forearm 1 Gazelle on right wrist or right hand 8 Kish Arabs Number of individuals 398 Number tattooed 216 Percentage tattooed 54 . 0 SUMMARY OF ANTHROPOMETRIC DATA FROM SOUTHWESTERN ASIA In surveying the anthropometric data from southwestern Asia we find that during the past decade a wealth of statistical data has been obtained. C. U. Ariens Kappers has published reports on the head length, head breadth, and cephalic indices of numerous groups, including Kurds, Circassians, Persians, Turks, Greeks, Assyrians, Armenians, etc. (see Bibliography). Harald and M. Krischner of the American University, Beirut, published reports on the phys- ical anthropology of Iraq and Iran, including measurements of head length and breadth, and the cephalic indices of 363 Armenians, 197 Chaldeans, 83 Assyrians, 91 Yezidis, 60 Kurds, 52 Jews, 32 Beduins and 690 Arabs of Iraq, and 1,140 "Persians" and 343 Armenians of Iran. In Iraq studies have been made on 5,696 individuals, which form definite contributions to the racial problems of this region. Number of individuals Years measured Buxton and Field 1926 165 Krischner 1927-31 1568 Field 1928 667 Field 1934 1817 Smeaton 1934 731 Rassam 1933-34 500 Smeaton 1935 248 Total 5696 STATISTICAL SUMMARIES 457 Krischner studied a number of Persians (see Bibliography) and I recorded observations on 246 individuals in Iran and 53 Lurs from Pusht-i-Kuh, who were measured in Baghdad. From South Arabia come the small but important series measured by Captain Bertram Thomas (see Arabia Felix, 1932) and the un- published measurements made by Dr. Carleton Coon of Harvard. In Syria Dr. Nejla Izzeddin of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago measured about one thousand Druze men and women. In Trans- Jordan Dr. William M. Shanklin of the American University in Beirut measured 791 tribesmen and villagers (see Bibliography). During the spring of 1935 he made blood group studies on more than four hundred members of the Lazadat and the Mowali tribes. He also took measurements on three hundred of these tribesmen. In Turkey groups have been measured by Dr. Shevket Aziz of the University of Istanbul and by Professor Eugene Pittard of the University of Geneva. The greater portion of this material still remains unpublished but that is a matter of time. Furthermore, additional anthropometric research is being conducted in southwestern Asia and, provided that the political situation remains unaltered and the good will of the local governments toward anthropometric work remains favorable, there is every reason to hope that the racial composition of the peoples of the Near East will be determined. Similarly, the physical rela- tionship of the peoples of southwestern Asia to the inhabitants of Asia, Africa, and Europe will become known. In conclusion, when the measurements of ancient skeletal material from the eastern borders of Iran to the Mediterranean and from Anatolia to the Arabian Sea are compared with anthropometric data on the modern inhabitants of southwestern Asia light will be thrown on many historical problems. APPENDIX: FIELD MUSEUM ANTHROPOLOGICAL EXPEDITION TO THE NEAR EAST, 1934 This expedition, sponsored by Mr. Marshall Field, began work in Baghdad, Iraq, on April 2, 1934. I was accompanied by Mr. Richard A. Martin, of Chicago, who was in charge of photography and the collection of zoological specimens. The expedition continued the anthropometric studies of the peoples of the Near East which had been begun at Kish, in December, 1925, by Dr. L. H. Dudley Buxton, who measured 164 Arabs of the Kish area. In 1928, I had measured 398 Arabs of the Kish area, 231 members of the Iraq Army stationed at Hilla, and thirty-eight Ba'ij Beduins near Jemdet Nasr. These data are included in this publication. During a period of ten months in 1934 we traveled approximately 17,000 miles and made anthropometric measure- ments and studies on 3,056 individuals in Syria, Iraq, Iran, and the Caucasus region of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. I submitted each subject to the following measurements and observations, following the technique of Rudolf Martin: standing height, sitting height, head length, head breadth, bizygomatic and bigonial breadths, total facial height, upper facial height, nasal height, nasal breadth, left ear length and breadth. From these data the following indices have been calculated : relative sitting height, cephalic, fron to-parietal, total facial, upper facial, nasal, ear, jugomandibular, and jugofrontal. Observations were made on the color, form, and texture of the hair; eye color, sclera, and iris; nasal pro- file, tip, and wings; prominence of malars; teeth eruption, wear, caries, number lost and type of bite; chest development; general musculature; state of health; anomalies. There are also pathological notes and special remarks. The sex, age, birthplace, marriage, number of children, brothers, and sisters, living and dead, tattooed marks, and use of henna were noted. Apart from these measure- ments and observations every individual was photographed front and profile, a hair sample taken, a blood sample wherever possible, teeth smears, pulse, weight, and temperature of certain groups. The sixteen groups studied in Iraq, with the number of individuals in each, are listed in the following table: INDIVIDUALS STUDIED IN IRAQ DURING 1934 Marsh Arabs Males Females Albu Muhammed 221 3 Al Suwa'id 50 0 Beduins Shammar 298 129 Anaiza 23 0 Dulaim 137 0 Non-Beduin nomads Sulubba (Sleyb) 39 10 Gypsies (Nawar) 6 4 Groups near Beirut, Syria 37 0 458 APPENDIX 459 Various groups Males Females Kurds 610 32 Yezidis 235 77 Assyrians 106 137 Subba (Mandaeans) 92 33 Jews Ill 52 Turkomans 64 31 Armenians 2 4 Chaldean from Tell Kaif 1 0 Miscellaneous 0 3 Total 2032 515 The males were measured by the writer, the females and some of the males by Miss Winifred Smeaton, of Ann Arbor, Michigan. It will be interesting to compare the various elements of the modern Iraqi population and particularly to see if the Kurds from each of the mountain valleys of Zakho, Aqra, Rowandiz, and Sulaimaniya show variations or whether they appear to be a homogeneous people. There is a marked difference in the average cephalic index of the Yezidis of Balad Sinjar and that of the Sheikh 'Adi district. The measurements on the group of 427 Shammar Beduins under Sheikh 'Ajil are valuable since they are the largest racial group in the north- western part of Iraq. Dr. Carl Rassam of the Royal College of Medicine in Baghdad gave me his measurements (head length and head breadth) on 500 males, females, and children, the majority of which were obtained in the Royal Hospital. The results of this and former anthropometric studies in Iraq should enable the anthropologist to study the relationship of the Arab to the peoples of Africa, Europe, and Asia. A comparison between the measurements of ancient crania and those of the modern inhabitants of Iraq reveals the fact that there has been little change in the physical characteristics of these people during the past five thousand years. There is, however, still further work to be done on many other groups in this region. In Iraq several specialists collected data for the expedition. Miss Smeaton