THE FAUNA OF BRITISH INDIA, INCLUDING CEYLON AND BURMA. Published under the authority of the Secretary ot State for India in Gouncil, KDITED BY A. E. SHIPLEY, ScU, Cantab., HON. D.So. Princeton, E.E.S. ASSISTED BY GUY A, K. MAKSHALL, P.Z.S., E.E.S. ORTHOPTEEA. (ACEIDIID^.) W. F. K I R B Y, F.L.S., F.E.S. LONDON: TAYLOR ANJ) FllANOlS, RED LIOiN COURT, FLEET STREET. CALCUTTA : THACKER, SPINK, & CO. BOMBAY : THACKEK & CO., LIMITED. BERLIN: p., imiEDLANDBB & SOHN, U CARI^STIUSSE. May, 1914, FEINTED BY TATLOR AND FRANCIS, RBD LION COURT, FLKF.T STRiiET. PREFACE. At the time of Mr. W. F. Kirby's lamented death the manuscript for the present volume was unfortunately not quite completed. Moreover, there still remained a consider- able amount of undetermined material upon which he was then at work and which doubtless comprised a number of species not enumerated in these pages. It was found impossible to arrange for the inclusion of this matter in the manuscript, and it was therefore decided to include only the species already dealt with by Mr. Kirby, merely adding those previously described species which might have been omitted and filling up various " lacunae." This task was kindly undertaken by Mr. Charles O- Waterhouse, late Assistant-Keeper of Zoology in the British Museum, and involved the compilation of keys to the genera in all the later subfamilies, as well as specific keys for numerous genera — often a matter of no little difficulty. Mr. Waterhouse has further been good enough to assist in supervising the preparation of most of the illustrations and also in reading the proofs. Apart from the additions indicated and the correction of certain obvious errors, the text is essentially the work of Mr. Kirby, the portions for which Mr. Waterhouse is responsible being enclosed in square brackets. A. E. SHIPLEY. May, 1914. SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page Order ORTHOPTERA 1 Fam. ACRiDiiD^ 10 Subfam. 1. Acrydiince 11 Group 1. Trip etal ocer in i. 11 Tripetalocera, Westw 12 1. ferruginea, Westio 12 Birmana, Brunn 13 1. gracilis, Brunn 14 Group 2. Cladonotini 14 Fieberiana, Kirb)/ 14 1. pachymerus, Fieb 15 Deltonotus, Hanc 15 1. subcucuUatus, Kirbi/ . . 15 2. gibbiceps, Bol 16 Cladonotus, Sauss 17 1. liumbertianus, Sauss. . . 17 2. tun-ifer, Walk 18 3. latiranius, Hanc 19 Mnema, Kirby 19 1. pelops, Walk 20 Group 3. S c e 11 ni e n i u i 20 Scelimena, Sew 21 1. producta, Serv 22 2. india, Hanc 23 3. barpago, Serv 23 4. gavialis, Sauss 24 5. logani, Hanc 25 6. uncinala, Serv 26 7. birmanica, Brunn 27 Abbasia, Kirby 27 1. subserrata, Kvby 28 Page Gavialidium, Sauss 28 1. crocodilus, Sauss 29 2. alligator, Sauss 29 Eiigavialidium, Hanc 30 1. hastulatuiu, Kirby .... 30 Criotettix, Bol 31 1. spinilobus, Hanc 31 2. maculatus, Kirby 32 3. obscurus, Kirby 32 4. tricarinatus, Bol 33 5. indicus, Bol 33 6. oculatus, Bol 34 7. exsertus, Bol 34 8. subulatus, Bol 35 9. vidali, Bol 35 Acanthalobus, Hanc 36 1. miliarius, Bol 37 2. bispinosus, Balm 37 3. rufesceiis, Kirby 38 4. inornatus, Walk 39 6. cuneatus, Hanc 40 6. flavopictus, Bol 41 Loxilobus, Hanc 41 1. acutus, Hanc 42 2. liancocki, Kirby 42 3. assamus, Hanc 43 Group 4, M e tr 0 d 0 r i 11 i . . . . 43 Systolederus, Bol 44 1 . cinereus, Brunn 44 2. greeni, Bol 45 3. auouialus, Hanc 46 Hancocliia, Kirby 46 1 . porLeiitosa, Kirby 46 Apterotettix, Hanc 47 1. obtusus, Ha»c 48 Eiirymorphopus, Hanc 48 1. latilobus, Hanc 49 vi SYSa'BMAl'IO INDEX. Lamellitettix, Ilmic 49 1. acutus, Hanc 60 Mazarredia, Bol 50 1. sculpta, Bol 51 2. convergeus, Brunn 62 3. iiisulavis, Bol 62 4. cristulata, Bol 62 5. inajqualis, Brim7i 53 6. lativertix, Brunn 54 7. insiguis, Kirby 5J. 8. lugubris, Kirby 55 Xistra, Bol. 55 1. stylata, Hanc 56 2. dubia, Brunn 56 Group 5. A c r y d i i n i 67 Euparatettix, Hanc 57 1. personatus, Bol 58 2. interruptus, Brunn 51) 3. scabripes, Bol 59 4. parvus, Hanc 60 Paratettix, Bol 60 1. balteatus, Walk 61 2. scaber, Thunh 62 3. variabilis, Bol 62 4. dorsifer, Walk 63 5. cingalensis, Walk 63 6. indicus, Bol 64 7. birsutus, Brunn 66 8. semihirsutus, Brunn. . . 66 Acrydium, Fabr 66 1. atypicale, Hanc 67 2. diiatatum. Be Haan . . 68 3. bipunctaluui, Linn 68 4. quadriplagiatuiii, Walk.. 69 Ergatettix, Kirby 69 1. tarsalis, Kirby 70 Spadotettix, Hanc 70 1. fletcberi, Hanc 71 Hedotettix, Bol 71 1. gracilis, De Haan .... 72 2. attenuatus, Hanc 73 3. lineifera, Walk 73 Coptotettix, Bol 74 1. latifrons, Brunn 74 2. acuteterminatus, Brunn. 75 3. fossulatus, Bol 76 4. capitatus, Bol 70 5. testaceus, Bol 77 6. interruptus, Bol 78 Group 6, Batrachidiini . . 78 Saussurella, Bol 78 1. cucullifera. Walk 79 2. decurva, Brunn 79 Page Sublam. 2. Eumustacince .... 80 Group 1. Xip hi cerini 80 Xipbicera, Liim 80 1. rugifrons, Waterh 81 2. feuestrata, Sew 81 PbyUocboreia, Westiu 82 1. unicolor, Westw 82 2. equa. Burr 83 3. asina, Burr 83 Scirtotypus, Brunn , . . . . 84 1. greeui. Burr 84 Orcbetypus, Brtmn 84 1. rotundatus, Brunn 85 2. ceylonicus, Karsch .... 85 3. subtrimcatus, Brunn. . . 85 Group 2. E r i a n t li i u i 86 Eriantbus, StSl 86 1. affinis, Westw 87 2. bifidus, Kirby 87 3. guttatus, Westiu 88 4. lugubris, Brunn 89 5. defioratus, Brunn 89 6. acutipennis, Sauss 89 7. flavlpes, Saiiss 90 8. birmnnicus, Sauss 90 9. bumbertiauus, Sauss. . . 90 Beimia, Burr 91 1. iunotata, Tf'^alk 91 2. oberthuri, 5oZ 92 Group 3. Gomphomasta- cini b3 Goinpbomastax, Brunn 98 1. autenuatus, Brunn 93 2. coustrictus, Brun7i 93 Group 4. Eruciini 94 Mastacides, Burr 94 1 . pupasformis, Btirr .... 94 2. pterolepis. Burr 95 3. vaginalis, Sauss 95 Subfaui. 3. Tryxalince 95 Acrida, Stdl 97 1. turrita, Linn 98 2. gigantea, Hbst 98 3. exaltata, Walk 99 STSTEMATIC INDEX. vii 4. lugubris, Burr 99 Acridella, Bol. 100 1. nasuta, ijwn 100 Aswatthaiiianus, Kirhf 101 1. cylindricus, Kirby .... 101 PhliBoba, Stdl ■ 102 1. antennata, Brunn 102 2. infuinata, Brunn 103 3. angustidorsis, Bol 104 4. panteli, Bol 104 6. cinctalis, Kirby 105 Zygoplilaeoba, Bol 105 1. sinuatocollis, Bol 106 2. truncaticollis, Bol. 106 Phlfeobida, Bol 107 1. angustipennis, Bol 107 Paraphlseoba, Bol 108 1 . platyceps, Bol 108 2. carinata, Bol 108 3. simoni, Bol, i09 Ceracris, Walk,_ nQ 1. nigricornis, Walk 110 2. versicolor, Brunn Ill 3. deflorata, Brunn . 112 Mecostethus. J^'ei 112 1. fasciatus, Bi-iinn 1L3 Gvmnobothrus, Bol. 1 1 1. indicus, Bol 113 2. .simplex, Walk 114 Madurea, Bol 114 1. cepbalotes, 11/5 Ocbrilidia, SfSl 115 1. longiceps, 5o/ 116 Dociostaurus. jP^'eJ 116 1. apicalis, Walk 117 2. turbatiis, Wa/k 118 3 mundus, Walk 119 4. epacromoides. Walk. .. 119 5. deoisus, Walk 120 Stenobotbrus, Fisch 1 20 1. Inteipe-s Walk.. 121 ^olopus, 121 1 . tnmiilu.s. Fabr 122 2. affinis, Bol 1 22 Aulacobotbru.s J?o/ 123 1. strictus. Bol 124 2. Pocius, Bol 1 24 3. infernufl, Bol 124 4. tffiiiiatus. Bol 1 2f) fi. pbysnpodR. Nav 125 6. rubripps, Nav 126 Staurodprus, Bol 1 27 1. bicolor. Charp 127 Chortbippus, i^VeJ 128 , 1. dorsatus, Zett 128 Subfam. 4. (Edipodina 128 Ohlcebora, Sams 130 1. grossa, Sauss 130 2. bramina, Sauss 131 3. crnssa, Walk I3i Quiroguesia, Bol 132 1. blancbardiana, Sauss. . . 133 Pternoscirta, Sauss 134 1. cinctifemur, Walk 134 2. caliginosa, De Haan . . 135 3. bimaculata, Thunh 136 IMorpbacris, Walk 137 1. citrina, Kirby 137 Lerina, Bol 138 1. cedipodioides, i?o/ 138 Dittopternis, Saiiss 139 1. ceyloiiica, Sauss 139 2. venusta, Walk. ...... 140 3. zebrata, Sauss, j^q Heteropte™i,s, StM .... . . ' " ' ' 54;] 1. respondens, Walk 141 2. partita, Walk 142 Q^daleus, Fieh 142 1. nisTofasciatiis, Sauss. . . 143 2. senegalensis. Krauss . . 143 3. abruptus, T/mnb 144 Gastrimargua, Sauss 144 1. trnnsversus, Thunb 145 lyocusta, Zm?7 1 45 1. niigvatornidej5, JR. & F. . 146 2. dapica, Linti 146 Mecistopteryx, Sauss 147 1. rotundata, Walk 148 Trilopbidia, StSl 148 1. anniilata, Thunb 149 2. turpi.«. Walk 149 3. cristfilla, Stdl 150 Bryodepin. Fieb 150 1 . inda. Savss 151 Acrotylus. Fieb 152 1'. inficitn, Walk 152 2. hupibertianus, Sauss. . . 153 Sphipgonotiis, F'eh 153 1. cieruhms, Finn 154 2. rnl)e.«cens, Walk 155 3. pavignyi, Sauss 155 4. indii.s. Sa7iss 156 5. bengalen.sis, Satiss 156 6. lonfri'|)Pnpis. Satcss 156 7. balteatus. Serv 157 8. g]i!{\s, Krby 158 Subfam. 5. Batrachotetrigince . . 158 Eremopeza, Sauss 158 viii SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page 1. granulosa, JValk 169 2. brachycera, Kirbij 159 Subfam.6. Pyrgomorphince 160 Chrotogouus, Serv 161 1. pallidus, Blanch 162 2. brevis, Bol 163 3. incertus, Bol 168 4. fuscesceus, Kirhy 163 5. robertsi, Z^S'<5/ 240 2. ceylonica, Kirby 241 Epistaurus, Bol 242 1. aberraii.«, Brunn 242 2. sinetyi, Bol 242 Geronia, Stdl 243 1. dorsalis, Walk 243 2. pustulipennis, Walk. . . 244 3. intermedia, Brunn 244 4. abbreviata, Brunn 244 Traulia, Stdl 244 1. dimidiata, De Haan . . 245 2. cachara, /iiVii?/ 245 Catantops, Schauvi 246 1 . opbtbalmicus, Karny . . 247 2. angustuliis, Bol 248 3. acuticercus, Bol 248 4. dominans, Walk 248 0. cousobrinus, Karny. . . . 249 6. sjjlendens, Thh 250 7. bumilis, Serv 250 8. interruptus, Bol 251 9. indicus, Bol 251 10. karnyi, Kirby 25] 11. pingiiis, Stdl 252 12. pulchelliis, Walk 262 13. erubescens, Walk 253 Stenocrobylus, Gerst 254 1. femoratus, Bol 264 Navasia, Kirby 255 1. insularis, Kirby 255 Bracbyxenia, Kirby 256 1. scutifera, Walk 256 Kripa, IS^irby 257 1. undulata, Kirby 257, C'aloptenopsis, Bol 258 1. insignis, Walk 258 2. glaucopis, Walk 259 3. liturifer, Walk 259 4. punctata, Kirby 260 Peripolus, Mart 261 1. pedariiis, Stdl 261 Heteracris, Walk 262 1. robusla, Serv 262 2. illustris, Walk 263 3. capensis, Thb 263 4. elegans, Walk 264 Tylotropidius, The hind tibiae have nearly always a double row of spines on the upper surface, and two or more spines at the ex- tremity, called calcaria or spurs. In the ACEiuiiD^ the tarsi are three-jointed, and the first joint is generally the longest, and is fre- quently provided with three pads, c&Wei. pulvllU, on the under surface. The last joint terminates in two claws, between which is a pad called the arolium (wanting in the AcETDiiNJi), a word of which I have been unable to discover the origin. Fig. 12. — (A) Hind tibia aud tarsus of Leptacris : a, tibia, b, outer apical spine, which is absent in many genera, c, c, calcaria ; (B) upj)er side of tarsus of Locusfa, showirg the three joints, and d, the arolium ; (C) under side of same, showing three pulvilli on basal joint and one on second. The ter/mina of the AcEiBiiDiE are generally comparatively long and narrow, of a parchment-like consistency, and are not folded. STKUCTURE, 9 [Many species have them much abbreviated, in which case they are most commonly oval or elliptical ; and in some cases they are Fig. 13. — Tegmen Schistoccrca : «, mediastinal vein; scapular (humeral, or anterior radial) ; c, middle radial (or discoidal) ; d, branch of radial ; e, posterior radial (or median) ; g, intercalate ; h, anterior ulnar ; i, branch of ulnar ; J, posterior ulnar ; k, anal (or dividens) ; I, axillary (or f)licata). 1, mediastinal area ; 2, scapular (or humeral) area ; 3, 4, anterior and posterior intercalate spaces (discoidal of Brunner) ; 3+4, median of Saussure ; 5, ulnar area ; 6, 7, anterior and posterior axillary areas (Saussure) ; 7, anal area (Brunner). absent.] They are usually more or less opaque, especially towards the base. The luings usually almost equal the tegmina in length, but are much broader and are longitudinally folded. In most cases they are hyaline or glassy, with darker nervures, but are sometimes j-jg. 14 —"Wing of Schistoccrca. The lettering as in figure 13. stained Avitli red or yellow, or more rarely with blue or green. The neuration will be better understood from the diagram than from description. 10 ACniDIID^E. SUBFAMILIES OP ACRIDIIDiE. In Brunner von Wattenwyl's ' Eevision of the Orthoptera,' published at Geneva in 1893, he admits nine subfamilies of the present group. Of these, the second and fourth (Pnel'MOHIn;e and PnosoopiNiE) are exclusively confined to South Africa and to Tropical America respectively ; M'hile the eighth, the PAMPnAGiXiii, is not yet recorded from India, though it is probable that some representatives maj^ occur in the northern or north-western portions. The other subfamilies are all more or less fully represented. Table of Subfamilies of Indian Acridiid^. 1 (2) Claws of the tarsi liot provided with au arolium or intermediate pad ; pro- notiun always produced backwards over the abdomen Acrydxin.^, p. 11. 2 (1) Claws of the tarsi provided with an arolium ; pronotum rarely produced over the abdomen. 3 (4) AntenniE shorter than the front femora. EuMASTACiNiE, p. 80. 4 (3) Antennje longer than the front femora. 5 (10) Prosternum luiarmed. 6 (7) Fastigium of the vertex horizontally produced, or sloping beneath, and, forming an angle with the frontal ridge Tryxalin.s;, p. 95. 7 (6) Fastigium of the vertex rounded towards the front; which is nearly vertical. 8 (9) Frontal costa obtuse ; posterior tibite with no external apical spine ; second abdominal segment smooth (EDiPODiNiE, p. 128. 9 (8) Frontal costa compressed and sulcate ; posterior tibiae with an apical spine on outer margin ; second abdominal [p. 158. segment granulated BATRACHOTETRiGiNiE, 10 (5) Prosternum raised and laminated in front, swollen, spined or hooked. 11 (12) Foveolae of the vertex contiguous, superior, and forming the extremity of the fastigium ; front never [p. 160, sloping PYKGOMORPHINiE, 12 (11) Foveolae of the vertex varying in position, but never forming the tip of the fastigium, and often obsolete. 13 (14) Foveolffi superior, open behind ; prosternum strumose, hut rarely spined Pamphaginje, p. ]90. 14 (13) Foveolfc lateral or inferior, closed behind, or obsolete; prosternum dis- [p. 191. tinctly spined or tuberculate Oatantopin.s!, ACllIDHNyi:. 11 Subfamily I. ACRYDIINtE. These insects are amongst the smallest species of the LocusiiDiE, and are called Grouse-Locusts iu America. They are very numerous in meadows and swampy places and many of the species may almost be regarded as siibaquatic. Till recently they have been somewhat neglected by entomologists, but Professor J. L, Hancock, of Chicago, has made a speciality of the subfamily, on which he has published an important series of works, especially in Wytsman's " Genera Insectorum " (family Aoridiidje, sub- family TBTRiGiifiE). in which he divides the subfamily into nine sections, six of which ai-e represented in the Indian Fauna. Keij to the Groups of Acb,ydiiNj33, 1 (2) Antennae much flattened, except at base and apex Tripetalocerhii, p. 1 1 , 2 (1) AnteuuPB filiform. 3 (10) Anterior femora compressed, carinate above. 4 (5) Frontal costa forked between the ocelli, the rami strongly divergent, forming a frontal scutellum Clathtiotini, p. 14. 5 (4) Frontal costa furcillate, but the rami diverging only a little or moderately iu front, or parallel, very frequently separated only in a slight degree by a sulcus. 6 (7) Posterior angles of lateral lobes spined; first joint of hind tarsi generally longer than the thiid Scetimenini, p. 20. 7 (6) Posterior angles of lateral lobes rarely spined ; first joint of hind tarsi not longer than the third. 8 (9) Posterior angles of lateral lobes slightly produced, obliquely truncate, rarely spined ; first and third joints of hind tarsi nearly equal in length Metrodorini, p. 43. 9 (8) Posterior angles of lateral lobes de- pressed, more or less rounded ; third ]oint of hind tarsi shorter than the ■first Acri/diini,]). 57. 10 (3) Anterior femora sulcated above Batrachidiini, p. 78, Group I. TIUPETALOCEIUNL Key to the Genera. 1 (2) Front bifid; tegmina and wings rudimentary Tripetalooeka, Westw., p. 1 2. 2 (1) Front acuminate ; tegmina and wings obsolete Bibmana, Brunn., p. i^. 12 ACETDIINJE. Genus TRIPETALOCERA. Tripetalocera, Westwood, "Vig'ors' Zoolog. Journ. v, 1B34, p. 444 ; Bolivar, Ann, Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 190, 19U, 310; Hancock, Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetriginae, 1900, p. 4 ; Kirby, Cat. Orth. iii, 1910, p. 1. TrPE, Tripetalocera ferruginea, Westw. Range. Oriental Eegion. Form long, rather narrow, tapering. Head with a strong bifid projection between the eyes ; eyes very large and prominent. Antennae half as long as the body, S-jointed, the basal joint short, the second shorter, moniliform, the rest (except the miuute terminal joints) considerably longer than broad, but all broad and flattened and usually broadest at the extremity ; terminal joints very short, filiform. Pronotum covering the whole body, the lateral lobes strongly spined, the upper surface very rugose, with a strong triangular hump before the middle, and a lateral spine between the front and middle legs. All the femora flattened, with triangular teeth on the carinse above and below. Tegmina (when visible) small, oval. Upper valves of ovipositor deutated above. 1. Tripetalocera ferruginea, Westw. Tripetalocera ferruginea, Westwood, Zool. Jouni. v, 1834, p. 444, pi. xxii, fig-'. 3. Dark ferruginous brown, with a bifid projection between the antenufe, which are placed hardly below the level of the prominent eyes, and are 11-jointed. The first two joints are short and broader than the 3rd, which is moniliform, smooth, Fig. 15. — Tripetalocera Jerruginea, and shining ; the 4th and 5th are short, widened at the ex- tremity ; the 6th to the 10th are longer than broad, triquetral, and expanded at the exti'emities, except the 10th, which is more oval ; from it projects the minute joint 11, Avhich is apparently broken off, and perhaps consists of two or three closely-approxi- mating joints. Body very rugose, a strong triangular denticulated hump a little before the middle, and a strong pointed tooth on Tim-EXALOCBaA. 13 each side between the first two pairs of legs. Legs short and thick, all tile femora nodulose. Length 15 mm. Madras : Travancore. Type in the Oxford Museum. The type appears to be the only specimen known from India. All other ostensible descriptions are taken from Burmese ex- amples. The British Museum possesses specimens of this genus Fig. 16. — Tnpetalocera ferruginea. from Penang and Borneo, which present differences in the pro- |)orti0ns of the antennae, and in the protuberances on the body. I believe them to be distinct species, but the material before me is insufficient to deal with at present. De Haan and Bolivar have described and figured species as ferruginea from Borneo, but I doubt if they have figured the same species as Westwood's. Genus BIRMANA. Birmana, Brunner, Anu. Miis. Genova, xxxiii, 1893, p. 113; Han- cock, Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, p. 4 ; Kirby, Cat. Orth. iii, 1910, p. 1. Type, Birmana gracilis, Brunn. Range. Burma. Form long, oval. Head prominent, vertex pointed; antenuoe inserted before the eyes, " 8-jointed, all the joints except the 14 ACRYDIINJE. basal (tenninal?) ones, smooth, triquetral" (the figure shows eight broad joints — the basal one may be concealed — and a terminal rtagellum of three small slender joints). Pronotum narrow, not extending to tlie extremity of the abdomen, viewed from the side subrotund, marginal carinas parallel in front, lateral lobes appressed, apical process emarginate, with the margin broadly defiexed. Tegmina and wings absent. Pront and middle femora compressed; hind femora rather shorb, much dilated, with the upper carina projecting in a tooth at the extremity ; front tibiae compressed, sulcated; hind tibi® denticulated; hind tarsi with the first and third joints of equal length. 2. Birmana gracilis, Brunn. Binnana gracilis, Bnimier, Aim. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893, v. 114, pi. V, fig. 47. > ,V , Colour uniform cinereous (male only described). Length 7-5 mm. ; pronotum, 4-5 mm. ; hind femora, 3-5 mm. BuRJiA : Bhamo. Ti/pe in the Genoa Museum. Group II. OLADONOTINI. Key to the Genera. 1 (4) Pronotmu compressed, foliaceous. 2 (3) Tegmina small, triangular Fieberiana, ii. n., p. 14. 3 (2) Tegmina and wings absent Ueltonotus, Hauc, p. io. 4 (l) Pronotum not compressed. 5 (6) Pronotum with a foliaceous process .curving forward over the head . . CLADONOTus, Sauss., p. 17. 6 (5) Pronotum almost fiat Mnema, g. n., p. 19. Genus FIEBERIANA, n. n. Plaffiocephahis, Fieber (nec Macq.), Abh. kcinigl-hohm. Ges Wiss (5) iii, 1845, p. 407. Type, Plagiocephalus pachymerus, Pieb. Range. North India (?) Head short, broad, very slightly narrower above than below ; antenuc'e distant from the eyes, placed at the lower end of the forked frontal carina near the ocellus. Pronotum high, arched, cultrate, tectiform, wrinkled, as long as the abdomen. Hind femora very large and broad, suddenly contracted at the knee ; middle legs with laraellated, notched carinse. Thorax arched. {Fieher.) This genus appears to be most nearly related to Piezotettix, Bd., species of which occur in Borneo and the Philippines, as well as in W est Africa, New Guinea, etc. ; but differs from it in tlie possession of rudimentai'y tegula). riEBEIilANA. — DJiLTONOTUS. 15 3. Fieberiana pachymerus, Fieb. Playiocephalus ■pacJiymenis, Fieber, Abh. konigl.-bohm. Ges Wiss (5) iii, 1845, p. 407. Piezotettix iMchipnerus, Kirby, Cat. Ortli. iii, 1910, p. 7, _ Prouotum with a high arch, laterally tectifonn, wrinkled, and finely granulated; front lateral margin waved, front angle rounded, hinder angle short, lamellated; sides of the truncated process broad, lamellated, narrowed from front to back. Upper carina of hind femora before and at the knee twice " abt^esetzt " (emarginate •?). Tegmina small, triangular, in the concavity of the hinder angle of the pronotum. (Fieber.) Size not stated. IxDiA (Heifer). Genus DELTONOTUS. Deltomtus, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 107, 111 : id., Gen. Ins. Orth. Tetrig. 1906, pp. 9, 14. Pojcilotettix, Bolivar {nec Scudder), Ann. Soc. Eut. Fr.ance, Ixx 1902, p. 580. TlPfJ. Deltonotiis tectiformis, Hanc. Rmir/e. India, Ceylon. Finely granulated, but not rugose. Head broad, wider below than above, vertex carinated, the branches diverging on the face; antennse very slender, 12-jointed, widely separated, slightly below the level of the lower margin of the eyes ; eyes large, sessile. Pronotum strongly compressed and carinate above, pointed before and behind, projecting above the head, and about as long as the abdomen behind. Tegmina and wings absent. Hind femora about t-\^"ice as long as broad, and extending for fully one-third of their length beyond the extremity of the pronotum ; hind tibiae with four or five spines on the back, and with two terminal spines on each side ; first joint of the hind tarsi longer than the second and thii'd together. Key to the 8joecies. 1 (2) No black lateral spot on prouotum . . subcucuUatiis, Walk,, p. 16. 2 (1) A distinct black spot on each side of pronotum i/ibbiceps, Bol., p. 16. 4. Deltonotus subcucullatus, Walk. Tettix suhcucullatus, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. v, 1871, p. 830. Deltonotns suhcucullatus, Kirby, Cat. Orth. iii, 1910, pp. 7, 576. JJcltonolus tectiformis, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 107, 111, lo4, pi. i, fig. 2 ; id.. Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, p. 14, pi. i, fig. 1 ; id., Trans. Ent. Soc. Loud. 1907, p. 152. Darker or lighter ferruginous brown ; pronotum, except the carina, darker than the rest of the body. Pronotum thickly IG AOnXDIINiE. reticulate-punctate, sometimes with obsolete linear markings. Hind femora strongly notclied above before the extremity. Valves of ovipositor hairy, deutated, with the tip pointed, and slightly curved. LengtJi 9 mm. Ceylon: (TemplctonX Pundaluoya (Green). Types (d, ? ) in the British Museum ; those of D. teciiformis in Prof. Hancock's collection at Chicago. Prof. Hancock states that some of the specimens from Punda- luoya and others from Tantune have the pronotum less produced Fig. 17. — Deltonoius subaicuUatns. anteriorly. He is in doubt whether to regard them as larval forms, or as a distinct species, for which he suggests the pro- visional name of D. crisiatus (Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1907, p. 216). Mr. G-reen's . specimens were taken among fallen leaves. 5. Deltonotus gibbiceps, Bol. Poecilotettix gihhiceps, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, Deltonotus gihhiceps, Hancock, Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, p. 14 ; Kirby, Cat. Orth. iii, 1910, p. 7. Ochraceoua-brown, granulate-rugose. Vertex (viewed from above) obtusely produced before the eyes, carinated in the middle and on the sides ; seen from the side distinctly ascending, with the carina somewhat compressed ; frontal scutellum nearly twice as long as broad. Pronotum acutely tectiform, in front obtusely angulated, behind truncated, middle carina straight, somewhat sloping towards the front margin, with lateral carina slightly indicated in front, with a long wrinkle simulating a carina near the shoulder, next to the lateral carina ; the back with a velvety black spot on each side near the middle ; the deflexed lobes heyond the hinder angle slightly produced, forming a rectangular lobe truncated behind. Pront femora with undulating carina, banded with brown ; hind femora with the upper carina minutely granulated, acutely sinuated before the apex ; hind tibiae with the upper margins minutely serrulated and spined, ringed with brown ; CIiADOlfOTTrS. 17 first joint of the tarsi with three pulvilli of equal length. Abdo- men varied with brown. 6 . Length 9 mm. ; prouotum, 5-5 mm. ; hind femur, 5 mm. 2 . Lencfth 10 mm. ; pronotum, 6-5 mm. ; hind femur, 5-5 mm. Madras : Madura (Decoly). 'Types in the coUectious of Pantel and Bolivar, in Madrid. Gemxs CLADONOTUS. Cladpnotus, Saussure, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, (4) i, 1861, p. 478 ; Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 184, 192, 208; Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 107, 112 ; id.. Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, pp. 10, 11; Kirby, Cat. Ortli. iii, 1910, p. 9. Type, Cladonotus humhertianus, Sauss. Banr/e. The Oriental Eegion ; New Gruinea. Body moderately long and broad, set with spiniform tubercles. Face slightly oblique ; antennae very slender, wider apart than the distance from them to the eyes ; frontal scutellum concave, the rami subcompressed, and slightly raised, simple or dentated ; vertex nearly twice as broad as the eyes, subtruncated, with a small tooth on each side. Pronotum very rugose, covering the occiput, with a high compressed dentated process on the back,, directed forwards ; truncated and emarginate behind. Tegmina and wings absent. Hind femora dentated and often sublamel- lated ; hind tibiae long and slender, with numerous small spines first and third joints of hind tarsi of nearly equal length. Key to ilie Species. 1 (2) Pronotal process curved forward . . hmnhertiamis, Sauss., p. 17. 2 (1) Pronotal process straight. 3 (4) Pronotal process expanded at extremity latiramus, Hanc, p. 19. 4 (3) Pronotal process not widened at extremity turrifer, Walk., p. 18. 6. Cladonotus humbertianus, Sauss. Cliidonotus humbertianus, Saussure, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, (4) i, 1861, p. 478 ; BoUvar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 184, 192, 209 ; Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 107, 113 ; id., Geu. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, pp. 10, 16 ; Kirby, Cat. Orth. iii, 1910, p. 9. Dark brown or blackish, eyes very prominent, wide apart, vertex carinated above the frontal ocellus; below, diverging rami on the clypeus, just beyond which the slender antennae are inserted on each side; labrum again with one central carina. Pronotum with a lower process, dentated above, projecting oyer the vertex; behind this is a large flattened process, carving forward over the head and trifid at the extremity, with several teeth on the converging upper carinae ; lateral angles projecting 18 ACRYDIINJE. iu a triangular tooth, with a small tooth bebiud it ; thorax and abdomen above granulated, carinated in the middle and on the Fig. 18. — Cladonotus humberiianus. sides ; extremity o£ abdomen concave. Femora with large lobate teeth ; tibiae with 5 short spines above on each of the upper carinse, and a pair of terminal spines on each side. d . Tlie type figured by Bolivar has the process of the pro- notum longer and more slender than iu the female above described , Length 8-9 mm. ; breadth, 3 mm. ; dorsal appendage, 3-4 mm. Cexlon : Peradeniya, Trincomali {Humbert, Green). Type in the collection of the late de Saussure. Saussure states that this insect is found iu sandy places and in meadows, and on paths ; also that the spines, tubercles and appendages vary considerably in form and size. 7. Cladonotus turrifer. Wall-. Cladonotus turrifer, Walker, Cat. Uerm. Salt. B.M. v, 1871, p. 843 ; Kirby, Cat. Orih. iii, 1910. p. 9. Dark brown, more strongly granulated and dentated than the last species, which it considerably resembles. The appendage of Fig. 19. — Cladonotus turrifer. the pionotum is directed obliquely forward, and is nearly straight CLADOXOXUS. — MNEAIA. 19 above, though serrated and dentated; beiieatli it throws off a strong pointed projection, directed downwards over the vertex, and dentated above ; the extremity of the upper appendage is not furcate, as in C. humhertianus, but is irregidarly toothed and somewhat excavated beneath, between the extremity and the •lower brancli. The lateral abdominal carinas are strongly toothed iind serrulated. The tibite and tarsi are black, banded with yellow ; hind tarsi with 4 or 5 small spines on che upper carina3, jind serrulated nearer the base. Length 8 mm. Ceylon (Roberts). Type in the British Museum. 8. Cladonotus latiramus, Ham. Cladonotus latiramus, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 107, 113, 114, pi. i, fis?. 1 ; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, p. 16, pi. i Kirby, Cat. Orth. iii, 1910, p. 9. Brown, very similar to the last species, but the pronotal process is nearly straight, expanding towards the upper extremity, where it is broadest, and subfurcate ; in frout it is strongly toothed and ■excavated, curving regularly inwards and outwards, the lower [projection over the vertex being comparatively short. Hind tibiae with numerous small spines on the upper carinae. Length 9 mm. Ceylon : Knndy (Green). Type in the Collection of J. L. Hancock. Described from a single male. Genus [MNEMA] nov.* Type, Cladonotus pelops, Walk. Range. Ceylon. Body apterous, strongly rugose. Vertex considerably wider than the width of the eye and with a spine on each side ; antennae very slender, on a level with the lower part of the eyes, the bifid carina projecting distinctly between them as seen from above. Pronotum very broad at the shoulders, the lateral angles lamin- ately tridentate, the long middle one acute; upper surface humped between the shoulders, and the median line strongly dentated behind; apex of pronotum acutely pointed, exteuding beyond the abdomen. Four front femora with strong triangular teeth, both above and below ; four front tibiaj with two small nodules above ; hind legs wanting. A strong spine on the upper side of the abdomen in front of the upcurved terminal plate. Possibly allied to Potua. * [Left unnamed in manuscript by Mr. Kirby.] o2 20 ACRYDIINjE. 9. Mnema pelops, Wall-. Cladonotua pelops, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. v, 1871, p, 843, Blackish, stout. Head with a spine on each side of the vertex adjoining the eye ; front with a tubercle on each side, two keels in the middle part ; a single keel towards the vertex, and a forked keel towards the face ; eyes extremely prominent. Antenna very slender. Prothorax rugose, with a middle keel which is Fig. 20. — Mnema pelops. most distinct in the fore part ; sides dilated into membranes, each of which is armed with four spines ; hind part lanceolate, extending somewhat beyond the tip of the abdomen. Legs stout ; femora armed with teeth ; hind tibiae [now lost] with very short spines. "Wings rudimentary. Length 9 mm. Type in the British Museum. Walker calls the specimen a female, but it appears to be a male. Group III. SGELIMENINL Key to the Genera. 1 (8) Antennse inserted distinctly below the eyes. 2 (5) Borders of the hind tibiae and of the first joint of the hind taisi with wide lamellar expansions. 3 (4) Pronotum very long, projecting greatly beyond tlie abdomen .... Scklimena, Serv., p. 21.. SCELIMBNA. 21 4 (3) Proiiotum only sliglitly produced beyond the abdomen 5 (2) Borders of the liind tibiae and of the Abbasia, g. n., p. 27. first joint of the hind tarsi more or less expanded, but not lamellated. [p. 30. Eugavialidium, Hanc, Gavialiuium, Sauss., G (7) "Vertex unarmed 7 (6 ) Vertex with two raised tubercles . . 8 (1) Antennae inserted nearly between the eyes. 9 (10) Lateral spine of pronotum straight or curved forwards 10 (9) Lateral spine distinctly directed backwards. 11 (12 ) Frontal carina not prominent 12 (11) Frontal carina very prominent .... Ckiotettix, BoL, p. [p. 28. 31. Genus SCELIMENA. iScelimena, Serville, Ins. Orth. 1839, p. 762 ; Bolivar, Ann. Soc Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 184, 193, 215 ; Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 107, 116, 154; id., Gen. Ins., Ofth. Tetrig. 1906, pp. 21, 23. Scelymena, Saussure, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, (4) i, 1861, p. 484. Sceihymena, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 681. Type, Tetrix productus, Serv. Range. The Oriental Eegion. Body rugose ; pronotum usually much produced ; antennae inserted in front of, and below the level of the eyes ; upper ocelli slightly in front of the eyes ; frontal cariuse only slightly divergent below the eyes, and produced, united below the frontal ocellus, and suddenly forking at the lower extremity. Antennae slender, filiform, uniform in thickness throughout. Eyes large, prominent, raised above the vertex. Body above with a slight carina throughout, granulated, and prouotum more or less rugose ; posterior angles with a strong spine, curving outwards and more or less forwards. Tegmiua oval, rounded at the extremity ; wings ample, considerably longer than broad. Temora frequently dentated beneath ; hind tibiae and first joint of hind tarsi strongly lamellated. The species of Scelimena differ considerably, and may, when more material has accumulated, be subdivided into several genera. They are aquatic in their habits, the lamellated hind legs being doubtless employed as oars. Key to the Sjoecies, 1 (10) Abdomen produced about as far as the extended hind femora. 2 (5) Hind femora almost unarmed beneath. 3 (4) Pronotal elongation longer than tlie extended hind femora and tibite. . producta, berv., p. J^^. 4 (3) Pronotal elongation about equal to the extended hind femora and ^jlojjg indm, Hanc, p. 26. 22 ACBYDIl>'iE. 5 (2) Hind femora strongly spinecl be- neath. G (9) Lateral lobes of pronotuni with only one spine. 7 (8) Spine nearly straig-ht ; lamella; of hind tibife and first joint of hind tarsi very wide, subhy aline harpayo, Serv., p. 23. 8 (7) Spine distinctly curved forwards ; lamelliB of hind tibiis and first joint of hind tarsi narrower, more gradually formed, and only sub- hyaline at edges gavialis, Sauss., p. 24. 9 (6) Lateral lobes of pronotnm with two spines, curving forwards loguni, Hanc, p. 25. 10 (1) Abdomen scarcely produced beyond the extended hind femora ; pro- notuni shorter vncinata, Serv., p. 26. 11 Species incertoe sedis birmanica, Bruun., p. 27. 10. Scelimena producta, SeA-v. Tetrix producta, Serville, Ins. Orth. 1839, p. 762. Aciidium (Tetri.v) j^foductum («), De Ilaan, Temminck, "\'erhandl., Orth. p. 168. Scelymena producta, Sanssure, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, (4) i, 1861, p. 484. Scelimena producta, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, p. 216 ; Brunner, Ann. Mus. Genova, xxxiii, 1893, p. 103. Scelymena extensa, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. v, 1871, p. 841. Brown, the front lateral borders of the pronotum narrowly yellowish. Pronotum" slender, very long and tapering, with dorsal and lateral carinse, the latter somewhat indistinct in front ; the front angle with a strong yellowish tooth, and a much longer lateral one, curved for- wards, halfway between them is a well- marked notch ; on the sides of the median carina are one or two slight elevations ; the extremity is obliquely rounded, not indent- ated, as in S. harjxcgo, c/aviaMs and loc/ani. Tegmina oval, narrow, rather pointed. Wings ample, much longer than broad, witli the costa brown, and the hind margin crenulated, hyaline, with greenish and violet iridescence. Front femora rather uneven above ; hind tibiae and first joint of tarsi with moderately broad laminae. Length, to end of pronotum, 28-30 mm. ; to end of abdomen, 15-16 mm. ; breadth of pronotum from spine to spine, 8-9 mm. ; length of tegmen, 3 ram. ; hind femur, 8 mm. ; expanse of wings, 45-48 mm. ; breadth 13 mm. Madras : Trivandrum ; Bitema : Karen Hills, 3000-3700 ft., Dawna Hills, 2000-3000 feet ; J"aya ; Borneo : Sandakan. Fig. 22. — Scelimena producta. SCBLIMENA. 2a Type in the Paris Museum ; that of S. exUnsa iu the British Museum. Descrihed from Javan specimens. Brunner von Wattenwyl states tliat Burmese specimens are rather larger than others. 11. Scelimena india, Banc. Scelimena india, Hancock, Trans. Ent. See. Lend. 1907, p. 219. " B-esembling S. 2>roducta, but slightly stouter in stature. Body fuscous, pale variegated, the carince of dorsvim flavo-maculate, the tibire with pale annuli. Vertex subequal in width to one of the eyes, the frontal carinse on each side little compressed and sub- acute. Pronotum anteriorly somewhat subangulate, posteriorly extended beyond the knees of the hind femora as far as the tibial apices, but not so lengthily attenuate as in producta ; dorsum conspersed with granules, depressed and uneven, between the sulci forwards subfossulate on each side, between the shoulders bearing subclavated longitudinal costate protuberances, humeral angles unarmed, behind the shoulders bifossulate, and presenting a pair of rounded sub-elevated nodules ; again another pair, which are indistinct and somewhat fused together, appear posteriorly opposite the middle of the hind femora ; posterior process stout at the base and acuminate towards the apex ; median carina rather incrassate, unevenly undulate anteriorly at the margin, little protuberant and subtuberculate ; lateral lobes at the anterior margin armed with small tubercles, the posterior margin little laminate outwards, and armed with a distinct acute spine on each side, directed transversely but little curved forward. The posterior femoral margins entire, the posterior tibiae armed with minute denticles, the margins dilated towards the apices ; the first article of the posterior tarsi dilated, but not so widely as in productus. Length of body entire, male, 19*5 mm. ; pronotum, 18 mm. ; posterior femora, 7 mm." Assam: Cherrapunji. Typ>e in the Oxford Museum. S. producta, Serv. {—extensa, AValk.) from Java and Borneo (Sandakan), with which this species is compared, is a much more slender and tapering species than any of the following. 12. Scelimena harpago. Sew. Tetrix harpago, Serville, Ins. Orth. 1839, p. 763 ; Bolivar, Ann. See. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 216, 217, pi. iv, fig. 13. Dull brownish black, thickly granulated, and with a pale yellowish tomentum. Eyes large, prominent, separated by less than half their diameter; between them runs a double canna, as described in the characters of the genus. Antenna? black, with white incisions ; placed considerably below and ni front of the level of the eyes. Pronotum broader than the head, with the front lateral angles obtusely rounded ; hinder angles with n very 24 ACEYBIINjE. strong nearly straight yellow spine : the median and lateral carinas often spotted with yellow ; two short subsidiary carinae, one on each side of the median carina, at the base of the pronotum ; behind the level of the lateral spine the pronotum is raised, and there are fonr strong protuberances on each side, two smaller ones near together just behind the level of the spine ; and two larger ones before the middle ; the pronotum then tapers to the extremity, which is slightly indented; it extends to about one-fourth of its length beyond the abdomen. Tront legs black, tibisB and tarsi spotted with yellow ; front femora with two slightly marked teeth above and below, the latter yel- low ; middle legs black, femora scarcely toothed above, but with two strong yellow teeth below ; tibiae and tarsi spotted with yel- low ; hind femora with a varying number of large and small yellow teeth beneath; hind tibiae with a wide yellowish hyaline lateral membrane, except at the base; Fig. 25.-Scdimcna harpago. fij-st joint of tarsi with a similar membrane on the whole of its length, forming a long oval ; second joint of tarsi of equal length, yellow, black at base and tip. Tegmiua oval, about twice as long as broad, and slightly narrowed towards the extremity; wings considerably longer than bi'oad, hyaline, with a slight bluish iridescence, brown along the costa, hind margins crenulated. 5 . The valves longer than the terminal segment of the abdo- men, the upper ones turned upwards and the lower ones turned downwards at the tip ; the upper ones denticulated above, and the lower ones below. Length, to end of pronotum, 24-26 mm, ; to end of abdomen, 16-17 mm. ; breadth of pronotum from spine to spine, 9 mm, ; length of tegmen, 3 mm. ; of hind femur, 9 mm, ; expanse of wings, 36-38 ram,; breadth, 10 mm. BoMBAT : Bombay, Bandra ; United Peotinces : Almora ; Madeas : Coimbatore. 13. Scelimena gavialis, Sanss. Scelymena gavialis, Saussure, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, (4) i, 1861, p. 4S5. Scelimena gavialis, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 107, 117, 154, pi. i, tig. 4. Scelymena nodosa, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. v, 1871, p. 840 (n. syn.). Dull black, thickly granulated, the front and lateral margins of the pronotum narrowly edged with red as far as the lateral spines which are of the same colour, and strongly hooked forwards, SCELIMENA. 25 Central and lateral carinas well marked, the latter slightly incurved in front, and not extending to the front lobe of the jpronotum. Prouotura with two elevations on each side before the uiiddle, and generally tipped with red. Tegmina grey, twice as long as broad, and olotusely pointed towards the extremity. Wings slightly iridescent hyaline, as long as or somewhat longer than the prothorax, and crenulated on the hind margins ; costa brown. Front and middle femora with two or three small teeth beneath ; hind femora with several small pale teeth beneath ; hind tibias and first tarsal joint with narrower and less rounded lamellsB than in S. Jiarpago. $ . Anal appendages black or red, nearly as in iS. harpago ; c? appendages much shorter. Lemitli, to end of pronotum, 21-24 mm. ; to end of abdomen, 11-14 mm. ; breadth of pronotum from spine to spine, 8-10 mm.; Fig. •I'l.—SceHmena length of tegmen, 2 mm. ; of hind femur, gavialis. g xx\m. ; expanse of wings, 43 mm. ; breadth, 13 mm. Madeas: Trivandrum; Cetlok: Peradeniya, Damballa, Mas- keliya, Pundaluoya. Type location unknown ; that of S. nodosa in the British Museum. " One female, Dambella, October. ' from margin of tank ' ; two females, Maskeliya, November and February ; five females and four males, Pundaluoya, March, were taken from rocks in mountain streams ; when disturbed, either takes wing or dives under water and remains submerged for some time; larva in similar situations. Two more males and several nymphs were taken in June from the same locality." (HancocJc.) The white tip to the tegmina noted by Walker in his description of ;S^. nodosa only occurs on one side, and is clearly accidental. This appears to be the species alluded to as Scelimena Jmyago by E. E. G-reen (Eutom. M. Mag. xxxviii, 1902, p. 215). 14. Scelimena logani, ffanc. Scelimena logani, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 107, 164; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, p. 94, pi. ii, fig. 15. Brown, finely granulated, the front and lateral margins of the pronotum, and the dorsal and lateral carinse generally more or less yellowish. A short intermediate carina on eacli side between the dorsal and lateral carinae, on the front of the pronotum, and again on the front of the hinder lobe ; before the middle two well-marked longitudinal elevations, the hindermost linear; lateral edges of the pronotum irregularly dentated, as far as two yellow teeth, the hinder one larger, and strongly hooked forward. 26 ACRYDIIJfiE, Front and middle femora with two strong yellow teeth, liind femora with four to six ; hind tibiae and lirst joint of tarsi rather more strongly laminated than in S. gavialis. Tegmina oval, obtusely pointed ; wings about as long as pi"ouotum. Anal appen- dages blackish, with pale stripes beneath, shorter than in S. gavialis. Length, to end of pronotum, 22-26 mm. ; to end of abdomen, 8-9 mm.; breadth of pronotum from spine to spine, 8-10 mm.; length of tegmen, 3 mm. ; of hind femur, 8-9 mm. Ceylon : Ivaudy, Haragana, Punda- luoya. Fig. 2b.—Scelmena ^'?/Pf '^^ f'^e Chicago Museum. logani. Habits similar to those of S. gavialis. 15. Scelimena uncinata, Serv. Tetri.v uncinata, Serville, Ins. Orth. 1839, p. 763. Scelimena uncinata, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 216, 218. Scelymena contractu, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. v, 1871, p. 841 (u. syn.). Dull black, shape very short and broad. Pi-onotnm hardly extending beyond the hind femora, with the middle carina very strongly marked, and the lateral carinae complete, iindulating, and strongly curved ■\ inwards and then forwards in front ; surface with 3 or 4 elevations on each side of the median carina ; lateral front margin of pronotum denticulated, with a projecting angle in front, and a rectangular outer tooth, slightly curved downwards. Wings blackish, rather shorter than the pronotum. Tarsi yellowish at base ; intermediate femora with t^^ o or three yellowisli teeth ; hind femora with 4 yellow hoolved ones ; hind tibiae and first joint of tarsi with mode- rately broad laminae. Antennae short, black. Anal appendages yellow. Length, to end of pronotum, 11 mm. ; to end of abdomen, 10 mm. ; breadth. Fig. 26. ^ '•> length of hind femur, 7 mm. Scelimena uncinata. Bombay. The description given above is taken partly from Serville, and partly from Walker's type of S. contractu, a much damaged and discoloured specimen. SCELIMENA. — ABBASIA. 27 16. Scelimena (?) bii-manica, Bnmn. Gavialidiwn birvicmicum, Erunnev von Wattenwy], Ann. Mus. Geneva, XA-xiii, 1893, p. 104, pi. V, fig. 37. Euijavialidium bmnmiica, Hancock, Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrio-, 1906 p. 25. " ' "Clay-brown, with dark markings. Vertex obtuse, about as broad as llie eye. Pronotum with raised tubercles on the disc, parallel with the longitudinal marginal cariuulaj ; ^ ith the deflexed lobes obtusely dentated in front, produced behind into a straight triangular lobe, neither pointed nor curved forwards ; humeral angle very finely crenulated, with a pale obtuse tubercle ; the process with very acute longitudinal carinas extending to the tip, with pale crenules far apart. Hind femora above very slightly Maved, with a nearly entire carina above ; hind tibiae simple. Subgenital lamina of the male roundly produced. "Length, body. . . . c? 10-5 mm., $ 12-5 mm. „ pronotum 15-5 mm., 17 mm. „ hind femur 7 mm., 9*4 mm." Burma : Karen Hills. Type in the Grenoa Museum. In the shape of the lateral spine this species resembles S. harpago, and in the shape of the front of the pronotum S. contracta. Although the hind tibiae are called " entire," the figure shows four teeth on the outer margin. They are repre- sented as gradually and widely laminate ; and the basal joint of the tarsi also appears to be expanded and is in any case much broader than the terminal joint, as is also the short middle joint. The first joint is longer than the third. I have placed this species ])i'Ovisionally in Scelimena, to which it appears to have as much affinity as with the genera in which it has been placed by previous authors. Grenus ABBASIA, nov. Type, Abbasia suhserrata, sp. nov. Range. Travancore. Body depressed, but traversed by a central undulating carina ; space between the eyes about as wide as the eyes, which are large and prominent; head not produced. Antennae slender, rather longer than the head, placed distinctly below the eyes. Pronotum in front with two distinct lateral carinae, ceasing, and then continued by three longitudinal callosities ; there is also an irregular outer carina, continued towards the end of the pro- notum, before reaching which it forms a small angle and dis- appears. "Wings shorter than the abdomen, which, agani, is shorter than the pronotum ; the latter with a truncated lobe on each side, turned downwards and backwards. Front femora flattened, with one tooth above and two beneath ; middle femora flattened, with two teeth beneath ; hind femora very hirge, rounded, with several large teeth beneath ; first joint of hind tarsi longer than the third, the pulvilli very small. Apparently allied to the South American genus Amor^liopus, Serv, 17. Abbasia subserrata, sp. nor. Dull blackish brown, inner side of hind femora black and shining, lined with yellowish, as is also the abdomen; the outer side of the hind femora is also marked with yellowish, and the teeth beneath and the tarsi are of the same colour. Lengtli 11-12 mm. Madras : Tenmalai, Travancore, W. side of W. Ghats, November 1908. Common on rocks near water. Fig. 27. — Abbasia svbserraia. Genu? GAVIALIDIUM. Gavialidium, Saussure, Ann. See. Ent. France, (4) i, 1861, p. 481 ; Bolivar, Ann. Sec. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 184, 193, 218; Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 107, 122 ; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, pp. 22, 25. Type, Scelymena crocodilus, Sauss. Range. Ceylon, Philippines. Body rugose, pronotum much produced, obtusely truncated at the extremity. Antennae slender, filiform, inserted much below the eyes, on the sides of the frontal projection, between which the frontal carina is double, but below which it is obsolete, only reappearing as indicating a small triangular space at the extremity of the clypeus. Eyes globose, very prominent; ocelli incon- spicuous. Front of pronotum with three strong raised carinte, the middle one continued to the apex ; lower lateral margins with a projecting tooth in front, expanding behind, with the margins more or less strongly denticulated, to a projecting lateral lamina bearing three teeth. Tegmina oval, narrow, pointed. Wings not much longer than broad, and shorter than the pronotum. i'eniora lobate-dentate ; hind tibije only slightly widened, and the tarsal joints simple. Key to the Species. Pronotum without raised tubercles .... crocodilus, Sauss., p. 29. Pronotum with raised tubercles alligator, Sauss., p. 29. GAVIALIDIUM. 29 18. Qavialidium crocodilus, Sanss. Scelymena crocodilus, Saussure, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, C4) i 1861 p. 481. >K J , y Giivialidium crocodilus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belo-. xxxi, 1887 pp. 218, 219 ; Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 107, 122, 123^ pi. ii, fig. 1 ; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, p. 25, pi. ii, fig. 16. Greyish brown, thickly reticulate-rugose, the dorsal carina sometimes more or less yellow, the legs sometimes spotted or interruptedly lined Avith yellow, and the tip of the pronotum reddish. Pronotum with three parallel carinae on the front, the middle one con- tinued to the extremity, which is obtusely truncated ; the lateral carinEe are finely denticulated in front, and there is a larger tooth on each side at their greatest ex- pansion ; the lower lateral border of the pronotum has a projecting tooth at the front angle, behind which it is more or less strongly denticulated as far as the lateral lobe, which is armed with three teeth. Front and middle femora armed with two or three rather strong teeth above and below ; bind femora much less distinctly so ; hind tibiae very slightly ex- panded towards the extremity. Tegmina lanceolate ; wings shorter than the pro- notum, with violet iridescence ; costa opaque. LengtJi, to end of pronotum, 19-25 mm. ; to end of abdomen, 15 mm. ; breadth of pronotum from spine to spine, 7 mm. ; length of hind femora, 7-8 mm. Cjetlon : Kaduganawa, Pundaluoya. Tyj^^ in the Greueva Museum. round in March, April, and June. Taken " from rocks over which oozy water trickles; insect seldom actually wet; very sluggish ; seldom takes wing" {E. E. Green, quoted by Hancock). 19. Gavialidium alligator, Bauss. Scelymena alligator, Saussure, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, (4) i, 1861, elvSium alligator. Bolivar, Ann. Soc Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 218, 219 ; Hancock, Spol. Zeyl, li, 1904, pp. 107, 122, 125. Very similar to O. crocodilus, but smaller, and the pronotum shorter. The middle carina is strongly undulated and lobate on its first half; the short front carinte are strongly raised, but hardly crenulated ; the humeral angles are spniose, and the lateral margins of the pronotum are well marked, but not denti- culated ; the lateral projections terminate m three equal lobes, Fig. 28. — Gavialidium crocodilus. 30 ACRYDIIN.'E. instead of spines ; pronotum very uneven, wibh four oblique tubercles [on each side?]. Hind femora more slender than in S. crocodihs, and only armed with a tubercle on the outer surface ; hind tarsi extending beyond the pronotum. Length of pronotum, 19 mm. ; breadth at shoulders, 3 mm. ; length of bind femur, 5 mm. Cjsylon : Kaduganavva {Humbert). Type in the Greneva Museum. There is a specimen of an allied species in the British Museum from North China, labelled nodidosus in AValker's handwriting. I am not certain whether it is identical with >S'. nodulom, Stal, from Java. Genus EUGAVIALIDIUM. Euyavialidmm, Hancock, Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 3906, p. 24. Type, Eugavudidium dentiumeris, Hancock. Range. Borneo, Celebes, Philippine Is., Tenasserim. [Resembles Gavialidium and Seelimena, but has the body prolonged ; face declivous ; the frontal costse rather narrowly sulcate. Pronotum granulate; humeral aT.gles unarmed, lateral angles with a strong acute spine, curved forwards ; posterior process extended con- siderably beyond the apex of the posterior femora. Posterior femora moderately stout, the inferior margins dentate in "typical species, unarmed in hastulatum. Hind tarsi with the first joint slightly expanded and flattened, much longer than the second and third joints taken together.] 20. Eugavialidium hastulatum, sp. nov. Black, finely and uniformly granulated throughout, without nodosities, humeral angles unarmed, lateral angles with a curved spine directed forwards, pronotal process as long as the wings, extending considerably beyond the hind femora, and pointed at the tip, reddish on the sides beyond the spines, and slightly varied with grey above towards the extremity. Tegmina oval, reddish. Pront and middle femora linear ; hind femora unarmed, moderately stout; f""^ '^'^ rr^'- rT'^''' fine spines above; first joint of bind tarsi slightly expanded and flattened, much longer than the second and third together. Tenasserim : Kawkaraik, Amherst District, 6. iii. 1908. I'l/^^e in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. cmoTEmx. 31 Genus CRIOTETTIX. Criotettix, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 184, 193, 222 ; Hancock, Spol. Zevl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 128 ; id.. Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1900, pp. 22, 27. Type, Criotettix tricarinatus, Bol. Range. Oriental Region, New Guinea, E. and "W. Africa. Body granulated. Vertex scarcely lower than the eyes, hori- zontal above, or raised in front ; frontal carina not divergent at the atitennoe, palpi subcylindrical, concolorous, autennee scarcely inserted before the level of the eyes. Pronotum truncated in front, generally long and tapering, the tip obtuse or slightly bifid ; shoulder angles truncated, lateral angles laminated, and emitting a sharp spine. Tegniina oblong; wings as long as the pronotum. Prosternum reflexed, broadly sinuate in front. Front femora narrow, with the carinse entire, femoral and terminal teeth of hind femora small ; hind tibiae slightly expanded towards the extremity, the canthi compressed, spinose ; first joint of hind tarsi smooth above, nai-row, linear, longer than the third. Key to the Species. 1 (14) Lateral spine of pronotum long, pointed. 2 (7) Lateral spine distinctly curved for- wai'ds. ' 3 (4) Spine thick at the base . spinilobus, Ilanc, p. 31. 4 (3) Spine slender at the base. o (6) Space between the eyes narrower than the eye maculatus, sp. n., p. 32. 6 (5) Space between the eyes about equal to the width of an eye obscufus, sp. n., p. 32. 7 (2) Lateral spine straight or inclining backwards. 8 (11) Pronotum smooth. . • ^ t, i oo 9 (10) Vertex distinctly tricarinate tncarmatus, Hoi., p. 6^). 10 (9) Vertex with the middle carina very short, only visible in front indicus, Bol., p. 33. 11 (8) Pronotum more or less rugose or granulated. 12 (13) Pronotum transversely rugose oculatus, Bol, p. 34. 13 (12) Pronotum granulated exsejius, Bol., p. 34. 14 (1) Lateral lobes of pronotum short, 15 (16) Vertex wider than the eye subulattisJiol.,^. 35. 16 (15) Vertex not wider than the eye vulalt, Bol., p. 35. 21. Criotettix spinilobus. Banc. Criotettix spinilobus, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp 108, 129, 1.55, pi. iii, fig. 12 ; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. letrig. 190b, p. 28, fig.'l2. Body slightly granulated; head scarcely elevated. Vertex nearly as broad above as one of the eyes; frontal margin 32 AORYDIINiE, truncate, lateral cariuaa curving outward and backward, the middle carina not prominent ; frontal carina prominent between the antennae ; eyes globose, of moderate size. Antenna slender, filiform, inserted between the lower angle of the eyes. Pronotuai truncated in front, subulate behind, and produced about as far as the wings ; above more or less granulated, and with a short abbreviated lateral carina between the shoulders ; humeral angles obtuse ; median carina not prominent but continuous, lateral carina? distinct; hinder lateral angles with an acute spine, straight or slightly curved forward. Tegmina oval, obtuse at the extremity. Femora rather slender, margins entire ; hind femora serrulate above ; hind tibiae with the margins armed with small spines, except on the inner margin towards the apex ; first joint of hind tarsi very narrow, but scarcely longer than the third ; first two pulvilh of the first joint pointed, the third obtuse. S. Length 9-8-10-3 mm.; pronotum, 8-9-9-5 mm. ; tegmina, 1 mm. ; posterior femur, 4'5-4-6 mm.; antennae, 3-2-3-3 mm, $ . Length 11-12'2 mm,; pronotum, 10-2- 11-3 mm. ; tegmina, Vl-1-2 mm. ; posterior femur, 5-2-5-7 mm. ; antennae, 4 mm, CDXLOif : Pundaluoya. Frequents swampy ground in March. 22. Criotettix maculatus, sp. nov. Dark brown, with the process of the pronotum inclining to rufous on the borders. Antennae long and slender, scape thickened. Pronotum and wings of about equal length, nearly as long as the hind legs, * pronotal spine slender, curved forwards. Front legs blackish, banded with grey ; hind femora yellowish, varied with white on the Criotettix maculatus. outer side, and with blackish below ; towards the base is a blackish band ; hind tibia? yellowish, darker towards the tip ; tarsi whitish, with the tips of the joints blackish. Length 11 mm. BUEMA. Type in the British Museum. 