M. IV. y '.in Den burg. A. A/., J/ D l-'OHT KDWAKI), N. Y OFFICE HOURS : ~ Until 9 . A. M. From I to 2 p. M. “ 7 “ y IVI. W. VANDENBURG, A. M., M. D., Ft. Edward. N . Y. o-t^ '^c.^xXZy Js^auf/J^o ny ^y* c>^ '^l-a-'V't. e>''^^-*j'Ty-lr^ ^■'T-'^-'U^^ ^•'‘^ /^^«<^il-<^--rt.^i-c--t^ ^‘^yp'tyiyC^ C ^ y^-OL^tr-t/ y'?^ i3t-^--^-e-e/' /'^cytS' , /-C^, ^/d , / . j(;uS~ay!Xft T/^ ^ if^. ^ y ^ ^■^-»«- . 5-^^ udLcz:^ ^*.>cLZ^ ^ M^'tJ‘>a0'%..cy^Li^fi^^M^ y_ ^ yC-£-'*''^^r , /*' /^/ ^;^^^■--^-^^t,-':»«we^-^^ /? (^ /-3] — — 3 /3 / /^-<~ ^ i!Z/>-< y~^3u/g-c — -’ — - ^^i^cyi..,**^ty^ ^C-1 Cy-c.^ yuy^ -T^-.^.-.c..^-.,,,^^ ■:g, yPyt<.^ , y yH^/f ^'eB^c^^Zw-pZAZt/^ Z- >-“^>t.^>-€<t'>y& ty/k , fk- ‘^■^-^•‘'*y^ <*-»-c ^^SZ-^cnss^j^ J -Buyt^y^c^rZit/kry (zZZ^ ^kZj ^yriAc^ ^ /^Z A-fytryytty ^ fiylJty yp yyty‘*y^ £t^ ' » / J^ZlcZc^ (2 ^ <^/3‘ c:-'*<--czZ*z- 7 --c^^\^ ^^z'tzzi,'Czc,zC-iz^ • ^<^<-^‘'--i''irt>^yCz^^ Zvy-e-A-'^i^ jgl^iu-tzz^zA^^ ^ ZXz^UzzTzL^ ^ C-’*-^ tzt-z-tT^ZZG zy-C/ %'fi'Z~ <2-i^-?-»*J^t-<^ UTtC^/^ ^^■■■Z r-yzziZ ^j^^TiZ.zCzdyZ'. 'Zzz'^^^>~7zy--zzt...^ ^ Zzz-tzyZr~^ /Z^-^.ezZ^^^yz-^ J^.xryzz 'j^zu'tzz^ /^z-tz-<.zCzZ 'izZ^ezCzcziz-cy^ z^^^.zz*z^ (Tiz^ Z'7^ ^ Z^[„^tztz^ Y?xz*Z^ 4iZ,yC!nztZzZ^ , ZtZZC ^^^z-tzfz-d . ^Ztr-tzz Czz^ ZSz-e^^ /;?'7'*'l«--aT>;€J: Y /^^azt-z, ^z-Cz^ZZz^ ^■yz^ OzZ^-XrZtzJ eztz. ^Z zi, ZLZ^ ^ yZZz^ y*ZCtz>l.Uzi^ y^lzZ,.,Zz^ ZzZZfl^ •^o'T-t^-^/ ZKOzC^ztziLzznZ-^Zzt ‘Zz^^fztzt..^u'yz'^!z^ ^zr'^zzCz^ /'^-j-tz^z^ Zc/ Z'lr-izf.zOizZCu * a Z^ ^Z'Oz-CZ^ztZ.ZtZlzi,^ ztztz^Lz^Czryz- ^cf ^^z.-tzzt^ '-^7 -''^^ ^^^Zxr-t. — Z^^XT'tyCy ^ LJ^ 0>-zyy ^C't'TydL-yd-yy^c Oy-t^-^ £yty ^y-y' Cy^(-y^^d^t ^yztZy^^ — Zy.SJi ^ /^ c^ey^^ ^ tS^^Cyye'c.t^l^cy..~~ t dyy-^^y-^-fytyC2y'^C> ^ '^^!-'t-~*ey^ ^ yy^ey-t^-cy/yey-^'zyyy / yZty^^tyt^^ *-XyCy ^-t-yty^cyi^y '^^yy^lytyLyf^^ayaCy^^ ^ /f i y/^/^ C4^ / ^ /yCy>J^ ^ l/, ^AiyA^y ,y«y0^.i At e^ Ayy^^^J ^ ^'^7 y/yt y^t- 't<..'4y€'tty.<. tiyf yiaJ^J CtAt'JyCy f'l-(yX^l y cyty^f '2-cf ox Jff CyOcZl^'l^^^ CL-e.yh-^^ G^^^ox tS.y ^ ‘ — ■ 2-^ CLc-'^'^l^ ^ *LG-ceH.frT.*^ j J^<^-A--«-«-^-*<^y ^■'^e» ^Lt.'XyG^ t^ t'^'X-'Oe/ erT(-'LCft»^ 4/X„AA>^ / y<^ C.-Ac/7yt''t^ ^ i^^Su^xcA. /i^S ^./y. ^-^.^yyyy^J Cy Q_/ Ayyoy^u^ y^^Ayt^yz-'UytiAZ a.^’^K^^yCy y y Axx^ 3 /^G^^e-t.».«-t> — ^3^ci^'7-yyC^ ^'^'cy/C^yL/ — ^ /A . ^ ^cycyyo^ loT^'cJ^ t^OyptcC^ ^2yf C^ '^^tZytyu^-t.o/-/^ /^^ucytX-j /X^A/iyi^ ^^iyy TlytOy' ty^ «=^ ^^-yCyc-(ye^ ^^^yO-u^ /^^yty ,/^'2<-'<^C^ '^}U.y»yiycyiy (^, ^^]tyuyiLJyCyty^'£^ /f^^y^ £iyrc_^ 0 \^&A-y ^ _ /^^CCy^ yyt.JL.y Cs- (ty^y^ (f[^ Cy^ayty^y}~-er\^^ 'y~ '^^y^'oOt^ M^ty (yf (yiy~. ZX <'ly~Cyly<^ l/f ^;z-zt4, /PPlyy-iytyOc^ ^ ^f^ynyy^ ' Cytyfy^ <-yy~ ' -'it.'jyy -c t'-!.^ Cyir'tyyyyty-'^ c^-Cy^y^^-e-ly^ / /^yytAy\^ / Uc-M. sCpLu. J ^ ^ ■’^ ^yiytyny y yycyy-tyyj '^f-t-aiyey^ a-ty

'U. rX~Jj d/^ ',/ . ^-:/dy/ y 7~ /?pf '- - ^ /;^r. y ' -"Ttu^y^ oi^^-e^-tt^-er-l-c ('yr cz^ c^~ z:Z^ -y rf 2-^‘<^c z -2 /j! ^ // ^ I ' t . t /'■^ ^ - /O C^y ^ 4^z..su^ Y-rz/,£Z-rJg^_ ^ 'cy^' ^ ^ ct..<^ y?-7-z. gt^-cy yk-ct- yyy, / iz (-^^y ux^^y y^x^y Xi, y X^7^/zg>t^tXycX-^ ''?'^i y-Xig ft-^ccX^xJ r y^X XXzXX yj lA: ^ J^^ y9^ k:C G aytyyl,^yu^ A~cyry /Tya^cU-i^ - ^ c^y^Ji^ (,A.y<^ i '^-''^r -y^yA-^y^' /T^/A- '^y ^ cyt: ycytyC^' z/''" y, ^ A Uy/J.ajrA, jjAyy, ~ ^ aytyAAz: yLyty^yC-O CXa; ^ t yTy- /J lyity^, ^ty-Ttyj y^Acy^ cyAy ., ^ . „ y f^^y^(,^yy^^l.-yU ,y^^yy yy^'xAA /f^ ^AAy/tCZy^ ,/C C/ (y^L^y^ty*^ ^ CtriyCy ty-A^A' /AA^^ y tA-tycA C^ cy'^^A^/A A^z/Ay ^Zyy<^ (yc, ^^Cyf CyiTTyyi -c-tv , AtiyTciJtJ '^^AA ^ ^ ^^'‘^^-yyf (ytylyQ-tyy aA^ ^y^PlyLyC-^CA^ ^-i -ylt-y ' " ^ /J ^ K r ' ^ / ■a^'<-Q-r^a^ ^ 'yz-7-«Z^-«-d-f,,^-4_ • C^ ■CJ CA^ ^ /y, ^At^ 'Zi, iit^^t/(^^ ^ Ayf'y //yj'^>^^ «-.<^ /iaca^aj /^yi-ooS' , t^/> <5^ AyiXAp' (yc^-— >'-» <- 2 t» 'i- ..'' / ^ /zf::;! ^ / / / iZZZy' — - eZi/C^ ^'T'T'''-''^— ^ // O'PV- .-C- A-^ luh^ kpz k a^c. p A yh-c-'^^ (.~r^ ^ . . / / / l/)^ H ^ f't*^ fr» — ^4^^ ^v/Kwn<~» i'^v-w ■v'v-<.\^ tf'iK<~ t-ww« /^-Z-ut^ ^ y'', <.-i— ». Cje*^i^ j~r>^ I— vX>-t- > ‘ ^ hh o -C ^ l-jl't ( ‘ ^ t y 1^ J ^ ^ ^ Z- 'J^ il yr^ 3 _ ^ _ JO ^ {,- i>'^»- ' jvt'\r t^*-^ "W^ ^ iJi \ < t»w-^ \'V'tT^_J ft^'C^ i,>k-iv.-|r^/v^ ‘^' V' i^1 ^ >• i J a tru W S I ci/wwj v-^ t"^ ^ ^ ^ "t A*|^ '” j/y^^yy yyy^. P nr-i -f^ u■^i^ ^^ » J -3,1. 'f 1-^ , , /V- %», / y rL r^ rj I i(rh^J 3 ^^OCtA^ Cl / j 3/ . Atry' y y/A (/ /j , ^ ^ /J / yf^e/ 'lyy^f ^JaIac^ &1/Uy7 '^Z4v/7^4^ ^cyt-A O^/Ua^ 4^44 yy^’^^Afy' U>^ yy-^'^'^AAOU^ !/ ^ /^ y ^ ^ y ^ ^ y ^3tyr3/^ujA4 / / ■ / ^ ^ O^i^ ^ ^/lyiyAAA^ 4 ^y-'t'CAuJ i^yp^yPt^ ^ < 4 ^ 4 ^ ^a^ZaCa-c >44 Ckyj S tACA^dAflfAiAA £/ y CtAll. a^ ^V)«i l_'h'l Cxi^Tt u / 6'C>''cw J~V^ 4v/-^ ji/W 4vv/ 3 P D H^vo--v L v-ct_ sTV^ ^ 3^A-i>r7^Cc-'kvwvv~ Vw^'V /Vw-y^wi^^ ^ f £». - M.v< j V k-A- Laa'H^'x-^ ^ 2 - L iv)^ 'r<». , i> 1 i WY'UVw*- ^ ir lv,trvv^^i>“l. ^"t-A ^ ^ (( 'MK-f-t** (' ** ' Jc 6 v/\y-t( jj cii/(>—^ ! C'v ^ C ^' / u-i-i-w^^ ‘yk , ^ AAwp w 3 ^'^ r’C-v'fv ^ ^det^Cd Ij'XVf^i \( (/> CAoas^ C-c-^Vv^VA''^ I r^Vj— V \A"Vt-i "C I (5 , 2» (^^/lA^^nQ'Cc u '-'VAv L ' 2_3 ^ '£>£.'VvC^<'^VVvAw 7 ^tC-tr->-'^|-c'^ '■'''''■ ' ^ ^ 2- ^ VVY^V^va^ j-V Got-V.- ^ j Oot hi.' w A ^ ) 2 Aj, f 7 f ./’ ^ h VywrA |. f A, ^ <3 OrT^i* ^V »'V.», . 'i'-^ ^ 7 irrv*| Vvv.^->A ^ oJ jivA.^.w>:yO(x, 3 ^ , /v J 6 //u— U/V i \ \^ t-C^ j.\^c~iX‘KA^&^ Ifpftmiit 0 f V t<.p, / L'uvtJt/ c/ /J'J^f. 42^X7 42 ^c^ ^ ^ ^y .^d^, 7Lo*y^ d ty^T/^ cy^cd^Tdidt^ ^ uyy^~~ iT^yT- l'0-(y^^y<^ yy^, yoi^ y lOyy-c^ y, i^^Uy CP-inc^i^ '^7-t-’--^ ^^-Z<- ^r-r»<-t-«- <;Z-eo£V“ ^C , fyi,^\.,ir~»r<^ ^ ^ X 7, <^4''l't^Tyr>--3-\^^ ''T^A.