HARVARD UNIVERSITY LIBRARY OF THE GRAY HERBARIUM Received ARNOLD ARBORETUM HARVARD UNIVERSITY ARNOLDIA A continuation of the Bulletin of Popular Information VOLUME XVI 1956 PUBLISHED BY THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM JAMAICA PLAIN, MASSACHUSETTS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from BHL-SIL-FEDLINK https://archive.org/details/arnoldiaarno_13 ARNOLDIA A continuation of the Bulletin of Popular Information of the Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University Volume 16 MARCH 2, 1956 Number 1 AN EARLY SPRING? Those of us who Uve in New England should learn not to forecast the weather unless we are willing to be involved in all sorts of difficulties. We have just passed through a six-month period that will probably go into the records as one of the most variable in years (as well as one of the most difficult for forecasters!) Even before the disastrous hurricane that brought more rain to New England than it had ever experienced before in such a short period, the month of July was noted as within 0.3 degrees of being the hottest of all times. With 4.28 inches of rain, the precipitation was already above normal, and in August, with the tropical hurricane, the total precipitation was officially 17.09 inches, nearly 14 inches above normal. Even August was slightly hotter than normal. September was a relatively temperate month with temperatures and precipita- tion about normal although we can easily remember several hurricane alarms. The normal temperatures of October were accompanied by precipitation which was 4.15 inches above the average for this month. November was colder than usual with another 2.19 inches of rain above the norm, while the snowfall on the 19th— 20th was the heaviest recorded for so early in the season since 1894. The note- worthy point here was that none of the daily maximum temperatures during November exceeded 60° F,,and since 1871 there were only three other Novem- bers this cold. December was the coldest December in 38 years while precipitation was 2.34 inches below normal. Another feature of this month’s weather was the maximum sunshine, 73 percent of the total possible. Usuall.v, winter months are on the dark side. Because of these vagaries, if vagaries they be, plants in this area have certainly had plenty of moisture for the past six months, and went into the winter in an excellent condition regarding growth and soil moisture. Beginning in November there wasn’t any question about it; winter, and a fairly cold one, had set in. It stayed cold for at least two full months, hence the lack of snow cover on the ground was not detrimental to the plants during that period. Briefly, woody plants went into the winter in good condition after plenty of late summer growth, went quickly into a dormant period, and were kept there by continued cold temperatures. Temperatures have been on the warm side for January and February.* Week- ends recently have been consistent with light rain or drizzle. Snow has appeared once or twice, but apparently the elements are only half-hearted about it, for it quickly thaws and disappears. We in New England have read of winter floods in California; unprecedented November “freezes” which have killed millions of dollars worth of ornamental woody plants in the Pacific Northwest; and most re- ' cently of the extreme cold weather in Europe. Mr. H. G. Hillier of Winchester, England, wrote only last week that his plants were frozen solidly in the soil, a most unprecedented occurrence in his nursery at this time of year. We know it all will end some time, but how soon? Now (February 14) snowdrops have been in bloom in front of the Administra- tion Building in the Arboretum since February 6, and the Chinese witch-hazel normally blooming in mid-March, is in full bloom today. There have been some warm days this month, and these early flowering plants are prone to bloom as soon as the weather warms up a bit, once they have had their proper dormant period. It should be said that as far as can be told now, there has been little winter damage of any kind to woody plants in the Arnold Arboretum. Although it is yet too soon to tell definitely whether rhododendrons have been burned, (or will be, for much damage can be done in March), it looks at this point as if they have not. Nor have any other evergreens displayed any serious winter burning up to this point. Winter burning, of course, is brought about when high winds or warm sunsliine cause excessive transpiration from the leaves, while the roots and soil about them remain solidly frozen. Just now a visitor came in the office and reported that the flower buds of the red maples were swelling” and they must really be, if he could see them from the ground. So, with these harbingers of a spring which is certainly on the way today (but may not be tomorrow !), the approximate blooming dates of some other woody plants are here given for this area, so that anyone who is interested can try his hand at forecasting an “early” or a “late” spring. ^ Note — This bit of optimistic writing was done February 14. During the next ten days we received a blizzard leaving nine inches of snow on the ground and near zero temperatures many of the nights. All of which goes to prove, you can never tell — in New England ! The Chinese witch-hazel {I [amamelia mollis) as it was in full bloom in the Arnold Arboretum, February 14. In- sert, a close-up of the buds and twif? showing? the very pubescent character (also on the leaves) which is one of the means of differentiating this species from the others. The vernal witch-hazel also has pubescent twigs but its flowers are, of course, much smaller and its leaves more lustrous and not nearly as pubescent. Dates on which plants were noted to be in full bloom in the Arnold Arboretum Plant An “early” season 1945 A “normal” to slightly late” season — 1941 Hamamelis vernalis March 3 March 27 ‘ ‘ mollis i i 3 — Acer saccharinum 4 4 10 Marcli 28 Ulmus americana 4 4 20 April 13* Acer rubrum 4 4 28 6 Daphne mezereum 4 4 28 “ 15* Dirca palustris 4 4 28 “ 19 Forsythia ovata 4 4 28 — Magnolia stellata 4 4 28 “ 24 Rliododendron dauricum 4 4 28 “ 15 Viburnum fragrans 4 4 28 “ 14* Abeliophyllum distichum 4 4 29 ‘ ^ 1 ^ 1 i Cercidiphyllum japonicum 4 4 29 “ 15 Lonicera praeHorens 4 4 29 “ 14 Corn us mas 4 4 31 “ 17 * The plants thus noted for 1941 bloomed about one week later than normal ; the rest bloomed about on time. Donald Wyman REMINDER OF SPRING CLASSES Tliis is a second reminder to those subscribers living in the Boston area, about two classes in the Arboretum's educational program starting this month. Plant Propagation (Instructor: Mr. Roger Coggeshall) Starting : Wednesday, March 14 Plant Breeding (instructor: Dr. Karl Sax) Starting : Tuesday, March 20 For full particulars, write immediately to Dr. Carroll E. Wood, Jr., Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plain 30, Massachusetts. [ -i] ARNOLDIA A continuation of the Bulletin of Popular Information of the Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University Volume 16 APRIL 13, 1956 Number 2 PASTE THE POISON IVY The eradication of poison ivy is not an easy task under the most favorable conditions, but it is even more difficult when the ivy is growing among orna- mental vines or ground cover plants, in hedges, or climbing up small trees and shrubs. Under these conditions the ivy cannot be sprayed with weed killers I without killing the ornamental plants. For most people the destruction of poison ivy by pulling it out of the ground is a hazardous operation. I tried this method about twenty years ago. The plants were dormant; I wore leather gloves and washed my hands thoroughly with strong laundry soap after the job was done, but I was so badly infected about the face that I could hardly open my eyes for nearly a week. It is also difficult to pull out all of the roots, especially if they are interlaced with the roots of adjacent ornamental vines and shrubs, and the remaining roots will often send up new shoots. Poison ivy can be killed with the non-selective herbicides, such as ammonium sulfamate,or with 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T which does not kill the grass. The ivy can be sprayed with any of these weed killers, but all or most of the nearby plants will also be killed. The non-selective weed killers can be painted on the stems ! and on larger vines or the dry crystals can be put in frills cut in the base of the I trunk, but there is still some danger of killing adjacent plants. The fumes from 2,4-D are even more hazardous to neighboring ornamental and crop plants, j About five years ago my wife, wffio is on the grounds committee of the Friends I of the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, asked me how she could get rid of a large ’ poison ivy vine growing on the wall of one of the buildings, which was covered i; with Boston ivy. The poison ivy plant could not be sprayed without killing the I Boston ivy, and it was too large to be pulled out by the roots. We needed a weed killer which would be effective when applied to the stem of the vine, but one which would not injure the adjacent ornamental vines. We first tried a mixture of 2,4-D in a lanolin emulsion. The material was tested for fume drift by painting the greasy mixture on a pole stuck in the ground and placing a young potted tomato plant within a foot from the pole for a day. The tomato plant was uninjured, although extremely sensitive to 2,4-D fumes. We then felt that it was safe to try the weed killer emulsion on the poison ivy vine at the hospital. The base of the stem was nearly two inches in diameter, and the bark was thick. In order to permit the weed killer to enter the stem more readily, a thin strip of bark was cut from one side of the base of the stem for a distance of about one foot. The emulsion was then brushed on the cut stem. Within several weeks the poison ivy was dead, the Boston ivy uninjured. The emulsion weed killer was later modified, using a commercial weed killer containing e(|ual parts of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T. One part of the concentrated (35% 2,4-D ; 33% 2,4, 5-T) brush killer was mixed with nine parts of a greasy carrier. In addition to lanolin we have used waxes, heavy lubricating grease and even vegetable fats, such as Crisco. Any carrier is satisfactory if it mixes well with the brush killer, is viscous enough to stick on the stem in hot weather, and thin enough so that it can be painted on the stem with a small brush. If the poison ivy stems are small, the emulsion can be painted directly on the bark, but if the stem is thicker than about a third of an inch, a thin strip of bark should be removed along one side of the stem, or longitudinal slits made in the bark, to permit the weed killer to enter the stem. The weed killer must enter the bark and be carried down to the roots to be effective. It can also be absorbed by tlie leaves, but it is a tedious job to smear the leaves with the greasy mixture, 'riie weed killer is most effective if applied early in the summer, when the vines are growing vigorously, but it is effective at any time during the growing season. We have used this weed killer on poison ivy vines growing up young pine trees, along stone walls and among ornamental shrubs. It can also be used to kill al- most any weed tree or vine. During the past summer we tried it on a heteroge- neous lot of young trees, shrubs and vines which were growing in a hedge of Rosa Virginia fia in the Arnold Arboretum. In this rose hedge, which was nearly 400 feet long, were more than 100 seedlings of weed plants ranging in size from four to six feet tall. xAmong them were 11 apples, 21 cherries, 1? barberries, 16 bittersweets, 15 grapes, 22 maples, 20 oaks and 6 black swallow worts. The test was made by two of our summer helpers, Edward Dowgialo and Robert Newman of the Jamaica Plain Agricultural High School. The weed killer was applied in mid-July. By the middle of August most of the weed trees were dead, with no injury whatever to the rose bushes. A few maples had survived, but they may have been missed in the treatment. Unfortunately one of our worst weeds, the black swallow wort {Ci/nanclium nigra), was not killed or injured, even though the slender stem was split lengthwise and the emulsion was forced into the slits. This type of brush killer can easily be prepared, or may now be bought from dealers in horticultural supplies. If large quantities are needed it can be made more cheaply by buying the necessary ingredients and mixing them at home. [6] PLATE II A poison ivy vine about 8 feet tall growing- on the left side of this red maple, is sur- rounded by a Euonymns ground cover. On June 97 a thin strip of bark was cut from one side of the ivy stem for about a foot above the ground. The stem was then painted with “Ivy Kill.’’ By July 27 the poison ivy vine was completely killed, with no injury to either the maple tree or to the Eiionymua ground c‘Over. The commercial preparation is packed in a small jar, complete with a small brush and two long plastic bags to cover the hands and arms and prevent contact with the leaves and stems of the poison ivy plants. It would also be advisable to slip a transparent plastic bag over the head to protect the face. If the plastic bags are to be used again they should be washed thoroughly. CONTROL OF PEACH BORERS For the past ten years we have been testing dwarfing rootstocks for peaches at the Bussey Institution. By budding peaches on the Nanking Cherry {Pru/ius tomentosd) it is now possible to grow dwarf peach trees which will bear fruit at an early age, and at maturity will produce about 100 large peaches on a tree only six or seven feet tall. Peach trees need little care except for the control of peach tree borers. Tlie borers enter the bark near the base of the trunk and seriously injure or kill the tree in a short time. The borers can be easily controlled by a single application of a greasy insecti- cide about the middle of June, before the eggs are laid. This insecticide is made by mixing one part of concentrated (40-50%) DDT or chlordane powder with nine parts of heavy grease. The soil is pulled away from the base of the tree to a depth of several inches and the trunk of the tree is smeared with a thin layer of the greasy insecticide up to a height of about a foot above the ground. The soil that was pulled away from the base of the tree is then replaced. Another species of peach borer attacks the upper trunk and crotches of the trees. It is not as prevalent as the common borer, but if present it can be con- trolled by smearing the entire trunk and the base of the branches with the greasy insecticide. 