2t, ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SANITARY WATER ANALYSIS. BY SAMUEL GATE PRESCOTT, Assistant Professor of Industrial Biology, AND CHARLES-EDWARD AMORY WINSLOW, Instructor in Sanitary Bacteriology, IN THB Massachusetts Institute of Technology. NEW YORK: JOHN WILEY & SONS. London: CHAPMAN & HALL, Limi'j 1904. Copyright, 1904, BY S. C. PRESCOTT AND C.-E. A. WINSLOW. I^OBKRT I^mrMMOND. rmNTEK. NEW VOKK. DEDICATED TO 212I(lU'am Ci)oiiip0on ^elfgtotclt BY TWO OF HIS PUPII.S, i A TOKEN OF GRATEFUL AFFECTION. PREFACE. The general awakening of the community to the importance of the arts of sanitation — accelerated by the rapid growth of cities and the new problems of urban life— demands new and accurate methods for the study of the microbic world. Bacteriology has long since ceased to be a subject of uiterest and importance to the medical profession merely, but has become intimately connected with the work of the chemist, the biologist, and the engineer. To the sanitary engineer and the public hygienist a knowledge of bacteriology is indis- pensable. In the swift development of this science during the last ten years perhaps no branch of bacteriology has made more notable progress than that which relates to the sanitaiy examination of water. After a brief period of extravagant anticipation, and an equally unreason- able era of neglect and suspicion, the methods of the practical water bacteriologist have gradually made their way, unta it is recognized that, on account of their deli- cacy, their directness, and their certainty, these methods now furnish the final criterion of the sanitary condition of a potable water. VI PREFACE. A knowledge of the new science early became so indispensable for the sanitary expert that a special course in the Bacteriology of Water and Sewage has for some years been given to students of biology and sani- tary engineering in the Biological Department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. For workers in this course the present volume has been especially prepared, and it is fitting, we think, that such a manual should proceed from an institution whose faculty, gradu- ates, and students have had a large share in shaping the science and art of which it treats. We shall be grati- fied, however, if its field of usefulness extends to those following similar courses in other institutions, or occupied professionally in sanitary work. The treatment of the subject in the many treatises on General Bacteriology and Medical Bacteriology is neither special enough nor full enough for modern needs. The classic work of Grace and Percy Frankland is now ten years old; and even Horrocks' valuable "Bacteriological Examination of Water" requires to be supplemented by an account of the developments in quantitative analysis which have taken place on this side of the Atlantic. It is for us a matter of pride that Water Bacteriology owes much of its value, both in exactness of method and in common-sense interpretation, to American sani- tarians. The English have contributed researches of the greatest importance on the significance of certain intesti- nal bacteria-, but with this exception the best work on the bacteriology of water has, in our opmion, been done in this country. Smith, Sedgwick, Fuller. Wlnpple, Jordan, and their pupils and associates (not to mention PREFACE. vii Others) have been pioneers in the development of this new field in sanitary science. To gather the results of their work together .'n such form as to give a correct idea of the best American practice is the purpose of this little book; and this we have tried to do, with such completeness as shaU render the volume of value to the expert and at the same time with such freedom from undue technicality as to make it readable for the layman. It should be distinctly understood that students using it are supposed to have had beforehand a thorough course in general bacteriology, and to be equipped foi advanced work in special lines. The Biological Laboratories, Mass. Institute of Technology, Boston, March lo, 1904. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. The Bacteria in Natural Waters CHAPTER n. The Quantitative Bacteriological Examination of Water 19 CHAPTER in. The Interpretation of the Quantitative Bacteriological Analysis 35 CHAPTER IV. Determination of the Number of Organisms Developing AT the Body Temperature 43 CHAPTER V. The Isolation of Specific Pathogenes from Water 49 CHAPTER VI. Methods for the Isolation of the Colon Bacillus 58 CHAPTER VII. Significance of the Presence of B. Coli in Water 74 CHAPTER vni. Presumptive Tests for B Coli • • 94 X TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. PAGE Other Intestinal Bacteria 99 CHAPTER X. The Significance and Applicability of the Bacteriolog- iCAL Examination 109 Appendix 119 References 129 Index 143 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY CHAPTER I. THE BACTERIA IN NATURAL WATERS. Bacteria are the most numerous and the most widely distributed of living things. They are present not merely at the surface of the earth or in the bodies of water which partially cover it, as is the case with most other living things, but in the soil itself, and in the air above, and in the waters under the earth. Probably no organisms are more sensitive to external conditions, and none respond more quickly to slight changes in their environment. Temperature, moisture, and oxygen are of importance in controlling their distri- bution; but the most significant factor is generally the amount of food supply. Bacteria and decomposing or- ganic matter are always associated, and for this reason a brief consideration of the general relation of bacteria to their sources of food supply and to other forms of organic life must precede the study of their distribution in any special medium. 3 4 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. First, then, the bacteria, though possessing greater con- structive power than any animal organism, lack the power of green plants to build up their own food from purely inorganic materials, and must live upon the products of the growth of higher forms. A few species which have become adapted to a parasitic or semi-parasitic mode of life occur on the surface of the normal plant or animal body or penetrate the deeper layers of diseased tissues, feeding upon the fluids of the body or on the extraneous material collected upon its surface. Even these bacteria, however, may generally be cultivated imder saprophytic conditions, and the vast majority of other forms live as true saprophytes on dead organic matter wherever it may occur in nature,, and particularly in that diffuse layer of decomposuig plant and animal material which we call the humus, or siirface layer of the soil. Wherever there is life, waste matter is constantly being produced, and this finds its way to the earth or to some body of water. The excretions of animals, the dead tissues and broken- down cells of both animals and plants, as well as the wastes of domestic and industrial life, all eventually find their way to the soil. In a majority of cases these sub- stances are not of such chemical composition that they can be utilized at once by green plants as food, but it is first necessary that they go through a fermentation or trans- formation in which their chemical composition becomes greatly changed; and it is as the agents of this trans- formation that bacteria assume their greatest importance in the world of life. THE BACTERIA IN NATURAL WATERS. 5 We may take a comparatively simple excretory prod- uct, urea, as an example. Through the activity of an enzyme produced by certain bacteria this compound unites with two moleciiles of water and is converted into ammonium carbonate, C0< ■ + 2H,0 = (NHj2C03. While green plants can derive their necessary nitrogen in part, at least, from ammonium compounds it is a well- established fact that this element may be obtained much more readily from nitrates, and it is, therefore, essential as a further step that some means be employed to oxidize the nitrogen. This process of oxidation is known as nitrification, and takes place in a succession of steps, the organic nitrogen being first converted to the form of ammonium salts, and these in turn to nitrites and nitrates, the oxygen used commg from the air. Several groups of organisms are instrumental in bringmg about this con- version. It is generally assumed that one group attacks the ammonium compounds and changes them to nitrites while another group completes the oxidation to nitrates' In the latter form nitrogen is readily taken up by green plants to be built up into the more complex albuminoid substances (organic nitrogen) through the constructive power of chlorophyll. This never-ending cycle is illustrated in the accom- panying figure, devised by Sedgwick (Sedgwick, 1880) to lUustrate the transformations of organic nitrogen L 6 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. nature, the increasing size and closeness of the spiral on the left-hand side indicating the progressive complexity of organic matter as built up by the chlorophyll bodies of green plants in the sunlight, and the other half of the figure the reverse process carried out largely by the bac- teria. In nature there are many short circuits, as, for instance, when dead organic matter is used as food for animals and built up into the living state again without ever being nitrified and acted upon by green plants; but the complete cycle of organic nitrogen is as indicated on the diagram. We have dwelt thus at length upon the general relation between bacteria and organic decomposition because in this relation will be found the master key to the distri- bution of bacteria in water as well as in other natural habitats. It is true that certain peculiar forms may at times multiply in fairly pure waters; but in general large numbers of bacteria are found only in connection with the organic matter upon which they feed. Such organic matter is particularly abundant in the surface layer of the soil. Here the processes of nitrification proceed most rapidly. Here the bacteria are most abundant; and in other media their numbers vary according to the extent of contact with the living earth. Natural waters particu- larly group themselves from a bacteriological standpoint in three well-marked classes, according to their relation to the rich layers of bacterial growth upon the surface of the globe. There are first the atmospheric waters which have never been subject to contact with the earth; second, THE BACTESIA IN NATURAL IVATERS. the surface-waters immediately exposed to such contami- nation in streams and ponds; third, the ground- waters from which previous pollution has been more or less removed by filtration through the deeper layers of the soil. Even rain and snow, the sources of our potable waters are by no means free from germs, but contain them in numbers varying according to the amount of dust present NITROGEN A3 S ORCANIC NITROGEN /(ALBUMINOID AMMONIA) Fig. I. in the air at the time of the precipitation. After a long- continued storm the atmosphere is washed nearly free of bacteria, so that a considerable series of sterile plates may often be obtained by plating i-c.c. samples. These re- sults are in harmony with the observations of Tissandier (reported by Duclaux, 1897), who found that the dust in the air amounted to 23 mg. per cubic meter in Paris 8 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. and 4 mg. in the open country. After a rainfall these figures were reduced to 6 mg. and .25 mg., respectively. With regard to what may be considered normal values for rain we have no very satisfactory figures. Those obtained by Miquel (Miquel, 1886) during the period 1 883-1 886, showing that rain contains on the average 4.3 bacteria per c.c. in the country (Montsouris) and 19 per c.c. in Paris, are probably lower than would be yielded by the present methods of examination. Snow shows rather higher numbers than rain. Janowski (Janowski, 1888) found in freshly fallen snow from 34 to 463 bacteria per c.c. of snow-water, and his results indicate that the num- ber is independent of the temperature at the time of snowfall. As soon as the rain-drop touches the surface of the earth its real bacterial contamination begins. Rivulets from ploughed land or roadways may often contain several hundred thousand bacteria to the cubic centimeter; and furthermore the amounts of organic and mineral mat- ters which serve as food materials, and thus become a factor in later multiplication of organisms, are greatly increased. In the larger streams several conditions combine to make the bacterial numbers lower. Ground-water con- taining little microbic life enters as a diluting factor from below. The larger particles of organic matter are re- moved from the flowing water by sedimentation; many earth bacteria, for which water is an unfavorable medium, gradually perish; and in general a new condition of equi- THE BACTERIA IN NATURAL WATERS. 9 librium tends to be established. A good river- water under favorable conditions should thus contain only a few hun- dred bacteria. Heavy rains which introduce wash from the surrounding watershed may, however, at any time upset this condition of equilibrium and surface-waters are apt to show sudden fluctuations in their bacterial con- tent. Particularly in the spring and fall high numbers manifest themselves, and seasonal variations arise, such as are well shown in the appended table. NUMBER OF BACTERIA PER CUBIC CENTIMETER IN CERTAIN SURFACE-WATERS. Water. Yr. Observer. Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June Boston tap! water 1 Merrimac River . Thames River. . . River Ourcq. . -j 1892- 1895 1901 1888 1887- 1890 j- Whipple* Clark t Franklandt j- Miquel § 135 5,600 92,000 143,370 21 1 2,SOO 40,000 63,720 102 8,900 66,000 47,780 1 ,400 13,000 22,660 53 1,400 1 ,900 29,340 86 3000 3500 7340 Water. Yr. Observer. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Boston tapS water I Merrimac River. Thames River. . . River Ourcq. . -j 1 8g 2- 189s 1 90 1 1888 1887- 1890 j- Whipple* Clarkt Franklandl |- Miquel § 73 1 760 1070 7730 81 1580 3000 8520 86 1760 1740 8070 55 1,900 1,130 1 2,560 56 1,300 1 1 ,700 135,700 52 5, 100 10,600 153.200 * Whipple, 1896. X Frankland, 1894. t Massachusetts State Board of Health, 1902. § Miquel, 1891. Two factors influence this seasonal distribution of bac- teria. First, during the summer months the water flow- ing in open rivers is largely derived from springs and subterranean sources, while during the autumn and spring months, there is a much greater proportion of "run-off" water contaminated by contact with the sur- 10 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. face of the earth. In the second place, during these rainy seasons the amount of dissolved organic matter is far greater than in summer, thus making the food-supply of the bacteria more abundant. In standing waters all the tendencies which make for the reduction of bacteria are intensified, and ponds and lakes often give numbers under a hundred. The student will find numerous analyses of natural waters in Frank- land's classic work (Frankland, 1894). He notes, for example, that the Lake of Lucerne contained 8 to 51 bac- teria per c.c. Loch Katrine 74, and the Loch of Lintral- then an average of 170. The water of Lake Champlain examined by one of us (S. C. P.) in 1896 contained on an average 82 bacteria per c.c. at a point more than two miles out from the city of Burlington. Certain surface water-supplies near Boston studied by Nibecker and one of us (Winslow and Nibecker, 1903) gave the following results : Number of Average City. Number Samples. of Bacteria per cc. Wakefield 7 59 Lynn 6 16 Plymouth 6 35 Cambridge 5 94 Salem 5 232 Medford 5 524 Taunton 4 13 3 141 Russell found similar small numbers in sea-water at Naples (Russell, 1891) and Wood's Hole (Russell, 1892), THE BACTERIA IN NATURAL WATERS. ii and in salt as in fresh water the amount of bacterial life decreases in general as one passes downward from the surface and outward from the shore. The principal factors in the destruction of the bacteria in water during storage appear to be sedimentation, the activity of other micro-organisms, light, temperature, and food-supply, and perhaps more obscure conditions such as osmotic pressure. The subsidence of bacteria either by virtue of their own specific gravity or as the result of becoming attached to particles of suspended matter is unquestionably partly, if not largely, responsible for changes in the number of bacteria in the upper layers of water at rest or in very sluggish streams. The results of numerous inves- tigations by different workers seem to indicate that sedimentation takes place slowly, and that the differ- ence in numbers between the top layer and the bottom layer of water in tall jars in laboratory experiments of only a few days' duration is very sHght or quite within the Hmits of experimental error (Tiemann and Gartner, 1889). Different species may, of course, be differently affected, (Scheurlen, 1891). It must be remembered, that in natural streams bacteria are to a great extent attached to larger sohd particles upon which the action of gravity is much more important. Jordan (Jordan 1900) IS firmly of the opinion that in the lower part' of the Illinois River, where there is a fall of but 30 feet m 225 miles, the influences summed up by the term sedimentation are sufficiently powerful to obviate the 12 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. necessity for summoning another cause "to explain the diminution in numbers of bacteria," and he further adds: " It is noteworthy that all the instances recorded in the literature where a marked bacterial purification has been observed are precisely those where the conditions have been most favorable for sedimentation." Little is known as to the share of other organisms in hastening the decrease of bacteria in stored water. Doubt- less predatory Protozoa play some part here, and cer- tain bacteriologists have believed that the toxic waste products of some species of bacteria materially check the development of other forms. Horrocks (Horrocks, 1901), Garre (Garre, 1887), Zagari (Zagari, 1887), and Freudenreich (Freuderireich, 1888) have shown that an "antagonism" exists when bacteria are grown in artificial culture media such that the substratum which has supported the growth of one form may be rendered antiseptic to another. It is difiicult, however, to beheve that any poisons are produced of such enor- mous power as to cause this effect in a stream or a lake, and there is no evidence in support of such a view. Temperature has a direct relation to bacterial life, and the number of parasitic bacteria at least may be quickly lessened by the action of cold. Sedgwick and one of us (Sedgwick and Winslow, 1902) have shown that of typhoid bacilli in ice or cool water over 40 per cent will perish in three hours and 98 per cent and upwards in two I weeks. THE BACTERIA IN NATURAL WATERS. 13 Many investigations conducted since the pioneer re- searches of Downes and Blunt (Downes and Blunt, 1877) have confirmed the results reported by them, viz., direct sunhght is fatal to most bacteria in the vegetative state and even to spores if the exposure be sufficiently long, while diffused hght is harmful in a lesser degree. Opin- ions vary as to the degree to which light is active in destroying the bacteria in natural water. Buchner (Buchner, 1893) found by experiment that the bacteri- cidal power of light extends to a depth of about three meters before it becomes imperceptible. On the other hand, Procaccini (Procaccini, 1893) found that when sun- light was passed vertically through 60 cm. of drain-water the lower layers contained nearly as many bacteria after three hours' treatment as before the exposure. The middle and upper portions showed a great falling off in numbers, however. But few studies have been made of the effect of light on bacteria in flowing water. Jordan (Jordan, 1900) has investigated several Illinois streams and arrived at the conclusion that in moderately turbid water, at least, the sun':, rays are virtually without action. On the other hand, Rapp has observed a considerable reduction of the bacteria in the Isar at PuUach after the period of diurnal insolation, as shown by the table on the following page. Although it is hard to estimate the exact importance of each factor, the general phenomena of the self-purifi- cation of streams are easy to comprehend. A smaU 14 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. Examinations or the Isar at Pullach (Rapp, 1903). (a) carried out SEPTEMBER 26, 1 898, NO RAIN HAVING FALLEN FOR THREE WEEKS. Temperature Time of the Experiment. Bacteria per cc. of the Water. of the Air. 13.0° c. 8.8° C. 7.30 P.M. 146 12.1° C. 7.0° C. 9.30 P.M. 270 10.5° c. 6.2° C. 5.00 A.M. 370 10.2° C. 8.2° C. 8.00 A.M. 320 (b) CARRIED OUT NOVEMBER 28, 1 898, NO RAIN HAVING FALLEN FOR SOME TIME. 5-5° C. 3.0° c. 6.00 P.M. 266 5-5° C. 2.5° c. 8.00 P.M. 402 5-5° C. 2.0° c. 10.00 P.M. 482 5.0° C. 2.0° C. 3.00 A.M. 532 4.5° c. 2.5° c. 7.30 A.M. 400 brook immediately after the entrance of polluting mate- rial from the surface of the ground contains a large num- ber of bacteria from a diversity of sources. Gradually those organisms adapted to life in the earth or in the bodies of plants and animals die out, and the forms for which water furnishes ideal conditions sundve and multiply. It is no single agent which brings this about, but that complex of little-understood conditions which we call the environment. If any one thing is of prime importance it is probably the food-supply, for only certain bacteria are able to multiply in the presence of the small amount of organic matter present in ordinary po- table waters. As Jordan (Jordan, 1900) has said: "In the causes connected with the insufficiency or unsuitabihty THE BACTERIA IN NATURAL WATERS. 15 of the food-supply is to be found, I believe, the main rea- son for the bacterial self-purification of streams." In general we have seen then that surface-waters tend continually to decrease in bacterial content after their first period of contact with the humus layer of the soil. In that other portion of the meteoric water which pene- trates below the surface of the earth to join the reservoir of ground-water, later to reappear as the flow of springs and wells, this diminution is still more marked since the filtering action of the earth removes not only most of the bacteria but much of their food material as well. Indeed many observers formerly believed that all ground- waters were nearly free from bacteria, because often no colonies appeared on plates counted after the ordinary short periods of time. If, however, a longer period of incubation be adopted considerable numbers may be obtained. For convenience we may divide ground-waters into two groups, namely: first, springs and shallow open wells, and second, "tubular" (driven) or deep wells. This division is a convenient one because ordinary springs and wells form a group by themselves in respect to the possibility of aerial and surface contamination, their water often being fairly rich in bacterial life. Egger (Wolffhugel, 1886) ex- amined 60 wells in Mainz and found that 17 of them contained over 200 bacteria to the cubic centimeter. Maschek (Maschek, 1887) found 36 wells out of 48 exam- ined in Leitmeritz which had a bacterial content of over 500 per c.c. Fischer (Horrocks, 1901) reported 120 wells i6 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. in Kiel which gave over 500 bacteria per c.c. and only 51 v^^ith less than that number. Several unpolluted springs and open wells were ex- amined by Sedgwick and one of us (Sedgwick and Pres- cott, 1895) with the following result: Spring No. I. 252, 255, 258 bacteria per c.c. " " 2. 163, 149, 134 " 3. 92, 98, 105 " " 4. 95, loi, 106 " " " 5. 193, 213, 218 " " "6. 216, 208, 201 " No. OPEN WELLS. 509, 525 bacteria per C.C. 248, 190 " " " 602, 560 " " " 335. 332 " " 2084, 2063, 2287 bacteria per c.c. 8905, 8905, 8640 " " " 702, 910, 871 " " " 720, 712, 763 " " " It should be noted that the above results were obtained by incubating the plates for considerable periods of time. In the ordinary standard 48-hour period but very few bacteria develop from normal ground-waters. Thus in an examination of spring-waters made by the Massa- chusetts State Board of Health in 1900 (Massachusetts State Board of Health, 1901), of 37 springs which were practically unpolluted and had less than 10 parts per 100,000 excess of chlorine over the normal, 54 samples were examined and gave an average of 41 bacteria per C.C. Only 6 samples showed figures over 50. On the other hand, the analysis of the bottled samples of the same waters as sold after exposure to contamination in THE BACTERIA IN NATURAL WATERS. 17 bottling and the multiplication of the water bacteria gave numbers rising to 243,000, only 14 out of 50 samples being under 1000. It now remains to consider the other great division of ground-waters, namely, deep, "driven," or "tubular" wells, which, if carefully constructed, should ordinarily be perfectly free from all surface-water contammation. The numbers of bacteria in such sources has been reported by but few investigators. A series of wells in and near Boston was found to give the following figures (Sedgwick and Prescott, 1895). r^^"-^ Depth, Feet. Bacteria per , 269, 254 2. 100 ^ 454 206, 214 t '54 150, 135 228 7- 10. II. 12. ■ ■ , 192, in? Second sample ^^^^ 139, 140 Second sample 4^8, 416 377 48, 54 158, 149 '^7 1240, 1376 ^3° 440, 480 525 60, 57 750 38 Second sample. ^3 180 14 Agam It should be noted that the period of incubation for these samples was at least five days. Fifteen driven wells m the neighborhood of Boston examined in igo, showed at the end of 48 hours an average of only r 8 colonies per c.c. ^ xS ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. It is plain that water absolutely free from bacteria is not ordinarily obtained from any source and that even deep wells contain quite appreciable numbers. The peculiar character of the organisms present in the latter case is manifested in many cases by the slow develop- ment at room temperature (no growth until the third day in some cases), the entire absence of liquefying colonies, and the abundance of chromogenic species. CHAPTER II. THE QUANTITATIVE BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION OF WATER. That the customary methods for determining the num- ber of bacteria do not reveal the total bacterial content, but only a very smaU fraction of it, becomes apparent when we consider the large number of organisms, nitrify- ing bacteria, cellulose-fermenting bacteria, strict ans- robes, etc., which refuse to grow, or grow only very slowly in ordinary culture media, and which, therefore, escape our notice. On the one hand certain obligate parasites cannot thrive in the absence of the rich fluids of the ani- mal body; on the other hand the prototrophic bacteria adapted to the task of wrenching energy from nitrates and ammonium compounds are unable to develop in the presence of so much organic matter. This IS made clear by the use of special media hke the Nahrstoff Heyden agar (Hesse and Niedner, .808) which are particularly adapted to the needs ;f these a er organisms; or by direct microscopic exami^ n^enrtionlVftlT^^^^ '^'^ f^'^ ^°"-cl the .eco.n- ^- -f. ti. A., as given in the Appendix. 19 20 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. 1902) showed that the numbers obtained by the ordi- nary procedure were only from 5 to 50 per cent of those obtained by the use of Heyden's Nahrstoff agar. For practical sanitary purposes, however, our methods are fairly satisfactory. Within limits, it is of no great impor- tance that one method allows the growth of more bacteria than another. When we are using the quantitative analy- sis as a measure of sewage pollution only two things are essential. First, media should be of standard composi- tion, so that results obtained at different times and by different observers may be comparable. In this respect the work of G. W. Fuller, G. C. Whipple, and other members of the Committee on Standard Methods of the American Pubhc Health Association has placed the art of quantitative water analysis in a state, veiy satisfactory, by contrast with the chaos which prevails in England and Germany. Secondly, it is desirable that the section of the total bacterial flora which we obtain should be thor- oughly representative of that portion of it in which we are most interested— the group of the quickly growing, rich-food-loving sewage forms. In this respect our meat- gelatin-peptone appears to be unrivalled. The follow- ing table from Gage and Phelps's valuable paper shows clearly that the standard media bring out the difference between pure and polluted waters much more clearly than does the Nahrstoff medium. To emphasize this difference with constancy is all that we require of a method for prac- tical work. QUANTITATIVE BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION. 21 Table showing Percentages of Bacteria Developing on Regu- lar Agar and on Nahrstoff Agar for Different Classes of Waters. (Gage and Phelps, 1902.) regular agar. Class of Water. Days' Count. 