-'^CyC^C^ •'ji-A^ 7r^ ^7~ 7^7 ''^<^c4,<^^t/7~ — ^^c7r it^-irTtT^ /^-ff c^c-yiZ- ZyZAy>. ^ yy/Z^yZ^ Z^ (Z ZZZj.Z/ - ZZa:^ , ^ / /f <>■ A\ t Jb /./x ycy!x — /-'-V ^'--^xcyL -&- ^ zXHaty'yt^z^ ^ ca^lZZ) L^rl^ ' Jzi OyptAJlj 4/) / x:^ // ^^ZZoxx. >-^*'~yey^^iZZ<. y 'Z'f ^XA'-XIJX y. V_>/ /-'^^A.a^ Z'^lZjOuvut. I ^ t^.-'i-^ cJ. O^t -£3>-^^ ^JL ■<-<. / ' / zZ:zL c-e^ >'^ ^ ^ z-r>i^ y <54-4 _j 4_ V ■c<4y/xj ^^c-' ^d/ojzz TzLx^ ,'i^. (X'ZZ.-'^Z^^Z- ^JLjz ru ^ ^■^^x:r-ui-^/C^ %i a'^-c 'y/ Cl cU^ (^y^y j^cc 4 ^ 7 ^ 'yjL-C/fyty-c. a,y ^'hrryr^ fi^,yyi"> -ly^ ^ ‘^^ 4 ,- O^r-Z/z^ci^yi-^yiy^^^ ' !<. U ^'0 '^•'^ -«^ ^ ii< ^ " J,h ^ ^-t^rx^-/ i6h^ xy^ty/j^ / / ■" X^i-jx'^M-^^ [x^ ^ <^'l'‘^' a ^ Z 44^. ( ( 44 y, yyt^t / It ccT^ ^Tlx yt^^^yo.'P-cx^'^ Jiay'^Z) ^ZZtZ. cx^'^-'i^Z ‘)xtxr'/' , c:\iz,.t/ c''Z-0 v^y-C-o^t^yytJ _ {rz-e^y~~^ M .gy^-f g/'. ./ ■M/ d'- c?^/Mo^ riA^ 6^r.^1, J^r>-ff-A i<<./ii A ^A^y ^^j/yeyy^c-yt.trx^ <^-''y^^yA >txAA^ t^t C^ AyyAnAyr^ 4 ~ r^yy^y^ y^^L. cr-t^^ '7'^ ^Oyly^ C-eytA- y^^t-fyiy^t/t^ ^ d^c^Ty^^^^yJyj €^y*yyt 6{/lPnyO^ A^yCyaC^1t^^y/^.j&IZ^ O-Uy^^ iX^ ^ /'‘'^XyC.yV'-t-C ay.-.y/.yLj^ j2yey-^-y(_y/ , XAy^X^ =- ( 5 ^ OyX.^ jp^. S/jJi J-A/^ X ^^^-yyiyP^ . ‘^^''iyyyyy} '^C&yf X^Cly/^C-tyx, J^^L-CX^U-y^ly^ yy^^y*-<-yt—^it-yU^ ^'~ty(yy^.^ ^^)-^ytytytyy^ ^X-f y'^~ly^ /ii ^P^yt—Oy''^'^^ ^{/^fyer^y 'Z y^ ^ y y X7 O ^ I' /'f ^ ' X y/ J ^ /H O r I' '^JO.'2-t-Z- il ^ tf-zy. ^<_ey'^-c/^ ^ ^lyX^lytyy^^/^^ C^Tr-ty^ Ill st'udiuK speciiiienj* of [ihiotH ftir Inveatlgation U is desiralile to liavo tho Irarcs. ilow-crs, «tnl fruit; ami, in the case of liiilhous [ilatUs. tin; Inilbs also. Wliun tlu*.v are sent from a ilislatiuo it is hast to jivepare the apenmens hy 'ir.rins them uikKt firesaiire between folds of ahsorheiit paper, other- wise the parts shrink and break so a< to be Imnlly recog- nizable. When the dried plants are sent they shniilil he protected from breii.ka'»i> in the mail h^- iieiiiB in'-'^Aa^ C^Aaj ^^Ay2AA^ ^ ^aO^Ia^ ^^A^^OLAOACAAyx ^ ^-ZArAtLAXA^ (^/T 'IAA. ^ j^A^iAxAxtjr-y , I In sending? specimons of plants for investigation It is desirable to have the leaves, flowers, and fruit; and. in the case of bnlhous plants, tho bulbs, alsf*. When they are sent from a distance it is best to prepare the specimens by drying them under pressure between folds of absorb- ent paper, otherwise the parts shrink and break so ns to be hardly recognizable. When the dried plants are sent they should bo protected fr<'m breakage lii ihe mall by being inclosed between pieces of stiff pmsteboard. Pack- ages weighing leas than four pounds can he sent by mail at the rate of one cent, per ounce. Write tho name of tho sender on tho outside. In tho letter accomiainylng tho specimens state where collected, the date, and any other particulars of the plant, whether reputed poisonous, pesti- ferou.s, medicinal, or useful. mm. DIVISION OF BOTANY, as/im^ton. (y~i^ CO ./ (Ct- « a^l xy^ / c/ >/ k. ^i-AAd OAAf-tA/ , 'c/ od d/.. A A. .£? .7 a AAA / /clAy (OAMA-^ aXX ^(/T!Of lXoi> X a-XCaXca) Oa crTAA ^ Xkc'tXdp ^ XH / . y^ CUaa- kkzt ^eOvA _ Xlm breakage in llie mail by being inclosed botwoRu pieces of stUT jiasleboard. Pack- ages weighing less than four pounds (jan bi^ seal, by irmil at 1,ho rat.e of one cent per ounce. Write tho name of the sender on tho outside. In tho letter accompanying the speidmena state where colloctod, tho date, and any other particulars of the plant, whether reputed ijolsonous, pesti- ferous, medicinal, or useful. ®c|fartmeitt uf ^gricultme , BUREAU OF BOTANY, WaHhington, D. C.,. 188 y Ji/^y C , ^'TtA.iy r 2=:; d /^^zrzy<-^y(^y:LHy*y ^:r:; 3 f ^ ^ (9, QU^ eg. = Aggyu_ In Bonflinj' ape^imons of i)tanl9 for iuvosl.igal.ion it. Lh ( losiralDle toliavethoUiavos, flowora, and fruit ; and, In the case of bulboua plants, tlio bulbs, also. ‘When they are sent from a dlstauoo li is best to prepare tb« siioclmeiiH by drying: them under pressure boiweeu folds of absorb- ent paper, olherwise tlio parts slirlnk and bn'ak so as tu be hardly recognizable. When the dried plants are sent they should bo proloctod from breakage in the mall by being inclosed tietwcen pieces of .stllT [lasteboard. Pack- ages weighing loss than four ponnda can be sent hy mail at the rate of one cent per ounce. Write the name of the sender on the outside. In the letter ac3oompanylng the specimens sUite where collected, the date, and any other particulars of the plant, whether reputed poisonous, pesti- ferous, medicinal, or useful. UNITED STATES lBe:p'artm£itt uf ^gricultaic BUREAU OF BOTANY, Washington, ington, D. C., 188^. CA/yt^f /y ^ giy} <=^ /yCAy^^yT-C ^ cy/jw ^ aiyCo^ Xjj y^ g^y'lytyty^cy'^ ^ (/^ tX ^ ^^^-iZye/f ^ otl yy.yyyaiy^Uy' / // J 'y^x-p-fy. ^Sy- '■Tiyty^/ Z^yAyAy-C^^ tX ^LytyJ (K-ff-^Cly, tfZAyy '^tTi-’y^yly ^gTyyyyfy-TyyO-lAyg fy^^^ZlAytyt^ CyoS^^yfA^^ ^ /y-*JLA ^^Uyty^y:e^iyf ^ r J ^ *-V ' #X. ~ ^ <--V / ..— — >■ - - ’yCfytr-iy 6-a~f<-eyV ^yfy (rg-ey^Cyff^ ^ c^yCyCl^ '^tyUy gO'tyW^^eiy ^^OygCyi^yAyT , /^yCXy- coii)u>ii8 *)( for invosl;igai,l(Mi il- is desirable to have the loaves, llowors, and fruit ; and , In tlie case of bulbous plants, the bulbs, also. When they arc sent, from a dlstauoe It is best to pv<5ijare the Hjjoolmons by drjin^ thorn under iu*ossuro boiwoon folds of absorb- ent paper, olherwlse the parts slirink and break so as to be liardly rooognizable, Wlicn the dried plants are sent they Blit»Iild be proiootod fi-om breakage In the nut 11 by boii\{f i7Ujlosod bolween iiioe.oa of stllT iiasleboard. Pack- ages weighing loss iban four ]itnjuds can bo sent by mail at the rate of one cent per ounce. Write' the name of the sender on tln^ outside. In the letter accompanying the specimens state whore collociod, the date, and any other particulars of the plant, whether reputed poisonous, pesti- ferous, medicinal, or useful. uf ^^riatlturc BUREAU OF BOTANY, Washington, D. C., z yZU^^y^yCt-cJ g-c/ ^ 'I'TyUAygy/. ^ ^ ZzZ) ^ ^-^-ly* Z^ZZ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ gZ*-UyZ^£ ^^trzyi^ LcytxZy In sondiu^ specimens or plants for invostigatlon it is dosirablo tf absorb- ent paper, otUorwl-so the parts sUrlnlc and break so as to be hardly reeognlKablo. When the dried yilants are sent they should bo prn^ J^ju CJb£,ju^tAUAy,<>~^ ^ ' ^'TrcH^-e-iSL ■£ £ cP ^ ^ t^-«-<-<-cA^t^^^ (X^tc^ (i-o-XXyyiP^ ■^'Xtyc-rf ^ < 50 ^ 63.