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'• * * * 0 0 0 •«••..*' *• 0X0 0.0 0 0 J > : /■ ✓ / >. ✓ ; 0 0 0 0 0.0. 0:0 0 ^ r !'•' ' " / - »--V - 0,0‘.0*Li 0 //// <* 0* 0* -r ^ r ^ *-. /• x < ✓ 0.0// > * f* t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.. ... 0 0r S / 0* / ,* /S' '• •’ " '• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,.. ,V ■>//,*.'*' 4 ’ •" " F f- 'A •■ < 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,- • .. .••• /• - 0*0,- 0 VV /V V, v,% VVVV ^ '• > 0' S S ^ />■' / 0r. * - > ^ f S 0*r S ,',r 0* S / 0' .y ,r S y S' * ' r y < ► . ' " - r y * / * 0 »f 0' 0r 0* S S S 0000000 0 0 0r/< F- J' • F* / r I- / /////////// ' ^ F ' . • a £31572- \ * C A T A L O G U E • • OF THE WORKS IN MEDICINE AND NATURAL HISTORY CONTAINED IN THE KADCLIFFE LIBRARY. OXFORD, PRINTED 13Y S. COLLINGWOOD, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY. MDCCCXXXV. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https ://arch i ve . o rg/d etai I s/b2 1 697747 AD VERTI SEMENT. IT is due to the munificent liberality of the Radcliff'e Trus- tees, and also to the judicious and long continued exertions of my predecessor, the late Dr. Williams, that the scientific public should be made acquainted with the valuable collection con- tained in that splendid repository, the Radcliff’e Library. With great readiness therefore I proceeded to obey the direction, given by the Trustees in last June, to make a Cata- logue of its contents. And though I do not consider that which is now published as a sufficiently satisfactory representa- tion of the valuable collection it describes ; yet, considering the length of time which would have been required for the con- struction of a Catalogue complete in all its details ; and that a knowledge of the contents of the Library, by leading to a knowledge of its deficiencies also, would tend to accelerate its improvement; it has been thought right to give immediate publication to the present sketch : respecting the plan of which a very few observations will be sufficient. The primary object in this, as in the Catalogue of every Library indeed, being a clear and succinct description of the title of each book noticed in it; in order that its existence in the Library may be easily ascertained; I have, in general, in order to distract the eye as little as possible, described the authors of individual works simply by their surnames and the initial of their other name or names, without the addition of their official or other titles : and this will not, I trust, be considered disrespectful. In some instances indeed the sur- IV ADVERTISEMENT. name only has been given, as being even more forcibly de- scriptive than any addition could make it. No other appella- tion need be added, it may be presumed, to the name of Linnaeus, Buffon, or Cuvier. With respect to books which are either extensively known, or are to be found in most large libraries of natural history, no further description has been given than was considered just sufficient to verify their existence in the collection : but with respect to books which are at the same time of rare occurrence, and of intrinsic value from the character of their contents, in addition to the general description has been occasionally sub- joined a short account of the plates, &c. contained in them. On such occasions, where Zoology is the subject-matter, the classification of the “ Regne Animal” of Cuvier has been prin- cipally adopted ; substituting however, usually, a Latin in- stead of a French nomenclature; and sometimes employing equivalent instead of identical terms, as “ Accipitres” for “ Oi- seaux de prole,” and “ Grallae” for “ Echassiers.” In books to which the author’s name is not added, or which are the production of a Collective Society, the initial letter of that appellation by which the book is most commonly known, or of the most characteristic term of the whole title, has deter- mined its alphabetical position in the Catalogue. Thus the Transactions of the Royal Society of London, being most fami- liarly known under the name of the “ Philosophical 1 ransac- tions,” are noticed under the initial letter of that term : but the Transactions of the Philosophical Societies of Cambridge or Manchester are noticed respectively under the initials ot those places. Where the title of a work has been thought too long and diffuse, it has been compressed ; and in some instances the ADVERTISEMENT. V terms of the original description have even been varied : such a liberty being usually considered allowable, provided the pur- port of the work be truly described. And when the same book is written in more than one language, the description of it has been given in that which is the most generally "known ; but the common Latin abbreviations relative to the size, &c. of a book or set of books have been used indifferently ; which is manifestly convenient to all parties. Although it is not necessary to enter into a consideration of the reasons which determined the order of classification which has been adopted in the following Catalogue; yet, for the con- venience of those who may at any time consult the Library, it is desirable to state that the general subjects are there classed in the same order as they occur in the Library itself. And it will be seen that those subjects are such only as have a direct relation to medicine, or are more or less remotely con- nected with it ; this being in accordance with the intention of the Founder. As the subjects have been classed under as many as ten dis- tinct divisions, with an alphabetical arrangement in each divi- sion, the difficulty of finding any individual work will probably be very trifling ; and I have therefore not thought it necessary to add a general Index : though, had there been sufficient time, I should have been desirous of adding an index which should not merely have referred to individual works, but, under appropriate heads, to all the works, and portions of works contained in the library, that bear upon the several branches of each department of Natural History. In order however to facilitate the search for any individual work, I have subjoined to this advertisement the order of arrangement of the subjects1. a See p. viii. VI ADVERTISEMENT. I take this opportunity of adding, that when a work con- tains Plates illustrative of Zoology, Botany, or Geology, the abbreviations employed are the initials of the words express- ing the branch of science illustrated by the Plate : e. g. if there be ten Zoological Plates, seven Botanical, and three Geological, the abbreviations will be as follow: io Z. 7 B. 3 G : and it is to be understood that Geology includes Mine- ralogy. It would be disingenuous, and unjust to my predecessor, were I not to acknowledge in the most explicit manner both the copiousness and the value of the materials which he had prepared for the construction of a Catalogue of that Library, to the formation of which he so mainly contributed. In the memoranda which he has left, I have met with almost daily proofs of his industry, his discrimination, and his accuracy : and, had he lived to complete the projected Catalogue, he would have had little further trouble than to make a copy of the notes which he had accumulated. But, however safely I mio’ht have relied on those data, I should not have discharged my duty either towards the Trustees of the Library or myself, had I in any instance made use of them without the fullest personal examination of the books to which they refer. In making that examination indeed they have been of the greatest value : and whenever I have failed of obtaining satisfaction from an inspection of the book itself, as foi instance in endea- vouring to ascertain the author of an anonymous publication, I have securely relied on the testimony of Dr.Williams. If on some occasions, as in describing the Museum of Petiver, or the remarkable work of the French Institute on Egypt, I have proceeded in a less technical way than others might have done, the description will not be the less intelligible to scientific persons; while the general inquirer will, I trust, be benefited ADVERTISEMENT. Vll by the mode I have adopted : for to such, a popularly analy- tical description of a work is better calculated to convey at the same time a just notion of its contents, and of the existing state of that branch of science to which its subject belongs, than the usual technical mode of description. Oxford , May 27, 1835. J. KIDD, M. D. Radcliffe Librarian. CONTENTS. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS Page i — SCIENTIFIC TRANSACTIONS 14—22 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY AND ZOOLOGY 23—72 BOTANY 73—125 BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY 126—151 CHEMISTRY 152—164 MINERALOGY AND GEOLOGY 165—186 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY . 187—198 HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 225 MEDICINE 226— 350 CATALOGU E OF THE WORKS IN MEDICINE AND NATURAL HISTORY CONTAINED IN THE RADCLIFFE LIBRARY. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. ABEL, C. Narrative of a journey in the interior of China (during the embassy of lord Amherst). 5 Zoolog. 5 Bo- tan. 10 Geolog. 40. Lond. 1818. ANSON, G. A voyage round the world in 1740-4; com- piled by Richard Walter, M. A. 1 Z. 40. Lond. 1748. BANCROFT, E. On the natural history of Guiana in South America. 8°. Lond. 1769. BARRINGTON, lion. D. Possibility of approaching the north pole asserted ; with an Appendix by colonel Beau- foy ; 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1818. BARROW, J. Travels in China. 40. Lond. 1804. A voyage to Cochin China in 1792—3 ; containing a journey in ] 801-2 to the chief of the Booshuana nation in Southern Africa. 2 B. 40. L^ond. 1806. Travels into the interior of Southern Africa in 1797-8; 2d ed. 3 Z. 2 v. 40. Lond. 1806. A chronological history of voyages into the arctic regions. 8°. Lond. 1818. BARTRAM, W. Travels through North and South Caro- lina, &c. ; 2d ed. 2 Z. 5 B. 8°. Lond. 1794. BEATSON, A. Tracts relative to the island of St. Helena: with a geological plan and elevation. 40. Lond. 1816. B 2 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. BEECHEY, F. W. Voyage to the Pacific, and Beering’s strait, to cooperate with the polar expeditions, in 1825-8 ; in two parts. 1 Z. 3 G. 40. Loud. 1831. BEECKMAN, D. A voyage to and from the island of Borneo. 2 Z. 8°. Loud. 1718. BELON, P. Les observations de plusieurs singularitez, 8cc. trouvees en Grece, Asie, &c. cum tab. lign. plantarum, animalium, montis Sinai, &c. 21 Z. 12 B. 40. Paris , I555- BELZONI, G. Recent discoveries within the pyramids, &c. in Egypt and Nubia, &c. ; with a fol. atlas of 50 plates. 1 B. 40. Loud. 1820. BOSMAN, W. Description of the coast of Guinea, translated from the Dutch; 2d ed. 3 Z. 8°. Lond. 172 1. BRIGHT, li. Travels from Vienna through Lower Hun- gary. 40. JEdinb. 1818. BROWN, E. Brief account of some travels in Hungaria and Servia, &c. 40. Lond. 1673. BRUCE, J. Travels to discover the source of the Nile; 3d ed. 7 v. 8°. and one 40. of plates, principally of sub- jects in natural history. 21 Z. 35 B. Edinb. 1813. BURCHELL, W. J. Travels in the interior of Southern Africa; with an entirely new map. 16 Z. 10 B. 2 G. 2 v. 40. Lond. 1822-4. BURNEY, J. A chronological history of north-eastern voy- ages of discovery. 8°. Lond. 1819. Chronological history of the discoveries in the South Sea to 1764. 5 v. 40. Lond. 1803-17. CHARDIN, sir John. Travels into Persia and the East Indies, fol. Lond. 1686. CLAPPERTON, H. Journal of a second expedition into the interior of Africa in 1826-7; with the Journal of R. Lander. 40. Lond. 1829. CLARKE, E. D. Travels in various parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa. 2 Z. 5 B. 7 G. 6 v. 40. Lond. 1810—23. COOK, J. Voyage to the south pole, &c. in 1772-5. 1 Z. 4 B. 2 v. 40. Lond. 1777. COOK, J. and KING, J. Voyage to the Pacific ocean in 1776-80; with a fol. atlas of plates, &c. ; 2d ed. 5 Z. 3 v. 40. Lond. 1 7^5 • DAM PIER, W. A new voyage round the world ; 5^ ec^- 5 Z. 3 v. 8°. 1703. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 3 DAVY, J. An account of the interior of Ceylon. 3 Z. 40. Land. 1821. DENHAM, D. Travels in northern and central Africa, by major Denham, captain Clapperton, and Dr. Oudney, in 1822-4. 1 Z. 40. Load. 1826. DUMONT-DURVILLE, J. Rapport sur le voyage de M. le cap. Beechey an detroit de Behring; extrait du bul- letin de la socicte de geographic. 8°. Paris , 1831. EGYPTE. Description de TEgypte, on recueil des obser- vations et des reeherches qui out etc faites en Egypte pendant Pexpedition de Tarmee Franyaise. 8 v. fol. Planches 838. Antiquitds , Memoires. 2 v. fob Paris , 1809-18. Descriptions. ] 809-1 8. Etat moderne. 1809—22. Histoire naturelle. — 1809—13. Antiquites.V ol. I. Planches 97. PI. 1-29. He de Phil*. 30-38. lie d' Elephantine et Svene. 39- 46. Koum Ombou, Ombos. 47. Selseleh, Silsilis. 48-65. Edfou, Apollinopolis magnet. 66-71. El-Kab, Elethyia. 72-90. Esne, Lafopolis. 91-97. Erment, Hermonthis. V'ol. II. Planches 92. (Thebes.) PI. i— 1 8. Medynet-Abou. 19-39. Memnonium. 40- 43. Qournah. 44-76. Hypogees. 77-92. Byban El-Mouluk. Vol. III. Planches 69. (Thebes.) PI. T-15. Louqsor. 16-67. Karnak. 68. Med-a’ moud. 69. Collection de l^gendes. Vol. IVb Planches 72. PI. 1 — 34* Denderah, Tentyris. 35~37- Abydua. 38-42. Qaou el Kebyreh, Antceopolis. 43~49- Syout, Lycopolis. 5°— 52- Achtnouneyn, Hcrmopolis tncigna. 53-61. Antinoe. 62-68. Heptanomide. 69-72. Fayoum. 4 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. Vol. V. Planches 89. PI. 1-18. Memphis et les pyramides. 19. Vallee du Nil et Lac Mareotis. 20-25. Babylon. 26-27. Heliopolis. 28-29. ^aa, Tanis. 30. Delta. 31-43. Alexandria. 44~59- Papyrus, hieroglyphes, &e. 60-89. Collection d’antiques, &c. Etat Mod erne. Vol. I. II. Planches 172. PI. 1-9. Asouan, Esne, Qen£, Qoseyr, Syout, Minyeh, Egypte moyenne. 10. Basse Egypte. 11-14. Isthme, &c. de Soueys. 1 5—73* Kaire. 74-79. Basse Egypte. 80-83. Rosette. 84-99. Alexandrie. 100. Deserts Arabiques. 1 01- 1 02. Maisons de Malte, &c. 103. Montagnes de la Haute Egypte. Couvent du Mont Sinai. 104-105. Lacs de natron. 1-30. Arts et metiers. 31. Chirurgie. A-K. Costumes et portraits. AA-NN. Vases, &c. a-k. Inscriptions, &c. Histoire Naturelle, Vol. I. II. Planches 244. Zoologie. PI. 7. Mammiferes, par Geoffr. St. Hilaire. 1. Supplement, par J. C. Savigny. 14. Oiseaux, par J. C. Savigny. 8. Reptiles, par Geoffr. St. Hilaire. 5. Supplement, par J. C. Savigny. 27. Poissons du Nil, par Geoffr. St. Hilaire. i . Cephalopodes, par J. C. Savigny. 3. Gasteropodes, 14. C'oquilles, 5. Anneiides, 13. Crustaces, 9. Arachnides, 1. Myriapodes (etHexapodes-apteres) J. Savigny. 7. Orthopteres, par J. C. Savigny. 3. Neuropteres, 20. Hymenopteres, 9. Echinodermes, 3. Zoophytes. (Eponges.) 1. Ascidies. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 5 14. Polypes. (Actinies, Madrepores, Piastres, &c.) 2. Algues. (Hydrophytes.) Botanique, par M. Delile. PI. 2. Palmier Doum. Dessine par H. J. Redoute. 59. Graminees, &c. 1 . Palmier Dattier. Mineralogie, par M. Roziere. PI. 1-3. Sy&tie et les Cataractes. (Granit oriental, &c.) 4. Selseleh, &e. (Pouddingue Memnonien, &c.) 5. Pyramides de Memphis, &c.(Coquilles fossiles,&c.) 6-1 1. Deserts de l’Egvpte. (Bois petrifies, &c.) 12-15. Arabie Petree (Porphyres, Gres, Madr£porites,&c.) ELLIS, H. A voyage to Hudson’s Bay in 1746 and 1747. 4 Z. 8°. Lond. 1748. EVEREST, rev. R. A journey through Norway, Lapland, and part of Sweden ; with maps and geological sections. 8°. Lond. 1829. FALK, J. P. Beytriige zur Topographischen Kenntniss des Russischen Reichs. 14 Z. 17 B. 3 v. 40. St. Petersb. 1785, 6. FIELD, B. Geographical memoirs on New South Wales, by various hands ; with other papers on the aborigines, the geology, &c. 2 B. 8°. Lond. 1825. FISCHER, J. E. Sibirische Geschicte von der entdekkung Sibiriens, &c. 2 v. 8°. St. Petersb. 17 68. FLINDERS, M. Voyage to Terra Australis, 1801-3. 10 2 v. 40. Lond. 1814. FRANKLIN, sir John. A journey to the shores of the polar sea in 1819-22. 3 Z. 4 B. 40. Lond. 1823. A second expedition to the shores of the polar sea in 1825-7. 40. Lond. 1828. FRASER, J. B. Journal of a tour through part of the Hi- mala mountains; with twenty views illustrative of the tour. 40. Lond. 1820. FREZIER, A. F. A voyage along the coasts of Chili and Peru in 1712-14; translated from the French, with a postscript by Dr. E. Halley, Savilian professor of geome- try, and an account of the settlement of the Jesuits in Paraguay, not written by M. Frezier, nor contained in the Paris edition. 2 Z. 4 B. 40. Lond. 1717. GEORGI, J. G. Bemerkungcn ciner Reise im Russischen Reich im 1772-4. 1 Z. & B. 2 v. 40. St. Petersb. 1775\ Bcschreibung des Russischen Rcichs. 9 v. 8°. Konigsberg , 1797-1802. 6 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. GERMAR, E. F. Reise nach Dalmatien und in das Gebiet von Ragusa. 5 Z. 8°. Leipz. <§* Altenberg ■, 1817. GMELINS, G. S. Reise durch Russland. 57 Z. 45 B. 4 v. 40. St. Petersb. 1770-84. GREAVES, J. His miscellaneous works. Edited by Thomas Birch. 2 v. 8°. Loud. 1737. GULDENSTADT, J. A. Reisen durch Russland. 2 v. 4°. St. Petersb. 1787-91. HAKLUYT, R. Collection of the early voyages, &c. of the English nation. A new ed. 3 v. 40. Pond. 1809—12. HALL, B. Voyage to the great Loo-Choo island, &c. 40. Land. 1818. HAMILTON, F. ol. BUCHANAN. An account of the kingdom of Nepal. 40. Edinb. 1819. HARRIS, W. A description of Loo, together with a short account of Holland. 40. Loud. 1699. HAWKSW ORTH, J. Voyages of discovery in the southern hemisphere, from the journals of the commanders, and the papers of Joseph Banks, esq. 1 Z. 1 B. (Bread-fruit.) 3 v. 40. Loud. 1773. IIEARNE, S. A journey from Hudson’s Bay to the northern ocean, during the years 1769-72. 40. Lond. 1795. HEMPRICH, W. E. and EHRENBERG, C. G. Natur- geschichtliche Reisen durch Nord-Afrika und West-Asien, in 1820-5. 40. Berlin , 1828. HENDERSON, E. Journal of a residence in Iceland, during the years 1814 and 1815. 6 G. 2 v. 8°. Edinb. 1818. HERBERT, sir Thomas, bart. Travels into Africa and Asia, &c. ; 3d ed. 12 Z. i B. fol. Loud. 1677. In one of the plates (p. 383.) is a figure of the Dodo, very indifferently drawn, and very unlike sir Thomas Herbert’s subjoined description : that description corresponds with the best accredited accounts of the bird. He says that its usual weight is about fifty pounds, and that its flesh is more inviting to the eye than to the palate, being very oily. HERMANN, B. Beytrage zur Physik, (Ekonomie, &c. der Russischen und angranzenden Lander. 3 v. 8°. Berlin $ Stettin , 1786-8. HERMANN, B. F. J. Statistische Schilderung von Russ- land. 8°. St. Petersb. <§• Leipzig , 1790. HOLLAND, FI. Travels in the Ionian islands, Albania, Thessaly, &c. in 1813-14. 40. Lond. 1815. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 7 HOOKER, W. J. Journal of a tour in Iceland in the sum- mer of 1809. 2 G. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1813. HORREBOW, N. The natural history of Iceland, trans- lated from the Danish original ; with a new map of the island, fol. Lond. 1758. HUMBOLDT, A. Vues des Cordilleres et monumens des peuples indigenes de l’Amerique. 1 B. 9 G. fol. Pains, 1810. Essai politique sur le royaume de la Nouvelle Espagne, avec un atlas. 6 G. 2 v. 40. Paris, 1811. Voyage aux regions equinoxiales du nouveau continent fait en 1799-1804, par Al. de Humboldt et A. Bonpland; avec deux atlas. 2 B. 8 G. 3 v. 40. Paris, 1814. Researches concerning the ancient inhabitants of America, &c. translated from the French by Helen Maria Williams. 3 G. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1814. Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of the new continent in 1799-1804, translated, &c. 1 B. 2 G. 7 v. 8°. Lond. 1814-29. ICELAND. Letters on Iceland, containing observations made by J. Banks, esq. during a voyage in 1772. 1 G. 8°. Lond. 1780. JACKSON, J. An account of Timbuctoo and Housa, by El Hage Abd Salam Shabeeny (a native of Tetuan). 8°. Lond. 1820. ♦TACOTIN. col. aux corps R. des ingenieurs. Carte topo- graphique de TEgypte, he. levee pendant l’expedition de fa mice Eramyiise. fol. Paris. Carte geographique de PEgypte, he. reduite d’apres la carte topographique, &c. fol. Paris, 1818. KiEMPFER, E. Amcenitates exotica?. 3 Z. 35 B. 40. Lem gov. 1712. KAMTSCHATKA. Histoire de Kamtschatka, &c. 2 v. 12°. a Lyon , 1767. KING, P. Survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia, 1818-22. 2 Z. 1 B. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1827. KLAPROTH, J. von. Reise in den Kaukasus und nach Georgien, &c. 2 v. 8°. Halle # Berlin, 1812-14. Beschreibung des Russischen Provinzen zwischen dem Kas- pischen und Schwarzen meere. 8°. Berlin, 1814. KNOX, R. Historical relation of the island of Ceylon. 1 Z. fol. Lond. 1681. 8 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. KOTZEBUE, O. von. A voyage of discovery into the South Sea and to Beering’s straits in the years 1815- 1818; translated by II. E. Lloyd. 1 Z. 3 V. 8°. Loud. 1821. LABILLAllDIERE, J. Relation du voyage a la recherche de la Perouse, 179 1-4. et atl. fol. de 44 pi. 5 Z. 14 B. 2 v. 40. Paris , 1800. LATREILLE, P. A. Recherches sur les zodiaques Egyp- tiens. 8°. Paris , 1821. LE BRUN, C. Voyages par la Moscovie, en Perse, et aux Indes orientales. 14 Z. 20 B. 2 v. fol . Amsterd. 1718. LE COMPTE, L. Memoirs made in a late journey through the empire of China; translated from the French. 1 B. 8°. Lond. 1697. LEYDEN, J. Historical account of discoveries and travels in Africa, enlarged and completed by Hugh Murray, esq. 2 v. 8°. Edinb. 1817. LISTER, M. A journey to Paris in the year 1698. 5 Z. 8°. Lond. 1699. Again ; revised, with a sketch of the life of the author, by George Hemming, M.D. 8°. Lond. 1823. LOBO, J. Voyage to Abyssinia ; translated from the French. 8°. Lond. 1735. LUDOLPLI, J. A new history of Ethiopia; translated by J. P. ; 2d ed. 5 Z. 1 B. fol. Lond. 1684. LYON, G. F. Private journal during the voyage of disco- very under captain Parry. 8°. Lond. 1824. Narrative of an attempt to reach Repulse Bay in 1824. 8°. Lond. 1825. MACKENZIE, sir G. S. hart. Travels in the island of Ice- land in 1810; 2d ed. 10 G. 40. Edinb. 1812. MACKENZIE, A. Voyages from Montreal, on the river St. Laurence, to the Frozen and Pacific oceans in 1789 and 1793. 4°. Lond. 1801. MACMICHAEL, W. Journey from Moscow to Constan- tinople in 1817, 1818. 40. Lond. 1819. MADDEN, R. R. Travels in Turkey, Egypt, Nubia, and Palestine in 1824-7. 2 v. 8°. 1829. MAILLET, B. de. Description de PEgypte; par labbe le Mascrier. 1 Z. 1 B. 40. Paris, 1735- VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 9 MANDELSLO, J. A. de. Voyages de Perse aux Indes orientales; traduits de l’original par A. de Wicquefort ; avec cartes geographiques, representations des villes, &c. 2 v. fol. Leide, 1719. MARSDEN, W. History of Sumatra, with a map, and eighteen plates, in fol. Ed. 3. 7 Z. 8 B. 40. Lond. 1811. MAUNDEVILE, sir John. The voiage, &c. which treateth of the way to Hierusalem ; and of marvailes of Inde, &c. : now published entire from an original MS. in the Cotton Library. 8°. Lond. 172 5. MAUNDRELL, H. A journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem. 8°. Oxford , 1714. MAXIMILIAN, Prinz zu Wied-Neuwied. Reise nach Rra- silien in 1815-17. Frankf. a M. 1820-1. MICHAELIS, J. D. Recueil de questions proposees a une societd de savans, qui font le voyage de PArabie. 40. Amsterd. 1774. MICHAUX, F. A. Travels to the westward of the Allegany mountains, &c. ; translated by R. Lambert. 8°. Lond. 1 805. MISSON, M. A new voyage to Italy, &c. Ed. 4th. 1 Z. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1714. MONTANUS, A. Atlas Chinensis; being a relation of re- markable passages in two embassies to the emperor of China, &c. ; englished by John Ogilby. 3 Z. 6 R. fol. Lond. 1671. Atlas Japannensis ; being an embassy to the emperor of Japan; englished by John Ogilby. 1 Z. 1 G. fol. Lond. 1670. MOTRAYE, A. de la. Travels through Europe, Asia, and part of Africa; translated from the French. 3 v. fol. 1723-32. MURRAY, H. Historical account of discoveries and travels in Asia. 3 v. 8°. Edinb. 1820. Historical account of discoveries and travels in North Ame- rica. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1829. NIERUHR, C. Description de TArabie. 40. Copenli. 1773. Voyage en Arabie, &c. 2 v. 40. Amsterd. 1776-80. NIEUHOFF, J. China, its cities, &c. described; with an Appendix, bv Athanasius Ivircher : englished by John Ogilby; 2d ed. 7 Z. 14 R. 1 G. fol. Lond. 1673. Legatio Ratavica ad Magnum Tartariae Chamum ; cum 150 aeneis tabulis : ed.G. Hornio. 7 Z. 14 R. fol. Amstel. 1668. c 10 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. NORDEN, F. L. Voyage d'Egypte et de Nubie. 2 Z. 4 R. vol. 1. fol. OGILBY, 1 J. Africa; bein g an accurate description of Egypt, &c. with all the adjacent islands. 7 Z. 7 B. fob Lond. 1670. America ; being the latest and most accurate description of the New World. 11 Z. 4 B. 1 G. fob Loud. 1671. Asia ; being an accurate description of Persia, the empire of the great Mogol, &c. 1 Z. 1 B. fob Lond. 1673. Britannia, or the kingdom of England, &c. ; with the prin- cipal roads, fob Lond. 1698. OLEARIUS, A. Voyages en Moscovie, Tartarie, et Perse; traduits de boriginal par A. de Wicquefort. 1 Z. 2 v. fob Leide , 1719. OTTER, rev. W. Life and remains of E. D. Clarke, LL. D. 40. Lond. 1824. OXLEY, J. Journals of two expeditions into the interior of New South Wales, 1817-18. 40. Lond. 1820. PALLAS, P. S. Sammlungen historischer nachriehten fiber die Mongolisehen Volkerschaften. 2 v. 40. Petersb. 1776-1801. Voyages dans les gouvernemens meridionaux de l’empire de Russie, 1793-4; traduits de PAllemand par MM. Dela- boulaye et Tonnelier. 4 Z. 6 G. 2 voll. 40. Paris, 1805. Voyages en differentes provinces de l’empire de Russie, et dans PAsie septentrionale ; trad, de PAllemand, par M. G. de la Peyronie. 9 Z. 69 B. 1 G. 5 v. 40. Paris, 1793. PARROT, F. Reise in die Ivrym und den Kaukasus von Moritz von Engelhardt und Friedrich Parrot. 2 B. 2 v. 8°. Berlin , 1815. PARRY, W. E. Voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, in 1819, 1820. 3 Z. 4 B. 40. Lond. 1821. A second voyage, &c. in 1821-3. 40. Lond. 1824. Appendix to captain Parry's second voyage. 2 B. 40. Lond. 1825. A third voyage, &c. in 1824—5. 4°* Bond. 1826. Narrative of an attempt to reach the north pole, in boats fitted for the purpose, in 1827. 40. Lond. 1828. PATERSON, W. Four journeys into the country of the Plottentots and CafFraria in 1777-9. 2 l3 4°- Lond. 1789. PERON, F. Voyage de decouvertes aux Terres Australes, 1800-4; redige en par tie par M. F. Peron, et continue par M. Louis Freycinct. 2 v. 40. Paris , 1807-16. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 11 Atlas par MM. Lesueur et Petit; deuxieme partie par M. L. Freycinet. n Z. fol. Paris , j 8 1 1 . Navigation et geographic, par N. Baudin. 40. Paris , 1815. PEROUSE, J. E. G. de la. Voyage autour du Monde, 1785-8. 7 Z. 4 B. 4 v. 40. Paris, 1 797 . PERRY, C. A view of the Levant; particularly of Con- stantinople, &c. 1 B. fol. Loud. 1743. PHILLIP, A. Voyage to Botany Bay, 1787. 33 Z. 1 B. 40. Lond. 1789. PHIPPS, C. J. A voyage towards the north pole in 1 7 73 • 2 Z. 40. Lond. 1774. PINKERTON, J. A general collection of voyages and tra- vels into all parts of the world. 3 Z. 16 G. 17 v. 40. Lond. 1808-14. POCOCKE, R. A description of the East, and some other countries. 1 Z. 4 B. 2 v. fol. Lond. 1743—5. PONTOPPIDAN, Erich, bishop of Bergen. The natural history of Norway ; translated from the Danish original : with a map of Norway. 16 Z. 2 B. 2 G. fol. Lond. 1 755* PURCIIAS, S. His pilgrimage. First part; 3d ed. fol. Luond. 1617. RAY, J. Travels through the Low Countries, Germany, Italy, and France; with an account of the travels of Francis Willughby, esq. through Spain. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1738. RENAUDOT, E. Ancient accounts of India and China, translated into English. 8°. Lond. 1733. RHYS, U. ap. A tour through Spain and Portugal, &c. 8°. Lond. 175c. ROSS, J. A voyage of discovery in Baffin’s Bay. 2 Z. 40. Lond. 1819. RlTDBECK, O. fil. Nora Samolad, sive Laponia illustrata. Lat. et Sueth. 1 Z. 1 B. 40. Upsalce, 1701. RUPPELL, E. Reisen in Nubien, Kordofan, und dem pe- traischen Arabien. 8°. Frankf. am Main, 1829. RUSSELL, A. The natural history of Aleppo; 2d ed. 7 Z. 8 B. 2 v. 40. Lond. 1794. SABINE, E. Remarks on the account of the late voyage of discovery to Baffin’s Bay, published by captain J. Ross, R.N. 8«. Lond. 1819. Experiments to determine the figure of the earth. 40. Lond. 1825. 12 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. SALT, H. Twenty -four views in St. Helena, the Cape, India, Ceylon, Abyssinia and Egypt, fol. Lond. 1809. A description of the twenty-four views. 40. Land. 1822. SANDYS, G. Travels in Turkey, Greece, Egypt, the Holy Land, and Italy; 7U1 ed. fol. Lond. 1673. SCHEFFER, J. The history of Lapland. 3 Z. 1 G. fol. Oxford , 1674. SCOliESBY, W. jun. An account of the Arctic regions, and of the northern whale-fishery. 6 Z. 2 v. 8\ Edinb. 1820. Journal ol a voyage to the northern whale-fishery, including discoveries on the eastern coast of West Greenland. 8°. Edinb. 1823. SHAW, T. Travels, & c. relating to several parts of Bar- bary and the Levant. 3 Z. 6 B. 1 G. fol. Oxford , 1758. SMITH, sir J. E. Sketch of a tour on the continent ; 2d ed. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1807. Lachesis Lapponica, or a tour in Lapland, from the original MS. journal of Linnaeus. 12 Z. 6 B. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1811. SONNE11AT, P. Voyage aux Indes orientales, et a la Chine, 1774-81. 37 Z. 18 B. 2 v. 4°. Paris , 1782. Voyage a la Nouvelle Guinee. 80 Z. 32 B. 40. Paris , 1776. SPARRMAN, A. Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, &c. ; translated from the Swedish. 7 Z. 2 v. 40. Lond. 1785. SPIN, J. B. von. Reise in Brasilien in 1817-20, gemacht und besehrieben von Dr. J. B. von Spix und Dr. C. F. P. von Martius. 40. Miinchen. 1823. STEVENSON, W. Historical sketch of the progress of dis- covery, navigation, and commerce. 8°. Lond. 1824. STUART, J. The antiquities of Athens. 4 v. fol. Lond. 1762-1816. TAVERNIER, J. B. Six voyages through Turkey into Persia; translated by J. P. 2 Z. 1 B. 5 G. fol. Lond. 1678. A new relation of the inner part of the grand seignor’s se- raglio. fol. Lond. 1677. cle THEVENOT. Travels into the Levant; in three parts, fol. Lond. 1687. THOMSON, T. Travels in Sweden in 1812. 1 Z. 7 G. 40. Lond. 1813. TOURNEFORT, J. P. A voyage into the Levant. 6 Z. 50 B. 2 G. 2 v. 40. Lond. 1718. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 13 TOWNSON, R. Travels in Hungary. 2 Z. 4 B. 5 G. 40. Load. 1797. TRAVELS. The travels of several learned missioners, of the society of Jesus, into India, &c. ; translated from the French original. 1 B. 8°. Loud. 1714. TUCKEY, J. C. Expedition to explore the river Zaire, usually called the Congo, in South Africa, in 1816. 5 Z. 5 G. 40. Lond. 1818. VAILLANT. Travels from the Cape into the interior of Africa, translated from the French. 3 Z. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1790. VINCENT, W. D. D. dean of Westminster. Commerce and navigation of the ancients. 2 v. 40. Lond. 1807. The Voyage of Nearchus, and the Periplus of the Erythrean Sea; translated from the Greek. 40. Oxford , 1809. VIRGINIA. History and present state of Virginia, by R. B. Gent. 8°. Lond. 1705. VON BUCH. Travels through Norway and Lapland in 1806-8; translated from the original German by John Black ; with notes, &c. by Robert Jameson, F. R. S. E. ; illustrated with maps and physical sections. 2 G. 40. Lond. 1813. VOYAGES. Journal on board of his majesty’s ship Cam- bridge, from January 1824 to May 1827, (in a voyage to Rio Janeiro, Lima, &c.) by the rev. H. S., chaplain. 12°. Newcastle, 1829. WALPOLE, R. Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey, from MS. journals. 40. Lond. 1817. Travels in various countries of the East ; being a continua- tion of the memoirs. 40. Lond. 1820. WIIELER, G. A journey into Greece. 2 Z. 10 B. fob Lond. 1682. WHITE, J. Voyage to New South Wales, 1787 ; with sixty - five plates of natural productions. 55 Z. 9 B. 40. L,ond. 1790. WILSON, IJ. An account of the Pelew islands; 3d ed. 4°. Lond. 1789. WOOD, R. The ruins of Palmyra, fob Lond. 1753. V OUNG, T. Discoveries in hieroglyphical literature and Egyptian antiquities. 8°. Lond. \ 823. SCIENTIFIC TRANSACTIONS, &c. ACADEMIA THEODOKO-PALATINA. Historia et commentationes academise electoralis scientiarum et ele- gantiorum literarum Theodoro-Palatinae. 7 v. 40. Mann- hemii , 1766-94. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. Conducted by Benjamin Silliman. 22 v. 8°. New York and New Ha- ven, 1818-32. ANNALES DES MINES. Premiere serie. 13 v. 8°. Paris , 1817-26. Deuxieme serie. 8 voll. 8°. Paris , 1827-30. ANNALES des SCIENCES NATURELLES. Premiere serie; par MM. Audouin, Brongniart, et Dumas : com- prenant la physiologie animale et vegetale, l’anatomie comparee des deux regnes, la zoologie, la botanique, la mineralogie et la geologie ; avec planches in 40. pour les 12 prem. v. 30 v. 8°. Paris , 1824-30. Seconde serie; par MM. Audouin et Milne-Edwards pour la zoologie, et par MM. Ad. Brongniart et Guillemin pour la botanique. Vol. 1. Jan. -Nov. 1834. 8°. Paris , 1834. ANNALES DU MUSEUM D’HISTOIRE NATU- RELLE. 20 v. 40. Paris, 1802-13. ANNALS OF PHILOSOPHY ; or magazine of chemistry, mineralogy, mechanics, &c. by Thomas Thomson, M. D. 16 v. 8°. Lond. 1813—20. New series. 12 v. 8°. Lond. 1821—26. ASIATIC RESEARCHES. Transactions of the society in- stituted in Bengal, for inquiring into the history, &c. of Asia. 17 v. 40. Lond. and Calcutta, 1799-1832. Transactions of the physical class of the Asiatic society of Bengal; part 1. 40. Calcutta , 1829. BABBAGE, C. Reflections on the decline of science in England. 8°. Lond. 1830. BERLIN. Abhandlungen der physikalischen Klasseder Ko- niglich-Preussischen Akademie der Wissenchaften, 1804— 30. 10 v. 40. Berlin, 1815-32. BIRCH, T. History of the royal society to 1687. 4 v. 8°. U56-7- SCIENTIFIC TRANSACTIONS. 15 BOEHMER, G. R. Bibliotheca scriptorum historiae natura- lis, &c. 9 v. 8°. hips. 1785-9. BOMBAY. Transactions of the literary society of Bombay ; with engravings. 3 v. 40. Lond. 1819—23. BRITISH ASSOCIATION. First report of the proceed- ings, recommendations, and transactions of the British as- sociation for the advancement of science. 8°. York, 1832. Report of the first and second meetings of the British asso- ciation. 8°. Lond. 1833. Lithographed signatures of the members of the British asso- ciation who met at Cambridge, June 1833 ; with a report of the proceedings during the week. 40. Cambridge , j833- CALEDONIAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Me- moirs of. 3 v. and vol. 4. part 1. 8°. Edinb. 1819-27. CAMBRIDGE. Transactions of the Cambridge philosophical society, established in 1819. 5 v. 40. Cambridge, 1822— 33. CATALOGUE. Catalogue of the library of the royal so- ciety. 40. Lond. 1825. Catalogue of the library of the royal institution of Great Britain. 8°. Lond. 1821. COMMERCIUM LITTERARIUM. Ad rei medicae et scientiae naturalis incrementum institutum. 15 v. 40. No- rimbcrgiE 1731-45. CUVIER. Rapport historique sur les progres des sciences naturelles depuis 1789, et sur leur etat actuel. 40. Paris, ] 8to. Histoire des progres des sciences naturelles depuis 1789 jusqu’a ce jour. 4 v. 8°. Paris, 1829. Recueil des eioges historiques lus dans les seances publiques de finstitut royal de France. 3 v. 8°. Paris , 1819-27. DANIAE SOCIETAS REGIA. Det Kongelike Danske Videnskabers-Selskabs Skrivter, 1800-24. 8 voll. 40. Kiobenhavn , 1801-26. DAVY, sir Humphry, bart. Six discourses before the royal society. 40. Lond. 1827. DICTIONNAIRE DES SCIENCES NATURELLES; suivi d’une biographie des plus celebres naturalistes : par plusieurs professeurs du jardin du roi, et des principales ecoles de Paris. 60. v. 8°. Strasbourg et Paris , 1816-30. Attached to this work are 12 voll. containing 1220 plates, illustrative of natural history, distributed in the following manner : 16 SCIENTIFIC TRANSACTIONS. Regne inorganise. Vol 1. PI. 16. Cristallographie. 7. Mineralogie. Zoologie. Vol. II — VII. PI. 100. Mammif&res. 1 19. Ornitliologie. 40. Reptiles. 85. Poissons. 1 1 8. Malacologie et Conchyliologie. 58. Crustaces. 60. Insectes. 48. Vers. 68. Zoophytes. Botanique. Vol. VIII — XII. PI. 106. Vegetaux Acotyledons. 82. Monocotyledons. 313. Dicotyledons. DIC ITONN AIRE NOUVEAU DTJISTOIRE NATU- IlELLE, appliquee aux arts, a ragriculture, &c. ; par tine societe de naturalistes et d’agriculteurs ; nouv. ed. 36 v. 8°. Paris , 1816-19. DRYANDER, J. Catalogus bibliothecas historico-naturalis Josephi Banks, baroneti, &c. 5 v. 8 Loud. 1798-1800. DUBLIN SOCIETY. Transactions of. 6 v. 8°. Dublin , 1 800-10. The royal charter of, with the bye-laws and ordinances; and a general index to the printed proceedings of the so- ciety. DUBLIN PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL AND SCIEN- TIFIC REVIEW. 2 v. 8°. Dublin , 1825-6. DUHAMEL, J. B. Regiae scientiarum academiae historia. 40. Paris , 1798. EDINBURGH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. Conducted by David Brewster, LL. D. 10 v. 8°. Edinb. 1824-9. Continued as a new series from 1829-32. 6 v. 8°. Edinb. 1829-32 : afterwards continued jointly with Richard Tay- lor and Richard Phillips, under the name of “The Lon- don and Edinburgh philosophical magazine and journal of science.” EDINBURGH PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL. Con- ducted by Dr. Brewster and professor Jameson. 10 v. 8°. Edinb. 1819 — 1824. Continued by professor Jameson alone, under the same name, from 1824: and from 1826 called “The Edinburgh new philosophical journal.” 21 v. 8°. Edinb. 1824-25. SCIENTIFIC TRANSACTIONS. 17 EDINBURGH ROYAL SOCIETY. Transactions of the royal society of Edinburgh, n voll. and vol. 12. pt. i. 4°. Edinb. 1788-1832. ENCYCLOPAEDIA. Supplement to the fourth, fifth, and sixth editions of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. 6 v. 40. Edinb. 1824. Encyclopaedia Metropolitana ; second division ; mixed sci- ences. Edited by rev. E. Smedley, M. A. 2 v. 40. Loud. 1829, 3°- ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Transactions of. vol. 1. pt. 1. 8°. Lond. 1834. EPIIEMERI DES SOCIETATIS M E TEORO LO G I C M PALATINAE. Observationes (praemissa societatis his- toria) 1781-91. 7 v. 40. Manheim , 1783-94. ERSCH, J. S. Literatur der Mathematik, Natur-und-Gew- erbs-Kunde, &c. 8°. Amsterd. und Leipz. 1813. Bulletin general et universel 4 v. 8°. Paris, FERUSSAC, M. le baron de. des annonces et des nouvelles scientifiques l823- Bulletin des sciences inathematiques, astronomiques, phy- siques, et chimiques. 16 v. 8°. Paris , 1824-31. Bulletin des sciences naturelles et geologic. 27 v. 8°. Paris ] 823. Bulletin des sciences medicales. 27 v. 8°. Paris, 1824—31. Bulletin des sciences agricoles et economiques. 19 v. 8°. Paris, 1824-31. Bulletin des sciences technologiques. 19 v. 8°. Paris, 1824- 3T- . Bulletin des sciences geographiques, economic publique, voyages. 28 v. 8°. Paris, 1824-31. Bulletin des sciences historiques, antiquites, philologie. 19 v. 8°. Paris, 1824-31. Bulletin des sciences militaires. 1 1 v. 8°. Paris, 1824-31. GARDENER’S MAGAZINE. The gardener’s magazine, and register of rural and domestic improvement; con- ducted by J. C. Loudon. 10 v. 8°. Lond. 1826-1834. GENEVA. Memoi res de la societe de physique et d’histoire naturelle. 5 voll. et ptie 1 vol. 6. 40. Geneve, 1821-33. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Transactions of. First series. 5 v. 40. Lond. 1811-21. Second series. 2 voll. 40. and vol. 3. pt. 1,2. Lond. 1824- 32- i) 18 SCIENTIFIC TRANSACTIONS. GERMANY . Miscellanea curiosa medico-physica, sive ephe- merides medico-physicae Germanics, 1670-92; cum In- dice Decuria? i,nic et 2da\ 12 v. 40. Lipsiaz, $c. 1670- 1692. 1693-1706; cum Indice Decuriae 3'ilc. 8 v. 40. LipsicE, c^c. 1694-1706. Centuria 5 et 6 cum appendice. 40. Noriberg , 1717. Nova acta physico-medica academia Casarea natura curio- sorum, 1778-1833. v. 7-16. 40. Norimb ., Bonn , $c. GLANVILL, J. Scepsis scientifica ; preceded by an address to the royal society. 40. Loud. 1665. GOTTINGEN. C ommentationes societatis regia scientia- rum Gottingensis recentiores, 1808-32. 7 v. 40. Gotting. 1811-32. HILL, sir John. A review of the works of the royal society of London; 2d ed. 40. Loud. 1780. HOOKE, R. Philosophical collections, published during the interruption of the philosophical transactions. 40. Lond. 1679-82. Posthumous works, containing discourses read before the royal society; with his life, by R. Waller, fol. Lond. 15°5- HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Transactions of. First series. 7 v. 40. Lond. 1812-30. Second series, vol. 1. pt. 1-4. IRELAND. Transactions of the royal Irish academy. 16 voll. and vol. 17. pt. i. 40. Dublin , 1787 — 1833. JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE, &c. 53 v. 40. Paris , 1794- 1823. JOURNAL DES MINES. 38 v. 8°. Paris , 1795-1815. JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND THE ARTS; after- wards called “ The quarterly journal of science, literature, and art.” Edited at the royal institution of Great Britain. 29 v. 8°. Lond. 1816-30; with an index of the first twenty volumes. %/ LEIPSIC. Schriften der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Leipzig. Erster Band. 40. Leipz. 1822. LEYDEN. Annales academiae Lugduno-Batavae, 1815- J^33- 17 v- 4°- Lugd. Bat. 1817-34. LINNEAN SOCIETY. T ransactions of. 16 voll. and vol. 17. pt. 1. 40. Lond. 1791-1834. SCIENTIFIC TRANSACTIONS. 19 LONDON AND EDINBURGH PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. By sir D. B rewster, Richard Taylor, and Richard Phillips. 5 voll. 8°. and part of vol. 6. Loud. 1832— 5. This is a continuation of the philosophical magazine, or an- nals of chemistry, by Richard Taylor and Richard Phil- lips. 11 v. 8°. Lond. 1827-32: and also of Brewster’s Edinburgh journal of science. MAGAZINE OF NATURAL HISTORY, and journal of zoology, botany, &c. 7 v. 8°. Lond. 1829-34. MANCHESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs of. First series. 5 v. 8°. War- rington, 1 7 85- 1802. Second series. 5 v. 8°. Lond. l 805-1 831. MARTYN, J. The philosophical history and memoirs of the royal academy of sciences at Paris. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1742. MEMOIRES DE LA SOCIETE D’HISTOIRE NATU- RELLE DE PARIS. 4 v. 40. Paris , 1823-8. MEMOIRES DE LA SOCIETE GEOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE. ier vol. iere partie. 40. Paris , 1833. MEMOIRES DE LA SOCIETE L1NNEENNE DE PARIS. ier vol. 8°. Paris , 1822. avec une fascicule de 14 planches, 40. MEMOIRES DE LTNSTITUT DE FRANCE. Sciences mathematiques et physiques pour les annees 1799-1815. 14 v. 40. Paris , 1799-1818. Memoires de facademie royale des sciences de l’institut de France pour les ann. 1816-31. 12 v. 40. Paris , 1818-33. Memoires presentes a l’institut (de France) par divers sa- vans. Sciences mathem. et phys. ; pour les ann. 1801-31. 3 v. 40. Paris , 1806-32. MEMOIRES DU MUSEUM DTIISTOIRE NATU- IlELLE. 20 v. 40. Paris , 1815-32. MISCELLANEA CURIOSA. A collection of some of the principal phenomena in nature. — Discourses read before the royal society. — Collection of travels. — Natural history of countries, &c. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1705—7. MOSCOW. Nouveaux memoires de la societe imperiale des naturalistes de Moscou. 3 v. 40. Moscou, 1829-34. Bulletin de la societe imperiale des naturalistes de Moscou. 6 v. 8°. Moscou, 1829-33. MUNICH. Denkschriften der Koniglichen Akademie tier Wissenchaften zu Miinchen, 1808-17. 6 v. 4 °. Munchen, 1809-20. D 2 20 SCIENTIFIC TRANSACTIONS. NEMNICH, P. A. Worterbucher der Naturgeschichte (All- gemeine Polyglotten Lexicon). 4 v. 40. Hamb. # Leipz. 1 793-8- NORTHUMBERLAND. Transactions of the natural his- tory society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle- upon-Tyne. vol. 1. and vol. 2. pt. 1. 40. Newcastle , 1 830-2. PL 1 ERSBURG. Commentarii academias scientiarum impe- rialis Petrofolitan.e. 14 v. 40. 1726-46. Petrop. 1728-5 1 . Novi commentarii, &c. 20 v. 40. 1747-75. Petrop. 1750-76. Acta, &c. 12 v. 40. 1777-82. Petrop. 1778-86. Nova acta, &c. 15 v. 40. 1787 — 1806. Memoires de l’academie imperiale des sciences de St. Pe- tersbourg. 10 v. 40. 1803-22. Memoires de l’academie imperiale des sciences de St. Pe- tersbourg; vime series. Sciences politiques, histoire, philologie. tom. 1. et tom. 2. livr. 1-3. 40. Petersb. 1830-33. Sciences mathematiques, physiques, et naturelles. tom. 1 . et tom. 2. livr. 1-5. 40. Petersb. t 830-3. Memoires presen tes a Pacademie imperiale des sciences de St. Petersbourg par divers savans. vol. 1. et vol. 2. livr. 1-3. 40. Petersb. 1830-3. PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND JOURNAL. By Alexander Tilloch and Richard Taylor. 68 v. 8°. Loud. 1798-1826. Continued, under the name of philosophical magazine, or annals of chemistry, by Richard Taylor and Richard Phillips. 11 v. 8°. Loud. 1827-32. Continued further, under the name of the London and Edinburgh philosophical magazine and journal of science, by sir David Brewster, Richard Taylor, and Richard Phillips. 5 voll. 8°. and vol. 6. pt. 1. Loud. 1832, &c. PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE, or ANNALS OF CHEMISTRY. By Richard Taylor and Richard Phil- lips. 1 r v. 8°. Loud. 1827-32. This is a continuation of the philosophical magazine and journal, by Alexander Tilloch, &c. 68 v. 8°. Lond. 1 798— 1 826. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. An abridgment of. viz. By John Lowthorp, ALA. to the end of 1700. — Henry Jones, M. A. from 1700—1720. — Andr. Reid, and John Gray, M. A. 1720-1732. 6 v. 40. Lond. 1705-33. Again ; By John Lowthorp, AI. A. (3d cd.) to the end of 1700. SCIENTIFIC TRANSACTIONS. 21 By Benj. Motte, from 1700—1720. — J. Fames, and John Martyn (prof, botan. Cambr.) 1 7 1 9—33 • 7 v. 40. Lond. 1721-34. An abridgment of, from 1665 to 1800; by Charles Hutton, LL. D., George Shaw, Al. D., and Richard Pearson, M. D. 18 v. 40. Lond. 1809. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS, from the com- mencement to the end of 1834. 124 v. 40; with an index to the end of 1780; another from 1781-1820; and a third from 1821-1830. PRINGLE, sir J. hart. Six discourses before the royal so- ciety (with his life by A. Kippis, D. D.) 8°. Lond. 1783. REES, A. The cyclopaedia; or universal dictionary of arts, sciences, and literature. 39 voll. text; 6 voll. plates; 40. Lond. 1819-20. REUSS, J. D. Repertorium commentationum a societatibus litterariis editarum (in scientia naturali, &c. &c.) 16 v. 40. Gotting. [820—1. ROZIER, l’abbe. Introduction aux observations sur la phy- sique, &c. 2 v. 40. Pends, 1777. Observations sur la physique, &c. par M. Tabbe Rozier, &c. 43 v. 40. Paris , i773~93- SPRAT, Thomas, late lord bishop of Rochester. History of the royal society; 4th ed. 40. Lond. 1734. STRASBURG. Memoires de ia societe d’histoire naturelle de Strasbourg, vol. ier. 40. Paris , 1830. STUBBE, H. The plus ultra reduced to a non plus; or a specimen of animadversions upon the plus ultra of Air. Glanvill ; wherein sundry errors of some virtuosi are dis- covered, &c. 40. Lond. 1670. SUHAL P. F. Skrivter af Naturhistorie-Selskabet. 5 v. 8°. Kiobenhavn, 1 7 90-9 . SWITZERLAND. Denkschriften der allgemeinen Schwei- zerischen Gesellschaft fur die gesammten Naturwissen- schaften. vol. 1. N°. 1 & 2. 40. Zurich , 1829-33. THOA1SON, T. History of the royal society to the end of the 18th century. 40. Lond. 1812. WATT, R. Bibliotheca Britannica; or a general index to British and foreign literature. 4 v. 40. Edinb. 1824. WERNERIAN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. Ale- moirs of, from 1808 to 1831. 6 v. 8°. Edinb. 1811-32. 22 SCIENTIFIC TRANSACTIONS. ZOOLOGICAL JOURNAL. 4 v. and vol. 5. pt. 1—3. 8°. Lond. 1825-32. Supplementary plates, pt. 1-4. 1825-32. ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Transactions of. vol. 1. 40. Lond. 1833-4. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY AND ZOOLOGY. ABBOT, J. The natural history of the rarer lepidopterous insects of Georgia. PI. 104 col. 2 v. fol. Lond. 179 7* ABERNETHY, J. On the probability and rationality of Mr. Hunter’s theory of life. 8°. Lund. 1814. Physiological lectures, exhibiting a general view of Mr. Hunter’s physiology. 8°. Lond. 1817. Hunterian oration for the year 1819. 8°. Lond. 1819. ADANSON. Histoire naturelle du Senegal (coquillages) : avec la relation abregee d’un voyage fait en ce pays, I749_I753- pl- l9- 4°- Paris, 1757. M LI ANUS. De natura animalium libri 17. Gr. et Lat. Ed. J. G. Schneider. 8°. Lips. 1784. Iterum ; Gr. et Lat. Ed. F. Jacobs. 2 v. 8°. Jena;, 1832. AHRENSIUS, Aug. et GERMAR, E. E. Fauna insecto- rum Europae. T. 425 col. fascic. 1-17. 8°. Halce Guest- plial. 1812, &c. ALBIN, E. A natural history of birds. PI. 205. col. 2 v. 40. Lond. 1738-40. ALDROVANDUS, U. De quadrupedibus digitatis vivip. T. 86; et ovip. T. 32. fol. Bonon. 1637. De quadrup. bisulcis. T. 68. fol. Bonon. 1621. • solidipedibus. T. 10. fol. Bonon. 1639. De avibus. T. 631. 3 V. fol. Bonon. 1599-1634. Serpentum et draconum historia. T. 53. fol. Bonon. 1640. De piscibus, T. 311 ; de cetis, T. 26. fol. Bonon. 1638. De mollibus, T. 16; crustatis, T. 51 ; testaceis, T. 145; et zoophytis, T. 19. fol. Bonon. 1606. De animalibus, insectis, et vermibus, &c. T. no. fol. Bo- non. 1638. Monstrorum historia; cum paralipomenis historiae omnium animalium. T. 342. fol. Bonon. 1642. ANTIGONUS, Carystius. Historiarum mirabilium collec- tanea. Ed. J. Beckmann, cum notis G. Xylandri, &c. 40. Lips. 1791. 24 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY ARISTOTELES. Historia de animalibus, J. C. Scaligero interprete. Gr. et Lat. fob Tolas. 1619. Histoire des animaux, avec la traduction Framboise, par M. Camus. 2 v. 40. Paris , 1783. I)e animalibus historic, libr. 10. Gr. et Lat. Ed. J. G. Schneider. 4 v. 8°. Lips. 1811. De mirabilibus auscultationibus. Gr. et Lat. Ed. J. Beck- mann, cum nods H. Stephani, &c. 40. Gotting. 1786. ARTEDI, P. Icbthyolo gia, sive opera omnia de piscibus. Ed. Linnaeo. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1738. Iterum ; ed. J. J. Walbaum, M. D. T. 4. 4 v. 8°. Grypesxcald , 1788-93. AUDEBERT, J. B. Histoire naturelle des singes et des makis. PI. 63. col. fob Paris , 1800. PI. 46. Singes. 13. Makis. 2. Galeopith&ques. 2. des figures anatomiques. AUDEBERT, J. B. et VIEILLOT, L. P. Histoire natu- relle et generale des colibris, oiscaux-mouches, &c. PI. 188. illumin. 2 v. fob Paris , 1802. Vol. I. Pi. 1-20. et 65-70. Colibris. 2 1-64. Oiseaux-mouches. 1-6. Jacamars. 1-9. Promerops. Vol. II. PI. 1-40. et 79-82. Grimpereaux soui'-mangas. 41-51 Guit-guits. 52-71. et 83-88. H^oro-taires. 72—75 miscellanys. 76-78. Le picucule, et le verdin, male et femelle. 1 -1 5. Oiseaux de Paradis. This splendid work is styled in the leaf preceding the regular title-page, “ Oiseaux dorks, ou a reflets metalliques and is described commonly under the name of the “ Oiseaux (lores.” The term was suggested by the employment of gold in the coloured engravings of the work, in order to give to the figures that metallic brilliancy which distin- guishes so remarkably many of the birds represented : and with reference to a few copies, among which is that of the Radcliflfe Library, the term is further applicable from the additional employment of gold, instead of ink, in the text also. But, however beautiful and valuable the two volumes above described may be considered, the Radcliffe Library is in possession of a third volume, a supplement to the pre- ceding, which is infinitely preferable in every point of view. This volume has never been edited: but the original de- signs contained in it, which, as well as the accompanying 25 AND ZOOLOGY. MS. descriptions, were executed by M. Vieillot, are com- plete ; and the figures represented very far exceed in beauty and delicacy those ot the printed volumes. It contains 83 designs, highly finished in the drawing, as well as in the co- louring and gilding, which are placed in the following order : Colibris, 8. Promerops, 7. Oiseaux-mouches, 28. Sou'i- mangas, 37. Jacamars, 3. AUDOIN et EDWARDS, M. Recherches pour servir a 1’histoire naturelle du littoral de la France, v. ier. 8°. Paris, 1832. AUDUBON, J. J. Ornithological biography, or an account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America; accompanied by descriptions of the objects represented in the work entitled “ The birds of America.” 2 v. 8°. Edinb. 1831-4: with 300 coloured plates, fob not yet completed. Of the first 235 plates belonging to this work, Accipitres, 29. Gallinae, 14. Passeres, 145. Grallae, 16. Scansores, 11. Palmipedes, 19. BARCLAY, J. An inquiry into the opinions, ancient and modern, concerning life and organization. 8°. Edinb . 1822. BARTHOLINUS, T. De cygni anatome, ejusque cantu. 8°. Hafn , 1668. BARTHOLIMUS, F. De unicornu observationes novae. T. 20. 120. Amstel. 1678. BASTER, J. Natuurkundige Uitspanningen, behelzende eenige waarneemingen, over sommige Zee-Planten en Zee-Insecten, benevens derzelver Zaadhuisjes en Eijer- nesten. Tab. 29. color. 40. Haarl. 1760-65. BATTARRA, J. A. Rerum naturalium in museo Kirche- riano existentium historia, edita jam a P. Philipp. Bonan- nio. Pars prima. T. 51. col. fol. Romai , 1773. BECKMANN, John. A history of inventions and discove- ries, translated from the German by William Johnston ; 3d ed. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1817. BEKKER, LICHTHAMMER, BEKKER, C. W. & LEMBCKE. Teutsche Ornithologie oder Naturge- schichte aller Vogel Teutschlands in Naturgetreuen Ab- bildungen und Beschreibungen. fol. Darmstadt, 1811. It should be noticed, that no title-page accompanied the 2 1 numbers which are here bound together: the foregoing E 26 NATURAL PH I LOSOPHY designation is a copy of the 2 1st number. The work con- tains 1 25 coloured plates. Accipitres, 57. Gallinae, 5. Passeres, 32 Grail*, 9. Scansores, 3. Palmipedes, 19. BELL, sir Charles, K. G. II. The hand : its mechanism and vital endowments, as evincing design. PI. 46 lion 8°. Loud. 1833. & BELL, 1. A monograph on the testudinata. fol. Loud. parts 1 and 2. 10 coloured plates. BESLER, B. Fasciculus rariorum varii generis. 12 Z. 6 B. 6 G. fol. Norib. 1616. BEY AN, E. The honey-bee; its natural history, physiology’, and management. 8°. Land. 1827. BEWICK, T. A general history of quadrupeds ; the figures engraved on wood. 8°. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1790. Again; 5th ed. 1807. BLANKAART, S. Schau-Blatz der Raupen, Wiirmer, Maden, und fliegenden Thiergen, &c. T. 22. 8°. Leipz. 1690. BLOCII, M. E. Ichthvologie, ou histoirc naturelle, generale et particuli&re, des poissons. PI. 432 col. 6 v. fol. Ber- lin, 1785-97. Systema ichthyologiae iconibus 1 10 illustratum. Ed. J. G. Schneider. 8°. Berolini, 1801. BLUMENBACH, J. F. A manual of the elements of natu- ral history ; translated from the tenth German edition by R. T. Gore. 1 Z. 1 G. 8°. Lond. 1825. De generis humani varietate nativa. 8°. Gotting. 1595. De quorundam animantium coloniis, sive sponte migratis, sive casu aut studio ab hominibus aliorsum translatis. 40. Gotting. 1823. Manuel d’histoire naturelle; trad, de rAllemand, par S. Artaud. 26 Z. 4 G. 2 v. 8°. a Metz , 1803. Specimen historiae naturalis ex auctoribus classicis illustratse eosque vicissim illustrantis. 1 Z. 40. Gotting. 1816. BOCPIART, S. Hierozoicon, sive de animalibus S. Scrip- turae; cum recensione et notis E. F. C. Rosenmuller. 3 v. 40. Lips. 1793-6. BODDAERT, P. M. D. De chaetodonte Argo. Belg. et Lat. T. 1. 40. Amstel. 1770. De testudine cartilaginea. Belg. et Lat. T. 1. 40. Amstel . T77°- De rana bicolore. Belg. et Lat. P. 3. 40. Amstel. I772- De chaetodonte diacantho. Belg. et Lat. T. 1. 40. Amstel. 1772. 27 AND ZOOLOGY. BOHADSCH, J. B. De quibusdam animalibus marinis — vel nondum vel minus notis. T. 12. 40. Drcsda ?■, 1761. BOIANUS, L. H. Parergon ad anatomen testudinis; cranii vertebratorum animalium — comparationem faciens. T. 1. 40. Vilnce, 1821. BONANNI, 1*. Musaeum Kircherianum, iconibus ill ustra- tum. 86 Z. 4 E. fob Roma, 1709. BONAPARTE, C. L. American ornithology ; or the natural history of the birds inhabiting the United States, not given by Wilson. PI. 27. col. vol. 4.4 Philadelphia, 1825-33. Iconografia della Fauna Italiea. T. 30. col. Fascic. 1-5. fob Roma, 1832-3. Mammalia, 4. Reptilia, 8. Aves, 4. Pisces, 14. BONNET, Charles. GEuvres d’histoire naturelle et de phi- losophic. 8 v. 40. Neuchat. 1779—83. BORN, J. a. Testacea mustei Caesarei Vindobonensis (cum descriptionibus). T. 18. maj.etcol. 35. min. fob V in- dob. 1780. BOSSCHE, G. vanden. Historia medica; in qua, libris qua- tuor, animalium natura et eorum medica utilitas tractan- tur. T. 76. 40. Bruxellcr., 1639. BRADLEY, R. Philosophical account of the works of na- ture, to set forth the several gradations in the animal, vegetable, and mineral parts of the creation. 26 Z. 2 B. 40. Loud. 1721. BREWSTER, sir David. A treatise on the kaleidoscope. PI. 7. 8°. Edinb. 1819. A treatise on new philosophical instruments. Ph 12. 8°. Edinb. 1813. BRISSON. Ornithologie, ou methode contenant la division des oiseaux en ordres, sections, genres, especes, et leurs varietes. Lat. et Gall. PI. 255. 6 v. 40. Paris , 1760. BllODIE, sir B. C. Introductory lecture delivered at the royal college of surgeons in 1820. 8°. Loud. 1820. BROOKES, S. An introduction to the study of conchology. 11 plates; of which 9 are coloured. 40. Load. 1815. BROWN, P. New illustrations of zoology, containing 50 coloured plates of nondescript birds, &c. ; with a short description in French and English. 40. Lond. 1776. BUFFON. Histoire naturelle, generale et particuliere, avec la description du cabinet du roi. 45 v. 40. Paris, 1749,810. Vol. I. Mani&re d’etudier et de traiter l’hist. nat. histoire et theorie de la terre. PI. 1. E 2 28 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY Vol. II. Hist. nat. des animaux et de l’homme. PI. 8. Vol. III. Hist. nat. de l’homme, et descript, du cabinet. PI. 17. Vol. IV— XV. Hist. nat. des animaux quadrupedes. PI. 549. Vol. XV*. Hist. nat. des c6tac£es (par La Cepede). PI. 16. Vol. XVI-XXIV. Hist. nat. des oiseaux. PI. 261. Vol. XXV, XXVI. Hist. nat. des quadrupedes, ovipares et des serpens (par La Cep&de). PI. 67. Vol. XXVII-XXXI. Hist. nat. des poissons (par La Cepede). PI. 1 15. Vol. XXX1I-XXXVII. Hist. Nat. des mineraux cartes mag- netiques 8. Vol. XXXV III— XLIV. Supplement a l’histoire naturelle. 201 Z. 21 G. All the zoological plates in the supplement represent mam- miferous animals. Histoire naturelle, generale et particuliere, & c. Nouv. ed. accompagnee de notes, et dans laquelle les supplemens sont inseres a la place qui leur convient, avec les additions des connoissances acquises depuis la publication des oeuvres de Buffon. 127 v. 8°. Paris , 1799, &c. Additions. Mollusques, par Denys Montfort et F. De Roissy. Vol. LXV- LXX. Plantes, par Mirbel et Jolyclere. Vol. LXXI-LXXXVI1I. Crustaces et insectes, par Latreille. Vol. LXXXIX-CII. Poissons, par Lacepede. Vol. CIII-CXV. Cetacees, par Sonnini. Vol. CXVI. Reptiles, par Daudia. Vol. CXVII-CXXIV. Tables analytiques. Vol. CXXV-CXXVII. Histoire naturelle des oiseaux. PI. 1008. col. 10 v. fob Paris , 1771-86. BULLOCK, W. A companion to the London museum. 32 Z. 8°. Loncl. 1813. Method of preserving subjects of natural history. 2 Z. 120. Loud. 1817. BURROW, rev. E. J. Elements of conchology. 28 plates; the 3 last coloured. 8°. Load. 1815. CAIUS, J. De canibus Britannieis; et de rariorum anima- lium et stirpium historia, &c. Ed. S. Jebb, M. D. 8°. Land. 1729. CALONNE, monsieur de. Museum Calonnianum. Specifi- cation of the articles contained in it. 8°. Loud. 1797. CAMERARIUS, J. Svmbolorum et emblematum centurise quatuor. Cent. 1. Ex re herbaria desumpta. 40. Franckf . 1661. AND ZOOLOGY. 29 Cent. 2. Ex animalibus quadrupedibus. 40. Franckf 1661. 3. Ex volatilibus et insectis. 40. Franckf. 1 672. 4. Ex aquatilibus et reptilibus. j 66 j . CAVOLINI, F. Memorie per servire alia storia de’ polipi marini. Tav. 9. 40. Napoli , 1785. CHALMERS, rev. Thomas, D. D. On the power, wisdom, and goodness of God, as manifested in the adaptation of external nature to the moral and intellectual constitution of man. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1833. CHAMISSO, A. de. De animalibus quibusdam e elasse ver- mium Linnaeana in circumnavigatione terrae 1815-1818. observatis. Ease. imus de salpa. T. 1. col. 40. Berolini , 1819. CHARLETON, Gualt. Onomasticon zoicon, plerorumque animalium differentias et nomina propria pluribus linguis exponens. Cui accedunt mantissa anatomica et quaedam de variis fossilium generibus. 11 Z. 40. Lond. 1668. Exercitationes de differentiis et nominibus animalium : qui- bus accedunt mantissa anatomica (p. 71-106.) et quaedam de variis fossilium generibus, deque differentiis et nomini- bus colorum ; ed. 2da. 17 Z. fol. Oxon. 1677. CHEMNITZ, J. H. Von einem Geschlechte vielschalichter Conchy lien mit sichtbaren Gelenken, welche beym Linne Chitons heissen. T. 2. col. 40. Niirnb. 1784. CHIOCCO, A. Musaei Franc. Calceolarii descriptio; a Be- nedicto Cerutoolim incoepta. 17 Z. 7 B. 14 G. fol. Veron. 7622. CLARK. An essay on the bots of horses, &c. PI. 2. col. 40. Lond. 1815. CLERCK, C. x\ranei Suecici. T. 6. col. 40. Stockh. 1757. leones insectorum rariorum, cum nominibus eorum triviali- bus locisque. T. 55. col. 40. Holm. 1759. COQUEBERT, A. J. Illustratio iconographica insectorum (]uae in musaeis Parisinis observavit J. C. Fabricius. T. 30. col. 40. Paris, 1798-1804. CORDUS, V. De halosantho, seu spermate ccti. 8°. Tiguri , i565- COTTE, M. Paris , i' CRAMER, P. Papillons exotiques. Belg. et Gall. T. 400. col. 4 v. 40. Amsterd. 1774-82. CROUCH, E. A. An illustrated introduction to Lamarck’s conchology. 22 col. lithogr. pi. 40. Lond . 1826. Lemons elementaires d’histoire naturelle. 12°. 30 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY CUBIERES, S. L. P. Histoire ab regee des coquillages de mer, de leurs mceurs, et de leurs amours. PI. 21. col. 40. Versailles. 1800. CUVIER. Histoire naturelle des poissons. PI. 255. col. 9 v. 40. Paris, 1828-33. Tableau elementaire de l’histoire naturelle des animaux. PI. 12. 8°. Paris , 1798. Le regne animal distribute d’apres son organisation. PI. 15. 4 v. 8°. Paris, 18 1 7. Nouv. ed. PL 20. 5 v. 8°. Paris , 1829. The animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its organi- zation (with additional descriptions) ; translated by Edw. Griffith and others. PI. 802. 10 v. 8a. Pond. 1827-34. Mammalia, 210. Aves, 162. Reptilia, 55. Pisces, 62. Mollusca, 44. Fossilia, 49. Annelida, 8. Crustacea, 25. Arachnida, 27. Insecta, 140. Zoophyta, 20. Des dents des mammiferes, considerees comme caracteres zoologiques. T. 103. 8°. Strasb. et Paris, 1825. CUVIER et LACEPRDE. La menagerie du museum na- tional d’histoire naturelle, on les animaux vivants, peints d’apres nature; avec line note descriptive et historique pour chaque animal, fol. Paris, 1801. Mammalia, 35. Aves, 4. CZENPINSKI, P. de. Dissertatio Zoologico-Medica sistens totius regni animalis genera in classes, &c. digesta. 8°. Vienn. 1778. DA COSTA, E. M. Elements of conchology. PI. 7. 8°. Lond. 1776. DALE, T. Philosophical conversations, or a new system of physics; with numerous plates. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1731. DALMAN, J. W. Analecta entomologica. Tab. 4. 40. Holmice, 1823. Prodromus monographic castnioe, generis lepidopterorum. T. 1. col. 40. Holm. 1825. DANIELL, S. Sketches representing the native tribes, ani- mals, and scenery of Southern Africa: engraved by Wm. Daniell. PI. 48. 40. Lond. 1820. Of these plates, 25 represent quadrupeds. 19 native inhabitants. 4 native scenery. D’ARGENVILLE, D. La conchy liologi'e, ou histoire natu- relle des coquilles de mer, d’eau douce, terrestres et fos- siles. Ed. 3. PI. 80. 2 v. 40. Paris, 1780. PI. 77, 78. are anatomical. AND ZOOLOGY. 31 DAUDIN, F. M. Recueil de memoires et de notes sur des esp£ces inedites ou pen connues de moll usq ues, de vers, et de zoophytes. PI. 4. 120. Paris, 1800. Traite elementaire et eomplet d’ornithologie, 011 histoire na- turelle des oiseaux. PI. 29. 2 v. 40. Paris, 1800. The first eight plates, which are in the early part of the first volume, represent the skeletons of the different orders. DAVILA. Catalogue des euriosites de la nature et de Part, de M. Davila. 22 Z. 8 G. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1767. DEBLAINVILLE, H. M. D. Manuel de inalacologie et deconehyliologie.Pl. 87. 8°. Paris, 1825-7. DE GEER, C Genera et species insectorum. Ed. A. J. Retz. 8°. Lips. 1783. Memoires pour servir a Phistoire des insectes. PI. 238. 7 v. 40. Stockh. 1752-78. DEJEAN, le comte. Species general des coleopteres. 5 v. 8°. Paris, 1825-31. Catalogue de la collection de coleopteres de M. le baron Dejean. 8°. Paris, 1821. DELAFAILLE, EI. Versueh liber die Naturgeschichte des Maulwurfes. 8°. Frarikf. <§• Leipz. 1778. DELAMETHERIE, J. C. Considerations sur lcs etres or- ganises. 1 Z. 2 B. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1804—6. DELEUZE. Elistoire du museum royal cPhistoire natu- relle. 