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 Ground-water . . . 0 6 6 Filtered water 6 5 7 6 6 6 Merrimac River 6 7 7 7 7 7 Filtered sewage 14 34 7 17 44 7 18 8 19 46 8 19 46 9 9 40 19 19 46 46 NAHRSTOFF AGAR. Ground-water. . , Filtered water. . . Merrimac River. Filtered sewage.. Sewage 6 43 78 37 69 80 29 78 93 26 65 93 39 75 95 92 97 95 100 93 98 97 97 100 100 100 99 99 100 100 100 100 100 TOO The procedure for the quantitative determination of bacteria in water consists, in brief, in mixing a deiinite amount of a suitably collected specimen of the water with a sterile sohdifiable culture medium and allowin- it to develop for a sufficiently long time to permit reproduction of the bacteria and the formation of visible colonies which may be counted. The process is divided naturally into four stages-samphng, plating, incubating, and counting —which will now be discussed. Saupling.--KXX samples of water for bacteriological exammation should be collected in clean, sterile boTtles -th wide mouths and glass stoppers, preferably of the flat 22 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. mushroom type. It is desirable that these bottles should have a capacity of at least loo c.c. They should be cleaned thoroughly before using, by treatment with sulphuric acid and potassium bichromate or with alkaline permanganate of potash followed by sulphuric acid, dried by draining, and steriHzed by dry heat at i6o° C. for at least one hour, or by steam at 115°- 120° for fifteen minutes. If not to be used immediately the neck and stopper should be protected against dust or other contamination by wrapping with lead-foil. For transportation the bottle should be enclosed in a suitable case or box. The greatest care must be taken that the fingers do not touch the inside of the neck of the bottle or the cone of the stopper, as the water thereby would become seriously contaminated and rendered unfit for examination. It is well known that bacteria are found abundantly upon the skin, and Winslow (Winslow, 1903) has shown that even B. coli is present upon the hands in a considerable number of cases. In order to obtain a fair sample, great precautions must be taken, and these will vary with the different classes of waters to be examined and with local conditions. If a sample is to be taken from a tap, the water should be allowed to flow at least five minutes (if from a tap in regu- lar use) or for a longer period in case the water has been standing in the house service system, since in the small pipes, changes in bacterial content are liable to occur. QUANTITATIVE BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION. 23 certain species dying, and the sample, therefore, not being a fair average of the water in the mains. If a sample is to be taken from a pump similar pre- cautions are necessary. The pump should be in con- tinuous operation for several minutes at least, and prefer- ably for half an hour before the sample is taken, in order to avoid excessively high numbers due to the growth of bacteria within the well and pump, the bacterial condition of the water as it passes through the ground being what we wish to determine. Thus Herasus (Herajus, 1886) in a well-water which had been but little used during the preceding thirty-six hours found 5000 organisms per cc; when the well was emptied by continuous pumping a second sample, after an interval of half an hour, gave only 35- Maschek (Tiemann and Gartner, 1889) obtained similar results shown in the following table: EFFECT OF PUMPmc ON THE BACTERIAL CONTENT OF WELL-WATER. WeU-water after continuous pumping for fifteen minutes. . . ^rS " " << << , many hours 140 ^^t^^ '. 68 after contmuous pumping for fifteen minutes ... c,S " << << , many hours i^n later , 73 After a proper interval of pumping the sample of a well- water may be collected from the pet-cock of the pump or from a near-by tap. With a hand-pump, as in sampling domestic shallow wells, the water is, of course, pumped directly into the sample bottle. The difficulties in secunng an average sample from this latter source are 24 ELEMENTS OE WATER BACTERIOLOGY. often great, since if the flooring about the pump is not tight, as is usually the case, continued pumping may wash in an unusual amount of surface pollution. In sampling surface-waters, the greatest precautions must be observed to prevent contamination from the fingers. In still waters the fairest sample is one taken from several inches down, as the surface itself is likely to have niunerous dust particles floating upon it. The method most frequently recommended is to plunge the bottle beneath the surface to a depth of a foot or so, then remove the stopper and allow the bottle to fill. Another method which is comparatively free from objection and which has been employed by the writers is to remove the stopper first and then, holding the bottle by the base, plunge it mouth downward into the water, turn- ing it at the desired depth so as to replace the enclosed air by the water. Whenever any current exists the mouth of the bottle should be directed against it in order to carry away any bacteria from the fingers. If there is no current, a similar effect can be produced by turning the bottle under water and giving it a quick for- ward motion. In rapidly flowing streams it is only necessary to hold the bottle at the surface with the mouth pointed up-stream. For taking samples of water at greater depths, a num- ber of devices have been employed, aU of which are fairly satisfactory. The essentials are, first, a weight to carry the bottle down to the desired depth, and, second, a device QUANTITATIVE BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION. 25 for removing the stopper when that depth is reached. The student will find one good form of apparatus described in Abbott's " Principles of Bacteriology" (Abbott, 1899); an admirable one was devised by HiU and EUms (Hill and EUms, 1898). Miquel and Cambier (Miquel and Cambier, 1902) and other authors recommend the use of a sealed glass bulb with a capillary tube which can be broken off at any desired moment. As soon as a sample of water is collected its conditions of equilibrium are upset and a change in the bacterial content begins. Even in the purest spring-waters which contain but few bacteria when collected, and in which the amount of organic matter is infinitesimal, enormous num- bers will be found after storage under laboratory con- ditions for a few days or even a few hours. In some cases the rise in numbers is gradual, in others very rapid. The Frariklands (Frankland, 1894) record the case of a deep- well water in which the -bacteria increased from 7 to 495,000 in three days. Miquel (Miquel, 1891), from his researches, arrived at the conclusion that in surface-waters the rise is less rapid than in waters from deep wells or springs, and that in the latter case the decrease, after reaching a maximum, is likewise rapid and steady. Just how far protection from Hght, increase in temperature, and a destruction of higher micro-organisms is responsible for the increase, and to what extent an exhaustion of food- supply or the formation of toxic waste products causes the succeeding decrease, we are not aware; but the facts are well estabhshed. 20 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. Whipple has exhaustively studied the details of this multiplication of bacteria in stored waters and has shown in the table given below that there is first a slight reduc- tion in the number present, lasting perhaps for six hours, followed by the great increase noted by earHer observers. It is probable that there is a constant increase of the typical water bacilli, overbalanced at first by a reduction in other forms, for which this is an unsuitable environment. BACTERIAL CHANGES IN WATER DURING STORAGE. (Whipple, 1901.) Sample. Initial Temper- ature. Temp, of Incu- bation of Sample. Number of Bacteria per c c. Initial. After 3 Hours. After 6 Hours. After 24 Hours. After 48 Hours. C. C. A 7.6° 17.0° 260 215 230 900 27,000 B 7.6° 17.0° 260 245 25s 720 10 850 C 7.6° 12.5° 260 270 231 600 2,790 D 7.6° 12.5° 260 270 245 710 I ,800 E 7.6° 2.4° 260 243 210 675 1,980 ■ F 7.6° 2.4° 260 ■235 270 560 1,980 G 11.0° 12.8° 77 55 58 lOI 10 250 H 11.0° 12.8° 77 S3 74 87 2175 I 11.0° 23.6° 77 51 52 11,000 41.400 J 6.7° 20.0° 430 375 245 385 000* K 6.7° 20.0° 430 345 405 750,000* L 23.2° 23.0° 51° 340 230 8,000 20,000 M 23.2° 2.5° 525 300 220 380 2.200 0.0005 psr cent peptone added to the water. Wolffhugel and Riedel (Wolffhugel and Riedel, 1886) noted the dependence of this multiplication on the amount of the air-supply, vessels closed with rubber stoppers show- ing lower numbers than those plugged with cotton. Simi- larly, Whipple found that the multiplication of bacteria QUANTITATIVE BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION. 27 was much greater when the bottles we're only half full than when they were filled completely; and also, as shown in the following very striking table, that the size of the bottle markedly influenced the growth. EFFECT OF SIZE OF VESSEL UPON THE MULTIPLICATION OF WATER BACTERLA DURING STORAGE. (Whipple, 1901.) Sample A B C D E F G H I J Bottle. I -gallon 2Tquart I -quart 1 - pint 2 - ounce 1 - gallon 2 - quart I -quart 1 - pint 2 - ounce Temp, of Incuba- tion. Number of Bacteria per c.c. C. 13° 13° 13° 13° 13° 24° 24° 24°* 24° 24° Ini- tial.* After 3 hrs. After 6 hrs. 77 63 6S 77 59 63 77 63 63 77 57 6r 77 55 58 77 81 97 77 92 59 77 84 77 77 46 77 5=; 52 After 1 2 hrs 47 60 47 36 47 275 62 46 100 145 After 24 hrs. 42 45 46 38 lOI 290 180 340 2,950 11,000 After 48 hrs. 175 690 325 630 10,250 300 250 900 7,020 41,400 * Average of five plates. These results and those of other observers make it obvious that samples must be examined shortly after collection and that they must be kept cool during their storage. If fairlypure waters are placedupon ice and kept between o and ro», they wiU show no material increase m twelve hours. With polluted water, however, another danger .s here tntroduced. Samples of such wa er when packed .n ,ce show a marked decrease due to the larg: number of sens.ttve mtestinal bacteria present. Jordan (Jordan, r^) fou^d that three samples of river-water 28 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. packed in ice for forty-eight hours fell off from 535,000 to 54,500; from 412,000 to 50,500, and from 329,000 to 73,000, respectively. It is, therefore, necessary to adhere strictly to the recommendations of the A. P. H. A. Com- mittee that the interval between sampling and examina- tion should not exceed twelve hours in the case of rela- tively pure waters, six hours in the case of relatively impure waters, and one hour in the case of sewage. Plating. — The bottle containing the sample of water is first shaken at least twenty-five times in order to get an equal distribution of the bacteria. If the number of bacteria present is probably not greater than 200, i c.c. is then withdrawn with a sterile i c.c. pipette and deUvered into a sterile Petri dish of 10 cm. diameter. To this is added 5 c.c. of standard 10 per cent gelatin at a tempera- ture of about 30° C. or standard agar (7 c.c.) at 4o°-42° C Should the number of bacteria per c.c. probably exceed 200, dilution is necessary. This is best accomplished by adding i c.c. of the water in question to 9, 99, or 999, etc., c.c. of sterile tap water according to the amount of dilution required. The diluted sample is then shaken thoroughly and I c.c. taken for enumeration. In order to determine the number of bacteria originally present it is only neces- sary to multiply by the factor 10, 100, or 1000, etc. When a sample of water from an unknown source is to be examined it is generally desirable to make a series of plates at each of the above dilutions, selecting those which give nearest to 200 colonies on the plates after incubation as the ones on which to rely for the count. A much QUANTITATIVE BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION. 29 smaller number will not give average figures, and if more than 200 colonies are present on a plate many bacteria will be checked by the waste products of those which first develop and the count obtained will be too low. After the addition of the diluted sample and the nutrient medium their thorough mixture in an even layer on the bottom of the plate is obtained by careful tipping and rota- tion. It was formerly customary to mix the water with the gelatin in the tube before pouring into the plate, but this method is objectionable because there is always a small residue of medium remaining in the tube which will retain varying numbers of bacteria and thus interfere with the accuracy of the count. Before pouring the medium into the plate the mouth of the tube should be flamed to remove any possibility of contamina- tion. The exact composition of the medium used is, of course, of prime importance in controlling the number of bac- teria which will develop. The reaction of the medium was found as early as 1891 to be important, for Reinsch (Reinsch, 1891) showed in that year that the addition of one one-hundredth of a gram of sodium carbonate to the Hter increased sixfold the number of bacteria develop- ing. Fuller (Fuller, 1895) and Sedgwick and one of ourselves (Sedgwick and Prescott, 1895), working inde- pendently, estabhshed the fact that an optimum reac- tion existed for most water bacteria and that a deviation either way decreased the number of colonies developing. 20 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. The following table from Gage and Phelps shows con- clusively the effect of the general composition of the nutrient medium. TABLE SHOWING PERCENTAGES OF BACTERIA DEVELOPING ON MEDIA OF DIFFERENT COMPOSITIONS. (Gage and Phelps, 1902.) Days' Count. meaium. 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 19 60 78 85 95 99 99 100 Nahrstoff pepton agar 10 22 26 28 30 30 3° 30 II 16 22 23 24 24 24 24 Meat agar 8 13 16 17 17 17 17 17 Plain agar 8 10 13 14 14 14 14 14 7 0 1 1 II II II II II Nahrstoff glycerin agar 6 10 II II II II II II Nahrstoff meat agar 7 7 8 8 10 10 10 10 Meat gelatin 12 19 24 26 26 26 26 26 Pepton gelatin .7 12 18 20 20 20 20 20 8 10 II 12 13 13 13 13 I 6 12 13 13 13 13 13 5 6 9 II 13 13 13 13 Finally, Whipple (Whipple, 1902) has shown that not only the particular kind of gelatin used but its exact physical condition as afifected by sterilization and other previous treatments will materially affect the results obtained. It is evident, therefore, that only the strictest adherence to some standard method can ensure com- parable results; the ordinary nutrient gelatin should then in all practical sanitary work be made up in exact accordance with the direction of the A. P. H. A. Commit- tee as given in the Appendix. QUANTITATIVE BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION. 3I Incubation. — " Incubation should take place in a dark, well-ventilated chamber where the temperature is kept, substantially constant at 20° and where the atmosphere is practically saturated with moisture." — ^A. P. H. A. Report. It has, been shown by Whipple (Whipple, 1899) and others that the number of bacteria developing in plate cultures is to a certain extent dependent upon the presence of abundant oxygen and moisture. Thus reckoning the number of bacteria developing in a moist chamber at 100 the percentage counts obtained in an ordinary incubator were as follows: 75 when the relative humidity of the incubator was 60 per cent of saturation; 82 when it was 75 per cent; 98 when it was 95 per cent.' This source of error may be avoided by the use of ven- tilated dishes and by the presence of a pan of water in the incubating chamber. According to American and German practice, plates made for sanitary water analysis are counted at the end of forty-eight hours. French bacteriologists still recom- mend longer periods, and the following table from Miquel and Cambier (Miquel and Cambier, 1902) shows that many bacteria fail to appear in our ordinary analysis. It is, however, as we have before pointed out, certain peculiar water forms which develop so slowly, sewage bactena almost without exception being rapid growers The longer period of incubation is, therefore, not only inconvenient but undesirable, since it obscures the differ- eace between good and bad waters. 32 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. EFFECT OF THE LENGTH OF INCUBATION OF WATER BACTERIA IN GEL- ATIN UPON THE NUMBER OF COLONIES DEVELOPING. (Miquel and Cambier, 1902.) Colonies Developed. 20 136 254 387 53° 637 725 780 821 859 892 921 951 976 1000 Length of Incubation. 1 day 2 days 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 Counting. — The number of bacteria is determined by counting the colonies developed upon the plate, either with the naked eye or preferably, with a low-power lens. This is actually done by placing the plate upon a glass plate ruled in centimeter squares and over a black tile; or the tile itself may be ruled. The colonies then appear as whitish round or oval specks in and upon the medium. As has already been said, it is desirable that this number should not exceed 200, for when the number is very high the colonies grow only to a small size and make counting laborious and inaccurate, and many do not develop at all. On the other hand, too few bacteria upon the plate prob- ably give inaccurate resuks also. The greatest accuracy is probably obtained with numbers ranging from 50 to 200. QUANTITATIVE BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION. 33 When it is possible to do so, all the colonies on the plate should be counted. When they exceed 400 or 500 it is often easier and fully as accurate to count a frac- tional part of the plate and estimate the total number therefrom. This should not be done, however, except in case of necessity. It is customary in determining numbers to make plates in duphcate, thereby affording a check upon one's own work and enhancing the value of the results through the greater accuracy obtained. Owing to the lack of precision in the method, the hmit of experimental error is a wide one. It should be possible,, however,, for careful manipulators to obtain results within 10 per cent of each other, and a closer agreement than this is hardly to be expected. It has been suggested by the committee of the American Public Heakh Association to adopt the fol- lowing mode of expressing results. NUMBERS OF BACTERIA FROM 1-50 shall be recorded to the nearest unit 51-100 101-250 251-500 501-1,000 1,001-10,000 10,001-50,000 5o,.oo 1-100,000 100,001-500,000 500,001-1,000,000 1,000,001-5,000,000 S 10 25 50 100 500 1,000 10,000 50,000 100,000 The determination of numbers of bacteria in water in the field has frequently been attempted. Since the labora- 34 ELEMENTS OP WATER BACTERIOLOGY. tory method of "plating out" is not appUcable for field work the Esmarch tube process has often been employed. This consists in introducing into a tube of melted gelatin or agar i c.c. of the water and then rotating the tube until the medium has sohdified in a thin layer on the inner wall of the tube. In the writers' opinion, this method is open to several objections and does not give as trustworthy re- sults as the laboratory method, even if the samples have to be several hours in transit between the place of col- lection and the laboratory. CHAPTER III. THE INTERPRETATION OF THE QUANTITATIVE BAC- TERIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS. The information furnished by quantitative bacteri- ology as to the antecedents of a water is in the nature of circumstantial evidence and requires judicial interpre- tation. No absolute standards of purity can be estab- lished which shall rigidly separate the good from the bad. In this respect the terms "test" and "analysis" so univer- sally used are in a sense inappropriate. Some scientific problems are so simple that they can be definitely settled by a test. The tensile strength of a given steel bar, for example, is a property which can be absolutely deter- mined. In sanitary water analysis, however, the factors involved are so complex and the evidence necessarily so indirect that the process of reasoning much more re- sembles a doctor's diagnosis than an engineering test. The older experimenters attempted to establish arbi- trary standards, by which the sanitary quaHty of a water could be fixed automaticaUy by the numbers of germs alone. Thus Miquel (Miquel, 1891) furnished a table according to which water with less than 10 bacteria per c.c. was "excessively pure," with 10 to 100 bacteria, "very 35 36 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. pure," with loo to looo bacteria, "pure," with looo to 10,000 bacteria, "mediocre," with 10,000 to 100,000 bac- teria, "impure," and with over 100,000 bacteria, "very impure." Few sanitarians would care to dispute the appropriateness of the titles applied to waters of the last two classes; but many bacteriologists have placed the standard of "purity" much lower. The limits set by various German observers range, for example, from 50 to 300. Even Dr. Sternberg (Sternberg, 1892), in a much more conservative fashion, has stated that a water con- taining less than 100 bacteria is presumably from a deep source and uncontaminated by surface drainage; that one with 500 bacteria is open to suspicion ; and that one with over 1000 bacteria is presumably contaminated by sewage or surface drainage. This is probably as satisfac- tory an arbitrary standard as could be devised, but any such standard must be appHed with great caution. The source of the sample is of vital importance in the inter- pretation of analyses; a bacterial count which would con- demn a spring might be quite normal for a river; only figures in excess of those common to unpolluted waters of the same character giye the indication of danger. Fur- thermore, the bacteriological tests are far more deHcate than any others at our command, very minute additions of food material causing an immense multipHcation of the microscopic flora. This deHcacy necessarily requires, both in the process of analysis and the interpretation of results, a high degree of caution. As pointed out in the previous chapter, the touch of a finger or a particle of QUANTITATIVE BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS. 37 dust may wholly destroy the accuracy of an examination. Even the slight disturbance of conditions incident upon the storage of a sample after it has been taken may in a few hours wholly alter the relations of the contained microbic Ufe. It is necessary, then, in the first place to exercise the greatest care in allowing for possible error in the collection and the handling of bacteriological samples; and in the second place, only well-marked differences in numbers should be considered as possibly significant. In the early days of the science, discussion ran high as to the interpretation of bacteriological analysis; and par- ticularly as to the relation of bacterial numbers to the organic matter present in a water. Different observers obtained inconsistent results, and Bolton (Bolton, 1886) concluded that there was no relation whatever between the chemical composition of a water and its bacterial con- tent. Tiemann and Gartner (Tiemann and Gartner, 1889) furnished the key to the difficulty in their state- ment that there are two great classes of bacteria, the great majority of species normally occurring in the earth or in decomposing organic matter which require abun- dance of nutriment, and certain pecuHar water bacteria which can multiply in the presence of such minute traces of ammonia as are present in ordinary distilled water. Bacteria of the second class under abnormal conditions, as in bottled samples, or, at times, in a well or the basin of a spring, may occur in great numbers where there is but little organic matter. In normal surface-waters, how- ever, such growths have not been recorded as far as wc 38 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. are aware. Here the numbers of bacteria present will depend, other things being equal, upon the extent to which he water has been contaminated with decomposing organic matter, either by pollution with sewage o: by contact with the surface of the ground. The bacterial con- tent will therefore vary as the extent and character of the contamination varies It measures not merely organic matter but organic matter in a state of active decay, and thus, like the ammonias and other features of the sanitary chemical analysis, clearly indicate, fresh organic pollution with the added advantage that the presence of the stable nitrogenous compounds often present in peaty waters introduces no error in the bacteriological analysis. In judging of a surface-water the student will be aided by reference to the figures given for certain normal sources in Chapter I; the Boston tap water with 50 to 200 bac- teria per c.c. (Whipple, 1896) and the water of Lake Zurich with an average of 71 in summer and 184 in winter (Cramer, 1885) may be taken as typical of good potable waters; and numbers much higher than these are open to suspicion, since aU contamination whether contributed by sewage or by washings from the surface of the ground is a possible source of danger. The excess of bacteria in surface-waters during the spring and winter months is by no means an exception to the general rule that high numbers are significant, since the peril from supplies of this character is clearly shown by the spring epidemics of typhoid fever which at the times of melting snow ^aslt communities making use of unprotected surface-waters. QUANTITATIVE BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS. 39 Streams receiving direct sewage pollution exhibit a simi- lar excess of bacteria at aU times, numbers rising to an extraordinary height near the point of entrance and fall- ing off below as the stream suffers dilution and the sewage organisms perish. Miquel (Miquel, 1886) records 300 bacteria per c.c. in the water of the Seine at Choisy, above Paris, 1200 at Bercy in the vicinity of the city, and 200,000 at St. Denis after the entrance of the drainage of the city. Prausnitz (Prausnitz, 1890) found 531 bacteria per c.c. in the Isar above Munich, 227,369 near the entrance of the principal sewer, 91 11 a': a place 13 kilometers below the city, and 2378 at Freising, 20 kilometers further down. Jordan (Jordan, 1900), in his study of the fate of the sewage of Chicago, found 1,245,000 bacteria per c.c. in the drainage canal at Bridgeport, 650,000 twenty-nine miles below at Lockport, and numbers steadily decreasing below to 3660 at Avery ville, 159 miles below the point of original pollution. Below Averyville the sewage of Peoria enters and the numbers rise to 758,000 at Wesley City, decreasing to 4800 in 123 miles flow to KampsviUe. In ground-waters we have seen that bacteria may be present in considerable numbers, but that they wiU generaUy be organisms of a peculiar character, incapable of development on the ordinary nutrient media in the standard time. Thus in forty-eight hours we often obtain counts measured only in units or tens. When higher numbers are present, the general character of the colonies must be taken into account, since besides the slowly- growing foims certain other water bacteria which 40 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. require a comparatively small amount of nutriment may multiply at times in a deep well or the basin of a spring. In such a case, however, the appearance of the plates would at once reveal the peculiar conditions, for the colonies would all be of one kind and that distinct from any of the sewage species. Thus Dunham (Dunham, 1889) reports that the mixed water from a series of driven wells gave 2 bacteria per c.c, while another well, situated just like the others, contained 5000, all belonging to a single species common in the air. Plates from polluted water contain, on the other hand, a wide variety of species. The process of slow sand filtration for the purification of unprotected surface-water is essentially similar to the action which takes place in nature when rain soaks through the ground to appear in wells and springs; and it is in the examination of the efBuent from such municipal plants that the quantitative bacteriological analysis finds, per- haps, its most important apphcation. The chemical changes which occur in the passage of water through sand at a rate of 1,000,000 or 2,000,000 gallons per acre per day are so slight as to be negligible. The bacteria present should, however, suffer a reduction of 98 or 99 per cent, and their numbers are, therefore, used as the standard for measuring the efiiciency of such filtration plants. At Lawrence, in 1901, Clark found an average of 3017 bac- teria per cc. in the raw water of the Merrimac River, while the number present in the filtered water was only 26 (Massachusetts State Board of Health, 1902). Mechan- ical filtration gives similar results. Fuller at Cincinnati QUANTITATIVE BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS. 41 (Fuller, 1899) records 27,200 organisms per c.c. in the water of the Ohio River between September 21, 1898, and . January 25, 1899, while the average content of the effluent from the Jewell filter was 400. In well-managed purifi- cation plants the bacteria in the effluent are determined, daily, and any deviation from the normal value at once reveals disturbing factors which may impair the efficiency of the process. In Prussia official regulations demand such systematic examinations and prescribe 50 as the maximum number of bacteria allowable in the filtered water. In the same way the condition of an unpurified surface supply may be determined by daily bacteriological analyses and warnings of danger issued to the public, as has been done at Chicago and other cities. In general, any such regular determination of variations from a nor- mal standard furnish ideal conditions for the bacteriolog- ical methods; and the detection by Shuttleworth (Shuttle- worth, 1895) of a break in a conduit under Lake Ontario by a rise in the bacteria of the Toronto water-supply may be cited as a classic example of its appHcation. Often, however, the expert is called to pass upon the char- acter of a water of which no series of analyses is available and whose surroundings it may be impossible for him to in- spect. It has been said that single bacteriological analyses of this kind are valueless ; but this we believe cannot always be maintained. Knowing the normal bacterial range for a given class of waters, even an isolated analysis may show such an excess as to have great significance, as a few practical examples may make clear (Winslow, 1901). 