p 0-2 0 -7 c:; r A HISTOEY OF INFUSORIA, rNrCLTJDING THE DESMIDIACE^ AND DIATOMACE^, BRITISH AND FOREIGN. ANDREW PRITCHARD, Esq., M.R.I., AUTHOR OP THE 'MICROSCOPIC CABINET,' ETC. FOURTH EDITION. ENLAHGED AND EEVISED BY .T. T. AELID&E, M.B., B.A. Lond. ; W. AECHEE, Esq. ; -T. RALES, M.E.C.S.L. ; W. C. WILLIAMSON, Esq., F.E.S. ; AND THE A.UTHOE. ILLUSTRATED BY FORTY PLATES. LONDON: WHITTAKEE AND CO., AVE MAEIA LANE. 1861. [ The right of fraiidafion is reserved.'] PBINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. ALERE 8 FLAtUIAM. PREFACE. Special interest has always been taken by man in the structure and development of the minute forms of life^ whether animal or vegetable : in this volume I propose to lay before the reader a resume of the present state of our knowledge of the multitude of living beings called Infusoria. This term, as employed by Professor Ehrenberg of Berliuj includes a wide range both of animal and vegetable life; while it is now restricted by other naturalists to the Protozoa, and, in the works recently commenced by Dr. Stein and MM. Claparede and Lachmann, to the ciliated members of that group. The former editions of this work having included a History of the BaciUaria, Phytozoa, Protozoa (under the name Polygastrica), and of the Kotatoria, it is incumbent on me to retain these groups, though the researches of late years have so extended our acquaintance with them that much diflSculty has been felt in the attempt to comprise the whole in a single volume, so necessary for a practical manual. The successful investigation of this department of Natural History arose mainly from the improvement of the microscope consequent upon the discoveries of "Test Objects" and "penetrating power," the latter depending upon "angular aperture," — discoveries whicli 'my colleague the late Dr. Goring and myself had the pleasure of presenting to the public. The microscope, having become tlicreby a reliable instrument, has revealed to us the true forms and structure of these beings. Part I. is devoted to a General History of the several more or less natural groups of Infusoria : it contains also the observations and opinions of British and Continental naturalists on their nature structure, functions, and classification. The foreign writings on these sulijects are so voluminous that even an abstract of them has increased tliis part of the work much beyond what it occupied in V iv niKFACE. former editions, while the introduction of the Tables from Part II. has further extended it ; but, as I have been anxious to give an impartial account of the researches on tliis subject, a briefer summary might have impaired its usefulness and value. To Dr. Arlidge is due the rearrangement and preparation of this part. Part II. contains descriptions of the Families, Genera, and Species of the groups whose general history forms the subject of the preceding part of this volume. The systematic arrangement of Ehrenberg has been retained for the Phytozoa, Protozoa, and Rotatoria, the new genera and species of other naturalists being collated and engi'afted thereon. The descriptions of those curious and highly-organized creatures the Rotatoria have been extended and revised by Professor Williamson of Manchester, whose original researches and observa- tions on this group are greatly appreciated, both in this country and abroad. In consequence of the long illness of Mr. Ralfs, who had under- taken the revision of the Bacillaria, the publication of this edition has been delayed, and that group has been printed last — a deviation from the original design which it is hoped will not inconvenience the reader, while it has allowed opportunity for the insertion of the latest researches. Owing to the circumstance stated above, the revision of the Systematic History of the Family or Subgroup Desmidiaceae has been kindly carried out by Mr. William Archer of Dublin, who has added some original views, expressing by symbols the characters of certain genera ; moreover, M. de Brebisson of Falaise has given this edition the benefit of his valuable co-operation, by furnishing descrip- tions of the newly-discovered foreign species. The elegance and variety of the forms, the beauty and elaborate sculpturing of the silicious shells of the Diatomaceae, and the general interest now taken in their study, rendered it desirable to bring together in this volume all the known genera and species, British and foreign. This I have been able to effect by the research of Mr. Ralfs, whose name is so intimately identified with the knowledge of these organisms, and whose present arrangement of their families and genera wiU no doubt tend to facilitate our better acquaintance ■o'ith them. Owing to tlie great dimensions Avhich this treatise has acquired, and the limited space consequently at command, I was under tlic necessity of con- densing the manuscript of Mr. Ralfs, and of introducing abbrcvi- PREITACE, V ations. Still I have, iu accordance with my original design, given every known specific name, whether synonym or variety, whereby observers may avoid confusion in the nomenclature by not employing the same names for newly-discovered forms. The references now introduced are to works published subsequently to the early editions of this book : for their verification I am indebted to Mr. Kitton of Norwich. Twenty-one new Plates have been added to this edition, of which six are engraved by Mr. Tuffen West. In the case of the Diatoms, all the new figures are drawn to one scale, representing a magnifying power of 300 diameters; many of them likewise are drawn from specimens, whilst others are engraved from original drawings kindly lent by Mr. George Norman of Hull, Mr. Roper of Clapton, and Mr. Brightwell of Norwich. It now becomes my pleasing duty to acknowledge the kind assist- ance received from the late Professors Gregory of Edinbm'gh and Bailey of New York ; also to tender to Di-s. Donkin, Gkeville, Francis, Wallich, Strethill Wright, and Mr. Gosse, along with the gentlemen before named, my best thanks for their aid and advice during the progi'ess of this laborious undertaking. In conclusion, should the object proposed in the reissue of this work be attained, viz. to produce in a single volume a compendium of the present state of knowledge, calculated to promote and facilitate the study of the very interesting branch of Natm^al History Avhicli forms its subject, and which has occupied much of my leisure time for more than forty years, I shall be fully content. ANDREW PRITCHARD. Oanonbui'y, London, N. November 15, 18G0. i ■I- I I I CONTENTS. Preface Page iii List of works quoted and abbreviations used herein . « ix PAET I. — Geneiul History of Infusoria, etc. BacillAria : Besmidiea, their figure, page 1 ; colour, consistence, envelopes, openings in lorica, 4 ; movements and external cUia, 5 ; contents of fronds, 6 ; circulation of con- tents, 7; reproduction, 11; habitats, distribution, appearance in masses and vital endowments, vegetable nature and affinities, mode of collection, 20. — Fediastrcm, their figm-e, composition, and contents of cells, 24 ; number and disposition of the ceUs in the fronds, 25 ; development and grovrth, 29 ; systematic position, 30. — Diatomacece, their general and external charactei's, 31 ; figure, 32 ; the silicious shell or lorica, its divisions and structural composition, marldngs, stria?, canaUcidi, puncta, &c., 37; contents of frustules, supposed digestive sacs, reproductive vesicles, &c., 47 ; move- ments, then* character and causes, cilia, circulation of contents, respiration, 60; nutritive functions, supposed stomachs, 56 ; multiplication, reproduction, and develop- ment, 58; conjugation, 61; habitats, appearance in masses, abundance, 75; geogra- phical distribution, 79 ; geological importance and fossil accumulations, 82 ; aerolitic Diatomeoc, 85 ; uses of Diatomaceous deposits, 86 ; of the nature of DiatomejE, whether animals or plants, various hypotheses, 87; determination of species and genera, varieties, classification of Kiitzing, Smith, and others, 96 ; on the mode of obtaining, preparing, and preserving specimens, 102. Phytozoa: the beings included under this name, their general character, division into groups or tribes, their figure, coverings. 111; cell-contents, 113; movements, 117; process of nutrition, 119; multiplication and rejDroduction, fission, macrogonidia, microgonidia, 120; encysting process, condition of rest, 123; phases of being and alternation of generation, 124 ; on their nature, animal and vegetable charactei-s, 128 ; habitats, occiu-rence in masses, colour caused by then- accumulation, 129. — Families : Monadina, 130; Cryptomonadina, \4Q ; Folvocina, 144 ; Vibrionia, 1S4; Astasiwa at Euglmma, 188 ; nature of Astasisea, 196. Protozoa, Wd.—BUzofoda, 201; movements of contained particles, 210; nucleus, 211; reproduction, 213 ; of the testaceous shells of Monothalamia, 218 ; shells of Po'lytha- lamia or Foraminifera, 222; dimensions and conditions of life, 227; habitats and distribution, 229 ; of their cell-nature and characters as individuals or as colonies of animals, 232 ; on their affinities, 234 ; classification, 237. Actincrphryina, 243 ; movements, 246; prehension and entrance of food, 247; contractile vesicle, 250 • nucleus, 252 ; encysting, fission, gemmation, embryos, 253 ; conjugation, 256 ; loca^ lities, affinities, 257. Acinetina, 258 ; origin and development, 261. Greqarinida 262. Psorospermia, 265. Ciliata, 266. Subgroup A. Asfoma: OpalincBa, their general characters and functions, 267 ; nucleus, self-division, supposed embryos, 269 • habitats, vital endowments, natiu-e, affinities, classification, 270. PeridinicBa ' 271 • contents, 274 ; reproduction, 275. Subgi-oup B. Stomatoda : dimensions, 277 ; figure' 278 ; consistence, 279 ; integument, markings on siu-face, spines, lorica, 280 ; exteruai sheaths or cases, 282; cilia and ciliary action, 285; locomotive and fixed forms varieties of locomotion, transitory power of locomotion among tiie attached goner-i' 288 ; structure of pedicles, 292 ; compound special organs of locomotion and pre- hension, the peristom and rotary or ciliated disc, the spirally-coiled head of Sniro chona, 2^4.— Ciliated Prnfnzoa, internal organization : subtegumentary layer chloro' phyll, thread-cells, 297; muscles, 300; organs of digestion, nutrition, and secretion 301; the polygastnc hypothesis, 303; dental apparatus or teeth, 311- contractile vesicle 312; nucleus, nucleolus, 326; ovules, 334; spermatozoids, 337; accessory ^n^n l'l^q" r^l' ""^^^T.^"*' 8pl»erical colls, Bupposcd glands, 338; circulation of contents, 339. The encysting process, 341 ; reproduction, fission, gemmation, internal Vlll CONTENTS. ova producing germs or embryos, impregnation, production of new beings with and without metamorphosis, transtbriniition into Aeineta;, .34r); nature of Ciliated Pro- tozoa, their existence as inde])endent organisms, ecll-tlieory apjjliod lo tlicni, .'3(58; conditions of life, ^70; succession of species, 371; dm-alion of life, influence of external agents, heat and cold, 373 ; necessity of air, chemical agents, electricity and galvanism, 374; aflinities with other animals, geographical distribution, 375 ; classi- fication, 376. Subgroups of Ciliated Protozoa: Ichthydina, 380; Noctilucida, 382; Bysteria, 387. Rotatoria or Rotipeea : general characters, 392 ; appendages, 397 ; the muscular system, 406 ; movements, 409 ; the digestive system, 410 ; reception of food, its deglutition, 420 ; the secreting system, 422 ; the vascular and respiratory systems, 426 ; the nervous system, organs of sense, psychical endowments, 434; reproductive organs, 441 ; formation of ova, 442 ; development of embryo, 445 ; the embryo-metamor- phosis, 447 ; vrintfir ova, 450; male Rotatoria, 463; duration and conditions of life, habitats and distribution, 463 ; affinities and classification, 468 ; Ehrenberg's classifi- cation, 478 ; Dujardin and Leydig's classifications, 480. Tabdigrada : their structiire, habitats, and aflinities, 482. PART II. — A Systematic History of Infusoria, with Descriptions of the Families, G-enera, ahd Species. Group Phytozoa. Families : Monadina, 485 ; Hydromorina, 503 ; Cryptomonadina, 505 ; Volvocina, 514; Vibrionia, 529; Astasiaea or Euglensjea, 538; Dinobryina, 547. Group Protozoa — Subgroup Ehizopoda, 547 : Amoebfca, .548 ; ArceUina, 551 ; Actino- phryina, 558 ; Acinetina, 564. — Subgroup Ciliata, 568. Astoma : OpaUnaea, 569 ; Cyclidina, 571 ; Peridinicea, 574. Stoviatoda : VorticeUina, 579 ; Ophi-ydina, Vaginifcra, 598; Enchelia, 605; Colepina, 616: Trachelina, 616; Ophryocercina,.630; Aspidis- cina, 631 ; Kolpodea or Colpodea, 631 ; Oxylrichina, 639 ; Euplotina, 645. Group Rotatoria. Families : Ichthydina, 660 ; OEcistina, 663 ; Megalotrocha\i, G64 ; Floscularia, 665 ; Hydatinasa, 677 ; Albertina, 693 ; Euchlanidota, 693 ; Plulodincea, 700 ; BrachionsEa, 706. Group Tardigrada, 713. Group Bacillaeia : Desmidiaceaj, 715 ; Diatomaceis, 756. Index to the Illustrations of the Diatomaceae, 941. Description of the Plates, 949. Index to the Families and Genera, 965. LIST OF ABBEEVIATIONS OF WOEKS AND AUTHORS' NAMES EEFEEEED TO IN THE PEESENT EDITION. Abliandliingen der Berliner Academie der Wissenschaften. Abhandlimgen der Senckenbergischen Gesellschaft in FrankfiU't am Main. Ag CD. or AD. Agardh's Conspectus Diatomorum. ANH. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Anat. d. wbeUos. Thiere. Siebold, C. Th. von. Lehrbuch der vergleichendeu Anatomie der wirbellosen Thiere. Berlin, 1848. Ar. or Ai"n. Professor G. Wallrer-Amott, LL.D. ASA. or AA. Agardh's Systema Algarum. ASN. or Ann. d. SN. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Paris. B. or Bai. Professor Bailey of New York. BAJ. Professor Bailey, in American Joiu'nal of Science. BO. or BSC. Professor Bailey's Contributions to Knowledge, Smithsonian Insti- tution. BMO. Professor Bailey's Microscopic Organisms Boston Jom-nal of Natm-al History. 1853. Braun, A., Prof. Algarum Unicellularum Genera nova aut minus cognita. 1855. Br(5b. M. de Brebisson of Falaise. BD. M. de Br^bisson's Diatomacese of Cherbourg. Bn. T. Brightwell, Esq., Norwich. Brit. Assoc. Transactions of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. British Desmidiese. By John Ealfs. 1848. Brit, and Foreign Med. Rev. British and Foreign Medico-Chinirgical Review. Bulletin de L'Academie de St. P^tersbourg, xiii. 1855. Cai-penter, Dr. W. B. The Microscope. Carus. Icones Zootomicse. 1858. Cohn, E. S. Professor Cohn on the Structure of Protococcus ^j^mj-w/w. Ray Society, 185.3. London. Comptes Eendus de rj\.cad(5mie Imperiale des Sciences. D'Orbigny, Alcido, Foraminiferes Fossilcs, 1840. Duj. or Du. Duiardin, F., Ilistoire Naturelle des Zoophytes. — Infusoires. Paris, 1841. E., Eh., or Ehr. Professor Ehrenberg, Berlin. EA. Professor Ehrenberg\s Mikroscopischen Lebens in Auierika. Edin. New Phil. Joum. Edinburgh New Pliilosophical .lournal. Einzell. Alg. Niigeli, Prof., Gattuugen einzelliger Algeu. Zurich, 1849. EI. or Inf. Professor Ehreuberg's Die Infusiouathiercuen. EK. Professor Ehrenberg's ICreidethierchen. EM. I'rofessor Ehrenberg's Milcrogeologie. EEBA. or EB. or EE. Professor Ehrenljerg in Eeports of Berlin Academy. Ehrenberg, Prof. Passatstaub und Blutregen. X LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS, ETC. Entx^ Colin,_^Pi'of. F. Entwickelimgs-geschichte der miki-oskopisclien Algen uiid Fauna Infusoria, Noifolk. T. Briglitwell, Norwich. Gr. Dr. E. K. GreviUe. GBF. Dr. R. K. Gre^ille's British Flora. GCF. Dr. R. K. Greville's British Cryptogamic Flora. Greg. Dr. Grejjory of Edinburgh. GDC or GC. Dr. Gregory's Diatomaceas of the Clyde. HBA. Ilassall's British Al^te. Jones, T. Rymer, Prof. A General Outline of the Animal Kingdom. London, 1841. K. or Klitz. Professor Kiitzin*. KA. or KSA. Professor Kiitzing's Species Alganun. KB. Professor Kiitzing's Bacillarien. Kiitzing. Phjcologia Germaiiica. 1845. KTi. Die klemsten Lebensfomien. KSD. Professor Kiitzing's Synopsis Diatomeorum. Linntea, xiv. 1840. Lyngb. Professor LjTigbye's Tentamen Hydi-ophytologife Danicse. Medical Times. London, 1856. Professor Huxley's Lectures. Me. or Men. Professor Meneghini. Meneghini, R. S. Professor Meneghini on the Animal Natiu'e of Diatomese. Ray- Society. London, 1853. Mem. de I'Acad. Roy. Belgique. M(5moires de I'AcadiSmie Royale de Belgique. Micrographic Dictionary, The. By Dr. Griffith and Prof. Henfi-ey. Microscopic Illusti-ations. By C. R. Goring, M.D., and Andrew Pritchard. Mittheilungen der Natiu-forschenden Gesellschaften in Bern. 1849. MJ. or JMS. Jom-nal of Microscopical Science. Monatsb. Berlin. Acad. Monatsbericht der Berliner Academie. MT. or TM. or TMS. Transactions of Microscopical Society. Miiller's Archiv. Ai-chiv fiir Anatomie imd Physiologic. Von Dr. J. Miiller. Miiller, 0. F. Prof Animalcida Infusoria. Na. or Niig. Professor Nfigeli. Nat. Hist. Review. Natm-al History Review, Dublin. Nov. Act. Acad. Cuiios. Nova Acta Academise Natm'se Curiosorum. Owen, Richard. Lectures on the Invertebrate Animals. London, 1843. Owen, Richard. On Parthenogenesis. London, 1849. Ph. Professor John Phillips, F.R.S. Phil. Trans. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Perty, Max., Dr. Ziu- Kenntniss kleiuster Lebensfonnen. 1852. Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural Historj^ Proc. Roy. Soc. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings of the Academy of Natiual Sciences of Philadelphia. 1853. Rab D. or RD. Dr. Rabenliorst, Die Siisswasser Diatomaceen. Ra. or R. Mr. Ralfs. R.S. Ray Society's publications. R.S. Reports. Ray Society Reports. Rejuv. R.S. Braun, A., 'Professor, On the Phenomena of Eejuveuescence in Nature. Ray Society. London, 1853. Ro. F. C. S. Roper, Esq. Schleidon, J. M., Prof. Principles of Scientific Botany : translated by Dr. Lau- kester. 1859. Schultze, Dr. Max S. Ueber den Organismus der Polj'thalamien. Leipzig, 1854. Schneider, Ant. S^Tiibolas ad Infusoriorum Ilistoriam Naturalem Dissertatio In- auguralis. Berlin, 1854. Sh. or Shadb. G. Shadbolt, Esq. Sill. JoiuTi. Sillimau's American Jom-nal of Science and Arts. S. or Sra. Professor Smith. SBD. or SD. Professor Smith's S^niopsis of British DiatomaceaJ. Stein, F., Prof. Die Infusionsthiere, auf ihre Eutwickelungsgescliichte. EIULVTA, ETC. xi Ti-ansactions of the Pliilosophical Societ)- of Manchester. Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of Bombay. Untersuchungen iiber die Familien der Conjugaten. By Professor de Bory. Van der Hoeven. Lehrbuch der Zootomie. 1850 & 1856. Wag'ner. Zootomie. Wieomann's Archiv. Archiv fiii' Naturgeschichte. Von A. F. A. Wiegmann. Williamson, Prof On the Recent Foraminifera of Great Britain. Ray Society. London, 1857. Zeitschr., or Siebold's Zeitschr. Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Zoologie. Von Cai-1 T. von Siebold imd Albert KoUiker. 1848-59. Note. — The names of Ehreuberg, Dujardin, Perty, and Siebold are frequently mentioned without particular notice of the work quoted ; but the treatises intended are those in which each of those several authors has given a general historj' of Infusoria, and which are named in the above list. So, in the accoimt of the Rhizopoda, Schultze is often quoted, his special work on their -organization being refen-ed to ; and lastly, in the History of the Rotatoria, the opinions of Leydig are all derived from his essays in Siebold's 'Zeitschrift.' For abbreviations employed in Systematic History of Desmidiacese, see p. 721. Note. — The references to the engi-avings in this work are printed thus : (xn. 20.) for Plate XH. fig. 20. EEEATA, ETC. Page 10, line 8 from bottom, dele See Appendix at end. — 218, line 7 from top, for Poraminifiera read Foraminifera. — 243, line 7 from bottom, for peuliarity read peculiarity. — 253, line 3 from top, for Actinophrga read Actinophrys. — 259, line 4 from bottom, for XVIII. read XXIII. — , 316, line 6 from bottom, for Leuekhart read Leuckart. — 324, line 14 from bottom, for Wagener read Wagner. — 470, line 7 from top, for 1855 read 1858. — 535, line 6 from bottom, after figured, insert subsequently. — 726, col. 2, line 20 from bottom, itisert segment 3-lobed, before lateral lobes. — 726, col. 2, Hne 1 1 from bottom, for side read sides. — 729, col. 2, line 25 from bottom, dele comma after surface, and insert after middle — 732, col. 2, line 22 from bottom, for finely read finally. — 735, insert " C. aciculare (West).— Elongated, very slender, straight, except at extre- mities." or — 741, col. 2, transpose reference to figure from S. glohulatum to . Ehrenhergii, tiiberculate ; and the more or less acutely conicsd apices of Closterium, prolonged in some species, as in 0. attenuatum, by an abrupt contraction of the fi'ond into a conical process — in others, as in O. setaceum and C. rostratum, by the gradual tapering of the whole frond — into long rostrate or setaceous beaks. CoLotna. — This is due to the endochrome or internal substance, which is usually of a herbaceous green colour, and often diffused pretty uniformly throughout the fronds, sometimes however leaving intervals at which the enclosing membrane (lorica, Ehr.) becomes visible. This lorica is itself mostly colourless ; yet in several species of Closterium and Penium it has a reddish-brown tint (II. 5, 6, 15). The green colouring matter of the interior is identical with that of plants, i, e. it is chlorophyll or chromule, and con- sequently undergoes a change of coloui* in autumn, becoming, Kke the leaves of plants at that season, a reddish-brown. When this change occurs, it is equally indicative of the termination of Hfe. Consistence. — Envelopes. — The hmiting membrane of Desmidiacese is fli'm, though flexible ; it exhibits some elasticity and considerable resistance to pressure, is not brittle, and not readily decomposable. Traces of silica are found in a few species, but not, says Mr. Ralfs, " in sufficient quantity to interfere with their flexibility." It is Hned by a softer flexible membrane ; and besides this, the DesmidiesB generally have an external mucous or gela- tinous covering, mostly so transparent and homogeneous as to be overlooked. To bring it into view, it is a common plan to add some coloiuing matter to the water in which the organism is viewed ; but good manipulation with a high power will frequently succeed without recourse to this expedient to demonstrate it. The particles of colour diflPused about the frond, and indeed any external bodies, such as small vegetable cells, are seen, not in contact with the fronds, as they would often be if these were naked, but kept at a distance corresponding with the width of the hyaline envelope (I. 15 ; II. 35). In Didymoprium Grevillii and Sfaurastrum tumidum the mucous sheath is distinct and well defined ; " in others (to quote Mr. Balfs) it is more atte- nuated . . . . , and, in general, its quantity is merely sufficient to hold the fronds together in a kind of filmy cloud which is dispersed by the slightest touch. When they are left exposed by the evaporation of the water, this mucus becomes denser, and is apparently secreted in larger quantities to protect them from the effects of drought." The lining or the primordial membrane of the finn lorica is thin, colourless, and highly elastic, and altera its contour with the varying movements of the endochrome which it immediately invests. It is in contact with the out«r case only at some points, mostly about the centre, and being elsewhere free, an interval exists between the two envelopes. This elastic lining is acted on by various chemical reagents ; for instance, it is contracted or coiTugats. ii. p. xiii) :— " The functions of life and growth are not suspended during the act of conjugation; and in consequence self-division may take place at any stage of the process which accompanies the formation of the reproductive body, or the latter process may intrude upon, or arrest any step in the progress of self-divi- sion. " In the first mode of conjugation, as occurring in Epitliemia, &c., self- division may be r^arded as xa. the earliest stage of its progress, which merely involves the separation of the endochrome of the parent frustules into two portions, but does not include such a differentiation of these portions as renders them capable of the conjugative act : the endochrome capable of conjugating with these segregated portions must be sought for in other frustules ; hence the process in these genera involves the presence of two parent frustiiles, and results in the production of two sporangia. " In the second mode, met with in Himantidium, the progress of separa- tion is arrested at a still earlier stage ; no differentiation has taken place, and conjugation intervening, necessitates the union of the entire contents of two parent frustiiles to form a single sporangium. " In the third mode, the progress of the separation of the endochrome in the parent frustule must be considered as so far advanced that complete differentiation has taken place. In every respect but the formation of new valves, self-division has been completed ; the incomplete frustules are there- fore prepared for conjugation, which, intervening at this stage, leads the observer to believe that but one frustule has been concerned in the produc- tion of the siagle sporangium. This we see in Melosira and the other genera mentioned under this class. "And lastly, self-division occurring during the progress of conjugation, the endochrome becomes segregated in the very act of intermingling, and a single frustule, whose contents have been abeady differentiated, gives rise to two sporangia, as in AcJmanthes and Rhahdonema. " Nor is the self-dividing disposition in all cases permanently arrested by the complete formation of the sporangium. Having assumed the form of the parent frustules, with a great increase in size (the enlargement in dimen- sions being in some cases due to the accumulation of the contents of the two conjugating frustules, and in others to a rapid assimilation of nutritive material fi-om the surrounding mediimi), the sporangial fnistule immediately submits to self- division, and by the repetition of this act dcvelopes a series of frustules equal in size to the original product of the conjugating process. This is notably the case in the filamentous species, as may be easily seen in Melosira, in Ortliosira, and in Himantidium. How far this self- division may be carried in the sporangial frastules is at present unknown ; it is pro- bably of short duration, as we rarely meet with any considerable 'number of frustules characterized by the enlarged size of the sporangial form In most cases an arrest of growth, and conscquentiy of self- division, seems imme- diately to foUow the complete formation of the sporangia, and the reproduc- 64 GENERAL HISTORY OF THE INFtTSORIA. tive body assumes the quiescent character which belongs to the seed of the higher plant, its vital function remaining dormant until circumstances favour its further development and the production of the young frustules of which it is the destined parent. " In the gathering of Oocconema Vistula made ia April 1852, which con- tained numerous instances of the conjugating process, I observed the frequent occim-ence of cysts enclosing minute bodies, variable in their number and size, and many of which had the outline and markings of the surrounding forms, and were obviously young frustules of the Cocconema. It would appear from the figures [appended to this account], that the production of the young frustules is preceded by the separation and throwing off of the silicious valves of the sporangium, and the constriction or enlargement of its primordial utricle, according to the number of yoimg frustules originating in its pro- toplasmic contents. In this gathering, forms of every size intermediate between the minutest frustule in the cyst and the ordinary frustules engaged in the conjugating process were easily to be detected ; and the conclusion was inevitable, that the cysts and their contents were spoi'angia of the species with which they were associated, and indicated the several stages of the re- productive process." Since the preceding account of conjugation was wiitten, a valuable, although not a very lucid, contribution on the subject has appeared by Dr. Hofmeister, in the Eeports of the Saxony Natural History Society for 1857, and has been translated by Prof. Henfrey in the A. N. H. for January 1858. Prom this we extract the following as supplementary to the previously- written history of the conjugation-process and of self -fission, as well of the Desmidieae (p.ll) as of the Diatomeae : — " Conjugation is far more rarely met with in the Diatome^ than in the Desmidieag. It appears that this process occurs here only at particular epochs, differing according to the seasons, happening simultaneously in all individuals, and quickly completed. Trequently as indications of conjugation having taken place have been met with (the occurrence of individuals of the same species, of remarkable diversity of size, side by side, in free Diatomeae, e. g. Pinnularia viridis, Surirella bifrons, Staurosigina lacustre, all the year round, besides the occurrence of shorter or longer rows of cells of about double the diameter, in the bands, of the forms remaining connected by the lateral surfaces, e. g. Melosira, Podosira), yet it has seldom happened that they have been met with in the moment of conjugation. " Since the classic researches of Thwaites upon this subject, the knowledge of it has on the whole been but little advanced by the obsei-vations of Focke (conjugation of Surirella), Giiffith (conjugation of Navicida), "W. Smith and Carter (conjugation of Cocconeis, Cymbella, Amphora^. The following cases have been observed ; — " Formation of a single conjugation-cell, dividing very soon after its origin : in Himantidium pectorale, Cymbella Kutzingiana, Cocco- neis Pediculus, Cocconeis Placentula, Qomphonema lanceolatunu Schizoriema Orevillii, Orthosira orichalcea, 0. Bickiei, remarkable from the repeated throw- ing-off' of the coats of the conjugation-cell, the cracked halves of which clothed the conical ends of the conjugation-cell in shape of funnels ; Orthosira va- rians, Surirella bifrons, and a Navicula not specifically determined. Here belongs also the only conjugation of a Diatomacean that I have seen, that of Cyclotella operculata, conjugation-cells of which, mth adherent empty coats of the mother-cells, I found abundantly in ditches of a marshy meadow not far from Leipsic, in October 1852. They were not distinguishable in any essential respect from the Cyclotella Kutzingiana figured by Thwaites. " Next to these cases of the fonnation in the firet place of only one conju- \ OF THE DIATOME.'E. 65 gation-cell, come a series of obsei-vations in which two new cells were seen betAveen the empty conjugated mother-cells, without any convincing evidence being offered of a division of the mother-cells having occurred just before conjugation, as in the cases hereafter to be mentioned, — where, rather, the position of the empty cells in relation to the conjugation-cells, and the affinity of the forms in question to some in which the entii-e development has been observed, render it probable that the unicellular condition of the conjugation- cell has hitherto escaped observation. In this group are to be counted Goc- conema lanceolatum, C. Cistula, Goniphonema dicliotomum, G. lanceolatum, G. marinum,Achnanthes Jongipes,Bhahdonema arcuatum,Oolletonema subcoh(xrens. " In a smaller number of Diatomeae, species of the genera so nearly allied together, Epithemia, Cymhella, and Amphora, the conjugation is immediately preceded by a division of the mother-cells into two, analogous to the division of the cells of Chsterium rostratum when about to conjugate. This division is longitudinal, taking place exactly as in the vegetative division in Cymhella Pediculus, AmjjJwra ovalis, and Epithemia Sorex, but transverse and in a direction crossing that of the vegetative division in Epithemia turgida, E. gihba, and E. verrucosa. " Recent observations show distinctly that the conjugation of the Diatomeas agrees in all essential points with that of the Desmidiefe. "When a cell is about to conjiigate, there is produced in it a coat round the entii'e contents, accurately liiing the old membrane, but not adhering to it. The growth of this coat cracks the old cell-membrane exactly in the same way as occurs in vegetative division. From the fissure the young, smooth coat emerges, in the form of a vesicle, and unites with the similar structtu'e produced by a neigh- bouring cell. Al. Brann thought it must be assumed, from Thwaites's obser- vations, that the primordial utricles of the two conjugating Diatomean cells united ; but that this is not the case, and that a soft and flexible cell-mem- brane, protruded from the cracked, rigid, old shell, encloses the contents destined to be blended with those of the neighboming cell, is distinctly shown by Smith's figiu'e of Rhabdonema arcuatum, and Carter's of Cocconeis Pedi- culus and Amphora ovalis. The introductoiy part of the conjugation is dis- tinguished in no respect from the vegetative cell-division in Epithemia Sorex, Amphora ovalis and Cymhella Pediculus, and, further, in Chsterium rostrat\(,m ; in Epithemia turgida, gihba, and verrucosa, only by a different position of the wall dividing the mother-ceU ; in the rest of the Diatomeae and Desmidiete, by omission of the formation of septa, — frequently, also, by one-sided dehiscence of the cracked mother-cell, whose shells remain stUl connected at one side. " Thwaites's observations established that the cell produced from the conju- gation of two cells of a Diatomacean, very soon after its origin, assiimcd tlio form of the mother-ceU, becoming distinguishable from it almost solely by being twice as large. Smith has endeavom-cd to render it probable that the colonies of young individuals, enclosed in a cyst, of Cocconeis Cistula, Gom- phonema dichotomum, and Synedra radians, some of which he found associated with conjugated, full-grown individuals, must have originated from the divi- sion of the spores (sporanges of Enghsh authors). This hj-pothesis has much in its favour, but, in the present condition of our knowledge, it is inexplicable where the sihcious shells of the spore-ceUs remain. HoAvever this may be, there is no doubt of the occiuTcnce of cysts of this land. In the same pools of a marshy meadow which repeatedly fiu-nished me with conjugated indivi- duals of Cyclotella late in autumn, I found, in early spring of two successive years, globidar cells, each of which enclosed a great number (32 to 40) of small individuals of the same species. The walls of these cells appeared shai-ply defined internally and extemaUy ; the contents of a thin, fluid natm-e 66 GENERAL HISTOKY OF THE IKFTJSOEIA, Structures similar to those represented by Smith, of Synedra radians, occurred in extreme abundance in the end of the autumn of 1854, in company with Synedra Ulna. Here the cells, which, like those observed by Smith in the allied species, had a diseased aspect and an abnonnal arrangement of the coloured contents, were imbedded in a granular jelly, of a reddish colour by transmitted light. I very much doubt whether these last were in a condition capable of further development ; while in reference to the cysts of Cydotella ojpereidata, I share Smith's opinion. " The establishment of the assertion that the commencement of conjugation, in the Desmidieae and Diatomeaj is but little distinguished from the com- mencement of vegetative cell-division, renders some discussion of the latter requisite. Pringsheim has already directed attention to the resemblance of this process in the Desmidieae to the vegetative cell-multiplication of the joints of (Edogonium. In fact, it is an absolutely general phenomenon in the true Desmidieae, so far as observation reaches, that the older parts of the membrane of a cell about to divide, do not, as in other cases (for example, in Zygnemeae), regularly increase in size with the parent-ceU by growth in all (hrections ; but the older, outer layers of the integument spHt open Avith an annular crack at the equator of the cell, shortly after (or during ?) the division. They still remain sticking on, covering the ends of the cell with a thick envelope, but become removed gradually further apart by the interpo- sition of new cellulose between their fractured edges. The interposed new coat is the direct continuation of that which lines the internal surface of the cracked halves of the old shell. It is the margins of the half-shells which constitute the rings, parallel to the end-surfaces, upon the cylindrical lateral surfaces of the cells of Hyalotheca dissiliens and H. mucosa, the wrinkled pro- jections of the membrane in the middle of the deep constriction of the ceU of Micrasterias and the large Euastra, of the flat constriction of the cell of Docidium, as also the ring at the equator of the external surface of Closte- rium : in Closterium and in Docidium, frequently as many as six may be counted, — a phenomenon which, in Docidium tmncatum and the large Clos- teria, may be recognized at fii'st sight as dependent upon a number of halves of cracked cells regularly encasing their successors. *' The dehiscence of the coat of the dividing cell is, in all observed cases, preceded by the formation of the septum dividing the cell into two halves \Cosmarium margaritiferum). The gradual development of tliis from the margin of the ceU-wall inwards, as a gradually- widening annular fold of the innermost layer of the integument, has not yet been observed, and, from analogy vsdth the processes in (Edogonium, is scarcely probable. But, as in (Edogonium, the contents of the cell may be contracted, before the formation of the septum, into two masses, in contact, but separated by a sharp hne of demarcation (two contracted daughter- cells imperfectly cut off from one another, still adhei-ing together at the place of constriction). " From the half-shells of cells of the same Docidium which dehisced under the eye of the obsei-ver, emerged, within half-an-hour, to the extent of -^th or |th of the length of the half-shells, the daughter- cells, still intimately con nected at the point of contact. They could henceforth be perceived to enclosed by a ccUulose coat, firm although delicate. Treated with rcagen strongly extracting water, such as glycerine, one or both of the extruded pieces frequently drew back into the halves of the shells of the mother-cell, the projecting pieces of membrane becoming doubled inwards. The just- emerged coats of the daiighter- cells of Docidium did not take a blue colour when treated with iodized chloride of zinc, while the old halves of the mem- brane of the divided cell assumed the blue colour immediately. OP THE DIATOME^. 67 " In Cosmarium margaritife^nm, and Staurastrum dejectum, it may be easily- observed that a slight elongation of the isthmus, and the fonnation of a septum passing across the middle of this, precede the appearance of new half-cells in the deep constriction. It is after the appearance of the septum that the old wall of the mother- cell breaks by an annular fissure exactly at the place where that septiun is formed. The two halves of the old cell-coat ai-e then separated by the bulging-out of the younger, inner layers of membrane, not fii-mly adherent to the old portions. The new halves are at first lined only by protraded portions of the peUicle of their contents (outermost layer of the parietal coats of protoplasm) belonging to the older half-ceUs ; from the moment only of the dehiscence of the old ceU-coat, does a portion of the granular' contents of the older cell-halves make its way into the new emerging halves. " In like manner, doubtless, occurs the cell- division of Micrasterias, of the large fonns of Euastrum, Cosmarium, Staurastrum, and other Desmidieae, only that they have not been observed completely, because these larger Des- midieas very seldom multiply by division out of their natural stations. The cell-division of the Diatomeae that have hitherto been observed in vegetative multiplication, differs in essential points from that just described. " When a cell of Navicula {Pinnularia) viridis is about to divide, there appears upon one of the secondary sides (front view of English authors), parallel to the primary sides (the furrowed faces of the cell having an elon- gated eUiptical outline), an annular rim, which, growing gradually inwards, constricts the contents of the cell by an annular furrow, in a manner exactly similar to that of the commencement of cross- division in a cell of Cladophora. When a ceU in this state is treated with substances producing slight endos- mosis (for instance, a weak solution of carbonate of ammonia), the contents retract on both sides from the annular rim, and constitute two completely separate cell-like structures (halves of a primordial utricle), each of a very long eUipsoidal form, and each lying close against one of the primary sides {faces of halves) of the cell. When the annular lim has grown inwards to about the sixth part of the shortest diameter of the cell, its development is arrested. In natural conditions, this stage is succeeded by the retraction of the primordial utricle from it. Each of these halves of the ceU-contents becomes clothed, on the side turned away from the primary side of the cell, with a new membrane, which soon exhibits the first indications of the pecu- liar thickening ribs and nodules of one of the primary sides of our Pinnularia The ceH has now completed its division. Seen from one of the secondary sides, it contains two new individuals, equal to the mother-ceU in length and breadth, but only possessing one-thii'd of its thickness. The externally- situated primary side of each of them is the old primary side of the mother- cell, to which we must imagine the newly-formed membrane of the daughter- cell closely adherent at all points. Perhaps the narrow secondary sides of the new cells may be in the same condition. But the contiguous primary sides of the daughter- cells are totally new stmctures, which, developed rapidly, in a short time become similar to the old primary sides in eveiy part. The two daughter- cells are at fii'st held together by the broad middle piece of the secondary sides of the mother-cell, bearing the above-mentioned annular rim inside. The contents of the intermediate space consist of a transparent fluid destitute of any solid structiu-es, doubtless pure water. The two daughter- cells are finally set free by the gradual ' weathering ' of the zone-membrane which holds them together. The division of Surirella bifrons takes place exactly in the same way. An essentially similar kind of vegetative multipli- cation is widely diflfused, if not general, in the Diatometo. The well-known F 2 68 GENERAL HISTORY OF THE INFUSOHTA. phenomenon of the formation of a tubular membrane, often impregnated vath silex, and elegantly dotted or areolated, connecting the tn-o segments of Isthmia, Mclosira, &e., depends upon the same process. ^' An analogous case is met with in the fonnation of the spores of Pellia epiphylla. The mother-cell here produces six ridges of cellulose projecting inward from the internal wall, intersecting at an angle of fiO° ; these ridges grow in toward the middle point of tho cell, Hke the annular ridge of Cla- doj)hora at the commencement of cell-division. When these projecting ridges have attained the breadth of a fourth part of the transveree diameter of the mother-cell, the cell-contents divide into four parts, which, retracting from one another and from those ridges, occupy tho four chambers of the cell, each of which is vaulted externally and bounded laterally by thi-ee of the ridges, — here becoming coated with a membrane and developed into a spore, while the tetrahedral space in the middle of the cell, bounded by the six ridges, remains filled only with waterj' fluid. The spores become free by the solution of the enveloping part of the membrane of the mother- ceU. The resemblance of this process to the vegetative multiplication of Navicula consists in the inter- niption of the division of the cell by the formation of septa, and the subse- quent completion of the daughter-cells by secretion of membrane on the external surface of contracted portions of the contents of the mother-cell. A deviation occurs in the circumstance that in Pellia the segment of the coat of the mother-cell which is in contact with the external surface of the daughter- cell becomes dissolved, while in Navicula it persists and remains most inti- mately connected with the daughter-ceU. " The newly-formed parts of the cell- coat facing together in the division are, in the Diatomese, and still more clearly in the Desmidiese, perfectly smooth and even for some time after their production ; it is subsequently that they obtain the often very considerable tubercles and spines, consisting principally of cellulose. The same applies to the processes upon the outer integimient of the spores of Euastra, Cosniaria and Staurastra produced in the conjugation. These phenomena, as also the autumnal secretion of jeUy by many of the Desmidiese, desei've more notice than they have hitherto attracted in connexion with the theory of the life of the vegetable cell. Still more remarkable behaviour is displayed by the cell-coat of an organism which I refer only doubtfully to the Desmidieae. In many pools about Leipsic, in which Desmidiete aboimdcd, occuiTed large, accurately spherical, thick-walled cells, some as much as -05 millim. in diameter, rich in chlorophyll, which not only Hned the internal wall as a connected granular layer, but — as in many Desmidiese — fonned groups, distributed, in the interior of the cell, in a system of radially-aiTanged plates, which presented a stellate appearance when seen from the side. It would be no great stretch of imagination to regard these cells as the conjugation- spores of a large Desmidiean. But these spores are all spiny, with, the single exception of those of XanthicUum armatum. This veiy sti-iking form occiu-s but rarely with us, having hitherto been found only in a single locality, while these globules are as common as they are abundant, and are often found in great numbers in forest pools, which harbour, in addition to them, only very small Desmidieee. But such a supposition is still more decidedly negatived by the circumstance that the cells in question are sometimes found chvidinc: into two. This renders it in the highest degree probable that they are inde- pendent organisms — Desmidiese -ndthout a central constriction, which mny form the commencement of a series of fonns terminating in Micrasterias. " These cells frequently appear suiTounded by a wider coat, inside wliich the coll then floats freely, enclosed by its own closely-investing coat. Several such empty coats arc often met with, even as many as six sticking one inside OF THE DI.VTOMEiE. G9 another. Close investigation shows that the broader empty coats have an orifice, towards the border of which the membrane grows gradually thinner. These holes have not the aspect of perforations of the outer walls thi-ough external injury ; they rather resemble the orifices of the walls of Cladophora, through which the swai-ming-spores escape. It might be conjectured that the plant multiplied by swarming-spores, and that solitaiy ones becoming developed inside the empty coat of the mother-cell gave rise to that appear- ance; but this is contradicted by the great frequency of their occiu-rence, as also by the circumstance that we never find a number of green cells inside one cell-coat. It is more probable that the contents of the cell contract, and become coated with a new membrane, when the old one is perforated, — by unknown causes, which perhaps lie in the course of development of the species. " If we seek to bring the phenomena introductory to vegetative cell-mul- tiplication under one point of view with the preparations for conjugation, we find that, in the Desmidieas, iu both cases a new membrane is formed around the total contents of the ceU, wliich indeed lies close upon the old coat at all points, but by no means adhei'es to it, as we are accustomed to conceive of the so-called layers of thickening of the ceU-waU. The growth of the young membrane cracks the stronger old one — ^in vegetative cell-multiplication always in an annular form, in conjugation, mostly in a one-sided manner, with a valve-hke slit (ffi/alotheca dissiliens ; Glosterium). At this stage first occurs a distinction between the two processes of develoj^ment, — the formation of a septum taking place in ceU-division, while in conjugation the protruding part of the young membrane continues to enlarge outwards, without, in many cases, any separation of the contents into two halves taking place. The younger, innennost layer of membrane remains with that portion lining the old ceU-coat, sticking whoUy in this in Hyalotheca, Bambusina, Cosmarium. ■ But even in individuals of species of the last genus it sometimes occurs, in Tetmemorus and Olosteriiim (e. g. C. acutum) as a rule (although by ; no means without exception), that the ends of the connected inner coats of I the conjugating cells draw themselves out of the cast-off" shells of the mother- i cells, in extreme cases entirely ; so that the cell originating by the blending of the internal coats of two individuals (inside which the spore is formed) i becomes capable of being rounded off into a sphere. " Both the ceU-division and the preparation for conjugation of Zygnomeaj '. are distinguished from the processes in Desmidiese by the circimistance that I in the former the wall of the oldest cells grows in its entire mass, and does ■ not allow the youmger layers of membrane to protrude tkrough fissures or '■■ slits. " In the Diatomese, lastly, the division into two, like the conjugation, takes ! place, seemingly, in aU cases, through and after a preparatory contraction of I the contents or separate portions of the contents of the cells ; and in not a I few cases the conjugation takes place during, and is accompanied by, division of the contracted contents into two portions. What import for the life of the •species has the conjugation of the Zygnemca;, Desmidieae, Palmcllete (Pal- imor/loea), and Dcsmidieaj? Our knowledge of the race of Alga3, so iraport- ■ antly advanced by the labours of Pringsheim and Cohn, should allow a more I positive answer to this question than that inquirer, to whom the study owes I most briUiant acquisitions, is inclined to give. The idea of sexuality of tlie 1 lower Alga3 depends principally upon the perfectly justifiable, but still only . analogical conclusions which, starting from tlic obsei-vations made during a ■ century on the Phanerogamia, have advanced, through the intermediation of I those, lees numerous, on the Vascular Cry|)togamia and Muscincfe, and the 70 GENEEAL niSTOBY OF THE INFTJSOEIA. I facts established in Facits by experiment of aitificial separation or irnion of the sexes, to the (Edogonia, Vaucheria, Splmroplea and Volvox. Pringsheim's declaration, that physiological questions of such a kind as the necessity of the action of the fecundating matter in generation can only be certainly decided by the observation of mor^ihological processes, -will not be adopted. Expe- liment has long ago proved the existence of sexes in the Phanerogamia, before the penetration of the pollen-tube into the ovule, and its relation to the germinal vesicle, had been made out,— observations which that theory really no longer required for the establishment of its main question. And if, among so many confirmatory experiments, a few negative results present themselves, in what branch of human knowledge do we not meet with similar phenomena ? The general rules of evidence hold good in such cases. " The same analogies, then, which lead us to recognize a fecundation in the penetration of the spermatic body of CEclogonium into the mother-cell of the spore, in the mixture of that body with the contracted contents of the mother-cell of the spore (with Pringsheim's ' fecundation-globule '), must necessai-ily lead us to regard conjugation as a fecundation. It is distinguished from the process in CEdogonium only by the fact that the portions of cell- contents which become blended into one cell are of equal size, and that there is not one of them provided with apparatus by means of which, like the spermatic body of CEdogonium by its cilia, it is moved onward until it reaches the cell to be fecundated, — both points, evidently, of no essential importance. " The sporangial frustiiles differ in general fi'om the parent forms not merely in size, but also in the number of striae or of other markings, and to some slight degree in outline. Such variation, M. Thuret contends, proves the phe- nomenon of conjugation to be, not a true mode of reproduction, but only ' a second mode of multiplication of fmstules, very curious and very abnormal.' " In the immatiu-e condition, we are informed by Mr. Thwaites, it happens that the sporangia in many species resemble in general characters the mature frustules of another species or even of an allied genus. Thus the sporangia of Gomphonema minutissimum (XI. 17) and of G. dichotomum have a close resemblance to the frustules of Cocconema. On the other hand, in some genera, as in Cocconema, the sjjorangia take on at once the exact characters of the ordinary frustules, from which they differ only in their exceeding that of the majority of the latter in dimensions. " When a sporangiiim in a transitional condition is like the fnistule of another genus, we are assisted in distinguishing its true nat\ire and affinity, oftentimes, by the persistence of the mucus diffased around it ; or by continued observa- tion we may witness its assimiption iiltimately of its true specific characters, including the development of its pedicle or stalk, where the possession of such an organ is a characteristic (as in Gomphonevia)." The above fact suggests it as very probable that transitional forms have been described as particular species, or located in wrong genera. Thus Mr. Thwaites thinks that Kiitzing's Epithemia vertagus is no other than the sporangium of Eunotia turgida, and also that the enlarged frustules of the Melosirece, which that same writer had conjectiu-ally regarded as reproductive bodies, are in fact the sporangial product of conjugation, and give rise to a chain of frustiiles larger than those from which they had themselves originated. The subsequent histoiy of the sporangial fmstules on being matiired is not satisfactorily made out. Prof Smith has the following on the question (J. M. S. 1855, p. 131) : — " The ordinary Diatomaceous fnistule seems to owe its production to the protoplasmic contents of the sporangial fnistule formed by the process of conjugation. These sporangia, like the seeds of higher OP THE BlATOMEiE. 71 plants, often remain for a long period dormant, and are borne about by cur- rents or become imbedded in the mud of the waters in which they have been produced, until the circumstances necessary to their development concur to call them iuto activity. At such times their sHicious epiderms open to per- mit the escape of the contained endochrome, which is resolved into a myriad of embryonic frustules ; these either remain free or suiTound themselves with mucus, foi-ming a pellicle or stratimi, and in a definite but unascertained period reach the mature fonn of the ordinary frustule," when their fui'ther growth appears almost entirely aiTCsted by the production of the silicious coat, and when multiplication by self-division provides for the continuation of individual life. To continue the quotation, " The size of the mature fi-ustule before self-division commences is, however, dependent upon the idiosyncrasy of the embryo, or upon the circumstances in which its embryonic growth takes place ; consequently a very conspicuous diversity in their relative magnitudes may be usually noticed in any large aggregation of individuals, or in the same species collected in different locahties." The behef that the contents of the sporangia! frustules resolve themselves into a ' brood' of Diatoms, having the same form and specific characters as the original parent-cells. Prof. Smith establishes by the following observations made by himself {Synopsis, vol. ii. p. xv) : — " In the gathering of Cocconema Cistula made in April 1852, which contained numerous instances of the con- jugating process, I observed the frequent occurrence of cysts enclosing minute bodies variable in their number and size, and many of which had the outline and markings of the surrounding forms and were obviously young frastules of the Cocconema. It would appear that the production of the yoimg frastules is preceded by the separation and throwing off of the sihcious valves of the sporangium and the constriction or enlargement of its piimordial utricle, according to the number of young frustules originating in its protoplasmic contents. In this gathering, forms of every size, intermediate between the minutest frustule in the cyst and the ordinary frustules engaged in the conjugating process, were easily to be detected ; and the conclusion was inevitable, that the cysts and their contents were sporangia of the species with which they were associated, and indicated the several stages of the reproductive process." Again, in a gathering of Synedra radians, although not found at the time in a congregating state, yet the appearance of the cysts and of their contents was equally characteristic of the reproductive process. That such a " cystoid condition is one stage in the normal development of its reproduc- tion," a subsequent examination in a distant locahty satisfied him. The prosecution of this inquiry into the final changes of the sporangial frustules is seriously impeded by the dissolution of the investing mucus and the consequent dispersion of the reproductive bodies. Thirty-two species of the Diatomca3 have been observed in the act of con- jugation, belonging to the genera Epithemia, Cocconeis, Cocconema, Cymbetta, Cyclotella, Gomphonema, Himantidium, Achnanthes, Bhahdonema, Melosira, Navicula, Siirirella, Ampliora, Orthosira, Encyonema, CoUetonema, and ScJiizo- nema. On this paucity compared -with the number of known genera, Prof. Smith has the following explanatory remarks {Synops. n. p. xi) : — "One reason for the paucity of observations on this process in the Diatomere is no doubt to be found in the changes which usually take place in the condition of these organisms at this period of their existence. During conjugation the proo-ress of self-division is aiTcsted, the general mucous envelope or stratum produced dunng self-division is dissolved, and the conjugating paira of fnistules become detached from the onginal mass ; they are thus more readily borne away and 72 GENEfiAL HISTOllY OF TUE INFTJSOBIA, dispersed by tlio surrounding currents or the movements of worms and in- sects, and their detection becomes in consequence more casual and difficult. By far the greater number of the species I have mentioned belong to those genera whose fi-ustules are adherent, or attached by stipes to foreign bodies, or which form continuous filaments or aggregated frondose expansions. Not more than four, viz. Oydotella Kutzingiana, Navicula firma, Amphora ovalis, and Cymhella Pediculus, are to be regarded as free fonns : the reason I have just given will account for this circumstance ; and the larger propoilion of adherent or frondose species detected in conjugation may doubtless be ascribed to the firmer position conferred upon such forms by the presence of these accessory methods of attachment and adhesion, while the filaraentous species, being usually aggregated in considerable masses or entangled amidst the branches of the larger Algce, are also less liable to dispersion." Another mode of development, first pointed out by Mr. Ralfs in his early contributions to the histoiy of the Diatomeae {A. N. H. 1843), by an internal gemmation or j^roduction of cells approaching in physiological features to self-division, appears to prevail in at least some instances. It is alluded to by Prof. Smith, when speaking of the Meridion circulare {op. cit. 7). He met with a variety of fiiistules, which upon a close examination, especially in a Hving state, led him to the conviction " that the appearance of a double wall of silex is owing to the formation within the original fi-ustule of a second perfect cell, instead of the usual mode of division by which the origiual fnistule is divided into two half -new cells .... In the present case, the central veseicle or cyto- blast becomes enlarged without division, and secretes on its extension two new valves, which are pushed outwards until they He in close approximation with the original valves. This process is not always repeated ; the usual mode of self-division again reciu's, and two valves are formed in the interior of this new cell according to the normal method. . . .This unusual method of development is not, however, sufficiently constant to warrant the separation of such frustules from the species in which it occurs, perhaps hardly sufficient to constitute a variety, as frustules in both the ordinary and abnoiTnal states may be met with in the same gathering and even in the same filament." Himantidium Soleirolii is another species producing internal cells, which Prof. Smith quoted, remarking that he had no doubt it is merely an accidental modification of cell-growth, since, in the same filament, cells thus formed may be frequently found along mth others foUowing the nonnal mode of self-divi- sion. In Odontidium anomalum, this variety is in fact the usual condition of the frustules, and the ordinary mode of self-division is but rarely to be met -with. A remarkable instance of this abnormal development presented itself to Prof. Smith in Achnanthes snbsessilis, in wliich " the formation of a cell interior to the original one had proceeded thi-ough sevend successive stages, and the result is a compound frustule, consisting of the mother-cell and a number of included cells, each successive development being embraced by the others previously formed." Mr. Ralfs has recently (J. M. S. 1857, p. 14) recun-cd to the subject of tliis plan of reproduction, and has found himself obliged to differ fi-om Prof. Smith in some particulars. He writes : " Although it is true that ' we frequently find in the same filament cells thus formed, and othera foUowing the nonnal mode of growth,' as I formerly showed, yet I cannot agree to Prof. Smith's statement under liimantklium Soleirolii, that ' there is no doubt of its being merely an accidental modlfieation of ceU-growth.' On the contrarj-, I beheve it to be a reproductive state of the species, and consequently to have a definite and important part in their economy. " For several years I have attentively watched the circumstances connected \ OF THE DIATOMEiE. 73 ■ndth the formation of these inner cells in Himantidium undulatum, by gathering specimens at shoi-t intei-vals. Dnriag great part of the -winter, the filaments increase in bulk, by repeated division of the frustules, untU they form large masses, filling the ditches ; at length the inner cells make their appearance, at fii'st spaiingly ; but as spiing advances, it is difficult, in many situations, to obtain a filament Tvithoiit them. I have found that when these become abimdant, the filaments cease to grow, and the entii-e mass soon breaks up and disappears. The same thing happens in the other species of Himan- tidium, and in Meridion. " I do not find that the inner cell commences in the centre and pushes its valves outn^ai-ds, as stated by Prof. Smith. Were this the case, the internal matter also would necessarily be pushed outwards by the advancing valves, and thus condensed between them and the walls of the frastule. On the contrary, in the Himantidium the internal matter, before nearly fluid, collects within the new cell, becomes dense and more granular, and the new walls are formed round it in the sitiTation they are to occupy, leaving an empty space between them and the walls of the frustule. " The alteration and condensation of the colouring matter, and the ap- pearance, or at least great increase of vesicles, have a strong resemblance to what takes place previous to the formation of sporangia, the completion of which, as in this case, usually preludes the death and disappearance of the mass. " As in most acknowledged sporangia, the cell thus formed always tends to assume an oval or orbicular form. It, however, is very frequently, and perhaps generally, divided in halves, as in the fission of the frustules, so that the oval seems made up of two neighboimng frustules ; but this is not the case, as may readily be ascertained by noticing the marginal puncta of the original frustule. " Do these newly- constituted cells ever continue to divide, as Prof. Smith supposes ? I beheve not ; at least I have never seen a specimen in which the semi-elliptic portions were separated by the interposition of other valves resembhng either themselves or those of the ordinary fiiistule. For my o^vn part, I have been unable to trace the species after the formation of these cells, owing to the qiiickly succeeding disappearance of the mass. If, indeed, this renewed division does occui', the resemblance to what takes place in the sporangia of some species of Melosira would be increased. " Prof. Smith, in his most interesting and valuable account of the * Repro- duction in the Diatomacese,' enumerates foiu" modes in which sporangia are fonned. The third is thus defined : — " ' The valves of a single frustule separate ; the contents, set free, rapidly increase in buUi, and finally become condensed into a single sporangium.' " As far as regards the Melosira varians, the only one in this group which I have had an opportunity of noticing, I believe the process is essentially the same as in the examples already described. The only diff'crcnce is, that the new-formed cell being inflated, and much larger than the original frustule, the valves of the fnistule must necessarily be cither mptured or pushed apart by the increasing growth of the sporangium, and the latter alternative happens. " I have seen no specimen of Mr. Brightwcll's Clicetoceros Wighamii, but from his figures I bcHcve the goniothecia-like bodies constitute another example of tlic formation of internal cells. " I have said that I consider these internal cells sporangia, and cssentiaUy of the same nature as the inflated ones of Melosira variam. At the same time we .should not forget that Mr. Thwaitcs discovered the Himantidium pectmah in a truly conjugated state, and that it is contrary to our experience 74 GENERAL HISTOHT OJ? THE INFtJSOEIA. of the economy of nature that the same result should be obtained in the same species in two different ways." M. Focko has satisfied himself of the rej^roduction of some species of Navi- culce (A. N. H. 1855, 237) by a strange complication of the phenomena of " alternation of generation" and conjugation. Navicula hifrons, for example, forms, he says, by the spontaneoiLS fission of its internal substance, spherical bodies which, like gemmules, give rise to Surirella microcora. These by conjugation produce N. splendida, which gives rise to N. hifrons by the same process. This last act of gemmation has been obsei-ved by the author in aU its phases. He saw two specimens of N. splendida, enveloped in a soi't of mucosity, open and evacuate the whole of their contents, which sei-ved to form a N. bifroiis. The production of the reproductive bodies by the latter wa.s also obsei-ved ; but their development into Surirella microcora, and the pro- duction of sjplendida by conjugation, rest solely on the inductions of the author. These facts require revision and confirmation, but they are, nevertheless, worthy of the attention of observers, and appear to point to phenomena quite as singular as those which have been revealed to us within the last few years by the study of the reproduction of so many of the lower animals. They, in fact, present in a manner the converse of the phenomena exhibited in the ordinary alternation of generation, as several germs or eggs are necessary for the production of the last individual of the cycle. Kiitzing has surmised the existence of another mode of development, viz. by germs or spores prepared from the gonimic contents of the fnistules. This method of propagation was indeed comprehended in Ehrenberg's doctrine that much of the granular contents were ova ; an hypothesis started rather to biing the structure of the Diatomese in accordance with the generally assumed poly- gastric organization, than to explain any observed phenomena, comphcated as it also was with other suppositions of fecundating male glands or seminal vesicles and a sexual discharging orifice. Eabenhorst (SUssivasser-Diatom. p. 3) has followed up Kiitzing's suggestion, and afiii-ms that the fnistules of Diatomeae swell up in a vesicular manner and become filled with a greater or less number of cells, which at first have an irregular figure, but subsequently assume a regular oval shape. This having happened, the cells move in a current from right to left within the cavity of the parent- ceU, which by-and-by sphts open and emits its progeny, each of which has, at an anterior clear space, two long projecting cilia. For a very short time these germs enjoy a swarming movement, and afterwards, on becoming stationary, attain with extreme rapidity, or even sm-jjass, the size of the parent-cell, which is itself destroyed in the act. This plan of reproduc- tion by the development of a brood of young organisms within a parent-ceU, or, in more technical terms, this fonnation of active gonidia (microgonidia), prevails ia many of the lower Alga3, and consequently has no d-priori argu- ment against it. However, as Prof. Smith remarks, " Its occurrence in the Diatomeae cannot be received as estabhshcd without fm-thcr obscrs-ation and a more careful record of the phenomena attending its progress" (op. cit. vol. ii. p. xvii). Eabenhorst has illustrated this mode of development in only one species of Melosira, although he puts it forward in a general manner as if tnie of all the Diatomeaj. Indeed it occiu's to us that it is not a special and othcndse unobsei-ved process of reproduction, but merely that variety of the act of con- jugation dcsciibed by Mr. Thwaitcs in the genus Melosira, in which a change in the endochromc of ii .single fnistule, attended by an increase of contents and a consequent enlargement — such as is intimated in llabenhoi-st's account — OF THE DIATOMEiE. 75 converts it into a sporangium. Beyond tHs stage, Mr. Tliwaitcs docs not appear to have foUowed the sporangial frustule so generated ; but, assuming the correctness of Prof. Smith's hypothesis of the generation and subsequent evolution of numerous minute frustulcs within it, do we not find a precisely analogous phenomenon with that which Eabenhorst represents as an addi- tional mode of propagation, or with what Focke (see preceding page) describes as the foi-mation of gemmules out of the internal substance, and theii- sub- sequent discharge? The supplementaiy phenomenon of alternation with change of specific foim, included in the statement of the latter observer, even if confii-med, will not affect the general analogy presumed. _ Habitats. — Appearance in masses, abundance, geographical distribution. — Fossil Diatomece. — Existence in the atmosphere. — Practical lises and appli- cations of the Diatomece.— The habitats and the distribution of the DiatomeiS, both in time and space, are the most extensive, various, and wide, 'of all organic beings. In fresh, in salt, and in brackish waters they are alike found ; they exist abundantly in a Hving state about the roots of plants and diffused in moist earth ; they are also to be met with in the dust of the atmosphere and in meteoric products. They are, in fine, inhabitants of earth, a,ir, and water. When no longer ahve, their silicious skeletons preserve their form and constant characters, uninjured by most of the causes which obliterate the remains of other Hving beings. They are so preserved in most of the rocks above the oldest primary — in aU, indeed, in which intense heat has not operated to fuse sUica into a molten mass. At the present day they are ejected from the bowels of the earth in the lava, ciuders, and ashes of vol- canos, and are borne about by the winds from one continent to another in showers of dust. In respect of habitat, the Diatomeas are divisible iato marine and fresh- water species ; some indeed are common to both fresh and salt water, or exist in brackish water. The following account of the habitats of Diatomeee, illustrated by reference to particular examples, is from the experienced pen of Mr. Ralfs, who has supphed us with it : — " The Diatomeffi may be obtained at all seasons of the year, but are most plentiful in spring and summer, many of them indeed beiug limited to that period ; thus the species of Micromega and Schizonema are, with few excep- tions, in perfection only in May and June, when they are met with in shel- tered situations, forming wide patches on the ground and on the flat surfaces of rocks exposed at ebb-tide. About the end of May the Enteromorpha compressa, so common on our shores, often seems as if faded at the end ; this appearance is frequently accompanied by the presence of Gh-ammonema Jur- gensii, which is easily recognized by its slippery feel, when from its pale colour it would otherwise escape detection. " At aU seasons of the year, the smaller and more slender Algae, marine and freshwater, as soon as they attain maturity, become almost invariably covered with parasitic Diatomea3, which impart to them a brownish colom*. In this way we obtain species of Oocconeis, Achnanthes, Striatella, Tabellaria, Orammatophora, Isthmia, Gomphonema, Podosphenia, Rhipidophora, and Synedra. On the contrary, Amphitetras and Biddidphia prefer the muddy crevices iu the sheltered sides of perpendicular rocks. " In salt marshes we may expect to find the Achnanthes sidmssilis on the slender filaments of Enteromorpha, but so sparingly as hardly to discolour them. The species of Epiihemia are parasitic on Gladophora, both in brackish and in freshwater pools. The Melosirm are common in marshes, especially at the mouths of large rivers, where they form Conferva-Iiko brownish masses. " Many of the unattached Diatomcaj are produced in dark brown patches ^6 OENEHAL HISTORY OF THE INFUSOHIA, at the bottom of pools, or on the surface of mud ; the freshwater species often by the road-side ; the marine forms usually near high-water mark. Am- phipleura injlexa and A. scalaris congregate, in large brown stains or spots, on the muddy sides of rocks, whilst other species, for instance Campylodiscus, and Coscinodiscus concinnus, form similar collections, but prefer more shady situations. " The sides of ditches in brackish marshes are very proMc, especially after spring-tides, and in situations not again covered until the next high-tides. "We may expect to gather in such places species of Surirella, Navicula, Pleu- rosigma, Ceratoneis, Amphiprora, Ampliora, &c. The soil about the roots of rushes and of other plants inhabiting salt marshes often afford interesting forms, but seldom in abundance. We find there species of Coscmodisais and of Zygoceros ; but such are obtained more abundantly fi'om the mud or from the washings of bivalve shells brought up from deep water or collected at the mouths of rivers. Oyster-beds are in general productive. The Bacillaria paradoxa inhabits ditches in which the water is nearly fresh, and is frequently obtainable from the scum driven from the surface to the banks. " Pew Diatomese are peculiarly autumnal ; we have, however, gathered Homoeodadia Martiana, Berlceleya fragilis, DicJcieia pinnata, and StriaUUa unipunctata, chiefly at that season. " On warm summer days, Diatomeas, with various microscopic Algse and Pungi, rise to the surface of water by the disengaged oxygen gas still ad- hering to them and buoying them up, and there form a deHcate film or a scum, and at times even a layer of considerable thickness. Such collections are rich in species of Navicula, Gymbella, Surirella, and Synedm. When an entangled larger mass is formed, there is usually one prevailing species. Specimens of Fragilaria are generally found on decaying wood or leaves, or amongst Conferva3 difiused in the water. From the drainings of Spliagnum may often be obtained Synedra biceps and various species of Himantidium, Boggy soil, especially when situated on a slope, afibrds various species of Epi- themia and Navicula ; so likcAvise does the soft matter on rocks on which water constantly trickles. Washings from oysters and the refuse raised by trawlers are usually rich in spheres of Coscinodiscus, Actinoptychus, Pleurosigma, Di- ploneis, Navicula, Dictyoclia, &c. The same kind of washings from sheltered harbours give Surirella fastuosa, Aidiscus sculptus, together with species of Gampylodiscus, Triceratimn, &c. Washings of corallines are likewise some- times productive." Mr. Norman supplies us mth the following hints : — " The most interesting forms occur in salt water, especially in shallow lagoons, saltwater marshes, estuaries of rivers, pools left by the tide, &c. Their presence in any abun- dance is shown by the colour they impart to the aquatic plants they are attached to ; or when found on mud, by the yeUo-n-ish-brown film they form on the surface, and which, if removed with a spoon without distui-bing the mud, wiU be found a vciy pure deposit. Such collections are best put at once in bottles, or even partially dried and wrapped in pieces of paper or tin-foil. Wlien placed in bottles, a few drops of spirit are advantageously added. In all cases it is essential that the locality Avhence obtained should be plainly written on each package. Capital gatherings arc obtainable by cai-efully scraping the broAvnish-colourcd layer from mooring-posts, or the piles of wharfs or jetties. " In clear running ditches, the plants and stones have often long streamers of yeUowish-brown slimy matters adliering to them, generally composed almost whoUy of filamentary species. The layers of Diatomaccous fi'onds on the surface of mud arc often covered with bcad-hkc bubbles of oxygen, which OF THE DIATOMTIJn. 