6 Z. 8°. Paris, 1823. DERIIAM, W. Astro-theology: or a demonstration of the being and attributes of God, from a survey of the hea- vens. 10th ed. 8°. Loud. 1767. Physico- theology : or a demonstration of the being and at- tributes of God, from his works of creation. 12th ed. 8°. Load. 1754. DESMAREST, A. G. Considerations generales sur la classe des crustaces, et description des cspeces de ces animaux qui vivent dans la mer, sur les cotes, ou dans les eaux douces de la France. PI. 56 col. 8°. Paris, 1825. Ilistoire naturelle des tangaras, des manakins et des todiers; avec figures (72) imprimees en couleur, d’apres les dessins de mademoiselle Pauline de Courcelles, eleve de Bar- raband. fol. Paris, 1805. 1-49. Tangaras. 50-66. Manakins. 67—72. Todiers. DEIERE, C. De la nutrition, cotisideree anatomiquement et physiologiquement dans la serie des animaux. 8°. Paris , 1826. 32 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY DESMOULINS, A. Histoire naturelle des races humaines, du nord-est de l’Europe, &c. et de l’Afrique australe. PI. 6. 8°. Paris , 1826. DILLAV YN, L. W. A descriptive catalogue of recent shells ; with particular attention to the synonymy. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1817. An index to the historia conchyliorum of Lister ; with the name of the species to which each figure belongs, and oc- casional remarks, fol. Oxon. 1823. DONATI, V. Della storia naturale marina dell1 Adriatico. 5 Z. 4 13. 40. Venez. 1750. DONOVAN, E. An epitome of the natural history of the in- sects of China. PI. 49. col. 40. Lond. 1798. Coleoptera, 8. Neuroptera, 2. Hemiptera (et orthoptera), 13. Aptera, 4. Lepidoptera, 22. The four apterous animals here represented are aranea macu- lata, cancer niammillaris, cancer mantis, scolopendra mor- sitans. An epitome of the natural history of the insects of India. PI. 57. col. 40. Lond. 1800. Coleoptera, 6. Neuroptera, 1. II emiptera (et orthoptera), 8. Hymenoptera, 2. Lepidoptera, 39. Diptera, 1. An epitome of the insects of New Holland, New Zealand, &c. PI. 41. col. 40. Lond. 1805. Coleoptera, 8. Lepidoptera, 29. Hemiptera, 3. Diptera 1. DRAPARNAUD, J. P. II. Histoire naturelle des mol- lusques terrestres et fluviatiles de la France. PI. 13. 40. Paris , 1805. DRESDEN. Description du cabinet royal de Dresde, Gall, et Germ. 40. Dresde et Leips. 1 755. DRURY, D. Illustrations of exotic insects; with a transla- tion into French. PI. 150. col. 3 v. 40. Lond. 1770-82. DUBAR, J. Osteographie de la baleine echouee a Test du port d’Ostende, le 4 Nov. 1827. PI. 13. 8°. Bruxell. j 828. DUBLIN. Catalogue of the subjects of natural history in the museum of the Dublin society. 8°. Dublin , 1813. DUBOIS, C. An epitome of Lamarck’s arrangement of tes- tacea, with illustrative observations. 8°. Lond. 1824. AND ZOOLOGY. 33 DUMERIL, A. M. C. Considerations gdnerales sur la classe des insectes. PI. 60. col. 8°. Paris , 1 823. Zoologie analytique, ou methode naturelle de classification des animaux, rendue plus facile a Paide de tableaux syn- optiques. 8°. Paris , 1806. DUNCAN, J. S. Analogies of organized beings. 8°. Oxford, 1 83 1 - Botano-theology, an arranged compendium ; chiefly from Smith, Keith, and Thomson. 8°. Oxford , 1825. Introduction to the catalogue of the Ashmolean museum. 8°. Oxford. This introduction contains a curious plate, copied from a MS. in the Ashmolean museum, apparently of the 12th century, representing a crocodile (cocadrillus) and an hyena (vena). DUPERREY, vid. Lesson. EDWARDS, G. A natural history of uncommon birds, and of some other rare and undescribed animals. PI. 210. col. 4 v.40. 1743-5 T- Gleanings of natural history. French and English. PI. 152. col. [numbered, in continuation of the plates in the na- tural history of uncommon birds, from 21 1 to 362.] 3 v. 40. Lond. 1758-64. EDWARDS, J. A demonstration of the existence and pro- vidence of God from the contemplation of the visible structure of the world and of man. 8°. Lond. 1696. EDWARDS, H. M. Elemens de zoologie, ou lemons sur Panatomie, la physiologie, la classification et les moeurs des animaux. Fig. lign. 166. 8°. Paris, 1830. EDWARDS, W. F. Des caract^res physiologiques des races humaines. 8°. Paris , 1829. EPIRENBERG, C. G. Symbolae physicae seu icones et de- scriptiones corporum naturalium, &c. qu® ex itineribus per Libyam, Arabian), et Habessiniam, 1820-5, redie- runt. Pars zoologica. Decades 2. T. 20. col. fol. Be- rolin. 1828-30. All the plates illustrate mammalia. Symbol® physic® seu icones et descriptiones avium qu® ex itinere per Africam borealem et Asiam occidentalem nov® aut illustrat® redierunt. Decas prima. T. 10. col. fol. Berolini, 1828. 1. Nectarinia (cinnyris) metallica. 2. Fringilla (pvrgita) ignicolor. 3. Lanius cruentus. 4. Nectarinia (cinnyris) Habessinica. 5. Ciconia Abdimii. r 34 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY 6. Ardea schistacea. 7. Tamatia erythropygos. ^ f Bucco bifrenatus. ( Edolius lugubris. 9. Buphaga Habessinica. 10. Lamprotomis chalvbaeus. In these plates, which are beautifully executed, almost the whole natural history of each species is developed : not only the plumage and characteristic difference in age or sex, but the nest and the egg, the plant on which the species feeds, and the localities which it frequents, are de- lineated : in addition to which, the description enters into the detail of all those points. EHRENBERG, C. G. et HEMPRICK, F. G. leones et descriptiones animalium evertebratorum, sepositis insectis, quae ex itinere per African! borealem et Asiam occidenta- lem novae aut illustrate redierunt. Series prima, cum ta- bu larum (colorat.) decade prima. fol. Berolini , 1828-1831. Phytozoa, 6. Mollusca, 2. Arach noidea, 2. leones et descriptiones insectorum Africae borealis et Asiae occidentalis. Decades 4. T. 40. col. fol. Berolini , 1829. Coleoptera, 14. Hemiptera, 2.* Orthoptera, 6. Lepidoptera, 7. Neuroptera, 2. Diptera, 1. Hymenoptera, 8. *T. 10. and 19; of which T. 10. is entitled “Manna Is- raeli tar urn,” and represents a species of tamarisk, scarcely differing from that of France ; the extreme branches of which are partially covered with small vesicles resembling wax, each of which includes a female hemipterous insect of the genus “ coccus.” The bark of the tree being pierced by these insects, there exudes a sweet viscid substance of a brown colour, which at a low temperature retains a con- crete form, but soon begins to melt upon an increase of temperature. Ehrenberg names the tree tamarix mannifera , and the insect coccus manniparus. The manna* so extensively used in medicine is derived from a species of ash ; by means also of an hemipterous insect, not of the genus “coccus,” but of the genus “ cicada.” Aware of the conclusion which might inadvertently be drawn from this account of the natural origin of a substance, bearing the same name as another substance which on one occasion was supplied miraculously, I think it right to add that the difference between the two is easily demonstrable. EICHWALD, E. Naturhistorische Skizze von Lithauen, Volhynien, und Podolien in Geognostich — mineralo- gischer, Botanischer, und Zoologischer Hensicht. 1 Z. 40. Wilnci, 1 830. AND ZOOLOGY. 35 Do regni animalis limitibus atque evolutionis gradibus. 8°. Dorpati , 1821. Zoologia specialis, expositis animalibus turn vivis, turn fossi- libus. T. 7. 2 v. 8°. VilncE, 1829-30. ELLIS, J. The natural history of many curious and un- common zoophytes, collected from various parts of the o-lobe ; systematically arranged and described by Daniel Solander, M. D. Pi. 62. 40. Lond. 1786. ENCYCLOPAEDIA. Tableau encyclopddique et metlio- dique des trois regnes de la nature. 40. Paris. Mammalogie, 011 description des especes de mammiferes. PI. 13S. Ornithologie. PI. 247. Erpetologie et ophiologie. PI. 69. Ichthyologie. PI. 100. Dictionnaire, &c. de mammalogie, ornithologie, des quadru- ples ovipares, des serpens, et des poissons. 3 v. 1782-7. Dictiounaire des insectes. PI. 397. 7 v< 1 7 ^9 — 1 825 . ({es vers, &c. PI. 488. 2 v. 1792-1830. ENGRAMELLE, R. P. Les papillons d1 Europe. PL 326. col. 8 v. 40. Paris , 1779-92. ERXLEBEN, J. C. P. Systema regni animalis per classes, &c. cum synonymia et historia animalium. Classis 1. mam- malia. 8°. Lips. 1777. ESCHSCHOLTZ, F. Zoologischer Atlas, enthaltend Ab- bildungen und Beschreibungen neuer Thierarten wahrend des Flottcapitains v. Kotzebue zweiter Reise um die Welt, 1823-6. Heft. 1-5. T. 25. col. fol. Berlin, 1829- 33- Mammalia, 4. Mollusca, 3. Aves, 3. Insecta, 5. Reptilia, 4. Annelida et radiata, 5. Pisces. 1. System der Acalephen : eine ausfurliche Beschreibung aller Medusenartigen Strahlthiere. T. 16. 40. Berlin , 1829. ESPER, E. J. C. Die Europaischen Sclnnetterlinge ; hc- rausgegeben mit Zusatzen von Toussaint von Charpen- tier. T. 441. col. 6 v. 40. Erlangen, 1829. Die Auslandischen Schmetterlinge, &c T. 63. col. 40. Erlangen, 1830. Die Pflanzenthiere in Abbildungen nach der natur mit Far- ben erleuchtet nebst Beschreibungen. T. 442. col. 5 v. 40. Numb. 1 791-7. FABRICIUS, O. Fauna Grocnlandica. T. 1. 8°. Hafn. <§• Lips. 1780. f 2 . 36 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY FABRICIUS, J. C. Systema entomologiae. 8°. Flensburg. et Lips. 1775. Philosophia entomologica. 8 . Hamb. et Kil. 1778. Genera insectorum. 8°. Chilonn. Species insectorum, exhibentes eorum differentias specificas, &c. 2 v. 8°. Hamburg, et Kilon. 1781. Mantissa insectorum, sistens eorum species nuper detectas. 2 v. 8°. Hafn. 17 87. Entomologia systematica emendata et aucta. 4 v. 8°. Hafn. 1792-4. FABRICIUS, J. A. Theologie de Fean, ou essai sur la bonte, la sagesse et la puissance de Dieu, manifestoes dans la creation de l’eau; trad, de l’AHemand par Dr. Bur- nand; 2de ed. 8°. Paris , 1743. FEE, A. L. A. Vie de Linne. PI. 4. 8°. Paris , 1832. de FERUSSAC, le baron. Tableaux systematiques des ani- maux mollusques, &c. suivis d’un prodrome general pour tous les mollusques terrestres ou fluviatiles, vivants oil fossiles. fol. Paris. Histoire naturelle, generale et particuliere des mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles, vivantes et fossiles. (Euvre post- hume, continue, &c. par mons. le baron D. de Ferussac son fils. PI. 15 1. col. 40. Paris , 1819. This work is at present in an incomplete state, and does not readily admit of description. The plates are illustrative of that division of the gasteropodous mollusca of Cuvier (called “ pulmones terrestres”) which includes the common snail, &c. Li maces : genre Arion, 3. limas, &c. 9. Lima^ns : vaginufe, 2. helico-limace, 2. helice, 130. Coquilles foss. 5. FICHTEIi, L. et MOLL, J. P. C. Testacea microscopica, &c. ex generibus “argonauta” et “nautilus.” Lat. et Germ. T. 24. col. 40. Wien. 1798. FISCHER, G. Entomographia imperii Russici. Lat. et Gail. T. 81. col. 3 v. 40. Mosq. 1820-8. Coleoptera, 67. Neuroptera, 2. Orthoptera, 1. Lepidoptera, 11. Genera insectorum systematice exposita. T. 2. col. vol. 1. (coleoptera). 40. Mosq. 1821. FISCHER, J. B. Addenda, emendanda et index ad synopsin mammalium. 8°. Stuttgard. 1830. AND ZOOLOGY. 37 FLEMING, J. The philosophy of zoology; or a general view of the structure, functions, and classification of ani- mals. PI. 5. 2 v. 8°. Edinb. 1822. FORSTER, J. R. Observations, during a voyage round the world, on physical geography, natural history, &c. 40. Lond. 1778. FORSTER, T. The perennial calendar, &c. illustrating the events of every day in the year, as connected with history, natural history, &c. 8°. Lond. 1824. FOX, G. T. Synopsis of the Newcastle museum. 2 Z. 8°. Newcastle, 1827. FRANZIUS, W. Historia animalium. 12 °. Amstel. 1665. FREYCINET, vid. Gaimaiid. FRISCH, J. L. Vorstellung der Vogel Deutschlandes, und beylaufig auch einiger Fremden; nach ihren eigenschaf- ten. T. 255. fol. Berlin , 1763-1817. Vespertiliones, 3. Gallinee, 48. Aecipitres, 32. Grallse, 46. Passeres, 56. Palmipedes, 50. Scansores, 20. FUESSLY, J. G. Archives de Thistoire des insectes pub- liees en Allemand ; traduites en Francois. PI. 50. col. 4'. Winterthour , 1794. GAIMARD, P. Zoologie du voyage autour du monde, en- trepris par M. Louis de Freycinet, pendant 1817-1820, par MM. Quoy et Gaimard, medecins de Texpedition. 40. Paris , 1824. Zoologie du voyage, &c. PI. 96. col. atlas fol. Paris, 1824. 1-12. Mammalia. 76-82. Crustacea et arachnida. 13-39. Aves. 82, 83. Insecta. 40-42. Reptilia. 84-87. Acalepha. 43-65. Pisces. 88-96. Polypa. 66-75, 86, 87. Mollusca. GARNOT, vid. Lesson. GEOFFROY. Histoire abreg6e des insectes. PI. 22. 2 v. 40. Paiis , 1764. GESNEll. Historiae animalium libri 5. Lib. 1. De quadrupedibus viviparis. T. 79. fol. Tiguri, 1551. 2. oviparis. T. 19. fol. Francof. 1617. Lib. 3. De avium natura. T. 213. fol. Francof 1585. leones avium omnium quae in historia avium descri- buntur, cum nomenclaturis singulortim Latinis, 88 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY Italicis, Gallicis, et Germanicis. T. 125. fol. Ti- gurh 1555- In this work birds are distributed into 8 orders. 1. Rapaces diurni. 2. nocturni. 3. Aves volaces majores. Corvus, &c. 4. minores. Passer, &c. 5. Aves pulveratriees mansuetae. Gall us, &c. 6. sylvestres. Urogallus, &c. 7. Aves aquaticse, Anser, &c. 8. Aves non in aquis sed circa aquas degentes. Gallinula, &c. Lib. 4. De piscium et aquatilium animantium natura. T. 498. fol. Tiguri , 1558. Lib. 3* De serpentium natura; adjecta ad calcem scorpionis historia a C. Wolphio conscripta (e Paralip. Ges- neri). T. 25. fol. Franco f. 1621. GIORNA, S. Calendario entomologico, ossia osservazioni sulle stagioni proprie agf insetti nel clima Piemontese, &c. 8°. Torino , 1791. GLOGER, C. L. Das Abandern der Vogel durch einfluss des Klima’s. 8°. Breslau , 1833. Scldesiens Wirbelthier-Fauna : ein systematischer Ueber- blick der in dieser Provinz vorkommenden Siiugthiere, Vogel, Amphibien, und Fische. 8°. Breslau , 1833. GOEDARTIUS, J. De insectis. Ed. M. Lister. Accedit M. Lister appendicis ad historian! aniraalium Angliae ed. altera. T. 20. 8°. Londini , 1685. GOLDFUSS, Aug. Ausfurliche Erlauterung des Natur- historischen Atlasses. T. 31 1. fol. 3 v. 40. Diisseld. 1828-32. Vertebral animals, 226. Invertebral animals, 60. Geological phenomena, 25. A more particular description is postponed on account of the yet incomplete state of the collection. GOULD, J. A century of birds from the Himalaya moun- tains (with descriptions). PI. 80. col. fol. Lond. 1832. 1-4. Accipitres. 5-46. Passeres. 47-55. Scansores. ^ ^ ir f Columba, 4. 56-71. Galhnse. < ^ ° ‘ (. Phasianus, 12. 7 *-79- Grails. {p“'a4&c. + 80. Palmipedes. AND ZOOLOGY. 39 A monograph of the ramphastidae, or family of toucans. 23 col. plates. 1 pi. plain, fol. Lond. 1834. 1-9. Genus ramphastos, Linnaeus. 10-23. pteroglossus, Illiger. 24. Anatomical. The birds of Europe. 11 pts. PI. 219. col. fol. Lond. 1832-4. Accipitres, 28. Gallinae, 9. Passeres, 89. Grallae, 38. Scansores, 8. Palmipedes, 47. GRAVENHORST, J. L. C. Ichneumonologia Europaea. 3 v. 8°. Vratislav. 1829. Tergestina, oder Beobachtungen, &c. liber einige bei d riest im Meere lebende Arten der Gattungen Octopus, Echi- nus, Actinia, &c. 8°. Breslau , 1831. GRAVES, G. The naturalist’s pocket-book. PI. 8. 8°. Lond. 1 817. GRAY, J. E. Illustrations of Indian zoology. PI. 100. col. vol. 1. fol. Lond. 1830-2. Vol. 2. not yet completed. Pi. 80. col. Of the hundred plates contained in the 1st volume, 1-13 illustrate Mammalia. 14-81 Aves. 82, 83 Reptilia. 84-90 — Pisces. 100 Fossilia (3 species of Ammonite). Of the 80 plates of the 2d volume. 20 illustrate Mammalia. 29 Aves. 22 Reptilia. 9 Pisces. GRAY, J. E. Short descriptions of the species of reptiles. Pt. i . tortoises, crocodiles, and enaliosaurians. PI. 1 1. (tor- toises.) 8°. Lond. 1831. Spicilegia Zoologica ; or original figures (with descriptions) of new and unfigured animals, pp. 12. PI. 11. 40. Lond. 1828-30. GREW, Nehem. M. D. Musaeum regalis societatis. T. 22. 14 Z. 4 B. 4 G. fol. Lond. 1681. GRONOVIUS, L. T. Zoophylacii Gronoviani, fascic. 1, 2. T. 18. fol. Lugd. Bat. 1763-4. Pisces, 14. Crustacea, 1. Insecta, 3. GUALTIERUS, N. Index testarum conchyliorum, quag adservantur in museo ejus, methodice distributarum. T. 110. fol. Florent. 1742. 40 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY GYLLENIIAL, L. Insecta Suecica dcscripta. Class, i. co- leoptera sive eleuterata. 4 v. 8°. Scaris et Lips . 1 808- 27. HALLER, A. Epistolae ah eruditis viris ad Alb. Hallerum. 2 Z. 6 v. 8°. Bern® } 1773-5. HAMILTON (formerly Buchanan), F. An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges and its branches; with a volume of 39 plates. 40. Edinb. 1822. HARRIS, T. M. The natural history of the Bible; or a description of all the quadrupeds, & c. plants, &c. and pre- cious stones, mentioned in the sacred scriptures. 8°. Land. 1824. HEBENSTREIT, J. E. Museum Richterianum. 1 Z. 13 G. fol. Lips. 1743. IIERBST, J. F. W. Naturgeschichte der Insekten-Gattung Opilio. T. 10. col. 40. Berlin , 1798-99. Naturgeschichte der Skorpionen. T. 7. col. 40. Berlin , 1 800. Versuch einer Naturgeschichte Krabben und Krebse, See. T. 62. col. 3 v. 40. Berlin et Strals. 1790. 1 -2 1. Cancer cursor, antennatus, araneus, &c. 21-23. Cancer Bernhardus. 23—32. Astacus. 33-34- Squilla. 35-36. Oniscus Gamtnarellns. ^2' j" Cancer Hi span us, &c. 44-46. Cancri, &c. Anatomia. HERHOLDT, J. D. Physiologische Betrachtungen fiber den Unterschied der Pfianze, des Thieres, und des Men- schen, Sec. 8°. Kupenh. 1830. HEROLD, M. He generatione Araneailum in ovo. T. 2. repetit. et col. fol. Marb. 1824. LIERMANN, J. E. Memoire apterologique : publie par F. L. Hammer. PI. 9. col. fol. Strasb. 1804. HER WIG, H. En Nyttig Bog om Bier. 40. Kiobenh. 1649. Two curious wood-cuts accompany this treatise on the eco- nomy of bees; one, in the title-page; the other, at p. 23. HILL, J. Essays in natural history and philosophy, with discoveries by the microscope. 8°. Lund. 1752. HISTORIA NATURALIS. De Latinis et Graecis nomi- nibus arborum, &c. piscium, et avium; cum Gallica eo- rum nominum appellatione ; ed. 4ta. 8°. Lutet. 1554. LIOEVEN, J. van der. leones ad illustrandafs colons muta- tiones in chamasleonte (cum descriptione). T. 5. 40. Lugd. Bat. 1831. AND ZOOLOGY. 41 HOOKE, R. On the motion of the earth. 40. Land. 1674. Machina ccelestis of Hevelius. Description of helioscopes, &c. 4°. Land. \6j6. Lampas, or various physical and mechanical discoveries. 40. Loud. 1677. Lectures on the power of springing bodies. 40. Lond. 1678. On comets ; and on microscopes, &e. HORSFIELD, T. A descriptive catalogue of the lepidop- terous insects contained in the museum of the honourable the East India company; pts. 1 and 2. PI. 8. plain, with duplicates col. 4 °. Lond. 1828-9. Zoological researches in Java and the neighbouring islands. PI. 65. col.; 7 not col. 40. Lond. 1824. Mammalia, 33. Aves, 32. Head and feet of mammalia and aves, 7. HUBER, F. Nouvelles observations sur les abeilles; 2de ed. PI. 12. 2 v. 8°. Paris et Geneve, 1814. Translated into English; 3d ed. PI. 5. 8°. Edinb. 1821. HUBER, P. The natural history of ants; translated from the French, with additional notes. PI. 2. 120. 1820. HUET. Collection de mammiferes du museum d’histoire naturelle ; dessinee d’apres nature, accompagnee d’un texte descriptif, he. PI. 54. 40. Paris, 1808. ILLIGER, C. Prodromus systematis mammalium et avium, additis terminis zoographicis utriusque classis, eorumque versione Germanica. 8°. BcroUni, 18 1 1. JABLONSKY, C. G. Natursystem aller bekannten in-und auslandischen Insecten, &c. Dei- Kafer (Coleoptera). T. 177. col. (fob) iov. 8°. Berlin, 1783-1806. JABLONSKY, C. G. et HERBST, J. F. W. Natursystem aller bekannten in-und auslandischen Insekten. Der Schmetterlinge (Papiliones). T. 327. col. (fob) 1 1 v. 8°. t 40. Berlin, 1783-1804. JACOB, N. H. Storia Naturale delle Seimie — accompagnata d’un testo Italiano, colla traduzione Francese e Tedesca. Tav. 73. fob Milano, 1812. JAR DINE, sir Wm. hart, and SELBY, P. J. Illustrations of ornithology ; pts. 1-9. Pb 141. cob This work is not yet completed. JONSTON,J. Historia naturalis. T. 386. 4 v. fob Francof. ad Mcen. 1650-62. De quadrupedibus, 80. De avibus, 62. G 42 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY De serpentibus et draconibus, 12. De piscibus et cetis, 47. De exanguibus aquaticis, 20. De insectis (et vermibus, &c.) 28. De arboribus et fructibus, 137. Theatrum universale omnium animalium quadrupedum. T. 80. fol. Heilbrun. 1 755. 1-8. Equus, &c. 9-1 1. Elephas. 12. Monoceros. 1 3 — 3 7 * R°s, ovis, capm, cervus. 38. Rhinoceros. 39-40. Camelo-pardus. 41-46. Camelus. 47-48. Sus. 49. Hippopotamus. 50-58. Leo, ursus, lupus. 59-61 Simia, &c. 62-68. Armadillo, &c. Mustela, &c. Lepus, mus, lutra. 69-74. Canis, felis, hyena, & c. 75-80. Lacerta, testudo, rana. Theatrum universale de avibus; ed. nov. T. 62. fol. Heil- brun. 1756. 1-2 1. Aves terrestres carnivor*. 22-40. phytivorae. 41-45. insectivor*. 46-49. aquatic* palmipedes. 5 °— 5 5 fissipedes. 56-61. exotic*. 62. fabulos*. De serpentibus. T. 12. fol . Heilbronn. 1757. The first eight plates represent various serpents, European and foreign: the last four represent the most absurdly monstrous serpents, &c. De piscibus et cetis. T. 47. fol. Heilbrunn. 1767. The first forty plates represent various fish. The last seven represent cetacea, some varieties of the seal, and several common fish. De exanguibus aquaticis. T. 20. fol. Heilbrunn. ] 767. i-io. Sepi*, &c. Astaci, squill*, cancri, stell* marin*. 1 1 — 1 7. Conchylia et echini. 18. Lepores marini, urtic*, &c. 19-20. Ilolothurii, pulmones marini, &c. Theatrum universale insectorum. T. 28. fol. Heilbrunn. 1768. 1-2. Apes et apiaria, cicad*. 3-4. Cimices, libell*, tipul*. 5-8. Papiliones et phal*n*. 9-10. Muse*, &c. AND ZOOLOGY. 43 i 1-13. Locust*, mantes, grylli. 14-16. Scarabsei, &c. 1 7. Formic*. 18. Scorpiones, aranei. 19-22. Vermes, xylophthori, eruc*. 23—24. Bombyces, scolopendr*, li maces. 25-26. Hirudines, stellae marinae, &e. 27-28. Squill*, et insecta varia. JONSTON, J. Polonus. Thaumatographia naturalis in 10 classes distincta. 1 2°. Amst. 163 2. JORDENS, J. H. Entomologie und Helminthologie des Menschlichen Korpers. T. 15. col. 40. Hof. 1801. JUNGIUS, J. Doxoscopiae physicae minores. Ed. M. F. H. cum annotationibus. 40. Hamburg , 1662. JURINE, L. Histoire des monocles qui se trouvent aux environs de Geneve. PI. 22. col. 40. Geneve , 1820. KADE, D. Stellae marinae, &c. anatome, T. 1. — imprimL in line libri J. H. Linck, “ De stellis marinis. fob Lips. 1733- P- 97-102-” KARSTEN, D. L. G. Description of the minerals in the Leskean Museum; translated by George Mitchell, M.B. 8°. Dublin , 1798. KIDD, J. On the adaptation of external nature to the phy- sical condition of man. 8°. Lund . 1833. KIRBY, rev. W. and SPENCE, W. An introduction to entomology. PI. 5. 2 v. 8°. Loud. 1815-17. Again; 4th ed. PI. 30. 4 v. 8°. 1822-6. KIRCIIER. leones testaceorum. T. 44. fob 1-4. Classis 1. Univalvia non turbinata. 5-14. 2. Bivalvia. 15-44. 3. Univalvia turbinata. KLEIN, J. T. Quadrupedum dispositio, brevisque historia naturalis. T. 5. 40. Lips. 1751. Summa dubiorum circa classes quadrupedum et amphibio- rum in Linnaei systemate naturae, &c. ; cum praeludio de crustatis. Adjecti discursus, de ruminantibus, et de pe- riodo vitae humanac collato cum brutis. T. 1. 40. Gedani , I743- Historic avium prodromuscum praefatione de ordine anima- lium in genere. Accessit historia muris alpini, et, vetus vocabularium animalium. T. 7. 40. Lubcc. 1750. Stemmata avium. T. 40. 40. Lips. 1759. G 2 44 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY Ova avium plurimarum ad naturalem magnitudinem delineata et genuinis coloribus picta. T. 21. 40. Leipz. Sfc. 1766. Tentamen herpetologiae. Accessit J. A. Unzeri observatio de taeniis. T. 2. 40. Leid. et Gotting. 1755. Historiae piscium naturalis promovendae missus quinque. T. 52. 40. Gednni , 174C-9. Mantissa ichthyologica de sono et auditu piscium. 40. Lips. U46, Dispositio naturalis cochlidum et concharum in suas classes, &c. : cum sciagraphia methodi ad genus serpen tium ordi- nate digerendum. T. 12. col. 40. Lugd. But. 1758. Naturalis dispositio echinodermatum. De aculeis echino- rum. Tabula generalis methodi zoologicae Musei Ivlei- niani. T. 36. 40. Gedani , 1734. KLUG, Fr. Entomologische Monographieen. T. 10. col. 8°. Berlin , 1824. Monographia siricum Germaniae. T. 8. 40. Berolini , 1803. IvNORR, G. W. Helices de la nature. 83 Z. 6 G. 2 v. fob Nurernb. 1779. IvNORR, G. F. les heritiers de. Collection generale des dif- ferentes especes de coquillages que la mer renferme. PI. 190. col. 6 v. 40. Nuremb. 1760-1773. KOLLAR, V. Monographia chlamydum. T. 2. col. fob Vienn. 1824. KUHL, H. Buffoni et Daubentoni figurarum avium colora- tarum nomina systematica ; cum indice systematico secun- dum ordinem Uligeri in prodromo systematis avium (Berob 1811) ed. Th. van Swinderen. 40. Groning. 1820. LACEPEDE, M. le comte de. Histoire naturelle de bhomme. 12°. Paris , 1821. Histoire naturelle des quadrupedes-ovipares. PI. 22. col. 8°. Paris. 1819. 1-4. Testudines. ri-12. Ranoe. 5-10. Lacertae. 13-22. Serpentes. Histoire naturelle des poissons; suite et complement des oeuvres de Buffon. PI. 93. nouv. cob 4 v. 8°. Paris, 1 819. LACHMUND, J. Frid. De Ave Diomedea dissertatio ; imprimr. in fine libri cui titulus “ Experimenta Fr. Redi circa iiencrationem insectorum. 120. Amstel. 1686.1’’ If ADMIRAL, J. jun. Naauwkeurige Waarneemingen van veele Gestaltverwisselende Gekorvene Diertjes. T. 32. fob Amsterd. 1775. Lepidopterous insects alone are represented in this work. In each plate the insect is represented in its three states of existence, together with the plant on which it feeds. AND ZOOLOGY. 45 LAMAllCK, J. B. Systeme analytique des connaissances positives de 1’homme. 8°. Paris , 1820. Philosophic zoologique, 011 exposition des considerations re- latives a Fhistoire naturelle des animaux. 2 v. 8°. Paris , 1809. H ist. nat. des animaux sans vertebres. 7 v* ^°. Petris, 1815-22. LAMOUROUX, J. V. F. Histoire des polypiers coralli- S'enes flexibles, vulgairement nommes zoophytes. PI. 19. 8°. Caen, 1816. Exposition methodique des genres de 1’ordre des polypiers. Planches 84; les 63 premieres appartenant a Fhistoire naturelle des zoophytes d’ELLis et Solander. 40. Paris, 1821. LASKEY, J. A general account of the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow. 8°. Glasg. 1813. LASPEYRES. J. H. Sesias Europteae iconibus et descrip- tionibus illustratae. T. 1. col. 40. Berolini, 1801. LATHAM, John. A general synopsis of birds. PI. 106. col. 3 v. 40. Loud. 1781-5. Supplement to the general synopsis of birds. 40. Loud. ]787- Index ornithologicus, sive systema ornithologiae complectens avium divisionem, &c. 2 v. 40. Bond. 1790. A general history of birds. PI. 184. col. 10 v. 40. Win- chest. 1821-4. Index to the general history of birds. 40. Windiest. 1828. LATIIEILLE, P. A. Families naturelles du regne animal. 8°. Paris, 1825. Histoire naturelle des salamandres de France. PI. 6. 8°. Paris, 1800. Considerations generales sur Ford re naturel des crustaces, des arachnides, et des insectes. 8°. Paris, 1810. Genera crustaceorum et insectorum secundum ordinem na- turalem in familias disposita, iconibus exemplisque pluri- mis explicata. T. 16. 4 v. 8°. Paris, 1806-9. Memoires sur divers sujets de Fhistoire naturelle des insectes, &c. 8°. Paris, 1819. Histoire naturelle et iconographie des insectes coleopteres d’Europe. Livrr. 3. PI. 14. col. 8°. Paris , 1822-4. Histoire naturelle des fourmis, et recueil des memoires sur les abeilles, les araignees, et autres insectes. PI. 12. col. 8°. Paris, 1802. LAUERENTZEN, J. Museum regium Daniae. 13 Z. 1 13. fob Haunice (1710. Briinnich). 46 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY LAWRENCE, W. Lectures on physiology, zoology, and the natural history of man. PI. 12. 8°. Lond. 1819. LEA, J. Observations on the genus unio, &c.; read before the American philosophical society in 1827 and 1829. PI. 27. col. 40. Philadelphia , 1829. LEACII, W. E. The zoological miscellany; with coloured figures by II. P. Nodder. PI. 149. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1814- 17- LEG ATT, L. Museo Cospiano. 18 Z. 2 11. 7 G. fob Bo- logna, 1677. LESSER, F. C. Theologie des insectes, ou demonstration des perfections de Dieu dans tout ce qui concerne les in- sectes ; trad, de PAllemand : avec des remarques de M. P. Lyonnet. PI. 2. 2 v. 8°. a la II aye , 1742. LESSON, R. P. Les trochilidees 011 les colibris et les oiseaux- rnouches. PI. 66. col. 8°. Paris , 1831. Histoire naturelle des oiseaux-mouches. PI. 85. col. 8°. Paris, 1829. Histoire naturelle des colibris, suivie d’un supplement a Thist. nat. des oiseaux-mouches. PI. 29. col. 8°. Paris , (1830). LESSON, R. P. et GARNOT. Zoologie du voyage autour du monde, execute pendant 1822-25 par M. L. J. Du- perrey, par MM. Lesson et Garnot. vol. 1. et pt. 1. vol. 2. 40. Paris , 1826-30. Zoologie, &c. atlas fol. PI. 153. cob Paris, 1826. Mammalia, 9. Mollusca, 16. Aves, 41. Crustacea, 5. Reptilia, 7. Insecta, 21. Pisces, 38. Zoophyta, 16. LEVAILLANT, F. Histoire naturelle des oiseaux d’Afrique. PI. 300. repetees et coloriees. 6 v. fob Paris, 1805—8. Vol. i. PI. 1-37* Oiseaux de proie. 38-46. et 284. Ois. de proie nocturnes. 47-49. Engoulevens. Vol. II. PI. 50-53. Corbeaux. 54-59. Pies. 60-66. (et 79-81 ?) et 285. Pie-griecnes. iere divis. 67-70. et pb 286. Pie-grieches. 2lle divis. 71-78. Pie grieches. 3en,e divis. 79-81. Le bec-de-fer et le Geoffrov. 82. Le sicrin. 83-97. Oiseaux qui vivent en troupes, et qui se rapprochent des etourneaux et des martins. AND ZOOLOGY. 47 Vol. III. Vol. IV. Vol. V. Vol. VI. PI. 98-100. Grives. 101-117. Merles. 1 18-141. Oiseaux qui font lenr principale nour- riture d’insectes. 142-150. Gobe-niouches. iere div. PI. 15 1-1 55. Gobe-mouches. 1 ere div. 156-161. 2tle div. 162-165. Echenilleurs, genre nouv. 166-176. Drongos. 177-179. Ois. d’Afr. qui ont rapport a nos la- vandikres. 180-191. Ois. d’Afr. qui ont rapport a nos tra- quets, &c. 1 92-1 99. Alouettes. PI. 200-229. Coucous. 230-240. Calaos. 241, 242. Indicateurs. 243-247. Martinets et hirondelles. PI. 248-255. Pics. 256-259. Colious. 260-263. Loriots. 264-283. Pigeons, &c. 287-300. Sucriers. Histoire naturelle des oiseaux de paradis et des rolliers, suivie de cede des toucans et des barbus. PI. 113. repet. et color. 2 v. fol. Paris , 1806. [V. l’hist. nat. des promerops, &c. par le meme auteur pour un supplement aux l’hist. nat. des oiseaux de paradis, &c.] Vol. I. PI. 1—24. Oiseaux de paradis. 25-39. et 56. Rolliers. 40-55. Geais. Vol. II. PI. 1- 1 8. Toucans. 19-43. et 55-57. Barbus. 44-46. Barbacous. 47-54. Jacamars. Histoire naturelle des promerops, et des guepiers, &c. fai- sant suite a celle des oiseaux de paradis; avec un supple- ment aux differents genres d’oiseaux decrits dans les deux premiers volumes des oiseaux de paradis. PI. 83. repet. et color, fol. Paris , 1807. Promerops, 32. Touracos, 5. Guepiers, 20. PI. supplem., 11. Couroucous, 15. Oiseaux d’Afrique du cabinet de mons. Raye, d1 Amster- dam ; dessines d’apres nature. Figures 308. col. Accipitres, 50. Scansores, 55. Passeres, 180. Gallinse, 23. The preceding 308 figures are all original coloured drawings. 48 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY Oiseaux divers du cabinet de mons. Raye, d’ Amsterdam ; dessines d’apres nature. Figures 622. col. Accipitres, 8. Gallinte, 53. Passeres, 248. Grallse, 104. Scansores, 161. Palmipedes, 48. The preceding 622 figures are all original coloured drawings. LEWIN, J. W. A natural history of the birds of New South Wales. PI. 26. col. 40. Lond. 1822. All the birds here represented belong to the second order of Cuvier (passeres) ; and most of them are small birds. A natural history of the lepidopterous insects of New South Wales. PL 19. col. 40. Lond. 1822. LICHTENSTEIN, H. Darstellung neuer oder wenig be- kannter Saugethiere in Abbildungen und Beschreibunffen O O O nach den Originalen des Zoologischen Museums der Uni- versitat zu Berlin. Heft. 1-8. T. 42. illumin. fol. Ber- lin, 1827. 1-2 1. Cervus, &c. 22-27. Dipus. 28-40. Mus. 41. Chrysochloris. 42. Mustela. LICHTENSTEIN und HERBST. Naturgeschichte der In- sekten-Gattungen Solpuga und Phalangium. T. 6. col. 40. Berlin, 1797. LINCK, J. H. De stellis marinis. Accedunt Edw. Luidii, &c. hujusce argumenti opuscula. T. 42. fob Lips. 1733. LINNAEUS. Epistolae ineditae; cum parte commercii litte- rarii inediti, inprimis circa rem botanicam, Dillenii et alio- rum, annis i73^— 93* Ed. H. C. van Hall. 8°. Groning. 183°. Collectio epistolarum ; cum opusculis pro et contra Linnaei scripta. Ed. D. PL Stoever. 8«. Hamburg. 1 792. Systema naturae. Ed. ima reedita, op. A. L. A. Fc*e. 8°. Paris, 1830. Systema naturae. Ed. 6ta, aucta. 8°. Stockh . 1748. Iterum; ed. 13^ ad ed. i2mam reformatam Holmiensem. 3 v. 8°. Vindob. 1767. Iterum ; ed. 13% aucta. 3 v. 8°. cura J. F. Gmelin. Lips. 1788-93. Fauna Suecica. 8°. Stockh. 1 7 4^ * . Ed. altera. 8°. Stockh. 1761. Oliindska och Gothlandska Resa, 1 7 4 1 StocLh. et Ups. 174-5- W astgota- Resa, 1746. 8°. Stockh. 1747. Skiinska Resa, i749- 8°. Stockh. J 75 T • AND ZOOLOGY. 49 Amoenitates academicae. Ed. 3tia op. J. C. D. Schreber. io v. 8°. Erl. 1787-90. Museum Adolphi Friderici regis Suecorum, & c. in quo ani- malia rariora describuntur Eat. et Suet. ; cum iconibus. T. 33. fol. Holmice , 1754- Mammalia, 2. Serpentes, 22. Pisces, 9. Museum Ludovicae Ulricas reginae Suecorum, &c. 8°. IIol- mice , 1764. Museum Adolphi Frederici regis Suecorum, &c. Tomi 2dl prodromus. 8°. Holmice , 1764. The animal kingdom; class 1 and 2, mammalia and birds; translated, from the systema naturae published by Gmelin, by Robert Kerr. PI. 8. 40. Lond. 1792. LISTER, M. Appendix ad historian! animalium Angliae, ed. alt. ; — imprimr. in fine libri cui titulus “ Goedartius Jo- annes de insectis.” T. 7. 8°. Lond. 1685. Historia sive synopsis methodica conchy liorum et tabularum anatomicarum. Ed. alt., cura G. Huddesford. Accedunt duo indices; quorum primus conchy liorum classes exhibet eo ipso ordine in quo disponuntur a Listero : alter easdem complectitur juxta methodum Linnaei, nec non ad tabulas Listerianas accommodatur. T. [081. fol . Oxonii, 1770. Conchyliorum, 1059. Anatomicae, 22. Iterum. In this last copy is the following MS. note by Dr. Combe; to whom it belonged. “ This copy contains upwards of “ one hundred original drawings by Dr. Lister’s daughters, “ with MS. explanations in the doctor's own handwriting; “ many plates not to be found in any copy I have seen ; “ and a great many plates with variations (which explains “ the reason why no two of the old copies are alike) ; to “ which are added a great many original proofs.” Historia sive synopsis methodica conchyliorum. Ed. 3tia, re- cens et indice locupletissimo instructa, cura L. W. Dillwyn, fol. Oxon. 1823. De scarabaeis Britannicis. Imprimitur cum “ Historia in- sectorum, auctore J. Ray. p. 377-398. 40. Lond. 1710.'” LLOYD, E. De stellis marinis, & c. oceani Britannici. Prae- lectio, habita quondam in museo Ashmoleano: — in fine li- bri “ De stellis marinis, authore J. H. Linck ; p. 77-88. fol. LJps. 1733.'” LOCHE, conte di. Memoria sul volo degli insetti, pubblicata in Franzese nel 1790. 8°. Aix in Savojci , T790.. LOCHNER, J. H. Rariora musei Besleriani, commentariolo illustrata. T. 40. fol. 1716. H 50 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY LUMNITZER, J. G. Naturhistorische Tafeln des Thier- reichs, &ic. in Lat., Deutsch., Pranz., Ital., Ungarisch., Polnisch., und Englischer sprache. fol. Wien , 1825. i his work contains 6 coloured plates, crowded with figures. 1. Mammalia. 4. Pisces. 2. Aves. 5, 6. lnsecta, &c. 3. Reptilia. LUND, W. P. De genere “ euphones,” praesertim de singulari canalis intestinalis structura in hocce avium genere. T. 1. 8°. Haun. 1829. LLTPTON, T. A thousand notable things. 40. Lond. 1MACLEAY, W. S. Annulosa Javanica; or an attempt to illustrate the natural affinities, &c. of the insects collected in Java by Thomas Horsfield, M. D. N°. 1. PI. 1. col. 40. Lond. 1825. Horae entomologicae ; or essays on the annulose animals. PI. 3. 8°. Lond. 1819. MAIE11US, M. Septimana philosophica ; qua aenigmata au- reola, de omni naturae, genere, in modum colloquii propo- nuntur et enodantur. T. 9. 40. Franco/'. 1620. MANNEIIHEIM, C. G. Eucnemis, insectorum genus mo- nographice tractatum. T. 2. col. 8°. Petrop. 1823. MARSILLI, L. F. comte de. Histoire physique de la mer. PI. 40. fol. Amstcrd. 1725. MARTIN, B. Present state of experimental physiology, or natural philosophy. 2 Z. 3 B. 8°. Lond. 1735. MARTINI, F. H. W. Neues Systematisches Conchylien- Cabinet ; fortgesetzt von J. H. Chemnitz, G. II. Schu- bert, und J. A. Wagner. T. 237. col. 12 v. 40. Niirnb. 1769-1829. MARTYN, T. Psyche. Figures of nondescript lepido- pterous insects from different parts of the world. Pi. 32. col. 40. Lorul. 1797. There are 92 figures contained in the 32 plates, representing mostly lepidoptera of New Georgia, Amboyna, and Suri- nam. The figures appear to have been engraved in out- line, and subsequently coloured by the hand. MATON, W. G. A general view of the writings of Linnaeus by Richard Pulteney, M. D. ; 2d ed. with corrections, &c. and the diary of Linnaeus, written by himself, and now translated from the Swedish MS. 40. Lond. 1805. MAXIMILIAN, Prinzen zu Wied. Beitrage zur Natur- geschichte von Brasilien ; mit Kupfertafeln. 4 v. 8°. Wei- mar, 1825-32. AND ZOOLOGY. 51 Recueil de planches colorizes d’animaux du Brasil. PI. 91. fol. fVeim. 1822-31. Mammalia, 29. Aves, 5. lleptilia, 57. MEI DINGER, C. leones piscium Austriae indigenorum. T. 50. col. fol. Vienn. 1785. MERIAN, M. S. Histoire des insectes de l’Europe; tra- duite du Hollandois en Francois, par J. Morret. Pi. 47. col. fol. Amsterd. 1730. The title-page states that there are 93 plates; and in one sense there are nearly twice as many ; for of the 47 plates 43 contain each 4 separate figures, and the remaining 4 contain each 3 separate figures. Sur les insectes, & c. du Surinam. PI. 72. col. fol . ala Haye, 1726. MERREM, B. Zur geschichte der Amphibien. Heft. 1-3. T. 37. col. 40. Duisb., §c. 1790-1821. Testudines, 1. Lacertse, 7. Serpentes, 29. MICHAUD, A. L. G. Complement de Fhistoire naturejle des mollusques, &c. de J. P. R. Draparnaud. PI. 3. 40. Verdun, 1831. MIIvAN, J. C. Delectus Florae et Faunae Brasiliensis. T. 24. col. fol. Vindob. 1820. Mammalia, 1. Insecta, 2. Aves, 5, Flores, &c. 12. Reptilia, 4. MILLER, J. F. Cimelia physica. Figures of rare and cu- rious quadrupeds, &c. engraved and coloured from the subjects themselves; with descriptions by G. Shaw, M. D. PI. 58. fol. Lond. 1796. Mammalia, 8. Aves, 41. Reptilia, 2. Plant* et flores, 7. MILLER, J. S. A natural history of the crinoYdea or lily- shaped plants, &c. PI. 50. 40. Bristol , 1821. MILLIN, A. L. Elemens d’histoire naturelle ; 3eme ed. it Z. 9 B. 8°. Paris, 1802. MIZ ALDUS, Ant. De areanis naturae libelli 4. Ed. 3tia aucta. 120. Lutet. 1558. MOHR, N. Forsog til en Islandsk Naturhistorie. 8 Z. 8°. Kiobenh. 1786. MORGAN, sir T. C. Sketches of the philosophy of life. 8°. Lond. 1818. MOSCARDO, L. Memorie del suo musco. 16 Z. 4 B. 11 G. fol. Padoa, 1656. h 2 52 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY MOUFFET, T. Insectorum sive minimorum animalium thea- trum ; olim ab E. Wotton, C. Gesner, et T. Penn in- choaturn : iconibus ad vivum expressis supra quingentis illustratum. fob Lond. 1634. T he theater of insects, &c. ; being an addition to the “ His- tory of four-footed beasts, & c. by Edward Topsel, p. 889— uj0’1’ numerous wood-engravings, fob Lond. 1658. MULLER, J. Jahresbericht, &c. liber die Fortschritte der Naturgeschichte, Anatomic, und Physiologie, der Thiere und Pflanzen. 8°. Bonn , 1828. MULLER, O. F. Entomostraca, seu insecta testacea, quae in aquis Danin? et Norvegiae reperiuntur. T. 21. cob 40. Lips, et Hciun. 1785. Hydrachnae quas in aquis Dania? palustribus detexit. T. it. col. 40. Lips, j 7 8 j . Vermium, &c. et tcstaceorum non marinorum, succincta his- toria. Vol. alt. 40. Hciun. et Lips. 1774. Vermium terrestrium et fluviatilium, seu animalium infuso- . riorum, &c. historia. 40. Hciun. et Lips. 1773. Zoologio? Danicas prodromus. 8°. Hnun. 1776. Zoologia Danica, seu animalium Danin? et Norvegiae rario- rum, &c. descriptiones et historia. T. 160. cob 3 v. fob Haim. 1788-9. MUSEUM, vid. Battarra, Besler, Bonanni, Bullock, Calonne, Ciuocco, Davila, Deleuze, Dresden, Dublin, Fox, Grew, Gronovius, Hebenstreit, Kar- sten, Knorr, Laskey, Lauerentzen, Legati, Lin- naeus, Lochner, Miller, Moscardo, Petiver, Port- land, Rumpiiius, Schroter, Seba, de Sepibus, Tes- sin, Worm. NATURAL HISTORY. Journal of a naturalist. PI. 10. 8°. I^ond. 1829. Spectacle de la nature; or nature displayed: being dis- courses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity and form the minds of youth ; with plates: translated from the original French. 8°. I^ond. 1 733 * NAUMANN, J. F. & BUIILE, C. A. Die Eier der Vogel Dcutschlands und der benachbarten Lander. Heft. 1-5. T. 10. cob 4°. Halle , 1818-28. NOZEMAN, C. Nederlandsche Vogelen. Belg. et Gall. T. 250. 5 v. fob Arnsterd. 1770-1829. NORTH, hon. R. A treatise on fish and fish-ponds. PI. 18. col. 40. Lond. A cci pitres, 20. Passeres, 80. Scansores, 1 1 . Galliiice, 23. Grails, 49. Palmipedes, 67. AND ZOOLOGY. 53 OCHSENHEIMER, F. Die Schmetterlinge von Europa. 8 v. 8°. Leipz. 1807-30. The four last of these volumes are a continuation of the work by Fr. Treitschke, in consequence of Ochsenheimer’s death. OKEN. Lehrbuch dor Naturphilosophie. 8°. Jena , 1831. OLIVI, G. Zoologia Adriatica, ossia catalogo ragionato degli animali del golfo et delle lagune di Venezia. Tav. 9. 40. Bassano , 1792. OLIVIER, A. G. Entomologie, ou histoire naturelle des insectes. Coleopteres. PI. 362. col. 8 v. 40. 1789-1808. OPPIANUS. Cynegetica et Halieutica, Gr&^ce ; cum Latina versione metrica cynegeticorum. Ed. J. G. Schneider. 8°. Lips. 1813. Halieuticks, & c. translated from the Greek (into English verse) by John Jones. 8°. Oxford , 1722. OWEN, C. On the natural history of serpents. PI. 4. 40. Lond. 1742. PALEY, W. Natural theology; or evidences of the exist- ence and attributes of the Deity, collected from the ap- pearances of nature; 14th ed. 8°. Lond. 1813. PALISOT DE BEAUVOIS, A. M. F. J. Insectes re- cueillis en Afrique et en Amerique, pendant 17 86-1797. PI. 89. col. fol. Paris , 1805. PALLAS, P. S. Elenchus Zoophytorum. 8°. Hagce-Com. ij66. leones insectorum, praesertim Rossiae Sibiriaeque peculiarium. T. 8. col. 40. Erlang. 1781. Miscellanea zoologica ; quibus novae et obscurae animalium species describuntur. T. 14. 40. Hagce-Com. 1766. Spicilegia zoologica; quibus novae, &c. Fascic. 1-14. T.58. 40. Berolini, 1767-80. PANZER, G. W. F. Faunae insectorum Germanise initia. Heft. 1-122. T. 2528. col. 8°. 1793-1833. Heft. 1— 110. Niirnber g. Heft, in— 122. Regensburg, fortgesetzt von G. A. W. H. Schaffer. Index faunae insectorum Germanise. Pars 1. Eleutherata. 8°. Norimb. 1813. Coleoptera, 29. Orthoptera, 11. Lepidoptera, 16 Hemiptera, 14. Neuroptera, 4. Hymenoptera, 7. Diptera, 3. Aptera, 5. Mammalia, 25. Aves, 13. Reptilia, 1. Pisces, 10. Mollusca, &c. 9. 54 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY PELLICER, J. El fenix y su historia natural escrita. 8°. Madrid , 1630. PENNANT, T. History of quadrupeds; 3d ed. PI. no. 2 v. 40. Loud. 1793. “ Histoire naturelle des oiseaux” par le comte de BufFon, and “ Les planches enluminees,’1 systematically disposed. PI. 16. 40. Loud. 1 7 6. various species of lepas. 7. 8. pholas dactylus. 9- rnya pietorum. AND ZOOLOGY. 57 10-13. H. 1 5- 16, 17. 18, 19. 20-23. 24-26. 27-29. 3°- Si-39- 40-44. 45- 46. 47-49- Anatomv of donax inis, solen vagina, &.c. tellina planata, &c. cardium rusticum, &c. mactra Neapolitana ; donax trunculus. venus, chama, &c. various species of area. ostrea. anomia. mytilus et pinna. nautilus. conus et cvprsea. bulla et voluta. buccinum, murex, strombus. The remaining eight plates, 50-57, are not accompanied by any description; but illustrate various turbinated shells; varieties of patella, dentale, &c. PORTA, J. B. Magiae naturalis libri viginti. T. 20. 12°. Lugd. Bat. 1650. PORTLAND. A catalogue of the museum of the late c5 duchess of Portland. 40. Lond. 1786. PRICHARD, J. C. On the doctrine of the vital principle, as maintained by some writers on physiology. 8°. Lond. 1829. Researches into the physical history of man. 8°. Lond. 1813. Researches, &c. ; 2d ed. PI. 10. col. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1826. PROUT, W. Chemistry, meteorology, and the function of digestion, considered with reference to natural theology. 8°. Lond. 1834. QUOY, vid. Gaimard. RANG, S. Histoire naturelle des aplysiens. Premiere fa- mille de l’ordre des tectibranches. PI. 24. col. 40. Paris , 1824. RAPP, W. Uber die Polypen im Allgemeinen und die Acti- nien insbesondere. T. 3. col. 40. Weimar, 1829. RATHKE, H. Untersuch ungen iiber die Bildung und Entwickelung des Flusskrebses. T. 5. fob Leijjz. 1829. RAY, J . Historia insectorum : opus posthumum, jussu regiae societatis Londinensis editum ; cum appendice de scara- bacis Britannicis, auctore M. Lister, p. 377-398. 40. Lond. 1710. Philosophical letters to and from several ingenious corres- pondents, natives and foreigners. PI. 1. 8°. Lond. 1718. Synopsis methodica animalium quadrupedum et serpen tini generis. 8°. Lond. 1693. 1 58 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY Synopsis methodica avium, cum appendice. T. 2. 8°. Lond. 1713- Synopsis methodica piscium. T. 2. 8°. Lond. 1813. Methodus insectorum. pp. 16. 8°. Lond. 1705. The wisdom of God manifested in the works of creation ; 9th ed. 8°. Lond. 1727. RAYE. Choix de coquilles rares, dessinees d’apres nature, sur les originaux qui se trouvent dans le cabinet de monsr Raye d1 Amsterdam. The total number of figures of shells in this collection is about 2670 : the order of arrangement is that of A. Vos- maer, and the number and names of the genera the same. Genus. Genus. 1 . Porcel lance, 11 1. 2. Globosce, 104. 3. Nautili, 15. 4. Semilunares, 38. 5. Lunares, 181. 6. Trochi, 97. 7. Strombi, 49. 8. Cylindri, 82. 9. Volutae, 272. 10. Cassides, 60. 1 1 . Alatce, 94. 12. Murices, 242. 13. Purpurae, 43. 14. Buccina, 284. 15. Aures, 24. 16. Patellae, 108. 17. Vermiculi, 8. 18. Tubuli, 8. 19. Pectines, 93. 20. Ostrea, 132. 21. Chatnae, 93. 22. Labra 38. 23. Cordiformes, 140. 24. Arcae, 41, 25. Solenes, o. 26. Mytili, 128. 27. Tellinae, 58. 28. Anatiferae, 1. 29. Balani, 7. 30. Pholades, 4. 31. Echini mammillares, 40. 32. spinosi et laeves, 38. Medusae, chitones, &c. 36. REAUMUR, R. A. F. De stellis marinis. T. 1. — imprimr in libro, cui auctor J. IT. Linck “ De stellis marinis. fol. Lips. 1733. P- 89-96.” Memoires pour servir a Phistoire des insectcs. PI. 267. 6 v. 40. Paris , 1734-42. RED I, Fr. De animalculis vivis, quae in corporibus anima- lium vivorum reperiuntur, observationes. Ex Etruscis Latinas fecit P. Coste. T. 26. 120. Amstcl. 1708. Experimenta naturalia. T. 13. pp. 193. Observationes de viperis. pp. lit. Epistola ad aliquas oppositiones. pp. 52. Observationes deguttulis et filis in vitro, p. 53-72. 120. Amst. 1675. Experimenta circa generationem insectorum. T, 28. Acce- dit J. Frid. Laclimund De Ave Diomedea dissertatio. T. 4. 120. Amstcl. 1686. AND ZOOLOGY. 59 REGENFUSS, F. M. Clioix de coquillages et de crustacds peints d’apr^s nature, & c. Germ, et Gall. PI. 12. col. fol. Copcnli. 1758. The descriptions of the individual shells are preceded by general remarks on oonchology ; and by a chronological catalogue of more than 200 authors, from Aristotle to the year 1758, who have written either expressly or incident- ally on shells. The 12 plates contain about 150 figures, all of shells 5 no Crustacea. RENGGER, J. R. Naturgesohichte der Saeugethiere von Paraguay. 8°. Basel, 1830. RENNELL , rev. T. Remarks on scepticism ; being an answer to the views of M. Bichat, sir T. C. Morgan, and Mr. Lawrence, on the subjects of organization and life. 8°. Land. 1819. A letter to the rev. T. Rennell concerning his remarks on scepticism ; from a graduate in medicine of the University of Oxford. 8°. Land. RICHARDSON, J. Fauna Boreali-Americana, &c.; con- taining descriptions of the objects of natural history col- lected on the late northern land expedition under com- mand of captain sir John Franklin, R. N. PI. 74. col. and numerous wood-cuts. 2 v. 40. Land. 1829-31. Mammalia, 24. Aves, 50. RIDINGER, M. E. et J. J. Representations dcs animaux selon leur grande variete et leurs belles couleurs suivant des desseins originels. Germ, et Gall. PI. 127. col. fol. This volume, which consists of two parts, has no title-page ; and some of the plates have been incorrectly placed. The first part contains quadrupeds having hoofs, distributed into five families according to the division of the hoofs. The second part contains quadrupeds having claws, distributed into five families according to the division of the claws. Part t. Horse, ass, &c. 10. Deer, goat, &c. 47. Rhinoceros, 2. Hippopotamus, 1 . Elephant, 3. Part 2. Sloth, 1. Ai, ant-eater, j . Hare, rat, mole, &c. 13. Lion, bear, ape, &c. 40. Beaver, seal, crocodile, &c. 9. RIGALTIUS, N. Rei accipitrariae scriptores (Gr. et Lat.) nunc primum editi. Accessit liber de cura canum. 40. Lutet. 1612. RISSO, A. Histoire naturelle des crustaces des environs de Nice. PI. 3. 8°. Paris , 1816. Histoire naturelle des principales productions de PEurope meridionale. 38 Z. 8 B. 5 v. 8°. 1826. 1 2 60 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY Ichthyologie de Nice, ou histoire naturelle des poissons du departement des Alpes maritimes. PI. n. col. 8°. Paris , 1810. ROBINEAU-DES\ OIDY, J. 13. Recherches sur l’organi- sation vertebrale des crustaces, des araehnides, et des in- sectes. PI. i. 8°. Paris , 1828. ROGET, P. M. Animal and vegetable physiology consi- dered with reference to natural theology ; with 463 wood- engravings. 2 v. 8°. Loud. 1834. RONDELETIUS, G. De piscibus marinis. fol. Lugd. 1554. About 254 figures are distributed at the heads of the several chapters : Universae aquatilium historiae pars altera, fol. Lugd. 1555. Of the figures, which head the chapters as in the former part., 80 represent sea-shells, 5 annelida marina, &.c. 7 radiata 1 1 mollusca varia, 60 river fish and shells. ROSEL, A. J. Der Monatlich-herausgegebenen Insecten- belustigung. Theil. 1-4. T. 328. col. 40. Nurnberg, 1746-61. Nearly 200 of these plates relate to lepidopterous insects ; 11 to scorpions and spiders 5 10 to fresh-water cray-fish, &c. ; 30 to fresh- water polypes, &c. ROSENTHAL, F. et HORNSCHUCH, F. De balaeno- pteris quibusdam ventre sulcato distinctis. 40. Graphics, 1825. ROSSI, P. Fauna Etrusca, sistens insecta provinciarum Flo- rentinae et Pisanae. T. 10. col. 2 v. 40. Liburni , 1790. Mantissa insectorum, exhibens species nuper in Etruria col- lectas. T. 8. col. 4". Pisis , 1792. RUDBECK, O. fil. Ichthyologiae biblicae pars prima, sive de ave “sclav.” T. 3. 40. Upsal. 1705. Ichth. bibl. pars secunda, de “bonth” fullonum; quod non herbarn, & c. fuisse, sed purpuram, evincitur. 40. Upsal. 1722. Responsum ad C. B. Michaelis objectiones; quo “ borith11 purpuram fuisse probatur. 40. Upsal. 1733' 19 1 fish, 7 cetacea, 2 phocae, 2 testudines 4 monstra, 17 sepiae, &c. 24 Crustacea, 7 echini, &c. AND ZOOLOGY. 61 RUDOLPHI, C. A. Entozoorum Synopsis: cui accedunt mantissa duplex et indices locupletissimi. T. 3. 8°. Be- rolini , 1819. RUMPHIUS, G. E. D’Amboinsche Rariteitkamer. T. 60. fob Amst. 1 705. RUPPELL, E. Atlas zu der Reise im Nordlichen Afrika. 1. Saueethiere. Bearbeitet von P. J. Cretzschmar. fol. Frank, a M. 1826. 2. Vogel. — von P. J. Cretzschmar. fob Frank, a M. 1826. 3. Reptilien. — von C. H. G. von Heyden. fob Frank, a M. 1827. 4. Fische des rothen Meers. — von Dr. Rlippell. fob Frank, a M. 1828. 5. Neue wirbellose Thiere des rothen Meers. — von l)r. Ed. Ruppell und Dr. F. S. Leuckart. fob Frank, a M. 1828. T. 119. cob Mammalia, 30. Pisces, 35. Aves, 36. Mollusea, &c. 12. Reptilia, 6. Beschreibung und Abbildung mehrerer neuer Fische im Nil entdeckt. T. 3. 40. Frank, a M. 1829. RUSDEN, M. A further discovery of bees; treating of the nature, government, &c. of the bee; with the improve- ments arising from the keeping them in transparent boxes, instead of straw-hives. PI. 4. 8°. Land. 1679. RUSSELL, P. An account of Indian serpents on the coast of Coromandel ; with experiments, &c. on their poisons. PI. 44. cob; and two, not coloured, explanatory of the anatomy of the fangs, fob Lond. 1796. A continuation of the account of Indian serpents, from spe- cimens, &c. transmitted from various parts of India. PI. 42. cob; and two, not coloured, explanatory of the muscles of the ribs, and of the anatomy of the fangs, fob Land. 1801. Descriptions and figures of 200 fishes ; collected at Vizaga- patam, on the coast of Coromandel. 2 v. fob 1803. The plates contained in these volumes, though numbered from 1 to 208, are not more than 171 ; for 26 bear a double number, and x 1 are wanting. ltZACZYNSKI, P. G. Historia naturalis curiosa regni Po- loniae, Lithuaniae, &c. 40. Sandomir. 1721. SACHS, P. S. Gammarorum, vulgo cancrorum, considera- tio; in qua reliquorum crustatorum instituitur tractatio. T. to. 8°. Franco/', et Lips. 1665. 62 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY SAINT-FARGEAU, A. L. Monographia Tenthredinum. 8°. Paris , 1823. S AINT-HILAIRE, E. G. Fragmens sur la structure et les usages des glandes mammaires des cetaces; avec pi. 2. in 4to. 8vo. Paris , 1834. SAINT-HILAIRE, G. et CUVIER, F. Histoire naturelle des mammiferes, avec des figures originates coloriees, des- sinees d’apres des animaux vivans. PI. 399. col. fol. Paris, 1824-33. Two of the plates illustrate the human species ; the rest are distributed in the following proportions : Quadrumana, 91. Edentula, 3. Insectivora, 15. Pachydermata, 29. Carnivora, 106. Ruminantia, 85. Marsupialia, 5. Cetacea, 10. llodentia, 57. SALERNE. Histoire naturelle des oiseaux de terre, de mer, et de riviere, taut de nos climats que des pays etran- gers. PI. 31. 40. Paris , 1767. SALVIANUS, H. Aquatilium animalium historia; cum no- minibus Latinis, Graecis, et Italicis; morum etiam et usuum descriptione ; et authorum, a quibus descripta sunt, enumeratione. T. 81. fol. Roma, l554- 77 represent fish, principally sea- fish. 4 different sepiae. SAMOUELLE, G. The entomologist’s useful compendium. PI. 12. col. 8°. Land. 1819. S A VIGNY, J. C. Memoires sur les animaux sans vertebres. PI. 36. dont 4 color. 2 v. 8°. Paris , 1816. SCHAFFER, J. C. Abhandlungen von Insecten. T. 38. col. 2 v. 40. Regensburg, 17 64-7 9. This work is not confined to the consideration of insects properly so called, but includes some of the fresh-water Crustacea, and polypi, &c. Elementa entomologica. T. 140. col. 40. Ratisb. 1780. leones insectorum Ratisbonensium ; ed. G. W. F. Panzer. Ed. nov. T. 280. col. 3 v. 40. Erlang. 1804. Icon um insectorum circa Ratisbonam indigenorum enumera- tio systematica; opera G. W. F. Panzer. 4 °. Erlang. 1804. SCHLOSSER, J. A. De lacerta Amboinensi. Belg. et Lat. T. 1. col. 40. Amstel. 1768. SCHNEIDER, J. G. Historic amphibiorum naturalis et literarise fasc. imus et 2(lus. T. 4. 8°. Jena, 1 7 99 — ^oi. AND ZOOLOGY. 63 SCIICENERR, C. J. Curculiotiidum dispositio methodica, &c. ; sen prodromus ad synonymiae insectorum partem quartam. 8°. Lips. 1826. SCHOEPFF, J. D. Historia testudinum, iconibus illustrata; fasc. 6. T. 34, quarum 32 col. 40. Erlang. 1792-1801. SCHOTTUS, P. G. Physica curiosa, sive mirabllia naturae et artis. Ed. alt. 55 Z. 1 R. 40. Iierbip. 1667 . Twenty of the plates faithfully represent various animal mon- sters, which adorn several other works of the 17th cen-. tury. SCHREBER, J. C. Naturgeschichte der Saugthiere, in Ab- bildungen nach dcr natur mit Beschreib ungen. 4to. Er- lang. 1775-1834. It is intended that this work shall consist of 533 coloured plates, with descriptions ; of which the greater number are already published : but in its present state it does not con- veniently admit of a more particular description. SCHROCK, L. Historia Moschi. T. 3. 40. Aug. Vinci. 1682. SCHROTER, J. S. Die Geschichte dcr Flussconchylien, welche in den Thiiringischen Wassern leben. T. it. 40. Halle, 1779. Einleitung in die Conchylienkenntniss nach Linne. T. 9. 3 v. 8°. Halle , 1783-6. Musei Gottwaldiani testaceorum, &c. quae supersunt tabulae. T. 49. Germ. fol. Niirnberg, 1782. Testacea, 43. Stellae marinae, 1. Corallina, 5. SCHWARTZ, C. Nomenclator uber die in den Roselschen Insekten-belustigungen und Kleemannschen Beytragen zur Insekten-geschichte abgebildeten und beschriebenen Insekten und W urmer, &c. Abth. 1-7. Kiifer, Coleop- tera; Helmkiefer, Herniptera ; Netzfliigler, Neuroptera ; 40. Number g, 1793-1830. SEBA. Locupletissimi rerum naturalium thesauri accurata descriptio et iconibus expressio. T. 446. col. 41 iZ. 29 B. 6 G. 4 v. fol. 1734-65. de SEPIBUS, G. Romani collegii societatis Jesu musaeum. fol. Amstel. 1678. SEPP, J. C. Beschouwing der wonderen Gods, in de Minst- geachte Schepzelen of Ncderlandsche Insecten. rP. 222. col. 4 v. et vol. 5. fasc. 2. 40. Amst. 1762. All the plates illustrate the lepidoptera. 64 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY SEVERINUS, M. De respiratione piscium. fol. Amst. 1661. Ue piscibus in sicco viventibus; phoca illustratus, anatomi- cum autoschediasma ; de radii pastinacce marinae veneno judicium, fol. Neap. 1655. Vipera Pythia; id est de viperae natura, &c. T. 18. 40. Patav. 165 o. SHAW, G. Musei Leveriani explicatio, Anglica et Latina. T. 72. col. 40. Load. 1792. Mammalia, 28. Aves, 43. Reptilia, t. Speculum Linnasanum ; containing a complete illustration of the zoological part of the Systema Naturae ; with a descrip- tion in Latin and English ; and with figures accurately coloured by Sowerby. PI. 8. col. 40. Lond . 1790. Zoology of New Holland; the figures by Sowerby. PI. 12. col. vol. 1. 40. Loud. 1794. The naturalist’s miscellany, or coloured figures of natural objects. PI. 1064. col. 24 v. 8°. Lond. 1790-1813. Mammalia, 30. Annelida, 18. Aves, 284. Crustacea, 22. Reptilia, 58. Arachnida, 20. Pisces, 166. Insecta, 230. Mollusca, 32. Zoophvta, &c. 102. Conchylia, 82. Infusoria, 11. In consequence of the very irregular manner in which the plates are distributed through every one of the 24 volumes, it is probable that the preceding statement may not be in every point correct. Zoological lectures delivered at the royal institution in 1806 and 1807. PI. 164. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1809. Mammalia, 46. Conchylia, 7. Aves, 39. Annelida, 4. Reptilia, 13. Insecta, 12. Pisces, 13. Zoophyta, &c. 10. Mollusca, 12. Infusoria, 8. SHAW, G. and STEPHENS, J. F. General zoology, or systematic natural history ; with plates, and a general in- dex. PI. 1193- 14 v. 8°. Lond. 1800-28. Mammalia, 232. Pisces, 182. Aves, 502. Insecta, &c. 137. Reptilia, 140. SLABBER, M. Natuurkundige Verlustigingen behelzende Microscopise Waarneemingen van In-en Uitlandse Water- en Land-Dieren. T. 18. col. 40. Haarlem, 1778. SMELLIE, W. The philosophy of natural history. 2 v. 40. Edinb. 1790-9. AND ZOOLOGY. 65 SMITH, sir J. E. A selection of the correspondence of Lin- naeus and other naturalists from the original manuscripts. 2 v. 8°. 1821. SOLDANI, A. Testaceographia ac zoophytographia parva et microscopica. T. 228. 2 v. 40. Senis , 1789-98. Vol. I. T. 1-93. Testacea univalvia, non polythalamia. 94-142. polythalamia, orthoceratia, et polymorpha. 143-179. Testacea bivalvia, &c. ac zoophyta. Vol. II. T. 1-26. fossilia, et zoophyta fossilia. App. T. 1-23. Testacea et vegetabilia fossilia. SOWERBY, G. B. A catalogue of the shells of the late earl of Tankerville, arranged according to Lamarck’s sys- tem. PI. 8. col. 8°. Lond. 1825. Genera of recent and fossil shells. Nos. 1-41. PI. 249. col. 8°. Species conchyliorum, & c. PL 14. col. vol. 1. pt. 1. 40. Lond. 1 830, containing a monograph of the genus cymba by W. J. Broderip, esq. F. R. S.; and monographs of the genera ancillaria, ovulum , et Pandora, by G. B. Sowerby, F. L. S. &c. Cymba, 8. Ovulum, 2. Ancillaria, 3. Pandora, 1. SPALLANZANI. Dissertations relative to the natural his- tory of animals and vegetables; translated from the Ita- lian. PI. 3. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1784. Tracts on the natural history of animals and vegetables; translated from the original Italian by J. G. Dalyell : with physiological illustrations by the translator. 2d. edit. PI. ti. 2 v. 8°. Edinb. 1803. Sl’ARRMAN, A. Museum Carlsonianum, novas et selectas aves, coloribus ad vivum brevique descriptione illustratas, exhibens. Fasc. quatuor. T. 100. 40. Holm. 1786. SPIX, J. B. de. Simiarum et vespertilionum Brasiliensium species novas, (observatae 1817-1820.) T. 38. col. fol. Monachii , 1823. 1-34 illustrate the general form and colour of the simiae. 35» 3b the vespertiliones. 37, 38 the cranial osteology of the simite. Avium species novae, in itinereper Brasiliam 1807-1820 eol- lectae et descriptae. T. 232. col. 2 v. 40. Monach. 1824-5. Vol. I. PI. 1-10. [repetitis plurimis.] Falcones et striges. 1 1-34. [repet. 14 et 32.] Psittaci. 35-43’ et 57, 58. [repet. 38.] Cuculi. 44-56. Pici. 59-67. Picae. K 66 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY 67-78. Turdi 79 -82. Certlii*. 83-91. Dendrocolaptes. Vol. II. PI. i— 61. [repet. 8 et 31.] Caprimidgus, muscicapa, lanius, fringilla, &c. 62-84. [repet. nonmillis.] Gallinse, eolumbinae, &c. 83-102. Ibis, rallus, tringa, charadrius, fulica, &c. 1 03-1 09. Lams, sterna, anser. Species novae testudinum et ranarum, in itinere per Brasiliam annis 1817-20 collectte et. descriptae. T. 39. col. 40. Monach. i (824. Testudines, 17. llanae, 22. Species novae lacertarum, in itinere per Brasiliam annis 1817 -20 colleetae et descriptae. T. 30. col. 40. Monach. 1825. Serpentum Brasiliensium species novae; 011 histoire naturelle des especes nouvelles de serpens recueillies et observdes pendant le voyage dans Pinterieur du Bresil dans les aim. 1817-20; ecrite d’apres les notes du Voyageur (J. de Spix) par J. Wagler. T. 28. col, 40. Monach. 1824. Selecta genera et species piscium in itinere per Brasiliam annis 1817-20 collectorum. T. 88; quarum 76 col. 40. Monach. 1829. Of these 88 plates, the six first, not coloured, represent na- tive scenery and the natives engaged in catching fish in various modes ; of the six last, also not coloured, two re- present the anatomy, and four the scales of fish. The 76 remaining plates, which are coloured, represent various orders of fish. 45. Malacopterygii abdominales, Cuv. 4 subbrachiales. 1. apodes. 26. Acanthopterygii. Testacea fluviatilia, in itinere per Brasiliam annis 1817-20 collecta et picta. T. 29. col. 40. Monachi , 1827. 1-5. Ampullaria. 18. Flanorbis. 6-13. Buliinus. Auris. 19-24. Anodon. 14. Pupa. 25-29. Diplodon, &c. (unio). 15-1 7. Helix. SPIX, J. B. de, and MARTIUS, C. F. P. Delectus ani- malium articulatorum in itinere per Brasiliam annis 1817- 20 collectorum. T. 40. col. Accedit dissertatio de insecto- rum in America meridionali habitantium vita" genere, &c. 40. Monachi , 1830-4. 1-22. Coleoptera. 23, 24. Orthoptera. 25. Neuroptera. 26-28. Hymenoptera. 29-32. Lepidoptera. 33-35. Hemiptera'. 36, 37. Diptera. 38-40. Arachnida, myriapoda,&c. ANI) ZOOLOGY. 67 STANNIUS, F. H. Ohservationes de speciebus nonnullis generis mycetophila vel novis, vel minus cognitis. T. i. col. 40. Vratislav. 1831. STARK, J. Elements of natural history, containing the ge- neric characters of nearly the whole animal kingdom. PI. 8. 2 v. 8°. Edinh. 1828. STEFFENS, H. Monita quaedam de speciebus nigris ich- neumonum. 40. Wratislav. 1829. STEWART, C. Elements of the natural history of the ani- mal kingdom. 2d edit. PI. 12. 2 v. 8°. Edinb. 1817. STOLL, C. Representation exactement coloree d’apres na- ture des spectres , des mantes , des sautcrellcs , &c. Relg. et Gall. PI. 6. col. 4° Amst. 1787. Representation, he. des punaises. Belg. et Gall. PI.4J. col. 40. Amst. 1788. Representation, he. des cigales. Belg. et Gall. PI. 29. col. 40. Amst. 1780. I^es chenilles, he. de Suriname, he. Belg. et Gall, (supple- ment a l’ouvrage intitule “ Les papillons exotiques” de M. P. Cramer). PI. 42. col. 40. Amstel. 1791. STURM, J. Deutschlands Fauna in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschreibungen. Die Insecten : Kafer (Co- leoptera.) T. 202. col. 8 v. 8°. Number g, 1805-34. SWAINSON, W. A catalogue of the rare and valuable shells of the late Mrs. Bligh. PI. 2. col. 8°. Lond. Exotic conchology. PI. 32, with duplicates coloured, vol. 1. 40. Lond. 1821. The naturalist’s guide for collecting and preserving subjects of natural history. PI. 2. 8°. Lond. 1822. Zoological illustrations, or original figures and descriptions of new and rare animals ; selected chiefly from the classes of ornithology, entomology, and conchology. PI. 123. col. with duplicates plain. 8°. Lond. 1820, he. Birds, 13. Shells, 75. Insects, 35. Zoological illustrations, he. 2d series. Nos. l — 27. PI. 124. col., with duplicates plain. 8°. Lond. 1829, he. Birds, 46. Shells, 45. Insects, 33. SWAMMERDAMM, J. Biblia Naturae; sive historia in- sectorum. Lat. et Belg. T. 53. 2 v. fol. Leyd. 1737, 8. 1-45. Insects. 50-52. Sepite. 46-49. Ran*. 53 (V. p.908). Filix mas Dodonaei. Histoire generale des insectes. PI. [3, trad, par G. de Wal- cheren. 40. Utrecht , 1682. Historia insectorum generalis, ed. H. C. Henninio, M. D. T. 13 40. Lugd. Bat. 1685. 