ISSN 0365-4508 Nunquam aliud natura, aliud sapienta dicit Juvenal, 14, 321 In silvis academi quoerere rerum, Quamquam Socraticis madet sermonibus Ladisl. Netto, ex Hor V0L.LXV N.4 RIO DE JANEIRO Outubro/Dezembro 2007 Arquivos do Museu Nacional Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Reitor Aloísio Teixeira Museu Nacional Diretor Sérgio Alex K. Azevedo Editores Miguel Angel Mormé Barrios, Ulisses Caramaschi Editores de Área Adriano Brilhante Kury Alexander Wilhelm Armin Kellner Andréa Ferreira da Costa Cátia Antunes de Mello Patiu Ciro Alexandre Ávila Débora de Oliveira Pires Guilherme Ramos da Silva Muricy Izabel Cristina Alves Dias João Alves de Oliveira João Wagner de Alencar Castro Marcela Laura Mormé Freire Marcelo de Araújo Carvalho Marcos Raposo Maria Dulce Barcellos Gaspar de Oliveira Marília Lopes da Costa Facó Soares Rita Scheel Ybert Vânia Gonçalves Lourenço Esteves Normalização Vera de Figueiredo Barbosa Diagramação e Arte-final Lia Ribeiro Serviços de secretaria Thiago Macedo dos Santos Conselho Editorial André Pierre Prous-Poirier Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais David G. Reid The Natural History Museum - Reino Unido David John Nicholas Hind Royal Botanic Gardens - Reino Unido Fábio Lang da Silveira Universidade de São Paulo François M. Catzeflis Institut des Sciences de VÉvolution - França Gustavo Gabriel PoHtis Universidad Nacional dei Centro - Argentina John G. Maisey Americam Museun of Natural Fíistory - EUA Jorge Carlos Delia Favera Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro J. Van Remsen Louisiana State University - EUA Maria Antonieta da Conceição Rodrigues Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Maria Carlota Amaral Paixão Rosa Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Maria Helena Paiva Henriques Universidade de Coimbra - Portugal Maria Marta Cigliano Universidad Nacional La Plata - Argentina Miguel Trefaut Rodrigues Universidade de São Paulo Miriam Lemle Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Paulo A. D. DeBlasis Universidade de São Paulo Philippe Taquet Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle - França Rosana Moreira da Rocha Universidade Federal do Paraná Suzanne K. Fish University of Arizona - EUA W. Ronald Heyer Smithsonian Institution - EUA ARQUIVOS DO MUSEU NACIONAL VOLUME 65 NÚMERO 4 OUTUBRO/DEZEMBRO 2007 RIO DE JANEIRO Arq. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro v.65 n.4 p.381-600 out./dez.2007 ISSN 0365-4508 Arquivos do Museu Nacional, mais antigo periódico científico do Brasil (1876), é uma publicação trimestral (março, junho, setembro e dezembro), com tiragem de 1000 exemplares, editada pelo Museu Nacional/ Universidade Federal do Rio de janeiro. Tem por finalidade publicar artigos científicos inéditos nas áreas de Antropologia, Arqueologia, Botânica, Geologia, Paleontologia e Zoologia. Está indexado nas seguintes bases de dados bibliográficos: Biological Abstracts, ISI - Thomson Scientific, UlriclTs International Periodicals Directory, Zoological Record, NISC Colorado e Periódica. As normas para preparação dos manuscritos encontram- se disponíveis em cada número dos Arquivos e em htttp:// Os artigos são avaliados por, pelo menos, dois especialistas na área envolvida e que, eventualmente, pertencem ao Conselho Editorial. O conteúdo dos artigos é de responsabilidade exclusiva do(s) respectivo(s) autor(es). Os manuscritos deverão ser encaminhados para Museu Nacional/UFRj, Quinta da Boa Vista, São Cristóvão, 20940-040, Rio de janeiro, RJ, Brasil. Arquivos do Museu Nacional, the oldest Brazilian scientific publication (1876), is issued every three months (March, June, September and December). It is edited by Museu Nacional/ Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, with a circulation of 1000 copies. Its purpose is the edition of unpublished scientific articles in the areas of Anthropology, Archaeology, Botany, Geology, Paleontology and Zoology. It is indexed in the following bases of bibliographical data: Biological Abstracts, ISI - Thomson Scientific, UlriclTs International Periodicals Directory, Zoological Record, NISC Colorado and Periódica. Instructions for the preparation of the manuscripts are available in each edition of the publication and at http:// publ.htm. The articles are reviewed, at least, by two specialists in the area that may, eventually, belong to the Editorial Board. The authors are totally responsible for the content of the texts. The manuscripts should be sent to Museu Nacional/ UFRJ, Quinta da Boa Vista, São Cristóvão, 20940-040, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. Financiamento Fundaçao Universitária José Bonifácio BCNPq Conselho NáciOnal de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnológico © 2007 - Museu Nacional/UFRJ Arquivos do Museu Nacional - vol.1 (1876) - Rio de Janeiro: Museu Nacional. Trimestral Até o v.59, 2001, periodicidade irregular ISSN 0365-4508 1. Ciências Naturais - Periódicos. I. Museu Nacional (Brasil). CDD 500.1 II LATIN- AMERICAN CONGRESS OF VERTEBRATE PALEONT OLOG Y In the last decades there was a notable expansion in vertebrate paleontology as a result of the commitment and efforts made by several paleontologists around the world. In Latin America this growth was particularly expressive, with several new discoveries done in the last years, some quite spectacular. This knowledge was diffused not only to the international scientific community, but also to the general public in which the media played a major role. The scientists dedicated to the study of vertebrate paleontology in Latin America felt the necessity to gather the professionals of the field to discuss the new information and ideas that were being brought to light. For that purpose the Latin-American Congress of Vertebrate Paleontology was established bringing together researchers active in this field. The first one (I Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontologia de Vertebrados - I CLPV), organized by the Sociedad Paleontologica de Chile (SPACH), was held in Santiago, Chile, from October 29th to November lst, 2002. The extremely positive result of the Santiago meeting showed that this kind of convention should be expanded and be made on a more regular basis. Therefore, after deliberation of those present in the I CLPV, the Museu Nacional/UFRJ in Rio de Janeiro was chosen to host the second meeting from August 10th to 12th, 2005. The scientific sessions were held at the Rio Othon Palace Hotel, located in Copacabana, one of the nicest neighborhoods of Rio de Janeiro. Over three hundred people attended the meeting, among scientists, students and others interested in fossils. The Organizing Committee was composed essentially of professors, technicians and students of the Museu Nacional. We chose not to include a company specialized in organizing congresses since most of them are not prepared to deal with the particularities of a paleontological meeting. Furthermore when such a company is involved, the registration fee tends to be higher for the participants. The Scientific Committee that was responsible for evaluating the contributions (over two hundred) consisted of several researchers covering all aspects of vertebrate paleontology. The timing of the II CLPV was very special since 2005 was the centennial commemoration of Llewellyn Ivor Price's anniversary. Price was one of the most active paleontologists of Brazil and is worldwide known for his scientific contributions. The homage of the II CLPV to this paleontologist was organized by Dr. Diogenes de Almeida Campos at the Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais (CPRM). Still regarding exhibitions, a temporary exhibit of vertebrate paleontology was opened at the Museu Nacional with several fossils and replicas, such as the volant non-avian dinosaur Microraptor gui from China. Several workshops and symposia were held during the meeting. The workshop Future of Vertebrate Paleontology in Latin America: the student perspective was particularly special being the first of this kind in South America, allowing students to change valuable information with guest professionals. Also, for the first time in Brazil, several South-American paleoartists had the opportunity to present and discuss their work. The outcome of the meeting was much higher than expected not only by the presence of paleontologists from Latin America but also from several other parts of the world. The Organizing Committee still receives nice comments from the participants. We will take this opportunity and thank them for their support. The II CLPV also made it possible that complete papers be published in the Arquivos do Museu Nacional, the most traditional scientific publication of Brazil. As one might imagine due to the success of this event, a much higher number of manuscripts than expected were turned in, impeding the publication of those contributions in one sole volume. Here we present the first volume; the second will be published in the first issue of this journal in 2008. We would like to thank all the referees that have contributed reviewing the manuscripts submitted to the II CLPV. A complete list will be presented in the next volume. Thank to all that have made this meeting a success. Alexander W. A. Kellner Deise D. R. Henriques Editors of this volume II CONGRESSO LATINO-AMERICANO DE PALEONTOLOGIA DE VERTEBRADOS - VOLUME 1 A expansão do conhecimento sobre os vertebrados fósseis, observada nas últimas décadas, reflete o esforço e a dedicação de paleontólogos de todo o mundo. Em especial, na América Latina este crescimento foi bastante expressivo. Nos últimos anos a franca ascensão da paleontologia de vertebrados foi retratada pelas diversas descobertas realizadas, algumas delas espetaculares. A difusão dos conhecimentos obtidos atingiu a comunidade científica internacional e o papel da imprensa foi crucial permitindo que a população como um todo tomasse ciência dos achados. A comunidade paleontológica dedicada aos estudos dos vertebrados fósseis na América Latina sentiu, então, a necessidade de reunir os profissionais da área para discutir as novas informações e idéias que estavam surgindo. Assim, com o objetivo de congregar e aproximar os pesquisadores da área foi criado o Congresso Latino-americano de Paleontologia de Vertebrados. A primeira versão deste encontro (I Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontologia de Vertebrados - I CLPV) ocorreu entre 29 de outubro e 01 de novembro de 2002, em Santiago, no Chile e foi organizada pela Sociedad Paleontologica de Chile (SPACH). O resultado positivo do encontro de Santiago provou que este tipo de evento deveria se expandir e se tornar regular. Desta forma, após uma deliberação dos presentes ao I CLPV, o Museu Nacional/UFRJ do Rio de Janeiro foi escolhido como organizador da segunda edição deste Congresso, que se realizou no período de 10 a 12 de agosto de 2005. As sessões científicas foram realizadas no Rio Othon Palace Hotel, localizado em Copacabana, um aprazível bairro do Rio de Janeiro onde se encontra uma das mais belas praias do estado. O encontro reuniu cerca de trezentas pessoas entre pesquisadores, estudantes e interessados em fósseis. A Comissão Organizadora do evento foi composta basicamente por professores, técnicos e estudantes do Museu Nacional. Optou-se por não envolver uma empresa de eventos uma vez que esta nem sempre consegue se adequar à especificidade de um encontro de pesquisadores na área de paleontologia, além de resultar em um alto custo para o congressista. A Comissão Científica responsável pela revisão das contribuições recebidas (mais de duzentas) foi bastante ampla, procurando retratar a diversidade de assuntos encontrados dentro da pesquisa de vertebrados fósseis. A data do evento foi especial já que no ano de 2005 se comemorou o centenário de Llewellyn Ivor Price, falecido em 1980, que foi um dos mais ativos paleontólogos do país e é mundialmente conhecido por suas contribuições em ciências paleontológicas. A homenagem prestada pelo II CLPV a este pesquisador, coordenada pelo Dr. Diogenes de Almeida Campos, se realizou nas dependências da Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais (CPRM) e emocionou a todos que tiveram o prazer de ter tido convivido com L.I. Price. Ainda no âmbito de exposições foi inaugurada, nas dependências do Museu Nacional, uma mostra temporária de paleontologia de vertebrados, na qual foram apresentadas réplicas e reconstituições em vida de alguns fósseis como, por exemplo, o dinossauro alado Microraptor gui encontrado na China. Vários workshops e simpósios foram realizados. Entre estes destacamos o workshop Future of Vertebrate Paleontology in Latin America: the student perspective, o primeiro do gênero na América do Sul, que teve o propósito de possibilitar a troca de informações sobre diversos aspectos profissionais entre estudantes. Ainda, o evento possibilitou reunir pela primeira vez no Brasil diversos paleoartistas sul-americanos que expuseram suas obras e discutiram as mesmas com os pesquisadores presentes. O resultado superou as expectativas e contou com a presença não só de profissionais da América Latina como também de outros países do mundo. Ainda hoje a Comissão Organizadora recebe mensagens desses colegas expressando contentamento em terem participado do evento, ao que queremos nesta oportunidade agradecer. Como última fase do II CLPV, houve a possibilidade de que trabalhos completos fossem submetidos para publicação nos Arquivos do Museu Nacional, a mais tradicional revista científica do Brasil. Como preço do sucesso, o número de contribuições foi mais alto do que se supunha. Desta forma, não houve possibilidade de englobar todos os trabalhos em um volume único. Este é o primeiro. O segundo será publicado no primeiro volume do ano de 2008. Queremos aqui agradecer aos revisores que contribuíram com suas sugestões e correções dos manuscritos submetidos. Uma lista completa será apresentada no próximo volume. A todos que contribuíram para o sucesso deste evento o nosso muito obrigado. Alexander W. A. Kellner Deise D. R. Henriques Editores nnn nnnnnrimin nnn Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.385-393, out./dez.2007 ISSN 0365-4508 NEW FISH RECORDS FROM THE TURONIAN OF THE SERGIPE BASIN, NORTHEASTERN BRAZIL 1 (With 7 figures) VALÉRIA GALLO 2 ’ 3 HILDA MARIA ANDRADE DA SILVA 2 EDILMA DE JESUS ANDRADE 4 ABSTRACT: Recent fieldwork carried out in two quarries from the Cotinguiba Formation, Sergipe Basin, has yielded three new fish specimens. The Sergipe Basin is located in the Coastal offshore portion of the State of Sergipe, northeastern Brazil. The basin contains one of the most extensive upper Mesozoic rock successions among the northern South Atlantic basins, mainly the well-represented Cretaceous carbonate succession. It includes the Cotinguiba Formation, which ranges from Cenomanian to Coniacian. In this paper, we reported new occurrences of fishes represented by an indeterminate teleostean from the lower Turonian and an amiid and a dercetid from the middle Turonian. These new records widen the paleogeographical distribution of the Amiidae and Dercetidae in the Turonian. Key words: Amiidae. Dercetidae. Teleostei incertae sedis. Turonian. Sergipe Basin. RESUMO: Novos registros de peixes do Turoniano da Bacia de Sergipe, nordeste do Brasil. Recentes trabalhos de campo realizados em dois afloramentos da Formação Cotinguiba, Bacia de Sergipe, renderam três novos espécimes de peixes. A Bacia de Sergipe está localizada na costa do Estado de Sergipe, nordeste do Brasil. A bacia contém uma das mais extensas sucessões rochosas do Mesozoico Superior dentre as bacias do norte do Atlântico Sul, principalmente, a bem representada sucessão carbonática do Cretáceo. Ela inclui a Formação Cotinguiba, que se estende do Cenomaniano ao Coniaciano. Neste trabalho, nós registramos novas ocorrências de peixes representadas por um teleósteo indeterminado do Turoniano Inferior e um amiídeo e um dercetídeo do Turoniano Médio. Esses novos registros ampliam a distribuição paleogeográfica dos Amiidae e Dercetidae no Turoniano. Palavras-chave: Amiidae. Dercetidae. Teleostei incertae sedis. Turoniano. Bacia de Sergipe. INTRODUCTION The marine Cretaceous rocks exposed in the Sergipe Basin contain a rich macroinvertebrate fauna dominated by molluscs. Ammonites and bivalves [e.g., Hessel, 1988; Bengtson, 1996; Andrade et aí, 2004) are generally the most common and diverse groups. Fish records are relatively rare and represented by ptychodontids (Carvalho & Gallo, 2002), pycnodonts [e.g., Cope, 1886; Woodward, 1907; Silva Santos & Figueiredo, 1988; Hooks etál., 1999; Machado, 2005), and enchodontids [e.g., Schaeffer, 1947; Silva Santos & Salgado, 1969; Coelho, 2004; Gallo & Coelho, 2005). Here we describe three new fish specimens from the Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) of the Sergipe Basin, northeastern Brazil. We recognized a probable amiid, a dercetid, and an indetermined teleostean, which are reported for the first time from the Cotinguiba Formation. Geographical and Geological Setting The Sergipe Basin is located in the Coastal and contiguous offshore part of the State of Sergipe in northeastern Brazil (Fig.l). The onshore portion of the basin occupies a narrow Coastal strip, approximately 15 to 50km wide and 200km long. The offshore portion extends to water depths greater than 2,000m. The paleogeographical setting of the Sergipe Basin during the late Early and Late 1 Submitted on September 14, 2006. Accepted on November 12, 2007. 2 Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Biologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Laboratório de Sistemática e Biogeografia. Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524, Maracanã, 20550-900, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. 3 E-mail:; 4 Universidade Federal da Bahia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências. Rua Caetano Moura, 123, Federação, 40210-340, Salvador, BA, Brazil. E-mail: 386 V.GALLO, H.M.A.SILVA & E.J.ANDRADE Cretaceous is a direct consequence of the strong tectonic activity that affected the area since the beginning of the rifting between South America and África in the Early Cretaceous. Structurally the basin consists of a series of half-grabens with a regional dip averaging 10-15° to the southeast, resulting from NE-SW-trending normal faults (Koutsoukos et al, 1993). The basin contains one of the most extensive upper Mesozoic rock successions among the northern South Atlantic basins, a fact that is further enhanced by the existence of numerous outcrops. In particular, it contains the well-represented Cretaceous carbonate succession, spanning the Aptian to Coniacian interval (Souza-Lima etal, 2002). The geological evolution and the development of the marine Cretaceous of the Sergipe Basin have been discussed by several authors. More detailed information can be found in Ojeda & Fugita (1976), Ojeda (1982), Bengtson (1983), Chang et al. (1988), Lana (1990), Feijó (1994), and Souza-Lima et al (2002), among others. The marine Cretaceous succession consists of the carbonate Riachuelo (Aptian-Albian) and Cotinguiba (Cenomanian-Coniacian) formations and the clastic Calumbi and Marituba formations. The material described herein derives from the Cotinguiba Formation, which was deposited in neritic to upper bathyal environments of a carbonate ramp. MATERIAL AND METHODS The material for this study was collected in the marine limestones from two localities (Fig.2) of the Cotinguiba Formation, in the Sergipe Basin, northeastern Brazil. It comprises three specimens: an indetermined teleostean was found in the lower Turonian of the locality Retiro 26; an amiid carne from the middle Turonian of the locality Retiro 26 and a dercetid was collected from the middle Turonian of the locality Muçuca 5. The locality Muçuca 5 was described by Bengtson (1983, Appendix 1) and Retiro 26 by Hessel (1988) and Andrade (2005). Fig. 1- Location map of the Sergipe Basin and others continental margin basins (dotted) of northeastern Brazil. Abbreviations of State names: (AL) Alagoas, (BA) Bahia, (CE) Ceará, (MA) Maranhão, (PB) Paraíba, (PE) Pernambuco, (PI) Piauí, (RN) Rio Grande do Norte, (SE) Sergipe. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.385-393, out./dez.2007 NEW FISH RECORDS FROM THE TURONIAN OF THE SERGIPE BASIN, NORTHEASTERN BRAZIL 387 Fig.2- Simplified map of the onshore area of the Sergipe Basin, with localities Retiro 26 and Muçuca 5 (modified after Seeling & Bengtson, 2003). The specimens are housed at the paleontological collection of the Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, under the registration numbers MN 7028- V, MN 7029-V, and MN 7030-V. The specimens are only mechanically prepared with the aid of Steel and Carbide needles. Methacrylate resin (Paraloid B-67) was used to consolidate and to protect the bones. Ethyl acetate was dropped to emphasize anatomical details during the observation under a Leica Zoom 2000 stereomicroscope. RESULTS Paleoichthyofauna 1) Actinopterygii Neopterygii Amiiformes Amiidae The specimen MN 7028-V is represented by part of the vertebral column showing the boundary between abdominal and caudal regions. The preservation does not allow a clear observation of diplospondyly. The centra are large, as long as deep, smooth-sided, and show a slight lateral depression. The pleural ribs are long and well- ossified bones that are abruptly truncated at their distai ends. They articulate directly on the side of the centra. Parapophyses are not verified. The neural spines are very large but not very elongate. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.385-393, out./dez.2007 388 V.GALLO, H.M.A.SILVA & E.J.ANDRADE The haemal spines are elongate and stout; the haemal arches are fused to their respective centra. Intermuscular bones are lacking as it does with all amiids (Fig.3A). Due to the incompleteness of the specimen, it can be only tentatively assigned to the Amiidae, possibly to Vidalamiini (sensu Grande & Bemis, 1998) (Fig.3B). Fig.3- Portion of the vertebral column of Vidalamiini: (A) specimen from the Cotinguiba Formation (MN 7028-V), in left lateral view; (B) the Vidalamiini Pachyamia mexicana, in right lateral view (modified after Grande & Bemis, 1998). Anatomical abbreviations: (AR) abdominal region; (CR) caudal region; (ha) haemal arch; (hs) haemal spine; (ns) neural spine; (plr) pleural rib; (vc) vertebral centrum. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.385-393, out./dez.2007 NEW FISH RECORDS FROM THE TURONIAN OF THE SERGIPE BASIN, NORTHEASTERN BRAZIL 389 2) Teleostei Neoteleostei Aulopiformes Dercetidae The material MN 7029-V consists of a set of 11 vertebrae from the abdominal and caudal regions. The precaudal vertebrae are strong, longer than deep, medially constricted, with neural arch markedly curved. They bear two pairs of transverse processes per centrum. The anterior processes incline slightly forwards, whereas the posterior ones incline slightly toward the posterior region (Fig.4). The caudal vertebrae are deeper than long and medially constricted. The entire length of the dorsal surface of all centra is occupied by an elongated neural arch; the neural spine is short and inclined; the haemal spine is long and posteriorly projected (Figs.5-6). Similar vertebrae are found in certain Dercetidae, such as Rhynchodercetis gortanii (see Goody, 1969). 3) Teleostei indetermined The material (MN 7030-V) is represented by part of the opercle and cleithrum and a large part of the trunk. The caudal fin is not preserved. The body is covered by thin cycloid scales, apparently cordiform, strongly imbricated. Several concentric circuli are observed on their surface but radii seem to be absent. The scales of the lateral line are easily discernible by bearing tubes of the sensory canal (Fig.7). The specimen is provisorily identified as a Teleostei incertae sedis. DISCUSSION Considering the amiid, the specimen was compared with literature data ( e.g ., Chalifa & Tchernov, 1982; Grande & Bemis, 1998), which allow to tentatively assign it to the Vidalamiini. The similar features are (Fig.3): presence of smooth centra and short and well-ossified ribs abruptly truncated at their distai ends and the pattern of attachment of the haemal spines (autogenous) . According to Grande & Bemis (1998), the peculiar truncation of the ribs is a diagnostic character of Vidalamiini (Vidalamia + Pachyamia). So far as known, the genus Vidalamia occurs from the Berriasian to the Hauterivian of Spain (Wenz & Poyato-Ariza, 1994; Grande & Bemis, 1998). Hitherto, Pachyamia was found in the marine Cenomanian of Israel (Chalifa & Tchernov, 1982) and ?late Albian of México (Grande & Bemis, 1998). The specimen MN 7029-V (Figs.5A-6A) shows a very reduced neural spine, which is proposed as a synapomorphy of the family Dercetidae by Gallo et al (2005). Representatives of this family are found in the Cenomanian to the Danian deposits of Tethyan Europe, Asia, África, Central and South America. Fig.4- Precaudal vertebrae of the Dercetidae from the Cotinguiba Formation (MN 7029-V), in left lateral view. Anatomical abbreviations: (atp) anterior transverse process; (na) neural arch; (ptp) posterior transverse process; (vc) vertebral centrum. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.385-393, out./dez.2007 390 V.GALLO, H.M.A.SILVA & E.J.ANDRADE Fig.5- Anteriormost caudal vertebra of the Dercetidae, in left lateral view: (A) specimen from the Cotinguiba Formation (MN 7029-V); (B) first and second caudal vertebrae of Rhynchodercetis gortanii (modified after Goody, 1969). Original drawing without scale. Anatomical abbreviations: (ha) haemal arch; (na) neural arch; (ns) neural spine; (vc) vertebral centrum. Fig.6- Caudal vertebra of the Dercetidae, in left lateral view: (A) specimen from the Cotinguiba Formation (MN 7029-V); (B) fifteenth caudal vertebra of Rhynchodercetis gortanii (modified after Goody, 1969). Original drawing without scale. Anatomical abbreviations: (hs) haemal spine; (na) neural arch; (ns) neural spine; (poz) postzygapophysis; (prz) prezygapophysis; (vc) vertebral centrum. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.385-393, out./dez.2007 NEW FISH RECORDS FROM THE TURONIAN OF THE SERGIPE BASIN, NORTHEASTERN BRAZIL 391 Fig.7- Teleostei incertae sedis from the Cotinguiba Formation (MN 7030-V): (A) articulated cycloid scales; (B) detail of the scales of the lateral line. Anatomical abbreviations: (Cl) cleithrum; (cs) cycloid scales; (11.c.) lateral line canal; (Op) opercle. This latter record comes from the early Turonian of the Pelotas Basin (Southern Brazil) and occurs together with chondrichthyan and osteichthyan. This association shows remarkable taxonomic correspondence with members from the Turonian assemblages of northeastern Brazil, Morocco, and México, suggesting a biogeographical hypothesis which was investigated (Gallo et al, 2007). Regarding the specimen MN 7030-V (Fig.7), the scales represent most of the preserved material. These structures are veiy generalized, which make difficult a more inclusive classification within Teleostei. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.385-393, out./dez.2007 392 V.GALLO, H.M.A.SILVA & E.J.ANDRADE The age of the fishes above described is established using the biostratigraphical zonation for the Turonian of the Sergipe Basin by Andrade et dl. (2003, 2005) and Andrade (2005), which is based on inoceramids and ammonites. The amiid and the dercetid fishes occur in the middle Turonian in the Mytüoides hercynicus Zone. The Teleostei incertae sedis comes from the lower Turonian in the Mytiloides labiatus and Mammites nodosoides- Kamemnoceras turoniense zones. These new records of Amiidae and Dercetidae in the Cotinguiba Formation widen their paleogeographical distribution during Turonian. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We specially thank Dr. Maria Helena Hessel (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco) for assistance during the fieldwork in the Sergipe Basin. We are indebted to Mr. Milton Andrade for helping during the fieldwork and Mr. Sérgio Gonçalves for preparing the photographs. The authors gratefully acknowledge the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (EJA), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) (grant 476708/2004-4), and Fundação Carlos Chagas de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ) (E-26/ 171.215/2004). VG has research fellowship grants from CNPq and from the Programa de Incentivo à Produção Científica, Técnica e Artística (PROCIÊNCIA) (Rio de Janeiro State Government). HMAS has a doctoraPs fellowship from FAPERJ and EJA has a postdoctoral fellowship from CNPq. REFERENCES ANDRADE, E.J., 2005. Turonian inoceramids and biostratigraphy of the Sergipe Basin, northeastern Brazil: an integrated study of the Votorantim and Nassau quarries. 155p. Ph.D. Thesis - Geologisch- Paláontologisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karl-Universitát Heidelberg, Heidelberg. ANDRADE, E.J.; SEELING, J. & BENGTSON, P., 2003. Cenomanian-Coniacian (Cretaceous) inoceramid biostratigraphy of the Sergipe Basin, Brazil. In: GEOWISSENSCHAFTLICHES LATEINAMERIKA- KOLLOQUIUM, 18. 2003, Freiberg. Zusammenfassungen der Tagungsbeitrãge-Abstracts..., Terra Nostra, 2, p.24. ANDRADE, E.J.; SEELING, J.; BENGTSON, P. & SOUZA- LIMA, W., 2004. The bivalve Neithea from the Cretaceous of Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 17:25-38. ANDRADE, E.J.; BENGTSON, P. & BENGTSON, S.I., 2005. Turonian-Coniacian inoceramid-ammonite biostratigraphy of the Sergipe Basin, Brazil. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THE CRETACEOUS, 7., 2005, Neuchâtel. Scientific Program and Abstracts, p.36. BENGTSON, P., 1983. 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AZEVEDO 2 ABSTRACT: The Upper Cretaceous Brazilian side-necked turtle Baumemys elegans is a basal branch of Podocnemididae. Several well preserved topotypes of B. elegans were collected during field work in the last decade and a quantitative study of its morphologic variation is, therefore, feasible. Forty characters that represent distances of two landmarks ( e.g. intersections between bone plates) were analyzed. The investigation was performed through multivariate exploration via Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Neural series measurements have shown little variation, whereas vertebral scute series were more variable. Only a single specimen was out of 95% ellipse of PC2 and PC3 of comprised measurements of the plastron and this out plot was interpreted as due to ontogenetic difference. No other specimen showed significant difference to the medial values, corroborating the null hypothesis that the sample represents a unique population of B. elegans and the observed variation would be explained by different age stages. Key words: Bauruemys elegans. Principal Components Analysis. Pirapozinho site. Testudines. RESUMO: Análise morfométrica da tartaruga do Cretáceo Superior brasileiro Baumemys elegans (Suárez, 1969) (Pleurodira, Podocnemididae). A tartaruga Pleurodira do Cretáceo Superior brasileiro Bauruemys elegans é um ramo basal de Podocnemididae. Diversos topótipos bem preservados de B. elegans foram coletados durante trabalhos de de campo realizados nas últimas décadas e um estudo sobre sua variação morfológica é, portanto, viável. Quarenta caracteres (medidas) representando distâncias entre dois marcos anatômicos (e.g. interseções entre placas ósseas) foram analisados. A investigação foi realizada através de exploração multivariada via Análise de Componentes Principais (PCA). As medidas da série neural apresentaram pequena variação em relação às da série vertebral, que se mostraram mais variáveis. Somente um único exemplar ficou fora da elipse de 95% para os PC2 e PC3 das medidas do plastrão e este desvio foi interpretado como devido a diferenças ontogenéticas. Nenhum outro espécime apresentou diferenças significativas dos valores médios, corroborando a hipótese nula de que a amostra é representativa de uma única população de B. elegans e de que a variação observada pode ser explicada como devida a diferenças etárias. Palavras-chave: Baumemys elegans. Análise de Componentes Principais. Sítio de Pirapozinho. Testudines. INTRODUCTION The site of Pirapozinho, informally called “Tartaruguito”, was discovered during the construction of Sorocabana railroad in 1950’s (Suárez, 1969a,b,c; 2002). Situated in the municipality of Pirapozinho (west of São Paulo State, 22°13’08"S; 51°25’59"W, Fig.l) this is the type-locality of Bauruemys elegans (Suárez, 1969), a basal branch of Podocnemididae (Kischlat, 1996; Romano & Azevedo, 2006), that corresponds to the single fóssil turtle from Bauru Basin which is represented by cranial and post-cranial materiais. Yet, four other nominal Testudines taxa have been proposed to Bauru Basin, namely: Roxochelys harrisi (Pacheco, 1913), Bauruemys brasiliensis (Staeche, 1937), Roxochelys wanderleyi Price, 1953, and Cambaremys langertoni França & Langer, 2005. In most recent revisions, R. harrisi was considered a nomen dubium and B. brasiliensis was only tentatively allocated in Bauruemys (Kischlat, 1994; Kischlat et al., 1994), 1 Submitted on September 14, 2006. Accepted on November 27, 2007. 2 Museu Nacional/UFRJ, Departamento de Geologia e Paleontologia. Quinta da Boa Vista, São Cristóvão, 20940-040, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. Fellow of Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). 3 Corresponding author: 396 P.S.R.ROMANO & S.A.K.AZEYEDO corresponding to an incertae sedis (Oliveira & Romano, 2007). Nevertheless, França & Langer (2005) assumed that Cambaremys langertoni might represent a juvenile form of Bauruemys brasiliensis and that this uncertainty could not be dismissed until more complete specimens are recovered. Several well-preserved specimens attributed to B. elegans were collected at “Tartaruguito” site during field work performed in the last ten years and a quantitative approach is feasible. Classical morphometric studies have been carried out with living pleurodiran turtles in order to determine population structure and sex ratio, mainly in species of Podocnemis (e.g.: Kuchling, 1988; Valenzuela et al, 1997; Escalona & Fa, 1998; Valenzuela, 2001; Fachín-Terán etal, 2003; Fachín- Terán & Vogt, 2004). However, this kind of approach is rare in paleontological studies ( e.g Forster, 1996; Christiansen, 1999). Preliminary taphonomic studies (Henriques et al, 2002, 2005) suggest that a single population of B. elegans is represented in the sample collected at “Tartaruguito”. We analyzed some specimens collected at this locality to investigate if significant variation could be determined. The quantitative information was explored using bivariate and multivariate morphometric shape analysis, in order to test the null hypothesis suggested by taphonomic analyses. MATERIAL AND METHODS A total of 18 topotypes of Bauruemys elegans (MN 4327-V, MN 6674-V, MN 6761-V, MN 6762-V, MN 6771-V, MN 6772-V, MN 6782-V, MN 6789-V, MN 6790-V, MN 6791-V, MN 6795-V, MN6796-V, MN 6797-V, MN 6798-V, MN 6800-V, MN 6807-V, MN 7015-V, MN 7016-V) from the collection of the Departamento de Geologia e Paleontologia, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (DGP/MN/UFRJ) were examined in this study. All specimens were prepared with traditional techniques (May et al, 1994). We employed 24 carapace and 16 plastron characters which were separated into three sorts of quantitative data matrix (covariance matrix): (1) total lengths and width, (2) comprised measurements of the carapace, and (3) comprised measurements of the plastron. The turtle shell provides numerous landmarks for depicting morphological variation in a objective way, and it is easy to identify homology between the elements of the shell and determinate quantitative characters. All characters represent distances of two landmarks (e.g. intersections between bone plates; see Fig.2) and measurements of the neural plates were preferred since it is the most variable elements of the turtle shell (Pritchard, 1988). Measurements of all characters are in mm and were made by Pedro Romano using Mitutoyo micrometer (Stainess-Hordened) of 150 and lOOOmm. All statistic analyses were conducted using the software PAST version 1.15 (Hammer et al, 2003). Descriptive statistics (including arithmetic means, standard deviation, median, maximum and minimums values) of all 40 characters were calculated in order to express the variation of each one. Multivariate analyses were performed using exploration via Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The PCA is one of the simplest of the multivariate methods and the objective of this analysis is to take some variables and find combinations of these to produce indices (the variance or eigenvalues of the PC) that are uncorrelated, which means that the indices are measuring different dimensions in the data (Manly, 1986). If the original variables are highly correlated, positively or negatively, mean that the variables are adequately represented by two or three principal components and that there is a good deal of redundancy in the data if there is very high correlation (Manly, 1986). Since all characters analyzed represent linear measurements, we aim to investigate if the variation between the specimens is significant and/or if there is a pattern of distribution in the sample. Therefore, each specimen was scattered in order to seek for difference among specimens, and each character was loaded in order to show what degree the original variables are different of principal components. However, our analyses do not consider the possibility of polimorfism and sexual dimorphism as eventual explanations for the variability observed since those explanations need a priorí assumptions undetectable on the sample (i.e.: discrete categories of characters, as tail length, which might be used to determine sexual dimorphism). Abbreviations: (TLC) Total Length of Carapace; (TWC) Total Width of Carapace; (LN) Length of Nuchal; (LN1) Length of first Neural; (LN1) Length of first Neural; (LN2) Length of second Neural; (LN3) Length of third Neural; (LN4) Length of fourth Neural; (LN5) Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.395-402, out./dez.2007 MORPHOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF SIDE-NECKED TURTLE BAURUEMYS ELEGANS 397 Length of fifth Neural; (LN6) Length of sixth Neural; (WN) Width of Nuchal; (WN1) Width of first Neural; (WN2) Width of second Neural; (WN3) Width of third Neural; (WN4) Width of fourth Neural; (WN5) Width of fifth Neural; (WN6) Width of sixth Neural; (LSI) Length of first Seu te; (LS2)- Length of second Seu te; (LS3) Length of third Scute; (LS4) Length of fourth Scute; (WS1) Width of first Scute; (WS2) Width of second Scute; (WS3) Width of third Scute; (WS4) Width of fourth Scute; (TLP) Total Length of Plastron; (TWP) Total Width of Plastron; (LEP) Length between Epiplastra; (LEN) Length of Endoplastron; (LHY) Length of Hyoplastra; (LHP) Length of Hypoplastra; (LXI) Length ofXiphiplastra; (WEN) Width of Endoplastron; (WHH) Width between Hyo-Hypoplastron; (WHX) Width between Hypo-Xiphiplastron; (LGU) Length of Inter-gular Scute; (LHU) Length of Inter-humeral Scute; (LPE) Length of Inter-pectoral Scute; (LAB) Length of Inter-abdominal Scute; (LFE) Length of Inter- femoral Scute; (LAN) Length of Inter-anal Scute. Fig. 1- Map of southwester Brazil . Dot indicates location of Pirapozinho site from which the specimens were collected (22° 13' 08” S; 51° 25' 59” W). Scale bar: 100 Km. Acronyms: BA (Bahia State), DF (Distrito Federal), ES (Espirito Santo State), GO (Goiais State), MG (Minas Gerais State), MS (Mato Grosso do Sul State), MT (Mato Grosso State), PR (Paraná State), RJ (Rio de Janeiro State), SP (São Paulo State). Fig. 2- Landmarks of carapace (A) and plastron (B) used to trace linear measurements. The 14 quantitative characters (linear vectors) are indicated at tables 1 and 2. Figure based on specimens MN 6674-V; MN 6762-V and MN 6772-V. Abbreviations: (ab) abdominal scute, (an) anal scute, (co) costal bones, (en) endoplastron, (ep) epiplastron, (fe) femoral scute, (gu) guiar, (hu) humeral scute, (hypo) hypoplastron, (hyo) hyoplastron, (ig) intergular, (mar) marginal scute, (mes) mesoplastron, (ne) neural plates, (nu) nuchal bone, (pe) pectoral scute, (per) peripheral bones, (pl) pleural scutes, (ver) vertebral scutes, (xi) xiphiplastron. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.395-402, out./dez.2007 398 P.S.R.ROMANO & S.A.K. AZE VEDO RESULTS The descriptive statistics of all characters are sumarized in Table 1. As expected, the total length and width characters (TLP, TWP, TLC, TWC) have shown the biggest variation amplitude. Neural series measurements (LN, LN1, LN2, LN3, LN4, LN5, LN6, WN, WN1, WN2, WN3, WN4, WN5, WN6) have shown little variation whereas vertebral scute series (LSI, LS2, LS3, LS4, WS1, WS2, WS3, WS4) were more variable. Plastron characters (LEP, LEN, LHY, LHP, LXI, WEN, WHH, WHX, LGU, LHU, LPE, LAB, LFE, LAN) have shown equivalent variation. PCA were performed to three classes of characters from three distinct covariance matrix (Fig.3). The first three principal components obtained from a covariance matrix of total lengths and width respond for 88.298% of the total variation (PCI = 60.704%, PC2 = 26.057 e PC3 = 1.537%). The first three principal components obtained from a covariance matrix of comprised measurements of the carapace respond for 80,213% of the total variation (PCI = 49,532%, PC2 = 21,497% e PC3 = 9,184%). TABLE 1. Descriptive statistics of the three sorts of characters analyzed (total length and width, comprised measurements taken from the carapace, and comprised measurements taken from the plastron) including mean values (Mean), standard deviation (SD), median values (Median), number of entries (N), and smallest and largest values (Max and Min). Characters Vector* Mean SD Median N Max and Min Total length TLC ___ 275.4 35.7 279.4 8 348.0- 225.0 Q ê TWC ___ 230.8 42.2 220.0 7 317.5- 185.0 TLP ... 236.5 41.7 218.05 6 299.4- 189.0 TWP ___ 182.2 33.9 165.5 7 242.5- 149.0 LN 1-2 37.4 10.6 33.0 8 60.2- 26.0 LN1 3-4 36.9 4.4 37.5 9 44.6- 27.4 a LN2 5-6 19.6 3.2 19.2 10 27.6- 15.0 LN3 6-8 25.4 3.8 24.6 9 33.1 - 20.5 § O LN4 8-10 22.6 3.5 22.0 10 30.7- 18.3 01 LN5 10-12 23.0 4.6 22.7 12 34.0- 18.2 LN6 12-14 25.1 7.6 23.8 11 45.5- 16.1 WN 2-2 47.9 8.3 45.6 6 64.6- 38.7 £ WN1 4-4 24.4 3.9 24.1 10 33.4- 18.0 (/) b W O WN2 5-5 16.9 1.8 17.0 10 21.4- 14.0 a £ WN3 7-7 23.9 3.7 24.0 10 33.5- 20.0 s 0 § WN4 9-9 23.8 3.8 23.6 10 33.6- 19.0 D < O WN5 11-11 25.6 6.1 23.8 12 43.0- 20.3 cn < WN6 13-13 24.1 6.3 23.0 11 40.6- 16.4 fâ S LSI 15-16 42.3 6.8 41.8 9 56.3- 31.4 Q LS2 16-18 55.6 7.2 56.1 11 68.5- 43.0 CO LS3 18-20 49.9 10.7 46.8 12 79.0- 38.6 s (X LS4 20-22 46.9 10.7 44.1 11 76.0- 35.3 s o WS1 15-15 70.1 8.0 68.9 7 84.0- 58.4 o WS2 17-17 62.5 6.5 61.8 9 76.2- 54.0 WS3 19-19 60.3 7.7 60.5 10 79.0- 51.0 WS4 21-21 56.6 12.8 51.7 11 89.4- 45.0 LEP 1-2 20.7 3.6 20.65 8 25.4- 14.3 CO LEN 2-5 43.8 10.1 39.6 9 60.1 - 33.5 2 o LHY 5-7 67.5 20.4 62.5 12 130.0- -50.5 63 2 01 LHP 7-9 45.7 9.4 41.6 13 62.5- 35.6 w 2 LXI 9-11 63.4 8.0 63.2 13 80.5- 53.2 g eu w I WEN 12-12 44.2 9.9 40.15 10 60.4- 32.2 3 WHH 7-13 59.4 12.7 56.9 13 89.4- 46.0 s 2 WHX 9-14 48.2 6.7 48.1 13 61.3- 40.5 Q W O 0h LGU 1-3 43.3 9.7 39.1 8 62.0- 33.4 V) 2 tu LHU 3-4 10.1 3.3 9.4 11 19.6- -7.1 OU § W < LPE 4-6 41.6 9.9 41.35 12 60.4- 25.7 O LAB 6-8 50.6 10.0 46.8 13 70.1 - 38.4 o LFE 8-10 57.8 9.5 55.8 12 80.0- 42.9 LAN 10-11 33.8 4.7 33.2 13 44.3- 27.7 Measurements of all characters are in mm; (*) landmarks used to trace linear measurements. See figure 2. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.395-402, out./dez.2007 MORPHOMETRIC AN AL YS IS OF SIDE-NECKED TURTLE BAURUEMYS ELEGANS 399 The first three principal components obtained from components. Twenty nine characters are positively a covariance matrix of comprised measurements of correlated with respective first principal the plastron respond for 92,507% of the total component. Two total lengths and width variation (PCI = 48,403%, PC2 = 23,944 e PC3 = characters (TLP, TWP), six carapace characters 20,160%). In Table 2 are summarized the loadings (LN5, LN6, WN5, WN6, LS5, LS4) and three plastron values of all 40 characters for the first three principal characters (LEP, LEN, LGU) are negatively correlated. Fig.3- Bi-plot of Principal Components. (A) PCI vs PC2 of total lengths and width measurements, (B) PC2 vs. PC3 of total lengths and width measurements (C) PCI vs. PC2 of comprised measurements of the carapace, (D) PC2 vs. PC3 of comprised measurements of the carapace, (E) PCI vs. PC2 of comprised measurements of the plastron, and (F) PC2 vs. PC3 of comprised measurements of the plastron. The circles indicate the 95% ellipse of normal distribution. Only the specimen MN 6782-V (white square) was out of this ellipse for PC2 vs. PC3 bi-plot of comprised measurements of the plastron. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.395-402, out./dez.2007 400 P.S.R.ROMANO & S.A.K. AZE VEDO Twenty four characters are positively correlated with respective second principal component. Nine carapace characters (LN1, LN2, WN, WN1, WN2, WN3, LSI, LS2, WS2) and seven plastron characters (LHY, LHP, LXI, WHH, WHX, LAB, LAN) are negatively correlated. Only 19 characters are positively correlated with respective third principal component. Despite that, all loadings values (positives and negatives) are relatively low. DISCUSSION The habitat of some extant Podocnemididae is similar to that inferred to “Tartaruguito” site based on geological studies and taphonomic data, which indicates a seazonal semi-arid climate to the region with waterlessness regions during dry station (Langer & Bertini, 1995; Henriques et al, 2002, 2005). Based on this scenario, it is possible that the sample represents a single population of Baumemys elegans which individuais agglomerated and died around a drying-up water body. Since a single population consists on a conjunct of semaforontes, the present morphometric study do not exclude the scenario proposed by Henriques (2006), on which at least ten distinct events of TABLE 2. The first three Principal Components (PC) loadings of the three sorts of characters analyzed (total length and width, comprised measurements taken from the carapace, and comprised measurements taken from the plastron). Characters Vector* PCI PC2 PC3 > !T! — TLC ___ + 0.6005 + 0.2909 -0.5014 Total ,ENGTI AND WIDTL- TWC ___ + 0.5640 + 0.4566 + 0.2265 TLP ... -0.5338 + 0.5984 -0.5496 TWP ___ -0.1909 + 0.5906 + 0.6287 LN 1-2 + 0.2869 + 0.0105 + 0.1791 LN1 3-4 + 0.2634 -0.0519 -0.0301 LN2 5-6 + 0.0847 - 0.0999 -0.0311 LN3 6-8 + 0.0998 + 0.0637 + 0.0701 § o LN4 8-10 + 0.0596 + 0.0748 + 0.1698 0i fu LN5 10-12 -0.0091 + 0.1715 - 0.0002 Z LN6 12-14 - 0.0576 + 0.2296 -0.1786 WN 2-2 + 0.2846 - 0.0608 -0.5441 £ WN1 4-4 + 0.1445 - 0.0083 + 0.0922 1 8 WN2 5-5 + 0.0980 -0.0158 + 0.0624 1 í WN3 7-7 + 0.1375 -0.0166 + 0.0388 2 < W « WN4 9-9 + 0.0629 + 0.0863 + 0.1738 0i < D O WN5 11-11 -0.0275 + 0.2003 - 0.0455 CO < WN6 13-13 -0.0511 + 0.2098 -0.1511 s LSI 15-16 + 0.3187 -0.0626 - 0.0479 Q LS2 16-18 + 0.2479 -0.1272 + 0.2101 22 LS3 18-20 - 0.0400 + 0.3741 - 0.0455 D í Pu LS4 20-22 -0.0823 + 0.3926 -0.2741 2 o WS1 15-15 + 0.5052 + 0.2343 -0.1103 o WS2 17-17 + 0.4475 -0.1143 - 0.0399 WS3 19-19 + 0.2434 + 0.3420 + 0.6279 WS4 21-21 + 0.0107 + 0.5481 -0.0595 LEP 1-2 -0.0120 + 0.2498 + 0.0091 V) ^ LEN 2-5 -0.0028 + 0.5564 + 0.0351 1 § § CO LHY 5-7 + 0.5026 - 0.0028 -0.4568 LHP 7-9 + 0.3343 -0.0228 -0.0727 W <; 0i J LXI 9-11 + 0.2714 - 0.0495 + 0.5388 D ^ P WEN 12-12 + 0.0280 + 0.5344 + 0.0491 WHH 7-13 + 0.4267 - 0.0694 -0.1460 WHX 9-14 + 0.2089 - 0.0353 + 0.4131 Q O LGU 1-3 -0.0272 + 0.5367 + 0.0192 22 £ LHU 3-4 + 0.0094 + 0.0700 -0.1106 n Z | 9 LPE 4-6 + 0.2385 + 0.1848 -0.2274 o < O E- LAB 6-8 + 0.3577 - 0.0099 -0.1017 LFE 8-10 + 0.3625 + 0.0735 + 0.3726 LAN 10-11 + 0.1350 -0.0301 + 0.2939 (*) Landmarks used to trace linear measurements. See figure 1. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.395-402, out./dez.2007 MORPHOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF SIDE-NECKED TURTLE BAURUEMYS ELEGANS 401 agglomeration of turtles might have occurred in this locality. The PCAs plotted a single specimen (MN 6782-V) out of 95% ellipse of normal distribution, that corresponds to PC2 and PC3 of comprised measurements of the plastron (see Fig2F). MN 6782-V is the biggest specimen analyzed, but it is represented only by the posterior portion of the carapace and medial portion of the plastron, and does not present any distinctive character in relation to B. elegans. Therefore, this out plot was interpreted as due to ontogeny. Neural series is the most inter-specific variable element of the turtle shell (Pritchard, 1988). In the present sample, the measurements of neurals have shown little variation confirming the null hypothesis of having a single population of Baumemys elegans in the sample. Interestingly, the length and width values of neural 5 and 6 showed negative loadings for PCI and PC3. As pointed by Pritchard (1988), neurals might become fused in adults in several Testudines taxa, including extant Podocnemididae genus Erymnochelys. In Podocnemis and Peltocephalus, the number of neurals is usually seven. In Erymnochelys, the seven neurals are present in young specimens, but the last two neurals are liable to fuse in old animais (Pritchard, 1988). This trend might explain the negative loading values of neurals 5 and 6 as a tendency of reduction of size of those elements in the adult of Baumemys elegans. The observed morphometric difference among analyzed specimens supports the null hypothesis provided by taphonomic data, i.e.\ that the sample represents a single population of B. elegans. Since no significant variation was observed, the explanation for this variation is assumed to be ontogenetic. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to Orlando Grillo and Caroline Rehem (Museu Nacional/UFRJ) for criticai revision of early versions of the manuscript; to Leila Pessoa (UFRJ), Valéria Gallo (UERJ), and Deise Henriques (Museu Nacional/UFRJ) for comments and suggestions. We thank Maurílio de Oliveira (Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) for drawn of figure 1. We are indebted to Gustavo Oliveira (Museu Nacional/UFRJ), Max Langer (USP), and a third anonymous referee for their constructive revision. Finally, we are most grateful to Alexander Kellner and Deise Henriques for stimulating us to submit this paper to the publications of the II Congresso Latino-Americano de Paleontologia de Vertebrados. This study was part of MSc. dissertation of Pedro Romano at Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia), Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, supported by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). 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These observations suggest that Iguanidae had a broad distribution during the late Mesozoic/ eariy Cenozoic and that, afterwards, iguanid lizards have withdrawn from Eurasia. Competition with other groups may have contributed to the extinction of Old World iguanid lizards. The fóssil record shows that agamids did not play a central role in the extinction of iguanids. Mechanisms that affected the histoiy of iguanids in Europe and Asia might be competitive interactions with lacertid lizards. Arguments for and against this hypothesis are examined. A test is carried out on the relative abundance of the iguanids and lacertids in Europe during the Eocene in order to reveal the potential role of competition. Key words: Squamata. Iguanidae. Middle Eocene. France. RESUMO: Distribuição passada e presente de lagartos iguanídeos. A diversidade sistemática dos iguanídeos europeus é brevemente revisada. Uma nova espécie, Geiseltáliellus pradiguensis sp.nov., é descrita para o Eoceno Médio. A distribuição dos lagartos iguanídeos durante o Cretáceo e o Paleógeno é aqui examinada e contrastada com sua recente distribuição. As observações feitas sugerem que os Iguanidae tiveram uma ampla distribuição durante o Mesozoico Superior/Cenozoico Inferior e que, ulteriormente, os lagartos iguanídeos desapareceram da Eurásia. A competição com outros grupos pode ter contribuído para a extinção desses lagartos do Velho Mundo. O registro fóssil demonstra que os agamídeos não foram os responsáveis pela extinção dos iguanídeos. As interações competitivas com os lagartos lacertídeos devem ter sido os mecanismos que afetaram a história dos iguanídeos na Europa e na Ásia. Argumentos a favor e contra esta hipótese são examinados. É feito um teste sobre a abundância relativa dos iguanídeos e lacertídeos na Europa durante o Eoceno de forma a revelar o papel potencial da competição. Palavras-chave: Squamata. Iguanidae. Eoceno Médio. França INTRODUCTION Today, iguanid lizards occur mainly in the Western Hemisphere but a few criticai exceptions are registered in Madagascar and remote Pacific islands (Fiji and Tonga) . The family has a wide ecological range in both tropical and temperate areas from extreme deserts to tropical rainforest interiors. Their fóssil record is not very abundant but shows that the family has been in existence in Asia, North and South America, and possibly in Europe as eariy as the Cretaceous. Generally, in the Old World, “iguanid niches” are occupied by agamid lizards (family Agamidae). The classic view (Darlington, 1957) is that the iguanids have been replaced by the more advanced agamids on the Old World continents, notably in África. The recent discovery of fóssil iguanids in Asia and Europe reinforce this suggestion. However, Blanc (1982) casts doubt on this hypothesis and he wrote: “we have difficulty explaining how the poorly diversified African agamids could have succeeded in totally supplanting the eventual iguanids. Their currently allopatric distributions appear to be more the result of general historical consequences than of competition.” Kuhn (1944) named the first unquestionable european iguanid lizard, Geiseltáliellus longicaudus, together with the species Capitolacerta dubia. Estes (1983) synonymized Capitolacerta dubia with Geiseltáliellus longicaudus. A comprehensive taxonomic revision of these lizards was published by Hoffstetter (1955), who rejected their assignment to the Iguanidae. However, Estes (1983) demonstrated that the 1 Submitted on September 14, 2006. Accepted on November 11, 2007. 2 Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paléobiodiversité et Paléoenvironnements. Paris, France. UMR 5143. 