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nea RAAB y '

Chin (Uf, dee. 16tn, 156

Sereno Watson,

Cambridge, Mass-,

Dear Siri---I have written you twice in regard to a position which I understood was vacant at your placé. As I have received no reply, am entirely at loss to understand the matter.

Our P. Me here is a very negligent fellow and £ have come te the conclusion that he must pe at fault, and so [ am going to register this lettere

If the position is still unfilled at the Herbarium, will you kindly inform me what the remuneration is, hours of work, ete. { refer you to Dr. Thurber, as to myself.

Trusting this letter will meet with wxkn petter suecéss than hawelits predecessors, [ remain

Yours respectfully,

Aes U. Gtoate.

P, S.---Have you heard anything yet as te the Botany of California? Can you tell me where [ ean procure the published part of the Synepti- cal Flora of N. Ae?

eg RNR ae


Chin UJ, vee. 23rd, FS

Dear Dr. Watson?- Yours of the 20th inst. at hand. It was a surprise to me, for [ had given up hope of evor hearing from Cambridge

I note the contents of your letter. The position [ thought Was vacant, and for which [ applied, was that of “subordinate as- sistant." I theught, however, that the position would pay more, say $15.00 per week.

While my knowledge of botany is not extensive, yet [ am not entirely green in ce natte [ have ofjcourse only had opportuni ty to study local bot Jlaces in whilch £ happened to be. have spent a good on i ti ime, however, in the past few years in this way. [ have spent all my time outside of business this year in the pursuit of botanical knowledge. As [ told you when there, f have been overhauling Dre Thurber's Grass Herb. for him, having spent on an average of about three nights per week at it since last Aprit, {t is certainly very complete, and [ have profited a good deal by it. My botanical experience has been almest entirely practical. I never made an herbarium until this year, so of course have not had any experience in mounting specimens.

{ studied Latin in school some eight or nine years ago, taking a course of about 23 yearse Of course [ studied as a sehool boy would, but [I managed to imbibe something of the construct&en of the language, and I think I could piek it up in a reasonably short time. Greek I never studied at all. Frene h for only a very short time. German, however, I have done wore with. I can speak end understand, and fead and write it, each to a certain ex- tent. How scientific @ferman would go, however, I do not know.

{ might add that I follewed stenography and typewriting in my father's office for several years, and I should judge that they would come in handy in the position you refer to.

As te my ambition, capacity; and “material" [I beg to refer you to Dr. Thurber. He can answer such questions better than Izy as his wide botanical knowledge will place him in a pesition to see and understand desirable botanical traits in &M an undeveloped botanical enthusiast. sie

{ was born in May, 1864, and so will so@n be 26 years old.

think that a fellow of that age, if he is worth anything at all in the position you refer te, is worth at least $50.00 per month. A man of 25 that eannot get that amount in these days is net worth anything. You can find out from Doctor whether I am worth that to you er not.

Can you give me any infermation as to price lodging in Cambridge?

{f £ seeure the position [ shall of course take itwithithe thorough intention of learning all [ ean- A man's life ant time are all together too valuable to be flitted away. Each man only has a few years to accomplish a thing in, and it depends with him how much he accomplishes. {f a thing iswworth doing at all it is worth doing well.

Do you still expect. January? { am anxiously awaiting its arrival. s®on hear something in regard to the Botany of California, as [ am

of board and

to get the new Manual out by the Ist of I trust you will

very anxious to obtain’ a copy of it. Awaiting your reply, [ remain ‘Yeurs very truly,

Pees ee : J none kes pan les tok ae Sra Sm age

Tee baweteensy ay obs ier eae ame maka ela er Wann tte ee VY I

eh ws ae . bale aeror foo wae Hh uw a SR ae ie

fp lio hese bet op emne Write} aD oe Woat- d maidimiaieomammne camer hee

br wT 4-8 meee hienr eg ag box pit ow I ae ie ga als

car Dun. Toptaan : wey footy te sag icon ap es aba 4~ Mawt~ St Hama a Oey see

ew yo

wotlk go eth oN I ho

: Phew 07 ore

Pam She will fo-JI A ive baw If een ore ieee at pet ¢ Lh Lia sgeelvge | Beg riata oi ow

PR Ae a. Phe achior nehid ir te | ae wae ee [Fraeeed A 7 ene | a 7 ee 2 I Bade be fovetan—S. eet CO gel :

: Leer$S oe bea bere Le yall, ange) pt tas.

yar Qo See eh Les seo &~ fector O~ phe pete tt, ba arunvt~ cet, —— 7.


See Se

Chiflen BRS, 10. 13th, —_ /d#0s.

My Dear Dr. Watsoni--- Your letter of the 25th ult. came to hand. LT am just getting over an attack of "La Grippe". f am sorry your letter failed te ach me the first time. It was properly aidressed, and should have ceme all right. f waited fer it, and when I did net hear from yeu by the Lst of this month, [ concluded you did not accept my offer, and so

made arrangements with my father for another year. f am very

sorry the post office authorities blundered se, for if had re-

ceived the letter befere the Ist, £ should have accepted the posi- tion at even $40.00. {t is too late now, however, and there is ne use erying over spilled milk.

{ find that I need hatin in order to properly carry en the study ef Botany, and so shall ef course acquire it. If I fina I need French, I will ebtain a knowledge of that language alse.

[ trust the Manual will soon be placed befere the public, as it is a much needed work.

Anyfnformat ion you may have in regard te the Betany of Cal.


will be acceptable to me. lL need the book very much in my study, and trust I shall seen run across a copye Of course [ can use

Dr. Thurber's when I am down there, but he lives about four miles from me, and it is not very convenient to ¢o way down there when I

want to look up something in that work..

Yeurs respectfully,

Chin (BJ, roeir Sth, 7fG@O«

Dear Dr. Watson,


[I have some sad news to comuunicate to youe Dre

vc fal 7 r v V re, . * . Thurber died on Wednesday morning, and was buried yesterday. The body was taken to Providence for interment. been suffering with an attack of rheumatism for some-

time, as I wrote you. { saw him alive a week ago last Sunday for

he last time, and he appeared to be much better. Last Saturday,

however, his mind entirely left him, and he began to mumble a lot of unintelligible sentences, and from that time on one faeulty after another left hir ntil it ended in death. without a struggle. He was 68 years old. I thought you would like hear sane of the particulars, and sO write you these few lines. Sineerely yours,

Y : oe Ge


‘Chflun TY ,—April 13th, 7f@0.

Dear Dre Watson, Your letter at hand. You ask the extent of Dre Thur- ber's Herbarium, and what dispotition is to be made of it.

I have just returned frau Mr. Woolson's, Doctor's son-in-law, and he told me that the Doetor had willed his herbarium to Harvard Coblege, and his library to his nephew, Harry Woolson. Of course I do not eare about myself being quoted as an authority for such newse This is simply what Mr. Woolson told me. {[ am very glad the herbarium has been left to Harvard, as all such herbaria, as valuable as the Doctor's,-should be left to some such institution.

herbarium is undoubtedly very fine and complete, as te North American forms. The rest I do not know so much about as I did not work in it at all. You will be able to judge of it, however, when you get it there.

Now f[ want to ask you a few questions. I need some botanical works, and I intend to purchase them one at a time as I ean afford its Where can I procure your "Botany of the 40th Parallel", and "Dr. Rothrock's Botany of the Wheeler Survey?" And what would be

the price of each?

< }

ean you tell me a good work on the Musei

[I would like to look into them a little. pre-

he Manual of North American Mosses, by Messrs-e Leo Lesquereux

Thomas James (referred to in the Botany of California) has been published. If so, can you tell me the price, and where I can preecure it?

Awaiting your reply, I remain

Yours sincerely,

DL ee Le eee ane

pita Dee eas Sie


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pel foro haw Con

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‘a’ Instore naturelle,

fi? en Drffs Say ps nies Lamaez a Ce eh



Ge Mfc fa

able Shc aa ae ee A ee a eae et Vecei ee: Leite PEG be pet Bes ant sd ef & Oe ee ee PO: Re

Pe pesp, ek ha tried ‘ae Vie oa Cs Haein Gas SA a yA prow bx, 3 ey

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FE Sars i t S pibey ee a if co Poe Po Ye eee . / Se 2 Le

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TGs vue ties Byid oe aren

fp pity ? | ta , ame eae S.

Ps Lf fe, Eee

Cte Cf mene, Ptouu Les

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pi over eeepc Coy tperdac, oat en pe Oe ad

panty De pa eeece ace fied Biche fle tav Ee! aa = es me

E /

fw a : at fenri bia r < if ? i

yeas B LL, Portes a~ rn, Sey a ee hin, Geet i ee / i pit ? pA = Z ee di Cx teen art: ‘, wr fie x Gpers can ~

2 G, bo foun 4 ees! , oe Ce ae : v Ai oA Leves Oona Chis as cag = BF ee a Poe iene Soe a rr 1962. Vb fugut. Yolo Ae dex ine Bak Ate Pree ES ale tine ee ag nee‘ wt, 4acot ~ Ae ce fecnet ee Cetfe Dy Sigh ou ciel a Vu groud ante euwKe see Pe a a : Le J amet ee A101404 fir . otfe i LA Eran rapt Behan Ae Me enme ji Sa gene Oe quer? ERO ar &


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Oa ee ee oy oo Car | a aod

putea er aes Dr, [ff creer ) qe Lh 4

Pe i ekenet. Facet an ae Aes fogeente ois Vora bts f army aes aa aihee : Cea rge, cpm i eA Bre ey me ported res Gongs tema Catz Pes kn pr Pas poor Dis use ec fat -qus fLf:

Lund yee Corfe te-FiW tf igi as acre

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pom ppt cae dfiad po bea ne Cored,

4 uae 7 ' ee nd: Ie Synene , A Sepet th ante YAO; peo he ha peg oe pee OP, Alge “G2

On 12 pve Gearcotfe ee Levee a7) atm ead oye ef Cones wir ‘fata Zz Ne pes Ld C<_ Veer i },, rae =

4 Lu L te “ner taved UA om : port

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ot (am

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f =. © egal, Nia ey enn Prete

joa amis 4 efecetl Pris ae Ze rot a & tedkgca,

ido Liye ford PP ee, Seated ps2 PSe ees 7 Le Le. Paaednd aUtbera. Lo hfe ree gear fer onnhg aA Lan pel tet, tee fore on So. aclern ALAS,

VWZZA a t 4A colle tea ete +

eae ieee a a lufo reel M a i "

Very Aub, Gourg

Ge & dalle

Cy AT Ld

Tor eye fA

ral Cart tr-Ere ed ORS Se

Mea oe

Fee pect eee DEE. 1, aN ee G4

EO, 4 Se ¢ o ; Pai Leo es pre Se ee AL poocks “z f a Le ye CHG fr PLAPre_. eA pectela 3 One atlort

tihline a fr 1 tev, 2a Qo anA , ZA fee dati agqieed te CL i, a Agie2 Give ae Lhe NRE Me DES rd f Es A Pw ag A Ae pare ; ee antinkedl ee Lena Be ie) 2 Lefora Caving Che moan Leet: eee I made Lore Ata geet Bie a ie oe (We, Commiatcnrer for the Eyfeelinn) La fearing

Ae SO ee spec Y, c ip <a je ay fr etpli Nae ay Sy el a Ne

airs) pallies Sinan ps) vA Le Cha. tfecer Z J

% G aut oeee Fifer ak Ca

frome. PeLO,.,. ff getbored Be

25qr2 Qriadcdeg k ALL, fas eae Pradee2r

i, A trad tad hog

long bon

/ oe Beanrment oe WLS MWe sre Land; LR eo eae

in Nfl b hay. Phin Llrorn abort here Hans

pone aD a-Si A ie, 4, oI of frovto ata te a eh a the 2 tramp Corda Kare Seems A eS fork Pao ae Mes for hae, Prsv, While. there cals in ty fp forend rah ee ee flord yoy ie Behl Li pro Che toreg te ie Belt PN: eos ther, a ER Ran Lea eee. O A fred Bb Diaitroot. pare OR Geek ars

among Lhe prored (ote gragnetiad, baa

yy 7

un tlocm an Jay. {243 gre por Sintan Fees collected. Lact July, ye Peta ae ot heal. Ly 4S LS fond alot hers het Jub tL, De Lovietek me a oot, tae, Se hee EP sire Wiens a the 2.2. Diack, 59/0/23 are <rom the Loy ee LAE, 1 J forenk im (a thay 2a VIne. near, perce ge Nr /4 J ford grows atoul Vout Con, a fi eile /é, MS Cod

Ge Se tere ees or poly, Se ese Ce aN libs fer. cn tloormn ae Lon ford ae ee fos See. fecr water fern he alee ote et

in fabs, [8 04 om lve ine at BL eal ee: HES sak Baie e long hoof fore LT, U7 glows on the camGey land here, in flower Dhaorgk fut, 20 ty ge my Ok ie atte Jf frrrel ore. efecemen ina felh- Ker2e Lact pty. 2/& 22

Are fowrel Gay Moe depice ATL eivins wie lowe 23 Le 6 ee gteaf fe ne Let. blew eng in May, Lee Eee PPS 2d fGhrnvee f tending!

CNS ee EVES OE Hous EES ies

Peep. Verena Walon Da Pe Bee geri yor Care vin Pie OSE sag ox Toor ere Zh ae may fre dite? PART Sh ge an Uwe gibi

C mia Co = ie Chee - Gear; do eA We cb fe

Logid. Dt: EO es A eur Ag ata bcfor cot- LLC es oe Oe a tye ae Le wae jul Ae es Cenk. rf Sy hitiche be Afow ee Oe CF

eS eee 8 LAL ya Hirt brwcr., CNS ee lacling mae, LACES, gen Te DQ A+ lacey Z enetne opie Chaney he Aye a a ear fhe - AL pam NE A re-

Cot A820 Leg

ze X we rtp SCO nee ALBoVOy »

a yo w / rh tAE COR jo nee eee


oo ier ay. aed peas i acs Gages oe

tr” ahher7e , a Pn aysken me


Woop &? Linked,

Laat eat ew la dra SUYA,

2. £L. C. Akadewne dex Toatusforsehex

Breslatw, den fay Ay. Ve ioe (GA

Lnnegpe ing! ric ely vy 3 saleomny wf wet hee is Gh an ga Lam hridye Y

Noth bret

Jur Aas schx werlbe Gischenh, , welehes hee Ls One e Sek ae Prd fa Bigtirn 2 der Chademie dex Nealurforscher wel: Prt ery povien" Vet, 2 soa ee fut ee G tifa feneiing LG

gemacht Ve os y cxstille uh hievduch wun BPoamen .deeses TInobiuls den a / /

werlim La chaten Dank.

Deo Qedsdent der Akademe.

ay me = ne yk

wa oe bi ays ar 3 woh a wwe fon? ree ais Cbbidie re, nee peda -oaciagias | rete Aine fi tn Hiren OP yeti hepseg grote

gated a th ek poet ae jog a eae a ed: snl, terete “sgt hepa le se VA Ae Virtherge tog" L242 eae ye aA fk torphifen a fmt

Mp of Ir Senke cts

F, vd v

Dey Ads Grey, Coie sponding Cine lary oF ha CEE ere Lan Leow Tomy of arts oid ee LN CLE :

oosl on an I Combed

0. Thins, cuss ls me, ome de athens mokicest. Had I hminn, Hf Lo ome

A nen 6.ceclodenlak vamiel, for Ce Phe. aa Ug Lf me. fre : amare ol rmanah 9 by Wri faus gf Ev Qneot phasle amet fresce tee fly. fermnue chs He, toa. wery Tra flny Cte. Kites. his, Fab I rr ik Aan g

frac olen oko etyensot o£; oleh splits ery casting, a Jom alway chiar. i He. pmerert laifle corm feat: ak sincenmec ng for Qf planta wrth am cbhar ,

ith: Trina oh /pesfirck (Doel Apa. Gira

wae i, aaulrrcles Ae

shes ei

bd ds Seo. 29 en. SEFC.

eae SL J, PAR Pee De ce ect. oe shel of Ths Ah; Ueteceasr , feranol 4 our. U0ll on. hi fewwees of Arachet

oH cuieaanmepae: Ce I hank pow, See, yf or

i, : y Jor uthieh. Jom wmuck ca aap la cia

aed jee Mra g hh" before Whe. re caterd Of as foun sles Aor ea


7 as welt, or > Fhe fr Ly Lrante arr | bins a te whch hehos

acteincw Ce ckepot Aes icant, is ex. Billore- SY Share. Got lo fe ATL. in " Ahr. Ptem fear, tdheo jfk © lo Whe Aspne of Sry th rine Whe ited chaste We the Le spams of he


ee ob L% oe i 7) Lahes cel Ae Avorn as Fh

ae - ee . tLe. #28714 Ore fit Abin COMA £09 fhe

Lofens ae 7 Lalyt ff tomelia liabe Lo AS , phot durnter, Piet feed ATBiheL & ; Thee. wabues alt. Fhe uthcle. Dock he hawines 6

Somes toa tyerlemect. Lo Ha afet 8 Mr. 4 bina from Phedgitge, ne, lhect, Fhe p02 0k wrenr bres Ak ncantel - Letatale Ha dad

phonelk no bbpoliliin @ oftem cent Sasset hese a homolfil .

| J fe ? Shera et : : Vin dajar Pounce Arie: Mgrs trial vi Etexelizire, onet prsimes. Pao

Ps é

Vato Ch42.cheA he ere ak hibadwuan lai beady Selelone ete. Linas, ue A. rtd Le Jats: oo

vn Te. athena J ssc Cone, Becca ate foe oo vhs Ze

" umatte b foliow malo auebprk an: mach aeseeuf pe Ditok being They wlaalion on Ain eli nes Lond antnec perch for lxeforaet 2allize

7 args. authene Thine. (te genelehames Y yeltng Lun Phot mnuch cae At. c conpemlicnetle Lie (hak wrnlel reblroin sient 3. mn -

ica (a Tisaions he gn ense, Ai Seis Arhitis, mheete Fak Lele Mh bogyan ashe és 2:.- tb trelicar tH gesiVainam lrmerren, athe goo hina feng Li etay Gace pat iyi, fool ONE TO B refrarm one (ff whakevuntries Ue Dpcfore Gucarmale, afnom be 0. malin, Pourn als 7A tam be calhinect form Thi flaw brtameat, works thee Yi opuep or Lomihach ere a Came fet ee LOL pupfose Ta heed so mabion of putter, Unncler. Waki, bre Mrielts ppecting, anal rbffn as Vawilemiubad eedcwwen Flaca a

pret The fel: ; cb meron /oenchiilel im Tax ovrvals. hatin, Un euLeiva~

Aol Anale, La utheoh eh atmort-rnelusinels Com pineect. iL One bon

BR parre / ing a, a: thay liing Plant rn. Wek ry ack dente

ln. a. anicin tlh, of festale Share ham. aeguaiin leon he lant: olt Py Lfe, amet Fier pont-oecancling cha deen a had peliy Ups. coal rhpermalion mel ray Mn Beorsce, Gaut-Ln bbe at pe ta 9p Alakes , Ihave chalki cnguirect of Ue ota clr ethonn Shaniead Le tnet-on welt ad Tans tthe Stkcight night Gar One. Cnforres, Tien, 1 Th dub ject tut Shame mortimneten lhe ts rian G2 ile fact attenolect. be matt otale.tuthas obpennielina ntcxinete aceool a com. When mew Lanols ave cleairest lof Koloes molt Fegyin a ahfasn anil, amoptcermments, corThin. Wren arfren Sp ad amet, ao 7h, Lamel cs on fassleat, Pte des Liab he rae Pha hole enemy Lmostacnt trthieh, Mer cullivate; has Loe Conlemst,, Busty cuttapalion tt abamdensstas Boom graf anel Morar lah. efacen, hate safrfaans anel in aspan ¥ alole fern. Fa aad 4 yprins fe K Me Yrrtnne Ce oxetesr

ack anol cultinelen. h ptorchin g for LinffaomrZem alrite Ptmeke wnrTa bas al Garegs accent te Su ploraliane of te ect Ver Fe Loris ciannnty, tin which pose 19 he, 0 Ibe alte feumel Ma elo Japon flower] fp flora. mearmele j-— Rae, OES my im. an ham

Arne of: antlose of He Drietele. TOP re Les Oren 2 unpecl Fae

Thee pole nl Aire CER 4 Wee batue lanis jheee. ase 7s Sore yp Mak -b

Suits timatte Le walt creny fers Va Mes Cnfinrly p felerhent 4 Comsefp fl epplorsliins fran direélinin laniliry . Srwecpt Hane mel Dre Wiig prliafaclon amumeg Fees. Fhe 1 ferwseas hes 1 plants One pomaleones Meth ts hile, af ok more 4 | alow. . lean. Barts p. 3h ¥ en, hh me oneelse Hea Shrine seen tS enennctins 4 ware Lens ieee. His never mnelinrdh

oe Dek ece.. ancl Papen concent lancad; oathan, demyte rat he

a. {Rawr He, d Mean FO Se ma any 46004 Os 9 Gann, ve Ss f Po) 3 Cr ioe ahs ay Sheer a! y, oe. anceeat fa. blot: PTS ene eoapea ne. Cheek grew awhil" Mea opel ecloaivily mele, Mase oma ain cng Thine, achilas- at, atrvcmol they Wverre. (us amet ot ote. phet-one Me ban cotoutry 0 eethue Dike lun flanté bering ¢ Gh, imeleck Anuimel Hx ectys ff Hi floeyf whit flmuera. Fertet oars, forse ek Le me elicwtheree. Ae, Tr Pha jaar or Wa ak orincsen, nL _ Cn face ctree Hh nity fllaceS Wer. Pan Qiarh a Ting. Aa the beste om, wecotlection, Birticcts oFhin otiffereneg. mn Tix, plarle er Cran hoes. any yreduet trams: Koon tr colour. of Hh Lowsed . A, pucles abaee Goliantos tw Hadama. poms pears pliner Yrume.

Mn one lacatily Ther plant bearing yoy oe berugult Zoratons. Jai

Bee Bees He. SES C fever J Lee. pyaar mine pe cetutd.— ik cOtizest ice LOR clately fer Atcremel Me.bdor, Pali a ieee er nhe: a stp canefal le ot, Cach diccceding dunes, La er however atheHhaa tee Le PGE SO ig ae me lLinfordaner ffealt, Afi tn rahong. amcleestarol diniva hd cl dene wnttofrchensene pelelive pees on a hii Ghia. Het Tes Aaccuant


[Pee gf cack Gramch 06 toon. abel to oewclekect, anelasecack dune Lanes

afin ancFhen., LLL lithe ile pauTh anot flaring are stip feck b fret Benen te camnewrthfirfriely taste ff iff and Cour acts tr. Phe sense, Ln Ea Ae Jha ox fo Lon ahak-to ae anh Le Lag ane ne fairy Ae 0 few arene mney be aan ke ol am on. Ths Cowra joo Jae. ler Le farming of pus pieclneee ctr La fou Mae tb beara &. adver tren, rom Seas GF 2 branch. lo Jae Than egeftal He en lretn.ceeLs, ware hn fruit> Ccccred lef anol lf fufect Cops ancl Lif Mercttfecl. drune le Unofened Luly, ashok. hawe bin bifipeed Ly froat; tetuthich tints have farfercld Jr fee via grat; Ja Th Wry furor hptecinen Aint yom, Ceteern uf cn Lech J hase. Lffaa ay ile pellet ant flows Lae a flew urcks wots. hone dhewr fr °, 4s anaes Liaw fearot Lave dfecitens Pha Mey a tithe Lesh te. subject. Lye 6a a er Mace ot, flora hat hoi fallin fon Can Headrty

dee Je crloe re renet-of he lew fant 7 The. Pe Me Urey ee ie

io tly afk actherins be, bulrmnt connecter wilh The joints of hes falilizs ) acclolent- has mere abitil, Ce dinrtatainelisrr dean, Kael. bxklopen.. Ly Se in flower, Thee Posie con coat forts Ural 0 anel trrtla wos ote The flower, tathen. Tiptree. wes fractile Ht, uit Ce yranin a Lensfhoniing at jor dee tn dearch See EO! ee IM treanines The oe Aca honule ae

Cith bri

h 7 ane suck fo rae) fle gre fa a sie 4 Fhe TK lel Lin. itsad guastion Z +

tf $ Cuil Leno} pulbege e helo $e pohises vie He. fuovels.nteshiis cotteclines YY

anel werneters ok dey folly | Inet recive ras pooper om. Phe “Salialiaa f Werks ff MN Gite uth. tn lereatiae prs onot for tlhe 4 Sar nuk ctlispel Lion ee Proms ae ash ofr Dar brioty a:

Dati be

G ft) y Deck. irre dpLeimend Pe tive

fi r fa) Yo , a ve.) Ldecrnaibea Sea (Kee. £3 SIZE

te Dak Ar

4 y Z (pours of Fhe tt teal. (sab path odie Jel nee abscence shom A 2

( Aourr. Utne has foresenledl.r% £ aph cian Perper, Hurl 7 eee is 7°07. se ee: ae a Ob tes pe oy frawwer Ls eolleck: ancl wie fol nag 5 sar Mec leak. G (gnahiag rl oe Tila ge ars rlradlaccact flan pujhr.o4 Te

(ly aust tren a


4 Aone santas. ny atpetvalicre Me ane jnalliiy heen, le tar Mihaiofifan

ae Once act spc omen nts of barn «oun turtel pLarLé te hiwk Aare Li lebAle ch ne Www yy

2Arot Fy Lied ge hate occadien ae eS eS IF arent

Maes Deca oes oe Be cies

aoa Pa ae énteee

Gok b iuhar fracke 3/* A gor ney defect, | SEE SS J 7 ieee meee fou force Fetus i 2 iicien Ol puna -antphain b fas ctheck he Phowgk toostnnss. Plat he let pie th jhet ba oliinstist, hay parionrna este gee nce eerinancale halen anf Te, plant pare farkafe @ De soaidiett che nig on aD) Hein fot Y Mis ea, hitaM OO eas WL ue gel Dome pe ae hist ave. ccrnlet hehe. MTin.cte0-tellanc ssaneniy been: Nee hi Lethe D ree carmela , Mea sao Sy or ot herve ions On ck "saa amas 7 gears frasl, areas Malet Cnty frmaen Teta ited frnsos’ aasre cr wrlel ofttrn wrroels Ware uaa tes fs Les deol frumol

Sorex Hoag a Softer

pe Gein Thanh fi Gee eo Me ecren aueceeclecl mn

y feat: LL Re ree

Le prl Lonoke a ak oll foffee as ed: ee

Hat- Hirt ie of GIA ous te fr fFOPe ae: le dines 2 oes, haak Be


a fscfile neore Chive hited « tee abe I sei hie BD twas Hi eomemesre guna VEROS POs flim anal eee La fea Fhead, MI: al fnakons can ke not fir ek anol te Comer & Tresancl ifas molan Cn trv aiccesl flank Or Mh. pth cam. it eles - dt aclially 2.maLive ch fercserle an (inane ia alee, Aisin Jha ae = Waly ir hig suck hea ta recunest Laine. amel Mak cl Imighl be he thee Ue cows or Hs pesol were Ying berm ane Mn he. ea.nTh. latathim We spina,

G cleaning, ancl cuklicrre wes é Ars o a. con clikin Lo farrrue hein. Ze goth SAE NE ae Then ar mre Susticanes le He frase J

am scribes (orm foerscnak sbanvalizre Spresumme hevserns ey, olin, as

ha hog fot iy a


Yi eta te Le.