4'he greasy carrier holds the DDT or chlordane in place and the insecticide kills any eggs which are laid and start to develop on the trunk of the tree. A single application will last an entire season. Karl Sax REMINDER OF SPRING CLASSES Tliis is a second reminder to those subscribers living in the Boston area, about two classes in the Arboretum’s educational program starting this month. Principles and Practice in Plant Identification II (Instructor; Dr. Richard Howard) Starting: Tuesday, April 24 Spring Field Class in Ornamental Plants (instructor: Dr. Donald Wyman) Starting: Friday, April 27 For full particulars, write immediately to Dr. Carroll E. Wood, Jr., Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plain 30, Massachusetts. [8] ARNOLDIA A continuation of the Bulletin of Popular Information of the Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University Volume 16 APRIL 27, 1956 Number 3 EIGHTY TREES FOR THE SMALL PLACE (New Demonstration Plot opened at the Case Estates of the Arnold Arboretum in Weston, Massachusetts) During the spring of 1951 a demonstration plot of small ornamental trees was planted on the Case Estates of the Arnold Arboretum in Weston, about thirteen miles from Jamaica Plain. It does take time for small trees to begin to show the true habit for which they are valued, and the trees in this plot are no exception. Five years have gone by since the majority were planted, with some varieties being added each year until now there are about eighty different kinds of trees growing in this one plot. It is high time that home owners in this area knew of the existence of this trial demonstration. The plot is situated adjacent the Ground Covers, at the junction of Wellesley Street and Newton Street in the heart of Weston. It is open to the public at all times, and all the trees are clearly labeled. They have been planted merely in rows, the idea being that here is to be displayed a good selection of the most outstanding small ornamental trees for planting small streets or small home prop- erties. Three fourths of them are under 35 feet in height, and the remainder can be kept this high by pruning. All these trees are represented in the main collections of the Arnold Arbore- tum in Jamaica Plain, but in this Demonstration Plot they are all being grown together in one small, easily-accessible area, where they can be compared quickly, one with the other. The field is bordered by a woods on one side and by the high school football field on the other. No special attention is given the trees once they become adjusted to the situation, except normal correctional pruning. The following list is given for the benefit of those who would like to visit this plot and find individual trees. Rows are numbered from the road bordering the playing field, first numbers being closest to the old cow barn adjacent. It might also be mentioned at this point that there are now 150 different kinds of ground- covering plants in the plots nearby, so a trip to the Case Estates to observe these most interesting plants might prove very worth while. Ornamental Small Trees in Demonstration Plot Location Eoid Number in liov) jAcer ginnala Amur maple II 1 X — griseum Paperbark maple II 3 — miyabei Miyabe maple II 1 1 * — mono Mono maple II E2 X — palmatum Japanese maple II 4 * — platanoides columnare Column Norway maple III 5 * erectum Erect Norway maple III b * — rubrum “Armstrong Upright” Armstrong Upright” maple 16 * columnare Columnar red maple III 8 * — saccharum monumentale Sentry maple III 9 — tataricum Tatarian maple III 4 X — truncatum Purpleblow maple 1 5 Albizzia julibrissin rosea Hardy silk tree II 13 Betula penclula fastigiata Pyramidal white birch III 14 Carpinus betulus fastigiata Pyramid European hornbeam III 10 — caroliniana pyramidalis Pyramid American hornbeam III 1 1 * — cordata Heartleaf hornbeam IV 2 * — japonica Japanese hornbeam IV 3 ^Cercidiph.vllum japonicum Katsura tree III 12 Chionanthus retusiis Chinese fringetree II 10 — virginicus Fringetree II 9 Cornus horida Flowering dogwood II 'j — fastigiata Upright flowering dogwood III 7 — rubra Red flowering dogwood II 6 X — kousa chinensis Chinese dogwood II 2 X — mas var. Cornelian cherry IV 10 Crataegus crus-galli Cockspur thorn III 2 — fiava Yellow hawthorn III 19 — monogyna inermis Thornless hawthorn V 2 stricta Pyramidal singleseed hawthorn III 3 — nitida Glossy hawthorn IV 1 — phaenopyrum Washington hawthorn II 8 fastigiata Pyramidal Washington hawthorn III 13 — punctata Dotted hawthorn III 1 + Elaeagnus angustifolia Russian olive V 5 !{!Evodia danielli Korean evodia IV 4 PLATE III One of the newer crab apples, ]\[alus “Dorothea," blooms heavily even when the tree is only a few years old. The flowers are double, a light pink color, followed by bright yellow fruits which remain on the tree all winter, making this an excellent specimen for the small home garden. 1 Ornamental Small Trees in Demonstration Plot {Continued) *Evodia hupehensis Hupeh evodia IV 5 Franklinia alatamaha F ranklinia V 1 Ginkgo biloba fastigiata Sentry ginkgo III 1 5 Gleditsia triacanthos elegantissima Bushy honey-locust V 6 Halesia Carolina Carolina silverbell V 12 Koelreuteria paniculata Golden-rain tree IV 17 Laburnum alpinum Scotch laburnum II 14 — anagyroides semperflorens Autumn goldenchain II 15 ^Magnolia loebneri Lobner magnolia IV 9 X — stellata rosea Pink star magnolia IV 8 jMalus “Almey” xAlmey” crab apple I IS X — arnoldiana Arnold crab apple I 5 J — “Brilliant” Brilliant” crab apple I 12 X — “Case Seedling” Case Seedling” crab apple I 1 1 X — “Dorothea” “Dorothea” crab apple I 4 X — tloribunda hillieri Hillier crab apple I () X — hupehensis rosea (?) I 15 X — “jay Darling” “ja.v Darling” crab apple I 10 X — “Katherine” Katherine” crab apple I S X — “Oekonomierat Kchterineyer" I 1 J — “Pink Weeper” “Pink Weeper” crab apple I 2 X — prunifolia rinki Chinese Pearleaf crab apple I 9 * — puinila niedzwetzkyana Red-vein crab apple I 14 X~ purpurea Purple crab apple I 7 X eleyi FJey crab apple I 8 ;j]Morus australis Japanese mulberry II 16 *Populus alba pyramidalis Bolleana poplar III 18 * — Simon i fastigiata J Primus cerasifera atropurpurea Pyramidal Simon poplar 14 veitchi” Veitch Pissard plum IV 19 !{]Prunus ‘ Fugenzo” Fugenzo” oriental cherry V 10 X — “Gyoiko'* Gyoiko” oriental cherry IV 6 X — ^ Ojochin” Ojochin” oriental cherry V 1 1 * — sargenti Sargent cherry V S columnaris Columnar Sargent cherry III 16 — serrula V 8 * — “Schubert” “Schubert” chokecherry V 4 * — yedoensis Yoshino cherry 9 *Quercus robur fastigiata Pyramidal English oak III 17 !|!Robinia pseudoacacia bessoniana Besson black locust V 7 Sorbus arnoldiana Arnold mountain-ash IV 1 5 — aucuparia fastigiata Upright mountain-ash IV 14 — discolor Snowberry mountain-ash V 17 *Ste\vartia koreana Korean stevvartia IV 1 1 [ 1-2] A part of the Small Tree Demonstration Plot of the Arnold Arboretum in Weston. Eighty different kinds of small trees are being grown here in rows, all well labeled, for public study. Ornamental Small Trees in Demonstration Plot {Continued) Syringa amurensis *Ulmus americana “Augustine” * — parvifolia JViburnum prunifolium Amur lilac “Augustine” elm Chinese elm Black-haw II IV IV IV a 18 Pi 13 X Trees lower than i4> feet in height. * Trees which eventually may grow over 35 feet tall, but can be kept at this height by proper pruning. (Those with no marginal marks are usually between 24 and 35 feet tall at maturity.) Trees with Narrow, Upright Habit Acer platanoides columnare — - — erecta — rubrum “Armstrong Upriglit” — saccharurn monumentale Betula pendula fastigiata Carpinus betulus fastigiata — caroliniana pyramidalis Cornus florida fastigiata Crataegus monogvna stricta Crataegus phaenopyrum fastigiata Ginkgo biloba fastigiata Populus alba pyramidalis — simoni fastigiata Primus sargenti columnaris Quercus robur fastigiata Sorbus aucuparia fastigiata Ulmus americana Augustine” Small Trees with Ornamental Flowers Time Albizzia julibrissin rosea Summer Cliionanthus species Early June Cornus florida vars. Mid-May Cornus kousa chinensis Early June Cornus mas F'.arly April Crataegus species Late May Kvodia species August Franklinia alatamaha September Halesia Carolina Mid -May Koelreuteria paniculata Mid-June Laburnum species Late May Magnolia species Late April Malus sp. and vars. May Primus cerasifera “atropurpurea veitchi” Late April Primus “Fugenzo,” “Gyoiko,” and “Ojochin” Early May Primus sargenti Late April Prunus “Shubert” Mid- May Prunus yedoensis Late April Sorbus species Late May Stewartia koreana Early July Syringa amurensis Mid-June Viburnum prunifolium Late May [i-t] Small Trees with Ornamental Fruits Color Chionanthus species Blue Cornus species Red Crataegus species Red Evodia species Red to glossy black Halesia Carolina Greenish Koelreuteria paniculata Greenish Magnolia species Red Malus species and vars. Red and yellow Sorbus species Orange to red Viburnum prunifolium Red, green, blue lall Trees with Outstanding Autumn Color Color Acer ginnala Red — palmatum Red — platanoides vars. Yellow — rubrum vars. Red — saccharum monumentale Yellow to red — tataricum Red Betula pendula fastigiata Yellow Cercidiphyllum japonicum Yellow to scarlet Chionanthus species Bright yellow Cornus florida Scarlet — kousa, mas Red Crataegus phaenopyrum Scarlet to orange Ginkgo biloba fastigiata Yellow Prunus sargenti Red Sorbus species Orange to red Viburnum prunifolium Deep red Donald Wyman CASE ESTATES — OPEN HOUSE Sunday, May 6, 1956 (10 A. M. - 5 P. M.) All interested are invited to visit the Case Estates in Weston (see map, page 16) on this day, when staff members will be present to conduct visitors about the grounds. [1.5] s ^ a o • CA • CD o H P DT 3- o c n in' (t CP5 n T) H- P >— cn w C « n i S- - P ro n> " o a ??p g- ^ 0) . ^ ^ ^ * 3 ^ p 2- ® g. ^ ^ &. ja H- > i 5. ° ? 0) 3_ 00 S' ? 3 H p a 3 ft’ n> cc 5 i (-1- 55 S' ^ ft rf 3 2 ^ ^ w a V! cn § § 3 n ^ 3 o n, rt- 3 fB o a> iL (t o V! • ^r. ci- (t S :i ^ i ■* 3 O' H) 0) 3 r-t- rt- 3 r 2 rt ARNOLDIA A continuation of the Bulletin of Popular Information of the Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University Volume 16 MAY 4, 1956 Numbers 4-5 ARBORETUM SPRING PLANTING NOTES SPRING planting at the Arnold Arboretum goes on year after year, unheralded and unsung, yet many extremely interesting plants will eventually grow into the public’s notice. Young plants are necessarily pruned very heavily when they are transplanted to the grounds here, so that frequently several years elapse be- fore such plants eventually reach any real size and become noticeable to the horticultural-minded visitor. However, a close scrutiny of any year’s planting list will show man}" an old variety being replaced in young form (making it pos- sible to remove diseased or damaged specimens), and many new plants being placed that have never been in the Arboretum collections before. Some are prob- ably new to any American planting. Brief information concerning a few of the trees and shrubs planted out this spring will be of interest in this respect. It should be pointed out that to reach planting size, these plants have been growing in the nurseries of the Arnold Arboretum anywhere from one to sixteen years. Some must be tested for hardiness before they are planted in the perma- nent collections ; others must be checked when they flower to make certain they are named correctly. So, although they may be noted in the following pages as ^^new” to the permanent collections, they have all been growing in the Arbore- tum nurseries for several years. This is only part of a lengthy testing program for new jdants which is going on continually, year after year. Many a promising ^^new” introduction fails to meet the hardiness test and must be discarded or sent to arboretums in warmer climes. Others are not sufficiently outstanding to warrant space in the permanent collections ; and far too many arrive here misnamed. Often, propagation material of new plants is practically non-existent, for it is extremely hazardous to cut such young specimens further, at least until they grow several years. This 1956 planting list is a normal one for the Arboretum, so a few statistics concerning it might be considered ; [ 17 ] 1956 PLANTING LIST Number of different species and varieties (all woody) 208 Number of species and varieties new to the Arnold Arboretum (never before planted here, according to the records) 49 Number of species and varieties possibly new to American plantings 17 SOURCES Propagated directly from Arnold Arboretum plants ... 