23. Criotettix obscurus, sp. nov. Dull brown, paler beneath, the legs transversely banded with brown and yellowish grey. Eyes large, round, the space between * [This is correct; the artist has been misled by the wings being out of position.] CKIOTEXTIX, 33 Fig. 31. Criotettix obscimis. Fig. 32. Criotettix tricarinatus. tbem as broad as an eye ; face not promi- nent ; antennas slender, inserted rather below the eyes, vertex tricarinate in front, the middle carina less distinct behind. Pro- notum finely granulated, as long as the wings ; median carina slightly raised be- tween the shonlders, continuous, but very fmely undulating; slight lateral carina in tront ; lateral spines long, slender, curved torwards. Hind femora rugose ; first joint ot hmd tarsi with very small pulvilli. Length 13 mm. Mamas : Travancore Coast. Type in the Indian Museum. 24. Criotettix tricarinatus, Bol. Criotettix tricarinatus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 184, 223, 221: Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, p. 128 pi. iii, fig. 15. ^ Pale grey, more or less varied with brown. Vertex distinctly narrower thaa the _ eye, carinated in the middle, with a raised curved line on each side in front. Pronotum _ above very obtusely tectiform^ with a raised continuous middle carina; tAvo parallel carinte between the shoulders, obsolete before and behind; hinder pro- cess long, subulate, lateral angles with a long acute spine. Tegmina shortly ovate, with the extremities rounded. Femoral carinte granulated, not lobate ; hind tibise with a longitudinal brown stripe on the outer side, tibiae ringed with brown ; first joint of hind tarsi with the two basal pulvilli acutely spined at tips. d". Length 12 mm. ; prouotum, 11 mm. ; hind femur, 5 mm. $ . Length 13-14-5 mm. ; pronotum, 12-13-5 mm. ; hind femur, 5-5-6 mm. Ceylon : Pundaluoya, Kandy, Kadu- ganawa, Peradeniya {Green), 25. Criotettix indicus, Bol, Criotettix indicus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent, France, Ixx, 1902, p. 581. Eeddish. Vertex slightly narrower than the eye, hardly narrowed in front, the middle cjarina very short, only distinct 34 ACRyBIINiE. in frout; eyes globose. Pronotum narrowed on the back, slightly convex, minutely granulated, with a short carina on each side between the shoulders ; lateral carinae of the anterior section short, not well marked ; middle carina behind the humeral angles slightly, if at all, depressed ; hind projection of the pro- notum long, subulated, but not extending to the tip of the hind tibia3 ; lateral spine strongly transverse, long, pointed. Tegmina short, ovate. Wings brown, reaching, but not passing, the tip of the pronotum. Carinae of front femora entire, those of the middle tibi{B sHghtlv undulating ; hind tibiae beneath varied with brown and testaceous, the upper carina shortly and sharply produced at the tip ; tarsi with the pulvilli of the first joint acutely spmed, the third pulvillus shorter than the first two together. cS . Length 7 5 mm. ; pronotum, 11 mm. ; hind femur, 6-5 mm. Madras : Trichinopoly. 26. Criotettix oculatus, Bol. Criotettix oculatus, Bolivar, Ann. Mas. Geneva, xxxix, 1898, p. 71 ; id., Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p, 584. Testaceous brown. Vertex narrower than the eye, tricarina,te, the lateral carinje slightly converging in front, the middle carina obsolete behind ; eyes prominent ; frontal ridge somewhat arched between the antenna, slightly sinuate between the ocelli, sloping towards the vertex. Pronotum truncated in front, subulated behind somewhat convex above between the shoulders, shortly bicarinate, bifossulate behind the shoulders, with the process more or less obhquely rugose, the middle carina not raised, and obsolete towards the front margin, lateral carmae not prominent; hinder angle of the lateral lobes with an acute spme. Tegmina small broadly rounded at the apex, coarsely impresso- punctate. Lees ringed with brown ; front legs long, femora with granulated and slightly undulating carinae; hhid femora obliquely banded with grey minutely serrated above and below ; first joint of the hind tarsi with three obtuse pulvilli of nearly equal length. _ J 2. Lenqtli 9-11 mm.; pronotum, 11-14 mm.; tegmina, i-8 mm. ; middle femur, 2-2-3 mm. ; posterior femur, 5-6-5 mm. Madeas: Kodaikanal; Sximatba; Jata. 27. Criotettix exsertus, Bol. Criotettix exsertus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 683. Colour brown above, beneath greenish-yellow varied with brown, hind femora with paler bands. Vertex narrower than the eye, expanded behind, carinated in the middle, with the carina s ightly projecting in front; ocelli rounded, moderately prominent, frontal ridge moderately and regularly curved before the eyes. Pronotum CMOTETXIX. 35 nearly smooth, behind the slioulders slightly depressed and granu- lated, between the shoulders slightly carinulated, with the lateral cannse ot the front part nearly parallel ; the median carina con- tinuous, slightly compressed, and (seen later- ally) slightly sinuated before the humeral angles; hind process acute, extending as far as the middle of the hind tibi« ; hinder angle of the lateral lobes with a short obhqne spine projecting backwards, and smuated behind. Tegmina very small, ovate. "Wings slightly longer than the tip of the pronotum, iridescent, with the mar- gins smoky. Front and intermediate femora with the carinse entire, sHghly crenulated ; hind femora slender, the outer ridges very oblique, dorsal genicular carina serrated ; hind tarsi with the pulvilli of the first joint of nearly equal length. $ . Length 9 mm. Madbas: Kodaikanal. 28. Criotettix subulatus, Bol. Criotettix subulatus, Bolivar, Anu. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 185, 223, 227.' Ferruginous brown. Vertex (seen from Criotettix exsertus. above) horizontal, very narrow in front, sub- triangular, broader behind than the eye; frontal ridge produced, more rounded below the antennse, neither sinuated nor depressed. Back of pronotum with short raised ridges, middle carina continuous, somewhat raised ; hinder pro- cess not extending to the tip of the hind tibiae ; hinder angles of lateral lobes acute, but not very prominent. Pern ora ridged, sparingly granulate; hind tibiae rather long, very straight; first joint of hind tarsi with the third pulvillus shghtly longer than the second. 2 . Length 11 mm.; pronotum, 14 mm. ; posterior femur, 6-5 mm. East Indies (British India ?). Type in the collection of I. Bolivar. 29. Criotettix vidali, Bol. Criotettix vidali, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 18-5, 223, 227 ; Brunner, Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893, p. 105. G-rey or ferruginous brown. Vertex slightly prominent, not "broader than the eye, transversely rounded in front, cariiiated in the middle, and distinctly .sinuated on each side ; frontal carina •curved between the antennas. Pronotum distinctly transversely D 2 36 ACEYDTINii:. convex on the back, rugulose, the middle carina slender, rather indistinct, and often obsolete between the shoulders ; subulated behind ; lateral spine depressed, pointed, but rather short. Hind femora entire, bind tibia) nearly straight, first joint ot hind tarsi rather longer than the third, first and second pulviUus of equal length, the third slightly longer. Length 9 mm. ; pronotum, 14 mm. ; hind femur, 7 mm. Burma : Karen Hills ; Philippines. Genus ACANTHALOBUS. Acanthalohus, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 131 ; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, pp. 22, 28. Type, CrioUUix miliarius, Bol. Banqe. The Oriental Eegion. Body moderately stout, more or less rugose or granulated. Head not elevated ; eyes moderately prominent ; vertex wider than the eye, with a slight middle carina; frontal canna not prominent. Antennte moderately short, filiform, inserted between the lower margin of the eyes. Pronotum truncate m front, extended backwards beyond the hind femora, flattened above, except between the shoulders, where it is more or less raised or undulated ; lateral spines obliquely directed backwards. Tegmma ovate ; wings about as long as the pronotum. Front femora entire or slightly crenulated, middle femora sometimes sublobate or denticulated. Pirst joint of hind tars| slightly longer than the third. Key to the Species. 1 (2) Wings more or less abbreviated cuneatus, Hanc, p. 40. 2 (1) Wings approximately as long as the pronotum. 3 (4) Pronotum granulated, but not rugose -r i ^ ai ^ ^ or tuberculated Havopwtm, Bol., p. 41. 4 (3) Pronotum rugose or tuberculated. 5 (10) Lateral spine very prominent and 6 (7) Back of pronotum deeply impresso- pnnctate; lateral spine directed outwards or only slightly back- o i ^ 07 ^ards • P- 7 (6) Back of pronotum finely granulated. 8 (9) Lateral spine directed outwards or only very slightly inclining back- uiiij JO./ 6mnH0SM5,Dalm.,p. 3/ . wards V ' \- ' V k 9 (8) Lateral spine very obLquely d.i-ected ^ gj,. 1° ^^Uro^'^te^olt'""'"".*: n.>c«.s,sp.«.,p.3S. ACANTH^LOBUS. 37 30. Acanthalobus miliarius, Bol. Cnotettix miliarhcs, Bolivar, Anu. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 185, 2->-3, 226. Acanthalobus miliarius, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 131, 132, 155, pi. ii, tig. 8 ; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, p. 29, pi. ii, fig. 19. Yellowish or ferruginous brown, with the lateral spines and leg.s yellow. Vertex at least as broad as one of the eyes and almost on the same level, the bifid carina projecting somewhat in front ; frontal lateral carinse slightly curving inwards below, obsolete above. Eront of pronotum above finely granulated, with a very strong middle carina and two lateral ones ; on the outer side of the latter a round tubercle. Hinder lobe of pronotum convex between the shoulders, then flattened, the median carina uudulated hindwards ; the surface granulated, with numerous longitudinal wrinkles and small round tubercles; hinder extremity extending for about two-fifths of its length beyond the hind femora ; lateral spines stout, extending obliquely backwards and acute at the extremity. Hind femora rather broad, very finely crenulated below, central area blackish ; tibite yellow, the outer carina with about 12 small spines, the inner with 6 ; first joint of hind tarsi longer than the other two ; the pulvilli Acanthalohus miliarius. rectangular, the second rather shorter than the first, the third the shortest. Tegmina twice as long as broad ; wings about as long as pronotum, clouded iridescent, yellowish externally. The male is smaller and much less strongly rugose. Length II mm. ; pronotum, 16-5 mm. ; hind femur, 7 mm. Ceyloj!^ : Peradeniya, Kandy, Colombo. Type in the collection of Brunner von Wattenwyl. Found in rice-fields, &c., and comes freely to light. 31. Acanthalobus bispinosus, Dalm. Act-ydium bispinosum, Dalman, Kcingl. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 1818, p. 77. Tettix bispinosa, Dalman, Anal. Ent. 1823, p. 86; StSl, Recens. Orth. i, 1873, p. 150. . CrioteUi.v bispinosus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 185, 223, 226; Brunner, Aun. Mas. Geuova, xxxui, 1893, P- 105. . , , ^1 Acridium {Tetrix) bispinosum, De Haan, Teminmck, N erliandel., Orth. 1842, pp. IG6, 169. 38 AOUYDIINjE. T^ttiv pallitarsis, AValker, Cat. Derm. Salt, B.M. v, 1871, p. 822. Tettiv armic/era, Walker, /. c. 1871, \). 826. Tettix latisinna, Walker, I. c. 1871, i). 837. Yellowish grey or fusco-f'erruginous, finely granulated. Vertex rather below the level of the eyes, as broad behind as an eye, but narrowed in front, the bilid carina slightly projecting between the yellowish antennae ; frontal carina not prominent, and obsolete below ; cheeks with cariiiSD only visible below ; mouth black, palpi white. Pronotum finel)'' granulated, nearly flat, the median carina indistinct, nearly obsolete in front ; two slightly marked lateral carinae on the frontal area, beyond which there are no lateral carinse ; lateral spine yellow, acute, straight, or very shghtly inclining backwards, sometimes tipped with black. Pronotum subulated behind, the tip obtuse, extending for two-fifths of its length behind the hind femora. Pectus spotted with brown ; abdomen blackish, spotted with white. Tegmina broadly oval, about 1| times as long as broad. Wings as long as the pronotum, iridescent towards the base ; costa and inner margin brown, and hind margin broadly clouded with brown. Hind femoi'a and tibise black, more or less spotted with white ; tarsi white, tipped with black ; hind tibiae with a strong notch on the upper side before the knee, and with 6 spines on the outer and 8 on the inner carina ; first joint of tarsi about as long as the other two ; pulvilli small, triangular, of about equal length. Length 16-21 mm., to end of ovipositor, 11-12 mm. ; hind femur, 9 mm. ; expanse of \Aing, 30 mm. BUB.MA : Karen Hills ; China : Hong Kong ; SXIMATBA ; BOENEO. Type in Dalman's collection, now in the Stockholm Museum. Types of "Walker's species in the British Museum. A common and well-marked species, but the descriptions, except Dalman's, are A^ery unsatisfactory. Bolivar writes : " inter humeros convexiusculo, riigis linearibus, ab- breviatis, subseriatis " ; the last four words hardly apply to any of the specimens before me. 32. Acanthalobus rufescens, sp. nov. Uniform reddish brOwn, hind femora ob- scurely banded w ith dull yellow, and a broad pale ring at the base of the hind tibiae, but these paler markings very indistinct. Eyes lai'ge, slightly approximating in front, sepa- rated by about the width of an eye ; antenna? inserted rathei below the level of the eyes, Head and pronot im finely granulated above ; Fig. 35. — Acantha lobus rufescens. long and slender. ACANTHALOBUa. 39- median carina continuous, slightly raised behind the shoulders ; lateral carina) slightly marked in front, parallel; lateral angles very acute, hardly spined, and directed slightly backwards ; pro- notal process as long as the wiugs, much longer than the hind femora, very shghtly bifid at the extremity. Tegmina oval, twice as long as broad. Hind tibia) slightly waved, with small spines ;. joints of hind tarsi long, the first joint slightly longer than the rest ; pulvilli conspicuous, pointed behind. Length 16-23 mm. Sikkim: Gantok, 6050 ft., 10. xi. 1900, Kurseong, 5000 ft.,. 14. viii. 1909 ; Bengal : Calcutta, 28. vii. 1904. 33. Acanthalobus inornatus, WalTc. Tettix inornata, Walker, Oat. Derm. Salt. B.M. v, 1871, p. 834. Cnotettix saginatus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887,. pp. 185, 223, 225 ; Bruuner, Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893,. p. 104, pi. V, fig. 38. Eather slender, brown, rugulose. Vertex distinctly broader than the eye, the double carina projecting slightly between the antenuse. Top of head flattened ; cheeks- -^ with lateral carinse, obsolete above and \ I sligiitly converging below ; eyes not raised ;, \ face varied with tawny. . Pronotum with three strong keels on the frontal area, the lateral ones slightly converging and obsolete behind ; as long as the hind wiugs, subulate,, and extending for nearly half its length beyond the hind femora ; lateral spines pale,, rather slender at the extremity and slightly hooked backwards ; pronotum rather arched on the back between the shoulders, depressed behind, with numerous raised granules, more or less regularly arranged ; middle carina rather indistinct and irregular, and with some short, raised, incomplete carinse oppo- site the shoulders. Tegmina forming a long oval ; wings dusky along the costa. Middle and hind tibiffi pale, the latter slightly ex- panded, and with 7 spines on the terminal half of the outer carina and 4 on the inner ; there are also two strong outer and one inner terminal spine, and a small spine on the upper surface of the tibia just beyond the knee ; first joint of bind tarsi rather longer than the rest together; the three pulvilli triangular, of equal length. Valves of ovipositor pale, long and slender, the upper one denticulated above, with the tip slightly hooked upwards ; the lower ones denticulated below, the tip slightly hooked downwards ; at the base of the lower ones is a slight tooth above and another about the middle. Abdomen blackish, spotted with ochreous. Fig. 36. — Acantha- lobus inornatus. 40 ACRYDllNiE. Le)}gt7i, to end of ovipositor, 14 mm. ; to end of pronotum, 22mm.; hind femur, 10 mm.; breadth between lateral spines, 6 mm. Burma : Eangoon ; Jata. 'fype in British Museum ; those of C sar/inaiw* in the collections of Bolivar and Brunner von Wattenwyl. Walker speaks of " three spines on each side," but this appear- ance is evidently an optical illusion. Criotettix sacjinatus of authors appears to agree with the species above described, but the dimensions given are slightly smaller. 34. Acanthalobus cuneatus, Hanc. Acanthalobus cuneatus, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, p. 108. Acanthalobus miliarius cuneatus, Eancock, /. c. 1904, p. 133. Perhaps a brachypterous form of A. miliarius. " The pronotum differs in being more rugose and more cuneate posteriorly, the Fig. 37. — Acanthalobus cuneatus. Fig. 38. — Acanthalobus cuneatus, c? • Fig. 39. — Acanthalobus cuneatus, $ . apex extending not more than two millimetres beyond the femoral knees, and not a little passing the wings. The median carina of ACANTIIALOBUS. — LOXILOBUS. 41 pronotum posteriorly irregularly sinuate. Wings more or less abbreviate." Ceylon : Colombo. 35. Acanthalo'bus flavopictus, Bol. Criotettix Jlavopictus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 582. Greyish brown, with pale markings, abdomen spotted with ^'ellow. A^'ertex slightly narrower than tbe eye, carinated in the middle ; frontal ridge between the antennae somewhat compressed. Pronotum smooth on the back, somewhat raised between the shoulders, behind them biFoveolate, irregularly granulose ; middle carina slender, continuous ; prozona carinated on each side, with the carinse converging behind ; hinder process long and pointed, the deflexed lobes very finely granulated with white, the lateral spine acute. Tegmina oblong-ovate, roundly truncate behind. Wings long, brown toAvards the margins, with parallel nervures. Four front femora very finely erenulated ; lower cariuse of the middle legs rather indistinctly bilobate, upper carina of the hind femora 3- or 4-denticulate, with the upper external and inteimal areas with rows of obtuse tubercles ; hind tibiae slightly waved, pulvilli of the tarsi acute. Length 12 mm. ; pronotum, 17 mm. ; hind femur, 7*5 mm. Madras : Kodaikanal. Eesembles A. miliarius and spinosus. Differs from the former in its narrower vertex and smooth pronotum, and from the latter by the depressions on the pronotum, which make it resemble a Gavialiclium, but that the median carina is straight and not depressed. \ Genus LOXILOBUS. Loxilobus, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 134; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, pp. 22, 29. Type, Loxilobus acutus, Hanc. Range. Oriental and Austro-Malayan Eegions. Body slender, scabrous or granulated. Head slightly higher than the eyes, vertex about as wide as the eyes, frontal costa rounded, projecting in . front. Pronotum raised between the shoulders, middle carina slightly sinuated, hinder process longer than the hind femora, or abbreviated, lateral lobes produced. Tegmina oblong; wings more or less developed. Femora with very small spines, hind tibiae spined ; first and third tarsal joints of nearly equal length, the three pulvilli also equal. 42 ACEYUIINJE, Kerj to the Species. 1 (2) First and second pulvilli of the first joint of the hind tarsi pointed assamtis, Hanc. 2 (1) All the pulvilli of the first joint of the hind tarsi flattened. 3 (4) Wings and pronotal process extending backwards beyond the hind femora . . acutus, Hauc. 4 (3) Wings and i)i'onotuni shorter, not ex- tending to the extremity of the hind femora , hancocki, Kirby. 36. Loxilobus acutus, Ham. Loxilobus acutus, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 134 ; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, p. 29, pi. ii, %. 17. Body slender, granulated. Vertex about as wide as an eye, narrowed towards the front, carinated in front in the middle and pitted at the sides, vertex scarcely higher than the eyes, frontal carina rounded and projecting between tlie eyes, which are small and rounded. Antennae slender, inserted between the lower third of the eyes. Pronotum truncate in front, extending behind beyond the hind femora, back rugose and granulated, convex between the shoulders, anterior carinas distinct, hardly converging behind, humeral angles distinct, lateral carina not conspicuous, median carina continuous, very slightly waved, lateral angles acute, projecting outwards and backwards. Tegmiua ovate ; wings projecting beyond the pronotum. Front femora unarmed, hind femora with the margins crenulated, and a small tooth before the extremity ; hind tibiae crenulated and spinose ; outer margin with ten spines ; first joint of hind tarsi rather longer than the third ; the third pulvillus longest, and flat below. Upper blade of ovipositor stout, strongly denticulated. Length 15"8 mm. ; pronotum, 13*8 mm. ; hind femur, 6*2 mm. Ceylon : Pundaluoya (E. E. Green). Taken at light in May. 37. Loxilobus hancocki, Kirby. Loxilobus ruffosxis, Hancock {nec Bolivar), Spol. Zeyl. ii, 19U4, pp. 108, 134, 135, 165, pi. iii, fig. 17 ; id.. Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1900, p. 30. J,. Loxilobus hancocki, Kirby, Syn. Cat. Orth. Loxilobus hancocJci. 1910, p. 18. Body greyish brown, thickly granulated, and somewhat rugose. Vertex scarcely higher than the eyes, LOXILOBL'S. 43 with a median carina. Middle carina of pronotum continuous, sliglitly elevated between the shoulders, lateral carinsB reddish brown. Wings and pronotum scarcely extending as far as the tips of the abdominal appendages, and " not nearly so far as the ends of the hind femora. Abdomen with a small tooth above before the base of the abdominal appendage ; the latter is denti- culated beneath, and slightly hooked at the extremity. Pour anterior femora unarmed, the frout ones flatter and shorter than the middle ones ; hind femora rather stout, and truncated at the extremity, with a row of nodules on the outer upper area; hind tibisB serrated above, and with long terminal spines ; pulvilli of hind tarsi indistinct. Length 7|-10 mm ; of pronotum, 6|-9 mm. ; hind femur, 5-6 mm. , Ceylon : Pundaluoya. Prequents grass-lands and swampy places in March and May. 38. Loxilobus assamus, Hanc. Loxilobtts assamus, Hancock, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lend. 1907, p. 223. Small ; ashy grey or ferruginous, often varied with brown. Vertex narrowed in front, and longitudinally sulcate on each side. Pronotum truncated in front, produced behind to the extremity of the hind femora ; tuberculosa on the back, median carina some- what waved, and slightly elevated in front. First and second pulvilli of the first joint of the hind tarsi pointed. Tegmina long, rounded at the tips ; wings rather shorter than the pronotum. Dimensions not stated. Assam : Cherrapunji. in the Oxford Museum. Group IV. METRODOBim. Key to the Gmera. 1 (8) Tegmina and winga present. 2 (3) Pronotum with an acute lateral spine Lamellitettix, Hanc, 3 (2) Pronotum with no acute lateral [p- 49. spine. 4 (5) Vertex narrower than half the width of the eye Systoledbhus, Bol., 5 (4) Vertex about as broad as the eye. [p- 44. 6 (7) Body stout, posterior angle of lateral lobes of pronotum truncated Mazarhedia, Bol., p. oO. 7 (6) Body slender, posterior angle of lateral lobes of pronotum rounded. Xistra, Bol., p. oo. 8 (1) Tegmina and wings absent or rudi- mentary. 9 (12) Lateral lobes obtusely angulated. 44 ACEYDllNiE. 10 (11) Body and legs setose IIancockia, g. n., p. 46. 11 (10) Body and legs bare Apteiiotettjx, Hanc, 12 (9) Lateral lobes with wing-like ex- [p. 47. pansions . , . . EuB,YMOHPHOPUS,Hanc., [p. 48. GenuB SYSTOLEDERUS, Bol. Systolederus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 185, 194, 234 ; Hancoclf, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 136 ; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, pp. 30, 33. TxPE, Systolederus Jtaani, Bol., from the Philippines. Range. Oriental Eegiou, Celebes. Head considerably higher than the pronotum ; eyes large, closely approximating above, and higher than the vertex ; antennae slender, placed below the level of the eyes ; frontal carina slightly projecting between them ; face sinuous; palpi filiform. Pronotum flattened above, acuminate behind, extending considerably beyond the hind femora ; median carina indistinct, except in front. Tegmina oval ; wings as long as the pronotum. Pour front legs simple ; hind tibiae spinose, terminal spines small ; first and third joints of tarsi of nearlj'' equal length. Key to the Species. 1 (2) First two pulvilli of the first joint of the hind tarsi of equal length, the third longer cinereus, Brunn., p. 44. 2 (1) All three pulvilli of equal length. 3 (4) Process of pronotum produced consider- ably beyond the hind femora greeni, Bol., p. 45. 4 (3) Process not or scarcely reaching apex of hind femora anomahis, Hanc, p. 46. 39. Systolederus cinereus, Brunn. Systolederus cinereus, Bruuner, Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893, p. 105. $ . Uniform ashy grey. Vertex very narrow ; eyes moderately prominent ; antennae inserted before the eyes. Pronotum very Fig. 41. — Systolederus cinereits. smooth and flat, the median carina inconspicuous, very straight, the marginal cannula) short in front, the deflexed lobes acuminate, SYSTOLEDEKUS. 45 obliquely truncated, the terminal process tricarinated to the extremity. Four front femora compressed, not waved ; liiud femora with the carina acute, and the oblique rugulte inconspicuous ; first joint of hind tarsi with three pulvilli of equal length. Length 10 mm.; pronotum, 13mra. ; hind femur, 9 mm. BuKMA : Karen Hills. Tyjje in the Greneva Museum. 40. Systolederus greeni, Bol. Systolederus greeni, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1892, p. 584 ; Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 137, 155, pi. ii, fig. 9 ; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, p. 34, pi. ii, fig. 14. Grreyish brown. Eyes much elevated ; only separated above by the median carina of the vertex ; antennae inserted below the eyes, with the frontal carina slightly projecting between the scapes ; below the antennae a distinct indentation. Pronotum finely granulated, slightly constricted between the shoulders, and very slightly raised ; lateral angles almost rounded off ; median carina strongly marked in front and straight; behind less conspicuous Fig. 42. — Systolederus greeni. and undulating ; lateral carinae obsolete in front, and before the extremity ; deflexed lobes rather pointed, but not produced ; hinder process of pronotum extending considerably beyond the hind femora, and shortly bifid at the extremity. Wings extending^ to the tip of the pronotum. Abdomen ringed wdth whitish, with one or two small teeth above near the extremity; abdominal appendages of female straight, crenulated, not hooked at the tip. Leo-s more or less varied with grey ; four front legs compressed, simple ; hind femora with oblique wrinkles, hind tibiae minutely crenulated, with curved terminal spines ; first joint of hind tarsi longer than the third, the first two pulvilh of equal length, the third considerably longer. , ^ , , , , • j p Lencjili, body, 7-14 mm. ; pronotum, 10|-14 mm. ; huad iemur, b-Qh mm. i , i Madras : Kodaikanal ; Cbylojt : Pundaluoya, Kaduganawa. Types in the collections of Pantel and Bolivar. Taken on dry rocks away from water in January and March. 46 ACEYDIINjE. 41. Systolederus anomalus, JIanc. Systolederus anomalus, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. vi, 1910, p. 146. Body rugose, varied with brown. Eyes only slightly prominent ; vertex nearly half the width of one of' the ey'es. Pronotum trun- cate anteriorly, not quite reaching the eyes ; rugose and slightly tuberculate above, with the median carina waved, lateral lobes slightly oblique, posterior angles acutely angulated, but not spined, posterior process not reaching the tip of the hind femora. Tegmina iiarrow, elliptical ; wings not reaching the end of the pronotal process. Eront and middle femora entire, rather long ; hind femora thickened ; first and third joints of hind tarsi of nearly equal length, and the three pulvilli of the first joint nearly equal. Length 7-9-5 mm. CEYLOif : Madulsima, 8. viii. 1908 {T. B. Fletcher). Genus HANCOCKIA, nov. Ttje, Eavcoclcia portentosa, sp. n. Range. S. India. Body stout, pubescent, apterous. Antennae very slender, in- serted below the eyes ; head projecting between and below the eyes, which are separated by a space more than twice their width. Pro- notum gibbous between the shoulders, and with three undulations behind ; much raised, carinated, finely denticu- lated, and very rugose behind ; longer than the abdomen ; shoulders not much widened, lower lateral margins ovally sublobate outwardly, slightly depressed. All the femora much widened and thickened, very coarsely dentate-carinate above ; front and middle tibiae short, ex- panded ; hind tibiae long, slender, denti- culated above, and with two short ter- minal spines ; first joint of tarsi longer than the third, pulvilli small. A very remarkable genus, resembling, in profile, Hancock's figure of the South- American Flatyiettix reticulatus, but without the projecting shoulder-spines. 42. Hancockia portentosa, sp. nov. Uniform blackish brown, very rugose and pubescent, apterous; appendage to pronotum rather longer than the head Fig. 43. a°<^ fore-part togetlier, and obtusely HancocJcia pm-ientosa. rounded at the extremity ; abdomen shorter than the pronotum. HANOOOKIA.. — APTEROTETXIX. 47 Leyujth 13 mm. ; width at shoulder, 4 mm, ; at lower lateral expansions, 6| mm. Madbas : Maddathoray and Tenmalai, Travancore, W. base of W. G-hats. Type iu British Museum. Genus APTEROTETTIX. Apterotettiv, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 140 ; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, pp. 30, 35, TiPE, Ajyterotettix ohtusus, Hanc. Range. Ceylon. Body granular, apterous or with very slight traces of tegmina and Avings. Vertex scarcely higher than the eye ; antennae rather long and slender, inserted just below the level of the eyes ; the frontal carinse slightly projecting between the eyes, and the face slightly oblique below the antennae, Pronotum with a strong Fig. 45. Apterotettix obtusjis. continuous median carina, and with a more or less distinct carinula from the base to the middle of the total length ; base truncate, lateral angles nearly rounded off, extremity entire, shortly rounded, generally shorter than the abdomen; lower lateral angles obtusely angulated. Hind tarsi spinose. 48 AORYDIIN^E. 43. Apterotettix obtusus, Heme. Apterotettix obtusus, Hancock, Spol. Zevl, ii, 1904, pp. 108, ]40, 155 pi. iii, fig, 13; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetvig. 1906, p. 31, fig. 16. Brown, more or less varied with grey beneath and on the legs. Vertex about equal in width to one of the eyes, and with a strong median carina ; eyes moderately large and prominent. Pronotum generally shorter than the abdomen and hind femora. Hind femora with transverse wrinkles on the upper outer area; hind tibiae spinulose above, and with strong terminal spines ; joints of tarsi slender, the second joint and terminal claw black ; pulvilli inconspicuous. Length 6-9 mm. ; pronotum, 4|-6 mm. ; hind femur, 4|-5 mm, Ceylois' : Peradeniya, Pundaluoya. Pound in grass-fields in Pebruary, March, May, and December, Genus EURYMORPHOPUS. Hurymoiyhoims, Hancock, Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, pp. 30, 35. Type, Amorpliopus ciinciatus, Bol, Range. Ceylon, New Caledonia. Body stout, depressed, granulated, apterous. Vertex on a level with the eyes, frontal carina very slightly projecting between the antennEe, the face beneath almost perpendicular ; vertex much Fig. 47. Eurymoiyhoptis latilobns. narrowed in front, antennae very short, inserted below the eyes ; face and cheeks broad, rounded. Pronotum with the median and lateral carina3 well-marked and continuous, except that the lateral EURTMORPHOPUS. — LAMELLITETTIX. 49 carinfB curve inwards to the extremity of the frontal area, on which they are obsolete, though there is a slight carina in front on each side of the median carina ; pronotum pointed at extremity, extending about as far as the abdominal appendages, and with very large wing-like lateral expansions. Hind femora very stout and rounded above, spines of hind tibiae very small. 44. Eurymorphopus latilobus, Ham. Eimjmorphoims latilobus, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. v, 1908, jjp. 113,114, fig. 1- Body short and broad, thickly granulated. Eyes large, the vertex above triangular, and narrowed in front till there is only space for the not very prominent carina, which is only bifid for a short distance between the antennae ; below the antennae it is just perceptible as a slight elevation to the extremity of the clypeus. The wing-like lateral expansions of the pronotum are very con- spicuous. The stout hind femora have oblique wrinkles on the upper outer area, and much longer oblique striae on the lower outer area ; the under surface bounded by the two lower carinse is flat, and black ; hind tibiae with small terminal spines, and the spines on the upper surface minute ; pulvilli on the under surface of the first joint of the tarsi very inconspicuous. Length 9 ram. ; hind femur, 5 mm. Ceylon- : Andugoda, ix. 1907 {E. E. Green). " Frequents the surface of dry rocks in the shade of the jungle "■ (Green). Genus LAMELLITETTIX. Lainellitetiix, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 107, 125 ; id. Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, pp. 31, 41. Type, Lamellitetiix acutus, Hanc, Range. Ceylon. Body stout, very rugose and gibbous. Head not prominent ; antennae long and slender, placed below the eyes, the frontal costa slightly produced between them ; the face below sinuated ; vertex slightly wider than the eye. Pronotum truncated in front, pointed at the extremity, and extending beyond the hind femora and abdomen ; lateral angles triangular, laminated, and pointed at the extremity ; median line strongly humped between the shoulders, and undulated behind to two-thirds of the length of the pronotum. Tegmina oval; wings well developed. Front tibiae with a few spines beneath ; hind tibiae with some above ; hind femora finely denticulated above, with a notch before the pointed terminal spike ; terminal spine of hind tibiae small; first and third joints of hind tarsi of equal length ; pulvilli flat below. E 50 ACEYJillNiE. 45. Lamellitettix acutus, Hanc. Lamellitettix acutus, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 107, 126,154, pi. ii, fig. 6 ; id., Gen. Ins., Ortli. Tetrig. 1906, p. 42, pi. ii, fig. 21. Body brown, rugose. Vertex about as wide as one of the eyes, not raised ; antenuse long and slender, with the carina projecting between them. Pronotum gibbous between the shoulders, and undulated behind ; a strong triangular lamellated lateral pro- jection ending in a sharp spine. Abdomen about as long as the hind femora, but the appendages extending beyond for half the distance to the extremity of the pronotum, which is pointed, and about as long as the wings. Front tibiae with a few small spines below, and hind tibiae with a few above. Length, body, 14'3 mm. ; pronotum, 13'4 mm. ; hind femur, 7 mm, Ceylon : Maskeliya. Taken from the stem of a tree in the jungle. Genus MAZARREDIA. Mnzarredia, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, np. 185, 194, 236 ; Hancock, Spol. ZevL ii, 1904, pp. 108, 138 ; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, pp. 32, 42. Type, Mazarredia geminella, Bol. Range. Oriental Region, New Guinea, Fiji. Head not prominent, vertex about as wide as one of the eyes, often narrowed in front, on each side with an oblique more or less compressed carina, face slightly oblique ; frontal carina scarcely forked behind the eyes, in front scarcely diverging, sliglitly projecting between the antennae, which are long and slender, and inserted slightly in front of the eyes ; maxillary palpi with the terminal joints narrow, subcompressed. Pronotum smooth above, truncated in front, and often humped between the shoulders, with obtuse humeral angles, the apex long and pointed ; hind margin of the lateral lobes more or less laminated externally, distinctly truncated, and acutely angulated, but not spiuose, very rarely depressed. Tegmitia ovate ; wings perfectly developed. Legs long; front femora somewhat compressed, carinated above, carinse entire or shghtly waved ; hind tibiae slightly expanded towards the tips, and spinose ; first and third joints of hind tarsi of equal length. Key to the Species. 1 (10) Vertex not or scarcely broader than the eye. 2 (5) Median carina not crested nor sinu- ated behind the shoulders. 3 (4) Last two joints of palpi concolorous. sculpta, Bol., p. 51. 4 (3) Last two joints of palpi yellow coMi'e7ye?is,Brunn.,p.52. MAZAKREDIA. 51 •5 (2) Median carina crested or sinuated behind the shoulders. C (7) Median carina with a high raised crest cristulata, Bol., p. 52. 7 (6) Median carina slightly crested, or with very unequal elevations and depressions. 8 (9) Median carina slightly crested wisit/am, Bol., p. 52. 9 (8). Median carina with very unequal elevations and depressions inceqicalis, Brunn., p. 53. 10 (1 ) Vertex about twice as broad as the eye lativertex, Brunn., p. 54. Species incertfe sedis: insignis, sp. u., luffubris, sp. n. 46, Mazarredia sculpta, Bol. Mazarredia sculpta, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 237, 238 ; Brunner, Ann. Mus. Genova, xxxiii, 1893, p. 107. Greyish brown. Head not prominent, eyes scarcely higher than the pronotum, vertex rather broader than the eye, some- what narrowed iu front, frontal carina produced between the antennae ; palpi concolorous, slightly depressed. Pronotum smooth above, convex and bicarinated behind the shoulders, the marginal carinulae slightly, converging behind ; the median carina depressed Fig. 48. — Ma::arredia sculpta, behind the shoulders, then straight and very narrow; hinder angle of the lateral lobes slightly produced and obtuse ; hinder lobe of pronotum produced. Front femora with the carinas slightly waved ; hind femora obliquely rugose externally, with rows of tubercles above ; the carinas entire ; hind tibiae slightly spinose and unicolorous brown ; pul villi of first joint of hind tarsi of equal length. Length, bodv, 11-5-13-5 mm.; pronotum, 14-5-18-5 mm.; hind femur, 7'o-8-5 mm. Burma : Karen Hills, Pegu, Palon ; Tenassebim : Thagala. Type in the collection of Brunner von Wattenwyl. e2 52 ACnVDIIITTE. 47. Mazarredia convergens, Brunn. MazaiTedia convergens, JBrunner, Ann. Mus. Genova, xxxiii, 1893, p. 107, pi. V, fig. 40. ' Colour varied M ith dark browu. Vertex scarcely broader than the eye, with the lateral lobes much lower than the eye ; antennae inserted nearly between the eyes ; ocelli placed midway between the eyes ; frontal carina slightly sinuated at the ocelli ; two terminal joints of palpi yellow. Pronotum with the front marginal carinse distinctly converging behind, the disc nearly smooth, with longitudinal wrinkles, but without tubercles, the median carina slightly interrupted between the shoulders ; hinder angle of the lateral lobes truncated at the tip ; humeral sinus rather acute. Tegmina of usual form. None of the femoral carinas undulated. Length, body, 11-7-14-5 mm. ; pronotum, 13-15 mm. ; hind femur, 6-8-8-2 mm. Burma : Karen Hills ; Tenassemm. 48. Mazarredia insularis, Bol. Mazcrredia insularis, Eolivar, Ann. Soc. Eiit. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 237, 239 ; Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 138, 155, pi. ii, fig. 7. Body moderately slender, ferruginous brown. Eyes globose, rather prominent, higher than the vertex, which is rather broader th an one of the eyes ; antennsD slender ; face rather oblique. Pronotum rugose, shghtly raised in front, the median line with a concavity behind the shoulders, and then distinctly crenulated ; hinder part of pronotum triearinated, pointed, and extending con- siderably beyond the abdomen and hind femora ; lateral angles pale, somewhat laminate, rectangularly pointed at the extremity. Tegmina oval ; wings as long as the pronotum. Hind femora with the outer surface scabrous, the upper area with large rounded tubercles, the disc with strong oblique wrinkles ; front tarsi black, orange in the middle; hind tibiae denticulated on the upper surface ; the pulvilli of the first joint of the bind tarsi small. Length, body, 9-12 mm. ; pronotum, 9-11 mm. ; hind femur, 4'5-6 mm. Ceylon : Pundaluoya, Hantanna, Peradeniya. Collected " from stems of Grevillea tree in May ; a male from Hantanna was taken in March. Mr. Green remarks that the living insects are often coloured like and harmonize with the natural lichens and mosses, being very inconspicuous (Hancock). 49. Mazarredia cristulata, Bol. Mazarredia cristulata. Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 584. Grreyish brown. Head not raised; eyes prominent; vertex rather broader than the eye, not narrowed in front, and hardly MAZABREDIA. 53 obliquely elevated, prodticed in tlie middle in front, the sides reflexed-angalate ; frontal carina compressed between the antennjE, moderately raised, suddenly sinuated aud depressed behind the antenna;. Pronotum depressed, granulose and impresso-punctate, the median carina raised into an entire compressed crest on the front margin, not crennlated, behind the shoulders waved and sinuated ; hinder process very long, hinder angle of lateral lobes forming a short, narrow, rounded, oblique lobe. Tegmina ovate, impresso-punctate. Wings as long as the pronotum, brown externally, with transverse pale nervures. Front femora com- pressed, with granulated carinse ; intermediate femora above the carina compressed, granulate, lower before the tip, a lobate crenn- lated carina towards the tip beneath ; hind femora with the upper carina almost entire, crennlated, the upper outer area with a row of raised tubercles, with a larger wrinkle scarcely behind the middle ; tibiae nearly straight, brown, with the tip ferruginous ; third joint of hind tarsi shorter than the first, the third pulvillus produced. Length, body, 7 ram. ; pronotum, 13 mm. ; hind femur, 4*8 mm Madras: Madura. 50. Mazarredia inaequalis, Brunn. Mazarredia incequalis, Bruuner, Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893, p. 106, pi. V, tig. 39. Vertex slightly broader than the eye, with a small lobule on each side, not higher than the level of the eye. Antennae inserted in front of the eyes, each joint with a pale ring at the extremity. Frontal costa compressed, regularly rounded in profile ; anterior marginal carinas of the pronotum slightly diverging behind, the disc with very unequal tubercles and de- pressions, raised betAveen the shoulders, and the median carina inteiTupted at that point ; process smooth ; deflexed lobes with the hinder angle little produced, rounded off at the tip, the humeral sinus rounded. Tegmina oblong-ovate. Four front femora sinuated above and below ; hind femora not compressed, the carinae not sinuated, but with paler markings ; hind tibiae with pale bands. Subgenital lamina of the male, as seen in profile, MasarredChimquaUs. compressed at the base and very rotund- produced. Length, body, 10-5-11-2 mm. ; pronotum, 17-2-l7'8 mm.; hind femur, 5-7-6-8 mm. Burma : Kai-en Hills. 54 ac'hydiijs'.^. 51, Mazarredia lativertex, Bnmn. Mazarredm lativertex, Bmiiner, Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893, pp. 106, 108, pi. V, fifr. 41. Brownish testaceous. Vertex compressed from the front, nearly twice as broad as one of the eyes ; antennae inserted in front of the eyes, unicolorous ; ocelli placed before the middle of the eyes; frontal costa, seen in profile, hardly sin uated Front marginal carina of the pronotum slightly converging behind ; the disc smooth, slightly excavated, the process tricarinated to the tip ; the lateral lobes rotund-truncate. Eemora not sinuated ; hind femora compressed. Length, body, 1 1 mm. ; pronotum, 14-7 mm. ; hind femur, 7 mm. Burma : Karen Hills, 4700 -5000 ft. [The two species which follow here, M. insic/nis and M. lugv.hris, spp. n., were labelled and placed by Mr. Kirby in the British Museum collection under Xistra. M. imignis has the posterior angle of the lateral lobe of the pronotum very slightly truncate. M. luguhris has the lobe scarcely prominent and shghtly rounded. They seem to be connecting links.] 52. Mazarredia insignis, sp. nov. Dark brown, inclining to black on the head and face, the sides of the body greyish ; palpi and basal joints of the antennae reddish. A shght projection in profile between the antennae ; labrum shining black ; eyes sepa- rated by more than the width of one. Pronotum somewhat rugose, extending con- siderably beyond the abdomen and as long as the wings ; middle carina well marked, with a short parallel carina on each side in front, Tegmina oval, about twice as long as broad. Front and middle femora slightly compressed and widened ; hind femora moderately thickened, entire ; hind tibiae with small regular spines above, first joint of hind tarsi appai'ently rather shorter than the third. Valves of the ovipositor serrated above and below. Pig 5Q Length 19 mm. Mazarredia insignis. UNITED PaoTlXCES : Kumaon, Bhim Tal, 4500 ft., 22-27, ix. 1906. Type in the British Museum. M AZ ABRBDI A . — XISTE, A . 55 Fig. 51. Mazarredia lugubris. 53. Mazarredia lugubris, sp. nov. Dull brownish black. Antennsa slender, placed just below the eyes; eyes narrowed in front, where they are separated by about the width of one of them, the head between slightly convex ; palpi concolorous ; labrum shining black. Pronotu.m nearly as long as the wings, finely granular, rugose hind- wards, with no lateral carinse, the middle carina well-marked in front, and regularly but shallowly undulated behind. Hind femora on the inner side rufous brown,, smooth ; on the outer side with a raised carina dividing the central area into two nearly equal parts ; hind tibiae with short spines above and very strong terminal spines. Length 16 mm. India. Type in the British Museum. Genus XISTRA. Xistra, Bolivar, Aun. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxvi, 1887, pp. 186, 194, 242 ; Brunner, Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893, p. 242; Hancock, Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, pp. 32, 45. Ttpe, Xistra gogarzea, Bol. Range. The Oriental Eegion. Head moderately depressed; vertex usually depressed, with oblique carinse more or less compressed in front, and slightly con- verging behind, often acutely produced; eyes higher than the vertex, face oblique, frontal costa forked behind the eyes, the branches slightly diverging in front ; slightly compressed and elevated between the antennte ; antennae inserted scarcely before the eyes, long and filiform ; palpi not dilated. Pronotum narrow, truncate in front, with a long process behind, humeral angles obtuse : hinder angle of the lateral lobes slightly, if at all, produced outwards, narrow, snbrotund-truncate. Tegmina ovate ; wings perfectly developed. Legs long, front femora compressed, carinate above, hind tibiae towards the tip not, or slightly, ex- panded, carinse sparingly dentated ; first joint of hind tarsi nearly equal to, or shghtly longer than, the third. Key to the Sjaecies. Vertex with an acute spine on each side Vertex simply carinate stylata, Ilanc. diibia, Brunn. 56 54. Xistra stylata, JIanc. Xistra stylata, Hancock, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. ] 907, p. 231, rerrngiuous. Head compresso-elevated, sinuated in profile ; vertex concave in front, but the oblique lateral carinulae forming an acute spine on each side about four-tilths of the height of the eye ; hinder ocellus placed barely below the eyes, but antennte inserted far below ; frontal costa not much raised between the antennae, but rather widely sulcate and evenly divergent forwards to the median ocellus. Pronotum granulated, extending behind beyond the hind femora, raised, and with a slightly dentated crest between the shouldei's; median carinas slightly marked, humeral angles obtuse, the lateral carinae continued forward at the shoulders, anterior lateral carinae parallel ; posterior angles of lateral lobes subangulate, slightly reflexed, subrotund-truncate, Tegmina rather long, rounded at the tips, externally punctate, brown, with pale tips ; wings extending to the tip of the pronotum. Pour front femora rather long, the carinae compressed and waved, upper carina of the middle femora with an apical spine ; hind femora rather long, with a short acute spine ; pulviUi of first joint of hind tarsi of equal length. Length 16-2 mm, ; pronotum, 15 mm. ; hind femur, 5-9 mm. Cexlon: Putlam. Type in the Oxford Museum. 55. Xistra (?) dubia, Brunn. Xistra (?) dubia, Brunner, Ann. Mus, Geneva, xxxiii, 1893, p, 108, pi. V, fig. 42. Vertex as broad as the eye, sloping, with a raised cannula on each side, rising just above the eye when viewed from the front ; frontal costa produced between the antennae, not sinuated ; antennae as long as the pronotum, inserted much before the eyes ; ocelli placed in a line between the base of the eyes. Pronotum produced beyond the hind femora, the front marginal carinas parallel, the lateral lobes appressed, obliquely truncated, the humeral sinus rectangular, the median carina continuous, biundu- late at the shoulders in profile, the process with the lateral carinae very slightly sinuated above the tegmina. Wing as long as the pronotum. Pour front femora undulated above and below ; hind femora stoi;t, not compressed ; first and third joints of hind tarsi of equal length. Length 1-5-lQ- 5 mm.; pronotum, 9-2-] 0-5 mm.; hind femur, 5-5*5 mm. BuEMA : Karen Hills. EtTPAItATBXTIX. 57 Group V. ACBIDIINI. Key to the Genera. [1 (10) Pronotum very long and rather narrow, the posterior prolonga- tion very narrowly cuneiform, the apical half suhparallel-sided. Vertex and eyes A-ery little raised above the level of the pronotum. Vertex narrower than width of eye Paeatettix, Bol., p. 60. Vertex as wide as or wider than eye. Wings developed Hedottetix, BoL, p. 71. Wings absent Spadotettix, Hanc, p. 70. Vertex and eyes obviously raised above the level of pronotum. 8 (9) Posterior femora without con- [p. 57. spicuous nodosities on outside. . Eupakatbttix, Hanc, 9 (8) Posterior femora with rugose no- dosities on outside Ergatettix, g. n., p. 69. 10 (1) Pronotum shorter, the posterior prolongation broadly cuneiform, its margins nearly rectilinear. 11 (12) Pronotum tectiform, the median carina well raised for its whole length AcBYDiuM, Geoffr., p. 60. 12 (11) Pronotum only tectiform at its widest part, the median carina very fine, the marginal carinas on the same level as median . . Ooptotettix, Bol., p. 74,] 3 4 5 6 7 (7) (4) (3) (6) (5) (2) Genus EUPARATETTIX. Euparatettix, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 111, 145; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, pp. 51, 55. Type, Paratettix personatus, Bol. Range. The Oriental Eegion, New Guinea. Head slightly raised, vertex rather narrower than the eye, elevated forward ; antennae moderately long, inserted scarcely below the eyes. Pronotum granulose, lateral angles rounded off, median and lateral carina) strougly developed, the basal carinse short ; pronotum longer than the hind femora, but shorter than the wings. Tegmina oval, granulated. Anterior femora almost entire, hind femora spinulose ; first and third joints of hind tarsi of nearly equal length; third pulvillus nearly as long as the other two. Key to the Species. 1 (6) Frontal carina rounded. 2 (3) Median carina of pronotum well , , marked personattis, Bol., p. o». 58 AORYDIINiE. 8 (2) INIediau carina of pronotum undulated. 4 (6) "Wings two millimetres longer than prouotum ; the latter smooth interruptus, Brunn., p. 59. 5 (4) Wings one millimetre longer than pro- notum ; the latter finely granulose . . scabrijjes, BoL, p. 59. 6 (1) Frontal carina flattened between an- tennne parviis, Hanc, p. 60. 56. Euparatettix personatus, Bol. Faratettix ^^ersonatm, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 188, 278. Euparatettix personatus, Haucock, Spol; Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 145, 146, 155, 156, pi. ii, fig. 10, pi. iii, fig. 20; id., Gen. Ins. Orth, Tetrig. 1906, p. 55, pi. iii, fig. .32. Pig. 62. — Euparatettix personat^is. Body finely rugose, brown or reddish brown, often varied ; with grej'. Antennae rather long, sometimes annulated with white. Head prominent, vertex raised in front, narrower than the eye ; frontal costa strongly arched in front, towards the base sloping, and entire. Pronotum narrow, pointed at the extremity, generally pro- duced considerably beyond the hind femora, but shorter than the Avings ; median carina complete, strongly marked, slightly sinuated between the shoulders ; hinder angle of the lateral lobes narrowly rounded. Tegmina oval, rounded at the tips. Front femora slender, almost entire ; tibiae and tarsi mostly blackish, ringed with white ; hind tibiae black, often with a broad white band near the base and spines ; pulvilli of first joint of hind tarsi straight beneath, the third not much longer than the second. Length 11-13 mm.; prouotum, 8-11 mm. ; hind femora, 4-5 mm. India; Burma ; Cexlon ; Jata ; Philippines. Frequents grassy places and. rice fields in Ceylon. Fig. 53. — Eu2Mratcttix personatus. EUPARATETXIX. 59 57. Enparatettix interruptus, Brunn. Paratettix interruptus, Brimuer, Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, \%Q?>, p. 109. Head raised, ejes rounded, vertex narrower than the eye, frontal carina rounded, shghtly produced. Pronotura smooth, produced and pointed, subconstricted before the shoulders ; the front marginal cai-inte sliort, slightly converging behind the median carina, waved, not strongly marked and slightly crenulated. Wing's two milUmetres longer than the pronotum. Pour anterior femora narrow ; liind femora with the upper carina terminating in an obtuse tooth near the apex. Length 8-9 mm. ; pronotura, 10-6-11 mm. ; hind femur, 5-5-8 mm. BuHMA : Karen Hills, Bhamo, Teinzo. According to Brunner von Wattenwyl, both the foregoing species sometimes exhibit velvety black spots on the pronotum. 58. Euparatettix scabripes, Bol. Paratettix scabrij^es, Bolivar, Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxix, 1898, p. 76 ; id., Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 585. Eeddish or grey, varied with brown or whitish, minutely granu- lose. Head slightly raised ; vertex rather narrower than the eye, separated behind from the occiput by transverse folds, in front slightly narrowed, ascending, the median carina slender, ab- breviated beliind, with a raised carinula on each side below the eye ; frontal costa hut little produced, slightly sinuated behind the antennae; eyes not prominent. Pronotum produced behind, finely granulose, rather convex before and between the shoulders, the middle carina subcompressed, undulated, the process at the base slightly excavated, the lateral carina granulose, when seen from above distinctly expanded and undulated; hinder angle of the lateral lobes slightly turned outwards, rounded-truncate. Tegmina oblong, punctured; wings longer than the pronotum, and varied outwardly with brown. Pront femora slightly waved above ; middle femora with the carinas compressed and dilated, waved, ciliated beneath ; hind femora short, upper carinte crenu- lated towards the tip, lobate, outer surface with rather compressed prominent ridges; hind tibia9 brown, banded Avith white; first joint of hind tarsi longer than the third ; pulvilli acute, the third shorter than the two basal ones together. Lengtli 6-5 mm. ; pronotum, 10 mm. ; hind femur, 5-5 mm. E. Bengal : Kajshai ; Sumatra. Type in Bolivar's collection. {50 ACRTDlINiE. 59. Euparatettix parvus, Ilanc. Euparatettix parvus, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 146. Body small, slender, rugose. Head slightly rounded, vertex narrower than the eye, not produced. Frontal costa flattened between the eyes, and slightly convex between the antennae ; the latter moderately long, tililiorm. Pronotum flattened and rugulose above, median carina irregular, lateral carina well marked in front of humeral angles ; several small subsidiary carinas in the disc. Tegmina oval, rounded at the tips ; wiugs extending considerably beyond the pronotum. Hind tarsi spinose, brown, with two shght pale bands. Length 9'7 mm. ; pronotum, 8 mm. ; hind femur, 3"9 ram. Ceyloij : Elephant Pass, Northern Province {E. E. Green). Paratettix, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 187, 195, 270 ; Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 110, 144 ; id.. Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, pp. 52, 55 ; Jacobs & Bianchi, Pram. Loznos. Ross. Imp. 1902, pp. 164, 175, 211, Type, Tetrix meridionalis, Eamb. Range. Cosmopolitan. Body granulose, slightly rugose. Vertex horizontally not broader than the eye, carinated in the middle, more ov less con- cave on the sides, bounded in front by sinuous carinulse, and scarcely produced between the eyes ; frontal carina between the e)'^es curved, sloping towards the base, rarely sinuated ; antennae filiform, long, 14-jointed, placed scarcely before the eyes ; palpi not dilated, concolorouti. Pronotum rather flattened, truncate in front, generally prod\iced behind beyond the hind femora, the middle carina slightly raised, the humeral angles obtuse, lateral lobes bisinuated behind, the lower sinus straight or pointed, the hinder lateral angle turned down, with the tip rounded off. Tegmina oval, puncttired : wings generally longer than the pronotum. Front femora compressed, carinated above, usually undulated ; hind tibiae with the apical thu'd distinctly expanded and spinose ; first joint of hind tarsi longer than the third, pulvilli acuminate, flattened below, the third pulvillus generally longer than the first two togetlier. Genus PARATETTIX. Key to the Sjoecies. 1 (2) Pronotum without a median carina 2 (1) Pronotum with a median carina. 3 (4) Middle carina of pronotum depressed in front, and ceasing before reaching the front margin bnlteatus,'Wal\i., p. 61. scaber, Thunb., p. 62. PARATETTIX. 61 4 (3) Middle carina of pronotuni continuous to front margin. 5 (6) A short raised line on each side between the shoulders. G (5) The short line curved ?* variabilis, Bol., -p. ^2. 7 (6) The short line straight dorsifei-f Walk., p. 63. 8 (5) No short line between shoulders. 9 (10) jNIiddle carina of pronotum strongly marked, distinctly arched, not depressed behind , . cingalensis, Walk., p. 03. 10 (9) Middle carina less strongly marked and more or less depressed. 11 (12) Carinse of the hind femora entire iiidicus, Bol., p. 64. 12 (11) Upper carina of hind femora more or less linely serrated. 13 (14) Femora densely hairy beneath. . hirsutus, Brunn., p. 65. 14 (13) Femora less densely hairy beneath suhhirstitus, Brunn., p. 66. 60. Paratettix balteatus, Walh. Tettix balteata, "Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M., v, 1871, p. 828. Grey. Head [now wanting] small, with the usual looped keel, whitish about the mouth ; eyes very prominent. Pronotum with a broad black transverse band above, just before the hind coxae ; this is concave before and behind, and marked with a white spot on each side behind ; the pronotal process tapers, but at the tip is shortly truncated, with a fine spine on each side ; it is also marked with several transverse blackish bands towards the extremity. The wings project considerably beyond the process, and are hyaline, vai'ied with brown, and marked alternately with brown and hyaline on the costa towards the tip. Legs whitish, with blackish rings and markings ; femora moderately stout, hind femora* and hind tarsi largely rufous. Ab- domen short, white at the extremity, blackish towards the base above and at 'Fig. b'^.