42 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY . In the spring of 1900 the city of Hartford, Conn., was using a double supply from the Connecticut River and from a series of impounding reservoirs among the hills. A single series of plates showed from 4000 to 7000 bac- teria per c.c. in the water of the river, while the reservoir water contained 300 to 900. The abandonment of the river supply followed, and at once the excessive amount of typhoid fever in the city was curtailed. In the fall of 1900, Newport, R. I., experienced an out- break of typhoid fever, and when suspicion was thrown upon the public water-supply, chemical analysis of the latter was not wholly reassuring; but there were only 334 bacteria per c.c. in the water from the taps, while a well in the infected district gave 6100. It was no surprise to find, on a further study of the epidemic, that the well was largely at fault and the pubhc supply not at all. In the case of ground- water the evidence is usually even more distinct. At Framingham, Mass., in 1903, high chlorin content in the pubhc supply, drawn from a filter gallery beside a lake, had led to pubhc anxiety. Five samples from different parts of the system showed aver- ages of I, 2, 2, 2, and 4 bacteria per c.c; and taking this in conjunction with the other features of the bacterio- logical analysis, it was possible to report that any pollution introduced upon the gathering ground had at the time of analysis been entirely removed. In such a case the bac- teriological methods give a certainty attainable by no other sanitary process. CHAPTER IV. DETERMINATION OF THE NUMBER OF ORGANISMS DEVELOPING AT THE BODY TEMPERATURE. The count of colonies upon the gelatin plate measures as we have pointed out, the number of those micro-organ- isms associated with the decomposition of organic matter wherever it may occur. In this great class, however, there are a few species, like B. subtiHs and B. ramosus, which will grow under a great variety of conditions and which are Hkely to be present with more or less constancy in water, and others which through a semi-parasitic mode of Hfe have become specially adapted to the pecu- liar conditions characteristic of the animal body. The latter in particular possess the property of developing most actively at the temperature of the human organism, 37° C, which ahogether checks the growth of the majority of normal earth and water forms. The determination of the number of organisms growing at the body temperature may throw light, then, on the presence of direct sewage pollution, since the bacteria from the alimentary canal flourish under such conditions, while most of those derived from other sources do not. The count at 37° helps to distinguish contamination by wash of the soil of a virgin woodland from poUution by excreta, since in the latter 43 44 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. case the proportion of blood-temperature organisms is much smaller than in the latter. Furthermore, this method is free from much of the error introduced by the multiplication of bacteria after the collection of a sample, since most of the forms which grow in water during storage cannot endure the higher temperature and conse- quently do not develop upon incubation. The body-temperature count must, of course, be made upon agar plates, otherwise the technique is the same which has already been described for the routine quan- titative bacteriological analysis. The period of incuba- tion ordinarily adopted by the writers is twenty-four hours, as httle development occurs after that timg. Diffi- culty is sometimes caused by the spreading of colonies of certain organisms over the surface of the plate in the water of condensation which gathers; this may be avoided by inverting the plates after the agar is once well set. Additional evidence as to the character of a water sample may be obtained with little extra labor by adding a sugar and some sterile litmus to the agar medium and observing the fermenting powers of the organisms present, as first suggested by Wurtz (Wurtz, 1892) for the separa- tion of B. coli from B. typhi. It happens that the most abundant intestinal organisms belonging to the groups of the colon baciUi and the streptococci decompose dex- trose and lactose with the formation of a large excess of acid, while many other organisms, even if they grow abundantly at the body temperature, are not favored by the presence of the sugar and litmus. The decomposi- DETERMINATION OF ORGANISMS. 45 tion of the latter sugar is almost entirely wanting among the commoner saprophytic bacteria, and therefore lac- tose is most commonly used in making sugar agar, 2 per cent being added to the medium just before the final filtra- tion (between steps 15 and 16 in the standard process of media making given on p. 120). In pouring the plate a cubic centimeter of sterile litmus solution should be added; and in counting, the colonies of the acid-forming organisms will be clearly picked out by the reddening of the adjacent agar. Only those which show this clearly should be considered as significant, since certain bacteria of the hay-bacillus group produce weak acid and faint coloring of the litmus. When polluted waters are examined in this manner the number of organisms developing on the lactose-agar plate will be very high, almost equalling in some cases the total count obtained on gelatin. Chick (Chick, 1901), using a lactose-agar medium vsdth the addition of one-thousandth part of phenol, found of colon bacilli alone 6100 per c.c. in the Manchester ship canal, 55-190 in the polluted River Severn, and numbers up to 65,000 per gram in road- side mud. In an examination of water from the Charles River above Boston, total 37° counts ranging from 9800 to 16,900 have been found. Two twenty-four-hour exam- inations of Boston sewage made at the Sanitary Research Laboratory of the Institute of Technology during the summer of 1903 gave an average of 3,660,000 bacteria per c.c. on gelatin at 20° and 2,310,000 per c.c. on lactose agar at 37° with 550,000 acid-formers. 46 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY . In unpolluted waters not only the absolute number of organisms developing at the body temperature, but its ratio to the gelatin count, is very different. Rideal (Rideal, 1902) states that the proportion between the two counts in the case of a London water in a year's examination was on the average one to twelve. Mathews (Mathews, 1893) in 1893, gave the following figures, the contrast between the ponds and streams which were presumably exposed to pollution on the one hand, and the wells, springs, and taps on the other, being marked. Sources of Water. Wells, springs Reservoirs — Ponds Taps Streams Average Number of Colonies per c.c. Gelatin, 20°. 1664 153 296 242 273 Wurtz Agar, 37-5°. 28 43 95 24 lOI In 1903 Nibecker and one of ourselves (Winslow and Nibecker, 1903) made an examination of 259 samples of water from presumably unpolluted sources in Eastern Massachusetts, including pubhc supplies, brooks, springs, ponds, driven wells, and pools in the fields and woods, with a view to testing the value of the body-temperature examination. In many cases the samples showed high gelatin counts, since some of the waters were exposed to surface wash from vacant land, but the average number of organisms developing on lactose agar at 37° was less DETERMINATION OF ORGANISMS. 47 RELATION OF 20° AND 37° COUNTS IN SAI.IPLES OF WATER FROM APPAR- ENTLY UNPOLLUTED SOURCES. (Winslow and Nibecker, 1903.) Gelatin Plates, 20°. Litmus- lactose- agar Plates, 37°. Dextrose Broth Tubes. Source of Samples. r of Samples e Number lonies. e Number ilonies. Showing Colonies. r of Tubes. r of Tubes Gas. r of Tubes Gas i-o. r of Tubes Gas 2-1. 'id So XI ¥ % a 3 2 < < S 5 94 II 0 IS 0 0 0 n Vfififilrl inrl ^+r\n n a m Cll Tin 1 V VV clKcilclU. cili(-l o HJllClldlil oUjjpi^ 7 59 6 0 21 0 0 0 6 16 3 0 18 0 0 0 I 18 2 3 0 0 0 T*IvTnoiitn Qiinnlv ifani 6 3S 2 0 18 0 0 0 T^pa nnnv ciinnlv ( fnn i 3 141 21 0 9 2 2 0 Tlprlnfim oiir^r^Mr il"Qr>i 6 3.717 I 0 18 0 0 0 ^^f* w 111 1 T*vr>oT"t Cll r^nl V i ta n 1 6 36 9 0 18 0 0 0 Salem supply (tap) 5 232 14 0 IS 0 0 0 4 13 2 0 12 0 0 0 Sharon (well) (tap) 3 738 46 8 2 9 3 0 3 0 I e 0 0 2 4,700 0 0 6 0 0 0 Westerly, R. I., supply (tap). . . 1 12 0 3 0 0 0 6i 223 7 0 18^ 1 1 I X Driven wells IS 18 I 0 45 0 0 32 294 2 0 95 13 13 IS 167 9 0 45 I I T\yr„i*-,j I Pools in fields 22 36s 4 31 0 0 3 66 0 2 0 2 Pools in woods Roadside pools 22 10 181 811 3 4 0 0 65 30 0 2 0 2 Stream, Blue Hill Reservation. . I D 0 0 Flow from rocks. . . . Ponds fed by springs 2 6 47 188 0 2 0 0 3 6 18 0 0 0 0 0 Drainage from manured pasture. Swamps Rain-water after twelve hours' 1 1.23s 27 0 3 0 0 3 269 6 0 9 5 5 0 heavy fall.. Shallow well in Lynn woods. ... 7 I IS 2 I 0 0 21 3 0 0 0 0 38 3 259 4 775 41 48 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. than 8 per c.c. The highest individual counts obtained, as will be seen by reference to the table on the preceding page, were 95 in a meadow pool, 83 in a brook, and 74 in a barnyard well, the latter probably actually polluted. Only two samples in the whole series, one from the well above mentioned, gave any red colonies on the agar plates. Thus it is clear that organisms growing at the body tem- perature and those fermenting lactose are not numerous in normal waters, the total count rarely exceeding 50, with acid producers generally entirely absent. On the other hand, the numbers on the Htmus-lactose-agar plate will be likely to run into hundreds with a good proportion of red colonies when polluted waters are examined. The method is, therefore, one of the most useful at the dis- posal of the bacteriologist. It yields results within twenty-four hours, and the conclusions to be dravra from it are definite and clear. CHAPTER V. THE ISOLATION OF SPECIFIC PATHOGENES FROM WATER. The discovery of the organisms which specifically cause the infectious diseases naturally led to the hope that their isolation from polluted water might become the most convincing proof of its sanitary quality. The typhoid bacillus and the spirillum of Asiatic cholera were in this connection of paramount importance, and to the search for them many investigators devoted themselves. In the earlier examinations of water for the typhoid bacillus an attempt was made to use media which espe- cially favored the growth of the microbe sought for, or to begin with some process of "enrichment" in which the sample was incubated under conditions which would favor the growth of the pathogenic organisms while checking the development of the common water bacteria. It was apparent that the body temperature and the pres- ence of a slight excess of free acid furnished such condi- tions, and most of the methods suggested rest upon these principles. The most general perhaps is that of Parietti (Parietti, 1890), which consists in the addition of the water to a series of broth tubes containing increas- 49 so ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. ing amounts of a solution of 4 per cent hydrochloric acid and 5 per cent phenol. From tubes in which growth occurs after twenty-four hours at 37°, the organisms present may be isolated in pure cultures by some plating method and identified by subcultures. The great difficulty with the enrichment processes is that the conditions which favor the multiplication of the typhoid bacillus are suited in an even higher degree to B. coli and other intestinal organisms. Being present in almost all cases in much higher numbers than B. typhi, these germs develop most abundantly, and effectually mask any disease germs originally present. In order to obviate this difficuky, Hankin (Hankin, 1899), after adding successively increasing portions of Parietti solu- tion to tubes inoculated with the water to be tested, selected the second highest tube of the series in which growth occurs for the inoculation of a new set, finally plating as above. He beheved that the chance for over- growth in this method is somewhat decreased; but in the hands of other investigators it has not met with marked success. Klein (Thomson, 1894), in his investigations, made use of the Berkefeld fiher to concentrate the or- ganisms in the sample. Some recent observers have abandoned the enrichment process altogether and recom- mend direct plating upon phenolated gelatin or on the Eisner (Eisner, 1896) medium made by adding 10 per cent of gelatin and i per cent of potassium iodide to an infusion of potato whose reaction has been adjusted to 20 on Fuller's scale. In all cases, however, the chance ISOLATION OF SPECIFIC PATHOGENES. $1 of success is small; as is well shown by the experiments of Laws and Andrewes (Laws and Andrewes, 1894), who entirely failed to isolate the typhoid bacillus from the sewage of London and found only two colonies of the organism on a long series of plates made from the sewage of a hospital containing forty typhoid patients. So Wathe- let (Wathelet, 1895) found that of 600 colonies isolated from typhoid stools and having the appearance charac- teristic of B. coli and B. typhi only 10 belonged to the latter species. At the other end of the process the identification of the pure cultures isolated is again subject to considerable uncertainty. The typhoid bacillus belongs to a large group which contains numerous varieties differing from each other by minute degrees. The inability to repro- duce the disease by inoculation in available test animals omng to their natural immunity is a serious drawback; and the specific biochemical characters of the organism are, as it happens, mostly negative ones, as shown by com- parison with B. coh, to which it is supposed to be allied. COMPARISON OF THE CHARACTERS OF B. COLI AND B. TYPHI. (Horrocks, 1901.) C. coli. B. typhi. (i) Surface Colonies, Gelatin (i) Much thinner than those Plates.— Thicker, and grow more of B. coli, and grow more slowly, rapidly than those of B. typhi. After forty-eight hours' incuba- After forty-eight hours' incubation tion at 22° C. they are hardly at 22° C. they are usually large visible to the naked eye. and characteristic. 52 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. C. coli. (2) Gelatin-stab. — Quick growth on the surface and along the line of inoculation. (3) Gelatin-slope. — Thick broad grayish-white growth with a cre- nated margin. (4) Witte's Peptone and Salt Solution. — Indol produced. (5) Milk. — Coagulated. (6) Litmus-whey, one week at 37° C. Acid produced, usually requiring from 20 to 40 per cent of N — alkali to neutralize it. 10 (7) Neutral -red Glucose-agar. — Marked green fluorescence. (8) Glucose-gelatin and Lac- tose-gelatin Shake Cultures, and Glucoseragar-stab. — Marked gas formation. (9) Gelatin, 25 per cent, incu- bated at 37° C— Thick film appears on the surface. (10) Potato. — As a rule, a thick yellowish-brown growth. (11) Proskauer and Capaldi's Media. No. I, after twenty hours growth, medium acid. No. II, Growth, medium neutral or faintly alkaline. (12) Nitrate-broth. — Nitrate re- duced to nitrite. (13) Microscopical Appear- ances.— A small bacillus often Uke a coccus, not motile as a rule. (14) Flagella. — Usually i to 3, short and brittle; sometimes 8 to 12, long and wavy. B. typhi. (2) Slow growth on the surface like the colonies; along the line of inoculation the growth is much thinner, and often ends below in a few white points consisting of dis- crete colonies. (3) Thin narrow grayish-white growth, crenated margin not marked as in B. coli. (4) No formation of indol. (5) Unchanged after a month. (6) Very small amount of acid produced, requiring not more than N 6 per cent of — alkali to neutralize 10 it. (7) No change. (8) No gas formation. (9) No film appears on the sur- face, but a general growth takes place throughout the tube. (10) Thin transparent growth hardly visible to the naked eye. (11) No. I, no growth or change in the reaction of the medium. No. II, Growth, medium acid. (12) Reduction of nitrate not so marked. (13) Usually longer than B. coli; highly motile, with a quick serpent-like movement. (14) Usually 8 to 12, long and wavy. ISOLATION OF SPECIFIC PATHOGEN ES. S3 (15) Agglutination. — As a rule, (15) Marked agglutination with no agglutination with a dilute anti- dilute anti-typhoid serum, typhoid serum. Of the many obsen'ers who have reported the isola- tion of the typhoid bacillus from water all but the most recent are quite discredited, on account of the insufficiency of their confirmatory tests, and even the latest results should be received with caution. Since the introduction of the Widal (Widal, 1896) reaction, founded on the fact that typhoid bacilli examined under the microscope in the diluted blood-serum of a typhoid patient lose their motility and "agglutinate" or clump together, an import- ant aid has been furnished in the diagnosis. Yet serum tests are notably erratic, and insufficient to identify an organism without an exhaustive study of biochemical reactions, especially as many organisms are agglutinated by typhoid serum in a more or less dilute solution. . The discovery of the Bacillus dysentcriag of Shiga,* which closely resembles the typhoid bacillus, has made the identification of the latter more dubious than ever. It seems probable that in some recent cases the typhoid bacillus has indeed actually been isolated from polluted water, as by Kubler and Neufeld (Kubler and Neufeld, 1899), who examined a farmhouse well at Neumark in 1899, and Fischer and Flatau (Fischer and Flatau, 1901), who discovered an organism responding to a most ex- haustive series of tests for the typhoid bacillus in a well at For an account of the Biology of B. dysenteric the student referred to an article by Dombrowsky, 1903. 54 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. Rellingen in 190 1. In these cases the water was directly plated upon Eisner's medium or phenolated gelatin with no preliminary process of enrichment. The search for the typhoid bacillus is usually suggested when an outbreak of the disease has cast strong suspicion upon some definite source of water-supply. By the time an epidemic manifests itself, however, the period of the original infection is long past, and the chances are good that any of the specific bacilli once present will have dis- appeared. While elaborate experiments have shown that B. typhi may persist in sterilized water for upwards of two months and in unsterilized water from three days to several weeks, the number of the organisms present is always very rapidly reduced (Frankland, 1894). Epi- demiological evidence confirms the results of Laws and Andrewes which teach that the number of typhoid bacilU even in polluted water probably is never very great, while the fate of Lowell and Lawrence in 1890-91 seems strongly to demonstrate that even a small number of virulent organisms can bring about an almost wholesale infection. Indeed if the virulent organism were as abundant as some recent results would indicate (Remlinger and Schneider, 1897), the human race would long since have been exter- minated. On the whole it seems that since a positive result is always open to serious doubt, and a negative result signifies nothing, the search for the typhoid bacillus itself, however desirable theoretically, cannot be regarded at present as generally profitable. The isolation of the cholera bacillus from water can ISOLATION OF SPECIFIC PATHOGENES. 55 probably be accomplished with somewhat less difficulty than is encountered in the case of B. typhi. Schottelius (SchottcHus, 1885) was the first to point out the necessity for growing this organism in an alkaline medium, and Loeffler (Loeffler, 1893) found that its isolation from water could be successfully accomplished by adding 10 c.c. of alkaline peptone broth to 200 c.c. of the infected water and incubating for twenty-four hours at 37°, when the organism could be found at the surface of the medium. Somewhat earlier than this Dunham (Dunham, 1887) had made a special study of the chemical reactions of the cholera bacillus and found that the organism would grow abundantly in a solution containing i per cent peptone and .5 per cent salt (Dunliam's solution), producing the "cholera-red or nitroso-indol reaction." This medium was brought into practical use by Dunbar (Dunbar, 1892), who succeeded in isolating the organisms from the water of the Elbe in 1892, during the cholera epidemic at Ham- burg. Koch (Koch, 1893) prescribed the following method for the isolation of the organism from water: To 100 C.C. of the water to be examined is added 1 per cent peptone and i per cent salt. The mixture is then incubated at 37° After intervals of ten, fifteen and twenty hours the solution is examined microscopically for comma-shaped organisms, and agar plate cultures are made which are likewise incubated at ^57° Tf colomes showmg the characteristic appearance of the cholera bacillus are found, these are examined micro- S6 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. scopically, and if comma-shaped organisms are present, inoculations are made into fresh tubes to be further tested by means of the indol reaction and by inoculation into animals. The existence of other spirilla of some patho- genic power renders necessary the greatest care and caution in claiming positive isolations. That no great improvement on Koch's method has been made during the last ten years seems apparent from the statements of KoUe and Gotschlich (KoUe and GotschHch, 1903), who employed "the peptone method with subsequent agar cultivation" in the isolation of the organisms from faeces of cholera patients during the epidemic in Egypt in 1902, and who have made notable epidemiological and clinical researches upon this disease. Other pathogenic organisms have been isolated from waters, according to the accounts of numerous investi- gators, but from the sanitary point of view the typhoid and cholera bacilli are of most importance since these are manifestly the germs of disease most likely to be dissemi- nated through this medium. For the detection of B. anthracis and other spore-forming pathogenic bacteria which may at times gain access to water from stockyards, slaughter-houses, etc., the method suggested by Frank- land (Frankland, 1894) may be adopted. The water to be examined is heated to 90° for two minutes and then plated, the characteristic colonies of the anthrax organism being much more easily discerned after the destruction of the numerous non-sporing water bacteria. Again, water is sometimes the means of distributing the germs of ISOLATION OF SPECIFIC PATHOGEN ES. 57 dysentery and diarrhoea, as sho-wn by the decrease of these diseases in BurHngton, Vt. (Sedgwick, 1902), and other communities where pure water-supplies have been substituted for polluted ones. It is possible that the examination of water for the B. dysenteries may in the future help to throw important light on the sanitary con- dition of a water. CHAPTER VI. METHODS FOR THE ISOLATION OF THE COLON BACILLUS. The Bacillus coli was first isolated by Escherich (Escherich, 1884) from the fasces of a cholera patient. It was subsequently found to be a normal inhabitant of the intestinal tract of man and many other animals and to occur regularly in their excretions, and on this account it became of the highest interest and importance to sanitarians, since its presence in water-supplies was regarded as direct evidence of sewage pollution. This organism may be described as a short, usually motile rod, with diameter generally less than one micron and exhibiting no spore formation. It forms thin irregu- lar translucent films upon the surface of gelatin, called "grape-leaf colonies" by the Germans, produces no liquefaction, and gives a wire-nail-like growth in stick cultures. It forms a white translucent layer of character- istic appearance upon agar, produces a more or less abundant, moist, yellovidsh growth on potato, and tur- bidity and some sediment in broth; it ferments dextrose and lactose with the formation of gas of which the ratio is H 2 . . ^^=— , accordmg to most mvestigators; one vanety ' 58 ISOLATION OF THE COLON BACILLUS. 59 ferments saccharose with a gas ratio approaching — , and another does not. As a rule, a strong acid reaction is developed in all sugar-containing media. The or- ganism reduces nitrates to nitrites and sometimes to ammonia. It coagulates casein in Htmus milk, and reduces the litmus with subsequent slow return of the color (red), and forms indol in peptone solution. Many cukures of this organism are fatal to guinea-pigs when • the latter are inoculated subcutaneously with i c.c. of a twenty-four-hour bouillon culture, and most cultures produce death when this amount is inoculated intraperi- toneally. Akhough not a spore-forming bacillus, and in general not possessing great resistance against anti- septic substances, B. coli seems to be less susceptible to phenol than are many other forms, especially certain water-bacteria. The Wurtz litmus-lactose-agar plate (Wurtz, 1892), as noted in Chapter IV, furnishes one ready method for the isolation of B. coU from water, and it was used by Sedg- wick and Mathews for the purpose as early as 1893 (Mathews, 1893). The process is based upon the fact already alluded to, that B. coH readily ferments lactose with the formation of acid. If, therefore, plates are made with agar containing both lactose and litmus, the colon colonies develop as red spots in a blue field. Since or- ganisms other than B. coli may also develop red colonies, it becomes necessary further to examine the red colonies in order to prove that they are made up of colon bacilli. 