65 Imported from outside the United States 53 Propagated (or obtained as plants) from plants in American gardens, other arboretum, and nurseries 90 It can be seen from these figures that three-fourths of the “new” plants have at one time or another been growing in the Arnold Arboretum. Some, like Sali.v purpurea pendula, died out years before and have only now been replaced. Others, like the Corylus colurna, are being replaced merely as a precautionary measure. In another case {Exochorda korolkon'i) the old x\rboretum plant had to be removed because of space limitations and new plants had to be propagated from it as re- placements. Many another plant, like the “Sunburst” honeylocust, is being planted on the grounds for the first time. By far the most exciting plants are the 25 percent which have never before been grown here. Some of these are the first American introductions. If they turn out to be worthy ornamental specimens, they are propagated and distributed to commercial growers, but this does take time. It is also of interest to note that 25 percent of the plants come from outside the United States. A complete listing of these plants, their sources, and the reasons why they were propagated would be too lengthy for this bulletin; so twenty-eight will be discussed briefly to show where they come from and why they were obtained. Acer platanoides “Fassen’s Black” This plant has been growing in our nurseries since March 1954 and is extremely difficult to differentiate from “Crimson King,” which was introduced into Amer- ica about 1946 and has been grown by us ever since. Both are much superior to the old-fashioned Schwedler’s maple, for they keep the purplish red color of the foliage through the entire summer. Mr. Herman J. Grootendorst of Boskoop, Hol- land, has claimed that there are minute differences between these two. “Fassen’s Black” is supposed to have originated at Tips Nursery, Herck-de-Stad in Bel- gium, from a Norway maple seedling, but the origin of the seedling is in doubt. In fact, it may even have come from Orleans, France, where “Crimson King” originated in the nursery of Barbier & Cie, and so may have the same origin as Nuts, burs, and leaves of the new Chinese chestnut varieties (“Nanking," “Kuling,” “Meiling") are much like those of the once popular American chestnut except the nuts are larger. (Photo courtesy of Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept, of Agriculture) the “Crimson King” seedling. Mr. Fassen (a nurseryman of Tegglen, Holland) received his seedling before World War II with the right to name it, and in fact, the original plant he received is supposed to still be alive in Holland. I doubt whether there is sufficient difference between the two clones to warrent growing both, but they can be observed now in the Arboretum, for those who wish to make their own comparisons. Alnus glutinosa This species has been growm off and on in the Arboretum since 1897, but in 1950 an effort was made to try to obtain seed from a very hardy strain. Conse- quently, some was obtained from Helsinki, Finland. It is yet too soon to know definitely whether this is hardier than other forms we have here now. Aralia elata variegata This aralia is noted for the broad, creamy-white variegations on the margin of the leaves. Apparently, it is an old favorite in England (from where we imported it in 1953) first introduced there in 1865, but it may not have been in America. Certainly, it was never before in the collections of the Arnold Arboretum. Berberis thunbergi “Thornless” This shrub (Plant Patent No. 4-0) was received from Stark Brothers, Louisiana, Missouri, in 1952. It has all the good points of the regular Japanese barberry, except fewer thorns. In our experience, the plant has not proved completely thornless, but does produce a few weak thorns. Castanea mollissima “Nanking” This is a clone selected from several hundred seedlings grown by the United States Department of Agriculture (and planted out as an orchard of 400 seedlings in 1938) in its hunt for Chinese chestnut clones that are the best of this species for growing in America as substitutes for the American chestnut. Two other clones have been released, “Ruling” and “Meiling,” and we have been growing them all in our nurseries since 1950. These trees produced nuts (in Maryland) at the rate of 75 to 100 pounds per ten-year-old tree, on trees selected because of their good habit and high yield. Nuts from these trees are large and good tasting, even from five-.vear-old trees. Amelanchier asiatica 'Fhis is a rare member of the Amelanchier genus which grew in the Arboretum from 1881 to 1946 when our plants died. We were fortunate in being able to obtain a few scions from Henry Kohankie and Son of Painesville, Ohio, who orig- inally obtained his stock from the Arnold Arboretum many years ago. Cornus alba sibirica A shrub commonly listed by most American nurseries, but unfortunately much mixed with other stock throughout the country, even the plants in the Arbore- turn were untrue to name. Consequently, plants and cuttings with this name were obtained by the Arboretum in 1950 from six different European sources. After several years’ growth in the nursery, it turned out that plants from one source were true to name, having the bright red winter twigs that are much more color- ful than those of the species or the native C. stohmifera. These plants came from the Grootendorst Nurseries of Boskoop, Holland. Since then, they have been propagated by the Arboretum and distributed to commercial growers as being the true Cornus alba sibirica, and now these are added to the permanent collections at Jamaica Plain. Cornus florida magnifica The flowering dogwood grows naturally over a wide area of the eastern United States, and during the past years, some clones have been noticed and propagated asexually. This one, obtained from the Westbury Rose Company of Westbury, Long Island, was selected as having extra large flowering bracts. Cornus mas aurea The cornelian cherry is a common landscape plant in America, offered by most of the large nurserymen. It grows well and vigorously and is susceptible to few pests. This variety with yellow leaves does not grow as well as the species, and probably will not make as desirable a landscape plant. In 1950, it was obtained from Hillier and Sons of Winchester, England, the first time it has ever been in the collections of the Arboretum, and this may be the first importation into America. Corylus colurna The Turkish filbert is one of the best tree filberts for ornamental planting, with a good habit and good foliage, apparently doing well in dry soils and perfectly hardy in the Boston area. It may grow as high as 75 feet with the male catkins being of interest in the very early spring. The tree of this species growing in the Arboretum since 1907 showed signs of failing a few years ago when a large limb was broken off by a storm and disease took hold in the trunk. Grafts were taken from it in 1951, but since that time the original tree has apparently recovered. This young one has been planted to make doubly certain that such an excellent plant will be retained in the collections. Cytisus scoparius (hardy form) Commonly seen naturalized on Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard, and throughout Virginia, the Scotch broom has not proved completely hardy in the Arnold Arbo- retum where severe winters have killed it to the ground and sometimes killed it completely. This clone, supposedly much hardier, is planted out for trial. It was obtained from the mountainous area of central Germany by Heinrich Rohrback of the Heatherfells Nursery, xAndover, Massachusetts, when he made a trip to Corylus rohtrna — the Turkish filbert, makes a fine py ramidal shade tree, doing well in dry situations where maples sometimes drop their leaves because of lack of water. Germany a few years prior to 19.30. Certainly, it has withstood tiie winters since that time in our nurseries, in fine condition. Euonymus europaea “Red Cascade” The European spindle tree does vary when grown from seed. This clone was recentl.v selected from a lot of seedlings grown in the George Jackman and Son Nursery of Woking, England, because of the very bright red and profuse fruits. Weobtained cuttings in 19.5^, but the plants have not yet fruited. They are too large to grow any longer in the nursery, so they are being planted in the Euony- mus collection. We are relying on the experience of the men in this fine, old, English nursery, in making this selection as being worthwhile. Exochorda korolkowi A few years ago (l9o2) it became necessary to remove a very fine old plant of this species from the shrub collection because it was too large for the space al- lotted to it. In fact, it was too large to be moved with the equipment we had at the time; consequently, seed was collected, sown, and when the plants were definitely showing signs of strong continued growth, the old plant was removed. Three young and vigorous seedlings now are being planted to take its place at another spot in the Arboretum where they will have plenty of space in which to grow. Fraxinus pennsylvanica lanceolata — “Marshall’s Seedless Green Ash” The green ash is a vigorous, fast-growing tree, often considered a weed in gar- dens because of the fact that the seed is promiscuously blown everywhere; and even small seedlings are so deep-rooted that they are hard to pull out. This clone is welcomed merely to point out the fact that Mr. Vernon Marshall of the Marshall Nurseries, Arlington, Nebraska, is one nurseryman who has recognized the fact that asexual propagation of the staminate tree is an excellent means of circum- venting this promiscuous seed-sowing habit. Gleditsia triacanthos inermis “Sunburst” In 19o4, we obtained this interesting plant which has since been patented (no. 1313) by the Cole Nursery Company of Paines ville, Ohio, where it was found in a seedling block in 1917. It has all the good points of any thornless honey- locust and being a male plant it does not produce the objectionable long pods. Most important, of course, is the fact that the leaves on the outer 8 to 10 inches of the branches are yellow and hold this color throughout most of the growing season. An excellent addition to the list of trees for city use. Liriodendron chinense This tree will probably not prove hardy in the Arnold Arboretum. It was first tried in 1908, grown from seed collected by E. H. Wilson in West Hupeh Prov- [23] ince, China. These plants had all died by 1919. Again it was tried from Chinese seed in 1933, and these plants all died by 1941. Another lot of seed from H. H. Chung collected in Hupeh Province, had died by 1946, and a final lot of plants (seed from Lushan Botanic Garden in 194?) did very poorly and died by 1952. The plants set out this year were grown from seed from the Lushan Botanic Gar- den in 1951. The plants grow vigorously during the summer in the nursery, but are not sufficiently hardy to withstand our winters. Seeds of this last seed lot have been sent to several institutions further south where the tree should prove more hardy than it does in Boston. Liriodendron tulipfera contorta There are few varieties of the native American tulip-tree. Years ago a corres- pondent in Ireland w^rote of a contorted-leafed tulip poplar growing on an estate there and sent a few scions to the Slieve Donard Nursery of Newcastle, County Down, Ireland, for grafting. The Arboretum received the plants in 1949, but only one survived so they had to be repropagated here in 1951. Now a nice plant about five feet tall is being set out this spring, varying from the species by hav- ing leaves that are slightly wavy in general outline. This may be the same as a variety grown here from 1895 to 1912 from the Biltmore estate in Asheville, North Carolina, termed var. crispa, but no description of the foliage appeared on the record of this particular plant. Malus “Red River” In the collection of crab apples at the Arboretum are over 200 species and varieties, since we try to grow all the varieties available in North America. One which we did not have until 1950 was this variety, ‘*Red River,” a cross made by Dr. A. F. Yeager (when he was at the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station) before 1938 between “Dolgo” and the “Delicious” apple. The fruit of i ^ Red River” is edible, a bright red, about two inches in diameter. Scions we I obtained from Mr. A. F. Den Boer of Des Moines, Iowa, from the excellent col- 1 lection of which he has charge. Picea tonaiensis A new species, with small plants looking somewhat similar to Picea purpurea. We obtained the seed in 1940 from Takenoshi N. Nakai, a Japanese botanist, j who collected it from the very tree in North Korea he used in describing the spe- cies. It has grown this long in the nurseries merely because we wished to be certain it was of value for transplanting to the permanent collections. This is undoubtedly its first importation into America. r Prunus japonica I This species we have had from time to time in the past, but invariably the plants appear to be short-lived. In 1951, two plants were received from the Man- . itoba Hardy Plant Nursery, Dropmore, Manitoba, Canada. Mr. F. L. Skinner, ‘ [24] e O 'O c« S cc 4-» O 03 O i be 'O o 3 ^ - o al g 2. a I ^ w -s “ H V .S ^ ^ «3 J ^ OJ ” , M M ’5 o cr Q. a B ^ o >- U ^ > E 2 a the proprietor, has sent us many an interesting shrub in the past, and plants that are hardy with him, certainly should be hardy here. Pyracantha “Kazan” Vyracantha cocciuea lalandi used to be reputedly the hardiest form of Pyracaniha for growing in the North, and has proved hardy through all but the most severe of Boston’s winters. “Kazan, ” we obtained from Mr. S. G. A. Doorenbos, Director of Parks, The Hague, Holland, in 1951. It is supposed to be more hardy than other forms of P. coccinea and is being widely offered in European nurseries. Plants of “Kazan” have not been seriously injured in our nurseries during the five years we have been growing them, but it must be admitted, that of nearly a hundred seedlings of P. coccinea lalandi, there were nearl.v twenty that did not suffer any winter injury when grown under the same conditions. So, this variety is still on trial for hardiness. Others