Leaman commamty ealtn: byes nee Sen A Maitecn slotline

> oa aa he

Cine bogs Com pin “eel bak Sik Hix realex ante Har

eo Bik ped citi eth atlan ge ee eee nie Mera carefeth anel,

a Tee reull.. Lf Te male in lam l Hak here Mmereatscl tn. mumber,

nee aad, an She pt ‘B02. 4, Pee Vicente Leen ec. chamcecl Ly tar, Pr OO aes v7,

pas prawn ten. Portal Me mnosl temeantalle ra for Mt tfireach theese. Ya


Canal hernia i hints 7 aa Lene. cles lees,’ uthene Whe pol cb forranel fan

ohanolemect LO tmnraneck

VU go olubt Heo. are

G unl otrivom meh Ly aus dpaete. cher,

ae howe fae leviet ti. tha porcHen, BOLT covers at Bele disitise cake loyus ERNE, TD, anel mereace arunel amd Un Cllr

ane rity been eri oke a, The Pcolra fraser ! : Deng ncereoy/ Yin. hy Gurntd

teins bills fle anol ob heft

rol Letras OnacMt be hreacte cul.

4 Behe cla, flea Meesaie aeguarnlect en Th wfack altars Mar ew fo Gre relalive


Va cee higgfere Bonolivcane. (Actin) a commun sc he wal ox

urrects, 1 t fea fle tn rte fale Gf Tou L Diresleene Seurgia. ade pit eh": water

epelscin of Fhe enotie I. limeLoria., ho fhe fede. cam. hewainect wntA LIME cane

or Lr trle., Weenies yi @) off otcneg a helix, Cotoue Anet nee, peadan Lense v

ete Ae curoks anol cotkecl itr sufficient y anes ZL anowen ale Thaxs

4 , a = = ee Y Hes fast gemcaclls ens n-ehelurle condcheat Ci ftecn tn vA y ‘4

a for He cored g tin of tea frp Lineight tring obmle Se chamse mM isons a cou nbn, 4 remolen ines tee Ostend rad Gf linc Arai atte b ne bra Se. tia lhcb. aire uorTiliff for - iz oe sie: IPA we een ee cunly, fiaefle (aos enna Tha, Ube. HED 2 Lae bach le fe) off iz Phra j farts ta foros iyec 1G Malte Be ete desl pats, Peak doe Ae an ale heareclie Felt cot v4

tania Pathe Comes of Wa fry type titel Le a Wte ih Lye, caling the busta ane hiaaten. baw of Ht 5 owns Vensthdas aire on lirel, treet fa Hat Phy ure yen pe ta oad We Wat Genet 9) po nel’

ey Gare iia: we pejoterr . fitful herpiees ohne erage? ons « Dye

i sath lane Een LM san, 78 Larnesice ile oor’ Gf ter

4 Sige parc fle /bu tobe Lyon casi pelle TM & MUttth Ge. Mt Bie Ap

arises fre The chilbyrond ese: ng efor ccteusing Te Phe ep ihe Malaga regent for Mad PUY eS oe ay Pay ee rn Be ge? anes al

ln ba hain rye = Lelie case an nela url be S din fifi car

de (relies obtieg Ven be real iilereat ¢ Lt celle cling deech. Thingy

ba gs ancl clrawhte clry —~ clOu fa asecl ad thee orale an, amienke, La whe es heel. Caneatnacat Vast colsc: ag Lellar rn] nore fuarennisnl an Mako Fa igor Preise Heal a yvins goin c Ly wnle 90 father. Lt. Po reali guamlet, Gf elation sorn ; ane. Wal Yan Unreck tre gure WK rhe pre lal Buchner oa They ane in Ihe habit culties Pre. 4 fous Lincs Mm Jha. ; Amal bcallin Amine comvententl: las = cnhene Linnrte ASOT At. At blo suf, Pm fd a beries ff Ay crmelnrlicl €%. 2 Co. Mice Lith eo atlas a hal Wak. Pheea Pe a be cateleat. Uh Rex forefilatth. emf -g/ Th Sut wnifheTen greet pawanlon. Yh. furabel be fired crot on Lam als qurwsoale t % AL sal forony Pha furrfon. Dok Ahn b, ry ~ iar Ses farcl- bandibricle LMafy. ae /4 Ke ) ie adler sae


/2 fhe? i J uller. Vis Lo, a + WA

“y “He fesinomy cu las SP esas vee Pe cereal, ra ad

j L A 7.

asuok geet Dpengen 4 iateia ise te: lest 0. real : d

tie Hie olf ferent fans anole which dma : ent Lil, Hore: Ra a Voted a a La musk be He tibersscma fushercant. leat Me thames ane furficll; booth or oT peurfcer, OCW. a areal ores hemecHl Ie He ely fotacs. Ihave bean cl; itgrasrs abr wo Aish, fosraiing a Ameatt Locket ona. otek thacty Aes Macro pmale alreen Leaves ound, or ovreky obtorns flocs sly nto, emake, aonuuhal acuminsle, coarsely areel Crrrgubarl, olertalr ete Wrpiccata oh molt hasel lak Tee fruitonanely youre J, biffops,d muck centcfirefteet, ceraey one cre pele tur lhe berm Line cp linclat ole fircfacona one We other. frrrenting bch. on effescorce as we. omesht aea.scnably pufifrose tern lak octal forcre Cn gata chr 2% dnuek compre facet, oh fle, Zan gromsecl on cre acele, Cdl, oéalges) on Hea Han” Lat Ma facies & tocct tn Me. Hb. atten la be cenfereat le Het Areercelaind ancl. Mid to another. Urolle,

Acellerct Aas oeaes Meh rb

. ea ve he lanl of 0 Wadimeskene. acthich. Sieber tiles: a yang ay of Sentra J omuet Tare Grmusing, 1 fl oma sel Fennel Het haat ben. 1 era

eal, tn a Yor Tins tuck focplact te olelikanures lo uhehYfacus lk belousect er Oat eri a et oety hanse. hast ot Ahoasre dh. is re Caf ty which Micfeae Keck ofarect Mec cen lve, fralin - pesoer ext haere Thess trectol hams 00 tuck cr Ceconecin fake be ltt, lrostlafl fy, cbichotoromes comes JE: bibewi sunablinfiect ct behonsp S puffope tHe syne ae 62 urclaaolreves ~ Tr ypinous - ca fdute anenlramous iva, entire ets sence foram vouspursal- He Date fils F- Sag mate. Cole cubfrrn Hee yfersineteed ao ERR: L loth ire lower

aot fraud df ee ft. see Colesnnlies aes oe Tees tani Za ge Mi

UL, Staten bh cwlate lack. nee oer Meh, Tie uacieu Aa os for derce fast Las bas. confessing, Hox Hive Cobrrebas LE an Iran onyuuaintis wither ct; ant Hal of Fhe. theater South perl. anet onan ltt fo ki flreder laa Biaactng ie a. dual laokes frewertedt ny asking pe cornpasiven as for. bbte- cle pomclamer- A sprok ica pet liaine floret Leatreed uf Ahaie Hea Sterner orhaaret of else Where tie. Gerrycnn Faso Lill: vegpaintia wx fhe lee sage Sees Sete Krew a siucfe ipaciaa of He ixfecwnly ofa fl Mee. The ha

Rie ie Iie eile tu lais ti aint Loe fe Wrens the Pr

fralustrd ance 2 Lazete...v. beliaplyltn. lus. one I think lar orVirin. thors but I paper avante Hum ool, Ona 0 pheort Cha furs maritenadtat Diced. conend, ore) Ci a tedeadte borelanvi, re Hh river whee Thc pont is consfeopeot.f Va bills of grote

che queks. aneck which occas onal, hy brie oie She Ha Lores lef

Fi he OWL ¢ #4 Tea) cH

Bee oaks, Heb awh am wie eA: laage foresl eb hiemcnapa jegit ean ia

drow. Rial aia omits eran lining, tomar lore age ed Has histones Mn This Pepe wre ie. The hab lF wacts Fhe, Jn oligyfere re Mm flocs ha vA Lartidios a chose o bit-¢f coltin ane ffemtiin Hat has beer lyse eee Sets : olal. urves 4 patos Has decode, Whine

Mie. be. Che Prine al ela

Fa colour hetus orrel - Acure ees ha fuusomss o greenih Liragen whem Lee cle Gf ert colour ch-a Mam curcllact by Pha ancbolilern of » erate yuasZily of f frome smoot ashes orcot alltinwrest. lo pelle chan. Phas owelix

4 . 9 : becom clear Lis POURS fpf met colleclak ulin Coaree

hauler | Seo, furs a2" wey

Cc A. D ‘Can SC


eee of 20° Aes iy Meab eCehn ol Wig nee ee vA


f 4

Wha anh. yy for PRK te feriin. aleon itfean leo Horan. ao Laney denne / ay sift eye The Seta liste wi thing re: qe Karras forout The Gackeal oa W Noe Uh Measgfa Li weal eal sites ipa Ln ocoling oe Cur htt, J, thre ote anol. colle LEAL Apecr inetd Spunet we Fockecal Ae x “a Lrux, Wa te ng Linstead pie IS. Se Sao eres burceabh nr 5, Re Brrol I Rous he howtkrt Aeon Jy etn es at eget 71 y, or es Ha plant: fesstote o 2

ng fe tig te DEN, Soe eb tse Mi

cope Goer Cac ; oe ena oe ii aa nck.

a f- , Yroclick , bie Menta, ee,

£ acy wrearoud enanteneliarn~ asda hg are. ceclatnl, oe Gale perrns Ble ceversol otha serirag lensbaoiosal annet Lrandennee trntty) olienielits oli; esface ne eS as, Orbeghaban. fey arTe Hain. Dusfeces phsplt, ola is _difern wy tosschefories Ma pa olpestiascint hk Thalia yaa o Ue ban, es oflgflacess. Via fuanrer. per Ha fldwers eo denieted, ex

fromelact Ew) ee aire Fe. pe Meat ealndgs Ma ftcteyernasnle Mie ee Asa

Herm abnrnapt Che peck. « al ote hich f Ua clay aed: ane ae eae ff

ff 4 SF dornrel fr Vg ae octn feu b benrta0 goVhensct L ‘6 “e's Chadd Mhicch. Pha

prey yay Lares Teese: Phe Aetrw 7. and iwi math (Seatafas ne Ths flowers lon of f Sean. Siesta () cn obriect pormexthere,) Jha ¢ aul,

Hae Sean finer ed cy Baniguslfelinine Mircea. Dita hae

Aten one fo beffen. gird urcled , Polis. Malin frsses by Meee ML, (AA.


frolic un (Ae anol ge nara offsarance te. Foner tn, Lert Ed Cn th. dsedan,

a habia. Vode tile ances. okeffer ines, a yrealvtial foorn Lite :

brut growin Pie Meni Iate dtadcmea tel ta cal ante amaedsel Brad lacs

1 EE eae ee = hoff Ma earseamios ures Ha creny anreaht lice Be Poa bread Cou fete Afar olagy ine Fa fate yee feof pera hee Maoh fenstasy. t9 og carpe arse bivean. chamspins, afome atlag He, Shou 8 niant dpucrmeen cic Arwer. arth Lith Janus of a ved yerwics 4 : Prive ts tasle by anol dane. ceforyon Mbt Hy bak fio fast Cele yore, Mase ohene, Tha Waren wana Tha seit pn apg ot lin of yranetic PR A yrow len jo onencte uficf Gahs Meckorirs, Brunet Ve rare onal Mateo nate

Bares marshes itn) wth thin esis, coveriies Hes array, darrecinak brosschi

ohh comae Af Hain ober a5 : gory anol, ie heals f Har fon orf. ory tae pcre. Near EThia (eons Alerf. of rst Cones a pekeorfiraed of Crrolan grout © varieus kenel acts, Micharind fans crnsievieY Hex EO lace Lee. Ta Foye poten brs ate any bons Bano, CLevleredt ae Hesaiels ve ji

bieinddias Satta lays asian ao Aoki lary ewer arenas Care ox alorvee Hirer Iss Han. Pras share FR bifferent aera anal groou/tea tele tre lace lacs Ihave fro finan wrth bans nether ptherl; Lutlennel. ee, etrcko x

nun Leork wrnlininy tir a consicurstte olagrer Pacchanacliipe Wea Gon teaatineta evmhe ea Sheer JT Mena yoo Ih yr) formes wnat of Ooltarnbea eto eiscsp pein: Boek Bens one Gelli seth Ghiteaereee caledhtiak Mafriate. df bate Prrche. cemet He ooo A tthe Lrchiz » Pee rnp Hal Tafel Hace ob nee ancl uthalen rare firerrecte. lo be gf meseck., Ba gree Legh Sel: Ae

olign e e DH: pawwhs Leaf

ims, ae f, Miah. a factr fa Me i ae y cover f Paderla, Auppomncs, Ue vg amnsfed ee as ooradlee of ffiriers tnapiotitnce le bs onypue: reek. ili o Cd. i om et Ly ese ee a chee snfiecl Gi teeic ewer unk | fuss —— arch tL. ae meand or Lane Le bpone ne orferimun Lins ees mncdlan, Heed, AE late oul ao Sears earencet feafailt be nfitrns sor: a Ar the wile pick Efi prnee olay a lear Sirf fobe -

Vee oe Sforeneicanc vrs collet per pL ara for Ler Bey of Provvivlerncs. ame. Crees behiwe L~ Te Oy ogee oe ont. - ce PS sy Oe PS ms a Ws i Marr feet cam Mae ifeeck excasatersh, -_ Mac -sar Lach ide ie; QO Oe SEY be, way Byers gh Mag ale sport a geet ore Lisi: & eons) V afi wey a 7 0 areal fact eof” anret pul euay

Que. thins haI Mink aes dbramss OT CUtcound

Oak We Pb phe


y é Oan wlrealye ~ 4]

f3ul lin foe, fasly MW” / 54)

Akan. Sear

Ve tS OE aE hcp qmnontmo

og Aacuhe ae a 46 Jor 4 Teh hina = Jind Can. Hheate 0d ff J

colle pore Liner oneol olteniticn, bp rmatel prvbe.t te betta of feate cathe cL lagelen anny Ming UeLireny frre afin Lis or porns ¢ ar Leae ht anol art Thowe oft. Hag onc cunrealele,

Fetes Lcamnol be Filet cr ami cone Hit. aloff cul Cd CURA. Cele oF

otal. Uae: VE ES of Lf our aeack ascot of ad—

Vv ;

Ah) secohiing eemliite oh POO TT ce Ce Aa , anal On es Hat Fins anallainakle on Mr havin suet Ju gq He ‘aang *F goon arantely 2 A i re : Orit Teinn, oes ya oe fre Asch og (frre du. rine Aooboey = as Aone cented, which hans Ow pose Pw) ox Vhs. Ther fives < Hon f Hay oe Wi pest lss PEL JAE, tae Cask, Can ii Uses asan arcreonenl agoteat: Hae bela f Peak Vlas Ds. | of Me mincing Vg DAL OOF oa

Gf Ue floes arhene. Hes grew Sept He fret fDi spn Lleniane Gee-

cea ofits fongpac ete f tin. Tat finan - Y Hey 2 4,

Vive olay. of Sate serine Fron. in-Shes counly ahich Sonay che (Se deste cul lo eyornene 7 ay SN heames of Ta Debume pS fe ae ye VA ore. zreteeg lar Me ol Qmol oles fo teot rise dyince! Hix. Dobeoks. eae bn asp aioe a syphilis of He Boeck scaiee To Atala tohhces: oH, He oite- of bers cLeperlaal. wlea yes of The Trish Guitlacrsth bite of lieelic Jha. Pry Sure. sek Bae Come, CNL £ Aw A12eand ¢ sees a hr.

Lope dare. jusakga heres anol Ta. M~0a ¢

ca Te oe We tote SS te of . raech, Lela. Inctitare. rlahr lend off. trie ahd ord pur Aa % ff i r i) a we. 1r-habr le vi 2 nerely tad sa cn fhe. wlel Gtrel clederlect cholo, on apes Boat hlomt is lh on ot pk ra f' . Wf ¢ Mtints ace tae see gstneltietner Ha plank befere- Wor “rad af ahr ie y d 7 roweeclaol, rer Vee. yw) cafesl Pte ey aa eakily masr AY AM ae Px: Oe Mafra Lrralo sn. Thr mot runsbeaeh AD, BD ome Piece aA be [borast fracke e vny Alrfpack. aii Ie TAs ae anal) «Pha? oe si 44 on bbeok a4 a. et picsk paelton, Pac fLart finest res Aha fosrulianlg: Ha flemus ao 4 OAR open Leaves Auch adh Phare (td ieee antenLeind. lie ee natiancdet os pal: AoAss ams but trece. Creat toy RID Cercurndlereed roFlan. fin culenes, Sit ernchose t plank; Panvoegeh ca Liecaie whl. ) toc He onl, This Sage makes I Sum correct ketaffers ontachfra FEY I

Veit lexis Gidea AAO Maks ad Gen ed RCE Lt (nat farvalaele a Hhaw

LZ eneclamck clichtaneusl, Gromehen— Siglo Shes. ott & fine Ai Se ae CIE OT cal ha fart of Ha flan Ug Hat. bom p Lina Lie bok afta. germinating Ufc baat Sematatydhs tie fordpiam. lftom. 4g omemock ons hk Wa flats or re than Pharr. r<firesemtabiren,

Kua Cramymentagner dune meal unlh ae oteacrrs folios of Taka feel”

Be PVE NS fire i. bPaakc

tn feng hea. bat Iesrset spark pula candany

Af aap ay Soel-tuki Tx oniyinck cshily of Ma Li function aucrevann: Da whan sony foal foam by Destvem, Pralibuivrs, By fare on ele au Stesrteon Mista Mantle cinta: clinbrelt gf Gams. ence Miheme belaxsn Pink Verde, Rath Feliatize corduh = Vhace foams Liat or any Brace agg azar bo aN Fibre Loe fan a0 Foam oliseover. KTH conf cree Lo one, aornaktouchy bs EA, oe ee, SE ee a Sfocrnet Lrnolinky omnony Tha. ovcke reas Ve Mmrannd. butoloas formers anor. seatlianee hog Mi. merects; Aer » fo Leylines of hes oven Ierar wamaolele. ls ay. bat Nbr tLe be frre boule 0 CLUE user KPa, Poet asian ie warn Heroes devil FEEL thins degen 4 pak hes Ovctsiendiees ona Dasiaal! ohne -

flay? gow. Lh ten, aferrines f then. Griburouun we kaw? el <8 Gauffons butovarieG of We. Di oussduars. ~ V hernsiede ff Tha flower ae phe aon onee Pratt: | ES RON Hhetfaet-

Dock Apn Fray } Jorrasin oa %

Sure My, recat eS


yy : Y, Vip mre °



/ Se e 4 oe Le bLe ELITES BE lO Aes as Me S37 A Y ro Be 76 ZL [our La V CLA. GF eure “Bl, A005 Leere Cit 2G cl pow.


j f os Wi 4 4 i , es Ae ne / y JO te ofp Cte.cere al feral Sént Chk. plavt Sd diner Cte oD yy, y, y, youl, Uh a. her venire or cole d Se io a hho ae reaersileelh apa 2

olafficctds Hi aL. Veetitat ot « i he Cc raaaeie alam ee! Bb exam~

Lite ss furBf altize dn es azole Ae ey df hate nets eC 1 aoe onl

Arr Ja Lifectien Woon. ft 4, pol he Tian. wlifcatliia bath: AAA we Cnuck ¢ nclineal a Le Ce Cecwe teat. $, PAS. tcl Weber ol tha Phone ce7+2elG, . P Y 1 /.

wae Lokiffe cult le fre cl Auch dfrcrmnerd YG ype he th. caftectes seem 4 crt

Pgs 5 x f. fates ie 4 : " os lo NA Oe ther desc Jo gern ao ts flerwsen wnrfieid..7 Aare Letkeet

al wn. ler ane ee ay, Lan hs rte VILE: rupert, fuiv errnrbenrly } Uh pl aay a fr u hen. fe 40 @ 4, Cy aire ferric Lean anelv f, en i Lie Pay Be everiaveces TEs &

oie on Rn COLL SG ae tools TS re wT, Maxton thon Capris G i < J : Mii. Wi rwuUMel aes ole chcloinrces- fiw fa foe deenelans bleu - ? fi JA “1 2 4 : eins of Fe phen, pprcns Hea Lramehas ramon cheitrelenl tn cot Herts dane - peter en faut in amaanaile felis alc Lo Fea Pao Fi off Te flan os goes Lovk clnn afro eyeneall fe petendy a sc (Peis palisiriagpaaire orfarelogranr g ule Lif Lay rn Thc z Aas fe fre of Greet a4 Len Grime, gorPepwarck - Anew we eb I, j Aecenolery oteuainee of He slinn foro en The free. cy alae f* Arete Segue A Ajpror or lacs Di RAS dye Mee SEO oy Mere Ge ae Mb Lins fee foparg Biot Mee Len 3 . olinneles prat- ol Fa errunek ane Fir. Goucher (ruek hevoreL, tic Hd Code Pn eihirte flan permnacingh, alate cafion. tee greet, butalle ) reall met frre

ie : Cau)» if d ov bert: F Ihe atin, Chere lines Aafiheirs Pit Pe ~Linnr clara ret bhirnrele imtt v

thts Mrs orf tnchas lashe tin Hs casa tn 0 (Ct. thal. Hi flan “er beeumn lof hes Aire Fefabamcanlt fale ores ce eli heck cyte Se Lov eran. of Te pinion alianbeae of We stim D) deofiparfeed 7 fame lialy oleaehofect. ane Fon ease Te meen cenerfiasG fate over arcel reala Me Ve tg Tete Spine Thien ale. uifnighE aonel He Lronches lear ff Jue EO Lendcas he rol ye oufen ~ Ite Letthide Fay werkt che . be: wy) wry ACO Ck Meise burr place Ae Tie ehobe excute day whee 4 Lyris Eee hak Tha. owed erie ee rot Gi pag Ke fms fo SF emnlooe agprccmnen J Grane Cenrebegf oleae, Ph. flowers are fh fle amot crcl wthlic 0b SLT ce. Hore. © A. ane. Sect * ay Pachnds bd Donte ita Ju en Tais of lip hack eats Fhasr. footer One gevetile -Gure£ ole. ce chinoth— bawrin, Me flasnenti ee mate anne. (ale aH: Ian fetal Atal. Aefrd. A ae I er NON “hachne folic. Pawsk, ts I prcstyy ce ny be. er Pave kKeoleret Not desea Bo agree ocunaleg arte Me laser

pur aa Lynne wFhes

J ornare baferraitinn unl over at Oh lun bus . Aeriny oeeclls Lam “4, ees -oprtlind, G ha ss bticckipne Curhenck er 7 ae Cer sa i Sie!

ANT ' Ake plonle - Cnc 5 6a Been areh. elened eee onel meta CLs

be ot fauke-


4 me Moga Lo tuwrh Hors Tain. Tho ~ Paling Flos ifs UNE oN 2 PARE OPE LA ost UP ie a 4

4 x7. F , ' Caryelot Atcrinotied Jean Mfr Jie Visreh as or « Qn. ued wee ne fenolires ce a 4

tn a mer place eee Ae duck, o> be fore Shane Spite fosne a a Huw firearnde Lal 2 Le. oteffirrnt. Head tian doy Sie Ce setig om oncnicy Cnntini Saal alt Ma leans (aces bo ox Thess sree f Pa pcre ieee. Jc Lowert=— J Wataek Aras Ee athe Ore Arran flere meek amore narravts rote Tan Sha torr efor seer «po Hee He farses oney fe amore Tate I Tah ~ at fis Geoterae Servs vot aware Hedley furan ree. labeat,. Ls oft awhile Sotiscerersnt Moccasin lt, tre Me leat faaves ve es felony Cncliariexaty) Fra yurTine hmek = mre, IHhik be tentequ iar Decne teen ce ole eioctabelt ff retlomiuse be view # f* He, ie tee ela, obsenvect Maplipule lbh afifanotagss tar Fin bode. gf Ha jLiots. ad aleberibeck en Thx dfecsis laenaneat- Gucr He Varnes, aenes, Tis unm g fubseanes berecKe the _ lelona fit pein. abivlaius ofr Peal. 5 Sm fanning Oy chefanet ore claserflames aber Saree by fo rsans confer te cleerole Thx frociets Ley of Mex fprccmeens pan ta fron « thrub in which alt Pea laalres aksene Labtel< OF dhner be core urle takin force alout-lhe je chee Tie for. Dre Ne AW Ae ome Atecl Hie Sp farce f Fears Cit fe re cewwe, Phe 1g Moree. gest Spent—Lo beruee Sy a a Aprcailen Yeni YAR H tee. (ae COL ~ naluane arubel Fheey be of Feraiee 2

Doel Hoo G yy Vigeutdten % Combriotss Ad 3 Mod, Liew ates

Basted gi o- A iibler: JLO PMR, ey = (Deon Si.