-0^ ^-^JUeujL^ tA/^^cp^ tu 0-^/^^ CAA^i^ootcXp^ ^ c^ ^Z'Oa^ 'lyx^AA.A^ . icy^ -J. In sending specimens of plants for investigation it is desirable to liave the leaves, flowers, and trnit ; and, in the case of bulbous plants, the bulbs, also. When they are sent from a distance it is best to prepare the specimens hy drying them under pressure between folds of absorb- ent paper, otherwise the parts shrlnli and break so as to be hardly recognizable. When the dried plants are sent they sliould be protected from breakage in the mail by being Inclosed between pieces of stiff pa.stoboard. Pack- ages weighing less than four pounds can be sent by mail at the rate of <»ne cent per ounce. Write the name of the sender on the outside. In the letter accompanying the specitnens state where collected, the daU', and any other parti(njlarsof ilm plant, wiiether reputed poisonous, pesti- ferous, medicinal, or useful. United States Stpuxtmmt 0t DIVISION OF BOTANY, WaHhington, 1). C., 0-7y^ \oc<.e/^ In aendintr spocinions of pfantH fov iuvesligation it. is desirable t.o liave the leaves, flowers, and fruit ; and, In the case of bulbous plants, the bulbs, also. When they are sent from a distance it is best to prepare the specimens by drying them under pressure between folds of absorb- ent paper, otherwise the parts shrink and break so as to be hardly recognizable. When the dried plants are sent they should he protected from breakage In the mail by being Inclosed beiwonn pieces of .slllT pasteboard. Pack- ages wtnghlng less than four pounds can be sent by tnall at the rate (.f one cont jjor ounce. Write the name of the sender on the outside. In the letter accompanying tlie specimens state whore coJleiitetX^ B ^ ^ /^Jy '9'>cC' /f ' ^ lA^-tyCi ^ Au/^s,^lAy dJ: .dy^ J A ayy~t (xJy ^Iaoc^ C-'T'-tyCZcyyOt a. ^A/<^ /OL y u u .y/ ^ y ,' , ^ /' /a < ^/^yXLyy-f / / L‘ In sendinii specimous ol plants fnr investigation 11 ia desirable to have the leaves, flowers, ami fruit ; and, in Mie case of iDulhoua plants, the bulbs, also. When tboy are sent from a distance it is best to prepare the specimens by drying them under pressure between folds of absorb- ent paper, otherwise the parts shrink and break so as to be hardly recognl7:able. When the dried plants are sent they should he protected l‘rf>m breakage in tlie mail by being inclosed between jdeces of stiff pasteboard. Pack- ages weighing loss than foiir pounds can be sent by mail at the rate of one cent per uiuice. Write the name of the sender on the outside. In the letmi* uciiomijanylng tlje speijlrnenHstal*^ where (jollected, the date. atid any niher particulars of the plant. whelhern*iMilPd poisonous, pesti- ferous, medicinal, or usofiil. United States gtpmtmtmt &f DIVISION OF BOTANY, Washington, 1). C., 1886 Of^ 'W J. C- £iW^c/i^ i6z ^"^^An/O £lZL. (T'C^y^ — \J cZftuyyg fj ifyj,, O-ht/oy-^. A.^iVA>i/s.cJ^ <2/h^ . /cM , J diyCi^ 6L<~^a-r'T>^ ^i>6(. eyi,ay66*y7^ , 0^ iAy-ty6£ Jy6zztl /<2^U — Ly CLAxJy6^ Uf^^Ay/’ ^^yCCyty-, LAAtyt*A^ ^L. cn^jy ^ cJ /izuJ: t- c-j ^ yy^^tytyyc/fy^^y'y'^ J^^^y*y(/\^ , ^ CaZ/uoc/^ (yUK iiyyy CXyf — , y^y^ y^cy)--uy(r7,^.yyi, l.^y^-ir-y~yuu^ "^POL, y£i/j U' ~UyTiPf ^ ^ZU*y) ^yZ^T' ^ Cyt^x,^yy 0^O,*^y,y^ ^ ^ ^tcytypty^ ^X.Jl-^y€rr-^~Lyy^ lyny^ /UySfy" ^ ^ J^Xyty ^ J^ yCy,.^ t'jyu,ayiyyy ''Htay-t-»^ ^^am) ^.diy-t^ ^Uaia. ^ MU: Myz. ^'Myfyy^y ^ Mxydy^ In sending specimens of plants for investigation it is desirable to have the leaves, flowers, and fruit ; and, in the case of hulhotis plants, the Iiulhs, also. When they are sent from a distance it ib host to ]jropare l.ho spoclineiis by drying tliem under preasure l)fa.weeu r<-dds of absorb- ontiiaper, otherwise the pans siirliik and brenk so as to I)e liardly recogiil/ablo. When ilio firied iilants are sent they should bo prolocited from breakage in the mail by being inclosed between pieces of siirf pasteboard. Pack- ages weigbing less Uiaa four poimds can 1)0 sent by mail at the rate of one cent per ouiu^e. Write tho name of the sender on the outside. In the leilor ncoompanylng the specimens stato where collected, tho date, and any other particulars of the plant, whether reputed poisonous, pesti- ferous, medicinal, or useful. m, jjj DIVISION OF BOTANY, B. /SS^ CL^ ' a^j 0>i 0-o-j}^ , lyy A ^ ^ (XyBb 0"~lHyt^^y-B'-^y^ ^^/z^Uyiy/i^ /^AlcA y^^-ft.C^ljryB)cyy^ Bt -'T^C-oy AlaXl ■^ly'^y Bte A L>^ A Ao-SyiytyKJ^ !A-cy\A- , GrBt, /B'BB, ^A/zZyyyyyAAj ^tBx) AxB ^tAA^ ^ByyZKj , AtyyyB^ 6*.V‘ In sendini' specimens of plants for investigation it is desirable to have the leaves, flowers, and fruit; and, in the case rtf Imlbous ])lants, the bulbs, also. Wlien tliey are sent from a disiano*' it is l;ie.si to prepare tlio spranmeits by drying lliein utuler pressure between fold.s of ubsorb- ent i>apcr. oiherwiso ilie i>aris siirluK mid break so ns to be hardly rocognizfilile. When the dried plants are sent they should be jirotocie.d from breakage In ilio mail by being iiieP'serl belw oen pieces (^_ Ci~^ / 0''ttAAA-'CAfUZ_ 7^ ^ In sending spooimens of plants