in North America have reported that in southern Canada it is the most hardy of the forms tried there, and one nursery- man in central Ohio has been selling it several years now as one of the best. Rhamnus japonica The last Japanese Rhamnus (direct from its native habitat) died in the Arbore- tum shortly after 1923. In an attempt to obtain the true plant once again, seeds were imported from the Botanical Institute of Forest Science, University of Tokyo, Japan, in 1952. Healthy specimens are being planted this spring, grown from this seed, to once more represent this species direct from its native habitat. Robinia “hillieri” A cross between R. kelseyi and R. pseudoacacia , raised in the nurseries of Hillier and Sons, Winchester, England, this is a small tree with lilac-pink flowers. Robinia ''^s/avini'' raised in the Parks of Rochester, New York, has the same parentage. We obtained two grafted plants from Hillier in 1953, probably the first importa- tion into America. Rosa moyesi “Geranium” A selected form of Rosa moyesi which is more bushy than the species and has brighter crimson flowers. The bottle-shaped red fruits are somewhat similar, but this clone is supposed to make a better landscape plant than the species. We ob- tained it from George Jackman and Son of Woking, England, early in 1952. Because of special United States Department of Agriculture Plant Quarantine restrictions, this had to be grown in a “post-quarantine nursery,” or a few rows of nursery set aside only for growing restricted imported nursery stock, so that (lovernment inspectors could periodically study it for a two-year period. During this time, it cannot be moved or repropagated, but if reported free of all disease and insect pests, then it can be released after the two-year period. Many another plant has been grown in the Arboretum nurseries under such restrictions, one of the reasons why it takes so lon^ to obtain suitable specimens of some things for the collections. Salix purpurea pendula The pendulous branched form of the purple willow used to grow in the Arbo- retum prior to 1910, but died and was not replaced until it was located growing in Watson’s Nurseries, Ltd., of Dublin, Ireland, in 1952. In Europe, this is grafted high on standards, making a mass of pendulous branches from one trunk, but such plants are finding less and less favor in American gardens. It is not a very outstanding plant, possibly one of the reasons why it was overlooked for so many years ; nevertheless, with modern transportation methods what they are today, it was a simple matter to have a few hardwood cuttings sent over by air. In fact, the most difficult problems now are not the transportation or the wrap- ping of plant materials for shipment, but the precise steps that must be taken in plant inspection both in Europe before the plants are shipped, and in inspection and fumigation in the United States after the plants are received. Staphylea holocarpa rosea In 1908, there was one plant of this variety in the Arboretum grown from seed collected by E. H. Wilson in China, which later died during or slightly after the very cold winter of 1918. When a rare plant is killed suddenly, it often becomes extremely difficult to replace, as is the case with this plant. The Arboretum had sent propagating material to Hillier’s Nursery in England while the plant was alive, and it was from this source that we obtained another plant in 1951, and so returned to the Arboretum a variety that had been missing since 1910. This history is more interesting than are the ornamental characteristics of the plant, since bladdernuts in general are vigorous growing shrubs with little ornamental value. Viburnum opulus “Notcutt’s Variety” This was first obtained in 1938 from the R. C. Notcutt, Ltd. Nurseries of Wood- bridge, Suffolk, tlngland It is a vigorous growing J\ opulus^ and has performed well here as a young plant. It was to make a larger planting of this good variety that it was propagated. Viburnum tomentosum “Lanarth” Three plants of this variety were obtained from George Jackman and Son Nurse- ries, Woking, England, in 1952. The variet}^ is supposed to be similar, but some- what more narrow in habit than the variety mariesi which has proved one of the best of the viburnums here in the Arnold Arboretum. The new plants are still too young to determine whether or not they have superior ornamental qualities to mariesi. Consequently, both will be grown in the main viburnum collection for further study. Donald Wyman r Lilac Sunday — Open House Sunday, May 20 should see the lilac collection at peak bloom and on this Lilac Sunday the Arboretum staff will also hold “Open House.” Staff members will be on the grounds from 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. to answer questions regard- ing the plants of the lilac collection and the collections of shrubs, vines, dwarf fruit trees and hedges, as well as the Larz Anderson collection of Japanese Dwarf Trees. In addition, various items of mechanical equipment used to care for the grounds will be demonstrated. These will include a brush chipper, Blitzer mowers, sprayers and planters. During the Open House the meadow road from the Forest Hills to the Arbor- way Gates and beyond the lilacs will be closed to automobile traffic. Parking will be permitted from the Conifer collection to the Viburnum collection near Bussey Hill. The Bussey Street, South Street and Centre Street gates will be open. Parking will also be permitted on the paved areas of the Bussey Institution on South Street. Botanical Exploration of the Trans-Mississippi West, 1790-1850 The Director of the Arnold xArboretum is pleased to announce the publication of a new book by Mrs. Susan Delano McKelvey, research associate of the Arnold Arboretum and long a member of the Committee to visit the Arnold Arboretum. M rs. McKelvey’s earlier writings on Lilacs, Yuccas and the history of the Arbo- retum are familiar to readers of Arnoldia. Her latest book represents the culmi- nation of long and meticulous research in checking the routes and the eollections of botanists who assisted in “opening the West.” The names of Lewis and Clark, Nuttall, Douglas, Coulter, Leavenworth, xAudubon and Fremont are a few of the more important collectors considered, although some are remembered more in history for companion accomplishments. Excellent maps by Dr. Erwin Raisz translate historical tact in graphic clarity. Footnotes are frequent and offer many anecdotes of charm and poignancy. Mrs. McKelvey has made a real contribution to the available knowledge of the western United States. Botanical Exploration” is a large book, in large octavo size and is nearly 1200 pages long with 9 text maps and two in a pocket. The price is $25.00. Orders may be addressed to the Librarian, Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plain .SO, Mass. [•28] ARNOLDIA A continuation of the Bulletin of Popular Information of the Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University Volume 16 SEPTEMBER 14, 1956 Number 6 CRAB APPLES FOR ORNAMENTAL FRUITS The oriental crab apples are certainly among the best of the small trees for small gardens, and even when large numbers are massed in park plantings and on large estates, they make excellent ornamental trees, both in the spring and in the fall when they fruit. The native crab apples, on the other hand, al- though they may be beautiful in flower, do not have colorful fruits, most of them having merely green fruits that are of no ornamental value. So, it is the oriental types and their many hybrid varieties that we must look to for bright fall color. New varieties are appearing almost every year, for these trees are easily grown from seeds and may fruit within five years’ time. The experienced plantsman knows, however, that such seedlings rarely have the beauty and the outstanding ornamental characters of some of the currently-named clones. In fact, a new seed- ling is up against pretty stiff competition to produce flowers and fruits that sur- pass some of the currently-named modern varieties, since there are approximately 125 species and varieties being offered for sale by American nurserymen, and an additional 135 being grown in the arboretums and botanical gardens throughout the United States and Canada. A new element is now being looked for in recent crab-apple seedlings, namely, their ability to bear flowers and fruits annually instead of every other year. There are some excellent varieties which are dependable in this respect, so that any new ones introduced from now on, should have this most desirable quality. Among the best of the crab apples for ornamental fruits (of those with this annual- bearing quality) are ^^Arrow,” Mahis baccata and several of its varieties, f/<7<:c\vo«- Dorothea,” floribumla, ‘Makamik,” purpui'ea aldenhcnnensis, purpurea le- moinei, and sieboldi. ‘^Ormiston Roy ” and “Red Jade” also appear to have this desirable trait, but neither has been tried for a sufficient number of years to prove this without a doubt. Certainly, some that alternate in one area have been known to be annual bearers in another area, so that soil and climate may well have a bearing on this quality, too. [ ] DATES BETWEEN WHICH FRUITS ARE COLORFUL Most of these dates have been recorded for the plants as they grow in the Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plain, Mass., these dates will naturally vary from year to year, and vary in different loca- tions, but the chart can be used as an indication of how some varie- ties may hold their fruits longer than others. A few additional dates have been supplied by originators of new varieties. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Adams X arnoldiana Arctic Dawn X atrosanguinea baccata baccata columnaris baccata costata baccata gracilis baccata jacki baccata mandshurica Bob White brevipes Chilko X dawsoniana Des Moines Dolgo Dorothea E. H. Wilson Exzellenz Thiel Flame florentina floribunda fusca Garnet Gibbs Golden Gage Golden Hornet Gorgeous halliana parkmani halliana spontanea X hartxvigi Henry DuPont honanensis Hopa hupehensis Ivan Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Joan Kingsmere X magdehurgensis Makamik X micromalus Montreal Beauty Mount Arbor Olga Ormiston Roy Professor Sprenger Profusion prunifolia prunifolia fastigiata prunifolia rinki pumila niedzwelzkynna X purpurea X purpurea aldenhamenns X purpurea eleyi X purpurea lemomei X purpurea kornicerms Queen Choice Redflesh Red Jade Red Splendor X robusta some clones until X X robusta erecta X robusta percisifolia Rondo sargenti sieboldi sieboldi arborescens Snowcap spectabilis spectabilis riversi X sublobata Tanner’s Variety Thomas Roland toringoides V’abiskaw Winter Gold X zumi X zumi calocarpa Many a plantsman professes to be little interested in this annual bearing charac- teristic, especially if he likes the form of the tree or the color and size of its flow- ers. However, since there are soman}" varieties being grown today, I feel certain that new introductions must have this annual-bearing habit to merit attention today, in this highly competitive field. The crab apple varieties on the enclosed table are listed according to the length of time their fruits remain colorful. This may easily vary from year to year, de- pending on whether the season is ‘^early” or “late.” The same is true of the blooming times of the flowers. The length of time they remain effectively colored on tlie tree may vary somewhat also, depending on the kind of weather during that period. Consequently, the records should be taken merely as an indication of what can be expected in a normal season. It has been proved time and time again that varieties like “Bob White” and M, ziimi calocarpa will retain their fruit much longer than most of the other varieties. This table was originally prepared for and published in “Crab Apples for America,” published by the American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboretums in September 1955. Donald Wyman A REMINDER OF FALL CLASSES AT THE ARBORETUM Four classes will be offered this fall in the continuing educational program at the Arnold Arboretum. All classes are informal and are open to anyone interested in plants and gardening. Full particulars may be obtained by writing to Dr. Carroll E. Wood, Jr., Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plain 30, Massachusetts. Botany in Boston (instructor: Dr. Richard A. Howard) Starting Wednesday, October 17 Fall Field Class in Ornamental Plants (Instructor: Dr. Donald Wyman) Starting Friday, September 28 Plant Propagation I (instructor: Mr. Roger Coggeshall) Starting Wednesday, October 3 Principles and Practice in Plant Identification I (Instructor: Dr. Carroll Fj. Wood, Jr.) Starting Tuesday, October 2 [ 3-> ] ARNOLDIA A continuation of the Bulletin of Popular Information of the Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University Volume 16 OCTOBER 12, 1956 Numbers 7-9 NEW AND RARE ORNAMENTAL WOODY PLANTS RECENTLY DISTRIBUTED BY THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM ONE of the functions of the Arnold Arboretum always has been to distribute new or rare ornamentals of high quality to the commercial propagators and so make them available to the plant-buying public. Many gardeners in the north- ern United States may not have had the opportunity to realize that the Arnold Arboretum has been doing this since it was established in 1872. Propagating material of plants not available in the trade in the form of seeds, cuttings, scions and budwood is frequently given commercial nurserymen who request specific items. Fifteen years ago a special program for the distribution of new or rare plants was started, and over a hundred species and varieties of new or rare orna- mental woody plants have been distributed to commercial sources as a result. It