ATP i'!easureinents in Laboratory Cultures and Field Populations of Lake Plankton By FRANCIS XAYIER HROIvNE A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY Of FLORIDA IN PARTIAL ■Til, T THE REQlilREMENrS FO OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY ;EE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 1971 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The research effort reported in this dissertation has been accomplished with the support of many people. Particular thanks are expressed to Mr. Roger Yorton, Miss Virginia Morgan, and Mrs. Zena Hodor for their helpful ass ist ance . I v-Quld like to thank Dr. W. H. Morgan for his friendship and support during these years. Special thanks go to Jenny Hunt for her assistance in many little things over the years and for one big thing - typing this dissertation. I Kish to thank my Supervisory Committee for their advice and encouragement, but especially for their friendship during this period. Particular gratitude is extended to my principal advisors, Dr? . Patrick L. Brezonik and Jackson L. Fox. I also thank the rest of iny committee, Drs . Hugh Putnam and Frank Xordlie, for their ideas and insights. I also wish to thank my parents for all the help and support they gave me thxroughout the years. For without them, truly, none of this would have been possible Finally, I thank my •\s'ifc, June, for everything: the frustrations, the sacrifices, the added responsibili- ties she endured. Her encouragement and understanding have made all this possible. This investigation was made p'^ssible througii the financial support of the Department of Health, Education, and V>'elfare, PHS Traineeship Grant No. 5 -TOl -EC-000 35-10 . Ill TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOIVLEDGMENTS ii LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF FIGURES viii ABSTPACT X CHAPTER I . INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER II. MECHAA'ISM OF ATP METABOLISM IN ALGAE ... 4 CHAPTER III. LITERATURE REVIEW 9 Introduction 9 Biomass Paranieters 10 Pigrient Concentration 10 Particulate Organic Carbon 14 Cell Numbe r IS Packed Cell \'olunie and Drv IVeight 16 DNA '. : 17 Liiniting Nutrient Bioassay Methods 18 Carbon-14 Uptake '. 19 Enzymatic and Extractive Techniques 21 ATP 24 CHAPTER IV. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS AND >LATERIALS 36 Analytical Techniques 36 Experinental Materials 58 CHAPTER V. METHODS OF ATP ANALYSIS 41 CHAPTER VI . EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 55 ATP - Bionass Results 55 ATP vs . Chlorophyll a 56 ATP vs . Dry Weight 6 8 ATP vs . Cell Number 76 ATP vs . Absorhance ■. . 76 -coplankton Studv 80 Page ATP - Response Results 80 Light-Dark Study 81 pH Studies 83 Toxicity Studies • 88 Nutrient Studies 93 CHAPTER VII. DISCUSSION 110 CHAPTER YIII. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOM^.IENDATIONS US Conclusions 115 Recoinnendations 117 BIOBLIOCRAPHY 118 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH 1 30 LIST OF TABLES Page TABLE 1. STANDARD FREE ENERGY OF HYDROLYSIS OF COMMON INTRACELLULAR PHOSPHATE COMPOUNDS 4 TABLE 2. COMPARISON OF BIOM^SS ESTIMATED BY ATP, CHLOROPHYLL, DNA AND ORGANIC CARBON 18 TABLE 3. ATP AS PERCENT DRY WEIGHT 30 TABLE 4. ATP TO CHLOROPHYLL R.\TIO FOR VARIOUS ALGAE UNDER DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS 32 TABLE 5. EFFECT OF INCUBATION ON FIREFLY EXTR.ACT AND ATP LIGHT EMISSION C6-SEC COUNT) 50 T\BI.E 6. ATP VS. CHLOROPHYLL .4 CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS FORUNIALGAL CULTURES 60 TABLE 7. CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL CHAP.ACTERISTICS OF EXPERIMENTAL LAKES 6 3 TABLE 3. ATP VS. CHLOROPHYLL A CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS FOR LAKE PHYTOPLANKTON 65 TABLE 9. ATP TO CHLOROPHYLL /. R.\TIOS FOR ALGAL CULTURES AND LAKE PHYTOPLANKTON 66 TABLE 10. ATP VS. DRY IVEIGHT CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS FOR UNIALGAL CULTURES 71 TABLF 11. ATP TO DRY IvEIGHT CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS FOR LAKE PHYTOPL.ANKTON 74 TABLE 12. ATP TO DRY WEIGHT RATIOS FOR ALGAL CULTURES AND LAKE PHYTOPLANKTON 75 TABLE 13. COMPARISON OF ATP/DRY WEIGHT R.ATIO WITH AVEP..AGE TURBIDITY OF EXPERIMENTAL LAKES 75 Page TABLE 14. ATP TO ABSORBANCE CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS FOR UNIAIGAL CULTURES 79 TABLE 15. PERCENT REDUCTION AFTER ONE-HOUR INCUBATION WITH MERCURIC CHLORIDE 90 TABLE 16. RESPONSE OF CELLULAR ATP 10 ADDITION OF PHOSPHATE 99 TABLE 17. RESPONSE OF CELLULAR ATP TO NITR_^TE ADDITION . 108 TABLE IS. ATP TO DRY IVEIGH'T R.\TIOS OF VARIOUS MARINE ALGAE HI TABLE 19. ATP TO DRY IVEIGHT PATIOS OF SELEILASTRUM . m VI 1 FIGURE 1. FIGURE 2. FIGURE 3. FIGURE 4. FIGURE 5. FIGURE 6. FIGURE 7. FIGURE 8. FIGURE 9. FIGURE 10. FIGURE 11. FIGURE 12. FIGURE 13. FIGURE 14. FIGURE 15. LIST OF FIGURES Page GHEMIGAL STRUCTURE OF ATP 5 CELLULAR CONTENTS OF ATP IN EUGL^llA GRACILIS DURING ALTERNATING PERIODS OF L I GHT AND DARK 2 7 ATP CONCENTR.ATION VS. CELLULAR ORGANIC CARBON 2 9 LUMINESCENCE DECAY OF ATP FIREFLY LANTERN EXTRACT REACTION IVITH TIME 43 DEPENDENCE OF QUANTITATIVE ACTIVATED SLUDGE ATP EXTPv.^CTION ON TEMPEP.ATURE OF EXTR.\CTION SOLUTION 51 STANDARD ATP CURVE 5 3 CORRELATION OF ATP WITH 3ELEUA37EuM CONCENTR-VnON 54 ATP VS. CHLOROPHYLL A OF SELENASTRUM AND CELORELLA 5 7 ATP VS. CHLOROPHYLL A FOR AJIABAEHA 5 8 ATP VS. CHLOROPHYLL A FOR MICROCYSTIS 59 ATP VS. CHLOROPHYLL A OF DILUTED MICROCYSTIS 6 2 ATP VS. CHLOROPHYLL A FOR LAKE PHYTOPLANKTON 6 4 VARIATION OF ATP/CHLOROPHYLL /. Pv.-\TIO WITH CELL AGE 69 ATP VS. DRY WEIGHT OF UNIALGAL CULTURES .. 70 ATP VS. DRY WEIGHT FOR LAKE PHYTOPLANKTON 7 3 Page FIGURE 16. ATP VS. CELL C0U::T FOR MICROCYSTIS 77 FIGURE 17. ATP VS. ABSORBANCE OF UNIALGAL CULTURES .. 7 8 FIGURE 18. RESPONSE OF ATP TO PERIODS OF LIGHT AND DARK 82 FIGURE 19. EFFECT OF pH ON ATP CONTENT OF SICLEIUSTRVM CELLS S4 FIGURE 20. EFFECT OF pH ON ATP CONTENT OF ANDERSON- CUE LAKE WATER 86 FIGURE 21. EFFECT OF pH ON ATP CONTENT OF BIVENS ARM LAKE WATER 8 7 FIGURE 22. ATP POOL RESPONSE TO INCUBATION WITH VARIOUS CONCENTR.ATIONS OF MERCURY 89 FIGURE 23. RESPONSE OF MERCURY- POISONED CHLORELLA AFTER TR.'\NSFER TO FRESH MEDIUM 9 2 FIGURE 24. RESPONSE OF BIOMASS PARAMETERS IN BIVENS ARM TO ADDITION OF COPPER 94 FIGURE 25. ATP RESPONSE IN AI^ABAEKA TO ADDITION OF CARBON DIOXIDE 96 FIGURE 26. ATP RESPONSE OF BIVENS AR.M TO ADDITION OF CARBON DIOXIDE 9 8 FIGURE 27. RESPONSE OF ATP IN AUABAEUA TO ADDITION OF PHOSPHORUS 101 FIGURE 28. RESPONSE OF ATP IN iUCROCYSTIS TO ADDITION OF PliOSPHORUS 102 FIGURE 29. RESPONSE OF ATP IN SELENASIRUM TO ADDITION OF PHOSPHORUS 10 3 FIGURE 30. RESPONSE OF ATP IN CHLORELLA TO ADDITION OF PHOSPHORUS 104 FIGURE 31. RESPONSE OF ATP IN AHABAEIJA TO ADDITION OF NITROGEN 106 FIGURE 32. RESPONSE OF ATP IN SELEIJASTRUM TO ADDITION OF NITROGEN 10 7 IX Abstract of Dissertation Presented to tlie Graduate Council of the Univ'ersity of Florida in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy ATP MEASUREMENTS IN LAB0P..\10RY CULTURES AND FIELD POPULATIONS OF LAKE PLANKTON By Francis Xavier Browne December, 19 71 Chairman: Patrick L. Brezonik, Ph.D. Co-Chairman: Jackson L. Fox, Ph.D. Miajor Department: Environmental Engineering ATP measurements in laboratory unialgal cultures and lake plankton were made to investigate the use of ATP as a biomass and activity parameter. No account was taken of the bacterial population in the unialgal cultures or the lake plankton. Although the algal cultures were not axenic, efforts were made to minimize bacterial grov/th. ATP was analysed using the luciferin-luciferase firefly reaction. The ATP analysis proved to be sensitive and reliable for quantitative determination of cellular ATP concentrations. Good correlation was observed betv;een ATP and chlorophyll a, dry weight, and cell number. ATP to chloro- phyll a ratios were relatively constant, ranging from 0.09 to 0.55. These values agree with those reported by other inA'estigators . ATP to dry v.eight ratios \;ere also rela- tively constant. The presence of detrital material in laboratory and field samples reduced the significance of any particular ATP to dry weight ratio. The ATP concentration was observed to be relatively constant under both light and dark conditions. Maxiirium cellular ATP concentrations occurred at a pH level at or in the range of the normal pH of the organisms tested. Rapid decreases in ATP concentration occurred immediately after addition of toxic substances. Results of one experim.ent indicate that toxic substances, at least in the first few hours, cause a reduction in ATP per cell rather than a reduction in viable biomass. Additions of nutrients to nut rient- de f icient cultures resulted in rapid increases in ATP concentration. The advantages of ATP over existing biomass para- meters are manifold. The results of this research indicate that ATP analysis is applicable as a biom.ass param.eter for aquatic systems. It is also a sensitive activity parameter v,'hich can be applied to toxicity bioassays. These results also indicate that ATP could be used as a qualitative activity parameter in limiting nutrient bioassays. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION Pollution of surface waters is well recognized as a serioii.s problem in the United States and other highly developed countries. The effects of pollution range from the death of aquatic organisms as a result of oxygen deple- tion from organic discharges or poisoning from toxic industrial waters to over population with nuisance organ- isms as a result of enrichment from nutrient discharges. To properly measure and evaluate the effects of various pollutants on a particular water, reliable measures of biom.ass and activity are needed. The biom.ass parameters most often used in lake and stream studies are chlorophyll concentration, suspended solids, or plankton count. The application, theory and problems associated with these param.eters are discussed in Chapter III, but it suffices to say here that better measures of phy toplankton biomass and activity are needed. The deficiencies of present methodologies are evidenced by the -laany conflicting reports in the literature concerning lim.iting nutrients and the effects of m.unicipal and industrial discharges on a body of water. In 1969 a Provisional Algal Assay Procedure (Joint Industry- Government Task Force on Eutrophication 1969) was developed to standardize existing methods of investigating phytoplankton responses in natural Avaters. However, this procedure has not been v/holly successful probably because it utilizes inadequate biomass parameters. Aji adequate biomass parameter must have a relatively constant cellular concentration under most environmental conditions, and it must not be associated with non-living material. Cellular biochemistry offers a number of possibil- ities for measurement of activity and biomass. One bio- chemical parameter that seems to offer an appropriate measure of biomass and metabolic activity is adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The overall objective of this study was to investi- gate the use of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as a measure of phytoplankton biom.ass and metabolic actiA'ity. Biomass parameter evaluation was divided into two phases. First, the ATP content of batch unialgal cultures A\-as measured and correlated with traditional biomass parameters. In the second phase, the ATP content of natural lal:e phytoplankton w^as measured ai'xd correlated with biomass param.eters. ATP as a measure of metabolic activity \vas evaluated by observing the ATP changes in laboratory algal cultures and lake phytoplankton which were subjected to varying environmental conditions. Correlation of cellular ATP concentration with current biomiass parameters would indicate the validity of using ATP to measure phytoplankton biojnass. The lack of response of cellular ATP to various environmental conditions v/ould indicate tlie stability of cellular ATP to minor environ- mental changes. The response of cellu.lar ATP to additions of nutrients and toxic substances would indicate its useful' ness as a rapid bioassay parameter. CHAPTER II. MECHANISM OF ATP METABOLISM IN ALGAE ATP hss been called the "energy currency" of living cells. It occurs in all living cells. ATP is a nucleotide containing adenine, a 6-ainino derivative of purine, D-ribose, a 5-carbon sugar, and three phosphate groups as shown in Figure 1. The ATP molecule Avithi.n the cell is highly charged with negative charges concentrated around the polypjiosphate structure. Most of the ATP in cells is present as a Mg"^^ complex. It is common practice to refer to ATP as a "high energy" phosphate compound. However, as shov;n in Table 1, ATP has an intermediate energy value when compared with other phosphate compounds. It is this intermediate position which laakes ATP so important. TABLE 1 STANDARD FREE ENERGY OF HYDROLYSIS OF C0\'3!0N INTR^^CELLULAR PHOSPHATE COMPOUNDS AG° Kcal/Mole Fhcsphoenolpyruvate -14 . 80 1 , 3-Diphoyphoglycerate -11.80 Phosphocreative -10.30 Acelyl phosphate -10.10 Fhosphoarginine . 7 70 ATP - 7.30 Glucose 1-phosphate - 5,00 Fructose 6-phoaphate - 3.80 Glucose 6 -phosphate - 3.50 Glycerol 1-phosphate ' - 2.20 c U H m < u s: The function of the ATP-ADP (adenosine dipliosphate) system is to act as an intermediate between high-energy ph.osphate compounds and low-energy phosphate compounds. One set of enzymes helps transfer pliosphate from high -energy compounds to ADP, forming ATP; while another set of enzymes help transfer the terminal phosphate grou.p of ATP to low- energy phosphate acceptors, Xo enzymes exist that can transfer phosphate groups directly from high-energy donors to low-energy acceptors. Thus, all high-energy phosphate transfers must use the ATP-ADP system. Inside living cells there is usually very little ATP since it is continually being used up and remade. The energy in the energy-rich bonds of ATP is used to do cellular v/ork. It is used to synthesize large molecules from simple subunits. to transport substances in and out of the cell, and to perform mechanical work. In algae, ATP is formed from two basic processes: photosynthesis and respiration, Er.caryotic algal cells contain chloroplasts , where photosynthesis occurs, and mitochondria, where respiration occurs. Procaryotic cells, like the blue-green algae, do not have chloroplasts and Fiitochondria . Although eucaryotic and procaryotic cells differ in sti'ucture, the chemdcal reactions occurring in photosynthesis and respiration are similar. Photosynthesis consists of both light and dark reactions; the light reactions drive the entire process. In the light reactions, water is split, ATP is formed, and oxygen is liberated. TJie dark reactions use carbon dioxide to fonr. si]:jple sugars, some of which are converted into glucose as the product of photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, chlorophyll inolecules absorb light energy and give off high- energy electrons. It is believed that molecules of ferredoxin, a protein which contains iron, pick up the high-energy electrons. The energy gained by ferredoxin is released in a series of electron transfers. This released energy is used to form AlP. The electrons, after losing their energy, return to the chlorophyll molecule again. T]:is process is called cyclic photophosphorylation . Another process called non- cyclic photophosphorylation also occurs and is similar to the cyclic process except the original electrons do not return to the chloropliyll molecule. Instead, the electrons are transferred to NADP (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) which subsequently is reduced. Electrons from the hydroxyl groups of water are transferred to the chlorophyll m.olecules, filling the electron gaps. Thus the primary purpose of photosynthesis is to form ATP and reduced NADP, with oxygen evolved as a by product. Under normal condi- tions one would expect non-cyclic photophosphorylation to occur since this process forms ATP and reducing power (in the forir. of reduced NADP) . Both ATP and the reducing power are used in the dark reactions to form glucose from CO2. The role of cyclic photophosphorylation is not completely understood. Som.e believe it is a shunt mechanism used to form ATP without formation of reduced NADP, Tt appears that 1 ight- induced cyclic electron flow is used to generate ATP at whatever rate is required by the cell, without the necessity of generating reduced NADP or of evolving molecular oxygen. ATP production from respiration is basically the same for algae and other microorganisms, Catabolic processes which term.inate in the Krebs Cycle product ATP. For example, one molecule of glucose is transformed into two molecules of pyruvic acid, forming two molecules of ATP. These two molecules of pyruvic acid are broken down into six molecules of carbon dioxide and water, liberating 36 molecules of ATP. Thus, a net ATP production of 38 molecules of ATP results from, the oxidative breakdown of one glucose molecule. CHAPTER III. LITER.VrURE REVIEW Introduction Yollen^•eider (19 70) defines eutropliication as any- thing that accelerates the nutrient loading, increases the nutrient level and directly increases iv-ater productivity. Me explains that a mere increase in the nutrient level is not important if it does not produce unpleasant or undesira- ble effects on the metabolism of the water. Vollenv/eider ' s definition emphasizes the tv,"o primary constituents of eutrophi cation - the addition of nutrients to a water and the concomitant response of the phytoplankton . Measuring the standing phytoplankton biomass and its response to nutrient additions is becoming increasingly important; yet, there is little consensus as to which parameter or method is best to use. A variety of methods is presently used to measure biomass and its response to nutrient additions, including pigment concentration, particulate organic carbon concentration, cell number or areal units, packed cell volume and dry weight, and DNA concentration. V^hile commonly used each suffers from certain deficiencies. The following sections v.'ill briefly describe the merits and drau'backs of e ach . 10 Biomass Parameters Pit-iri.ent Concentration The algal pigments consist primarily of the chloro- phylls, th.e carotenoids, and the phycolilins. Chlorophylls are lipo-soluble inolecules characterized In- strong absorp- tion of red (650 - 680 mu) and blue light (400 - 450 my) and by their red fluorescence in organic solvents. Chloro- phylls are divided into three groups: chlorophyll a which is present in all photosynthesi zing cells; cnlorophyll b, an oxidized derivative of chlorophyll a, which is found in green algae; and chlorophyll a which is found in brown algae and diatoms. Carotenoids are C^o hydrocarbons with numerous conjugated double bonds. There are tis'o major groups of carotenoids: the carotenes, which are pure hydrocarbons, and the xanthophylls , vrhicli contain from 1 to 8 hydroxyl groups making them more polar. The carote- ]ioids serve as accessory pigments, extending the range of visible light useful in photosynthesis. They are usually yellow or orange and absorb light in the blue- violet region of the spectrum. All photosynthesi zing cells contain carotenoids. Odum and N'ixon (19 70) have studied the role of carotenoids in photorespiration . Odum et al (In Press) note that tlie carotenoid-chiorophyll ratio may help measure the relative use of solar energy in photosynthesis and photorespiration. The third major class of pigments are the phycobilins which are related structurally to the 11 chlorophylls. They consist of an open conjugated s>stei:i g£ four p;'rrol rings, the fundamental structure of the bilin pigments, so called because they were discovered in bile. The phycobilins (algal bilins) are water-soluble pigments consisting of the phycoerythrins and tne physocyanins . Both pigments are found in the red marine algae (I^^hodophyceae) and the primitive blue-green algae (Cyanophyceae) . Phycoery thrin , present primarily in red marine algae, absorbs light in tlie middle of the visible spectrum. Phycocyanin, present primarily in blue -green algae, absorbs red light at about 6 30 my. Chlorophyll is the major pigm.ent of algae and occurs in all species. Because of its universal distribution, chlorophyll a. is often used to estimate phy top lank ton niomass. Xeber and McFarland (1969) and Keup and Stewart (1966) used chlorophyll a as an estimate of the phy tcplankton standing crop and found it to correlate well with carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous content. One problem with using chlorophyll as a measure of photoplankton biomass is that the chlorophyll concentration varies with environmental conditions. Spoehr and Milner (1949) measured extremes of 0.1 percent and 6 percent for chlorop]iyll content as percent of dry \;eight. Usually the chlorophyll content is about 0.5 t6 l.S percent of the dry weight (Round 1967). Studies on algae cultured under controlled laboratory conditions denions trate that mineral nutrition, light intensity, and cell age affect the cellular 12 chlorophyll concentration. Emerson (1929) found a direct correlation between photosynthetic activity and chlorophyll content in Chlovella pyrenoidcsa and concluded that a reduced chlorophyll content was the only factor responsible