for investigation it is I desirable to Jiavethe leaves, flowers, and fruit; and. In the case of hulhons i)lant8, the bun)s, also. ‘When Jlit^y are sent from a distance it is host to ijro{)are the speciniens hy drying: them uinler in'ossure l)Otwoon folds of ahst>rb- entpaper. olluu-wiso the j)nriK Hliririk a.nd lircak so ns to be hardly rocotinl/iahle. \Vhen the dried ptanls are sent theyfiboiilil he proic.ctcd from breakage in the mall l,)y helnu incloHod between |ile<*es rd* atiff jMislchoard. Pack- aj;es ■wt'Iyliiiis loss than four pounds cjin he sent by mall at The ral'i''*' the specimens by drying them under prnwsuro bniweeu folds of absorb- ent paper, niherwlse Uie parts sliritik and break so ns to be hardly rocogniy-aldo. When the drie^Tk 7 fe, 7 ' ‘T, ’~L-\r>- y\. /rf^'-vC ■ In sendini? specimens of plantB for Investigation it is desirable to have the leaves, flowers, and fruit ; and, in the case of bulbous plants, iho biill»s, also. Wlion they ai-e sent from a disiaiu^e it. is best to projtare the spoinmcns by drying them under i>ressnro biMweon folds of absorb- ent paper. otherwise the elirink atui Isreak so as to be hardly roirngnl/alilo. When the dfied jilants are sent they should be protected from brettkagi' in ilieniatlby being inclosed between pieces of siifl’ [lastebiiard. Pack- ages weighing loss than four iiouuds can be seat try mail at the rate fd one ., J-l-y r , (l^ cr>- 33 ,^cz^ ^ C^ ^ 3 3 ^ ✓ V 3 . Ze Z5Z d'C^yAijf. c- y ^ oZ^ /Ay y ' Ay yira^, , Oy ^3 /tA y oAy c3 3y /^ CLXyyoA^ ^ dh,cA £7'^X,y<^yyA^yty^ CiA> In sending specimens of plants for investigation it is ^ desirable to have the leaves, flowers, and fruit ; and, in the ( case of bulbous plants, the bulbs, also. When they are sent from a distance It Is best to prepare the spoolmons by drying thorn under pressure between folds of absorb- ent paper, otherwise tho parts shrtnlc and l>roak so as to be hardly rocognlKable. Whoti tho dried plants are sent they should lie i>rotcctf'd from breakage in tho mall hy being incloaea hot ween pieces of stiff i)nstcboara. Pack- ages weighing less than four jiounds can bo sent by mall at the rate of one cent per ouiuje. Write the name of tbo sender on tho <»utsldo. In the letter accomikauying the specimens state whore collected, tho date, and any other particulars of the plant, whether reputed poisonous, pesti- ferous, medicinal, or useful. DIVISION OF BOTANY, / ^ . Gy7-C> eju^ OtyC<^--€.iy-lyC^ 'U)/ fi-Oj-yUyy! ^ y^M-yU* ^ ^ ^ 'T^Cyeyytyt^ " 2 ^ t^yt/f^ /iyiyfyn^ U/^Xy^^Z/K c/^ CO'Zyy^ JuytyX^ OyiyZ C, ^ ^ OY ^yc*^ Jetyy ^Zy/-triC^ I ^^^eiyiytyiyJi/iy7 /^y. y Cyey/caytu^ ^ Z(/i tyi/J^, / ^yir^ /:/-OL'l^--ry-7Xyiy^ ^ / ^iyCTUA^ d yy& Tcl ,{fiLy^ ^ CttZi (yj lyti/ A C^fHyTt-fy’yy^ C/C'~^yf-y^^y*^y^ ^ ly^'^-A—yZtytyy- O^lXy^y^ ~-7^ y'ifi^xyf-^ Cj^ <=t^ CC'-Tff*^ <^7. 4<,-.-*o^ /tfl-cty^ ^ (^2.c<^^~~^iry ^ A a^ (Lo'^^Gy^v^ ^l\x^ UrAr-i/Jc^AAin c;/^ yfCcAy\/^ iSUCA. CL^l^LL^/^ *7 .«-^ /^o- ^/Ay-ty--txy/xxriy^ fO'-lyff-^'' t'^J y dXyCAytAy-l ^ ^''^-Cr-tX-'^^ ^"^t^-tAj <^>^^ny<.y6^^L4yJ '^7fU.,audytjy'}j;_, <«M^r~ . ^ ^<^-rXycJ^ L CUr-l-XAA^^ ^ /^^Ly,^-tA~T;y,yu4 (/ ^^AAA. /^T ^tAA:)Ly^ /lc/^u,AA^ ^ /xxJ~ y^^t-L-iA-ti/ (/ C<(^ At/ . /^^AtAUr J^A_ASiA^ ^lyir^ (V^St-^Co . Uy«.yy-f_ ■iAA<-yy J'y /T-t-ULy ^A-y-Oyty^ (2^'J-iSt.^^ . Iv iJ^t^ c tA^CAA^C Ct.^^ ^^-AL^^ZrxA^ ^ytrXAA^ ^Zs~ A^AATi/^ AaaJ ('tAA^!)^tA.^t^c//~ AA^eA]0'VA^^'^f-*r-tAy ^ t ily ^ tr^ {^ o-tA^tj oxjua/ A^iAAy0 ^^AAtALy ^-y^y/ ^LAyf^ ^ <5C^IrT~_ ^ ^lAy-tALAyAytyi^ ^<'~»-'<^ Zt r^t^j ’TaiaaTtA-a ^ / ^-4-^ y^zz^ zyAtACA-yiAn^ , tj A^AXA^t /tz, jSbL^ " ^ ^ ^yyCAXZZaCiAA^ , ^ yfiA- ^A^tZ CAf^LCyi OyA-y/lytr-tAAyj^ ^/lAA^y^ ^;z-«_ yAzyzyf-^>yyi_,a/yzztA ^ ^J^AA^y yy^TAyAc^ ^ye/, In sendint; s]jeoimons of plants for investigation it is I deslrabio to have the leaves, flowers, and fruit ; and, in the case oflmlhoua plants, the bulhs, also. When tlioy are sent from a distanoe it is best to ])repare the specimens by dr>'trig them mider prehsure iieiweou folds of absorb- ent paper, otherwlsu the parrs ahrink and lirealc so ns to be har.lly roootrnizablo. When iJie dried plants are sent they slioiilri be proioctoa from broakage in ibom.ailby boinu inclosed belW4*en jilceoa of srilT pnsioboard. Pack- ages weighing less than four pounds cun be aont by mail at tlie rale of one cent fior ounce. Wrilc' t lie iiatiie of i ho seiulor on ilm outside. In tbo letter araioinfianying the specimens state where collected, the date, and any otiior particulars of tin* plant, whether reputed poiaouous, pesti- ferous, medicinal, or useful. DIVISION OF BOTANY, DIVISION OF BOTANY, In sending speoimens of plants for investigation it is desirable to have the leaves, flowers, and fruit ; and, in the case of bulbous plants, the bulbs, also. When they are sent from a rlisianc^e it is best to f)repare the specimens by drying' them under pressure between folds of absorb- ent j^ajan’, otherwise the parls shrink niui break so as to be hardly recognizable. When the dried plants art' sent they should be protected from breakage in the mail l)y being Inclosed between pieces ot stiff pasteboard. Pack- ages wtdghing less than four pounds rtau bo sent by mail at the rale of one cent per oinu‘o. Write tho name of the sender on the outside. In the letter acftompanying the specimens slate whr3re collected, tho date, and any other particulars of the plant, whether rojmied poisonous, pesti- ferous, medicinal, or useful. DIVISION OF BOTANY, ^ c <7 Ch^-:/ IZ^ ^ /-J^ a-yfy'ly-e-^ yPl'i/^^yy<-y^£y~- ^ d^-^/tyOyCt^ ^..yup^ d 6/ u/hyry^ ^tjL^ JL . M. lyOpy(rkk ^ , ^tc4y^ , ^ye^*y^^yt^Cyty*y-ty*yyf