77 from time to time rises to the smface of the water and carries up with it some of the deposit in the form of a scum, which gets blown to lecAvard, and may be readily collected from the edge of the pond quite free from particles of mud and other impvuities. " Good and rare specimens have been obtained from the stomachs of Ho- lothmidfe and other Mollusca which inhabit deep water, and are often thrown on shore after severe gales of wind. These animals may be merely dried and presei-ved just as found, and the contents of the stomach obtained afterwards by (hssection. Shells and stones, covered with seaweed, &c., from deep water, also afford most interesting and little-known forms. The rougher these are, the better (they ought by no means to be cleaned). Deep-sea soundings (especially those from great depths) should be preserved ; for they are often exclusively Diatomaceous, " Very rare species have often been formed in immense quantities in the arctic and antarctic regions by melting the ' pancake ice,' rendered brownish by these microscopic shells. The sea is also often observed discoloured with brownish patches, which should be collected, and the water filtered through blotting-paper or cotton wool : the residuum will frequently tiun out to be composed of Diatomefe. It is also highly interesting to collect and examine the impalpable dust which occasionally falls into the folds of the sails of ships at sea." Scallops and other Mollusca often contain rich and rare collections in their stomachs. In Ascidia (e. g. Phallusia sulcata, Ascidia mentula) Mr. Norman and the Eev. R. CressweU found an abundant source. Mr. Norman adds, in a further note kindly sent us — " The Ascidians, whose stomachs are almost always so loaded with Diatotaiaceous frustules, are to be found abundantly on the shells of oysters dredged 'in deep water, and readily procurable from the trawlers. " The Saljpce (found so abundantly floating on the surface of the sea in warm latitudes) afford very pure gatherings. The roots of the various species of mangrove, growing in the dense swamps of rivers and estiiaries in the tropical regions of Afiica, AustraUa, and the Eastern Ai'chipelago, are said to be fi'e- quently covered with a brownish mucous shme very rich in Diatomeee. I have also obtained very pure gatherings from the roots of the Dutch rushes, as imported, and from the Zostera marina from the Baltic, used for stuffing beds, &c., by upholsterers. Stones, moreover, brought as ballast fi-om abroad, wiU amply pay the diligent collector by yielding foreign and perhaps rare species. The roots of aquatic plants from tropical countries, stored in her- baria, would, if properly examined, yield many interesting forms of Diatoms." Indeed we may add, generally, that the roots of land plants, particularly of mosses, lichens, &c., growing around trees on the ground, or upon them, are fniitful in Diatomcaj, and, in fact, of some of the rarer fomis. In the Number of the Microscopical Transactiom just published (July 1858, p. 79), Col. Baddeley notes the occurrence of Diatoms in considerable numbei-s iri the Noctiluca miliaris. They are the chief constituents of a mass of dark matter near the nucleus, and lie in the so-called vacuoles, into which they enter from the mouth. This occurrence suggests an easy method of obtaining different marine species of Diatometc in their natural state, often alive, and with their endochrome perfect. The Colonel cUscovered in this way several rarer species, and gives a Hst of nearly 50 which he identified, besides not a few forms of whose trae name he was uncertain. To extract the Diatoma ceous mass from the interior of the Noctilmce, Col. Baddeley recommends that the seawater and its hving freight bo poured, on arriving homo in a white hand-basin, and be let stand for an hour or two. '< Tliis rough treat- 78 GENERAL HISTOET OF THE INFUSOUIA. ment causes these creatures to disgorge their food ; and if, after an interval, tlio water be carefully f)om'ed off, a sediment will be found at the bottom' which will consist of Diatoms mixed with some refuse." Dr. Donkin lately {T. M. S. 1858, p. 11) caUed attention to the occurrence of that rare form, Syndendrium diadema, in the stomach of the lobster, and in a subsequent paper {op. cit. p. 14) alludes to the abundant deposit of living Diatoms upon the sands at the sea-side, in the following paragraph : — " Professor Smith states that ' the shallow pools left by the retiring tide at the mouths of oiu: larger rivers ' are the favourite habitat of marine species. But such localities I have found not to be half so prolific in species a.s the sands of still hays, on the shore, ivhere they are exposed by the reflux of the tide, at a distance correspondinc/ with the half-tide margin. In these places, where the sands are sloping towards the sea, and grooved out into smaU fim-ows, filled with salt water oozing out from behind, the abundance of Diatoms aggregated into a living mass imparts to the surface of the sand different hues of chestnut and oHve, the difference of coloui- being due to the nature of the species present. These coloured patches, it is interesting to observe, are, during the sunshine, studded with numei-ous minute air- bubbles, undoubtedly given off by the Diatoms themselves. " To separate the Diatoms thus detected, from the surface of the sand, I found to be impossible. I therefore seized hold of the nearest bivalve shell which happened to lie in the way, and with this I carefully scooped up the surface of the coloui-ed sand. This I emptied into a wide-mouthed, stoppered bottle, capable of holding eight ounces, until half full ; the other half of the bottle I filled up with salt water. I then shook the whole briskly and allowed the bottle to stand for a short period. The sand, being composed entirely of fine round grains of quartz and the minute fragments of shells, settled at the bottom in a few seconds, leaving the Diatoms all suspended in the water above, and forming by their abundance a chestnut-coloured cloud, but not more than 1 part in 1000 of the whole sand collected. The coloured water was then poured into another bottle, and formed the gathering, while the sand was thrown away. The Diatoms, in their turn, were separated from the superfluous water by subsidence, and brought home in l|-oz. bottles. In this manner I soon found that any quantity could be collected in a pure and \m- mixed condition, affording an excellent opportiinity of examining their living forms, and one of which I availed myself on every occasion. " After carefully examining materials collected in this way from various parts of the beach, I detected not less than about 100 species, all these strictly marine, and, with a few exceptions, each species in considerable abundance." The fact of Diatomea3 rendeiing themselves perceptible to common vision by their excessive accumulation and the coloiu- they impart to water, is illus- trated by the phenomenon of coloration of the sea recorded by Dr. Hooker, also by the Melosira ochracea, which occurs in many, perhaps in all, cha- lybeate waters, and also in peat water containing a small proportion of iron. It is of the colour of iron rust, and in mineral springs, in which it abounds, is often taken for precipitated oxide of iron. It covers eveiything under water, but foi-ms so delicate and floccose a mass that the least motion dissi- pates it. In the spring of the year this mass is composed of very delicate, pale-yellow globules, which can bo easily separated from each other. They unite together in rows like short chains, and produce an irregular gelatinous felt or floccose substance. About summer, or in autumn, they become de- veloped into more evidently articulated and stiff threads of a somewhat larger diameter, but still form a complicated mass or web, and, either from adhering OF THE DIATOMEJE. 79 to each other or to delicate Conferva;, appear branched. In the young con- dition, when examined under shallow magnifiers, they resemble gelatine ; but with a power of 300 diameters the flexible granules are discoverable, and, with dextrous management, the little chains forming the felt or floccose web can be made out. In summer, on the other hand, its structui'c can be observed much more easily and distinctly. Early in spring the colom- is that of a pale yellow ochre, but in summer that of an intense rusty red. Other examples occur where a single species becomes tangible to the unaided senses ; such are met with in the brown specks mentioned in the preceding account of habitats formed by particular species upon the larger Algae and Confervas. So the Goniphonema geminatum forms on rocks tirfts of a spongy texture and brownish colom- when yoimg, but white afterwards. The Synedra Ulna often produces a white incrustation on stones in rivers in summer ; and Fragilaria and Odontidium are seen outstretched as dehcate brown filaments, several feet in length, like many filiform Algae, from which, however, they differ by breaking up so very readily, on the least distiirbing force, into their separate joints. " Large numbers of Ehizoselenia " (writes Mr. BrightweU, J. M. S. 1858, p. 95) "have been detected in the stomachs of Salpce, and they have also been observed floating free in the ocean in warm latitudes, their appearance being that of httle confervoid flakes of exquisite dehcacy, but of a sufiicient aggregation of filaments to be seen by the naked eye. The mass appeared (probably from the endochrome) of a faint, evanescent, ochraceous colour." Moreover, the frondose species generally attain an appreciable magnitude. Thus Encyonenia prostratimi forms a tuft-hke stratum, — when recent, dark brown, but when dried, of a dull green coloiu". Schizonema suhcolicerens grows into tufts fi-om a quarter to half an inch or more high ; and 8. vulgare con- stitutes a dark brown gelatinous stratum on stones in shallow water, fila- ments simple "or nearly so in deep still water, and much branched filaments in deep rapid streams. Mr. Norman, of Hull, has most kindly famished us with the following original observation on the growth of one species, the Campylodiscus cos- tatus : — " In the early part of the spriag of 1856," he writes, " I made a gathering of freshwater Diatomeae from the ' Spring IDitch,' Hull. Although I met with a few odd fnistules of the species named, I did not consider it of sufficient interest to boO. in acid for mountiag, and the phial containing them was left in the window of my laboratory during the ensuing summer. Some time in the autumn I had occasion to make use of this bottle, and was on the point of throwing away the contents, when I noticed the sui-face of the de- posit and the sides of the bottle to be covered with a dense brown growth of Diatoms. On firrther examination I found an immense colony of Campylo- discus, which gave by preparation some beautifully piu-e slides of tliis species. In removing the upper layer I purposely left a few of the fiiistules in the bottle, which was again placed in the window. These have again increased to a great extent, and now (December 1857) they appear to thrive in perfect health. Does not this occiuTence suggest an easy plan of procm-ing in a pure state such forms as are rarely foimd together in any abundance ? " Geographical Distribution.— Species of Diatomea3 are for the most part distributed over a very wide geographical area. Some, indeed, would seem cosmopolitan, whilst others are Umitcd to certain regions. Por instance the Terpsinoe has not been discovered in Euro])e ; and Synedra Entomon is reckoned by Ehi-enbcrg as peculiariy a South American production. This author has given fuU force to this seeming fact, and employed it in the en- deavom- to discover the origin and coui'se of meteoric dust, and also to arrive at certain geological deductions. For example, he says {Monatsh Berlin 80 GENETIAL UISTOEY OF THE INFUSORIA. AJcad. 1849), " Tho chain of rocky mountains traversing the continent of North America, forms, with reference to the distiibution of Infusoria, a stronger bai-rier between California and Oregon, and the rest of the continent, than does the Pacific Ocean, with Chma, between the western plains of North America and the region of Siberia. Thus, the United States, with Mexico, never present any of the forms characteristic of Oregon and Cali- fornia, whilst, on the other hand, the peculiar forms of these latter countries are met with in Siberia. All this is remarkably confii-med in this, that the gold region of the Sacramento, in the extent and abundance of its Infusorial products, finds its parallel only in Siberia." This presumed fact of limited geographical distribution is thus applied by Ehrenberg in another paper {Monatsh. 1846) : — " The atmospheric dust which, since 1830, has fallen in the Atlantic Ocean as far as 800 miles west from Africa, on the Cape de Yerde Islands, and even in Malta and Genoa, has been all of an ochre-yeUow colour, never grey like the dust seen in the north of Africa, and consists of from -1-th to 1-rd of organic particles referable to 90 species, the greater number of which ai'e of freshwater habit, and foimd equally in the most widely separated regions named. This dust, even in Genoa, whence it is carried by the Sii-occo wind, contains no characteristic African forms, but, on the contrary, presents the Synedra Entomon, a deci- dedly characteristic species of South America." From his observations on this meteoric dust, Ehrenberg concludes that there is a cuiTcnt of air xiniting Africa and America in the region of the trade winds, and occasionally directed towards Europe. On the other hand, their wide diffusion is exemplified iu Dr. Hooker's Report on the Diatomaceous vegetation of the Antarctic sea {Brit. Assoc. 1847) : — " The genera and species of Diatomacete collected within the Antarctic sea are not at all peculiar to those latitudes ; on the contrary, some occur in every country between Spitzbergen and Victoria Land. Others, and even some of these, have been recognized by Ehrenberg as occui'ring fossil in both Americas, in the south of Europe and north of Africa, in Tripoli stone and in volcanic ashes ejected both fi-om active and extinct volcanos, whilst others again exist in the atmosphere overhanging the tropical At- lantic." Prof. Smith has the following remarks on cosmopolitan or very widely- diflPused species {Synojps. ii. p. xxvii) : — " Of fi-eshwatcr species frequent in the British Islands, the following seem almost cosmopolitan, viz. Synedra radians, Pinmdaria viridis, PinnuJaria horealis, and Gocconema lanceolatum. Gatherings from many localities in Europe, from Smyrna and Ceylon, from the Sandwich Islands, New Zealand, and New York, fi'om the loftiest accessible points of the Himalaya in Asia, and the Andes in America, have supplied specimens of these forms. " Navicula serians abound in all our moimtain bogs, and is equally common in the marshes of Lapland and America. " Epithemia gibba is an inhabitant of the Geysers of Iceland and the lakes of Switzerland. " The South Sea Islands supply Stauroneis acuta, and Ceylon Synedra Ulna, whUe Stauroneis PJuenicenteron is equally abundant in Britain, Sicily, and Nova Scotia. " These notes of localities will give some idea of the wide distribution of our fluviatile Diatomacete : more numerous gatherings woiild, no doubt, greatly extend tho hst ; and the following circumstance vnW show how gene- rally our commoner British forms are diffused throughout European localities that have been carefully examined. During a torn- in Langucdoc and the Auvergne in the spring of 1854, I made iipwards of forty gatherings from OF XnK D1AT0.ME.E. 81 the rivers, streams, and lakes of the district I traversed. In tliesc I detected 130 species, and but one form not yet determined as indigenous to T3ritain. If this be the case Avith a district much of whose Phanerogamous flora is so different from our own, it bears out the view I have taken, that these or- ganisms enjoy a range of distribution far more general than the higher orders of plant-life. " Nor is the distribution of marine species less notable for its extent and uniformity. Coscinodlscus eccentricus and C. radiatus range from the shores of Britain to those of South Africa. Grammatophora marina and O. macUenta are found in almost every maiine gathering from the Arctic Ocean to the Maui-i- tius. Stauroneis pulcheUa, Cocconeis Scutellum, and BiddidpMa pulchella are equally abundant on the Em-opean, the ximerican, and the African coasts, while lihabdonema Adrlaticum belies its name by its occim-ence in the Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans. During the researches already mentioned, in the South of France, I made several prolific gatherings on the shores of the Gulf of Lyons; but, of 33 forms occurring in these, Hyalosira delicatida, Kiitz,, was the only one not famihar to me as a British species." The supposition that many species of Diatomeaa occupy a very limited geo- graphical area, and that considerable numbers have, in course of ages, disap- peared or become extinct, as many animal and vegetable organisms have done, was thus ably examined by the lamented Dr. Gregory in a communication to the Royal Society of Edinbui-gh, made in 185G (P/'oc. Boy. Soc. Edin. 185G- T)?, p. 442). The subject of discussion is introduced in his notice of Na- I'icida prcetexta, a form previously considered only fossil. " I have," he says, selected this form because the bed in which it occurs fossil is the oldest in which Ehrenberg has found any Diatoms. He has indeed found microscopic organisms in the chalk, and even in older rocks, among A\'hich he mentions the moimtain limestone and the SUruian greensand. But the forms in the two latter rocks are not numerous, and, as well as those which abound in the chalk, belong to the Foraminifera or to the Polycystina, not to the Diato- macea .... In shor-t, I have no hesitation in saying, that I beUeve aU the forms in the iEgiua clay-marl, which is the oldest Diatomaccous deposit yet de- scribed, will be found Hving on our coast." The stratum at -s»cs a similar opinion in his valuable nnner on ClupAoceros {J. M. S. iv. p. 105)." " ^ ^ Wherefore Dr. Gregoiy comes to the conclusion, that " the whole of the 0 82 OENEIUL niSTOllY OF THE INI^tTSOllIA. species wliich occiu' fossil mil, ore long, l)e detected in the recent state. It is at all events certain that a very large proportion of the Diatoms found in the fossil state also occur in the living state, and that every day adds to their number. There is at present no good evidence of the existence of Diatoms earlier than the chalk, if so early. But we must not forget that the shells of Diatoms appear to be altered by long contact with carbonate of lime, so that they may have existed at one time in the chalk. We find them, how- ever, in spite of the action of calcareous matter, in the recent chalk-marls of Meudon and of Caltanisetta, which are rather more recent than the chalk, and probably of about the age of the clay-marl of vEgina. If , as I believe, no Diatoms have become extiuct, this may perhaps depend on their minute size and extreme simphcity of stractxirc, which probably render them more indifferent to climatic changes than moi-e highly organized and larger beings. We have evidence, to a certain extent, that this is the case ; for by Ehren- berg's figures it appears that, in gatherings of recent Diatoms from all parts of the world, in every possible variety of climate, the majority of species are identical with our own. " Diatoms, therefore, are not materially affected by existing differences of climate, and have probably been as little affected by the geological changes which have occurred, at all events, since the period of the Eocene deposits." Geological iMPOsTiiNCE of DiATOMEiE. — Fossil Accumulations. — Although so exceedingly minute and apparently insignificant in comparison with the animals and plants usually claiming our notice, yet, by their excessive multi- plication and accumulation, they assume even a greater importance, in the physical history of the earth, than the largest trees or animals with which we are acquainted. This lesson is taught us by living examples of these microscopic beings constituting appreciable masses, and by innumerable in- stances where only the sUicious skeletons remain, in a fossil or semi-fossil condition. Ehrenberg thus illustrates their rapidity of production and accumulation. " SUicious Infusoria," he says, "form, in stagnant waters duiing hot weather, a porous layer of the thickness of the hand. Although more than 100,000,000 weigh har(Uy a grain, one may in the course of half-an-hour collect a pound weight of them ; hence it will no longer seem impossible that they may bmld up rocks. However, one of the most striking examples of the operation of Diatomese as a physical agency on a large scale, is afforded by Dr. Hooker's observations addressed to the British Association (Beport, 1847). He says — " The waters, and especially the newly-foiTned ice of the whole Antarctic Ocean, between the parallels of 60° and 80° south, abound in Diatomace«, — so numerous as to stain the sea eveiywhere of a pale ochi'cous brown, the surface having that colour as far as the eye can reach from the sliip. Though pecu- liarly abundant in the Icy Sea, these plants are probably uniformly dispersed over the whole ocean, but, being invisible from their minuteness, can only be recognized when washed together in masses, and contrasted with some opake substance. They were invariably found in the stomachs of Salpaj and of other sea animals, in all latitudes between that of the tropic and the highest parallel attained in the Antarctic expedition. Their death and decomposition produce a submarine deposit or bank of vast dimensions, consisting mainly of their silicious shields, intermixed with Infusoria and inorganic matter. Its position is from the 76th to the 78th degree of south latitude, and occupies an area 400 miles long by 120 wide. The lead sometimes sank two feet in this pasty deposit, and on examination showed the bottom made up in great measure of the species now living on the surface. This deposit may be considered as resting upon the shores of Victoria Land and of tlie Barriers, and hence on Iho OV TUK DIATOJIEJ';. 83 submarine flanks of Mount Erebus, an active volcano 12,000 feet high. From the fact that Diatomeoe and other organisms enter into the formation of pumice and ashes of other volcanos, it is perhaps not unreasonable to con- jecture that the subterranean and subaqueous forces, which keep Mount Erebus in activity, may open a direct communication between tliis Diato- maceous deposit and its volcanic fires. Moreover, this bank flanks the whole length of Victoria Barrier, a glacier of ice 400 miles long, whose seaward I edge floats in the ocean, whilst its landward extends in one continuous sweep 1 from the crater of Mount Erebus and other mountains of "Victoria Land to the ! sea. The progressive motion of such a glacier, and accumulation of snow on its surface, must result in its interference with the deposit in question, which, if ever raised above the surface of the ocean, would present a stratified bed of rock which had been subjected to the most violent disturbances." But instances of the abundance of sHicious organisms ia sea- or river- bottoms are to be met wdth nearer home. Mr. Roper has explored the mud of the Thames (J. M. S. 1854, p. 68) ; and he teUs us that, excluding the coarse sand, nearly one-fourth of the finer part of the residuum is entirely 1 composed of the silicious valves of different species of DiatomcEE, — " marine I forms prevailing." This writer also quotes the experience of Ehrenberg, who, with respect to the mud of the Elbe, has established the remarkable fact that at Gluckstadt, a distance of 40 miles, and even above Hamburg, upwards of 80 miles above the mouth of the river, marine silicious- shelled Infusoria were found alive, and their skeletons deposited in it in such abun- dance, that at the former locality they form from one-quarter to one-thii'd of the entii'e mass, and that the proportion is stiU about one-half that amoimt at Hamburg, as far as the flood- tide extends. All his observations gave- a i great predominance of marine over freshwater species, even when the salt i taste of the water was no longer perceptible. His examination of the mud of the Scheldt and Ems fiu-nished similar results, as did that of the marine deposit in various Uttoral regions of the North Sea and Baltic. Reverting to the Thames deposit, Mr. Roper expresses his belief that the silicious sheUs " have a perceptible influence in the formation of shoals and mud-banks in the bed of the river. . . .And the great abimdance and general distribution of species serve to Ulustrate the occurrence of similar deposits in a fossil state at localities now far removed, by alterations in the eartli's surface, from the streams or harbours in which they were originally de- posited. " Another point worthy of attention is the influence of these organisms in the fonnation of deltas at the mouths of large and slowly-flowin"- rivers — such, for instance, as the Mississippi, in wliich the mean velocity of the current at Ne'w Orleans is only about one mUc and a half per hour for the whole body of water. Sir Charles Lyell, from experiments on the pro- portion of sediment carried down by the river, has calculated that, taking tlie area of the delta at 13,000 square miles, and the quantity of solid matter brought down annually at 3,702,758,400 cubic feet, it must have taken G7,000 years for the wliole delta. Now, as the silicious frustules of the Diatomeje are secreted from tlie water alone, and would most probably be extremoly abundant in so sluggish a stream (especially as Prof. Bailey has found botli marine and fresliwatcr species abundant in the rice-grounds), there can be little doubt that, without taking tlie larger proportion noticed by Elirenbor"- in the Elbe, even if it were considerably less, it would reduce the above period by several thousand years ; and tlio same cause would probably applv with equal force to tlie Ganges and Nile. Ehrenberg considered t.h'/l "I'f Pillau. there are annually deposited from the water fi-om 7200 to \ \ oo(» G 2 84 GKNURAL HISTORY OF THE INFUSOKIA. cubic metres of fine microscopic organisms, which, in tlac course of a century, ■would give a cloi^sit of fi-ora 720,000 to 1,400,000 cubic metres of infusoi-y rock or Tripoli stone." Another fact exemplifying the Avidely pervading presence of silicious In- fusoria was revealed by the experiments of Ehrenberg, viz. their existence in a living state in moist earth beneath the surface, the only vital condition necessary being a small quantity of raoistiu'e. The presence of their remains at considerable depths in mud also is well exemplified by the experimental borings made by Mr. Okeden {J. M. S. 1854, p. 26) at Neyland, a creek of MiLford Haven, where deposits rich in Diatomaceous remains of maiine or brackish and fresliwater character occurred at the depth of 20, 30, and 40 feet. The preceding illustrations wiU suffice to show the active share taken by the Diatomeas at the present day in the ever-occiu'ring changes of the earth's siu'face ; others must now be adduced to exemplify their influence in the past physical changes of the globe. These examples are so numerous, and, relative to other phenomena, so important, that it is embarrassing to make a selection. Ehrenberg is the most assiduous cultivator of this department of knowledge. He has peraonally examined deposits collected fi-om almost every countiy of the world, and described, with illustrative plates, the genera and species he has encountered in them, in his recent large work the MiJa-ogeologie, 1855. One of the most stiiking and, to his mind, unique instances of a Diatoma- ceous deposit, formed at a remote or geological period, he has shown to exist in North America, on the banks of the Colimibia River. The river of Columbia, in its course at Place-du-Camp, runs between two precipices 700 to 800 feet high, composed of porcelain-clay 500 feet thick, covered over by a layer of compact basalt 100 feet thick, on wliich, again, some volcanic deposits exist. The clay strata are of very fine grain, and vaiy in colour ; some are as white as chalk. Dr. Bailey has shown, fi-om some por- tions submitted to him by Col. Fremont, that tliis apparently argillaceous layer is entirely composed of freshwater Infusoria. Its perfect purity from sand shows that it is not a drift, but has been formed on the spot. By its immense thickness of 500 feet, this layer of biolithic Tripoli far sm-passes any similar layers elsoAvhere, which attain ordinaiily only one or two feet thickness, although those of Lunebui'g and BiHn have a depth of 40 feet. Some beds we also Icnow elsewhere having 70 feet ; yet such are not pure, but inter- sected by strata of tufa or of other material. A very pure Diatomaceous deposit has been met with by Dr. Gregory- in the island of Mull, which when diy is almost wliitc, and much resembles chalk, being light, pliable, and adherent to the fingers {T. M. S. 1853, p. 93), and in composition hardly contains anything besides silicious organic remains " for the most part entire, but Avith some fragments ; other portions which are denser contain also many fragments of quartz of various sizes, aud vjust numbers of comminuted fragments of loricfc." Prof. Smith (Si/uoj)s. vol. i. p. xii) says — "Districts recovered from the sea, in the present or other periods of the earth's histoiy, frequently contain myriads of such cxuriic forming strata of considerable tbiclcness." Examples of this nature in our own coimtrj' arc met with in " the ancient site of a mountain lake in the neighbouriiood of Dolgelly, localities of a similar kind near Lough Islaiid- Reavey in Down, and Lough Moiu-ne in Antrim." Mr. Okeden concludes, from facts collected by borings in the mud of sonu> creeks and rivere of South Wales, " that not the surfiice merely, but the whole mass of those tidal deposits is penetrated by these minute and wondi-ous organisms, while, from the fact of their being found at Neyland at a depth of 40 foot lielow tlio OF THE DIATOME^. 85 present siu-fticc, and close upon the rock which forms tlie oiiginal bed of this estuary, the mind is iiTCsistibly led to the conclusion that they have existed there from the time when the waters fii'st rolled over the spot." Berg-mehl, Tripoli, and other polishing-powders, the stratified deposits at Bilin in Bohemia and iniEgina, and numerous others examined and reported on by various microscopists might lihemse be adduced to demonstrate the important pai-t played by these individually invisible beings, when accumu- lated in countless myriads, in the construction of the earth's crust. The Oolitic, and even some earUer metamorphic rocks, poi-phpitic rocks, &c., are not wanting, according to Ehi-enberg, in species of Diatomeae ; but in the Pliocene, Miocene, Eocene, and in chalk and flint, and still more in the tertiaiy deposits, the abimdance and variety of forms are greater. Diato- maceous shells are cuiiously preserved to us in large abundance and perfec- tion in guano, in which they have doiibtless entered as a component in the way of mixture with food taken by the birds which have deposited that manure. The foregoing facts teach us that probably, in the present condition of our planet, no portion of its siu'face is destitute of Infusorial life ; and now, fi'om the prosecution of microscopic research in connexion with geological facts, it would appear that, imdcr this simplest and primary form, organic life made its fii-st appearance on the globe, and has, dimng the many epochs of this world's history, and notwithstanding the mightiest changes its surface has undergone, been sustained imtil the present moment ; and, what is more, so extraordinary is the capability of the silicious Diatomeas to preserve life, and so astonishing their powers of multiplication, that species which are now found living have theii- generic and even their specific types at the veiy da'svn of creation. Prof. Ehi-enberg has advanced tliis same statement in his recent work (MiJcrogeologie), saying that the oldest sihcioiLS Infusoria, whe- ther Carboniferous or Silurian, belong to the same genera, and often to the same species. AiiiioLiTic DiATOMEiE. — Elircuberg was the fii'st to demonstrate the fre- quent existence of Diatomea3 along with other microscopic beings and or- i ganic pai-ticles in the atmosphere, principally in those showers of dust which ! fall from time to time in various parts of the world, and in those other mete- j oric products known by the name of ' meteoric paper ' and ' blood-rain.' In I such atmospheric productions, the Berhn naturalist has detected above a him- I dred species ; these, accompanied by descriptions and figiu-es, and prefaced ; by an account of aU such atmospheric phenomena on record, were jjublished I by Ehrenbci-g in a large brochure entitled " Passafstaub unci Blaircgen,'' consisting of 192 folio pages. An extract from this book will convey the best attainable notion of the physical importance of these aciial dust-showers. The quantity of actual solid matter that has fallen from the atmosphero by showers is far more considerable than supposed ; for, though it falla iu a diffiiscd dust-like form, the extent of surface covered at any one time is veiy considerable. Comparing it with meteorolites, Ehrenberg obsciTCs that ! the total quantity of these stones which fell between 1790 and 1819 weiglicd 600 cwt., while in a single dust-shower at Lyons, in 1846, the solid matter weighed fully 7200 cwt. Other dust-storms in Italy, at Cape de Verd, and in other localities have exceeded even that at Lyons, in the quantity of matter precipitated to tlie eartli ; and Elirenberg suggests to the imagination' the millions of tons that must have fallen since the time of Homer. Lastly ho entertains the curious opinion, that this meteoric dust does not necessarilv derive its existence from the oartli's surface, and from the force of atmospheric ciuTcnts, but from some general law of the atmosphere, according to wMeh I 86 UKNEKAL lU.STOllY Ol- TJIE INl'USOKIA. the living organisms mainly composing it may have the power of self- cloveloi:)ment in the air. Uses of Diatomaceotjs Deposits.— The utility and possible and probable purposes of these minute organisms to mankind have not yet met with due consideration. Their relation to the soil, in which they are so abundant, and their influence on its fniitfulness are matters only incidentally reflected on by authors. " Sufficient attention," remarks Prof. Gregory {J. M. S. 1855, p. 2), " has not yet been paid to the fact of the invariable presence of Diatomeae in all earths in which plants are foiind. Ehrenberg, in his Mi- h-ogeologie, has established the fact as a universal one, and pointed out the important bearing it h.as on the growth of the soil. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a more effectual agent in the transference of silica from the waters to the solid earth than the growth of Diatomeae, the shells of which are as indestructible as their multiplication is rapid. Ehrenberg is of opinion that they live in the soil as well as in water ; and the constant presence of moistm-o in the soil renders this conceivable. Although the proportion of silicious matter dissolved in ordinaiy water is but small, it is evidently sufficient to supply the shells of millions of Diatoms in a veiy short time ; and it is therefore probable that, as fast as it is extracted from the water bj- them, it is dissolved from the rocks or earths in contact with the water, so that the supply never fails." Mr. Eoper has also suggested, from the consideration that the best samples of guano contain the greatest number of these silicious skeletons, which doubtless serve to replace the large amount of silica abstracted from the soil by the cereal crops, that it is probable that the deposits of many of our rivers would have a beneficial eff'ect if applied to the land ; and it rests with the microscopist to point out the most favourable localities for obtaining them. Ehrenberg notices an instance where this has been done in Jutland, where a blue sand abounding in calcareous and silicious shells is collected, and greatly increases the fertility of the arable soil to which it is applied ; and Prof. Bailey also states that the mud of Newhaven hai'bour is used as a fertilizer, and is found to contain 58-63 per cent, of silica. The author last-named has moreover adduced instances to prove that the great fertility of the rice-fields of South Carolina is mainly due to tlieii* richness in Diato- maceous remains. This notion is strengthened by the examinations of Ehrenberg, and by the commonly observed fact of the occiu-rence of Diatomeaj about the roots of plants, especially of the cereals, which demand a large supply of silicious material to construct their stems. Dr. Hooker (op. cit.) contends that the abundant Diatomaceous deposits of the South Pole supply ultimately the means of existence to many of the smaller denizens of the ocean, and that they keep up that balance between the animal and the vegetable Idngdom which prevails tlu-ough all other lati- tudes. He adds that they probably piuify the Adtiated atmosphere, just as plants do in a more temperate region. In the arts, the remains of Diatomaceous shells, as the chief ingredients in certain deposits, are brought into use as polishing- powder under the name of Tripoli, and also, as an extremely fine and pure silicious sand, in the manu- facture of porcelain. The powder called Tripoli has various origins, and diffcra in the microscopic orgtinisms it contains. Species of Melosira especially abound — for instance, of Melosira varians. Elirenberg infonns us that the Tripoli of Jastraba in Himgary and that from Cassel resemble each other in their component species. A veiy remarkable application of a deposit of Diatoraea3 is its use as an article of food, under the pressui-o of want, by the wi-etclied inhabitants of OF THK BIATOMEiE. 87 some inhospitaMo and barren districts of Em-ope— for instance, in some localities of Lapland and of Hungaiy, and in other parts of the world. Ehi-enberg mentions a sort of earth under the name of " Tanah," eaten in Samarang and Java, which overlays some moimtains of Java at several places at a height of 4000 feet. It is generally solid, plastic, and sticky ; it is roUed and dried in the shape of small sticks over a charcoal fii-e, and is eaten as a delicacy. An examination of this earth disclosed 3 or 4 species of Polygastrica and 13 of Phytolitharia, It has been attempted to make the specific characters of Diatomaceous de- posits of critical value in deciding on the date and superposition of rocks. However, the geographical distribution of these beings is as yet insufficiently known ; and every day reveals the fact that species deemed peculiar to some one locality are to be foimd in others, and to have at least a very wide range. "We have already quoted some examples of apparent limited diffusion in oiu' remarks on geographical distribution ; it is therefore not necessary to illustrate the subject further in this place. The circumstance that some one or two species seem at times peculiar to a neighbom-hood, has encouraged antiquarians to seize on it with, the hope of determining the locality whence the clay was procured from which ancient specimens of pottery or porcelain were manufactured. Another practical purpose to which the shells of Diatomese have been put is as test-objects for microscopes, the penetrating and defining powers of which are measiu-ed by their ability to detect and demonstrate the existence and natiu'e of certain markings on the siuface of the siLicious epiderm — such, for example, as the striae of Pleurosigma. Oir THE NATURE OF DiATOMEiE, WHETHEIi AnIMALS OB PlANTS VARIOUS HYPOTHESES. — The nature of the Diatomeae is still a much-vexed question, although the opinion of those naturalists who hold them to be plants — mem- bers of the great family of Algee — preponderates. Ehrenberg assumed their animal nature, and persuaded himself of the existence of a complicated organi- zation, such as neither the researches of others can confirm nor analogy sup- port. In his latest papers on Organization, he has insisted most strongly on the apparent successful feeding of these organisms with particles of colom* which entered within their interior. These experiments are not satisfactoiy, and have failed in the hands of others ; it is besides quite clear, that the umbilicus, at which he represented the colour-granules to enter, is no real opening in the lorica, but a thickening of its epiderm. Prof. Meneghini, now many years ago, penned a learned treatise to prove the animality of the Diatom ea3 ; but although he offered many ingenious argu- ments to support his opinion, he did not succeed in establishing it. Many de- tails of stiiicture and organization and micro-chemical characters, lu-ged by him in favour of their animal nature, have been considerably modified or entirely set aside by subsequent researches ; and the general argument, that the varia- tion fi'om recognized plants is in many particulars very marked, has only a comparative or relative force, according to the extent of differential striictui'e of animals which may, on the other hyjiothesis, bo set forth and proved. The distinguished Italian naturalist indeed limits his design in the treatise before us (On the Animal nature of the Diatomea), R. S. 1853) to disputino' Kiitzing's arguments for their vegetable nature, saying (p. 3G6), " Whilst unable to confirm or refute the opinions of Ehrenberg, wo seem to have observed facts sufficient to disprove those of Kiitzing," On this same side are ranged Pocke, Eckhardt (a pupil of Ehrenberg), and Prof. Bailey, who express their inability to reconcile some of tlio stmctural details and physiological phenomena with vegetable organization. Schlcidcn 88 GENERAL niSTOHY Or THE INFUSOKIA. perhaps slioiild ulso bo reckoned of the number, since he remarks, in his de- scription of the shield of a Navicula, that "such an artificial and complicated structure amongst plants has no explanation, and is entirely without signifi- cation. In all actual plants we find the silica present in quite a different form, as little separate scales or drops, and distributed through the substance of the ceU-waU." In favour of the vegetable natui-e of the Diatomeaj, on the other hand, the majority of the original observers in this coimtry unite Avith many of the most distingnislied naturalists of the Continent, such as Kiitzing, Siebold, Nageli, Rabenhorst, Braun, Cohn, Meyen, &c. The last inquirer, so long ago as 1839, urged vaiious objections against the presumed animality of the Desmidieae and Diatomeae, and more particularly against Ehrenberg's views. Respecting the animality of the Diatomea3 (Naviculacea), he remarks generally — " The reasons adduced for such belief arc so weak, that the conclusions deduced fi-om them are yet for the most part very doubtful." A small number of natui'alists have expressed the notion that the Diatomca; belong eqiially to the animal and to the vegetable kingdom. M. Thm-et may be named as one of these, since he has stated that there is no more reason in favour of the one affinity than of the other. Such an idea is certainly unphilo- sophical; for it would cut the Imot instead of loosening it, by the assumption of an order of organic beings intermediate between the animal and the vege- table Idngdom, and undeterminable to which they belong. We will now proceed to state the leading arguments for the animality of the Diatomeae, indicating the name of the MTiter suggesting each, so far as practicable : — 1. The Diatomeae — many species at least — exhibit a peculiar' sjjontaneoiis movement, which is produced by certain locomotive organs. — Ehrenberg. 2. The greater part have in the middle of the lateral surface an opening, about which certain round corpuscles are situate, which become coloured blue when placed in water containing indigo, like the ' stomach-cells' of many In- fusoria,, and consequently may equally be regarded as stomachs. — Ehrenberg. 3. The shells of many Diatomaceae resemble in structiu'e and conformation the calcareous shells of Gasteropoda and similar Mollusca. — Ehrenberg. 4. The method of multiplication by self-division. — BUircnbergandMcneghini. 5. The complicated structure of the wall of the fnistiiles, and the characters of the silicious deposit. — Schleiden, Bailey, and Meneghini. 6. The greater affinity in chemical composition of the contents (the cndo- chrome) with animal than "with vegetable products. — Meneghini. Each of these arguments reqiures examination in detail, and its value tested. To begin therefore with the first — the occurrence of locomotion and the organs by which it is eff'ccted, as evidences of animal constitution. Morren, in the paper quoted (Jahresbericht Ahad. Berlin, 1839), pointed out that motion is not confined to animals, but exhibited also by the spores of Algae and by sperm- atic particles. To these examples may be added the OsciUatoria?, Proto- coccus in its various phases, Vauclieria clavata, Uloihri.v zonata, and otlier Algae, among which are the now admitted genera of Volvoeinea). In many of these, the movements are mucli more active and lively, and present more seeming spontaneity than those of any of the Diatoms, The emplojnncnt of the word spontaneous to signify the sort of movement of these organisms is certainly unjustifiable, if understood at all in its usual signification, of an act originating in the moving body directed to a special puqiosc ; for no more spontaneity is manifested in the motions of these silicious organisms than in those of the leaves of the Dioniva miiscijniln wlieu any particle impinges on their sensitive hairs. Meneghini, in examining this point, is compelled to OF THE DIATOMEiE. 89 admit that no absolute proof is deducible from the movements of the frustules, in support of their animal nature ; and the only difficulty to liim agamst admitting that tliey may be vegetable in character, is, that they are so dif- ferent from those of OsciUatorite, Desmidieee, and Protococcoidese, — a worth- less objection, to be sufficiently answered by asking whether that motion does not diifer as widely from that of any animals, and whether the movements of the Desmidieffi are not equally unlike those of the Oscillatorise as those of the Protococeus. The locomotive organs insisted on — consisting, according to Ehrenberg, of a retractile foot and of retractile ciliary processes — have not been sufficiently ■demonstrated to use as an argument. Ehi-enberg, Corda, and more lately Focke, are the only observers who pretend to have seen such organs, although the organisms said to possess them are subjects of daily minute research by hundreds of wonder-finding microscopists. The mucous film which invests many Diatomaceous frastules may, indeed, have been seen and misinterpreted. Meneghini calls attention to a kind of sparkling or agitation — actually a rapid and indeteriniaate change in the refz'action of light at their extremities, Avhich he seems disposed to believe shadows forth the presence there of some sort of eihaiy locomotive organs. Grranting, however, that cilia were ascertained to be the cause of the movements perceived, the doctrine of animality would in no way be advantaged, since cOia are not peculiarly animal structures. According to ISTageli, one sort of vegetable movements originates in the act of growth. Of such a kind are probably the vibrations of the Oscillatoriffi ; and possibly the motions of the Diatoms are in some degree reducible to the same category. And it is to be remarked that these motions are not equally apparent and active imder all circumstances, even among specimens of the same species, but are most so when the vital phenomena of the organisms are most aroused — when the most rapid interchange of material is going on between the external medium and the internal cavity. 2. The second argument rests entirely upon hypothetical groimds, derived ^rom Ehi-enberg's observations, and is valueless so long as those observations are imconfirmed. It seems quite clear that the central opening or umbilicus spoken of has no real existence ; and if this be so, then the apparent entrance of colouring matter within a set of corpuscles situated around it must be an error of obsei-vation, imless the unproved and improbable assumption be made that the colom'-particles enter at foramina placed elsewhere (as at the extre- mities), and become transmitted to these centrally placed sacs or so-called stomachs. Kiitzing declares that the seeming entrance of colour-granules is the result of mechanical causes, and adds the more important statement that the central collection of vesicles is often wanting. 3. The third argument, that a resemblance obtains between the shells of Bacillaria and those of some Molluscous animals, is, to say the least, fanciful, and in a scientific inquiry can be admitted to prove nothing. If external similarity proved anything, it might as well be adduced to demonstrate tlic affinity of a lead-tree with the higher plants, whilst, again, the error to which this sort of proof wiU lead is well exemplified in the case of the Foraminifora, which from mere outward resemblance were for years accounted members of the Cephalopodous family. In the latter instance, indeed, the similarity in external form was very stiilcing— far exceeding that of any Diatom with any testaceous animal. Kiitzing, in his review of this assigned reason for their animality meets it in another way by obser%ang that, among the.coUs of higher plants, examples are to be found which in configuration find other pai'ticidars aoroe witli Dia toms— for instance, the numerous forms of poUen witli theirlingios spines 90 GENERAL IIISTOUY OF THE INFUSOlilA, &c. But, as Meneghini remarks, " he might have added the more appropriate instance of the Desmidieaj, wliich would be very closely allied to the Diatomea;, if the latter, like the former, could bo referred to the vegetable kingdom. If not equal ia constancy and regularity, the Desmidieaj display a greater degree of complication: and we must remember the different nature of their substance ; for in the vegetable cell, when Ume or silica predominates, the wall becomes imiform and regular." 4, Multiplication by self-division was at one time cited by Ehrenberg as peculiarly an animal phenomenon, — a notion at variance with the observations of eveiy naturalist, and now requiring no refutation. However, Meneghini has more recently advanced the statement that an essential difference iu the process of fission prevails between the Diatomeae on the one hand and the Desmidiete and Alga) in general on the other, applying to the former modifi- cation (in accordance with Brcbisson's views) the term cleduplication, to the latter reduplication. To extract his remarks (ojj. cit. 368) — " Division is always longitudiual, and takes place underneath a fine external sihcious membrane, by the formation of contiguous diaphragm walls which divide the internal cavity. Thus the contents are longitudiaaUy divided ; and this divi- sion is complete if the two new individuals detach themselves and so acquire individual liberty. It is imperfect if the fine sUicious persistent membrane and the secreted gelatinous substance retain them connected together. This mode of reproduction (which Brebisson distinguished by the name of dupli- cation and deduplication, from the reduplication of Desmidiete) deserves the most attentive obsei-vation. The foregoing exposition presents the fact in its most rude and superficial general appearance, and makes us feel acutely the want of a more circumstantial description peculiar to various forms. It is only after having established facts relative at least to the principal generic types, that we can establish, on a scientific basis, the general idea of multi- plication by duplication. A few observations sufiice, however, to prove that this does not occur in so simple a manner as we are taught to believe, by comparing it with that in vegetable cells. In the Achnanthidia, for example, it is described and figured that the principal surfaces, which occupy the inter- mediate space between the two superior and the inferior valves, commence by presenting fine transverse lines, and next a strong longitudinal line along the middle ; then there appear two new intermediate valves contiguous to each other — the superior valve (?) of the new inferior individual, and the inferior one of the superior. My observations convince me that the aft'air does not proceed with so much simplicity. I have often seen the two lateral valves separated, and the intermediate space thus largely amplified. In otlier cases there appeared only a new inferior valve complcmcntaiy to the superior, the inferior individual thus remaining incomplete. Finally, in others, between the complete superior individual and the incomplete inferior valve, there appeared a new individual with both its valves, but nearer together, smaller, finer, with lines much less distinct." In short, " in tliis phenomenon there is more complication than that of a simple cellular dcduplication." 5. In a previous page (p. 88) we have quoted Schleiden's notice of a dif- ficulty in the way of recognizing Diatoms to be plants. It is one likewise Avhich has presented itself to others, for instance, to Prof. Bailey and Mene- ghini. " If we suppose them to be plaaits," says the latter writer, " we must admit cveiy fnistule, every Navicula, to be a cell. Wo must suppose tliis cell with walls penetrated by silica developed vvitlxin another cell of a different nature, at least in every case where there is a distinct pedicle or investing tube. In this silicious wall we must recognize a complication certainly un- equalled in the vegetable kingdom.'" {op. cit. p. 372.) OF THE DIAT0ME-2E. 91 This critique of Moneghini loses much of its force when it is noticed that " the existence of a pedicle, or isthmus, or of a muco-gelatinous sheath envelop- I ing the fiiistules, is assumed by him, quite hypothetically, to mdicatc theu' I formation Avithin a cell-wall represented by the soft investment,— an idea originated by him because he could not admit of an extra- cellular formation. The present state of knowledge, however, clearly recognizes the not infi-equent I formation of extra-ceUular matters about ceHs, and consequently this portion of the difficidty in question will cease to have importance. On the other hand, no animals can be pointed out having a similar complex silicious stmcture, whilst an analogy may be, to a certain extent, found with the Desmidiete, some of which have a small deposit of silica in their envelopes, which again in some Diatoniaceous frastules is very deficient (see p. 37). Indeed, the affinity between the Desmidiete and the Diatomeae is mamfested \ by the differential characters which naturalists feel themselves called upon to ; indicate (see p. 95). The composite stiaicture of the fnistules is principally the result of the per- meation of the external tunic with silex. The little box or capsule, when fii-st produced, represents a simple enclosed cell, imbued Avith more silica than a Desmidiaceous frond, but othermse not histologically unlike. Wlien the i little being prepares for self-division, the opposite valves separate, much as I the opposed halves of a frond of one of the DesmidieEe, and the intermediate I production, according to the habit of the class, becomes penetrated by silica (to a less extent, however, than the original valves), and assumes so much of a permanent character that it is very frequently considered an independent tlm'd segment. So again, the ceUuIar, or areolate, or otherwise figured and involuted surface of the frustules, cited by Meneghini as dissimilar to any plant-structure, woidd also appear to be a consequence of this permeation of the organic membrane with silica, and of various modifications consequent thereon. To show that I analogies are not wanting in the vegetable kingdom of curiously modified and , figured cell-walls, we may mention as examples, besides poUen-grains, in- stanced by Kiitzing, the sporangia of DesmidieEe and of various Algae. More- over, the capability of the simplest enclosing membrane to develope a very complex superficial structiu-e is illustrated in the case of the Eliizopodes, I among which are many examples of striated, areolated, and othermse modified I shells, which, m the eyes of many, range with imiceUular organisms. Wo ' must not forget to state that Meneghini himself seems to have appreciated the effect of the pei-meation of sUica upon the characters of the cell- wall ; for : he says, in his supplementary annotations (op. cit. p. 511), " the part which i silex takes in the formation of the cell- wall is undeniable," as in the epi- dermis of GramineaB, Palms, and Equiseta. " The stomatic ccUs of Equiscta merit particular attention, both from the sUex they contain, and the transverse stria; they present on the intemal siu'face. This resemblance to the shield of Diatomeae might lead us to believe that we ought to regard it as an argument I for maintaining the vegetability of the latter: but I do not think that I ought j to dwell upon such an objection ; I only notice it because I would not appear to be, or pretend to be, unacquainted with it. Yet it seems to me important in another point of view — the apparent complication that the simple cell may assume when penetrated by silica." We cannot do better than close this part of the argument by Prof. Smith's review of the subject {Sjnojis. ii. p. xix) :— " In every case tliis membrane [of the frustide] is more or less penetrated or imbued with sUex ; and the presence of this substance appears to have modified the intimate structure of the membrane, and induced great variety in (lie mode and character of its 92 OKJIIJIUX HISTOBY OP THE INFUSOKIA, formation in different genera, accompauied by great regularity in the indi- vidual species. " These variations exhibit themselves in the different modifications of structure which constitute the markings of the valves, appearing imder the form of ribs and nodules, costse, striae, or cellules of an elliptical, cii-cular, or hexagonal outline. A wide comparison of specimens seems to me to prove that these various markings originate in the tendency impressed upon all organized structure to develope itself upon the type of the cell, and that the presence of the silicious constituent in the cell-membrane of the Diatom gives a fixedness to this tendency, which, in ordinary cases, is cither not discern- ible in the structiu'e of the membrane, or whose eifect is obliterated by the coalescence of the softer material wliich constitutes its substance. However this may be, it appears to me certain that the structure of the silicious valve in the Diatomaceae is invariably cellulate, the cellules being more or less modified according to the peculiar requirements of each species, and that no other explanation of their characteristic markings seems consistent with the facts which arc established by a careful examination and comprehensive know- ledge of Diatomaceous structure. That this explanation does not' involve con- siderations at variance with the conditions of unicellular vegetable life, wiU be obvious to any one familiar with the structure of the sihcious epidenn in the Equisetaceae and Graminaceaj, and the distinctly cellulate stmcture of many pollen-grains, while this very presence of silex as a constituent of the cell-wall in the Diatomaceae appears to be wholly unaccoimtable except on the supposition of the vegetable nature of these organisms. In no instance do we find a parallel condition in the animal kingdom (for the secretion of silicious spicula, as an internal skeleton, in some of the Spongideae, cannot be regarded as an analogous phenomenon), whereas the vegetable kingdom fiunishes us with cases, not merely of the secretion of sUex as a vegetable product ia the Bamboo, but with frequent instances of its intimate union with cellulose in the membrane which forms the epiderm of the cell, as in the Natural Orders ali'cady mentioned, in the Palmaceae and others." On the nature and mode of deposition of the sUex, Dr. Bailey has ad- vanced the statement that the silica in Phytolitharia, as well as in Diatomea;, Polycystinca3, and SpongUithes, is not doubly refractive and polarizing, as Ehrenberg described, and that even the admitted exception of Araclinoi- cliscus is not such. The error in supposing it so has originated from the im- perfect removal of the dense carbonaceous tissiies which ai-e deposited beneath the silica. 6. The final argument we have to consider for the animality of the Diatomea) is, that the greater affinity in the chemical composition of the contents, i. e. of the endoclirome or gonimic substance, is with plants, and not with animals. This argument is certainly based on a nice and very difficult- to-bc-determincd fact. Meneghini insists on it as important. His remai-ks have already been given in oiu- notice of the contents of the frustulcs, to which we must refer (p. 47), addiiig here only some supplcmentaiy obser- vations to fully convey his opinions. " Finally," he writes (op. cit. p. 3GG), for this is not a property peculiar to cliloropliyll, " I may add that, if a portion of chlorophyll could be demonstrated in the interior of Diatomea?, this would by no means invalidate thcu' animal natm-e ; we might stUl suppose they had swallowed it for food. As to the oU-globulcs " which Kiitzing represents, Meneghini considers they may be no more than particles of sarcode, Avliich have an oily appearance ; and he woidd observe " that the number and volume of these globules mcrcase considerably after death, and that during life they arc situated upon a longitudinal line extending from one extremity to the OF raiJ DIATOMEJJ. 93 other. And," ho continues, " I rely upon the observation that there is some motion and successive alteration in them, as if these minute globules mixed vrith lai-ger ones, and separated again from them." For, to the mind of the Italian naturalist, the hypothesis of stomachs is admissible, although the fact that a polygastric structiu-e (affirmed by Ehrenberg) has not been shown in the ciliated Protozoa is in itself an d priori argument that such an organization is not to be found in the Diatomeos, among which animal cha- racteristics are so much more deficient and indeterminate. Although, to oru- apprehension, this argument, based on the differential chemical composition, to the extent it is developed by Meneghini, is incom- plete and inconclusive, yet it was a duty to present it, in order that some of the many ardent English microscopists may be induced to attempt the solution of this micro-chemical question. Eabenhorst, we should not omit to state, describes the colouring matter of Diatomete as quite different from the chlorophyll of plants. For instance, he states that the chlorophyll of plants is taken up by alcohol, dissolves with a yellowish-green colour in alkalies, and with muriatic acid acquii'es an emerald- green colour, whereas the colouring material of Diatomeffi is insoluble iu alcohol (although after a time its coloirr fades), remains unchanged by alkalies, and acquires a pale-green colour with muriatic acid. It stUl remains to point out the facts which speak in favour of the vegetable nature of the Diatomaceae. The following summary was offered by Kiitzing : — " 1. The great resemblance of compoimd forms to Algae, and their develop- ment by iission. There are, indeed, compound Infusoria, as Monad-masses and Polypes : but the former are veiy questionable animals ; and the latter have this essential distinction, that the individual animal lives "without (external to) its habitation, and moves freely, whereas such Navicidcv as Encyonema, ScJiizonema, and Micromega, and similar genera, grow within the enclosing substance, biulding themselves up lilvo the cells in the stem of a plant — so vegetating here only as cells. In Hlce manner, the individuals of Fragilaria, Melosira, Himantidium, &c., are steadily fixed, and unable to exhibit animal motion. " 2. The inner soft organic parts, which I have designated gonimic sub- stance, possess, as well in their chemical nature as in their development, peculiarities akin to those met with in the ceU-conteuts of confervoid Alga;. " This relation is most clearly seen in the genus Melosira and its allied forms, which, not only in form, but also in the chemical components of their con- tained matter (since the presence of chlorophyll is common to all Diatomeas), arc closely allied to the confei'void Algte. " 3. The development of seeds, or young [as Kiitzing represents it], occurs here as in undoubted Algtc, but never as in true animals. " 4. The Diatomerc, and especially the free moving Nnvimlcc, dcvelope, in the Sim's rays, an appreciable quantity of oxygen, like all admitted plants' " The evolution of oxygen, indeed, occurs in green Monnds and EugleiKv ; but this affords no argument for the animality of the Diatomea), but renders the animal nature of those Infusoria themselves very doubtful, and the more so as recent obsei-vations confii-m the idea of the origin of the lower plants themselves from Monads and Euglenn;. AVherefore all these comparisons sei-vo to favour the belief in the vegetable nature of Diatomea)." To these nrguments has been added another, resting on the assumption of conjugation being peculiar to plants ; and Mr. Blackwell discovers further It is ncoessaiy to inquire, mi«lm, into tlic real value of the arguments 94 GENERA 1- niSTOEY OE THE INFUSOniA. on this, as 1ms been done with tlioso on the other side of the question. Menoghini enters the lists with Kiitzing, and disputes the conclusions arrived at by him, rather than the facts on which they rest. The fii'st argument, founded on external resemblance, has little value, and offers no certain indications of affinities. However, taking Kiitzing's state- ments in his own words, modem research has added to its weight ; for it has proved, what was before only a probability, that the so-called Monad- masses are only of a vegetable natui-e. The second reason advanced has been already discussed, Avhilst the third rests as yet on incomplete observations, and in Meneghini's opinion has an equally strong analogy in animals, for example, " in the ovaries of Polypes and other inferior animals, as in many Ovipara of superior classes. And, in fact, the bag of a spider, with the thousands of small eggs that it contains, seems to me quite as like, as the spore of an Alga, to the organ of propaga- tion of a Schizonema or a Micromega.'" These analogies cannot be allowed much weight, whilst it is, on the contrary, pretty clearly ascertained that the sporangia of Diatomese produce a brood of young forms within them, — a phenomenon according in aU particulars with the mode of reproduction in numerous Algae and Fungi. The fourth argument for their vegetable nature must be admitted to possess great importance. Since Kiitzing enunciated it, the apparent objections against the vital phenomena in question being restricted to plants, haA^e been removed by subsequent inquiry. The green Monads and Eugleno}, cited by Kiitzing, are now recognized to be vegetable, and can no longer cast doubt, by reason of an assumed animal nature, on the fact of the evolution of oxygen being a characteristic of vegetable life. The evolution of oxygen, as Prof. Smith, like every other careful observer, tells us, " may be noticed in any mass of Diatomacese during the warmer months of the year, or in gatherings freely exposed to the sun, in the elevated temperatiu-e of a confined apartment, dui'ing the winter or spring. Under these conditions the water in the vessel becomes covered with minute bubbles of oxygen, and portions of the Diato- maceous stratum are floated up by the buoyancy of the globules of this gas adhering to their frustules. Such phenomena can only be accoimted for by supposing that the Diatomacete are plants, and that they exhide, like all plants in a state of active vegetation, oxygen from theii- tissues ; but this pro- cess is irreconcilable with the hypothesis of their animal nature." {Siinopn. vol, ii. p. XX.) Prof. Carpenter insists {Microscope, p. 469), that the most positi-^-e and easily defined distinction between Protophyta and Protozoa "lies in the nature of the aliment, and iti the method of its introduction," in each case. " For whilst the Protophyte obtains the materials of its mitrition from the air and moisture that surrovmd it, and possesses the power of dctaclmig oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen from their proA-ious binaiy combina- tions, and of imiting them into ternary and quaternary organic compounds (chlorophyll, starch, albumen, &c.), the simplest Protozoon. in common witli the highest members of the animal kingdom, seems utterly destitute of any such power, and is dependent for its support upon organic substances pre- viously elaborated by other beings. But fiu-thcr, the Protophyte obtains its nutriment by mere absoi-ption of liquid and gaseous molecules, which pene- trate by simple imbibition, whilst the Protozoon, though destitute of any proper stomach, makes (so to speak) a stomach for itself in the substance of its body, into which it ingests the solid particles that constitute its food, and within Avhich it subjects them to a regular process of digestion. Hence the simplest members of the two kingdoms, which can scarcely be distinguisliod OF THE DIATOME^Ti. 95 from eacli other by any strmtural characters, seem to be pJiysiohc/icalh/ sepa- rable by the mode in which they perform those actions wherein their life most essentially consists." The process of conjugation has been used as an argument for the vegetable natiu-e of Diatomete by Mr. Thwaites and others. This subsequently seemed to be set aside by the observation of apparent conjugation in Actinophrys and Gregarina observed by Kolliker and Cohn. However, this phenomenon appears again in the ascendant as a vegetable characteristic ; for the observa- tions of Ml-. Weston {J. M. S. 1856, 122), of Leuckart, Lieberkuhn, and others, go to show that the act believed to be one of conjugation in the Actimphrys, is not really a process of reproduction, but merely a temporary cohesion : moreover Lieberkuhn {Mem. de VAcad. Boy. Belyique, vol. xvi.) proves that the production of the Navicellce is not necessaiily a consequence of the act of conjugation in the Qregarince. K future research substantiate the fact that conjugation is essentially a vegetable process, then the nature of the Diatomete will no longer be doubtful. On a review of the arguments ui'ged on each side, and on consideration of the whole stractural and vital peculiarities of the Diatomesa, we are disposed to consider them of a vegetable natui'e — members of the great family of Algae, and, together with many other unicellular plants, to constitute a group known by the name of Protophyta. Fageli, in 1849, took this view, and reckoned the Diatomere as one of his eight orders of unicellular Algoe, of which the Desmidiaceae and Palmellacefe were other two. How close must be the afBnity of the Diatomeae with the Desmidieae is shown by the fact of the two families having so long been treated of together under the common head and name of Bacillaria. And although sufficiently decisive characters separate the one set of beings from the other, yet, in the grand phenomena of life and organization, a true homology exists. The difference between some Desmidieae and Palmelleae is as much pronoimced as it is between the former and some Diatomeae ; and between these several orders, together with the Zygnematae, various intermediate forms are to be found, which serve as con- necting links. Although Mr. Ealfs would not now insist upon the distinc- tions between the Desmidieae and Diatomeae, formerly laid down by him as decisive, yet they may be here reproduced with advantage. 1. In Diatomea? (op. dt. p. 19) " each frustule consists of three pieces, one central, ring-like and continuous all roimd, and the others lateral." In opposition, Prof. Smith asserts that the central third segment is no essential part of the frustules, but a portion produced, just Hlce that between the opposed valves of Desmidiea), preparatoiy to the process of self-fission. 2. " The di\dsion is completed by the formation of new portions ■within the enlarged central piece, which then falls off, or else by a new septum arising at the centre ; " but Mr. Ealfs believes that in eveiy case the separation commences internally before it extends to the coveiing. So fai' as we can miderstand the matter, no essential variation in this process prevails in the two families. 3. " Their coverings, with vciy few exceptions, are silicious, withstand the action of fire and acids, and may bo broken, but not bent ; the frustules are often rectangular in form, are never warted, and scarcely ever spinous." To these statements it may be replied, that in a few Diatoms the silex is in small quantities in the valves, and that, on the contraiy, examples of partially silicious Desmidieae arc known. The action of fii-e and acids, the capabiUty of being bent or not, are qualities dependent on the relative proiiortion of silex m the fnistulcs, and are but secondary distinctions. The same may be said of the remaining points mentioned— the rectangular form and tlio presence of warts and spines. The form indeed is, at best, of little value in 96 GENERAL HISTOUY OF THE INFCSOl'.IA. the argument. The rectangular form of the Diatoracae is doubtless a conse- quence mainly of the silicious composition : yet it is far from univei-sal among them ; for some species are rather orbicular, others sections of cylinders, others capsular, and others again not unlike square sacs with bulging sides and rounded corners. Even where a rectangular outline exists, it is most frequently only in one view ; and the most that can be said is, that the lines of jimction are in many instances acute. On the other hand, examples of a rectangular outhne are to be found among the DesmidietE and their allies : the junction-surfaces of Hyalotheca and Didymoprium are at right angles to the sides of the frond ; the end view of Staurastrv/in tumidum is as angular as the front view of a Triceratium ; and the fi-ont view of Euastrum mneatum presents decidedlj- rectangular truncate extremities. So too in the genus Pediustrum, formerly enumerated among the Desmidiese, although now detached as a subfamily and placed between them and the Palmelleae, examples of an angular outline occm", as in the Pediastrum Tetras and other species. As to the production of spines, sufiiciently numeroxis examples exist among the Diatomese to prove it no distinctive peculiarity of the Desmidieae ; and although warty expan- sions or elevations of the siu'face precisely like those of some Desmidiese, may not be noticed in Diatomeas, yet certain exag'geratcd inflations of the surface are seen in some Diatomese, e. g. in Bidduli^Ma imlcheUa and B. regiiui. The two next distinctions indicated by Mr. Ealfs are of more consequence, but nevertheless cannot be admitted as demonstrative of an entire difference in nature. They are thus stated : — " Their internal matter is usually brown w^hen recent ; and although some species are greenish, or become green after they have been gathered, none are of a truly herbaceous character. Theii' vesicles bear some resemblance to those in the Desmidiese ; but they ai'e of a yellower colour, and no starch has been detected in them." The last section of this statement must be held as still suh judice ; the chemistry of the endochrome is too imperfect to afford a safe argument, and the chemical relations of starch and isomeric compoimds too little understood. The con- cluding distinction, " that the Diatomeae do not conjugate," the researches of Mr. Thwaites have negatived. To employ the summary of the affinities of the Diatomeae presented by Prof. Smith {Synops. vol. ii. p. xxi) : — " The Diatomaceac, with specialities of their own, have also intimate alliances \nt\\ the other ordei-s of the Proto- phyta, resembling the Zygnemaceae and Dcsmidiaceac in the reproductive pro- cess,— the Nostochaceae in the tendency shown by several genera to surround their fi-ustules mth frondose masses of mucus, within which linear scries of cells are subsequently developed,— the OscUlatoriea^ in their movements, — the Palraellacese and all the orders I have named, in the self-dividing act by which the individuals of the species arc miiltiphed, or the aggregate of spe- cific life maiatained and increased." Determination of Species and Genera ; Yakieties ; Classification. — The question has been very much discussed of late, what chai-acters of the frustules and of their .contents arc to be employed in the construction of species ? Ehrenbcrg generally proceeded on the principle of notifying eveiy departure from any one form, assiuned to be specific, as representing another species ; but this loose plan has been foimd productive of error and of ex- cessive multiplication of species, inasmuch as shape, or outline, or markings of the sui-face are not nearly so permanent and distinctive a.s formerly imagined. Although in some species the size and figure seem pretty constant, yet in many they are subject to endless variations. Prof. Gregory cites as examples of changeablenoss" of form the three species, Ennotia (/ibba, Pimiuhria clivergens, and Ilimanlldimn bidem ; and he woidd comprehend several pro- OF THE DIATOMEiE. 