404 M.AUGÉ specimens cannot be placed in any other family. The time scale used for faunal analysis is that defined in Schmidt-Kittler (1987) and BiochroM’97 (1997) (Tab.l). Institutional Abbreviations: MNHN: Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris; USTL: Université des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc. SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Eocene iguanids Four iguanid species are known in the European Eocene. The last European iguanids are recorded in the locality of Escamps (MP19), just before the “Grande Coupure”, i.e., the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. The traditional definition of the Iguanidea is retained here (= non-acrodont iguanian), keeping in mind that the family could be paraphyletic (Frost & Etheridge, 1989). In other words, the family is considered a metataxon, and neither monophyly nor paraphyly can be evidenced. Order Squamata Oppel, 1811 Infraorder Iguania Cu vier, 1807 Family IGUANIDAE Gray, 1827 Geiseltaliellus Kuhn, 1944 Type-species - Geiseltaliellus longicaudus Kuhn, 1944 Known distribution - Early Eocene (MP7, Dormaal) to late Eocene (MP19, Escamps). Germany, France, Belgium, ?Portugal. TABLE 1. Stratigraphic positions of lacertilian localities in Europe. Subdivision of the European continental Eocene and Oligocene, based on mammalian standard leveis for the Paleogene (MP), as proposed by Schmidt-Kittler (1987) and Biochrom’ 1997. These biostratigraphic intervals are correlated with the absolute scale (Ma) according to Legendre & Lévêque (1997). Epoch Age - Marine Stages MP Standard-Levels Localities France Europe -34 20 19 Rosières Mormont-Entreroches Escamps (Swiss) PRIABONIAN 18 Gousnat, Ste-Néboule La Débruge Osborne beds (England) -37 17 Perrière, Malpérié Les Pradigues, Fons 1-7 Hordle Bed (England) 16 Grisolles, Chéiy-Chartreuve w 2 Lavergne, Le Bretou, Robiac -41 15 W O BARTONIAN o w 14 Lissieu 12-13 Saint-Maximin Geiseltal oMK LUTETIAN Geiseltal Umk (Germany) 11 Geiseltal UK -49 Messel (Germany) 10 Prémontré, Cuis Grauves, Mas de Gimel YPRESIAN 8-9 Sézanne, Condé-en-Brie Avenay, Mutigny 7 Silveirinha (Portugal) Dormaal (Belgium) 6 Berru, Cernay d rs THANETIAN g 1-5 ?Menat Hainin (Belgium) s Walbeck (Germany) -65 Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.403-416, out./dez.2007 PAST AND PRESENT DISTRIBUTION OF IGUANID LIZARDS 405 Geiseltaliellus longicaudus Kuhn, 1944 Capitolacerta dubia Kuhn, 1944: 364, Taf. 20. Geiseltaliellus louisi Augé, 1990: 114, fig.l. Holotype - GM 4043, complete specimen, fig. la-c, pl.19 in Kuhn (1944). Known distribution - Early Eocene (MP7) to Middle Eocene (MP16). Germany, France, Belgium, ?Portugal. Comments - Geiseltaliellus longicaudus (Figs. 1-2) is characterized by having a long tail, three times the length of the body, and the parietal bears a sagittal crest. The teeth are slender, moderately heterodont: the first ten teeth are unicuspid and the following teeth are clearly triconodont, dentaiy tooth number is 20- 25. Medially, the dentary shows a slender subdental shelf which has no sulcus dentalis. The ventral and dorsal borders of the dentaiy that define the narrow Meckelian canal are nearly contiguous anteriorly. All records referred to the Iguanidae in Europe were rejected by Hoffstetter (1942, 1955). Nevertheless, the specimens cannot be placed in any other family: Geiseltaliellus has a heterodont dentition, its dentaries shows an interesting combination of high- crowned, tricuspid and highly pleurodont teeth, while lacking a sulcus dentalis (dental gutter) . This combination of character States indicates that Geiseltaliellus is referrable to the family Iguanidae. The tricuspid condition in the Iguanidae is commonly characterized by having a large apical cusp and smaller anterior and posterior cusps. Tricuspid teeth are common in Teiidae, and also occur in some genera of Xantusiidae and Lacertidae. However, in the tricuspid teeth of teiids, the base of the tooth is often swollen and embedded in an important deposit of cementum. The tricuspid condition in the two genera of Xantusiidae is obviously different from that of iguanids: in xantusiids, the two side cusps are more lingually located than the central cusp. The majority of lacertid lizards bear bicuspid teeth, some have tricuspid dentition (i.e., Plesiolacerta lydekkeri, from the French middle and late Eocene), but all lacertid lizards show a marked sulcus dentalis near the base of the teeth. The fully preserved skeletons of Geiseltaliellus from Messel (MP11) near Darmstadt and the Geiseltal (MP12) pit near Halle (both in Germany), share a large number of morphological similarities with several species formerly (and erroneously) attributed to the Cordylidae. Geiseltaliellus lamandini (Filhol, 1877) Lacerta lamandini Filhol, 1877: 489, 490, fig.421. Pseudolacerta lamandini Hoffstetter, 1942: 239. Holotype - incomplete right mandible, Old collections of the Phosphorites du Quercy, MNHN, QU 17739, fig.421 in Filhol (1877). Known distribution - End of the Middle Eocene (MP17, Malpérié) to the late Eocene (MP19, Escamps), France, Phosphorites du Quercy. Comments - The teeth of G. lamandini are in general similar to those of G. longicaudus, differing in being morestoutlybuilt. Medially, G. lamandinibears a clearly defined subdental shelf on the dentaiy, no definite sulcus dentalis can be recognized. The Meckelian canal is narrow, limited anteriorly by the nearly contiguous ventral and dorsal borders, as in G. longicaudus. Hoffstetter (1942) described Pseudolacerta lamandini and Pseudolacerta mucronata, two Lacertilia from the Eocene of the Phosphorite du Quercy (France), as members of the family Cordylidae, opinion subsequently confirmed by Augé (1987). However, this assignment cannot be maintained, owing to the morphology of the posterior part of the dentary and absence of a sulcus dentalis near the base of the teeth. In the holotype of Pseudolacerta lamandini, the posterior part of the dentary extends well under the coronoid, a position common to all iguanians, and very different from the morphology exposed in the Scincoidea (Scincidae + Cordylidae). Within the Scincoidea, the posterior part of the dentary does not reach the levei of the middle point of the coronoid. Moreover, the posterior part of the dentary is deeply incised by the supraangular notch. Obviously, these features are absent from both Pseudolacerta and Geiseltaliellus. On these grounds, I have transferred the species Pseudolacerta lamandini to the genus Geiseltaliellus. Geiseltalielluspradiguensis sp.nov. Holotype - Posterior part of a right maxilla having 14 well-preserved teeth, USTL, PRA 1221 (Fig.3). Type-locality and range - Les Pradigues, Phosphorites du Quercy, France, end ofthe Middle Eocene (MP17). Etymology- From the locality of Les Pradigues, France. Material - Holotype (Fig.3); anterior part of a right maxilla, USTL, MAL 608, Malpérié (Fig.4) (Phosphorites du Quercy, France). Known distribution - End of the Middle Eocene Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.403-416, out./dez.2007 406 M.AUGÉ (MP17), Phosphorites du Quercy, France. Diagnosis - Geiseltaliellus pradiguensis sp.nov. is a middle Eocene iguanid distinguished from all other iguanid lizards by its teeth tricuspid, very slender, and tall. Only one-fifth of the tooth height projects beyond the levei of the lateral parapet of the maxilla. Description - The holotype consists of an incomplete right maxilla. The anterior part and the dorsal process of the maxilla are broken. Medially, above the tooth row, a deep, elongated notch (jugal groove) cuts into the posterior part of the supradental shelf. A large maxillary foramen opens in the supradental shelf, above the levei of the fifteenth tooth (from the rear of the tooth row). The lateral surface of the jaw is smooth and bears a large lateral foramen. The maxillary teeth are pleurodont, with the major part of each tooth attached to the lateral parapet of the jaw. The teeth are slender and very tall, slightly compressed under the crown. The tooth shafts are strongly compressed anteroposteriorly. Teeth are closely spaced. No sulcus separates the tooth row from the supradental parapet. The tooth bases are attached close to the lingual border of the supradental shelf and they are not swollen; instead, several teeth have developed a median basal excavation for tooth replacement. The tooth crowns are markedly tricuspid, with a triangular central cusp flanked by two small lateral cusps. A combination of characters of these maxillae strongly indicates their affiliation within iguanid lizards: tricuspid teeth, absence of a sulcus that separates the tooth bases from the supradental shelf; presence of an elongated jugal groove on the dorsal surface of the supradental shelf. The two specimens are lumped together as Geiseltaliellus pradiguensis sp.nov. on the basis of their general resemblances in having tricuspid teeth, with only 20% of their height projecting beyond the parapet of the jaw. These two maxillae are referrable to Geiseltaliellus on the basis of their slender and high tooth shafts, their tooth crowns parallel-sided [i.e., not flared) with a triangular central cusp and the deep, elongated notch on the dorsal surface of the supradental shelf. However, G. pradiguensis sp.nov. is clearly different from other species of Geiseltaliellus, primarily in having slender and high crowned teeth projecting only one/fifth of their height beyond the levei of the lateral parapet of the jaw (as opposed to one/third in other species). Geiseltaliellus sp. Known distribution - Early Eocene (MP7), to the late Eocene (MP19). Another, unnamed species is present at Grisolles (MP16) (Figs.5-6), northern France, and the last record of Geiseltaliellus is in the late Eocene of Escamps (MP19). Pseudolacerta De Stefano, 1903 Type-species - Pseudolacerta mucronata (Filhol, 1877). Pseudolacerta mucronata (Filhol, 1877) Lacerta mucronata Filhol, 1877: 489, fig.424. Zittel, 1893: 600. Pseudolacerta mucronata Hoffstetter, 1942: 240. Holotype - Dentary, certainly lost, MNHN, fig.424 in Filhol (1877). Known distribution - Middle Eocene (MP16) to the late Eocene (MP19). France, Phosphorites du Quercy. Comments - Teeth strongly heterodont; the first teeth are unicuspid, posteriorly recurved with an slightly inflated base and a pointed apex. The following teeth are slender, tricuspid, and similar to the posterior teeth of Geiseltaliellus. The sulcus dentalis is lacking and the Meckelian canal is limited by curved borders. A combination of characters of the dentary indicates its affiliation within iguanid lizards: tricuspid teeth, absence of a sulcus that separates the tooth bases from the subdental shelf, absence of a dorsal ridge on the subdental shelf. Pseudolacerta sp. Known distribution - Middle and late Eocene (MP16-MP19), Phosphorites du Quercy, France. Comments - A second species (still unamed) is known in the genus Pseudolacerta. Its dentary teeth are very similar to those of P. mucronata. Pseudolacerta sp. differs from P. mucronata by its narrow Meckelian canal limited by straight borders and its smaller size. Cadurciguana Augé, 1987 Type-species (and only species known in the genus) - Cadurciguana hoffstetteri Augé, 1987 Cadurciguana hoffstetteri Augé, 1987 Holotype - Left dentary, USTL, ECC 2502, figs.1-3 in Augé (1987). Known distribution - Middle Eocene (MP16) to the end ofthe Late Eocene (MP19), France, Phosphorites du Quercy. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.403-416, out./dez.2007 PAST AND PRESENT DISTRIBUTION OF IGUANID LIZARDS 407 Comments- Cadurciguana hoffstetteri (Fig.7) shows strong evidence of iguanid affinities: total loss of the sulcus dentalis, faintly tricuspid teeth on the dentary, and greatly reduced splenial. Moreover, the frontais are fused and hourglass shaped, with the scar of the parietal foramen on the fronto-parietal border. 7 Geiseltaliellus longicaudus - fig. 1- incomplete left maxilla, Prémontré, early Eocene (MP10), MNHN, medial view; fig.2- incomplete right maxilla, Dormaal, early Eocene (MP7), coll. E.Wille, medial view. Geiseltaliellus pradiguensis sp.nov. - fig.3- holotype, incomplete right maxilla, USTL, PRA 1221, Les Pradigues, middle Eocene (MP17); (a) labial view, (b) medial view, (c) dorsal view; fig.4- incomplete left maxilla, USTL, MAL 608, Malpérié, middle Eocene (MP17); medial view.; Geiseltaliellus sp. - fig.5- incomplete right maxilla, MNHN, Grisolles, middle Eocene (MP17); medial view; fig.6- incomplete left maxilla, MNHN, Grisolles, middle Eocene (MP17); medial view; fig.7- Cadurciguana hoffstetteri, incomplete right maxilla, MNHN, Le Bretou, middle Eocene (MP16); medial view. Scale bars: (1-2, 5-7) = 5mm, (3-4) = 2mm. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.403-416, out./dez.2007 408 M.AUGÉ CRETACEOUS IGUANIDS The discovery of late Cretaceous iguanids from Spain and France documents the earliest record for the Iguanidae in Europe. Two Campanian localities have yielded indeterminate iguanid lizards: Lano, in Spain (Basque Country) (Rage, 1999), and Champ-Garimond in Southern France (Sigé et al., 1997). The material is fragmentary but the maxilla and dentary bear pleurodont, flared, tricuspid teeth, strongly compressed labio-lingually. The resorption pits, when present, open at the medial side of the tooth base. Such teeth may belong to iguanid lizards, however, because of the fragmentary nature of the material, this assignment cannot be definitively ascertained. These two early iguanids from the Upper Cretaceous of Europe provide fóssil evidence supporting the interpretation of Etheridge & de Queiroz (1988) who regarded the tricuspid crown pattern as a primitive condition within iguanids. DISTRIBUTION OF IGUANIDAE Iguanids are a primarily American group of lizards but their distribution is clearly disjunct. Two iguanid genera exist in Madagascar and Grand Comore Island, Chalarodon and Oplurus. An iguanid ( Brachylophus ) has reached Fiji and Tonga in the Pacific, on which islands the genus is endemic. Fiji and Tonga also have giant extinct iguanids (Pregill & Dye, 1989; Worthy et dl., 1999). Such a puzzling distribution has been known as a “biogeographic enigma” or an “irritating problem” (Blanc, 1982). Discoveries of late Cretaceous fossils of the group from Europe and the Gobi Desert (Borsuk- Bialynicka & Alifanov, 1991; Gao & Hou, 1995a, b; 1996) demonstrate the presence of iguanids in Europe and East Asia. The present pattern of distribution of iguanid lizards shows that they have withdrawn from Eurasia. Carlquist’s (1974) statement on the subject seems especially relevant here: “the best explanation seems to be that iguanas are a very ancient group of reptiles which have been extinguished on the Eurasian and African mainland”. Two factors may have contributed to the extinction of Old World iguanid lizards: the Eocene-Oligocene climate deterioration and the competition with other groups. Here we examine the potential role of competition. AGAMIDAE vs. IGUANIDAE The development of better adapted families of lizards in the Old World could have caused the extinction of the Iguanidae in all areas where the families competed (Avery & Tanner, 1971). Members of the family Agamidae are ecological equivalents for many iguanids and are widespread in the Old World. Agamidae have even been called “Old World counterparts of the New World iguanids” ( e.g ., Goin et al, 1978). Some members of the two groups (Agamidae and Iguanidae) look alike and they do many similar things. Two of the most striking ecological equivalents are the Australian Thorny devil (Moloch horridus, Agamidae) and the North American horned lizard (Phrynosoma platyrhinos, Iguanidae), both of which exploit a diet of ants. In the absence of direct information, the best evidence of competitive replacement between two groups of animais comes from their complementary distributions. Some 300 living species of agamids have an Old World distribution in Southern Eurasia, África, and Australia. Nowhere in the world, except on Fiji, do iguanids and agamids live side by side, they have a complementary distribution. This complementary distribution is strongly suggestive of competitive interactions (Diamond, 1975). Hence, agamids may have caused the extinction of the Iguanidae where the two families overlapped. The reality of competitive replacement should also be distinguishable in the fóssil record: postulated competitors could have co-occurred in at least some part of their ranges (evidence for shared stratigraphic and geographic distributions) and the supposed better adapted group must replace or drive to extinction “inferior” group. Agamid and iguanid lizards co-occurred in Europe and North America during the Eocene. In Europe, agamid lizards made their first appearance in the early Eocene (MP7, locality of Dormaal), in the form of a single genus and species, Tinosaums europeocaenus Augé & Smith, 1997. Tinosaums becomes progressively less abundant during the early Eocene and its last record in Europe appears to be in the middle Eocene (MP13, Duffaud & Rage, 1997). Thus, during the Eocene, the extinction of agamid lizards predated the disappearance of iguanids in Europe. Agamids managed to enter North America during the Eocene, as demonstrated by the presence of the species Tinosaums stenodon in the Middle Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.403-416, out./dez.2007 PAST AND PRESENT DISTRIBUTION OF IGUANID LIZARDS 409 Eocene of Wyoming, but they were unable to persist on that continent after the Upper Eocene. During that time, iguanid lizards were well established in North America. In both cases, the fóssil record shows the persistence of iguanids while agamids became extinct, thus the expected pattern of replacement is not supported. Moreover, Pianka (1986) and Cloudsley-Thompson (1999) stated that the differences between the ecologies of most iguanid and agamid lizards that they studied are much more striking than are the similarities. LACERTIDAE vs. IGUANIDAE The radiation of Lacertidae during the Paleogene could be linked to the decline of the Iguanidae. Apparently, during the Cretaceous, only iguanid existed. Lacertidae arose during the Paleogene in Europe and radiated throughout the Eocene and the Oligocene. The iguanid lizards disappeared from Europe across the Eocene/Oligocene boundaiy and from Asia after the Oligocene. On an other hand, lacertid and iguanid lizards display a perfect complementary distribution: they are entirely separated from each other in their geographic distribution today. The extant species of lacertids have an Old World distribution in Eurasia and África and they are absent from Madagascar and North and South America. It is clear that lacertid and iguanid lizards were sympatric during part of their evolution in Eurasia. They have co-occurred during the Eocene in Europe and both families are known in the Asian fóssil record. Does the fóssil record confirm the hypothesis of competitive replacement (Fig.8)? North and South America: iguanid lizards have been well established in North and South America since the Cretaceous. There is a purported Mesozoic record of an iguanian from the Upper Cretaceous of Brasil (Pristiguana Estes & Price, 1973) (Estes & Price, 1973). Moreover Apesteguia etal. (2005) report an incomplete lizard frontal from the Cretaceous of Patagônia that could belong to an iguanid. Some iguanid taxa have been recovered from the late Cretaceous of Canada [Cnephasaurus and two unnamed genera, Gao & Fox, 1996). Extant lacertids are absent from the continent and no records of fóssil lacertids are known. Madagascar: lizards are the most speciose group of terrestrial vertebrates on the island of Madagascar, the extant lizard fauna includes chamaeleonids, iguanids, scincids, cordylids, and gekkonids. Typical mainland African forms (agamids, lacertids, varanids) are absent. Moreover, the lizard fóssil record from Madagascar is nearly lacking (Krause et al., 2003). África: Scincomorph lizards have been discovered in the Upper Jurassic of África (Zils et al, 1995; Broschinski, 1999), but true lacertids are not known in África before the Quaternary. Extant and fóssil iguanids are apparently absent from África. ■ Late Cretaceous x Paleocene • Eocene Fig.8- Distribution of fóssil iguanid lizards. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.403-416, out./dez.2007 410 M.AUGÉ However, some fragmentary dentaries from the Paleogene of Morocco have tricuspid teeth that suggest iguanids affinities. It must be added that the two specimens in hand are poorly preserved and their assignment is highly debatable. Asia: the Mesozoic iguanid record of Asia has been recently improved. Early Cretaceous deposits in Central Asia and Mongolia have yielded indeterminate iguanians (Gao & Nessov, 1998), while a diversity of iguanid taxa has been recovered from the Campanian and Maastrichtian of Mongolia and China (Alifanov, 1996; Borsuk-Bialynicka & Alifanov, 1991; Gao & Hou, 1995a, b, 1996; Gao & Norell, 2000). Maybe iguanid lizards were still present in Asia during the Paleocene, their last occurrence on the continent appears to be from the Oligocene (Ckhikvadze etal, 1983; Alifanov, 1993). Alifanov (1993) suggests a long “cryptic” history of the Lacertidae during the late Cretaceous in Asia. However, in a personal communication, V. R. Alifanov States “In 1993, I published the preliminary information about the Cretaceous lacertids, but now I think it was an error. In any case I do not regard true lacertids as an Asiatic group in origination.” Apparently, lacertid lizards made their first appearance in Asia during the late Paleogene (Oligocene?). In Asia, the fóssil record shows the persistence of lacertids while iguanids became extinct, supporting the expected pattern of replacement. Europe: iguanid lizards are present during the entire Eocene in Europe. The last European iguanids are recorded in the locality of Escamps (MP19), just before the “Grande Coupure”, i.e., the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. The locality of Hainin (Paleocene, MP1-5) could contain a lacertid fóssil (Van Dyck, 1983). However, this record is not confirmed by Folie (2006). The first confirmed lacertid lizards has been yielded by the locality of Cernay (France), from the Upper Paleocene (Augé, 2005). Lacertid lizards are well- represented in the fóssil record during the Eocene and the Oligocene in Europe. Only one genus, Dormaalisaums, is known in the early Eocene of Dormaal, Belgium, but three genera are recorded from the late Eocene (Plesiolacerta and two new genera). Succinilacerta succinea (Bõhme & Weitschat, 1998; Borsuk-Bialynicka et al, 1999) is another small genus preserved in the Baltic amber (certainly middle Eocene). To sum up, in Europe and Asia, the fóssil record shows the persistence of lacertids while iguanids became extinct, supporting the expected pattern of replacement. Moreover, apparently lacertids have never reached the areas where extant iguanids are distributed. They have never been sympatric in North and South America nor in Madagascar. They could have co-occurred in África but the fóssil record is too sparse to establish this point. Lacertids may have caused the extinction of the Iguanidae where the two families overlapped. COMPETITIVE EXPLANATIONS AND THE FÓSSIL RECORD Competitive explanations have traditionally been used by palaeontologists to account for the replacement of one group by another. In all cases, these explanations have been questioned by a closer study of the fóssil record (Raup, 1982; Benton, 1983, 1987, 1996; Miller, 2000). For contrary opinions, see Miller & Sepkoski (1988) and Sepkoski (1996). Two taxa are said to be in competition if an increase in abundance by either one harms the other (MacArthur, 1972). Such competitive interactions are viewed as necessary correlates of evolution by natural selection, according to the idea clearly expressed by Darwin when he made an analogy between the number of species on the Earth and a surface entirely covered with “ten-thousand sharp wedges”. In this metaphor, he stated that the origination of a new taxon can occur only by the displacement of a preexisting one. There are several ways in which clade A replaces clade B in the fóssil record, but two broad patterns emerges: the first is the competitive pattern and it would be like a pair of matched wedge-shaped clades, one decreasing and the other increasing side by side, best known as the double-wedge pattern. The second pattern has been called the “mass- extinction” replacement and it would show one group coming to an end abruptly and the other increasing thereafter (Benton, 1996). The classic example of supposed long-term competitive interaction between brachiopods and bivalves was studied by Gould & Calloway (1980) and they find no evidence of competitive replacement. Instead, the data suggest a mass- extinction and opportunistic replacement pattern. Three principies guide the analysis: first, postulated competitors should have met each other in at least some part of their ranges (evidence for shared stratigraphic and geographic distributions). We do know that lacertids and iguanids were sympatric Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.403-416, out./dez.2007 PAST AND PRESENT DISTRIBUTION OF IGUANID LIZARDS 411 in the European Eocene, more than fifteen localities have yielded both iguanid and lacertid remains. Second, it is necessary to show that they shared some major aspects of their modes of life (as a proxy for a more precise demonstration that they shared a limiting ressource or a common enemy). Third, the reality of competitive replacement should be distinguishable in the fóssil record by assessing the relative abundances of the two groups in question through time: the “double wedge” pattern. MODE OF LIFE Diet It has been suggested that there is a fairly tight correlation between diet and crown shape in lizards (Hotton, 1955; Montanucci, 1968). However, on a broad scale, there appears to be little diet- related variation in crown form and the vast majority of pleurodont squamates have numerous, relatively small, unicuspid to tricuspid teeth. These tooth forms are associated with a variety of invertebrate prey types of food (arthropod-insect eating lizards) as well as some percentage of plant food. Fóssil iguanids and lacertids presented such dental shapes (uni-, bi- or tricuspid teeth for lacertids; uni-tricuspid teeth for iguanids) and they are both considered as generalized lizards or arthropod eaters. SlZE Competitive interactions between two groups imply that both taxa shared comparable body size. There are no body mass estimation techniques for fóssil lizards. Here dentary size has been used as an estimate of size in fóssil lizard taxa. The distribution of body size is right-skewed on untransformed axes (Fig.9). The tail of small numbers of large species is marked, and the smallest size class is not the most speciose. Recent examinations of the size distributions of mammals and birds support the notion that most species tend to be of intermediate size (Blackburn & Gaston, 1994; Fenchel, 1993). The right-skewed body size distribution of Eocene iguanid and lacertid lizards conforms to many vertebrate assembly studied, principally in North America (Brown & Nicoletto, 1991; Brown et al, 1993; Maurer et cã ., 1992; Gaston & Blackburn, 2000). Thus, this distribution is unlikely to be severely biased. The bar chart shows that Eocene iguanid and lacertid lizards shared comparable body size in Europe. A statistical test confirms this opinion. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (K-S) compares the complete shapes and positions of two distributions. The K-S test does not assume a normal distribution, and is then a suitable method for comparing the two samples (Hammer & Harper, 2006). (/) c CD E o CD Q_ ca o 1— CD _Q E 3 Fig.9- Size (measurements taken from the dentary) of the iguanid and lacertid lizards during the Eocene in Europe. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.403-416, out./dez.2007 412 M.AUGÉ Using the K-S test, we arrive at the test statistic D = 0.24 and the probability of the equality of the two distributions is p = 0.076. Hence, the null hypothesis of equal distributions cannot be rejected. DiD LACERTID LIZARDS INCREASE IN DIVERSITY AT THE EXPENSE OF IGUANIDS? Our raw data are the total number of iguanids and lacertids species and individuais living at any time during each of the mammalian standard levei (MP) intervals in Europe. Plots of number of species, or of individual animais, against time show that there is no evidence for double-wedge pattern in the fóssil record (Fig. 10). Instead, the general impression is one of positive association between iguanid and lacertid diversity, at least during the late Eocene. The disappearance of iguanid lizards in Europe was associated with a single event: the Eocene-Oligocene extinction which deeply and permanently reduced the diversity of iguanids but only MP temporarily reduced the diversity of lacertids. The data suggest a mass-extinction replacement pattern. 23-28 In summary we find no evidence at all for the claim Oligocene 20-22 of negative interaction in diversity between iguanids and lacertids through time. 18-19 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Eocene 15-17 al., 2001). In Europe, the Late Eocene-Early Oligocene epochs constituted the most criticai turning point in the Cenozoic history of the lizards. During the Late Eocene, the lizard faunas were abundant and diverse. Nine families and 17 species are present in the standard levei MP19 (mammalian standard levei of Escamps), before the Eocene- Oligocene transition. Unfortunately, no lizard remains are known from the last Eocene standard levei (MP20). At the family and species leveis, the lizards were severely affected by the “Grande Coupure”. A drop in diversity is protracted between the MP20 (latest Eocene) and the MP21 leveis (earliest Oligocene) and a low in diversity appears in the levei MP21 (five families, eight species). Four families or subfamilies encountered in the European Late Eocene became extinct between the MP19-20/ MP21 standard leveis interval (Iguanidae, Gekkonidae, Glyptosaurinae, and Helodermatidae). .Gmda.Cíiupijffi, A major turnover occurred in the european mammalian fauna near the Eocene- Oligocene (E-O) boundary (known as the Grande Coupure, see Stehlin, 1909). Together with mammals, the Quercy localities contain an important assemblage of lizards. Their study has revealed an important change among lizards (Rage, 1984; 1986; Rage & Augé, 1993; Augé, 1993, 2000; Milner etal, 2000; Delfino et 10-14 7-9 Paleocene 1-6 Lacertidae Iguanidae Fig. 10- Relative diversity of iguanid and lacertid lizards through the Eocene and Oligocene in Europe. Time is standard levei number, beginning in the early Eocene. The sole localities that have yielded both iguanid and lacertid lizards, are considered. Eolacerta robusta has not been included in the study, according to Müller (2001), the suggestion that Eolacerta belongs to the modern family Lacertidae cannot be corroborated. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.403-416, out./dez.2007 PAST AND PRESENT DISTRIBUTION OF IGUANID LIZARDS 413 At lower taxonomic leveis, estimates of species levei extinctions range as high as 80%. They include members of virtually all the families present in the late Eocene. Thus, the E-O event provides evidence of a high rate of extinction not matched with originations. All of the iguanid species known in the Late Eocene became extinct across the Eocene-Oligocene boundary. Similarly, the diverse lacertid fauna became extinct in Europe near the E-O boundary. However, at the beginning of the Oligocene, several lacertid species appear, with Lacerta filholi, and the development of several amblyodont, ie., durophagous members of the family Lacertidae ( Mediolacerta, Pseudeumeces, Dracaenosaums ). During that time, no iguanid lizard reappeared in Europe. Hence, it seems that extinction rates were equal for iguanid and lacertid species across the Eocene- Oligocene boundary. Johst & Brandl (1997) assume that large environmental perturbations have similar effects on all species. However, some species are slower to recover while other have more opportunities for speciation and immigration. 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Paris: Doin. 894p. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.403-416, out./dez.2007 Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 ISSN 0365-4508 THE FIRST “PROTOSUCHIAN” (ARCHOSAURIA: CROCODYLIFORMES) FROM THE CRETACEOUS (SANTONIAN) OF GONDWANA 1 (With 16 figures) LUCAS E. FIORELLI 2 JORGE O. CALVO 3 ABSTRACT: The remains of “protosuchians” from the Cretaceous come, to exception of “Las Hoyas crocodyliform” from the Lower Cretaceous of Spain, exclusively of Central Asia: Zaraasuchus, Gobiosuchus, Zosuchus, and Artzosuchus from the Upper Cretaceous of Mongolia; Tagarosuchus from Lower Cretaceous of Southern Sibéria; Edentosuchus, Sichuanosuchus, and Shantungosuchus from Lower Cretaceous of China. We report a new basal crocodyliform taxon, Neuquensuchus universitas gen.nov., sp.nov., from Neuquén Province, Argentina, belonging to Bajo de la Carpa Formation, representing the first and only “protosuchian” from the Cretaceous of Gondwana. The articulated and fragmentary materiais belonged to a willowy, slender species, with very long and thin extremities. As in Shantungosuchus, the cervical centers are lengthened, with prominent ventral keel and well developed anteroventral parapophyses. As in basal crocodylomorphs, it possesses two sacral vertebrae. Also, a much enlarged scapular blade, with well developed acromial ridge and the posterior edge similar to Sichuanosuchus. The pronounced deltopectoral crest in the complete humerus is equivalent to Sichuanosuchus and as this, a circular, elongated and thin shaft with the medial condyle longer than the lateral one. Also, the complete ulna and radius is similar in their proportions to Sichuanosuchus. As this, the pubis is lengthened, very thin in the half section and not very expanded distally. The femur, tibia and fibula are elongated and similar to other non-derivated crocodyliforms. Besides representing the first Cretaceous “protosuchian” of Gondwana, the occurrence of these outside of Asia and Europe during the Cretaceous offers new evidence of pre-Albian dispersion between Gondwana and Central Asia through Europe. Key words: Crocodylomorpha. Protosuchian. Neuquensuchus universitas gen.nov., sp.nov. Cretaceous. Gondwana. RESUMEN: El primer “protosuquio” (Archosauria: Crocodyliformes) dei Cretácico (Santoniano) de Gondwana. Los restos de “protosuquios” dei Cretácico provienen, a excepción dei “crocodyliforme de Las Hoyas” dei Cretácico Inferior de Espana, exclusivamente de Asia Central: Zaraasuchus, Gobiosuchus, Zosuchus y Artzosuchus dei Cretácico Superior de Mongolia; Tagarosuchus dei Cretácico Inferior dei sur de Sibéria; Edentosuchus, Sichuanosuchus y Shantungosuchus dei Cretácico Inferior de China. Aqui reportamos un nuevo taxón de crocodyliforme basal, Neuquensuchus universitas gen.nov., sp.nov., de la provincia de Neuquén, Argentina, correspondiente a la Formación Bajo de la Carpa, representando el primer y único “protosuquio” dei Cretácico de Gondwana. Los materiales fragmentários y articulados corresponden a una especie esbelta y delgada, con extremidades largas y delgadas. Al igual que en Shantungosuchus, los centros cervicales son alargados, con una quilla ventral prominente y parapófisis anteroventrales bien desarrolladas. Como en los crocodyliformes basales, Neuquensuchus posee dos vértebras sacras. Además, una hoja escapular muy expandida, con un puente acromial bien desarroliado y el borde posterior similar a Sichuanosuchus. La cresta deltopectoral pronunciada en el húmero es equivalente a la de Sichuanosuchus y al igual que este, la diáfisis es circular, alargada y delgada con el cóndilo medial mayor que el lateral. Asimismo, las proporciones dei radio y la úlna son similares a Sichuanosuchus. Como este, el pubis es alargado, muy delgado en su sección media y poco expandido distalmente. El fémur, tibia y fibula son alargados y similares a otros crocodyliformes no derivados. Además de representar el primer “protosuquio” cretácico de Gondwana, su presencia fuera de Asia y Europa durante el Cretácico ofrece nueva evidencia de un evento de dispersion pre-Albiano entre Gondwana y Asia Central a través de Europa. Palabras clave: Crocodylomorpha. Protosuquio. Neuquensuchus universitas gen.nov., sp.nov. Cretácico. Gondwana. 1 Submitted on September 14, 2006. Accepted on October 24, 2007. 2 Centro Regional de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia Tecnológica (CRILAR). Entre Rios y Mendoza s/n, CP 5301, Anillaco, La Rioja, Argentina. E-mail: lfiorelli @ ar. 3 Centro Paleontológico Lago Barreales (CePaLB), Universidad Nacional dei Comahue. Ruta Provincial 51, km 65, Neuquén, Argentina. 418 L.E.FIORELLI & J.O.CALVO INTRODUCTION MATERIAL AND METHODS Fóssil remains of basal non-Metasuchia Crocodyliformes from Cretaceous come almost exclusively from the Asian continent, to exception of “Las Hoyas Crocodyliform” (Sanz et al, 1988) (Fig. 1) from the Lower Cretaceous of Las Hoyas, Spain (upper Barremian; Diéguez et al, 1995). The Asian forms are represented by species coming from China, Mongolia and Rússia. From China comes Edentosuchus tienshanensis (Young, 1973; Pol et al, 2004), a Protosuchia from the Lower Cretaceous of Tugulu Group, Xinjiang; Shantungosuchus hangjinensis (Wu et al, 1994) from the Luohandong Formation, Zhidan Group, Inner Mongolia and Sichuanosuchus shuhanensis (Wu et al, 1997) from an uncertain locality of Sichuan. From Mongolia come forms belonging to the Campanian age. Gobiosuchus kielanae (Osmôlska, 1972; Osmôlska et al, 1997) comes from the Bayan Zak locality; Gobiosuchus (?)parvus (Efimov, 1983), later considered conspecific of G. kielenae (Osmôlska etal, 1997), comes from Üüden Sair locality; Zosuchus davidsoni (Pol & Norell, 2004a) and Zaraasuchus shepardi (Pol & Norell, 2004b) come from Zos Canyon locality; Artzosuchus brachicephalus (Efimov, 1983), a very fragmentary form of uncertain filiation, comes from the same locality that G. ( ?)parvus . Lastly, Tagarosuchus kulemzini (Alifanov et al, 1999), with practically complete skull, comes from the Lower Cretaceous of Shestakovo locality, South Sibéria. Here we present a new basal form of crocodyliform from the Upper Cretaceous of Northern Patagônia, Neuquén Province, Argentina. The remains come from the Bajo de la Carpa Formation, Neuquén Group (Fig.2), and represent the first “protosuchian” form for the Cretaceous of Gondwana. In this paper, we describe the anatomy of this new Crocodyliform together with a parsimony analysis of their phylogenetic relationships. The remains were found and gathered by Mr. Oscar de Ferrariis (at that time Director of the Museum of the National University of Comahue), together with J.O.C. The materiais of this new basal crocodyliform were originally referred as Notosuchus (MUCPv-137) and were collected in 1987. The study of the museum collection allowed us to find one more specimen represented by fragmentary postcranial material but in good preservation (Fig.3). Institutional abbreviations: GMPKU, Geological Museum, School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, People’s Republic of China; IGM, Mongolian Institute of Geology, Ulaan Bataar, Mongolia; IVPP, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Beijing, People’s Republic of China; LACM, Natural Histoiy Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, Califórnia, USA; MACN, Museo Argentino de Ciências Naturales, Buenos Aires, Argentina; MUCP, Museo de Geologia y Paleontologia, Universidad Nacional dei Comahue, Neuquén, Argentina; UNC, Department of Geological Sciences, University of North Carolina at Chapei Hill; ZDM, Zigong Dinosaur Museum, Zigong, Sichuan, China; ZPAL, Instytut Paleobiologii PAN, Warszawa, Poland. Las Hoyas crocodyliform Tagarosuchus Edentosuchus Gobiosuchus Zosuchus Zaraasuchus Artzosuchus Sichuanosuchus Shantungosuchus Fig.l- Map of Eurasia showing the places of origin of the species of Cretaceous protosuchians. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 FIRST CRETACEOUS “PROTOSUCHIAN” FROM GONDWANA 419 HAASTOJCHTWN MALARGÜE tegúel Rjfmstwi GROUP Ailen fiymitton (A 3 O tu y È CAMPAN1AN Subgraup AaxWO FpfmíWm w SANTOklAN CL r \ """" y tu b CGNIACIAN «eHíuquífl swesfOMp Fc*matK5Ti 5 TURONIAM NEUQUÉN PçrtHueks Formation Ceiro UswíVo Rxmítioo ■CENQMANIAN uKUUr WSíPvp Hutníiul FómiaOon C&nodwos Formaton ALBIAN Fig.2- Up right: satellital map showing the location of Argentina and Patagônia in South America; up left: satelital map of Northpatagonic region, showing the location of the Neuquén Province; below left: area of Comahue where were found and collected the materiais of Neuquensuchus universüas, gen.nov., sp.nov. (scale bar = 10km - right inferior bar). Below right: stratigraphy of the Cretaceous of Neuquén Basin and stratigraphic column of the Neuquén Group (based on Leanza et al, 2004. (Satellital images taken from GoogleEarth). RESULTS Geology The Rio Colorado subgroup constitutes the top of the Neuquén Group; it is widely distributed in the South of the Neuquén Basin. The subgroup is divided in two formations: Bajo de la Carpa (lower) and Anacleto (upper) (Leanza et aí, 2004) (Fig.2). Bajo de la Carpa Formation is composed of coarse- grained, light violet and pink sandstones of fluvial origin. The age has been dated as Santonian (Leanza et dl. , 2004) (Fig.2). Outcrops in the area have given a wide variety of fauna such as carnotaurine abelisaurid theropod (Porfiri & Calvo, 2006) and the avian dinosaur Alvarezsaurus calvoi Bonaparte, 1991 and Velocisaurus unicus Bonaparte, 1991; sauropod dinosaurs as cf. Laplatasaurus (Leanza et al, 2004), Titanosauridae indet. (Chiappe & Calvo, 1994; pers.obs.), Neuquensaurus sp. (pers.obs.), Antarctosaurus and the peculiar beaked sauropod Bonitasaura salgadoi Apesteguía, 2004. Birds as Neuquenornis volans Chiappe & Calvo, 1994 and Patagopteryx deferrariisi Alvarenga & Bonaparte, 1992, snakes as Dinilysia patagonica Woodward, 1901, bird eggs in nests (Schweitzer et al, 2002), dinosaur eggs named Megaloolithus patagonicus Calvo et al., 1997. Crocodyles are represented by Notosuchus terrestris Woodward, 1896, Comahuesuchus brachybuccalis Bonaparte, 1991, Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 420 L.E.FIORELLI & J.O.CALVO Cynodontosuchus rothi Woodward, 1896, and postcranials articulated remains of a new peirosaurian crocodyliform (Fiorelli etal, 2007). The remains of this new “protosuchian” have been gathered on the South margin of Neuquén River (North Neuquén City) increasing the number of crocodyliforms found in the formation. SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Crocodylomorpha Walker, 1970 Crocodyliformes Hay, 1930 (sensu Benton & Clark, 1988) Mesoeucrocodylia Whetstone & Whybrow, 1983 Neuquensuchus universitas, nov. gen. et nov. sp. Etymology - Generic name “Neuquén” in reference to the Neuquén City; “suchus”, Greek for crocodyle. Specific name “ universitas” in reference to the universitary campus, where the materiais were collected. Holotype - MUCPv-47 (Fig.3). Six cervical vertebrae, first four dorsal vertebrae, two sacral vertebrae and first five caudal vertebrae. Posterior cervical ribs and anterior dorsal ribs. Fragmentary right scapula, humerus, ulna and rights radius; left scapula and humerus. Right pubis, fragment of right ischium, femur, tibia and right fibula; fragment of the left ilium. Referred specimens-MUCPv-161 (Fig.3). Proximal end of left tibia, distai end of left fibula and left astragalus. Type locality- The remains were found in the North of the Neuquén City on the campus of the Universidad Nacional dei Comahue (National University of Comahue), Neuquén Province, Argentina (Fig.2). Type horizon - Bajo de la Carpa Formation, Rio Colorado Subgroup, Neuquén Group (Santonian; Leanza etal, 2004) (Fig.2). Fig.3- Neuquensuchus universitas gen.nov., sp.nov. Referred material. MUCPv-47 (holotype): A, B and E; MUCPv-161 (referred specimens): C and D. A, cervical vertebrae, first dorsal vertebrae, left scapula and left humerus. B, sacral and first caudal vertebrae and right pubis, ischium, femur, tibia and fibula. C, left tibia and fibula. D, left astragalus. E, right humerus, ulna, radius and radial. (Abbreviations in the Appendix IV). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 FIRST CRETACEOUS “PROTOSUCHIAN” FROM GONDWANA 421 Diagnosis - Relatively small, thin and slender crocodyliform, diagnosed by the following combination ofposcranial characters: lengthened cervical vertebrae with low ventral keel, parapophysis and diapophysis anteroposteriorly lengthened. Neural spines elongated in dorsal vertebrae, with their centra lengthened without ventral keel but with a very low anterior hypapophysis. Two laterally enlarged sacral vertebrae. First caudal vertebra with a tenuous opisthocoelous and elongated anterior caudal vertebra, relatively low. Scapula with an important dorsal expansion and a good development of the posterodorsal hook. Humerus with a good development of the lateroproximal expansion, long and thin diaphysis of the humerus with the medial condyle biggest than the lateral one. Very lengthened and thin ulna, with olecranon process. Very thin and proximally expanded radius. Thin and long pubis with a very light distai expansion. Non-sigmoid and lengthened femur, smaller than the tibia. DESCRIPTION AND COMPARISIONS Axial skeleton The specimen MUCPv-47 of Neuquensuchus universitas possesses incomplete axial remains but in good preservation State. It includes the last six articulate cervical vertebrae with the first four dorsal, two sacral vertebrae and relatively well preserved five anterior caudal vertebrae that are articulated to the sacral vertebra. Regarding the cervical section (Fig.4), this specimen possesses a relatively long and thin neck, similar to those other basal crocodylomorphs, as for example Terrestrisuchus (Crush, 1984) and Gobiosuchus (Osmólska et aí, 1997). On the cervical sequence, the first one, here considered the fourth, is incomplete, preserving just the posterior portion of the centrum (Fig.4). All cervical vertebrae and preserved dorsal are slightly amphicoelous. The long and thin cervical centra are parallelogram- shaped in lateral view, with an elevation of the anterior face of the centrum, similarly to Terrestrisuchus (Crush, 1984), Dibothrosuchus elaphros (Wu & Chatterjee, 1993), Zaraasuchus (Pol & Norell, 2004b, IGM 100/1321), Shantungosuchus (Young, 1961, IVPP V2484; Wu et aí, 1994, IVPP VI0097) and other cervicais of Crocodylia (Romer, 1956; Hoffstetter & Gasc, 1969). Neuquensuchus possess medially constricted, well marked cervical centra, similar to some basal crocodyliforms, such as Zaraasuchus (Pol & Norell, 2004b) and Shantungosuchus (Young, 1961; Wu et al, 1994) and different to other protosuchids and mesoeucrocodylians, as Edentosuchus (Li, 1985) and Notosuchia (Wu & Sues, 1996; Fiorelli, 2005; Pol, 2005), that possess short and compressed cervical centra, without medial constriction. Fig.4- Neuquensuchus universitas gen.nov., sp.nov., MUCPv-47. Cervical vertebrae in left lateral view. (Abbreviations in the Appendix IV). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 422 L.E.FIORELLI & J.O.CALVO This structure indicates wide lateral movements of the long neck in this basal patagonian crocodyliform. In another sense, each one of the cervical centra possesses a long keel that runs anteroposteriorly in the whole ventral surface, forming deep furrows toward both sides of this and ventrally to the parapophysis (Figs.5B, 5C, 5D). Even so, the ninth centrum also possesses a less marked and lower keel, with shallow lateral furrows than those present in anterior cervicais. These keels are similar to those observed in “protosuchians” and notosuchians, like in the axis of Shantungosuchus hanqjinensis (Wu et al, 1994, IVPP V10097), in the cervical vertebrae of Protosuchus (Colbert & Mook, 1951), Sichuanosuchus huidongensis (Peng, 1996), Notosuchus (Pol, 2005; Fiorelli, 2005, MACN-RN 1037 and MUCPv-137) and Chimaerasuchus (Wu & Sues, 1996, p.692-693, IVPP V8274) but the long extension is a plesiomorphic character. The parapophysis are very wide, well developed and robust with a lengthened articulate facet for the capitulum of the cervical ribs (Figs.5C, 5D). The articulated facets of these parapophysis possess an antero-lateroventral direction, similar to other basal crocodylomorphs as in the first cervical ones of Terrestrisuchus (Crush, 1984), in the posterior cervical vertebra of Zaraasuchus (Pol & Norell, 2004b) or in the axis of Shantungosuchus (Young, 1961; Wu et al, 1994). Lateroventrally projected parapophysis of Neuquensuchus universitas possesses a long parapophyseal ridge posteriorly. Posterior cervical vertebrae have the surfaces for the capitulum enlarged and lengthen, covering practically the anterior half of the extensive centrum (Fig.5D). Between the parapophysis and diapophysis there is a prolonged depression, this character has been recorded in Zaraasuchus (Pol & Norell, 2004b) and Protosuchus (Colbert & Mook, 1951). The diapophyses are lengthened in the first cervical vertebra and they are anteriorly located below the neurocentral sutures. Nevertheles, in the seventh cervical, the diapophyses are anteroventrally located on the suture. In the eighth cervical, the diapophysis spreads rounding the tubercular process. Lastly, in the ninth cervical, the diapophysis is located more dorsally, as in Terrestrisuchus. All cervicais possess an important postdiapophyseal ridge, like in Zaraasuchus. The neural spines are not complete but they seem to be high and dorsoventrally lengthened, centrally located in the neural arches, contrary to the posterior cervical vertebrae of Zaraasuchus (Pol & Norell, 2004b). Laterally, in the base of the neural spines, there is a cavity between the pre and postzygapophysis, nearly delimited by a small developed suprapostzygapophyseal lamina (Fig.5A). Prezygapophysis and postzygapophysis, in dorsal view are robust, laterally high and slightly curved laterally. Prezygapophysis articulate facets are dorsomedially directed and postzygapophysis articulate facets are lateroventrally directed, like in Zaraasuchus. Ventrally, the prezygapophysis possesses a well developed lamina posteroventrally directed, that continues with the anterior border of diapophysis; it directs anterodorsally the prezygapophysis base (Fig.5D). There is a very marked border, that extends toward posterior among the articular facets of the pre and postzigapophysis, on the whole lateral surface of the neural pedicelous. Similar condition has been observed in Zaraasuchus (Fig.5D). Regarding the dorsal vertebrae, only the first four have been preserved, with their corresponding articulate ribs (Fig.6). It is observed that these dorsais, corresponding to the tenth to twelfth vertebrae, possess the same anteroposterior lenght, but they fali in relation with the posterior cervical ones. In Notosuchus and other Metasuchia there is a light increase in the longitude of the tenth (last cervical in Notosuchus) and eleventh dorsal centrum, compared with the short cervical ones (Pol, 2005; Fiorelli, 2005). All the centra are amphicoelous and strongly constrained in the half section. Therefore, proximal and distai facets are very wide and inflated (Figs.ôC, 6D) like in Sichuanosuchus huidongensis (Peng, 1996). The first dorsal vertebra does not possess a ventral kill and a true reduced hypapophysis appears (Fig.6D). In the first two dorsal vertebrae, the parapophyses are anteriorly located, ventrally directed and rounded. The third dorsal vertebra has the parapophysis small and dorsoventrally longer. Diapophyses are well developed. The cavities in the base of the neural spines are wider and shallower, not very deep but limited posteriorly by high and well-developed suprapostzygapophyseal laminae (Figs.6A, 6B). In lateral view, neural spines in anterior dorsais are very elongated and laminar (Figs.6A, 6B). In MUCPv-47, the poorly preserved sacral vertebrae are articulated with the anterior five caudais (Fig.7). They are jointed by a suture. Centra are short and very wide, flat and massive. (Figs.7C, 7E). The preserved transverse processes seem to have been wide, similar to those of basal crocodylomorphs as Dromicosuchus (Sues et al. , 2003). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 FIRST CRETACEOUS “PROTOSUCHIAN” FROM GONDWANA 423 Fig.5- Neuquensuchus universitas gen.nov., sp.nov., MUCPv-47. Posterior cervical vertebrae. A, right lateral view; B and D, left lateral view; C, ventral view. (Abbreviations in the Appendix IV). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 424 L.E.FIORELLI & J.O.CALVO Anterior caudais correspond to the five firsts (Figs.7A, 7B). Just centra and some pre and postzygapophyses are preserved; they are more rounded and lengthened than in Notosuchus. In Neuquensuchus universitas centra are similar to the first caudal vertebrae of Shantungosuchus (Wu et dl., 1994) and other basal crocodyliforms. The first caudal possesses a centrum very slightly opisthocoelic. Transverse processes in the second and third caudais are slightly square in transverse section and they placed at the same levei than the zygapophysis. Pre and postzygapophyses, in caudais, do not possess an extensive dorsal development as those in Notosuchus and other notosuchian and neosuchian, such as in Mahajangasuchus (Buckley & Brochu, 1999) and Dyrosauridae (Schwarz et dl., 2006). Articulation surfaces of the prezygapophysis, in the third and fourth caudais, are inclined ventromedially. Hemals arches have not been preserved but the articulated surfaces for the same one appear from the second caudal vertebra. Appendicular skeleton MUCPv-47 includes both scapulae, the left humerus (Fig.6), ulna and right radius, left ilium, right pubis, proximal right ischium, femur, tibia and fragment of the right fibula. MUCPv-161 includes a very well preserved proximal left tibia, distai left fibula, and fragmentary remains of tarsus - left astragalus (Fig.3). It is referred to Neuquensuchus due to their characters and similar proportions with MUCPv-47. Fig.6- Neuquensuchus universitas gen.nov., sp.nov., MUCPv-47. First dorsal vertebrae. A and B, right lateral view; C and D, ventral view. (Abbreviations in the Appendix IV). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 FIRST CRETACEOUS “PROTOSUCHIAN” FROM GONDWANA 425 SCAPULA The scapula of Neuquensuchus universitas (Figs.6, 8) is quite similar to that of Notosuchus (Pol, 2005; Fiorelli, 2005) and Sichuanosuchus shuhanensis (Wu et al, 1997, IVPP V12088). However it differs from Notosuchus in having a less marked constriction above the ventral expansion and a slender dorsal expansion. In notosuchians the dorsal expansion is veiy developed and more anteroposteriorly extensive (Pol, 2005; Fiorelli, 2005). As in S. shuhanensis, Neuquensuchus universitas has the anterior concave border of the scapular blade wider than the posterior one and a well-developed acromial ridge, extended along the anterior margin of ventral portion (Fig.8). The hook, or projection in the posterodorsal vertex, is posteriorly directed and the dorsal border is convex. It is only shared with Sichuanosuchus shuhanensis (Wu et al, 1997) and also in part with Sichuanosuchus huidongensis (Peng, 1996). The hook is also visible in some sphenosuchians as in Pseudhesperosuchus but in this Triassic crocodylomorph the posterior border is much wider and it borns abruptly and more centrally (Bonaparte, 1971). However, in Junggarsuchus (Clark etal, 2004) the hook is dorsoposteriorly directed and the dorsal border is slightly concave. Another important characteristic is the relationship between the dorsoventral length of scapula and the total length of the humerus; only in Terrestrisuchus, Gobiosuchus, Sichuanosuchus and Neuquensuchus universitas this scapular longitude represents less than 70% of the longitude of the humerus, while in the remaining crocodylomorphs - included all the Metasuchia -, it is always bigger. Humerus MUCPv-47 preserves both humera (Figs.9-10). They are very long and thin (100.8mm), and similar in all its proportions and characteristic to that of Gobiosuchus kielanae (Osmôlska et al., 1997, ZPAL MgR-II/67), Zaraasuchus (Pol & Norell, 2004b, IGM 100/1321), and Sichuanosuchus shuhanensis (Wu et al, 1997, IVPP V12088). The relationship between the distai extension of the deltopectoral crest and the total length of humerus in Neuquensuchus universitas is 23.5%. In Sichuanosuchus it is also 23.5% and in Shantungosuchus it is 23% (Wu et al., 1997). This is different to the other Metasuchia where this relationship is always bigger than 27%. Fig.7- Neuquensuchus universitas gen.nov., sp.nov., MUCPv-47. Sacral and first caudal vertebrae and left ilium. A and B, in left lateral view. C and E, sacral and left ilium in ventral view. D and F, sacral and left ilium in left lateral view. (Abbreviations in the Appendix IV). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 426 L.E.FIORELLI & J.O.CALVO On the other hand, the diameter of the shaft in relation to the total length of the humerus is, in Neuquensuchus (6.5%) similar to the other named “protosuchians” (e.g., Sichuanosuchus, Shantungosuchus, and Zaraasuchus) , where it never overcomes 7%, but this contrast with the mesoeucrocodylians Metasuchia where this relationship is always bigger than 9%. Moreover, in Neuquensuchus universitas the relationship between the total length and width of the proximal end of the humerus is approximately 5%, similar to those of Crocodylia, sphenosuchians, Protosuchia and more basal crocodyliform, while in Metasuchia non- Crocodylia it is not bigger than 4%. The proximal end of the humerus shows the articular surface lateromedially elongated, strongly curved medially and relatively thin anteroposteriorly, like that present in Gobiosuchus and Sichuanosuchus (Fig. 10C). The lateroproximal expansion and the rectangular proximal shape of the humerus of Neuquensuchus universitas (Fig. 10C) are very similar to those of Notosuchus (Pol, 2005, MACN-RN 1037 and 1042), Chimaerasuchusparadoxus (Wu & Sues, 1996, IVPP V8274), and Araripesuchuspatagonicus (Ortega etal, 2000, MUCPv-267), suggesting some relationships between Neuquensuchus and these notosuchians. However, this characteristic is also similar to Sichuanosuchus shuhanensis (Wu et aí, 1997, IVPP V12088) and some Protosuchia and sphenosuchians, as for example Dibothrosuchus (Wu & Chatterjee, 1993, IVPP V7907). This indicates that the character in question does not throw overwhelming phylogenetic information because it possesses a high distributional disparity inside Crocodylomorpha representing possible convergences in the different groups. However, the internai tuberosity of Neuquensuchus universitas is more similar to that of Sichuanosuchus (Wu et aí, 1997). The lateral facet of the deltopectoral crest has the border anterolaterally directed like in Notosuchus and in the rest of the crocodyliforms it is laterally directed; however, in Sichuanosuchus shuhanensis (Wu et al, 1997, IVPP V12088) this lateral facet is seemingly also anterolaterally directed. Distally, the medial condyle is bigger than the lateral one and its general form and proportions are identical to Sichuanosuchus shuhanensis (Wu etal, 1997). The posterolateral surface of the humerus is strongly concave and the posterior intercondylar groove is broad, like in Sichuanosuchus huidongensis (Peng, 1996, ZDM 3404). Fig.8- Neuquensuchus universitas gen.nov., sp.nov., MUCPv-47. Left scapula in lateral view. (Abbreviations in the Appendix IV). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 FIRST CRETACEOUS “PROTOSUCHIAN” FROM GONDWANA 427 Fig.9- Neuquensuchus universitas gen.nov., sp.nov., MUCPv-47. Right humerus in anterior (A) and posterior (B) views. (Abbreviations in the Appendix IV). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 428 L.E.FIORELLI & J.O.CALVO Fig. 10- Neuquensuchus universitas gen.nov., sp.nov., MUCPv-47. Left humerus in posterolateral (A), lateral (B) and anterior view (C). (Abbreviations in the Appendix IV). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 FIRST CRETACEOUS “PROTOSUCHIAN” FROM GONDWANA 429 Ulna The ulna of Neuquensuchus universitas is straight (Fig.ll), with a long and thin shaft, slightly compressed lateromedially as in Sichuanosuchus. It possesses a small proximal expansion, and a convex surface for the lateral condyle of the humerus. As in other basal crocodylomorphs, like some sphenosuchians but contrary to notosuchians, the ulna possesses a prominent olecranon process. The right ulna, although incomplete, has a length of 107.5 mm and it is longer than the humerus. This character is only shared with some sphenosuchians (e.g., Terrestrisuchus, Dibothrosuchus, and Dromicosuchus), representing an autapomorphy of Neuquensuchus and a convergent feature shared with these sphenosuchians but related to the cursorial habits of this crocodyliforms. However, in Neuquensuchus universitas the relationship between the width of the shaft (5.7mm) and their total length (107.5mm) is 5.3%; it is comparable to other “protosuchian” forms (Zaraasuchus <6%; Gobiosuchus = 5%; Shantungosuchus = 5.6%; Sichuanosuchus = 5.3%) and differs from other mesoeucrocodylians metasuchian where it is bigger than 7% (notosuchians and neosuchians). Radius The right radius (Fig. 11) is a very long and thin bone. It is similar in its general form to Sichuanosuchus shuhanensis (Wu et al, 1997, IVPP VI2088). Its proximal end is strongly expanded and the thin shaft is circular in transverse section. The relationship between the diameter of the shaft (3.9mm) and total length of the radius (105mm) in Neuquensuchus universitas is 3.7%, which is similar to Sichuanosuchus shuhanensis (3.6%). By contrast in Terrestrisuchus it is 2.9% and in the other sphenosuchians it is bigger (for example in Pseudhesperosuchus it is 5% and in Hesperosuchus it is 5.75%). In more derived members of Mesoeucrocodylia this relationship always surpasses 5% (Araripesuchus patagonicus: 5.5%; Notosuchus : 8.05%; Chimaerasuchus : >8%; Simosuchus : >8%; Crocodylia: = 8%) contrary to Araripesuchus tsangatsangana (Turner, 2006) where it is 4.52%. The specimen MUCPv-47 possesses a small proximal fragment of the radial, articulated to the end of the right radius, which is very similar to Sichuanosuchus shuhanensis (Wu et al., 1997). Ilium Only the posterior fragment of the left ilium has been preserved in MUCPv-47 (Fig.7). It includes the posterior border of the acetabular cavity, the ischiadic peduncle and postacetabular process. The posterior part of dorsal crest in Neuquensuchus universitas is low and snub, different to Notosuchia (Pol, 2005; Fiorelli, 2005) where there is a very laterally extended marked acetabular roof. The length between the dorsal end of the crest and the distai end of the ischiadic peduncle is very short, indicating an ilium dorsoventrally low. It differs from more derived Mesoeucrocodylia (Metasuchia) where the ilium is very wide dorsoventrally. The ischiadic peduncle is small and the surface for the articulation of the ischium is reduced. The postacetabular process is dorsoventrally thin and markedly posteriorly projected, with its distai extreme lateroventrally directed, like in Protosuchus (Colbert & Mook, 1951) and other “protosuchian” forms. PUBIS The right pubis of Neuquensuchus universitas (MUCPv-47) is practically complete. It is associated to the proximal end of the right ischium, sacral and caudal vertebrae, left ilium and femur, tibia and right fibula (Figs. 12-13). The pubis is a long and thin bone (rod-like shaped), mainly in the section of the shaft, similar to basal forms of Crocodylomorpha, as Terrestrisuchus (Crush, 1984), Protosuchus (Colbert & Mook, 1951), Sichuanosuchus (IVPP V12088), and a basal innominated form of China (Pol et al., 2004, GMPKU-P 200102). The small proximal expansion supports a convex facet for the ilium and for the pubic process of the ischium (Fig.l2B). This character is similar to that of Sichuanosuchus and other “protosuchians”, and it implies that the pubis is partially introduced inside the acetabulum. The pubis is slightly expanded distally, as in GMPKU- P 200102 (Pol et al., 2004) and Sichuanosuchus. In Neuquensuchus universitas the relationship between the length of the pubis (39.5mm) and the width of the distai expansion (10.8mm) is 27%, similar to Sichuanosuchus (26%) and Gobiosuchus (23-24%). In more derived Mesoeucrocodylia - metasuchian forms -, this proportion is always superior to 30%. Lastly, the diameter of the pubic shaft, in relation to the total length, resembles that of other “protosuchians”. In Neuquensuchus, this relationship is 7%, similar to Sichuanosuchus Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 430 L.E.FIORELLI & J.O.CALVO (6.5%) and Gobiosuchus (<7%) and very different from Metasuchia (>8%). The existent relationship between the total length of the pubis and the total length of femur is a characteristic only shown by Gobiosuchus, Shantungosuchus and Neuquensuchus being smaller than 45%, while in Terrestrísuchus, Protosuchus, and Metasuchia the proportion between pubis and femur is always bigger due mainly to the reduction of the pubis, to exception of Mahajangasuchus. ISCHIUM Only the proximal end of the right ischium has been preserved in MUCPv-47, together with a slight impression (Fig.l2B). It is very similar in its construction to Protosuchus, Sichuanosuchus and GMPKU-P 200102 (Pol et al, 2004). The pubis process of ischium is slightly narrower than the proximal end of the pubis, like in Sichuanosuchus, and it contacts with the pubis in its posterodorsal extreme. For this reason, the ischium partially excludes the pubis of the acetabulum. The half section of the proximal shaft shows that it is quite narrow but it spreads to distally expanded according to the impression of the same similar to Protosuchus and Gobiosuchus. Fig.ll- Neuquensuchus universitas gen.nov., sp.nov., MUCPv-47. Right ulna, radius and radial in lateral (A and C) and medial (B and D) views. (Abbreviations in the Appendix IV). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 FIRST CRETACEOUS “PROTOSUCHIAN” FROM GONDWANA 431 Fig.12- Neuquensuchus universitas gen.nov., sp.nov., MUCPv-47. A, right pubis and femur in lateral view; B, right pubis, ischium and femur in medial view. (Abbreviations in the Appendix IV). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 432 L.E.FIORELLI & J.O.CALVO Femur Only in the specimen MUCPv-47 of Neuquensuchus universitas the right femur have been preserved (Figs.3D, 13, 14). In the holotype, the right femur articulates with the tibia and fibula (Figs.12-13) as likewise with the right ilum, sacral and first caudais vertebrae. The long and thin femur is like in basal crocodylomorphs. It is mostly practically straigth and the sigmoid form is not conspicuous or not very marked. The condyle on the femoral head is slightly expanded (Fig.14). This characteristic differs from other sphenosuchians, such as Terrestrisuchus (Crush, 1984), Dromicosuchus (Sues et ah, 2003, UNC 15574), Macelognathus (Gõhlich et ah, 2005, LACM 4684/128272), and derived mesoeucrocodylians. The femur of Neuquensuchus universitas possesses a lengthened furrow similar in its proportions and muscular dispositions to that observed in the femoral fragment of Shantungosuchus hangjinensis (Wu et ah, 1994, IVPP V10097). Neuquensuchus universitas as in other basal crocodyliforms lacks of a prominent anteromedial process of the femur medially placed on the proximal end of shaft. This process is very marked in Notosuchia (Pol, 2005; Fiorelli, 2005; fig. 14B) and other metasuchians such as Mahajangasuchus (Buckley & Brochu, 1999). Although in MUCPv-47 the distai end is damaged we can observe that the lateral condyle (fibular c.) is slightly bigger with respect to the medial one. An important character in Neuquensuchus is the relationship of the diaphyseal width (7mm) and the total length of the femur (94mm) equal to 7.5%. This is similar to some basal crocodyliforms (Gobiosuchus = 6.3%; Shantungosuchus = 7.6%), differing from Protosuchus and more derived mesoeucrocodylians - Metasuchia - where it is always bigger than 9%. Fig. 13- Neuquensuchus universitas gen.nov., sp.nov., MUCPv-47. Right pubis, femur, tibia and fibula in lateral view. (Abbreviations in the Appendix IV). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 FIRST CRETACEOUS “PROTOSUCHIAN” FROM GONDWANA 433 Tíbia The right tibia in MUCPv-47 is complete (Fig. 13), while in MUCPv-161 just the proximal end is preserved (Fig. 14). The tibia possesses a very long, straigth and thin shaft, similar to that present in some most basal Crocodylomorpha, as in sphenosuchians like Macelognathus, Dromicosuchus, Hesperosuchus, and Terrestrisuchus (Crush, 1984; Clark etal, 2000; Sues et ai, 2003; Gõhlich etal, 2005). However, in some “protosuchian” forms the tibia is too similar, such as in Shantungosuchus chuhsienensis (Young, 1961; Wu etal., 1994, IVPP V2484) and Gobiosuchus kielanae (Osmólska, 1972; Osmôlska et al, 1997, ZPAL MgR- 11/67). The proximal end is broad and the distai end has a small lateromedial expansion. Neuquensuchus universitas does not possess a developed cnemial crest and the femoral condyles form a marked notch in the distai end (Figs.l4A, 14C). In MUCPv-47, the tibia (105.3mm) is longer than the femur (94.5mm) comprising 89.7% of the tibial length. This possibly represents one of the most important characters in the species because this feature character is only shared with Shantugosuchus, where the length of the femur is 95% of the tibial length (Wu et al, 1994) (see Fig. 13). By contrast in all other crocodyliforms the femur is always longer than the tibia (Wu etal, 1994). Even so, in early ontogenetic States of Crocodylia the femur is always longer than the tibia (Dodson, 1975). Inside Crocodylomorpha, some sphenosuchians as Terrestrisuchus or Macelognathus have the tibia longer than the femur (Sereno, 1991; Crush, 1984; Gõhlich etal, 2005). On the other hand, the relationship between the diaphyseal width (5.6mm) and the tibia length (105mm; 5.3%) is identical to that of Shantungosuchus (5.3%), differing from those of Protosuchus and Metasuchia that is always bigger then 8%. The discussions and evolutionary consequences on these characteristics are offered later on (see Discussion). Fig. 14- Neuquensuchus universitas gen.nov., sp.nov., MUCPv-161. A, B and C, proximal end of left tibia; D and E, distai end of left fibula. Tibia in posterior (A), anterior (B) and lateral (C) view. Fibula in medial (D) and lateral (E) views. (Abbreviations in the Appendix IV). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 434 L.E.FIORELLI & J.O.CALVO Fibula Few fibular materiais have been preserved. In MUCPv-47, the partial and very fragmentary right fibula (Fig. 13) is thin and long. In MUCPv-161 the distai end of fibula possesses a thin shaft with D- shaped in cross-section (Figs.l4D, 14E). Tarsus Only conserved in MUCPv-161, the left astragalus is incompletely preserved (Fig. 3D). In spite of it, we can see morphological characters in the articulations that are present in typical Crocodyliformes tarsus. For instance, a good marked process supporting the square fibular facet and a lateromedially wide tibial facet. The articulate surface for the metatarsals is rounded and width with a deep anterior hollow. PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIPS Although Neuquensuchus universitas gen.nov., sp.nov. is represented just by postcranials remains, it was possible to establish its phylogenetic relationships based on parsimony analysis. For this analysis, we used a modified data set taken of recent publications (Pol & Norell, 2004b; Pol et al, 2004), which was based on the addition of several characters of previously published matrix (Clark, 1994; Wu & Sues, 1996; Gomani, 1997; Wu etal, 1997; Buckley etal, 2000; Ortega et al., 2000). We have included new characters not included in previous publications that were defined by Wu & Sues (1996), Martinelli (2003), and Fiorelli (2005). Moreover, sixteen new characters were added and new taxa were included. The matrix includes 231 characters and 51 taxa (see appendixes I and II). The present work tries to focus mainly in non-neosuchian basal crocodyliforms. In the present analysis, characters were taken with equal weight using NONA (Goloboff, 1993) and published with Winclada (Nixon, 1999). An heuristic tree search was performed consisting of 1000 replicates of RAS + TBR with afinal round ofTBR (mult*1000; max*;), holding 20 trees per replication (hold/20;). Thirty six (36) most parsimonious trees of 839 steps (Cl 0.34; RI 0.65) were found in all of replications. The 36 phylogenetic hypotheses differ in the relationships of some neosuchian crocodyliforms like for instance Peirosaurid forms and derived neosuchian group. However, Notosuchia as well as the basal groups of crocodyliformes stayed constant in the different hypotheses as we can observe in the strict consensus tree (Fig. 15). In all more parsimonious hypotheses, Neuquensuchus universitas represents the sister taxa of Shantungosuchus hangjinensis from the Lower Cretaceous of Inner Mongolia (Northern China). Both shared the character 91 “hypapophyses present only in cervical vertebrae” and character 226 “Tibia longer than the femur” (Node 11 of the figure 15). This last character is ambiguous in Sichuanosuchus shuhanensis and Zosuchus davidsoni. In another sence, just two diagnostic character separating Neuquensuchus from Shantungosuchus (olecranon well developed [character 173-0] and the relationship between the ulna length and the humerus length [Character 220]; Node 12). The absence of additional autapomophies in Neuquensuchus can be due to the fragmentarity of the available material, which does not possess cranial remains, the reason why we support the erection of this new taxon. The temporal and geographical separation goes in favor of this proposal. The resulting clade shows that Neuquensuchus and Shantungosuchus are the sister group of Sichuanosuchus shuhanensis from the Early Cretaceous of Sichuan, China (Node 10). This node is diagnosed by two unambiguous synapomorphies (palatines form palatal shelves that do not meet [Character 37]; posteroventral edge of mandibular ramus markedly deflected [Character 170]). However, both characters are ambiguous in Neuquensuchus. Zosuchus davidsoni from Upper Cretaceous of Gobi Desert (Mongolia), represents the sister taxa of the resulting node of the three previously taxa (Node 9), diagnosed by five unambiguous synapomorphies (characters 55, 143, 163, 169 and 178; see Appendix I). The clade conformed by Fruita form, Zosuchus, Sichuanosuchus, Shantungosuchus, and Neuquensuchus (Node 8 from the figure 15), is closely related to Hsisosuchus and more derived mesoeucrocodilians than other Protosuchia ( Gobiosuchus, Protosuchus and all their descendants). This conclusion is similar to that obtained in other works (Pol, 2003; Pol & Norell, 2004a, 2004b; Pol etal., 2004; Fiorelli, 2005; Pol & Apesteguía, 2005; Zaher etal., 2006), but differs of those in that it postulates a monophyly of protosuchids and “protosuchians” (e.g., Wu et al, 1994; Wu & Sues, 1996; Wu et al., 1997; Tykoski et al, 2002). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 FIRST CRETACEOUS “PROTOSUCHIAN” FROM GONDWANA 435 GraciUsuchus 13 Terrestrisuchus Dibothrosuchus Gobiosuchus Zaraasuchus - Orthosuchus Protosuchus Hemiprotosuchus Kayenta Fornn Edentosuchus Fruita Form Zosuchus Sichuanosuchus Shan tungosuch us Neuquensuchus 14 1—15 - 17 -[ Hsisosuchus Pholidosaurus Dyrosaurus Sokotosuchus Metriorhynchidae Teleosauridae Peíagosaurus Theríosuchus Atligatoríum Eu treta uranosuchus Goniopholis Ôernissartia Hytaeochampsa Borealosuehus Gavial/s Crocodytus Alfigator Anatosuchus Uberabasuchus Lorrrasuchus Peirosaurus Baurusuchus Stra tiotosuchus Bretesuchus Iberosuchits Uruguaysuchus i- Candidodon Ararípesuchus Simosuchus Mafawisuchus - Notosuchus ■- Maríliasuchus Comahuesuchus Sphagesaurus Chimaerasuch us Fig.15- Strict consensus of the 36 most parsimonious topologies that resulted from a strict parsimony analysis obtained with NONA and published with Winclada. Tree length is 839 with a Cl of .33 and a RI of .65. The tree shows the phylogenetic relationships of Neuquensuchus universitas gen.nov., sp.nov. performed a basal mesoeucrocodylia. 1: Crocodylomorpha; 2: “Sphenosuchia”; 3: Crocodyliformes; 4: Protosuchia; 5: Gobiosuchidae; 6: Protosuchidae; 7: Mesoeucrocodylia; 8, 9, 10 and 11: Innominated; 12: Neuquensuchus universitas gen.nov., sp.nov.; 13: “Mesosuchia”; 14: Metasuchia; 15: Neosuchia; 16: Eusuchia; 17: Peirosauridae; 18 and 19: Innominated; 20: Notosuchia; 21: Sebecosuchia; 22: Innominated; 23: Notosuchidae; 24: Sphagesauridae. Ararípesuchus is used here like a terminal taxon although in the analyses it was used A. gomesii and A. patagonicus. Explanation and definitions of suprageneric taxa see Appendix V. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 436 L.E.FIORELLI & J.O.CALVO On the other hand and in contrast to some recent phylogenetic analysis (e.g., Clark, 1994; Buckley et al, 2000; Ortega et al, 2000; Turner, 2004; 2006; Turner & Calvo, 2005) that placed Araripesuchus like basal member of Neosuchia, in our analyses this taxon appears as a basal member of notosuchian clade, an important result comparable with other recent phylogenetic studies (Pol, 2003; Pol & Norell, 2004a, 2004b; Pol et al, 2004; Fiorelli, 2005; Pol & Apesteguía, 2005; Zaher et al, 2006). DISCUSSION Neuquensuchus universitas gen.nov., sp.nov. represents the first basal Mesoeucrocodylia non Metasuchia from the Cretaceous, not only from Argentina but also from South America and Gondwana (Fig.16). Mesoeucrocodylia is defined here like the most inclusive clade containing Crocodylus but not Protosuchus (Benton & Clark, 1988; Clark, 1994; sensu Sereno etal, 2001; 2005). Without doubts, the Triassic argentinean and gondwanic forms of basal crocodyliforms, such as Hemiprotosuchus (Bonaparte, 1967; 1971), Protosuchus sp. (Alcober etal, 2004), Orthosuchus /Nash, 1975/, and Baroqueosuchus haughtoni (Busbey & Gow, 1984) are not related directly to Neuquensuchus universitas, because it integrates the most basal group of Mesoeucrocodylia (Figs.15- 16) due to the intimate relationships with other so formerly called “protosuchians” and more derived form like Hsisosuchus. Then, it demonstrates that Neuquensuchus does not represent a derived form from the Upper Triassic/Early Jurassic Gondwana taxa. Therefore, it comes from highly more derived taxa from the Early Cretaceous of Central Asia, such as Shantungosuchus and Sichuanosuchus (Figs. 15, 16). It would be possible that related form of “Las Hoyas crocodyliform” is closely related, but there is not a detailed data of this specimen to include it in the phylogenetic analyses, although in recent studies “Las Hoyas crocodyliform” is intimately related to Gobiosuchus (see Ortega et al, 2000). Regarding to the Cretaceous paleobiogeography, Neuquensuchus universitas throws more problems than answers inside the classics paleogeographic models used until now (e.g., Bonaparte, 1986; Buffetaut, 1982; Sereno, 1999). This problematic disjunct distributional Cretaceous pattern is similar to that observed in other groups of very diverse tetrapods, as for example Lissamphibia (Discoglossidae, Callobatrachus), Mammaliamorpha (e.g., Peramura), Notosuchia ( Chimaerasuchus ) and Atoposauridae (cf. Theriosuchus) . Even in countless groups of dinosaurs, for example Rebbachisauridae, Nemegtosauridae, Saltasauridae, Abelisauroidea, Spinosauroidea, Carcharodontosauridae, Deinonychosauria, Alvarezsauria, and some Ornithischia ( Valdosaurus, Ouranosaurus) . Summingup, itwas suggested by different authors (e.g., Wu & Sues, 1996; Pol, 2003), that this rises many questions to the hypothesis of faunistic endemism in Gondwana during Cretaceous times, a classic hypothesis assumed by several authors (Gasparini, 1971; Bonaparte, 1986; 1991; Clark etal, 1989). The occurrence of Neuquensuchus in Gondwana does not indicate the presence of Pangeic lineage of this clade in Southern lands. The presence of this basal mesoeucrocodylian is more probably due to subsequent dispersion, as it has been postulated in recent studies by Juárez Vallieri & Fiorelli (2002; 2003) and Fiorelli (2005). These authors propose a dispersion event among Gondwana, Europe and Central Asia during the Early Cretaceous (Berriasian-Aptian), producing a faunistic interchange poorly recognized previously (Brett- Surman, 1979). Probably it occurred in both ways: from Central Asia to Gondwana through Europe as well as in the opposite direction. This new hypothesis agrees with the distributional pattern of all fóssil groups and is perfectly adjusted with recent genetic studies carried out on current vertebrates (see Hay et al, 1995; Hedges & Poling, 1999; Hedges, 2001; Cooper et al, 2001; Murphy et al, 2001; Meyer & Zardoya, 2003). These basais mesoeucrocodylian non-Metasuchia were abundant during Jurassic and Cretaceous in Asia. Undoubtedly they carne from basal forms of Upper Triassic or Early Jurassic times, which have suffered an adaptative radiation in that continent. Posteriorly in the Early Cretaceous, after the contact between Gondwana and Asia (Juárez Vallieri & Fiorelli, 2002; 2003; Fiorelli, 2005), dispersion toward Southern continents of well derived forms took place and for this reason Neuquensuchus universitas occurs in Northern Patagônia. Summing up, Neuquensuchus represents a clade of mesoeucrocodylian basal form with a purely Asian origin and dispersai center, at least during the Upper Jurassic, and with dispersion out of Asia toward Europe and Gondwana during the Early Cretaceous. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 FIRST CRETACEOUS “PROTOSUCHIAN” FROM GONDWANA 437 Fig. 16- Chronological distribution of Crocodylomorpha. The “Shartegosuchidae” (Efimov, 1988) and other taxa not included in the phylogenetics analysis alone indicating here the highly endemic fauna of Crocodyliformes present in Central Asia during Jurassic and Cretaceous times; they do not indicate phylogenetic relationships with other groups in this chronology. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 438 L.E.FIORELLI & J.O.CALVO In the opposite way, we can explain the presence in the Early Cretaceous of China of the derived notosuchian Chimaerasuchus paradoxus (Wu & Sues, 1996; Martinelli, 2003; Pol, 2003; Pol & Norell, 2004a; 2004b; Pol, 2005; Fiorelli, 2005) or the atoposarid neosuchian cf. Theriosuchus sp. (Wu et ah, 1996, IVPP V 10613). It seems that derived basal Crocodyliformes had an important adaptative success in Central Asia during Cretaceous times, for example by the occurrence of Edentosuchus, Tagarosuchus, Artzosuchus, Gobiosuchus, Zaraasuchus, Shantungosuchus, Sichuanosuchus, and Zosuchus. By contrast, in Neopangea it did not happen this way. The fact that in Gondwana, and mainly in South America, exist an acceptable Cretaceous crocodyliform record, the fragmentaiy remains of Neuquensuchus probably indicate their low abundance. Moreover they did not suffer an apparent adaptative radiation, as it occurred with Notosuchia, a properly gondwanic group. Together with previous protosuchid and “protosuchians” Asian taxa, the Upper Jurassic and Early Cretaceous forms includes in “Shartegosuchidae” - Shartegosuchus (Efimov, 1988), Nominosuchus (Efimov, 1996; Kurzanov et ah, 2003), Kyasuchus (Efimov & Leshchinskiy, 2000), and Adzosuchus (Efimov et ah, 2000) (see Fig. 16) -, it is indicating the highly endemic fauna of Crocodyliformes present in Central Asia during Jurassic and Cretaceous times. In a recent work (Fiorelli et ah, 2006), it was demonstrated the monophyly and the Shartegosuchidae’s endemic group, and they represent the most basal group of the mesosuchian clade (Fiorelli et ah, in prep.). The crocodyliforms fauna and other Asian continental tetrapods are correlated with the biogeographical hypothesis proposed by Russell (1993) of a sequential partition of Pangea. He postulated the Asian isolation of Neopangea during the Upper Triassic or Early Jurassic. In another sense, an interesting aspect that presents Neuquensuchus universitas derivated from the present study is the important character related to the longitudinal ratio between the femur and tibia. Previously it was aforementioned that the femur comprises 89.7% of the tibial length, feature character only shared with Shantugosuchus, with a femoral length of 95% of the total tibial length (Wu et al., 1994) (see Fig. 13). In the other crocodyliforms the femur is always longer than the tibia (Wu et ah, 1994), even so in early ontogenetics States of Crocodylia (Dodson, 1975). Within Crocodylomorpha, only in some sphenosuchians like Terrestrisuchus or Macelognathus the tibia is longer than the femur (Sereno, 1991; Crush, 1984; Gõhlich et ah, 2005). Undoubtedly, this convergent characteristic was acquired independently by both groups, sphenosuchians - some species - and these two basal mesoeucrocodylian taxa, Shantungosuchus and Neuquensuchus. As it has been suggested by diverse authors (Crush, 1984; Sereno, 1991; Sereno & Wild, 1992; Clark et ah, 2000; Sues et ah, 2003; Clark et ah, 2004; Gõhlich et ah, 2005), sphenosuchians such as Terrestrisuchus, Macelognathus, Junggarsuchus, Dromicosuchus, and Hesperosuchus, would have presented a high capacity cursorial for the diverse characteristics of their extremities, mainly by the long and thin bones. Also, Wu etál. (1994) suggested that Shantungosuchus had a high cursorial capacity instead of very quick terrestrial displacement. The close relationships of forelimb with Neuquensuchus allow us to expect the same capacity of movement and cursorial capacity. In the more related taxa (Sichuanosuchus and Zosuchus), this characteristic - tibia > femur - is ambiguous. These important cursorial characteristic present in these crocodylomorphs possibly had a great influence in their spatial ranges and the amplification of ecological and territorial niches, allowing a bigger dispersai capacity. Although postcranials remains of Neuquensuchus universitas gen.nov., sp.nov. reported here represent the first evident crocodyliform non-Metasuchia in gondwanic Cretaceous lands, we do not know too much about their anatomy and relationships. We believe that the strong phylogenetic relationships of Neuquensuchus produce important implications and give novel light about the paleobiogeographic issues. New exploratory works with the purpose of finding new remains of these original taxa, mainly cranial materiais, will help to elucidate and know with more details their anatomy and phylogenetic relationships. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We want to express our most sincere gratefulness to the technicians of the Lake Barreales Paleontological Center for partly preparation of the material; to the members of the CePaLB for the colaboration during the study of the material. Additional gratefulness to MSc. Marco Brandalise de Andrade and to Dr. Diego Pol is here expressed for the informations given and the valuable Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 FIRST CRETACEOUS “PROTOSUCHIAN” FROM GONDWANA 439 comments to the improvem ent of this work. We also thank to Mr. Carlos Munoz, director of the Provincial Museum “Carlos Ameghino” of the Cipolletti City, and Dr. Leonardo Salgado (MUCP), to allow us the observation of diverse materiais. 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Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 FIRST CRETACEOUS “PROTOSUCHIAN” FROM GONDWANA 445 APPENDIX I LiSTS OF CHARACTERS CORRESPONDING TO THE DATA MATRIX (SEE APPENDIX III) USED IN THE PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSES Definitions of the characters 1-101 were taken from Clark (1994) and they have the same numeration like in the original publication. The character 5 was excluded of this analysis (due to the dependence with the modified definition of the character 6). Nevertheless, this exclusion does not affect the result of these analyses. The following ones, 102 to 192 characters, were taken from Pol & Norell (2004b). They are listed in order in relation to the same publication and the source mentioned together with the number of original character. The characters 193 and 194 were taken and designated by Pol et dl. (2004), corresponding originally to the characters 164 and 179, respectively. The characters 195, 196, and 197 were taken from Wu & Sues (1996) that originally corresponded to the characters 6, 17 and 31, respectively. Although the characters 198 and 199 were taken from Martinelli (2003) they originally corresponded to the respective characters 35 and 36. The characters 200 and 210 were designated by Fiorelli (2005) and the numerations are the same ones. The characters 215 and 218 were taken and modified from Pol (1999a) corresponding to the characters 192 and 191, respectively. Character 226 is taken and modified from Sereno (1991) corresponding to the character 27. The characters 1, 3, 6, 23, 37, 45, 49, 65, 67, 69, 73, 77, 79, 90, 91, 96, 97, 103, 104, 105, 107, 126, 143, 149, and 165 were taken as aditives characters (also marked with “+” in this list). For finish, the characters 211- 214, 216, 217, 219-225, and 227-231 are new, designated by the authors. Character 1 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 1): + Externai surface of dorsal cranial bones: smooth (0), slightly grooved (1) and heavily ornamented with deep pits and grooves (2). Character 2 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 2): Skull expansion at orbits: gradual (0), or abrupt (1). Character 3 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 3): + Rostrum proportions: narrow oreinirostral (0), broad oreinirostral (1), nearly tubular (2), or platyrostral (3). Character 4 (Clark, 1994: character 4): Premaxilla participation in internarial bar: forming at least the ventral half (0), or with little participation (1). Character 5 (Clark, 1994: character 5): Premaxilla anterior to nares: narrow (0), or broad (1). Character 6 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 6): + Externai nares facing anterolaterally or anteriorly (0), dorsally not separated by premaxillary bar from anterior edge of rostrum (1), or dorsally separated by premaxillary bar (2). Character 7 (Clark, 1994: character 7): Palatal parts of premaxillae: do not meet posterior to incisive foramen (0), or meet posteriorly along contact with maxillae (1). Character 8 (Clark, 1994: character 8): Premaxilla-maxilla contact: premaxilla loosely overlies maxilla (0), or sutured together along a butt joint (1). Character 9 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 9): Ventrally opened notch on ventral edge of rostrum at premaxilla- maxilla contact: absent (0), present as a notch (1), or present as a large fenestra (2). Character 10 (Clark, 1994: character 10): Posterior ends of palatal branches of maxillae anterior to palatines: do not meet (0), or meet (1). Character 11 (Clark, 1994: character 11): Nasal contacts lacrimal (0), or does not contact (1). Character 12 (Clark, 1994: character 12): Lacrimal contacts nasal along medial edge only (0), or medial and anterior edges (1). Character 13 (Clark, 1994: character 13): Nasal contribution to narial border: yes (0), or no (1). Character 14 (Clark, 1994: character 14): Nasal-premaxilla contact: present (0), or absent (1). Character 15 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 15): Descending process of prefrontal: does not contact palate (0), or contacts palate (1). Character 16 (Clark, 1994: character 16): Postorbital-jugal contact: postorbital anterior to jugal (0), or postorbital medial to jugal (1), or postorbital lateral to jugal (2). Character 17 (Clark, 1994: character 17): Anterior part of the jugal with respect to posterior part: as broad (0), or twice as broad (1). Character 18 (Clark, 1994: character 18): Jugal bar beneath infratemporal fenestra: flattened (0), or rod-shaped (1). Character 19 (Clark, 1994: character 19): Quadratojugal dorsal process: narrow, contacting only a small part of postorbital (0), or broad, extensively contacting the postorbital (1). Character 20 (Clark, 1994: character 20): Frontal width between orbits: narrow, as broad as nasais (0), or broad, twice as broad as nasais (1). Character 21 (Clark, 1994: character 21): Frontais: paired (0), unpaired (1). Character 22 (Clark, 1994: character 22): Dorsal surface of frontal and parietal: flat (0), or with midline ridge (1). Character 23 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 23 by Buckley & Brochu, 1999: character 81): + Parieto-postorbital suture: absent from dorsal surface of skull roof and supratemporal fossa (0), absent from dorsal surface of skull roof but broadly present within supratemporal fossa (1), or present within supratemporal fossa and on dorsal surface of skull roof (2). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 446 L.E.FIORELLI & J.O.CALVO Character 24 (Clark, 1994: character 24): Supratemporal roof dorsal surface: complex (0), or dorsally flat “skull table” developed, with postorbital and squamosal with flat shelves extending laterally beyond quadrate contact (1). Character 25 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 25) Postorbital bar: sculpted (if skull sculpted) (0), or unsculpted (1). Character 26 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 26): Postorbital bar: transversely flattened (0), or cylindrical (1). Character 27 (Clark, 1994: character 27): Vascular opening in dorsal surface of postorbital bar: absent (0), or present (1). Character 28 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 28): Postorbital anterolateral process: absent or poorly developed (0), or well developed, long, and acu te (1). Character 29 (Clark, 1994: character 29): Dorsal part of the postorbital: with anterior and lateral edges only (0), or with anterolaterally facing edge (1). Character 30 (Clark, 1994: character 30): Dorsal end of the postorbital bar broadens dorsally, continuous with dorsal part of postorbital (0), or dorsal part of the postorbital bar constricted, distinct from the dorsal part of the postorbital (1). Character 31 (Clark, 1994: character 31): Bar between orbit and supratemporal fossa broad and solid, with broadly sculpted dorsal surface (0), or bar narrow, sculpting restriced to anterior surface (1). Character 32 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 32): Parietal: with broad occipital portion (0), or without broad occipital portion (1). Character 33 (Clark, 1994: character 33): Parietal: with broad sculpted region separating fossae (0), or with sagittal crest between supratemporal fossae (1). Character 34 (Clark, 1994: character 34): Postparietal (dermosupraoccipital) : a distinct element (0), or not distinct (fused with parietal?) (1). Character 35 (Clark, 1994: character 35): Posterodorsal corner of the squamosal: squared off, lacking extra “lobe” (0), or with unsculptured “lobe” (1). Character 36 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 36): Posterolateral process of squamosal: poorly developed and projected horizontally at the same levei of the skull (0), elongated, thin, and posteriorly directed, not ventrally deflected (1), or elongated, posterolaterally directed, and ventrally deflected (2). Character 37 (Clark, 1994: character 37): + Palatines: do not meet on palate below the narial passage (0), form palatal shelves that do not meet (1), or meet ventrally to the narial passage, forming part of secondary palate (2). Character 38 (Clark, 1994: character 38): Pterygoid: restricted to palate and suspensorium, joints with quadrate and basisphenoid overlapping (0), or pterygoid extends dorsally to contact laterosphenoid and form ventrolateral edge of the trigeminal foramen, strongly sutured to quadrate and laterosphenoid (1). Character 39 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 39): Choanal opening: continuous with pterygoid ventral surface except for anterior and anterolateral borders (0), or opens into palate through a deep midline depression (choanal groove) (1). Character 40 (Clark, 1994: character 40): Palatal surface of pterygoids: smooth (0), or sculpted (1). Character 41 (Clark, 1994: character 41): Pterygoids posterior to choanae: separated (0), or fused (1). Character 42 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 42 by Ortega et al, 2000: character 139): Depression on primary pterygoidean palate posterior to choana: absent or moderate in size being narrower than palatine bar (0), or wider than palatine bar (1). Character 43 (Clark, 1994: character 43): Pterygoids: do not enclose choana (0), or enclose choana (1). Character 44 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 44): Anterior edge of choanae situated near posterior edge of suborbital fenestra (or anteriorly) (0), or near posterior edge of pterygoid flanges (1). Character 45 (Clark, 1994: character 45): + Quadrate: without fenestrae (0), with single fenestrae (1), or with three or more fenestrae on dorsal and posteromedial surfaces (2). Character 46 (Clark, 1994: character 46): Posterior edge of quadrate: broad medial to tympanum, gently concave (0), or posterior edge of quadrate narrow dorsal to otoccipital contact, strongly concave (1). Character 47 (Clark, 1994: character 47): Dorsal, primary head of quadrate articulates with squamosal, otoccipital, and prootic (0), or with prootic and laterosphenoid (1). Character 48 (Clark, 1994: character 48): Ventrolateral contact of otoccipital with quadrate: very narrow (0), or broad (1). Character 49 (Clark, 1994: character 49): + Quadrate, squamosal, and otoccipital: do not meet to enclose cranioquadrate passage (0), enclose passage near lateral edge of skull (1), or meet broadly lateral to the cranioquadrate passage (2). Character 50 (Clark, 1994: character 50): Pterygoid ramus of quadrate: with flat ventral edge (0), or with deep groove along ventral edge (1). Character 51 (Clark, 1994: character 51): Ventromedial part of quadrate: does not contact otoccipital (0), or contacts otoccipital to enclose carotid artery and form passage for cranial nerves IX-XI (1). Character 52 (Clark, 1994: character 52): Eustachian tubes: not enclosed between basioccipital and basisphenoid (0), or entirely enclosed (1). Character 53 (Clark, 1994: character 53): Basisphenoid rostrum (cultriform process): slender (0), or dorso ventrally expanded (1). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 FIRST CRETACEOUS “PROTOSUCHIAN” FROM GONDWANA 447 Character 54 (Clark, 1994: character 54): Basipterygoid process: prominent, forming movable joint with pterygoid (0), or basipterygoid process small or absent, with basisphenoid joint suturally closed (1). Character 55 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 55 by Ortega et al, 2000: character 68): Basisphenoid ventral surface: shorter than the basioccipital (0), or wide and similar to, or longer in length than basioccipital (1). Character 56 (Clark, 1994: character 56): Basisphenoid: exposed on ventral surface of braincase (0), or virtually excluded from ventral surface by pterygoid and basioccipital (1). Character 57 (Clark, 1994: character 57): Basioccipital: without well-developed bilateral tuberosities (0), or with large pendulous tubera (1). Character 58 (Clark, 1994: character 58): Otoccipital: without laterally concave descending flange ventral to subcapsular process (0), or with flange (1). Character 59 (Clark, 1994: character 59): Cranial nerves IX-XI: pass through common large foramen vagi in otoccipital (0), or cranial nerve IX passes medial to nerves X and XI in separate passage (1). Character 60 (Clark, 1994: character 60): Otoccipital: without large ventrolateral part ventral to paroccipital process (0), or with large ventrolateral part (1). Character 61 (Clark, 1994: character 61): Crista interfenestralis between fenestrae pseudorotunda and ovalis nearly vertical (0), or horizontal (1). Character 62 (Clark, 1994: character 62): Supraoccipital: forms dorsal edge of the foramen magnum (0), or otoccipitals broadly meet dorsal to the foramen magnum, separating supraoccipital from foramen (1). Character 63 (Clark, 1994: character 63): Mastoid antrum: does not extend into supraoccipital (0), or extends through transverse canal in supraoccipital to connect middle ear regions (1). Character 64 (Clark, 1994: character 64): Posterior surface of supraoccipital: nearly flat (0), or with bilateral posterior prominences (1). Character 65 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 65): + One small palpebral present in orbit (0), one large palpebral (1), or two large palpebrals (2). Character 66 (Clark, 1994: character 66): Externai nares: divided by a septum (0), or confluent (1). Character 67 (Clark, 1994: character 67): + Antorbital fenestra: as large as orbit (0), about half the diameter of the orbit (1), much smaller than the orbit (2), or absent (3). Character 68 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 68 by Ortega et al, 2000: character 41): Supratemporal fenestrae extension: relatively large, covering most of surface of skull roof (0), or relatively short, fenestrae surrounded by a flat and extended skull roof (1). Character 69 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 69): + Choanal groove: undivided (0), partially septated (1), or completely septated (2). Character 70 (Clark, 1994: character 70): Dentary: extends posteriorly beneath mandibular fenestra (0), or does not extend beneath mandibular fenestra (1). Character 71 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 71): Retroarticular process: absent or extremely reduced (0), very short, broad, and robust (1), with an extensive rounded, wide, and flat (or slightly concave) surface projected posteroventrally and facing dorsomedially (2), posteriorly elongated, triangular-shaped and facing dorsally (3), or posteroventrally projecting and paddleshaped (4). Character 72 (Clark, 1994: character 72): Prearticular: present (0), or absent (1). Character 73 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 73): + Articular without medial process (0), with short process not contacting braincase (1), or with process articulating with otoccipital and basisphenoid (2). Character 74 (Clark, 1994: character 74): Dorsal edge of surangular: flat (0), or arched dorsally (1). Character 75 (Clark, 1994: character 75): Mandibular fenestra: present (0), or absent (1). Character 76 (Clark, 1994: character 76): Insertion area for M. pterygoideous posterior: does not extend onto lateral surface of angular (0), or extends onto lateral surface of angular (1). Character 77 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 77): + Splenial involvement in symphysis in ventral view: not involved (0), involved slightly in symphysis (1), or extensively involved (2). Character 78 (Clark, 1994: character 78): Posterior premaxillary teeth: similar in size to anterior teeth (0), or much longer (1). Character 79 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 79): + Maxillary teeth waves: absent, no tooth size variation (0), one wave of teeth enlarged (1), or enlarged maxillary teeth curved in two waves (“festooned”) (2). Character 80 (Clark, 1994: character 80): Anterior dentary teeth opposite premaxilla-maxilla contact: no more than twice the length of other dentary teeth (0), or more than twice the length of other dentary teeth (1). Character 81 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 81): Dentary teeth posterior to tooth opposite premaxilla- maxilla contact: equal in size (0), or enlarged dentary teeth opposite to smaller teeth in maxillary toothrow (1). Character 82 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 82 by Ortega et al, 2000: character 120): Anterior and posterior scapular edges: symmetrical in lateral view (0), anterior edge more strongly concave than posterior edge (1), or dorsally narrow with straight edges (2). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 448 L.E.FIORELLI & J.O.CALVO Character 83 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 83 by Ortega et ah, 2000: character 121): Coracoid length: up to two-thirds of the scapular length (0), or subequal in length to scapula (1). Character 84 (Clark, 1994: character 84): Anterior process of ilium: similar in length to posterior process (0), or one-quarter or less of the length of the posterior process (1). Character 85 (Clark, 1994: character 85): Pubis: rodlike without expanded distai end (0), or with expanded distai end (1). Character 86 (Clark, 1994: character 86): Pubis: forms anterior half of ventral edge of acetabulum (0), or pubis at least partially excluded from the acetabulum by the anterior process of the ischium (1). Character 87 (Clark, 1994: character 87): Distai end of femur: with large lateral facet for the fibula (0), or with very small facet (1). Character 88 (Clark, 1994: character 88): Fifth pedal digit: with phalanges (0), or without phalanges (1). Character 89 (Clark, 1994: character 89): Atlas intercentrum: broader than long (0), or as long as broad (1). Character 90 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 90): + Cervical neural spines: all anteroposteriorly large (0), only posterior ones rodlike (1), or all spines rodlike (2). Character 91 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 91 by Buscalioni & Sanz, 1988: character 37 and by Brochu, 1997a: character 7): + Hypapophyses in cervicodorsal vertebrae: absent (0), present only in cervical vertebrae (1), present in cervical and the first two dorsal vertebrae (2), present up to the third dorsal vertebra (3), or present up to the fourth dorsal vertebrae (4). Character 92 (Clark, 1994: character 92): Cervical vertebrae: amphicoelous or amphyplatian (0), or procoelous (1). Character 93 (Clark, 1994: character 93): Trunk vertebrae: amphicoelous or amphyplatian (0), or procoelous (1). Character 94 (Clark, 1994: character 94): All caudal vertebrae: amphicoelous or amphyplatian (0), first caudal biconvex with other procoelous (1), or procoelous (2). Character 95 (Clark, 1994: character 95): Dorsal osteoderms: rounded or ovate (0), or rectangular, broader than long (1), or square (2). Character 96 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 96, and Brochu, 1997a: character 40): + Dorsal osteoderms: without articular anterior process (0), with a discrete convexity on anterior margin (1), or with a well-developed process located anterolaterally in dorsal parasagittal osteoderms (2). Character 97 (modified from Clark, 1994: character 97 by Ortega et ah, 2000: characters. 107 and 108): + Rows of dorsal osteoderms: two parallel rows (0), more than two rows (1), or more than four rows with “accessory ranges of osteoderms” (sensu Frey, 1988) (2). Character 98 (Clark, 1994: character 98): Osteoderms: some or all imbricated (0), or sutured to one another (1). Character 99 (Clark, 1994: character 99): Tail osteoderms: dorsal only (0), or completely surrounded by osteoderms (1). Character 100 (Clark, 1994: character 100): Trunk osteoderms: absent from ventral part of the trunk (0), or present (1). Character 101 (Clark, 1994: character 101): Osteoderms: with longitudinal keels on dorsal surfaces (0), or without longitudinal keels (1). Character 102 (Wu & Sues, 1996: character 14): Jugal: participating in margin of antorbital fossa (0), or separated from it (1). Character 103 (modified from Wu & Sues, 1996: character 23): + Articular facet for quadrate condyle: equal in length to the quadrate condyles (0), slightly longer (1), or close to three times the length of the quadrate condyles (2). Character 104 (modified from Wu & Sues, 1996: character 24 and Wu et ah, 1997: character 124): + Jaw joint: placed at levei with basioccipital condyle (0), below basioccipital condyle about above levei of lower toothrow (1), or below levei of toothrow (2). Character 105 (modified from Wu & Sues, 1996: character 27 and Ortega et ah, 2000: character 133): + Premaxillary teeth: five (0), four (1), three (2), or two (3). Character 106 (modified from Wu & Sues, 1996: character 29): Unsculptured region along alveolar margin on lateral surface of maxilla: absent (0), or present (1). Character 107 (Wu & Sues, 1996: character 30): + Maxilla: with eight or more teeth (0), seven teeth (1), six teeth (2), five teeth (3), or four teeth (4). Character 108 (Wu & Sues, 1996: character 33): Coracoid: without posteromedial or ventromedial process (0), with elongate posteromedial process (1), or distally expanded ventromedial process (2). Character 109 (Wu & Sues, 1996: character 40): Radiale and ulnare: short and massive (0), or elongate (1). Character 110 (Wu & Sues, 1996: character 41): Postacetabular process: directed posteroventrally or posteriorly (0), or directed posterodorsally and much higher in position than preacetabular process (1). Character 111 (modified from Gomani, 1997: character 4): Prefrontals anterior to orbits: elongated, oriented parallel to anteroposterior axis of the skull (0), or short and broad, oriented posteromedially-anterolaterally (1). Character 112 (modified from Gomani, 1997: character 32): Basioccipital and ventral part of otoccipital: facing posteriorly (0), or facing posteroventrally (1). Character 113 (Buscalioni & Sanz, 1988: character 35): Vertebral centra: cylindrical (0), or spool shaped (1). Character 114 (modified from Buscalioni & Sanz, 1988: character 39): Transverse process of posterior dorsal vertebrae Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 FIRST CRETACEOUS “PROTOSUCHIAN” FROM GONDWANA 449 dorsoventrally low and laminar (0), or dorsoventrally high (1). Character 115 (Buscalioni & Sanz, 1988: character 44): Number of sacral vertebrae: two (0), or more than two (1). Character 116 (Buscalioni & Sanz, 1988: character 49): Supra-acetabular crest: present (0), or absent (1). Character 117 (Buscalioni & Sanz, 1988: character 54): Proximal end of radiale expanded symmetrically, similarly to the distai end (0), or more expanded proximomedially than proximolaterally (1). Character 118 (Ortega et ah, 1996: character 5): Lateral surface of the dentary: without a longitudinal depression (0), or with a longitudinal depression (1). Character 119 (Ortega et ah, 1996: character 9): Ventral exposure of splenials: absent (0), or present (1). Character 120 (Ortega et ah, 1996: character 11, Ortega et ah, 2000: character 100): Tooth margins: with denticulate carinae (0), or without carinae or with smooth or crenulated carinae (1). Character 121 (modified from Pol, 1999a: character 133 and Ortega et ah, 2000: character 145): Lateral surface of anterior process of jugal: flat or convex (0), or with broad shelf below the orbit with triangular depression underneath it (1). Character 122 (Pol, 1999a: character 134): Jugal: does not exceed the anterior margin of orbit (0), or exceeds the anterior margin of orbit (1). Character 123 (Pol, 1999a: character 135): Notch in premaxilla on lateral edge of externai nares: absent (0), or present on the dorsal half of the externai nares lateral margin (1). Character 124 (Pol, 1999a: character 136): Dorsal border of externai nares: formed mostly by the nasais (0), or by both the nasais and premaxilla (1). Character 125 (Pol, 1999a: character 138): Posterodorsal process of premaxilla: absent (0), or present extending posteriorly wedging between maxilla and nasais (1). Character 126 (Pol, 1999a: character 139 and Ortega et ah, 2000: character 9): + Premaxilla-maxilla suture in palatal view, medial to alveolar region: anteromedially directed (0), sinusoidal, posteromedially directed on its lateral half and anteromedially directed along its medial region (1), or posteromedially directed (2). Character 127 (Pol, 1999a: character 140): Nasal lateral border posterior to externai nares: laterally concave (0), or straight (1). Character 128 (Pol, 1999a: character 141): Nasal lateral edges: nearly parallel (0), obliqúe to each other converging anteriorly (1), or obliqúe to each other diverging anteriorly (2). Character 129 (Pol, 1999a: character 143): Palatine anteromedial margin: exceeding the anterior margin of the palatal fenestrae wedging between the maxillae (0), or not exceeding the anterior margin of palatal fenestrae (1). Character 130 (Pol, 1999a: character 144): Dorsoventral height of jugal antorbital region respect to infraorbital region: equal or lower (0), or antorbital region more expanded than infraorbital region of jugal (1). Character 131 (Pol, 1999a: character 145): Maxilla-lacrimal contact: partially included in antorbital fossa (0), or completely included in antorbital fossa (1). Character 132 (Pol, 1999a: character 146): Lateral eustachian tube openings: located posteriorly to the medial opening (0), or aligned anteroposteriorly and dorsoventrally (1). Character 133 (Pol, 1999a: character 147): Anterior process of ectopterygoid: developed (0), or reduced-absent (1). Character 134 (Pol, 1999a: character 148): Posterior process of ectopterygoid: developed (0), or reduced-absent (1). Character 135 (Pol, 1999a: character 149 and Ortega et ah, 2000: character 13): Small foramen located in the premaxillo-maxillary suture in lateral surface (not for big mandibular teeth): absent (0), or present (1). Character 136 (Pol, 1999a: character 150): Jugal posterior process: exceeding posteriorly the infratemporal fenestrae (0), or not (1). Character 137 (Pol, 1999a: character 151): Compressed crown of maxillary teeth: oriented parallel to the longitudinal axis of skull (0), or obliquely disposed (1). Character 138 (Pol, 1999a: character 152): Large and aligned neurovascular foramina on lateral maxilary surface: absent (0), or present (1). Character 139 (modified from Pol, 1999a: character 153): Externai surface of maxilla and premaxilla: with a single plane facing laterally (0), or with ventral region facing laterally and dorsal region facing dorsolaterally (1). Character 140 (Pol, 1999a: character 154 and Ortega et ah, 2000: character 104): Maxillary teeth: not compressed laterally (0), or compressed laterally (1). Character 141 (Pol, 1999a: character 155): Posteroventral corner of quadratojugal: reaching the quadrate condyles (0), or not reaching the quadrate condyles (1). Character 142 (Pol, 1999a: character 156): Base of postorbital process of jugal: directed posterodorsally (0), or directed dorsally (1). Character 143 (Pol, 1999a: character 157): + Postorbital process of jugal: anteriorly placed (0), in the middle (1), or posteriorly positioned (2). Character 144 (Pol, 1999a: character 158 and Ortega et ah, 2000: character 36): Postorbital-ectopterygoid contact: present (0), or absent (1). Character 145 (Pol, 1999a: character 161): Quadratojugal: not ornamented (0), or ornamented in the base (1). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 450 L.E.FIORELLI & J.O.CALVO Character 146 (Pol, 1999a: character 162): Prefrontal-maxillary contact in the inner anteromedial region of orbit: absent (0), or present (1). Character 147 (Pol, 1999a: character 163): Basisphenoid: without lateral exposure (0), or with lateral exposure on the braincase (1). Character 148 (Pol, 1999a: character 165): Quadrate process of pterygoids: well developed (0), or poorly developed (1). Character 149 (modified from Pol, 1999a: character 166 and Ortega et ah, 2000: character 44): + Quadrate major axis directed: posteroventrally (0), ventrally (1), or anteroventrally (2). Character 150 (Pol, 1999a: character 167): Quadrate distai end: with only one plane facing posteriorly (0), or with two distinct faces in posterior view, a posterior one and a medial one bearing the foramen aereum (1). Character 151 (Pol, 1999a: character 168): Anteroposterior development of neural spine in axis: well developed covering all the neural arch length (0), or poorly developed, located over the posterior half of the neural arch (1). Character 152 (Pol, 1999a: character 169): Prezygapophyses of axis: not exceeding anterior edge of neural arch (0), or exceeding the anterior margin of neural arch (1). Character 153 (Pol, 1999a: character 170): Postzygapophyses of axis: well developed, curved laterally (0), or poorly developed (1). Character 154 (modified from Pol, 1999b: character 212): Shape of dentary symphysis in ventral view: tapering anteriorly forming an angle (0), Ushaped, smoothly curving anteriorly (1), or lateral edges longitudinally oriented, convex anterolateral corner, and extensive transversally oriented anterior edge (2). Character 155 (Pol, 1999b: character 213): Unsculpted region in the dentary below the tooth row: absent (0), or present (1). Character 156 (Ortega et al, 1996: character 13 and Buckley et dl., 2000: character 117): Cheek teeth: not constricted at base of crown (0), or constricted at base of crown (1). Character 157 (Ortega et al, 2000: character 42): Outer surface of squamosal laterodorsally oriented: extensive (0), or reduced and sculpted (1), or reduced and unsculpted (2). Character 158 (Ortega etal, 2000: character 74): Length/height proportion of infratemporal fenestra: higher than long or subequal (0), or very anteroposteriorly elongated (1). Character 159 (Ortega etal, 2000: character 90): Foramen intramandibularis oralis: small or absent (0), or big and slotlike (1). Character 160 (Ortega et al, 2000: character 146): Ectopterygoid medial process: single (0), or forked (1). Character 161 (modified from Gomani, 1997: character 46 and Buckley et al, 2000: character 113): Cusps of teeth: unique cusp (0), one main cusp with smaller cusps arranged in one row (1), one main cusp with smaller cusps arranged in more than one row (2), several cusps of equal size arranged in more than one row (3), or multiple small cusps along edges of occlusal surface (4). Character 162 (Pol & Norell, 2004a: character 164): Cross section of distai end of quadrate: mediolaterally wide and anteroposteriorly thin (0), or subquadrangular (1). Character 163 (Pol & Norell, 2004a: character 165): Palatine-pterygoid contact on palate: palatines overlie pterygoids (0), or palatines firmly sutured to pterygoids (1). Character 164 (Wu etal, 1997: character 103): Squamosal descending process: absent (0), or present (1). Character 165 (modified from Wu et al, 1997: character 105): + Development of distai quadrate body ventral to otoccipital-quadrate contact: distinct (0), incipiently distinct (1), or indistinct (2). Character 166 (Wu etal, 1997: character 106): Pterygoid flanges: thin and laminar (0), or dorsoventrally thick, with pneumatic spaces (1). Character 167 (Wu etal, 1997: character 108): Postorbital participation in infratemporal fenestra: almost or entirely excluded (0), or bordering infratemporal fenestra (1). Character 168 (Wu et al, 1997: character 109): Palatines: form margin of suborbital fenestra (0), or excluded from margin of suborbital fenestra (1). Character 169 (Wu et al, 1997: character 110): Angular posterior to mandibular fenestra: widely exposed on lateral surface of mandible (0), or shifted to the ventral surface of mandible (1). Character 170 (Wu et al, 1997: character 112): Posteroventral edge of mandibular ramus: straight or convex (0), or markedly deflected (1). Character 171 (modified from Wu et al, 1997: character 119): Quadrate ramus of pterygoid in ventral view: narrow (0), or broad (1). Character 172 (Wu et al, 1997: character 121): Pterygoids: not in contact anterior to basisphenoid on palate (0), or pterygoids in contact (1). Character 173 (Wu et al, 1997: character 122): Olecranon: well developed (0), or absent (1). Character 174 (Wu et al, 1997: character 123): Cranial table width respect to ventral portion of skull: as wide as ventral portion of skull (0), or narrower than ventral portion of skull (1). Character 175 (Wu etal, 1997: character 127): Depression on posterolateral surface of maxilla: absent (0), or present (1). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 FIRST CRETACEOUS “PROTOSUCHIAN” FROM GONDWANA 451 Character 176 (Wu et al, 1997: character 128): Anterior palatal fenestra: absent (0), or present (1). Character 177 (Pol & Norell, 2004a: character 179): Paired ridges located medially on ventral surface of basisphenoid: absent (0), or present (1). Character 178 (Pol 85 Norell, 2004a: character 180): Posterolateral end of quadratojugal: acute or rounded, tightly overlapping the quadrate (0), or with sinusoidal ventral edge and wide and rounded posterior edge slightly overhanging the lateral surface of the quadrate (1). Character 179 (Pol & Norell, 2004a: character 181): Orientation of quadrate body distai to otoccipital-quadrate contact in posterior view: ventrally (0), or ventrolaterally (1). Character 180 (Gasparini et al, 1993: character 3): Wedgelike process of the maxilla in lateral surface of premaxilla- maxilla suture: absent (0), or present (1). Character 181 (Pol & Norell, 2004b: character 181): Palpebrals: separated from the lateral edge of the frontais (0), or extensively sutured to each other and to the lateral margin of the frontais (1). Character 182 (Pol & Norell, 2004b: character 182): Externai surface of ascending process of jugal: exposed laterally (0), or exposed posterolaterally (1). Character 183 (Pol & Norell, 2004b: character 183): Longitudinal ridge on lateral surface of jugal below infratemporal fenestra: absent (0), or present (1). Character 184 (Pol & Norell, 2004b: character 184): Dorsal surface of posterolateral region of squamosal: without ridges (0), or with three curved ridges oriented longitudinally (1). Character 185 (Pol & Norell, 2004b: character 185): Ridge along dorsal section of quadrate-quadratojugal contact: absent (0), or present (1). Character 186 (Pol & Norell, 2004b: character 186): Sharp ridge along the ventral surface of angular: absent (0), or present (1). Character 187 (Pol & Norell, 2004b: character 187): Longitudinal ridge along the dorsolateral surface of surangular: absent (0), or present (1). Character 188 (Pol 85 Norell, 2004b: character 188): Dorsal surface of osteoderms ornamented with anterolaterally and anteromedially directed ridges (fleur de lys pattern of Osmólska et al, 1997): absent (0), or present (1). Character 189 (Pol & Norell, 2004b: character 189): Cervical region surrounded by lateral and ventral osteoderms sutured to the dorsal elements: absent (0), or present (1). Character 190 (Pol & Norell, 2004b: character 190): Appendicular osteoderms: absent (0), or present (1). Character 191 (Ortega et al, 2000: character 72): Supratemporal fenestra: present (0), or absent (1). Character 192 (Pol & Norell, 2004a: character 183): Choanal opening: opened posteriorly and continuous with pterygoid surface (0), or closed posteriorly by an elevated wall formed by the pterygoids (1). Character 193 (Pol et al, 2004: caract. 