accompanied the expedition for three months in order to make anthropometric measurements and studies on 515 women in various parts of Iraq. She is also preparing a detailed report of tattooing in Iraq. Mrs. E. S. Drower, of Baghdad, has completed an ethnological and linguistic report on the Marsh Arabs (Albu Muhammed) of the Chahala district, east of Amara. Mrs. M. Rue Clawson, of Beirut, Syria, made a special study of the teeth of 300 Kurds and Shammar Beduins. The report on these teeth smears has been prepared for publication by Dr. M. D. Clawson of the Iraq Petroleum Company. At the suggestion of Sir Arthur Keith, blood samples were obtained wherever pos- sible. About 500 samples were taken from Kurds, Shammar, Anaiza, Dulaim, Yezidis, and Jews in Iraq and Iran. These were sent to Dr. Walter P. Ken- nedy, of the Royal College of Medicine in Baghdad, where they are being studied. Publication of the polynuclear count in 121 individuals (Kurds, Dulaim, and 460 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Jews) has been made in the Journal of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (XXVIII, No. 5, pp. 475-480, London, March, 1935). According to Dr. Kennedy "the results differed considerably from the two sets of normal counts made in Britain. The average weighted mean was 1 . 980± 0.171 and the standard deviation was 0.279. This corresponds to counts which actually occurred: I II III IV V 31 46 19 2 2 31 42 25 2 0 "The results gave an average mean of 2. 628 ±0.135, with a standard devia- tion of 0.19. The difference between the means of Iraq is thus 0.648. This is more than three times the probable errors of either, and therefore the differ- ence is statistically significant." Dr. Kennedy summarizes his results, based on a simple modification of Arneth's count and its application to the study of 121 male Iraqis, in the following words: "The average of the counts shows a marked shift to the left when compared with the health standard of the polynuclear count as laid down in Britain." Dr. H. F. Brewer, of St. Bartholomew's Hospital in London, very kindly arranged for the purchase of the haemagglutinating sera sent to Dr. Kennedy. Dr. James Macfarlane, Senior Medical Officer of the Iraq Petroleum Com- pany at Kirkuk, and Dr. Kennedy have recently concluded a joint paper entitled, "Investigations into the Human Blood Groups in Iraq," based on blood samples collected by the Field Museum Anthropological Expedition to the Near East, 1934, and on other samples obtained in Baghdad and in the Anthropological Research Laboratory in Kirkuk. The following information and tables are quoted from this forthcoming paper. "The bloods were typed by the three spot method on slides, and all agglu- tinations were checked by microscopic observation. "Table I gives the percentage of each type in the five racial groups we have tested, and also the frequencies of the three genetic factors, O, A, B, using the equa- tions: r = 0: p = 0-A-0: and q = 0-B-0. As a check p-q-r = 10, and the deviation of the sum of the frequencies from this figure gives a measure of the equilibrium of the population, assuming that the agglutinations have been performed without error. Number of persons Group typed Kurds 737 Arabs 367 Jews 97 Turkomans 67 Christians 150 Percentage in lBLE I each group Frequencies 0 A B AB P Q r p-q-r 42.3 30.9 16.7 10.1 2.04 1.18 6.51 9.73 33.8 35.7 24.3 6.2 2.53 1.81 5.81 10.15 41.2 25.8 26.8 66.2 1.77 1.83 6.42 10.02 41.8 41.8 14.9 1.5 3.21 1.06 6.47 10.74 33.3 39.3 17.4 11.0 2.88 1.47 5.78 10.13 APPENDIX 461 SUMMARY OF RESULTS Group A B AB O Total Arabs 44 29 8 40 121 Kurds 125 66 41 164 396 Turkomans 25 9 1 26 61 Christians 6 4 10 Assyrians 13 1 10 24 Armenians 4 1 2 3 10 Jews 2 13 Total 219 106 52 248 625 "In Table II the actual numbers and constitution of the first three groups are given, but as some of the sub-groups are rather small the frequencies are not calculated as their significance would be doubtful. TABLE II O A B AB Kurds Kirkuk 250 191 97 61 Sulaimaniya 16 4 6 3 Baghdad and neighborhood 44 33 15 10 Yezidis 6 5 0 1 Beduins Anaiza 11 3 6 0 Dulaim 15 12 4 1 Arabs Kirkuk, various origins 40 40 29 8 Baghdad, various origins 47 37 42 8 Christians 10 17 6 4 Jews Sandur 21 12 10 1 Isfahan, Iran 12 5 10 2 Baghdad 7 8 6 3 "The significant differences between the various groups in the above data indicate that fruitful results may be expected from an extension of blood typing investigations in Iraq." Mr. Khedoory Muallim, whose services were lent to the expedition by Dr. Sinderson of the Royal College of Medicine in Baghdad, collected birds in the Amara marshes; Mr. Albert Meymourian, entomologist of the Rustam Agricul- tural Experimental Farm, collected insects in the Amara marshes; Mr. S. Y. Showket, of Basra, acted as interpreter and general assistant from April until the end of July; Mr. Yusuf Lazar made a valuable collection of plants and insects in Iraq, Trans- Jordan, Syria, and Iran. In addition, collections of zoological and geological specimens were made in every district visited. The expedition received unusual cooperation from Iraq officials, as well as from many private individuals. Outstanding among the many persons who rendered valuable assistance are the Prime Minister; Ali Jaudat Beg; the Minister of the Interior; Sir Kinahan Cornwallis; Mr. C. Grice, of the Ministry of the 462 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Interior; Major W. C. F. Wilson, adviser to the Iraq Government at Mosul; Sir John Burnett, the Air Vice-Marshal; the American Minister, Mr. Paul Knabenshue; Squadron Leader A. R. M. Rickards, of the Royal Air Force; Dr. Walter P. Kennedy, of the Royal College of Medicine, Baghdad; Dr. T. H. McLeod, of the Royal Hospital, Mosul ; and the Mutasarrifs of the Mosul, Kirkuk, Erbil, and Amara Liwas. Through the courtesy of Professor James H. Breasted, Dr. H. Frankfort, director in Iraq of the Oriental Institute Expeditions of the University of Chicago, very kindly lent the expedition a station-wagon for general use in Iraq. Mr. Gabriel Malak also gave generous assistance. A search was made for archaeological sites in the North Arabian desert, lying in Iraq, Trans- Jordan, and Syria. Flint implements collected on the surface prove the former existence of paleolithic and neolithic man in that region. The Iraq Petroleum Company invited the members of the expedition to use their pipe-line stations and cooperated in every possible way. In Kurdistan flint implements of upper paleolithic types were found in the gorges of Zakho, Aqra, Rowandiz, and Sulaimaniya, proving that ancient man once roamed the territory between Kurdistan and the Mediterranean. At the end of July, we proceeded to Iran, accompanied by Dr. Walter P. Kennedy and Mr. Yusuf Lazar. The members of the expedition were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Erich Schmidt for four weeks at Rayy, near Tehran, during work in that vicinity. At Isfahan we visited Mr. and Mrs. Myron B. Smith and accom- panied them to Persepolis, where Professor Ernst Herzfeld, field director of the Oriental Institute Expedition to Iran, cordially received the party. Anthro- pometric data were obtained on 74 Persians in the village of