97 Slimed species of Naviciilce under the name of N. variam. So again Dr. Ciieville, speaking {A. N. H. 1855, p. 258) of the Grammato^hora C?) Bal- fouriana (Smith), which he erects into a new genus Diatomella, observes, " There is greater variation in the relative length and breadth of the fmstules than would be likely to occur in other Diatomaeeous groups. In some the length is more than equal to tmce tlie breadth, while others are exactly- square ; and between these two extremes every gradation may be obseiwed ; resembling in this inequality Fragilaria, Oclontidium, Grammatojjhory., and other filamentous genera having piano-compressed frustules." ^ But in this veiy case a ditference ai-ises between Dr. Greville and Mr. Smith respecting the value of intemal markings as a characteristic distinction ; for the latter author remarks, " The absence of a curve in its septa, relied upon by Dr. Greville, I cannot regai'd as of sufficient importance to constitute a generic distinction, as this featui-e is scarcely noticeable in some states of Gramma- tophora macilenta, and is uniformly absent in G. stricta." (Synoj>s{s, vol. ii. p. 44.) " The si^e of the mature frustule " (says Prof. Smith, J. M. S. 1855, p. 1 32) f before self-di^dsion commences, is, however, dependent upon the idiosyncrasy of the embiyo, or upon the circumstances in which its embryonic growth takes place; consequently a very conspicuous diversity in their relative magnitudes may be usually noticed in any large aggregation of individuals, or in the same species collected in different localities. It may also be easily conceived that, while a typical outline of its cell must be the characteristic of a certain species, such outline may to some extent be modified by the accidental circumstances which surround the em- bryo during its earlier growth and development. A lanceolate form may become linear, elliptical, or even somewhat oval, by the pressure of surround- ing cells ; and acute ends may be transformed into obtuse or rounded ex- tremities. . " Those who understand the process of self-division wall see here a suffi- cient reason for the occurrence of multitudes of fmstules deviating from the normal form, or even for the existence of myriads at one spot, all having a form different fi'om the type, — the single embryo from which they have all sprung by self-division (which process stereotypes the shape with which it commences) having from some accidental circumstances become modified in its outline. " It foUows, then, from these considerations, that neither size nor outline is sufficient to enable the observer to determine the species of a Diatoma- eeous frustule. If he has the means of compaiing specimens in sufficient numbers and from various localities, he may fix with tolerable certainty upon the magnitude and form which may be regarded as the average and type of the species ; but, without such opportunities, a reliance upon such characters wiU inevitably lead to the undue multiplication of species and to a confused and erroneous nomenclature." In the construction of genera, similar difficulties present themselves. Thus, Mr. Brightwell complains (./. M. S. i. 252)—" It appears as if we could carry our real knowledge little beyond that of species ; and when we attempt to define kinds and groups, we are met on every side by forms which set at nought our definitions. With reference to the species of the present genus (Tnceratium), loolring upon T. favus or T. mer/asfomum as what wo con- ceive to be the most perfect plan (if any) on which this group is constructed we find aU the species diverging from it, and canying us to analogous forms in other groups, or lost m them. Placing the perfect triangular form of 98 GENEEAL HISTOHY OF THE INTUSOHIA. T. favus in the centre, we may diverge in lines to a circumference ending in one line, in the long-armed T. Solennoceros, itself nearly resembling Desmi- dium tridens or D. hexaceros ; in another line ending in a form resembUng Desmidiwm apiculosum ; in another like Zygoceros rhombus, especially in the front view; in another analogous to Amphitetras antediluviana ; and in another to Campylodiscus cribrosus." Next after size and form, markings existing on the surface or within the frustules have been employed as specific and generic characteristics ; but with these, as with the former conditions, great imcertainty prevails in their ap- plication, as we have already seen in the difference of opinion, regarding some internal markings of O^-ammatophora, between Dr. Greville and Prof. Smith. In like manner the character, the breadth, the relative position and distribu- tion, the distinctness and the number of strijB on the valves, although tolerably constant in some species, are, in the majority, subject to great variation. Then again some naturalists coimt the number of striae in a given space, as, for example, in the -nnjo-th of an inch, whilst others advo- cate counting the entire number in the length of the valve. The latter plan, to all appearance, must afford more certainty, although the trouble of it is much greater ; for in the growth of frustules there would seem an expansion of their walls, inducing consequently a displacement of the striae further apart ; and observation does not confirm the opinion, that in the imperfectly developed frustiiles a smaller number exists, which are added to in course of growth. However, just as in the case of the form and size, so, in this matter of the superficial markings, there will be variations according as the frustules result from self-division and are stereotyped impressions of an already existing' form, or according as they originate from sporangial frustules and may have an individual idiosyncrasy, or be modified in their development by the loeahty, aid by surrounding circumstances, season and the like. A writer in the Mic. Journ. (1855, p. 309) invites notice to another cir- cumstance : — " Sufficient attention has not yet been paid to the sporangial state of the Diatoms. From the observations recorded by Thwaites, Smith, and others, different genera seem to foUow different laws on the subject. In Navicula tliis state appears to be always accompanied by a great dilatation of the frustule, and the formation of a strong line or band between the median line and the margin ; sometimes the new line is neai-ly straight and parallel to the median line, except near the nodule, with which it seems connected ; sometimes it is curved ; but whether both sti-uctures occm- in the same species, or are indicative of different species, no evidence has hitherto been adduced Tlie strias appear, however, to preserve nearly the same in- clination, to the new or intermediate lines which they did in the non- sporangial state to the median Une ; and hence the direction of the striae is not sufficient of itself to distinguish species, however good a character it may afford, unless regard be had to the peculiar state of the fi-ustule." Prof. Smith has endeavoured to frame some general lodes for the guidance of naturalists in instituting generic and specific chai-actors, which we cannot do better than subjoin in an abridged form {J. M. S. 1855, pp. 132-134 ; and Synops. vol ii. p. xxii). In determming specific character, three circumstances are of essential importance: 1. the stnictiu-e of the valve; 2. the habitat; 3. the arrangement of endochome in the living fr-ustule. The first can be applied to both liAdng and dead or fossil specimens, and affords the most constant and obvious characters. " These varieties of stnic- turc arise from the modes in which the silex combines with the cellulose of OF THE DIATOMEiE. 99 the epiderm ; and this combination seems to follow eertahi and invariable laws, which ai-e subject to no derangement from the external circumstances in which the growth of the embryo may take place. The structure of the valve reveals itself in the chai-acter of the striation, which may therefore be found a good specific distinction." Thus the strife may be costate or monili- form, pai-allel or radiate, reach the median liue or be absent from a greater or lesser portion of the siu-face, &c. The relative distances and the distinct- ness of the strisB are also other features to be recorded, allowance being made for the influence of localities and of age, and for the fact of their having originated from the same or from different sporangia. Next to striation in importance is locality, which will often aid to discri- minate between closely allied forms, siace fresh- and salt-water species cannot exchange habitats. Locality also seems even more restricted by other external conditions of a more limited natiu-e. Lastly, the arrangement of the endochi'ome confers a specific character more certain than habitat. Examples of various arrangement of gonimic substance, and of the large, constant, oil-like globules, have been already given. It follows, therefore, that the diflBlculty of defining species is much en- hanced where examples occur only in a fossU state. Even in the living state, shape and size cannot be implicitly relied on, but gatherings are re- quired fr-om different localities, and every condition of growth observed, before an average size or a typical outline can be. decided on. And although stria- tion is an important guide, it often happens that this feature is so nearly alike in allied species of the simple forms, such as Cocconema, Cymbella, and Naviaida, that our determination must be influenced by less important con- siderations, and the habitat, outline, and aiTangement of cell-contents all require to be brought under review before we should feel justifled in consti- tuting a species. In the construction of genera, the several conditions (viz. form, size, stria- tion, habitat, and disposition of endochi'ome) employed iu the determination of species are also resorted to. Other peculiarities, however, are noted, such as the transverse or longitudinal lines or bands, indicating thickenings of the valves, the presence of a central spot (umbilicus) or of terminal ones, and (as Prof. Smith mentions) " the obvious varieties of form or combination to which the cellules submit in the progress of their formation, exhibiting themselves as hexagonal, circular, or irregular in outline, as distinct from each other, or as more or less confluent." {Synops. vol. ii. p. xxiv.) Kiitzing has extensively used the cu'cumstance of the presence or absence, the number and the position of apparent pores, not only in constitutiag genera, but also the higher divisions, families and orders. The figui-e of frustules on a transverse section, or an end view, is another point he has resorted to in framing his classification. He would, indeed, appeal- to assign a yet higher importance to the central spot or umbilicus than Ehrenberg him- self, since he has distinguished his tribes Striatal and Vittatxe, respectively, into two orders, Stomaticai and Astomaticce, according as this structural pecu- liarity is present or absent. So, again, in the case of the Navicular frastules, he has constituted Swrirella with some other genera into a family Surirellece separated from Navicula, Pinnularia, and other genera, and placed in a dis- tinct order of Striata;, because the former group is destitute of an umbilicus (hence Astomaticm), which the latter possesses (the Stomaiicm) Moreover as the family Na%aculeae, along with others, presented an umbilicus on each valve of their fnistule, the term Distomatim was appUed to cUstiuguish them H 2 100 GENEBAL HISTOET OV THE IWEUSOEIA, from otlier families having an umbilicus only on one valve — Monostomaticce. In this plan, therefore, Kiitzing assigned to the cii-cumstance of striation an altogether secondary place to that of the existence of a central lunbilicus, asserting that the presence or absence of transverse striffi Avas inconstant, and therefore not to be xxsed in generic distinctions. Meneghini critically reviews Kiitzing's system of classification, and points out many anomalies and errors in it. " In the three proposed tribes," re- marks this author, " we have unnatm'al dismemberments and associations. The same conclusion prevails also in respect to the six orders, as weU as to the ulterior divisions in the first two, taken from the continuity or inter- ruption of the strise and the presence of one or two stomatic apertures " (op. cit. p. 492). For instance, he asserts that the character of the median apertiu'e, given as distiuctive of Tabellariece from Striatellece, is absolutely false; and he doubts generally of the presence, constancy, and value of a median aperture in fi-aming such distinctions as Kutzing has done. The Actiniscece he would separate from the Diatome£E. Again, proceeding on the principle that no one character can be allowed an absolute value, he divides the Diatomese into two sections, the Actiniscece and Loricatce. Of the latter he would create 8 families: — 1. Eunotiece; 2. Fragilariece (uniting with them the Mericliece, Striatellece, and Tahellariece) ; 3. MelosirecE, comprising the Coscinodiscece, Tnpodiscece, Angidiferce, Bid- dulphiece, and Angidatce ; 4. Oocconeidece ; 5. AcJinanthece ; 6. Oymhellece ; 7. Naviculece (with all the SurirellecB) ; 8. OomphonemecB (with all the Licmophorece, except the genus Licmophora)." To the presence or absence of an external muco-gelatinous investment around the silicious fnistules, this naturalist gave little weight in framing a classification, reckoning it, together with the existence or not of a pedicle or of concatenation, as scarcely admissible in the identification of species. On. the other hand. Prof. Smith has employed these circumstances, con- sidered in relation to the process of self- division, as the basis of his system of classification. He would look to the phenomena of reproduction as the most sure basis ; but in the absence of precise information, except in a few instances, these are at present inapplicable, and self-division seems to liim " to come next in order, as a most important function connected with in- crease and growth, and to supply the necessary variety of phenomena on which to ground our sectional divisions." And he thus proceeds to explain his plan (Synops. i. p. xxviii) : — " I have therefore separated those forms where self-division is accom- panied by the secretion of a pennanent gelatinous or membranaceous envelope, in which the fnistules are subsequently imbedded, from those in which such secretion is altogether absent, or is represented merely by a cusliion or stipes, to which the frustules ai-e attached by a small portion of their sur- face ; and I have placed the latter, as of simpler organization, in my first tribe, arranging the genera belonging to it into subtribes, depending upon the permanency or otherwise of the connecting-membrane, another product of the self-dividing process. This enables me to place apart those genera whose species present us Avith frustules in which the union of the cells is dissolved almost immediately upon the completion of self-division, as well as those where a cushion or stipes stiU maintains a kind of indirect individuality in the divided frustules, from the genera in which the cells cohere after gemniiparous increase, and by such coherence form filaments of various lengths and forms, allotting the latter to subtribes wliich respectively pre- sent a compressed filament, a zigzag chain, or a cylindrical thread. In the or THE DIATOMEiK. 101 second tribe, including those genera which have frondose forms, I find cha- racters for my subti'ibes in the natiu'e of the frond and the arrangement of the frustules. " I do not propose this arrangement as fi'ee from exceptions or even serious defects ; but I have adopted it in preference to those hitherto given, as bring- ing more frequently together forms allied in structui'e and mode of growth, and as being at the same time more strictly in accordance veith the external physiognomies of these organisms, and therefore more likely to be appre- hended by the inquirer entering upon the study of this department of nature. A wider study of Diatomaceous forms will doubtless lead to more accurate and more natiu-al generalizations." We subjoin the systems of classification proposed by Kiitzing and by Smith. The fonner is presented in a tabular form— DIATOME^. Tribe I. Striata). Tribe II. Vittatoe. Tribe III. Areolatie. Order I. ASTOMATIC^. Without a central - opening on the secondary side. * Transverse strioe unbroken. Family 1. Eimotieae. 2. Meridiess. 3. FragUarieae. Striae broken (interrupted) in the median Une. Family 4. Melosirese. Order II. StOMATIC;!!. With the central opening. Order I. ASTOMATIC/E. Without median apertm'e on se- condary side. / Order II. Stomatic/E. With a large dis- tinct one. Order I. DlSCIFORM^E. Order II. ' ApPENDICULAT/E. Appended doubt- ful forms. 5. Surirellese. a. MoNOSTOMATICiE. Family 6. Cocconeidese. 7. Aohnantheae. b. DlSTOMATICai. f Having a median aperture on only \ one of the two secondary surfaces. Family 8. Cymbelleae, 9. Gromphonemeae, 10. Naviculeae. 11. Licmophoreas. 12. Striatelleae. /With a median aperture on each \ secondary surface. 13. TabeUarieas. 14. CoscinodiscesB. 15. Anguliferffi. 16. Tripodisceije. 17. Biddulpliieas. 18. Angulatae. 19. Actinisceae. The Synoptical Table of Prof. Smith contains only those genera then known m Britain ; but since the date of its pubUcation not a few othcra have been added to the Hst. Class CRYPTOGAMIA. Subclass ALG^. Natujbal Order DIATOMACE^. Plant a Fkustule; consisting of a unilocular or irapcrfectlv sontntA or^^ invested with a bivalve silicious epidermis. ^..^J^^fl^ZZ, by 102 GENEEAL niSTOET OF THE HTFTTSOEIA. Self-Divisiok ; during whicli process the cell secretes a more or less sili- cious CoNKECTrNG Membeane. Eepbobtjction, by Conjugation and the formation of Sporangia. Teibe I. Fmstules naked ; not imbedded in gelatine nor enclosed in mem- hranaceous tubes. Stjbtkibe 1. Connecting membrane deciduous ; fmstules solitary or du- ring self-division in pairs, rarely in greater numbers, adherent or free, dispersed, or aggregated into a mucous stratum. 22 Geneea. Epithemia, Eunotia, Cymbella, Amphora, Cocconeis, Coscinodiscus, Eupodiscus, Actinocyclus, Arachnoi- discus, Triceratium, Cyclotella, Campylodiscus, Simrella, Trybhonella, Cymatopleura, Nitzschia, Amphiprora, Amphipleura, Navicula, Pinnularia, Stauroneis, Pleurosigma. SxTBTEiBE 2. Connecting membrane subpersistent j frustules after self- division attached by a gelatinous cushion, or dicJwto- mous stipes. 7 Geneea, Synedra, Doryphora, Cocconema, Gomphonema, Po- dosphenia, Rhipidophora, Licmophora. SuBTEiBE 3. Connecting membrane evanescent, or obsolete ; frustules after self-division united into a compressed filament. 12 Geneea. Meridion, Bacillaria, Himantidium, Odontidium, Den- ticiila, EragUaria, Eucampia, Achnanthes, Achnan- thidium, Ehabdonema, Striatella, Tetracyclus. SuBTEiBE 4. Connecting membrane subpersistent ; frustules after self- division united into a zigzag chain. 6 Geneea. Diatoma, Grammatophora, Tabellaria, Amphitetras, Biddulphia, Isthmia. SuBTEiBE 5. Connecting membrane subpersistent as a silicious amiulus ; frustules after self-division united into a cylindrical filament. 3 Geneea. Podosira, Melosira, Orthosu-a. Teibe II. Frustules invested with a gelatinous or membranaceous envelope. SuBTEiBE 6. Frond indefinite, mammillate ; frustules scattered. 1 Genus. Mastogloia. SuBTEiBE 7. Frond definite, compressed or globular ; frustules scattered. 2 Geneea. Dickieia, Berkcleyia. iStTBTEiBE 8. Frond definite, filamentous ; frustules in rows. 3 Geneea. Encyonoma, Colletoncma, Scliizonema. SxJBTEiBE 9. Frond definite, filamentous ; fi-ustules fasciculated. 1 Genus. Homoeocladia. On the Mode of obtaining Diatomej;. Peepaeatton of Diatomaceous Deposits mixed with Mud oe in inE Fossil State. Peeseevation of Spe- cimens.— Many hints on the obtaining of specimens of Diatomese are seal- OF THE DIATOMEiE. 103 tercd in previous sections of this history of the Order, particularly in that on their habitats (p. 75) ; yet, to make the dii-ections complete, additional details ai'e necessary. ^Miere Diatome* in the living state exist in any considerable number, they usually form a brilliant cinnamon, or sometimes an oUve-brown film or patch, and thereby become visible to the naked eye or to an ordinaiy lens, adherent to vaaious water-weeds, to decayed portions of wood, leaves, or other floating substances, or as a patch on the mud at the bottom, or other- wise floating on the surface of the pond as a scum or film. Besides such positions and such collections, Diatomese exist diffused more or less abun- dantly thi'ough the water or in the mud itself (see p. 75 et seq.). When seen adherent to an aquatic plant, the process of collection is very simple — by carefuUy gathering or removing the plant from the water and washing it to detach the Diatomaceous frustules, if these cannot be more advantageously viewed whilst stiU adherent to its stem or leaves. So, too, where, mostly in conjunction with other organisms, the Diatomete float in mass, Hke a scum on the surface, nothing is easier than to lightly skim the collection from the surface. But when the layer of frustules reposes on the surface, or is more or less intermixed with the mud, some additional pre- cautions are required in their collection, unless indeed the film has sufficient tenacity, by cohesion of its component frustules, as in the case of Schizonemese, to allow of its being raised en masse upon some thin flat instrument, a spoon or spatula, insinuated beneath it. The general methods of collection applicable to the Desmidieae and other minute Algse are equally so to the Diatomese, whilst various modifications will suggest themselves to the mind of every practical naturalist to meet the vaiying circumstances under which he makes the collection. Mr. Ealfs has kindly famished us with notes on this point. He ^v^ites — " It is often difficult to procure clear specimens of those species which form strata on mud ; most of them, however, can be obtained, tolerably free from the mud on which they congregate, by the following method, which is applicable both to those found in maiine situations and to those gathered fi-om the wayside. When the water is somewhat diied up, if the finger be pressed upon the stratum with a gentle force, the Diatomaceae will adhere to the finger, and may then be removed by scraping them off upon a piece of Linen folded over the edge of a tin box or of a knife ; by repeating this process, a sufficient quantity can easily be collected. At first, probably, a portion of mud, espe- cially if very wet, will also be taken up ; but a little practice wUl soon show the force requisite for places where the water is plentiful, and for those where it is nearly dried up. Specimens thus collected can be prepared for mounting with much less trouble than if gathered mixed witli a large quan- tity of dirt." When it is wished to captiiro frustid.es diffused in water, a piece of muslin may bo used as a filter, just as for Desmidicaj, and the residue left upon it examined as it is, or, if required, washed, to detach foreign matters mixed with it. Where some adraixtiu-e of mud is imavoidable, frequent washing of the collected substance wiU often suffice to separate sufficiently the silicious frustTilcs from the other particles — the heavier grams of sand sinking to the bottom of the vessel, while the Diatoms are still suppended in the fluid ; and on the other hand, the decayed organic and other matters, lighter than the frustules, will remain in the supernatant liquid after the latter are precipi- tated, llepeatcd careful decanting and washing may be aU, therefore that is required. ' Another method applicable to recent linng specimens, dependent on the 104 GENEKAL DISTOET OF THE INFUSORIA. tendency towards the Ught, at least, of many species, may be adopted by placing the half-liquid mud in shallow pans or plates in the sunshine, when many species may be found to rise as a him on the surface, or to congregate near the edge or sides of the vessel. When the finistules are much intermixed with mud, which is, under cer- tain circumstances, inevitable, various plans have been adopted for separating them^ for examination. Mr. Okeden details the following plan, which, with certain modifications to be mentioned, has been described also by Dr. H. Munro : — " The plan " {J. M. S. 1855, pp. 158, 159) " consists in making the deposits fall thi-ough a constant depth of water, in various periods of time ; thus dividing the Diatoms, according to their sizes, into portions of several dif- ferent gravities." It is thus carried out : " Take about a cubic inch of the clay to be examined, digest it for about four hom-s in strong nitric acid at a moderate temjjerature ; now add gradually an equal quantity of hydrochloric acid, eflPervescence takes place, a further action on the clay ensues ; keep boiling for about thi-ee hours more, occasionally stirring, and then allow the mixture to cool and settle down, which it will do in about an hour ; pour off the superfluous acid and wash the residue repeatedly with water, so as to get rid of the remaining acid. " The next operation is to divide the sediment into portions of various specific gravities : for this piu-pose it is necessary to have several beakers, about 3 or 4 mches in height, and about 1-^ to 2 inches in diameter ; also one very large beaker, about 6 to 9 inches in diameter : we will caU the large beaker A. Wow transfer the sediment into one of the small beakers, and pour in water tiU there is just 2 inches depth of water in the glass. Stir, and let stand half a minute by the watch, and then pour off carefully into the large beaker A ; repeat this about half a dozen times, each time poiu'ing off into A aU that does not fall through the 2 inches of water in the half- minute, and at last the small beaker avlQ contain only what falls thi'ough 2 inches of water in half a minute. Now let A stand about half an horn-, pour off carefully, and transfer the sediment in A to another small beaker ; put 2 inches of water with it, stir and let stand for 2i minutes, then pour off into A. Eepcat this about six times, and there will now be another small beaker containing aU that falls through 2 inches of water in 2^ minutes, while in A is aU that does not fall through that distance in that period. Let A stand half an hour, pour off and transfer the sediment to another small beaker, stii' and let it stand ^^ve minutes, pour off into A as before, and repeat this as before about six times. There is now another beaker, containing all that falls through 2 inches of water in 5 minutes. After this I do not didde them any fni'ther, but call the last remainder, or what remains in A after it has stood its half-horn-, ' Not in five minutes.' Thus we have four different glasses, containing Diatoms and clay mixed, of foui- different densi- ties : thus, 0 to i ; | to 2^- ; 2i tO 5 ; not in 5. There is now a method of concentrating the coarsest of these sediments, namely the 0 to ^, the ^ to 21, and sometimes the 21 to 5. It consists in taking the beaker containing the sediment and pouiing about an inch of water on it. Let it settle about 5 minutes, and then place tlie glass on a table, and impart a whirliiig motion to the whole by moving it roimd and roimd, when the greatest portion of the Diatoms will rise up in a sort of eddy, while the particles of mud or sand will remain at the bottom, even though they arc of the same specific gra\-ity as the Diatoms, and have fallen through the same distance of water in the same time. This is because tlie Diatoms are mo^ily jl^t and thin, wlule the particles of sand and mud ai-c roimd ; in the same way, if we take a round il OF THE BIATOMEiE, 105 pebble and an oyster-shell both of the same weight, and throw both hon- zontally into the water, the pebble will reach the bottom sooner than the oyster-sheU. So, when the whirling motion is imparted to the glass, the thin flat shells of the Diatoms wiU rise up in a cloud, whUe the round particles of mud and sand -ndll remain behind; when the cloud rises up, pour it off quickly and dextrously into another glass, and, if necessary, repeat the process ; and a httle practice moU enable the operator to separate all the Diatoms most effectually. I have said before that this process will only apply to the 0 to |, ^ to 2i, and sometimes the 2^ to 5 sediment, but not to any finer one ; practice will soon teach this. The ' not in 5 ' cannot be concentrated — it is too fine, and the whole rises together on imparting the whirling motion to it. " It is not necessary to abide invariably by the divisions of time which I have given here. " These must be varied, of course, according to the nature of the clay to be examined. For instance, ra a clay I have recently tried from 34 feet below the bed of the river at Cardiff, neaiiy the whole of what was left after the 0 to -i- fell in the -I- to 2^. I therefore divided it thus : 0 to -I-, to 1^, and to 2-i ; a little practice will soon teach this. " The advantages of the plan are, I think, obvious. In the first or coarsest sediments we get all the larger and finer Diatoms by themselves, unmixed with, and consequently unobsciu'ed by, the innumerable smaller ones and the fine particles of mud and sand, while, if any of them, such as the Evjpo- disci or Campylodisd, are rare, they are sure to be found in either the first or second division of densities, and by their being concentrated and brought as it were tuto a small compass, the detection of them is easy and certain. " In the next division, or the 2-1- to 5, we shall find the moderate-sized Diatoms ; and lastly, in the ' not in 5,' we get a mass of the remaining eind smaller Diatoms, all of which small ones are themselves the more readily seen and identified when separated from theii' larger brethren. " I would venture to add, moreover, that I think the examination of these deposits for the various species is much facilitated, as the slides containing the 0 to sediment may be examined with the inch objective, the i-inch will do to examine the to 2^ and 2^- to 5, while the l-inch need not be used till we come to the ' not in 5 ; ' whereas, were they all mixed, the -i-ihch would be reqidred to examine the whole. " I should add, that what is pom-ed off the large beaker A, after it has stood the half-hour each time, may be flung away and the sediment only transfeiTed to the small beakers, as from the large size of it there "SAill rarely be more than 2 inches depth of water in it, and half-an-hovu' is ample time to ensure every chatomaceous particle falUng to tlic bottom and being pre- •served and detected in one or the other of the divisions." ■ Dr. Munro's plan is a variation of the above proceeding, and is thus de- tailed (/. M. S. 1855, p. 242) : " I first boil the deposit in strong hydi-ocliloric acid for five or ten minutes, then allow it to subside, pom- off all tlic acid, and by a few washings get as much of it away as possible ; then treat the deposit •in the same way ^^^ith. strong nitric acid, washing the deposit by repeated washings to get rid of the remaining acid. "When this is done, I then sepa- rate the Diatoms according to their different gravities by allo-ning them to pass through a column of water in the following manner : — " 1 take a long glass tube about four feet long mid half an incli in bore At the bottom of this tube is fixed a stop-cock to enable me to let out any of the Diatoms during any stage of the process. Having nearly filled this tube with distilled water, I pour in my deposit washed free from the acids I watch the deposit as it falls slowly and gradually down the tube, and with a 106 GENEEAL HISTOBT OF THE UfFtTSOMA. Coddington lens can easily detect the larger Diatoms as they are precipitated. In about a quarter of an hour, many of the larger forms wiU have descended to the bottom of the tube. By turning the tap at the bottom of the tube, I let out a drop of the mixtui'e on a sHde, and examine it -wdth a low power (■1-inch) ; and if it be tolerably clear, and the Diatoms of one character, I then let off five or six inches of the mixture into a test-tube, and set it aside for re-examination after the Diatoms have subsided. In a quarter of an hour more, I again let off into another test-tube six or eight inches more of the mixture, and place it aside to settle. In half an hour more I let off into another test-tube six or eight inches of the mixture, which will contain the finer Diatoms by themselves, generally free fi-om all mud and sand. I then pass each of these washings again through the long tube of distilled water ; and by examining the mixture during the process of its subsidence, I am enabled to let out the heavier particles of sand or mud, and to obtain pretty clean all those Diatoms Avhich are alike in size, or at all events in specific gravity. Some Diatoms take a longer time than others in settling to the bottom of the tube, and separating themselves from extraneous matter, such as the Nitzschia, Closterium, &c. ; but, by a little patience, and an extra washing through the tube, these difficiilties may, in a great measure, be overcome. By this method, I have found the Pleurosigmata, Pinnulai-ice, Surirellce, and Synedrce yqtj well separated, those of a Uke character being found together. I have been stimulated to send these few remarks on the washing of Diatomaceae, on aecoimt of the great difficulty I have hitherto experienced in procuring slides free from mud, sand, and other extraneous matters." Mr. Okeden offers the following plan for obtaining specimens imbedded in mud at considerable depths, in making borings for engineering purposes. He prefaces the description of his apparatus by that of the usual boiing ap- paratus, wliich " consists essentially of any number of iron rods " (J. AT. S. 1854, p. 26), "which screw one into the other ; to one of these is screwed an auger or a chisel-point, as the case may reqxiire. This is inserted into the ground to be tested, and worked round by manual force and downward pres- sure, length after length of rod being added as the ground is penetrated. In addition, then, to this apparatiis, I obtained, first, several lengths of wrought- iron gas-pipe, about an inch in diameter, and each screwing into the other : and also a similar number of iron rods, each a few inches longer than the lengths of gas-piping, and each also screwing into the other : to the end of one of these lengths of rod is attached a cork of the exact diameter of the gas-pipe, or a trifle larger. This cork is fixed by a washer and nut. The gas-piping should be in lengths of about 8 feet each, as this is the most con- venient in work : one of these lengths should also be again divided into two parts, which must, however, screw and unscrew ; and this length is to be the one Jirst put into the ground or mud, for reasons which I will presently explain. " The mode of proceeding is as follows : Fii-st, a hole is bored to the required depth — say 20 feet — with the usual boring apparatus : this done, the appa- ratus is drawn out, the jointed length of gas-pipe is now introduced. — the end of it, with the rod to which the cork is attached, liaving been previously stopped, the rod passing up the centre of the gas-pipe ; this is let down the hole, another length of pipe being attaclicd, and another length of rod, and so on, length after length of pipe and rod, until the bottom of the hole is reached. We shall thus have a continuous length of gas-piping, which will be penetrated by a continuous length of iron rod attached to the cork at the end of the pipe. It is obWous that this cork wiU entirely prevent any foreign OF THE DIATOMEiE. 107 matter from entering the gas-pipe. Having thus reached the bottom of the hole, now pull up the cork into the gas-pipe about 4 feet, by means of the rod attached to it, and then press the whole appai'atus into the' soft mud. The' pressiii-e will now drive the mud up into the pipe as far as the cork is drawn, up. Now remove the whole apparatus, and by means of the rod push the cork back again to the end of the last length of pipe, when the charge of mud will be diiven out in the form of a sausage ; and by rejecting the two ends of it, and taking only the middle piece, we may be perfectly sure that the mud at that depth, and that only, has been obtained. " Having secured the prize, the short length of piping which contained it is now to be imscrewed, and carefully washed with a common g-un-cleaning rod and some tow, when it is ready for another experiment. " With this apparatus, then, I have penetrated Neyland mud in various places to depths of 20, 30, and 40 feet." The Diatomeae existing often so abundantly in Guano may be separated on a simpler plan to that pursued in the case of sedimentary deposits and col- lections of fossil specimens. The proceeding is always preceded by several washings in clear water, and by pouring it off carefully, after allowing a sufficient time for the insoluble and more weighty particles to subside. The subsided matter is then treated with hydrochloric (mimatic) acid several times, — a due interval beiag allowed for the cessation of eflPervescence and for the sohd particles to settle before the decanting of the liquid and the ap- plication of a fresh quantity. "When the muriatic acid ceases to produce any chemical action, as evidenced by effervescence, nitric acid should be substi- tuted and used in a similar way two or three times, and the mixture raised to nearly or quite a boiling heat, after which the powder collected at the bottom of the vessel — a conical one should, by the way, be preferred, such as chemists know by the name of " precipitate glasses " — ^is to be washed re- peatedly in pure water. The resultant substance will be found to be com- posed of silicious particles, which are either Diatomaceous frustules or the siLicious spicules of Sponges. Prof. Bailey, in a recent number of SilUman's Journal, 1856 (p. 145), re- commends the following method of cleaning Diatomaceous deposits, as more speedy and efficacious than any other he has tried, whether mixed with sounings, guano, or with mud, &c. : — " Dissolve out the lime compounds, if present, by means of nitric or hydrochloric acid, wash, and filter. Then put the moist contents of the filter into a porcelain capsule with enough strong sulphuric acid to make the whole a fluid mass. Heat the capsule over a spiiit- lamp until the organic matters are all chaiTed, and continue the heat until strong acid fumes are evolved. Keep the capsule hot, and add, in minute portions at a time, finely powdered chlorate of potassa. If the acid is hot enough to give off fumes, the chlorate wiU be immediately decomposed -with- out the accumulation of explosive gases, and it will exert so powerful an oxidizing action, that in a few moments a carbonaceous material as black as ink wHL become perfectly clean and colourless. Nothing now will remain to be done but to wash off the acid, which is best done by the addition of water and repeated deeantations. I would also advise that the materials thus cleaned shotdd not bo cMcd, but should be kept in bottles with a little alcohol, which prevents their felting together, and does not aUow the growth of the byssoid plants which often develope in water. " It is nccessaiy to caution those not familiar with chemistiy against using the chlorate of potassa with siUphnric acid in any other way than above di- rected, as violent and dangerous explosions might result. The process as •above given is perfectly safe and veiy effective." Another plan of separation of the sliclls of Diatomeffi or of Foraminifera 108 OENEEAL niSTOET OF THE INFUSOEIA. is successfully adopted by Prof. Bailey and D'Orbigny, and is thus described by the former {Proceedings of American Assoc. for the Advancement of Science, 1849, p. 409) : — " Where the mixtm-e of inorganic matter is in large propor- tion to the Infusoria and other microscopic organisms, and corresponds nearly in specific gravity," the deposit is to be thoroughly dried, whereby the minute unbroken shells will become filled with air, and consequently when rapidly stirred up with water they will be buoyed up, and continue suspended after the intermixed sand has settled at the bottom. They may then be easUy re- moved from the siuface and transferred by alternately touching the siuface of the water with the finger, and the glass slide on which they are to be placed. The sediment, if dried again, will often yield another abundant supply of the minute shells. " By the above means," adds Dr. Bailey, " I have obtained exquisite specimens from the bottom of dried-up ponds, from the sands of harbours, and from the mud attached to floating ice in the Hudson River, — materials presenting the two extremes of very eoai-se gravel and the finest sediment, neither of which would have given good results by any other process." In the case of some deposits the shells of the Diatomaceae are so far the chief constituents, that no preparation is needed before subjecting them to microscopic investigation. The cohesion of Diatomaceous deposits is at times so great that a difficulty is encountered in separating them. A method of dealing with such is de- tailed by Prof. Bailey {Sill. Journ. 1856, p. 356) : — " Many masses of fossil DiatomaccEe are so strongly coherent, that they cannot be diffused in water (for the purpose of moimting in balsam) without a degree of mechanical vio- lence which reduces to fragments many of the most beautiful and interesting forms. This is particularly the case with some specimens from the ' infusorial deposits ' of California. Some of these I endeavoured to break up by boiling in water and in acids, and also by repeated freezing and thawing when moist- ened, but without good results in either case. At last it occurred to me that the adherence might be due to a slight portion of a silicious cement, which the cautious use of an alkaline solution might remove without destroying any but the most minute shells of the Diatoms. As the case appeared a desperate one, a ' heroic remedy ' was appKed, which was, to boil small lumps of the Diatomaceous mass in a strong solution of caustic potassa or soda. This proved to be perfectly efficacious, as the masses under this treatment rapidly split up along the planes of lamination and then crumbled to mud, which, being im- mediately poured into a large quantity of water, ceased to be acted upon by the aUiali, and gave, when thoroughly washed, not only all the large shclLs of the Diatoms in a state of unhoped-for perfection, but also furnished abim- dance of the minute forms. Having obtained by this method highly satis- factory results from specimens from many localities, I can confidently recom- mend it as an addition to our modes of research. "The following directions will enable any one to apply the process: — Put small lumps of the mass to be examined into a test tube, with enough of a solution of caustic potassa or soda to cover them ; then boil over a spii-it-lamp for a few seconds, or a few minutes, as the case may rcqiui-c. If the solution is sufficiently strong, the ma.sscs -n-ill rapidly crumble to mud, which must be poured at once into a large quantity of water, which, after subsidence, is re- moved by decautation. If the mass resists the action of the alkaline liquor, a still stronger solution should be tried, as, wliile some specimens break up instantly in a weak solution of allcali, others require that it should be of tlie consistence of a dense sjTup. Tlic mud also should be poiu-ed off as fast as it forms, so as to remain as short a time as possible in the caustic ley. "The only specimens which I have found not to give good results by the OF THE DIATOMEiE. 109 method above described, are those from Tampa Bay, Florida, and_ the infii- sorial marls from Barbadoes. In the masses from Tampa the lapidification is so complete that the alkali destroys the shells before the lumps break up ; and in the case of the Barbadoes marls the cementing material is calcareous, and requires a dilute acid for its removal. In applying the above process, one caution is necessary, which is to thoroughly wash the sheUs with water, and not with acids, as the latter ^ill cause the deposit of a portion of the dissolved silica, and materially injui-e the beauty of the specimens. When the washings are no longer alkaline, the specimens may be thoroughly cleansed by acids, or by the chlorate process described above." • A very ingenious plan of getting transverse and oblique sections of Dia- tomaceous shells is mentioned by Schleiden {Principles of Botany, translated by LanJcester, p. 594), which is precisely similar to that for obtaining trans- verse sections of hair, as first given in PritcharcVs Microscopic Objects. It consists in mixing any very piu'e deposit with mucilage, and, before the mixtiu'e is completely hardened, cutting oif delicate slices with a razor or sharp knife. The preservation of Diatomete for examination is, on account of their sOicious composition, easy ; and it is only in the case of the stalked, fila- mentous, and frondose species that any special arrangements are necessary — except, indeed, those demanded in order to mount them as permanent micro- scopic preparations. Before the structure of the silicious epiderm can be made out, the endo- chrome of living specimens must be destroyed, which can be effected by heat- ing the fnistules on a piece of talc or platinum-foil. But where it is wished to preserve them in a fresh state, so that their natural Kving appearance may as far as possible be retained, immersion in creosote and water is recom- mended by Mr. Shadbolt. Prof Smith, however, finds distilled water supe- rior to any mixture, which is not merely unnecessary, but injurious. " If," says the author last mentioned, " the filamentous and stipitate forms are not mounted in a fresh state, the frustules separate fr'om each other, part from their stipes, and lose their characteristic appearance. To remedy these in- conveniences, I immerse such specimens as cannot be placed in cells when freshly gathered, in spirits of wine and water, one part of the foi-mer to six of the latter ; and theii' attachment to their stipes remains afterwards undis- turbed, unless violence be employed t6 separate them." FossU, and chemically-prepared and dried specimens are usually presei-ved in Canada balsam, which is heated and rendered fluid, so that it enters within the cavity of the frustules. The fluidity of the balsam is increased by the addition of a little t"urpentine or rectified spiiit. The presence of balsam however, obscures the marldngs of the sUicious epiderm ; and it has been found better, where the resolution or determination of the supei-ficial sculp- turing is very difficult, to moimt the frustules, in a dry state on a thin object-glass, and imder cover of a very thin piece. " To prevent the admis- sion of moisture, which would ultimately make its way to the object and de- stroy its value, it is indispensable that the cover should be cemented to the thin glass below." {Synops. i. p. xxxii.) In a collection of Diatomeffi, wo may, by a magnifier, such as a Coddino-ton lens, select certain specimens from the rest to be mounted. Tliis can be effected, when the size permits, hj the projecting terminal hairs of a fine camel-hair pencil, or by the moistened tip of a needle ; but if the shell be too minute for this, a single stout hair or bristle will frequently suffice and more satisfactorily and reathly if the hair be split at the end Pi-of Bedfem of Aberdeen, pointed out the advantage of spUt hairs for the pui-pose 'in n binVf communication to the ./. M. S. 1853, p. 235. He recommends a haii- split 110 GENERAL HISTOHY OF THE IITFUSOEIA. into three to five or six parts at one extremity, to be fixed by the other in a piece of cork, and held in a common needle-holder. Such split hairs are com- mon enough in an old shaving-brush ; but the divergence of the split portions should be so slight that, until pressed upon, the hair should appear single and unbroken. He has also found entire hairs very useful when set in needle- holders in a similar manner. The spUt hairs act like forceps, expanding by pressure so as to embrace the object, and closing upon it by their elasticity when the pressui-e is withdrawn. To select certain portions of a collection of Diatomeae from others. Dr. Cai'penter gives these directions {The Mio'oscope, p. 340) : — " Either of the two following modes may be put in practice. A smaU portion of the sedi- ment being taken up in the dipping-tube, and allowed to escape upon the slide, so as to form a long narrow line upon it, this is to be examined with the lowest power with which the object we are in search of can be distin- guished ; and when one of the specimens has been found, it may be taken up, if possible, on the point of the hair, and transferred to a new slide, to which it may be made to adhere by first breathing on its surface. But if it be found impracticable thus to remove the specimens, on account of their mi- nuteness, they may be pushed to one side of the slide on which they are lying ; all the remainder of the sediment which it is not desired to preserve may be washed off ; and the objects may then be pushed back into the middle of the slide, and mounted in any way that may be desired." See GoHiifG and Pkitchakd's Microscopic Illustrations, Microscopic Cabinet, and Micrographia for much original information on these matters. or THE PHTTOZOA. Ill Sect. II.— OF THE PHYTOZOA. (Plates XVni. XIX. XX. and XXVI.) The Beings incltided undee this Name: theik Geitebal Chahactee. — DryisioN into Geoups oe Teibes. — The collection of microscopic beings we would comprehend under the term Phytozoa comprises most of the Anentera of Ehrenberg, with the exception of Amcebcea, Arcellina, Dinohryina, Bacil- laria, Clostenna, PericUnicea, and Cyclidina. After excluding these families, there remain Monaclina, Cryptomonadina, Hydromorina, Volvocina, Vibn~ onia, and Astasicea, which, although they exhibit great diversity among themselves, nevertheless have certain characters in common, whilst their mutual differences in essential particulars of organization and vital endow- ments are less than those separating them from the ciliated animalcules. On the other hand, they — at least the majority — exhibit very marked genuine afl&nities with the Diatome^ and DESMiniEiE as plants. In point of fact, these organisms stand on the confines between the animal and vegetable kingdoms,— some genera distinctly belonging to the latter, others doubtfully to the former, whilst many pass through such phases of existence that at one time they assume the characters of animals, at another those of plants. This apparently mixed animal and vegetable nature is expressed by the term Phytozoa, derived from two Greek words, signifying plant-animals. Another term, used by Perty, viz. Phytozoida, is a simple expansion of the word Phytozoa, signifying literally ammsl-like plants. Cohn employs in its stead the term Flagellata, derived from the locomotive organ or Jlagellum which most species possess, whilst others prefer the word Flabellifera. In the opinion of the majority of modem wiiters, the Phytozoa are in general undistinguishable from unicellular Algse, among the different families of which they consequently seek to distribute them ; and doubtless the creation of such a group is purely artificial, and cannot be admitted in any attempted philosophical or natural classification of microscopic organisms. However, since so much uncertainty and dispute stUl prevail on the question of the animal or vegetable nature of very many, and since our knowledo-e of the phases of existence of a large nimiber is so imperfect, it is really impos- sible to establish any satisfactory classification. On this account, and also to bring together for convenience' sake a mass of information respecting several collections of beings enumerated among the Anenterous Polygastrica of Ehrenberg, difficult or impossible to arrange under any other heading, we resort to this artificial division, and in so doing have the example of Perty and other writers. After describing what can be predicated of the Phytozoa in general, wo shall find it necessaiy to consider them under several sections or tribes, by reason of the differences which prevail among them in form mode of growth, and other particidars ; and in speaking of each tribe shall point out its general affinities to the others, and to any families of Infusoria or of ^Ugse. FiouEE. CovEEiNGS OF PiiYTozoA.-Tho Phytozoa are of more simple organization and of less varied outlme than the ciliated Protozoa In ficure they are commonly round, or oval, or eUiptical, and either present no processes 112 GENERAL HISTORY OF THE INFUSORIA . or only nn elongated neck bearing one or more cilia (Jlabella) to sei-ve as locomotive organs. How greatly their figure and size are dependent on the external influence of light, is well shown by some recent researches of Cohn on Steplianosphcera {Nov. Act. Acad. Curios, xxvi. 1857). On placing specimens of this organism, some in transparent glass vessels, others in semitransparent and green ones, others in porcelain, and others again in perfectly opaque cups, the modifica- tions in size and figure, according to the intensity of light they received, were altogether incredible. In the opaque vessels, where they got little light, the greenr cells remained delicate, small, and widely dispersed, whilst in the transparent glasses, under sunlight, they became many times larger and crowded together, and theii- figure fusiform, irregular, and produced into numerous protoplasmic processes. Indeed, on placing two portions of the same collection of Stephanosphcera-glohes, the one in a transparent, the other in an opaque vessel, the swarming individuals in the two will be- found so unlike that they might be readily conceived to be different species. The outHne is fixed where the organism has a finn envelope ; and most of the Phytozoa have such in one phase of their existence, viz. when they undergo the encysting-process. We are not acquainted with the entire history of many genera ; but from what we know of some, we may argue by analogy of aU, that in the eai'liest stages of existence these cellular organisms have no distinctly organized wall, although they may have a pellicle derived fi'om the contact of the protoplasm, of which they consist, with surrounding media, — a mere superficial indm-ation, but no separable membrane. Such is true of the individual cells of Volvox (XX), of Euglena (XVIII. 45, 46), and of Monads (XVIII. 1 to 28) in general. Subsequently a cell- wall, the primordial mem- brane or sac, may be produced, distinct and separable fi-om the contained substance. Pui'thermore, many examples do not stop here, but proceed to throw out a second wall exterior to the last-named, sepai-ated frequently from it by a small interspace, and having a much denser and firmer consist- ence. The cell, or, as Prof. Henfi-ey caUs it in the case of Pandorina, the gonidium (XIX. 61), encloses itself, in fact, within a cyst (XIX. 69), and in so doing mostly alters its form materially, loses its previous animal chai-acters, becomes ' stiU,' and at the same time qualified to sustain life under various adverse external influences, and to continue the species by an ulterior act of develoj)ment. In all this we trace an exact parallel with the histoiy of the spores of the lower Algas ; and there is no question that many of the Phytozoa are no other than spores, sporozoids, or zoospores. Moreover, it is equally clear that many Monadma and Cryptomonadina described by Ehrenberg are but two phases of one and the same organism. Not a few Phytozoa present an additional covering in the shape of a muci- laginous layer. This is found in isolated species, as Protococcus pluvialis, and generally in aU the aggregated foi-ms ; indeed, it is the principal agent in the construction of the latter. It lias generally been assumed that this mucilaginous investment is an extracellular product, without a definite bound- ary ; but Cohn (on Protoccocus, R. S. 1853) has a long argument to prove that the true cell is represented by it, conjointly with the included, coloui-ed, apparent cell. Thus, he writes (p. 631)—" Neither of these bodies are tnie, perfect ccUs, inasmuch as the first wants the primordial utricle, and the second is without the true cell-membrane. The two together would represent the perfect cell." Again, it is stated in the same page, " that the internal globidar body is not surrounded by any special cellulose-membrane, but only by one readily destroyed by chemical or physical agency — probably nothing more than a dense layer of protoplasm. On the other hand, the external membrane OF THE I'HYTOZOA. 113 represents a true cell-membrane, enclosing betAvcen itself and the coloured substance a colourless aqueous fluid, probably piu'e or nearly piu-e water." And in the subsequent considerations of this structure, Colin appears to arrive at the conviction that the internal colom-ed body generally spoken of as the coll, the actual unicellular organism, represents the nucleus of a cell, of wliich the periphery of the mucous envelope is the boimdaiy. In this interpretation of the natiu-e of the mucilaginous envelope. Prof. Williamson coiicm-s. Indeed this acciu-ate observer proceeds, fiu'ther, to show that there is in the case of Voh'o.v a true enclosing delicate membrane to each cell, and that the hexa- gonal form is owing to the mutual pressure of the aggregated ceHs (PL XX. 38). In aggregate forms, such as Voh'0.v, Gonium, Pandorhia, &c., an additional common external membrane would seem to be throAvn out, to unite together into one symmetrical whole the various members of the colony. Perhaps it should be rather called a pelUcle than a membrane, seeing that its independent existence as a separable structiu'e cannot be demonstrated : yet it has a power of resistance ; for when external force is applied to a globe of Vohox, the surface, though at first depressed, presently recovers itself by an innate elasticity ; and in the case of Pandorina it seems so resistant and fii-m that it does not indent on pressure (XIX. 61 ). Cell-contents. — The fluid distending the mucilaginous envelope around most Phytozoa, in one or other stage of being, is, according to Cohn, as above noticed, probably pure water. This opinion Prof. WUliamson does not enter- tain ; for he says {J. M. S. 1853, p. 55) " it is apparently mucilage. In a preparation in which a number of these objects [of Volvox^ are mounted in dilute alcohol, this gimimy matter has changed to a brown eoloiu-, and refused to mingle ■with the alcohol, as would be the case supposing it to be mucila- ginous. This proves that it is a tnie secretion fi'om the organism, and not merely water absorbed by endosmosis The secretion itself is, perhaps, little more than a diluted condition of the same gnim as that which is more or less completely converted into cellulose in the various investing membranes." The central globule, or the whole recognized organism where a mucilaginous envelope is not present, consists of a mass of protoplasm. At fii-st it is homo- geneous and without colour ; subsequently it becomes generally colom-ed and granular ; but very shortly the included matters gather together into a sort of layer subjacent to the surface, and leave the centi'al part clear, sometimes so completely so that it assumes the appearance of a vacuole. This substance moreover has the property of contractility inherent in it, and would seem, in all essential circumstances, homologous with the simple contractile matter the sai'code of animalcules. Like the latter, it may hollow itself out into vacuoles at anj^ part ; and such, says Cohn (B. S. p. 535), " arc present in all yoimg cells, and play a considerable j^art in cell-division and the sap- currents." The property of contractility is singidarly displayed in the ca.se of the actively moving zoospores or sporozoids of the Algas, and in the motile form of Proto- cocciwi, — i. e. in every instance where, from the absence of more or less inelastic membranes, it can exhibit itself. The vacuoles of the protoplasm occur in vaiying numbers, and change or chsappear from time to time : within they contain an aqueous fliud, Tlio contractile protoplasm is itself colourless ; yet, except in the earliest stages of development, it partakes of a green or a red coloiir, or of both these colours together, save in one spot, which in oblong fonns is situated at one end, and in the projection or beak (proboscis, Ehr.. or rostellnm) extendin<'^ from the anterior extremity. " It appears," says Cohn {R. S. ]). 536) " ms a delicate, almost imperecptiblc layer constituting tlie outer boiuidaiT of tho coloured primorchal cell, the periphery of which then becomes sharply de- I OENEUAL UISTOUY OF THE INl'USOIilA. fined, and,' as it wore, surrounded by a delicate transparent membrane." The green colour is duo to chlorophyll vesicles and granules, either diffused or collected in a layer just beneath the smfaco. Among other contents are also starch-granules without colour, and very frequently globules of oU. Green or red may exist alone : but more frequently gToen prevails ; and the red pigment, sometimes termed erythrin or erythrophyll, is seen only at one spot, occasionally at the centre, but usually on one side of it, or at one ex- tremity: when occupying the position last-named, it was looked upon by Ehrenberg as an eyo-speck or organ of vision. Although, as Cohn (op. cit. It. S. p. 528) tolls us, the green and red colour- ing matters differ in chemical and physical conditions, yet the one passes into the other. The red or bro'vvnish-red colour is formed when the cells become drier ; but neither deficiency of water nor the influence of light appears to be the exclusive cause of the transition. It is especially in the transition to red that vesicles of an oily asj)ect make their appearance. Indeed, that oil is really formed, is supported both by analogy ^Yith. the spores of many Algae which clearly secrete that substance, and by the vesicles in question having a similar refraction to oil, and behaving Hke it with alcohol and ether. " The forma- tion of fi:xed oil," says Braun {Bejuv., R. S. p. 200), " is intimately connected with that of starch in the economy of ceU-Hfe ; its appearance, iu like manner, announces the repose of age in cell-life ; its disappearance, the beguming of rejuvenescence. We meet with fixed oil in the cells, either mixed with starch, substituted for it, or gradually displacing it ; its occuiTence is perhaps stiU more general than that of starch .... Like the latter, it is met with in greatest abundance in those parts in which vegetation is destined to rest and to await a future re-awakening ;" and such are the resting-cells of Phytozoa, in which a red colour predominates or exists alone. Braun fuiTiishes an illustration of this in his remarks on Ghlamydoinonas during its sleeping or resting state (op. cit. p. 214). The opinion, moreover, that the so-called redeye-specks of Phytozoa are no other than drops of oil, is shared by Perty (p. 117) and by Nageli (Einzell. Air/, p. 9). Speaking of Protococcus, Cohn remarks (op. cit. p. 526), " The red and the • green portions of the contents appear to be of equal physiological importance . . . .When still or motUe cells axe brought into contact ^^•ith a very weak wateiy solution of iodine, they become internally, in most parts, of an int-cnse violet or blue colour." Yet he does not believe this coloiir to depend, in all instances, upon starch ; for the red contents are equally coloured blue, and he therefore surmises there may be some other substance besides starch ex- hibiting the same reaction with iodine. Besides diffused chloropliyU-particles, to which the green colour is due, one, two, three, or more large nuclear-Hke vesicles exist in Phytozoa — ^indeed, in unicellular plants generally — described by Nageli under tlie name of ' chloro- phyll utricles or vesicles.' The number of such in any genus seems commonly to be constant: i\ais,m Sieplianospho'.ra there are two ; in Oonium only one. However, they are occasionally absent, chiefly so in more minute examples. In Protococcus (Chlamyclococcus), Cohn says they occur principally in the green cells, to the number of one, two, three or more, ha^•ing tlie appearance of minute green rings, about 0-002'" in diameter^ — the interior being sometimes darker, at others more clear, and fi-oquontly almost opake. Niigeli regarded them as minute membranous vesicles, containing a mucus coloured by chloro- phyll. Cohn imagined tlmt iji Protococcus they stood in connexion Avith the di^^sion of the ccU, but could not determine with certainty tliat tlieir number corresponded with that of the secondary cells. Kiitziug looked upon tliem as gonidia or cell-nuclei, conccmed in the propagation of the indindual. OF THE PHYTOZOA. 115 Elirenborg entertained a similar notion, and called them the testes. " Caustic potash," says Cohn (A. N. II. 1852, x. p. 340), "which destroys the rest of the contents of the piimordial cells, makes the chlorophyll-utricles of Stephcmo- sjahcera show themselves more distmctly as hollow riugs surrounded by a rather granular membrane ; iodine colours them deep violet, which leads to the con- clusion of the presence of starch." Iodine sometimes, however, produces a deep bro-wn tint (Cohn, B. S. p. 529), due, we may suppose, to an ulterior mcta- moi-phosis of the stai'ch, as it is itself a transitional condition of chlorophyll. Another structure met with among the contents of some of the Phytozoa is the contractile vesicle or sac. This sac has been noticed in Volvo.v., Oonium, Pandorina, Chilomonas, Cryptomonas, and in Ghlamydomonas, and its rhyth- mical contractions obsei-ved (XIX. 16, 33 ; XX. 40, 41). In Steplianosplmra a similar vesicle was seen by Cohn, but its contractility not detected : so in Astasia, Emjlena (XVIII.), and Pohjtoma (XX. 1, 2), a clear sac-like space presents itself at the anterior extremity, immediately beneath the surface ; but its alternate expansion and contraction have not been witnessed. A mwleus is detected in Euglena, Astasia, Polytoma (XX. 1, 2, 3), and others in which an animal nature predominates. Even among the vegetable genera Volvox, Pandonna, and Qoniivm (XIX. 32, 34, 61), most writers, as already seen, seem disposed to view the constant chlorophyll-vesicles as of a nuclear character. In Oonium, indeed, Cohn {Entiv. p. 178) describes only one such vesicle, which seems to demonstrate its nuclear natiu'e by breaking up, during the process of fission, into as many parts as the piTmordial cell itself. Braun (op. cit. p. 174, in note) mentions his observation of a central vesicle or nucleus in GJilamydococcus (XIX. 22, 24, 26), and remarks, " in most of the true Palmellacese there is a chlorophyll-vesicle in the centre of the ceU." The appearance of the cells of Phytozoa is much modified by valuations in the relative quantity or in the arrangement and colour of the contents, so much 80 indeed that such varieties have been described as different species or even as different genera. Thus the accidental presence of a red spot, called an eye- speck, or the occuri'ence of a red central space, have had a specific importance wrongly attached to them. The inutility of characters deduced from the disposition and appearance of the ceU-contents, or from the figure, is further shown when the effects of external agents — of tempcratiu'e, of the abimdancc or deficiency of nutritive matters, of Hght, &c. — are taken into account ; and it becomes even still more evident when the changes of form one and the same being may undergo are duly considered. In a previous page it has been stated that in the earliest phase of existence, when the future cell is but one of several macrogonidia within its mother-cell the protoplasm of which it consists is unenclosed by a membrane — has no cell- waU. But it would seem that a cell-membrane is wanting even at maturity in some genera, for example, in Stephanosp7ia;ra ; for Cohn writes (A. N. II. 1852, X. p. 326), " This is not only made evident by the multifold changes of form which they undergo in the course of vegetation, and by tlio filiform prolongations and ramifications which are produced directly from their sub- stance (XIX. 38, 39-53), but is clearly shown by the transformations which the primordial cells pass through in consequence of external influences. I Under certain circumstances namely, the filiform ]n'ocesscs may be retracted' being torn away from the cnvclope-cell and taken up into the substance of the primordial ceUs ; the produced ends of the primordial cells also disapiiear tlio latter becoming rounded off into their original spherical or short cylincbicnl form. Such a change would be impossible if the primordial cells wore sur rounded by a rigid membrane, such as that of the envelopc-ceU for example." I 2 110 GKNERAL HISXOBY Oi? mjS INi'USOBIA. According to Prof. Henfrey, the primordial cclla or gonidia of Pawlorina (XIX. 59-63), and also, in tlie opinion of many, the Euglence (XVIII. 45-48), are similarly undefended. The internal globiUai- coloured body of the motile form of Protococcus is in the same state. Thus Cohn (B. S. p. 531) points out that although this body has a sharply defined outline, yet, " either by mechanical means, or by chemical reagents, the internal globular mass may suddenly be made to lose its contour, and to spread so as entirely to fill the cavity of the colourless envelope. From which it would appear that the internal globular body is not surrounded by any special cellulose membrane, but only by one readily destroyed by chemical or physical agency — ^probably nothing more than "a dense layer of protoplasm." In the case of Volvox the cells oi-iginate without an enclosing membrane ; but after the appearance of the red spot, a delicate one shows itself, and extends at different points into the connecting thi-ead-like processes (XX. 37, 39, 41). So in Gonium we may presume the piimordial cells to be ongtnaUy naked, although Cohn has not remarked this fact, but confined himself to describing the mature cells (XIX. 32, 34), which have an enclosing wall of cellulose (Enhv. pp. 175, 176). Lastly, in the 'still' form of Protococcus a special membrane invests the protoplasmic gonidium. In Gonium (XIX. 34), and in Volvo.v (XX. 37, 39, 40), filiform prolongations extend between the several cells in the compound organism ; in Stephanospluera similar processes are given off at the opposite poles of the cells, and are consequently not inter- current (XIX. 39). Prof. Williamson has in the case of Volvox offered the best explanation of these threads, which have by some been supposed inter- communicating canals. He fii'st makes good his opinion that the green cell- like organism represents the nucleus of a cell, the wall of which is separated from it by a greater or less space ; and then he compares the processes in question with the filiform extensions fi'om the nucleus which are met with in many vegetable cells, suspending that organ in the centre. In the eai-ly stage of the cell, the protoplasmic substance fills up more or less completely the cell- wall (XX. 42, 44) : by-and-by the latter becomes outstretched fi-om it by a sort of dropsical effusion within it (XX. 37) ; but as the protoplasmic nucleus has contracted adhesions at different jjarts, it becomes di'awn out fi-om the adherent points into thread-like processes (XX. 39, 40, 45), which grow more and more filifonn in proportion as the cell- wall expands. This expla- nation (agreeing in every particular with the observed phenomena of cell- growth) being accepted, it follows that these elongations are bounded by the particular cell-wall to wliich they belong, and are not continuous with those of adjoining cells. The processes of Volvo.v arc therefore off-shoots of the protoplasm of which each cell or gonidium consists ; they are given oft" before any enclosing wall or pellicle appears, and whilst that substance is still duc- tile, and they disappear on the commencement of the process of development, whether of raacrogonidia or of microgonidia, and whether with or without the process of encysting. In the case of Gonium, Cohn gives (Entw. p. 176) a different account of the connecting bands. It wiU be remembered that in tliis genus that ob- server indicates an enclosing cellulose membrane to each cell or gonidium. Now this cell does not closely invest the protoplasmic substance at aU points, but is so separated as to produce a licxagonal cell-wnU aromid it. from eacli angle of which the membrane is produced in a tubular form, and joins with a similar process coming from the angle of an adjoining cell (XIX. 32. 34). Ilenco each process of the membrane has a double outhne, and is in fact a tube, only that its interior must lie pi-csumed to be shut-oft' from that with OF THE rUYTOZOA. 117 A\ hich it joins, by a septum representing the divisional membrane of each of the contiguous cells. The state of things here is tlierefore quite different fi-om that in Volvox : for in the latter the eeU-membrane is widely detached from the protoplasmic nucleus, but the adjoiiiing cells are adherent at aU points ; the intercm-reut thi-eads are therefore within the cells, and uphold an attachment between the nucleus and the cell- wall, — whilst in Gonium the contrary obtains : the cells themselves are not in apposition, but held together by a tubular extension from each angle ; and the nuclear protoplasm mthiu neai-ly fiUs the cell-cavity, and has no bands uniting it with the wall — in fine, the intercxu-rent processes of Oonium and of Volvox are not homologous. Besides the wall and processes just described, calculated to give strength and resistance to the organisms, there ai'e also the long c'dla or filiform ap- pendages known as filaments, flabeUa, or flageUa, seen at one extremity of most Phytozoa, derived from the protoplasmic mass. To these are entirely or chiefly due the locomotive powers of these beings ; they also act the part of rudders in tm-ning them on themselves, and in directing them hither and thither. They do not belong to the class of vibratile cilia, but are larger, fiHfonn or whip-like, and have an imdulating lashing movement. In some cases they are many times longer than the organism to Avhich they are attached (XVIII. 15, 21, 22) ; and when two, as more fi-equently happens, are pre- sent, they will often cross and interhvine. At times, in elongated forms, they appear to be the mere terminations of the tai)ering-like extremity or neck ; but the rule is, they do not proceed from the apex itself, but from one side of it. Where the species is encased in a fii'm integument, separated by an intei-val fi'om the central protoplasm, the filaments actually extend from the latter and peiforate the enclosed case ; in which, particularly when these processes are fallen away, their points of issue are occasionally to be detected by depressions or by pores. During frequent rapid movements these fila- ments are not to be seen ; but when the motion is more gentle, or they ai'e at rest, or othermse when colouring matter is mixed with the water, they generally become visible. Even when theu- existence has not been noticed during life, it may be sometimes demonstrated after the di-ying up of the being, by the streak left upon the glass where it rested. Where more than one or two filaments are present, their whirling, and the consequent agitation of the fluid about them, mtikes their existence apparent. The number of filaments in Phytozoa vaties. Two is the prevailing number, which may or may not be of equal length ; but in not a few genera only one is found, e. g. in Eiighna, Monas, and Chilomonas, — whilst in others more than two may be counted, situated together anteriorly, or some in front and others behind. Where two arc present anteriorly, it is not an uncommon arrange- ment for one to extend in the direction of the long axis of the body whilst the other trails behind (XVIII. 12, 22, 23). Movements of Phytozoa. — The motion of many Phytozoa is but slow, and rarely intei-mitted ; in others it is more rapid and varied. It wiU be modified by the figure of the organism and by the degree of firmness of its walls, with which it stands in inverse proportion. In Euglena the move- ments are extremely varied and lively: the being is unrestricted in its movements by an integument, and the contractile protoplasm has full scope ; it is, in fact, in the condition of swanning gonidia, unenclosed l)y a wall of cellulose. In many species of Moiias and Bwlo (Oercomomts), the motion is iiTogular and peculiar ; it may be oscillating or rolling, at times leaping at others backward. Among the Vihrlonla (XVIII. 57-60), an oscillating spiral movement is a common cliaracteristic, and either end may be advanced nic revolving rolling motion of Folvocinece has for many ycai-s attracted 118 GENEBAL niSTOEY OF THE INFUSOlllA. attention, and for a long time was deemed suiRciont proof of the animality of the beings exhibiting it. It is the consequence of the play of tlie ciliary filaments of each of the component cells of the aggregate organism, which project beyond the common envelope : it consists in a revolution on the axis, and a simultaneous onwai'd movement — not, however, in a straight course, but in an iiTcgular one, representing a spiral or series of cui-ves. " The collective idea of such motions," says Cohn (A. N. H. 1852, x. p. 328), " is best represented by the course described by a top, which nms through the most vaiied curves, while at the same time constantly revolving on its axis." Niigeli (as quoted in J. M. S. i. p. 198) remarks of swarm-ceUs (zoospores), which many Monads undoubtedly are, that " under the microscope the motion appears very rapid, somewhat of an infusorial character, consistuig in a con- tinual progression, in which the hyaline narrower extremity is usually in front, and the ceU is continually turning on its long axis. Although the swarming bears a resemblance to the motion of Infusoria (i. e. of Ciliaied Protozoa), it clearly wants the spontaneity of the latter. The Infusoria advance, 'spiing back, tui-n round, return, all spontaneously ; the swann- spores pui'sue a uniform and, for the most part, pretty straight eom-se, de- viating from it, or turning round only upon meeting an obstacle, impinging upon which they are diverted into another direction." To this account Siebold (Zoc. cit. p. 201) adds that the spores do not retreat, as if frightened, like the Infusoria, when they strike against an object, but " remain close to it, and continue their motions according to the number and an-angement of their ciliary ap^^aratus, in a rotatory or vibratory way for a little tinae longer, as if they aimed at overcoming the obstacle by force, until at last, probably in consequence of the death of the cilia, they become still, and germination goes on. .... The movements of the swarm-spores in general have only a short dui"ation. After the spores have come to a state of rest, they usually become attached by the hyaline ciliated extremity, and the locomotive faculty is for ever lost." In the aggregated families the process of reproduction is ever going on in some members of the colony, and the movements are kept up much longer. Braun {JEtejuv., B. S. p. 212) represents Chlamyclococcus as enjoying a longer dui'ation of motion than is usual with the swarming gonidia of Alga), whilst Protococcus viridis forms an intermediate link in this respect between it and the Vol^odneoi. The kind of movement, he adds, is essentially the same in these organisms as in all active gonidia, namely an luiinternipted revolution round the long axis, combined with an advance towards the side of the ciliated point. It is, indeed, in the swai'ming movement of gonidia and spermatozoida that the phenomena of motion are most strikiug, " that is, in ceUs wliich are either yet without theii- celbilose coating, or which never acquii'e one." Cohn {li. S. p. 558) states generally that, " lea^^ng out of the question the more highly organized Infusoria fiu-nishcd -with a manifest mouth and oesophagus, the motion of a large part of the Ancntera (Ehr.), the Asioma (Sic- bold), is not essentially different from that of the zoospores of certain Alga3." Likewise, in Ids description of Gonium {Entw. p. 180), he observes that the movements of this organism resemble in every particular those of Stcphano- sjjJuera, C'hlamydococciis, and other swarming-cells, which certainly do not bear at all the character of pui-posing, conscious volition, but appear as an activity determined not by any external causes, but by internal causes in the organization and vital processes." {A. N, II. 1852, x. p. 328.) The character of the locomotion of Phytozoa may be described in brief as ' automatic;' accepting that term as phj-siologists now agree to do, to distin- giiibh sucla motion from the volimtary movements of animals. It cannot be OF THE PHYTOZOA. 