Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https ://arch i ve . o rg/detai Is/b21 481 337 [From the Proceedinos op the Royal Society, No. 145, 1873.] FURTHER ORSERVATIONS ON THE TEMPERATURE AT WHICH BACTERIA, VIBRIO NES, AND THETH SUPPOSED GERMS ARE KILLED WHEN EXPOSED TO HEAT IN A MOIST STATE ; AND ON THE CAUSES OF PUTPtEFACTION AND FERMEMTATION. BY H. CHARLTON BASTIAN, M.A., M.D., F.R.S., PROFKSSOR OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY IN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON. Whilst a heat of 140° F. (60° C.) appears to be destructive to Bacteria, Vibriones, and their supposed germs in a neutral saline solution, a heat of 149° or of 158° F. is often necessary to prevent the occurrence of putre- faction in the inoculated fluids when specimens of organic infusions are employed. AVhat is the reason of this difference ? Is it owing to the fact that li\ing organisms are enabled to withstand the destructive in- fluence of heat better in such fluids than when immersed in neutral saline solutions ? At first sight it might seem that this was the conclusion to be drawn. We must not, however, rest satisfied with mere superficial considerations. The problem is an interesting one ; yet it should be clearly understood that its solution, whatever it may be, cannot in the least affect the vali- dity of the conclusion arrived at in my last paper, viz. that living matter is certainly capable of arising de novo. We were enabled to arrive at the conclusion above mentioned regarding Archebiosis by starting with the undoubted fact that a heat of 158° F. reduces to a state of potential death all the Bacteria, Vibriones, and their supposed germs which an or- ganic infusion may contain. The inquiry upon which I now propose to enter, therefore, touching the degree of heat beloiv this point which may sufllce to Idll such organisms and their supposed germs in an organic infusion, and touching the cause of the delayed putrefaction apt to take place in inoculated organic infusions which have been heated to tempe- ratures above 140° and below 158° F., is one lying altogether outside the chain of fact and inference by which the occurrence of Archebiosis is proved. It seems to me that the solution of the problems which form the sub- ject of the present communication can only be safely attempted by keeping constantly before our minds two main considerations : — Thus, in the experiments whose results it is now our object to en- deavour to explain, the fluids have been inoculated with a compoun c;onsisting partly {a) of living units, and partly (b) of a drop of a solu- tion of organic matter in a state of molecular change ; so that in many cases where putrefaction has been initiated after the inoculating com- pound has been heated to certain temperatures, there is the possibility that this process of putrefaction may have been induced (in spite of the death of the organisms and their germs) owing to the influence of 6, the dissolved organic matter of the inoculating compound ; that is to say 326 Prof. H. C. Bastian on the Heat the heat to which the mixture has been exposed may have been adequate to kill all the living units entering into the inoculating compound, although it may not have been sufficient to prevent its not-living organic matter acting as a ferment upon the infusion *. And there are, I think, the very best reasons for concluding that in all the cases in which turbidity has occurred after the organic mixtures have been subjected to a heat of 140° 1\ (60° C.) and upwards, this turbidity has been due, not to the survival of the living units, but rather to the fact that the mere dead organic matter of the inoculating compound has acted upon the more unstable organic infusions in a way which it was not able to do upon the boiled saline fluids. In order more fully to explain the grounds upon which this conclusion is based, it will now be necessary to recast the results of the 102 inocu- lation experiments recorded in my last communication f. They require to be thrown into a new tabular form, in order to show how the results differed amongst themselves when organic infusions of different strengths were employed. The consideration of this aspect of the question was purposely delayed, in order to avoid the introduction of unnecessary complications into my last communication, seeing that the conclusion which I then sought to establish was in no way affected by these facts. Neutral Hay-Infusion. Infusion of sp. gr. 1005. Infusion of sp. gr. 1002. Tempe- rature. Number of Expts. Date of Turbidity, if any. Results at the Expiration of the 8th day. Number of Expts. Date of Turbidity, if any. Results at the Expiration of the 8th day. 122° F. (50° C.) 131° F. } > 6 24 hrs. 48 hrs. Turbid. All turbid. 