6o ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. This is clone by fishing from isolated suspicious-looking colonies, replating and inoculating into the usual media for diagnostic work. For success in examining polluted waters by this method it is necessary to get a sufficient dilution so that colonies may be well isolated, and to this end it is advisable that a number of different dilutions be employed, a series of plates being prepared from each. Under any conditions the detection of the colon bacillus is seriously hampered by the development of other forms. Certain observers have therefore added phenol to the agar medium, com- bining the effect of high temperature and an antiseptic to check the growth of water-bacteria. Copeland for this purpose added to his tubes .2 c.c. of a 2% solution of phenol (Copeland, 1901). Chick (Chick, 1900) found that 1.33 parts of phenol in 1000 materially de- creased the number of colon baciUi which would develop, while I part gave very satisfactory results, the plates showing pure cultures of B. coli. The test for the colon bacillus may, however, be made still more dehcate by a prehminary enrichment of the sample by growth in a liquid medium for twenty-four hours at 37°, thus greatly increasing the ■ proportion of these organisms present before plating. As suggested in the classic researches of Theobald Smith (Smith, 1892), this method may be made approximately quantitative by the inoculation of a series of tubes with measured por- tions of the water. If, for example, of ten tubes inocu- lated each with of a cubic centimeter, four show ISOLATION OF THE COLON BACILLUS. 6i the B. coli, we may assume that some 40 of these organ- isms were present to the cubic centimeter. Irons (Irons, 1901), in a comparative study of various methods for the isolation of B. coh, showed that the prehminary enrich- ment frequently gave positive results when the results of the direct use of the agar plate were negative and concluded that " where the waters to be examined are much polluted, or where the amount of B. coH is small and the colony count large, the lactose plate for plating water direct is inferior to the dextrose fermentation- tube." Gage obtained similar results (Gage, 1902). The method of direct plating in phenol-agar is quicker and there is a certain danger that colon baciUi originally present may be overgrown and Idlled out in the enrich- ment process. If the incubation is not too prolonged, however, this need not occur. The medium ordinarily used for the prehminary enrich- ment is ordinary broth to which 2.5 per cent of dextrose has been added, and the reaction brought to the neutral point. Into each of a number of fermentation-tubes of this medium a measured quantity of the water to be examined is inoculated, and the culture is incubated for twenty-four hours at 37.5° C. At the end of this time the tubes are examined for gas formation. If gas is found, a small amount of the culture should be added, after suitable dilution, to htmus lactose agar and plated. With polluted waters it wall be found advantageous to plate out on the first appearance of gas (4-8 hours). It has been shown by one of us (Prescott, 1.902^) that a very 02 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. rapid development of B. coli takes place in the first few hours after dextrose solutions are inoculated with intes- tinal material, and a nearly pure gro^\th of colon baciUi often results, while other bacteria multiply more slowly. With highly polluted waters gas formation wiU probably begin within twelve hours, but with fewer colon bacilli present the duration must be increased. If the period of incubation be too long continued, trouble in the subse- quent steps of the isolation may be encountered because of the overgrowth of B. coli by the sewage streptococci, which are almost invariably present, and which by their greater acid-producing powers may check the growth of the colon bacilli. As has already been stated, phenol has less inhibitory action upon B. coh than upon normal water-bacteria, hence a broth containing this substance may be emplo3^ed for preHminary enrichment; and this medium has been used in place of dextrose broth for many of the studies made in connection with the Chicago drainage canal (Reynolds, 1902). Phenol broth consists of ordinary broth to which o.i per cent phenol is added, and the method of procedure is to add i c.c. of the water to 10 c.c. of the sterihzed phenol broth and incubate at body temperature for twenty-four hours. Litmus-lactose-agar plates are then made and the examination of the red colonies carried on as described for the dextrose-broth method. The dextrose broth furnishes, however, a much more delicate test than the carljol broth when the num- ISOLATION OF THE COLON BACILLUS. 63 ber of colon bacilli present is small, as is clearly shown by the following table from Irons. PROPORTION OF POSITIVE RESULTS IN TESTS OF POLLUTED AND UNPOLLUTED WATERS BY DEXTROSE FERMENTATION-TUBE AND CARBOL-BROTH METHODS. (Irons, 1901.) Dextrose Fermentation- tube. Carbol-broth Method. Polluted waters + - 7 33 31 5 + - 7 38 30 I Relatively unpolluted waters 56 38 25 37 61 21 Furthermore, the dextrose fermentation-tube possesses a second advantage in the fact that a decisive negative test may be obtained within twenty-four hours of the original planting of the sample. If no gas is formed in the tube, we commonly assume that B. coli is absent and carry the examination no farther. When it is desired to examine samples larger than i c.c. for B. coh it becomes necessary to modify the enrichment process by adding the nutrient material to the water instead of the reverse. For this purpose phenol dex- trose broth (consisting of broth with 10 per cent dex- trose, 5 per cent peptone, and .25 per cent phenol) may be added to the sample of water to be enriched as sug- gested by Gage (Gage, 1901). Generally 10 c.c. of the broth is added to 100 c.c. of the water. The sample is then incubated at 37° for twenty-four hours, and if at the end of that time growth has taken place, a cubic centi- 64 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. meter is inoculated into a dextrose tube. If this tube shows gas formation after twenty-four hours at 37°, a lit- mus-lactose-agar plate is made and the other diagnostic tests applied. Our experience has shown that it is not specially advan- tageous to apply the colon test in such large samples, since the significance of B. coli when present in numbers less than i per c.c. is extremely doubtful. On the other hand the danger of overgrowth is greatly increased by this process and negative results may often be obtained when the organisms are really present. Ilunnewell and one of ourselves (Winslow and Hunnewell, 1902'^) found that of 48 samples of certain polluted river waters 18 gave B. coli when i c.c. was inoculated directly into dextrose broth, while in only 4 cases was a positive result obtained after preliminary treatment of 100 c.c. in carbol broth. In 153 samples from presumably unpolluted water B. coli was found 5 times in i c.c. and 11 times by the examination of the larger sample. The authors, therefore, concluded as follows: "It appears evident that the use of large samples in applying the colon test to the sanitary analysis of drink- ing-water is not advantageous. In comparing the results of the tests in i c.c. and in 100 c.c, it will be noted that the proportion of lactose fermenting organisms and of colon bacilU in the unpolluted waters was more than doubled in the latter; thus waters of good quality are more likely to be condemned by the use of large samples. On the other hand, in the polluted waters a considerable propor- ISOLATION OF THE COLON BACILLUS. 65 tion of the colon bacilli originally present were lost during the incubation of the large samples, so that waters of bad quality actually appeared to better advantage by the use of 100 c.c. with preliminary incubation in phenol broth." Similarly Whipple (Whipple, 1903) notes that 2.9 per cent of some samples of water examined by him gave positive tests with .1 c.c. but not with i c.c, while 4.3 per cent gave positive tests with .i c.c. or i c.c. and negative tests vnih. 10 c.c. Again, in another series of samples examined, of those which gave positive samples in smaller portions 5.3 per cent were negative in 10 c,c., 4.7 per cent in ICQ c.c, and 7.7 per cent in 500 c.c In all practical processes of examining water for B. coli one essential step is the isolation of pure cultures upon the litmus-lactose-agar plate, whether the plate be inocu- lated from the water direct or from a preliminary enrich- ment culture. In the first case a measured quantity of water must be added. In the second case, since the enrichment-tube was inoculated with a known amount of water all further work is purely qualitative and it is only necessary to obtain such a number of colonies upon the lactose plate that the isolation of a pure culture shall be easy. In practice the following procedure has been found generally successful. After the dextrose-tubes have been incubated for twelve to twenty- four hours at 37°, from those which show gas, one loopful is carried over to a tube containing 10 c.c of sterile water, and of this water one loopful is taken for the inoculation of the plate. Ordinarily this will give colonies which are sufficiently ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. well separated, but a second plate, inoculated from the dilution water with a straight needle instead of a loop, furnishes a desirable safeguard. The litmus-lactose-agar plates made in this manner should be incubated for from twelve to twenty-four hours at the body temperature (37°), at the end of which time if B. coli is present red colonies upon a blue field will be visible. If a pure culture of B. coH is obtained, the litmus-lactose- agar plate may become blue again after forty-eight hours owing to the formation of amines and ammonia by the action of the bacteria upon the nitrogenous matter present. If the dilution is too low, the resulting colonies will be small and imperfectly developed, making it difficult to be sure of pure cultures for the subsequent tests. A great number of colonies will also prevent the change of reac- tion from acid back to alkaline. Since many bacteria ferment lactose with the formation of acid, it is erroneous to regard all colonies as those of B. coli; in all cases several colonies from each plate should be isolated upon agar streaks and further studied in subculture. In the selection of those red colonies which are to be fished from the litmus-lactose-agar plate the appearance of the growths must be closely noted. A colony of irregu- lar contour, surrounded by a very faint area of reddening, will probably belong to some member of the B. mycoides group (Winslow and Nibecker, 1903); small, compact, bright-red colonies are characteristic of the streptococci, and Gage and Phelps (Gage and Phelps, 1903) have pointed out that of these there are two types, one of a ISOLATION OF THE COLON BACILLUS. 67 brick-red color, and of such consistency as to be readily picked up by the needle-point and the other smaller and of an intense vermiHon color. The colonies of the colon bacillus are usually well formed, pulvinate on the sur- face and fusiform when growing deeper down. The agar streak made from the litmus-lactose-agar plate shows after twenty-four hours certain marked character- istics. The most distinct types are two, the abundant, first translucent, later whitish and cheesy growth, cover- ing nearly the whole surface of the agar, characteristic of B. coli and its allies, and a very faint growth, either con- fined strictly to the streak or made up of faint isolated colonies, dotted here and there over the surface. The latter cultures are typical of the sewage streptococci, and a microscopic examination will generally settle their status at once. Of the more luxuriant growths, some of which are stringy to the needle many will generally prove to be atypical, and if any of the weakly fermenting forms (B. mycoides) are present, a dull wrinkled growth will be produced. Having submitted the sample of suspected water to a preliminary enrichment process, and having isolated pure cultures of suspicious organisms from the Utmus-lactose- agar plate, the third step is the examination of the specific - reactions of the organisms thus obtained. Just what characters to use in defining the "colon bacillus" is a matter of prime importance. The whole question of species among the bacteria is an extremely complex one, since around each definite species are grouped forms ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. differing from the type in one or two of its character- istics. As Whipple says (Whipple, 1903), "The type form of Bacillus coli is one which can be defined within reason- ably narrow limits, but when the organism has been away from its natural habitat for varying periods of time, and has existed under abnormal conditions, its ability to react normally to the usual tests appears to be greatly impaired. Its power to reduce nitrates may be lost, or on the other hand may be increased; its power to produce indol may be lost, or on the other hand, it may be increased; its power to coagulate milk, even, is sometimes reduced, although seldom entirely lost; its power to ferment car- bohydrates may be altered so that the amount of gas obtained in a fermentation-tube, as well as its ratio of H to CO2, is quite abnormal. But in spite of all these facts, the bacillus tested may have been originally a true Bacillus coli." The more of such atypical forms which are included the greater will be the number of positive isolations. At present our definitions must be more or less arbitrary; each observer will consider as true colon baciUi those which fulfil his particular set of tests, and will class as pseudo-colon organisms those which do not. If we find, having established such an arbitrary standard, that the colon bacillus, as determined by it, is found in waters known to be polluted, and not, as a rule, in those Imown to be free from pollution, the sanitarian can afford to ignore the theoretical question of specific values and ISOLATION OF THE COLON BACILLUS. 69 make confident use of the practical test. It is, of course, higlily desirable that some standard set of reactions should be commonly adopted by sanitary bacteriologists; and it is to be hoped that some such uniform scheme may soon be drawn up by the Society of American Bacteriolo- gists or by the American Public Health Association. At present the plan developed by the Massachusetts State Board of Health (Massachusetts State Board of Health, 1899) is most widely prevalent in this countr}^ It in- volves the use of six simple, definite, positive tests — the growth in gelatin, lactose-agar, dextrose broth, milk, nitrate solution, and peptone solution. For recording the results of the various tests applied, the appended blank form has been in use at the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology. On the upper part of the sheet are noted the results of the gelatin count and the Htmus-agar count at 37°. In the second case the number of acid-formers is placed in brackets after the total numbers. The lower Dart is used for the B. coH isolation. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Gelatin-plate cultures. No. colonies Agar-plate cultures at Bacteriological Examination of Water. Sample No. Examined by- Place of collection Date of collection Hour of collection Remarks quantitative analysis. 48 hours per CO. No. colonies per c.c. Average Remarks 24 hours Average Remarks 70 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS. Preliminary fermentation-tube Litmus-lactose-agar plates Agar streak culture Fermentation-tube Nitrate test Milk test Indol reaction Gelatin stab culture Remarks Opposite the words "Preliminary fermentation-tube" the results of the first enrichment test in the five or ten tubes inoculated are recorded by plus or minus signs. Under the columns headed by plus signs the presence or absence of typical red colonies on the litmus-lactose-agar plate is similarly indicated. The third line serves for the results of the microscopic and macroscopic appear- ance of the agar streak. If this gives the proper type of growth and rod-shaped organisms are found, a dex- trose fermentation-tube, a nitrate tube, a milk tube, a peptone tube, and a gelatin stab are inoculated from it. After twenty-four hours incubation at 37°, the first three of these subcultures are examined and the results recorded in the proper columns by plus and minus signs. The amount of gas in the closed arm of the dextrose tube may be conveniently measured by the Frost gasometer (Frost, 1901). Then a few centimeters of strong sodium or potassium hydrate are added and mixed with the broth by cautiously tipping the tube and a second measurement determines the amount of gas absorbed (assumed to be CO2). The gas should first fill from a third to two- ISOLATION OF THE COLON BACILLUS. 71 thirds of the closed ann and about one-third of this should be absorbed. The nitrate tube is tested for nitrites by adding a drop of the following solutions in succession: A . Sulphanillc acid .5 gram Acetic acid (25% sol.) 150.0 c.c. B. Naphthylamine chloride .1 gram Distilled water 20.0 c.c. Acetic acid (25% sol.) 150.0 c.c. A red or violet coloration indicates the presence of nitrites. The milk tube is merely heated to boiling over the free flame; if coagulation occurs the test is considered positive. After seventy-two hours incubation at 37° the peptone solution is examined for indol by adding i c.c. of a .02 per cent solution of sodium or potassium nitrite and i c.c. of a I to I solution of sulphuric acid. Both the tube and the reagents should be cooled on ice before mixing, and the tube should be left in a cool place for an hour after- ward to allow time for the characteristic rose-red color of nitroso-indol to develop. The gelatin tube is kept at 20° for seven days according to the procedure adopted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It seems undesirable in practice to prolong the test much beyond this point, although some slowly liquefying organisms are doubtless included, which would be thrown out by a longer incubation. The extent of this source of error as well as the relative importance of the various other diagnostic tests is weU shown in the following table of 72 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. o +-> c 6 •dno •SjC'EQ oi •[opuj aonpojj; •aqntv-uoii'B^uauua^ •uinog 3onpoj£ •SBQ aonpojj OCO On 00 IT) LO LO O O CO t^co 00 w O CN cs o O O vovo ^ O u^ O O fD tovO 00 O CO W M M N to O OO On O OnOO O W H CS O »0 On OnOO XTi H CM On On LO O w H O O + O 'tJ- w ro vO 00 GO 00 i>-0 + ro M to li-) OOO t-,. r-* LDOO + M 'O O !>. N 00 r^MD O ^ I VO O 00 H I^CO T 00 O^OO O^O 00 O CO ro O ^ O + H tooo NO 00 00 t^NO i/-)NO -uoo ' NO NO O O On ' CO CO Tl- M CO »o I N M 01 U-) ci ho O l-l H M CO O •pat3IuuAi-iina •a^Bitj JBSy zijnjw 3ut -SSBJ suox^Binauuaj AjBunii;iaJd jo ^uaQ J3J 3 o CO O CO ^00 N "d-co O O ON CO O NO vo CO --d- o ■ 00 00 00 o CO in O 0) CO On t^OO NO H to W ^ H CO u I " o ^N4_j fi< W CO C/3 M ISOLATION OF THE COLON BACILLUS. 73 the results obtained at Lawrence during a period of eighteen months. It should be noted that considerable differences often appear in these biochemical reactions between tubes of the same batch of a medium, inoculated with approxi- mately the same amount of the same culture. This has been shown very markedly for the amount of the gas and the proportion of carbon dioxide in the dextrose tube by Fuller and Johnson (Fuller and Johnson, 1899), Penning- ton and Kiisel (Pennington and Kiisel, 1900), Gage (Gage, 1902), and one of ourselves (Winslow, 1903). Variations in the nitrate reduction are often even more marked, one tube, perhaps, showing a strong reaction and another none. In important cases, therefore, it is desirable to inoculate the subcultures in dupHcate. CHAPTER VII. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PRESENCE OF B. COLI IN WATER. Ten years ago the B. coli of Escherich occupied a posi- tion of very great prominence in the eyes of sanitarians. If it was not considered to be in itself a dangerously patho- genic germ, it was at least regarded as a suspiciously close relation of the typhoid organism. At this time, therefore, the alleged presence of either of these forms was quite sufficient to condemn a water-supply. Investigation soon showed, however, that the Bacillus coli was by no means confined to the human intestine. Dyar and Keith (Dyar and Keith, 1893) found it to be the prevailing intestinal form in the cat, dog, hog, and cow. In the goat and rabbit they reported that no single organ- ism was constantly present; and in the case of the horse, the place of the colon bacillus was taken by a new form, described by the authors under the name of B. equi intes- tinalis. About the same time, Fremhn (FremHn, 1893) found colon baciUi in the feces of dogs, mice, and rabbits, but not in those of rats, guinea-pigs, and pigeons. Smith (Smith, 1895) recorded the presence of the same or- ganism, in almost pure cultures, in the intestines of dogs, 74 TEE SIGNIFICANCE OF B. CO LI IN WATER. 75 cats, swine, and cattle ; and he also found it in the organs of fowls and turkeys after death. Brotzu (Brotzu, 1895) reported B. coli and aUied forms as very abundant in the intestine of the dog; and BeHtzer (Belitzer, 1899) still more recently isolated typical colon bacilli from the intestinal contents of horses, cattle, swine, and goats. Russell and Bassett (Russell and Bassett, 1899) stated that studies made by E. B. Hoag in Professor Russell's labora- tory indicated the presence of baciUi of the colon group, fermenting dextrose with a gas formula of f , in the feces of " a considerable number of different species of mam- malia, as well as that of birds, fish, etc.," while similar organisms with the inverted gas formula ^ were con- sidered by the same authors to be characteristic of decom- posing organic matter of vegetable origin, free from sus- picion of fecal contamination. Moore and Wright (Moore and Wright, 1900) recorded the finding of the colon baciUus in the horse, dog, cow, sheep, and hen; and in a later report (Moore and Wright, 1902) they noted its occurrence in swine and in some, but not all, the speci- mens of rabbits examined. In frogs it was not found. Amyot (Amyot, 1902) failed to find B. coH in the intes- tines of 23 fish representing 14 species. The possibihty that colon bacilli may be introduced into unpolluted waters through the agency of fish was considered again by Johnson, in a paper read at the Washington meeting of the American Public Health Association and not yet pubhshed. Colon bacilli were found present in the intestinal tract of fish taken from polluted waters, and 76 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. the conclusion was drawn that the migration of fish from a contaminated stream or lake to an unpolluted one may explain the occasional finding of B. coH in small samples, or the more regular detection of it in large volumes of the water. Many bacteriologists have gone much further and afiirmed that the colon bacillus was not a form character- istic of the intestine at all, but a saprophyte having a wide distribution in nature. The first of this school, perhaps, was Kruse (Kruse, 1894), who in 1894 protested against the arbitrary conclusions drawn from the colon test as then ap- plied. He pointed out that the characters usually observed marked, not a single species, but a large group of organisms. As ordinarily defined, he added, "the Bacterium coli is in no way characteristic of the feces of men or animals. Such bacteria occur everywhere, in air, in earth, and in the water, from the most diJTerent sources." Even if the relations to milk and sugar media be considered, "micro- organisms with these characteristics are also widespread." Dr. Kruse gave no experimental data on which his opinion was based. In the same year Beckmann (Beckmann, 1894) isolated a bacillus which he identified by pretty thorough tests as B. coli from the city water of Strass- burg, a ground- water which he believed could by no pos- sibility be subject to fecal contamination. Large quan- tities of water were used for the isolation. Refik (Refik, 1896) recorded the constant presence of colon baciUi in water of all sorts, public supplies, wells, cisterns, and springs in the neighborhood of Constant!- THE SIGNIFICANCE OF B. COLI IN WATER. 77 nople, but the only characters which these "colon bacilli" exhibited in common were the "classical growth" upon potato, the possession of less than 8 cilia, and the power of active development on certain media upon which the typhoid bacillus did not grow. A more careful and sig- nificant piece of work on the same line was published by Poujol in the succeeding year. 'This author reported (Poujol, 1897) the isolation of B. coli from 22 out of 34 waters studied by him in relation to their use as public suppHes. The waters were from various sources — springs, wells, and rivers — but all were of fair quality and many quite free from any possibihty of contamination. Samples of 100 c.c. were used for analysis; in the only case in which a smaller amount was also tested, broth inoculated with 10 drops of the water and placed at 45° C. remained sterile. The author concluded that "fecal contamination can only exceptionally be invoked to explain the presence of B. coli in water. As the bacteria of the subterranean water are contributed to it from the surface of the earth by the water which filters downward, I am rather inclined to believe in a general diffusion of B. coli either on the surface of the earth, where it might be deposited with the dust of the air, or in the superficial layers of the earth, which may form one of its normal habitats." Therefore, the author considered that caution should be exercised in condemning a water on account of the presence of B. coli, except, as he added, "for those cases where it exists in considerable quantity." Certain ItaHan observers appear to have come to even 78 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. less conservative conclusions. Abba (Abba, 1895) found colon bacilli constantly present in certain unpolluted waters near Turin. Moroni (Moroni, 1898; Moroni, 1899) reported the examination of numerous deep and shallow wells and unpolluted springs about Parma, as well as of the public water-supply of the city, for the colon bacillus and concluded that that organism was a water form and had no sanitary significance. The characters used for the identification of the species in this case were fairly exhaustive, but both Abba and Moroni used liter samples for analysis. Levy and Bruns (Levy and Bruns, 1899) gave a new turn to the discussion by emphasizing the importance of animal inoculation, already suggested by Blachstein (Blach- stein, 1893) and others. They claimed that the existence of numerous para-colon and para-typhoid organisms in air, in dust, and in unpolluted water made it impossible to decide by ordinary bacteriological methods whether true colon bacilli were present in water or not. In no case, how- ever, did representatives of the colon group isolated by them from water kill a guinea-pig, even when i or 2 c.c. were injected intraperitoneally; and the authors, there- fore, considered pathogenicity as an attribute belonging only to the true B. coU of the intestine. This paper aroused Professor Kruse's pupil, Weissenfeld, to a pub- lication, in which the position of the Bonn school was carried to an extreme. Weissenfeld reported (Weissenfeld, 1900) the analysis of 30 samples of water supposedly pure, and of 26 samples considered to be contaminated. In THE SIGNIFICANCE OF B. COLI IN WATER. 79 each case a single centimeter sample was first incubated in Parietti broth, and if no growth occurred, larger samples of half a hter or a liter were examined. Colon bacilli were found in all the samples examined; and the patho- genicity varied independently of the source of the water.