< y, if 4 a fo Uf copie a VIL 1 gotta yy Sue, Hee “teat. 24 al tanel, Faush A eee

y yA op ae Peot rams jfectes, lal t-

ae. se what rere Sihate po Cri GAL =i a hee. fe Saw fee. cinecied

ee. cotleclect jeg - : Me aide VLE) fhe bert SC eal, t. ole Sh19 20 bore. ad Lo Pe uty jwe Ake. - A hae rene cluctock Lo del tcp, ies focal sea arr me's “f Cre heed are nee fir andere least; rate) Leeder oeeff corte ie

Atich. as Ae Sem, Le. haa ay cam tthe pov, Lasled—b0

St eis etch tt Lear ale Gehalec ee cae ote es plants iy Fa evened ab hate

Yn el panna tas The fe opel pelakine. juhich yen tinsh lobed aes

CHEE gite obey’ the ie oly der Trew arole. o pon fervviins Le


Atteelrres elon O90 Gabor PT 7 UnSh,cloed ¢ wa eee: Ne Ihe alechlesl ole yree fron Ihe dears pen Ape Poca ream Loves Ahk fot that, Cnelncod nur b suffope cl: Jouky po as EEO I pike ces lant herr Ebene ag b the Zt cleveriplioms Cor bed ee Ah. hve pliner foamctalitre cre ofa. ploce peas pte: anol alae cette Maltin - Hee Iie “(ray be pelleted. about eyhnsi el, ft. Ws arty oparinyh tn ale flbes Lhe deen itcpeit athe Pliatise esthere lcd obese

clatt~, Fass Line olumn Tha rxrralen, amen Le ca

Lait A eeby Cerstoud amol ed TPE <q Jaw eLanke, frnr 46 ee 20 ad Diack tee 4 aks } *ieaidbinii Lb a atis faye Phe es a dipeoe cl & ra om i fre aneck Aare ora colle Meck a herel—

pan a fen deawes a aa ee ery Ct crasolera bi;

frm Hef oe Clrsetsetie Dpected— lee aati { te; flew eds

# are srs D, tig Lres. Fy ee React hb pes ~ he aor im

heb ceneteliy ct AES PROSE OAS ATR pects cation LL Cant Greet eg

aaa a Py eee a Sh Acltpeoles or lelltws near.cur <a Aran pS apect. alme os ce Lrg Goanet on am elovoted. lable lant. belasen He heaet dsrolers AH Tatiolisn anol Bes hhelewwalir @ Gateis 0 ha rol Peacryos fare an cl unlt cam bereversctl onli a yrolhe of ole arf ak frome, Huercus traleaber. f, ap reel omtenle Zia fosteok Duakore Ta fasbosy a fee Aslr faport Ae reales ruck Hinyp, Sens cuilesinhent Gfeuaect Hikie Ciod-tha 0 cling, Litbisiehisl Sakae Grau forball, o clezern’ Bop ns ey On: Hak Me flak oe pee oe Herons 2 hy a0 Vie Bhery flac” Poa bal He tet ca black. crrohact anol antthefan enact. cs le Wile, hes bkeny, fet Lh cightor len fest fron Mh gpovast LfeuL beeen le lores reeal,peroler Cromches Vol o,fireclirzol oyp cane res rar. oly en.» Sibaoheten Sufheartiawes 6, , Leewtlvzcaitng eG Le = el Ham. Pee abedintescacnn Seitavees of Hes CUey sehceh Aes Spcanests Phagek a firbrabte Locate es rear TES tat ford bt-

tie Lory foie of soe pine UL Feting, orl farticurtnr

: pe oun obacnveléore ) Mis n= di Le,


/ se E Pars rictes Zz

OMS oF RSI EN ikon PIAS © I AORIVG SY PANO cet tein $ Maa tM. LDtitinc tac Dorit Ne ee wes i gee— d y, oo of jt ofinon puta. Lan The. Fiplot yep) i poe pul gel g gpacimery form Jha. Laeve nes Asser omel wm: Ghd. PS NOT aD Me Lan gheciss are 60 Heo. ard ae clad v0 hes a fous of he fsa fo une Hs, Ee Whisk Pea ee Me, oe Pee waits te fetus 3 ee Meek” Lees. : be, eZ paeate cul Jhe Spee ean, BE Seg af Lea ie -oeibee ad GF Ly frclrel . A have biel one Ahortinschc af bashing Pha Lei To, aPtis Heres. fsials~ Sony come up onic orf 1b foie Le ch reasenalle. a Oi frcl thal bGitz3@e Anck Oe oa See mn clade hry ined. D ane loth rth Chea fat; A, ara aietesh (t4Ag Ye.

Vegan fy eae Peaster oS oo nats es


ary Ae OS asthotge

fo, 5 . )

four bev, 23 Som 08), C Wyens. lens nelupecl 24 Phe wie ane aon Pet co are fo fre amneadl hou aot allog, Shs ree que, 11g oleocnypiticn ithe bys peticdes 4 Heed on VA my Borns ta am elanoleat faethe rat ertheohe piantalernts i aca fa by fr cu fer Leas Althe mL Wee ae leacls Satine nag Ve Qvrte 006. hope sale plesfa


Lyng butZr0 ashers eLge be oes hea ar chibemvenr, pal les Be


; : vy,

£6 ff te orcliman ate F J oats ic) acter fe fi lout leree A ory 1 , if ¢ f $ a


pf? Aun holy fs hacile cd Dhe cuneate Yona, een M3 pomeatert AESOBA se ole pals afi fr sets bud ae qr aS eR Hie base J lacocane sans ee 7 domecuhat- Conceal, shins foe suite su abbas texnnre, poroeia iL wails Preduyies On atheh 0 Jownre vihal Trameale, hey prea recn es un frasrd , ahistit Ce Dinan hennis Phan eset afta Legflig hii cxtoor. aire lbs Pha rene falter ny foes Spb ee arnt Plt area lire 28 i shesionsns Gentle Listonure have akrivcled 10


de ou lis a dubs wth. oh. Sfrasst spo’ a mtar a Mati longa Epa te ras ha reve ieee crtoh— cl Sag lathe forasi Prater, anc capri gf didwned 2 Shoes noAhiins % Hh. flrusens m, Fan ap vA ihe Jen pfrcismems YB tinis tates Linart os hispucot at Tat, lut-

7 Ifkcuspde hincthing an Prey, ee an acc.clere lat nae ge, . Jha

Mote eo hogs [han hafferint fies be The Gh fase cts ad Pik heads wa re cvamatercct far Kae the itace Meleds ewe ek Vewstiatd he fot 2 afrork yon ani ht Shea. a frilly prot of» fredirele alena EER Be atl, a of prclicres ef coer Thins fhak seemed ouk of jit or ockel- amet. hofe. iS 2 Chie go by ae dome ff Phase Getchheas fs yor J Vestn p Mes cy tal Hid occanconslt of Ceaat f, sats blunole on dona hing Han rag cies o- which eee bese [ac Deel tangas Ss a maa

; Aes i dics a oy einer 8, Stadv res east Apr eascan Patek Str wecetfecenices Kas nse 8 ae your. kage Os hich,

lhe “a olwers enteral Aree . ornel Pee? Som peenen ee. Thr:

Bey, ar jrge Y re Ss Uae ore , fpiudbtreottins Le hee. AGee np

o3 otoiend Scence fae Sb oteat. or Orneang- 00 duck Kip are jell ~ ect. Maree spo piich Ou Linrimenmnse Manele ohffeunt: rate


Shaw. flim theusht Hak Tx SrMainiiome Susleling eortet net crn a hoes fs ane fro adaenlaxpoush oramore tn orewrotamee unte Se Wiens of bs baaae, at Teale leat: amet fublishe. Jonanal Hie Prat. Kea. A Dighh gure le Pha rarrtel. ote Tea orignal articles, commerce write Me burbjret omillim tie Wiel cmml > ee ee Py ANI ewe

peneumrene of ulaak co Dung ore ther fre Adj Gf Fh anata fit Lh hn

Aelpnt of ducemes. - LY OM ee Wy, 7 OE A asrll One formect ge. erecler. Ya. cai ~aueaaay Thin yp Gr aanfpelack Lo


orrape ot An Cyneromer,

y} Dek: Aye Soag % Licthie haste any sy ea %.

Cambristes i 4 Las AL Le. Ae 7 ; 5 A


Mle enlares Lo



4 a faear [hr Jus “uo CF tn chhameler

Moore L2L0nae

? 4 : /4 LOAMLIAE eee A Ceviche. fect oO vu, droles Tete Lack 7

. fr a ear G2checl oven she efentng of Fie Lube. -X-anct Fhe Peacil tran atl,

AL m4


2 ;

7 fh Zi y tr

‘neakTel Orr Le Jane Phin Shs. Fedra, frrprres mor eve é /

y Z


mat Ifecrtg Gre Courect Jtrit of Frex. lee. ad G7 2 4a FT 4 +

/ 2 At i Sh / Shere to Fix dome nicarkeck hffenucer ! relaveen,

a Ps if Ses trun; ane (kt crown leave Ob lic the munvra

i , Z I gare A A ipceol Ties epenk hey fore nce Le


4 f abt rremencber -

6 ourrdel

cst eee for 4

f o é z “f fog f 4 J L TK Sd C pon Ast! chosen Raves JU wort ral UNL ert she, flewreas

g v

+ e

a rd a fproteatt, ofan Sfitd Werir

Aft trrel a art of Avr. / / J

liv peach. G

(@ Qh,

/ )

ya 4 vo a A /

Kackl be wy ep Ja tr OCEQ Laud of cetlineg The flousena— 04 pt J $$$ jy wee aD

rs 7

ALGER aA pis are



4 s - Lop An Cat Ce, , iF “Nr Geel eunte Ji Cics j / Z

atte ve Shen HL (Ff % Gnol & Lo fam

f a . 7hetL Chrecliion.,


apse A ff, fo- - LUL//L Ure A Coc AL Jie a

"g ] Cc. Aer TLE @ ; att. e ee pie dinoter Fran. oa anus kel bale = Fhe Be anh teaved Gore

y, a, / cat ALG —frics @ Phil Mj Bihi—



Meer Sens ate & fee. dirs

fe a Ped Fhe. fuse f1G4 G

We 7 he Us;

Ls coueel in. Mmahing A= P suubllalenr Phere tt am. ennertie

Cominsutie ta vertreake on, ss Sasorlcs LIA EA.


The - So ye Hie, whens a ae waralerCatanbud: tur hli Taper rar h Phat The Af2crea tics ninhne Oeite io Phe, Dyed pers amet Pal t- wor Alacect Harr frm the fact Hea Elle oté tere frosn t- PF. Fonassluo ULe & 4 ae tect Miah area hee Vis Phe. Bloods Cade S Aupson We.- 7) lay ite , ia oles cle Ains ge ltr, fy | ae Gala a rye wif Phau jo Mower - a Apre Linens o the Lier Jib atl (arch oon. astele, for bee care fe corn frania toe The flowers un th. Vheis bfee 62h aincl Hak fre Lee: On atl fr pie bia dent Phone, Lhe wae trallintin anol carclifinsp uituceh. Laccrangfe tick wos Me Cane 0 Fears hes Y Sr es aaa bw Hs | Meyern : Ele Col (earn Grrl rails: fs dead ere

sedans - Lo get Law



Z, owed ae ey Pest Son le

Go as: LAAN COtAb ve Penesy—-

Ts pa abaiy Cae teste /; ae Ere


i ft fin Y le he corre Atl, enrol on athat: Lo Cer neck ga Phe. a 4 £ utih oals | Assad deypetan, 1 SO FTE Phe corree teks pf bars,

LD (yew thin y Bemse aren Peak, jrexahen jae. houht at al 2, Shal | Pariet



, OY Sour cerredfiorctenls Jhoulel Pes Yorn altze pr Alo Va Chae.

vy) Cul. acces elo aah 0; Py Buf Po EGrior = fe

i OA Ue odatsteptlleg 2 tnthced. lure Cy GMtre®%

ta Reha yoicds Gb Jone, Pe? 60h bpecrgn ; AS i are 2e) pests

ts Irate Ke ae FO (rocomes, ¢ of Hastert

tcusalh ma, a a anu naa 2M alk ae Qin Bccurcls ip -

slacawren eloes LL fpeot + ae ae jrote Deck, ble reelerd Fie io jRinking carmentl, Anuli Deer Phires —arecl clo eer theitrol ; der ee thal Sn, oe lina. beste always oedacl my alls

ee ae Pe 2 ieee Hench te ushole F te hdegs aie " ty ancl An ait Baas Tees Ae aa Much 9 Mb. Lut: ttle Sulefosge pceaprinin Ly.

% LA eae, oPhba gsclae wilt a aecn aa ipiaas aon ,

LLLOVe Hist Fak he Koameng lo

i Sr erik 0 eclercaiial a mes Poe: sphere: ft Civ oliney Hak 3 by Voie, Mot, Mah a. firef.fp rote, Rar Our. - Gale hleee Sy ie A is ae On, of lta Aen. ad eg cee y Cites bth oe

; Y close ak. ae Mz4de Y jn Aan Aa— anit the sithln le nee ae yee ey

ave VEO Brees a rie ore Whee he Hievicsst howe. - Op cefliws.,


ia. oe a agi: 710 lime cloy Heck, Le Ze GMA eA at bee, Agr tye

lou clancee, Lane we La oly fattralin.ety £3 any + Atel ¥

ams fron, Animes Leap tali ane capable 4 of ferucakins eg 8 ete [errhfon trig farnch Sau pall J feriot. Pac Homann aA a br frm ol Mich aah tan) oCoet lo Hare feraucs

50 Oe hasan: b's eee, arth a amr S cercusmden beet

ma oor le oe Sabots

Qiez Ly ot plod amb fhonla oa 7 Lat

Bhacna cy, eplereck . me”, Aarmnfs Unt. hay conepre hataol Es


7 hote We yh or

tin Caneg Lazk) FS hare Coyne. An sinh 4 Saracen. Phat ae

i P yt G/ eR. Ly VA : Say

Ave Qaot before Alon -- J fren ok nk, Fhe. eames. Jan tnckinedct lo belure, : Wl ;

Die. leanes ane Amiall ancl sleucler, 14


hog C/Uitce

v Hol al he it apk flier ecl,

Uf 4 iF ane ea ane SJ aul dee f Thee

his Lex. pp ankk reer larls ler. Ce winter. or earls,

Awics ans do britlle Het y


«tal Deen te Le

Cec hak in Gunclha. J Unrck | url thle thew

roumel ahrol of

o /, : ii tin. AGA. Vauck cr Mendes anos SALA


y Ado ject. ae aa er _ grees aehy fol mleot eae Cecrcond 4 4 phi

ie pete ho fe si pap ea Lick a

Zz ory yi is er Cn puch a delaakion Tes A

hen Rone camerally, oneparuledt.tr £ p 7 J tp <a aae Y “a


A Ghee seme que. gle Ga fang

7 Lf Dh. ch, fs

a Aipeis ae Thine, Wot, Hs

hal Lb vaconnes ane Gin. franicles,* Lousrewven ff

es mi hte a Bam” can OUL ay Cure com plate apecea UwuUA 420k Thahe— Sani cam Celt L

TING Me laces: pimeacaihny am ‘whet Vee TOc2A aes!

(kk Hae



Genta: Ne are cure Jae Sex micontens ie Glens tslan f,

arec&hher apol, fore or siz planl, Onl. are otet peop Pree MOP eres aie eel Te oaisTh, SHk d lealgene This seavd owse , aurers frreba : bj f ‘y 4 y y, H Dy by» Oi Pronk hace im Afi oA ph le

ash le ole. a ane dow alt kre


im, OG /

Vomne Yhe Fe zi Fe. ae wk, eel’ 24 onlta

eck ciate hy latin, aihich puanicviins Fl fissioc of fleearing and

Cue 9 Ae’: > Wy

ge rs parse

frosting Mmepl peodornr PLS Pio, lan AS a_el be pecacerelirt G has -

W Sem comreck ie ig oe Hh. bHersmncs belaerne hae ious a a

Bodin x Thais pls aT) ens remartalla— anol ae > ia an irre sr

lad ‘aie Br cheafler POD a kala cae aN ae A &

al? Sy eiite pan we ee ohare JZ g

teIhas Tale jlace atinoe The Wen eh ae ub Gor ¢ ine t ee tor e/ tae foot

ZA f

A Beth hgian consort Wn Gracttie nf Th hat hes oh. weg Ck, oi fares Aovired hal PA i va!

Gm wat Hi ninanl fries ok Ur ep lincly hes berettrver. papier anaes enact fa. forlion of Theis (rey fasdliicd: t Salo enclose 2 tal lg ek tule. tne uhiek. WeeLondapiras cad eect velofeer as alse rg: lobe a Li nwere Thai. haffeay

oloun boi eco vista eee umes ad An Tex. conetilinm ff Mew Note Comcosre.. Karyn

of Manta aft Hak bayins Lgl ei A ee oe oy han the


Seances Asi, Letpceye. fore, do Wwe melt otnop. ikea a Citter. at Cast

ffi :

Go hoswise emcloae Os pprcmeen 7 Dols pesrasrn fraciim bond ? lo frnke uk a.

chen erafhon Leiitei Lam ollictth eed APEPe, He onl Oe Eo . eA 7) AP Ze

frog Cea A pheraslan as bes as The, corette! Jhes Jas mar es ne PD ox OVE CT le tof - Lata. £ Tyme, ‘4h oor “ba faule. ¢ cuake, 1 CLAP ae 1 fuancwserl, manad, acute, =)

i Vy,

Lovueaat. Cy 4, Ta. fuss lin Heyl My They aloes 4 melaffel. ee fee pLinihiczak. a before oarot bul eae amo paren igi rats chiens frasecied Ls —has ables Hist. oleh jaar as aa ths. phoce ethane De oltectint: KO dees Lure or 77S green ThA piace.

COS woilins, lane: Shane eoblecLesl Tarifa fora Ma. P aed Sth (th. Jha. Vrssatc th ova ay ee born, clarl bbw wnt a. phish rect coal ohnnh Aearere Linthe

yi fom inch long, form fore amet. a half la iy LinnThe Hache on facticats Yr irache Cony «

ae cla f, veel ES er ay on plore, Loavhich c&aothares Cus alegpel, fon Receh ante a2 Zs bald tleainisfae i Se = “Lure » ike. perl aga 7 Ma fruity Ay tim CAR aleakal . £ ier Catal ha fren gee aie gots ok

eS fer. oh wut thes Ta a im low. cw coal

Vi Dekh Auch siete renee oie rade) Doel> =. Apa —s , Lae be.

P| ba mnlrichge Ma. fs. ¥ VA I


fbud la Sas lor GE es

ay cs 3. aes Se : 4 ZL 7 Aun a a exams es my base titoc Jest lanl BLcte recat ufrn hes tol lbra amel correchiss "a fprrrotect a Tie Aten Low ur Dlore— ee = b Cteneet att j Pox sien Lo bee, uvealel ae posrecde te Jomee lavall. 5 Whar Elicoce aascrives fromthe Ceving Cink ux govet Afrermicend, anrel Se Bee, anclesd level Ke dnt blk Manin baie sa 5 ata kha rleben cf lions aren Qecunale, vas. Covecec ze Be SON Mfarnl he Thea Cae fr a, Heep Sc ie Aid Aebcinp leon colons nol ff ETE & : re. 4 4enLeanecear, ss aoe cha Lure cxltack seul fosetnins. Ta free rosy of Ta locusts he kact S re calla List Mal SeevateihHes Secbe jive recent Lol anaypeff tr has flncant ap. nanlr le Sirehie., Kain us ewhean facwsctey of Jlrs a) ref iano Le Thane Meal iyrre enum nd, r= letebene Le hate eur aia fa ibid vot Alora, wr: Ze corr len ck oa TS CS ae NOOR Sfomet a fot. ne Gelawminine thick. hes Lene a Ys haa, onl 1aee fo wa, ey = Selo pa Ae teat bipe lag, Moa nnaken sonnel

Hh Thins. hi foryfanlis conrat te beng ante Sid ylin. La iffjecks

coe Tas agplainn einas, tra price resfieatl try pimeiter, Ainckicoe f The tavG, is bacmrsnay Ee rte epBinstin§ Gy ova Mipivians a0 o prccalin ,

te emnlrolt ting Flo. ecrenbilione tra fUrile ad cated. a2 dering amore poli ane much amore pole ham Ueewliaan— obinge catieakiiar, by ST tlanyibar ach ecient geet thier Taw niece. Maeiioie 5 hana Tor aay pee ciatas ee te gate. bape oa 0 pacrate by a fen fersons eae ceLain orcet ff tooe remaenelyy Oe Ay fla tilar hisecdes of Cv a Coracliney,

4 E lA 2 Ary Diesel piste Ge sAlecmene g Thenertus Atri / tif feriias alloca Han 5 ——S —_ _ LL 3

Dim anrecls bol ne shorn fakets Lynn he Ceaser thre actiteg

Tih is ei Pha Sper en BAO RAP u, oe a4 Gets pCO ff

fT thssio Ln in, cheanon sf runilel ¢ pil f eg 4 veal Week,

Mfr disy LOE ne roving fps; Ly lasemhy Zinn ned ee 4h MRNA

seaarnaat Hate nace ey Ths hte I iio tang? xiao

Oreo chien - mbt Showcase tereaman ht es aines otal ARK

mei? ie Nie: tie Hh. L lewen. leaflets. which. caw; ae o an ex ontmelin

wile HEP ste poewe stoms bf pe Ra LE OV EO es TAO TEE Tha. flirles cn Phayper cinsam ane shorts ite ake foumat un Ti ot cently mens Fhakix. 0 Log, [, Los Mhan. eS ek ae: Crises apne ak Lonyp folie wthihes Men ig qloveck ssrol . bebo hoe Me ic

pee enT- Wan Le eh eo offorenk Lewuekraps on, eee ef vs

ofarolular brcallg ame anmete ghotetes Gf O “they asactot flauin- Y 2 2 Mein bores. 8 teow dn. wer mH ee AaArc rae Pad itieade Atel ts

cae" a aahifuc . eae Creckearn lo decwre. Mier eset inet nen Apc ~

2 Pes a) cae ee sg | ane eee yrs on

ff Sf as fe cheteka LAr. pe. A 6 the rarely

Be oe an (rr ef rr Lederer Feot iaacssy Coats bo fo fetter - 4 / C

rreth 178 A ore wre. 7:

A amy tae Starocemaia. Bure my Pape ee Ae ies Yorn le Bele Snr "me a ra Thea bask, 1 aon Ties fiat. Gf penrerrel. etes Le sey an Phe Tan. Gp. 7 enctlanaty 10 xd

By Hig rr Lie Geass Gut a Alo fla seo; fw, Horas, TS Se a pa: Pda

wa Lack he E, Bs NS oN ee

? 4 Picolt broken. - Leahe, }


Saylor Fe A /359 (Deon. (len |

ee ee seach flaws wate Sey a Pirqrs that I, Aeasniecl form Delius fuses fest beeson.. Ip whe pause Hod S tewl- asad seca Sar 4 the 4, ERO eee heen eo inn yest Tes lie ha I

Me re condrclere ol Lh be SLicole P? earrabeltatcx Mewes ‘ah gi um The.

Ew baateheniaftl ea ‘et fine Me: Moe. he [ohler.«

[2 ce PAs Phe ULM Colerannrbus, Cae eeg tolling a fencl re WY, ray, y, vA pio The £4 aye get ppeemant, he eumol Wa The elranrolical L ry aa els os ae ae ef ie Jotel the fLoex oe cul Phene oth clown Lk hact ee fo seonreh. JL 2 ages , Ths. Me ool Aiecl cotlect hes ppactivens tAat re = Ae TESS ys lun PIES § Cede kee’ oh Y, , ame nol faliafeel ae “ai Tex rz) Hae Thing Lace nw ore. J pnll Jen 4 Qn gp Ta Kea. Bee: affrecc rae) oe 78 Mazcre penn, ay (er a thle. ot alia enclose a jour Lun vA The ate lx waral. /o Wat. i aan My, 2 yrs 2 d 3: . atrep comtimn ca Me oun. Ansan feo cn flocs sot muchshactese § brushes A Lo yrews a the hes: tt-z Mertens le t—-nnth Med reeck, shen amel « mocler Ths hers) a ae Hr AI er 7 rag Cn ° ol, lossy fronsicl tavsers Ac Meek, solitary. Pero: (hi pence J ta fron amis vA 7 7, - vefem., the Ln Lis clon be the fof. frocke- the ALLL A Thar pu oli: aach sige! a preolt concectect framicls I thins. as osc ima ag walt. freal. r J y, ;

ne The. Mpecimens.


. f thes i aac Loonie. Y He) colt the Presets A 4 bean petite, AcaLlencot florea cm fromicles, Fisk. barn. cand ne Tha: feotine ae Ken tracke a gooth aspen

ee rpc ieician o J G clicholotinunn im Fi Cannsl Ob, oY fs foae: bramches offi flosrnioag branch asain, oma Hare, loo again alinot le TY low, rrieh Apple ern. Ma bora fe hl me ans anol wml Ig fis crnfiatect ae f dh wh Lain feelar premre biigh. ool as dncch tre. cbiaim olin, Th whole cialis lee nnhlec true t= Tesebad bss juan PPA 7 Mos Lenni. Thad etietas te We As eet dy. edenalect by sacl en arte as Deck: Serey Gatot. oPhand, tick. umvtl be Got Cpu hone Thad Tir revels of growl Cb eonfinact 4 Thea Apecces tm PE a rn sbi At S ernclosn cs talents Of Man. wy Mast Shae:

A Lorvacinie flare a nat yr wither pufenes Ippehonow. idee wf ni Leak ecle teens nar? da Canelinad- ppae agp tal ang teat hedigin ft ffs hoithe puter S hase [athack. fo rnuch obrul- ay ae Ente tip font fom & eM The waitin eae aashdtnngee, ee ont Lit. difieiy Silt ck perma lo rue mie as Het the. angedar spel Lite. i Cadeacnss peli of Va. iba ltactin fore fest prove ioe Hing Jiri ine Tha. foarfsnsn, Tralee, or Varictancs, ashi I hat.

(rye eh ofi forlumns lies ff pang tae. weer Azeacrn, ede be em Lik, SUA, i y

Vartinl te. ole the abusers file Dias onstanTha

ban ew be Scam pel go sents of Mas flak Ag ne ard

as hop. of ae Thar of tn planets FPN et Fry oe on wuelely Thee toyed Te pron eollacliin of levine faut ~ iL dreace/h phi

> rare Thain latter heacl bh eed wa anniceh. Anerc hf free te tnallan Hee. ae Le x feoleck sr iJ Le 7 i G fisch Let peel if 4 tA SF iihntie. Towns RK. ff 4 Go y a LL, Aes Lr eae fp. age pice


Boke Apo. boas» Dia. Ph a Aap 3 GL Armory Whe flauk Sankyo a wkd nas Dre piper (tins php a A ee ee, pel ares ieistimtaloir. Gipunsfackisl b cba Mme Li profer place “heat Tha freesit- off Ue Pourens is obra, bach witha. terme sinias Thaw a Hessh apArarance The ONeROce dhe abet sey Livthe fm tack Gn

ane belies fare amet fein Louth in. Zee. oe ova


Cho br Le 4 aly /¥60

Fe eae aee

wie | Pete gon pn or fo Aimee Slat UK 1837, Aas

Chit Ths Lowman» Hetetalinte Prtebtes ou witht mew,

Lopl-pui cone de nats Mee Laat pusntner, Thr easslefo, SamtirmaHking ols. $ Va rthal-im. Li pliael., S stisenrrsot. The amis Che a fuvetays afte and ty annlifesatin. sons such. that: Selakeiominsl, not tye if The Kant SON EL A (SOOM AEM Oe aD commvincnot 5 0. that Salk pitas aan an obpaver, a0 sou mmight be lok 6 Vhink fra onittihe 20 reatioutons'

Moise molasf. Lag yy pooamfs amet The fratterspans Calin. Tham ov.

ethan. The fami ea Thin, Go Thaf lowe foe. eben Hh

ous of Tha. berries ct ache.