for the reduced photosynthesis of iron- deficient cells. Sargent (1940) noted that chlorophyll constituted 6.6 per- cent of the dry weight of "shade-grown" Chlovella cells but only 3.3 percent of "sun-grown" cells. Myers (1946) found that chlorophyll per milliliter of packed cells was inversely related to light intensity, but he also found a direct relationship between light intensity and cell size. Fogg (1965) observed that the cellular chlorophyll concen- tration decreased with cell age and nutrient deficiency. Ryther and Yentsch (1957) found that marine phytoplanhton at light saturation has a reasonably constant assimilation ratio of 3.7 gram.s of carbon assimdlated per hour per gram of chlorophyll. Calculated production rates based on this ratio and on chlorophyll- light measurements were similar to those obtained by simultaneous use of the li ght-and-dark bottle oxygen method. Bain (1968) used a similar method to predict primary production in San Francisco Bay. Some controversy exists as to whether chlorophyll a can best be used to measure biomass or primary production (Odum et at 1958). The analytical technique for extracting and calcu- lating chlorophyll concentration suffers from many weak- nesses. Strickland and Parsons (1968) note that the only 13 rapid chemical method kno'cn for esti:nating living plant matter in the particulate organic matter of sea water is to determine the characteristic pigments. Hoisever, they also note that the amount of organic material associated with a given plant pigment is variable, depending on the class of algae and the nutritional state. A factor ranging from 25 to 100 is used to convert chlcrophyll a concentra- tion to total plant carbon. According to Strickland and Parsons (1968] extraction v.-ith 90 percent acetone gives results undoubtedl)^ loi\' in many instances because of the presence of plant cells that are not fully extracted. These authors state that some species may retain 50 percent or miore of the pigments in their cells. Bogarad (1962) notes that it is generally more difficult to extract cjilorophylls from algae than from higher plants; he adds that extraction with hot or cold methanol is usually more effective than acetone. Another v;eakness of the extraction process is that inactive chloropliyll and degradation products may be determined along with the active chlorophyll of the living phy toplanktons . Glooschenko and Moore (19 71) analyzed Lake Ontario water samples for chlorophyll a and its degradation products, pheophorbide a and pheophytin a. These authors found the degradation products made up less than 20 percent of total chlorophyll a until the decline of the spring growth, after which degradation products accounted for up to ion percent measured chlorophyll a in some regions of the lake. These studies indicate the necessity of correcting chlorophyll a data for degradation products. 14 Particulate Oraanic Carbon Particulate organic carbon is often used as a TTieasure of phytoplankton biomass. >!enzel and Ryther (1964) ineasured the composition of particulate matter in the western North Atlantic to determine the relationship befi\een carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and clilorophyll . Regression of phosphorus or chlorophyll vs. nitrogen or carbon, when extrapolated back toward tJie origin, indicated appreciable amounts of nitrogen and carbon in the absence of phosphorus and chlorophyll. In contrast, the regression of phosphorus vs. chlorophyll had its intercept at the origin. The authors concluded that chlorophyll and phospho- rus are decomposed or mineralized at about the same rate, vrhile carbon and nitrogen are more refractory. Menzel and Gosring (1966) studied the decomposition of particular matter from surface and deep Atlantic waters. Changes in carbon \;ere related to the initial biomass of phytoplankton. They found that the living carbon represents a variable fraction of the total organic particulate matter present in surface waters. Superimposed on this is detrital carbon which is refractory to decomposition. Parsons and Strickland (1962) , Holn.-Hansen (1969) and others have also found variable amounts of refractory particulate organic carbon in phytoplankton samples. Because of this refractory nature of carbon its use as an estimate of biomass is questionable . 15 C_e J_l_ j\' uTTib e r Early i;ork on algal pliysiology utilized the cell number, determined by counting cells with a hemocy tometer , Whipple disc, or a Segwick- Rafter Cell (Myers 1962). With unialgal cultures the cell count can be relativ^ely meaning- ful because of the approximate uniformity of the cell size and volume. Cell counts on a heterogeneous culture of algae are tedious and open to misinterpretations. Oswald and Gacnkar (1969) in a review of the Provisional Algae Assay Procedure (Joint Industry-Government Task Force on Eutrc- phication 1969) note the difficulty in counting cells in mixed populations: taking the size of Chlor-ella -pyrenoidcsa as unity, the size of Soenedesnus obliguv.s is 1.2, C''nla!riydor:o-uas 6.9, Englena gracilis 54, Euglena viridis 84, and a Fhaeus sp. 71. Besides this variability among species, cell size differs with both age and nutritional state of each species. Euglena cells tend to become larger with age while Chlorslla and Saendesmus cells become smaller. Nutrient starved Euglena usually decrease in size while nutrient starved Chlovella increase in size. There is also s. difficulty in counting filamentous and agglomerated cells like Anahaena and Miarocystis. Oswald and Gaonkar also note that miany algae are photo regulated. Cklcr-ella , for exam.ple, accumulates nutrients during the day and divides during the nigh.t; thus, unless cells are counted at the same time each day, the number of cells could vary significantly. 15 AsiJe from the probleni of size, there are difficul- ties with counting technique. llee (1954) studied varia- bility in cell counts using tiie herr.ocytoi'ieter , a popular and simple cell counting device. He found that for Euglena the variation in cell counts exceeds 30 percent when the nu:nber of cells counted in the hemocytoiietcr grid is less than 30, but that clumping occurs when the number of cells exceed 100. For Scenedesmus he found that a minimum of about 15 percent variation occurs when the number of cells counted in the five central squares exceeds 80. The variation is a minimum for Chlorella wlien the cells in the five squares exceed 100. Finally, a problem, exists with respect to count variations among technicians [Oswald and Gaonkar 1969). Although this problem occurs with all laboratory techniques, it is particularly acute for cell counting since personal judgement and knowledge of algae identification play a major role. Packed Cell ^'olume and D ry IV eight OsAvald and Gaonkar (1969) recommended the volum.etric technique, com.monly known as the packed-cell volume, be added to the Provisional Algal Assay Procedure as a method for evaluating algal growth. As Oswald (196 7) noted, the volumetric (packed- cell volum.e) technique is a non- destructi've procedure in v/hich the sample need not be dis- carded after analysis and can be used for fui ther analysis. According to Osv.-ald, the packed volujne usually contains about 14 percent dry weiglit of algae and the approximate algal content in dry weight is 1400 tiihes the paclced cell volume plus or minus 400. Myers (1962) observed that sufficient ceiitrifugal force and ti'Te must be used to obtain a constant and minimum packed cell volume. A major objection to the packed cell volume as a measure of biomass is that it m.easures detrital as well as living matter. Lee et al (1971) found a significant amount of detrital material in unialgal cultures of Selenas truri aapricor-frutum after only four days of growth in batch systems. Thus, quantitative interpretation of packed cell volume results can be mis- leading. D>]A Deoxyribonucleic acid (DXA) consists of two poly- nucleotide chains twisted upon each otiier to form, a double helix; it is the genetic substance which contains the hereditary information of the cell. The use of DNA as a measure of phytopiankton biomass has been investigated by Hclm-Hansen and colleagues (1968). After mieasuring concen- trations in t?ie Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and comparing them v.'ith measurements of chlorophyll and organic carbon, th.e authors concluded that there is either a considerable quantity of living material that is high in DNA or that DNA is associated with particulate, non-living material. Holm- iiansen (1969) measured ATP, chloropJiyll , DNA, and organic IS carbon off the coast of California; he converto.; ATP, chlorophyll, and DNA concentrations to organic carbon using conversion factors of 250, 50, and 100 respect i\cly as shown in Table 2 • TABLE 2 COMPARISON OF BIOMASS ESTIMATED BY ATP, CHLOUOPHYLL, DNA AND ORGANIC CARBON Bioi'ass (ug c/ liter) Direct Examination ATP Chlorophvll DNA Depth (m) 50 100 200 13 25 .^.8 1.1 24 22 S.6 1.9 14 22 S.O 0.2 250 200 9 5 50 The bicFiass estimates as determined from DNA measurements are, according to Holm-Hansen, "impossibly high." He concluded that DNA is an excellent biomass paraiuoter for laboratory cultures but not for Avork in the natural environ- ment . None of the methods discussed in this section are very good estimates of biomass, U'ith biomass, ii.othing is constant or absolute; all parameters vary and tliis variation m^akes it difficult to say which is the best measure of biomass . Limiting Nutrient Bioassay Methods Many miethods are used to determine which physical or chem.ical conditions limit phy toplankton growth. One general approach is to m.onitcr the phytoplankton response ever a 19 period of liiTie after enriching the sample ivith sorie nutrient. Although popular, this method depends on the response para- meter measured an.d may giA.'e misleading results if another nutrient or condition becomes limiting. Response parameters include th3 various biomass measures and ^'*C assimilation rates. The former are usually insensitive to short term ci^.anges v.'hile insufficient time for response to enrichment may give inaccurate results with the latter. Other nutrient bicassay procedures are based on analysis of planktonic constituents (e . g. , adaptive enzymes, percent nitrogen or phosp'iorus) which vary in response to nutritional conditions. Carbon- 14 Uptake Carbon assimilation rates, as m.easured by the fixation of carbon-14, are often used as a m.easure of algal grov;th in bioassays (Goldman 1960, 1961, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1967; Goldman and Carter 1965; McAllister et at 1964; Menzel and Ryther 1960, 1961; Putnam 1966). Primary production