164) Major axis of ectopterygoid body oriented: anterolaterally (0), or anteriorly (1). Character 194 (Pol et al, 2004: character 179): Ventral margin of infratemporal bar of jugal: straight (0), or dorsally arched (1). Character 195 (Wu & Sues, 1996: character 6): Premaxilla-maxilla segment longer than (0) or shorter than (1) remainder of skull in lateral view. Character 196 (Wu & Sues, 1996: character 17): Mandibular symphysis deep (0) or shallow and spatulate anteriorly (1). Character 197 (Wu & Sues, 1996: character 31): Maxillary tooth row extending posterior to anterior border of orbit (0) or terminating in front of orbit (1) in lateral view. Character 198 (Martinelli, 2003: character 35): Ectopterygoid does not contact posterior part of palatine (0), or contact palatine, excluding the pterygoid of the posterior edge of the fenestra palatina (1). Character 199 (Martinelli, 2003: character 36): Nasal-frontal suture transversely oriented (0) or obliquely oriented (1). Character 200 (Fiorelli, 2005): Hipapophysis in cervical vertebrae: absent (0), like a vertical thorn slightly or well marked (1) or like keel-shaped running anteroposteriorly in ventral surface of centrum (2). Character 201 (Fiorelli, 2005): First and second pair of mandibular teeth directed, in relation to the vertical one, toward up practically vertical (0) or directed anterodorsally in an angle approximate of 45°-50° (1). Character 202 (Fiorelli, 2005): Postcanines teeth (molariforms) triangular in transverse section (0), rounded, cuspidate or tablets laterally (Ziphodont or basal type) (1). Character 203 (Fiorelli, 2005): Small and big neurovascular foramina aligned on lateral surface of dentary: absent (0) or present (1). Character 204 (Fiorelli, 2005): Anteroposterior crest directed in the glenoid fossa on articular shelf separating the articulation cavities for the respective condyles of quadrate: absent (0) or present (1). Character 205 (Fiorelli, 2005): Posterior Buttress on shelf of articular like top for the quadrate: absent (0) or present (1). Character 206 (Fiorelli, 2005): Rounded cervical centra (0) in transverse section or irregulary polygonal (heptagonal) formed one of their vertexes the ventral keel (hipapophysis) (1). Character 207 (Fiorelli, 2005): Development of thin pre and postspinals sheets in anterior dorsal vertebrae: absent or little developed (0) or developed (1). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 452 L.E.FIORELLI & J.O.CALVO Character 208 (Fiorelli, 2005): Suprapostzygapophyseal laminae in cervical and cervicodorsal vertebrae: absent (0) or present (1). Character 209 (Fiorelli, 2005): Development of the acetabular roof of ilium with a deep acetabular cavity: not developed (0) or well developed (1). Character 210 (Fiorelli, 2005): Prominent process on femur (for m. coccygeofemoralis) located medially in the proximal end of shaft: absent or slightly developed (0) or very developed (1). Character 211 Cervical vertebrae centra very anteroposteriorly lengthened (0), or shorter and tablets in anteroposterior sense (1). Character 212 Articulation surface of the parapophysis for the chapter of the ribs in cervical vertebrae: anteroposteriorly lengthened -double long than wide or more- (0) or practically square or rounded - as long as wide - (1). Character 213 Long postparapophyseal border in cervical vertebrae, anteroposteriorly directed until the posterior border of the centrum, forming deep furrows toward both sides (up and below) of the parapophyseal border: absent (0), present (1). Character 214 Hook or expansion in the posterior vertex of the scapula formed by the posterior and dorsal border: absent (0), present (1). Character 215 (Pol, 1999a: character 192) Lateral expansion in proximal extreme of the humerus: absent (0), present (1). Character 216 Proportion among the long of the deltopectoral crest (Dc) in relation to the total length (TL) of the humerus (= Dc hu / TL hu): smaller than 25 % (0) or bigger than 25 % (1). Character 217 Proportion among the diameter of the shaft (Dsh) of the humerus measured in half of their longitude in relation to the total length (TL) of the humerus (= Dsh hu/ TL hu): smaller or similar to 7 % (0) or bigger than 7 % (1). Character 218 (modified from Pol, 1999a: character 191) + Proportion among the total length of humerus and wide of proximal expansion: in the range between 2.15 and 2.3 (0), between 2.8 and 3.2 (1), bigger at 3.7 and 4.74 (2), same or bigger at 5.0 (3). Character 219 Proportion among the diameter of the shaft (Dsh ra) of the radius measured in half of their longitude in relation to the total length (TL ra) of the radius (= Dsh ra / TL ra): smaller or similar to 4 % (0), between 4 % and 6 % (1) or bigger than 6 % (2). Character 220 Relationship between the total length of the ulna and the total length of the humerus (= TL ul / TL hu): ulna < humerus (0) or ulna > humerus (1). Character 221 Relationship between the broad of the shaft of ulna and their total length (= BS ul / TL ul): smaller than 5 % (0), between 5 % and 7 % (1) or bigger than 7 % (2). Character 222 Broad of the femoral shaft in relation to their total length (= BS fe / TL fe): smaller than 9 % (0) or bigger than 9 % (1). Character 223 Broad of the tibial shaft in relation to their total length (= BS ti / TL ti): smaller or similar to 7 % (0) or bigger than 7 % (1). Character 224 Relationship among the broad of the distai expansion of pubis (B.d.e pu) and the total length (TL pu) of the same one (= B.d.e pu / TL pu): smaller or similar to 30 % (0) or bigger than 30 % (1). Character 225 Relationship among the diameter of the pubic shaft ( and the total length (TL pu) of the same one (= / TL pu): smaller than 8 % (0) or bigger than 8 % (1). Character 226 (modified from Sereno, 1991: character 27): Relationship between the total length of the femur and the total length of the tibia (= TL fe / TL ti): femur > tibia (0) or femur < tibia (1). Character 227 Anteroposterior longitudinal relationship between the ventral scapular section (v.S) and dorsal scapular blade (d.S) [= v.S/d.S]: smaller than 55 % (0); between 55 % and 70 % (1); between 70 % and 100 % (2) or bigger than 100 % (3). Character 228 Relationship between the anteroposterior length of dorsal scapular blade (d.S) and the major dorsoventral longitudinal axis (m.l.a.S) of the same one [= d.S/m.l.a.S]: smaller than 40 % (0); between 40 % and 55 % (1) or bigger than 55 % (2). Character 229 Relationship between the diameter of the scapular half constriction (S.h.c) and the major dorsoventral longitudinal axis (m.l.a.S) of the same one [= S.h.c/ m.l.a.S]: less than 15 % (0); between 15 % and 20 % (1) or more than 20 % (2). Character 230 Relationship between the major dorsoventral longitudinal axis of scapula (m.l.a.S) and the total length of the humerus ( [= m.l.a.S/]: less than 70 % (0) or more than 70 % (1). Character 231 Relationship between the total length of the pubis (t.l.pu) and the total length of femur (t.l.fe) [= t.l.pu/t.l.fe]: less than 45 % (0) or more than 45 % (1). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 FIRST CRETACEOUS “PROTOSUCHIAN” FROM GONDWANA 453 APPENDIX II List of the 51 taxa used in the phylogenetic analysis (taken from Pol & Norell, 2004b; Pol et al, 2004). Anatosuchus, Mariliasuchus, Candidodon, Stratiotosuchus, and Uberabasuchus are new taxa included in this paper. Gracilisuchus stipanicicorum (Romer, 1972) Terrestrisuchus gracilis (Crush, 1984) Dibothrosuchus elaphros (Wu & Chatterjee, 1993) Protosuchus richardsoni (Colbert & Mook, 1951) Hemiprotosuchus leali (Bonaparte, 1971) Kayenta Form (Clark, 1986) Edentosuchus tienshanensis (Young, 1973; Pol et al, 2004) Orthosuchus stormbergi (Nash, 1975) Gobiosuchus kielanae (Osmólska, 1972) Zaraasuchus shepardi (Pol & Norell, 2004b) Shantungosuchus hangjinensis (Wu et al, 1994) Neuquensuchus universitas (MUCPv-47, MUCPv-161) Sichuanosuchus shuhanensis (Wu et al, 1997) Zosuchus davidsoni (Pol & Norell, 2004a) Fruita Form (Clark, 1985, 1994) Hsisosuchus chungkingensis (Young & Chow, 1953; Li et al, 1994; Wu et al, 1994) Notosuchus terrestris (Woodward, 1896; Gasparini, 1971) Anatosuchus minor (Sereno et al, 2003) Comahuesuchus brachybuccalis (Bonaparte, 1991) Mariliasuchus amarali (Carvalho & Bertini, 1999) Uruguaysuchus aznarezi (Rusconi, 1933) Chimaeresuchus paradoxus (Wu & Sues, 1996) Malawisuchus mwakasyungutiensis (Clark et al, 1989; Gomani, 1997) Candidodon itapecuruense (Carvalho, 1994; Nobre & Carvalho, 2002) Simosuchus clarki (Buckley et al, 2000) Sphagesaurus huenei (Price, 1950; Pol, 2003) Araripesuchus gomesii (Price, 1959) Araripesuchuspatagonicus (Ortega et al, 2000) Baurusuchus pachecoi (Price, 1945) Stratiotosuchus maxhechti (Campos et al, 2001) Bretesuchus bonapartei (Gasparini et al, 1993) Iberosuchus macrodon (Antunes, 1975; Ortega et al, 2000) Lomasuchus palpebrosus (Gasparini et al, 1991) Peirosaurus torminni (Price, 1955; Gasparini et al, 1991) Uberabasuchus terrificus (Carvalho et al, 2004) Theriosuchus pusillus (Owen, 1879; Clark, 1986, 1994; Ortega et al, 2000) Alligatorium (Wellnhofer, 1971; Clark, 1986, 1994) Eutretauranosuchus delfsi (Mook, 1967; Clark, 1986, 1994) Goniopholis (Mook, 1942; Clark, 1986, 1994; Salisbury et al, 1999) Pholidosaurus decipiens (Owen, 1878; Clark, 1986, 1994) Dyrosaurus phosphaticus (Buffetaut, 1978; Clark, 1986, 1994) Sokotosuchus ianwilsoni (Halstead, 1975; Buffetaut, 1979; Clark, 1986, 1994) Pelagosaurus typus (Eudes-Deslongchamps, 1863) Teleosauridae (Buffetaut, 1982; Clark, 1986, 1994) Metriorhynchidae (Kàlin, 1955; Gasparini & Diaz, 1977) Hylaeochampsa vectiana (Clark & Norell, 1992; Ortega et al, 2000) Bemissartia fagessi (Buscalioni 85 Sanz, 1990; Norell & Clark, 1990) Borealosuchus formidabilis ( Erickson, 1976; Brochu, 1997b) Gavialis gangeticus (Clark, 1994; Brochu, 1997a) Crocodylus niloticus (Clark, 1994; Brochu, 1997a) Alligator mississippiensis (Clark, 1994; Brochu, 1997a) Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 454 L.E.FIORELLI & J.O.CALVO APPENDIX III Data matrix used in phylogenetic analysis Gracilisuchus stipanicicorum 000000??0?000000000000?0?000000000?0??0?0?00000?000???0000?0???00000? 100000?00000000?011 ?0000? 09000001012?00?00???00?019010009919019990000010029099900009990909909900009000000090000000090900 000900000000100900090010011132020199030119 Terrestrisuchus gracilis 0009900990190000009000001000000911090000090000090009909000900099990029901009000000000010900009 02000001010901100910000000010019109009110100019[01 ] 11099900000990000000909099009901009900990009 999900000010100100900010011000030100009121001 Dibothrosuchus elaphros 0009009020990019990000009999990011000000090000090000900000909010100090101009001090009999920009 099999010109011009090000000100191090091900010101110099000001990000001000100010090900000000900 00000000019100100990010099919929110999999999 Protosuchus richardsoni 210000012090000110100021000001000100010109002010011111100101011020119110210001010100011100[1 234]009120011010111021001010000[01]00000090199019910010[01]010100000099901000000001200000111109 9010009010900000000000120110099910111011122011100030011 Hemiprotosuchus leali 9009009109999991001090990090010911909901990020900911911001019919291199192199990199999999909999120 0919101990999999999900090009910900999000009910999990099999990900091299900199109090090199009990000 0000090190099999999909999999999999999 Kayenta Form [12]0111091200000910010909900999909099911110900201001111110000101192011901021009101099099990099 09120010110111299999099990110090090100011191010019019100000000119099400129900011990900999009999 99990111009990199999999999999999999999999999 Edentosuchus tienshanensis 20199999[ 12]9999099[01 ]09919010099099999029110900999999999999999999999[ 12]9311999910901010999999999(23 4]999999999999991 [2 3]9999999999001109919019199910001109119199999999011999949099199991199099990100999 999900111000990110099910110999999999999999999 Orthosuchus stormbergi 2110000120190001001000[01 ] 1000001000100090009002011001111100991919020119090909001000100011100 000912001001021142100191001091000000019010100000000009099900001999000000912900001111000010000 090009000001000190190099910919009939091999099999 Gobiosuchus kielanae 10100091100000110019[01][01]9190000191090201000900201120111110009199992019991920100[01]0109090999 9999091010110 [01 ]0120029900009990010[01 ]0000100000090000100121190000999110000000912100001190090 900111111111110001009190190999910099000099010000099900 Zaraasuchus shepardi 109999999999999190190191000001910902999999999999999999999999999929999919901099999999999999[ 1234]09910 1099099999999999099999999999999999999990999991991999999999190099999999190099909999991111111111190099 99009990009999001999099919999999999 Shantungosuchus hangjinensis 291999919099909199199991199999999992191 [01 ] 10002091901191100910999999991019190009910999999909199999 9999999199999991999990010999999900991090099111211990019999909090099991011111190911099099919999900[0 1 ] 1000920199099910001990099010000199990 Neuquensuchus universitas 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999919901119H000????????? 999999099190?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0???????????????00?????????2?????0 ???0001110030110000102100 Sichuanosuchus shuhanensis [ 12]01 ??0? 1200 [01 ]00? 10010 [01 ] 1 ? 110??? 1 ?00?021 ? 10?00020? 1 ?011 ? 1100???????2? 11 ???? 1 ?000011 ? 1 ??01 ???? 000???????? 1 ? 11 ?0? 1 ????0??100100?? 1 ?? 10?0????00111 [01 ] 1210??00????? 1 ?????010111011111100? 11000010 0? 1 ???00?010001201000?00?0?0111002001 ??00?0210? Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 FIRST CRETACEOUS “PROTOSUCHIAN” FROM GONDWANA 455 Zosuchus davidsoni 201 990 ? 1200000??001010 [01 ] 110 ? 001110902211010012 ? 1 ??011 ? 1100090 ? 19021111099990901111 ???????????? ???????? 191293 ???? 19999900100011011900019090010112 ?[ 01 ]? 0001 ??? 0 ? 00???01011199101191011100000010 09990000100019011 ? 0 ???????????????????????? 9 ? Fruita Form 2019900120010001000010010000011001022191190020112919990909909 ? 192931 ????? 190111101011919000111 1290991 ???[01 ] 00 ? 9 ? 191001900190901001009 ? 101900119011109909900 ? 1090000 ? 1999000999 ? 10190900000900 0990909909999 ? 1 ????????????????????????????? Hsisosuchus chungkingensis 211 ?????? 19900000010000110001100090221101000 [ 12 ]?? 12 ? 1191000090919099111 ? 4 ? 00 [ 01 ] 02 ? 1 ?? 10???????0 00 ? 100099 ? 101900219 ? 199999010019999999000099009 ? 1911919900999999990990999 ? 109090111 [01 ]? 00 ?? 00 ? 0 ? 1 00090190001012 ? 19099999999999999902 ????? 21219 Notosuchus terrestris 1019001101010011100011111100110011022110110021112011910000109110211111210101110001 [ 01 ] 11101 ? 2100010009901220119901100101 [ 01 ] 1101 [ 01]010010000001111111011000001110010000101110110000111011 00000000000000100111112101101111111001111202119901221 ? Mariliasuchus amarali 1019009191090091100010111190111901022910999021912091910099199199213091210101110009919909929000 ? 9999999220199901190109011011010019090001111111019099001999010000901119119000191019090000000090 001001119191011091191999999999021199012219 Anatosuchus minor 203900 ? 191190019190010111190010101022 ? 101090199999999990 ????????? 1212131910910101 ???????????????? ???? 191000999099999901101901910900999900900111900990999 ? 1002099011191900099 ? 10099909000000999010 0010009 ? 1900 ?????????????????????????? Comahuesuchus brachybuccalis 103990 ? 101190099999011299999999001092 ???? 1991191 ????????????????? 1319999990 ? 10101 ??????????????????? ????[01 ] 1399 ? 19999990 ? 10910120190199999011990 ? 1 ???? 1199911900100 ? 1909900099 ? 10099090009909999090 ? 1 19119111 ???????????????????????????? Sphagesaunis huenei 101900010199009 ? 100 ????? 110999999999211019009999901191000 ???????? 1392 ???????? 100 ???????? 1 ?????????? ????? 31299990 ??????? 1111110111111111111111001110101190 ? 11909901190 ? 1099019900000090099999990100 19199990 ????????????????????????????? Chimaerasuchus paradoxus 10190001111900 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? 129901109010109 ? 191 ????? 2100900 ???? 11 [ 12 ]? 314210990090100111111011999999090110999999999910911 ????? 3 ??????????? 1 ? 00 ??? 0 ?????????? 0???11 1912119101111911001191202999901221 ? Malawisuchus mwakasyungutiensis 10190091110000 ?[ 01 ] 10001 [ 01 ][ 01 ] 1100911000192211010001199209991000910919029111 [ 01 ] 2 ? 0101110001999 ? 1992100000109901 [ 12 ] 211199901909990110010191100099 ? 11011010190900019990 ? 1009921110?100001110000 0000000009990100110002911101019 ? 110011129021199012219 Umguaysuchus aznarezi 201900110199009 ? 109 ? 19 ? 1 ???? 199901022910190011 ???? 199999099099901111 [ 12 ]??? 0001101009 ? 191999999000 0909901921002100 ? 00 ? 000?[01 ]??? 01919009 ??? 190111911 ????? 11 ????? 19000199999999099 ? 109999900999999990 19001101901100 ? 119119001111 ????????????? Candidodon itapecuruense 20190099 ? 199009 ? 1100109999900101010229111900 ???????????????????? 11212???????? 11 ???????????????????? ???? 1901 ???????????? 10110109900 ???? 100111111 ???? 11 ?????? 19099219191 ??????? 190999009000999990110190 009 ? 1 ????????????????????????????? Simosuchus clarki 103010110000001000101111109011000102191010001191101191000010919020112121010110000999999902100 92010 ? 1000201099901 ?????? 11011012120000101001110021100120999211 [ 12]0001111011001 [ 01 ] 19100000000 00010000010110100001100 ????? 11099999202 ?????????? Araripesuchus gomesii 201000110100001110001011111011 [ 01 ] 001022110100011112011910000909110201121210001101 [ 01 ] [01 ] 1 [01 ] 11111 ? 1 [ 234 ] 00010001001111002100100101010010010010000001001100021000011090011 [ 01]000011110100 00111009000000000000001001000090190??????110011121021111012211 Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v. 65 , n. 4 , p. 417 - 459 , out./dez .2007 456 L.E.FIORELLI & J.O.CALVO Araripesuchus patagonicus 201000 ? 1010000 ? 1 [ 01 ] 00010111190111001022910100011 ? 12 ? 11 ? 1000 ?? 0 ? 1 ? 02 ? 11212 ? 0 ? 011 [ 01 ] 1 ?? 1 ? 1 ?????? ???? 1000??0111100???01 ???0?01 ?01101 ?010000?? 100110102?0??01 ????0??[01 ] 1000111 ? 010000111090000000 0000000010010000901100 ? 1 ? 111100111210211 ?? 01221 ? Baumsuchus pachecoi 1009909121990091101999911190110999992910110011112011910009109 ? 1099311121010111111 ??????????????? ?????? 12103999 ? 199999110111010101110011001111011090111???[01 ] 0 [ 01 ] 111101110190000190001000000000 0999010000101901000 ?????????????????????????? Stratiotosuchus maxhechti 100 ?0?? 1 ??0000? 119111101 ?0??? 10911 ?????????? 1 ? 1 ?????????????????? 130 ????????? 11 ????????????????????? ? 0 ? 2103 ??? 1 ?????????? 1111910?1 ???? 010001101910 ?? 1 ?????? 010??01 ???? 1 ?????? 10 ?? 010 ? 0000 ???? 00 ?? 0 ?? 1 ? 1 ??1????????????????????????????? Bretesuchus bonapartei 1 [01 ]0??01121 ??00???????????0??????????2??? 10011 ???????? 101191 ?????? 13 ? 1 ?? 1 ?00? 10110???????????????? ??????? 100???? 1 ???????01 ??0????01 ??0???0?? 1 ?0???????????[01 ]0[01 ]? 1 ? 10? 1 ??? 1 ??001 ??00??????????0???? 1 ? ? 0010190100 ?????????????????????? Iberosuchus macrodon 1 ?0?00012?0?00111000111111?01?000?02??10100111?12??1?101??10?1????111??10?0?1011011??????[12][12 34 ] 00 ?? 00 ??? 00 ?[ 12 ] [01 ] 0 ? 2 ?? 0000 ??? 11001101010 ? 1 ? 0 ?? 100 ? 11001 ? 0 ?? 101 ???[ 01]?01119001101 ? 0??0191000 01000000 ??0??010?00????0100??????????????????????????? Lomasuchus palpebrosus 201 ???? 1211 ?00?11000101111 ?? 110001022? 1010001?? 12?? 1 ? 100?? 1 ?? 1 ??2?21 ?????00??0 [ 12] 11 ????????????? ??????? 1 ???00???00?????0?00??? 1 ? 110?00???00011?0?? 1 ??0??????010???0? 11?? 10??01 ?1000?? 11000??0???01 ?000100??1????????????????????????????? Peirosaurus torminni 201 ?011 ?? 1 ??00?????? 10? 1 ????????0???2? 10??????????????????????????? 1 ??????????[ 12] 1 ??????????????????? ?????000????????????0???? 1 ???0???????0? 1 ??????????????[01 ]??????0??????????????00?? 1 ??????????0???00?00 ??1????????????????????????????? Uberabasuchus terrificus 201100? 1211 ?00?1100010? 1 ? 1 ?011010112 2??0?0001 ???????????????????? 111 ? 131110? 11 [ 12 ] 11 ?????????????? ??????011000???0??????01101 ?01 ? 10?00? 1 ? 010000101911 ?? 0 ???? 10010??00? 1 ?? 1000??? 100?0? 1 ?000000???0 ? 1000100?01001 ?????????????????????????? Theriosuchus pusillus 20110111110100110000110111100110011 ? 211010001911901111000 ????? 1 ? 2021194100101010110111110001 1112001001010002900 ? 10? 110110 [01 ]001 ? 1100?00?0?00100??01 ??0?00??10100000? 11 ?010??01 ?10000??0000 ?????? 0109000 ?? 1 ? 1 ?0??0000110?? 1 ???0211 ???????? Alligatorium ?0?????? 190000 ? 10000109111 ?? 0 ? 100? 1 ????0??00?? 11 ?? 1 ?? 1000???????20? 1 ????00101 ? 101 ?011111000??? 1 ?0 0100 ??????????? 10?? 1 ???????????????????0???????????????????????0??????????????????0??????????????000??[ 01 ]? 1000900001????????0211 ??0????? Eutretauranosuchus delfsi 203 ???? 1910010111000100111 ? 00 ? 00010011109000 ? 1112011 ? 1010 ?? 0 ? 1 ? 0 ? 121204900001020111 ??? 1 ?? 0 ?? 0 ? 1 ?????????000???00?????0? 100???? 110???????0??00??? 1 ???0???? 10?2 ???001 ?0??000? 1 ? 110?01 ?0000000???01 0 ?00???????????????????????0?????? ????? Goniopholis 20391211110010111000100111 ? 0010001002 ? 101000 ? 1112011 ? 1010 ? 10 ? 1 ? 021312 ? 4100 [ 01 ] 0 [ 12 ] 02011 ? 1 ?? 1 ?? 0 ? 00 ? 1200 ? 11900000210001091101100 ?? 101100 ? 000010010001 ? 1 ??? 0000110020000011001000011110901000 00000000010000????01 ?????0001100? 11 ??0211 ??0????? Pholidosaums decipiens 2129111101 ?? 11 ? 1110110011190010001092119100001112111 ? 101 ?? 10 ? 100 ? 1311 ? 300 ??? 2 ? 0 ??? 11 ? 1 ??? 0 ?? 0 ?? 2 ?0????????????????????? 1 ???? 1 ? 110?????0?0010???????????????0? 1 ?0001 ??? 10?001 ? 100?010???0??????010? 00????01 ????? 0001100911??0211 ??0????? 00 ? 11??021111030111 Dyrosaums phosphaticus 002 ?? 1 ? 101 ? 010 ? 119001000119101001101291010100111201191011 ? 10 ? 10101302 ? 3 ? 00 ?? 2 ? 000 ???????? 0 ? 00 ? ????? 1 ??????????????????? 1 ???????????????? 0 ?? 0 ??????????????? 02190001 ????0??????00?? 1 ?0000000???010?0 0 ? 11 ?01 ?????0001100? 11 ??0211 ??0????? Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v. 65 , n. 4 , p. 417 - 459 , out./dez .2007 FIRST CRETACEOUS “PROTOSUCHIAN” FROM GONDWANA 457 Sokotosuchus ianiuilsoni 2 ? 2 ??? 1101 ?? 10????001001999 101001 901291 ?????? 1112 ? 11 ? 1?11 ?? 0 ??? 1 ? 1 ? 0?????????01 ???????????????????? ???????????????????? i????????????????o??o????????????????????o?????????????????????????????????oo??????? 9999999999999999999999999999 Pelagosaums typus 20291111110011020101000000000000 [ 01]10021101000000110111100100191000120093000002000011011190 00000120001110190099910999999919199999900009901001090010999009999000100001120100001100000190000 00099901000099909190999000999999999999999999999 Teleosauridae [ 02]02911111100110201001000000000001100219010009001101111001011919001200039000920000210111190 000912000101011909991099010011019910110000110000101009099000099100010000119010901110001010000 000000001000019120100000000110001109021199099999 Metriorhynchidae [ 02]02912110100111201011000900000001100219090009001101111001011919001200930001020000210191190 00099999909901290999100901001101991011900099000010102909990009999001000011901000911000001000000 0099901000019190100000000110001109021199099999 Bemissartia fagessi 2039921111990011100090011190010009002999990001112911910100909199919199410010102011919119902002 111011010000099009999999919999199999999099091099901999099991912 00000199990999999009910000999909901 9999999191 90999000110091199999999099999 Hylaeochampsa vectiana 00999999911999119999190199909999090029191011999999999101991991999991099999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999099999991099999999999909909999990999999999999299009999999999999999999999999999901999999999190 999000999999999999999999999 Gavialis gangeticus 2129121111001111110110111110010001002110101101112011110110101110 [ 01 ] 131003100012000001111110 13111211110090000021109100100910199121100900000001000101919000019092090001100100001110000190 00000000001000000100100100000110091199021111030111 Borealosuchus formidabilis 20391211110010111000100111900100010021101011111121111101001091109131003100011090111111111131 119110900900000211091001009101991111099000000010001919990000110920900011001000011100001000000 0000001000000100100100000110091199021111030111 Crocodylus niloticus 203012111100 [ 01 ] 011100010211110010001002110901111112011110100101110 [ 01]1310031000100101211111 10131112021100900000211001001009101991211009000000010011010110000190920000011001000011100001 0000000000001000000100100100000110091199021111030111 Alligator mississippiensis 2031129101900011100010211110010009002110101111112011110100101110 [ 01]031203100010020121111111 13111202119090000021100100100110199111000900000001001 [ 12 ] 01011000011 [ 01]1200000110010000111000 01000000000000100000010010010000011 Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 458 L.E.FIORELLI & J.O.CALVO APPENDIX IV Anatomical abreviations ab: anterior blade; ac.r: acromial ridge; AM: insertion of the M. ambiens ; as: astragalus; Br: origin for the M. brachialis; ca: caudal vertebrae (1 to 5); cap: capitulum; CB: insertion of the M. coracobrachialis brevis; ce: cervical vertebrae (4 to 9); DC: insertion of the M. deltoideus clavicularis; dei: dorsal crest of ilium; di: diapophysis; dpc: deltopectoral crest; do: dorsal vertebrae (1 to 4); f: femur; ff: fossa flexoria; FT: insertion of the M. femorotibialis; FTE: insertion of the M. flexortibialis externus ; FTI: insertion of the M. flexortibialis internus ; gc: glenoid cavity; GI: origin for the M. gastroenemius internus; h: humerus; hk: scapular hook; hy: hypapophysis; i: ilium (= il); ip: ischiadic peduncule; is: ischium; it: inner tuber; IT: insertion of the M. iliotibialis; k: keel; lc: lateral condyle; ldr3: third left dorsal rib; lh: left humerus (= lu); lpe: lateroproximal expansion of humerus; lr: left ribs; ls: left scapula; lt2: left tibia (second individual); lf2: left fibula (second individual); mc: medial condyle; mcp.ti: medial condyle process of the femur in the tibia; ne: neural spine; ol: olecranon process; os?: osteoderm?; P: insertion of the M. pectoralis; pa: parapophysis; pap: postacetabular process; pb: posterior blade; pdp: postdiapophyseal process; pp: postparapophyseal process; pr: prezygapophysis; pz: postzygapophysis; pu: pubis; r: radius; ra: radial; rh: right humerus; rf: right femur; ri: right ischium; rp: right pubis; rra: right radius; rs: right scapula; rt.f: right tibia and fibula; rui: right ulna; sa: sacral vertebrae (1 to 2); SC: insertion of the M. scapulocoracoideus ; sr: sacral ribs; tp: transverse processes; Tr: origin for the M. tríceps brevis; tu: tuberculum; u: ulna; vph: ventroposterior process in caudal vertebrae for hemal arches. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 FIRST CRETACEOUS “PROTOSUCHIAN” FROM GONDWANA 459 APPENDIX V Definitions of the nodes used in the text and the phylogenetic results (figure 15) with the diagnoses character of each node. The definitions are based in Sereno et al, 2001 and sensu Sereno et al, 2005: 1 - CROCODYLOMORPHA: The most inclusive clade containng Crocodylus niloticus but not Poposarus gracilis, Gracilisuchus stipanicicomm, Prestosuchus chiniquensis, Aetosaurus ferratus. 2 - “SPHENOSUCHIA”: The most inclusive clade containing Terrestrisuchus gracilis but not Crocodylus niloticus. Characters 33(1), 105(0), 128(0), 197(1), 220(1). 3 - CROCODYLIFORMES: The least inclusive clade containing Protosuchus richardsoni and Crocodylus niloticus. Characters 1(2), 3(1), 16(1), 24(1), 30(1), 45(1-2), 47(1), 51(1), 65(2), 67(1), 68(1), 80(1), 82(1), 86(1), 95(1), 99(1), 164(1), 166(1), 172(1), 173(1). 4 - PROTOSUCHIA: The most inclusive clade containing Protosuchus richardsoni but not Crocodylus niloticus. Characters 25(0), 55(1), 60(1), 73(2), 140(0), 165(2), 185(1), 215(0). 5 - GOBIOSUCHIDAE: The least inclusive clade containing Gobiosuchus kielanae and Zaraasuchus shepardi. Characters 1(1), 32(1), 75(1), 96(0), 97(1), 174(0), 181(1), 182(1), 183(1), 184(1), 186(1), 187(1), 188(1), 189(1), 190(1), 191(1). 6 - PROTOSUCHIDAE: The least inclusive clade containing Protosuchus richardsoni and Hemiprotosuchus leali. Characters 48(0), 50(1), 74(1), 132(1). 7 - MESOEUCROCODYLIA: The most inclusive clade containing Crocodylus niloticus but not Protosuchus richardsoni. Characters 37(2), 39(1), 41(1), 66(1), 79(1), 84(1), 141(1). 8 - Innominated. Characters 31(1), 113(1), 176(1). 9 - Innominated. Characters 55(1), 143(2), 163(0), 169(1), 178(1). 10 - Innominated. Characters 37(1), 170(1). 11 - Innominated. Characters 91(1); 226 (1). 12 - Neuquensuchus universitas. Characters 173(0), 220(1) 13 - “MESOSUCHIA”: not defined. Characters 10(1), 29(1), 73(2), 119(1), 171(0), 192(1), 197(1), 221(2). 14 - METASUCHIA: The least inclusive clade containing Notosuchus terrestris and Crocodylus niloticus. Characters 15(1), 17(1), 26(1), 67(2), 83(1), 142(0), 167(1). 15 - NEOSUCHIA: The most inclusive clade containing Crocodylus niloticus but not Notosuchus terrestris. Characters 6(1), 29(0), 36(0), 80(0), 140(0), 166(0), 209(0). 16 - EUSUCHIA: The least inclusive clade containing Hylaeochampsa vectiana and Crocodylus niloticus. Characters 43(1), 44(1), 69(0), 71(3), 76(1), 90(1), 91(3), 92(1), 93(1), 110(1), 126(1), 200(0). 17 - PEIROSAURIDAE: The most inclusive clade containing Peirosaurus torminni but not Araripesuchus gomesii, Simosuchus clarki, Notosuchus terrestris, Baurusuchuspachecoi, Crocodylus niloticus. Characters 11(1), 81(1), 105(0), 199(0). 18 - Innominated. Characters 32(1), 74(1), 128(0), 139(0), 140(0). 19 - Innominated (Originally Peirosauridae sensu Gasparini et al, 1991). Characters 120(0). 20 - NOTOSUCHIA: The most inclusive clade containing Notosuchus terrestris but not Crocodylus niloticus. Characters 71(2), 76(1), 90(1), 91(1), 104(2), 123(1), 135(1), 145(0). 21 - SEBECOSUCHIA: No definition has been proposed. Characters 1(1), 3(0), 102(0), 118(1), 120(0), 128(0), 130(1), 156(1), 159(1), 160(1). 22 - Innominated. Characters 9(0), 67(1), 80(0), 156(1), 202(1). 23 - NOTOSUCHIDAE: The most inclusive clade containing Nototsuchus terrestris but not Araripesuchus gomesii, Comahuesuchus brachybuccalis, Simosuchus clarki, Baurusuchus pachecoi, Crocodylus niloticus. Characters 45(2), 105(0), 137(1), 156(0), 176(1), 202(0). 24 - SPHAGESAURIDAE: The most inclusive clade containing Sphagesaurus huenei but not Baurusuchus pachecoi, Sebecus icaeorhinus, Araripesuchus gomesii, Comahuesuchus brachybuccalis, Simosuchus clarki, Notosuchus terrestris, Crocodylus niloticus. Characters 105(3), 121(1), 124(1). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.417-459, out./dez.2007 nnn nn-ihnri mirinnn \-~EZ =ts i Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.461-470, out./dez.2007 ISSN 0365-4508 AN INCOMPLETE PTEROSAUR SKULL FROM THE CRETACEOUS OF NORTH-CENTRAL QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA 1 (With 6 figures) RALPH E. MOLNAR 2 RICHARD A. THULBORN 3 ABSTRACT: An incomplete pterosaur skull was found in the Albian marine Toolebuc Formation near Hughenden, Queensland, Australia. Although only the snout and part of the jaws are preserved, the specimen has two unique characters: posterior dentary teeth relatively large (approximately half the depth of the dentary) and posterior dentary and maxillary teeth relatively widely spaced (only 3 maxillary teeth between the last enlarged tooth and the nasopreorbital opening), and a unique combination of other characters. Thus, it is assigned to the new genus and species, Mythunga camara gen.nov., sp.nov., provisionally related to plesiomorphic pterodactyloids. The snout was apparently hollow with a boxlike internai structure, supporting the characterization of pterosaurs as ‘optical illusions’. This specimen represents at least the second pterosaur taxon from Queensland. Key words: Cretaceous. Australia. Mythunga gen.nov. Queensland. Albian. Archaeopterodactyloidea. Toolebuc Formation. RESUMO: Um crânio incompleto de pterossauro do Cretáceo do centro-norte de Queensland, Austrália. Um crânio incompleto de pterossauro foi encontrado em rochas do Albiano marinho da Formação Toolebuc próximo a Hughenden, Queensland, Austrália. Apesar de apenas o focinho e mandíbulas incompletas estarem preservadas, o espécime possui duas características únicas: dentes mandibulares posteriores relativamente grandes (aproximadamente metade da altura da a mandíbula) e dentes maxilares e mandibulares posteriores posicionados relativamente distantes uns dos outros (apenas 3 dentes maxilares entre o mais posterior dos grandes dentes e a abertura nasoantorbital) e uma combinação única de outros caracteres. Então, é aqui determinado um novo gênero e espécie, Mythunga camara, provisoriamente relacionado aos pterodactilóides plesiomórficos. O focinho era aparentemente oco com uma estrutura interna compartimentada, suportando a caracterização de pterossauros como “ilusões de ótica”. Esse espécime representa ao menos o segundo táxon de pterossauro de Queensland. Palavras-chave: Cretáceo. Australia. Mythunga gen.nov. Queensland. Albiano. Archaeopterodactyloidea. Formação Toolebuc. INTRODUCTION The anterior portion of a pterosaur skull was discovered in April 1991 by Phillip Gilmore on Dunluce Station, near Hughenden, north-central Queensland. It was embedded in a calcareous nodule from the Toolebuc Formation. This is the first evidence of a pterosaur from north-central Queensland, although this unit has yielded pterosaur material near Boulia, some 500km to the Southwest (Fig. 1). Broken and dissociated pieces of ichthyosaurs, as well as ammonites and other mollusks were observed in the area where the snout was recovered. This specimen is the most complete pterosaurian cranial material from Australasia. Sporadic occurrences of other pterosaur material have been reported in Australasia: in addition to the described material from Boulia (Molnar & Thulborn, 1980; Molnar, 1987), apubis (QM F27104) and flight metacarpal (NMV P197962) indicate substantially larger pterosaurs than previously known. The Lower Cretaceous of Victoria (reported by Rich & Rich, 1989), and the Upper Cretaceous of Western Australia (Bennett & Long, 1991) and New Zealand (Wiffen & Molnar, 1988; Molnar & Wiffen, 1994) have also produced pterosaurs. Collection designations - AMNH (American Museum of Natural Histoiy, New York City); CAMSM (Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge); NMV (Museum of Victoria, Melbourne); QM (Queensland Museum, Brisbane). 1 Submitted on September 14, 2006. Accepted on October 25, 2007. 2 Museum of Northern Arizona. 3101 North Fort Valley Road. Flagstaff, Arizona 86001, U.S.A. 3 Department of Zoology. University of Queensland. St. Lucia, Queensland 4067, Australia. 462 R.E.MOLNAR & R.A.THULBORN Fig. 1- Australian pterosaur localities: (a) Dunluce Station, Albian (Mythunga camara sp.nov.); (b) Warra Station, Albian (aff. Lonchodectes sp., ?Anhangueridae & NMV PI97962); (c) Elizabeth Springs, Albian (QM F27104); (d) Dinosaur Cove, Aptian-Albian (Rich 8s Rich, 1989); (e) Giralia Range, Maastrichtian (Bennett 86 Long, 1991). in both jaws under anterior part of nasopreorbital opening; three maxillary teeth between last enlarged tooth and anterior edge of nasopreorbital fenestra (a); nasopreorbital opening relatively close to posterior margin of symphysis (only two upper teeth between them); nasopreorbital opening anteriorly rounded, not acutely angled; jaw margins strongly corrugated; upper jaw margin straight; anterior teeth enlarged; remainder of teeth relatively large, height of posterior dentary crowns approximately half of jaw depth (a); dentary symphysis narrow. Autapomorphies marked a. Etymology - From kamara (Gr.), chamber, referring to the hollow, boxlike structure of the snout. Holotype - QM F18896, an incomplete snout and adherent mandible. Locality - Toolebuc Formation (Late Albian: Exon & Sênior, 1976); Dunluce Station, west of Hughenden, north-central Queensland (Fig. 1). RESULTS Systematic Palaeontology Pterosauria Kaup, 1834 Pterodactyloidea Plieninger, 1901 Archaeopterodactyloidea Kellner, 1996 Genus Mythunga gen.nov. Diagnosis - As for type species, below. Type species - Mythunga camara sp. nov. Etymology - From ‘Mythunga’, referring to a star and a hunter of the skies in an unspecified western Queensland aboriginal dialect (Duncan- Kemp, 1968). Mythunga camara sp.nov. Diagnosis - Pterodactyloid with straight, slender snout; upper and lower teeth conical, slightly recurved, widely spaced, and lower teeth uniformly decreasing in height posteriorly; upper tooth row extends well back - at least three teeth Preservation One-third to one-half of the skull and jaws are preserved (Figs.2-3). The snout and corresponding portions of the mandible, incomplete anteriorly, are preserved back to the anterior part of the nasopreorbital fenestra. The right side has been sheared upwards slightly relative to the left. This resulted in both mandibular rami being visible on the right side of the nodule, whilst only the left is visible on the left. The close interlocking of the upper and lower teeth indicates that the mandible probably remains in the position it held during life. The snout has been mildly crushed, but there is no indication of plastic deformation. The lower part of the snout on the left has suffered longitudinal fractures, evincing no displacement, that form relatively smooth curves. These bound a depressed region that extends anteriorly at least to the levei of the second preserved dentary tooth. The dorsal portion of the snout has been lost, more so on the right than the left. An unknown amount, but likely little (see below), has also been lost from the tip of the snout. The preserved part of the snout is 21.5cm long, and 7. lcm deep at its posterior break. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.461-470, out./dez.2007 AN INCOMPLETE PTEROSAUR SKULL FROM THE CRETACEOUS OF NORTH-CENTRAL QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA 463 The dorsal portion and anterior extremity of the nasopreorbital opening are preserved, but ventrally the margin is somewhat broken. Fragments of skull or mandible lay within the nasopreorbital fenestra on the left side, and between the mandibular rami on the right. t f r” i it i, - | '''* ! i ir , r | i i' ii r■"! ' ibn ii l ' 1 r ■ , lr i r i t" i "J* "r I r f- i The mandible is 4cm deep as preserved, and the left ramus shows a longitudinal break, similar to those described for the snout, apparently due to crushing. The ventral margin of the right ramus and anterior portion of the left are eroded (Fig.3). r . ■ r ' r i h i n Fig.2- Mythunga camara gen.nov, sp.nov. Hughenden region, Queensland, Australia; Toolebuc Formation, Early Cretaceous. Holotype (QM F18896). Snout and mandible, left ventro-lateral view. This is a slightly different perspective from that of figure 4. Scale in mm. Fig.3- Mythunga camara sp.nov. (QM F18896), right lateral view. Bar indicates posterior margin of symphysis. Scale bar = 2cm. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.461-470, out./dez.2007 464 R.E.MOLNAR & R.A.THULBORN The teeth are fractured, in some cases the enamel is buckled near the base, and the tips (except for the last) are missing, so their form is not entirely clear. All of the left upper teeth but the anteriormost two have been lost, however all save the posteriormost two left mandibular teeth are present. The missing teeth had slipped out of their alveoli, presumably before burial. By contrast all of the crowns, both upper and lower, on the right side have been broken off. Since the teeth that slipped from their sockets were presumably exposed, their absence on the left suggests that the skull carne to rest on its right side, and may have been exposed for some time before burial. However, the bones of the left side are well- preserved, whilst substantially less is preserved, or at least exposed, on the right - chiefly the ventral part of the maxilla and much of the dentary. Only small, unidentifiable pieces can be seen in addition to these. This suggests that this side was exposed and that the left lower teeth may have been lost before the skull carne to rest in its final position. Description The low, slender snout is straight, probably tapering gradually forwards (Figs.2, 4). No clear indication of bony contacts is preserved on the snout, however a fissure extending anteriorly from the nasopreorbital opening may represent part of the maxillaiy-premaxillaiy contact. This feature is mildly serrate, rather than smooth as are the breaks, and is at the expected position of this contact. The upper and lower margins of the nasopreorbital opening meet in a smooth curve. The antero-ventral margin of the nasopreorbital opening is not well preserved, and the depression in the lateral face of the snout may represent the contact surface for the jugal. An anterior tongue of the jugal overlies the lateral face of the maxilla at this position in Araripesaums santanae and Santanadactylus araripensis (Wellnhofer, 1985), both now attributed to Anhanguera, in Anhanguera piscator (Kellner & Tomida, 2000), and in Tapejara wellnhoferi (Wellnhofer & Kellner, 1991). If this conjecture is correct, the anterior tongue of the jugal was substantially longer than in other known pterosaurs. Because of the loss of the dorsal margin of the snout, there is no indication whether the skull bore a crest. The first two upper teeth, exposed at the broken front of the snout, are adjacent to one another and very close to the midline, unlike the more posterior teeth, suggesting that they were actually the first two teeth at the tip of the snout. If so, the premaxilla is not clearly separated from the maxilla, which is the case in other large pterosaurs (cf. Bennett, 2001; Eaton, 1910; Kellner & Tomida, 2000; and the figures of Wellnhofer, 1991a). Also implied is that the snout is relatively short anterior to the nasopreorbital opening, unlike forms such as Pteranodon, Dsungaripterus, Anhanguera , Gallodactylus, and Pterodactylus. Fig.4- Outline sketch of the snout of Mythunga camara sp.nov. (QM F18896) indicating the extent of breakage along the margins of specimen (dashed lines). Abbreviations: (D) dentary; (Mx) maxilla; (Pmx) premaxilla; (aJ) possible articular region for jugal; (c) low collar around the second upper tooth; (UI-8) upper teeth or alveoli; (LI-8) lower teeth or alveoli. UI indicates the position of the first upper tooth, not visible in lateral view. Scale bar = 2cm. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.461-470, out./dez.2007 AN INCOMPLETE PTEROSAUR SKULL FROM THE CRETACEOUS OF NORTH-CENTRAL QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA 465 The mandibular rami appear to have been straight, with dorsal and ventral margins parallel in lateral view. Unfortunately, the ventral surface of the symphyseal region has also been lost, so the presence of a mandibular ‘crest’ cannot be determined. Owing to the loss of the tip of the jaws, the length of the mandibular symphysis also cannot be determined. The dentigerous margins of bothjaws are strongly corrugated, or scalloped, permitting deep interlocking of the upper and lower teeth. That of the upper jaw margin is straight, but descends slightly to form a low conical ‘collar’, overhanging the lower jaw, around the neck of the first complete tooth. The upper margin of the lower jaw is also straight. A large, thin walled, apparently hollow element is situated in the nasopreorbital opening. It bears longitudinal grooves and ridges, and may represent the posterior part of the maxilla, or anterior part of the jugal. Eight teeth are indicated in each jaw on the left side, and four upper and six lower on the right. These are not all visible in the text figure, as the first upper tooth of each side is exposed in the anterior break but is not visible from the side. The anteriormost left lower tooth preserved is a crown from which the outer bone of the jaw has been broken away: it and the following tooth are about 10%larger (in diameter) than the remainder, as is the anteriormost complete upper tooth (Tab.l). Where reasonably well-preserved, the lowers seem to be smooth near the tip, but bear irregular, longitudinal striae from the neck to about two-thirds the height of the crown. The lower teeth (and the single upper) are conical and slightly recurved, but more strongly flexed in the frontal plane. The depth of the dentary is about twice the height of the preserved dentary teeth. The upper alveoli are widely spaced, but the interval between them decreases, with but a single minor exception, towards the back (Tab.2). The lower teeth seem to gradually decrease in height posteriorly. Both tooth rows have at least three teeth under the anterior region of the nasopreorbital opening and there are two dentary and two upper teeth between the mandibular symphysis and the anterior end of the nasopreorbital opening on the left. The right side shows at least four mandibular alveoli behind the posterior margin of the symphysis, and one left dentary tooth is levei with the margin. Ontogenetic Age If our interpretation of an exposed maxillary contact surface for the jugal and of a partially open suture between the maxilla and premaxilla is correct, then this skull derives from immature individual (Bennett, 1993; 2001). The unidentified element preserved in the nasopreorbital opening may have been an element not yet fused to the rest of the skull or mandible, rather than a piece broken free. But since neither end of the piece is preserved, this cannot be determined. The symphyseal region of the mandible is very poorly preserved, but there is no indication that the symphysis was not fused. However, the preservation of the specimen is such that our interpretation of the maxillary depression and the upper break anterior to the nasopreorbital opening might be incorrect, and this represents a mature specimen. TABLE 1. Antero-posterior diameter of left teeth at base (mm). Number 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Upper 112 90 1 86 1 79 1 73 1 63 1 - - Lower 105 94 95 96 84 75 59 1 53 1 1 Measurement of antero-posterior alveolar diameter. TABLE 2. Spacing of teeth (on left side, mm). Interval 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 Upper 35 31 29 30 25 21 Lower 32 31 30 29 25 20 Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.461-470, out./dez.2007 466 R.E.MOLNAR & R.A.THULBORN COMPARISON The most recent and complete phylogenetic analyses are those of Kellner (2003) and Unwin (2003). Kellner observed that incompleteness of material (or of preparation) is a major difficulty in understanding pterosaurian relationships: of the 40 characters that he uses pertaining to the cranial skeleton, only 12 can be assessed (or estimated) for Mythunga cornara sp.nov. These characters are: 3, rostral part of skull anterior to the externai naris reduced vs. elongate; 6, position of the externai naris abo ve the premaxillaiy tooth row vs. displaced posterior to the premaxillary tooth row; 8, naris and antorbital fenestra separated vs. confluent; 13, tip of the premaxilla expanded vs. not expanded; 30, mandibular symphysis absent or veiy short vs. present and at least 30% of mandibular length; 34, position and presence of teeth and distribution along thejaw; 35, largest maxillary tooth positioned posteriorly vs. not so positioned; 36, variation in the size of the anterior teeth with the 5* and 6 th smaller than the 4 th and 7 th vs. lacking this; 37, teeth with a broad and oval base vs. lacking such; 38, multicusped teeth vs. no such teeth; 39, peg-like teeth vs. no such teeth; 40, long, slender teeth vs. no such teeth. Characters 3, 8, and 39 actually have three States, but only those given here are discernible for M. camara sp.nov. In M camara sp.nov. the snout clearly extends well anterior of the nasopreorbital opening and that opening is apparently posterior to the premaxillary toothrow, so indicating that this taxon does not pertain to Anurognathus or an asiaticognathid. The confluent nasopreorbital opening implies reference to pterodactyloids. If, as proposed above, the first two upper teeth mark the front of the snout, there is no indication that the tip was expanded. This rules out assignment to the anhanguerids. The mandibular symphysis is clearly neither absent nor very short, indicating assignment to rhamphorhynchids or pterodactyloids. The teeth are evenly distributed along the jaws, thus eliminating reference to dsungaripterids (in which teeth are absent from the front of the jaws) or gallodactylids (in which teeth are restricted to the front of the jaws). Likewise, it could not be referred to Pteranodon, azhdarchoids, or nyctosaurids which are edentulous. The largest upper tooth (as determined from the diameter of the base or alveolus) is anterior and not positioned posteriorly thus also eliminating reference to the dsungaripterids. The 5 th and 6 th teeth are not smaller than the 4 01 and 7 th , thus precluding assignment to Anhanguera. The remaining four characters concern unusual tooth forms characteristic of specific pterosaurian taxa. None of these occur in Mythunga gen.nov., and thus reference to Peteinosaurus or Eudimorphodon rosenfeldi, dsungaripterids, ctenochasmatids, Pterodactylus antiquus, P. kochi or Germanodactylus is ruled out. Kellner’s analysis suggests that Mythunga gen.nov. represents a rhamphorhynchid, plesiomorphic archaeopterodactyloid, or advanced pteranodontoid other than an anhanguerid. Confluent naris and preorbital fenestra is a character of pterodactyloids (Kellner, 2003), so we may eliminate rhamphorhynchids. Kellner mentions only two taxa of pteranodontoids other than Pteranodon and anhanguerids, Istiodactylus and Omithocheirus. The cranial material of Istiodactylus latidens is incomplete, but indicates a low, broad snout, somewhat dorso-ventrally compressed, with closely-spaced teeth (Howse et al, 2001). Unwin (2001) has recently restudied Omithocheirus, synonymising it with Criorhynchus, and attributing the much of material previously considered Omithocheirus to Lonchodectes and Anhanguera. Like that of I. latidens, the skull of Lonchodectes compressirostris is fragmentary. However, the snout is clearly low, with more closely-spaced teeth than in Mythunga camara sp.nov. (Owen, 1884). Thus Mythunga gen.nov. shows no significant similarities to either Istiodactylus or Lonchodectes. Omithocheirus simus, the type species, is known from fragments of rostral and mandibular symphyses (Unwin, 2001). In the specimen figured (CAMSM B54.428) by Unwin (2001), the third and fourth upper alveoli are larger than the second, unlike the condition in Mythunga gen.nov.. Omithocheirus mesembrinus had a longer rostrum anterior to the nasopreorbital aperture relative to its depth at the anterior termination of that aperture than appears to have been the case in M. camara sp.nov. with ten teeth anterior to the nasopreorbital aperture, and the third upper tooth appears to have been the largest (Wellnhofer, 1987, Fig.2). Thus, taking into account the fragmentary nature of the material of M. camara sp.nov. (and of O. simus), we see no significant similarity between Mythunga gen.nov. and Omithocheirus. Therefore, we provisionally regard M. camara sp.nov. as an archaeopterodactyloid. If the elongate depression of the maxilla does represent the contact surface for the jugal, then the anterior jugal tongue was substantially longer than in any other known pterosaur, and would constitute a third autapomorphy of M. camara. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.461-470, out./dez.2007 AN INCOMPLETE PTEROSAUR SKULL FROM THE CRETACEOUS OF NORTH-CENTRAL QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA 467 Until recently, archaeopterodactyloids were not known from the Early Cretaceous, but they have now been found from Lower Cretaceous deposits in Liaoning, China (Wang & Lü, 2001). Unwin’s (2003) analysis uses 29 characters of the cranial skeleton, of which only six (17, 19, 24, 43, 55, and 57) are determinable or plausibly inferable. Of these, a bony mandibular symphysis is clearly present (character 17), teeth are present (43), dsungaripterid teeth (as defined by Unwin, 2003) are absent, and the largest teeth are rostral (57). The naris and antorbital opening seem to be confluent (24), and if we have properly interpreted the front of the snout, the first two mandibular teeth are larger than the more posterior teeth (character 19). However, the crown of the second is incomplete, and these teeth do not seem as large relative to the more posterior crowns as in, for example, Eudimorphodon ranzii. Thus, we provisionally regard Mythunga camara sp.nov. as lacking two large fanglike anterior dentary teeth. If we are wrong, the presence of such teeth is a plesiomorphic State and so does not affect the phylogenetic assessment. These comparisons indicate that the snout derives from a breviquartossan, and plausibly a pterodactyloid, pterosaur, thus agreeing with the results from Kellner’s analysis in so far as such agreement is possible given the different bases of the two analyses. The jaws are also hollow. The medial wall of the left at its posterior break is 2.2mm thick, and the lateral wall is 1.4mm thick near the alveolar margin, and 0.9mm further ventrad. Thus the jaws seem to be essentially hollow tubes, reinforced by very thin internai partitions and struts. The internai structure of the snout is similar to that illustrated by Dalla Vecchia (1993) for ?Cearadactylus ligabuei, but is more regular in form. In ?C. ligabuei the chambers were seen only as a single ‘layer’ between the internai and externai sheets of compacta. On the other hand, the structure of M. camara sp.nov. seems unlike that of Tupuxuara leonardii, figured by Kellner & Campos (1994). There is no indication of a transverse bony sheet as shown in their figure 7, instead the sheet is horizontal. Admittedly in Mythunga camara sp.nov. only the dorsal portion of the snout is available for examination, and in T. leonardii the dorsal part of the transverse sheet is quite open with large perforations, however the obvious transverse structures in the snout of Mythunga camara sp.nov.are rods or struts. Thus there are at least two different kinds of internai structure in pterosaur snouts, one shown by Mythunga camara sp.nov. and ?C. ligabuei, and the other by T. leonardii. The suspicion of Kellner & Campos, that the bones of pterosaur skulls were subdivided into hollow internai chambers, is very likely correct. Internal Structure The internai structure of the snout is exposed anteriorly. The snout is hollow with two longitudinal series of roughly rectangular chambers, 3-5mm long and 4mm wide, separated from one another by struts (Fig.5). Where clearly exposed, the chambers seem floored by a continuous, very thin sheet of bone. The floor of the anteriormost chamber (partially) exposed, however, is penetrated by roughly circular apertures, as are the roofs of the posteriormost chambers visible. Thus the structure of this part of the snout is like a series of adjacent cubic boxes. The lateral surface of the snout at this levei is about 0.8mm thick but ventrally, near the alveoli, it is l.lmm thick, presumably to withstand stresses imposed in biting. iiliiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiii Fig.5- Mythunga camara sp.nov. (QM F18896), internai structure of the snout, dorsal view. Anterior is to the right. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.461-470, out./dez.2007 468 R.E.MOLNAR & R.A.THULBORN Padian et dl. (1992) characterise pterosaurs as ‘optical illusions’ in that the size of their skeletal elements does not reflect the mass or weight of these elements, an ‘illusion’ shared with the skulls of toucans. Although the skull is mentioned in this context, their analyses (e.g., Van Der Meulen et al, 1992) are restricted to appendicular bones. This specimen, and those of Dalla Vecchia (1993) and Kellner & Campos (1994), indicate that the pterosaur skull and mandible were basically composed of hollow boxes and tubes, and suggests that the characterisation of the cranial skeleton as an ‘optical illusion’ in this sense is quite apt. WINGSPAN Besides its intrinsic interest, size has significant palaeoecological implications. In view of the similarities in size and general form, we have chosen to compare the skull of Mythunga camara sp.nov. with that of Anhanguera santanae (AMNH 22555) in order to estimate the wingspan of M. camara sp.nov. Wellnhofer (1991c) estimated the wingspan of A. santanae (AMNH 22555) as 4.15m. The only cranial measurement that can be confidently compared is that of the depth of the skull (not including the crest, if present) at the anterior end of the nasopreorbital fenestra, and even this is not entirely reliable because of the incompleteness of the dorsal margin of the snout of M. camara sp.nov. However, the general proportions of the M. camara sp.nov. snout suggest that not much of the dorsal region is missing, and any error resulting from this would serve to underestimate the wingspan, and so err on the side of conservatism. From Wellnhofer (1991c) we find that the depth of the snout of A. santanae at this point is about 5cm: that of the M. camara sp.nov. snout is 5.7cm. Thus we estimate a wingspan of approximately 4.7m. This is twice as large as the pterosaur reported by Molnar & Thulborn (1980), but about the size of the Western Australian specimen (Bennett & Long, 1991) and that represented by the pubis (QM F27104) from near Boulia. If our interpretation of unfused bony contacts in the skull is correct, it implies that the adults of this form were somewhat larger than here estimated. DISCUSSION Mythunga camara sp.nov. is plesiomorphic for a Cretaceous pterosaur, e.g., it is not edentulous nor does it have a deep or curved snout. The well-developed, interlocking teeth - together with its occurrence in a marine unit -, suggest that it preyed on fish (cf. Wellnhofer, 1991a), and the relatively wide spacing of the teeth suggests that relatively large fish were taken. In view of the recent publications of phylogenetic analyses of the Pterosauria (Kellner, 2003; Unwin, 2003), it is appropriate to re-assess the taxonomic affinities of the previously described postcranial material. Initially the pterosaur material from Queensland was attributed, tentatively, to the Ornithocheiridae as aff. Omithocheirus sp. (Molnar & Thulborn, 1980). Molnar (1987) pointed out the similarities of the pterosaur pélvis from the Toolebuc to that of Pteranodon. Wellnhofer (1991a) followed these comments and attributed the jaw fragment to ?Omithocheirus and the scapulocoracoid and pélvis to an indeterminate pteranodontid. Thus it was suggested in the literature that two families were represented. The recently discovered pubis (QM F27104) (Fig.6), although twice as large as that of the described partial pélvis (QM F12982), closely resembles it and so probably derives from the same taxon. The metacarpal (NMV P197962) has notyet been studied. o — >p — B 1 o O Fig.6- Pterosaur. Elizabeth Springs, Queensland, Australia; Toolebuc Fm., Early Cretaceous; QM F27104, pubis in right lateral view. Scale bar = 2mm. Scale in mm. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.461-470, out./dez.2007 AN INCOMPLETE PTEROSAUR SKULL FROM THE CRETACEOUS OF NORTH-CENTRAL QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA 469 TheToolebuc scapulocoracoid (QM F10613) derives from a mature individual (Bennett, 1993), and matches both those of Anhanguera (Wellnhofer, 1991b, 1991c) and Pteranodon (Eaton, 1910) in possessing a posterior process and a ‘bridge’ between the scapula and coracoid internai to the glenoid region. It further resembles that of Anhanguera santanae in the general form of the glenoid, and the V-shaped fossa on the dorso-lateral surface of the scapula between the posterior process and the anterior moiety of the scapula. Pteranodon seems to lack these features (Bennett, 2001). Kellner (2003) used three characters of the shoulder girdle that can be assessed for QM F10613. The proximal (glenoid) articular face of the scapula is suboval in form, rather than elongate as in more plesiomorphic taxa. This is a character State of the pteranodontoids. The scapular shaft is relatively stout and slightly constricted. This indicates membership among the advanced pteranodontoids (including anhanguerids) . The scapula is substantially shorter than the coracoid, with a ratio of scapular to coracoid length of about 0.8. This is an autapomorphy of Anhanguera (Kellner, 2003). Unwin’s (2003) analysis used only two characters applicable to QM F10613, that the coracoid length is greater than 75% of the scapular length (which only indicates that it pertains to a pterosaur) and that the length of the coracoid is greater than that of the scapula. This indicates that QM F10613 derived from an ornithocheiroid pterosaur. This is consistent with the results from Kellner’s analysis, as Anhanguera is included in the ornithocheiroids. It thus seems reasonable to suggest that this scapulocoracoid derives from an anhanguerid that may be designated aff. Anhanguera sp. The pubis is separated from the ischium by a deep cleft in Anhanguera santanae (Wellnhofer, 1991b) and an apparently much less prominent one in the Toolebuc pélvis (Molnar, 1987), whereas in Pteranodon they are fused along their entire contact (Eaton, 1910). Bennett (1993; 1995) argued that this cleft disappears with maturity. That of the Toolebuc pélvis would fali between those of parts 2 and 3 of figure 6 of Bennett (1995), indicating that the pélvis derived from a nearly mature individual. Because neither Kellner (2003) nor Unwin (2003) found pelvic characters useful in analysis, we cannot be certain if apomorphic or plesiomorphic features are involved here (although because the ancestors of pterosaurs almost certainly did not show such fusion of the pubis and ischium, it is probably plesiomorphic). The mandible from near Boulia, however, closely resembles those previously attributed to Omithocheirus, now to Lonchodectes (Unwin, 2001) and so may now be designated aff. Lonchodectes sp. Unwin (2001; 2003) considered Lonchodectes not closely related to Omithocheirus, but more closely related to Pterodactylus, a member of Kellner’s (2003) Archaeopterodactyloidea, but distinct at the familial levei. Thus, we conclude that as many as three taxa may be represented: an anhanguerid, represented by the scapulocoracoid, Lonchodectes or a closely related form, represented by the Boulia mandible, and Mythunga camara sp.nov. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Phillip Gilmore found the specimen and thoughtfully donated it to the Queensland Museum. Alexander G. Cook, Alexander W. A. Kellner, Wann Langston, Jr., David M. Unwin, the late Mary Wade, and Rupert Wild kindly provided assistance during the preparation of the manuscript. Laurie Beirne first recognised the specimen as a pterosaur, and the preparation was diligently carried out by Angela Hatch. S. Christopher Bennett and an anonymous referee provided helpful comments, and Tracy L. Ford and Oliver Hampe kindly assisted in obtaining literature. REFERENCES BENNETT, S.C., 1993. The ontogeny of Pteranodon and other pterosaurs. Paleobiology , 19:92-106. BENNETT, S.C., 1995. A statistical study of Rhamphorhynchus from the Solnhofen Limestone of Germany: year-classes of a single large species. Journal of Paleontology , 69:569-580. BENNETT, S.C., 2001. The osteology and functional morphology of the Late Cretaceous pterosaur Pteranodon. Part I. General description of osteology. Palaeontographica , 260 : 1 - 112 . BENNETT, S.C. & LONG, J.A., 1991a large pterodactyloid from the Late Cretaceous (Late Maastrichtian) of Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum , 15:435-443. DALLA VECCHIA, F.M., 1993. Cearadactylus? ligabuei nov. sp., a new early Cretaceous (Aptian) pterosaur from Chapada do Araripe (northeastern Brazil). Bollettino delia Societa Paleontologica Italiana , 32:401-409. Arq. Mus. 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Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.461-470, out./dez.2007 c nnn nmhnri nimnnn nnn jinnnffinfgUl iTm -L 1 - LA — I ^ □ Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.471-483, out./dez.2007 ISSN 0365-4508 DISCOVERY OF A NEW ORNITHOPOD DINOSAUR FROM THE PORTEZUELO FORMATION (UPPER CRETACEOUS), NEUQUÉN, PATAGÔNIA, ARGENTINA 1 (With 14 figures) JORGE O. CALVO 2 JUAN D. PORFIRI 2 FERNANDO E. NOVAS 3 ABSTRACT: We describe the postcranial skeleton of a new Cretaceous ornithopod, Macrogryphosaurus gondwanicus gen.nov., sp.nov. from Patagônia, Argentina. The specimen was found in the Portezuelo Formation, Neuquén Group, Upper Cretaceous. Macrogryphosaurus gondwanicus gen.nov., sp.nov. is diagnosed by having triradiate sternum with the anterior border tribranched, two laterally placed and outwardly directed, and one centrally placed, smaller, and forwardly directed. Sternal ribs flattened, twisted and distally expanded. Last dorsal vertebrawith well-developed hyposphene. A thin plate-like are located in front of the sterna. Together with these autapomorphies, this new species of ornithopod differs from Talenkauen santacrucensis by having the pubic peduncle of ilium less developed, a more acute angle between the anterior process of ilium and the pubic peduncle, the acetabular cavity slightly marked. Also present ten cervical vertebrae, fourteen dorsal vertebrae, epipophyses on the third cervical vertebra placed over the distai end of the postzygapophyses and posteriorly projected. The presence of plates on the lateral side of the thorax and well developed epipophyses on the third cervical vertebra, were originally interpreted as autapomorphies for the euiguanodontian Talenkauen santacrucensis. These features are also present in Macrogryphosaurus gondwanicus gen.nov, sp.nov., and are regarded as synapomorphies defining a new clade of Euiguanodontia dinosaurs comprising the two species: Elasmaria nov. Key words: Talenkauen. Ornithopoda. Elasmaria nov. Portezuelo Formation. Macrogryphosaurus gondwanicus gen.nov., sp.nov. RESUMEN: Hallazgo de un nuevo dinosaurio ornitópodo de la Formación Portezuelo (Cretácico superior) Neuquén, Patagônia, Argentina. Describimos el esqueleto postcranial de un nuevo ornitópodo Cretácico, Macrogryphosaurus gondwanicus gen.nov., sp.nov. de Patagônia, Argentina. El especimen fue hallado en la Formación Portezuelo, Grupo Neuquén, Cretácico tardio. Macrogryphosaurus gondwanicus gen.nov., sp.nov. es diagnosticado por tener un esternón trirradiado con el borde anterior triramificado, dos ramas ubicadas lateralmente y dirigidas hacia afuera, y una ubicada centralmente, pequena y desplazada hacia adelante. Costillas esternales aplanadas, giradas y distalmente expandidas. Última vértebra dorsal con hipósfeno bien desarrollado. Delgadas placas ubicadas frente al esternón. Junto con estas autapomorfias, esta nueva especie de ornitópodo difiere de Talenkauen santacrucensis por tener el pedúnculo púbico dei ilion menos desarrollado, un ângulo más agudo entre el proceso anterior dei ilion y el pedúnculo púbico, cavidad acetabular levemente marcada. Además, presenta diez vértebras cervicales, catorce vértebras dorsales, epipófisis sobre la tercera vértebra cervical ubicadas sobre el extremo distai de las postzigapófisis y proyectadas posteriormente. La presencia de placas sobre los laterales dei tórax y epipófisis bien desarrolladas sobre la tercera cervical fueron originalmente interpretadas como autapomorfias dei euiguanodonte Talenkauen santacrucensis. Estos caracteres también están presentes en Macrogryphosaurus gondwanicus gen.nov., sp.nov. y son considerados sinapomorfías de un nuevo ciado de dinosaurios Euiguanodontia: Elasmaria nov., que comprende estas dos especies. Palabras clave: Talenkauen. Ornithopoda. Elasmaria nov. Formación Portezuelo. Macrogryphosaurus gondwanicus gen.nov., sp.nov. 1 Submitted on September 14, 2006. Accepted on October 25, 2007. 2 Centro Paleontológico Lago Barreales (CePaLB). Universidad Nacional dei Comahue. Proyecto Dino, Ruta Provincial 51, km. 65, Neuquén, Argentina. E-mails:; 3 CONICET. Museo Argentino de Ciências Naturales “Bemardino Rivadavia”. Av. Angel Gallardo 470. Buenos Aires, Argentina. E-mail: 472 J.O. CALVO, J.D.PORFIRI & F.E.NOVAS INTRODUCTION Among Cretaceous dinosaurs discovered in Argentina, the ornithischians are currently represented by several taxa. Among them are basal ornithopods from Rio Negro: Gasparinisaura cincosaltensis (Coria & Salgado, 1996; Salgado et aí, 1997); Neuquén: Anabisetia saldiviai (Coria & Calvo, 2002) and indeterminate ornithopod materiais (Porfiri & Calvo, 2002); Chubut: Notohypsilophodon comodorensis (Martínez, 1998); and Santa Cruz: Talenkauen santacrucensis (novas et ah, 2004). Moreover, other ornithischians recorded in this country are the probable ceratopsian Notoceratops bonarelli (Tapia, 1918), the Hadrosauridae Kritosaunis australis (Bonaparte et ah, 1984), probable lambeosaurines (Powell, 1987), and an unnamed nodosaurid ankylosaur (Coria & Salgado, 1996). During a field trip of the Universidad Nacional dei Comahue to Mari Menuco lake in May of 1999, an almost complete and articulated skeleton of an ornithopod was unearthed. The specimen has unusual plates on the thorax. Ornithopods with such feature are uncommon. These plates were recorded in Thescelosaurus (Gilmore, 1915) and Talenkauen (Novas et ah, 2004). Here we describe this new ornithopod dinosaur, which is the biggest non-hadrosaurian ornithopod from South America known up to now. It shares derived characters with the basal euiguanodontian Talenkauen santacrucensis (Novas et ah, 2004), including the presence of epipophyses on the third cervical, and thin ossified plates on the thorax, suggesting that these two species are closely related, forming a new clade: Elasmaria nov. Abbreviations: (MUCPv) Museo Universidad Nacional dei Comahue, Neuquén, Argentina. (MPM) Museo Padre Molina, Rio Gallegos, Santa Cruz, Argentina. RESULTS SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Ornithischia Seeley, 1888 Ornithopoda Marsh, 1881 Euornithopoda Sereno, 1986 Iguanodontia Sereno, 1986 Euiguanodontia Coria & Salgado, 1996 Elasmaria nov. Etimology - Elasmaria (Greek), thin plate. Phylogenetic defmition - Elasmaria is phylogenetically defined as Talenkauen santacrucensis, Macrogryphosaurus gondwanicus gen.nov., sp.nov., their most recent common ancestor plus all the descendants. Diagnosis - Two unambiguous synapomorphies support the monophyly of Elasmaria: large basal euiguanodontian with well-developed epipophyses on the third cervical and presence of thin ossified plates on thorax. Macrogryphosaurus gondwanicus gen.nov., sp.nov. Holotype - MUCPv-321. The specimen was found articulated with the cervical and dorsal series in straight position with the ventral zone upward. Only post-cranial materiais are preserved, 8 post- axial cervicais, 14 dorsais, 6 sacrals and 16 caudais, cervical and dorsal ribs, both ilia, pubes, and ischia, one sternum, and 4 thoracic plate. Etymology - Macrogryphosaurus, from Greek macro, big; grypho, enigmatic; saurus; lizard; and gondwanicus in reference to the Gondwana continent. Locality and horizon - The fóssil was found 60 km NW from Neuquén city, on the west coast of the Mari Menuco lake, Neuquén, Argentina. It comes from the Portezuelo Formation (Coniacian), Neuquén Group. Diagnosis - Triradiate sternum with the anterior border tribranched, two laterally placed and outward directed and one centrally placed smaller and forwardly directed. Sternal ribs flattened, twisted and distally expanded. Last dorsal with well-developed hyposphene. A thin plate-like is located in front of the sterna. Together with these autapomorphies this Elasmarian euiguanodontian differs from Talenkauen santacrucensis by having the pubic peduncle of ilium less developed, a more acute angle between the anterior process of ilium and the pubic peduncle, the acetabular cavity slightly marked. Ten cervical vertebrae, fourteen dorsal vertebrae, epipophyses on the 3 rd cervical placed over the distai end of the postzygapophyses and posteriorly projected. DESCRI PTION We estimate that the holotype specimen of Macrogryphosaurus gondwanicus gen.nov., sp.nov. measured no more than 6m long, representing one of the largest known non- hadrosaurian ornithopods yet recorded in South Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.471-483, out./dez.2007 DISCOVERY OF A NEW ORNITHOPOD DINOSAUR FROM THE PORTEZUELO FORMATION, ARGENTINA 473 America. However, the presence of unfused sutures between neural arches and centra in posterior dorsais and proximal caudais suggests that this is probably not afull-grown individual (e.g., Galton, 1981; Sereno & Novas, 1993; Brochu, 1996). Although the specimen does not preserve cranial and dental elements, which are highly relevant for phylogenetic analysis, the available postcranial bones allow comparisons with other euiguanodontians (e.g., Gasparinisaura, Anabisetia, Talenkauen). Vertebral Column The number of presacral and sacral vertebrae in Macrogryphosaums gen.nov. is 10+14+6. Most basal Ornithopoda (e.g., Heterodontosaurus, Hypsüophodon, Camptosaurus, Talenkauen ) have 9 cervicais, and the number of sacrals is regular in most of them (except for Camptosaurus, with 4-5 sacrals). By contrast, the number of dorsais is more variable among these dinosaurs: 12 in Heterodontosaurus, 15 in Hypsüophodon, 16 in Talenkauen and Camptosaurus, and 17 in Iguanodon. Thus, Macrogryphosaurus is one of the few Ornithopoda with low number of dorsal vertebrae. Cervical vertebrae: Eight (8) articulated cervicais were found, the lasts 7 are well preserved. We do not have data on atlas and axis. All cervicais (Figs. 1-3) have amphicoelous centra; they are wider than high. In lateral view, they have a rectangular shape and in spite of being a little crushed by compression, they are as elongated as in Talenkauen. A ventral keel is present from cervical 4 th to 8 th . Parapophyses are anteriorly placed, and diapophyses are short, rounded, and ventrally projected. In Talenkauen, both pre- and postzygapophyses are elongate, extending beyond centrum levei. Cervical 3 bears well-developed epipophyses above the postzygapophyses (Fig.lA). This feature, as well as the elongate condition of most cervical centra, are unusual among ornithischian dinosaurs, and are uniquely shared with Talenkauen (Novas et ah, 2004) (Fig.2). Lesothosaurus has epipophyses on the third cervical but they are less developed than in Macrogryphosaurus and Talenkauen. Moreover, this feature in Macrogryphosaurus differs from that of Talenkauen because, in the former, the epipophyses are posteriorly projected and placed on the distai end of the postzygapophyses. In the 4 th cervical of Macrogryphosaurus gen.nov. (Fig. 1B), epipophyses are placed on the proximal end of the postzygapophyses, and they are more reduced and different from those of Talenkauen. Neural spines in anterior cervicais are short and placed at mid-length of the centra. The neural canal has a circular shape. From cervicais 5 to 10, the anterior face of the centrum is heart-shaped. The diapophyses are directed caudolaterally and ventrally. Anterior neural spines are higher than posterior ones; they are rounded at the distai end and posteriorly directed. Postzygapophyses are elongated, with the articular surfaces slightly concave. In posteriors cervicais, the neural canal has a quadrangular shape and the diapophyses are caudolaterally projected. Dorsal vertebrae: The dorsal series was found complete, with 14 vertebrae, and articulated. At both sides of vertebrae 13 and 14, ossified tendons have been preserved. All dorsais are slightly Fig.l- Macrogryphosaurus gondivanicus sp.nov. (A-B) third and fourth cervicais in lateral view. Scale bar = lcm. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.471-483, out./dez.2007 474 J.O. CALVO, J.D.PORFIRI & F.E.NOVAS amphycoelous. Dorsal 1 is recognized by having the parapophyses on the neurocentral suture. Anterior dorsais have centra transversely compressed, with the ventral surface strongly concave laterally. The parapophyses are small, with oval articular surfaces. Diapophyses are caudally directed. The subcircular and slightly convex articular facets of prezygapophyses are inclined medially 45 degree with respect to the sagittal plane. Neural spines are transversely thin. In dorsal 1, the distai end of the neural spine is rounded, but from dorsal 2 and backwards, it is rectangular- shaped. Centra of posterior dorsais have anterior surfaces slightly smaller than the posterior ones. Ventrally, a keel is present, at least, in dorsais 13 and 14. Its presence on vertebrae 5 tol2 is uncertain, because this area is covered by sediments. A pair of foramina is present on both sides of the ventral keel in dorsal 13, but in dorsal 14 both foramina are placed only on the rigth side. Other small foramina are also present on the upper half of the lateral side of the centra. Diapophyses of the posterior dorsais are anterodorsally projected, and parapophyses are small and fused to the proximal part of the diapophyses. The neural canal is small and subcircular. The last dorsal (14 a1 ) has a well-developed hyposphene (Fig.4A), a character not documented before in other ornithischian dinosaurs. It is absent in dorsal 13; and in the first sacral, there is no hypantrum. Caudal vertebrae: 16 caudal vertebrae were found, most of them incomplete, preserving only centra and neural arches, with partial neural spines. All caudal centra are amphyplatian and subcircular in anterior view. Caudal 1 to 3 have a strong hypapophyses. On the lateroventral side of the centra, several foramina are present in these caudais. Two small spinoprezygapophyseal laminae are present. There is a prespinal lamina that reaches the base of the neural arch in caudais 2 and 3. Three anterior neural spines, and two transverse processes without the centra were also recovered. Neural spines are transversely thin and high, and transverse processes are directed backwards. Mid caudais have centra higher than wide. A deep ventral sulcus is present, which becomes less marked in distai caudais. Mid-caudal chevrons are narrowed in lateral view, and slightly curved distally. Contrary to what is observed in mid-caudals, the posterior haemal arches are triangular in lateral view, and have expanded distai ends (Fig.5). Six articulated distai caudais, partially complete, are articulated with their corresponding haemal arches. Neural spines are small, rounded and transversely thin proximally. Pectoral Girdle Sternum: The sternum is triradiate; on the anterior border, three branches are present, two laterally placed, and outwardly directed, and one centrally placed, smaller, and forwardly directed (Fig.6). The anterior border is three times wider than the posterior one. Lateral borders are concave. Sternal ribs: Three sternal ribs were found articulated with the sternum; although four were present originally. They are flattened, twisted and distally expanded. Fig.2- Talenkauen santacrucensis. Third cervical in Fig.3- Macrogryphosaums gondwanicus sp.nov. Cervical lateral view. vertebrae (8 th ) in lateral view. Scale bar = lcm. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.471-483, out./dez.2007 DISCOVERY OF A NEW ORNITHOPOD DINOSAUR FROM THE PORTEZUELO FORMATION, ARGENTINA 475 Fig.4- Macrogryphosaurus gondwanicus sp.nov. Dorsal vertebrae (14 th ) in (A) posterior, and (B) lateral views. Scale bar = lcm. Fig.5- Macrogryphosaurus gondwanicus sp.nov. Posterior caudais, in lateral view. Scale bar = 2cm. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.471-483, out./dez.2007 476 J.O. CALVO, J.D.PORFIRI & F.E.NOVAS Plates: Macrogryphosaurus has ossified plates placed along the dorsal region of the thorax, from ribs 6 to 8 (Figs.7-8). These ossifications are subcircular and thin (1 to 3mm thick) and one of them is placed inside the thorax, with its surface opposed to the internai surfaces of the ribs. Another two ossified plates (with the same morphological characteristics cited above for the internai plates) were recovered above the sternum. Similar ossifications are also documented internally in the articulated skeletons of the Patagonian Talenkauen (Fig.10) and the North American Thescelosaurus. Notwithstanding the fact that one plate was placed internally to the thoracic ribs, there is no evidence that it was its real position in life, because it could have been transported after the decaying process. Fig.7> Macrogryphosaurus gondwanicus sp.nov. Thoracic plate in lateral view. Scale bar = lcm. 3 (0); between 2,5 and 1,5 (1); less than 1,5 (2) (modified from Wilson, 2002). 21. Dorsal vertebrae, number: 12 (0); 11 (1) (McIntosh, 1990). 22. Anterior dorsal neural spines, shape: bifid (0); single (1) (McIntosh, 1990). 23. Anterior dorsal neural spines inclined posteriorly more than 20 degree from vertical: absent (0); present (1) (modified from Wilson & Sereno, 1998). 24. Posterior dorsal neural spines, dorsal development: more (0); or less (1) than 20 percent of the total height of the vertebra (modified from Sanz et al, 1999 from González Riga, 2003). 25. Prespinal lamina in dorsal vertebrae: absent (0); present in the distai end of neural spine (1); present all along the neural spine (2) (Salgado et al, 1997a). 26. Centroparapophyseal lamina in posterior dorsal vertebrae: absent (0); present (1) Bonaparte & Coria, 1993). 27. Ventrally widened or slightly forked centrodiapophyseal laminae in posterior dorsal vertebrae: absent (0); present (1) (Salgado etal, 1997a). 28. Hyposphene-hypantrum articulation in dorsal vertebrae: present (0); absent (1) (Salgado et al, 1997a). 29. Pleurocoels in dorsal vertebrae, shape: circular or elliptical (0); posteriorly acuminate (1) (Salgado etal, 1997a). 30. Camellate or somphospondylous types of internai structures of presacral vertebrae: absent (0); present (1) (modified from Wilson & Sereno, 1998 by González Riga, 2003). 31. Sacral vertebrae, number: five (0); six or more (1) (McIntosh, 1990). 32. First caudal vertebrae, type: platycoelous (0); procoelous (1); opisthocoelous (2); biconvex (3) (Salgado etal, 1997a). 33. Wide and deep interzygapophyseal cavity in caudal vertebrae: absent (0); present (1). 34. Caudal transverse processes: disappear by caudal 15 (0); disappear by caudal 10 (1) (Wilson, 2002). 35. Anterior and middle caudal centra, proportions: as high as wide (0); depressed, wider than high (1) (Salgado et al, 1997a). 36. Mid caudal centra with the anterior face strongly inclined anteriorly: absent (0); present (1) (Franco-Rosas etal, 2004). 37. Articular face shape on anterior caudal centra: non-procoelous (0); slightly procoelous (1); strongly procoelous with prominent condyles (2) (modified from Salgado et al, 1997a by González Riga, 2003). 38. Articular face shape on middle caudal centra: non-procoelous (0); slightly procoelous with reduced condyles (1); strongly procoelous with prominent condyles (2) (modified from Salgado et al, 1997a by González Riga, 2003). 39. Neural arch in anterior caudal vertebrae: placed in the middle of the centrum (0); anteriorly (1); on the anterior border (2) (Salgado etal, 1997a). 40. Anterodorsal border of neural spine in middle caudal vertebrae located posteriorly with respect to anterior border of the postzygapophyses: absent (0); present (1) (Salgado et al, 1997a). 41. Anteriorly directed anterior caudal neural spine: absent (0); present (1). 42. Shape of the section of neural spines in most anterior caudal vertebrae in dorsal view: axially elongated (0); transversely elongated (1); quadrangular (2). 43. Neural spine in middle caudal vertebrae, shape: short anteroposteriorly (0); laminated and anteroposteriorly elongated (1) (modified from González Riga, 2003 by Bonaparte et al, 2006). 44. Length proportions of prezygapophyses with respect to the centrum length in middle caudal vertebrae: shorter than 50 %(0); between 40 to 50% (1); longer than 50 % (2) (modified from González Riga, 2003). 45. Ventral depression divided by a longitudinal septum in anterior and middle caudal vertebrae: absent (0); present (1) (Salgado & Azpilicueta, 2000). 46. Postzygapophyseal process in middle caudal vertebra: absent (0); present (1). 47. Well developed interprezygapophyseal lamina in middle caudal vertebrae: absent (0); present (1). 48. Scapular glenoid orientation: relatively flat (0); strongly beveled medially (1) (Wilson and Sereno, 1998). 49. Humerus, breadth of proximal end with respect to the total length: less (0); or more (1) than the 50 percent (González Riga, 2003). 50. Humerus, type of proximal border: strongly curved (0); straight or slightly curved (1); sigmoidal (2) (modified from Upchurch, 1998 by González Riga, 2002). 51. Ulnar olecranon process, development: prominent, projecting above proximal articulation (0); rudimentary, levei with proximal articulation (1) (Wilson and Sereno, 1998). 52. Sternal plates, shape: suboval (0); semilunar (1) (Salgado et al, 1997a). 53. Semilular sternal plate with straight posterior border: absent (0); present (1) (González Riga, 2003). 54. Coracoid, shape: suboval (0); quadrangular (1) (Salgado etal, 1997a). 55. Metacarpals, distai phalangeal articular facets: present (0); absent (1) (Salgado et al, 1997a). 56. Pubis, length with respect to ischium length: shorter or equal (0); longer (1) (Salgado et al, 1997a). 57. Ischium, posterior process twice or more the length of pubis articulation: present (0); absent (1) (modified from Salgado et al, 1997a by Calvo & González Riga, 2003). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.485-504, out./dez.2007 504 J.O.CALVO, BJ.GONZÁLEZ-RIGA& J.D.PORFIRI 58. Ischium, iliac pedicel: short and poorly developed (0); slender and well developed (1); wide and well developed (2) (Calvo & González Riga, 2003). 59. Shape of preacetabular lobe of ilium: moderately expanded (0); broadly expanded and directed upward (1) (Salgado et ah, 1997a). 60. Orientation of preacetabular lobe of ilium: nearly vertical (0); nearly horizontal and laterally projected (1) (Salgado et ah, 1997a). 61. Relative orientation of the pubic peduncle of ilium: angled (0); perpendicular with respect to the sacral axis (1) (Salgado et ah, 1997a). 62. Humerus / femoral ratio of 0.90 or more: absent (0); present (1) (McIntosh, 1990). 63. Lateral bulge of femur, below the greater trochanter: absent (0); present (1) (McIntosh, 1990). 64. Distai end of tibia broader transversely than anteroposteriorly: absent (0); present (1) (Salgado et ah, 1997a). 65. Osteoderms: absent (0); present (1) (Sanz et ah, 1999). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.485-504, out./dez.2007 nnn nmhnri nimnnn i a= =ts i Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.505-510, out./dez.2007 ISSN 0365-4508 A PRESUMED TITANOSAURIAN VERTEBRA FROM THE LATE CRETACEOUS OF NORTH ISLAND, NEW ZEALAND 1 (With 2 figures) RALPH E. MOLNAR 2 JOAN WIFFEN 3 ABSTRACT: A bone recovered from the Upper Cretaceous Maungataniwha Sandstone of North Island, New Zealand, appears to be an incomplete titanosaurian caudal centrum. The proportions of the apparently procoelous centrum suggest that it is a middle caudal. This indicates the presence of a titanosaurian sauropod in Campanian-Maastrichtian New Zealand. At this time, titanosaurians are known from South America, África, índia, Laurasian Asia, Europe, and North America. Palaeozoogeographic considerations suggest that titanosaurians were also present in Antarctica. Key words: Sauropoda. Titanosauria. New Zealand. Cretaceous. Maungataniwha Sandstone. RESUMO: Uma possível vértebra de titanossauro do Cretáceo Superior de North Island, Nova Zelândia. Um osso procedente do Arenito Maungataniwha do Cretáceo Superior de North Island, Nova Zelândia, parece ser um centro caudal incompleto de titanossauro. As proporções dessa vértebra caudal, aparentemente procélica sugerem tratar-se de uma caudal média. Isso indica a ocorrência de um saurópode titanossauro do Campaniano-Maastrichtiano da Nova Zelândia. Durante esse espaço de tempo, titanossauros habitaram a América do Sul, África, índia, Laurásia asiática e América do Norte. Inferências paleozoogeográricas sugerem que titanossauros também viveram na Antártica. Palavras-chave: Sauropoda. Titanosauria. Nova Zelândia. Cretáceo. Arenito Maungataniwha. INTRODUCTION In 1999, the junior author prepared a piece of bone found when splitting a calcareous concretion from the Upper Cretaceous Maungataniwha Sandstone, of North Island, New Zealand. It was found at the Mangahouanga Str. site Map Ref. V19 420-469, by J. Wiffen on 23 October 1999. The specimen, CD.586, is held in the New Zealand Geological & Nuclear Sciences Collections, Lower Hutt. This bone seems to be part of a procoelous or opisthocoelous vertebral centrum. We believe that it is probably an incomplete procoelous sauropod middle caudal centrum. Thus, this is the first sauropod material from New Zealand that can be identified to a levei below Sauropoda and the first report of a titanosaurian from New Zealand. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION OCCURRENCE The concretion was collected from the Maungataniwha Sandstone, exposed in the valley of Mangahouanga Stream, near Hawke’s Bay, North Island (Fig.IA). The Maungataniwha Sandstone appears to have been an estuarine deposit (Isaac et ah, 1991; Moore, 1991) on the eastern coast of Late Cretaceous New Zealand. The sandstone is Piripauan-Haumurian (Campanian- Maastrichtian) in age, but only the lower quarter is defmitely Piripauan (approximately Campanian) in age, the higher leveis being Piripauan or Haumurian (Moore, 1987). From a study of the dinoflagellates at the site the age is estimated to be 73 million years (Wilson & Moore 1988; Young, 1999). Thus we consider the specimen to date from approximately the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary. This unit yields both a near-shore marine vertebrate fauna (Wiffen, 1981; 1983; Wiffen & Moisley, 1986) and bones of terrestrial vertebrates (Wiffen, 1996, and citations therein), as well as a few insects (Craw & Watts, 1987; Wiffen, 1996). The terrestrial vertebrate fauna includes pterosaurs (Wiffen & Molnar, 1988), non-avian theropods (Molnar & Wiffen, 1994), possibly an avian (Scarlett & Molnar, 1984), an ornithopod (Wiffen & Molnar, 1989), a nodosaur 1 Submitted on September 14, 2006. Accepted on November 22, 2007. 2 Research Associate. Museum of Northern Arizona. 3101 North Fort Valley Road. Flagstaff, Arizona 86001. U.S.A. 3 16 Mason Retirement Village. 18 Durham Drive, Havelock North. New Zealand 506 R.E.MOLNAR & J.WIFFEN (Molnar & Wiffen, 1994), a sauropod (Molnar & Wiffen, 1994) and, possibly, a freshwater turtle (Wiffen, 1996) - none of these identifiable more exactly. The report of a sauropod rests on a single incomplete bone, a piece of rib 380mm long, and probably deriving from a bone a meter or more in length. The size, degree of curvature and form and position of a flange-like shelf along the lateral margin of the bone all more closely match the situation seen in some sauropod dinosaurs (Molnar & Wiffen, 1994), than in any other large Cretaceous tetrapods. COMPLETENESS In order to facilitate describing the completeness of this element, the conclusion that it represents a sauropod caudal will be assumed. The posterior articular face, a small part of the dorsal region and much of the left side are preserved (Fig.2A-2D). Most of the surficial bone is missing, revealing a coarse spongy texture, but in two places, both on the left side of the bone, small patches (of at most 10 by 25mm) of lamellar bone are exposed. The posterior face, although worn, shows lamellar bone over at least 75% of the surface, indicating that this region preserves its original form. A concave surface anteriorly may represent part of the anterior articular face. Taphonomy The bone was completely enclosed in the concretion and was severely worn when exposed during acid preparation, indicating that the breakage and wear occurred prior to burial, or at least lithification of the sediments. Bones of marine saurians found at this site do not show comparable wear (unless exposed at the surface of a concretion). The condition of the caudal suggests that it was exposed subaerially for some time prior to its transport into the area where it was preserved, and hence that it probably derived from a land-dwelling, rather than a marine, animal. Description The form of the bone as preserved is basically that of a low, truncate cone, the condyle, from which projects a thick, flattened shelf with a mildly concave face at the end away from the condyle (Fig.2A-2D). Fig. 1. (A) New Zealand, showing the location of the exposures of the Maungataniwha Sandstone, at Mangahouanga Stream, North island. (B) The palaeoposition of New Zealand (NZ) during the Maastrichtian, in south polar projection, based on Cooper et dl. (1982). SP: South Pole. (After Molnar & Wiffen, 1994). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.505-510, out./dez.2007 A PRESUMED TITANOSAURIAN VERTEBRA FROM THE LATE CRETACEOUS OF NORTH ISLAND, NEW ZEALAND 507 Fig.2. The fóssil titanosaurian caudal centrum (CD.586) from Mangahouanga Stream (A-D) compared with an unidentified titanosaurian caudal (MACN unnumbered) from Argentina (E-F). (A) Ventral view, showing two cavities (light regions) in the centrum; (B) dorsal view; (C) posterior view; (D) right lateral view; (E) posterior view; (F) left lateral view, reversed for comparison. The conical forms of the condyles can be seen in outline in A, B, D, and F. The depression at the apex of the condyle of CD.586 retains some matrix and hence is light in color, but that of the MACN caudal is dark from shadow. The photos are of a cast of the specimen. Abbreviations: (c.r.) circumferential rim; (dep.) apical depression; (n.c.) base of neural canal. Scale bars = 50mm. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.505-510, out./dez.2007 508 R.E.MOLNAR & J.WIFFEN As mentioned above, this shelf is composed of spongy bone, and the condyle is surfaced with lamellar bone. The condyle is almost conical in form, with a small, but distinct, depression of 17 by 16mm at the apex. One segment of the edge of the condyle is indented by a shallow groove. Unlike the rest of the edge, spongy bone is exposed here. This presumably indicates the posterior termination of the neural canal, and is the basis for identifying the dorsal direction of the bone (Fig.2C). In two places around its circumference, the condyle retains a kind of flange or rim 14mm wide (measured radially parallel to its surface), altogether circumscribing about half of the circumference (Fig.2D). Viewed from above or below, the slopes of the condyle are straight and make an angle of about 85°. From the side, the dorsal slope is straight, and the ventral slightly rounded, but this is due to erosion along the ventral edge, where spongy bone is exposed. These slopes make an angle of 90°. The articular face is about 91 mm broad, and was at least 70mm deep. If the rim continued all around the condyle with the same width, the height would have been approximately 95mm. If the smoothly concave surface represents part of the anterior articular face, then the length of the centrum would have been approximately 122mm, and the proportions those of a middle caudal centrum. The broken surface of the body of the centrum suggests that two internai cavities were present, or perhaps a single subdivided cavity (Fig.2A). If the groove mentioned above indicates the neural canal, then the septum between the two chambers would be orientated almost in the sagittal plane (deviating by about 10°). Identification The Maungataniwha Sandstone is a marine unit that has yielded sauropterygian, mosasaurian, and turtle remains: could this specimen represent one of these? This seems unlikely. Cretaceous sauropterygians are not known to have had procoelous or opisthocoelous vertebrae. The only well-preserved part of the specimen is the condyle, so only condylar characters can be used in the comparisons. In mosasaur vertebrae generally the condyle is more nearly hemispherical in form, and the central depression and rim are absent (see, for example, figures in Lingham-Soliar, 1994a, 1994b; Wiffen, 1980, 1990). The specimen seems quite large for a turtle, although giant marine turtles (e.g., Archelon and Cratochelone) were present during the Cretaceous. Turtles may have procoelous or opisthocoelous cervicais or caudais (Romer, 1956). The cervicais of marine turtles lack the condylar rim and central depression (e.g., plates 31-33 of Zangerl, 1960). Cretaceous marine turtle caudais in the collections of the Museum of Northern Arizona suggest that the condyles were substantially less projecting, and bordered ventrally by a more extensive flat face of the centrum. Furthermore, we feel that the great size of the animal to be inferred if this bone represents a cervical or caudal vertebra of a marine turtle, makes Identification as dinosaurian the more parsimonious. The size of this piece alone suggests that it might be dinosaurian. Of dinosaurs, only sauropods exhibit procoelous vertebrae, but some theropods and ornithopods, as well as sauropods, have opisthocoelous vertebrae. Small, basal ornithopods have weakly opisthocoelous (or non-opisthocoelous) centra (Norman et at, 2004) and hence differ from that described here. Large ornithopods such as Iguanodon (Norman, 1980, 1986), Ouranosaurus (Taquet, 1976), Muttaburrasaums (Molnar, 1996), and hadrosaurs (Lull & Wright, 1942) have opisthocoelous cervicais and anterior dorsais, although those of Muttaburrasaums are but mildly opisthocoelous. Again, as with the forms previously considered, the condyle is not conical, but rounded, and lacks the circumferential rim and central depression. Large theropods also have opisthocoelous cervicais (Holtz et at, 2004), but again the condyles differ in form, and lack the rim and central depression. Sauropod cervicais lack the circumferential rim and central depression of the condyle, although some cervicais (e.g., those of Rhoetosaums brownei ) may have a central condylar projection, and they often have more extensive internai chambers than seen here. Anterior dorsais may be opisthocoelous, and although some may have conical condyles (Saltasaums loricatus, P1.26, Po well, 2003) or appear to have circumferential rims ( Neuquensaurus australis, Lam. 3, Huene, 1929), these characters do not seem to occur together, and none show a central depression of the condyle. As far as we can determine from the literature, conical condyles and rims (or apparent rims), occur only in titanosaurians. The opisthocoelous caudais of Opisthocoelicaudia skarzynskii lack the circumferential rim, although they do seem to have a conical, rather than rounded, condyle (Borsuk-Bialynicka, 1977). Published figures suggest that procoelous titanosaurian vertebrae may exhibit rounded or conical condyles. For example, viewed from the side the condyles of at least some middle caudais of Iuticosaums valdensis (Fig. 19 of Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.505-510, out./dez.2007 A PRESUMED TITANOSAURIAN VERTEBRA FROM THE LATE CRETACEOUS OF NORTH ISLAND, NEW ZEALAND 509 Wilson & Upchurch, 2003), N. australis (P1.58 of Powell, 2003) and S. loricatus (Pls.52-53 of Powell, 2003) appear hemispherical (or nearly so) in form, and at least some of Iuticosaums lydekkeri (Fig. 19 of Wilson & Upchurch, 2003), Laplatasaurus araukanicus (Figs.8-9 of Lam.22 of Huene, 1929), Aeolosaums rionegrinus (Pl. 11 of Powell, 2003) and Magyarosaums dacus (Fig. 19 of Wilson & Upchurch, 2003) appear to be conical. So far as we have been able to determine conical condyles, circumferential rims and central depressions are found together only in titanosaurian caudais. Circumferential rims may be seen in Magyarosaums dacus (Fig. 19 of Wilson & Upchurch, 2003), S. loricatus (Powell, 2003), and N. australis (Powell, 2003), and a central depression in a caudal referred to Magyarosaums hungaricus (Huene, 1932). Some titanosaurian caudais in the Museo Argentino de Ciências Naturales (MACN), particularly MACN- RN147 (attributed to Aeolosaums) and MACN 15131 (Laplatasaums) , show conical or nearly conical condyles. Those of MACN-RN147 lack apical depressions, but one of MACN 15131 shows such a depression, as do several others, including the middle caudal of MACN 15084 and one designated ‘Los Alamitos 89’ (both unidentified titanosaurians). This vertebra, as well as an unnumbered centrum from the old collections (Fig.2E-F), show both a conical condyle and circumferential rim. It is this similarity that suggests to us that the Maungataniwha bone most likely represents an incomplete titanosaurian middle caudal vertebra. SlGNIFICANCE The presence of titanosaurians in Cretaceous New Zealand is not especially surprising, although actually finding a (likely) specimen is gratifying. During most of the Cretaceous, New Zealand was part of what is now Antarctica, separating from it at approximately the beginning of the Campanian (Cooper & Millener, 1993) . Thus the Maungataniwha tetrapods lived after the separation, and represent an insular fauna from high Southern latitudes (Fig.lB) (Molnar & Wiffen, 1994) . Late Cretaceous titanosaurians are known from central and western Europe, the U.S.A., China, Mongolia, índia, north África, Madagascar, South America (Wilson & Upchurch, 2003), and Australia (Molnar, 2001). So, their appearance in New Zealand (then part of Antarctica) between the African and South American regions of Gondwanaland on the one hand, and the Australian on the other, is not unexpected. Of more local interest is that this is only the second dinosaurian specimen from New Zealand that can be identified to a lower systematic levei than Sauropoda. In view of the lack of knowledge of the details of the distribution among titanosaurians of the characters used here to identify the bone, no special relationship to forms such as Aeolosaums and Laplatasaums can be proposed without the discovery of further material. Furthermore, Wilson & Upchurch (2003) indicate that the distributions of supposedly widespread titanosaurian taxa (e.g., Laplatasaurus and Titanosaums) were much less broad than previously believed. However, the occurrence in New Zealand makes the habitation of Antarctica by related sauropods in the Late Cretaceous nearly certain. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to thank Dr. José Bonaparte for his kind permission to study and photograph titanosaurian caudais in the collections of the Museo Argentino de Ciências Naturales. Alexander W. A. Kellner helpfully arranged access to titanosaur caudais in the Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro. Janet Whitmore Gillette kindly provided access to the marine turtle material in the Museum of Northern Arizona. We also appreciate the assistance of J. Calvo, D. Riff and two anonymous referees. And finally our thanks to Cárter, Holt Harvey for continued access to the fóssil site. REFERENCES BORSUK-BIALYNICKA, M., 1977. A new camarasaurid sauropod Opisthocoelicaudia skarzynskii gen.n., sp.n. from the Upper Cretaceous of Mongolia. Palaeontologia Polonica, 37:5-64. COOPER, R.A.; LANDIS, C.A.; LE MESURIER, W.E. & SPEDEN, I.G., 1982. Geological history and regional patterns in New Zealand and west Antarctica - their paleotectonic and paleogeographic significance. In: CRADDOCK, C. (Ed.) Antarctic Geoscience. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. p.43-53. COOPER, R.A. & MILLENER, P.R., 1993. The New Zealand biota: historical background and new research. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 8:429-433. 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A. KELLNER 4 ABSTRACT: Titanosaurs are among the largest dinosaurs known to date. Here we describe the anatomy of Futalognkosaurus dukei, the most complete giant sauropod ever found. It comes from outcrops of the Portezuelo Formation at the Barreales lake, some 90 km northwest of Neuquén city (Patagônia). The specimen consists of a complete neck, dorsal vertebrae with ribs, pélvis, and one caudal vertebra. Futalognkosaurus dukei is a member of the Titanosauridae and belongs to the Lognkosauria, a clade that includes Mendozasaurus neguyelap and probably also the giant Puertasaurus reuili. Key words: Dinosauria. Titanosauridae. Lognkosauria. Neuquén Basin. Patagônia. Argentina. RESUMO: Anatomia de Futalognkosaurus dukei Calvo, Porfiri, González Riga & Kellner, 2007 (Dinosauria, Titanosauridae) do Grupo Neuquén (Cretaceous Superior), Patagônia, Argentina Titanossauros são alguns dos maiores dinossauros conhecidos. Neste trabalho descrevemos a anatomia de Futalognkosaurus dukei, o mais completo dos saurópodes de grande porte encontrado até a presente data. O material é procedente de afloramentos da Formação Portezuelo situados no lago Barreales, situado aproximadamente a 90 km noroeste da cidade de Neuquén (Patagônia). O espécime consiste da série cervical completa, vértebras dorsais e costelas, a pélvis e uma vértebra caudal. Futalognkosaurus dukei é um membro de Titanosauridae e pertence ao ciado Lognkosauria que inclui Mendozasaurus neguyelap e provavelmente também o gigantesco Puertasaurus reuili. Palavras-chave: Dinosauria. Titanosauridae. Lognkosauria. Bacia de Neuquén. Patagônia. Argentina. INTRODUCTION During the last years, extensive field works have been carried out at the North coast of the Barreales Lake, Neuquén Province, Argentina (Fig.l). This site, named Futalognko, is located in the region known as the Proyecto Dino and has yielded a large quantity of fossils making it one of the most important dinosaur localities in South America (Calvo et al, 2002a; Porfiri & Calvo, 2004, Calvo et al, 2007). Among the material recovered are sauropod postcranial elements, several sauropod teeth (Calvo & Grill, 2003), indeterminate ornithopods (Porfiri & Calvo, 2002; Calvo & Porfiri, 2003), and new specimens of the theropods Megaraptor namunhuaiquii (Calvo et al, 2002b; 2004b; Porfiri & Calvo, 2003) and Unenlagia paynemili (Calvo et al, 2003; Calvo et al, 2004a). Theropod teeth assigned to dromaeosaurids (Poblete & Calvo, 2003) and carcharodontosaurids (Veralli & Calvo, 2004) were also found. The fóssil record of this site includes also fish specimens (Gallo et al, 2003), crocodylomorphs (Poblete & Calvo, 2005), pterosaurs (Kellner et al, 2004; 2007), angiosperms and gymnosperms (Prámparo et al, 2003; Passalia et al, in press). Among the most spectacular finds at the Futalognko site is a partial skeleton of the giant titanosaur sauropod Futalognkosaurus dukei (Calvo et al, 2007) which was collected between 2000 and 2005 (Calvo, 1 Submitted on September 14, 2006. Accepted on November 16, 2007. 2 Centro Paleontológico Lago Barreales, Universidad Nacional dei Comahue. Ruta Prov. 51 Km. 65. Neuquén, Patagônia Argentina. 3 Laboratorio de Paleovertebrados, IANIGLA, CRICYT, CONICET. Av. Ruiz Leal s/n, Parque Gral. San Martin (5500) Mendoza, Argentina/ ICB, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. E-mail: ar. 4 Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Fellow of the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). Associated Researcher - American Museum of Natural History, New York. E-mail: 512 J.O.CALVO, J.D.PORFIRI, BJ.GONZÁLEZ RIGA & A.W.A.KELLNER 2000, 2006; Calvo et al, 2001). The aim of this paper is to describe in detail the anatomy of this giant sauropod. Geological Setting The Neuquén Group, of Late Cretaceous age (Digregorio, 1972; Cazau & Uliana, 1973), includes continental deposits formed in a restricted environment. The stratigraphic sequence is composed by alternating successions of sandstones, mudstones, conglomerates, and conglomeratic sandstones (Fig.2). The Neuquén Group is divided into the following subgroups: Rio Limay, Rio Neuquén, and Rio Colorado (Ramos, 1981). The outcrops in the area of the Dino Project correspond to the Rio Neuquén Subgroup (Sánchez etal, 2003) and the sauropod described here comes from Portezuelo Formation (Late Turonian-Lower Coniacian, after Leanza & Hugo, 2001). Outcrops are 20 meters thick and are covered by deposits assigned to the Plottier Formation. Both formations differ showing a notable change in the proportion between channels filling with respect to floodplains deposits, suggesting distinct paleoenvironmental conditions. Moreover, there is a well differentiated fluvial system represented in those units that changes from an intermediate to a high sinuosity system (Sánchez et al., 2005). Only the upper part of the Portezuelo Formation is exposed at the Futalognko site, representing a fluvial system characterized by several variations between channels and floodplain deposits, channel design, and spatial distribution, with slightly fining upward sequences. Fácies associations allow us to postulate that the upper part of the Portezuelo Formation on the Barreales Lake shows three kinds of deposits. There are well developed sandy channels with mixed-loaded fluvial system, a second fluvial system of low to moderate sinuosity with predominance of lenticular channels, and architectural elements (sensu Mial, 1996) like lateral accretion and overbank fácies on the floodplain. Toward the top of the unity the subsidence rate increased slightly, resulting in the development of flooding areas with established bodies of water where the dinosaur described here and other fossils were preserved. Over this sequence, a highly sinuous meandering fluvial system was installed. The Plottier Formation is superposed to the Portezuelo Formation, being almost horizontal and showing a gradual transition from the latter. BARREALES ( LAKE MARi MENUCO ''“I LAKE CENTENAR tO 1 CUTRAl-CG PLAZAHUINCUL NEUGUEN SENILLOSA Lifnay rtw«f References(?5) provmcfaUoLite D3 National route 50 km A\£LO Fig.l- Map of Neuquén Province (northwest Patagônia) showing where Futalognkosaurus dukei was found. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.511-526, out./dez.2007 ANATOMY OF F. DUKEI FROM THE NEUQUÉN GROUP (LATE CRETACEOUS), PATAGÔNIA, ARGENTINA 513 A low rate between channels over floodplain deposits is found on the basal section with a high aggradational floodplain, indicating the development of an ephemeral fluvial system (Sánchez et dl., 2006). The restriction of the channel system may be related with the climatic conditions, probably combined with subsidence that would have temporarily controlled the system with strong aggradation of fine sediments in the floodplain, with periodic events of sheet flood and the development of shallow channels limited in their migration by the cohesiveness of the coast. Gradually, a braided fluvial system was developed, building levees and avulsion deposits associated with crevasse channels. Therefore, the Plottier Formation is characterized by a low sinuosity system and it is dominated by an intense aggradation of the floodplain (Sánchez et al, 2006). Fig.2- Stratigraphic column of the Neuquén Group (modified from Leanza & Hugo, 2001). Arrow indicates the stratigraphic position of the Futalognko site. (M.y.) millions of years. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.511-526, out./dez.2007 514 J.O.CALVO, J.D.PORFIRI, BJ.GONZÁLEZ RIGA & A.W.A.KELLNER SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Saurischia Seeley, 1887 Sauropodomorpha Huene, 1932 Sauropoda Marsh, 1878 Titanosauria Bonaparte & Coria, 1993 Titanosauridae Lydekker, 1893 Lognkosauria Calvo, Porfiri, González Riga & Kellner, 2007 Futalognkosaurus dukei Calvo, Porfiri, González Riga & Kellner, 2007 Holotype - Atlas, axis and five anterior, four middle and three posterior cervical vertebrae, 10 dorsal vertebrae, several ribs, complete sacrum, both ilia, right pubis and ischium, and one anterior caudal, housed at the Museo de Geologia y Paleontologia de la Universidad Nacional dei Comahue under the number MUCPv-323. Diagnosis - Neurapophyses of the atlas laminar and quadrangular, posteriorly directed; neural spine of the axis high, triangular; posterior border of the neural spine on middle cervical elements concave; ventral depression between parapophyses on middle cervical centra; anterior dorsal vertebrae with horizontal and aliform diapophysis; pre- and postzygapophyses of anterior dorsal vertebrae horizontal; first caudal vertebra with prespinal lamina bifurcated on its base forming two small infraprespinal laminae; supraspinal cavity in first caudal vertebra bordered by the prespinal and lateral laminae; 2 nd and 3 rd sacral ribs fused; wide and well developed iliac peduncle on ischia (Calvo etal, 2007). DESCRIPTIONS AND COMPARISONS Cervical Vertebrae The atlas is one of the best preserved of any known Titanosauria (Fig.3). The articulation with the occipital condyle is wider than high. In lateral view, the neural arch is displaced posteriorly (Fig.4). The neurapophyses is a thin quadrangular lamina that expands upward and curves medially, with the distai end directed posteriorly. There is no contact between both neurapophyses at the midline. Fig.3- Futalognkosaurus dukei; atlas in anterior view. Scale Fig.4- Futalognkosaurus dukei; atlas in lateral view. Scale bar =100mm. (NA) neurapophyses. bar =100mm. (NA) neurapophyses. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.511-526, out./dez.2007 ANATOMY OF F. DUKEI FROM THE NEUQUÉN GROUP (LATE CRETACEOUS), PATAGÔNIA, ARGENTINA 515 The axis has a short and high neural arch (Figs.5- 6). It occupies 2/3 of the total height of this element. The odontoid process has not been preserved. The neural spine is high, robust, of triangular shape. The centrum is elongated without pleurocoels, differing from Saltasaurus (Powell, 1986) and Alamosaurus (Lehman & Coulson, 2002). Prezygapophyses were not preserved and postzygapophyses have a horizontal articulation. All cervical vertebrae are opisthocoelous with the neural spines not bifurcated. Anterior cervical elements are longer than high (Fig.7). The triangular neural spine is robust and directed posteriorly. The third cervical vertebra has robust spinoprezygapophyseal and spinopostzygapophyseal laminae and a smooth channel is developed between them (Fig.8). On the fourth cervical, a deep channel between both spinoprezygapophyseal laminae is present, a feature observed in the following elements of the neck. This channel does not reach the top of the neural spine as observed in titanosaurid cervical sequence from Brazil known in the literature as the series A (Powell, 1987), that latter received the number MCT 1487- R (Campos & Kellner, 1999). The neural spine has a triangular shape, in lateral view, and it is compressed lateromedially but elongated anteroposteriorly as the rest of anterior cervical vertebrae. Futalognkosaums dukei : fig.5- axis in lateral view; fig.6- axis in dorsal view. Scale bar =100mm. (POS) postspinal lamina, (NS) neural spines. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.511-526, out./dez.2007 516 J.O.CALVO, J.D.PORFIRI, BJ.GONZÁLEZ RIGA & A.W.A.KELLNER Pleurocoels are absent in all elements of the series, a feature observed in Malawisaurus dixeyi and in the sole cervical element known from Gondwanatitan faustoi, respectively from Malawi and Brazil (Jacobs etal, 1993; Kellner& Azevedo, 1999). Parapophyses are laminar and restricted to the anterior portion of the centrum. The posterior centrodiapophyseal lamina is directed anterodorsally as in MCT 1487- R (Powell, 1987) and it is different to that present in SaltasauriÃS loricatus (Bonaparte & Powell, 1980). Anterior cervical vertebrae of Titanosauria are scarce in the fóssil record, limiting further comparisons. 7 Ô Futalognkosaurus dukei : fig.7- anterior cervical in lateral view; fig.8- anterior cervical in posterior view. Scale bar =100mm. (DP) diapophysis, (NC) neural canal, (NS) neural spines, (POZ) postzygapophysis, (PP) parapophysis, (PZ) prezygapophysis, (SPOZ) spinopostzygapophyseal lamina. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.511-526, out./dez.2007 ANATOMY OF F. DUKEI FROM THE NEUQUÉN GROUP (LATE CRETACEOUS), PATAGÔNIA, ARGENTINA 517 Middle cervical vertebrae are higher than long (Fig.9). The centrum lacks pleurocoels as in MCT 1487-R from Brazil, but differing from the condition reported in Malawisaurus and the shallow lateral pleurocoels reported by Curry Rogers & Forster (2001) in Rapetosaums krausei. The prezygapophysis in Futalognkosaurus reaches the anterior border of the centrum, different from the condition present in MCT 1487- R and in the Saltasaurinae. The neural spine is very high and sail-shaped as in Malawisaurus and Rapetosaurus. Futalognkosaurs shares with Rapetosaums higher neural arches in anterior and middle cervical vertebrae, three times higher than the centra. They extend over the complete length of the centra and are directed backwards. In lateral view, the spinoprezygapophyseal border is straight and the spinopostzygapophyseal margin is concave, a feature not observed in other members of the Titanosauria (Fig.9). The only taxa with similar sail-shaped neural spine is Rapetosaurus but it has the spinopostzygapophyseal border straight proximally and slightly concave distally. Moreover, in Rapetosaums postzygapophyses are placed at middle height of the neural arch, as those present in Rinconsaums caudamims (Calvo & González Riga, 2003). In anterior view, the spinoprezygapophyseal laminae are fused on the distai end forming a deep suboval depression. This feature resembles, in some way, that present in middle cervicais of the titanosaurid MCT 1487- R from Brazil (Powell, 1987). However, in the latter, neural spines are very low with a rugose and wide distai end. Middle cervical vertebrae have a deep depression formed between the base of the neural spine and the diapopostzygapophyseal lamina (Fig.10). In ventral view, a deep depression is present on the proximal end of the centrum between the parapophyses. This depression is considered an autopomorphy of Futalognkosaums dukei. Futalognkosaurus dukei: fig 9- middle cervical in lateral view; fig.10- middle cervical in posterolateral view. Scale bar =100mm. (CDPP) centrodiapophyseal posterior lamina, (DP) diapophysis, (DPOZ) diapopostzygapophyseal lamina, (DPZ) diapoprezygapophyseal lamina, (NS) neural spines, (POZ) postzygapophysis, (PP) parapophysis, (PZ) prezygapophysis, (SPOZ) spinopostzygapophyseal lamina, (SPZ) spinoprezygapophyseal lamina.. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.511-526, out./dez.2007 518 J.O.CALVO, J.D.PORFIRI, BJ.GONZÁLEZ RIGA & A.W.A.KELLNER Posterior cervicais are opisthocoelous with very elongated centra (Fig.ll). Neural arches are high, being three or more times higher than the centrum, character only shared with Mendozasaums neguyelap (González Riga, 2003). Neural spines are compressed proximodistally and expanded laterally as in Puertasaurus reuili (Novas et al., 2005) and in Mendozasaums, but to a lesser degree (Figs. 11-12). This shape is completely different in all other titanosaurids such as Saltasaums, MCT 1487-Rfrom Brazil, and Isisaums colberti (Jain & Bandyopadhyay, 1997). The neural spine is inclined slightly posteriorly, different from the condition reported in Isisaums colberti, Puertasaums reuili, and Mendozasaums neguyelap that are perpendicular to the body axis. It displays an intraprezygapophyseal lamina and deep supradiapophyseal cavities as those present in Isisaums and Mendozasaums. In anterior view, no prespinal lamina is present (Fig.12). In Isisaums, a true prespinal lamina is developed while in Mendozasaums the prespinal lamina is restricted to the base of the neural arch (González Riga, 2005). Both spinoprezygapophyseal laminae in Futalognkosaums are robust and reach almost the top of the neural spine (Fig.12). They are placed almost parallel to each other, leaving a slit-shaped depression between them. In Mendozasaums and Puertasaums, the spinoprezygapophyseal laminae are well separated and only reach the middle part of the neural spine. Other Titanosauridae such as Saltasaurinae (Po well, 1986) and Rinconsaurini (Calvo et al, this volume), also show this feature, but the cavity is shallow. The last cervical vertebra (a cervicodorsal), shows a prespinal-like lamina but it does not reach the base of the neural arch. The supradiapophyseal cavity is separated by a septum from a lower depression placed on the diapophysis (Fig. 13). Futalognkosaums dukei differs from the giant titanosauriform Sauroposeidonproteles (Wedel etal, 2000) which has extremely elongated cervical centra with a low neural arch, deep pleurocoels, and a deeply excavated neural spine. Futalognkosaums dukei: fig. 11- posterior cervical in lateral view; fig. 12- posterior cervical in anterior view. Scale bar =100mm. (DP) diapophysis, (DPOZ) diapopostzygapophyseal lamina, (LE) lateral expansion, (LL) lateral laminae, (LR) longitudinal ridge, (NA) neurapophyses, (NC) neural canal, (NS) neural spines, (PC) pubis contact, (PF) pubic foramen, (POS) postspinal lamina, (POZ) postzygapophysis, (PP) parapophysis, (PS) prespinal lamina, (PZ) prezygapophysis, (SBD) spinobasaldiapophyseal lamina, (SC) supraspinal cavity, (SDP) spinodiapophyseal lamina, (SPDPC) supradiapophyseal cavity, (SPOZ) spinopostzygapophyseal lamina, (SPZ) spinoprezygapophyseal lamina, (SS) supraspinal lamina, (TP) transverse process Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.511-526, out./dez.2007 ANATOMY OF F. DUKEI FROM THE NEUQUÉN GROUP (LATE CRETACEOUS), PATAGÔNIA, ARGENTINA 519 Dorsal Vertebrae The ten articulated dorsal vertebrae are partially prepared, all being opisthocoelous (Fig.14). The most anterior dorsal has an elongated centrum and the second is 2/3 the length of the first. The centrum length gradually reduces in the more posterior elements of the sequence, with the first one being 43cm long and the last one 28cm (without considering the anterior bali). This pattern contrasts strongly with the cervical sequence of this species, where the length increases until the middle elements and then decreases slightly posteriorly. All dorsal vertebrae have eye-shaped pleurocoels. They lack hyposphene-hypantrum complex, differing from the condition observed in Argentinosaurus huinculensis (Bonaparte & Coria, 1993). All neural spines are undivided (Fig.14). Diapophyses are laminar, planar, and directed laterally, different from those of Puertasaurus reuili (Novas et dl., 2005) where they are dorsoventrally deep. The neural arch is transverselly width being approximately lOOcm. Neural arches on the first and second dorsal vertebrae are similar to the last cervical, being slightly directed posteriorly and different to that of Argentinosaums and Puertasaurus, that is vertically oriented. The neural spine is United with the proximal end of the diapophysis by a structure (here named spinobasaldiapophyseal lamina), and the spinopostzygapophyseal lamina (Fig. 13). These laminae are directed more laterally than in the last cervical. The prespinal lamina is present along the neural spine and reaches the base of the neural arch, different from the condition observed in Argentinosaurus, which has a prespinal bump. A postspinal lamina is also present. The supradiapophyseal cavity is small, slit-like and placed on the neural spine (Fig. 13). Starting at the third dorsal vertebra, the neural arches and neural spines are strongly inclined posteriorly (Figs. 13-14). X S 8 < Fig. 13- Futalognkosaurus dukei; sketch of the 14 th cervical and l st to 3 rd dorsais. (A): cut section of the neural spine; (B): lateral view of the neural arches; (C) upper view of the half left neural arches. (CDPP) centrodiapophyseal posterior lamina, (DP) diapophysis, (DPOZ) diapopostzygapophyseal lamina, (POZ) postzygapophysis, (PS) prespinal lamina, (PZ) prezygapophysis, (SBD) spinobasaldiapophyseal lamina, (SPOZ) spinopostzygapophyseal lamina, (SPZ) spinoprezygapophyseal lamina. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.511-526, out./dez.2007 520 J.O.CALVO, J.D.PORFIRI, BJ.GONZÁLEZ RIGA & A.W.A.KELLNER Neural spines are reduced and not expanded distally, contraiy to the condition of Argentinosaurus, and are narrower and more compressed anteroposteriorly than in Mendozasaurus. Prezygapophyses are placed almost horizontally, different from the inclined condition observed in Mendozasaurus and Argentinosaurus. In the posterior elements the spinoprezygapophyseal lamina is transformed in a spinodiapophyseal lamina (Fig. 13). The supradiapophyseal cavity is reduced, placed on the neural spine and turns into a slit-like depression in dorsal 2. The well developed spinopostzygapophyseal and diapopostzygapophyseal laminae are preserved in all elements of the series. Dorsais 3 and 4 have the ventral surface of the centrum convex. From dorsal 5 to the end, the centrum has a ventral ridge, differing from the flattened condition observed in Argentinosaurus. Sacrum The sacrum is formed by six elements with a total length of 96cm (Fig. 15). The width of the sixth sacral vertebra with ribs is 117cm, but including the ilium it reaches 136cm. The first sacral width, including ribs and the preacetabular laminae, is 255cm. The length of the first sacral rib from tip to tip is 200cm. They extend laterally over the upper border of the preacetabular laminae of the ilia. The centrum of the first sacral is 45cm wide and 38cm high. The sixth sacral vertebra is the longest element with the anterior surface 35cm wide and 27cm high. The first and second sacral vertebrae have the ventral surface flat, whereas in the remaining elements it is convex. Futalognkosaurus possesses the 2 nd and 3 rd sacral ribs fused, a featured not observed in any other Titanosauria (Fig. 15). The last sacral has a convex posterior surface different from Aeolosaurus rionegrinus (Powell, 1986), Pellegrinisaurus powelli (Salgado, 1996), Alamosaurus sanjuanensis (Gilmore, 1946), Neuquensaurus australis (Huene, 1929; Powell, 1986), Titanosauridae indet. MCT 1536-R (Campos & Kellner, 1999), and Opisthocoelicaudia skarzynskii (Borsuk-Bialynicka, 1977). Caudal vertebra Only one anterior caudal element, probably the l st , was found so far (Figs. 16-17). It is strongly procoelous, with rounded posterior (40x40cm) and anterior (42x42cm) surfaces. The neural arch is inclined posteriorly and the transverse processes are wide, elongated dorsoventrally and directed laterally. The neural spine is distally expanded, a feature unique to Futalognkosaurus (Fig. 16). Fig. 14- Futalognkosaurus dukev, anterior dorsais in anterior view. Scale bar =100mm. (DP) diapophysis, (NS) neural spines, (POZ) postzygapophysis, (PS) prespinal lamina, (PZ) prezygapophysis, (SDP) spinodiapophyseal lamina. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.511-526, out./dez.2007 ANATOMY OF F. DUKEI FROM THE NEUQUÉN GROUP (LATE CRETACEOUS), PATAGÔNIA, ARGENTINA 521 The prespinal lamina is strongly developed and joins the postspinal lamina by another lamina that crosses the distai end of the neural spine, here called supraspinal lamina (Figs. 16-17). The prespinal lamina bifurcates on its base, forming two small infraprespinal laminae, another feature unique to this titanosaur (Fig.17). On anterior view, there are two deep “supraspinal” cavities on the neural spine, bordered by the prespinal and two lateral laminae (Fig.17). The lateral laminae start on the top of the prespinal lamina as spinoprezygapophyseal laminae and curve downwards to reach the base of the prespinal lamina at the levei of the prezygapophysis. Those supraspinal cavities are considered an autopomorphic feature of Futalognkosaums dukei. Pélvis The right pubis is a robust and laminar bone (Fig. 18). The iliac articulation is the widest and the iliac process of the pubis is poorly defined. The externai surface presents a longitudinal ridge as in Aeolosaums and Opisthocoelicaudia, producing two concave surfaces, with the anterior one wider than the posterior. The distai end of the pubis is stout, slightly expanded in lateral view and has a suboval shape in posteroventral view. The distai end is 43,5cm wide. The oval pubic foramen is closed and placed near the puboischial contact. The shaft of the pubis is veiy long, reaching a total length of 137cm. The contact surface of the pubis with its counterpart is proximally thin and wide distally, where it shows a quadrangular shape. The ischia are laminar and thin, having a well defined iliac process (Fig. 19). The iliac articulation is long, well defined proximally and thinner on the distai end. The shaft is twisted medially. The contact with the pubis is long and curved. The contact surface with the other ischium is restricted only to the distai end; by contrast, in Rinconsaurus and Opisthocoelicaudia there is a complete contact between both ischia. Both ilia are preserved, having a maximum height of 96cm. The preacetabular laminae are directed outward as in other Titanosauria. The separation of the iliac peduncles is 137cm. No particular feature that distinguishes those elements from other titanosaurs was observed. Futalognkosaums dukei : fig. 15- sacrum in a postero-ventral lateral view (field picture); fig. 16- l st caudal in posterior view, scale bar =100mm. (POS) postspinal lamina, (POZ) postzygapophysis, (PZ) prezygapophysis, (SS) supraspinal lamina, (TP) transverse process. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.511-526, out./dez.2007 522 J.O.CALVO, J.D.PORFIRI, BJ.GONZÁLEZ RIGA & A.W.A.KELLNER Futalognkosaurus dukei: fig. 17- l st caudal in anterior view; fig.18- right pubis in lateral view. Scale bar =100mm. (IA) iliac articulation, (IPS) infraprespinal laminae, (LL) lateral laminae, (LR) longitudinal ridge, (NC) neural canal, (PF) pubic foramen, (PS) prespinal lamina, (PZ) prezygapophysis, (SC) supraspinal cavity, (SS) supraspinal lamina, (TP) transverse process. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Titanosauria is one of the sauropod groups more extensively widespread, particularly in Gondwana. Recent cladistic analyses have improved the knowledge about the relationships of several titanosaurid taxa (Salgado etal, 1997a,b; Wilson & Sereno, 1998; Upchurch, 1998; Wilson & Upchurch, 2003; Calvo et al., 2007; Calvo et al., this volume). Calvo et al. (this volume) made a detailed analysis that supported the higher levei grouping of Titanosauria (Bonaparte & Coria, 1993); moreover, the inclusion of Futalognkosaurus (Calvo et al., 2007) in that analysis confirmed it as a Titanosauridae (sensu Salgado et al., 1997a). Mendozasaurus and Futalognkosaurus form the clade Lognkosauria Calvo et al. (2007) (Fig.20), which is based on five synapomorphies: presence of a laterally expanded posterior cervical neural spines, wider than the centra, posterior cervical vertebrae with a height 1.5 the length of the centra, deep and extended supradiapophyseal cavity in posterior cervical vertebrae, posterior cervical centra proportions: ratio anteroposterior length / height of posterior face less than 1.5, and transversely elongated neural spines in dorsal view on most anterior caudal vertebrae. Futalognkosaurus dukei differs from other titanosaurids in the following unique combination of traits: quadrangular and laminar posteriorly directed neural apophysis in the axis, high and triangular neural spine of the atlas, concave posterior border on posterior cervical neural spine, horizontal aliform diapophysis on anterior dorsais, supradiapophyseal depression on posterior cervicais, horizontal pre- and postzygapophysis on anterior dorsais, two deep cavities aside the prespinal bordered by the spinoprezygapophyseal laminae, fusion of sacral ribs 2 nd and 3 rd . Among the giant titanosaurid sauropods are Argentinosaurus huinculensis (Bonaparte & Coria, 1993), Puertasaurus reuili (Novas etal, 2005), and Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.511-526, out./dez.2007 ANATOMY OF F. DUKEI FROM THE NEUQUÉN GROUP (LATE CRETACEOUS), PATAGÔNIA, ARGENTINA 523 Futalognkosaurus dukei (Calvo et al., 2007). Argentinosaurus is represented by only 10% of its skeleton and Puertasaurus by just 3% of the total elements. By contrast, Futalognkosaurus is represented by almost 70% of the total skeleton being the most complete giant sauropod ever found. Puertasaurus is represented by very poor material, but shares several characters with other members of the Lognkosauria (Calvo et al, 2007), such as the absence of pleurocoels in cervical vertebra, transversely expanded neural spine in posterior cervicais, and anterior dorsal neural spines inclined less than 20 degree from vertical. Therefore, Puertasaurus can be considered as a basal member of Titanosauridae closely related to Lognkosauria. 20 Camarasaurus 4.3,11,25,62 Brachiosaurus Fig. 19- Futalognkosaurus dukei ; right ischium in lateral view. Scale bar =100mm. (IP) iliac process, (PC) pubis contact. ■Chubutisaurus 337 r Andesaurus titanosauria n 26.27,29,43,55,56,57 TITANOSAURIDAE^” 8,11,13,31,,50,51,52,60,65 Maiawisaurus 15 , 18 , 19 . 20.42 r Mendozasaurus ! C lognkosauria ^ Futalognkosaurus 1 Epachthosaurus Rapetosaurus 36,39,41,44,57 c Gondwanatitan a EO los aur i iM i n — Aeolosaurus Rinconsaurus eutitanosauriaV 1,3,6,10,21,28,43,54 ,19,46 f IÇAI idia ^- RINCONSAURIA Lirainosaurus Muyeiensaurus 44 OPISTHQCQE LIC AU DI N A E ^ . ,. .. 27,M {^~ ^ ISÍ ‘ >OCOe tCaU ^ ,a , 42,58 j Fig.20- Phylogenetic position of Futalognkosaurus dukei ; cladogram taken from Calvo et al. (2007). 14,19,20.35,40 S ALTAS AUR IN A E Alamosaums Neuquensaurus Saltasaurus Rocasaurus Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.511-526, out./dez.2007 524 J.O.CALVO, J.D.PORFIRI, BJ.GONZÁLEZ RIGA & A.W.A.KELLNER ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank all researchers, students, and collaborators that have worked since 2000 up to now in collecting and preparing this specimen. We thank Cibele Schwanke (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro), Marcelo Trotta (Museu Nacional/ UFRJ), David Lovelace (University ofWyoming, USA), and Ulisses Caramaschi (Museu Nacional/UFRJ) for several comments that improved the present paper. We specially wish to thank to Duke Energy Argentina, Duke University, and United Way International for developing and supporting the Proyecto Dino and the research at the new Centro Paleontológico Lago Barreales (CePaLB). This project was also partially funded by the Universidad Nacional dei Comahue and Chevron-Texaco for the project 1-122 (J.O.C.), Pan American Energy (Proyecto Dino to J.O.C.), Repsol-YPF (CePaLB to J.O.C.), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq (proc. 486313/2006- 9 to A.W.A.K.), and Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ, proc. n° E-26/152.885/2006 to A.W.A.K.). REFERENCES BONAPARTE, J.F. & CORIA, R.A., 1993. 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The single Supersaurus individual that the WDC quarry produced allows a re- examination of elements referred to Supersaurus from the Dry Mesa quarry. The osteology supports maintaining the generic distinction of Supersaurus. Phylogenetic evaluation finds a monophyletic Apatosaurinae containing [Apatosaurus + Supersaurus] + Suuwassea, and a monophyletic Diplodocinae containing [Diplodocus + Seismosaurus] + Barosaurus, although the generic distinction of Seismosaurus is not supported in the current analysis. Key words: Dinosauria. Sauropoda. Supersaurus. Phylogeny. Morrison Formation. RESUMO: Morfologia de um espécime de Supersaurus (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) da Formação Morrison de Wyoming e uma reavaliação da filogenia de diplodocídeos. Um novo espécime de Supersaurus vivianae é descrito, acrescentando informações sobre a osteologia de Supersaurus. O único indivíduo de Supersaurus coletado no afloramento WDC permite o re-exame dos elementos referidos a Supersaurus do afloramento de Dry Mesa. A osteologia suporta a manutenção da distinção genérica de Supersaurus. Uma avaliação filogenética resultou em um grupo monofilético Apatosaurinae contendo [Apatosaurus + Supersaurus] + Suuwassea, e um grupo monofilético Diplodocinae contendo [Diplodocus + Seismosaurus] + Barosaurus, embora a distinção genérica de Seismosaurus não esteja suportada na presente análise. Palavras-chave: Dinosauria. Sauropoda. Supersaurus. Filogenia. Formação Morrison. INTRODUCTION Diplodocoid taxa rank among the earliest described and best-known sauropods (Marsh, 1896; Hatcher, 1901; Holland, 1906; Lull, 1919; Gilmore, 1936), with new taxa continuing to be described, such as Suuwassea (Harris & Dodson, 2004) and Dinheirosaurus (Bonaparte & Mateus, 1999). Recent studies have provided needed attention to diplodocoid phylogenetic systematics (Upchurch et al, 2004; Taylor & Naish, 2005; McIntosh, 2005; Harris, 2006), yet several diplodocid taxa have remained problematic due to their fragmentary nature, notably Seismosaurus and Supersaurus. In 1985, J.A. Jensen erected three sauropod genera based on material collected from Dry Mesa Quarry: Ultrasauros macintoshi; Dystylosaurus edwini; and Supersaurus vivianae. All three have had complex nomenclatural histories ( e.g ., Jensen, 1987; Curtice, 1995; Curtice et al, 1996; Curtice & Stadtman, 2001), with the types of both Ultrasauros and Dystylosaurus eventually sunk into Supersaurus vivianae (Curtice, 1995; Curtice & Stadtman, 2001). In addition, some of the specimen numbers have changed in the last two decades. The name Supersaurus was erected for a single scapulocoracoid, BYU 12962 (Jensen, 1985). Dozens of elements have been referred to this taxon since. Some referrals, such as the matching right scapulocoracoid, are unambiguous. Other elements have been referred based on quarry location, relative size, and hypotheses of phylogenetic 1 Submitted on September 14, 2006. Accepted on November 16, 2007. 2 University of Wyoming, School of Arts and Sciences, Laramie, Wyoming, 82071, U.S.A. E-mail: 3 Big Horn Basin Foundation, 110 Cárter Ranch Road, Thermopolis, Wyoming, 82443, U.S.A. 4 The Wyoming Dinosaur Center, 110 Cárter Ranch Road, Thermopolis, Wyoming, 82443, U.S.A. 528 D.M.LOVELACE, S.A.HARTMAN & W.R.WAHL position. The depositional circumstances and multiple disarticulated sauropod taxa in the Dry Mesa quarry made unambiguous referrals of other elements difficult. As a result, Supersaurus has largely been excluded from phylogenetic analyses, and opinion on its generic validity has been mixed. At one time J.S. Mclntosh thought S. vivianae was a large species of Barosaurus, but more recently supported generic distinction (McIntosh, 2005; Glut, 1997). Alternately, it has been suggested that Supersaurus should be synonymized with Seismosaurus, or that the genus is a nomen dubium (Gillette, 1994). A second specimen, a single individual from a quarry in Wyoming, makes it possible to evaluate the taxonomic status of referred supersaur skeletal elements in the BYU collection. Combined with morphological data from WDC DMJ-021 it is now possible to provide an emended diagnosis of the species, and to add Supersaurus to existing phylogenetic analyses. Approximately 30% of the skeleton has been recovered of WDC DMJ-021 which combined with the BYU specimen yields knowledge of 45-50% of the osteology of Supersaurus. MATERIAL AND METHODS Abbreviations: Institutional. AMNH, American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York; BYU, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah; CM, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; DMJ, Douglas Morrison Jimbo site; DMNH, Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Denver, Colorado; NMMNH, New México Museum of Natural History and Science, Albuquerque, New México; NSMT, National Science Museum, Tokyo, Japan; UWGM, University of Wyoming Geological Museum, Laramie, Wyoming; WDC, Wyoming Dinosaur Center, Thermopolis, Wyoming; YPM, Yale Peabody Museum, New Haven, Connecticut. Material A single individual (WDC DMJ-021) with approximately 30% of the skeleton was discovered in the Morrison Formation near Douglas Wyoming. The specimen includes a relatively complete presacral column, sacral fragments, and incomplete caudal series. Remains of costal elements, fragmentary pelvic and femur, and complete tibiae and fibulae were also recovered. Elements previously referred to this taxon were also analysed. We follow Curtice et al (1996) in using current BYU specimen numbers, with original numbers noted when necessary for continuity with earlier publications (Tab. 1). A phylogenetic analysis was conducted using a modified version of Harris & Dodson’s (2004) data matrix. The data set was modified by the addition of Supersaurus and Seismosaurus (see Appendix 1 for character scoring), as well as four new characters (Appendix 2), in part in an attempt to distinguish Seismosaurus from Diplodocus. TAPHONOMY WDC DMJ-021 was found in the Morrison Formation near Douglas Wyoming (Fig.l). Taphonomy of the Jimbo Quarry is interpreted as a debris-flow deposit that buried a single sauropod skeleton (Lovelace et al, 2003, Lovelace, 2004; Lovelace, 2006). While allocthanous in nature, the debris flow appears to have preserved an autochthanous burial of the specimen, prior to the mass wasting event (Lovelace, 2006). The taphonomic interpretation of a single individual is backed up by relative size of preserved elements, and the absence of duplicate elements. SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY SAURISCHIA Seeley, 1887 SAUROPODA Marsh, 1878 DIPLODOCIDAE Marsh, 1884 APATOSAURINAE Janensch, 1929 Supersaurus vivianae Jensen, 1985 Holotype - BYU 12962 Jensen (1985), a large diplodocid left scapulocoracoid. Referred specimens - BYU 4839, BYU 9024, BYU 9044, BYU 9045, BYU 9085, BYU 10612, BYU 12424, BYU 12555, BYU 12639, BYU 12819, BYU 12861, BYU 12946, BYU 12962, BYU 13016, BYU 13018, BYU 13981, BYU 16679, BYU 17462; Diy Mesa specimens likely pertaining to the type individual. Remains include a nearly complete pelvic girdle and sacrum, a right scapulocoracoid, several axial elements from the cervical, dorsal, and caudal region (see Tab. 1 for element Identification). WDC DMJ-021, a single associated specimen including a relatively complete presacral column Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.527-544, out./dez.2007 MORPHOLOGY OF A SPECIMEN OF SUPERSAURUS FROM THE MORRISON FORMATION OF WYOMING 529 (portions of 10 cervical vertebrae and 5 dorsal vertebrae), sacral fragments, and representative but incomplete caudal series. Several costal elements, fragmentary pelvic and femoral remains, and complete tibiae and fibulae. While a scapula is not known for WDC DMJ-021, other elements are identical to axial elements referred to the type individual of Supersaurus. TABLE 1. Status of Dry Mesa Quarry specimens referred to Supersaurus. “Specimen #” column reflects current BYU ascension numbers; “Element” column provides a brief description of element; “Interpreted Referral Status” column provides current status on taxonomic referral. Specimen # Element Interpreted Referral Status BYU 902 5 1 left scapulocoracoid; (holotype) N/A BYU 12962 1 right scapulocoracoid Yes; mate to BYU 9025 BYU 12946 1 right ischium Yes; verified by WDC DMJ-021 BYU 12854& distai proximal caudal No; reassigned in this paper to Diplodocinae BYU 12843 1 ’ 5 distai proximal caudal No; reassigned in this paper to Diplodocinae BYU 9084 1 12 articulated mid-caudals No; reassigned in this paper to Diplodocinae BYU 9077 1 mid-caudal vertebra No; reassigned in this paper to Diplodocinae BYU 90242 mid-cervical vertebra Yes; verified by WDC DMJ-021 BYU 90453.5 proximal caudal vertebra Yes; verified by WDC DMJ-021 BYU 90443* posterior dorsal vertebra Yes; verified by WDC DMJ-021 BYU 12390 5 Carpal Indeterminate BYU 9000 5 Phalanx Indeterminate BYU 137445 left ulna No; 20-25% larger than predicted by length of tíbia for WDC DMJ-021 BYU 12555 5 left ischium Yes; mate to BYU 12946 BYU 124245 right pubis Yes; verified by WDC DMJ-021 BYU 4839 5 caudal vertebra Fragmentary; Curtice (1996) suggests it is BYU 12639 5 caudal vertebra Yes; not verified by WDC DMJ-021 BYU 12819 5 caudal vertebra Yes; verified by WDC DMJ-021 BYU 128145 dorsal vertebra Unable to confirm BYU 9192 caudal vertebra Unable to confirm BYU 13018 5 pélvis (left illium/four sacral vertebra) Yes; not verified by WDC DMJ-021 BYU 13981 mid caudal vertebra Referred to Supersaurus in the text BYU 13016 mid caudal vertebra Referred to Supersaurus in the text BYU 12861 mid caudal vertebra Referred to Supersaurus in the text BYU 10612 mid caudal vertebra Referred to Supersaurus in the text BYU 9085 mid caudal vertebra Referred to Supersaurus in the text BYU 17462 anterior caudal vertebra Referred to Supersaurus in the text BYU 4503 5 dorsal vertebra Yes; verified by WDC DMJ-021 BYU 16679 caudal vertebra Referred to Supersaurus in the text I 1 Jensen, 1985; 2 Jensen, 1987; 3 Curtice & Curtice, 1996; 4 Curtice et ah, 1996; 5 Curtice & Stadtman, 2001) - 6 Curtice, 1996. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.527-544, out./dez.2007 530 D.M.LOVELACE, S.A.HARTMAN & W.R.WAHL Ari&oi i 34 * □ Morrison Formaiion Fig. 1- The range of Morrison Formation (shaded) exposed throughout the Rocky Mountain region of western North America. Modified after Dunagan & Turner (2004). Referral of all material is supported by relative position within their respective quarries (Curtice & Stadtman, 2001; Lovelace, 2006), size of the skeletal elements, and congruence of phylogenetically significant diplodocid characters between the scapula and referred material (see below). Emended Diagnosis - Large diplodocid sauropod with the foliowing characteristics: elongate cervical vertebrae (elongation index ranging from 4-7) with an a extreme narrowing of the ventral surface of the vertebral body at midlength; well-developed parallel keels on the ventral surface of the cervical series; small ventral pleurocoel located between the parapophyses with dual pneumatopores divided by an anterior-posteriorly directed septa; lateral pleurocoels simple, shallow depressions with small pneumatopores; posterior dorsais with proportionately tall neural spines (> than 0.5 of vertebral height) and reduced neural arch height; anterior dorsais with dorsal vertebral bodies with moderate midline keel and shallow lateral sulci; posterior dorsais opisthocoelous; anterior caudal vertebrae with prominent ventral keel, and shallow pleurocoels; ribs pneumatized, with anterior- posteriorly expanded shafts; scapular blade expanded dorsally; deltoid ridge perpendicular to the acromian ridge. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Description of the Material Cervical vertebrae - The cervical vertebrae of S. vivianae are extremely elongate (length of centra for BYU 9024 is 1380mm). Centra length exceeds even those of Sauroposeidon, which was reported as having the longest cervical vertebrae of any known sauropod (Wedel et al, 2000); the greatest centra measurement of Sauroposeidon is 1250mm. While no cervical vertebra is complete, preserved elements are adequate for description and comparison. Supersaur cervical vertebral autapomorphies include a mediolaterally narrow ventral surface (5- 8cm) of the middle centra. Cervical vertebrae lack elaborate pneumatic fossae (pleurocoels), a feature noted by Jensen (1985) as differing greatly from the condition typically seen in the Diplodocidae. Cervical ribs are sub-equal in length to their respective centra, with some extending slightly beyond the posterior limit of the cotyle. A mid-cervical vertebra (BYU 9024; Fig.2) originally assigned to Ultrasauros (Jensen, 1985) was later referred to the type individual by Jensen (1987). BYU 9024 compares favorably to preserved WDC cervical vertebrae, supporting its referral to the type Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.527-544, out./dez.2007 MORPHOLOGY OF A SPECIMEN OF SUPERSAURUS FROM THE MORRISON FORMATION OF WYOMING 531 individual. The WDC specimen includes substantial portions of ten cervical vertebrae, representing most of the cervical column. Seven of the cervical vertebrae contain nearly complete centra, each over a meter in length. In cross section the form of the centra can be generalized as an I-beam (Fig.3E). The diameter of pneumatopores on the lateral surface of the centra are no more than 30-80mm. This condition is reduced in comparison to the pneumatopores in several Apatosaums, and contrasts greatly with the elaborate pneumatic structures seen in the centra of Diplodocus and Barosaums (Fig.3). On the ventral surface just posterior of the centroparapophyseal lamina there are two pneumatopores separated by a medial septum. This feature appears in all cervicais where this area is preserved (both anterior and posterior cervical vertebrae demonstrate this condition). Figure 4 shows this condition in cervical vertebrae (Cv.) 14 of Apatosaums ajax as well as in Cv.13 of Supersaums ; however this feature is absent in Barosaums (Lull, 1919) and Diplodocus. More work is needed to determine the distribution of this character in diplodocids. Dorsal vertebrae - Five dorsal vertebrae have been recovered for WDC DMJ-021; four vertebrae preserve complete centra, one lacks only the transverse processes, while two preserve isolated neural spines. BYU 9044 exhibits features seen in several of WDC dorsal vertebrae, supporting Curtice et aV s (1996) referral to the same individual as the type. WDC dorsal vertebra WDC DMJ-021-085 is extremely similar to mid-anterior dorsal vertebrae BYU 4503 (approximately number 4; Curtice & Stadtman, 2001), supporting BYU 4503’s referral to the Dry Mesa Supersaums. Supersaums dorsal vertebrae demonstrate several synapomorphic characters with Apatosaums. The neural spines (measured from the junction between postzygapophyses to the top of the neural spine) of the posterior dorsal vertebrae make up more than half the height of the vertebra. This is similar to the condition seen in Apatosaums. Both Diplodocus and Barosaums exhibit posterior dorsal neural spine heights that contribute to less than half of the entire vertebrae (Fig.5). The bifed neural spines are lost prior to dorsal seven, and possibly as early as dorsal four or five (inferred from the merging of the spinoprezygapophyseal laminae with the prespinal lamina), unlike in Diplodocus. The cleft in the posterior dorsal neural spines of Diplodocus is absent in Supersaums. Preserved dorsal centra of Supersaums exhibit a ventral keel on the centra, as observed in Apatosaums (UWGM 15556). While the posterior dorsal vertebrae of all other diplodocids are amphiplatean (Gilmore, 1936; Hatcher, 1901; Lull, 1919), the posterior dorsais of both Supersaums specimens are opisthocoelous, a probable autapomorphy of Supersaums. Fig.2- Cervical vertebrae 11 or 12, referred to type specimen of Supersaums vivianae (BYU 9024). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.527-544, out./dez.2007 532 D.M.LOVELACE, S.A.HARTMAN & W.R.WAHL Fig.3- Lateral views of cervical vertebrae from A, Diplodocus camegii (Hatcher, 1901); B, Barosaurus lentus (Lull, 1919); C, Apatosaums louisae (Gilmore, 1936); D and E, Supersaurus vivianae; demonstrating pneumatic modifications of centra. Supersaurus has the least amount of modification with minimal size for pneumatopores. Internai structure is similar to that seen in other diplodocids (Janensch, 1947). Left lateral view of Cv.13 (D, missing the condyle, prezygapophyses and neural spine; length of incomplete centra 94cm). E, cross section through Cv.l 1, 5cm posterior of the diapophysis. Caudal vertebrae - Curtice (1996) and Macintosh (2005) suggest that diplodocid caudal vertebrae are a useful source of taxonomically significant characters. Supersaurus caudais share the presence of pneumatic fossae with Barosaurus and Diplodocus. Aside from this character, they exhibit numerous apatosaurine synapomorphies. Relative to diplodocines the anterior caudal vertebrae have short (less than twice the height of the centra) and distally expanded (rectangular box-like) neural spines (Fig.6) that lack a bifed cleft. The centra are heart-shaped in cross-section, have well-developed anterior cotyles and a platyean posterior surface, contrary to the condition reported by Curtice (1995) in which caudal vertebrae are reported as having a pronounced posterior bali. Inspection shows neither BYU 9045 nor WDC DMJ-021-083 exhibit a pronounced posterior bali, nor do any other caudais from either locality. We were unable to confirm the presence of a hyposphene/hypantrum complex on any of the BYU Supersaurus caudais, nor is one present on WDC DMJ-021. Anterior caudal vertebrae centra exhibit a prominent ventral midline keel, as seen in Apatosaurus excelsus (Gilmore, 1936). The keel disappears by caudal vertebrae 12 or 13. Centra length is subequal over the first 30 caudal vertebrae, as in Apatosaurus. The height of the caudal neural spines decreases rapidly from anterior to posterior, a condition seen in both Apatosaurus and Barosaurus, but unlike the very slight decrease in anterior to posterior neural spine height seen in Diplodocus and Seismosaurus (see Figs.7-8). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.527-544, out./dez.2007 MORPHOLOGY OF A SPECIMEN OF SUPERSAURUS FROM THE MORRISON FORMATION OF WYOMING 533 Fig.4- Ventral views of posterior cervical centra from A, Supersaurus; B, Barosaurus lentus (Lull, 1919); and C, Apatosaums ajax (Upchurch et ah, 2004). There are two pneumatopores along the midline of the centra slightly posterior to the parapophyses, each pair separated by a sagital septum. This condition is seen in A. ajax as well as Supersaurus, but not observed in Barosaurus (Lull, 1919) or DMNH 1494 Diplodocus. Fig.5- Dorsal vertebrae (third pre-sacral for each species) scaled to the same height to demonstrate relative position of the hyposphene on posterior dorsais. A, Supersaurus (WDC DMJ-021); B, Apatosaurus louisae (Gilmore, 1936); C, Diplodocus (Hatcher, 1901); D, Barosaurus (Lull, 1919). The ratios (relative height of centra and neural arch to the height of the neural spine) are 0.44, 0.40, 0.53, and 0.52 respectively, showing that diplodocines have a taller neural arch relative to Supersaurus and Apatosaurus. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.527-544, out./dez.2007 534 D.M.LOVELACE, S.A.HARTMAN & W.R.WAHL «60 mm WDC-DMJ021 BYU - Supersaurus 50 cm Apatosaurus Fig.6- Caudal vertebrae of Diplodocus, Supersaurus, and Apatosaurus shown to demonstrate differences in the height of the neural spine relative to the centra. Note also the distally expanded neural spines of both Supersaurus and Apatosaurus ; in lateral view the keel is apparent as well. The caudal vertebrae of S. vivianae are easily distinguishable from the caudal vertebrae of Diplodocus or Barosaurus. None of the WDC caudal vertebrae demonstrate the classic diplodocine ventral longitudinal hollow. Nor do the anterior caudal vertebrae exhibit tall and narrow neural spines with a deep cleft at the distai end, as in Diplodocus and Seismosaurus. We evaluated these characters in referred caudal material in the BYU collections (Table 1). BYU 12854, 12843, 9084 (12 articulated mid caudal vertebrae), and 9077 are incompatible with the vertebrae found at the WDC site, and should be reassigned to Diplodocinae incertae sedis based on their well-developed ventral longitudinal hollow. Based on size and morphological similarity with WDC DMJ-021, BYU caudal vertebrae 12639, 13981, 13016, 12861, 10612, 9085, 17462, and 16679 can be confidently assigned to the type individual of Supersaurus vivianae. Ribs - Marsh (1896) figured pneumatic cavities from a costal element of A. excelsus, and Gilmore (1936) published an image and description of a pneumatic cavity in a dorsal rib of A. louisae (Fig.9). Supersaurus provides unambiguous evidence of pneumatized ribs (Lovelace et al., 2003). If Marsh (1896) and Gilmore (1936) are correct, then this condition may be synapomorphic to apatosaurines. Alternately, amongst diplodocids pneumatic ribs may be an apomorphic condition of Supersaurus. The length of the longest preserved rib is 305cm. Even on an animal as large as Supersaurus this is relatively long. This results in a deep thoracic cavity (Fig.7). This is at odds with Barosaurus and Diplodocus, but similar to Apatosaurus (Figs.7-8). The robust, laterally expansive distai portions of the ribs are more similar to Apatosaurus (Gilmore, 1936) than to diplodocines, even in large diplodocine taxa like Seismosaurus. Pectoral girdle - The only known pectoral elements for Supersaurus are the scapulocoracoids from Dry Mesa (Fig.10). Scapulocoracoid BYU 9025 demonstrates a deltoid ridge that is perpendicular to the acromian ridge and the scapular blade is one- half the entire length of the scapulocoracoid. Both of these features are seen in Apatosaurus but not in Diplodocus or Barosaurus, which have relatively short scapular blades, and an acute angle between the deltoid ridge and the acromian ridge. This angle is much stronger in Barosaurus than it is in Diplodocus. The apatosaurine nature of the scapulocoracoids further reinforces the referral of BYU elements to the type scapula, as well as our referral of WDC DMJ-021 to Supersaurus. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.527-544, out./dez.2007 MORPHOLOGY OF A SPECIMEN OF SUPERSAURUS FROM THE MORRISON FORMATION OF WYOMING 535 Fig.7- Comparative skeletal reconstructions of Barosaurus lentus, Apatosaurus louisae, and Supersaurus vivianae to the same scale. Fig.8- Comparative skeletal reconstruction of Diplodocus carnegii, D. longus, and NMMNH 3690, “Seismosaurus”, to the same scale. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.527-544, out./dez.2007 536 D.M.LOVELACE, S.A.HARTMAN & W.R.WAHL Fig.9- Pneumatic ribs described from the apatosaurines: A, Supersaurus (Lovelace et al, 2003); B, Apatosaurus louisae (Gilmore, 1936); and C, Apatosaurus excelsus (Marsh, 1896). p.f. = pneumatic foramen Fig.10- Lateral view of Supersaurus right scapulacoracoid (BYU 9025). Forelimbs - Because Barosaurus forelimbs are poorly described, data from Apatosaurus and Diplodocus (a good proxy for Barosaurus limb elements; McIntosh, 2005) are used as a model for diplodocid proportions; expected ratios were used for estimating lengths for missing Supersaurus limb elements. Using these predicted ranges, we can safely conclude no additional Supersaurus forelimb elements were recovered from the Dry Mesa Quarry. The ulna (BYU 13744) referred to the type specimen of Supersaurus (Curtice & Stadtman, 2001) measures 1280mm, while the maximum predicted value (relative to the scapula) for the ulna is 1012mm, a 20% discrepancy. Therefore the referral of BYU 13744 to Supersaurus cannot be supported. No humerus was located in the BYU collection that matched the predicted range of humeral lengths. BYU 17386 has been informally referred to Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.527-544, out./dez.2007 MORPHOLOGY OF A SPECIMEN OF SUPERSAURUS FROM THE MORRISON FORMATION OF WYOMING 537 Supersaurus. Using the same methods as above, a predicted range was generated. The length of BYU 17386 is 1710mm, while the maximum predicted value was 1424mm, a 17% discrepancy. Pelvic girdle - Curtice & Stadtman (2001) referred an articulated sacrum and right illium (BYU 13018), a left ischium (BYU 12555), and a right pubis (BYU 12424) to Supersaurus. The pélvis demonstrates dorsoventral shearing that depressed the right illium ventrally and elevated the left sacral ribs dorsally relative to the midline of the sacral centra (Fig.ll). The ischium appears to be the match to the element referred previously by Jensen (1985), whose referral was supported by Curtice & Stadtman (2001). A partial ischium preserved with WDC DMJ-021 is identical to both BYU ischia, supporting referral of these specimens to Supersaurus. Likewise, a pubic boot and partial shaft of the left pubis (WDC DMJ-021-233) is represented in the WDC specimen. The boot is very similar to that preserved in the BYU pubis, consistent with previous referrals (Fig.12). Comparisons of the illium, pubes and ischia with other diplodocids reveal additional apatosaurine affinities, including a short, robust pubic peduncle of the illium, and a large and fully enclosed obturator foramen. In particular, the robust margin surrounding the obturator foramen contrasts with the condition in Barosaurus, which is not completely enclosed (McIntosh, 2005). Supersaurus and Apatosaurus also share a large distai expansion of the ischia (McIntosh, 1990). Hind limbs - The tibiae and fibulae of both limbs are present in the WDC specimen. Tibiae are deformed, but exhibit and intermediate levei of robusticity, in between that of Apatosaurus and Diplodocus. The tibia exhibits a large cnemial crest; though less pronounced than in A. louisae (Gilmore, 1936) it is at least twice as long (proximodistally) as Diplodocus carnegii (Hatcher, 1901). The distai end of the tibia is also expanded mediolaterally, similar to that seen in A. louisae (Fig. 13). The fibulae compare well with Apatosaurus , including broad anteroposteriorly expanded proximal and distai ends. The M. biceps femoris scar is pronounced, as described for Apatosaurus (Gilmore, 1936). This contrasts with the weakly expanded proximal and distai ends of the tibia of both Barosaurus (McIntosh, 2005) and Diplodocus (Hatcher, 1901). Fig.l 1- Right lateral (a) and posterior view (b) of Supersaurus partial sacrum and articulated right illium (BYU 13018)s. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.527-544, out./dez.2007 538 D.M.LOVELACE, S.A.HARTMAN & W.R.WAHL Fig.12- Left lateral view of Supersaurus left pubis BYU 12424 (a) and right lateral view of Supersaurus right ischium BYU 12946 (b). Phylogenetic Analysis The primary phylogenetic analysis (utilizing the modified matrix of Harris & Dodson, 2004) resulted in three equally parsimonious trees of 466 steps. The resulting strict consensus tree (Fig.14) has a Confidence Index of 62 and a Retention Index of 78. The analysis recovered a monophyletic Apatosaurinae consisting of Suuwassea as the sister taxon to Apatosaurus + Supersaurus. Inclusion of Seismosaurus in the analysis resulted in a sister-group relationship between Seismosaurus and Diplodocus, with Barosaurus as the most basal diplodocine. These results are consistent with the apatosaurine axial morphology of Suuwassea (Harris, 2006), and corroborates the distinction of Supersaurus from Barosaurus, Seismosaurus, and Diplodocus. It is possible that some similarities between Supersaurus and other apatosaurines result from a size-coupled increase in robustness, but it is worth noting that apatosaurine robustness does not correlate with size, and large diplodocines like Seismosaurus do not exhibit markedly more robust pelvic or costal elements, making it unlikely that size is obscuring the phylogenetic signal. Other characters such as proximal centra that are heart-shaped in cross-section, and paired ventral pneumatopores in the cervical vertebrae are certainly decoupled from size. Scoring Supersaurus into other published analyses ( e.g. Upchurch et aí, 2004) also recovers a monophyletic Apatosaurinae with Supersaurus embedded in it (Lovelace et al, 2005). Recovery of Supersaurus and Suuwassea as non- diplodocine diplodocids demonstrates greater apatosaurine diversity than previously suspected. Apatosaurines have not been reported outside of North America, raising the biogeographic possibility that apatosaurines may have been restricted to North America. Discussion of Seismosaurus validity While Seismosaurus was recovered as the sister taxa to Diplodocus, it was identical to the scoring of Diplodocus prior to the addition of our Character 1 (Appendix 1). It has since been discovered that the hook-shaped distai expansion on the ischia of Seismosaurus does not exist (Lucas et al., 2006), Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.527-544, out./dez.2007 MORPHOLOGY OF A SPECIMEN OF SUPERSAURUS FROM THE MORRISON FORMATION OF WYOMING 539 Fig. 13- Comparison of tibiae (upper row) and fibulae (lower row) of: A) Apatosaurus louisae (Gilmore, 1936), B) Supersaums mvianae (WDC DMJ-021), and C) Barosaurus lentus (McIntosh, 2005). so Seismosaums is once again indistinguishable from Diplodocus in our analysis. Examining descriptive osteology for Diplodocus (Osborn, 1899; Hatcher, 1901; Holland, 1906; Gilmore, 1932; McIntosh & Carpenter, 1998), we concur with Curtice’s (1996) suggestion that the caudal vertebrae of the type of Seismosaums (NMMNH 3690) constitute a nearly continuous series, instead of consisting of major gaps as suggested by Gillette (1991). Following Gillette’s (1991) numbering of the caudais would require morphology not seen in any diplodocid, including extremely elongate mid-caudal vertebrae with hyper-developed mid-caudal neural spines, and a continuation of the transverse processes far past caudal vertebrae 15-18, the termination point in all other diplodocid taxa (McIntosh, 2005). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.527-544, out./dez.2007 540 D.M.LOVELACE, S.A.HARTMAN & W.R.WAHL - Theropoda - Prosauropoda ■ Vulcanodon - Shunosaums Omeisaurus Barapasaunts Patagosaurus Mamenchisaunts Losillasaurus Jobaria Camarasaurus Brachiosaimts Euhelopus Maiawisaurus Nem egíosaums Rapetosaums T' colberíi Neuquensaurus Saliasaurus Alamosaunts Opisthocoelicaudia - Haplocanthosaurus Nigersaunts Rayososaunis Rebbachisaurm Dicraeosaurus Amarga scmnis Suuwassea Supersaurus Apatosaums Barosaunts Dip lodo cus NMMNH P-3690 ‘Seismosaurus ' Fig.14- Strict consensus tree resulting from the addition of Supersaurus and “Seismosaurus” into a modified matrix from Harris 85 Dodson (2004). Interpreting the caudal series of Seismosaurus as a single series of the 22 anterior-most caudais (with perhaps one missing), the morphology is consistent with other diplodocines, and is nearly identical with that described for Diplodocus longus (e.g. Osborn, 1899). The maximum centra length reported by Gillette (1991) is 350mm. When compared to the largest caudal vertebrae of Diplodocus longus (325mm; Gilmore, 1932) there is only a 2.5cm difference (under 10%). The remaining caudais are within the range of mid- caudal vertebral lengths reported for Diplodocus longus by Gilmore (1932). The phylogenetic placement of Seismosaurus reinforces the osteological finding that Supersaurus is distinct from Seismosaurus. Based on the extremely similar morphology of the Seismosaurus axial and pelvic morphology to specimens of Diplodocus, we refer NMMNH 3690 to Diplodocus, and most likely to D. longus. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.527-544, out./dez.2007 MORPHOLOGY OF A SPECIMEN OF SUPERSAURUS FROM THE MORRISON FORMATION OF WYOMING 541 SlZE OF THE LARGEST DiPLODOCIDS While length and mass estimates of extinct animais have utility for constructing paleo-ecological models, there can be little doubt that public fascination is in part responsible for the numerous size estimates in the scientific literature (Colbert, 1962; Gillette, 1991, 1994; Paul, 1997). Widely varying estimates suggest that more rigor (or perhaps restraint) needs to be applied. Between the WDC and BYU specimens of Supersaurus, most of the presacral axial column is known, and the caudal series is well represented. Using apatosaurine proportions to fill in the missing caudal elements, we reconstruct a length of 33-34m along the axial column for the known specimens of Supersaurus (Fig.7), with the BYU specimen being marginally larger. In comparison, using the proportions of Diplodocus longus, we estimate a length of 30m for the NMMNH “seismosaur” specimen (Fig.8). While within the low end of the size estimate provided by D. Gillette (28- 36m, 1991), it is far less than the 39-52m length considered “more probable” at the time. The literature is littered with attempts to estimate the mass of the largest dinosaurs (Colbert, 1962; Anderson, 1989; Gillette, 1994; Paul, 1997). While many studies have used long-bone circumference to estimate mass, we agree with Anderson (1989) and Paul (1997) that variation in the strength index of the femora of extant tetrapods is too great to produce anything more than general ranges. For greater precision we worked with a paleo-life artist to construct a sculpted model based on the proportions of Supersaurus for volumetric measurement (Fig. 15). Water-displacement measurements where compared against a 3D laser scan of the model to ensure accuracy of measurement. Assuming a specific gravity of 0.8 (Wedel, 2004) provides an estimate 35-40 tons in life. While the more gracile Seismosaurus likely massed significantly less, other sauropods such as Argentinosaurus clearly achieved much greater bulk. CONCLUSIONS WDC DMJ-021 is the second and most complete specimen of Supersaurus to date. Because only a single individual was found in the quarry, it serves as a test against elements referred to the type individual found in the Dry Mesa quarry. With the additional information provided by WDC DMJ-021, enough morphological differences exist to distinguish Supersaurus from other diplodocids. Previously ascribed similarities to Barosaurus or “Seismosaurus” are based upon material inaccurately referred to Supersaurus, or to gross similarities in neck elongation or overall size. Adding Supersaurus to existing phylogenetic analyses recovers a more diverse Apatosaurinae than previously thought. Both Suuwassea and Supersaurus are found to be more closely related to Apatosaurus than to other sauropods. At this point apatosaurines appear to be an indigenous clade of North American diplodocid sauropods. Fig. 15- Multiple view skeletal reconstruction used to guide the construction of a physical model for volumetric measurements used in mass estimate. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.527-544, out./dez.2007 542 D.M.LOVELACE, S.A.HARTMAN & W.R.WAHL Greater resolution of diplodocid phylogenetics will likely require a reassessment of individual species of Apatosaurus and Diplodocus. ‘Seismosaums’ can be referred to the latter, specifically to D. longus. Supersaurus was neither the heaviest nor the longest sauropod, although it is well enough known to place confidence in its estimated length of 33- 34 meters, and mass of 35-40 tons. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to firstly thank the landowners who wish to remain anonymous for donating the supersaur specimen to the Big Horn Basin Foundation. Secondly we would like to thank the volunteers who helped excavate and prepare this specimen over the last 10 years. Also we would like to thank two anonymous reviewers. The manuscript was greatly improved; thanks to your helpful comments. Special thanks go to Burkhard Pohl, the University of Wyoming, Casper College, the Big Horn Basin Foundation for financial and institutional assistance with this project, and John Rader for his wonderful sculpture. REFERENCES ANDERSON, R.M., 1989. Dynamics of Dinosaurs and other Extinct Giants. New York: Columbia University Press. 167p. BONAPARTE, J.F. & MATEUS, O., 1999. A new diplodocid, Dinheirosaurus lourinhanensis gen. et sp. nov., from the Late Jurassic beds of Portugal. Revista dei Museo Argentino de Ciências Naturales, 5:13-29. COLBERT, E.H., 1962. The weights of dinosaurs. 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Supersaurus : 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999H99011011111191 01111111100000021111001100101111011111000001991110110010110011000??????? 1011 ???????? 9999999111001101000 ??????? 0101110????????????????????????00000 Seismosaurus : 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999911910 1111111100000021111001101111111011111111001 ????0011001 ???????????????????????????????? ?????! 10????1?00??????????????????????????????????????01111 235 236 237 238 Prosauropoda ? ? ? ? Theropoda 9 9 9 9 Vulcanodon 9 9 9 9 Barapasaurus 9 9 9 9 Omeisaums 9 9 9 9 Shunosaurus 9 9 9 ? Patagosaurus 9 9 9 9 Mamenchisaurus 9 9 ? 9 Apatosaurus 0 0 0 0 Barosaurus 0 1 0 1 Brachiosaurus 9 9 9 9 Camarasaurus 9 ? ? ? Dicraeosaurus 0 1 0 0 Diplodocus 0 1 1 1 Haplocanthosaurus ? ? ? ? Amargasaurus 9 9 9 9 Euhelopus ? 9 9 ? 235 236 237 238 Jobaria 9 9 9 9 Malawisaurus 9 9 9 9 Nigersaurus 9 9 9 9 Rayososaurus 9 9 9 9 Rebbachisaurus 9 9 9 9 Alamosaurus 9 9 9 9 Nemegtosaurus 9 9 9 9 Neuquensaurus 9 9 9 9 Opisthocoelicaudia 9 9 9 9 Rapetosaurus 9 9 9 9 Saltasaurus 9 9 9 9 T.' colberti 9 9 9 9 Supersaurus 0 0 0 0 Suuvuassea 9 9 9 9 Seismosaurus 1 1 1 1 Losillasaurus 9 9 9 9 APPENDIX 2 DESCRIPTION OF CHARACTERS ADDED TO HARRIS & ÜODSON (2004) FOR OUR ANALYSIS. #235. Posteriodorsal expansion of distai ischium: absent (0); present (1). This character was needed to separate Seismosaurus from Diplodocus, otherwise they are scored the same. It has been suggested that might in fact be either a new species of Diplodocus, or larger specimen of D. longus (Fig.12). #236. Ratio of neural spine height to centrum height (first caudal vertebrae): less than 2 (0); greater than 2(1). The height of the neural spine is measured from the top of the centrum to the top of the neural spine. The neural spines of both Apatosaurus and Supersaurus are relatively shorter than those seen in Dicreaosaurus, Barosaurus, and Diplodocus (Fig. 6 ). #237. Anterior caudal neural spines bifed: absent (0); present (1). Bifed neural spines are present in the apex of the neural spines in Diplodocus and Seismosaurus. Supersaurus exhibits a wide rectangular distai neural spine (Fig. 6 ). #238. Location of hyposphene on posterior dorsal vertebrae: less than one half total height of vertebra (0); greater or equal to one half total height of vertebra. The neural arches of the diplodocines are taller than in either Supersaurus or Apatosaurus, making the neural spines relatively shorter in the diplodocines (Fig.5). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.527-544, out./dez.2007 nnn nnnhnrirrnn nnn Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.545-550, out./dez.2007 ISSN 0365-4508 NEW INFORMATION ON MEGARAPTOR NAMUNHUAIQUII (THEROPODA: TETANURAE), PATAGÔNIA: CONSIDERATIONS ON PALEOECOLOGICAL ASPECTS 1 (With 6 figures) JUAN D. PORFIRI 2 > 3 DOMENICA DOS SANTOS 2 JORGE O. CALVO 2 ABSTRACT: Megaraptor is a giant theropod included as a possible Coelurosauria. Its big claw was originally assigned to the digit II of the pes. In the last year, the discovery of complete manus bones of a Megaraptor allowed the knowledge of new morphological characters and, therefore, new interpretations on phylogenetic relationships. As a result, Megaraptor was proposed to be a basal tetanuran sharing characteristics with charcarodontosaurids and spinosaurids. In general, manus of basal tetanurans are quite unknown as they commonly lack phalanges, carpals or even the complete manus, being the information on them limited. So that, the hand elements of Megaraptor here studied represents an important material not only for furnishing new morphological data but also for the understanding of its behavior. Key words: Megaraptor. Theropoda. Portezuelo Formation. Upper Cretaceous. Patagônia. RESUMO: Nova informação sobre Megaraptor namunhuaiquii (Theropoda: Tetanurae), Patagônia: considerações sobre aspectos paleoecológicos. Megaraptor é um terópoda gigante considerado como um possível Coelurosauria. Sua enorme garra foi originalmente atribuída ao dígito II do pé. No último ano, a descoberta de ossos atribuídos a uma mão completa de Megaraptor permitiu o conhecimento de novos caracteres morfológicos e, portanto, novas interpretações sobre as relações filogenéticas. Como resultado, Megaraptor foi considerado como um tetanuro basal compartilhando características com os carcarodontossaurídeos e os espinossaurídeos. Em geral, ossos da mão de tetanuros basais são pouco conhecidos, tendo em vista que comumente faltam falanges, carpais ou, até mesmo, a mão completa, limitando a informação. Os elementos de Megaraptor aqui estudados representam, portanto, importante material por fornecer novos dados morfológicos e, também, para o entendimento dos hábitos comportamentais. Palavras-chave: Megaraptor. Theropoda. Formação Portezuelo. Cretáceo Superior. Patagônia. INTRODUCTION Recently, on the north coast of Barreales Lake in the Neuquén Province, at the Futalognko site, a complete manus (MUCPv-341) of the theropod Megaraptor namunhuaiquii Novas, 1998 was discovered (Calvo et ah, 2004a). In the present study we improve the description of some manus bones and analyse paleoecological aspects of this enigmatic dinosaur. Phylogenetic relationships were previously established based on many different skeletal parts of the theropod group taxa although some of the bones are rarely preserved, such as their hands. The anatomical study of the manus bones here developed allowed establishing a more accurate phylogenetic position of this species. Also, it is very profitable for comparative studies with other similar manual elements in other theropods (Calvo et ah, 2004a). Several studies have been made focusing on diets and behaviors of the giant theropods (Farlow & Pianka, 2002). However, many of the results were based on the skull and teeth morphology, stomach contents, 1 Submitted on September 14, 2006. Accepted on November 17, 2007. 2 Centro Paleontológico Lago Barreales, Universidad Nacional dei Comahue. Ruta Provincial 51, km 65. C.P. 8300. Neuquén, Argentina. 