68 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY PEGNER, L. et MOHNIKE, G. C. F. Her Averhahn, T. i. 8°. Strain. 1828. J LMMINGK, C. J. Manuel d’ornithologie, ou tableau svs- tematique des oiseaux qui se trouvent en Europe. *8°. Amstcrd. 1815. Manuel, & c. 2^e ed. 8°. Paris , 1820. Histoire des colombes, pp. 1-128; et. des colombi -gal lines, pp. 1-30. PI. 75, coloriees par madame Knip, nee Pau- line de Courcelles. fol. Paris , 1811. J— 59- Colombes. 1-16. Colombi-gallines. Histoire naturelle generale des pigeons et des gallinaces. PI. 10, anatomiques. 3 v. 8°. Paris , 1813-15. TEMMINCK, C. J. et LAUGIER, M. baron de Char- trouse. Nouveau recueil de planches coloriees, d’oiseaux, pour servir de suite et de complement aux planches enlu- minees de Buffon. fol. 1820. Of this work nearly 550 pl.ites have been published ; which are distributed among the six orders of birds in the follow- ing proportions, allowing for a few inaccuracies : Accipitres, 129. Galling, 81. Passeres, 208. Grallae, 40. Scansores, 62. Palmipedes, 19. TESSIN, C. G. Museum Tessinianum. T. 12. fol. Holm. 1 753- THEOPHRASTUS. De ventis, igne, odoribus; et de 110- tis moralibus. Interprr. D. Furlano et A. Turnebo. Ac- cesserunt liber de innato spiritu, Aristoteli attributus, et 1). F urlani ad omnia commentarii. fol. Hanov. 1605. THIENEMANN, F. A. L. Systematische Darstellung der Fortpflanzung der Vogel Europa’s; mit Abbildung der Eier. T. 8. col. 40. Leipz. 1825, 6. THOR LEY , rev. J. The female monarchy of bees; with a new method to preserve them from that cruel death to which their ignorant owners so commonly condemn them. PI. 4. 8°. Loud. 1744. TIEDEMANN, F. Anatomie und Naturgeschichte des Dra- ehens. T. 2. 40. Numb. 1811. TIEDEMANN, F. und TREVIRANUS, G. R. und L. C. Zeitschrift fur Physiologie. 60 Z. 3 B. 4 V. 40. & vol.5. pt. 1. Heidelb. 4" Leipz. 1824-33. TOPSEL, E. The history of four-footed beasts and ser- pents ; collected out of the writings of Conrad Gesner and others : to which is added, “ The theater of insects or lesser living creatures, by T. Mouffet, M. D.11 q. v. PI. 153. fol. Loud. 1658. Quadrupeds, 116. Serpents, 37. AND ZOOLOGY. 69 TOUSSAINT tie CHARPENTIER. Hone entomologies. T. 9. col. 40 Wratislav. 1825. TOWNSON, R. Tracts and observations in natural history and physiology. 6 Z. 1 G. 8°. Lond. 1 799* TREVIRANUS, G. R. Die Erscheinungen und Gesetze des organischen Lebens. 2 v. 8°. Bremen, 1831. UNZER, J. A. Observatio de Taeniis; imprimr. in libro cui titulus “ Tentamen de Herpetologia auctore J. T. Klein. 40. Leyd. et Gotting. 1755. p. 67.” VIEILLOT, L. P. Histoire naturelle des plus beaux oiseaux chanteurs de la zone torride. PI. 70. col. fol. Paris, 1805. 1-8. Bengalis. 42-45. Mahmbes. 9-16. S^negalis. 46, 47. Bouvreuils. 17-33. Fringilles. 48-70. Loxies. 34-41. Veuves. VIREY, J. J. Histoire des moeurs et de Pinstinct des ani- inaux. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1822. Histoire naturelle du genre humain. Nouv. ed. PL 10. col. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1824. VOET, J. E. Beschreibungen und Abbildungen hartscha- ligter Insekten [Coleoptera Linn.] Ed. G. W. F. Panzer. T. 108. col. 5 v. 40. Erlang. 1793-1802. VOIGTS, F. S. System der Natur und ihre Geschichte. 8°. Jena, 18 23 . VOSMAER, A. Natuurkundige Beschryving eener Uitmun- tunde Verzameling van Zeldsaame Gedierten bestaande in Oost-en Westindische Viervoetige Dieren, Vogeleen, en Slangen. T. 34. col. 40. Amsterd. 1768-1804. This volume consists of numerous fasciculi of various dates between 1768 and 1804. Mammalia, 22. Aves, 10. Reptilia, 2. Two MS. 40. volumes, without any date, containing 372 beautifully executed coloured figures of various shells; accompanied by the following memorandum of the late Dr. Williams : “A. Vosmaer was keeper of the prince of Orange’s cabinet “ of natural history at the Hague, and author of a curious “ work ot rare exotic animals. lie intended to have pub- “ fished a new system of conchologv, but did not five to “ accomplish it. rl he note at the beginning of the pre- “ sent work is a memorandum of the Dutch auctioneer, “ and informs the public that it is the ‘ excellent collection “ of water-colour drawings of rare shells in the most cele- “ brated cabinets ot Holland and other provinces, designed 70 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY by die ablest masters, Voet, Marot, &c. under the eye “ Voamaer, from 1744 to 1784; many of them never “ before engraved nor described.’ ” ()t the 372 drawings contained in this work, 368 represent shells classed under 32 genera 3 of seven of which genera, however, no specimens are represented : the remaining nine drawings represent various shells. The following list de- scribes the names and order of the genera, with the num- ber of figures belonging to each. Gen. 1-18 are univalves ; 19-27 bivalves 3 28-30 multivalves: 31, 32 are called Crustacea, and were intended to represent echini. Genus 1. Porcellanae, 12. 2. Cochleae globosae, 21. 3. Nautilus, 2. 4. Cochleae semilunares, o. 5. — lunares*, 9. 6. Trochi, 13. 7. Strombi, 44. 8. Cylindri, 5. 9. Volutae, 73. 10. Cassides, 7. 1 1. Alatae, 27. 12. Murices, 16. 13. Furpurae, 18. 14. Buccina, 76. 15. Aures, o. 16. Patellae, 9. 17. Vermiculi, 1. Genus 1 8. Tubuli, o. 19. Pectines, 4. 20. Ostrea, 9. 21. Chamae, 6. 22. Labra, 4. 23. Cordiformes, 2. 24. Arcae, 2. 25. Solenes, o. 26. Mytili, 3. 27. Tellinae, o. 28. Anatiferae, o. 29. Balani, o. 30. Pholades, o. 31. Echini mammillares, o. 32. laeves, o. Variae cochleae terrestres et fluviatiles, 9. '* The last drawing does not represent a shell, but the parasytic inhabitant of a shell, a species of hermit crab. WAGLLll, J. Descriptiones et icones amphi biorum. T. 36. col. fol. Monach., Stuttgart ., et Tubing ., 1828-33. Testudines, 6. Serpentes, 16. Lacertee, 12. Ranae, 2. WALDHEIM, G. E. de. Essai sur la pellegrina ou la perle incomparable dcs Freres Zozima. 8°. Moscou , 1818. WEBER, F. Beitriige zur Naturkunde. T. 11. col. 5 Z. 6 IL 2 v. 8°. Kiel , 1805-10. Nomenclator entomologicus secundum entomologiam syste- maticam Fabricii. 8°. Chilon. et Hamburg. 1795. WHEWELL, W. Astronomy and general physics consi- dered with reference to natural theology. 8°. Lond. l833- WIEDEMANN, C. R. G. Nova dipterorum genera, iconi- bus illustrata. T. i. Icones 8. 40. Kilim Holsat. 1820. AND ZOOLOGY. 71 WIEGMANN, A. E. A. Observationes zoologicae criticae in Aristotelis historiam animalium. 4°. Lips. 1826. WILBRAND und R1TGEN. Gemalde der organischen Natur in ihrer Verbreitung auf der Erde. 8°. Giessen, 1821. WILDE, J. De formica liber unus. 8°. Amberg. 1615. WILLUGHBY, F. Ornithology, in three books; translated into English, and enlarged with many additions, &e. by John Ray, F. R. S. PI. 78. fob Loud. 1678. Historia piscium : ed. J. Ray. T. 185. fol. Oxon. 1686. Several plates are manifestly copied from Salvianus, but are inferior in execution. The two first plates represent ceta- cea : the rest represent sea-fish principally. WILSON, A. American ornithology; or the natural history of the birds of the United States. Ph 76. cob 9 v. 40. Philadelphia, 1 808-14. WILSON, J. Illustrations of zoology; being representations of new, rare, or remarkable subjects of the animal king- dom ; drawn and coloured after nature; with historical and descriptive details. PI. 36. fob Edinb. 1831. Mammalia, 11. Fishes, 1. Birds, 20. Shells, 1. Reptiles, 1. Insects, 2. WOLF, J. et MEYER, B. Histoire naturelle des oiseaux de bAllemagne representes d’apres nature. Germ. etGalb PI. 176. cob 2 v. fob Nnremb. 1805. Accipitres, 59. Gallinse, 6. Passeres, 54. Grallse, 20. Scansores, 14. Palmipedes, 23. WOLFF, J. F. leones < 9- . Thesaurus Zeylanicus, exhibens plantas in insula Zeylana nascentes. T. 11 r. 40. Amstel. 1737. BURMANNUS, N. L. Flora Indica: cui accedit series zoophytorum Indicorum, nec non prodromus florae Ca- pensis. T. 67. 40. Lugd. Bat. 1768. BUTLER, C. The feminine monarchic, or the history of bees; together with the right ordering of them. 40. Bond. 1623. BUXBAUAI, J. C. Plantarum circa Byzantium et in oriente observatarum centuriae quinque. T. 286. 40. Petrop. 1728-40. CAFFIN, J. F. Exposition methodique du regne vegetal. 8°. Paris , 1822. CAMBESSEDES, J. vid. de St. Hilaire, A. CASSINI, II. Opuscules phytologiques. PI. 12. 3 v. 8°. Paris, 1826-34. CATESBY, M. The natural history of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama islands. Fr. and Eng. PI. 220. col. 2 v. fol. Loud. 177 t. Mammalia, 10. Crustacea, 7. Aves, 108. Insecta, 3. Reptilia, 33. Plantse, 27. Pisces, 32, 80 BOTANY. CATO, M. De re rustica, lib. i. 8°. Paris, ex off. R. Ste- phani, 1543. CAVANILLES, A. J. leones et descriptiones plantarum qu® aut sponte in Hispania crescunt, aut in hortis hospi- tantur. T. 601. 6 v. fol. Matriti , 1791—1801. Monadelphiae classis dissertationes decern. T. 297. 40. Ma- trit. 1790. CELSIUS, O. Hierobotariicon, sive de plantis sacrae scrip- turae. 2 v. 8°. Amstel. ap. J . Wetsten , 1748. In a MS. memorandum on the cover of this book it is stated, on the authority of Dr. Smith’s introductory discourse on the rise and progress of natural history (see Linnean trans. vol. I. p. 34), that only 200 copies of this work were printed. It is added, but without stating the authority, that the work was printed at Upsal, at the expense of the author, in 1745; but that when Wetsten purchased the unsold copies, he cancelled the original title pages and substituted his own. CHERLER, J. H. vid. Bauhin. J. CIIEVALLIER, F. F. Histoire des graphidees. Livr. i-iv. PI. 20. col. 40. Paris , 1824. CHIAIE, S. delle. Ilydrophytologiae regni Neapolitan! ico- nes. T. 50. col. fol. Neap. 1829. Hydrophytologiae, &c. Pars 1 et 2. T. 80. fol. Neap. 1829. CHRIST, J. L. Handbuch fiber die Obstbaumzucht und Obstlehre. T. 5. 8°. Frank/', am Main , 1817. CLUSItJS, C. Rariorum aliquot stirpium per Hispanias ob- servatarum Historia. T. 233. 8°. Antuerp. 1576. Rariorum plantarum historia, cum commentariolo de fungis. T. 628. fol. Antuerp. i6or. Exoticorum libri decern : quibus animalium, plantarum, aro- matum, aliorumque peregrinorum fructuum historia' de- scribuntur. 54 Z. 135 B. fol. Antuerp. 1605. The “ altera appendix ad rariorum plantarum historiam,” mentioned by Brunet, is contained in this copy, and is in- serted after the three books of N. Monardi. At p. 100 is a figure of the dodo. Curae posteriores, sen plurimarum non ante cognitarum stir- pium, peregrinorum que aliquot animalium, novae descrip- tiones. 4 Z. 29 B. fol. Antuerp. 1611. COLES, W. Adam in Eden : or the history of plants, &c. with their names, Latin, Greek, and English, &c. fol. Loud. 165J. COLUMELLA, L. J. M. De re rustica libri duodecim. 8°. Paris, ex' off. R. Stephani , 1543. BOTANY. 81 COLUMNA, F. Phytobasanos ; seu plantarum aliquot, An- tiquorum delineationibus magis respondendum, historia; cum notis J. Planci. T. 38. 40. Medial. 1744. Iterum, T. 26. Accessit. piscium aliquot plantarumque 110- varum historia, eodem auctore. Piscium, T. 4. Planta- rum, T. 7. 40. Neapoli, 1592. De purpura ab animali testaceo fusa; de ipso animali, aliis- que quibusdam testaceis. T. 7. 40. Rom. 1616. Minus cognitarum stirpium pars altera. T. 30 ; quarum 29na corallia exhibet, 30™ erucam rutaceam, et chrysa- lidem et papilionem ejus. 40. Rom. 1616. Minus cognitarum stirpium, &c. ecphrasis, praeter illas in phytobasano editas. Item de aquatilibus aliisque nonnul- lis animalibus. T. 114. pp. 1-340, et pp. i-lxxiii. 40. Rom. 1616. Stirpium, &c. 101. Aquatilimn aliorumque animalium, 13. COTTA, H. Naturbeobachtungen liber die Bewegung; und 7 o 00 Funktion des Saftes in den Gewachsen, & c. T. 7. col. 40. Weimar, 1806. COTTON, C. The planter’s manual. 8 °. Lond. 1675. CRANTZ, H. J. E. Stirpium Austriacarum fasciculi sex. T. 18. 40. Vienn. 1769. CURTIS, W. and SIMS, J. The botanical magazine; or flower-garden displayed. The old series complete; con- sisting of the first 53 volumes arranged according to the systematic index, following the order of Sprengel’s latest edition of Linnaeus’s Systema Vegetabilium ; and bound in 29 volumes, with one volume of general indexes. PI. 270 6. col. 8°. Lord. 1793-1828. New series of Curtis’s botanical magazine ; by S. Curtis and W. J. Hooker. PI. 695. col. 8 v. and part of vol. 9. 8°. Lond. 1827-35. DALIBARD. Florae Parisiensis prodromus. T.4. S°. Pa- ris. 1749. DALLA FOSSA, C. Opu scoli agrarii. 8°. Reggio. Attached to this short work is a table of the average price of corn, wool, grapes, wine, cattle, &c. from May to Septem- ber, 1810. DARWIN, E. Phytologia; or the philosophy of agriculture and gardening. PI. 12. 40. Lond. 1800. DECANDOLLE, Alph. Monographie des campanulees. PI. 20. 40. a Paris , 1830. M 82 BOTANY. DECANDOLLE, Aug. Pyr. vid. Delamarck. Astragalo- gia : nempe astragali, hiserulae et oxytropidis, necnon phacae, colutae et lessertia? historia. T. 50. fol. Paris. 1802. Botanicum Gallicum, seu synopsis plantarum in flora Gal- lica descriptarum. Ed. 2da, a J. E. Duby digesta. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1828-30. Histoire des plantes grasses; avec leurs figures en couleurs, dessinees par P. J. RedoutC PI. 168. col. fol. Paris , 1807. leones plantarum Galliae rariorum. Fasc. imus. T. 50. 40. Paris. 1808. The details of the flower. See. accompany the figure of each plant. Memoire sur la fatnille des ombelliferes. PI. 19. 40. Paris , 1829. Organographie vegetale, ou description raisonnee des organes des plantes. 2 v. 8°. Paris , 1827. Physiologie vegetale, ou exposition des forces et des func- tions vitales des vegetaux. 3 v. 8°. Paris , 1832. Plantes rares du jardin de Geneve. Livr. i-iv. PI. 24. col. 40. Genev. 1825-7. Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis. 4 v. 8°. 1824-30. Recueil de memoires sur la botanique, avec 48 planches. 40. a Paris , 1813. Regni vegetabilis systema naturale. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1818— 21. Sur la famille des crassulacees. PI. 13. 40. Paris, 1828. des legumineuses. PI. 70. 40. Paris , 1825. des loranthacees. PL 12. 40. Paris , 1830. des melastomacees. PI. 10. 40. Paris , 1828. des ombelliferes. PI. 19. 40. Paris, 1829. des onagraires. PI. 3. 40. Paris , 1829. des paronychiees. PI. 6. 40. Paris , 1829. des valerianees. PI. 5. 40. Paris , 1832. Sur les differentes especes, &c. de choux et de raiforts cul- tives en Europe. 8°. Paris , 1822. Sur quelques especes de cactees. PI. 12. 40. Paris , 1834. Theorie elementaire de la botanique, ou exposition des prin- cipes de la classification naturelle, &c. 8°. Paris , 1 813. Theorie elementaire, &c. 2de ed. 8°. Paris, 1819. DECANDOLLE, A. P. and SPRENGEL, K. Elements of the philosophy of plants; translated from the German. PI. 8. 8°. Edinb. 1821. DEHUHARDT, F. Catalogus plantarum horti Camaldu- lensis. 40. Neapoli , 1829. BOTANY. 83 DELACROIX, D. Connubia florum Latino carmine de- monstrata. Notas, &c. adjecit R. Clayton, baronettus. T. i. 8°. Bathon. 179 1. DELAROCHE, F. Eryngiorum necnon generis novi Ale- pideag historia. PI. 32. fob Paris. 1808. DELESSERT, B. leones selectas plantarum quas descripsit in systemate universali A. P. Decandolle. T. 200. 2 v. fob Paris. 1820-3. Attached to each plate is not only the name of the plant re- presented, but of the natural order to which it belongs, with a very clear reference to the volume and page in which it is described by Decandolle. Of the 200 plates 66 illustrate the ranunculaceae, and 90 the cruciferae. DELLE CHIAIE, S. vid. Chiaie, S. delle. DESFONTAINES, R. Catalogus plantarum horti regii Parisiensis. Ed. 3tla. 8°. Paris. 1829. Choix de plantes du corollaire des instituts de Tournefort. Pb 70. 40. Paris , 1808. Flora Atlantica, sive historia plantarum, quae in Atlanta, agro Tunetano et Algeriensi crescunt. T. 263. 2 v. 40. Paris. 1800. Tableau de Tecole de botanique du museum d’histoire natu- relle. 8°. Paris , 1804. DIERBACH, J. H. Repertorium botanicum. 8°. Lemgo , 1831. DIETRICH, A. Terminologie der phanerogamischen Pflan- zen. T. 8. fob Berlin , 1829. 1. Radix. 3-6. Folia. 2. Caulis. 7, 8. Gemma — inflorescentia — fructus. DILLENIIJS, J. J. Catalogus plantarum sponte circa Gis- sam nascentium ; cum appendice. T. 12. 8°. Franco/ ad M. 1719. Historia mu scorum. T. 85. 40. Ox on. 1741. DODART, D. Memoires pour servir a l’histoire des plantes. T. 39. fob Paris , 1676. This volume is accompanied by two others of the same size, bound in the same manner, and stamped similarly with the royal arms of France, containing 319 engravings of plants ; among which are duplicates of the 39 plates above noticed. Each of these two volumes has the following MS. title- page, followed by a MS. list of the plants delineated : — « “Estampes pour servir a l’histoire des plantes. Ptie j et 2. A Paris, de l’imprimerie rovale.” There can be no doubt that the contents of these two volumes are described in Mr. Dryander’s catalogue of sir Joseph Banks’s library (vol. III. p. 66.) in the following terms: “leones planta- “ rum tabb. seneis 319, long. 16 unc. lat. 12. unc., a Ni- 84 BOTANY. colao Robert, A. Bosse, et Lud. de Chastillon sculptae.” In the copy of this work belonging to the botanical garden of Oxford the title-pages are printed, with the date 17015 but there is no index of the contents. DODONdEUS, Jl. Cruydt-Boeck ; met een Beschrijvinge vande Indiaensche Gewassen, &c. T. plur. lien, fol Leyd. 1618. Iteruni. fol. Antwerp. 1644. A niewe herball, or history of plants; first set forth in the Doutche tongue, and now first translated out of French into English by H. Lyte, esq. (with numerous wood- engravings). fol. Lond. 1578. Frumentorum, leguminum, &c. historia. T. 84. 8°. Antuerp. . .I566- Stirpium historiae pemptades sex, sive libri xxx. T. plur. lign. fol. Antuerp. 16 1 6. DON, G. A general system of gardening and botany ; founded upon Miller’s gardener’s dictionary, and arranged accord- ing to the natural system ; with 254 wood-engravings. 2 v. 40. Lond. 1831, 2. DUHAMEL du MONCEAU. Du transport, de la conser- vation et de la force des hois; faisant la conclusion du traite complet des hois et des forets. PI. 26. 40. Paris, 1767. Des semis et plantations des arbres, et de leur culture. PI. 16. 4°. Paris , 1780. La physique des arbres; on de 1’anatomie des plantes et de 1’economie vegetale. PI. 50. 40. Paris , 1758. Traite des arbres et arbustes qui se cultivent en France en pleine tcrre. PI. 254. 2 v. 40. Paris, 1755. The plates are arranged alphabetically. Four of them repre- sent processes in the arts connected with the history of trees ; and 250, which are engravings on wood, represent trees and shrubs. Each description is preceded by a cop- per-plate vignette, illustrating the details of the flower and fruit. Traite des arbres fruitiers. PI. 179. 2 v. 40. Paris , 1768. DUMONT d’URVILLE, J. vid. Dupeiirey, J. L. Enu- meratio plantarum in insulis Archipelagi aut littoribus Ponti Euxini annis 1819, 1820 collectarum. 8°. Paris. 1822. DUPERREY, L. J. Voyage autour du monde pendant 1822-25. Botanique par MM. d’Urville, Bory de St. Vincent, et A. Brongniart. PI. 90. 40. Paris , 1828, 29. Accompanying this work, which is not yet complete, are 90 folio plates ; of which 66, representing various land-plants, are plain, and 24, representing various marine plants, are coloured. BOTANY. 85 DURANTE, C. Herbario nuovo; con figure che rappre- sentano le vive piante che nascono in tutta Europa, e nell’ Indie Orientali e Occidentali. T. plur. lign. fol. Venet. 1718. DUTROCIIET, H. Recherches anatomiques et physiolo- giques sur la structure intime des animaux et des vege- taux ; et sur leur motilite. PI. 2. 8°. Paris , 1824. L’agent imrnediat du mouvement vital, &c. chez les vege- taux et chez les animaux. 8°. Paris , 1826. Nouvelles recherches sur Fendosmose et Fexosmose, &c. 8°. Paris , 1828. EDWARDS, S. and LINDLEY, J. The botanical regis- ter, consisting of coloured figures of exotic plants culti- vated in British gardens. PI. 175. col. 20 v. 8°. Lond. i8[5~35- EHRET, G. D. Plantae et papiliones rariores depictae et aeri incisae. T. 18. col. fol. Heidelb. 1748. Plantae selectae, quarum imagines ad exemplaria naturalia Londini in hortis curiosorum nutrita pinguntur. T. 100. col. fol. 1750-73. The plates are said in the title-page to have been engraved and coloured by J. J. Haid and J. E. Haid, father and son. Many of them will almost bear a comparison with the best modern works. Immediately after the title-page are three mezzotinto portraits ; one of Ehret, the author of the work ; a second of Trew, who illustrated the work with notes ; these engraved by Haid the father. The third is a portrait of his father by Haid the son, and is a re- markably spirited engraving. EKART, T. P. Synopsis Jungermanniarum Germanise, &c. figuris 116 microscopico-analyticis illustrata. T. 13. 40. Coburgi , 1832. ELLIS, J. Historical account of coffee, with an engraving of the tree. 40. Lond. 1774. ELSZIIOLZ, J. S. Garten-bau: oder Unterrieht von der Gartnerey auf das Clima der Chur-Marck Brandenburg, wie aueh der benaclibarten teutschen Lander gerichtet. T. 11. 40. Brands nb. 1672. Gardening implements, &c. 6. Germination and grafting, 2. Representations of the sensitive plant, 3. ENDLICHER, S. Prodromus florae Norfolkicae, sive cata- logus stirpium in insula Norfolk annis 1804, 5, a Ferdi- nando Bauer collectarum. 8°. Vindob. 1833. ESCHWEILEIl, F. G. De fructificatione Rhizomorphae. T. 1. 40. Elberfeld. 1822. Systema lichenum. T. 1. fol. pp. 2 6. 40. Norimb. 1824. 80 BOTANY. ESPER, E. J. C. leones fucorum cum characteribus syste- matic^, &c. T. 177. praeter nonnullas repetitas. ' 40. Number g. 1797-1808. l'uci, 169. Ulvse, 4. Conferv®, 4. EVELYN, J. Silva: or a discourse of forest-trees; with notes by A. Hunter, M. D. PI. 40. 2 v. 40. York , 1776. Terra: a philosophical discourse of earth; with notes by A. Hunter, M. D. 40. York, 178 6. FALCONER, W. Miscellaneous tracts and collections re- lating to natural history selected from the principal writers of antiquity on that subject. 40. Cambr. 1793. FEBURIER. Essai sur les phenomenes de la vegetation, expliques par les mouvemens des seves ascendante et de- scendante. 8°. Paris , 1812. FEE, A. L. A. Essai sur les cryptogames des ecorces exo- tiques officinales. PI. 34. col. 4 Paris, 1824. FERRARI, G. B. Flora ; overo cultura di fiori ; traspor- tata dalla lingua Latina nell1 Italiana da Lodovico Aureli. T. 45. 40. Romce, 1638. Ground-plans of gardens, gardening instruments, &c. 17. Various plants, flowers, &c. 21. Allegorical subjects from the paintings of Cortona, Guido, &c. 7. FINGERTIUTH, A. Monographia generis capsici. T. 10. col. 40. Diisseldorpii, 1832. FISCHER, J. B. vid. Blume, C. L. FOllSKAL, F. Flora JEgyptiaco-Arabica ; opus posthu- mum, ed. C. Niebuhr. 40. Hat in. 1775. Descriptiones animalium (mammalium), avium, amphibio- rum, &c. in itinere orientali observatorum : opus posthu- mum, ed. C. Niebuhr. 40. Haun. 1775. FORSTER, J. R. et G- . Oharacteres generum plantarum in itinere ad insulas maris Australis collectarum annis 1772-3. T. 75. 40. Lond. 177 6. FOSSA, C. Catalogus plantarum horti botanici regiensis. 8°. Regii, 1 81 1. FREYCINET, L. de, vid. Gaudichaud, C. FRIES, E. Elenchus fungorum, sistens commentarium in systema mycologicum. 2 v. 8°. Gryphiswald. 1828. Lichenographia Europaea reformata. Praemittuntur liche- nologiae fundamenta. 8 Lund. 1831. Observationes mycologicae praecipue ad illustrandam floram Suecicam. T. 8. col. 2 v. 8°. Haun. 1813-18. Observationes mycologicae. T. 4. col. 8°. Haun. 1813. BOTANY. 87 Systema orbis vegetabilis. Pars ima. Plantae homonemea?. 8°. Lund. 1825. Systema mycologicum. 3 v. 8°. Gryphiswald. 1821—32. FRITZSCHE, J. Beitriige zur Kentniss des Pollen. T. 2. 40. Berlin , fyc. 1832. FUCHSIUS, L. De historia stirpium commentarii, adjectis earundem vivls plusquam quingentis imaginibus. fol. Basil. [542. FUHLROTT, C. Jussieu’s und Decandolle’s natiirliche Pflanzen-systeme, &c. 8°. Bonn , 1829. G/ERTNER, J. De fructibus et seminibus plantarum : con- tinuat. a C. F. Gartner sub titulo “ Carpologia.” T. 225. 3 v. 40. 1788-1805. GALLESIO, G. Traite du citrus ; avec un tableau synop- tique du genre citrus, dispose d’apres les principes de la nouvelle theorie de la reproduction vegetale. 8°. Paris , 181 1. Pomona Italiana, ossia trattato degli alberi fruttiferi ; fasci- colo im° contenente il trattato del fico. 8°. Pisa , 1820. Pomona Italiana, ossia trattato degli alberi fruttiferi. PI. 133. col. fol. Pisa , 1817-34. Apple, pear, &c. 33. Pislacia et zizyphus, 5. Peach, apricot, &c, 62. Pomegranate, 1 . Fig, 15. Olive, 1. Vine, 16. GARIDEL, P. Histoire des plantes qui naissent en Pro- vence, et principalement aux environs d’Aix. 1 Z. 101 B. fol. Aix et Paris , 1719. GAUDICFIAUD, C. Voyage autour du monde pendant 1817-20 par M. L. de Freycinet. Botanique. PI. 120. 40. Paris, 1826. GAUDIN, J. Flora Helvetica, sive historia stirpium hucus- que cognitarum in Helvetia, et in tractibus conterminis. T. 28. quarum 24. col. 7 v. 8°. Turici , 1828-33. GEORGIUS, A. Enarrationes vocuin priscarum in libris (M. Catonis, &c.) de re rustica. 8°. Paris, ex off*. R. Stephani, 1543. GERARDE, J. The Herball, or general history of plants, (with numerous wood-engravings.) fol. Loud. 1 597. Again, fol. Lond. 1636. GESNER, C. Opera botanica per duo secula desiderata. Ed. C. C. Schmiedel. T. 42: 22 sen.; quarum 1 col.: 22 lign. fol. Norimb. 1754. 88 BOTANY. GESNER, J. Phytographia sacra generalis. Partes 7. 40. Tiguri , 1 759-66. GESSNER, J. Tabulae phytograph icae, analysin generum exhibentes. Ed. C. S. Schinz. T. 46. col. (Desunt de- scriptiones T. 38-46.) fob Turici , 1795. GIROD-CHANTRANS. Recherches chimiques et micro- scopiques sur les conferves, &c. PI. 36. col. 40. Paris , 1802. GLEDITSCH, J. G. Consideratio epicriseos Siegesbeckianae in Linnaei systema plantarum sexuale, &c. 8°. Berolini, 1740. Methodus fungorum. T. 6. 8°. Berolini , 1 753. GMELIN, C. C. Flora Badensis Alsatica et confinium regio- num. T. 23. 4 v. 8°. Carlsr. 1806-26. Hortus magni clucis Badensis Carlsruhanus. 8°. Carlsr. i8ij. GMELIN, J. G. Flora Sibirica. T. 283. 4 v. 40. Petrop. 1747-69. Sermo aeademieus de novorum vegetabilium post creationem divinam exortu. 8°. Tubing. 1749. GMELIN, S. G. Historia fucorum. T. 33. 40. Petropol. 1768. von GOETHE, J. W. Versuch liber die Metamorphose der Pflanzen. 8°. Stuttg. 1831. Essai sur la metamorphose des plantes; trad, de rAllemand par E. de Gingins-Lassaraz. 8°. Geneve , 1829. GORHAM, G. C. Memoirs of John and of Thomas Mar- tyn, professors of botany in the University of Cambridge. 8°. Lond. 1830. GORTER, D. de. Flora Ingrica. 8°. Petrop. 1761. GOT JAN, A. Hortus regius Monspeliensis. T. 4. 8°. Lugd. 1762. Flora Monspeliaca sistens plantas numero 1850 ad sua ge- nera relatas. T. 3. 8°. Lugd. 1765* GREVILLE, R. K. vid. Hooker, W. J. GREW, N. An idea of a phytological history propounded ; together with the anatomy and vegetation of roots. PI. 7. 8°. Lond. 1673. The anatomy of plants ; with an idea of a philosophical his- tory of plants. PI. 83. (PI. 76 is wanting.) fob Lond. 1682. GRIMALDI, il marchese Domenico. Sulla economia olearia antica et moderna. 40. Napoli , 1 7^3* BOTANY. 89 GRONOVIUS, J. F. Flora Virginica ; exhibens plantas quas V. C. Johannes Clayton in Virginia observavit. Pars ima. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1743. Iterum. 40. Lugd. Bat. 1762. GUILDING, rev. A. An account of the botanic garden in the island of St. Vincent. PL 4. col. 40. Glasgow , 1825. GUILLEMEAU, J. L. M. Calendrier de flore des environs de Niort. 12". Niort, 1801. GUILLEMIN, J. A. Archives de botanique, ou recueil mensuel de memoires originaux, & c. concernant cette sci- ence; redigees par une societe de botanistes Fran^ais et etrangers. PI. 20. 2 v. 8°. Baris, 1833. GUILLEMIN, J. B. A. leones lithographicae plantarum Australasiae rariorum ; cum descriptionibus. T. 20. 40. Paris , 1827. GUIMPEL, F. Abbildung der deutschen Holzarten fur Forstmiinner und Liebhaber der Botanik. T. 216. col. 2 v. 40. Berlin , 18 1 5-20. GUNNER, J. E. Flora Norvegica, observationibus praeser- tim oeconomicis, panosque Norvegici, locupletata. T. 12. 2 v. fol. Nidros. et Hctf'u. 1766-1772. GUSSONE, J. Plantae rariores per regiones Samnii ac Aprutii collectae. T. 66. 40. Neapoli, 1826. HAENIvE, T. Descriptiones et icones plantarum in Ame- rica, et in insulis Philippinis et Marianis collectarum. T. 6. vol. 1. et fasc. 1. vol. 2dl. fol. Brag. 1825-31. HALLER. Bibliotheca botanica; qua scripta ad rem her- bariam facientia a rerum initiis recensentur. 2 v. 40. Ti- guri, 1771-2. Historia stirpium indigenarum Helvetiae. T. 48. 3 v. fol. Bern. 1768. Icones plantarum Helvetiae, ex ipsius historia stirpium Ilel- veticarum denuo recusae, cum descriptionibus auctoris. T. 52. fol. Bern. 1813. Opera botanica retractata et aucta. T.5. 8°. Gotting. 1749. HAMILTON, (olim Buchanan,) F. Prodrom us florae Ne- palensis. Accedunt plantae a D. Wallich nuperius missae. 8°. Bond. 1825. HAMILTON, Gul. Prodromus plantarum Indiae occiden- talis. T. 1. col. 8°. Bond. 1825. HARTLIB, S. On the husbandry used in Brabant and Flaunders ; 2d ed. : with an Appendix relating to the hus- bandry of Ireland. 40. Bond. 1652. N 90 BOTANY. HAWORTH, A. H. On the genus mesembryanthemum. 8°. Loud. 1794. Synopsis plantarum succulentarum. 8°. Loud. 1812. Supplementum plantarum succul. Adjungitur narcissorum revisio, p. 110-158. 8°. Land. 1819. Saxifragearum enumeratio, cum succulentarum revisionibus. 8°. Lund. 1821. HAYWARD, J. The science of horticulture, including a practical system for the management of fruit-trees. PI. 12. 8°. Loud. 1 8 1 8. HEDWIG, J. vid. Schwaegrichen, F. De fibrae vegeta- bilis et animalis ortu. Sectio 1. 40. Lips. 1790. Descriptio et adumbratio microscopico-analytica muscorum frondosorum, &c. T. 160. col. 4 v. fol. Lips. 1787-93. Filicum genera et species recentiori methodo accommodatae. T. 24. col. fol. Lips. 1799. Fundamentum historian naturalis muscorum frondosorum. T. 20. col. 2 v. 40. Lips. 1782. Sammlung Abhandlungen und Beobachtungen liber bota- nisch-dkonomische gegenstande. T. 6. col. 2 v. 8°. Leipz. , 1 7 93-7 ■ ■ Species muscorum frondosorum : opus posthumum editum a F. Schwaegrichen M. D. T. 77. col. 40. Lips. 1801. Theoria generationis et fructificationis plantarum cryptoga- micarum Linnaei. T. 37. col. 40. Pctrop. 1784. Theoria generationis et fructificationis plantarum cryptoga- micarum Linnaei; ed. 2da. T. 42. col., quarum 8, 9, 36, 37, 38, novax 40. Lips. 1798. HEGETSCHWEILER, J. Beytrage zu einer kritischen Aufzahlung der Schweizerpflanzen. 8°. Zurich , 1831. HENGKEL a DONNERSMARIC, comes L. F. V. Nomen- clator botanicus. 8°. Hales Magdeb. 1803. HENSCIIEL, A. Von der Sexualitiit der Pflanzen; nebst einem historischen Anhange von Dr. F. J. Schelver. 8°. Breslau , 1820. HERBAL, vid. Treveris, P. HERBERT, hon and rev. W. An appendix to the botanical register and botanical magazine : intended to be bound up with either of those works. PI. 4. 8°. Lond. 1821. HERMANN, P. Horti academici Lugduno-Batavi catalo- gus. T. 106. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1687. Florae Lugduno-Batavae flores methodo naturali dispositi ; et anno 1689 in lectionibus publicis expositi ; ed. L. Zum- bach. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1690. BOTANY. 91 Paradisi Batavi prodromus, sive plantarum exoticarum in Batavorum hortis observatarum index — imprimr in “ S. Warton scliola botanica. J2°. Amstel. 1689. p. 301-390.'” HILL, J. Botanical tracts. PI. 26. 8°. Land. 1762. 1. Usefulness of a knowledge of plants. 2. Outlines of a system of vegetable generation. Pi. 6. 3. Origin of double flowers. PI. 8. 4. Origin of proliferous flowers. PI. 7. 5. The sleep of plants. 6. History and virtues of valerian. PI. 3. 7. Account of the mushroom stone. PI. 2. Hortus Kewensis; sistens herbas exoticas indigenasque ra- riores in co cultas. 8°. Lond. 1768. The construction of timber from its early growth ; explained by the microscope; 2d eel. PI. 48. fol. Lond. 1774. The sleep of plants, and cause of motion in the sensitive plant. 120. Loud. 1757. HILLER, M. Hierophyticon, sive commentarius in loca scripturae sacrae quae plantarum mentionem faciunt. 40. Trcijecti ad Rhen. 1725. HITT, T. A treatise of fruit-trees; 2d ed. PI. 7. 8°. Lond. 1 757 - HOFFMANN, G. F. Descriptio et adumbratio plantarum, quae lichenes dicuntur. T. 73. col. 3 v. fol. Lips. 1790- 1801. Vegetabilia in Hercyniae subterraneis coilecta. T. 18. col. fol. Norimb. 1811. Enumeratio lichenum. 4 °. Erlang. 1784. Vegetabilia cry ptogama. Ease. 1-2. T. 16. Erlang. 1787- 9°- . Historia salicum. T. 30. col. vol. 1. et vol. 2di fasc. imus. fol. Lips. 1787-91. HOLDICH, B. On the weeds of agriculture ; a posthumous work edited by G. Sinclair; 2(1 ed. 8°. Lond. 1826. HOLLYBUSII, J. A most excellent homish apothecarye for all the grefes and diseases of the body: translated out the Almaine speche. fob Coll. 1561. PIOLMSKIOLD, T. Beata ruris otia fungis Hanicis im- pensa. T. 74. col. 2 v. fol. Haun. 1790-9. Vol. 2dum post obitum auctoris editum, curante E. Viborg. HOOKER, W. J. Botanical miscellany; containing figures and descriptions of such plants as recommend themselves by their novelty, rarity, or history. PI. 112. plain, and 41 coloured and supplementary. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1830-33. Exotic flora. PI. 232. col. 3 v. 8°. Edinb. 1823-7. N 2 92 BOTANY. Flora Boreali- Americana ; compiled principally from the plants collected on the late northern land-expedition under command of captain sir John Franklin. PI. 118. vol. i. 4°. Land. 1829-34. Musci exotici. T. 226. col. 2 v. 40. Lond. 1818-20. Plantae cryptogam icae quas in plaga orbis novi aequinoctiali collegerunt Al. de Humboldt et A. Bonpland. T. 4. col. 40. Lond . Sj-c. 1816. HOOKER, W. J. et ARNOTT, G. A. W. The botany of captain Beechey’s voyage to the Pacific, & c. in 1825-8. Pts. 1-4. PI. 40. 40. Lond. 1830-33. HOOKER, W. J. et GREVILLE, R. K. leones filicum ; earum potissimum specierum quae nondum satis innotue- runt. T. 240. col. 2 v. fol. Lond. 1831. HOPKIRK, T. A general view of the anomalies in the ve- getable kingdom. PI. 11. 8 °. Glasg. 1817. HORNEMANN, J. W. Hortus regius botanicus Hafnien- sis. 8°. Hnfn. 1815. Nomenclatura florae Danicae. 8°. Hafn. 1827. HORNSCIIUCH, F. vid. Nkes von Esenbeck, C. G. HORTICULTURE. Kitchen garden displayed. 1 2°. Lond. 1 744- HOST, N. T. Flora Austraca. 2 v. 8°. Vienn. 1827-31. leones et descriptiones graminum Austriacarum. T. 400. col. 4 v. fol. V indob. 1801-9. HOUSTON, G. Plantarum in America meridionali collecta- rum icones manu propria aeri incisae, cum descriptionibus. T. 26. (T. 26ta descriptione caret). 40. Lond. 1781. HUBENER, J. W. P. Hepaticologia Germanica; oder Be- schreibung der deutschen Lebermoose. 8°. Mannh. 1834. HUGHES, rev. G. The natural history of Barbados. 5 Z. 22 B. 1 G. fol. Lond. 1750. HUMBOLDT. Florae Fribergensis specimen, plantas crypto- gamicas praesertim subterraneas exhibens. T. 4. 40. Bero- lini , 1793. Distributio geographica plantarum. T. 1. 8°. Lutet. Par. 1817. Essai sur la geographic des plantes, accompagne d’un ta- bleau physique des regions equinoxialcs. 40. Paris , 1807. Tableaux de la nature, ou considerations sur les deserts, sur la physionomie des vegetaux, et sur les cataractes de rOrenoque: traduits de l’Allemand par J. B. B. Eyries. 2 v. 120. Paris , 1808. Iterum. 2 v. 8'>. Paris , 1828. BOTANY. 93 HUMBOLDT et BONPLAND, vid. Kunth, C. S. Mono- graphia Melastomacearum, continens plantas liujus ordi- nis collectas per regnum Mexici ; in provinces Caracarum et Novae Andalusiae; in Peruvianorum, &c. Andibus; et ad Oronici et fluminis Amazonum ripas nascentes. Mela- stoale. T. 60. col. fol. Paris. 1816. Monographia Melastomacearum, &c. Rhexi.e. T. 60. col. fol. Paris. 1823. Nova genera et species plantarum in peregrinatione orbis novi collectarum ; cum notis Al. de Humboldt ad geogra- phiam plantarum spectantibus. T. 701, modo non omnes coloratae. 7 v. fol. Paris. 1815—25. Plantes equinoxtiales, recueillies an Mexique, &c.; aux Andes de la Nouvelle-Grenade, de Quito et du Perou ; et sur les bords du Rio-negro, de l’Orenoque, et de la riviere des Amazons. PI. 143. 2 v. fol. Paris , 1808-9. The figures at the bottom of each plate, illustrative of the organization of the plant, are copious, and remarkably clear. Revision des graminees publiees dans les “ Nova genera et species plantarum precedee d’un travail general sur la famille des graminees par C. S. Kunth. PJ. 220. col. fol. Paris. 1829. Synopsis plantarum in itinere ad plagam aequinoctialem or- bis novi collectarum; auctore Sigism. Kunth. 4 V. 8°. Paris. 1822-5. IRELAND. Husbandry of ; an Appendix to Samuel Hartlib on the husbandry used in Brabant and Flaunders. 40. Lond. 1652. q. v. ITALIA. Saggio sulla stato della botanica in Italia al cadere dell1 anno 1831 : estratto dal primo fascicolo dell’ opera periodica, intitolata , II progresso delle scienze , delle let- ter e, <$• delle arti. JACQUIN, J. F. Eclogae plantarum rariorum aut minus cognitarum ad vivum descriptarum, et iconibus coloratis illustratarum. T. 80. col. fol. Vindob. 1811. Eclogae, &c. Graminum fasc. 1 et 2. T. 20. col. fol. Vin- dob. 1813. JACQUIN, N. J. Collectanea ad botanicam, &c. spectantia. T. 106; quar. plur. col. 6 Z. 100. B. 4 v. cum supplem. 40. Vindob. 1786-96. Fragmenta botanica figuris coloratis illustrata; annis 1800- 1809 per sex fascieulos edita. T. 138. fol. Vienn. Austr. 1809. 94 BOTANY. Florae Austriacae icones. T. 500. col. 5 v. fol. Vienn. Austr. i773~8- Hortus botanicus Vindobonensis. T. 300. col. 3 v. fol. Vindob. 1770-6. Icones plantarum rariorum. T. 649. col. 3 v. fol. Vindob. 1781-93. Miscellanea Austriaca ad botanicam, &c. spectantia. 1 Z. 43 B. 2 v. 40. Vindob. 1778-81. Observationes botanicae. Partes 4. T. 100. fol. Vindob. 1 764-7 K Oxalis. Monographia iconibus illustrata. T. 81, quar. plur. col. 40. Vienn. 1794. Plantarum rariorum horti Caesarei Schocnbrunnensis descrip- tiones et icones. T. 500. col. 4 v. fol. Vienn. 1797-1804. Selectarum stirpium Amerieanarum historia; earum etiam quae in insulis Martinica, Jamaica, aliisque observatae sunt. T. 184. fol. Vindob. 1763. Iterum : adjectis iconibus ad autoris archetypa pictis. T. 264. col. There is an ornamented MS. title-page to this collection of coloured drawings, without any date. The descriptions are printed. Stapeliarum in hortis Yindobonensibus cultarum descriptio- nes, &c. T. 64. col. fol. Vindob. 1806. JAMES, J. The theory and practice of gardening; trans- lated from the French originally printed at Paris in 1709; with numerous plates illustrative of the disposition and ornaments of a garden. 40. Lond. 1712. JONSTON, J. Historiae naturalis de arboribus et plantis li- bri x. T. 137. 2 v. fol. Heilbronn. 1668, 9. Notitia plantarum a veteribus observatarum, cum synonymis Gr. et Lat. 12°. Lips. 1661. JUNGIUS, J. Opuscula botanico-physica ; ex recensione et cum notis M. Fogelii. 40. Coburg. 1 747- JUSSIEU, A. de. vid. St. Hilaire, A. de. De euphor- biacearum generibus, medicisque earundem viribus. 40. Paris. 1824. JUSSIEU, A. L. de. Genera plantarum secundum ordines naturales disposita, juxta methodum in horto regio Pari- siensi exaratam, anno 1774. 8°. Paris. 1789. Iterum. Ed. P. IJster. 8°. Turici Helv. 1791. KiEMPFER, E. Icones selectas plantarum in Japonia col- lectarum, delineatae ex archetypis in musaeo Britannico asservatis; cura Josephi Banks. T. 59. fol. Lond. 1791. BOTANY. 95 KAULFUSS, G. F. Das Wesen der Farrenkrauter, &c. T. i. 4°. Leipz. 1827. Enumeratio filicum quas in itinere circa terram legit Adal- bertus de Chamisso. T. 2. 8°. Lips. 1824. KEITH, rev. P. A system of physiological botany. PL 7. 2 v. 8°. 1816. KER, H. B. leones plantarum sponte China nascentium. T. 30. col. fob Lond. 1821. KER, J. B. Iridearum genera. 8°. Bruxellis , 1827. Strelitzia dcpicta. Coloured figures of all the known spe- cies of strelitzia, by F. Bauer. Fasc. 1, 2. T. lithogr. col. 1-8. fob Lond. 1818. KERNER, J. S. Figures (et descriptions) des plantes eco- nomiques. PI. 700. col. 7 v. 40. Stoutgard , 1786—94. The plates are arranged with reference to the Linnean sys- tem, in four volumes: the descriptions are contained in a fifth volume, proceeding regularly from 1 to 700; the num- bers corresponding with the respective number of each plate. Hortus semper virens, exhibens icones plantarum selectio- rum. T. 120. (delin. et cob, non impressae). 10 v. fob Stuttgart. 1795-1 804. KIESER, D. G. Elemente der Phytonomie. T. 6. Erster Theil, Phytotomie. 8°. Jena , 1815. Memoire sur Torganisation des plantes. PL 22. 40. Har- lem, 1812. KITAIBEL, P. vid. Waldsteen, F. KNIPHOFF, J. H. Botanica in originali; seu herbarium vivum, in quo plantae tarn indigenae quam exoticae pecu- liari quadam enchiresi atramento impressorio obductae ex- hibentur; cum nominibus suis, &c. 12 centuriae. fob Halm Magdeb. 1763, 4. The appearance of these curious impressions is, in every in- stance, as if the plant and its flower had been impressed on the paper so as to leave the exact trace not only of their form but of their colour. In each century the ar- rangement is alphabetical, and according to the method of Linnaeus and Ludwig. KNOOP, J. H. Pomolog ia, das ist Beschreibungen und Ab- bildungen der besten Sorten der Aepfel und Birnen welche in Holland, England, &c. in Achtung stehen, und des- wegen gebauet werden : aus dem hollandischcn in das deutsche ubersetzt von G. L. Huth. T. 44. col. 2 v. fob Numb. 1760-6. KOCH, G. D. J. Dc salicibus Europa?is. 8°. Erlang. 1828. 96 BOTANY. KOENIG, J. G. Descrip tiones monandrarum et epidendro- rum in India Orientali factae. Imprimuntur in libro cui titulus “Betz (A. J.) observationes botanicae; fasc. sex. fol. Lips. 1791 scil. descript, monandrarum in fasc. 3. P» 49-7^5 et epidendrorum in fasc. 6. p. 43-67. KONIG, C. and SIMS, J. Annals of botany. PI. 30. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1805, 6. KRAMER, G. H. Elenchus vegetabilium et animalium per Austrian! inferiorem observatorum. 1 Z. 8°. Vienna ?, fyc. J 756- KROCKER, A. J. Flora Silesiaca renovata, continens plan- tas Silesiae indigenas de novo descriptas, ultra 900, circa 3000 auctas. T. 106. col. 3 v. 8°. Vratisl. 1787-1814. KROMBHOLTZ, J. V. Naturgetreue Abbildungen und Beschreibungen der essbaren, schadlichen, und verdachti- gen Schwamme. T. 14. col. Heft. 1, 2. fol. Prag. 1831, 2. KUNTH, C. S. Mimoses et autres plantes legumineuses du nouveau continent, recueillies par MM. de Humboldt et Bonpland. PI. 60. col. fol. Paris , 1819. KUTZING, F. T. Algae aquae dulcis Germanicae. Decades 12. 8°. Hal. Sax. 1833, 4. Each of the 1 20 specimens contained in this work is the plant itself, carefully attached to paper, and accompanied by its name and description. LABILLARDIERE, J. J. leones plantarum Syriae rario- rum, cum descriptionibus. Decades 5. 40. Lutet. Par. 1791-1812. Novae Hollandiae plantarum specimen. T. 265. 2 v. 40. Paris. 1804-6. Sertum Austro-Caledonicum. Pars prior. T. 80. 40. Paris. 1824. LAGASCA, M. Elenchus plantarum, quae in horto regio botanico Matritensi colebantur anno 181^. 4 °. Matrit. 1 816. DELAMARCK et DECANDOLLE. Flore Franpaise, &c. avec un expose des principes dlementaires de la botanique. 3eme ed. PI. 11, et carte botanique de France. 5 v. 8°. Paris , 1805-15. LAMBERT, A. B. Of the genus cinchona. PI. 13. 40. Pond. 1797. An illustration of the genus cinchona, and various medicinal plants of South America; with a short account of the “ spikenard11 of the ancients. PI. 5. 40. Lond. 1821. BOTANY. 97 A description of the genus “ pinus,” illustrated with figures, and also with descriptions of many other new species of the family of “ coniferae.” PI. 85. col., 4 not col. 2 v. fol. Loud. 1803-24. Twelve more plates are in course of publication. Those al- ready published are not yet so arranged as conveniently to admit of a more particular description. A description of the genus “ pinus.” PI. 73. col., 2 not col. 2 v. 8°. Land. 1832. LAMOUROUX. Dissertations sur plusieurs especes de fu- cus. PI. 36. 40. Agen. 1805. LAPEYROUSE, P. P. Figures de la flore des Pyrdndes, avec des descriptions, & c. PI. 43. col. fol. Paris, 1795. Of these plates, 33 are of the Linnean genus “ saxifraga.” Histoire abregee des plantes des Pyrenees, et itineraire des botanistes dans ces montagnes; avec une vue de toute la partie de la chaine des Pyrenees visible a Toulouse. 8°. Toulouse , 1813. LAURENCE, E. The duty of a steward to his lord. PI. 2/ 40. Loud. 1727. LAWSON, W. A new orchard and garden ; or the best way for planting, &c. : as also the husbandry of bees, &c. 40. Loud. 1623. Again. 40. Loud. 1631. The country housewife’s garden ; together with the hus- bandry of bees. 40. Loud. 1623. LEERS, J. D. Flora Herbornensis, exhibens plantas circa ITerbornam Nassoviorum crescentes; cum graminum in- digenorum eorumque affinium iconibus T04, auctoris manu et delineatis et seri incisis. T. 16. 8°. Herb. Nass. 1775. LEHMANN, J. G. C. Fasciculus florum nuper repertorum. 40. Havib. 1830. Novae et minus cognitae stirpes. 40. Hamb. 1832. leones et descriptiones novarum et minus cognitarum stir- pi um. Pars 1. T. 50. fol. Hamburg. i82r. Anchusa, 2. Lithospermum, 3. Craniospermum, 1. Moltkia, 2. Cynoglossum, 3. Onosma, 6. Fchium, 27. Tiaridium, 1. Heliotropium, 5. Monographia generis “ potentillarum.” T. 20. 40. Ham- burg. 1820. “primtilarum.” T. 9. 40. Lips. 1817. Historia generis “nicotianarum.” T. 4. 40. Hamburg. 1818. LETTSOM, J. C. The natural history of the tea-tree. PI. 1. col. 40. Loud. 1772. o 98 BOTANY. LEDEBOUR, C. F. leones plantarum novarum vel imper- fecte cognitarum ; floram Rossicam, imprimis Altaicam, il- lustrantes. T. ioo. col. fol. Riga, Sfc. 1829. Monographia generis Paridum. T. 1. fol. JJorpat. 1827. LEDEBOUR, C. F. MEYER, C. A. et BUNGE, Al. Flora Altaica. 4 v. 8°. Berol. 1829-33. L’HERITIER, C. L. Cornus, seu descriptiones et icones specierum Corni minus cognitarum. T. 6. fol. Par. 1788. Geraniologia ; iconibus illustrata. T. 44. fol. Paris. 1787, 8. Sertum Anglieum, seu plantae rariores quae in hortis juxta Londinum, imprimis in horto regio Kewensi coluntur. T. 35. fol. Paris. 1788. Stirpes novae, descriptionibus et iconibus illustratae. Fasc. 6. T. 91. fol. Paris , 1784-5. LIBOSCHITZ, J. et TRINITJS, C. Flore des environs de St. Petersburg et de Moscou. T. 40. vol. imura. 4 °. St. Peter sb. 1811. LICHFIELD BOTANICAL SOCIETY. A system of vegetables; translated from the 13th edition (as published by Dr. Murray) of the Systema Vegetabilium of Linnaeus, &c. PL if. 2 v. 8°. Lichfield , 1782, 3. LICHTENSTEIN, A. G. G. Index alphabeticus generum botanicorum quotquot a Willdenovio in speciebus planta- rum, et a Persoonio in synopsi plantarum rccensentur. 8°. Helmst. 1814. LINDLEY, J. A botanical history of roses. PI. 19. col. 8°. Load. 1820. Collectanea botanica; or figures, &c. of rare and curious exotic plants. PL 41. fol. Lond. 1821. All the plates are coloured but the last ; and each is accom- panied with a representation of the flower, & c. dissected. Digitalium monographia; tabulis illustrata confectis ad ico- nes F. Bauer penes G. Cattley, armig. T. 28. col. fol. Lond. 1821. Introduction to botany. PL 6, and numerous wood-engrav- ings. 8°. Lond. 1832. Introduction to the natural system of botany. 8°. Lond . 183°. Nixus plantarum. 8°. Lond. 1833. Orchideous plants. Pt. 1. Malaxidae. 8°. Lond. 1830. Orchideous plants, genera and species of; illustrated by drawings on stone from the sketches of F. Bauer, esq. Pts. 1, 2. PL 20. col., twelve representing the fructifica- tion, and eight the genera. 40. Lond. 1830-2. Outline of the first principles of botany. PL 3. 12°. Lond. t83°- BOTANY. 99 LINK, H. F. Elementa philosophise botanicae. T. 4. 8°. Berolini , 1824. Enmneratio plantarum horti regii botanici Berolinensis al- tera. 2 v. 8°. Berolini , 1821, 2. Hortus regius botanicus Berolinensis. 2 v. 8°. Berolini , 1827. Grundleliren der Anatomie und Physiologic der Pflanzen. T.3. 8 Gotting. 1807. LINK, H. F. and OTTO, F. leones plantarum selectarum horti regii botanici Berolinensis. T. 60. col. 40. Berolini , 1820. LINN/EUS, vid. Sciiwaegiuchen, F. Bibliotheca botanica. Fundamentorum botanicorum pars in)a. 8°. Amstel. 1736. I ter uni : ed. altera. 8°. Amstel. 1751. Classes plantarum : sen systemata plantarum omnia a fructi- Jicatione sumpta. Fundamentorum botan. Pars 2da. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1738. Critica botanica ; seu fundamentorum botan. Pars 4ta. Ac- cedit Joannis Browallii discursus, de introducenda in scho- las historiae naturalis lectione. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1737. Eigenhandige Anzeichnungen fiber sichselbst, &c. ; aus dem schwedischen ubersetzt von Karl Lappe. 8°. Berlin, 1826. Exereitatio botanico-physica de nuptiis ct sexu plantarum. Ed. et Latine vert. M. I. A. Afzelius. 8°. Upsal. 1828. Flora Lapponica. T. 12. 8°. Amstel. 1737. Ed. alt.; cura J. E. Smith. T. 12. 8°. Loud. 1792. Flora Sueciea. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1745. Ed. 2da. T. 1. 8°. Stoclch. 1755. Flora Zeylaniea; sistens plantas Indicas Zeylonae insulae, quae olim 167c— 1677 lectae a Paulo Hermanno, demum post annos 70 ab Augusto Giinthero orbi redditae sunt. T. 3. 8°. Holm. J747. Genera plantarum, &c. secundum numerum, figuram, situm et proportionem omnium fructificationis parti uni. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1737. Itcrum. Ed. 2da. nominibus plantarum Gallicis locupletata. T. 2. 8°. Paris. 1743. Iterum. Ed. 5ta. 8°. Holm. 1754. Genera plantarum, eorumque charactcres naturales. Ed. 6ta. 8°. Holm. 1764. Genera plantarum, &c. Ed. 8va. post Reiehardianam 2da. 2 v. 8°. Franco/] ad M. 1789-91. Genera plantarum. Ed. 9"% curante C. Sprengel. 2 v. 8°. Lotting . 1830, 1. Hortus Cliffortianus, plantas exhibens quas Hartecampi in Hollandia coluit vir nobilissimus G. Clifford. T. 36. fol. Amstel. 1737. 100 BOTANY. Ilortus Upsaliensis, exhibens plantas exoticas a sese illatas annis 1742-8. T. 3. 8°. Stockh. 1748. Mantissa plantarum altera, generum ed. 6tie: ct specierum cd. 2d*. 8°. Holm. 1771. Musa Gliffortiana Horens Flartecampi. prope Flarlemum 1736. 40. Lngd. Bat. 1736. Philosophia botanica. T. 11. 8°. Stockh. 1751. Iterum. T. 11. 8°. Vindob. 1770. I ter uni ; ed. 4*. Ed. C. Sprengel. T. 9. 8°. Hales ad Sal. 1809. Pradectiones in ordines naturales plantarum. Ed. P. D. Giseke. T. 7. 8°. Ilamb. 1792. Species plantarum exliibentes plantas ad genera relatas, se- cundum systema sexuale digestas. Ed. 2da. 2 v. 8°. Holm. 1762, 3. Species plantarum exliibentes plantas secundum systema sexuale digestas. Ed. 4ta : post Reichardianam 5ta, cu- rante C. L. Willdenow. 6 v. 8°. 1797-1825. Species plantarum, &c. olim curante C. L. Willdenow, con- tinuata ad muscos a F. Schwaegrichen (HI.) Pars 2da. sect. ima. vol. 5U. 8°. Berol. 1830. Species plantarum exliibentes plantas secundum systema sexuale digestas: olim curante C. L. Willdenow. Ed. 6ta. Vol. j mum continens classes monandriam et diandriam, auctore A. Dietrich. 8°. Bcrolini , 1831. * Vol. 2dum continens classis triandriae ordinem mo- nogyniam. 8°. Bcrolini , 1833. Su]i])lementum plantarum systematis vegetabilium ed. 3 th6 ; generum plantarum ed. 6ta-'; et specierum plantarum ed. 2,ise. 8°. Brunsv. 1781. Systema vegetabilium secundum classes, &c. Ed. nov., spe- ciebus inde ab editione I5ta detectis aucta; curantibus J. J. Rocmer, et J. A. Schultes. 7 v. 8°. Stuttgardt. 1817-30. Systema vegetabilium secundum classes, &c. Ed. nov., gc- neribus inde ab ed. I5ta detectis aucta. Vol. 1. sect. 1. Incept, a J. J. Roemer: post ejus obitum continuat. a J. A. Schultes. 8°. Stuttgardt. 1820. Systema vegetabilium. Ed. i6ta, curante C. Sprengel. 5 v. 8°. Gotting. 1825-8. In 2da parte vol. 4t5 accedunt “ Curae posteriores.” Vol. 5 tum occupat “ Index generum, &c.’’ auctore A. Sprengel. LINN.EUS, C. (Linnaei HI.) Plantarum rariorum horti Up- saliensis fasciculus primus. T. 10. fol. Lips. 1767. LEXARZA, J. vid. Ll ave, P. de la. LEAVE, P. de la, et LEXARZA, J. Novorum vegetabilium (Mexicanorum) descriptiones. Ease. 2. Mcxici , 1824,5* BOTANY. 101 LOBEL, M. Plantarum seu stirpium historia : cui annexum est adversariorum volumen. T. 624. lign. fol. Antuerp. 1576. , Adversariorum altera pars, &c. T. 27. lign. — lmpnmitur in libro cui titulus “ Dilucidae simplicium medicamentorum explicationes et stirpium adversaria, auctoribus P. Pena et M. Lobel. fol. Loud. 1605. p. 458-542.v> In G. Rondelletii pharmaceuticam officinam animadversiones, cum fig. 5. ligno incisis. 1 Z. 4 B. fol. Lond. 1605. LOBEL, M. et PENA, P. Dilucidae simplicium medicamen- torum explicationes et stirpium adversaria, cum fig. lign. 264. fol. Lond. 1605. Stirpium adversaria nova ; cum figuris ligneis 272. fol. Lond. 1570. Stirpium adversaria nova: cum figuris 303 ligno incisis. fol. Antuerp. 1576. LOUDON, J. C. An encyclopaedia of agriculture; illus- trated with upwards of eleven hundred engravings on wood; 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1831. An encyclopaedia of gardening; illustrated with nearly 600 engravings on wood. 8°. Lond. 1822. An encyclopaedia of plants, & c. illustrated by engravings of nearly ten thousand species. 8°. Lond. 1829. LOUREIRO, J. de. Flora Cochinchinensis; cum notis C. L. Willdenow. 2 v. 8°. Berolini , 1793. LYNGBYE, H. C. Tentamen hydrophytologiae Danicae, continens omnia hydrophyta cryptogama Daniae, IIol- sathe, Faeroae, Islandiae, Groenlandiae, hucusque cognita. T. 70. 40. LLafn. 1819. MAGNOL, P. Botanicum Monspeliense ; cum iconibus va- riarum plantarum. T. 22. 8°. Monsp. 1686. Iterum. T. 22. 8°. Monsp. 1688. MALPIGHI, M. Op. omnia, figuris elegantissimis in aes incisis illustrata. T. 120. fol. Lond. 1686. Anatome plantarum, pars inia, 54. alt. 39. De Bombyce, 12. De formatione pulli in ovo, 4. De ovo incubato, 7. De lingua et cerebro, &c. 4 MAPPUS, M. Historia plantarum Alsaticarum posthuma ; opera J. C. Ehrmann. T. 8. 40. Argentor. 1742. MARGRAVIUS, G. vid. Piso, G. De regionibus et indi- genis Brasiliae et Chili. Imprimitur in fine voluminis cui titulus “ Gulielmi Pisonis de Indiae utriusque re naturali, See. libri 14. 2 Z. fol. Amst. ( Elzev .) 1658.'” 102 BOTANY. MARKHAM, G. Cheap and good husbandry for the well- ordering of all beasts and fowls, &c. ; together with the use and profit of bees; the making of fish-ponds, &c. ; 3d ed. 40. Lond. 1623. Again; 5th ed. 4 Loud. 1631. Country contentments ; or the English huswife. 4 °. Lond. 1623. Again. 40. Lond. 1631. Country contentments; or the husbandman’s recreations; 4th ed. 40. Lond. 1631. Farewell to husbandry ; or the inriching of all sorts of bar- ren grounds. 4 °. Lond. 1623. Inrichment of the weald of Kent and Sussex. 40. Lond. i63 1 • Maison rustique, or the countrey farm ; compiled in the French tongue, &c. ; now augmented out of various French, Spanish, and Italian authors ; and the husbandry of France, &c. made to agree with that of England; with a few wood-engravings, fol. Lond. 1616. MAROGNA, N. Commentario ne1 trattati, di Dioscoride & di Plinio, dell’ arnorno ; tradotti dal Latino da F. Pona. T. 1. 40. Vend. 1617. MARSHALL, II. Arbustrum American um ; or an alpha- betical catalogue of forest-trees and shrubs, natives of the American United States: with some account of their uses. 8°. Philadelph. 1785. MARTIUS, C. F. P. Flora Brasiliensis ; seu enumeratio plantarum in itinere per Brasiliam annis 1817-20 peracto collectarum. vol. 1. pars 1. et vol. 2. pars 1. Stuttg. et Tubing. 1829-33. Flora cryptogamica Erlangensis, sistens vegetabilia e classe ultima Linnteana in agro Erlangensi hucusque detecta. T. 6. quar. 2. col. 8°. Norimb. 1817. Genera et species palmarum in itinere per Brasiliam annis 1817-20 collects et descriptae. T. circ. 120. col. fol. Monacli. 1823-31. The interest of many of the plates is heightened by a repre- sentation of the native scenery and inhabitants, &c. In addition to the coloured plates are 16 not coloured, illus- trative of the anatomy of the palms: but, from the yet in- complete state of the lladcliffe copy, a more detailed de- scription is postponed. Nova genera et species plantarum in itinere per Brasiliam annis 1817-20 collectae. T. 296. quar. plur. col. 3 v. 40. Monacli. 1824. In many of the plates the details of the organization of the flower are represented on an enlarged scale. BOTANY. 103 leones selectae plantarum cryptogamicarum in itinere, &c. collectae. T. 14. col. 40. Monach. 1827. MARTYN, J. Historia plantarum rariorum. T. 49. col. fol. Land. 1728. The Bucolicks of Virgil, with an English translation and notes. PI. 2. 40. Lond. 1749. The Georgicks of Virgil, &c. PI. 10. col. 40. Lond. 1741. MARTYN, T. Flora rustica : exhibiting accurate figures of such plants as are either useful or injurious in husbandry ; drawn and engraved by F. P. Nodder. PI. 142. col. 8°. Lond. 1792-4. MASSON, F. Stapeliae nova?: or a collection of several new species of that genus discovered in the interior of Africa. PI. 41. col. 40. Lond. 1796. MATTHIOLUS, P. A. Cornmentarii in sex libros Diosco- ridis de medica materia ; adjectis magnis plantarum ac animalium iconibus. T. 995. fol. Venet. 1565. 70 Z. 919 B. and 6 representing the processes of chemical distillation. MAYER, J. Pomona Franconica, oder naturliche Abbildung und Beschreibung der besten-europaischen Gattungen der Obstbaume und Fruchte welche in dem hochfiirstli- chen Hofgarten zu Wiirtzburg gezogen werden. Gall. & Germ. PI. 265. dont 253 col. 3 v. 40. Niirnb. 177 6- 1801. This is said to be a scarce work. The drawing and colouring of the plates, though not comparable to some of the pre- sent day, are very good. Of these 265 plates, 8 represent varieties of the apricot, 8 almond, 1 7 plum, 3 1 cherry, 9 medlar, &c. 26 peach, 41 apple, 1 13 pear, 12 the culture of fruit-trees. MAYRPIOFFER, J. N. Flora Monacensis; seu plantae sponte circa Monachium nascentes, pictae et in lapide de- lineatffi ; cum commentario Fr. de Paula Schrank. Lat. et Germ. T. 400. col. 4 v. fol. Monach. 1811— 18. MEAGER, L. The English gardener; 9th ed. PI. 24. 40. Lond. 1699. Of these plates, the first represents gardening instruments, &c. ; ah the rest are merely plans for the ornamental dis- position of a garden. MEERBURG, N. Plantae rariores vivis coloribus depictae. T. 50. fol. Lugd. Bat. 1789. 104 BOTANY. du MENIL, H. Die Reagentienlehre fur die Pflanzenana- lyse. 8°. Celle , 1834. MERAT, F. V. Nouvelle flore des environs de Paris, &c. avec 1 indication des vertus des plantes usitees en mede- cine, &c. 8°. Paris , 1812. METZGER, J. Europaeische Cerealien. T. 20. fol. Hei- clelb. 1824. ME\ EN, F. J. F. Phytotomie. T. 14. (40) 8°. Berlin , 1830. MEYER, C. A. vid. Ledebour, C. F. MEYER, E. De plantis Labradoricis. 8°. Lips. 1830. ME\ ER, E. FI. F . Synopsis “ iuncorum,” rite coffnitorum. 8°. GiHting. 1822. MEYER, G. F. W. Die Entwickelung, &c. der Flechten. T. 1. col. 8°. Gotting. 1825. Primitise floras Essequeboensis, adjectis descriptionibus cen- tum circiter stirpium novarum, observationibusque criti- cis. T. 2. 40. Gotting. 1818. MICHAUX, A. Flora Boreal i- Americana. T. 51. 2 v. 8°. Paris et Arg. 1803. Ilistoire des chenes de 1’Amerique septentrionale. T. 36. fol. Paris , 1801. History of the oaks of North America ; translated into English by Walter Wade, M. D. 8°. Dublin, 1809. North American sylva ; or a description of the forest- trees of the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia; translated from the French. PI. 156. with coloured dupli- cates. 3 v. 8°. Paris , 1819. MICIIELIUS, P. A. Catalogus plantarum horti Csesarei Florentini. Ed. J. T. Tozzettio, M. D. T. 7. 40. Flo- rent. 1748. Nova plantarum genera juxta Tournefortii methodum dis- posita. T. 108. 40. Florent. 1729. MILLER, P. The gardener’s dictionary ; with copper-plates ; 2d ed. 2 v. fol. Lond. 1733-40. The gardener’s and botanist’s dictionary, by the late Philip Miller; to which are now added a complete enumeration and description of all plants hitherto known, by Thomas Martyn, prof. hot. Cambr. PI. 15. 2 v. fol. Lond. 1807. Figures of the most beautiful, useful, and uncommon plants described in the gardener’s dictionary ; with descriptions, &c. PI. 300. col. 2 v. fol. Lond. 1760. von MILTITZ, F. Handbuch der botanischen Literatur. 8°. Berlin , 1829. BOTANY. 105 vegetale et de bo- D MIRBEL, C. F. Elemens de physiologie tanique. PI. 72. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1815. Exposition et defense de sa theorie de l’organisation vege- tale. Gall. et Belg. 8°. d la Haye , 1808. MOENCH, C. Methodus plantas, horti botaniei et agri Marburgensis, a staminum situ describendi. 8°. Marb. Catt. 1794. Supplementum ad methodum plantas a staminum situ de- scribendi. 8°. Marb. Catt. 1802. MOHL, IT. Ueber die Poren des Pflanzen-zellgewebes. T. 4. 40. Tubing. 1828. Ueber den Ban und das Winden der Ranken und Schling- pflanzen. T. 13. 40. Tubing. 1827* MOHR, M. H. vid. Weber, F. MOLDENHAWER, J. J. P. Beytrage zur Anatomie der l’flanzen. T. 6. 40. Kiel , 1812. MONARDUS, N. Magna medicina? secreta et varia experi- menta — imprimr in fine “ Caroli Clusii exoticorum. fol. Antnerp. 1605.” MONTI, J. Catalogi stirpium agri Bononiensis prodromus, gramina ac hujusmodi affinia complectens. T. 3. 40. Bonon. 1719. De monumento diluviano, nuper in agro Bononiensi deteeto, dissertatio. 1 G. 40. Bonon. 1719. Elenchi plantarum juxta facilitates medicas. 40. Bonon. I7.24- Exoticorum medicamentorunt varii indices. 40. Bonon. 1 7 24- Index plantarum medicinalium. 40. Bonon. 1724. Plantarum genera juxta Tournefort; cum horti Bononiensis ichnographia. 40. Bonon. 1724. Plantarum varii indices. 40. Bonon. 1724. MORICAND, S. Flora Veneta; seu enumeratio plantarum, circa Venetiam nascentium, secundum methodum Lin- naeanam disposita. vol. 1. 8°. Genev. et Paris. 1820. MORISON, R. Plortus regius Blesensis auctus; cum obser- vationibus gencralioribus. 8°. Lond. 1669. MORREN, C. F. A. De orchide latifolia. 40. 1826. MULBERRY-TREE. Brevi avvertimenti intorno la col- tura, e potatura de’’ “gelsi.” 8°. MUNTING, A. Phytographia curiosa, exhibens arborum, &c. icones; cum denominationibus Latinis, Gallicis, &c. T. 245. fob Lugd. Bat. 1702. 1* 10G BOTANY. MURITH, M. Le guide du botaniste qui voyage dans le Valais. 40. Lausanne , 1810. MUSTEL. 1 raite thdorique et pratique de la vegetation, con tenant plusieurs experiences sur la culture des arbres. 4 v. 8°. Paris , 1781-4. NECKER, N. J. de. Elementa botanica, secundum systema omologicum seu naturale evulgata. T. 62. 3 v. 8°. Neowede acl Wien. 1790. Methodus muscorum. T. 1. 8°. Manh. 1771. Physiologia muscorum per examen analyticum. T. 1. 8°. Manh. 1774. NEES VON ESENBECK, C. G. vid. Weihe, A. Das System der Pilze und Schwiimme. T. 46. col. 40. Wiirz- burg , 1817. De cinnamomo disputatio. T. 7. 40. Bonn. 1823. Eriumeratio plantarum cryptogamicarum Javre et insularum adjacentium, fasc. prior “ hepaticas” complectens. 8°. Vratislav. 1830. Genera et species asterearum. 8°. Norimberg. 1833. Ilorae physicae Berolinenses, collectae ex symbolis virorum doctorum. T. 27. fol. Bonn. 1820. Algte aquaticse, 1. col. H. F. Link. Strongylus armatus, 1. C. A. Rudolphi. Insect., orthopt. nov. gen. 2. F. King. Observationes botanicse, 7. C. G. Nees ab Esenbeck. Musci frond, exotici, 2. col. F. Hornscbuch. Plantar, gen. 3 nova, 3. A. de Chamisso. Fungi exotici, 4. col. C. G. Ebrenberg. Genus eymbaria, 1. D. L. de Schlecbtendal. Plan tee Canarienses, 5. C. G. Nees ab Esenbeck. Novum lichenum genus, 1 col. C. G. Ebrenberg. NEES VON ESENBECK, C. G., HORNSCHUCII, F., et STURM, J. Bryologia Germanica, oder Besclireibung der in Deutschland und in der Schweiz wachsenden Laubmoose. T. L2. col. 2 v. 8°. Numb. 1823-31. NEES AB ESENBECK, T. F. L. De muscorum propa- gatione. T. 1. col. 40. Bonn. 1820. Radix plantarum mycetoidearum. T. 1. 40. Bonn. 1820. NEES VON ESENBECK, T. F. L. et SINNING, W. Sammlung schonbluhender Gewachse fiir Blumen-und Gartenfreunde. T. 100. col. 40. Diisseld. 1831. NOISETTE, L. Le jardin fruitier, contenant Phistoire, la culture, et les usages des arbres fruitiers, des fraisiers, et des meilleures espcces de vigne qui se trouvent cn Europe, &c. PI. 90. col. 3 v. 40. Paris , 1821. BOTANY. 107 NOLTE, E. E. Stratiotes et Sagittaria. T. 2. 40. Kopen- hagen , 1825. OEDER, G. C. Iconcs plantarum sponte nascentimn in ,-cg- nis Daniae et Norvegiae, &c. ; ad illustrandum opus, de iisdera plantis, “ Florae Danicae” nomine inscriptum : cum nomenclatura et locis natalibus plantarum. T. 2100. col. 12 v. fob Haun. 1766—1828. OTTO, F. vid. Link, H. F. PALISOT-BE A UVOIS, A. M. F. J. Essai d’une nouvelle agrostographie, on nouveaux genres des graminees. PI. 25. (40.) 8°. Paris , 1812. Flore d’Oware et de Benin. T. 120. col. 2 v. fob Paris , 1 804-7 • Prodrome des 5eme et 6eme families de Taetheogamie : les mousses; les Ip cop odes. 8°. Paris, 1805. PALLADIUS, R. T. M. De re rustiea libri quatuordecim. 8°. Paris, ex ojf. R. Stephani, 1543. PALLAS, P. S. Flora Rossica; seu stirpium imperii Rossici, per Europam et Asiam indigenarum, descriptiones et ico- nes. T. 125. cob vol. I. et vol. 2. pars 1. fob Petrop. el Bcrolin. 1784-1815. The last plate in the first volume represents polished sections of twenty-five different woods. Illustrationes plantarum imperfecte vel nondum cognitarum. Fasc. 4. T. 59. cob fob Lips. 1803. Species astragalorum descriptae. T. 99. cob fob Lips. 1800. PALMSTRUCIT, J. W. Suensk Botanik; med Text fbr- fattad af C. Quensel, O. Swartz, &e. T. 720. cob 10 v. 8°. Stockh. <§• Upsal. 