Kinnareh, near Persepolis; 99 Jews in Isfahan; 48 Persians in Yezd-i-Khast; 18 workmen at the Rayy excavations; and 3 Assyrians, 3 Kurds and 1 Moslem. In Baghdad 53 Lurs from Pusht-i-Kuh were measured. Zoological, botanical, and geological specimens were also collected. Cordial cooperation was received from the American Minister, Mr. William H. Hornibrook; the Prime Minister; the Minister of the Interior; the Minister of Education; the Chief of Police; and the Governor of Isfahan. On September 14, we entered the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics at Baku on the Caspian Sea. At the request of the United States Department of State and Ambassador William C. Bullitt, the Soviet officials allowed free entry into the Soviet Union for all the expedition equipment. Traveling was greatly facilitated by VOKS (the Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries) and Intourist (the Soviet travel organization), whose representatives cooperated in every possible way. With the assistance of VOKS fifty-one male Yezidis were measured in the Kurd Club, Tiflis. These observations will form valuable ma- terial for comparison with the data obtained on the two groups of Iraqi Yezidis. Ordzhonikidze was reached by automobile over the Georgian Military Highway. The peoples of Northern Ossetia in the Caucasus have been little studied from the standpoint of physical anthropology. Through the assistance APPENDIX 463 of T. Demurov, local chairman of Northern Ossetian Education, anthropo- metric observations, measurements, and photographs of 107 men and fifty women were made. In addition, a staff of medical assistants was provided by the Soviet government to obtain specimens of blood, hair samples, weight, pulse, tempera- ture, and hand pressure of these individuals. The 156 blood samples were sent to Dr. Walter P. Kennedy, Royal Hospital, Baghdad, for study. At Ordzhonikidze nineteen deformed skulls from Nal'chik were measured and photo- graphed in the Ossetian Museum. In the Dargavskaia Valley near Koban twenty skulls were measured in the tombs of the "Valley of the Dead." Classifying the data and photographs obtained by the expedition is now in progress and the zoological, botanical, and geological specimens have been distributed to the various departments of the Museum. The Reports are now being prepared for publication. BIBLIOGRAPHY Altounyan, E. H. R. 1927. Blood Transfusion in Syria. The Lancet, II, 1342. Buxton, H. L. Dudley, and Rice, David Talbot 1931. Report on the Human Remains Found at Kish. Jour. Roy. Anthr. Inst., LXI, pp. 57-119. Chantre, E. 1895. Recherches anthropologiques dans l'Asie occidentale. Arch, du Mus. d'Hist. Nat., VI, Lyons. Field, Henry 1926. New Discoveries at Kish; a Great Temple, 5,000 Year-Old Pottery. Illus. London News, Sept. 4, p. 395. 1929a. The Field Museum-Oxford University Joint Expedition to Kish, Mesopotamia, 1923-29. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Anthr. Leaflet No. 28. 1929b. Early Man in North Arabia. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Natural History, XXIX, pp. 33-44. 1931a. The Field Museum-Oxford University Joint Expedition at Kish. Art and Arch., XXXI, Nos. 5 and 6, pp. 243-252 and pp. 323-324, Washington. 1931b. Among the Beduins of North Arabia. Open Court, XLV, pp. 577-595. 1932a. Human Remains from Jemdet Nasr, Mesopotamia. Jour. Roy. Asiat. Soc, pp. 967-970. 1932b. The Cradle of Homo Sapiens. Amer. Jour. Arch., XXXVI, pp. 426-430. 1932c. Ancient Wheat and Barley from Kish. Amer. Anthr., new ser., XXXIV, pp. 303-309. 1932d. The Ancient and Modern Inhabitants of Arabia. Open Court, XLVI, pp. 847-871. 1932e. Threshing Sledges in Kurdistan. Man, XXXII, No. 75. 1933. The Antiquity of Man in Southwestern Asia. Amer. Anthr., new ser., XXXV, pp. 51-62. 1934. Sulle caratteristiche geografiche dell' Arabia settentrionale. Boll, della Reale Soc. Geogr. Ital., ser. VI, XII, Jan., pp. 3-13. 1935a. The Field Museum Anthropological Expedition to the Near East, 1934. Science, Feb. 8, vol. 81, No. 2093, p. 146. 1935b. Ibid. The Oriental Institute Archaeological Report on the Near East, Fourth Quarter, Amer. Jour. Semitic Languages, LI, No. 3, April, pp. 207-209. Field, Henry, and Martin, Richard A. 1935. Painted Pottery from Jemdet Nasr, Iraq. Amer. Jour. Arch., XXXIX, pp. 312-320. Fleure, H. F. 1932. An Early Chapter of the Story of Homo Sapiens. Bull. John Ryland's Library, XVI, No. 2, July, Manchester, England. Frankfort, H. 1932. Archaeology and the Sumerian Problem. Oriental Inst. Publ., IV, Chicago. Genouillac, Henri de 1924-25. Premieres recherches archeologiques a Kich. 2 vols. Paris. Jensen, Peter 1900. Kis. Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie, XV, pp. 210-256. Kappers, C. U. Ariens 1930. Contributions to the Anthropology of the Near East. Kon. Akad. van Weten., I, II, vol. XXXIII, Amsterdam. 1931. Ibid. Ill, IV, V, VI, vol. XXXIV. 464 BIBLIOGRAPHY 465 Kappers, C. U. Ariens, and Parr, Leland W. 1934. An Introduction to the Anthropology of the Near East in Ancient and Recent Times. Amsterdam. Keith, Sir Arthur 1926. Report on the Human Remains, Ur Excavations. I, Excavations at Al 'Ubaid, by Hall and Woolley, London. 1932. See Thomas, Bertram (1932b). Kennedy, Walter P. 1935. The Polynuclear Count in an Iraq Population. Roy. Soc. Trop. Med. and Hygiene, XXVIII, No. 5, pp. 475-480. Krischner, H. and M. 1932. The Anthropology of Mesopotamia and Persia. Kon. Akad. van Weten., XXXV, Nos. 2 and 3, Amsterdam. Krogman, W. M. 1932. See Thomas, Bertram (1932b). 1933. See Schmidt, Erich F. Langdon, Stephen 1924. Excavations at Kish. I, Paris. 1928a. Pictographic Inscriptions from Jemdet Nasr, Excavated by the Oxford and Field Museum Expedition. Cuneiform Texts, VII, Oxford. 1928b. Ausgrabungen in Kisch und Charsagkalama. Der Alte Orient, XXVI, pp. 55-75. 1930. Excavations at Kish. Ill, Paris. 1934. Ibid., IV, Paris. LUSCHAN, F. VON 1911. The Early Inhabitants of Western Asia. Jour. Roy. Anthr. Inst., XLI, pp. 221-244. Mackay, Dorothy 1927. Painted Potsherds. The English Review, July, pp. 81-89. Mackay, Ernest 1925. Report on the Excavation of the "A" Cemetery at Kish, Mesopotamia. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Anthr. Mem., I, No. 1. 1929. A Sumerian Palace and the "A" Cemetery at Kish, Mesopotamia. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Anthr. Mem., I, No. 2. 1931. Report on Excavations at Jemdet Nasr, Iraq. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Anthr. Mem., I, No. 3. Martin, Richard A. 1935. See Field, Henry, and Martin, Richard A. Mocchi, A. 1907. Sulla antropologia degli Arabi. Archiv. per l'Antropo. e l'Etnolog., XXXVII. Olmstead, A. T. 1923. History of Assyria. New York. 1931. History of Palestine and Syria. New York. Parr, Leland W. 1929. Studies in Isohaemagglutination. Jour, of Immunology, XVI. 1930. Die Blutgruppenverteilung in der Bevolkerung des nahen ostens und Nord- afrikas. Ukrainisches Zentralblatt fiir Blutgruppenforschung, IV, part 2. 1931. Blood Studies on Peoples of Western Asia and North Africa. Amer. Jour, of Phys. Anthr., XVI, p. 15. 