119 \ oliintaiy, or the result of volition, any more than the marvellous motion of the leaves of Dioncea muscipula. TiiocEss OF KuTRiTioN. — The process of nutrition of Phytozoa is of the most simple kind ; and no valid evidence can be adduced in proof of the com- plex polygastric organization represented by Ehi-enberg. In fact, an apparatus of stomach-sacs could not, by any analogy, be presumed in a set of beings destitute of mouths ; and Ehi-enberg was unable to demonstrate, even to his own satisfaction, an oral aperture, except in a very doubtful manner and in a very few instances. What he took to be gastric ceUs are no other than vacuoles and clear vesicles — sometimes the chlorophyll- cells ; the last, how- ever, were more commonly assumed to be ' testes.' To support his belief in the presence of stomachs, and also of a mouth at the anterior clear space, particularly where there is a projection of the protoplasmic mass, the Berlin naturaUst appealed with most confidence to his experiments in feeding with coloured substances. By this means he believed he demonstrated such organs in some Monadina, — ^but so rarely, amid a large number submitted to experiment, and moreover in so few species, that much weigh-t coidd not be attached to the result, especially when it is considered how many difficulties and doubts must arise where such very minute beings are concerned. Allow- ing that particles of colour actually entered within the interior, and were not merely adherent (a question which the magnifying powers of the instrument Ehrenberg used could scarcely determine), it is even then much more rational to suppose that their entrance was by mere mechanical causes (by pressiu-e or the like), than by the medium of a mouth. This interpretation is adopted both by Perty and Leuckart, who describe the introduction of such particles as possible, although, indeed, exceedingly rare in the more clearly vegetable structures, the Diatomeae. The former mentions (op. cit. p. 61) three in- stances in which he encountered foreign particles within the substance of Phytozoa ; but these would, instead of supporting, be really opposed to the polygastric hypothesis. For instance, he discovered in a Peronema a species of Badllaria as large as itself, and consequently not containable withm one of the supposed gastric cells. In the case of the soft, Uloricated minute Monadina, into which fine particles have found their Avay, it is to be remembered that they are mere masses of yielding protoplasm unprotected by a cuticle; and further, Ave may, along with Perty, reasonably presume that, in some examples of the entrance of external matters, it has been effected much ia the same way as with the Amoebce, by the soft substance overlying and then surrounding them. If a mouth and stomachs have no existence, it follows that nutrition must be effected by imbibition — by endosmotic and exosmotic action — just as in any simple vegetable or animal ccUs. Perty (oj?. cit. p. 62) adduces an experinient showing that, to some Phytozoa at least, water rich in nutritive organic material is necessary to theii- complete and healthy development ; for when taken from such water and placed in other quite pure, they dwindled in size although, curiously enough, they at the same time became more active. ' To complete what we have to say of their vital endowments (irrespective that is, of the reproductive functions), the Phytozoa seek the light ; and all their nutritive acts arc carried on more actively under its influence. The only exception is when, in the process of propagation, they arc about to pass into the ' still ' condition and to become encysted ; then they eschew the light sink out of sight, and recede to the bottom, or under cover of aquatic plants or of their debris. Under the influence of light they exhale oxv-^eu -as and the green colour is especially developed,— whilst when kept in the dark they lose colour, become pale, and present few chlorophyll-particles The UJiNUllAL JIISIOIIV OF TUK IMia'SOKIA. intensity of light may be too great, and destroy life ; and a great elevation of tomporaturo is less favourable to vital acti\ity than a moderate one. Cold retards vital action, and if considerable, arrests it, except in the case of the encysted beings, which are so modified by nature as to resist it« injuiious influence ; these consequently persist tlirough the winter when the motile forms are cut off, and in the coming spiing biu'st forth into lil'e. The same provision wliich imparts to the encysted organisms a tolerance of cold, enables them also to withstand the effects of evaporation, which to the unprotected motile varieties is speedily destructive, imlcss, indeed, so gradual as to aUow them time to pass into the ' still ' form. Htarch or cellulose may be detected chemically in the great majority of the Phytozoa; and even where iochne fails to produce the characteristic blue colour dm'iug life, it will at times act strongly when a brealdng-up of the contents follows evaporation or some other injmious influence. The efficiency of nutrition is manifested by the decided changes, chemical and vital, whicli are seen ia constant operation mthiii the beings — such as, among others, the transformation of chlorophyll into starch, and of one or both these into an oily matter. When in the ' stUl ' encysted condition (XIX. 44-69), aU nutritive changes are at a standstill, and the organism may exist weeks, months, and even years unchanged, until external conditions are supplied to awaken its latent energies and to renew the cycle of life. In this toi-pid fonn the spores are carried about with the dust, or remain bmied in the earth, or are elsewhere hidden or stored up against the day of revival. The passage into the ' stUl ' condition by the thi'owing-out of an external denser envelope and by the loss of cilia, is governed, it woiUd seem, in some measure by external circimistances. Motile forms are replaced by the ' still ' in whole or in part, and with greater or less rapidity, by ijouring the water containing them into a larger and shallower vessel, and by gradual evaporation. The protoplasm of Phytozoa being homologous in all perceptible particulai-s with the ' sarcode ' of Protozoa, sirffers, like it, the destractive process of ' dif&uence ' or ' deliquescence ' when evaporation reduces the quantity of water around tlie improtected motile forms below the quantity necessary to vital action. The first noticeable result of evaporation is, according to Cohn, at least in the instance of Protococcus {op. cit. p. 538), a more rapid change of fig-ure and appearance, followed, if the evaporation continue, by difiiuence, in which he distinguishes two stages or phases : — "In the fii'st, the outlines appear less sharply defined, because the colom-ed substance is somewhat I'ctracted from the border of the primordial cell ; the cells become flattened, and at the same time wider : the contents are also now altered ; pre^-iously more homogeneous and transparent, they now become throughoxit granulai-, and the red substance nins together in large di'ops. At this time tlie forma- tion of vacuoles commences ; and thoii' number continues to increase. In this way the interior of the primordial cell again becomes colourless, clear as water, and the graniilar colom-ed contents pressed against the walls. . . .The figiu-e of the cell in the wami time is so much expanded, that it comes to be ap])Hcd u])on the wall of the enveloping cell, alternately fiUing it altogether, so that the entire zoospore appears to consist of only a single coltmred gra- nular vesicular disc, corresponding in size ■with the original on^■elo])ing cell." MuLTii'r,icATTON ANB Biu'RODUCTioN OF P^^"TozoA. Fissiox : Machogoxidta : MrcKOGONiDiA : Encystino process: Puasks of kxistkxcf.. — The nniltiplica- tion of the individuals of the species of Phytozoa is provided for hy \ho process of self-di\-ision. deduplicatioii. or fission. Tliis takes place according to the plan obtaining in vegetable and animal cells in general. OV TUTS, I'HYTOZOA. 121 Tho cell-contents divide into two or more segments, each of wlucli can further develope aroimd itself a gelatinous investment, and enter on an inde- pendent existence. In Euglena, self-division occurs longitudmaUy into two portions ; mu\ the newly-developing half is of smaller size than the other, but becomes complete in aU its parts before its severance is effected. The motUe ceUs of Chlami/dococcus undergo fission into two or foiu- seg- ments (XIX. 23-26) : this takes place in the protoplasmic or primordial cell contained within the hyaline spherical envelope-aeVL ; when division is com- plete, the latter is ruptm-ed, the sections escape as independent beings, each throws out around itself its envelope-ceU, and in aU points goes thi'ough the same cycle of development as the parent-ceU. Many Monads also divide into two beings, whilst others separate into four. In the above-cited ex- amples the fission is complete, and each segment, on detaching itself fi-om the other, becomes an independent, free being. But this same act of fission may proceed under different circumstances ; and instead of a single organism, a colony may be formed, consisting of several individual ceUs imited together, either permanently or only for a time, within a common envelope. These aggregate Phytozoa are especially represented in the family Volvocinece. ■ In this second mode of fission the process is repeated a greater number of times — for instance, some 3, 4, or 5 times — the result being a higher multiple of 2, the product of the first act of scission. Each repetition of the process of fission, from the commencement until its completion, constitutes, in Niigeli's language, a transitional generation, whilst the final repetition produces the permanent generation. For example, in Ste/plianosplmra two segments are produced by the act of fission, Avhich re- present the first generation (XIX. 45) ; then each of these subdivides, and so developes four portions (XIX. 40, 46) — ^the second generation ; and, lastly, each of the foiu- separates into two, and in that way produces eight segments — the third, and in this organism the final or permanent generation (XIX. 41, 42, 56). Unlike the segments resulting fronj a single act of division, or, as may happen, fi-om this act once repeated, each newly-formed j)rimordial cell does not commonly surround itself with an enveloiDe and enter on an isolated existence, but the whole eight or more continue to live within a common tunic, which presently expands by endosmotic action and acquires a more or less spherical figui-e (XIX. 56, 57, 58). Simiiltaneoiisly with tliis expansion, the previously contiguous particles are di'awn away more and more from each other, and disposed within the common envelope, after a more or less regular fashion, characteristic of the species to which they belong (XIX. 42, 58). In general, the separation of the primordial ccUs is not complete ; bonds of union between them in theii" early state, when closely approximated, become di-avvn out, and ultimately present tlicmselves as interciu-ront threads. "WTicn tliis series of changes is terminated, we have before us a reproduction of the aggregate organism of Avhich the dividing primordial coU -\vas but an individual member, development above cited, \ and 02-66), and also in undoubted Algas, the HiidrodkUjon or Water-net for example. But the segmentation of the ceUs of Tlivtozoa occurs in yet another form • I.e. the tission, instead of stopi)ing at the third or fourth generation Dro' cecds still further, until 32 or 64, a hundred, a thousiind and upwirds of mmuto coU-stnicturcs arc produced, tcchnicaUy called ' mkrogonidia ' in c aggregate organism oi Avnicii tne cimcling primordial coU was but an idual member. Braim has styled this variety of reproduction l)y fission opmont by ' macrocjoiudia.' It is well illustrated in Stephan'mphara', ! cited, in Volvox (XX.), in Gonium and Fandorina (XIX. 35, 36 St' 122 GENERAL HISTOBT OF THE INFU80E1A, tended to pci-pctimte the species by their ulterior development. Although, like the ' macrogonidia,' they are formed within a common envelope, yet each cell among them does not, as in tliose products, enclose itself with its own tunic, and fix itself permanently within the general investment in other words, assume at once the ' still ' condition ; but the whole, after entire separation from one another, become endued with vital activity, and are sub- sequently set fi'ee, by the dissolution or rupture of the surrounding parent-cell, as so many moving zoospores (XIX. 51). The motion of these little bodies within the original cell is of a hurrying to-and-fi-o or up-and-down cha- racter, and has been styled ' swarming.' On emerging from the ruptured cell, each little body is seen to have a spindle-shaped figure, terminated at its anterior clear and usually elongated extremity by two or four cilia (XIX. 52). In every essential particular these microgonidia are homologous with the motile gonidia, swarming-cells, or spores of the common Algae, such as Bry- opsis, Codiutn, Aclilya, Chcetophora, Ulothrix, Hydrodictyon, &c. Cohn's re- marks on the formation of microgonidia in Stephanosphcera {A. N. H. 1852, x. p. 346) may elucidate this subject still further. He says, " While, in the formation of macrogonidia, the secondary cells become surrounded by a common envelope and are not free (as an entii'e connected family of cells aiTanged according to a definite law), in the mode of propagation of micro- gonidia the little secondary cells finally become totally separated from one another without secreting an envelope-ceU ; and in this way each of the eight primordial cells of the perfect SteplianospJicera is broken up into 32 to 64 independent, green, elliptical or spindle-shaped corpuscles, which then separate fr-om one another, commence an independent and active motion, and fill up, in great numbers (as many as 256-512), the common pai'ent envelope- cell (XIX. 51) .... The crowding-in among each other of the microgonidia of Stephanosphmra presents a picture fixing the attention in the highest degree : sometimes the cellules are scattered in a few large masses — then they unite again into a knot in the middle — every moment the general aspect varies. At length the common envelope is ruptured," and they escape in masses into the water. " Their true form may then be detected readily by kiUing them with iodine ; they are spindle-shaped and acuminated at both ends, bright green in the middle, and run out into a colourless beak at each end — on the whole not unlike young EuglencB, without trace of an envelope-cell (XIX. 52)," On reaching the water their movements aa-e most active, and then rapidly disperse out of sight. These bodies are true primordial cells, " that is, primordial utricles resembluig cells, organized exclusively of co- loured protoplasm, without any cell-membrane." Upon a general survey of development by gonidia, Cohn remarks {A. N. II. 1852, x. p. 403) — " Abstracting the differences which may always be shown between two genera, we detect the same law of development in Hy- drodictyon as in Stephanosplioira-. the bicUiated, less numerous macrogo- nidia arrange themselves into a family of ceUs ali-eady within the parent-cell, according to the character of the given conditions of the two genera, — the cell-family being active in the Volvocinete and immoveable in the Proto- coccacca3 ; whilo the more numerous, more actively-moving microgonidia with four cilia leave the parent-ceU and enter upon a metamorphosis, tlie re- trogradation from which to the normal ij^c of the genus has not been ob- served yet hero, or indeed in the microgonidia of any of the Algaj." It may be conjcctm-cd that these latter pass into a resting state, prior to any fui-thcr development ; for botli Colm aiid Braiui have mtncssed this change in Ohlamydococcus pluvialis. The formation and escape of microgonidia have been observed by many OE THE PHYTOZOA. 123 nahmolists— for instance, by Weisse in Chlomjonium, and by Pcrty m each family of Phytozoa. The production of such bodies is frequently treated of as development by germs, and, no doubt, is the same phenomenon Ehrenberg represents as viviparous reproduction. Microgonidia are not so commonly developed as macrogonidia ; and indeed theii- formation would seem determined, at times at least, by external cir- cumstances affecting their fimctions and vital activity unfavoiirably. Thus, Cohn {Entw. p. 168) narrates the circumstance of the peculiar and pretty general development of microgonidia, va. Chlamyclococcus, after a thimder- storm. Peocess of EwcTSTiifG : Condition of eest. — The perpetuation of Phytozoa is provided for, as before intimated, by another process, which both secures to the cells imdergoing it a power of successfully resisting influences that to unprotected gonidia are destractive, and is connected with an ulterior act of development. This faculty of self-protection is called " the encysting pro- cess," since by it the cell encloses itself within an additional firm timic, which suri'ounds it like a case or cyst, and transforms it into a still' or 'winter ' spore. The process takes place in all the Phytozoa after the same fashion : the protoplasmic coveiing of the gonidium or cell secretes around it a dense, firm envelope, which in general becomes raised £i-om it aU round, so as to leave a clear intervening space. On the assumption of this extra coveiing, cells previously motile and active enter on the ' still ' condition and lose their cilia ; at the same time, the character of the contents is altered, and a red colour frequently acquired. The transformation in their physical structure is accompanied by a physiological change ; for in place of seeking the light, exhaling oxygen, and carrying on all the vital processes with a corresponding activity, they sink to the bottom and conceal themselves from the light. It appears, from Cohn's researches on Protococcus, Gonium, and other Phytozoa, that they become released from their imprisonment, imder the influence of favourable external conditions, by the dehquescence of the rigid external sac, and sometimes by its transformation into an external mucilaginous invest- ment, and by the breaking-up of the internal protoplasmic cell into a number of motile zoospores. The act of encystiag may proceed with macrogonidia in their ' still ' con- dition ; or it may overtake motile primordial cells, as in the case of Euglena and of some phases of Protococcus, and in such, just as in the zoospores of Algse, prove antecedent to further acts of development by fission. Cohn im- plies, in his history of Protococcus, that microgonidia may themselves be en- cysted ; and the same eminent observer describes the primordial cells of that plant as in some instances surrounding themselves with a fiinn external envelope, pushing out two cUia, and moving about for a time in a 'swai-miu"-' manner ere assuming the ' still ' condition, when the cUia disappear. But further, he shows that gonidia, furnished with a rigid external wall, proceed to develope others like themselves by self-division of their substance (XIX. 25), and that these secondaiy cells, each included within its own sac, go on to divide into other spores, wliich, however, prove not to be ' stUl ' like'their parents, nor like them encysted, but motile zoospores. In the aggregated family Volvocineso, some or all the primordial cells be- come encysted. AVhcn tliis takes place, their contents grow thicker, less transparent, darker, and change from green to brown and broAvnish or to a ycUowish red. At the same tunc, the intorcm-rent filaments disa])pcar the cells themselves acquire a more spherical figiu-c, and graduaUy loosen th'cm selves fi-om the common envelope, and move slowly about within it by means of two cilia, untU they at length escape by a ruptm-e at some point (XIX 44 124 GENERAL UISTOET OF TH.E INFUSOKIA. 50). These encysted spores resemble Chlamydomonads, and are called ' Pro- toccoeoid ' cells or globules, from their homology with the encysted cells of Frotococcus, Occasionally, instead of one or several of the individual gonidia of a com- poimd organism being encysted, the process ensues wth a gonidium deve- loped by fission into macrogonidia, and the whole mulberry or Uvella-hkii mass becomes surrounded by a rigid envelope, either pretty closely appKed, or separated by an interspace. Examples of the encysted condition will occm- in the followdng account of the several groups of Phytozoa ; it suffices at present to say that Prof. "Wil- liamson and others have pretty clearly shown that Volvox- aureus is only the encysted or ' still ' form of V. glohator, that Cohn has discovered the cysts of Steplumosplwra, Gonium, and Euclorina, and Henfrey those of Pandorina. The after-history of the encysted spores of Phytozoa has not yet been elucidated : we have above referred to Cohn's researches upon it ; but they are too indefinite to supply any positive information. The act of conjugation is common with many of the lower Alga3, but has not been witnessed among the Phytozoa. Phases of Being a^td Alternation of Geneeation in Puttozoa. — From the preceding account of Phytozoa, it is evident that those best known exist imder a considerable variety of form — -in other words, present several phases of existence, or, viewed in relation with a prevailing hy^jothesis, exhibit an alternation of generation. The whole history of any Phytozoon is com- prehended in the cycle of changes which the organism passes tkrough ; yet, imdcr any transformation, it is the self-same being, and its existence may be said to extend fi-om its most perfect through all intermediate phases until the nice degree of perfection is again attained. As happens in alternation of generations among other organized beings, the transition may not be dii'ect and simple, but intermediate phases may reproduce themselves, and these again develope into other forms of existence, as accessory or collateral and usually imperfect cycles. Perhaps the metamorphoses in question are most striking in EugJena} ; for the contrast between the actively-moving, conti'actile, ever-changing being in one phase of existence, and the encysted, ' Protococcoid,' spore-like and motionless condition Avith a rigid unvai-ying outline, is so remarkable as to give coloiu' to the hypothesis of the convertibility of animal into vegetable Ufe, or of the transformation of animals into plants. It is not oui- intention at present to give illustrations of the vai-jong phases iu the life of Phytozoa involved in the process of fission, or of a duplicative multiplication under its various forms. HoAvever, other more extended instances of transformation require to be noted, as obseiwed by various microscopists, — although, it may be, some errors have crept in, from the difficulty of tracing the relation and succession of the different pliases of being. As a veiy good example of the -v^-ide and varied range of existence enjoyed by most Phytozoa, Ave may adduce the Frotococcus p7in7"«?(s (XIX. 20-31), of which the industry and perseverance of Prof. Cohn have obtained for us so complete an accoimt. According to the researches of tliis eminent natu- ralist, the simple plant in question, in its motile and still conditions, assumes the foi-m and characters of many microscopic organisms presumed to be, and described by Elironbcrg and otliers as, distinct existences. To quote fi-om Cohn's memoir (li. S. p. 550), " We see that a single species, 0A\-ing to its numerous modes of propagation, can pass through a number of very A-arions forms of development, Avliich luiA-e been either erroneously arranged as distinct genera, or, at least, as renuiining stationary in tliose genera, allliougli, in OF THE PHYTOZOA, 125 fact, only transitional stages. Thus, tlic ' stiU ' Protococcus-ccU. corresponds to the common Protococcvs coccoma (Kiitz.). When tlie border becomes gela- tinous, it resembles P.pulclier, and tlie small cells P. minor. The encysted motile zoospore is the genns Gi/ges cjranulum among the Infusoria, resembling also, on the other side, P. timfkhis (Kiitz.), and perhaps P. versatilis (Braim). The zoospores divided into two must be regarded as a form of Gi/ges hipar- titus, or of P. dimidiaius. In the quadripartite zoospores, with the secondary ceUs arranged in one plane, we have a Oonium. That with eight segments corresponds to Pandorina Morimi, and that with sixteen to Botnjocijstis Volvox'. When the zoospore is divided into thii'ty-two segments, it is a Uvella or Syncrypta. When this form enters into the ' still ' stage, it may be re- garded as a foi-m analogous to Mkrolialoa protocjenita : this Algal genus is probably, speaking generally, only the product of the Uvella-division in the Emjleno} or other green forms. The naked zoospores, finally, would represent the form of a Monad, or of an Astasia ; the caudate variety approaches that of Bodo. A critical and comparative consideration of the foregoing facts would therefore appear to render untenable almost aU the principles which modem systematists have hitherto adopted as the basis for construction of theii' natural kingdoms, fanulies, genera, and species." Cohn (ojj. cit. pp. 541, 542) makes the following general deductions : — " 1. The ProtoGOCcus pluvialis is a plant, subject to an alternation of genera- tions ; that is to say, the complete idea of the species is not exhibited in it until after a series of generations. The forms of development which can be possibly comprehended in the idea of the species do not in reality maJce themselves apparent until a series of independent successive generations has been gone thi-ough. 2. The individuals of each generation are capable of propagating themselves in new generations. The individuals of the second generation are among themselves, speaking generally, of equal value : as re- spects the individuals of the parent generation, they are sometimes of equal value with them, sometimes not. 3. If the secondary cells are not of equal value with the parent-cells, a series of successive generations must precede the last generation, the individuals of which are again equivalent to the first mother-ceU. The number of these generations does not seem to be deter- minate." By equivalent, the author means such individuals or generations as correspond with each other in their essential, physiological, and organo- logical relations, although they may differ in unessential properties, such as colour, size, internal consistence, SiC. Non-equivalent are those generations which in their structure and vital relations exhibit essential differences, such as ' stiU ' and * motile ' cells, and among these, again, their various forms, and particularly those which are derived from a different mode of propa- gation. Major von Flotow (Nova Ada Acad. Nat. Curios. 1844, p. 413), it is right to state, remarked on the similarity of various forms of develojiracnt of Hamatocoecus (Protococcus, Colm) j^luviaJis v.-iili Infusoria, signalizing the genera Chihmonas, Criiptomonas, Gyges, Ghlamydomonas, Pandorina, CJtce- tofjUna, and Chcctotyphla of Ehrenbei'g's system. Phytozoa, or structures undistinguishablc from them, constitute links in the chain of still more marvellous transformations. Thus, Itzigsohn repre- sents several in the history of the development of the 0.sciUatoriea;. For ox- ample {J. M. S. 1854, p. 189)—" Tlio filaments of OsciUatoria tenuis break up into perfectly distinct joints, wliidi, at first urceolatc, soon become spherical The minute yellowish-green gonidia thus arising gradually increase in size' become motile, and present in aU respects the aspect of Chhimndomonas'' These bodies " gradually onlai-go ; a rod eye-point becomes ^^8ibie in them • 126 GENERAL HISTOEY OF THE INFUSOEIA. and, presenting a thousand intermediate forms, they grow into perfect Eaglence." After awhile these Euglenm become encysted, and terminate in the quiescent or ' P/-ohanosph(Bra ; but, Avith this exception, Dr. Eresenius' s suggestion is probably correct. If, however, StephanospJicera and Pandorina are only forms of the same plant, the generic name * StephanospJicera ' must give place to ' Pandorina,^ the latter being of much earlier date." According to Braun (Rejuv., R. S. p. 21, note), the colonies of Pandorina revolve always to the right ; but Prof. Henfrey corrects this statement, assert- ing that they change the direction constantly. Another circumstance re- marked by Braim is, that both the birth of the first generation of gonidia, and the production of the succeeding generations by the division of the earlier, occur in the morning after nocturnal preparation (p. 224), — a circumstance, indeed, which prevails in aU. the Volvocinece. We must also note that among the many phases of development of Cldamydococcus pluvialis, Cohn discovers two comparable in form to Pandorina Morum and to the Botryocystis Volvox of Kiitzing (op. cit. R, S. p. 559). The late valuable contribution of Mr. Carter on Eudorina (Pandorina) (A. N. H. 1858, ii. p. 237) claims oiu- especial attention as confirmatoiy of Cohn's discovery of the sexuality of Volvox, a parallel fact to that he had pre- viously made out in the case of certain indubitable AlgaB. Mr. Carter identi- fies the organism he has studied with the Eudorina elegans, Ehr., a species which naturalists at the present day refuse to consider actually distinct from Pandorina morum, inasmuch as the solitary character upon which the sepa- ration was made by Ehi-enberg, viz. the presence of a red speck in Eudorina, is well known to have no pretensions to a specific, and stiU less therefore to a generic character. Indeed, Mr. Carter himself treats the ' ej-e-spot,' if not as a mere accidental feature, yet as only an adjunct of a particular phase of plant-life ; for in the very paper under notice he puts forward tho query, " Docs not the disappearance of the eye-spot in the ' still ' form thus seem to point out its analogy \vith the bright colours, especially tho red, presented by plants in their flowers during the season of fecundation, rather than with tho eye of animals ? " We may consequently regard this excellent paper by Mr. Carter as an im- portant supplement to Prof. Henfrcy's admirable and lucid memoir on Pan- dorina, especially its developmental liistory. At the risk of some repetition, wo shall allow the author to explain his researches and opinions in his oAvn words and the more so as his plan of proceeding and manner of description do not taUy very precisely with those observed in the preccdijig account of Pandorina " Before gomg," Mr. Carter writes, " to tho fecundation, it is desirable that we should trace the development oi Eudorina up to this point ; but not ha^nno- 160 GENEEAL HISTOEY OF THE INFUSOEIA. been able to recognize this organism in its simplest form (that is, as a sohtary single cell), nor any stage of its segmentation prior to the third degree of du- plicative subdivision (that is, into 16 cells, when the mother-coverings have dropped off), I must begin from this period. " At this time, which we will caU the first stage, the Eudorina consists of an ovoid green body, partially divided into the number of ceUs just mentioned, each of which is provided with a pair of cilia which project thi-ough a thin gelatinous envelope that surrounds the whole mass. It is now in its smallest size, about 5-5400ths of an inch long, that is, not more than the diameter of the Chlamydococcus-cell, and swims by means of its cilia, with the small end foremost, and with a rotatory motion on its longitudinal axis, as often from right to left as from left to right. An eye-spot is also present in each of the four anterior cells, but seldom visible in the rest at this period. " As the development progresses and the Eudorina increases in size, the di- vision becomes complete, and each cell, in addition to the granular mucus and chlorophyll which line its iuterior, may now be seen to be provided internally with a spherical translucent utricle (which is the nucleus), an eye-spot situ- ated peripherically and midway between the cilia and the opposite end of the cell, a contracting vesicle at the base of the cilia, and the pair of cilia them- selves. Each pair of cilia passes out thi-ough a single channel in the gelati- nous cell or envelope, which has now become much thickened — and thus their movements are limited up to this point, — while a defined line intemally marks the boundary of the original ceU-waU, tkrough which, of course, the ciHa also pass. " During the second stage, each of the ceUs again imdergoes duplicative division (the nuclei having been doubled previously) ; and the whole organism becoming larger, they are separated from each other, and being no longer sub- ject to the compression which, with the lines of fissiparation tending towards the centre of the ellipse, and their confined position, induced a more or less conical and polygonal shape, now become spherical and enclosed respectively within distinct transparent capsules. The Eudorina is now 30-5400ths of an inch long, and contains thii-ty-two green cells, which are evidently situated between two large, ovoid, colourless, transparent cells, one of wliich bounds a similarly-shaped cavity in the centre of the Eudorina, and the other is the original cell- wall, round which again is the newly secreted envelope, — ^while the green cells are further fixed in their respective positions by the passage of their cilia thi'ough the two latter, both original ceU-wall and envelope. Thus we see that the Eudorina is derived from a simple (daughter-) cell, and that its green cells have resulted from a duplicative subdivision of the green matter which lined the cavity of this ceU. Arrived at this state, which we shall pre- sently see is that of matuiity, we also observe that tlie posterior part of the envelope becomes crenulated, apparently from flaccidity. " After this, however, it again presents another phase, which maybe called the third or last stage of development. Here each cell again imdergoes a rapid duplicative subdivision into sixteen or thirty-two ceUs, which, in the group, assume a more or less oblong figiu'e respectively ; and thus the Etidorina'B length is increased to 50-5400ths of an inch. The intcnial stinicture now gradually breaks down before the external envelope, when for a short time the groups may be seen swimming about the cavity thus formed, till at last the envelope bui-sts and they become liberated. What becomes of them after- wards, I cannot state from observation ; but the^green cells having been greatly reduced in size by the latter subdivisions, it is probable that many of the groups, if they do not foi-m new individuals, sooner or later become disinte- grated, and the Evdorina thus eventually perishes. OF THE PHTTOZOA. IGl " When, however, the process of impregnation takes place, the division stops at the second stage,— that is, when the Eudorina consists of thii-ty-two cells of the largest land, each of which is about l-1866th of an inch in diameter within its capsule, which is therefore a little larger. The process is as foUows : — " At a certain period after the second stage has become fuUy developed, tho contents of the foiu- anterior cells respectively present lines of duplicative sub- division which radiate fi-om a point in the posterior part of the cell (and this distinguishes this subdinsion fi-om that which took place in the original cell from which the Eudorina was derived, and that which takes place in the thii'd or last stage of development just described, where the lines of fissiparation tend towards the centre of the ellipse or ovoid cell). These lines, which ulti- mately divide the green contents of the cell into sixty-four portions, where the division stops, necessarily entail (from their radiating fi'om a point and tei-minating a Uttle beyond the centre of the cell) a pyriform shape on the segments, from whose extremities a mass of cilia may be observed waving in the anterior part of the ceU of the parent, while yet her own pair of cUia are in active motion, and her eye-spot still exists m situ on one side of her pro- geny,— thus sho^ving that the latter may be almost fully formed before the parent perishes. At length, however, this takes place, and the progeny, which we shall henceforth call ' spermatozoids,' separate from each other, and finding an exit, probably by rupture, through the eflFete parent-cell and her capsule, soon become dispersed throughout the space between the two large ovoid cells mentioned, where they thus freely come into contact with the capsules of the twenty-eight remaining or female ceUs. " The form of the spermatozoid now varies at every instant, from the activity of its movements and the almost semifluid state of its plasma ; and therefore, if we had not seen it in the parent-cell, it would be very difficult to define what this form really is. Its changes in shape, however, are confined to elongation and contraction, like those of Euglena viridis, and not polymorphic like those of Amoeba ; hence it is sometimes linear-fusiform or lunular, at others pyriform, short, or elongate. The centre of the body is tinged green by the presence of a little chlorophyll, while the extremities are colourless ; the anterior one bears a pair of cilia, and there is an eye-spot a little in front of the middle of the body, also probably a nucleus. Thus we have a product widely diSerent from the common cell of Eudorina.- It is about l-2700th of an inch long, and 1 -10,800th of an inch broad. " Once in the space mentioned, the spermatozoids soon flmd theu- way among the female cells, to the capsules of which they apply themselves most vigor- ously and pertiaaciously, flattening, elongating, and changing themselves into various forms as they gUde over their surfaces, untH they find a point of in- gress, when they appear to slip in, and, coming in contact with the female cell, to sink into her substance as by amalgamation. I say ' appear,' because, the female cells as well as the spenuatozoids being so small, so numerous, and so nearly grouped together, and there being no point Hke a micropyle that I could discover, and the Eudorina continually undergoing moro or loss rotation, I do not feel so certain of having seen the act of union take place as if there had been only a female cell present with a fixed point for the entrance of tho spermatozoids, as in the resting-sporo of (Edogoninm. But the act itself does not require to be seen ; for tho constancy of this form of Eudorina, the way in which these little bodies are produced, their plastic nature, and their be- havioiu' towards the female cells are quite sufficient to convince those who have given their attention practically to such subjects that they are spenuato- zoids, and that there can be no other object in their congregatiuo- about tho female cells than unpregnation. If this be not sufficient, their number may St 162 GENEEAL HISTOEY OP THE INFUSOBIA, frequently be seen to diminish as they pass backward among the female celk, Avhen their disappearance can only be accounted for by their having become incorporated with the green cells. Eudorina in this stage also may frequently be seen with all the four anterior cells absent, and only a few spermatozoids left, most of which are motionless and adherent to the capsules, — radicating that the rest have disappeared in the way mentioned. Lastly, many Eudorince in this stage may be observed with not only the four anterior ceEs absent, but with hardly a single spermatozoid left, — indicating that the whole had passed into the female cells, or had become expended in the process of impregnation. I have never seen any spermatozoids in the central or axial cavity, nor do 1 think that there is a means of their escaping externally without rupture ; so that their being confined to the space between the two ovoid eeUs of the Eu- dorina, where the green cells are situated, is another reason, if any more be needed, for considering them fecundating agents, " What changes take place in the Eudorina after this, I have not been able to discover. At the time, the female cells appear to become more opake by the incorporation of the spermatozoids ; and the crennlated state of the poste- rior part of the envelope in this stage seems also to indicate an approach to disintegration. I have also observed that those EudorincB which are under- going, or apparently have undergone impregnation, are less active than the rest, — that is, those in which the spermatozoids are scattered throughout the interspace mentioned and applying themselves to the capsules of the green cells, and those in which there are only a few spermatozoids left. But even if they did become disintegrated, the latter, when free, would so closely re- semble those of Chlamydococcus, which was also abundantly present, that un- less the Eudorina could be found undergoing impregnation by itself, or apart from this organism, there appears to me no chance of distinguishing the two, and therefore no other means of completing this part of its history. It is true that the impregnated cells may undergo some change in form similar to those of Volvox glohator after impregnation ; but I think I should have seen this among the numbers which came under my observation, if it had been the case. " While undergoing impregnation, the female cells always contain from two to four nuclei, as if preparatory to the third stage of development, into which they are sometimes actually seen passing, with the spennatozoids pre- sent and scattered among them ; but the effect of impregnation gcneraUj- seems to arrest this stage, and thus save the species from that minute divi- sion which leads to the destnictive termination of Eudorina already noticed. " Sometimes aU the cells together imdergo the spermatoid fissuration, when the Eudorina passes into Pandoriiia Morum, Ehr. ; but in this case the de- velopment does not stop at the pyriform spermatozoids, but goes on to the development of thirty- two larger globular cells in each gi'oup, similar to those produced in the third stage of Eudorina above described, when they assume respectively a dome-shaped form, held together by a membrane which is fixed to the point in the posterior extremity of the cell from which tlic lines of fissiparation first radiated. As the groups, however, progress in de- velopment, this dome appears to become flatter, and. the Eudonna breaking up, as in the third stage, these groups, when liberated, finally appear to pass into the form of Gonium, when I think tliey perish like the corresponding groups of the third stage. I did not obsciTC tins development (in which may be included some abnormal states, where only one or two of the spermatic cells fail, and one or more of the female cells take on this mode of fissiparation irregularly) until the normal one of impregnation ceased to appear. Ehrcn- berg was wrong in giving the ceUs of Paiulorina and Eudorina single cilia, as has before been stated, and partly -wTong in leaA^ing out the eye-spot, both OF THE PHTTOZOiV.. 163 of Avhich, though disappQaring ultimately, indicate the continued life of the parent-cell, as in the development of the spermatozoids, long after the forma- tion of her progeny. " Thus the process of impregnation in Eudorina agrees closely with that described by Dr. F. Cohn in Voluox cjlohator, in which organism I had seen some of the cells of the interior undergoing a spermatoid development exactly like that above described, and also that previously figured by Mr. Busk, and alluded to by him as one of ' microgonidia ; ' and therefore the moment I perceived it in Eudorina, in connexion with Dr. Cohn's announcement, I felt convinced that the latter was right, and that I had before me Eudorina also undergoing a similar process of fecundation. " So much for the spermatoid development ; let us now return to that of the Eudorina in totality, concerning which there is still an interesting ques- tion for our consideration, bearing on the early development of this organism, which I have already stated my inability to supply, viz. how does the sixteen- division of the ceU in the third stage of development take place, so as to allow the cilia to become external ? It will be remembered that this cell in the second stage, before it passes rate the sixteen-division of the third stage, con- sists of its capsule or cell-waU. and the green contents ; and it should also be remembered that, although these contents have now no other covering distinct from the protoplasm but the capsule, yet in aU algal cells, whenever the green contents take on a new form, such as that of a spore or group of cells, a second more delicate coveiing is separated from them, for which I have heretofore used the term ' protoplasmic sac ; ' these two coverings, then, are the parental division of the mass, and become caducous as the rest takes on its new form and developes on its surface a ceU-wall. Thus we get the sixteen cells sepa- rated from their capside, &c., and surrounded by their proper cell- wall and the external envelope, which may be a still further thickening of the former, or a new secretion ; but, be this as it may, the cilia are seen outside it. And at first it might be thought that they were formed before either the ceU-wall or envelope, so as never to have been enclosed by either ; but if this were the case, the cilia of the sixteen cells, which are added by duplicative division to the fii'st stage of Eudorina to form the second stage, should be inside these coverings, or protrude through the original sixteen channels with the other sixteen pairs of cOia. However, neither is the case ; for these sixteen cells have their channels respectively as well as the other sixteen cells, in which case they must have been made by the sixteen new cells themselves, unless the thirty-two-division is formed before the pellicle which subsequently forms the cell- wall is supplied, and our fij-st stage does not pass into the second stage, but both forms are produced at once and separately from the beginning, — a point which can only be determined by following the development of the Eudorina from the spore itself, and that, too, alone, since it is impossible to say whether the sixteen-division groups, when pi'eviously mixed up with aU the other forms of Eudorina, are or are not deiived direct from the spore, or from the third stage of development of this organism. That the sixteen-divi- sion or second stage may pass direct into a similar form to the tliird — that is, into a form of Eudorina consisting of sixteen groups of sixteen ccUs each — I have occasionally seen ; but then this form has been globular (only T^fl_j.ths of an inch in diameter), and not ovoid, although the groups have possessed the latter form : perhaps this is the spore, and the sixteen groups the youno- Eudorina;, if not a different species. Again, the robust individuals of the sixteen-division one would thinlc to be direct from the spore, and to pass into the robust indi\'idnals of the second stage or thirty-two-division, while the puny, meagre individuals one would think to come from the third stao-e and. M 2 " ' 164 GENEEAL mSTOKY OF THE INi'USOUIA. as before conjectm-ed, end in disintegration and death. But all this, as I have just stated, can only be dctennined by following the development of the spore from the commencement. One fact I miglit add, however, viz. that the robust forms of good size have the power of withdrawing their cQia and protruding them again ; this happens when they are transferred, fi-om the vessel in which they may be contained, to the slide for examination : many may just at this time be seen to be motionless, with the channels for the cilia empty ; but gradually the cilia are protruded thi'ough them, and as gradually the Evdo- rina evinces increasing power of motion, until they are fully protraded, and it swims away. " Chlamydococcus undergoes the same kind of changes in development as Ehdorina, from which it only differs in structure in being smaller, and glo- bular instead of ovoid, in the absence of an external envelope, and ia the cilia of the daughter- cells being included within the parent-cell ; hence it also differs in being motionless, though the compartments of the daughter- cells are sufficiently large for them to tiun romid and move their cilia fi-eely therein, which they are continually doing. The primary cell of Chlamydo- coccus,like that of Eudorina, divides up into 2, 4, 8, or 16 cells, and those of the eight- and sixteen- divisions again into groups of 16 or 32 each, so as to resemble the third stage of Eudorina. Hence we may perhaps infer that its fecimdating process is similar to that of Eudorina ; but this remains to be discovered. Chlamydococcus has also a great tendency to stop at the two- and four- division, from which it may pass into the ' still ' or Protococms-foTm, and, floating on the water in a kind of crust, present cells of all kinds of sizes undergoing ' stUl ' division. In all its multiplications, pai'tial and entii'e, however, it generally maintains its piimary or spherical form, and does not become ovoid or oblong, like the groups of Eudorina, the only exceptions being in the two- and four- division, where the green cells are sometimes ovate (probably from want of room in the parent capsule), as represented by Ehrenberg in G. Pulvisculus, — to which I should refer it, had he not also given an ovate form to the type-cell of this species ; nor can I refer it to C. pluvialis, for in all the changes I have yet seen it undergo, the red colour has not increased beyond the minute eye-spot, Avhile this also disappears, and the ciHa too, when this species passes into the ' still ' foi-m. Here it undergoes the same kind of division that it does in the active state ; but the parent- cell, instead of becoming distended by imbibition, remains closely attached to the daughter-cells, so as to give the group a mulberrj^ shape. How long it remains in the ' stDl ' form I am ignorant ; but having only seen it in the active state dui-ing the months of May, Jime, and August, and thi-oughout the rest of the year ia the ' stiU ' one, I am inclined to think that it only comes into the active state during the summer months, and then for the pmi)ose of fecundation. " In several instances, also, where I have foimd this Chlamydococcus with Eudorina, they have been accompanied by long Clostcriform ccUs. It was the case in that above mentioned, where the latter was imdcrgoing impreg- nation. Some of these have an eye-spot, which, witli tlic nature, arrange- ment, and general aspect of their internal contents, sliow that they belong to the class of organisms with which they are associated. Tlieir cell- wall also is more or less plastic, or was so when they were assuming this spicular foi-m : for many have one or more diverticula extending from them, some are bifid, and a few irregularly stellate. What they are I know not ; but Dr. Cohn has figured the same kind of cells, in company -with Sphan-ojylca anmdina, under impregnation." Steplianosphan-a. — To Dr. Ferdinand Cohn, to whom science is so deeply 01' THE rUYTOZOA. 165 indebted for his researches among the simplest organisms of creation, additional thanks arc duo for the elaborate essay on a new genus of Volvodnece, m which he has most phUosophicaUy displayed the structure and relations of that family at large. The new genus is named by him Stephamsphcera, the sti-uctui-al and physiological characters of which have been presented to the English reader by an excellent translation of Cohn's original paper, in the A. N. H. 1852, X. p. 321 et seq. Besides this account of Stephanosphcera by its discoverer, none other exists ; we must accordingly make extensive use of it in attempting an abridged description, — a difficult task on account of the importance of almost every paragraph it contains. The organisms to be described " exhibit an extraordinary variety of size and shape," writes Cohn ; "but they are all essentially of similar structure, and consist of eight green spherical corpuscles having their central points situated at the circumference of a circle (XIX. 38), and of a large common envelope, en- closing the former as a colourless vesicle, at the equator of ivhich are ranged the said eight green glohides (XIX. 40-58). " The common envelope is bounded by a membrane wholly devoid of struc- ture and transparent, so that it may be overlooked if the illumination be not properly modified, imder which circumstances the 8 green globules appear destitute of any common bond of union. But the membrane of the envelope always exists ; and although very delicate and thra while young (XIX. 57-58), it becomes thickened with age, and then possesses an evident breadth, albeit no compound stnictui'e can be detected. The membrane of the envelope is ab- solutely rigid, and never changes its shape, excepting through the ordinary expansion of gi-owth ; therefore it is not only totally devoid of contractility, but is even elastic only in a slight degree. " In whatever direction the total organism may lie during its movements, •the envelope always appears as a perfect, absolutely regular circle (XIX. 38, 39) ; thence it results most decidedly that the membrane of the envelope forms a sphere which may perhaps deviate but very little from the mathematical ideal. The diameter of the envelope varies between tolerably wide limits : while some younger forms possess an envelope ^^th of a line (0-028 mm.) in diameter, most attain one of J^th. (0'044 mm.), and the largest are as much as ^th of a line (0-055 mm.) in diameter. " The phtenomena in dissolution and during propagation prove that the membrane of the envelope immediately surrounds a colourless watery fluid, the refractive power of which does not diifer from that of water. The enve- lope may therefore be regarded as a broad spherical cell with a delicate strac- tureless membrane, colourless and transparent like glass, containing a thin, water-like, coloiuless fluid ; consequently I shall denominate it the envelope- cell (Hi'dl-zelle). " While the envelope-cell varies, generally speaking, only in size, and no diflbrcnce whatever of shape and stmcture can bo detected in the different individuals, the variations in the development of the eight green qlobes in its interior are very great. In fact it is difficult to represent the multiplicity of forms which here display themselves, so as to give a full and clear idea of them; and om- figiu'os even can afford but a very insufficient pietm-e since scarcely a single individual exactly resembles another in this respect' The eight green bodies in the interior of each envelope-cell, wliich, for reasons to be given hereafter, I shall call primordial cells, arc in their simplest condition globvdar, and stand at equal distances in a cii'do at the largest cii-cumfcrence of the cnvelope-ceU, so that tlio whole structure looks like a i^'' ^^ith a rmg formed of eight green globules in its interior (AlA. £}«). If the circular hnc in which the centres of the eight primordial 166 GENERAL HlSTOllY OF XnK INFUSOKIA. cells stand, is regarded as the equator of the envelope-cell, we ordinaiilj' jfind their position such that the equatorial zone lies parallel with the plane of the object-glass, and the observer consequently looks down upon the pole of the envelope-cell. In this, the polar view, the eight primordial cells stand in a perfect circle and are placed very close to the circumference of the envelope-cell. The distances between the primordial cells are more or less considerable according as they are proportionately larger or smaller ; some- times they constitute an elegant wi'eath composed of eight large green rosettes, almost without any intervals between them, or resemble an interrupted eight- angled star ; sometimes the green globules are so far apart as to look like the eight spokes of a wheel. The diameter of a primordial ceU in the polar view amounts in the former case to -j-g-yth of a line (0-012 mm.^, in the latter to yi-g-th (0'0065), — on an average to y-^th of a line (0-0087 mm.). " When, however, the whole revolves, so that the axis passing through the two poles of the envelope-cell lies parallel with the stage of the microscope, and the equatorial zone marked by the eight green primordial ceUs stands perpendicular to the latter, consequently in the optic axis of the microscope, the envelope-cell still looks Kke a cii'cle, because it is a sphere ; but the eight primordial cells, lying in one plane, are then projected in a line which corre- sponds to the diameter of this circle, so that the whole resembles, under the microscope, a colomiess disk cut in half by a green zone (XIX. 40-58). And in this, the equatorial view, according to the position, the four primordial cells in the anterior hemisphere sometimes completely cover the four behind, so that only four are seen altogether ; sometimes the latter appear through the interspaces between the former, and all eight are seen in one line. This view also, of course, gives very different pictures according to the size of the primordial ceUs and the distance between them. " Between the polar and equatorial views lie countless intermediate posi- tions in which the ring of primordial cells, more or less contracted, appears as an eUipse, with its longest axis constantly in the diameter of the envelope- ceU, while the shorter axis appears longer or shorter, and the separate pri- mordial cells are approached more or less towards each other, according to the laws of projection. " Besides this difference of the aspect which one and the same individual affords merely in consequence of the different positions resulting from its movements, a stUl greater variation is displayed in the sTuipe of the green primordial cells themselves. I have called them globes above ; properly they are always aciiminated to some extent, in the form of a pear, toward the periphery of the envelope-cell ; and they are imperceptibly attenuated to a point here, from which two cilia pass out (XIX. 38). These cilia therefore arise from the p)ri.mordial cells inside the envelope-cell, and they emerge freely into the water through minute orifices in the latter : from the analogy with Chlamydococcus, I conjectui'c that there is a separate passage for each ciHum, 80 that the orifices corresponding in each case to the primordial ccUs are placed in pairs, and all sixteen orifices occur in the equator of the cnvclopc- cell. Hence in the polar view the eight pairs of cilia go out from the circum- ference of the envelope-cell like elongated rays. " The primordial cells moreover expand principally in the direction of the axis perpendicular to the equatorial plane, so that in the equatorial Aiew tlioy appear not spherical, but rather elliptical, or even sometimes stretched so considerably in this direction, that they become cyhndrical or almost spindle- shaped, without undergoing any remarkable enlargement on the other axis. If in this case the primordial cells arc large and near togetlier, they form in the equatorial \-icw a broad gi-cen zone inside the colourless envelope- OF THE PHYTOZOA. 167 cell, filling lip a more or less considerable portion of this (XIX. 39), while in the polai- view they form only a cii-cular wreath. In some instances the proper green body of the primordial cells is only shortly cylindrical ; but it becomes elongated at both ends into long beaks which reach ahnost to the poles, and give each piimordial ceU something of the shape of the Closterium setacmm figm-ed by Ehi-enberg. In this case the whole resembles a sphere surrounded by eight green bands placed in meridians and swollen only in the equatorial region. But even in this very frequently occm-ring preponderating development of the one dimension, the cilia of each primordial cell are sent out fi-om the middle of its shorter axis ; and when the primordial cells appear projected in a zone, in the equatorial view, the motile ciHa are visible only at four points of the diameter. " The primordial cells are very frequently developed unequally in the two hemispheres of the envelope-cell ; they axe not then divided into two equal halves by the equator of the envelope-ceU, but show themselves crowded principally into one hemisphere, which they almost fill ; and they reach almost to the pole there, whUe they occupy but a far smaller portion of the other, which consequently appears in greater part colourless. In such a case the primordial cells almost touch -^dth one end, while they diverge widely at the other, and thus they look like a kind of basket composed of eight pieces, like the gaping dental apparatus of a ChUodon. " Besides the two ciHa which pass out from each primordial cell, thi-ough the orifices of the envelope-cell into the water, the former very frequently send out other prolongations, which however do not perforate the envelope- cell. These are colourless mucilaginous JUaments, going out from each pri- mordial cell, especially from the ends of their longer axis, and which hence present themselves especially clearly in the equatorial view. The ends of the primordial cells are mostly not green but colourless, and elongated into numer- ous, likewise colourless, broader or thinner bristle-like processes, which run out like rays in all directions, are often ramified, and are attached to the inside of the envelope-ceU, without however perforating it (XIX. 39). If these fila- ments are much developed, they form a proper network, which maintains each primordial ceU floating in the common envelope. The extremities of the pri- mordial cells are also frequently divided dichotomously into colourless muci- lagiaous bands, which again branch into radiating filaments and thus produce the most wonderful forms. These colourless filiform prolongations of the primordial cells may also be seen in the polar view, stretching in all dii-ce- tions, and giving the total stnicture a most strange aspect, almost similar to that of a Xanthidium. " In the interned organization of the primordial cells, all that can be made out is a green-coloured softish substance, of which they are composed, and in which numerous delicate granules or points are imbedded. When the pri- mordial cells are actively vegetating, they are of a transparent vivid green ; but the colour exhibits various tints : in the youngest conditions it is purer', more yellowish green, less obscured by dark points ; in the largest forms, on the contrary, the contents appear brownish green and opake, with the dai-k granules multiplied to such an extent, that the whole almost loses its transpa- rency. In the middle of the primordial ccUs are found two larger, nucleus-like vesicles, mostly symmetrically placed ; and these examined separately appear annular, so that they possess an inter nal cavity ; iodine colours them remarkably dark, with a violet tinge (XIX. 39). The centre of each primordial cell is frequently occupied by a lighter circular space, which however does not vanish penodically, and therefore cannot be regarded as a contractile vesicle (XIX 38") " The primordial cells are not surrounded by any special rigid membrane- 168 GENKEAI. HISTORY OF THE rNFUSOIlIA. and this is not only made evident by the multifold changes of fom which they undergo in the conrso of vegetation, and by the filiform prolongations and ramifications which are produced directly from theii- substance, but is clearly shown by the transformations which the primordial ceUs pass through in con- sequence of external influences. Under certain circumstances, namely, the flUform processes may be retracted, being torn away from the envelope-ceU and taken up into the substance of the primordial cells ; the produced ends of the primordial ceUs also disappear, the latter becoming rounded off into their original spherical or short- cyUndiical foi-m. Such a change would be impossible if the piimordial cells were surroimded by a rigid membrane, such as that of the envelope-cell for example. Still more rapid and decided are the metamorphoses which the primordial cells undergo in the interior of the envelope-cell, through influences destructive to the life of the organism. These phfenomena, usually called dissolution, do not change the rigid enve- lope-cell at all ; but they totally decompose the primordial cells, depriving them of their form and dissolving them into a single structureless green mass, which lies upon the inside of the envelope-ceU, frequently destroying all evi- dence of the origin from eight spheres, while not a trace of special enveloj^ing membranes comes to light. These pha)nomena of dissolution moreover indicate that the envelope-cell, as I have already mentioned, is composed of a delicate membrane enclosing a clear watery fluid, which cannot be dense, gelatinous, or mucilaginous, since it is readily displaced by the radiating filaments and the dissolved substance, and which therefore is very similar to pui-e water, if not exactly the same. " Motion. — The cilia which are protruded from the equator of the envelope- ceU are but short inside this ; but the portion projecting iato the water is much longer and vibrates actively, thereby causing all the movements. During their vibration the cOia are difficult to detect ; but when dried on glass, and still better by wetting them with iodine, they may readily be traced in their whole length, especially if sulphuric acid is added, this rendeiing them more distinct and giving them a darker coloui-. The motion of the entire organism, depending on the eight pairs of cilia, exactly resembles that well kno^\Ti in the Alg£e and many Infusoria. Pirst there is a rapid revolution roimd that axis of the envelope- cell which passes thi'ough its poles and stands perj^en- dicular to the ring of primordial cells, so that the envelope-ceU rotates like a wheel upon its axle. In the polar view (XIX. 38), our form gives exactly the impression of a revolving wheel, while in the equatorial ^-icw (XIX. 39), where the primordial ceUs are mostly elongated, it has more the aspect of a globe turning upon its axis. Besides this revolution on its axis, Avhich cndm-es throughout the whole Ufe, there is an advancing movement, which produces a very irregular course; in this way these organisms scretv themselves, as it were, onwards in the water. Sometimes they SAvim straight out A\-ith unifonn rapidity, the pole going first, the rotating ring of primordial ceUs standing at right angles to the course and ai)pearing only in one line ; sometimes they turn round, so that the equatorial plane presents itscU' as a circle again (in the polar view) : they rotate thus round their centre without monng from the spot ; tiion they set one pole forward and sAvim on in another dii-ection, bend to the right or to tlie left, or turn quite roimd, mostly without any per- ceptible obstniction, move in cm-ves of the most varied Idnds, ran round any point in spiral lines, come into different planes, sometimes ascending, some- times descending ; in short, they exhibit all those most complex and wonderful dhncnomcna of locomotion wliich we ai'C acquainted with in the moving pro])aga- tivc colls of the Algaj, — and, as I hiive demonstrated elsewhere, in cx^acihi the same way in the Astomous and Anoiterous Inftisoria (Monadina, Asiasia:a, OF THE PHTTOZOA. 169 Cnjjptomonadina, &c.), and which certainlj^ do not bear at all the character of pm-posing, conscious volition, but appear as an activity determined not indeed by purely external causes, but by internal causes in the organization and vital process. The collective idea of such motions is best represented by the course described by a top which runs through the most varied ciu-ves while at the same time constantly revolving on its axis. " Although Alex. Braim describes a constant revolution to the left in the iu many respects analogous swarming- cells of Ohlamyclococcus and the swarni- ing-spores of (Edocjoniimi, and to the light in the moving gonidia of Vaucheria and the families of Pandorina, I must assert that no such constant law of re- volution ea:ists in the structure here described. " As to its systematic position. — It is evident tliat the organism we have described belongs to the family of the Volvocinea;. For not only do we find in it the two principal characters Avhich are characteristic of this interesting family — the presence of a nimiber of green globes which, enclosed in a common colourless envelope, represent a family of ceUs (polypidom), together with the constant roUing motion which the Volvocineai possess through almost the whole of their life, — -but our form also displays, as we shall see hereafter, the third character of the Volvocinece, that the separate globes propa- gate within the envelope. In fact, there exist the greatest analogies between the knoMTi genera of Volvocinece, especially Gonium and Pandorina, and the organism here described ; and these genera are only essentially distinguished by the ai'rangement of the groen globes or primordial cells, which in Pando- rina ai'e placed on a spherical siuface, in Gonium on a flat plane, while in oiu- form they stand at the cu'cumference of a circle. Since, however, this veiy law of arrangement is, in the family of the Volvocineas, the most im- portant criterion on which the establishment of the genera depends, it follows that we here have a peculiar genus which I do not find described either in Ehrenberg's great work or in any later publication. " If we now compare the conditions of organization of Stephamosphasra Avith those of Chlamydococcus, we find the most essential agreement. In the first place the envelope-cell of Stephanosphcera corresponds exactly to that of the moving macrogonidia of Ghlamydococcus ; it is composed of a delicate colourless membrane and contents resembKng water. Chemical actions to Avhich I subjected the envelope- cell of Stephanospha'-ra, bear witness of this agreement in the most minute particulars. The envelope-cell is indifferent to acids and alkalies and is not dissolved in them ; but it suffers a peculiar thickening by sulphmic acid, which causes it to apply itself more closely to the primordial cell, and present itself very distinctly and clearly defined. In general the application of dilute sidphuric acid is often the best means of making clear delicate vegetable membranes which would otherAvise be readily overlooked, especially when iodine is added, which then ordinarily colours the membrane yellow. The cilia also are rendered more distinct by sulphm-ic acid. The envelope-cells of Pandorina, Chlamydococcus, and Volvox behave in exactly the same way. " With regard to the chemical composition of the cnvelope-ceU of StepJia- nosphrm-a, I have succeeded in demomtrating the characteristic reaction of vegetable celMose, the blue colouring by iodine and sulphuric acid, in the enve- lope-cell of Stephanosphami. Por this piu'pose it is requisite to allow a di-op oi pretty concentrated sulphuric acid to act upon the swarming Stcphanospha;ra globes until the green primorchal ceUs in the interior arc decomposed — bv which time the proper transformation of the envelope -membrane has taken place, and a drop of solution of iodine (iodine in iodide of potassium^ suffi ciently diluted to prevent the sulphmic acid precipitating it in crystals \hcn 170 GENEEAL HISTORY OF THE INFUSOEIA. produces a coloration of the envelope, which appears at first violet, gradually becoming more intense, and at last beautiful indigo-blue. Thus the chemical behaviom- of the envelopo-ceU in Stephanosphoira, as in Chlamydococcus, is the most evident proof that the organisms to which they belong cannot be regai'ded as Infusoria, but are simply Alga3. Moreover this behaviour of the envelope-ceU of Steplianosphaira shows that the latter is bounded by a true cellulose membrane, and not, as is assumed almost universally of the Volvo- cinea;, and by Nageli even of aE. Algae, of secreted mucus or jeUy, The direct obsei-vation of the envelope-cell of Stephanosjphcera likewise shows that this is completely closed in its normal condition, and only perforated by orifices in the spots where the cilia of each primordial cell pass out. Not until a later stage, when the primordial cells singly leave the envelope or have begun to propagate, does the membrane of the envelope tear, gradually coUapse, and become dissolved, so that the included globes can make their exit freely. " It is obvious that the eight green globes of Stepliamsphmra correspond exactly to the primordial cell of Chlamydococcus. The primordial cells of Stephanosplicera consist in like manner of nitrogenous protoplasm, in itself colourless, which is colom-ed brown by iodine and almost whoUy dissolved by caustic potash and ammonia. The protoplasm is coloured by the universal colouring matter of vegetables, chlorophyll ; for alcohol and aether bleach the green globules, and concentrated sulphuric acid changes the green colour into a verdigris-green or blue, — a reaction which, from my observations, is cha- racteristic of chlorophyll. " The chemical nature of the fine granules in the primordial cells, which "with age multiply so that the primordial cells at length lose their transparent green colour and appear dull, opake, and olive-brown, is difficult to deter- mine on account of their small size ; they are either protoplasm-granules, or, as a bluish colour given by iodine might leave one to conclude, perhaps starch-granules. On the other hand, the tivo darker nuclei in each pri- mordial cell are undoubtedly the same structui-es which occur in Chlamy- dococcus and, in like manner, not only in aU the Volvocinece, but also in most of the Algae of the orders of Palmellece, Desmidece, Confervece, &c. Nageli has called these chlorojjhyll-utricles, and demonstrated their universal occur- rence in the vegetable kiigdom by comparative descriptions (Gattung. einzell. Alg. n.). Ordinarily there exist only two in Stephanosphcera, which may be distinguished in the earhest stages, — while, among other Volvocinea, for instance, Gonium contains only one chlorophyll-utricle. It is difficult to settie anything definite concerning their structure and fimction ; they must not be regarded as ceU-nuclei, although they resemble them verj'- much, especially when only one is present. Caustic potash, which destroys the rest of the contents of the primordial- cells, makes the chlorophyll utricles of Stepha- nosphcera show themselves more distinctly as hollow rings, surrounded by a membrane which is rather granular ; iodine colours them deep viol-ct, which leads to the conclusion of the presence of stai'ch. Ehi-enberg thought the chlorophyll-utricles were to be recognized as the testes of the Volvocineee ; it is certain, however, that these structui-es may be seen in greater or less number, in exactly the same way, in undeniable plants, such as Hydrodic- tyon, (Edogonium, Mougeotia, and others. " I have already show that the primordial cells of Stephamspha;ra as well as those of Chlamydococcus are destitute of a special rigid membrane ; con- sequently they do not correspond to perfect cells, but on the whole only to primordial utriclos. In lilvo manner the curious colourless mucous filaments which extend out from the extremities of the primordial colls of Stepha- nosphcera are evidently analogous to the rays which make one condition of OF XUE rnrxozoA. 