1 48 hrs. Turbid. 140° F. (60° C.) 149° F. 1 in 48 hrs. 6 in 60 hrs. 1 All turbid. ^ { ^ { 1 in 3 days. 1 in 8 days. 2 in 5 days. 1 in 8 days. 1 All turbid. Three turbid. One clear. 158° F. (70° C.) 167° F. 176° F. (80° C.) } All clear. 15 4 All clear. All clear. * See ' The Beginnings of Life,* vol. ii. p. 2. t See Proceedings of the Royal Society, No. 143, p. 230. necessary to kill Bacteria, Vibriones, i^c. 327 Acid Turnip-Tnfusion. Infusion of sp. gr. 1008. Infusion of sp. gr 1005. Tempe- rature. Number nf Expts. Date of JL li L LJil.llL> ) if any. Kesults at tbe the 8th day. Number Expts. Date of J. Ul UKllLyj if any. Results at the Expiration of the 8th day. 122° F. 131° F. 5 24 brs. All turbid. 2 48 brs. All turbid. 140° F. 149° F. 6 3 40 brs. 5 days. All turbid. All turbid. • { '1 4 in 3 days. 2 in 4 days. 1 in 3 da^'s. 1 in 7 days. 2 in 8 days. All turbid. Four turbid. Three clear. ir)8° F. 1G7°F. 176° F. 17 4 All clear. All clear. lieference will be made to these Tables in the setting forth of my reasons for the conclusion that the more or less dela3'^ed putrefaction which takes place in inoculated organic infusions raised to the temperature of 140° 1\, and to other degrees of heat above this point, is due to the in- fluence of the not-living ingredient (b) of the inoculating compound. These reasons are the follo\^-ing : — 1. Because the turbidity which has occurred in iuoculated organic in- fusions that have been subjected to a temperature of 140° F. has always manifested itself appreciably later, and advanced much more slowly than in similar mixtures which had not been heated above 131° F.; whilst it has commenced even later, and progressed still more slowly, when occur- ring in mixtures previously heated to 149° F. Such facts might be accounted for by the supposition that exposure in these organic fluids to the slightly higher temperature suffices to retard the rate of growth and multiplication of the living units of the inoculatiug compound, al- though the facts are equally explicable upon the supposition that the later and less energetic putrefactions are due to the sole influence of the mere organic matter of the inoculating compound. 2. So far as the evidence embodied in the Tables goes, it tends to show that the more unstable different specimens of siuiilar infusions are (that is, the stronger they are), the more rapidly and frequently does late tur- bidity ensue, and the more this late turbidity approaches, both in time of onset and in rate of increase, to that which occurs when inoculated infusions are not heated to more than ]31°F.— Mhen both living and not-living elements of the inoculating compound act conjointly as ferments. Such facts show quite clearly that where the intrinsic or predisposing causes of change are strong, there less potent exciting agencies are more readily capable of coming into play ; but they still do 338 Prof. H. C. Bastiaii on the Heat not enable us to decide whether the exciting cause of this delayed turbi- dity is in part the living element whose vitality and rate of reproduction has been lowered by the heat, or whether the effects are wholly attribu- table to the mere organic matter of the inoculating compound. • So far, therefore, we have concomitant variations which are equally compatible with either h}'pothesis. But it will be found that each of the three succeeding arguments speaks more and more plainly against the possible influence of the living element, and in "favour of the action of the organic matter of the inoculating compound, as an efficient exciting cause of the delayed putrefactions occurring in the cases in question. 3. As stated in my last communication *, when single drops of slightly turbid infusions of hay or turnip previously heated to 140° F. are mounted and securely cemented as microscopical specimens, no increase of turbi- dity takes place, although drops of similar infusions heated only to 122° F. do notably increase in turbidity (owing to the multiplication of Bacteria) when mounted in a similar manner. Under such restrictive conditions as these, in fact, a drop of an inoculated and previously heated organic infusion behaves in precisely the same manner as a drop of a similarly treated ammonic-tartrate solution. In each case, when heated to 140° r., turbidity does not occur, apparently because there are no living units to multiply, and because in these mere thin films of fluid dead ferments are as incapable of operating upon the organic fluids as they are upon the ammonic-tartrate solutions. 