is always easy to lose sight of the fact that new plants are being made available to commercial sources (especially when no extensive advertising accompanies the program!). In 194-1 a general program of propagation was started at the Arnold Arboretum in which particular new or rare ornamental woody plants were specifi- cally grown for the nurseryman. Our experience had shown (see ARNOLDIA, Series 4, Vol. VIII, No. 3, May 1940) that seeds, buds, cuttings and scions when given to nurserymen frequently “failed” for several reasons. Asa result, rare specimens in the Arboretum were being heavily cut in order to provide commercial growers with propagating ma- terial. Too often young plants propagated by nurserymen from such material, easily obtained, were quickly sold or forgotten, and requests were repeatedly made to the Arnold Arboretum for more propagating material. As a result of years of experience, it was decided to actually grow plants here in the Arboretum, and to offer these to the commercial growers under the agree- ment with the Arboretum that such plants could neither be sold nor patented, but could be used for propagating purposes by the nursereyman receiving them. [ 33 ] These plants are sent only to those nurserymen requesting them specifically, since it is reasonable to expect that all commercial propagators are not interested in all types of woody plant materials. The plants noted in this issue of Arnoldia are either new or rare in American gardens and are certainly worthy of greater use. The plants listed in this issue of Arnoldia are those distributed under this program for 1949-1955, inclusive. Those distributed for the years 1941-1948 are listed in Arnoldia 8: 9-12, Dec. 3, 1948. Fourteen of those here described have been introduced by the Arnold Arboretum for the first time anywhere, and an additional eight of them have been introduced into the United States by the Arnold Arboretum for the first time. They have been sent to one or more commercial propagators as plants and the recipient nurserymen are noted in the following pages. Gardeners who are interested in obtaining any of the following plants should write the nurserymen receiving them. Plants sent out in 1954 and 1955 would not yet be available from the nurserymen since there has not been sufficient time for such plants to have been propagated ’and grown for sale. The following list of plants and the probable sources from which they may be purchased, will serve as a finding list, we hope, for those adventurous gardeners who may wish to acquire some of this material. Plants sent to cooperating nurserymen with notes accompanying them * first introduced in the United States by the Arnold Arboretum. ** first introduced into cultivation anywhere by the Arnold Arboretum. numbers refer to List of Cooperating Nurserymen” (page 50), who have re- ceived the plant for propagating purposes. ^'*Acer rubrum schlesingeri 50' H- In the Arnold Arboretum since 1888 Distributed: 1951—1, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 32, 34, 35, 36, 39, 41, 42 'rhe original grafts were obtained from a tree on the property of Mr. B. Schles- inger of Brookline, Mass. The tree is identical with the common red maple ex- cept that the foliage turns color in the fall anywhere from two to four weeks before the color changes in the foliage of the species. At one time we thought this characteristic might be due to soil conditions or the location where the tree was growing, consequently, scions from this variety were grafted on seedling red maples, but both the scion and the understock were allowed to grow. In the fall, it was clearly evident that the variety schlesingeri would produce autumn color several weeks before the seedling understock on which it was growing, regard- less of where it was planted. [34] PLATE IX Two large-growing Oriental hornbeams that may have merit as dense shade trees, although they are often difficult to transplant. (Above) Carpinus Japonica. (Below) Carp inns cordata. **Acer triflorum 24' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1923 Distributed: 1953 — 9, 13, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 34, 35, 36, 41, 42 This small maple is a native of Korea and Manchuria. Closely related to A. nikoense it may be an addition to that group of shade trees for the small place. *Acer truncatum 24' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1905 Distributed : 1953 — 9, 13, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 34, 35, 36,41 First introduced into America by the Arnold Arboretum in 1905 from northern China, this is another small tree which has proved fairly hardy ever since. Another small and interesting shade tree of possible merit where it will prove suitable. **Albizzia julibrissin rosea 36' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1918 Redistributed: 1950 — 2, 3, 6, 10, 17, 18, 19, 22, 25, 26, 28, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 42, 45 This hardy form of the silk tree has been distributed by the Arnold Arboretum on many occasions since it was first introduced by E. H. Wilson from Korea in 1918. It is unfortunate that extremely few nurserymen in the northern part of the country are offering it, for it is a truly beautiful tree, with wide spreading branches, very delicate foliage, and pale pink flowers appearing a greater part of the summer. Grown extensively throughout the South, those plants are not hardy in the North, but tliis is, even as far north as Boston. It is one of the idosyn- cracies of growing this plant, that it must be well protected from bitter winter cold the first few winters, when it is prone to die back somewhat, but, once es- tablished, it will grow vigorously in good soil, often increasing 6'-8' a year. Carpinus cordata 45' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1886 Distributed: 1950— 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 32, 34, 39, 42 1952 — 4, 7, 15, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 28, 32, 34, 39, 41, 42 1953 — 9, 19, 20, 23, 25, 26, 28, 31, 34, 35, 36, 41, 42 In the past few years the Arboretum has distributed four of the Carpinus clan, merely because these are small trees and may have merit on the small property or along streets in some areas. This species is a native of western China, with handsome foliage. **Carpinus japonica 45' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1892 Distributed: 1952 — (seeds only) 4, 9, 19, 20, 21, 25, 32, 34, 39, 41 1953—1, 9, 10, 18, 20, 21, 28, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 39, 41 A native of Japan this is another small tree and seems to be the only one of the four here mentioned available commercially in the United States at this time. [86] (Left) Crataegus monogyna inermis. A low, dense, round-headed tree that may have merit for plantinu^ as a street tree in areas where hawthorns are deemed satisfactory. (Bight) The upright growing variety of the flowering dogwood, Cornus Jiorida fastigiata. Carpinus orientalis \5' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1885 Distributed: 1953 — 1, 9, 10, 15, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 28, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 41, 42 Often only a shrub or a very small tree, this is a native of southeastern Europe and Asia Minor. Because of its very small size and the fact that all Carpinus species are difficult to transplant, this species may not prove as popular as some of the taller growing hornbeams. **Carpinus turczaninovi 15' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1905 Distributed: 1953 — I, 9, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 28, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 41, 42 The last of the four Carpinus here mentioned, this was first introduced into cultivation by the Arnold Arboretum from western China and Korea. Although these Carpinus species do make small, compact trees, it is doubtful if they will prove popular with nurserymen for they are notably slow in growth and are diffi- cult to transplant. Such traits make saleable trees expensive and hence not too popular with the buying public. Ceanothus pallidus roseus 2' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1889 Distributed: 1950 — 38 This interesting hybrid has been growing in the Arnold Arboretum for many years. Growing only about 2' tall, the pink fiowers are interesting when they appear in late June, but the red fruit capsules which remain colorful for many weeks, are its chief point of interest. Like most of the other Ceanothus species, it will do well in dry soils. **Cedrus libani (hardy strain) 120' In the i^rnold Arboretum since 1903 Redistributed: 1951 — (seed only) 21, 32 The Cedar of Lebanon had been tried in the North many times prior to the turn of the century, but as a result of many attempts in the New England area, it failed to prove hard}^ over winter. In 1903, Professor Sargent, Director of the Arnold Arboretum, sent a special expedition to the uppermost parts of the Taurus Mountains where this tree was native in Asia Minor, believing that seed collected from trees growing normally in the coldest areas of their habitat, might prove hardier in America. Seeds collected on that expedition were sent to the Arnold Arboretum, and resulted in sturdy trees that have proved hardy under New Eng- land conditions ever since. This species has been of ornamental value in those northern gardens where the other two members of the genus (C. atlantica and C. deodara) will not live over winter. Cornus alba sibirica 9' Brought in from Europe in 1 950 to re-establish true plant Distributed: 1955— 1, 6, 10, 12, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31, 34, 38, 45 [38] PLATE XI (Above) The lar^e white flowers of the new Magnolia loehm'ri “Merrill.'* (Below) The flower buds of Erodia danielli appear in late summer and are followed bj' red fruit capsules which open up, disclosing shiny black seeds. This is an old, popular favorite, but a few years ago Dr. John Wister, Direc- tor of the Arthur Hoyt Scott Arboretum at Swarthmore College, pointed out the fact that plants of this name were badh" mixed in the American trade. The Arnold Arboretum checked this and found the same thing to be true. Hence, several plants were imported from various sources in Europe, tested in the nurse- ries of the Arboretum fora few years, and finally this clone was selected as being the true plant, with vividly red stems in the winter, especially when they are heavily pruned every few years. This clone was offered to the commercial grow- ers only if they wanted it, i.e., as a means of introducing the true plant back into the American trade. *Cornus florida fastigiata 40'' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1910 Distributed : 1954—7, 15, 16, 17, 20, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, 32, 39, 40, 41, 44 There are few forms of the flowering dogwood with growth habits different from that of the species, the weeping dogwood {Cor nus florida pendula) being one com- mercially available. 'Fhe fastigiate form has been growing in the Arboretum for almost half a century. There are undoubtedly other fastigiate forms to be found throughout the country, but this one was determined as interesting enough to be propagated and distributed primarily for its form. Crataegus monogyna inermis 20' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1914 Distributed: 1955 — 9, 12, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 33, 34 This variety was first described as originating in Europe in the 1 890 ’s. Although it has been growing in the Arnold x\rboretum for forty years, apparently no sources are available in this country where it can be bought. Very slow in growth, our 40-year-old plants are only 12' tall and practically thornless. Their outstand- ing ornamental characteristic is the fact that the branches form a densely rounded head, adaptable as a small street tree in locations where a hawthorn will prove acceptable. The flowers are single and white, the fruits are long, elongated and dark red. It is easily propagated by budding and grafting. Probably this variety was also introduced into America first by the Arnold Arboretum. Cytisus praecox 6' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1924 Redisdributed : 1950 — 38 Repeatedly sent out by the Arnold Arboretum since 1940, when it was only offered by two or three nurseries in the United States. It is indeed a satisfaction to find this excellent ornamental becoming more easily available to the gardening public. It is being offered by well over a dozen nurseries now, valued for its lemon yellow pea like flowers, dense green stems all winter long, and its ability to grow in very poor dry soils. Usually the Arboretum does not actively propagate plants for distribution when they are offered by more than three or four nurseries, but in this case, additional plants were available at this time. *Cytisus praecox luteus 4' In the Arnold Arboretum since 194.5 Distributed: 1954 — 8, 9, 17, 20, 24, 25, 26, 34, 39, 40, 43, 44 This is a smaller edition of C. praecod'^ our ten-year-old plant, being 3' tall and about 4' across. The flowers are slightly darker yellow. Like all Cytisus, it is very easy to propagate from cuttings, and older plants are difficult to move. The plantsman would do best by buying potted plants and placing them immediately in their permanent spot in the garden. Like the Warminster broom, the stems are green all winter and give it an effect akin to an evergreen. *Euonymus alata clone 8' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1905 Distributed: 1954 — 7, 17, 18, 20, 24, 25, 26, 29, 31, 34, 39, 41, 45 This plant has been growing in the Arnold Arboretum since 1905 when it was first introduced by the Arboretum as a seed from Korea. It is now 8' tall and 17^ across. Its only value