ypC'^yf-yiytyk^ ypt^ o^ y ^ ^yy^^^t^oy^yOyt*^ Cf O-e-e . /. lAyULyt-y^yy O-Ziy-ky ^-lytyk ,^-aUy() 'T/~a-yly<-have the leaves, flowers, and fruit ; aud. in the case of hulhons plants, ihe bulhs, also. When ihcy are sent from a distam^e it is best to prepare t, lie Hpeoimens by drying tliem under preseiiro botweon folds of absorb- ent pafior, otherwise tlio jiarts fthrlnk ami break .so as to be hardly rocogni^fiablo. When Mie dried plants are sent they should bo ]}roreoted from breakage In the mall by being IncloHBii between piocos of stilT pmsleboard. Pack- ages weighing less than hnjr pounds (!an be sent by mail at the rate of one cent per oimeo. Write ihe name of the sender on the outside. Iti ihe letter arjcomijanying the siiecimetiH stai-e where collected, the date, and any otlier particulars of Ihe plant, whether reputed poisonous, posti- ferous, medicinal, or useful. it M. J DIVISION OF BOTANY, Z.ILyy.Ar'. /7 uoft ^ Co6lc/i. ^xy' f iJ^ iCnriLJ'J A-OA^ ^oot( yyxoA '9f{Jtjmyt-<^"»--«^ Ct-Xh ^X^'3y^Oorr-L^Ayf~ ^ (y) dly- fiLyiXX^ cncyty .''Ma^aXc Oy-t/^Arvy^ Xu/y dyO-lyty^LXydXfXcXZr^ ^^l^^^^‘(^^:^lXAyXlXX/(X~ ^ pLtyAyX) ^Xth-tyJ ^IjUa^ ^ ^3yif_ ^ayuX ^ XX CyO--t.AytyX-A^ ^^yt-C-yyA) ii/^ylyg/^ ty^ CC^OytJy/i M-ty /^Z ^^'^dy^,r'?-~l-^ dtyy^ty- ^ /^L.yyt^ CytAyiJfy^Xj ^*AylK,lXZ-iyyy ^ /S-tyr-o c^ ^^X--''tyyiy4ytytAAyC*A/^^ '^^g^yZ^lyfJ^^X^ty^yt^ <^3yAytZ Xyf ^ /ly^Xly-^-y^^ ^ ^^ycX ^ ^^-ArXd^ C/^ ^ Ma^ Z^iZ^ 6^ ^^XX^^/^'cytyiyTyU^ ^r'^^4-{j ItT cLo 6i^yX(Z 5't'^ot p^ytAytAA) XXfZtXyy, /SlAyJ l/yctyZ X 9U.^ , ^UyfT X ju)^ ^ftPZZ /utA-xX,^ Xtyi-dyfyiyX < Jf*'^ U/)X(Z ^^tnyyC {^HytMA) ^JA-OtXy^ />y*-X ^)yCtXp X °yiy<.jtyUMAAA ^iji 'ytxeiXZ tpr» Oyn-Auu jf^X- XzX ^^atwx. lyiAt^uXztyirt^ Uyfyyx In sending specimens of plants for investigation it is desirable to have the leaves, flowers, and fruit ; and, in t he case of bulbous jjlants, the bulbs, also. Wtiea they aro sent from a distance it Is best t-> proj)are the specimens by drying them under pressure between folds of absorb- ent paper, olhorwiso the parts shrink, and break so as to be hardly rocognlscable. "Wfien the dried plants are sent they should be protected from breakage in the mail by being inclosed between jdeces of stiff pasteboard. Pack- ages weighing loss than four pounds (jan be sent by mail at the rale of one cent per ounce. Write the name of the sender on the outside. In the letter accompanying the specimens state where collected, the date, and any other particulars of the plant, whether reputed poisonous, pesti- ferous, medicinal, or useful. DIVISION OF BOTANY, lutz: A d: X/-^/ X '.t CyP iCtAvoP ip (.4y~e^yX-<_ X'T^y/Sp' ^ f/r' C^axip i'iX.i^XxPxLpy>r-i<^ Piipy LxPaP ‘C y(ZK'f-T~-

werH, and fruit; and, in the case of bulbous plants, the bulbs, also. When they arc sent from a distance it. is best to j)re.pare t.ho specimens by drying them under pressure botweeu folds of absorb- ent paper, otlterwise the parts shrink and break so as to be hardly recognizable. When the dried plants are sent they should be protected from breakage in the mail by being incloaod between pieces of stiff pasteboard. Pack- ages weighing less than four pounds can be sent by mall at the rate r>f one cent per ounce. Wrlio the name of the sender on the outside. In the letter accompanying the specimens state where collected, the date, and any other particulars of the plant, whether reputed poisonous, pesti- ferous, medicinal, or useful. DIVISION OF BOTANY, yyy/ : ,-.5 K1 V V a^/ir 'jL Cu^oL^ / ll , i^triAAjL .1 In sendin,^ specimens of plants for investigation it is desirable to bave the leaves, flowers, and fruit; and, in the case of bulbous plants, the bulbs, also. When they are sent from a dlsiance it is best to prepare the specimens by drying them under pressure bol.wficn folds of absorb- ent paper, otherwise the jiarts shrink and break so as to be hardly recognizable. When the dried plants are sent they should be protected from breakage in the mail by being inclosed between pieces of stiff pasteboard. Pack- ages weighing loss than four pounds can be sent by mail at the rate of one cent per ounce. Write the name of the sender on the outside. In the letter accompanying the specimens state where collected, the date, and any oth^ particulars of the plant, whether reputed poisonous, pestf- * ferous, medicinal, or useful. \ ' \ ^ - ^ <© « V" ’ '- ■ ‘ A A ' ' \ ' ^ rr^ ^ Sr:": "' ~ • /So — /Sr, i \r ■ ACi c, - - * \V * V- ^ '.. ^v. \^ V\' \\ • ’ ‘ V - .S^V/^ Ji '• \ . \n. 6 r ftSJc O-u^ o// Al//) Cl /rAxA) - r ^li.-^^yC'c/ c.Ay\^ ^ c ' C'C^A. CXy*' Uy/) , cy "r In sending specimens of plants for investigation it Is I desirable to have Uio leaves, flowers, and fruit; and. In the case of bnlbons plants, the bulbs, also. When they are sent from a dtHianco it is best to prepare the specimens by drying them under pressure i)etweeii folds of absorb- ent paper, otherwise the parts shrink and break so as to be hardly recognizable. When the dried plants are sent they should be protected from breakage In the mall by being inclosed between pieces of stiff pasteboard. Pack- ages weighing les.s than four pounds can be sent by mall at the rate of one cent per otince. Write the name of the sender on the outside. In the letter accompanying the specimens state where collected, the date, and any other particulars of the plant, whether reputed poisonous, pesti- ferous, medicinal, or useful. DIVISION OF BOTANY, 'P^ 3^/ t/f ^ /^yCy*-<^ ^^^/TyCyC-y- CyCr-O^yfjyty^ ^tyJlyty^yiy'J ^ CXy^yJ ^-tOytyp ^ -C'y , /. cry C€y~6-tyyPtj J'ST^yPeyl^ Po /^yC.y<^ ^0~'^ ^yO-) In sending specimens of plants for investigation