1803-29. PARKINSON, J. The theater of plants, or an herball of a large extent ; with numerous wood-engravings, fob Loud. 1640. Paradisus terrestris; or a choice garden of all sorts of rarest flowers, with their nature, &c. ; 2d ed. PI. 109. fob Lond. 1656. de PASS, C. jun. ITortus floridus; in quo rariorum et minus vulgarium florum iconcs ad vivam veramque formam ac- curatissime delineatae, et secundum quatuor anni tempora divisae, exhibentur. T. 112. fob Arnhem. 1614. Horti floridi altera pars; in qua, praeter flores, varia etiam reperiuntur arhorum fructiferarum, &c. genera. T. 60. This second part is bound up with the first part, and is of the same form ; but has no title-page. PAULLI, S. Viridaria varia regia, et academica publica. 12°. ILaJh. 1 653. 108 BOTANY. PAVON, J. vid. Ruiz, H. PEINEN, E. Der Bosensche Garten in Leipzig. 8°. Halle, 1690. PENA, P. vid. Lobel, M. PERFECT, T. The practice of gardening. 8°. Land. 1759. PERSOON, C. H. Coinmentarius in J. C. Sehaefferi fungo- rum Bavariae indigenorum icones pictas. 40. Erlang. 1800. Icones et descriptions fungorum minus cognitorum. Fasc. 1 et 2. T. 14. col. 40. Lips. 1798. Icones picta? rariorum fungorum. T. 18. col. 40. Paris. i8°3. Mycologia Europaea. T. 30. col. 3 v. 8°. Erlang. 1822-8. Synopsis methodica fungorum. Pars prima. T. 5. 8°. Got- ting. 1801. Synopsis plantarum, seu enchiridium botanicum. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1805-7. Traite sur les champignons comestibles. PI. 4. col. 8°. Paris , 1818. PETIT-THOUARS, A. A. Essais sur la vegetation, con- sideree dans le developpement des bourgeons. 8°. Paris, 1809. Histoire d’un morceau de bois, precedee d\m essai sur la seve. 8°. Paris , 1815. Recueil de rapports, &c. sur la culture des arbres fruitiers. PI. 7. 8°. Paris , 1815. Revue gent; rale des materiaux de botanique et autres, ser- vant de prospectus pour les ouvrages qu’il est pret a publier, &c. 8°. Paris, 1819. PETRUS de CRESCENTIIS, Bononiensis. Liber rura- lium commodorum. fol. This book, which is printed in old black letter, with IMS. initial red letters, has no title-page j nor any date at the beginning or end : but it is said at the very conclusion to have been printed “in domo Johannis de Westfalia, alma “ ac florentissima in Universitate Lovaniensi:” and there is subjoined a MS. note, of an early possessor of the book, with the date of 1492. In a note, attached to the book, the late Dr. Williams ex- presses his opinion that it was printed rather subsequently to 1474- The work, which is divided into twelve books, and consists of nearly four hundred pages, treats of every thing connected with agriculture, and rural husbandry and amusements. PEYRE, B. L. Methode analytique-comparative de bo- tanique, appliquee aux genres de plantes phanerogames qui composent la florc Fra liaise. 40. Paris, 1823. BOTANY. 109 PHILLIPS, H. History of cultivated vegetables. 2 v. 8°. 1822. Pomarium Britannicum ; an historical and botanical account of fruits known in Great Britain. 2d ed. PI. 3. col. 8°. Loud. 1821. PISO, G. De Indiae utriusque re naturali. fob Amstel. ( El - zev.) 1658. This volume, in which are also printed a treatise of G. Mar- gravius on Brasil and Chili, and of Bontius on East India, contains about 240 zoological figures, chiefly fish and birds, and 200 botanical. In the treatise of Bontius, p. 70, is a good representation of the dodo, with a very clear descrip- tion of some of its characters. PISO, G. et MARGRAVIUS, G. Historia naturalis Bra- siliae. fol. Amstel. ( Elzev .) 1648. In this work are contained about 230 zoological figures, and nearly 300 botanical. PLANTINUS, C. Plantarum seu stirpium icones. T. 1300. et ultra. 2 v. 40. Antuerp. 1581. FLUIvENET, L. Opera botanica. T. 454. 4 v. 40. Lond. l769- PLUMIER, C. Description des plantes de l’Amerique. PI. 108. col. fol. Paris , 1693. Iterum. PI. 108. fol. Paris , 1713. Plantarum Americanarum fasciculi decern; ed. J. Burmanno. T. 263. fol. Amstel. 1755-60. Traite ties fougeres de FAmerique. Lat. et Gall. PI. 172. fol. Paris , 1705. In pi. 168-170 some corallines are introduced. POHL, J. E. Plantarum Brasiliae icones et descriptions, hactenus ineditae. T. 150. col. vol. 1. et fasc. 3. vol. 2dl. fol. Vindob. 1826-30. POITEAU, A. vid. Risso, A. POLLICII, J. A. Historia plantarum in Palatinatu Electo- ral! sponte nascentium. T. 4. 3 V. 8°. 177 6, 7. POLLINI, C. Flora Veronensis, in prodromum florae Italian septentrionalis exhibita. T. 12. 3 v. 8°. Veron. 1822-4. POLTI, A. De gentianis comensibus. 8°. Tic. Reg. 1832. PONA, J. Descrittione di monte Baldo. T. 91. 40. ( Venet . 1617.) The title-page is wanting ; but there is sufficient evidence that the place and date here given are correct. Eighty- eight of the plates are botanical ; three represent corallines. Plantae quae in Baldo monte, et in via ab Verona ad Baldum reperiuntur. T. 12. Imprimr. in fine “ Caroli Clusii ra- riorum plantarum Historiae. fol. Antuerp. 1601.” 110 BOTANY. 1 ON TEDERA, J. Anthologia, sivc de floris natura. Acce- dunt dissertationes xi. &c. quibus res botanica illustratur. 4°. Patav. 1720. Compendium tabularum botanicarum ; in quo plantar 272, in Italia nuper detecta?, recensentur. Accessit ejusdem epi- stola ad Gul. Sherardum, Anglum. 40. Patav. 1718. PORI A, J. B. Phytognomonica ; vel nova methodus plan- tarum, animalium, metallorum, rerum denique omnium, ex prima extima? faciei inspectione, abditas vires asse- quendi. T. 32. fob Neapoli, 1388. This book is placed in the botanical class because the illustra- tions of the subject are principally taken from a compari- son of various plants, and parts of plants, with parts of the body of man, and of several other animals. PRESL, C. B. Flora Sicula, exhibcns plantas vasculosas, in Sicilia aut sponte crescentes aut frequcntissime cultas, se- cundum systema naturale digestas. vol. 1. 8°. Prance. 1826. PURKINJE, J. E. De cellulis antherarum fibrosis, necnon de granorum pollinarium formis. T. 13. 40. Vratislav. 1830. PURSIT, F. Flora Americae septentrionalis. T. 24. col. 2 v. 8°. Load. 1814. RADDIUS, J. Plantarum Brasiliensium nova genera, et species novae vel minus cognita?. Pars ima. T. 97. fob Florent. 1825. RADIUS, J. De pyrola et chimophila. T. 5. 40. Lips. 1821. RAPIN, R. ITortorum libri quatuor (carmen hexametrum); cum disputatione de cultura hortensi. 40. Paris. 1663. RASPAIL. Essai de chimie microscopique appliquee a la physiologie. Pb 5. 8°. Paris , 1830. The five plates are numbered irregularly, viz. 7, 9, 10, 12 bis, 13- RATZEBURG, J. Observationes ad “ PeloriarunT’ indolem definicndam spectantes. T. 1. 40. Bcrolini. RAUWOLFFUS, L. Plarrtae in Syria, Mesopotamia, &c. observatae annis 1373-5? methodo sexuali dispositae, 110- minibusque specificis insignitte a el. F. Gronovio. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1 755. RAY, J. Historia plantarum : in qua agitur primo de plan- tis in genere, earumque partibus; deinde de methodo, naturae vestigiis insistcnte, eas disponendi : vires denique et usus plantarum compendio traduntur. 3 v. fob Loud. 1686-1704. BOTANY. Ill Methodus plantarum nova, synoptice in tabulis exhibita. 8°. Loud. 1682. Methodus plantarum emendata et aucta. Accedit methodus graminum,juncorum , et cyperorum specialis. 8°. Land. 1703 • Stirpium Europaearum extra Britannias nascentium sylloge. Adjiciuntur catalog! rariorurn Alpinarum, Graecarum, ct Orientalium, &c. 8°. Lond. 1694. REDOUTE, l1. I. Choix des plus belles fleurs prises dans differentes families du regne vegetal, et de quelques branches des plus beaux fruits, & c. PI. 144. col. 40. Paris , 1827. Les liliacees. PI. 485. col. 8 v. fob Paris, 1802-16. Les roses. PI. 169. col., avec le texte par Cl. Ant. Thory. 3 v. fol. Paris, 1817-24. REICIIENBACH, H. G. L. Iconographia botanica; seu icones plantarum rariorurn, et minus rite cognitarum. Centuriae 7. T. 700. col. 40. Lips. 1823-9. This will be a very valuable work when completed and ar- ranged. The figure of each plant is accompanied by some of the details of its structure ; and each plate contains the name of the plant represented, and of the natural order to which it belongs, together with an easy reference to the description. REICIIENBACH, IT. T. L. Monographia generis “aco- niti,” iconibus omnium specierum coloratis illustrata. Lat. et Germ. fol. Lips. 1820. Illustratio specierum 44 aconiti11 generis ; additis 44 delphi- niis” quibusdam. Lat. et Germ. PI. 72. col. fol. Lips. 1823-7. REINWARDT, C. G. C. Uber den Charakter der Vegeta- tion auf den Inseln des indischcn Archipcls. 4°. Berlin , 1828. RETZ, A. J. Observationes botanicae ; cum J. G. Koenig descriptionibus 44 monandriarunT1 et 44 epidendrorum” in India Orientali factis. Ease. sex. T. 19. fol. Lips. 1791. Desideratur tab. 1. fasc. 3tr' “ hippuris.” RHEDE, IT. van. ITorti Malabarici pars prima. Ed. J. ITill. T. 57. 40. Land. 1774. ITortus Malabaricus, dc variis arboribus, &c. Latinis, Mala- baricis, Arabieis, Brachmanum characteribus nominibns- que expressis ; adjecta florum, &e. vera dclineatione et accurata descriptione. T. 794. 12 v. fol. Amstel. 1686- 1703. 112 BOTANY. BICHARD, A. New elements of botany; translated from the French by P. Clinton. 4th ed. PI. 8. 8°. Buhl. 1829. RICHARD, L. C. De coniferis et cycadeis. T. 30. 40. Stutg. 1826. Demonstrations botaniques, ou analyse du fruit considere en general. 120. Paris , 1808. RICHARDSON, W. On florin grass. 8°. Lund. 1814. RICHE, C. A. De chemia vegetabilium. 8°. Avenione , 1786. RISSO, A. et POITEAU, A. Histoire naturelle des oran- gers. PI. 109. col. 40. Paris , 1818. ROBERT, N. vid. Dodart, D. llOCHEL, A. Plantae Banatus rariores; cum mapp. 2. bo- tanico-geographicis. T. 40. fol. Pestini , 1828. The 40th plate contains 80 figures illustrative of the descrip- tive terms of botany. ROELSIUS, T. Epistola ad Carolum Clusium de certis quibusdam plantis ; imprimitur in fine “ Caroli Clusii ra- riorum plantarum Historiae (post Honorii Belli Episto- lam). fol. Aiituerp. 1601.” ROEPER, J. De floribus et affinitatibus Balsiminearum. 8°. Basil. 1830. De organis plantarum. 40. Basil. 1828. ROESSIG, D. Les roses dessinees et enluminees d’apr&s nature; avec une courte description botanique : trad.de 1’Allemand par M. de Lahitte. PI. 60. col. 2 v. 40. Leips. ROQUES, J. Histoire des champignons comestibles et vene- neux. PI. 24- col. 4 °. Paris , 1832. ROSCOE, W. Monandrian plants of the order “ scitami- 11630,” chiefly drawn from living specimens in the botanical garden at Liverpool. PI. 112. col. fol. Liverpool, 1828. Cannae, 46. Scitaminese, 66. ROTH, A. G. Enumeratio plantarum phcenogamarum in Germania sponte nascentium. Pars prima, sectio prior (classis 1-4.) 8°. Lipsice , 1827. Novae plantarum species, praesertim Indiae Orientalis, ex collectione Doct. Benj. Heynii; cum descriptionibus. 8°. Halberst. 1821. Tentamen florae Germanicae. 3 v. 8°. Lips. 1788-1800. BOTANY. 113 ROTTBOLL, C. F. Descriptiones et icones rariorum, et pro maxima parte novarum, plantarum. Lib. imus (plan- tas gramineas continens). T. 21. fob Hafn. 1773* ROUCEL, F. Flore du Nord de la France, ou description des plantes indigenes, &c.; avec leur proprietes dans la medecine, les alimens, et les arts. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1803. ROUILLIUS, G. Flistoria generalis plantarum (cum figuris plurimis ligno incisis). 2 v. fob Lugcl. 1586. The title-page of the first volume, which was a duplicate of the British Museum, is in MS. ROUSSEAU, J. J. Lettres, &c. sur la botanique; avec 65 planches imprimees en couleurs d’apres les peintures de P. J. Redoute. fob Paris , 1805. ROXBURGH, W. Flora Indica ; edited by W. Carey, D.D.; to which are added descriptions of plants more recently discovered by N. Wallich, M. D. 2 v. 8°. Se- rampore , 1820—4. Plants of the coast of Coromandel ; published under the direction of sir Joseph Banks, hart. Ph 300. cob 3 v. fob Lond. 1795-1819. ROYLE, J. F. Illustrations of the botanv and other branches of the natural history of the Himalayan mountains, and of the flora of Cashmere. Pt. 1-4. 2 Z. 36 B. 2 G. 40. Lond. 1833, 4. RUDBECK, O. pater et fib Reliquiae Rudbeckianae ; sive camporum Elysiorum libri primi quae supersunt; cura J. E. Smith. T.35. fob Lond. 1789. RUDGE, E. Plantarum Guianae rariorum icones et descrip- tiones, hactenus ineditae. Fasc. 4. T. 48. Lond. 1805. RUDOLPHI, F. C. L. Systema orbis vegetabilium. 8°. Gryphice , 1830. RUELLIUS, J. De natura stirpium libri tres. fob Paris, J536- RUIZ, H. et PAVON, J. Florae Peruvianae et Chilensis prodromus, sive novorum generum plantarum Peruviana- rum et Chilensium descriptiones et icones. T. 37. fob Madrid, 1794. The whole of every plate is dedicated to the details of the organization of the flower and fruit. Flora Peruviana et Chilensis. T. 326. 3 v. fob Madr. 1798-1802. RUMPHIUS, G. E. Herbarium Amboinense, plurimas com- plectens arbores, be. quae in Amboina et adjacentibus re- periuntur insulis ; quod et insuper exhibet varia insecto- Q 114 BOTANY. rum animaliumque genera. Lat. et Ilelg. Ed. J. Bur- manno. T. 669. 6 v. fol. Amstel. (§*c. 1741— 1750. Ill two plates an insect is introduced 5 in two a bird. Twelve plates represent corallines. Herbarii Amboinensis auctuarium. Ed. J. Burmanno. T. 30. fol. Amstel. 1735. RUPPIUS, H. B. Flora Jenensis. T. 4. 8°. Francof. et Lips. 1726. SAINT-HILAIRE, J. Exposition des families naturelles, et de la germination des plantes. PI. 117. col. 2 v. 40. Paris , 1805. Plantes de la France. PI. 400. col. 4 v. 40. Paris , 1808, 9. The plates are arranged alphabetically, and each contains an illustration of the details of the flower, &c. Traite des arbres forestiers. PI. 90. col. 8°. Paris , 1824. SAINT-HILAIRE, A. de, JUSSIEU, A. de, et CAM- BESSEDES, J. Flora Brasiliae meridionalis. T. 159. col. 2 v. fol. Paris , 1825-9. There is, besides, a part of the 3d vol., containing 31 plates. de SAUSSLTRE, Th. Recherches chimiques sur la vegeta- tion. 8°. Paris, 1 804. SAVI, C. Botanicon Etruscum ; sistens plantas in Etruria sponte crescentes. 4 v. 8°. Pisis, 1808-25. SAVI, G. Rapporto sulla collezione di piante raccolte in Egitto dal naturalista Giuseppe Raddi. 40. Firenze , 1 830. SCHAEFFER, J. C. Fungi qui in Bavaria et Palatinatu circa Ratisbonam nascuntur. Ed. 3tia. T. 330. col. 4 V. 4. Ratisb. 1780. SCHCERER, L. E. Lichenum Helveticorum spicilegium : sect. 1-3. lichenum exsiccatorum fasciculos 8 primos il- lustrantes. 40. Bernce , 1823-8. SCLIEUCHZER, J. Graminum, j uncorum, &c. historia. T. 19. 40. Tiguri , 17 19. SCHIEDE, C. J. G. De plantis Hybridis. 8°. Cassell. Catt. 1825. SCHKUHR, C. Botanisches Handbuch der mehresten Theils in Deutschland wildwachsenden, Theils auslandischen in Deutschland unter freyem Himmel ausdauernden Ge- wachse. T. 358. col. 4 v. 8°. Lcipz. 1808. Genera et species muscorum frondosorum Germanise. T. 40. col. 40. Wittenb. 1810. Vier und zwanzigste Klasse des Linneischen Pflanzensys- tems oder kryptogamische Gewachse. T. 1 73* c°l* 4°« Wittenb. 1809. BOTANY. 115 von SCHLECTENDAL, F. L. Linnaea. Ein Journal fur die Botanik in ihrem ganzen Umfange. 8°. Berlin fy Halle , 1826-34. There are eight volumes and about one half of the ninth vo- lume of this work in the Radcliffe, containing 80 plates. The 15th plate in vol. 7 gives a comparative view of the vegetation of the Peak of Teneriffe, of Etna, and of Mt. Blanc. SCHMIDEL, C. C. leones plantarum et analyses partium aeri ineisa?, &c. cum figurarum explicationibus. Ed. J. C. Keller. T. 75. col. fol. ( Norimb .) 1762-93. SCHMIDT, F. Osterreichs allgemeine Baumzucht, oder Ab- bildungen in-und auslandischer Baume und Strauche, &c. T. 180. col. 3 v. fol. Wien, 1792-1800. SCHNEIDER, J. G. Scriptores “ Rei Rusticae” veteres La- tini. T. 12. 4 V. 8°. Lips. 1794-6. SCHOUW, J. F. Grundtraek til en almindelig Plantegeo- graphie. T. 4. 8°. Kiobenh. 1822. Plantegeographisk Atlas. T. 9. fol. Kiobenh. 1824. Each of the nine engravings represents an outline map of the two hemispheres ; having those parts tinted, which bear particular families of plants. SCHRADER, H. A. Flora Germanica. T. 6. vol. 1. 8°. Gotting. 1806. Horti regii botanici Gottingensis plantae novae et rariores. Fasc. 1 et 2. T. 16. col. fol. Gotting. 1809-11. Nova genera plantarum. Pars prima. T. 6. col. fol. Lips. SCHREBER, J. C. D. Beschreibung der Graser nebst ihren Abbildungen nach der Natur. T. 40. col. fol. Leipz. 1769-79. De Phaseo. T. 2. 40. Lips. 1770. SCHULTES, J. A. Anleitung zum griindlichen Studium der Botanik. 8°. Wien, 1817. Mantissa in voll. 1—3. systematis vegetabilium Caroli a Linne ex editione j. J. Roemer et J. A. Schultes. 3 v. 8°. Stutgardt. 1822-27. SCHULTZ, C. H. Ueber den Kreislauf des Saftes, im Schollkraute und in mehreren andern Pflanzen, &c. nh- kroskopische Beobachtungen und Entdeckungen. T. 1. col. 8°. Berlin, 1823. T. 1. Beech. 2. Vine. 3. Fir. 4. Heath. 5. Corn, &c. 6. Palm. 7. Proteae. 8. Cacti. 9. Plantae compositae. 1 797* 116 BOTANY. SCHWAEGRIGHEN, F. vid. Hedwig, J. et Linn/eus. Species muscorum frondosorum. Pars ima. 8°. Bero- lini , 1830. Specierum “muscorum frondosorumv’ Joannis Hedwig (ope- ris posthumi) supplementum primum. Sect. 1, 2. T. 100. col. 40. Lips. ]8ii-i6. Specierum, &e. supplementum secundum. T. 101-200. col. 2 v. 40. Lips. 1823-7. Specierum, & c. supplementum tertium. T. 201-300. col. 2 v. 40. Lips. 1827-30. SCHWEIGGER, A. F. De plantarum classificatione natu- rali, disquisitionibus anatomicis et physiologicis stabilienda. 8°- Reg iom. 1820. SCHWEINIZ, L. D. de. vid. Albertini, J. B. de. SCFIWERTS, E. Florile gium ; tractans de variis floribus, et aliis Indicis plantis: Lat. Belg. Germ. Gall. T. 67; quarum 41 et 57 absunt. fob Franco/', ad M. 1612. Florilegii pars 2da; tractans de plantis fibrosas radices ha- bentibus ; et arboribus speciosis et odoriferis quae Germa- nise hortos decorant. T. 43; quarum 20, 21, 27, 38, 40 absunt. fob Franco/'. 1614. SEBASTIANI, A. llomanarum plantarum fasciculus alter. Accedit enumeratio plantarum sponte nascentium in rude- ribus amphitheatri Flavii. T. 6. 40. Roma , 1815. SEGUIERIUS, J. F. Bibliotheca botanica, sive catalogus auctorum qui de Re Botanica, &c. tractant. 40. Hagce- Corn. 1740. SENE BIER, J. Memoires physico-chymiqucs, sur l’influence de la lumiere solaire pour modifier les etres des trois regnes de la nature, et surtout ceux du regne vegetal. 3 v. 8°. Geneve , 1782. Physiologic vegetale, contenant une description des organes des plantes, &c. 5 v. 8°. Geneve , 1 800. SEPP, J. C. A representation of inland and foreign wood, as well trees as shrubs; set forth with the Dutch, Ger- man, English, French, and Latin names together. PI. 100. cob 2 v. 40. Amsterd. 1773-91. SERINGE, N. C. Essai dime monographic des sanies de la Suisse. PI. 3. 8°. Berne , 1815. Melanges botaniques. 2 v. 8°. Berne , 1818, et Geneve , 1824. Sur la famille des cucurbitacees. Ph 5. 40. Geneve , 1825. SIBTHORP, J. Flora Graeca: sive plantarum rariorum his- toric quas in provinciis aut insulis Graeciae legit, investiga- vit, et depingi curavit. Edd. J. E. Smith, eq. aur. M. D. et J. Bindley, Ph.D. T. 800. cob 8 v. fob Land. 1806— 35. BOTANY. 117 SIMS, J. vid. Curtis, W. et Konig, C. SINNING, W. vid. Nees von Esenbeck, T. F. L. SLOANE, sir Hans. Catalogus plantarum quae in insula Jamaica sponte proveniunt, vel vulgo coluntur. (titulo caret.) 8°. Lond. 1696? The natural history of Jamaica. 33 Z. 218 B. 2 v. fol. Loud. 1707-25. SMITH, sir J. E. A grammar of botany. PI. 21. col. 8°. Lond. 1821. An introduction to physiological and systematical botany ; 3d ed. PI. 15. col. Lond. 1814. Memoir and correspondence of : ed. by lady Smith. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1832. Exotic botany. PI. 120. col. 2 v. 40. Lond. 1804-5. Florae Graecae prodromus: sive plantarum omnium enume- ratio quas in provinciis aut insulis Graeciae invenit Jo- hannes Sibthorp, M. D. ; cum annotationibus. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1806-13. leones plantarum rarissimarum. T. 18. fol. Lond. 1790. This work, which has no title-page, is dedicated to the mar- chioness of Rockingham. Plantarum iconcs hactenus ineditae, plerumque ad plantas in herbario Linnaeano conservatas delineatae. Fasc. tres. T. 75. fol. Lond. 1789-90. Specimen of the botany of New Holland. PI. 16. col. vol. 1. 40. Lond. 1793. Spicilegium botanicum. Lat. et Engl. Fascic. duo. T. 24. col. fol. Lond. 1792. Tracts relating to natural history. PI, 7. 8°. Lond. 1798. SOMMERFELT, S. C. Supplementum florae Lapponicae quam edidit Dr. G. Wahlenberg. T. 3. col. 8°. Christian. 1826. SPIGELITJS, A. Isagoge in rent herbariam. 120. Lugd. Bat. ( Elzev .) 1633. SPRENGEL, K. vid. Decandolle, A. P. An introduc- tion to the study of cryptogamous plants, in letters : translated from the German. PI. 10. 8°. Lond. 1807. Anleitung zur Kenntniss der Gewachse. T. 25. col. 2 v. 8°. Halle , 1817-18. Antiquitatum botanicarum specimen primum. T. 2. 40. Lips. 1798. De plantis umbelliferis. T. i. 8°. Halce , 1813. Florae Halensis tentamen novum. T. 12. 8°. Ilalce. Sax. 1806. 118 BOTANY. Geschichte der Botanik. T. 8. col. 2 v. 8°. Altenb. Sc Leivz. 1817. Historia rci herbariae. 2 v. 8°. Amstel. 1807. Mantissa prima florae Halensis, addita nova plantarum cen- turia. 8°. Halec, 1807. Neue Entdeckungen im ganzenUmfang der Pflanzenkunde. T. 6. 2 v. 8°. Lcipz. 1820. Observationes botanicae in florara Halensem : mantissa se- cunda. 8°. Hales , 1811. STACKHOUSE, J. Illustrationes Theophrasti. 8°. Oxonii , 1 81 1. STEPHANUS, Carolus. De re hortensi libellus. 8°. Paris, ex off. R. Ste-phani , 1536. Praedium rusticum. 8°. Lutet. ap. Car. Steph. 1554. Seminarium et plantarium. 8°. Paris, ex off. R. Stephanie 1540. STERNBERG, C. comes ab. Catalogus plantarum ad sep- tem varias editiones commentariorum Matthioli in Dios- coridem. fol. Prague, 1821. Revisio saxifragarum. PI. 31. quar. plur. color, fol. Ra- tisb. 1810. Revisionis saxifragarum supplem. 1 et 2. Pl. 2 6. quar. plur. color, fol. Ratisb. 1822-31. STEUDEL, E. Nomenclator botanicus, enumerans ordine alphabetico nomina atque synonyma plantis imposita. 2 v. 8°. Stuttgardt. et Tubing. 1821-4. Vol. 1. Plantse phanerogam*. 2. cryptogam*. STICKMAN, O. Herbarium Amboinense. 40. Upsal. 1754. STILLINGELEET, B. Literary life and select works. PI. 21. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1811. STISSER, J. A. Botanica curiosa ; oder niitzliche An- merckungen wie einige fremde Krauter und Blumen in dem medicinischen Garten zu Helmstadt cultiviret und fortgebracht worden. T. 12. 8°. Helmst. 1697. Plorti medici Ilelmstadiensis catalogus. 8°. Helmst. 1699. STURM, J. vid. Nees von Esenbeck, C. G. Deutschlands Flora in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschreibungen. T. i6go. col. 120. Niirnb. 1798-1834. Phanerogamous plants, 1024. Cryptogamous plants, 576. SWARTZ, O. Adnotationes botanicae; post mortem aucto- ris collectae, &c. a J. E. Wikstrom. Accedit biographia Swartzii. T. 2. 8°. Holm. 1829. BOTANY. 119 Flora Indiae Occidentals aucta ; sive descriptiones plantarum in prodrome recensitorum. T. 29. 3 v. 8°. 1797-1806. leones plantarum in India Occidental! detecta;. Fasc. primus. T. 13. col. fol. Erlang'. 1794. This fasciculus is in an imperfect state ; containing only 13 instead of 25 plates, and the description of no more than the 9 first plates. Observationes botanicae ; quibus plantae Indiae occidentalis aliaeque, systematis vegetabilium ed. I4t;«, illustrantur. T. 11. 8°. Erlang'. 1791. Synopsis filicum ; adjectis lycopodineis, & c. T. 5. 8°. Kilice , 1806. SWITZER, S. A dissertation on the true “ cytisus” of the ancients; 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1735. Compendious method of raising Italian brocoli, &c. ; 5th ed. PI. 2. 8°. Loud. 1731. The practical fruit gardener. PI. 3. 8°. Lond. 1724. TAYLOR, A. A treatise on the ananas or pine-apple. PI. 1. 8°. Devizes , 1769. TENORE, M. Essai sur la geographie physique et bota- nique du royaume de Naples. 2 G. 8°. Naples, 1827. Flora Neapolitana, ossia descrizione delle piante indigene del regno di Napoli, et delle piu rare specie di piante esotiche coltivate ne1 giardini. T. 137. col. 2 voll. et vol.3. p. 1-268. fol. Napoli , 18 1 1. Memoria su di una nuova felce, e su varie altre specie. T. 5. 40. Napoli, 1832. Memoria sulle specie e varieta di crochi della flora Napoli- tana. T. 4. col. 40. Napoli, 1826. Osservazioni sulla flora Virgiliana. 8°. Napoli, 1826. Quadro ragionato delle botaniche Lezioni. 40. Napoli, 1802. Suir “ acero” di Lobel. 40. 1823. Sopra diverse specie del genere “ musa.” 40. 1830. Succinta relazione del viaggio fatto in Abruzzo. &c. nelP esta’ del 1829. 40. Napoli, 1830. Sul pruno “cocumiglia” di Calabria. 40. Napoli, 1828. Sylloge plantarum vascularium florae Neapolitans. 8°. Neapoli, 1831. THEOPHRASTUS. De historia plantarum libri decern, Gr. et Lat. ; cum iconibus rariorum plantarum : accesse- runt J. C. Scaligeri animadversiones. T. 447. fol. Am- stel. 1644. Corallia, 1. Plantse, 446. De historia plantarum ; Graece. Aldus. Titulo caret. Historia plantarum, Graece; cum notis, &c. Ed. J. Stack- house. 2 v. 8°. Oxon. 1813-14. 120 BOTANY. Op. omnia; Graece. Accessit autoris vita ex Diogene Laer- tio. fol. Basil. 1541. Op. omnia; Gr. et Lat. Ed. D. Hcinsius. fol. Lugd. Bat. 1 613- Opera; Gr. et Lat. Ed. J. G. Schneider. < v. 8°. Lins. 1818-21. THOMSON, A. Lectures on the elements of botany. PI. 9. and several wood-engravings, vol. 1. 8°. Lond. 1822. THORNTON, R. J. A new illustration of the sexual sys- tem of Linnaeus. PI. 36. col. fol. Lond. 1807. THOUIN, A. Monographic des greffes. PI. 13. 40. Paris , 1821. THUNBERG, C. P. Dissertationes academicae Upsaliae ha- bitae. T. 20. 3 v. 8°. Gotting. 1799-1801. Flora Capensis, sistens plantas promontorii “ Bonae spei.” Ed. nova. vol. 1. et vol. 2. fasc. duo. 8°. Hcvfn. 1818- 20. Iterum; ed. J. A. Schultes. 8°. Stuttgard. 1823. Flora Japonica, sistens plantas insularum Japonicarum. T. 39. 8°. Lips. 1784. leones plantarum in insulis Japonicis collectarum annis 1 775, 6. Decades 5. fol. Upsal. 1794-1805. TITTMANN, J. A. Die Keimung der Pflanzen durch Resell reibungen und Abbildungen einzelner Saamen und Kennpnanzen. T. 27. 40. Dresd. 1821. TODE, H. J. Fungi Mecklenburgenses selecti. Fasc. 2. T. 17. 40. Lund). 1 790-1. TOURNEFORT, J. P. Institutiones rei herbariae; ed. 3tia, appendicibus aucta ab A. de Jussieu. T. 489. 3 v. 40. 1719. TRATTINNICK, L. Rosacearum monographia. 4 v. 8°. Vindob. 1823. Thesaurus botanicus. T. 80. col. fol. Vienn. 1819. TREVERIS, P. The grete Herbal 1 ; with numerous wood- engravings. fol. Lond. 1526. TllEVIRANUS, L. C. Beytrage zur Pflanzenphysiologie. T. 5. 8°. Gotting. 1811. De ovo vegetabili ejusque mutationibus. 40. Wratislav. 1828. Die Lehre vom Geschlecte der Pflanzen in Bczug auf die neuesten Angriffe erwogen. 8°. Bremen, 1822. Symbolarum phytologicarum fasc. imus. 1.3. 40. Got- ting. 1831. BOTANY. 121 TREW, C. J. Hortus nitidissimis omnem per annum super- biens floribus, sive amoenissimorum florum imagines; quas in aes incisas pinxit J. M. Seligmann. Lat. et Germ. T. 145. col. 2 v. fob Norimb. 1750-72. TRINIUS, C. vid. Liboschitz, J. Clavis agrostographiae antiquioris. 8°. Coburg. 1822. De graminibus unifloris et sesquifloris. T. 5. 8°. Petropoli , 1824. De graminibus paniceis. 8°. Petropoli , 1826. Fundamenta agrostographiae. T. 3. 8°. Vienna, 1820. TUPPER, J. P. An essay on the probability of sensation in vegetables. 8 °. Lond. 1811. TURNER, D. Fuci ; or coloured figures and descriptions of the plants referred by botanists to the genus “ fucus.1’ Lat. and Engl. PI. 258. col. 4 v. fol. Lond. 1808-19. TURNER, W. A new herball ; with the names of herbs in Greek, Latin, Dutch, French, &c. ; with numerous wood- engravings, in 2 parts. Pt. 1. fol. Lond. 155 J- Pt. 2. fol. Collen. 1562. Of the natures of the baths in England, Germany, and Italy, fol. Coll, j 562. DE TUSSAC, F. R. Flore des Antilles, ou histoire generale botanique, rurale et economique, des vegetaux indigenes des Antilles; et des exotiques qu’on est parvenu a y 11a- turaliser. PI. 140. col. 4 v. fol. Paris , 1808—27. Most of the plates in the two last volumes are very inferior to those in the two first. TUSSER, J. Five hundred points of good husbandry; toge- ther with a book of huswifery. A new edition by Wm. Mavor. 40. Lond . 1812. URSINUS, J. H. Arboretum Biblicum ; in quo arbores, &c. in S. Literis occurrentes notis philologicis, &c. illustrantur. T. 15. 8°. Norimb. 1663. USTER, P. Delectus opusculorum botanicorum. T. 10. 2 v. 8°. Argentorat. 1790-3. VAHL, M. Eclogae Americanas ; seu descriptiones planta- rum, praesertim Americas Meridionalis, nondum cognita- rum. Fasc. 3. T. 30. fol. Haun. 1796-1807. Enumeratio plantarum, cum earum differentiis specificis, synonymis selectis, et descriptionibus succinctis. 2 v. 8°. Haun. 1804-5. leones illustrationi plantarum Americanarum, in eclogis de- scriptarum, inservientes. Decas prima. T. 10. fol. Haun. t798. R 122 BOTANY. Symbolae botanicae; sive plantarum quas in itinere, inprimis Orientali, collegit P. Forskal, aliarumque recentius detecta- rum, descriptiones, &c. T. 75. 3 v. fob Harm. 1790-4. VAILLANT, S. Botanicon Parisiense ; operis majoris pro- dituri prodromus. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1723. Botanicon Parisiense. T. 33. fob Lekle et Arnsterd. 1727. VALLEMONT, abbe de. Curiositez de la nature et de Tart sur la vegetation, &e. 2 v. 8°. a Bruxelles , 1715. VALEET, P. Le jardin du roy tres Chrestien Henry 4, roy de France et Navarre. Pb 73. fob Paris , 1608. VANDER, P. leones arborum, fruticum, et herbarum exo- ticarum quarundam ; ut et animalium peregrinorum ra- rissimorum. T. 80. 40. Lugd. Bat. (1730). VANIERIUS, J. Praedium Rusticura. Ed. nova. 8°. To - loses, 1742. VARRO. De Re rustica libri tres; — in fine “ M. Catonis libri de Re rustica. 8°. Paris, ex off. R. Steyhani , 1543, q. v. fob 42.” VAUCHER, J. P. Histoire des conferves d’eau douce; suivie de l’histoire des “ tremelles” et des “ u Ives'” d’eau douce. Pb 17. 40. Geneve , 1805. Monographic des orobanches. Pb 16. 4 Geneve, 1827. VENTENAT, E. P. vid. Bulliard. Choix de plantes, dont la plupart sont cultivees dans le jardin de J. M. Cels. Pb 60. fob Paris , 1803. Description des plantes nouvelles et peu connues, cultivees dans le jardin de J. M. Cels. Pb 100. fob Paris , 1800. Jardin de la Malmaison. Pb 120. cob fob Paj'is , 1803. Tableau du regne vegetal selon la methode de Jussieu. Pb 24. 3 v. 8°. Paris , 1799- VESLINGIUS, J. Observationes et notae ad P. Alpinum de plantis 7Egyptiis, cum additamento aliarum ejusdem regionis. T. 22. 40. Patav. 1638. VIBERT, J. P. Sur la nomenclature, &c. des Roses. 8°. Paris , 1820. VICTORIES, P. Explicationes suarum in Catonem, Var- ronem, Columellam, castigationum. 8°. Paris, ex off.R. Steyhani , 1543. VIVIANI, D. Florae Libycae specimen ; sive plantarum enu- meratio Cyrenaicam regionem, et magnae Syrteos deser- tum, &c. incolentium. T. 27. fob Genua 1, 1824. WADE, W. vid. Miciiaux. On artificial or sown grasses. 8°. Dublin 1808. On meadow and pasture grasses. 8°. Dublin , 1808. BOTANY. 123 On sallows, willows, and osiers. PI. t. col. 8°. Dublin , 1 8 1 1 . WAHLENBERG, G. vid. Sommebfelt, S. C. De vege- tatione et climate in Helvetia septentrionali, intra Rhenum et Arolam. T. 3. 8°. Turici , 1813. Flora Carpatorum principal ium, ex hi bens plantas in monti- bus Carpaticis, inter flumina Waagum et Dunajetz, cres- centes; cum tractatu de altitudine, &c. horum montium. T. 4. 8°. Gotting. 1814. Flora Lapponica, in itineribus 1800-1810 denuo investigata. T. 30, cum mappa botanico-geographica. 8°. Berolini , 1812. Flora Suecica. 2 v. 8°. Upsal. 1824-6. Flora Upsalensis, enumerans plantas circa Upsalam sponte crescentes ; cum mappa geograph ico-botanica regionis. 8°. Upsal. 1820. WALDSTEIN, F. et KITAIBEL, P. Descriptiones et icones plantarum rariorum Hungarias. T. 280. col. 3 v. fol. Vienn. 1802-12. WALLICH, N. Botanical descriptions and lithographic figures of select Nipal plants. PI. 50. fol. Calcutta , 1826. Plantas Asiatic* rariores; or descriptions and figures of a select number of unpublished East Indian plants. PI. 295. col. 3 v. fol. Lond. 1830-2. WALLROTPI, F. W. Annus botanicus, sive supplementum tertium ad C. Sprengelii floram Halensem. T. 6. 8°. Halai , 1815. Naturgeschichte der Saulchen-flechten ; oder monogra- phischer Abschluss liber die Flechten-gattung “ Ceno- myce” Acharii. 8°. Naumberg. 1829. Rosas, plantarum generis, historia. 8°. Nordhuscc , 1828. Schedulae criticae de plantis floras Ilalensis selectis. Corol- larium novum ad C. Sprengelii Floram Halensem. Vol. 1. Phanerogamia. T. 5. 8°. Hcdcc , 1822. WARTON, S. Schola botaniea, sive catalogus plantarum in horto regio Parisiensi ; et P. Hermanni paradisi Batavi prodromus. 120. Amstel. 1689. WEBER, F. et MOIIR, M. PI. Deutschlands krypto^a- mische Gewachse. Filices ; Musci frondosi et hcpatici. T. 12. col. 120. Kiel , 1807. WEIGEL, C. E. Observationes botanicae. T. 3. 40. Gry- phiae , 1772. 124 BOTANY. WEIHE, A. et NEES ab ESENBECK, C. G. Rubi Ger- manici. T. 53. fol. Bonn. 1822. In each plate a part of the stem of the plant represented, and a separate leaf and flower, are coloured ; the rest being in uncoloured outline. WENDLAND, H. L. vid. Bartling, F. T. De acaciis apbyllis. T. T4. 40. Hannov. 1820. Descriptiones plantarum novarum vel minus cognitarum. 8°. Got ting. 1825. WENDLAND, J. C. Plantae rariores quae in horto regio Herrenhusano prope Hanoveram coluntur. Fasc. 1-4. T. 24. col. fob Hannov. 1798-1801. WEPFERUS, J. J. Cicutae aquaticae historia. 40. Basil. 1679. WESTMACOTT, W. A scripture herbal. 120. Lond. J694. WESTON, R. The universal botanist and nurseryman; 2cl ed. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1777. Tracts on practical agriculture and gardening ; with a chro- nological catalogue of English authors on agriculture, &c. ; 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1773. WIBEL, A. W. E. C. Primitiae florae Werthemensis. 8°. Jence, 1799. WIEGMANN, A. F. Uber die Bastarderzeugung im Pflan- zenreiche. T. 1. 40. Braunsw. 1828. WIGHT, R. Illustrations of Indian botany; being a sup- plement to the botanical miscellany. PI. 19. col. (described in vol. 2. p. 90-344. of the botanical miscellany). 40. Lond. 1831. WIKSTROM, J. E. vid. Swartz, O. Conspectus litte- raturae botanicae in Suecia, ab antiquissimis temporibus usque ad finem anni 1831. 8n. Holm. 1831. Dissertatio botanica de Daphne. Ed. alt. 40. Stockholm, 1820. WILLDENOW, C. L. Enumeratio plantarum horti regii botanici Berolinensis. 8°. Berolini, 1809. Enumeratio, &c. Supplementum posthumum. 8°. Bero- lini, 1813. Historia Amaranthorum. T. 12. col. fol. Ttirici, 1790. Hortus Berolinensis; sive icones et descriptiones plantarum rariorum, vel minus cognitarum, quae in horto regio bo- tanico Berolinensi excoluntur. T. 108. col. fol. Berolini, 1816. Phytographia ; seu descriptio rariorum, et minus cognitarum plantarum. T. 10. fol. Erlang. 1794* BOTANY. 125 WITHERING, W. Miscellaneous tracts; with a memoir of his life, character, and writings. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1822. ZANONI, J. Rariorum stirpium historia: ex parte olim edita; nunc centum plus tabulis ampliata. Ed. C. Mon- tio. T. 185. fol. Bonon. 1742. ZUCCARINI, J. G. Monographic der amerikanischen Oxalis-arten. T. 6. 40. 1825. BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. ABBOT, C. Flora Bedfordiensis. PI. 6. 8°. Bedford, 1798. ABERDEENSHIRE. See Keith, G. S. AGRICULTURE; see Gray, A. and Sinclair, rt. bon. sir J. bart. Agricultural state of the kingdom in Febru- ary, March, and April, 1816. 8°. Loud. 1816. AGRICULTURE, board of. Communications on subjects relative to the husbandry and internal improvement of the country. 1 Z. (vol. 6. p.364.) 2 B. (vol. 4. p.406.) 2 B. (vol. 6. p. 116.) 7 v. 40. Load. 1797-1813. ALBIN, E. A natural history of English song-birds; with the figures of the male, female, and egg, of each species. 3d ed. PI. 22. 8°. Lond. 1759. ANGUSSHIRE, or FORFARSHIRE. See Headrick, J. AQUA5 (minerales). De Thermis Bathonicis tractatus ; in fine “ Mercurii Botanici Thomae Johnson. 8°. Lond. 1634.” ARGYLLSHIRE. See Smith, J. ARTIS, E. T. Antediluvian phytology, illustrated by a collection of the fossil remains of plants peculiar to the coal formations of Great Britain. PI. 24. 40. Lond. 1825. ATKINSON, J. A compendium of the ornithology of Great Britain, with a reference to the anatomy and physiology of birds. 8°. Lond. 1820. BAILEY, J. General view of the agriculture of the county of Durham. 8°. Lond. 1810. BAILEY, J. and CULLEY, G. General view of the agri- culture of the county of Northumberland. 6 Z. 8°. Lond. 1 797- Again. 3d ed. 6 Z. 8°. Lond. 1805. BANFFSHIRE. See Sowter, D. BANKS, sir Joseph, bart. A short account of the blight, &c. in corn; with a coloured plate; printed with, and form- ing a part (pp. 99-114) of “ Curtis’s practical observations on British grasses. 8°. Lond. 1812.” BARBUT, J. Les genres des insectes de Linne constates par divers echantillons d’insectes d’Angleterre ; in Eng- lish and French. PI. 22. 40. Lond. 1781. Plates 18, 19, 20 represent spiders and various other animals not belonging to the class of insects. Plates 21 and 22 illustrate the structure of insects. BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. 127 BARTON, R. Lectures on the petrifications, &c. of Lough Neagh, & c. in Ireland. 4 G. 40. Dublin , 1 75 1 - BATCHELOR, T. General view of the agriculture of the county of Bedford. 8°. Loud. 1808. BATHS. See Aqile, and JOHNSON, T. BAXTER, W. British phaenogamous botany; or figures and descriptions of the genera of British flowering plants. 2d ed. PI. 80. col. vol. 1. 8°. Oxford , 1834. de BEAUMONT, E. Yid. Dufrf.noy. BEDFORDSHIRE. See Batchelor, T. BENETT, miss E. A catalogue of the organic remains of the county of Wilts. PI. 18. 40. Warminster , 1 83 j . A catalogue of Wiltshire fossils, fol. 1831. BERKELEY, rev. M. J. Gleanings of British algae; being an appendix to the supplement to English botany. PI. 20. col. 8°. Lond. 1833. BEIIKENHOUT, J. Synopsis of the natural history of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 v. 8°. Loud. 1789. BERKSHIRE. See Mavoe, W. BERWICKSHIRE. See Kerr, R. BEWICK, T. General history of quadrupeds. 5th ed. Newcastle on Tyne , 1 807 . History of British birds ; the figures engraven on wood by the author. 2 v. 8°. Newcastle , 1797-1804. Supplement to the history of British birds. Pt. 1. Land-birds. PI. 20. Pt. 2. Water-birds. PI. 18. 8°. Newcastle, 1821. BILLINGSLEY, J. General view of the agriculture of the county of Somerset. 2d ed. 8°. Bath , 1798. BIRD, J. See Young, rev. G. BLACKSTONE, J. Fasciculus plantarum circa Harefield sponte nascentium. 8°. Lond. 1737. Specimen botanicum, quo plantarum plurium rariorum An- glias loci natales illustrantur. T. 2. 8°. Lond. 1746. BOATE. G. Ireland’s natural history ; ed. by Samuel Hart- lib, esq. 8°. Lond. 1652. BOATE, G. and MOLYNEUX, T. Natural history of Ireland. 1 Z. 6 G. 4 °. Dublin, 17 55. BOLTON, J. History of funguses growing about Halifax. PI. 138. col. 3 v. 40. Huddersfield, 1788, 9. An appendix to the History of funguses growing about Ha- lifax, forming a 4th volume. PI. 139-182. col. 40. Hud- dersfield, 1791. 128 BRITISH, NATURAL HISTORY. History of the British proper ferns. PI. 1-3 1. col. 40. Leeds. History of the British ferns ; pt. 2, with an appendix to the first part. PI. 32-46. col. 40. Huddersfield, 1790. BORLASE, W. On the ancient and present state of the islands of Scilly. PL 3. 40. Oxford , 1756. The natural history of Cornwall. 3 Z. 1 B. 9 G. fol. Oxford, 1738 . BOT.ANY. The botanist’s guide through the counties of Northumberland and Durham. 2 v. 8°. Newcastle on Tyne , 1803. BOUE, A. Essai geologique sur l’Ecosse. PI. 7. et cartes 2. 8°. Paris. BOWDICH, Mrs. T. E. The fresh-water fishes of Great Britain. Nos. 1-8. PI. 32. col., with descriptions. 40. Lond. 1828-33. BOYS, J. A general view of the agriculture of the county of Kent. 1 Z. 8°. Lond. 179 6. Again. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1803. BRANDER, G. Fossilia Hantoniensia, in Musaso Britan- nico deposita. T. 10. 40. Lond. 17 66. BREAD. Report from the committee (of the house of com- mons) on laws relating to the manufacture, sale, and as- size of bread, fol. June , 1813. BROWN, R. General view of the agriculture of the West- riding of Yorkshire. 8°. Edinb. 1799. BROWN, T. Illustrations of the conchology of Great Bri- tain and Ireland. PI. 33. col. 40. Edinb. 1827. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. See Priest, rev. St. John. CAITHNESSHIRE. See Henderson, J. CHESHIRE. See Holland, H. CHILDREY, J. Britannia Baconica, or the natural rarities of England, Scotland, and Wales. 8°. Lond. 1662. CLYDESDALE, county of. See Naismith, J. COINS. Report of the lords of the committee of council re- specting the state of the coins of this kingdom, fol. May , 1816. CONYBEARE, rev. W. D. and PHILLIPS, W. Out- lines of the geology of England and Wales ; with a com- pendium of the general principles of that science, and comparative views of the structure of foreign countries ; illustrated by a coloured map and sections, &c. 8°. Lond. 1822. BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. 129 CORN LAWS. Report from the select committee (of the house of commons) on petitions relating to the corn-laws of this kingdom, fol. July, 1814. Reports (from the committees of the house of lords) respect- ing grain and the corn-laws. fol. November, 1814. CORN TRADE. Report from the select committee (of the house of commons) appointed to inquire into the corn- trade of the united kingdom, fol. May, 1813. CORNWALL, county of. See Worgan, G. B. CROMARTYSHIRE. See Mackenzie, sir G. S. bart. CULLUM, T. G. baronettus. Florae Anglicae specimen in- editum. pp. 104. 8°. 1774. CUMBERLAND. See Robinson, T. CURTIS, J. British entomology; containing coloured figures of the most rare and beautiful species of insects; and, in many instances, of the plants upon which they are found. PI. 530. col. 11 v. 8°. Lond. 1824-34. CURTIS, W. Flora Londinensis; or plates and descrip- tions of such plants as grow wild in the environs of Lon- don, with their places of growth, &c. and their several uses in medicine, &c. PI. 432. col. 3 v. fol. Lond. 1777. Flora Londinensis : containing a history of the plants indi- genous to Great Britain, illustrated by figures of the na- tural size. A new edition, enlarged by George Graves, F. L. S. PI. 647. col. 5 v. fol. Loud. 1817-28. Practical observations on the British grasses. 5th ed. PI. 6. col. 8°. Lond. 1812. CYMMRODORION SOCIETY. See Pennant, T. DA COSTA, E. M. British conchology ; in French and English. PI. 17. col. 40. Lond. 1778. DALE, S. An appendix to “ the history of Harwich and Dovercourt by S. Taylor. 2tl ed. p. 257-456. Lond. I732.1’ DALYELL, J. G. Observations on some interesting phe- nomena in several species of Planariae. PI. 1. col. 8°. Edinb. 1814. DANIELL, A. R. A. Illustrations of the island of Staffa, in a series of views, with geological descriptions. PI. 9. col. fol. Lond. 1818. DAVIES, FI. Welsh botanology, part the first. A system- atic catalogue of the native plants of Anglesey. PI. 1. 8°. Lond. 1813. DAVIES, W. General view of the agriculture and domestic economy of North Wales. 8°. Lond. 1810. General view, &c. of South Wales. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1815. s 130 BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. DAVIS, T. General view of the agriculture of Wiltshire, i Z. 8°. Loud. 1 8 l i. DAA IS, W. A complete treatise on land-surveying;. 2d ed 8«. Lond. 1802. DAW , sir H. hart. Salmonia: or days of fly-fishing. Nine wood -engravings. 8°. Lond. 1828. DEERING, C. A catalogue of plants naturally growing in different parts of England, more especially about Not- tingham. 8°. Nottingham , 1738. DE LA BECHE, H. T. A tabular and proportional view of the superior, supermedial, and medial rocks ( tertiary and secondary rocks). 2d ed. Lond. 1828. DERBYSHIRE. See Farey, J. DERIIAM, W. Insectorum Anglias naturalishistoria. T. 100. col., ab Eleazare Albin pictaj. 40. Lond. 1731. The insects are represented in their three states of larva, chrysalis, and imago; with the plant on which the larva usually feeds. DEVONSHIRE. See Vancouver, C. DICKSON, J. Plantarum cryptogamicarum Britanniae fas- ciculi quatuor. T. 12. 40. Lond. 1785-1801. DICKSON, R. W. General view of the agriculture of Lan- cashire. 8°. Lond. 1815. DILLENIUS, J. J. Hortus Elthamensis; seu plantarum rariorum quas in horto suo Elthami in Cantio coluit Jaco- bus Sherard. PI. 325. 2 v. fob Lond. 1732. Iterum. PI. 324. col. 2 v. fob Lond. 1732. DILLWYNN, L. W. Botanist’s guide through England and Wales, by Turner and Dillwyn. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1805. British confervse; or coloured figures and descriptions of the British plants referred by botanists to the genus “ con- ferva.” PI. 116. cob g°. Lond. 1809. Memoranda relating to coleopterous insects found in the neighbourhood of Swansea. 8°. Szcansea , 1829. DONOVAN, E. Natural history of British quadrupeds, both wild and domesticated. PI. 72. col. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1820. Natural history of British birds, Ph 244. cob 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1794-7. Natural history of British fishes. PI. 120. cob 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1 808. Natural history of British insects. PI. 57 6. cob 16 v. 8°. Lond. 1802-13. Natural history of British shells. PI. 180. cob 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1799-1803. BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. 131 DORSETSHIRE. See Stevenson, W. DOUGLAS, R. General view of the agriculture in the counties of Roxburgh and Selkirk. 2 Z. 8°. Edinb. 1798. DUBLIN. See Rutty, J. DUBOURDIEU, rev. J. Statistical survey of the county of Antrim. 1 Z. 13 G. 8°. Dublin , 1812. DUDLEY. Trilobites of the Dudley limestone, and fossils of the neighbourhood. PI. 2. 40. Lond. 1827. DUDLEY, D. Iron made with pit-coal, sea-coal, &c. 8°. Lond. ] 663. DUFRENOY, and DE BEAUMONT, E. Voyage metal- lurgique en Angleterre. PI. 17. 40. 8°. Paris , 1827. DUMBARTONSHIRE. See Whyte, A. and Macfar- LAN, D. DUMFRIESSHIRE. See Singer, Dr. DUNCUMB, J. General view of the agriculture of the county of Hereford. 8°. Lond. 1805. DURHAM, county of. See Bailey, J. EAST LOTHIAN, county of. See Somerville, R. EDINBURGH. Catalogus arborum et fruticum in horto Edinensi crescentium, anno 1778. 8°. Edinb. 1778. ELKINGTON, J. See Johnstone, J. ELLIS, J. On the corallines, &c. commonly found on the coasts of Great Britain and Ireland. PI. 39. 40. Lond. I755- ENGLEFIELD, sir PL C. hart. A description of the prin- cipal picturesque beauties, antiquities, and geological phe- nomena, of the Isle of Wight. PI. 50. 40. Lond. 1816. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, of LONDON. Trans- actions of. PI. 10. col. vol. 1. 8°. Lond. 1812. ESSEX, county of. See Young, A. FAREY, J. sen. On the agriculture and minerals of Derby- shire. 5 G. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1815-17. P AUJAS-SAINT-FOND, B. Voyage en Angleterre, en Ecosse, et aux lies Hebrides. 1 B. 4 G. 2 v. 8°. Ge- neve, 1797. FENWICK, T. On subterraneous surveying and the mag- netic variation of the needle. 8°. Newcastle-upon-Tyne , 1804. FIFESPIIRE. See Thomson, J. 132 BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. FISHERIES, British. Reports of the committee (of the house of commons) on the British herring-fisheries, fol. June, 179 8- April, 1815. Reports from the select committee on the salmon- fisheries of the united kingdom, fol. June , 1824 -June, 1825. FITTON, W. H. A geological sketch of the vicinity of Hastings; with nine wood-enoravinffs of fossils, &c. and a coloured plate of geological sections. 12°. Loud. 1833. FLEMING, J. History of British animals; including in- digenous, extirpated, and extinct; and periodical visitants. 8°. Edinb. 1828. FORBES, J. Hortus Woburnensis. A descriptive catalogue of more than six thousand ornamental plants cultivated at Woburn Abbey. PI. 27. 8°. Lond. 1833. FORFARSHIRE. See Headrick, J. FORSTER, T. Observations on the natural history of swal- lows; with figures of five species: to which is added a general catalogue of British birds, with the provincial names. 6th ed. 8°. Lond. 1817. Synoptical catalogue of British birds; forming a book of reference to “ Observations on British Ornithology .r’ 8°. Lond. 1817. FORSTER, T. F. Flora Tonbrigensis. T. 8. 8°. Lond. 1 8 r6. FORSTER, W. A treatise on a section of the strata from Newcastle-upon-Tyne to the mountain of Cross Fell in Cumberland. 2d ed. 8°. Alston, 1821. FRASER, R. Gleanings in Ireland. 8°. Lond. 1802. FREEMAN, S. Select specimens of British plants. PI. 10. col., with descriptions, fol. Lond. 1797* GALLOWAY. See Smith, S. GALPINE, J. A synoptical compend of British botany, arranged after the Linnean system. 2d ed. 8°. Liver- pool, 1819. GEOLOGY. Coloured geological views and sections in Es- sex and Hertfordshire; between London and Cambridge; of Norfolk; and through Suffolk to Ely. Section of strata in Surrey, dipping north ward 4 and of strata in Sussex, dipping southward. Published by J. Cary, Lond. 8' 9- . Geological view and section through Dorsetshire and Somer- setshire to Taunton. Published by J. Cary , Lond. 18 1 9. Section of the strata through Hampshire and Wiltshire to Bath. Published by J. Cary, Lond. 1819. BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. 133 GLOUCESTERSHIRE. See Rudge, T. GOULD, rev. W. An account of English ants. 8°. Loud. 1 747* GRAHAM, P. General view of the agriculture of Stirling- shire. 8°. Edinb. 1812. GRAIN. See Corn Laws. GRAVES, G. British ornithology; with a coloured repre- sentation of every known species of British birds. 2 v. 8°. 1811. Monograph on the British grasses. PI. 48. col. 8°. Lond. i822, 3. Ovarium Britannicum ; being a correct delineation of the eggs of birds of Great Britain. PI. 15. col. 8°. Lond. 1816. GRAY, A. Engravings, with explanations, of the most im- portant implements of husbandry used in Scotland. PI. 16. 40. Edinb. 1814. GRAY, S. F. A natural arrangement of British plants, ac- cording to their relations to each other, as pointed out by Jussieu, &c. PI. 2i. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1821. GREENOUGH, G. B. A coloured geological map of Eng- land ; accompanied by a memoir. Lond. 1819. Memoir of a geological map of England. 40. Lond. 1820. GREVILLE, R. K. Algae Britannicae; or descriptions of the marine and other articulated plants of the British islands belonging to the order “algae.” PI. 19. col. 8°. Edinb. 1830. Flora Edinensis. T. 3. 8°. Edinb. 1824. Scottish cryptogamic flora, or descriptions of plants belong- ing chiefly to the order “ fungi.” PI. 360. col. 6 v. 8°. Edinb. 1823-8. GRIFFITH, R. jun. Geological and mining report on the Leinster coal district; with a map and sections. 8°. Dub- lin, 1814. Geological and mining survey of the Connaught coal district in Ireland. 8°. Dublin , 1818. HAMILTON , rev. W. Letters concerning the northern coast of the county of Antrim. 4 G. 8°. Dublin , 1790. HAMPSHIRE, including the Isle of Wight. See Van- couver, C. HARRIS, M. An exposition of English insects, including the several classes of neuroptera, hymenoptera, and diptera ; in English and French. PI. 50. col. 40. Lond. 1782. 134 BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. An exposition of English insects, &c. ; accompanied by figures, occupying fifty pages, which were painted at Mr. Martyn’s academy for illustrating and painting na- tural history. 4 °. Lond. j 79 1 . Natural history of English moths and butterflies, together with the plants on which they feed ; in English and French. PI. 44. col. M. Lond. 1766. HART, J. Of the skeleton of the fossil-deer of Ireland. PI. 2. 8°. Dublin , 1825. HASSALL, C. General view of the agriculture of the county of Monmouth. 8°. Lond. 1812. HAWORTH, A. H. Lepidoptera Britannica; sistens di- gestionem novam insectorum “ lepidopterorum” cjuae in Magna Britannia reperiuntur, larvarum pabulo, tempore pascendi, &c. Adjunguntur dissertationes variae ad histo- riam naturalem spectantes. 8°. Lond. 1803-1828. HEADRICK, J. General view of the agriculture of the county of Angus, or Forfarshire. 8°. Edinb. 1813. View of the mineralogy, &c. of the island of Arran. 8°. Edinb. 1807. HEATH, II. An account of the islands of Seilly ; with a general account of Cornwall. 8°. Lond. 1750. HEBRIDES; and HIGHLANDS OF SCOTLAND. See Walker, J. HENDERSON, J. General view of the agriculture of the county of Caithness; with an appendix. 8°. Lond. 1812. General view of the agriculture of the county of Sutherland. 8°. Lond. 1812. IIENNAH, rev. R. On the lime-rocks of Plymouth.; with eleven lithographic plates of some of the most remarkable of the animal remains found in them. 8°. Plymouth. HEREFORDSHIRE. See Duncumb, J. HERTFORDSHIRE. See Young, A. HEWITSON, W. C. British oology, or illustrations of the eggs of British birds; with descriptions of their nests. PI. 81. col. 8°. Neivcastle-on-Tyne , 1831-5. HIBBERT, S. A description of the Shetland islands. 17 G. 40. Edinb. 1822. HILL, sir John. British herbal : an history of plants and trees, natives of Britain, cultivated for use or raised for beauty. PI. 75* fob Ijond. 1756. Flora Britannica. T. 30. 8°. Lond. 1760. BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. 135 IIOUGSON, rev. J. An account of the explosion in Brand- ling main colliery at Felling, near Newcastle-on-Tyne, on M ay 25 , 1 8 1 2 . :i 20 . Newcastle , 1813. HOLLAND, H. General view of the agriculture of Che- shire. 8°. Lond. 1808. HOLMES, J. H. H. On the coal-mines of Durham and Northumberland. 3 G. 8°. Lond. 18 1 6. HOLT, J. General view of the agriculture of the county of Lancaster. 4 Z. 8°. Lorul. 1795. HOOKER, W. J. British flora ; comprising the flowering- plants and the ferns. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1830—33. British Jungermanniae ; with microscopical analyses of the parts of each species. PI. 88. col. fol. Lond. 1816. Flora Scotica, according both to the artificial and natural arrangement. 8°. Lond. 1821. HOOKER, W. J. and TAYLOR, T. Muscologia Britan- nica; containing the mosses of Great Britain and Ireland. PI. 31 . 8°. Lond. 1818. Again ; with coloured plates. HOPKIRK, T. Indigenous plants of the banks of the Clyde and vicinity of Glasgow. 8°. Glasgow, 1813. • IIORTUS. Catalogus plantarum horti medici Oxoniensis, Latino- Anglicus et Anglico-Latinus. 8°. Oxon. 1648. Catalogus horti botanici Oxoniensis; opera socia Philippi Stephani, M. D.; Gul. Brounei, A. M. ; et D. Boberti (Bobarti), hortulani academici. 8°. Oxon. 1658. HOW, Gul. Phytologia Britannica. 8°. Lond. 1650. HUDSON, Gul. Flora Anglica; cum differcntiis specierum plantarum, tempore florendi, &c. 8°. Lond. 1762. Iterum. Ed. alt. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 17 78. HUNT, J. British ornithology; with coloured plates. 3 v. 8°. (the 3d not complete) Norwich, 1815-22. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. See Parkinson, II. HUTTON, W. See Lixdi.ey, J. INVERNESS-SHIRE. See Robertson, J. IRELAND. The first report of the commissioners appointed to inquire into the nature and extent of the several Bogs in Ireland, and the practicability of draining and culti- vating them. fol. June, 20, 1810. JACOB, E. Plantae Favershamienses. T. 1. 8°. Lond. 1777. 136 BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. JAMESON, R. A mineralogical description of the county of Dumfries; with a map, and four geological sections. 8°. Edinb. 1805. Mineralogy of the Scottish isles; with maps, and 14 plates. 2 v. 40. Edinb. 1800. JOHNSON, T. Mercurius botanicus, sive plantarum gratia suscepti itineris anno 1634 descriptio. Accessit de Ther- mis bathonicis tractatus, ejusdem authoris. 8°. Lond. 1 634* JOHNSTON, G. A flora of Berwick-upon-Tweed. PI. 8. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1829—31. JOHNSTONE, J. An account of the mode of draining land, according to the system of Mr. Joseph Elkington. PI. 14. 40. Lond. 1797. Again. PI. 14. 8°. Lond. 1801. JONES, rev. J. P. A botanical tour in Devon and Corn- wall. 8°. Exeter , 1820. Flora Devoniensis, by the rev. J. P. Jones and J. F. King- ston. 8°. Lond. 1829. KEITH, G. S. A general view of the agriculture of Aber- deenshire. 8°. Aberdeen, 1811. KENT, county of. See Boys, J. KENT, N. General view of the agriculture of the county of Norfolk. 1 Z. 8°. Norfolk , 1796. Hints to gentlemen of landed property. A new edition. 8°. Lond. 1793. K’EOGH, rev. J. Botanologia universalis Hibernica. 40. Cork, 1 735. _ Zoologia medicinalis Hibernica. 8°. Dublin , 1739. KERR, R. General view of the agriculture of the county of Berwick. 8°. Lond. 1809. KINCARDINESHIRE, or the MEARNS. See Robert- son, G. KINGSTON, J. F. See Jones, rev. J. P. KIRBY, rev. W. Monographia apum Anglife ; with intro- ductory remarks upon the class “ hymenoptera.” PI. 18; of which 4 are coloured. 2 v. 8°. Ipswich , 1802. The coloured plates represent the insects themselves ; the. uncoloured represent the structure of their several organs. KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE. See Smith, S. KLAPROTH, M. IT. On the mineralogical and chemical history of the fossils of Cornwall ; translated from the German by John Gottlieb Groschke, M. D. PI. 1. 8°. Lond. 1787. BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. 137 KNAPP, J. L. Gramina Britannica; or representations of the British grasses, with descriptions. PI. 1 19. col. 4". Lond. 1804. KNIGHT, T. A. Pomona Herefordiensis ; or a description of the old cider and perry fruits of Herefordshire. PI. 30. col. 40. Lond. 18 11. LANCASHIRE. See Dickson, R. W. and Holt, J. LEACH, W. E. Malacostraca podophthalmata Britanniae; or descriptions of such British species of the Linnean genus “ cancer” as have their eyes elevated on footstalks. N°. 1— 1 7 . PI. 47. col. fol. Lond. 1815-20. LEICESTERSHIRE. See Pitt, W. LEIGH, C. The natural history of Lancashire, Cheshire, and the peak in Derbyshire. 4 Z. 1 B. 5 G. fol. Ox- ford, 1700. LESLIE, W. General view of the agriculture in the counties of Nairn and Moray. 8°. Lond. 18 11. LEWIN, W. The birds of Great Britain, with their eggs, accurately figured. PI. 327. col. 7 v. 40. Lond. 1789-94. Of these plates 275 represent the birds; and 52, their eggs. Order 1. Rapacious, 31. Order 5. Gallinaceous, 11. 2. Pies, 26. 6. Waders, 50. 3. Passerine, 71. 7. Fin-footed, 9. 4. Columbine, 3. 8. Web-footed, 76. In this arrangement the “pies” include the woodpecker, and other of the scansores. The insects of Great Britain engraved and painted from nature, with the natural history of each species ; in English and French. PI. 46. col. vol. 1. 40. Lond. 1795. LIGHTEOOT, rev. J. Flora Scotica. 5 Z. 30 B. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1777. LINCOLNSHIRE. See Young, A. LINDLEY, J. A synopsis of the British flora, arranged according to the natural orders, containing vasculares, or flowering-plants. 8°. Lond. 1829. LINDLEY, J. and HUTTON, W. The fossil flora of Great Britain. N°. 1-16. PI. 156. 8°. Lond. 1831-5. LISTER, M. Animalium Angliae historiae tractatus tres; ius. De Araneis. 2dus. De Cochleis terrestribus. 3ius. De Cochleis marinis : et tractatus De Lapidibus ad cochlea- rum quandam imaginem figuratis. T. 9. 40. Lond. 1678. Appendix ad historiae animalium Angliae tres tractatus, &c. T. 1. 40. Ebor. 1681. LONDONDERRY. See Sampson, G. V. T 138 BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. LOUDON, J. C. Hortus Britannicus. Pt. i. The Linnean arrangement. Pt. 2. The Jussieuean arrangement. 8°. Lond. 1830. LOW, rev. G. Fauna Orcadensis; from a MS. in the pos- session of W. E. Leach, M. 1). 40. Edinb. 1813. LOWE, R. General view of the agriculture of the county of Nottingham. 8°. Lond. 1 798. LLOYD, E. Fossilium Britannicorum distributio classica. T. 25. 8°. Lond. 1699. Iterum. T. 29. Ed. altera. 8°. Oxonii , 1760. LYONS, J. jun. Fasciculus plantarum circa Cantabrigian! nascentium, quae post Raium observatae fuere. 8°. Lond. MACCULLOCH, J. A description of the western islands of Scotland, including the Isle of Man. PL 33. and 10 maps. 2 v. 8°. and 1 v. 40. Lond. 1819. MACF ARLAN, D. See Whyte, A. MACKENZIE, sir G. S. hart. A general view of the agri- culture of the counties of Ross and Cromarty. 8°. Lond. 1810. MAMMATT, E, On the Ashby coal-field, in the parish of Ashby-de-la-Zouch and the neighbouring district; with numerous geological sections, and 102 coloured plates. 40. Lond. 1834. MAN, Isle of. See Quayle, T. MANTELL, G. Fossils of the South Downs; or illustra- tions of the geology of Sussex. PI. 42, and a few wood- engravings. 40. Lond. 1822. Geology of the south-east of England. Wood-engravings, 56. 8°. Lond. 1833. Illustrations of the geology of Sussex, with figures, &c. of the fossils of Tilgate forest. PI. 25. 40. Lond. 1827. MARSHAM, T. Entomologia Britannica, sistcns insecta Britannipe indigena secundum method um Linnaeanam dis- posita. Coleoptera. vol. 1. 8°. Lond. 1802. MARTIN, B. The natural history of England. 1 Z. 2 G. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1759-63. MARTIN, M. Description of the western islands of Scot- land; 2d ed. PI. 1. 8°. Lond. 1716. MARTIN, P. J. A geological memoir on a part of western Sussex. 2 maps and 2 geological sections coloured. 40. Lond. 1828. BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. 139 MARTIN, W. Petrificata Derbiensia. T. 54’ 4°* Wigan, 1809. MARTYN, T. Catalogus horti botanici Cantabrigiensis. 8°. Cantabr. 1771. Catalogue of plants which grow wild in the county of Cam- bridge, and in many parts of England and Wales. 8°. Land. 1763. Mantissa plantarum horti botanici Cantabrigiensis. 8°. Cantabr. 1772. Methodus plantarum circa Cantabrigiam nascentium. 8°. Lond. 1727. Natural history of spiders ; including the principal parts of the work on English spiders by Eleazar Albin ; as also the whole of the publication on Swedish spiders by Charles Clerk. T. 28. col. 40. Lond. 1793. The English entomologist ; exhibiting all the coleopterous insects found in England. PI. 42. col. 40. Lond. 1792. MATON, W. G. On the natural history, &c. of the western counties of England. 2 v. 8°. Salisbury, 1797. MAYOR, W. General view of the agriculture of Berkshire. 8°. Lond. 1809. MERRETT, C. Pinax rerum naturalium Britannicarum. 8°. Lond. 1667. Pinax, &c. ; ed. 2da. (sed titulo tantum novo). 8°. Lond. 1667. MIDDLESEX. See Middleton, J. MIDDLETON, J. View of the agriculture of Middlesex. 8°. Lond. 1798. MID-LOTHIAN, county of. See Robertson, G. MONMOUTHSHIRE. See Hassall, C. MONTAGU, G. Ornithological dictionary of British birds. PI. 1. col. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1802. Supplement to the ornithological dictionary. PI. 23. 8°. Exeter, 1813. Testacea Britannica; or natural history of British shells, marine, land, and fresh- water. PI. 1-16. col. 40. Lond. 1803. — Supplement. PI. 17-30. 40. Lond. 1808. MORAY, county of. See Leslie, W. MORE, sir J. England’s interest; or the gentleman and farmer’s friend; 2d ed. 120. Lond. 1703. t 2 140 BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. MORI SON, R. Plantar uni umbelliferarum distributio nova. T. 12. fol. Oxon. 1672. Plantarum historic universalis Oxoniensis pars secunda, seu herbarum distributio nova. T. 130. fol. Oxon . 1680. Plantarum, & c. pars tertia, post auctoris mortem a Jacobo Bobartio explicata. T. 166. fol. Oxon. 1699. MORTON, J. I he natural bistory of Northamptonshire. 1 Z. 1 B. 11 G. fol. Loud. 1712. MURRAY, A. General view of the agriculture of the county of Warwick. 8°. Lond. 1813. NAIRN, county of. See Leslie, W. NAISMITH, J. General view of the agriculture of the county of Clydesdale. 8°. Glasg. 1798. NORFOLK, county of. See Young, A. and Kent, N. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. See Pitt, W. NORTHUMBERLAND, county of. See Bailey, J. and Culley, G. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. See Lowe, R. ORDNANCE Survey of Great Britain. PI. 86. 1805-33. Berkshire, including a small portion of Oxfordshire, 13. Caermarthenshire, 41. Cornwall, 29-33. Devonshire, 21-27. Dorsetshire, 16-18. Essex, 1, 2, 47, 48. Glamorganshire, 37. Gloucestershire, 35, 44. Hampshire, 10-12. Herefordshire, 43. Kent, 3, 4, 6. No plates have been Lincolnshire, 69, 70, 83-86. Lundy Island, 28. Middlesex, 7. Norfolk, 65. Oxfordshire, see Berkshire. Pembrokeshire, 38-40, 58. Rutlandshire, 64. Somersetshire, 19, 20. Surrey, 8. Sussex, 5, 9. Wiltshire, 14, 15, 34. Worcestershire, 54. ived since 1833. ORNITHOLOGY. Ornithologia Britannica: seu avium omnium Britannicarum catalogus, sermone Latino, An- glico, et Gallico redditus; cui subjicitur appendix aves alienigenas, in Angliam raro advenientes, complectens. T. 1. (water-ouzel), fol. Lond. 1771. OVERTON, G. A description of the faults or dykes of the mineral basin of South Wales. Pt. 1. 4°. Lond. 1825. OWEN, E. On the rocks and minerals about Bristol; and on the nature of the hot-well. PI. 3. 12°. Lond. 1754. OXFORDSHIRE. See Young, A. PARKINSON, R. General view of the agriculture of the county of Huntingdon. 8°. Lond. 1811. BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. 141 l’ENNANT, T. British zoology; class i, quadrupeds; class 2, birds ; published under the inspection of the Cymmrodorion Society. PI. 132. col. fol. Loud. 17 66. Quadrupeds, 11. Birds, 121. In the title-page it is stated that the work is illustrated with no more than 107 plates. This copy therefore contains the additional 25 mentioned by Brunet. British zoology; 4th ed. PI. 280. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1776-7. The 280 plates in these volumes are distributed nearly in the following manner: Tour in Scotland in 1769; 4th ed. 7 Z. 40. Lond. 17 76. Tour in Scotland and to the Hebrides, in 2 parts; 2d ed. 1 Z. 4 B. 5 G. 40. Lond. 1 776. Tour in Wales; with the supplemental plates etched by Moses Griffith. 3 Z. 1 B. 2 v. 40. Lond. 1781-4. PERRY, W. G. Plant® Varvicenses select®. 8°. Warwick , 1820. PERTHSHIRE. See Robertson, J. PETIVER, J. See Scarabs. PETTLTS, sir John. Fodin® Regales; or the history and laws of the chief mines in England, Wales, and the English pale in Ireland, fol. Lond. 1670. PHILLIPS, J. Illustrations of the geology of Yorkshire, with a map and nine sections, coloured ; and fourteen plates of fossils. 40. York , 1829. PHILLIPS, W.; see Conybeare, rev. W. D. An outline of the geology of England and Wales; with a map and six geological sections. 120. Lond. 1818. PITT, W. A general view of the agriculture of the county of Leicester and Rutland. 8°. Lond. 1809. General view of the agriculture of the county of Northamp- ton. 8°. Lond. 1809. General view of the agriculture of the county of Stafford. 8 Z. 8°. Lond. 1796. General view of the agriculture of the county of Worcester. 8°. Ijond. 1810. PLAT, sir Hugh. The garden of Eden. 5th ed. 8°. Lond. 1 659- Mammalia, 14. Birds, 98. Reptiles, 4. Cetacea and fish, 72. Testaceous animals, 57. Crustaceous, 19. Radiata, &c. 16. Pt. 2. 8°. Lond. 1660. 142 BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. PLOT, R. The natural history of Oxfordshire. 2d ed. 1 Z. 1 B. 7 G. fol. Oxford, 1705. The natural history of Staffordshire. 2 Z. 1 B. 3 G. fol. Oxford, 1686. PLYMLEY, rev. J. archd. of Salop. General view of the agriculture of Shropshire. 8°. Lond. 1803. POPULATION. Abstracts of the answers and returns made pursuant to acts, respecting the population of Great Bri- tain, passed in the forty-first and fifty-first years of his majesty king George the third ; and in the first and ele- venth years of the reign of his majesty king George the fourth. Parish registers, fol . printed Dec. 21, 1801. Enumeration. Pt. 1. England and Wales, fol. printed Dec. 21, 1801. Pt. 2. Scotland, fol. printed June, 1802. Preliminary observations ; enumeration abstract ; parish re- gister abstract. 51 G. III. Printed July , 1812. continued. 1 G. IV. Printed July, 1822. Comparative account of the population of Great Britain in the years 1801, 1811, 1821, and 1831; with a statement respecting the duration of life, as required by the Popula- tion Act of 1830. Printed Oct. 1831. Enumeration abstract. 11 G. IV. 2 v. fol. April, 1833. Parish register abstract. 11 G. IV. fol. April, 1833. PRIEST, St. John. General view of the agriculture of Buckinghamshire. 8°. Lond. 1810. PRYCE, W. Mineralogia Cornubiensis. 4 G. fol. Lond. U78- PULTENEY, R. Catalogues of the birds, shells, and some of the more rare plants of Dorsetshire; from the enlarged edition of Mr. Hutchins’s history of that county. 12 Z. fol. Lond. 1813. History of botany in England, from its origin to the intro- duction of the Linnean system. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1790. PURTON, T. A botanical description of British plants in the midland counties. PI. 8. col. 2 v. 8°. Stratford-on- Avon, 1817. Appendix to the Midland Flora. PI. 21. col. vol. 3. 2 pts, 8°. Lond. 1821. QUAYLE, T. General view of the agriculture of the Isle of Man. 8°. Lond. 1812. RASHLEIGH, P. Specimens of British minerals, selected from his own cabinet; with general descriptions of each. Pts. 1, 2. PL 54. col. 40. Lond. 1797? J8°2- BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. 143 RAY, J. Catalogus plantarum Angliae et insularum adja centium. 8°. Loud. 1670. Iterum. Ed. 2da. 8°. Lond. i6jj. Catalogus plantarum circa Cantabrigiam nascentium. 8°. Cantabr. 1660. Index plantarum agri Cantabrigiensis. 8°. Cantabr. 1660. Synopsis methodica stirpium Britannicarum. T. 2. 8°. Lond. 1690. Iterum. Ed. 2da. Accessit A. Rivini epistola, cum ejusdem responsione. (8°. Lond. 1696.) Iterum. Ed. 3tia. T. 24. 8°. Lond. 1724. RELHAN, R. Flora Cantabrigiensis. Ed. altera. 8°. Can- tabr. 1802. Flora Cantabrigiensis. Ed. 3tia. T. 7. 8°. Cantabr. 1820. RENFREWSHIRE. See Wilson, J. RICHARDSON, W. An essay on agriculture; to which is added a memoir on Fiorin Grass. 8°. Lond. 1818. RIVINUS, A. Q. Epistola ad Joan. Raium de Methodo Plantarum ; in fine “ Synops. Meth. Stirp. Britann. Joan. Raii. Ed. 2die. 8°. Lond. 1696.11 ROBBERDS, J. W. jun. Geological observations on the. eastern vallies of Norfolk. 8°. Lond. 1826. ROBERTSON, G. A general view of Kincardineshire, or the Mearns. 8°. Lond. 1810. General view of the agriculture of the county of Mid-Lo- thian. 2 Z. 8°. Edinb. 1795. ROBERTSON, J. General view of the agriculture in the county of Inverness. 8°. Lond. 1808. General view of the agriculture in the county of Perth. 8°. Perth , 1799. ROBINSON, T. On the natural history of Westmorland and Cumberland. 8°. Lond. 1709. ROBSON, S. The British flora. PI. 5. 8°. York, 1777. ROSS-SHIRE. See Mackenzie, sir G. S. bart. ROXBURGHSHIRE. See Douglas, R. ROYAL INSTITUTION. Catalogue of British minerals in the collection of the Royal Institution. 8°. Lond. 1816. RITDGE, T. General view of the agriculture of the county of Gloucester. 8°. Lond. 1807. RUTLANDSHIRE. See Pitt, W. RUTTY, J. Natural history of the county of Dublin. 4 Z. 2 v. 8°. Dublin, 1772. 144 BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. SAMPSON, G. V. Statistical survey of the county of Lon- donderry. i Z. i B. 4 G. 8°. Dublin , 1802. An explanation of the chart and survey of the county of London-Derry, Ireland. 1 Z. 1 B. 40. Lond. 1814. SC ARAB JE I. De scarabads Anglicanis, or a brief account of divers sorts of English beetles. This essay, which has no title-page, is part of the “ Memoirs for the Curious, July and August 1709. pp. 197-244.” Qu. (by Dr. Williams) edited by J. Petiver ? SCOTLAND. See Gray, A. and Sinclair, rt. lion, sir J. bart. SELBY, P. J. Illustrations of British ornithology. 2 v. 8°. Edinb ., Lond ., and Dublin, 1833. Plates to Illustrations of British ornithology, 271 in num- ber: of which 143 are coloured; 28 are not coloured. 2 v. fol. Edinb., Lond., and Dublin, 1834. Order Land-birds, 1. Raptores (Vigors), 89. 2. Insessores , 40. 3. Rasores (llliger), 13. Water-birds, 4. Grallatores, 47. 5. Natatores, 82. Of the 28 plates which are not coloured, four illustrate the form, &c. of various land-birds ; 18 illustrate the raptores ; six, the insessores. SELKIRKSHIRE. See Douglas, R. SHROPSHIRE. See Plymley, rev. J. SIBBALD, R. Prodromus historiae naturalis Scotia?. 13 Z. 8 B. fol. Edinb. 1684. SIBTHORP, J. Flora Oxoniensis. 8°. Oxon. 1794. SINCLAIR, G. Hortus gramineus Woburnensis. PI. 59. 8°. Lond. 1824. SINCLAIR, rt. lion, sir John, bart. Account of the systems of husbandry adopted in the more improved districts of Scotland. 3d ed. 2 v. 8°. Edinb. 1814. Code of agriculture. 8°. Lond. 1817. General report of the agricultural state and political circum- stances of Scotland. 3 v. 8°. Edinb. 1814. Appendix to the preceding report. 2 v. 8°. Edinb. 1814. Hints regarding the agricultural state of the Netherlands, compared with that of Great Britain. 8°. Lond. 1815- SINGER, Dr. General view of the agriculture, &c. of the county of Dumfries. 4 Z. 8°. Edinb. 1812. BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. 145 SMITH, C. A description natural, topographical, &c. of the county of Cork. 2d ed. 1 Z. 1 G. 2 v. 8°. Dubl. J 7 74* A description, &c. of the county of Waterford. 2 v. 8°. Dubl. 1774. A description, &c. of the county of Kerry. 2 G . 8°. Dubl. SMITH, G. E. Catalogue of rare or remarkable phaenoga- mous plants collected in south Kent. El. 5. col. 8 °.Loncl. 1829. SMITH, J. General view of the agriculture of the county of Argyll. 8°. Edinb. 1798. SMITH, sir J. E. English botany; or coloured figures of British plants, with their essential characters, synonyms, and places of growth. T. 2596. col. 23 v. 8°. 1790- 1814. English flora. 4 V. 8°. Lond. 1824-28. compendium of. 12°. Lond. 1829. Flora Britannica. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1800-4. Florae Britannicae compendium. Ed. 3ta. 12°. L^ond. 1828. SMITH, S. General view of the agriculture of Galloway; comprehending the counties of Kirkcudbright and Wig- tonshire. 8°. Lond. 1810. SMITH, W. A coloured map and delineation of the strata of England and Wales, with part of Scotland, large fol. Lond. 1815. A memoir to the “ map and delineation of the strata of Eng- land and Wales, with part of Scotland.” 40. Lond. 1815. Geological maps of the following counties: Bedford, Berks, Bucks, Cumberland, Durham, Essex, Gloucester, Hun- tingdon, Kent, Leicester, Norfolk, Northumberland, Notts, Oxford, Rutland, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex, Westmorland, Wilts, and York. fol. Lond. 1819-24. The maps are coloured so as to distinguish the several strata; and contain references to the geological table of British organized fossils, published by the same author. Geological map of England and Wales; with the inland navigations ; exhibiting the districts of coal, &c. fol. Lond. 1824. This map, which is about one fourth part the size of the map above noticed (large fol. Lond. 1815), is coloured so as to distinguish the several strata. Geological section from London to Snowdon; coloured to correspond with the geological map of England and Wales. Lond. 1817. Stratigraphical system of organized British fossils. 40. Lond. 1817. Strata identified by organized fossils. Nos. 1-4. PI. 19. col. Lond. 1 8 16- 1 9. 146 BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. SOLE, W . Menthae Britannicae ; being a new botanical ar- rangement of all the British mints hitherto discovered. PI. 24. fol. Bath , 1798. SOMERSETSHIRE. See Billingsley, J. SOMERVILLE, R. General view of the agriculture of East-Lothian. 8°. Lond. 1805. SOUTER, D. General view of the agriculture of the county of Banff*. 8°. Edinb. 1812. SOWERBY, J. British mineralogy, elucidated by coloured figures. PI. 550. col. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1804-17.' Coloured figures (with descriptions) of English fungi or mushrooms. PI. 440. col. 3 v. fol. Lond. 1797-1803. The British miscellany; or coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects, inhabitants of the British isles. PI. 76. col. vol. 1. 8°. Lond. 1806. The mineral conchology of Great Britain. PI. 612. col. 5 v. and part of vol. 6. 8°. Lond. 1812-29. SOWERBY, J. and C. E. Supplement to the English bo- tany of the late sir J. E. Smith and Mr. Sowerby ; the descriptions, &c. by W. J. Hooker, LL. D. and other eminent botanists. T. 100. col. vol. 1. and greater part of vol. 2. 8°. Lond. 1831-33. SOWERBY, J. jun. The mushroom and champignon illus- trated ; compared with and distinguished from the poi- sonous fungi that resemble them. PI. 3. col. i°. Lond. 1832. STACKHOUSE, J. Nereis Britannica; containing all the species of Juci, natives of the British coasts : with a de- scription in English and Latin. PI. 17. col. fol. Bath , 1 801. The 5 th and 1 ith plates are wanting. Nereis Britannica, continens species omnes fucorum in insu- lis Britannicis crescentium. Ed. alt. T. 20. 40. O.ron. 1816. STAFFORDSHIRE. See Pitt, W. STEPHENS, J. F. A catalogue of British insects, arranged in accordance with their natural affinities; with references to English and foreign writers on entomology. 8°. Lond. 1829. Illustrations of British entomology : “ Mandibulata.” T. 32. col. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1828—32. “ Haustellata.11 T. 44. col. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1828-34. The nomenclature of British insects. 8°. Lond. 1829. The nomenclature of British insects, together with their synonyms. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1833. BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. 147 STEPHENS, rev. W. Notes on the mineralogy of part of the vicinity of Dublin; with geological sections, &c. 8°. Lond. 1812. STEVENSON, W. General view of the agriculture of the county of Dorset. 8°. Lond. 18 L2. General view of the agriculture of the county of Surrey. 8°. Lond. 1809. STIRLINGSHIRE. See Graham, P. STOKES, J. Botanical commentaries, vol. 1. 8°. Lond. 1830. STRICKLAND, H. E. A general view of the agriculture of the East-riding of Yorkshire. 2 B. col. 8°. Y01 7c, 1812. STRUTT, J. G. Sylva Britannica; or portraits of forest- trees, distinguished for their antiquity, magnitude, or beauty. PI. 49. fol. Lond. 1822. Of these 49 plates, 41 represent trees in England; and 8, trees in Scotland. SUFFOLK, county of. See Young, A. SURREY, county of. See Stevenson, W. SUSSEX, county of. See Young, A. SUTHERLAND, J. A catalogue of plants in the physical garden at Edinburgh. 8°. Edinb. 1683. SUTHERLANDSHIRE. See Henderson, J. SWEET, R. Hortus suburbanus Londinensis. 8°. Lond. 18 1 8. Hortus Britannicus. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1830. SYKES, J. The evidence respecting the state of the coal trade in the united kingdom. 8°. Newcastle-upon-Tyne , 1 829. SYMONS, J. Synopsis plantarum insulis Britannicis indige- narum. 8°. Lond. 1798. TAY LOR, R. C. On the geology of east Norfolk. PI. 1. with 4 coloured geological sections. 8°. Lond. 1827. TAY LOR, S. The history of Harwich and Dovercourt in the county of Essex; with notes, &c. by Samuel Dale. 2d ed. 1 Z. 4 G. 40. Lond. 1732. THAMES TUNNEL. An account of the Thames tunnel, with plans and sections. 8°. Lond. 1825. 148 BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. THOMAS, R. Hints for the improvement of the navigation of the Severn ; with a chart of that river. 8°. Falmouth , 1816. Report on a survey of the mining district of Cornwall, from Chasewater to Camborne; with a geological view and sec- tion of Cornwall, and a geological map. 40. Land. 1819. THOMSON, J. General view of the agriculture of the county of Fife. 1 Z. 8°. Edinb. 1800. THOMPSON, J. V. Zoological researches; or natural his- tory of nondescript or imperfectly known animals. N°. 1-4. PI. 13. 8°. Cork , 1828-30. THRELKELD, C. Synopsis stirpium Hibernicarum ; the first essay of the kind in Ireland. 8°. Dublin , 1727. TROTTER, J. General view of the agriculture of the county of West- Lothian. 8°. Edinb. 18 j i. TUKE, J. General view of the agriculture of the North- riding of Yorkshire. 6 Z. 8°. Lond. 1800. TURNER, I) .; see Dillwyn, L. W. A synopsis of British fuci. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1802. Muscologise Hibernicae spicilegium. T. 16. col. 8°. Lond. 1804. TURTON, W. British fauna, containing a compendium of the zoology of the British islands, vol. 1. 120. Swansea, 1807. Conchologieal dictionary of the British islands. PI. 28. col. 12°. Lond. 1819. Conch ylia insularum Britannicarum. The shells of the British islands systematically arranged. PI. 20. col. 40. Exeter, 1822. Manual of the land and fresh-water shells of the British islands. PI. jo. col. 8°. Lond. 1831. VANCOUVER, C. General view of the agriculture of the county of Devon. 8°. Lond. 1808. General view of the agriculture of Hampshire, including the Isle of Wight. 8°. Lond. 1810. VELLEY, T. Coloured figures of marine plants found on the southern coast of England, with descriptions and ob- servations. PI. 5 col. fob Lond. and Bath, 1795- WADE, W. Catalogus plan tar 11m indigenarum in comitatu Dublinensi inventarum. Pars iina. 8°. Dublini , 1794- Habitats of some scarce plants found in Ireland. PI. 1. 8°. Dublin, 1804. BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. 149 WALCOTT, J. Flora Britannica indigena. T. 1 68, quarum 3 col. 8°. Bath, 1778. WALES, North and South. See Davis, W. WALKER, G. A collection of minute and rare shells found near Sandwich. PI. 3. 40. Loud. 1 7 84. WALKER, J. Economical history of the Hebrides and the Highlands. 2 v. 8°. Edinb. 1808. Again. 2 v. 8°. Bond, and Edinb. 1812. Essays on natural history and rural economy (of Scotland). 8°. Loud, and Edinb. 1812. WALKER, rev. R. The flora of Oxfordshire and its conti- guous counties. PI. 12. 8°. Oxford , 1833. WALLIS, J. The natural history of Northumberland and part of Durham. 2 v. 40. Bond. 1769. WARNER, R. Plantae Woodfordienses (in comitat. Essex). 8°. Bond. 1771. WARWICKSHIRE. See Murray, A. WASTE LANDS. First report from the select committee (of the house of commons) respecting the cultivation and improvement of the waste, uninclosed, and unproductive lands of the kingdom, fol. December , 179 April, 1797. WATSON, P. W. Dendrologia Britannica, or trees and shrubs that will live in the open air of Britain. PI. 172. col. 2 v. 8°. Bond. 1825. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Report of the select com- mittee (of the house of commons) on the weights and measures of this kingdom, fol. July , 1814. WEST -LOTHIAN, county of. See T hotter, J. WESTMORLAND. See Robinson, T. WHIT E, rev. G. Natural history and antiquities of Sel- borne. A new ed. 3 Z. 40. Bond. 1813. WHYTE, A. and M AC F ARLAN, D. General view of the agriculture of the county of Dumbarton. 8°. Glasgoiv , 181 1. WIGTONSHIRE. See Smith, S. WILKES, B. English moths and butterflies, in their cater- pillar, chrysalis, and fly states; with the plants, &c. whereon they feed. PI. 120. col. 40. Bond. 1 773. WILSON, J. A synopsis of British plants in Mr. Ray’s method, illustrated with several figures. PI. 2. 8°. New- castle-on- Tyne , 1744. 150 BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. General view of the agriculture of Renfrewshire. 8°. Pais- ley, 1812. WILTSHIRE. See Davis, T. WINCH, N. J. Geographical distribution of plants through the counties of Northumberland, Cumberland, and Dur- ham ; 2d ed. 8°. Nezvcastle , 1825. WITHERING, W. A botanical arrangement of all the vegetables naturally growing in Great Britain ; with a description of their uses as medicines, or as food. PI. 12. 2 v. 8°. Birmingham , j 776. A botanical arrangement of British plants; including the uses of each species; with references by Jonathan Stokes, M. D. ; 2d ed. PI. 19. 3 v. 8°. Birmingham , 1787-92. A systematic arrangement of British plants ; corrected and enlarged; 4th ed. PI. 32. 4 v. 8°. Loud. 1801. An arrangement of British plants according to the latest improvements of the Linnean system ; 6th ed. corrected. PI. 34. 4 v. 8°. Lond. l 8 1 8. Again; 7th ed. PI. 35. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1830. A systematic arrangement of British plants; corrected and condensed by W. Macgillivray, A. M. PI. 10. 8°. Lond „ 1830. WORCESTERSHIRE. See Pitt, W. WORGAN, G. B. General view of the agriculture of the county of Cornwall. 8°. Lond. 1811. WOOD, W. Index entomologicus ; or a complete illustrated catalogue of the lepidopterous insects of Great Britain. N°. 1-6. PI. 16. col. 8°. Lond. 1833,4. WOODWARD, J. On the fossils of England. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1728, 9. WOODWARD, S. An outline of the geology of Norfolk. PI. 6, with a coloured map and geological section. 8°. No)'wich , 1833. YORKSHIRE, East-riding of. See Strickland, H. E. YORKSHIRE, North-riding of. See Tukk, J. YORKSHIRE, West-riding of. See Brown, R. YOUNG, A. General view of the agriculture of the county of Essex. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1807. General view of the agriculture of Hertfordshire. 7 B. 8°. Lond. 1804. General view of the agriculture of the county of Lincoln. 8°. Lond. 1799. General view of the agriculture of the county of Norfolk. 8°. Lond. 1804. BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. 151 View of the agriculture of Oxfordshire. 8°. Lond. 1809. General view of the agriculture of the county of Suffolk. 8°. Lond. 1797. Again; 3d ed. 8°. Lond. 1804. General view of the agriculture of the county of Sussex. 4 Z. 8°. Lond. 1808. YOUNG, rev. G. and BIRD, J. A geological survey of the Yorkshire coast. PI. 17. col., and a few wood-engravings. 40. Whitby , 1822. CHEMISTRY. ACADEMIE. vid. Cimento. ACCUM, F. A practical treatise on gas-light; 3d ed. PI. 7. col. 8°. Loud. 1816. Description of the process of manufacturing coal-gas. PI. 7. col. 8°. Lond. 1819. Elements of crystallography after the method of Haiiy. PI. 4. 8°. Lond. 1813. ALBINIUS, N. Bibliotheca chemica contracta: continens “ Augurelli chrysopoeiam et vellus aureum “ novum lumen chemicum M. Sandivogii “ enchiridion physicae restitutae, et arcanum Hermeticae philosophise opus, au- tore anonymo.” 8°. Geneves, 1653. AMPERE et BABINET. Expose des nouvelles decouvertes sur l’electricit^ et le magnetisme de MM. Oersted, Arago, &c. 8°. Paris , 1822. ANNALEN DER PHYSIK. Angefangen von D. Friedr. Albr. Carl Gren; fortgesetzt von Ludwig Will. Gil- bert. 18 v. 8°. Halle , 1799-1804, & vol. 76, 1824. Desiderantur voll. 19-75. Sach-und Namen-register zu den 76 Bander der Annalcn der Physik vom 1799 bis 1824. 8°. Leipzig , 1826. Ann. der Phys. und Chemie, von J. C. Poggendorf. vol. 32. & vol. 33. N°. 1-22. 8°. Leipzig , 1824-34. ANNALES DE CHIMIE. 96 v. 8°. Paris. 1790-1815. Table generale dcs matures con tenues dans les 96 volumes des Annales de Chimie. 3 v. 8°. Paris , 1801-21. Annales de Chimie et de Physique, par MM. Gav Lussac et Arago ; pour les ann. 1 8 1 6-34. 57 v. 8°. Paris , 1 830-4. ARATUS. Diosemea. Gr. Ed. T. Forster. 8°. Lond. 1815. ARCUEIL. Memoires de Physique et de Chimie de la So- ciete d’Arcueil. 3 v. 8°. Paris , 1807-17. AUGURELLUS, J. A. Chrysopoeia, et Aureum Vellus (hexametr. Lat. scripta): imprimr in “ Albinii Bibliotheca Chymica. 8°. Geneves. , 1 653 BACON, F. lord Verulam. De augmentis scientiarum. 120. Amstel. 1662. De sapientia veterum ; cd. 3,ia. 12°. Lugd. Bat. 1633. CHEMISTRY. 153 Historia naturalis et experimentalis de ventis. 12°. Lugd. Bat. 1 6 48. History, natural and experimental, of life and death, fol. Lond. 1658. New atlantis. fol. Novum organum scientiarum. 120. Lugd. Bat. 1650. Of the advancement and proficience of learning, fol. Ox- ford, 1640. Sylva sylvarum, sive historia naturalis. 12°. Amstel. ex off. Elz. 166 1. Sylva sylvarum ; ora natural history in ten centuries; 7th ed. fol. Lond. 1658. BACON, R. Opus majus; ex MS. codice Dublinien si, cum aliis quibusdam collato, ed. S. Jebb, M. D. fol. Lond. 1 733* BANCROFT, E. Experimental researches concerning the philosophy of permanent colours. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1813. BARCHUSEN, J. C. Pyrosophia. 40. Lugd. Bat. 1698. Acroamata. 8°. Traject. Bat. 1703. BARLOW, E. Meteorological essays concerning the origin of springs, rain, and wind, See. 8°. Lond. 1715. BARLOW, P. On magnetic attractions, and on the laws of terrestrial and electro-magnetism ; with an Appendix ; 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1823. BARNERUS, J. Chymia philosophica. 8°. Noriberg. 1689. BARTHOLOMiEUS, Anglicus. Batman upon Bartholome his booke “ De proprietatibus rerum” newly corrected and enlarged, fol. Lond. 1582. BATMAN, S. vid. Bartiiolom/Eus, Anglicus. BAUME. Chymie experimentale et raisonnee. 3 v. 8°. Paris , 1773. von der BECKE, D. Experimenta circa naturalium rerum principia. 8°. Hamburgi , 1674. BEDDOES, T. Chemical experiments and opinions; ex- tracted from a work published in the last century. 8°. Oxford , 1790. BEGUINUS, J. Tyrociniiun chymicum, commentt. illustr. a Gerardo Blasio. 1 20. Amstel. 1659. BELYE, Johannes, Anglus. Tractatus chemicus. 8°. Geis- mar. 1647. x 154 CHEMISTRY. BERNHARDUS, comes Trevirensis. De lapide philosopho- rum ; cum fragmentis Edv. Kellaei; H. Aquilse ; et Job. Isaaci Hollandi. 8°. Geismar. 1647. BERGMAN, T. A dissertation on elective attractions; translated from the Latin. 8°. Lond. 1785. Opuscula physica et chemica. Ed. nov. 6 v. 8°. Lips. 1788-90. 1 Physical and chemical essays ; translated from the original Latin by E. Cullen, M. D., with notes, &c. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1784-91. BERTHOLLET, C. L. Elements of the art of dyeing- translated from the French by W. Hamilton, M. 1). 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1791. BERZELIUS, J. J. A view of the progress and present state of animal chemistry ; translated from the Swedish by G. Brunnmark, D. D. 8°. Lond. j 8 13 . The use of the blowpipe in chemical analysis; translated from the French of M. Fresnel. 8°. Lond. 1822. Traite de chimie; traduitpar A. J. L. Jourdan, &c. sur des manuscrits inedits de hauteur, et sur la derniere edition Allemande. 8 v. 8°. Paris , 1829-33. BIGOT DE MOROGUES, P. M. S. Memoirc sur les chutes des pierres tombees sur la surface de la terre. 8°. Orleans, 1812. BLACK, J. Lectures on the elements of chemistry delivered in the university of Edinburgh ; published from his ma- nuscripts by John Robinson, LL. D. PI. 3. 2 v. 40. Edinb. 1803. BOERHAAVE, LI. Elementa chemise ; quse anniversario labore docuit, in publicis privatisque scholis. T. 16. 2 v. 4°. Lugd. Bat. 1732. Institutiones et experimenta chemise. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1724. Sermo academicus de chemia suos errores expurgante. 40. Lugd. Bat. 1718. BOLIN, J. Dissertationes chymico-physicae. 40. Lips. 1683. BORELLIUS, P. Bibliotheca chimica. 8°. Paris , 1654. BORRICIIIUS, O. De ortu et progressu chemiae. 40. ILafn. 1 668. Ilermetis, &c. sapientia ab Llermanni Conringii animadver- sionibus vindicata. 40. Hcifn. 1674. BOSTOCK, J. History and present state of galvanism. 8°. Lond. 1818. CHEMISTRY. 155 BOURNE. R. Syllabus of a course of chemical lectures read at the Museum, Oxford, in 1794. .An introductory lecture to a course of chemistry: read at the laboratory in Oxford on February 7, 1797 • BOYLE, bon. R. All his works; with an account of his life prefixed. A new ed. 6 v. 40. Lond. J772. Defence of the doctrine touching the spring of the air, against the objections of Fr. Linus. 40. Lond. 1682. Examen of Mr. T. Hobbs his “ Dialogus physicus de 11a- tura aeris.” PI. 2. 40. Lond. 1682. Experiments and notes about the producibleness of chymi- call principles. 8°. Oxford , 1680. Experiments, notes, &c. about the mechanical production of divers particular qualities. 8°. Lond. 1675. Experiments, &c. touching colours. PI. 1. 8°. Lond. 1664. Hydrostatical paradoxes. PI. 3. Oxford, 1666. New Experiments physico-mechanical touching the spring of the air; 3d ed. 40. Lond. 1682. New experiments touching the spring of the air continued. PI. 8. 40. Oxford, 1669. New experiments, &c. continued. Pt. 2. PI. 5. 40. L,ond. 1682. New experiments and observations touching cold. PI. 2. 40. Lond. 1683. On the usefulnesse of experimental natural philosophy. 2 v. 40. Oxford, 1663-71. The sceptical chymist. 8°. Oxford, 1680. BRANDE, AY. T. A manual of chemistry. 8°. Lond. 1819. BllISSON. Pesanteur specifique des corps. 40. Paris, 178 7. BUCHANAN, R. Essays on the economy of fuel and ma- nagement of heat. 8°. Glasg. 1810. BUDDLE, J. First report of a society for preventing acci- dents in coal-mines, illustrated by plans and sections. 8°. Newcastle, 1814. CAPPER, J. Meteorological tracts applicable to navigation, gardening, and farming ; with calendars of flora for Greece, France, England, and Sweden. 8°. Cardiff. 1816. CAVALLO, Tiberius. Elements of natural or experimental philosophy. 4 V. 8°. Lond. 1803. History and practice of aerostation. 8°. Lond. 1785. CHAPTAL, le comte. Chimie appliquee a fagriculture. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1823. Elements of chemistry ; translated from the French ; 3d ed. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1800. x 2 156 CHEMISTRY. CHLMIA. vid. Annalen der physik; Annalcs de chimie; Arcueil. Aureum vellus. (vid. Augurellus, J. A.) 8°. Leipz. 1749. Azotli et Ignis, scil. Mercurius philosophorum. 8°. Leipz . 1749- Collectanea Chymica; a collection of ten several treatises in chymistry. 8°. Lond. 1684. Chymica Vannus. 40. Amstel. 1 666. Chymical dictionary, explaining hard places and words in Paracelsus and other obscure authors. 40. Lund. 1650. Enquiry concerning the Hermetic art. 120. L^ond. 1714. Examen alchymisticum. 8°. Noriberg. 1676. Harmonise imperscrutabilis chymico-philosophiae, collect* ab H. C. D. 8°. Francof. 1625. Hermetical Triumph ; translated from the French. 8°. Ijond. 1723. Hist, de la philosophic Hermetique, accompagnee d’un cata- logue raisonne des ecrivains de cette science. 3 V. 12°. Paris , 1742. Lexicon chymicum obscuriorum verborum et rerum Para- celsi aliorumque chymicorum scriptis occurrentium ; per Gul. Johnsonum. 8°. Lond, ini , 1652. Musseum Hermeticum. 4". Francof. 1625. M usaeum Hermeticum reformatum et amplificatum. 40. Francof. 1678. Hie liber continet tractates viginti unum variorum auctorum. Philosophical epitaph of W. C. esq. A brief of the golden calf. The golden ass. Jehior (aurora sapientiae). 8°. Lond. 1673. Secrets reveal’d, & c. the greatest treasure in chymistry. 8°. Lond. 1662. Theatrum chemicum. 6 v. 8°. Argentorat. 1659. Tractatus aliquot chemici singulares. 8°. Geismar , 1647. CHEMISTRY, vid. Chemia. CHILDREN, J. G. An essay on chemical analysis; chiefly translated from the “ Traite de chimie elemental re” of L. J. Thenard. PI. 2. 8°. Lond. 1819. CIMENTO, academic del. Essays of natural experiments; englished by Richard Waller, F. R. S. 4". Lond. 1684. CLAUDERUS, G. De tinctura universali. 4°. Altenburgi , 1678. CRAWFORD, A. Experiments and observations on animal heat and the inflammation of combustible bodies; 2d ed. 8°. luond. 1788. CREMERUS, abbas Westmonast. vid. Maierus, M. CHEMISTRY. 157 DALTON, J. Meteorological observations and essays. 8°. Loncl. 1793. New system of chemical philosophy, vol. 1. and pt. 1. vol. 2. 8“. Manchester , 1808-27. DANIELL, J. Meteorological essays and observations. 8°. Lond. 1823. DAUBENY, C. Inaugural lecture on the study of che- mistry, read at the Ashmolean Museum in November, 1822. 8°. Oxford, 1823. Introduction to the atomic theory ; comprising a sketch of the opinions of ancient and modern philosophers with re- spect to the constitution of matter. 8°. Oxford, 1831. Syllabus of a course of lectures on the principles of che- mistry, commencing at the Museum, Oxford, in October 1831. 8°. Oxford, 1831. DAUSTENIUS, Johannes, Anglus. Rosarium; secretissi- mum philosophorum arcanum comprehendens. 8. Geis- mar. 1647. DAVY, sir II. hart. Elements of agricultural chemistry, in a course of lectures for the Board of Agriculture. PI. 10. 40. Lond. 1813. Elements of chemical philosophy. Pt. 1. vol. 1. 8°. Lond. 1812. Papers communicated to the Royal Society on the fire-damp of coal-mines, &c. with engravings. 8°. Newcastle, 1817. Researches ; chiefly concerning nitrous oxide, and its respi- ration. 8°. Lond. 1800. Safety-lamp for coal-miners ; with some researches on flame. 8°. Lond. 1818. Syllabus of a course of lectures on chemistry, delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. 8°. Lond. 1802. DEE, A. Fasciculus chemicus; abstrusae Hermeticae scien- tiae ingrcssum, &c. explicans. 120. ( Moscuce , 1629.) DE LUC, J. A. Introduction a la physique terrestre par les fluides expansihles. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1803. Recherches.sur les modifications de Patmosphere. Nouv. ed. 4 v. 8°. Paris, 1784. DICKINSON, E. Epistola ad Thcod. Mundanum de quin- tessentia philosophorum, &c. ; cum Mundani responsis. (Responsa incipiunt p. 145.) 8°. Oxonice, 1686. DORNEUS, G. Clavis totius philosophise chymisticae. 12". Franco/'. 1583. DUN DONALD, the earl of. On the intimate connexion be- tween agriculture and chemistry. 40. Lond. 1795. 158 CHEMISTRY. EIRENJMJS PHILALETHES. An exposition upon sir Geo. Ripley’s hermetico-poetical works. 8°. Loud. 1678. Opus tripartitum de pbilosophorum arcanis. 8°. Loud. 1678. EFEERARIUS. Vid. Ferrarius. ELLIS, 1). An inquiry into the changes induced on atmo- spheric air by the germination of seeds, the vegetation of plants, and the respiration of animals. 8°. Loud. 1807. Farther inquiries into the changes, &c. 8°. Loud. 181 1. 1 ABER, P. J. Opera. 2 v. 40. Francof. 1 656. PARISH, W. Plan of a course of lectures on arts and ma- nufactures, more particularly such as relate to chemistry. 8°. Cambridge, 1796. FAUJAS-SAINT-FOND, B. Description des experiences de la machine aerostatique de MM. de Montgolfier. 8°. Paris, 1783. FERRARIUS (frater). Tractatus chemicus, hactenus muti- latus et sub eorrupto Efferarii Monachi nomine aliquoties publicatus. 8°. Geismar. 1647. FORSTER, T. Arati Diosemea. Gr. cum notis et colla- tione scriptorum. 8°. Lond. 1815. Researches about atmospheric phenomena. 8°. Loud. 1813. Researches, &c. 2d ed. Loud. 1815. FRANKLIN, B. Experiments and observations on electri- city, made at Philadelphia in America. 40. Lond. 1769. FREINI), J. Praelectiones chymicae; anno 1704, Oxonii in Musco Ashmoleano, habitae. 8°. Lond. 1709. I ter um : cum appendice, in qua continentur lectionum chy- micarum quae ab editoribus Lipsiensibus exhibetur recen- sio, et lectionum chymicarum contra Lipsiensium edito- rum calumnias vindicice. 8°. Lond. 1726. The same; englished by J. M. 8°. Lond. 1722. GAY-LUSSAC et THENAllD. Recherches physico-chi- miques. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1811. GEBRUS, Arabs. Chimia, &c. Lat. Ed. Geor. Hornio. 12°. Lugd. Bat. 1668. Summa perfectionis magisterii, &c. 8°. Gedani, 1682. The works of Geber, translated by R. Russell. 8°. Lond. 1686. GIBBES, G. S. O11 the conversion of animal matter into a substance resembling spermaceti. 8°. Bath, 179 6. GILBERT, G. De magnete libri sex; per W. Lochmann aucti ac illustrati. 40. titulo caret. De mundo nostro sublunari philosophia nova. 40. Arnstel. ap. L. Elz. 1651* CHEMISTRY. 159 GREN, F. C. Principles of modern chemistry systematically arranged ; translated from the German. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1800. GUYTON. See Morveau. HALES, S. Vegetable statics, and ha?mastatics. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1727-33. HAUKSBEE, F. Experiments on light and electricity. 40. Lond. 1709. HAUY, 1’abbe. Traite dlementaire de physique. 3eme ed. 2 v. 8°. 1 821. HENDERSON, A. The history of ancient and modern wines. 40. Lond. 1824. HENRY, W. The elements of experimental chemistry. 9th ed. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1823. HERON, Alexandrinus. Spiritalium liber ; ex Graeco nuper in Latinum a Federico Commandino conversus. T. 88. 4°. Paris , 1583. The plates are illustrative of hydraulic and hydrostatic expe- riments. HIERNE, U. Acta et tentamina chymica. 40. Holm. 1712. HIGGINS, W. Experiments and observations on the atomic theory and electrical phenomena. 8°. Dublin , 1814. HUTTON, J. A dissertation on the philosophy of light, heat, and fire. 8°. Edinb. 1794. IRVINE, W. Essays, chiefly on chemical subjects. 8°. Lond. 1805. JOHN, J. F. Chemische Tabellen der Pflanzenanalysen. fol. Numb. 1814. JUNCKER, J. Conspectus Chemle, in forma tabularum reprassentatus. 2 v. 40. Halce Magd. 1730. KAMTS, L. F. Lehrbuch der Meteorologie. 2 v. 8°. Halle , 1831, 2. KASTMER, R. W. G. Handbueh der Meteorologie. 2 v. 8°. Erlang. 1823-3. KELL A11US, Edvardus, Anglus. De lapide philosophorum. Ed. J. L. M. C. 8°. Hamburgi , 1676. KERCKRINGIUS, T. Commentarius in currum trium- phalcm Basilii Valentini. 120. Amstcl. 1671. KIDD, J. Syllabus of a course of lectures on chemistry. 8°. Oxford , 1 808. KING, E. Remarks concerning stones said to have fallen from the clouds. 40. Lond. 179 6. 160 CHEMISTRY. KIRWAN, R. An estimate of the temperature of different latitudes. 8°. Lond. 1787. KLAPROTH, M. H. et WOLFF, F. Dictionnaire de chimie; trad, de l’Allemand, avec des notes, par E. J. B. Bouillon-Lagrange, et H. A. Vogel. 4 v. 8°. Paris , 1810, 11. LAMBSPRINCK. De lapide philosophico libellus, cum figuris emblematicis tredecim. 40. Francof. 1625. LAVOISIER Opuscules physiques et chymiques. 8°. Pa- ris, 1774. The same; translated by Thomas Henry, F. R. S., with notes and an appendix. 8°. Lond. 1776. Traite Clemen taire de chimie, avec figures. 2 v. 8°. Paris , 1789. LEMERY, N. Cours de chymie. nme ed. 8°. a Leyde , 1716. LESLIE, J. An account of experiments and instruments, depending on the relations of air to heat and moisture. 8°. Edinb. 1813. Description of instruments designed for extending and im- proving meteorological observations. 8°. Edinb. 1820. Experimental inquiry into the nature and propagation of heat. 8°. Lond. 1804. LEWIS, W. The philosophical commerce of arts; designed as an attempt to improve arts, trades, and manufactures. 40. Lond. 1763. LIBAVIUS, A. Opera chymica. 3 v. fol. Francof. 1613- 1615. LULLIUS, Raimundus. Libelli aliquot chemici. Ed. Mich. Toxita. 8°. Basil. 1600. LUNARDI, V. An account of the first aerial voyage in England. 8°. Lond. 1784. MACQUER, P. J. A dictionary of chemistry; translated from the French. 2d ed. 3 v* 8°. Lond. 1 7 7 7 * Elements of the theory and practice of ch vmistry ; trans- lated from the French, by Andrew Reid. 3d ed. 2 v. 8°. 1775. MAIERUS, M. Scrutinium chymicum, per emblemata et epigrammata illustration. T. 30. 4 Franco/. 1687. Symbola aurese mcnsse duodecim nationum; opus Chemise utilissimum. PI. 13. 4°. Francof. 1617. The work is divided into twelve books ; at the head of each of which is an emblematical engraving : there is one other engraving, illustrative of the mutual affinity of metals. CHEMISTRY. 161 Tripus aureus ; scil. tres tractatus cbymici, nempe Basilii Valentini, Thomae Nortoni, et Cremeri (abbat. Westmo- nast.) PI. 17. 40. France f 1618. Viatorium, hoc est de montibus planetarum septem, sen me- tallorum. PI. 7. 8°. Rothomagi , 1651. MANGETUS, J. J. Bibliotheca chemica curiosa. 2 v. fol. Genev. 1702. MAYOW, J. Tractatus quinque medico-physici. 8°. Oxon. 1674. MENNENS, G. Aureum vellus; seu mysteriorum naturae et artis libri tres. 40. Antuerp. 1604. MORVEAU, Guyton de. Elemens de chymie theorique et pratique ; rediges dans un nouvel ordre, d’apres les de- couvertes modernes, pour servir aux corps publics de l’academie de Dijon. 3 v. 120. Dijon, 1777. MUNDANUS, T. Responsa ad epistolam, &c. “Edmundi Dickinson. 8°. Oxon. 1686,” q. v. p. 145. MURRAY, J. On the light of the glow-worm, the lumino- sity of the sea, the ascent of the spider into the atmo- sphere, &c. 12°. Glasg. 1826. MURRAY, J. lecturer on chemistry. A system of chemistry. 2d ed. 4 v. 8°. Edinb. 1809. NERI, A. De arte vitraria; cum Christophori Merretti ob- servationibus et notis. 120. Amstel. 1686. NEUMANN, C. His chemical works abridged and method- ized, with large additions and the later discoveries, &c., by William Lewis, M. B. 2d ed. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1773. NICHOLSON, W. The first principles of Chemistry. 3d ed. 8°. Lond. 17 96. NOLLIUS, PI. Physica hermetica. 8°. Francof. 1619. NORTON, T. Vid. Maierus, M. de NUYSEMENT. De vero sale secreto philosophorum. 8°. Cassellis , 1651. The true salt and secret of the philosophers, translated from the Latin edition of the original French. 8°. Lond. 1657. PARACELSUS. Au rora, and treasure of the philosophers, faithfully Englished; and published by J. H. Oxon. 12°. Lond. 1659. Of the nature of things. 40. Lond. 1650. PARKES, S. Chemical essays, principally relating to the arts and manufactures of the British dominions. 5 v. 120. Lond. 1815. Again. 2d ed. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1823. Y 162 CHEMISTRY. PEMBERTON, H. A course of chemistry, divided into twenty-four lectures. 8°. Loud. 1771. PHILALETHES. Vid. Eiren.-eus. PIIY SIQI E. Vid. Annalen der Physik ; Arcueil. POTIER, M. Veredarius hermetico-philosophicus. 8°. Francof. 1622. POULLE, A. Positiones chemico-medica? de Aere Vitaij, sen deph logisticato, tanquam novo sanitatis praesidio. 8°. Monspel. 1784. PRICE, J. An account of some experiments on mercury, silver, and gold, made at Guildford in May 1782. 40. Oxford, 1782. Again. 2d ed. 40. Oxford, 1783. PRIESTLEY, J. Experiments and observations on differ- ent kinds of air, &c. 3 v. 8°. Birmingham, 1790. History and present state of electricity. 4th ed. 40. Loud. ,l 775* History and present state of discoveries relating- to vision, light, and colours. 40. Loud. 1772. RIPLEY^, G. (canon of Bridlington in the reign of Edvv. IV.) Opera omnia chemica. 8°. Cassellis , 1649. ROBERTSON, H. A general view of the natural history of the atmosphere. 2 v. 8°. Edinb. 1808. ROSE, H. Handbuch der analytischen Chemie. 2 v. 8°. Bei lin, 1833, 4* SAFETY LAMP ; see Buddle, Davy, Stephenson. A collection of all the letters, &e. relating to safety-lamps. 8°. Lond. 1817. SAN DIVOGIUS, Micheel (anagrammatice “ Divi Leschi Ge- nus Amo).'11 Novum lumen chymicum, cum tractatu de sulphure. 8°. Genev. 1639. A new light of alchymie, with a treatise on sulphur. 40. Lond. 1650. SCHEELE, C. G. Chemical essays; translated from the Stockholm Transactions. 8°. Lond. 1786. Opuscula chemica et physica; ed. Ern. Bc-nj. Gotti. Heben- streit. vol. 1. 8°. Lips. 1788. Supplement an traite de fair et du feu. 120. Paris, 1785. Traite chimique de fair et du feu, avec une introduction de Torbern Bergmann ; trad, de fAllemand par le baron de Dietrich. 120. Paris, 1781. SENEBIER, J. Rapports de fair avec les etres organises. 3 v. 8°. Geneve, j8 07. CHEMISTRY. 103 SINGER, G. J. Elements of electricity and electro-chemistry. 8°. Lond. 1814. SMITH, G. The laboratory; or school of arts. 3d ed. PI. 13. 8°. Lond. 1750. STAHL, G. E. Experimenta, et observationes chymicse et physical. 8°. Berolini , 1 73 1 * STARKEY, G. Pyrotechny asserted and illustrated. 8°. Lond. 1658. STEPHENSON, G. Claims relative to the invention of his safety-lamp. PI. 4. 8°. Newcastle, 1817. Description of his safety-lamp; with an account of the lamp constructed by sir H. Davy, with engravings. 8°. Lond. 1 81 7. van SUCHTEN, A. Two treatises of the secrets of anti- mony; translated out of High Dutch by Dr. C. [Cable]. 8°. Lond. 1670. TELESIUS, Bernardinus. De cometis, &c.; de usu respi- rationis, &c.; de somno, & c. Ed. Antonio Persio. 40. Venet. 1590. THENARD. Vid. Gay-Lussac. THOMSON, T. An attempt to establish the first principles of chemistry by experiment. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1825. Outline of the sciences of heat and electricity. 8°. Lond. 1830. System of chemistry. 4th ed. 5 v. 8°. Edinb. 1810. Again. 5th ed. 4 V. 8°. Lond. 1817. THOR. GEOR. (George Thornburgh ?) Introduction to the philosopher’s magical gold; to which is added Zoro- aster’s cave, and John Pontanus’ epistle on the philoso- pher’s stone. 8°. Lond. 1667. THORNBURGH, Johannes, episcop. Wigorn. Ai0o0ecopi/co?, &c. in gratiam eorum qui artem auriferam physico-chymice et pie profitentur. 40. Oxon. 1621. TRISTAN, le comte J. de. Recherches sur quelques effluves terrestres. 8°. Paris , 1826. URE, A. A dictionary of chemistry on the basis of Mr. Nicholson’s. 8°. Lond. 1821. VALENTINE, Basil; vid. Maierus, M. Currus trium- phalis: Latinitate donatus a Theodoro Kerckringio, cum commentario ejusdem. 120. Amstel. 1671. Of natural and supernatural things, translated out of High Dutch by Daniel Cable. 8°. Lond. 1670. The triumphant chariot of antimony; faithfully Englished, and published, by J. H. Oxon. 8°. Lond. 1661. 16*4 CHEMISTRY. VERULAM. Vid. Bacon. VIGANUS, J. F. Medulla chymiae. 8°. Lond. 1683. WALL, M. Syllabus of a course of lectures in chemistry read at the Museum, Oxford. 8°. Oxford , 1782. WATSON, R. D.D. afterwards lord bishop of Llandaff. Che- mical essays. 4th ed. 5 V. 8°. Lond. 1787. WATSON, W. Experiments on the nature and properties of electricity. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1746. WEIDENFELD, J. S. De secretis adeptorum. 40. Lond. 1684. WELLS, W. An essay on dew, and several appearances connected with it. 8°. Lond. 1814. WILKINSON, C. H. Elements of galvanism; with a view of its history. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1 804. WILSON, G. A complete course of chymistry; with an appendix on the transmutation of metals. 3d ed. 8°. Lond. 1709. WOLFF, F. Vid. Klaproth, M. H. WOLLASTON, F. J. H. Plan of a course of chemical lec- tures. 8°. Cambridge , 1794. YEATS, G. D. On the claims of the moderns to some dis- coveries in chemistry and physiology. 8°. Lond. 1798. MINERALOGY AND GEOLOGY. AGRICOLA, G. De re nietallica libri duodecira : quibus accesserunt tractatus “de animantibus subterraneis ; de ortu et causis subterraneorum ; de natura eorum quag effluunt ex terra; de natura fossilium ; de veteribus et novis metallis ; et Bermannus, sive de re nietallica dialo- gus.” T. 260. fob Basil. 1657. Of the plates contained in this work, almost all of which are exceedingly interesting, 88 represent mining operations and instruments ; 146, metallurgical processes and instru- ments; 25, the extraction of various saline substances from their natural sources; 1, medicinal springs, &c. AIKIN, A. A manual of mineralogy. 8°. Loud. 1814. ALDROVANDUS, U. Musasum metallicum. fol. Bonon. 1648. In this volume are many hundred separate figures, engraved in wood ; representing, principally, either simple minerals, or fossil organic remains. ALLAN, T. Mineralogical nomenclature, with synoptic tables of the chemical analysis of minerals. 8°. Edinb. 1814. ALLIONI, C. Oryctographise Pedemontanae specimen, ex- hibens corpora fossilia terrae adventitia. 8°. Paris, 1757. ANDERSON, C. Werner’s theory of the formation of veins, with its application to the art of working mines; trans- lated from the German. 8°. Edinb. 1809. ASTRUC, J. Mtimoires pour l’histoire naturelle de la pro- vince de Languedoc ; ornes de figures, &c. 40. Pains, l737- AULDJO, J. Narrative of an ascent to the summit of Mont- Blanc, 8 and 9 Aug. 1827; with plates. 40. Loud. 1828. BAKEWELL, R. An introduction to geology. 8°. Pond. i8i3* Again; 2d ed. considerably enlarged. 8°. Loud. 1815. Travels in the Tarentaise, &c. and in Switzerland and Au- vergne, in 1820-22. 2 v. 8°. Loud. 1823. BARBA, A. A. The fi rst book of the art of metals ; trans- lated by the right hon. Edward earl of Sandwich. 8°. Load. 1674. ICO MINERALOGY BAUHIN, J. Ilistoria fontis balneique Bollensis, in ducatu Wirtembergico, ad acidulas Goepingenses. Adjieiuntur plurimae figurae novas variorum fossilium, &c. quae circa bunc fontem reperiuntur. 40. Montisbel. 1598. BECCHER, J. J. vid. Stahl, G. E. Physica subterranea. Ed. nov. 40. Lips. 1728. BERGMAN, T. Meditationes de systemate fossilium natu- rali. 8°. Ooconice , 1788. Sciagraphia regni mineralis secundum principia proxima di- gesti. 8°. Florent. 1783. BERINGER, J. B. A. Lithographias Wirceburgensis spe- cimen primum. T. 19. fob Wirceburg. 1726. Lithographia Wirceburgensis, & c. prodigiosis imaginibus exornata. Ed. 2da. PI. 21. Franco/', et Lips. 17 67. There may be a difference of opinion as to the propriety of the term “exornata:” there can be none as to the truth of the term “prodigiosis imaginibus.” BERTHOUT, J. P. V. Principes de mineralogie, d’apres les letjons du Werner. 8°. Paris , 1795. BERTRAND-ROUX, J. M. Description geognostique des environs du Puy en Velay; avec une carte coloriee, et deux planches. 8°. Paris , 1823. BERZELIUS, J. J. An attempt to establish a pure scien- tific system of mineralogy, by the application of the electro-chemical theory, &c. ; translated from the Swedish original by John Black. 8°. Lond. 1814. Chimie du fer; trad, par le cliev. Ilervd. 8°. Paris , 1826. BEUDANT, F. S. Traite elementaire de mineralogie. 8°. Paris , 1824. Voyage mineralogique et geologique en Hongrie pendant 1818. 3 v. 40. avec un atlas, Paris, 1822. BLUMENBACH, J. F. Specimen archasologise telluris, terrarumque inprimis Hannoveranarum. T. 3. 40. Goct- ting. 1803. BOETIUS DE BOOT, A. Gemmarum et lapidum his- toria. Ed. Adriano Toll, M. D. 8°. Lagd. Bat. 1 636. DU BOIS, F. de Montpereux. Conchiologie fossile; et aper^u geognostique des formations du plateau Woliiyni-Podo- lien. Carte 1. PI. 8. 40. Berlin, 1831. BORRICHIUS, O. Docimastice metallica. 40. Ilcifn. 1677. AND GEOLOGY. 167 BORY de SAINT-VINCENT, B. G. M. Voyage souter- rain ; oil description du plateau de Saint-Pierre de Mae- stricht, et de ses vastes cryptes : suivi de la relation de nouveaux voyages dans les montagnes mcmdites ; par M. Leon Dufour. 8°. Paris , 1821. de BOTTIS, G. Ragionamento istorico intorno all1 eruzione del Vesuvio dell anno 1779. T. 4. 40. Napoli , 1 779. BOUE, A. Geognostisches Gemalde von Deutschland. T. 8. 8°. Frarikf. am M. 1829. Memoires geologiques et paleontologiques. v. ier. 8°. Paris , 1832. BOUILLET, J. B. vid. Deveze de Chabriol. BOURNON, le comte de. Traite complet de la chaux Car- bonate et de FArragonite. 3 v. 40. Lond. 1808. BOURRIT, M. T. Nouvelle description des Glacieres, &c. des Alpes de Savoye, de Suisse, et d’ltalie. 3 v. 8°. Geneve , 1787. BRANDE, W. T. Outlines of geology. 8°. Lond. 1817. BRARD, C. P. Mineralogie appliquee aux arts. 3 v. 8°. Paris , 1821. BRAUNS, J. E. Amcenitates subterranean; id est, brevia- riura de metalli-fodinarum Harcicarum origine. 40. Goslar. 1726. BREISLAK, S. Descrizione geologica della provincia di Milano. 8°. Milano, 1822. Traite sur la structure extdrieure du globe; avec un atlas de 56 planches. 3 v. 8°. Paris , 1822. Voyages physiques et lithologiques dans la Campanie ; traduits par le general Poramereuil. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1801. BRING, O. De arena volatili ejusque cohibitione : imprimr in fine libri Olavii Olai, cui titulus “ QSkonomisk-physisk Beskrivelse over Schagens.” 8°. Kiobenh. 1787. BROCCHI, G. Concbiologia fossile Subapennina ; con osservazioni geologiche sugli Apennini, e sul suolo adja- cente. T. 16. 2 v. 40. Milano, 1814. Dello stato fisico del suolo di Roma. T. 1. col. 8°. Roma. 1820. BROCHANT, A. J. M. Traite elementaire de mineralogie, suivant les principes de Werner; 2de ed. 2 v. 8°. Paris 1808. 168 MINERALOGY BRONGNIART, Adolphe. Histoire des veg6taux fossiles. (Prodrome.) PL 117. 8°. Paris , 1828. This work is not yet complete : and the succession of the plates is not sufficiently regular to admit of a satisfactory description. BRONGNIART, Alexandre. Memoire sur les terrains de sediment calcareo-trappeens du Vicentin. PI. 6. 40. Pa- ris., 1823. Tableaux des terrains qui composent lecorce du globe. 8°. Paris , 1829. Traite elementaire de mindralogie, avec des applications aux arts. 2 v. 8°. Paris , 1807. BRONGNIART, Alexandre, et CUVIER. La geographic mineralogique des environs de Paris, avec une carte ge- ognostique, &c. 40. Paris , 18 11. BRONGNIART, Al. et DESMAREST, A. G. Histoire naturelle des crustac6s fossiles: savoir les “ trilobites” par Al. Brongniart ; les “ crustaces,11 proprement dits, par A. G. Desmarest. PI. 11. 40. Paris , 1822. BllONN, H. G. System der urweltlichen Konchylien. T. 7* fol. Heidelb. 1824. System der urweltlichen Pflanzenthiere. T. 7. fol. Hei- delb. 1825. BROOKE, H. J. A familiar introduction to crystallography, including an explanation of the principle and use of the goniometer; illustrated by nearly 400 engravings on wood. 8°. Lond. 1823. BltUCKMANN, F. E. Thesaurus subterraneus ducatus Brunsvigii. T. 26. 40. Braunschw . 1728. VON BUCH, L. Carte physique de Tile de Teneriffe, levee sur les licux en 1814. fol. Paris, 1831. Geognostische Beobachtungen auf Reisen durch Deutsch- c5 > 0 land und Italien. 2 v. 8°. Berlin, 1802-9. Physicalische Beschreibung der Canarischen Inseln. T. 10. fol. 40. Berlin , 1825. BUCKLAND, rev. W. Reliquiae diluvianae; or observations on the “ organic remains11 contained in caverns, &c. PI. 27. 40. Lond. 1823. Vindiciae geologicae; or the connexion of geology with reli- gion explained in an Inaugural Lecture. 40. Oxford, 1820. BUGG, rev. G. Scriptural geology ; or geological pheno- mena consistent only with the literal interpretation of the sacred scriptures. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1826-7. AND GEOLOGY. 1()9 BURAT, A. Description ties terrains volcaniqucs tie la France centrale. PL to. 8°. Paris , 1833. BURNET, rev. T. Theory of the earth, in four books; 3d ed. PI. 2. fol. Lond. 1697. Review of the theory of the earth ; printed in continuation with the preceding p. 155— 188. BURTIN, F. X. Oryctographie de Bruxelles; 011 descrip- tion ties fossiles ddcouverts dans les environs de cette ville. PI. 32. col. fol. Bruxelles , 1784. CJESIUS, B. Mineralogia; in qua metallicse concretionis miracula, terrarum pretium, et lapidum gemmarumque dignitas, continentur. fol. Lugd. 1636. CASPIAN SEA. Tableau des provinces situees sur la cote occidentale de la mer Caspienne. 40. Petersb. 1798. CASSOLA, F. & PILLA, L. Lo spettatore del Vesuvio e de’ campi Flegrei. Fasc. 1 & 2. 8°. Napoli , 1832. CATCOTT, A. A treatise on the deluge; 2d ed. Lond. 1768. CATULLO, T. A. Saggio di zoologia fossile; ovvero osser- vazioni sopra li petrefatti delle provincie Austro-Venete. T. 8. 40. Padoua, 1827. CHARPENTIER, J. de. Essai sur la constitution geo- gnostique des Pyrenees. 8°. Paris , 1823. COLUMNA, F. De glossopetris dissertatio : imprimr in fine libelli “ A scillae, de corporibus marinis lapidescentibus. 40. Romce, 1752.” COTTA, C. B. Die Dendrolithen in Beziehung auf ihren inneren Bau. T. 20. 40. Dresd. Leipz. 1832. CROIZET, l’abbe & JOBERT, aine. Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles du departement du Puy-de-ddme ; avec une carte geographique, et coupes 9 geologiques. PI. 26. vol. ier. 40. Paris, 1828. Ot the 26 plates announced as belonging to this volume, the copy in the Radcliffe contains only 135 and these not in regular succession. CRONSTEDT, A. F. System of mineralogy; translated from the original Swedish by G. von Engestrom. 2d ed. by H. de Magellan. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1788. CUVIER. Discours sur les revolutions de la surface du globe. 8°. Paris, 1825. Essay on the theory of the earth ; translated by Robert Iverr; with notes by professor Jameson. 8°. Edinb. i8i3- z 170 MINERALOGY Essay, &c. with mineralogical illustrations by professor Jameson; 4th ed. 8°. Edinb. 1822. Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles de quadruples, &c. El. 143. 4 v. 40. Paris , 1812. Recherches, &c. ; nouv. ed. entierement refondue, et consi- derablement augmentee. PI. 275. 5 v. 40. Paris, 1821-4. By tar the greater number of the plates represent fossil bones, &c. : some however represent the osteology of living spe- cies. This being understood, the distribution of the plates is as follows ; and, upon the whole, accords with the suc- cession of the volumes ; but not strictly, because it occa- sionally happens that a subject, discussed in a previous, is resumed in a subsequent volume. Ibis, 3. Elephans, 12. Mastodontes, 11. Hippopotames, 9. Rhinoceros, 19. Elasmotherium, 1. Cheval, 3. Cochon, 2. Daman, 3. Tapir, 16. Cartes geognostiques des en- virons de Paris, 9. Coquilles et v^getaux fossiles des environs de Paris, 11. Palaeotherium, &c. 67. Pachydermata, carnivora, 7. Oiseaux, 4, Reptiles et poissons, 2. Ruminantia, rodentia, 18. Dents de carnivores, 4. Tetes, &c. d’Ours, 9. Hyene, tigre, &c. 10. Glouton, 1. Edentes, 13. Ce laces, 11. Crocodiles, 10. Tortues, 5. Lezards, &c. 7. Pterodactyle, 1. Grenouilles, 4. Ichthyosaurus, &c. 5. DALMAN, J. W. Uber die Palaeaden oder die sogenannten Trilobiten. T. 6. Numb. 1828. DARGENVILLE, A. J. D. Enumerations fossilium, quae in omnibus Galliae provinciis reperiuntur, tentamina. 8°. Paris , 1751. DAUBENY, C. Sketch of the geology of Sicily, corrected from the Edinburgh Philosophical Journal. 8°. Oxford , ( 1 8 25)* . A description of active and extinct volcanos. 8°. Loud. 1826. DAUBUISSON, J. F. On the basalts of Saxony, and on the origin of basalt in general ; translated by P. Neill. 8°. Edinb. 1814. Traite de geognosie. 2 v. 8°. Paris , 1828. DEBLAINVILLE, II. D. Memoire sur les belemnites, considerees zoologiquement et geologiquement. T. 5. 40. Paris , 1827. AND GEOLOGY. 171 DEFRANCE. Tableau des corps organises fossiles, pr6ced6 de remarques sur leur petrification. 8°. Paris , 1824. DE HAAN, Gul. Monographic ammoniteorum et goniati- teorum specimen. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1825. DE LA BECHE, H. A geological manual. 12°. Lond. 1831. Geological notes, on the oolite series of England and France; on conglomerate and gravel deposits, &c. 8°. Loud. 1830. Sections and views, illustrative of geological phenomena. PI. 40. with explanations. 40. Lond. 1 830. Selection of the geological memoirs contained in the Annales des Mines; with a table of equivalent formations, &c. 8°. Lond. 1824. DELUC, J. A. Geological travels; translated from the French manuscript. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1810— 11. Geological travels in some parts of France, Switzerland, and Germany; translated from the French MS. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1813. Lettres physiques et morales sur l’histoire de la terre et de rhomme. 5 v. 8°. Paris et La Haye , 1779. Treatise on geology; translated by the rev. H. Delafite, M. A. 8°. Lond. 1809. DE ROBIEN. Nouvelles idees sur la formation des fossiles : dissertation sur la formation de trois differentes especes de pierres figurees qui se trouvent dans la Bretagne. PI. 1. 8°. Paris, 175 1. DESHA YES, G. P. Description de coquilles caract^ristiques des terrains. 8°. Paris , 1831. DEVEZE DE CHABRIOL, et BOUILLET, J. B. Essai geologique sur la montagne de Boulade, pres dTssoire, departement du Puy-de-dome. Livr. 1—4. PI. 1-27. 40. Clermont-Ferrand, 1825-6. The 1st, 2d, and 26th plates have not yet arrived : the re- maining 24 are thus distributed : Carnivora, 13-16. Rodentia, 14. Pachydermata, 6, 7, 14, 16. Ruminantia, 3-5, 7-1 2, 16-25, 27. DIETRICH, M. le baron de. vid. von. Trebra, F. W. H. DOLOMIEU, Deod. de. Memoire sur les lies Ponces, &c. pour servir a Thistoire des volcans. 8°. Paris, 1788. Voyage aux lies de Lipari 1781. 8°. Paris, 1783. DUFOUR, Leon. vid. Bory de Saint- Vincent, B. G. M. z 2 172 MINERALOGY DUHAMEL, G. Geometrie souterraine elementaire; oil Ton traite des filons on veines minerales, &c. PI. 14. 40. Paris , 1787. DUHAMEL, J. 13. De meteoris et fossilibus. 40. Paris , 1660. DU MEGE, A. Statistique generate des departemens Py- reneens, ou des provinces de Guienne et de Languedoc. 2 v. 8°. Paris , 1828, 9. DUMENIL, A. P. J. Chemicae disquisitiones nonnullorum fossilium. Ease. 1. 8 °. Schmalkald. 1822. Chemische Forschungen im Gebietc der anorganischen Na- tur. 8°. Hannov. 1825. EARTHQUAKES. The theory and history of earthquakes. 8°. Loud. (1720). EICHWALD, E. Ideen zu einer systematischen Orykto- zoologie. 40. Mitau , 1821. Observationes geognostico-zoologicae per Ingriam marisque Baltici provincias; necnon de “ trilobitis.” T. 5. 40. Ca~ sani, 1825. von ENGELHARDT, M. Darstellungen aus dem Fels- gebaude Russlands. Erste lief, geognostischer Umriss von Finland. 2 Karten. 40. Berlin. 1820. EPIPHANIUS, episcopus Cypri. De duodecim gemmis in veste Aaronis. Gr. et Lat. ; cum corollario Conradi Ges- neri. 8°. Tiguri , 1565. ESMARCFI, L. Historisk Efterretning om Sandflugten i Norre-tylland. 8°. Kiobenh. 1 8 j 7. ESMARIv, J. Kurze Reschreibung einer mineralogischen Reise (lurch Ungarn, Siebenburgen, und das Bannat. 8°. Freyberg , 1798. ESPER, J. F. Description des zoolithes nouvellement de- couvertes d’animaux quadrupedes inconnus; et des ca- vernes qui les renferment dans le margraviat de Bareith : trad, de l’AHemand par J. F. Isenflamm. PI. 14. col. fob Nuremb. 1774. FAIRHOLME, G. A general view of the geology of scrip- ture. 8 °. Lond. J 833 . FAUJAS-ST. FOND, B. Essai de geologie. 3 v. 8°. Paris, t8°9. Histoire naturelle de la montagne de Saint-Pierre de Mae- stricht. PI. 54. 4°. Paris , 1799. Lacertse, &c. 32. Conchylia, &c. 22. AND GEOLOGY. 173 Recherches sur lcs volcans dteints du Vivarais et du Velay. FI. 20. fol. Grenoble et Paris , 1778. FERRARA, F. I campi Flegrei della Sicilia, e delle isole che le sono intorno. 40. Messina , 1810. Storia naturale della Sicilia, che comprende la mineralogia. 40. Catania , 1813. de FERUSSAC, J. D. Memoires geologiques sur les ter- rains formes sous Feau douce, par les debris fossiles des mollusques vivants sur la terre ou dans Feau non salee. 40. Paris , 1814. von FICHTEL, J. E. Mineral ogische Rcmerkungen von den Karpathien. 2 v. 8°. Wien. 1816. FISCHER, G. Essai sur la turquoise et sur la calaite. 2de ed. 8°. Moscou , 18 [8. ELAMSTEAD, J. A letter concerning earthquakes, writ- ten in the year 1693. 8°. Pond. 1750. FLURL, M. Beschreibung der Gebirge von Baiern und der oberen Pfaltz, &c. T. 4. 8°. Munchen , 1792. FORT IS, A. Memoi res pour servir a Fhistoire naturelle, et principalement a Foryctographie, de Fltalie et des pays adjacens. 2 v. 8°. Paris , 1802. GADOLIN, J. Systema fossilium analysibus chemicis exa- minatorum. 40. Berolini , 1825. GESNER, C. Corollarium in “ Epiphanii librum de gcmmis in veste Aaronis. 8°. Tiguri , 1565, q. v. p. \6P De rerum fossilium, lapidum et gemmarum maxime, figuris et similitudinibus. 8°. Tiguri , 1 565. GESNER, J. Tractatus physicus de petrificatis. 8°. Lug'd. Bat. 1758. GIELLEBOL, R. Naturlig og ceconomisk Beskrivelse over Holands prasstegield (i. e. physical and economical descrip- tion of the parish of Hoeland in Norway). T. 1. 8°. Kiobenh. 1771. GIRARDIN, J. Considerations generales sur les volcans. 8°. Rouen , 1831. GIRARDIN, J. and LECOQ, H. Siemens de mineralogie appliquee aux sciences chimiques. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1826. GOLDAU. Relation succincte de Fecroulement de la mon- tagne au-dessus de Goldau, canton de Schwytz, le 2 Sep- tembre 1806. PI. 3. 40. Zuric. 1806. 174 MINERALOGY GOLDFUSS, A. Abbddungen und Beschreibungen der Pe- trefacten des Museums der konigl. preussisclien rheini- schen Universitat zu Bonn. T. 71. fob Diisseld. 1826. Alcyonia and corallines, 1-38. and 65. Echini, 39-49. (40-43 repet.) Encrinites, 50-61. and asteriae, 62-64. Serpulae, &c. 66-71. This work is still in progress : the text extends to p. 240. GOllSI, F. Catalogo ragionato d’una collezione di pietre di decorazione, formata in Roma. 8°. Roma , 1825. This collection, which consists of 1000 specimens, was pre- sented to the university of Oxford, in the year 1827, by Stephen Jarrett, esq., honorary M. A. of Magdalene college. Each specimen is a parallelopiped of the following dimen- sions : length, nearly 6 inches; breadth, rather above 24; thickness, 14. GllEENOUGH, G. B. A critical examination of the first principles of geology. 8°. Lond. 1819. GRONOVIUS, J. F. Index supellectilis lapideas. Ed. alt. 8°. Lugd . Bat. 1750. GROUNER. Histoire naturelle des glaci£res de Suisse; trad, de l’Allemand par M. de Keralio. PI. 18. 40. Pa- ris, 1770. GUSSMANN, F. Lithophylacium Mitisianum ; dissertatione praevia, &c. explicatum. 8°. Vienn. 1785. HAIUINGER, C. Entwurf einer systematischen Eintheil- ung der Geburgs-arten. 40. St. Petersb. 1786. TIALL, sir James, bart. Experiments on whinstone and ba- salt; from the Edinburgh Transactions. 40. 1798. HALLYWELL, C. A philosophical discourse of earth- cpiakes. 40. Lond. 1693. HAMILTON, sir William, K. B. Campi Phlegraei; or ob- servations on the volcanos of the Two Sicilies. Eng. and Fr. PI. 54. col. fob Naples, 1776. Supplement to the Campi Phlegraei; being an account of the eruption of mount Vesuvius in August 1779. PI. 5. cob fob Naples , 1779. The first 41 plates of the Campi Phlegraei, and the first three plates of the Supplement, exhibit various views of Vesu- vius, 8tc. The other plates represent specimens of volcauic products, &c. Observations on mount Vesuvius, Etna, and other volcanos. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1773. AND GEOLOGY. 175 HARRIS, J. Remarks on some late papers relating to the universal deluge, &c. 8°. Lond. 1697. HAUY, M. l’abbe. Tableau comparatif des resultats de la cristallographie et de l’analyse chimique, & c. 8°. Paris , 1809. Traite de cristallographie. 4 v. 8°. et atlas de 84 planches. Paris , 1822. Traite de mineralogie. 4 v. 8°. et atlas de 86 planches 40. Paris , 1801. Traite de mineralogie. 2de ed. 4 V. 8°. et atlas 40. Paris , 1822. HAWKINS, T. Memoirs of ichthyosauri and plesiosauri. PI. 28. fol. Lond. 1834. HAYS, J. Description of a fragment of the head of a new fossil animal, discovered in a marl-pit, near Moorestown, New Jersey. (Extracted from the Transactions of the American philosophical society, 1829, 30.) PI. 1. 40. HENCKEL, J. F. Pyritologie, ou histoire naturelle de la pyrite : on y a joint le “ flora saturnisans” et les opuscules mineralogiques. PI. 5. 40. Paris , 1760. HERMANN, B. F. Beschreibung der Manipulation durch welche in Steyermark, Karnten und Ivrain der beriihmte Brescianerstahl verfertigt wird. 8°. Vien, 1781. Naturgeschichte des Kupfers. 8°. Vien , 1801. Mineralogische Reisen in Sibirien 1783-96. T. 15. 3 v. 40. St. Peter sb. I7q8. HERON, A. M. de Villefosse. De la richesse minerale. Con- siderations sur les mines, &c. PI. 63. fol. 3 v. 40. Paris , 1819. HIBBERT, S. Extinct volcanos of the basin of Nemvied on the Lower Rhine, with maps, &c. 8°. Edinb. 1832. HILL, sir John. Theophrastus’s history of stones, Lat. and Eng., with notes. 2d ed. Lond. 1774. von HOFF, K. E. A. Geschichte der durch Uberlieferung nachgewiesenen natiir lichen Veranderungen der Erdober- flache. 3 v. 8°. Gotha, 1822-34. HOFFMANN, F. Uebersicht der orographischen und geo- gnostischen Verhaltnisse vom nordwestlichen Deutschland. T. 3. 2 v. 8°. Leipz. 1830. HUMBOLDT. Essai geognostique sur le gisement des roches dans les deux hemispheres. 8°. Paris, 1823. Fragmens de geologie et de climatologie Asiatiques. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1831. HUTCHINSON, J. Moses’s principia; of the invisible parts of matter; of motion, &c. 2d ed. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1J36, 7. 