rests in the fact that it is a low but very wide spreading form of E. a/atus, with all the other attributes of the species. **Evodia danielli 25' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1905 Distributed: 1952 — 4,6,7,9, 10, 13, 15, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 34, 35, 39, 41 This tree is the smaller of the two species, growing about 25' tall and being fairly weak wooded. However, the flowers are borne in large clusters the last part of the summer, being somewhat like those of a large and loose Viburnum cluster and these are followed by red fruit capsules which eventually split open and disclose shiny black seeds. For late flower and early fall fruit color, these species may have merit, as well as for the fact that they are vigorous, growing rapidly from seed, and the flowers are most attractive to bees. *Evodia hupehensis 60' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1908 Distributed: 1952 — 4, 7, 9, 10, 15, 19, 24, 25, 34, 39, 41 This has become listed by at least three nurseries during the past few years, but, because it was first introduced into America by the Arnold Arboretum it also was distributed for further trial. It grows to approximately 60' in height, and has the same merits and weaknesses of E. danielU. **Forsythia “Farrand” 8' Originated in the Arnold Arboretum 1939 Distributed: 1952 — 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32, 39, 41, 42 The artificial doubling of chromosomes has been a promising technique in pro- ducing new varietes of forsythia. In 1939, Dr. Karl Sax and his students, treated F. intermedia spectabdis with colchicine and produced a tetraploid plant. This was pollinated with pollen from nearby species, including F. ovata, and gave rise to several dozen triploids. Several of these had exceptionally large flowers — up to [41 ] 1 in diameter — and flowered freely. One was selected for propagation and named “Farrand” by Dr. Sax. The flowers are not quite as dark yellow as those of F. intermedia spectabilis, but they are slightly larger, a full 2" across. **Hypericum buckleyi 10'' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1889 Distributed: 19.50 — 38 This native ground cover of the southeastern United States, was first valued as an ornamental by Professor Sargent who gives credit to the Arnold Arboretum for first introducing it into cultivation. It is a low deciduous shrub, not over 10" tall. A single plant will quickly grow into a round mass of foliage with procum- bent stems along the ground, several feet long. The bright yellow flowers ap- pear in mid-June and are an inch in diameter, and although the procumbent stems do not root very much as they lay on the ground, nevertheless they do cover the soil most effectively. *Ilex yunnanensis 12' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1901 Distributed: 1952— 2, 4, 7, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 24, 32, 33, 35, 36, 39, 41 The Yunnan holly is another of the Arboretum’s introductions, and is just now being listed by one or two nurserymen, although it has been growing here since 1901. This is the evergreen holly with small, box-like leaves and bright red fruits in the fall. Its neat, pyramidal habit, and its ability to produce fruits even when grown in the greenhouse as a pot plant, ma,v enhance its popularity when more people become acquainted with it. Juglans nigra laciniata 150' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1941 Distributed: 1954 — 24, 39, 40 Apparently not listed by Rehder, Gray or Bailey in their monumental works on woody plants, this variety was first spotted as a seedling in the Milton State Nurseries, Milton, Fa., in 1926. Few people plant the black walnut now as an ornamental, but this is just one of many obscure examples, of where a rare seed- ling has almost been wiped out by lack of interest and has been saved by one or two plantsmen for posterity. The finely cut leaves make this variety much more desirable as an ornamental than the species. *Kalopanax pictus 90' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1892 Redistributed: 1951 — (seeds only) 9, 25, 32, 42 1952 — 2, 4, 6, 15, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 28, 32, 36, 39, 41, 42 Still only listed by one nursery (as far as can be determined) this fine tree first introduced into America by the Arboretum in 1892, has been distributed many times, this last in the form of generous quantities of seed. The seed takes two years to germinate, one of the reasons why many a plant grower becomes overly impatient and passes it up. It is a tree of tropical appearance, with 5-7 lobed [4-2] PLATE XII (Above) The hybrid mock-orange “Bouquet Blanc** has flowers distributed uniformly over the entire plant. (Below) Philadelphus sphndens is one of the few mock-oranges which can be used as a specimen with branches sweeping the ground. I leaves sometimes 14'' across. Thorns are present on young plants, and the flowers are akin to those of aralias. This plant can also be propagated by root cuttings. Larix decidua pendula 100' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1883 Distributed: 1934 — 20, 24, 26, 28, 39, 41, 45 This is the pendulous form of the European larch, making a very beautiful specimen, but of course, susceptible to the common larch pests. Ligustrum vicaryi 12' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1936 Distributed : 1950 — 1,2, 3, 6, 14, 16, 17, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 33, 36, 37, 39, 42, 45 This excellent plant, a hybrid of L. ova/ifo/iiim aureum and L. vulgare, probably originated in the garden of Vicary Gibbs of Aldenham, England. It is of particu- lar merit because of its golden yellow foliage throughout the entire growing sea- son, especially when it is growm in the full sun. For this it is superior to some privets with variegated leaf margins which may become unsightly at certain times of year. The leaves of this plant remain on until well into November, and retain their yellow color, providing they are grown in full sun. In shade or partial shade, they tend to take on a much more green color. Lonicera amoena alba 9' In the Arnold xA.rboretum since 1949 Distributed: 1954 — 7, 18, 20, 25, 26, 34, 39, 40, 41 The species is a hybrid of L. tatarica and L. korolko-ici with small grayish green leaves, and a dense mounded form. This variety has white flowers and red fruits, being valued chiefly for its densely mounded form which shows off much better than the stiffly upright form of L. tatarica. It was probably introduced into America by the Morton Arboretum of Lisle, Illinois, prior to 1949, but appar- ently no commercial nurseries are listing it in their catalogues at the present time. Lonicera japonica aureo-reticulata Vine In the Arnold Arboretum since 1883 Distributed : 1950 — 38 This variety of the Japanese honeysuckle has leaves that are veined or netted with yellow, thus making it a rather conspicuous landscape specimen, but it is a shy bloomer and does not grow nearly as fast as the species. The Chinese name for this plant means *^Gold and Silver flower,” singularly appropriate. **Lonicera tatarica ‘‘Arnold Red” 9' Originated in the Arnold Arboretum in 1947 Distributed: 1954 — 6, 7, 9, 10, 15, 17, 18, 20, 25, 31, 32, 34, 39, 41, 44, 45 This originated as a seedling of Lonicera tatarica pulcherrima and has the dark- est red flowers (l" in diameter) of any Lonicera tatarica variety, even darker than [ -t-t ] those of L. tatarica sibirica. The fruits are often as niucli as in diameter. In other characteristics and in its habit of growth, it is similar to L. talarica. Al- though only released in 1954 this should become available shortly for it is very easily propagated. Unless dark red flowers or large fruits are wanted, it has no special merit over the species. Lonicera yunnanensis Twining shrub In the Arnold Arboretum since 1949 Distributed: 1949 — ^1 A low evergreen honeysuckle, native in southwestern China, which probably is not hardy in the northern United States, but still is worthy of a trial in the warmer sections. It resembles somewhat the native American L. dioica, except that it is evergreen. **Magnolia loebneri “Merrill” 50' Originated in the Arnold Arboretum in 1939 Distributed: 1950 — 38 1951—38 1955 — 2, 9, 10, 12, 14, 19, 20, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 43, 44 This excellent ornamental tree is a cross between M. stellata and M. kohus made by Dr. Karl Sax of the Arnold Arboretum. Five years after the seed was planted the plant bloomed, which is rather unusual since one of its parents {M. kobus) is often black-listed because it does not flower until it is nearly twenty years old. The flowers of Magnolia “Merrill” have about as many petals as those of M. stellata (l5 plus) but the petals are slightly larger and the flowers are also slightly fragrant. What makes this new magnolia of real value is the fact that it is a vig- orous growing tree, the original plant being over 25' tall now. Magnolia stellata grows very slowly, forty-year-old plants in front of the Arboretum Administration Building being only about 18' tall. So, as a vigorous growing tree with a single trunk and a bearer of flowers when it is very young, this tree has merit. *Phellodendron amurense (male) 45' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1874 Distributed: 1954 — 8, 25, 26, 39, 41 The Amur cork tree was first introduced into the United States by the Arnold Arboretum in 1874, and this very tree is still alive today. It is a fast growing, wide spreading tree, with a rather loose, open top, excellent for producing light shade. The bark is deeply furrowed and looks somewhat like cork, but it is not sufficiently thick to be commercially of value. The reason some people are not enthusiastic about this tree is because of the fact that the sexes are separate and the fruiting plants produce large grape-like clusters of fruit that can be a nuisance on the lawn. To overcome this bad characteristic, the Arboretum distributed trees which were known to be staminate or male (non fruit producers) and at the same time distributed plenty of seed so the commercial growers could grow their [45] ■1 own understock on which they could graft the male plant. In doing this, it was hoped that such non-fruiting trees would become more popular. Philadelphus “Argentine” 4' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1914 Distributed : 1952—1, 2, 6, 10, 1 1 , 1 3, 16, 19, 20, 22, 25, 26, 32, 35, 42 This is one of the largest flowered of the P. virginalis clones, having double flowers at least 2" in diameter. It originated in the famous French nurseries of V^ictor Lemoine slightly before 1914, and grows about 4' tall. Philadelphus “Bouquet Blanc” 6' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1905 Distributed: 1952 — 6, 1 1, 14, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 32, 35, 39 A taller clone of the Virginal mock-orange, this will grow about 6' high, with single flowers an inch in diameter, and a mound-like habit, bearing its flowers evenly distributed about the entire plant. Not all of the mock-oranges have this ver,v desirable trait. Philadelphus splendens 9' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1921 Redistributed: 1952 — 2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 1 1, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 32, 35, 39, 41 Still only listed by one nursery, this excellent single flowered Philadelphus has been distributed many times by the Arnold Arboretum because of the fact that it is one of the few which face the ground well on all sides and so can be used as a specimen plant. Many another mock-orange is leggy at the base and must be placed at the rear of the shrub collection to hide its unattractive habit. Pinus bungeana 75' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1879 Distributed : 1952—10, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 32, 34, 35, 39, 41, 42 The Lace-bark pine is a native of northwestern China and was supposedly in- troduced into America about the middle of the last century. The dense, very dark green foliage is of great ornamental value in itself, but the plant is also blessed with a characteristic exfoliating bark making it almost white in patches. It also has the desirable habit of holding its leaves about five years, which is con- siderably longer than most pines and is the reason for its dense foliage appear- ance. This fine tree is still extremely difficult to locate in nursery catalogues, and might be termed one of the best of the conifers for specimen planting. Prunus maritima “Premier” 6' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1942 Distributed: 1950—14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 32, 34, 39, 42, 45 This beach plum variety was one of several found in New England and named by the U.S. Dept, of Agriculture. ‘^Premier” came from a plant found on Plum [46] (Left) Sorbus alni/olia. one of the best of the Sorhns class as an ornamental tree valued for its fruit, flower and autumn color. (Right) The bright red, globular fruits of Viburnum lobophyllum are among the most conspicuous of the many viburnums. I Island, just below Newburyport, Massachusetts. The original plant when found was a shrub 4' high and 20' across with fruits nearly an inch in diameter. This can not be termed ‘^the best” of all the beach plum varieties, but certainly it is among those well worthy of cultivation. Pseudolarix amabilis 120' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1891 Distributed: 1951 — (seed only) 21, 25, 32 1952— 18, 19, 24, 25, 32, 35, 39, 41 The Golden larch of China is one of the most beautiful of exotic trees hardy in the North. Originally found by Robert Fortune as an ornamental pot-plant in China, eleven years later he found it growing in a monastary garden. It is not for the small