measured by the carbon-14 method is a function of the environ- mental conditions prevailing at the tim.e of incubation. Light intensity, for instance, is an important factor in the amount of carbon fixed. After incubation formaldehyde is usually added to kill the organisms, but Strickland and Parsons (1968) note that even small concentrations of formaldeliyde may affect the excretion or loss of organic material from delicate algae. In situ measurements of productivity requiie two to three 'nours of incubation, thus 20 liiTiiring the number of sanpling stations that can be tested in one dav. Cn the other n.and, laboratory incubation using a constant light intensity gives more precise but inaccurate results. Oswald and Gaonkar (1969) state that the technique of radiocarbon nieasurenents as set foith in PAAP seems needlessly co]-tplex, delicate, and subject to error in the hands of inexperienced personnel. Goldman (1960, 1962, 1965) used carbon-14 uptake for bioassays of limiting nutrients. Carbon-14 is"as added to a phytoplankton culture to which nutrients were added. Periodically, subsamples were removed and the uptake of carbon-14 measured. This method measured the total carbon taken up from the beginning of the experiment. An alternate method consisted of adding nutrients to an unlabeled phyto- plankton culture and periodically removing a subsample, adding carbon-14 to it, incubating for three to six hours, and then m.easaring the amount of carbon taken up during the incubation period. Interpretation of the results of these methods can be misleading due to the inherent variation in m.easuring carbon-14 uptake. Since net productivity is not being measured by this method, it is questionable what exactly the results mean; is an increase in biomass also occurring? >!any basic questions concerning the carbon-i4 method must be answered. Is there any luxury uptake of carbon; hcH' miuch fixed ^ '* C is excreted, how miuch is internally recvcled? Uliat is the difference between ^^C and ''*C 21 uptake? Strickland and Parsons (196S) use the factor of 1.05 to account for this difference, buc note that this value is uricertain. Enzymatic and _Extractive Techniques Enzvmatic and extractive methods of analysis have been used to study limiting nutrient concentrations in algal cultures (Fitzgerald 1966, 1969; Shapiro and Ribeiro 1965). Surplus phosphorus, the internal concentration in excess of the amount needed for maximum growth, can be extracted from algae by boiling the algal sample in 'vater for 60 minutes and measuring the orthophosphate in the extract. Fitzgerald (1969) used this procedure and demonstrated that algae limited by phosphorus contain little or no extractable phosphate vhile algae grown with surplus phosphorus released more than 0.08 mg PGi^-P/100 mg algae. Gerloff and Skoog (1954, 1957) used a tissue analysis method to evaluate nutrient availa- bility in IVisconsin lakes for the growth of y.icr-ocys tis aer-y.gincsa. Tissue analysis was also used to measure the nutrient availability for the growth of angiosperm aquatic plants (Gerloff and Kromliolz 1966). The tissue analysis method requires the establishment of a critical level for each element. The critical level is chc minimum tissue content in a particular species that is required for maximum growth. Tissue contents below the critical concentration are associated with deficiencies of tliat element resulting in less than maximum, yields. This m.ethod requires the 2 2 determination of the critical level f^u each species encountered; the naxinum grov:th rate for each species is a function of many conditions besides nutrient levels (light, temperature, and pH for instance), and may be difficult to evaluate. In mixed phy topi ankton populations the complexity of critical levels tend to make the r.ethod imipractical . Gerloff and Skoog (1954, 1957), using tissue analysis on l-licToystis aeruginosa in Vv'isconsin lakes, concluded that nitrogen v/as more likely to become growth limiting than was phosphorus. However, Gerloff and Krombliolz (1966), using tissue analysis on angiosperm aquatic plants in the same Wisconsin lakes, concluded that phosphorus was more likely to higher aquatic plant growth than nitrogen. These results demonstrate the species -dependency of the tissue analysis technique, and highlight t]:e qualitative and relative nature of the method. Alkaline phosphatase activity is another m.easure of algal phospliorus nutrition. V.'hen algae are phosphorus limited, the alkaline phosphatase activity per unit weight is as m.uch as 25 times that of algae grown with surplus phosphate (Fitzgerald 1966, 1969). Fitzgerald cautions that the effect of tlie local environment such as recent rains or unusual circulation patterns in lakes cause changes in the disxribution of algae and must be considered when interpreting nutritional data. He also notes that results x'ary according to the species of algae under consideration. 23 ritzgerald (1968) found that tho rate of NH^-N absorption by algae in the dark is 4-5 tinges greater for algae v.-hich are nitrogen limited compared to plants with available nitrogen. The comparative rate of ammonium nitrogen absorption in the dark of algae contalnin.g surplus nitrogen versus algae limited by available nitrogen was measured. The test consisted of placing 5-20 mg (dry weight) of algae, washed in nitrogen- free m.edium, into 10-30 ml of Gorham's medium (minus N) and adding 0.1 mg ammonium nitro- gen. After one hour incubation at 25° C in the dark the ammonium nitrogen content of the supernatant was comipared to controls not containing algae. The procedure is based on the fact nitrogen-starved cells can assimilate ammonium-nitrogen in the dark while normal cells require light and carbon dioxide (IVetherell 195S). It is believed that nitrogen-starved cells have a carbohydrate reserve which is lacking in normal cells and nitrogen-deficient cells assir.ilate ammonium-nitrogen until their carbohydrate reserves are exhausted (Syrett 1962). All of the above techniques whether tliey be extrac- tive or enzymiatic are best interpreted when applied to unialgal test cultures rather than natural waters. These methods give results which are relative and qualitative, and standardization is difficult, that is, a given num.ber by itself rieans little and interpreting \shat it means is no easy task. 24 ATP In t?ie past, most studies on the aTP pool in micro- organisins were confined to cultures of bacteria grown on synthetic substrates. By using pure cultures of bacteria in a defined stage of growth, biochemists have been able r.o study the role of ATP in the bioenergeti cs of the cell. Recently, hov/ever, some researchers have proposed that ATP could be used to measure m.icrobial biomass. Determination of microbial biomass by measurem.cnt of ATP depends upon •che assumptions that ATP is not associated with non-living particulate material and that the ratio of ATP to cell carbon is fairly constant (Holm-Hansen and Booth 1966). It is also important that the cellular ATP pool does not varv substantially under different environmental conditions. Forrest and IValker (1965) observed that the ATP pool in starved cultures of Sti^eptoaoaaus fasaalis remained constant for almost three hours under endogenous conditions. They concluded that an energy balance kept the ATP pool constant until all the stored substrate was utilized. They also found that the length of time the ATP pool remained constant during endogenous conditions was proportional to the initial substrate concentration. Bauchop and Elsden (1960) , working with three species of bacteria, shewed that under anaerobic conditions the amount of ATP synthesized was proportional to new cell yield. Elsden (1965) reported that the "ATP growth 25 coefficient," that is, the grams of nev; cells produced per nole of ATP synthesized, was approximately constant for all the organisms studied. D'Eustachio et al (1968) reported that cell counts based upon ATP concentration were linearly correlated to standard plate count. D'tustachio and Levin (1367), studying the ATP pool in three aerobic bacterial species during lag, exponential and stationary growth phases, fciund that E soli had a relatively constant level of ATP througliout all growth phases. Vseudomonc.s flucvesaens and Bacillv.s suhtillis were also fairly constant except for a sniall increase in ATP pool during exponential growth. Holm-Hansen and his co-workers have used ATP to measure phy toplankton in the ocean (Holm-Hansen and Booth 1966; Hamilton and Iiolm-Hansen 1967; Holm-Hansen, Sutcliffe and Sharp 1968; Holm-Hansen 1969, 1970). Experiments have shown that ATP is not associated with non-living material (Holm^-Hansen and Booth 1966). These experiments included killing of various algae and bacteria with lieat, repeated freezing, or cyanide. The measured residual ATP was negligible. The ATP content in three cultures of bacteria- studied averaged between 0.1 and 0.2 percent of the dry weight while rhe content in eight species of algae ranged from 0.00 3 to 0.016 percent of the dry weight. (Holm-Hansen and Booth 1966.) These Avere maximum variations in ATP over a wide variety of growth conditions and stages in batch cultures . H?r.iltcn and Holin-I'ansen (196 7) deteriiiined the ATP content of seven marine bacterial isolates cultured in both batcii and chenostat conditions. The range of ATP in the chemostat grown cells was 0.5 to 6.5 x 10'^ yg ATP/cell, or 0.3 to 1.1 percent of the cell carbon. Senescent cells in batch cultures and starved cells in general had an ATP content about one- fifth that of exponentially growing cells. Averaging a representative number of observations from the chemostat and batch grown cells, the authors calculated the average ATP of these bacteria to be 1.5 x 10"^ yg ATP/cell. On a per unit cellular carbon basis the ATP was calculated to be 0.4 percent of the cell carbon. To determine whether the cellular ATP of algae changed with light and dark periods, Holm-IIansen (19 70) studied the response of algal cells to periods of light and dark. As shown in Figure 2, an initial decrease in ATP pool size occurred in the dark followed by a gradual increase to approximately the initial ATP peel level. His test, however, only covered a time scale of 22 minutes and doesn't conclusively demonstrate the constant nature of cellular ATP under light and dark conditions. Holm-Iiansen (1969) measured the total particulate carbon, nitrogen, ATP, DNA, and chloropliyll in profiles to 600 meters and 1000 meters off the coast of southern California. As shown in Table 2 ■> the biomass estimates based on ATP measurements are in good agreem.ent with those based on clilorophyll data and direct microscopic measurements s Co H ►-5 H !o ■=< li; m !o o ■p ■v; ;3 Ei C be H ►~H •\,' CI £3 » b: c u- 0 0 ffi c w a H X :2 1 Ui ts 1—' r— i ?