171 the CJilcmydococcus-CGlla look hairy (var, setlger, V. Flotow). They are merely prolongations of the colourless protoplasm forming the substance of the primordial cells, and correspond pretty well morphologically to the reticu- lated branching filaments of protoplasm, the sap-currents as they ai-e termed, which maintain the nucleus suspended freely in the interior of the ceUs oi the articulations of Spirogyra or of the hairs of the anthers of Tradescantia. Alcohol and acids cause these prolongations to be retracted into the substance of the piimordial cells ; the same thing takes place diu'ing the course of the development. Ehi-enberg has called these peculiar mucous rays, which also occur in some other Volvocinece, in some cases a tail {Synura, Uroglena), in others connecting canals or Ladications of a vascular system (in Volvox and Oonium). These protoplasm-filaments natiu'aUy present a diff'erent aspect according to the shape and arrangement of the primordial cells : while they appear as a wi'eath of cUia in the globular Chlaniydococcus-ce]!, in the more spindle-shaped Steplianosphcera they rather resemble bundles of rays passing out from each end ; in Volvox, if seen only from above, they give the indi- vidual primordial cells a polygonal, radiating aspect, and form threads of communication between them : Focke has wi'ongly considered them as inter- cellular passages between the individual animalcules. The connecting threads in Oonium, on the other hand, are something quite different, and do not belong at all to the domain of the protoplasm-filaments, as I shall explain more fully at another opportunity. " Thus the microscopic analysis, like the chemical investigation, of StepJia- nosplicera, in exact analogy with Chlamydococcus and the swarming-cells of the other Alga3, has enabled us to distinguish all the characters of a plant, but not one mark of a true animal organization, in particular not a trace of a mouth, stomach, and sexual organs. But the genus Stephanosphcera is thereby pre-eminently important for the decision of the question of the limit between the animal and vegetable kingdom, because the history of its development a ffords the most convincing proof of the vegetable nature of this genus, and thm of all the other Yolvocineae. " Development of Stephanosphcera. — Both the very delicate envelope-cell and the widely distant, transparent, green, globular, primordial cells of the young StephanosphcBra are of a relatively small size. Both grow so much as to double theu- dimensions during their vegetation : the former acquii'es a tough membrane ; the latter fill up the greater part of the envelope-cell, advance towards each other so as to touch, develope thicker, denser contents and assume most cmious forms through the ramification of the protoplasm - filaments. Finally the process of propagation shows itself in the primordial cells. The radiating ends retract all their prolongations, and become rounded into a perfect sphere ; the primordial cells are now merely attached to the envelope-cell by their cilia, and thus are readily moved from their normal corresponding positions, and then appear devoid of any definite arrangement in the envelope-ceU. " These changes take place in the course of the afternoon ; towards evening more influential metamorphoses make their appearance. The primordial cclf namely, extends itself predominantly in one direction in the axis perpendicular to the equatorial plane, consequently in the position which represents from above downwards. The two chlorophyU-utriclcs respectively repair to the two ends ; the green contents likewise flow chiefly to the two sides, and leave a broad colourless zone visible in tlie midrlle, such as we observe somewliat in the same position in Closterimn. Finally the primordial coll becomes eon stiicted, gradually from the periphery to the centre, in the middle line and 18 thus divided into two socondaiy cells, the septum of which, in the position 172 OENEBAL niSTOET OF THE INrUSOEIA. above assumed, rans from right to left. Each of the halves cut off by the division then expands somewhat in the direction from left to right ; a new constriction soon presents itself in the direction from above doAvnwards; when this is complete, the originally globular primordial cell is divided into four- quarters (XIX. 40). " This process of constriction and cutting off is repeated once more, each secondary cell becoming divided by a new septum into two equal halves (XIX. 41-56). " This process of division, by which each primordial cell produces in the fii-st generation two, in the second four, and in the third eight secondary cells, is completed in the course of the night, so that early in the morning, in the long summer days even by 3 o'clock, we perceive each of the eight primordial ceUs divided into eight in the manner described (XIX. 41, 42). The gene- rations produced in each case by this triple subdivision vaiy in the duration of their lives and in their capacity of development ; the first two rapidly divide again, and therefore are, according to Niigeli's expression, mere ' transitional generations ; ' the thii'd alone arrive at complete development and persist a long time as such ; these form the 'permanent generation.' " The process of division does not always take place simidtaneously in all the eight primordial cells of Stejphanosphcera ; we not imfrequently find inside the same envelope-cell some primordial cells still wholly unaltered, while others are already preparing to divide into two, a third perhaps ah-eady into four, and a fourth has abeady resolved itself into its eight secondary ceUs. Very often most of the piimordial cells are foimd already completely sepa- rated into eight, while one or other of them is still wholly unaltered. " When the act of division has gone on favoui-ably up to the point to which Ave have followed it above, some hours elapse before the young families of ceUs escape completely from the envelope. The process which precedes their birth consists principally in the more complete isolation, in a centrifugal direction around their common centre, of the secondary cells produced by each pri- mordial cell. Since the parting off of the secondaiy cells advances gradually from the periphery towards the centre, they are akeady completely indivi- dualized and separated by intercellular spaces at the peripherj% while all eight remain still connected in the centre into a common colourless mucous mass filled with protoplasm-granules (XIX. 42). But the flow of the contents fi-om the centre to the borders, which continues up to this time, at length causes the constriction of the central mass of protoplasm also into eight parts ; the eight secondaiy cells then appear of a deep yellowish green externally, passing internally into colourless green towards finely granular beaks which are all connected in the centre, but become gradually attenuated, torn away, and retracted. Then the young primordial cells become rounded into short cylinders and stand in a circle, -without organic connexion, but placed closely beside one another : seen from above (in the polar view), under the micro- scope, they resemble a wheel Avith eight notches ; fi-om the side, examined in the equatorial view, we see four or eight short cylinders lying side by side, — so that the whole is not unlike a small Scenedcsmus ohtusus (XIX. 57-58). " The piimordial cell undergoing division behaves as a whoh towai-ds external things, until the parting off into eight is quite completed ; that is to say, its two cilia move uninterruptedly, and consequently the entii'e Ste- p7ianosj)hcera-gl6hc still rolls through the water according to the known laws, even when most of its primordial ceUs have already become more or less com- pletely divided into foiu" or eight secondaiy cells. Only shortly before the completion of the division do the cilia of the parcnt-ceU lose their motion and disappear, it may be by being retracted or by being thrown off; but the OF THE PnYTOZOA. 173 orifices through which the cilia previously passed out into the water may now he observed in the common envelope-cell, as miaute points surrounded by a thickened border. " Immediately after that, it is seen that the newly-formed secondary ceUs have developed their owa cilia; for the yoimg generations formed in the interior of the pai'ont- envelope now begia to move and to roll over like a wheel, so far as the confined space allows of this. In consequence of this movement of the eight small wheels rotating in the interior of the common envelope-ceU, which constitutes a very pretty object, the parent-ceU _ soon becomes enlarged and attenuated at certain points ; the cellulose of which it is composed appears to be transformed into soluble jeUy, and soon afterwards one after the other breaks through out of the common envelope and revolves freely and independently in the water, according to the same laws as the old spheres, but more actively and energetically. The young Steiihanosphaira exactly resembles a green wreath composed of eight small cylinders, upon which by itself no envelope and cilia can be detected (XIX. 42, 48, 49) ; but if killed with iodine, the eight piimordial cells are seen to be surrounded by a common envelope-cell in the form of an exceedingly delicate membrane, — only this lies in all parts almost immediately upon the green globes, so that it follows the waved outline they produce, and in its total form resembles a flat spheroid with eight notches on its border ; it is perforated by the cilia, which go off in pairs from each of the primordial cells ; and two chlorophyll-utricles are already distinguishable in the latter. By degrees the envelope-ceU is lifted up by the endosmotic absoi-ption of water ; its surface becomes smoothed out, and it appears circular in the polar view ; on the other hand, it retains for a longer time the form of an almost tabular spheroid, and hence presents an ellipse in the equatorial view (XIX. 58) ; finally it expands uniformly in all directions and thus acquires its normal spherical form, while at the same time it becomes considerably thickened. This whole process of propagation is completed during the night ; and on bright days Stephanosphmrm are rarely seen in com-se of division at sunrise ; on dull days they may be observed in this condition in the first part of the morning. " The primordial cells, however, not unfrequently come to a standstill in the stage of division of the second generation, so that they only separate into four secondaiy cells ; these at once develope cilia and an envelope-ceU, with- out dividing a third time, and make theii' exit from the parent-envelope in this condition. Here therefore only the first generation of each piimordial cell is a transitional generation, the second ah'cady a pennanent generation. Hence arises the circumstance that we often find, among other eightfold Ste- phanospJuera-glohcs, some in which the envelope-cell encloses only foiu- pri- mordial cells standing at equal distances, which in other respects behave in the ordinary manner. "It is still more frequently observed, when the primordial ceUs have already become constricted into four sccondai-y cells and are beginning to divide again into eight, that this process of division is not perfectly completed in all foui- portions, but that the young Stephanosphmra already becomes free and developcs the envelope-ceU, although one or other of the foiir quadratic segments of the sp)here has become constricted but not jiaried off! Hence origi- nate monstrous foiTns, since the general envelopc-ccU then encloses only seven primordial cells ; but in these cases it is always observed that one of them is distinguished by most curious prolongiitions or mucous filaments, that it appears twice aa large as the rest, that it contains four chlorophyll-utricles instead of two as is usual, and that it is also more or less constricted in the middle. AU this furnishes proof that here one secondary cell of the second 174 OENKllAL HISTOliY OF TUE INFUSORIA. generation has not been divided the third time like the rest, but occupies l)y itself the space which is ordinarily filled by two. Very often only six or even no more than five primordial cells are found in one envelope-cell ; but then two or three of these are twice as large as elsewhere. In like manner Alex. Braun figures a Pediastrmn composed of fifteen instead of sixteen cells, wherein one, however, is twice as large as the rest. " On the whole, it is obvious that the mode of propagation of SlephanosphcBra already examined corresponds completely to that we are abeady acquainted Avith as formation of macrogonidia in Chlamydococcus. It both cases it de- pends upon the envelope-cell remaining unaltered, while the primordial ccUs become divided, first into two secondary ceUs, and then so on in a lower power of two, each of the secondary ceUs immediately developing two cilia, and secreting over its whole surface, as do all piimordial utricles of vegetable ceUs, a delicate cellulose membrane, which, however, becomes gradually re- moved fiu'ther from the secreting primordial ceU through absorption of water. The only distinction between Chlamydococcus and Steplianosphcera arises fi'om the formation of a special envelope-cell to each individual secondary cell in Chlamydococcus, while in Stephanosjihcera all the generations produced by division form one primordial cell, become enclosed by a common envelope, and move away as families of cells. On the contrary, the developmental history of Oonium, Pandorina, and Volvox agrees in all essential particulars with the laws of propagation which I have just described in Stephanosplw^ra, as will be shown elsewhere. We may caU. the mode of multiplication of the Volvocinece by the general name oi propagation by macrogonidia. " Another process is met with in Steplianosphcera, besides the above, and which I have observed more rarely, viz. propagation by microgonidia. In this mode of multipKcation the introductory processes are exactly like those of the formation of macrogonidia ; in particular each primordial cell is at first divided into two, then into four, and lastly into eight secondary cells. But instead of this thii'd generation being permanent and becoming free, as is usual, it not unfrequently happens that the process of division is not arrested with the separation into eight — that the original piimordial cell becomes parted off a fourth, fifth, and even a sixth time, in the same manner, and at length is broken vp into a large number of cells (16, 32, 64), which naturally are so much the smaller the greater number of times the subdivision into two has taken place (XIX. 43, 51). These little secondary cells finally become totally separated from one another, without secreting an envelope-cell. These little cellules — I shaU follow the example of Alex. Braim and call them microgonidia — exhibit a very active and energetic motion inside the envclope- ceU, hurrying very rapidly up and doAvn in aU directions in its cavity, pro- ducing by their great number that curious swarming which Alex. Braun has very aptly compared with the intermingling of a crowd of peoijle in a confined area, where every one is constantly changing his place, wlulc the whole togetlier constantly occupy the same space. Sometimes the ccUules are scattered in a few large masses ; then they unite again into a Icnot in the middle ; every moment the general aspect varies. At length the common envelope is ruptured where the microgonidia emerge one after another or in large masses, but free and singly, into the water. Their true form may be then readily detected by killing them with iodine ; they are spindle-shaped and acuminated at both ends, bright green in the middle, and run out into a colourless beak at each end, on the whole not unlike young Eugleno'. without a trace of an envelope-cell ; the extremity which goes first in their swimming bears delicate cilia ; the number of the cilia is four (XIX. 52). When the microgonidia reach the water they move most actively in all directions, and OF Tina PHTTOZOA. 175 in a short time all the eorpusclos emitted from an envelope-cell are scattered and disappeai- ia the wide surface of the drop of water. "I have not been able to make out what becomes of the microgonidia subsequently, since they are ordinarily decomposed on the object-holder after a brief swai-ming ; but it may be conjectured that they also serve for propa- gation, and probably pass into a condition of rest. At least the latter has been observed in the microgonidia of Ohlamydococcus pluvialis by Alex. Braiin and myself: the history of the development of the latter agrees wholly with those of the Stephanosplicera ; they originate also by the division of the pri- mordial cell in a higher power, are distinguished by their minute size and more active, pecuharly Infiisorioid movement, and never develope an envelope- cell during their movement. The microgonidia of both therefore are true primordial cells ; that is, primordial utricles resembling cells, organized ex- clusively of coloured protoplasm, without any cellular membrane. The only distinction between them is, that the microgonidia of Ohlamydococcus, Uke their macrogonidia, possess tivo cilia, while in those of Stephanosphcera I observed four. That the microgonidia of StephanosjpJicera correspond per- fectly in morphological respects to the macrogonidia, and only depend upon a higher power of division, is proved by a case in which seven out of the eight primordial cells in one envelope-cell were broken up into microgonidia, while one divided merely into eight secondary cells ; the latter were developed aS macrogonidia, and formed a connected wreath surrounded by an envelope-cell, which roUed slowly about in the parent-envelope, surrounded by the swarm of free, rapidly moving microgonidia. " Abstracting the differences which may be shown always between two genera, we detect the same laiv of development in Hydrodictyon as in Stepha- nosphasra, — viz. the biciliated less numerous macrogonidia arrange them- selves into a family of cells already within the parent-cell, according to the character of the given conditions of the two genera, the cell-family being active in the Volvocinece and immoveable in the Protococcacea;, while the more numerous more actively moving microgonidia with foiu' cHia leave the parent-cell and enter upon a metamorphosis, the retrogradation from which to the normal type of the genus has not been obsei-ved yet here, or indeed in the microgonidia of any of the Algae. Such an imdeniable agreement of the law of development of Stephanosphoira with an undoubted plant like Hydro- dictyon, which testifies to a near relationship, would be inconceivable if the former were to be regarded as of essentially different organization — as belong- ing to quite another kingdom of nature. Thus the developmental history of Stephanosphaa-a also furnishes the most convincing proof of the vegetable nature of this genus, and consequently of the Volvocinea; generally. " That the formation of macro- and microgonidia does not exhaust the whole series of forms which Steplianospha;ra may pass through, is proved by the following observation, which imfortunately I have not yet been able to complete. Having cultivated some Stephanospha^rai for a long time in a little glass cup, in the way described in my essay on Loxodes hursaria (l, c), all the primordial cells at length exhibited dark, thick, greenish brown contents so densely hlled with numerous granules that the two chlorophj-U-vesiclos could no longer be detected ; their form was more or less globular, and the mucous radiating processes were entirely absent ; their outlines wore remark- ably sharply defined, as if they had become suiToimdcd by a rigid membrane. At the same time I remarked that the piimordial cells were no lono-cr fixed immoveably at the periphery of the envelope cell, never changing their relative positions, but jerked hack-wards and fonvards, finally tore themselves away from the envelope-cell, and then began to rotate slowly and lazily in the interior 176 GENEHAI, niSTOKY 01' TUE INFUSOEIA. Soon after, I saw the envolopc-ccll also bm-st at some spot and collapse ; and the eight primordial cells gradually emerged, one after another, as 'inde- pendent globes : they were now seen to be enclosed in a pretty closely applied envelope, through which penetrated two oiHa ; and hence they presented the utmost resemblance to Chlamydomonas Pulviscidus. They moved about for some time in the water and at length came to rest, losing their cilia and accu- mulating nice little green Protococcits-globules at the bottom of the glass. We therefore have here a motionless, perfectly plant-like stage of Stejyhanosphcera , such as we are acquainted with in Chlamydococcus and Chlamydomonas ; the remainder of the Volvocinem undoubtedly pass into a similar condition of rest, which is the means of their preservation when the water of ditches is dried up in summer. The emergence of single globes from the common enve- lope, in a form resembling Chlamydomonas, may also be readily observed in Gonium. " I conjectui'e that the motionless Protococcoid cells of Stephanosphcera are the means of the presei-vation of the species when the water, as is always the case in the shallow hoUows in stones, their natural station, is dried up for a long time and all the living inhabitants are j^recipitated on the stone. The observations of Major von Plotow have already demonstrated that the diied-up muddy sediment always reproduces Stephanosphcerm when water is again poured on to it. This capahility of reviving from the dried condition is shared by StephanosphcBra with Chlamydococcus pluviaUs, in which likewise the motionless cells remain living after being dried up for years, and are capa- ble of giving birth to moving forms, while the swarming- cells themselves are destroyed for ever by rapid desiccation. Herr von Flotow has sent earth with dried Stephanosphcerce to Dr. Eabenhorst in Dresden, who, in like manner, succeeded in reviving them by moistening. " Since the moving Stephanospharce are destroyed, just like the swarming- cells of Chlamydococeus, by rapid desiccation, I beheve that the motionless Protococcoid globes, the development of which I have just described, are the forms which do not lose their vitality by drying, but are capable, when wetted again with water, of going through a cycle of ■ development, by which they return to the normal moving form of Stephanosphcera. Yet I must remai'k that I have not hitherto obtained sufficient material to observe the resting Stephanosphara, and to trace the processes which occur in the revivification. " Kespecting their vital manifestations, repeated experiments showed that the moving spheres 0/ StephauosphaBra seek the darlcer part of the vessel, avoid- ing however a total abseoice of light, and assembling in j)reference in a moderated light or half-shadow. Since other Alga; and Infusoria exhibit a different behavioui" towards the light, we thiLS possess a means of sorting, to a cer- tain extent, the microscopic inhabitants of a specimen of water, as I did the shade-loving Steplianosphasrai from Chlamydococcus, which ordinarily seek the brightest light." An important appendix to this history of StepJianosphaira has quite recently appeared from the joint labours of Professor Colm and Wichura (Mv. Act. Acad. Curios. Naturce, 1857, Part I.), and has been translated into English by Mr. Currey {J.M.S. 1858, p. 131). _ . The resting-stage above spoken of is again referred to concisely and clearly in this paragraph : — " Under certain cii-cumstances each of the eight cells secretes a cellular covering, and swims about in the interior of the globe in tlie form of free Chlamydomonas-MVe cells (XIX. 44) ; eventually they escape, cither by fissure of the globe, or by its gradual chssolution, lose their cilia , form a thicker membrane, become motionless, and accimiulate at the bottom of the vessel. If the vessel bo then permitted to become thoroughly dry, and OF THE PUYTOZOA. 177 afterwards be again filled with water, motile Stephanosphcerce reappear, from ■which it seems probable that the green globes are the resting-spores of the plant." These, it may be added, ai-e with difficulty, if at all, distinguishable from those of Chlamydococcus pluvialis : they vary very much in size, and apparently grow after entering on the state of rest. Their colom- is deep green (occasionally yellowish or oHve) ; and they have a nucleus, and fre- quently a nucleolus. We cannot do better than copy Mr. Carrey's abridged translation, in endeavouring to convey the results arrived at by Cohn and Wichui'a : — " When the water is permitted to evaporate gradually, the resting- cells become yellow, and afterwards orange or red, and their contents have a more oily appearance. The authors found that if the water was not permitted to evaporate, the resting-spores, although continuing to Hv€, did not become developed into Stephanosphcerce ; but when fresh water was poured upon de- siccated resting-spores, twenty-four hours sufficed for the production of motile Stephanosphcerce. " The following is the process of transformation from the state of rest into the motile form. I " The dried resting-spores take up the water, and their contents (hitherto somewhat misshapen) gradually fill up the cavity of the containing mem- ( brane, and become cloudy and granular ; the border becomes yellowish, and i the red colouring matter is concentrated in the centre. The cells then begin to divide ; and the successive forms assumed in this process will be better I understood by reference to XIX. 44-47, than by description. In pass- ( ing from the state shown in fig. 45 to that shown in fig. 46, the outer mem- brane has gradually become invisible. Up to fig. 47 the process has occupied about two hours. The four daughter- cells (fig. 47) begin to quiver, and to endeavour to separate from one another. Two cilia are now perceptible at the pointed extremity of each of the four cells, by the action of which the group begins to move as a whole, and in a laboured manner, in the water ; ultimately, however, all trace of the enveloping membrane and of the gluti- nous connecting substance disappears, and one by one the daughter-cells escape and become free. Figs. 48 and 49 exhibit different forms of these free daughter- cells, which contain two, three, or several granules (amylon ?) and sometimes also vacuoles. The sharp end is often prolonged into a colour- less beak. At this period there is no proper cellulose membrane. At the moment of escaping, their diameter never exceeds 0-010 mm. ; but they soon enlarge and attain a diameter of 0-013 to 0-015 mm. " Their form and the length of the beak are variable, the latter being some- times altogether wanting. In form and motion they resemble exactly the naked primordial-cells, which are produced by division from the resting-cclls of Chlamydococcus pluvialis. The authors have never seen the resting-colls of I Stephanosphcerce divide into more than four parts, but think it not improbable : that division into a greater number (eight or possibly sixteen) sometimes occurs. " The length of time which elapsed between the immersion of the di-ied ! resting-spores and the first appearance of the motile cells varied from nine to twenty-four hours. It was noticed that those resting-spores wliich did not produce zoospores within six days never did so afterwards, although they continued to live and were perfectly licalthy. " Zoospores, produced in the month of November, did not advance beyond the first stage (fig. 49). Others, however, produced in March, remained only a few houi-s in that conchtion, after which time a deUcate membrane was formed round the body of the pi-imordial ceU (XIX. 50 ); this membrane was N 178 genehal history of the inftjsobia. at first closely attached to the primordial- cell, but became gradually enlarged by absorption of water into a colourless enveloping vesicle (figs. 50, 54), usually globular but sometimes oval, having two openuigs, through which the cUia penetrate. In this condition they attain a diameter of 0-017-0-022'", and arc not distinguishable from encysted forms of Chlamydocoixus plu- vialis. Other zoospores, produced on the Ist of Apiil, 1857, attained a larger size ; and the protoplasm of the primordial cell, instead of retaining its con- tinuous outline, became elongated here and there into simple or forked muci- laginous rays, which were either coloui'less or green from the presence of chlorophyll (fig. 53). These rays are probably produced by the protoplasm adhering at certata points to the surrounding membrane, and being carried outwards by its growth. The Ohlamydococais-like foi-m only lasted a few hours : towards the even- ing the zoospores mostly began to divide. In the fijst place, the protoplasmic rays are drawn in, and the primordial cell becomes round ; it then elongates itself in the direction of an axis passing thi-ough the point of origin of the cOia, and by the process of division assumes the forms shown in figs. 54 and 55. This state is usually attained by about nine o'clock in the evening ; and about eleven o'clock a constriction commences in a plane at right angles to the former plane of division ; and eventually the primordial cell is divided into quadrants, each containing a nucleus and a portion of the red substance. The two cOia, which have retained their activity, originate in the interspace be- tween two quadrants. About midnight usually, but sometimes earlier, con- striction recommences, and the fonn in fig. 56 is attained. This constriction proceeds towards the middle point of the sj)heroid, by which the quadi-ants are bisected, and idtimately divided into eight wedge-shaped portions, whose con- tour-lhies, like the spokes of a wheel, meet in the middle. " And now commences a further process of development, which forms the ground of the generic distinction between Stephanosjphcera and Clilamydo- coccus. For, whilst in Ghlamydoeoccus the individual portions of a piimor- dial cell separate entirely from one another, each developing its own enveloping membrane, and ultimately escaping as a unicellular individual, in Stephano- sjphcera, on the other hand, the eight portions remain united as a family. The coloured contents of the individual portions become di-awn back towards the periphery in a centrifugal direction, a colourless plasma remaining about the central point ; this disappears at fii'st in the centre ; a cavity is fonned in the middle of the disk ; and as this enlarges, the eight portions assume the fonn of a wreath, consisting of eight globular or ellipsoidal bodies in close cont-act (fig. 57), and usually not exactly in one plane, o-wing to the outer membrane not having expanded in proportion to the enlargement of the plasma. The original cilia continue active, causing the motion of the whole organism, until the eight portions are completely individualized ; and then their motion ceases : but at this period each of the eight parts may be seen to be provided Avith two cUia, which are in motion so far as their limited space allows. The separate paris of the plasma now form eight independent but closely- packed membraneless primordial cells. Shortly afterwards it is seen that a delicate membrane, common to them all, has been secreted beneath the mo- ther-ccU membrane, round the disk formed by the primordial cells ; tliis membrane at fii-st lies in close contact -with the latter cells, following the constrictions of the disk, but afterwards becomes further and further re- moved as it swells and tends to assume a globular form (fig. 58). By tlie motion of the cilia the mother-ceU membrane is gradually throAvn off", and the young family escapes into the water. Its eight green primordial cells still enclose the last traces of the red s>i1)stflnce, which gradually disappears, and OF Trnj PHYTOZOA. 179 instead of which are seen two granules; the primordial cells are in im- mediate contact at the sides, and are of an oval or globular shape ; their common enveloping membrane is at first constricted at the border following the outUne of the primordial cells ; it eventually becomes globular, although continuing for a long time much flattened at the poles, in the form of a disk- shaped spheroid. When the Chlamydococcus-]ike uniceUular Stephanosphcera has commenced its division early in the evening, the division into eight is perfected during the night, and eaiiy in the morning the young family quits its cast-off mother-ceU membrane. " In the course of the day the individual primordial cells, and their common enveloping membrane, grow until the latter attains a diameter of 0-040 - 0-048'". During this growth the shape of the primordial cells is changed by the formation of various prolongations in the manner above described : but in the course of the afternoon the primordial cells again become round ; and during the evening, division commences in them precisely similar to the process in the uniceUular Ste]phanosphcera : on the following morning we find eight young families, with the common enveloping membrane, which soon escape and go through the same process. It I's calculated that in eight days, under favom-able circumstances, 16,777,216 families may be formed from one resting-ceU of Stephanosjphcem. It is remarkable that the division of the primordial cells in Stephanosphcera is confined to a certain time of day : it begins towards evening, and is completed the following morning. In the observations made in Lapland, at a time when the daylight there lasted dui'ing the whole night, the beginning and end of the division were observed to take place at almost the same hours as in the observations made at Breslau in the spring, when the day and night were almost of equal length. Sometimes the division ceases after the formation of only foiu- primordial cells. On one occasion the authors observed a family with only thi-ee cells, one only of the two halves first formed having undergone a second division. In Lap- land a family with sixteen cells was once observed. " The authors then proceed to discuss the natm-e of the resting- cells in StepTianosphcera and Chlamydococcus, and come to the conclusion that they are not spores ; i. e. that they are not of the same nature as the red cells of CEdogonium, Bidhochcete, Di'aparnaldia, Chcetophora, Sphceroplea, Volvox, &c. " They come to this conclusion upon two grounds : 1st, that the resting- ceUs in question continue to grow after becoming quiescent ; and secondly, that it is probable (although not yet proved) that the resting-cells increase by self-division, thus producing new generations of resting-cells. These two characteristics the authors consider inconsistent with the idea of a spore. " In conclusion, the authors notice the formation of microgonidia in Stcpha- nosphcera, which takes place by the division of the piimordial cells into num- berless smidl portions. Fig. 5 shows a Stephanosphcera, in which seven of the eight primordial cells have formed microgonidia ; the individual microgonidia (fig. 52 a, b, c) become free by the disintegration of these eight groups into their constituent portions. The authors think it not improbable that the microgonidia exercise an impregnative influence in spore-formation, but admit that there is no evidence to prove it." Mr. Curroy (J. M. S. 1858, p. 209) reopens the question concerning the nature of the red resting-cells of Steplianospha;ra, and argues against the conclusion drawn by Cohn and Wicluu-a. Ho says those observers have noticed " that these cells in Stephanospha'.ra pliivialis, which arc at first of a green colour, and furnished with cilia, iacreasc in growth after the green colour and the cilia have disappeared, i. e. after they have assumed a state of ■ rest, a fact which they consider to militate against their character as spores. N 2 180 GENERAL HISTORY OF THE INFUSORIA. " ' We have seen,' they say, ' that these resting-cells, after they have been formed by the metamorphosis of a motile primordial ceU, increase in g^o^vth considerably, that they go through a further vegetative development, and have, therefore, not reached the termination of their vital process.' And they then add — ' It is contrary to the idea of a spore, that it should continue to grow after having assumed the character of a resting-ceU ; and the fact has never yet been observed in any single case.' It would seem that these remarks are intended to be limited to the Algse ; but it is worthy of observa- tion, that the spores of the ascigerous Fimgi frequently increase in growth after escaping from the asci ; and if this circumstance is not to be looked upon as affecting their character as spores, it is difficult to see why a different rule should be applied to the Algae. " Cohn and Wichm-a moreover consider that the increase by self-division is irreconcileable with the idea of a spore. In speaking of the red cells of Chla- mydococcus pluvialis, they express a doubt whether in those cells increase by self-division takes place, but assert that, if such should prove to be the case, it would be conclusive against their being spores, considering self-division (if I understand them right) to be a process of vegetative development distinct from germination. These observations are worthy of the careftd attention of microscopists ; and without venturing an opinion as to their con-ectness, I would only remark, that if the resting-ceUs of Chlamydococcus and Stepha- nosphcera are not to be considered spores, that character must also be denied to the resting-cells of (Edogonium, Bidbochcete, Draparnaldia, Sphndod with the cells which I have lioretofojo described, and thouglit to be oahIcs OF THE PHYTOZOA. 195 or embryonic colls, and that diu-ing tliis time tho chlorophyll passes into red grains, and subsequently disappears, while the organism is secreting a capsule aroimd itself, and its original cell- wall passes into a tough spherical ovisac, so to speak. But what becomes of this, if it be the result of impregnation, or what the process of impregnation is like, or when it takes place, is for future discovery to determine." Chlorogonium euchlorwm (PI. XX. 15-21) was the subject of an interest- ing observation by Weisse (Wiegmann's Archiv, 1848), who thought he had demonstrated in this species propagation by ova or germs, and, in fact, elu- cidated in it the development of microgonidia, by repeated acts of self-fission of the contents, just as in the spores of Algae. For instance, he described the contained green matter of the fusiform being first to contract in some mea- sure upon itself (XX. 16), then to exhibit a constriction followed by a line of division iuto two portions, which, by subsequent redivisions, resolved the whole into a nodular mass resembling a bunch of grapes (XX. 17-18). This grapebunch-like mass possessed a certain mobility within the enclosing integument; and as the process of development proceeded further, its se- veral particles or segments displayed a movement among themselves, which in- creased in extent and vigour until the external envelope gave way before it, and permitted their escape in the form of so many distinct particles or beings (gonidia) endowed with ciliary filaments, whereby they kept up an active movement in the surroimding water (XX. 21). The young forms produced exhibited active movements within the parent- ceU, and at one stage prior to their discharge, when connected together in heaps, resembled Uvella Boclo. On the rupture of the cyst they escaped freely into the water with the figure of CJilorogonium. Schneider has also some remarks on this genus {A. N. H. xiv. p. 326). He could discover no decided red speck, although as many as twelve reddish spots were distributed over the surface of the green mass ; a contractile vesi- cle, moreover, eluded his search. Of the mode of propagation he reports that " division takes place in the interior of the investing membrane, in exactly the same manner as in Polytoma. The number of individuals produced is never less than four, but often as many as thirty-two ; in the latter case they are very small, but always resemble the parent in other respects. A spheri- cal state of rest also occurs. It appears that, when the requisite conditions are present, the young proceeding from the division of the parent pass into this state immediately after they are set free, — their soft investing mem- brane probably rendering them fitter for this purpose. The contractions which then take place are probably the same that were observed by Ehren- berg. In other respects I have found the form unchangeable ; and Ghlo- rogonium must consequently be separated from the Astasiaia, amongst which it has hitherto been arranged. On the addition of iodine, only a few blue granules are to be seen in the fusiform individuals ; the green spheres, on the contrary, which are completely filled with green granules, acquire a deep blue colour with this reagent : if the colouring-matter bo destroyed by means of concentrated siilphuric acid, the granules are dissolved, and on the addition of iodine, a beautiful blue colour is produced. By long keeping, the green of tho cyst passes to red. The cysts are not to be roused from their torpid condi- tion by the production of fermentation. I have, however, observed their re- vivification under other circumstances ; but my materials are insufiicient to enable me to describe the mode of reproduction of the investing membrane and filaments, wliich would certainly be interesting. The conditions required for the existence of Ohlorogonium are apparently quite different from those of Polytoma: the former did not multiply abundantly in infusions until the 0 2 196 GENEEAL HISTORY OF THE INFt'SOEIA. latter had passed to the state of repose." This view of the affinity of Chlo- rogonium accords with that which Weisse indicates in the statement that this genus and Glenomorum tingem (species of Elirenberg's family Monadina) are but two phases of the same being. Weisse has appended some remarks to the preceding account by Schneider Miill. Archiv, 1856, p. 160). He says that he witnessed the revivification of encysted Chlorogonia (a phasnomenon unnoticed by Schneider) on placing some cysts, collected the preceding year, in water. The reddish and pre- viously spherical cysts were seen to gradually lose their regular outline by the elongation of one end, and thereby to acquire an. ovate form. After a short time the narrower end of the cyst ruptured, and a very thin-waUed vesicle protruded through the rent : whilst this took place, a movement of the contents of the cyst became evident ; and after a while several constric- tions appeared, which extended deeper until they divided the whole into four portions. For a time the protniding sac elongated itself more and more, but ultimately, owing to the pressure within it of the moving particles, gave way and allowed their exit. The escaped sections were, as a rule, of pretty uniform sizes, but had not the remotest resemblance to the matiu'e C'hlorogonium, and indeed might have readily been assigned to another group of beings. Their figure was elongated, irregular, and often triangular, on fii'st escaping from the cyst ; they were also flexible in every dii-ection, and of a dusky brown coloui\ After dispersion, on reaching the margin of the drop of water, they re- sumed a globular shape, changed to a rusty red coloiu', and after a few hours assumed the appearance of cleai'-green spindle or bodo-shaped organisms. Between their evolution from the cysts and their development into the form of Clilorogonium, two hours, less or more, intervened. This division into four segments, representing foiir new beings of Clilorogonium progressively evolved, apparently without actual metamorphosis, may be rightly esteemed an act of reproduction by macrogonidia, whUst the breaking up of the organism into a multitude of zoospores, as previously described by "Weisse, is a process of re- production by microgonidia. Natttre or AsTAsi^A. — It is vsdth certain members of this family that Thuret pointed out {Ann. Sc. Nat. 1850, xiv.) the close resemblance to the zoospores of Algae, amounting, as far as outward appearances indicate, to actual identity. "This affinity," he says, "is exhibited in the colour, form, in the number and character of the ciliaiy filaments, in the contents, not excepting the colom-ed eye-speck, in the mode of self-fission, and also in the power of locomotion. What is stiU more, both zoospores and Astasicea tend to the light, disengage a gas, most probably oxygen, and emit a peculiar spermatic odour. However, by continued watching the zoospores are seen to affix themselves to some body, surrender their seeming animal Hfe, and proceed to germinate, developing a tissue similar to that of the plant which gave them birth. On the other hand, the true Astasicea, if they attach themselves, it is but for a time, and no ap- pearance of germination ensues. The closest similarity exists in the case of the Ghlamydomonas pidviscul.us (Diselmis viridis, Duj.), and in a less degree in the Eugleno} In the form of the body, in that of the flabeUiform ciha, and in the disposition of those ciHa, as also in the contents of the body, the resemblance is complete. The movements of Diselmis are like those of zoospores ; and, like them, they tend to the light. In one distinct species, or rather, in a particular state of the same specie^i, a very clear red spot is dis- cernible, and a central globule, very like in appearance to the amylaceous granules so frequent in the colls of green Algro. These Infusoria appear to act on the atmospheric air like Alga> and the green parts of other plants, dis- OP THE raYTOZOA. 197 engaging a gas (oxygen ?) under the influence of light. They exhale an evi- dent spermatic odour. Their reproduction occm-s by spontaneous division, 2-4 yonng ones being formed within the common integument. I have ob- served the same mode of reproduction in the Euglence, which act on the air and turn to the light like Disehnis, but have an extremely contractile body changing its figure every moment, which wUl not admit of their being con- founded with zoospores, and leaves no doubt of theii- animality. This binary or quatemaiy division is met with also in the various species of Tetrasporm, which, though an-anged with the Algae, appear to me of very doubtful vege- table nature. In Tctraspora gelatmosa I have recognized green globules, dis- posed in fours, and each fiu-nished with two cilia of extreme length, which are lost in the gelatinous mucus of which the frond of this supposed plant is constituted. All these productions, as well as Gonium, Pandorina, Volvox, Protococciis nivalis, &c., present, in my opinion, characters of animaUty too decided and too permanent for it to be possible to refer them to the vegetable kingdom ; and I think it would prove more convenient to unite them, with all the other Infusoria {Polygastnca) coloured green, in one and the same group, which might be called Chlorozoidece. We have before noticed the sweeping statement of M. Agassiz, that all the mouth- less Infusoria are nothing but various forms and phases of development of Algffi." Although many naturalists stoutly claim the Astasicea, and the genus Eu- glena especially, as plants, yet others, and among them some of the most able, particularly in Germany, stiK pronounce them animals. But, as we have before noticed, there are undoubted Euglena-fovma which are actually phases of existence of known plants, and Avhich, if watched, may be followed in their development until by germination they assume aU the special fea- tures of those plants ; and, on the other hand, there are Euglence which at no period of their existence can be seen to germinate, although they may exhibit a plant-Eke condition when encysted and motionless, like Protococcics resting- ceUs. As an example of the former set of transitional beings, we may appeal to the observations of Itzigsohn ali'eady recorded (p. 125), showing that, in the development of Oscillatorice, minute Chlamydomonads are ti'ansformed into Eiiglence, that these in their turn generate microgonidia, which, after some in- termediate transformations, eventually produce the ' Leptoilmx,' and lastly the perfect Oscillatoria. Another illustration might be adduced from Cohn's essay on Protococciis pluvialis, in which he points out both an Astasia- and a Euglena-hke phase of that unicellular plant. Let it, however, be noted that whilst Cohn records a Euglena-])hase in Protococciis, he nevertheless admits the existence of animal Euglence, distinguished by their extraordinary con- tractihty {Entiv. p. 208). Withal, this distinguished observer's discovery of the mutual sexual relation of micro- and of macrogonicHa constitutes (sup- posing these reproductive products, as seems to be actually the case, to be generated in Euglenai) an additional argument for their vegetable nature, by bringing them within the same categoiy of organized beings as Volvox and Pamlorina. K Mr. Carter be correct in his account of Astasia, this genus can no longer remain in the category of doubtful organisms, but must forthwith be trans- ferred to the animal Idngdom ; for he asserts the existence of a mouth with a complicated buccal apparatus for biting off and taking in food, of a strong prehensile organ, and stomach-sacs. Besides, he speaks of its near afiinity %vith Amoeba, and refers it to the Bhizopoda. In Euglena, on the contraiy, no mouth- or stomach-vesicles are discoverable, and the filament is comparatively 198 GENERAL HISTOHT OF THE INFUSOBIA. imperfectly developed ; hence Mr. Carter allies this genus rather with, the zoospores or gonidia of Algte, and assumes that it must, like other mouthless organisms, derive its nutrition through endosmosis. Cohn, on the other hand, although cognizant of many plant-like featui-es in Euglena, cannot ac- qiuesce in detaching it from animalcules, because of its great contractility and of the fact that there are undoubted animals, such as Opalina, BJdzopoda, Gregarina, Trematoda, &c., which want the special animal characteristic of a mouth. Ml'. Carter would, it seems, recognize both Euglena and Astasia as close allies with Amoeba, — an afiinity remarked by Ehrenberg, who placed the family As- tasicBa between Glosterina and Amoebcea, treating the variability of the form of the body as a leading characteristic. Indeed, the first-named observer alludes to an actual transition of Astasice into Amcebce, in the following paragraph (A. N. H, xvii. 1856, p. 115) : — " Young Astasice are developed within the cells of Spirogyra to a great extent ; and although they at first have almost as much polymorphism as an Amoeba, stiD. they retain their cilium, and after a while assume the form and movements peculiar to Astasia. I might here mention that on one occasion I saw a large Amoeba with a long cilium at one time assuming the form of Astasia, and at another that of Amceba, which thus gives us the link between these two Infusoria. The cilium, however, had not the power of the filament of Astasia, though it occasionally became tenninal." At a previous page, a rhizopodous development of the contents of Euglena; into granidiferous ATnwbce of a pinkish colour has been adduced as a fact noticed by the same observer. We need not stay to examine the vital endowments and habitats of the Astasice ; for, except the facts occurring in the preceding history of the family, and in the general account of Phytozoa, there is nothing important to adduce. OF TIU5 PROTOZOA. 199 Sect. III.— OF THE PROTOZOA. (Plates XXI.-XXXI.) The term Protozoa, borrowed from two Greek words, protos, first or primi- tive, and zoon, an animal, has of late been very generally adopted to signify the simplest forms of animal life. Upon a review of these rudimentary animals, it is at once perceived that they differ among themselves' in organiza- tion— that whilst some ai-e amorphous and almost homogeneous, others exhibit a degree of differentiation of parts, and the first vestiges of internal organs to carry on the processes of hfe ; again, it is seen that some have a distinct oiiflce for the admission of food, or a mouth, which in others is absent, and, lastly, that some with a definite figui'e are moved by vibratile cilia, whilst others slowly progress by the alternate protrusion and retraction of ever-changing and changeable processes derived from the general mass of their body. From a consideration of these stnictural' differences, one division of the Protozoa is suggested into those moved by cilia, and those moved by variable processes or 'pseudocodes ' ; and a second, into those furnished with a mouth, and those which are mouthless. We have accordingly constituted tAvo pri- mary divisions, viz., 1. Ciliata, Protozoa moved by ciUa ; and 2. Bhizopoda, moved by variable processes. The Bhizopoda (XXI.) are aU mouthless, or ' astomatous,' whilst the Ciliata (XXIV.-XXX.) have a mouth, and are styled by Siebold ' Stomatoda,' with the exception of a small family, the Opalincea (XXII. 46, 47), and perhaps also of that of the Peridinicea (XXXI. 16-23). However, besides the beings usually included among the Ciliata axiA Bhizo- poda, there are several subordinate Protozoic groups, some of which either stand as it were midway between them, or represent a development of the amorphous and mouthless Bhizopoda in a different direction ; such are the Gregarinida (XXII. 28-36), with the associated Psorospermia (XXII. 37- 41), the Spongiada, Thalassicollida, and Polycystina, aU which must rightlv also be numbered with the Protozoa. Of the Ciliata themselves, there is a further and higher development of their type in the subordinate groups of Ichthydina (XXII. 46-47) and Noc- tilucida (XXXI.), and, on the other hand, a degradation of it, as already noted, in the case of the Opalinaia and Peridiniaia. Here wo would remark that the term ' Infusoria ' has been employed by several writers, in lieu of that of Ciliata, which we adopt ; stUl it is, to our mind, both less appropriate, and also open to objection, not only on account of its meaning being quite indefinite, but also by its having everywhere acquired a very much mden signification, in consequence of which it wiU always be open to misconception when appUed to a comparatively veiy small class instead of, as heretofore, to a very various and wide collection of microscopic organisms. Another word invented is ' Stomatoda,' which is precisely equivalent in the extent of its signification with the term Ciliata, the mouthless families only being excluded. Excepting their subordinate groups, the organisms comprehended among the Ciliata and Bhizopoda formed, in conjvmction with the Dcsmidieo' Dia- tomece, and the families we have brought together under the appellation Phyiozoa, the great class Polygastrica in the system of Ehrenberg. Little reflection is necessary to convince ourselves of the veiy heterogeneous nature 200 GENERAL HTSXOBY OF THE INFTJSOJilA. of the collection of living objects assembled in that class ; and even Ehrenberg himself would never have suggested such a grouping, had he not imbibed the hypothesis of a pervading unifonnity of organization possessed by the simplest animated beings in common Avith animals considerably advanced in the scale, and under its influence, aided by his imagination, found in aU these various organisms, a polygastric structure, viz. an apparatus of niimerous stomach- sacs, communicating directly or indirectly with the mouth. Notwithstanding the many prominent errors in Ehi-enberg's classification, he rightly recognized in fi-aming it the value of the external means of locomotion, and distinguished a group of Polygastrica under the name of Pseudopoda. Siebold, who proposed the term Protozoa, Limited it to two classes, distin- guished as the ' Infusoria ' and the ' Rhizopoda ', omitting the supplemcntaiy groups above mentioned. The Infusoria he divided into two orders, the ' Astoma ' and ' Stomatoda,' the latter of which, together with two of the three families of Astoma, is equivalent to our class Ciliata, its remaining family Astasicea being a member of our group of Phytozoa. The Protozoa, as understood by us^ may be thus exhibited at one view. Ciliata. Rhizopoda. a Astoma fOpalinsea a. Amoebsea \ Peridinisea (?) b. Monothalamia or Monosomatia ^b. Stomatoda ^ c. Polythalamia, Polysomatia, or Foraminifera. Gregarinida Psorospermia {Polycystina Thalassicollida Spongiada In treating of these several classes and groups we shall commence with the Rhizopoda, omitting, however, lest our subject-matter be too much ex- tended, the Polycystina, Thalassicollida, and Spongiada ; we shall next pro- ceed with a brief description of the Gregarinida, an.d its subordinate family Psorospermia, and then after considering the Opalintsa and Peridinicea as intermediate groups, proceed to detail the history of the perfect Ciliata — the Stomatoda, — finishing oiu- account with the Ichthydina and Noctilucida as the highest developments of Protozoic life. As a result of our inquiry, we shall see, on the one hand, in the true Ciliata, simple animal organized matter, with a very sUght amount of differ- entiation, attain its acme of development in the Vorticellina, and in these animalcules exhibit a superiority in organization above tlie lowest Unks of groups relatively higher in the chain of animal life ; and, on the other hand, in the Ehizopoda, of stiU simpler organization, the same organic living material developed in a totally different direction to a maximum in the most beautiful and complex-shcUed Foraminifera, which in outward form, although in no real homology, emulate the highest class of Invertebrata, viz. the Cephalopoda Another lesson may also be derived from the objects of oiu- present study, viz. the fact of the marvellous vaiiations which can be made out of one or, it may be, two clementaiy structm-es. Thus the simple contractile substance which can live independently in the Amoeba condition (XXI. 1-4 ; XXII. 1-23) encases itself in a one-chambered shell in the Monothalamia (XXI. 6-19), and into a many-chambered one in the Polythalamia (XXI. 20-36), and again lives partly within and partly without the curious silicious skeleton of Poly- Ichthydina | Noctilucida | OF THE PEOTOZOA. RHIZOPODA. 201 cystina, and in singular relation with a spicula skeleton in Spongiada and Thalassicollida, . So, if we look to the Ciliata, we find that the hardening of the superficial lamina of their substance into a sort of integument gives rise to numerous modifications in external form and functions, according to the degree of indvu-ation, and the processes sent out. The flexible-skinned Colpodea (XXIX. 25-50) depend for theii- movements upon their garnitiu-e of vibratile cilia, and are merely s'ndmmers, whilst the hard-coated Euplota (XXV. 350- 353) produce short moveable processes which act as legs, upon which they can rapidly creep. Lastly, the selfsame primitive contractile substance is formed into a stem in the Vorticella, which supports the animalcule at its apex, and exhibits heKcoid contractions, astonishing both by their rapidity and completeness. SUBSECTION I.— EHIZOPODA. (Plates XXI. XXII.) The true BMzopoda constitute a large class of microscopic animated beings of the most simple character. They may be defined as non-ciliated Protozoa moving by variable expansions. Their organic animal substance presents no distinction of tissues or of organs, but is homogeneous, contractile, and trans- lucent, resembling a tenacious mucus or soft tremulous jelly, and is perpetually changing its form by expanding itself at one or several points into processes of ever-varying dimensions, arrangement, and number, and called in conse- quence " variable processes." Inasmuch, moreover, as these shifting offshoots are their only means of locomotion, they have frequently been called " feet," and, as they are also characteristic of the class, have given origin to the terms " Pseudopoda " (with false feet) and " Rhizopoda " (root-like feet) to desig- nate it. Again, the living mass is, in numerous instances, capable of enclos- ing itself by a shell of various figme, consistence, and complexity ; and such variations serve to separate the Ilhizof)oda into families and genera. In the simplest shell-less beiags (XXI. 3, 4), vitality is exhibited by the slow protrusion and retraction of the variable processes, by the change of form, their onward movement, and the introduction of nutritive substances, and by the gradual clianges of the introduced matters indicating a digestive act. They therefore manifest vital contractility, a power of locomotion, a degree of sensibility, and a digestive process. Repeated observation likewise reveals the fact of progressive growth, and the faculty of reproduction. The testaceous forms exhibit their vitality after the same manner, and surpass the naked Ehizopoda only in the mar- vellous power of secretion displayed in the production of their shells (XXI 6-36). Although in organization the Ehizopoda stand even below the cUiatcd Protozoa, yet an animal nature must be allowed them ; indeed the simplest forms are the rudest specimens of animal existence. Under the term Rhizo- poda are comprised three well-marked families, viz. the Amoehina or Amcebicta, a finely-gi'anular, solid, and nucleariform body in each of the two last cells (XXI. 32). On this point, the presence of a nucleus in Foraminifera, we have the state- ment of Ehrenberg, that in each cell, except the last, there is a coarsely granular yellowish brown mass, which represents an ovary in structure and function. Unfortunately, however, the Berlin microscopist stands alone, both in this observation and in its pendent corollary. Dr. Carpenter uses the word nucleus to signify the primordial mass of sarcode seen in the first cell, of which all the subsequent chambers and their contents may be deemed the offehoots. Scattered among the amorphous granules of the sarcode are, for the most part, numerous refracting corpuscles of less size than vacuoles, which are soluble in ether, and therefore concluded to be fat-globules (XXI. 14-16). There are also other molecules dissolved by caustic potash. It is these various globules and granules that some observers have esteemed to be ova, without, however, any countenance from facts for the supposition. To rectir to the naked Khizopoda, Auerbach, in the essay before quoted, attributes a nucleus to the Amoebcea in general. He remarks that the sohd-looking organ, of a dull aspect and commonly spherical figui-e, noted by certain authors in some Amoeboi, is rather the nucleolus than the nucleus, and that the latter is perceptible in the form of a hoUow space, oftentimes having a glistening rosy hue, which siuTounds the other like a sac (XXII. 4, 5, 9, 10, 11). This sac is sometimes visible as a dai'k ai-eola, but at othera requires the operation of chemical reagents to reveal it, or will manifest itself in dead specimens when aU the ordinary vacuoles have disappeared. _ At times, both it and its nucleolus have a dumb-beU figure, and thereby indicate the occurrence of the process of self-division. A similar nuclear sac is men- tioned by Schneider. As to its chemical relations, Auerbach found that both nucleus and nucleolus were readily soluble in allcahes, and that they became darker in dilute acetic or sulphuric acid, which also caused the precipitation of a finely-granular matter in the vesicular or saccular nucleus. In concentrated acids they fii-st expanded, and were subsequently dissolved. The generally-assigned character of the nucleus, viz. that it becomes darker on the addition of acetic acid, is true, only when dilute acid is used. Auerbach discovers a nucleus and nucleolus in Arc^lla, similar to those OF THE PROTOZOA. KHIZOPODA. 213 of A-moebce, often displayed when, by a fracture of the shell, the animal con- tents escape. The nucleus has the form of a thick- walled sac, and encloses a lai-ge nucleolus. Eut it is remarkable that, whilst one or at most two nuclei only are discoverable in Amcehce, several such organs are frequently present in Arcelkv, their number beiag in dii-ect proportion with the magnitude of the animals. In large specimens, of in diameter, above 40 such nuclei have been encountered. EEPKODTjcTioif OF Ehizopoda. — TMs functiou is not satisfactorily made out, especially in the case of the Foraminifera ; what is known -will best be de- tailed of each family separately. Among the Amcehina self-division has been noticed by Ehrenberg to occur in the Amoeba princeps ; and Dujardin remarks that " they may doubtless multiply by spontaneous fission, or by the throwing off a lobe which imme- diately commences an independent existence." This separation of a portion of their substance is not unusual, as, when a large variable process has been shot out far from the chief mass and become enlarged at the extremity, the expanded end retains its position, whilst the portion connecting it with the body becomes finer and finer by being withdrawn iuto the parent mass, until it at last breaks across, leaving a detached piece, which immediately on its own account shoots out processes, and manifests an independent existence. This phenomenon is therefore one of simple detachment, and cannot rightly be called a process of fission. Schneider terms it " propagation by gemma- tion," and supposes it attended by a division of the nucleus, of which every such ofi'set, in his opinion, iucludes a portion. This same obsei-ver fiu-ther states that Amoeba has actually a " state of rest " (i. e. an encysted condition). He observed it first to become round, and then to form a fii-m membrane on one side, whilst the other portion continued its peculiar character and move- ments. By degi-ees the membrane extended itself over the whole body, the moveable portion constantly becoming smaller, until at last a completely- closed cyst was produced, in the clear interior of which a round nucleus, with a reddish halo, exactly like that of Polytoma and other Monadina, might be distinctly observed. He adds — " In the nucleus of Amoeba I have often noticed on the outer surface of the reddish halo, granulations which united to form a closed membrane, whilst at other times the nucleus exactly resembled that of Polytoma " (i. e. was without an enclosing membrane). What is the next phase of development following this encysted stage, Schneider has nothing to show. If Lieberkuhn's observation be correct, a most extraordinary relation sub- sists between Amxebce and Gfregarinoi, involving the existence of the former as a distinct class of animated beings. This observer saw the production of Amoebce from Navicellai, the origin of wliich from Ghegarinm is as good as proved ; and also met with such Amoebce in every transition to perfect Qre- garince. This fact is alluded to in a paper by Kolliker (J. M. S. i. p. 212), who beUeves the AngiiiUida-\ike animal noticed by Hcnlo, and termed bj' Bniet Filaria, to be an Infusorium allied to Opalina Proteus, and goes on to say that the transition of this presumed Filaria into a Oregarina- and finally into a iV(tytceM«-receptacle is nothing extraordinaiy. Auerbach asserts the encysting process to be shared in by the Ammboia along with other Infusoria ; but he looks upon Schneider's recorded instance as an erroneous conception of a specimen clearly enveloped by an integument. Monathalamia would seem capable of multiplj-ing themselves like the Anwebina, by dctachijig portions of their substance, i. c. by a species of gem mation. Peltier has described this occurrence, although Ehrenberg failed to 214 GENEKAL HISTORY OF THE INFUSORIA. lleproduction by positive complete fission is opposed by the exifitence of the sheU, which is a product from the siuface of the animals adapted to their outline, and increasing only in proportion with the augmentation of the animal substance. The cohesion of two or even more Arcellina by means of their gelatinous substance, and often with the near approximation of the orifices or mouths of their shells, has been remarked by many observers, who for the most part have pronounced it a sort of " conjugation," a true reproductive act. Cohn has indeed designated it " copulation," and states it to be a general phe- nomenon among Hhizopods. He affirms that he has many times seen two Diffiugioi with the mouths of their shells so firmly connected, that strong shaldng of the water about them failed to detach them ; and that likewise one shell was often empty, and the contents of the two aggregated into a globvilar mass in the other. Leclerc, the first describer of Difflugice, in 1815, noticed a like cohesion between two individuals of Diffiiigia HelLv ; and Cohn, moreover, is able to confirm the fact represented by Perty of the cohesion of a brown and of a pale shell together. Schneider has likewise noticed this adhesion of two animals, and thus speaks of it : — " Tine double animals of Diffiugia Enchelys are fi'equently met with (XXI. 19/), two bodies with membranous cases and nuclei being attached to a common foot. The foot veiy often consists only of a thin thread, but in other cases it exhibits aU the forms which have been described as belonging to the foot of the simple animal. Eoth bodies are well filled with food. Three, four, or five bodies are frequently seen hanging together in the same manner ; these, however, are by no means in the same plane, but stand out from the foot in various dii-ections. If these animals are ob- tained in considerable numbers, the formation of these colonies by gemmation may easily be observed. The foot is seen gradually to increase in size, and acquire an oval form. A new investing membrane and nucleus are then formed. The offset is always equal to the parent-animal in size. like the foot of a single animal, the common foot of two or more is, as might be supposed, still in a condition to form offsets." This adhesion Schneider prefers to consider an act of gemmation rather than of copulation, and sup- poses its occiu-rence among other Ehizopoda. He adds, " with Perty and Cohn I have also seen a pair of the Arcella vulgaris attached to one another by their openings, of which one (as was obsei-ved by those naturalists) was provided with a white, the other "with a yellow shell. The white shell is probably newly formed, and therefore indicates the yoxmg specimen produced by gemmation from its companion." An aggregation of the animal contents of a Monothalamous shell, such as Cohn noticed in one of the two coherent Difflugia and attributed to an act of conjugation, Schultze has seen in Rhizopods, quite independently of that phenomenon. In Lagynis Baltica, he states he has frequently seen the con- tents collected into a ball, ha%Tng a clear speck in the centre, and situated at the posterior end of the shell, without trace of extended fibres ; and he adds, " the origin of this globulai- mass may bo followed in a great number of individuals. The posterior portion of the transparent body of the actively- moving animal gradually becomes darker, OAving to the advancing develop- ment of numerous molecular and strongly refracting particles. In the midst of this dark portion a clearer spot is always visible, although it cannot be isolated or more intimately examined. By degrees the dark portion en- croaches upon the entire substance of the body, and at last fills up the whole posterior portion of the shell, the body of the animal tlius seeming to shrivel up into the ball-Uke mass described." This process, observed in numerous OF THE PKOXOZOA. HHIZOPODA. 216 individuals in different stages, Schultze never saw accompanied by a con- nexion between two animals ; and he was not able to discover what subsequent changes awaited the spherical body produced. The phenomenon just considered appears to us to be analogous to the encysting process recounted by Schneider in the case of Amoeba, and by Stein in so many Cihated Protozoa. T^vo other probable modes of reproduction are briefly noticed by Schneider, but require to have theu' existence confirmed by further observations. I have observed," he says, " another mode of propagation in our Diffiugice ; and although my observations have certainly not been frequent, they have been sufficiently satisfactory. After I had kept a great number of these creatures for some weeks in a clayey sediment, the substance of the body in all the individuals contracted into a baU. All foreign substances had previously disappeared. The ball, which had a fatty outhne, then divided into two and foui- parts ; but the nucleus could not be traced during this pro- cess (XXI. 19 d, e). This investing membrane fell to pieces, and the little spheres which may perhaps be regai'ded as four quiescent spores, were no more to be seen. " "Whether another circumstance observed by me has any connexion with the reproduction of Diffiugia must be ascertained hereafter. In all the individuals of Difflugia contained ui one vessel, the substance of the body became converted into granules closely packed together, the form and the investing membrane being retained (XXI. 19 c). I often saw these granules in quick molecular movement in the interior of a sac, which appeared to be formed from the outermost layer of the body, but I watched in vain for any issue to this ; after moving about for about half an hour, the' granules always became quiescent again." A note by Perty must not be omitted, although no considerable importance can be assigned to a sohtary and ambiguous observation. That naturalist tells us he " once saw two round motionless animals within an Arcella vul- garis, each having a much greater diameter than the mouth of the shell con- taining them. "Were these," he asks, " young beings to be set free on the death of the parent and the breaking up of the shell ? " A somewhat similar fact is recoimted by Schultze of Gh'omia Dujardinii, in one large specimen of which he found several oval bodies enclosed possessing a firm envelope and gramdar contents, and representing in every respect young Gromia, except in having no evident opening iti their shell, which, however, may possibly be formed when set free fi'om the parent (XXI. 18). That the purpose of the nuclear bodies in Ch'omta oviformis (see p. 211) is not connected with the function, Schultze feels compelled to assume, piinci- paUy from the absence of such nuclei in Rhizopoda generally, and fi-om his having failed to observe their undergoing those changes known to occur in true nuclei when the generation of new individuals is in progress. Young Arcellina, when fii'st recognizable as such, have the general form of older individuals ; but their shells and tissues are much more transparent and at first colouiicss and without granules. But it is very probable that the yoimg of many Arcellina, when first thrown off from the parent, are naked destitute of shell, — a view supported by an observation of Cohn, who records having seen, amid the slimy matter about li\'ing Difflugice, a lai-ge number of pecuUar animalcules consisting of a contractile greyish or broAvn finely- granular substance, about -Jj^th of a line in diameter and upwards, of a roimd ovoid, or angular outUne, and having a muco-gelatinous envelope, through but chiefly at one end of which several fibres were extended. At a stiU ea'rUer ponod these young beings may therefore be presumed to have been mere 216 GENEEAL HISTORY OJF THE INFU80EIA. sarcode-likc particles or minute Amcebce. If this bo so, some ground may be said to exist for the hyi^othesis of certain naturalists, who esteem the Arcellinu, and even the Foraminifera, to be a more advanced stage of existence of the simple naked Amoebina. Schneider hints at the possibility of a still greater transformation in the case of his Difflugia Enchelys. He writes—" A. Ehizopod occurred in com- pany with Polytoma (see p. 136), the description of which -will show how veiy readUy it might be supposed to be produced by a metamoi-phosis of the latter animal. Unfortunately I cannot confirm this supposition, and must confine myself to recording the fact." Foraminifera. — It is very questionable whether the Idany-chambered Ehi- zopods can reproduce themselves by offshoots after the manner of Amcebina, and Monothalamia ; and, in short, nothing certain is known as yet of the modes of propagation of this family. A group of figures occurs in Schultze's Ulustrations of Pohjstomella (XXI. 39) which bear on this point of the possible production of new beings by de- tachment of sarcode matter. The description of the figures informs us that some of the sarcode-globules, separated from the chief mass by pressure, have the tendency and power to throw out from themselves contractile variable processes. They exhibit a finely-granidar delicate semifluid tissue, contain- ing many flat globules and large coloured vesicles. Other portions, pressed from the general mass, are almost exclusively composed of colouring-particles, derived from the inmost part of the shell; such become entirely free, or otherwise continue attached by a sort of pedicle. In the following examination into the modes of development of Polyiluilamia we are greatly indebted to Schultze's valuable monograph. Dujaxdin men- tions seeing in some Ti-vMatulince the grouping of the contents of the cham- bers into spherical masses, comparable to the green bodies in Zyynema. Schultze, moreover, encountei'ed, in a deposit of living Foraminifera, along with numerous empty shells of Rotalidce, several whoUy or partly filled with black globules, the appearance of which suggested their connexion with the reproductive process. Eepeated observation showed that these globules differed in size, but mostly had the diameter of the siphon intervening be- tween the several chambers, or of that of the opening of the last cell. They occupied either every segment of the shell, when those of the innermost were smaller than those of the outer compartments, or otherwise they occurred in only one or two of the ultimate chambers. Every intermediate condition was met with between these two extremes. The globules were composed of a collection of dark molecular corjrascles not enclosed by a membrane, but proved by pressure to be an aggregation, held together by some sort of deKcate tissue. They were unacted on by sulphuric, nitric, and by hydro- chloric acid, and by boiling alkalies. The ordinary animal substance coexisted in some of the chambers of an animal when others were occupied by these black balls ; but in such instances no outstretched fibres were seen. These structures must be derived either from ^vithout as foreign matters, or otherwise be the result of a metamorphosis of the sarcode matter. The former supposition is discountenanced by their appearance, by their resistance to reagents, and theii" presence even in the inmost chambers. On the latter supposition they are cither the result of decomposition of the substance, or they are jihysiologicid products, probably of the trunsforniatiou of the entire body into germinal masses. The former origin is opposed by the direct observation that such bodies have never been en- countered among Foraminifera in coTU-se of brcaldng up or of decomposition. -As to the second mode of origin, they bear an analogy to the germinal OP THE PROTOZOA. lUIIZOPODA. 