it is desirable to have the leaves, flowers, and fruit; and, In the case of bulbous plants, tlio bulbs, also. Wlieii they are sent from a diaiauce it is best to prepare the specimens by drying thorn under pressure between folds of absorb- ent paper, otherwise the parts shrink and break so as to be hardly recognizable. Wiiou the dried plants are sent they should be protected from breakage In the mail by being inclosed between pieces of stiff pasteboard. Pack- ages weighing leas than four pounds <;an be sent by mail at the rate of one cent x>er ounce. Write the name of the sender on the outside. In the letter accompanying the specimens state where collected, the date, and any other particulars of the plant, whether reputed poisonous, pesti- ferous, medicinal, or useful. DIVISION OF BOTANY, ^ ft f -3 t..c 4y)~^ OlCia) cS^ %1,4 /iAA^ CTKJiJ (A. -iviJLAA^ OO'Oiy \ ^ ^AaaA CAAO^dAAA (ctA^ /sca ^ cAt~^ ALACi oL-^^o-vcy. o^? ^ o^T ^crir^ i-y^TiAr^AA i^''y (AA ah pL ^ oyyAAJtAtAj ^ dj^ Cf/^cA ^-eAAAi ^^ru\ ^ ^ ^yXyLA/^ o/a /Xyy AAtAt ^ aAt^~^ CAA^y^ t^^-ryx^AA .. c/" AVtA— HazP Cl^T^ t^Jt^vzAj y^M.^ ^ , ^j-' cyr/ty ^ ^iy<^^^yr ^/tyir-^ yy -9 A.»‘y'^-- 4.^ UU ;;^ In sending specimens of plants for Investigation It is I desirable to liave tbe leaves, flowers, and fruit ; and, in the case of bulbous plants, the bulbs, also. When they are sent from a distance it Is host to proi»nre the specimens by drying them under pressure between folds of absorb- ent paper, otherwise th(5 parts shrink and break so ns to be hardly recognizable. 'Whoa the dried plants are sent they should be protected from breakage in the mail by being Inclosed between pieces of stiff pasteboard. Pack- ages weighing less than four poutuis can be sent by mall at the rate of one cent per ounce. "Wrlto the name of the sender on the outside. In the letter a(?companylng the specimens slate where collected, the date, and any other particulars of the plant, whether reputed poisonous, pesti- ferous, medicinal, or useful. DIVISION OF BOTANY, tf , 4 p4r^ c‘^yCyv-c^ /7 _ 1 Ci ^u.tAjLtAT'. ^ /7 / ^ /m D' I /V ’ a/c , <2-^ itzZK. a^^L-c^Ltyf /C^ c™ ^ 'T'-f^^cyyxy-^ , J^Uyy~■^^y^yL4^ ^ o^(LUl , c^ -yf ^ / ^ 4 1 , (L^:ccs' Cu^ %y K^f /X Oy^f Q^trz-cyyy^^^yy-y' ■7 In seuclinj^ sprclmens of ])]antH for inveatiRatioii it is desirable to Jiave the leaves, flowers, and fruit ; and, in the case of bulbous plants, the biillis, also. When they are sent from a diataiKje it is best to proparo the specimens by drying them under presaVire between folds of absorb- ent paper, otherwise the parts shrlnlc and break so as to be hardly reooguizablo. When the dried plants are sent they should bo protected from breakage in the mail by being inclosed between X)iece8 of siifr pasteboard. Pack- ages weighing less titan four pounds can be sent by mail at the rate <»f one cent per ounce. Write the name of li^e sender on the outside. In the letter accompanying the specimens state where oollccted, the date, and any other particulars of the plant, w hether reputed poisonous, pesti- ferous, medicinal, or useful. §€puttwmt DIVISION OFEOTATnIY, cA^ V Cc/{~ ^ y Jtx: 'Jr LAy^ lx y^olttr-BAj Jo(l txJZeA. J^cxiylyJi:^ /Cr oijkx. J (hAAc/y^ <-x ^ aJ^ ^ ■eJA A-^y.ayL-JZA) ^ lJ~~ IaJa. fHA^Ay or, otherwise Uio parts shriuK and break so as to be hardly recognizable. When the ‘-^- Washington, D. G., I^iarch 19th, 1890. Dr.Sereno Watson, Cambridge , Mass . Dear Sir: I mail you to-day, for the Harvard University Herbarium a set of 54 species of mosses collected in California by Bolander. I shall be glad to get if possible a set of Wright's Cuban moss- es, whenever they are worked up, for the National Herbarium. Yours truly. ©eparfmeHt of Qg rieyltyre:,l^’ Washiugton, D. 0., July, 10th, 1890. Dr. Sereno Y/atson, Cambridge, Mass. Dear Sir: I send to you to-day a Hymenocallis , collected at Manatee, Florida, by Mi J.il. Simpson. Please keep th« specimen and tell me if it is H. Palmei-i. Yo u' a wruly. Washington, D. 0., March 24th, 1890 Mr, Sereno Watson, Cambridge ,Mass, DearSir : I shall be glad to get a set of Wright's Hepaticae. Yours truly, Botanist . In sending specimens ofplunts for investigation it is desirable to include the entire plant; if it is too large, portions allowing leaves, flowers, and fruit are sufficient. It is best to prepare the specimens by diying tlicm under pressure betw’cen folds of absorb- ent paper, otherwise the parts may shrink and break so as to be hardly recognizable. When dried plants arn sent they should be protected fi-om breakage in the mail by being Incloscdiu sheets of paper between pieces of stilt' iiastebnaiHl. If specimens arc to be sent fresh, moisten them slightly and pack tlieni tightly in a box or in a bundle, wrapping them in heavy paper, i’ackages weighing less than four pounds can be sent by mail at the rale of one cent per two ounces. Write the name of the sender on the nutside. In the letter accompanying the specimens state whore each plants was collected, the date, the name of tlio collector, and add any other notes in regard to the economic value of the plant. gittanical Washington, (D. C.,. ^2^ hy'Z^JL. yfUW Cer^t-y^ ^ ^ ^ y ~^*~U , A.rv*At (J^<^ ^ er>i^ lyT^ ''ht-AAA.iA^ U'-yy^ In sending specimens of plants for investigation it is desirable to include the entire plant; if it is too large, portions showing loaves, flowers, and fruit are sufficient. It is best to prepare the specimens by drying them under pressure between folds of absorb- ent paper, otherwise the parts may shrink and break so as to be hardly recognizable. When dried plants are sent they should be protected fnim breakage hi the mail by being inclosed in sheets of paper between pieces of stiff' pasteboard. If spoolmens are to be sent fresh, moisten them slightly and pack them tightly in a box or in a bundle, wrapping them in heavy paper. Write the name of the sender on the outside. In the letter acconipanylng the speeiinons .state where each plant was eolloctod, the date, the name of the collector, and add any other notes in regard to the economic value of the plant. Packages weighing less than four pounds maybe sent by mail at the rate of one cent per ouiuje. Uniteb 0tatc0 ^Department of Agriculture, ^otnnlcnl gliuieiiin, Washington, (D. C., t/. Jhuz.