1934. See Kappers, C. U. Ariens, and Parr, Leland W. 466 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ PENNIMAN, T. K. 1934. Excavations at Kish. IV, pp. 64-72, Paris. Prentice, William K. 1931. A Greek Inscription from Kasr Burka. Amer. Jour. Arch., XXXV, pp. 48-50. Schmidt, Erich F. 1933. Alishar Huyuk, Season of 1928-1929. Part II, Oriental Inst. Publ., XX, Chicago. See pp. 122-137, by W. M. Krogman. Seligmann, C. G. 1917. The Physical Characters of the Arabs. Jour. Roy. Anthr. Inst., XLVII, pp. 214-237. Shanklin, William M. 1934. The Anthropology of Transjordan Arabs. Psych, en Neurol. Bladen, Nos. 3-4, Amsterdam. 1935. Blood Grouping of the Rwala Arabs. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol, and Med., 32, pp. 754-755. Speiser, E. 1930. Mesopotamian Origins. Philadelphia. Thomas, Bertram 1929. Among Some Unknown Tribes of South Arabia. Jour. Roy. Anthr. Inst., LIX, pp. 97-111. 1930. Alarms and Excursions in Arabia. London. 1932a. Anthropological Observations in South Arabia. Jour. Roy. Anthr. Inst., LXII, pp. 83-104. 1932b. Arabia Felix. New York. See Appendix by Sir Arthur Keith and W. M. Krogman. Ungnad, A. 1933. Die altesten Volkerwanderungen Vorderasiens. Breslau. Watelin, L. C. 1929a. Rapport sur les fouilles de Kich. Jour. Asiat., CCXV, pp. 103-116, Paris. 1929b. Notes sur l'industrie lithique de Kich (Iraq). L'Anth., XXXIX, pp. 65-76. 1930. Excavations at Kish. Ill, Paris. 1931. Essai de coordination des periodes archaiques de la Mesopotamie et de l'Elam. L' Anthr., XLI, pp. 265-273. 1934. Excavations at Kish. IV, Paris. GLOSSARY The colloquial words as used by the Arabs of the Kish area have been listed with the classical forms in parentheses, followed by page references in text. In some cases alternative spellings have been added. As in other parts of Iraq, the letter k is usually pronounced ch and the letter q as g. In the glossary the diacritical marks have been added by Dr. A. Frayha of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. All words and phrases are Arabic unless designated as follows: B = Babylonian; G = Greek; H = Hindustani; K = Kurdish; L = Latin; S = Spanish. 'Aba, 87, 95. Long robe which forms outer garment. 'Agal ('Iqal), 87, 432. Head-dress of camel's hair, sometimes of gold or silver thread, used to keep kafflyah in place. Aghabanu (K), 432. Head-dress (see 'Agal). Al-Forja (S), 87. Saddlebag. 'Araq, 89. Alcoholic beverage distilled from dates or rice. Arba-ilu (B), 432. Town of Erbil (G, Arbela), 75 km east of Mosul. Arnabah, 433. Tip of nose through which nose-ring is inserted. Bakara, 433. Pulley wheel used for drawing water. Bugwa, 91. Brass water jar with handle. Water for coffee-making is kept in this container, which stands beside hearth. Chaff (Kaff), 455. Glove or mitten. This refers to an elaborate design in tattooing, consisting of line across wrist and lines of spots on back of hand leading to base of thumb and each finger, forming a kind of mitten, a pattern which the Kish Arabs call a chaff (for kaff). Chai (Shai), 92. Tea. Chakow (K). Steel blades of threshing sledge (kotan). Cheneghe (K), 433. Chin. Chinagh, 93. Metal finger guard used to protect finger and back of hand from sickle blade during reaping. Chls (Kls), 93, 433. Small leather bag used for mirror or money. Worn over right shoulder and hangs by left side. This is also the general word for any kind of bag. Chmdgh, 93. Club with wooden head. Chupatties (H), 89. Unleavened cakes. Dallah (pi. Dilal), 91. Spouted vessel used for making coffee. Dalu, 433. Leather bucket. Dishddshi, 87, 88, 92. Long cotton garment generally white in color (same as thob). Duzahle (K), 90. End-flute (see Mutlug). Fallahin, 448. Peasants. Fass, 123. Pickman employed at excava- tions. Fl al-'ajalah al-nadamah, 92. Means liter- ally "in haste there is repentance," which is our proverb, "haste makes waste." Finjan, 91, 92. China coffee cup or deco- rated metal holder for cup. Furn, 89. Oven. Gahwah (Qahwah), 89, 92. Coffee. Gamis (Qamis), 87. Saddlecloth. Gubbah (Qubbah), 95. Sacred building con- taining bones of holy man. Gumgum (Qumqum), 91. Water for coffee is kept in this large metal vessel with curved spout, which stands beside hearth. Guwarhe (K) {Idhin), 433. Ear. Habil, 433. Rope. Hadji (Hajjl). A man who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca. Hangustir (K) (Mahbas), 433. Finger rings. Hatab, 85. General word for firewood. Kish Arabs use this term for camel's thorn. Hawan, 91. Brass mortar in which coffee beans are ground with rhythmic beats of pestle. Hijl (pi. Hijul) (K, Pa-bend), 433. Anklet. Huntah (Ilintah), 89. Wheat. Id al-hawan, 91. Iron pestle used for pound- ing coffee beans (see Hawan). Idhin (K, Guwarhe), 433. Ear. Imam, 95. A holy man. Imam Sa'id, 95. Tomb of holy man called Sa'Id near Kish. Istikan, 91, 92. Thick tea glass. 467 468 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ Izdr, 433. Garment worn by women. Jazlrah, 82, 89, 449. Desert. In Kish area this refers to wilderness beyond irriga- tion canals. Jisr, 86. Bridge. Jogah (pi. Jogat) (Juqah or Jawqah), 97. Gang of workmen employed at excava- tions (for description see Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Anthro. Leaflet 28). Kaffiyah (K, Aghabanu), 87, 88, 432, 433. Cloth worn over head. Kahwas (K, Kol-bend). Bracelets. Kalhe (K), 87. Leather-soled shoes with string uppers worn by Kurdish shep- herds and Beduins. Karmak (K), 433. Circlet or diadem of golden coins. Khanjar (pi. Khandjir), 90, 92, 93. Dagger (see p. 93). Khazzdmah, 433. Nose ring. Khubz, 89. Bread. Khurj, 87. Saddlebags. Kol-bend (K) (Kahwas), 433. Bracelets. Kotan (K). Threshing sledge with steel blades (chakow). Kuwdza (Kuz), 433. Pottery jar for water. Laban, 89. Sour milk. Liwa, 462. Administrative district. Maghzal, 93. Wooden spindle ornamented with bands of red and yellow. Magwar, 92, 93. General name for club; only correctly employed when head is made of bitumen (see Mazrak, K). Mahbas (K, Hangustir), 433. Finger rings. Mahmus, 91. Long-handled flat metal dish used for roasting coffee. Makdtlb (sing. Mdktub), 433. Books. Mamzah (K), 90. Reed in end-flute (see Mutlug). Mazrak (K), 92. Striking club (see Magwar). Menu hadha, 90. "Who goes there?" Reg- ular challenge of sentry or watchman. Minjal, 93. Sickle with wooden handle. Shape resembles pottery sickles to which saw-toothed flints were attached by bitumen to form blade. Many pottery sickle handles and thousands of flint blades were excavated at Kish and Jemdet Nasr. The example in Figure 37 was purchased near Erbil. Mishd, 443. Long-handled wooden shovel used at excavations and for digging irrigation ditches. Mlzdn, 97. Ursa Major, the constellation of the Great Bear. Musigd (Muslqd), 90. Music. Mutasarrij, 462. Governor of a district, liwa. Mutlug, 90. End-flute. Ndr, 90. Fire. Nasrdnl, 432. Christian. Pa-bend (K) (Hijl), 433. Anklet. Pecten (L), 88. Small shells used for kohl. Found in Sumerian graves. Rabdbah, 90. Single-stringed instrument played with horsehair bow. Obtained from Beduins. Rais (Rayyis or Ra'ls), 97, 443. Foreman at excavations. Rashmah, 93. Donkey halter usually deco- rated with cowrie shells and with small blue beads sewn on leather for protec- tion against evil eye. Sabll, 433. Pipe. Sage (K), 89.' Long-handled iron dish for roasting coffee (see Mahmus). Sakhariya, 93. Club with stone head. Ancient