— Paratettix the sides. balteatus. * [The specunen identified by Mr. Kirby in the British Museum Collection as variabilis has tiie short carina curved, but BoliTar's description docs not mention this.] t [Owing to the position of the hind femora the raised nodosities are not shown in the figure. Examination of additional material indicates that the species should be referred to the genus Krgaleitix (p. 69).] 62 ACRTDIIIf.'E. Length of the body,4| lines ; expansion of the hind wings, 9 lines. Described from the much damaged type specimen. Type in the British Museum. 61. Paratettix scaber, Thunh, Acri/dimn scabrum, Thunberg, Nova Acta Uppsal., vii, 181/5, p. 169. Tettix subpustulata, Walker, Cat: Derm. Salt. B.M. v, 1871, p. 819. Tettix scaber, Stttl, Recen. Ortli. i, 1873, p. 149. Paratettix scaber, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 188, 279 ; id., Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 585. Brown or blackish, scabrous, with very small darker granules. Head moderately produced, vertex not prominent, narrower than the eye, narrowed and subangularly rounded in front, and cari- nated in the middle. Pronotum produced behind, much con- stricted in front, the back transversely convex between the shoulders, the middle carina slightly raised, more compressed in front, and obsolete before i-eaching the front margin ; hinder angle of the lateral lobes narrowly rounded off at the tips ; a white spot on each side of the pronotum in the typical form, behind whicli is a black spot followed by a small whitish dot. Tegmina twice as long as broad, closely punctured ; wings longer than the pronotum, iridescent, with brown borders. Carinse of the front femora straight ; front tibiae ringed with white, hind tibia pale, at least at the base ; hind tarsi pale, the first joint much longer than the third ; pulvilli pointed, the third as long as the first two together. Length 8-10 mm. ; pronotum, 10-5-12-omm. ; hind femur, 5-5- 6'5 mm. Madeas : Trichinopoly ; Zanzibar ; Portuguese East ArRiCA ; Cape Colony ; Gabook. 62. Paratettix variabilis, Bol. Paratettix variabilis, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 188, 276 ; id., Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 585. Brown or ferruginous, slightly rugose. Vertex narrower than the eye, carinated in front on each side, frontal costa arched and rounded, projecting between the eyes. Proilotum much produced (or, in varieties, scarcely produced beyond the hind femora), back nearly smooth, the middle carina acutely compressed in front, with a raised line on each side of the disc between the shoulders, obsolete before and behind ; hinder angle of the lateral lobes acutely triangular. Tegmina rounded at the tip : wings 2 or 3 millimetres longer than the pronotum in the typical form. Front femora with the carinas straight ; middle femora long and linear ; PAEATETTIX. 63 hind tarsi with the two basal pulvilli acutely pointed at the tip, the third pulvillus rather longer than the second. Length 7-10 mm.; pronotum, 9-11 ram.; hind femur, 5-5- 6*5 mm. Madras : Madura ; Borneo : Philippines. Type in the British Museum. 63. Paratettix (?) dorsifer, Walh. Tettiv dorsifera, Walker, Cat. Derm. Sah. B.M. v, 1871, p. 825. Fawn-coiour. Eyes very prominent, much raised above the vertex, which is narrower than an e3''e, slightly convergent in front, and con- sidei-ably produced between the antennae, which are placed below the eyes ; the carina of the vertex is imperfect above. Front area ot pronotum transversely ridged and tuberculate, with the carina much raised, the hinder part of the carina depressed and serrated ; ou each side a short raised carina between the median carina and the shoulders ; behind the shoulders a triangular black mark on each side, the hinder part of the pronotum gran- ulose and very slender, extending much be- yond the hind femora. Tegmina oval, rather narrow ; Avings extending beyond the pronotum, narrowly rounded at the ex- tremity, and with light and dark spots along the costa. Front femora widened and flattened, hind femora rugose and tuberculate. Bombay. The type in the British Museum does not agree well with Walker's description, but there is no other specimen to which it could apply. Fig. 55. — Paratettix dorsifer. 64. Paratettix cingalensis, Wall: Tettix cingalensis, Walker, Oat. Derm. Salt. B.M. v, 1871, p. 827. Paratettix varier/atus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg;. xxxi, 1887, pp. 188, 272, 280 ; Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, pp. 108, 144. Brown or ferruginous, or grey, varied with white. Head •slightly raised, vertex truncated in front, as broad as the eye, frontal costa sloping towards the base in front. Pronotum much longer than the hind femora, rugulose punctate, sometimes spotted with brown and white; the middle carina compressed, continuous, .strongly marked, raised and regularly arched in front ; a short carina on each side on the anterior margin of the front lobe, each 64 AORYDIIN^. followed b}'^ a short transverse one. Lateral carina? incurved ia front, and with a short sti'aight carina thrown off opposite the curve, but not quite touching it in front ; hind lobe o£ lateral angles narrowly rotund-truncate at the tips with the outer margin subreflexed. Tegmina broadly rounded at the tips ; M'ings Fig. 56. — Paratettix cingalensis. hyaline, brown on the costa, with indistinct pale spots towards the extremity ; much longer than the pronotum. Eront femora slightly waved ; hind femora crenulated above, with a small lobe before the tip ; tibiae pale, spotted with brown, hind tibi* spined ; pulvilli acute at the tips, the third longer than the second. Anal appendages of female very large, and bifid at the extremities. Length 7-7"5 mm. ; pronotum, 9-10 mm. ; hind femur, 5-6 mm. ; expanse of wings, 14 mm. Ceylon. Type in the British Museum. Walker's type is a uniform brown specimen with all the markings obliterated, probably by spirit. There is, however, a second well-marked specimen in the collection, wanting only antennae. 65. Paratettix irdicus, Bol. Paratettix indicus, Bolivar, Ami. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 188,. 272, 281 ; id., Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 585. Pale red or brown. Vertex slightly narrowed in front, frontal costa somewhat sinuated behind the antenna, slightly produced before the eyes. Pronotum smooth, rather depressed, and very obtusely tectif orm, middle carina only slightly raised. Femora with PAEATETTIX. 65 the carinsB entire ; hind tarsi with the pulvilli sharply pointed, the third pulvillus longer than the first two together. _ Length 8-10 mm. ; pronotiim, 10-11 mm. ; hind femur, 5-6 mm. Madras: Madura; China. Types in the collections oE Pantel and Bolivar. 6G. Paratettix hirsutus, Brunn. Paratettix hirsutus, Bnmner, Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893, p. 110 pl.Y,fi-43. Allied to P. indicus. Vertex as broad as the eye ; frontal costa slightly produced, rounded. Pronotum with small granules ; rather broad between the shoulders and depressed behind, the front marginal carinas parallel, the middle carina continuous not waved. Wings extending 4 or 5 millimetres beyond the pronotum ; or shorter than the pronotum in the form in which the pronotum is shorter than the hind femora. Femora compressed, dilated, not undulated ; hind femora with the upper carina narrowly serrated, and with a large raised tooth before the extremity ; hind tibiee with two whitish bands. Length 8-8-12 mm. ; pronotum, 11-8-14 mm. ; hind femur, 6-5-7-5 mm. Burma : Teinzo, Katha, Bhamo. Fig. 57. — Faratcltix hirsntus. 66 AOBYDIIN.'E. 67. Paratettix semihirsutus, Brunn. Paratettix semihirsutus, Brunner, Ann. Mus. Genovn, xxxiii, J 893, p. 110. Moderately stout. Vertex as broad as the eye ; frontal carina slightly produced, rounded. Pronotum with very small un- equal granules, not very broad between the shoulders, the anterior carinas con- verging behind, the median carina complete, undulated behind the shoulders. Wings 2 mm. longer than the pronotum. Pour front femora compressed and dilated, not undulated, rarely hairy ; hind femora with the upper carina very narrowly serrated, and terminating in a tooth before the extremity ; hind tibias brown at the base and pale towards the tips. Length 9 mm.; pronotum, 11 mm.; hind femur, 5-2 mm. Buhma : Karen Hills. Genus ACRYDIUM. Acrydium, Fahricius, Syst. Ent. 1775, p. 278; Leach, Edinb. Eacycl. ix, 1815, p. 120. Acridium, Schrank, Fauna Boica, ii, 1801,^ p. 30. Teirix, Latreille, Hist. Nat. Crust. Ins. lii, 1802, p. 284, xii, 1804, p. 161 ; Hancocli, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 110, 141 ; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, pp. 52, 57. Tettix, Cbarpentier, Germ. Zeitschr. Ent. ni, 1841, p. 315 ; Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxvii, 1887, pp. 187, 195, 257. Bulla, Schrank {nec Linn.), Enum. Ins. Austr. 1781, p. 242. Type, Gryllus subulatus, Linn. Range. Cosmopolitan. Body smooth, shghtly rugose. Head not raised, vertex usually broader than the eye, with the sides more or less sinuated, carinated, subangulately rounded, in profile distinctly produced and slightly pointed before the eyes; frontal costa generally sinuated before the antennae; antennae very short, not extending to the humeral angles and often shorter than the head, rather thick, with from 12 to 14 joints, and inserted hardly before the eyes.' Pronotum with the back ridged, rarely depressed, only slightly expanded between the shoulders, truncated or augulated in front, and pointed and produced behind about as far as the hind femora; humeral angles very obtuse, hinder angles of the lateral lobes slightly and obliquely turned outwards; lateral margins of the lower ones straight, or subsinuated at the base. Legs simple, carina of the femora rarely waved ; hind tibiae linear, Pig. 68. — Paratettix semihirsutus. ACETDIUM. 67 slender, sometimes slightly widened towards the tips ; the carinse serrulate, spiny, unarmed on the inner carina for the apical fifth ; first joint of hind tarsi distinctly longer than the third. ' When the pronotum is produced beyond the hind femora, tegraina and wings (extending beyond the pronotum) are usually present. Key to the Species. 1 (2) Pronotum and wings extending far beyond the hind femora atypicale, Hanc, p. 67. 2 (1) Pronotum and wings little, if at aU, produced beyond the hind femora. [p. 69. 3 (4) Pronotum with four black spots quadriplagiatum, Walk., 4 (3) Pronotum with only two black spots. [p. 68, 5 (6) Median carina of pronotum undulated, dilatatum, De Haan, 6 (5) Median carina of pronotum regularly arched. 7 (8) Body not hairy beneath hipunctaturn, L., p. 68. 8 (7) Body hairy beneath atypicale, form ceylonum, [Hanc, p. 67. 68. Acrydium atypicale, Hanc. Tettix atypicalis, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 142, 155, pi. iii, fig. 14. Body slender, granulate-punctate, grey or reddish, legs ringed with brown. Vertex as wide as the eye and produced in front ; antennae rather short, filiform. Pronotum truncate in front, produced behind considerably beyond the bind femora ; a brown spot on each side behind ; raised between the shoulders, humeral angles acute, median carina continuous, regularly arched in front, and somewhat depressed behind. Tegmina oval, rounded at the tips ; wings considerably longer than the pronotum. Femora slightly compressed, the cariuge finely serrulate ; hind tibiae spinose, first and third joints of hind tarsi of nearly equal length, pulvilli pointed at the ends, third as long as the first two togt^ther. Margins of legs, mouth-parts, and under surface hairy. Ovipositor short, the upper part rather wide. Length 11-5-14 mm,; hind femur, 5*5 mm. Ceylojt : Kandy, Peradeniya, Dikoya, Taken on grassland and at light in Tebruary, July, and November. Micropterous Form. Acrydium atypicale ceylonum, Hanc. Tettix atypicalis ceylonus, Hancock, Spol, Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 142, 143. A small form, with the pronotum and wings more or less abbreviated, and the middle femora expanded in the male. f2 68 ACEYDIINJE. Length 6-9-10 mm. ; hind femur, 4*2-5 mm. Ceylon : Maskeliya, Pundalnoya. Taken in January, March, April, and August. 69. Aery di urn dilatatum, Be llaan. Acridium (Teiti.v) dilataium, De Haan, Temminck, Verhandel., Orth. 1842, pp. 167, 169, pi. xxii, 12. Tettix dilatatus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belpf. xxxi, 1887, pp. 187, 257, 260 ; Brunner, Ann. Mus. Genova, xxxiii, 1893, p. 109. Ferruginous brown. Vertex broad, frontal carinae compressed, raised, and sinuated ; eyes prominent. Pronotum truncated in front, dilated, produced behind to the extremity of the abdomen, sometimes as far as or further than the hind femora ; median carina tectiform before the middle; depressed behind the shoulders, and partly obliterated by a row of tubercles. Wings abbreviated, twice as long as the tegmina. Femora with waved cariDa6, the hind femora spined at the tips, and wirh the outer area tuberculate or rugose ; hind tibiae spinose. Length 9-14 mm. ; hind femur, 5'5 mm. Bfema : Karen Hills, 4000-4300 ft. ; Jata. 70. Acrydium bipunctatum, L. Gryllus {Bidla) b{jmnctatu,t, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. (ed. x), 1758, p. 427. Tettix bipimctatus, Brunner, Prodr. Ent. Orth. 1882, pp. 234, 235; Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 187, 258, 263 ; id., Ann. Soc. Ent, France, Ixx, p. 585. Aci-ydium bipunctatum, Kirby, Syu. Cat. Orth. iii, 1910, p. 33. The extensive synonymy of this species is given by Brunner von Wattenwyl and Kirby, and need not here be repeated. Fig. 59. — Acrydium bipunciaiim. Eather stout, colour excessively variable; brown or luteous, varied with grey and brown ; nearly always with two triangular satiny black spots on the pronotum behind the shoulders. Vertex a little broader than the eye, and shghtly produced in front ; frontal costa shghtly waved behind the antennae, Pronotum truncated in front, not produced behind beyond the hind femora. ACRTDIUJM. — EUGATETTIX. 69 Fig. 60. — Acryclkim bipunctaium. Fig. 61. — Acryclium qtiadriplagia /.urn. and often shorter, carina continuous, raised and gradually arched in front, and shghtly depressed "behind; front carina} slightly waved. Wings as long as the pronotum in the male; in the female much shorter and nearly obsolete. Hind femora thickened, the carinas sharp, but not undulated ; first joint of hiud tarsi with the pulvilli rounded beneath, the third as long as the first two together. Length 7-11-5 mm.; hind femur, 5-5-5 mm. M.4.DEAS : Kodailianal ; N. & W. Asia ; EUKOPE. 71. Acrydium quadriplagiatum, Wdllc Tettix quadriplaqiata, AValker, Oat. Derm. Salt. B.M. V, 1871, p. 828. Brown, stout, granulated, apterous. Vertex wider than the eye, raised above the eye into an obtuse angle, and forming a rounded projection between the antennae ; cheeks and front of pronotum with raised granules. Median carina on pronotum raised between the shoulders, straight, continuous, and tectiform ; carinas of front area distinct ; disc with two black spots on each side before the middle, the hinder- most pair the larger; the apex extending about as far as the hind femora and covering the abdomen as far as the base of the appendages. Legs paler than the body, and obscurely banded with blackish ; middle femora considerably compressed and expanded, hind femora mth several incomplete longitudinal rows of small blackish spots on the upper and lower outer areas ; hind tibiae spinose ; first joint of hind tarsi much longer than the third, the pulvilli pointed beneath, the first two of equal length, and the third half as long again as the second. NoKTH India. Type in the British Museum, Genus ERGATETTIX, nov. Type, Erf/atettiv tarsalis, sp. nov- Eyes moderately prominent, separated by a space equal to 70 ACRYDIIN^. neai'ly one of them ; antennso slender, moderately long, inserted just below the eyes, beneath which the front projects slightly. Pronotum somewhat rugose ; the median carina distinct, undu- lating, extending considerably beyond the hind femora and the abdomen, which are of about equal length, but rather shorter than the wings ; beyond the level of the abdomen it is very slender. Four front femora compi-essed and A\idened; hind femora thickened, somewhat nodulose ; middle tibife compressed and widened towards the base ; hind tibia3 with terminal spines, those in the carinse very small ; hind tarsi M ith the first joint much longer than the third, with four moderate equal pulvilli beneath. 72. Ergatettix tarsalis, sp. nov. Dark browu or reddish brown, the antennae sometimes with Fig. 62. — Ergatettix tarsalis. pale rings. Pronotum usually Mith a more or less distinct transverse black band, or two large spots just behind the level of the hind cox£e. Hind femora often with one or two black spots above, towards the extremity ; hind tibiae black, with two Avhite bands. Length, from head to tips of wings, 12-15 mm. BEJfGAL : Calcutta, Types in the British Museum and Calcutta Museum. Genus SPADOTETTIX. Spadotcttix, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. vi, 1910, p. 146. TxPE, Spadotettix'jietclieri, Hanc. Range. Ceylon. Apterous, face very oblique, vertex broader than the eye ; median carina angulate, produced before the eyes. Pronotum truncate anteriorly, extending to the eyes, lateral lobes with the hinder angles slightly reflexed outwards, obtuse and obliquely truncate behind. Fig. Qi.— Ergatettix tarsalis. SPAUOTETTIX. — HEDOTETTIX. 71 73. Spadotettix fletcheri, Hanc. Spadotettix fletcheri, Hancock. Spol. Zeyl. vi, 1910, p. 147, figs. 1, 2. Small, apterous, dark brown. Vertex wide, produced beyond the eyes, with a projecting median carina, face oblique, eyes small ; antenna3 slender, with 13 or 14 joints, inserted opposite the anterior lower angle of the eyes. Prouotum granulated, median carina biundulate. Front and middle femora compressed, hind femora with the lower margin " triundulate, bearing a small median lobe"; hind tibiae black, with a slight yellow ring behind the knee ; carinaB serrate-spinose ; first joint of hind tarsi slightly longer than the third ; first joint with the first and second pul villi pointed, the third more flattened below. Length 8 mm. Ceylon : Madulsima, 3500 ft. " On mossy rocks." Genns HEDOTETTIX. Hedotettix, Bolivar, Ann. See. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 188, 195, 283 ; Hancock, Spol. Zevl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 111, 148; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, jpp. 52, 60. Type, Acridium (Tettix) gracile, De Haan. Range. Indian Eegion, Australia, Africa, Madagascar. Body slender, nearly smooth or only slightly granulated. Head not prominent, A'ertex not broader than the eye, carinated in the middle, generally expanded and transversely carinated in front, frontal costa arched between the antennae, not sinuated between the eyes ; antennae filiform, rather short, inserted between the eyes. Pronotum truncated and obtusely augulated in front, long and pointed behind, the median carina slightly compressed and continuous ; hinder angle of the lateral lobes very narrowly rotund-truncate, or slightly pointed. Tegmina rounded at the tip, rarely pointed ; wings generally as long as the pronotum. Legs compressed, front femora entire or indistinctly undulated, hind femora with the carinae granulated ; tibiae regularly spined ; first joint of the hind tarsi long, the third joint shorter than the first. Key to the Species. 1 (2) Frontal carina widely snlcate, the rami widened between the eyes gracilis, De Haan. 2 (1) Frontal carinae nearly straight, not suddenly divergent between the eyes. . . . attemtatus, Hanc. Species incertse sedis lineifera. Walk. 72 ACllYDITNJE. 74. Hedottetix gracilis, Be Baan. Acridimn {Tetti.v) gracile, De Haan, Temminck, Verlmndel. Orth. 1842, pp. 167, 169. Iledotcttix ffntcilis, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxxi, 1887, pp. 188, 283, 284 ; Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 149, 156, pi. iii, %. 19. Tettiv discalis, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. v, 1871, p. 826, Tettix vmbrifera, Walker, op. cit., 1871, p. 824. (?) Tettiv lineata, Walker, op. cit. Suppl. 1871, p. 90. Hedotettix festivus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belff. xxxi, 1887, pp. 188, 284, 286, pi. V, iig. 24. Hedotettix gracilis abortus, Hancock, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1887, pp. 188, 284, 286, pi. V, fig. 24. Tettix ohliquifera, Walker, op. cit. p. 825. Var. Tettix vittifera. Walker, op. cit. p. 824. Var. Tettix nigricollis, Walker, op, cit. p. 826. Long and slender, very variable in colour, yellow, varied with brown and rosy, or brown and green, with pale or reddish central and lateral carinse, a black oblong spot on each side before the lateral carina in front, and a narroAv angulated black mark touching the lateral carinse just behind the shoulder. Vertex as broad as the eye, front rounded, face nearly straight and slightly oblique. Pronotum truncated in front, acute behind, and produced considerably beyond the hind femora ; hinder angles of lateral Fig. Q4i. — Hedotettix gracilis. lobes slightly angulated, with the outer margin thickened. Tegmina blackish, oval, rounded at the ends ; wings as long as or much longer than the pronotum, extending neady or quite to the tips of the tibiae. Legs pale, often with darker rings ; front femora compressed and cariuated, especially the middle ones; hind femora with the upper outer area blackish, the slightly oblique wrinkles separated by paler lines ; hind tibiae finely spinose ; first joint of hind tarsi nearly twice as long as the third, pulvilli pointed at tips, the third scarcely longer than the second. Length 12-15 (in mici'opterous form, 9-10) mm. ; hind femur, 4*9-6 mm. N. India ; Bombay ; Madkas : Trichinopoly ; Burma : Teinzo, Eangoon ; Java : Krawang ; Celebes : Tondauo. HEDOXETTIX. 73 75. Hedotettix attenuatus, Hanc. IledotettLv attenuatus, [lancoclc, Spol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 149, 151, pi. iii, %. 18 ; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, p. 60, fig. 23. Body very slender, vertex narrower than one of the eyes, subtrimcate in front, and scarcely raised above the eyes ; median carina of pronotum liardly compressed. Colour very variable, sometimes with a broad longitudinal stripe of emerald green, which fades after death. Length 10'5-14 mm. ; hind femur, 4*5-6*7 mm, Ceylox: Colombo. Fig. Qb— Hedotettix gracilis. Fig. GQ.—Hedotetti.v lineifera. 76. Hedotettix (?) lineifera, Walh. Tettix lineifera, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt, v, 1871, p. 824. Differs from H. gracilis in tlie pronotum being slightly raised and undulated along the central keel ; the upper surface is brown, with several raised longitudinal whitish lines. Length, to end of pronotum, 16 mm. ; to end of wings, 18 mm. Bombay. I should have regarded this insect as another variety of the very variable //. gracilis, but for the longitudinally ridged pro- notum. It should perhaps form a new genus ; but I have only two specimens before me in too bad condition to describe in detail. 74 ACEYJJIINjTi;. Y Genus COPTOTETTIX. Capfotettix, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Eelg-. xxxi, 1887, pp. 188, 195, 287 ; Hancock, 8pol. Zeyl. ii, 1904, pp. 108, 111, 152; id., Gen. Ins., Orth. Tetrig. 1906, pp. 62, 65. Type, Coptoietticc aspemtus, Bol. llancie. Indian Eegion, Anstralia, West and East Africa, Body more or less rugose or granulated. Head not prominent, ertex smooth, narrowed in front, the frontal carinulse intei-rupted internally, or recurved ; frontal costa rounded, more or less produced ; antennae long, filiform, inserted between the eyes. Pronotum truncated in front, produced behind only as far as the hind femora; or else very long and pointed; median carina almost always depressed, very rarely ridged. Tegmina oblong : wings often abbreviated. IVont femora generally long, with parallel carinas ; hind femora long, with the carinas entire or crenulated ; first joint of hind tarsi longer than the third. Key to the S^yecies. 1 (4) Tegmina and wings absent. 2 (3) Colour black ; hind femora with a tooth above before the extremity . . latifrons, Brunn., p. 74. 3 (2} Colour luteous ; hind femora with no tooth above before the extremity . . acideterminattts, 'Bvvmn., 4 (\) Tegmina and wings present. [p. 75. 5 (8) Pronotum not extending beyond the tip of the abdomen ; wings more or les^ rudimentary. 6 (7) Median cariQa of pronotum ridged. .. . /ossw/a Green or ochreous. Antennae 10-jointed ; head narrowed and rather pointed above, very broad below the eyes, with a short black line on each side near the lower end of the face. Pronotal crest more or less projecting roundly over the head, regularly arched above, and extending nearly to the middle of the abdomen. J.egmma rather broadly pointed at the extremity, with a row of 6-8 long black spots in the discoidal area. Wings subhyaline, Fig. 74. — Phylloohm-eia equa, straight, parallel, rounded at the extremity. Hind femora broad, much compressed, denticulated above; hind tibite slender, with the upper carinse closely denticulated. Length: $ 26-44 mm., d 16 mm. CETLOIf. Tyjpe iu the Oxford Museum. 89. Phyllochoreia asina, Burr. Phyllochoreia asina, Burr, Ann. Soc. Espan. xxviii, 1899, pp. 301, 302. > ivv ) Pale testaceous. Pront smooth. Pronotum with the front angles rounded, the crest not much arched, its hinder angle acute, with the hind margin obliquely truncated. Hind femora much g2 84 JJUMASTACIN/E. compressed. Tegmina rather narrow, projeetiug beyond the hind femora, and dark at the tip. Length 13 mm. Ceylon : Hambantota. Type in the Oxford Museum. Genus SCIRTOTYPUS. Scirtotypus, Bruuner von Wattenwyl, Abh, Senckenb. Ges. xxiv, 1898, pp. 216, 220 ; Burr, Gen. Ins., Orth. Eumast. 1903, pp. 3, 4. TlPB, Scirtotyinis aherrans, Brunn. Range. Ceylon, Borneo, W. Africa. Tastigium of the vertex obtuse, but the occiput I'aised behind it, and obtusely pointed and carinated. Pronotum closely granu lated, shorter than the height of the head, with the crest raised and serrulated. Tegmina broader towards the extremity, and obliquely truncated ; wings shorter than the tegmina. All the femora much compressed and dilated, with the hind pair serrated above ; hind tibiae armed above with large spines, and vsdth a large triangular lobe near the base. Valves of the ovipositor smooth. 90. Scirtotypus greeni. Burr. Scirtotypus greeni, Burr, Ann. See. Espafi. xxviii, 1899, pp. 99, 100. (S . Brown. Eastigium of the vertex perpendicular, truncated at the tip. Pronotum compressed, strongly crested, with the dorsal carina oblique in front, and strongly excavated behind, with the hind margin acuminate, with the point in the form of a hook. Tegmina narrow, parallel-sided, obtusely truncated, brown at the base, then hyaline; tip brown, with a hyaline spot towards the extremity of the inner margin. Wings longer than the tegmina, with the tips brown and caudate. All the femora much compressed, with the upper carina denticulated ; hind tibiae sub- sinuate, lobate, with the lobes not denticulated, brown, with indistinct pale rings, and the spines with pale markings. Abdomen compressed, carinated ; cerci short, conical, incurved ; subgenital lamina short. Length Q'To mm. ; pronotum, 2-75 mm. ; tegmina, 10 mm. ; hind femur, 9 mm. Cetlok: Pundaluoya. Type in the Oxford Museum. Genus ORCHETYPUS. Orchetypus, Brunner, Abh. Senckenb. Ges. xxiv, 1898, pp. 216, 220,'; Burr, Gen. Ins., Orth. Eumast. 1903, pp. 3, 5. Type, Orchetypus subtruncatus, Brunn. OBClIETyPUS. 85 llange. Ceylon, Congo. Characters of Scirtoti/pus, but the front rugose and the pro- notum less strongly so, and with some obsolete nervin-es ; tegmina lanceolate, shorter than the wings. Ovipositor with the lower valves serrulated. Kei/ to the Species. 1 (2) Dorsal carina strongly excavated before the extremity '2 (1) Dorsal carina not strongly excavated before the extremity. 3 (4) Dorsal carina regularly rounded 4 (3) Dorsal carina arched in front and depressed behind subtruncatus, Brunu. rotundatus, Brmm. ceijlonicus, Karsch. 91. Orchetypus rotundatus, Bnmn. Orchetyjms rotundatus, Brunner, Abh. Senckenb. Ges. xxiv, 1898, pp. 216, 220. Crest of the prouotum regulai'ly rounded. Length 30 mm. ; prouotum, 13 mm. Cexlox. Type in the collection of Brunner von Wattenvvyl. 92. Orchetypus ceylonicus, Karsch. Choroetypus ceylonicus, Karsch, Ent. Nachr. xv, 1889, p. 8 ; Burr, Ann. Soc. Espafi. xxviii, 1899, p. 300. Orchetypus ceylonicus, Saussure, Kev. Suisse ZooL xi, 1903, p. 73, pi. iii, tig. 6. Yellowish green, with brown markings. Antennae filiform, with the joints longer than broad ; front very rugose ; fastigium of the vertex truncated at the extremity. Dorsal carina of the pronotum arched in front, and depressed behind, with the hind margin sinuated. Tegmina rounded behind, not extending beyond the abdomen. All the femora strongly foliaceously dilated; hind tibiae vAth a terminal foliaceoiis lobe. Terminal appendages with the tips hooked in opposite directions ; the upper valves strongly dentated above, and the lower ones below. Length 26-28 mm. ; tegmina, 19 mm. ; hind femur, 13 mm. ; height of pronotum, 11-5 mm. ; greatest breadth of tegmina, 5 mm. Cetlok. Type in the Bei'lin Museum. 93. Orchetypus subtruncatus, Brunn. Orchcti/pus suUnmcatu^, Brunner, Abh. Senckeub. Ges. xxiv, 1899, p. 221, pi. xvii, fig. 28. Crest of pronotum rounded and almost pointed in front, with the apical third deeply excavated. 86 BUMASTACINiE. Length 32 mm. ; prouotum, 12 mm. Ceylon. Type in tbe collection of Brunner von Watteiiwyl. Groiip II. ERIANTHINI. Key to the Genera. Fastig-ium of the vertex raised; vertex viewed from tlie front acuminate or bifid Ehianthus, p. 86. Fastigium of tbe vertex horizontal ; vertex viewed from tbe front truncate Bennia, p. 91. Genus ERIANTHUS. UricmtJius, StSl, Bib. Svensk. Akad. Handl. iii (14), 1875, p. 36 ; Bnmner, Abb. Senckenb. Ges. xxiv, 1898, p. 221 ; Burr, Gen. Ins., Orth. Eumast. 1903, pp. 6, 7 ; Saussure, Rev. Suisse Zool. xi, 1903, pp. 75, 77. Type, Mastax guttata, Westw. Range. The Indo-Malayan Eegion. Pastigium of the vertex erect, tapering, with the tip straight or slightly reflexed, and obtuse ; front flattened, rugose, with a smooth dilated ridge between the antennae. Pronotum smooth, slightly raised, truncated in front, obtusely produced behind, and longitudinally carinated. Tegmina narrow, broader towards the extremity, with a few veins, and more or less subhyaline. Wings triangular, subhyaline, not longer than the tegmina. Femora slightly compressed, carinated above, and produced into a tooth behind ; hind femora slender, serrated above ; hind tibise with from 20-25 equal spines on the inner carina, and 25 on the outer ; first joint of hind tarsi sulcated above, and dentated on the outer carina. Abdomen with the eighth segment expanded in the male, and the anal appendages very large ; in the female bifid at the extremity, and grooved on each side ; lower valves with the basal plates smooth and punctured, and the upper border dilated. Key to the Species. 1 (4) Vertex bifid or (in a supposed variety of tbe male) truncate. 2 (3) Wings of ordinary form ({ffi'''-is, Westw., p. 87. 3 (2) Wings strongly sinuated apically, tbe apex itself very acute bifidus, sp. n., p. 87. 4 (1) Vertex not bifid. 5 (8) Vertex pointed, subreflexed. [p. 89. 6 (7) Tegmina acutely pointed acutipennis, Sauss., 7 (6) Tegmina obtusely pointed (juttatus, Westw., p. 88. 8 (5) Vertex more or less rounded. 9 (10) Wings brown lityubris, Brunn., p. 89. 10 (9) Wings more or less yellowish hyaline. EEIAHTIIUS. 87 11 (12) Tegmina brown, with or without whitish spots dejioratus, Brunn., p. 89. [p. 90. hmnbertiamis, Sauss., 12 (11) Teguiiua pale. 13 (14) Tegmina hyaline, unspotted 14 (13) Tegmina spotted. 15 (16) Tegmina with two hyaline spots .... Havipes, Sauss., p. 90. 16 (15) Tegmina with one hyaline spot .... birmanicns, Sauss., p. 90. 94. Erianthus aflBnis, Wesitv. Mastax apnis, Westwood, Arcana Ent. ii, 1843, p. 54, note. _ Erianthm acuticarinatus, Brunner, Ann. Mus. Genova, xxxiii, 1893, p. 117, pi. V, fig. 48; Saussure, Rev. Suisse Zool. xi, 1903, pp. 78, 80, pi. iii, fig. 11. Brown, incliniug to rufous. Eastigium of the vertex erect, very broad, and more or less bifid at the extremity. Pronotum Saussure's figure, and the lower appendages have three small teeth before the extremity. The male has a small white spot towards the apex of the tegmina. Eemora blackish, strongly compressed and laminate-carinate above and below ; hind femora with three white bands, and the upper carina terminating in a sharp triangular tooth. Length 25-32 mm. ; exp. of tegmina, 35-48 ram. Assam : Sylhet ; Burma : Teinzo. Type in the Oxford Museum ; that of acuticarinatus in the Genoa Museum. 95. Erianthus bifidus, sp. nov. Dark brown, with the carinse of the face pale, and the legs with rather indistinct pale spots. Vertex almost perpendicularly raised betw-een the eyes, and shghtly notched at the extremity ; Pig. 75. — Erianthus affims. I rugose, with a high irregular median carina. Tegmina with ferruginous network, the spaces between subhyaline, especially above the prin- cipal nervure, and an oblique whitish stripe at about four- fifths of the inner margin, running towards the tip. Wings fulvo - hyaline, with ferruginous nervures, and a narrow brown hind margin. Abdomen ferruginous brown, especially at the extremity. The upper appendages of the female are finely serrated, not coarsely and irregularly, as in 88 EUMASTACINJE. pronotum strongly ridged, rectangular beyond the middle, and pointed behind. Tegmina slightly widened towards the apex, and trun- cated at the tip, hyaline, broadly brown along the lon- gitudinal nervures, brownish towards the base, and with the outer third brown, marked with two or three irregular hyaline spots. Wings transparent, with the tip very acute and brown. Pront femora broadened and flattened ; hind femora strongly serrated above ; Fig. IQ.—Erianthus bifidus. hind tibiae with a large triangular excrescence near the base, and with numerous short spines, interrupted by a few longer ones ; the legs are black, with paler spots, and the tibial spines are mostly black, but the appendage and the spines placed on the pale spaces are pale. Antennae shoi't, the basal half whitish, except the second joint which is black ; the outer half is brown. Length 15 mm.; expanse Fig. 77. — Erianthus bifidus (larva). tegmina, 25 mm. Ceylon : Kandy. Type in the British Museum. Taken 26th July, 1910 ; also larvae in June, July, and October. 96. Erianthus guttatus, Westiv. Mastax guttata, Westwood, Arcana Ent. i, ]841, p. 100, pi. xxvi, %• 3. Erianthus guttatus, Brunner, Abh. Senckenb. Ges. xxiv, 1898, pp. 222, 223. EriantJms versicolor, Brunner, op. cit. pp. 222, 224. Blackish, face and head below the eyes more or less yellow. Fastigium of the vertex erect, pointed ; aritennae thickened in the male, filiform in the female. Pronotum nearly smooth, with a slight median carina, and obtusely angulated behind ; the sides broadly and the extremity narrowly yellow. Tegmina brown, the interspaces subhyaline, and two large white spots, one on the costa near the tip and the other at five-sixths of the length EUIANTIIUS. 89 of the hiud margin ; hind margin regularly oblique. Wings hyaline, clouded towards the extremities, " Abdomen much thickened before tlie extremity, and the lower valves in the female thick and strongly recurved. Length 17-18 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 32-42 mm. BuKJiA : Karen Hills, Pegu ; Malay States : Singapore ; Cambodia; Sumatra; Philippikes. Type in the British Museum; that of E. versicolor in the collection of Brunner von Wattenwyl. Westwood does not mention, nor represent in his figure, the yellow borders of the pronotum. 97. Erianthus lugubris, Brunn. Erianthus liu/ubris, Brunner, Ahh. Senckenh. Qes. xxiv, 1898, pp. 222, 225 ; Saussm-e, Rev. Suisse Zool. xi. 1903, pp. 78, 83. Olive-brown, face and under surface pale yellow, Fastigium of the vertex short, obtuse. Pronotum rounded at the tip, and sharply carinated above. Tegmina narrow , parallel-sided, uniform chestnut-brown ; wings blackish, with white spots and marldngs towards the tip, or brownish hyaline, with blacldsh white-spotted tips. Length 30 mm., tegmina, 17-21 mm, SiKKIM, 98. Erianthus defloratus, Brunn. Erianthus defloratus, Brunner, Ann. Mns. Genova, xxxiii, 1893, p. 116; id., Abh. Senckeub. Ges. xxiv, 1898, pp. 222, 224; Saussure, Rev. Suisse Zool. xi, 1903, pp. 78, 81. Chestnut-brown, face olive, sides of pronotum often yellowish. Pastigium of the vertex obtuse, carinated. Median carina of pronotum acute, but not lobate. Tegmina brown, more or less subhyaline towards the base, and with or without a subhyaline spot at three-quarters of the inner margin ; M'ings yellowish. Hind femora unspotted. Length 18 mm. ; tegmina, 19 mm. Burma : Bhamo. Type in the Grenoa Museum. 99. Erianthus acutipennis, Sauss. Erianthus acutipennis, Saussure, Rev. Suisse Zool. xi, 1903, p. 78, pi. iii, fig. 8. Uniform chestnut-brown. Fastigium of tlie vertex raised, rather pointed, rugose in front. Pronotum strongly carinated, rectangular and truncated behind. Tegmina hooked and pointed at the tip, with two hyaline spots. Wings yellowish h3^aline, darker towards the extremity, with two hyaline spots ; tlie hind 90 BUMASTACINiE. margin sligliMy sinuated, and the tip pointed. Hind femora witli brown and pale bands on the inner surface and beneath ; the VTpper margin denticulated and the tip with a long hook ; hind tibia; obscurely banded with yellow. Length 31 mm. ; tegmina, 22 mm. Assa:m : Kha&i Hills. Type in the Geneva Mnseum. 100. Erianthus flavipes, Sauss. Evianthus Jtavipes, Saussm-e, Eev. Suisse Zool. xi, 1903, pp. 78, 79, pi. iii, fig. 10. Chestnut-brown or reddish. Fastigium of the vertex rounded, cheeks rugose-punctate ; face yellow to the vertex. Pronotum carinulated, not pointed in front. Tegmina pale chestnut, sub- hyaline, with two pale spots ; obliquely truncated before the tip. Wings narrow, gclden-hyaline. Eour front legs concolorous ; hind femora pale yellow, the tip narrowly black, and the base brownish. Lengtli 28 mm.; tegmina, 23 mm. Burma : Karen Hills. Type in the Geneva Mnseum. 101. Erianthus birmanicus, Sauss. Erianthus birmanicus, Saussure, Rev. Suisse Zool. xi, 1903, pp. 78, 82, pi. iii, tig. 12. Head olive ; fastigium of the vertex parallel-sided, truncated at the tip, slightly arched, as is also the occiput. Pronotum black, with a slightly crested and nearly straight carina. Tegmina narrow, aubhyaline chestnut, with one hyaline spot at one-third of the length of the inner margin. Wings yellowish hyaline. Front legs slender, hind femora yellowish, more or less trifasciate with black ; tibiae and tarsi and abdomen above yellow. Length 17'5 mm.; tegmina, 18'5 mm. Burma : Bhamo. Type in the Geneva Museum. 102. Erianthus humbertianus, Sauss. Erianthus humhertianus, Saussure, Eev. Suisse Zool. xi, 1903, pp. 78, 83, pi. iii, tig. 9. Chestnut, varied with yellow. Head rather large, face broad ; front between the antennae broad, scutellum rather broader than long, foveolate ; fastigium of the vertex short, quadrate, sub- convex, broadly truncated at the tip. Pronotum saddle-shaped, carinulate. Tegmina very narrow, rounded at the tip, sub- hyaline, with brown nervures, and finely spotted with brown at the tip. Wings hyaline, rounded and slightly brownish at 91 the tips. Legs rather thiclc ; front femora scarcely dilated, hind femora not banded ^vith black ; tibiso with four yellow rings ; tarsi yellow. Length 2G"5 mm. ; tegmina, 21 mm. Ceylon. Type in the Geneva Museum. Bennia, Burr, Ann. Soc. Espau. xxviii, 1899, pp. 88, 94, 106 ; id., Geu. Ins., Orth. Eumast. 1903, pp. 6, 9. Type, Mastax innotata, Walk. Range. Yunnan, Bhutan. Pastigium of the vertex projecting horizontally beyond the eye, and truncated at the extremity ; eyes very large, oval, and prominent ; antennae snbclavate ; face with, lateral carinae curved iuAvards at the eyes, middle carinse moderately divergent, but united at the extremities. 103. Bennia innotata, Wallc. Mastax innotata, Walker, Cut. Derm. Salt. B.M. v, Suppl. 1871, p. 88. Bennia innotata, Burr, Ann. Soc. Espau. Hist. Nat. xxviii, 1899, p. 106 . [Ferruginous, slender. Head elongate, obliquely but abruptly ascending ; tip of vertex conical, prominent, sHghtly bilobed. Eace long, oblique, with four well-defined keels ; inner keels Genus BENNIA. JS^ey to the Sj^eoies. Tegmina not spotted at base Tegmina spotted with brown at base . . . innotata, Walk. oberthuri, Bol. Posterior femora as long as forming the frontal costa con- verging and meeting at a short distance from the cly- peus ; antennae black, short, pale at the base ; eyes ellip- tical, prominent. Prothorax shoi-t, widened posteriorly, with a slight median carina. the abdomen ; tibiae slender, piceous, a little longer than the femora ; spines small. Fig. ns.— Bennia innotata. Tegmina narrow, very slightly infuscate, hyaline, with two pale spots near the apex, the anterior one very small, the posterior one occupying six or. eight of the cells. Wings slightly paler 92 EUMASTACINjE. than the tegmina, transparent ; the apical half of the costal margin dark brown. Length 14: mm. ; pronotuui, 3 nun. ; tegmina, 20 mm. ; posterior femur, 3 mm.] Yunnan. Ty2)e in the British Museum. 104. Beunia oberthuri, Bot Bennia oberthuri, Bolivar, Bol. Sec. Espau. iii, 1903, p. 303. [Olivaceous, lleacl reddish, striped with fuscous behind the eyes ; eyes red, variegated with yellow. Pronotum rugnlose, anterior margin somewhat reflexed, median carina narrow, slightly compressed, posterior margin obtuse-angular ; the deflexed lobes posteriorly distinctly higher, lower margin sinuate. Tegmina of male scarcely projecting beyond the apex of the hind femora, fuscous, with the veins olivaceous, the base spotted with fuscous ; those of the female not reaching the apex of the femora. Wings of male obscurely fuscous, those of the female spotted with. yellow. Posterior tibisB reddish. Length, c? , body 20 ; pron. 2-S ; tegui. 16 ; fern. post. 12 mm. $, » 81; „ 4; „ 16 ; „ ,. 16 „ British Bhutan : Maria Basti. Dr. Bolivar states (Z. c.) that he has had this species in his collection under the manuscript generic name of Butania, but not being satisfied that it is distinct from Bennia, Burr, which is imperfectly defined, he adopts Bennia pending further investiga- tion, and gives the following characters of his species : — " Pastigium verticis dimidia lougitudine oculi muito brevius obtusum, subhorizontaliter prodnetum, anticetruncatum. Occiput obtuse carinatum. Prons valde obliqua, elorigata. Costa fron- talis ante apicem abbreviata, ante ocelhini subcoarctata, inter antennas ampliata atque deplanata ; carinis lateralibus fronte prope oculos fractis. Oculi elongati. Antennae breves. Pronotum in modum generum Eupatridem constructum. Elytra a])icem fe- morum posticorum baud vel vix superantia apicem -\ ersus indis- tincte ampliata apice oblique rotundato-truncata. Alse hand cycloidesB, fuscce, parte antica apice rotundata. Pemora comjn-essa, carinis baud dilatatis. Pemora postica elongata parum pone medium filiformia, supra carinis duabis denticulatis, subtus carina media mutica. Tibiae posticaj superne carina externa spinulis parvis seque longis, carina interna spinis longioribus inaequalibus numero 20-22 arinata. Metatarsus posticus superne carinis ambobus denticulatis. Abdomen 92, 598. Type, Parapldceoha platycejjs, BoL Range. India, Ceylon. G-eneival cliaracters of Phlccohida, but the carinas of the A-'ertex are acute, Avithout foveolte, the pronotum is truncated both before and behind, and the rudimentary tegmina are more or less pointed. Key to the Species. 1 (2) Pronotum expanded heliind, with the dorsal cariofe distinctly converging behind .... platyceps, Bol., 2 (1 j Pronotum not expanded behind, with the [p. 108. lateral cavinte parallel, not diverging behind. [p. 108, 3 (4) Pronotum nearly smooth carinata, Bol., 4 (3) Pronotum rugulose smowi, Bol.,p. 109, 124, Paraphlaeoba platyceps, Bol. ParapMcBoba platyceps. Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 693, pi. ix, fig. 29. Eusty grey, or brown, pubescent. Frontal ridge almost com- pletely sulcated, towards the clypeus deeply impress-punctate ; fastigium of the vertex smooth, triangular, transverse in the male, and in the female as long as broad, and forming an obtuse angle in front ; the median carina interrupted by a transverse sulcus before the tip, Pronotum with tbe surface rugulose, impresso-punctate behind, truncated, often very slightly excised in the middle, with the lateral carinas callous, distinctly diverging behind, and externally bordered with brown ; the deflexed lobes with the hind margin sinuated, and the lower margin obtusely angulated behind the middle. Hind knees infuscated. Abdomen with a broad brown fascia on each side, with a narrow pale border within, 6. Length 15 mm. ; pronotum, 2*8 mm. ; tegmina, 2-8 mm, ; hind femur, 10 mm, $, Length 26 mm,; pronotum, 4'5 mm, ; tegmina, 4*5 mm,; hind femur, 15 mm, Madras: Kodaikanal, Types in the collections of Messrs. Pantel and Bolivar, 125. Paraphlaeoba carinata, Bol. Paraphlceoba carinata, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, pp. 593, 594. Greyish brown or ferruginous, with grey pubescence. Frontal PAEAPHLiEOBA. 109 ridge silicate nearly to the base, indistinctly punctured towards the clypeus ; fastigiuin ot" the vertex convex, triangular, with no transverse sulcus ; the' median cariuae not intersected in front. Pronotum with the surface nearly smooth, the metazona impress- punctate ; the lateral carinse parallel, pale, interrupted by the usual sulcus, and bordered with brown externally, the deflexed lobes with the hind margin sinuate, and the lateral margin sinuated in front, and roundly subangulate in the middle. Tegmina extending to the first segment of the abdomen, acutely lanceolate, rather convex, the lower margin more or Ipss sinuated before the tip ; red, brownish beneath. Abdomen with a broad brown band on each side, lined with yellow internally. cJ. Length 12 mm.; pronotum, 2'2 mm. ; tegmiua, 2*8 mm. ; hind femur, 8 '5 mm. 5 . Length 20 mm. ; pronotum, 3-8 mm. ; tegmina, 3'8 mm. ; hind femur, 12-5 mm. Madras : Madura. Types in the collections of Messrs. Pantel and Bolivar.^ 126. Paraphlaeolja simoni, Bol. Faraphlaoba simoni, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, pp. 593, 594 Eeddish brown. Prontal ridge narrow as far as the eyes, parallel- sided, and then considerably ex- pa.nded ; fastigium of the vertex tri- angular, moderately produced, smooth, with the carinse distinctly raised. An- tennae slightly dilated, subfiliform, ex- tending rather beyond the hind border of the pronotum in the male. Pronotum with the surface rugulose, the lateral carinse parallel, the deflexed lobes with the hind margin indistinctly sinuated, and the lower margin obtusely nar- rowed. Tegmina extending to the third segment of the abdomen, acutely lanceolate, convex. Abdomen with a broad brown band on the sides. cJ . Length 14 mm. ; pronotum, 3 mm. ; tegmina, 4 mm. ; hind femur, 9*5 mm. Cetlotv' : Nuwara Eliya. Type in the collection of Dr. Bolivar. Fig. 88. Paraphlauba simoni, cJ . 110 TRIXALINJE. Gentis CERACRIS. Ceracns, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 790, Type, Oeracris nic/ricornis, Walk. liange. India, Burma. Moderately stout; head and prouotum punctured; antennae filiform, much longer than head and pronotum together ; fastigium of the A'^ertex horizontal, produced beyond the eyes about as far as the length of the head behind the eyes ; eyes very large, slightly oval and oblique, separated at the narrowest point by a space nearly equal to that of the fastigium bei'ore them ; fastigium slightly cui-ving outwards in front of the eyes, and then obtusely rectarignlated in front ; the sides strongly carinated as far as the eyes, and the space between depressed, with a slight cai'ina in front only ; face moderately oblique, with the median carinse well separated and nearly parallel above, and divergent below ; and lateral carinas running downwards from within the eyes. Pronotum rugose-punctate, with three not very strong carinae, the lateral ones distinctly diverging behind, and cut by three sulci, the space behind the last more thickly and finely punctate. Abdomen with a very strong raised median carina, not quite extending to the extremity. Tegmina and wings well-developed, as long as or longer than the abdomen, as are also the hind femora. Four front tibiae slightly pilose, shortly spinose beneath beyond the middle ; hind femora rather slender, with the usual augulated ridges on the outer central area ; hind tibiae spined above. Key to the Species. 1 (2) Hind femora partly red beneath .... versicolor, Brunn., p. 111. 2 (1) Hind femora not red beneath. 3 (4) Hiud tibiae wholly blue beyond the yellow ring near the base defiorata^ Brunn., p. 112. 4 (3) Tibi£B varied with black and yellow beyond the yellow ring near the base nigricornis, Walk., p. 110. 127. Ceracris nigricornis, Wallc. Ceracris niyricornis, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 791. Testaceous-brown. Head rugosely punctate, slightly convex above, with a dusky longitudinal curved depression on each side, but without distinct carinte behind the eyes ; a black band behind each eye, followed by a black line below the lateral carinae ; antennae black, and a black spot on each side at the lowev corners of the clypeus ; the sutures of the mouth-parts slightly blackish, CEUACRIS. 311 Tegmina yellowish along the inner margin ; wings hyaline. Hind femora with a blackish baud near the extremity, interrupted above, and the sides and base beneath of the terminal thickening black ; a broad pale-coloured lamina on each side at tiie extremity beneath ; hind tibiae black at the base with a yellow spot above ; then follows a broad yellowish ring, then a black ring continued nearly to the extremity by a black line above and another below, the rest being yellowish ; spines tipped with black, 10 on each side, in- creasing in length towards the tip, in addition to the usual terminal ones. Length 32 mm. ; hind femur, 16 mm. ; expanse oi tegmina, 50 mm. SiKKiM: Darjiling. Type in the British Museum. Fig. 89. — Ccracris nigricomis. Walker describes this insect as "gracillimum," probably because the body of the type has been laterally flattened. 128. Ceracris versicolor, Brunn. Duronia versicolor, Brunner, Aun. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893, p. 126. Olive-brown, legs varied with black, yellow, and red. Fastigium of the vertex obtuse. Antennte filiform, much longer than the head and pronotmn together, Pronotum wholly impress-punctate, with the lateral carinse shghtly indicated, and the principal transverse sulcus placed somewhat behind the middle. Tegmina rather longer than the abdomen, the costal area smooth, green, and the deflexed area brownish oUve ; wings bluish-hyaline, slightly clouded. Abdomen uniform olive. Hind femora brownish olive, beneath red to the middle, then black, with a yellow apical ring; hind tibiae black at the base, followed by a yellow ring, the longitudinal sulcus above black to the extremity, the sides blue, and 9 or 10 white spines tipped with black on each side. Length 26 mm.; antennae, 12 mm.; prouotum, 5-S mm.; tegmina, 22 mm. ; hind femora, 16 mm. Burma. : Karen Hills. Type in the Genoa Museum. 112 TllYXALINyi;. 129. Ceracris deflorata, Brunn. Duronia deflorata, ]^runuer, Ann. Mus. Genova, xxxiii, 1893, p. 1:.^G. Dull olive, the femora not ringed. Vertex less obtuse than in C. versicolor. Pronotnin above nearly smooth, Avith the lateral carinas well marked, bordered with straight black bands and diverging behind the transverse sulcus, which is placed in the middle, Tegniina one-fourth longer than the abdomen, with the costal area smooth, pale, the deflexed area brown ; wings yellowish-hyaline, slightly clouded. Hind femora testaceous, darker at the tip ; beneath suffused with red, with no ring. Hind tibiee black at the base, followed by a yellow ring, then wholly blue, with 11 or 12 black-tipped spines on each side. Length 28 mm.; antennae, 12-5 mm.; pronotum, 5'5 mm.; tegmiua, 27 mm.; hind femur, 16 mm. BuEMA : Bhamo. Type in the Genoa Museum. Genus MECOSTETHUS. Mecosteihus, Fieber, Kelch, Ortli. Oberschles. 1852, p. 1. Parapleurus, Fischer, Orth. Eur. 1853, pp. 297, 363. TxPE, Oryllus parapleurus, Hagenh. Range. Europe, Asia. Fastigium of the vertex horizontal, broader than long, rounded at the sides, and roundly truncate in front, the surface depressed, with a central carina, very slightly continued on the rest of the head; foveolae obsolete. Antenme hliform, twice as long as head and pronotum together in the male, and scarcely equal to the pronotum in the female ; eyes prominent, subrotund ; face slightly oblique ; frontal carina rather broadly sulcated from the middle ocellus to the clypeus. Pronotum with the median carina strongly marked; the lateral carinse obsolete ; cut by three transverse sutures, the hindmost about the middle ; the deflexed lobes slightly oblique behind, and the lower edge slightly sinuated ; pronotum hardl}"- rounded in front, and only slightly behind. Tegmina narrow, longer than the abdomen, with the mediasternal ai'ea extending nearly to the rounded tip ; the base not expanded, with an intercalated nervure in the middle of the discoidal area. Wings perfectly developed, rather narrow. Hind femora moderately thickened, as long as the abdomen. Subgenital lamina of male long, pointed ; valves of the ovipositor long, slender, and pointed. MECOSTETHUS. — OYMISTOBOTIIRUS. 113 130. Mecostethiis fasciatus, Bnmn. Mecostethiis fasciatus, Bniimer, Anu. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893. p. 127. Eeddish brown, with a, broad pale central stripe running along the head, pronotura, and tegmina. Pastigium of the vertex triangularly produced, concave above. Antennae filiform, black, with the tip paler. Pronotuni rugose, with a narrow continuous median carina, the last transverse sulcus placed rather behind the middle, behind which the lateral carinae are visible in the female only. Tegmina extending for one-fourth of their length beyond the abdomen, with the accessory nervure distinct ; brown, with a yellow line on the front margin, and a pale stripe on the hind margin, very distinctly marked ; wings slightly clouded. Hind femora pale reddish, with the tip browner, or black (in the male) ; hind tibiae black at the base with a pale ring, the rest dull blue, with 10 spines on the outer carina. Subgenital lamina of the male shortly and obtusely pointed. Length 11-21 mm.; antennae, 9-10 mm,; pronotum, 3-3-4 mm.; tegmina, 13-19 mm.; hind femur, 10-13 mm. BuEMA : Metanja, Palon. Types in the Genoa Museum. Genus GYMNOBOTHRUS. Gymnobothrus, Bolivar, Jorn. Sci. Lisb. (2) i, 1889, p. 100. Type, Gymnohoihrus linea-alba, Bol. Range. Africa, India. Fastigium of the vertex triangular, but narrowly rounded in front, excavated above, with the margins between the eyes more or less carinately produced ; f oveolse triangular or subtrapezoidal, mostly filled up, very oblique or perpendicular, not visible from above ; frontal carina convex between the antennae, then sulcated, and continued to the clypeus. Antennae filiform, or slightly depressed before the middle, about as long as the head and pronotum together. Pronotum tricarinate, with three transverse sulci, the deflexed lobes higher than long. Tegmina perfectly developed, the discoidal area with a distinct intercalated nervure, the ulnar nervures diverging at the base, with an accessory nervure between them. Wings hyaline or shghtly infuscated at the tips. Meta- sternal lobes more or less converging behind the foveolae, but in the male always contiguous. 131. Gymnobothrus indicus, Bol. Gymnobothrus indicus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Eut. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 596, pi. ix, fig. 31. Testaceous, varied with brown. Foveolae of the vertex sub- quadrate, filled up with black ; frontal carina impress-punctate, 114 TBYXALINjE. sulcate at the ocellus for a long space in the male, and a short space in the female. Antenna) filiform, slightly depressed. Pronotum pale above, the lateral carinas sti-aight before the hind sulcus, parallel, but considerably diverging behind ; the deflexed lobes broadly brown internally, often with an oblique whitish ridge. Tegmina subhyaline, with a yellow scapular line, and brown discoidal spots ; the mediastinal area expanded at the base, and continued behind the middle ; scapular area rather broad, dilated in the male beyond the middle, with waved transverse hyaline nervures ; wings hyaline, slightly clouded at the tip. Hind femora with four brown bands, often obsolete on the outer side, the lower carina of the outer area marked with black dots. Metasternal lobes converging and contiguous behind the foveolse. Lengtli 11-17 mm.; pronotum, 2-3 mm.; tegmina, 10-14 mm.; hind femur, 7-10 mm. Madbas : Madura. Types in the collections of Messrs. Pantel and Bolivar. 132. Gymnobothrus (?) simplex. Walk. Stenohothrus simplex, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. v, 1871, Suppl. p. 82. Perruginous brown, paler beneath. Vertex obtusely rounded in front, face very oblique, the median line sulcated throughout, the space between narrow, and of uniform width ; foveolae very small, not visible from above. Prom the back of the eye runs a broad black band over the back of the head and the pleura, bordered above and below with slight pale lines ; on the metapleura it becomes evanescent. Antennae scarcely as long as the head and pronotum, rather thick filiform. Pronotum tricarinate, with a sulcus behind the middle, not cutting the middle carina ; behind this, both the pronotum and pleura are strongly punctured. Tegmina longer than the abdomen, rufo-testaceous, with a short black stripe at the base of the costa, an indistinct pale line con- tinuous with that above the black band of the pronotum, and a longitudinal row of obscure dusky spots. Hind femora appa- rently spotted with black at the base. Length, to end of tegmina, 18 mm. Ty;pe in the British Museum. Genus MADUREA. Madurea, Bolivar, Ann. See. Ent. Prance, Ixx, 1902, p. 596. Type, Madurea cephalotes, Bol. Banye. India. Pastigium of the vertex obtusely angulated, distinctly sloping when viewed from the side, in the male as long as broad, in the MADUREA. — OOHEILIDIA. 115 female transverse; foveolc-e subtrapezoidal, inferior, not visible from above; front convex, slightly oblique in the female. Antennae filiform. Pronotum constricted in the middle, with the hind sulcus placed scarcely beyond the middle ; the median carina slender, continuous, intersected by the hind sulcus ; the lateral cariuEB obliterated in the middle. Lobes of the mesosternum transverse, separated by a rather narrower space; lobes of the metasteruum contiguous, or, in the female, separated by a short space behind the foveolae. Tegmina extending to the middle of the abdomen. Hind femora thickened, with the outer area convex. 133. Madurea cephalotes, Bol. Madiirea cephalotes, Bolivar, Anu. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx 1902 p. 597, pi. ix, fig. 32. ' ^ i Pale yellow, varied with brown and ferruginous. Head large, tumid in front in the female, the tip of the front punctured, the median carina expanded towards the tip, punctured and sub- sulcated; vertex with a very slight median carina. Pronotum more subreflexed in the male than in the female ; the back pale, or with a broad pale central fascia, the sides reddisli, with the' hind border obtusely and rouudly angulate ; the deflexed lobes brown in the middle, with a pale submedian callosity. Tegmina in the male scarcely exteuding beyond the middle of the femora ; in the female shorter, lanceolate, with the radial area spotted with brown. Hind femora rather shining, with three narrow reddish-brown bands, more or less obhterated externally, and the knees reddish brown ; hind tibiae blue, with a pale ring at the base, and the condyle infuscated. Abdomen varied with brown, with a pale median longitudinal stripe ; supra-anal lamina of the male triangular, with the median sulcus narrowed posteriorly, and sub- sinuated behind on each side near the tip ; cerci short, conical ; subgenital lamina obtusely produced ; valves of the ovipositor sinuated before the tip, but not dentated. Lingth 9-17 mm. ; pronotum, 2 mm. ; tegmina, 6-5 mm. ; hind femur, 6*5-9 mm. Madras: Madura. Types in the collections of Messrs. Pautel and Bolivar. Genus OCHEILIDIA. OchrUidin, StSl, Kecens. Orth. i, 1873, pp. 92, lO-l ; Brunuer, Prodr. Eur. Orth. 1882, pp. 83, 91. Brachycrotaphus, Krauss, Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-nat. 01. Ixxvi (i), 1877, p. 47. Type, Opomola tn/xalicem, Fisch. Range. S. Europe, N. & W. Africa, W. Asia, India. Head as long as the pronotum ; fastigium of the vertex produced i2 116 tutxalin^. considerably be3'ond the eyes and fully as long, slightly ascending, convex, triearinate, the foveolas narrow, inferior, the frontal carina sulcate to the base. Antennae as long as the head and pronotuni together, ensiform, flattened towards the base, and filiform towards the tip. Pronotum short, subcylindrical, the middle carina dis- tinct, the lateral carinse obsolete. Prosternum with a very short tubercle ; mesosternal lobes contiguous in front, and diverging behind; metasternal lobes contiguous. Tegmina narrow, sub- hyaline, longer than the abdomen, and rounded at the tips, with the scapular ai'ea dilated in the male, and with no intercalated nervure ; wings hyaline, shorter than the tegmina. Front legs very short, middle femora extending a little beyond the base of the hind coxae, hind femora short, narrow ; all the tibiae shorter than the femora. Supra-anal lamina broad, narrower behind, trisulcate, with the hind border quadri-lobate ; the cerci short, simple, incurved before the tips ; the subgenital lamina short, cuneiform, impressed above as far as the obtuse tip. 134. Ochrilidia longiceps, Bol. Ochrilidia Imgiceps, Bolivar, Ann. See. Eut. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 595. Pale, more brown on the back, with a pale band running behind the eyes as far as the margin of the outer lobes of the pronotum. Antennae rather longer than the head and pronotum together. Pastigium of the vertex longer than the eye, tectiform above, distinctly narrowed in front, and narrowly rounded at the tips ; foveolae very long. Pronotum with the carinae obsolete, except the middle carina which is visible in the hinder area ; the deflexed lobes longer than high. Mesosternum with the lobes contiguous behind, and slightly separated in front. Tegmina considerably longer than the abdomen, costal area much dilated, hyaline, crossed by 14 nervules, the anterior ulnar nervure suddenly approximating to the third radial nervure near the base. Hind femora shorter than the abdomen. Supra-anal lamina black on the sides ; cerci sinuated above ; subgenital lamina rather short and subsinuated at the tip. Length 25 mm. ; pronotum, 3*5 mm. ; tegmina, 20 mm. ; hind femur, 10*2 mm. Mabeas: Madura. Type in the collection of M. Pantel. Genus DOCIOSTAURUS. Dociostaurus, Fieber, Lotos, iii, June 1853, p. 118. Stauronotus, Fischer, Orth. Eur., Nov. 1853, pp. 297, 351. Ttpe, Gryllus cruciatus, Charp. (= Gryllus maroccanus,Thuiyh.). Bange. S. Europe, Asia, N. & W. Africa. D0CI0ST.1URTTS. 117 Head large, slightly ascending ; fastigium of the vertex triangular, separated on each side from the eye by a well-marked carina; foveolae of the vertex rather superior, broad, rhomboidal, con- verging towards the tips. AntennJB filiform, as long as the head and pronotum together ; face slightly oblique, flattened, and hardly sulcated. Pronotum strongly constricted before the middle, tricarinate, the lateral carinas angulated inwards. The sulci scarcely indicated ; the deflexed lobes much higher than long, with a short curved pale carina on the metapleura. Tegmina and wings perfectly developed ; tegmina rather long and narrow, obtusely rounded at the extremity, and with the costal area widened in the male ; wings rather shorter than the tegmina, hyaline. Hind femora as long as the abdomen, simple. Hind tibiae spinose, with the two inner apical spurs subequal ; hind tarsi very slender, with the claws and arolium small. Subgenital lamina horizontally produced in the male ; valves of the ovipositor smooth, short. Key to the Species. [The manuscript here leaves duubt as to the author's intention respecting the following species of Walker's. This is probably due to the very unsatisfactory condition of the types. The following notes may help to distinguish the species : — 1 (2) Tegmina shorter than abdomen, with 3 or 4 nearly black spots in discoidal area, separated by yellow spots of smaller size ; wings slightly infuscate at apex, apicalis, Walk., p. 117, and turhatus, Walk. * p. 118. 2 (1) Tegmina longer than abdomen, with 3 or 4 small light brown spots in discoidal area; wings entirely clear. 3 (4) Pronotum without distinct median stripe ; tegmina with some vague small spots on radial area mundus, Walk., p. 119, and epachromoides,'^ a\k., p. 119. 4 (3) Pronotum with distinct median stripe ; tegmina with three large .spots on radial area decisus, Walk., p. 120.] 135. Dociostaunis apicalis, Wallc. Ste7iohothrus apicalis, Walker, < Suppl. p. 80. Brown, abdomen and under surface testaceous. Antennae Stmohothrus apicalis, Walker, Oat. Derm. Salt. B.M. v, 1871, Suppl. p. 80. * Possibly sexes of same species. 118 testaceous, slightly thickened and brown towards the tips. Space ou the depression of the fastigiuin pale, continuous with a pale median stripe running to the back of the head ; face subcarinate, punctured, hardly sulcate. Pronotuni short, obtusely angulated behind, the cariua; whitish, a yellow stripe ruuning obliquely upwards from the end of the inetapleura. with a blackish spot beyond its extremity. Tegmina sub- hyaline, the costal area brown at the base, then hyahne, and much expanded to its extremity at three-fourths of the length of the tegmen. Central lon- gitudinal area with four spots, the two basal ones dark brown, the two outer Pig. 90. — Bociostaurus apicalis. ones reticulate ; beyond them, nearer the costa, are two more spots, one brown and one light brown ; the hind area of the tegmina is yel- lowish brown, traversed for half its length bya brown stripe tapering from the base. Wings hyaline, slightly clouded towards the tips, rather shorter than the tegmina. Hind femora testaceous, in- distinctly banded with brown, knees brown, tibisD testaceous, brown at the base, and on the upperside in the middle, with about 10 small blackish spines on each carina. Length 13 mm. ; expanse of tpgmina, 21 mm. Bombay. Type in the British Museum. 136. Dociostaurus turbatua. Walk. Stenobothrus turbatus, Walker, Oat. Derm. Salt. B.M. v, 1871, Suppl. p. 81. Lighter and darker brown and testaceous. Head brown, with a testaceous stripe running through the middle of the depression on the fastigium (there is a dark spot in the angle on each side) to the back of the head, and a broad testaceous line running from between the eyes and antennte outwards and downwards, till it nearly meets another broad testaceous line running from the lower back corner of the eyes to the lower part of the cheeks ; face with four slight carinse ; not sulcated, but flattened and punc- tured between them ; antennae testaceous, filiform, slightly broM"n at the extreme tip ; foreolae of the vertex rhomboidal. Tegmina with alternate yellowish and light reddish-brown longitudinal lines ; central area yellowish, with a row of six brown oblong spots, longer than broad, extending from the base nearly to the extremit}'. Legs testaceous, hind femora very obliquely banded with brown above and within, and stippled with brown on the outer area ; hind tibiae with about 10 or 11 small black spines on each carina. DOOIOSTAUnUS. 119 Length. IG mm. Bombay. Type in the British Museum. 137. Dociostaurus mundus, Wallc. Stenobothrus mundus, AValker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. v, 1871, Suppl. p. 79. Testaceous, face more rufous, not sulcated, with the carinae indistinct. Fastigium of the vertex subtriangular, rounded at the extremity, the carina? running backwards to within the eyes ; foveolae superior, oblong, punctured within. Pronotum tricarinate, the lateral carinse angulated inwards halfway between the base and the suture, which is placed about the middle of the pronotum. Tegmina subhyaline, tinged with rufo-testaceous towards the base, costal area more brownish at base, subcostal space with a row of five narrow brown spots, continued by more or less distinctly marked paler brown spots and dots on the outer surface of the tegmina. Wings hyaline. Hind femora as long as the abdomen, indistinctly banded above with brown, knees marked with blackish ; tibisB whitish, with 11 small black spines on the outer row, and 9 on the inner. Bombay. Length 17 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 36 mm. Type in the British Museum. Probably a discoloured specimen of the next species. 138. Dociostaurus epacromoides, Walh. Stenobothrus epacromoides, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. v, 1871, Suppl. p. 81. Apparently a better-coloured example of D. mundus. Testa- ceous ; face with a black spot under each eye, and a curved carina running from between each eye and the antennae to the extremity of the clypeus ; it is marked with a black spot at its extremity, and two'black dots above. A black band runs behind the eye over the head and pronotum, crossing the whitish lateral carinae, the hinder half of which it borders within, but not to the extremity ; on each side of the median carina, however, are two rudimentary blackish carinse, at the extremity of the pronotum. On the sides of the head a broad dusky band runs backwards from the black spot below the eye ; on the pleura it becomes more distinct, and in the middle of the pleura is a white callous spot surrounded with black. Tegmina nearly as in D. mundtis, hnt the brownish spots are mostly larger and more crowded. Wings hyahne. Length 19 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 36 mm. Bombay. Type in the British Museum. 120 THY.VALJNyE. 139. Dociostaurus decisus, Walk. Stenobothrus decisus, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. v. 187], Siippl. p. 80. Brown ; fastigiura of the vertex subtriangular, the foveolae oval, sides of face below the ejes and behind the lateral carinaB paler; a pale stripe runs from the fas- tigiuni over the head and pronotum ; the lateral carinae narrowly pale ; three trans- verse sutures indented on the sides of the median carina, the hindmost at the middle of the pronotum. Pleura brownish, \vith an oblique pale carina behind. Tegmina rufo-testaceous, with a row of large brown spots along the central area, and with smaller brown dots between these and the costa ; wings hyaline, with the nervures of the costal area reddish. Abdomen carinated above. . Hind femora testaceous, brown on the outer side nearly to the extremity ; tibiae red, yellowish towards the base, with about 12 small black spines on each carina. Length 23 mm.; expanse of tegmina, 38 mm. Fig. 91. jDociosiauriis decisus. Bombay. Types in the British Museum. Genus STENOBOTHRUS. Stenobothrus, Fischer, Orth. Eur. 1853, pp. 296, 313. Type, Gryllus lineatus, Panz. Range. Europe, JN". & W. Asia, N. Africa, Madagascar, Australia, Chile. Vertex triangular, obtuse ; f oveolae superior, long, narrow ; front only slightly sloping, prominent, more or less sulcated ; antennae filiform. Pronotum tricarinate, constricted in the middle, M'ith one transverse sulcus. Tegmina and wings generally perfectly developed, hyaline or subhyaline. Hind femora unarmed, hind tibiae spinose. Pectus broad, mesosternal lobes widely separated, metasternal lobes produced behind the f oveolae, and distant. Tympanum on the first abdominal segment covered ; anal segment longitudinally sulcate ; supra-anal lamina in male obtusely tri- angular ; subgenital lamina in male recurved, obtuse or pointed at the tip. Valves of ovipositor short, exserted, sometimes with a lateral tooth at the base. SXENOBOTURUS. — iEOLOPUS. 121 140. Stenobothrus (?) luteipes, Walh. Stmobothrus luteipes, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. v. 1871, Suppl. p. 82. Testaceous, mottled and stippled with dusky markings ; vertex rounded in front, and backwards at the sides as far as a broad pale stripe extending across the head, pronotum and closed tegmina ; the outer angles of the vertex form small black de- pressions ; foveolsB oval, visible from above ; face slightlj^ oblique, sulcated in the male, but scarcely so in the female, and with curved lateral carinas running from between the eyes and the antennae. Head with three broad blackish stripes behind the eyes, the first running across the head, pronotum, and the whole central longi- tudinal area of the tegmina, the second straight, hardly reaching the extremity of the pronotum, and the third very broad, covering the hinder part of the head and the pleura except the metapleura. Tegmina with the centre dusky, and the costa and inner margin broadly pale ; wings subhyaline. Hind femora testaceous, with three blackish bands above, and the knees black ; outer area brownish, or at least with some blackish dots along the upper border ; tibiae red, yellowish towards the base, with 12 small black spines on the outer, and 10 on the inner border, Tegmina and hind femora about as long as the abdomen. Length 20-22 mm. Bombay ; Kashmik : Baltistan. Ti/2}e in the British Museum. Genus ^OLOPUS. Aiolopus, Fieber, Lotos, iii, May 1853, p. 100 ; id., Sjn. Eur. Orth. 1854, p. 11. Epncromia, Fischer, Orth. Eur., Nov. 1853, pp. 296, 300. yEolopus, Kirby, Syn. Cat. Orth. iii, 1910, p. 120. Type, Oryllus thalassimts, F. Range. Europe, Africa, Asia, Malay Archipelago, Australia. Vertex triangular, extending as far in front of the eyes as the length of the head behind them, concave above, the foveolae longer than broad, punctured, not contiguous ; front continuous, but rarely sulcated, lateral carinae running from below the antennae to the clypeus, and a short carina running obliquely forward below the ej'e ; the cheeks more strongly punctured than the rest of the face. Antennae filiform, rather longer than the head and pronotum. Pronotiim constricted in front, tricarinate, the lateral carinae incurved, slightly marked, generally with a pale border ; three transverse sulci, ibhe hindermost only cutting the median carina and placed a little before the middle of the pronotum. Tegmina long, obtusely rounded at the extremity, with the media- stinal nervure extending to the tip, and the mediastinal area expanded at the base, and traversed by an accessory nervure ; wings ample, rather shorter than the tegmina, subhyaline. Hind 122 femora slender, as long as the abdomen, red or yellow, with dark bands or spots ; tibias red or blue, with yellow and brown bands, spinosti ; hind tibia) with small arolia. Eirst abdominal segment with an open tympanum ; supra-anal lamina in the male divided from the anal segment by a transverse sulcus; anal segment longitudinally sulcated, and the lamina rounded ; valves of ovi- positor rather long, free, unarmed. Key to the Species. Apical half of hind tibite red tamulus, F, Apical half of hind tibiae blue affinis, Bol. 141. iEolopus tamulus, F. Gryllus tamulus, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. Siippl. 1798, p. 195. Gryllus dorsalis, Thunbero-, M^m. Acad. P^tersb. v, 1815, p. 229. Gomphocerus tricolor iiJes, Burmeister, Haudb. Ent. ii. 1838, p. 649. Epacromia simulatriv, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870. p. 773. G-reen, brown, or reddish, generally with two parallel brown stripes on the vertex, running within each eye to the back of the head ; and a broad brown band running from the back of each eye to the end of the pronotum, and ex- tending over more or less of the pleura, which is then marked with several white spots ; the upper side of the dark band is generally bordered by a slender white line in front, which afterwards intersects it, turning obliquely outwards. Tegmiua rather long, varied Avith brown and subhyaline ; mediastinal area M'ith, two alternate long brown and whitish spaces, the outermost of each broader ; below the first brown space runs a bright green stripe to the first white Fig. Q2.—^olopi(s stripe; and below the green stripe are often tamulus. some small white spots on a light brown ground. The outer part of the tegmina is generally subhyaline, more or less spotted with brown ; wings greenish hyaline, more or less dusky towards the hind margin. Hind femora slender, as long as or longer than the abdomen; green, yellow, or reddish, transversely banded with brown ; hind tibiae yellow towards the base, with a blackish spot before and behind, blue towards the middle, and red towards the extremity. Length 18 mm. Madras. Tyjpe of E. simulatrix in the British Museum. 142. .ffiolopus affinis. Boh Ejma-oinia affinis, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. GOO. Eufous-brown, sometimes with a rather irregular pale median iEOLOPrS. — AULACOBOTHRUS. 123 band on the head and pronotiim. Scutelliiiii of the vertex sub- triangular, obtusely rounded off in front ; costal ridge flattened, punctured. Pronotum with a median carina, considerably ex- panded beyond the middle, the sutures indistinct, the hind border obtusely augidated. Abdomen yellowish, with a more or less suffused row of dark dorsal spots. Hind femora rather short and broad, yellowish, banded with black; hind tibiae reddish towards the base, with the apical half blue. Tegmina extending one-third beyond the hind femora, subhyaline, varied with darker and lighter bi'own, and with yellowish and whitish spots along the costa; wings greenish hyaHne. Length 19-24 mm.; pronotum, 3-2-4 mm.; tegmina, 18-22 mm. ; hind femur, 10"5-L2 mm. Madbas : Madura ; Bombay : Bandra. Types in the collections of Messrs. Pantel and Bolivar. Genus AULACOBOTHRUS. AulacohofJims, Bolivar, Ann. See. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 597. Type, Aulacohothvus strictus, Bol. Range. India. Vertex triangular, pointed in the male, and concave above ; foveolfe superior, well-marked, oblongo-rhomboidal ; antennae filiform ; costal ridge convex, smool;h or strongly sulcated. Pronotum flattened, angulated behind ; middle carina continuous, only intersected by the hind sulcus, with the lateral carinse dis- tinctly beyond the margins of the disk, intersected by the three sulci, and diverging behind ; deflexed lobes higher than long, with the hinder angle straight. Tegmina completely developed, or abbreviated ; mediastinal area with an adventitious nervure, which is complete in the male, and sinuated, extending to the front margin of the tegmina ; nervures of the scapular area oblique, sinuated, regularly reticulated, and more dilated in the male than in the female ; intercalated nervure more or less distinct ; ulnar nervures diverging. Wings fully developed or rudimentary. Hind femora above distinctly spotted, with the outer area slightly convex ; hind tibiae red ; the two inner spurs of the tibiae dis- tinctly marginal, the apical spin- straight, only curved at the tip. Metasternal lobes produced behind the foveolae, and contiguous in both sexes, or rarely, very slightly separated in the female. Tirst abdominal segment with an open tympanum on the side; supra- anal lamina in the male acutely triangular ; cerci short, conical ; valves of the ovipositor short, projecting. [The species of this genus are only known from descriptions from which it has been found to be impossible to draw up a key.] 124 TllYXALINJJ. 143. Aulacobothrus strictus, Bol. Atdacobothrus strictus, Bolivar, Ami. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 598. Size rather large ; body somewhat compressed. Colour varied with . pale and brown markings. Foveolae of the vertex elongated ; frontal ridge sulcated, with impressed punctures, the margins thickened; antennae brown. Pronotum nearly rectangular behind, with the hinder area rugose, and the principal sulcus placed in the middle ; the lateral carinaj nearly straight, diverging behind, often intersected by a black band. Tegmina perfectly developed, extending beyond the hind femora, infuscated towards the tip ; mediastinal, radial, and ulnar areas with a spurious nervure. Space between the mesosternal lobes narrower than the lobes ; metasternal lobes contiguous in both sexes. Hind femora with the knees brown on both sides ; tibiae red, with a pale ring at the base. LeiigtJi 15-21 mm.; pronotum, 3-4 mm. ; tegmina, 12-19 mm.; hind lemur, 9-12 5 mm. Madras : Kodaikanal. T^2^es in the collections of Messrs. Pantel and Bolivar. 144. Aulacobothrus socius, Bol. Aidacobothnis socius, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 599. Moderately compressed, varied with pale and greyish-browu markings. Foveolse of the vertex rhomboidal ; frontal ridge convex, impress-punctate ; antennae concolorous. Pronotum ob- tusely angulated behind, or rectangular, the hinder area hardly rugose, the typical sulcus placed in the middle, the lateral carinse waved, approximating to the median carinte in the middle, and widely divei'gent behind, a slender ridge externally separating the dorsum from the deflexed lobes. Tegmina perfectly developed, extending rather beyond the hind femora; the discoidal area with a row of black subquadrate spots, the mediastinal, radial, and ulnar areas with a more or less distinct spurious nervure. Space between the mesosternal lobes somewhat narrower than the lobes; metasternal lobes contiguous behind the foveolee in both sexes. Hind femora with three oblique brown bands, and the knees brown ; tibiae red, with a pale ring at the base. Leuf/th 13-20 mm. ; pronotum, 2-8-3'8 mm. ; tegmma, 11-15 mm.; hind femur, 8-11 mm. Madras : Kodaikanal, Madura. 7^yj)e in the collection of St. Joseph's College, Trichinopoly. 145. Aulacobothrus infernus, Bol. Aulacobothrus infernus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Eut. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 599. Body moderately compresBed; pale grey varied with brown, AT7LAC0B0THBFS. 125 sometimes with a continuous pale stripe above. Foveolae of tlie vertex oblong-rliomboidal, not elongated ; frontal I'idge convex, impress-punctate ; autennsD concolorous. Pronotura obtusely angulated behind, with the hinder area punctate, and the principal sulcus placed distinctly behind the middle, the lateral carinas angulately inflexed in the middle. Tegmina imperfectly developed (at least in the female), only extending as far as the middle of the hind femora ; mediastinal ai'ea with a distinct spurious nervure. Mesosternal lobes separated by a rather narrower space than their width ; metasternal lobes closely approximating behind the foveolse. Hind femora indistinctly banded with browu ; hind tibite red, with a slightly paler ring at the base. Length 17 mm. ; pronotum, 3"8 mm. ; tegmina, 7*5 mm. ; hind femux', 10-5 mm. Madras : Kodaikanal. Type in the collection of St. Joseph's College, Trichinopoly. 146. Aulacobothrus taeniatus, Bol. Aulacohotkrus tceniatus, Bolivar, Ann. See. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 600. Body moderately compressed ; pale reddisli. Antennae rather long, extending as far as the hind coxae in the male. Foveolae of the vertex rhomboidal, broader in front; frontal ridge impress- punctate, rather broad at the base, and impressed as far as the eyes ; head often with a broad brown band behind the eyes, con- taining a pale line. Pronotum obtusely angulated behind, the disk rather smooth, the margins intersected by a brown band, the lateral carinae nearly parallel in front, but slightly flexuous in the middle, and often rather indistinct in the male ; on the hinder area they are wide apart, and the callus white ; upper half of the deflexed lobes brown. Tegmina extending nearly to the tip of the hind femora, the anal area paler, and the mediastinal area occupying the basal third in the male ; the scapular area in the male expanded in the middle, and marked in the female with a narrow pale line ; the third radial nervure in the female forked in the middle of the tegmina, and the discoidal area reticulated, the ulnar veins diverging behind. Metasternal lobes contiguous in the male, and almost so in the female. Hind femora with the outer area infuscated to the upper carina, and indistinctly trifasciate with brown, and the knees brown on both sides ; hind tibia& reddish, with grey pubescence. Length 15-20 mm. ; pronotum, 2*8-4 mm. ; tegmina, 11*5-15 mm. ; hind femur, 9-11*5 mm. S. India. Type in the collection of St. Joseph's College, Trichinopoly. 147. Aulacobothrus physopoda, Nav. Scyllina physopoda, Navas, Bol. Sci. Aragon, iii, 1904, p. 133. cJ . Perruginous brown. Head shorter than the pronotum, with 126 TEYXALIN^i a lougitudiual line on the head; the fastigium of the vertex moderately sloping, the front very oblique, and the costal ridge sulcated, the carinse distinctly diverging from the base to the tip ; eyes large, much larger than the lower part of the cheeks, oval] moderately approximating on the vertex; behind the eyes is a brown band continuous with a lateral band on the pronotum. Prouotum with the metazona shorter than the prozona, the front margin obtusely angulated, a middle carina continuous with the line on the vertex, the lateral lobes longer than broad, with the front and hind margins straight and parallel, the outer margin oblique, and convex beyond the middle. Tegmina longer than the abdomen, narrow, rounded at the tip, with the front and inner margins nearly parallel, very broadly sinuous, the spurious ner- vures indistinct, with no intercalated uervure ; but in the middle of the discoidal area, at two-thirds from the base, is an adventitious intercalated nervure formed by a sinuous confluence of nervures. Wings hyaline, with brownish black nervures. Eour front femora thickened, curved above, hind femora compressed, longer than the abdomen, but shorter than the tegmina, and with small genicular lobes ; hind tibiaa with a terminal spine, the inner spurs unequal, the inner one almost tvrice as long as the outer. LeirgtJi 13 mm. ; pronotum, 3 mm. ; antennae, 4 mm. ; tegmina, 10*4 mm. ; hind femur, 8 mm. ' SiKKiM : Kurseong. Type in the collection of Father Navas. 148. Aulacobothrus rubripes, Nav. Scyllina rubripes, Navas, Bol. Soc. Aragon, iv, 1905, p. 53, 0 . Ochreous brown, with the hind tibiae bright red. Head ochra- ceous, finely dotted with brown ; fastigium of the vertex moderately sloping, the temples distinctly margined above ; frontal ridge sulcated in the middle ; lateral carinte sinuated ; eyes pyriform, ocelli brownish black. Antennae filiform, yellowish at the base' and blackish at the tips. Palpi pale, the first and second joints spotted with brown, Prouotum with the prozona shorter than the metazona, carinated in the middle, the carina only intersected by the typical sulcus; the front margin straight, the'hind margin produced into an acute angle ; the lateral lobes transverse, with the front and hind margins parallel, nearly straight, oblique exter- nally, sinuated, with the disk thickly infuscated in the metazona on the hind margin ; meso- and meta-sternal lobes not contiguous. Abdomen pale beneath, unspotted, Tegmina and wings longer than the abdomen, the former brown, with small distinct sub- hyaline ochreous spots, and a large irregular one, and white transverse nervures beyond the middle ; before the middle closely reticulated ; an intercalated nervure at the middle of the discoidal area, not extending to the base, "Wings hyaline, sulphureous from the base as far as one-fourth in front and as far as the anal margin behind ; the first three lobes infuscated at the tip. Four AUIACOBOTHEUS. — STATTBODEEUS. 127 front legs with numerous brown rings, the hind legs blotched with brown; hind femora longer than the abdomen, with tlie lower sulcus wholly bright red ; hind tibiaD shorter than the femora, bright red, with the base narrowly brown, and with two or three indistinct spots on the side near the base ; spines brownish, the inner spurs unequal, the outer nearly twice as long as the inner ; 9 short spines on the outer, and 10 on the inner margin, red, tipped with black ; tarsi pale brown. Length 23 mm.; pronotum, 5 mm.; tegmina, 25 mm.; hind femur, 14 mm. SiKKiM : Kurseong. TTjpe in the collection of Father Navas. Genus STAUKODERUS. Stauroderus, Bolivar, Ann. Sci. Nat. Porto, iv, 1897, p. 224, v, 1898, p. 4. Type, Stenohothrus morii, Brunn. (nec Fab.). Range. Europe, Asia, N. & "W. Africa. Vertex subtriangular, obtuse ; foveolse superior, narrow, well- marked ; antennae filiform ; front hardly oblique, frontal ridge carinated. Pronotum with the lateral carinse sharply angulated inwards before the middle ; tegmina longer than the abdomen, the mediastinal area slightly expanded on the costa near the base, and not extending beyond the middle of the tegmina ; wings hyaline. 149. Stauroderus bicolor, Charjp. Gryllus bicolor, Charpentier, Hor. See. Ent. Ross. 1825, p. 161. Eeddish-brown, greenish, or black, with a slight median carina on the head and pronotum, which are lined with black, or are more largely black, the white angulated lateral carinse of the pro- notum being usually very distinctly marked. Antennte half as long again as the head and pronotum together, and of equal length in both sexes. Tegmina subhyaline, greenish along the costa, sometimes more or less varied with pale and dusky spots; wings hyaline, some- times clouded at the tips. Legs generally yellowish or reddish, femora often with dusky streaks or markings; tibiae with about 12 small black-tipped spines on each side. Abdomen brown, paler be- Fig.93. neath, and sometimes tipped with red. Stauroderus bicolor. Length 15-24 mm.; pronotum, 2'5-48 mm. ; tegmina, 12-21 mm. EuEOPB ; N. Apeica ; India ; Bdhma ; China ; Japan. 128 THYXAMNiE. — OJDIPODINjU. Genus CHORTHIPPUS. Chortkipptts, Fieber, Kelch, Orthopt. Oberscliles. 1852, p. 1. Type, Gryllus elegans, Charp. (= Acrydium ulhomarginaiim, de Greer). Range. Europe, Asia, North America. General characters of Stauroderus, but the carinas of the pro- notum are subparallel, the lateral carinse only diverging slightly beyond the middle. 150. Chorthippus dorsatus, Zett. Gryllus dorsatus, Zetterstedt, Orth. Suec. 1821, p. 82. Colour variable, green, testaceous, or brown. AntennsD sub- depressed, longer than the head and pronotum together. Pronotum with the transverse sulcus placed about the middle, the head not carinated above, the pronotum strongly tricarinate, the median carina slightly raised, the lateral carinas slightly incurved before the middle, and then diverging. Tegmina longer than the abdo- men in the male, usually shorter in the female, subhyaline, some- times with a longitudinal yellow scapular line ; wings hyahne, with brown nervures. Pectus and front legs pilose. Legs not ^ spotted ; hind tibiae ^vith about 12 small spines, decreasing in size ' towards the base. Subgenital lamina in the male incurved, pubescent ; valves of the ovipositor unarmed. Length 14-26 mm. ; pronotum, 3-5 mm. ; tegmina, 10-21 mm. Etjrope ; N. & W. Asia ; Buema. Subfamily IV. (EDIPODIN^. Key to the Genera. [1 (18) Carina of pronotum complete, or cut by one groove. 2 (14) Thorax rather short. 3 (17) Basal half of tegmina opaque. 4 (13) Transverse veins in apical part of tegmina erect, the cells square or oblong. 5 (10) Wings without well-marked fascia. 6 (9) Tegmina narrow, with square or elongate cells. rp_ 239 7 (8) Internal calcaria of posterior tibiae , Duxopternis, Sauss., not greatly unequal, normal . . . . j l^kina, Bol.,* p. 138. * This genus is unknown to me. The author says that it differs from Biitofternis and Heieropternia in having the calcaria normal.— C. O. W. (EDIPODIN.K. 129 8 (7) Internal calcaria of posterior tibife greatly unequal, the lower one much longer than the other, abruptly hooked at apex, very [p. 141. acute Heteropternis, St§.l, 9 (G) Tegniina relatively broad, with square or oblong cells ; body [p. 130. robust . Ohlceboba, Sauss, 10 (5) Wings with well-marked fascia. [p. 132, 11 (12) Pronotum without colour marks . . Quiroguesia, Bol., 12 (11) Pronotum with pale marks arranged so as to form an X ffioALEUS, Fieb., p. 142. 13 (4) Transverse veins of apical part of [p. 134. tegmiua obhque, arranged zig-zag. Pteknoscirta, Sauss., 14 (2) Thorax long. _ 15.(16) Pronotum with strong crest or acutely tectiform, without rugae ; [p. 144. wings without black at a|)ex .... Gastbimargus, Sauss., 1() (15) Pronotum with well-marked median carina, and with numerous longi- [p. 137. tudinal rugfB . Morphacris, Walk, 1 7 (3) Basal and apical portions of tegmina both subliyaline LocusTA, L., p. 145. 18 (1) Dorsum of pronotum or its carina cut by two grooves. 19 (26) Pronotum without ver}'^ distinct crest. 20 (21) Tegmina of male rather short and dilated, the apical third strongly curved backwards ; antennae acu- [p. 147. minate at apex Mecistopteryx, Sauss., 21 (20) Tegmiua normal ; antennas tiliform. 22 (23) Body very robust ; tegmina rather broad ; radial veins of wings soine- ■what thickened, especially in the male, and then attenuated at apex. Bryodema, Fieb., p. 150. 23 (22) Body normal ; tegmina long and narrow. 24 (25) Pronotum short, broadly rounded [p. 152. behind, or very slightly angular. . Acrotyltjs, Fieb., 25 (24) Pronotum distinctly angular behind; baaal third of tegmina generally [p. 153. opaque Sphingonotus, iieb,, 26 (19) Pronotum with well-marked crest, which, when viewed sidewaj's, is strongly bilobed in front Trtlophidia, StSl, [p. 148. Fig. 94. — Side view of hciul oi Locusla danica. 130 Genus CHKEBORA, Sauss. €Iiln'.hom, Saussure, M(5m. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884/ pp. 54, 132 ; XXX (1), 1888, pp. 18, 19, 33. TrPE, Chloebora grossa, Sauss. Range. ludia, Madagascar. Body stout. Anteiina3 filiform, moderately thick, as long as the head and pronotum together in the female, and rather longer ill the male. Vertex sloping into the clypeus, with scarcely an indication of a division ; face quadricai'inate, the central pair commencing on the inner side of the upper surface of the eyes, curving inwai'ds within the antennae, and then running down- wards, but uot quite extending to the end of the cly^peus; the outer carinsB running from the eyes opposite the antennse, and curving forwards and then backwards to the outer lower corner of the clypeus. Pronotum with a strongly-raised median carina, not divided by the slightly-indicated sulci, with the hinder extremity subtriangular and obtusely truncated at the end ; lateral lobes higher than long, with the front and hind borders nearly parallel and the lower marfjin convex. Tegmina loug, nearly parallel- sided, slightly expanded on the costa near the base, opaque and very thickly reticulated to beyond the middle, the outer area sub- hyaline, more or less closely reticulated. Wings ample, rather shorter than the tegmina, opaque at the base and hyaline on the margins. Hind femora thick, moderately long, very slightly serrulated on the upper carinse ; hind tibiae spinose, pubescent. Mesosternal lobes separated by a mde oval space between the narrow curved foveolte at the extremity of the mesosteruum. Key to ilie Species, 1 (4) Wings yellow at base. ■2 (3) Crest of pronotum arched, tectiform in front grossa, Sauss., p. 130. 3 (2) Crest of pronotam nearly straight, more lamellated bramina, Sauss.. p. 131. i (1) Wings red at base crassa, Walk., p. 131. 151. Chloebora grossa, Sauss. Chloebora grossa, Saussure, Mt5m. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, p. 132 ; XXX (1), 1888, p. 33 j Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 604. yellowish grey; head large, rather smooth, especially at the sides, which are ashy ; face vertical, slightly arched ; vertex broad between the eyes, carinulated at the base of its scutellum, which is smooth, broad, rather short, and broadly truncated in front ; facial ridge punctate, rugulose, subparallel-sided, and CKLCEBORA. 131 ■slightly narrovve.l by the vertex ; tempora trigonal and lanceolate. Pronotum above indistinclly taberculate in the front and middle of the central area, obtusely angiilated anteriorly, behind bluntly rectangi;lar ; median crest continuous, subarcuate (seen laterally), teetiform in tlie front area, very slightly intersected by the principal sulcus ; lateral lobes between the sulci smooth, sparingly punctured, but elsewhere thickly ; the lower margin arclaed, the front margin oblique or slightly sinuated. Tegmina extending ■as far as the middle tibiae, coriaceous and mottled witb black towards the base, with the apical third hyaline and reticulated ; ailnar area much broader than the median area, with an incom- plete arched intercalated nervure. Wings yellow (?) at the base, hyaline beyond, Avith a narrow brown marginal laorder. Hind legs long, hind femora obsoletely banded witii brown, the carina dotted with black, the lower mai-gin arched, the upper very finely serrulated and the basal half dilated ; hind tibiae red, with a pale ring at the base ; arolia small, membranous ; hind tibiae with 10 spines in the outer row — 5 large and 5 rudimentary. Length 42 mm. ; tegmina, 38 mm. ; hind femur, 20"6-24 mm. jN". lifDiA : Himalayas ; Madras : Trichinopoly. 1 52. Chlcebora bramina, Sauss. Chlonbora hramina, Saussure, M^in. See. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, p. 132 ; XXX (1), 1888, p. 33. Thick, rufo-testaceous, dotted with black. Head with the front rather augulated, facial ridge sulcated at the ocellus and punctate at the vertex ; scutellum of the vertex truncated in front and very shortly carinated behind ; tempora trigonal. Pronotum punctate and slightly granulated, the crest compressed, nearly •straight, rectangularly produced behind. Tegmina brown, with two narrow pale fascias, the basal half coriaceous beyond the middle, with irregular polygonal reticulations, the apical half spotted or tessellated with grey. AVings sulphur-yellow, with a rather broad transverse brown band, extending to the crenate hind margin ; tip brown. Hind tibiae red, with a pale ring at the ibase. Length 23 mm. ; tegmina, 25 mm. India. Type in the collection of Brunner von Wattenwyl. 153. Chlcebora crassa, Wallc. CEdipoda crassa, Wallier, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 741. C/doehora crassa, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxx (1), 1888, p. 33. Brown, very stout, finely pubescent, sides of head and pronotum anore or less varied with whitish. Head large, rounded, scutellum k2 132 CEDIPODINiE. of the vertex obsolete, very shortly carinulated at the base, and slightly arched at the tip, longer than broad in the female, and broader than long in the male; carinaj bordering the costal ridge broadest above, converging below the ocellus, and then subparallel, but not extending to the end of the clypeus ; outer carinse curved, complete; vertex with two in- distinct brown curved lines; eyes large, oval, but not very prominent. Proiiotum sca- brous, with black markings, the carina very shghtly arched, the hind border pro- duced and obtusely rounded. Abdomen dark red, with a median carina. Tegmina opaque and nearly covered with brown blotches (with some paler spaces in the male) on the basal half ; terminal half subhyaline, quadrately reticulated with Fig. %.—Chlcebora crassa. rather thick brown nervures. AVings red in the basal half and hyaline beyond ; in the male the red is bordered by traces of an indistinct brown band. Hind femora-broad, grey, with small black spots ,ou the outside, and black, with two yellow bands, towards the tij), on the inside ; yellow above, indistincty banded Avith black ; hind tibiae red, with 10 black-tipped spines on tlie outer carina. Length 25-40 mm.; pronotum, 7-5-9 mm. ; tegmina, 25-33 mm. ; hind femur, 15-21-5 mm. Types in the collection of the British Museum. Genus QUIROGUESIA. Quiroffuesia, BoliY&v, An. See. Espafi. xv, 1886, p. 515; Saussure, mm. Soc. Geneve, xxx (1), 1888, pp. 18, 84. Type, Acridium miniatum, BruUe. Jianr/e. Mediterranean Kegion to India. Fastigium of the vertex OA^ate, elongated, more than twice as long as broad, truncated in front; tempora indistinct, trigonal, lateral separated from the vertex; frontal ridge between the QUIEOGUESIA. 133 niiteiiiKD only halt" as broad as between the eyes above, arched, punctured on the vertex. Pronotuin Avitli a raised continuous carina, sbghtly intersected by the principal sulcus about the middle, expanded behind the sulcus, with the hinder extremity obtusely angulated and the tip rounded. Tegmina long, narrow, slightly expanded on the costa near the base, the hind margin slightly obhque and rounded off into the iimer margin ; coriaceous to the middle, then subhyaline, regularly reticulated, with scattered dusky markings, the division between the two halves being almost perpendicular ; wings coloui'ed, with the outer third hyaline, tipped with dusky. Hind femora not serrated. 154. duiroguesia blanchardiana, Sauss. Qiiirof/uesia hrullei, var. blanchardiana, Saussnre, M(5m. Soe. Geneve, xxx (1), 1888, p. 35 ; Biauchi, Pram. Loz. Ross. Imp. 1902, p. 252. Head bluish grey, with obscure reddish markings, of which the most constant are two stripes on the vertex. Pronotum brown, generally with reddish mark- ings at the base and whitish blotches on the pleura ; median carina nearly straight, very slightly arched and not much raised. Abdomen black above, carinated, more or less pale towards the tip. Tegmina with the basal half more or less varied with lighter and darker brown and grey, apical half hyaline, witli patches of the nervures more or less broadly black and the cells slightly in- fnscated. Wings greenish yellow or red in the basal half, bordered outside by a nearly straight black band, which then curves inwards I'ound the hind margin to the anal angle ; beyond this is a broad hyaline band, the tip of the wings being black, Fig. %.—Qiiirocfuesia blanchardiana. except that the cells of the terminal row are hyaline. Hind femora black, with pale bands, sometimes almost entirely pale on th? outer side; knees black; hind tibiae reddish or yellowish, the extreme base black, often followed by a pale band ; with about 10 small regular black-tipped spines on each side. 134 (EDIPODINiE. Length 23-43 mm. ; expanse of wings, 48-78 mm. Sol^TALiLAisri) ; Arabia; Palestine; N.W India; Bomuay. Types in the Paris and British Museums. Appears to be distinct from Q. notahilii-, Walk. (=bi-ulleiy Saiiss.) from the Canaries, Spain and Algeria. The only specimens of Q. blancJiardiana at present in the British Museum from India and East Africa belong to the red form. Those from Aden are of both colours. Genus PTERNOSCIRTA. Ptertioscirta, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 52 127; XXX (1), 1888, p. 18. Prioniclia, Stfil {nec Leach), Recens. Orth. i, 1873, pp. 116, 127. Type, (Edipoda saturata, "Walk. Mange. The Oriental Region. Head short, somewhat rugose, the carina3 bounding the frontal ridge not very prominent, strongly approximating between the antennae. Tegmina brown, varied with paler markings on the basal half, then with a large subhyaline patch, and more or less varied with brown and subhyaline beyond, the cells being arranged in oblique quadrilaterals, angulated towards each other at the longitudinal nervures ; wings often coloured at the base, with no central black band ; hyaline beyond the middle, with the tip dusky. Legs and under surface pilose. Key to the Species. 1 (2) Wings red at hase oincH femur, Walk., 2 (1) Wings yellow at base. [p. 134. 3 (4) Length of body 27 mm. ; tegmina with the whole of the apical half spotted [p. 135. with brown caliyinosa, De Haan, 4 (3) Length 21 mm. ; tegmina with apical half with only a row of brown spots [p. 1 36. near front margin himaculatus, Thunb., 155. Pternoscirta cinctifemur, Walh. Acridium cinctifemur, Walker, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) iv, 1859, p. 223. (Edipoda saturcda, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 740. Pternoscirta saturata, Saussm-e, M^m. Soc. Geneve, xxx (1), 1888, p. 36. Pternoscirta humbertiana, Saussm'e, M^m. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, p. 127. Head and pronotum granulose, brown, mottled with pale markings ; abdomen shining black ; pronotum and abdomen with PTERXOSCIRTA. 135 a continuous median carina, pronotum sliglitly produced and obtusely rounded behind. Tegmiiia narrow, brown, slightly ex- panded on the costa near the base and rounded at the extremity ; two large pale spaces, one just beyond the costal expansion, and the other, paler, just beyond the middle ; the basal area is very closely reticulated and speckled with grey ; the outer area is brown, varied with subhyaline spaces, often forming short trans- verse lines and obliquely reticu- lated. Wings rose-colour on the basal half, then clouded hyaline, darkest towards the margins, which become brown towards the apex, sometimes forming two ir- regular spots. Hind femora buff or bluish grey outside, with black spots ; banded with black above and black on the inner side, with Picrnoscirta cinetifemur. two pale bands before the black knees ; hind tibiae black, banded with yellow at the base and blue beyond, with 9 or 10 black spines ; hind tarsi yellow. Lengili 22-30 mm.; expanse of tegmiua, 46-58 mm. Ceylox. Types in the British Museum. [The illustration is taken from the type of P. saturata, Walk.] 156. Pternoscirta caliginosa, De Hmn. Acridium (OEdipoda) caliqinosum, DeHaan, Temminck, Terhandel., Orth. 1842, p. 161, pl.xxi, lig. 11. Ptemoscirta caliqinosa, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 127, 128. Rugose and granulated, reddish, irregularly marked with blackish. Head with the scutellum of the vertex strongly con- tracted above the antennae, the carinas then gradually diverging ; the lateral curved carinas running from between the eyes and antennae to the end of the clypeus well marked ; a pale sjDot Avithin each eye, and another, bordered above and below with black, on the pleura. Pronotum with the median carina strongly marked, hut nearly straight, cut by the principal sulcus distinctly before the middle ; hind border obtusely angulated. Abdomen yellowish, carinated above. 'Tegmina long, narrow, brown, mottled with yellowish grey, often with two pale spaces as in the last species. Wings much longer than broad, hyaline, yellow towards 136 (EDIPODINtE. the base and brown towards the tii)8. Hind femora yellowish, banded with brown ; hind tibia* bhick, l)anded with yellow at the base and blue beyond ; about 8 spiuee on each side, tipped witii black. Length 27-29 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 50-00 nini. India ; Maj.acca. Type in the Ley den Museum. 157. Pternoscirta biinaculata, Thunh. Gnjllus bimaculatus, Thuuberg-, Mem. Acad. Petersb. v, 1815, p. 239. Epacromia turbata, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 776. Acrotylus humhertianus, Saussure, Mem. See. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 187,*189. Grreyish-tawny, whitish beneath, pubescent. Scutellum o£ the vertex with black carinae and terminating in a transverse carina ; frontal ridge sulcated, punctured, cheeks granulated. Pronotum short, with a blackish band behind the eye, extending over a great part of the pleura, but divided by a large tri- angular pale spot in front and a large round one in the middle; de- flexed lobes much higher than long. Abdomen mostly black above. Teg- mina brown, - with two transverse whitish bands or spots, and the discoidal area hyaline beyond the middle. Wings subhyaline, with tlie base yellow, the costa beyond tlie middle brown, and the marginal half clouded with brown, except j^,. below the dark costal line. Front Ftenioscirta himacitlaia. legs yellowish, ringed with black; «. Apical balf of teginen. hind femora banded with black and yellowish ; hind tibise blaclc at the base, followed by a white and a black band ; the rest blue, with S or 9 black-tipped spines. Length 21 mm. ; tegmina, 19 mm. Ceylon. Type of P. turbata in the British Museum. [The description is taken from the type of P. turbata, AValk.] MOUI'HACBIS. 137 Geuus MORPHACRIS. Morphaori.'<, Walker, Oat. Derm. Salt. ^^M. iv, 1870, p. 7i)(). Cosinorhi/smi, StSl, Receii.?. Oi'tli. i, 187;}, pp. 1 1(5, 121 ; Saussiire, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviil (9), 1884, pp. .10, 12S ; x.xx (1), J888, pp. 18, 37. Type, Morphacris adusta, Walk. {=Gryllus sanguineus, Tliunb., iimnature). lianf/e. Africa, W. Asia, India, Greece (?). Body ]oug and slender. Scutellum of the vertex depressed, with a median carina, terminating in front iu a sHght ridge between the auteumB ; costal ridge slightly prominent, sulcated ; lateral carinte obsolete. Prouotum with the median carina stronsly marked ; the principal snlcns is indistinct and placed considerably before the middle, and beliind it are several strong continuous carinas on each side. Tegmiua long, narrow, slightly expanded on the costa towards the base, the postradial area extending to the middle. Wings yellow or red at the base, separated by a dark band from the outer hyaline area. Femora long, rather slender, not serrulated. 158. Morphacris citrina, Kirhy. Morphacris citrina, Kirb}-, Syn. Cat. Orth. iii, 1910, p. 219. Cosmorhyssa mlcata, Saussure {ncc Thiinb.), JMeui. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, p. 124 ; xxx (1), 1888, p. 37. Head brown, darker above and along the frontal ridge ; upper part of the sides of the face below the eyes yellowish to tlie end of the clypeus beside the costal ridge. Pro- notum brown, with a black band on the pleura, marked below with a raised yellowish line. Abdomen yellowisii, witli a shining black spot above near the base. Legs brown, hind femora within Avith two longi- tudinal black bands covering much of the surface ; hind tibias yellow, with a dark band near the base. Tegmina brown, paler towards the inner margin, on which a few dark dots are visible ; outer area subliyaline, slightly sinning, and reticulated with square cells. Wings light sulphur- yellow at the base, bordered by a broad blackish band ; outer area hyaline, somewhat clouded towards the extremity. Length 20-27 mm. ; expanse oP wings, 42-45 mm. India ; Ceylox ; Syria ; Ajjyssixja. The South-African M. sulcata, Thunb., is darker and more lieavily marked. Fig. 99. Moi-phacris citrina. 138 (KDIPODIN.^;. Genus LERINA. Lerina, Jiolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 602. Type, Lerina oedipodioides, Bol. Ihinge. IS. India. Body very isleuder. Head suioolli, front shining, frontal ridge sulcated; teujpora trigonal, lanceolate, extending to the tip of the vertex, with the ridges acute ; scutellum of the vertex sub- transverse, carinated on the sides next to the eyes, distinctly narrowed in front, and truncated; ocelli distant from the margin of the vertex ; antennae filiform. Pronotum truncated in front, rectangular behind, smooth above, and carinated, the carina inter- sected before the middle by the principal sulcus. Pronotum sinuous in front, the lateral carinse being compressed before the sulcus, with smooth rounded lobes ; the deflexed lobes higher than long, with the hinder angles rectangularly rounded. Tegmina longer thau the hind femora, narrow, subparallel-sided, with the discoidal area membranous from the central stigma to the tip, regularly reticu- lated with long rectangular cells, the spurious nervures complete ; the basal half submembranous and irregularly reticulated ; an intercalated nervure approximating to the median nervure, axillary nervure free. "Wings with the discoidal nervure emitting two branches, the second closely approximating to the front ulnar vein, disk hyaline, with a curved brown band. Space between the metasternal lobes very narrow in the male, half as narrow as the space between the mesosternal lobes. Hind femora short, very broad at the base, with the upper carina very slightly serrulated ; tibiae with eight outer and nine inner spines, outer spurs rather shorter than the inner, and not pilose. Sub- genital laminae conical, very short. 159. Lerina cedipodioides, Bol. Lerina wdipodioides, Bolivar, Auu. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 603. Pale yellowish, varied with brown, and head and pronotum spotted with brown, Tegmina with three brown bands. Wings hyaline, pale yellow at the extreme base, behind with a suffused brown marginal band, not extending to the tip. Hind femora brown, broadly pale at the base, and with a narrow pale ring before the tip ; hind tibise brown, with a narrow space near the base, and a broad one near the tip, pale. • Length, , 16 mm. ; pronotum, 3 mm. ; tegmina, 17 mm. ; hind femur, 9 mm. Madras : Madura. Type in the collection of M. Panrel. DIITOPTBBXIS. 139 Genus DITTOPTEENIS. Ditf.optemis, Saussure, M^ni. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 52, 125 ; XXX ( 1 ), 1888, pp. 19, 44. Type, Ditto2)terais ceylonica, Sauss. Ramje. India, Ceylon, Aiistivalia, S. Africa. Head broad, gronulatetl ; scutellum of the vertex 5-sided, longer than broad, truncated in front, and the lateral carinte not extending behind the ej-es ; frontal ridge broadly sulcated, parallel-sided, continuous ; antennte longer than the head and pronotum. Pronotum granulose, the median carinsB bituber- cidate in front, and deeply cut by the principal sulcus before the middle ; the front border truncated, behind this somewhat constricted to the pi'incipal sulcus ; hind border rectangular, with the tip rounded off ; deflexed lobes nearly square, with the borders slightly sinuated. Tegmiua long, narrow, densely reticulate, and opaque to beyond the middle, then membranous and subhyaline, with complete intercalated nervures. Wings hyaline, with the base coloured, and a curved black band beyond. Hind femora denticulated, hind tibiae with nine or ten spines. Key to the Species. 1 (2) Head and pronotum slightly gTanuIar. . ceylonica, Sauss., p. 139. 2 (1) Head and pronotum strongly granular. 3 (4) Lateral lobes of pronotum rectangular behind venusta, Walk., p, 140. 4 (3) Lateral lobes of pronotum oblique and rounded behind zehrata, Sauss., p. 140. 100. Dittopternis ceylonica, Sauss. Dittopternis ceylonica, Saussure, M(5m. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 125, 126 ; xxx (1), 1888, pp. 19, 44. Eeddish grey, marbled with brown. Head rather smooth, vertex between the eyes very slightly carinulated, with a few granules on the occiput; fi-outal ridge sulcated, much narrowed between the antennae, and truncated above. Pronotum with the principal sulcus slightly before the middle, somewhat constricted before the sulcus, granulated in front, the carina raised, and well marked, the hind border forming less than a right angle, and rounded at the tip ; deflexed lobes rectangular behind. Tegmina long, brown or ferruginous, the basal half with two chestnut bands, then narrowly dotted with grey, the hinder portion concolorous ; the discoidal area beyond the middle sub- hyaline, with ferruginous nervures. Wings hyaline, base bright yellow, followed by a more or less extensive brown band ; nervures of the costa brown ; the rest hyaline, more or less clouded before the tip. Hind femora yellowish with three brown 140 bands, tlie last just before the tip ; sometimes the inner surface is bluisli ; hind tibia3 blue, with a pale ring at the base. Lemjih 17-24 mm.; tegmina, ]8-2;3 mm.; hind femur, 7- 13 mm. Ceylon. Type in the Geneva Museum. 161. Dittopternis venusta, Wallc. CEdipoda venusta, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 740. Dittopternis venusta, Saussure, M6m. Soc. Geneve, xxx (1), 1888, p. 40. Brown, paler beneath. Vertex with four diverging rows of pale granules running baclcwards from between the eyes ; those in the two middle rows largest ; a blackish band runs backwards from each eye over the occiput and part of the pronotuin, bordered above and below by a slight yellow line ; antennae very loug, tawny at the base, then banded with black and white, with a loug white space not extending to the tip. Pronotum rugose, granulated and strongly carinated, cut by the principal sulcus before the middle, obtusely angulated behind, with the tip rounded ; deflexed lobes quadran- gular behind. Tegmina long, narrow, with the basal half and costa brown, with a large yellow blotch at one- fourth of the length extending half across the tegmina, and smaller yellowish spots along the costa and middle ; the outer area subliyaline. Wings hyaline, yellow at the base, with a broad suffused blackish band beyond. Abdomen yellow, carinated, with a black tapering median band above, not ex- tending to the tip. Hind femora tawny, with black transverse bauds ; hind tibise black at base, followed by a light yellow baud, then blue ; spines yellow, tipped with black ; terminal spines and tarsi reddish. Length 25 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 53 mm. S. India. Type in the British Museum. Fig. 100. Bil I opternis venusia. 1 (12. Dittopternis zebrata, Sauss. Dittoptemis zebrata, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 12o, 126; xxx (1), 1888, p. 44. Fulvous, irrorated with brown, strongly rugose and granulated. HETEUOPTERNIS. 141 Occiput with two oblique lines of granules. Pronotum with the tip not very acute, the margins slightly waved, the hinder angle of the iiiuder lobes rather narrow, extending obliquely backw ards with the hinder margin slightly concave. Teginina dotted and spotted with black, and dotted with grey at the tip. Wines hyaline, with longitudinal brown nervures, yellow at tlie base, followed by a suffused brown band, and with the margin brown, streaked with hyaline in the male. Hind tibiae blue. Length 20-25 mm. ; tegmina, 20-26 mm. India ; Bukma. Hi4cro2)temis, StSl, Eecens. Orth. i, 1873, pp. 117, 128; Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, p. 129 ; xxx (1), 1888, pp. 19, 45. TrpB, Acrydiam respoiidens, Walk. J?ange. Oriental Eegion, Africa. Body rather slender. Head smooth or slightly granulated ; vertex of the scutellum broad behind, narrowed and truncated in front, costal ridge sidcated, tempera oblong. Pronotum not much longer than broad, slightly compressed in front, and with the typical sulcus placed somewhat before the middle ; hind border rectangular. Tegmina long, narrow, brown, speckled and blotched with subhyaline ; wings hyaline, often more or less clouded, but with no dark curved band. Hind tibise red, claws very unequal, incurved. 163. Heteropternis respondens, WalJc Acri/dium vespondeiis, Walker, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) iv, 1859, p. 223. Iletvr opto mis ])i/)-rhoscelis, StSl, Recens. Orth. i, 1873, p. 128 ; Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 129, 130 ; xxx (1), 1888, p. 46. Eufo-testaceous, vaiied with black. Head i-ather smooth, lateral carina; slender, frontal ridge punctured ; antennae brov\'n, paler at the base, filiform, longer than the head and pronoium. Pronotum velvety, paler or darker above, with a continuous median carina, cut by the principal sulci^s before the middle ; the front somewhat constricted, and the pleura marked with a large squai-e black spot, behind which is a round white callous one ; deflexed lobes higher than broad, curving backwards and upwards ; hind border of I)ronotum nearly rectangular, rounded at the extremity. Tegmina Genus HETEROPTERNIS. Keij to the Species. Pronotum unicolorous Pronotum paler behind respondens, Walk. partita, Walk. 142 UiDIPOUINiE. longer than the abdomen, with large siibhyaline spots and blotches along the costa, and a longitudinal row of subhyaline spots about the middle. Wings hyaline, more or less clouded to- wards the tips, and more or less tinged with red or yellow at the base. Hind femora yellowish, irregularly spotted and mottled with black above and on the outer side ; red on the inner side and beneath ; hind tibia? red, with nine or ten small black-tipped spines, with the upper spine of the inner terminal pair much shorter and more slender than the lower ones. Under surface and legs with long Heteroptcrnu res^Miulens. white hairs. a. Apex of tibia with spurs. Length 19-22 mm. ; tegmina, 19- 22 mm. India; Ceylox; Btjbma; CniwA; Malacca ; Java ; Sumatka. 