garden since a tree 30' tall will be just as broad. Its beautiful golden yellow autumn color makes it very worth while, and the unique cones, appearing on the upper sides of the branches are of great interest throughout the fall. It has no serious insect or disease pests, but is deciduous, not evergreen. Pyracantha coccinea “Kazan” 6' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1951 Distributed: 1955 — 2, 7, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36 At least one nursery has been offering this variety of the firethorn in recent years. It is supposed to be more hardy than P. coccinea lalandi, but unfortunately the winters during the past few years have not been sufficiently cold so that we have been unable to make a good comparison. However, this variety was propa- gated and distributed for hardiness trials in the northern part of the United States. Rosa virginiana alba 6' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1939 Distributed : 1950 — 6, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 32, 34, 42, 45 A white flowered form of the native and wide spread Virginia rose, this was given the Arboretum by Mr. Will C. Curtis, of Sudbury, Mass., who has made a most rewarding hobby of collecting white flowering varieties of many of our orna- mental plants. Sambucus canadensis fructu-lutea 12' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1945 Distributed: 1950—14, 16, 17, 20, 21, 25, 26, 32, 34, 39, 42, 45 Merely the yellow^ fruiting form of the native elderberry. **Sorbus alnifolia 60' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1892 Distributed: 1953 — 1, 9, 10, 18, 20, 21, 26, 28, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 39, 41 Another one of the really forgotten or overlooked ornamental trees, this plant \vas first introduced into cultivation by the Arnold Arboretum in 1892, being a native of Japan, central China and Korea. The tree produces profuse flat flower [48] clusters, made up of ver}' small white flowers, appearing in late May. In tlie fall the fruits appear a bright orange, and the autumn color of the foliage is a brilliant orange to scarlet, especially when the tree is planted with a western exposure. The bark of the trunk is light gray, very similar to that of the American beech, and so makes this tree of much interest throughout the entire year. In the Arnold Arboretum we have found that this species is not nearly as susceptible to attacks from borers as are many of the other mountain-ash. It is well worth growing as a vigorous and very large specimen. ^Viburnum lobophyllum 15' In the Arnold Arboretum since 1917 Distributed : 195^2 — 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 32, 34, 35, 36, 39, 41 1954— 9, 17, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 40, 41, 44 Only one nurseryman now lists this most desirable Chinese viburnum. The profuse crop of round, shining red berries, sets this plant apart from most of its relatives every fall, although it is somewhat similar in general effectiveness to the European highbush cranberry and Sargent’s viburnum. Donald Wyman List of Cooperating Nurserymen (Those nurserymen receiving the plants listed from the Arnold Arboretum have been listed according to number under each plant) 1. Adams Nursery, Inc., Westfield, Mass. Alanwold Nursery, Neshaminy, Bucks Co., Pa. 3. Armstrong Nurseries, Ontario, Calif. 4. Bay State Nurseries, North Abington, Mass. 5. Beardslee Nurseries, Blackmore Road, Perry, Ohio 6. Bobbink and Atkins Co., Hast Rutherford, N.J. 7. C. R. Burr (k Co., Manchester, Conn. 8. W. B. Clarke ik Co., P. O. Box 343, San Jose, Calif. 9. Cole Nursery Co., Painesville, Ohio. 10. Cottage Gardens, 270? W. St. Joseph St., Lansing, Mich. 11. Descanso Gardens, La Canada, Calif. 12. Tom Dodd Nurseries, Inc., Semrnes, Alabama 13. Henry Field Seed & Nursery Co., Shenandoah, Iowa 14. Fruitland Nurseries, Augusta, Ga. 15. R. L. Gardner Nurserj', Rt. 7, Box 266A, Yakima, Wash. 16. Glen St. Mary Nurseries, Glen St. Mary, Fla. 17. Hicks Nurseries, Westbury, Long Island, N.Y. 18. Jackson ik Perkins Co., Newark, N.Y. 19. Harlan P. Kelsey, Inc., tLast Boxford, Mass. 20. Kingsville Nurseries, Kingsville, Md. 21. Henry Kohankie & Son (now Horton Nurseries), Painesville, Ohio 22. Koster Nursery, Bridgeton, N.J. 23. Lake’s Shenandoah Nurseries, Shenandoah, Iowa 24. Le Blanc Gardens, Kent, Wash. 25. Linn County Nursery, Center Point, Iowa 26. Littlefield-Wyman Nursery, Abington, Mass. 27. Mt. Arbor Nurseries, Shenandoah, Iowa [50] 28. W. A. Natorp Co., 4'4-00 Reading Rd., Cincinnati 29, Oliio 29. T. G. Owen & Son, Inc., P. O. Box 94-6, Columbus, Miss. 30. Perkins de Wilde Nurseries, Shiloh, N.J. 31. Pine-Croft Nurseries, Exeter, N.H. 32. Princeton Nurseries, Princeton, N.J. 33. Sherwood Nursery Co., 141 S. E. 65th Ave., Portland 16, Ore. 34. The Siebenthaler Co., 3001 Catalpa Drive, Dayton 5, Ohio 35. Upper Bank Nurseries, Inc., Media, Pa. 36. Verhalen Nursery Co., Scottsville, Texas 37. Verkade’s Nurseries, New London, Conn. 38. Wayside Gardens, Mentor, Ohio 39. Weston Nurseries, Weston, Mass. 40. White Flower Farm, Litchfield, Conn. 41. Wood-Howell Nurseries, Inc., #11 Lee Highway, Bristol, Va. Foreign Nurseries 42. Hillier & Sons, Winchester, England 43. Jackman & Sons Nurseries, Woking, England 44. den Ouden Nurseries, Boskoop, Holland 45. Manitoba Hardy Plant Nurser.v, Dropmore, Manitoba, Canada [51] Acer platanoides “Crimson King” vs. “Fassen’s Black” In the May 4, 1956 issue of ARNOLDIA, a statement was made to the gen- eral effect that the Norway Maple variety ‘‘Crimson King” and Fassen’s Black’* were so similar that there was not the need for growing them both in America, implying that since the former was well established in the trade and had been widely advertised and accepted generally as a good tree, that there was no need of growing the newer more recently introduced (but not patented) “Fassen’s Black. ” The statement concerning the similarity- of these two varieties was based on my own observations of plants sent me by the man who holds the patent on “Crimson King” so that I would have expected that the stock he sent us of “Fas- sen’s Black” was definitely true to name. These plants were grown in our own nursery and observed over a period of several years. However, observations based on only half a dozen plants can be wrong, and apparently were in this case, for several nurserymen who have grown large blocks of both varieties, have written that there very definitely is a difference between these two varieties. In their opinion, Fassen’s Black” maple does not keep its red foliage color throughout the summer as does the “Crimson King” maple. Rather, the color of the leaves of “Fassen’s Black” takes on a greenish cast in late summer. Also, “Fassen’s Black” does not grow as rapidly in caliper and in size as does “Crim- son King,” and the leaves are smaller as well. One nurseryman even goes so far as to report that “Fassen’s Black” is more prone to attacks from the maple leaf hopper. These men, who have grown large numbers of both varieties, certainly should be qualified to report on these differences. All of which adds up to the fact that Acer platanoides “Crimson King” is an excellent ornamental maple, keeping its color throughout the growing season. Acer platanoides “Fassen’s Black” is not identical and can be considered orna- mentally inferior, hence might well be dropped from further commercial propa- gation as just another inferior variety. Donald Wyman [52] ARNOLDIA A continuation of the Bulletin of Popular Information of the Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University Volume 16 NOVEMBER 16, 1956 Number 10 THE GROUND COVER DEMONSTRATION PLOTS (Broutjht up to date) The Ground Cover Demonstration Plots on the Arnold Arboretum’s Case Estates in U’eston, Massachusetts, were first laid out in 1950. Then, only about fifty different kinds of plants were tried, but as time went on, there was so much interest shown in these plantinj^s that they were increased considerably. New ones are beinij added every year, and unfortunately, there are always some which do not do well and die as a result of severe winters. It is impossible to publish a list that is complete for any lenf^th of time, since numerous changes are constantly being made. There are at least 150 different kinds of plants being grown in these plots now, and most of these are listed in this bulletin according to row number and position in the row. Row I is nearest to the high stone wall, and the plants are numbered from the Wellesley Street end, the first plant in each row being the closest to Wellesley Street. 'Phe plots are in an open former cow pasture, mostly in the full sun, although the first row along the taller stone wall does receive shade about half the time. Otherwise, these plants are all given approximately the same care, with only a few being covered in the winter with pine boughs. Late fall and winter are not the best times of the year to see these plots. Rather a visit might best be made in late spring after many of the plants have made a major amount of growth and while many of them are still in flower. This list is published now so that the arm-chair gardener who makes plans dur- ing the winter for next spring’s gardening activities, can become acquainted with the fact that this demonstration plot exists and is open to the public at all times. All the plots are labeled with the common and the scientific name of each plant. It is here that one might come when in doubt as to just which ground cover to select for a certain area. GROUND COVERS AT THE CASE ESTATES (E = Evergreen ; h = herbaceous) POSI- Row TION SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Num- ber IN Row h Achillea millefolium rosea Pink Common Yarrow IV 18 E h Achillea tomentcsa nana Dwarf Woolly Yarrow V 23 h Aegopcdium podograria Bishop’s Goutweed III 10 h Aegopodium podograria variegata Silveredge Bishops’s Goutweed III 19 Ajuga reptans Carpet Bugle IV 3 Ajuga reptans - white veins Carpet Bugle IV 4 Ajuga genevensis rosea Redleaf Carpet Bugle IV 2 Akebia quinata Fiveleaf Akebia III 18 Alyssum petraeum Goldentuft Alyssum IV 9 E h Arabis alpina Alpine Rockcress III 3 E h Arabis alpina flore-pleno Alpine Rockcress IV 5 E Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Bearberry III 6 Arenaria montana Mountain Sandwort VI 5 E Arenaria stricta Rock Sandwort III 16 E h Armeria maritima Common Thrift IV 23 Artemisia purchiana Purse Sagebrush II 11 E Asarum caudatum British Columbia Wild Ginger I 11 E Asarum europaeum European Wild Ginger I 12 h Astilbe japonica Japanese Astilbe VI 2 h Athyrium felix-femina Ladyfern I 16 h Campanula carpatica Carpathian Bellflower IV 1 h Campanula rapunculoides Creeping Bellflower VI 1 E h Cerastium tomentosum Snow-in-Summer III 24 Chaenomeles japonica alpina Alpine Quince VII 24 h Chrysanthemum majus tanacetoides Rayless Costmary Chrysanthemum VI 6 h Convallaria majalis Lily-of-the-Valley I 13 h Coreopsis auriculata nana Eared Coreopsis II 18 h Coronilla varia Crown Vetch V 24 Cotoneaster adpressa Creeping Cotoneaster V 1 Cotoneaster apiculata Cranberry Cotoneaster V 2 Cotoneaster horizontalis Rock Cotoneaster IV 17 Cytisus purpureus Purple Broom V 4 Dianthus deltoides Maiden Pink III 13 h Dicentra eximia Fringed Bleedingheart III 15 Diervilla lonicera Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle VII 6 Diervilla rivularis Georgia Bush Honeysuckle VII 7 Diervilla sessilifolia Southern Bush Honeysuckle VII 8 h Duchesnea species Mock Strawberry II 14 h Epimedium grandiflorum Longspur Epimedium I 7 E Erica carnea Spring Heath II 6 E Euonymus fortunei colorata Purpleaf Wintercreeper Euonymus IV 14 E Euonymus fortunei kewensis Kew Wintercreeper Euonymus V 16 E Euonymus fortunei minima Baby Wintercreeper Euonymus IV 13 E Euonymus fortunei radicans Common Wintercreeper III 14 Euonymus obovata Running Euonymus IV 15 Forsylhia “Arnold Dwarf” VII 4 h Fragaria vesca americana Alpine Strawberry VI 23 E h Galax aphylla Galax I 14 h Galium vernum Yellow Bedstraw VI 9 E Gaultheria procumbens Checkerberry Wintergreen I 17 E Gaylusaccia brachycera Box Huckleberry IV 7 Genista pilosa Silky-leaf Woadwaxen III 1 h Geranium sanguineum Blood Red Geranium I 23 h Gypsophila repens rosea Rosy Creeping Gypsophila II 16 E Hedera helix English Ivy III 21 E Helianthemum nummularium Sunrose V 14 h Hemerocallis fulva “Kwanso variegata’ ’ Tawny Day-lily VI 4 E h Heuchera sanguinea Coral Bells V 19 h Hosta decorata Blunt Plantain-lily I 8 h Hosta lancifolia Blue Plantain-lily I 2 h Hosta lancifolia albo-marginata Variegated Blue Plantain-lily I 1 h Hosta undulata Wavy-leaved Plantain-lily I 6 h Hosta undulata univittata Variety of Wavy-leaved Plantain-lily I 5 Hydrangea petiolaris Climbing Hydrangea I 15 Hypericum buckleyi Blueridge St. Johnswort II 8 Hyssopus officinalis rubra Red Hyssop III 9 E Iberis sempervirens Evergreen Candytuft III 23 E Iberis sempervirens “White Gem” “White Gem” Evergreen Candytuft III 22 Indigofera incarnata alba White Chinese Indigo VII 9 Indigofera kirilowi Kirilow Indigo VII 10 h Iris cristata alba White Crested Iris VI 19 E Juniperus chinensis sargenti Sargent Juniper V 6 E Juniperus horizontalis douglasi Waukegan Juniper V 5 E Juniperus horizontalis plumosa Andorra Juniper V 7 E Juniperus sabina tamariscifolia Tamarix Savin Juniper IV 24 h Lamium album White Deadnettle IV 10 h Lamium galeobdolon Archangel Deadnettle I 19 E Leiophyllum buxifolium Box Sandmyrtle V 15 E Leucothoe catesbaei Drooping Leucothoe III 17 [50] I PLATE XV A bank plantings in Scotland within one hundred feet of the seashore, featuring cotoneasters, heathers, junipers, etc. Liriope spicata Lonicera henryi Lonicera japonica aureo-reticulata Lonicera japonica halliana Lonicera japonica repens Lysimachia clethroides Lysimachia nummularia Mahonia aquifolium Mazus