^ 0 0 ! ; u V — y <--■' ><£ < CC ^_3 < ^ c; J tC ■^. u < 'IJ -J Pi o o t— I dlV 28 KolFi-Hansen concluded that there is a considerable uniformity in algal MP concentration over the size range from 1 pg c/'cell to 215,000 pg c/cell. Further the average algal ATP value (0.35 percent of the organic carbon) is close to those concentrations reported for bacteria. Holm-Hansen (1970) investigated the cellular ATP content in 50 different algal cultures under different environmental conditions. As shov,-n in Figure 3, the average concentration of ATP as a percent of the cellular organic carbon is 0.35 percent during exponential growth. Extreme nitrogen deficiency in cultures dropped the ATP level to 35 percent of that found during exponential growth for Skeletonema aostatum, to 46 percent for I-^onochn-^sis lutheri , and to 14 percent for Dunaliella tevtioleata. Phosphate deficient cultures of M. ly.thari showed that ATP dropped to about 0.0 5 percent of the carbon content, but that it increased to 0.15 percent one day after phosphate was added. Hol-n-Kansen j-iaintains that although ATP pool size varies significantly under extreme nutrient deficient conditions, these conditions would rarely be found in nature. He notes that the apparent change in ATP concentration could result from a significant amount of detrital carbon in his cultures, giving the appearance of a drop in cellular ATP. The ATP content of microorganisms calculated as percent of dry weight seems relatively constant. Table 3 shows some of the values reported for bacteria and algae. For natural lake and ocean samples of ATP per dry weight 29 II3D xod Sd 'dxv 30 t* CD -I-; t/) c 4-1 t-H +-I 1—1 ■H l/i *- — ' o r-i q; Q) f- X ^ !-. O >^ r^ o O o OD O J Ph hj (—1 ^ C 1 '"^ :s >- ^^ t'". ^ J 2 ci K « ^ < r_3 rt M , — , 1— 1 ra :t3 ■ H ' — ' ^-, o CO +-> •r-i u r-( re d JD CH) ^— ' •H P ^ 3 o -P ■p 3 u C :t3 %t X! O CD \H ^ « ;s O O o > — ' ^ ?^ J=. ^ X +j r\ Cu d. •^ . to (/) t/) 10 r J < o 2 C2 < 1 — 1 r-* t_ 2 J UJ hJ >H !^ ^, 2 (3 Pi ^ [:-! 0 PU ► J U, ,"^ 1-^ u i^ 0 c^; r— irjCsl"* CNlt-OLn I— !0!Nlr-lr-l rsSOOO rH<0 vO ■* LO 000 0000 000 0000 O' 00 CO T. . X X >. X X >. it: ct rt rt r: rt rt ^ T5 ^ ^ ^ 'Td 'C to 1/1 in X >. X ri re rt Tj '^ 13 in in 'J', ir> to >.. >. X >. >, rt r; rt re re O) to to X X X X C re re re c5 .h 'T3 'tS 13 Id £ t-- +-i +-1 +-> +j CTlvO ijDOOOs) LOCf^. r^OO r-ILr, t-o r^, rj II II II II II II II II W II ^-1 +^ +-) +J +J +J X X . rt rt P- ^^3 ^ X tNI en r-l r-( ^ T3 II T3 II V- D 4-> 0 +-» rt > > Q ^-i ^ ^l 4-> rt re re a . +J +-> 4J ■-^ to T3 trj -d hC 1 0 1 G 'r-\ CU Uh IX [::, J to d / — V re CT> r-l ^— ' C O CNl CN] t-O (Nl (NI to to to ui ^ u u ►1= CJ 0 OJ ^ ■p +-I ■p rt C) 0 0 !-i E E e M 0 0 0 e LO 0 0 '"' ^ II II II 13 ,— - t-i (U ■p ■M +-) 4-- P 0 , c (U c; 0 (!) ^-1 G a C & « W -w * — ' s:t^ ' — ' CQ 0 '— ' (~i -vi C Jh ,- — ^ 0 (U \fi ^-1 ■p -p P) 0 ^ ni ■P f= :s rH ■^ re. re rt ri G •^ ;s r-. a) > ^ ^^ x:. P-j to 0 0 •p S 1—1 V3^ ^ !- X 0 < ;:j f, '-+-: A ''^ fa] 152---' p. M-i « used up. Ivorking with E. cell, IVinpenny (1967) also noted an increase in ATP pool size vdien glucose or pyruvate was a dded. Patterson et at (1969) and Patterson (1970), working with bench scale activated sludge units, studied the response of the ATP pool to changes in the incubation tempera- ture and pH , to extended anaerobiosis , to starvation and enrichment, and to inhibition by nickel, chromium, and chromate. He also studied the ATP response of activated sludge to additions of toxic materials including mercury, copper, and cyanide. Maximum ATP pool occurred in the pH range of 7.5 to 8.0, the normal operating range of the units used in his research. Within 15 minutes after addition of a lethal dose of mercuric chloride to activated sludge, no ATP was detected. Brezonik and Patterson (1971), reporting on the effects of environmental stress on ATP in activated sludge, observed increased ATP pool levels following addition of substrate. They noted, however, that previous studies on endogenous ATP pool indicated that only a small fraction of activated sludge is viable. Patterson et al (1970) reported 15 to 20 percent viability in a full scale activated sludge unit and 35 to 40 percent in a laboratory unit. Frezonik and Patterson questioned wliether the increased ATP pool levels follov-ing substrate addition reflect an increase in cell population or an increase in ATP/cell. Recalculating the ATP response on a viable fraction basis, Brezonik and Fatterson, shoved that substrate addition can effect an increase in ATP per cell. Coomb e.t al (1967a) subjected cultures of the marine diatom Cylindvofheca fusi forms to 24 hours of darkness follovred by re - illuinination at a high light intensity and addition of silicon. During the time of silicon uptake, the ATP pool size decreased v.'ith a subsequent increase when the silicon uptake ceased. Although this indicated that ATP participates in silicon metabolism of cell wall forma- tion, the presence of other cellular activities such as cell division could also account for the decrease in ATP pool size. Coomb et al- (1967b) also studied the same plienomena using Uaviaula -pellicuZooa , a diatom, which does not divide when subjected to a period of silicon starvation. Addition of silicon induces synchronous uptake of silicon and wall formation. l\1ien silicon was added, a rapid tem.porary increase in the ATP pool occurred followed by a sharp decrease. The ATP pool increased slowly throughout the remainder of the silicon uptake period. Sim.ilar changes occurred in a synclironous culture kept in the dark. Santarius and Heber (1965) studied the changes in ATP, ADP, .AMP and inorganic phosphate in leaf cells. Leaves were exposed to light and dark, killed and fractionated into a chloroplas tic and a residual fraction. IVhen the chloroplast was exposed to light, the ATP increased rapidly and it decreased rapidly when the . chloroplast was placed in the dark. The ATP pool responded 35 in a ar inanner in the cytoplasnic fr:5ction. The ADP change was opposite to the ATP change and the AMP change follov.-ed that of ADP. From these results, Santarius and Heber concluded that the controlling factor for inhibition of glycolysis and respiration by light is the increased ra-Mo of ATP to ADP rather than a drop in the orthophosphate concentration . Because of the energy balance occurring within cells, ATP to be relatively constant under normal environ- m.ental conditions. This constant ATP pool may allow the use of ATP as a measure of m.icrobial biomass. On the otlier hand, the rapid turnover time and sensitivity of ATP to environmental stress may permit the use of ATP analysis as a rapid bioassay m:ethod. CHAPTER IV. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS AND ^L\TERIALS Analytical Techniques The procedui-es used in this study v.'ere basically those coiamonly used to anal)'ze the 1)iological and chemical constituents of aquatic systems. Analysis of ATP is discvissed separately in Chapter V. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) was measured using the dichromate reflux method described in Standard Metliods (APHA 1971). Distilled water blanks were analyzed simul- taneously. Samples were not filtered prior to analysis thus the reported values represent combined soluble and suspended particulate chemical oxygen demand. The dry weight of the algal cultures v/as determined using tiie gravimetric procedure recommended in the Provi- sional Algal Assay Procedure (Joint Industry-Government Task Force on Eutrophication 1969) . A measured portion of algal suspension was filtered through a tared type AA millipore filter with a 0.80 micron pore size. The filters were dryed for several hours at 90 '' C in an oven, then they were placed in a desiccator to cool. The filters were weighed on a Mettler balance. 6o 37 Tuibiclity was measured in Jackson Turbidity Units (JTU) using a Hach Turbidimeter. Absorbance was measured as described in the Provisional Algal Assay Procedure (Joint Industry-Government Task Force on Eut rophication 1969). A Bausch and Lomb Spectronic 20 spect ropliotometer at a wavelength of 600 nm ".'as used. Conductivity \^ •— ! ^ u -^0 :^ w u; C/D ci 1 1 ^ 1—1 o o u~ •— ' 2 :^: t— 1 o o 1 — fi Z o-. o O oc X -^ 1 — 1 'f-K r- ,^ i) < t^^ ■^J 7^ -P P- ^"" rt o « c. ;^ C3 ^— ' . — 1 i— ( J T-i-i O (^ E- H <; u u; G ;- z: t- < t3 ■i-> fi u \r. TO O .■J J-. ^ C ■tJ CO ;3l X^ o U Ul rt pq 1 u U 5-1 O V) •p fH o "! rt o w ;:;:; p X •> w flj w < 3.0 2.S 7.6 51 2. 4 2. 2 t— 1 2 . 0 Wi f= i H •* Tj o +-1 o 1 6 rt fH 4J X 1 A UJ 1 .2 1 .0 0 .8 0 .6 0.4 0.2. 0 .0 75 80 105 85 90 95 100 Tejaperature cf Extraction, °C FIGURE 5. DEPENDENCE OF QUANTITATIVE ACTIVATED SLUDGE ATP EXTRACTION ON TE^IPEPATURE OF EXTRACTION SOLUTION (F-itterson 1970) 52 Rhodes and McElroy (1958) inves t: igated the sensitivity of the firefly reaction to pH and found that luminescence increased rapidly from pH 2.0 to 3.S, decreased from pH 2.8 to 3.8, and increased from pH 4.8 to 7.0. The rate of light emission is much more rapid at pH 7.6 than at pH 9.4 (Seliger and McElroy 1960). Holm-IIansen (1966) used a reaction mixture buffered at pH 7.75. For this research, tris buffer at a pH of 7.75 Has used. Figure 6 shews a typical standard ATP curA/'e, -Depending on the enzyme age and concentration, the standard curve may be linear or non- linear. Results of recent measurements of ATP standards indicate that plotting the points on log-log graph paper gives a straight line of best fit. A sample of Selenastrum was diluted into five portions and the ATP of each portion was measured. This experiment was run to determine whether the sampling proce- dure was valid. As shown in Figure 7, excellent correlation between ATP content and Selenastrun concentration was observed. using the m.ethod of ATP analysis described in this chapter, replication of ATP samples gave results with a relative standard deviation of less than 5 percent. 5 3 > < rH Di •^ < to Q - H 01 X s;unc3 54 300 t 250 - 200 . 150 100 0.125 0.25 0.5 Fraction of Sc-lenas tryj: FIGURE 7. CORRELATION OF ATP IVITH SEI. 1.0 Sample EHASTEUM CONCENTR.\TION CHAPTER VI. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The study of ATP in phytoplankton was divided into two phases. The first phase consisted of monitoring the ATP pool in batch grown uni algal cultures and natural lake populations. In the second phase, samples from the unialgal cultures and from lake waters were subjected to various environmental conditions such as pH, light and addition of nutrients and toxic substances. The ATP response to these conditions was measured. ATP - Biomass Results Batch cultures of Anabaena flos-aqv.e, Selenastr-wv aapriaorrruturij Microcystis aeruginosa^ and Chlorella sp. were grown in PAAP media for a period of approximately three months. Twice each week a 200 ml sample was taken from each culture and analyzed for ATP and other biomass parameters including chlorophyll a, dry weight, and absorbance. These experiments were performed to determine whether the cellular ATP concentrations in batch unialgal cultures would correlate with current biomass parameters (chlorophyll a, dry weight, etcl. Samples of phytoplankton from local lakes were also collected and analyzed for ATP, chlorophyll a, dry weight, and absorbance. The correlation of ATP with current biomass 55 56 parameters wis determined to test the usefulness of ATP measurements in natural phytoplankton populations. No was miade to quantitatively measure the bacteria population in the batch cultures or the lake samples. ATP vs. Chip rophyll a Figures 1 to 3 present ATP vs. chlorophyll a values for the batch algal cultures. The slopes of the linear regression lines for Selenastrum and Chlorella are sim.ilar; thus Figure 8 contains the data for both these organisms. Although the slopes of the linear regression lines are similar for Anabaena and Miovoaystis , the ATP and chlorophyll a values are plotted separately for reasons of clarity and because of the much larger range of chlorophyll a values observed in the Anabaena culture. Although there is a wide degree of scatter about the regression lines for all algal species, a definite relation- ship exists. Correlation coefficients for ATP vs. chlorophyll a concentrations are relatively high as shown in Table 6. Correlation is a measure of the degree to which variables vary together, that is, it is a measure of the intensity of association. The sample correlation coefficient, r, given in Table 6 is an estimate of the population coefficient, p. Table 6 gives the 95 percent and 99 percent confidence intervals for the population correlation coefficient. Note that a correlation does not exist if the population correlation coefficient is zero. Thus, to be significant b7 o o rH T/Srl 'dLV 58 I/S-^ 'dlV \ S9 o O ■ o LO Co O O o \ ° o \ o \ o \ \ o o o \ ■ o o o O o \ ^ ■ o 1—1 ci k; i—i o >. k4 jr; ^ ■■^. p. U o \ O o o o o t-H CO > Oh H < o \ \ r^ o o \ o o \ o 0 o\ o o i-H ^ • ' * . 1_ \ o o o o o LC «^ to CM rH 60 o u c c (D •Tj •< •H .— 1 <^ rt c > o i-' u <*.=> c 1 — [ z w t— I u I— I [X, w o u CO o cr: 1-1 ^ H E- < ^^ -I rD c< c:; ^ o < I— I -J ?^ ?« a! o Pi o c 1 u p; Q. O XJ •V •H i-H !-M n^ c > o 5-1 u O ■M C-1 '~^ i-i o !-i •H O u t. 1 .^ 1^ (U <4-, i-H CD P. O E u < F CO S •r^ ?H 4^ G ■W CO S o: 3> ^ « O « C Q, -C; Q) !^ <3 r-i O 61 at a particular confidence level, the confidence interA'al must not contain zero. As shov:n in Table 6, the sample correlation coefficients for all algal species are signifi- cant at the 99 percent confidence level, but the correlation for 'Helenas tr-um, which had the lov;est correlation (r = 0.539) is barely significant at the 99 percent confidence level since its confidence interval approaches zero at the lower limit. To study further the relationship between ATP and clilorophyll a, a dense culture of Micr-ocystis was diluted into 10 portions, incubated for 24-hours, and analyzed for ATP and chlorophyll a. A nearly perfect linear relationship was obtained (Figure 11). These results demonstrate a strict ATP to chlorophyll a relationship in the absence of varying conditions of pH, light intensity, and nutrient state. To determine the relationship of ATP to chlorophyll a in natural lake phytoplankton , measurements were made on three Florida lakes: Bivens Arm, Newnan's Lake, and Anderson-Cue Lake. These lakes were selected to provide a wide range of biomass values. Bivens Arm is a hypereutro- phic lake, Newnan's Lake is eutrophic, and Anderson-Cue Lake is oligotrophic. Chemical and biological character- istics of these lakes are given in Table 7. Results of the lake measurements are shown in Figure 12, and the correla- tion coefficients and confidence intervals are given in Table 8. Correlation of ATP with chlorophyll a for all l/o^ ^'dlV 6 5 (NI OO o oc oc <* c~i o I— I ■^CsIOOOt-OOCDOOOr-l b UD < PJ Pi t-i << u 00,— t r-lvSl~^-r-lr-l CTl r^ rH t^ c~. OS LO oc O O O O ^ r# ro < ooi— lOOOLT, rs)t-^0 o w t-H (X PC X w Q < o ►J < u w C-, o o CO OLO'-^.rsir-iooocsoT— (\j3 O U^ ^3- r— I LO LO C W) m V — 'OO f:; O 0 ^u o ~ to O u fX o rt 1— I -M rt \^-^ C -P bc o a. •H g +-> -H <-H 'O cc S E to MH 13 E £ 1^ -n -I ^ J- XfX \0 O 4-) C/JO_ (1^ .H n3 cti U O rt •H ^ QJ r-l 4-> ^ n: u rH p, c o " r«< < LO u H :^ ^ o E o O i-. 2; o +-> ^ -H r-l !— c-^ CiH U O o <4-l 03 'T3 to rt 64 o\ . o \ ^ o \ \ ° o \ V 3 \ ** o\ (D \ ri^ o\ o O rt \ o >-3 \ o \ o \o 0 -J 6 1 A GO \r, < r; - o o C t/3 (/) \^ ro r^ fH \ C S Q \ S > ^ o \ o o • H c 0 - ^5 \ o « o 2: QQ < 9 o e c^ \ «• o \ O o\ o i^ 2: < o E &. fcCPJ < rH O r-l ti, o -J o ^. r-i a:: u o o -) a: u I/Sn 'dlV 65 o o g CI o •^ •^ ■H .— ! ^H 03 fi; > o ^ o o ■M o\=> ;:; CD ' ' < w 1— I CJ h— I o u :x o O H < < a: Ph d; o C >- ^ < o oi o a: u CO > H <; o q; u o Sh •r-l o u u •H <+^ (U M I—t (U p^ o S U rt CO 0) ^ rt J 0) ,:i^ 0) Cj 3 3: ■"CJ I— i •H o C r— 1 ^ z <; < 66 three lakes is significant at the 95 percent confidence level. Eivens Arm and Newnan's Lake are significant at the 99 percent confidence level. However, the correlation is not very good for Anderson- Cue Lake alone as evidenced by its large confidence interval and its not being signifi- cant at the 99 percent confidence level. The poor correla- tion of ATP vith chlorophyll a in Anderson-Cue is probably a result of the small range of values measured. The correlation coefficient of the combined lake values is 0.830. These high correlation values indicate the excellent associa- tion of ATP i^'ith chlorophyll a in lake phy toplankton. The ATP to chlorophyll a ratios for the laboratory algal cultures and the lake samples were calculated and are given in Table 9. Anabaena and Miarccystis have lower ATP to chlorophyll a ratios than Selenastvum and Chlorella. This could be explained by the fact that Anabaena and TABLE 9 ATP TO CHLOROPHYLL A RATIOS FOR ALGAL CULTURES AND LAKE PHYTOPLANKTON ATP/ Chlorophyll a Anabaena 0.09 Microcystis 0.09 Sslenastyum 0.35 Chlorella 0.29 Bivens Arm 0.09 Newnan's Lake 0.11 Anders on- Cue Lake 0.69 All Algae 0.20 All Lakes 0.25 Algae and Lakes ^ " 5-ili. 67 Mici'ca-jstis , both blue-green algae, are procaryotic cells Kith a pigment system containing chlorophyll a, phycocyanin, and trace aiaounts of phycoerythrin . A very efficient energy transfer, approaching 100 percent, occurs from phycocyanin to chlorophyll a (Brock 1970). Thus the amount of chlorophyll a required by a blue -green alga may be less than that required by a green alga. In blue-green algae the photosynthetic pigments occur in organized internal membranes unlike eucaryotic algae where the pigments occur in membrane-bound chloropl asts . This difference in cellular organization could also account for the observed differences in the ATP to chlorophyll a ratio. Bivens Arm and Newnan's Lake both have lower ATP to chlorophyll a ratios than Anderson-Cue Lake. One would almost expect the opposite, considering tl^at Bivens Arm and Ne\;nan's Lake probably contain a larger bacterial population than .Anderson-Cue Lake. However, other factors must be considered. For instance, both Bivens Arm and Newnan's Lake contain large populations of blue-green algae while Anderson- Cue Lake does not. A large population of blue- green algae, according to the above data, would give a lower ATP to chlorophyll a ratio. Also, the much higher turbidity and color in Bivens Arm and Newnan's Lake probably induce a higher cellular chlorophyll content in order to utilize the subdued light entering the water. 68 Other experiments \ t; %, « O « o rO !s r<* ^^^ y O w ^ r* •vi Oi 1 1 1 1 1 O ^H O CD v£) t^ r-^ vD vO ■|J rH ro CNI LO LO €P fH • • • • O-i 1-^ O o o o o CTi cc &- 2 W CJ I— 1 O U C Q- CO o I^ ^ CI h- 1 (P r^ o 00 CD r^ n. 'TS - • • • • Uh ■H rH o o o o o tu ^ rt Q C > 1 1 1 1 1 CJ 00 C !^ u; u o c^ CO r-< LT) rH 2 ci; ■p r o kJ u ^^ w Pi < K_2 c u r^ u ^ < < H t^ i— 1 1 — 1 S o >- 5 •H !h r-i -P oi o c r~- ^ CO o o Q 5- O o '^ r-, vO IN] f^ -H o r 0 <-H C- i-H 0) H P- o < 5 S to Ci CD CD « 4^ w T-i C3 C3 s '■0 2^ t-~i M w ^ Q o' la r-t rH G C O ^ < < rQ CB Sin o « r-1 O r~i T—l 5S ^ •t^ rSi , i ! ^ t-0 5: O < Miarccystis ^ and Cnlcvslla are relatively good ranging from 0.607 to 0.860, with all three significant at the 99 percent confidence level. Correlation at ATP with dry weight for Sele-nastvum is poor and not significant even at the 95 percent level. The poor correlation of Selenastv-j.r^, probably resulted prinarily from the snail range of values measured. All of the algae together have a correlation coefficient of 0.726 which is significant at the 99 percent confidence level. In general, good correlation exists between ATP and dry v^eight in the unialgal cultures. The ATP to dry weight measurements for Bivens Arm, Newnan's Lake, and Anderson-Cue Lake are shown in Figure 15. Correlation coefficients for the three lakes are all significant at the 99 percent confidence level (Table 11). Good correlation exists between ATP and dry weight for all three lakes, with Anderson-Cue Lake having the best correlation , ATP to dry weight ratios for the algal cultures and the lakes were calculated and are presented in Table 12. All four algal cultures have relatively constant ATP to dry weight ratios ranging from 0.24 to 0,38 yg/mg. However, the ATP to dry weight ratios for the three lakes vary from 0.12 to 0.96 yg/mg. Bivens Arm and Newnan's Lake have a much lower average ATP to dry weight ratio than Anc^erson-Cue Lake, These low ratios are evidently the result of a high concentration of detrital matter which also explains the X u a o H < o H O 1— I I/Srt 'dlV 74 ;::; a C) ■H r-^ '-4^ <:i G > O i-t U o •p o\= c cr, 1 — 1 UD 0 H u 2 C Q. W O (-H '^ - U •H I— i HH <4H rt PU p; > fin o u W u o O 2 ■p u o e.o d H LO i— < 2 t«i O 02 t—i < t— ( E-. hJ p_, < p ^ O l^ y^, t- H_2 OC >^ no CC HC < a^ H u fv; u H i:^ < a. - 5 1— 1 ►J O -P « c; P o ^ o w mH ti, r-! U >« O -H Ci !- '-M O o a) o u o H u Cm H < ri^ OS J O r« 0) rt ;3 o E _! u ^■ !-( 1 rt < 1/5 c 75 TABLE 12 ATP TO DRY WEIGHT RATIO'S FOR ALGAL CULTURES AND LAKE PHYTOPLANKTON ATP/dry weight Ar.abaena 0.26 l-i'Lcvcay stts 0.36 Selenastvum 0.24 Chlorella 0.38 Bivens Arm 0.13 NeKnan ' s Lake 0 . 