164. Heteropternis partita, Walk. Epacromia partita, Walker, Oat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 780. Dark brown, mottled with grey, antennae reddish. Pronotum strongly angulated behind, and the hinder third reddish, the dark ■ground-colour cutting into this triangularly in front; median carina and hind border of the reddish portion narrowly bordered with black. Abdomen reddish brown above, blackish beneath. Tegmina brown at the base with a few pale spots ; beyond sub- hyaline, reticulated with brown; wings hyaline, with broA^Ti nervures, except at the base, where the longitudinal nervures are bright yellow. Hind femora brown outside, lined with grey ; low-er outer space reddish, spotted with black ; under and inner surface, and hind tibiae and tarsi red ; spines of hind tibiag short, black. Length 28 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 55 mm. Ceyxox : Hakgala. Type in the British Museum. Grenus (EDALEUS. (Edaleus, Fieber, Lotos, iii, 1853, p. 12G. TiPE, Acrydiwn nigrofasciatum , De Geer. Jfaoige. Old World. Head large, frontal scutellum longer than broad, aud truncated in front, with a slight median carina continued backwards over the vertex ; frontal ridge parallel-sided, sulcated ; tempora small, trigonal. Pronotum short, green or luteous, with incomplete a:uALEUs. 143 white cruciform marks ; strongly carinated, and entire, the median sulcus visible on the sides of the pronotum before the middle; the hind border rectangidar or obtusely angulated. Tegmina long, narrow, brown on the basal half, with white markings, then subliyaliue with brown markings, intercalated areas subequal ; wings yellowish at the base, with a broad dark central band. Hind femora with the upper margin generally entire. Key to tlie Species. 1 (4) Prouotum more or less pointed behind. [p 143^ 2 (3) Size moderate n{(/rofasdatus,\)Q heev', 3 (2) Size small «6;-Mpi!/«.s,Thimb., p. 144. 4 (1) Pronotum rounded behind senegalensis, Krauss, [p. 143. 165. (Edaleiis nigrofasciatus, Sauss. Acnjdium nit/rofasciatum, De Geer, M6m. Ins. iii, 1773, p. 493, pi. xli, fig. o. (Edaleus nu/rofasciatus, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9) 1884, pp. lib, 116 ; XXX (1), 1888, p. 40. Gnjllus Jfiavus, pt., Fabricius (ncc Liuneeus), Syst. Ent. 1775. p. 292. n J , Green or testaceous, banded with brown. Pronotum brown, with white markings above, forming an imperfect cross, and white markings on the pleura; central carina strongly marked, nearly straight, not usually cut by the principal sulcus, M'hich is placed before the middle ; liiud border more or less angulated. Tegmina brown at the base, more or less varied with pale blotches ; some- times green along the inner margin ; outer half subhyaline, more or less varied with brown blotches ; wings greenish subhyaline at the base, with a broad black transverse band, curving inwards to the anal angle; tip clear hyaline, sometimes with a few blackish spots at the extremity. Hind femora (Edale^f;:ig!ifasciatus. l^'^^*^' banded with black ; hind tibia, ^ red, with, a yellow ring at the base. Length 18-38 mm. ; pronotum, 4-8 mm. ; tegmina, 16-24 mm. S. EimoPE ; W. Asia ; Ixdia ; CErLOisr. 166. (Edaleus senegalensis, Krauss. Pachyti/lus senegalensis, Krauss, Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.- nat. CI. Ixxvi (1), 1877, p. 56, pi. i, fig. 9. (Edaleus seneqale^isis, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9) 1884, pp. liO, 117 ; xxx (1), 1888, pp. 40, 42. Very similar to the last species, but the pronotum is much 144 a!DiPODi>';i;, shorter, tlie whito lijies are more slender, the principal sulcus is placed at or behind the middle, and the hinder edge of the pronotum is rounded. The tegmina are long and narrow, sub- hyaline, with the base varied with light brown, two larger blotches being more conspicuous than the others. Wings greenish hyaline towards the base, A\'ith the black transverse band rather narroAV, not extending to the margin, and slightly interrupted towards the costa ; apical area hyaline, the veins often broader and browner towards the extreme tip. Hind tibite darker red than in 0'. Saussure's description of T. annulata agrees neither with Thunberg's nor with Walker's T. asjyera, hub with T. vulnerata, De Haan (Orth. pp. 161, 162, pi. xxi, fig. 13). T. annulata is either a A'ery variable species or (which is more probable) there are a number of closely allied species in different parts of the Oriental Eegion. 173. Trilophidia turpis. Walk. Epacromia tutyis, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 775. Trilophidia annulata, var. ceijlonica, Saussure, Mdm. Soc. Gene\e, xxviii (9), 1884, p. 158. Brown, granulated; scutellum of the vertex passing into the frontal ridge ; antennae ringed with black and tawny. Pronotum rectangular behind ; abdomen blackish in the middle above. Teg- 150 .acDipoiiN'^i:. mina brown, with two large pale spots ou tlio costa befoi-e the middle, the outer half dusky subhyaline, with ratlipr indistinct alternate brown and subhyaline spots running I'ound the apex ; wings iridescent hyaline, clouded towards the apex, and stained with ypllow at the base and inner margin. Front legs banded with black and grey ; hind femora yellow ish grey externally, with blackish spots on the carina), and black on the inside, with a large square white spot before the tip; hind tibiae black, with two white bands and with about eight mostly black-tipped spines, the terminal ones rather long. Length 14 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 32 mm. IkdIA ; CEYLOJf. Type in the British Museum. 174. Trilophidia cristella, StdJ. Qidipoda cristella, Stul, Eugenie's liesa, Orth. 18G0, p. 344. Trilophidia cristella, StSl, Kecens. Orth. i, 1873, p. 344 ; Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 1-57, 158. Trilophidiu annulnta, yar. a, Stal (?/ec Tliunb.), liecens. Orth. i, 1873, p. 131. Ejmcroviia aspera, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 775. Testaceous yellow, scarcely granulated, with the carinula3 of the cciput only slightly marked. Pronotum with the crest serrated rather than dentated, with a black median stripe, and black marks on the pleura ; lateral lobes brown, pale below. Pectus bro^^'n on the sides, with two pale spots. Teg- mina brown, not spotted ; ^^'iugs brown, paler at the base. Front legs indistinctly spotted with brown, hind femora pale outside, spotted above with brown, inside black, Avith a pale band before the Fig. 106. extremity; hind tibite brown, Trilophidia cristella. with a pale band towards the base, and with a slight pale band beyond the middle ; spines pale at the base. India; .Tata; Philippines, etc. Genus BRYODEMA. Bryodema, Fieber, Lotos, iii, 1853, p. 129. Type, G'kUjpoda gebleri, Eisch.-Waldh., from Siberia. Range. Europe, Asia, south to Hongkong and North India. Large, stout, granulated insects. Vertex broad, bordered by shallow lateral carinte curving backwards \\'ithin each eye to tlie BRXODEMA. 151 occiput; the space between punctured, liardly depressed, not carinated, and passing over into the sulcation between the frontal carince; the carinee of the vertex pass just within the eyes, and are continued as well-marked lateral facial carina), but do not quite extend to the extremity of the clyi)eus. Antenna) short, filiform. Pronotum short, broad, granulated, angulated behind, very slightly raised, with the median carina and the sutures slightly marked ; the principal suture placed about the middle; depressed lobes higher than broad, nearly rectangular behind. Tegmiua long, roundly truncate at the extremity, closely reticulated, .with the intercalated nervure equidistant from the costa and the radial nervure. Wings shorter than the tegmina and not much longer than broad, with the principal longitudinal nervures thickened, aud between them branching accessory nervures ; towards the base with numerous parallel transverse nervures, and irregularly reticulated towards the margins. Tegmina and wings sometimes abbreviated in the female. Legs short, hind tibise with nine or ten spines. 175. Bryodema inda, Sauss. Bryodema inda, Saussure, M(5m. Soc. Geueve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 179, 181. Head shading into grey ; antennae and legs reddish. Pronotum granulated, nearly rectangular behind; with the apex rounded off. Abdomen black, shining, cerci red. Tegmina brownish grey, with reddish nervures ; wings black to beyond the middle, but lighter in the middle of the dark area, and subhyaline beyond ; the principal longitudinal ner- vures in the dark area are much thickened, and deep black. Front and middle tibiae with small spines ; hind femora brown outside, and black inside and be- neath, with a pale band before the extremity; hind tibiae bright red, Autli black- tipped spines. The female is described by Saussure as large and stout, with tegmina shorter Fig. 107.— Brt/odema inda. than the abdomen, and with small wings. LengtJi 27-39 mm. ; tegmina, 20-38 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 83-87 mm. 152 aSDIPOBIN^. India (teste Saussure) ; Tibet : Dakar. Thtj Tibetan specimens are not so dark in the wings as Sauasure's description suggests the Indian specimens to be. Bianclu rightly observes that the Indian examples are probably Himalayan. Genus ACROTYLUS. Acrotylus, Fieber, Lotos, iii, 1853, p. 125. Type, Oryllus insubricus, Scop. Mange. S. Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia. Size rather small. Body pubescent, prouotum stouter than the abdomen. Anteunao filiform, variable in length. Head short, rather large; eyes rounded, prominent; costal ridge rather broadly sulcated, becoming narrower in front, and frequently acuminated or constricted on the vertex ; scutellum of the vertex triangular, concave. Pronotum short, more or less constricted in front, with the hind margin rounded or obtusely triangular, distinctly cari- nated throughout, with the carina generally intersected by the front sulcus, and also by the typical sulcus at or before the middle ; deflexed lobes much higher than long, with the hinder angle rounded off, not produced, and the hind margin nearly straight. Tegmina narrow, with the apical area subhyaline ; the costa expanded near the base, and the costal area divided almost equally longitudinally by the intercalated nervure ; the outer intercalated nervures frequently obsolete ; median nervure absent. Wings hyaline, generally red or yellow at the base, with a dark curved central baud. Hind femora generally yellowish, with blackish bands or spots above, and black on the inner side ; hind tibite more or less blue, with the terminal spurs unequal. Jiei/ to the Species. ^ [•Wings red at the base inficita, Walk. Wings yellow at the base humlertianus, Saus?.] 176. Acrotylus inficita, WalJc. (Edipoda inficita, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 742. [Light brown, testaceous beneath. Head short ; tip of the vertex conical, concave, with a carina on each side; the four carinas of the front well defined, the lateral ones diverging much towards the clypeus ; eyes elliptical; antenna; blackish towards the tips. Pronotum short, with a distinct carina ; on each side a black subquadrate patch, bordered with testaceous, and in- cluding a callus of that colour; hind border rounded, not elongated. Abdomen testaceous, as long as the hind femora. ACEOTYLUS. — SPHINGONOTUS. 1 53 Hind femora testaceous on the inner side, where there are two black patches ; hind kuees black, hind tibia) yf^How, inuch shorter than the hind femora, the spines tipped with black. Tegmina with the basal half light brown, except a brown costal stripe and a middle stripe of darker brow n spots and dots ; this stripe extends along the apical lialf, which is hyaline ; there is a triangular testaceous spot in the front margin about one-third from the base. Hind wings hyaline briglit reddish-rose at the base, witli a ratlier broad, lunate, brown spot on the disk ; there are a few small brown spots along the costal margin and two at tlie apex. Length 23 mm. ; tegmina, 22 mm. ]Sr. Bengal : Ceyloi^. Tyiu in the British Museum.] 177. Acrotyliis humbertianus, Scmss. AcToti/his humherlianus, Saussure, M(5m. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, p. 189. (Edipoda injicita, var. (3, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iy, 1870, p. 742. [Fulvous grey, whitish beneath, pubescent. Body somewhat smooth ; vertex a little prominent. Pro- notum finely carinate ; prozona M'ith two fuscous fascia, the lateral margin white below. Tegmina with two oblique white fascise or spots, the discoidal area hyaline beyond the middle in front, tlie trans- verse nerviires somewhat tinted with fuscous ; no spurious veins ; the areoles lai'ge ; the posterior intercalate space with a line of fuscous spots. Wings hyaline, yellow at the base ; tlie radial area with a semilunar fuscous fascia. Tlie posterior femora fasciate. LengtJi, $, 18 mm., J, 14 mm.; Fig. 108. tegmina, $ , 10 mm., c? , 16 mm. Acrotyliis hiimheriiamis. CeyloN.] Genus SPHINGONOTUS. Sphingonotiis, Fieber, Kelch, Orthopt. OberscLles., 1852, p. 2. Sphingonotus, Fieber, Lotos, iii, 1853, p. 124. Sjjhinctonotus, Fischer, Ortb. Eiu-. 1853, pp. 55, 297. Type, Gryllus Locusia ccerulans, L. Range. Cosmopolitan. Body slender, punctured ; colour grey, pale beneath. Scutellura of the vertex ovate, sloping, concave, subearinated ; antennte longer than the head and pronotum together ; frontal ridge frequently sulcated. Pronotum constricted in front, rectangular 154 (EDIPOMXiE. Of obtusely angulatecl behind, the dellexed lobes liigher than long, the hinder angle obtuse, produced, the median carina only slightly indicated, and cut by the principal sulcus much before the middle, Teginina grey, with darker markings, membranous almost throughout ; M'ings bluish hyaline, or brightly coloured, witb a curved black band. Hind femora generally black on the inner side, hind tibiie generally blue. Key to the Species. [1 (4) Wings with no dark band. 2 I'd) Tegmina brown, distinctly banded ; ■wiugs tinted with pale blue .... ccericlcins, L., p. 154. 3 (2) Tegmiua brownish-testaceous; more vaguely banded ; wings with very little trace of blue riibescens, Walk., p. 155. 4 (1) Wings with a curved transverse baud. 5 (6) Wings with band confined to pos- terior half i hengulensis, Sauss., p. 156. G (5) Wings with band extending from costa to anal angle. 7 (14) Wings without dark spot at the apex. 8 (11) Wings with narrow light brown baud. 9 (10) Tegmina with intercalate vein strong, touching the apex of the median vein saviynyi, Sauss., p. 155. 10 (9) Tegmina with intercalate vein not , touching the apex of the median vein indiis, Sauss., p. 156. 11 (8) Wings with broad dark baud. 12 (13) Smaller ; base of wings scarcely blue balteatus, Serv., p. 157. 13 (12) Larger ; base of wings blue longipennis, Sauss., p. 156. 14 (7) Wings with a broad dark spot at apex gif/as, sp. n., p. 158.] 178. Sphingoiiotus caerulans, L. Gryllus Locustn ccerulans, Linnasus, Syst. Nat. (ed. xii.) i (2), 1767, p. 701. G-rey or light reddish-brown, the bead au-d sides of pronotum often largely white or bluish-white. Antenna) ringed with reddish-brown and yellowish-white. Pronotum witli the median carina very slightly marked, hind border rectangular. Tegmina light brown on the basal third, then subhyaline, with more or less numerous light brown spots and irregular transverse bands ; wings hyaline, unspotted, generally light blue. Legs brown, with pale rings ; hind femora generally black on the inside, with Sl>ni]S'GOXOTI/S. 155 a yelloAv band before the tip ; liincl tibia3 blue, with a yelloAv band towards the base, marked before and behind with black. Length 18-27 mm. ; tegmina, 17-30 mm. Europe ; JSTorth ArRiOA : Westerx & Central Asia ; India : Himalayas. Found on stony, sunny hill-sides, near rivers and brooks. 179, Sphingonotus rubescens, Wall: (Edipoda rvhesccns, Walker, Zoolofjist, (2) v, 1870, p. 2301. Sphinqonotvs cSj)/nn(/onofus lon(/ipennis, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Gene>-e, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 197, 20.3 ; xxx (1), 1888, pp. 78, 85. Greyish brown, punctured. Head and sides of pronotum some- SPHITSGONOTUS. lo7 times whitish ; central ridge parallel-sided, constricted below the eyes. Pronotum regularly recurved in frout, rectangular behind, with no median carina ; deflexed lobes oblique beneath. Tegmina aud wings rather long ; tegmina light brown at the base, thickly reticulated, followed by a wide pale space, and a rather ill-defined broad brown transverse band. Wings blue to the middle, followed by a black band, varying iu width, curving from the middle or the costa to above the anal angle, but not extending to the hind margin, which, as well as the whole area beyond the band, is clear hyaline. Hind femora blue, inner surface black with a pale baud before the tip, and with black bands above ; tibiae alternately banded with blue and black. Length -32-35 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 62-79 mm. PuifJAB : Malakand ; Assam : Sylliet. In the specimen from Malakand, the wings are rather paler blue, and the black band is narrower than in those from Sylhet. Fig. 109. Splnngonotm longipemiis. 184. Sphingonotus balteatus, Serv. CEdipodu halteata, Serville, Ins. Orth. 1839, p. 734. SjMngonotus balteatus, pt., Saussure, Mem, Soc, Geneve, xxx (i), 1888, pp. 78, 86. G-rey, or reddish-grey, thickly punctured. A very slight median carina on the vertex and pronotum. Pronotum obtusely rounded behind, deflexed lobes with the lower border slightly concave, and the angles before and behind well-marked ; abdomen mostly blackish above. Tegmina with the basal third opaque, greyish brown or reddish, densely reticulated ; beyond this is a pale space, followed by a transverse brown band, the rest of the wing is subhyaline, with numerous dusky transverse nervures, some being clustered together to form a second ill-defined band. AVings with the whole centre filled up by a very broad black band, the base of the wing being narrowly blue, and a narrow blue edging runs from this along the inner and lower part of the hind margins till it fades into the apical third of the wing, which is clear hyaline ; the upper part of the band is sometimes subinterrupted towards the costa. Hind femora reddish grey, the inner side blue-black, with a pale band before the extremity ; 15S OEDIl'ODIN,!;. — BAmACOTETBlGlITJE. liind tibice blue, varied with white, the spines tipped with black ; hiud tarsi whitish. Length, 34-85 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 70-88 mm. Bombay ; Kashmiii : JSaltistan. Type in the Paris Museum. 185. Sphingonotus gigas, sp. nov. Buff, with a double row of black spots on the middle segments of the abdomen. Pronotum finely rugose, carinated throughout, and with scattered raised nodules. Legs rather short, pubescent, with 9 outer and 10 inner rather stout black-tipped spines on the hind tibiae. Tegmina s^ery long, and obtusely rounded at the exti-emity, as are also the wings. Wings white (possibly blue or red in life), with a broad black rectangular band running from the middle of the costa nearly to the inner margin, but not extending either to the inner or hind margin ; apex of wing rather broadly black. Lengtli 53 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 115 mm. Baluchistan : Quetta. Type in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. Subfamily V. BATRACOTETRIGINiE. Genus EEEMOPEZA. Eremojjeza, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, ixx (1), 1888, p. 133. Eremoplava, Saussure («ec Stal), Meui. Soc. Geneve, xxviii (9), 1884, pp. 62, 232. Type, Eremobia cinerascens, Stal, from Persia. Range. Persia, Baluchistan. Very stout and rugose ; front and vertex not areolated ; scutellum of the vertex rather flat, slightly oblique, granulated ; frontal ridge narrow, very narrowly sulcated. Pronotum slightly raised in front, but hardly ridged, very slightly carinated in the middle, hind border acutely angulafed. Abdomen slightly carinated at the base. Tegmina rather short, subparallel-sided with the hind margin obliquely rounded ; wings hyaline, with a dusky curved band. Hind femora strongly serrated and granulated ; hind tibiae short ; arolia very small. Key to the Species. Pronotum studded with raised yellow granules granulosa, Walk. Pronotum without raised granules brachycera, sp. n. EEEMOPEZA. 159 186.^Eremopeza granulosa, Walh. CEdipoda gramdosa, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. E.M. v, Suppl., 1871, p. 76. Eremocharis qmnulosa, Saussure, Mem. Soc. Geneve, xxx (1), 1888, p. 134. Grey or whitish, with darker markings. Strougl}' granulated, over the pronotum, and to a less extent on the head, especially on the sides, but also on the soutelluDi of the vertex, which slopes down to the frontal ridge, wliich is formed of three approximating parallel carinse to the level of the antennae ; back of head cariuated, and bordered on each side by transverse striae. The carina is continued over the pronotum, but is only slightly raised, and is very finely sulcated through most of its length ; the pronotum shows traces in the female of numerous black spots and bands on the back and sides ; and the hind lobe is probably blackish in life. Abdomen slightly cai'inated at the base, and probably with black transverse bands. Tegmina rufo-testaceous, with numerous dark blotches in the female. Wings hyaline, more or less yellow towards the base, and with an interrupted brown baud beyond the middle. Hind femora pubescent, white inside and grey outside, with a row of large black spots in the female on at least the lower outer area, and probably also on tlie upper ; hind tibiae blue in the male, with 8 or 9 whitish black-tipped spines. Length 38-50 mm. ; tegmina, 30-35 mm. Baluchistan ; Bombay. The specimens appear to be much discoloured by spirit, so that the description is only provisional. Possibly they are not sexes of the same species, but distinct. Type in the British Museum. 187. Eremopeza brachycera, sp. nov. Very similar to the last species, but much less rugose. Fig. 110. — Eremopesa hrachycera. Frontal costa not granulated ; small raised ridges radiating round the eyes. Pronotum with the front arched, trilobate, the carina continuous, but only slightly prominent, and narrowly sulcated throughout. Antennae hardly longer than the head and 160 I'mCOMOBPHINiE. pronotuui, the terminal joint twice as long as the preceding joint, tapering, but rather obtusely pointed. Pronotuin rectangular behind, aud fringed with liairs. Teginina rufo-testaceous, hardly as long as the abdomen, and rounded at the extremity. Wings suhhyahne with brown nervures, yellowish towards the base, followed by a brown hand curving round to above the inner margin. Abdomen aud legs reddish, clothed with whitish pile; hind femora crenate above, and tuberculate on the outer side ; hind tibias with 8 or 9 black-tipped spines. Length, 44 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, G6 mm. BALTJCmsTATf : Quetta. 2^ype iu the British Museum. Subfamily VI. PYRGOMORPHIN^. Key to the Genera. [1 (22) Tegmiua of ordinary elon- gate form. 2 (.3) Anterior margin of pro- sternum strongly reflexed and dilated Chbotogonus, Serv., p. 161. 3 (2) Anterior margin of pro- sternum neither reflexed nor dilated. 4 (7) Antenna3 remote from the eyes, placed in front of the ocelli. 5 (6) Tegmina long and narrow, body moderately slender. Atbactomorpha, Sauss., p. 180. 6 (5) Tegmina rather short and broader; body veryrobust Tagasta, Bol.,* p. 179. 7 (4) Antennae near the eyes and inserted below the ocelli. 8 (21) Posterior lobe of pronotum level ; abdomen without callosities J the sternal lamina margined in front. 9 (14) Outer apical spine of pos- terior tibife absent or difficult to detect. 10 (13) Posterior angle of lateral lobes rounded or truncate. 11 (12) Tegmiua developed Pybgomorpha, Serv., p. 174. 12 (11) Tegmiua absent Anarchita, Bol.,* p. 178. 13 (10) Posterior angle of lateral lobes rectangular ; pro- uotum compressed ; teg- mina short, not reaching to middle of abdomen . . Zarytes, Bol.,* p. 177. * These genera are only known from description. CHUOXOGONUS, 161 14 (9) Outer apical spiuo of pos- terior tibiie very distinct. 15 (1,6) Posterior sulcus of pro- notum scarcely behind the middle ; body robust ; tegmiua and wings fully developed PcEciLocamus, Serv., p. 170. U! (15) Posterior sulcus of pro- notum placed some dis- tance behind the middle. 17 (18) Tegmina and wings absent. Obthacbis, Bol., p. 184. 18 (17) Tegmina abbreviated. 19 (20) Tegmina elliptical ovate, about the same length as the pronotum ; body slender Ohlouizeina, Brunn.,* p. 174. 20 (19) Tegmina very narrow, linear, longer than the pronotum Oolemania, Bol,,* p. 188. 21 (8) Posterior lobe of pronotum convex, raised above the level of the anterior lobes, with strong rugse ; abdo- men with dorsal callosity. Aulabchks, Stgl, p. 168. 22 (1) Tegmina much dilated to- wards the apex, obliquely truncate, more or less leaf-like Tbigonopteryx, Charp., p. 189.] Genus CHROTOGONUS. Chrotogonus, Serville, Ins. Orth. 1839, p. 702. Type, Ommexyclia luguhre, Blanch., from Egypt. Range. Africa, Asia, Australia. Size small, body short and stout. Head small, narrowed towards the front ; antennae short, filiform, inserted close together between the eyes. Pronotum more or less rugose, much widened behind; hind border obtusely angulated or rounded. Tegmina generally shorter than the abdomen, and nodose; wings often abbreviated. Hind femora moderately stout ; hind tibite slightly thickened towards the extremity, with no terminal spine on the upper outer carina ; the other terminal spines of nearly eaual length. ^ ^ Key to the Species. (6) Wings Avell developed, *longer or scarcely shorter than the tegmina. (3) Tegmiua not extending to the apex of the hind femora juillidus, Blanch,, p. 162. (2) Tegmina extending to apex of hind femora. (5) Pronotum with the posterior angles projecting, very acute . robertsi, sp. n., p. 164. M 162 PYUGOMOnrilllJ-jE. o (4) Pronotuiu with the posterior angles less projecting, slightly ^ f^,^^^ io3. obtuse o 7 • i iJjo ( P orevis, Bol., p. lo3. 6 (1) Wings distinctly shorter than the tegmina. 7 (10) "NVings extendino- at least to the middle of the hind femora. 8 (9) Tegmina almost covering the ahdomeu incerbts, Bol., p. 163. 9 (8) Tegmina shorter than the aodomen zrachyptervs, Blanch., p. 165, 10 (7) Wings very short or wanting. 11 (12) Tegmina aslong as the abdomen, /z'fis;;/*-, Blanch., p. 165. 12 (11) Tegmina scarcely extending beyond the middle of the abdomen. 13 (20) Tegmina half as long as the abdomen. 14 (15) Size small oxyptei-us, Blanch., p. 166. 15 (14) Size larger. 16 (19) Tegmina gradually and much acuminate. 17 (18) Hind femora with a distinct black spot above saussurei, Bol., p. 166. 18 (17) Hind femora without dark spot, concaras, sp. u., p. 165. 19 (15) Tegmina subparallel-sided in the middle, arcuately acumi- nate at apex sordidus, sp. n., p. 167. 20 (13) Tegmina C[uite rudimentary . . hrachyptenis, Bol., p. 167. [The foregoing was left uncompleted. It has been finished from Bolivar's Key (Bol. Soc. Espan. iv, 1904, p. 92) and the new species added in their places, so iar as the scanty materials permit ; but it should be borne in mind that the males are generally narrow and have lono-er tegmina than the females, and individuals of the same sex and species vary considerably ia the length of the tegmina and wings.] 188. Chrotogonus pallidus, Blancli. Ommexycha pallidum, Blanchard, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, v, 1836, p. 623, pi. xxii, fig. 10. Dull pale yellow. Head short, witli short longitudinal black lines behind the eyes. Antennie yellow, tipped with blackish. Eyes pale, round, prominent. Pronotum short, broad, ridged above, bind border not festooned, the edges rather paler, with a brown spot on each side ; two approximating black granules in front, and a row of large black tubercles behind. Sternum yellow, spotted w4th black. Tegmina as long as tlie abdomeu in the male, shorter in the female; with numerous indistinct small black dots,' in longitudinal rows, the central row marked with w^l)ite in the male. Wings completely byahne, and rather longer than the teo-mina in the male, shorter in the female. Abdomen smooth, yellow spotted with black beneath. Pour front legs pale yellow, CHnOTOGOKUS, 163 with some darker spots ; liiud legs slender; hind femora with two bhiekish spots above and rows of small dots beneath ; tibiae slender,, with short and slender spines. Length 13 mm.; tegmina, 8 ram. Bombay. Type in the Paris Museum. 189. Chrotogonus brevis, Bol. Chrotogomis brevis, Bolivar, Bol. Soc. EspaS. iv, 1904, pp. 92, 99. « Pale ochreous, spotted with black beneath. Head granules© above, vertex concave between the eyes, slightly produced before them, and roundly subangular ; antennae short, brownish at the tips ; front (seen from the side) sinuated and granulated. Pro- notum scabrous and sparingly granulose, with no lateral carinse, the median carina complete on the metazona, the front margin with black granules, the hind border obtuse-angular, almost quadri- plicate, lateral lobes rather concave behind the sulcus, and strongly granulose, the lower margin slightly sinuated, subrefiexed in front, and produced chiefly towards the hinder angle, the hind margin rounded near the angle. Tegmina longer than the abdomen, the ulnar nervure with white raised nodules adjoining small black dote, the mediastinal area expanded beyond the base. Wings rather shorter than the tegmina, hyaline. Space between the mesosternal lobes as long as broad, with the lateral borders obtusely angulated before the middle. Femora with grey pubescence, the carina marked with black. Length. 18 mm.; tegmina, 15 mm. Sink: Karachi. Type in the Paris Museum. 190. Chrotogonus incertus, Bol. Chrotogonus incertus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. EspaS. xiii, 1884, pp. 38, 45, 494. Eeddish brown, pale beneath, spotted with brown. Head short, tuberculate in front, vertex concave. Pronotum rugose- tuberculate, behind acutely angulate, with the outer margin yellow. Tegmina nearly as long as the abdomen, with one row of small tubercles, the nervures reddish. Wings in the female one- fifth shorter than the tegmina, slightly brown. Hind femora granulate, pubescent, with rather indistinct brown spots. Ab- domen brownish on the back. Length 20 mm. ; tegmina, 12 mm. Assam : Sylhet ; China. Type in the collection of Brunner von Watteuwyl. 191. Chrotogonus fuscescens, sp. nov. Brown above, pale beneatli. Scutellum of the vertex obtusely pointed in front ; vertex within the eyes bordered by a row of M 2 104;, granules ; occiput in the male with two black dashes in the middle, aud one behind each eye ; face below the antennae and eyes pale yellowish on the wliole front and sides, this colour extending to the lower border of the deflexed lobe of the pronotum ; lower pai't of face strongly granulose, especially on the sides. Pronotum rufous brown, granulose, with an interrupted and rudimentary carina, hardly visible at all in the male ; the area before the principal sulcus irregularly trilobate on the margins, the hind border rounded with a row of large black-marked tubercles. Abdomen greyish brown above, indistinctly varied with black, and carinated in the female. Pronotum and abdomen pale yellowish beneath, spotted with black, most strongly in the male. Tegmioa rather narrow and pointed, longer than the abdomen, x'ufous-brown, with a longitudinal row of indistinct white dots adjacent to darker ones in the male, these being almost obsolete in the female. Wings as long as the tegmina, brown subhyaline. Pemora yellowish, hind femora banded above with brown and dotted with black on the sides ; tibisB and tarsi reddish. Length 15-22 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 29-39 mm. Bombay : Bandra. Types in the British Museum. 192. Chrotogonus robertsi, sp. nov. Uniform brownish grey, strongly tuberculate. Scutellum of the vertex slightly pointed in the male, obtusely rounded in the female ; vertex and pro- notum with an indistinct median carina, more visible in the male ; sides of pro- notum irregularly trilobate before the principal sulcus ; hind border indistinctly trilobate aud subrotund, lower border of the deflexed lobes concave in front, and produced and angulated be- hind. Abdomen smooth, with a double row of brown spots above ; pronotum and abdomen pale beneath, with Fig. 111. — Chrotogonus robertsi. light brown spots. Tegmina grey, with a longitudinal row of pale black-marked tubercles, and traces of similar rows on the principal longitudinal nervures. Wings distinctly shorter than the tegmina, clear hyaline. Legs pale yellowish, terminal spines of the hind tarsi tipped with black. Length 16-19 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 27-31 mm. ; of wings, 26-28 mm. Balttchistan : Quetta. Ti/pes in the British Museum. .CHKOTOGONUS, 165 193. Chrotogonus concavus, sp. nov. Uniform reddish grey (sand-colour), hardly paler beneath, strongly granulose. Scutellum of the vertex depressed, obtusely pointed in front ; median carina of head and pronotum nearly obsolete ; sides of pronotum strongly tridentate before the principal sulcus, hind border obtusely rounded, with black mar- ginal tubercles ; deflexed lobes with the lower border yellowish, twice concave, and angulated behind. Tegmina about as long as the abdomen, tapering, rather pointed, with a median row of small pale dark-marked tubercles ; wings two-fifths as long as the teg- mina, hyaline. Legs yellowish, hind femora with black dots on the outer carinse, terminal spines of the hind tibite tipped with black. Abdomen rather obscurely pointed with brown. Length 24 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 28 mm. BaluchistajST : Quetta. Type in the British Museum. 194. Chrotogonus trachypterus, Blanch. Ommexycha trachypterus, Blanchard, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, v, 1836, p. 618, pi. xxii, fig. 6. Brown, rugose and tuberculate. Head short, broad, rugose ; antenufe fulvous, ringed with black; eyes very prominent, brown, shining, occupying three-quarters the length of the head. Pro- notum short, broad, with a great number of small crowded tubercles ; seven lobes on the hind border ; front and lateral borders not indented. Sternum yellowish, spotted with blackish. Tegmina rather shorter than the abdomen, brown, considerably humped, nervures and numerous tubercles very prominent; wings hyaline, nearly as long as the tegmina. Abdomen brown above, paler beneath, with brown spots. Four front legs short, slender, rugose, yellow, with brown spots. Hind legs short, femora as long as the abdomen, outer surface very rugose, with two black spots, one at the base and the other at the extremity ; tibiae with short pale spines. Length 17-19 mm.; tegmina, 12 mm.; wings, 9 mm.; hind femur, 8-5 mm, Bombay. Type in the Paris Museum. [Mr. JCirby suggests in a memorandum that this may be the female of G. pallidMS?^ 195. Chrotogonus liaspis, Blanch. Ommexycha liaspis, Blanchard, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, v, 1836^ p. 620, pi. xxii, tig. 8. Brownish yellow, smooth. Head rather broad at the base, and pointed at the extremity ; antenn[e brownish, shading into black 166 pthgomoeph ikje. towftvds the tip; e^'es ovoid, dark brown. Pronotum greyish, smooth, slightly ridged in front, with three black tubercles on the hinder edge and some smaller ones beyond them ; three small tubercles, and a black spot on the sides, and a yellowish-white marginal line from the front to the hind border. Sternum pale yellow, smooth, with ten black spots. Tegmina rather shorter tlian the abdomen, nervures scarcely visible, and only a single row of inconspicuous tubercles. Wings hyaline, half as long as the tegmina. Abdomen smooth, brown above, and yellow spotted with black beneath. Legs rather short, yellowish, with darker spots, and finely striated ; hind femora broad and flattened, with some brownish spots on the outer surface ; tibiae smooth, with pointed spines. Length 20-21 mm. ; tegmina, 11-5 mm. ; hind femur, 10 mm. Bombay. Type in the Pai-is Museum. 196, Chrotogonus oxypterus, Blanch. oxi/ptenim, Blanchard, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, t, 1836, p. G22, pi. xxii, fig. 9. Yellowish brown, short, rugose, subapterous. Head reddish ; antennae yellow, with small black transverse streaks ; eyes very large and prominent, covering the sides of the head. Pronotum short and broad, humped, with some small black dots in front ; hind border hardly festooned, sides brown, with a black spot, and bordered by a white line extending to the lateral border of the head. Sternum spotted with black ; tegmina only half as long as the abdomen ; brownish yellow, with darker spots ; wings obsolete. Abdomen yellow above, with small and rather indistinct transverse black lines ; under surface spotted with black. Legs rather short and slender, yellow, with darker spots ; hind femora with two brown spots ; spines of hind tibiae small. Length 13-19 ram. Madkas : Malabar, Types in the Paris Museum. 197. Chrotogonus saussurei, Bol. Chr I > , Gryllus {Loeusta) conspercus, Stoll, op. cit. 1813, p. 40, pi. 226, tig, b5. ' Aularches miliaris, Stal, Eecens. Orth. i, 1873, p. 18. Head yellowish, or more or less mottled with brown above ; pronotum yellow on the sides, generally with at least the spines and hinder area black. Erontal lobe with two large rounded contiguous elevations in front, black, or rarely pale ; the space between the sulci with several strong pointed conical tubercles on each side ; the hinder lobe very rugose, deeply pitted, and rounded behind, with a row of shore spines on the margin, not close together. Tegmina light brown, very thickly reticulated with yellow uervures, and with a variable number of large and small ALrLAUOHliS. 169 callous yellow spots ; wings purplish browu, darkest towards the base. Legs yellowish, slightly mottled with darker or veined with black ; hind knees marked with black on the sides. Abdomen black, with narrow yelloA^' incisions, and a row of yellow spots on the back before the incisions, and the apex yellow ; on the under surface the transverse bauds are small, but there are no yellow- spots in addition. Length 35-52 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 68-100 mm. JSepal; Sikkim ; Madras: Coonoor ; Oeilon ; J at a. 201. Anlarches punctatus, Drury. Grijllus {Locusta) punctatus, Drury, 111. Exot. Ent. ii, 1773, pi. xli, fig. 4. Body almost entirely shining black above ; a broad yellow band running across the face below the antennae and across the sides of Fig. 112. — Aularches puiwtaiiis. the pronotum; abdomen more or less banded with yellow or reddish, at least towards the extremity and on the sides, aud the sternum and abdomen beneath mostly red ; abdomen and legs 170 PYHQ0M0EPH1Ne in the collection of I. Bolivar. Genus ATRACTOMORPHA. Atractonwrpha, Saussure, Aim. Soc. Ent. France, (4) i, 1861, p. 474. TrPE, Truxalis crenulatus, E. llanqe. Ethiopian, Oriental, and Australian Eegions. Body long and slender, compressed. Head conical, rarely longer than the pronotum; fastigium about as long as the eye; froSt very oblique, frontal ridge compressed between the antennae, and usually sulcated to the extremity. Antennae short, triquetrnl, subfiliform, very shghtly depressed and widened at the base m the emale, and inserteSl at the tip of the fastigmm ; eves oblong; cheeks with a row of granules extending , to the middle coxae. Pronotum subemarginate in front, and obtusely angulated behind. ATHACTOiMOllPn A . 181 very slightly tricarinate, the hind sulcus placed behind the middle; the deflexed lobes almost perpendicular, broader behind, with the hind margin arcuately incised, and the hinder angle more or less produced behind. Tegniina rather pointed, with the costal area sligiitly expanded towards the base. Wings nearly as long as the tegmiua, pointed at the tip, hyaline, often red at the base. Legs slender, hind femora with the externo-raedian area somenhat oblique and distinctly broader than the lo\A er area ; knees shortly bilobate ; hind tibiae smooth, with pointed spines, and an outer terminal spine. Prosternura with an obliquely truncated tubercle in the middle, or submarginate, and concave in front ; metasternal lobes behind the foveola? separated by a transverse space. Abdo- men slightly compressed, with the last dorsal segment angularly excised; supra-anal lamina trigonate, cerci short, conical ; valves of the ovipositor sinuated, and slightly crenulated. Key to the Species. 1 (10) Tegmiiia pointed, but not niucli longer than the wings. 2 (9) Hind margin of the lateral lobes of the prouotum deeply concave. 3 (8) Tegmina extending for one-fourth of their length beyond the hind femora. 4 (7) Frontal ridge sulcated, or shortly compressed and arched between the antennae. o (6) Tegmina green ; wings red at base crenulata, F., p. 181. 6 (5) Tegmiua brown, mottled with blackish ; wings hyaline scabra, Thb., p. 182. 7 (4) Frontal ridge between the antenufe not sulcated ; very shortly at tip of fastigium burri, Bol., p. 183. 8 (3) Tegmina extending for one-third of their length be3'ond the hind femora ...... jjsj'^tecMza, de Haan, p, 182. 9 (2) Hind margin of lateral lobes ob- tusely angulated fdmalayiea, Bol., p. 183. 10 (1) Tegmiua very long and pointed . . blnnchardi, sp. n., p. 184. 216. Atractomorpha crenulata, F. Truxalis cremdatus, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. ii, 1793, p. 28. Atractomorpha crenulata, Saussure, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, (4) i, 1861, p. 476. Atractomorpha crenulata, var. prasina, Bolivar, Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. V, 1905, pp. 197, 201. Aeridmm psittacmm, I)e Haan, pt., Temminck, Verhaudel., Orth. 1842, p. 149, pi. xxiii, fig. 1 {nec p. 146). Cxreen, pubescent. Antennae rather short and stout, separated 182 PYltQOMOimilNTIi:. from the ocelli by a space much narrower timn the width of the- autonnte ; front graiiulose ; fastigium of the vertex about as lou^ as tlie oval eyes, obtusely pointed, and narrowly cariiiated in front. Pronotum jninctured and sparingly granulated, sub- truncated in front, and obtusely angulated behind ; the deliexed lobes broader behind, and concave on the hind border, the lower hinder angle rather produced ; head and pronotum with the sides slightly sloping, crenulated behind the eyes, the crouilation often pale or pink ; presternum with an obtusely rounded tubercle. Tegmina pointed, extending for one-fourth of their length beyond the hind femora ; wings pointed, rather shorter than the tegmina,. about twice as long as broad, hyaline, with the base and nervures rosy. Abdomen smooth, rosy. Legs long and slender. Length 16-26 mm. ; tegmina, 15-20 mm. Bengal ; Madeas : Trichinopoli. 217. Atractomorpha scabra, Tlmnh. Truxalis scaher, Tliunberg, Mem. Acad. P^tersb. v, 1815, p. ii66. Truxalis porrecta, Walker, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) iv, 1859^ p. 222. Atractomorpha consobrina, Saussure, Aun. Soc. Ent. France, (4) i,. 1861, p. "475. Eather smaller and more slender than tlie last species, with the prosternal tubercle broader and more or less bifid or bidentate ; the colour is generally brown, tinged with rosy, rarely greenish^ often mottled with blackish ; the tegmina extend for about one- fourth their length beyond the hind femora, and the wings are- iridescent, hyaline, rarely tinged with rosy. Length 14-24 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 40-43 mm. Ceylon. 218, Atractomorplia psittacina, de Haan. Aoridmm {Truxalis) psittacinum, De Haan, Temminck, Verhandel.^ Orth. 1842, p. 140. Acridium crenukitum, De Haan {iiec Fabr.), op. cit. 1842, pi. xxiii^ fig. 2. Green or reddish ; antennas placed mnch before the eyes ; fastigium of the vertex twice as long as broad, subparalled-sided,. obtusely rounded in front ; pronotum rather shorter than the head, nearly smooth, very obtusely angulated behind, the carina? distinct, lateral lobes with a reddish crenulated line, the hinder angle acute ; prosternal tubercle conical, truncated at the tip ; mesosternal lobes approximating behind ; tegmina very long and pointed ; wings hyaline, rosy towards the base. Length 24-36 mm. ; pronotum, 4-5-7-5 mm. ; anteunse, 7-5 mm. tegmina, 21-31 mm. ; hind femur, 13-14 mm; Assam : Mangaldai ; Chiis'a ; Java. ATR ACTOMOErn A . 183 219. Atractomorpha burri, Bol. Atructomorpha buiri, Bolivar, Bol. Soc. Espaii. Hist. Nat. v, 1905, pp. 197, 203. Rather stout, subferruginous. Fastigium almost triangular, about as long as the eye, roundly angulate in front, the margins crenulated in the female. Antenntx? separated from the ocelli by a rather narrower space than tlie width of the scape, short, slightly depressed at the base, with the tliird joint not longer tlian the first. Front very sloping, the carina distinctly granulated, and with four whitish tubercles towards the tip between the carinae ; the costal ridge smooth, slightly raised, rather compressed between the ocelli and the end of the fastigium, the margins approximate, and only very shortly sulcated at the tip. Pro- notum rather smooth above, slightly sinuated in front aad obtusely angulated behind, the lateral carinae arched in front and marked with granules ; the deflexed lobes with scattered whitish granules, the lower margin coarsely granulated, but not sinuated, the hind margin strongly sinuated, with the hinder angle acute, but blunt at the tip. Pronotum with a transverse tridentate tubercle in the female ; mesosternal space transverse, distinctly expanded in front. Tegmiua extending for one-fourth of their length beyond the femora, pointed at the tip, and narrowly bordered with red ; wings rather shorter than the tegmina, hyaline, with the disk rosy. Hind femora with the inner border obtusely crenulated. Length 17-^5 mm.; tegmina, 15-25 mm. Assam : Cherrapiinji, Khasi Hills. Types in the Oxford Museum. 220. Atractomorpha himalayica, Bol. Atractomorpha himalayica, Bolivar, Bol. Soc. Espau. Hist. Nat. v, 1905, pp. 198, 204. Green or olive, rather stout. Fastigium ratlier broad, distinctly narrowed in front, where it is obtusely angulated, and rather longer than the eye ; head with a lateral row of red granules. Antennae concolorous, rather short, not extending to the tip of ihe labrum in the female, separated from the ocelli by less than the width of the scape. Pronotum slightly sinuated in front, and obtusely angulated behind, the lateral carinae arched in the middle before the hinder sulcus, the disk very slightly tectiforra ; the deflexed lobes distinctly higher behind, with the lower margin slightly arched, reddish white, incrassated and granulated, the hinder margin sinuated, obtusely angulated, the lower part vertical, the hinder angle acute, but not produced backwards. Tegmina green, rather broad, pointed at the tips, extending for one-fourth of their length beyond the hind femora. Wings hyaline, stained with rosy at the base and along the nervures. 184 PYEGOMOEl'lllNyE, Prostermim with the tubercle broad, transversely truncated at the extremity, slightly arched ; the inesosternal space transverse, half as broad ao;ain as long, and dlHlinclly expanded in front. Abdomen dark red above. Legs long, slender, green. Lemjth 34 mm.; tegmina, 28-30 inm. 81KKIM : Kurseong; Tihkt. Type in the collection of 1. Bolivar. 21, Atractomorpha blanchardi, sp. nov. Rather long, olive-coloured. Fastigium triangular, narrowly roumled in front, very slightly sulcated, not more than lialf as long again as broad and about as long as the eye. Antennae rather long, with long joints, the basal joints pale, the inner side blue, and the outer side red. Eyes less than twice as long as broad, the borders curved, and truncated behind. Frontal ridge slightly sinuated, regularly granulated, and sulcated throughout ; cheeks with small irregular pale granules on a yellow line. Pro- notum pale above, granulated, impress-punctate on the hinder area, slightly sinuated in front and obtusely angulated and slightly excavated behind ; the carinse indicated by granules, and the sulci distinct ; the deflexed lobes somewhat expanded behind, the lower margin slightly sinuated and finely granulated, the hind border broadly concave, but the hinder angle not produced backwards : a well-marked smooth space behind the hinder sulcus. Tegmina very long and pointed, passing the hind femora by one-third of their length ; wings rather shorter than the tegmina, hyaline, with the disk rosy. Legs slender, hind femora with the lower outer area pale. Prosternum with a slightly transverse tubercle, emai-ginate at the tip ; mesosternal lobes separated bj^a transverse rectangular space. Length 34 mm. : tegmina, 29 mm. SiND : Kai'achi. Type in the Paris Museum. Genus ORTHACRIS. Orthacris, Bolivar, Ami. Soc. Espan. xiii, 1884, pp. 24, 439, 496. Type, Orthacris filiformis, Pol. Range. India, Ceylon. Body slender, apterous. Head conical, fastigium horizontally produced before the eyes, vertex carinate, tempora very short, with a short suture in front ; front very obh que, not sinuated, costal ridge compressed between the antennas, and sulcated throughout, lateral carinsB distinct, but interrupted ; antennas filiform , inserted between the eyes, joints 3 and 4 triquetral ; eyes short, oblong, with a row of granules behind. Pronotuin pubescent, not carinated, hardly expanded behind, the hinder sulcus placed at one-fourth of its length, the metazona very short ; OKXHACRIS. 185 the (leflexed lobes rounded, equally high before and behind and the lower margin more or less thickened. Legs short; four front femora slender, rather compressed, the middle ones extending to the extremity of the hind eox£B ; hind tibise pubescent at the base, with rather pointed spines towards the tip ; outer terminal spine present or absent. Prosternum with a short pointed tubercle ; sternal lamina long ; mesosternal lobes rounded within, sub- contiguous, or separated by a very narrow space. Supra-anal lamina lanceolate ; cerci curved at the tip in the male, straight and very short in the female; infra-genital lamina in the male hooked and slightly produced at the tip. Valves of the ovipositor sinuated. Key to the Species. 1 (8) Hind tibire with a short outer terminal spine ; vertex rather broad. 2 (7) Abdominal tympanum present. 3 (4) Body with red markings rufcornis, Bol., p. 186. 4 (3) Body with yellow niarJdugs. 5 (6) Deflijxed lobes of pronotum with small scattered yellow tubercles . . filiformis, Bob, p. 185. 6 (5) Deflexed lobes of pronotum with numerous large yellow tubercles . , maindroni, Bol., p. 185. 7 (2) Abdominal tympanum absent eleyans, Bol., p. 186. 8 (1) Hind tibife with no outer apical spine. 9 (10) Abdominal tympanum distinct .... simulans, Bol., p. 188. 10 (9) Abdominal tym])anum indistinct .... acuticeps, Bob, p. 187. 222. Orthacris filiformis, Bol. Orthacris filiformis, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Espaii. xiii, 1884, pp. 439, 496, pl.'ii, fig. 11. Gi-reeu, punctured, with a yellow band, bordered above with black, running from the eyes across the lower mai^gins of the pronotum. Pronotum slightly emarginate behind, the deflexed lobes with small scattered yellow tubercles. Legs with greyish hairs ; hind femora in the male nearly as long as the abdomen ; much shorter in the female. Supra-anal lamina of the male com- pressed behind ; apical half of the cerci filiform, and curved inwards. Length 18-24 mm. Ceylon. Type in the collection of Brunner von Wattenwyl. 223. Orthacris maindroni, Bol. Orthacris maindroni, Bolivar, Bol. Soc. Espaii. Hist. Nat. v, 1905, p. 278. Straw-coloured, probably greenish in life. Body above coarsely punctured, witii a broad yellow band set with yellow granules 186 pyiiG omorpiiiis-.'t:. runniug- behind the eyes, as far as the middle coxae ; fastigiuin nitlier broad, moderately prominent before the eyes, obtusely carinated in the middle and obtuse at the tip ; eyes marked witii curved black parallel lines. Prouotuin slightly sinuated before and behind ; the deflexed lobes with iiumerous large yellovA'^ ir- regular granules, the lower margin as well as the front and hind angles yellow. An abdominal tympanum present ; prosternal tubercle short and conical ; mesosternal space X-shaped, very narrow. Hind tibije with a brown spot at the tip on the inside, and a very short terminal spine on the outer margin. Abdomen with a narrow lateral chestnut line granulated with whitish. Length 27 mm. Madras : Coromandel Coast. Ty2^e in the collection of M. Maindrou. 224. Orthacris ruficornis, Bol. Orthacns ruftcorm'a, BoliTar, Anu. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 608. Long, finely punctured, olivaceous green, or red above, with greyish hair beneath. Fastigium rather broad, subtransverse in the female, obtusely carinated above, and rounded in front ; antennae red, subtriquetral at the base. Pronotum stibcylindrical, expanded behind in the female, truncated in the middle or slightly sinuated on the hind margin ; a pale olive band (sometimes obsolete) running behind the eyes as far as the hind coxte, bordered within by a granulosa red band, the outer margin sinuated. Pectus rather long, separated by a distinctly narrower space from the mesosternal lobe in both sexes. Front femora thickened in the male ; hind tibiae with an outer apical spine. Abdomen furnished with a large tympanum ; the last dorsal segment slightly emarginate in the middle, with the lobes produced ; supra-anal lamina lanceolate, sulcated at the tip ; cerci very short, triangular, not incurved at the tip, much shorter than the supra- anal lamina ; subgeuital lamina compressed. Length 17-24 mm. Madras : Kodaikanal. Types in the collections of Pautel and Bolivar. 225. Orthacris elegans, Bol. Orthacris ele(/ans, Bolivar, Anu. Soc. Eut.' France, Ixx, 1902, pp. 608, 609. Eather narrow, coarsely punctured, dead-leaf colour. Front oblique, slightly sinuated, eyes prominent; vertex slightly carinated in the middle ; fastigium triangular before the eyes, equal-sided, roundly truncate in front ; antennae ringed with green and I'ed. Pronotum cylindrical, rounded in front, hind margin truncated and ORTHACUIS. 187 very slightly excised in the middle ; the hind lobe very short, the deflexed lobes crossed by a pale stripe running from behind the eye to the hind coxa3, broken into three spots on the pleura and bordered on the inner side by a green stripe enclosing yellow- tubercles, the outer margin sinuated before the middle, and behind the middle coalescing with the hind margin. Legs green, femora more or less bordered with red, the hind knees black on the in- side and marked outside with red and black ; hind tibiae tipped with black beneath and with a small outer apical spine. Pectus narrow, mesosternal lobes separated by a rather narrower space. Tympanum absent ; supra-anal lamina equilaterally triangular in the female. Length 23 ram. Madras : Madura. 226. Orthacris acuticeps, Bol. Orthacris acuticeps, Bolivav, Aun. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, pp. 608, 610. Very long and narrow, finely rugose, and closely punctured ; olive-green, with a yellow stripe running from the base of the antennse below the eyes and along the lower borders of the pro- uotum to the hind coxae ; in this are a few red tubercles, and above it, on the pronotum, is a broad green stripe with scattered white tubercles, followed by a white line occupying the place of the obsolete lateral carinae ; legs and under surface with grey hairs. Head pointed in front, vertex obtusely carinated, pointed in the male and rounded in the female; antennae subtriquetral at the base, the joints pale at the tips. Pronotum subcylindrical, truncate behind, the lateral margins broadly spotted with red and yellow and with a few yellow tubercles. Meso- and meta-notum with yellow lateral bands ; presternum with a small conical tooth ; pectus narrow, expanded behind ; mesosternal lobes almost con- tiguous in the male and separated by a very narrow space in the female. Front femora distinctly thickened, hind femora below spotted with brow-n, with the lower outer carina yellow ; hind tibiae with the outer apical spine obsolete. Abdomen reddish, Avith black and white lateral lines; abdominal tympanum very small ; the last dorsal segment in the male roundly emarginate in the middle, forming triangular lobes ; supra-anal lamina laiiceolate, obtusely carinated, not longer than the cerci ; the latter com- pressed, pointed and incurved at the tips ; subgeuital lamina lai'ge, somewhat compressed, carinated behind. Lencjih 18-24 mm. Madkas: Kodaikanal, Madura. Types in the collections of Pantel and Bolivar. 188 pyilfiOMOllPlIlNTE. 227. Orthacris simiilans, Bol. OrtliacriK sIumUuis, J^olivar, Anu. Soc. J'^nf. Jn'aiice, Ixx, 1902, pp. ()U8, Oil. Closely allied to the last species, but with a large abdominal tympanum. The male has the side of the head and thorax and the lateral lobes oE the prouotum dull reddish, and there are a few white tubercles on the head. The last segment of the abdo- men in the male is deeply sinuated, with tlie two lobes turning outwards, the supra-anal lamina carinated in the middle, and the cerci incurved at the tip. Lencjtli 19-26 mm. Madras : Madura. Types in the collections of Pautel and Bolivar. Genus COLEMANIA. Colemania, Bolivar, Bol. )Soc. Espau. Hist. Nat. x, 1910, p. 319. Type, Colemania splienarioides, Bol. Ramje. India. Body loDg, subcylindrical, fusiform in the male, and inflated in the middle. Eastigium of the vertex produced beyond the frontal ridge, longer than the eye, front sloping, slightly sinuated ; an- tennae ly-jointed, tapering from the third joint to the tip ; frontal ridge sulcated, compressed at the base, obsolete before the mouth, lateral cariuse slightly diverging, genaj with a slightly marked row of granules ; eyes small, longer than broad, truncated behind ; ocelli visible, the middle one between the eyes, and the lateral ocelli placed before the eyes. Prouotum conical in the male, cylindrical in the female, the two anterior sulci obliterated, the last continuous and placed much beyond the middle ; the lateral lobes long, with the margins entire, the front margin oblique, the lower one straight, indistinctly sinuated behind. Tegmina very narrow, longer than the pronotum ; wings obsolete. Prosteruum acutely spined ; mesosternal lobes long, in the male truncated and contiguous behind, in the female expanded in front and rounded behind ; metasternal foveolse nearer together in the male than in the female. Legs short, front femora thicliened in the male; hind femora slender, with the outer area narrow, with rather in- distinct pinnate rugae, the genicular lobes angulately produced ; hind tibia3 slender, tiie apical third expanded, and smooth above, with nine outer and eleven inner spines, and apical spines on both sides ; hind tarsi slender, the first joint twice as long as the second. Abdomen cylindrical, sub-clavate at the tip; last dorsal segment of the male transverse, trisinuated behind, supra-anal lamina forming a long triangle, longer than the cerci, sulcated and pointed; in the female nearly equilateral; cerci short, curved, subulate at the tips in the male, short and straight in the female ; subgenital lamina compressed, subcarinate behind ; valves of the ovipositor short, sinuate. COLBMANIA. — TEIGONOPXEEYX, 189 228. Colemania sphenarioides. Colemania sphenarioides, Bolivar, Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. x, 1910, p. 320; Coleman, J. Bombay Soc. xx, 1911, p. 879; fl. Ma.xwell Lefroy, J. Bombay Soc. xix, 1910, p. 1007. Straw-coloured or luteous. Head with a broad red and blue band running behind the eyes to the front of the pronotum, front red and blue, vertex with tliree blue lines, one median, the others lateral ; antennae blue-black, with a pale streak below and the basal segments pale. Pronotum reddish in the middle above, bordered by yellow bands edged within with black lines ; (he deflexed lobes banded with black, red and yellow ; the meso- and meta-notum much smaller in the male. Tegmina extending to the end of the first segments of the abdomen, reddish, with pale nervures. Legs pale, hind femora and cerci striped with yellow; hind tibiae reddish, often pale at the base, spines tipped with black. Abdomen pale above, the sides banded with brown and grey, the first segment furnished with a tympanum. Length 31-40 mm. Madras : Mysore, Madras, Bellary. This species has recently been recorded as very destructive to cholara {Andvopogon sorglmm) in various parts of India. Genus TRIGONOPTERYX. Tngonopteryx, Charpentier, Orthopt. 