^ / ^yyay) Cyt^Ty-t^^tOW ^ 2 *^ £x-y3y^^l..y,^ /ir lyU~in/^ . ^ilyCytyy*\^U^^ A// /C ^--<-3 U — • '}yiy.^^ /^^y^-ty*y- Oyy-yiWf^ ^~liyCy 0'y>\.jLyOcy^<:>-iy. ^~~^iynyi ^ <^yy^ y-^y^ut-y^ r:2.yy^n>~^ , In sending specimens of plants for investigation it is desiral)le to inchide the entire plant; if it is too large, portions showing leaves, flowers, and fruit arc sufficient. It is best to prepare the specimens by drying them under pressure between folris of absorb- ent paper, otherwise th<5 parts may shrink and break so as to be hardly recognizable. When dried plants are sent they should be protected fVom breakage in tlie mail by being inclosed in sheets of paper between pieces of stiff pasteboard. If specimens arc to be sent fresh, moisten them slightly and pack them tightly in a box or in a bivndle, wrapping them in heavy paper. Write the name of the sender on the outside. In the letter accompanying the specimens state whore each plant was collected, the date, the name of the collector, and add any other notes in regard to the economic value of the plant. Packages weigliing less than four pounds niaj’be sent by mail at the rate of one cent per ounce. flnitcb States Department of ^grifultnre, ^otiTUtcnl Washington, (D. C.,^_ ^2^ — 2ytyy c>*y^y-p c-'i-^yxy, j ^ ato<^ / 2 - /I ' aX ' , / . en^ix-^ (y-z, '/ ^ J , >-v\.C.fe^ 7tyty<, i/cWAW ^ — ^^-yfr-Uyyf J yy^-O-ffy-^ ^ Oy^-ir-Vr^ Lyzi_J,i_^ ^^-tz-a-r tz>A^z^y^ y zA^IzAA^ cuA^ Aa- 1/ - 4 AA In sending specimens of plants for investigation it is desirable to include the entire plant; if it is too large, portions showing loaves, flowers, and fruit arc sufficient. It is best to prepare the specimens by drying them un«^ ytAj‘n^ ^ Jucy MrT^'^^ /yyt ^rzo\/ ^rZi^ . ^ /Q£^ ^ ^yulyy^ M -Ml Tr^jty^ /Lt. yAie^ y(I-A^ yA CU, ryc/k ^t/H (P-T^jt^. y}ar>y^ y^u^f /iAji_y:y:> yA^iA ®insl0to-. ^ Puflfe.s. e, -^-c '--Csa'i-i "" — /‘ y ^ 'A- ^^>^- <- ti^''^.f. tsy.— -' i^,-f./~~-C.- f^y K ■£.< -<_ iP<. -<^ < 2 ,/ -e-// ^ -c^/<^ ylc^y /'’- /£:. /^yy 7 -^. yly: c t y£ / tL ^ ^ / /'■/ " Z^-' ■^'< ^'^ / ■c>- yf c.- ‘4 ^:/— 1-<- «- - J. 5 ?* Z-L^.-yL.wfZ. ^ /' -'ufl^'t'i ■'iZz u r'-?-/ '^Ud^y-^- o 43: ^^Xa<-< '^d. ^^■er-uJ ^?Cr« ■^. yy7^e^'-/~ <.. ^tfV_ Iz u. 'T'u.^ a ^ ^ . y ^4 ■zy dZxd-t^ /z ~z'd/ rL,^r c 'Z-t.. I'i^-C vu -^2-tx V ^ -^a. /Z ■ 17,' d e^T^ ellecliasse. / 7 4- ^ C< XLSL^>^^^ r^,<^ '/^ ei -it <:,<. il^XK^ /7i a 7 ^^> €?<-( < ^ '^j. ^^7 >^7 ^7W A -o ; -tI, A i 7 i CJt t-^ «t. 7 <»c '- 7 ^ < ■f^t. 'p^/<7'~ 'Z> M , / /^ A-i TTu y^£.-t/ '^tJ~^.t.jL-^jt //- '/'<-' /t-fct f €>-< A < f aajl_A A V. // 'i' A _A — 4 ’/ ^ 'iAUL-X/ / Cy~c ct Oioi-lc Oc’ ooltc vXrto Ucitl , y ''y/f // / y f 'r 'y/rr r/r fr//j/f>'/'f // t^lie Ol’IU’ CXOC*^ liX-ppcTc kX oM’ *:.vU ncv.4.>.'e cii jvtit>vxtif^ fc {licii. ,l,a i^o^ie ^ de- le£ J taiL £ '/on. mau^e nt di- «c*ir i^iu^cwna^. ( 1So»tui.) S4X ^o^i.ce . (Jmil.x/v.) i'ou-tejf iA£> if 9-f+i-wi «W (D U’M . ( fct iMO-iii c*?i0M^ttr, if « a COMli4t l*-i |'>,f!lxXll'li* j tH WIM-V IM^-I *2^ . (cioh.j C^y CT;<7jjxvW fc t^*.n«) t’Mi a in' ^ C ?CU| m'U'i , «’t vow.^ avtfV t'nxHcf^c ^-t»MYy mm .'oi»’ IlM iMutlU . {chiiU'^ yii’lii flit Oil*' -i-e Yt'p.wv t)^ I'Ct' I'itlVrtMJC « HlOll clltlt v’lfUtIC ce t^wl i’.>l tx till t’l t|M if xj .myv'nt'u’ fiw j'tml.' avfvi'.'' i|ii it a |^*tanltf.> (Ciifil .( /i . ^ , I .J ywi.' tix W»»n'< iCi'lioii vt fii oii’.t'^tiii c|*M I’Yoil yw mol, tptaiu^ if .Vtail mu’yJ , oiova . (St<‘hii/i,IX^^/l) (i)c /MtyuTii , td HifH aiMOMf 111’ moiiYl pa.>... Ji’ OkHt.' ixiMl*?Yni ti? C li’l , I'OlUHU’ |t* i.’i’iliX at iXtmo.i .niv U\ icvvt’ - (tSf^^etw l.^civliituino.) i^oujc dntr Ji’ cK\)iuf, .soifex nwn amcm'! ' ,300 j.™,. 0 C ^ixur Je ‘Jllarie , doifc% rno/i ,saLd / < ' -O - •\ t_.- ^ytyr'^^t^r^'d-fy ^ ^ / -^y, ^//.‘-y . // ■? ■> p M-mk/m^r t^iv- ‘ikSi /M^:^'/f//U'M^ .(tm S.f /y . yy yy/- ■ fyy^ ,c/ 7 /C^^' ^e<(ky//iy ^^£AnyKf,,7f?(ykki/ktk-,€y^ ,, (^Je/;yM>/uJMwr’^^^yfyyyTi>y^^ky/tokfyi!e'^ AAnetcr-afy. a 'S^kyrcAyS^kyn^T7^knAy7^k^^^ Ayyyeon /^iy^/mm'/yAy^^yAf/w A //y//y/’fy f,y /AryAyfftk-f ^y^'^'’f'A^Af/',y- CA/y ''/? "\/AffAkeff'/y,Ac?/A/7MykAkifkAMky/AeAAi:.f/yayi:e/A/e/ CM€fk^ '%^myyuy/yMMify(uA^uyeA4yy^kAf'Ayyryn^^^ eyiAyt-iyyAi}at^^/.-^ .yAAAukMyrlW^:Sf/AA!%i^Au*Ay/fA^YyAyiyyy^A^d7y/fAk A2yAAfAAy''Aii/^fktyAif^^^^ AA£tktAiyk€A /AA/f^yyn 6/'jAk7tyft££yyr;^ A/oriM.£i£/yyAA^/:AAyA7i^Ayy‘/y'//Xkj^yArAw ym r e/yAa M^Ayy/'/fktyU(My/- YA ‘y^A^r/0y'y /A^/A^iYrkty rkAr/Y/atc /A^ AyA^^Y/fp Ay/’kAyA7. AAYyy£yyf Y/ty^ki'YY£ky'yYAyA^AYy/i£rA’A/AA0/yy/*yAAyyfAf-efkk' A^Ayyi^yyiA, yAy ryAi(Al€y wrk,yAtf/A '/If, ^fyi' Ar'frf/r^i ~/^'7ye/lr ■AA/rAyy/ny- AAvyek AA)/yyyA^A00,A/^yey^yftA; '?/MAMr S\-C»cictC ‘iRi'yixtc J'Cl^'LicuiXw/tC ^^HCfCct^yZ^y, Cyj^Ct.C't c^e L C'Xi'Xx; tz-C Vt\ t^cx^Ci^- ^CXv^^\*x\\^y,C^Ky^^Xie\ Ocl Ox^ie DyC ^x-x-yxic'^uw^ t)x?z ^‘V u^km^ ( 3 ^>cx>txi^u'*. t 3 e ^(x Ointxau/x-uz 0'l^tvx£i^^C^i^txUeA i\L CChxyuihtA>c^', 3 ti>noi/e c?e' Cxxfy\Xctc. ( Cttx<^Cclctt^), AeyJ. // HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIUM. THE GIFT OF WiJ.j£a 't'^-cf-tt..