12 .Anders on -Cue Lake 0.9 6 poorer correlation of ATP with dry weight in these lakes. Table 13 compares the turbidity of each lake with the measured ATP to dry weight ratio. Both Bivens Arm, and Xewnan's Lake have large amounts of turbidity. Bivens Ann, for example, has an average turbidity of 10.2 JTU's compared to Anderson -Cue ' s average of 1.0 JTU. TABLE 13 COMPARISON OF ATP/DRY WEIGHT RATIO WITH AVEP^AGE TURBIDITY OF EXPERIMENTAL LAKES Average Turbidity^ Lake ATP/Dry Weight (JTU) Bivens Arm 0.13 10.2 Newnan's Lake 0.12 4.2 Anders on -Cue Lake 0.96 1.0 -Shannon, 19 70 •75 ATF vs . Cell Number Another common biomass measurement is the cell num.ber. A dense culture of hiici-'ooys tis was diluted into ten portions, incubated for 24-hours, and analyzed for ATP and cell nuiaber. Figure 16 sliows that a linear correlation exists between ATP concentration and cell numiber. The ATP per cell for Microcystis ranged from 5.0 x 10"^ to 6,25 x 10"^ ]jg/cell. It should be noted that cell number, because of differences in size between various algal species, would not give a useful correlation with ATP in mixed populations. These results are presented only to illustrate the good correlation between ATP and cell number in unialgal cultures. ATP vs. Absorbance Absorbance is a common means of measuring relative algal densities in laboratory cultures (Joint Industry- Government Task Force on Eutrophication 1969) . The absorbance of the four algal cultures was routinely measured along with ATP and the values are plotted vs. each other in Figure 17. Correlation coefficients for ATP vs. absorbance are given in Table 14. Except for Microcystis the correlation of ATP with absorbance is poor. A high correlation between dry vveight and absorbance exists, indicating that scattering rather than absorbance is really being measured. It is surprising that better correlations were not obtained, espe- cially for such dispersed algae as Chlorella. The reason lies partially in the small range of ohlorcphyll a values observed. 77 l/Srl 'diV 78 p 03 s •ri s^ a 4^ « T^ T-i CO sr to i-~i =S) Q Ci 03 O « s; ^ O -C) Q) O t, y r^ r-i tJ s- ^-. rC •t^ ^ to :s: o o 0 (U CO w Pi H U < < (—1 :^ o C U TO ,Z ^O < o ci tn Q < CO > < I/Sfi 'dIV 79 CJ u c Q. CJ '^ " • r- 1— 1 '^~ :i c; > C f-i U O ■P o^ C Ci 1— ! Cl LO H Z o W u 1— < C Q- u O 1— 1 w '^ li, • I-, t— 1 [ii (^ rt W C > O C/3 o ^ O W u o ci +-1 2: :=! C-? C O H LT, 1— 1 ^-| kJ CI >;d- f— ■ ;=) < U »— ^ H w kJ ^ p; < (:Q oi o < O hj H U < 1— 1 w z: u ;=i z o O 4-> !/) •H C PQ JJ O < O O -H H Cu O 0) H CJ o < u •ri s -M ?^ « <3 CO +i r-Ci c S2 to :-o -' CXi • :r) CnJ r_3 Csl Pi W W 2 ci :=; p^ o o dlV I^T^T^I J*^ q-uaoasj 90 rapid reduction of ATP for mercuric chloride concentrations of 50 ppb and 100 ppb , with a gradual further reduction for concentrations above 100 ppb. Table 15 shows the per- cent reduction in ATP, carbon-14 uptake, chlorophyll a, and suspended solids after one-hour inciibation with 500 ppb of mercury. TABLE 15 PERCENT REDUCTION AFTER ONE-HOUR INCUBATION WITH MERCURIC CHLORIDE Parameter Percent Reduction ATP 54 Carbon-14 Uptake 56 Chlorophyll a 20 Suspended Solids 10 From Table 15 it is apparent that ATP is a m.uch more sensi tive bioassay response parameter than chlorophyll a or suspended solids. However, ATP is about equal to or a little less sensitive than carbon-14 uptake as a response parameter. The observed reduction in ATP may result from a reduction in the viable cells or it may result from a reduction in the cellular ATP pool. In an attempt to explain which m.echanism was responsible for the reduction in ATP, a sample of Chlorella was incubated with 100 ppb of m.ercury for 80 minutes at which time half of the sample was centrifuged and the Chlorella cells were transferred to fresh PAAP media without mercury, .The final volumes 91 cf both saTT'ples were the same. As shovrn in Figure 23, the ATP content of the cells transferred to fresh media immediately- increased from 104 yg/l to 192 yg/1 while the ATP of the sample with mercury remained constant. After five minutes the ATP content of the transferred cells decreased to 125 !Jg/l, a concentration slightly below the initial concentra- tion of the culture before addition of mercury. These results indicate that most of the ATP reduction results from a reduction in the cellular ATP pool rather than a reduction in t?Le viable cell population. The difference between the initial ATP concentration (135 yg/l) and the final concentra- tion of the transferred cells (125 yg/l) indicates that a fraction of the algal cells were killed by the addition of mercury. Eighty minutes was selected as the time to transfer the poisoned Chlcrella cells to fresh media because previous experim.ents showed that maximum ATP reduction occurred in the first 1 to 1 1/2 hours after addition cf the poison. It is probable that as the incubation time increases the fraction of dead cells would increase. After two hours of incubation the ATP content of the transferred cells decreased slightly; this is probably a result of carry over of mercury in the centrifuged cells. Another important toxic material is copper. Copper sulfate is used extensively in industry for tanning, electroplating, engraving, and pigment m.anuf acture . It is also used to control undesirable plankton growth in reser- voirs and lakes. In order to study the effect of copper on O-^ X O ^ ^ T3 ;; o O U «i ^ ^-1 f~i C) +-■ Q) D ^ O CT, r-i ^ C 4-» •M a •H •H u ■::* ;2 H C O C T-~i t--i Ki ^~i T~~i »~-i ^) cs Cl> ?, i^ 5^ O o O T<1 r-J T c; H r; j:; LL.' ?- ■H — 1 CX 4-> 'i K :^ c < < o h- u ci c <; o -3 u ►J o ,— ( ►J ■M rt W c; -H CJ /^ 4-1 c^ •H tin to c o o w ex, w z: o a, w w PS ? F s s eg m «-H Sh (3 c +i +^ f s to to f.l r«* •^ •>^ O ^ -S ^ o X ;3 •H < Pm it 3- 'T3 TS 'IJ Q O !- •H ^ ra Vl :3 'IS •r-l tr, c n3 03 ns O 0) 4J S 100 phosphorus - deficient cultures exhibited a greater ATP increase than the cultures with phosphorus. Anabaena shelved the greatest difference in ATP response with the phosphorus deficient culture increasing eight times as riuich as the control culture. It is interesting to note t?iat al- though both cultures of Microcystis had very low final concentrations of phosphorus, the ATP of the phosphorus- deficient culture increased approximately three times as much as the pliosphorus -enriched culture. This would indicate that even though the phosphorus concentration of the phosphorus -enriched culture was low, the algal cells were not phosphorus limited, that is, at least not to the same extent. The response patterns for each of the species are different as shown in Figures 2 7 to 30. Anabaena (Figure 27) exhibited an initial drop in ATP followed by an increase while Mic-rocus tis and Selenastrv.m (Figuies 28 and 29 respectively) showed a rapid initial increase. Chlorella (Figure 30) displayed a gradual increase in ATP. All of the species, hoAvever, responded essentially in the same m.anner, that is, each exhibited an increase in ATP concentration. To study the ATP response in nitrogen deficient cultures, A.nahaena and Selenastrum were grown for five days in duplicate cultures. One culture contained PAAP medium v/ith 14.0 mg/1 of nitrogen as nitrate -while the other contained a modified PAAP medium without nitrogen. On the 101 I/l •!-> in 3 C 3n3 '-> O J-i p, 3 o ^ ^ +-> 4-1 •H •T-l 5 ^ s £ D =1 •rH •H Ti T3 C) CJ g s Ph P, <-■ < < < ex Cu H a; l/§! dIV 10 3 ;3 o p. CO o a, 5-1 in O 3 ^ !^ Ph O CO ^ O D. ^c 05 p- o ^ •l-J & =i o T3 -Td 0) q 5 H < < < < ©O ::-=:^^0- LO CO to O ^ ■P ^ '^ ki p; i-Cl •H k1 o IS to •=:^ •> 2 f) h- 1 e •H a, [—' < O K) O H o O p- CNl I/"rt Viv 104 tr. 0 ;3 ^ ^• CI, o t/) ,r; 0 P^rC U1 P. o ^ ■p p- 3 0 X 4:: ■(-> +-> ■H •H •> s e 3 =i < < < < 00 a 0 0 0 < 0 - H •^ »~3 c I/) ^ LO CD UT ■(-> ^t; ;3 0 C '-Cl • H ft; 2! ^ 0 ^ •< :^ a 1 — 1 e •H i\. r-' < 0 U, K) 0 w CO 0 0 C/D C^J PC I/Srt 'div 105 fifth day, 23 mg/1 of nitrogen as nitrc.te v.-as added to each culture. Percent increases in ATP concentration after addition are given in Table 17. Like the phosphorus experi- ment, A-nabaena exhibited the greatest difference in ATP response which is surprising because Anabaey.a is a nitrogen fixer while Selenastrum is not. The ATP response in nitrogen- deficient Anahaena was 46 times as great as that of the control. The ATP increase in the nitrogen-deficient Sclenastri^m was only twice that of the increase in the nitrogen-enriched culture. The response of the nitrogen- deficient Anakaena showed a gradual increase in ATP while the Anahaar2 control showed a rapid initial increase followed by a gradual decrease to approximately the original concentration (Figure 31). Both the nitrogen- deficient Salenastry.r-i and the control responded rapidly as shown in Figure 32. Essentially, the ATP response to the addition of nitrogen was similar to that of phosphorus addition in that an increase in ATP concentration always occurred. The percent increases in ATP concentrations reported here were calculated using the ATP values measured 70 to 80 minutes after the addition of nitrogen. This time interval was selected because the ATP content of both the nitrogen- deficient and the nitrogen-enriched cultures seemed to level off by this time. Different percent clianges in ATP could be obtained simply by choosing a shorter or longer interval. 106 ■p ^ d p; o p; (D o ^ (D -H c^ u M CJ O 'H O -H ^ i-i ^ i-W ■P fl +-> (1) r^ « •H Q w o o Di H H- 1 12; O o H < P-, O O CO w OS I/Srt 'dlV 107 Q Q < O H 5;: fc; Co < o w CO z o Dh CO I/Srt 'div 10 8 FQ 4_) < r^ c H <; ;3 c ^ o J CJ UJ U G 4-1 U, * ■P S 1— 1 3 o d) S a 4-' 3 p « •H •H E '^ •^ H 0 C> X s s o ^ a, p. p. <; < & <^ < rc CL, CI. ■d 13 'n o ^ o ^ rt •H D t3 M-, to C •H ^ rt t3 o +-» O 109 For example, if the initial increase was used, the same response would be shown by both cultures in several instances . This criticism is valid for the phosphorus experi- ments as well. The percent increases shown in Tables 16 and 17 for phosphorus and nitrogen respectively are presented merely to illustrate the differences observed in nutrient-deficient and nutrient-enriched cultures. The values presented in these tables indicate that ATP could be used as a rapid nutrient bioassay parameter. However, to be of practical value, the ATP response to nutrient addition should be measured over a period of a few hours and plotted against time. Plots of ATP vs. time would be a qualitative but relatively good tool in nutrient bioassays . CHAPTER YII. DISCUSSION The expei-imental results presented in Chapter VII ".vere briefly discussed as they were reported. In this chapter these results will be discussed in furtlier detail and compared with work reported by other investigators. Correlation of ATP with chlorophyll a for both unialgal samples and lake phy toplankton was good. The scatter of values around the linear regression line may be a result of changes in the cellular ATP pool but it is also likely that it may result from changes in cellular chlorophyll content. The lake samples were collected at different times of the day, during different seasons, and under different atmospheric conditions. Thus, the cellular chlorophyll may have varied diurnal ly. Ryther and Yentsch (1957) and Odum et al (1958) reported diurnal variations in chlorophyll concentrations. The chlorophyll concentra- tions may also have varied with nutritional state as reported by Fogg (1965) and others. Atmospheric conditions, such as a clear sky or an overcast sky, would also affect tlie chlorophyll concentration. Holm-Hansen (1969) found good correlation between ATP and chlorophyll. He found tliat both ATP and chlorophyll gave good estimates of the cellular carbon in pliytoplankton in seawater. 