1841, pi. v. Ti'PE, Trigonopteryx punctata, Charp. Range. Oriental E-egion. Body long, much compressed. Head conical, compressed in front, vertex ascending, fastigium sinuated on the sides, and angulated in front, tempora narrow, separated by a very narrow suture ; front oblique, sinuated, the frontal ridge between the antennfe and the tip of the antennae raised, the margins separated, forming a pyriform foveola, obsolete before the ocelli ; antennae rather long, triquetral, ensiform, externally dentated, inserted near the eyes, the apical joint pubescent ; eyes oblong, slightly sinuated, no lateral facial carinse. Pronotum comjiressed, back narrow, parallel-sided, rounded and slightly sinuated in front, behind obtusely angulated, but not produced ; the typical sulcus indistinct, placed rather beyond the middle; the deflexed lobes perpendicular, but with obtuse carinse, trapezoidal, considerably raised behind, with the inner margin straight, the hinder margin somewhat sinuated, and the hinder angle acute. Tegmina long, extending much beyond the hind femora, the anal area narrow, the front area sinuated before the extremity, the anal nervure straight. Legs compressed; front femora short, the intermediate femora passing the extremity of the coxse, the hind femora com- pressed, with the externo-median area well developed ; hind tibiae slendei', \vith an outer apical spine ; tarsi very short. Prosternum 190 PAMPIIAGlNiE. with a short rounded tooth in the middle, sternal lamina very long, in front obtusely angulated ; the mesosternal lobes broadly rounded on the inner side, with the intervening space much narrower. Supra-anal lamina in the female long, triangular, sulcated; cerci conical, very short; valves of the ovipositor •compressed, sinuated. 229. Trigonopteryx punctata, Charp. Triyonopteryx punctata, Charpentier, Oithopt. 1841, pi. v. Grey, rugose. Head produced, obtuse at the tip; antennas short, ensiform ; labrum with a large brown spot in the fore border. Tegmina greyish brown, varied with darker blotches and spots, nearly triangular, with the tip pointed, and the hind margin curving beneath, but not greatly. Abdomen and legs pale yellow, the latter with black dots. Lenr/iJi 30 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 50 mm. Ceylon ; Java. Subfamily VII. PAMPHAGIN^. Genus ASPIDOPHYMA. Aspidophyma, Bolivar, Ann. See. Espau. xiii, 1884, pp. 26, 491. Type, Aspidophyma americana, Bol. Range. Ceylon, Ecuador. Head above nearly triangular ; fastigium depressed, horizontal, i-ather longer than broad ; front very slightly sinuated, wdth the frontal ridge sulcated ; antennaa filiform or subensiform, inserted between the eyes. Proiiotum truncated in front, truncated or -broadly situated behind, tricarinated above, with the lateral carinfe diverging behind, the hinder sulcus placed beyond the middle. Presternum with a slender conical tubercle, sternal lamina mar- gined in front. Tegmina very short or wanting. Hind femora broad at the base, with rather irregular coarse pinniform strisB ; tibiae cylindrical, with strong conical spines. Upper valves sinuated, with dentated margins, and the lower ones sinuated befoi'e the tips. 230. Aspidophyma indica, Bol. Aspidophyma indica, Bolivar, Aun. See. Espan. xiii, 1884, pp. 491. 498. Ochreous-brown, rugose-punctate, with grey hair beneath and ■on the legs. Antennae shorter than the head, subensiform, depressed. Pronotum subtruncated behind, with the transA^erse sulci slightly marked. Tegmina lobiform, lateral, rounded, impress-punctate, extending to the hind border of the first abdo- tminal segment. Legs with scattered black spots, hind femora with CATANTOPINiE. 191 granulated carina?, the spines with dark reddish tips. The valves of the ovipositor very short. Lmgth 17 mm. \ antennae, 4 mm. ; tegmiua, 2 mm. Ceylon. Type in the collection of Brunuer von AVattenwyl. Subfamily VIII. CATANTOPIN^. Key to the Genera. [1 (26) Posterior tibi;« with an ex- ternal apical spiue. 2 (25) Tegmiiia present. 3 (24) Tegmina and wings fully de- veloped. 4 (5) Head short and very broad, the face broader than long .... 5 (4) Head not remarkably broad. 6 (15) Mesosternal lobes meeting in a straight line. 7 (12) Antennae between the eyes or scarcely in front of them. 8 (11) Antennae filiform. 9 (10) Posterior femora reaching apex of abdomen ; posterior tibiae with about 15 moderately strong spines on outer edge . 10 (9) Posterior femora much shorter than abdomen ; posterior tibise with about 20 small spines on outer edge; thorax with white lateral stripe . . 11 (8) Antennae ensiform 12 (7) Antennae remote from the eyes. 13 (14) Fastigium with a distinct carina 14 (13) Fastigium without carina .... 15 (6) Mesosternal lobes more or less separated. 16 (17) Tegmina with a patch of densely placed transverse nervures at the parting of the radial veins 17 (16) Tegmina without a patch of nervures. 18 (23) Prostenial tubercle cylindrical, somewhat acuminate at apex ; external apical spine of pos- terior tibiae quite distinct. EUTHYMIA, Stal, p. 196. OXYRRHEPES, Stal, p. 209. Leptacris, Walk., p. 210. ISCHNACRIDA, Stal,* p. 212. Xenippa, Stai, p. 215. PsETJDOCARSULA, Brunn., [p. 214 Spathosternum, Karsch, [p. 207. * Iscknacrida iarsalis, Walker, lias the mesosternal lobes contiguous in the middle only, slightly diverging posteriorly; the prosternal tubercle is enlarged at the apex and slightly concave. 192 oatantopin;!!:. 19 (22) Lateral carina of head slightly sinuous or nearly straight from the base of mandibles to ocelli. 20 (21) Posterior tibire -with the outer ridge that bears the spines somewhat flattened and ex- panded towards the apex ; with seven spines besides tlie apical one ; frontal carina narrowed at vertex Oxya, Serv., p. 198. 21 (20) Posterior tibise with outer ridge not expanded ; with eight spines besides the apical one. Cabyanda, StSl, p. 201. 22 (19) Lateral carinje of head suddenly bent at an angle at the base of the antennae ; frontal carina parallel-sided IIieroglypiius, Krauss,* 23 (18) Prosternal tubercle truncate at [p. 201. apex ; external apical spine of posterior tibiae very small and difficult to detect Eacilia, Stal, p. 205. 24 (3) Tegmina imperfectly developed, elongate ovate, punctured ; Avithout wings ; antennas rather short, with transverse joints Cercina, Staijt p. 200, 25 (2) Tegmina and wings absent ; in- sect elongate, subcylindrical ; head short and wide Tarbaleus, Brunn., p. 200. 26 (1) Posterior tibife without external spine at the apex. 27 (34) Fastigium separated hj a dis- tinct angle or ridge from the frontal carina. ' 28 (31) Wings fully developed. 29 (30) Fastigium a little longer than broad ; antenute narrowly eusiform ; tegmina somewhat acute at apex ; posterior femora reaching apex of abdomen Gelastoeebxnus, Brunn. 30 (29) " Rostrum in front of the eyes [p. 216. longer than the pronotum ; antennae broadl}^ ensiform towards the base, tapering wliip-like towards the tips" (Kirby) Lefeoyia, gen. u., p. 219. 31 (28) Wings absent. * H. bcttoni and H. bilineatus sometimes have the tegmina and wings more or less short. t The genus Cadciria appear:^ from description to differ from Ccrcina in having the hind margin of the pronotum angular, and the radial vein of the tegmina costiform. CATAyrOPIN.E. 193 32 (33) Tegmiua reduced to a short narrow strip Mbsambria, Stai, p. 220. 33 (32) Tegmina absent ; untennal joints elongate Wacata, gen. n., p. 219. 34 (27) Fastigiuui deflexed or hori- zontal, gradually blending with the frontal carina. 35 (70) Pronotum with no lateral carin.'B. 36 (41) Mesosternal lobes slightly con- verging posteriorly with the inner angle acute. (Large species.) 37 (40) Prothorax gradually narrowed anteriorly. 38 (39) Wings generally Avitli dark [p. 224. spots at apex Obthacanthaceis, Karscb, 39 (38) Wings without dark spots OyktaCanthacris, Walk., 40 (37) Prothorax rather short and [p. 230. strongly constricted in the middle Schistocecra, Stal, p. 232, 41 (3fi) Mesosternal lobes not con- verging, angles rounded. 42 (67) Prosternal tnbercle acuminate. 43 (48) Thorax with a crest. 44 (47) Crest simple. 4.'3 (46) Crest very high and com- pressed ; tegmina extending slightly beyond apex of ab- domen ; hind femora with the carinse serrate Tebatodes, Brulle, p. 234. 46 (45) Crest less high : tegmina short, ovate ; wings rudimentary. . Pklecinotus, Bol., p. 233, 47 (44) Crest viewed sideways divided into four unequal lobes ; [p. 236. apterous, rugose Alectorolophus, Brunn., 48 (43) Thorax without crest. 49 ( 52) Upper part of frontal costa arched forwards and pro- jecting over the lower part of the face. 50 (51) Thorax subparallel-sided, flat- tened dnrsally, with median carina scarcely visible except at base ; base with small ob- tuse lobe in the middle ; teg- mina scarcely reaching apex of abdomen Bibracte, StSl, p. 235. 51 (50) Thm-ax scarcely narrowed in front, flattened dorsally, the median carina visible for whole length ; base angular ; tegmina extending slightly be3'ond abdomen ; eyes prominent Traulia, Stal, p. 244. 52 (49) Up])er part of frontal carina not ])rojecting ; face vertical. 194 CATANXOPJNiE. 53 (56) \'ertox betwoon the eyes wider than the rroiital costa. 54 (56') Tliorax sli<;litly tectifonn, as- perate ; I'routal costa scarcely reachiug tlie clypeiis ; teg- mina generally witli a hluck spot 55 (54) Thorax flattened dorsaUy,_ giving the appearance of lateral cariuse ; eyes promi- nent ; base of thorax scarcely angular, with a small central notch 56 (53 J Vertex not wider than frontal costa. 57 (66) Dorsal carina of prouotum cut by three grooves. 68 (59) AutenufB nearly three times as loiJg as the head and thorax together ; eyes rather promi- nent; thorax narrow, sub- parallel - sided, the base acutely angular 59 (68) Auteunse less than twice the length of the head and thorax together. 60 (61) Base of pronotum biangulate, having an angular emargin- ation in the middle 61 (60) Base of pronotum angularly produced. 62 (65) Frontal costa parallel-sided, not or scarcely wider between antennae, its margins gene- rally obtuse and smooth. 63 (64) Tegmina fully developed, ob- liquely truncate at apex. . . . 64 (63) Tegmina short, scarcely longer than pronotum, narrowed towards apex 65 (62) Frontal costa distinctly widened between antennae and wider than the vertex between the eyes ; tegmina obliquely truncate at apex 66 (57) Dorsal carina of pronotum cut by the third groove only; tegmina fully developed, obliquely truncate at apex . . Prosternal" tubercle cylindrical, obtuse at apex. Metasternal lobes in both_ sexes contiguous, rarely slightly separated in female ; pos- terior tibiaj with at least nine spines on the outside . . Gerenia, Stai, p. 243. Navasia, gen. n,, p. 265. Apalacris, Walk., p. 237. Bibbactoidks, gen. n., p. 236. Coptacra, Stai, p. 238. Coptacrella, Bol., p. 230. EUCOPTACRA, Bol., p. 240. Epistaurus, Bol., p. 242. 67 (42) 68 (69) Catantops, Schaiim, p. 246. CATANTOPJNA'. 195 69 (68) Metasternal lobes widely sepa- rated ill female ; posterior tibiiB with eight spines on [p. 254. ontside SxENOCROBYLrs, Gerst,, 70 (35) Pronotum with lateral carinoe, sometimes somewhat broken up posteriorly by punctu- ation. 71 (78) Hind femora short and very thick, their upper edge toothed. 72 (73) Eody depressed ; pronotum ^ery Hat and broad, pro- duced angularly at the base, the produced part equal in length to the anterior por- tion ; lateral carinse very obscure ; tegmina and wings short BuACHi'XENiAj gen. n., p. 256. 73 (72) Body of normal form. 74 (77) Tegmina and wings fully de- veloped. 75 (76) Lateral carinas of pronotum nearly rectilinear, complete . Caloptenopsis, Bol., p. 258. 76 (75) Lateral carinse of pronotum slightly flexuous, almost ob- literated posteriorly by coarse piractuation " Kripa, gen. n., p. 257. 77 (74) Tegmina short, ovate Peuipolus, Mart., p. 261. 78 (71) Hind femora comparatively slender, much narrowed towards knees, extending beyond apex of abdomen, not or scarcely denticulate. 79 (80) Prosternal lobe bilobed at apex ; posterior tibiaj with 13-15 spines on outer edge Tylotbopidius, Stal, p. 265. 80 (79) Prosternal lobe simple. 81 (82) Prosternal lobe acuminate, bent backwards at an angle about the middle ; posterior tibiae with about 12 spines on outer edge Heteeacris, AValk., p. 262. 82 (81) Prosternal lobe straight, obtuse at apex ; posterior tibiae with 8-10 spines on outer edge. 83 (84) Tegmina and wings fully [p. 207. developed Euprepocnemis, Fieb., 84 (83) Tegmina and wings short .... PARAEUPREPOCNEMi,s,Brunn., [p. 260. o2 1!)G CATANTOPINiE. Genus EUTHYMIA. Euthijmia, Stftl, Bill. Svensls. Alcad. Ilandl. iii (14), 187/3, p. 29. Type, Eulhymia melanoeerca, StSl. Eange. India, Cevlon, Borneo, Madagascar. Body rather short and stout, everywhere closely punctured; head olatuse, vertex and fastigium sloping into the front, which is very broad, with the carinse converging below ; the lateral carinae nearly straight ; eyes large and prominent ; antennae slender, long or short. Pronotum pubescent, not carinated, obtusely rounded behind, the transverse sulci well-marked, continuous, the hind sulcus placed beyond the middle. Tegmina and wings well developed, not longer than the abdomen, and usually shorter ; tegmina narrow, rounded at the tips, uniformly coriaceous ; wings more or less coloured or infuscated. Legs rather stout, as long as the abdomen in the male and shorter in the female ; hind tibiae with from 7-15 spines, of equal length on both carinae, and with terminal apical spines above on both sides ; hind tarsi long, with the second joint half the length of the first. Pro- sternal tubercle obtuse ; metasternal lobes contiguous in both sexes. Supra-anal lamina of the male triangular, with the sides entire ; male cerci acute. Key to the Sjjecies. Wings red Wings hyaline-yellow Wings blue-grey, iufuscate at apex 231. Euthymia kirbyi. Fin. liirhyi, Tinot, finoti, sp. n. yreeni, sp. n. Euthymia kirbyi, Finot, Ann. See. Ent. France, Ixxi, 1903, pp. 622, 629, 630, ligs. 6, 7. Body very stout, light brown, with greeiv spots and blotches. Head reddish brown, with green markings above, finely punctured ; antennae slender, 23-jointed, shorter than the head and pronotum together, rusty brown, darkest in the middle. Pronotum short, constricted in the middle, brown, with the deflexed lobes more yellowish, impress-punctate, rugose behind aud with a very slight median carina, hind border obtusely rounded ; deflexed lobes with the lower margin nearly straight, and strongly rounded at the hinder angle; the transverse sulci dark, well-marked, the hind sulcus placed beyond the middle. Tegmina nearly as long as the abdomen, greyish brown, with dense brown reticulation and sub- hyaline areolae ; wings shorter than the tegmina, pale red at the base, with the tip and hind margin slightly clouded. Legs rather short ; hind femora externally testaceous brown with greenish EUTHYMTA. 197 black spots; internally with a long black green-spotted space towards the base, and a greenish black spot on the apical third ; the lower sulcus blvie-black ; hind tibiae pubescent, yellowish brown, w-ith the apical half reddish below, and ten blade spines on each side, the inner row reddish at the base ; hind tarsi testaceous brown, the first two joints reddish on the inner side, the second joint only half as long as the first. Prosternal tubercle broad, truncated. Abdomen brown above, paler below; supra-anal lamina of the female triangular, longitudinally sulcated in the middle ; cerei of the female narrowly conical ; valves of the ovipositor short, with the tip and borders of the upper valves blackish above. Length 34 mm. ; tegmina, 23 mm. Madras : Kodaikaual. 232. Euthymia finoti, sp. n. Light ferruginous brown, the head clothed with greyish pubescence. Antennfe slender, I'ed, at least as long as the head and pronotum together. Pronotum and abdomen ferruginous brown above, the sides and under surface more or less whitish ; the pronotum thickly and rather finely impress-punctate, the abdomen smooth ; transverse sulci slightly marked, the hinder one placed about the middle of the pro- notum ; pronotum with a slight carina on the metazona, and the hind border obtusely rounded ; de- flexed lobes sinuated and upcurved on the lower margin, with the hinder angle rounded. Tegmina as long as the abdomen without the appendages, lighter than the pro- notum, and varied with pale spaces, especially towards the costa ; \\ ings clear hyaline yellow, almost to the margins. Four front legs reddish brown, with thick grey pile ; hind femora shorter than the abdomen, the outer surface pinkish white. Fig. lib.— Euthymia finoti. with rows of more or less regular moderate-sized black spots ; inner surface blue-black, with two wliite bands, one beyond the middle, and the other before the knees; hind tibiae reddish, thickly pilose, with 10 or 11 black-tipped spines on each side, darker on the inner surface, where there is a white band near the base : hind tarsi red, the second joint above only one-third 198 CATAXTOnif-Ti:. as long as tlie others. Valves oC ovipositor bifid at tlie tips, with uptiiniecl points. Length 8(5 mm. ; tegmina, 33 mm. Ceylon : TrincomaU. Tyjie in the Britisli Museum. 233. Eutliymia greeni, sp. n. Dull yellowish browu, obscurely mottled with blackish. Head and pi'ouotum rather thickly punctured. Tegmina subhyaline with reddish brown nervures ; wings greenish subhyaline, with brown nervures, antl the hind margin rather narro^ iy bordered with brown. Legs with grey hairs, front and middle femora black, tibiae and tarsi testaceous, varied with black ; hind femora black, slightly varied with testaceous towards the tip ; hind tibise and tarsi testaceous on the outer side ; tibia? black on the inner side, with a yellow band towards the base, and a broad red space beyond the middle; hind tarsi red on the inner side ; hind tibise witli 9 or 10 black spines. Length 43 mm. ; tegmina, 30 mm. Ceylon : G-algedara. Genus OXYA. Oxya, Serville, Ami. Sci. Nat. xxii, 1831, pp. 264, :386 ; id., Ins. Orth. 1839, p. 675. TrPE, Oxya hyla, Serv., from Africa. Range. Africa, Asia, Australia. Head large, as broad as or broader than the pronotum ; fastigium obtuse, transverse, not contracted before the eyes, which are large and oblique, face very slightly oblique, almost vertical ; antenuje filiform. Pronotum smooth, flattened, with the median carina slightly marked or wanting, metasternal lobes contiguous in both sexes. Tegmina narrow, obtusely rounded at the extremity, ex- panded towards the base on the costa, as long as the abdomen, subhyaline, irregularly reticulated, with large cells ; wiugs broad, rounded at the tips, and nearly as long as the tegmina. Legs long and slender, hind tibiae expanded at the tips, and with about ten spines on each carina, including an outer apical spine. Key to the Species. 1 (2) Hind femora with the upper carina projecting into a small tooth vdo.v, V. 2 (1) Hind femora unarmed. 3 (4) Last ventral segment bidenticulate behind .... vidua, Bruuu. 4 (3) Last ventral segment entire , iiifricata, StSl. OXYA, 199 234. Oxya velox, F. Gryllm relax; Fabricius, Mant. Ins. ii, 1787, p. 2.39. Gri/Uns cUinensis, Thiiiiberg, Mem. Acad. P^tersb. v, 1815, p. 2o3 ; ix, 1824, pp. 398, 419. Heterucvis apta, Walker, Cat. Uerm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 666. Green, with a broad black band extending from the upper half of the eye to the base of the teg- mina; vertex often with two diverging brown lines, and sometimes the middle of the vertex and pronotura tilled up with a brown band. Tegmina longer than the hind femora, subhyaline, with rufous nerviii'es ; the costa, which is rather suddenly expanded near the base, sometimes clouded, and the inner margin green. Legs green, hind femora with the middle carina ter- minating in a small tooth ; knees marked with blackish and reddish ; hind tibiae, beyond the middle, and first joint of tarsi considerably ex- panded; hind tibiae blue with about 10 white black-tipped spines. Last ventral segment in female longitudi- nally bicarinate. '^ig.llQ.— Oxya velox. Length 16-32 mm.; expanse of wings, 33-60 mm. Kashmir : Baltistan ; Assam : Sylhet ; Bombay : Kanara ; CEXiiON ; Chixa ; Malax Sa?ATEs : Singapore ; Java, &c. The figure is taken from AValker's type of 0. apta. 235. Oxya vicina, Bnmn. Oxya vicina, Brimuer, Ann. Mus. Geuova, xxxiii, 1893, p. 152. Very similar to 0. veloce, but the pro'notum tiniform wood-brown above. Antennae longer than the head and pronotum together. Tegmina shorter than the hind femora, with the mediastinal area in both sexes gently rounded, and the border pale, not creniilated. Hind femora entire at the tip, the knees very slightly infuscated. Abdomen with the last ventral segment smooth, and the Iiind margin bidenticulate ; cerci not bidenticulate, obliquely truncated in the male. Length 27-38 mm.; tegmina, lS*5-34 nun. Himalayas ; China ; Japan. 200 CATANTOPIN.D. 236. Oxya intricata, Stdl. Acridimn {Oxyu)inlncatum, Stfil, Eiig'enie's l{esa,Orth. ]800,p.3.'5.'5. Olive-green or yellowish, slightly ])ubesceiit, shining, Fas- tigium of the vertex obtuse ; vertex smooth, sometimes excavated iu front of the eyes, sliorter than broad ; a darlc brown or browjiisli testaceous stripe behind the eyes, extending over the pronotiim and pectus ; antennae filiform,' one-fourth longer than the head and pronotum together. Pronotura tliickly punctured, truncated in front and obtusely and roundly angulate behind, A\itli a sliglit median carina, which is obsolete in fi-ont ; two of the transverse sulci well marked. Tegmina rather longer than the Innd femora, slightly narrowed towards the tips, the costa expanded towards the base ; subhyaline, with broAvnish nervures, the inner margin sometimes green ; wings brownish hyaline, with brown nervures. Prosternal tubercle conical, pointed. Hind femora rather longer than the abdomen, moderately thickened, testaceous, at least at the tip, with the upper carina entire ; spines of the hind tibiae tipped with black. Male with the infra-anal segment triangular, obtuse; female with the last ventral segment smooth, with the hind margin entire. Lengtli 18-35 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 31-64 mm. Oexxon ; Chika ; Malacca ; Java, &c. Genus TAEBALEUS. Tarhcdeux, Bruimer, Abh. Senckenb. Gas. xxiv, 1898, p. 234. Type, Tarhaleus pilosus, Bruun., from Gilolo, Range. Ceylon, Moluccas. Head short, broad, rugose in front ; eyes oblique, oval, closely approximating ; vertex passing into the front, frontal ridge shallowly sulcate, broader abo\e than below ; antennae filiform, longer than the head and pronotum. Pronotum short, transverse, with four transverse sul- catious, truncated before and behind ; pronotum and abdomen finely punc- tured. Tegmina and wrings absent. Front and middle legs rather short, hind legs long, pilose ; hind tibise with a variable number of short spines, and with an outer terminal spine. Pro- sternal tubercle short, broad, obtuse, and indented; supra-anal lamina of female large, produced beyond the short ovipositor. TARBALEUS. — HIEltOGLYPnirS. 201 237. Tarbaleus cingalensis, sp. nov. Apterous, uniForm olive-greeu or rusty brown ; legs pilose, hind tibicB with 7 smiiU black-tipped spines on each side, and witli an outer apical spine. Lenc/tJi 28-45 mm. CeytvOX. Ti/jw in the British Museum. Genus CARYANDA. Canjanda, Stf°l, Bib. Svensk. Akad. Handl. v (4), 1878, p. 47. Ttpe, Acridmm {Oxya) spiiriiim^ Stal. Range. Ceylou, Burma, Java, China, W&st Africa. Head and eyes large, prominent ; anteunse as long as head and pronotum together ; tegmina lobiform ; hind femora with tlie upper carina denticulate, hind tibiae not expanded, with 8 sjjines on the inner carina besides the apical one, at regular distances ; cerci of the male pointed ; last ventral segment of female smooth, not denticulated. 238. Caryanda sanguineo-annulata, Bnmn. Caryanda sanr/uineo-annulata, Brunner, Aim. Mas. Geneva, xxiii, 1893, p. 154, pi. V, fig. 52. Olivaceous, with a black stripe running on each side from the eyes to the extremity of the abdomen. Front somewhat sloping, coarsely punctured. Pronotum cylindrical, Avith the hind margui truncated. Tegmina lobiform, lateral, half black and half olive. Hind femora olivaceous, ringed with red before the knees, which are black, the upper carina with a projecting tooth ; bind tibiae and tarsi dull bluish, with a white ring at the base ; spines of the tibiae white, tipped with black. Length 20-25 mm.; tegmina, 3*5-4 mm. BUKMA : Pegu. Type in the Genoa Museum. Genus HIEROGLYPHUS. Hiero(/li/phns, Krauss, Sitz. Akad. Wiss. "\^'ien, Math.-nat. CI. Ixxvi' (1)^ 1877, p. 41. Type, Ilieroglyplmfi daganensis, Krauss. Range. China, India, Burma, Senegal. yize large, head very large, eyes wide apart ; fastigium of the vertex short, convex, rounded in front ; costal ridge broad, entire, slightly sloping ; antennae slender, filiform, much longer than tlie 202 CATA'NTOTIN.U. 1 lead and pronolum togef.lier in the male, and as long or longer in the female. Pronotuni as broad as the head, with the sulci very strongly marked, usually with black lines. Prosternal tubercle acute ; meso- and meta-sternal lobes more or le^s widely separated, or contiguous in the male. Genicular lobes of hind femora pointed, or rounded ; hind tibiae with 8 or 10 spines on the outer carina, and 10 on the inner. Tegmina subhyaline, very thickly reticu- lated towards the base, and with the costa oidy slightly expanded ; wings hyaline, rather long, narrow and pointed. Male with the cerci long, pointed or obtuse, with a tooth on the inner side ; sub- genital lamina long, conical, pointed i female with the genital valves short, thick, curved, the upper ones very broad, with the outer margin crenulated, the lower pointed, and armed with a tooth beyond the middle. Key to the Species. 1 (6) Pronotuni uiiicolorous. 2 (o) Prouotum with a longitudinal cloi'sal black line on each side. •J (4) Black Hue straight, narrow ; epi- sterna with a small black line. 4 (3) Black line broad, emitting- broad lines down the sides; episterna broadly bordered with black. . 5 {'2) Pronotum Avith narrow black lines in the transverse grooves 0 (1) Pronotum yellowish green, Avith the front and hind margins yellow eitrinolimbatus^ Brunn., p. 205. bilineatm, sp. n., p. 202. hettoni, sp. n., p. 203. banian, F. p. 204, coiicolor, [Walk., 1). 204. 239. Hieroglyphus bilineatus, sp. nov. Mieroijhjphus bilineatus, Saussure MS. Yellowish brown (probably green in life). Scutellum of the vertex short, transverse, obtusely rounded and almost ridged in front ; costal ridge sulcated throughout, incurved below the ocellus, lateral carina; incurved below the antennae, and then divergent. Pronotum closely punctured, with four sulci, the front one lateral, and from its upper extremity runs a black line back- wards to two-thirds of the length of the tegmina ; there is also a black rectangle on the lower part of the second suture, with a branch projecting forward, and an oblique black line above the middle pair of legs. Tegmina about one-third of the length of the abdomen in the female, and about half as long in the male. Hind femora with a black spot on each side above before the extremity ; hind tibiae black at the base, at least on the sides, and with 9 or 10 black spines on each carina. Male wdth the cerci obtuse ; female with the appendages bordered and tipped with niBROGLTPHtrs. 203 black, the lower ones pointed, and armed with a tooth below before the extre^iit3^ Length 22-36 mm.; tegiuma, 9-11 mm. Bengal. Tijpes iu the British Museum. Mr. H. Maxwell Lefroy suggests that this is a micropterons form of If. hanian. 240. Hieroglyphus bettoni, sp. nov. Gi-reen or testaceous. Fastigium of the vertex sliort, trans- verse, slightly convex and rounded in front, costal ridge sulcated til rough out, the lateral carinte only sliglitly divergent below. Pronotutn finely punctured, with four sutures, the lirst lateral, the second only dorsal, and the third and fourth coutiDuous ; median carina slightly marked, most distinct on the hinder lobe : the lateral sutures heavily marked witli black, aud connected above by a black line running from the upper end of the first to the tegmina, and below by a black line connecthig the first and third sutures; the space enclosed is often white or yellow; the spaces 204 OATANTOPINjE. above" the iiiiclcll'e and liiiicl legs are also streaked witli black, and there is a double row of black spots ou tlie abdomen above. I'euiora black at tlie tips ; hind tibice blue, black at the base, and with 9 or 10 white black-tipped spines. Tegmina subhyaline, greenish at the base, longer than the abdomen, or abbreviated, with the principal nervures black ; wings hyaline, with brown or black nervures. Length 38-44 mm. ; wings, 18-40 mm. Assam : Cachar ; Bombay : Moghal Sarai. Types in the British Museum. 241. Hieroglyphus banian, F. Gryllus hanian, Fahricius, Eut. Syst., Sup])l. 1798, p. 194. Acridium fuvcifer, Serville, lus. Outli. 18i)9, p. 677, pi. xiv, fig. 1:^. Green, iucluding the anteunsB. Pronotum smooth, with four sulci, narrowly lined with black, the first obsolete above, the second, on the sides, and the last two continuous. Tegmina subhyaline, densely reticulated and greenish at the base, with green nervures ; wings as long as the tegmina, greenish hyaline. The three sub- terminal ventral segments with silky tufts of hair on the middle. Hiud tibice blue, with black-tipped spines. Antennae with the basal joint yellowish green, the rest dark green, tipped with yellow. Subgenital lamina of male moderately long. Length 43 mm. Bombay : Kaphot ; Central PEOviNCiis : Bilaspur ; Bubma : Bhamo. Type in the Paris Museum. Said to be destructive to rice in tlie Central Provinces, and to crops in general in Gruzerat and Ivattiawar. 242. Hieroglyphus concolor, Wallc. Oxya concolor, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 646. Hieroqlyphics tavsalis, Stal, Bih. Sveiisk. Akad. Ilandl. v (4), 1878, p. 94. Very similar to the last species. Antenna? black, pale at the base, and at the ends of the joints. Pronotum finely punctured, the sulci narrowly lined with black. Hind femora with a black spot on each side at the base of the knees, or with a black crescent on each side of the knees ; hind tibiae blue, with the base black, or narrowly ringed with black, and the tip, as well as the base of the first joint of the tarsi, black. Abdomen beneath pubescent in the middle, at least in the male ; subgenital lamina of male rather short. Length 41-62 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 48-75 mm. Bombay : Kanara ; Assam : Sylhet ; Chika. HIEKOGLYPHUS. UACILIA. 205 Type in the British Museum. Appears to be commoner than the last species, with which it is probably often confounded. 243. Hieroglyphus citrinolimbatus, Brunn. I£{ero(/iyp/ius cif.rmolimddtus, Brunner, Ann. Miis. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893," p. 154. Yellowish green, auteunse black, with the extremities of the joints yellow. Pronotum bordered with yellow before and beliind. Hind femora marked with black before the knees on the inside, and in the male, also on the outside. ACale with the supra-anal lamina long, pointed, sulcated in the middle ; male cerci hairy, rather straight and pointed. Length 42-62 mm. ; tegmina, 30-37 mm. Himalayas ; Burma : Bhamo. Type in the Genoa Musenm. Genus RACILIA. JRacilia, Stal, Eih. Svensk. Akad. Ilaudl. v (4), 1878, pp. 48, 94. Type, Itacilia femorcdis, Stal. Ranye. Philippines, Burma. Head prominent; fastigium of the vertex triangular, rounded at the extremity, not transverse, front very oblique ; lateral carina strongly divergent ; prosternal tubercle truncated but not indented at the tip ; genital valves of female unarmed ; hind femora with the genicular lobes pointed, hind tibiae not expanded, with 7 or 8 spines on the outer margin, the terminal spine nearly obsolete : tegmina and wings well developed, 244. Racilia aurora, Brunn. Racilia aurora, Brunner, Ann. Mas. Genova, xxxiii, 1893, p. 15o, pi. v, ficf. 53. Olive-brown, \\ ith a narrow lateral whitish stripe above, running from the vertex to the end of the tegmina, and another broader one running from the cheeks as far as the hind coxae. Fastigium of the vertex obtusely triangulai- ; front olive-brown, thickly punctured ; cheeks white, with a vertical black baud within the eyes. Pronotum thickly punctured, with the hind margin obtusely triangular. Tegmina narrow, obtusely pointed, longer than the wings, which are smoky subhyaline. Legs dull green, hind femora reddish towards the 'tips, knees black; tibi« and tarsi blue, with black spines. Male with the subgenital lamina elongate-triangular, sulcated at the base'; cerci straight, hairy, bidentate at the tips. Lenyth 22 mm. ; tegmina, 16 mm. J3uRMA : Teinzo. Ty2)e in the Genoa Museum. 206 CATAIfTOriNiE. Genus CERCINA. Cercina, Stai, Bih. Svensk. Akad. Ilandl. v (4), 1878, pp. 49, 97. Cheeks aiul front sparingly punctured; pronotum more thickly, especiiilly above. Antennse short unci tliick, rather shorter than the pronotum, with short joints; costal ridge slightly sulcated, with parallel sides, and narrowed towards the base ; fastigium transverse, obtuse, neai-Iy horizontal ; space between the eyes twice as broad as the frontal ridge ; eyes slightly convex. Pro- notum pubescent on the back, truncated before and behind, with the median cai'ina represented by a small line. Tegmina rudi- mentary, narrow, lateral, extending rather beyond the median segment, about twice as long as broad, and more rounded on the outer than on the inner border. Hind femora about as long as the abdomen, the dorsal carina terminating in a very small obtuse tooth, genicular lobes pointed, triangular; hind tibias with seven spines on the outer margin besides the obsolete apical spine. Prosternal tubercle rather prominent ; metasternal lobes very slightly sepa- rated ; genital valves with the edges denticulated. 245. Cercina obtusa, Sial. Cercina obtusa, Stal, Bill. Svensk. Akcad. Ilandl. v (4), 1878, pp. 49, 97. Olivaceous, shining, slightly pilose, with a darker band extending behind the eyes across the lateral lobes of the pronotum ; hind tibiae testaceous, with black-tipped spines. Length 20 mm. Ceylon. Tyi^ie in tlie collection of Brunner von Wattenwyl. Genus CASTETRIA. Custetria, Bolivar, Ann. Sec. Eut. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 614. Type, Casietria dispar, Bol. EavKje. S. India. Fastigium of the vertex obtuse, obtusely and roundly angulate in front, carinated above in the middle, the margins slightly compressed, but rounded and punctured ; front oblique, the frontal ridge smooth or slightly sulcated, continuous to the extremity of the clypeus ; antenna; short. Pronotum augulated CASTBa?BIA. — SPATHOSXEENUM. 207 beliitid, the back cjlindrical, punctured, with tlie median carinee more or less prominent, the margins smooth and shining; the deflexed lobes narrowed towards the extremity, with the outer border anguhated in the middle. Tegmina lanceolate, not longer than the pronotum, with the radial nervure forming a continuous raised carina. Prosternal tubercle transverse, compressed, sub- foliaceous, obtusely angulated at the tip ; space between the mesosternal lobes equally long and broad, with the n)argins slightly divergent behind ; the metasternal lobes not contiguous, but slightly separated behind the foveolse. Hind femora about as long as the abdomen, the tip not produced above the carina • hind tibiaj with 8 spines on the outer carina, besides the apical one. G-enital valves of the female with the borders denticulated. 246. Castetria dispar, Bol. Caslotria dispar, Bolivar, Anu. See. Eut. France, Ixx, 1902. p. 614. ' ' Ochraceous brown, or partly green. A shining brown stripe behind the eyes, with a pale border above and below, extending to the bind border of the lobes of the pronotum ; on the head is a second band lower down ; costal ridge smooth, sometimes slightly indented near the ocellus; fastigium of the vertex obtuse, more transverse in the female tlian in the male. Pro- notum with the back smooth, impress-punctate, obtusely angulated behind, with the hind sulcus placed more distinctly behind the middle in the female than in the male ; the median carina mode- rately prominent in the male, and slightly so in the female. Tegmina lanceolate, with the radial nervure raised, the tip slightly compressed in the male, and concave on the inner side towards the tip in the female. Legs olive, hind femora darker above. Abdomen varied with brown on the sides. Length 12-16 mm. ; tegmina, 2-3-5 ]nm. Madras : Madura. Genus SPATHOSTERNUM. Spathostenmvi, Karscli, Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-nat CI Ixxvi (1), 1877, p. 44.- TyPK, Tristria nigrotceniata, Stal. Kamje. India, Siam, West Africa. yize rather small. Head and pronotum convex and level, with parallel sides ; eyes very large, broader ; front A^ery sloping, frontal ridge sulcated throughout; antennae very short, often hardly longer than the pronotum, thick, filiform. Pronotum tricarinated, longer than the head, rounded or smooth, obtusely angulated behind. Prosternal process straight, transverse, shghtly curved backwards, longitudinally impressed, base narroAv, apex 208 CATANTOPINjE. broad, eniarginate, bilobate ; mesosternal lobes distant ; meta- sternal lobes contiguous. Tegiuiim narrow, rounded at the extremity, with close transverse nervules between the two radial nervures. Hind tibite long and slender, hardly dilated, with 9 or 10 spines, besides the apical one. Female with the valves i-ather short, the upper borders crenulated or smooth, the lower ones armed Avith a small tooth behind the middle. prnsiniferinn, Walk veimlostiin, Stal. Key to the Species. Postociilar band well marked Postocular baud obsolete, or suffused green . . . 247. Spathosternum prasiniferum, Wallc. Heteracns (?) prasinifera, Walker, Cat. Uerni. Salt. 15.M. v, Suppl. 1871, p. 65. ? Cahptenus cali(/inoms, Walker, op. cit. 1871, p. (5fl. Stenobothrtis striyulatus, Walker, op. cit. 1871, p. 82. Eu£o-testaceous or green, with a broad blackish or dark green stripe running behind the lower part of the eyes and below the lateral carinas of the pronotum. It is banded above by a narro\\- pale yellow line, and below by a broader one, below which again is another dusky band, bordered below with yellow. Tegmina light brown towards the base, and subhyaline beyond ; central ai'ea with a longitudinal black streak, generally almost obsolete in the male, and \\ ell marked in the female, but very variable, sometimes being entire, but more frequently Fig. 121. Spathosternum pramnifemm. transverse markings. with white sometimes numerous enough to break it into spots ; inner margin ob- scure or reddish in the male, and generally green in the female ; wings hyaline, often clouded towards Ihe tip. -Legs rufo-testaceous ; hind femora often more or less green, especially in the female, and frequently with a dark longitudinal band on the outer area; hind tibiae with 10 or 11 spines, and sometimes green. Lencjth 13-20 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 25-30 mm. Bombay ; Bengat. : Pusa. Type in the British Museum. A very abundant and variable species. I am not quite certain whether caliginosus of Walker, from an unknown locality, should be included here; it is unusually green, and the abdominal appendages of the female are unusually short. S1>AT]I0STEK \ U M. —OX V H IH 1 E.fKS. 209 248, Spathostermim venulosiim, Sitd. ^pat/ivsternum vmulosum, StfJ, Eili. Sveusk. Akacl. Handl v f4N lb/ b, p. 97. ^ ■ Allied to the African S. nigroUmiaUmi, Stfil, but smaller, and \nth the tront less oblique. The lateral margins of the upper side ot the pronotum narrowly smooth, the rugaj fine and slightly rmsed. Tegmma with a short brown stripe on the disk, marked with whitish veins beiore and behind ; beyond the middle rather thickly reticulated, with very numerous transverse nervules betM-een the inner radial nervures on the disk; postocuhir baud on the head and pronotum obsolete or greenish. Mesosternal lobes strongly diverging beyond the middle. Hind tibia) with about 10 spines m addition to the terminal one. Length 20 mm. Inu'ia (?). Tyj^e in the Stockholm Museum. Genus OXYRRHEPES., Stfil, CEfv. Vet.-Akad. Fcirh. xxx (4), 1873, pp. 40, 53. Type, Opsomcda Uneat{tarsis,StvLl {extensa, Walk.). Jiavge. Oriental Eegion, Africa^ Body moderately stout. Fasligium of the head I'ather shon sloping, rectangular or obtuse at the tip, front moderately oblique ■ frontal ridge sulcated, narrower above than below, but not com- pressed ; antennse simple. Pronotum depressed above between the carina), and punctured; obtusely angulated behind. Pro- sternal tubercle conical or compressed. Hind femora about as long as the abdomen, the genicular lobes triangular, not longer than the tips of the femora ; front legs moderately long, middle femora extending to tlie base of the" hind femora ; hind tibi£e with about 12 spines on the outer carina), besides the terminal one. Tegmina and wings long, the former hyaline, opaque and densely reticulated towards the base, hardly' expanded on the costa: wings hyaline, pointed, twice as long as broad. Male with the subgenitul plate not compressed. 249. Oxyrrhepes extensa, Walk. Acnditnn e.rtensum, Walker, Ann. Nat. Hist. (3) iv 1859 13 990 . Opsomcda lineatitarsis, h'lai, Eupenie's Eesa, Orth! I8G0' p 3^4' Jletcnians strawjulala, Walker, Cat. Dei'in. Salt. 13.M. iv 1870 p. d(J.:). ' ' Hctcracris antica, Walker, op. cit. 1870, p. 668. Olive-brown, pubesceut beneath. Head as broad as the pro- notum. Pronotum rugose-punctate, nearly twice as long as the Jiead, u ith three slender sulci, the last placed rather behind the 210 OATANTOi'i.N.lC, iiiiddje ; the iiieclian carinie riiised, hardly interseeled by the sulci, the lateral carinaj less strongly marked, the hind border rounded. Tegmina subhyaline, with rufous nervures, and some- times a longitudinal row of brownish spots between tlie radial nervures ; wings hyaline, slightly clouded towards the borders. Prosternal tubercle prominent, compressed, convex in front. 8ubgenital lamina of the male long and pointed ; valves of the female with the tips carving upwards and downwards, aiid with a strong tooth at the base of the lower ones. Hind tibitc with 13 or 14 strong black-tipped spines besides the apical one ; first joint of hind tarsi long, grooved above. Length 40-60 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 57-106 mm. Btjbma : Kachin Hills ; Ceylon ; Chika. Type in the British Museum. JS'one of the specimens before me show the black line^ on the tarsi described by Stal in his 0. Uncatitarsis from Hong Kong. Genus LEPTACRIS. Leptacris, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. ]?.M. iv, 1870, p. 67G. Capellea, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. Trance, Ixx, 1902, p. 616. TxPB, Leptacris Jtlif or mis, Walk". Rmiffe. India, Ceylon. ,• i • i Size laro-e; body very long and slender, nearly cylniclrical. ]<\astio-ium of the vertex rather short and broad, nearly horizontal in the male, in the female sloping to tlie apex, which is obtusely rounded in front and tricarinated from the eyes, behind which the lateral carinte are obsolete, but the median one, though not con- spicuous, is continued over the pronotum ; head nearly as long as the pronotum, frontal ridge oblique, sulcated, the bounding cariuaB diverging downwards, and hardly reaching the extremity of the clypeus, the space between coarsely punctured, the lateral cariniB running from the base of the antennae obhquely backwards; antenuiB inserted near the eyes, which are large, oval, brown, and striated with black. Pronotum thickly punctured, slightly rounded in front and behind, the hind sulcus placed beyond the middle; the lower border of the deilexed lobes nearly straight, bordered with a silvery white band running from the antennae, the lund border slightly sloping. Front and middle legs very short, front femora thickened and punctured, hind legs long and slender, thouf^h the abdomen extends to three-fourths of the length of the hind^'tibia?, which are armed with 20 or 21 spines, and have an outer apical spine. Tegmina and wings well developed, but shorter than the abdomen. Prosternal spine small, slender, com- pressed, obtuse but not expanded at the tip ; mesosternal and inetasternal sutures straight in both sexes. Male with the sub- Ischnacnda tmiiata, Still, Recens. Ortli. i, 1873, p. 87. Body rather slender. Antennge ensiform, depressed, consider- ably broader iu the female than in the male ; eyes round, pro- minent, yellowish brown, or olive-greenish ; pronotmn above with indistinct whibish longi- tudinal lines, and beneath with a silvery wliite stripe running from behind the antennae below the eyes along the lower border of the deflexed lobes of the pro- notum, and behind to the hind coxae ; hind femora with a con- tinuous silvery longitudinal stripe on the median outer area, on the inner side is a short black longitudinal line at the base, and the lower carina in- clines to pink ; there is also a black mark on the inner side at the base of the knees, and another on the inner side at the end of the hind tibias, which are armed with 19 or 20 very fine Fig. 122, lixlmavrida convergens. black spines, including the terminal one. Tegmina and wings subhyaline, the latter rosy towards the base. Subgenital lamina very long, slender and pointed, at least as long as the head and pronotum together. In the female specimen before me, the silvery band on the outer side of the femora is obsolete before the extremity on both sides, and also towards the base on the left leg ; and on the inner side of the femora is a blackish longitudinal band, bearing white spots; and there is a longitudinal row of black dots (double towards the extremity) on the middle of the tegmina ; appendages strongly hooked at the tips. Length 55-60 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 57-87 mm. SiND : Karachi ; JNTorth Bengal (type c? ). Type in the British Museum. 255. Ischnacrida tarsalis, Walh. Opomala tarsalis, Wallier, Oat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iii, 1870, p. 512, n. 27. > ^ f > Body stout, green, shining; a white stripe bordered above and partly below with brown runs from the back of the eye to the extremity of the pronotum, but does not reach the lower border 214 CA.TANTOMISMJ. of the dellexed lobes. Eyes pi'ominent, oval, about twice as long a& broad. Tegmina greenish hyaline ; wings smoky hyaline. Hind femora yellowish green, genicular lobes marked with black within and below; hind tibiae bluish green, with 12 or 13 black-tipped spines; tarsi red. Prosternal tubercle expanded, bifid, pointed behind; abdominal appendages very hairy, surmounted by two long compressed pointed cerci, the upper ajipendages converging inwards at the point, and crenulated above, and the lower appendages oblique at the extremity. Length 52-60 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 65-71 mm. Assam: Sjdhet. Type in the British Museum. Genus PSEUDOCARSULA, nov. Carsula (?), Briuiuer {nec Stfil), Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893,. pp. 137, 156. Type, Carsula tenera, Brunn. Range. Burma. Vertex above smooth, with a transverse sulcus between the eyes; the fastigium obtuse, very pointed at the sides, Avithout foveolse; antennae inserted rather before the tip of the vertex,, smooth in the male, in the female tectiform above and serrated frontal ridge compressed, pointed at the tip, with the carinoe dis- tinctly diverging ; lateral carinas well marked, not diverging ; eyes not prominent. Pronotnm cylindrical, punctured, vrith indistinct sulci, smooth in the male ; with a median carina in the female. Tegmina not extending beyond the fifth segment of the abdomen. Eront and middle femoi'a short,, the latter only slightl)^ passing the hind coxse. Hind femora compressed, pilose, the genicular lobes pointed, but not passing the knees ; hind tibiae smooth, with about 14 spines, and a terminal one. Abdomen cylindrical, sHghtly carinated above ; male with the supra-anal lamina sulcated at the base, and very acute at the tip; cerci laminated in both sexes, pointed in the- male, and obtuse in the female. 256. Psendo carsula tenera, Brunn. Carsvla tenera, Brunner, Anu. Mus. Genova; xxxiii, 1893, p. 157,. pi. V, fig. 53. Body pale fulvous above, the sides and the legs j)ale green ; hind femora pale blue. Length 42-52 mm. ; tegmina, 16-17"5 mm. Burma : Karen Hills. Type in the G-enoa Museum. XEXIPPA. 215 Genus XENIPPA. Xenippa, StSl, Bilmng, Sveiisk. Akad. Ilaudl. v (4), 1878, pp. 52, 98. Type, Xenipim viridula, Stfd, from Khartoum. liani/e. S. India, Sudan. Antenna) distant from the eyes, ensiform ; fastigiuui of the vertex verv long and slender, smooth, carinated, a transverse sulcus between the eyes, frontal ridge not sulcated. Pronotum shorter than the head, the front margin sinuated, the lateral lobes straight. Prostei'nal tubercle expanded at the tip, compressed and produced behind ; mesosternal lobes contiguous, I'ront and intermediate legs rather short, hind femora much shorter than the abdomen, the genicular lobes narrow, triangular, and slightly produced ; hind tibiae with about 12 spines. 257. Xenippa prasina, Bol. Xenippa prasina, Bolivar, Ann. Sdc. Ent. France, L>cx, 1902, p. 617. Green, with grey pilosity beneath. Head half as long again as tlie pronotum, cylindrical behind the eyes ; fastigium of the vertex half as long as the head, distinctly narrowed, tectiform, distinctly carinated toward the tip ; vertex with a very slight carina, the longitudinal spaces on each side punctured, transverse sulcus between the eyes slight or obsolete ; the front distinctly nai-rowed throughout all its length, the frontal ridge not sulcated, and its basal third compressed, expanded towards the tip, and distinctly margined on the sides, the lateral carinse well marked and con- tinuous. AntenncE ensiform, long, rather narrow. Pronotum smooth, coarsely punctured in front, and more finely behind, with the metazoua very slightly carinated, produced and obtusely rounded at the base; the deflexed lobes longer than high, the lower border nearly straight, with a narrow callous yellow margin ; meso- and meta-notum punctured on the sides ; a yellow carina extending from the hinder angle of the pronotum to the inter- mediate coxae. Tegmina narrow, hyaline, with green nervures, the tips obtusely rounded, and extending beyond the hind femora; wings red, well developed. Legs short, front tibiae as short as the front tarsi, hind femora narrow, hind tibiae with black-tipped spines. Length 35 mm. ; tegmina, 21 mm. Maduas : Madura. 2i/2^e in tiie collection of M. Pantel. 216 CAXANTOPIiryl!. • Geiiiis GELASTORRHINUS. ^•elaMdm^^^ JJnunier, Ann. Mus. Conova, x.vxiii, ]903 Type, OelastorrUnus alboliiieatus, Bniiin. ie««(/6' Indian Region, Africa, Madagascar. -Body long- moderately slender, vertex short; antennae long, <;ns,tonn, slightly remote from the eye; front very ohli,|ue frontal ridge sulcated, with the middle carina slightly div.M-ing the lateral carina, straight. Tegmina and wings long, narrow; and point ed. Prouotmn smooth, tricarinated ; prosternnm with a very smal tooth. Pront and middle legs short, hind legs long and slender ; hind femora carinated ahove, terminating in two poinfed looes; hind tibiae with 13-20 spines on each carina, but no out^r terminal spine. Abdomen compressed; supra-ana! lamina of male pointed, snleated; cerci in both sexes depressed, pointed or rounded ; upper abdominal appendages nnarmed in the male, tlie lower ones slightly denticulated in both sexes. Xey to the Sjjecies. 1 (2) Antenna; very long, only slightly , ^J'ckeued at base jUatus, Walk., p. 216. (i; Antenna3 shorter, much thiclcened and flattened at base. '1 ^'egmhia uniform yellowish ureen . laticornis, Serv., p. 217. 4 (d) iegmina not uniform yellowish green. 5 (6) Rostrum separated from vertex by a triangular sulcus ; antennae as long as liead and pronotum P tog^etlier semipictus, Walk., p. 217. 0 (5) Nostrum separated from vertex by an arched sulcus ; antennas longer than head and pronotum to- gether. 1 IS J'^S"""^ ^i"'^'^ ^ith white alholineatus, Bnmn., p. 218 « (7) legmma not lined with white st'/«c/te, Eurr, p. 218. 258. Gelastorrhinus (?) fllatus, Walk. Mesopsjilatus, Walker, Cat, Derm. Salt. J3.M. iii, 1870, p. 602. Enfo-testaceous above, and the sides probably yellowish green Fastigium of the vertex rather long, obtusely" angulated at the extremity, separated from the vertex by a curved sulcus ; antennje more than half the length of the body, long and slender, narrow! v ensiform towards the base ; head about as long as the pronotum, frontal ridge sulcated, the carinae diverging towards the extremity! Pronotum with two distinct carinae, the first about the middle, the second at three-fourths of its length ; hind border obtusely rounded, GELASXORliliraUS. 217 hind lobe finely gnmulated; lateral carina) parallel, witli a straight dark line running backwards froiu the eye bordering the lateral carinas on the outer side. Teginina long and very acute, hvaline, with ruFous nervures, costa probably greenish, hind border (perhaps) whitish ; wings hyaHne, considerably shorter than the teginina. Legs apparently green, Aaried witli reddish, hind tibise with about 15 small black-tipped spines. Lemjth 25-26 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 51-53 mm. NoKXH India. Type in the British Museum. Described from two ])oor male specimens, bleached by spirits. 259. Gelastorrhinus (?) laticornis, Serv. Opomala laticornis, Serville, Ins. Orth. 18.j9, p. oOO. Body, head, and legs delicate green. Head large, conical, the four frontal carinas prominent ; frontal ridge broad, carinated laterally and in front, the front obtusely rounded. Pi-onotum tricarinate; a dark lateral stripe runs behind each antenna, interrupted by the eye, but beyond to the pronotum, and below the lateral carinas. Tegmina longer than the abdomen, narrow, linear, subhyaline, and obtusely pointed at the tips, uniform yellowish green ; wings hyaline, as long as the tegmina. Antennas ensiform, long and flattened from the 4th joint to the 12th, beyond that rapidly attenuated, reddish, with the two basal joints and the front of joints ',^-12 green. Length 20-22 mm. Bombay. Type in the Paris Museum. 260. Gelastorrhinus semipictus. Walk. Opomala semipicta, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iii, 1870 p. 51:^. ' Gelastorhinus tryxaloides, Bolivai', Ann. See. Eut. Frauce, Ixx, 1902, p. 617, pi. ix, fig. 84, ? Gelmtorrhimis eda.c, pt., Burr, Trans. Eut. Soc. Loud. 1902, p. 181. i ; - ^ Antennae, head, and pronotum rufous brown above, this colour extending in a band behind the eyes, and below the lateral carinje ; the face and the sides of the body yellowish green. Head smooth, rather shorter thau the pronotum ; antennas about 17-jointed, half as long as the body in the male, rather longer than the head and pronotum in the female, ensiform ; frontal ridge sulcated, diverging below ; vertex and rostrum separated by a depression roundly subangulate in front. Pronotum tricarinate, the lateral carinas slightly divergent behind, cut by two distinct sulci, the first about the middle, the second at about two-thirds of its length ; hind border obtusely rounded, space behind the last sulcus rather finely punctured. Tegmina long, pointed, hyaline, the nervures ruFous, 218 OATANXOriN.'i:. the costal urea jellowisli green; \\ii)gs hyaline, wit\i brown iiervui;es, the uervures in the costal area rufous ; wings pohited, ratlier shorter than the tegmina. Abdomen blackish brown, or towards the extremity reddish brown ; sides and under surface yellowish green, with three dark transverse bands near the base before the incisions. Front legs brown, hind legs mostly green ; hind tibitc green or red, with 17-20 spines, Male with the supra-anal lamina oblong lanceolate, and the cerci compressed ; the subgenital lamina small, obtusely pointed. Length 20-46 mm. ; tegmiiia, 20-30 mm. MAnjiAS: Madura, Kodaikanal ; Ceylok. Type in the British Museum. 2G1. Gelastorrhinus alboliueatus, Brunn. Gelastorrhmus albolineaUts, Brunner, Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893, p. 158, pi. V, fig-. 54. Pale fulvo-testaceous. Fastigium of the vertex shorter than the eye, separated from the A'ertex by an arched sulcus : antennae inserted soniewliat above the eyes, ensiform, as long as the head and pronotum together ; front (viewed laterally) slightly siniiatetl. Pronotum above smooth, tricarinated, fulvo-testaceous, marked with a browner longitudinal band on each side, the deflexed lobes pale green. Tegmina longer tlian the abdomen, fulvo-testaceous, distinctly browner towards the radial nervure, which is black at the base, and contiguous to an ivoi-y-white longitudinal stripe. Hind femora above acutely carinated, terminating in two rather long lobes; hind tibiae with from 15 to 20 spines in the outer carina. Length 54 mm. ; tegmina, 41 mm. BuiiMA : Bhamo. Type in the Genoa Museum. 262. Gelastorrhinus selache, Burr. Gelastorrhinus selache, Burr, Trans. Eut, See. Loncl. 1902, pp. ]81,. 182. Green, varied with red. Eostrum separated from the vertex by a curved sulcus, eyes red, a red stripe running from the eyes across the cheeks and along the lateral carinse of the pronotum and the radial Jirea of the tegmina ; antenna) long, much longer than the head and pronotum together. Pronotum smooth, lateral lobes with the front and hind margins oblique and sinuated, the lower border nearly sti'aight. Tegmina long, comparatively broad, hyaline, with the radial nervure reddish towards the base ; wings shorter than the tegmina, hyaline, slightlj' suffused with fulvous at the base. Length 47-60 mm. ; tegmina, 34-54 mm. SlICKTM. Type in the collection of Brunner von W atteuwyl. LKFUOYA, — WACATA. 21» Genus LEFROYA, uov. TiPE, Lefroya acutipennis, sp. nov. Mange. Bengal. Head very loug, the i-ostrum in front of the eyes longer than the pronotuni ; the hinder part of the head from the front level of the eyes rather shorter than the pronotum ; head and pronotum iinely carinated throughout, the carina on the head slightly tecti- forni ; face ver}^ long, frontal ridge narrow, shallowij" sulcated throughout, and slightly expanding towards the extremity, the median ocellus on a level with the front of the eyes, which are large and oval ; antenna? with the scape large and rounded, the second joint small and annular, the rest broadly ensiform and flattened towards the base, tapering whip-like towards the tip, and longer than the head and pronotum together ; behind the anteunte run straight lateral carinae. below the eyes. St^nal tubercle small, inclining slightly backwards. Tegmiua and wings hyaline, long, narrow and pointed ; tegmina longer than the wings, which are as long as or longer than the abdomen. Front and middle legs very short, hind legs slender, hind femora not much thickened at the base; hind tibite very slender, with about 10 small spines on the outer and 16 on the inner carina ; no terminal spine on the upper outer carina. 