BS Fn ea DAES 8 My ot ROOD ae Fe

Laie cttw ances filaces bak comme pelt; fafa oms of Main ack politfaclior, ny cnefirefpucne &0 thal ey bea Legeiefily Lane. Be fom cs po mune anol ey aofhlramess for ervancinsing dich" gp being, Bee sa reneentences Lmry be thx Shave mob fomet o eoreel tolm A

ols Bamal fink pm yrra voli, ha Akimuns amet felals Jaw

Baste be tiseali ot Phi. basegl He oany - amok Lean oliseonr mg

faay of te cay Them Fi Hosen feist-ofane, far vey nuns dhigmolic fowls one otis linens athe on achat poe pate. fg AL eke 4 Mh ole, 6 anaiy helteet- ah jpenam sek Leffames abfasslt Toon -amel anahe ours, as EL ok ole, a clislinettfecces ,

yy eee aye yee

Mnale fuurflee skisrmolae uskich. often. Fh Mimina file aay ein lies By Fait ih x a Car i, or Gp m / J aces Gis craaic a aac cia re ie oe We 779 lA ee dle fo, urth liamorvenss fork lims atwhort anol regulon mar wots, os f*y eae aS phe Has affraraner at Ha oliflerem: abinpe tb dag. that I Aik pres. a Arran Annsph Le de hincroy Ge Phiak on eomenins afew Afr ccamems, hex Wa dus er flours urene fi ialeLtnli, [a an cotdhee Ho4 frofice! da elrinctiain of a alien ca eunures amet prelg— Ld Kates woth a cenit. fithe fram. ath abrasive Aoi tn brant Piha vockiole a Ha farifiers F Fh: ans aloo Taamaavenseg fan kin suean | avhor€ oe Loner hess Tefen g Vheks Lrile Sls cee cis Ais) even deem, Seeks CASES Ae ee aha tha of The Pasartine. Kas beam gens flor tore Mine Zim tmonit, ahelut- I atufpaar, Laake The, serreras. cb Ths cate, aun F gore hha nl | cnrverasion of Hacmse 4 afer oleyneed chy emrmen of olaliiat, cs Aa Ahamge amc unassonalattle, TIS hear af Liruss been ahyn ott ba bs Bink ht

itl, Da be bu, $e, Avil 0 pep

SB) Cin;

Moun fama of ite 29 thaws artcaimecl mm Yh andar am. aceidenlhefifieming Mire Met ni panning if fain frre cot Oe clakany acl Tes oe} by est ha sph

Plo o stver webct of He fnsing ft cht lags ct jwos put ncth Tome thaonly five sah age, fshaf more; eth or lim amis nscthf Belardes Ge, innashaki new Oy AOA pe Pabck. cticttacsk, Mon ibrcimfbsemes acct “Tha. b Fut heachns. bis, ° = Quan im flosen from abit Heconisi f Lif te Lateef fs. Afz om - aaa btu eo the closen fiona | sinane Gurel On. Beane anol fishing nna le fo Fifa coubel pre, Lines pemtts Dod j CMe mee bese Hot sine sone pata. im. fpseie Hcbicn tossed pee ie aml Heat thee ht tn SPP spuds tra erpnorting mms te cultivate ie Min Goon dlanteak,, falas ng Dewenal in gered athe samme Taine, sinvinag donee. ow TEAnee AC sais chloe crane hbo * ao ancl. eee ar low &: quad comenthol lm sen, butrattinn orleol a anne Hat anight hone Fie onltcipeled, SUL Ths plan tr he. yreune Mm soneash: omel kona lomted. tro hish spel Tis se ;

A 1856 Kamin ceoneLuclool. Grummer lo Jaa bor bo. ot the Loar of tascam

nungcrf. be Belash. ditinenk anol shacimens avers. frocuneel lepine G—

nounself cone aah cok. acconaingh creas pret tn, fread ss Af te as mea om bolumbun ob; cayuakwuiled Phe locality icheve Tey cr ae ecveredl, bu; ne Lt dralroyed. amel Thee apuctivchans Ha, "ay saa in. Len, hessensen,, rutham Irooafomition wut Hacceunlin,onovin’ his esl common, hTwen fos Annee confimad lx oun frontitan lor Shot onl— Phive hops en. cong be setae Pe in He maighbrn hooel; ot host I fade onde on. offt Thes seonem fersemen it

J, f mennieober és ae mas ae mesmoll sheom, mot fon from da olredline. Teel Vm, Mow im flowes. ow Hix stops amd cag f lala

fAson Wha: pio. ine aunecls sheome, wu ¥, ahunelamks Lost tecsen for

Thi fast ines. Yfoad me sfrrcinnem of » rLOLen y preaty fiml ered Shee. firerem- seaamn, 0e one ole Me. sfrecisa Hert: hes get frat WM Babe. bo. doin ofne ne peat flaorurr & senel. pp or vg Thos elno tw caah Phat gon an mistake. 7 a a a Irofifree bray [runs Ye.

Bembristys, Ala Hash Mh, Misbe

bythe, angle be. ra (amon LE 7.

Daan Vin; popeais J UAtredk nou. ome wpe ofronall bs The

oo an Luu ap nie ci Spi hides Hjiret fen£L—

Dol Toney, Liveanty five or Thily 4 Cary OGD, 4 wh of which ja sagineat, VAbeirneck anol / fry aus o.n. 0fe.0h ty Wo ekmi.end Ly. Pusat,

J Sit ini, Aone wrlry ABN er only as hee am. sorry 16-504 snkynahat-v

re ay kee ah oct Pa, Lins. ri Fioin. rife alg, Me COAL DAML Of deve /

sak Lr On Veo Guds Ie ven of rains thay nu ena. 092 cahalissc aise for

pof- pornrelivne. sen ainedld biniank i Wn a somnoh. S Arps Aermenen. / Achy,

) {-— i * hs af 7 4 Fat fine nile ena tx My he SF ia & Comeel Kelteu a Frean_! Sire chn od Mey, ISR, 4

shen Er Teg

be Tet ah cok taut bbe ou char fire, App uly ) Wen. Pratt. > am My, fret Ean oT ee Seen Wea flowers annck lrvinn A taisht iw, Mics i uraobh. Beiaks viru tiie Lame oe tax, at ths fit of achith Tews foul tin o shallow / vol , ft Ha oe cereliing of

A ih ie e SG Fax welirs of rr Liv tr, Unig ee protiadied otecught:

i“ eile counting of Me. box oa encelycanfin ve then, obras

Pr TULINMD banabi Mob Os Bs» Abfacigh eae rar lane opsi-

fii; et ge wk has shat your altentiiin long, ase Aaning as aoe Sorungiohane omerleon Or cle, fs acubaanitis ne ous files, fame evnchrolarl. Lopernol Heme, lies in. Thole. afr peor OME. ane mw nag Hfegiote fom? Ma pent of? Ths. Phe aA Facies bfer ry,» anol meal etal, ate, either, de ry Mor dizi inti Phat fy pare eKomnine/ Pi iieitan a frak ermelilan, Shears Wa § or 2

inke-, nay fy ooh amel gathane rs. % pried jae nasal lasesihe Hann An

mith thn neitinli » of box A Vp, 4 5, SO ie REE: Lure Me

Corns, y different from. aang Wams ame Woven ever sem. forse; Thay Pa Ona. fchrol uf Pas 7 ae Nhat rumen. Cin. or

tes Cin else. ; Or Fs panne meper vinelea Lefore. bia aie

Comanon. in, oWr slide ee bororrcheod.ame. menue tt, crew clad. emolinelinad. fs be Kenigeilac, a Lramech— Als, pfhachly. coun asictl; Laanes; Ths. betta are, fantom: al and so fora Hac aM. ofp orlumil By, oPexoonnt sie Thine, OND enti,

Lamennt alin; 7 ae sks short ptect; Hoe mths. Doe. being, ¢ mr.

ncafictte, i ble spuch be aed ey RE fiascnshdeaite Sfosrat ar. thespian. anol even of Phan, ing ettinng Thain hue afin ality ofterswanrels J, J had, Bikatirmasy be eolleck The js regent o nibske eT

7) A Ea SUA Ya by guncsneg of exilucmm, arsenal Aoikets =

by ashich Tho. ice of tha. Ginen Were ven floum, BG: ‘ar

acorns pines falling, jmasat Kane Lasim. prasch of Phe. line um den

prs La, ark Therly serewhot inpurcel ame oliacoloureol,

fe LR Ome one Phe. couse of Mix. stramer ferns fof Me

frernimann eas with Becoes fil ana masslly couenacl amol heanky

1a fren vations cLy scala. J ix peppint, Pete auchon Th frst anon

iy end, Cnseed | sia Tee Saat Rn aend tn Hh pm Tonnorfchapis Fs

Bern. Wa. 1h Upper. prorhy of Ths. curfrerles Meas: One comononly pomraller furan. ees, ohiceh. Hh. fh fecuutriar, atct boar Sa AS ie

mans ete. a Raids ake” Some Se cat

abive, A hace i plrab.eHs ony, tiem nw tail; hh atixd sak La, horlhatbe.

Anal. Z % Gaaning Ls aac Ceaet.atihe ibis aie ans ben, BY 4

wy, if foamy phe d Rivea lt haa aus. 10 Fheae Treas Crew, Me fray

hice: ei ghh or ln. sig gta je eck zd, ea ee

con domel, ef jou, aviah..

Aes Pe Mya. Srey D ith puch aesfocl wads barmbpistse, > Goans


tienledad in. far nnrtllle and Dok: Lhefincanis,” pre Uset. 7 Mh, en fhe. ppc Pick

2 Vb 6 SOK: aah oF han eed with Havin flows ent, Rock. pele. Ayaan. hack, Qrnrel Goa

} o tse


anunchve of Hx pac elinsee Pith: qyM104NnN, oro. 7 Cihakry Le che

cha CON, .

A», ota th By,

No. Jb. ee eo fuern j 7 re ol, tS os aft May ea Lan Ry on. ye saa

a ae ori "Beg anchi Dy orb ee vonsah! VS oe eae


ay iy ypltting Hina h OH, aaeatel, rtf Fs

1 patxateadilen conelilnr, RMR. Fes din.

oan. ee

$rskaeliel Ha Peasti tA ppar eel, (oy Demol ences S wpanviineacd. Lapareth,

anne 0.0 pany free abitily, amet Hs. mretchack spr ciimenn manrtie omni. aruel corceliola cl > ccaaiieoacns Shing, LT Tis ab one? 2 al aadtan stds

ac furthen, Preosiess than. Pharnap, Tha. noninntamch of fois of Ths. firwen parvemlat ong omokinny ang finde fr elitennn ine tha. Se ted fon. ele Yen esl fori.

oe Ob be atcgaius brat-one Spscher, anaes Vase lined Sars. J J hi el HE Ne LE aged Dies ah rove Phat jhe ee © motalrrdant> ¥ | ink, Va Lot Lf Se ees: was rot prrore, Tham. I¥iathsd ~

Sih me Jha NOPe A, ————_—————_ Wycthe Peers eee sor ae Vo.

Sexi Wp. Sole, Tah. afr haarnmer Co alloset 4. pes SF As

fu “4 ethan nA? n- yy


f ,

Dodi=. sc am 3 nas vondiien ron

1 bs oe ae Sar aut Vr LAA ay A) te Spots

Veni ore Ain, Jagfor be: bow. pApail 1% &0- q) Q2an Sin:





0 ij 4 hing | ua S prarol yoru ou poantp Lond. yor. wt ettign Are gd j 4g : J j A fn

ie a te hing ¢ Wer tae

pankap Feb,’1) fron a.rmcpy Lf, om

Nes I nso gathered, Frat

a Hint. Kf. obs ext Then. pmnircletle of. Afr LIS, Theale 4

NN, 9. Bn haat tec fa re ceere cool, Pitas aus ea spotauf

asen optinelr bins pies } d

frie tte Buel fo 0 relat a [eo LLen 4


om Pee aie ae pe ee side oli, enemh speried

nebo etamotnan. fram Ledisnn. y iia ae chef ot tea fo om gets abeve nne ih A 7 ae ee Fe ans

UL, & vA

see, Pai dreeisfoinnst yw t mete

ha J Yo. 3.

yi yee Tha. 09 TER of the

Cty orcl

any Sloge.. is anuach pu par neck & on fer mcLLAA.g.

theta sheen.

ths re oe Hout Lp eA

ee. ts however, jeuskieh cabo = aati 8 safe tty aie egerfling a pole alle nw cincubaw spotjah s vutegn oll by shinad Api oe tna at of Ha. evreble anna os in of sical tle tbe el

bre nett of the. fatten, ot (Di boar. Ban. we Tat mag Hhay 4 4ece

3 chmmecdaelh aretha maounrt enn


ve iLL

2 2 Ovpe.

s, be calls el, Kuletae oy; Whar

fave | PR nan abte Lo palin yp VA 7

bight-yetlow omel he. copru fer

colrur, ad Wa Silos ea 2 : ans BA saan

No 5, Bo plinin—

peae—enseoct 19.

gfe ia spewkene. grad nas Hh. Llornsenh 29028 } DZ

eis. [tom Pid Pace auth aft soa, of v4 hot Fina Sere a

4 7 nh , ? Z TEAL ors. We 5: 2 mmol, Shane bee se a i ZA, 4 y ALA? Qarzeam le b v4 ca pouthanrnch ina fl taal. « igh 2 rhea 3 7

: . : A Vi , This, Oo. carro ca ss BANA YU a aay chao pl aml en eae. a Res, YL (Poel fi Davouvne a. fr.otser tora, Dhanre he way 2 oa ae Ths plosk for bel, oe mithinne about t

8 Wore. 7 er af a,

Y nal fr tan_ol. Lira OrAD 2. 14.9 tna. if, FA da, jroz. RE Bi! 0 Se RO aT Seca

XSL ch Of ¢d J B

Ufk Se Woe rnd Awl, AS

bury VA ag fa ie

sd ‘ad vet i L Ha bk fe Oy rm 0 fess Mn les abore. te oN nus Hh, Te. “4 prederach ech ee ty tnwas Cunmel Ceol Has, il- aftr Hh, spars ee afore a on Sta ah>;

> 4) 3 2 Puen, 1A2 ws 19 Bled 0.0 mer, close ore Hh “A ud

4 n ® pf n ithe o ise yd


nae ben te she. {Ase ?

A dite np anrcl agar, fase. or six anriles abheve the hak masonall bork, J 4 Pa Shes, An. Lo semenal ah

eanamen, sein rtretrerenn bh» Pofctiata. bn, Lect)

FS ? 2 :

4 - Pa oe f~ } - »g- tf o aa Fhea4 ven h tlt». Noneil CREA Nig An ch. ALSHEA. Ph ana af orthon ft nmi | C

; i Faas fl Azer emt Her felon se rerally, Phaough Pps wr AN OeRA ahifl jth Khan. A ANS Eo Beste Tn Hhisflo.cr aman he hadase, m./4 im. | yf oN psn a t, nel Ca ranch someLblen Pho, 207 2hA_USh &, .

Mw Baap oi afr vur etd- oma, anal lee batt This flo en S bheins ef The Spr2 bias AA.

dniyral finns 2eelsed, Dats. of tha Sher UN aa Pas Mn Jomren my é 22M AL aonrch on. 4 cn adh is omen frum of be nines frit marl ch iz) Has. p nha cA— Seiad fr cause ff tiry prmclin ; A,

ri ae we Dh sh. oe NA_ lt ae mtr pe. Tiss: anol opp Betapace COON Bae, yf JELCAM AL ng fo a Ln. pl, Ap on i meek Ome aves Phe. G. a) ap vein brandrionl, bse Shishags. Ht Go AA ofan aly Arviuaal, RIO WALD srrchon rn ol. 7% “7A Sfrec len vr Bente onee, h2uA— a plant: Peat Tio A-inlemn. oe See ADL ae

Mt x $onx Cama 3 frase BLL. Sten, Ine ut nou. ate. nan hi. he,

nacthian sath

2h t—t Mokiatit ft. fy Eticke 14 4 Lt

GApeonrwiresr ff Ling Phen Case 24 atmackon of, Aarrrulls, portable

gf aM acerchemlal omehilooin of Ths. ankienLoLine. by uhich. Pha fret sh 2LA2On9 ot t fiat, He Ls i plc TAPEAD CAR fA Sedna.

b coume cde. rhs SAO eR of Yh frotumcle; bakspon lias Phas Ls be. jr eK ate tye alton, ute A$: a7 el 2 Phat Var duges ber An 5 ern) correct; Hane rae ee, Le hirnat auhacde Fae tumalta. lr» eankh, i ty shi

7 4 AA.B_D 2 taelh oan 5 siprsetia. I thirsfore pant. na a fells ope um. ¢ ofisule. 9aMhena of. on] €, pushed. Phish. cea Sureel. darrian fle ch, ALL fo pal fy shove uh otclole kh phos nly ark errs 2A, benath ied. Wha forhicala BAR onticrs tattle. Gg

fp? : oh, Conlinncous, tage Mors gj lomotulan ong Aura nam cling As isk this iter of Hea sian. creel mothon fam thal. engine ban 0 Whe obs a ficivraen mmthic A Ha. brs es of Tea

wef anne ght th ack ber iT aces Pa’ Slee. of Noth. Bin. A he g wit Hex Ev Pe ay Omtond ba Aelia belies ton Thi. Cee of

rA Hs vi ght. one.

7 A


lojum Teale, ie wenn Alene clan Aroluneles aboutegpol le Fhe parts, Ors sothanny, an Manny err ol. iad delay oliu tela into Tiny Lremchies, bofan. ab CF ARR even


eRLOM, lay Pha asrreel; “Arclieste Bn

ey be it eo. ot Pe Mr Oe oe ve os 52

wes 2 . eA 0 Cb penr Ve a Cas oe pias fo a cae

Ale ew Pe eg ee if pies i we 7 vt

Pz me

N 7 Le Cer 11s Be Somes e

C oe £. oe ee eae ae ae aA 9— Zee fe 2-2 9. tte t1 (tifex C4 Se oe Re


LA Jive foo a2tke, ° Liu$ plot Shige de Bk aS

Frog f—- a ot e441 PSS a ) ee 62 -44- Se fa os Cum as 0, A, Beg 4 Zri2z i Ze Lh y ae 22 A)

A ey ee eB Me Porth ee 1k LF pte

pee vd aes a ws ARS tas Ay ie el tes ; Ve Levee 2 Co 4e17 , V7 Shee ya Z : 4 ; (22 A Pa a i ote ibe Zh or A a f Pe SAR a Ps ates Zee Pout, a a4 pe gs EO Pu A fo £Lr2 tga ‘; aA

b Devs Ca14-1t Pe a altprery 23

ee ee

tTAA idry 2408 Lat ay Ger 42220 Va wie ©) fe2v~ aA aie, ALIGN

2-3 V & Ne Ll oavpe >) SE: ee

CAllie | Siebict: ) RRA 73 q Hen ae, , eo Coen re fit Vie RU SR Ss pi ae

RDS A AWE er Ler oa Lz a) a 2 > Z L a CL 4 DON LA E29 B1-14_ 4

ict. Be Z ae Are Cc >< Lom Ir fray Ac PRS,

EMER P oon 4 SOB Fa CTL DYES E-B-t te ah, 4 Ae: is Vie gee ty pt Cte. aay kh 7 foe id f ae x

c LT =~ a ie pr ke sapere ae at pea

Lee ° er eae Be 2B

é) i ny fo te hen Cc ssf FL22 a4 C8

eatt4- eaves oie Z Z Z 8 pose Cte 7, Sia De OS ES a “4 5 fre fo pee Z4Aawg va 44- es ¥ ae Bae ag AG TES

Ss ees, €t74-—- _ yi

Os 2229 pee yes sata CHL. eZ ut.

2 we : 7 esa 4a a Coe

Lbup. 2 9 VEZ Gas. I De) eee aa

fae Rinne tm) ae yaa

Ahante : see R

£4 ge ee Ls ge Se, —- Caz ‘ffx CL, a 2~e- eer De that 0 ea BH OF Oe aan

. be 4 - oat aa el, i rh LZ tie ee ee Ear Cy L, a (tay God. 4 were. . Jee eet es ag

fe rZ, Pe GZ a a Ate eg ~- ; Fate aS eed Fa Br aa a

Va ae oe oat, ae LE ~ ye oo! fn peg, oe Le he a. v eee gl (a 7 ten «© oe


Cee Z, a LEE e aw as > a eu

f 2 —L4t <a ee Pi oe

ae : JZERO Di cg A L£O4 222 ¢

mi Lm ye MS OE: eee MET Bic Beet ees Curt Las an

“2 24 eles AD ao

Be Lon VeBEs +24 ‘e “x Lee, PEI SSL ae Oe

rise tec ee ea

p ys get



f é

be f- Avo fet Pron gil , ee

OD ~—,—

Lor x



tharwthe CL Or ang Ft LOA JLprp-mt 4H ~ apres x ~ rr eo a4 a

tte. GE



Cee re



KCt rte Le 4,

Le. -

Zi2<— , 3

e e fuente BL, “iad Saati tes ; A2~—e-7e Aot-I ¢ 3

4 f4111 Latlwtte


IL y1t


Jin Phe

= La tute




poe A “p Pre s Af (poae Loe



Ve “= Zeno Sige Poe ae ee ee : se ee ABA e414 e) ie eas OR eA



/ lighee~



Jo ait

28 Bp , 44

/ ee a a re Zz Buck fi1jtet er

S| ee :

has (42141 1.o1¢ See

fie fi pees MS ceed eee


wen eS cS


poo 22-2 Pin gh


aw :

I Ae rea Lf Ct s21-«2 c ° z hs :

Cee ee aR

ee oF LtAtadlien. c~ 2—_Z1<— ~ E4177

ge wan (on

Bee ZZ50 Pa CL at aw toa Faves

meee Po c ig oe ee? Bree CE:

\ or sg

AL” pe aes 4


me eer

NN wa frrc A 211A nd) e A



zy P4ty pole ae 2g

ih 6 feo pan core GAO

A Pee Tee fe Aue x

en A) ee

~~ 21 eee


| Leé- Zt Jace ae Gates Yoo rd od

e& RX Caref § 9

Port aq @2.1.—

LL Zed va ro om Jere Lie Perl. Sat Be,


é a 4 Cera Le ac ace +, ao


tang - a |

ote bn po vedas “6 a ews t— lhiee. ? :

S bs U

C Hert = DS Ute

7 ee

rs 2. y om

bt a ST 2 i

: ; ie : c p< et oa te ptt ttl z Fe

aa Sib EE

iGZad Zi <PttLte— Oak. LA Lk VASA ee.

see a: Ee Be

Zt a ter Cer zec

VA el et oe <

tar Ga tien C oS Fas

o eres ~ £4 CS FS gore =

GA. C2 tel >- it<, i Leet: ee 2

Oe ee Cuern Fel 1

C | ? Fig eins pee A214 So Be od iS ans ae eo ak 2

ae a FS Sal is GP 5 cS OG Nel AG OS ee Ee 9 I Ys ere Dg


p aaa ; A. 3 ~ J J & Ct. te oe BL 2-241-eane 2 Pe ee td Pa ALALAMA, va ? Sy ware (oo ,

= eal £ A eog ee 44A wcfaty WLR: ; 9 LEO ALO GION G Cet ee I) ee aes OL Va i Sips g Sy c~ Maite on Al BS Soin ia eh baie . ts

27 ~ ofprerd jee eae Ow oo Z , i wa gs F se Bie Bis yg a2t411it en r Pr oar ribet, 7 & G Cy Eh “eA, A OE oe FE SP VE PO Es VE oe aig os ND A LAT Ldn ae m ee dae kt et te | Ber. aplasia =


a a™ Py A ie Si re a 7 e



Oo a ° if ) ° (Yo ty oun Crtlhie Ger ao loo Gnpts fener a4.

Pf Tlertk, 0 Felis ~ FA fos out; dD foretrwen c , ¥ | 4 ~ , Vi VOT Be ae Vi Berne n ea, a4 Spa A- f°? bach ot 2 Be : “Snto—u— S Orne ses en Pa Si ; Si

“a LP edi Ace f J 4, = Lea Fil. ttre Sick oAg44 +, na Pas ; ( | Wie AAs a ; ft SOLPISIUA am “Vireo A = Nl _


ee ek Use 5 Br hy er GO ee ea ee es ee ZLoxté re ah ae Se aoe


Cea Oe . re 22 a oe ay e- enced Dh,

7 Zz ee A

a “4 Po see 3 ee le Loe oF we P22 aX oar Swtiae eo

a ee SS 2. Bae ca 2 eS

Ot ie 0 tol 7

we BOF £ WUD, -< a peweerrne 29th.