110 Ill The ratios of ATP to chloroph}-!! a ranged from 0.09 to 0.35 for imialgal cultures and fron 0.09 to 0.69 for lake phytopl ankton . These values are in excellent agreenent v;ith those reported by Holni-Hansen (1969, 19 70). His values ranged from 0.04 to 0.60 for five species of marine algae and one species of freshwater algae, and from 0.2 2 to 0.36 for seav,"ater p'lytoplankton . Good correlation of ATP with dry iveight of unialgal cultures and lake phytoplankton was also observed. The ATP to dry weight ratios ranged from 0.2 4 to 0.38 ug/ng for unialgal cultures and from 0.12 to 0.96 yg/ng for la]:e phyto- plankton. Holm-Hansen (1966) reported average ATP to dry weight values ranging from 0.15 to 1.6 yg/mg dry weight for various marine algae (Table 18). TABLE 18 ATP TO DRY WEIGHT R^ATIO'S OF VARIOUS MARINE ALGAE (Holm-Hansen 1966) Organism Skeletomma acstatum Amp'nidinium carteri Dunaliella tertioleota Svraaosphaera elongata Monochrysis lutheiH CyaZotella nana Ditylum hrightweltii. Rhizosole7iia sp. Average ATP/Dry l\"eight (yg/mg) 0. 31 0.15 1.5 0.03 0.28 0.84 1.2 1.6 ii: Lee 2t al (1971) reported ATP to dry \vei-ht values of Selenast-i>um oapriaornuturn ranging from 1 . 4 to 3.4 yg/mg dry weight. These values are much higher than those reported for this research. However, the authors note that they did not calculate the ATP to dry weight ratio after four days of incubation since the bioriass after four days was known to consist of dead as well as living cell material Table 19 lists the ATP to' dry weight ratios reported by Lee et al (1971). Three cultures were grown with three different concentrations of phosphorus: 0.62 mg/1, 0.062 mg/1, and 3.1 mg/1. TABLE 19 ATP TO DRY WEIGHT R.\TIO'S OF SELEiJASTBUi; (Lee et al 19 71) Phosphorus Content (mg/1) 0.62 0,062 3.1 Incubation Time ATP/D rv 'A'eight (ug/mg) 4 3.1 8 2.4 16 0.7 32 0.57 4 1.4 8 0.47 4 3.4 The res ilts in Table 19 indicate that the ATP to dry weight ratio varies with nutritional state. It is question- able whether the decrease in the ATP to dry weight ratio results primarily from a build-up of detrital material or from a pliysiological change due to a decrease in nutrition. 115 Correlation of ATP with cell nur.i.ber was also good. Holm-Hansen (1970) reported excellent correlation between ATP/cell and organic carbon/cell. Lee et at (1971) reported ATP contents ranging from 3.9 x 10"^ to 6.S x 10"^ ug/cell for Selenastvum capricorn-utujri grown with 0.62 mg/l phosphorus and 1.9 x 10"2 to 2.1 x 10"^ pg/cell for Selenasti^um cavvioovnuturn grown with 0.062 mg/l phosphorus. Cellular regulation of ATP was demonstrated by subjecting algal cells to alternating periods of light and dark. The ATP concentration fluctuated but always returned to its initial level. Santarius and Heber (1965) showed that ATP increased rapidly when an isolated chloro- plast v;as exposed to light. Ulien placed in the dark, the ATP decreased rapidly. They concluded that the ATP to ADP ratio controlled respiration in plants. Is'hen photosynthesis increases under high light intensity, it is believed that photorespiration occurs to stabilize the cell (Lehninger 1970). According to Lehninger, photorespiration does not occur in the mitochondria like regular respiration; it seems to be a wasteful way of regulating cells which are photosynthesizing too fast. Thus, evidence indicates that ATP is regulated by an intricate balance between photo- synthesis, photorespiration, and respiration. The response of ATP to various incubation pH levels indicates that cellular ATP decreases when an organism is shifted to a pH level different than its norma] level. 114 Patterson (19 '^0) reported siipilar results for activated sludge. He found tlie optimum ATP pool size occurred in the pH range of 7.5 to S.O, the normal operating range of the activated sludge process. Addition of toxic chemicals to unialgal cultures and lake phytoplankton caused a rapid decrease in ATP content. Patterson (19 70) reported rapid decreases in ATP of activated sludge incubated with various toxins including nickel, chromium, chromate, mercury, copper, and cyanide. Nutrient-deficient cultures of algae exhibited an increase in ATP content when nutrients were added. Holm- Hansen (1970) reported similar results for marine algae. He found that the ATP content increased when nitorgen was added to nitrogen-deficient cultures of Monoalrrysis lufheri and Skeletoy^erTia aostatum. He also leported an increase in ATP content after addition of phosphorus to pliosphorus- deficient cultures of Vunaliella tertiolesta and y.cncchrysis liithari. Patterson (1970) reported an increase in ATP pool size after addition of substrate to a starved activated sludge. Brezonik and Patterson (1971) reported increased ATP per cell upon addition of substrate to activated sludge. The rapid increase in ATP content shovm in Figures 2 7 to 32 indicate an increase in ATP per cell rather than an increase in biomass. These results agree with those of Brezonik and Patterson (1971). CHAPTER VIII. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclus ions It is difficult to evaluate ATP as a biomass para- meter since it must be compared to current biomass para- meters vhich, it is believed, are inadequate. There is no absolute biomass parameter to which ATP can be compared. However, working with the available biomass estimates, som.e conclusions can be made. Good correlation was observed betv.-een ATP and three biomass parameters: chloropliyll a, dry weight, and cell number. Cellular ATP did not vary under light and dark conditions, and it was relatively constant under normal or ambient pH conditions. It is proposed, therefore, that ATP could be used as a biomass parameter in studies o£ aquatic systems. One problem with ATP as a biomass para- meter is that it is a measure of total biomass, not just algal biomass. In measuring the ATP content of the unialgal cultures and the lake phytoplankton , no account was taken of the bacterial population. However, in many instances the total biomass is ^is important or even more important than algal biom.ass alone. The plankton coinmunity consists of phytoplankton, bacteria (free- floating and attached to the phytoplankton), and zooplankton. It seems reasonable that 115 116 in pollution or trophic-state studies the biomass of the total community is im.portant, especially considering the symbiotic relationship between bacteria and algae. Too often, the phy toplankton , the bacteria, and the zooplankton have been studied as separate entities when the total community should have been studied. If a distinction between algal and total biomass is required, then the ATP to chlorophyll ratio can be determined and a rough estimate of the autotrophic nature of a water can be made. Taylor (1967) coined the term "Autotrophic Index" as a m.easure of the self- feeding or food-producing organisms. The "Autotrophic Index" is defined as the ratio of biomass to chlorophyll. Although the chlorophyll concentration varies considerably under different conditions, it can be used to give a rough estimate of the autotrophic le^^el of a particular lake or stream. Each water, however, because of differences in color, turbidity, and nutritional state, should be monitored to deterinine the average ambient ATP to chlorophyll ratio. In many '.vaters, the relative abundance of algae compared to bacteria make the distinction between total biomass and algal biomass almost insignificant. The rapid response of ATP after the addition of toxic substances indicates tbie feasibility of using ATP in toxicity studies. The data presented in this thesis dem.onstrates that cellular ATP responds almost immediately. It is II' suggested that ATP is an excellent bioassay parameter for toxicity studies. The response of ATP in nutrient - de ficient cultures after addition of nutrients suggests that ATP could be used in limiting nutrient bioassays. liois-ever, the qualita- tive nature of the response must be considered. Tike alkaline pliosphatase activity, ATP activity is a relative measure of deficiency. 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In June, 1961, he was graduated froir, Xaverian High School. In June, 1966, he received the degree Bachelor of Civil Engineering from Manhattan College. In Septenber, 1966, he enrolled in the Graduate School of Manhattan College. He worked as a research assistant in the Department of Civil Engineering until January, 1967, when he received a Graduate Fellowship. In January, 1968, he received the degree of Master of Civil Engineering with a major in Sanitary Engineering. From 1967 to 1968 he was employed as a consulting sanitary engineer at Hydrotechnic Corporation, New York. From September, 1968, until the present time he has been enrolled in the Graduate School of the University of Florida vhile he has pursued his work toward the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Francis Xavier Browne is married to the former June Marie Kendall. He is a member of the Water Pollution Control Federation, and the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. 130 I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforiiis to acceptable st&ndards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, I ajtu^ck J^- Patrick LT brezon'ik/, Cna i r laan Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Co- Chairman Assistant Professor of Environmiental Engineering I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Environmental Engineering I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Frank G. Nmrcllle' Associate Professor of Zoology This dissertation was subrp.itted to the riean of the Colle; of Enf;iiieering and to the Graduate Council, and vas accepted as partial ful filliaent of the requirements for the decree of Doctor of Philosophy. Dece-iLDer, 19 71 'Man Dean, Gr'aSUaTe School UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08666 936 2