263. Lefroya aciitipennis, sp. nov. Brown or reddish brown, abdomen and legs reddish ; a yellowish stripe more or less visible from behind each antenna running below the eyes and along the lower lateral borders of the head and pronotum. Hind tibiai and tarsi red: tegmina very long, narroAv, and pointed, hyaline with rufous uervures; wings narrov\-, pointed, shorter than the tegmina, hyaline, with fuscous nervures, except along the costa, Avhere the nervures are rufous. Length 32-55 mm. ; tegmiua, 27-^3 mm. ; wings, 23-33 mm. Bengal: Pusa, Type in the Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa. Genus WACATA, nov. Type, Wacata ceylonica, sp. nov. Mange. Ceylon. Vertex horizontally produced before the eyes, as long as the eyes, rather longer than broad, subcarinate above, and obtuseh' rounded at the extremity; face very long and sloping, median carina sulcated throughout, slightly expanding below ; antennae rather thick, very slightly tapering, longer than the head and pro- notum, and obtuse at the extremity. Body long, slightly com- pressed, apterous ; abdomen slightly carinated above in the female; prosternal tubercle small. Pront and middle legs very short, hind legs long, hind tibi89 with no outer terminal spine. 220 0ATANTOPINA-. 2i)4. Wacata ceylonica, sj). nov. Olive - brown, anteuuae gi-eeuisli or yellowish, transversely banded wiLli brow n in the female; body long, Jinely grami- lated; behind the eye runs a black band dotted with white, nearly to the ex- tremity of the abdomen ; legs green. Ceylon: Maha Illnpulana, yj. viii, 1910, Trincomali, ix. 1911. Tt/pe in the British Museum. Fig. 123. iWaccda ceylmka. Genus MESAMBRIA. Mesamh-ia, Stal, Bih. Sveiisk. Akad. Haudl. v (4), 1878, pp. 28, 72. Type, Mesamhria geniculaia, Stal. Ramie. India, Ceylon, Celebes, Madagascar. Head as broad as the prouotum ; eyes very large and promi- nent, frequently projecting beyond the level of the pronotum ; fastigium smooth, scarcely closed at the extremity, and ver}' shghtly cariuated; antennae filiform, sometimes slightly thickened beyond the middle, rather longer than the head and prouotum ; frontal ridge snlcated, slightly projecting between the antennae. Pronotum rather longer than the head, generally more or less rugose, the hinder sulcus placed much behind the middle, the hind border truncated ; the middle carina extending over the prouotum and abdomen, and sometimes over the head, lateral carinas obsolete. Tegmina rudimentary, lateral, as long as the first segment of the abdomen. Hind femora thickened, about as long as the abdomen, hind tibiae with 6 to 8 strong spines. Key to the Species. 1 (4) Colour testaceoiis. 2 (3) Abdomen -with a continuous dark unspotted lateral band nepalensis, Walk., p. 224. 3 (2) Abdomen with a dark lateral band bearing: pale spots above ffeniculata, StSl, p. 223. 4 (1) Colour dark brown. 5 (6) Eyes pale yellow behind tarsalis, Walk., p. 222. t) (5) Eyes of nearly uniform colour. 7 (10) A slender yellow line above the eye. 8 (9) A distinct yellow baud below the eyes, face above and below blackish dubia, Walk., p. 221. MESAMBKfA. 221 9 (8) Face yellow, mottled with black, cinctifeinur, Walk., p. 222. 10 (7) No yellow line bordering the eyes scubra, Vt'ulk., p. 221. 265. Mesambria scabra, WalJc Calopte7ius scaher, Walker, Cat. Derin. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 707. Dark brown, with blackish markings. Head with the cariute between the eyes above parallel, not expanded but truncated at the end of the i'astigium ; frontal ridge sulcated, slightly punctured above, the carina) and also the lateral carinse nearly straight ; a broad aud irregular, but rather indistinct and ill-defined, black stripe ruuniug behind the eyes over the sides of the pronotniu aud abdomen, and on this, on the middle lobe oi the pronotum, stands a very large round depression. Pronotum and abdomen with a strongly marked median carina, and with very large and crowded depressed punctures, becoming smaller ])osteriorly ; sides aud under surface of pronotum and abdomen paler than above. Tegmina narrow, parallel-sided, roundly truncate at the extremity, blackish on the costal half, and testaceous behind, extending to the end of the first segment of the abdomen. Hind femora thick, as long as the abdomen, with two indistinct brown trans- A erse bands aboA e, and black mottling on the lateral areas ; knees hlackisli on the sides : tibiae testaceous, with 7 black spines on the outer and 8 on the inner carina; prosternal spine short, thick, pyramidal. Length 23 mm. ; tegmina, 4 mm. Bexgal: Bard wan. Type in the British Museum. 266. Mesambria dubia, Walk. Acridium cluhium, AValker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 632. Dark brown, mottled with blackish ; head, pronotum, and abdomen above with large rugose anastomosing punctures. Fas- tigium of vertex triangularly expanded before the eyes, frontal ridge sulcate, the carinse approximating above and slightly divergent below, the sxiture punctured, lateral carinas nearly straight, not prominent ; head blackish above and below, a narrow pale line running from the back of the head round the upper part of each eye to the base of the antennae, a wide testaceous band running below each eye across the front and sides of the head, and the palpi also pale ; antennas tawny to the middle, M'ith long blackish spots, and blackish beyond the middle. Prosternal tubercle short, conical. Tegmina blackish, very short 222 CATAXTOPINMJ. ^md nniTow, hardly extending beyond tlie middle of the first seg^ uient of the abdomen. Legs testaceous; hind femora moderately thickeaed, longer than the abdomen; hind tibia; curved, pale green, brown at base and tip, w ith G or 7 brown-tipped spines. Length ]8 mm.; tegniina, 2 mm. Cexlon. Type in the British Museum. 267. Mesambria tarsalis, Wcdh. Acridium tarsale, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 632. Dark brown, thickly punctured over the whole of the upper surface ; median carina slight ou the head, well marked on the pronotum and abdomen. Fastigium of the vertex triangularly expanded in front of the head, frontal ridge sulcated, rather more broadly below than above, lateral carinas nearly- straight ; eyes with a yellow crescent- mark behind, and behind this a broad black band hardly extending to the back of the head ; antennae black, with long yellow spines to the middle. Pro- notum with the hinder lobe testaceous. Legs dull green; hind femora moderately thickened, as long as the abdomen, knees blackish ; hind tibite brighter green, except at the base, which is blackish, with an ivory-white spot above, and with 7 black-tipped spines ou the inner and 6 on the outer carina ; hind tarsi blackish, first joint testaceous. Abdo- men blackish, sides with testaceous bands on the incisions; anal appendages Fig. 124. of female very large, hooked upwards Mesamhria tarsalis. and downwards at the tips, and deutated on both sides within. Tegmina very narrow, linear, extending nearly to the extremity of the firs^t segment of the abdomen. Length 28 mm.; tegmina, 5 mm. Ceylon. 2^ype in the British Museum. This species is not improbably the female of 3L dubia. 268. Mesambria cinctifemur. Walk. Acrydium cinctifeinur, Walker, Arm. Nat. Hist. (3) iv, 1850, p. 223. Walker's description reads, "Fawn-colour, varied with black, MESAMBMA. 223 tuberculate, testaceous beneath. Head and antennae mostly black. Legs with black bands. Hind femora of the usual structure ; hind tibia; glaucous, black and testaceous towards tlie base. Fore wings black, varied with testaceous. Hind wings grey. Length of the body 10 lines." The specimen bearing the name, and the osteusible type, is a female, without antennae and with only one perfect middle leg. It is blackish above, with large depressed punctures ; tlie fastigium triangularly expanded before the eye, and a median carina traversing the head, pronotum, and abdomen. The head below the eyes, a line behind them, and the greater part of the face are testaceous, the latter blackish at the sides above and below, and the spaces between the fore cariute shallow, and much l)itted : palpi yellows The under surface of the body and middle legs are testaceous ; the back and sides of the abdomen are black, but 3 or 4 of the sutures are yellowish, with irregular yellowish markings on the sides between them ; the abdominal appendages of the female are slightly hooked at the tips, but not dentated. The tegmina are brownish hyaline, somewhat expanded towards the extremity, and extend nearly to the end of the first segment of the abdouien. Length 26 mm. ; tegmina, 4 mm. Type (?) in the British Museum. It is very doubtful whether this is tlie insect described by AValker, but it appears to be distinct from others on our list. 2(59. Mesambria geniculata, StM. Mesamhria (jeniculata, Stal, Bih. Sveusk. Akad. Handl. v (4) 1878, p. 73. Lighter or darker olive-brown. An tennis long, more or less black towards the extremity; fastigium of vertex short, tri- angular, frontal ridge narrow, the suture contracting below the eye, and slightly widening again, the lateral carinse indistinct; face and sides of head below the eyes yellowish, mouth-parts varied with black, palpi white. Upper surface of body granidose, with a continuous median carina ; abdomen with a more or less distinct black band on each side, sometimes spotted with yellow above. Legs testaceous or reddish, the knees, base, and tips of tibiae blackish ; hind femora in the female blackish on the outer and inner areas ; hind tibiae with 6 or 7 large black-tipped spines. Tegmina brown, linear, extending to the extremity of the first segment of the abdomen. Length 18-29 mm. ; tegmina, 4-5 mm. Ceylon. Type in the Stockholm Museum. 224 CATAN'i'Ol'lNTE. 270. Mesambria nepalensis, WaUc. Cahpfeniis nepalensis, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt, B.M. iv, 1870 ...p. 707. ' Teslaceoiis, stout. riiMigiuin of vertex short, triangular Iroutal ridge rather broad, liardly sulcated and slightly punctured' vertex very shghtly carinated, pronotum and abdomen more dis- tinctly ; behind each eye is a black line extending to the front of the pronotum. On a level with the lower part of the eye is an oblique black stripe on the sides of the pronotum, hardly indicated on the hinder lobe, but continued on the pleura below the tegmina; and beyond the first segment of the abdomen is a continuous black lateral stripe. Tegmina hyaline, moderately broad, extending to the end of the iirst segment of the abdomen. Hind knees marked M^ith black on the sides, hind tibia? « ith 8 or 9 black-tipped spines. Length 20 mm.; tegmina, /3| mm. Nepal. Ti/jje in the British Museum. Genus ORTHACANTHACRIS. Orthacanthacris, K.irsch, Stettin. Ent. Zeit. Ivii, ]896, p. 303. Locusta, Karny (Linu. pt. ), Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math -nat CI. cxvi, 1907, p. 304. Type, Cyrtacaniliacris Jmnnlicriis, Karseh, from E. & W. Africa. llange. Europe, Africa, W. Asia, India, Ceylon. Size large. Front perpendicular, \ertex depressed, bordered with carina} in front of the eyes, passing insensibly into the suture of the frontal ridge, which is slightly contracted above and below the antennsD, and is punctured between them ; antennse lonc^er than the head and pronotum. Pronotum with a strong medfan carina, cut by the usual transverse sutures, the hind suture placed about the middle, punctured, the hind border rectangular, with the point rounded oif, hind lobe thickened; tegmina and wings long or very long ; hind femora thick, rather shorter than the abdomen. Key to the Sjjecies. [1 (6) Wings not red at tlie base. 2 (5) Wing's banded with blade. 3 (4) Wings hyaline, with a broad black band before tlie middle (Tc/yptia, L., p. 225. 4 (3) Wings pale yellow towards the base, with a black band towards the hind border favescens, F., p. 225. 6 (2) Hind wings not banded witli black, violaceous at base violascejis, Walk., p. 229. 6 (1) Wings red at the base. ORTHACANXHACKIS. 225 7 (10) Hind femora banded with black and yellow. 8 (9) Antennae black niffricornis, Burm., p. 228. 9 (8) Antennae pale vinosa, Walk., p. 228. 10 (7) Hind femora not banded. 11 (12) Size large ; wings brighter red at base succincta, L., p. 227. 12 (11) Size moderate ; wings dull red at base japonica, Bol., p. 229.] 271. Orthacanthacris aegyptia, L. Gryllus Locusta cegijptius, Linnseus, Mus. Liidov. Ulric. 1764. p. 138. Eeddish-grey, tegmina with indistinct brown annular marks towards the base, and short black dashes on the nervures towards the extremity ; s]ightly subhyaliue, especially towards the tips ; wings nearly as long as the tegmina, at least twice as long as broad, hyaline, with a black semicircular band, varying in width, extending from the base of the costa to about the middle of the wing, and inwardly to the inner margin. Hind femora with more or less distinct transverse black bands above, interrupted black lines on the outer carinas, and the inner surface red ; hind tibiaB dull violet with 8-11 large white black- tipped spines, Prosternal tubercle straight, conical. Length 32-66 n)m. ; expanse of tegmina, 87-130 mm. A common species throughout the Mediterranean Eegion ; and as it occurs at Quetta, it almost certainly crosses the north- western frontiers of India. 272. Orthacanthacris flavescens, F. Gryllus Jlavesceiis, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. ii, 1793, p. 52. Gri/llus Locusta crucifer, Stoll, Spectres, Saiit. 1813, p. 30, pi. 146, fig. 51. Acridkmi semifasciatmn, Serville, Ins. Orth. 1839, p. 655, Acridium pardalinu?n, AValker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iii, 1870 p. 587. ' Head yellowish above and behind the eyes, with two blackish bauds sloping backwards from between the eyes ; the front depressed, black, with a red mark in the middle, and passing into the frontal ridge, which is blackish, moderately broad, suicated and punctured, with parallel sides, the face varied with black and red. Antennae black, longer than the head and pro- notum together. Pronotum strongly carinated, black, slightly varied with reddisli, and spotted with pale yelloAv on the sides of tlie front lobes ; the hind lobe slightly expanded, black, punctured, with longitudinal reddish lines ; the rest of the body greenish brown. Tegmina long, yellowish grey, subhyaline, with brown nervures and a row of spots near the extremity below the costa, and with indistinct dusky markings formed by thickened nervures Q 226 oatantopiNj^;. into irregular and indistinct transverse bands. Wings pale greenish yellow at the base, brownish hyaline beyond the middle, with scattered black spots towards the upper and outer parts of the Wing irregularly arranged in broken longitudinal rows ; towards the hinder angle the yellow part of the wing is bordered Fig. 125. — Oriliacanihaci-is fla vescens. by a smoky marginal baud darker than the outer part of the wing. Hind femora whitish, with longitudinal and transverse neryures reddish, the longitudinal ones interrupted by broken black hnes ; genicular lobes large, white below ; legs otherwise mostly olive-green ; the hind tibiae with 8 outer and 10 inner red black-tipped spines. Length 65 mm. ; expanse of tegmiua, 140-150 mm. Madeas ; Ceylon. Fig. 125 is taken from the type of 0. xmrdalinum, Walk. ORTH A C A NT1[ A cms . 227 273. Orthacanthacris succincta, L. Grylhis Zocusta succinctus, Linnseus, Amoen. Acad, vi, 1763, p. 398. Cyrtacanthacns fusilinea, Walker, Cat, Derm. Salt. B.M.Uii, 1870,. p. 564 (bleached). Acn'dimn elonffottcm, Walker, op. cit. iii, 1870, p. 636 (bleached). Tegmina and wings veiy long ; head, prouotum, and abdomen (in fresh specimens) A^aried with light greenish yellow and brown. Scutellum of the vertex short and expanded in front of the eyes, rendering it sometimes almost circular ; frontal ridge 'nearly Fig. 126. — Orthacanthacris succincta. straight and moderately broad, sulcated and punctured, the lateral carinse nearly straight and very prominent ; eyes oval ; the face yellow, with brown stripes over the carinse, and below the eyes ; a broad band runs over the vertex within each eye, and curves down along the back of the head ; antennae yellow. Pronotum very coarsely punctured, brown, with a broad median yellow q2 228 CATANTOPINili, Stripe, continuous with that of the head, over the carina ; it is narrowly bordered ^ith yellow before and behind, and more broadly below ; on the sides are two short parallel yellow stripes on a blackish ground, hardly extending beyond the hind suture. Abdomen brown above, with a row of long yellowish spots bordering the median carina on each side ; under surface pale. Tegmina subhyaline, with a yellow basal stripe on the costa ; the centre is filled up with brown and yellow quadrangular or oval spots, and on the apical third the nervures are marked with black streaks. Wings smoky hyaline, strongly tinged with purplish red on the basal half. Legs dark brown ; hind femora yellow, obliquely lined with brown on the outer surface ; hind tibiae with 8 to 10 white black-tipped spines. The dark markings of the tegmina vary considerably, and are sometimes nearly obsolete. Length 50-62 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 116-135 mm. India ; Ceylon ; Chusta ; Sumatea ; Jata ; Bokneo. 274. Orthacanthacris nigricornis, Bum. Aeridium iiic/ricovne, Buruieister, Handb. Ent. ii, 1838, p. G29. Acridium melanocorne, Serville, Ins. Orth. 1839, p. 659. Body varied with black and yellow ; antennae black. Scutellum of the Vertex only slightly depressed, frontal ridge nearly straight, sulcated, smooth ; head yellow, face with narrow black vertical stripes within the eyes, and behind them runs a broad black band on each side of the median yellow stripe across the head and thorax ; behind each eye is an oblique yellow stripe, and tow^ards the extremity of the pronotum the black is bisected on each side with yellowish. Pronotum coarsely punctured, the sides yellow, marked with small black spots. Abdomen dull yellow, more or less suffused with blackish. Tegmina dull yellow, subopaque, more or less blackish toAvards the base ; wings smoky hyaline, with the base tinged with red. Legs blackish, hind femora with broad yellow spaces spotted with black, hind tibiae with 8-11 yellow black-tipped spines, hind tarsi red. Length 43-55 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 90-127 mm, S. India ; Malay States ; Java, etc. 275. Orthacanthacris vinosa. Walk. Acridium vinosum, "Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iii, 1870, p. 588. Almost uniform reddish brown, slightly varied with pale yellow behind the eyes and on the sides of the pronotum ; antennas yellowish. Scutellum of the vertex hardly depressed, frontal ridge only slightly sulcated, comparatively broad, thickly punctured throughout, and slightly narrowed at the ocellus ; lateral carinas slightly oblique. Pronotum thickly punctured, narrowly streaked with yellowish on the hind border. Tegmina ORTHACANTHAORIS. 229 brown, siibopaqiie ; wings brownish hyaline, with the base red. Legs brown, hind femora banded with lighter and darker brown, and whitish on the sides ; hind tibiae with 8-11 whitish black- tipped spines. Length 50-64 mm, ; expanse of tegmina, 94-120 mm. North Bengal ; China. Type in the British Museum. 276. Orthacanthacris violascens, WaVc Acridium violascens, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iii, 1870 p. 587. Light brown, with a yellow stripe running from the fastigium of the vertex over the pronotum and the suture of the closed tegmina ; in some specimens this is red. Antennae yellow, or red, and there are also red lines (sometimes obsolete) below the antennae, in the suture of the frontal ridge, and along the hind borders of the head and pronotum. Fastigium of the vertex slightly expanded, and bordered with black lines running to the back of the head; frontal ridge moderately broad, punctured above, and sulcated and slightly expanded below the ocellus. Pronotum coarsely punctured, sometimes distinctly darker on the sides of the yellow stripe above, and sometimes with one or two indistinct yellow spots on the side. Tegmina brown, with the inner margin yellow ; wings smoky hyaline, tinged towards the base with pale violet. Legs brown, with red tarsi ; hind femora with the outer and inner lobes whitish, with obhque brown lines ; all the carinas spotted with black, knees marked with black, with the lobes large and white, or yellow ; hind tibiae with 8-10 large yellow black- tipped spines. Length 40-56 mm ; expanse of tegmina, 70 110 mm. Ceylon. Type in the British Museum. :277. Orthacanthacris japonica, Bol. Acndium japonicum, Bolivar, Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxix, 1898, p. 98. Light reddish brown ; antennae pale yellow, darker at the tips ; a pale yellow stripe running from the fastigium of the vertex over the pronotum and the suture of the closed tegmina. Frontal ridge rather constricted in the middle, slightly sulcated, and punctured above and below; a broad blue-black stripe below each eye. Pronotum punctured, the sides bifasciated and bordered below with pale yellow, separated by blackish spaces. Hind knees darker, hind femora with 8-11 pale black-tipped spines. Tegmina subhyaline, brown towards the base, and spotted with brown longitudinally along the middle ; wings brownish hyaline, tinged with red at the base. In many specimens, especially 230 CATANTOPINyE. females, the head and pronotum are ahiiost uniform brown, and a curved black line crosses the vertex within each eye. Length 35-45 mm. ; expanse of tegraina, 68-90 mm. N.W. rEONXiER PnoviNCE ; SiKKiM : Gautok ; Japan, Genus CYRTACANTHACRIS. Cyrtacanthacris, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iii, 1870, p. 550. Acrydium, pt., Olivier, Encycl. M4th., Ent. vi, 1791, p. 209. Acridium, Serville, Ann. Sci. Nat. xxxi, 1831, p. 282. Type, Gryllus Locusta ranaceus, Stoll. Range. Oriental Eegion. Differs essentially from Orthacantlmcris in the prosternal tubercle being very long and recurved. Fig. 127. — Cyrtacanthacris rosea. Key to the Species. Hind wings red at base rosea, De Geer. Hind wings not red at base ranacea, Stoll. CyRTACANTHACniS. 231 278. Cyrtacanthacris rosea, De G. Acrydium roseum, De Geer, Mt5m. Ins. iii, 1773, p. 488, ii. 3, pi. 4], fig. 1. Grylliisjiaiicomis, Ftibncius, Maut. Ins. i, 1787, p. 237. Oirtucanthacris lutesctms, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B. M. iii, 1870, "p. 560 (bleached). Cyrtacanthacrisfortis, Walker, 1. c. 1870, p. 567, Green ; autennse yellow. Scutelluin of the vertex hardly depressed ; frontal ridge punctured above, smooth and sulcated below, with parallel sides. Pronotum strongly rugose, with the median carina formiug a strong ridge, Tegmina green, rather broad, obtusely and roundly truncate at tbe tips ; wings greenish hyaline, with the basal half tinged with red. Hind femora green, or with the sides yellower; hind tibiae and tarsi purplish red, the former with 9-11 yellowish spines, which have the extreme tips black. Length 45-80 mm, ; expanse of tegmina, 105-165 mm. Assam : Sylhet ; China ; Java ; Philippines, etc. 279. Cyrtacanthacris ranacea, Stoll. Gryllus Locusta ranaceus, Stoll, Spectres, Saut. 1813, p. 30, pi. 11 b, lig. 53. Cyrtacanthacris inficita, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M, in, 18/0, p. 565 (discolom-ed). Reddish brown, mixed with yellowish or whitish. Antennae yellow ; head pale, with brown "or blackish vertical lines below the eyes and bordering the carinte ; frontal ridge sulcated, with the borders slightly undulating, smooth in the male, punc- tured above and on the sides in the female ; eyes bordered behind with black or brown, a pale median stripe running from the scutellum of the vertex over the pronotum and the suture of the tegmina, Pronotum with fine scattered raised whitish granules, an^d the hinder lobe punctured in the female; red, with the median carina and the borders pale, and a pale band on the side, which is much expanded and with dusky punctures on the hinder lobe. Abdomen and legs reddish ; hind femora with the outer central area whitish, the knees marked with black ; hind tibiae with 6-8 whitish spines with dusky tips, Tegmina yellowish subhyaline, with a row of dark spots along the costa, and many irret'ular spaces on the median area bounded and reticulated with brown; wings dusky hyaline, slightly tinged with yellowish towards the base. Length 45-55 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 82-112 mm. Arabia ; Madeas : Conoor, Mlgiris ; Cexlok ; Siam. 232 CATANTOPlIfyE. Genus SCHISTOCERCA. Schistocurca, Stiil, Recens. Ortli. i, 1873, p. 04. Type, Gnjllns Locusia taiaricus, L. (Acridium peregrinum, Oliv.). Ranrje. America, S. Europe, Africa, Western and Southern Asia. General characters of Orthacantlutcris, but the cerci of the male are rather short, compressed, and laminated, and the subgenital lamina is triangularly emarginate ; in the female the cerci are short and pointed, and the lower valves of the ovipositor are not dentated at the base ; hind tibite with about 8 spines on the outer and 11 on the inner carina. Fig. 128. — Suldstocerca taiarica. 280. Schistocerca tatarica, L. Gnjllus Locusta tataricus, Linnteus, Syst. Nat. (ed. x.) i, 17o8, p. 432. Acridium pere(/rimm, Olivier, Voy. Emp. Othom. iv, 1804, p\ 388, note. Gryllus mir/ratovius $, Thunberg-, INI (5m. Sc. Petersb. v, 1815, p. 244. Gn/lli/s rufescens, Thunberg, 1. c. 1815, p. 245. Acridium Jiavivetitre, Bm-meister, Handb. Ent. ii, 1838, p. 631. Acridium sellat-um, Walker, Cat. Derm. Halt. B.M. iii, 1870, p. 585, SCHISTOCBECA. — PELECINOTL'S. 233 Yellow 01- red, the face sometimes marked with vertical dusky or blackish lines ; frontal ridge smooth, only slightly sulcated, sometimes a median pale line with a darker border runs from the fastigium of the vertex over tlie pronotum. Pronotum thickly punctured, expanded and rounded behind. Tegmiim long, sub- hyaline, covered w ith irregularly transverse brown reticulate spots ; wings more than twice as long as broad, hyaline, often slightly stained with yellow or red at the extreme base. Hind knees marked with blackish. Length 40-62 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 100-140 mm. SiirD ; Nepal ; Assam ; Ceylon ; Mediterranean Region ; Western Asia ; South and Central America. Linuseus confounded several species under the name tatariea ; but the present species appears to be the best entitled to retain the name. Genus PELECINOTUS. Pelecinotus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 619. Type, Pelecinotus hracliypterus, Bol. Bange. S. India. _ Vertex very broad, and sloping to the vertical front ; frontal ridge very broad between the antennae, suddenly narrowed before the ocellus, and with the margins subparallel as far as the clypeus ; antennae fihform, rather thick in the male, and slender in the female. Pronotum rather short in front, long and pointed behind, the hinder lobe shorter than the front lobe; the back compressed and cristate throughout its whole length, the crest more or less excavated, not interrupted by the sulci, which are obsolete on the summit of the crest. Tegmina rudimentary, short, broad, lateral, lanceolate ; wings obsolete. Legs thick ; femora with the outer dorsal area very broad, with the carinas spinose ; hind tibi« with the inner and outer rows of spines extending equally far towards the base. Key to the Species. Head rugose ; pronotum with large depressed black punctures laterally brachypterus, Bol. Head smooth ; pronotum with the crest more raised and without black punctures cristuyalli, Bol. 281. Pelecinotus brachypterus, Bol. Pelecinotus brachypterus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 620, pl. ix, fig. 35. Green, Head rugose, vertex almost perpendicular, slightly sloping; antennae brown towards the tips. Pronotum sharply tectiform, short in front, pointed behind, the median carina com- pressed, smooth; viewed laterally, obtusely arched in the male, straight or slightly sinuated in the middle in the female, arched in front, and excavated behind, the sides with large black depressed 234 OATAKTOPlN^ffi. ]ninctures, the hind sulcus beliiud the middle of the pronotum, tlie front area sparingly tiiberculate, the hinder area thickly rugose-punctate, the hind border thickened, often yellow. Teg- niiua rudimentary, lanceolate, as long as the liind lobe of the pronotum ; wings very short. Hind femora spinose above and below, the outer carina with obtuse tubercles ; hind tibia) red in tlie male and yellow in the female, with black-tipped spines. Supra-anal lamina in the male triangularly produced, i)ointed ; in the female rather compressed, with the tip obtuse; subgenital lamina of the male compressed, carinated, and pointed. Length 20-40 mm.; pronotum, 11-5-20 mm.; tegmina, 6- 10 mm. : hind femur, 13-19 mm.; hindtibise, 12 mm. Madiias: Kodaikanal. Types in the collections of Pantel and Bolivar. 282. Pelecinotus cristagalli, Bol. FJecinotm cnstac/alli, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 620, pi. ix, iig. 36. Eesembles the last-named species, but the head is smooth, not rugose ; the frontal carinse are scarcely raised and almost inter- rupted at the ocellus. The crest of the pronotum is luuch raised and arched, crenulated but only slightly compressed, and not punctured with black on the sides, the hind border broadly whitish, with the hinder angle pointed, but the lower part of the tip obtuse. Hind tibiee long. Length 21 mm. ; pronotum, 12 mm. ; tegmina, 5 mm. ; hind femur, 14 mm. ; hind tibiae, 14 mm. Madeas: Madura. Types in the collections of Pantel and Bolivar. Genus TERATODES. Teratodes, BruU^, Hist. Ins. ix, 1835, p. 222. Ttpe, Gryllus monticolUs, Gray. Mange. India, Ceylon. Body stout ; head broad, rounded above, face vertical ; frontal ridge very shallow, parallel-sided from the ocellus to the clypeus, but the caringe diverging above to the antennae; antennae short, filiform, rather thick, widely separated at the base, with indistinct joints. Pronotum raised, large, sublaminately compressed, the front arched above the head in a point, the middle forming a high crest, denticulated, especially behind, and covering half the length of the abdomen ; the sides granulated, the' extreme tip pointed and curved up. Prosternal tubercle pointed. Legs rather short ; hind femora with short spines on the upper carinae, and longer ones below ; hind tibiae with 9 or 10 very strong spines. Tegmin& opaque, longer or shorter than the abdomen ; wings hyaline. TEBATODBS. — BIBllACTE. 235 283. Teratodes monticollis, Gray. GryUus monticollis, Graj', Griffith's Anim. Kingd. xv, 1832, p. 215, pi. C4. Almost uniform greeu ; the following portions are generally- yellow, or occasionally reddish : — the antennae, a line on the whole crest of the prouotum, the upper carinas of the hind femora and an arch on the knees, and the lower carinas and spines of the hind tibias. Within the outer upper carina of the femora is sometimes a row of pale spots. Tegmina opaque, uniform green, very thickly reticulated ; wings pale greenish hyaline. Length 35-65 mm. ; pronotum, 25-45 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 62-95 mm. Bombay; Ceylon. Ti/jpe in the British Museum. Genus BIBRACTE. Bibracte, StSl, Bih. Svensk. Akad. Handl. v (4), 1878, pp. 27, 71. Type, Acridium hagenhacJii, De Haan. Range. S. India, Indo-Malayau Islands. Body stout ; fastigium of the vertex projecting considerably between the antennae, face sloping; antennae long, pointed at the tips ; pronotum with the median carina and the transverse sutures nearly obsolete ; tegmina and wings variable ; hind femora moderately stout. 2S4. Bibracte rugulosa, Bol. Bibracte rugulosa, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 620. ferruginous brown. Front coarsely impress-punctate. Pro- notum obtusely sinuated behind, with the back rugose, obtusely tectiform, the hind sulcus placed much behind the middle, the deflexed lobes subangulated, the inner half rather shining, impress-punctate ; before the hinder angle somewhat concave, thickly impress-punctate behind. Tegmina rudimentary, shorter than the pronotum, with the inner margin straight, and the outer margin very convex before the tip. Hind femora red beneath ; hind tibiae red, with yellow spines tipped with black. Supra-anal lamina somewhat compressed, sulcate above at the base. Length 24 mm.; pronotum, 6 mm.; tegmina, 4 mm.; hind femur, 4 mm. Madras : Kodaikanal. Type in the collection of M. Pantel. 236 CATANTOPlNyH. Genus BIBRACTOIDES, nov. Type, Acridhim punctorium. Walk. llange. South India. Head rugosely punctate; front prominent, considerably produced between the antennae, and rounded into the frontal ridge, which is very narrow, sulcated, and parallel-sided throughout, the lateral carinse also nearly straight ; antennte fihform. Pronotum rugosely punctate, with raised granules, the median carina forming a ridge, cut by only two distinct sulci, the hindmost beyond the middle, hind border truncate-sinuate. Prosternal tubercle pointed, meso- sternal lobes transverse. Tegmina shorter than the abdomen, ex- panded on the costa, and obliquely and roundly tnincate at the tips ; wings two-thirds as long as the tegmina, with the costal area produced and rather pointed at the tip ; the hind margin deeply and roundly concave. Hind femora thickened at the base, finely serrated above, and granulated on the outer surface ; hind tibia? with 8-9 spines. 285. Bibractoides punctoria, Wallc. Acridium punctorium, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 630. Brown, very rugose, with black granules, colour paler behind the eyes, on the sides of the pronotum, and towards the costa and apex of the tegmina. Antennae tawny, slightly flattened, brownish towards the tips. Tegmina spotted all over with brown, the spots being formed of short connected streaks on the nervures, frequently transverse or oblique; wings yellowish, with reddish nervures. Abdomen pale, with the hinder segments distinctly punctured. Hind femora pilose, pale, with ill-defined brown markings, the inner and under surfaces, as well as the hind tibife and tarsi, red. Length 25 mm. ; tegmina, 18 mrn. ; wings, 15 mm. ; hind femur, 18 mm. S. India. Type in the British Museum. Genus ALECTOROLOPHUS. Alectovolophus, Brunner, Abh. Senckenb. Ges. xxiv, 1898, p. 244. Type, AIecioroloj)hus speciosus, Brunn. Range. India (?), Celebes, Lombok. Tastigium of the vertex strongly narrowed in front, and pro- jectiug considerably between the antennae, frontal ridge obsolete ; pronotum with a high lobate and serrate crest ; tegmina and wings rudimentary or wanting. ALBCTOKOLOPHUS. — APALACRIS. 237 286. Alectorolophus bimacixlatus, sp. nov. Stout, very rugose, brown, subapterous. Pronotum narrowed in front, expanded behind, with a high, quadrilobate serrated crest, deeply cut between the lobes by the sulci, and the hind border denticulated ; the lateral carina are also lobate and denti- culated. The mesonotuin is covered by what resembles rudi- mentary tegmina, soldered in the middle and concave behind, and Fig. lj.9. — Aleciorolophus bimaciilaUis. a. Side view of thorax. marked on each side by a large irregular black spot. Hind femora denticulated on the carinte, and marked with numerous black granules ; the median carina forms a strong spear-like projection above the knee ; hind tibiae about as long as the femora, with about 9 spines on the carinte. Lenqth 30 mm. ; hind femur, 20 mm. SiKKIM (?) Type in the British Museum, Genus APALACRIS. Apalacris, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 641, Type, Ajxilacris varicornis, Walk. Range. N. India. Body slender. Head and thorax rugose ; frontal ridge narrow, a little wider between the antenna} than the vertex between the eyes, gradually but very slightly narrowed to the clypeus, slightly constricted midway, somewhat grooved and punctured from the 238 OATANTOPlfTiE. ocellus to within a short distance of the clypeus ; anteuiia) very long, liliforin. Tegraina extended beyond the apex of the hind femora, slightly oblique and obtuse at the apex, but not truncate ; wings with comparatively few transverse nervures. Prosternal tubercle small, acute, 287. Apalacris varicornis, Walk. Ajmlacris varicornis, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 642. Head and pronotum above of a slightly reddish brown ; front finely punctured, frontal ridge sulcated, narrow, with parallel carinae, lateral carina? also straight; antennaj very long, the basal fourth reddish, the rest black, except the last five segments, which are yellowish, tips pointed. Pronotum punctate - granulate, with the median carina and the three sulci slightly marked, the last rather beyond the middle, the hinder extremity almost rectangular, but truncated at the tip. Under surface of body and sides of abdomen yellow, abdomen shining black above. Tegmina testaceous, subhyaline towards the tips, where they are only slightly oblique ; wing nearly as long as the tegmina, hyaline, with Fig. 130, — Apalacris varicornis. brown nervures. Prosternal tu- bercle pointed. Pront and middle legs yellowdsh brown ; front tarsi blackish, with a rather strong spine at the extremity of the first joint ; hind legs yelloAvish, the femora with three oblique black bands connected by a black line along the lower outer carina, and with a curved black line on each side of the knees, hind femora very finely denticulated above ; hind tibiae slightly pubescent, with 9 or 10 rather small black-tipped spines. Length 18 mm,; expanse of tegmina, 35 mm. JSToRTH India, Type in the British Museum, Genus COPTACRA. Coptacra, StSl, Eecens. Orth. i, 1873, pp. 37,-58, TxPE, Acridium foeclatum, Serv. Ecmf/e. Java, India. [Vertex not broader than the frontal ridge; frontal ridge thickly punctured, parallel-sided, very slightly wider between the antennae than at the vertex; antennae more or less eusiform. COPTAOKA. — COPTACRELLA. 239 depi-essed bovond the third joint, which is as long as or longer than the second. Pi'onotum with the three sulci slightly marked; prosternal tubercle pointed. Hind femora moderately thickened, slender towards the apex. Tegmina and wings well developed, obliquely truncate at the apex,] 288. Coptacra ensifera, Bol. Coptacra ensifera, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 190'-". p. 621. Brownish testaceous. Fasfcigium shortly tricarinate between the eyes, the middle carina produced backwards ; tempera well- marked, carinulate within ; frontal ridge impress-punctate, very slightly expanded and produced between the antenuce, very slightly siniiated, front rugose ; antennae distinctly ensiform, with the second joint evidently narrower than the following ones. Pronotum scabrous, rugose, bordered with grey bristles. Tegmina as long as, but not longer than, the hind femora, the distal area subh3^aline, obliquely and narrowly banded with brown, with the tips very obliquely truncated ; wings yellowish hyaline, with the radial area obliquely truncated at the tip. Legs dotted with grey hairs, the front and middle legs rugose ; hind femora with the upper outer area scabrous, and the lower outer area rather broad, black, and transversely rugose ; inner area red, with two more or less distinct brown bands ; hind tibiae red, with 11 inner and 9 outer black-tipped spines. Length 27 mm.; pronotum, 6-5 mm. ; tegmina, 25 mm. ; hind femur, 16"5 mm. Madras: Madura. Genus COPTACRELLA. Coptacrella, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent, France, Ixx, 1902, pp. 622, 624. Type, Coptacrella martini, Bol. Range. India. Head (seen from the front) not expanded below ; frontal ridge continuous, almost everywhere equally broad, but slightly con- tracted below, though on the same plane ; somewhat compressed between the antennae, and in the male slightly expanded ; lateral carinae pointed, and nearly parallel with the carinae bordering the frontal ridge, lateral area of the front about three times as broad as the frontal ridge ; eyes oblong, separated above by a narrow interval, about as broad as the frontal ridge ; vertex horizontally produced by arching continuously into the frontal ridge, with a carina on each side above between the eyes, often interrupted in the middle ; antennae slightly longer than the head, depressed and narrowly ensiform from the third joint, Pronotum obtusely tectiform, the middle carina cut by the three sulci, and rectangular behind, Tegmina rudimentary, pointed towards the tips, with 240 CATANTOl'IN^. the marginal area convex and produced. Hind femora with the lower outer area black, with a slight longitudinal carina ; hind tibia? sinuated. 289. Coptacrella martini, Bol. Coptacrella martini, Bolivar. Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 622, pi. 9, fig. 37. Pale ochreous, rugose-granulose, and clothed with grey hairs. Head and pronotura often granulated with black. Tegmina extending to the middle of the abdomen, narrowly rounded at the tips, with the marginal area roundly produced. Hind femora above indistinctly and obliquely banded with brown, lower outer area shining black, the inner side, the base, and the hind tibias red. Supra-anal lamina of the male lanceolate, longer than the cerci, with the margins entire. Length 14-24 mm. ; pronotum, 3-2-5 mm. ; hind femur, 9-12 mm. Madras: Kodaikanal, Types in the collections of Pantel and Bolivar. Eucoptacra, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, pp. 623, 625. 'Pype, Acridium {Gatantops 'i) prcumorsum^ Stal. Range. The Oriental Eegion, Australia. Prontal ridge distinctly expanded between the antennae, lateral carinse of the front ]3arallel, sinuous in the middle ; fastigium of the vertex transverse, sloping, arched into the costal ridge ; antennte filiform, not depressed at the base, the third joint distinctly narrower than the second. Tegmina ^^ell-developed, the tip oblique, but not sinuated ; the costal area of the wings truncated at the tip. Hind femora with the lower outer area black, with a longitudinal carina ;. hind tibiae sinuated. 290. Eucoptacra praemorsa, Stal. Acridium (Catantops?) prcetnorsum, St?d, Eugenie's Resa, Orth. 1860, p. 330. Acridium saturatum, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 628 (n. syn.). Ccdoptemis strigifer, Walker, op. cit. v, Suppl. 1871, p. 66. ? Coptaera cynnoptera, Bruuner, (or StSl), Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893, p. 159. Brownish testaceous. Pront thickly punctured, frontal ridge Genus EUCOPTACRA. Key to the Sjpecies. Wings Bubhyaline, greenish toAvards the base. AVings hyaline-yellow prcBinorsa, StSl. ceylonica, sp. n. EgCOPTACItA. 241 obtuse, not sulcated, expanded between the autenuje, bounded by distinct parallel cannas, cheeks with a well-marked carina below the eyes ; antennfc lilifonn, contracted at the base, hardly longer than the head and pronotura together. Pronotum nar- rowed m iront, rather convex, truucated at the extremity, forming an obtuse angle rounded off at the tip, median carina continuous, not interrupted by the sulci, the first and second of which extend tar into the lateral lobes, and the third is wholly dorsal Tegmin-i extending beyond the hind femora, subparallel-sided, truncated at the tips ; beyond the middle subhyaline with oblique obsolete transverse dusky markings ; wings pale brownish hyaline, greenish towards the base, and clouded at the tip. Hind femora extending beyond the abdomen, with a black spot before tlie tip on the upper inner area, the lower outer area brown, the carina marked with dark brown, the inner surface of the hind femora and the hind tibiae and tarsi red, with the spines tipped with black. Length 23 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 47 mm. BoMBAX:#-.Bandra; Madras: Madura; Btjbma : Bliamo; TENASSEiiiM : Maliwon ; China. 291. Eucoptacra ceylonica, sp. nov. Light brown. Antennae filiform, rather longer than the head and pronotum together; frontal ridge hardly sulcated, expanded between the antennae, thickly punc- tured, the carina well marked, as also the lateral carinas commencing between the antenna and the eves. Pronotum rugosely punctate, tlie three sulci slightly marked, but distinct, and the hindmost placed about the middle; hinder extremity almost rectangular! Tegmina long, rather narrow, obtusely truncated at the extremity, light brown, with indistinct dusky transverse mark- ings ; wings hyaline yellow. Hind femora greyish brown, with broAvn spots above, the most distinct being before the tip! and separated by an oblique yellowish space on the upper inner area; inner and lower surface, as well as the hind tibiae and tarsi red ; 10-11 black-tipped T'ig. l^l.— Eucoptacra ^^^^^^ spines. ceylonica. Length 27-30 mm. ; expanse of teo-- mina, 48-50 mm. ° Ceylon. Type in the British Museum. 11 242 OATANTOPINJE. Genus EPISTAUEUS. Epistaurus, Bulivar, Jorn. Sci. Lisb. {2) i, 1889, p. 1()4. Type, Epistaurus crucigerus, Bol. liange. India, Burma, Ai'rica. Costal ridge round, arched at the base, verj"- broad bet\\-een the antennas, and narrowed towards the extremit}', hardly sulcated ; the vertex longitudinally carinated, with a transverse carina between the eyes. Pronotum with the median carina well marked, interrupted oidy by the hind sulcus. Tegmina well-developed, obliquely truncated at the tips. Keij to the Species. Abdomen brown ahcrrnus, Brunu. Abdomen red, spotted on the back sinetyi, Bol. 292. Epistaurus aberrans, Brunn. Epiddurus aberrans, Brunner, Ann. Miis. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893, p. 160, pi. V, tig. 55. Brownish testaceous, very hairy. Tegmina obtusely and obliquely truncated at the tips ; wings yellowish, with the borders infuscated. Hind femora with the outer side indistinctly bi- fasciated with brown, the inner side red ; hind tibiae pale in the male, and red in the female. Last dorsal segment in the male bilobate at the extremity ; supra-anal lamina in the male quadrate, slightly sulcated ; cerci curved, detlexed and pointed at the tips. Length 12-5-18'5 jnm. ; pronotum, 3-7-4 mm. ; tegmina, 14- 15 mm. ; hind femur, 10-11 mm. Btjbma : Bhamo. Type in the G-enoa Museum. 293. Epistaurus sinetyi, Bol. Epistaurus sinetyi, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 623. Pale reddish. Median carina of the vertex very indistinct. AVings yellowish hyaline. Hind femora obliquely trifasciate with brown, lower outer area brown, interrupted iu the middle, on the inside red at the base, and bifasciate with brown ; tibiae clothed with long grey hairs, brown at the base, ringed with pale, and then red, with 9 outer and 11 inner spines. Abdomen red, witii a row oE spots on the back interrupted by the median line ; male with the supra-anal lamina smooth, transversely and rather indistinctly impressed in the middle, with the tip acutely angulated ; cerci .short, shghtly compressed, incurved towards the tips ; subgenital EPISTAURUS. — GEREXIA. 243 lamina obtuse, slightly produced ; female with the valves of the ovipositor coarsely impress-punctate. Le.Milli 12-15 mm. ; pronotum, 3-4 mm. ; tegmina, 9-12 mm. , hind femur, 7'5-10 mm. ^Fadiias : Madura. Types in the collection of I. Bolivar. Genns GERENIA. Gerenia, StfJ, Bih. Svensk. Akad. Ilaudl. v (4), ]878, pp. 28, 73. TrPE, Acridium dorscde, Walk. {Gerenia oUiquenervis, Stal). Jiauf/e. India, Burma, Australia. Head broad, space between the eyes broad ; fastigium of the vertex short, rounded into the costal ridge, which is almost obsolete below the antenn£e ; antenna? rather short, filiform, Pronotum with the median carina tectiform, cut by three sulci, the latter placed about the middle, hind border obtusely angu- lated ; prosternal tubercle pointed. Tegmina and wmgs usually Avell-developed, the former with a shining black spot in the radial area. Hind femora thickened, with the carinse denticulated ; hind tibicie with from 8 to 11 spines. Key to the Sjpecies. 1 (4) Tegmina as long as or longer than the abdomen. 2 (3) Black spot of tegmina subrotund . . dorscdis, Walk,, p. 243. 3 (2) Black spot of tegmina longer than ^ broad intermedia, Brunn., p. 244. 4 (1) Tegmina shorter than tlie abdomen. •5 (0) Black spot of tegmina linear ;jztsfz I These .«pecies are possibly identical.] 248 CATANTOPINJE. ^30]. Catantops angiistulus, Bol. Va^aifvps anoustuhis, Bolivftr, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ix.v, ]!K)2, Eeddish brown varied with brown. Space between the eyes very narrow, not broader than the width ol' ti.e antennae, fasfciginm L ^ \ J^"'"*'^' ridge parallel- ided,^ not ched at the base, narrowed a,nd rather concavJ before the ocelU, raised between the antenna), i.npress-punclate. Pronol .nn l.ud punc ured na front but thickly and closely punctured behind wS. the front niargm shghtly nidented in the middle, rounded or very ^^ZlZfTf it^^^^' "^^'^^-^ "^-'-b' obsolete [n , ' *he>teral lobes with a longitudinal browii fascia in the na e Tegmina extendnig n.uch beyond the abdomen, varied uitli brown, and with crowded pale nervures. Hind tibiae blue Uerci narrowed towards the tip, which is bilid Length 16-21 mm.; pronotum, 3-5-4-5 mm.; tegmina, 17-20 mm.: hmd femur, 1 0-11-5 mm. Madeas: Madura. Ti/2)es in the collections of Pantel and Bolivar. 302. Catantops acuticercu?, Bol. CatcuUops acuticevcus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Eut. France, Ixx, 1902, Ferruginous brown, or pale ochraceous. Fastigium of the vertex rather pomt^ed, frontal ridge arched at the base, then nearly parallel-sKled, punctured, slightly concave before the ocellus. Pro- notum thickly punctured, median carina slight, but continuous, hind border rectangular; lateral lobes above with a browu band arched across the metapleura to the hind cox*; metanotum with :an oblique pale band on each side. Tegmina longer than the abdomen, brown in front, with the radial area spotted with brown. Prosternal tubercle thick. Hind femora with two black trans- verse bands above, oWiquely produced into the outer median area lower outer area brown, inner area red; hind tibiae red. Cerci ot the male pointed, slightly incurved. Length 19-26 inm ; pronotum, 4-7 mm. ; tegminn, 18-2-5 mm. ; hind temur, 12-16-5 mm. Mad HAS: Madura. Types in the collections of Pantel and Bolivar. 303. Catantops dominans. Walk. Caloptenus dominans, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B M iv 18/0 p. 705. ' ' Head light brown in front ; antennae reddish, rather longer than the head and pronotum ; fastigium of the vertex rather CATA>"a'OIS. 249 obtuse, widened in front of tlie eyes, face punctured, frontal ridge sulfated, very slightly widened below the ocellus, the carinae slightly black-spotted ; a dark stripe runs from the fastigium over the vertex (where it is lightest) and the pronotum ; it is bordered on each side by a yellow stripe, broader and less defined on the nietanotum. Prouotura thickly punctured above, the median carina slightly developed and almost obsolete in front, the transverse sulci slightly marked, the hindmost placed about the middle ; the hind border forming a very obtuse angle, with the tip truncated ; at the lower end of the eye is a whitish spot, above which is a second, and between this and the yellow lateral stripes above is a brown stripe, running backwards from the eye and expanding o\ er the whole of the deflexed lobes, except for a slight vellow bord er in front ; lower border of deflexed lobes nearly straight. Abdomen yellowish brown, with a black median stripe above becoming_ macular hindwards, and with some shght yellow spots on the sides. Prosternal tubercle conical, rounded" at the tip; mesosternal lobes small, separate ; metasternal lobes contiguous! Tegmina long, light brown, speckled with brown in the costal area, and snbhyaline towards the tips; wings hyaline, slightly brownish towards the borders. Front and middle legs light brown; hind femora yellowish, the outer area with two broad oblique brown bands, continued more narrowly on the upper surface and to the middle of the inner surface ; inner surface red, lower surface light bi-own, knees brown : hind tibiai red, with S-9 black-tipped spines on each side ; the two basal joints of the tarsi red, terminal joint browu. Le7igtli 31 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 62 mm. AssAir: Sylhet. Type in the British Museum. 304. Catantops consobrimis, Kamy. Catantops comobrimis, Karuy, Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-nat. CI. cxvi, 1907, pp. 319, 341. Testaceous, lateral lobes of the pronotum unicolorous. Teg- mina extending much beyond the hind knees, testaceous, mottled Avith grey at the base and grey at the tip. Prosternal tubercle short, very obtuse; mesosternal lobes not wide apart, metasternal lobes contiguous ; metathorax with an oblique pale stripe on the sides. Hind femora above with transverse dusky bands, a stripe in front very slightly extending into the externo-median area, and all the carinse, especially the lower ones, spotted with black ; hind tibiae dull testaceous. Male cerci slender, pointed, incurved; subgenital lamina of male slightly compressed. Length 23 mm.; pronotum, 5 mm.; tegmina, 22 mm.; hind femur, 13 mm. India (?). Ti/2^e in the collection of Brunuer von "Wattenwyl. 250 305. Catantops splendens, Thunb. Gryllus splendens, Thunbei'g-, MtSni. Acad. Pc^tersb. v, 1815, p. 230, i'x, 1824, pp. .'{95,408. _ Acridrum hdvoluni, Scii-ville, Iup. Ortli. iHoO, p. 661. Acrydiuyn riiMibia, AN'allcer, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) iv, 1850, p. 22'S. Greenish brown. Prontal ridge sulcated, ratlier broad, punc- tured, with parallel sides. Pronotum tbiclcly ])unctured, the carina and transverse sulci slightly marked, the deflexed lobes soiQetimes pale beneath, the hind border very obtusely angulated, subrotuud. Prosternal tubercle long, obtuse. Tegmina long and narro\\', I'oundetl at the end, testaceous subhyaline, more or less mottled with blackish ; wings yellowish hyaline, rarely hyaline. Hind femora with the outer area yellowish, generally with a longi- tudinal stripe, double towards the base, on its upper portion, and another on the lower side ; inner surface black above, and red below ; hind tibise red (rarely yellowish) with 10-11 black-tipped spines. Male with the cerci slender, pointed, incurved ; supra- anal lamina long, pointed, compressed. Length 33 mm. India.; CEYLOisr; Axdama>'s ; Nicobaks; ]3uiima; Java, &t'. 306. Catantops humilis, Serv. Acridium humile, Serville, Ins. Ortb. 18o9, p. 002. Acvidium imwfahile, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. V>M. iv, 18/0, p. 629. Caloptenus ferrwi incus. Walker, op. cit. 1870, p. 705. Culopienm immunis, Walker, op. cit. v, Suppl. 1S71, p. 67. Dull greenish broAvn. Frontal ridge moderately sulcated, punc- tured, with parallel carinas ; eyes large. Pronotum thickly and finely punctured, with the median carina slightly, and the transverse sulci still more slightlj^ marked ; the hind border obtusely angu- lated, or subrotund. Prosternal tubercle thick, obtuse. Tegmina rather long, often with dusky mottling ; wings clear hyaline. Abdomen shining, yellowish, darker on the back. Hind femora yellowish, with two transverse blackish bauds above; inner sur- face and hind tibite and tarsi red ; tibiae with 10-11 black-tipped spines. Cerci of male slender, pointed, slightly incurved ; sub- genital lamina pointed at tip. Vi'i.— Caiantofs humilis. Lenr/tJi 22S0 mm.; expanse of tegmina, 42-55 mm. SiKKiM ; Assam: Sylhet; Bengal: Calcutta; Bombay; Cetlon. CATAXTOPS. 251 307. Catantops interruptus, B61. Catantops hnmilia var. interruptus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, mO-l, p. 0^."). Cutantops interruptus, Karny, Sitz. Akad. AViss. Wien, Matli.-nat. 01. cxvi, 1907, pp. 317, 339. Pale oclireous, sparingly mottled Mitli brown. I'roiital ridge slightly widened between the antennio, punctured ; fastigium rather pointed, longer than broad in front of the eye. Pro- uotnni slightly compressed, riigosely punctate, with the median carina shght, but continuous, the hind border almost rectangular ; the lateral lobes concolorous, or slightly darker in front "above. Tegmina longer than the abdomen, varied with brown, with numerous pale transverse nervures. Prosternal tubercle thickened at the tip. Hind femora pale, with two brown transverse bands above, the first slightly interrupted below, the lower outer area and extremity bro\\Ti ; hind tibite brown, witli a pale ring at the base. Cerei of the male long and slender, slightly compressed at the tip. Len(/th27-39 mm. ; pronotum, 7-8-5 mm. ; tegmina, 25-32 mm. ; hind femur, 16-21 mm. Madras : Madura. Ti/jye in the collection of I. Bolivar. 308. Catantops indicus, Bol. Catantops i)i(licus, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 626. Testaceous brown, or ferruginous. Prontal ridge very slightly uarrow-ed towards the extremity, punctured, projecting somewdiat before the ocellus ; fastigium of the vertex nearly transA^erse in front of the eyes. Pronotum thickly and finely rugose-punctate, with a slight continuous median carina ; hind border obtusely angulated, lateral lobes above indistinctly brownish. Tegmina longer than the abdomen, finely mottled with brow n, radial area with pale spots ; metathorax with an oblique pale streak. Hind femora transversely banded with brown above the middle and before the tip, with the bands very slightly, if at all, produced into the externo-median area, which is yellow as far as the lower margin ; the lower outer area brown ; hind tibiae red. Cerci expanded at the tips. Length 24-30 mm. ; pronotum, 5-6-8 mm.; tegmina, 22-28 mm. ; hind lemur, 12-5-16 mm. Madras: Kodaikanal ; CEyLOX; Core A ; Ohixa. Type in the British Museum. 309. Catantops karnyi, Kirhy. Catantops karnyi, Kirby, Svn. Cat. Orth. iii, 1910, p. 483. Catantops pulchellus, Karny {nec Walker), Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-nat. CI. cxvi, 1907, pp. 317, 339. Eeddish brown. Ej^es almost touching above, fastigium rounded 252 CATANTOPIXJE. between tlie autennJE ; frontal ridge rather broad, finely punc- tured, slight]}^ contracted at the oceUus. Pronotum broad, especially behind, an irregular dark brown band behind the eyes, sliglitly bordered with yellow above and below, and very faintly indicated on the metapleura; pronotum thickly punctured, finely above, but much more coarsely on the metapleura; under the wings is a broad yellowish white oblique band, preceded by a dot of the same colour ; hiud border of pronotum obtusely angulated. Prosternal tubercle stout, obtuse at the extremity. Legs tes- taceous; hind femora with two oblique black bands on the sides, paler on the upper surface, but obsolete below, the lower outer cari])a spotted with black ; hiud tibiae with 8 or 9 black-tipped spines, and one or two black spots near the base. Tegmina greyish brown, subhyaline, with indistinct darker mottling ; wings hyaline. LencitJi 23-25-5 mm. ; pronotum, 5 mm. ; tegmina, 20-22 mm. ; hind femur, 14-14"5. Nepal: Ternani. Type in the collection of Brunner von Wattenwyl ; co-type in the British Museum. 310. Catantops pinguis, Stdl. Aeridium {CatantojJs) pmgue, St3,l, Eugenie's Resa-, Orth. 1860, p. 330. Eeddish brown, rather stout. Frontal ridge finely punctured, slightly expanded between the autennte, lateral carinae distinct, slightly divergent ; eyes approximating ; antennie filiform, about as long as the head and pronotum together. Pronotum closely punctured, obtusely angulated behind ; carina slight, continuous, with the sulci w-ell marked. Tegmina extending beyond the abdo- men, slightly narrowed at the tip, v\hich is rounded, darker towards the base, and subhyaline towards the tip ; wings dull hyaline, or slightly greenish towards the base, with brown ner- vures, and slightly clouded towards the tip. Under surface of body and legs pale ; prosternal tubercle thick, obtuse. Abdomen with a short narrow dorsal stripe behind. Bind femora stout, with two transverse black spots above, the first extending into the externo-median area, the lower outer area blackish brown, and the upper carina3 slightly serrated ; hind tibife and tarsi red, the former with black-tipped spines. Cerci of the male slightly expanded at the tips. Length 27-34 mm. : expanse of tegmina, 40-61 mm. SiKKiM: Ceylox; Bubma : Karen Hills; Cambodia; CmiifA; Japax, &c. 311. Catantops pulchellus, WaXlc Cyrtacanthacris pulchellus, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iii, 1870, p. r,74. Light brown. Eacs finely punctured, with parallel inner CATAKTOPS. 