^ 4'i^ /t^ \ dty^ C't^^ ,.c^ -r ^ ^'E'y^. ^ -/tx < -t ^ 'PCL^ , '» Q to Jfi ) .9 tl i / '^Ir.cO 4r 9r^ t'y^ 74 > e^ 4 ^ytyC ^ / 77 ^~ -/XeXX^ ^ y^y^.-/aty.< CL yyA ,t^ rc?-/^J'V^<' ^ ^ ^ < Xfe^cy^y^'y/^ ^ ;X'^ Z' yZj ,tA^^-y -'^7^-y-'^<. ^ZJ^ x^y y Tx^Zc^ if ^ yxi ” VX>:» C' i'if /jy ^ ^ y- / -f_yzi: ^ yiu^^Xy Z:^ Zyy^ Z v'/^7e^:Muy^ P:^ ^ryPl^y ^ 0< XJyX ‘V H/ a.. <^--7 fiAii t/ 1 -t < 1 / I (^-y y-^ry ^r ^ ^ f Jy Z't:P. ^--iy^J^7yy /k^O’y^yTyJ y ^^^' ‘'"^ ,pu.7Z.^<^ ^yz y^-^y Ay ry^- y-A . /, „ , '/ a - y/TZiTiycMi.’ yt /iyfcyy / uyf ^ ts ,■’ /f ^x.. ^ yyy. t r ,/ .7/- /") ' yiy y77'py.^ y^ :i.7-AAy , V ^ yx.c Ay 7^/><.ty f / / y ^ . ^ - ( yA ^ ^ y -c _ Zj y ^J!_-ZZ~^ Cc.^ y)-7 x^iPA <^-<^^7 vju-fc y-'^ ■ ^7 y^! 7 -s^^-T--? Py- y X ■ ( -< yy^ £A fy > PX-ZZP^ 7.i>'p;y^'Sy^-^ / flA.t A. yx U C7< '1 y/ /^. /X -< 1 Xy iiyy ^'C^'Z^.- y 1 A y.TA JXy ''yXr y... Z /A y^ix..y7.y^^ r^y yyxTA r A y ^y y 7x^ 1' ‘ // Ut. iSXXXXX.^ . ^ A,' y r^ix-^Ayf /■■ It y ■' Da Xyi-c'yTyi. ■ -Ay ,/^ iAXA-y^ . . / > ‘t < C ■7, -f P .--^7 T^X Ayl '' f r Aa-yy ^iiyAy A Ae^AXy-- Otyly. ■/lyCX -C-*-^ «S*-^ 7 ' ^yCJ^ yisi ^ ^ , ■, '^ 0‘,'7- ^„.,. 7/u.y.' . y, .-yAyy^-' /’ ‘-'A-'-'-''- C'iT-X.ct-^. ^ < * X ' ' A I, At yxyi'-yy-xy . jZ^tor yPly^t Py 0. /^y r ^ '/’'^k^<- ^ ^ y^a^'^ri:^, ^^,-^4^!^,'^ /g^ y^' y ^ “■ y ^ ^ . yfiyr Ly. 4 /c /'^'^yC.c^ y^y::r. 0^ ‘y- r- ■C Cy.^t^ ^ yt^ y-y^ ,ii,J:^ y J’ ^7-e^ y!& y^t^< -r ^./C:^/^ 1 / / / ’ 7 ^^ . ^ y^Pyy^ ■/ y / ^ ^^•-f c-yc'- ■x^^.Cy^~3.- y^ -* '' •r y*~- ^■c-^ i^-»s»<^-v 7 yy y.-i7^ ' yir P-uyy^. y^*'^ - y.. jtj ^'P /7 y. -?^.^<-7^-> ^<*y^ 7a^ ^*^y^<'*-^-3 Py ^■. yz-^ ^y-t £z-x-*- / yy. '/!■ #'S»«-t-- X- ’ /X4,^ /< 7 »yPtP/*y<^-r /T-ztz^z .yyjA.7^’ ^ / v^9^yy.e^^ ■k^ -I ^ /zf f'y^ <#■^^-^^*-04-^ ysa y^yypL- ■<«'>»' A Z, J /7j^‘ ' ,S»^ / / y r ^t^-cyyy^. /A yry^^ ^ /- y ^ y-c^ -tA e ^/t /Z'/Pt^^ ,< 7 ■y ylf yt7y y^ y yAzc-cy.y^ y>p^ A-.- ^ ^ y'Sy^^, /^>' '4- j» j^^-e-f. / ^-c-^ ■^yyyy / / ’r "yy-cy.. ■7.^ " yX^-eyt* ycy--f y**y- yS!^^ y^tx-^y o. A ■ X - y^y'£.-yp.p^^^.^ yr^AT yZy-<^^d>-tyy^^ ; ^.- ^2-xy-c<^ r r y>iy^ ■y^d-'ry^ ' - / ^ ^ ^ ^ / /^yC'/^^.pZf y. ' y^tJ^ t,/ y ^ , y yiZ y^-y^ tCyf AZ /^-^y tpy^y,.^ r i- y-^, Xy-t-^~- '-y'y.ry' y yf-t- yy-o-c^ r y y ly iZy^^ ‘/Ay^^ yy- ^y y>-r< '5>'u:. c)2A^.. — ^ - ' / y J. ^ / 1 '. 7 .ai i/Ll4^cu7 ^-i>/‘ a. //c^ /t. ■ 'j^ ^ 2^ 'j' ^ -£^^c4x^2^ , /X a^ijt tCxT^ nrr'X. ^ ^ 4Lt a. /f /(j(L07'^J*7..tf^-L.y l '^Yk^ TZ^CLcu- ^'^I^J^ . /v^ay 7 A *■ tt^y //~-./ 2^ <i/v<^ ^ zjyy_ ' J ^y '^'l-^-^'^ ^^y'L-r^-yt ^ J/V-l^ ‘P/~-^£-7 JtT'l^C^l^ ffUCi, zA AZ L yZ ^ ^ ^ 'i 7 t^xi,-.-c7 '^^'‘-y^z-^'y.uzD . (Te-A ■yi^-^ z(z-7 ^ 'Vyy,<^ //> '^'H-yT). .-5^^ 77.«7 t_^ ^ly-z^^A^A/x-^dc. '77-7 J- T^y-i^ zyi-yT-/^^ c^Ty e-A ,^2 ^ ^ cy'CC 'i , n ^ ‘ ( ■'l--tT'^-c/y_,.’ d. 7^( ' d=\^-£y?^ C y ^ 7V_ ch^ A (,0^727. q ' /j . / /Az^ ift -V-eyL LzTt^/c ('TP '^'' -A, 7y- /' ? ZH-'S— y — Zl-C Ayi^-e. / Ap 2A^L^yy' - ~7'A (-7^ '/Lyi^i . 2) CAT-dT^. ^ -S-t-dA ^ irCiqqy ^^/Z ( r~T^^ j y /TA-t-t-/ C€ y'L'U^ T'Z-'uC^- ,• 2 y^-c' Ac l-z-*-£_- vC c7^7'(— 1--1- a /O CH^^J ? ■<} iyUC- ^ ^ .^1 / (y\J- CPU-i^~-^iS Ci-^ 'A^n^-! ^-i O' '^a. f •£- o-'^i^j2-2^6<-A^7 ^ Al L'L^^ i^l>t-c ^ ^ ^ ^ - C^ P'^-T-^^/-'lX oS-C.. ^ ^ '2yL'<^ o2^\,^ o 02, . ^ ' ^A-c ^ss>'2Ay^/c -s?: £ ■ ' """ ?//-, Af -''-tjL^££ r ^-/S-iT (Tx.^ ';iLe ■ GL^a c£- ^ a^ A-^'/ £i -„_£<, £jLj c£si_ <^-2P ^3—^ t::) ; /•■ u\. T'rj^ . / a. (£i-'^!--iGAj2^--£-^^ / "^C./ '” “r' ^ Ci^z^L- G e. cLt J -/■V ■€ ^£ul, CL^^ _ ‘>t-TX'_^t-'’ C^t^.aJ r; 9 . .£ £ ££ '£zr-£i A: ^0\JL^Y2e. a. 'O-z-^^ £ /3 -w^ /A ^ - n .■/ n — v/t \. 4 L ?c^ 'J)-e ^ ee^ ^ t'^ /^ '" . 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'T^TZ-Y^y z^-zyi^ 'Lyyi^ Y—y-^y-' <^Z''^'^'Xi__^ ‘Zyt^y^YvLyxy- Yc Yi -iYc l: ^ ^ ’Izz-y^^y-'iyct^ Cy /C^ y-e c / cJjL ^^-cyu? ayi ^h^yi , ^ __, ^ cc^ c^t ^ — ^ c c- £,yy~'^y^^ ^ y‘~^ ■e^ Oi^cyf/L-^-y 'l^ , (O ^ciA^ ^ '? yy^ ^ ^ '^cuyyx^pfy^> ^ ^ yy^ ^7ltr^£yv.y^> ' ‘'^''’'^-t^ y-^ ' oyMyt^i,iy<- ^zX-^^7 ■ey- yy^Y^ y^lyy, ^ ty c/^yy /y^L^-^c^ pi^i^y ^t^iA-Ti^^T-^y ^''^w ‘^' 0 ' 'K Z.CJ2- cl^ . ^2<^c''‘uz^ / ^ (^'' ^ c^TyuY^ 0''i-'l,.,-l/^ , c^ ^ C^iC: dic^ d<-t t^<' ^ ^ -t^ ^ /^Z'^ ^U,d /cC-'k ^ ^ e/-7^i^ uS^y^ ''T-t^y^ -t>t-''y-y'd.-^,^ t''^'d-^y2- / ^ lyy t' ^ ^ dt- L 7 ^ ita ^ pi Wc' K^^Pej -O^t Oi-l^'I'I'lA^ , j7 ^ fp-€'L^ J'pl'^^lLCi'-} 'J -£ /-^ yU^Ui.^^^ ■ £i,9kePr' y uL/t-y^-^, fA^ aa p<: P:,.U. j^fv^My -^^; A”^' , -fy u^ A: r? ' yii.1^., ^ XX. 4^ ^ ^ ^ xxxx'xx^ ‘ A w^^v, ^y-Lyi Cc X[ c ^CArC-Ui~<^Pr4 /(Fyp -'^Xc / '2<2'i' CC- 'L't^i ^ ^(H'cc ■tLt^'^-Vt^ y ly^'l^y'yLS ^ AA/ ^Qy^yyAiy-^ A P/h/ . J)-i .r^62<£-, yz}-i{xL y Cix'Atyji . oXX^^ 'A i^ f'Z(x/yh (A-T^7'n-e,'-ijzAj P ccAyky.t-i^P cy^i^yk—tjz^ £^ -iy lA^t-ixz . Lczi-'i-y ^ o^-i^iAi ^-e p-yAA Iry-iAi/ Pxpy OplyiZL C^^y y 4'X"Vzii,-tA/'L^^ (? AA'f'Z.Cjy ^ Q P^'CA^pAyy^'^P£ . '^^u. 7 X : ^ ^ ^ipv^ c fzATAA^ X-* ^LycAuuc-c-C ^ ^£>i-t /t tyyciy Qjz^i-i^i^y-ciy^ /Xi. / A-sv -yiAu4^/ -X Ac-^o^y py p-}Qyf~PiH'ippey y-eyvA apjzy Xa-2^ . (P^ jUctAjL XX XXXy^Z-syXzA e>Ce& I'y ryyL. pA.yyycy^ ePy yev^iAtepyy. J ' ^yfUzhjL. pUlA O^L^~ ^ 44PAy.LAJC ‘l-JPpcM- PP pPe^tM- 4 cy^rfAjL cyPU-^pjL Py? -CPJyjp h^\ X . c/f/Lo^^ UceoLe^iA ■ 9 } '’■^nLii<^ ‘^A J 7 /\f\ ^Vy ^ V"' 9 ^-U!^ I Pln'V^ 'ti''. ’n /y jV^ -^^27 C o 9 L IAAiJ.VL') I -tJL-^ ^ ,t^ \X- C-i-L'iJc ^ Ji/\rC ^ — V ""iJi. ^ Ci^LyU-i^/-a^'/^,ij-^^^ M-e^ J-cXJ X'T^L-t^-T'-i^vi^/^.-'Ag^iy^ a^ux.,^ ^%2V^ - ^ P to . J C a pl Ja. ^ ^ e-c < c/J-<'uPAe cUl 0 ^-,-uL ^_y. -j^;,j/>-^ ^ ■ C^U-^I^A PL'L'i^ c < ^-< ^ ^-«--^ -SZ ^■i... if^C'-^' ^■■* f- V’ ^ ^ .g^y _