maceheads are sometimes used. They are attached to handle by means of large nail. Sayyid. Descendant of Prophet. A Sayyid wears a green band around his head or around his waist, as a mark of distinction. Selugi (Saluql), 384. Sometimes written slughi. Hound used by Beduins and Arabs for hunting gazelle. Sha'lr, 89. Barley. Shenhe (K). Wooden fork used in harvest. Sibha, 433. Rosary, usually of amber beads. Suk (Suq), 89, 433. Native market. Tamr, 89. Dates. Telgama (pi. Telgamat), 91. Coffee pots. Thob (Thawb), 87. Long cotton garment (same as dishddshi). Timmin, 89. Rice. Titin, 433. Tobacco. Wddi, 78. Dry river or stream. Yamani, 433. Leather shoes worn by men. Zibun, 87. Tight-fitting colored garment worn over dishddshi and under 'aba. INDEX Abu Sudaira (Kish), 83 Agade, 80 Albu Muhammed (Marsh Arabs), 458, 459 Alexander the Great, 433 Al Suwa'id (Marsh Arabs), 458 Amara, see Kut al Imara American Indian traits among Kish Arabs, 15 American University, Beirut, 457 Anaiza Beduins, 449, 458; blood samples of, 459; blood typing of, 461 Anthropological Research Laboratory, Kir- kuk, 460 Anthropometric method, 11, 12, 98-101; graphic analysis in, 20, 21, 37, 38, 54, 67; photographic, 12, 13, 16, 17; tech- nique of Rudolph Martin, 458 Anthropometric tables, see Ba'ij Beduins, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs Aqra, Kurds from, 459; paleolithic site near, 462 Arabia, home of Semites, 19; invasion of by brachycephals, 38; Negroid population in, 17; original inhabitants of, 75, 76; Pleistocene period in, 75, 76 Arabs, age changes among, 17; ancestry of, 76; Armenoid traits among, 15, 16; Aryo-Dravidian traits among, 29, 43, 51; beard of, 16; blood typing of, 460, 461; brachycephaly among, 27, 38, 74; Caucasian traits among, 14, 16, 18, 19, 52, 75; Dravidian traits among, 14, 17, 18, 27, 51, 75, 76; eccentric forms among, 27; European traits among, 17, 25, 75; facial characteristics of, 16, 60, 61, 75, "ram-faced" type, 52, 53, 60; Hamitic traits among, 17, 75; head form and size of, 25, 27, 74, compared to Pathans, 29, 30; Jewish traits among, 16; leg length of, 70, 73; Mongoloid traits among, 14, 15; Negroid traits among, 14, 17, 18, 52, 75; nose of, 15, 16, 45, compared to Chatris, Egyptians, 51, Jews, 16, Pa- thans, 51; origin of, 19; pigmentation of, 18, 75; racial affinities of, 14, 15, 19, 25, 29-31, 56, 75, 76; racial evolution of, 19; southern Chinese type among, 15; South European traits among, 17, 25, 75; stature of, 73; variability of racial characters in, 27, 64, 65, 68-70, 73; see Anaiza Beduins, Ba'ij Beduins, Beduins, Egyptians, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs, North Arabs, South Arabs Arbela, see Erbil Armenians, blood typing of, 461; of Iraq, 456, 459; of Iran, 456 Armenoid characters and type, 15, 16 Arneth's count, 460 Aryo-Dravidians, 19, 27, 28; home of, 19; traits of among Arabs, 29, 43, 51; see Pathans Assyrians, 456, 459; blood typing of, 461 Astragals, game of, 94 Astronomy, 97 Aziz, Shevket, 457 Babylon, 77, 81, 84 Baghdad, see Iraq soldiers from "Baghdad boil," 442 Ba'ij Beduins, 448-455; acromion to sole measurements of, 455; age changes among, 13, 16, 17; ages of, 450; anthro- pometric table of, 455; beard of, 16; brachycephaly among, 23, 25; cephalic indices of, 20-23, 37, 441, 450, compared to Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs, 37, to Somalis, South Arabs, 23, cumulative percentages of, 443; chest of, 453; ear indices and measurements of, 452, 455; European features among, 16-19; eyes, 450, 452, color of, 18, 19, 450, 452; facial indices of, relative, 53, 54, total, 60-62, 447, 455, upper, 449, 455; facial measure- ments of, 53, 58-60, 455; facial types of, long-faced type, 17, "ram-faced," 54, 56, short-faced, 17; fron to-parietal indices of, 39, 445, 455; hair of, 451, color of, 18, 451; head form and size of, 20-23, 27, 28, 36, compared to Chatris, 27, to Egyptians, 26, 27, to Iraq soldiers, 25, 27, to Kish Arabs, 36, 37, to Kish crania, 450, to South Arabs, 22, 23, correlation of with stature, 28; health of, 455; jugo- frontal indices of, 454, 455; jugoman- dibular indices of, 453, 455; minimum frontal diameter of, 38-41, 455; muscu- lature of, 454; Negroid traits among, 450, 455; nose of, 16, 452, 453, indices and measurements of, 45-47, 451, 455; numerical series of, 11; relative sitting height indices of, 69-70, 439, 455; sitting height of, 68-70, 455; smallpox among, 455; statistical tables on, 448-455; stature of, 68-70, 438, 455, compared to Egyptians, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs, Pathans, 28; tattooing of, 455, 456; teeth of, 67, 450, 453; see North Arabs Balad Sinjar Yezidis, 459 Balfour, Henry, 9 Bani Sukhr Beduins, 449 Ba'quba, European type from, 18 Basra, European type from, 18 Bayir Wells, Trans-Jordan, Chellean im- plements at, 78 Beduins, descendants of Proto-Mediterra- neans, 78, 79; racial relationships of, 469 470 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ 449, 450; see Anaiza, Ba'ij, Bani Sukhr, Dulaim, Huwaitat, Ruwalla, Sba'a, Shammar Beduin type, evolution of, 19 Beirut, American University at, 457; nomads near, 458 Blood, Arneth's count, 460; polynuclear count, 459; samples of, 459-461, 463; typing of, 460, 461 Brachycephaly, see Arabs, Ba'ij Beduins, Chatris, Egyptians, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs, North Arabs, Pathans, South Arabs Bread, 89 Breasted, James H., 462 Brewer, H. F., 460 Brick-making, 85 Building techniques, ancient brick-making, 85; bridge, 86; mud hut, 85, 86 Bullitt, William C, 462 Burnett, Sir John, 462 Buxton, L. H. Dudley, 9, 11, 456, 458 Camels, see Domestic animals Caucasian race, evolutionary center of, 75, 76; migrations of, 76; traits of, see Armenoid characters, Arabs, European, South European Caucasus, anthropological data obtained in, 458, 462, 463 Cephalic indices, grouping of, 20; see Ba'ij Beduins, Chatris, Egyptians, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs, North Arabs, Pathans, Yezidis Chaldeans, ancient, compared to Iraq soldiers, 24, 25; modern, 456, 459; see Qaraqosh Champion de Crespigny, C, 430 Chatris, brachycephaly among, 27; cephalic indices of, 27, 28; Dravidians, 27; fronto-parietal indices of compared to Pathans, 42; head form and size of, 27, 28, compared to Ba'ij Beduins, 27, to North Arabs, 30, to Pathans, 30; mini- mum frontal diameter of, 41-43; nose of, 50, 51, compared to Arabs, Egyp- tians, Pathans, 51; stature of compared to Pathans, 28 Chellean implements, Bayir Wells, Trans- Jordan, 78 Chinese features among Kish Arabs, 15 Christians, Iraq, blood typing of, 460, 461 Clawson, M. D., 459 Clawson, M. Rue, 459 Climate, influence of on culture of Egypt, Mesopotamia, North Arabia, 78 Coon, Carleton, 457 Cornwallis, Sir Kinahan, 461 Craniometry, see Anthropometric method Cutha (Tell Ibrahim), 85 Cyrus, 81 Dargavskaia Valley, Koban, U.S.S.R., skulls measured in, 463 Darius, 433 Demurov, T., 463 Dogs in Kish area, 85 Domestic animals, 85-87, 89, 92 Donkeys, see Domestic animals Dravidians, home of, 19; traits of among Arabs, 14, 17, 18, 27, 51, 75, 76, among Kish Arabs, 46; see Chatris Dress, see Kish Arabs, Qaraqosh Chaldeans Drower, E. S., 459 Druze, 457 Dulaim Beduins, 458; blood samples of, 459; blood typing of, 461 Ear indices and measurements, see Ba'ij Beduins, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs Education, 96, 97 Egypt, climatic influence on, 78 Egyptians, Khargha Oasis, brachycephaly among, 27; cephalic indices of, 26, 27; facial indices and measurements of, 62- 64; head form and size of, 26, 27, com- pared to Ba'ij Beduins, Iraq soldiers, 26, 27; nose of, 16, 43-45, compared to Arabs, Chatris, 51, Hamitic character of, 44; relative sitting height indices of, 71; sitting height of, 70; stature of, 70, . 