4. Because, in the case of the inoculation of fluids which are not easily amenable to the influence of dead ferments, such as a solution containing ammonic tartrate and sodic phosphate, this delayed turbidity does not occur at all. Such inoculated fluids become rapidly turbid when heated to 131° F., though they remain clear after a brief exposure to a tempera- ture of 140° F. When the living units in the inoculating compound are led, there is nothing left to induce turbidity in such solutions. The mere fact that these fluids do not undergo change when exposed to the air proves conclusively that they are very slightly amenable to the in- fluence of the ordinary dead organic particles and fragments ^ith which the atmosphere abounds. The absence of delayed turbidity in these fluids serves, therefore, to throw much light upon the cause of its occur- rence in the organic infusions. 5. And, lastly, I can adduce crucial evidence supplied by the " Method of Difference," speaking with its accustomed clearness. Two portions of the same hay- or turnip-infusion can be inoculated in such a manner as to supply us with the information we require. In the one case we may employ a drop of a turbid ammonic-tartrate solution previouslv heated to 140° F., in which, therefore, the living units would certainly be killed ; whilst in the other we may add an unheated drop of the same turbid saline solution to the organic fluid, and then heat this mixture also to * Loc. cif. p, 228. necessary to kill, Bacteria, Vibrioncs, ^c. 329 the temperature of 140° F. The coinpnTative behaviour of these two iuocuhxtecl fhiids (phiced, in the ordinary manner, in previously boiled corked phials) should be capable of showing us whether the living elements of the inoculating compound, were able to survive when heated in the organic infusion. If they did survive, the fluids inoculated in this manner ought to undergo putrefaction earlier and more rapidly than those inoculated with the drop of turbid fluid, in which we know that the Bacteria, Vibriones, and theii' supposed germs would have been reduced to a state of potential death. With the view of settling this question, therefore, the following experiments were made : — Description of Experiments. A. Eoiled aminonic-tai-trate solution, inoculated with an un- heated drop of a similar solution turbid with Bacteria &c. B. Boiled ammonic-tartrate solution, inoculated with a drop of a turbid saline solution pre- viously heated to 140° F. C. Boiled turnip- and hay-in fusions, inoculated with a drop of a turbid saline solution previous- ly heated to 140° F. D. Boiled turnip- and hay-in- fusions, inoculated with a drop of an unhealed tiu-bid saline solu tion, the inoculated fluid bein< subsequently heated to 140° F. Results. Turbid in 40 hrs. Clear at expiration of 8th day. Turnip-infusions turbid in 2i days Hay-infusions clear at exp i ration of 8th day. Turnip-infusions turbid in 2i days Hay-infu.sions clear at expiration of 8th day. B. Boiled turnip- and hay-in- Turnip-infusions fusions, inoculated with a drop of turhid in 28 hrs. an unheated saline .solution, the Hay-infusions inoculated fluid being subse- turbid in 38 hrs. quently heated to 131° F. Inferences. That boiled ammonic-tartrate so lution is a fluid inoculable by living Bacteria &c., and favour- able for their growth and rapid multiplication. That Bacteria, Vibriones, and their supposed germs are either killed or deprived of all power of multiplication when heated to 140° F. in this fluid. ^The precisely similar behaviour of the turnip- and hay-infu sions of series C and series D respectively shows that the Bacteria, Vibriones, and their supposed germs are as inoperative in series D as they are known to be in series C ; whilst the beha' viour of the hay-infusions shows that they are little amenable to the influence of the drop of the saline fluid when its living units are killed. Siaows that a heat of 131° F. is not sufTicient to kill Bacteria, Vibriones, and their supposed germs in organic infusions, and, again, that turnip-infusions are more rapidly influenced by such an inoculating agent than some hay-infusions*. No experiments could speak more decisively. Those of series B show that Bacteria, Vihriones, and their supposed germs are either actually or potentially killed when heated to 140° P. in the neutral saline fluid, * These experiments of series C, D, and E were many times repeated with specimens of the same turnip- and hay-infusions, the specific gravity of the former being about 1008 and that of the latter 1005. Different specimens of hay especially vary so much that it becomes absolutely essential to use portions of the same infusion for the compa- rative experiments of these different series. 