176 MINERALOGY IMPERATO, F. Historia naturale: nella quale si tratta della di versa condition di nnnere, &c.; con vane historie di piante, e animali, sin’’ hora non date in luce. Ed. 2da. 30 Z. 24 B. 29 G. fol. Veiiet. 1672. JAMESON, Robert. Manual of mineralogy. 8°. Edinb. 1821. System of mineralogy. 3 v. 8°. Edinb. 1804-8. Again. 2d ed. 3 v. 8°. Edinb. 1816. rl reatise on the external characters of minerals. 8°. Edinb. 1 805. Again. 2d ed. PI. 7. 8°. Edinb. 1816. JOBERT. Vid. Croizet, l’abbe. JONES, rev. W. Discourses on the natural philosophy of the Elements. PI. 10. 40. Lond. 1781. KAIJP, J. J. Description d’ossemens fossiles de mammiferes inconnus jusq’a present. N°. 1,2. PI. 11. 4 °. Darnist. I^32j 3- Deinotherium giganteum, 1-5. Tapirus priscus, &c. 6-9. Gulo, felis ogvgia, &c. 1, 2. KEFERSTEIN, Ch. Die Naturgeschichte des Erdkorpcrs in ihren ersten Grundziigen. 2 v. 8°. Leipz. 1834. Teutschland, geognostisch-geologisch Dargestellt und mit Karten und Durchschnittszeichnungen erlautert. 7 v. 8°. Weimar , 1821-31. KEILL, J. Examination of Burnet’s Theory of the Earth; with remarks on Winston's New Theory. 8°. Oxford , 1698. Examination of the Reflections on the Theory of the Earth, with a defence of the remarks on Whiston’s New Theory. 8". Oxford , 1699. Second edition of the two preceding works, with a disserta- tion on the figures of the celestial bodies by Mons. Mau- pertuis. 8°. Lond. 1734. KENNEDY, J. Lectures on the philosophy of the Mosaic record of creation. 8°. Lond. 1826. KIDD, J. A geological essay. 8°. Oxford, 1815. Outlines of mineralogy. 2 v. 8°. Oxford, 1809. KIRCHER, A. Area Noe; sive de rebus quae a Noemo gestae sunt ante et post diluvium, et durante diluvio. T. 10 vel 12; praeter animalium variorum figuras 102. fol. Amstel. 1 675. Mundus subterraneus. 2 v. fol. Amstel. 1678. There are numerous plates in each volume; but most of them are of too trifling or too absurd a character to deserve no- tice. About 30 of them are curious, as illustrating the geological hypotheses of the author and others. AND GEOLOGY. 177 KIRWAN, R. Elements of mineralogy. Ed. 3. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1810. Geological essays. 8°. Lond. 1799. KONIG. leones fossilium sectiles. PI. 8. No date. Each plate contains several outline figures of various organic remains ; the collective number of the figures amounting to 102. Each figure is engraved in a separate compart- ment, so that it may be cut out and separated from the rest ; and hence the term “ sectiles.” In the text are re- ferences to Cuvier’s “ r&gne animal,” with observations of the author. KLAPROTH, M. PL Analytical essays towards promoting the chemical knowledge of mineral substances ; translated from the German. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1801-4. KLEIN, J. T. Descriptiones tubulorum marinorum, be- lemnitarum, &c. T. 10. 40. Gedani , 1731. Lapidum figuratorum nomenclator. T. 1. 40. Gedani , 1740. Specimen description^ petrefactorum Gedanensium. Lat. et Germ. T. 24. col. fol. Numb. 1770. Of the plates, 21 represent shells; 1, corals; 2, encrinites. KNIGHT, W. Facts and observations towards forming a new theory of the earth. 8°. Edinb. 1819. KNORR, G. W. Sammlung von Merck wurdigkeiten der Natur und Alterthumern des Erdbodens, welche petri- Jicirte Korper enthalt. T. 67. col. fol. Numb. 1 755. No description is now given of the plates contained in this volume, because they are also contained in the following work ; of which a particular description is given. Recueil des monumens des catastrophes que le globe ter- restre a essuiees; commence par feu M. G. W. Knorr, et continue par ses heritiers: avec fhistoire naturelle de ces corps par Mons. J. E. E. Walch : trad, de TAllemand. T. 272. (?) col. 4 v. fol. Nurernb. 1767-78. The plates are irregularly arranged; and, occasionally, fossils of different characters are represented on the same plate. 1 he following description of the number of plates appro- priated to the different subjects is, probably, upon the whole, correct : Vertebrated animals, principally fish, 32. Various shells, 102. Crustaceous animals, insects, &c. 20. Echini and encrinites, 25. Corallines and alcyonia, 42. Fossil wood, 17. Impressions of ferns, &c. 24. Pseudo-impressions on Florentine marble, &c. to. a a 178 MINERALOGY LAMARCK, J. B. Recueil de planches des coquilles fossiles des environs de Paris. PI. 30. 40. Paris , 1823. LANGIUS, C. N. Historia lapidum figuratorum Helvetia? ej usque viciniae. 40. Vend. 1708. de LAUNAY, C. D. Essai sur Thistoire naturelle des roches. 4°. St. Petersb. 1786. von LEDEBOUR, C. F. Reise durch das Altai-gebirge und die soongorische Kirgisen -steppe, im 1826. 2 v. 8°. Ber- lin, r 829. LEHMANN, J. G. L’art des mines (metalliques), avec figures. 3 v. 120. Paris , 1759. LEIBNITZ, G. G. Protogaea. Ed. C. L. Scheid. T. 12. 40. Goetting. 1749. von LEONHARD, K. C. Die Basalt-gebilde im ihren Be- ziehungen zu normalen und abnormen Felsmassen ; nebst einem Atlas. 2 v. 8°. Stuttgart, 1832. Handbuch der Oryktognosie. T. 7. 8°. Heidelberg, 1826. Zeitschrift fiir Mineralogie : neue folge, 1828 & 1829. N°. i— 1 o. T. 11. 8°. Heidelberg. LIEBKNECHT, J. G. Hassiae subterraneae specimen, cla- rissima testimonia diluvii universalis exhibens. T. 14. 40. Giessce et Francof. 1730. LUCAS, J. A. H. Tableau methodique des especes mine- rales. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1806. LYELL, C. Principles of geology. 3 v. 8°. Land. 1830-3. MACCULLOCH, J. Geological classification of rocks. 8°. Loud. 1821. System of geology. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1831. MACLURE, W. On the geology of the United States of America. 8°. Philadelphia , 1817. MARTIN. W. An attempt to establish a knowledge of ex- traneous fossils on scientific principles. 8°. Macclesf. 1809. MARZARI-PENCATI, G. Corsa pel bacino del Rodano, e per la Liguria d’ occidente. T. 7. 8°. Vicenza, 1806. MERCATO, M. Metallotheca ; opus posthumum : ed. J. M. Lancisi. 38 Z. 79 G. fob RomcE, 1717. MESCH, A. H. van der Boon. Disputatio geologica de in- cendiis montium igni ardentium insulae Javae. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1826. Disputatio geologica de granite. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1820. AND GEOLOGY. 179 von MEYER, H. Tabelle iiber die Gcologie zur Verein- fachung derselben, und zur naturgemassen Classification der Gesteine. 8°. Number g\ 1833. MICHELE, Conte. Cenni geologici sulla provincia di terra d1 Otranto. 8°. Livorno, 1820. MITCHILL, S. L. Catalogue of the organic remains, &c. presented to the New York Lyceum of Natural History in August 1826. 8°. New York, 182 6. MOHS, F. The characters of the classes, &c.; or the cha- racteristic of the natural history system of mineralogy. 8°. Edinb. 1820. Treatise of mineralogy; translated from the German, with considerable additions, by W. Haidinger. PI. 33. 3 V. 8°. Edinb. 1825. MONTAGU, W. A philosophical discourse upon earth- quakes, their causes and consequences. 8°. Load. 1755. MONTICELLI, T. In agrum Puteolanum Camposque Phlegraeos commentarium. 4 °. Neapoli, 1826. MONTICELLI, T. et COVELLI, N. Prodromo della mi- neralogia Vesuviana, con 19 tavole. 8°. Napoli , 1825. Storia de’ fenomeni del Vesuvio 1821-3. 8°. Napoli , 1823. MORREN, C. F. A. Revue systematique des nouvelles de- couvertes d’ossemens fossiles faites dans le Brabant meri- dional. 8°. Gaud. 1828. MURRAY, J. Comparative view of the Huttonian and Neptunian systems of geology ; in answer to the illustra- tions of the Huttonian theory of the earth by prof. Play- fair. 8°. Edinb. 1802. Explication sur la theorie de la terre par Hutton ; et examen comparatif des systemes geologiques &c. par M. Murray, en reponse a rexplication de Playfair; traduits de V An- glais par C. A. Basset. 8°. Paris , 1815. NILSSON, S. Petrificata Suecana formationis cretaceee. Pars prior, “ vertebrata” et “ mollusca” sistens. T. 10. fol. Eond. Goth. 1827. All the plates are occupied by ammonites and other shells. OBERLIN, H. G. Propositions geologiques, &c. avec leur application a la description geognostique, &c. du Ban de la Roche. 8°. Strasbourg, 1806. OLAVIUS, O. CEkonomisk-physisk Beskrivelse over Scha- gens: (i. e. an economico-physical description of Skagen) (in Jutland.) PI. 5. Adjicitur dissertatio “ De arena Volatili Scanensi, ej usque cohibitione auctore Olof Bring.” 8°. Kiobenli. 1787. a a 2 180 MINERALOGY ORDINAIRE, Pabbth The natural history of volcanoes; translated from the original French MS. by R. C. Dallas. 8°. Lond. 1801. PALASSOU, L’A. Essai sur la mineralogie des Monts- Pyrenees. 40. Paris, 1784. Memoires pour servir a l’histoire naturelle des Pyrenees et des pays adjacents. 8°. Part. 1815. Suite des memoires pour servir, &c. 8°. Pau, 1819. Supplement aux memoires pour servir, &c. ; suivis de re- cherches relatives aux anciens camps de la Novempopu- lanie. 8°. Pau, 1821. PALLAS, P. S. Betrachtungen fiber die Beschaffenheit der Geblirge und Veranderungen der Erdkugel, besonders in Beziehung auf das Russische Reich. 8°. Frank/, \ '0'io in alcuni luoejii della Basilicata e della Calabria OO O citeriore, 1826. 8°. Napol. 1827. Viaggio in alcuni luoghi di Abbruzzo citeriore, 1831. 8°. Napol. 1832. von TILESIUS, A. Naturhistorische Abhandlungen und Erlauterungen besonders die Petrefactenkunde betrefFend. T. 8. col. 40. Cassel, 1826. On the “ mammoth” or fossil elephant, found in the ice at the mouth of the river Lena; translated, and abridged, from the fifth volume of the Memoirs of the Imperial Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg. PI. 1. 40. Loud. 1819. TORRUBIA, J. Dissertaciones sobre el diluvio. T. 12. fol. Madrid. 1754. TOWNSEND, rev. J. The character of Moses established for veracity as an historian ; recording events from the creation to the deluge, and subsequent to the deluge. PI. 21. 2 v. 40. Bath , 1813—15- TOWNSON, R. Philosophy of mineralogy. 8°. Loncl, 1798. AND GEOLOGY. 18 5 TREBRA. F. W. H. von. Sur 1’interieur des montagnes : trad, de l’Allem. par M. le baron de Dietrich. PI. 8. col. fob Paris, 1787. LTRE, A. A new system of geology; with 7 plates and 51 wood -engravings. 8°. Lond. 1829. VERONA. Ittiolitologia Veronese. I tab & Lat. T. 76. fob Verona , 179 6. Many of the plates contain more than two or three figures (of fish) : and to each figure is annexed a name of the fish represented. VIVENZIO, G. Istoria de1 tremuoli avvenuti nella provincia della Calabria ulteriore, e nella citta di Messina nelb anno 1783. T. 23. 2 v. 40. Napoli, 1788. WALKER, J. Classes fossilium ; sive, characteres naturales et chymici classium et ordinum in systemate minerali. 8°. Eclinb. 1787. WALLERIUS, J. G. Systema mineralogicum. Ed. alt. 2 v. 8°. Vindob. 1778. WEBSTER, J. Metallographia : or a history of metals. 40. Lond. 1671. WEBSTER, W. J. Description of the island of St. Mi- chael, with an account of its geological structure ; and remarks on the other Azores or Western Islands. 8°. Bos- ton, 1821. WHITEHURST, J. An inquiry into the original state and formation of the earth ; 3d ed. Ph 7. 40. Lond. 1 792. WILLE, G. A. Geognostische Beschreibung der Gebirgs- massen zwischen dem Taunus-und Vogelsgebirge von der Lahn nach dem Main, Rhein, und der Nahe. T. 2. cob 8°. Maintz , 1828. WILLIAMS, J. The natural history of the mineral king- dom ; with an Appendix by James Millar, M. D. 2d ed. 2 v. 8°. Edinb. 1810. WIRSING, A. L. Marmora, &c. coloribus suis expressa, et descripta. Lat. et Germ. T. 54. cob 4°. Nurnbcrg, 1775- The 54 plates contain 315 representations of the marbles of Bayreuth, &c. Bayreuth, 78. Saltzburg, 36. Wirtemburg, &c. 153. Tyrol, &c. 48. WITHAM, H. Observations on fossil vegetables, accom- panied by representations of their internal structure as seen through the microscope Ph 6. 40. Edinb. 1 83 [ . 1? b 186 MINERALOGY AND GEOLOGY. WOODWARD, J. Fossils of all kinds digested into a me- thod, suitable to their relation and affinity. 8°. Loud. 1728. Naturalis historia telluris, cum methodica fossilium in classes distributione. 8°. Lond. 17:14. Natural history of the earth ; with an account of the uni- versal deluge. 3d ed. Lond. 1723. WORTHINGTON, W. The scripture -theory of the earth, throughout all its revolutions, from the creation to the final renovation of all things. 8°. Lond. 1773. WULFENS, X. Abhandlung vom karnthenschen pfauen- schweifigen Helmintholith oder dem sogenannten opali- strenden Muschelmarmor. T. 32. col. 40. Erlang-. 1793. De plumbo spatoso Carinthiaco; in Lat. ex Germ. ; transl. a Josepho Eyerel. T. 21. col. 40. Vindob. 1791. De ZIETEN, C. H. Les purifications de Wurtemberg; avec indication des formations de roches dans lesquelles on les rencontre. Livr. 1— 10. PI. 60. col. fol. Stuttg. 1820- 33- Ammonite, 1 — 1 8 et 26-28. Belemnite, 19-25. Helix, pinna, &c. &.c. 29-60. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. ACADEMIA RHENO-TRAJECTINA. vid. Bleuland, J. ADAMS, G. Essays on the microscope; (with plates illus- trative of the structure of various animals and vegetables). 2d ed. 40. Loud. 1798. ALBERS, J. A. leones ad illustrandam anatomen compara- tam. Fasc. 1-2. T. 7. fol. Lips. 1818-22. All the plates have a reference to cetaceous animals. ALTENA, H. L. van. Commentatio ad quaestionem (aca- dem. Belgic.) de speciebus indigenis reptilium ex ordine batrachiorum ; addita unius saltern speciei anatome. T. 4. 40. Lugd. Bat. 1829. DALTON, E. vid. Pander, C. Die Skelete der strauss- artigen Vogel. T. 7. fol. Bonn, 1827. ANATOMY. The natural history of animals, containing the anatomical description of several creatures dissected by the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris; translated by a fellow of the Royal Society. PI. 30. fol. Lond. 1702. The plan of the plates is exceedingly good, though they are badly executed. In the lower part of each plate a figure of the individual animal in its natural state and action is given : and in the upper part are represented the principal points of its anatomy. ARSAKY, A. De piscium cerebro et medulla spinali. T. 3. 40. Halcp , 1813. von BAER, K. E. Uber Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere. T. 3. col. 40. Konigsb. 1828. Untersuchungen fiber die Gefaessverbindung zwischen Mut- ter und Frucht in den Saiigethieren. T. 1. col. fol. Leipz. 1828. BAKER, H. The microscope made easy ; 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1743. BARKER, G. Osteographia piscium : gadi praesertim Aegle- fini comparati cum lampride guttato, specie rariori; cum iconibus forma majore. T. 11 ; quar. 1 col. 8°. Groning. 1822. BARCLAY, J. Explanatory references of Mitchell’s en- gravings of the bones of man and of some of the lower animals. 2 pts. 40. Editib. 1819, 20. r b 2 188 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY BARKOWIUS, J. C. L. De origine et decursu arteriarum mammalium. T. 4. 40. Lips. 1829. Monstra animalium duplicia. T. 15. vol. 1. 40. Lips. 1828. BARLOW, J. H. The art of hatching; and rearing; all kinds of domestic poultry, and game birds, by steam. PI. 2. 8°. Lond . 1826. BARTHOLINUS, T. De luce animalium. 8°. Lugd. Bat . 1647. BEIITHOLD, A. A. Beitriige zur Anatomie, Zootomie, und Physiologie. 8°. Gotting. 1831. BISCHOFFIUS, L. W. T. Nervi accessorii Willisii ana- tomia et physiologia. T. 6. 40. Darmst. 1832. DE BLAINVILLE, H. M. Ducrotat. De Torganisation des animaux, 011 principes d’anatomie comparee. 2 v. 8°. Paris , 1822-3. BLASIUS, G. Anatome animalium variorum. T. 65. 40. Amstel. j 68 1 . W1 loever will carefully examine these plates cannot fail to perceive manifest traces of a knowledge of many anatomi- cal facts, which are commonly supposed to be of compa- ratively recent discovery. The subjects of the plates are distributed in the following proportions, though not in the same order as here given: Spinal marrow of quadrupeds, 1. Ape, 1. Lion, tiger, cat, bear, dog, ir. Beaver, hare, mole, mouse, squirrel, 5. Horse, 2. Pig and various animals, 2. Camel, ox, sheep, &c. 13. Birds, 5. Evolution of the egg, 8. Reptiles, 6. Fish, 5. Mollusca, &c. 2. Insects, 4. Observata anatomica in homine, equo, testudine, ardea, &c. 8°. Lugd. Bat. et Amstel. 1674. BLEULAND, J. Deseriptio musei anatomici academiae Rheno-Trajectinae. 40. Traj.adR. 1826. leones anatomico-physiologicae partium corporis humani, et animalium, quae in descriptione musaei academiae Rheno- Trajectinae inveniuntur. T. 24. col. 40. Project, ad Rh. 1 826. leones anatomico-pathologicae, &c. T. 18, quar. 1. col. 40. Prqject. ad Rh. 1826. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 189 BLUMENBACH, J. F. A short system of comparative anatomy ; translated from the German by W. Laurence. 8°. Lond. 1807. BOIANUS, L. H. Anatome testudinis Europasae. T. 31. fol. Viln. 1819. BONANNI, P. Observationes circa viventia; cum micro- graphia curiosa, sive rerum observationibus ope micro- scopii recognitarum. 40. Roma , 1691. BONPLAND. Vid. Humboldt. BORELLUS, J. A. De motu animalium. Ed. 2da. T. 14. 2 v. 40. Lugd. Bat. 1685. BOURDON, J. Principes de physiologie comparee. 8°. Paris , 1830. BRAUN, J. F. P. Systematische Beschreibung einiger Egel- arten sowohl nach ihren aussern Kennzeichen als nach ihrem innerem Bau. T. 7. 40. Berlin , 1805. BREMSER, J. G. leones Helminthum systema Rudolphii entozoologicum illustrantes. T. [8. col. fol. Vienn. 1824. BREMSER, M. Traite zoologique et physique sur les vers intestinaux de Hiomme: trad, de l’Allemand par M. Grundler; revu, &c. par M. Deblainville (avec un atlas de 12 pi. in 40.) 8°. Paris , 1824. BURMEISTER, H. Zur Naturgeschichte der Rankenfus- ser. T. 2. 40. Berlin , 1834. CAMPER, P. CEuvres sur Phistoire naturelle, la physiolo- gie, et Panatomie comparee. 3 v. 8°. Paris , 1803. Planches pour les oeuvres qui ont pour objet rhistoire natu- relle, la physiologie, et Panatomie comparee. T. 34. fol. Paris et Bourdeaux , 1803. Anatomie de plusieurs especes de cetaces. Publiee par son fils Adrien-Gilles Camper, avec des notes par M. G. Cu- vier. 40. Paris , 1820. CAMPER, p£re et fils. Recueil de planches pour servir aux observations anatomiques sur la structure interieure, et le squelette, de plusieurs especes de cetaces. PI. 53; dont 3 col. fol. Paris , 1820. CARUS, C. G. Entdeckung eines Blutkreislaufes in den Larven netzfluglicher Insecten. T. 3. 40. Leipz. 1827. Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Zootomie. Ed. nov. T. 20. 2 v. 8°. & 1 v. 40. Leipz. 1834. An introduction to comparative anatomy ; translated from the German by R. T. Gore. 2 v. 8°. and 1 v. 40. of plates. Lond . 1827. 190 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Von den aussern Lebensbedingungen der Weiss-und kalt- bliitigen Thiere; nebst zwei Beilagen. 40. Leipz. 1824. Von den Ur-theilen des Knochen-und schalengeriistes. T. 12. fol. Leipz. 1828. CHABRIER, J. Essai sur le vol des insectes ; et observa- tions sur les mouvemens progressifs de l’homme et des animaux vertebres. PI. 13. 4°. Paris , 1822. CHIAIE, S. delle. Memorie sulla storia e notomia degli ani- mali senza vertebre, del regno di Napoli. T. 68. repet. et col. 4 v. 40. Napoli , 1823-9. Hirudo, 1. Clio, Planaria, &c. 1. Cassiopeia, 2. Siphunculus balanophorus, 1. Aplysia, 4. Holothuria, 4. Doridium Meckelii, 1. aplysiseforme, 1 . Taenia solium, 2. Pterotrachea, 3. Tricocephalus, &c. 1. Actinia, &c, 1. Asterias, 4. Echinus, 5. Nereis, &c. 2. Lumbricus, 2. Pennatula, 1. Lobularia, spongia, &c. 1. Cellepora, &c. 1. Holothuria, taenia, &c. 1. Zoantha, Botryllus, &c. 1. Tubularia, spongia, &c. 1. Doris Argo, 1. Thethys, 1. Pleurobranchus, 1. Nais, Nereis, Lumbricus, 4. Ascidia, 1. Hydra, Salpa, 1. Physsophora, &c. 2. Beroe, Comatula, & c. 2. Teredo navalis, 1. Octopus, Sepia, &c. 6. Sertularia, & c. 2. Gorgonia, Medusa, Cellepora, 3. Spatangus, Aphrodite aculeata, 1 . Patella, &c. 1. It should be observed that very different animals are often represented in the same plate; and the same animal in distant plates. CLOQUET, H. T raite complet de l’anatomie de Phomme, comparee dans ses points les plus importans a cede des animaux. PI. 109. vol. 1. 40. Paris , 1826. The plates are numbered to 112: but 73, 91, 98, 99, 104, 105, are wanting; and 25, 75, 84, are each of them re- peated. CLOQUET, J. Anatomic des vers intestinaux. PI. 8. 40. Paris , 1824. COLLINS, S. A system of the anatomy of man, beasts, birds, fish, insects, and plants. PI. 73. 2 v. fol. Lond. 1685. The plates are very indifferent in every respect, with the ex- ception of those which relate to the comparative anatomy of the brain : the number of these, (twenty-four,) is consi- derable ; and upon the whole they are tolerably accurate. There are no plates on vegetable anatomy. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 191 COOKE, T. A letter descriptive of the character of the whistling swan. PI. 2. fol. Lond. 1823. CUVIER. Lemons d’anatomie com par ^e. 5 v. 8°. 1805. Memoires pour servir a l’histoire et a Fanatomie des mol- lusc] ues. PI. 35. 40. Paris, 1817. D’ALTON, E. Vid. Pander, C. DESHAY ES, G. P. Anatomie et monographie du genre “dentale,” (lue a la societe d’histoire naturelle le 18 Mars, 1825.) 40. {Paris, 1825). DESMOULINS, A. et MAGP1NDIE, F. Anatomie des systemes nerveux des animaux a vertebres. PI. 13. 2 v. 8°. and 1 v. 40. Paris , 1825. DESSBERGER. *Grundlinien einer vergleichenden Zooto- mie der Forst-und Jagdthiere. 8°. Gotha, 1834. DOUGLAS, J. Muscles of a man and of a quadruped com- pared. 120. Lond. 1707. DUFOUR, L. Recherches anatomiques et physiologiques sur les hemipteres. PI. 19. 40. Paris, 1833. EHRENBERG, C. G. Organisation: systematik-und geo- graphisches Verhaltniss der Infusionsthierchen. T. 8. col. fol. Berlin, 1830. Entwickelung, Lebensdauer und Structur der Infusions- thiere. T. 4; quarum 2 col. fol. Berlin, 1832. FABRICIUS, PI. ab aquapendente. Opera omnia anatomica et physiologica. T. 61. fol. Lips. 1687. P’REULER, J. J. Monographia caviae porcelli zoologica, cum tabulis aeneis. 40. Goetting . 1820. FUNK, A. F. De salamandrae terrestris vita, evolutionc, formatione. T. 3. col. fol. Berolini, 1827. GIBSON, W. The farrier’s new guide, in two parts; the 1 st containing the anatomy ; the 2d the diseases of horses. 7th eel. 8°. Ijond. 1731. The true method of dieting horses. 8°. Lond. 1721. GLEICHEN, le baron de. Decouvertes les plus nouvelles dans le regne vegetal ; ou observations microscopic] ues sur les parties des plantes, et sur les insectes qui s’y trouvent : trad, de FAllemand par J. F. Isenflamm. PI. 31. col. fol. Nuremb. 1770. Mechanism of the microscope, 6. Parts of vegetables, 32. insects and vegetables, 8. Insects, &c. 5. Dissertation sur la generation, les animalcules spermatic] ues, et ceux d’infusions : trad, de rAllemand. PI. 32, quar. 3 col. 40. Paris, 1799. 192 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY GOETZE, J. A. E. Versuch einer Naturgcschichte der Ein- geweidewurmer thierischer Korper. T.44. 40. Blankenb. 1782. Erster Nachtrag zur Naturgeschichte der Eingeweidewiirmer. T. 6. 40. Leipz. 1800. de GREY, T. The compleat horseman and expert ferrier. 5th ed. 40. Loud. 1684. GURLT, E. F. Anatomische Abbildung'en der Haus-sauw- thiere ; fasc. 1-15. T. 150; quar. 1 col. fol. Berlin , 1H24-33. Of these 150 plates, 1-20 refer to the bones, 21-53 muscles, 54-76 digestive organs, &c. 77-87 the foetus, 88-125 respiration, circulation, and ab- sorption, 126-150 nervous system. The 79th plate, which is coloured, exhibits the placental cir- culation. Text zu den anatomischen Abbildungen der Haus-Sauge- thiere. 8°. Berlin , 1829. Lehrbuch der pathologischen Anatomie der Haus-Sauge- thiere. T. 10. 8°. Berlin , 1831. Four of the plates, of which the third is partly coloured, re- present intestinal worms. HARWOOD, B. A system of comparative anatomy and physiology. PI. 15* vol. 1. 40. Cambr. 1796. HEDWIG, R. A. Disquisitio “ ampullularumr’ Lieberkiihnii physico-microscopica. T. 4. 40. Lips. 1797* HEGETSCHWEILER, J. J. Dissertatio zootomica de in- sectorum genitalibus. T. I. 40. Turici , 1820. HEROLD. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Schmetterlinge, anatomisch und physiologisch. T. 33 j quarum 25 col. 40. Cassel und Marburg , 1815. HOME, sir E. bart. Lectures on comparative anatomy. PI. 371. 6 v. 40. Lond. 1814-28. Mammalia, 171. Annelida, 10. Aves, 46. Insecta, 6. Reptilia, 47. Zoophyta, 2. Pisces, 35. Infusoria, 1. Mollusca, 27. Miscellanea, 26. HOOKE, R. Micrographia : or some physiological descrip- tions of minute bodies, made by magnifying glasses; with observations thereupon. PI. 38. fol. Lond. 1667. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 193 HUMBOLDT et BONPLAND. Itecueil d ’observations de zoologie ct d’anatomie comparde, faites dans Pocean At- lantique, &c. pendant 1799-1803. PI. 58, dont 40 col. 2 v. 40. Paris, 1811, 1833. JOBLOT, L. Observations d’histoire naturelle, faites avec le microscope sur un grand nombre d’inseetes, & c. PI. 53. 2 v. 40. Paris, 1754, 5. JOHNSON, J. R. A treatise on the medicinal leech; in- cluding a description of its anatomical structure. PI. 2. 8°. Lond. 1816. Further observations on the medicinal leech, &c.; with three illustrative engravings. 8°. Lond. 1825. JORDENS, J. H. Helminthologie des menschlichen Kor- pers. T. 7. col. 40. Hof, 1802. LAENNEC, T. Memoire sur les vers vesiculaires, et prin- cipalement ceux qui se trouvent dans le corps humain. PI. 4. 40. Paris, 1804. LATREILLE, P. A. Cours d’entomologie, ou de Phistoire naturelle des crustaces, des arachnides, des myriapodes, ct des insectes. PI. 24. 8°. Paris, 1831. LAWRENCE, W. An introduction to comparative anatomy and physiology. 8°. Lond. 1816. LEBLANC, U. et TROUSSEAU, A. Anatomie chirur- gicale des principaux animaux domestiques. T. 30; dont 20 col. fob Paris, 1828. Of the 30 plates, 18 have reference to the horse; 5, to the ox ; 4, to the sheep. The remaining 3 plates represent various surgical instruments. van LEEUWENHOEK, A. Arcana naturae detecta (ope microscopii). 40. Delphis Bat. 1695. Continuatio epistolarum (de arcanis naturae) ad regiam so- cietatem Londinensem. Ed. altera. 40. Lugd. Bat. 1696. Continuatio arcanorum naturae. 40. Delph. Bat. 1697. Epistolae physiologicae, hactenus nunquam editae. 40. Delph. Select works, containing his microscopical discoveries in many of the works of nature; translated, from the Dutch and Latin editions, by Samuel Hoole. Tl. 24. 2 v. 40. Lond. 1798-1807. Mammalia, 5. Aves, 3. Reptilia, 4. Pisces, 10. Conchylia, 8. Insecta, 23. Vermes, 1. Avium &c. anatomia, 4. 1719. mg COMPARATIVE ANATOMY LIPPI, It. Illustrazioni anatomico-comparate del sistema linfatico-cliilifero. 40. Firenze , 1825. LISTER, M. Exercitatio anatomica: in qua de cochleis maxime terrestribus et limacibus, agitur. T. 5. 8°. Lond. 1694. Exercitatio anatomica altera, in qua maxime agitur de buc- cinis fluviatilibus et marinis. His accedit exercitatio me- dicinalis de variolis. T. 6. 8°. Lond. 1695. Conchyliorum bivalvium utriusque aquae exercitatio anato- mica tertia. T. 10. Huic accedit dissertatio medicinalis de calculo humano. 40. Lond. 1696. LYONET, P. Traite anatomique de la chenille, qui ronge le bois de saule. PI. 18. 40. a la Haye , 1762. Recherches sur Tanatomie et les metamorphoses de diffe- rentes especes d’insectes: ouvrage posthume, publie par M. W. De Haen. PI. 54. 40. Paris , 1832. MAGENDIE, F. Vid. Desmoulins, A. MALPIGHI, M. De formatione pulli in ovo. T. 4. 40. Lond. 16 73. Dissertatio epistolica de bombyce. T. 12. 40. Lond. 1669. MARKHAM, G. His master-piece, touching the curing all diseases in horses, &c.; with an appendix on the diseases of oxen, sheep, dogs, &c. 4°. Lond. 1703. MECKELIUS, J. F. Ornithorhynchi paradoxi descriptio anatomica. T. 8. fol. Lips. 182 6. MONRO, A. An essay on comparative anatomy. 8°. Lond. J744- The structure and physiology of fishes explained and com- pared with those of man and other animals. PI. 44. fol. Edinb. 1785. On the communication of the ventricles of the brain with each other (in man and quadrupeds). PI. 6. 40. Edinb. 1 797* On the structure and functions of the eyes (in man and other animals). PI. 9. 40. Edinb. 1 797* On the organ of hearing in man and other animals. PI. 9; of which one is partly coloured. 40. Edinb. 1797. The three preceding treatises form one book, as to the con- tinuation of the numbering of the pages; though each has a separate title. MOQUIN-TANDON,' A. Monographic de la famille des hirudinees. PI. 7, dont 3 col. 40. Paris , 1827. MORREN, C. F. A. De lumbrici terrestris historia natu- rali, necnon anatomia. T. 32. 40. Bruxell. 1829. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 195 MUELLER, J. Glandularum secernentium structura, et prima formatio, in homine atque animalibus. T. 17; qua- rum 3, 9, to, 11, 14 partim col. fob Lips , 1830. MULLER, J. De phoronomia (i. e. motu progressive) ani- malium. 40. Bounce , 1722. MULLER, J. Zur vergleichenden Physiologie des Gesichts- sinnes des Menschen und der Thiere. T. 8. 8°. Lcipz. i 826. NEEDHAM, J. T. Nouvelles observations microscopiques, avec figures. 120. Paris , 1750. Description et usage du microscope (a la fin du traite pre- cedent). OWEN, R. Memoir on the pearly nautilus ( nautilus pom- pylins, Linn.) PI. 8 ; with duplicates in outline of the seven first. 40. Lond. 1832. PANDER, C. und D’ALTON, E. Der vergleichenden Oste- ologie Lieferung 1-12. T. 96. fob Bonn. 1821-31. Die Skelete der Vierhander ( Quadrumana ), 8. Chiropteren und Insectivoren ( Cheiroptera et insectivora), 7. Raubthiere ( Carnivora ), 8. Robben und Lamantine ( Phoca et Mana- tus), 7. Beutelthiere ( Marsupialia ), 7. Nagethiere ( Rodentia ), 18. Zahnlosen Thiere ( Edentula ), 15.* • Pachydermata ( Elephas , &c.), 12. — Wiederkaiier ( Ruminantia ), 8. • Cetaceen ( Bcilcena , &c), 6. It adds considerably to the value of these plates, that each ske- leton is represented in relief on a dark ground ■, which is formed by a drawing of the animal clothed in its integu- ments. * In these are included seven plates, with duplicates in out- line, of the fossil animal, the “ bradypus giganteus.’’ PARSONS, J. On the analogy between the propagation of animals and that of vegetables. 8°. Lond. 1732. PETITUS, P. De motu animalium spontaneo. 8°. Paris. 1660. PEYERUS, J. G. Merycologia, sive de ruminantibus’et ru- minatione. 40. Basil. 1683. POHL, C. E. De organo auditus per classes animalium. T. 5. 40. Vindob. 1818. ' c c 2 196 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY tie POMMERESCHE, H. De ursi longirostris sceleto. T. 2. 40. Berolin. 1829. PRITCHARD, A. The microscopic cabinet of select ani- mated objects. 8°. Loud. 1832. PURKINJE, J. E. Symbol ae ad ovi avium historian!, ante incubationem. T. 2. 40. Lips. 1830. ItATHKE, H. Abhandlungen zur Bildung- und Entwiek- elung-geschichte ties Menschen und tier Thiere. Theil, r, 2. T. 14. 40. Leipz. 1832, 3. Anatomisch-philosophische Untersuch ungen fiber den Kie- menapparat und das Zungenbein tier Wirbelthiere. T. 4. 4°. Rig ‘a und Dorpat , 1832. REV ERCHON, H. Osteologie et myologie du cheval. T. 18; dont 14 col. fob Paris et Lyon , 1825. ROESEL, A. G. Historia naturalis ranarum nostratium. Eat. et Germ. T. 24; repet. et col. fob Noi'imb . 1758. RUDOLPHI, C. A. Entozoorum sive vermium intestina- lium historia naturalis. T. 12. 2 v. 8°. Paris, fyc. 1810. RUELLIUS, J. Veterinariae medicinae libri duo. fob Par. I53°- RUINI, C. Anatomia del cavallo, infermita, et suoi remedii. T. 64. fob Venet. 1618. Though the engravings are coarse, yet, in general, they are remarkably spirited and correct. Every part of the ana- tomy is given, many of the plates containing several distinct figures. RUSCONI, M. Amours des salamandres aquatiques, et developpement du tetard de ces salamandres. PI. 5. 40. Milan , 1821. Deserizione anatomica degji organi della circolazione delle o O larve delle salamanclre acquatiche. T. i. 40. Pavia , 1817. Developpement de la grenouille commune depuis le moment de sa naissance jusque a son etat parfait. Pb 4; dont 3 cob 40. Milan , T826. SAINT-HILAIRE, G. Philosophic anatomique des or- ganes respiratoires ; a vec figures 116. 8°. Paris , 1818. Principes de philosophic zoologique. 8°. Paris, 1^3°* SCARPA, A. Anatomica; disquisitiones tie Auditu et Ol- factu. T. 8. fob Ticini , 1789. Iterum ; ed. alt. auctior. T. 8. fob Mediol. 1795- 197 AND PHYSIOLOGY. SCPIMALZ, E. Tabulae 19, anatomiam entozoorum ill u- strantes, cum explicatione. 40. Dresd. et Lips. 1831. SELLIUS, G. Historia naturalis teredinis, seu xylophagi marini. T. 2. 40. Arnh. 1753. SER11ES, E. R. A. Anatomie comparee du cerveau, dans les quatre classes des animaux vertebres. PI. 16. (40.) 2 v. 8°. Paris , 1824-6. SNAPE, A. The anatomy of a horse ; with an appendix on the generation of animals, and on the motion of the chyle and blood. PI. 49. fob Lond. 1683. Anatomy of the horse, 46. Germination of vegetables, 1. Evolution of the young bird, 1. young rabbit, 1. Many of the plates are copied, but in a very inferior style, from the Italian treatise of lluini ; who died above a cen- tury before Snape. SOEMMERRING, D. W. De oculorum hominis anima- liumque seetione horizontali. T. 4. fob Gotting. 1818. SOLLEYSELL, sieur de. Thecompleat horseman ; abridged from the folio translation of the French by sir William Hope. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 17 06. SPRENGEL, C. Commentarius de partibus quibus insecta spiritus ducunt. T. 3. cob 40. Lips. 1815. STRAUS-DURCKHEIM, H. Considerations generales sur l’anatomie comparee des animaux articules ; avec b ana- tomie descriptive du melolontha vulgaris (hanneton). PI. 10. 40. Paris , 1828. Nothing can be more distinct and expressive than the anato- mical representations of the insect exhibited in these plates. TEMMINClv, C. J. Monographies de mammalogie: ou- vrage, accompagne de planches d’osteologie, pouvant ser- vir de suite aux notices sur les animaux vivans, par le baron Cuvier, dans ses recherches sur les ossemens fos- siles. PI. 25. vol. 1. 40. Paris , 1827. THIENEMANN, F. A. L. Kupfertafeln 22 zu der ersten Abtheilung der Reise im Norden Europa’s. Eighteen ot the plates are coloured. The subject of the 2 2d plate is “ Mus Islandicus all the rest relate to different species of the “seal” ( phoca ) ; some of the plates being- anatomical. TIEDEMANN, F. Anatomie der Rohren-holothurie, des Pomeranzfarbigen Scesterns, und Stein-seeigels. T. 10. fob Landsh. 1816. Holothuria, 4. Asterias, 5. Echinus, 1. 198 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. leones cerebri simiarum et quorundam mammalium rario- rum. T. 5. fob Heidelb. 1821. TIEDEMANN, F. et GMELIN, L. Recherehes experi- mentales sur la digestion, considdree dans les quatre classes d’animaux vertebres; tradnites par A. J. L. Jourdan. 2 v. 8°. Paris , 1826, 7. TROUSSEAU, A. vid. Leblanc, U. TYSON, E. Orang-outang, sive homo sylvestris; or the anatomy of a pygmie : with a philological essay concern- ing the pygmies, the cynocephali, &c. PI. 8. 40. Lond. 1699. VOLKMANN, A. G. Anatomia animalium. T. 22. vol. 1. lib. 1, 2. 40. Lips. 1831-3. i— i 2 represent the osteology of the several orders of mam- malia. 13-22 the brain, and the nerves of taste, smell, sight, and hearing, in various mammalia. WEBER, E. H. Anatomia comparata nervi sympathici, cum tabulis aeneis. 8°. Lips. 1817. De aure animalium aquatilium. T. 10. 40. Lips. 1820. WEBER, M. J. Die Skelette der Haussaugthiere und Hausvogel. T. 17. fol. Bonn , 1824. 1-14 Domestic quadrupeds. 1; 5 — r 7 birds. WESTRUMB, A. H. L. De helminthibus acanthocephalis. Commentatio historico-anatomica. T. 3. fol. Hanov. 1821. WIEGAND, V. I. Der Wasserkrebs. 8°. Erlang. 1830. WINDISCHMANN, C. J. H. De penitiori auris structura in amphibiis. 40. Lips. 1831. WOTTON, E. De differentiis animalium. fol. Lut. Par. J552- HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. ABERNETHY, J. Reflections on Gall and Spurzheim’s system of physiognomy and phrenology. 8°. Loud. 1821. ALBINOS, B. S. Academic-arum annotationum libri octo. T. 38. 40. Leidce , 1754-68. Of the plates, thirty-two have a reference to human ana- tomy ; two, to zoology ; two, to botany ; and two repre- sent the surgical instrument called a “ tenaculum/' Ilistoria musculorum hominis. T. 4. 40. Leid. Bat. 1734. leones ossium foetus humani. Accedit osteogeniae brevis historia. T. 16. 40. Leid. Bat. 1 737 • Tabulae sceleti et musculorum corporishumani. T. 28. fol. Lagd. Bat. 1747. ALEXANDER, B. vid. Morgagni, J. B. ALIBERT, J. L. Description des maladies de la peau. PL 56. col. fol. Paris , 1806. Teigne, 5. Lepre, 5. Plique, 5. Pian, 2. Dartre, 16. Ichthyose, 3. Ephelide, 3. Sypliilide, 6. Cancroide, 2. Scrophule, 4. Cancer, 1. Psoride, 4. Nosologie naturelle, 011 les maladies du corps humain distri- butes par families. PI. 24. vol. ier. 4°- Paris , 1817. Gastroses. Enteroses, 3. Choloses. Uroses. Pneumonoses. Angioses, 5. Leucoses, 2. Adenoses, 4. Ethmoplecoses, 10. Blennoses. ALLAN, R. On the operation of lithotomy. PI. 5. fol. Edinb. 1808. ALLEY, G. On hydrargyria; or that vesicular disease arising from the exhibition of mercury. PI. 3. col. 40. Lornl. 1810. ab AMMON, F. A. De genesi et usu maculae luteae, in re- tina oculi humani obviae. T. 1. col. 40. Vinarice , 1830. AMTHOll, C. Chrysioscopion, seu aurilogium, potissima auri arcana repandens. 40. Jena , 1632. 200 HUMAN ANATOMY ANATOMY. Bibliotheca anatomica, cum observationibus D. Leclerc et J. J. Manget. T. 99. asn. et fig. 55 lign. 2 v. fob Genev. 1685. Humani corporis anatomia; sub hoc titulo, “ Cosmopolitan Historia Naturalis.” 120. Lugd. Bat. 1686. Repertoire general d’anatomie et de physiologie patho- logiques; et de clinique chirurgicale ; redige (pour les quatre derniers volumes) par M. G. Breschet. T. 56. 8 v. 40. Paris , 1826-9. Report from the select committee (of the house of commons) on anatomy. Printed July, 1828. ANNESLEY, J. Researches into the causes, nature, and treatment of the more prevalent diseases of India. PI. 40. 2 v. 40. Land. 1828. Diseased liver, 21. Diseased intestines, 19. Some ot' the plates exhibit disease both of the liver and of the intestines. ANNUAIRE MEDICO-CHIRURGICAL, 011 recueil de memoires et observations par les medecins et chirurgiens des hopitaux et hospices civiles de Paris. PI. 15. 40. Paris, 1819. A N TOM M ARC PI I , F. vid. Mascagni, P. Planches ana- tomiques du corps humain, avec un texte explicatif. PI. 48. col. fob Paris, 1826. ARBUTHNOT, J. An essay concerning the effects of air on human bodies. 8°. Lond. 1733. ARMSTRONG, J. The morbid anatomy of the bowels, liver, and stomach. Fascic. 1-3. PI. 16. cob 40. Lond. 1828. Stomach, 9. Esophagus, 1. Intestines, 6. ARNOLD, F. Der Kopftheil des vegetativen Nervensystems beim Menschen. T. 10. 40. Heidelb. et Leipz. 1831. ARNOTT, A. An account of the last illness, &c. of Na- poleon Bonaparte. 8°. Lond. 1822. ASELLIUS, G. De lacteis venis. 40. Lugcl. Bat. 1640. De lacteis venis. T. 4 : imprimr in fine voluminis primi “ Spigelii Opcrum. 2 v. fob Amstel. 1645.'” AZZOGUIDI, G. Observations ad uteri constructionem pertinentes. Ed. E. Sandifort. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1788. BAER, C. A. De ovi mammalium et hominis genesi. T. 1. cob 40. Lips. 1827. BAGLIVI, G. De fibra motrice et morbosa. Ed. 3tia. 8°. Ultraj. 1703. AND PHYSIOLOGY. SOI BAILLIE, M. Engravings, with explanations, of the mor- bid anatomy of the human body. PI. 73- 4°* Lond. 1803. The morbid anatomy of some of the most important parts of the human body. 3d ed. 8°. Lond. 1807. BARCLAY, J. The muscular motions of the human body. 8°. Edinb. 1808. BARON, J. Delineation of the changes of structure which occur in man, and some of the inferior animals. PI. 4. col. 40. Lond. 1828. BARRY', D. Experimental researches on the effects of at- mospheric pressure upon the progression of the blood in the veins. PI. 1. 8°. Lond. 1826. BARTELS, C. M. N. Beitrage zur Physiologie des Ge- sichtssinnes. T. 2. col. 40. Berlin, 1834. BARTHOLINUS, C. Specimen historiae anatomicae par- tium corporis humani. 8°. Amstel. 1701. BARTHOLINUS, T. Anatomia reformata. 8°. Amstel. 1669. De lacteis thoracicis. T. 3 : imprimr in libro cui titulus “ Messis aurea triennalis. 120. Lugd. Bat. 1654. p. 33- 236-r Historiarum anatomicarum et medicarum rariorum centuria 5 et 6 ; cum J. Rhodii mantissa anatomica. T. 8. 8°. Hafn. 1661. BATEMAN, T. A practical synopsis of cutaneous diseases according to the arrangement of Dr. Willan. PI. 1. col. 8°. Lond. 1813. Delineations of cutaneous diseases ; completing the series of engravings begun by the late Dr. Willan. PI. 72. col. 40. Lond. 1817. BAUHIN, C. Appendix ad theatrum anatomicum C. Bau- hini : sive explicatio characterum omnium qui figuris to- tius operis additi fuere; quae seorsim compingi debet. 8°. Francof. 1600. Dc corporis humani fabrica. 8°. Basil. 1590. Vivae imagines partium corporis humani aeneis formis ex- pressae. T. 140. 40. (Basil.) 1 620. BAUMGARTNER, K. H. Beobachtungen fiber die Nerven und das Blut in ihrem gesunden und krankhaften Zu- stande. T. 12. 8°. Freib. 1830. BAUSNER, B. De consensu partium humani corporis. T. 3. 8°. Amstel. 1656. d d 202 HUMAN ANATOMY BECLARD, P. A. Additions a fanatomie generale de Bi- chat. 8°. Paris , 1821. BELL, sir C. K. G. H. Anatomy of the human body (by J. and C. Bell). 3d ed. 3 v. 8°. Loud. 1811. Anatomy of the brain. PI. 12, of which all but one are coloured. 40. Loud. 1802. Course of the nerves explained in a series of engravings. PI. 9. 40. Loud. 1803. Engravings of the arteries: illustrating the second volume of the anatomy of the human body. 3d ed. PI. 13 ; of which 12 are partially coloured. 8°. Loud. 1810. Engravings from specimens of morbid urethra, &c. PI. 12. fol. Lond. 1813. Essays on the anatomy and philosophy of expression ; with six plates, and numerous separate engravings. 2d ed. Lond. 1824. Exposition of the natural system of the nerves of the human body. PI. 3, and eleven wood-engravings. 8°. Lond. 1824. Illustrations of the capital operations of surgery. Pt. 1-3. PI. 12. col. 40. Lond. 1820-1. Trephine, 1-4. Hernia, 5-8. Amputation, 9-1 2. System of dissections, explaining the anatomy of the human body. 2d ed. PI. 30; several of which are partially co- loured. 2 v. fol. Edinb. 1799-1803. BELL, J. Engravings of the bones, muscles, and joints, il- lustrating the first volume of the anatomy of the human body (by J. and C. Bell.) 2d ed. PI. 28. 4 °.Lond. 1804. BELL, T. The anatomy, physiology, and diseases of the teeth. PI. 11. 8°. Lond. 1829. BETT, J. De ortu et natura sanguinis. 8°. Londini , 1669. BIBLIOTHECA. Vid. Anatomia. BICHAT, X. vid. Beclard. Anatomie descriptive. 5 v. 8°. Paris, 1801-3. Anatomie generale, appliquee a la physiologie et a la mtkle- cine. 4 v. 8°. Paris, 1801. Recherches physiologiques sur la vie et la mort. 3eine ed. 8°. Paris, 1805. Traite des membranes. Nouv. ed. par Husson. 8°. Paris, 1802. BIDLOO, G. Anatomia humani corporis demonstrata et ex- plicata. T. 105. fol. Amstel. 1685. BLACKMORE, sir R. A critical dissertation on the spleen. 8°. Lond. j 725. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 203 BLANCARD, S. Anatomia practica rational is ; sive rario- rum cadaverum morbis denatorum anatomica inspectio. 12°. Amstel. 1688. Anatomia reform ata. 8 °. Lugd. Bat. 1695. BLUMENBACII, J. F. Decades sex, craniorum diversarum gentium. T. 60. 40. Gotting. 1790-1820. Nova pentas craniorum ; tanquam complementum priorum decadum. T. 5. 40. Gotting. 1828. The institutions of physiology, translated from the Latin. 8°. Lond. T815. Again; translated from the Latin of the 3d and last ed. by John Elliotson, M. D. 3d ed. 8°. Lond. 1820. BOCK, A. C. Abbildungen der Ruckenmarksnerven. T. 7. col. fob Leipz. 1827. Anatomische Abbildung der Venen ; zu dem Texte ties fiinften Theils der allgemeinen anatomischen Enzyklopa- die. T. 20. col. 40. Leipz. Darstellung der Venen. T. 20. 8°. Leipz. 1823. Darstellung der Saugadern des menschlicen Korpers, Szc. T. 15. 40. 8°. Leipz. .1828. Darstellung des Gehirnes, des Riickenmarkes und der Sin- neswerkzeuge. T. 15. 40. 8°. Leipz. 1824. Die Ruckenmarksnerven nach ihren ganzen Verlaufe, Ver- theilungen und Verzweig ungen. 8°. Leipz. 1827. BOHNIUS, J. (Economia corporis animalis. 4° Lips. 1686. BONETUS, T. Sepulchretum, sive anatomia practica, ex cadaveribus morbo denatis proponens historias omnium pene humani corporis affect uum. 2 v. fol. Genev. 1679. Iterum. 3 v. fob Genev. 1700. BONN, A. Tabulae doctrinam herniarum illustrantes, editae a G. Sandifort. T. 20. fob Lngd. Bat. 1828. Tabulae ossium morbosorum. T. 23. fob Amstel. 1785. BORELLI, A. De motu animalium. Partes duae. 40. Romeo , 1 680-1. BOSTOCK, J. Elementary system of physiology. Lond. 1824-7. Essay on respiration. PI. 1. 8°. Liverpool, 1804. BREMER, W. Vid. Vicary, T. 3 v- 8°- BREMSER. Ueber lebende Wurmer im lebenden Menschen. T. 4. 40. Wien , 1819. BRESCHET, G. Vid. Anatomie. BRESCIIET, M. G. Recherches anatomiques, &c. sur le systeme veineux. Livr. 1-6. PI. 30. col. fol. Paris. This work is at present in so incomplete a state as not to admit of a satisfactory description. n d 2 204 HUMAN ANATOMY BRIGHT, R. Reports of medical cases. PI. 54* col. 2 v. 4°. Land. 1827-31. Diseased kidney, 5. liver, 2. lungs, 4. intestines, 5. brain, 37. uterus, 1. BRUGNATELLI, L. V. Litologia umana, ossia ricerche chimiche e mediche sulle sostanze petrose, &c. ; opera postuma, pubblicata dal Dott. G. Brugnatelli, figlio. T. 3. col. fol. Pavia , 1819. BRUGNONI, J. De testium in foetu positu, &c. 8°. Lngd. Bat. 1788. BRUNNER, J. C. Experimenta nova circa pancreas. Ac- cedit diatribe de “ lympha” et genuino pancreatis usu. T. 4. 8°. Amstel. 1683. BUCHANAN, T. Physiological illustrations of the organ of hearing. PI. 10. 8°. Load. 1828. CALDANI, L. M. A. et F. leones anatonheae, quotquot sunt celebriores, ex optimis neotericorum operibus summa diligentia depromtae et collectae. T. 264. fol. Venet. 1801- 13. Ossa et ligamenta, 1-5 1. Musculi et bursse mucosae, 52-89. Organa sensuum, 90-104. Viscera, 105—134. Uterus, embryo, 135-169. Cor, arteriae, venae, 170-204. Vasa lymphatica, 205-229. Cerebrum et nervi, 230-264. Iconum anatomicarum, &c. explicatio. 3 v. 40. Venet. 1802- 8. CAMPDOMERCUS, J. J. Epistola anatomica, ad F. Ruysch, de gland ulis, &c. T. 1. 4°. Amstel. 1696. CAMPER, P. Brachii humani et pelvis humanae fabrica et morbi. T. 5. fol. Amstel. 1760-2. leones herniarum, editae a S. T. Soemmerring. T. 14. fol. Franco/'. ad M. 1801. On the connexion between the science of anatomy and the arts of drawing, statuary, &c. ; translated from the Dutch by T. Cogan, M. D. PI. 17. 4°- Lond- U 94- CARLISLE, A. On the disorders of old age, and on the means for prolonging human life. 8°. Lond. 1817. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 205 CARSON, J. An inquiry into the causes of the motion of the blood. PI. i. 8°. Liverpool, 1815. Essays physiological and practical. 8°. Liverpool , 1822. CHARLETON, W. Inquiries into human nature; in six anatomic preelections. 40. Lond. 1680. CEconomia animalis, mechanice explicata ; cum epistola de ortu animae humanae. 12°. Lond. 1 666. CEconomia animalis ; cum dissertatione de ortu animae hu- manae. Ed. 4ta. 120. Lond. 1669. CHELIUS, M. J. Zur Lehre von den schwammigen Aus- wiichsen der harten Hirnhaut und der Schadelknochen. T. 11. fol. Heidelb. 1831. CHESELDEN, W. Appendix to the 4th ed. of the “ ana- tomy of the human body.” 8°. Lond. 1730. Anatomy of the human body. 5th ed. PI. 40. 8°. Lond. 174°. Osteographia, or the anatomy of the bones (with descrip- tions). PI. 56; and 28 vignettes of the skeletons of va- rious animals, represented, mostly, as in living action, fob Lond. 1733. Osteographia, or the anatomy of the bones. PI. 56. fol. Lond. The engravings are the same as in the preceding work; but there are no accompanying descriptions. CHEVALIER, T. Lectures on the general structure of the human body; and on the anatomy and functions of the skin. PI. 7. 8°. Lond. 1823. CLOQUET, H. Osphresiologie, ou traite des odeurs, du sens et des organes de Tolfaction. 2de ed. 8°. Paris , 1821. CLOQUET, J. Anatomie de rhonnne, ou description et figures lithographiees de toutes les parties du corps hu- main. PI. 300. 5 v. fol. Paris , 1821-31. Vol. I. Osteologie, 1-56. II. Myologie, 57-1 16. III. N^vrologie, 117-186. IV. Angiologie, 187-258. V. Splanchnologie et Embryotomie, 259-300. COLUMBUS, R. De re anatomica libri quindecim. fol. Venet. 1559. Iterum; cum observationibus Joannis Posthii. 8 °. Francof. 159°. COMBE, G. A system of phrenology. 3d ed. 8°. Edinb. 1830. 206 HUMAN ANATOMY COOPER, sir A. bart. Anatomy of the thymus gland. PI. 5. 40. Loud. 1832. Illustrations of the diseases of the breast. PI. 9. (8 col.) 40. Lond. 1829. Observations on the structure and diseases of the testis. PI. 14. col. 40. Lond. 1830. On inguinal and congenital hernia. Pt. 1, 2. PI. 28. fol. Lond. 1804-7. COWPER, W. Anatomy of human bodies; with figures, and large explications : and with an appendix represent- ing divers parts of human bodies. Pi. 114. fol. Oxford , 1698. The first 105 plates are the same as those of Bidloo, in his “ Anatomia humani corporis, fol. Amstel. 1685.” Anatomy of human bodies, &c. with an appendix, &c. re- vised and published by C. B. Albinus. 2d ed. PI. 114. fol. Leyden , 1737. Myotamia reformata: or an anatomical treatise on the mus- cles of the human body. PI. 67. fol. Lond. 1724. In addition to these 67 plates, there are numerous vignettes, large and small, repetitions of some of which occur in va- rious parts of the volume. CRANIOLOGY. Three familiar lectures on craniological physiognomy, with engravings. 8°. Lond. 1816. CRAWFORD, A. On the effects of tonics, &c. on the co- hesion of the animal fibre. PI. 1. 8°. Lond. 18 16. CRUIKSHANK, W. The anatomy of the absorbing vessels of the human body. PI. 5. 40. Lond. 1790. CRUVEILHIER, J. main. Livr. 1-19. 1828-33. Estomac, &c. 42. Coeur, &c. 9. Poumon, 5. Larynx, 1. Anatomie pathologique du corps hu- Pl. 1 1 2, dont plus. col. fol. Paris , Uterus, &c. 23. Muscles, os, &c. 10. Cerveau, 8tc. 21. Peau, 1. DARWIN, E. Zoonomia; or the laws of organic life. PI. 3. 2 v. 40. Lond. 1794-6. DEEN, J. van. Disquisitio physiologica de differentia, et nexu, inter nervos vitae animalis et vitae organicae. T. 1. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1834. DEGRAAF, R. De succi pancreatici natura et usu. T. 3. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1671. DE 1TSERE, C. Vid. Iseiie. AND PHYSIOLOGY. 207 DOUGLAS, J., M. D. Comparison of the muscles in a man and in a quadruped. 12°. Lond. 1707. DOUGLAS, J. surgeon. Animadversions on Cheselden’s ana- tomy of the bones. 8°. Lond. 1735. DRAKE, R. Theses de sanguinis motu circulari, disputatae pro Cl. Harveio: imprimr. in libro cui titulus “ Recentio- rum disccptationes de motu sanguinis, & c. 40. Lugd. Bat. 1647.” DUMAS, C. L. Principes de physiologie. 2de ed. 4 v. 8°. 1806. EDWARDS, W. F. De finfluence des agens physiques sur la vie. 8°. Paris , 1824. EHRARDT, J. H. G. De aneurysmate aortae. T. 5. 40. Lips. 1820. ELLIOTSON, J. On the art of distinguishing the various diseases of the heart. PI. 8. fob Lond. 1830. ENT, G. Apologia pro circuitione sanguinis. Ed. alt. 8°. Lond. 1685. ETTMULLER, M. E. Epistola anatomica ad F. Ruysch, de cerebri corticali substantia. T. 3. 40. Amstel. 1699. EUSTACHIUS, B. Libellus de dentibus. 40. Venet. 1563. Opuscula anatomica. 40. Venet. 1563. Tabulae anatomicae, cum notis J. M. Lancisii. T. 47. fol. Romo p, 1714. FABRICIUS, H. ab Aquapendente. De visione, voce, au- ditu. T. 11. aen.; fig. lign. 21. fol. Venet. 1600. Visio, 4. Vox, 6. Auditus, 1. The plates relative to the voice represent not only the human larynx, but also that of several quadrupeds and birds. The wood-engravings, which are confined to the subject of vision, are, with the exception of one, mere diagrams. FARRE, J. R. An apology for British anatomy, and an in- citement to the study of morbid anatomy. PI. 2. col. 40. Lond. 1827. The morbid anatomy of the liver. Pt. 1, 2. PI. 4. 40. Lond. 1812-15. FISCHER, J. L. Descriptio anatomica nervorum lumba- lium, sacralium, et extremitatum inferiorum. T. 4. fol. Lips. 1791. FOX, J. Natural history of the human teeth. PI. 13. 40. Lond. 1803. Treatment of the diseases of the teeth, the gums, and the alveolar processes. PI. 9. 40. Lond. 1806. 208 HUMAN ANATOMY FRENTZ, G. Epistola anatomica ad F. Ruysch de vasis sanguiferis periostii tibiae, &c. T. 2. 40. Amstel. 1696. FRORIEP, R. Anatomia chirurgica locorum corporis humani ligandis arteriis peridoneorum. T. 18. fol. Vinarice , 1813. De lingua, anatomica quaedam et semeiotica. T. 8 ; quar. sex col. 40. Bonn. 1828. FYFE, A. A system of the anatomy of the human body. 3d ed. PI. 231. 3 v. 40. Edinb. 1814. GALES, J. C. Sur les fumigations sulfureuses appliquees au traitement des affections cutanees, &c. T. 8. col. 8°. Paris , 1816. GALL, F. J. et SPURZIIEIM, G. Anatomie et physio- logic du systeme nerveux en general, et du cerveau en particular. PI. 100. (fob) 4 v. 40. Paris , 1810-19. GALLOIS, Le. Vid. Le Gallois. GARENGEOT, R. J. C. Miotomie humaine et canine. 2de ed. 8°. Paris , 1728. GAUBIUS, J. Epistolae tres anatomicae ad F. Ruysch, de pilis, pinguedine, &c. T. 3. 40. Amstel. 1696. GERDY, P. N. Essai de classification naturelle et d'analyse des phenomenes de la vie. 8°. Paris , 1823. GILIBERT, S. Monographic du pemphigus, ou traite de la maladie vesiculaire. 8°. Paris , 1813. GIRARDI, M. Vid. Santorini, J. D. GLISSONIUS, F. Anatomia hepatis. Ed. nov. 12 0.Hag. Antuerp. 1574- DODS, A. On the contorted spine, commonly called lateral curvature. 8°. Lond. 1824. DOL7EUS, J. De furia podagrae lacte mitigata. 1 2°. Am- stel. 1705. Encyclopaedia medicinae theoretico-practicae. 4°- Francof. ad Moen. 1684. MEDICINE. 253 DONATUS, M. De meclica historia mirabili. 4°. Mantua , 1586. De radice quam “ mechioacan” vocant. 40. Mantua t 1569* De variolis et morbillis. 40. Mantua , 1569. DONCKERS, L. Idea febris petechialis. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1 686. DORMER, A. M. Casus laborantis coryza. 40. Jena , 1673. De diarrhoea. 40. Jence , 1673. DOUGLAS, J. Medical topography of Upper Canada. 8°. Loncl. 1819. DRAN. Vid. Le Dran. DRELINCURTIUS, C. De conceptione adversaria. 120. Lugd. Bat. 1686. De foeminarum ovis. Accedit appendix de utero. 1 2°. Lugd. Bat. 1687. De fcetuum pileolo. 120. Lugd. Bat. 1685. De humani foetus membranis. 12°. Lugd. Bat. 1685. De humani foetus umbilico. 120. Lugd. Bat. 1683. De partu octimestri vivaci. Ed. 4ta. 120. Lugd. Bat. 1680. De tunica foetus allantoide. 120. Lugd. Bat. 1683. La legende du gascon. Ed. 2eme. 12°. Leide, 1674. Libitinae tropaea. 12°. Lugd. Bat. 1680. Opera varia. 120. Lugd. Bat. 1693. Opuscula de foetus humani conceptione, &c. 120. Lugd. Bat. 1683. Praeludium anatomicum. 120. Lugd. Bat. 1680. DROWNING. A dissertation on drowning, by a physician. 8°. Lond. 1746. D’UBE. The poor man’s physician and surgeon; with an addition of the true use of the “ quinquina” or jesuits’ powder; translated from the 8th French edition. 120. Lond. 1704. DU BOYS, J. Observationes in methodum miscendorum medicamentorum. fol. Lond. 1639. DU CLOS. Dissertatio super prineipiis mixtorum natura- lium. 120. Lugd. Bat. 1683. Observationes super aquis mineralibus diversarum provincia- rum Galliae. 12°. Lugd. Bat. 1683. DUDDELL, B. Of the diseases of the horny coat of the eye, and the various kinds of cataract. 8°. Lond. 1729. DUNCAN, M. D. Montpel. On the abuse of hot liquors, as coffee, tea, &c. ; translated from the French. 8°. Lond. 1706. 254 MEDICINE. DUNCAN, A. Heads of lectures on the theory and practice of medicine. 4th ed. 8 Edinb. 1790. Medical cases from the records of the public dispensary at Edinburgh. A new ed. 8°. Edinb. 1790. On three different species of pulmonary consumption. 8°. Edinb. 1813. DUNCAN, A. jun. Annals of medicine. 8 v. 8°. Edinb. 1796-1804. Clinical practice of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. 8°. Edinb. 1818. DUNN, E. A new method of performing chirurgical opera- tions. 8°. Lond. 1724. DWIGHT, S. De hydropibus. 8°. Lond. 1725. EARLE, J. On the operation for the stone. 8°. Lond. I793* EARLE, H. Practical observations in surgery. 8°. Lond. 1823. ECKHARDUS, J. F. De hsemorrhoidibus dolentibus et immodicis. 40. Jmce, 1679. EDINBURGH. Edinburgh medical and surgical journal. 19 v. 8°. Edinb. 1805-1823. Index of the first 19 volumes of the Edinburgh medical and surgical journal. 8 °. Edinb. 1824. Essays, &c. physical and literary, read before the philoso- phical society in Edinburgh. 2d ed. 3 v. 8°. 1771. Medical essays, &c. by a society in Edinburgh. 5 v. 8°. 1 733-44- Medical and philosophical commentaries; by a society in Edinburgh. 20 v. 8°. Lond. 1 773 — 95 * Transactions of the medico-chirurgical society of Edinburgh, instituted Aug. 21, 1821, with plates. 3 v. 8°. Edinb. 1824-8. EHRMANN, J. C. De foeniculo. 40. Argentorat. 1732. EICHHORN, J. G. De febri petechiali. 40. Jencs , 1674. ELIMITHAR, Elluchasem. Tacuini sanitatis quadraginta, Lat. pp. 1 1 8. Accedunt liber Albengnefit de virtutibus medicinarum, p. 1 19-139 ; et lib. Jac. Alkindide gradibus rerum, p. 140-163. fol. Argentorat. 1531. ELLIOTSON, J. On the efficacy of hydrocyanic acid in affections of the stomach ; and of opium in diabetes. 8°. Lond. 1820. EPIGRAMMATA. Epigrammata in R. Wintertoni meta- phrasin aphorismorum Hippocratis. 8°. Cantabr. 1633. MEDICINE. 255 EPIPHANIUS (medicus ernpiricus scculi 15° vel ib11). Empirica (vel raedicamentorum variae formulae). Im- primr in fine “ Quercetani pharmacopoeiae dogmaticorum restitutae. 40. Francof. 1615." EPPLI, J. M. De materia toxicorum in medicamentum convertenda. 40. Tubingen, 1765. ERASMUS. Vid. Beverovicius. Encomium medicinae. 8°. Rotterod. 1644. ERASTUS, T. De occultis pharmacorum potestatibus. 40. Basil. T574. Varia opuscula medica. fol. Francof. 1590. EROTIANUS. Vocum, quae apud Hippocratem sunt, col- lectio. Ed. Barthol. Eustachio. 40. Venet. 1566. ERSCH, J. S. Literatur der Medecin seit der Mitte des i8ooerts bis auf die neueste Zeit. 8°. Amsterd. et Leipz. 1812. ESCUELLE. Vid. L’Escuelle. ESTE, M. L. On contagious diseases, and on baths. 8°. Lond. 1 81 1. ETTMULLEItUS, M. Opera omnia. Ed. Casp. West- phalo. 2 v. fol. Francof. ad Mccn. 1696-7. Opera omnia in compendium redacta. 8°. Lond. 1701. EUGALENUS, S. De morbo scorbuto. 8°. Hagcc-Com. 1658. EUSTACHIUS, B. De multitudine libellus : imprimr in fine “ Erotiani vocum Hippocraticarum collectionis. 40. “ Venet. 1566. p. 125.” EVERASTUS, M. De berba panacea, quam alii Tabacum , vocant. 120. Ultraject. 1644. EWART, J. Ulcerated cancer cured, or relieved, by a new method of applying carbonic acid air. 8°. Bath , 1794. EYRE, H. A brief account of the mineral waters at Holt, near Bath, in Wiltshire. 8°. Lond. 1731. Of the mineral waters of Spa. 120. Lond. 1733. FABRICIUS, H. ab Aquapendente. Medicina practica. Ed. Petro Bourdelotio. In fine (p. 649) accedunt tracta- tus varii riEmilii Campilongi. 40. Paris. 1634. Opera chirurgica. Pars 1, 2. 8°. Francof. 1620, 1619. Iferum. fol. Patavii, 1647. Iterum. fol. Lugd. Bat. 1723. FABRITIUS de Paduanis. Vid. Bruno S. 256 MEDICINE. i CESIUS, A. CEconomica Hippocratis, alpliabeti serie dis- tincta. fol. Franco f 1588. I ter u in. fol. Genev. 1662. FALCONER, W. A dissertation on ischias, or disease of the hip-joint ; and on the use of the Bath waters as a remedy in this complaint. 8°. Loral. 1805. Efficacy of “ aqua mephitica alkalina11 in calculous disorders. 3d ed. 8°. Loud. 1789. Efficacy of the Bath waters in various kinds of paralytic disorders. 8°. Bath, 1787. Epidemical catarrhal fever, called the influenza. 8°. Bath, 1803. Essay on the plague, &c. 8°. Bath, 1801. Influence of climate, &c. on the disposition, &c. of mankind. 40. Lond. 1781. Influence of the passions upon disorders of the body. 8°. Lond. 1788. Medicinal effects of the Bath waters. 8°. Bath, 1790. Success of the Bath waters in rheumatic cases. 8°. Bath, J79 5; Water impregnated with fixed air. 8°. Lond. 1776. FALLOPIUS, G. De medicatis aquis, atque de fossilibus. Ed. Marcolino Fanestri. 40. Venet. 1564. De ulceribus; et de tumoribus praeter naturam. Ed. 2da. 40. Venet. 1566. Opera omnia. 2 v. fol. Francof 1600. Operum Appendix, fol. Francof. 1606. FARMER, R. Analysis of the carbonated chalybeate near Stow (in the Wold). 8°. Evesham, 1808. FARR, S. Elements of medical jurisprudence. 12°. Lond. 1815. FARRE, J. R. On malformations of the human heart. 8°. Lond. 1814. FAULKNER, Sir A. B. A treatise on the plague. 8°. Lond. 1820. FAVENTINUS, B. V. In Hippocratis prognostica com- mentarii, Lat. fol. Florent. 1551. FEARON, II. On cancers. 3d ed. 8°. Lond. 1790. FEIIR, J. M. Anc’hora sacra vel scorzonera. Accedit Jo- hannis Laurentii Bausch de unicornu fossili schediasma. 8°. Jence (1666). FELLOWES, Sir J. Reports of the pestilential disorder of Andalusia, which appeared at Cadiz in 1800, &c. 8°. Lond. 1815. MEDICINE. 257 FENWICK, J. R. State of the question relating to the pro- posal of annexing fever wards to the Newcastle infirmary. 8°. Newcastle , 1802. FERMOR, W. Reflections on the cow pox. 8°. Oxford , 1800. FERNELIUS, Joannes. De abditis rerum causis. fol. Franc, ad M. 1577. Medici antiqui Graeci, Latini, atque Arabes, qui de Febri- bus scripserunt. fol. Venet. 1594. Universa medicina. Edd. Joan, et Othone Heurnio. 40. Traj. ad Klien. 1656. Iterum. Ed. Gul. Plantio. Accessit methodus generalis medendi. fol. Francof. ad Moen. 1^577. FERRI, Alfonso. De ligni sancti medicina; et vini exhibi- tione. Accedit Hieronymi Fracastorii syphilis, sive mor- bus Gallicus. 8°. Paris. 1540. FERRIAR, J. Medical histories and reflections. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1810-13. FERRIS, S. On the establishment of physic as a science, in England, by the incorporation of the College of Phy- sicians. 8°. Lond. 1795. FEU RE. Vid. Le Feure. FEVER. A history of feavers. 8°. Lond. 1674. Again. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1702. A new theory of acute and slow fevers, by G. Cheyne, M. D. 3d. ed. 8°. Lond. 1722. Report from the committee of the House of Commons on contagious fever in London, fol. May 20, 1818. Report from the committee, &c. on contagious fever in Ire- land. fol. May 18-26, 1818. on the doctrine of contagion in the plague, fol. June 14, 1819. on the state of disease and condition of poor in Ireland. First and second report. May 17 — June 7, 1819. FEYNIIJS, F. Medicina practica. Ed. Renato Moneo. 40. Lugd. 1650. EIENUS, T. De viribus imagination^. 120. Lond. 1657. Libri chirurgiei duodecim. 40. Francof. 1651. Iterum. Ed. 2da. 40. Lond. 1733. FIOltONUS, B. Metamorphosis viperae in theriacam ; et theriaces encomium. 40. Patav. 1622. FLODIN, C. C. Dissertatio “ entomologiam medicam” sis- tens. 40. Lundcc , 1780. l 1 258 MEDICINE. FLOYER, Sir J. A treatise of the asthma. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1717. Again. 3d ed. 8°. Lond. 1726. Inquisitio balneorum Angliae. Vide p. 138 libri, cui titulus “ Tentamina physico-chy mica circa aquas thermales Aquis- granenses. 8°. Lvgd. Bat. 1699.” Letter concerning the regimen of the health of the young and of adults. 8°. Lond. 1725. The art of preserving old men’s healths. 8°. Lond. 1724. EODERE, F. E. Voyage aux Alpes Maritimes ; ou histoire naturelle et medicale, du comte de Nice et Pays Litni- trophes. 2 v. 8°. Paris , 1821. FONSECA, R. Consultationes medicinales. fol. Venet. 1628. FONTANUS, J. Opera de universa arte medica. 40. Colon. Allobr. 1612. FONTANUS, N. De morbis mulierum. 120. Amstel. 1644. FOOT, J. A letter on the death of her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1817. A second letter on the same subject. 8°. Lond. 1817. On lues venerea. A new ed. 8°. Lond. 1820. FORBES, J. Vid. Cyclopaedia. On diseases of the chest, and their diagnosis by means of acoustick instruments; translated from the French of R. T. H. Laennec, M.D. with a preface and notes. 8°. Lond. 1821. On the climate of Penzance. 8°. Penzance , 1821. FORD, E. On the disease of the hip joint. 2d ed. revised by Thomas Copeland, 8°. Lond. 1810. FORESTUS, P. Opera omnia, fol. Francqf. 1623. Iterum. 12 v. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1589-1610. FOROLIVIENSIS, J. Expositio, et quaestiones in artem medieinalem Galeni. fol. Ven. 1547. Expositio et quaestiones in primum canonem Avicennas, fol. Ven. 1 547. In Hippocratis aphorismos et Galeni super eisdem commen- taries, expositio et quaestiones, Lat. fol. Venet. 1547. FORSTER, T. On the influence of the atmosphere in in- sanity and other diseases ; with a supplement. 8°. Lond. 1817. On the phenomena of insanity. 8°. Lond. 1817. FOTHERGILL, A. On the nature and qualities of the Cheltenham waters. 8°. Bath , 1 7 85 . Again. 8°. Bath , 1788. FOUR. Vid. De Four. MEDICINE. 259 FOURCROY. Analyse chimique de l’eau sulfureuse d’Eng- liien. 8°. Paris , 1788. La medecine eclairee par les sciences physiques. 4 v. 8°. Paris , 1791, 2. Bibliographic physique et medicinale: a la fin de “ La Me- decine eclairee,” &c. FOWLER, T. On the effects of arsenic in the cure of agues, &c. 8°. Lond. 1786. On the effects of tobacco in the cure of dropsies, &c. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1788. FRACASTORIUS, H. Operum pars prior, “ philosophica” et “ medica” continens. 8°. Genev. 1637. Iterum. Ed. altera. 8°. Lugduni , 1591. Operum pars posterior, “ astronomica” continens. 8°. Lug- duni, 1591. Syphilis, sive morbus Gallicus (in hexametris Latinis) : im- primitur in fine libri “ Alfonsi Ferri de Ligni Sancti Me- dicina. 8°. Paris. 1540.” FRAGOSO, J. Cirugia universal, fol. Madrid , 1596. FRAMBESARIUS, N. A. De recta curandarum febrium ratione. 