71, compared to Ba'ij Beduins, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs, Pathans, 28 Endocrine glands, 442, 448 Erbil (Arbela), 432 European features, see Arabs, Ba'ij Beduins, Caucasian, Iraq soldiers, South Euro- peans Evil eye, 89 Eye and eye color, see Ba'ij Beduins, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs Facial characteristics, indices, measurements, types, see Arabs, Ba'ij Beduins, Egyp- tians, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs Field, Marshall, 458 Food, 89, 90 Frankfort, H., 462 Frayha, A., 467 Fronto-parietal indices, see Ba'ij Beduins, Chatris, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs, Pathans Games and pastimes, 92, 94 "Garden of Eden," 77 Gaugamela, battle of, 433, 434 Graphic analyses of types, description of, see Anthropometric method Grice, C, 461 Gutium, barbarians of, 80 Gypsies (Nawar), 458 Hair and hair color, see Ba'ij Beduins, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs Hamites, Egyptian nose characteristic of, 44; head form and size of, 23; home of, 19; Somalis typical of, 23 INDEX 471 Hamitic traits among Arabs, 17, 75; among South Arabs, 74 Head form and size, see cephalic indices and head measurements under Arabs, Ba'ij Beduins, Chatris, Hamites, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs, Pathans; see Kish crania Health, see Ba'ij Beduins, Iraq soldiers, Kish Henna, 88, 440, 444 Herzfeld, Ernst, 462 Hilla, see Iraq soldiers from Hooton, E. A., 9 Hornibrook, William H., 462 Horse, 86, 87, 92; harness of, 87 Household utensils, 91 Houses, Kish area, 85, 86 Hrdlicka, A., 26, 43, 44, 62, 64, 70, 71 Huwaitat Beduins, Trans-Jordan, 449 India, natives of, see Aryo-Dravidians, Chatris, Dravidians, Pathans; racial re- lationship of with Arabs, 75 Indo-Afghans, racial relationship of with Arabs, 75 Indo-Aryans, racial relationship of with Arabs, 75 Irani ("Persians"), 456, 457, 462 Iranian group, ethnological definition of, 19 Iraq, anthropometric data obtained in (1934), 458-461 ; blood samples from, 459; blood typing in, 460, 461; ethnological lo- cation of, 19; geographical position of, 77; migrations into, 77; modern in- habitants of compared with Meso- potamians, 459; neolithic period in, 77; paleolithic period in, 77 Iraqis, 456-461; see Ba'ij Beduins, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs Iraq Petroleum Company, 459, 460, 462 Iraq soldiers, 444-448, acromion to sole measurements of, 445; ages of, 444, 445; anthropometric table of, 448; Armenoid traits among, 15, 16; brachycephaly among, 25, 31; cephalic indices of, 24, 25, 27, 31, 32, 37, 38, 448, compared to Ba'ij Beduins, Kish Arabs, 37, graph of, 38, 441, cumulative percentages of, 443, chest of, 447; ear indices and measure- ments of, 448, 452; endocrine abnormal- ities in, 448; European features among, 18, 31; eyes, 446, color of, 19, 446; facial indices of, relative, 53, 59, 60, total, 53, 447, 448, upper, 448, 449 ; facial measure- ments of, 53, 54, 59, 60, 448; facial types of, long-faced type, 17, "ram-faced," 53, 54, 59, 60, short-faced, 17; fronto- parietal indices of, 39, 445, 448; hair, 445, 446, color of, 445; head form and size of, 24, 25, 27, 31, 32, compared to ancient Chaldeans, 24, 25, to Ba'ij Beduins, 25, 27, to Egyptians, 26, 27, to Kish Arabs, 36, 37, to Pathans, 28, 31, to South Arabs, 32, correlation of with stature, 28; health of, 447; jugofrontal indices of, 448, 454; jugomandibular indices of, 448, 453; Mediterranean type among, 13; minimum frontal diameter of, 38, 39, 41; Mongoloid traits among, 14, 15; musculature of, 447; Negroid traits among, 14, 15, 17, 448; nose of, 16, 446, indices and measurements of, 45, 48-50, 448, 451; numerical series of, 11; pathological conditions of, 448; rela- tive sitting height indices of, 439, 448; sitting height of, 448; smallpox among, 448; statistical tables on, 444-448; stature of, 68, 438, 448, compared to Ba'ij Beduins, Egyptians, Kish Arabs, Pathans, 28; tattooing of, 455, 456; teeth of, 67, 446, 447; vital statistics of, 430-432 Iraq soldiers, from Baghdad, 50; from Bagh- dad, Kirkuk, Mosul, Sulaimaniya, ceph- alic indices of, 31, 32, 36, European features in, 18, 31, head form and size of, 32; from Hilla, Nasiriya, cephalic indices of, 30, 31, head form and size of, 30, 31; from Kut al Imara, cephalic indices of, 31, 32, European features of, 18, head form and size of, 31, 32 Irrigation, Kish area, 84 Isfahan, Iran, Jews in, 462 Izzeddin, Nejla, 457 Jaudat, Ali, 461 Jemdet Nasr, 9, 84 Jemdet Obeid, 84 Jews, blood typing of, 460, 461; nose of com- pared to Arabs, 16 Jews from Iran, 459; anthropometric data on, 462 Jews from Iraq, 456, 459 Jugofrontal indices, see Ba'ij Beduins, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs Jugomandibular indices, see Ba'ij Beduins, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs Kappers, C. U. Ariens, 432, 456 Keith, Sir Arthur, 10, 24, 459 Kennedy, Walter P., 459, 462, 463 Khargha Oasis, see Egyptians Kinnareh, Iran, anthropological data from, 462 Kirkuk, see Iraq soldiers from Kish, ancient human remains at, 11; crania from, 11, compared to Ba'ij Beduins, 450; earliest inhabitants at, 79, 81, 82; founding of, 77, 79; history of, 79-82; location of, 77; neolithic phase at, 78; pottery, neolithic at, 78, 79; Proto- Mediterraneans' arrival at, 79; Semites' arrival at, 79, 80; Sumerians' arrival at, 79 Kish Arabs, 82-97, 434-444; acromion to sole measurements of, 444; ages of, 437; 472 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ American Indian traits among, 15; anthropometric table of, 444; Armenoid traits among, 15, 16; "Baghdad boil" among, 442; brachycephaly among, 30, 33-35, 37, 450; brow-ridges of, 435; cephalic indices of, 32-38, 444, compared to Ba'ij Beduins, Iraq soldiers, 37, graph of, 38, 441, cumulative percentages of, 443; chest of, 437; children of, 96, 430, 431; Chinese features among, 15; Dra- vidian traits among, 46; dress of, 87, 88; ear indices and measurements of, 436, 442, 444, 452; education of, 96, 97; endocrine abnormalities of, 442; eye- brow of, 435; eyes, 88, 435, 440, color of, 19, 435; facial indices of, relative, 53-58, 61, total, 53, 62-67, 444, 447, upper, 444, 449; facial measurements of, 53, 60- 67; facial types of, long-faced type, 17, "ram-faced," 56-58, short-faced, 17; food of, 89, 90; fronto-parietal indices of, 444, 445; games and pastimes of, 92, 94; hair, 434, 437, 440, color of, 18, 434; head form and size of, 28, 32-37, compared to Ba'ij Beduins, 36, 37, to Iraq soldiers, 36, 37, to Pathans, 30, correlation of with stat- ure, 28; health of, 437, 442; henna used by, 88, 440, 444; household utensils of, 91; jugofrontal indices of, 444, 454; jugomandibular indices