330 Prof. H. C. Bastian on the Heat w liioh the experiments of series A show to be eminently favourable for their grow th and reproduction. Being certain, therefore, that the ]x\mg units are killed in the drops with which the fluids of series C were inocu- lated (because they were drops of the same fluid as was employed in series B), we may be equally certain that the turbidity and putrefaction which did ensue in the turnip-solutions of series C were due to the in- fluence of the mere dead constituents of these drops of the turbid saline fluid; whilst, seeing that the behaviour of the fluids of series D was precisely similar to those of series C, we have a perfect right to infer that this series of fluids (D) was as devoid of living units as those of C are knov\Ti to be — that is, that Bcccteria, Vibriones, and their supposed germs are Ivilled by the temperature of 140° F. in organic fluids, just as they are in saliue fluids, although, as shown by the experiments of series E, they do not succumb to a heat of 131° F. These experiments of series C and D further illustrate the different degrees of amenability of different organic fluids to the same dead ferments ; whilst the comparison of the results mth the hay-infusions of series C and D mth those previously cited (in which the inoculating compound was a drop of an organic infusion heated to the same temperature of 140° F.) will illustrate the different influence of dissimilar dead ferments upon infusions of the same kind. The evidence now in our possession shows, therefore, that whilst the temperature at which living ferments cease to be operative varies wdthin very narrow limits (131°-140°F.)*, that which destroys the virtues of not-living ferments A'aries mthiii much ^^ider limits, and depends not only upon the amount of heat employed, but also upon the nature of the putrescible or fermentable liquid to which such ferment is added, in con- junction with the degree of heat and other conditions to Avhich the mix- ture is subsequently exposed t. Here, therefore, we have evidence as to the existence of a most important difference between living and not- living ferments, which has always been either unrecognized or more or less deliberately ignored by M. Pasteur and his followers J. This differ- * Licbig has proved that a temperature of 140° P. kills Torulcs, and always suffices to arrest a process of fermentation taking place under their influence in a sugar solution. Toruke iieated in water to 140° F. also fail to initiate fermentation in a sugar solution. I have also found tliat an exposure to a temperature of 131° F. for five minutes always suffices to destroy the life of Desmids, Euglense, Amoebo;, Monads, Ciliated Infusoria, Rotifers, Nematoids, and other organisms contained in specimens of pond-water. All these lower organisms seem to be destroyed at about the same temperature, as might have been expected from the fundamental I'elatiouship which must exist between these several varieties of the one substance — living matter. t See 'The Beginnings of Life,' vol. i. p. 437. I See, for instance, all M. Pasteur's celebrated experiments in wliich he had recourse to an "ensemencement des poussieres qui existent en suspension dans I'air," as re- corded in chaps, iv. & v. of his memoir in 'Ann. de Chimie et dc Physique,' 18G2. M. Pasteur was engaged in an investigation one of the avowed objects of whicli was to determine whether fermentation could or could not take place without the intervention of necessary to kill Bacteria, Vibriones, ^c. 331 eneo is, moreover, tlioroughly in accordance w ith the broad physico-cheuii- cal theory of fernieutation w hich has been so ably expounded by Baron Liebig and others, and the truth of which may now be regarded as defniitely established. According to this theory "livhig" matter, as a ferment, would take rank merely as a chemical compound having a tolerably defi- nite constitution ; and this, we might reasonably infer, would, like other chemical compounds, be endowed with detinite properties — and amongst others that of being decomposed or radically altered by exposure to a certain amount of heat. Looked at also from tlus essentially chemical point of view, it would be only reasonable to expect that the molecular mo^•em(^nts of living ferments mth a lowered vitality might not be more marked or energetic