Lh —Aeorw nd FOE Lhe wrote Be ae pele tit Ee, fee 0S AS gt eg AE y, yh, ae PA ete Ole 212k hy Fara (4A Beez CatLo oper)

rie a AL‘ ary a ?

eae 2 OAD er Z. a

SL Begg Ae,


Lt, 7 D gen Ck ee Le eee > ee oe ae Pape b~ Aa ( Sab Laasincyn ) Zi gla Seskon torAbond oA

weer Fated et_aia Sen Ie Mert ica BERS cos,

gon otal La gre. eee ee oe oe a po wae ee ies -

Pacfeor- Pe hs a of- ben tea aa iy : =

ie Ob ama creny el ente— re Kits ‘Oakes FE ]

GSS ~ hak Gow Come 6-2 on Se TAS oY Se es Lo

phere + A. gth Atif Sf fee aa oO. ee aa Ane het Bit’ ovr frertl, LK, &. ringellm . DTH flee ei ae Date. MPR MO :

PASS iris ee eee utcpint VASE Lom thcaeeg fo Do A Re Mey EY: Re SO PF Pe | A

OrOre 2 hell Hope La Titan Lifer exnmnanr Cow frvrarcth ALG : Bee LAP ine Dee tbe. Oe t- 4a, wLivela Attct aie Ler Awe Pag puro >

Pm sib p hole rte la, | Cre Ta tmin UE a a fie st fe ans i

AO prt Tage, MESO Nene ane ae S fa i a oe Eat ea Cae ewe a - F

YON EP cas on Beye das Hae on Ova

BQ 9 Wark of f Zc aehyhn . wien eee Axefer Oo Expt CAn a = goetlo fo, Ao11 34 aw. be e angle : Fatril. fparars } i tea 4 Abela, APLIEY

PGP va’. ALBIR ent ee Lee &g uss, Lf show “OrPhized 22

DF Se ae dae Pa Fo Sot en es Cet Se me Pes Se SO . of cr ca 6 ee PE 9 ak G, —— ae ob cnfrtee, Aceewt— Yee eee Be | car San

(3 Ly ha Lae ee SBT Aree Vigan allhen. ry ye SO Gon Oe we oe AEP EA

rae : A per aes Phy ae Canteorind, Kae. Po,

1 he :

in rants preven f 62 fort bag h LA, vee

afk bu¥ of tin Frorieticl as chris. “afpals rarisirin— ho, C7 Mi» CLaere AgtAT ents feu tf—,

Cabyy ao devhdh Cranneara un C7 20 ok &

a a meee Prin pron Kuck es a ,

thas Artislac Qe Biased tua, Cero JS2owws _2.¢. yes Ase: Wit ee lake aati

alns o 4 of on 7 0 ;

ea! as % i pts gpa Fo Pla palo a Mae : pe We AES ‘4 Lin, LereLos Cogn Jo eoseg eee

A’ Whee is wie a Virlahash., Di Becndnnt ee me Re Se Oe rae ro prc?

pe hee Call é7-~ FAURE Se bu¥ As ' i ae

sete ie a 8 a0 2, bertiyruwn i ILL AR Affe en Chin turrhire ae Ie Re co , a

Y tr (la~ At frsrn ds piscine antl, Lom Z Sick are also M28

Menai hesiccees -. @

3 dear Aneretinat Ww y. : anid EN ol’ Ur Co hie peed OF A 4ZIVNAUL AN pete heal cic Ire eh Poss bool. . (vz eee: a tL iba, oe fe 8 wy, * ;

i & ak Cat id fants Hie et deasl aie 4 f

G’ Aas "anger Arrth sdrscets eas La eee Tarted. Wo wa dull Lesten

, wt wet Ayer Toe Free

a 2 ae

SA a Dh TH



py owe thts 6%

Dac, Ae aAtrieg Ahantd. a Pvtion Wiha 7 bu ae nelle: a ~}+ bea0oxt usd y

Ler And Gite c PUL een Ve ye Hah? Athi'etet~ eo Camm, See 5 thiol esta , +0

te ae eee eu. es ae ~ oe eeomy : ewe oy en

yee fo fit Ercole le es

ae ge RO ee oe


x is

i Li 4 rE


ye (lo DE Gon

ty shire arearty Lana, al ae anne ty

oun Gewn.eke Ss aaaages: Y fa QZ oft a y tl Ado ae ol_erchol4 eee Sn A Ed, Farad rInexe RE fle EGR [ efi ke Cee Dobe / Ke feats 5 lnc, Vy comet, ed +

eee ae g Aaacdl 52 Be 5 seis i ae SE a We. la ae fe Le pas “8. Wo Perguloan rey rtaifis Lanne ctadarg a4 an, ene é (b pugpor 0 Aso Lar

ere. Tonk 4,7 2 Cert Rohn, A fig ee. 5; flcrd over b— hoffe poor $ tn cA OSs aay fx Ages Pini pte eed ftp, *) Foductia. oe Ceet.d Spice et Ae ee a Ln Ge ee bg. J (Binet Aank SF SPHS~Y my (ew Gace h~ ple, pees i Brey fprceciens hate eae acpi


Ve ae |


G wth, SI

Z te ‘ge pad dun LNs, im fa et l~ Zhe



ys wed x

DS ee Fe

Beier Gee Whe gee Hah

prtlthd o8 BM. Menincrrii fen,

27 Me ne ee eee ee

vA eas Jr


Abert. [ o- VU Cage ee ae ; OO os ie + tong

Se (“t41-1127/

Do ay ye

won teed Lgeteatere

Le - &

Des wa eS

peat i,

oe; ees a oe Pre fire py ents por foo Fo Teich tan, Haru opt pn fon HIF are Ne ee ee Deft

UA. ee Oe

1 Gamage Me Fy eee, Fey, nar ie eres Mcre e conan. sa an eens Conergy sen Gore ae CRT OF AO AT her gy |

Se oe Piece ee Aor ba fod [BAB APE, AF 4

wa ai a ee wa A HinSed.


Oe ae AE LIM aie. Pee a tere Se IER

= a pee


. fe


sii 3




Pkntes Jn le Sabo lhie Liu frege. 2efrnw, heel Behe pg tn (gs fre corn

Bi oO SO el | O97 a2 Sh Don Or feng Jin ae Yor Ze. Pa pk eee ROE TR Slee amenge See Jar are tbe o) fa Bole froth pheek 2 arebel Lie. tly, om ged —é— OF #29 20 antite Lis Lyffivel Ops einen el Aas A [Yarny Qe DI Creetd aX Gat SN ae: 5 Lhsenttha rif Arreuded. CPE co math Cor ilpaiist: * pope 48 ORE Se ae Petes IE EONS ale 3 Mark a Dhee . pov og ie Pitas Sale Mcasclsa cle 0:t- ah dere. Chifpnticde, Liewrlad fob ot Annet do ee LN ee

6 Ee oe Kasewia Se SJ anette cH ., bar ae You cL %3 SP. DP unbaked Gor t co Carr eae Ofer _ eh ah es 2 Sie oo eee Sas p' i it ~ es OF fox thi do! 26 on oa Rb saat CF ea Crrernced) a

on a Ta a stig ng ttl ¥ a Y erpragen te an

Ju 2 rane gee oP acaere

I Hehe Pam

F Dhx alm e ie 7 em ps7 CRS ome eae lon ess cH fase = ee, Se ae Aa tks Z 3 ae ie a7 - At Lurr, , ni eaats Calle for fkele glia - = eee sea sind = —— ~ Cnet, ae PER Jie L ° are Kee BL. Mb IVE os ay RNS F Ay Mae bears ee

he fur fale. apn Ee 2 , Ane pelea ‘a Bade SIAL fe See Ts on Saf (ital) za CA, . iat x”

4 Lk oo. Yok VE e

Afar C-,

es YW ee 4 ew aoe G

Vase yee At & wt a sa: PO ORE Sana

EyAe die Distt PI cr Or: eee foes Venter pm ef fed Fae PR, AO sien

poe Rs ae as eS Wa ae. a EN

(per seo / ee com is

Oe ae wagers

AM yas a Pr EES: a A ath _

jibe er ee ee eee

arek Peerkuas Volar ae

aed ¥ bes Te

a Te ea zoe


ony ao



pe Pe

on Oy)

fe oy Hie Dees ee “2n

2 "em eo= plo.

ape eee : Fe.

by felow pegs

x PS ASE Ee ee


oo oe are! * ae

gs lee a


ZL LZ 4p Lotta Gale f oe Ag

at ee SA Sons Be im hs AA we fp POE vag se eee

Pepa Sena fen |


6 La >

£e. oS sw doh

Ne * J a PLO SL 4 BJ

- \ * 4 \

ee ee

Aa Gi He Ee 7 M \ Bue nw ma Pio


| Le pur ee was ee if Ea fc ern bf Oy Caen Lhe yay) Bs C21) ?

SY S. Kall a?

Bogle Onl Dhtey ob is Ufone Se ne

Cred nie Goint) Lime

ho aeMte GIL glen AE nd ; CE SE RT OO APC! Pe poe pO A a Ee A,

PER. Mervin CnLparmnewr

Pemene Sn SW ee SE 1 cee Ses HE» dbaiges ae

odo 2f CF Corti hh fe os

[Acoma ays 22 oo nee

rae iter . ZB, 0 Svat oor fi tee if So td ,

fa v7 taf tatlisna feng. = = 74 JEn~ ; Sf EngjhL-C=, F o& Sean ow & 4 Lite.

a \ ia { o . : a i $ by ; ; NON ae


S30 8. Pint Bg ea, Se ee plage \ Pe Bev br bone Ce hind fut petlans fr iB ug PS EEA ee ey Oe ee cae SR ee a fro ol gis fLirbkerrs Mleurecnt (2) tr frre Pak tae ate eS anata Ve Yas w, PE Ae ee ee Prenat Fe (Pte2e- Le Clive , ~* Puy fore CS ee eee es


por, Gor oP Bel LF ee Benger: rao fae alia on ZA Za. Leto GONE git tinle YO tenes Ps pee VPA 6 iw EL oe Affero bh, ee Me ee! ae ET


Baw J a ne

PE. fon es eloa Yili

a Goon)

PP i ko ee

ee Wt Copa io ET Aa Pe a EP ea

x : A a Aoew Aa Z

a eaAo— Hes 7 Un Ateew - gst,

De ote Zeure . ee a ee 5

sie Maiimnie’ 9. ah

Pea, ree a ig


O-t1-— o-—C_€43 1 Ate

Q |

ae VA ime & Soot pe Dtcr-9 Gs fie te i ees ee ce tiaw 6 Aba a es Hed ME "i ow ao er Any a Bete



CK Kf GF 630 fa. fut Hb

ay 4 () 7 f i 4 Sis Cfngetes, Cal,


freeman - SE”. Be ae

ae _ ere hag ea ee



lias ae Bea CY 4226 clee’ JJ ee re Sleeve

GO Cet et. ee cA L227 CAccs) PeoZe ts

We wae } he & va nate. Win U

re yp tto lay |

RO ete Cet, ct ee


A Me Wn tt 2

5 f

Kur Oi, ae Mee a i fite%o / a we OP TAME SUE ee TTY SOM LO re iatects Moose

et E Bee: tvt, Gtttd Craw Ane aeen rai

CUsete, Aheetennnots, EE RP one oP Aurtlelo,

Miftagdeace : Juliet Wi ti1ew a ei bee

Cok go Y Mii iaceetacbatpsclieaict I” fankicd : Af tprcy, y

j btcateer, Crt Le eaten Cure Late,

) ig

0. oe / / i_tets, “err,

J, - “ly: Z A oe Pa Lee ee 00. fey jeg LACONAD , es ad Caines ae aa a Ctrts Ve Crerc)ereg

Seti ae Uae botae

ry PoRe ' , i LEU sy oe ) Z Cette y= 44 ¢ V ives pix cae


ove /* oe Ate big , 2 e% 6p Levis, Get Yl apart

(/ $ = t aie fo if (Ges Oe Aa os Lt, A212 CoP ae 2tat, Ct

eae Ctr Mr CH Coates 64 hee rd, 7 oF etnies ies

hte 1 GE LL “yy

r '

Biter Ge Mite ele. hee La Lita Fi Ercety



wz LULL clit “; 4 Mad CS te Be Jp head FLA Goose


Jy . VA %

ys oA Watrt_v (tt2~rette UP ae Ls LELLELELC®, ¢ CAt22.2.07

c /

j, , S \ Vi tt1td tt btw _0t211142112 6 PE ah YEP tek tere

Ip; ae) Prot- Cbt2e2211ew DS fore 221 bees

(sama 7 Joe ae Gian C1441 Tes Lizcceto GA hrc. Last: Céae

br L, Lee S 40 Cte re q toe botnet le

Yo Zee stat, Grd (ltr vhiel- VES eM a B pe ZO@ttte A maa 22t21 1 pe ae cel he yaa?) Lt eo, Macey by F ee C142 ote Vbrere , en

42 Ct LS AD eu‘ Le? At i Oe « b ee toto Hbeo


LH. ty p> fpr GQ Ched ea Vena?) WT sins WAG

¢ ye aha GW ee a Mhicte

SZ pr2aztcteterinnirret bers prise Fi LL ee trikLily

Ye ite, Aw CxtOrdt Pike fcCehittrn, CG oe ah vs U/ f t Y

1 t \ oa 3 yy G Avlirbew Uv iy i ep 1 ee ee el Ls irc ch


? : WEE ) y Lt rpreee , tA ed, ee

ra La 1: RDS TNR De Sad LY Sean

ttthiv yee oe o ze sO ws,

CEs, k y (Eta Lr 44 etn

Cte ED Vile s AAA ba MER od Ap He ae f

\ fof j oe 2 ”) VA hort Ee ef Ge ree, y, De? bo ae tiyly Qo feted Pt

) oy

Vlei (Lent Lt? 120 4-4 LE —z beorig Z

fa, ; : VA

Pir thio 4 tloz 21217 “7 LEED: <> iy a Lt7e2z tp ER UY A y 7) ie we) 4 pz LitOlone Hiren tir.0e4 av ke Acecrrs, CO pene

f A ee

g eet. / om ene pete

i fie ale ee ety Le ae ee ¢


VA 9 .

V ChAT tize22, Le zB Jwrt Vovidl Be SLORY tt1k “rh Trtge mala. OP Lge Me is.

. pci, po es Ey the 5 atic Ly frrect Kho ow npc

PLS ed tT SOIT es OP GP LS 7

tee bthen uv Merretreperr lone, a7 O92 19 Ory

fret pkgs ae of Ce termes

Daw gover apn O tye tevti Flap ian, Meorlid try Belew = fon Pre jp Pie~elie o- Léeecati— tio ee Py) Pie oe. Oley e . A Z2Lo22 flo tC


bh YL a ne ae bf ae ete: octtg, girette bevfrrces. ree pow Ys Aoife ss GOES Poerr hte log Mt ae ee Be a trecle ciate eek A eels

fen ee

a Leer tr Are oncst (0 Mice Peeciegpe Te Miao gene (fre (Toa Pee eee beeitel, § LeeCa, OE ie Ba Aaa UR Aes I SE EIS LEP SO. fentwonrt Piet Med aleren, tert Pr AE TLE DEGLI DES: g.e4 (pow lars bore, tA ase fries of filer allirtelh

Aw a i eis /PlLLL» OTE SRE Ab bfinervarres, Lbs oe @Ostlealews O cr ra AN Tee We Gv ye ay. ate a iia J phe, iit dais eK Greener) ia

fit : ; a Cbeds 4 Liza" Ao2t12t bb bE? GO han ye ee eee! eae tee fo Ye Mu bate ft

pnts eM eee SR es POE RES ee ee lovee of Tie Ar bod erafi

[COME SS SRY AD PF davternetlig MWhrets O ®irv fee tact died tees a pitevt fle be Doeiete aly, (Lhe Phecrecug breotes- of arts yd EN oe 407 wl Begannshe. dace” eta (1AA aed Se 07 I I AE SE eT) ED ee ae Wrd bfeceurd Arivder ee arn port fl- ee ee a ee ee SF aeyeek Hier Ais (tert Berrnet a Bue sai dane ede ee dtttats fla pro4 Bete fier other OMAR, FOES a PE ay ae FO hi pproar Gu foo Oi lerificring Cae orretyeca of Via tn (ha Karr tar Lorrvnnt of Srna, BWr020 65 ae tol. of kane tized Gtr. —, (ltte frre Grrr fecetes eg gene pla af pon en te Piripor lice, (Vere~t, Lhe Bee Up Bite (Bean air (tig ble id, Aw, Veer Ath Fey Juog tore. hein Gling pie Avleeet, (FP Craw "RE en rt fer ete TOSI Sane Abe Soe ae pe Oe EET fe Tee (fon) yas EES AEE ON i Mee at F Gos een es ae ie a apna flo Pern Cae AU AsG eee Me Dal Sikhs ae ome oe ee Unt Jeet Oaiyrctrowsiae Me By arricks des, we en Oe flay 72 te ope ote ok Boe peta Tits 20) yeti ald bute l oege ie Beeps. het de cmenartenates IY rer arias: Vz CAR eee ate Migs pee Clik Lecastn lps. Cecepitip cactel ‘ravaucane Appa ae bey Qivet- peas ewe lor, A io. ae Corpor ee EE EOS OE Es Le I Le05, 0 VAN pla ae sees etal NL es oka S Garret Perry Mord Ea”

Ye pote ssae, (Oe ae oe oft free ee an =

7 a 4 ¢ Zr Chu Lotntt~7aJdID Gree 4 ae alk pup C 4 L, ae one Ce 22

19 ZL ft J. B |, Che jit11. Let D og Va We

Lor Pos we bef ef eck! Cee

r i t So

ay in 7

~ a? he (LIE PiU, ite tta11Jf- Croenr

Geattined _ty sales + i See of ees Bt oe 1 t- ee A x ( €.28 home A ] Ly As _ oy, Co E25 (Ltt a Loa 4414 WA (POE t fn ee (ERIE ML; Bi ee ae 7 : y a A Z217 - fees Olt ol? vs AAA2tA7 VI23 ie Wise) ow at : !


2. ek cae af i a rae Aetr2 @Q2» Bias eg TDN), Gi gests GEA.

Yo Zttl Corre ituex,

1 A

Se aa oprah fice Zw Sear foovfer

De CLf~r “p- ye 26 [LPP at Fd ty Cone a a ow ca \ theo Ob IL oe. ens BASES MAH ne mekiee i ieee

7 ~ y c = Cicada tek Ges Ars ae els te, Catigfate a,

ome (fi CO

, aa a (R1r7- ef

Lenn TA ie ie SE ET IE é. ae | ee Oe , ow

Oroaren ce /5 S trite Melee tive Orr bn Cetz,. C4 tba ley oy et Mo Pies At , LS LA_2<_e alee set ait” Gam prt Morn, whee (3 ole sages a Ni eae Aredl fonw Ais og sian aL GSR ei Ye Lares Leefecet 224 Aeler ete TF tere, Hl get i. Calta antl ruts eile. hPirtteial Aone VE PS Ao TA Ty Paes (lle. eeent . le Ao, OR Ae Chew, Maes = ec PSP KEL co1tts

Ke We ge fone ie Mays GeLu as EO SE SORE DY of A:

a Ate A WY; wv tli C2 OL 20 ef" pot) O24» EEA

i Oa tA WAL CAD SEA Lt -4t C2 By, 4 oF eens 4?


Coeeer (eee

a] We de

; Ft. wt ale~s a pre Aprecs/ of Deo Zane brea) Chara A batorg

ae j mG in. Bes Wo Cpa row GEE J ee et s224; fib Z. wy Cates = / bof Sea Lows

o Corp, A freed te Valente, 6 eerbes Le: Men

ce fy in tele, Tae i's cnee Ged [ges ecto lil ote We cote eos Birr store not ean. Leacrerees fore fd beets f B Zeke ie forereee Getty toh ore I hon hy ifm ae ae, ere is piece Vikas f Pitatid (he PE SOY SMES IOS OPO Oe OE OE: ERE ME Llc, Bed (frre [balee ote WA, [prt COE Ate EBD ee, CF Potadise. es JA, A. CLL Se east Lee drneced


fer. av ee ee oe ee Le eDy ZF. Ar2r1eriyt + G1 op etanecennt: MO (Pte Aeeks

lO ee I AW) Dane ROS <a if wt lio (Pri2 frrrlerrerre And srr Groety “nd. Oar erise cerns AT RE ee TS! OE

at wie Mat | Weare 4 Ltr fbb» Arevee tate nlif ae ree Cosh

Bharnee at Uline, 9 obs pet Ptah His furl. a Hayton, I terre (Ver, prcco bined:

(CZ: Teed, Moan eee Pa iG arb Z Da ¢ / na IZ BZtt1 : 41th ri SR i she Nl ; Fe eee ew aes Gove (hee ‘ae ne G

a kg a a f at cnet ee a ts. Awd tetri Chris A Biesy

ipo 7 ity

Yrcur A (PPE# (b14¢2 he ee ae. Cteeertitt,. y pm \ ae > 3 cy Lp» Wigecs, Ve ames Geeoferae 6: JAR. Pte SEL ends ; a a eh Oey aw oe

We, V oa (Peg DpoferreAaticr au FO, blevipd .arreDw fete (740 a4 Lew vi se tg é

cae ve) ee JB (ét2242 lew Aaa tt fétr* a edema

Aer AA te LA Atotnz Ed / Mi Peak Pe ee en OP nee ae at ley

Porifrrnna JP ges Lt21eleyt», Peas Shut <g a her beng: Cee Ntrwte Atrue tesllieetain, ft mye ES UL“ L20272 ee, 4 ie

ee “. 5 KZy Uctactyy 1 yt ha Re oe A ae I ean pe Ji La >

pct, berets Seen [</a NS, tay. cee ad bore et yf Pane ad de Lae: 2 Sagara ee eae ft2tt ore ee, Vetefrvton (a ie / Vi By, Airegh toe lewe ct tees Je i meogeh elec (BP Pro Pee Mca Bae Vz se elathcl sole Gon een Die if

Gi1w Crhret June pr ; / . Fry Lee (is seed tac Ad (720 272 Faas oes, ea

ban fine Aarts one earl ot poe eat amen a eee (he, aie fiw, Arrvile tn Chew flown frente Breve gato. i ae Ae Gowen Are y frat fp atevenatei/ Jhee Peer tote flr ageratc. UT pore, 4) Un toe SA feito Levee ale (EB gos, “7 ie ae Ps ge fron cee Alas ats

ve Oi, Prvettes tn tr, Ye (byt At. Barf Ofc a Ber blair,

bee, 5 os ahem aipiaanaa Be Pico fe” ad wate &, foe Wht pace, | Gerke fh ws Lefpeec tty OES eerie EO Le (alco inet fac A tence low @ Leet s ae a ray + rapa M0 a pate Atl; 7, eee hated ante

y, Phil peo ea eee UA SEE SI

VS, BIE pi Py oe I harconse f G eoneae es se NP ies ek ace lt ect a

tiaaamieam a eae cov aaaraae sid Ae, SONI Pe ree Leetss.

ia as ipeteoke And AtlLdbeatlece Prz V3, ELE OE! ei Crrov tlirenet Cod La€2 (fon (Fie brn oe

Fg L Lhe Pres % by Laltet. yf Wb IRENE OTE fore Bteag, a0ste’ as Te Ue pak PRES ph Ppl ee Gare Zinn a alzer (jon Lares, 7 anne (haere Cf Ss

aA Latent. f Leftrntitie / Wy oa ee [ptav Ctry Etec Avy Cpe een PicpT rer

tet ae LF (Pileatirn Ctt1rd Atlo~erntey > of a een alice herll- bree Latins Mts Lie et Lieep (ts bolleetiin fee. C@1i22tf22, Cts bea gr (_tA1e ees we Diets og bitrr JP Led a ee Pb hages wy i bttw Gerke . YW bbe al , ei (A220 (ert Clttr1w tr ate, Hand A) ena ee bkig. ator ane alsa btiledb eats sine ae ree or NS A Ae ZirttijrteF tu Minuet 4 Set H/ é ug baat Fama iis) ds ith ha LA brhc,


oe es

ees toy bit Wea oe betes rt afin ee Ctett rt Jw eae ees / tft ev Dar oth Aer tT bieryZ Ae Lect greet Pelcrer. Wit, Gael O hile adede Yer by lagna, OL SPE

Yop Lee, Pane, flit tecrer A GrlLew OL hey (heated Bee. Gent Zit tt. few

: ( Vien (ttre ie eee: PLN Ps WL See SETS ae

Ee A Piet LEGS Chen th li FL


a Peat seh oa md Ue ee es Fate SAeee

ae aD use eae Fe eT SN a

Aeeericeg fe Bett Ks @ Gt Cer,

Z g Gat Le. ae ee Cot G22. “6 C1 eee a pets he, p- C2711,

toe haa ee ee ia an ae a

be be” fhe Zr2 Pe 2 oe fax Al gape My pater,

Yis Cornette at ford arn, b~ fp dto ane Pls done Yew ffx / AT bie Rots foe te

4 Oh AVE 7 3a ou A ee aS Soiewinih

AON Ce pow (ad OE Leg Av Lr obey Oct in sam POURS AE (Pritt 2r1G prw fre errs ee ae F Later Lire DL bt Po (fom pig eee Fk SNR rasan RUN Rte cSt? Oe Sn POSE EEO REY 2

aa 7 em ge Bekaret ae aa pbk a0 hired Giang <a

lritl. ahh ee create” a veut hit Phir row Prccen batts

its al etn! Zl jaa oe

its eee ee rome, cat od Pores 3 Vp dbx

Ae, ae RR OY AW a) AP tien ied, ee dhe. et ‘Seite le eek. ie

te (bbe bition Sry Afr fos faa pal ae Dery Crrait, 07

tag on joc tiie fe tah AD fice wets dre

ae Rak a ca ‘Pi Re

(Vierth Wher VE as thet HE aa cas ge fete, Gl exci

ppl. dr We ther OF cle pce foarte: ey Se ay TR 4 jer P Binet Caarict re. nari, Cit, J

esciniat Heit te. vy)

es dd ne ae Gok OLIGO

th Se meee Gor ed Ee pe Deee eersee Lbi etl Jb “ae cade © ong (load ites fire 2

Leo YF, On wal Lp pee Clad id ee ees V g Lee Zz Gia, Ad vie SRN pe Oe ee Yds

Vit (plonth jprtacies ps

b: sa ‘Za ort i oe

A, Hie Geatirs o Lore I1 a Coed Jrrvtctle ae Bee ia ee / - Gili A Bose wold, peel LB pores

/ fee lew Lies Sts pec ae ete hor, Gree tte UPY: BAcd tour sae a Spel (fl (lee O fee peel Leben Leip

{ es a Je; ae ars LEE iy et Colne Ey ie s Zz eo

“A Z we Boal, (ECLA Sa Zi Lo 2 peeeg, QLLE Og


(CLEBE1AG EGA pe, ye CFezez Cees freee ee EE ee Stew Cee fone C6220 ae Tf Sots Jeter CooL eae

Blk: YEP GLLAALEL acerca I> keen


V4 id Ve es Zu pee (Cettr. Lert oy Leong Where J OAe22 a Ws TRL! ee ( Z

Wleeete pals heed Pe PLD ne COAL AL EE Wz 2 afere4 foedpce (pte VHB Pie 2 Pn


L te es AtCL¢ So Arete: oof e7/ ltrm beim eee dl beer Jrrces,


a ethos Ce terte eee f422205 oY ecacze A (Peet Tp Dy AG O-t1 ge ao


ow wv a I Epetet ip of Ledoces Bryn Bd Pes OP eda Se Cut ea ee ee gest WA Bu a sede > elma pares va Poe frre ew Coe eS ata: free sae ao- Geet ee Cow

(AL, eee ta Exh 4 022 eet tite le (Cee2, Veter 722 ames EL 6240) Mork oF hee Citp. tele tien ar Li cocetey 7 Oo P2071?

oo Grad @lleslece 27 Ag Pew te ai EF Stews

ZED } land eed Ce Levys Bed hort Gevg 1 ih pat :

i‘ vecet & (fects Wi ae ye Mia as ete) a A Ls pote iv pam

4 Lhe: Lppatec. 00CEL bs ge = ms (Cts, oe. 4,

7 “a

Bow CLE cog.