217 elements of Ch-egarinai, viz. to the Navicellce developed from the contents of those animals, and to the brood of germs developed out of the contents of an encysted Vortkella : and it may so happen with the Foraminifera, that theii- entire substance is resolved into germs ; indeed, a progressive formation of such germs is intimated by the circumstance of the ultimate chamber being the last to become completely emptied. Although, therefore, the figure and size, the peculiar and successive empty- ing and distribution, the evident periodical appearance in the spring, and the analogy of other Protozoa speak for the hypothesis of these globules beiug reproductive germs, it must, on the other hand, not be concealed that theii- peculiar composition out of granules imperfectly bound together aud enclosed by a membrane, and their remarkable resistance to the strongest acids and alkalies, are facts opposed to this supposition. Hoping to elucidate theii- purpose, Schultze, in some few cases, isolated those shells filled with these black balls, but, after keeping them several weeks, could discover no change in them. Ehrenberg surmised that the Polythalamia propagated by ova, and thought he perceived in them a sexual apparatus. On the suirface of the shells of some samples of Geoponus (Polystomella) and Nonionina, from Cuxhaven and Christiania, he discovered stalked, yellow, membranous sacs, which he repre- sented to be ova-sacs. When first thrown out they were soft and small, but soon swelled up and hardened in the water. Schultze also met with many specimens of Geoponm, at Cuxhaven, having CothurnicB afiixed to their shells, and of a yeUow colour, which he behoves Ehrenberg mistook for ova-cases. Being so unsuccessful by direct observation in his attempts to detect the method of reproduction among Foraminifera, Schultze endeavoured by an ex- amination of these beings ia their earhest recognized form to gather some knowledge of it. The smallest and youngest beings he met with belonged to the famihes Eotalido} and Milioliclce. Those of the latter family have a nou- porous shell, and a spherical figTire exhibiting the commencement of the spiral winding which eventually extends to several turns (XXI. 20 a, h). The sheU- contents are quite colourless, and present few granules. As the spiral winding- advances, the contents of the first-formed orbicular cell acquire a darker coloiu- from the appearance of fat-drops and sharply-defined proteine corpuscles ; and the shell simultaneously assumes the characteristic yeUow colour. The differ- ence in size of the primary cell in difierent species is remai-kable. StiU younger forms of Rotalidce occurred to him, 0-01 of a hue in diameter, spherical, and colourless, with a delicate glass-like calcareous shell, through the fine open- ings of which fibres protruded. Others also, entirely colourless, had a second chamber superposed on the first, or even three or four ; but in the latter instances the characteristic yellow hue made its appearance, and rapidly in- creased on further growth (XXI. 31). A sti-iking variety was, moreover, remarked in the size of the first chamber, even in the same species ; the dimensions of the second and third cells were detennined by those of the first. This great variation in size considerably lessens the possibility of the certain specific detemunation of young specimens. From these researches it follows, that in MiUoliiUt and Rotalido}, and pro- bably in aU other Polythalamia, the first appearance of the animal is in the form of a colourless spherical mass, invested by a delicate calcareous wall — the mass consisting of a homogeneous, sparingly-grnnular Amoiha-hoiiy This first-formed cell has the faculty of producing others lilco itself from those portions of its sarcode substance. Of the manner in which successive chambers are formed, wo learn from Dr. Carpenter that the addition of now zones (in the Polythalamia) probably 218 GENEEAl HISTOKY OF THE INJFUSOaiA. takes place by tlie extrusion of the sarcode through the marginal pores, so as to form a complete annulus, thickened at intervals into segments, and nar- rowed between these into connectiag stolons, the shell being probably pro- duced by the calcification of their outer portions. Since the above account was written, Schultze has produced a supple- mentaiy sheet detailing further observations on the development of Forami- niffera (Bericht der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Halle, 11th August, 1855). Having met "with some large specimens of Triloculina in diameter and ■without a tooth in the oral aperture, he kept them for a length of time under observation. Those which remained adherent to the sides of the glass vessel for eight to fourteen days mostly became invested with a brownish sUmy matter, which more or less completely obscured the view of the external characters of the shell. After some more days had elapsed, the lens brought into view a num- ber of small, round, sharply-defined corpuscles, which loosened themselves from the soft enveloping mass, and gradually diverged from one another Tintil some forty were visible. On removing these, and placing them under the microscope, they proved to be young Miliolidce, with their process outstretched. Inter- nally, neither vacuoles, cells, nor contractile vesicle, nor a nucleus could be detected. The brief abstract of Dr. Carpenter's elaborate essay (read before the Royal Society, 1855) furnishes us also with the following memorandum of his views regarding the reproduction of Foraminifera, with especial reference to Orbi- tolites, " He is only able to suggest that certain minute spherical masses of sarcode with which some of the cells are filled may be gemmxdes, and that other bodies enclosed in firm envelopes which he has more rarely met with, but which seem to break their way out of the superficial cells, maybe ova." Mr. Jeffrey's views (^Proceedings of Royal Society, 1855) do not quite coincide. Dr. Carpenter's " idea of their reproduction by gemmation," he says, " is also probably correct, although I cannot agree with him in considering the granules which are occasionally found in the cells as ova. These bodies I have fre- quently noticed, especially iu the Lagenoe ; but they appeared to constitute the entire mass, and not merely a part, of the animal. I am inclined to think they are only desiccated portions of the animal separated from each other in consequence of the absence of any muscular or nervous stracture. It may also be questionable if the tenn ' ova ' is rightly applicable to any animal which has no distinct organs of any kind. Possibly the fry may pass through a metamorphosis, as in the case of the Medusce" Of the many Amoehce seen in company with Foraminifera, the A. porrecta is particularly remarkable, and might easily pass for one of the latter when young and destitute of its shell ; for its processes resemble those of Miliolidce and Botalidce in delicacy and extensibility and iu the cun-ent of granules which passes through them. This circumstance suggests the possible deriva- tion of testaceous Ehizopoda from the naked forms ; and if we recall to mind the black globules surmised to be germs, their primary transformation into Amosbce is imaginable, and the whole cycle of development of Foraminifera becomes thereupon explicable. " However, I must," says Schultze, " confess that this change of the black spheres into Amceha: is a fiu'ther argument against their nature as germs, since between these granulai- bodies, so unaffected by che- mical agents, and Amoeba; no intermediate link is discoverable. Of 'rnn Shells of Testaceous Ehizopoda.- a. Shells of Monothalamia. — The family Arcellina (Ehr.) corresponds in most points with the section Mono- thalamia of Schultze. The 13crlin Profossoi-, hoAvever, beUeved that his family Arcellinn and tho Pohjthalamia belonged to entirely different classes of ani- OF THE PROTOZOA. RHIZOPODA. 219 mals, because, as lie supposed, the Polytlialamia are aggregated animals with calcareous shells, and the ArcelUna solitaiy animals with a sQicious testa. Subsequent researches prove, on the contraiy, that all these diiferential cha- racters are wanting. Each foraminiferous shell contains a solitary inmate ; and although, as a rule, of a calcareous composition, yet a genus, Pohjmor- phina, is poiuted out by Schultze, which, as in the instance of Diffiugia, has its testa made up of coherent sUicious particles (XXI. 38). Besides all this, the shells of ArcelUna are not silicious, but of a chitinous natui-e, and the basement membrane in which the earthy matter is deposited in Foraminifera is the same. These circumstances, together with the homology in the animal contents both of Monothalamia and of Polytlialamia, the absence of the hypo- thetical polygastric organization in the former, and of the imaginary internal structures in the latter, render Ehrenberg's distinction of the two families as separate classes im tenable. The Aixellina of Ehrenberg, and the Monothalamia of Schultze, do not en- tirely accord in respect to the genera grouped under them. Ehi-enberg in- cluded in his family the genera Diffiugia, Arcella, Cyphiclitim, and SpiriUina. The last-named genus departed much fi-om the others by having a marine habitat and a convoluted, spiral, porous shell,- — its only real relationship, it would seem, being comprehended in the one assigned featui'e, its silicious lorica. On the other hand, Schultze (see tabular view of his system, p. 241), by not employing the chemical constitution of the shells as a distinctive cha- racter, includes among his Monothalamia calcareous, membranous (chitinous), and such silicious shells as are exemplified by Diffiugia. The essential cha- racter employed is that of the unilocular chamber ; for the other nearly general feature, viz. the presence of one considerable orifice, is departed from in the instance of the porous shell of Orhulina. The shells of Monothalamia are of a more or less spherical figure ; some- times they are ovoid (XXI. 11, 12, 16) or pyriform (17), at others compressed in one or other direction (XXI. 8), and even at times in opposite dii-ections, so that everal faces are produced. Thus in the genus Diffiugia the spherical out- line prevails (XXI. 10) : the shells are globose, or subglobose, or elongated in a pear-shape (XXI. 17), or in a club-like (clavate) manner; in Arcella they are frequently compressed, and assume a more or less discoid figure, mostly convex above and flat beneath (7, 8, 9). In Oromia, again, the ovoid or o-lo- bular shape is diversified by the elongation of the portion about the mouth of the shell into a sort of neck (16). In Lagynis (Schultze) this tapering of the oral end developes a retort-shaped shell. In Squamulina (Schultze), again, the testa resembles a plano-convex lens. An exceptional form is described by Ehrenberg, imder the name of Arcella disphoira, as oblong, ahnost divided into two by a central constriction. The fii-st impression would be that the supposed species was no other than two animals coherent by the mouth of the shell ; that such, however, is not the case is inchoated by the next clause of the description— that one segment is nearly occupied by the large foi-amcn Another example of a remarkably-formed shell is afforded by Ci/phidium (XXII. 24-27), which Ehrenberg states to be cubical, with largo protuber- ances, giving it in some positions a four-sided or an irrogidar figure. Again in the genus SpiriUina (Ehr.) (XI. 37) and Cornuspira (Schultze) (icXI 25^' we have examples of spirally-roUod equilateral shells, hke those of Plaiwrbis In consistence the shells of most ArcelUna are firm, with a degree of flexibilitv and elasticity, and are composed of a dense membrane proved by its ehemienl lu'operties to be of a chitinous natiu'e. Tliis shell not only resists the actio^ ofboihngsolutions of the caustic alkalies and of vinega\-, but also concen- ti-ated nitric and chloric acids, and a mixture of the two, also chromic a( d 220 GDNEBAL niSTOEY OP THE INFU80EIA. in the solution of wMch chitine itself is dissolved. Further the shell is dis- solved in sulphuric acid, and, unlilce cellulose, is not coloured blue by this acid. Such are the chemical relations of the testa of Gfromia according to Schultze ; and such we may presume with him are those of the freshwater genera Arcella, Euglypha, and Trinema. The shells of Difflugia are peculiar by being composed in many species of a softer substance, to which various foreign particles, shells of Diatomece, grains of sand and the like, adhere and thereby furnish an accidental or supple- mentary shield to the animals (XXI. 17). The substance on which those accidental matters are affixed we may presiune to be chitinous, but not con- densed or hardened as iu the true testaceous forms. Schultze is disposed to think that, besides merely agglutinated silicious particles accidentally, as it were, appropriated, the investing tunic has actually the power of secreting silicious molecules, represented by the smallest and most intimately adherent granules of the testa. He would also extend this hypothesis to the siUcious polythalamous shells, illustrated by PolymorpMna silicea (XXI. 38) and another newly- discovered species. Cohn apparently saw young Difflugice in the act of bmlding their shells. These young beings consisted of a mass of sarcode siuTounded by a muco- gelatinous envelope, through which fibres were protruded in different direc- tions. These processes, by retraction, brought to the surface of the animal various foreign particles, which had become af&xed to them, and were then imbedded in the mucous involucre. At length all other pseudopodes, save those from one extremity, were permanently withdrawn, and the exterior of the animal was clothed with a layer of silicious particles, grains of sand, shells of Cyclotella, and of other Diatomece, many of them of a blackish or brown colour. Dr. Bailey indicates an exceptional tunic in a Ehizopod, having much of an Amceba-Yike character, which he names Pampfiagus. It would seem to be enveloped by an integument, which, although resistant, admits of an immense modification of figure, both from external and intei-nal pressure, and offers no impediment to the animal transfixing itself, jiist as if it were a completely homogeneous jelly. " These creatiu-es," says their discoverer, " connect the genus Amoeba with Dvffiugia, agreeing with the first in the soft body without shell, but differing in having true feelers or rhizopods confined to the interior part of the body." Just as in Diffiugia, they are limited to the region of the moiith. From this last-named genus, " and from the whole family of Arcellina, these forms are distinguishable by having no lorica or shell." A very similar tunicated amcebiform animal is described by Dujardin imder the name Oorycia (A. 8. iV. 1852), which, although clothed by a membranous envelope, can be twisted and folded in every direction by the movements and contractions of the animal, and permits the extrusion of processes from any part of its suiface. In this respect it differs from the Pamphagus of Bailey, and certainly exemplifies a peculiar phenomenon, which, in the case of the usual variable processes -with circulating contents, would not be conceivable, but become so upon the explanation of Dujardin, that they do not contract on adhesion to the surface on which the animal moves, nor glide along it in the ordinary manner, but remain free, and, as we are told, seem only to sen-e to change the centre of gravity of the animal. " It must, therefore," says its describcr, " form a now genus of yLmosblna," intoraiediato between the naked Amoebic and the Arcellina ; and in imother direction indicating an aUiaucc with the Noctiludda. With reference to these peculiar beings, it is Avorth while to boar in mind the account given by Colin of the development of young Difflngin and tlio OF THE PliOTOZOA. RHIZOPODA. 221 progressive formation of the shell. To recall the particular points of interest, in the primary stage the Difflugia was seen covered by an integument, but having processes extruded fi-om various parts of its surface, so far resembling the Corycia of Dujardin, — whilst in a later stage all processes were withdraw, except those at the one end where the single large orifice or mouth is placed, and thus came to resemble the Pamphagus of Bailey. Calcareous-sheUed Monothalamia are represented by the genera Squamu- lina, Orhulina, and Comttspira. Such shells are brittle, and in aU essential featiu-es resemble those of the next-considered family, the Foraminifera. The shells of Monothalamia are generally coloured. When seen, as they often may be, empty, they have an orange-yeUow, a brown, or brownish-black tint. This colour is acquired by age ; the yoimger the being the less is it, cceteris paribus, coloured. In the youngest, as before noticed, the whole sub- stance and its commencing envelope are quite colouiiess. Most shells are also translucent or diaphanous when empty ; but in others the colour is so deep, that, when filled, scarcely anything of the contained substance is dis- cernible through them. Thetestse of Bijflugice are mostly opaque. The sur- face of the shells is subject to numerous modifications. Occasionally it is uniformly smooth ; but many, which so seem when occupied by the animal, are found when empty to be reaUy finely sculptirred (XXI. 11-15). Arcella hyalina is represented by Ehrenberg to have a smooth and colour- less testa ; A. vulgaris and A. clentata, one superficially divided into facettes ; A. aadeata, A. spinosa, and A. cauclicola, a delicately hispid shell. Where the intersecting lines or ridges are not sufficiently developed to produce fa- cettes, they give rise to areolas and an areolated or reticulated surface. The surface is beset with rounded tubercles or eminences in Euglypha tuherculata, and by spirally-disposed polygonal depressions (alveola) ia Euglypha alveo- lata (XXI. 11). In Diffiugia acanthophora (Ehr.) (XII. 64), the surface looks as if covered by scales laid on in an imbricated manner and in a spiral direction. The same species and Euglyplia. alveolata (XXI. 11) afford instances of testae armed with large and strong spines. This same Diffiugia presents likewise an example of the mouth of the shell being strongly serrated. Several Arcellina have small depressions or pits on their surface, which at fii-st sight resemble pores, e. g. Arcella OTcenii ; and both this species and A. vulgaris, according to Perty, present very numerous striae diverging from the centre of the closed end, and concentric circles, the outermost of which in Arcella Olccnvi are dentatcd, and foUow the stellate expansions of the shell (XXI. 15). Among Difflugioi the shell is more often rough from the adhesion of parti- cles of sand and of other extraneous substances {c. g. in D. proteiformis, D. gigantea, D. acuminata), but in others consists of a smooth membrane as in D. Enchelys, D. ohlonga, and D. globulosa. Moreover, Ehrenberg enumerated D. ciliata, D. acanthophora, and other species as having an areolated surface D. ampulla as punctated, D. dryas and D. reticulata as cellular, D. Bructerii as rugose, and D. striolata as striated. He further states that D. ciliata has a bristle or cirrus in the centre of each posterior areola. Where spines or other elevations of the smfacc — or, in fact, marldno's in general, exist— they may not be uniformly disposed, but be produced in lar"-er number or of larger dimensions in some parts than in others. Thus Ehrenberg signalizes an in-egular disposition of the spines in Arcella aculeata ; and not uncommonly such processes are produced only from the vicinity of the mouth These examples ^vi^ sufficiently illustrate the diversity of surface preva * lent among monolocular sheUs ; but these shells moreover differ as romari- ably among themselves in size, figure, and chai-acter of the margin 'ami likewise in the i-elative position of their mouth, foramen, or orifice These 222 GENERAL HISTOEY 01'' THE INFT780EIA. differences supply specific and generic characters of much value by reason of theu- constancy. Where the mouth has an even uninternipted margin, it is said to be " entire." Its normal figm-e may be considered circular (XXI. 9). However, in many instances it is irregular (XXI. 15), or a projecting portion encroaches on it (XXI. (i). In Difflugia clepressa and D. gigantea it is uneven ; in Arcella lunata, semilunar ; in Difflugia ampulla, ovate ; in Sphenoderia, so contracted as to be linear. Still more frequently the margin of the aperture is dentated or spinous : examples occur in Diflugia denticulata, D. Icevigata, D. oligodon, D. acanthopliora (XII. 64), and D. ciliata, in Arcella dentata and in Euglyjjha. The symmetrical position of the mouth is wanting in several species ; and Schlumberger elevated this variation to the importance of a ge- neric distinction. The obliquity of the aperture — its position out of the median line — is noticed in Arcella Americana, A. constricta, A. ecornis, and in A. lu- nata, also in the genus TrinemM (Duj.) and in Cyphoderia (Schlumberger). When the mouth appears formed by the mere incompleteness of the outline of the shell, and is without a neck or deep margin, it is often said to be truncate — in fact, the oral end of the shell is truncated or abruptly cut off by the orifice. The shells of Arcellina may be fractui'ed by pressure when the contained sarcode matter escapes through the fissiires, extending itself in lobe-Hke pro- longations, which take on the characters of ordinary expansions (XXI. 7). Since the opacity of the shell is generally an impediment to the observation of the contained matter, its rapture by pressure, or its partial solution by some reagent, as sulphuric acid, which acts upon the ehitinous basis, must be resorted to in order to discover the natui'e of the animal mass within. With or without such preparation, it is not unfrequently seen that the living mass is not uniformly adherent to the inner surface of the shell, but is, on the contrary, detached at different parts, leaving interspaces between it and the testa, varying in size and number. ITiese vacuities may possibly arise from the detachment of the soft matter by reason of the quantity poirred out from the mouth of the shell, or otherwise fi-om the formation of vacuoles at those points, just as often happens on the surface of an Amoeba. b. Shells oe Poltthalamia oe Foeaminifera. — These have a great diver- sity in figure and size, and are often very beautifully coloured and sculptured. From the resemblance of many to the shells of Cephalopoda, especially to those of Nautili (XXI. 28), they were for a long time ranged along with those highly-developed Mollusca. The shells of Polythalamia consist of a greater or less number, according to age and species, of communicating chambers or cells, aggregated together or superposed on one another in different ways, the mode of disposition, however, varying within certain limits even in the same species. Thus Dr. Carpenter, speaking of Orhitolites, says {Proceedings Royal Society, 1855), — " Starting from the central nucleus, which consists of a pear-shaped mass of sarcode nearly surrounded by a lai"ger mass connected with it by a peduncle, the development may take place either on a simple or upon a complex type. In the former (which is indicated by the circular or oval foi-ms of the cells, wliich show themselves at the surface of the disk, and by the singleness of the row of marginal pores), each zone consists of but a single layer of segments, connected together by a single annular stolon of sarcode, and the nucleus is connected with the first zone, and each with that which surrounds it, by radiating peduncles proceeding from this annulus, which, when issuing from the peripheral zone, will pass outwards thi'ough the marginal pores, probably in the form of pscudopodes. In the complex type, on the other hand (which is inchoated by the narrow and straight-sided form of the superficial cells and by the multiplication of tho horizontal rows of OF THE PROTOZOA. RHIZOPODA. 223 marginal pores), the segments of the concentric zones are elongated into vertical columns, with imperfect constrictions at intervals ; instead of a single annular stolon, there are two, one at either end of these columns, between which, moreover, there are usually other lateral communications, whilst the radiating peduncles, which connect one zone with another, are also multiplied, so as to lie in several planes. Moreover, between each annular stolon and the neighboui-ing siuface of the disk, there is a layer of superficial segments distinct from the vertical columns, but connected with the annular stolons ; these occupy the nai-row elongated cells just mentioned, which constitute two superficial layers in the disks of this type, between which is the inter- mediate layer occupied by the columnar segments. " These two types seem to be so completely dissimilar, that they could scarcely have been supposed to belong to the same species ; but the examina- tion of a large number of specimens shows that, although one is often developed to a considerable size upon the simple type, whilst another com- mences even fi'om the centre upon the complex type yet many individuals, which begin life and form an indefinite number of annuli upon the simple type, then take on the more complex mode of development." Each ceU is occupied by the animal sarcode substance — sometimes not completely, so that intervals exist at points between the contained matter and the enclosing calcareous wall, just as in Monothalamia. The first cell pro- duced, about which all others are arranged and may be considered ofi'shoots or dependencies, is called the piimary or piimordial cell ; and in it is con- tained the mass of condensed sarcode which Dr. Carpenter calls the nucleus. The link-like portions connecting one chamber with another are called by Schultze bridges (Briicken) or isthmi, by Ehrenberg siphons, and by Car- penter ' stolons.' In chemical composition the shells of Polythalamia are calcareous, with the exception of those of Polymorjohina silicea, which, like those of many Diffiugioe, are composed of small granules and tablets of sUex. Schultze observes that, in addition to this species, Spirulina agglutinans and Bignerina agglutinans have their surface covered by adherent grains of sand, to give it the fii-mness and resistance provided for in other forms by their shells. The consequence of theii' calcareous composition is, that the shells are hard, brittle, and opaque, and their contents only visible so far as pro traded in the form of processes. To examine, therefore, the animal matter, it is necessary to crush the shells or, better, to carefully remove some portions and so expose the subjacent tissue to view ; or they may be acted on by dilute acid, which dissolves out the earthy matter, leaving the transparent organic basis of the testa. Dujardin employed dilute acid mixed with alcohol, which contracted and rendered the sarcode substance harder, and gave it the appearance, in the many- chambered cells, of laminated or lobulated masses connected together by thinner portions. When the calcareous earthy matter is dissolved out of the shells of Forami- nifera, the organic matiix or basis is left as a transparent membrane, retaining the precise form and markings of the complete shell, and perforated by the characteristic pores. Its chemical relations are those of the membranous testa of Gromia. In thin shells the organic matter is in relatively greater abxmd- ance than in the thick ones. Acids produce an active effervescence, and so prove the presence of carbonate of Kmc as the principal mineral constituent Schultze has also detected the presence of phosphate of lime, at least in some shells, viz. in those of OrhicuUna adunca and Polystomella strigilata Tlio sheUs of Polythalamia are commonly white, when viewed bv reflpf>f^.d light, and when emptied of their organic contents. When the latter remain. 224 GENEEAL HISTOHY OP THE INFUSOBIA. a reddish- or yellow-brown colour is produced. Sufficiently transimrent specimens and opaque fragments, viewed by transmitted light, exhibit either a glass-like (vitreous) colourless appearance, or have a brown hue. Examples of the latter condition are aiForded by all solid and not finely porous shells, by MilioUdce, Ovulince, and others. Moreover, the youngest, thinnest, and most transparent shells are rendered visible by their apparent intense brown colour. Amongst porous species are some, such as Orhiculina and Sorites, which have the brown colour only in stripes. Lastly, Schultze has never met with the peculiar yellow, red, and violet tints mentioned by D'Orbigny in some Rotalince, Mosalhice, and Planorhulino}. The figure assimied by various Polyihalamia is extremely varied, but is nevertheless reducible to certain types. We will restrict ourselves to a brief description of the primary forms established by Schultze ; these are thi-ee in number: — 1. In which the chambers or cells axe superposed on one another in a straight seiies. 2. In which they are disposed in a spiral manner; . and, 3. in an irregular fashion. The Nodosaridce, which have their cells placed one on another in a simple row, are examples of the first type ; the Spiroculince of the second ; and the Acervulince of the third (XXI. 34). In spiral shells the chambers may be rolled in one plane, so as to form a symmetrical shell with opposite sides aKke, e. g. in Cristellaria, or, otherwise, in an asymmetrical mode, so as to produce a shell like that of the common snail {Helix), e. g. Rotalia and Roscdina (XXI. 25-28). This latter variety may be so modified by the great elongation of the spiral, as to produce an elongated conical outline, as in (Jvigerina and Bulimina, when the chambers above and below each other may present an alternate arrangement. Other varieties of the spii'al are exemplified in Orhiculina, Alveolina, and Nonionina. In many instances a simple or regular spiral disposition is commenced in young animals, which is departed from variously as they attain the adult condition and characters. Thus in PlanorbuUna the regular spiral is transformed eventually into a completely irregular form. Lastly, the Acervulince con- sist of spherical or spheroidal cells aggregated into formless colonies. With reference to the minute stnictuje of the shell. Prof. Williamson (Report of British Association, 1855, p. 105) recogTiizes three principal types : viz. — " 1. The hyaline, generally consisting of a transparent vitreous carbonate of Hme, with, usually, numerous foramina. 2. PorceUanous, white, opaque, and rarely foraminated. 3. The arenaceous, mainly consisting of agglomerated grains of sand." Schultze makes two types : in the one, the shell is perforated by numerous fine pores or canals; in the other, it is homogeneous and solid. The contents of the second series ai-e brought into relation with the external world by means of one large opening, or by many smaller ones collected in one group. This division corresponds, in the main, with that of Prof. Williamson, except that the German naturalist has omitted to notice, as a third series, those shells constituted of a membrane covered by extraneous particles of sand and the like. The size and distribution of the foramina, along vnth. other stnictiu-al pecu- liarities, aff'ord the best specific characters. To examine those details the shells must bo viewed by transmitted hght, and by high powcre. The thick- waUcd opaque Foraminifera are best explored, as Ehrenberg first pointed out, after being soaked in some strongly refracting varnish, either entire or when cut into thin sections. The dimensions of the canals vary in different species from -0003 of a line (a scarcely measurable size) to -005 of a Kne. They are of cxtraorcUnary fineness in PolystomelJn sfrigilafa, in P. gihhn, and P. venusta, wliilst in Orhxdina OP TUK rilOTOZOA. KHIZOPODA. 225 universa and in Acervulina glohosa (XXI. 35-37) they obtain their greatest diameter. In the latter, and in Qlohujerina, the canals dilate towards the surface, and are consequently funnel-shaped (infimdibuliform). In a few instances two different sorts of pores exist, as in OrbuUna universa and liosalhia varians, the finer kind being more abundant. A peculiar sort of slits is chai-acteristic of the genus Polijstomella ; that they completely perforate the shell is shown by sections. They are largest in F. stngilata, and in P. gihba appear to be only shallow excavations. Besides the openings named, the surface of the shells often presents regularly, disposed eminences or elevated lines. In Polystomella strigilata and P. venusta (XXI. 28-30) there are hemispherical or conical eminences, perforated severally by a fine opening. In Textilana pkta elevated lines ai'e arranged around the Avidely-separated pores, so as to produce an elegant design (XXI. 25). Lastly, many shells have a spinous or stellate appearance, from the prolongation of some canals into long and fine projectiag tubes, or from that of the whole of them into thick processes. Illustrations are afforded by Rosalina Imperatoria, Cal- carina, and particularly by Siderolina cahitrapoides. Cai-ter has described a greenish, perishable, organic membrane as investing the entire sm-face of the shells with all their irregularities ; and d'Archiac has assumed this to be the secreting membrane of the calcareous matter. Schultze, however, has failed to detect such a "stiiicture in every specimen he has examined, whether in a Uving or in a dried condition ; and he observes that, even if this membrane does exist in certain cases, there are abundant facts to prove that it is not the secreting organ of the shell. The foramina are, as a rule, uniformly distiibuted over the shells, those parts only being free which are placed immediately above the partitions between adjoining cells. Exceptions, however, occirr. Thus, in the inequi- lateral Rotcdidce (XXI. 33) and their allies, the under or umbUieal side has fewer pores than the upper. Also, in some of the thick-shelled species the position of the. subjacent septa are not indicated by the absence of pores. The long winding canals pass in different directions, unite, and appear on the surface in groups, producing a complex wavy pattern on the surface, as in many Calcariiice. The partitions between the several cells are perforated by orifices, wdiich difiFer in size, number, and distribution in the several species. They occiu- in the septa as fine pores similar to those of the siu-face, but in less number. Again, in species having a single large opening in their terminal chamber, there is a similar one in each partition, as in Nodosarida, Miliolkla (XXI. 21, 22), Textilaria (XXI. 36), Botalida, and m Nonlonina, Ilohdina, Cristelhiria &c. Among this group the Convlina form an exception, in having numerous foramina in the last cell and in the septa between the others. In Acervtdina again, the several colls communicate by a single opening. In Pcneroplis, Coscimspira, and in PolystomeUa the septa have numerous pores ; and tlie foramina proportionally increase in number with the incixsasing size of the septa, i. e. from the first- to the last-formed chamber (XXI. 28-30). In Orbiculina the thick septa are penetrated by canals. Ehrenbcrg pointed out the presence, in several species, of numerous pcr- pendicidar calcareous columns interposed between the septa, which he sup- posed to bo hollow tubes, opening up a communication between tlie whole series of chambers and the exterior. Both their function and their- tubular nature Schultze disbelieved, and asserted that Lumdites (Etw.) is not one of the Polytlialamia, but actually a colony of Bryozoa. Mr. Carter (J iyr. h. 1852, x. p. 170), on the contrary, assorts the ex- istence ol such tubes in the septa, in the following passage : Q 226 GENEEAL HISTOIIY OF THE lOTUSOElA. " The septa occupy (in Opercul'ma Arabica), transversely, about |th of the breadth of the chambers ; and each septum encloses within its walls two calcareous tubes or vessels, one on each side, some little distance below the contiguous siu-face of the shell (fig. 7 a, a) ; these we shall call interseptal vessels. They are irregular both in their size and course, though generallj' about YsiVu-th of an inch in diameter, in the last-formed septa of a shell having the dimensions of the one described, and diminish in calibre back- wards or towards the fii'st-formcd whorls. Each vessel commences in the centre of an intricate network of smaller ones, spread over its own side of the margin of the preceding whorl, and under the layers of the shell ; these networks, which are joined together, we shall caU the marginal plexus. In its coiirse each interseptal vessel gives off two sets of ramusculi, and the marginal plexus one set. Of those coming from the interseptal vessel, one set terminates on the surface of the shell, particularly about the borders of the septum ; the other goes into the walls of the shell, and through the septum, to open probably on the inner surface of the chamber, while the set from the marginal plexiis opens on the margin. As this vascular system appears to extend throughout every part of the shell, and must be for the circulation of some fluid, we will call it the interseptal circulation." Prof. Williamson has likewise described a series of rntraseptal canals in Faiijasina, and illustrated their arrangement by engTavings. We have not space to give the details, but can quote only the general results : — " The intra- septal spaces are vertical, and give off true divergent cyhndrical canals from their external mai-gins, penetrating the thick parietes of the shell. These spaces extend from the top to the bottom of each septum, and only assume the foiTQ of canals when they approach the peripheral sheU-walls. The con- necting branches which unite the sj)aces of different convolutions are also tubular. In no instance do these spaces or their divergent canals communi- cate with the interior of the segments (chambers) ; for the only direct com- munications between the two parts of the organism are through the pseudo- podian foramina, many of which open into the tubular portions of these passages ; but never, so far as I have observed, into the intraseptal spaces." Again, " the cavities in the translucent shell ai'e thickly lined with a dark olive-brown substance, which, if it be the desiccated soft animal, proves that in this species the gelatinoiis tissue has not only filled the true chambers, but has also occupied the intraseptal canals and passages. If this be so, it is curious that the only medium of communication between the soft tissues in- habiting the spiral segments of the shell and those occupying the intraseptal and central passages, should be the minute pseiidopodian foramina .... It is, however, obvious that this organism supports the conclusion at which I ai-rivcd in a previous memou', viz. that the soft animal had the power of extending itself externally far beyond the limits of any indi^^dual segment, and woidd thus be able to secrete calcareous matter in other situations than the mere parietes of its own. segment. It is only in this way that Ave can explain the production of the dome-like coveiing which encloses the central umbilic.nl cavities and their ramifying canals. But if it should be ultimately proved that the soft tissues have occupied all these irregular cavities, we shall then have a form of organization which, from its great variability of contour, wiU approach much more closely to the calcareous sponges than any liitherto de- scribed." Schultze says that the species referred to by the two observers just quoted have not come in his way, but that in none of the genera he has examined has he met with a similar stracture. He has been equally luisuccossful in finding the interseptal spaces noticed by Cai'pcnter in Nummvlites : and in OF THE PnOTOZOA. BHIZOPODA. 227 no genus ho has examined, has he been able to discover its shell to bo com- posed of calcareous spicula, such as Carter represents in OpercuUna Arabica, and refers to as incUcative of the intimate affinity between Foraminifera and sponges, in the ensuing paragraph {A. N. H. x. 1852, p. 173) :— " It must be now generally allowed that the Rhizopodous natiu-e of Foraminifera is identical with that of the Amoeba or Proteins, and through the latter with the Sponge-cell ; and in addition to this, we have the former, at least the genus Operculma, still more ncaiiy allying Foraminifera to the Sponges,_by possess- ing a spicula structure, if not a cii-culating system also, like that of Sponges." The calcareous shell of Rhizopoda is lined (XXI. 16) within by a delicate organic homogeneous membrane, with a sharp outline, and of a more or less deep-brown colour. It is in immediate contact with the animal, and closely applied to the shell, and has the same perforations (XXI. 24). It penetrates from one chamber to the next thi'ough the intermediate pores and canals. During life it is, in the last-fonned chambers, coloirrless. It is not equally visible in all species. By the addition of dilute acid to Rotalia, Rosalina, and Textilaria, it is readily brought into view ; but in Miliolida this is difficult, owing to its delicacy and want of colour'. In the first-formed (primordial) chamber, occupied by colourless substance, it would seem to be absent. In its chemical relations it resembles the chitinous shell of Q-romia, and is so very slowly destroyed by decomposition, that it may be demonstrated in empty shells foimd amidst the sand at the sea-side, and, according to d'Archiac and Jules Haiine, even ia fossil specimens. DiMEN'sioNS ANT) CONDITIONS OF LiFE OF Ehizopoda. — The size of the Ehi- zopoda is very varied, even among members of the same genus. Ehrenberg describes Amoehce from -g-gVirt^ ¥Sir^^ Tu^^ °f ™ ^^^^ 5 Difflugim fr'om ■gJjju-th, and yyW^ *° Ti7^^> Arcellai from ro-yth to yfoth of an inch. Between individuals even of the same species, he represents a diversity of size of neaiiy equal extent. Schiiltze states the diameter of the shells of Gromia oviformis, and of G. Bujardinii, to be of an inch, whilst that of Lagynis is only -g-J-uth in length. Dujardin remarks that the largest fresh- water Ehizopoda attaia a diameter of -^-^t^A., whilst the marine Foraminifera are for the most part visible to the naked eye, and have a length of from j^th to -i-th of an inch. The Nautiloid shells of PolystomeUa have a diameter of Jg^th to -gLth of an inch, and the ii'regularly- chambered Acervulinai a length of from -Jg-th to ith of an inch. Among fossil Foraminifera larger sizes prevail : thus, Sir E. Belcher brought one species from Borneo measmino- more than 2 inches in diameter ; and many Nummidites are found an inch and upwards in diameter. Mr. Jeffreys gives the following account of the habits of Foraminifera (Proc. lioyal Soc. 1865) : — " Most are free, or only adhere by their pseudo- podes to foreign substances. Such ai'e the Lagena of Walker, Nodosaria Vor- ticialis, and Textidaria, and the Miliola of Lamarc. The last genus has some although a vciy hmited, power of locomotion, which is effected by exsertino- its pseudopodes to their full length, attaching itself by thorn to a piece of seaweed and then contracting them like india-rabbcr, so as to draw the shell alonf Avith them. Some of the acephalous moUusks do the same by means of their byssus This mode of progression is, however, exceedingly slow ; and I have never seen, in the course of 24 hours, a longer journey than a quarter of an inch accomplished by a Miliola Some are fixed or sessile, but not cemented at their base hke the testaceous AnneUds. The only modo of attachment appears to be a thin film of sarcode. The Lohatula of Eleming, and the Romlia and Planorhxdina (D'Orb.) belong to tliis division. Dr. Cixrpenter considers the q2 2^8 GENEBAL HISTORY OF THE rNFUSOIlIA. Foraminifera to bo phytophagous, in consequence of his having detected in some specimens fragments of Diatomaccae, and other simple forms of vegetable life. But as I have di-edged them alive at a depth of 108 fathoms (which is fai- beyond the Laminarian zone), and they are extremely abundant at from 40 to 70 fathoms, ten miles fi'om land and beyond the range of any seaweed, it may be assumed, without much difficulty, that many, if not most of them, are zoophagous, and prey on microscopic animals perhaps of even simpler form and structure than themselves. They are in. their turn the food of MoUusca, and appear to be especially relished by Dentalium entale." The assumption that, because the Laminarian zone ceases at a much less depth than that at which Foraminifera occur, therefore no Diatomeas are found, is quite gra- tuitous, and opposed to observation. The notion also that animal life fur- nishes nutiiment to Foraminifera at depths Avhere vegetable existence, and where the doubtful Diatomeae cannot be sustained, is opposed to all proba- bility. Of the rate of growth and of the duration of Ehizopoda we have few re- corded observations : we must, however, suppose them regulated by external circumstances, such as abimdance of food, moderate temperature, and the like. Schultze observed of Foraminifera living in a small quantity of sea- water, so to speak, in captivity, that they grew exceedingly slowly. In only one Po- lystomella out of many, kept under observation for several months, did he ob- serve the production of a new chamber. Rotalice, however, were more fre- quently seen in process of growth, the walls of the new-formed segments being extremely dehcate and deficient of calcareous matter. Some very young specimens of Miliola obesa were found to produce two new chambers, £^r the completion of the primary one, in the course of fom- weeks. From this fact of their very gradual growth, says Schultze, we may con- clude that a year or more may elapse before the construction of a many- chambered shell is completed. This naturalist has, indeed, kept the same specimens of Polystomella and of Rotalida in captivity for nine months ; and their persistence for a much longer period is highly probable. If, he adds, the production of germs put a termination to life, then this phenomenon entails a fixed limit to its duration. Dujardin, again, foimd Arcellce alive after two years, in a vessel in which he had preserved them. The testaceous Ehizopoda possess the power of repauing the efiFects of me- chanical injuries to their shells. This has been proved by Schultze in the case of the Polythalamia ; and we may conclude the same faculty is possessed by the Monothalamia. He has seen almost one-half of the shell of Poh/sto- mella strigilata, which had been broken away, repaired by a new calcareous wall resembling the normal one both in its pores, eminences, and markings. He also frequently noticed in this same species irregularities in the conforma- tion of the shell, which he attributed to damages previously inflicted ; and experiment showed him that, even on the same day tliat a considerable portion was removed, the animal set vigorously to work to replace the lost shell, and protruded its processes just as before. Occasionally the destniction of a portion of the shell gives rise to monstrous (abnormd) fonns. Thus Schultze noticed a double Poh/stomcUa stricfilaia, and Ileuss a monstrous Nodosaria annulata, which he called N. dichotoma : and Dr. Carpenter has found several " monstrosities of OrbiioUtes rcsidting from an unuHual outgrowth of the central nucleus." The Ehizopoda can, doubtless, maintain life luider very prejudicial condi- tions. The power possessed by the sarcode substance, of sustaining existence when even the greater part is torn away, and the capability of rcpaii- mani- fested by the testaceous species, are facts indicative of tlicu- tenacity of hfe. OF THE PROTOZOA. — ^hhizopoda. 229 Another proof is found in the capacity of Foraminifera to exist for weeks and months in the same water. Schvdtze states that ho has found them lying motionless, with retracted processes, at the bottom of a vessel of putrid water, in which they had been kept a long time, and that when this water has been changed, or its foul odour removed by an acid, they have recommenced to move about, and to thrust out their fibres. In a small glass containing mud fi'om the lagoons of Venice, and in which life appeared extinct, he found Bo- talidoi and Miliolidce creeping on the sides, and in great numbers in the sedi- ment at the bottom. Some still more recent ex^^eriments have convinced this eminent natiu-alist that fresh water is not very detrimental to them, but that, on the contrary, they may be kept alive in it for a considerable time. He found at the same time that some dried Folyihalamia from mud obtained at Muggia, and let dry for five weeks, continued motionless after six weeks' immersion in sea- water. Habitats and Disthibution of Rhizopoda. — Fossil Foems. — The Amcebce are met with particularly in water containing much organic debris, provided that decomposition is not proceeding. They are common inhabitants of infu- sions, and of stagnant water, and are foimd adherent to foreign bodies, to plants, ConfervEe, and the Hke. Although imable to swim, they are frequently floated to the surface on the matters to which they stick, such as dead leaves, AlgSB, or stalks of plants. They occur both in fresh- and in sea -water, but are much more commonly seen in the former. The Monothalamia, with reference to their habitats, form two groups,^ one marine, the other freshwater, Arcella, Difflugia, and Euglypha arc essential freshwater genera, whilst Sjpirillina (Ehr.), Qromia, Lagynis (Sch.), ajid Squamella (Sch.) ai-e marine. They are not met with in infusions arti- ficially prepared although common in stagnant water holding organic matters in suspension, and found crawling on these or on the sides of the vessel containing the water. Polytlialamia are all marine. Their abundance and extent of distribution are surprising ; this is true of them both in the living and in the dead or fossil condition. Schultze states that on the northern level shore of the har- bour of Ancona, the shells of the Foraminifera cover the siuface here and there like a fine sand, and are discovered in many places in smaller numbers at a depth of 20 feet. When this sand was placed in water in a glass iai- no specmiens were found to crawl up the sides ; and obsei-vation showed that few among them retamed any organic contents. From a smaU rocky islet in the harbour he scraped into a fine net the slimy mud, and then separated the lighter suspended particles from the mixture of animal and vegetable matter and placed them m another glass. On examining, a few hours later the fine sand so separated, he found it almost entirely composed of Polythalamia fiUed mth their orgamc substance and aHve, many of them having crawled up the sides of the vessel. His experiments at Venice were entii-ely correspondent • no living bemgs were found in the sand from the shore, but countless specimens in the debns about the Algffi m tlic lagoons. Once, however, at Cuxhavon on the Jilbc, he met with Uving Foraminifera in the sand ' Dujardin also says of the Polythalamia, that, from being unable to swim they are only to be foimd attached to the surface of bodies on which thov crawl, such as aquatic plants, or, otlier^vise, lying amidst the debris coveiin- the base of such plants or m the liollows between the asperities of the shoUs of marine Mollusca. Sponges, again, form a convenient habitat for t^t PolyiJudarma, having their pores at times pretty weU filled with tliem n the same way Corals and Corallines are frccpiently beset with im T, " necessity of attachment cannot universaUy prevail/since the Foran^niferlall 230 GJiNEKAL HISXOllY OF THE INlfUBOUIA. SO often found scattered over the bed of the oceaxi, as -well in the living as in the dead state, without any Algae near, whereto they can adhere. The extraordinary abundance of Poraminifcrous shells in the sand of some sea-shores has been long observed. Plancus, in 1739, counted, with the aid of a low magnifying power, 6000 individuals in an oimce of sand from Rimini, on the Adriatic; and D'Orbigny states that 3,840,000 exist in an eqmd quantity of sand from the Antilles. Schultze also counted 500 shells of Ilhi- zopoda in ^th of a grain of sand collected from the Mole of Gaeta, which had previously been passed thi'ough a sieve and separated from aU particles above Y^th of an inch in size. Ehrenberg describes finding Polytlialamia both on the surface of the sea and also at the bottom, even at a depth of 12,000 feet. From these great depths they are procured by soundings ; the lead, after being coated with grease at the bottom, biings up attached to it the small particles of sand and other matters with which it comes into contact at the sea-bottom. Numerous such soundings were taken by Sir J. Eoss in his Antarctic expedition, and have been practised by others in different regions. Dr. Bailey records the results of a series of deep soundings made in the Atlantic, over a considerable geogTaphical area, from latitude 42° 4' to lat. 54° 17', and depths varying from 1080 to 2000 fathoms. " None of the soundings," he states, " contain a particle of gravel, sand, or other recognized unorganized mineral matter. They all agree in being almost entirely made up of the shells of Foraminifera. .... But neither the surface-water nor that of any depth . . . collected close to the places where the soundings were made, contained a trace of any hard- shelled animalcules." Schultze is unable to receive Ehrenberg's statement of finding shells floating on the surface of the sea, seeing that they natui'aUy sink in water. Still he admits that in shallow water they may be suspended by the tossing of the waves, and that they may float on the surface attached to sea- weed torn from the bottom, or to other floating substances. He likewise, and, we think (judging from the laws of distribution of organic life at different depths as pointed out by the late Prof. Edward Eorbes), very justly, demiu-s to Ehrenberg's conclusion, that the Polythalamian shells fished up from the great depths cited, and others approaching them, lived at those depths, and had become empty by speedy decomposition of theii- animal contents. At depths far less considerable, we believe all organic life ceases, and should consider the Foraminiferous shells there found to have been drifted from other less profound places by currents in the ocean. Prof. Bailey also started the question, whether the Foraminifera found at the bottom of the sea actually lived there, or were home there by submarine cmTcnts, but admitted that these and other like questions could not be at present decided. "^Tiat, however, is very remarkable, is that the species " whose shells now compose the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean have not been found living in the surface waters, nor in shallow waters along the shore. It is but fair, also, to state that Mr. Jefft-eys has di'cdged li-ving Pohjihalamia from a depth of 108 fatlioms (648 feet). So far as Schultzc's researches go, they prove a very limited geographicd distribution of some species of Polytlialamia. Thus, he has never found the Rotalia Veneta elsewhere than at Venice and Muggia, near Tiieste, wliOst the Polystomella strigilata, of Ancona, is altogether absent at Ycnice and Trieste. Nodosaridce, which are common enough at Ilimini, are sought in vain at Ancona, close by, whilst llotalia Beccarii occurs at both those places. So Penei-oplis planata is found in tlic sand on the Istrian coast, from Citta Nuova to Pola, but is absent at Trieste, Venice, and Ancona. Similar iUiis- trations miglit, says Schidtzc, be multiplied, to show the considerable diversity of local fauna. OF THE PKOTOZOA. RHIZOPODA. 231 A limited distribution, both in reference to place and to the conditions of existence, has been determined by Ehrcnbcrg and other observers of the Polij- tlialamia, and also employed by geologists in fixing the period of the deposi- tion of certain strata, and the cu-cumstances under which it has occurred. Thus Bailey records of the Atlantic soimdings, that they " contain no species belonging to the group Agathistegia (D'Orbigny), a group which appears to bo confined to shallow waters, and which in the fossil state fii-st appears in the tertiary, where it abounds." Again, they " agree with the deep soundings oft" the coast of the United States, in the presence and predominance of species of the genus Globigerina, and in the presence of the cosmopolite species Orbic- lina universa (D'Orb.) ; but they contain no traces of the Marginulina Baclm, Textilaria Atlantica, and other species characteristic of the soundings of the Western Atlantic. In the vast amount of pelagic Foraminifera, and in the entire absence of sand, these soundings strikingly resemble the chalk of England, as well as the calcareous marls of the Upper Missom-i ; and this would seem to indicate that these also were deep-sea deposits. The cretaceous deposits of New Jersey present no resemblance to these soundings, and axe doubtless littoral, as stated by Prof. H. D. Eogers." A fixed geographical distribution is also implied by the division made by D'Orbigny of the species he observed, — ^viz. into 575 peculiar to the torrid zone, 350 to the temperate, and 75 species to the fiigid zone. Moreover, Dr. Carpenter stated (in the Annual Address at the Microscop. Soc. 1855) that he and Prof. WiUiamson find " that there are certain species whose range of distribution is limited, and whose form is remarkably constant, but that, in . by far the greater number of cases, the species of Foraminifera are distributed over very wide geographical areas, and have also an extensive geological range." Mr. Jeffreys remarks that, in his opinion, " the geographical range, or distribution of species, is regulated by the same laws as in the Mollusks and other mariue animals. I have found in the gulf of Genoa species identical with those of our Eebridean coast, and vice versa." Fossil Foraminifa-a. — In a fossU form the Polytlialamia are veiy common, and enter largely into the formation of several rocks, chiefly calcareous or of the tertiary series, in every part of the world. Ehrenberg, in his microscopic examination of the chalk formation, represents these shells as the most im- portant constituent; and Dr. Bailey speaks of them as largely concerned in the foi-mation of the tertiary rocks of South Carolina, and adds, they "are stiU at work in countless thousands on her coast, filling up harbours, forming shoals, and depositiig their shells to record the present state of the sea- shore, as their predecessors, now entombed beneath Charleston, have done with regard to ancient oc3ans. For the city just named is buUt on a marl 236 feet thick. The marls from the depth of 110 to 193 feet arc tertiaiy, as also, in all Hlielihood, are those beneath, extending from 193 to 309 feet, and also of the Eocene epoci. The lithological characters of the marls from 236 to 309 feet difi"er from those above them, although many of the same species are Btm to be detected ' {A. N. H. 1845, vol. xv.). The most Vih\m^(nt Foraminifera of the chalk belong to RotaVia, Sjpindina, and Textilaria: the fossil genus Nummulina abounds in tertiaiy strata; and their shells constitute the chief ingredient in the composition of many lime- stone rocks used in building, such as those in Egypt, from which the hu"-e stones of the Pyramds are quarried. In America this genus is largely re- placed, as a comporont of limestone, by the genus Orbiloldcs. Species of Textilaria arc the nost abundant in Oolitic formations. In the cretaceous earths, says D'Orbigiy, genera and species augment in rapid progression from the lower to the higl.er formations. On arriving at the tertiary rocks Fora- 232 GENEEAL mSTOBy OF THE INFUSOliTA. minifera become still more multii)lied, and many previously unobserved genera make their appearance. In the Silurian and Devonian rocks of the palajozoic series, Foraminifera appear to be absent. In the carboniferous deposits D'Orbigny found one species, but detected none in the Permian, Triassic, or Jui-assic strata. Mr. Elng has, however, discovered shells in thcPei-mian rocks. Many genera have liitherto been found only in the fossil state : some such wo may suppose to have become extinct ; but others will probably be discovered when the search after hving specimens is farther prosecuted. It may be generally stated that the relative number of identical fossil and recent species is much greater in this family of Foraminifera than in any other known ; and specific forms have continued from the Mesozoic era until the present day, so connecting, as by an imbroken chain, the fauna of our own time and that of almost countless ages past. Question of the Cell-natuice op Rhizopoda, and of the Characteb of FoRAMiNiFEEA AS luDivrDTJALS, OS AS CoioNiEs OF Animais. — The prevaiHng theory of the cellular composition of all animal and vegetable tissues induced several distinguished naturalists to represent the Ehizopoda as cells. KoUiker ingeniously argued (J. M. S. 1853, i. p. 101) in favour of this view, and for a time succeeded in persuading most scientific men of its tnith. It had the character of a grand generalization, and recommended itself by its simpUeity. Various stiTictural peculiarities and general considerations are, however, opposed to this theoiy: these we will adduce after Kolliker's arguments have been stated. He first assumes that the Ehizopoda and COiated Pro- tozoa are comprehended in a single class of simple animals, which, like the Gregarince, are unicellulai- ; and he fui'ther groups the Actinopliryina with Ehizopoda. The absence of an integmnent to represent the ceU-wall, and in most of them of a recognized nucleus, are difficulties he would explain away. First, he supposes that, where a nucleus is not seen, it " may have existed at an earlier period, and be absent only in the full-grown animal, or, again, that it may be entirely wanting, and still the animal be regarded as a cell." Secondly, " with respect to the membrane, it may be regarded as certain that there are cells with a membrane of such extreme tenuity as to be hardly distinguishable from the contents," and others in which it a later period all difi'erence between the membrane and contents disappears, — ^for instance, the elements of the smooth muscles of the higher animals." Which of these two possible conditions obtains in the Rhizopods, he cannot uadertake to say, but would remark " that their other relations are not opposed to the notion that they may be simple cells, — such as their stnictureless honogeneous contents, their contractihty, and the vacuoles which occui- in then, resembling in all respects the contents of the body of unicellular Infasoris. So, Ukewise, the simplicity of their foim and mode of taldng food, so clcsely rcscmbhng the way in which Infusoria introduce a morsel into tlieii* parenchyma. Certainly the presence of a ceU-membrane is scarcely reconcUeable -with the circumstance that the body is capable of admitting a morsel of food at my part of the sur- face ; but in one point of view it is not indispensably lecessarj^ to assume that such exists in the fully-dovelopcd Actinopkrys, and in another it is by no means wonderful that a membrane, in consistence alnost the same as the rest of the parenchyma, should be capable of being ton and of reuniting." It is tiierefore, he concludes, best to consider the llhizopda simple, altliough modified, ceUs, especially since there is little else to be made of them. " It cannot be admitted that they consist of a whole aggroga'.ion of cells ; and as Uttle is it to be supposed that they arc simply a ma.ss ofaniTual matter with- out further distinction — a.s it Avero, indopendent living cell-contents. And the less can this opinion be entertained, because " ceUi are the clementai-y I I I I OF TnE PBOTOZOA. — EIUZOPODA. 233 parts of the higher animals and plants, and the unicellular condition the simplest form in the animal kingdom." The existence of an investing mem- brane in the Hhizopoda he finally considers probable. The arguments here quoted from KoUilvcr's paper on Actinophrys, have been examined by several later \mters, and have had theii- defects pointed out. Pei-ty declares himself opposed to the cell-theory since Rhizopoda are waJit- ing the essentials of the cell-nucleus and cell-wall ; and the hypothesis cannot be applied to animals composed not of cells, but of an amorphous piimitive substance. M. Claparede attacks Kolliker's arguments in detail. The question raised, whether the nucleus and membrane may not disappear in the course of growth, he answers by another query — " We may conceive the possibility of this ; but where do we find any proof of it ? " — and proceeds to remark his own failirre, and that of Ehrenberg and of most others, to discover a nucleus, even in very small animals, and after treating them with dilute acetic acid. " The supposition, that Actinoplirys and other Rhizopoda pass through a previous cellular condition, has consequently no foundation in fact." He cannot agree with Kollilver, that of the three parts of a cell — the nucleus, membrane, and contents — two " may be deficient, — that for example, we may attribute the signification of a cell to the contents remaining alone and contained in nothing .... If, therefore, with KoUiker, we regard the Rhizopoda as a class of imicellular animals, the organisms which it iacludes will be principally distinguished by their having nothing to do with cells, as they consist of a shapeless mass of a structureless homogeneous substance." M. Claparede next subjects to examination the argument for the cell-nature of Rhizopoda deduced from analogy with Ciliated Protozoa, which KoUiker takes for granted to be unicellular organisms. This assumption, and conse- quently the analogy dependent on it, are shown to be erroneous ; and then the writer goes on to say that, " even if we admitted that Actinophrys was the equivalent of a cell, it would still not be unicellular, inasmuch as an endogenous cell-production has taken place in it. The contractile vesicle is nothing but a cell" invested by a membrane ; and this being the case, the existence of such a membrane in other Cihated Protozoa becomes all the more probable. " KoUiker himself supposes that the contractUe vesicle, when pre- sent, is the equivalent of a ceU-membrane ; and with the proof of the exist- ence of siich (an endogenous) formation in Actinophrys, his hyjiothesis of the uniccHular constitution of the animal consequently faUs to the gi-ound." Leuckart has also briefly argued against the ceU-theory of Rhizopoda; but as no novel views are taken of the question, we shaU not quote his remarks. Our own opinion is, that to insist upon the unicellular natm-e of Rhizopoda and of other Infusoria is to Umit the operations of natiu-e, in the manifesta- tion of animal Ufe, to one sort of mechanism, as though Ufe could not be exhibited except by an organic substance enveloped by a membrane and enclosing a nucleus. Reasoning by analogy should teach us diff"erently ; for everywhere in the animal series do we sec tjqics or grades of organization progressively developed fi-om theii- simplest to a more or less compUcated degree, as if nature would show us by how many different plans she can attain similar and equaUy beneficial results. And are not the Rhizopoda an illustration of this fact, an example of the establishment of indoiiendcnt animality in primorchal animal matter, and, as in the case of the multUoculai- Polylhalamia, of the possible extent of dcvelopmout this simple t^c miv undergo without the separation or addition of any other definite structuj'nl clement? If Schneider's researches bo confirmed, wo must admit several Rhizopoda 234 6ENEBAL HISTORY OF THE INFUSOEIA. to be possessed of a nucleus. On the other hand, a large number of species are able to produce new individuals by the mere detachment of a portion of theu" sarcode substance, — an act in wliich no nucleus is concerned, whereas in ccU-propagation by fission a preparatory section of the nucleus appears a necessary process. In the Rhizopoda, therefore, we may conclude that, in the language of Professor Owen, " the spermatic force " is diflnsed through- out their entu-e substance, and not, as it were, concentrated in a paiticular organ or nucleus. The question respecting the nature of the many-chambered Foraminifera, whether they are to be considered siagle individuals or colonies of animals, is elaborately examined by Schultze, who comes to the conclusion that the inhabitant of each shell is a single animal. Ehrenberg is the supporter of the opposite view ; but Schultze shows that several structural details given by him, upon which the colony-theory is partly established, are erroneous, and that it is one common connected substance which occupies each and every chamber. Prof. Williamson {T. M. S. 1851) has the following pertinent observation on this colony-theory. Speaking of the Orhiculhia adunea, he says — " The attempt to isolate the various portions, and to raise each portion to the rank of an individual animal, even in the limited sense in wHch we should admit such a distinction in the polypes of a Sertularia or of a Oorgonia, appears to me whoUy inadmissible." Moreover, the soft-structui-es being devoid of visible organization, " the whole animal wiU be very little raised above the Polypifera, only possessing a symmetrical calcareous skeleton, which is at once both external and internal " (i. e. the Porifera). Of the Affestities of Ehizopoda. — That the Rhizopoda constitute a class of animalcules distinct fi-om eveiy other is evidenced by their characteristic vital structiu'e and phenomena, their power of producing their like, their growth, their faculty of digesting and appropriating nutrient matters, and by the ascending stages of development seen among them, advancing from the simple Amceba to the compound testaceous Oristellaria and Polystomella. In the natui'e of theii' animal portion they resemble Ciliated Protozoa ; it con- tains similar vacuoloD and granules, and also a contractile vesicle. On the other hand, they differ from them in having no definite outline to the animal tissue boimded by a limiting membrane or integument, and particularly in possess- ing no cilia, which, as locomotive organs, are replaced by the peculiar and characteristic pseudopodes. In variabOity of outline an approach is- made to Rhizopoda by some genera of the heterogeneous family, Enclielia of Ehrenberg ; but they never exhibit any such changeable character as the smface of the former, never protrude similar variable processes, nor present a cii'cxilation of granules. The D'mohryina might perhaps be cited as affording an example of a considerable variability of form ; but our knowledge of this family is too incomplete to render analogies based on it of value. The affinity between Rhizopoda and Phytozoa is no closer. Some of the latter can greatly modify theii- foim in moving ; biit in none docs tlus partake of the character and extent of the variability exhibited by llhizopods. More- over in none are variable processes found, but in general one or more elon- gated cUia or filaments, which, by their undulation, serve as the piincipsil organs of locomotion. Between the Testaceous Rhizopoda and Cniated Protozoa the alliance is even less evident ; for in none of the latter do we meet with shcUs like those of tlie former, and in none is the relation between a lorica and its contents corre- spondent to that of tlie shell and sarcode substance of Rhizopoda. It has already been noted that the distinction between the two classes of Protozoa foiindcd on the sUicious chai-actor of tlic shells or lorica) of the Ciliated, and OF THE PEOTOZOA. — EHIZOPODA. 235 the calcareous nature of those of the Pscudopodous class, is not in accordance with fact ; for although all, or almost all, Pohjthalamia have calcareous shells, yet the flexible loricte of many Monothalamia are chitinous, just as those of loricated CUiata. In the presumed fact of the sheUs of Arcellina being silieious, Ehrenberg discovered a relation between that family and the BaciUaria. This affinity he traced stiU fui-ther ; for, when describiag the genus CypUdium, he remarked — " It forms a connectiag group between Arcella and Badllaria, by reason of the simple locomotive organ (like a snail's foot), and approaches very closely to the group Desmicliece." However, even if he be right as to the single un- divided process of Cyphidium, the presence of any extended foot or pedal organ fi-om the silieious fi-onds of BaciUaria, whether Diatomece or Desmidiece, is not now admitted by any naturalist. If Stein's observations and opinions be correct, an indirect relationship actually exists between Cihated Protozoa and Ehizopoda ; for that pains- taking observer has convinced himself that the VorticeUina, by ulterior de- velopment, become transfonned into Acineta-'like or Actinophryean organisms, of the intimate aflSnity of which no doubt can be raised. The questions raised by this apparent transformation do not require discussion here, since they are folly entered upon in the history of the CUiata, and in that of the Acinetina, considered as a subclass of Ehizopoda. Another aUiance was formerly assigned to the MiUtUocular Ehizopoda, viz. mth the Cephalapoda, of which they were treated as a subdivision. This association was suggested, by the Nautilus-]jke form of some genera, to the earUest obsei-vers of the Foraminifera — Beccarius in 1731, and Plancus in 1739 ; and the error was perpetuated by D'Orbigny in 1826. Dujai'din has the great merit of first combating this mistaken opinion, and of pointing out the extremely simple nature of their contents, and their true affinity with the simple Amoebce. Several naturalists, and among them M. de Quatrefages, have classed the compai-atively large Noctilucce with the Ehizopoda. But direct observation seems to show that, although in a few particulai-s a Likeness obtains, yet the siun of the differences greatly sm-passes that of the resemblances. 'The Noctiliicce show a more complex organization ; they have an integument com- posed of two layers, an evident mouth and gastric cavity with appenda"-es and motUe fUaments, but no variable processes. * ' A stiUdng general resemblance subsists between the Faked Ehizopoda Amcebce — and the like isolated individuals and the germs of freshwater Spono-es or Sponfjillce, which Mr. Carter has named Proteans (XXI. 5 a, h, c). The resemblances are weU conveyed in the foUowing quotation from Mr. Carter's paper :— " A ragged portion torn off with a needle, ^vUl be seen graduaUy to assume a spheroidd form ; and if there be a spiciUum, it wUl embrace it witliiu its substance, it may even be seen to approach it, and it may bear away the spiculum, having, as it were, spit itself upon it. On its cu-cumfcrence aa^U be obsci-ved little papUla;, which graduaUy vary their form, extenchng and retract- ing themselves, untU one of tliem may be seen to detach itself from the parent mass and go off to another object. This little animal, one of tlie group which it has left, may remain stationary on the second object, or descend to tho watch-glass, assuming in its progress aU forms that' can be imaoincd snlie roidal or polygonal, wliilst eveiy point of its body appeai-s camblc 'of ox" tcnchng Itself into a tubvUar attenuated prolongation .... Tlicso transparent Uttle sacs (the gemmides of Grant and Hogg) are sometimes filled ANith o-roon matter. Ihey appear to be able to adapt themselves to any form thnt^ninx' be convenient for them to assume; and when forcibly sepiatcd from each 23G OENEEAL niSTOBY OF THE INFUSORIA. other (by tearing to pieces a minute portion of the sponge under water in a watch-glass), the isolated individuals may be seen to approach each other, and apply themselves together in twos and threes, &c. and so on, untU, from a particle only discernible by the microscope, they assume the form of an aggregate mass visible to the naked eye ; and such a portion, groAviug and multiplying, might ultimately reach the size of the largest masses adhering to the sides of the tanks at Eombay. They appear to belong to the genus Amoeba of Ehrenberg." These changeable globules Mr. Carter, in the subsequent part of his paper, designates Proteans, and states that they commonly resemble the Pro- teus diffiuens (Miiller). (" Notes of the species, &c. of the Fresh-water Sponges of Bombay," Trans. Med. and Phys. Society, Bombay, 1847. Appendix.) In his more recent contribution on the freshwater Sponges, Mr. Carter describes cells, capable of greatly and rapidly changing their form, endowed with considerable motile powers, and furnished each with an undulating locomotive filament (XXI. 5). These organisms he considers to be zoosperms, or the spermatozoa of Sjpongilla. Speaking of one, he says — " When its power of progression and motion (of a serpentine creeping character) begins to faD., and if separated fi-om other fragments, it soon becomes stationary', and, after a Httle polymorphism, assiunes its natiu-al i)assive form, which is that of a spherical ceU. During this time the motions of the tail become more and more languid, and at length cease altogether." On the other hand, it may attach itself to some fragment, or to another ceU, and become indistinguish- able fr'om the common mass ; and the tail, floating and imdulating outwards, is all that remains visible." In these structures there is, therefore, polymor- phism as in Ehizopoda, but no actual extriision of pseudopodes ; and the points of agreement, after all, are really accidental, and not demonstrative of a structural affinity. In them we have reproductive germs, which coalesce and disappear as independent existences, whilst in the case of Amoeba each speci- men is an independent individual, and is never seen to coalesce with others into a common or sponge-hke mass. Dujardin devoted a couple of pages to speak of this affinity between Amosboe and Sponges ; and Perty even goes so far as to make the latter a third class of the Ehizopoda, intermediate between Arcellina and Amoebhm, on accoxmt of the calcareous, sUicious, or homy spicula which occur in their compoimd mass, and constitute a sort of skeleton. The affinity with Sponges is traceable even in the case of the testaceous Polythalamia, as Prof. Williamson pointed out in 1848, and in a subsequent memoir in 1851 (Trans. Mic. Soc.) thus enters on the question : — " Looking at the structure of the shell of the Orbimlina adunca, and especially at the large orifices which communicate between its various cavities, we cannot fail to observe that it is a reticulated calcareous skeleton, whose proportionate rela- tion to the size of the soft animal has differed but httle from that of the sihceo-keratose network of many Sponges to the shmy substance with which they are invested." So Dr. Cai-jjcnter (Proc.Boy. Soc. 1855), in his critical examination of Orblto- lUes, " i)laces that genus among the lowest forms of Foniminifera, and con- siders that it approximates closely to Sponges, some of Avhich have skeletons not very unlike the calcareous network which intervenes between its fleshy segments." With respect to this idea of Dr. Caqjcnter, tbat they are allied to Sponges, Mr. Jeftreys (same journal) woiild remark " tliat PolystomcUa cri.'ipa has its poriplieiy set roimd at each segment with sQicious spicula, like the rowels of a si)iu'. But as tlicre is only (me terminal cell, which is con- nected with idl the others in the interior by one or more oi)cuings for the OF TltE PEOTOZOA. — MIZOPODA. 