1 20. Lugd. Bat. 1 647 . L’estat des parties du corps humain. 8°. Paris , 1609. Scholae medicte. Accedit Ambrosiopasa, (vel) medicamento- rum praeparationes, eodem auctore. 120. Lugd. Bat. 164 7. FRANCIS, J. W. See Hosack, D. FRANK, J. P. De curandis hominum morbis. Libri sex. 9 v. 8°. Mannhem., Tubing ., et Vienn. 1792-1821. FRANK, J. Praxeos medicae universae praecepta. 4 v. 8». Lips. 1811-21. FREER, G. On aneurysm, &c. 40. Birmingham , 1807. FREIND, J. De purgantibus, in secunda variolarum con- fluentium febre, adhibendis. 40. Lond. 1719. Emmenologia, sive de fluxu muliebri menstruo. 8°. Oocon. ^703- Iterum. Ed. 3tia. 8°. Lond. 1720. Epistola de quibusdam variolarum generibus. 40. Lond. .I723- History of physick. 2 v. 40. Lond. 1723, 6. Oratio Harveiana. 40. Lond. 1720. Opera omnia medica. fol. Lond. 1733. FREWIN, R. Plantse medicinales, cum descriptionibus et notis MSS. fol. Though Frevvin has left many memorials of his munificence in Oxford, I am not aware that he has left any other sys- tematic memorial of his scientific attainments than the L 1 2 MEDICINE. 260 “ hortus siccus” above described. The care, which he seems to have taken in arranging and commenting on the specimens here preserved, deserves to be noticed : and a description of an arrangement which was probably made at least a century from the present time will not be devoid of interest. The principle of the arrangement is probably derived from Ray. Arbores. Coniferae Pinus. Glandiferae Quercus. Nuciferae Avellana. Pruniferae-nucleiferae Prunus. Pomiferae Malus. Bacciferae Juniperus. Siquiliferae Acacia. Lanigeree Salix. Membranaceae Fraxinus. Frutices. Semper vi rentes Myrtus. Foliis deciduis Mezereon. SUBFRUTICES. Vitis. Jasminum. 10. t i . Plants. Scandentes Leguminosae Tetrapetalae siliquosae et Tetrapetalae siliculosae Hexapetalae tricapsulares Tricapsulares campanulatse, bi- ") capsulares, &c J Corymbiferae Lactescentes, non pappescentes . . Lactescentes, et pappescentes .... Pappescentes, non lactescentes . . .Non lactescentes, capitatae Culmiferae Umbelliferae et Stellatae Tricoccae purgatrices Galeatae, verticillatae, et spicatae rMultisiliquae 12. J et (.Multicapsulares 13. Bacciferae « • • 14. Capillares epiphyllospermae 15. Heteroclitae sive anomalae Bryonia. YTicia. Sinapi. Thlaspi. Iris. Digitalis, &c. Tanacetum. Endivia. Buglossum. Valeriana. Carduus. Hordeum. Coriandrum. Galium. Esula. Lavendula,lamium, salvia, &c. Paeonia. Papaver. Solanum. Filix. Equisetum. MEDICINE. 261 FROMM ANNUS, J. C. De haemorrhoidibus. 1 2°. Norim- berg. 1677. FUCHSIUS, L. Errata recentiorum medicorum. 40. Ha- gan. 1530. FULLER, F. Medicina gymnastica. 8°. Lond. 1705. FULLER, T. Exanthematologia ; or an account of eruptive fevers. 40. Lond. 1730. Pharmacopoeia Bateana, in libros duos digesta: primo com- positiones Galenicae, altero processus chymici, ordine al- phabetico exarantur. 8°. Lond. 1719. Pharmacopoeia domestica. 120. Lond. 1723. Pharmacopoeia extemporanea reformata. Ed. 6ta. 1 2°. Lond. I73I* FURSTENAU, J. H. De morbis jureconsultorum. 8°. Franco/, ad Mccn. 1721. Desiderata medica. 8°. Lips. 1727. Dissertatio de iis quae desiderantur in praxi medica. 8°. France f. ad Man. 1721. G. T. An apology for the bath, with some reflections on fresh cold-bathing, &c. 8°. Lond. 1705. GABELCHOVERUS, W. Curationum et observationum medicinalium centuriae quatuor. 8°. Tubing. 161 1, 12. GABUCINIUS, Hieron. De podagra. 40. Venet. 1569. GAIRDNER, M. On the natural history, &c. of mineral and thermal springs. 12°. Edinb. 1832. GAIRDNER, W. On the effects of iodine on the human constitution. 8°. Lond. 1824. GALE, T. Certain works of ehirurgerie newly published. 8°. Lond. 1586. GALENUS. De locis affectis, Gr. 12°. Basil. 1540. De morbis curandis, Lat. 120. Lugduni, 1549. De motu musculari, Lat. Interprete N. Leoniceno. 120. Paris , 1528. De naturalibus facultatibus, et de pulsuum usu, I. at. In- terprete T. Linacro. 120. Paris. 1528. De ratione curandi, Lat. Interprete M. Acakia. 120. Lug- duni, 1551. De sanitate tuenda, Lat. Interprete T. Linacro. 12°. Lug- duni, 1559. De usu partium corporis humani, Lat. Interprete N. Re- gio. 120. Lugduni, 1550. Historiae medicinales, a J. B. Silvatico enarratae, Lat. fob Hanov. 1605. 262 MEDICINE. In aphorismos Hippocratis coimnentarii septem, Lat. Ed. G. Plantio. 8°. Lugduni , 1551. In Hippocratis prognostica coimnentarius, Lat. Interpr. J. Gorraeo. 120. Lugduni , 1552. In librum Hippocratis de victus ratione in morbis acutis commentarii quatuor, Lat. Interpr. J. Vasseo. fol. Par. 1531- Methodus medendi, Lat. Interprete C. Hofmanno, cum commentariis ejusdem. 40. Franco f 1680. Methodus sanitatis tuendae, Lat. Interprete C. Hofmanno, cum commentariis ejusdem. 40. Francof 1680. Opera, Gr.; cura Catandri, &c. vol. 5. fob Basil. 1538. Opera, Lat.; cum prolegomenis Conr. Gesneri, et indicibus Gratalori et Stratandri. fob Basil. 1562. Opera varia, Lat. Interpr. T. Linacro. fob Paris. 1 530. Interpr. J. Guinterio. fob Paris , 1534- Opera, Gr. et Lat. ; cum indice in Galeni libros, auctore F. G. Assmanno. Ed. C. G. Kuhn. vol. 20. 8°. Lips. 1821-33. Opuscula varia, Gr. et Lat. Ed. T. Goulstono, cum variis lectionibus, &c. 40. Lond. 1640. Praesagium experientia con firm at um, Lat. Interpr. G. Valla. Extat in libro (i Alexandri Aphrodisei de febrium causis, interpr. G. Valla. 120. Basil. 1542. p. 47.”” GALIANO, A. A. professor of the Spanish language. An introductory lecture delivered in the university of Lon- don Nov. 15, 1828. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1829. GALLUS, A. De ligno sancto non permiscendo; et in im- peritos fucatosque medicos. 8°. Paris. 1540. GANDERAX, C. Les eaux minerales de bagneres de Bi- gorre. 8°. Paris , 1827- GARDE. See De la Garde. GARENGEOT, R. J. C. Traitd des operations de chirur- gie. 2 v. 8°. Paris , 1720. Treatise of chirurgical operations, & c. translated from the French. 8°. Lond. 1723. GARMANN, L. C. F. Dc miraculis mortuorum. 40. Lips. 1670. GARMERS, J. De venaesectione. 40. Hdmest. 1672. GARNETT, T. On the mineral waters of Harrogate. 2d ed. 8°. I^eeds, 1794. GASSENDUS, P. De septo cordis pervio: extat in fine libri “ Lud. J. Bonacioli de foetus formatione. 12°. Lugd. Bat. 1650. p. 26 l Iterum : in fine libri “ S. Pinmi de graviditate mulierum. 12°. Amstel. 1 663. p. 362” MEDICINE. 263 GATAKER, T. On the internal use of the solanum, or night-shade. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1757. GAUTIERI, J. Tyrolensium, Carynthiorum, Styriorumque ‘‘struma.11 8’. Vindob. 1794. GELEE, T. Histoire d’une femme delivree par une incision au coste du ventre. 8°. Dieppe , 1622. GEM, R. An account of the remedy for the stone lately published in England, according to an act of parliament. 8°. Lond. 1741. GENDRON, D. On cancers; translated from the French. 12°. Lond. 1701. GENTERSBERGERUS, S. Disputatio iatrochymica de liene, &c. 40. Marpurgi , 1611. GEOFFROY, S. F. De materia medica. 3 v. 8°. Paris , I741- Treatise of the substances made use of in physick ; trans- lated from the French by G. Douglas, M. D. 8°. Loud. I736- GESNERUS, C. Epistolae medicinales, ed. Casparo Wol- phio. Accedit ejusdem authoris libellus de aconito primo Dioscoridis, et de oxymelite elleborato. 40. Tiguri , 1577. Sanitatis tuendae praecepta. 8°. Tiguri, 1556. GEUDERUS, M. F. De fermentis; cum dissertatione de ortu animalium. 8°. Amstel. 1689. GIBBES, G. S. A treatise on the Bath waters. Part 1. 2d ed. 8°. Bath, 1812. A second treatise on the Bath waters. 8°. Batli, 1803. GILLMAN, J. On the bite of a rabid animal; a prize essay at the royal college of surgeons in 1811. 8°. Lond. 1812. GIRDLESTONE, T. A case of diabetes. 8°. Yarmouth, 1799. GISEKE, P. D. Dissertatio inauguralis botanico- medica. 40. Goett. 1767. GIVRE. Vid. Le Givre. GLADBACHIUS, J. A. Indicis, in Swietenii commenta- riorum tomos quinque, supplementum. 40. Lugd. Bat. 1776. GLANDORPIUS, M. Opera omnia. 40. Lond. 1729. GLASS, T. Commentarii duodecim de febribus. 8°. Lond. 1742. 264 MEDICINE. GLAUBER, J. R. His works, containing choice secrets in medicine and alchymy, &c. ; translated into English by Christopher Packe. fob Lond. 1689. GLEDITSCH, J. G. De fuco sub-globoso, sessili, et molli. 40. Berolini , 1743. GLISSONIUS, F. De rachitide cum observationibus G. Bate et A. Regemorteri. 120. Hagcc-Com. 1682. GMELIN, S. G. De cinnamomo, aniso stellato, et asafoetida. 40. Tubing cb, 1 763. GODDARD, J. On the unhappy condition of the practice of physick in London. 40. Lond. 1670. GOELIKE, A. O. Historia medicinae universalis. 2 v. 8°. Francof. cis Viadr. 1719-21. GOEUROT, Iehan. medecin du Francoys ier roy de France. Le summaire de toute medecine et cyrurgie ; et ung re- gime contre la peste. Item le traicte du regime de sante, par Pierre de Tussignanes. 8°. GOLIS, L. A. On hydrocephalus acutus; translated from the German by Robert Gooch, M. D. 8°. Lond. 1821. GOOCH, B. His chirurgical works. A new ed. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1792. GOOD, J. M. Physiological system of nosology. 8°. Lond. 1817. Study of medicine. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1822. Again. 3d ed. by Samuel Cooper. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1829. GOODALL, C. The Colledge of Physicians vindicated ; in answer to a pamphlet entituled “ The Corner Stone, &c.r> 8°. Lond. 1676. The Royal College of Physicians of London founded and established by law. 40. Lond. 1684. GORDON, A. On the epidemic puerperal fever of Aber- deen. 8°. Lond. 179 5. GORDON1US, B. Medicinae lilium, &c. fol. Venet. 1521. Iterum. 8°. Lvgd. 1529. GORIS, G. Medicina contempta. 8°. Lugd . Bat. 1700. Mercurius triumphator in luis venerea? curatione. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1717. GORRdEUS, J. Definitionum medicarum libri 24. fob Lutet. Paris. 1564. Iterum : ed. J. Gorra?o filio. fob Paris. 1622. GOURLAY, W. Observations on the natural history, cli- mate, and diseases of Madeira. 8°. Lond. 181 1. MEDICINE. 265 GOUT. The honour of the gout, by Philander Misaurus. 8°. Land. There is no date of the year to this book ; but it appears, from internal evidence, to have been written about the year 1690. On rheumatism, gout, and stone. 8°. Lond. 1722. On gravel and gout. 8°. Lond. 1787. GRADIBUS, A. de. Tractatus de febribus : iinprimr in fine “Matthaei de Gradibus Practicae. 40. Lagd . 1527. fol. 475-” GRADIBUS, J. M. de. Consiliorum, & c. utile repcrtorium. Accedunt Rabbi Moysi, medici, de regimine vitae tractatus quinque; et Raymundi Lullii de secretis naturae libri duo. fol. Venet. 1514. Practica, de causis, signis, et curis morborum omnium. 40. Lugd. 1527. GRANT, R. E. An essay on the study of the animal kingdom ; being an introductory lecture in the university of London, Oct. 23, 1828. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1829. GRANT, W. On the fevers most common in London from 1750 to 1770. 8°. Lond. 1771. GRANVILLE, A. B. On the internal use of hydro-cyanic acid in pulmonary consumption, &c. 2d ed. 12°. Lond. 1820. On the plague and contagion, with reference to the quaran- tine laws. 8°. Lond. 1819. GRATZ, S. De paralysi. 40. Jence, 1677. GRAUNT, J. Observations made on the bills of mortality. 3d ed. 8°. Lond. 1665. GRAVES, R. On the sulphureous water at Nottington near Weymouth. 8°. Sherborne , 1792. GRAY, S. F. A supplement to the (London) pharmacopoeia; being a treatise on pharmacology in general. A new ed. 8°. Lond. 1821. GREATRAK, V. Account of strange cures performed by him. 40. Lond. 1666. GREAVES, E. Morbus epidemicus anni 1643. 4°* Oxford , 1643. GREGORY, J. Conspectus medicinae theoreticae. Ed. 3tia auctior. 2 v. 8°. Edinb. 1788. On the duties and qualifications of a physician. A new ed. 8°. Lond. 1820. GRIFFITH, M. On the cure of hectic and slow fevers. 8°. Lond. 1776. m m 266 MEDICINE. GRIFFITH, II. A-la-mode phlebotomy no good fashion. 8°. Land. 1681. GROENE\ ELT, J. De tuto cantharidum in medicina usu interno. 8°. Londini , 1698. Tutus cantharidum usus interims. Ed. 2da. 8°. Land. 1703. GRUBE, EL De arcanis medicorum non arcanis. 8°. Haf- nict , 1673. Praefixa est Thomae Bartholini de transplantatione morborum epistola. GRULINGIUS, P. Florilegium Hippocrateo-Galeno-Chy- micum novum. Ed. 3tia. 40. Lips. 1 665. GRYN7EUS, S. Vid. Torinus, A. Medicinae encomium. Exstat in fine libri “ Alexandri Aphrodisei de febrium causis; ed. G. Valla. 120. Basil. 1542.” GlTGGERUS, J. J. Theses medico-chymicae miscellae. 40. Mar pur gi , 1 6 1 1 . GUIBERTUS, P. Medici officiosi opera. 8°. Paris. 1649. GUIDO, C. Chirurgia. 8°. Lugd 1572. Chirurgia magna. 40. Lugd. 1585. Lucubrationes chirurgicae ; necnon Bruni, aliorumque chi- rurgiae. fol. Venet. 1546. GUIDOT, T. Antiquity of the city of Bathe. 8°. Lond. 1669. Discourse of Bathe, and the hot waters there. 8°. Lond. 1676. Lives and characters of the physicians of Bathe from 1598 to 1676. 8°. Lond. 1677. Observationes in thermas Bathonienses. 40. Lond. 1 69 1 . Thermae Britannicae. 40. Lond. 1691. GUINTHERIUS, J. De medicina veteri et nova, connnen- tarii duo. fol. Basil. 1571* GULIELMINUS, D. De salibus dissertatio physico-medico- mechanica. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1707. Opera omnia mathematica, hydraulica, medica, et physica. 2 v. 40. Genev. 1719. GULIELMUS, de Saliceto, Placcntinus. Opera chirurgica. Extant in libro cui titulus “ Guidonis Cauliaci lucubra- tiones Chirurgicae. fol. Venet. 1546. p. 303-361.” GUNTLIERUS, A. Observationum ac paradoxorum chy- miatricorum libri duo. 40. Lugd. Bat. 1631. GURNEY, J. The trial of John Donellan, esq. for the wil- ful murder of sir T. E. A. Boughton, bai t. 3d ed. fol. Lond. 1781. MEDICINE. 267 GUYON, L. Cours de m^decine th6orique et pratique, contenant le miroir de beaute et sante corporelle. 2 v. 4°. Lyon , 1671. H. T. On the distillation of all manner of oyles, from gummes, &c. 40. Lond. 1633. EIADEN, C. T. On the colchicum autumnale, as a general remedy of great power. 8°. Lond. 1820. HAEN, Ant. de. Ratio medendi in nosocomio practico Vin- dobonensi. 4 v. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1761-75. HALE, R. Oratio Harveiana. 40. Lond. 1724. HALES, S. Experiments on Mrs. Stephens’s medicines for dissolving the stone. 8°. Lond. (1740.) Experiments on tar- water. 8°. Lond. 1745. HALFORD, sir Henry, bart. G. C. H. Essays and orations delivered at the Royal College of Physicians; with an account of the opening of the tomb of king Charles I. 8°. Lond. 1831. HALL, J. Observations on English bodies of eminent per- sons in desperate diseases ; translated from the Latin by James Cook. 8°. Lond. 1679. At the end are directions for drinking the Bath-water, and for making various cosmetics, collected by H. Stubbs. HALL ARAN, W. S. On the increase in the number of the insane, and on the cure of insanity. 8°. Cork , 1810. HALLER. Bibliotheca anatomica. 2 v. 40. Lond. et Ti~ guri , 1774-77- Bibliotheca chirurgica. 2 v. 40. Bernce , 1774-5. Bibliotheca medicinae practicae. 4 v. 40. Bernce, 1776—88. Disputationes ad morborum historiam et curationem fa- cientes, quas collegit et recensuit. 7 v. 40. Lausann. 1757-60. Disputationes anatomicae selectae, quas collegit. 7 v. 40. Gotting. 1750-1. Disputationes chirurgicae selectae. 5 v. 40. Lausann. 175^. EIALLIDAY, sir A. Present state of lunatics and lunatic asylums in Great Britain, and some other kingdoms. 8°. Lond. 1828. Report on the number of lunatics and idiots in England and Wales. 8°. Lond. 1829. HALPIN, W. H. jun. Observations on erroneous statements in Dr. Adam Neale’s pamphlet on the Cheltenham waters. 8°. Cheltenh. 1820. HALY, filius, Abbas. Liber totius medicinae, Lat. 40. Lugd. 1523. M 111 2 268 MEDICINE. HAMAND, H. On the colours, &c. of urine. 8°. Lond. 1655. HAMILTON, A. On the management of female complaints. 6th ed. 8°. Edinb. 1809. HAMILTON, D. eq. aur. De praxeos regulis; et de febre miliari. 8°. Lond. 1710. HAMILTON, J . On the diseases of infancy and childhood. 2d ed. 8°. Edinb. 1813. On the utility of purgative medicines. 4th ed. 8°. Edinb . 181 1. HAMILTON, J. junr. Of the principal diseases of infants and children. See a work on “ Female complaints by Alex. Hamilton, M. D. 8°. Edinb. 1809. p. 217.” On the use and abuse of mercurial medicines. 8°. Edinb. 1819. HAMILTON, R. D. The principles of medicine, on the plan of the Baconian philosophy, vol. 1. 8°. Lond. 1821. HANSELIUS, J. G. Medicina brevis, or a short account of most diseases. 8°. Lond. 1714. HARLE, J. State of physiek in the Old and New Testa- ment. 8°. Lond. 1729. HARRIS, Gualt. De morbis acutis infantum : imprimr. in fine “ Operum medicorum Ricardi Morton. 1697" 4°. Lugd. De morbis acutis infantum. Ed. 2da. 8°. Lond. 1705. De morb. acut. infant.; translated into French by M. De- vaux. 8°. Par is, 1730. Dissertationes medicae et chirurgicae, habitae in amphitheatro Collegii Reg. Med. Lond. 8°. Lond. 1725. Pharmacologia anti-empirica. 8°. Lond. 1683. HART, T. On the dry sulphuric baths. 8°. Lond. 1819. HARTLEY, D. Evidence for and against Mrs. Stephens’s medicines for the stone. 8°. Lond. 1739. Supplement to the preceding pamphlet ; added to an account of “ Experiments on Mrs. Stephens’s medicines by Ste- phen Hales, D. D. 8°. Lond. (1740.) pag. 35.” Epistola de lithontriptico Joannae Stephens. 8°. Bathon. I75I* HARTMANN, J. Disputatio de medicina universa, &c. 40. Mar pur gi , 1611. Praxis chymiatrica. Accedit Marci Cornacchini methodus curandi, chymica et Galenica. 8°. Genev. 1647* Praxis chymiatrica. 120. Lugd. Bat. 1663. MEDICINE. 269 HARTY, W. Historic sketch of the contagious fever, epi- demic in Ireland during 1 8 1 7—1 8 j 9. 8°. Dublin , 1820. Appendix to the preceding. 8°. Dublin , 1820. Observations on the simple dysentery. 8°. Lond. HARVEY, G. Casus medico-chirurgicus ; or a most me- morable case of a nobleman deceased. 8°. Lond. 1678. Little Venus unmasked ; being a discourse on syphilis. 7th ed. 120. Lond. 1702. Morbus Anglicus, or the anatomy of consumption. 8°. Lond. 1666. The conclave of physicians; detecting their intrigues, &c. 12°. Lond. 1683. HARVEY, J. Praesagium medicum. 8°. Lond. 1706. HARWOOD, W. On the curative influence of the southern coast of England. 8°. Lond. 1828. HAS LAM, J. On madness and melancholy. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1809. On the physiology of the human intellect. 8 °. I^ond. 1819. A letter to the lord chancellor on the nature of unsoundness of mind. 8°. Lond. 1823. HASLEWOOD, W. Of the treatment of cholera as it ap- peared in Sunderland in 1831. 8°. Lond. 1832. HASTINGS, C. On inflammation of the mucous membrane of the lungs. 8°. Lond. 1820. HAWKINS, F. Lectures (Gulstonian) on rheumatism, and some diseases of the heart, &c. 8°. L,ond. 1826. HAWKINS, F. B. Elements of medical statistics. 8°. Lond. 1829. Of the epidemic spasmodic cholera of Russia, &c. 8°. Lond. 1831. HAWYS, J. Oratio Harveiana. 40. Lond. 1721. HAYGARTH, J. An inquiry how to prevent the small- pox. 8°. Chester , 1784. A sketch of a plan to exterminate the casual small-pox. 8°. Lond. 1793. On acute rheumatism ; and on nodosity of the joints. 8°. Bath , 1813. On the prevention of infectious fevers. 8°. Bath , 1801. HEALTH. Family companion for health. 8°. Lond. 1729. Letter to Dr. Cheyne on the danger of laying down general rules, &c. 8°. Lond. Remarks on Dr. Chey lie’s essay on health. 8°. Lond. 270 MEDICINE. HEBENSTREIT, Johan. Ernest. De continuanda Rivirio- rum industria in eruendo plantarum charactere. 40. Lips. 1726. De foetu vegetabili. 40. Lips. 1747. HEBERDEN, Gul. Commentarii de morborum historia et curatione. Ed. alt. 8°. Loud. 1807. On the increase and decrease of different diseases; particu- larly the plague. 40. Loncl. 1801. HEBERDEN, Gul., fil. Morborum puerilium epitome. 8°. Land. 1804. HECKER, J. F. C. The black death in the fourteenth cen- tury ; translated by B. G. Babington, M. D. 120. Loud. ' 833- HECQUET, P. Novus medicinae conspectus. Accedit ap- pendix de peste. 2 v. 1 20. Paris , 1722. De purganda medicina a curarum sorclibus. 120. Paris. I714- ab HEERS, II. Fons Spadanus accurate descriptus. 120. Lugd. But. 1685. HEIM REICH, E. F. J. De pimpinella alba. 40. {AltorJ.) 1723. HEISTER, L. De cataracta. 8°. AltorJ'. 1713. Institutiones chirurgicae. 2 v. 40. Amstel. 1739. Systema de cataracta, glaucomate, et amaurosi. 8°. AltorJ. J7}7- Vindiciae sententiae suae de cataracta. 8°. AltorJ. 1718. van 1IELMONT, J. B. A ternary of paradoxes; the mag- netick cure of wounds; translate by Walter Charleton, M. D. 8°. Loud. 1650. Delirainenta catarrh i ; or the absurdities couched under the vulgar opinion of defluxions: translated by Walter Charle- ton, M. D. 40. Lond. 1650. Ortus medicinae. Partes duae. Ed. quarta partis primae; sexta secundae. fol. Lugd. 1667. van HELMONT, F.M. (J. B. fil.) Observations concerning man and his diseases. Part Ist. 8°. Lond. 1694. Paradoxical discourses concerning the macrocosm and micro- cosm ; set down in writing and published by J. B. 8°. Lond. 1685. HELVETIUS, J. F. Diribitorium medicum de omnium morborum curationibus. 8°. Amstel. 1670. HELVETIUS, J. An essay on the animal ceconomy, with observations on the small -pox ; translated from the French. 8°. I,ond. 1723. MEDICINE. 271 Idee generale de l’economie animale, et observations sur la petite verole. 8°. Paris , 1722. Lettres au sujet de la critique contre l’idee generale, &c. 8°. Paris, 1725. HENNEN, J. Medical topography of the Mediterranean. Edited by his son, J. Hennen, M. D. 8°. Lond. 1830. Principles of military surgery. 2d ed. 8°. Edinb. 1820. HENRY, Gul. Dissertntio chemico-medica inauguralis de acido urico, &c. 8°. Edinb. 1807. HENSHAW, N. A register for the air. 8°. Dublin , 1664. HERBOLARIUM. De virtutibus herbarum. Fig. 150. cum descriptionibus. 40. Venet. 1499. Iterum ; cum appellationibus Latinis et Germanicis. Fig. 150 cum descriptionibus. There is no title-page, nor any date at the end. In a note by the late Dr. Williams there occurs this query with re- spect to the probable date, “ an Moguntise, 1484.” Iterum ; tradutto de Latino in Italiano. 8°. Venet. 1534. HERILACUS, P. Aquarum natura et facultates ; imprint1", in fine libri “ de arthritide et podagra. 8°. Francof. 1 645.” HERMANN, J. G. De modo cavendse corruptionis corpo- rum naturalium in museis. 40. Lips. 1766. HERMANN, P. Cynosura materiae medicag, ed. J. S. Hen- ningero, M. D. 40. Argentor. 1710. Iterum ; ed. 2da. 40. Lugd. Bat. 172 6. Iterum; ed. Johanne Boeclero. 40. Argent. 1726. HERMANNUS, J. H. De cymbalaria. 40. Basil. 1715. HERMIPPUS, Redivivus. A method of prolonging the life and vigour of man. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1749. HERTELIUS, J. G. De plantarum transpiratione. 40. Lips. 1735. HERTODT, J. F. Curiosa “ croci” regis vegetabilium enu- cleatio. 8°. Jence, 1671. HESSELBACH, F. C. De ortu et progressu herniarum. T. 17. 40. Wirceburg, 1816. HEURNIUS, J. Opera omnia, tarn ad theoriam quant ad praxin medicam spectantia. Ed. Otthone Heurnio. fol. Lugd. 1658. HEY, W. Practical observations in surgery. 3d ed. 8°. Lond. 1814. HEY, W. junr. A treatise on puerperal fever; with cases which occurred at Leeds, 1809-12. 8°. Lond. 1815. MEDICINE. 272 HEYNE, J. C. De praecipuis ossium morbis. 8°. Amstel. et Gedani , 1705. HIBNER, I. Mysterium sigillorum, &c.; a cure of all sick- nesses by the influences of the seven planets. 8°. Lond. [698. HIERONYMUS, M. Compendiolum curatricis scientiae. 8°. Lugduni , 1556. Opuscula juvenilia. 8°. Lugduni , 1556. HIGHMORE, N. De passione hysterica et hypochondriaca. Ed. 2da. 120. Oxon. 1660. The history of generation ; and on the cure of wounds by sympathy. 8°. Loud. 1651. HILDANUS, G. F. Opera omnia medico-chirurgica. fol. Francof. 1682. HILDENBllAND, F. Annales scholae clinicae medicae Ti- cinensis. Pars prima. 8°. Papia, 1826. HILLARY, W. A rational essay on the small-pox. 8°. Loud. 1735. A practical essay on the small-pox ; with an account of the principal variations of the weather, and the concomitant epidemical diseases. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1740. On the changes of the air, and the concomitant epidemical diseases, in Barbados. 8°. Lond. 1759. On the medicinal virtues of Lincomb spa water, near Bath. 8°. Lond. 1742. HILSCHERUS, S. P. De gramine dactylo, ej usque semine Germanis “ manna'” dicto. 40. Jena ?, 1747- De natura et origine roris mellei vulgo dicti, et rubiginis vegetabilium. 40. Jena, 1736. HIPPOCRATES. Opera, Gr. fol. Venet. {Aid.) 1526. Opera, Gr. fol. Basil. 1538. Opera, Gr. et Lat. Ed. H. Mercuriali. 2 v. fol. Venet. 1588. Opera, Gr. et Lat. Ed. Foesio. fol. Francof. 1595. Opera, Gr. et Lat. Ed. Foesio. fol. Genev , 1657. Opera, Lat. Edd. F. Calvo, aliisque. fol. Basil. 1526. Opera, Gr. et Lat. Ed. J. A. vander Linden, vol. 2. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1665. Opera, Gr. et Lat. Ed. C. G. Kuhn. vol. 3. 8°. Lipsicp, 1825-7. Les oeuvres, avec des remarques, vol. 2. 12°. Parts , [697. This work contains but a small part of the writings ot Hip- pocrates ; those principally which relate to medical ethics, and to diet, &c. MEDICINE. 273 Aphorismi, cum Galeni comm., Eat. Interpr. N. Leoni- ceno. fol. Paris. 1532. Aphorismi, Gr. et Eat., “ soluti et metrici.11 Interpr. Jo. Heurnio, medico Ultrajectino. Metaphrastis J. Frero, et R. Wintertono, Anglis. 8°. Cantabr. 1633. Aphorismi, Gr. 120. Franco/'. (1543.) Aphorismi, Gr. 120. Lugd. 1543* Aphorismi, Gr. et Eat.; ed. altera. Ed. J. Heurnio. 12°. Lugd. Bat. 1638. Aphorismi, Gr. et Eat.; ed. T. J. : ab Almeloveen. 120. Amst. 1685. Aphorismi, Gr. et Eat.; cum commentariolo. Ed. M. Lister, M.D. 120. Lond. 1703. Aphorismi, Gr. et Lat. ; ad corporis mechanismi rationem cxpositi. Ed. Hecquet, cum suis commentariis. 2 v. 120. Paris. 1724. Aphorismi, &c. Eat. ex F. Rabelassi recognitione. t2°. Lugduni, 1545. Aphorismi, Lat., facili modo digesti; cum appendice de materia medica ab J. Tilemanno. 120. Marpurg. 1650. Aphorismi novi ex Hippocratis operibus collecti, notisque illustrati, Gr. et Lat. Ed. J. Sponio. 120. Lugd. 1684. Aphorismi, metrica paraphrasi translati, ab H. v. Poort, M.D. 120. Traj. ad Rhen. 1657. Coacse praenotiones, Gr. et Lat. Interpr. L. Dureto. fol. Lut. Par. 1658. Coacae praenotiones, Gr. et Lat.; cum versione A. Foesii, et notis J. Johnstoni. 120. Amstel. ex ojf'. Elzev. 1660. De capitis vulneribus liber, Gr. et Lat. Ed. F. Vertuniano, cum commentario. 8°. Lutet. 1578. De genitura; et de natura pueri, Gr. et Lat. Interpr. J. Gorraeo. Accedunt annotationes ejusdem interpretis in eosdem libros. 40. Paris. 1545. De haemorrhoidibus, Gr. 120. Basil. 1540. H ic tractatus de haemorrhoidibus, qui vix occupat paginas sex, praemittitur Galeni lihris, de locis affectis, qui occu- pant paginas modo non quadringentas. De morbis popularibus lib. 1 et 3, Gr. et Eat.; cum com- mentariis novem de febribus ad libros praedictos accom- modatis. Ed. J. Freind, M.D. 40. Lond. 1717. De officina medici et de fraetis libri duo. Ed. Bosquillon (Fr. Mar.) 40. Paris. 1816. Praedictiones, cum Galeni commentariis, Eat. Interpr. L. Eaurentiano. fol. Paris. 1532. Praesagiorum libri tres, Lat. Interpr. G. Copo. 8°. Lugd. I55a- . Prognostica, Lat. Ed. T. Moufet, Anglo. 8°. Francof. j587* n n 274 MEDICINE. HIPPOCRATES et GALENUS. Opera, Gr. et Lat. Ed. Ren. Charterio. 13 v. fol. Lut. Par. 1679. HOADLY, B. Oratio liar veiana. 40. Lond. 1742. Three lectures on the organs of respiration. 40. Lond. 1740. HODGES, N. Pestis nuperae, apud populum Londinensem grassantis, narratio historica. 8°. Lond. 1672. The same, in English ; with an essay on the causes of pesti- lential diseases, by John Quincy, M. D. 8°. Lond. 1720. The same. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1720. HODGSON, J. Diseases of arteries and veins. 8°. Lond. 1815. HOFMANNUS, C. De locis affec-tis libri tres. 120. Nori- bcrg. 1642. De medicamentis officinalibus ; et de iis quae ex animali- bus vel mineralibus petuntur. Ed. nov. 40. Lugd. Bat. 1738. HOFFMANN, F. Clavis pharmaceutiea Schroederiana. Ed. 2da. 40. II alee Sax. 1681. Consultationes et responsa medica. 3 v. 8°. Anistel. 1734,5. Dissertationes physico-medicae selectae. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1 7°8— 33- Dissertationum physico-medicarum decades duae. 8°. Lngd. Bat. 1 7 13-19. Fundamenta medicinae ex principiis mechanicis proposita. 8°. II aloe Magdeburg. 1703. Medicina rationalis systematica. 8°. Ulmce, 17 29-39. Medicina rationalis systematica, supplementum. 40. Franc, ad Mcen. 1740. Observationes physico-chemicae. 8°. Ulmce, 17 36. Opuscula medica varii argumenti. 8°. Ulmce , 1 739- Opuscula medico-practica. 4 °. Halce, 173b. Opuscula pathologico-practica. 40. II alee. 1738. Opuscula physico-medica. 2 v. 8°. Ulmce , 1726-36. Praefatio de studio medico recte pertractando ; praemissa “ Herm. Conringii introductioni in univ. art. med. 40. Hcdcc et Lips. 1726.’’’’ Thesaurus pharmaceuticus medicorum, seculi decimi septimi principum. 40. Halce Sax. 1681. HOFFMANNUS, F. fil. De cinnabari antimonii. 120. Lngd. Bat. 1685. HOHBERG, M. De dolore ischiadico. 40. Jence, j68t. HOLLAND, R. Observations on the small-pox. 8°. Lond. 1728. MEDICINE. 275 HOLLERIUS, J. Vid. Tagaultius, J. De materia chi- rurgica : imprimitur in fine libri “ J. Tagaultii de chirur- gica institutione. fol. Paris. 1543- p- 355~421” In aphorismos Hippocratis commentarii septem, Gr. et Lat. Ed. J. Liebautio. 8°. Genev. 1646. Omnia opera practica. Accedit in fine Joannis Le Bon Therapeia puerperarum. 40. Genev. 1 635. HOME, sir E. bart. On cancer. 8°. Lond. 1805. On strictures in the urethra and in the esophagus. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1803-21. On the diseases of the prostate gland. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 181 1 — 1 8. On the formation of tumours, 8°. Lond. 1830. On ulcers of the legs. 8°. Lond. 1801. HOME, F. Clinical experiments, histories, and dissections. 3d ed. 8°. Lond. 1783. Medical facts and experiments. 8°. Lond. 1759. HOPWOOD, R. Oratio Harveiana. 40. Lond. 1741. HOR ATI ANUS, O. Rerum medicarum libri quatuor. fol. Argent. 1532. HORN, F. On the danger of general admission of contagious fevers into public hospitals. 8°. Newcastle-upon-Tyne , 1802. van HORNE, J. Opuscula anatomico-chirurgica. Ed. J. G. Paulo. 8°. Lips. 1707. HORSTIUS, G. sen. Opera medica. Ed. G. Horstio, jun. 3 v. 40. Goudce, 1661. HORSTIUS, J. D. Pharmacopoeia catholica. 2 v. fol. Francof. ad M an. 1651. HORTUS. See Ortus. " HOSACK, D. and FRANCIS, J. W. The American me- dical and philosophical register. 2d ed. 4 v. 8°. New York, 1814. HOSPITALS. Annuaire m 6dico - chir U rgical des hopitaux de Paris. 40. Paris , 1819. HOWARD, John. The state of the prisons in England and Wales, with an account of some foreign prisons and hos- pitals. 3d ed. 2 v. 40. Warrington , 1784—9. HOWARD, J. On cancer. 8°. Lond. 1811. HOWARD, L. The climate of London, deduced from me- teorological observations. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1818-20. Again. 2d ed. much enlarged and improved. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1833. n n 2 276 MEDICINE. HOWSHIP, J. Diseases of the lower intestines. 8°. Lond. 1820. Observations in surgery and morbid anatomy. 8°. Lond. 1816. On the causes, &c. of the most important complaints that affect the secretion and excretion of urine. 8°. Lond. t823- On the diseases of the urinary organs. 8°. Lond. 1816. Practical remarks upon indigestion. 8°. Lond. 1825. HUEBER, J. S. De ipecacuanha Americana. 4 °. Halce Magdeb. 1744. HUFELAND, C. G. Traite de la maladie scrofuleuse ; traduit de PAllemand par J. B. Bousquet. 8°. Paris , 1821. HUNTER, ,J. On the diseases of the army in Jamaica; and on the hepatitis of the East Indies. 3d. 8°. Lond. 1808. HUNTER, John. On the venereal disease. 3d ed. (by Everard Home). 40. Lond. 1810. PIURLOCK, J. On dentition. 8°. Lond. 1742. HURWITZ, H. Prof, of Hebrew. An introductory lecture delivered in the University of London, Nov. 11, 1828. 3d ed. 8°. Lond. 1829. HUTCHINSON, B. Biographia medica. 2 v. 8°. Lond. . 1 799- Cases of neuralgia spasmodica, commonly termed “ tic dou- loureux.” 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1822. HLTTCHINSON, W. On infanticide. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1821. HUTTEN, U. De morbo Gallico; translated into English by Daniel Turner, M.D. 8°. Lond. 1730. HU X HAM, J. An essay on fevers, with dissertations on the small pox, &c. 8°. Lond. 1750. An essay on fevers, with a dissertation on the malignant ulcerous sore-throat. 8°. Lond. 1782. Observationes de aere et morbis epidemicis. Elis accedit opusculum de morbo colico Damnoniensi. 8°. Lond. 1739. Observationes, &c. ab initio anni 1738 ad exitum usque 1748. 8°. Lond. 1752. The same, translated into English by his son Corham Hux- ham, A. M. 8°. Lond. 1767. Observations on antimony. 8°. Lond. 1756. HUYBERTS, A. A corner-stone laid towards the building of a new Colledge in London. 40. Lond. 1675. HYDROPHOBIA. See Bardsley, S. A. MEDICINE. 277 INSANITY. On the structure of lunatic hospitals, with an account of the intended lunatic asylum at Edinburgh. 40. Edinb. 1809. Report from the House of Commons on the regulation of mad- houses. 8°. Lond. 1815. Report (1st and 3d) from the House of Commons on mad- houses, April and June. fol. 1816. Of the hospitals for insane persons at Paris. 8°. Lond. 1817. Proposal for establishing a lunatic asylum at Oxford. 8°. Oxford , 1814. Account of the lunatic asylum near Oxford. 40. Oxford , 1827. Sketches in Bedlam, by a constant Observer. 8°. Lond. t823‘ The domestic guide in cases of insanity. 8°. Newcastle , 1806. IRELAND, J. D.D. Dean of Westminster. The plague of Marseilles. 40. Lond. 1834. IRELAND. Transactions of the fellows and licentiates of the King’s and Queen’s College of Physicians in Ireland. 5 v. 8°. Dublin , 1817-28. Dublin medical transactions. New series (being a sequel of the preceding), vol. i. pt. 1. 8°. Dublin , 1830. Dublin hospital reports in medicine and surgery. 5 v. 8°. Dublin , 1818-30. ITARD, J. M. G. Traite des maladies de Poreille, et de Faudition. 2 v. 8°. Pa7'is, 1821. IVES. Vid. St. Ives. JACKSON, H. On the virtues of tar water. 8°. Lond. 1744. JACKSON, R. Exposition of the practice of aflfusing cold water as a remedy in fever. 8°. Edinb. 1808. Letter to Sir D. Dundas, K. B. on the medical department of the army. 8°. Lond. 1809. Of febrile diseases, more particularly as they appear in the West Indies among the soldiers of the British army. 8°. Stockton , 1817. On the epidemic yellow fever of Spain. 8°. Lond. 1821. JACOBUS, C. De coralliorum rubrorum tincturis. 40. Jence. 1734. JAMES, J. H. On the nature and treatment of the different species of inflammation. 8°. Lond. 1821. JAMESON, T. A treatise on Cheltenham waters and bilious diseases. 8°. Lond. 1809. JEBB, J. On paralysis of the lower extremities; with a case of catalepsy. 2d ed. 8°. I^ond. 1783. 278 MEDICINE. JEFFREYS, H. Cases illustrating the nature of strumous ophthalmia, &c. PI. 2. 8°. Loud. 1820. JENKINSON, J. On the efficacy of Fowler’s mineral solu- tion (of arsenic) in chronic rheumatism. 8°. Manchester , i8°5- JENNER. Vid. Baron, J. JENNER, E. The origin of the vaccine inoculation. 40. Lond. ] 801. JENNER, Rev. G. C. The evidence respecting Dr. Jenner’s discovery of vaccine inoculation. 8°. Lond. 1805. JHEROME (of Bruynswyke). The noble experyence of surgeri, (compiled from) Galienus, Ipocras, Avicenna, &c. ; translated out of the speche of hye Almayne into our moders tongue of Englysshe. fol. Printed in South - warke by Peter Tr ever is , 1525. JOANNES, de Gaddesden. Rosa Anglica ; seu practica medicine a capite ad pedes, fol. Papice ap. Jo. Ant. Birr eta, 1492. Iterum ; ed. E. P. Schopfio. 40. Aug. Vind. 1595. JOANNES (Damascenus). Aphorismorum libellus. Lat. Paraphraste Torino Albino : imprimr in libro “ Alexandri Aphrodisei de febrium causis; ed. G. Valla. 12 °. Basil. 1542. p. 1 13. partis 2da5.11 JOANNES (de Mediolano). Schola Salernitana, cum exegesi Arnoldi Villanovani. 120. Roterod. 1649. JOANNITIUS. Isagoge in artem parvam Galeni de medi- cina speculativa. 8°. Argentor. 1534. JOHNSON, J. Change of air, or the philosophy of travel- ling. 8°. Lond. 1831. Influence of tropical climates on European constitutions. 8°. Ijond. 1815. On the derangement of the liver, &c. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1818. On morbid sensibility of the stomach, &c. as the proximate cause of indigestion. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1827. JOHNSTONE, J. A therapeutic arrangement and syllabus of materia medica. 8°. Lond. 1835. JONES, J. The mysteries of opium revealed. 8°. Lond. 1700. JONES, J. LL.D. De febribus intermittentibus. 8°. Lond. [683. JONES, J. F. D. On hemorrhage from divided arteries. 8h. Lond. 1810. MEDICINE. 279 DE JONNES, A. M. Monographic de la fi&vre jaune, des Antilles. 8°. Paris , 1820. JONSTONUS, J. Idea uni versa? medicinae practicae. 8°. Amst. ap. Pud. Elz. 1652. JOllDEN, E. Of natural bathes and mineral waters. 8°. Loud. 1673. JOUBERTUS, L. Opera omnia, Lat. fol. Franco/'. 1599* J UNC KERUS, J. Conspectus chirurgiae tarn medico: quam instrumentalis . 40. Hales, 1721. Conspectus medicinae theoretico- practicae. 40. Halos, 1734* KAAU, A. Perspiratio corporis anatomice illustrata : cui accedit declamatio de gaudiis alchemistarum. 8°. JLugd. Bat. 1738. HADELBACH, C. F. De exhalationibus naturalibus. 40. Lips. 1767. KASEBERG, F. De gibbere. 40. Jence , 1 68 1 . KEILL, J. An account of animal secretion, &c. 8°. Loud. 1708. Essays on several parts of the animal economy. 8°. Lond. i7I7- KEIR, P. On the medicinal waters of Bristol, and their use in the cure of chronical distempers. 8°. Lond. 1739. KENNEDY, J. History of the contagious cholera. 8°. Lond. 1831. KENTISH, E. An essay on burns, principally upon those which happen from explosions of inflammable air. 8°. Lond. (1797). A second essay on burns. 8°. Newcastle on Tyne, 1800. KIESER, D. G. Singularis dementias species in foemina daemoniaca Wirtembergica. T. 1. 40. Jence, 1830. KING, J. Epistola ad virum ornatissimum Joannem Freind, de epistola I). W, Trilleri medico-critica. 8°. Cantabr. 1722. KINGSLAKE, R. On digitalis purpurea in phthisis pulmo- nalis. 8°. KINNEIR. Vid. Bayne, D. KIRKLAND, T. Present state of medical surgery. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1783-6. KIRKPATRICK, J. The analysis of inoculation. 8°. Lond. 1754. KIRWAN, R. On the analysis of mineral waters. 8°. Lond. 1799. 280 MEDICINE. KITAIBEL, P. Hydrographia Hungariae. 2 v. 8°. Pestini , 1829. KLOEK, J. A. De usu et abusu corticis Peruvian], 40. Lngd. Bat. 1727. KNIGHT, T. History of the Dorton chalybeate, near Brill, Bucks. 40. Oxford , 1 833. KORONZyEY, J. F. De erroribus, in pharmacopolis, ex neglecto “ studio botanico” obviis. 40. Halcc Magdeb. *733- KRAUT, G. Libellus in artem parvam Galeni, de principiis universalibus totius medicinae : imprimr cum “ Tacuino- rum tabulis particularibus, auctore Buhahylya Bengezla. fob Hagan. 1533. fob 91-125.'” KRAUT, J. H. De radicibus “ esculentis,” in genere. 40. Francof. ad Viadr. 17 65. KREYSIG, F. On the natural and factitious waters of Carlsbad, &c. ; translated from the German by Gordon Thomson, M. D. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1824. KUHN, C. G. Cl. Galeni de optimo docendi genere libellus: novae medicorum Graecorum editionis “ specimen.” 8°. Lips. 1818. KUNST, J. G. De branca ursina Germanica. 40. Francof. ad Viadr. 1761. KUNTH, K. S. Anleitung zur Kenntniss der officinellen Gewachse der Pharmacopoea Borussica. 8°. Berlin , t 834. L. M. De calculo humano. 40. Lond. 1696. LACUNA, A. Epitome Galeni operum, Lat. Adjicitur compendium commentariorum Galeni in Hippocratem, Lat. fol. Lugduni , 1643. LAENNEC, R. T. H. See Forbes, J. De bauscultation mediate; 011 traite du diagnostique des maladies des pou- mons et du coeur. 2 v. 8°. Paris , 1819. de LAMZWEERDE, J. B. De magno thermarum et aci- dularum abusu. 8°. Colon. Agrip. 1684. Historia naturalis molarum uteri. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1686. LANCISI, J. M. De subitaneis mortibus. 8°. Boma> , 1709. Opera. Ed. Petro Assalto. 3 v. 40. Genev. 1718. LANFRANCUS (Mediolanensis). Tractatus chirurgici. Ex- tant in libro cui titulus “ Guidonis Cauliaci lucubrationes chirurgicae. fob Venet. J54^- p* 200-261.” LANGGUTH, G. A. Antiquitates plantarum feralium apud Grmcos et Romanos. 40. Lips. 1 73^* LANGIUS, G. J. De millefolio. 4°- Altorf. 1714. MEDICINE. 281 LANGIUS, J. Epistolae medieinales. 8°. Hanov. 1605. LANGUISH, 13. Croonean lectures on muscular motion. 40. Lond. 1748. Directions in regard to the small-pox. 8°. Lond. 1758. Modern theory and practice of physic. 8°. Lond. 1735- LANGWORTHY, C. C. An inquiry into the influence of metallic tractors. 8°. Bristol, 1798. LAPEYRONIE. Me moires de l’academie royale de chi- rurgie. 3 V. 120. Paris , 1 743- LA RDNER, rev. D. LL. D. A discourse on the advantages of natural philosophy and astronomy, delivered in the London university, Octob. 28, 1828. 8°. Lond. 1829. LA RIVIERE, Roc le Baillif. Vray discours des interro- gatoires faicts sur certains points de sa doctrine (medicale). 8°. Paris, 1579. LARREY, le baron. Memoire sur la maladie scrophuleuse, voy. un traite de la maladie scrophuleuse par C. G. Hufeland. 8°. Paris , 182 l. p. 371. Recueil de memoires de chirurgie. 8°. Paris, 1821. LASHER, J. Pharmacopoeias et chymicus symmystae. Ed. altera. 120. Lond. 1706. LATHAM, J. On rheumatism and gout. 8°. Lond. 1796. LAUTIER, H. M. De foetu humano triginta annos ges- tato, &c. : imprimr. in fine libri “ J. 13. Sinibaldi de homi- nis generatione. 40. Francof. (1640).” LA VARENNE. Le Cuisinier Francois. 8°. Amsteld. 1 ^53- LA WHENCE, T. De natura musculorum praelectiones tres, in theatro coll. med. Lond. habitae. 8°. Land. 1759. Praelectiones medicae duodecim, in theatro coll, medic. Lon- dinens. habitae. 8°. Lond. 1757. Vita Franci Nicholls, M.D. 40. Lond. 1780. LAWRENCE, W. A treatise on ruptures. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1810. LE BON, J. le. Therapeia puerperarum : imprimr. in fine “ Operum practicorum Jacobi Hollerii. 40. Genev. 1635. p. 298.” LE BRETON, C. Orationes duae in scholis medicorum ha- bitae anno 1647. &°- Pains, 1648. LECAAN, J. P. Advice to her majesty’s forces in Spain and Portugal ; with a method how to preserve their health. 8°. Lond. 1708. o o 282 MEDICINE. LE CLERC, D. A description of bandages and dressings; translated from the French. PI. 48. 120. Loud. 1701. Histoire de la medecine. 40. Amsterd. 1702. Histoire de la medecine. Nouv. ed. 40. Amsterd. 1723. EE DRAN, H. F. Operations in surgery; translated by Thomas Gataker; with plates, and remarks by William Cheselden. 8°. Lond. 1749. Parallele des differentes manieres de tirer la pierre hors de la vessie. 8°. Paris , 1730. LEE, M. Oratio Harveiana. 40. Lond. 1736. LE FEURE, J. F. Opera. 2 v. 40. Vesuntione , 1737. LE GIVRE, P. Arcanum acidularum. 12°. Amstel. 1682. Le secret des eaux minerales acides. 2 v. 12°. Paris , 1677. LEHMANN, J. C. De transmutationibus corporum extra- ordinariis. 40. Lips. 1697. LEIGH, C. Exercitationes quinque; sc1, de aquis minera- libus ; thermis; morbis acutis ; morbis intermittentibus ; hydrope. 8°. Ocvonii, 1697. Phthisioiogia Lancastriensis; et de mineralibus aquis in eodem comitatu observatis. 8°. Lond. 1694. LEIGH, J. An experimental inquiry into the properties of opium. 8°. Edinb. 1786. LEMERY, L. A treatise of foods ; translated from the French. 8°. Ldnd. 1704. Again ; translated by D. Hay, M. D. 12°. Lond. 1745* LEMERY, N. A course of chymistry, &c. translated by Walter Harris, M. D. 8°. Lond. 1677. A course of chymistry, containing an easy method of pre- paring chymical medicines; 4th ed. translated from the i ith ed. of the original French. 8°. Lond. 1720. Dictionnaire des drogues simples. 4eme ed. PI. 25. Pot- ter d. 1727. LEONELLGS, Faventinus. Practica medicinalis ; et de asgri- tudinibus infantium tractatus. 8°. 1593. LEONHARDUS, J. G. De salibus succineis. 40. Lips. 1 775- LEONICENIJS, N. De Plinii et aliorum medicorum errori- bus. Addita sunt quaedam ejusdem autoris de herbis, animalibus, metallis, &c. 40. Basil. i529- LEONUS, D. Ars medendi. 8°. Franco f. 1597. LE ROY, A. On the section of the symphysis of the pubes; translated from the French by Lewis Poignand. 8 . Lond. 1778. 283 MEDICINE. L’ESCUELLE, J. Le jardin recreatif pour les beaux esprits ; mis d’ltalien en Francois. 8°. Paris , 1627. LESCEUR, O. Traitedes exhumations juridiques, par MM. Orfila et Lesueur. 2 v. 8°. Paris , 1831. LE TELLIER. Reflections on the emmenology of Dr. Freind; translated from the French. 8°. Load. 1731. LETHIEULLIER, L. J. Consultations de medecine. 120. Paris , 1739. Observationes medico-practica?, 120. Paris , 1732. LETTSOM, J. C. Letter on inoculation. 40. Load. 1778. Oration on the origin of medicine. 40. Load. 1778. LEVEILLE, J. B. T. Memoires de physiologie et de chi- rurgie pratique, avec 8 planches, par A. Scarpa et J. B. F. Leveille. 8°. Paris , 1804. LEVISON, G. On the blood. 8°. Land. 1776. LEWIS, W. An experimental history of the materia medica. 3d ed., by John Aikin. 40. Lund. 1784. LIND, J. On diseases incidental to Europeans in hot cli- mates. 6th Ed. 8°. Lond. 1808. On fevers and infection. 8°. Lund. 1763. On the means of preserving the health of seamen. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1762. Treatise of the scurvy. 8°. Edinb . 1753. van der LINDEN, J. A. De scriptis medicis. Ed. G. A. Mercklino. 40. Norimb. 1686. Medicina physiologica. 40. Amstel. 1653. LINDLEY, J. Prof, of botany. An introductory lecture delivered in the university of London. April 30, 1829. 8°. Lond. 1829. LINNAEUS. Materia medica. Ed. altera, cura J. C. D. Sell reber. 8°. Lips, et Erlang. 1772. Materia medica. Ed. 5ta. curante J. C. D. Schreber. 8°. Lips, et Erlang. 1787. LI PEN I US, M. Bibliotheca realis medica. fol. Francof. ad ALen. j 67 9. LISTER, M. De fontibus medicatis Anglia?. Ed. alt. 8°. Lond. 1684. De variolis: imprimr. in fine “ Operum medicorum, Ri- cardi Morton. 40. Lugd. 1697.'” Sex exercitationes medicae. 40. Lugd. 1697. LITHOTOMY. Traite de la taille au baut appareil. 120. Paris, 1728. o 0 2 284 MEDICINE. LLOV D, E. A. On the nature and treatment of scrophula; with an account of the ophthalmia so long prevalent in Christ’s Hospital. 8°. Load. 1821. L0BI3, T. Defence of the letter to Dr. Lobb. 8°. Loud. 1 753- Treatise of the small-pox. 8°. Lond. 1731. LOHNER, B. De partu difficili. 40. Jena ?, 1675. LOMMIUS, J. Commentarii, de sanitate tuenda, in primum librum A. C. Celsi. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1724. De curandis febribus continuis. 8°. Lond. 1718. Medicinalium observation 11m libri tres. 8° Antuerp. 1560. Iterum. 8°. Amstel. 1715. LONG, G. professor of the Greek language, &c. An intro- ductory lecture delivered in the university of London, Nov. 4, 1828. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1829. LOTICHIUS, J. P. Consiliorum et observationum medici- nalium libri sex. 40. Ulmai Suevor. 1644. LOUDON, C. On the waters of Leamington spa. 3d ed. 8°. Leamington , 1830. LOVELL, R. Enchiridion Botanicum. 120. Oxford , 1659. Enchiridion botanicum, or a compleat herball. 2d ed. 12°. Oxford , 1665. Panzoologicomineralogia, or a compleat history of animals and minerals. 8°. Oxford , 1661. Pammineralogicon, or a universal history of minerals. 8°. Oxford , 1661. The first chapter of this work, which treats of earths, is headed by the term Geologia; not in the sense now at- tached to it, but in contradistinction to Metallologia. LOW, J. F. De variolis et morbillis; et de morbis infan- tum. 40. Norimberg. 1699. LOWE, P. A discourse of the whole art of chyrurgerie. 3d ed. 40. Lend. 1634. LOWER, R. Diatribae Thomae Willisii, de febribus, vindi- eatio. 8°. Lond. 1665- Receipts of Dr. Lower and several other eminent physicians. 4th ed. 12°. Lond. 1716. LUDOVICUS, D. De pharmacia moderno seculo applicanda. Ed. 2da. 120. Amstel. 1688. LUDWIG, C. G. De elaboratione succorum plantarum in universum. 4 °. Lips. J771. De viribus plantarum medicis in universum. f. Lips. t772* De viribus plantarum cultura mutatis. 40. Lips. 1 77 MEDICINE. 285 LUGOL. On the effects of iodine in scrofulous diseases; translated from the French. 8°. Lond. 1831. LUI SINUS, A. De lue venerea omnia hactenus conscripta. vol. imun. fol. Lngd. Bat. 1728. LULLIUS, R. De secretis naturae libri duo. Exstat in fine “ Matthaei de Gradibus. fol. Venet. 1514- fob 103.” LUNDDAIIL, D. Animadversiones in hernias incompletas, casu singulari illustratae. T. 1. 40. Upsal. 1788. LUQUE. Vid. De Luque. LYALL, R. Remarks on the evidence given in the Gardner peerage cause, relative to the duration of human preg- nancy. 8°. Lond. 1826. LYNCH, B. A guide to health through the various stages of life. 8°. Lond. 1744. LYNN, W. A safe method of cure in the small-pox. 8°. Lond. 1714. M‘CARTNEY, J. Dissertatio inauguralis de apoplexia ple- thorica. 8°. Edinb. 1787. MACCULLOCH, J. Malaria. 8°. Lond. 1827. On remittent and intermittent diseases, including marsh fever and neuralgia. 2 v. 8°. Lond 1828. MACER, vEmilius vel Floridus. De viribus herbarum (poema hexametrum). Fig. 59. lign. 8°. From a note, by the late Dr. Williams, it appears probable that this book was printed towards the close of the 15th century. De herbarum virtutibus; cum J. Atrociani commentariis. 8°. Friburg. 1530. MACILWAIN, G. On stricture of the urethra. 8°. Lond. 1824. MACKENZIE, J. The history of health. 2d ed. 8°. Edinb. T 759- MACLEAN, C. An investigation respecting the plague, &c. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1817, 18. MACLEAN, L. On the causes and cure of hydrothorax. 8°. Sudbury , 1810. MACMICHAEL, W. A new view of the infection of scarlet fever, &c. 8°. Lond. 1822. The gold-headed cane ; (or anecdotes of Drs. Radcliffe, Mead, &c.) 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1828. MAGATUS, C. De rara medicatione vulnerum. fol. Venet. 1616. 28 6 MEDICINE. MAGENDIE, F. On the causes, symptoms, and treatment of gravel; translated from the French. 120. Lond. 1818. MAGNENUS, J. C. Be tabaco exercitationes quatuorde- cint. 120. Amstel. 1669. MAHMOOD, Chegmeny, med. Arab. sec. 15“. Short ca- nons of the art of physic; translated from the Persian. 40. Calcutta , 1782. MAIERUS, M. Ci vitas corporis humani a tyrannide arthri- tica vindicata. 8°. Francof. 1621. MALE, G. E. An epitome of forensic medicine. 8°. Lond. 1816. MANARDUS, J. Epistolse medicinales; cum annotationi- bus in Joan. Mesue simplicia et composita. fol. Basil. I54°- MANCINUS, J. De decoratione (i. e. arte cosmetica) li- ber; ex H. Mercurialis explicationibus. 40. Venet. 1601. de MANDEVILLE, B. On hypochondriac and hysteric pas- sions. 8°. Lond. 17 1 1. MANEC, P. S. On the ligature of the arteries; translated from the French by J. W. Garlick and W. C. Copper- th waite. 40. Halifax , 1832. MANGETUS, J. J. Bibliotheca medico-practica, sive rerum medicarum thesaurus cumulatissimus. 4 v. fol. Gencv. 1695-8. Bibliotheca scriptorum medicorum. 4 v. fol. Genev. 1731. Pharmacopoeia Schrodero-Hoffmanniana. fol. Genev. 1688. MANSFORD, J. G. Influence of situation on pulmonary consumption. 8 °. Lond. 1818. MAPLET, J. Epistoiarum medicarum specimen de ther- marum Bathoniensium effectis. Ed.T.Guidot. 4 °.Lond. 1694. MARCET, A. On the chemical history and medical treat- ment of calculous disorders. 8°. Lond. 1817. Again ; 2d ed . 1819. MAR CHANT, J. In Franc. Rosseti apologiam declamatio. 8°. Paris, 1598. de MARC II E T T I S , P. Sylloge observationum mcdico-chi- rurfiricarum rariorum. 8°. Lond. 1 7 29. MARIANUS, B. Compendium chyrurgiae : in fine libri cui tit ulus “ Joann is de Vigo Chirurgia. 8°. Lugd. 1530.” MEDICINE. 287 MARSHAL, A. The morbid anatomy of the brain in mania and hydrophobia; coin piled from the papers of the author by S. Sawrey. 8°. Loud. 1815. MARSHALL, J. Mortality of the metropolis from 1629 to 1831; with a variety of statistical accounts connected with the maintenance of the poor, &c. 40. Lond. 1832. MARTIANUS, P. Magnus Hippocrates Cons notationibus explicatus, Lat. fol. Venet. 1652. MARTINET, L. Vid. Pakf.nt-Duchatelet. MASS A, N. l)e peste. 8°. Lond. 1721. MASSARIAS, A. Disputationes duse, de mittendo san- guine et de purgatione. Ed. 2da. 40. Vicentic p, 1598. Practica medica, &c. fol. Venet. 1642. MATTHIAS, A. The mercurial disease. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 18 1 T. MATTHIOLUS, P. A. Apologia adversus amatum Lusita- num. Accedunt epistob medicin. libri quinque (p. 41— 218); et dialogus de morbo Gallico (p. 219, &c.) fob Francof. 1598. MATTHIOLUS, Petrus Andreas. Commentarii in libros sex Dioscoridis, Lat. fob Venet. 1554. Commentarii in Dioscoridem : ed. C. Bauhino. fob Fran- co/'. 1598. Epistolarum medicinalium libri quinque. fob Pragce , 1561. MAURICEAU, F. Des maladies des femmes grosses. 40. Paris , 1683. Des maladies des femmes grosses, &c. ed. 6ieme. vol. ier. 40. Paris, 1721. Sur la grossesse et les maladies des femmes, et celles des enfans nouveau-nez. 4 Paris, 1715. The diseases of women with child, and in child -bed; trans- lated from the French by Hugh Chamberlen, M. D. 3d ed. 8°. Lond. 1697. MAURICIUS, T. De cachexia. 40. Jena; , 1677. DE MAYERNE, T. T. De arthritide. 8°. Lond. 1676. Opera medica ; in quibus continentur consilia, epistolae, et pharmacopoeia. Ed. J. Browne, M. D. fob Lond. 1703. Praxeos Mayernianae syntagma. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1690-6. MAYNWARINGE, E. Pharmacopoeia domestica. 8°. Lond. 1672. The compleat physitian. 8°. Lond. 1668. Treatise of the scurvy. 4th ed. 8°. Lond. 1672. 288 MEDICINE. MAYO, T. Remarks on insanity. 8°. Lond. 18 17. On the influence of temperament in modifying indigestion 8°. Lond. 1831. J b 5 MEAD, R. A discourse on pestilential contagion, and the methods of preventing it. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1720. A discourse on the plague. 9th ed. 8°. Lond. 1744. A mechanical account of poisons. 3d ed. 8°. Lond. 1745. De imperio soils ac Innas in corpora humana, &c. : imprimr. in fine operis “ Gul. Musgrave de arthritide atiomala. 8°. Amstel. 1690. p. 336.1, De imperio solis ac lunae, &c. in morbis. 8°. Lond. 1746. Iterum : ed. Clifton YVintringham. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1773. De peste. 8°. Lond. 1723. De variolis et morbillis. 8°. Lond. 1747. Meadus. Poema, grati animi testimonium. 40. T755. Medica sacra. 8 °. Lond. 1749. Memoirs of his life and writings. 8°. Lond. 1755. Monita et prascepta medica. 8°. Lond. 17 51. Oratio Harveiana. 40. Lond. 17 24. de MEARA, D. Pathologia haereditaria. 8°. Lond. 1665. de MEARA, E. Examen diatribae Thomae Willisii de febri- bus. 8°. Lond. 1665. MEDER, J. H. De medicamentis quibusdam simplicibus. 40. Gocttinga 4 1760. MEDICINE. Accomplisht physician, &c. 40. Lond. 1670. Address to the apothecaries of Great Britain. 8°. Lond. 18 12. Annual medical review and register for 1808, 1809. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1809, 10. Causes of the present epidemical diseases. 8°. Lond. 1729. Cause and cure of the present epidemick fever. 8°. Lond. x742- Cyclopaedia of practical medicine. See p. 230 of this cata- logue. Dispensarians are the patriots of Great Britain. 8°. Lond. 1708. Histoire de la societe royale de medecine, avec les memoires de medecine, &c. de cette societe, 1776-88. 9 v. 40. Paris, 1779-90. Hist, de la society de medecine ann. 1789. vol. 10. Paris , 1798. Memoires de Eacademie royale de medecine, avec planches. voll. 1, 2, &c. 40. Paris, 1828—33. Histoire d’une fille de Poictou, qui depuis trois ans vit sans manger et sans boire. 8°. (1620.) Ill state of physick in Great Britain. 8°. Lond. 1727. MEDICINE. 289 Index to the anatomical, medical, chirurgical and physiolo- gical papers contained in the Transactions of the Royal Society of London to the end of 1813. 40. Westm. 1814. Journal de medeeine, pour Octob. 1681, p. 433-480, et Novcmb. 1681, p. 481-528. 8°. Paris , 1681. These two numbers are bound up with several miscellaneous tracts. Lancet. 14 v. 8°. Lond. 1823-8. Legal constitution of the College of Physicians in London. 8°. Lond. 17 53 London medical and surgical spectator. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1808, 9. London medical gazette ; being a weekly journal of medicine and the collateral sciences. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1828, 9. London medical journal, by a society of physicians. 1 1 v. 8°. Lond. 1781-90. London medical repository. 20 v. 8°. Lond. 1814. Medicos artis principes (post Hippocratem et Galenum). Ed. Henrico Stephano. Lat. 2 v. fob 1567. Medical communications. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1784—90. Medical facts and observations ; intended as a sequel to the London medical journal. 8 v. 8°. Lond. 1791—1800. Medical and physical journal, conducted by T. Bradley, M. D. and others; with an index of the first forty vo- lumes. 50 v. 8°. Lond. 1799-1823. Medical museum : or a repository of cases in anatomy, me- dicine, &c. 3 V. 8°. Lond. 17 63, 4. Medical observations and inquiries, by a society of physi- cians in London. 2d ed. 6 v. 8°. Lond. 1758-84. Medical observer, or London monthly compendium of me- dical transactions. 5 v. 8°. Lond. Medical records of a private medical association. 8°. Lond. I7_98* Medical transactions of the College of Physicians in Lon- don. vol. 3. art. 1-7. 8°. Lond. 1775. Medical transactions by the College of Physicians in Lon- don. 6 v. 8°. Lond. 1785-1820. Medicina curiosa, or a variety of communications in physick, &c. N°. 1. 40. Lond. 1684. Medico-chirurgical review. New series. 8°. Lond. 1827- 1 834- Medico-chirurgical transactions. 17 v. 8°. Lond. 1809-32. Memoirs of the medical society of London instituted in 1773. 6 v. 8°. Lond. 1787-1805. Mysteria physico-medica. 1 2°. Franco/'. 1681. Omnium morborum explicatio atque curatio, seu introductio in vitalem philosophiam. 40. Franco f. 1623. r p 290 MEDICINE. On bleeding, &c. in the beginning of acute diseases. 8°. Loud. 1728. On the transmutation of blood, and cause of putrid fevers. 8». Lond. 1725. Philosophy of medicine, or medical extracts. 4th ed. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1799-1800. Quarterly journal of foreign medicine and surgery, &c. 5 v. 8°. Lond. 1819, 23- State of the medical profession in the British dominions. 8°. Lond. 1826. Statuta moralia collegii regalis medicorum Londinensium. 8°. Lond. 1722. Statutes of the Colledge of Physicians, London; Lat. and Engl.: with a short account of the institution and nature of the college, published in 1688. 8°. Lond. 1693. Transactions of a society for the improvement of medical and chirurgical knowledge, with copper-plates. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1793-1812. Transactions of the associated apothecaries of England and Wales, vol. 1. 8°. Lond. 1823. Transactions of the provincial medical and surgical associa- tion; instituted in 1832. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1833-5. Transactions of the medical society of London, vol. 1. 8°. Lond. 1810. Vindication of Dr. Woodward’s state of physick, by a divine of the church of England. 8°. Lond. 1719. MEISNER, C. B. De ignobili nobilium quorundam medi- caminum indole atque virtute. 40. Francof. ad Viadr. 1748. MELANCTHON, P.; vid. Beverovicius, J. Encomium medicinae ; cum oratione ejusdem authoris de arte medica. 8°. Rotterod. 1644. MENDEL, P. De saccharo. 40. Francof. ad Viadr. 1761. MEHCATUS, L. Consultationes morborum complicatorum. fol. Francof. 1614. De ossium fracturis, &c.; cum figuris ligneis. fol. Francof. 1625. De puerorum educatione et morbis. fol. Francof. 1615. Institutiones chirurgicae. fol. Francof. 16 19. Opera omnia. Ed. Zacharia Palthenio. 2 v. fol. Franc f. 1620. Tractatus de rebus gravissimis, & c. fol. Francof. 1615. MERCKLINUS, G. A. Tractatus physico-medicus de m- cantamentis. 4 Norimberg. 1715. MEDICINE. 291 MERCURIALIS, Hieron. Consultationes et responsa me- clicinalia. Ed. Mundino Mundinio. fol. Venet. 1624. De cognoscendis et curandis humani corporis affectibus. Ed. Gul. Athenio. fol. Venet. 1627. De compositione medicamentorum. 8°. Franco/'. 1591. De morbis cutaneis, &c. 40. Venet. 1625. De oculorum et aurium affectibus. 8°. Francof. J591. In Hippocratis aphorismos prselectiones Patavinae, Lat. Ed. Maximiliano auctoris filio. fol. Bonon. 1619. Tractatus varii. Ed. M. Columbo. 40. Venet. 1590. Tractatus varii. fol. Lugd. 1623. Variarum lectionum (medicinas scriptorum) libri quatuor. 40. Venet. 1570. Variarum in Medicinae auctoribus lectionum libri. 8°. Basil. 1576‘ MERRICK, jun. Observationum medicinalium fasci- culus. 40. Oxon. MERRIMAN, S. On various kinds of difficult parturition. 8°. Lond. 1820. de MERTENS, C. An account of the plague at Moscow in 1771, translated from the French. 8°. Lond. 1799. MESUA, J. D. De re medica libri tres, Jacobo Sylvio inter- prete. 8°. Paris , 1561. MESUE. Opera omnia, ex duplici translatione : altera anti- qua, altera Jacobi Sylvii. Ed. Andrea Marino, fol. Ve- net. 1562. METTRIE. Vid. De la Mettuie. MEYER, J. A. De rubo Idaso officinarum. 40. H alee Mag- deb. 1744. MIDDLETON, C. Responsio ad dissertationem “ de Me- dicorum apud veteres Romanos conditione.” 8°. Lond. .1727*. Dissertationis “ de Medicorum ap. vet. Rom. conditione11 defensio examinata. 8°. Lond. 1728. MILLAR, J. On the prevailing diseases in Great Britain. 40. Lond. 1770. MILLAR, R. Disquisitions on the history of medicine. 8°. Edinb. 1811. MILLER, J. Botanicum officinale ; or a compendious herbal. 8°. Lond. 1722. MILLER, P. Catalogus plantarum officinalium in horto botanico Chelseyano. 8°. Lond. 1730. r p 2 MEDICINE. 292 MILLS, T. On blood-letting in fever. 2d ed. 8 °. Dublin, 1 8 1 6 . On the morbid appearances exhibited in disorders of the trachea, lungs, and heart. 8°. Dublin , 1829. On the morbid appearances in various disorders of the brain. 8°. Dublin , 1826. MILMAN, sir F. bart. De natura hydropis ejusque cura- tione. 8°. Loud. 1779. On the source of the scurvy and of putrid fevers. 8°. Lond. 1782. MILWARD, E. A circular letter concerning an attempt towards a history of the lives, &c. of medical authors in general. 8°. Lond. 1740. An account of Alexander Trallian, &c. ; being a supplement to Dr. Freind’s history of physick ; 8°. Lond. 1734. Oratio Harveiana. 4”. Lond. 1752. MINADOUS, J. T. De variolis et morbillis. 40. Patavii , *603. MINERAL WATERS. See Water. An abridgment of the pamphlet, published at Bath in 1734, respecting the mineral waters of Holt, near Bath, in Wiltshire. 8°. Trozvbridge, 1794. MITCHILL, S. S. The medical repository, conducted by S. L. Mitchill, M.D., E. Miller, M.D., and E. H. Smith. 12 v. 8°. New York , 1797-1809. MIZALDUS, A. Alexikepus, seu hortus medicus. 8°. Lutet. L565- Iterum. 8°. Lzitet. 1565. De hortensium arborum insitione. 8°. Lutet. 1560. Secretorum agri enchiridion primum. 8°. Lutet. 1560. M0CK1US, J. De aquarum quarundam affectionibus. 8°. Friburg. Brisg. 1596. MCEBIUS, G. Fundamenta medicinae physiologica. 40. Francqf. et Lips. 1678. MOHYUS, E. Pul vis sympatheticus : imprimr. in libro cui titulus “ Theatrum sympatheticum. 12°. Amstel. 1661. p. 231.” MOLIMBROCHIUS, A. V. Cochlearia curiosa ; translated by Tho. Sherley, M. D. 8°. Lond. 1676. MOLLERUS, J. Fascicul us remediorum ex Dioscoride et Matthiolo. 8°. Basil. 1579. MEDICINE. 293 MONGELLAZ, P. J. Sur les irritations intermittentes. 2 v. 8°. Paris , 1821. MONHEIM, J. P. J. Die Heilquellen von Aachen; Spaa; & c. nebst einer Karte. 8°. Aachen et Leipz . 1829. MONRO, A. Observations on the different kinds of small- pox. 8°. Edinb. 1818. MONRO, E. T. Oratio Harveiana. 40. Lond. 1834. MONRO, Jacobus. Oratio Harveiana. 40. Lond. 17 37. MONRO, Johannes. Oratio Harveiana. 40. Lond . 1757. Remarks on Dr. Battie’s treatise on madness. 8°. Lond. 1 758- MONRO, Tho. Oratio Harveiana. 40. Lond. 1799. MONTAGNANA, B. Consilia, &c. 40. Lugd. 1525. Selectiorum operum liber unus et alter. fol. Francof. 1604. MONTEATH, G. C. On the diseases of the human eye, from the best national and foreign works, with plates. 2 v. 8°. Glasgow , 1821. MOOR, B. de. Cogitationes de instauratione medicinae. 8°. Amstel. 1695. MOORE, J. History of the small-pox. 8°. Lond. 1815. History and practice of vaccination. 8°. Lond. 1817. MORAND, J. B. Historia Botanica practica plantarum, quae ad usum medicinae pertinent. T. 68. fol. Mediolani. 1744. MORELLUS, P. Formulae remediorum. 8°. Genev. 1638. Methodus praescribendi formulas remediorum. Ed. Gerardo Blasio. 120. Amstel. 1680. MORGAGNI, J. B. Adversaria anatomica. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 17I4- MORGAN, J. On the institution of medical schools in America. 8°. Philadelphia , 1765. MORGAN, T. Philosophical principles of medicine. 8°. Lsond. 1725. The mechanical practice of physick. 8°. Lond. 1735. MORLEY, C. L. Collectanea chymica Leydensia ; opus Pharmacopoeis imprimis utile. 40. Lugd. Bat. 1684. De morbo epidemico annorum 1678 et 1679. 8°. Lond. 1680. 294. MEDICINE. MORONUS, M. Directorium medico-practicum ; cura S. Scheffer. 40. Francof. ad Man. 1663. Iterum. 8°. Lugd. 1650. MORTIMER, C. Of the effects of certain chemical reme- dies in most diseases. 8°. Land. 1745. MORTON, R. De phthisi. 8°. Lond. 1689. Exercitationes de morbis acutis universalibus. 8°. Lond. 1692. Exercitationum pars altera ; sive de febribus inflammatoriis universalibus. 8°. Lond. 1694. Op era medica. 3 v. 8°. Amstel. 1696. Opera medica. Ed. recens, cui accedunt tractatus Martini Listeri ; Gulielmi Cole ; Gualteri Harris ; et Thomae Sydenham. 