reptans Mentha gentilis Mentha piperita Mentha citrata Myrica pensylvanica Nepeta hederacea Nepeta hederacea variegata Nepeta mussini Pachistima canbyi Pachysandra procumbens Pachysandra terminalis Pachysandra terminalis variegata Parthenocissus quinquefolia st. pauli Parthenocissus tricuspidata minutifolia Phalaris arundinacea picta Phlox divaricata canadensis Phlox stolonifera Phlox subulata Phlox subulata “Emerald Cushion” Pleioblastus distichus Polemonium reptans Polygonum affine Polygonum bistorta Polygonum cuspidatum compactum Potentilla tridentata Pulmonaria angustifolia Pulmonaria officinalis Ranunculus repens Rhus aromatica serotina Rosa “Max Graf” Rosa rugosa repens alba Rosa wichuraiana Rubus laciniatus Sagina subulata Creeping Liriope II 15 Henry Honeysuckle VII 3 Yellownet Japanese Honeysuckle V 9 Hall’s Honeysuckle VII 2 V 8 Clethra Loosestrife III 12 Moneywort II 13 Oregon Holly-grape VI 13 I 9 Red Mint III 11 Peppermint II 12 Bergamot Mint VI 22 Bayberry VII 25 Ground Ivy I 21 Variegated Ground Ivy I 22 Persian Nepeta II 9 Canby Pachistima III 5 Allegany Pachysandra I 4 Japanese Pachysandra I 3 Variegated Japanese Pachysandra I 25 St. Paul Virginia Creeper I 26 Small Japanese Creeper I 27 Ribbon Grass IV 25 Canada Sweet William V 11 Creeping Phlox IV 20 Moss-pink II 20 Moss-pink “Emerald Cushion” IV 19 Fern Bamboo VII 1 Creeping Polemonium IV 21 Himalayan Fleeceflower VI 3 European Bistort III 25 Dwarf Polygonum I 28 Wineleaf Cinquefoil IV 12 Cowslip Lungwort VI 12 Common Lungwort VI 11 Creeping Buttercup VI 15 Late Fragrant Sumac VII 11 var. of Rugosa Rose V 17 V 18 Memorial Rose VII 12 Cutleaf Blackberry III 4 Corsican Pearlwort II 5 Salix tristis Dwarf Pussy Willow VII 13 E h Sanguisorba minor Small Burnet VI 16 E Santolina chamaecyparissus Cypress Lavender-cotton IV 8 E h Sedum acre Goldmoss Stonecrop II 24 E h Sedum album rcseum II 22 Sedum balticum Baltic Stonecrop II 23 Sedum ellacombianum II 21 E h Sedum spurium Two-row Stonecrop V 22 h Stachys grandiflora Big Betony VI 7 h Tanacetum vulgare crispum Curlyleaf Common Tansy IV 22 Teucrium chamaedrys Chamaedrys Germander I 10 Teucrium chamaedrys prostratum Dwarf Germander II 17 h Thymus lanicaulis Creeping Woolly-stem Thyme VI 10 E Thymus lanuginosis Woolly Mother-of-Thyme II 4 h Tiarella cordifolia Allegany Foamflower II 10 h Tussilago farfara Common Coltsfoot III 7 Vaccinium angustifolium laevifolium Smoothleaf Lowbush Blueberry I 18 E Vaccinium vitis-idea majus Shore Cowberry III 8 h Vancouveria hexandra VI 20 h Veronica incana Woolly Speedwell II 2 E h Veronica chamaedrys Germander Speedwell V 2 E h Veronica officinalis Drug Speedwell V 12 E Vinca minor Common Periwinkle IV 6 h Viola septentrionalis (white flowers) Ontario Violet VI 8 Xanthorhiza simplicissima Yellow Root VII 5 Donald Wyman [.59] DISPLAY OF CHRISTMAS GREENS AT THE ARBORETUM The staff of the Arnold Arboretum will again arrange a display of greens and dried materials used in Christmas displays and in wreath-making. This will be in the large lecture hall of the i\dministration Building immediately inside the t Jamaica Plain Gate and will open Tuesday, December 4. Visitors will be wel- i, come weekdays from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m., from Tuesday, December 4, through jij Friday, December 21. Since most of the materials used at Christmas time will 1 be displayed and properly labeled, this is an excellent opportunity to learn to fa know and recognize these materials. VISIT THE ARBORETUM IN WINTER ! The Arnold Arboretum is a place of beauty even in the wintertime when all I deciduous plants have dropped their leaves. Of particular interest would be a walk along the Centre Street Path where there are many excellent broad-leaved evergreens in fine condition. \ isitors in the spring and summer are so interested j in the flowering trees and shrubs that they often fail to study and appreciate the i evergreens. Now is the time to see them at their best. ‘1 A walk through the arborvitae collection will show many of these plants start- | ing to take on their typically brown and unsightly colored foliage for the winter — an important fact to recognize especially when there are so many dark green i yews and retinosporas in perfect condition close by. I Then, too, if snow is not an obstacle, a leisurely walk through the conifer f collection adjacent to the yews will show many a specimen of pine, hemlock, i fir, and even spruce that is worthy of a place in the garden. So, plan to visit the display of evergreens used in Christmas decorations and f|l then walk through the evergreen collections of this world-famous garden to see '» some of these plants when they are really at their best. ' ARNOLDIA i A continuation of the Bulletin of Popular Information of the Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University Volume 16 NOVEMBER 30, 1956 Numbers 11-12 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS FROM WOODY PLANT MATERIALS Near Christmas time, every home becomes a workshop of vigorous activity, and it may well be that the most fun in preparation can be in those homes where the making of the decorations is a family project. There are many types of decorations which can be made from plants and literally hundreds of different kinds of plant materials are available. In an issue oi Arnoldia last year {Arnoldia 15: 61-84, 1955), over 100 kinds of plant materials were described as being in use in the Boston area alone. Finding the materials and using ingenuity in ar- ranging them into festive ornaments can well supply interest for the entire family. This certainly has been true in our family, for a few years ago we merely made a wreath or two from white pine ; but now our interest has grown to include all sorts of evergreen wreaths, cone wreaths, garlands, swags, stars, festoons, ‘‘arrangements,” kissing balls, etc. In fact, ingenuity has added a very impor- tant ingredient to the fun of this family project. True, it is usually the lady of the house who has the time to study and experiment at home, to go to all sorts of “classes,” to exchange ideas with her friends who are similarly interested; but it must be admitted that enthusiasm and “know how” thus acquired can be passed on to others. Such has been the case with us, at least. If there be a mere glimmer of interest in the mind of any one, this procedure can be recommended for trial. And here are a very few of the possibilities that might be considered. Wreaths Made From Foliage Wreaths of evergreen foliage, one kind or another, are the easiest to make, and once the technique is understood, it can be easily adapted to any type of material. First and foremost are the frames. Beginners may start with a single wire (No. 9, even a rebent coat hanger can suffice), or two branches tied together in a circle ; but the experienced hand at wreath making will tell you that it is much easier to start with a ready-made wire frame of two circles of wire, avail- [01 ] able commercially expressly for wreath-making purposes. Also, one should have J a spool of green enamelled No. ^26 wire for wrapping the cut evergreen twigs to the frame. Wreaths are made of balsam fir, pine, Norway spruce, red-cedar, juniper, yew, | boxwood, and even hemlock, but this last should be avoided by all means, since | the needles fall quickly after the twigs have been cut. Mountain-laurel, ever- green magnolia {M. grandiflorn), rhododendron, holly, bearberry, Oregon holly- grape, and many other things are also used. In the Boston area, thousands of jj wreaths of balsam fir are sold. These are made from the lower, discarded branches \ of balsam firs cut for the Christmas-tree market, and also from defective trees i which cannot be sold as trees. The wreaths are produced in large (luantities in ' the areas of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine, where these trees are grown ' for the Christmas trade, and shipped by truck. In buying them, the trick is not to purchase too early, wreaths that have been made too soon. j Fortunate is he who has a stand of young white pine seedlings (i.e., any plant- ing where branches are near the ground), for white pine afibrds excellent wreath material ; so do the young shoots of yew. The shearing of a long yew hedge might well be let go until the Christmas period when the young shoots would afford the best possible material for Christmas wreaths. F.specially is this true of ' the shorter branches and slower-growing Taxus cuspidata densa and var. fiana, since six-inch shoots of these usualh’ have several small side branches and ‘‘make up” quickly into wreath material. Cutting individual, unbranched yew shoots — sufficient for a wreath — can be a long and arduous task, enough to dampen the ardour of all but the most enthusiastic. Boxwood, too, is excellent. Gardeners in New England usually are not as for- , tunate as their Virginia friends in having large amounts of this excellent plant, , but it makes excellent wreaths. Holly, of course, also has been used, although it is prickly to handle. No matter what the material, young shoots are cut about four to six inches long for the smaller wreaths, longer for larger wreaths. The end of the roll of No. 26 wire is attached firmly to the frame and then gradually worked tightly around the bases of these shoots as they are put in place, two or three at a time in the front and one large dense one in the back of the wire frame. It is necessary only to wind the base of these twigs to the frame, but this should be done carefully j and well. The next small bundle of twigs is so placed as to cover the bases of | those last wired on, and so on around the entire circle. It can take a lot of ma- terial for a large wreath, so one had better practice with the normal 14-inch I size at first. A simple wreath of boxwood, pine or yew, is beautiful enough in itself when i tied with a large red (waterproof) ribbon. However, many prefer to use this i merely as the base on which to attach all sorts of fruits, berries, cones, or painted > objects. It is here that an artistic hand and good taste will prove helpful. [02] PLATE XVI Top: The start of a white pine wreath. Bottom: Jjeft — Kissing ball started by in- serting sharpened branehlets of boxwood into styrofoam ball. Right — Finished ball. ! Cut branches of boxwood seem to dry noticeably indoors. Experience has shown | that wreaths of boxwood can be “freshened” considerably by a quick syrinsrinsf I * ^ 'I with water twice a week, or an actual soaking in water if there are no ornaments to be harmed. Moisture in the atmosphere out-of-doors is sufficient to keep most '! cut greens (except hemlock and balsam fir which haye been cut too soon) in good- I appearing condition through the Christmas period. Spraying with a clear plastic spray (now commonly ayailable in small pressure , cans) can giye a sheen to any of these cut greens and can proye helpful in pre- ; serying them properly indoors. It is a simple matter to spray the finished prod- : uct (away from fire) and it dries almost immediately. ,[ Pine, boxwood, and yew wreaths will last throughout the Christmas period | satisfactorily indoors or out, but fir wreaths will soon drop their needles indoors, ; although if purchased shortly after trimmed from the original trees, they will j last out-of-doors seyeral weeks. \ Strikingly interesting small wreaths for the guest room door can be made around an ordinary jar rubber (see Plate XXl). Here bearberry {Arciostaphylos uva-ursi) is cut in pieces three to four inches long and tied on the jar ring in the same manner as is done for larger wreaths. Other small-leayed eyergreens like the Kew euonymus {Eiioiiymus fortunei keiceusis), little-leaf Japanese holly [Ilex crenata * microphylla), and the clippings and left-oyers from boxwood and yew wreaths can | be used similarly. - Cone Wreaths | In this category, one must haye an artistic touch and a remarkable amount of ' patience. Time and experience not only in the making of the actual wreath, but ; in collecting the cones, are necessary ! It is not a project conceiyed a few days , before Christmas and then executed. Rather, it is a project which one apparently keeps in the back of her mind whereyer she goes — for a full year or more, since all sorts of cones and dried fruits are needed. We haye been talked into gathering cones in the woods of Mt. Desert Island, on the campus of Smith College, in some of the outlying areas around Williamsburg, Virginia, and in many a place in between. Automobile trips are neyer run on schedule to any place, when there is a cone-hunter along. Catalogues are searched for certain species; friends are : inyeigled into bringing back special types from trips to the far parts of the coun- ' try, for yariety in sizes and shapes of the cones and fruits is of the utmost impor- \ tance. (For suggestions in this respect, see Arnoldia 15; 61-84, 1955, “Christmas Plants in the Boston Area.”) With a large and yaried supply of cones on hand, one goes to work. First, , eyenings are spent wiring the cones so they can be attached. Twelye-inch lengths i of No. ‘2''i wire are used for the larger cones and they must be wired to the frame ; with two wires, one on either side of each cone, to preyent their being shaken out of place. Small cones like those of hemlock, can be wired with No. 30 wire, [04] PLATE XVII Left: Small yew trees made of wreath-making “leftovers’' attached to a dowel inserted in plaster of Paris in tin cans. Right: Ornamental box trees, made by inserting sharpened branchlets of boxwood into styrofoam balls attached to dowels in plaster of Paris or cement. a t g :i. ” » 1 d'l 'l-s " r ^ I 1^-2 ^ S 1 .5 ^ ^ s '5^ s “^ ’» "S -2 •• § s: ^ s’ ° I s * £ o £ ^ ^ o 03 S 2 ^ ,. ^ ^ 0-5 ^ j> p ^ ^ ::z: X ^ -i ;h I M W X 2,' I § n nj ’ S ij •y .2 V -S O •- s 5^ u n « r^ ■i 05 , ,S ~~ cC s .2 ‘P '■^^