253 cariuae, tlie outer slightly divergent below : ridge uniform in width, sliallowly sulcated. Pronotum finely punctured, ^ ith the sulci fairly well-u)arked ; the last placed about the middle, hinder edge obtusely rounded ; a moderately broad blackish band runs behind the eye to the extremity of the deflexed lobes. Prosternal spine thicJv, obtusely rounded at the extremity ; abdo- men reddish. Tegmiua greyish subhyaline, mottled witli brown, especially towards the middle, hinder area pale, perhaps greenish or reddish in life ; wings iridescent hyaline, brick-red towards the base along the veins. Hind femora yellowish outside and above and reddish within, with two black streaks in the outer upper carina; opposite them, on the inner side above, and slightly extending to the inner area, are two transverse black bands • the knees are also marked with black on each side; hind tibi^ and tarsi red with black-tipped spines, the tibite with i) or 10 on each side. Length 37 mm.; expanse of tegmina, 78 mm. India (?). l^ype in the British Museum. 312. Catantops erubescens. Wall: Qiloptenus eruhescens, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. BJI iv 1870 p. 703. * ' Eeddish brown, finely punctured. Prontal ridge very slightly depressed in the male, and flattened in the female, subparallel- sided ; antennas yellowish, mode- rately stout, filiform, about as long as the head and pronotum together. Pronotum with the median carina and sulci only slightly marked, the hind sulcus placed just behind the middle, the hinder border obtusely rounded ; a blackish stripe runs behind each eye, which is paler and broader on the metapleura. Prosternal tubercle thick, obtuse; abdomen light brown, rather shining. Tegmina subhyaline, brown towards the base, and rnottled with broAvu beyond, the hinder area pale, perhaps reddish in life, with some scattered black spots; wings hyaline, rose-red Fig. l''A.— Cata,iio-pseruhescc>is. t""-ards tlie base. Hind femora , , , , reddish, inclining to yellow out- side, with a broad black stripe on the outer upper area, obsolete lit the base and towards the extremity ; and another extendino- CATANTOPl\iE. to the knees below tlie upper outer carina; on the inner u|)per surface are several large black spots ; tibia) and tarsi red, the tibite A\-ith 8 or 9 black-tipped spines. Length i38-33 mm. ; expanse ol' tegmina, 48-60 mm. North Bengal. 'Type in the British Museum. Genus STENOCROBYLUS. Stmocvobylus, Gerstaecker, Arcli. Naturg. xxxv, 1869, p. 219. TrPE, Stenocrohjlus cervinus, Gerst., from Zanzibar. Range. Africa, India. Eyes (in the type at least) closely approximating, A'ertex very narrow ; prouotum with a slight median carina ; prosternal tubercle compressed, almost bilobate ; tegmina and wings well ■developed ; hind legs stout, rather long, hind tibiae with 8 spines on the outer carina ; metasternal lobes of female rather widely separated. 313. Stenocro'byltis femoratus, Bol. Steiiocrolyhis femoratus, Bolivar, Aim. See. Eut. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 623. Eeddish aboA'e, greenish below, pilose. - Vertex very narrow between the eyes, hardly broader than the width of the antenna?, fastigium concave ; front slightly sloping, coarsely punctured towards the clypeus, with many green spots ; frontal ridge smooth, punctured in the middle, arched near the vertex, and slightly narrowed towards the extremity ; antenna greenish. Prouotum punctured, slightly hairy in front, and smoother and obtusely angulated behind, with a slight median carina, and the hinder stilcus placed rather behind the middle ; the deflexed lobes higher than long, narrowly rounded behind, with a broad red band traversing the lower part of the lobes. Tegmina green, distinctly narrowed towards the tips, extending for half their length beyond the abdomen. Anterior legs green ; hind femora thick, reddish, with the carinas of the outer area spotted with black, knees with a black curve on both sides-; hind tibiae green, with long grey pile. Prosternal tubercle subcuneiform, slightly transverse; metasternal lobes moderately distant behind the foA-eolaj in the female. Lengtli 20 nnn. ; prouotum, 4 mm.; tegmina, 8*5 mm.; hind femur, 12 mm. Madras: Madura. Tijpe in the collection of M. Pantel. NAVASIA. 255 Genus NAVASIA, nov. Tirpn, Navasia insularis, sp. uov. llaiKje. India. Eyes lar<;e, oval, separated by a space as broad as the lower part ■of the frontal ridge ; fastigiuin of the vertex slightly narrowed in front, and sloping into the frontal ridge, which is narrowed above, slightly widened below, sulcated and strongly punctured, but not nuich produced, nor oblique ; vertex nearly smooth. Pronotiim rather flattened, very shghtly rouuded behind, with four sulci, the iirst lateral, the second dorsal, and the two hinder ones complete, the median carina cut by the three hinder ones, and nearly obsolete between them, the hindmost placed rather behind the middle; pronotum punctured most strongly behind and on the sides, a broad punctured indistinct carina on each side, not con- tinued on the hinder lobe. Antenna3 with long joints, and nearly twice as long as tlie head and pro- notum together. Prosternal tubercle conical, rather pointed, but rounded off at the tip. Tegmina long and narrow, longer than the abdomen ; wings hyaline, rather narrow, nearly iis long as the tegmina. Hind femora moderately thickened at the base, longer than the abdomen ; hind tibiae with 8 or 9 spines. Differs from Coptacra in the flat- tened j)i'onotum with indistinct lateral carinse in front. 314. Navasia insularis, sp. nov. Liglit brown, tegmina thickly veined, otherwise subhyaline; wings hyaline, with brown nervures, a broad reddish stripe on the costa beyond the middle for a short dis- tance, tips inf uscated. Hind femora Pig. lib.— Navasia insularis. yellowish, with a slight reddish shade, with two transverse black Ijands, paler above, the first oblique in the upper outer part of the sides, but not extending to the lower carina, either on the outer or inner surface ; the second smaller, but extending to both ; knees with a black baud on each side, connected by a transverse black band beneath ; lower outer carina spotted with black ; hind tibia) jjubescent, yellow, red at the base, followed by two black rings (the second the broader) separated by a yellow space ; hind tibias with S or 9 black-tipped spines on each side. Lemjth 30-32 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, GO-65 mm. India : Narandam Island. Type in the British Museum. 256 CATANTOPIXjE. Geinis BRACHYXENIA, nov, Type, Calopteniis scutifer. Walk. Itanr/e. India. Body very broad. Head very broad ; eyes pi'omiuent, slightly oval ; fastigium of the vertex not depressed, with a slight carina within each eye above, passing into the frontal ridge without a break ; frontal ridge flattened, slightly sloping, the carinse very slightly indicated between the antennae, latei-al caringe obsolete ; face thickly and rather coarsely, but not distinctly punctured, vertex and back of head smooth ; antennae filiform, shorter than the head and pronotum together. Pronotum broader than the head, strongly punctured and granulated, with the median carina well marked in front, but evanescent beyond the middle ; lateral cariuae absent, hinder edge produced into an acute angle ; sulci very slightly marked and undulated, the hind sulcus placed considerably before the middle. Prosternal tubercle forming a transverse flattened lamina ; mesosternal lobes separated by a si)ace equal to their own breadth ; metasternal lobes separated by the foss«. Tegmina as long as the abdomen, with nearly parallel sides, slightly expanded on the costa near the base, and with the extremity obtusely rounded ; wings as long as the tegmina, rounded and scalloped. Hind femora very stout, strongly ridged and granulated, and pubescent be- neath ; bind tibiae as long as the femora, with 7-9 spines on the carina. This carious genus has a superficial resemblance to Truethis. At present I place it provisionally near Catantops. 315. Brachyxenia Walk. scutifera, Fig. — Brachyxenia smiifera. (a) hind leg. Caloptemis scutifer, Walker, Oat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 704, n. 56. Light brownish grey (dis- coloured?). Head, abdomen, and hind femora whitish, the granules on the pronotum and the raised striae on the hind femora yellowish, the carinse, knees and lower area of the femora with black speckles ; tegmina Avitli traces of dusky markings towards the base and before the tip, and also of a longitudinal row of whitish spots ; there are also traces of blackish spaces on the mesopleura, towards the tips of the femora, and on the knees ; the tibial spines and abdominal appendages are tipped with black. BllACHXXENTA. — KEIPA. 257 Length 30-32 mm. ; hind femur, 18 mm. ; expanse of tegmina. 48 mm. ^ ' South India. Type in the British Museum. Genus KRIPA, nov. Type, Kripa undulata, sp. nov. Range. N.W. India. Head large, smooth above ; antennae fiHform, as long as the head and pronotum together ; space between the eyes about as broad as half their diameter, fastigium of the vertex longer than broad, concave, and gradually passing into the costal ridge, which is nearly perpendicular, flattened, and distinctly widened below; sparingly punctured, cheeks more thickly, the lateral carina very siightly indicated. Pronotum broad, tricarinate, the lateral carinte undulating, and nearly obsolete behind ; hinder area thickly and coarsely punctured on the sides, less strongly above, the sutures shghtly marked, the hindmost placed about the middle, hind border rectangular with the tip rounded. Tegmina about as long as the abdomen, subhyahne, light brown towards the base, and mottled with light brown beyond, the markings towards the apex irregularly transverse ; wings hyaline, stained with red, and with the ne'rvures of all the lower part red. Hind femora rather thick, strongly serrated above ; hind tibiae with 7-9 spines, inner spui-s of nearly equal lengtli. 316. Kripa undulata, sp. nov. Light greyish brown, shading into yel- lowish beneath. Lower mouth-parts varied with black. Tegmina subhyaline. mottled with pale brown ; wings hyaline, stained with red, nervures brown towards the costa, otherwise red. Hind femur yellowish (or red beneath in life?), the outer area white, with longitudinal black lines below the bounding carinje, and a central longitudinal black line, and with irregular longitudinal rows of black spots between ; inner ai'ea black within the bounding carina, except towards the extremities ; hind femora red, with 7 to 9 black- tipped spines. Length 35 mm. : expanse of tegmina, 53 mm. Punjab : Campbellpur. Type in the British Museum. Fig. 137. — Kripa undulata. 258 ' CATANTOPIX-TS. Genus CALOPTENOPSIS. Cahptcnopsis, Bolivar, Joru. Sci. Lisb. (2)i, 1889, p. 173. TyPE, GalopUnus vittatus, BoL, from W. Africa. Range. India, Africa. , c + i Fasti^ium of the vertex concave and passing into the trontai ridge which is moderately broad and flattened, sparingly punctured, •ind kot expanded below; lateral cariniB very slightly marked. Pronotum rather short and broad, with three earmae, the hinder area generally longer and broader than the fore part, transverse sutures very slightly marked, the hindmost generally placed betore the middle. Tegmina and vpings well developed; the wings hyaline, generally stained with red. Hind femora much thickened, o-enerally rather shorter than the abdomen and serrated above ; hind tibice with 7-9 spines on each side, and the lower terminal spine on the inner side generaUy much longer than the upper one. Key to the Species. 1 (2) Duskv markings of the middle of the _ tegmina distinctly transverse tnsupns, \\ alk., p. 2o8, 2 (1) Dusky mra-king-s of tegmina not transverse. (4) Hind femora -with the outer carinse distinctly spotted with black punctata, sp. n., p. 260. •4 (3) Hind femora with the outer carinte not distinctly spotted with black. 5 (6) Hind femora with the lower outer carina marked with an iuteirupted black line (/laucojns, Walk., p. 2o9. () (5) Hind femora with the lower outer carina pale liturifer, W alk., p , 2o9 . 31 7. Caloptenopsis insignis, Wallc Caloptenus insicjnis^ Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1873, p. 701. Calo2-)1enus spissus, Walker, op. cit. v, Suppl. 1871, p^ (0. Var. Caloptenus clams, Walker, op. cit. iv, 1870, p. 711. Caloptenopsis saussurei, Martinez, An, Soc. Espau. 1896, p. 11. Brown above, and mostly white beneath. Head brown above, and over the frontal ridge, and below the eyes ; there is also a white band dotted with black, and separated by a black line from the white hind border of the head, running down behind the eyes. Pronotum brown, rather short, obtusely angulated behind, with the tip rounded; the sides are very coarsely punctured, the lower part being yellowish, obscurely spotted with black; on the sides is a broad oblique white stripe, not extending to the hinder area, and bordered above with blackish. Tegmina rather long and narrow, subhyaline, with numerous brown spots and markings, especially towards the base, and those towards the middle irregu- larly transverse; wings hyaline, strongly tinged with red (in the CALOPTENOPSIS. 259 type) towards the base and along the nerviu-es of the lower part of the wing ; hyaline in var. darns. Hind femora moderately long and broad, the outer area white, the carina) spotted with black, and witli several longitudinal brown lines ; tlie upper surface brownish ; Avith transverse black bands, extending to the inner surface, which is yellowish, filled up largely with black ; lower surface yellowish ; pectus and base of femora white, speckled with black ; hind tibiai yellow, with 7-9 black-tipped spines, the lower inner claw hooked, bifid, and thrice the length of the upper ■one. Prosternal tubercle conic^al. Length 34 mm. ; expanse of tegmiua, 66 mm. India. Type in the British Museum. 318. Caloptenopsis glaucopis. Walk. Caloptenus glaucopis, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 702. Reddish brown. The fastigium of the vertex longer than broad, •coucave, with a slight median carina at the base, in addition to the usual ones within the eyes ; face with a narrow white band before the eyes, and a wider one behind extending to the back of the head ; the space below the antenniB is also whitish on each side of the frontal ridge; antennae rather longer than the head and pro- notum together. Pronotum with the sutures slightly marked, the hindmost placed just before the middle; hinder area thickly punctured, especially on the sides, hind border obtusely rounded ; three pale marks on each side, the uppermost short, obhque, yellowish; the second slightly oblique, white, broad, extending to the hinder suture ; the lowest white, broad, on the lower margin. Abdomen yellowish, spotted with black on the sides. Hind femora white outside, the serrations black, the surface with three suffused longitudinal submacular stripes, and a broken black line :along the lower inner carina ; the lower surface blackish outside and yellow inside, the upper area yellowish, with transverse black streaks passing into the inner surface, which is mostly black ; hind tibia3 yellow, with 7-9 black-tipped spines ; the lower inner ter- minal spine nearly twice as long as the upper. Prosternal tubercle •thick, obtuse, slightly transverse. Lenfjth 35 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 55 mm. XoETH Inma. Tiipe in the British Museum. 319. Caloptenopsis liturifer, Walk. Caloptenus liturifer, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 703. Caloptenopsis crassiusculus, Martinez, Au. Sec. Espau. 1896, p. 11 (n. syu.). Brown. Scutellum of the vertex concave, longer than broad, •rounded in front, and passing into the froiital ridge, which is s2 260 OATANTOPlNiE. slightly narrowed between the antenn£e ; beneath each eye is a black band divided by a narrow yellow line, and the hind part of the head is white behind this. jProiiotum short, slightly produced and truncated behind, with the three carinse pale, and two more or less distinct triangular black spots on the front of the median carina : the transverse sutures fairly distinct, the hindmost placed about the middle; below the lateral carinte the deflexed lobes are marked with a quadrangular black spot, on which stands an oblique yellowish callous spot, and some dots of the same colour ; beneath, the lobes are yellow, intersected by a blackish streak, but these markings scarcely extend beyond the hind suture. Tegmina yellowish brown towards the base, and subhyaline beyond, with brown markings separated by pale ones, the most distinct being a longitudinal row of pale spots ; wings hyaline, with the inner and lower half red. Legs ochreous yellow ; hind femora mottled out- side with blackish, and with two transverse black bands above, the inner surface mostly black ; hind tibiae with 7-9 black-tipped spines, lower inner spine distinctly longer than the upper. Pro- sternal tubercle rather small, conical. LengtJi 21-30 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 30-50 mm. Kashmir : Bnltistan ; Madras : Madura. Ty2>e in the British Museum. 320. Caloptenopsis punctata, sp. nov. Brown. Fastigium of the A^ertex con- cave, hardly longer than broad, face and sides of head irregularly mottled with white and brown ; antennse rather longer than the head and pronotum together. Pronotum obtusely rounded behind, tiie sutures shghtly marked, the hindmost placed about the middle ; the deflexed lobes before the hind suture blackish, with white markings, the hind lobe often paler, especially at the sides. Tegmin subhyaline, irregularly spotted Mith browu, especially at the base ; wings hyaline, w"ith the lower inner half stained with red. Hind femora with the outer area whitish, with large black spots on the bounding carinse, the longitudinal median and the short obhque ridges reddish, often more or less marked with dusky ; hind tibiso red, with 8-9 spines on each side, lower inner spine one-third longer than the upper. Prosterual spine rather larje, conical. . , - Lenr/th 25-27 mm. ; expanse of tegnnna, 42-4o mm. Fig. 138. Caloptenopsis •punctata. PERIPOLUS. 261 Genus PERIPOLUS. Peripohis, Martinez, An. Soc. Espan. xxx, 1902, p, 303. T5CPE, CaUiptamus ijedarius, Stal. Range, India. Eastigiuin of the vertex sloping, forming an obtuse angle with the frontal ridge; antennte filiform. Pronotum obtusely angu- lated bePore and behind, median carinje distinct, lateral cariuse straight, diverging behind, or parallel, the prozona longer than the luetazona. Tegmina short, lateral, rudimentary, with the media- stinal aud anal areas very broad, especially the apical half of the tegmina ; discoidal area narrow. Hind femora large, very stout, serrated above ; hind tibiae with 8 spines on the outer and 9 on the inner carina, no apical spines on the outer carina. Prosternal tubercle cyliodro-conical ; mesosternal lobes as broad as the intermediate space, with the inner border obtusely angulate, inter- lobular space very narrow behind; metasternal lobes widely separated, but rather less so than the mesosteruals. Upper part of the last anal segment of the male very large; cerci of the male large, compressed, with a deep concavity at the tip ; supra-anal plate of the male with three fine longitudinal furrows, the lateral ones converging behind, all terminating in the middle of the plate in a transverse furrow ; infra-anal plate in the male forming a short obtuse pubescent triangle ; supi\a-anal plate of the female triangular, divided by a transverse furrow, and with another longitudinal one at the base ; lower valves sinuated. 321. Peripolus pedarius, Stal. C'alliptannis ijedarius, Stal, Bih. Svensk. Akad. Handl. v (4), 1878, p. 75. Yellowish ferruginous. Cheeks below, front and sides of pro- notum distinctly punctured ; pronotum above depressed, rather smooth, obsoletel}" punctured on the hinder lobe, opaque, with a very distinct median carina, and distinct obtuse shiny carinas traversing the lateral margins ; cheeks with a narrow postocular band, and a band on the vertex, continued to the extremity of the pronotum, and a lateral band on the sides of the abdomen above. A lateral curve on the sides of the apex of the hind femora, the base of the hind femora and the greater part of the outer side of the cerci all black ; hind tibiae with 8 or 9 black-tipped spines. Tegmina broadly elliptical, rudimentai'y, extending rather beyond the median segment, with grey nervures, and a black longitudinal band traversing the discoidal area. Lenc/thZQ-bO mm. ; pronotum, 8-11 mm. ; tegmina, 6-8 '5 mm. ; hind femur, 19-29 mm. SiKKi.M : Kurseong ; Assam. Ttjpe in tlie collection of Brunner von Wattenwyl. 262 catantoi'iNj^:. Genus HETERACKIS. Ilcleracns, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. (iuo. Denwducns, StSl («pc Ciuerin), Bib. Svenslc. Akad. Ifandl. v (4),. 1878, p. 7"). Type, Acridmm herhacewn, Serv. Bange. Africa, Oriental Eegion, Australia. Body long, stout. Fastigiiiui of the vertex sliglitly or not at all depressed, and rounded into tlie frontal ridge, M hicli is broad and flattened, not sulcated ; antenua) filiform. Pronotum with a distinct median carina, cut by three shallow sulci, the lateral carinte slightly indicated, obsolete behind. Prosternal spine stout, more or less pointed, directed backwards ; space betweeir the mesosternal lobes narrow, longer than broad. Tegmina and wings long and narrow. Legs very long; hind femora mode- rately thickened at the base, and tapering beyond the middle,, extending beyond the abdomen; hind tibiae with from 12 to 14 spines. Anal segment of the male large ; cerci stout. Key to the Species. 1 (2) Tegmina imspotted rohmta, Serv., p. 262 2 (1) Tegmina spotted. 3 (4) Tegmina with small scattered black spots. iUvstris, Walk., p. 26;^ 4 (3) Tegmina with larger brown spots, bavins- pale centres, and tending to become contluent. 5 (6) Fastigiura of the vertex smooth, itot depressed towards the extremity eleycms, AValk., p. 204. 6 (5) Fasligium of the vertex depressed towards [p. 203. the extremity capensis, Thmd)., 322. Heteracris robusta, Serv. Acridimn rohiistiim, Serville, Ins. Orth. 1839, p. 647. Heteracris duadis, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, pp. 663, 665. Greenish brown, varied with darker brown and with yellow stripes. Autennce reddish, longer than the head and pronotum ; head gi-eenish brown, with a broad brown baud running down beneath the eyes, bordered in front by a yellow stripe ; some- times the whole front of the head between these stripes is dark brown ; fastigium of the vertex short, slightly concave, and- obtusely rounded in front, curving into the frontal ridge, which is narrowest between the antennee, and gradually widened belo\A'; vertex dark brown, bordered with yellow on each side. Pro- notum dark brown, closely and rather finely rugose-punctate, the upper part with the brown yellow-bordered band of the vertex continued to the extremity, the sides usually with some obscui-e greenish spots, the last sulcus placed slightly behind the middle. Abdomen greenish brown, sometimes with some yellowish lateral HETEEACllIS. 263 spots to^^•a^cls the extremity. Tegmina yellowish subhyaline, closely reticulated towards the base with rufous nervures ; wings liyaline, with a bluish iridescence towards the base. Hind femora longer than the abdomen, greenish yellow, darker above, and not serrated ; hind tibiae and tarsi red, tibise with the extreme base blackish, shining, and with 12 to 14 yellow black-tipped spines. Length 58-65 mm. ; hind femora, 40-42 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 115-120 mm. Assam : Sylhet. Type in the Paris Museum. 323. Heteracris illustris. Wall-. Heteracris illustris, "Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, pp. 663, 664. Head almost uniform yellowish, with a brown stripe nearly uniform in width, broadly bordered on each side with yellow, extending over the vertex and upper part of the pronotum ; vertex carinated ; fastigium depressed, obtusely and roundly angulate in front ; frontal ridge not much expanded below, punctured ; the face probably brownish in fresh specimens, a moderately narrow blue-black stripe beneath each eye. Pro- notum coarsely punctured, the sides brownish, with whitish depressions above, and yellowish spots below. Tegmina sub- hyaline, vnth reddish nervures, and with small scattered black spots on the disk, not extending to the costal or inner marginal areas. Hind femora yellowish, streaked with reddish ; hind tibise and tarsi purplish blue, the former with from 11 to 13 white black-tipped spines. Length 70 mm. ; hind femur, 43 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 116 mm. South Its-dia. Tyj[)6 in the British Museum. 324. Heteracris capensis, Thunb. Gn/llus capensis, Thunberg, Mem. Acad. Petersb. v, 1815, p. 240, ix, 1824, pp. 399, 423, pi. xiv, fig. 6. Heteracris insic/nis, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, pp. 663, 664 (n. syn.). Dull yellowish. Pastigium of the vertex depressed, short, rounded, a narrow black hne below the eyes, frontal ridge sparingly punctured, like the rest of the face, and not much expanded ; vertex and back of pronotum with a uniformly broad brown longitudinal stripe, broadly bordered with yellow on both sides. Pronotum thickly punctured, with large punctures on the ridge behind the imperfect lateral carinte, sides brownish, with two large whitish pits above on the anterior lobes. Abdomen reddish. Hind femora reddish above and yellowish below; hind tibife yellowish, with from 11 to 13 black-tipped spines. Tegmina 264 CATAKTOPINJE. subhyaline, with reddisli iiervures, and numerous brown spots on the disk, the outer ones with paler centres, and sometimes showing a tendency to become confluent ; wings greyish hyaline. Lemjth 57 mm, ; hind femur, 35 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 92 mm. Himalayas ; Bengal : Calcutta ; Madras : Coromandel Coast ; Ceylon ; Burma : Bhaino ; China ; S, Africa, &c. 325. Heteracris elegans, Wallc. Ileteracris ele(/ans, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.iM. iv, 1870. pp. 662, 663. Yellow. Easfigium of the vertex not depressed, but with some large punctures on each side near the extremity, and passing into the frontal ridge, which is equally broad throughout, and bordered by narrow black lines on each side, outside which are light brownish bands ; a brown baud, expanded behind, runs over the vertex and frontal ridge ; on the latter, the centre is yellowish ; there is also a short blackish streak under each eye; median carina of the vertex obsolete. Pronotum thickly punctured, with a red- dish brown longitudinal band above, bordered on each side by broad yellow ones ; the sides reddish brown, bordered all round with yellow, and with four yellow spaces, the two uppermost largest, the lower hind space linear. Eemora yellow, the upper carinpe im- perfectly lined Avith black towards the base; tibiae and tarsi dull green, the tibiae with 12 to 13 white black-tipped spines, and the terminal spurs yellow. Tegmina subhyaline, with two longitudinal greenish- yellow spaces, and numerous brown pale-centred spots on the disk, with a tendency to Tig. 139. — Heteracris elegans. become confluent and trans- verse ; there are also rows of dark spots on the costal area, and towards the base on the inner marginal area ; wings hyaline. HETEBACEIS. — TYLOI'EOPIDIUS. 265 Length 50 mm, ; hind femur, 34 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 77 mm. NoiiTH India. Type in the British Museiim, Genus TYLOTROPIDIUS. Tylotropidius, StSl, Eecens. Orth. i, 1873, p. 74. Type, Pezotettix (Tylotrojndiiis) didymus, Stal, from Sierra Leoue. Range. Africa, Burma, Cejlon. Fastigiuin of the vertex with two depressions at the base ; front very obh'que. Pronotiim with the iront and iiind lobes of equal length, with the lateral margins smooth and callous, more or less converging. Tegmina and wings well developed, the former densely reticulate in the postradial area, with no intercalated nervure. Hind tibiae with from 9 to 18 spines; hind tarsi very long, the second joint half as long as the first. Anal segment of the male not enlarged, the cerci narrow and compressed. Prosterual tubercle bifid; metasternal lobes of the female trun- cated on tlie inner side, and connected by a straight suture. 326. Tylotropidius varicornis, TT aZZ . Heteracris varicornis, Wallier, Cat. .Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, p. 667. Tylotropidius ceylonicus, Bruuner, Aim. Mas. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893, p. 164, pi. V, fig-. 57 (u. syn.). Pronotum brown, with the lateral carinas pale, curving hindwards, where they become evanescent, hind border somewhat roundly augulate. Pro- sternal tubercle compi-essed, truncated, and slightly bituberculate at the ex- tremity. Tegmina castaneous, with a row of triangular whitish spots upon the radial nervure and a pale longi- tudinal stripe iu the costal area ; wings bluish hyaline. Hind femora thickened at the base, very slender towards the tips, the uj)per carinas Fig. 140. sparsely serrated, with tfie sulci of Tylotropidius varicornis. the outer area marked with brown, two spots on the inner surface ; hind tibiae towards the extremity dull blue, with from 12 to 15 spines on the outer carina ; tarsi dull blue ; tibiae and tarsi very pilose. 26G OATANTOl'lNJi. Supra-anal lamina of the male elongate-triangular, sulcated ; cerci straight, rounded, or slightly compressed, acuminate. Length 28-48 mm. ; pronotum, 5-S-8 mm. ; tegmina, 23- 36 mm. : hind i'emiir, 23-32 mm. S. India ; Ckylon ; Burma : Karen Hills. Ty2oe in the British Museum. Genus PAEAEUPREPOCNEMIS. Faraeuprejjocnemis, Brunner, Ann. Mus. Geneva, xxxiii, 1893, P-151. Pareupre2>ocnemis, Biauchi, Preni. Loz. Ross. Imp. 1902, pp. 174, 205, 320. TiPE, Pezotettiv syriacu, Brunn. Eange. Egypt, Arahia, E. Africa, W. Asia, India. Allied to Euiwepomemis ; pronotum truncated behind ; tegmina lobiform, wings rudimentary ; hind tibiae with from 8 to 12 spines; male with the cerci compressed, snlcated above. 327. Paraeuprepocneniis pictipes, Boh Paraeiqm'pocnemis jnctipcx, Bolivar, Aim. Soc. Eut. irance, Ixx, 1902, p. 631. Eeddish yellow, varied with chestnut-brown. Eastigium of the vertex obtusely and slightly produced, regularly curving into the frontal ridge, which is marked with rows of compressed points, and is expanded towards the tip ; antennae red, paler at the base. Pronotum opaque brown above, with the carina) more shining, hind border roundly truncate ; upper part of lateral lobes wdth a large oblique shining black blotch, bordered Avith pale above and below, and with large impressed punctures on the lower and hind margins. Prosternal tubercle thick, rather smooth behind. Tegmina short, lanceolate, not longer than the pronotum. Eront femora thickened in the male, and hnear in the female ; hind femora shining red beneath, the outer area brown, with an oblique yellow band at the base, and a yellow spot just beyond the middle ; hind tibiae red, with the base more or less brown, with a pale ring. Abdomen varied with brown ; supra-anal lamina of male broadly lanceolate, with a short sulcus at the base and middle ; cerci short, pointed. Length 16-23 mm. ; pronotum, 3-8-5-3 mm. ; tegmina, 4- 6 mm. ; hind fenuu-, 11-15 mm. Madkas : Madura. Ty2oes in the collections of Pantel and Bolivar. EUPREPOCNEMIS. 267 Genus EUPREPOCNEMIS. Eyprepocnemis, Fieber, J^otos, iii, 1853, p. 98 ; iv, 1854, p. 9. Eiqjrepoaiemis, StSl, Eecens. Orth. i, 1873, p. 75. TxPB, Gryllus plorans, Charp. Range. S. Europe, Africa, W. Asia, Oriental liegion. Vertex horizontal, impressed, front sloping, frontal ridge rounded, obtuse, not sulcated : antenna3 filiform, longer than the head and pronotum together. Pronotum truncated in front, rounded and subtruncated behind, the disk smooth in front, punctured behind, with the median carina slightly raised, and intersected only by the third sulcus, the lateral carintB straight, slightly diverging ; the front lobe longer than the hind lobe. Tegmiua and wings well developed. Prosternal tubercle obtuse towards the tip, sloping; pectus narrow, the mesosternal lobes approximating, with the inner margin rounded ; metasternal lobes extended behind the foveolse and contiguous. Anal segment oi: the male not enlarged ; supra-anal lamina triangular, slightly sulcated at the base ; the cerci slender, compressed, pointed or laminated ; the supra-genital lamina slightly produced, obtuse. Key to the Species. Hind femora with a longitudinal black stripe on the outer side alucris, Serv. Hind femora with no black stripe on the outer side. . imlchra, Bol. 328. Euprepocnemis alacris, Serv. Acridiiim alacre, Serville, Ins. Orth. 1839, p. 682. Acryclium dcpone^is, '\^'alker, Ann. Nat. Hist. (3) iv, 1859, p. 222. Heterncris riidis, Walker, Cat. Derm. Salt. B.M. iv, 1870, pp. 662, 664. JEuprepocnemis plorans, var. intermedia, Bolivar, Ann. Soe. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 630. Yellowish. A black streak below each eye, a broad velvety black subparallel-sided stripe runs over tlie vertex and pro- notum ; the median carina narrowly, and the lateral borders rather broadly yellow ; deflexed lobes yellow, with an oblique blackish bar, and suifused pale markings above and below it. Tegmina subhyaline, with numerous brown spots, which towards the base form a linear series divided by pale spaces ; costal area unspotted, inner marginal area slightly spotted towards the base ; wings hyaline, slightly greenish towards the base. Abdomen shining greenish brown. Pemora yellowish, with a longitudinal black streak on the outer surface ; tibiaa and tarsi purplish brown, the former with two pale bands to\\ards the base, and witli 9 or 10 white black-tipped spines. Length 35-38 mm. ; expanse of tegmina, 60-66 mm. Madras : Madura ; Cbylois-. Type in the Paris Museum. 208 CATANTOPINjE. 329, Euprepocneniis pulchra, Bol. Euprepocnemis pulchra, Bolivar, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, Ixx, 1902, p. 630. Olivaceous. Head pale red, broadly bauded with black below tlie eyes ; front slightly oblique, frontal ridge nearly i)arallel- sided, narrowed towards the clypeus, impress-punctate ; fastigium of the vertex smooth, nearly transverse, slightly sulcated ; antennae pale above, brown below. Prouotum with a broad velvety-black stripe on the back, distinctly expanded and paler in the middle, the borders green, the median carina compressed in front, with the deflexed lobes testaceous brown. Prosternal tubercle sub- cylindrical, compressed in front, and obtuse towards the tip. Tegmina extending beyond the hind femora in the male, but not in the female, thickly spotted with brown or green,- anal area green. Temora pale red or green, obscurely spotted with brown, with a broad pale ring before the extremity, black at the base on the inner side, and with the knees marked with black curves ; hind tibiae brown at the base, with a pale ring, the apical half dull red, the spines white, tipped with black. Cerci compressed, curved. Lemjtli 22-25 mm.; pronotum, 4-5-9 mm.; tegmina, 20- 36 mm. ; hind femur, 13-^:9 mm. Habeas : Kodaikanal. Types in the collections of Pantel and Bolivar. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. All names printed in italics are synonyms. Wlien more than one i-eference is given, the page on which the description occurs is indicated by thickened numerals. Abbasia, 27. abbreviata (Gerenia), 244. aberrans (Epistaurus), 242. aberrans (Scirtotvpus), 84. abruptus {Gryllus), 144. abruptus (CEdaleus), 144. ab)-uj>ius {Fachytylus) ((Edalens), 144." Acanthalobus, 36. Acrida, 97. Acridella, 100. Acridium, 66, 230. Acrotylus, 152. ACRYDIIi\.E, 11. Acrydiini, 57. Acrydium, 66, 146, 230. acuteterminatus (Copto- tettix), 75. amiicarinaius {Erian- thus), 87. acuticeps (Orthacris), 187. acuticercus (Catantops), 248. acutipennis (Erianthus), 89. acutipennis (Lefroya), 219. acutus (Lamellitettix), 60. acutus (Loxilobus), 42. adusta (Morphacris), 137. ocgvptia (Orthacantha- cris), 225. (sqyx>tius Locusta {G-yl- ' lus), 225. iEolopas, 121. (eq%ia {Phyllochoreia), 83. afEnis (^olopus), 122. affinis (Epacromia), 122. affinis (Erianthus), 87. affinis (Mastax), 87. Aiolo2ms, 121. alacre (Acridium), 267. alaoris (Euprepoenemis), 267. albolineatus (Gelastor- rhinus), 216, 218. Alectorolophus, 236. alligator (Gavialidium), 29. alligator (Scelymena), 29. americaua (Aspido- phyma), 190. Anarchita, 178. angustidorsis (Phlseoba), 104. aiigustipennis (Para- 2jhl(Boha), 107. augustipennis (Phla^o- bida), 107. angiistulus (Catantops), 248. annulata (Trilophidia), 140. annulala, var. a (Trilo- phidia), 150. annulata, var. h (Trilo- phidia), 149. annulata var. ccylonica (Trilophidia), 149. annulatus ( Gryllus), 149. anomaliis (Systolederus), 46. antenuata (Phlajoba), 102. antennatus (Gompho- maslax), 93. antica (Heteracris), 209. Apalacris, 237. apicalis (Dociostaurii.s), 117. apicalis (Stenobothrus), 117. apta (Heteracris), 199. aptera (Anarchita), 178. aj)tera (Pyrgomorpha), 178. Apterotettix, 47. argenteovittata (CajM- Ica), 211. arniigera ( Tettix), 38. asina (Phyllochoreia), 83. asp)era (Epacromia), 150. asperatus (Ooptotetl.ix), 74. Aspidophyma, 190. assamus (Loiilobns), 43. Aswattharaanus, 101. Atractomorpha, 180. attenuatus (Hedotettix), 73. atypicale (Acrydium), 67. atypicale ceylonum (Acrydium), 67. atypicaUs ccylonus (Tet- tix), 67. 270 ALPIIABJSTICAL INDEX. atl/picalis {TetCur), G7. Aulaeoboibi'iis, 123. Aiiliirclies, 1()8. aui ora (lliieilia), 20"). haliraia (Gidipoda), 157. haltcata (Tcttix), 61. balteatus ( L^aratettix), 61. balteatus(Spliingonotus), 157. banian [Grj/llus), 20i. banian (Hieroglyphus), 20-1. Batrachidiini, 78. UATIIACIIO TETRICi INyE, 158. bengaleiisis (Sphingono- fus), 156. Beiinia, 91. bettoni (Hieroglyph us), 203. Bibi-acte, 235. Biliractoides, 236. -hicolor {Gryllus), 127. bicolor (Stauroderus), 127. hidens {Gryllus), 149. bifidiis (Erianthus), 87. bilineatus (Hierogly- ph us), 202. bimaoulata (Ptei-no- scirta), 136. biiiiaculatus (Aleetorolo- phus), 237. 'hiiiiaculatus ( Gryllus), 136. bipuncbdtuni (Acry- dium), 68. hipiuictattis {Gryllus) {Bulla), 68. hipuiictatns {Teitix), 68. Binnana, 13. hiniianica {Eugavia- Ikliwn), 27. hinnanica (Scelimena), 27. -hirmanicum {Gaviali- diam), 27. binnanicus (Erianthus), 90. bispinosa (Pyrgomor- plia), 176. biapLmsa {Teitix), 37. bispinosum {Acrydium), 37. . bispiiiosum ( Tetrix) {Acridium), 37. bispinosus (Acanthalo- bus), 37. bispinosus ( CriotcUix), 37. blanchardi (Atracto- morplia), 184. blanchardiana (Quiro- gnesia), 133. brachycera (Ereniopeza), 159. brachyeei-a (Pyrgomor- pba), 175. Bmchycrotaph.m, 115. braehypterus (Obrotogo- nus), 167. braehypterus (Pelecino- tU3), 233. Bracbyxenia, 256. braniina (Ohlojbora), 131. brevicoUis (Acrida), 99. brcviaollia {Tryxalis), 99. brevis (Ohrotogonus), 163. hriillei, var. blanchar- d.iana (Qiiiroyuesia), 133. Bryodema, 150. Bulla, 66. burr! (Atractomorpha), 183. cachara (Traulia), 245. ccerulans {Gryllus Lo- custa), 154. cjErulaus (Sphingouotus), 154. ccerulans, yar. candidus {Spiling onotus), 155. caliginosa (Pternoscirta), 135. caligiiwsum {Acridium) {(Edipoda), 135. caliqi7iosus {Caloptenus), 208. Caloptenopsis, 258. Capellca, 'llO. capensis {Gryllus), 263. capensis (Heteracris), 263. capitatus (Ooptotettix), 76. carinata CParaphlceoba), 108. Carsula, 214. Caryanda, 201. Castetria, 206. Catantopin^e, 191. Catantops, 246. cephalotes (Madurea), 115. Ceracris, 110. Cercina, 206. cervinus (Stenocroby- lu.s), 254. ceyloiiica ( Dittopternis), 139. ce3'louica (Eucoptacra), 2U. ceyloiiica (Wacata), 219, 220. ccylonicus { Ghoroelypm), 85. ccylonicus (Orchetypus), 85. ccylonicus {Tylotropi- dius), 205. chinensis { Gryllus), 199. Chloebora, 130. Cblorizeina, 174. Choroctypus, 80. Chorotypus, 80. Cbortbippus, 128. Ohrotogonus, 161. cinctalis (Phheoba), 105. ciiiclifemur {Acridiuni), 134. cincii femur {Acrydium), 222. einctifemur(Me8ambria), 222. cincti femur (Pternoscir- ta), 134. cinerascens (Eremobia), 158. cinerascens { Gryllus), 146. cinereus (Systolederus), 44. cingaleusis (Paratettix), 63. cingalensia (Tarbaleus), 201. cinqalensis { Tcttix), 63. cinqulata { Oponiala), . "175. citriiia (Morphacris), 137. cilrina {Qidipoda), 145. citrinolimbatus (Hiero- glyph us), 205. Cladonotini, 14. Cladonotus, 17. clarus {Caloptenus), 258. Coleiuauia, 188. concavus (Ohrotogonus), 165. •coucolor (Hieroglyplnis), 204. ■coMolor ( Oxya), 20-i. conica (Pyrgomorpba), 175. conicuiu (Acridium), 174. ■conicuM {Acrt/diu)n), 175. ■consobn'na {Atractomor- pka), 182. consobrinus (Cataiitops), 249. ■comperotts (Locusta) {Gri/lltis), 168. CO nspurcata ( Truxalis) , 100. <3onstrietiis (Gouiplio- mastax), 93. contracta {Sceii/mena), 26. convergens (Isohna- crida), 212. convergens (Mazarredia), 52. ■convergcna (Opomala), 212. Ooptaci'a. 238. Coptacrella, 239. Ooptotettix, 74. cornuta {Saussurella), 79. formitum (Acridium) (Tetrix), 78. Cosmorhi/sscc, 137. (■rassa (Ohloebora), 131. <-rassa, {QSdipoda), 131. crasifiuscidus ( Calopteno- psis), 259. cremilata (Atractomor- pha), 181. rrenulata, vai-. prasina {Atractomorpha), 181. ■<■ renulatum {Acridium), 182. ■ereimlatus {Truxalis), 180, 181. Criotettix, 31. cristagalli (Pelecinotns), 234. •cristella CCEdipoda), 148, 150. cristella (Trilophidia), 150. cristulata (Mazarredia), .52. crocodilus (Gavialidium), 29. ■crocodilus ( Scelymcna), 21). ATiPHABETICAL INDEX. cniciatus (Grylliis), 11(5. criicifer {Ljcics/a Grijl- lus). 225. crucigenis (Epistaunis), 242. e LicLil 1 i lera ( S a iiss 1 1 i-ella) , 79. cuoMifcra {Tetiix), 79. cunctatiis (Amorphopiis), 4S. cuueatus (Aeanthalobus), 40. ci/aiioptera. ( Coptacra), ' 240. oj'lindricus (Aswattha- nianus), 101. Oyrtacantliacris, 2.30. dagaueiisis (Hierogly- phus), 201. danica (Locusta), 146. danicus (Gri/lliis Locus- ta), 146. danicns {Pachytylus), 146. decisns (Dociostaurus), 120. dccisas ( Stenohothrus), 120. deeurva (Saussurella), 79. detlorata (Oeracris), 112. dejlorata {Buronia), 112. delioratus (Eriantlius), 89., 15. Dcmodocus, 262. deiitiumeris (Bugaviali- dium), 30. de2}onens {Acri/dium), 267. didvmua (Tylotropidius) (Pezotettix), 265. dilatatwm {Acridium) {Tetiix), 68. dilatatuin (Acrydium), 68. dilatatus {Tcttix), 68. diiuidiata (Traulia), 245. dimidiatum (Otya) {Acridium), 245. discalis {Tetiix), T2. dispar (Castetria), 206, 207. Dittojiternis, 139. Dociostaurus, 116. dominavs {Calopicnus), 248. 271 domiuaus (Catantops), 248. do rm,le { A' ■ridiuvi) , 243. dorsalis (Grerenia), 243. dorsalis {Gri/llus), 122. (lorsatus (Cliorthippiis), 128. dorsatus (Grylliis), 128. dorsifer (Paratettix), 63. dorsifer a { TeLtix), 63. diibia (Mesambria), 221. dubia (Xistra), 56. du.hium {Acridium), 221. difcalis {Hctcracris), 262. edax { Gelastorhinus), 217. elegans (Gryllus), 128. elegans (Heteracris), 264. elegans (Orthacris), 186. elonqatum {Acridium), •227. en.sifera (Coptacra), 239. Epacromia, 121. epacromoides (Docios- taurus), 119. epaoromoidcs {Stenoho- thrus), 119. Epistaurus, 242. equa (Phyllochoreia), 8i. Eremopeza, 158. Ercmoplava, 158. Ergatettix, 69. Bi-ianthini, 86. Erianthus, 86. ervhcscens {Galoiderus), 253. erubescens (Catantops), 253. Erueiini, 94. ISuooptacra, 240. Eugavinlidium, 30. EUMASTACIN.K, 80. Euparatettix, 57. Euprepocneniis, 267. Buryinorphopus, 48. Euthyniia, 196. exaltata (Acrida), 99. exallaia { Truxalis), 99. 272 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. exsertus (Criotettix), 34. extensa (Oxj'rrhepes), e.vimsa {Scclymena), 22, c.vtensiim {Acridium ), , 209. £i/2)rej}ocne7nis, 267. fasciatus (Mecostetluis), 113. femoralis (Eacilia), 205. feinoratiis (Stenocro- bjlus), 254. fenestrata (Xiphicera), 81. fenestratus ( Choreo- tijims), 8J . i'eiTuginea (Tripetalo- cera), 12. ferrugineus {Calof- temis), 250. festimis {Hedoieitix), T2. Pieberiana, 14. Hiatus (Gelastorrbinus), 216. filaUis (Mesops), 216. filiformis (Leptacris), 210, 211. filiformis (Orthacris), 184, 185. fiuoti (Eutbymia), 197. Jlavescois {(jr-ryllus), 225. flavescens (Orthacantba- cris), 225. flavicornis {Gryllus), 231. flavipes (Eriantbus), 90. Jlavi veil ire (Acridium), 232. flavoanniilatuin (Acri- dium), 244. flavopictus (Acantha- lobus), 41. Jlavopictus ( CrioieUix), 41. Jiavns (Gryllus), 143. fletcheri (Spadotettix), 71. floran.s (Grjlliis), 267. Jioravs, var. inicrvicdia (Eii'prepocncmis), 267. fopdatiim (Acridium), 238. fords ( Cyrtacanihacris), 231. fossulat us (Coptoteitix), 76. fumida (Xiphocera), 105. furcifer (Acridium), 204. fnsca (Iscbnacrida), 212. fugcescens (Obroto- goriuB), 163. fusilinea ( Cyrtacantha- cris), TTi. gallinaceus (Gryllus), 80. Gastrimargus, 144. Gavialidiuiii, 28. gavialis (Sceliinena), 24. qavictlis ( Scelymena), 24. gebleri (CEdipoda), 150. Gelastorrbinus, 216. geminella (Mazarredia), 50. geniculata (Mesambria), 220, 223. Gerenia, 243. gibbiceps (Deltonotus), 16. gibbiceps (Poecilotcttix), 16. gigantea (Acrida), 98. oigcmteiis ( Triixalis), 98. gigas (Spbingonotus), 158. glauoopis (Calopteuop- sis), 259. glaucopiis (Culopttmis), 259. gogarzea (Xistra), 55, Gomphomastacini, 93. Gompbomastax, 93. gracile (Aci-idium) (Tetiix), 72. gracilis (Birmana), 14. gracilis (Hedotettix), 72. gracilis abortus (Hedo- tettix), 72. granulosa (Eremocharis), 159. granulosa (Eremo^jeza), 159. granulosa ( CEdipoda), 159. greeni (Eutbymia), 198. greeiii (Leptacris), 211. greeni (Scirtotypus), 84. greeni (Systolederus), ^5. grossa (Cbloebora), 130, grylloides { Truxalis), 175. Gryllus, 145. Gryllus Acrida, 97. guttuta (Mastax), 88. guttatus (Eriantbus), 88. Gymnobotbrus, 113. haani (Systolederus), 44. bagenbacbi (Acridium), 235. hancocki (Loxilobus), 42. Hanoockia, 46. barpago (Scelimena), 23. harpago ( Tetrix), 23. hastulatum (Eugayia- lidium), 30. Hedotettix, 71. herbaceum (Acridium), 262. Heteracris, 262. Heteropternis, 141. Hieroglypbus, 201. bimalayica (Atracto- morpba), 183. birsutus (Paratettix), 65. hoplosterna (Mestra), 179. humbertiana (Ptcrno- scirla), 134. bumbertianus (Aero- tylus), 136, 153. bumbertianus (Clado- notus), 17. bumbertianus (Erian- tbus), 90. liumilc (Acridiu7n), 250. bumilicrus (C3'rtacan- tbacris), 224. bumilis (Catantops), 250. humilis Tar. interrupt us (Caiantops), 251. byla (Oxya), 198. illustris (Heteracris), 263. immunis ( Caloplenus), . 250. inajqualis (Mazarredia), 53. incertus (Cbrotogonus^, 163. inda (Bryodema), 151. india (Scelimena), 23. indica (Aspidopbyiiia), 190. indica {Pyrgomor-pha), 176. indina (Tagasta), 180. indiciiiu (Acrydium), 77. indicus (Oatantops), 251. indicus (Criotettix), 33. indicus (Gjmnobo- thrua), 113. indicus (Paratettix), 64. indus (Sphingonotus), 156. infernus (Aulacobo- thrus), 124. inficita (Acrotylus), 152. inficita ( Cyrtacantha- cris), 231. iv ficita ( (Edipoda ) , 152. inficita, var. /3 {(Edi- poda), 153. infumata (Phljeoba), 103. innotahile (Acridium), 250. innotata (Bennia), 91. innotata {Masta.r), 91. inornata (Tettix), 39. inoniatus (Acantha- lobus), 39. insignis (Caloptenopsis), 258. insignis ( Calopfenus), 258. insignis {Heteracris), 263. insiguis (Mazarredia), 54. insubricus (Grryllus), 152. insularis (Mazarredia), 52. insularis (Navasia), 255. intermedia (Gerenia), 244. interruptus (Catantops), 251. interruptus (Copto- tettix), 78. interruptus (Eupara- tettix), 59. interruptus {Paratettix), 59. intricata (Oxya), 200. intricatum{Oxya) {Acri- dium), 200. Ischnacrida, 212. ALPHABETIOAt, INDE:S. japonica (Orthacautha- cris), 229. Japonictiin {Acridiiom), 229. karnyi (Catantops), 251. kirbyi (Euthymia), 196. Ivripa, 257. Lamellitettix, 49. laticornis (Gelasto- rrbinus), 217. laticornis {Opomala), 217. latifrons (Coptotettix), 74. latilobus (Eurj'morpho- pus), 49. latiramus (Oladonotus), 19. laiispina {Tettix), 38. lativertex (Mazarredia), 54. Lefroya, 219. Leptacris, 210. Lerina, 138. liasjDis (Chrotogonus), 165. liaspis { Ommexycha), 165. linea-alba (Gymno- botbrus), 113. linearis {Truxalis), 175. lineata {Tettix), 72. lineatitarsis (Opsomala), 209. lineatus (Gryllus), 120. linei fera (Hedotettix), 73. lineifera {Tettix), 73. liturifer (Caloptenop- sis),^ 259. liturifer {Caloptcnus), 2.59. Loonsta, 145, 224. logani (8celimena), 25. lougiceps (Ocbrilidia), 116. lougipeniiis (Spbingo- notus), 156. Loxilobus, 41. lugubre (Onimexycha), 161. liigubris (Aerida), 99. lugubris (Eriantbus), 89. lugubris (Mazarredia), 55. 273 luteipes (Stenobotbrus), 121. luteolum {Acridium), 250. lut^escens {Cyrtacan- thacris), 231. maculatus (Criotettix), 32. Madurea, 114. maindroni (Ortbacris), 185. marmnr(itus, var. minor {(Edaleus), 145. maroccanus (Gryllus), 116. martini (Coptacrella), 239, 240. Mastacides, 94. maxima {Ischnacrida), 211. maxima (Leptacris), 211. Mazarredia, 50. Mecistopteryx, 147. Mecostetbus, 112. melanocerca (Eutby- luia), 196. melanocorne {Acriditim), 228. melanostictus (Catan- tops), 246. meridionalis (Tetrix), 60. Mesambria, 220. Mestra, 179. Metrodoriui, 43. migratorius { Gryllus Locusta), 146. migratorius K {Gryllus), 232. migratoroides (Locusta), 146. migratoroidcs ( QSdi- X>oda), 146. migratoroidcs {Pachy- tylus), 146. miliaria (Aidarebes), 168. miliaris {Locusta) {Gryllus), 168. iiiiliarius (Acantba- lobus), 37. miliarius { Criotettix), 37. miliarius cun cat us {Acanthalohus), 40. miniata (Truxalis), 100. uiiniatuni (Acridium), 132. T 274 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Mnema, 19. monticoUis {Gryllus), 234, 235. mouticoUis (Tei-atodes) 235. morii (Stenobotliriis), 127. Morpliacris, 137. nuindus (Dociostaurus), 119. inundus (Sienobotkrus), 119. nasuia {Acrida), 100. nasuta (Acridella), 100. nasuius ( Gri/llus Acrida), 98, 100. nasuius (^Truxalis), 98. Navasia, 266. nepalensis (Caloptenus), 224. nepalensis (Mesambria), 224. mgricollis {Teitix), 72. niqricorne {Acridium), 228. nigricoriiis (Ceracris), 110. nigi'icornis (Orthacan- thacris), 228. nigrofasciatum {Acry- dium), 143. nigrofasciatus (CEda- leuB), 143. nigrotajniata (Tristria), 207. nodosa {Scelymena), 24. notata {Mestra), 179. notata (Tagasta), 179. oberfchuri (Bennia), 92. obliguenervis (Gerenia), 243. obliquifera ( Tettix), 72. obscui-us (Criotettix), 32. obtusa (Cercina), 206. obtusus (Apterotettix), 48. Ocbrilidia, 115. oculatus (Criotettix), 34. CEdaleus, 142. CEdtpodin*, 128. cedipodioides (Lerina), 138. ophthalmicus (Catan- tops), 247. Orohetypus, 84. ornata (Pcecilocera), 173. oi-nutii8 (Pceciiocerus), 173. Orlhacanthacris, 224. Orthacris, 184. Oxya, 198. oxy-pieruin ( Ominexyclia), "166. oxypterus (Chroto- gonus), 16f). Oxyrrhepes, 209. pauhymerus (Fieberi- ana), 15. •pachymems {Fiezotettix ) 15. facliymerus {Plaglo- ce2:)hahis), 15. Pacliytylus, 146. pallidum ( Ommexyclia), 162. pallidas (Chrotogonus), 162. pallitarsis (Tetf.ix), 38. Pampiiagin.e, 190. panteli (Phlajoba), 104. Paraeuprepocnemis, 266. Paraphlojoba, 108. Farajjleurus, 1 12. pavapleurus (Gryllus), Hi!. Paratettix, 60. pardalimtm {Acridmni), 225. Parerucius, 93. Pareuprepocnemis, 266. partita {Epacromia), 142. partita (Heteropternis), 142. parvus (Euparatettix), 60. pedarius (Calliptamu.s), 261. pedarius (Peripolus), 261. Polecinotus, 233. pelops ( Cladonotus), 20. pelops (Mnema), 20. peregrinum {Acridium), 232. Peripolus, 261. personatus (Eupara- tettix), 58. personatus {Paratettix), 58. Phlteoba, 102. PhLTobida, 107. Phyllochoreia, 82. physopoda (Aulaco- bothrus), 125. physopoda (Scyllina), 125. pictipes (Paraeuprepoc- nemis), 266. picttis {Gryllus), 170, ■ 172. pictus (Poecilocercus), 172. pilosus (Tarbaleus), 200. pivguc ( Caiantops) {Acridium), 252. pinguis (Catantops), 252. Plagiocephalus, 14. platyeeps (Paraphlicoba), 108. Pceciiocerus, 170. Pcecilotettix, 15. Pcekilocerus, 170. porrecia {Trnxalis), 182. portentosa (Hancockia), 46. ■prffimorsa (Eucoptacra), 240. prmmorsum ( Catantops) {Acridium), 240. prasina (Xenippa), 215. prasinifera {Heteracris), 208. prasiniferum (Spatho- sternum), 208. Prionidia, 134. pirocera {Truxalis), 100. producta (Scelimena), 22. producta {Scelymena), 22. producta {Tetrix), 22. productum { Tetrix) {Acridium), 22. Pseudocarsula, 214. psittacina (Atracto- morpha), 182. pssittacinum {Truxalis) {Acriditim). 182. psittacinum {Acridium), 181. Pternoscirta, 134. pterolepis (Mastacides), 95. pulchcllus {Catantops), 251, 252. pulchcllus {Cyrtacan- ihacris), 252.' pulchra (Euprepoc- iiemis), 268. punctata (Caloptenopsis), 260. punctata (Trigono- tei-yx), 189, 190. punctatus (Aularches), 169. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 275 punctaius {Locusta) {CrryUus), 169. punctiventi-is (Poecilo- cerus), 173. pimctiventris {Pakilo- cerus), 173. punctoria (Bibractoides), 236. punotorium ( Acridium) , 236. pupfefbrmis (Mastacides), 94. pustulipennis ( Galo- ftenus), 244. pustulipennis (Gerenia), ■244. Pyrgomorplia, 174. Pyrgomorphiw^e, 160. py^rrJioscelis {Heterp- pternis), 141. quadriplagiata ( Tettix), 69. quadriplagiatum (Acry- dium), 69. Quiroguesia, 132. Racilia, 205. ranacea (Cyrtacan- tbacris), 231. raiuiceus {Locusta) {Gryllus), 230, 231. resx)ondens {Acridium), 141. respondena (Hetero- pternis), 141. rhodoptilci ( Truxalin) , 175. robertsi (Ohrotogonus), 164. robusta (Heteracris), 262. robustum {Acriditm), 262. rosea (Cyrtacanthacris), 231. rosea {Truxalis), 175. roseum {Acrydmm), 231. rotundata (Mecisto- ptery.x), 148. rotundata ( GEdipoda), 148. rotundatus (Orcbetypus), 85. mbescens {(Edipoda), 155. rubesceus (Sphingo- notus), 155. r ubripes ( Aulacobothr us), 126. rubripes {Scyllina), 126, rudis {Heteracris), 267. i-ufeseensi,Acantbulobus), 38. mfescens {Grylhts), 232. ruficornis lOi-tliacris), 186. riifitibia {Acrydi'um ), rugiCrous (Xipbicera), 81. ruffosus {Loxilobus), 42. rugulosa (Bibmcte), 235. vusticus (Gonipbocei-us) (Pblteoba), 102. sagiiiatus ( Criotettix), 39. sanguineo - annulata (Caryanda), 201. sanguineus (Gryllus), 137. saturata {(Edipoda) , 134. sa t'ura ta {Ptern oscirta) , 134. saturatum {Acridium), 240. saussurei { Caloptenopsis), 258, saussurei (Ohrotogonus), 166. Saussurella, 78. saviguyi (Spbingonotus), 155. soaber {Calopteiins), 221. scaber (Paratettix), 62. scaber { Tettix), 62. scaber {Truxalis), 182. scabiosa3 (Aularcbes). 170. scabiosfs {Gryllus), 170. scabiosus {Locusta) {Gryllus). 168. scabra (Atractoinorpba), 182. scabra (Mesambria), 220. scabripes (Euparatettix) 59. scabri2}es {Parateitix), 59. scabrum {Acrydium), 62. scalaris {Truxalis), 100. Scclhymena, 21. Scelimcna, 21. Scelimenini, 20. Scelymeita, 21. Schistocerca, 232. Scirtofcypus, 84. scjulpta (Muzarredia), 51. scutifer {C'aloptenus), 256, scutifera (Bracbyxenia), 256. selaclie (Gelastorrbinus), 218. sellatum {Acridium), 232, semifasoiatum (Acii- diurii), 225. seniibirsutus (Paratettix), 66. seviipicta { Opomala), 217. seuiipictus (Gelasto- rrbinus), 217. senegalensis (CEdaleus), 143. senegalensis {Pachytylus), 143. sinioni (Parapblseoba), 109. simplex (Gymnobothrus), 114. simplex {Sienobothrus), 114. simulans (Orfchacris), 188. simulatrix {Epacromia), 122. sinetyi (Epistaurus), 242. sinuatocollis (Zygo- phlteoba), 106. socius (Aulacobotbrus), 124. sonneratii {Poekilocerus), 172. sordidus (Cbrotogonus), 167. Spadotettix, 70. Sjmtbosternuin, 207. speciosus (Alectoro- lophus), 236. spbenarioides (Cole- mania, 188, 189. Spliinctonotus, 153. Spliingonotii.'^, 153. spinilobiis (Criotettix), 31. spissus {Calupienus), 258. splendens (Catantops), 250. splendens {Gryllus), 250. spurium (Oxva) (Acri- dium), 201.' squaliiia { Pyrgomorpha), 111. squalina (Zarytea), 177. Stauroderus, 127. Stauronottis, 116. Stenobothrus, 120. Stenocrobylus, 254. Strang ulata {Heteracris), 209, 276 ALPHABBTJCAL INDEX. strictus (Aulacobothrus), 124. strigifer ( Galopteims), 240. s/rigulatus (Sfenu- hoikrus), 208. stylata (Xistra), 56. siibcucuUatus (Delto- noUis), 15. suhcumllatus (Tettix), 15. subsemita (Abbasia), 28. subpustulata {Tcttix), 62. aubtruiiciitiis (Orchety- pus), 85. subulatus (Criotettix), 35. subulatus (Gi-yllus),-66. succincta (OrtUacan- thacris), 227. succmcius {Locusta) {Gryllus), 227. sulcata {Cosmorhyssa), 137. sulcata iPhyllochoreia), 82. gyriaca (Pezotettix), 266. Systolederus, 44. twniata ( Ischinacrida) , 213. t(Siiiata (Ischmci-ida), 213. tseniatus (Aulaco- bothrus), 125. Tagasta, 179. tauuilus (JSolopus), 122. tamulus (Grylbis), 122. Tarbaleus, 200. tarsale {Acridium), 222. tarsalis (Ergatettix), 70. tarsalis {Hicrogh/phus), 204. tarsalis (Ichnacrida), 213. tarsalis (Mesarabria), 222. ta.rsalis {Opomala), 213. tatarica Locusta (Gryllus), 232. tatarica (Scl)istocerca), 232. iectiformis {Beliouotus), 15. tencra {Carsula), 214. tenera (Pseudocarsula), 214. Teratodes, 234. tessellatus (Poeeilo- eercus), 171 . testaceus (Ooptotettix), 77. Tetrix, 66. Tettix, 66. thalassinus (Gryllus), 121. trachypterus (Ohroto- goims), 165. trcwliyptems ( Om- mexycJia), 165. transversus (Gastri- margus), 145. transversus ( Gryllus), 145. Traulia, 244. tricarinatus (Oriotettix), 33. triculoripes ( G ompho- cerus), 122. Trigonopteryx, 189. Trilopbidia, 148. Tripetalocera, 12. Tripetalocerini, 11. truncaticollis (,Zygo- plilseoba), 106. Truxalis, 97. tryxalicera (Opomola), 115. Tryxalinjs, 95. Tryxalis, 97. tryxaloides ( Gclasto- rhinus), 217. turbata {Epacromia), 136. turbatus (Dociostaurus), 118. turbatus {Stenobothrus), 118. turpis (Epacromia), 149. turpis (Trilopbidia), 149. turrifer (Oladonotus), 18. turrita (Acrida), 98- turritus {Gryllus Acrida), 98. Tylotropidius, 265. umbrifera {Tettix), 72. uncinata (Sceliiiiena), 26. uncinaia {Tetrix), 26. uudulata (Kripa), 257. uiiguiculata { Truxalis), 100. UTiicolor (Cblorizeina), 174. unicolor (Phyllochoreia), 82. vaginalis (Mastacides), 95. variabilis (Paratettix), 62. variabilis {Truxalis), 100. varicornis (Apalacris), 237, 238. varicornis {Heteracris), 265. varicornis (Tylotro- pidius), 265. variegatus {Paratettix), 63. velox {Gryllus), 199. velox (Oxya), 199. venulosum (Spatho- sternum), 209. venusta (D)ttoj)ternis), 140. venusta {QSdipoda), 140. verrucosum {Acrydium), 168. versicolor (Ceracris), 111. versicolor {Duronia), 111. versicolor {Erianthus), 88. vicina (Oxya), 199. vidali (Criotettix), 35. viuosa (Ortbacantbacris), 228. vinosum {Acridium), 228. violascens {Acridium), 229. violascens (Ortbacan- tbacris), 229. virescens (Gryllus), 144. viridula (Xenippa), 215. vittatus (Caloptenus), 258 vittifera {Tettix), 12. Wacata, 219. walhotcsci {PhlcBoba), 104. Xenippa, 215. Xipbicera, 80. Xiphicerini, 80. Xistra, 55. Xyphicera, 80. Zarytes, 177. zebrata (Dittopternie), 140. Zygophlaeoba, 105. PRINTED BY TATLOR AND FRANCIS, HUD LION COURT, FLEET STREET. UNIFORM WITH THE PRESENT VOLUME. The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Mammalia. By W. T. Blanpord, F.E.S. Numerous illustrations. £l. Fishes : Vols. I. & II. By F. Day, C.I.E., LL.D. „ . „ £1 ea Birds : Vols. I. & II. By E. W. Gates, RZ.S. „ „ j Vol. I. £1. Vols. Vols. III. & IV. By W. T. Blanpord, F.E.S. „ „ | II.-IV. 15s. each. ReptiliaandBatrachia. ByG. A. BouLENGER, F.RS. ,, „ £1. Moths : Vols. I.-IV. By Sir G. F. Hampson, Bart. „ „ £1 each. Hymenoptera: Vols. I. & II. By Lt.-Ool. O.T.Bingham. „ „ bleach. and 5 plates. Arachnida. By E. I. Pocock. Numerous illustrations. 10s. Rh3mchota: Vols. I.-V. By W. L. Distant. „ "|2.Vol?V.lS Butterflies : Vols. I. & II. By Lt.-Col. 0. T. Bingham. „ „ Jl each. and 20 plates. Coleoptera : Vol. I. {Ceramhycidee). By 0. J. Gahan. Numerous illustrations. 10.<. Y o\. 11. {Clirysomelidce). By M. Jacob y. „ „ <£1. and 2 plates. (LameUicornia). Vol. I. By G. J. Arrow. 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