3 Correspondence to: J.D. Porfiri. Centro Paleontológico Lago Barreales (CePaLB). Universidad Nacional dei Comahue. Proyecto Dino, Ruta Provincial 51, km 65, Neuquén, Argentina. E-mail: 546 J.D.PORFIRI, D.SANTOS & J.O.CALVO and coprolites. Anyway, there are several disparities of opinions concerning with these aspects. Although we recognize that it is very hard to interpret dinosaur diets with only postcranial elements, here we analyze the possible behavior of the giant cretaceous predator Megaraptor namunhuaiquii FOSSILS OF FUTALOGNKO SITE The preserved forelimbs (MUCPv-341) of Megaraptor namunhuaiquii consist of a left scapula and coracoid, a right ulna and a radius, and a complete right manus. These materiais were found associated to sauropods remains (Calvo etal, 2001; Calvo, 2006), theropods (Calvo etal, 2004b), ornithopods (Porfiri & Calvo, 2002), fishes (Gallo etal., 2003), plants (Prámparo etal., 2003), turtles, crocodiles, and pterosaurs (Kellner et al, 2006). MATERIAL AND METHODS The material consists of a left scapula and coracoid, a right ulna and radius, and a complete right manus and it is housed in the Museo de Geologia y Paleontologia de la Universidad Nacional dei Comahue under the number MUCPv-341. It was examined with a PHILIPS TOMOSCAN MG helicoidal tomography, in sections of 1 to 2mm thickness with an overlapping of 50%. The two- dimensional images were saved in a DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine) standard format on the Philips system that provides mechanism for supporting the use of JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group) Image. The data was converted into three-dimensional images and saved as JPEG archives for visualization. The application of a computed tomography to the manus bones of Megaraptor namunhuaiquii demonstrates morphological data for a forelimb muscular insertion study (Porfiri et al., 2005). As a result, it was possible to obtain data on the surface of the bones, allowing the proposed study. RESULTS Description of the Material The large theropod Megaraptor presents well developed forelimbs. Digit I has a deep and wide sulcus on the ventral surface of phalanx I (Fig. 1). This sulcus suggests the existence of a strong ligament uniting phalanx I (18.4cm long) with flexor tuberculum of ungual phalanx I (42cm long). Moreover, the enlarged laminar olecranon process of the ulna in M. namunhuaiquii indicates the insertion of a massive tríceps (Fig.2). This muscle would give a higher force to Megaraptor hand during extensional movements. The tríceps and flexor ligament would be efficient in seizing prey (Fig. 3). Unfortunately, the humerus of Megaraptor was not preserved; however, the scapula and the coracoid preserved are morphologically similar to those of Baryonyx Charig & Milner, 1986. So, it is probably that the humerus had a similar robustness. The acromial process of the scapula is oriented 90° with respect to the scapular blade and it is United one to another by a thin lamina. The distai end of the scapular lamina is compressed laterally. It is possible to observe a thin lamina on the posteroventral region. Approximately 1/3 of the distai end of the scapula is not preserved. So, it is not possible to know if there is a distai expansion similar to other theropods as Allosaurus Marsh, 1877 (Madsen, 1976). The glenoid cavity is convex and formed by the articular facet for humerus. In anterior view, the scapula articulation with the coracoid has a semicircular shape in the ventral part. It expands dorsally in a thin lamina. The articulation is oriented perpendicular to the scapular lamina presenting an expansion on the ventral zone with respect to the dorsal one. Metacarpals are articulated on the proximal region. Metacarpal I has asymmetrical distai condyles separated by a shallow sulcus. This asymmetry allowed a lateromedial rotation of digit I during the flexion movement (Calvo et al, 2004a). Metacarpal II occupies almost 50 % of the dorsal surface of the carpals. Metacarpal III and their phalanges are flattened and deformed by postdepositional compression. This digit is more gracile than digits I or II. Concerning Megaraptor hand, one of the most important features is the presence of a metacarpal IV, which represents more than 1 /3 of the total length of metacarpal III. This metacarpal is present in many primitive theropods. It is possible that metacarpal IV did not have mobility since it is fused to Metacarpal III and that it was almost imperceptible on the M. namunhuaiquii manus. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.545-550, out./dez.2007 NEW INFORMATION ON M. NAMUNHUAIQUII, PATAGÔNIA: CONSIDERATIONS ON PALEOECOLOGICAL ASPECTS 547 Fig. 1- Phalanx I of the digit I in distai and ventral views. Scale bar = 5cm; fig.2 - ulna in lateral view. Abbreviation: (OP) olecranon process. Scale bar = 3cm; fig. 3 - claw I of the digit I of Megaraptor in medial view. Abbreviations: (FT) flexor tubercle, (FX) phalanx I. Scale bar = 6cm. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION One important feature of Megaraptor is the presence of a sharp ventral border on its ungual phalanx of the digit I, finger I, indicating efficient raptorial abilities (Fig.4). This character is absent in other theropods in which the ventral border is rounded (Fig.5). The phalanx of digit I has a wide dorsal surface, strong enough to support a massive extensor muscle. The phalanges of digit II have smaller dorsal surfaces than those of the digits I and III. It suggests that the movement during hyperextension of the ungual phalanx was very strong, a condition needed to animais with raptorial habits. A claw with a sharp ventral surface is also present in dromaeosaurids (Ostrom, 1969; Novas & Pol, 2005) as Deinonychus Ostrom, 1969 and Neuquenraptor Novas & Pol, 2005. This characteristic is only observable in the claw II of the pes of these animais since the other claws have flat ventral surfaces. Deinonychus hand has claws with rounded ventral surfaces as in Allosaurus (Madsen, 1976). Therefore, the main tool for attack in Deinonychus was the claw II on the foot and the manus were used just for sustainability. The other claws of the foot would have only a support utility. Due to the shape observed in the ventral border of Megaraptor manus, we deduce that the claw of phalanx I had the same function to that observed in Deinonychus and the claws II and III could also be related with the body support. Also, based on the fact that Deinonychus and Neuquenraptor were hunters and that it was possible to associate similarities between the ventral border of the foot claw II of these dromaeosaurids and the hand claw I of Megaraptor, it is here supposed that this giant predator of Patagônia had a hunter habit (Fig.6). The radio rescued for the carcharodontosaurid Mapusaurus roseae (Coria & Currie, 2006) showed that its hands are larger, different from those observed in other large theropods as tyrannosaurids and abelisaurids (Coria & Currie, 2006). The interpretation given by those authors to the metacarpals considering them as metacarpals II and III in Mapusaurus (MCF- PVPH-108.48) may be similar to that given to the metacarpals I and II of Megaraptor due to their similarity. As manual elements rescued in Megaraptor have close similarities to the carcharodontosaurid Mapusaurus it is possible to consider both having similar cranial Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.545-550, out./dez.2007 548 J.D.PORFIRI, D.SANTOS & J.O.CALVO morphology, which may indicate that Megaraptor used the skull as main weapon and the forelimbs only for opening carcasses. Also, considering hands’ morphology, both Megaraptor and Baryonyx (Charig & Milner, 1997) are basal tetanurans that have similar ones. Kitchener (1987) proposed that the spinosaurid Baryonyx could have been a carnivorous animal considering that their claws could have been utilized for opening dead bodies. Otherwise, Baryonyx was also interpreted as a piscivorous dinosaur (Rayfield & Milner, 2005) based not only on the enormous claws, but also on the skull morphology, the tooth shape, and the stomach contents (sensu Farlow & Holtz, 2002). However, evidence about Megaraptor dietary habits can only be related to its hand morphology since there are no cranial materiais to be studied. The teeth described by Calvo et al. (2004a) are not associated with cranial materiais and, for this reason, were not considered in the present study. So that there are no enough data to support that Megaraptor had scavenger piscivorous habits. Furthermore, based on related materiais of more than one individual of Megaraptor from Barreales Lake, it is possible to indicate a social behavior for the genus (Porfiri et al, 2007) which is observed in other basal tetanurans, such as in Mapusaurus (Coria & Currie, 2006). For this reason, it is possible that Megaraptor was an animal with group hunting habits, behavior observed in some living animal as lions and hyenas (Farlow, 1976). Fig.4 - Cut of the Megaraptof s claw I of the digit I. The arrows show the cutting surface. Scale bar = 3cm; fig.5 - Claw II of the digit II. Scale bar = 2.5cm; fig. 6 - (A) pedal claw II of digit II in the dromaeosaurid Neuquenraptor, (B) ungual attributed to left manual digit I in the spinosaurid Baryonyx ; (C) manual ungual in the Tetanurae Megaraptor. Only comparative, without scale. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.545-550, out./dez.2007 NEW INFORMATION ON M. NAMUNHUAIQUlI, PATAGÔNIA: CONSIDERATIONS ON PALEOECOLOGICAL ASPECTS 549 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Ramiro Malagrini and Carla Rein for helping in the acquisition of the tomographic data. This research was supported by Proyecto Dino: Duke Energy Argentina, Philips Argentina, Total S.A., and Pan American Energy. REFERENCES CALVO, J.O., 2006. Dinossauros e fauna associada de uma nova localidade no Lago Barreales (Formação Portezuelo, Cretáceo Superior), Neuquén, Argentina. 139p. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Biológicas - Zoologia) - Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas - Zoologia, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro. CALVO, J.O.; PORFIRI, J.D.; VERALLI, C.; NOVAS, F. & POBLETE, F., 2004a. Phylogenetic status of Megaraptor namunhuaiquii Novas based on a new specimen from Neuquén, Patagônia, Argentina. Ameghiniana, 41:565-575. CALVO, J.O.; PORFIRI, J.D.; VERALLI, C.D. & POBLETTE, F. 2001. 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PORFIRI, J.D; SANTOS, D.D; MALAGRINI, R.; REIN, C.; CISILINO, A. & CALVO, J.O., 2005. Estúdios preliminares sobre la biomecánica de la mano de Megaraptor namunhuaiquii (Theropoda; Tetanurae). In: CONGRESO LATINOAMERICANO DE PALEONTOLOGÍA DE VERTEBRADOS, 2., 2005, Rio de Janeiro. Resumos... Rio de Janeiro: Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, p.210. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.545-550, out./dez.2007 550 J.D.PORFIRI, D.SANTOS & J.O.CALVO PRÁMPARO, M.B.; PASSALIA, M.G.; HEREDIA, S.E. & dinosaurs are mechanical analogues of fish-eating CALVO, J.O., 2003. Hallazgo de una macroflora en el crocodilians, not large alligatorids or typical theropods. cretácico superior dei Grupo Neuquén, Lago Barreales, i n: PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION ANNUAL Neuquén. Ameghiniana, 40:91R. MEETING, 49., Oxford. Abstracts... University of RAYFIELD, E. & MILNER, A., 2005. Spinosaurid theropod Oxford, p.29. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.545-550, out./dez.2007 nnn nnnhnrinnn nrm i a= =ts i Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.551-572, out./dez.2007 ISSN 0365-4508 FÓSSIL BIRDS OF CHILE AND ANTARCTIC PENÍNSULA 1 (With 7 figures) MARTIN CHAVEZ 2 ABSTRACT: All fóssil bird orders recorded from the Mesozoic and Cenozoic periods in deposits of Chile and the Antarctic Peninsula have been summarized. Chilean insular territory and quaternary records have been excluded. The Bahia Inglesa Formation located in Copiapó province in northern Chile and the La Meseta Formation of Seymour Island have been identified as the richest fossiliferous fóssil bird-bearing localities for Chile and the Antarctic Peninsula respectively. The importance of these records as indicators of paleoenvironmental conditions is discussed. Key words: Fóssil birds. Chile. Antarctic Península. RESUMO: Aves fósseis do Chile e da Península Antártica. Um resumo de todas as ordens de aves registradas para o Mesozoico e o Cenozoico em depósitos do Chile e da Península Antártica é aqui apresentado. Registros relacionados ao território insular chileno e ao Quaternário foram excluídos. A Formação Bahia Inglesa, localizada na província de Copiapó, e a Formação La Meseta, localizada em Seymor Island, foram identificadas como as mais ricas localidades fossilíferas com registros de ocorrência de aves, respectivamente para o Chile e para a Península Antártica. A importância desses registros como indicadores de condições paleoambientais é discutida. Palavras-chave: Aves fósseis. Chile. Península Antártica. INTRODUCTION Studies of Chilean fóssil avifauna have been undertaken since the XVI century, but modern studies were only established in XIX century. More than 460 species in 55 families have been documented in Chile since then, representing 4.76% of the current worldwide avian diversity (Araya & Millie, 1998). Fóssil birds and the origin of the current avian diversity in Chile have been poorly studied, despite the relative abundance of fossils in Coastal formations. In contrast, the Antarctic avian remains have a long history of study ( e.g., Wiman, 1905; Marples, 1953; Myrcha etal, 2002). The few revisions concerning the ornithological works in Chile before the year 2000 have been conducted exclusively by foreigners [e.g., Mones, 1986; Tambussi & Noriega, 1996). In 1895, R. Phillipi mentioned Chilean fóssil birds for the first time, describing subfossil remains from Mejillones and Tarapaca in guano sites. Later, only two species were described: Neogaeomis wetzelli Lambrecht, 1929 and Meganhinga chilensis Alvarenga, 1995. These constitute the main works during the XX centuiy. At present, an increasing number of studies have been conducted in this area by national researchers (e.g., Fritis, 2001) as well as foreign scientist (e.g., Walsh & Hume, 2001; Acosta- Hospitaleche 8g Tambusi, 2004). The author of this work has also been contributing to the study of the Chilean ornithofauna (e.g., Chavez, 2001, 2005a, b). In the current work, the fóssil records of the Republic of Chile are summarized including material described for the Antarctic territory from W 53° to 90°. All the orders recorded from Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits are included. Insular Chilean territory and Quaternary records are excluded. The formations in which fóssil bird remains can be found in Chile (Fig.l) are restricted to sequences directly associated with aquatic environments, mainly marine ones, except the Curamallin Formation. Thus, orders of seabirds or birds associated with lacustrine systems are the only type of known fóssil bird communities. It is necessary to study continental formations to obtain better information about terrestrial birds because our present knowledge is barely sufficient and restricted to the Late Cretaceous and Neogene. The Bahia Inglesa locality is the most important in abundance and diversity of fóssil birds in Chile (Fig.3B). Information about the Paleogene is lacking (Fig.3A). There are few fossiliferous formations of the Paleogene and prospections from these are limited. 1 Submitted on September 14, 2006. Accepted on November 4, 2007. 2 Instituto de Zoologia, Universidad Austral, Valdivia, Chile. Avenida México 9662, La Florida, Santiago-Chile. E-mail: 552 M.CHAVEZ 52 48 44 40 36 32 28 24 Fig.l- Localities bearing fóssil birds in Chile. Localities: (1) Rucananco hill, (2) Tumbes Peninsula, (3) Coquimbo, (4) Chanaral de Aceituna, (5) Bahia Inglesa, (6) Mejillones Peninsula. Taxa: (A) Gaviidae, (B) Anhingidae, (C) Phalacrocoracidae, (D) Sulidae, (E) Pelagornithidae, (F) Procellaridae, (G) Diomedeidae, (H) Pygoscelis, (I) Spheniscidae, (J) Falconidae. Antarctic Peninsula fossiliferous locations (Fig.2), corresponding mainly to formations associated with marine or deltaic edges like the Lopez de Bertodano Formation or La Meseta Formation, have provided Chilean ornithofauna workers with the opportunity of having a record of continental elements (Fig.3C). Due to the scarcity of Neogene fossiliferous formations in that region and the glacial conditions that began in the Middle Miocene, the records are chronologically restricted to the Late Cretaceous and Paleogene (Fordyce & Jones, 1990). The Seymour Island locality is the most important as far as Antarctic fóssil avian abundance and diversity are concerned. Since, there are no Paleogene records in Chile, the Antarctic record has become a useful tool for understanding the conditions in the austral extreme during the early Tertiary (Fig.3A). A total of 56 records are considered in 10 orders, 24 of them coming from Chilean territory (see Appendix): 20 taxa correspond to species described on the basis of material found within the studied area, 15 of them collected on the Antarctic Peninsula (Tab.l). Institutional abbreviations: CPDG: Coleccion Paleontologica Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile (Santiago-Chile); GPMK: Geologisch-Palaontologisches Institut und Museum (Kiel-Germany); MPC: Museo Paleontologico de Caldera (Caldera-Chile); MUSM: Museo de Historia Natural de la Universidad de San Marcos (Lima- Peru); SGO-PV: Museo Nacional de Historia Natural (Santiago-Chile); SNGM: Servicio Nacional de Geologiay Mineria (Santiago-Chile); USNM: United States National Museum, Smithsonian Institution (Washington D.C.-USA); UOP: University of Portsmouth (Portsmouth -United Kingdom). SYSTEMATICS AND GENERAL SIGNIFICANCE Ornithurines The record of Mesozoic birds is virtually restricted to Neornithes in the studied area. However, other Ornithurine information in the Antarctic continent are known. Zinsmeister (1985) mentions the existence of Ichthyornithes in the Late Cretaceous of Seymour Island, Antarctica. That publication does not include figures of the material collected and it is barely descriptive. For this reason it has been broadly ignored and not been able to be revised (Clarke, 2004). Feduccia (1999) mentions another possible record without indicating a specific location: “Hou Lian-Hai is currently describing a Hesperornithiform from the Lower Cretaceous of Antarctica” (:161). No description or Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.551-572, out./dez.2007 FÓSSIL BIRDS OF CHILE AND ANTARCTIC PENÍNSULA 553 images of these materiais have been published (A.Feduccia, pers. comm., 2005). Due to the limited available information these records are not included in the figure 2. Ratites Ratites are flightless cursorial paleognathes generally of great size. Though the phylogeny of this group is still being discussed, recent revisions confirm that they are a monophyletic group (Dyke & Van Tuinen, 2004). Extant representatives are restricted to the austral continents. There is only one known record consisting of a tarsometatarsus from the La Meseta Formation (Late Eocene) of Seymour Island, Antarctica (Tambussi et al, 1994). It is not possible to make a more specific taxonomic classification based on the known materiais. The presence of these birds in Antarctica is congruent with an early Gondwanan dispersion suggested for ratites (Van Tuinen et al, 1998). I I 70 65 60 Fig.2- Localities bearing fóssil birds in Antarctic Peninsula. Localities: (1) Seymour Island, (2) Vega Island, (3) Rey Jorge Island. Taxa: (A) Ichthyornis ?, (B) Anseriformes, (C) Gaviidae, (D) Diomedeidae, (E) Ratites, (F) Pelagornithidae, (G) Spheniscidae, (H) Charadriiformes, (I) Cariamae, (J) Tracks. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de laneiro, v.65, n.4, p.551-572, out./dez.2007 554 M.CHAVEZ C Fig.3- (A) Comparison of fóssil bird record of Chile and Antarctic Peninsula considering geological periods. Both areas possess Cretacic records. The Antarctic record (gray rhombus), during Cenozoic, is restricted to Paleogene, whilst Chilean records (black squares) are restricted to Neogene. (Maa) Maastrichtian, (Pal) Paleocene, (Eo) Eocene, (Mio) Miocene, (Plio) Pliocene; (B) total numbers of records in the main Chilean formations. Bahia Inglesa Formation is the place where the greatest number of records has been obtained. (Qui) Quiriquinas, (Cur) Curamallin, (Bing) Bahia Inglesa, (Coq) Coquimbo, (Lpor) La Portada; (C) species recorded by order in the fossiliferous localities of Chile and Antarctic Peninsula. Seymour Island and Bahia Inglesa possess the greatest diversity of fóssil birds. (Ratit) Ratites, (Anser) Anseriformes, (Proce) Procellariiformes, (Gavi) Gaviiformes, (Sphen) Sphenisciformes, (Chara) Charadriiformes, (Peleca) Pelecaniformes, (Ralli) Ralliformes, (Falco) Falconiformes. (A) Seymour Island, (B) Bahia Inglesa, (C) Coquimbo, (D) La Portada, (E) Vega Island, (F) Curamallin, (G) Quiriquina. TABLE 1. Species of birds typified in Chile and Antarctic Peninsula in chronological order. Delphinornis larsenii Wiman, 1905 Anthropomis nordenskjoeldii Wiman, 1905 Anthropomis grandis (Wiman, 1905) Palaeeudyptes gunnari (Wiman, 1905) Neogaeomis wetzelli Lambrecht, 1929 Archaeospheniscus ivimani (Marples, 1953) Palaeeudyptes klekotuskii Myrcha, Tatur & dei Valle,1990 Meganhinga chilensis Alvarenga, 1995 Delphinornis gracilis Myrcha, Jadwiszczak, Tambussi, Noriega, Gazdzicki, Tatur & dei Valle, 2002 Delphinornis arctowskii Myrcha, Jadwiszczak, Tambussi, Noriega, Gazdzicki, Tatur & dei Valle, 2002 Mesetaomis polaris Myrcha, Jadwiszczak, Tambussi, Noriega, Gazdzicki, Tatur & dei Valle, 2002 Marambiomis exilis Myrcha, Jadwiszczak, Tambussi, Noriega, Gazdzicki, Tatur & dei Valle, 2002 Polarornis gregorii Chatheijee, 2002 Spheniscus chilensis Emslie & Guerra, 2003 Vegavis iaai Clarke, Tambussi, Noriega, Erickson & Ketcham, 2005 Crossvallia unienwillia Tambussi, Reguero, Marenssi & Santillana, 2005 Pygoscelis calderensis Acosta-Hospitaleche, Chavez & Fritis, 2006 Pygoscelis grandis Walsh & Suarez, 2006 Tonniomis mesetaensis Tambussi, Acosta Hospitaleche, Reguero & Marenssi, 2006 Tonniornis minimum Tambussi, Acosta Hospitaleche, Reguero & Marenssi, 2006 Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.551-572, out./dez.2007 FÓSSIL BIRDS OF CHILE AND ANTARCTIC PENÍNSULA 555 Anseriformes Anseriforms are cosmopolitan aquatic (mostly freshwater) birds. The greatest variety of species has been found in the Southern Hemisphere. Fóssil records are restricted to the Antarctic Península. Vegavis iaai (Clarke et dl., 2005) ofVega Island, Maastrichtian in age, was described on the basis of materiais mentioned originally as a possible Presbyornithidae (Noriega & Tambussi, 1995). The holotype of V. iaai consists of a partially disarticulated skeleton enclosed in a concretion, which made the initial observation of diagnostic characters for the specimen difficult. Later studies demonstrated that the skeletal proportions of V. iaai are different from those observed in the Presbyornithidae. There are no characters suggesting a stronger affinity with Presbyornithidae than with the Anatidae, resulting in an unresolved tricotomic position with both families (Clarke et ah, 2005). This record is consistent with the hyphotesis of a Gondwanic origin of the clade and suggests an early radiation of the order (Olson, 1989; Clarke et ah, 2005). Procellariiformes This order comprises four families of variable size sea birds that live in all the oceans. Many of them are associated with cold currents. The actual greatest diversity is found in the Southern Hemisphere. The Diomedeidae includes the largest living seabirds. They are concentrated in the Southern seas between S 45° and 70°, reaching the Northern Hemisphere in the Pacific Ocean. The earliest record of the family on the hemisphere was found in the Late Eocene of the La Meseta Formation on Seymour Island (Tambussi & Tonni, 1988). The worldwide family record is more abundant in the Neogene and the fóssil records in South America are concentrated along the Pacific coast. The work undertaken in the Bahia Inglesa Formation (Late Miocene) in the Atacama Region includes the first mention of procellariiforms for Chile. This material was referred to post cranial elements of Diomedea sp. (Walsh & Hume, 2001). Just recently new elements have been identified from the bonebed of the same formation. They include a partial skull assigned to Diomedea (MPC1011) (Fig.4A) and two indeterminate ones, possibly close to Thalassarche (MPC1012, MPC1015) (Fig.4B) (Chavez, 2005a). The size of the known elements is congruent with the size range of Thalassarche although this does not necessarily indicate a taxonomic affinity. Consequently, it is not possible to determine a generic identification by now. Additionally, fragmentary material has been identified from the Coquimbo Formation in Chaharal de Aceituna, Atacama Region, although its affinity is yet undetermined (MPC1018) (Fig.4C) (Chavez, 2005b). Fig.4- Procellariiformes. Diomedeidae: (A) cf. Diomedea ; partial skull (MPC1011) and (B) aff. Thalassarche ?; partial skull (MPC1012); both from Bahia Inglesa Formation (Late Miocene). (C) Diomedeidae indet.; distai portion of right tarsometatarsus (MPC1018) from Coquimbo Formation (Late Miocene). Procellariidae: (D) Right humerus (MPC1013) and left distai extreme of humerus (MPC1014) from Bahia Inglesa Formation (Late Miocene). Scale bar = 5cm. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.551-572, out./dez.2007 556 M.CHAVEZ The family Procellariidae is distributed from the Artic Ocean to the Antarctic Ocean and it has a wide trophic niche and a wide diverse body size range. In Chile, records of the Procellariidae are limited to the Bahia Inglesa Formation where two species have been reported. It represents an indeterminate member of the tribe Puffini and is based on two partial humeri (MPC1013, MPC1014) (Fig.4D) from the nearby sands of the Miocene bonebed leveis of the formation (Chavez, 2005a). This extensively distributed tribe comprises the genera Puffinus, Calonectris, Lugensa, and Ardenna. The dorsoventral compression of the diaphysis and the supracondylar ventral area of these specimens are similar to those of Puffinus and Ardenna. The close morphological similarity of these genera hinders differentiation based on osteology, thus the referring evidence to a particular genera for these fragmentary fossils is avoided. The latter taxon is represented by cranial elements assigned to the genus Pachyptila (Sallaberry et aL, 2007). At present, this genus is restricted to cold currents in the Southern Hemisphere and considered as an indicator of such conditions (Olson, 1983; Chavez, 2005a). The limited record of Procellariids in Chilean formations is probably a result of taphonomic factors or collection biases. It is hoped that future prospecting will provide new and better handled materiais to be studied. Gaviiformes This order comprises a unique Holartic bird family which is marine but visiting freshwater. Neogaeornis tuetzelli Lambrecht, 1929 from the Tumbes Peninsula, Bio-Bio Region, was originally considered a Baptornithidae. This idea has been retained by some authors ( e.g ., Cracraft, 1982; Feduccia, 1999). Later studies reassigned it to the modern family Gaviidae (Olson, 1992). The holotype (GPMK 123) comprises an incomplete tarsometatarsus. A second specimen from San Vicente Bay, Bio-Bio Region (Oliver-Schneider, 1940), has not been correctly described. Both specimens from the Quiriquina Formation (Maastrichtian) represent the only cretaceous records from Chile. Polarornis gregorii Chatterjee, 2002 was described from the Lopez de Bertodano Formation (Maastrichtian) on the Seymour Island. The holotype consists of a partial skeleton which includes a “well-preserved skull” (Chatterjee, 1997, 2002), although the illustrations are not sufficiently descriptive and some authors [e.g., Martin, 1998; Feduccia, 1999) regard the State of preservation and interpretation of that material as doubtful. Substantial parts of the skull were reconstructed and are not preserved in the specimen (Mayr, 2004). In spite of being originally poorly described, the affinity of the material with the Gaviidae seems to be supported. The specimens exhibit similarities with Colymboides of the Paleogene of Europe and North America (S.Olson, pers. comm., 2005). Recently, a new species of Polarornis has been suggested (Chatterjee etal, 2006). The synonymy of Polarornis with Neogaeornis is not discarded (Mayr, 2004) although new revisions are required to confirm such proposal. A close relationship between this Holartic order and other ones better represented in the Southern Hemisphere, such as the Sphenisciformes and Procellariiformes, has been suggested [e.g., Olson, 1985, 1992). Therefore, the early incidence of the family in this hemisphere can be related to the meridional origin of this order and its early radiation during the Cretaceous. Sphenisciformes The Sphenisciformes consist of only one highly derived seabird family. These birds are adapted for wing-propelled diving. They are restricted to the Southern Hemisphere and associated with cold currents. They are the most abundant birds in the Cenozoic marine deposits of the Southern Hemisphere. The earliest record comes from the Late Paleocene of the Cross Valley Formation in Seymour Island and is based on an isolated humerus recently accepted as a new species of penguin (Tambussi et al, 2005a). The La Meseta Formation (Late Eocene) of Seymour Island is one of the richest deposits of fóssil penguins in the world (Fig.5). It has been studied by several authors [e.g., Wiman, 1905; Marples, 1953; Simpson, 1971). Nevertheless, the fragmentary State of the specimens and the criteria used for their classification have hindered the correct interpretation of these materiais (Fordyce & J ones, 1990; Fordyce, 1991). Only recently revisions of the collections have been undertaken, allowing a better understanding of penguin diversity during the Antarctic Paleogene. For the present summary, the species proposed by Myrcha et al (2002) have been validated. These authors reviewed the species based on tarsometatarsus, indicating a minimum of nine species and a total of 15 records. Other related studies indicate a minimum of nine species and a total of 10 records Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.551-572, out./dez.2007 FÓSSIL BIRDS OF CHILE AND ANTARCTIC PENÍNSULA 557 (Jadwiszczak, 2006a; Tambussi et dl., 2006). Two taxa have been excluded in the present work: Wimanornis seymourensis Simpson, 1971 for not being considered as a distinct species, and Ichtyopteryx garcilis Wiman, 1905 which was excluded because it was considered a nomen dubium (Jadwiszczak, 2006a). This abundance of sympatric species in Antarctica has led some authors to have little confidence in the diagnostic criteria used since diagnoses have mostly been based on isolated bones, particularly the tarsometatarsus and humerus ( e.g ., Olson, 1985; Fordyce & Jones, 1990; Jadwiszczak, 2006b). Recent analyses of the morphological variability of such elements suggest that they can partially contribute to the generic differentiation but that their effectiveness is limited for specific differentiation. The tarsometatarsus seems to be a better source of taxonomic information (Walsh et al., 2004; Jadwiszczak, 2006b). Nevertheless, it is clear that the penguins of the La Meseta Formation differ strongly from the forms observed in the Neogene, showing a marked tendency to reach a greater size than those of the living forms, with few exceptions as for example Delphinomis and Tonniomis. The similarities between the Eocene penguins found in Antarctica and New Zealand have been mentioned several times {e.g., Marples, 1953; Simpson, 1971; Fordyce, 1991) and there exist shared genera between both localities (Palaeeudyptes and Archaeospheniscus) as well as with Australian Oligocene localites (Anthropomis) and recently new related genera are found in Peruvian localities (Clarke et al, 2007). This suggests an early and strong interaction among the spheniscid populations in the austral seas (Tambussi et al, 2006). Just recently, advances in the study of Chilean fóssil penguins have revealed a wide record in the Neogene deposits. The greatest diversity comes from the bonebed of the Bahia Inglesa Formation, for which seven records are known (Chavez, 2007) including partial skulls. A first study of the avifauna from that formation postulated the existence of the genera Palaeospheniscus and Paraptenodytes described originally from the Early Miocene of Argentina (Fritis, 2001). Fig.5- Spheniscids from Eocene of Seymour Island, Antartica. (A) PPalaeeudyptes sp.; anterior portion of rostrum in dorsal view (USNM 244152) and left mandibular fragment in medial view (USNM 244151). (B) Spheniscidae indet. cf. Anthropomis ; left tarsometatarsus (USNM 21032) compared with Spheniscus humboldti. (C) Spheniscidae indet. cf. Anthropomis ; left tibiotarsus (USNM 402212). (D) Comparison of right humeri: (a) Spheniscus humboldti; (b) Palaeeudyptes gunnari (USNM 21027); (c) Palaeeudyptes antarticus (USNM 21023); and (d) Spheniscidae indet. (USNM 21124). Scale bar = 4cm. Photographs by Marcelo Stucchi. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.551-572, out./dez.2007 558 M.CHAVEZ Later on, these conclusions were accepted (Acosta- Hospitaleche et al, 2002; Acosta-Hospitaleche & Tambussi, 2004; Tambussi etal, 2005b). Nevertheless, neither a formal description of materiais nor a detailed diagnostic verification have been carried out. The work of O. Fritis is the most extensive about this, although his work does not present characters that validate the specific identifications. Similarly, the association of skull material to Palaeospheniscus has been undertaken using criteria which cannot be widely accepted. Fritis (2001) recognizes a close similarity of the skulls with the genus Spheniscus. He assigned them to Palaeospheniscus because he considered that Spheniscus had appeared during the Late Pliocene. More recently, Acosta-Hospitaleche & Canto (2005) assigned isolated skulls ( e.g., SGO-PV 1063) to the genus, considering as improbable their correspondence with other Spheniscidae of the formation. However, they did not present characters that differentiate the specimens from the genus Spheniscus. Recently, the species proposed by Acosta-Hospitaleche et al. (2002) have been revised by Chavez (2007). Additionally, the first assignable remains to Spheniscus urbinai Stucchi, 2002 (MPC1007) and S. megaramphus Stucchi, Urbina & Giraldo, 2003 (UOP/Ol/89; MPC1008; MPC1009) (Walsh, 2004; Chavez, 2005a), originally described for the Miocene of Peru (Stucchi et al, 2003) have been presented. One of the characteristics of both species is that they are between 25% and 30% larger in size than the living species of the genus, being differentiated only by cranial elements. Due to this fact, the author has only referred isolated rostrums for these species (Chavez, 2005a), though they are coincident with the size range of the majority of the postcranial elements known from the formation. It is probable that the materiais previously reported as cf. Spheniscus (UOP/Ol/93) (Walsh & Hume, 2001), belong to one of these two species (Walsh, 2004). Additionally, congeneric materiais are known in the Pliocene leveis of the Bahia Inglesa Formation (MPC1020), which are in the size range of the current species of the genus (Walsh, 2004; Chavez, 2005a). Similarly, a spheniscid with affinities to the modern genus Pygoscelis (Fritis, 2001; Acosta- Hospitaleche et al., 2002) has been mentioned and recognized as a new species, Pygoscelis calderensis Acosta-Hospitaleche, Chavez & Fritis, 2006, that was described on the basis of partial skulls [e.g., SGO-PV 790). The existence of a second species, Pygoscelis grandis Walsh & Suarez, 2006, has been mentioned from the Late Miocene and Pliocene of the formation. Its size is similar to the current genus Aptenodytes. At present, the genus is restricted to Antarctic and sub Antarctic regions. This close association with cold environments suggests the existence of these conditions for the coast of Chile during the Miocene. The abundance of fossils and the existence ofyoung individuais suggest the presence of reproductive colonies in the area. Other specimens are known from the Coquimbo and Chaharal de Aceituna localities (Coquimbo Formation) with the presence of Spheniscidae indet. cf. Palaeospheniscus and Spheniscus sp. (MPC1016; MPC1017) (Acosta-Hospitaleche et al., 2006a; Chavez, 2005b) and La Portada Formation (Late Pliocene) in Antofagasta Region with the presence of Spheniscus chilensis Emslie & Guerra, 2003. Charadriiformes This is the most diverse and numerous order of mostly migratory Coastal birds. The greatest variety is found in the Northern Hemisphere. There are currently 13 living families visiting or resident in South America. The Charadriidae is one of the most widely distributed family of the order living on all continents except frozen zones. Fóssil records of the family are limited to the La Meseta Formation (Late Eocene) of Seymour Island (Tambussi & Noriega, 1996). The material has not been published yet, and there are no available descriptions. Pelecaniformes These fish-eating birds need sources of water to subsist, and are found mainly on Coastal and occasionally lacustrine areas. The five extant families are present in South America. The Sulidae are well represented along the Pacific coast of South America, unlike the Atlantic coast, where the family is restricted to the northeast border with records in the Argentinian coast. The family is associated with high productive marine areas, particularly of a warm or mild influence. Some species also live in polar areas of the North Atlantic. In Chile, the fóssil record is limited to Bahia Inglesa, where the presence of the genus Sula has been reported on the basis of postcranial and mandibular materiais (Walsh & Hume, 2001). Review of unpublished material in the Museo Paleontologico Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.551-572, out./dez.2007 FÓSSIL BIRDS OF CHILE AND ANTARCTIC PENÍNSULA 559 de Caldera shows a great quantity of skulls, mostly assignable to Sula. One of them (MPC1019) (Fig.6A) was previously classified incorrectly as Phalacrocoracidae indet aff. Hypoleucos (Fritis, 2001). This sulid corresponds to a big booby, in the size range of S. dactylatra. Although the general size and proportions are very similar to those of some specimens collected in the Pisco Formation of Peru (Miocene) (MUSM229) (Stucchi, 2003), the cranial morphology does not permit the assessment for a specific designation. From the illustrations published by Walsh & Hume (2001) it can be observed that the materiais are within the expected size range for the mentioned skulls, although the author thinks that only one species in the genus can be identify in the bonebed. Recently a new skull had been identified, representing a bigger species than the previously known and with some characteristics in common with the Peruvian genus Ramphastosula Stucchi & Urbina, 2004 (Chavez & Stucchi, 2006). Additionally, the presence of Morus in Bahia Inglesa Formation has been suggested (S.Walsh, pers. comm.j. More materiais are known from the Mejillones Peninsula, referred to S. variegata (Murphy, 1936), but originally described as S. antiqua (Phillipi, 1895). There are neither images of these materiais nor certainty of their exact stratigraphic source, and they have even been mentioned as subfossil remains by many authors ( e.g ., Nelson, 1978; Mones, 1986). For this reason they have not been included in the present summary. The Phalacrocoracidae includes the main guano birds of the Pacific coast of South America. They are almost cosmopolitan except for extreme polar zones, diy zones, and oceanic islands. It is the most widely distributed family within the order. Although the fóssil record of the family in the area is very poor, living representatives are abundant. The only known records are related to isolated fragments from the Bahia Inglesa Formation (Walsh & Hume, 2001) and La Portada (Emslie & Guerra, 2003). Only a generic Identification can be approached, Phalacrocorax sp., in both cases. The specimens found in Bahia Inglesa correspond to a large cormorant with similar dimensions presented by P. bougainvilli With regard to the specimen of La Portada, it belongs to a small bird, similar in size to P. brasilianus although particular morphological affinities are difficult to establish (Emslie & Guerra, 2003). Size differences are significant; hence, it is possible to consider them as different species. A report of remains from guano sites of Tarapaca, described as P. sulcatus (Phillipi, 1895) lacks images of the material and does not provide a confident stratigraphic provenance. The specimens are considered as Quaternary and not included in the appendix. The current deposit of these material is unknown and P. sulcatus must be considered a nomen dubium. Fig.6- Pelecaniformes. Sulidae: (A) Sula sp.; partial skull (MPC1019) from Bahia Inglesa Formation (Late Miocene). Anhingidae: (B) Meganhinga chilensis ; right tarsometatarsus (holotype SGO-PV4001) from Curamallin Formation (Early Miocene). Pelagornithidae: (C) Pelagornis sp.; proximal extreme of left humerus in palmar view (MPC1000), from Bahia Inglesa Formation (Late Miocene). Scale bar = 5cm. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.551-572, out./dez.2007 560 M.CHAVEZ The Anhingidae comprises at present a single genus of aquatic fish-eating birds, with two allopatric species ( Anhinga anhinga and A. melanogaster) . These birds are the only Pelecaniforms living exclusively in freshwater. They are associated with fluvial systems and shallow bays; hence, they are considered continental birds. Their records in Chile are restricted to the Early Miocene (Santacrusian) Malla Malla Member of the Curamallin Formation in Cerro Rucahanco locality, Malleco Province, Araucania Region. The environment is interpreted as fluvial, surrounded by forests in a cold and rainy climate (Wall et al, 1991). The taxon was described as Meganhinga chüensis on the basis of postcranial associated elements (Fig.6B) (Alvarenga, 1995). It is plausible that the material belongs to two individuais of larger size than any known living form. The relative size of the wings with regard to the body proportion suggests that these birds were flightless, so that they were possibly specialized on diving. The incidence of the family is congruent with the proposed fluvial environment. At present, these birds are restricted to template-warm zones or tropical zones what contrasts with the conditions suggested for the formation. The presence of the family in Chile shows a wider distribution during the Tertiary than during the present. The family Pelagornithidae (Paleocene-Pliocene) constitutes one of the most spectacular and mysterious bird clade within Aves. These worldwide birds reached a large wingspan, being characterized by extreme pneumatic bones and the existence of numerous bone projections like teeth along the tomial margins. Remains found in undetermined strata of La Meseta Formation, Seymour Island are known. They probably belong to two species dated as Eocene in age (Tonni, 1980; Tonni & Tambussi, 1985). Specimens correspond to the earliest record of the family in the Southern hemisphere. In Chile, most of the records come from the bonebed of Bahia Inglesa Formation from which diverse specimens have been recovered (Walsh, 2000; Walsh & Hume, 2001; Chavez, 2001; Chavez & Stucchi, 2002). Some of the previously reported cranial elements have been associated to the genus Pseudodontornis (MPC1001; MPC1002; MPC1003) (Chavez & Stucchi, 2002). Nevertheless, the use of cf. Pelagornis is recommended for the specimens due to the complex taxonomy of the group and the insufficiently established diagnosis (Chavez et al, 2007). The only elements which can be generically identified correspond to a partial humerus (MPC1000) (Fig.6C) recently assigned to Pelagornis (Chavez et al, 2007). Ralliformes These birds belong to a heterogeneous continental order, occupying most of the families present in South America lacustrine habitat. The family Phorusrhacidae was one of the main groups of predators during the isolation of South America during the Tertiary. They were cursorial and flightless birds. They have different sizes and play different roles as predators. The record of these birds corresponds to a pre-maxillar fragment coming from La Meseta Formation (Case et al, 1987). It has been suggested recently that the material would correspond to the mandibular symphysis of a Brontornithinae, close to Brontornis (Alvarenga & Hofling, 2003). More recently, a new possible record of these birds has been reported from the Late Cretaceous of the Lopez de Bertodano Formation on Vega Island, Antarctica (Case et al, 2006). The presence of this family in the Antarctic continent demonstrates the permanent faunistical interchange during the Paleogene facilitated by its geographical connection between South America and West Antarctica. Falconiformes Falconiforms belong to the order of diurnal birds of prey. They are small and médium sized birds. They tend to be cosmopolitan and play very different roles such as aerial predators, scavengers or opportunistic birds. South America concentrates the highest variety of these taxa. There is only one record of this family in Chile, Milvago sp., coming from Mejillones Peninsula in Antofagasta Region (Emslie & Guerra, 2003). The material, found within the strata of the La Portada Formation (Late Pliocene) corresponds to a distai fragment of tarsometatarsus. It corresponds to the unique record of a non strictly aquatic birds in Chile and the oldest one for this genus. ICHNITES The fóssil ichnites constitute indirect evidence of the presence of birds. They can be associated to families or taxa from which taxonomical, ethological, and physiological inferences can be obtained. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.551-572, out./dez.2007 FÓSSIL BIRDS OF CHILE AND ANTARCTIC PENÍNSULA 561 The main records of this type in the studied area come from Fóssil Hill Formation on Fildes Península, Rey Jorge Island, Antarctica. The formation outcrops at the Southwestern part of the island and it was initially dated as Late Paleogene to Early Neogene (Covacevich & Lamperein, 1970). At present it is considered to be Late Paleogene in age (Paleocene-Eocene) (Torres, 2003). The lithology and fóssil flora suggest lacustrine environments, where angiosperms forests of warm and humid climates predominated (Torres, 2003). Four morphotypes have been reported, including the ichnospecies Antarctichnus fuenzalidae Covacevich & Lamperein, 1970, originally associated to the family Rallidae (Fig.7D). General similarities of the tracks exist with those of the expected ones for the rails. It is not possible to discard that they could have been made by birds belonging to other families; hence, the initial association can not be supported (Covacevich & Rich, 1982). Fig.7- Ichnites from Paleocene-Eocene of Rey Jorge Island, Antartica. (A) Morphotype III (CPDG,T-351) assesses to Aves indet. (B) Morphotype II (plastotype SNGM7695) assesses to Anseriformes indet. (C) Morphotype I (CPDG,T-350) assess to Ratites or Phorusrhacidae indet. D. Antarctichnus fuenzalidae Covacevich & Lamperein, 1970 (holotype CPDG,T-353). Morphotypes sensu Covacevich & Rich, 1982. Scale bar = 5cm. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.551-572, out./dez.2007 562 M.CHAVEZ The rest of the morphotypes offered by Covacevich & Rich (1982) correspond to ichnites which were related to a médium sized anseriform (Fig.7B), to a big cursorial bird (Ratites or Phorusrhacidae) (Fig.7C) and to a médium sized bird of undeterminated classification (Fig.7A). It is not possible for the moment to discard or confirm the taxonomical associations suggested for the tracks. Nevertheless, the paleoichnological evidence of big cursorial birds in the Paleogene on the Antarctic is congruent with the fragmentary fóssil records of Ralliformes and Ratites on that continent. The only mention of bird ichnites in Chile correspond to Covacevich (1989) from the El Condor Formation (Early Miocene) in Tierra dei Fuego. The report is poorly descriptive and there is no formal publication about it. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The Mesozoic records and the Antarctic Paleogene There are three known sites with records of Mesozoic birds within the studied area. The only Chilean records correspond to Quiriquina Formation in Tumbes Peninsula, Concepcion Province, Bio-Bio Region. Although there is a relative abundance of vertebrates described for the formation ( e.g ., Suarez et ah, 2003), there are only two mentions related to birds (Lambrecht, 1929; Oliver-Schneider, 1940). The formation is Maastrichtian in age (Stinnesbeck, 1986) and corresponds to marine depositional environments. The fragmentary State of the materiais have hindered their interpretation, nevertheless, they confirm the presence of birds in the Occidental border of South America during the Cretaceous period. The other two known sites are located in the Antarctic Peninsula. The marine Lopez de Bertodano Formation, in the Southern of Seymour Island, ranges from Maastrichtian to Paleocene and corresponds to the unit containing Polarornis whose associated fauna confirms its association with the Cretaceous strata of the formation (Chatterjee, 2002). Additionally, Seymour Island is the known location of Ichthyomis (Zinsmeister, 1985). Otherwise, Vega Island records includes Vegavis described for the unit K3 in the locality VEG 9303 (Clarke et ah, 2005), a new species of Polarornis (Chatterjee et ah, 2006) and a possible Cariamae, all from the Lopez de Bertodano Formation (Case et ah, 2006). The world record of Neornithes for the Mesozoic is very poor and highly fragmentary. This hinders the precise moment determination of the origin of the modern birds (Dyke & Van Tuinen, 2004; Fountaine et ah, 2005). In this context, the Antarctic records are considered as exceptional since they consist on partial specimens [e.g., Chatterjee, 2002; Clarke et ah, 2005). The probable presence of Anseriformes in the Antarctica is consistent with the hypothesis of an austral origin of the order (Olson, 1989), whereas the presence of loons in the Southern Hemisphere not only has phylogenetic implications but also suggests a strong change in the distributional area of that order nowadays, restricted to the Northern Hemisphere. The environmental conditions suggested for the formation containing Gaviidae in the Antarctica are congruent with the habitats occupied by these birds at present: marine areas under the influence of cold periods (Torres, 2003) . However, the true phylogenetic meaning of these specimens have been discussed, specially in the case of Polarornis (Feduccia, 1999; Martin, 1998; Dyke & Van Tuinen, 2004), which renders important repercussions, since the placement of this taxon on the Gaviidae-crown to calibrate molecular clocks, throw doubts about the results (Van Tuinen & Hedges, 2004) . In this sense, with Vegavis more plausible results could be obtained (Clarke et ah, 2005; Slack et ah, 2006). The lack of information about Paleogene Chilean ornithofauna does not allow knowing properly the early development of these ecosystems and the exact origin of the current diversity, which was probably established for the Late Neogene. Only recently the first records of Spheniscidae for the Eocene of the South American Pacific in Peru have been presented (Acosta-Hospitaleche & Stucchi, 2005; Clarke et ah, 2007). In this context, the Antarctic record is quite interesting since it represents the richest area in Paleogene formations of the Austral-Antarctica region. The only Paleocene record comes from Cross Valley Formation, in the Southern border of Seymour Island (Tambussi et ah, 2005a). Although, La Meseta Formation on the northern part of the Seymour Island represents the richest formation in fóssil birds of the Antarctic continent it is dated as Eocene (Dingle & Lavelle, 1998; Myrcha et ah, 2002; Torres, 2003). The incidence of penguins has been recorded from the Paleocene to the Late Eocene. It is probable that the penguins have been continually present from the Paleocene to the present time, but the absence of Neogene records does not permit Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.551-572, out./dez.2007 FÓSSIL BIRDS OF CHILE AND ANTARCTIC PENÍNSULA 563 confirmation of that. The earliest records come from the Paleocene of Antarctica and New Zealand (Slack et ah, 2006; Tambussi et ah, 2005a) represented by early forms adapted to wing-propelled diving. The possible existence of other basal forms in the Eocene of Tierra dei Fu ego (Clarke et ah, 2003) suggests a very early dispersion of the group around the meridional continents and a probable Antarctic origin of the order. This has been recently suggested on the basis of molecular studies ( e.g., Baker et ah, 2006). The high amount of recorded species raises unresolved issues about the early systematics and ecology of these fóssil birds. At present, penguins tend to live in sympatry forming mixed colonies in South America, Antarctica, New Zealand (and several subantarctic islands) being this last area the one that concentrates the greatest diversity with a maximum of eight species (Acosta-Hospitaleche, 2004). The fóssil records also suggest abundance of sympatiyc species in other localities, such as Argentina, Chile, and New Zealand (Acosta-Hospitaleche, 2004). The existence of so many sympatric fóssil species can be explained by the descriptive criteria used (Fordyce & Jones, 1990). Nevertheless, it is clear that during the Paleogene there were a wide variety of penguins in the austral seas and in the areas where these birds could live in sympatry. Among the orders registered in Paleogene formations, the Pelecaniforms, Charadriiforms, Sphenisciforms, and Procellariiforms are still present in the area nowadays. Only Sphenisciforms and Procellariiforms have temporal continuity within the current families (Spheniscidae and Diomedeidae). The record of continental birds from La Meseta Formation permits verification of the presence of typical forms of the South American fauna in the Antarctic continent (Phorusrhacidae and Ratite), which is an evidence of the faunistical continuity within both areas during the Paleogene. The decline of the diversity of birds in the Antarctic continent is associated with the successive glaciations which affected the continent. However, the absence of Neogene records does not permit a better understanding of this process. The avifauna of the Neogene in the Southeastern Pacific The ornithofauna of the Neogene formations along the South American Pacific coast has been only recently investigated. The greatest vertebrate diversity has been found in two formations: Pisco Formation, in the Southern of Peru, and Bahia Inglesa Formation, in northern Chile. The Peruvian formation is the most extensively studied formation, being notable for the studies about fossils of marine mammals [e.g., Muizon, 1984, 1988), and fóssil birds [e.g., Stucchi, 2002, 2003). More recently, the Bahia Inglesa Formation has yielded a rich record, which has demonstrated the similarity of the taxa present in both areas. The first mentions of fóssil birds from the Bahia Inglesa Formation were done during different scientific conferences {e.g., Walsh, 2000; Chavez, 2001). Fritis (2001) studied fóssil birds of Bahia Inglesa for the first time, in particular Sphenisciformes. However, he did not provide reliable results. Walsh & Hume (2001) undertook the most extensive revision of the ornithofauna of that formation, reporting five taxa. Later on, new species have been reported [e.g., Acosta-Hospitaleche et ah, 2002; Chavez & Stucchi, 2002; Chavez, 2005a). This formation, that outcrops in the coast of the Atacama region, is represented by coquinas, sandstone, and phosphorites. The phosphatic sediments have yielded marine vertebrate fossils called the bonebed. Micropaleontological studies assessed it on an age that ranges from Middle Miocene to Pliocene, suggesting marine environments from sublitoral to neritic, strong climatic fluctuations, and influenced by subantartic to warm waters (Marchant et ah, 2000). Recently, the minimal age of the formation has been extended to the Late Pliocene (Achurra, 2004; Walsh & Suarez, 2005). The reports from other formations of similar age on the coast of Chile and Peru complement the observations made in Pisco and Bahia Inglesa. Two sites in the Coquimbo Formation have records of fóssil birds: Chaharal de Aceituna in Huasco Province, Atacama Region (Chavez, 2005b), and Coquimbo in Elqui Province, Coquimbo Region (Acosta-Hospitaleche & Tambussi, 2004; Acosta- Hospitaleche et ah, 2006a). The outcrop units on the coast of Atacama and Coquimbo regions include coquinas, sandstone, and conglomerates types of strata (Moscoso et ah, 1982). Martinez (1979) proposed a shallow and warm water environment, assessing most part of the column to the Middle Miocene. Recently, the review of chondrichthyes findings has corroborated this time-date and suggests a correlation with Bahia Inglesa Formation (Suarez & Marquardt, 2003). The reported ornithofauna complement these observations because the taxa of both formations are similar, in particular, the sphenisciform specimens. The geographical and faunistical continuity of Coquimbo and Bahia Inglesa formations and their Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.551-572, out./dez.2007 564 M.CHAVEZ lithological similarities and possible synchronization, suggest a close relationship within both units. It is not possible to discard the synonymy between Coquimbo and Bahia Inglesa formations. New geological studies to confirm these observations are needed. Mejillones Peninsula in Tarapaca Province, Antofagasta Region, has been mentioned in several occasions as a location bearing fóssil birds, being Phillipi (1895) the first one in doing prospections. Only recently, more extensive works have been done and three new records have been formally reported (Emslie & Guerra, 2003). These last reports are the only ones which have been assigned to a specific geological unit: “Caleta Herradura of Mejillones Formation”. The Late Cenozoic formations in this location are: Caleta Herradura (Miocene), La Portada (Pliocene), and Mejillones (Quaternary). The geological description and the associated fauna presented by Emslie & Guerra (2003) indicate a Pliocene age, more similar with La Portada Formation. Presently, the author considers that the original assessment of Caleta Herradura Formation is a nomenclatural mistake. Nowadays, it is considered that La Portada Formation includes Miocene sediments of Caleta Herradura (Ferraris & Di Biase, 1978; Marquardt etal, 2003). The fóssil record of the Mejillones Peninsula permits to corroborate the presence of manuring birds in the area from the Late Pliocene and a very similar fauna to the one that is now living at the site. The spheniscids are the most abundant birds in the marine Neogene formations of the southeast Pacific. The known species for the Pisco Formation correspond to Spheniscus urbinai, S. megaramphus, and S. aff. humboldti, all of them found at the Miocene strata of the formation (Stucchi & Urbina, 2005). Spheniscus urbinai and S. megaramphus have been presented at Bahia Inglesa Formation (Walsh, 2004; Chavez, 2005a). Abundant postcranial materiais of similar size in this and other formations are known (Chavez, 2005b; Chavez, 2007) suggesting a wide distribution of these species in the Southern Pacific coast of South America. It is thought that the distribution of the genus Palaeospheniscus might be wider, living not only in the Atlantic but also in the Pacific coasts of the South American continent. It was recorded to the Early Miocene in the Gaiman Formation (Argentina), Chilcatay (Peru) (Acosta-Hospitaleche, 2004; Acosta-Hospitaleche & Stucchi, 2005), and possibly in the Miocene of Coquimbo Formation (Acosta-Hospitaleche etal, 2006a). Similarly, the genus Paraptenodytes has been reported for both coasts in the Early and Late Miocene of the following argentinean formations: Monte Leon, Gaiman and Puerto Madryn (Acosta-Hospitaleche, 2003, 2004) and possibly in the Miocene of Bahia Inglesa (Acosta-Hospitaleche et aL, 2002). The presence of these two genera is tentative, by now (Chavez, 2007). At present, South American Spheniscidae is better represented in the Pacific coast, occupying only the austral extreme of the Atlantic coast. The diversity of fóssil penguins, exclusive of the Chilean coast corresponds to Pygoscelis calderensis, Pygoscelis grandis, and Spheniscus chilensis (Acosta-Hospitaleche et al., 2006b; Walsh & Suarez, 2006; Emslie & Guerra, 2003). This high diversity of penguins in the south eastern Pacific coincided with a strong glacial advance in the Antarctic region and the second great radiation of living species, suggested on basis of recent molecular studies (Baker et al., 2006). The Procellariiformes and Pelecaniformes known for Bahia Inglesa Formation are similar to those from Pisco Formation. Though the Procellariiformes record in Pisco is rather poor, it is congruent with those of Chilean families. Puffini remains and Diomedeidae remains of similar size are recognized in both localities (Stucchi & Urbina, 2005). There exist exclusive records from both formations: Fulmarus sp. from Pisco (Stucchi & Urbina, 2005) and Pachyptila sp. from Bahia Inglesa (Sallaberry et al, 2007). In the case of Pelecaniformes, the size range of Phalacrocoraracidae and some Pelagornithidae and Sulidae coincides in both formations. Sulidae is well represented in Pisco where five species in three genera are known (Stucchi, 2003). Only three species of the genera Sula and Morus are known from Bahia Inglesa (Chavez & Stucchi, 2006). There is no record of the present existence of Morus in South America, being M. peruvianus (Stucchi, 2003) from Pisco Formation the only record in this continent. The genus Pelagornis is represented in both formations and there exists a smaller Pelagornithidae on the base of Pisco Formation from which there are no records in Chile (Chavez et al., 2007). The Pelecanidae family only appears in Pisco Formation (Stucchi & Urbina, 2005). The incidence of shore and continental birds is concentrated in Pisco Formation, being Milvago sp. from Pliocene of La Portada Formation the only record of non-aquatic birds in Chile (Emslie & Guerra, 2003). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.551-572, out./dez.2007 FÓSSIL BIRDS OF CHILE AND ANTARCTIC PENÍNSULA 565 The records exclusive of the Peruvian coast correspond to Scolopacidae, Laridae, Ciconiidae, and Vulturidae (Stucchi & Urbina, 2005). The absence of these families in Chilean records can have a taphonomic origin, vinculated to the deposition conditions of Pisco Formation, which may have turned it into a more appropriate place to preserve the fóssil material (Marocco & Muizon, 1988). Nevertheless it is probable that such birds can be found in future prospections of Bahia Inglesa or other Chilean localities. Excepting the extinct pelagornithids, all the recorded families are present nowadays on the same territory. Most of extant marine bird families have been living in Chile from the Late Miocene, excepting the order Charadriiformes. Consequently, the marine ornithofauna of the Pacific coast has a strong familiar continuity from the Neogene (Tab.2). This fact and the record of forms close to the current ones in the Pliocene ( e.g ., La Portada Formation) suggest the definitive settling down of the current marine ornithofauna of the North of Chile towards the end of Neogene. From all the taxa known in the area, only Ramphastosula (Stucchi & Urbina, 2004) and pelagornithids are completely extinct at present. It is known that Ramphastosula is a specialized form of bobby whose habits have not been well defined and some authors suggest that the pelagornithids could play a similar role to that of current pelicans and albatrosses [e.g., Cheneval, 1993; Olson, 1985). The extinction of both groups towards the end of the Pliocene was probably the result of climatic changes and the ecological replacement on the part of modern families. The diversity of Sulidae is greater in Pisco Formation than in the Chilean formations. This family is associated to warm-template conditions in the Southern Hemisphere and high marine productivity zones. Spheniscids and procellariiforms are better represented in the Chilean formation of Bahia Inglesa. Both groups are associated to cold currents, suggesting the same conditions for the Neogene, idea that is congruent with micropaleontological studies (Marchant et al, 2000; Tsuchi et al, 1988) and supported by the incidence of Pygoscelis and Pachyptila. It is probable that these differences in the diversity of both areas are related to a latitudinal temperature falling off, originated by the early antartic influence. If it is so, a major record of cold forms will be expected in the Chilean localities with regard to Peruvian ones, aspects that can be observed at present. Specific studies to confirm this hypothesis are needed. TABLE 2. Record of representative sea and shore birds, fóssil and extant species of Chile and Peru. The number of extant Argentinean species is also offered. Only the Neogene fóssil forms are considered. The accidental species from Chile are excluded. The extant species, according to Martínez & González (2005) and Canevari et al. (1991) are offered. Family Chile Fóssil Extant Perú Fóssil Extant Argentina Extant Phaetontidae 0 3 0 2 0 Fregatidae 0 1 0 2 0 Sulidae 3 3 9 6 0 Phalacrocoracidae 2 6 2 3 6 Anhingidae 1 0 1 1 1 Pelecanidae 0 1 1 1 0 Pelagornithidae 1 -- 2 -- -- Diomedeidae 3 12 1 8 8 Procellaridae 2 26 2 26 22 Spheniscidae 10 9 5 2 5 Vulturidae 0 3 1 6 6 Laridae 0 22 1 27 21 Scolopacidae 0 20 2 36 24 Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.551-572, out./dez.2007 566 M.CHAVEZ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Special thanks are given to Ricardo Chavez, Marcelo Stucchi, and Roberto Schlantter for their valuable support. Thanks to the Sociedad Paleontologica de Chile and Universidad Austral de Chile for their support to present this work; to Daniel Frassinetti and Herculano Alvarenga for their collaboration to return the holotype of Meganhinga chilensis to the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural; to Mario Suarez for depositing materiais on the Museo Paleontologico de Caldera; to Alfonso Rubilar for facilitating the revisions of the Universidad de Chile and Servido Nacional de Geologia y Mineria collections; to Claudia Tambussi, Carolina Acosta-Hospitaleche, and Stig Walsh for their comments on the manuscript; to Storrs Olson and Alan Feduccia for their collaboration and to Luisa Rivillo for the translation of this paper. Many of the above revised de manuscript and made comments. REFERENCES ACHURRA, L., 2004. Câmbios dei nivel dei mar y evolución tectónica de la cuenca Neógena de Caldera, III Región. 138p. Tesis (Magíster) - Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile, Santiago. 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Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.551-572, out./dez.2007 nnn nnnhnrinnn nnn \-~EZ =ts i Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.573-584, out./dez.2007 ISSN 0365-4508 NEOGENE VERTEBRATE PALAEOICHNOLOGY OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC COAST OF THE RIO NEGRO PROVINCE, ARGENTINA 1 (With 10 figures) SILVIA A. ARAMAYO 2 ABSTRACT: Tetrapod footprints assigned to mammals and birds were discovered at continental deposits from the Atlantic coast of Rio Negro Province, Argentina. The study took place along 30km of a marine beach area between Balneado El Condor and La Lobería (41°S, 62°30’-64°30W); in the region, abrasion platforms crop out as remnants of eroded high cliffs. The stratigraphic sequence begins with continental deposits at the base of the profile, followed by marine sediments and continental beds cropping out on the cliff wall; thus the stratigraphic range of the continental ichnofauna extends from late Miocene (imprints on abrasion platforms) to early Pliocene (footprints on fallen rocks, lying at the base of the cliffs). The footprints are assigned to tardigrad xenarthrans ( Megatherichnum oportoi and cf. Mylodontidichnum isp.); ungulates indet. A trackway assigned to a carnivorous marsupial and isolated footprints of a hydrochoerid rodent also occur, as well as trace fossils assigned to phorusrhacids birds and flamingos, among others. The ichnofauna is registered in interdune pool and ephemerous lagoon sediments, such as it is indicated by lacustrine deposits with desiccation mud-cracks. Key words: Palaeoichnology. Mammals. Birds. Late Miocene. Early Pliocene. RESUMO: Paleoicnologia de vertebrados do Neógeno da costa do Atlântico Norte da Província do Rio Negro, Argentina. Pegadas de tetrápodes atribuídas a mamíferos e aves foram descobertas em depósitos continentais da costa atlântica da Província de Rio Negro, Argentina. O estudo foi realizado ao longo de 30km da praia entre os Balneários El Condor e La Lobería (41°S, 62°30’-64°30’W); na região, plataformas de abrasão afloram como remanescentes de grandes falésias erodidas. A seqüência estratigráfica se inicia com os depósitos continentais na base do perfil, seguido por camadas de sedimentos marinhos e continentais. A variação estratigráfica da icnofauna continental se estende do Mioceno Superior (impressões em plataformas de abrasão) ao Plioceno Inferior (pegadas em seixos rolados, situados na base da falésia). As pegadas são atribuídas a xenartras tardígrados (Megatherichnum oportoi e cf. Mylodontidichnum isp.); ungulates indet. São também observados uma pista, atribuída a um marsupial carnívoro, e pegadas isoladas de um roedor hidroquerídeo, assim como traços fósseis atribuídos a aves da família Phorusrhacidae e a flamingos, entre outras. A icnofauna é registrada em sedimentos de reservatório interdunar e de lagoas efêmeras e temporárias, assim como é indicado por depósitos lacustres com gretas de contração. Palavras-chave: Paleoicnologia. Mamíferos. Aves. Mioceno Superior. Plioceno Inferior. INTRODUCTION Tetrapod footprints assigned to mammals and birds were discovered at continental deposits from the Atlantic coast of Rio Negro Province, Argentina, in addition to earlier findings (Casamiquela, 1974; Angulo & Casamiquela, 1982; Aramayo, 1999; Aramayo etal, 2004). Footprints are impressed on abrasion platforms cropping out along 30km marine beach between Balneario El Condor and La Lobería (41°S, 62°30’- 64°30’W) (Fig.l). GEOLOGICAL SETTING The abrasion platforms are remnants of eroded high cliffs, with an average height of 50m, extending from East to West; footprints are impressed either on silty clay platforms or on the plane surfaces of fallen blocks lying at the base of the cliffs. The stratigraphic succession begins with continental aeolian deposits at the base of the section, followed by a marine levei providing a rich invertebrate fauna. At the top of the sequence, lacustrine deposits crop out bearing 1 Submitted on September 14, 2006. Accepted on November 4, 2007. 2 Universidad Nacional dei Sur, Departamento de Geologia. San Juan 670. Bahia Blanca. Argentina. E-mail: 574 S .A. ARAM AY O trace fossils preserved such as those from the basal deposits. The whole sequence is referred to Rio Negro Formation, from Late Miocene to Early Pliocene age; each unit are lower, middle and upper Members (Zavala & Freije, 2001) (Fig.2). Trace fossils are impressed on platforms and on the plane surfaces of the fallen blocks. Trackways found at La Lobería belong to the Lower Member and some details are not clearly preserved. In contrast, those occurring in slabs of The Upper Member cropping out towards the East of the cliff exposures, near the Lighthouse access to the beach, show a high quality of preservation. Abbreviations: Institutional. P.ICHN.U.N.S., Paleoichnology repository, Universidad Nacional dei Sur. ICHNOTAXONOMY Ichnogenus: Megatherichnum Casamiquela, 1974 Ichnospecies: Megatherichnum oportoi Casamiquela, 1974 Occurrence - 7km to the west of Lighthouse beach, Atlantic coast, Rio Negro Province, Argentina. Description - A trackway of eight footprints impressed by the hind feet of ground sloths (Xenarthra, Tardigrada) in a plantigrade stance and preserved as a concave epirelief. Each footprint has an elliptical shape, rather wider in the anterior part, and disposed in a parallel way as regards the middle line of the trackway. A rim is observed on the anterior and lateral side due to the rotated position of the feet stepping on the lateral side of the foot. Also a deep subtriangular scar is observed at the inner anterior rim assigned to the scar of the 3rd toe claw. A bipedal locomotion is inferred from the trackways (Figs.3A-B). Dimensions - Trackway: length: 4.50m; width: 0.80m; step angle: 97°; stride: 0.70m. Footprint (average): length: 0.50m; width: 0.30m; depth: O.lOm Discussion - The ichnotaxonomic assignation is adopted from Casamiquela (1974), who described some footprints observed on fallen blocks; however, sizes are rather smaller assuming that there is a kind of variation in size among specimens of the same species. Casamiquela (1974) and Angulo & Casamiquela (1982) Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.573-584, out./dez.2007 NEOGENE VERTEBRATE PALAEOICHN OLOG Y OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC COAST OF THE RIO NEGRO PROVINCE, ARGENTINA 575 Litholügy Fades "Rodados P^atiigonícj Fluvial OXenarthrans 0 Ungulatcs C^Marsupial carnivore ^ Gruiform bird é Flamingo birds Marine fossils Fig.2- Stratigraphic sequence (modified from Zavala & Freije, 2001). described the posterior part (or heel) of the footprint as bearing a scar, when the scar was indeed printed by the third finger toe. The latter is confirmed by the great number of ground sloth trackways registered at Pehuen-Co palaeoichnological site (Aramayo & Manera de Bianco, 1987, 1996). The measured step angle is of very low value considering a bipedal locomotion. The latter one is due to the unusual anatomy of ground sloth tarsus, unable to flex the foot up and down (Aramayo, 2001); the astragalus tibial trochlear joint is formed by a flat externai facet and a prominent upwards Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.573-584, out./dez.2007 576 S .A. ARAM AY O projection on the inner side (odontoid process), thus only inward rotation movements are produced. The displacement rim on the lateral side supports that ankle morphology. cf. Mylodontidichnum isp. Occurrence - A trackway registered on a fallen block found at 1.5km to the west of Ligthhouse beach. Description - The footprints are impressed on a red clay platform at the base of the cliff; they are assigned to a plantigrad mammal of median to small size, forming a trackway of ten footprints in concave epirelief. The footprints are subelliptical, with same width in the anterior and medial part, narrower in the posterior part. The scar of the third toe claw is observed (Fig.3C). Dimensions - Trackway: total length: 3m; width: 0.80m; stride: 0.60m; step angle: 75°. Footprint (average): length: 0.30m; width: 0.15m; depth: 0.1 lm. Plaster cast - P.ICHN.U.N.S. 100 Discussion - This trackway is assigned to cf. Mylodontidichnum isp. Aramayo & Manera de Bianco, 1987, ichnotaxon from the Late Pleistocene site at Pehuen-Co with similar features but bigger in size. This is consistent with the existence of ground sloths of smaller size like Proscelidodon sp. registered at Late Miocene/Early Pliocene mammal ages. Ungulates indet. Occurrence 1 - Lighthouse beach. Description - A trackway of 19 footprints preserved as negative epirelief (subtrace) with a rounded shape. They are impressed on the top surface of a dark grey sandstone fallen block at 200m to the west of Lighthouse beach (Fig.4). In order to infer the actual size, a 50% of reduction was calculated from the measurements of the subtraces. In some parts of the trackway the couples of hand and feet may be distinguished. They are assigned to an ungulate of median to small size. Dimensions - Trackway: total length: 3.20m; maximum width: 0.40m; stride: 1.40m (based on the reduction of the subtrace); step angle: 152°. Subtrace - average diameter: 0.22m; average height: 0.04m; inferred depth: 0.02m Footprint: average diameter: 0.1 lm. Discussion - The high step angle and the reduced diameters of the footprints allow assigning this trackway to litoptern ungulates (Proterotheridae family). They were ungulates of very long limbs, and the lineal path trail observed in the trackway is proper of a long-limb ungulate locomotion. Proterotherids were very cursorial mammals thus considered like ecological akin or morphologically convergent with the Equidae of the northern hemisphere (Scott, 1937). The morphology is similar to Caballichnus impersonalis (Angulo & Casamiquela, 1982), however that nomination is not adopted here since the authors used that name for the description of Equidae footprints (Order Perissodactyla). According to the land mammal records, horses did not inhabited South America during Pliocene times. They migrated from North America and reached Argentina by Late Pleistocene. Occurrence 2 - La Lobería beach. A proterotherid trackway of six footprints and two isolated footprints impressed on the abrasion platform at the intertidal zone of the beach. Description - Footprints assigned to ungulate mammals of median size. Each footprint (hand or feet undistinguishable) is subcircular in shape and some of them show a narrow rim around it. Toes and pad details are not observed. Dimensions - Trackway: total length: 1.65m; maximum width: 0.60m; stride: 0,55m; step angle: 130°. Ichnite: average length: 0.135m; average width: 0.1 lm; depth: 0.04m. Carnivora Marsupiais cf. Thylacosmüidae Occurrence - About 200m to the West of Lighthouse beach. The footprints are impressed in a red brown clay fallen block. Description - Trackway formed by six footprints impressed by a digitigrad mammal of median to big size. Each footprint shows five toes clearly marked, particularly the 3 rd , the 4 th , and the 5 th . The scar of short claws is also inferred into the basin of the footprint because the feet sank in the mud at every step. A wide and thick sole pad is inferred resulting in a footprint wider than longer (Fig.5). Thick pads are inferred from the comparison with Thylacinus. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.573-584, out./dez.2007 NEOGENE VERTEBRATE PALAEOICHN OLOG Y OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC COAST OF THE RIO NEGRO PROVINCE, ARGENTINA 577 Fig.3- Ground sloths footprints. (A) Pattem of a bipedal locomotion. L: left; R: right. Lines indicate step angle. Scale bar = 0.25m; (B) cf. Megatherichnum oportoi Trackway of bipedal locomotion; observed in situ at 7km to the west of Lighthouse beach. Hammer = 0.30m; (C) cf Mylodontidichnum isp. trackway of bipedal locomotion, observed in situ at 1.5km to the west of Lighthouse beach. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.573-584, out./dez.2007 578 S. A. ARAM AY O Fig.4- Ungulate indet. Circular subtraces on the top of a fallen block; 200m to the west of Lighthouse beach. Dimensions - Trackway: total length: 1.61m; maximum width: 0.55m; central width: 0.65m; step angle: 163°45’; stride: 1.095m. Footprint: width: 0.096m; length: 0.075m; average depth: 0.0525m. Plaster cast - P.ICHN.U.N.S. 101 Discussion - Hands and feet are undistinguishable; however, features like footprints wider than longer, toes with acute claws, depth of footprints, and digitigrade stance allow to assign the trackway to a conspicuous carnivorous mammal. Considering the fact that there were not true Carnivora at early Pliocene, and that some marsupiais exerted the carnassial role, it is possible to assign those footprints to a carnivorous marsupial, similar in size at least with Thylacosmüus sp. Caviomorph Rodents cf. Porceüusignum isp. Angulo & Casamiquela, 1982 Occurrence - Lighthouse beach. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.573-584, out./dez.2007 NEOGENE VERTEBRATE PALAEOICHN OLOG Y OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC COAST OF THE RIO NEGRO PROVINCE, ARGENTINA 579 Fig.5- Cf. Thylacosmilidae Ichnite in situ and plaster cast P.ICHN.U.N.S. 101 Description - Imprints in trampling, showing three and four digits footprints, on platforms and isolated blocks. They are printed in concave epirelief and show a deep rounded palm/ plant impression (Fig.6). Dimensions - Footprints: four toes: width: 0.10m; length: 0.95m; depth: 0.04m; average divarication angle: 55° (Fig.7). Three toes: width: 0.09m; length: 0.85m; depth: 0.025m; average divarication angle: 58°. Discussion - The footprints are assigned to hand (four toes) and feet (three toes) of a hydrochoerid rodent, which is consistent with the finding of teeth and jaws of Protohydrochoerus, an unusual discovery made in a fallen block (Angulo & Casamiquela, 1982; Pascual & Bondesio, 1985). The footprints are assigned to Porcellusignum isp., according to the diagnosis proposed by Angulo & Casamiquela (1982) although the provided illustration is not eloquent. Aves Order: G ruiformes (Rallifomnes) cf. Cariamidae Occurrence - Lighthouse beach, 200m to the west of Lighthouse beach. A bird trackway on the top surface of a fallen block together with trackways of an ungulate (Figs.8-9). Description - Tridactyl footprints impressed by birds of big size. The footprints are preserved in a negative epirelief. They are rather assimetric being the 3 rd toe of bigger size as regards the lateral toes and of wider base; 2 nd and 4 th lateral fingers diverging from the middle toe in a different angle. Lateral toes are half the size of the middle one. The impression of the convergence point of the three fingers (node) is deeply marked indicating the step of a heavy bird. Dimensions - Trackway: stride: 1.61m; step angle: 157°; average height of the subtrace: 0.07m. Subtrace: length: 0.38m; width: 0.353m. Footprints: length: 0.25m; width: 0.176m; divarication angle 82° (2 nd toe); 72° (4 th toe). Plaster cast - P.ICHN.U.N.S. 102 Assigned material - An isolated imprint from the platforms at La Lobería; only central and one lateral toe is preserved. Discussion - The trackway is assigned to a phorusrhacid bird due to the big size and stride. It is remarkable that the 2 nd or inner toe has a higher divergence angle than the 4 th toe. No impression of the l st toe is observed, probably because it was very short and did not reach the substrate. Other bird footprints Occurrence 1 - Two trackways located at 400m to the West of Lighthouse beach, printed on a fallen block of dark gray sandstone. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.573-584, out./dez.2007 580 S .A. ARAM AY O Fig.6- Cf. Porcellusignum isp. Block with footprints. Scale in cm Fig.7- Cf. Porcellusignum isp. Isolated hand imprint. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.573-584, out./dez.2007 NEOGENE VERTEBRATE PALAEOICHN OLOG Y OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC COAST OF THE RIO NEGRO PROVINCE, ARGENTINA 581 Fig.8- Cf. Cariamidae. Two subtraces. The extended metric ribbon is 0.90m long. Description - Undetermined tridactyl footprints with straight toes, 3 rd toe slightly longer than 2 nd and 4 th . The node is separated from the toes and is indicated by a shallow depression. Dimensions - Trackway: length: 0.43m; Footprint: length: 0.063m; width: 0.063m; 3 rd toe: 0.049m; average divarication angle of 2 nd and 4 th toes: 40°. Occurrence 2 - Lighthouse beach, platforms at the low tide line coast, formed by brown and yellow clays. Description - A trackway of tridactyl imprints with an interdigital web, reminding the living flamingoes footprints (Fig. 10). Dimensions - Trackway: length: 1.90m; Average pace length: 0.35m. Footprint: length: 0.08m; width: 0.12m. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.573-584, out./dez.2007 582 S .A. ARAM AY O Fig.9- Cf Cariamidae and ungulate subtraces. AGE AND PALAEOENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES The age of the outcrops are estimated between 7 and 4 My (Late Miocene/Early Pliocene), considering the fóssil bones obtained from the continental bed cliffs. Some of the material were studied by Casamiquela (1974), Pascual & Bondesio (1985) and Aramayo (1987), and agree with the estimated age. Fóssil bones of that age are also found in Buenos Aires Province and in other parts of Argentina, but only one finding of a few footprints were registered at La Rioja Province (Bonaparte, 1965). Zavala & Freije (2001) stated that the ichnites were printed on the borders of shallow pools found between dunes, where animais joined looking for food and freshwater. Ground sloths and ungulates are herbivorous mammals while carnivorous marsupiais and the big birds had carnivore or scavenger habits. They represent also a faunistic autochtonous association before the entrance of North America immigrants, the “true carnivorous mammals”, which will drive to extinction the mentioned marsupiais and phorusrhacid birds. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS To Dr C. Costa, Lies. L.Vecchi, S. Candel, and M. Barros, for help in the field work; to Mr. O. Lehner and A. Zangrá, both inhabitants of Rio Negro Province; and to Dr. Renata Guimarães Netto, who suggested useful corrections to improve this paper. This is the first part of a study supported by funds of Agency - CONICET and the Universidad Nacional dei Sur (PICTO - 905), Bahia Blanca, Argentina. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.573-584, out./dez.2007 NEOGENE VERTEBRATE PALAEOICHN OLOG Y OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC COAST OF THE RIO NEGRO PROVINCE, ARGENTINA 583 Negro y extremo austral de Buenos Aires) entre los meridianos 62°30’ y 64°30’ W. Mundo Ameghiniano, 2:20-73. ARAMAYO, S.A., 1987. Plohophorus aff. figuratus (Edentata, Glyptodontidae) en la Formación Rio Negro (Mioceno tardío- Plioceno), Provincia de Rio Negro, Argentina: importância bioestratigráfica. In: CONGRESO GEOLÓGICO ARGENTINO, 10., 1987, San Miguel de Tucumán. Actas. San Miguel de Tucumán. p.171-174. ARAMAYO, S.A., 1999. Nuevo registro de icnitas en la Formación Rio Negro (Mioceno Tardío-Plioceno temprano), Prov. de Rio Negro, Argentina. In: JORNADAS ARGENTINAS DE PALEONTOLOGÍA DE VERTEBRADOS, 12., 1999, La Plata y Luján. Resúmenes. La Plata y Luján. p.3. ARAMAYO, S.A., 2001. Palaeoichnology of ground sloths. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF VERTEBRATE MORPHOLOGY, 6., 2001, Jena. Abstracts Journal of Morphology, 248:202-203. ARAMAYO, S.A.; BARROS, M.; CANDEL, S. & VECCHI, L., 2004. Mammal and bird footprints at Rio Negro Formation (Late Miocene - Early Pliocene), Rio Negro Province, Argentina. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ICHNOLOGY (ICHNIA 2004), 1., 2004, Trelew. Abstracts. Trelew. p.14. ARAMAYO, S.A. & MANERA DE BIANCO, T., 1987. Hallazgo de una icnofauna continental (Pleistoceno tardio) en la localidad de Pehuen - Co, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Parte I: Edentata, Litopterna, Proboscidea. CONGRESO LATI NO AMERICANO DE PALEONTOLOGÍA, 4., 1987, Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Actas. Santa Cruz de la Sierra. p.516- 531. Fig. 10- Flamingo footprints. Hammer = 0.30m. REFERENCES ARAMAYO, S.A. & MANERA DE BIANCO, T., 1996. Edad y nuevos hallazgos de icnitas de mamíferos y aves en el yacimiento paleoicnológico de PehuenCo (Pleistoceno tardio) Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Publicación Especial de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, 4:47-57. ANGULO, R.J. & CASAMIQUELA, R.M., 1982. Estúdio estratigráfico de las unidades aflorantes en los acantilados de la costa norte dei Golfo San Matías (Rio BONAPARTE, J.F., 1965. Nuevas icnitas de la Quebrada dei Yeso (La Rioja). Reconsideración de la edad de los afloramientos. Acta Geológica Lilloana, 7:5-16. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.573-584, out./dez.2007 584 S .A. ARAM AY O CASAMIQUELA, R.M., 1974. El bipedismo de los megaterioideos. Estúdio de pisadas fósiles en la Formación Rio Negro típica. Ameghiniana, 11:249-282. PASCUAL, R. & BONDESIO, P., 1985. Mamíferos terrestres dei Mioceno Medio-Tardío de las cuencas de los rios Colorado y Negro (Argentina): evolución ambiental. Ameghiniana, 22:133-145. SCOTT, W.B., 1937. A history of land mammals in the Western Hemispheres. New York: The Mac Millan Company. 786p. ZAVALA, C. & FREIJE, H., 2001. Estratigrafia secuencial dei Terciário superior marino de Patagônia. Un equivalente de la “crisis dei Mesiniano”? Geotemas, 1:217-221. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.573-584, out./dez.2007 Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.585-600, out./dez.2007 ISSN 0365-4508 THE TRACE FÓSSIL RECORD FROM THE GUARÁ FORMATION (UPPER JURASSIC?), SOUTHERN BRAZIL 1 (With 15 figures) PAULA C. DENTZIEN-DIAS 2 ’ 3 CESAR L. SCHULTZ 2 ’ 4 CLAITON M. S. SCHERER 2 ’ 5 ERNESTO L. C. LAVINA 6 ABSTRACT: In the Southwest region of Rio Grande do Sul State, the eolian fácies of the Guará Formation (Late Jurassic?) reveals footprints and trackways of vertebrates, as well as burrows made by invertebrates and vertebrates. The footprints are not well preserved and can be distinguished only by the deformation of the sandstone laminations. Some eolian sand sheet layers are totally disturbed by superimposed trackways. Rounded footprints, with diameters about 50cm, can be seen in these sand sheets fácies, isolated or forming trackways, and can be observed both on surfaces and in section. The size and shape of the footprints lead us to attribute them to middle-sized sauropods. Inside some of these tracks, little vertical burrows that terminate in basal horizontal chambers are attributed to insects. Three-fmgered footprints - isolated or forming trackways can also be seen both in section and on surfaces, in sand sheet layers or cutting the foresets of paleodunes. Footprints occur in different sizes (the longest reaching about 45cm in length) and shapes. Although their outlines are often not well-defined, it is possible identify some characteristic patterns pointing to bipedal ornithopods and theropods. In a paleodune, associated with footprints, elongate horizontal partially filled burrows about 20cm wide are tentatively attributed to burrowing mammals. Association of sauropods, ornithopods, and theropods is common from Triassic to Cretaceous periods, and does not support a precise age establishment for the Guará Formation. Nevertheless, it is compatible with the Late Jurassic age attributed to the basal member of the Tacuarembó Formation from Uruguay (lithostratigraphically coeval to the Guará Formation). Key words: Ichnofossils. Jurassic/Cretaceous. Paraná Basin. Stratigraphy. RESUMO: Registro de traços fósseis da Formação Guará (Jurássico Superior?), sul do Brasil. Na região sudoeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, nas fácies eólicas da Formação Guará (Jurássico Superior?), foram encontradas pegadas e trilhas de vertebrados, bem como escavações feitas por invertebrados e vertebrados. As pegadas não estão bem preservadas e podem ser distingüidas somente pela deformação do sedimento. Algumas camadas de lençóis de areia eólicos estão completamente bioturbadas por pegadas superpostas. Pegadas arredondadas com cerca de 50cm de diâmetros podem ser encontradas nesses lençóis de areia eólicos, isoladas ou em trilhas, e podem ser observadas tanto em planta quanto em perfil. O tamanho e a forma das pegadas permitem classificá-las como saurópodes de médio porte. Dentro de algumas pegadas foram encontradas pequenas escavações terminadas em câmaras atribuídas a insetos. Pegadas tridátilas - isoladas ou formando trilhas -, podem também ser vistas em planta e em perfil, nos lençóis de areia eólicos ou cortando o foreset de uma paleoduna. Nestes foram encontradas pegadas de diferentes tamanhos (a maior com 45cm de comprimento) e formas. Os contornos, em alguns casos, não são bem definidos dificultando a identificação mais precisa. Entretanto, foi possível reconhecer alguns padrões que apontam para ornitópodes e terópodes bípedes. Associado a pegadas em uma paleoduna, tocas preenchidas e horizontais com diâmetros ao redor de 20cm são tentativamente atribuídas a mamíferos. A associação de saurópodes, ornitópodes e terópodes não possibilita uma datação precisa, mas é compatível com a idade Jurássico Superior atribuída à Formação Tacuarembó, unidade correlata do Uruguai, embora nenhum táxon comum tenha sido encontrado, até o momento, para as duas unidades. Palavras-chave: Icnofósseis. Jurássico/Cretáceo. Bacia do Paraná. Estratigrafia. 1 Submitted on September 14, 2007. Accepted on November 16, 2007. 2 UFRGS, Instituto de Geociências, PPGGeo. Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500, 91509/900, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. 3 E-mail: 4 E-mail: 5 E-mail: 6 UNISINOS, Unidade Acadêmica de Graduação, Curso de Geologia, Av. UNISINOS, 950. CEP 93022-000, São Leopoldo, RS. E-mail: 586 P.C.DENTZIEN-DIAS, C.L.SCHULTZ, C.M.S.SCHERER & E.L.C.LAVINA INTRODUCTION The Guará Formation has a wide geographical distribution (Fig.l), cropping out in the southwestern portion of the Rio Grande do Sul State. Its north western limit is controlled by a NW-trending fault system. Lithologically, it is composed of fine to coarse-grained sandstone, and rare mudstones, deposited by fluvial and eolian depositional Systems (Scherer et ah, 2000). Although highly variable, it has a médium thickness of 200m and rests unconformably over the fluvial deposits of the Lower Triassic Sanga do Cabral Formation. Above, the Guará formation is unconformably overlaid by the eolian deposits of the Lower Cretaceous Botucatu Formation (Scherer et al, 2000). The Guará Formation is characterized by marked fácies variation along the outcropping sequence. The SW portion is characterized by the alternation of eolian and fluvial sediments while the NW one is dominated by fluvial layers. These last show an erosive basal surface and are composed of sandstones with granules, moderately-sorted, with trough cross-bedding and low-angle cross lamination. The eolian sediments are characterized by the presence of fine to médium sandstones, well-sorted, presenting large cross-bedding composed of grain flow, grain fali, and wind-ripple laminations, interpreted as eolian dune deposits, or horizontal wind-ripple strata, interpreted to represent eolian sand sheet deposits. rftirkncRK (m) lithostratigraphic uníi O £ ’ír o 100-800 SERRA GERAL FORMATION 0-100 BOTUCATU FORMATION e/i i U 1 LÕ ■ 1 h- 60-120 GUARÁ FORMATION 20-60 MATA SANDSTONE 40-160 SANTA MARIA AND CATURRITA FORMATIONS 30-80 SANGA DO CABRAL FORMATION :■ ir LU Q- 20-200 PIRAMBOIA FORMATION - 800m ITARARÉ. GUATAAND PASSA DOIS GROUPS 7 BASEMENT COMPLEX AND CENOIOIC SEDIMENTS FAULTS Fig. 1- Geological map of the Permian and Mesozoic lithostratigraphic units of the Paraná Basin in the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil (After Scherer & Lavina, 2005). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.585-600, out./dez.2007 THE TRACE FÓSSIL RECORD FROM THE GUARÁ FORMATION (UPPER JURASSIC?), SOUTHERN BRAZIL 587 The Guará Formation extends from the Southwest of Rio Grande do Sul State to the Uruguay territory, where it corresponds, lithostratigraphically, to the basal member of the Tacuarembó Formation (Lavina etal, 1985), which yields a rich and diversified fóssil record, including a crocodile, semionotiform fish, gastropods and conchostracans (Mones & Figueira, 1980; Ferrando et al., 1987). Nevertheless, no common taxon was found until now for both the Tacuarembó and Guará formations. In the Guará Formation, near Santana do Livramento and Rosário do Sul cities, where the eolian fácies outcrop, footprints and trackways, attributed to sauropod, theropod, and ornithopod dinosaurs, occur. In all the cases, the sediments that cover the footprints are the same as those in which the footprints were produced (i.e., sand), so that no lithological discontinuities occur between the footprints and the infilling sediment. Due to this fact, the footprints can be identified only by the deformation of the sandstone laminations. They often have no relief, and only their outlines can be distinguished, both in surface view and in section. So, anatomical details, such as marks of digits or claws, are very difficult to distinguish. In addition to the footprints, different kinds of burrows, some attributed to little vertebrates and others to invertebrates, were also found at the eolian fácies (Schultz et al., 2002; Dias et al, 2002; Dias & Schultz, 2003; Dentzien- Dias & Bertoni-Machado, 2005). Some of these ichnofossils (including footprints, trackways, and burrows), originating from five different outcrops, are described in this paper. The Guará Formation also contains, subordinate to the eolian fácies, various fluvial layers, that outcrop between Rosário do Sul and Santana do Livramento cities. If a Late Jurassic age is confirmed for the Guará Formation, the occurrence of these footprints and burrows in the SW of Rio Grande do Sul State would represent a unique record of tetrapod fossils from that age to Brazil. MATERIAL AND METHODS A stratigraphic section was made at each fossiliferous outcrop, in which the layers with ichnofossils were marked. The sedimentary fácies were described following the model of Reading (1986). The small thicknesses of the stratigraphic sections results from the fact that the outcrops are sparse and not continuous. The footprints were catalogued following the methodology of Leonardi et al. (1987): all the footprints are represented by four letters; the first two refer to the municipal district and the last two to the locality, obtained from topographic maps (scale 1:50000). The codes and the numbers follow the order in which the footprints were discovered. Following these rules we have: SLCP = Santana do Livramento - Cerro Palomas (Chart of Palomas - 2992 / 3) RSSJ = Rosário do Sul - Sanga do Jacaré ( Chart of Saicã- 2979/2) RSCT = Rosário do Sul - Cerro Torneado ( Chart of Saicã- 2979/2) RSGV = Rosário do Sul - Granja Santa Vitória [Chart of Saicã - 2979/2) RSTP = Rosário do Sul - Touro Passo Stream ( Chart of Saicã - 2979/2) All the ichnological material was photographed and measured. The parameters of the footprints, such as length, width and variation of digits, as well data regarding the trackways (width of pace, step angle, length of stride and obliqúe pace), also follow the model of Leonardi etal. (1987). In outcrop RSCT it was possible to collect two separate footprints. In the RSSJ outcrop one pair was collected. They were registered in the Laboratory of Palaeovertebrates of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS PV 0003 J/K , UFRGS PV 0004 J/K and UFRGS PV 0005 J/K). RESULTS DESCRIPTION OF FOSSILIFEROUS OUTCROPS The first outcrop bearing dinosaur trackways is located in the KM 549 of BR-158 road (SLCP). It is represented by the section shown in figure 2. From the base to the top there is a succession of eolian dunes, eolian sand sheets, lacustrine layers and a new succession of dunes at the top. The footprints occur only in the eolian layers, whose palaeocurrents are always directed to E. The SLCP footprints occur at three different leveis inside the eolian sand sheet layer. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.585-600, out./dez.2007 588 P.C.DENTZIEN-DIAS, C.L.SCHULTZ, C.M.S.SCHERER & E.L.C.LAVINA Cross stratification wavy Plane-paralel Massive siltstone Sauropod footprint Invertebrate ichnofossüs Indeterminated footprint Fig.2- Stratigraphic section of the SLCP outcrop. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.585-600, out./dez.2007 THE TRACE FÓSSIL RECORD FROM THE GUARÁ FORMATION (UPPER JURASSIC?), SOUTHERN BRAZIL 589 On the surface of the outcrop it is revealed trackways and isolated footprints on the surface and in section. The footprints are all rounded (Fig.3), without traces of digits, and two almost parallel trackways can be observed, as well as some isolated footprints. The médium diameter of the footprints is about 50cm. One of the isolated footprints shows deformational features that suggest that the animal was moving from NW to SE. The trackways were made by a quadruped in spite of there is no manus track. This conclusion is based on the “trackway configuration” (step, stride, and pace angulation) . Probably this pattern is due to the poor preservation of the footprints and/or to the overlap of the pes overstepping the manus footprints, a common phenomenon in sauropod trackways (Moreno & Benton, 2005). We believe, from the evidence of pace angulation patterns and footprint shape (Faria dos Santos et al, 1992), that it is better to attribute them to the pes of a sauropod. The morphology and the size of the footprints suggest the presence of a sauropod with a body size similar to an extant elephant. Nevertheless, these proportions could be also compatible with those of a big prosauropod (like Riojasaurus from Argentina, for example). This observation is important because the age of the Guará Formation is not yet surely established. Its basal layers overlay the Early Triassic Sanga do Cabral Formation, so that the presence of rounded footprints in the Guará Formation, by itself, should not exclude an age older than Jurassic for that unit given that such footprints are known from the Triassic. Inside most footprints, several little vertical burrows can be observed. One of them was excavated to allow its observation in section. These small burrows begin as vertical tubes which become horizontally enlarged at their bases, forming little chambers (Fig.4). These morphological features lead us to attribute these burrows to insects (Renata Guimarães Netto, Other two layers with trackways can be seen in the SLCP outcrop, but only in section, at the wall of the roadcut. The upper one shows only some shallow and not well-defined deformations in the stratification, which do not furnish reliable information. Near the base of the roadcut wall a bigger and very clear trackway is present (Fig.5). 3 4 Fig.3- Sauropod footprints on the surface from the outcrop SLCP. The trackways were highlighted by white (south trackway) and black (north trackway) circles, while the grey ones represent isolated footprints; fig.4- Sauropod footprint in surface view and in section (outcrop SLCP). In detail, an ichnofossil made by an insect. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.585-600, out./dez.2007 590 P.C.DENTZIEN-DIAS, C.L.SCHULTZ, C.M.S.SCHERER & E.L.C.LAVINA Fig.5- Outcrop in section with a sauropod trackway. The arrow shows that the animal was moving to west. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.585-600, out./dez.2007 THE TRACE FÓSSIL RECORD FROM THE GUARÁ FORMATION (UPPER JURASSIC?), SOUTHERN BRAZIL 591 The footprints are about 50cm wide and the undertracks reach around 45cm in depth. The deformation of the stratification inside the footprints is clearly asymmetric. A deeper portion is always present at the right side of each footprint, which resulted from the pressure created by the anterior portion of the foot during the step. This spatial orientation indicates that the animal was moving from East to West (left to right in figure 5). The direction of the wall is slightly different from that of the trackway, so that the footprints gradually come out from the wall. Indeed, the last footprint of the trackway (SLCP 07) can be partially seen in section, showing its rounded shape (Fig.6). The absence of additional footprints in the western portion of the outcrop leads us to conclude that this trackway represents successive steps of the left foot of the animal. Regarding the trackways that occur on the surface of the outcrop, probably the footprints were produced by the pes overlapping those of the manus. The distance between successive footprints in this trackway (length of pace) is 1.20m, while in the surface trackways the lengths of the paces are 1.3m (for the right trackway = North, Fig.7) and 1.4m for the other (Fig.8). In the upper portion of the outcrop, represented by eolian dunes, another footprint can be seen in section. But it is too poorly preserved to permit a classification. The second fossiliferous outcrop found in the Guará Formation (RSSJ) is situated in a dirt road footprint in section, gradually come out of the wall. west of the town of Rosário do Sul, near the Sanga do Jacaré creek. This outcrop is composed only of paleodunes, whose palaeocurrents are directed eastward. A trackway composed of two three-toed theropod footprints can be observed - in surface view and in section (Fig.9) -, oriented up the foresets of one of the dunes. In section, slide structures formed during this climbing can be clearly seen. These footprints were initially visible only in section, but an excavation was made to expose them in plan. It revealed that these footprints are tridactyl, with marks of sharp claws at their ends. They measure about 17cm in length. This morphology indicates that these footprints were made by a theropod and the size of the footprints suggests that it was no bigger than an extant ostrich. In the upper levei of this same outcrop several ribbons of massive sandstone can be observed Crossing the sets of a palaeodune (Fig. 10). These ribbons are lens- shaped in transverse section and have a regular width of about 20cm. The thickness of the ribbons range between 3 and lOcm and their lengths vary from 0.40m to 2.80m. These structures tend to be rectilinear, but some of them describe curves and at least one of them reveals a bifurcation (Fig. 11). In some portions, these ribbons are covered by little blocks of stratified sandstones. The ribbons of massive sandstones are here interpreted as the floor of burrows, while the stratified blocks evidently represent the collapse of parts of the roof inside the burrows. The size and shape of these burrows is compatible with excavations done by small reptiles or mammals (Miller et al, 2001), as can be illustrated by the extant Ctenomys sp. (the “tuco-tuco”), that builds extensive tunnels in the Coastal eolian dunes at the South of Brazil. A third fossiliferous outcrop (RSCT) is also located in a dirt road, westward from Rosário do Sul city, near the Cerro Torneado hill. The basal layers of this outcrop are composed of palaeodunes with palaeocurrents directed to North, while its upper portion reveals a sequence of eolian sand sheets that are totally bioturbated by superimposed trackways. Footprints and trackways can be viewed both in section and on the surface. It was possible to identify at least three trackways of bipedal animais, two of theropods and one of an ornithopod. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.585-600, out./dez.2007 592 P.C.DENTZIEN-DIAS, C.L.SCHULTZ, C.M.S.SCHERER & E.L.C.LAVINA SLCP 14 = (D) SLCP 18 = (H) SLCP 15 = (E) SLCP 19 = (1) SLCP 16 = (F) SLCP 20 = (J) SLCP 17 - (G) SLCP 21 = (K) Fig.7- North sauropod trackway with respective measurements (Leonardi et al, 1987). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.585-600, out./dez.2007 THE TRACE FÓSSIL RECORD FROM THE GUARA FORMATION (UPPER JURASSIC?), SOUTHERN BRAZIL 593 1 « Pace angulation; 107° 2 - Stríde; l,50m 3 - width of pace: G.óüm Fig.8- South sauropod trackway from the outcrop SLCP with respective measurements (Leonardi et al, 1987). Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.585-600, out./dez.2007 594 P.C.DENTZIEN-DIAS, C.L.SCHULTZ, C.M.S.SCHERER & E.L.C.LAVINA Fig.9- Theropod footprints in section and in surface view. Fig. 10- Burrow with 2.80m of length and 20cm of width. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.585-600, out./dez.2007 THE TRACE FÓSSIL RECORD FROM THE GUARÁ FORMATION (UPPER JURASSIC?), SOUTHERN BRAZIL 595 Theropod footprints can be distinguished from those of ornithopods by the shape of the heel, the larger length of the fingers and for the presence of marks of claws (Fig.12), but they don’t allow a distinction between a coelurosaur or carnosaur pattern. The first RSCT trackway, made by a theropod, is directed to Southwest and has footprints 35cm in length and 26cm in width. The step angle is 148° and the length of the stride is 11 Ocm (Fig. 13). This theropod would have been about 3m height. The second trackway, attributed to a theropod too, is directed to the northeast and has footprints 22cm in length and 15cm in width (Fig. 14). The length of the stride is 75cm and the step angle is 175°. The only trackway from the RSCT outcrop that could surely be attributed to an ornithopod (Fig. 15) is directed to North, its step angle is 155° and the length of the stride is 120cm. All the footprints are poorly preserved and don’t stand out from the surface. Only the outlines of the deformations produced in the sand by the steps can be distinguished. At the margins of the road, about 50cm of this eolian sand sheet sequence can be observed in section showing that almost all its internai layers are completely bioturbated by superimposed footprints. It suggests a frequent transit of animais in that region at the time of the deposition of the layers. A fourth tracksite was found near the Touro Passo stream, in Rosário do Sul Town (RSTP). This outcrop is represented by a succession of eolian and lacustrine sediments. In the eolian dunes some invertebrate traces were found, but the preservation was not good enough to permit a classification. However, in the eolian sand sheets, in section and surface, rounded footprints are clearly visible. The diameter of the footprints is about 45cm and the distance between them around lm, while the depth varies between 15cm and 30cm. These footprints are very similar to those described at the first tracksite, which also leads us to classify them as middle-sized sauropods. Finally, in the west of Rosário do Sul city, near to the Granja Santa Vitória (RSGV), another tracksite reveals a layer of eolian sand sheets, about 30cm thick, totally disturbed by dinosaur footprints. Some of them can be seen in section and others on the surface. One of the footprints is 25cm long and 23cm wide and shows well defined outlines. The heel has a “U” shape and no claw trace in the toes, which leads us to attribute it to a bipedal ornithopod about 2m in height. Fig. 11- Bifurcated burrow from outcrop RSSJ. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.585-600, out./dez.2007 596 P.C.DENTZIEN-DIAS, C.L.SCHULTZ, C.M.S.SCHERER & E.L.C.LAVINA Fig. 12- Theropod footprint from outcrop RSCT. DISCUSSION Regarding to the dinosaur footprints, based on track morphology, we inferred sauropods (or, less probably, prosauropods), theropods, and ornithopods. We recognize that poor preservation makes trackmaker identification difficult. So our inferences presented below, are tentative. These three kinds of footprints don’t occur together in any of the outcrops. In the outcrop RSSJ there are only theropod footprints, while in SLCP only sauropod footprints are present. In RSCT outcrop we infer associated theropods and ornithopods, but no sauropods. Some of the theropod footprints in RSSJ and RSCT have similar sizes and shapes, but the poor preservation does not allow us to infer a direct correlation. From this we get that there is no direct evidence of an association between the sauropods (prosauropods?) and the other groups, but we assume such a temporal coexistence based on the modest thickness of the Guará Formation as a whole (about 200m) and its internai homogeneity, specially regarding to the eolian fácies, where the footprints occur. But even accepting the coexistence of these three groups of dinosaurs, it does not provide any precise chronostratigraphic information. Such an association could as easily be Upper Triassic as Cretaceous. However, the palaeocurrents measured in the fluvial layers of the Guará Formation point to S/SW, while the whole Triassic package from Rio Grande do Sul State shows paleocurrents directed to N/NE. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.585-600, out./dez.2007 THE TRACE FÓSSIL RECORD FROM THE GUARÁ FORMATION (UPPER JURASSIC?), SOUTHERN BRAZIL 597 A - Pace Angulation :148 o B - Stride : 110 cm Fig.13- Theropod trackway with respective measurements (Leonardi et ai, 1987). It is, therefore, not possible to infer such a structural change in the basin occurring during the end of the Triassic. So, the Guará Formation could not have been deposited at that time. On the other hand, the overlaying Botucatu Formation has a minimum age of 132m.y. (Scherer, 2000). It decreases (but does not exclude) the possibility of a Lower Cretaceous age for the Guará Formation. There is no Late Jurassic record of dinosaur’s footprints for South America, in order to compare it with that from Guará Formation. The shape and size of some theropod footprints from Guará Formation are roughly similar to those found in the Cretaceous of Argentina (Rio Limay Formation, Albian to Cenomanian) and Brazil (Sousa Formation, Lower Cretaceous), but it is not conclusive. The other fossils found in the Guará Formation, including the burrows of vertebrates and invertebrates, also do not furnish any usefull chronostratigraphic information. So, the assumption of a Late Jurassic age for the Guará Formation is still tied to the lithostratigraphic correlation with the Tacuarembó Formation (Santa-Ana & Veroslavsky, 2003; Scherer & Lavina, 2005) from Uruguay. Concerning the biostratigraphic criteria, still no shared fossils are known for these units. CONCLUSIONS During the time of the Guará Formation sedimentation, in the west of Rio Grande do Sul State, a diversity of dinosaurs coexisted, probably including sauropods, theropods,and ornithopods, whose footprints and trackways were registered in the eolian fácies of the Guará Formation. Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.585-600, out./dez.2007 598 P.C.DENTZIEN-DIAS, C.L.SCHULTZ, C.M.S.SCHERER & E.L.C.LAVINA Fig.14- Theropod trackway with 22cm of length and 15cm of width. The depositional environment associated with the Guará Formation was relatively dry as evidenced by the eolian sedimentation, mainly dunes and eolian sand sheets. Footprints and trackways are present only in the eolian fácies including dunes and sand sheets. This reduces the anatomic details of tracks that can be preserved. The ichnofossils does not allow us to establish a precise age for the Guará Formation. An association of theropods, ornithopods, and sauropods dinosaurs could be either Triassic as Cretaceous. The main direction of the palaeocurrents measured in the fluvial layers of the Guará Formation (to South) is totally different from that one from the Triassic package (to N-NE) from Rio Grande do Sul State. It is, therefore, not possible to imagine such a structural change in the basin occurring during the end of the Triassic. So, the Guará Formation could not have been deposited at that time. The Late Jurassic age here proposed as most probable for the Guará Formation is also supported by the lithostratigraphic correlation with the Tacuarembó Formation from Uruguay, although no Arq. Mus. Nac., Rio de Janeiro, v.65, n.4, p.585-600, out./dez.2007 THE TRACE FÓSSIL RECORD FROM THE GUARÁ FORMATION (UPPER JURASSIC?), SOUTHERN BRAZIL 599 common taxa have yet been found in these two units. 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Morphometric analysis of the Upper Cretaceous Brazilian side-necked turtle Bauruemys elegans{ Suárez, 1969) (Pleurodira, Podocnemididae). P.S.R.ROMANO St S.A.K.AZEVEDO. 395 Distribuição passada e presente de lagartos iguanídeos. Past and present distribution of iguanid lizards. M.AUGÉ. 403 El primer "protosuquio" (Archosauria: Crocodyliformes) dei Cretácico (Santoniano) de Gondwana. The first "Protosuchian" (Archosauria: Crocodyliformes) from the Cretaceous (Santonian) of Gondwana. L.E.FIORELLI St].O.CALVO. Um crânio incompleto de pterossauro do Cretáceo do centro-norte de Queensland, Austrália. An incomplete pterosaur skull from the Cretaceous of North-Central Queensland, Australia. R.E.MOLNAR SC R.A.THULBORN. 417 461 Hallazgo de un nuevo dinosaurio ornitópodo de la Formación Portezuelo (Cretácico superior) Neuquén, Patagônia, Argentina Discovery of a new ornithopod dinosaur from the Portezuelo Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Neuquén, Patagônia, Argentina. J.O.CALVO, J.D.PORFIRI SC F.E.NOVAS. 471 Un nuevo saurópodo Titanosaurio dei Cretácico superior de Neuquén, Patagônia, Argentina. A new titanosaur sauropod from the Late Cretaceous of Neuquén, Patagônia, Argentina. J.O.CALVO, B.J.GONZÁLEZ RIGA SC J.D.PORFIRI. 485 Uma possível vértebra de titanossauro do Cretáceo Superior de North Island, Nova Zelândia. A presumed titanosaurian vertebra from the Late Cretaceous of North Island, New Zealand. R.E.MOLNAR SC J.WIFFEN . 505 Anatomia de Futalognkosaurus dukei Calvo, Porfiri, González Riga SC Kellner, 2007 (Dinosauria, Titanosauridae) do Grupo Neuquén (Cretáceo Superior), Patagônia, Argentina. Anatomy of Futalognkosaurus dukei Calvo, Porfiri, González Riga SC Kellner, 2007 (Dinosauria, Titanosauridae) from the Neuquén Group (Late Cretaceous), Patagônia, Argentina. J.O.CALVO, J.D.PORFIRI, B.J.GONZÁLEZ RIGA SC A.W.A.KELLNER. 511 Morfologia de um espécime de Supersaurus (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) da Formação Morrison de Wyoming e uma reavaliação da filogenia de diplodocídeos. Morphology of a specimen of Supersaurus (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) from the Morrison Formation of Wyoming, and a re- evaluation of diplodocid phylogeny. D.M.LOVELACE, S.A.HARTMAN SC W.R.WAHL. 527 Nova informação sobre Megaraptor namunhuaiquii (Theropoda: Tetanurae), Patagônia: considerações sobre aspectos paleoecológicos. New information on Megaraptor namunhuaiquii (Theropoda: Tetanurae), Patagônia: considerations on paleoecological aspects. J.D.PORFIRI, D.SANTOS SC J.O.CALVO. 545 Aves fósseis do Chile e da Península Antártica. Fóssil birds of Chile and Antarctic Península. M.CHAVEZ. 551 Paleoicnologia de vertebrados do Neógeno da costa do Atlântico Norte da Província do Rio Negro, Argentina. Neogene vertebrate palaeoichnology of the North Atlantic coast of the Rio Negro Province, Argentina. S.A.ARAMAYO 573 Registro de traços fósseis da Formação Guará (Jurássico Superior?), sul do Brasil. The trace fóssil record from the Guará Formation (Upper Jurassic?), Southern Brazil. P.C.DENTZIEN-DIAS, C.L.SCHULTZ, C.M.S.SCHERER SC E.L.C.LAVINA. 585 MUSEU NACIONAL Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Quinta da Boa Vista, São Cristóvão 20940-040 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil Impresso na ************************