of, 444, 453; kohl used by, 88, 444; marriage cus- toms of, 88; minimum frontal diameter of, 38-40, 42, 43, 444; Mongoloid traits among, 15, 442; musculature of, 437; music of, 90; Negroid traits among, 17, 442; nose of, 16, 435, 436, indices and measurements of, 45-48, 444, 451; nu- merical series of, 11; pathological con- ditions of, 442, 443; racial characteristics of, 82; relative sitting height indices of, 70-74, 439, 444; religion of, 95, 96; scapulae of, 437; scars of by burning, 443; sitting height of, 70-74, 444; small- pox among, 442; social life and customs of, 82-97; statistical tables on, 434-444; stature of, 68, 70-74, 438, 444, com- pared to Ba'ij Beduins, Egyptians, Iraq soldiers, Pathans, 28, correlation of with head size, 28; Sumerian type among, 442; superstitions of, 89; tattooing of, 88, 455, 456; taxation of, 94, 95; teeth of, 436, 440-442; tobacco used by, 92; variability of racial char- acters in, 71; vital statistics of, 430-432; weapons of, 90-93 Kish area, 77-97; domestic animals of, 85- 87, 89, 92; geographical character of, 84; irrigation of, 84; map of, 83; mud huts used as houses in, 85, 86; villages of, 85; women of, 88 Knabenshue, Paul, 462 Koban, U.S.S.R., see Dargavskaia Valley Kohl, 88, 444 Krischner, Harald, 456, 457 Krischner, M., 456 Krogman, W. M., 10, 23 Kug-Bau, 80 Kurdistan, paleolithic sites in, 462 Kurds, 456, 459; blood samples of, 459; blood typing of, 460, 461 Kut al Imara, see Iraq soldiers from Lagash, 80 Langdon, Stephen, 79, 430 Laufer, Berthold, 9 Lazadat tribe, Trans-Jordan, 457 Lazar, Yusuf, 461, 462 Leg length, see sitting height and stature under Ba'ij Beduins, Egyptians, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs Lurs from Pusht-i-Kuh, Iran, 457, 462 Macfarlane, James, 460 Mackay, Ernest, 80 McLeod, T. H., 462 Maer, battle of, 80 Mahewil, 84, 95 Malak, Gabriel, 462 Mancala, 94 Mandaeans (Subba), 459 Marett, R. R., 9 Marriage customs, 88 Marsh Arabs, 458, 459 Martin, Richard A., 10, 458 Martin, Rudolph, technique of, 458 Mediterranean type among Iraq soldiers, 13 Mesopotamia, 77; climatic influence on, 78; see Iraq Meymourian, Albert, 461 Minimum frontal diameter, see Ba'ij Beduins, Chatris, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs, Pathans Mongoloid traits among Arabs, 14, 15; among Iraq soldiers, 14, 15; among Kish Arabs, 15, 442; type, evolutionary center of, 75 Mosul, see Iraq soldiers from Mowali tribe, Trans-Jordan, 457 Muallim, Khedoory, 461 Mud hut, 85, 86 Music, 90 Nabunidus, 81 Nal'chik, deformed skulls from, 463 Nasiriya, see Iraq soldiers from Nawar (Gypsies), 458 Nebuchadnezzar, 81 Negroid, population, see Arabia; traits, see Arabs, Ba'ij Beduins, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs Neolithic phase, in Iraq, 77; at Kish and in North Arabian Desert, 78, 79 North Arabian Desert, archaeological sites in, 462; climatic influence on, 78; INDEX 473 earliest inhabitants of, 78; paleolithic man in, 78 North Arabs, brachycephaly among, 30, 74; cephalic indices of, 23; head form and size of, 22, 23, compared to Chatris, Pathans, 30, to South Arabs, 22, 23, 30, 74, 75; physical characters of compared to South Arabs, 75; see Ba'ij Beduins North Ossetians, anthropometric studies of, 462, 463; blood samples of, 463 Nose, Armenoid, 15, development of, indices, measurements of, etc., see Arabs, Ba'ij Beduins, Chatris, Egyptians, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs, Pathans; growth changes of, 16 Ordzhonikidze, U.S.S.R., 462, 463 Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, 457, 462 Ossetian Museum, Ordzhonikidze, U.S.S.R., 463 Ossetians, see North Ossetians Paleolithic period, see Aqra, Bayir Wells, Iraq, Kurdistan, North Arabian Desert, Rowandiz, Rutba, Sulaimaniya, Zakho Pathans, Aryo-Dravidians, 27, 28; brachy- cephaly among, 30; cephalic indices of, 29, 30; fronto-parietal indices of com- pared to Chatris, 42; head form and size of, 27-30, compared to Arabs, 29, 30, to Chatris, 30, to Iraq soldiers, 28, 31, to Kish Arabs, North Arabs, South Arabs, 30; minimum frontal diameter of, 42, 43; nose of, compared to Arabs, Chatris, 51, indices and measurements of, 51, 52; stature of compared to Ba'ij Beduins, Chatris, Egyptians, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs, 28 Pathological conditions, see Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs "Persians" (Irani), 456, 457, 462 Photographic records, anthropometric analy- ses by, 12, 13, 16, 17 Pigmentation, 18, 75, 442; see eye, hair, under Ba'ij Beduins, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs Pittard, Eugene, 457 Pleistocene period, 75; in Arabian peninsula, 75,76 Polynuclear count, 459 Pottery, neolithic, from Kish, 78, 79 Proto-Mediterraneans, ancestors of Beduins, 78, 79; conquered by Sumerians, 79; migrations of, 79 Punjab natives, see Pathans Pusht-i-Kuh, Iran, Lurs from, 457, 462 Qaraqosh, Chaldean village of, 430, 432-434; modern Chaldeans at, dress of, 432, 433, physical characteristics of, 432, 433, women of, 433; see Gaugamela Qasr-el-Burqu', Roman occupation of, 78 Race study by means of photographs, 12, 13,17 Ramadan, 95-97 "Ram-faced" types, see facial types under Arabs, Ba'ij Beduins, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs Rassam, Carl, 456, 459 Ratzel, F., 19 Rayy excavations, Iran, anthropometric studies on workmen at, 462 Relative facial indices, see facial indices under Ba'ij Beduins, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs Relative sitting height indices, see Ba'ij Beduins, Egyptians, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs Religion, 95, 96 Rickards, A. R. M., 462 Risley, H. H., 27, 28, 29, 50, 52 Rowandiz, 77; Kurds from, 459; paleolithic site near, 462 Royal College of Medicine, Baghdad, 459, 461 Rustam Agricultural Experimental Farm, Hinaidi near Baghdad, 461 Rutba, paleolithic site near, 78 Ruwalla Beduins, 449 Sargon, sons and descendants of, 80 Sayyid Ruda, camp of, 34, 35 Sba'a Beduins, 449 Scars by burning, 443 Schmidt, Erich F., 462 Schroeder, Eric, 9 Semites, Arabia home of, 19; Armenoid traits in, 16; arrival at Kish of, 79, 80; racial relationship of with Arabs, 76 Shammar Beduins, 458, 459 Shanklin, William M., 457 Sheikh Abbas ibn Diab of the Ba'ij Beduins, 448, 449 Sheikh 'Adi Yezidis, 459 Sheikh 'Ajil ibn al-Yawir, Paramount Sheikh of the Shammar, 459 Sheikh Aziz, camp of, 35, 36 Sheikh Hadji Hunta, 9; camp of, 35, 36 Sheikh Hadji Miniehil, 9; camp of, 32-34, 85 Sheikhs of Kish area, 82 Sheikh Swadi, camp of, 34, 35 Showket, S. Y., 9, 432, 461 Sitting height, see Ba'ij Beduins, Egyptians, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs Sleyb (Sulubba), 458 Smallpox, 442, 448, 455 Smeaton, Winifred, 456, 459 Smith, Myron B., 462 Somalis, cephalic indices of compared to Ba'ij Beduins, South Arabs, 23; repre- sentative of Hamites, 23 South Arabia, anthropometric data from, 457 South Arabs, brachycephaly among, 22-24, 30, 74, 75; cephalic indices of, 23, 24, 474 ARABS OF CENTRAL IRAQ compared to Ba'ij Beduins, Somalis, 23; Hamitic traits among, 74 ; head form and size of, 22, 23, compared to Ba'ij Beduins, 22, 23, to Iraq soldiers, 32, to North Arabs, 22, 23, 30, 74, 75; physical charac- ters of compared to North Arabs, 75 Southern Chinese type