~ Ce (Gitroer 0: et e0@.cjuyT Ze eo #. We [eae Bel ee oe Pe SINE Beet Hack ét- cr torts ve im 2 en Ag, op es eas ws 2 bt2e2, C222 cect, aed py oe Sa eoeay Apote fee LEAD we, 2tt gi) Clears ig Goch. Lied Byawe. IP Pees AS ACD 4, ~ we tole See cy PGpeoke, Le

Lee Cin ae nner oe VEL Btn deed feted L Lo2gs Ve BLO oe

cE gay ey eS Ala see

ati A (AALE ame )

Yh Uedire frrsitid ot betel, fp Be,

CEL e111, YZ oS a Pet ae

Lasee = = tee 64 46 See Bee ar, Cairne! te = E, | Ye pr~eti2. ghee! P2222. se et Yn re tt 3a pe 7 LG sn hae CP i Ae imi pata ee. la eag/®? Grew Pe Cet11 oe aa PLAY

frvaee eter f

a DL” eee

A GCRAEET HOE tn (tid the Chee cor minh, 73 ep gp oe

goer i BRR’ by Bet Peer Hiei fjeloaioen ds oe Se sons ee ee: a WO TET

ELST ne Peale tA 2 eA Paes Zot Bie Le wa tao ae Mette Li Jur Ws ee ESOL, TON OD pee Ah Pina 7 LCL Se Cece We, p- oa Spam e Lee

ees A los haath sows bovte free Ail ee Ze ss

: 2 boete pe A: ee Bheaee yy Mah Bala Bez ee Cf PE ELE A 3 LE Oe

Jia oa es

wy uD ae Gactaird F bore fete decir f oe Ahn. 2 PA Le B fad Fld tre fore Z aes ee ed a, flb-atlbte 5 aad te oe LEED LS Tan Lhe 4 fo 2220 flew Se we Bcleed (acces sds bine Bteety ots for CLA Arege ome Go ee eee iho 24 ee Gf Wma af Bez pain Mb-elee an eer ferre Larseace if lbewrs

Z Z, a nie Cliee€ then. bg a es ng A ee Cette Palle be Sy ae

mena sais ie Zp» aloes, 5 get bac? PAeg,

La Clece vis pre riven 9 ta sence ee ee Sen Lp Har F La ler LO CE Cee Ps tes F6 Lbtedl Civ Drderieeeatin A ed bot

bith Ad beak Ybrstdh a fieere nee» ME ee Se (dit cetedegee eee ys




Woe sy fe bteele MU Letew J J CA be (Ze [eh / © pp eee ye

f pe : C 7 ,

ae ey ee oe

se LCOtKMHL ce , Ctticlh CY ffi19 AE y z

GZ arnt @CBtm7~ / LP Yeeer sare: flrvecingys


tit Lae CLttt1y oi Fn oe of (teat h GO V, Le Fe, « GEER Se atilis ae Vong i

/ fo Viale, an 7 / Le ers SEL ie, pe a ae FH Lt, hE Ps et)

poe Ayo Gee aioe ee able gaactimad sewed,

Ei ee ed ee rage os cf aces ezew VA oe he I fe


t ' f

7 Li lie leo fe pa an aft ZZ ane ae


cams Zin shee aa ea e Pe Az2d tt y; he 7

Op farieet “Lhe oer eukagenron

‘CCL Le Ce

Clee VZ oe epee a ie ip pcr Meaizrard es G2 ge: Y A i 4p ; Cle (le Le LZ: Zy CLE lta fg V9 bv tern Pees (a (Pill ace Biber. tunes” ay Pe

7% W/E DA PLCLBD Ger: La. 200 Pa ee Aw come . eee! wan , Vee : i by pia YP Ww 74147 ig a Jur Ptvetrcy,

Y ¢ Pttirw

UE Attetoe ne (Ett vu es fifo (lho ee Ww va “ahhev ° anaes . fen a (Cty tm fer ee oo 2 Gores a, Va Z apenas Q LE fevrfe A ZZ ee ee» / eS F phrer ap

Cle t

Va 7 3 ey lag, La/te ete le sah, wee ogee ee, ba? Y. , Ip G/2Le Tew CL siete ok

ve Sf’

a Yk Pt- asreaitsei. Aid Prager [lace fort So LAL GL ibis 4 Abtide Gee ates Uae LEE Ee EZ Lhginit: CLES fot,


x Cite, ee Mew (Cette, WAZA aA My i seca oan ae Aerts yowe, na lo ae (bep ale. pipet mse Whats, coll. loonate ae Lt Ocalg ee ae ee dceg G7 LE Rit pa Sn ar “ge dew i oa ye Seon

Lieoer, Carr (ly lee# sciae, cident Ye, bia. tee Vi iD Monk, OL ane, iene fore nas, (Atflor ea pou Poe

JAZ ra “7 1 U2, @ aN

ne ee boete Vee (24 Pk Sp BE Bae ANS Lee YA ee LLANE EEO SLES,

CAzed A eee JA 7, nee Za Logs


Corzted, C a 3 ei yn Attleztetiens

a } tom , Ottlc oltre ad GZ Le

: Vas Oe tw D0 Chor... «7 Lorte Werzreeeg Ltt a0 desey ree Cie | ee ee

WR Soe Bio Jew OLE OE

ttters le fbiiy L002 ta el 2222 ioe Sema

“22 of fe Hap ee ear eye SB

rete j JEL L722, x Py (GELA- oie “i


ae Foaave pose fab

IO alert tl- HW hi fect ttl a

Ve» Kb AeDE o ae bd t0 le vies

Lita lecde Air. Pe Cee oo Me. i

sa a Loe are Picwe Lv4, Yao ee Ege Gh Fa Oe ea “iA Lete<cac

Z, Le, SH, AVeeser Jecce diaer Gee Odelimecat es. eee iL t7 frrg

ee 7 Ages Loeee Oteg lie Le doting, Jie, title (Ac FroeL i, MG wh thie dee

Lt di ecteg ead er peed) Cte A, ome pees

ec ctteet es, Livd I fio Aig ot wees ois a mane acti 6 Lecce

tofetae i ted P fend htigey

Cae y Ahecec oma as, poaias Le oe Lio Pomme btove Doe Br ie One SAE CL C0-@) De

Citut sedan ge a Oe hbfau | C220 Licwy ete CT OD Vee hengeter


(ome he My AP ee Aha GEicrke Laie 6 Cth elaada ; :

LEER LO es Ee pone (citbcct~ VE Berceecats 42k £27

eA Avorhe a Fe Vz


Vita) ~F had Leen, be C22 Pidvcrevieg foc LL LLP ES Pee Q+t- VLE (PED €02 ef

emacs Re fet ate a, ae cid ane Locecicte ee paNDA Vor fo E

: EL iy, of laa net PEicctece df bce tu ef sateen ey ae <€c ¢ deine aS aa ys Eeueeeee Lhe fo flee Lend Opne by

OH ay Aud UM Bitte COG, Ze. thi < Vie 4 0 Avb} bf bees vt fiom


Bs yd lay

feerbuvecees deer Cole ote fel evued— La ee Se es Wwrig et~ Oe Sele Orice, le 2 ty Le Snrtn, Gee loler fz Ce fe Cetra days, fe “Gey ior ees tte Cireline, a oa Led Ses e, Li tre Ceere~ Ate G- barlbe Lg 1 eer ees lg Leyefety —, Ltje= eartit, Lhe tirrd ¢ Preece Mote, Bid (lho AcThi. Wied toric luis Lites A Well Ds DEN ee Gales, me Mew eects beke, Cezed (eeu Bee Viz Men Kot Worle Cae pli Lo twrtt frror. Gee Mone) Ga oe lez, loc, La LASS OTIS

7, focracd, (hs

Wetec UE 1, (6 BG. aS al Ae. Picci sg Cetter

25.3 2h. ee La eb Clhrnat Be LEC oy seid Semen M78 (eececere? ak

Cot : cic diag aa

Beek: ees fxytser Ca ol eresg fae OO rg par ee i a

oe ee

LAO 22 Ete ttt CCLLB ZL

ZZ LEE BOM Ye COC assis as lie. E

Lier ~ LZ¢¢CO GZ CBZ 202 oes Coz z36 ee


AS, SZ 2téi este, pee Co Jee

Saat ge fan Sele xe Git, LEO SOHC Tver Vie cen tog Mize



ie JASE. 2 Va0. Ji Jl ba Jp deen Pobvtia Goeg - 222 0¢e7 Fog Lc vias ee Peon I a eee ch ee ee APo37777 bp De I TONY PENT ee JB fees ne oe pe ee

(PEt CET Ges e ecc“n Jecee 0/720 epee tblerta CE a OE IE IEE PE Eee re ce igi Peer spats Ie pen, Crete jet ra» eciied Cregeee a acifico—me Do fi ELLIE TPES einai e Maes am ree Be MN of LPO ION tee, FLL,

. Lo fie ii Becdi fer reve? AP Oo hm mee oe ee ene a LELECEL Ag VG ELE I MELE: ara bt pert O. ete Vz “Minna fll bee ek ettjerd Y@ ei (le We Peete Zecto Da Le op (VAaetasecity (Poth FA (pC E00 OS Zo LCT eae PIE MEE: Ce ka Peed LOLOetg Lee Gil 7 tLe Corr ee wt be pO OBS VO es Poe

Ut gee CEC bees Sexeeee Aeeere J eccvored yy Bn PEERS iy see Vivey Ceecre Lead bocce

Breer Zz22o Co cian liane ee bLilipette

a. Pa | | 7 A

~~ L2er22e Zero ee ee /afee

Vale ys fe 7 e%er Dee me AER Sen

foo Py Bree ee MS, i ag ETE IEE: ee ee, ce or Sec |

at SS

a es a flame ioe Ze gs ee pees oe

ag oats NT ae Me cope ere he oe tr aia ea LE! ee 5 aes ft eg eee OC Bore Slee A ! ID, ALD —— i Es oD: Ze/ AYLaee-, Ser. Ge ee Fics peas ite OE eae ai ay at e

ere ZAIZEC , | SF Fieve oa ae Ber mecen te

= Eee ES

A Bare, Gout


Aecjete a ateg i | ee ee

ES eS. Ze ee 2 Ase A Lx, Pe yee

Yh i ae ae ee iy ae Po ee ere ot a

ae Fane

E Zz cezerer

q (ey Me (BBB ~ iS gee Sais aN

on we ee =. Boe. CVE cece “yy JL tp

f ez LZ

Y SP eee bi fee DE ee - OP Olte Ztt22 Pregl te, Lozc2 (F Fem EPL” 62 Pe2ec bog Arrece ee fe tecte Bec 2s. Gr “Kz feo APT Coe ot ole ~ Bees Fe

Ce ee


ie oe ue i

ol rkki e Bb a IP

2 . ee See SEF Ob tee Whig OPE CF Cesee dite ver

VA antigh: (bre Lz ee L4¢é Duco A egies Ly aece (Gibcd ca APe Pew CA gioco fa

bas Aan Apes aes SF Frere Sorin) Vi” SLee YZ) es tee Inne

Ae: FG Jeeeettt~ Brace Mee LB, Bat ais cP esas, Bid y te bevbls ZD

eae PticPury ss orien ty es Th fed = Br Ziijp Catt’ OSes fed Zee, FS Lai Paceth- Vlaoseg @ A

LALL & ers 42a oto eee Ya P24 Fs Osr

Cet thir ve 3b- E€Ctccttice iy A Pe:

oF oy fe fae? swe

leit —— Bs eas dee ee, oF Z2t) Leth theme, ferr te LAG Chntd Lewes tel aetite Ir Le lagyees vs “bed

eae pee


~ Lere? feast hie ae

GF bhvete babi fez A Wee 27 JP ebarvird eae Ltcctenw ,

fa ena en a Ae Cathe

i Re Be Ave 7 Oo fee. F ha

Pie he nD ee a ee ace a

Weve AE CELL EE 3 oF aby ae es ae Flee a 22 a

4 (o-ced/ ? PF fs art €.

“LU a / VA Cue eee frees vA cezwep Gee A,

Eisai ecta 4 ctr Cte Seg sole Z halal @Ze Relator er aes Pw Gp piealey Ahteg ion ia iin & ata Zs am Bite

Cotes, eee Leni oe eee CS ey at, So ey ey 7th

°c Cece a Fa a aa CLAEL

US sae Seka EOS oo. Aas eg Leo Stew

ele iss igi fer re B-€, PE ae Bef


WEE Fee. sng ecco 2200 poe


ek: CN Ae Aa ee ie Zo ete Po Ie


fH oe PF Lert Lee Erb le bX Lee ee eece ke

Wee pitvecces, ae SG fer ced f=

& Nvenceleeee sie G1 Ga (26 Lied

vane te Spy Gees Se ae = Sao Jilé Le og GCE Lat a~ ifr eg 45 Se ga Sine, CX certicre cs zZ Pie (

CE ee EZ@ re a ee ee Genes aces

_ 2

CF Le Cee ee ae ee Pe See ECE & Ecc gy


tik72 Dehn” YEP P2-&e ar Aad)

Cc o a LECAEO aor AG: v2 LELAELE eee pe 2

brebmoden? tu wa LE tece0 Teens Fue

wr Jy) Of L D gees ee ee Ane ee Ze Lecl—


lee ZEUBZRH S Atv Lo eee ar eC


“i Ziwewe ZALA~4E?P eeu peg el , ai os CVEEE @Cecl a2ti4aigy 2t¢e 5 } Zz ww Cowewomicsy <—

fltte2d E222 et Co AREA E BPALCEE i ee ee ct Maeewele & Cw

Cie~ oe tre

ZEEE EVIL EL Sethe Pe ( Pa can “Cz Co te BMBoeLLc etiaieitsikth Precniceg.

, f

a oc i ae CLEAZL Z Bm 2 Ss oe ——s Cae. WL Er272 cel atecry CECCEEZLL

LESees Gee 2-222 ri 5 if se ham

~ ; ra pJe~ acec Atetcer ee VS Occgc ie é a =

- S Rees, Se Lee GS & £ LE 2e GS Len Hee ed yy ae

$ ; PA

zu Pate eee fee: £e OL Sasi CFL puted

Cane Pcl, Pan BS iaaicat heey Lox


Ps a aseer | ge co Zeereetiig ae od



BQ Cee7elee

Slevee Cleese Ler

; ee vA FEACCEA ZG LE dE ttt’ FECL, tes Fae ° teow Dy Aac, 44 Cher,



a SEEY Bien atts & EOE On Te Served

SEL 4, Zegese af ¢ Betele a 4 as 4 ,


by A ge Goat ey vs Ce eve Cre CLES ARR Ce@ce


bitch zits teen Z


CCCHE Bed L*ee> Sot Ged fC Days $a 2 inde Le cttoec 7 *, Sos Lo ‘gb pgit-c-n y, ey £@. Sie: os > Bo wy i= ay Oe Clit (ECFES Lili CCC £eeLveug @ Lies . wid op 0 CEt2z29 Cece 4 Z2oecse Crcect—

P£Gcavea, ’lettre Cece Breazes ri Y ‘.


Pimp pong eC Y 6 etl a me fe 4 PLE LE fir

res 7 7, = LL*E AALCZ@ pettles api? (fb LEeL eZ EZPeCe x _ A . 44EY 6446 Cert

i j ZL. ys ; CGE th Ce Za

pe acted tana Zee A S$,

yas are Ce Acre

pli aoe eal” Ctcacene Stree Bed

a FCEo

t= G22

_f ae (ae ies Ne ee Dee

° fooueel Pe dein. acter? Zon A= (wee Bore vi; 7. TA BO 7

ie A @cr2 dt fr tteg oS ‘bed Lior

& Lig cgi? katte geeky ae fan SeReene lhe Ceey or O22 fF. IP a

Jt A ODIAZSE eel PED oe & @xctiny

eae Eee tee

it etiataans flonn pein Lian)

FY Zier Fe dies Se S12 Ctvhial, PL AOE Scecod Lewes becctt— GCG Eat

a Gee Pear beetin. a

= lovthe gf A mtn ——— We ihe ee Ole tase

oe at Ried Citi fun C Becvree ee =




BRIGADIER GENERAL AND ADJUTANT GENERAL. oe hfe 7 , Af : Re is WA #4 f Otympi4, WasHINGTON, “76 --6 Aw 189 4

LiLo Nj Bom ees * TP By th : f ae S é & Cote Yom PE Mig ava y / Le Ie WP Feel +) | Mt Te Mag ae thetic <x AS pie ce £7

. coon 3 pie we a AZ Wa va oe 74Z, ge he, LE bh be Z el Mab LI


wv ie ae Ke ae ya u Lip-3e ei WV Seo tae LE Cig LETL ther,

ff ABE Ys JLeeEmtt/ bs 6 oe t od (

é Ceecid jo hes La poet Lz Sez £47 S | bag hi

Pameaie’ Pod esl ¥ TSR ‘7 é. KY Lb o~z O eames LF LEFF SELAEL ELLY

Lue OA ray ae Re

Vhe te Se Cecl yz aN

o r BE

EL CEEL LE | a <a ae 2 ec c< Le vz Cao CE GE D) Lite” ; c 6 a z LLL tt Oz CELLED egy y ae ae ALCL LE

f ee

Lyd ae, wired LO bb LE Roz LEAT Ce Lig, /

a%, L Pag. Pie se BS ae Li iBz “CELE OLLI ( FY Fs ere Le ltir $y Fee, ven. SEE RL Neer Lh bbe"

Lem é Ve Eiht oe piplsty an oc cliry ya Paar y ELE Loy Gi stds Be Wenik

Sha maw s ee Waa: LLL LS





Qrrreerey WASHINGTON, oe ri? ae

J ket bree ae Va, ome 4 Meter becca an BE Le


ris Cary jie loa l b rpc

AL : oe ey Z tg, q 6 "y i 5 Lbe ae AS che ks Faces Kiwe

“ie aaa ae A fee a ah tf oN Zoetwse ZG OG Cs fae ele 4



——— vi ye

LETH. a CO Dx6 be Laie CO Leheg td bf

(aaa Hers yaa ‘Ce ‘Lethele> ape. ey y he LO LLLI CL cH fa 2a Bec 7itagiys

Sai Ae

/ A4 SFLEL eS oe YG LT Dap cyvyri7ie Vira tel Sede tae, Biss C22 CEmeL&e 4 aN 1 ape a, Ebket j Comers tbe CHO Ch gecee i rela aa OWA Ley ose , Cel sania eet toe acd, Paki Fd $ ted aden ad aa di (aed Deeg O77 etd Ce fee 88 Ai tee Dhiete Lyn LEN “etth FS aco, Lee ae Lev, ig) ot el iach Cex cag Lore fEtbeIIt Ed @ sis VOCE EEL | Seog Dee bi Lp as vig er ae Iie Pay Migs ae Rae i

/ a ioe


Emmanuel Parish

Circhipelago De Haro

East Sound San Suan Co.


Ete ae es Bap bro Hof ee,

sian. we Cnet mee as Be epee ae fi fore + A aia aCotes ALLE APE am

age ase a ea” eZ DUN it es aes (PE Zt Bees ie die a Loney aE aia ee a Cee i> Lee

Pict en Sree Gheece reece,

ee a ae ee eg ae ee RS cee Bee deste lP-eiie ce Le GRALI TC PE

ot ee ee a a etten er ae wes * #. Ee Crk Meee eee <2 ie dis We acti 2 aan area: yeas -@ 2ece GZ. en te pena tte seo at ce C4 5 on me NOE ov amare Z7— i

tex a? ———

eee ene Aired gf esbere cs

oie Lhe CLE

we Ba ee Wiis)

CC tft1Z4 ee a Sse Wee Aeteeg? Lz Keone,

Li- Caden poses eee ee ey ty elle ties LCE Cree fue PD A Ak P OY, BP Sie gf Loe Siti fen” Pte BL. ee Ecc Ried ah ae a fer Lazz, Bo pL Ce ne Cope

He p face Cott CR Ze fee ee Gecll Clee thCece ieee PD ebes 2g weer Rc es L fae eleo Gowe-cd ri Oe) Wee ee ae ae

Ze. ae Pee mere “awe ar sexe Zt nk ace - y Zuoeeld, Cees oF ee) Ure ea ps ae 7

si Cececwce Sem eecty, C1 pina gency Oda pa cerea oe es A Ocele

Ce Ieee Dries toe em FZ a~ Hered

Ce ee Sa a oa ae Mb: eee eee ce ae eee Vi Bewew Coes |) a 0 Ae st Mise tease hucke saee

ape we ee

(a Bee ah. cco ae —— oan Pie ee LEtceTFa.. ee Aovces Vee

FE eee Ben | eee Via bm ee DV pee EE erm g ge wale a

laf Pe ie < = ery ae a : : 7 Seana pose ae ia or PA tS , aa AEE so ei ei celine call SEG eed uo

Ree pero fae

re he Ree eer Gh fe Bee ee Gs A C€- CL

al RN ae rat

fe Aeccer CS Cre dod Sea ou a Gots ee Lotece te

he Poze ee efi Le ae ee er ee ee, pe eras Piha of

“e lig age LE 6 ce Ct eee OY tee ae LAO om sipeae

Sigil ace ie Tn Ao ele

ZL AXe ee PE Me Petr: a Wigeletie esa ae a ae ae at

fee Pe Cae Pee eis, a oe we =

LO re a if

ere ae Lote tae ae


Co COCECE’ ee ee

ug Gt Ftd. <Fe

Z TS a Oe A,

oll FEIT Vike OLA LA t<

£ vd

3 j pies Oe i EN Ge ETS LO LOECCOWW «CC rd [~

we COL LL 7 ee . fy ALM CMC xO

a et ee Ae Sle ee CLL

a Mee FLEE > | aes

OE oe oe

ne! CM ha Et

_—— f y, ; va VM gee bits : Se ERASE | Gree a a (a toe

: / Vener he ‘i / Cy ZCCt(4 CCL tALOCLLT Z é / ones é Cu. Zo het

CLZECLC Ly Zo ear peg D ees Le€ " D Gates ZC wee? aa te Maret a ge Be ag ep

ey ie

a ' ; Pe yeas C s C-CrO / oe ! , &: . x s @L~ ve oie ee

EZ eaten Cpe



Bee Ear ee

Zz td £~

AL2 ie eee as Lb AER EIEL ads a ae

fit, ee es ea

re Rage ke es aa

he LIA eg Cle L022 DH “WiiGe too ke Bin Ves for

eee E21 oe . ePrck Vig a W7%y sai opeee® Xft Med at oe wa O 7 LE Cox 7 “A LLY Le? 7 op ta ies

4 eA I 46 tt Ot AL hy Ae too Lona fore? Zee. AGz we Z

ao Ut Aa ee Zt AP Svh li / Crane Au A Ve fa

fF Py VIZ LEILA py ZLEPr- Boe Hy Peeps

AAA, ath At. ce gi Atte! Oat A, P7222

Gye GOH Vie, se iO cee (tips tld

rey fee hi fertinz LAD oe ea ree 201 eres

bie OC vettze) ag for LeeLee eae PLE BA Regie Ai

222 ‘A * prveerilingy aN pe La. 6 ecOL 7 2 tte

bret LE, ELV FO Py BALE’ a“fple ey, JE ¢ pO ee

oes aoe aa Le ies _Lligfee ‘iets ZA au,

ss tter ae a

anal PRPS. City es 1 ; Vi pee Ee Withag tO flicpumate Fig kay fprlota, fm Ahnu Lf 1G, CRE sa OE RL De SDE coles> ay Gb we, a 72 ia Pet OZ See, Ps Sie SL) ee I! OP ES Bhawe beurre vals BA. ee ey ee ee Langer Atfawsd) fire wt4V > Le “hed Li. Mtpiralias offre (rls rex l Hho Vand! hare Ah hiretefos> bearable kr ae |

POOR & Hiaeben iy Leet inwt»>

SO beth yr Qe’ Santee a AL hugh fl) Ltt KATIA j $ : Bo al > LS f4 Ltn nr pe ERE iss Sond uy Pate AS CAMs floras filaFy Ee Wi... | Prva eecen) Fagin free Wh ag fo 2 He ae, Leek, af SY nek ak ea Het afi Aker gh Lites Fanaa e bea zee Ves, Ag ac Oe ie we haifa Hos EA eu the AAay oo Se ae ee ee eee Priv -accen ite Farge K a ipa A EE Gon ff f PO EI EE Lig Th atO ik, Chin # Fhe :

hile hy Hane Pberfians hiCorae) fa onky beatific a ee ee oe oe Acow~ ph LZy LEED

Li kale) ba toy glad Chef of rior

BE, ULES pig eG VEE bd 7 ae joe (as Pe ee a ) eee mA Ce ee.


a a 2 Zs GF oa 7 we oP Mtn DS ga eee a age ie aod as Le lay ¥ Ctce eX

Z rs a 4 a ee i wi y A * a 2 7 4 Y, Log : ae de ea oA, a aA Catt aA We en Vie VEL S & Cte ie Lr A 2227772 Ae ewe Pe ne Spal oe oe er : : DP

Lae Cp ex) Cate | apes PPA areca - oe PLY vO a J te wee Brig p~ he gles

L271 A YX ) Zin bad lols CL Ce oe a AD 2 Bie BO» wilh COA ee A PPM AT thea ng

Ze Wize iG = ee 2221


¢ feud I me kn aoe. A A. AZ yee


f i Zatinxr O1f 2

Ar fhe ee, ef F-


ZA. ane

A 4442 A ltt y 7 <- 2 A Pa j sis _ :;

Tene. ee ee \Céttryh’ aztt he CAP OP i 4 as

we oe ine Ghat “ke Lee 5s ee cllties Fiaett Des : CLI a ye Bee Atyv frie Alt £72 97777 _

Yj : x es -



ag 7 : 5 i a or ere (PLEwW Cfirttes Cite ig eg EOT Es fa Ce j ao”