40. Lugd. 1697. MOSELEY, B. On tropical diseases ; on military opera- tions; and on the climate of the West-Indies. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1789. MOTTE. Yid. De La Motte. MOYLE, J. The sea-chirurgeon. 4th ed. 120. Lond. 1702. MOYSES, R. De regimine sanitatis, & c. : imprimb in fine “ Consiliorum Matthaei de Gradibus. fol. Ven. 1514. f. 1 05-1 10.” MUDGE, J. On catarrhous cough and other diseases of the lungs ; with some strictures on the treatment of com- pound fractures. 8°. Lond. 1778. von MUHLENFELS, L. Professor of the northern lan- guages. An introductory lecture delivered in the univer- sity of London, Oct. 30, 1828. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1829. MULLER, P. L. S. De coralliorum origine animali. 40. Erlang. 1770. MULLERUS, P. Miracula chymico-medica. Ed. 2da. Ac- cesserunt tyrocinium chymicum et novum lumen chymi- cum. 12°. ( Friburg .) 1614. MUNDINIUS, M. Disputatio in qua ea, quae de semine sunt controversa, discutiuntur. 40. Tarvisii , 1609. MUNNICKS, J. Cheirurgia ad praxin hodiernam adornata. 40. Amstel. 1715. MUNTINGIUS, A. Aloes mucronato folio Americanae ma- joris, &c. historia. 40. Amstel. 1680. De vera antiquorum herba Britannica. 40. Amstel. 1681. 29 5 MEDICINE. de MURR, C. T. Adnotationes ad bibliothecas Hallerianas botanicam, anatomicam, chirurgicam,et medicinae practicae. 4°. Erlang. 1805. MURRAY, B. J. A. Apparatus medicaminum. Ed. altera, curante L.C. Althof. 6 v. 8°, Goett. 1784-96. MURRAY, J. A system of materia medica and pharmacy. 2 v. 8°. Edinb. j8io. MURRAY, J. A. Opuscula medica. 2 v. 8°. Gotting. 1 7 85-6. MUSA, x\ntonius. De herba vetonica, cum Gabrielis Hu- melbergii commentariolo. 40. Isince , 1537. Examen omnium simplicium medicamentorum. 8°. Lugd. U537- MUSGRAVE, Guilh. De arthritide anomala. Ed. 2da. 8°. Amstel. 1690. De arthritide anomala. 8°. Exonice , 1707. De arthritide symptomatica. 8°. Exonice, 1703. MUSGRAVE, S. De medicina empirica. 40. Lugd. Bat. 1763. On the nature and cure of the (so called) worm-fever. 8°. Lond. 1776. MUTONUS, N. Vid. Serapion, J. MUYS, J. Praxis medico-chirurgica rationalis. 120. Amstel. 1695. A MYNSICHT, H. Armamentum medico-chymicum. 8°. Lugd. 1645. Iterum. Ed. 2da. 8°. Lugd. 1670. NEALE, A. On the nature and properties of the mineral waters of Cheltenham. 8°. Lond. (1819). NE ANDRUS, J. Tabacologia, seu Nicotian® descriptio medico-cheirurgico-pharmaceutica. 40. Lugd. Bat. 1622. NEBEL, C. L. De secali cornuto, ejusque noxis. 40. Giessce, 1771. NEDHAM, M. Medela medicinae, a plea for the free pro- fession of the art of physick. 8°. Lond. 1665. NEDHAM, T. On consumption; and on the venereal dis- ease. 120. Lond. 1700. NEEDHAM, G. De formato foetu. 8°. Lond. 1667. NEUCRANTZUS, P. De harengo, piscium principe. 40. Lubecce , 1654. NEUENILAHN, J. L. De scabie. 40. Jence , 1674. 296 MEDICINE. NEWINGTON, J. Oratio Harveiana. 40. Ijmd. 1738. NEWNIIAM, W. On the causes, &c. of inversio uteri. 8°. Lond. 1818. NICANDER. Alexipharmaca, seu de venenis eorumque re- mediis carmen. Gr. cum scholiis, & c. Ed. J. G. Schnei- der. 8°. Haler. , 1792. NICHOLLS, F. De anima; medica praelectio. 40. Loud. 1 75°* Oratio Harveiana. 40. Lond. 1739. NIIIELL, J. See De Luque, F. S. NESBIT. A picture of the present state of the College of Physicians ; with memoirs of its resident members. 8°. Lond. 1817. NONNUS, L. Diaeteticon ; sive de re cibaria. 8°. Antuerp. 1627. NUCK, A. Operationes chirurgicae. 8°. Lugd. Bat. t 7 1 4. NUGENT, C. On hydrophobia. 8°. Lond. 1753. NYM MANUS, G. De vita foetus in utero. 120. Lugd. Bat. 1664. O’CONNELL, M. Morborum quorundam observationes me- dicinales experimentales. 8 °. Dublin, 1746. CETINGER, F. C. Cinnabaris exul, redux in pharmacopo- lium. 40. Tubingen , 1760. OKES, T. V. On the fever lately prevalent at Cambridge. 8°. Cambridge , 1815. OLIVER, W. A practical dissertation on the Bath waters. 3d ed. 12°. Lond. 1737. A practical essay on fevers, with a dissertation on the Bath waters. 120. Lond. 1704. On warm bathing in gouty cases. 40. Bath, 1751. OLLIVIER, (A.F.) Traite experimental du typhus trauma- tique. 8°. Paris, 1822. OMNIBONUS, F. De arte, &c. aphorismorum particulae tres. 40. Brixice , 1577. De arte medica infantium. 40. Brixice, 1577- OPHTHALMIA. Official papers relative to Mr. Adams’s mode of treatment of cataract and Egyptian ophthalmia. 8°. Lond. 1814. Report, from the committee of the London infirmary for curing diseases of the eye, occasioned by a letter from sir William Adams to the directors of Greenwich hospital. 8°. Lond. 1818. MEDICINE. 207 OPIUM. Confessions of an English opium-eater. 2d ed. 12°. Loud. 1823. ORFILA, M. P. V. Lesueuii. Traite des poisons. 2 v. 8°. Paris , 1814. Lemons faisant partie du cours de medecine legale, avec 22 planches. 8°. Paris , 1821. A popular treatise on the remedies in cases of poisoning, &c. ; translated from the French by Wm. Price, M. D. 8°. Lond. 1818. Appendix to the general system of toxicology, translated by J. A. Waller. 8°. Lond. 1821. ORIBASIUS, S. Collectorum medicinalium libri quindecim, Eat. Aid. 8°. Paris , 1 555. ORTON, R. On the epidemic cholera of Tndia. 2d ed. with a supplement. 8°. Lond. 1831. ORTUS, i. e. IIORTUS SANITATIS. De herbis et plan- tis; de anirnalibus et reptilibus ; de avibus et volatilibus ; de piscibus et natatilibus ; de lapidibus et in terras venis nascentibus; de urinis, et earum speciebus. T. 7. Fig. ic66. fob Moguntiaz , 1491. The first treatise contains 530 wood-engravings of plants, with a description of the history and medicinal virtues of each. The second treatise contains 164 figures of various quadrupeds, reptiles, and creeping insects. The third con- tains 122 figures of birds and flying insects. The fourth, 106 figures of fish, and various sea-monsters. The fifth, 144 figures of mineral substances and various operations connected with them. The sixth and last contains only verbal descriptions ; with the exception of two wood- engravings, which exhibit the furniture, &c. of a sick room. OSBORNE, J. On the physiology and pathology of urine. 8°. Lond. 1820. OSTERLAND, E. F. E. De aegro laborante colica. 40. Jence , 1674. OTTO, G. C. De carduo Benedicto. 40. Argentorat. 1738. P. P. The grounds of physick examined, and the reasons of its abuses stated. 8°. Lond. 1703. PAAW, P. Commentaria in Hippocratem de capitis vulne- ribus. 40. Lugd. Bat. 1616. Commentaria in librum octavum Cornelii Celsi. 40. Lugd. Bat. 1616. PiEON et PYTHAGORAS. Exercitationes anatomicae et medicse. 8°. Basil. 1682. PAINE, M. Letters on the cholera asphyxia of New-York. 8°. New York , 1832. Q q 298 MEDICINE. PALFIN, J. Anatomie du corps humain, avec des remarques utiles aux chirurgiens; enrichie de figures en tailles-douces. 3 v. 8°. Paris , 1726. PALLETTA, J. B. Exercitationes pathological 40. Mc- diolani , 1820. Iterum. Pars altera. 40. Mediolani , 1826. PALMARIUS, J. C. De morbis contagiosis libri septem. 40. Paris. 1578. PAPINIUS, N. De pulvere sympathico. 8°. Lutet. 1647. De pulvere sympathico dissertatio : in libro cui titulus “Theatrum sympatheticum. 120. Amstel. 1661. p. 175.” PAPON, J. P. De la peste, ou epoques memorables de ce fleau. 2 v. 8°. Paris , 1800. PARACELSUS. Archidoxis, translated by J. H. Oxon. 8°. Load. 1662. Opera omnia. 3 v. fol. Genev . 1658. PAILEUS, A. Opera chirurgica. Ed. Jacobo Guillemeau. fol. Franco/. ad Mcen. 1594. PARENT-DUCHATELET, et MARTINET, L. Sur rinflammation de rarachnoi'de cerebrale et spinale. 8°. Paris , 1821. PARIS, J. A. Elements of medical chemistry. 8°. Loud. 1825. Pharmacologia. 3d ed. 8°. Loud. 1820. Again. 4th ed. 8°. Lond. 1820. Again. 6th ed. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1825. Treatise on diet. 8°. Lond. 1826. PARI SET. Observations sur la fievre jaune faites a Cadix en 1819, par MM. Pariset et Mazet. PI. 5. col. fol. Paris , 1820. PARK, J. R. The pathology of fever. 8°. Lond. 1822. PARKINSON, J. On the effects of the excessive indulgence of children. 8°. Lond. 1807. PARKINSON, T. Synopsis zoo-nosologiae. Pt. Ist. 8°. Lond. 1819. PARRY, C. H. Cases of tetanus and hydrophobia. 8°. Bath , 1814. Experimental inquiry on the arterial pulse, & c. 8°. Bath , i8j6. Additional experiments on the arteries. 8°. Lond. 1819. Symptoms and causes of the syncope anginosa, commonly called “ angina pectoris.” 8°. Bath , 1799’ MEDICINE. 299 PARSONS, J. Of the human urinary bladder, with animad- versions on lithontriptic medicines. 8°. Land. I742- PASCHALIS, P. Vid. Brueles, G. De febribus. 8°. Lugd . Bat. 1631. PATRIX, E. G. Sur le cancer de la matrice, &c. 8°. Pa- ris, 1820. PATTERSON, W. On the climate of Ireland. 8°. Dublin, 1 804.. PATTISON, G. S. Life of Allan Burns, &c. See a work of Allan Burns on the surgical anatomy of the head and neck. 2d ed. 8°. Glasgow, 1824. PAUL, sir G. O. On lunatic asylums, with a view to a general lunatic asylum near Gloucester. 8°. Gloucester, 1812. PAULLUS, S. De simplicium medicamentorum facultati- bus. 40. Argentor. 1667. De vera, unica, ac proxima causa febrium. 40. Argentor. 1678. PAULMIER, P. Arrest de la cour de parlement, &c. en sa cause. 8°. 1609. PAULUS, AEgineta. Libri septem, Gr. fol. Ven. in JEd. Aldi, fyc. 1528. Opus de re medica, Lat. Ed. Joan. Guinterio. fol. Paris , 1532. PAUTONNIER, P. Histoire des insignes faulsetez de Francesco Fava medecin Italien. 8°. Paris , 1608. PAXTON, P. An essay concerning the knowledge and cure of most diseases. 8°. Lond. 1711. PEARSON, G. Directions for composing artificial Buxton- water. 8°. Lond. 1785. On the tepid springs of Buxton. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1784. PEARSON, R. A brief description of the plague. 8°. Lond. 1813. PEART, E. Practical information on erysipelas, &c. 8°. Lond. 1802. Practical information on the malignant scarlet fever. 8°. Lond. 1802. PECHLINUS, J. N. De aeris et alimenti defectu, et vita sub aquis. 8°. Kiloni, 1676. De purgantium medicamentorum facultatibus. 8°. Lugd. Bat. et Arnstel. 1672. Observationum physico-medicarum libri tres. Accessit ephe- meris vulneris thoracici. 4?. Hamburg. 1691. Q q 2 300 MEDICINE. Theophilus Bibaculus, sive de potu theae dialogus. 40. Ki- loni et Franco/'. 1684. PEIRCE, It. 1 lie history of the Bath ; and of the quality and nature of baths in general. 8°. Loud. 1713. Observations in 43 years’ practice at the Bath. 8°. Bristol, l697- PELLET, T. Oi 'atio Harveiana. 40. Fond. 1719. PEMBERTON, C. R. On various diseases of the abdominal viscera. 3d ed. 8°. Fond. 1814. PERCIVAE, E. On the treatment, &c. of typhus fever. 8°. Bath , 1819. PERDULCIS, B. De morbis anirai. 40. Paris. 1639. Universa medicina. Ed. 2(la, opera G. Savvageon. 40. Pa- ris, 1639. PERFECT, W. Select cases in the different species of insa- nity. 8°. Rochester , 1787. PERLINUS, Ilieron. De morte, causa abortus, & c. 40. Romeo , 1610. Historia physiologica cujusdam mulieris. 40. Romce , 1610. PERRY, C. On the nature and principles of the Spa waters. 8°. Fond. 1734. PESTIS. Appendix de peste : in fine primi voluminis “ Novi Medicinae Conspectus Philippi Hecquet, 2 voll. 120. Pa- ris, 1722.” A treatise of the pestilence ; contained in the “ Regiment of Life (p. 147-235), by Thomas Phaire. 8°. Fond. 1560.” PETIT, J. L. Traite des maladies des os. 3 v. 120. Paris , 1723-6. The same, in English. 8°. Fond. 1726. PE TITUS, P. Commentarii in tres priores Aretaei Cappa- docis libros. 40. Fondini, 1726. PETIUEUS, II. Disputatio Hermetica de principiis rerum naturalium. 40. Mar-pur gi , 1611. Disputatio de. eontradictionibus apparentibus medicinae dog- maticae et hermetica?. 40. Marpurgi , 161 1. PETRUS, de Tussignana. Ee traicte du regime de sante: imprimr in libro cui titulus “ Le summaire et entretene- ment de vie par Jehan Goeurot q. v. PETRUS, Hyspanus (postea Joannes 20mus Pont. Max.) Thesaurus pauperum ; editus cum “ Breviario J. Sera- pionis, &c. fob Fugd. 1525. f. 253-272.” PHAIRE, T. The regiment of life, with the booke of chil- dren. 8°. Loud. 1560. MEDICINE. 301 l’HARMACIE. Journal de pharmacie, &c. ; redige par messrs. C. E. Cadet, &c. 16 v. 8°. Paris , 1815—1830. PHARMACOPOEIA. Pharmacop. Amstelredamensis. Ed. 5ta. 1 2°. Amst. 1650. Pharmacopoeia Argentoratensis. fol. Argent. 1725. Pharmacopoeia coll. reg. med. Lond. fol. Land. 1721. Pharmacop. & c. 40. Land. 1746. Pharmacop. &c. 40. Lond. 1809. Pharmacop. &c. 8°. Lond. 1824. Pharmacop. &c. (anni) 1809. Ed. alt. 8°. Lond. 1815. Pharmacop. &c. ; translated into English by It. Powell, M. D. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1809. Pharmacop. he. translated by R. Phillips. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. i83 [- Pharmacopoeia coll. reg. med. Edinburg. 120. Edinb. 1699. Pharmacop. &c. Ed. 2da. 120. Lond. 1732. Pharmacop. &c. 120. Edinb. 1744. Pharmacop. domestica nova. 120. Lond. 1750. Pharmacop. Gallica; edita a Facultate medica Parisiensi. 40. Paris. 1818. Pharmacop. Hagana. 40. Hagai- Com. 1738. Pharmacop. Hagiensis. 120. Hagai- Com. 165 9. Pharmacop. in usum Nosocomii ad pauperes e gente Lusi- tanica curandos instituti. 120. Lond. 1749. Pharmacop. Leovardiensis. 120. Leovardice , 1687. Pharmacop. Londinensis. 120. Lond. 1651. Pharmacop. Londinensis. 12°. Lond. 1668. Pharmacop. Londinensis. 8°. Lond. 1689. Pharmacop. Londinensis. 8°. Lond. 1724. Pharmacop. Ludoviciana. 120. Lond. 1714. Pharmacop. Meadiana, in 2 parts. Pt. 1. Original prescrip- tions, with observations upon each. Pt. 2. Original pre- scriptions, with observations, cases, and dissections. 8°. Load. 1756, 7. Pharmacop. Parisiensis; cum catalogo doctorum regentium facultatis medicinae Parisiensis. 40. Paris , 1732. Pharmacop. Persica. 8°. titulo caret. Pharmacop. Ultrajectina. J2°. Traj. ad Rlien. 1664. A draught for the reformation of the London pharma- copoeia, prepared by the committee of the College of Phy- sicians. 8°. 1742. Pharmacopoeia reformata; or a set of remarks on the draught for a new London pharmacopoeia. 8°. Lond. 1 744- Plan of the new London pharmacopoeia proposed to the College of Physicians by their committee. 8°. 1745. 302 MEDICINE. PHILANDER, E. A quaere concerning drinking Bath-water at Bath, resolved. 8<>. Land. 1673. PHILIP, A. P. Wilson. Inquiry into the laws of the vital functions. 8<>. Lond. 1817. Means of preserving health. 8". Lond. 1830. On the more protracted cases of indigestion. 8«. Lond. 1827. Treatise on febrile diseases. 2 v. 8 \ Lond. 1813. Treatise on indigestion. 80. Lond. 1821. PHILLIPS, P. L. An essay on inflammation. 8°. Lond. i833- PHILLIPS, R. An experimental examination of the last edition of the Pharmacopoeia Londinensis; with remarks on Dr. Powell’s translation. 8». Lond. 18 n. Remarks on the editio altera of the Pharmacopoeia Londi- nensis, and on Dr. Powells translation. 8°. Lond. 1816. PHYSIC. General observations and prescriptions in the practice of physick. 8°. Lond. 1715. PIELNHUBER, G. A. De tribulis, potissimum aquaticis. 40. Wittenberg. 1692. PINA5US, J. S. De graviditate mulierum, &c. 12°. Lugd. Bat. 1650. Iterum. L2°. Am, del. 1 663. PINCKARD, G. Notes on the West Indies. 3 v. 8(). Lond. 1806. PINEL, Ph. Nosographie philosophique. 3 v. 8’. Paris , 1810. On insanity; translated from the French by D. D. Davis, M. D. 80. Sheffield , 1806. PISO, C. De morbis ab aqua, seu serosa colluvie, ortis. 8 ’. Lugd. Bat. 1650. PITCAIRNIUS, A. Dissertationes medicae. 40. Roterod. i 701. Dissertationes- medicae: quibus subjunguntur epistola Ar- chimedis et poemata selecta. 40. Hagec-Com. 1722. Elementa medicinae physico-mathematica. Ed. ima. 40. Hagce-Com. 1718. Elementa medicinae physico-mathematica. 8°. Lond. 1717* Opuscula medica varia. Ed. 3tia. 40. Roterod. 1714* The works of Dr. Archibald Pitcairn ; from the Latin ori- ginal. 8'\ Lond. 1715. PITCARNE, O. A treatise on the stone; with an account of Airs. Stephens’s medicines. 8°. Lond. 1739- MEDICINE. 303 PLAGUE. See Bertrand; Ireland, J. D.D. ; M EAD. Bills of mortality of London from December, 27? 1664, to December 19, 1665. 40. Lond. 1665. City Remembrancer ; or historical narratives of the great plague at London, 1665, &c. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1769. Directions for the cure of the plague, and for preventing the infection, set down by the College of Physicians. 40. Lond. 1665. Journal of the plague-year 1665. 8°. Lond. 1722. PLATEARIUS, J. Practica brevis, de febribus, &c.: edita cum “ Breviario J. Serapionis, &c. fob Lugd. 1525. f. 203.” PLATERUS, F. De partium conformatione in utero : extat in fine libri cui titulus “ De foetus formatione, authore Lud. Bonaciolo. 120. Lugd. Bat. 1650. p. 233. 11 Iterum : in fine S. Pinaei libri de graviditate mulierum. 12°. Amstel. 1663. p. 339.” Praxis medica. Accessit quaestionum medicarum centuria posthuma. Ed. Thoma Platero fratre. 40. Basil. 1625. PLAZ, Gul. Anton. De paedantismo medico. 40. Lips. ] 763* De plantarum sub diverso coelo nascentium cultura. 40. Lips. 1764. De plantarum plethora. 40. Lips. 1754. De plantarum seminibus. 40. Lips. 1736. De plantarum virtute ex ipsarum charactere botanico baud cognoscenda. 40. Lips. 1763. De potus “ cofe-” abusu. 40. Lips. 1733. De saecharo. 40. Lips. 1763. PLAZZONUS, F. De partibus generationi inservientibus. 120. Lugd. Bat. 1664. PLEMPIUS, F. Munitio fundamentorum medicinae V. F. Plempii, adversus J. Primirosium. 40. Amstel. 1659. PLEMPIUS, V. F. Fundamenta medicinae. Ed. 3tia. Ac- cedit Danielis Vermostii apologema pro authore. fob Lovanii , 1654. Ophthalmographia. Ed. altera, fob Lovanii , 1648. PLENCK, J. J. leones plantarum medicinalium. T. 758. 7 v. fob Vienn. 1788-1812. Elementa medicinae et chirurgiae forensis. Ed. 2da. 8°. Vienn. 1786. PLOUCQUET, G. G. Literatura medica digesta. 4 v. 40. Tubing. 1808, 9. Literaturae medicae digestae continuatio et supplementum. 40. Tubing. 1814. 304 MEDICINE. PLUMPTRE, H. Oratio Harveiana. 40. Lond. 1722. POLYBUS. De salubri victus ratione privatorum ; interpr. J. A. Guinterio: imprimr. in fine “ Scribonii Largi de compositione medicamentorum. 8°. Basil. 1529. p. 31 1.” POMET, P. Histoire generale des drogues, avec plus de 400 figures en taille-douce. fol. Paris , 1694. A compleat history of drugs, with additions from Lemery and Tournefort; with above 400 copper-plates: translated from the originals. 40. Lond. 1712. PONCE DE SANTA CRUZ, A. De impedimentis in mor- borum curatione. 8°. Barcinona. , 1648. PORTAL, A. Memoires sur la nature, & c. de plusieurs maladies. 2 v. 8°. Paris , 1808. Observations sur les maladies du foie. 8°. Paris , 1813. Sur la nature et le traitement de l’apoplexie. 8°. Paris. 1811. Sur la nature et le traitement de la phthisic pulrnonaire. Ed. 2. 2 v. 8°. Paris , 1809. PORTAL, P. The true manner of assisting a woman in child-bearing; translated from the French. 8 °. Lond. <7 05- PORTER, W. H. On the surgical pathology of the larynx and trachea. 8°. Edinb. 1826. PORTIUS, L. A. Paraphrasis in Hippocratis librum de ve- teri medicina; cum dissertatione logica : in fine libri cui titulus “ De morbis artificum ; auctore Bern. Ramazzini. 8°. Ultraj. 1703.” PORTUS, F. Medica decas. 40. Lutet. Par. 1613. POTEL, G. Advis a messieurs de la police de Paris. 8°. Paris, 1627. Traicte de la peste advenue en ceste ville de Paris 1596- 1623. 8°. Paris , 1624. POTT, P. His chirurgieal works, with observations, & c. by sir James Earle. New edit. 3 v. 8<>. Lond. 1808. POWER, J. Essays on the female economy. 8°. Lond. 1821. On the term of human pregnancy, with reference to the Gardner-peerage cause. 8°. Lond. 1 825* PILEVOTIUS, J. De remediorum materia. 12°. Vend. 1640. MEDICINE. 305 PREGNANCY. Of the strength of the imagination in preg- nant women. 8°. Loud. 1727. Rules of the Queen’s lying-in hospital at Bays -Water. 8°. Lond. 18 1 1. PREVOSTIUS, D. De nephritide. 4°. Lugd. Bat. 1627. PRICHARD, J. C. Of the epidemic fever of Bristol from 1817-1819. 8°. Lond. 1820. PRIMEROSE, J. Ars pharmaceutica. 120. Amstel. 1651. De febribus libri quatuor. 40. Roterod. 1658. De mulierum morbis. 40. Roterod. 1 655. Destructio fundamentorum medicinae V. F. Plempii. 40. Roterod. 1657. De vulgi erroribus in medicina. 120. Roterod. 1658. PRINGLE, sir J. bart. On the diseases of the army. 5th ed. 40. Lond. 1765. PRIOR, T. The success of tar- water in a great variety of distempers. 8°. Lond. 174 6. PRISCIANCS, Theodorus. Phaenomenon euporiston ; logi- cus; gynascea ad Salvinam. 40. Basil. 1532. PROUT, W. On the nature and treatment of calculus, and other diseases of the urinary organs. 8°. Lond. 1821. Again. 2d ed. 1825. PUGH, R. Bathoniensium et Aquisgranensium thermarum comparatio. 8°. Lond. 1676. PURCELL, J. A treatise of the cholick. 8°. Lond. 1714. Of vapours, or hysterick fits. 8°. Lond. 1707. PURMANNUS, M. G. A treatise of salivation; translated from the 2d ed. printed at Francfort. 120. Lond. 1702. QUELMALZ, S. T. De infuso foliorum i( theae”. 40. Lips. 1747- De pane succedaneo, corticeque tilias interiori. 40. Lips. 1 757 - QUERCETANUS, J.; vid. Schroderus, J. Diseteticon polyhistoricon. 8°. Paris. 1606. Pharmacopoeia dogmaticorum restituta. 40. Francof. 1615. Ars medica dogmatico-hermetica. Ed. J. Schrodero. 40. Francof. 1648. QUINCY, John, M.D. A compleat English dispensatory. 8°. Lond. 1718. Again. 6th ed. 8°. I^ond. 1726. Again. 8th ed. 8°. L^ond. 1730. Again, nth ed. 8°. Lond. 1739. Again. 12th ed. 8<->. Lond. 1742. r r 30b MEDICINE. The dispensatory of the Royal College of Physicians in London ; with notes and remarks. 8°. Lond. 1721. Examination of Dr. Woodward’s state of physick. 80. Lond. 1719. An account of Dr. Quincy’s examination, &c. 8°. Lond. 1719. Medico-physical essays. 8®. Lond. 1720. Again. 1724. R. J . A cure for the epidemical madness of drinking tar- water. 8». Lond. 1744. RADIUS, J. Scriptores ophthalmici minores. T. 4. 3 y. 8°. Lips. 1826-30. RAMAZZINI, B. De morbis artificum. Accedunt L. A. Portii in Hippocratis librum de veteri medicina paraphra- sis, necnon ejusdem dissertatio logica. Ed. 2da. 8°. £77- traject. 1703. Opera omnia medica et physica. 40. Genev. 1716. RAMESEY, W. On the origin and cure of intestinal worms. 8°. Lond. 1668. RAMSBOTTOM, J. Observations and cases in midwifery. Pt. 1. 8°. Lond. 1821. RANBY, J. The method of treating gun-shot wounds. 80. Lond. 1744. RANCLIINUS, F. De morbis ante partum, in partu, et post partum ; et de purificatione rerum infectarum, post pestilentiam. 8°. Lugd. 1645. RAND, I. Horti medici Chelsciani index compendiarius. 8°. Lond. 1739. RANDOLPH, G. On the medicinal virtues of Bristol water. 8°. Oxford , 1745. Again. 8°. I^ond. 1750. On the medicinal virtues of Bath water. 8°. Lond. J752. RAWLINS, R. On the menstruation of women. 8°. Ox- ford, 1 81 1. On the obstetric forceps. 8°. Lond. 1793. RAYNALD, T. The birth of mankinde; or, the woman’s booke; translated from the Latin (of Eucharius Rhodio). Fig. 9. 40. Lond. 1634. READ, A. His wrorks. 2d ed. 40. J^ond. 1650. READE, J. On the diseases of the inner corner of the hu- man eye. 8°. Lond. 1811. RECCARD, J. F. De praestantia camphorae in deliriis. 40. II (dee Magdeb . 1763. MEDICINE. 807 REDTEL, E. F. De fructibus horaeis. 40. Halce Magdeb. 1 737* REEDER, H. On the diseases of the heart, &c. 8°. Loud. 1 821. REGIUS, H. Conciliatio locorum S. scripturas cum diurna et annua telluris circ urn rotation e. 4°. 7' raj. ad Riven. 1658. Explicatio mentis humanae. 40. Traj. ad liken. 1657. Medicinae libri quatuor. Ed. 2da. 40. Traj. ad liken. 1657. Praxis medica. Ed. 2da. 40. Traj. ad Rken. 1657. REID, J. On hypochondriasis and other nervous affections. 3d ed. 8°. Lond. 1823. REID, T. On the nature and cure of phthisis pulmonalis. 8°. Lond. 1782. RENEALMUS, P. Ex curationibus observationes. 8°. Pa- ris. 1606. RENOD^EUS, J. Institutionum pharmaceuticarum libri 5 ; de materia medica libri 3 ; pharmacopoeia, sive antidota- rium. 40. Paris. 1608. Iterum. 40. Francof. 1613. RENWICK, T. A narrative of the case of Miss Margaret M‘Avoy. 40. Lond. 1817. Continuation of the narrative of Miss Margaret M‘Avoy’s case. 8°. Lond. 1820. REUSS, G. De Melissa. 40. Halce Magdeb, 1739. RHAZES. De pestilentia libellus, ex Syriaca in linguam Graecam translatus : imprimr. in fine “ Alexandri Tralliani libr. 12. cum emendationibus Jacobi Goupyli. fol. Lut. 1548” Opera parva; scil. liber ad Almansorem ; aphorismi, &c.; cum Constantini viatico. 8°. Lugd. 1510. RHEMNIUS, Q. Vid. Celsus. RHENANUS, J. Dissertatio de operationis chymicae me- thodo practica. 40. Marpurgi , 1611. RHIND, W. On the nature and cure of intestinal worms of the human body; with six plates. 8°. Lond. 1829. RHODIO, E. De partu hominis. 8°. Franc. 1554. RIJODIUS, J. Vid. Septalius, L. RICIIERAND, A. Nosographie chirurgicale. 3ieme ed. 4 V. 8°. Paris , 1812. RIDLEY, H. De asthmate, et de hydrophobia. 8°. Lond. I7°3- it r 2 308 MEDICINE. RING, J. A treatise on the cow-pox. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1801, 3. RIOLANUS, J. Methodus medendi tarn generahs quam particularis. 8°. Paris. 1598. Methodus particularis medendi. 8°. Paris. T598. Universal medicine compendia. 8°. Paris. 1598. RIVERIUS, L. Medicina practica in succinctum compen- dium redacta. Studio B. Verzaschae. 8°. Basil. 1663. Opera medica universa. fol. Lugd . 1679. Iterum. fol. Lugd. 1698. Praxis medica methodo Riveriance non absimilis. Ed. no- vissima. 8°. Genev. 1696. ROC, le Baillif. Voy. La Riviere. ROBINSON, N. On hypochondriack melancholy, &c. 8°. Lond. 1729. New theory of physick and diseases. 8°. Lond. 1725. On the gravel and stone. 8°. Lond. 1721. On the venereal disease. 8°. Lond. 17 36. Treatise on the animal economy. 8°. Dublin , 1732. ROBORETUS, O. De peticulari febre Tridenti, anno 1591, publice vagante. 40. Tridenti , 1592. ROGERIUS. Chi rurgia. Extat in fine libri cui titulus “ Guidonis Cauliaci lucubrationes chirurgicae. fol. Venet. j546- P.362-377A ROGERS, J. An essay on epidemic diseases. 8°. Dublin , x734- du ROI, J. P. Observationes Botanicae. 4 °. Helmstad. J77T. ROLANDUS. De chirurgia libellus. Extat in libro cui titulus “ Guidonis Cauliaci lucubrationes chiruro-icae. fol. O Venet. 1546. j 84-200.” ROLLO, J. Cases of diabetes mellitus; and trials of certain acids in the cure of lues venerea. 2d ed. 80. Lond. 1798. RONDELLETIUS, G. Methodus curandorum omnium morborum ; de morbis dignoscendis, &c. 8°. Paris. 0583)« Tractatus de hydrope nunquam antehac in lucern editus; et de elephantiasi : in fine libri cui titulus “ Lobel (M.) in G. Rondelletii pharmaceuticain officinam animadversiones. fol. Lond. 1605. p. 542-9.” RONSSEUS, B. Epistolae medicinales. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1590. ROQUES, J. Phytographie medicale, ornee de figures colo- riees de grandeur naturelle. 2 v. 40. Paris , 1821. ROSE, P. An essay on the small-pox. 1 2°. Lond. 1724. MEDICINE. 309 ROSSET, Fr. Caesarei partus assertio historiologica. 8°. Paris. 1590. ROTHE, J. V. Handbuch fur die medizinische Litteratur. 8°. Lcipz. 1799. ROTHERHAM, J. On the nature and properties of water. 8°. Newcastle on Tyne. ROUSE, L. Of the waters of Tunbridge Wells; with Mr. Boyle’s observations upon those, and other mineral waters. 8°. Lond. 1725. ROUX, P. J. Parallel of French and English surgery in 1814, translated from the French. 8°. Lond. 1816. ROY. Vid Le Roy. ROYSTON, W. On the rise and progress of the medical art in the British empire. 8°. Lond. 1808. RUDIUS, E. De morbo Gallico; ed. Mundino Mundinio. 40. Venet. 1604. RUDOLPHUS, J. G. Medicus u ad aegri palatum varium” in materia medica. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1699. RUFUS, Ephesius. De corporis humani partium appellatio- nibus libri tres, Lat. Ed. J. Paulo Crasso. 40. Venet. 1552- De corporis, &c. Lat. interpr. J. P. Crasso, p. 1-33. Ac- cedunt Theophili de corporis humani fabrica libri quin- que, Lat. interpr. J. P. Crasso, p. 34-93; ejusdem quaestiones naturales et medicas, p. 94-108 ; Stephani (Atheniensis) in priorem Galeni librum methodi curativae explanatio, interpr. August. Gadaldino, p. 1 12-212. 40. De vesicae renumque morbis ; de purgantibus medicamentis ; de partibus corporis humani. Ed. Gul. Clinch, M.D. 40. Lond. 1726. RUSH, B. Medical inquiries and observations. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1793. Of the bilious remitting yellow fever of Philadelphia, in 1793. 8°. Philadelph. 1794. RUSSELL, P. A treatise of the plague. 40. Lond. 1791. RUSSELL, R. De tabe glandulari, sive de usu aquae marinae in morbis glandularum. 8°. O.von. 1750. (Economia naturae in morbis glandularum. 8°. Lond. 1755. The oeconomy of nature, &c. translated under the author’s inspection. 8°. Lond. 1753. On the use of sea water in diseases of the glands, &c. 8°. Oxford, 1753. 310 MEDICINE. RUT i\, J. Experiments on Joanna Stephens’s medicine for the stone. 8°. Loud. 1742. RT CHNERUS, IV . De aetate et temporibus morborum. 40. Giessce-Hassorum, 1717. SACHS, E. J. De ulmo. 40. Argentor. 1738. ST. IVES. Nouveau traite des maladies des yeux. 120. Paris , 1722. SALA, A. De variis chymicorum et Galenistarum erroribus. 40. Ruthom. 1650. Opera medico -chymica. Ed. postrem. 40. Rotkom. 1650. SALERNUM. Regimen sanitatis Salerni, in English. 40. Loud. 1617. Regimen sanitatis Salernitarum (with the Englishman’s Docter, an ancient translation) ; edited by sir Alexander Croke. PI. 9. 120. Oxford, 1830. Schola Salernitana; cum commentariis Villanovani, &c. et animadversionibus Renati Moreau. 8°. Paris , 1625. S ALIUS, P. D. De febre pestilenti. 8°. Hardevici , 1656. SALMON, W. Pharmacopoeia Londinensis, translated into English. 5th ed. 8°. Lond. 1696. Again. 6th ed. 8°. Pond. 3702. SALVIANUS, S. Variarum lectionum de re medica libri tres. 8°. Romce, 1388. SANCTORIUS, S. Aphorisms; translated into English by John Quincy, M. D. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1720. Again. 3d ed. 1723. De statica medicina. 12°. Hagce-Com. 1664. Methodus vitandorum errorum qui in arte medica contin- gunt. Accessit liber ejusdem authoris de inventione re- mediorum. 40. Genev. 1631. SANDARS, J. An examination of the pretensions of Miss M. Mc Avoy. 8°. Liverpool (1817). SANDIFORT, E. Thesaurus dissertationum, &c. ad omnem medicinae ambitum pertinentium ; cum tabulis seneis. 3 v. 40. Lngd. Bat. 1778. SAUNDERS, J. C. On diseases of the eye; with coloured engravings. Edited by J. R. Farre, M.D. 8°. Lond. 1811. SAUNDERS, W. A treatise on some of the most celebrated mineral waters. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1805. On the structure and diseases of the liver; with an account of the hepatitis of India. 8°. Lond. 1809. SAUVAGES, F. B. de. Nosologia methodica. 2 v. 40. Amstel. 1768. MEDICINE. 311 SAXONIA, H. De phoenigmis, et de universa rubificantium natura et usu. 40. Patav. 1593. Pantheum medicinae selectum. Ed. Petro Uffenbachio. fob Franco/'. (1603). SCARPA, A. V. Reveille, J. B. F. On schirrhns and cancer; translated from the Italian by James Briggs. 8°. Loud. 1822. On the cutting gorget of Hawkins ; translated from the Italian by James Briggs. 8°. Lond. 1816. Osservazioni sulle principali malattie degli ocelli. 40. Pavia. 1801. Sui piedi torti congeniti, & c. Ediz. 2da. 8°. Pavia , 1806. Treatment of aneurysm ; translated from the Italian by J. H. Wishart. 8°. Edinb. 1808. SCHELHAMMER, G. C. De voce, ejusque affectibus. 40. Jena , 1677. SCHEMBERGER, A. De Archeo. 40. Jena, 1678. SCHENCKIUS, J. Observationes medicas rariores. Ed. Car. Sponio fob Lugd. 1644. SCHIRGE, J. D. De simplicibus balsamicis et aromaticis. 40. Franco/', ad Viadr. 1764. SCHLINCKE, E. R. De radice saponarias. 40. Francof. ad Vicidr. 1760. SCHMID, J. U. De gialapa. 40. Jena , 1678. SCHMIDT, E. De polyporum extirpatione. T. 15. 40. Berolini , 1829. SCHMITZ, J. A. Medicinae practicae compendium. 120. Harderv. 1653. SCHOLZIUS, L. Consiliorum medicinalium liber singularis. fob Hanov. 16 to. Epistolae medicinales et chymicae. fob Hanov. 1610. SCHOMBERG, R. Observationes medicae. 8°. Lond. 1750. SCHOTTUS, J. A. De variolis et morbillis. 40. Jena, 1678. SCHRODERUS, J. Pharmacopoeia medico-chymica, de novo recognita. 40. Lugd. 1649. Quercetanus redivivus. 3 v. 40. Francof 1679. Quercetanus redivivus, hoc est ars medica dogmatico-her- metica ex scriptis Joseph i Quercetani digesta. 40. Francof. 1648. SCOT .(writer of the Medical Report of Madras). General summary of the symptoms of cholera. An appendix to Kennedy’s History of contagious cholera, q. v. p. 261. 312 MEDICINE. SCOTUS, M. De secretis naturae: in fine libri “Alberti magni de secretis mulierum. 12 Amstel. 1655. p. 220.11 SC III BAN US, C. De animorum morbis et curationibus. 8°. Antuerp. 1618. SCRIBONIUS, Largus. De compositione medicamentorura. Ed. Joanne Ruellio. 40. Paris. 1528. I ter urn. 8°. Basil. 1529. SCUDAMORE, sir C. An analysis of the mineral water of Tunbridge Wells, with an account of its medicinal pro- perties. 8°. Lornl. 1816. On the efficacy of inhalation in pulmonary consumption, &c. 8°. Loud. 1830. On the mineral waters of Buxton, Rath, Cheltenham, See. 8°. Load. 1820. On the nature and cure of gout; with some observations on rheumatism. 8°. Loud. 1816. Again; with observations on gravel. 3ded. 8°. Lond. 1819. SCULTETUS, J. Armamentarium chirurgicum. T. 43. 8°. Hagce-Com. 1656. SEBIZIUS, M. De notis virginitatis : in fine libri cui titulus “ De foetus formatione, autliore L. Bonaciolo. 12°. Lugd. Bat. 1650. p. 264.” Iterum : in fine libri “ S. Pinaei de graviditate mulierum. 12°. Amstel. 1 663 De u rinse suppressione. 40. Argentorat. 1651. Disputatio de dentibus. 40. Argentor. 1644. Disputatio de morbis contagiosis, et contagio. 40. Argentor. .,65°- . Disputationes quatuor de varioliset morbillis. 40. Argentor. 1642. Dissertatio de “ Divino,” (aeris scil. constitutione) quod Hippocrates in morbis considerandum praecepit. 40. Ar- gentor. 1643. SEDGWICK, J. A new treatise on liquors. 8°. Lond. 1725. SEELMATTER, R. De gummi-resinis, “ galda,” &c. 40. II alee Magd. 1764. SENAC, J. De la structure du cceur, et de ses maladies. 2 v. 40. Paris , 1749. SENCKENBERG, C. II. De vegetatione philosophica. 40. Got ting. 1738. SENCKENBERG, J. C. De lilii convallium, ejusque im- primis baccae, viribus. 40. Gotting. 1737. MEDICINE. 313 SENNERTUS, D. Opera. Ed. novissima. 6 v. fol. Lugd. 1676. Paral i porn ena. Praemittitur methodus discendi medicinam. Aecesserunt vita authoris, et judicia virorum elarissimo- rum. 8°. Lugduni , 1643. SEPTALIUS, L. Vid. Ballonius, G. Animadversionum et caution um medicarum libri novem. Accedit ejusdem auctoris liber de “ Naevis.” 8°. Dordrecht , 1650. Animadversionum et cautionum medicarum libri novem. Ed. 4ta. Accedunt Joannis Rhodii analecta et notae. 8°. Patav. 1652. Labyrinthi medici extricati, monstrantibus Gul. Ballonio et Ludov. Septalio. Ed. Theoph. Boneto. Additus est Septalii tractatus de “ Naevis.11 40. Genev. 1^87. SERAPION, J. Practica, vel breviarium ; cum Platearii medicina, et Petri Hispani thesauro pauperum. 40. Lugd. 1525. Continet. hie liber, inter foil. 102 et 107, synonyma Arabica et Latina variarum rerum ad medicinam pertinentium. De simplicium medicamentorum historia libri septem ; in- terpr. N. Mutono. Accedunt indices Arabici, Graeci, Latini, Barbari, officinales, Italic!, Gallic!, Germanici, et Hispanici. fol. Venet. 1552. SEIIENUS, Q. De medicina libellus: in fine “ Celsi medi- cinae. 8°. Aid. Ven. 1528.'” De medicina praecepta saluberrima ; edita cum u Medicae artis principibus in editione H. Stephani. fol. 1567. p.415.” SEVERINUS, M. A. De recondita abscessuum natura. Ed. 2da. 40. Francof. ad Man. 1643. Synopsis chirurgiae. 12 °. Amstel. 1664. Trimembris chirurgia. 4 °. Francof. 1653. SEVERINUS, P. Idea medicinae pbilosophicae. 40. Basil. 1 57 1 • Idea medicinae pbilosophicae. 40. Hag. Com. 1660. SHARP, S. A critical enquiry into the present state of sur- gery. 8°. Lond. 1750. On the operations of surgery. 8°. Lond. 1739. SHAW, J. On distortions of the spine, &c., with plates in folio. 8°. Lond. 1823. Further observations on the lateral curvature of the spine. 8°. Load. 1825. SHAW, P. On the Scarborough spa waters. 8°. Lond. 1734. SHERLEY, T. Vid. Molimbrochius. 314 MEDICINE. SHIPTON, J. Pharmacopoeia Bateana ; cum tabula posolo- gica. 8°. Lund. 1688. SHORT, T. Comparative increase and decrease of mankind in England, and several countries abroad. 40. Lond. 17 66. Meciicina Britannica : or a treatise on the physical plants of Great Britain. 8°. Load. 174 6. Mineral waters of Derbyshire, Lincolnshire, and Yorkshire; particularly those of Scarborough. 2 v. 40. Lond. 1734— 40. SIDOBRE, A. De variolis et morbillis. 120. Lup'd. Bat. 1702. SILLANUS, N. Super nono Almansoris (i.e. nono libro Ra- sis ad Regem Almansorem). fol. Venet. 1518. SILVA, J. B. De f usage des differentes sortes de saignees. 2 v. 8°. Paris, 1727. SILVATICUS, M. Pandectae medicinas. fol. titulo caret. [Venet. 1480.] SIMMONS, S. F. An account of the tenia, or long tape- worm. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1778. On the treatment of consumptions. 8°. Lond. 1780. SIMPHORIANUS, C. De omnibus morborum generibus ; et de nominibus veris febrium. 8°. Basil. 1547- SIMPSON, W. Of the Scarborough spa; with animadver- sions on Dr. Wittie’s treatise. 8°. Lond. 1669. A further discovery of the Scarborough spa. 8°. Lond. 1670. SIM SON US, T. De re medica dissertationes quatuor. 8°. Edinb. 17 26. SINCLAIR, sir John, bart. The code of health and lon- gevity. 4th ed. 8°. Lond. 1818. SINIB ALDUS, J. Apollo bifrons, medicas dissertationes Latino et Etrusco sermone promiscuas exponens. 40. Iiomai, 1690. SINIBALDUS, J. B. De hominis generatione. Accedit observatio de fcetu lapidescente. 40, Francof. (1640.) SIRIS in the Shades. A dialogue concerning tar-water. 8°. Lond. 1744. SIXIUS, G. L. De lichene cinereo terrestri. 40. Francof. ad Viadr. 1^61. MEDICINE. 315 SLARE, F. Observations upon oriental and other bezoar- stones, with a vindication of sugars. 8°. Lond. 1 7 1 5 • SLEIGH, W. W. On the posterior operation of lithotomy. 8°. Lond. 1824. SMALL-POX. V. Helvetius. Tracts on the small-pox. 8°. 1721-1746. SMELLIE, W. Theory and practice of midwifery. A new ed. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1779. SMITH, A. Vid. Ainslie, W. SMITH, J. On the use and abuse of Cheltenham waters. 8°. Cheltenham , j 786. Again; 2d ed. 8°. Cheltenham. , 1796. SMITH, J. G. The claims of forensic medicine; being an introductory lecture in the university of London, May 11, 1829. 8°. Lond. 1829. The principles of forensic medicine, applied to British prac- tice. 8°. Lond. 1821. Again; 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1824. SMYTTERE. Vid. De Smyttere. SMYTH, J. C. On hydrocephalus 8 °. Lond. 1814. SOLENANDER, R. Consiliorum medicinalium sectiones quinque. Ed. 2da. fol. Hanov. 1609. SOUTHEY, H. H. On pulmonary consumption. 8°. Lond. 1814. SPACHIUS, J. De morbis mulierum, libri veterum et re- centium. fol. Argent. 1597. SPEED, J. De aqua marina. 40. Oxon. 1755. SPIELMANN, J. J. Olerum Argentoratensium fasciculus alter. 40. Argentor. 1770. SPIGELIUS, A. De incerto tempore partus : in fine “ G. Nymmani libri de vita foetus in utero. 120. Lugd. Bat. 1664. p. 61.” SPRACKLING, R. Medela ignorantiae ; an answer to Me- dela medicinae. 8°. L nd. 1665. SPRENGEL, Kurt. Histoire de la medecine ; trad, de TAlle- mand sur la 2de ed. par A. J. L. Jourdan. 9 v. 8°. Paris , 1815-20. Institutiones medicae. 6 v. 8°. Amstel. 1809-14. et Lips, et Altcnburgi, 18 1 6. s s 2 316 MEDICINE. SPRENGELL, C. J. The aphorisms of Hippocrates, and the sentences of Celsus, with explanations, &c. ; with the author’s aphorisms upon the small-pox, &c. 8°. Lund. 1708. SPROGEL, M. De vomitu cruento. 40. Jence, 1680. SPURZHEIM, G. Sur les derangemens des functions mo- rales et intellectuelles. PI. 2. 8°. Paris , 1818. On insanity. PI. 4. 8°. Land. 1817. STAHL, G. E. Collegium casuale. 40. Suidn. et Hirsch- , bergtB, 1734. Scriptorum G. E. Stahlii, aliorumque, series chronologica. Ed. J. C. Goetzio. 40. Norimbergce , 1729. Theoria medica vera. 40. Ha,la>, 1708. STALPARTIUS, C. vander Wiel. Observationes medico- anatomico-chirurgicae. Accedit dissertatio de unicornu. (Vid. vol. 1. p. 463.) 2 v. 8°. Leidce , 1727. STANGER, C. On the right of every well educated phy- sician to be admitted a fellow of the College of Physiciatis. 8°. Land. 1798. STAPHORST, N. Officina chymica Londinensis. 120. Lond. 1685. Iterum, et usque ad errata idem. 120. Lond. 1712. STEGMANN, J. A. C. De salutari et noxio ellebori nigri usu. 4 °. Halve Magdeb. 1751. STEPHANUS, Atheniensis. In priorem Galeni librum the- rapeuticum explanationes, interpr. A. Gadaldino : imprimr. in “ Rufi Ephesii libro de corporis humani partium ap- pellationibus, fol. p. 109-212.” STEPHANUS, C. De nutrimentis. 8°. Paris. 1550. Seminarium et plantarium. 8°. Paris. 1548. STEPHANUS, H. Dictionarium medicum. Praefixa sunt lexica Erotiani et Galeni in Hippocratem. 8°. 1564. STEPPIANUS, J. In Hippocratis libellum de virginum morbis. 40. Venet. 1635. STEVENS, J. N. On the medicinal qualities of Bath waters. 8°. Bristol , 1758. STEVENSON, J. Deafness; its causes, prevention, and cure. 8°. Lond. 1828. Of amaurosis or gutta serena. 8°. Lond. 182 r. On cataract, and on the cure of that disease. 8°. J^ond. 1824. On morbid sensibility of the eye. 8°. Lond. 1811. MEDICINE. 317 STOCKHAUSEN, J. A. De chlorosi. 40. Jence , 16 81. De haemoptysi. 40. Jencc, 1679. STOKER, W. Observations on the varioloid disease. 8°. Dublin , 1821. STOKES, J. A botanical materia medica. 4 v. 8°. Lond. 1812. STOLL, M. Ratio medendi in nosocomio practico Vindobo- nensi. 7 v. 8°. Vienn. Austr. 1787-90. STONE. On the stone in the bladder ; in a letter to a phy- sician in London. 40. Lond. 1738. STONE, Sarah. A complete practice of midwifery. 8°. Lond. 1 737 * STORCIv, A. De cicuta libelli duo, et supplementum. 8°. Lond . 1760. Libellus quo continuantur experimenta circa nova sua medi- camenta. 8°. Vindob. 1 765. STRABUS, G. Hortulus vernantissimus : in fine libri cui ti- tulus “ /Emilius Macer de Herbarum virtutibus. 8°. Fri- burgi , 1530. fol. 99.” STRAUSS, L. Epistola ad Kenelmum Digbaeum ; in libro cui titulus “ Theatrum Sympatheticum. 12. Amstel. 1661. p. 1 3 1.” Judicia varia de foetus (lapidescentis) explicatione : in fine libri “ J. B. Sinibaldi de Hominis Generatione. 40. Franc. (1640.)'’'’ STROTHER, E. Critical essay on fevers. 8°. Lond. 1716. Essay on sickness and health. 8°. Lond. 1725. Euodia; or a discourse on causes and cures. 8°. Lond. 1718. Practical observations on the epidemical fever of the last two years. 8 °. Lond. 1729. STUBBE, H. An account of several cures performed by Mr. Valentine Greatarick. 40. Oxford , 16 66. Discourse concerning phlebotomy. 40. Lond. 1671. Relation of the strange symptoms happening by the bite of an adder. 40. Lond. 1671. On G. Thomson's defence of lord Bacon’s relation of the sweating sickness. 40. IjOnd. 1671. STUBBS, H. Directions for drinking the Bath-water; and for making various cosmetics : printed at the end of “ Ob- servations, &c. by John Hall. 8°. Lond. 1679. P- 337 •” STUCKE, C. Abhandlung von den Mineralquellen Deutsch- lands; der Schweitz, &c. ; nebst einer Karte. 40. Coin , 1831. 318 MEDICINE. SUMMERS, J. Of the success of warm bathing in paralytic disorders. 8°. Lond. 1751. Again; 2d ed. with large additions. 8°. Lond. 1751. SUTAMILLI. Sur le croup. 40. 1817. ( Petersburg .) SUTTON, T. On del irium tremens; on peritonitis; and on the gout. 8°. Lond. 1813. SWALVE, B. Alcali et acidum, praxi medicae superstructse praemissa. 12°. Amstel. 1671. Querelae ventriculi renovatae. 120. Amstel. 1675. SWAMMERDAM, J. Uteri muliebris fabrica cum tabulis. 40. Lugd. Bat. 1679. SWEDIAUR, F. Novum nosologiae methodicae systema. 2 v. 8°. Paris. 1812. SWIETEN. Vid. Van Swieten. SYDENHAM. Dissertatio epistolaris de curatione variola- rum confluentium ; et de affectione hysterica. 8°. Lond. 1682. Epistolae duae; de morbis epidemicis ab ann. 1675 ad ann. 1680, et de lue venerea. 8°. Lond. 1680. Opera universa. Ed. noviss. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1726. Processus integri in morbis curandis. Ed. 5ta. 120. Lond. 1726. Processus integri in morbis fere omnibus curandis: in fine “ Op. Med. Ilicardi Morton. 40. Lugd. 1697. ” Schedula monitoria de novae febris ingressu. 8°. Lond. 1686. Tractatus de podagra et hydropc. 8°. Lond. 1683. SYLVATICUS, B. Consilia et responsa medicinalia. Ac- cessit ejusdem methodus consultandi. fol. Patav. 1656. SYLVESTER, C. The philosophy of domestic economy, as exemplified in the structure of the Derbyshire general infirmary. 40. Nottingham , 1819. SYLVIUS, F. de la Boe. Opera medica. 40. Amstel. ap. D. Elzev. 1679. Opera medica. Ed. altera, corrcctior et emendatior. 40. Amstel. ap. D. Elzev. 1680. SYLVIUS, J. Methodus sex librorum Galeni, in differentiis et causis morborum, in tabellas sex conjecta; et commen- tarius de signis omnibus medieis. fol. Paris. 1539. SYMEON, Antiochenus. De cibariorum facultatibus, Gr. et Lat. ; Gyraldo interprete. 8°. Basil. 1538. Iterum, Gr. et Lat. ; Bogdano interprete. 8°. Lut. Par. 1658. MEDICINE. 319 SYPHILIS. A new method of curing it, by an eminent French author; translated by William Salmon, with his observations. 120. Loud. 1690. T. P. Chemia rationalis; cum indice medicamentorum eo- rumque dosium. 40. Lugd. Bat. 1687. Praxis chymiatrica rationalis. 40. Lugd. Bat. 1687. T. R. Praxis medica Boerhaaviana ; being a com pleat body of prescriptions adapted to the practical aphorisms of Her- mann 11s Boerhaave. 120. Bond. 1716. TABOR, J. Exercitationes medicae. 8 °. Lond. 1724. TACIIENIUS, 0. Antiquissima Hippocratis medicinae cla- vis. 120. Lugd. Bat. 1671. Hippocrates chimicus. 120. Lugd. Bat. 1672. Tractatus de morborum principe. 12°. Osnabr. 1679. TAGAULTIUS, J. De chirurgica institutione libri quinque. His accessit sextus liber de materia chirurgica, authore Jacobo Hollerio. fob Paris. 1543. De chirurgica institutione. Ed. 2da. Lugd. 1549. De purgantibus medicamentis simplicibus libri duo. 8°. Lugd. 1549. TAGLIACOTIUS, G. De narium defectu, per incisionem cutis ex humero, sarciendo. 8°. Franco/'. 1598. TANCREDUS, L. De fame et siti. 40. Venet. 1707. TARANTA, Valesco de. De medendis omnibus humani cor- poris affectibus. Ed. J. H. Beyero. 40. Francof. 1599. TARGIRUS, J. Medicina compendiaria. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1698. TAUVRY, D. A treatise of medicines; translated from the French. 8°. Lond. 1700. TAYLOR, J. On the diseases of the crystalline humour of the human eye. 8°. Lond. 1736. TAYLOR, R. Oratio Harveiana. 40. Lond. 1755. TEICHMEYERUS, H. F. De Caapeba, sive parreira brava. 40. Jena ?, 1730. TELLIER. Vid. Le Tellier. TENTZELIUS, A. On the magnetical and sympathetical cure of diseases ; abstracted from the works of Paracelsus : transit from the Latin by Ferdinando Parkhurst. 8°. Lond. 1653. 320 MEDICINE. TERILLUS, D. De causis mortis repentinae tractatio; in qua disputatur quid sit mors, et vita. 40. Venet. 1615. THACKRAH, C. T. The effects of trades, &c. on health and longevity. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1832. THELWALL, J. On defective utterance. 8°. Lond. 1814. THEOBALD, J. A dispensatory, compiled for the use of the military hospital abroad during the late war. 8°. Lond. 1752. THEODORICUS, episcopus Cerviensis. Chirurgiae, &c. libri quatuor: imprimr. in libro cui titulus “ Guidonis Cauliaci lucubrationes chirurgicae. fob Venet. 1546. p. 134-184” THEOPHILUS. De corporis humani fabrica libri quinque, Lat. editi in libro et Rufi Ephesii de humani corporis partium appellationibus. 40. p. 34-93.'” De urinis, Gr. et Lat. ; ed. Th. Guidotio, Anglo-Brit. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1703. THOMAS, R. The modern practice of physic. 4th ed. 8°. Lond. 1813. THOMSON, A. T. Case of H. R. H. the late princess Charlotte. 8°. Lond. (1818.) The London dispensatory. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1818. THOMPSON, J. Helmont disguised : or the errours of un- skilful practisers of physick confuted. 8°. Lond. 1657. THOMPSON, T. A treatise on the gout. 40. Lond. 1742. THOMSON, G. De apoplexia. 40. Lugd. Bat. 1648. THOMSON, J. An account of the life, &c. of William Cullen, M. D. 8°. Edinb. 1832. An account of the varioloid epidemic of Edinburgh, &c. 8°. Lond. 1820. Historical sketch of the opinions respecting the secondary occurrence of small- pox. 8°. Lond. 1822. Lectures on inflammation. 8°. Edinb. 1813. THOMSON, T. On the water with which Tunbridge Wells is chiefly supplied for domestic purposes; being an appen- dix to Dr. Scudamore’s analysis of the water of Tunbridge Wells. 8°. Lond. 1816. THORN YCROFT, J. Disputatio inauguralis de variolis. 40. Lugd. Bat. 1736. TICKELL, W. Of a new medicine entitled “ Spiritus aethe- reus anodynus.” 8°. Bath , 1788. MEDICINE. 321 TILEM ANNUS, J. Appendix de materia medica, ad aplio- rismos therapeuticos. 12°. Marpnrgi, 1650. TISSOT. De fepilepsie. 12°. Lausanne, 1770. TOLET, F. Traite de la lithotomie. ] 2°. a /a Haye , 1686. The same in English; translated by A. Lovell. 8°. Lond. J683. TORINUS, A. Metaphrasis in J. Damascenum de febrium curatione, & c. cum S. Grynaei medicinae encomio : im- primr. in “ Alexandri Aphrodisei de febrium causis et dif- ferentiis, interpr. G. Valia. 120. Basil. 1542.'” TOURNEFORT, J. P. Materia medica, translated into English ; with an appendix on the nature of mineral waters. 8°. Lond. 1708. TOWNE, R. Of the diseases most frequent in the West- Indies; particularly of those in Barbadoes. 8°. Lond. 1126. TRAUGOTT, G. G. B. De morbis oculi humani inflamma- toriis. 40. Lips. 1811. TRAVERS, B. A synopsis of diseases of the eye. 40. Lond. 1820. On constitutional irritation. 40. Lond. 1826. Process of nature in repairing injuries of the intestines. 8°. Lond. 1812. Surgical essays by Astley Cooper and Benjamin Travers. Pts. 1 and 2. 8°. Lond. 1818, 19. TRINCAVELLIUS, V. Omnia opera. 2 v. fol. Venet. 1599- TROTTER, T. medicina nautica : an essay on the diseases of seamen. 3 v. 8°. Lond. 1797-1803. TRYE, C. B. On morbid retentions of urine. 8°. Glocester , 1784. On the swelling of the lower extremities incident to lying-in women. 8°. Lond. 1792. TRYON, T. A new art of brewing beer, &c. 2d ed. 120. 1691. TULPIUS, N. Observationes medicae. Ed. nova aucta et emendata. 8°. Amstel. 1672. Observationes medicae. Ed. quinta, cui brevis ipsius autho- ris vitae narratio est praefixa. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1716. TURISANUS, Monachus. Plusquam commentum in Ga- leni librum qui “ microtechni” inscribitur ; cum quae- stione de hypostasi. fol. Venet. 1519. t t 322 MEDICINE. TURNER, D. Art of surgery. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1722. Appendix to the art of surgery. 8°. Lond. 1725. Discourse concerning gleets. 8°. Lond. 1729. Summary of the ancient writers on the venereal disease. 8°. Lond. 1736. Syphilis, a dissertation on the venereal disease. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1727-39. The drop and pill of Mr. Ward considered. 8°. Lond. 1 735* TWEEDIE, A. See Cyclopaedia. TWYSDEN, J. Medicina veterum vindicata ; an answer to a book entituled Medela medicinae. 8°. Lond. 1 666. UBE. Vid. D’Ube. ULMUS, F. De liene libellus. 8°. Lutet. 1578. ULMUS, M. A. Physiologia barbae humanae. fol. Bonon. 1601. ULRICH, D. H. De peste. 40. Jena , 1681. UNGERUS, J. G. De papyro frutice ad Esaiae xix. 7. 40. Lips. 1731. URINE. The seinge of urynes. 8°. Lond. 1552. USTER, P. Repertorium der medicinischen Litteratur des Jahres 1789, &c. 6 v. 8°. Zurich. 1790-6. VACCINATION. Papers relating to vaccination in Dublin, fol. 1809-1811. Papers relating to vaccination in India, fol. 1813. Papers relating to vaccination in Sweden, fol. 1814. Report of the royal college of physicians of London on vac- cination. fol. July 8, 1807. Report from the vaccine establishment to the principal secre- tary of state, home department, for 1810, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1816, 1818, 1819, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1828. Report of the national vaccine establishment relative to small- pox after vaccination. 8°. July 18, 1811. VALENTINI, P. A. Institutiones medicinae practicae. 5 v. 8°. Roma , 1827-33. VALENTINUS, M. B, Medicina nova-antiqua. 4 P. Fran- cof. ad Man. 1698. VALESCUS, de Taranta. Epitome operis perquam utilis morbis curandis ; et epitome chirurgiae. Ed. Guidone Desiderio. 8°. Lugduni , 1560. VALLERIOLA, F. Observationum medicinalium libri sex. 8°. Lugduni , 1588. MEDICINE. 323 VALLERIUS, N. Tentamina physieo-chymica circa aquas thermales Aquisgranenses. Accedunt (p. 58.) “ Examen aquarum mineralium per It. B. et [p. 138] “ Inqui- sitio balneorum Angliae per Johan. Floyerum.” 8°. Lngd. Bat. 1699. VALLESIUS, F. Commentaria in septem libros Hippo- cratis de morbis popularibus. Opera S. Gaudei. fol. Aurel. 1654. Controversiae medicae et philosophies. Ed. 3tia. Accedit libellus “ De locis manifeste pugnantibus apud Galenum.” fol. Francof. 1590. VALVERDUS, J. De animi et corporis sanitate tuenda. 8°. Lutet. 1552. VAN SWIETEN, G. Commentaria in Hermanni Boer- haave aphorismos, he. 5 v. 40. Lugd. Bat. 1742-72. VARAND.ZEUS, J. De morbis mulierum. 8°. Monspess. 1620. De morbis ventriculi. 8°. Monspess. 1620. VARENNE. Vid. La Varenne. VARIGNANA, G. Opera medica de curandis morbis. 8°. Basil. (1595.) VARIOLiE. Tentamen medicum de natura, he. variolarum. 120. Lugd. Bat. 1675. VARNHAGEN, H. G. J. De praerogativa medicamentorum simplicium prae compositis. 40. Gotting. 1752. VASSAL US, L. In anatomen humani corporis tabulae qua- tuor. fol. Paris. 1540. VAUGHAN, J. An account of the Caesarian section. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. (1778.) Cases and observations on hydrophobia. 8°. Lond. (1778.) VELSCIIIUS, G. H. Sylloge curationum et observationum medicinalium. 40. ex off. B. Kunliii , Ulmens. reip. ty- pogr. (1667.) VELTHUSIUS, L. De liene, et de generatione. 120. Tra- ject. ad Rhen. 1657. VENUSTUS, A. M. Consilia medica. 40. Venet. 1571. VERDUC, L. A treatise of bandages, translated from the French: in a book called “The hospital surgeon, trans- lated from the French of Belloste. 120. Lond. 17 13.” VERMOSTIUS, D. Apologema pro V. F. Plempio: in fine “ operum medicinalium istius authoris. fol. Lovanii, 1654. P- 347 T t 2 324 MEDICINE. VERZASCHA, B. De apoplexia et paralysi. 40. Basil. (1 662.) Observationum medicarum centuria, cum celeberrimorum virorum consiliis et epistolis. 8°. Basil. 1677. VESALIUS, A. Chirurgia magna. 8°. Venet. 1569. V ETCH, J. A letter on the subject of the ophthalmic insti- tution for the cure of Chelsea pensioners. 2d ed. 40. Loud. 1819. On the diseases of the eye. 8°. Land. 1820. VIDIUS, V. jun. De curatione membratim, libri undecim. fol. Florent. 1594. YIEUSSENS, 11. Tractatus de remotis et proximis mixti principiis, &c.; et de natura, &c. u fermentationis.” 40. Lugd. 1688. YIGIERIUS, J. fil. Enchiridion anatomicum. 40. Hagan- Com. 1659. Opera medico-chirurgiea. 40. Hagcc-Com. 1659. Thesaurus et armamentarium medico-chirurgicum. 40. Ha gen- Com. 1659. de VIGO, J. Chyrurgia. Partes duae. 8°. Lugd. 1530. His works of chirurgery translated into Englishe: with an exposition of straunge termes and unknowen symples be- longynge unto the arte. fol. Loud. 1530. Practica in arte chirurgica. Pars prima. 8°. Lugd. 1519. Practica, &c. Pars secunda. 8°. Lugd. 1518. The whole work of that famous chirurgion maister John Vigo. 8°. Loud. 1586. VOLNEY, C. F. Tableau du climat et du sol des etats-unis d’Amerique. 2 v. 8°. Paris , 1803. WADD, W. Nugae chirurgicae; ora biographical miscellany of professional portraits. 8°. Loud. 1824. WAIN E WRIGHT, J. A mechanical account of the non- naturals. 8°. Loud. 1707. WALDSCHMIDT, J. J. Fundamenta medicinae. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1685. Institutions medicinae rationalis. Ed. 4ta. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 164.1. Opera medico-practica. 2 v. 8°. France f. ad Mean. 1707. Praxis medicinae per casus tradita. 120. Paris. 1691. WALDTSCHMIEDTS, W. H. De vegetabilium usu exi- mio in rnedicina. 40. Kiliac. Holsat. (17070 MEDICINE. 325 WALL, J. Experiments and observations on the Malvern waters. 2d ed. 8°. 1757. Malvern waters; being a republication of cases, formerly collected by John Wall, M. D., by his son Martin Wall, M.D. 8°. Oxford, 1806. Medical tracts, collected and republished by Martin Wall, M.D. 8°. Oxford , 1780. WALL, M. Clinical observations on the use of opium in low fevers ; with remarks on the epidemic fever which prevailed at Oxford in 1785. 2d ed. 8°. Oxford, 1786. WALL/EUS, J. Medica omnia. Ed. C. Irvino Edinbur- gensi. 8°. Lond. 1660. WALLROTH, F. G. De ophthalmologia veterum. 8°. Halce, 1828. WALTHER, J. C. J. Commentatio anatomico-chirurgica de hernia crurali. T. 3. 40. Lips. 1820. WARD, W. T. On distortions of the spine, &c. 8°. Lond. 1822. WARDROP, J. On aneurysm. 8°. Lond. 1828. On fungus haematodes; with plates. 8°. Edinb. 1809. On the morbid anatomy of the eye ; with plates. 2 v. 8°. Edinb. 1808-18. WARE, J. On cataract and gutta serena. 3d ed. 8°. Lond. 1812. On the ophthalmy, &c. of new-born children. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1805. On the treatment of the epiphora, or watery eye, & c. A new edit. 8°. Lond. 1818. WARNER, J. Cases in surgery, with remarks. 8°. Lond. 1754- WAllREN, H. On the malignant fever in Barbadoes, &c. 8°. Lond. 1740. WARREN, M. De febribus nupcr grassantibus. 40. Can- tabr. 1729. WARREN, P. Oratio ILarveiana. 40. Lond. 1827. WATER. See Allen, B.; Andree, J.; B. R.; Baccius, A.; Balnea; Baynard, E.; Blondel, F.; Brewer- ton, T. ; Charleton, R. ; Chesneau, N. ; Clanny, W. R. ; Claromont, C.; a Clivolo, B.; Du Clos; Este, M. L.; Eyre, H.; Falconer, W.; Fallopius; Floyer, sir J. ; Fourciioy; G. T. ; Gairdner, M. ; 326 MEDICINE. Ganderax, C.; Garnett, T.; Gibbes, G.S.; Graves, R.; Guidot, T.; Halpin, W. H. jun.; Hart, T. ; ab Heers, H.; PIerilacus, P.; Hillary, W.; Jameson, T.; Jorden, E.; Keir, P.; Kirwan, R.; Kitaibel, P. ; Knight, T. ; Kreysig, F.; Lamzweerde, J. B. Le Givre, P.; Leigh, C.; Lister, M.; Loudon, C. ; Maplet, J.; Monheim, J. P. S.; Neale, A.; Oliver, W.; Pearson, G.; Peirce, R.; Perry, C.; Philan- der, E.; Phillip, A. W.; Pugii, R. ; Randolph, G.; Rouse, L.; Russell, R.; Saunders, W.; Scudamore, sir C.; Shaw, P. ; Short, T.; Simpson, W.; Smith, J.; Speed, J. ; Stevens, J. N. ; Stubbs, H.; Stucke, C.; Tournefort, J. P.; Vallerius, N.; Wall, J.; Wil- liams, R.; Wittie, R.; Wynter, J. WATSON, A. A compendium of the diseases of the human eye. 2d ed. Edinb. 1828. WATT, J.; see Beddoes, T. On the manner of obtaining factitious airs. 8°. Bristol. WATT, R. Cases of diabetes, consumption, &c. 8°. Pais- ley, 1808. On the chincough, and other diseases of children. 8°. Glas- gow, 1813. WECKERUS, J. J. Antidotarium generale et speciale, ex optimorum authorum scriptis. 40. Basil. 1642. WEDELIUS, G. W. De pollutione nocturna. 40. Jena, 1667. De diebus criticis. 40. Jence , 1667. De hyperico mystico. 40. Jena, 1686. Opiologia. 40. Jence, 1674. Pharmacia, in artis formam redacta. 40. Jence, 1677. WEINMANN, J. G. De plantis urbi Reutlingae vicinis. 40. Tubingce, 1764. WELLER, J. G. De juvene, ictero flavo laborante. 40. Jence, 1 675. WELLS, W. C. A letter to lord Kenyon on the conduct of the College of Physicians in the case of Dr. Stanger. 8°. Lond. 1799. WELSCHIUS, G. H. Curationum propriarum et consiho- rum medicorum decades decern. 40. Aug. Vind. 168 r. WELSH, B. On bloodletting in the epidemic fever of Edin- burgh. 8°. Edinb. 1819. MEDICINE. 327 WELSTED, R. De medicina mentis. 8°. Lond. 1726. Tentamen de variis hominum naturis, &c. 8°. Lond. 1730. Tentamen alterum, de propriis habitibus, remediisque. 8°. Lond. 1732. WENZEL, C. Allgemeine geburtshtilfliche Betrachtungen und uber die kiinstliche Friibgeburt. 40. Mciinz , 1818. WEPFERUS, J. J. Cicutae aquaticae liistoria et noxae. 40. Basil. 1679. De affectibus capitis. 40. Scaphusii, 1727* Historiae apoplecticorum. 8°. Lugd. Bat. 1734- Observationes anatomicae, ex cadaveribus eorum quos “ apo- “ plexia” sustulit. 8°. Schaffusii, 1675. WERNERUS, P. C. F. Vermium intestinalium expositio. 3 v. 8°. Lips. 1782-8. WESENERUS, W. C. De aegra pleuritica. 40. Jencc , 1674. WESSEL, J. A. De medicamentis bonas notae regni vegeta- bilis. 40. Francof. ad Viadr. 1744. WESZPREMUS, S. Tentamen de inoculanda peste. 8°. Lond. 1755. WIIATELY, T. On the prevalent varieties of inflammation of the eye. 8°. Lond. 1819. WHITAKER, T. The tree of humane life, or the bloud of the grape. 8°. Lond. 1638. WHITE, C. of Manchester. Appendix to 2d ed. of his treatise on the management of pregnant women. 8°. Lond. 1777. WHITE, J. Of fevers in which blood-letting is the true basis of cure. 8°. I^ond. 1712. WHITE, W. On strictures of the rectum. 3d ed. 8°. Bath , 1820. Further observations on strictures of the rectum. 8°. Bath , 1822. WHITE, W. of Bath. On the broad-leaved- willow bark. 8°. Bath, 1798. WIERUS, J. Opera omnia. 40. Amstel. 1 660. WILDBERG, C. F. L. Bibliotheca medicinae forensis et politicae. 2 v. 4 °. Berolini , 1819. WILLAN, R. Diseases in London, particularly from 1796 to 1800. 120. Lond. 1801. Essay on the king’s-evil. 8°. Lond. 174 6. Miscellaneous works, edited by Ashby Smith, M. D. 8°. Lond. 1821. On vaccine inoculation. 4°. Lond. 1806. 328 MEDICINE. WILLIAMS, J. The climate of Great Britain, or remarks on the changes it has undergone. 8°. Loncl. 1806. WILLIAMS, R. An analysis, &c. of the medicinal waters of Llandrindod in Radnorshire. 8°. Loud. 1817. WILLICHIUS, J. De arte magirica. 8°. Titulo caret hie liber; scriptus est autem anno 1556. (Vid. p. 227.) Urinarum probationes. 8°. Basil. 1582. WILLIS, F. On mental derangement. 8°. Loud. 1823. WILLIS, T. A plain method of preservation from the plague, &c. 8°. Loud. 1691. De affectionibus hystericis et hypochondriacis. 40. Loud. 1670. De fermentatione et de febribus ; cum dissertatione de urinis. 8°. Lond. 1659. Iterum. Ed. 3tia. 120. Lond. 1662. De morbis convulsivis, et de scorbuto. 40. Oxonii, 1667. Iterum. Ed. 4ta. 120. Lond. 1678. Pharmaceutice rationalis. Partes duae. 40. Oxon. 1674, 5. Iterum. Ed. 3tia. 8°. Oxon. 1679. WILMER, B. Cases in surgery; with a method of curing bronchocele. 8°. Lond. 1779. WILMOT, sir E. Oratio Harveiana. 40. Lond. 1735. WILSON, J. Lectures on the physiology and diseases of the urinary organs. 8°. Lond. 1821. WINCKLERUS, N. Chronica herbarum, animalium, &c. in usum medicum. 40. August. Vindel. 157 1. WINTER, S. A pretious treasury ; containing 70 approved physical rare receits. 40. Bond. 1649. WINTRINGHAM, sir C. Bart. De morbis quibusdam corn- men tarii. 2 v. 8°. Lond. 1 79 1 • Tractatus de podagra. 8°. Eboraci, 1714* WISEMAN, R. Several chirurgical treatises, fol. Lond. 1676. WITHERING, W. An account of the foxglove, and some of its medical uses. 8°. Birmingham , 1785. WITTIE, R. Fons Scarburgensis : sive de omnis aquarum generis origine et usu ; particulariter de fonte minerali apud Scarborough in comit. Eborac. 8°. Lond. 1678. WOLFF, S. B. De ligno nephritico, colubrino, et semine santonico. 40. Francof. ad Viadr. 1749* 329 MEDICINE. WOOD, G. Oratio Harveiana. 40. Lond. 1733. WOODALL, J. Military and domestique surgery, fol. Lond. 1655. WOODVILLE, W. Medical botany, with 274 coloured plates. 4 v. 40. Lond. 1790-4. WOODWxVRD, J. The state of physick, and of the increase of small-pox, &c. 8°. Lond. 1718. WOOLIIOUSIUS. De cataracta et glaueomate. 8°. Franco/', ad Man. 17 T9. AVYNTER, J. On chronical diseases; and of the medicinal waters of Bath and Bristol. 2d ed. 8vo. Lond. 1728. On bathing in the hot baths at Bath. 8°. Lond. 1728. Y-WORTH, W. The whole art of distillation. 8°. Lond. 1692. YEATS, G. D. On the early symptoms of water in the brain. 8°. Lond. 1815. An appendix to the foregoing. 8°. Lond. 1819. YOUNG, S. An inquiry into the nature and action of cancer, as published in 1805. Minutes of cases of cancer. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1816. Further reports of cancerous cases. 8°. Lond. 1818. YOUNG, T. An introduction to medical literature. 8°. Lond. 1813. Again. 2d ed. 8°. Lond. 1823. Practical and historical treatise on consumptive diseases. 8°. Lond. 1815. ZACCHIAS, P. Qumstiones medico-legales. Ed. G. Franco. 3 v. fol. Francof. ad Man. 1688. ZACUTUS, L. Opera. 2 v. fol. Lugd. 1649. Praxis medica admiranda. 8°. Lngduni , 163 7. ZINCKIUS, J. De crisibus, et diebus criticis, commenta- rius. 120. Francof. 1609. ZOPEF, J. C. De malo hypochond riaco. 40. Jena , 1676. De vomitoriis rite adhibendis. 40. Jena , 167 6. ZUINGERUS, T. De morbis puerilibus. 8°. Basil. 1722. Specimen materiae medicas. 8°. Basil. 1722. Theatrum praxeos medicae. 2 v. 40. Basil. 1710. u u 330 MEDICINE. ZWELFER, J. Animadversiones in pharmacopoeiam Au- gustanam, &c. ; cum appendice. fol. Noriberg. 1675. Iterum. 40. Norib. 1693. Discursus apologeticus adversus Hippocratem chymicum Ottonis Tackenii; et vindiciae contra Franciscum Verny. fol. Norimb. 1 675. Pharmacopoeia regia, fol. Noriberg. 1675. ZYPtEUS, F. Fundamenta medicinae reformatae. Ed. 2cIa, aucta, &c. 8°. Bruxellis , 1687. ERRATA. Pag. 51. 1. 11. from the bottom, for plants read animals 70. 1. 1 5. for Nautilus read Nautili 73. 1. 13. for cognise read eognitae 92. 1. 23. for Austraca read Austriaca 93. 1. 5. for Oronici read Oronoci — 1. 1 3. for (iquinoxtiales read ^quinoxiales 1 12. 1. 21. for Balsiminearum read Balsaminearum 1 1 5. 1. 10. from the bottom, for Phaseo read Phasco 118. 1. 11. from the bottom, for fremde read frembde 159. 1. 10. from the bottom, for Kastmer read Ivastner 174. 1. 10. for Gorsi read Corsi There are a few other errors, which are not considered of sufficient importance to require a specific notice. ■»