^ The author concluded that "the so-called Bacterium coli may be found in waters from any source, good or bad, if only a sufficiently large quantity of the water be taken for analysis." In the first place it should be noted that the characters used by this investigator for defining the "so-called Bacterium coli" were absolutely inadequate. He classed under that head all bacilli of medium size, which formed grapevine-leaf colonies on gelatin and gas in sugar agar, which were more or less motile, or rarely non-motile, and which were decolorized by the Gram method. As regards coagulation of milk and formation of indol, "the bacteria isolated differed." In the second place it is difficult to see how the author could possibly have beheved that his experiments proved the isolation of the colon bacillus to be "useless as an aid in the sanitary examination of water," as the title of the paper runs. Even his own work furnishes strong evi- dence to the contrary. In 24 of the 26 samples from bad sources, he isolated his imperfectly defined colon bacilH from I c.c. of the water, while in only 8 of the 30 samples of good waters could he find such organisms in that quantity. Of a series of 47 cultures of actic-acid bacteria ' Confirmed by Savage (Savage, 1903,. »o ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. recently examined by one of ourselves (Prescott, 1902 ^; Prescott, 1903) 25 were found to give the reactions of B. coli. These organisms were isolated chiefly from cereals and products of milling, such as flour, bran, corn-meal, oats, barley, etc., while others were in technical use for producing the lactic fermentation. There is no evidence that any of these organisms were of intestinal origin, and yet they possess all the characters of typical colon bacilli, even to the pathogenic action when inoculated into guinea-pigs. These results explain the results of Klein and Houston (Klein and Houston, 1900), who reported the finding of typical colon bacilli in 3 out of 24 samples of wheat and oats obtained from a wholesale house; rice, flour, and oat- meal bought at two different retail shops gave B. coU on all three cereals in i case and on none in the other. In Germany, Papasotiriu (Papasotiriu, 1901) was meanwhile carrying on almost exactly similar inves- tigations to Prescott's, with identical results. What then does a colon test prove? Obviously (i) the presence of a colon bacillus which has come directly from the intestine of some animal, or (2) of a colon bacillus which has come indirectly from an animal, or (3) of a saprophytic "lactic-acid bacillus" which gives the same biochemical reactions. This immediately raises the interesting questions. Is it possible that the lactic-acid bacilh have been indirectly derived from animal intes- tines, having "escaped from cultivation," as the botanists say? Or is the converse true, namely, that all colon bacilli are simply lactic-acid bacteria which have found THE SIGNIFICANCE OF B. COLI IN WATER. 8i in the warm intestinal canal richly supplied with food a favorable habitat ? The answer to these questions is of much theoretical interest, but need not be further considered here. The practical sanitary conclusions to be drawn are as foUpws: 1. Bacteria corresponding in every way to B. coli are by no means confined to animal intestines, but are widely distributed elsewhere in nature. " 2. The finding of a few colon bacilli in large samples of water, or its occasional discovery in small samples, does not necessarily have any special significance. 3- The detection of B. coh in a large proportion of small samples (i c.c. or less) examined is imperatively required as an indication of recent sewage pollution. 4. The number of colon baciUi in water rather than their presence should be used as a criterion of recent sewage pollution. With these qualifications the value of the colon test was never more firmly estabhshed than it is to-day. Whether or not originally a domesticated form, it is clear that the colon bacillus finds in the intestine of the higher vertebrates an environment better suited to its growth and multiplication than any other which occurs in nature It IS almost certain that the only way in which large numbers of these organisms gain access to natural waters IS by pollution with the domestic, industrial, and agri- cultural wastes of human life. If pollution has been recent, colon baciUi will be found in comparatively smaU samples of the waters. If pollution has been remote the 82 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. number of colon bacilli will be small, since there is good evidence that the majority of intestinal bacteria die from exposure in cold water. If derived from cereals or the intestines of wild animals the number will be insignificant except in the vicinity of great grain-fields or when the water receives refuse from grist-mills, tanneries, dairies, or lactic-acid factories. The first recognition of the necessity for a quantitative estimation of colon bacilli in water we owe to Dr. Smith, who in 1892 (Smith, 1893^) outlined a plan for such a study to be made by the New York Board of Health on the Mohawk and Hudson Rivers. Burri (Burri, 1895) pointed out that the use of so large a sample as a liter for exam- ination would lead to the condemnation of many good waters. Freudenreich (Freudenreich, 1895) at the same time indicated the necessity for taking into account the number of colon bacilli present. He recorded the isolation of the organism from unpolluted wells, when as large a quantity of water as 100 c.c. was used, and concluded that it was entirely absent only from waters of great purity and present in large numbers only in cases of high pollu- tion. This author also quoted Miquel as having found colon baciUi in almost every sample of drinking-water if only a sufficient portion were taken for analysis, but gave no reference. The practical results of the application of the colon test from this standpoint have always proved most instruc- tive. As originally outUned by Dr. Smith, it consisted in the inoculation of a series of dextrose tubes with small THE SIGNIFICANCE OF B. COLI IN WATER. 83 portions of water, tenths or hundredths of the cubic centi- meter. It was first used by Brown (Brown, 1893) in 1892 for the New York State Board of Heahh, and its results showed from 22 to 92 fecal bacteria per c.c. in the water of the Hudson River at the Albany intake, and from 3 to 49 at various points in the Mohawk River between Amster- dam and Schenectady. In some previous work at St. Louis, the colon bacilli in the Mississippi River were found to vary from 3 to 7 per c.c. Hammerl (Hammerl, 1897) used the presence of Bacillus coU as a criterion of self-purification in the river Mur. He considered, in spite of the position taken by Kruse, that when a water contained large numbers of colon bacilli, as well as an excess of bacteria in general, it might be considered to be contaminated by human or animal excre- ment. As, however, the organism would naturally be pres-ent in large quantities of such a water as that of the Mur, he used no enrichment process, but made plate cul- tures direct; he defined the B. coli as a small bacillus, non-motile or but feebly motile, growing rapidly at 37° C.,' coagulating milk and forming gas in sugar media. In general, Hammerl failed to find colon bacilU in the river by this method, except immediately below the various towns situated upon it; at these points of pollution he discovered a few colon colonies upon his plates not more than 4 to 6 per c.c. of the water. He concluded that "the Bacterium coH, even when it is added to a stream m great numbers, under certain circumstances disappears very rapildy, so that it can no longer be detected 84 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. in the examination of small portions of the water." It should be noted that Hammerl's method was much less delicate than the use of the dextrose tube for preliminary incubation. A very important series of observations carried out in England by the bacteriologists of the local government board has led to similar conclusions. Dr. Houston in particular (Houston, i8g8; Houston, 1899^; Houston, igoo^) made an elaborate series of examinations of soils from various sources to see whether the microbes con- sidered to be characteristic of sewage could gain access to water from surface washings free from human con- tamination. In the three papers pubhshed on this sub- ject the examination of 46 soils was recorded. In only 10 of the samples was B. coli found, and of these 10, 9 were obviously polluted, being derived from sewage fields, freshly manured land, or the mud-banks of sewage-pol- luted rivers. The author finally concluded that "as a matter of actual observation, the relative abundance of B. coh in pure and impure substances is so amazingly different as to lead us to suspect that not only does B. coli not flourish in nature under ordinary conditions, but that it tends to even lose its vitahty and die." " In brief, I am strongly of opinion that the presence of B. coH in any num- ber, whether in soil or in water, impHes recent pollution of animal sort." Pakes (Pakes, 1900) stated on the strength of an examination of "about 300 different samples of water," no particulars being pubhshed, that water from a deep weU should not contain B. coli at all, but that water THE SIGNIFICANCE OF B. COLI IN WATER. 85 from other sources need not be condemned unless the organism was found in 20 c.c. or less. When colon bacilli were found in only greater quantities than 100 c.c. the water might be considered as probably safe. Horrocks (Horrocks, 1901), after a general review of English prac- tice, concluded that "when a water-supply has been recently polluted with sewage, even in a dilution of one in one hundred thousand, it is quite easy to isolate the B. coH from I c.c. of the water." "I would say that a water which contained B. coh so sparingly that 200 c.c. required to be tested in order to find it had probably been polluted with sewage, but the contamination was not of recent date." Chick (Chick, 1900) found 6100 colon bacilli per c.c. in the Manchester ship canal, 55-190 in the pol- luted River Severn, and numbers up to 65,000 per gram in roadside mud. On the other hand, of 38 unpolluted streams and rivulets, 31 gave no Bacillus coH and the other 7 gave i per c.c. or less. The Liverpool tap water, snow, rain, and hail gave no colon bacilli. In the United States the colon test has been exten- sively apphed during the last few years to certain pol- luted river- waters, in particular with the view of measuring the purification attained by sand fikration and that naturally occurring during the flow of a stream. A fairly good idea has thus been obtained of the numerical dis- tribution of the B. coh in the larger rivers. Fuller (Ful- ler. 1899), for example, recorded the presence of colon baciUi in 60 per cent of the i-c.c. samples taken from the Ohio at Cincinnati. When this water was passed through 86 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. either slow sand or mechanical filters, the effluent gave positive results about one-half the time in samples of 50 CO. The last three reports of the Massachusetts State Board of Health contain reports of the abundance of B. coli in a more highly polluted stream, the Merrimac at Lawrence. In 1898 (Massachusetts State Board of Health, 1899) the number of organisms found by making litmus-lactose-agar plates directly and inspecting the colonies varied from 20 per c.c. in May and June to 92 per c.c. in August and September, the average for the year being 47. Of 117 samples of the water which had passed through the city filter, only 9 showed the organism in a single colony. In 1899 (Massachusetts State Board of Health, 1900) the study was considerably extended. The average num- ber of colon bacilli in the river at the intake of the filter was again 47, and in only i sample out of 180 was it absent ; below the city at the Lawrence Experiment Station the additional pollution raised the average number to 103. The effluent as it came directly from the filter showed B. coli in 24 per cent of the cubic centimeters examined, but at the outlet of the reservoir, the proportion had fallen to 7 per cent and at the Experiment Station, after passage through the distribution pipes, to only 4 per cent. The results obtained in the next year, 1900, were prac- tically the same, but parallel tests were made in a larger volume of water by incubating with the addition of phenol THE SIGNIFICANCE OF B. COLI IN WATER. 87 broth. The results of these comparative tests may be tabulated as follows: Percentage of Samples of Water containing B. coli. lawrence experiment station (massachusetts state board oj- HEALTH, igoi). Effluent o£ Outlet of Tap, Tap, Experiment Filter. Reservoir. City Hall. Station. In I c.c 18.14 8.57 4.07 1.87 Iniooc.c 38.12 23.30 15.54 15.54 It appeared that the use of the larger volume of water gave very httle additional information, and indeed the real difference between the waters examined is rather obscured by the use of the large samples. In 1900 Clark and Gage (Clark and Gage, 1900) re- ported some specially instructive observations made when certain of the underdrains of the Lawrence municipal water-fiher were relaid in the autumn of 1898. In doing this work the sand on some of the beds was seriously disturbed; and in December, after the work was com- pleted, B. coli was found in i c.c. of the filtered efflu- ent in 72 per cent of the samples examined. In Janu- ary and February the organisms were found in 54 per cent and 62 per cent of the samples, respectively, while in March the number fell to a normal value of 8 per cent. Corresponding to this excess of B. coU in the city water, there were 12 cases of typhoid fever in December, 59 cases in January, 12 in February, and 9 in March, all during the early part of the month. The authors conclude that " when filtering a river-water as polluted as that of the ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. Merrimac, it is safe to assume that when B. coh is found only infrequently in i c.c. of the effluent the typhoid germs, necessarily fewer in number and more easily removed by the filter, have been eliminated from the water." Another interesting contribution to this question was made by the Massachusetts State Board of Health (Massachusetts State Board of Health, 1901) in connec- tion with the examination of the spring-waters bottled for sale in the State. Ninety-nine springs were included in this study; and in almost every instance 4 samples were examined, 2 taken directly from the spring by the engineers of the board and 2 from the bottles as delivered for sale to the public. In the water of one spring B. coli was found twice, once in a sample from the spring and once in the bottled sample. This spring was situated in woodland, but was unprotected from surface drainage, and the method of filling bottles sub- jected it to possible contamination. In 5 other cases B. coli was found once in the sample from the spring; all were subject to pollution from dwellings or cultivated fields, and 4 of the 5 were shown to be highly contam- inated, chemically. In 7 other cases B. coU was found in the bottled samples alone ; 3 of these sources were of high purity, but the bottling process furnished opportunity for contamination. Probably the most elaborate application of the colon test which has ever been attempted was made by Jordan in his recent examinations of the fate of the Chicago sew- age in the Desplaines and Illinois Rivers. At one time THE SIGNIFICANCE OF B. COLI IN WATER. 89 Professor Jordan was himself somewhat sceptical as to the value of the colon test, "for he stated in 1890 (Jordan, 1890) that he had found, "in spring- water which was beyond any suspicion of contamination, bacteria which in form, size, growth on gelatin, potato, etc., were indis- tinguishable from B. coli commune." In his recent studies of self-purification (Jordan, 1901) the analyses were made quantitative by the examination of numerous measured samples, fractions of the cubic centimeter; and the method employed was the enrichment either in dex- trose-broth fermentation- tubes or in phenol broth, vidth the subsequent maldng of litmus-lactose-agar plates. The cultures isolated on these plates were tested as to their behavior in dextrose broth, peptone solution, milk, and gelatin; of the dextrose tubes made directly from the water all were considered positive which gave more than 20 per cent gas in the closed arm, with an appreciable excess of hydrogen. The results were very significant. In fresh sewage a positive result was obtained about one-third of the time in one one-hundred-thousandth of a cubic centimeter and almost constantly in one ten- thousandth of a cubic centimeter. The Illinois and Michigan canal proved almost as bad, giving positive results on seven days out of twenty-eight in dilution of one in one hundred thousand and on twenty-eight days out of thirty-two in a dilution of one in ten thousand. At Morris, twenty-seven miles below Lockport, where the canal enters the bed of the Desplaines River, and nine miles below the entrance of the Kankakee, the principal 9° ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. diluting factor, the numbers were so reduced that positive results were obtained only on eleven days out of twenty in one-thousandth of a cubic centimeter, on twenty days out of thirty in one-hundredth of a cubic centimeter, and on twenty days out of twenty-three in one-tenth of a cubic centimeter. At Averyville, one hun- dred and fifty-nine miles below Chicago, colon bacilli were isolated on only four days out of twenty-seven in one- tenth of a cubic centimeter, and on thirteen days out of thirty-one in one cubic centimeter. A comparison with certain neighboring rivers showed this to be about the normal value for waters of that character, as the following table extracted from Professor Jordan's paper vidll show. NtTMBER OF B. COLI PRESENT IN CERTAIN RIVER WATERS. (Jordan, igoi.) No. Days No. Days No. Days No. Day SoTirce of Sample. Water B. CoH Water B. Colt Examined. Found. Examined. Found. Illinois River, Averyville. .. - 27 4 31 13 Mississippi River, Grafton. • 34 10 35 23 22 2 23 6 - 25 27 21 - 32 13 31 21 These results harmonize rather closely with those pre- viously recorded by Brown and Fuller and indicate that in the larger rivers where the proportionate pollution is not extreme, colon baciUi may be isolated in about half the I -c.c. samples examined. Such rivers are of course inadmissible as sources of water-supply, according to modern sanitary standards, unless subjected to pre- liminary treatment. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF B. CO LI IN WATER. 9 1 More recently Hunnewell and one of ourselves (Wins- low and Hunnewell, 1902 examined a considerable series of normal waters for B. coli, testing i c.c. from each by the dextrose-broth method and a larger portion of 100 c.c. by incubation with phenol broth as described in Chapter VI. The samples were obtained from the public supplies of Taunton, Boston, Cam- bridge, Braintree, Brookline, Needham, and Lynn in Massachusetts, and of Newport, R. I., from the Sudbury River, from the ocean, from the waters of springs bottled for the market, from ponds, pools of rain and melted snow, springs, brooks, shallow wells, and driven wells in various towns near the city of Boston. For comparison 50 samples of polluted waters from the Charles, Mystic, Neponset, and North Rivers were examined. The colon bacillus was defined as outlined in Chapter VI; and organisms which lacked the power t-o reduce nitrates or to form indol were classed in the "Paracolon group." The results are summarized in the following table : Presence of B. Coli in Polluted and Unpolluted Waters. (Winslow and Hunnewell, 1902''.) UNPOLLUTED WATERS. Samples examined. .... Dextrose broth positive Lactose plate positive.. Colon group Paracolon group B. cloaciE group Streptococcus group. . . I c.c. ■ IS7 . 40 ■ 13 • 5 • S 3 153 76 31 II 5 S 92 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. POLLUTED WATERS. I c.c. loo c.c. Samples examined 50 48 Dextrose broth positive 50 37 Lactose plate positive 50 26 Colon group 18 4 Paracolon group 6 Streptococcus group 25 22 B. cloacae i The authors pointed out that these tables indicate that bacteria capable of growth at the body temperature and fermenting dextrose and lactose are infrequently found in unpolluted waters, and colon bacilH are very rarely present, since in 157 samples typical colon bacilH only appeared 5 times. In the polluted waters it is evident that colon bacilli originally present were in many cases killed out during the process of enrichment by the strep- tococci, since every one of the dextrose-broth tubes showed gas at the first incubation of i c.c. The latest important contribution to this subject comes from Dantzic. Petruschky and Pusch (Petruschky and Pusch, 1903) examined a considerable series of waters from different sources by incubating measured samples with equal amounts of nutrient broth and isolating upon agar. In 45 samples of well-waters they found B. coU 7 times in .01 c.c, 9 times in .1 c.c, and 7 times in i cc In the other 22 cases it could not be found in i c.c. and in 4 cases not in 100 c.c. One sample showed it only in .600 c.c and i not in 750 c.c. Of 29 river-waters, only 2 failed to give positive results in .1 c.c. and 14 showed B. coh in .001 of a c.c. or less. In sewage the number varied from THE SIGNIFICANCE OF B. CO LI IN WATER. 93 I to 1,000,000 per c.c. The authors conclude that a quantitative estimation of the B. coli content furnishes a good measure of the fecal pollution of water and that the observed differences in the extent of B. coli contam- ination of surface-waters are so great that they differ from each other more than a million- fold. Altogether the evidence is quite conclusive that the absence of B. coh demonstrates the harmlessness of a water as far as bacteriology can prove it. That when present, its numbers form a reasonably close index of the amount of pollution the authors above quoted have proved beyond reasonable cavil. It may safely be said that when the colon bacillus, as defined by the tests above, is found in such abundance as to be isolated in a large proportion of cases from i c.c. of water, it is reason- able proof of the presence of serious pollution, a view which is to-day accepted by most American bacteriolo- gists. CHAPTER VIII. PRESUMPTIVE TESTS FOR B. COLI. The isolation and identification of B, coli by the methods which have been described is a time-consuming and laborious operation, and one sometimes impossible to apply in the practical supervision of a water-supply. Hence it is of especial value to the engineer to have certain tests which may be easily and quicldy carried out and which will give a probably correct idea as to whether pollution does or does not exist. Such tests are spoken of as "presumptive tests." If positive, the water showing such a test may be regarded as suspicious, but must be further examined to prove the presence of fecal bacteria. If the presumptive test is negative, no further examina- tion need be made. Of the cultural reactions required to establish the identity of the colon bacillus, the growth and gas formation in dextrose broth, as originally sug- gested by Smith (1893^) is so well marked and so strongly typical of B. coH that this medium may be most con- veniently used as a " presumptive test." The details of the operation vary in individual labora- tories, but the underlying principle in all is that B. coli develops rapidly in dextrose broth v^dth gas formation of 94 PRESUMPTIVE TESTS FOR B. COLL 95 from 25 to 70 per cent of the capacity of the closed arm of the fermentation- tube. Of this gas approximately one-third is carbon dioxide and two-thirds hydrogen, . H 2 that is, as the gas formula is generally expressed, -qq= ~- In testing a water by this method a series of samples of the water, in suitable dilution, .001, .01, .1, i.o, or 10 c.c, is added directly to the dextrose-broth tubes and incu- bated for twenty- four hours at 37°. On measurement of the gas, if the results above given are obtained, the reaction is considered typical. If the amount of gas is between 10 and 25 per cent or more than 70 per cent, or if the percentage of carbon dioxide is greater than 40, the reaction is considered atypical. If no gas forms, or less than 10 per cent, the test is called negative. It is recognized that the distinction is not absolute, since even pure cultures of B. coli sometimes fail to give typical reactions, and on the other hand, an atypical organism sometimes gives a satisfactory positive test. There can be little question, however, as to its value to the sanitary engineer. In recent years, Irons (Irons, 1901) was perhaps the first to call attention to the value of this method, stating that "when the dextrose tube yields approximately 33 per cent of CO2 Bacillus coH communis is almost invariably present." In the next year the reliabiHty of the fermentation test as an indication of B. coli was worked out by Gage (Gage, 1902) as given in the follow- ing table. 96 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. Number of samples tested " giving preliminary fermentation. Per cent of latter proved to contain coli. . I c.c. 5^72 1036 70 100 c.c, 1375 474 71 The work of Hunnewell and one of ourselves (Wins- low and Hunnewell, 1902^) showed that while 50 samples of polluted waters all gave gas in the dextrose tube, only 40 out of 157 samples from presumably unpolluted sources showed a similar fermentation. Whipple (Whipple, 1903) examined a large number of surface-water supplies by the "presumptive test" and obtained striking results, shown in the following table. The waters are arranged in six groups according to the results of sanitary inspec- tion, group I including waters collected from almost uninhabitated watersheds and group VI waters too much polluted to be safely used for domestic purposes. PERCENTAGE OF SAMPLES OF WATERS OF VARIOUS SANITARY GRADES GIVING POSITIVE TESTS FOR B. COLI WHEN DIFFERENT AMOUNTS WERE EXAMINED. (Whipple. 