¢ ae Ltr Pte. hick addy ee ee poe y Pas a pe oe >

lo : A ? a ie oe ets Z » Az ee Foe Z “% Nae ce LAL) ¢FA CLA ante) MP Uf pow


ty Kt Aa? CHD 4 Hi SR i Cue, | 4 Lee a Cees @2D

a oA


! . va \ . Pris ts A ited 3 Sie ek ? aE A~c re, C2477 Cee ie = <SLe iz ed 7 aa 4 os Ae hx , pete as by. fo wv eas wenn Ze

C Anco LEY LOOPS 2977 2 21t ee! OF SY AAO ai


a, we CtJ2I7t e722 ce sae Ee Wie poe ,

om epee

Loa Pere. ve atl Cigar ;

SC alo fier ne

te L27e/ 2Inyw

i y ttfo2~aF


ale Boe ae eee fot

as CEB ti

igs Fe Gee e4 A ae

f —— , Ce ie we [8 Me pel nr 73 a,


Ea) on i a a ue Soi

Be Agee

Sie GE, See Ch qe oe wen

43 Sew ea

a a Bir Cr Cle

See at OE Oo OE Led Ey Ae x be

ko re \ bin. . Z “at Cite “Cc D Zee Ye Gh Bett Ae Es ke te

ve ne | AMHEZL Fama Oy, re Oo atluvh.»


soe aarnicls se Pr Gare Pe eer Se gt a2 ae OPE Bee Alamo S Ph. a ee ae ot add,

ie Sef Zs ee ae pO ae pom Hictranig Ds.

fo we ee

CA? Be Lev LPy (Se avrete ieee CHP Pee A 2tere 20) a a "Sag eee. ZZ? bt Ae Ge os Aas Lee. pee ee, Fitts PHO Cn


meen rn 2 ChE Mane Ay

CTS PELE Bee ee fakes flasttagaes ii, See Ler ie Loo! de gis) tae ge >) anol Pct foam Fa Ge) Beton pt Hie LOE Dav ZO fi ace fon Plant Dba eee Biowe> a fo Cnifath, afene ses Ao) “lie Ell enyal Ler, lho Aacb oS Por. Sazornt: ached

Ae se

¢ a Of fine

LEO ee Goore Bis Begs ALE A ie Ne me


BE at ee Abs AA ae afr ox foo = wise COLO en Chan ace Tae. : ee tt tnS ce & e Sox senile

aye P 4 Wat tite Pen

LA x Ae eeenan 47 u/ CAC

LZ eA Se OM JBL? é nee ZL

are ae TP aa Vee Gi~, Pm 7 ay) 4 - fe | 444 “4 PJCEE ALC ¥etttc ns, + : LCEY AG fue te

- A

VANS oo Lan a, BAtry~ tee ee

ie cine Ie zy is

is ZUCEW Fe yes

> y

VJLEDI4E Ly ee Bee Ce) CH

L him "CH e222 me Li

F on

Pe oe CG COZ Lv - (f ettt Pee, = a Ts

59 FIL

Ptteees of pe a re GAS te a ees a 2 en Af fp Ce EZ gl

we. Fe ae a Ae? CLey Bos be Vigne AES oleae Ce, IF CMA

thao! ts

ed ae Be a yy Aes reg ate a ee, Cp” Yenc jar an207 et az Pary fiery a Fhe erie ae he et inig CPrewica yp. Peay A Guacloufhic, 2 ie Bu aD ke Meah ¢ es Leros oO Hii, Abt Kp Ate el) Rt Mas - Aap Ve Soe fla ee ptf GG wat bre, Phad atlighs, Se pn ae oft fee a hih list i ake eater: Kho» MA Cire, ee Pade tf. | He 0 gpa Me Orci Ceoetd). be hitler Te ase Poias Penge Ge hin, FO, the Pe oes Z| Pog? Povey hbo, Af Cette, yy eae ica Ay Keer , | LMd FZ ae ag PRE a ee ae Se of frctte a aD Avemng or Riek. 283

yn LS nin ttiw) rtp eufitirr ,

Dro#B CenbAz OPA, 2 entO© Pay we vam ae, teeth OC tht k

Abel kes Mat Hep ether, Aud Zrn/ 8 fr Vigor L0G ee a7 (Pore, eg CAE AN Game i, Ne

a ne day Movie. Sty Cla, 0 Aen Cree, Vkcay Corton tled Atte, beep Ge tes hag we Ale amined ‘Phngn, Bel er22 Ba 0 tere Le a A keane Gort Af gr rvsD bua yt tAatl) Aire Volag flasF~, Kase? A ate he Risofeer Gedeg a L107 begjelnc ane ip et Sa Llomug Wi ie ee Loz, Phsba ha ead bt Ketone CP fut bghe 2) nm. CrartVres Fed v7 ee) a en fee lini a | Jae (Claw Anke &- Ze ae AACE ae Oravlo Gitar, Prd adintle Jrvnt) atone, ~ Chien yas Kine, Proole Cena peor pee Spee alae A Pee ee, bs gee” woe 1 7 She rite ace a dl a vthaP~, Ses ge ee eee Dogs. Cus Oat Keer,

ge. Ss

ZALE » Hiring.

CZ oe setae he ae LAY tor cape Za Jame fetn5 J ara Meg VEEL DN Col Ecc - ¢ ) Oo

AA tf ee oe ZEAL Wos leony ee om Pee

ume Goa EE BL rnd pected pie abe 120

paca ai oo Kolar Z EN ge SoH Aa ale aby

KL prne. Pccmes Far SARE

We pe 7 wae ws, Z Co CZ, ef ae. pee Eas co gne Lip ane ny oie “AG Jill en

Leas «fi tke Se ane Ke ae Zee

ey aaa f= Ay Renee eet 2903 Pes ae Lee 2 wee pepe ee i RT Oe a SE ee OT EN, leat cokes ee A Se Prine A Give Frye GE Ae is Zits (bu es 5 REIS. fife oz forma tay fLba— and oe a aan Oe ae, IV Paat A ore MeFi. Acc




7 aged a 04 EL I

Khe Sl ree2 Leu mee Lat. oe

Ghifeatof Che aa es eae

Ll 4 SAL Zante

ee Athy ees VaR Cen fot ies y Paty ee

Lia Life Leet pte i Cae

QE AM ine Kop mee Sere AY aaa Za Pee a

a Je Sty (Weep

ae 4 be ZA a

A Feta Cone _/ CSU? ae Cea |


c Z of AG, peat peer e re?) ‘S as ea! See RN ee Ze aie ;

| CppltaP DAD / fackope Ne see es ree pw modadee York aie mes _—T oF- acti wx

Smithsonian Institution,

Washington, D. C. bi ar

ei Co pr gens. ee leg fH Sree (Gi ei A? ao Alon Zo z Ceres i ; pete A fe ah Abele oe oe See prow” “322 ALS “y- 27 ns eee Gf CTH Oe LAZEed PPR oe Ro raee Lene Crathy

eee Ye Lo sae |

veo ato oe Vette A AS 0 (te Faw cra he ie one, Re AS rfp Cone? Lbegal # Se a | te oie = Pe ino PSR Ae ae eee Brae f Apri aac ele Ay

2127.70 Fhw foe

Cipla 2H tip Lack ff ls ies ae

eins oe ee LY a a) Agen)

; ‘omhon vias ee Z- PORK fF be CL tCACLLS ey AP

ee Ait Ltn, Py

ti, Lace fF

Tia Athen y aye 5 : Gre ae go ¢FA Pete


; ee y eS ates Affero? Phas foo

¥ ges CD) Fp: “fe : ee ; "ts ag oe a fr Ce a ARie et:

c ) AFD. LOA 7, a | ee Z- on Te i es GAO? OPE

LEAMA Zettai E-


oie eae Liha )

AFA ey ae JO MAF ahd

¥ ue) ) Pes @ Ze ber ge Lé2 LK. Lhe, 7 “~Ceter< Zo Rd

a Acctl j fee hoa. sia Poa a ee 7 Yroli . Gad oe Oe em JOK

Ate eect Cony a etme


bes es Le ea kee nfo Ag FAL ree eee beac 4 Be @ Ass is he


Aes (ET ES, Lh len neliey Ar eer Pca 7 gas Et? Co eer gee a one ZY ZC

4 oe Lao Eat’ Cet’ s —_

ee ae if i werk LL! L2t 460s ea Coe CY Zt eric setiet gs

LS GE es fee. lear CAZte eee

ee i GC PEM Ct SF

a A

~~ Ztbs- Fy. fee A fc se

a COS SSS tee

ihn of CL» La Loag E-

Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. tif ZLZ, 18 oe

SE " Ie A, : ( aon Uae a, bey sie es 7 ?

é Z ee iG, eee as fred Gb antes Cle rlagik Ailantl Atira A0 be) A

we ee ha tiny acgen FP Tipe PO A Are SFE ie re se ttn 000 , Bu ee Arc ecomfirry Llaer Hee ~G te pera Cele 07 2 &- fo Ate a a elec oLL72 Sororeyp 0 Ob feneg Wo Z

; ACBL? s2p—°AGf “sb DE ae Paar

fw Gi eet Con FAeneng ie wat : fi tt eile a Zola ot « Aap foi? ; A eS Same ee ee ppp Pes ee bi A

3 ce = i epee tg Pie ee Az A Gite7 4 2 Z

ee oS ae s yA Zz HG fies = p ttt CO An5— ec Z :


Aa te a awe Cn ENN es esa athe ae Ai br 4a tite ae vag : Zs Dit Laer oe ea mye Zod pal Oe a Pept OSs 3 ED fry ola Mo Ka AFay fo ace Ro eee hays 7 pe ee te Mrecreny afehe gees Z Feneo See oF See Lhe Arar 7 eee cee ce Atv are 7 oe Se Poe ae

cos Sa pe Ts ee A Oe isd es oe ee Cree Le fone hres» $a Siew i Br Hlia Ey er oes ee ee Beg ce eae) Ee sal lny Mey Balin

age “gees : Pee tee: Ze, Se aes a ee ae a cee ee pe ee ie A Hav : <


Smithsonian Institution,

Washington, D. C. MT ee ee “y

2 rs me Ah oy Sus

LS eee ee OA Mh ee a a

Sec | Re SS a regs et grtety AW ate,

Ze a ee

De ae

eG oe

: Pre ee ne Se ee D7 oan, we Fer, Cag ga Ore ee ee

Bic PrP git. Moe peta ts eet eae GEMS fe Se eo Ce De eS Si Ce FF

a i §. BARKER & CO., Proprietor

' ey 4 ae a se is OD: is H Wy iy ~~ aN Seinen 4 a \ SHS _ | LZ. ER EGS ; : ws mx Dy°S" cant yal 2 « ‘te . y - \ * | ~ ~ : * _ oe te

+ fas OMS) : we | Leg ral as Core la mee epee nize, Wie 0 Ghis Govt, Of CF


2 ee

pe gS ii a

: age : ane on fre Ahe S0n0eK7 Per PKeay he

School of Mines, Columbin College,

Corner 497H Srreer & 41H AVENUE,

School of Mines, Columbia College, Corner 4 5 4rH AvENY

50: 97H Streer & BE. & tele ayes Aen ‘athe, een 2S htee

Hien lareng Fle Vp Ra 3

Bic fort


School of Mines, Columbian College,

yp pte fre,


\ \ x \ . BS

ieee 6


Aw 4 s



Va ef hi 4 aac

Len a

Ae Wek ea che ieee


ANA CAG Ve ee eee cage f 3 Bas Ae es Atul ome py


“uicteA CHK le



if Lf Gan Aw

4 f f : Bie (eon f i Sp Ae

Cae Lt Aan Atentw AY ee be WA ae Lae Dit el

Nabe wh. Gur

mz ee do eee wre ZA Le. ee ors

linn tee / ~ V 4 A.

ea vA Pa ohh Af Le 7 Me as Vea ; ‘i Aa O12. y we y is | yihe , : 5 ee PAeoy eNP Pottnine

or. e ; Ae tnt gh Ep Ek

fy y AA EC


fr a ae ALL U

( 0 Peers

C An Amy : wa

ee Fe Oe eo ee



. VA va ; ONG or AL 1 Jone LCt CCata.

—< vA erie LA Mere rhs Je Z_ es. ( s pit Prk.

es Mtg


eae (W ae



eo ey ID Cente

te v ULCL

Gi Se ULEE ' uf Ned : CA 12270.

cee ee ig y T oes S rae

“9 Ze) CLM t1 ee


Aw lee ake




Kete tm el Eee

WE Ah ot


Pe Le Dee Se ae

pg EL

ee oe


4g 1 AKAM View eC


A222 es Ae tee WAC ton hervatyyr




[EP Reo. ECV

Be Aa aes

4 4 oe

| eos. poe, i Z/ _ < . A eae a tan LZ oa + i By ne UO MT o Zo a

LEN Ko aoe a an >. HE

Pe : as Fe aoe Bi Vier > a



4p 7h eee r or <i oe Coe eee | iy ee ee A LA


z é Lx


LZ = 2) ao vere. oa aes Lo 2 - 7 AE eee a (7c are 2 C “Ay ( : ae Z We ce 7-~ 4 Cie ne ZA » Ls Die CB ay yn )_ <2 i ms ya oN oa or é

Es aA Ze HY Kee

ee vad


re. 7 m Za = Led & A


oo aay

ae bile Je . ae Lae ee aes si

ee st ee

: ie Bz ewer sls i K 4 r 48 f ee Za ‘f- Oe ae Ca oe hin Ap FGA ae “Lo

a Y Z Beas a eee a aa i Ges Se

is Bond po FOLD EO pfo

CL han pay pe Die


aah ate fw fies pa ees Ey ee gO pL

aA De a COdE Jeng rr oy Takase ,

1 OS la ey cee

5 oa

= aes ) a ge ee oe es nae JL pom fe fos ov

pee : Soe a ; see - ie ' Yee Zz 7 J co~ a ee? ae rs ff ee re eee iad ey Bee Foe isa, y be ie

r) Qn7 ane a (eta bai a 2 oe 2, a ar fry pe a Bee oi

v o : Ka Shane

oO y a ee YY gated Wg Os. Polis: Be wo ; ps Mer ee ee Woe!

fate. ee Aah 5: ue ee

AW ee Le Spa ee a. Chis x y re Fes ae


ee EN es ees : (Aa L AE. aaa : sur Ree Ase ERD Bee : he nro br aute, Qa Yorba hoy

a Oe ; ater tuny ay

boa 0 208, cyl Amide 22 jae. = <tC. A or Lp pnatobit nas ee te 2 teaver Qovsc Celebe~ te pak ee ee oa Qreher ieee wwe ao 7 An 5 (POE Cape , ss ale sees jaze=

Sere ares

pate ete cee et cnn wher, see be Alas ee

; eae

; ey ee osx an’ eee done Prayt has beard lauren =


One ao a


frsGo ec, (i ae Pinatas a) gases an aie GD Arex [Prox

ee Diet

ih fe Pea

ae toca elie | Fe 6 p came VO oY aoe eee QuatNahel; A os hey Lol Ad, Qiea Pa a ch py AP Mar. area an Z Lene yen ae | a Liar LP ta: eee rs fet lae AD Fears pon,

foo (la Cy Amn Di ee ay (forr enn Dm RRA oe hel ns IU de Gee oat SLE Gog 4 ee a posed eS Sa by hong Cy y Are

ee ales co, toate Phen ech.) es he es po [ESRC (0s ry 4 btn te Pgh OS Semb, [2237 Cee Ad aii f 9 / 6 Faster ap pire alr mn ete 4-

oct Ciesree- nen, rta Lhan_, Hla tol prog lek ae ert Aflrm GE By Kappes bo apf (ft225)

(ey 2. Dae Aca hed One ie: by Ii, ore Leary Use. DeRen,

ee Loere ee Cait re a EN a! Ones am ay SOF. Seine M72 deed why comedy Phe Gow (Pp? dah, Kee Maw yor wre

b- ee ek Seg also

Sot q cao Nol , a Pain d

me Arar He

4, lass LZ.


FT te Be

Tee ad Ce

Soe be EN, oie Maa me a wht thy

Kbps per poe

ee = Loh pang


Bane ae tle Ml enelod Ae Geer, con fate A ee Wo Aedidtoraha® FTDW we a, Sia Liha Ss y : Te a da eta papaya sola ae A Maer derived Le pecet fla

See x oes y ahead Lege, arial ena, Sages yp LA Ae. cz Vee a Hee <I ve oye LE goa petnadde Dy bea wee Late 4 ; 7 he 3 oO = Gre tere ae a ees ape Ye = : ne SO SC : Ge ee 4i Spies ie S ge ae ye Fe rs ey tg Se TE Aialeoner Kat A need Meant ae, £2 CIOL; ips Die Bind eS ee, tee teed. ye pow AIee : 2, (iy a sien Lit ao ie MEM Ane ee ta

nl r Ke : 3 we WS ae Cll Pre. Ce CA Loe. My Sr S At he 4a” a ire woe : ABE OLA Ld UG.

x a 2 LelZL <e tree lGn/ Yad ve bt dreiek > Sy Aer ¥


hee Sa Aad rr ee Paes oo Sas ees a “ye Tego Vos Mee: 4 fee a ALL

be SO feted Lyon Peis’, eg te Andy Reecoced 4 Oa sha eer 4 oe lathes Pom, Pen ae. ere

ZO a 4 7 Lb ; LPT ARLE Le ee AoP a: Br a poMene . Mgleeter lO CaTRe AAC LA. ae

bay: Oe SA Bade reg fae ene Saks ae Ae ae 4 Ce ene, <

ee 7 eee ME nian Gabo M ; AY, A & BY fo Ne : A EAL fa CeO? Bride ice oe ee FS i LOE AON AS ec PAD LO 6 DLC PLLEPA ;

Cie z : Se & pete is : fe : APLE <thig ig ee i pecey fee

WA, Ary Ade

itinedled AA, Ap Va

i Bug | lake Atags . kee ive A hare ae

yA A Ceneh al re ee ee OO ee ae Ady Kes ee aa BE, bad feacke gece ik ge an bpde Mia pe Pade Wis fat) pe ies Bay aa rer Sic as 6 Bee glen Fim:

eae oe, We CO goa fog Marte, ad eet hie PAA Aimed Aav!e en gincet faye Pe, es Glad of Me ae Manceadee, 2 nip ad ee 2 eZ tus Deedee “Gaal fee are

a 4 LAL Di ee ae ee tee bio ae Me harrsien acl ay ae Ate NLoel and Aiaitepecl 7 4)

fw Kacey LA gute Higtgpled Ing. ee LILLE = ford we ae Leper tion, oe ae

Wa Z SL BRS ee a ae es ue Ly Canean, ARLE poor ae

eth ee

LL Z 2, , ; We a AAR rele | Mae oi) Pie ee Von Loot aye Jke Ledicierina ee Oe LA f


a fe ie i be Alene Abe am. oo eendiaer adie BIPE- ieee Mifh a rele Aeomendt/ eee i az eal aeLeri/e gage

A eh Zz ; es OO, “eo Paonciivs LA Lajprtenaredp we Pewee at Lpercacdings ttn . ay: ee Petind Yar? oa

A 4 pase 4 ra sy Ser GP tre A Bae Le Be re < geo ie ie deze, Lente se Wes eee J gate LA

ie 4.

i y 4 y a i. LL, 2A Z LL Mvceti Lana aston AE Len te Bea eee. tAa, A220 Lh ee e aight Bods ee Aaa Gg LEPPLOD 2 eee Wee es SE z a Kt’ Az Liamieher a 8 bed. f OZ J = aes Mele Ae CE LePLUEP PAGAL LE Ws ‘i Z, 4 F Ay LU

4 L7G Sok Vea Ze | bing free:

Ahir yer ae ‘- aa lee We Lica te

See Aad jill wie Pra, Je hi, "haben dhe” oy oomerle We ake ogee A he Vege Mea Cre rgeet Pee Si ee atid bHad at Marae pedtce “ae “See eetinterg,, Lerde eos PAG MO de ‘ae ee Ps ee ee At (fe Libres. fer hore ter Canhiguctio! ara Se Nees:


BALE Se aNN LOBD ORE ee as, a eek: “pire. Ya gear pr Dt ee oe See Kad Athens are A Aropetion Lae eee va Zo tbat Pa fer eee (legs pel ae ye ioe epee we ees pe Or a at Cy Age ye Wo entire. Bcure PG = ren ohne / Vie Late, CEE ee eee laa

SA Ms Letoe, ey, bidieal Me frovnnen? 4 ae Ved an eters Ae ted dep oom ali GletrtOr va ay teil A al Pe a Bond te oe, Poeee ere a baal Anal? See (ard Le, Ae te Bat cf pias on > A paberal Aids Le 2 pee Se Mice Wy andi . paer dita GE dine ee Aad jad elite Gia Cin, bow Gl tenet Giese tat KS. 4g OA foen a ae . parm ee, fo Sie Cb Coun: oe ws lee Rey go. ‘ibe. Baan Pig aan Mite WA eee islet tied dene hey tif tae eee a! fende

Pee oe ye

ra ow < Lege

ee i, ae oe: eo A PLL

Ue ZAL ALey a FCC Lat i


y Me Z Gal Melee Mheed you Kale Prod (Xe

4 in oi am

ASF. ACZ€ LKteHk Ltr Ar

Madkey AnLe Jade asian a, is Zag

conf heony, af Boaz yy PALL ix Lg

oo Pe & Zigelt CP ,

A / , Z J

Be Ds a Sl ya Pee.

prom eos a ce

es ve ft ee A. ne Gee Aer Alen Le we ne

Ws Z

VE: Be. Wee, PS Yo APT AP


we is ge LON tas trefece SuY

we ae he aan oo 0E food, av Chad W acer

forepusict ; Ana ae ikea is He y eee

oe Cealge. Pee

VA CA eee fo Be DiLOnD Ye NAEL.

LprePehed Lele, feeleGy.


fo ae PEALL ALAS eae FEB (fine

Megree in fire tate


y, 7 . i Aw a we Go a /4y SAL OF CPLAE th ClRCLLELLI ALY

£27 ee CLEC AY LA Cnchctly Ay vis mu a EFIALI mae aE ee,

LALA Mert hir~


et sh ; AA PZ y

LA eee fe, Lg ee LALO

Jha CF oy

By 4 ee ,

Cn 46 Cr7ecA,


Ty to We y : LAG KOLA Lleet sae on ol L2e

Bo 0) canes ee hf Cp2 Live Z y,

, or Ae sieo Lge AA o AGC. a PACE ec eee an Lae


Vera i is can 2oKK Cee eo one oe CA ae CDS Zt



ws £m Patseays ee

vee CF Ea ae ea A a Cie SHI &.

Auatord, PE foane Whe

“y KLLar Souter fray

A, . Va an a Nek a. fseege

CAch Ke g Af LA Nis eer JA Cee

Coffer oe Sacre ? eKoed af a laed ee: Le th liaation

7 LeaSeire Ay age A taf por Re Efe ee

fi iaagy be heat fo” Rik

J, kaye: oe tafpiucttifrndny God Aad Petsek And Sea foo

4 Z

Pipe aie 4. ald ee fread Sess | v4 7, iam ay t g g ie oe ee, Lad = cn aoe aise Pee Anes Le Bor Pine re te ee cK Les 4 COPE 4A,’ St olay)

oe Ae, ae Hee ACE x ES Len re Bis Va aed AY tt ped . y acetal (Pres, Lit bade Peg, pee We. oe LE,

ee 7 wa LOA fore

poo a liad yee Lert. Lr ye, five cae goer


ArtecleL - oe

eee To Hee eu es

Chee ole. : ATEAA LALLA FLY , MS en fe Ng es guar Pie fon ELLE Get TG As a Re ae? Kf, oes artes ty LE Gita bebe wiih vo oa ie ee Arriceae | Loast C4 oO. Aneel es +8 Aecce eae. Ao Pre Aad gece Lares (lo feerks Keel pay

ber cles Le Ne a

flied £ 52th

Frveatiy, pr Bee Ltn, Ao Laake


, BA Me | vA EE AOE Sl

cl Are.


Cote Kedin, “mR poet we et Eg Kens pr Cacale tee’ G04 Pec Peary iy a ae Z


fis (Kat Ratti

B, , a Ed Aen a

het fecaple even A of

bteed AL fort é eZ



Be gdegh oh he Hearty se Sa a aoe a ee ey ee

Mitt Gutar Leeirts $9 Br tenters cAarcleny Wl heer on he an iit paterhl Son ae Laced arr , Hass of (Leer peeaterns (kia Cahileg Raa MLEOR MATL recler , ae de /dat , Ze > .e ee ( 4 eee A CAEL CIN ALE ad hel Bete bee.

4 4


ig ; : : bre ato AtLE

tag t Aes?