than those which many not-living orgaiuc substances are apt to undergo ; and this being the case, we might expect that there would often be a gi'eat practical ditficulty in ascertaining whether a fenneut belonging to the arbitrary and artificial (though, in a sense, justifiable and natural) category of "living" things had or had not been in operation. It has, moreover, been most unmistakably proved that the limits of vital resistance to heat which Bacteria, Vihriones, and theu' supposed germs are capable of displacing are essentially the same in the three type fiiiids which I have employed — that is, in a weak saline fluid, in a neu- tral organic infusion, and in an acid organic infusion. No evidence exists really tending to show that these organisms or their germs are capable of withstanding the effects of heat better in one of such fluids than in another. We may therefore safely affirm that M. Pasteur never had any v alid evidence in support of his conclusion that the germs of Bacteria and Vihriones can resist heat better in neutral or slightly alkaline solu- tions than in slightly acid mixtures. The experimental results which led him to arrive at such a conclusion were not logically capable of re- ceiving any such iuterpretation, whilst they can be legitimately accounted for in accordance with the broader physico-chemical theory of fermenta- tion, the truth of wliich has now been established*. We may also safely affirm that M. Pasteur's more specific statement, to the effect that living organisms, wliich M. Pasteur held (in opposition to many other chemists) to be the only true ferments. In his inoculating compound (dust filtered fi'om the atmosphere), there was, as M. Pasteur was fully aware, a large amount of what his scientific opponents considered not-living ferment, vrhiXst possibly there existed a certain number of living ferments. In explaining the results of his experiments, however, M. Pasteur and others tliought he was pursuing a logical and scientific method when he attributed these results to the action of the possibly existing element of the inoculating compound, wiiilst he ignored altogether the other element which was certainly present in comparatively large quantity, and the testing of whose eflicacy was the ostensible object of his research, * I attempted to show, nearly three years ago (see 'Nature,' July 14, 1870, pp. 224-228), that the differences which M. Pasteur ascribed to differences of vital resistance of or- ganisms in particular fluids were just as explicable in accordance with tlie physico- chemical theory of fermentation, by reference to the different degrees of fcrmentability of the sevci-al fluids. 332 Prof. H. C. Bastian on the Heat the germs of some Bacteria and VibHones are Ccapable of resisting the influence of a heat of 212° F. when in the moist state, though they are killed by a temperature of 230° F., was a conclusion altogether unwar- ranted by the evidence which he adduced. Finding that certain fluids treated after the manner introduced by Schwann always remained quite devoid of living organisms, M. Pasteur A-ery legitimately concluded that preexisting organisms and gei-ms had been killed during the boiling of the liquid ; but finding that when a little powdered chalk was added to fluids of the same Icind (which in all other respects were treated in a similar manner) living organisms were after a time invariably found to appear, although they as invariably failed to appear when the same fluids were heated to a temperature of 230° F. (110° C), two equally legitimate pro- visional conclusions were open to M. Pasteur in explanation of these facts. What did M. Pasteur do ? Following the same method as he had formerly employed*, he again ignored one of the equally possible interpretations, and unsuccessfully attempted to prove, by a repe- tition of similar reasoning t, that the different results in the two series of experiments w^ere due to the fact that the germs of Bacteria and Vihriones which had been killed by the temperature of 212° F. in the first series, were not killed by this temperature in the second series (in which a slightly alkaline fluid had been employed), although they were destroyed by the higher temperature of 230° F. Thus results which were due to the action of not-Hving ferments were ascribed to Living ferments, and the possible action of not-living ferments was ignored, although, as I have said 1)eforo, the ostensible object of M. Pasteur's researches was to inqmre into the relative importance of not-living and living ferments, or whether, iii fact, " dead " substances (in