1903.) Group. I. IL III.. IV- V. 10 c.c. 100 c.c. 500 c.c. 0.0 3-S 20.8 50.0 50.0 S-o 7-3 15.0 60.0 60.0 0.0 7.0 50.0 50.0 60.0 4.0 6.8 41.7 67.0 75 -o 5.0 13.0 75-0 100.0 100.0 20.2 7S-0 80.0 100.0 In view of these results Whipple suggests the foUowing provisional scheme of interpretation, which seems to the authors to be, in general, sound. PRESUMPTIVE TESTS FOR B. COLI. 97 Sanitary Quality. Presumptive Test for Bacillus CoU. lOO C.C. Safe 0 0 o 0 + Reasonably safe o 0 0 + + Questionable o o + + + Probably unsafe o + + + + Un.safe + + + + + Results harmonizing well with the above were obtained by Nibecker and one of us (Winslow and Nibecker, 1903), as quoted in Chapter IV. Of 775 dextrose tubes inocu- lated from 259 samples of water from apparently unpol- luted sources, only 41 showed gas and only 3 gave the gas formula characteristic of B. coH. The Htmus-lactose-agar plate furnishes another pre- sumptive test of considerable value as indicated in Chap- ter IV, aUhough it is probably less deUcate than the dex- trose-broth method. With polluted waters in particular this test will be found of value, since streptococci may interfere with the dextrose-broth method if dilution is insufficient or incubation too prolonged. Certain special media have also been suggested for rapid routine water analysis of which those containing " neutral red," one of the safranine dyes, has been most fully studied. Rothberger (Rothberger, 1898) first pointed out that B. coH reduces solutions of this substance, the color changing to canary-yellow accompanied by green fluorescence. MakgiU (MakgiU, 1901), Savage (Savage, 1901), and other English observers report favorable 98 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. results from the use of this test, but according to Ameri- can standards, Irons (Irons, 1902) and Gage and Phelps (Gage and Phelps, 1903) concmde that the group of organisms giving a positive neutral red reaction is too large a one to give very valuable sanitary information. In a paper read at the Washington meeting of the Ameri- can PubUc Health Association in 1903, Stokes suggested a modification of this medium in which lactose is sub- stituted for dextrose, since many saprophytic organisms will attack the latter and not the former sugar. The medium devised by MacConkey (MacConkey, 1900; MacConkey, 1901; MacConkey and Hill, 1901) containing sodium taurocholate as its characteristic ingredient has also proved successful in the hands of some observers. The dextrose fermentation-tube, how- ever, is the only presumptive test whose value has been estabhshed by conclusive general investigations. CHAPTER IX. OTHER INTESTINAL BACTERIA. It would be an obvious advantage if the evidence of sewage contamination, furnished by the presence of B. coU could be reinforced or confirmed by the discovery in water of other forms equally characteristic of the intestinal canal. The attention of a few bacteriologists in England and America has been turned strongly in this direction during the past few years; and two groups of organisms, the sewage streptococci and the anaerobic spore-bearing bacilli, have been described as being probably significant. The term "sewage streptococci" covers an ill-defined group including many organisms which do not actually occur in well-marked chains. Those most commonly found correspond, however, rather closely to the type of Str. erysipelatos. They grow feebly on the surface of ordinary nutrient agar, producing faint transparent, rounded colonies, but under semi-anaerobic conditions flourish better, giving a well-marked growth along the gelatin stab and only a small circumscribed film on the surface. They are favored by the presence of the sugars and ferment dextrose and lactose, with the formation of abundant acid but no gas. They are seen under the 99 lOO ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. microscope as cocci, occurring as a rule in pairs, short chains, or irregular groups. They do not show visible growth in the standard peptone and nitrate solutions; most of them do not Uquefy gelatin, though occasion- ally forms are found which possess this power. No sys- tematic study of the various species found in the intes- tine has so far been made, and at present all cocci giving the characteristic growth on agar and strongly fermenting ' lactose may be included as " sewage streptococci." Although the significance of the streptococci as sewage organisms is not established with the same definiteness which marks our knowledge of the colon group, these organisms have been isolated so frequently and with such constant results that it now seems reasonable to regard their presence as indicative of pollution. Although orig- inally reported by Laws and Andrewes (Laws and Andrewes, 1894), their importance was not emphasized until 1899 and 1900, when Houston (Houston, 1899'', 1900'') laid special stress upon the fact that streptococci and staphylococci seem to be characteristic of sewage and animal waste, the former being, in his opinion, the more truly indicative of dangerous pollution, since they are " readily demonstrable in w.aters recently polluted and seemingly altogether absent from waters above suspicion of contamination." In the water of 6 rivers recently extensively sewage-polluted he found streptococci in from one-tenth to one ten-thousandth of a c.c. of the water examined, although in some cases the chemical analysis did not clearly indicate dangerous pollution. On the OTHER INTESTINAL BACTERIA. lOi Other hand, 8 rivers, polluted, but not recently and exten- sively polluted, showed no streptococci in one-tenth of a c.c, although the chemical and the ordinary bacteriological tests gave results which would condemn the waters. Hor- rocks (Horrocks, 1901) found these organisms in great abundance in sewage and in waters known to be sewage- polluted, but which contained no traces of Bacillus coli. He found by experiment that B. coli gradually disappeared from many specimens of sewage kept in the dark at the temperature of an outside veranda, while the commonest forms which persisted were varieties of streptococci and staphylococci. In America attention was j&rst called to these organisms by Hunnewell and one of ourselves (Winslow and Hunne- well, 1902''), and the same authors later (Winslow and Hunnewell, 1902'') recorded the isolation of streptococci from 25 out of 50 samples of polluted waters. Gage (Gage, 1902), from the Lawrence Experiment Station has reported the organisms present in the sewage of that city, while one of us (Prescott, 1902'') has shown that they are abundant in fecal matter and often overgrow B. coU in a few hours when inoculations are made from such material into dextrose broth. In the recent mono- graph of Le Gros (Le Gros, 1902) of the many strep- tococci described all without exception were isolated, either from the body or from sewage. In the study of 259 samples of presumably unpolluted waters, by the method of direct plating, Nibecker and one of the authors (Winslow and Nibecker, 1903) found streptococci in 102 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. only I sample, while Baker and one of us (Prescott and Baker, 1904) found the organism present in each of 50 samples of variously polluted waters when inoculation was first made into dextrose broth from which Htmus- lactose-agar plates were made after various intervals. The isolation of these organisms either from plates or liquid cultures is easy. On the lactose-agar plate, made directly from a polluted water the colonies of the strep- tococci may generally be distinguished from those of other acid-formers by their small size, compact structure, and deep-red color, which is permanent, never changing to blue at a later period of incubation as the colonies of B. coli may do. Developing somewhat slowly, however, they may be overlooked if present only in small numbers. In the dextrose-broth tube, streptococci will appear in abun- dance after a suitable period of incubation. Prescott and Baker in the work above mentioned found that with mixtures of B. coli and streptococci in which the initial ratios of the latter to the former varied from i : 94 to 208 : i , the colon bacilli developed rapidly during the early part of the experiment, reaching a maximum after about fourteen hours and then diminishing rapidly, while the streptococci first became apparent after ten to fifteen hours and reached their maximum after twenty to sixty hours, according to the number originally present. Applying the same method to polluted waters, similar periodic changes were observed; pure cultures of B. coli were first obtained, then the gradual displacement of one form by the other took place, and at length streptococci OTHER INTESTINAL BACTERIA. 103 were either present in pure culture or in great predomi- nance as shown by the accompanying tables. The samples of water were plated directly upon litmus-lactose-agar and he plates were incubated at 37° for twenty-four hours, when the red colonies were counted. At the time of plating, I c.c. from each sample was also inoculated into dextrose broth in fermentation-tubes, which were likewise incu- bated at 37°. After various periods, as indicated by the tables below, the tubes were shaken thoroughly and i c.c. of the contents withdrawn. This was then diluted (generally 1-1,000,000) with sterile water, plated with Table I. RELAXn^E GROWTH OF B. COLI AND SEWAGE STREPTOCOCCI FROM POLLUTED WATERS IN DEXTROSE BROTH. (Prescott and Baker, 1904.) Sample Number I a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Red colonies developing from I c.c. of original sample on litmus-lac- 4 0 ID 20 9 5 8 55 35 460 1230 105 410 0 410 Number found, in millions per cubic centime- ter, after' growth in dextrose broth for various periods . . II hrs. B. coli 68.4 200 185 400 130 332 420 Strept. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 hrs. B. coU 200 76 130 270 220 210 140 430 285 Strept. 40 20 10 45 30 20 210 75 145 23 hrs. B. coli 280 150 385 370 300 570 200 405 320 300 Strept. 140 8s 280 170 300 1 700 110 350 370 3SO 30 hrs. hrs. B. coli 0 0 25 iioj 0 210 20 24 105 Strept. 474 420 480 300 390 1 70 400 105 2S0 B. coli 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 2 2 8 0 0 0 Strept. 2 0 10 0 0 45 45 150 86 170 First gas noted after (hrs) . 10 9 10 8 10 6 6 8 I04 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. Table II. RELATIVE GROWTH OF B. COLI AND SEWAGE STREPTOCOCCI FROM POLLUTED WATERS IN DEXTROSE BROTH. (Prescott and Baker, 1904.) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S Red colonies developing from i c.c. 1 of original sample on litmus-lac- V I ISO 2S 30 SO 170 200 30 Number found, in millions per cubic centimeter, after, growth in dextrose broth for various 7 hrs. B. coU .04 . 1 2 • 55 I . 0 Strept. 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 hrs. B. coli 266 100 88 3SO Sio 380 330 160 Strept. ISO 0 40 140 240 128 80 220 27 hrs. B. coH 520 610 72 700 1000 740 100 300 Strept. 800 860 670 1080 2500 4380 3900 40 hrs. B. coli 0 0 10 22 36 7 7 Strept. 252 330 260 22 66 60 S2 52 hrs. B. coli 10 16 38 20 70 3S 10 27 Strept. 40 16 3.8 31 41 2S 10 30 litmus-lactose-agar in the usual way, and incubated for twenty-four hours. The colonies of B. coli and strep- tococci were distinguished microscopically, and by differ- ence in color and general characters. These facts suggest the following method for the detec- tion of B. coli and sewage streptococci in polluted waters. Inoculate the desired quantity of water, preferably i c.c, into dextrose broth, in a fermentation-tube, and incubate at 37°. After a few hours' incubation examine the cul- tures for gas. Within two or three hours after gas for- mation is first evident, plate from the broth in litmus- lactose-agar, incubating for twelve to eighteen hours at OTHER INTESTINAL BACTERIA. 105 37°, If at the end of this time no acid-producing colonies are found, it is probably safe to assume that there were no colon bacilli present. On the other hand, if red colonies are developed, these must be further examined by the regular diagnostic tests for B. coH. After the first plating from the dextrose broth, replace the fermentation-tube in the incubator and allow it to remain for twenty-four to thirty-six hours, then plate again in litmus-lactose-agar. This plating should give a nearly pure culture of strep- tococci if these organisms were originally present in the water. If colon bacilli are not found in the first set of plates the streptococci may still be isolated by this method. The relative relation of the streptococci and the colon bacilU to sewage pollution is still uncertain. Houston (Houston, 1900) held that the former microbes imply " animal pollution of extremely recent and therefore specially dangerous kind." Horrocks (Horrocks, 1901), on the other hand, maintains, largely on the strength of certain experiments with stored sewage, that the strep- tococci persist after colon bacilU have disappeared and indicate contamination with old sewage which is not necessarily dangerous. On the whole, it seems probable that the streptococci, like the colon bacilli, are primarily parasitic organisms, the former being associated both with the outer and inner surfaces of the body. Like the ' colon bacilli, their presence in water indicates contact with the wastes of human Hfe, and their isolation from a suspected sample furnishes valuable confirmatory evi- dence of its dangerous character. Io6 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. The English bacteriologists have ascribed much impor- tance as indicators of sewage pollution to another group of organisms, the anaerobic spore-forming bacilli, of which the B. sporogenes is a type. This form was isolated by Klein (Klein, 1898; Klein, 1899) in 1895, in the course of an epidemic of diarrhoea at St. Bartholomew's Hos- pital, and described under the name of B. enteritidis sporogenes; it is apparently identical with the B. aero- genes capsulatus of Welch (Welch and Nuttall, 1892). Klein's procedure for isolating the B. sporogenes is simple in the case of polluted waters. A portion of the sample to be examined is added to a tube of sterile milk, which is then heated to 80° C. for ten minutes to destroy vegetative cells. The milk is then cooled and incubated under an^robic conditions, which may be accomplished most conveniently by Wright's method. A tight plug of cotton is forced a quarter way down the test-tube, the space above is loosely filled with pyrogallic acid, a few drops of a strong solution of caustic potash are added, and the tube is tightly closed with a rubber stopper. After eighteen to thirty-six hours at 37° the appearance of the tube will be very characteristic if the B. sporogenes is present. "The cream is torn or altogether dissociated by the development of gas, so that the surface of the medium is covered with stringy, pinkish-white masses of coagulated casein, enclosing a number of gas-bubbles. The main portion of the tube formerly occupied by the milk now contains a colorless, thin, watery whey, with a few casein lumps adhering here and there to the sides of OTHER INTESTINAL BACTERIA 107 the tube. When the tube is opened, the whey has a smell of butyric acid and is acid in reaction. Under the micro- scope the whey is found to contain numerous rods, some motile, others motionless." The B. sporogenes when isolated in pure culture on glucose agar is a stout rod. It liquefies gelatin, forming in this medium large oval spores. It is strongly patho- genic for guinea-pigs, by which character it is distinguished from the B. butyricus of Botkin. The researches of Klein and Houston (Klein and Hous- ton, 1898, 1899) have shown that the B. sporogenes occurs in Enghsh sewage in numbers varying from 30 to 2000 per c.c. and that it is often absent in considerable volumes of pure water. In Boston sewage it may usually be isolated from .01 or .001 of a c.c. (Winslow and Belcher, 1904), Evidently in order to have any significance, an exam- ination for this organism must be made with large samples and the concentration of at least 2000 c.c. of water through a Pasteur filter is recommended by Horrocks as a neces- sary prelude (Horrocks, 1901). Since the spores of an anaerobic bacillus may persist for an indefinite period in polluted waters, their presence need not necessarily indi- cate recent or dangerous pollution. Since the number present even in sewage is so small and so variable, no quantitative standard can be estabHshed; on the whole, it does not appear that the practical application of the anaerobic test will ever be a wide one. There are numerous other sewage bacteria whose presence is more or less constantly characteristic of pol- lo8 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. luted waters. Organisms of the Proteus group are some- times present, exhibiting marked morphological varia- tions, from the coccus form to long twisted threads and forming on gelatin irregular amoeboid colonies with filiform processes extending into the surrounding gelatin. The B. subtilis group of strongly aerobic spore-forming bacilli, giving a brown wrinkled parchment-like growth on agar, and moss-like liquefying colonies on gelatin, is usually represented. Among the aUies of B. coli may be men- tioned B. ffirogenes, which differs from it in being non- motile, failing to produce indol, and forming spherical drop-like colonies on gelatin. B. cloacs resembles B. coli in most respects, but causes a Uquefaction of gelatin. The property of liquefaction was formerly beheved to be of general significance, inasmuch as the liquefying bacteria were regarded as closely alUed to intestinal organisms, and in themselves indicative of pollution. This position is, however, no longer tenable, since many bacteria, typical of the purest waters, may cause liquefaction. While the organisms above mentioned, and many others as well, deserve notice in the examination of gelatin plates from I suspected water, none of them is of sufficient importance to warrant any special procedure for their isolation. CHAPTER X. THE SIGNIFICANCE AND APPLICABILITY OF THE BAC- TERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION. The first attempt of the expert called in to pronounce upon the character of a potable water should be to make a thorough sanitary inspection of the pond, stream, or well from which it is derived. Study of the possible sources of pollution on a watershed, of the direction and velocity of currents above and below ground, of the character of soil and the liabiUty to contamination by surface-wash are conceded to yield evidence of the greatest value. Often, however, some opinion must be formed upon the quality of water sent from a distance without the oppor- tunity of examining its surroundings; and even when sanitary inspection can be made, its results are by no means conclusive. No reconnoissance can show cer- tainly whether unpurified drainage from a cesspool does or does not reach a given well; whether sewage discharged into a lake does or does not find its way to a neighboring intake; whether pollution of a stream has or has not been removed by a certain period of flow. Evidence upon these points must be obtained from a careful study of the J09 no ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. characteristics of the water in question, and this study can be carried out along two lines, chemical and bac- teriological. A chemical examination of water for sanitary purposes, is mainly useful in throwing light upon one point — the amount of decomposing organic matter present. Humus- like substances may be abundant in surface-waters quite free from harmful pollution, but these are stable com- pounds. Easily decomposable bodies, on the other hand, must obviously have been recently introduced into the water and mark a transitional state. "The state of change is the state of danger," as Dr. T. M. Drown has phrased it. Sometimes the organic matter has been washed in by rain from the surface of the ground, some- times it has been introduced in the more concentrated form of sewage. In any case, it is a warning of possible pollution, and the determination of free ammonia, nitrites, carbonaceous matter, as shown by "oxygen consumed," and dissolved oxygen yield important evidence as to the sanitary quaUty of a water. Furthermore, nitrates, the final products of the oxida- tion of organic matter, and the chlorine introduced as common salt into all water which has been in contact with the wastes of human life, furnish additional informa- tion as to the antecedents of a sample. The results of the chlorine determination are indeed perhaps more clear than those of any other sanitary analysis, for chlorine and sewage pollution vary together, due allowance being made for the proximity of the sea and other geological BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION. Ill and meteorological factors. Unfortunately, it is only past history and not present conditions which these latter, tests reveal, for in a ground-water completely purified from a sanitary standpoint such soluble constituents remain, of course, unchanged. Thus, in the last resort, it is upon the presence and amount of decomposing organic matter in the water studied that the opinion of the chemist must be based. The decomposition of organic matter may be measured either by the material decomposed or by the number of organisms engaged in carrying out the process of decom- position. The latter method has the advantage of far greater delicacy, since the bacteria respond by enormous multiplication to very slight increase in their food-supply, and thus it comes about that the standard gelatin-plate count at 20° roughly corresponds, in not too heavily polluted waters, to the free ammonia and " oxygen con- sumed," as revealed by chemical analysis. If low num- bers of bacteria are found, the evidence is highly reassuring, for it is seldom that water could be contaminated under natural conditions without the direct addition of foreign bacteria or of organic matter which would condition a rapid multiplication of those already present. The bac- teriologist in such cases can declare the innocence of the water with justifiable certainty. When high num- bers are found the interpretation is less simple, since they may exceptionally be due to the multiplication of certain peciiliar water forms. Large counts, however, under ordinary conditions, when including a normal variety of 112 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. forms indicate the presence of an excess of organic matter derived in all probability either from sewage or from the fresh washings of the surface of the ground. In either case danger is indicated. A still closer measure of polluting material may be obtained from the numbers of colonies which develop on litmus-lactose-agar at 37°, since organisms which thrive at the body temperature, and particularly those which ferment lactose, are characteristic of the intestinal tract and but rarely occur in normal waters. Finally, the search for the Bacillus coli furnishes the most satisfactory of all single tests for fecal contamination. This organism is pre-eminently a denizen of the alimen- tary canal and may be isolated with ease from waters to which even a small proportion of sewage has been added. On the other hand, it is never found in abundance in waters of good sanitary quality; and its numbers form an excellent index of the value of waters of an interme- diate grade. The streptococci appear to be forms of a similar significance useful as yielding a certain amount of confirmatory evidence. The full bacteriological analysis should then consist of three parts— the gelatin-plate count, as an estimate of the amount of organic decomposition in process; the total count, and the count of red colonies, on litmus-lactose-agar, as a measure of the organisms which form acids and thrive at the body temperature; and the study of a series of dextrose-broth tubes for the isolation of colon bacilli and streptococci. The simple examination of the dextrose-broth tube and the count on BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION. 113 the litmus-lactose-agar plate serve for what Whipple has well called presumptive tests. The results of the bacteriological examination have, in several respects, a pecuHar and unique significance. First, this examination is the most direct method of sani- tary water analysis. What we dread in drinking-water is the presence of pathogenic bacteria, mainly from the intestinal tract of man, and it is quite certam that the related non-pathogenic bacteria from the same source will behave more nearly as these disease germs do than will any chemical compounds. In the second place, the bacteriological methods are superior in delicacy to any others. Klein and Houston (Klein and Houston, 1898) showed by experiment with dilutions of sewage that the colon test was from ten to one hundred times as sensitive as the methods of chemical analysis; and studies of the self-purification of streams have confirmed his results on a practical scale. Thus in the Sudbury River it was found that while the chemical evidences of pollution persisted for six miles beyond the point of entrance, the bacteria introduced could be detected for four miles further (Woodman, Winslow, and Hansen, 1902). The statement is sometimes made that while bac- teriological methods may be more delicate for the detec- tion of pollution in surface-waters^ contamination in ground-waters may best be discovered by the chemical analysis. That such is not the case has been well shown by Whipple (Whipple, 1903), who cites the following 114 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY two instances in which the presumptive test revealed con- tamination not shown by the chemical analysis: "A certain driven-well station was located in swampy land along the shores of a stream, and the tops of the wells were so placed that they were occasionally flooded at times of high water. The water in the stream was objectionable from the sanitary standpoint. The wells themselves were more than loo feet deep; they pene- trated a clay bed and yielded what may be termed arte- sian water. Tests for the presence of Bacillus coli had invariably given negative results, as might be naturally expected. Suddenly, however, the tests became positive and so continued for several days. On investigation it was found that some of the wells had been taken up to be cleaned, and that the workmen in resinking them had used the water of the brook for washing them down. This allowed some of the brook- water to enter the system. It was also found that at the same time the water in the brook had been high, and because of the lack of packing in certain joints at the top of the wells the brook- water leaked into the suction main. The remedy was obvious and was immediately applied, after which the tests for Bacillus coli once more became negative. During all this time the chemical analysis of the water was not suffi- ciently abnormal to attract attention. On another occa- sion a water-supply taken from a small pond fed by springs, and which was practically a large open well, began to give positive tests for Bacillus coli, and on exam- ination it was found that a gate which kept out the water BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION. US of a brook which had been formerly connected with the pond was open at the bottom, although it was supposed to have been shut, thus admitting a contaminated sur- face-water to the supply." Whipple also calls attention to the report on the Chemical and Bacteriological Exami- nation of Chichester Well-waters by Houston (Houston, 1901), in which the results of chemical and bacteriologi- cal examinations of 30 wells were compared. It was found that the bacteriological results were in general concordant and satisfactory. The wells which were high- est in the number of bacteria showed also the greatest amount of pollution, as indicated by the numbers of B. coh, B. sporogenes, and streptococci. On the other hand, the chlorine and the albuminoid ammonia showed no correspondence with the bacteriological results. Thirdly, negative tests for Bacillus coli and low bac- terial counts may be interpreted as proofs of the good quality of water, with a certainty not attainable by any other method of analysis. Many a surface-water with reasonably low chlorine and ammonias has caused epi- demics of typhoid fever; but it is impossible under any natural conditions that a water could contain the typhoid bacillus without giving clear evidence of pollution in the dextrose-broth tube or on the lactose-agar plate. It seems to the writers that the real application of chemistry begins where that of bacteriology ends. When pollution is so gross that its existence is obvious and only its amount needs to be determined, the bacteriological tests will not serve, on account of their excessive dehcacy. Il6 ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. In Studying the heavy pollution of small streams, the treatment of trades wastes, and the purification of sewage, the relations of nitrogeneous compounds and of oxygen compounds are of prime importance. In other words, when pollution is to be avoided, because the decompo- sition of chemical substances causes a nuisance, it must be studied by chemical methods. When the danger is sanitary and comes only from the presence of bacteria, bacteriological methods furnish the true index of pollution. In the study of certain special problems the paramount importance of bacteriology is generally recognized. The distribution of sewage in large bodies of water into which it has been discharged may thus best be traced on account of the ready response of the bacterial counts to slight proportions of sewage, particularly since the ease and rapidity with which the technique of plating can be carried out make it possible to examine a large series of samples with a minimum of time and trouble. The course of the sewage carried out by the tide from the outlet of the South MetropoUtan District of Boston was studied in this way by E. P. Osgood in 1897, and mapped out by its high bacterial content with greater accuracy than could be attained by any other method. Some very remarkable facts have been developed by similar studies as to the persistence of separate streams of water in immediate contact with each other. Heider showed that the sewage of Vienna, after its discharge into the Danube River, flowed along the right bank of the stream, preserving its own bacterial characteristics, and BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION. 117 not mixing perfectly witli the water of the river for a dis- tance of more than twenty-four miles (Heider, 1893). Jordan (Jordan, 1900), in studying the self-purification of the sewage discharged from the great Chicago drainage canal, found by bacteriological analyses that the Des Plaines and the Kankakee Rivers could both be distin- guished flowing along in the bed of the Illinois, the two streams being in contact, yet each maintaining its own individuahty. Finally, the quickness with which sUght changes in the character of a water are marked by fluctuations in bacterial numbers renders the bacterio- logical methods invaluable for the daily supervision of surface suppHes or of the effluents from municipal filtra- tion plants. In the commoner case, when normal values obtained by such routine analyses are not at hand, the problem of the interpretation of any sanitary analysis is a more difli- cult one. The conditions which surround a source of water-supply may be constantly changing. No engineer can measure the flow of a stream in July and deduce the amount of water which will pass in February; yet the July gauging has its own value and significance. So a single analysis of any sort is not sufficient for all past and future time. If it gives a correct picture of the hygienic condition of the water at the moment of examination it has fulfilled its task, and this the bacteriological analysis can do. The evidence furnished by inspection and by chemical analysis should be sought for and welcomed whenever it can be obtained, yet we are of the opinion no ELEMENTS OF WATER BACTERIOLOGY. that, on account of their directness, their delicacy, and their certainty, the bacteriological methods should least .of all be omitted, and, if necessary, they alone may fur- nish conclusive testimony as to the safety of a potable water. APPENDIX. It has been pointed out that the number of bacteria developing from a given sample of water will be largely dependent upon the composition and character of the culture medium. As the nature of the medium varies widely according to the method of preparation, workers in different laboratories can have no rational basis for comparison of results until their methods are essentially uniform. To make resuUs comparable as far as possible, the Laboratory Section of the American Public Health Asso- ciation has adopted standard methods for the preparation of the commonly used nutrient media given in the follow- ing extract from the report of the Committee (Fuller, 1902). Standard Methods for Gelatin and Agar. GELATIN. AGAR. ^' gm. thread agar in 500 c c wPi^h/T ^^^^ ^" make up weight to spo gm. or digest for 10 minutes m the autoclavat no" C Infuse 500 gm. lean meat ,4 hours Infuse 500 gm' ta'n °meat°\^- ^ ' with 1000 c.c. of distilled water with 500 c c of dl^tiSln , ^""'"^ m refrigerator. frigerator "'stilled water in re- 3- Make up any loss bv evaporation. ' , 7 w infusion through cotton fiannel. 