among Arabs, 15 South European features, among Arabs, 17, 25, 75; among Iraq soldiers, 18, 31; see European features Southwestern Asia, anthropometric data from, 456, 457 Stature, see Arabs, Ba'ij Beduins, Chatris, Egyptians, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs Subba (Mandaeans), 459 Sulaimaniya, 77; Kurds from, 459; paleolithic site near, 462; see Iraq soldiers from Sulubba (Sleyb), 458 Sumerians, conquest of Kish by, 79, of Maer by, 80; type of among Kish Arabs, 442 Superstitions, 89 Sushko, Alexander, 434 Suwa'id, see Al Suwa'id Tattooing, 88, 455, 456 Taxes, 94, 95 Teeth, occlusion of in primitive and civilized races, 67 ; see Ba'ij Beduins, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs Tell Barguthiat, 84, 448 Tell-el-Uhaimir (Kish), 80, 82-84 Tell Ibrahim (Cutha), 85 Tell Inghara (Kish), 83, 84 Tell Kaif, Chaldean from, 459 Thomas, Bertram, 73, 457; Somalis measured by, 23 ; South Arabs measured by, 22 Tobacco, 92 Total facial indices, see Ba'ij Beduins, Egyptians, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs Trans-Jordan, anthropometric data from, 457 Trunk length, see Relative sitting height Turkomans, 459; blood typing of, 460, 461 United Provinces, India, see Chatris University of Chicago, 434, 457, 462 Upper face length, see "ram-faced" under Arabs, Ba'ij Beduins, Iraq soldiers, Kish Arabs Ur, ancient inhabitants, cephalic indices of, 24, 25, cranial capacity of, 25, skeletal remains of, 11; dynasty of, at Kish, 80; kingdom cf, 81 U.S.S.R., anthropological data obtained in, 458, 462, 463 Variability of racial characters, see Arabs, Kish Arabs Villages of Kish area, description of, 85 Vital statistics, 430-432 VOKS (The Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries), U.S.S.R., 462 Watelin, L. C, 9 Weapons, 90-93 Wilson, W. C. F., 462 Women, status of in Kish area, 88; Chaldean, see Qaraqosh Woolley, Sir Leonard, 11, 24 Yezd-i-Khast, Iran, anthropological data from, 462 Yezidis, 450; blood typing of, 461; cephalic indices of, 459; studied in Tiflis, U.S.S.R., 462 Zakho, Kurds from, 459; paleolithic site near, 462 4 E 41 a o 55 bo E O 2 bo e 3 o bo E o S5 bo E o S5 bo E o 55 E < 3 o £ a i < o bo E o 55 be E o 55 bo E bo E o 55 bo E < C '5 I s I fa o 2 be E o 55 bo E I S5 S e o as so E o 2 bH E o H 3 S > o i s 1 I o Z be E o Z be E o Z S o Z 3 S3 •s a p s 2 o Z be E 1 04 | I a e 1 < 1 o Z e o Z em E c< I Z ^ "3 ^ I t\ i a V 1 ^ o Z CM e o z 60 o Z bt E o Z e n o Z bg £ be E > o > I d 2 bo e O 2 E o 2 bo E o 55 be E < > So o ~o a. o I bo E be E o 55 bo E o 55 bo E < a 55 "3 S 2 E bo E o 55 bo E o £ to bo E o 55 bo E I- K Oh O > "o a o | < E be E o 55 s ^ * >K « I 55 2 •a 1 s bO o 55 bo E 03 < a — 9 X 5 I I S a 3 o be E o S5 be E H o > e '3 E 1 O Z o Z bo - a e Z 2 o Z o Z be o Z pa < 3 X I i i § s a 3 o be E o bo E o o 55 E w « I "8 S 1 E en 9 o 55 E o E V > s E o > o = S £ "o a o c < o 55 be o be o 55 E o 55 be E V O .2 W a 55 «— o £ s E o 55 be E o 55 be E < H X 8 2 '5 e 2 o s < o bo E o w bi e v9 O E a & o .S3 a n 3 *-» z s a T3 o 2 bo E CO o E 5 o to E 00 i— 1 6 g, lO X be E N* ^ & \ > E o > E S a a S o a o 3 o 55 be E o 55 E o 55 £ o SB be E X I E > o > o E i ! ■5 3 I SI 55 S E o 55 E bo- E bo E o 55 E cc be E o 55 to E o 55 bo E o £ bo E W w 3 CO > £ s $ ! o 55 be E o Z E o 55 be E o 55 E V ^ ^ ^ .a a 55 S 2 o 55 be E o 55 be e W s a w l-H « PQ < 5 o 55 be E o 55 be E fr X X Pi £ 1 1 1 o 55 bo E o Z be E in o 55 Cn o 55 bo E w 0 E I 55 a I o 55 to E o 55 * * l"H A ^ (i i 1 ° \ 1 I V3 s i i l ^^ta^^ 'J^\T \ n • N o 55 E o 55 E < H X X - > £2 o o c s o as E tit E S o as bO E 5 of o 55 bo S o 1 ^.^^■^M n E 3 at 55 t«-l M I o s 3 X as - o > .s 3 S >> be o a o c < o Z o 2 be H 3 09 Z o E o Z o Z be X s t I s o ! o z oc E o Z 00 00 E o o d z H 0 O Z bo e « l-H pa 3 d Z bo e en d Z bo E X l-l X X E 8? 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Herdsman Fig. 2. Herdsman Fig. 3. Black tent made of camel's hair BA'IJ BEDUINS, NEAR KISH %'V^7/ Field Museum of Natural History Anthropology, Memoirs; , Vol. IV, Plate CXIX ^} Kl i ■ ,-Mi m & 1T/ i Fig. 1. Woman Fig. 2. Woman with child Fig. 3. Woman with spindle Fig. 4. Woman weaving BA'IJ BEDUINS, NEAR KISH X I I i s ! c < ^ I X •z. "S 2 I w PS •< X 03 55 - PS Q I— I w o « ■< PS o 3 £ s f a I s § Q a o « I 53 ■s -a fc V ^ ^ E £ a o I § ^ fc V fr I « •3 E s OS 1 S T3 itf&Sfrr* ^-~ rjff4 Hi /^ri i ftB**^^ ^c'* v ^H \- " "' G ■ '*^0W0f^m i*-- ^ ^jk ^£^*- ^-' * < bs a in H PS Q J I— I a o pa < PS <: o o > 3 >» bo 3 "o a o c < .3 £ in 3 c C3 T3 3 S >. ■ C 2 9 £ s a, 9 < o a CO I— I W H CO § o s O — Q ^ \ ^ * s* ^ * 7^2. Field Museum of Natural History Anthropology, Memoirs, Vol. IV, Plate CXXIV Fig. 1. Native orchestra ^"\ ♦"•a Fig. 2. Dancing girl Fig. 3. Dancing girl ARAB DANCING GIRL AND MUSICIANS, KISH > X o 1 s •I I "o o. o 1 I w 1 •s s I s T3 1 IV a PL, bo s a 8 o & & 2 bO c ■c o bo E bo S3 o Eh > X W W BQ t— I M ! & a I Q H 3 o i i CD C e bo s ft. #» " 76 try Field Museum of Natural History Anthropology, Memoirs, Vol. IV, Plate CXXVI Fig. 1. Making coffee Fig. 2. Grinding coffee Fig. 3. Beside the hearth Fig. 4. Author, taking measurements ARABS, KISH AREA Field Museum of Natural History Anthropology, Memoirs, Vol. IV, Plate CXXVII Fig. 1. Celebrating end of Ramadan Fig. 2. Horsemen 7^* 7t> 7*7 Fig. 3. Workmen outside camp, Kish ARABS, KISH AREA ^ * % fff Field Museum of Natural History Anthropology, Memoirs, Vol. IV, Plate CXXVIII ARAB (No. 26), KISH AREA ^*7<* W Field Museum of Natural History Anthropology, Memoirs, Vol. IV, Plate CXXIX ARAB (No. 26), KISH AREA ■ty " 7^ 4*7-4 Field Museum of Natural History Anthropology, Memoirs, Vol. IV, Plate CXXX ARAB (No. 2), KISH AREA Field Museum of Natural History Anthropology, Memoirs, Vol. IV, Plate CXXXI ARAB (No. 2), KISH AREA ;*? *;£•/?-/* Field Museum of Natural History Anthropology, Memoirs, Vol. IV, Plate CXXXII ARAB (No. 10), KISH AREA ^ * 76 *fo Field Museum of Natural History Anthropology, Memoirs, Vol. IV, Plate CXXXIII ARAB (No. 10), KISH AREA 7^ "76*7/ Field Museum of Natural History Anthropology, Memoirs, Vol. IV, Plate CXXXIV ARAB (No. 74), KISH AREA ^ # 7^ +?*. Field Museum of Natural History Anthropology, Memoirs, Vol. IV, Plate CXXXV ARAB (No. 74), KISH AREA g 5 a •z o £ 3 5 3 s 2 ■« H •< « CO « CO PQ < < 7(?*7£7y7 Field Museum of Natural History Anthropology, Memoirs, Vol. IV, Plate CXXXVII Fig. 1. Native orchestra Fig. 2. Woman Fig. 3. Husband and wife ARABS, KISH AREA 5 £ £ 2 i I I ^ o 3 « Z o E 3 0) x 3 a 2 ■3 o •g i o E 1 o E £ c < >. o a 3 55 2 2 a V. O < pj >< cy $ O Q 55 55 pa a § 55 Q ■J a Field Museum of Natural History Anthropology, Memoirs, Vol. IV, Plate CXLI \ V CHALDEAN WOMEN AND GIRLS, QARAQOSH £ a ft* o > o a o c < rt'v^- - v a VI O 9 < (A tn ►J OS O Q ->3 55 9 o < a < « o -4-> .2 s a! £ 3 S 3 2 ■^ # 7t#?? Field Museum of Natural History Anthropology, Memoirs, Vol. IV, Plate CXLIII CHALDEAN WOMEN AND GIRLS, QARAQOSH > E > E S I a o s t « O a < — O o < z, W 2 o M Q O DO w 55 & m 3 2 ^ * 76 ro/ Field Museum of Natural History Anthropology, Memoirs, Vol. IV, Plate CXLV TYPES, NEAR ALTTJN KOPRU 7^ ^7^^!?^ Field Museum of Natural History Anthropology, Memoirs, Vol. IV, Plate CXLVI TYPES, NEAR ALTtfN KOPRtJ TUj * %r03 •I S 3 a 55 "S T3 « CO O <; < Q < a ^