the ordinary acceptation of the word) could act as ferments. "When viewed from the stand-point of the physico-chemical theory of fermentation, the apparently contradictory results arrived at by the same experimenter at different times or by different experimenters, in this line of research, cease to be the inexplicable puzzle which they must always appear to those who place implicit faith in the narrower and too exclusive " vital " theory of fermentation advocated by M. Pasteur and his followers. My investigations have convinced me that, with regard to degree of fermentability, the various fermentable fluids and mLxtures are divisible into three distinct subclasses : — I. There are what may be called self-fermentable fluids or mixtures that is, fluids or mixtures which, after exposure to a temperature of 212° F. or higher, are still capable of undergoing fermentative changes without the addition of less-heated matter, either not-living or livino-. The changes occurring in these self-fermentable fluids (in which preexist- ing living things have been killed), when strictly protected from contact v ith adventitious particles, vary in rapidity and in intensity fi'om the * See note \ on page 330. t See Ann. de Chim. et de Phys, 1862, pp. GO-65. necessary to kill Bacteria, Vibrioncs, 6f6\ 333 liighest. to the very lowest degrees of fornientability. These gradations are dependent principally npon the nature of the fluids or mixtures em- ployed, and upon the degree of heat to which they have been submitted, though partly also to the temperature, pressure, presence or absence of filtered air, and degree of light to which the mixtures are subsequently exposed, l^or the sake of convenience, these gi-adations may be ranged into several distinct groups, though of course any such divisions as I am now about to sketch are purely artificial and are connected ^\itl^ one another in nature by innumerable transitions. Nature of Fluids. A. Turnip-infusion with cheese, turnip- infusion neutraliicecl by liquor potassaj, ordinary turnip-infusion, strong hay-in- fusion, &c. B. Tuniip-infusion neiitralized by liquor potassif, ordinary turnip-infusion, ordi- nary hay-infusion, &c. C. Beer-wort*, &c. D. Weak liay-infusions, xirine, solu- tions containing amnionic carbonate and sodic phosphate with minute organic im- purities, &c. E. Weak hay-infusions, urine, solutions containing ammonio-citrate of iron and minute organic impurities t, &c. F. Solutions of ammonie tartrate and Bodic phosphate with minute organic im- purities, &c. Nature of Results. Within two to four days marked turbidity, owing to the ap])earance of swarms of Bacteria and V/hriones. Fluids more or less foDtid. (Putrefaction.) No uniform turbidity, but growth of floc- culi in a more or less clear liquid. After a time the flocculi (composed of aggre- gated Bacteria and Vihriones) gradually subside, and the activity of the process ceases. Fluids either foetid or having a mere sour odour. Fluids which become more or less uni- formly and rapidly turbid, owing to the appearance of swarms of Torulce. Do not become visibly turbid or produce visible flocculi, although on microsco- pical examination they may be found to contain living Bacteria pretty uniformly distributed, but in comparatively small quantities. The odour is often not more appreciably altered than the clear- ness of such solutions. Same as in the last group J, though after weeks or months a dirty-looking sedi mentary matter slowly accumulates at the bottom of the flask, which on mi- croscopical examination is found to be composed partly of Bacteria with Vi- hriones and Lejitothrix, and partly of Torulm or more thick-walled fungus- germs. Same as in the last group, only the dirty sedimentary matter which accumulates never contains eitlier Bacteria, VitirioneR, or Lejitothrix. Living Torula and thick-walled fungus-germs in various stages of formation are I'requontly met with, and also, occasionally, a mycelium resulting from the development of some of these bodies. * I have had no experience with such a fluid myself. M. Pouchet's observations were, however, most striking on this subject (see his 'Nouvelles Experiences,' Paris, 1864,' p. 190). t In solutions containing iron, green organisms may subsequently be found (see ' Beginnings of Life,' vol. ii. p. 157). \ This, in fact, is in many cases tbe kind of change which the fluids last described ultimately undergo. 334 Prof. H. C. Bastian on the Heat Nat.ure of Fluids. Nature of Results. G, Weak or strongly acid infusions, and May remain permanently barren, and also many saline solutions cont