5- Weigh filtered infusion. 119 I20 APPENDIX. GELATIN. AGAR. 6. Add I % Witte's peptone and io% Add 2 % of Witte's peptone, gold label sheet gelatin. 7- . Warm on water-bath, stirring till peptone and gela- tin are dissolved and not allowing the temperature to rise above 60° C. 8. Neutralize. 9- To 500 gm. of the meat infusion add 500 c c. of the 3% agar, keeping the temperature below 60° C. 10. Heat over boiling water (or steam) bath 30 minutes. 11. Restore loss by evaporation. 12. Titrate, after boiling i minute to expel carbonic acid. 13. Adjust reaction to +1.0% by adding normal hydro- chloric acid or sodium hydrate as required. 14. Boil 2 minutes over free flame, constantly stirring. IS- Make up loss by evaporation. x6. Filter through absorbent cotton and cotton flannel, passing the filtrate through the filter until clear. 17. Titrate and record the final reaction. 18. Tube, using s c.c. in each tube in the case of gelatin, and 7 c.c. in the case of agar. 19. Sterilize 15 minutes in the autoclav at 110°, or for 30 minutes in streaming steam on three successive days. 20. Store in the ice-chest in a moist atmosphere to pre- vent evaporation. Hill (Hill, 1899) has arranged the methods for prepa- ration of broth, nutrient gelatin, and nutrient agar in tabular form as given on the following page. For titration, the following method, suggested by FviUer (Fuller, 1895), was adopted by the PubUc Health Association Committee in 1897 (Committee of Bacteriolo- gists, 1898). The medium to be tested, all ingredients being dis- solved, is brought to the prescribed volume by the addition of distilled water to replace that lost by boiling, and after being thoroughly stirred, 5 c.c. are transferred to a 6-inch porcelain evaporating-dish; to this 45 c.c. of distilled water are added, and the 50 c.c. of fluid are boiled for three minutes over a flame. One c.c. of a .5 per cent solution of phenolphthalein in 50 per cent alcohol is then added N and the reaction is deternrined by titration with — sodium APPENDIX. 121 TABLE SHOWING ANALOGY BETWEEN BROTH, NUTRIENT GELATIN, AND NUTRIENT AGAR MADE BY METHODS HEREIN RECOMMENDED. Boil 30 gm. thread agar in I liter of water for half fwi_ hour. Make up to a weight of 1000 gm. Cool and solidify. NUTRIENT BROTH. NUTRIENT GELATIN. NUTRIENT AGAR. 1. Infuse lean meat 20 hours with twice its weight of distilled water in refrig- erator. Say 1000 gm. meat. 2000 ■' water. 2. Make up weight of meat infusion (and meat) to original weight by add- ing water, i.e. to 3000 gm. 3. Filter infusion through cloth to remove meat. 4. Titrate and record re- action of filtrate. Say re- action-f- 2. 2%. 5. Weigh infusion. Say 1800 gm. 6. Set infusion on water- bath, keeping temperature below 60° C. 7. Add peptone, 1%, 18 gm. 8. After ingredients are dissolved, titrate, reaction probably-(-2.3 to +2.5. 9. Neutralize, F u 1 1 e r's method. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto and sheet gelatin 10%, 180 gm. Ditto. Probably-!- 4.0 to + 0.5. Ditto. Infuse lean meat 20 hours with its own weight of dis- tilled water in refrigerator. Say 1000 gm. meat. " 1000 gm. water. Ditto. i.e. to 2000 gm. Ditto. Ditto. Say reaction + 4.2%. Ditto. Say 900 gm. Ditto. Add peptone, 2%, 18 gm. Ditto. Prob. -(-4.5 to -1-4.7. Ditto. To the 900 gm. of meat infusion (containing now peptone and salt) add 900 gm. of the 3% agar jelly described at the head of this column. 10. Heat over boiling water (or steam) bath thirty minutes. . Restore weight lost by evaporation to original weight of filtered meat intusion, I.e. that on which the percentage of peptone and salt, etc., were cal- culated, — 1800 gm. in each case. 12. Titrate, reaction probably 4-0.3 to +0.5. 13. Adjust reaction to final point desired, +i.s per cent. 14. Boil five minutes over free flame, with stirring. water, if necessary, to make up loss by evaporation, to 1800 gm. \ J ''".';°>i,S" absorbent cotton, passing the filtrate through the filter repeatedly until clear. tained'^'''^^*^ '° whether or not the desired reaction has been main- 18. Tube and sterilize. 122 APPENDIX. hydroxid or — hydrochloric acid. As a rule, the reaction 20 will be acid and the alkali may be used. The determina- tion should be made not less than three times, and the average of the results taken. LACTOSE AGAR. This medium is made in the same manner as nutrient agar except that 2 per cent of lactose is added after the final filtration and the reaction is adjusted to — .5. GLYCERINE AGAR. For this medium, 5 per cent glycerine is added to nutri- ent agar immediately after final filtration. SUGAR BROTH. The most important and widely used sugar broth is that containing dextrose, although lactose and saccharose and occasionally maltose are used for special experi- mental work. Dextrose broth may be easily prepared by adding 2 per cent of dextrose to ordinary broth just before the final filtration, and making the reaction neutral. For the preparation of lactose, saccharose, or maltose broth, however, where it is necessary to ehminate dextrose, the meat infusion after filtration is placed in an Erlenmeyer flask, inoculated with an active broth culture of B. coh APPENDIX. 123 and incubated for twenty- four hours at 37° C, whereby the muscle sugar is removed by fermentation. From this fermented infusion, broth is made in the ordinary way, 2 per cent of the desired sugar added, and the medium tubed and sterihzed. All sugar containing media should be sterilized with great care to avoid break- ing down the sugar, hence it is advisable to use the discontinuous method, heating to 100° C. for twenty minutes on three successive days, rather than to give a single heating at the very high temperature. There is, however, but httle action at 105° C. It is the custom in some laboratories to prepare broth and sugar solutions separately, and mix the two when a sugar test is to be made. MILK. Fresh milk in a tall jar is placed in the refrigerator over night, to allow the cream to rise. The skim-milk is then siphoned off from below the cream, tubed, and sterilized at 110° C. for fifteen minutes, or on three successive days at 100° C. for twenty minutes. LITMUS MILK. This is prepared as above, with the addition of \ c.c. blue litmus solution to give a faintly alkaline reaction. If sterilized at a high temperature, reduction of the htmus may take place with loss of color, but oxidation will follow on cooling and exposure to air. 124 APPENDIX. POTATO. Large, sound potatoes are thoroughly washed and brushed with a scrubbing-brush, then pared and cut into cylinders with a cork-borer. After paring, the potato should be kept under water as much as possible to pre- vent darkening. The cylinders are then cut diagonally so that each produces two pieces of the general shape of a sohdified agar or serum slant. The pieces are then left in cold, running water for several hours, after which they are dropped, broad end down, into test-tubes containing a small piece of glass rod or tubing at the bottom to keep the potato out of the watery fluid which is produced by steriHzing. Sterilize for twenty minutes at ioo° C. on three successive days, or for fifteen minutes at iio° C. NITRATE SOLUTION. A stock solution is prepared by dissolving 2 grams C. P. potassium nitrate in 100 c.c. sterile distilled water. This should be kept in the ice-chest. Five c.c. of this solution and I gram peptone are added to i liter of tap-water. The solution is brought to a boil, filtered, and tubed. Care must be taken that the stock solution does not become reduced to nitrites or that nitrite is not present in the original salt. Sterilize for fifteen minutes at 120°. PEPTONE SOLUTION. Ten grams peptone and 5 grams of salt are dissolved in I litre of water; the solution is boiled, filtered, tubed, and sterilized for fifteen minutes at 120° C. APPENDIX. loeffler's blood serum. This medium consists of 3 parts blood serum and I part of I per cent broth with reaction +0.8. The serum is obtained from fresh beeves' blood, which is col- lected in sterile jars and allowed to stand for twenty-four hours in the refrigerator for coagulation. The serum is then drawn off, filtered, and mixed with the dextrose broth in the proportion above indicated. Hill finds that filtering the serum through the coagulum obtained after adjusting the reaction of the broth gives a filtrate which is clear and almost colorless (HiU, 1899). Tubes are filled with the mixture, placed in trays so that the desired slant is obtained, and carefully heated in a Koch coagulator containing cold water in the water- jacket. This water is brought to a boil and kept boiling for three hours. Repeating this process on three suc- cessive days solidifies the serum so that it may be subse- quently sterilized in flowing steam for twenty minutes on three successive days. PHENOL BROTH. To 1000 c.c. w.ater add separately, and in the following order, 100 grams dextrose, 50 grams peptone, 2.5 grams phenol. Heat until all constituents are dissolved, boil for fifteen minutes, and sterilize for fifteen minutes at 110-120° C. 126 APPENDIX. NEUTRAL RED BROTH. To neutral broth is added 0.5 per cent dextrose and 1 per cent of a 0.5 per cent aqueous solution of Griibler's neutral red. Sterilize at 100°. MacConkey's Media. A. Agar. Agar 1.5 grams Sodium taurocholate (pure) 0.5 gram Peptone 2.0 grams Water 100.0 c.c. This is boiled, clarified, and filtered as usual, then i.o gram lactose is added, and the medium tubed and sterilized for three successive days at ioo°. B. Broth. . Sodium taurocholate (pure) 0.5 gram Peptone 2.0 grams Glucose 0.5 gram Water 100.0 grams Boil, filter, and add sufficient neutral Htmus, fill fer- mentation-tubes, and sterilize at ioo°. Litmus Solution. — To one-half pound of litmus cubes add enough water to more than cover, boil, and decant off the solution. Repeat this operation with successive small quantities of water until from 3 to 4 liters of water have been used and the cubes are well exhausted of color- ing matter. Pour the decantations together and allow them to settle overnight. Siphon off the clear solution. Concentrate to about i liter and make the solution de- cidedly acid with glacial acetic acid. Boil down to about APPENDIX. 127 ^ liter and make exactly neutral with caustic soda or potash. To test for the neutral point, place one drop of N the solution in a test-tube. One drop of — HCl should 20 N turn the drop red, while one drop of ~ NaOH should turn it blue. Filter the solution and sterilize at 110° C. This solution should be added to the media just before use in the proportion of about \ c.c. to 5 c.c. of medium. REFERENCES. Abba, F. 1895. Sulla presenza del bacillus coli nelle acque pota- bili, e sopra un metodo per metterlo in evidenza. La Riforma medira, XI, 302. Abbott, A. C. 1899. The Principles of Bacteriology. Phila- delphia and New York, 1899. Amyot, J. A. 1902. Is the Colon Bacillus a Normal Inhabitant of the Intestines of Fishes? Transactions of the American Public Health Association. 1901 Meeting. XXVII, 40D. Andrewes, F. W. See Laws, J. P. Baker, S. K. See Prescott, S. C. Bassett, V. H. See Russell, H. L. Beckmann, W. 1894. Ueber die typhusahnUchen Bakterien des Strassburger Wasserleitungswassers. Archiv fur experimenteUe Pathologie und Pharmakologie, XXXIII, 466. Belcher, D. M. See Winslow, C.-E. A. Belitzer. 1899. Zur Lehre iihrr das Bacterium coli commune. Rev. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte in der Lehre von den pathogenen Mikroorganismen, XV, 326. Blachstein. 1893. Contribution h I'etude microbique de I'eau Annales de ITnstitut Pasteur, VII, 689. Blunt, T. P. See Downes, A. Bolton, M. 1886. Ueber das Verhalten verschiedener Bakterien- arten im Trinkwasser. Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene, I, 76. Brotzu, L. 1895. Sulla desinfezione del canale iiitestinale. An- nah deir istituto d'igiene sperimentale della R. University di I2g 13° REFERENCES. Roma, IV, 427. Rev. Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie, XVII, 726. Brown, C. C. 1893. Fourth Report on Mohawk and Hudson Rivers. Thirteenth Annual Report of the State Board of Health of New York for 1892, 680. Bruns, H. See Levy, E. BucHNER. 1893. Ueber den Einfluss des Lichtes auf Bakterien und iiber die Selbstreinigung der Fliisse. Achiv fiir Hygiene, XVII, 179. BxJRRi, R. 1895. Nachweis von Fakalbakterien im Trinkwasser. Hygienische Rundschau, V, 49. Cambier, R. See Miquel, P. Chick, H. 1901. The Distribution of Bacterium coli commune. The Thompson- Yates Laboratories Report, III, i and 117. Clark, H. W., and Gage, S. DeM. 1900. The Significance of the Appearance of B. coli communis in Filtered Water. Journal of the Boston Society of Medical Sciences, IV, 172. Committee of Bacteriologists. 1898. Procedures recom- mended for the Study of Bacteria, with especial Reference to Greater Uniformity in the Description and Differentiation of Species. Being the Report of a Committee of Bacteri- ologists to the Committee on the Pollution of Water-supplies of the American Public Health Association. Transactions of the American Public Health Association. 1897 Meeting. XXIII, 60. Copeland, W. R. 1901. The Use of Carbolic Acid in Isolating the Bacillus coli communis from River Water. Journal of the Boston Society of Medical Sciences, V, 381. Cramer, C. 1885. Die Wasserversorgung von Ziirich und ihr ZusLmmenhang mit den Typhus-epidemie des Jahres 1884. Zurich. Dombrowsky. 1903- Zur Biologie der RuhrbaciUen. Archiv fur Hygiene, XLVII, 243. DowNES, A., and Blunt, T. P. 1877- Researches on the Effect of Light upon Bacteria and other Organisms. Proceedmgs of the Royal Society, XXVI, 488. DUCLAUX,E. 1898. Traits deMicrobiologie, Vol. L Pans, 1898. REFERENCES. Dunbar. 1896. Zur Differentialdiagnose zwischen den Cholera- vib'.ionen und anderen denselben nahestehenden Vibrionen. Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene, XXI, 295. Dunham, E. K. 1887. Zur chemischen Reaction der Cholera- bakterien. Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene, II, 337. Dunham, E. K. 1889. On the Bacteriological Test of Drinking- water. Medical Record, XXXVI, 367. Dyar, H. G., and Keith, S. C. 1893. Notes on Normal Intestinal Bacilli of the Horse and of certain other Domesticated Animals. Technology Quarterly, VI, 256. Ellms, J. W. See Hill, H. W. Elsner. 1896. Untersuchungen iiber electives Wachsthum der Bacterium coli-arten und des Typhusbacillus. Zeitschrift fur Hygiene, XXI, 25. EscHERicH, T. 1885. Die Darmbakterien des Neugeborenen und Sauglings. Fortschritte der Medicin, III, 515 and 547. Fischer, B., and Flatau, G. 1901. Typhusbacillen in einer ein- gesandten typhusverdachtigen Wasserprobe. Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie, XXIX, 329. Flatau, G. See Fischer, B. Franexand, G. and P. 1894. Micro-organisms in Water. London, 1894. Fremlin. 1893. Vergleichende Studien an Bact. coli commune verschiedener Provenienz. Archiv fiir Hygiene, XIX, 295. Freudenreich, E. von. 1888. De I'antagonisme des 'bacteries et de I'immunite qu'il confere aux milieux de culture. Annales de ITnstitut Pasteur, II, 200. Freudenreich, E. von. 1895. Ueber den Nachweis des Bacillus coli communis im Wasser und dessen Bedeutung. Centralblatt fur Bakteriologie, XVIII, 102. Frost, W. D. 1901. A Laboratory Guide in Elementary Bac- teriology. Madison, 1901. Fuller, G. W. 1895. On the Proper Reaction of Nutrient Media for Bacterial Cultivation. Transactions of the American PubUc Health Association. 1894 Meeting. XX, 381. Fuller, G. W. 1899. Report on the Investigations into the Purification of the Ohio River Water for the Improved 132 REFERENCES. Water-supply of the City of Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati, 1899. Fuller, G. W. 1902. Report of Committee on Standard Methods of Water Analysis. Transactions of the American PubUc Health Association. 1901 Meeting. XXVII, 377. Fuller, G. W., and Johnson, G. A. 1899. On the Differentiation and Classification of Water Bacteria. Journal of Experimenta- Medicine, IV, 609. Gage, S. DeM. 1901. Notes on Testing for B. coli in Water. Journal of Applied Microscopy, IV, 1403. Gage, S. DeM. 1902. Bacteriological Studies at the Lawrence Experiment Station, with Special Reference to the Determination of B. coli. Thirty-third Annual Report of the State Board of Health of Massachusetts for 1901, 397. Gage, S. DeM., and Phelps, E. B. 1902. Studies of Media for the Quantitative Estimation of Bacteria in Water and Sewage. Transactions of the American Public Health Association. 1901 Meeting. XXVII, 392. Gage, S. DeM., and Phelps, E. B. 1903. Notes on B. coh and Allied Forms, with Special Reference to the Neutral Red Reac- tion. Transactions of the American Public Health Association. 1902 Meeting. XXVIII, 402. Gage, S. DeM. See Clark, H. W. Garre, C. 1887. Ueber Antagonisten unter den Bakterien. Cor- respondenzblatt fiir Schweizer Aertze. XVII, 385- Gartner, A. See Tiemann, F. GOTSCHLICH, E. See Kolle, W. . ^ . • r Hammerl, H. 1897. Ueber das Vorkommen des Bacterium coh im Flusswasser. Hygienische Rundschau, VII, 529- tTa^tn E H 1899. On the Detection of the B. typhi abdom- ^I'es in Water and other Substances. Centralblatt fur Bakten- ologie, XXVI, 554- Uansen ' P. See Woodman, A. G. . . . TfemER' A 1893. Untersuchungen iiber die Verunreinigungen derDonau durch die Abwasser der Stadt Wien. Das oster- reichische Sanitatswesen. V, 53. , t. • • HerI^us, W. 1896. Ueber das Verhalten der Baktenen, un REFERENCES. 133 Brunnenwasser, sowie iiber reducirende und oxydirende Eigen- schaften der Bakterien. Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene, I, 193. Hesse, W., and Niedner. 1898. Die Metliodilc der bakteriolo- gischen Wasseruntersuchung. Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene, XXIX, 454- Hill, C. A. See MacConkey, A. Hill, H. W., and Ellms, J. W. 1898. An Apparatus for the Collection of Samples of Water for Chemical, Microscopical, and Bacteriological Analysis. Transactions of the American Public Health Association. 1897 Meeting. XXIII, 193. Hill, H. W. 1899. Report of Director of Bacteriological Labo- ratory. Twenty-seventh Annual Report of the Health Depart- ment of the City of Boston for the year 1898, 63. HoRROCKS, W. H. 1901. An Introduction to the Bacteriological Examination of Water. London, 1901. Houston, A. C. 1898. Chemical and Bacteriological Examina- tion of Soils with reference to the Amount and Nature of the Organic Matter and the Number and Character of the Bacteria contained in them. Supplement to the Twenty-seventh Annual Report of the Local Government Board, containing the Report of the Medical Officer for 1897-98, 251. Houston, A. C. 1899, a. Chemical and Bacteriological Exam- ination of the "Washings" of Soils, with Reference to the Amount and Nature of the Organic Matter and the Number and Character of the Bacteria contained in them. Supplement to the Twenty-eighth Annual Report of the Local Govern- ment Board containing the Report of the Medical Officer for 1898-9, 439. Houston, A. C. 1899. b. Bacterioscopic Examination of Drink- mg-water with Particular Reference to the Relations of Strep- tococci and Staphylococci wfth Water of this Class Supple- ment to the Twenty-eighth Annual Report of the Local Govern- ment Board containing the Report of the Medical Officer for 1898-9, 467. HOUSTON, A. C 1900. a Chemical and Bacteriological Examina- tion of the "Washings" of Soils, with Reference to the Amount and Nature of the Organic Matter, and the Number 134 REFERENCES. and Character of the Bacteria contained in them. Supple- ment to the Twenty-ninth Annual Report of the Local Gov- ernment Board containing the Report of the Medical Officer for 1899-1900, 489. Houston, A. C. 1900. 6. On the Value of Examination of Water for Streptococci and Staphylococci with a view to detection of its Recent Contamination with Animal Organic Matter. Supplement to the Twenty-ninth Annual Report of the Local Government Board containing the Report of the Medical Officer for 1899-1900, 458. Houston, A. C. 1901. Report on the Chemical and Bacterio- logical E amination of Chichester Well-water. Supplement to the Thirtieth Annual Report of the Local Government Board containing th Report of the Medical Officer for 1900-01, 511. Houston, A. C. See Klein, E. HuNNEWELL, M. P. See Winslow, C.-E. A. Irons, E. E. 1901. Some Observations on Methods for the Detection of B. coli communis in Water. Transactions of the American PubUc Health Association, 1900 Meeting, XXVI, 310. Irons, E. E. 1902. Neutral Red in the Routine Examination of Water. Journal of Hygiene, II, 314- jANOWSKi, T. 1888. Ueber den Bakteriengehalt des Schnees. Centralblatt fur Bakteriologie. IV, 547- Johnson, G. A. See Fuller, G. W. Jordan E O. 1890. A Report on Certain Species of Bactena observed in Sewage. Special Report of the State Board of Health of Massachusetts on the Purification of Sewage and Water, II, 821. ^ -o . • 1 Jordan E O. 1900. Some Observations upon the Bacterial Self-purification of Streams. Journal of Experimental Medi- cine. V, 271. ,. TORDAN E O. 1901. The Relative Abundance of Bacillus coli communis as an Index of the Self-purification of Streams. Journal of Hygiene, I, 295. ■Reith S C. See Dyar, H. G. . , t Klein,' E. 1898. Report on the Morphology and Biology of REFERENCES. 135 Bacillus enteritidis sporogenes; on the association of this microbe with Infantile Diarrhoea and with Cholera Nostras! and on its relations with Milk, with Sewage, and with Manure. Supplement to the Twenty-seventh Annual Report of the Local Government Board containing the Report of the Medical Officer for 1897-8, 210. EIlein, E. 1899. Further Report on the Bacillus enteritidis sporogenes. Supplement to the Twenty-eighth Annual Report of the Local Government Board containing the Report of the Medical Officer for 1898-9, 312. Klein, E., and Houston, A. C. 1898. Report on Bacteriological Evidence of Presumably Recent and therefore Dangerous Sewage Pollution of elsewise Potable Waters. Supplement to the Twenty-seventh Annual Report of the Local Government Board containing the Report of the Medical Officer for 1897-8, 318. Klein, E., and Houston, A. C. 1899. Further Report on Bac- teriological Evidence of Recent and therefore Dangerous Sew- age Pollution of elsewise Potable Waters. Supplement to the Twenty-eighth Annual Report of the Local Government Board containing the Report of the Medical Officer for 1898-9, 498. Klein, E., and Houston, A. C. 1900. Preliminary Account of the Results of a Bacterioscopic Analysis of Different Cereals and Foodstuffs. Supplement to the Twenty-ninth Annual Report of the Local Government Board containing the Report of the Medical Officer for 1899-1900, 593. Koch, R. 1893. Ueber den augenblicklichen Stand der bakterio- logischen Choleradiagnose. Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene, XIV, 319. Kolle, W., and Gotschlich, E. 1903. Untersuchungen iiber die Bakteriologische Choleradiagnostik und Specificitat der Koch- schen Choleravibrio. Zeitschrift fur Hygiene, XLIV, i. Kruse, W. 1894. Kritische und experimentelle Beitrage zur hygienischen Beurtheilung des Wassers. Zeitschrift fiir Hvdene XVII, I. KuBLER and Neueeld, F. 1899. Ueber einen Befund von Typhus- _ bacillen im Brunnenwasser. Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene, XXXI, 133. KilsEL, G. C. See Pennington, M. E. 136 REFERENCES. Laws, J. P., and Andeewes, F. W. 1894. Report on the Result of Investigations of the Micro-organisms of Sewage. Report to London County Council, December 13, 1894. Le Gros, F. L. 1902. Monographic des Streptocoques et des agents des septicemics metadiphteriques particulierement des diplocoques. Paris, 1902. Levy, E., and Bruns, H. 1899. Zur Hygiene des Wassers. Ar- chiv fiir Hygiene, XXXVI, 178. LOEEFLER, 1893. Zum Nachwcis der Cholerabakterien im Wasser. Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie, XIII, 380. MacConkey, a. 1900. Experiments on the Differentiation and Isolation from Mixtures of the Bacillus coli communis and Bacillus typhosus by the Use of Sugars and the Salts of Bile. The Thompson-Yates Laboratories Report, HI, 41- MacConkey, A. 1901. Further Note on Bile Salt Lactose Agar. The Thompson-Yates Laboratories Report, III, 151. MacConkey, A., and Hill, C. A. 1901. A Simple Test for Faecal Contamination. The Thompson-Yates Laboratories Report, IV, 151. Makgill, R. H. 1901. The Neutral-red Reaction as a means of detecting Bacillus coli in Water-supplies. Journal of Hygiene, I) 430- Maschek, J. 1887. Bakteriologische Untersuchungen des Leit- meritzer Trinkwasser. Jahresbericht der Oberrealschule zu Leitmeritz. 1887. Massachusetts State Board of Health, 1899. Thirtieth Annual Report, for 1898. Massachusetts State Board of Health, 1900. Thirty-first Annual Report, for 1899. Massachusetts State Board of Health, 1901. Thirty-second Annual Report, for 1900. Massachusetts State Board of Health, 1902. Thirty-third Annual Report, for 190 1. ^.^ . Mathews, A. P. 1893- On Wurtz's Method for the Differentia- tion of Bacillus typhi abdominalis from Bacillus coli communis and its Application to the Examination of Contaminated Drinking-water. Technology Quarterly, VI, 241- REFERENCES. 137 MiQXJEL, P. 1886. De la richesse en bacteries des eaux d'essan- geage. Revue d'Hygiene, VIII, 388. MiQUEL, P. 1891. Manuel pratique d'analyse bacteriologique des eaux. Paris, 189 1. MiQUEL, P., and Cambiee, R. 1902. Traits de Bacteriologie pure et appliquee. Paris, 1902. Moore, V. A., and Weight, F. R. 1900. A Comparison of B. coli communis from Different Species of Animals. Journal of the Boston Society of Medical Sciences, IV, 175. MooEE, V. A., and Weight, F. R. 1902. Preliminary Observa- tions on B. coli communis from Certain Species of Animals. Science, N. S., XV, 372. Moroni, A. 1898. Bacterium coli commune. Archives per le Scienze mediche, XXII, 261. Moroni, A. 1899. La presenza del bacillus coli communis nelle acque. La Riforma medica, XV, in. Neuteld, F. See Kublee. NiBECKEE, CP. See Winslow, C.-E. A. NiEDNER. See Hesse, W. NuTTALL, G. H. F. See Welch, W. H. Pakes, E. C. C. 1900. The Application of Bacteriology to Public Health. Public Health, XII, 385. Papasotiriu, J. 1901. Untersuchungen uber das Vorkommen des Bact. coli in Teig, Mehl und Getreide, nebst einigen Bemer- kungen iiber die Bedeutung des Bact. coli als Indikator fiir Verunreinigung von Wasser mit Fakalein. Archiv. fiir Hygiene, XLI, 204. Paeietti, E. 1890. Metodo di ricerca del Bacillo del tifo nelle acque potabili. Rivista d'Igiene e Sanita publica. I, 409. Pennington, M. E., and Kusel, G. C. 1900. An Experimental Study of the Gas-producing Power of Bacillus coli communis under Different Conditions of Environment. Journal of the American Chemical Society, XXII, 556. Peteuschky, J., and Puscn, H. 1903. Bacterium coli als Indi- cator fiir Fakalverunreinigung von Wassem. Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene, XLIII, 304. Phelps, E. B. See Gage, S. D. REFERENCES. PoujOL, M. G. 1897. Sur la presence Xrhs frdquente du Bacterium coli dans les eaux naturelles. Comptes rendus de la Societe de Biologie, IV, 982. Prausnitz, W. 1890. Der Einfluss der Miinchener Kanalisation auf die Isar mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Frage der Selbstreinigung der Fliisse. Munich, 1890. Peescott, S. C. 1902. a. On the Apparent Identity of the Cul- tural Reactions of B. coli communis and certain Lactic Bac- teria. Science, N. S., XV, 363. Prescott, S. C. 1902. h. A Note on Methods of Isolating Colon Bacilli. Science, N. S., XVI, 671. Prescott, S. C. 1903. On Certain Precautions Required in Making and Interpreting the so-called "Colon Test" for Po- table Waters. Medicine, XI, 20. Prescott, S. C, and Baker, S. K. 1904. The Cultural Rela- tions of Bacillus coli and Houston's Sewage Streptococci, and a Method for the Detection of these Organisms in Polluted Waters. Journal of Infectious Diseases, I, 193. Prescott, S. C See Sedgwick, W. T. Procaccini, R. 1893. Influenza della luce solare sulle acque di rifiuto. Annali dell' Istituto d'Igiene Sperimentale di Roma, in, 437. PuscH, H. See Petruschky, J. Rapp, R. 1903. Ueber den Einfluss des Lichtes auf organische Substanzen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Selbstreini- gung der Fliisse. Archiv. fur Hygiene, XL VIII, 179. Refik. 1896. Sur les divers types de coli-bacille des eaux. An- nales de I'lnstitut Pasteur, X, 242. Reinsch, a. 1891. Zur bakteriologischen Untersuchung des Trinkwassers. Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie, X, 415. Remlinger, p., and Schneider, G. 1897. Contribution a I'Etude du bacille typhique. Annales de I'lnstitut Pasteur, XI, 55. Reynolds, A. R. 1902. Report of Streams Examination, Chemic and Bacteriologic, of the Waters between Lake Michigan at Chicago and the Mississippi River at St. Louis, for the purpose of determining their condition and quality before and after the Opening of the Drainage Channel. Chicago, 1902. REFERENCES. 139 RiDEAL, S. 1902. Water and its Purification. London, 1902. RlEDEL. See WOLFFHtiGEL. RoTHBERGER, C. J. 1898. Differential diagnostische Unter- suchungen mit gefarbten Nahrboden. Centralblatt fiir Bak- teriologie, Abth. I, XXIV, 513. Russell, H. L. 1891. Untersuchungen iiber im Golf von Neapel lebende Bakterien. Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene, XI, 166. Russell, H. L. 1892. Bacterial Investigation of the Sea and its Floor. Botanical Gazette, XVII, 312. Russell, H. L., and Bassett, V. H. 1899. The Significance of Certain Gas-forming Bacteria of Non-colon Type in Sanitary Water Analysis. Proceedings of American PubUc Health Association, XXV, 1899 Meeting, 570. Savage, W. G. 1901. Neutral Red in the Routine Bacteriological Examination of Water. Journal of Hyigene, I, 437. Savage, W. G. 1903. The Pathogenicity of B. coh in Relation to the Bacteriological Examination of Water. Journal of Hygiene, ni, 388. Scheurlen. 1891. Ueber die Wirkung des Centrifugirens auf Bakteriensuspensionen, besonders auf die Vertheilung der Bakterien in der Milch. Arbeiten aus dem Kaiseriichen Ge- sundheitsamte, VII, 269. Schneider. See Remlinger. ScHOTTELius, M. 1885. Zum mikroskopischen Nachweis von Cholerabacillen in Dejectionen. Deutsche medicinische Woch- enschrift, XI, 213. Sedgwick, W. T. 1889. Recent Progress in Biological Water Analysis. Journal of the New England Water-works Associa- tion, IV, I. Sedgwick, W. T. 1902. Principles of Sanitary Science. New York, 1902. Sedgwick, W. T., and Prescott, S. C. 1895. a. On the Bac- terial Contents of Certain Ground-waters, including Deep Wells. Twenty-sixth Annual Report of the State Board of Health of Massachusetts for 1894, 435. Sedgwick, W. T., and Prescott, S. C. 1895. b. On the Influence of Slight Variations in the Composition of Nutrient Gelatin I40 REFERENCES. upon the Development of Water Bacteria. Transactions of the American Public Health Association, 1894 Meeting, XX, 45°- Sedwick, W. T., and Winslow, C.-E. A. 1902. Experiments on the Effect of Freezing and other Low Temperatures upon the Viability of the Bacillus of Typhoid Fever, with Considerations regarding Ice as a Vehicle of Infectious Disease. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, XII, 467. Shuttleworth, E. B. 1895. Some Deductions from Bacterio- logical Work on the Water of Lake Ontario. Transactions of the American Pubhc HeaUh Association, 1894 Meeting, XX, 58. Smith, T. 1893. a. A New Method for Determining Quantita- tively the Pollution of Water by Faecal Bacteria. Thirteenth Annual Report of the State Board of Health of New York for 1892, 712. Smith, T. 1893. b. The Fermentation-tube with Special Refer- ence to Anaerobiosis and Gas Production among Bacteria. The Wilder Quarter-century Book, 187. Smith, T. 1895. Ueber den Nachweis des Bacillus coli com- munis im Wasser. Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie, XVIII, 494. Sternberg, G. M. 1892. Manual of Bacteriology. New York, 1892. Thomson, T. 1894. Report on an Epidemic of Enteric Fever in the Borough of Worthing and in the Villages of Broadwater and West Tarring. Supplement to the Twenty-third Annual Report of the Local Gofemment Board, containing the Report of the Medical Ofl&cer for 1893-4, 47- TiEMANN, F., and Gartner, A. 1889. Die chemische und mikro- scopisch-bakteriologische Untersuchung des Wassers. Bruns- wick, 1889. Wathetet, M. a. 1895. Recherches bactdriologiques sur les dejections dans la fi^vre typhoide. Annales de ITnstitut Pas- teur, IX, 251. , WEISSENPELCJ. 1900. DerBefund des Bactenumcoh im Wasser und das Thierexperiment sind keine brauchbare HUlfsmittel fur die hygienische Beurtheilung des Wassers. Zeitschrift fiii Hygiene, XXXV, 78. REFERENCES. 141 Welch, W. H., and Nuttall, G. H. F. 1892. A Gas-producing Bacillus (Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus, N. S.) Capable of Rapid Development in the Blood Vessels after Death. Bul- letin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, July, 1892. Whipple, G. C. 1896. Discussion of Paper on Water-borne Diseases, by T. Smith. Journal of the New England Water- works Association, X, 217. Whipple, G. C. 1899. On the Necessity of Cultivating Water Bacteria in an Atmosphere Saturated with Moisture. Tech- nology Quarterly, XII, 276. Whipple, G. C. 1901. Changes that take place in the Bacterial Contents of Water during Transportation. Technology Quar- terly, XIV, 21. Whipple, G. C. 1902. On the Physical Properties of Gelatin with Reference to its Use in Culture Media. Technology Quarterly, XV, 127. Whipple, G. C. 1903. On the Practical Value of Presumptive Tests for Bacillus coU in Water. Technology Quarterly, XVI, 18. WiDAL, F. 1896. Sdrodiagnostic de la fifevre typhoide. La Semaine M^dicale, XVI, 259. WiNSLOw, C.-E. A. 1901. The Bacteriological Examination of Water and its Interpretation. Journal of the New England Water-works Association, XV, 459. WiNSLOW, C.-E. A. 1903. a. Studies on Quantitative Variations in Gas Production in the Fermentation-tube. Science N S XVII, 375. ' ■ WiNSLOW, C.-E. A. 1903. i. The Occurrence of the Colon Bacil- lus on the Hands. Journal of Medical Research, X, 463. WiNSLOW, C.-E. A., and Belcher, D. M. 1904 Changes in the Bacterial Flora of Sewage during Storage. Journal of Infec- tious Diseases, I, 170. WmsLOW, C.-E. A., and Hunnewell, M. P. 1902. a. Strepto- cocci Characteristic of Sewage and Sewage-polluted Waters. Science, N. S., XV, 827. WiNSLOW, C.-E. A., and Hunnewell, M. P. 1902. h. A Study of the Distribution of the Colon Bacillus of Escherich and of the 142 REFERENCES. Sewage Streptococci of Houston in Polluted and Unpolluted Waters. Journal of Medical Research, VIII, 502. WiNSLOw, C.-E. A., and Nibecker, C. P. 1903. The Significance of Bacteriological Methods in Sanitary Water Analysis. Tech- nology Quarterly, XVI, 227. WiNSLOW, C.-E. A. See Sedwick, W. T. WiNSLOw, C.-E. A. See Woodman, A. G. WolfphDgel, G. 1886. Erfahrungen uber den Keimgehalt brauchbarer Trink- und Nutzwasser. Arbeiten aus dem KaiserUchen Gesundheitsamte, I, 546. WoLFFHUGEL, G., and Riedel, O. 1886. Die Vermehrung der Bakterien im Wasser. Arbeiten aus dem Kaiseriichen Gesund- heitsamte, I, 455. Woodman, A. G., Winslow, C.-E. A., and Hansen, P. 1902. A Study of Self-purification in the Sudbury River. Technology Quarterly, XV, 105. Wright, F. R. See Moore, V. A. WuRTZ, R. 1892. Note sur deux caracteres differentiels entre le bacille d'Ebcrth et le B. coh commune. Archives de Medecine Experimentale, IV, 85. Zagari, G. 1887. Esperienze sulla concorrenza vitale dei microor- ganismi e sopra un nuovo mezzo di profilassi carbonchiosa. Giornale intemazionale della Scienze Mediche, IX, 617. AUTHOR INDEX. PAOB Abba 78 Abbott 25 Amyot 75 Andiewes 51, 54, 100 Baker 102 Bassett 75 Beckmann 76 Belcher 107 Belitzer 75 Blachstein 78 Blunt 13 Bolton 27 Brotzu 7^ Brown Bruns 78 Buchner Burri 82 Cambier , ^ 25. i Chick 45^ eo 8: Clark 40, 87 Copeland Cramer Dombrowsky Downes Duclaux y Dunbar '' * 55 143 144 AUTHOR INDEX. T-v , PAGE ^""^^■^ 40, ss ^^"^ 74 Egger EUms ' ' 25 Eisner Escherich jg^ Fischer Flatau ^2 Franklaiid 9, 10, 25, 54, 56 Fremlin Freudenreich 12, 82 Frost 70 F'^ler 20, 29, 40, 73, 85, 119, 120 Gage 19, 21, 30, 61. 63, 66, 72, 73, 87, 95, 98, loi Garre 12 Gartner 23, 37 Gotschlich 56 Hammerl 83 Hankin 50 Hansen 113 Heider 1 16, 117 Herseus 23 Hesse 19 Hill 25, 98, 120, 125 Hoag 75 Horrocks 12, 15, 85, loi, 105 Houston 80, 84, 100, 105, 107, 113, 115 Hunnewell 64, 91, 96, loi Irons 61, 63, 9S, 98 Janowski 8 Johnson 73 Jordan 13. i4, 27> 39. 88, 89, 117 Keith 74 Klein 50, 80, 106, 107, 113 Koch 55 AUTHOR INDEX. 145 PAG3 Kolle 56 Kruse 7^ Kiibler S3 Kusel 73 Laws 51, 54, 100 Le Gros loi Levy 78 Loeffler 55. MacConkey , 98, 126 Makgill 97 Maschek 15, 23 Mathews 46, 59 Miquel S. 9- 25, 31, 35, 39, 82 Moore 75 Moroni 78 Neufeld 53 Nibecker 10, 46, 66, 97, loi Niedner. . . iq Nuttall 106 Osgood 116 84 Papasotiriu • Parietti rennington Petruschky ^2 P'^^'P^ 19. 2i,"30,' 66', 72, 98 Puujol 77 Prausnitz 39 16, 17, 29, 61, 80, loi, 102 Procaccini 13 Pusch 92 ^"PP 13, 14 Refik ^ ^ 76 Keinsch 29 Remlinger AUTHOR INDEX. Reynolds ^'^^t2 Rideal Riedel 26 Rothberger Russell Savage ^7 Scheurlen u Schneider Schottelius Seflgwick 5, 12, 16, 17, 29, 57, 59 Sliuttleworth 41 Smith 60, 74, 82, 94 Sternberg 36 Stokes g8 Thomson 50 Tiemann 23, 37 Tissandier 7 Wathelet 51 Weissenfeld 78 Welch 106 Whipple 9, 20, 26, 30, 31, 58, 65, 68, 96, 113, IIS Widal S3 Winslow 10, 12, 22, 41, 46, 64, 66, 73, 91, 96, 97, loi, 107, 113 WoUfhugel IS, 26 Woodman 1 13 Wright 75 Wurtz 44. 59 Zagari • 12 SUBJECT INDEX. PAGE Absorption of COj 70 Acid formers in Boston sewage 4^ production by B. subtilis 45 Acidity of media 29 Agar media. plate count ^ preparation of , 120, 12 1 streak, types of growth 67 Agglutination Air, dust in ^ American Public Health Association, standard procedure. . . 19, 20, 28, 30, 31, 119, 120 Ammes, formation of by B. coli gg Ammonia, formation of by B. coli gg Ammonium compounds, decomposition of e Antagonism * Bacillus serogenes anthracis, isolation from water eg cloacae I r ' ' „ o ,. 91, 92, 108 coll, as a saprophyte. , as direct evidence of sewage , atypical forms gg , biochemical characters ^g , characteristics of. ' , colonies on agar , comparison of methods for isolation g'l g, , decomposition of sugars * ' ^ , detection of, in presence of streptococci . . , [ 104 i4r SUBJECT INDEX. PAGE Bacillus coli, determined by animal inoculation 78 , distribution of 81 , distribution of, in unpolluted waters 76-79 , distribution of, in various animals 74 , distribution in various waters 85 , effect of dilution on growth in litmus lactose agar. ... 66 , from cereals . . 82 , gas ratio 95 , general distribution of, in nature 76 , growth on agar streak 67 in effluents of Lawrence filter 87 in filter effluents 86 in large samples 82 in Merrimac River 86 in mud 45 in normal intestine 58 in polluted waters 89, 91 in refuse from tanneries, grist-mills, and dairies 82 in river water ^Si 92 in Severn River 45 in sewage 89, 92 in soil 84 in spring water 78, 88 in stored sewage loi , in unpolluted waters 78, 91, 97 in well waters 755) 92 , isolation of, by Escherich 58 , isolation of pure cultures 65 , isolation of, by litmus lactose agar 59 , morphology of. 5^ , on cereals 80 , on hands 22 , overgrowth by streptococci 102, 103, 104 , overgrowth during preliminary incubation . ... 62, 64, 65 , pathogenesis for guinea-pigs , 59 , pathogenicity of • 7^ , percentage of cultures giving positive tests in sub- culture 72 , positive isolations by different methods 63 , presumptive tests for 94 SUBJECT INDEX. 149 PAGE Bacillus coli, presumptive tests in various amounts of water 96 , qualita^'ve analysis for 69, 70 , quantitative estimation of 35, 82 , relation to B. acidi lactici 80 , significance of 112 , significance of, in samples of dififerent size 87 , significance of, in water 74 , standards for drinking water 85 , standards for presumptive test 97 , sub-cultures of, in qualitative analysis 70 , susceptibility to phenol 59 , time of gas-production in dextrose broth by 6i , variations in cultural reactions 73 , varieties of , 68 Bacillus dysenteriae ^3 enteritidis sporogenes 106 mycoides 66 , growth on agar streak 67 sporogenes, as index of pollution 106 , cultural characteristics 106, 107 in sewage 107 , method for detection of, in water 106 , significance of 107 typhi, biochemical characters of. 51 , distribution in the environment 54 in ice ' _ , isolation of. , life of, in water Bacteria, classes of, in relation to nutrition 27 , comparative numbers of, growing at 20° and 37° 47 , definition of species 57 , developing on various media , distribution of _ ^ , distribution of, in sea-water jo , distribution in water g , diurnal variation fermenting lactose, in normal walers 46, 48 , in polluted waters 4^^ 48 growing at body temperature ' in Boston tap-water o -iS 15° SUBJECT INDEX. PAGB Bacteria in Boston sewage 45 in Cambridge supply 10 in Chicago drainage canal 39 in Connecticut River 42 in deep wells , , . . 17, 40 in driven wells 17, 40 in filter effluents 40 in Framingliam supply 42 in ground water 15, 39 in ground waters, peculiar character of 18, 39 in Hartford supply 42 in ice 12 in Isar River 39 in Lake Champlain 10 in Lake of Lucerne 10 in Lake Zurich 38 in lakes and ponds 10 in Loch Katrine 10 in Loch of Lintralthen 10 in Lynn supply 10 in Medford supply 10 in Merrimac River 9 in Newport supply 42 in Ohio River 4i in Ourcq River 9 in Peabody supply in Plymouth supply 10 in polluted streams 39 in polluted waters, changes during storage 27 in polluted well 42 o m ram " in relation to food supply ^4 in Salem supply ^° in sea-water at Naples in sea-water at Wood's Hole 10 in Seine 39 in shallow wells ^S. 16 in snow ^ in springs in stored samples, multiplication of 25-27 SUBJECT INDEX. ^S^ PAGE Bacteria in surface wash in surface waters 9 in Taunton supply ^° in Thames River 9 in Wakefield supply ^° in water, relation to organic matter 37) 3^) , significance of number of 3^ in well water, effect of pumping on 23 , intestinal 99 , liquefying ^"-'^ , metabolism of 4 , multiplication of, in spring water 16 , peculiar groups in ground water 18, 39 , reduction of, in streams 8 , relation to environment.' 3) ^4- organic matter in water 6 waste materials 4 , seasonal distribution in surface waters 9 which do not grow on ordinary media 19 Bacterial standards for filter plants 41 Bacteriological analyses, value of 4^ analysis of water, certainty of 42, 115 , comparison with chemical 113 , delicacy of 113 , directness of 113 , distribution of sewage in water. . . 116 groundwaters 113, 114, 115 examination of water, applicability of. 116 Berkefeld filter to concentrate organisms 50 Biochemical characters of B. coli 51 Blood serum, preparation of . . 125 Body temperature, count, Boston sewage 45 , Charles River 45 of various samples 47 , polluted water 45 , significance of 112 organisms growing at 43 Boston, B. spor6genes in sewage 107 , bacteria in deep wells. 17 f course of sewage in harbor n6 ^52 SUBJECT INDEX. Boston sewage, bacteria in ''^^^ tap-water, bacteria in ^8 Brookline tap-water, bacteria in 47 Brooks, bacteria in Cambridge tap-water, bacteria in 10, 47 Carbon dioxide, absorption of yo Cats, B. coli in 74) 75 Cereals, B. coli in 3o Character of colonies, importance of, in ground waters 40 Charles River above Boston, body temperature, count 45 Chemical analysis of water, comparison with bacteriological 113 Chemical examination of water no , applicability of 116 Chicago drainage canal, B. coli in 89 , bacteria in 39 , routine bacteriological analyses 41 Chichester, well waters in 115 Cleaning mixtures 22 Cold, action of, upon bacteria. , 12 Colon bacilli in Manchester Ship Canal 45 , overgrown by streptococci 92 Colon bacillus, as direct evidence of sewage 58 , biochemical characters 58, 59 , gas ratio 58 , importance of number of 82 , in normal intestine 58 , isolation of, by litmus lactose agar 59 , morphology of 58 , pathogenesis in guinea-pigs 59 , preliminary enrichment for 60 , quantitative estimation of. 60 , susceptibility to phenol 59 Comparability of quantitative results 20 Composition of media, effect on bacterial counts 30 Connecticut River, bacteria in 4-2 Constantinople, B. coli in water supplies 76 Counting S^j 33 Cows, B. coli in 74. 75 Cycle of organic nitrogen 5 SUBJECT INDEX. PAGE Daily analyses, at Chicago, etc ■ Danube River, distribution of sewage in Dedham tap-water, bacteria in Deep wells , bacteria in Depths below surface, taking samples from . . Desplaines River, B. coli in Dextrose broth, for enrichment of B. coli , method for isolation of B. coli , preparation of. Dilution of samples in plating Distribution of bacteria in sea-water water Diurnal variation in bacteria Dogs, B. coli in Driven wells, bacteria in Dust in air Egypt, cholera in 5 Elbe River, cholera bacilli in 55 Eisner's medium 54 Enrichment culture, for B. typhi 49 processes, disadvantage of. 5° process, effect upon B. coli 5° Environment, effect of ^4 Esmarch process 34 Examination of spring waters for B. coli t • • 88 Feces, streptococci in Fermentation, characteristic gas formula of B. coli 75 , gas formula of B. coli 95 of sugars by B. subtilis 45 , variations in 73 Field, plating in 34 Filter effluent, B. coli in 86, 87 Filtration of water 4° Fishes, B. coli in 75. 7^ Food supply, effect of, upon bacteria 11, 14 Fowls, B. coli in 75 Fox River, B. coli in 90 .. 17 .. 24 .. 89 . . 61 63 . . 122 .. 28 II .. 6 .. 14 .74, 75 •40, 47 • • 7 SUBJECT INDEX. Framingham- supply, bacteria in Freezing of bacteria 12 Gas formula tras measurement, in fermentation tube yo Gasometer 70 Gas production in dextrose broth by B. coli, time of 61 Gelatin 119, 121 , liquefaction of media 30 , physical condition of. Glycerin, agar, preparation of. ' ' J22 Glycerin media 30 Goats, B. coli in r A . 74, 75 Oround waters , bacteria in 2 9 , bacteriological analysis of 113, n^., , character of bacteria in 18, 39 Hamburg, cholera epidemic Hartford supply, bacteria in ^2 Hogs, B. coli in 74, 75 Horses, B. coli in Hudson River, B. coli in Ice, bacteria in j2 Illinois River ^ _ _ ^ _ j j , B. coli in go , distribution of sewage in 117 Incubation, conditions of of agar plates at body temperature 44 , period of 31, 32 Indol reaction test 71 Interpretation of analyses 117 Interval between sampling and examination 28 Intestinal bacteria gg Isar, River, bacteria in 13, 14, 39 Isolation of B, coli, Chicago methods 89 , definition of species 67 SUBJECT INDEX. PAGE Isolation of B, coli, examination of subcultures 71 , from large samples 63, 64, 65 , growth on agar streak 67 , Mass. Inst. Tech. record blank 69 , Mass. State Board of Health methods 69 , necessity of standard methods 69 , percentage of cultures passing various tests 72 , period of preliminary enrichment 62 , phenol broth method 62 , preliminary enrichment 61 , separation of pure cultures 65 , significance of large samples 87, 91 , significance of quantitative results 81 , variations in cultural reactions 7^ streptococci , fewell filter, bacterial efficiency Kiel, bacteria in wells at ,a IS> Lactic acid bacteria 79 Lactose-agar plate as a presumptive test plates ' . 44 , use m isolation of B. coli 60 61; , preparation of \ "' '^^^ broth, preparation of. , fermentation of, by B. coli \\ ^" '0 -fermenting bacteria in polluted waters . '. '. . ' 48 -fermenting organisms in normal water Lake Champlain, bacteria in of Lucerne, bacteria in Zurich, bacteria in Lakes, bacteria in ^ Lawrence city filter, bacterial'efficiency of'. ". '. * ' ' 1° Leitmeritz, bacteria in wells at 40, »7 Light, effect of, upon bacteria : ".13 in streams Liquefying bacteria ^3 ' Phenolated, for B. coli isolation L Litmus lactose agar plate, incubation of plate, isolation of B. coli by ^ 59 156 SUBJECT INDEX. PAGE Litmus lactose agar plate, technique of 45 , red colonies in 66 Litmus milk, preparation of 123 Liverpool tap- water, B. coli in 85 Loch Katrine, bacteria in 10 Loch of Lintralthen, bacteria in 10 Loeffler's blood serum 125 Lynn tap-water, bacteria in 10, 47 MacConkey's media, preparation of 126 Mainz, bacteria in wells at IS Maltose broth, preparation of 122 Manchester ship canal, B. coli in 45' ^5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, blank for recording bacterio- logical analysis ^9 Massachusetts State Board of Health 9, 72, 86, 88 , B. coli isolation 87 , bacteriological counts 40 , examination of springs 16 , methods for isolation of B. coli 69 Mechanical filtration 4° Medford tap-water, bacteria in 10, 47 Media, alkaline, for isolation of Sp. cholerae 55 , bacteria developing on various 3° , comparability 2° , composition of ^9 , limitations of ordinary '9 , percentage of bacteria developing on various. 21 , practical requirements for 20 , reaction of , standard methods "9> iz" Merrimac River, bacteria in 9. 4° Metabolism of different classes of bacteria ■ 37 Mice, B. coli in '^'^ Micro-organisms, effect of, upon bacteria ".12 Milk, preparation of ^^-^ test "^^ Milton tap-water bacteria in • '^7 . . „ ,. ■ 8-5, 90 Mississippi River, B. coli in Missouri River, B. coli in 9° SUBJECT INDEX. PAGE Mohawk River, B. coli in 83 Moisture in incubators 31 Montsouris, bacteria in air 8 Mud, colon bacilli in 45, 85 Multiplication of bacteria in spring waters 16, 25 in stored tamples 25-27 Mur River, B. coli in 83 Nahrstoflf Heyden agar iQi 20, 21, 30 Naples, bacteria in sea-water at 10 Neumark, typhoid bacillus in well at 53 Neutral-red _ _ g7 broth, preparation of 126 Newburyport tap-water, bacteria in 47 Newport supply, bacteria in 42 New York Board of Health 82 , examination of rivers for B. coli, Nitrate solution, preparation of test , variations in Nitrification Nitrifying organisms Nitrites Nitrogen, cycle of organic Normal waters, lactose fermenting bacteria in . Ohio River, B. coli in , bacteria in Organic matter, decomposition of in water, relation of bacteria to , oxidation of , relation of bacteria to Osmotic pressure, effect of upon bacteria Ourcq River, bacteria in Overgrowth Oxidation of organic matter Oxygen, effect of, upon bacterial counts Para-colon organisms Para-typhoid organisms Parietti's solution 3 5 48 8s 41 .... 4, III 37 5 6 II 9 . . . . 62, 64 5 31 78, 91, 92 78 SO SUBJECT INDEX. Paris, bacteria in air of. Parma, B. coli in water supply of. in wells and springs near Peabody tap-water, bacteria in Peptone method for isolation of cholera bacillus solution, preparation of test Period of incubation Phenol broth, composition of 62 , method for isolation of B. coli 62 , preparation of. 125 Phenolated gelatin, use of, for typhoid isolation 50 lactose litmus agar 60 Plating 28 in the field 24 Plymouth tap-water, bacteria in 10, 47 Polluted waters, bacterial changes during storage 27 , blood temperature count 45 , lactose fermenting bacteria in 48 , specific pathogenes in 49 Ponds, bacteria in lo, 47 Pools, bacteria in 47 Potato, preparation of 124 gelatin, use for typhoid bacteria 50 Presumptive tests for B. coli 94 if' •f^?- Proteus organisms 108 Protozoa 12 Prussia, regulations regarding filter plants 41 Pseudocolon bacilli 68 Pump, sampling from 23 Pumping, effect of, upon bacterial content of well water 23 Quantitative analysis, arbitrary standards for 35 , composition of media 29 , conditions of incubation 31 , counting 33 , dilution 28 , general procedure 21 , interpretation of 35 , media for 19 ,. 8 78 • 78 ID, 47 • 56 ,. 124 SUBJECT INDEX. 159 PAGE Quantitative analysis, period of incubation 31 , plating 28-29 , procedure for 21 , recording results 33 , sampling 21-24 , storage of samples 25 bacteriological analysis, significance of Ill Rabbits, B. coli in 74, 75 Rain, bacteria in 8, 47 , contamination of surface water by 9 Reaction of media 29 Recording quantitative results 33 Red colonies in litmus lactose agar 66 Relation of B. coli to B. acidi lactic! 80 Rellingen, typhoid bacillus in well at 53 Saccharose broth, preparation of. 122 Salem tap-water, bacteria in I0> 47 Sample booties, cleaning of 22 , handling , 22 , size of, effect of, upon multiplication of bacteria. 27 , sterilization of 22 Sampling, for bacteriological analysis 21-25 , necessity for care in 27 Sand filtration Sangamon River, B. coli in go Sanitary inspection jq^ Research Laboratory, bacteria in Boston sewage 45 Sea- water, bacteria 111 jq Seasonal distribution of bacteria in surface waters g variation of bacterial content in surface waters 9, 38 Sedimentation of bacteria jj Seine, bacteria in ^9 Self-purification of lakes and ponds 10 of streams 8, 13, 39, 113 Severn River, colon bacilli in Sewage, B. coli in , bacteria in , distribution of, in water jjg^ ji^ pollution, bacteria in relation to ,o loo SUBJECT INDEX. PAGE bewage, streptococci in 62, 100, loi , typhoid bacillus in 51 Shallow wells, bacteria in 15^ i6 Sheep, B. coli in Shiga bacillus Significance of B. coli in water >]() et seq., 93 , necessity for quantitative results 81 of blood temperature count 43 of quantitative analysis 38 of streptococci in water 105 Snow, bacteria in 8, 47 Sodium taurocholate medium 98 Specific pathogenes in polluted water 49 Spirillum cholerae in Elbe River 55 , isolation of 54, 55 of Asiatic cholera, isolation from polluted water 49 Spore-forming pathogenes in water, isolation of. 56 Spring waters, multiplication of bacteria in 16 Springs, bacteria in 15, 16, 47 Standard for interpreting presumptive test 97 Sterilization of gelatine, effect of 30 sample bottles 22 Storage 11 , effect on sample 37 , multiplication of bacteria during 25-27 of polluted waters 27 of samples, allowable maximum 28 Strassburg, B. coli in water of 7^ Streams, bacteria in 39 , sedimentation of bacteria in 11 Streams, self-purification of. 8, 13 Streptococci as indicative of pollution 100 , colonies on litmus lactose agar 66 , cultural characters 99 , decomposition of sugars by 44 , detection of, in presence of B. coli 104 , growth on agar streak 67 \ habitat of SUBJECT INDEX. i6i PAGE Streptococci in feces loi in polluted waters 92, 102 in sewage loi in sewage polluted rivers 100 in stored sewage loi in unpolluted water.. . .■ 91, loi , isolation of. 102 , overgrowth of B. coli by 102, 104 , relation to B. coli 102, 103, 104 sewage pollution 105 , sewage 62, 100 , significance of 112 , types of colonies on litmus lactose agar 66 Streptococcus erysipelatos Sudbury River, chemical and bacteriological examination 113 Sugar broth, preparation of 122 Sugars, decomposition of. ^ Surface wash, bacteria in 8 water, sampling of. 24 , bacteria in 9, 39, 47 22 Tap-water sampling Taunton tap- water, bacteria in jo, 47 Temperature, effect of, upon bacteria „ J2 , effect upon multiplication of bacteria in stored samples, ' 26, 27 of incubation ^ x Thames River, bacteria in -*••••.... 9 Titration of media 120 loronto supply, bacteria in Toxic products Turin, B. coli in unpolluted waters near ' »g Turkeys, B. coli in Typhoid bacillus in ice . . . 12 in sewage in well at Neumark Rellingen isolation from polluted water , reported isolation from water fever, spring epidemics o 30 SUBJECT INDEX. Urea, decomposition of Value of isolated analyses Variation of B. coli gg Variations in cultural reactions 72 Wakefield and Stoneham tap-water, bacteria in lo, 47 Water, B. coli in different grades of 96 in polluted and unpolluted 63 bacteria, peculiar metabolism of 37 , bacteriological analysis of 69 , chemical composition, relation of bacteria to 37, 38 , chemical examination of no , complete bacteriological analysis 112 , distribution of bacteria in 6 purification 40 supplies, sanitary inspection of 109 Waters, bacteria in various classes of. 21 , classification of 6 Well, typhoid bacillus in, at Neumark 53 at Rellingen 53 water, bacteria in 42 Wells, bacteria in 47 Westerly tap-water, bacteria in 47 Widal reaction 53 Wood's Hole, bacteria in sea-water at 10 Wurtz litmus lactose agar 59 SHORT-TITLE CATALOGUE OP THE PUBLICATIONS OP JOHN WILEY & SONS, New York- London: CHAPMAN & HALL, Limited. ARRANGED UNDER SUBJECTS. Descriptive circulars seat on application. 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