237 pseudopodcs, the annlogj- is not completo, this being a solitary, and the Sponge a compound or aggregate, animal." In a previous page the theory of Ehren- berg, that the Foraminifera are eompoimd or aggregate animals, has been referred to. It was on this hypothesis that he assumed their aflSnity with Polypes — -with PlustroB and Bryozoa, at the head of which he arranged them. This association, like the hypothesis it rests iipon, is untenable. In his work on the Foraminifera of the Vienna basin, M. D'Orbigny assigned a position to these animals as an independent class between Echinoderms and Polypes, which, from the present knowledge of the stractui-e and reproduc- tion of those classes, we cannot suppose he would seek to maintain. CiASsiEicATioN OF Ehizopoda. — The first division of Ehizopoda that suggests itself is into naked and testaceous forms, or, as Ehi-enberg would say, into iUoricated and loricated. The naked forms constitute the family Amoehina, represented by the single genus Amoeba . The determination of specific characters in this family is attended by almost insurmountable difficulties, and can only be unsatisfactoiy, by reason of the absence of any definite figxu-e, and of detenninate organs or parts. More- over the semifluid body of any one presumed species must be much influenced by external causes, and in some measui-e by the matters which may have entered into its substance ; and the like causes will doubtless operate by modifying the outline, dimensions, and number of the processes. Among such causes the density of the liquid in which they live, and the quantity of organic matter contained in it, may be particularly mentioned. Claparede remarks — " It appears almost absurd to attempt the distinction of species amongst the Amoebce xmtil we know something more of their intimate organization. Thus Ehrenberg's A. radiosa is characteiized by the reg-ularity of its processes, and its generally stellate form when at rest ; but when the creature creeps, it slowly expands and the peculiar outline disappears; it Jloivs along like a cloudy veil or di'op of oil, and A. radiosa has become converted into A. diffluens." Yet, this author afterwards goes on to say — " even the changeable Amoebce- have their typical forms, such as the stellate and globu- lar." Other grounds of specific distinction (of no very certain value, indeed) are found in the shape, length, and mode of termination of the variable pro- cesses, and in the size, colour, transparency, activity, and habitats of these beings. The Testaceous Ehizopoda naturally fall into two groups, — one distinguished by having a unilocular, the other a multilocular, sheU — the former called, by Schultze, Monothalamia, the latter, Polythalamia or Foraminifera. These grand divisions have been recognized by eveiy natui-alist ; but some have been led, from giving importance to other particulai-s, to arrange differently cer- tain genera, or, otherwise, to detach some as additional families. Thus Ehrcnberg, swayed by his polygastric hypothesis, and satisfied in his own mind that the Arcella;, Difflugia;, and one or two other monolocular genera possessed a series of stomachs and other oi^ans like other Polygastria, united those genera into a family which he called Areellina. This dcitachmen't of one group of pseudopodous beings from the rest, he further justified, as heretofore stated, by representing it to have silicious instead of calcareous shells In this dislocation of evidently-allied forms he finds no imitators, and is unsun- ported by facts. ^ D'Orbigny clistinguishod the one-chambered, sac-like, slicUed Ilhizopoda as one of the six onlers into which he separated the Foraminifera, and named It Monostecpa This order is nearly equivalent to that fi-amod by Ehrenbere under the title of Monosomatia, to comprehend the genera Oromia, Orbulina and Ovulina,—^ term subsequently borrowed by Siebold, but extended by hiin 238 GENERAL HISTOEY OF THE DTFUSOEIA. SO as to include not only the particular genera enumerated, but also the families Aniceba; and Arcellina of that ^laturalist. The term Monothalamia contrasts well with that of Polythalamia, expresses the fact, and involves no hyi)othesis as do Ehrenberg's words Momsomatia and Polysoinatia, which are foiuided on his belief in the colony-like aggrega- tion of several individuals within a Foraminiferous sheU. The Monothalamia of Schultze (as before remarked) do not precisely cor- respond with the one-celled group of either of the other authors named ; for, besides the Monostegia of D'Orbigny, it comprehends the Arcellina of Ehren- berg and a few other new genera. The groupings and relations of the several species are represented in the appended table exhibiting Schultze's system. In the classification of the Monothalamia certain and constant characters are deducible from the shells, whilst those drawn from the soft parts, from the length or tenuity or mode of termination of the pseudopodes, are of compara- tively secondary importance, and not to be relied on alone. Definite charac- ters are derivable from the fig-ure, size, composition, sculpturing or appendages, and colour of the entu-e sheU, from the presence of a single large aperture or of many small pores, and from the form of the apertui'e and of its margin ; consequently it is in the shells of the Polythalamia that we must seek generic and specific distinctions. As animals, they have all alike the same sarcode sub- stance, which extrudes similar variable fibres : hence any diversities observed in its colour or transparency, in its contents, or in the manner in which the processes are extruded or otherwise comport themselves, seiwe but a sub- ordinate purpose in the scheme of classification. On the contraiy, the cha- racters of the shells are, within certain limits, determinate and fixed. They are derivable from the fig-ure, size, colour, and consistence of the shell ; fi'om the markings, processes, pores, and slits occupying its sui-face; from the relative position and figiu-e of the several chambers; from the mode and degree of theii" connexion ; and from the presence or absence of large apertures in company with the usual foramina ; and last, not least, from the intimate structiue of the shell. Dujardin recognized the value of the shells to supply the basis of a classification of the Ehizopoda ; but he had rccoxu-se to the form of the variable expansions to make his primaiy division, " although," as he remarks, " it has no absolute value." He arranged aU the Ehizopoda, with the exception of the Amosba; (which he treats as a distinct family), into two sections, — one having a single unilocular shell with a single lai-ge aperture ; the other a foraminiferous compound sheU, or one having several aggregated chambers, each with a simple oiifice, as represented by the tribe Mil i oh. It is in the subdivision of these sections that he employs characters derived from the variable processes. Thus he separates the fii'st into — 1. those animals pro- vided with short and thick processes rounded at the extremities, viz. Difflngia and Arcella ; and 2. into those having filiform expansions, acutely diwvn out at the ends. The latter division is more largely represented ; and he separates its numerous species into three tribes, viz. Tnnema, with a lateral oiifice ; Eucjlypha, with a tuberculated or areolated sheU and few simple expansions ; and Gromia, with a membranous spheroidal shcU and expansions, thick at the base, but very long and branching. He has not attempted the classific^i- tion of the whole of the Foraminifera, but restricted his account to some few genera which ho has found in a living condition. D'Orbigny instituted five orders of the Polythalamia, viz. — 1. Stichostegia, having the cells arranged one above another in a straight or shghtly-curvcd line ; 2. Uclicostcgia, mth ccUs disposed spirally around an axis ; 3. Ento- mostegia, having tho chambers alternating and coiled spirally ; 4. Enallo- stegia, with alternating but not spirally-disposed chambci-s : 5. Agathistcyia, OF THE PROTOZOA. IiniZOPOBA. 239 having the cells spirally arranged, but eacli one occupying only one-half the circuit. The three sections proposed by Schultze are— 1. shells disposed m recti- linear series or in a slightly- curved line, Rliahdoidea ; 2. those coiled in a spiral, Helkoidea ; 3. those irregularly aggregated, Soroidea. The first of these corresponds to the Stichostegia of D'Orbigny ; the second includes all the remaining orders of that wiiter; whilst the third sectionals represented by a smaU number of species, previously un mentioned, which Schultze unites in the genus Acervidina. What structural peculiarities should be employed to determine species, is a question now much mooted with respect to the Foraminifera. In reference to this subject, Dr. Carpenter (in the annual address at the Microscopic So- ciety, Feb. 1855) obsei-ved " that a large proportion of the species, and even of the genera, which have been distingmshed by systematists, and especially by M. D'Orbigny, have no real existence, being nothing else than individual varieties." This error is at once accounted for by M. D'Orbigny's mode of proceeding (as stated) : " for that, in examining any new collection, he set an assistant to pick out the most divergent forms, and then described all that might prove new to him as distinct species, without troubling himself in the least about those connecting links, the existence of which should have at once convinced him that he was following an altogether wong method. Tkrough- out the whole of his labours on the group, in fact, I find the influence of the erroneous ideas which he originally entertained with regard to the nature of the animal of the Foraminifera ; for in the formation of his orders, as well as of his genera and species, he has proceeded as if the characters of the tes- taceous skeleton were of the same distinctive value when its construction is due merely to the solidification of the sui'face of a minute fragment of animal jelly, which is subject to an almost indefinite variation both in size and in shape, as when it belongs to a mollusk of high organization, the plan of whose confonnation is definitely fixed .... When a collection is brought to- gether containing large numbers of individuals of one generic type, which appear, however, to belong to several distinct species, it very commonly hap- pens that, although it would be easy to make 6, 8, 12, or 20 species by selecting the most divergent forms, yet, when the attempt is made to sort the entire collection under these types, only a part of it can be unhesitatingly arranged around them as centres, the remainder being transitional or inter- mediate forms, for which another set of species must be made, if the principle of separation be once adopted. In fact, to such an extent docs individual variation often go, that (as in the case of the human race) no two specimens are precisely alike, and there is no satisfactory medium between groupino- them aU as varieties of one species, and raaldng every individual a species, w^hich is manifestly absurd." The error of D'Orbigny has not escaped Schultze's notice ; for in his chapter on classification he has repeatedly pointed out the insufficiency of the charac- ters on which that observer relied in fi'aming his species, genera, and famUies. For instance (p. 52), he points out the erroneous separation of the Stichostegia (D'Orb.; into two families, according to the equilateral or inequilateral con- dition of the shell. And further on, he remarks that the variations elevated by_ D'Orbigny to the rank of specific distinctions arc merely accidental diver- sities in growth, connected together by eveiy intermccHate variety. Hence for example, he combines the genera Triloculina and Quinqueloculina (D'Orb \ into one genus Miliola, and the Orhitoidcs and Orhitidina (D'Orb ) into a single genus Orbitolites. Various other iUustratious might be adduced for instance, the family Nantihidce ; but it is unncceasary to multiply them ' It 240 OENEEAL HISTOBT OF THE INFUSORIA. is only fair, however, to state that D'Orbigny is not alone guilty of unduly manufacturLng species, but that Elu-cnberg, Reuss, and others are equally involved in the fault, which, by the way, is one almost inseparable, and therefore very excusable, in the case of the first observers and systematiats of any newly- discovered group of organic beings. Mr. Jefl&"eys {Proc. Boy. Soc, 1855) deplores the multiplication of species and genera in the present day, and observes that " the Foraminifera exliibit a great tendency to variation of form, some of the combinations (especially in the case of Marginulina) being as compUcated and various as a Chinese puzzle. It is, I beHeve, undeniable, that the vaiiabOity of form is in an inverse ratio to the development of animals in the scale of Nature I am induced to suggest the following arrangement : — " 1. Lagena and Entosolenia. " 2. Notlosaria and Marginulina, Sec. " 3. Vorticialis, Rotalia, Lobatula, and Globigenna, &c, " 4. Textularia, Uvigerina, &c. " 5. Miliola, Biloculina, &c. " This division must, however, be modified by a more extended and cosmo- politan view of the subject, as I only profess to treat of British species. To Ulustrate McLeay's theory of a quinary and circular arrangement, the case may be jjut thus : — " The first family is connected by the tyi)ieal genus Lagena with the second, and by the Entosolenia with the fifth ; the second is united \xith the thii-d through Marginulina ; the thii-d with the foiu'th thi-ough Glohigerina ; and the fourth with the last thimigh Uvigerina." "We append a tabular view of the groupings into families and genera, as proposed by Trof. Schultzc, since it presents the most complete system yet pro- duced, and advances much nearer a true arrangement of the Foraminifera than that made by M. D'Orbigny, OF THE rnOTOZOA. RHIZOPODA. 241 RHIZOPODA. A. NUDA. Qen. Amoeba (Noctiluca?). B. TESTACBA. I. MONOTHALAMIA. Testa or sheU one-chambered ; animal imdivided, having the same confoi-mation as the shell. Fam. 1. Lagynida.— A sacciform, calcareous or membranous, non-porous testa, with a large opening. Gen. ArceUa, Difflugia, Trinema, Euglypha, Gromia, Lagynis, Ovulina, Fis- surina, Squamulina. Fam. 2. Orbuhnida.— A globose, calcareous testa, finely porous throughout, without a large opening. Gen. Orbulina. Fam. 3. Coknuspirida. — A calcai'cous shell, convoluted like that of a Planorbis, with a large opening. Gen. Cornuspira. II. POLYTHAIiAMIA. Shell polythalamous ; the animal composed of segments, connected by commissural bands. 1. Group Helicoidea. The chambers disposed in a spiral. Fam. 4. Miliolida. — Each chamber occupies a half-spiral, which is developed either in one plane or in various planes. The shell has only one large opening at the extremity of the last spiral, and no pores. Gen. TJniloculina, BUocuHna, Miliola, Spiroloculina, Ai'ticulina, Spha:- roidina, Adelosina, Eabularia. Fam. 5. Turbinoida. — ^The chambers so disposed spirally as to resemble the sheU of Helis or Turbo. The spiral is only visible on one side of the shell. Some are so much elongated that the chambers are, aa it were, disposed alternately in two contiguous rows. The shell has a large opening in the last chamber, and its surface is almost always finely perforated. Subfam. 1. Eotalida. — Shell flattened or conical; chambers do not encircle each other ; shell glass-like, transparent ; finely perforated. Gen. Eotalia, Eosalina, Truncatulina, Anomalina, Planorbulina, Asterigerina, Calcarina, Siphonina, Planulina, Colpopleura, Porospira, Aspidospira. Subfam. 2. Tlvellida. — SheU in the form of a longer or shorter cluster like a bunch of grapes. The chambers frequently appear to almost completely embrace one another. Shell usually tliick and coarsely perforate, or solid. Gen. Globigerina, Bidimina, Uvigerina, Guttulina, Candeina, Globulina, Chrysalidina, Pyrulina, Clavulina, Polymorpliina, Dimorphina, Ver- neuillina, ChUostomeUa, Allomorphina, Rhyuchospira, Strophoconus, Grammobotrys. Subfam. 3. Tcxtilarida. — Spire so much produced that the chambers form a double row and alternate. G«n. Gaudryna, Toxtilaria, Virgulina, Vulvulina, Sagrina, Bigenerina, Bo- livina, Gemraulina, Cuneoliua, CUdostomum, Proroporus. Subfam. 4. Cassididinida. — Textilaridce curved once in a direction perpendicular to the original spiral. Gten. Ehrenbergina, Cassidulina. Fam. 6. Nautiloida. — The chambers so disposed spirally that the shoU has a general resemblance to that of an Ammonite or Nautilus. The spire is either visible or, otherwise, concealed on both sides of tlie shell. The anterior wall of the last chamber is furnished with one larger or several smaller openings ; the other portion of the shell is usually finely perforated Subfam. 1. Griitellarida.—'&\\^\S. thick, finely perforate, colourless, transparent- chambers encircling, witli a large opening at the upper angle of the anterior wall of tlio last chamber, which corresponds in position with the communicating opcnmgs between the several chambers. Gen. Cristellaria, Eohidina, Marginulinn, Flabellina. Subfam. 2. iVo«w««rf«.— Shell tliick or thin, colourless, transparent, fi^iely perforate • chambers either encircling (imbricate) or not. The opening is in' the R 242 GENEKAL HI8T0EY OK THE INPUSOKIA. anterior wall of the first chamber on the under side looking towards the penultimate spiral ; the communicating openings of me several chambers have a similar position. Qen. Nonionina, Hauerina, Orbignyna, Fusulina, Nummuh'na, Assilina, Siderolina, Amphistegina. OperculLna and Heterostegina should pro- bably be formed into a sjjecial subfamily of Nonionida. Subfam. 3. Peneroplida. — Shells usually thin, always brown, and transparent vrith or without fine pores ; the chambers very narrow, either imbricate or not. Numerous openings, scattered over the whole of the anterior wall of the last chamber ; or, instead of these, a large opening produced by the coalescence of numerous smaller ones. G«n. PeneropHs, Dendritina, Vertebrahna, Coscinospira, Spirolina, Lituola. Appended genus, Orbiculina. Subfam. 4. Polystoviellida. — Shell tolerably thick, colourless, transparent, finely por- ous ; chambers imbricated ; the anterior wall of the last chamber has, besides the fine pores, either no larger opening at all, or a few very small irregular scattered fissures, on the contrary side to the penultimate whorl. The same applies to the septa. On the surface of aU the chambers, rows of fissure-like, often perforating, depressions are placed at right angles to the direction of the septum. Gen. PolystomeUa. Fam. 7- AiiVEOLiNiDA. — Globose, ovoid, or barley-shaped shells, composed of spiral tubes, each resembling a cornuspira, and furnished with a special opening at the end of the turn or spiral. The tubes all communicate by con- necting openings, and, besides this, are all subdivided by incomplete dissepiments (partitions), in the same manner as species of Nonionina. The situation of these septa, which are but few in nmnber, and of the connecting openings, is indicated by lines, which traverse the shell in the dii'ection of meridional lines. Gen. Alveolina. Faon. 8. Soritida. — Discoid, multicellular ' shells, exhibiting an indication of a helicoid spiral only in the centre ; elsewhere cycloid, that is, growing uniformly at the whole border of the disk. The brown, transparent, finely porous shell is formed of minute chambers, connected together in the direc- tion of straight or curved radii, and each presenting a large opening at the border of the disk. Gen. Sorites, Amphisorus, Orbitulites. Appended genius, Cyclolina (cham- bers perfectly annular, with numerous openings on the border of the disk). 2. Group Ehabdoidea. The chambers piled one on another, in a straight or slightly curved Une, in a single row. Fam. 9. Nodosarida. — Rod-shaped shells, whose chambers are superimposed one upon another in a row, and commmiicate with each other by a large opening; a similar opening in the last chamber (except in tlie genus ConuUna, which haa numerous openings instead of tlie single one). The shell usually thick, probably always perforated by fine pore-canals. Gen. Glandulina, Nodosaria, Orthocerina, Dentalina, Frondicularia, Lin- gidina, Eimuliua, Vaginulina, Webbina, Conulina. 3. Group Soroidea. Chambers groujDed in irregular masses. Fam. 10. ACERVULINIDA.— Chambers usualljr globose, disposed very irregularly, and of prettjr uniform dimensions ; shell fijiely pecforate, with a few larger openmgs at indeterminate places. Qtjn. Acei*vulina. The preceding account of the Rhizopoda we believe to be ample to lead tlie student forward in the study of that peculiar class of animals. Yet, with re- spect to the division Foraminifera it may bo considered less complete : for. from the close attention given of late to those beings, every monthly and quarterly periodical of natural science teems with fi-esh facts and opinions concerning them ; and, abovo all, we have had placed in our hands, since the foregoing history was written, the very elaborate and critical researches of OF THE PROTOZOA. ACTINOPHEYINA. 243 Prof. Williamson and Dr. Carpenter, to which we would particularly refer the iaquii-er intent on following out his knowledge of the Foraminifera, but which both the dimensions and the character of the present work forbid the attempt to condense or analyse in its pages. Prof. WUliamson's work, ' On the Recent Foramhiifera of Great Britain,' forms the volume for 1857, published by the Eay Society. Dr. Carpenter's learned essays on the structui-e of shells, on the value of form and other external characters in generic and spe- cific groupings, and on the structm-al and physiological relations of several genera, are to be found in the ' Transactions ' and in the ' Proceedings ' of the Royal Society. Additional facts concerning both the structure and relations of the several groups of Rhizopoda will be found in our Systematic History of them in Part II. SUBFAMILY OF RHIZOPODA, ACTINOPHRYINA. (Plate XXIII. 24-37.) This is a remarkable group of Protozoa, which can take its place neither with Ciliata nor strictly with Rhizopoda, although its aflBnities with the latter are very close. Ehrenberg attached the several forms of this family with which he was acquainted to his heterogeneous collection — the family Enchelia, and referred them to five genera, viz. Actinophrys, Tricliodiscus, Podophrya, Dendrosoma, and Adneta. Moreover, according to his fundamental hypothesis, he represented them to have a mouth and an anus, an alimentary canal with offshoots in the shape of stomach-vesicles, a sexual gland, and ova. Since the Berlin pi-ofessor's investigation of these animalcules was made, several distinguished naturalists have most carefully studied them, and particularly the Actinophrys Sol. In oiu' last edition we named a genus Alderia, in honour of Prof. Alder, to distinguish certain organisms described by him in the Annals of Natural His- tory (1851, vii. p. 427). Subsequently, however, that eminent natiu'alist wrote us to state that the name proposed had been already applied to a genus in an- other class of animals ; and on farther consideration and reference to Stein's researches, we were inclined to renoimce their claim to a generic independ- ence, and to consider them three forms of Podoplirya. Dr. S. Wright has, however, apparently obsei'ved the same beings very lately, and instituted a new genus, Ephelota. to receive them (Edinb. New Phil. Journ. 1858, p. 6). Notwithstanding the very close affinities of Actinophryina and Acinetina, there are sufficient differences between the two, and so many peculiar forms of the latter that they deserve a particiilar consideration. The liistory of the first family is very fairly represented by that of Actino- phrys Sol, or of Act. Eichornii, both of ^^'l^ich have been veiy completely studied by Siebold, Kollikcr, Claparcde, Stein, and "Weston. Some diversity prevails among these several obsei-vers respecting a few points in their organ- ization, which it will be incumbent on us to notice in the proper place. The species of Actinophrys have a circular figm'e, and are either spherical or so compressed as to have a discoid fom (XXIII. 28, 29). The distinctive peuliarity of their figure is, however, due to the filaments or tentacles, which radiate from aU parts of theii- surface and give the beings (to employ a familiar and not inapt illustration) the appearance of a ball of cotton stuck thickly over with pins ; for tho filaments have nodular exti-emitics, or, in technical phrase, are capitate. The figure is determinate, and in this respect contrasts with the protean changes of form exhibited by Rhizopoda. Not that the figure is completely unalterable ; for slight variations are possible. R 2 244 GENEBAL HISTOBT OF THE INFUSOBIA. although slower than even those of Amoeba. Stein represents the usual orbi- cular figui-e to be frequently exchanged for a pear-shaped, an oblong, or a partially ang-ular and lobed one, — varieties dependent, according to his state- ments, upon inherent changes taking place in connexion with progressive de- velopmental phenomena. The aspect of the entire organism is, moreover, modified fi'om time to time, by the altered length, direction, and disappear- ance of a portion of the filaments, chiefly consequent on the act of prehension in which they are engaged. Stein, indeed, represents still more considerable modifications, involving the complete disappearance of tentacles from various portions of the surface, and the aggregation of the rest upon angular emi- nences in a penicillate manner, — an occurrence which would assimilate still more closely the ActinophryiTia and the Acinetina. Lastly, the figure is varied during the acts of self-division and of conjugation, as will be presently noticed at large. In colour the Actinophryina are commonly of a milky-yellow or gi-eyish hue, the intensity of which is determined by the number of contained granules, or, in other words, by the supply of nutriment. Acetic acid and cold solution of potash remove coloui- ; the latter fluid, when heated rapidly, dissolves the entire mass, and indicates its nitrogenous nature. Observers are not agreed on the point of the existence of an integment. Dujardin, Kolliker, and Cla- parede deny it, whilst Stein, Perty, and Mr. Weston (J. M. S. 1856) afSjm its presence. Among the latter, one speaks of it as a hyaloid membrane ; another declares it to be double, consisting of a delicate elastic membrane immediately investing the contractile substance of the animalcules, covered by an outer fii-mer timic. This statement is especially made by Stein of Pocloplirya, which is, in his opinion, a merely stalked variety of Actinophrys, and indistinguishable from it even as a species (XXIII. 1, 3, 4, 5). On the contraiy, Cienkowsky (J. M. 8. 1857, p. 98) remarks that he could discover no membrane surround- ing the body of that animalcule. To account for this diversity in descriptive details, we must suppose that the diff'erent authors have not had the same animalcule under observation ; indeed Stein asserts that Kolliker did not examine Actinophrys Sol, as he supposed, but Act. EicJiornii. Lieberkuhn likewise suggests that Claparede and Kolliker have written upon different species under the same name ; and Stein must, we believe, have committed a similar mistake ; for the Actinophrys and Pocloplirya described by him differ in so many important particulars from beings beai-ing the same name in the writings of others, that it seems impossible they can be identical with them. The fact seems to be that certain Acinetoi have in external characters so close resemblance ioActinopliryina,t\ia.i they may be mistaken for them. Be this ho^^■ it may, if we take into consideration the peculiar relation of the tentacles with the body, their movements, and especially the mode of introducing food into the interior, it seems quite improbalile that there should be a firm investing membrane. These remarks, indeed, apply only to the usual forms or phases of these beings ; for when an encysting process proceeds, then, certainly, an external envelope will manifest itself, yet not without the saciifice of the tentacula and of the orchnary phenomena of vital actidty, the ingestion of food and the lilce. " It is impossible," to quote Claparede {A. N. H. 1855, xv. p. 286), " to admit the existence of a general integument, as Actinophrys can push out the mucous or gelatinous matter of which its body is composed, take in nourishment, or evacuate the residue of digestion, from any point of its surface at pleasure." In this same observer's opinion, Perty's notice and figures of a capsule are evidently erroneous, the consctjucnce of optical illu- sion. Mr. Carter adopts an intermediate opinion, by admitting the existence of an enveloping pellicula, like that in Amceba, wliich, although not a separable or THE PROTOZOA. — ACTINOPHEYINA. 245 layer or skin, is a somewhat firmer or more condensed tissue than that sub- jacent. The Actinopliryhia are composed of a homogeneous elastic sarcode, occupied by granules ia varying number, and by vacuolaj. The granules are especially accumulated in the centre, to wliich they consequently impart a greater opacity and deeper coloiu-. Hence several authors have spoken of a central medullary mass sm-roimded by a clearer cortical lamina (XXIII. 28, 29). Still there is no natiu-al separability into two such portions ; for their relative size varies according to the supply of food received. Dr. StrethUl Wright (in a letter) proposes to apply the imexceptionable terms " endosarc " and " ectosarc " to the medullary and cortical portions respectively. The contained granules arc rounded, opaque, and, for the most part, of a fatty character. The granules are less abundant in the ectosarc ; but those of a; finer sort are seen in smaller numbers even in the lower end of the filaments, and Lachmann (A. iV. IT. 1857, xix. p. 223) asserts that he has seen their motion there, as weU as in the general substance of the body. Mr. Weston also remai'ks (op. cit. p. 122), " With a -i-th objective I can distinctly see granules in constant motion in the body of the Actinojfhrys, similar to those always found in the points of Clos- terium Lunula." The vacuoles occur both in the cortical and meduUaiy portions, but are smaller in the latter, and they never penetrate into the substance of the filaments. At first sight, as Kolliker notices, the tissue appears delicately cellular : a closer inspection, however, shows that this is not the case ; for on pressure being made, a coalescence into larger, or, otherwise, a subdivision into smaller, areote is the consequence (XXIII. 28, 29, 30). The tentacles or filaments give to the Actinophryina their most distinctive features. They are usually pretty regularly and uniformly distributed over the entire surface, and in figure taper from the base to the apex, which is surmounted by a rounded knob. Unlike other observers, Cienkowsky {J. M. S. 1857, p. 101) represents the capitate form to be exceptional, and that the rule is for the filaments to taper like sette. Dujardin, by the way, appears to have thought the capitate extremities accidental ; for he describes the filaments as often becoming globular in the act of contraction. In smaller specimens the filaments exceed the diameter of the body in the length, but in larger ones are not more than equal to, or are even less than, it. In the same species their number and position are tolerably constant. In composition, the tentacula are processes given off from the sarcode mass, and are destitiite of an integument, as proved by their power of coalescence when approximated. 'I'hey are retractile, and can be withdra^vn into the common mass ; they can iilso be directed towards different sides, and curved upon themselves. Perty Nlatcs that they can assume so rigid a condition that other animalcules some- times impale themselves upon them ; this statement is nevertheless uncon- lirmed, and, indeed, seems scarcely probable. KoUiker (op. cit. p. 31) speaks of the filaments as undergoing various changes of form, " such as elongation, shortening, local sweUing, bending, &c It is especially interesting to observe that the filaments, singly or together, frequently disappear entirely, i iitering at last, as it were, by continued retraction, into the substance of the liody, leaving no trace of their former existence. . . .whether the filaments \\ liich disappear are always reproduced in the same spot is not determined • in some instances this did not appear to be the case, although in every instance the number and position of the filaments is pretty constant " unlike (ho variable processes of Amoeba. Ehrenborg assigned to the tentacles, iniong other purposes, that of organs of progression ; chrect obser^^ations arc' liowever, wanting to prove this purpose, and both KoUikcr and Stein are 246 GENEHAL HISTOEY OF THE INFU80EIA, quite iinable to admit it as even probable. They have been supposed by several authors to have a benumbing effect upon the prey they may seize ; but this view is merely hypothetical. " It is nevertheless," says Claparede (qp. cit. p. 287), " quite certain that small animalcules and plants remain adherent to them ; for these rays are true tentacles. Indeed, their contact must have something very unpleasant about it ; for larger Infusoria, even such as Paramecium Aurelia, on coming accidentally within their reach, staii; back with the greatest rapidity, sometimes even dragging the Actinophrys a considerable distance with them." So, again, Weston states — " on the instant of contact with these tentacles, the victim appears paralysed." Yet, -wdthal, it seems clear that, unless actual contact ensue, no harm attends proximity to the formidable prehensile organs ; for animalcules may frequently be seen swimming about unharmed among them. KoUiker rejected the supposition of an intrinsic fatal influence existing in the filaments, which appeared to him to serve only for retaining the prey by theii- adhesive surface, and pro- bably to involve it with their extremely fine extremities, until they drew it by their progressive contraction to the surface. Even after being seized upon, an animalcule may escape, both by great exertions ia tearing itself away, and sometimes, as Mr. Weston remarks, by the act of the Actinophrys, when, as it would seem, its appetite was " sated, or the prisoner was not approved ; for after remaining stunned sometimes for a few seconds, four or five, some- times much longer, ciliary motion (of a Vorticella, for instance) is feebly com- menced, not with sufficient energy to produce motion, but as if a return to vitality were being effected by stiniggles ; shortly it is seen to glide off the tentacle (as if this appendage possessed the power both of appropriation and rejection), and, frequently with but little sign of recovered hfe, it slowly floats out of the field." One function distinctly possessed by these tentacula is that of sensibility. KoUiker has thus well conveyed this fact (op. cit. p. 33) : — "Actinophrys perceives mechanical influences, and reacts upon them by movements. This is proved by what takes place when animalcules, &c. remaia afiixed to its tentacles, and moreover by the circumstance that, when the water in which it is contained is carelessly agitated, eveiy Actinophrys contracts its tentacles and even makes them disappear altogether (and, indeed, with greater speed than is othei-wise perceived in these creatm*es), and when all is quiet they are again protruded. These filaments, conse- quently, may just as Avell be called tactile as prehensile ; or it may more generally be said, that the substance of the body is both contractile and sensitive." Movements. — There is not much to be said respecting the movements of the Actinophryina ; for these beings are even more sluggish than the Amoehcfa, and appear to change place rather as mere passive particles of matter than as living animals. They may float hither and thither in the fluid surrounding them, or rise to the siii-face ; but how this latter movement is eftccted we have no data to show. On this subject Kolliker has the following pai-agraph:— <' Its power of moving from place to place is indubitable ; for it was foimd, for instance, that when a vessel, with several individuals of Actinophrys, was emptied into a flat glass capsule, they were all at fii-st scattered about at the bottom, but subsequently, after fi-om 12 to 24 houi-s, were all floating at the surface, and, indeed, at the side of the capsule. Ehrenberg and Eichhom assert that the ascension of Actinojyhrrjs m the water is effected by the taking in, and the descent by the giving out, of air. But tliis is ccrtaiidy not the case ; for whence could they obtain this air ? Can it be said they secrete it within themselves like fishes ? In that case it must be ^^sible. It appears to the author move natural that the rising and sinkijig should be effected by OF THE PBOTOZOA. ACXINOPHRYINA. 247 alternate contractions and expansions of the whole body. Other motions can affect both the filaments and the body, but in any case only through the slowest possible contractions." Besides these ill-understood translations from place to place, and those movements chiefly affecting the tentacles_ m the act of taking in food, to be presently noticed, there also occur, according to KoUiker, " faint indications of contraction, such as slight undulations of the border, and inconsiderable quivering motions here and there. The creature also seems to be capable of altering its entire form to a certain extent, and to be able to expand and to contract itself m toto." Stein contradicts these statements, affirming that he could neither observe any movement in the organic mass, nor any change of position, whilst Claparede, on the other hand, writes, " nevertheless the animal, in its ordinary sun-like form, is able to move slowly in a given direction ; but during this movement no contraction of the body or bending of the tentacles is to be observed." A singular obser- vation is recorded by Mr. Boswell {T. M. S. 1854, p. 25), which needs con- firmation before it can be accepted, viz. that the Actinophryina can suddenly change their place by a leap. This phenomenon, he tells us, he witnessed twice among a number of the animalcules found floating on the surface of the water. Usually the Actinophrys is found attached to some object, and that so firmly that large animalcules may strike against it, or strong succussions of the water take place without loosening it from its hold. Podophrya and Dendrosoma are exceptional Actinophryina, by possessing a pedicle. In the former this stem is commonly short and always simple, whilst in the latter and hitherto little-known genus it is branched. As elsewhere noticed, Stein will not admit the pedicle of Podophrya to be a generic, indeed not even a specific, distinction, and therefore treats Actinophrys and Podophrya as identical. In connexion with his belief in the presence of an enclosing integument, he describes the wall of the hollow pedicle of Podophrya to be continuous upwards with the external envelope of the body (XXIII. 3, 4). It is proper, however, to remember that Stein wanted both to establish his hypothesis of the conversion of Vorticella into an Actinophrys and Podophrya, as a consequence of the act of encysting, and preparatory to embryonic repro- duction, and, further, to assimilate those genera with various Acinetce, which, in his opinion, were derivable from other members of Vorticellina. This detracts from the value of his details of the structure and functions of Actino- phrys ; and, as expressed above, a great doubt suggests itself whether he has always examined the selfsame animalcules, and whether what he has de- scribed appUes to the Actinophrys investigated by KbUiker and Claparede. Cienkowsky, who has latterly tested Stein's hypothesis, asserts, respecting the question of the structure of the stem of Podophrya, that the pedicle is an appendage to the body, which has no integument. * " I am imable " (op. cit. p. 100), he ^vrites, " to adopt Stein's view that the Podophrya are enclosed in & membrane, of which the slender pedicle is simply a tiibiilar protiiision. This is true only -with respect to tho short peduncle of the encysted Podonhrva " (XXIII. 36, 37). ^ Prehension ajjd Entrance or Food. — The movements of the tentaciUa of Actinophryina are chiefly directed to the prehension of prey for food. This they efi'ect primarily by seizing it by means of their apparentiy sticky surface, and then, by shortening themselves, (bag it to the surface of the animalcule! If the prey has been caught by one tentacle, tho neighbouring ones conspire to clutch it more firmly, and (to use KoUiker's words) " apply themselves upon it, bending their points together, so that tlio captive becomes gradually en- closed on aU sides." This concurrence and crossing of tho tentacles is men- tioned also by Stem ; but Mr. Weston states that he has never witnessed it 248 QENEEAX HISTOBY OP THE INFUSOBIA. Concerning' the mode of entrance of the nutritive matter when drawn to the siu'face, some difference of opinion prevails among the several writers wlio have treated of it. Ehrcnberg, true to Ids hypothesis, attiibuted to Actino- ■phri/ina a mouth surmounted by a proboscis, and an anus at the opposite side with an intercommunicating intestine and nimierous stomach-sacs opening into it. In short, they wore, according to his scheme of organization, Enantiotreta, of the class Enterodela. Dujardin rejected this accoimt, and supposed them to be nourished by absorption, carried on by the general surface, or by means of thick expansions from it. At the present tune all observers unite in denying a mouth, anus, and alimentary canal to Actino- phryina, and in admitting that food may be iatroduced, and its debris dis- charged, at any part of the siuf ace, — a fact patent to direct obseiTation, which shows the seizing and the entrance of prey going on, occasionally, at more than one point at a time (XXIII. 29-32). We have followed the captured morsel imtU it approaches the sni-face, and when the force of the tentacles behind it still tends to press it onwards into the body. The following pro- ceeding, accordiag to KoUiker {op. cit. p. 28), now takes i^lace :— " The spot of the sui'face, upon which the captured animalcule is lying, slowly retracts and forms at first a shallow depression, gradually becoming deeper and deeper, in which the prey, apparently adherent to the surface and following it in its retraction, is finally lodged (XXIII. 29 m). The depression, by the continued retraction of the substance, now becomes deeper ; the imprisoned animalcule, which up to this time had projected from the surface of the Actinophrys, disappears entirely within it ; and at the same time the tentacles, which had remained with their extremities applied to each other, again erect themselves and stretch out as before. PinaUy, the depression acquires a flask-Hke form, by the di-awing in of its margin, the edges of which coalesce ; and thus a cavity closed on all sides is formed, in which the prey is lodged. In this situation it remains for a longer or shorter time, gradually, however, ap- proaching the central or nuclear portion, and at last passing entirely into it in order to await its final destination. In the meanwhile the external por- tion of the Actinophrys regains in all respects its pristine condition. The engulfed portion is gradually digested and dissolved." Whilst admitting the general correctness of this account by KoUiker of the act of inglutition. Stein asserts that, prior to the appearance of the prey in a depression of the body, a large vacuole, rising above the sui'face, comes into contact Avith it, and then, by its collapse, drags it downwards into the substance of the animalcule. This stage he supposed KoUiker to have overlooked. However, Claparede denies that the reception of food is ever effected by means of the expansion and contraction of a vesicle, or that, as KoUiker behevcd, the food penetrates the substance of the body by the force exercised upon it behind by the tentacula : it is rather, he says, the substance of the body which approaches and embraces the food ; for before the latter has touched the surface of the body, it is seen to be enveloped in a kind of mucus. Tliis mucus is com- pletely undistinguishable from the parenchyma of the Actinophrys ; it appears as though the substance of which it is composed had suddenly draAvn itself over the captured object. The elevation thus produced then slowly flattens ; and by this means the food is graduaUy di'awn into the body. Astasia, which I frequently saw sucked in by Actinophrys in this way, continued to move for a little time, endeavouring to break thi'ougli the substance that enveloped them ; their movements, however, soon ceased ; they became converted into a globular mass, which circulated very slowly thi'ough the parenclijnua wnth the so-caUed vacuola." . ..." At first I tliought the substance, which so suddenly enveloped the object to be swallowed, was produced hy the mere OF THE PROTOZOA. AOTINOPHBYINA. 249 bending, expansion, and fission of the tentacles. I could not, however, retain this opinion: an extension of a mucous substance, apparently the pai-enchyma, really takes place from the side of the Actinophrys ; and this is afterwards drawn in with the prey. This expansion sometimes takes place very slowly ; a thick, regularly lobed mass is seen to embrace the object ; and I have once obseiTed this extension -without the presence of any prey. I can only compare this process with what takes place in Amoeba." Dr. Strethill Wright (in lit.) expresses the same fact in a condensed form, thus : — " In Actinophrys the tentacles bring the food to the surface of the ectosarc, which closes over it and carries it to the endosarc." Mr. "Weston's observations tend to a similar interpretation of the mode of introduction of food. " From the margin of the body of the Actinophrys," says this gentle- man, " a thin pellucid membrane is projected up the side of the creature destined for food (XXIII. 24-32), which proceeds rapidly, but almost imperceptibly, to surround one side of it ; a similar membrane springs sometimes also from the Actinophrys, but more frequently from the tentacle on its other side ; these amalgamate on the outer surface of the prisoner, which is thus enclosed in a sac composed of what I take to be the extended outer vesicle of the Actinophrys. This vesicle gradually contracts, or, rather, seems to return by elasticity to its original position ; and the food thus be- comes pressed within the body, there to become digested." The conclusion to be drawn is, that, after the act of prehension by the tentacles is complete, the retraction of those processes is succeeded by the protmsion of a sort of variable process, similar to those of Amoeba in character, and also in its mode of enveloping and engulfing the morsel. After its admission into the soft substance of the interior, the nutrient matter undergoes a process of digestion, by which, if soft, it suffers complete dissolution and absorption; but if it contain insoluble matter, this remains behind, after the disappearance of the rest, as a residue to be sooner or later cast out through an aperture temporarily formed at the point of the surface it comes into contact with, and of which aU trace is lost so soon as the act of extrusion is accomphshed. The molecular and granular matters derived from food collect especially in the central or nuclear portion of the body, the depth of colour, opacity, and strength of which are directly proportionate to the supply of food. The particle of food (the animalcule or other substance), when in the interior, is surrounded by or suspended in a drop of fluid, or, in Dujardin's phi-aseology, occupies a vacuole. This fluid is either di-awn' in by the act of inglutition, or is a secretion poiu'ed out aroimd the food for the pui-pose of digestion. Claparode takes the latter view, and states that the fluid always exhibits the same pale-rcdcEsh colour as the contents of the contractile vesicle, and indicates cUfferent refractive powers from those of water. Tliis observation accords with one made by Schneider, of the digestive vacuoles of Amoeba. The process of digestion is slow. Claparede obsci-ved the changes of a Chlamydomonas, and states that three hom-s scarcely sufficed for its conver'- sion into an unrecognizable gelatinous mass. KoUilcer represents the time to vary from two to six hoiu's ; but this must diff'er perpetually accordino- to the nature of the food, the vitaUty of the animal, &c. <' The number, as well as the size," wntcs Kolliker, " of the morsels taken at one time by the Actinonhrm 18 veiy yanous. Veiy frequently there may be 2, 4, or 6 at the same time frequently also more than 10 or 12. Ehrenberg coimted as many -is Ifi stomachs, r e. m other words, so many separate morsels. He also noticed the '"J-^u'I^T^'"'"^.'^ not have gained admission in any other way than that by which the Infusona and other ahmcnts enter. The largest moi"cls 250 GENERAL HISTOKY OF THE INFUSORIA. noticed consisted of a Lynceus and a young Cyclops. Eichhom, indeed, mentions a water-fiea (Daphnia ?), about the size of which, however, no re- mai-k is made." Indeed, the Actinophryina are rapacious animals, and will appropriate to themselves any organisms, vegetable or animal, which fall in their way. Thus, besides those beings alluded to already, Rotifera, various minute Cinistacea, Ciliated Protozoa, Phytozoa of aU sorts, Desmidieas, Dia- tomeae, minute Algae, and their spores alike fall a prey to these remarkable animalcules. The excrementitious particles of food, as already stated, pass out at any spot where circumstances may direct them ; and no definite anal aperture, such as Ehrenberg imagined, has an existence. The expulsion of re- sidual matters, Mr. "Weston {J. M. S: 1856, p. 121) states he has " frequently seen, — in one specimen twice in less than half an hour, at different spots. In watching the digestion of a Rotifer, it occurred to me to see a dark body, composed apparently of the case, remain for some hours in the same spot, and then gradually approach the side, as if for expulsion ; but while waiting for this to take place, an opening in another part occurred, and excrement was voided in quantity : this voided matter lies amongst the bases of the tentacles, whUe the opening through which it has passed closes ; and then, with the same stealthy motion I have before described, it is apparently driven along the tentacles (as if by repulsion) beyond their extremities, finally dis- appearing in the surrounding medium." Contractile vesicle. — The rule is, that only one conti'actile vesicle belongs to each animalcide (XXIII. 36, 37). K more appear, it usually indicates either the approach of fission, or the conjugation of two or more individuals (XXIII. 33-35). KoUiker failed to recognize this organ in Actimplirys, and concluded that Siebold had described as such the mere changeable vacuola. However, Stein, Claparede, Cienkowsky, and others concur in representing a contractile vesicle as normally present ; the first-named writer, indeed, de- scribes in a few instances two such, as Siebold has done before him. Stein exhibits, in Actinophrys Sol, the vesicle as central (XXIII. 1) ; but other naturalists concur in representing it as superficial, — so much so, according to Siebold, that it will frequently during its expansion project above the general sui-face, and thereby prove itself to have a distinct wall (XXIII. 29 m) ; for if composed .of only the gelatinous parenchyma of the body, it would burst at the moment of greatest expansion. It is, therefore, a closed sac or cell. Claparede has never found more than one vesicle, and thinks both Siebold and Stein in error in describing two. " Several vesicular elevations," he writes, " often occur on the margin ; but only one of these is contractile. I have, however, observed two contractile vesicles in several individuals ; but in these cases the form always gives rise to a suspicion of fission, or of an amalgamation of two individuals (Act. cUfforinis, Ehr.). The pi-esenee of a single contractile vesicle does not, however, appear to be universal among the Rhizopoda ; I have observed two in Arcella vulgcms .... It is suri)rising that KoUilcer, who was acquainted with Siebold's observations, should have cha- racterized them as inexact, and as aiising from an illusion. According to him, Siebold had mistaken accidental expansions and contractions of the sub- stance enclosing the vacuoles, in which the latter were pei-sistent, for phe- nomena indicating the existence of contractile reservoii's. Tliis, however, is not the case ; the size, the unchanging position, and the regular expansion and contraction of this organ will prevent its being confounded with a vacuole. That KoUHcer should have overlooked it is particularly iminteUigi- blc, as the phenomenon is immediately presented by nine out of ten specimens of Artinophrys." Carter (A . N. H. xviii. p. 129) makes the curious assertion, that the "Aciino- OF THE PROTOZOA. ACTINOPHKYINA. 251 ^yJiri/s Sol, Elu-., is surrounded by a peripheral layer of vesicles " (he is speaking of contractile vesicles), " which, when fuUy dilated, appear to be all of the same size, to have the power of communicating with each other, and each, individually, to contract and discharge its contents externally, as occasion may require, though generally only one appears, and disappears, in the same place." Stein describes and flgui-es a row of vesicles immediately beneath the sm-face of a new species he calls Actinophrys oculata (XXIII. 24, 25), but does not, like Carter, treat them as so many contractile sacs, an interpre- tation which cannot be received without much more extended inquiry and confirmation. Notwithstanding this assei-tion, Mr. Carter, in his outline of facts relevant to contractile vesicles in general, has the following clause, ap- plying specially to the animalcules under consideration, and giving a most apt illustration of the phenomena witnessed: — "In Actinophrys Sol, and other Amcebce, during the act of dilatation, the vesicula projects far above the level of the pellicula, even so much so as occasionally to form an elongated, transparent, mammilliform eminence, which, at the moment of contraction, subsides precisely like a bhster of some soft tenacious substance that has just been pricked with a pin." At another part, this same author says, generally (op. cit. p. 128), and in some measm'e contradictorily to the first statement quoted from him, that "in Amoeba and Actinophrys the vesicvila is generally single ; sometimes there are two, and not unfrequently ia larger Amoebcea a greater number." It should be mentioned that Stein found in the animal- cule, which he took to be Act. Eicliornii, a superficial group of vacuola, ren- dering the outline irregidar, — a phenomenon no doubt the same as that intended by Carter. Stein, moreover, described in the same animalcule two contractile spaces, one at each pole, immediately beneath the surface, but capable of alternately elevating themselves above, and depressing themselves within it, and of thereby aiding to introduce food. Podophrya has, accordiag to Stein and Cienkowsky (XXIII. 34, 35, 36, 37), a single circular contractile vesicle. Stein, iadeed, figures two in one specimen. So far as appears, the vesicle is not placed so close to the surface as in Actinophrys. Among other structures mentioned by Ehrenberg, was a contractile proboscis, by means of which the animalcule was supposed to re- ceive food ; but other observers have looked in vain for any process to which such an appellation coiild with justice be applied. The structure intended by Ehrenberg is, in Claparcide's opinion, no other than the contractile vesicle, —an opinion ia which Mr. Weston seems to agree (see below), although he attributes to it a structiire and action without parallel in other Infusoria. A glance at the quotation above made from Mr. Carter's paper wiU show also that the contractile sac was intended. The following ai-e the observations of Claparede, referring to the matter in question:— "From time to time a "-lobular prominence rises slowly and graduaUy from a particular point on the^'surface of the ammal ; this mcreascs more or less in different cases, sometimes espe- ciaUy m smaU mdividuals, attaining nearly a third of the size of the' entire body, but generally reaching only ith or -jl^th of that size. The maro-iji of this projection is always weU defined, much more so tiian tiie other parts of the body, especially when it has attained its greatest evolution At this moment It contracts suddenly and disappears entirely, so that a flatteninff of the outline is often to be obseiwcd at the point previously occupied bv this remarkable elevation : the margin soon becomes rounded again ; the elobulnr prqjection gradually rises attains its previous highest development, and then suddenly clisai)pcai^ again." Tlie following paragraph from Mr Weston^ paper {J M. S. 1856, p. 116) refers, doubtless, to the selfsame expanding and contracting process distinguished by Claparede ; but the function of '^sS^on 252 GENERAL HISTOHY OF THE INFUSOEIA. and a valvular structure of a very extraordinary nature are attributed to it. "We suspect, indeed, that Mr. "Weston lias been led into error by appearances, — a supposition he wiU pardon us for making, since, as he himself tells us, his microscopic experience is loss than two years old. His account runs thus : — " There appears to be no doubt about the existence of a valvular opening : I have had some thousands of these animalcules under my observation, and have never met with a specimen where the valve was absent. It is best distinguished when about the edge of the seeming disc, and, so far as my observations go, is never still night nor day, — being slowly, but without cessa- tion, as it were, protruded, occupying fi-om 10 to 70 or 80 seconds in its development, and then, Uke the bm-sting of a vesicle, rapidly and totally subsiding ; for an instant it has utterly disappeared, only to be again as gradually and as certainly reproduced. Should that side of the creature, where the valve is placed, be tiu-ned from the observer, the effects of the contraction are distinctly seen, although the valve itself is not ; for at the instant of its bursting and closui-e, some half-a-dozen or more of the tenta- cles, situated on or ahout it, which have been gradually thi'ust from theii' normal position by the act of its protrusion, now rapidly approach each other with a jerk-Hie motion, caused by the sudden biinging together of their bases. " "With ith of an inch objective, I have been led to imagine the valve to be formed of a double layer of the external hyaloid membrane, the edges of which appear to adhere to each other tenaciously, notwithstanding the growing distension from within, until the force becomes so great that the lips, as they may be called, suddenly separate, apparently to give vent to some gaseous product ; and at this moment there is, as I have stated, enough seen to induce the belief in the existence of a double Hp-like valve, perhaps the organ of respiration." He afterwards adds (p. 118) — " In many instances I have seen half-a- dozen or more prisoners attracted to the tentacles of an individual, each gra- duaUy absorbed ; and although thus busily occupied, no cessation of the action of the valve takes place." Stein imagined the movements of the contractile sac to be subservient to the reception of food ; but this supposition, as men- tioned already (p. 248), is opposed to analogy, and is wanting in direct obser- vation to establish it. Among the general contents of tha body of Actinophrys, KijUiker {op. cit. p. 27) mentions some separable nucleai* ceUs as detached by crushing from the innermost portions of the animal. "When isolated by pressure, they be- have themselves as cells, with nucleus and nucleolus, sometimes as free nuclei. " The author is, in fact, inclined to regard them as ceUs and nuclei, lying in some of the interior vacuoles ; for such, and such only, are the vesi- cular spaces in which they are enclosed." (XXIII. 29.) Nucleus. — KolHker appHcd the term nucleus, very improperly, to the more granular and darker central or medullary portion of the body (XXIII. 29/)), and overlooked the presence of the real nucleus. However, Stein, Carter, Cienkowsky, and others have determined the existence of this organ in the genera Actinophrys and Podophrya. Unfortunately, some difference prevails in the descriptions of this organ by the several observers, which it is most desirable to have removed. Carter {A. N. H. 1856, xA-iu. p. 221) represents it to be a cloudy body, " dLscoid in shape, of a faint yeUow colour, and fixed to one side of a transparent capsule, which, being generaUy more or less larger than the nucleus itself, causes tlic latter to appear as if surrounded by a narrow pel- lucid ling." Stein describes it in Actinophrys Sol as finely granular, band- shaped, and curved, or roniform, or rounded oblong (XXIII. 1 h). Cicn- OF THE PROTOZOA. ACTINOPIIllYINA. 253 kowsky says that the nucleus of Podojphrya is " transverse and frequently ciu-ved," and thereby implies that it is an elongated body. The nucleus of Actinophrgs ocidata (says Stein, p. 159) may be brought into view either by crushing the animalcide, or, much more satisfactorily, by adding dilute acetic acid (XXIII. 24 b, 25 alina Lumbrici of Dujardin is no other than the animalcule described, although its characters are incorrectly represented by that author, who, fi-om his figure. OF THE PHOTOZOA. — OPALINiEA. 269 has evidently seen a specimen which has very recently completed the act of self-fission and not yet reacquired its rounded posterior extremity. The dark stripe shown at'the fore part, and supposed to indicate a mouth, repre- sents the uncinate apparatus above described. Stein would call this form of Opalina the 0. ai-mata, and regard it as a further stage of development of his so-called 0. Lumbrid. This view is supported by the fact that he has never met with young individuals of 0. armata ; for all the specimens he encountered were of a nearly equal size, and lai-ger than the largest of 0. Lumbrici, in company with which yoimg beings are veiy common. Thus 0. armata attains a length of 1-12"' to 1-9"', and 0. Lumh-ici of not more than 1-14"' ; even the products of fission of the former are from 1-16"' to 1-14"'. " If now it be considered that, excepting the homy process, not the least difference in structure exists between 0. Lumbrici and 0. armata, it is ren- dered very probable that the latter is merely a further stage of development of the former. If this be the case, a subsequent more considerable meta- moi-phosis of 0. armata may be presumed, when it becomes transferred to a more favourable habitat, as happens when the worm it inhabits becomes the food of some other animal. I have not actually seen Opalina armata adhering to the surface of the intestine, for I have always found it amidst the undi- gested mineral and organic fragments which fill the aHmentaiy canal of the earth-worm. Hence it is more likely that the adhesive organ is destined to subsequently fix the Opalina in a more permanent manner." The long pulsating vessel seen in Opalina Planariarum and in 0. uncinata deserves particular notice, by reason of its peculiaiity. Stein has described it in the first-named species, where it extends the entire length of the ani- malcule, as bounded by a definite, delicate, structureless membrane, and to be without the outlets Schultze imagined. It contains a clear liquid like water, which, by its rhythmical movements, it forces to and fro within it. On killing the animal with alcohol, the waUs of the vessel are rendered very evident. It becomes divided through the centre in the act of self-fission, and is, in Stein's opinion, not homologous with the contractile vesicles of the CiUata. Nucleus. Self-divtsion. Supposed Embryo. — The nucleus is a veiy evident organ in all the OpalincBa, with the single exception of 0. Ranarum, in which Stein has sought for it in vain among miiltitudes of specimens and by the aid of various reagents. In this same exceptional species it is also to be noted that he never witnessed the act of fission, yet Siebold (" Ueber 3Ionostomiim," Wiegmann's ArcUv, 1835) described, in an Opalina living as a parasite in the intestines of a frog, the existence of a number of small embryos within a cavity of the posterior extremity of the body : whether this animalcule, however, was the Opalina Ranarum does not appear ; for the peculiar habitat does not by any means prove such to be the case. A contrast occurs in the Opalina Branchiarum, where the nucleus which lies in the axis of tlie body has the same figure as the entire being, and one- half its dimensions. Even among examples of the same species the position of the nucleus varies exceedingly. Simultaneously with the appearance of a constriction in the general figure, the nucleus shows signs of approachino- fission ; but ere this is mam'fested it assumes a central position (whatever may have been its prerious one), so that each of the two future segments may acquire an equal section of it. Moreover, it woiUd appear, in some cases at least, that the constriction and scission of the body advance more rapidly on one side than on the other of the animal. ' According to Stein, the production recorded by Schultze {Bcitriigf zi^r Natur- 270 GENEEAL HISXOET OF THE INFUSORIA. geschichte der Turbellarien, 1851, p. 67), of a granular germ-mass in Opalina Planariarum, at the posterior extremity of the animalcule, was nothing more than the act of fission misconceived. The granular contents of the nucleus (says Stein) are finer or coarser in the animals irrespective of their size ; and the supposed germinal masses, as the figvu'e given shows, were merely the segments of the nucleus in process of division, and not illustrations of the ulterior development of that organ into other beings. Schultze witnessed this process but once, in a specimen he named Opalina polymorpha, but which was the same as the 0. Planariarum of Siebold and Stein. Habitats, Yital Ekdowments, &c. — As stated before, the Opalincea are pa- rasites of various animals, the most common of which are fi'ogs, newts, and other Batrachia, earth-worms (Lumbrici), some sheU-fish, as the Anodon and the common muscle (Mytilus edulis), and of Planarice and several Entozoa. They are found in the intestines in the earth-worm, in the rectum and bladder in the frog, among the cilia of the tongue of that reptile, or among those of the gills in the shell-fish, &c. As a memorandum touching the vital properties of Opalincea, we may quote here an experiment made by KoUiker on the vitahty and development of the spermatic filaments {J. M. S. 1855, p. 298) : — " The Opalina; move in a solu- tion of common salt of 1 per cent., and of phosphate of soda of the strength of from 5 to 10 per cent. In a solution of salt of 5 per cent., and of sugar of from 10 to 15 per cent., they shrink up and become quiescent, though reviving upon the addition of water. I have even succeeded in reviving the Opalince after they had been treated with a solution of common salt in the propoiiion of one-tenth." Nattjee of OpAinsriEA. — The observations of microscopists in general concur to prove that these simple beings are not independent, but the mere embry- onic or transitional phases of other animals. This opinion was put forward by Schultze, and has been seconded by Agassiz, Stein, and others. Agassiz asserts (SiUiman's American Journal, 1853) that the deficient link in Steenstrup's history of the succession of alternate generations of Cercaria, and its metamoi'phosis into Distoma, is supphed by his discoveiy that a ge- nuine Opalina is hatched from the eggs of Distoma. Stein coincides also in considering them metamorphosed into Vermes, and states that Stecnstrup has watched the transformation of Leucophrys anodonta (Elir.) into an intestinal worm. He saw first that the cilia vanished, that they fixed themselves, and became by-and-by changed into oval motionless bodies, which continued to grow, and formed an internal space, within which a germinal mass was de- veloped, out of which Cercaria originated. Affinities and Classification of OpaltnjEA. — Upon this head the first point is to settle what genera and species are to be numbered with the Opali- ncea. Eor our part we are disposed to place in this family aU Cihata wliich are mouthlcss, and which lead a parasitic life. As already noted, the absence of a mouth is indicative of an embiyonic character, an indication strengthened, if not confirmed, by observation ; consequently this group of beings is at best but provisional, ser%ang only the pm-])oses of definition and nomenclature, until science sliall be enabled to indicate the particular animals into whose cycle of life they severally enter. Furthermore, we have seen that some reputed species are, in all probability, only different stages of existence of the same Opalina, — for instance, the 0. armata a more adult state of 0. Lumbrici. And, again, the structural difi"er- ences between 0. uncinata and 0. Planariamm (consisting in the possession of a singular pulsating vessel) and the rest of the group are so strildng, that they can scarcely be rightly included in one genus. OF THE PROTOZOA. OPALINiEA. 271 On turning to the systematic descriptions of various writers, we find much discrepancy in detail, and much difference in opinion, respecting both the species to be counted among Opalincea and their generic distribution. The family ' Leucojphryens ' of Dujardin, and the Cobalina of Perty, severally include most of the species which we would reckon as Opalincea. These, in Ehi-enberg's system, were scattered through several genera, — the majority, however, being comprised in his genus Bursaria. Stein points out thi'ee prin- cipal modifications of form, but is not prepared to constitute them into genera. In the classification adopted by the three first- named writers, the Opalincea were accounted ordinary Ciliated Protozoa. Perty and Dujardin so far re- cognized their peculiarities as to erect them into a distinct family. Siebold went further, and, on accoimt of the absence of a mouth, placed them, with Astasicea and Peridinicea, among the Astoma. We coincide with Siebold in thus more completely separating them from the stomatodous Ciliata than the other authors named, but at the same time look upon them as more nearly allied with Ciliata than with either Periclinicpa or Astasirea, and consequently prefer to treat the Opalincea as a subgroup of those Protozoa. Neither the intimate structure, nor the developmental history of the Opa- lincea, is sufiiciently well understood for them to be arranged in well- defined genera ; nevertheless, as both Dujardin and Perty have each essayed a sy- stematic distribution, it behoves us to set their schemes before the reader. Dujardin divides the Leucophryens into three genera, viz. Spaihidium, Leucophrys, and Opalina, Besides these, he has other mouthless genera in his fanuly Ploesconiens, viz. Diophnjs and Coccvdina, marine but not parasitic animalcules ; also a genus Trochilia without distinct mouth, also marine in habit, located in the famHj Erviliens ; and last, the genus Plagiotoma, among the Biirsariens, parasitic in habit, and supposed to have a mouth situated at the bottom of a fossa, but which contained no foreign matters, and could not be fed artificiaUy with colouring matter. Of these genera Coccudina, Dio- phrys, and Trochilia axe imperfectly known, particularly the two last, and the absence of a mouth cannot be predicated of them with any certainty whilst of the last named (Plagiotoma) the balance of evidence is against the existence of a mouth, and, as we shaU see, this genus is a member of Perty's family Cohcdina, and has, moreover, in Stein's opinion, no claim to rank as a distinct genus. The parasitic family Oohalina, Perty, comprises the genera Alastor Plaqio- toma, Lemophrys, and Opcdina. The characters of these several o-cnera placed by observers among the Opalincea, or some paraUel group, together Avith their mutual relations and differences, wiU be fully treated of in the systematic section of this work. FAMILY II.— PEEIDINI^A. (Pkte X. 224-226 ; XXXI. 16-23.) This family in Ehrenberg's classification, comprehended four genera, viz Ohcetotyphla, Chatorjlena, Peridmmm, and Glenodlmum ; but as Duhrdni rightly judged, the two first genera belong rather to the OryptomonadiL by being destitute of the cihary fun-ow, the leading characteristic of the Perl dmicea. Our description wiU therefore particularly apply to the two other genera, Pendimum and Olenodinium. ^^^^ The beings imder consideration have received Httle attention from natu rabsts, and arc stiU imperfectly understood. Indeed, wo feel that no «^ffi • I data are at hand .hereon to ground an opinion rol^^l ti^^'^l''^^ nature, and affinities. We place them here as a supplemental^^ group 272 GENERAL HISTOHY OP THE INFCSOBIA. Ciliated Protozoa, first, because of their wreath or general clothing of cUia a phenomenon seen among none of the Phytozoa or FlageUata, which have never more than one or two, or, rarely, four filaments or flabella ; and secondly, be- cause every author who has described them treats them as animalcules. Perty, althoiigh recognizing them as animals, nevertheless groups them with his Phytozoidia, probably owing to their bizarre form and to the characteristic internal organization of Ciliata not being perceptible. Siebold, on the con- trary, places them, together with Euglencea and Opalincm, among the asto- matous or mouthless Protozoa. Ehrenberg's description of the Peridinicea is as follows : — The animalcules of this family are polygastric, but have no alimentary canal ; the mouth is usually found in a depression near the middle, and from its vicinity a delicate filament (proboscis) is given ofi" in three of the genera. They are clothed with a shell or lorica, having a transverse furrow or zone occupied with a row of vibratile cilia ; and besides this wreath, several species have also fine setae or cUia scattered over them. In Feridinium acuminatum, P. fulvum, and P. ( Ceratium) cornutum the digestive sacs are visible without recourse to artificial means ; but in P. Pulvisculus and P. cinctum those organs can be demonstrated only by the use of coloured food, chiefly because they are hidden by the clusters of ova, to which the colour of the animalcules is due. This is com- monly red, yellow, or brown, and rarely green. In Peridinium Tripos and P. Fusus a seminal gland (nucleus) is visible, and in Chcetoglena and Glenodinium a red eye-speck. Longitudinal self-division has been observed in P. Pulvisculits and P. Fu^us. Dujardin, unable to accept these views of their organization, described the ' Peridiniens ' as " animals without known internal organs, enveloped by a definite resistant membranous lorica, which sends ofi' a fiagelLiform filament, and has, in addition, one or more furrows beset with vibratile cilia. The lorica would appear to have no orifice, since foreign particles and colouring matters cannot enter it ... . The members of this family are distinguished from Thecamonadina by the ciliated furrow or furrows." Further, Dujardin ignored the red stigma as a generic distinction, and in this is followed by Perty. Ehrenberg created a subgenus of Peridinium for those species which have the lorica prolonged into hom-like processes, under the name of Ceratium. Both Dujardin and Perty retain this appellation, but would elevate the group comprehended under it to the rank of a genus. Let us now proceed with a resume of the facts at present received respect- ing the organization and habits of the Peridinicea. The lorica is double, consisting of an outer, more or less firm, non-contrac- tile layer, and an inner, homogeneous, hyaline membrane : usually a space occurs between the two coats ; but in Glenodinium they are in close apposi- tion— a double contour, however, being perceptible. The inner layer may be taken to represent the primordial utricle ; it immediately envelopes the contents, which consist of a homogeneous protoplasm, enclosing within itself numerous globules, granules, and vesicles. In the case of the smallest Peri- dinitea, such as P. Pulvisculm, P. monadicum, and P. Oorpusculum, the di- stinctness of envelope from contents ceases, and when in a dj-ing condition the whole figure undergoes a great variety of changes — a fact indicating a less perfect development of the lorica — and there is a rapid breaking up of the contents. In the larger species the outer tunic is more elaborated, and either displays a minute cellulai- or reticulate structure, or appears quite smooth and structureless, although firm and resistant (as in Glenodinitim cinctum). A cellular lorica occurs in Ceratium, and also in various Peridinia, wliich Perty separates from the rest, under the name of Glenodinium, by reason of this OF THE PROTOZOA. PEKIDINIiEA. 