Lo pipned are = Lf Hee Mb fabineg af ake none Lon ce fecal , a4 Jo Coad Chae Ao gatepie ak AA 4 pi Vie UYlaet fo fe Eade agh By Bed


a. Ly hele Cam Coca

logt fr te |

Sy team Sp feng

Oe BAC ue se Gh es a a. a Go a ited, Yee Lind Pre soAcce y a Ces, ADE ZA, ie ne A is ere has Ces, pow Ex FELCH SS

Ds Jin CK

4 ae Me recall te ie Ltt 7 oe

ce oe re

i in Sega des



Lea pieetned. ee: Cele SA

AG LEC. ree

Pet fle oa,

Tate es des Se

ee So

holeraty bperad Cat achratdd ruck fe of ie them. alicnth Ct, LiGr, dd nee Aded.. Und at tint bak haheral from LE TOE PERO par IG Capt edn laa 2sds bash ile Change JXaK PINs Cela oe LeroegAp Li reliroed Yoncon , ee eae Dbktie oe Une EW heen, trneghk ah hy lon de de (fx reach, ee lee Mer thole pe Be rt crenly EAM Seen EM Aas lit puedheon, eS kedm, ~ bed he kell. do icc Ze - then, ea Meee ane relepinay Aran bre 4LEA RG , aN Oe OE ee ROG Lie

oe ee Pea ee

lok £7


Hhaay fell, fargf 1, $98, r

bz : J Ze ae

1 We Z oe eas Karke pe z C

VA Wt ms ney hid “Lits~, pete Oe

Ma ay fora Miman

dacerely « LOae ees Was Penvcrm 1 C4 pe ye ae ee eae ob Ae

eee ee: Y

de ee By OM eyo heme Wali (

dodh ALary AMA , pas eng for Kam ak Ae bee ae

Vie Bae

pucthedl GLK 4 ie megth acm,

Me Leela fark afd, fe itely lay

ee a ee a repel LANA ford stag th Ny Jetaie ye aeirk hoo ory Oy Myman' WAL

bg, beh Kio Ze /,

ha el aay eo Lo ee A ee ae re a ae bake ford a Litiete Te Beno Ske Guethern of Per Bae A fo at tn ten tra. lack Arle heh tip, trad ta, tg be food Cath. fe Gree a hei PELL bh ix inky Korea, teas

fs pie -

LO ' P tet GH: - Ve oe, tra ftptrak Lp) Yi E

ae i Of : SL & ; fi Ap@Bu LIWIFCL ee UL CLA ; ML CA WELN, i y,


Lieinbofles oes

bye ater Liberality ee V, Vy / ge

pr tenet Sone gk* cahretiion as fi ae A Le te Loft , —- KB 4h Ka Liber oy “A ei rae A GAL

ils ro as LLL Yoel bein, ~ Grit

vay, Creer d VY ; fat


jor 4 Prrmint he ale “We late

Libdtdd WR Bl. te Frtet fall of Ce: ugg je lad /enel leery WiKi ed sd, sale

OE ese - Roh Pat Ail fom ms, tt

oey naive teak eh ory tale uA 4

Lpurkerr he Lard ,-


fe 4 t Va , ¢ vi he a

ALS file a " Poy W peg (A, oe fpaby IS, (Yb, / y VA fi. Ay

Cy Meh FY CLS YA oO VA v4 / i‘ b oe Aas” 4 we KAU i JCB LET CLA

a ; 7 2 aus # Ad Kewl Lote Lim PALA Re Ava,

/ fo LA V4 fy (ioe PE eae eat, CLINE

vA ' y ws, . A feSeee of Lh a silane” A Pr se adel /

ye retfiech , hecealy, A Ais [tafe



. (7 par LA Yl ened lnk hel Lerocead i ae Y

Keaciny. re Amn Ja wh Spiel

ee A ee i (ee Ay he

i fe eee As a Lore PAL 7 a fal Led aye pide Lite High a A e z


7 , ; Li 4 Vy fac bbt hed “A eee Ee FILIL , the let hy WML tle Dirt Con va be ry rf 4

Y i / after ita VIAL. OTT Le. (OPEN Wa uf y


f Q Lg 4 a eae LAatid, And VJ am, ies KLFL SRL


re - accrunt tf tf, tar Lome Lfahe~ v Dita k Cneerninyg if Chapaerr


age oe 7, fy sf LAT ep ALS CC L, Seid CLKL KG wt. ' , We 24 Y A Wl Liye & kink Pre yA vA i aL << May thine

va Jf : ¢ Lt ILL A

uth ILI EL

: A , 4 a“ f “WEA J Yous > A a PPE . LA PPG Lhe/ 1 Wi

o Ses By ee on tile : 1 f Wtt we TK tere le Lae Ginn, vA 73 , Ve

o a Y

tf, : SRA A Ar aa 4 C’¢

Z rai

AA Ly Mefte 1 Mtpt» Cnr -

jh Hi ee PRL Ltmt/ king Ve Z rhea ad tclatery ? Jf : ‘alin! hark Yee PA sy

ag ee eee As aa Ltd

4 g7ten bh

YL rele, Lad


aa 4 yp / Jf w/w ALNL: ote Wee y

C r

A AM Lim fil ‘Lajp “2D Pelé

7 4 KK LA:


: PAP tp tr, &LALAG ,

ce ae rae vA Geea AY LL Ee Carell AMAL Va

is i ie, om Ped teed Ap ELS: Gray , tele

ey PrZ : LLLBYL,

4 ip

Is eh f Vi or. wi UL COP LLI EAN SY Bape

SO / : C. pS ee Bees

f f , i aa Yity Lyr vy fo + d

ve ftrverbed. SY Ary


ap uy ed Lrrritipp. & 4 heme

f . : ‘A Z ve fy é ACen y ANAK, FitA- d



1 ihhe

4A rAU)

Lith An Le. AK Arolh J Sta CE

A Lf V

ai 7 hae :

| ee ee

1 fire Lg 3 fem

Daas tat eet Gal ed AG fou Uh & baeaterrn,

| Lehfeatel, Laspusth 7, ps ante | fd oy A hy eh bo Ake


foren Lith last Fak

S bad tery tuck bg h

4 Pe pecetsh tdleawis ised oe Shs op 4 [Pek fofer DR SKiylot aed Lina. Prt Gail OT ae A fare re

a ' A Path cf had Ach (ven you hrtich real Pr ns a eee, pled /7 aa foe Pe Lae, allec/el

Vevutle, tr trill fst to Lo

CL Sita I Naat epee: Mate) aan hettores tah DArLh tn Addeborn fy Mane

+ eeehogin: Susp

res eae [Py

md hax Ast Sore ED Ce Tanita Je i oe De we : gaa tas (Aecheng Lire. fp ee Genneny Wy : : : feculear Py ees Ko Pe im Aad Lorry y Sieben


Ay tar & fray

2 es. iOee s Ie, Va ty Wie, ae ee oe foyjoer ee eae Aa. Let,

f foirets Gye 5

LLTTLLMA , J Ay Ahetier ms Bas Kank fal 54 td fark Nrten Lowa 4 rae Lif iaiad. Lemon Mt th tt a (reat freak of

4% pie Pe Capeld Jird. soon oe

fl ALE es LIT

om b Magee

ae Lo Mathn.

tmproved tof lemenhe Of Praretern ed iad Be, hadatt lhe fotea fothy or hy | Beard 4p, Anot Art twtr, a fotherr, dlrs eee ae? iden cat | Ae Vitaortay Chad Hike wh drechay “AIGNER. Ane. Sie

A frame . bd at ay OO ee SSR terme VAL for, bat if bout, fl Kafis Pe ie epee, he kos rh Come, for WHele alt Ky Hl dreetnsdy Pemeaind , Amel Mikele forthe furment aa tntereth in Mowgyfhtt and Rae eet ae Mamet dS Bede

tis ke Canrgk reeall ERE WP AON ny

Be te more pp ley Cordccruy, of div bir Aitobelify , Arnel Kud Coritipepn, Fouttey tred

Lat Rar So Can rove Feld

Shap S have teen. jpecttip lorgrabefed

S Kop Kad tverg fling Contenical ay ae ath (for, bord

A pour prumty m rly tn

(Ee aay fa



bre LAE Bre tm [Ke on Ktwcmhep,

hth hy fe Liga, Vi Yreny Pat the eae The OIE Oni trtk,

pars i, .

Laan, Hays,

GZ Ht Pane a wn fry

Me aaa Pre hase Preddect Rhea sii [he mashnie the. Seundefec: Cabs seers rags yaneny, (aa dak han Ha owe sor icine) pele 2 pad ea uae tr Whe f fect of rtd, Ofer, Magali, Lo ume rity offrprt. he ihe dreth Whe lhermumader at 10° above Sony lind, half a. fort of trve om Ke Leraten, Vkruagh ke tame bit ee ake lad! gear, Kok fuer, of [Ke Lule th prydter , ance Lr, Pare vw often, rbrdend , fhirwen, ty He tiny, dey Coliae oPU ee Fes a hehe, thd ayd , Liketh, Rtechd

Peseta th, Lb lrrb bens “gt te. thresh, anc Kes frmses Cecslemy

Few EAE 4 fy. a


KL. a 4% Ack,

Lpa lr "Car Latasd Witt tly hn-e

“ured OU ttll- UYienk Glare.


Y Lorrmk /Key Litilpedg /her bar Ske ferth t & Atak

Coenen ,

~ Ona o7 Jrect# V7 a ¢ i f]

ERE Ae 4_

a oe anal citi a

LG ong 24

DH - be


. ‘3 7

poo i | ran 4 a +/ : a] a ' “6 vr C f

tose. Hg AA gah hell


2, - Baia ee Ann, wete.t Fel

ez L

CS sen:


Spee ee oe ae of fers? iv i

oe ee bo 62. €C0t. Cae a | Se | Te @22-~ ere. ZOD | (ad Sener ae

i 4, e ek ee aeeaaa

aes dnnneniey - fie 2 app eee Oe pe ee WM -

rd ott tit Kt


VA re


ae ey ee Ge



iP” deci “yg

ak oe

VA of “GT




ee ey C


ane Ss Pha (P97 bere -


f—_—— _—— me pfheel by hare Te

i dl

a RN before

to Hie raf fe 1”

G8 Sate Aaa Lae

Y apee : Protas be L ; i Peretl. a Fe co pal La - eo) brrvelled, 6.0. ChE brveck ROO eS all yet : ch The bootie, of Che th... , ke ~AreH OP 0d gto w. i Ke

Zot Pee = ¢ sae } Pitt Ilene, Ede. Bes Pay oa te een

ae 442 ~7 p A Pare =F eae

an~ 4,

al 47-226 oe. Pia GL. A Ma

Soy. eee S bv wo OE fore Wf) Berrington lta


oe ie eee ont fous tLe. b icotal Sout eh Siti et

44 Fe Cea eae tie

ae, 0

fo rape ow ie oF =

Pe ee oe ew

tre CO f

5 ee Ltée Mihi thewre dace L bomaPmnot ae as esse - anrthe » be~ LS ai Dd as a tht0t. Fe. bel Stefan (pa kop! eibiot. he, TZ ee eh Hn rly, igs POD vem hmptlen > bee Lf. 46,5 UE tn. be otff.so Hf D wheal ae Y A ser Ee NT gets Delia ee YEO De j ea he 92 ae wale. Lele, Ll 60 Men Log


foo ,/ , a eee tffent fe btm, he 7 t/

. \ X N \ :

thio Hl Goa as ¢ Ie develo VA

a Lf AL


fre A. hai.

PHD, bras ah

ae Bidet, oe aa \omm file, othe he ae x, Cec ad de SS Me a Dr Le om ey PP es a fl Fo bevecl here gte Pe LS trl bheact ee a Lhef?. es | 7 ee et va bo Ce linn. sun har aa

ae! oe ee aos Low bret

iL oke ae tee the pate oy = wis of low om

as ae ae ates de


ao eee


ae a eae pe cee =e ag


Appene) op rp fe ae is Ad

. KR RN > , »

oa er a, eee


ay / co

[Ae en bom de, TZ Ctl ler


te t7/ bo heal tha, [ te brbel Cle Cele. tL Le: beet Doms a

ra Ra ee ae 2 ae exon on Fee

Ss aie ati


* ‘i : . 3 |

Sree lf A Ly x LZ Pee. rae ae Are

Avery i132 ey, o. 4 ;

ase ft~eom— 2 Mile

|) ae ps Nag a ea eae

4. 4a

G ce aes

Le Ae€E, Wha. trove aba Te ce eee ‘5 oie. - etl ; the frat 7,

Page Ponto poy

VM, oy eee ZF sos Lahey,

oe, he a

4r4- ae

ee we rene

, Pee te “ee : Fa Ha potent aoa a Lela AL; foeL ta MoT: LI. hone cca ae Lif bn fret

Wt: henareneltte?

LL, hoe. SoprtlZe Py Pe et ae sisi tes pl is Sp en calss tlh te-de i. act ‘Bane cia ee) qe bor wr2 - ae hrord le - bt.eZL Jee. Sag Lhe ) ee 7 fet 7 Cle

bheg Deepen ee y, tae Fuvcle Moto ale L ;


Ke2028,, ff"

ces a eee

POS Lee eed Tf ; FOO Aas ee 4VY = / faa Le. Lae, GY yh De


Pe ds ost ee Soe Sen te Lr Fh


: u





dfn cor. at aod eis al :

JS ho A ; - See, oe Aare. Let Mf ,

a .

Vite fn Dal be. Calls

fet... § Lok”

tet Wf Manors wv Che. romofek

Beta tine Hibs tdi, CH hae bvtlegs at eee

cain Bee ap ppens Ue a frgpanreT io” Y's en Bae if Dara adie GedTn. Correrloelag”

We tee’ : ba bern bree pee ed

for. bed tat Der A beng fesrrlicl fedins

ke Lig. Fite

pS ee > Re Flea F , bez ‘a i here ens

Pf sts We hee, Ge

Ly da ee. Uh pf

We. trevelheio Crverbare-

Ob. Gute et FIRS, OOO

OE cc Donets Cee:


1 ie v.28 Mae ie. 4

OWE poh ite. ,ArtA— ee eae fete

f- gerd of tha Pee foe

eee no ap trey ha bimnn frye?” fue J

L227. parE fA. Lore eae


ee FY,

rok trate t Pz foro ee

Comptia B Pre care (Prk cae


Rev. CYRUS NUTT, D.D., LL. D., President, And Professor of Mental, Moral and Political Philosophy.

Rev. THEOPHILUS A, WYLIE, D. D., Professor of Nattral Philosophy. I N iS) TA N A RICHARD OWEN, LL, D., Professor of Natural Science. DANIEL KIRKWOOD, LL. D., Professor of Mathematics. Rev. ELISHA BALLANTINE, A. M., Professor of the Greek Language and Literature. EDWARD T. COX, A. M., State Geologist. Col, JAMES THOMPSON, U. 5. A., Professor of Military Science and Civil En i Rev. AMZI ATWATER, A. M., Professor of the Latin Language and Literature. Hon. B. FE, RHOADS, BLOOMINGLON, INDe» Professor of Law. HERMAN B. BOISEN, A, M,, Professor of Modern Languages


Professor of Law, vA GEORGE W. HOSS, LL. D., ee Professor of English Literature and Elocution. ZB Miss SARAH P. MORRISON, A. M., et Z(5 Wes e cure s

Turtoress WALTER R. HOUGHTON, A.B., Principal of the Preparatory Vepartment

Miss MAGGIE McLALLA, Assistant

U4 ef. ra Giles / XK, Ze

we eran

Oy) gy Me YL L Wat ee Aa ae: tly


af. Arrdlensee Slate Mevevrerecty Geant “eee gor yee be ie cbs Aad add te ad bbe ott ee

Cs bbte Vier fan Cdleng LZtovw1w087— (ee LE ee pee et IZ PER tn oo. ttt ca ftv ve ca Liafhee /, Li bog os





an! ge ee aes Ztttt-_ Dae pee res “Ad of ee Attn = (Cte22ce E

eee re ee aby Wels le Re Foe pi tat ae ezzt &, Ward es eee Te LA aed a blarhertt2z271 2 f. NMaettrt al Mes COE4 lle e oe ct tite fedfe STAG 5 a ee ai at a T1- - eee Pa ae Ltees Bea ae eet he tore OPEL, lle AZT Vian Otecadtt - ELL 2k fecn- G24 see. Lt Ae 7 a ee tact “dewsty A221 S022 PE 3 CLtO4t 4 ie LO ka 4 -Z2ee ZZ ee ee ae ffs Get “ae ON ao: OCZeeet « AE (Le fle-+ls De See Sy a Pee EF —: L203 fre c a a WZ (Lia je tooo eas ie one r oe ae Le . tae Les re

oe, at Ma erwnsar F bites tyr a eT Jeri at

clint. gp Aaphiveds, dma Hong Them A) ee et

anf 9, Wry one wt pda: Gump 0 ROE

ST one any hare ge El cone’

hee iio my if, wr [wivdo “pe 20. finer | : ware icant ue CT seater tr wares

7 IP, Fhe lla»: Lace nomen Banc Mena

prow We eee Te od EH Susten Sutter: roa

: Fe wipe: rMxut- a onnohe Poly pace. KCohe Lorton, 2p, rman had aches ctr’; he rAd, Cranes

Maple - thle paonte nate 7 ratreg Hl Lum Mar) Mis spel Cah, ue uae rthrne Kage, fete florets na ork, ate wperre We ratvents Sanneck, apetioud,

All A tpt 4 ptr rca, bid-He fornby Merute a creat, ohn tg Pbomte wo te Lrhoge oi te He rie) Ktivnt a i ot Copies atin. Cor ruben 0) (bet-

Ped MAO” bias

Bed, 7 Tit muh Wf) & yr for Pomrcdury lle (regs belly 9 Me brepd- Goths frp F top) rernarte, Med- WH Gprory pn? Woe me yee Heated Thode aherD viv Cnr ne to Moat vidi ly Deeadlhe wi fir Driven, OMizanare (ue tee Arann fs pervbes Tai D yall, Phtd-Vire dent, | hd tat Vo reimade Cn teritery Wes, hard (th WEALD hit bY) forree oho leat asrana,) Wade be tps. wiry b apencbadar 9 tamb, uo Adrachs the Sime Gage bot Vaated reteep Pub diem ental, willie pales Tatg Bian mite Wh, by a peea 9. Weg germs, ure a falanen maftl, a, dacty l, Seer. iy mprnD L CItue | The fein Gow cd briwdlyjnre I furd ayonpl rng Me “nepal (fhe Rit Las [lcs ie) ta Non Acca rh" Yan 9A rob OY MY ae deta y- Comes. h at ae Oe le Oe RY Os Me eT gece 09 wh tp lara CCB ed 0AGDY, 0 lnc J nm ft ta fe Gp tho he heen Urvenrpna, A Th cbegoiheg om tn Yall te Dotfn, 29 11 Watcha, feafped a eect a, for Weg’ peri ttre dae famin ent Win rerve. ViNinety 02 Mg lp ata) Yor Pcp Mn. ertblepeenia [Mat- 9M Cards Pret gyre hid thn. fhe. Medan bration wer vat tree [ood hai a Patience frig. the Jat lire he PD frat —Seryy Wrovnr Aue ice bel thet 9A yore De ite Lipa em > >

f-~ ee ade Mitt on un) H form Deutga. Waot- tntg Phan ut be, dechincn

Iniermentes g- Pir Altinm, (wilinrs hunt a deotin phe) brrtleD te ee wt wt b, tee ge J Pat heb tne He, manag agree, Hi sent lore fond fered fp Thee fara Jarapacie (Juste fur mtemryy, of bape Me basta » bot ) tonkl oyputte vor trotce

Winrar tecrvpl, ge wh Mam toe [de one, oe bet Ire Worf Martin 0) bc brcpt lbs Tura, JhO Tanti em hantin’ pnboe Nia Fe, wel-- Niw ttpret- Ad tee He Lid, tule”) be hep, Wo tore hvdine Uf q- connllans eee It Tomy hed Vous a htm fe mrt Me Wet ie te Aodeery Ws pe 6 wre Aborted, Wrd, tor J

Pie ing tle 2. te el ON lente Wile taal nile then ane ali. 2

My te tay aan mmacril athh- Oped 0 nastier an a beacm tr att tobach, Jor Mahuting rong fo tg An anutotp tats / fue he eet- hare

to tm Iethor p tie Aatherns\ J certo hee me acrorm t tered yon

Tu MAD A Im nants Mr orth rbd with hed White fro In herk

thy ctrl be Chime af Ate ty Ha rowers J fool wll rnatl, torplig

a y F ~

O Merkn. I~ Gnloorp. a More Gh We we thenh at les/ ter a tk Lge y Xe i beats trfnar A LI trw.- ' a Vv


a ae pobre 7 a te

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ere eee, | Palad'' Abit 2 mgard WD prlaKWera , NAipex. Pi dice tee

= Let bona bsg, ter abe. Ante Lifore Study Idum Yiey

Sty Bey Jn alone <4 49 dutatante (trlle Ds

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t J


ay PS sutacark .

han, A plrwery rmey BY Merman, [dot plc) 1p ye worl ten ns bis ahah lgee SPT MET, al UT er i lil

at ma, b WX Gray

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: [Aa- A oe ss 3 ov ene (Thane Tr “af hage ve k han

2D pti ne, oa

Yor ove (At 5, , atte putaotie [ h.. ob, Laclinn wt atarly appro vty Gay sigs 7 = lege eee vm fs ~ ae ee eam CD Wunder Leds. My Tritiypniin 7 tly edirn 4 Baylin port, es a CGI). eating 4. BC sealhin 2 Finn, | oe CE yp Mar o ._— “Vary Onn han, heustrry, 7. _ Naan P ye Wb Monte 2D “tanita 4- Mey’ bAgf- Petrad » Janata 2) fer torre Deo’,

Z 1e An a Pre A Ce Atn'ns | with a heim ye Dufay

Al king rire Be evagy. bipdebas nan TPeatawe., Lene fea “tert His a) & A farelss |

diptyye 19 Svlemnpyn (bate + we Thar, dugheeTS 9 ke os Pe ay Bey ee Te. ee Bhs 4. Dome Ie YE Bees ao) QR tenn MEP defeat . Vy WWaweg Me potdung Seale Mamatd, Hut [bib bot) Gian % he z Wisner. Hirnif » hte |

teat Phas ft Ani | ie er tai frnir lu Hie Arr wavy Th od eA Dariab, ai aly LGD rary 1. * bag , SO Ted Lee at mune hn

J tay Amma mgr rafhertein Ye Y war® Aon eyaitlty prin wen Ad Wm to/aratiar Smad. ALA So Tins, Ie nute


al A, ahs Tht 10


tym for te bn tS Tin ee ee oy ie 7 = ~~ 2 Te tay floms Cerny. J Hogand, Wate Veynty rerravh, U Th mae Mor Dttg fet et Nhavin~ WrosraMica. .

ee ae | 5

y | peel nae mena - NW. w4~ ees Arnfitr aMiizg | * bekler Wan,

Lng eke rte whe a taint thot he Hau rn,

rt tanh Leoructan ohn on ;

ie any em nM 7 pn Mus ne ton' AL, af- ak, buat- Seely 4 Hs Thee

ae yes Q~- & th ol dund nk, agit ~tand— { : ee. | nit. Olin inns pr . Oefrially fe Murr f at- Hin patty G we fated’ tee Koay a vy vo Himafnse “nile WraraMine het D7. wih we ah juzkce

= 3 Aurry He wwrbhiag rank wuijrema~ vale hy present JA nt Liffare

pation Mt Nha om mawecrey Whutlioe J tide Jone on ferme ni OY Trays Ne hon'm. calico Phinda ay | we Hug’ T nag tater, ar kiflae Ihe Cay fon, hata , Hite

Su A eadoniegy plaiting DO rein d frre DY, te eine JAD n Mot. sr Tin tte o- A Wame 4 Ory WD cD tre off he hd wud Me hey - Mat fry A fant. Wa hans. gy an Mfr hr ate ane 29 Waste haw

Ws : i, b het Orivnd at ERS Toe Migs mm Hee han hafinad fammrh We |

Wed tats 00 wip tei tang, egfaisttme fern. foe tang Geter. mbes her ome aut Sone oli ty gum fr tn, 94 Cormre at trot,/

VY aqua vt 4 A finger Me SMa mond freed, an fage 295, Jfhr2 guar hae Qutbe Waforinte aac Ao b hes Va prea A Vin fran hip tah td, Oe, iy Wh fet fennd Lin.) he frspanes fe fre & Wok, trie gy ily, ge. Waettprting / You Hen allntly Le aut fe yaw hady 4 a)? Were poe Rema Be wer, wv thane Mn meptrepere ii deals I Gitng bafme Ue hutbrcodd, Nultade"! D terk upnn Vong! rake tonn, | as Phun 5 me ne tHe hope ye afriaridn .— lnt- & Ii, ante te my Intel, Tatar por Mrs rim ante fork” hefane,/ —— Nv, 90 ue jushen | Qats fhe prat. A4 I hnafaney, Hud tm a Lh vph forg, but m Say, wv S thin) cacttonrly paws tha” forrering he, Ab He Jame fad hOY here 7 Moarudd) Kame Gurley © Rafineropee & paakily hay Win tit, Vs Yor auayhhf- & rectify, kot J rtonhy, Temes 2 pitetus 0D man jritnng tn Ye Cy fatbrk Wet, aniline Abide fonife Sentai Mn cs Be aye Ye ke Ne bang 4 Rap 7 rth artaang futbhratints , 29 why Chap ow Se vet Tin mpl AaE By egies Mater Yi, agrfeetre aly vin thot werteei, , [furry kh a Keboh a. Be ne Siaks tan lave Aa whe TRA 1, $F Ney fae pane 4h tena, Ach gree mi An ; LL Paw 0g atm ong Whe [ted | wAfrog J tite bi willie ber, Ay ar) . ot Lythnay 0 be Prvught wills Ianr~ rv 0. Nhs hn nae BE hes ere ly ta hak Eh finsr ally too % Rafi gnanx Gt te rey , ha hasan Ae née tan rls pa A nA, bm a cern far hy Ary Pea, JF rope. be tory i ist oe A BA oP | EE oe ie aeaalh te Richie = Mt He Alle fe 14 Feet “peti all, Tryst, od Tepe

fe ty th Shay ding , Bs naByrnn re Ban, porticn, pera Ysa é /- f 205 4. Ph hed Flrre. Yelluriomen , hams, oe SUS) Mh nl pwd rae |

none Lh fits

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cued ge amon poy rey

avy yor, ona of

coed Cre yry H- a)

‘wach Aquapewn *

tae et

(Oni) ober ior qe rer Tid, 0% ten fofruindd



ie wile Npgtee (Bret) de: the Me adem)


| OS DIC iy. vce eS Ynwntriedi®, for Wo be quite abv Yeurhrya. Wines 70. 4. :

re | Gon abe pr dak 9. Yue bnay, Tihnche, te fiewte an Pe Pal dir 90 INfd. rors Wade farA, bee Ang rinse roses) Thy Kane Litem trom aD QS, bat NES tay Ale naeanty lof nasa by Cakalifass , Hn Afr 9 tmaticity AhbOnig upn~ Min, ¢ tn jt ilally Ihap- Mt aml a tele the ay sare fli FU, ally buch warta ag ay en wed rater Gud Murtrg ht wy fiylir bidacy Pht Oy Whig Ae rAfyrfaaads 0> torntacontd, Parekh ta ate Barf my moved frintn 0 Wraates Cale bins, alls” neconpfiond %y te lasing ere Viuashnyy, 09 tle te Wn erlorudy, entm Wore, Te tarch ponte Yb Orr 7 Neva ahovt Arteta wana (typ. ae ale tring thm hifinuing 4 od J forth G mtkins nt hag Pas Tape Taos a eae Tee tie oo a buchal G ti We J. orto; c9 Michie mth bin Went Cor he How's wtne by Defrnlin Jit gor ,

Tes Avttile . y) Pliee Wado oy hawt Un frfhe ft frem'ner , J bff burr nicht ¢euse

Ve SOO ie. aS dak Ly AG nut ———

J tum faring 4 Noh ingdn eats L0 Dang, oD frak Le Hears, BREN oe ee

ide aly, nssp Fee fio Mag Le tee Ge Oe, GN et See ee Re ee he why be chop be mo


mero frome Tp PPO LO AO hae

we Se. oo

ot Wee Mh Pr Ke rer wy ne 1 Pons In OB Ha Kee

xs ch eee eat. es ou as) uw lh ¢0 oo Gee oe

: 7 » SE 4 ote fe ae thee eo, a erie