273 stmcturo. This external tiuiic is decomposable, although it resists destruc- tion much longer than the contained matters ; and it is especially after a certain amount of change has proceeded, that its deUcate retiform structure is more distinctly exhibited. The figui-e of Peiidinicea is very various and bizarre : the simplest is that of a spheroid divided into two segments, equal or unequal in size, by a trans- verse ciliated fuiTOW or zone. In some instances one side is flatter and concave, and, according to Perty, presents a wide opening, or elongated fissure (XXXI. 16), from which the filament may sometimes be seen to proceed. Moreover, besides the transverse furrow, a second is seen in some species to proceed from it at right angles, as far as the vertex of the anterior' half,— as, for example, m Dr. Allman's species Peridinium uberrimum (XXXI. 16, 18), and in P. fuscum and P. ocidatum (Glenodinium cinctum, Ehr.). Indeed, in. Qlenodinium ajoicu- latum Ehrenberg describes several subsidiary, shallower, hispid furrows branch- ing over the surface (X. 224-226), and in Q. tabuUtum a series of non-hispid lines or ridges. These last two forms recall in general features the pollen-ceUs or grains of the higher plants, and may, indeed, from the deficiency of a loco- motive filament, and from other exceptional characters, be considered doubtful members of the family Peridinicea. An inequality of the two segments, as separated by the ciliary zone, is seen in Peridinium Corpusculum and P. mo- nadicum, and in a less degree in P. ocidatum (Glenodinium cinctum). The figure, however, is very curiously and materially altered by the production of tapering or hom-like processes, of a large diameter and great length relatively to the principal portion or body of the organism. These processes differ in number in different species, and give rise to very bizarre forms, departing widely from those of any Phytozoa or from any other ciliated Protozoa. The number of horns in Ceratium Fusus is two, and, being in the same line, produce the spindle-shaped figure of the entire being (X. 222, 223). In C. furca two occur in front and one of larger dimensions behind ; the same is seen in P. Tripos (X. 219, 220), in which, however, the two anterior processes are curved, — ^whilst P. cornutum (Ceratium HirundineUa) has from two to three posteriorly, and one, usually curved, anteriorly. In Ceratium Michaelis (X. 221), again, we see three short processes project from the posterior half ; and^ lastly, in C. macroceras (Perty) three are represented behind, of which the central is much the longest and straightest, and in front one stiU. longer but rather curved. The length of the horns compared with the body of the Ge~ ratia affords, however, no specific character, inasmuch as it varies according to age and probably also other conditions. The vibratile cilia ai"e usually con- fined to the groove surrounding the lorica, and to the direct continuations from it. Nevertheless Dr. AUman discovers in P. uberrimum the whole sur- face sparsely covered with them ; and Elirenberg mentions the supplcmentaiy furrows of Glenodinium apicidatum as occupied with hispid hairs (X. 224- 226). The locomotive filament, which Ehrenberg failed in seeing in all even of his genus Peridinium, is usually of great length and tenuity, and, accord'^ ing to the great Berlin micrographcr, proceeds fi-om the neighbourhood of the mouth which he believed ho detected in Peridinium Fiisiis in a liollow near the middle of the animalcule. Allman more definitely points out its situation as being near the junction of the transverse and vertical furrows in the species he has described (XXXI. 16). Lastly, Perty states that Ceratium HirundineUa (C. cornutum., Ehr.), when swimming, stretches out the filament as if stiff, and that, although 2| times longer than tlie body, it may bo easily overlooked, on account of its active swinging movement. It is apparently a production of' the protoplasm, protruded externally through an apcrtm-e in the investing tunics; Opinion is divided respecting the existence of a mouth. Ehrenberg repre-i 274 GENERAL HISTOHY OF THE IK i^' t SOltlA . sented one, and also the possible admission of coloured food, but was contra- dicted by Dujardin, who denied both. Siebold reckons Peridinicea among moiithless Infusoria (Astoma). Perty mentions the fossa in the shell, but no aperture ; and Allman remains sUent on the matter. On the other hand, Lach- mann admits its presence, and thus discusses the mode of reception of food (A.N.B:.1857, vol. xix. p. 220) :— "From the point of insertion of the flagel- lum, on one side the large notch, in the upper part of the row of ciha, a clear canal passes into the body of the animal, and dilates at the extremity to form a cavity of variable diameter. The flagellum is often seen to contract rapidly into a spii'al form, and apparently disappear ; and not unfrequently we may then succeed in perceiving that it is jerked back into the above-mentioned cavity, from which it soon returns into its previous position. Now it cer- tainly appears worth while to see whether small particles of food are not carried into the cavity by this jerking in of the flagellum." Contents. — These may be divided, as in the Eiiglence, into minute shapeless molecules, and globular corpuscles and vesicles with red stigma and nucleus. Sometimes the corpuscles are green, and resemble chlorophyll, but more fre- quently they are red, yeUow, or brown, or intermixtures of those colours. In the earliest stages, indeed, colour is absent, and, just as in Euglencea, only minute moleculse are found interspersed in the colourless protoplasm. More- over, when a colour appears, it may not simply become more intense or darker by age, but change to another tint belonging to the same series of coloui-s. In yoimger specimens again, the contents more completely occupy the entire being, whilst frequently in old, and more especially in specimens withering or dying, they become contracted into a ball, placed either in the centre or more or less to one side (excentric). A swelling out of the external tunic, the disappearance of the red stigma, the vibratile cUia, and the filament accompany this shrinking of the cell- contents. The retrograde change in the contents is further manifested by the appearance of a large vesicle about the centre, or of several dispersed smaller ones at that or in other pai-ts. Some at least of these vesicles are merely oil-drops, which, as Braim shows in his essay on Rejuvenescence, are the usual concomitants of a process of destructive assimilation. After the destruction of the ceU-contents, the firm lorica remains hke an empty shell, boldly displaying its sculpturing, and in many instances also a curved, apparently internal, stripe about the middle or to the right of it, which Perty presumes to be either the line of attachment of the contents or a fold. Among more constant stnietui'es. Dr. Allman describes a central nucleus — the organ probably alluded to by Ehrenberg under the name of an oval semi- nal gland, in Peridinium Tripos and P. Fusus. Allman describes the nucleus to be of an irregular oval form, quite colourless, and marked on the surface with cui-ved striae (XXXI. 20) ; under pressure the envelope gives way, and the nucleus escapes ■with the other contents. A contractile vesicle has not hitherto been discovered. One or more large clear vacuoles may originate in the internal substance ; but such have not the pulsating power of definite vesicles. The red speck or stigma (XXXI. 16, 17) has no pretensions to the nature of a visual organ. It is not always present even in examples of the same species ; or it is multiplied ; and it is known also to disappear with advancing age. Again, Perty recoimts the fact of the diffusion of the red colour of the speck throughout the whole contents, at times leaving a narrow ex- ternal ring which retains its green colour. This phenomenon was witnessed in a specimen of Olmodinmm cinctum. In yoiuig individuals of Pendiniuni Uibidatum, which are of a light-green colour and translucent, there is no trace of a red speck ; yet Perty met with a collection of these beings of apparently OF THE PROTOZOA. PERIDINLaSA. 275 smaller size than usual, yellow iu colour, and not, like older animalcules, greenish-bro-mi or brown, which had from 10 to 12 red vesicles or globules about the middle of the anterior segment. Still the general rale is that iu veiy young individuals no stigma is present. The inconstancy of the presence of the red speck, even in mature specimens, its absence in very young, its dis- appearance in old ones, and the many irregularities, not only in its occun-ence but also in size and number, are facts which sufficiently prove its worthless- ness as a generic or even as a specific distinction, and which declare against its assumed fimction of a visual organ in this as in other families of Protozoa. Reprodtjotion. — Longitudinal fission has been seen to take place in several species. Self-division, says Perty, presents many peculiarities among the Peridinicea. In Ceratium Hirundinella, fission is longitudinal ; it commences anteriorly close to and on the left side of the great horn (as the animalcule is viewed from above), and advances towards the posteiior extremity. The pro- cess is not confined to the large specimens, but is equally enjoyed by the small. During the act of fission in Peridinium Pidvisculus, Perty noticed that before its completion the newly-formed segment continued to augment in size until it siu-passed the original being, which underwent no enlargement. Dr. Allman noticed, in the species he examined (/. M. S. 1854, p. 25), that spontaneous division took place " parallel to the annular furrow " (XXXI, 18), i. e. therefore transversely, " and in the unfurrowed hemisphere." He also remarked the important fact, that this process appears to be invariably preceded by a division of the nucleus ; and he had succeeded in isolating nuclei presenting almost every stage of transverse fission. But besides their reproduc- tion by fission, Perty adopts Ehrenberg's views and insists on their development from ova or ovules, which present themselves in the form of brown or green corpuscles in the interior. Peridinium tahulatum is often seen to be frill of such, elliptic in figure, and as much as 1-150"' in length, and which can be expelled by pressure from the animalcule. In P. Pulvisculus Perty met with specimens fr-om 1-400"' which were aggregated together in masses, and moved together. In P. Oorpuscidwm, he asserts, development from ovules may be directly observed ; and he gives figures of ovules set free, and of the young generated from them, which would seem the same stractures mth the addition of a cell- wall. The ovules, too, are large and very evident in Oeratitt/m comukim; and he regards the smaU brown organisms which may be found in company mth mature individuals at various times of the year, as the primitive stage of ge- neration of those ova before acquiring the perfect figure of Cerativm. In some specimens, indeed, he remarked the long filament peculiar to the species and a red stigma in the posterior segment. The smallest examples measured 1-200"' and were at first elliptic ; from this they changed to reniform, and became distinguished into an anterior and a posterior half. Their movement was ro- tatory or spiral, and qiiicker than in old individuals. On one occasion he saw small examples of Ceratium Hirundinella only 1-25"', of the same figiu'c as the large specimens, but completely colourless ; at another time he encountered pale brownish-green incUviduals, with a beautiful red stigma, and the poste- rior lateral horns scarcely developed, — whilst in one instance the anterior comu was completely formed, and the posterior extremity rounded. Tliese examples, he observes, appear to be different structural phases through Avhich the products generated from the ovules have to pass. The reproduction by ovules or internal germs has its parallel in Eughnma • and, like as in this group, so in the family Peridinicea a quiescent, resting or " still " stage appears to occur. Dr. AUman has put forward this fact most clearly. He writes (J. M. S. 1854, p. 24)—" Before death, and also when passing from a motile to a quiescent state, most likely preparatoiy to under- T 2 276 GENERAL HISTORY OF THE rNFU!?ORIA . going some important developmental change, the contents contract towards the centre ; and then an external transparent and perfectly colomiess vesicle becomes visible, while the flageUum and cilia disappear. The contracted contents present a very definite and general spherical boundaiy, and are e\d- dently included in a distinct cell " — the primordial utricle. On a subsequent examination of the pond in which the species examined occurred in prodi- gious quantity, he found " immense masses " of the Peridiniim " towards the bottom, where they appeared quite healthy, though presentiag the condi- tion described above as characterizing the quiescent state of the animalcule." Our imperfect information respectiag the organization of the Fei-idinioea renders any arguments concerning their nature unsatisfactory and inconclu- sive. Perty, to whom we owe most of our knowledge respecting these crea- tures, agrees with Ehrenberg in assigning them an animal nature ; and we gather from the few remarks Dr. Allman has made, that this opinion has also the advantage of his support. Dujardin, we may add, treated the Peridiniaa as animalcules. Of the opposite opinion, viz. that they are members of the vegetable kingdom, we know of no advocates, although some facts, such as the apparent absence of the known internal stractui-e of the GUiated Protozoa, the non- contractility of their bodies, the character, colour, and changes of their contents, might be adduced in its favour. However, the force of those presumed facts will be much lessened by the consideration that the internal organization of the Ciliata may yet be discovered in these organisms when they receive their due share of attention from microscopists, that even the ab- sence of a mouth and rudimentary digestive tube would not absolutely exclude them from the animal kingdom ; and that in the form and character of their ciliary armature they present an animal much more than a vegetable type. Of their Vital Endoavments, we may state that some swim with consi- derable activity by means of their flagellum, aided, no doubt, by their ciliary wreath, which probably gives the oscillating and rolling character to their movements. They are inhabitants both of salt and of still fresh water, among aquatic plants, but not of infusions ; and they disappeai* fi'om water when long kept. Most of the genus Peridinium are marine. They may occm* in .such enormous multitudes as to colour the pond or other collection of water in which they have accumulated. Of this phenomenon Dr. Allman mentions an example in which his Peridinium uberrimum was so abundant in the ponds of Phoenix Park, Dublin, as to colour the water brown : — " This colour was sometimes uniformly diffused through the water ; at other times it appeared as dense clouds varying from a few square yards to upwards of a himdrcd in extent." This was in Jime ; in July " the coloration of the ponds had much increased in intensity .... The colom* in some parts was of so deep a brown, that a white disk half an inch in diameter became invisible when plunged to a depth of 3 to 6 inches, while a copious exit stream, which constantly flowed away from one of the ponds, presented the same deep-brown tint." The most remarkable vital phenomenon presented by the Peridinicea, and which is particularly common in them as a family, is that of phosphorescence, which is possessed in a high degree by several of the marine species, having a yellow or yellow-brown colour. In nine phosphorescent drops of sea-water from near Kiel, taken up one after another by Ehi-enberg, nothing save a single individual of Peridinium {Ceratium) Tripos was discoverable. Besides this species, the following other Ceratia are phosphorescent, viz. Ceratium Fusm, C. acuminatum, C. Michaelis, and C. Fiirca. Ehrenberg lias reported the occurrence of fossil Peridini(m ; but the or- ganisms so considered are pecuUar in having a sUicious shell, which renders OF THE PEOTOZOA. CILIATA. 277 tlieii- alliance to this family somewhat doubtfid. They are met with in chalk, j the only secondary stratum, and here in the substance of flints ; but they also occur in strata of later formation. Theii- presence in flints renders it, indeed, supposable that their silicious constitution is an ulterior result of the infiltration of silex in a state of solution into the textiu-e of their previously membranous envelope. They are found in company with fossil Pyxidicula and Xanthidia. Ehrenberg described two fossil species under the name of Ceratium pyroplwrmi and C. Delitiense. CILIATA. Geotjp B. — Stomatoda. (lUustrated by Plates XXIV.-XXXI.) The animalcules whose general history we have now to wiite are, as before mentioned, comprehended for the most part in the families Dinobryina, VorticelUna, Ojphrydina, Enchelia, Colepina, Trachelina, Opliryocercina, Aspi- discina, Kolpodea, Oxytnchina, and Ewplota, as instituted by Ehrenberg, with the removal of the Opalincea from the Trachelina, and of the Acinetina and Actinophryina from the Enchelia. The descriptions of the beings composing these several families, as furnished by Ehrenberg, are so tinged by his peculiar views of organization as to mar their utility ; and therefore, for precision and accuracy of detail, we have to rely in great measure on the observations made within the last few years, chiefly by German naturalists. Notwithstanding the persevering industiy with which these scientific men have piu'sued their inquiries, many genera yet remain almost unknown, or little understood, in respect to their structure, whether internal or external. The Ciliated Stomatoda, or as we shall more briefly style them the Ciliata, are microscopical animals having a definite limiting membrane or external tvmic covered more or less completely with vibratile cilia, by which they swim ; and when it is indurated, as not unfi-equently happens, it is fiu'ther furnished with bristles or other tegumentary appendages, by which they are capable of crawling or leaping. They aU possess a more or less di- stinct mouth, which opens into an oesophagus or gullet, continued to a vaii- able extent into the interior as a digestive or alimentary tube, but ending abruptly by an open extremity. In many genera a discharging orifice or anus is perceptible ; and in aU there are a nucleus and one or more contractile vesicles. They propagate by self- division, by gemmation, and by internal germs or embryos, with a greater or less degree of metamorphosis, and they imdergo the encysting process : the act of gemmation appears Limited to a few genera ; but self- fission and embryonic development may be predicated as general phenomena. Dimensions. — In dimensions all the Ciliata are microscopical ; for if some such as Spirostomum, Stentor, Opercularia, Zoothamnium, Vaginkola, and other genera of Volvocina and Ojphrydina are visible to the naked eye as minute specks or globules, they are far beyond its ken for any purposes of investigation, and are therefore essentially objects for the microscope. Yet amid these hosts of equally microscopic beings, the range in point of size is actually as great as that between the dog and the elephant among animals co"-- " nizant to our ordinaiy obsei-vation. Even among members of the same genus and, indeed, of the same species, their dimensions may vaiy within limits extremely wide. To quote a few examples : Spirostomum ambicjiium (Ehr ) has a length of -j^th of an inch ; the branching polyparios in Epistylis and Operculana reach ^th in height, those of Zoothamniwn |th, whilst many 278 GENEEAL HIbTOKY Ol-' THE INEUSOUIA. stalked Vorticelke oxteud themselves to -^th. in length. Paramecia are men- tioned by Ehi-enberg from ^th to piVu^^ length ; and specimens of the same species of Vorticella, viz. V. microstoma, are described to vary in size between 2"3"Vu^^^ and -gT-yth. Stein has also noticed examples of Chilodon Cucullulus from -g^ ^th to j-gLj-^th. A most sm-prising magnitude is attained by the polypoid masses of Ophrydium versatile, which range between mere microscopic globviles and aggregated masses the size of the fist or even of the head of a man. FiGUHE. — In figure the Ciliata exhibit an immense variety, but have a roimded outline in all instances. The prevailing figure is oval or oblong ; but some taper much at one or both ends, and acquire a spindle-, or a flask-, or a club-shaped aspect, whilst others, as the Vorticellina (XXVII. 1, 2, 4, 16 ; XXX. 1, 9, 11), present a bell-shaped or campanulate outline, and others again, as Spirostomum (XXIV. 298), an elongate ribbon- or band-like one. However, the best idea of the manifold forms can be gathered by inspecting the subjoined plates of the Ciliated Protozoa, which render verbal description unnecessary. The figure is determinate and constant under like phases of existence for each species, although liable in the majority to very great changes by the contraction and movements of the animalcules, by their contact with more solid bodies, and by the introduction of food. These changes are propoitionate to the elasticity of the integument and to the contractile power of the contents ; and hence, in several with firm integument, they are very limited, or not possible. The figure is also much modified by the processes of mrdtiplication and of reproduction. The act of fission materially modifies it ; gemmation does so to a less extent ; but the most remarkable change is caused by the encysting- process, which is generally a prelude to the peculiar set of phenomena attend- ing the reproduction by germs or embryos, and, according to Stein's views, would seem to tenninate in actual metamoi'phosis or transfonnation of the beings concerned. Indeed the Ciliata in general appear to pass through a cycle of changes, each of these entailing a distinct figure ; in other words, in the history of each ciliated Infusorium, there ai'e several phases of ex- istence, differing from one another in form and other particulars. The history of an animalciiLe, therefore, is comprehended m that of no one form or phase, but in that of every one it normally assumes ; nevertheless it is necessary to fix upon one phase, either as the most important or the most perfect, and to characterize and name it, just as is done in the case of insects, which are described in their most developed or " imago " condition. Another point to be remembered is, that the figiu-e of a specimen appears different in most cases, according to the aspect in which it is viewed ; and, again, there is often much diversity in shape between young beiogs and those arrived at maturity. Perty has appUed the term ' mctabolia ' to express the changes of figure animalcules may assume. The figure is extremely varied in Lacrymaria by its movements, and chiefly by the lengthening or shorten- ing of its elongated anterior portion or neck. This variability of form strack Baker and other old observers so forcibly, that they applied the term Proteus to designate the animalcule (XXIV. 274, 275). Tracheloccrca (XXIV. 317- 319) and Phialina have a similar power of vaiyiug tlicir outline ; and all three genera are further remarkable by the manner in wliich their surface can be thrown into transverse or even intersecting folds or plaits. The influence of food when swallowed in modifying the figure, Ehrcnbei^ particularly illustrated in his Eiu-helys Farcimen (XXVIII. group 64). This animalcule devours others nearly as large as itself, and, to effect this, widely dilates its mouth, and so becomes shorter and broader ; and as during the OF THE PllOTOZOA. — CILIATA. 279 operation it continues to swim about, its appoaxance with the half- swallowed being is veiy ciuious. Again, when engulfed the anterior portion contracts, whilst the posterior becomes dilated, giving the Enchelys a flask-shaped outline. I In descriptions of the Ciliata, authors have used various terms, applied to I the segments or members of higher animals, to designate vaiieties in the form and in the mutual relation and position of their parts. The application of many of these terms to the Protozoa is indeed very arbitraiy and fanciful ; and it is only from the absence of better that we continue to employ them. The end of the body which advances foremost in swimming, and at which or near to which the mouth is ordinarily placed, is called the head, and often has an additional claim to the appellation by its construction as a segment distin- fl guished by some points of structm'e from the rest of the body. The opposite portion of the animal constitutes, when tapering or provided with some sort of process, the tail, but is more generally spoken of, especially when not distingmshable as a segment, as the posterior or caudal extremity. A ' dorsum ' or back, and a ' venter ' or abdominal surface, are usually de- scribed, but are not readily determinable in all genera, as, for instance, in the Vorticellina and Ophrydina. To distinguish the one surface from the other, regard must be had to the position of the mouth (which indicates the abdo- minal surface), to that of the locomotive cilia and other processes, and to the mode of progression. But, after aU, the distinction will oftentimes be arbi- trary, and in consequence the description of a right and a left side frequently so too. It is a general character of the Ciliata, that they are asymmetrical, i. e. not formed of two equal and similar halves. An exception to this rule exists in CoZeps (XXIV. 284) and in the Ichthyd'ma (XXXI. 28-30), which in Ehi-enberg's system were included with the Rotatoria. Where, although symmetry is not visible, a right and a left side are distinguishable, such Infu- soria are called ' bilateral,' — e. g. the Oxytrichina (XXYIII. 10), Paramecium (XXIX. 2.5-30), Chilodon (XXIX. 48). Of minuter modifications in the figm-e of Protozoa, a large number have foimd names which will be best understood in the special structiu'al details of particular animalcules. However, to mention some here used by Ehrenberg, we may cite the frontal region or forehead — the obtuse or trancate part of the head above the mouth ; the lips — projections above and below the mouth, when this aperture is situated in a fissm-e ; the tongue or palate, usually a process in the oral fissure ; the rotaiy or ciliary disk, seen as a ciliated pro- jectile process above the margin of the anterior extremity of the Vorticellina (XXX. 1, 2, 9, 11, 14). In several genera the anterior portion of the body is much produced, and looks like a long tubular neck or a trunk, and hence is called frequently by Ehrenberg proboscis, — e. g. in the genera Lacriimaria (XXIV. 274, 275), Trachelii(^ (XXIV. 287-289), AmpUleptus, and Trache- locerca (XXIV. 317-320). This term proboscis we have ali-eady seen used to designate the long locomotive filaments or flabella of Phytozoa, totally different processes from those called by the same name in the Ciliata just enumerated. Its use for one or the other should be set aside ; and althouo-h at the best it conveys a very erroneous impression — for no such tiiino- as'' a proboscis or trunk, in the proper meaning of the word, has an existence in any of the Protozoa — its application to these is less objectionable than to the Phytozoa. In Uroleptus (XXV. 333) the posterior extremity is abniptly elongated, and forms, according to the description of the same distinguished naturalist, a tail. Consistence.— The Ciliata arc composed principally of a very soft almost mucilaginous matter, which has been well named ' sarcodc,' since like the flesh or muscular tissue of higher animals, it seems to present an' inherent 280 GKNERAl HlSTOfiY OF THE INFUSOUIA. contractility and elasticity, and is the active agent in the movements of their bodies. It is hyaline, transparent, and colomiess ; but its refractive power is not much greater than water, which is essential to the exhibition and continuance of its properties, for when this fails the homogeneous mass of sai-code breaks up into minute globular portions, which disperse themselves on every side. This disruptive process has received the appropriate name, from Dujardiu, of ' diffluence.' Ecker states tliis self-same sarcode to be the common contractile element of all the lowest forms of animal life — ^for instance, of the Polypes. The par- ticles set fr-ee by ' cUrffluence,' he also represents to be contaractile, and to assume Amceha-^e movements ; but this, according to Cohn and Stein, is an error, inasmuch as they are simply elastic. Cohn also adds that the variable movements of the sarcode-particles of Hydra are merely a physical phenomenon due to endosmosis. The process of diffluence, whether from external injurious conditions or damage, or from noxious matters received within, varies so much in rapidity, that Cohn (Zeitschr. 1851, iii. p. 267) con- cludes that it must indicate some variations in its composition and structure in different animalcules. Eor instance, he says, Stentor ccerideus bursts ; and its contents break down by diffluence as rapi(Uy as sugar- in water, streaming out from the rest until the funnel-like pharynx only is left behind. On the contrary, in other animalcules, e. g. Paramecmm Aurelia, the sarcode exudes through the surface at all points, and swims away, leaving a vacuolated or ai'eolated interior. Again, Loxodes breaks up into fragments of a considerable size, which escape through lacerations of the surface. Integument. Markings on the Sttrface. Condensed Integument oh LoBicA. Appendages of Integtjment. Cilia. Spines. Exteknai Sheaths. — Ehrenberg described his Polygastrica as in aU eases defended, and their figure defined, by an iategiiment or skin, — a statement as generally contra- dicted by Dujarchn, though now confirmed (in the case of aU the tine Cihated Protozoa) by the researches of numerous later naturalists. The means resorted to for its demonstration, where not otherwise evident, consist in the application of chemical agents — ^for example, of acetic acid, of tinctui'C of iodine, and of diluted alcohol, all which operate in a different manner upon the integument and on the contents of the body, most fr-equently causing a sepai-ation of the two by corrugating the latter, and, it may be, colouring it at the same time. Perty could not convince himself of the existence of an epidermis, although he believed the external surface to be modified so far as to render it more resistant, or in fact to form what Mr. Carter calls a pellicle ; at the same time he attributed marks or lines visible on the sui-face to fat- or other corpuscles subjacent to it. " The pellicula," Mr. Carter says, " is a structm-eless pro- duct, which hardens after secretion ; and the inference is that there is a layer below specially organized for its formation," and that it is not secreted by the lamina known as the " cortical layer " or the " diaphane." On the other hand Meyen, Siebold, Kdlliker, Frey, and Leuckart concur in describing a distinct enveloping delicate membrane, which Frey thought evidenced both by the manner in which an animalcule ruptures iinder pressure and gives vent to the soft contents, and by the appeai-auce of Uttle slireds he noticed on the torn edges of a Stentor. A more direct demonstration was afforded by Cohn, who resorted to chemical reagents for the purpose. This excellent observer experimented with several of the larger CiUata, but for illustration referred chiefly to Loxodes {Paramecium) Bursaria. Stein argues that the animalcule so described by Cohn was not a Loxodes, but a Paramtcium, since all its cilia were of equal length, a featui'e peculiar to tlus genus (Stein, op. cit. p. 239). On adding a little alcohol to a drop of water containing 01" THE PROTOZOA. CILIATA. 281 specimens of this animalcule, death ensued ; but before this happened a deh- 'cate membrane was seen to elevate itself at parts of the suiface, producmg a vesiculai- appeai-ance, and accompanied by a shrinking of the contained matters ; whHe these changes proceeded, several contiguous vesicles would run into one, and thus strip more or less completely the subjacent tissue, until, by the pro- longed action of the alcohol, a central shrunken mass appeared, surrounded by a loose membrane, adherent to it only at the spot where the mouth was con- tinued inwards as a pharynx. This membrane, so demonstrated, is homoge- neous and transpai-ent, but not entirely structureless ; for close obsei-vation reveals, over its entire surface, two series of spirally- disposed, dehcate, and dosely-approximated Hues, which so intersect one another as to produce a miniatui-e diamond pattern (XXIX. 26). Fiu'ther, the notched or serrated appearance of the periphery (XXIX. 28, 29, 30) shows that these hnes are actually folds or furrows, and that each little diamond may be represented as a minute four-sided pyramid beaiing a cilium at its summit. By pursuing a similar plan of investigation, a separable integument has been demonstrated in many Ciliata. For instance. Stein described such a covering in the several genera he subjected to obseiwation, and proves its ex- istence also after the process of encysting has taken place. On adding dilute acetic acid to the Vorticellina — for example, to specimens of Epistylis or Oper- cularia — the contents shrink into a denser mass, and in so doing detach them- selves from the integument, which is then rendered evident as a transparent, sti-uctureless, homogeneous, and smooth membrane, having a clear, sharp out- line. When tincture of iodine is applied, the integument remains uncoloured, whilst the contents acquixe a golden-yeHow tint. A solution of sugar, and afterwards a dix)p of concentrated sulphmic acid, being used, causes the con- tents to swell up and to assume a rose-red coloiu', the external wall continuing uncoloured. Eespecting the chemical constitution of the membrane of Loxodes, Cohn Lnfoi-ms us it is soluble neither in sulphuric acid nor in potassa, whilst the con- tents are dissolved and dispersed by the latter. From this reaction he con- cludes that the cuticle is not a proterne compound, like animal membrane in general, but the substance called chitine, and therefore in this respect similar to the cuticle of plants. In Paramecium, he adds, an integument having the same sort of markings and a similar chemical reaction exists, and that, with- out doubt, all the species described by Dujardin as having a reticulated envelope, in his families ' Bursarions ' and ' Parameciens,' have a like structure. Moreover, this skin has its special characters in different genera, as is illus- trated in the above accoimt of Paramecium Bursaria, and may be exemplified in other cases. Thus in Coleps and Stentor polymorphiis, the cuticle is so intersected by lines as to leave intermediate four-sided prisms, each of which bears a cilium at its apex, whilst at the intersection of the lines, single long hairs are also seen, similar, says Lachmann {A. N. H. 1857, xix. p. 1 25, in foot- note), to the hairs of many Turhellaria. Again, Ophrycl'mm versatile has its integument th^o^vn into fine, closely-aggregated, annular folds, and into three longitudinal nigae on one side (XXX. 5), which disappear when the animal shortens itself by contraction (XXX. 6). Spirochona (XXX. 17), says Stein (p. 208), has a hyaline, firm, inflexible parchmont-lilce skin, with a distinct double outline, but without any inherent contractility. It is most like the integument of Ewplotes, but differs apparently in not being capable of falling into folds around the body. It resists the action of acetic acid, wliich dis- solves out the whole of the living contents, and leaves it in an isolated state. Whilst representing all animalcules to be covered with an integument, Ehrcnberg distinguished those enclosed by a firm, more or less unyielding^ 282 GENERAL mSTOIlY OF THE INEUSOUIA. envelope or sheath, as ' loricated,' in opposition to the rest, which he called ' Uloricated.' These terms he has, however, employed in so loose a manner, that they really possess no definite and constant meaning. For example, the sheaths of encased animalcules represented by the Ophrydina are designated loricae, the enclosed animal, although possessing a distinct integument, being considered naked, — ^wlule, again, the indiu-ated closely-fitting integument of Euplotes and Goleps is equally styled a lorica, although so different in cha- racter and relations. The term lorica could only, indeed, be legitimately employed either to designate the sheaths of such animalcules as the Ophry- dina, or the indurated integument of others, as Ooleps, — to one or the other, but not to both ; to the former it is unnecessary, to the latter it is admissible. The integument of the Ciliata has generally been regarded to be in itself contractile ; but it seems that this is an error, and that, in fact, it is simply elastic. As such, its action must be counter to that of the subjacent con- tractile layer, and be therefore the chief agent in restoring the figure when the contractile force is relaxed ; at the same time its elasticity will allow of considerable alterations in form, from contact and pressure of external more rigid objects. To this an exception occiu's in the case of those Ciliated Pro- tozoa in which the integument is much hardened, and foims a lorica or shield. This induration may be more or less extensive, so as either to cover the dorsum with a shield-like plate (scutellum), as in (Jhlamidodon, or to entirely sur- round the animalcule, as in Coleps, when it constitutes an " urceolus," open at the ends. The external envelope, when thus hardened, has developed from it various processes, of a more or less rigid character, which look like spines (sette) (XXIV. 284, 285), or hooks (uncini) (XXV. 344, 347), or are elongated as styles (XXXVni. 10 ; XXV. 350, 351), all which ai-e oftentimes made sub- servient to the act of locomotion, and less frequently to that of prehension also. It must, however, be admitted that such processes are not confined to genera in which the integument is very appreciably indurated, but occur where it is of softer consistency — ^for instance, in Stylonychia (XXV. 343, 344). The integument is combustible and also diffluent, even when indurated, just as are the softer contents, although more slowly. ExTEBNAL Sheaths oe Cases. — Before quitting the account of the common integument or cuticle immediately investing the body of the Cihated Protozoa, a description of an homologous membrane, in fact, of a prolongation, dedu- plication, or process of it, in the form of an external sheath or case about certain fixed species, becomes necessary. The species so encased are either sessile or have only a short stallc attach- ing them to the bottom of the case ; thus Vaginicola (XXVII. 10, 11) is stalkless or nearly so, whilst Tiiitinnus has a more appreciable pedicle : on the other hand the case itself may be stallced, as in Cotlmrnia (XXX. 12-16) ; where this happens, the stem does not equal the lengtii of the sheath, but is short, solid, and thick, expanding upwards to its attachment with the base of the latter, and frequently thrown into transvei-se folds and curved (XXX. 12, 15). It is homologous -with the rigid stem of Epistylis, which it resem- bles also in chemical characters. A very remarkable exception to the general rale of the attachment of tunicatcd Vorticellma to the bottom of theii- case, occurs in the new genus Lagenophrys, in which the animalcule is suspended from the narrow aperture of the sheath, so as to leave a more or less considerable space around it (XXX. 29-34). The margin of the head of the animal, ?. e. the peristom, is beneath the opening of the sheath, whicli has the further peculiarity of being veiy narrow and two-lipped (XXX. 29, 32, 34). In one species (L. nassa) a or THE PROTOZOA. CILIATA. 283 cylindi-ical short tiibe, with a serrate edge and longitudinally striated, is re- presented by Stein to project from the opening of the sheath. It is, he adds, separable above into two lips, which close when the animal retracts itself. It is not veiy imusual to meet with sheaths occupied by two animalcules, — a circumstance due to the act of self-division (XXVII. 10 ; XXVIII. 19). In a few instances also, one, two, or more small young individuals lie free within the sheath of the parent, e. g. LagenopTirys (XXX. 29, 34). The sheath is always a product secreted from the animalcule, and first makes its appearance aroimd its base as a soft, homogeneous, colourless, jeUy-Hke matter. During the process of its formation, the animal presei-ves a contracted state, which diminishes, however, as the excreted layer advances, and ceases on its completion ; and since each genus has a characteristic outline, as well in the contracted as in the expanded condition, the sheath acquires also its special character only. More or less of the posterior extremity is concerned in ex- creting the formative matter ; but this having adhered to the anterior part whilst iu a contracted state, becomes drawn forward by the progressive elongation of the entire body, until at length, on full expansion taking place, the connexion is broken and the sheath acquires a free edge. So soon as excreted, the gelatinous layer proceeds to solidify, and simultaneously to contract itself ia thickness, so as to form a membrane, which, on its subse- quent detachment fi-om the fore part of the animal, forms a loosely-investing case around it. This description of the construction of the sheath applies to all those genera where the animal is fixed at the bottom ; but in the iustance of Lagenophrys, where it is suspended from the constricted orifice of the case by its peristom, some other plan of formation must be presumed, concerning which, however, we have as yet, unfortunately, no direct observation to teach us. In several species, as Cothurnia imherhis, the sheath not merely acquires a parchment-like firmness, but also a decided colour — ^mostly yeUow at first, afterwards a rusty red. Dr. Strethill Wright, of Edinburgh, has kindly sent us some notes on the iatitnate sti-uctm-e of the sheath of Lagotia ; and doubtless they hold good to a greater or less extent, so far as they represent general facts, in the case of sheaths of other Ophrydina. He writes — " The tube consists of yeUoMdsh chitine, Hned vrith a layer of dark-green sarcode of varying thickness (which, I beheve, secretes the chitine), and covered externally by a much thinner layer of matter, which appears to be equivalent to the ' colletoderm ' of the Hydroidce." This structure is illustrated by figs. 12 and 13, PI. XXXI. The following account applies specially to the sheath of Lagotia (XXXI. 7, 8* 12, 13), which presents a series of rings, apparently spiral, but, in our opinion' not so. " The Unes," says Dr. Wright, " are seen to consist of the remains of the trumpet-shaped mouth, which is partially absorbed as the tube increases its length, but still remains as a slightly-overlapping ridge over the new part of the tube growing within it. The groove thus formed is filled up with the ' colletoderm.'' The spiral character seems to be in some way connected with this mode of growth ; but I have not satisfied myself in what way." In a subsequent letter he wiites— " The chitinous matter of each successive ring is not continuous with that of the rings above and below it ; it is only at- tached to it by the inner lining of sarcode and by its outer covering (XXXI 12, 13). We have by tliis conchtion a provision for the growtli of the tube* both in width, length, and thickness, similar to that which occurs in the sheU of Echinus. Growth in length may be eff-ectcd by deposition of chitine on the upper and lower edge of each ring, growtli in breadth by the gradu-.l unrolling of the spiral, while a continuous deposition of hard matter froiii the mner hning of sarcode thickens and strengthens the whole tube " 284 GENEllAL niSTOUY OF THK INFUSORIA. In speaking of the attachment of the sheath, we have mentioned only that by the base, with or without a stalk. But there are a few forms which affix themselves to foreign bodies by one side of their sheath, e. g. Vaginicola decumbens (Ehr.) and the genus Lagenophrys. In such cases the attached side is flattened, so as to increase the surface in contact. But, apart from the mode of attachment, the sheaths of different genera vary in figure ; and as to size, there is no constant relation between that of the case and that of the enclosed being. The figure of the sheath, even in one and the same species, is subject to modification from age and from surrounding circumstances. Thu^, in Vaginicola crystallina it is usually cylindrical and truncate (XXVII. 11), but at times it may be beUied posteriorly (XXYII. 10), or, otherwise, have its anterior border expanded and curved outwards, or be narrowed in front, or compressed in one direction. Nevertheless there is usually a general resemblance in figiu'e among individuals of the same species or genus, sufficient to furnish descriptive characters. For example, C'othurnia imberbis has commonly a cylindrical sheath, bellied posteriorly and sHghtly contracted anteriorly (XXX. 15), whilst C. Sieboldii is campanulate, and has its anterior half compressed in one direction, and its angles in front prolonged and tapering (XXX. 13, 14). In the genus Lagenojihrys, when adherent by its flattened side, the sheath appears ovoid or shaped like a bellied oil-jar, with a contracted truncate mouth (XXX. 29, 30). A peculiar form of sheath is presented to u^ in the genus Lagotia (XXVIII. 21, 23), which may be de- scribed as retort-shaped, the relative diameter and length of the body and neck diff'ering in different specimens or species. In one species, at least, the neck has the further peculiarity of being thrown into spiral or, otherwise, annular folds or rings (XXXI. 7, 8), the presumed form and origin of which have just been described. We are further indebted to the discoverer of Lagotia for the recognition of a remarkable valvular structure within the tubiilar sheath of a species of Va- ginicola, which he in consequence names Vag. valvata (XXVIII. 18, 19). Dr. "Wright states (Edin. New Phil. Joum. April, 1858) — " On examining the valve in situ, 1 found it to consist of a rigid plate imbedded in a thick layer of transparent sarcode (XXVIII. 18 6), which latter was continuous at the lower end of the valve with a thin layer of the same substance, lining the whole of the interior, and coating the upper part of the exterior of the tube. The valve was closed by a contractile process passing fi-om its under- surf'ace to the wall of the tube .... I am disposed to consider the whole ap- paratus to consist of an oval plate of soft sarcode, supported by an included bar or naiTow plate of horn or chitine .... In some specimens the tube was marked with close transverse or circular strise." In Stenior Milleri (XXVIII. 16, 17), we have the cmious instance of an animal living indifferently with or without a sheath, and enjoying fi-eedom of movement. Amidst mmicrous specimens of this species, not a few (says Cohn) may be seen swimming freely about, or, otherwise, attached, enclosed witliin a roomy ovate sheath, composed of a soft gelatinous substance, and open at one end (XXVIII. 17). The animalcule is fixed by its posterior extremity (apparently converted for the time into a suctorial disk) to the closed end of the sheath : but it is still able to evert its spiral ciliary wreath, and to extend itself beyond the open mouth, or to retract itself in a contracted condition within its interior. Ehronborg remarked the exudation of a mucous sheath around this animal- cule when kept confined for some time for observation within small glass tubes, but mistook it for a sort of morbid act preparatory to death. Cohn, on the contrary, has shown {Zcitschr. 1853, iv. p. 263) that it is in no way con- nected with disease or with approaching death, but happens with indi^iduaIs OF THE PROTOZOA. — CILIATA. 285 i in full vital activity and suiToimded by favom-able external conditions, and I adds that gemmation frequently proceeds in these encased beings, and that, ■ when from evaporation of the surroimding fluid or other prejudicial cause the animals are thi'eatened with injmy, they quit their sheaths and swim away, the previously suctorial extremitj'^ resolving itself into a pencil of bristles. The result of these observations of Cohn is to disassociate this phenomenon of sheath-formation in Stentor from that of the encysting process, to which Ehi'enberg's account of it would have led it to be referred. Dr. Strethill Wright coincides mth Cohn in denying the relation between the presence of the sheath of Stentor Mulleri and the diseased or dying state of the animalcule. Indeed he speaks of the presence of a gelatinous case as the rule, and adds that " as the zooids (animalcules) divide they form a gelatinous mass, which is attached to weeds and often to the surface of the water, from which I have seen some 10 or 15 combiaed Stentor s hanging with their heads downwards." CiuA AND CiLiAEY AcTioN. — The most common, and at the same time the characteristic external appendages of the Ciliated Protozoa are the cilia, which constitute their most active and powerful locomotive organs. Cilia are, moreover, not wanting internally, but are there comparatively few, since they are appendages only of free siu-faces. They are met with lining the oesophagus, where they, no doubt, sei-ve to facilitate the ingestion of food and of the water taken in for the purposes of aeration. The natui-e and cause of ciliary movement have been much debated. To account for the energetic and pecuHar movements of cilia, Ehrenberg imagined the existence of a muscular apparatiis at their globular roots, consisting of four muscles, each pulling in an opposite direction, but, by acting in succession, causing the apparent rotation of the axis around the fixed base. This bold idea has met with no favour among physiologists, who condemn it as pui-ely imaginary and as opposed to the simplicity of natiire, to aU analogy, and to aU the admitted facts and principles of histology. Most inquirers despair of attaining a satisfactory explanation, of ciliary action, and treat it as an ulti- mate fact. However, Cohn, looking to the peculiar structure of the integu- ment of Paramecium (Loxodes) Bursaria (XXIX. 26), fancied that cihai-y motion admitted of explanation, since, on the supposition of an inherent contractility in that membrane, each Httie pyramid might be imagined to contract its sides m turn, and make the ciUum surrounding it revolve in the figure of an inverted cone. But granting the possibility of this explanation in the case of the ammalcule cited, it could in no wise be appKed generally to ciliary motion; for a similar structure is found in comparatively few other examples and the innate contractiHty of the supporting membrane, assiuned m the instance m question, has certainly no existence in many ciliated sur feces, and mvolves nearly an equal stretch of imagination to conceive as Ehrenberg's muscles. Retiirning from this digression on the natiire and cause of ciliary action, let us bnefly review the mode of distnbution of ciha in the Protozoa In many genera they are distributed imiversaUy over the siu'face (XXIX. 20, ^a, 4» ; AX VIII. 1, 8, 31), not at random, however, but in definite parallel hnes, more or less approximated, usuaUy travei-sing the length of the body A distribution in parallel Imes is also not unfrequentiy observed acrS or aroimd the body. Even where generally diffused over the body, thev are commonly more developed at certain parts, as about the mouth, the headend Lfiuodon (AXiX. 48), Bursaria, Leucophrm, Stentor &c Stmn tL^J^ 7^ It as a generic character, that in ParLJ^ (SiX 28) alT Ve E'^^^^ 286 QENEllAL HISTOEY OF THE INFUSORIA. of imiform length. In Colejos (XXIV. 284), the lorica is divided into a mul- titude of minute facettes by intercurrent lines or sulci, and the cilia are placed at the points of their intersection. In Colpoda Cucullulus (XXIX. 35, 36, 37), the cilia are much longer at the anterior prolonged extremity, the lip, just as in Ohilodon ; but there is besides, in the deep sulcus where the mouth is found, a dense pencil of long and strong cilia (XXIX. 37), which Ehrenberg mistook for a solid process of the body, and called the " tongue." From this fasciculus or bundle, a row of long cilia is, moreover, seen to extend backwards to the posterior extremity (XXIX. 37). Other groups of Ciliated Protozoa have the cilia confined, more or less strictly, to one part or organ of the body, — a circumstance exemplified in the Vorti- cellina and Ophrydina (XXX. 1, 2, 5, 9 ; XXIX. 1, 3, 4, 5). This limita- tion, as contrasted with the general diffusion of cilia, impHes an advance in the scheme of organization, and is attended by the constraction of a special apparatus about the head of the animalcules. Thus, in the families named, the rule is that the anterior extremity is bounded by an evident, mostly thick- ened margin, either curved or straight^ — the "peristom " — crowned with vibra- tUe cilia and complicated by an internal, usually extensile, ciliated disk or rotary organ (XXX. 1, 2, 9 a, 29 a), the whole apparatus recalling the struc- ture of the rotary organ of the Rotatoria. The cilia appertaining to the pe- ristom and disk are highly developed and strong, although, instead of serving for locomotion, they only subserve the processes of nutrition and aeration or respiration, by reason of the fixed condition of the animalciiles possessing them. Another peculiarity of the ciliary apparatus of the Vorticellina and Ophry- dina is that it is retractile (XXX. 6 a), or can be involuted and withdrawn into the interior of the animal (XXX. 13), and the peristom closed completely, and contracted sometimes so far as to di'aw in a part of the waU around it, and not leave a single eilium visible externally (XXX. 11 b, 31, 33). When thus retracted, the ciliated organ appears like an internal, irregular-sigmoid, contracted cavity or fissure, with the cilia closely packed together and scarcely distinguishable (XXYII. 5 a, b ; XXX. 11 b). The retraction of the ciliary wreaths, which takes place veiy rapidly, is caused by the presence of snr- rounding objects in the immediate vicinity of the animal, by their contact with it, by any shocks it may feel, and by the presence of noxious matters in the water. On the removal of such and similar causes of annoyance, the ex- tension of the delicate apparatus follows ; this act, however, is less rapid than that of retraction, and may be arrested at any point. A more permanent withdrawal of the rotary apparatus, in the families named, occurs when the process of self-division is about to proceed (XXVII. 3 ; XXVIII. 18), and also when the animalcule prepares to enter into the en- cysted condition (XXVII. 5, 7). The disappearance of cilia is witnessed not only in Vorticellina and Ojphry- dina when the process of encysting takes place, but is a general phenomenon among ciliated organisms under the same circumstances ; yet it would appear that in some cases, even when an animalcule has siuTounded itself vnth a cyst, its cUia are not actually lost, but only withdi-awn from view, — a fact adverted to by Stein ia his accoimt of Ohilodon Cuctdhdns, which at times, after encysting itself and developing one or more living germs within the cyst, has been seen to renew its original appearance, to regain its cilia upon its surface, and, after rotating for a while within the sac, to burst at length through it and escape (XXIX. 55, 58). Moreover many observers have asserted the fact that an animalcule may, soon after encysting itself, be set free by rupturing the cyst by pressure, and then reassume its previous cihated and active condition. Nevertheless the act of enc>'sting. when advanced to OF THE PBOTOZOA. CILIATA. 287 a certain point, or when the reproductive process consequent upon it differs from that seen in Chilodon, appears to involve the final disappearance both of generally diffused cilia and of specially organized cUiary wreaths. The arrest of the motion, and the ultimate disappeai-ance of cUia, are phe- nomena attendant also on the death, or on the approaching diffluence, of ani- malcules— when the surrounding water dries up, or when their vitality is injured by chemical agents or by physical forces, such as electricity and heat. Stein, however, states that, although the animalcule, e. g. a Paramecivm, is killed by the addition of veiy dilute acetic acid, yet its cilia continue visible and of their normal length. Cohn beUeved the cilia to be very much longer than Ehrenberg represented ; but, as Steia affirms, this notion origiaated from an unnatural appearance consequent on the dying state of the animalcule, from evaporation of the surrounding water ; and he adds that a similar elongation of cilia appears immediately at the point where strong acetic acid comes into contact with the siuface. But this explanation has since been set aside by Prof. AUman's discovery of the existence of trichocysts, or thread-cells, within the subtegumentary layer of the body (XXXI. 1-4), to which he at- tributes the phenomena observed and discussed by Cohn and Stein. An instance of a temporary formation of cUia is seen in the Vorticellina and OpJirydina when the offspring, fomied by fission or by gemmation, is pre- pared to detach itself from the parent being. Under such circumstances, and prior to the development of the interior retractile ciliary organ, a wreath of cilia makes its appearance (XXYII. 4, 11) near the posterior extremity — but which, indeed, for the time, advances first in swimming, and continues to do so until the animalcule has attached itself and proceeds to unfold the ciliated apparatus at its head. In the above account, reference has been chiefly made to vibratile cilia, but, as before noticed, there are tegumentary processes of larger size, coarser and stiffer, and withal not vibratile, although moveable. Such serve frequently as special organs of locomotion, or of prehension, or of both, and may also be occasionally considered weapons of offence and defence. According to their form they are named setce, or bristles ; uncini, or hooks ; dm, styles and filaments. Some of these tei-ms are both loosely defined and used. Thus the bristles so called of one author, are spoken of by another as cirri, or styles or fila- ments,— the structures thus variously called being long bristles, mostly taper- ing, and either straight or but sUghtly curved. The term " cirri " (in English tendrils) should be disused, both as being unnecessary and also as conveying an erroneous conception ; for no organs like tcndiils exist among Protozoa Un- cini (hooks) are very thick at the base, strong, eiu-ved, and comparatively short processes (XXIX. 15, 17) ; styles are stout setiform bristles, articulated at their base to the cuticle, and of considerable length (XXVIII. 10 • XXV 350, 351). These last-named processes, Lachmann teUs us, are sometimes split up at the apex into two, or oven as many eight, parts, as happens in various Euplotes (for instance, E. Patella, m which species, moreover one style bears a number of small lateral setiform branches). The divided styles occur at the posterior extremity, and are trailed along in the movement of the animals, and only occasionaUy employed in pushing them forwards whilst the uncmi m advance seiTO for actual creeping and climbing. As ex'amnlcs of these tegumentary appendages, may bo adduced the set® of Urostula anA ;^Tv%4^V.?f ''f^f^r^^ «¥«7f O^riftricMna (XXVIII. 10), Eunlotes (XXV. 350-353), and o{Ploescoma. Intermediate grades, between the hiehlv developed setose processes cited and ordinary vibratile cilia, may be seen in the larger and more ngid ciliary stnictures alluded to above as often found 288 GENERAL HISTOEY OF THE INFUSORIA. along the margin of animalcules, on eminences and in depressions and other particular pai'ts ; such Lachmann would name " ciliary bristles." In Tricho- dina Pediculus (XXIX. 17), Stein describes a circle of uncini supported on a cartilaginous or corneous ring, and external to this a yellowish membrane of corneous consistence and extraordinary flexibility, with closely-placed strise across it. On a lateral view of the animalcule, this membrane is seen to lise round the circlet of uncini like a raised rim (XXIX. 17/). Locomotive and Fixed Forms op the Ciliata. Vakieties of Locomotion. Transitory Power op Locomotion among tke Attached Genera. Pedicle Single and Branched. Yabied Outline op Eamipied Stems, Steuctuee of Stem. Conteaotile Stems. Rigid Stems. — The Ciliata, with respect to the function of locomotion, present themselves under two groups, — one compre- hending those genera which at all periods of their existence can move from place to place at wiU, the other embracing all those which under ordinary conditions are attached by means of a stem or pedicle, of greater or less length. The former — the locomotive group — includes the larger number of genera, ia all of which the cilia are more or less generally distributed over the entire body. Their swimming movements are especially due to the ciha, but may be aided by other tegumentaiy processes, by setae, styles, or unciai, and in several instances by the general figure of the body. It is rare that swimming is a simple onward movement ; on the contrary, it is usually attended with a rotary motion about the long — seldom the short — axis of the body ; and when the animalcule is considerably elongated, it becomes undulating, as in an eel. In the case of Spirostomum (XXIV. 297, 298), the elongated ribbon-Kke figure is particularly favourable to rapid wiithiag motion. In short, as before intimated, the developement of the body to a greater extent in one or more parts, so as to form processes, or the constriction of a portion, reducing it to the dimensions of a member, or the lengthening of the entii'e animal into a band-like or Ugnlate figure is made subservient to the purpose of locomo- tion, and imparts to it a more or less special character. Moreover, the loco- motive Ciliata have the power of altering the direction of their movements, and will often retrace their course, and this frequently without turning them- selves round in order to advance the same extremity foremost. The simple movement of swimming is common to all the Ciliata ; but in the case of those furnished with setse and uncini, a creeping or crawling motion is superadded, as, for example, in StylonycMa (XXVIII. 10), Himan- tophorus, Euplotes, and Kerona (XXV. 322, 328, 347, 353). In several of these examples we find one side of the body covered with a more resistant integument or shield, whilst the locomotive imcini or sette are disposed along the other, just as in the case of a myriapodous insect, and supply a locomotive apparatus whereby the animalcules can rim, with much activity, over the surface of an Alga or other solid body, or climb it without difficulty. The movements of the seta3, ia creeping, are not independent like those of vibratile cilia, but are produced by the contraction of the substance into which their bases are fixed. Every microscopist has obseiwed Ciliata suddenly arrest their course and a.-; qmckly reverse it. This phenomenon Pcrty calls ' diastropJiy and asserts (op. dt. p. 122) that this change in movement is accompanied by such a transition, that not only does the posterior extremity become, for the time, the anterior, but it also acquii'es the size and appearance of the latter. There is, in his language, an actual polar reversion of the organism. This peculiarity is observed among the swimming, but not among the creeping Protozoa, whicli always advance with the anterior end first. "\^Tien Paramecium versutum or P, leucas becomes diastrophied, its figure elongates and changes to cylindrical OF THE PROTOZOA. CILIATA. 289 — the present anterior portion (formerly the posterior) grows thicker, whilst the opposite end becomes somewhat more pointed. For a few seconds the animal swims about, revolving at the same time upon its long axis, and after sud- i denly making a tm-n, reassumes its regular form and its usual movements. ; It is singular that the cilia of the reversed anterior extremity acquire a greater i length and strength, and act with iucreased vigour, whilst those at the oppo- site end become ruconspicuou* and passive. Diuing diastrophy, moreover, rotation upon its long axis is particularly rapid. Perty illustrates this pecu- liar act of diastrophy in many other species, of which we may mention Para- mecium Col])oda, Colpoda Ben, Colejis hirtus, Occytricha PellioneUa, &c. A very indifferent conception can be formed of the energetic ever-vai-ying movements of the Ciliata by any attempted descriptions of their maimer and direction. One method is combined with or rapidly exchanged for an- other ; and we see the little beings not simply swimming, but revolving and curving on themselves in a marvellous and beautiful manner, to be appre- j ciated only by observation. i Could we imagiae the existence of a will, or of a power of control, in such tiny creatures, we should say that cUiary motion is at its bidding; we see it incessantly varying in the same individual, both in activity and power, at one moment urging on the moving atom at full force, at another merely revolving it rapidly, at another slackened and presently stopped. These va- riations, too, appear not fortuitous, but directed to certain ends — to the pro- curing of food, to the avoiding of an obstacle, or to the escape fi'om an enemy. Yet, on the one hand, the belief in the need of a special organization for the manifestation of volition, and, on the other, the obsei'vation of very similar movements in the ciliated cells of higher animals when detached and free in ; water, in the Phytozoa and in the spores and filiform cells of plants — are \ circumstances which make us hesitate in attributing such phenomena to I any other than purely physical forces. \ "There is no sufficient reason," says Dr. Carpenter (' The Microscope,' p. I 476), " to regard such actions as indicative of a wonderful adaptation, on the I part of these simple ciliated cells, to a kind of life which enables them to go in quest of their own nutriment, and to introduce it, when obtained, into the interior of their bodies." Prof. Owen remarks, in his lectiu'es on the Comparative Anatomy and Phy- : siology of the Invertebrated Animals (1843), p. 19, — " If you watch the 1 motions of the Polygastric Infusoria, you will perceive they avoid obstacles I to their progress, rarely jostle one another ; yet it is difficult to detect any I definite cause or object of their movements." Further on, he mites " The i motions of the Polygastrica have appeared to me, long watchiag them for indi- cations of vohtion, to be in general of the nature of respii-atoiy acts, rather than attempts to obtain food or avoid danger. Very seldom can they be constraed as voluntaiy, but seem rather to be automatic — governed by the influence of sti- muli -svithin or without the body, not felt, but reflected upon the contractile fibre — and therefore are motions which never tire. "Wo may thus explain the fact which Ehrenberg relates (not without an expression of siu-prisc), namely, that at whatever period of the night he examined the living Infu- soria, he invariably found them moving as actively as in the day-time • in ; short, it seemed to liim that these little beings never slept." ' ; Turning now to the fixed Ciliata, we perceive that the true Vorticellina ji not invested by an external sheath, arrange themselves under two sections' according as the stem is flexible and contractile, or non-contractile and almost . or completely inflexible. The genus Voriicella is the tyi>c of the contractile group, and Epiatylis that of the non-contractile and inflexible. The stem u 290 GENEBAX HISTOKY OF THE INFUSOEIA. of the genus first named is always simple or unbranched (XXVII. 1, 2, 3, 4 ) ; but in that of the other genera of Vorticdlina — viz. Carchesium (XXX. 9) and Zootliamnium (XV. 69) of the contractile -stalked group, and Epistylis and Opercularia of those having rigid stems (XXX. 1, 11) — the young beings produced by fission continue adherent to the parent stem, and then proceed to develope secondary branching pedicles of their own, and in this manner give rise to compound ramified collections of polyparies. Since this ramification is consequent on the division of a parent-being into two, it has necessarily a more or less regular dichotomous (forked) character, and wiU be more com- pound the oftener the process of fission has been repeated. The stem produced by each half continues to acquire length and strength until the being which surmounts it begins in its turn to undego self-division, when its growth at once ceases ; and it undergoes no further change whilst it exists, excejjt in acquiring increased consistence. " The individuals on the same stem have," says Steia (p. 75), " as a rule, similar dimensions, those undergoing fission, and therefore wider, excepted. At times, indeed, one may be found smaller than its neighbours ; but this will be traceable to some accidental circumstance, such as a less supply of nu- triment to it, and is never very considerable. The size of the members of the same colony agrees in general with that of the iadividual from which the whole have spnmg. When the newly-developed fission-segment, after detach- ing itself from its parent, forthvrith proceeds to fix itself and secrete its stalk, the newly-developed colony will coincide in dimensions with that from which this animalcule has proceeded. On the contrary, if the detached member enjoys its freedom a longer time, appropriates nouiTshment, and attains a larger growth, the new arborescent polypary developed from it will be larger in aU respects than the parent colony. Hence it is, that in the same species we have great variety in the dimensions of individual members as weU as of colonies ; and therefore the height of the pedicle, the thickness of its branches, and the size of its individuals are useless as specific characteristics." The style of ramification is equally devoid of constancy in the same species : for (to continue our extracts from Stein) " the several branches may attain an equal elevation, and so produce a corjonb or cyme ; or the inner may out- grow the outer branches, and the whole poly]3ary resemble a bunch of grapes or a panicle ; or, as occasionally happens, the branches may be all incompletely developed, but at the sarne time bear numerous individuals on short stems, an-anged in close series on one side, when there wiU be a resemblance to an car of com." In the case of Ophrydium there is a considerable departure from the ordi- nary structure and arrangement of the polj^aries of Vorticellina and the rest of the Ophrydina. Elirenberg considered the globular masses of Ophryd'mm to be constituted by the cohesion of their gelatinous sheaths, and to ho the consequence of their incomplete soH-division. Tins, however, seems to be incorrect ; for Stein (p. 246) confii-ms the statement of Frantzius, that the gelatinous ball is not made up of coherent sheaths, but that the bodies of the Ophrydia arc merely attached by their tapeiing posterior extremities to its surface, and not imbedded within it. The animal sends, indeed, a prolonga- tion of its tapering base some short way witliin the homogeneous matiix, like a root ; and when it forcibly contracts itself, a slight depression of the surface occurs ; but in no strict sense can the gelatinous excretion be called a sheath or lorica. Although, in their usual phase of being, the attached Ciliata have no power of locomotion, they are nevertheless cajjable of considerable relative move- ment. The highest degree of this is seen in the actively contractile stems of OF THE PROTOZOA. CTLIATA. 291 Vorticella, CarcJmhim, and Zoothamniuni, and the lowest in the nearly sessile Vaqimcola, and ia the rigid-stalked Episiylis. The movements of the stems of Vorticellce are most astonishing by their activity and energy. _ In their contraction, which is much quicker than extension, the pedicle is twisted into a close spu-al comparable to a coiled spring ; and besides this action, by wliich the animal is instantaneously drawn down to the point of attachment, the ; body itself shortens, and the cUiated head and appendages are retracted under , cover of the general integimient. The branched pedicle of Zoothamnium is I less actively contractile, although still capable of considerable movement, i whilst that of OjJercularia and Epistylis is quite rigid, or very slightly ; flexible, and this in most species only in younger stems, before they are in- j durated by age. In Opercularia herberina we have the most marked example of flexibility of the stem among rigid-stalked genera. Apart from the movements of the animacules dependent on their pedicles, others are due to the contraction and elongation of their bodies, and to the retraction and extension of their rotary apparatus. In the instance of Vagi- I nicola (XXVII. 11), of CotJmmia (XXX. 12, 13, 14, 15), and of Tintimius, these, indeed, are the only movements of which those genera are capable, — the external sheath constituting of itself a safe house of defence when the ani- malcule retreats within it, and thaa offering a compensatoiy provision in lieu of the locomotive power of the freely-swimming Ciliata, or of the actively- coihng spiral of Vorticella. On the other hand, when not in retreat, the ani- j malcule outstretches itself, and, advancing its ciliated delicate head beyond I the Hmit of the case (XXYII. 10, 11), expands its ciliary apparatus. The animalcules fijced on rigid stems appear exposed to every passing . danger without defence ; nature, however, has furnished them with a firm i resistant integument within the anterior margin or peristom, of which they . can completely retract the delicate rotary disc and ciliated head. However, they are not positively motionless ; for a certain latitude of motion is allowed them by theii" mode of articulation, and by the annular segmentation of the posterior extremity (XXVII. 16), in addition to the possible contraction into an ovoid or more or less globular figure. In Opercularia herheriformis the contraction of the body is facilitated by the transverse rugae which normally exist, — ^whilst in Ophrydium it is carried so far that the elongated figure be- comes oval, and, the head being retracted, the animal presents itself as an inconsiderable prominence above the sui-face of the gelatinous mass it rests upon. The absence of a protecting sheath in this genus is partly compen- sated for, further, by the aggregation of the Ophryclia, since the globose mass produced is of itself a security, and is rendered still more so by its revolving movements, the result of accidental external forces, and, we may suppose, also by the activity of the animals projecting from its surface. The Vorticellina and OplirycUna live as free beings for a certain time after their production, whether by fission or by gemmation, or by internal gonns i or embryos. In the case of the products by gemmation and fission, this 'i locomotive power is due to the temporary formation of a wreath of cilia be- hind the posterior thii-d of the body, as mentioned in a preceding page ; and it is curious that it is not then the head which moves in advance, but the jl hinder extremity, by which attachment is to bo presently made. There I seems to be an object in this backward progression ; for by it the animal is : brought directly into contact with any object to which it can affix itself, and I its attachment made more finn. The part to be attached is the first to come into contact with the supporting medium ; and whether it proceeds to secrete about itself a sheath, or to dcvelopo a peduncle, it finds itself rightly placed without any revolution of the body. TJ 2 292 OENKRAL HISTOHY OF TnH INFUSORIA. Structure of Pedicles. — The intimato stincturo of the stem of the Vor- tkellina is different in the contractile and in the rigid forms. The highly- sensitive, contractile, simple pedicle of the genus Vorticella has challenged especial study. It is evidently a compound stmcture, consisting of a hoUow tube containing a cyhndiical band. The tube is a poition of the general integument, and continuous with it ; in diameter it is unifoi-m thi-oughout, except at its point of junction with the body, where it undergoes a very slight expansion. Owing to the excessive rapidity of its spiral contraction, this act can ■with difficulty be observed, except after the addition of a weak solution of corrosive sublimate, wliich renders it so much slower that its progress may be watched. Ultimately, indeed, the solution kills the animal. The contained band, or, to borrow a term from general anatomy, the " axis- cylinder," does not fill the cavity of the tube, bu.t is disposed within it in a loose spiral manner. Opinion has been much divided as to the nature of this structure. Ehrenberg, judging from its active contractility, pronounced it a muscle, and went so far as to represent it as striated, i.e. as belonging to the highest-developed condition of muscular tissue, which, however, com- parative anatomy teaches us is absent in the lowest classes of animals. Many other writers have united with Ehrenberg in considering the band muscular, and some few also striated, whilst others, again, have regarded it as a simple primitive contractile substance, less elevated than muscle proper in the range of tissues. Indeed, when we contemplate the contractility exhibited by certain plants, and can find nothing more than spiral vessels which can be conceived the seat of this property, we are forced to admit that musculai- tissue is not the only actively contractile element in organized bodies. Stein, after remarking that the histology of the stem in Vorticella, Garchesium, and Zoothamnium is essentially similar, proceeds to describe the axis-cylinder as an opaque, solid, finely-granular mass, presenting delicate longitudinal hues or stripes. In Vorticella nebulifera, V. convallaria, V. Campanula, and in Garchesivm jpolypinum (XXX. 9), it extends into the body as a single tapering band or streak, and in other VorticelUna in two such diverging from one another, as remarked by Ehi-enberg, who concluded them to be two muscular cords. When the stem contracts spii-ally, ti-ansverse lines or stripes appear in the axis-matter, which are no other than cross folds, not parallel, and most strongly marked on the concave side (XXX. 10) ; they have therefore no homology with the transverse strife of muscle. That the contractile power is dependent on the contained axis-cylinder is shown by the facts, that where this is deficient at any part, as not mifrequently hap- pens in Zoothamnium, that portion is rigid, as in Eiiisti/lis or Opercularia ; that when destroyed by maceration, or by chemical agents, the stem is out- stretched and remains immoveable ; and that, as is not seldom seen both in Garchesium and Zoothamnium, this axis-matter may bo torn across, at one or more parts, without the external sheath being injured : the contractility is destroyed, except in that segment which is still in continuous union with the body of the animal ; and generally the pedicle is only so far and so long con- tractile as its axis-cylinder continues its imbroken connexion ^vith the body. "Although," observes Stein (p. 80), "these phenomena are in favour of the axis-matter being a muscle, yet there are othera sufficiently conclu- sive against the notion. For instance, were the axis a muscle, its move- ments should cease when it loosens its hold from the object it is affixed to : but this, although asserted by Eckhard, docs not happen ; for when Vorticellce and Garchesia relax their hold and swim freely about witli their stems, these last are seen to actively contract in their usual spiral manner, and presently again to extend themselves. In Uke manner Vorticellce, when OF THE PllOTOZOA. CILIATA. 293 detached from theii- stems, alternately contract and extend their bodies ; and yet no one pretends to see any distinct lines or bands in their interior to be termed muscles." Stein's conclusion therefore is, that the contained substance of the stalk of the contractile VoHiceUina is not muscular, although it is the organ through which the will of the animal is exercised over the pedicle. Ru'ther, as the action of chemical reagents upon the enclosing tube or sheath of the pedicle con-esponds with their action upon the cuticle of the body, so also is there a similar correspondence, in chemical relations, between the axis-cylinder and the internal tissue of the body. Czermak, in his essay on the stem of Vorticellce (Zeitschr. iv. p. 442), describes in that of Garchesimn three distinguishable structui'es: — 1, the hyaline coloiu'less sheath ; 2, a yellowish contained fibre or band ; and 3, a finely- granular fibre lyiag parallel to the last (XXX. 10). These three portions he terms three isotropous helicoids, with reference to their spiral mode of con- traction. Eckhard supposed the efi'ective cause of the contractility to consist in the constant intimate connexion between the motions of the stem and those of the body : but there is no such constant connexion ; for the cUiary wreath may be retracted frequently without any contraction of the pedicle. According to Czermak, the explanation of the movements is to be found in the external hyaline fibre or tube being elastic, and tending naturally to keep the stem outstretched, wHlst the yellow contained filament is contractile, serving to throw the stem into folds, — the one consequently antagonistic to the other. To the third or granular element, he is disposed to attribute only a vegetative function. The elastic force of the stem is constant, whilst the contractUe is momentary in operation ; the result of this, coupled with its tiibular structm-e, afi'ords an explanation of the particular spiral mode of contraction. This, Czermak has taken much pains to elucidate by reference to physical laws, and an appeal to arguments which we deem unnecessaiy to reproduce here. More recently, the idea of the muscular nature of the axis-cylmder of Vorticellce has been revived by Lachmann (op. cit. p 229), who does not hesitate to call it a stem-muscle, and " cannot allow any value to Stein's objection, that it stiU contracts even when the stem is not attached to another object ; for the muscle does not thus loose its insertion, as it is attached to the sheath of the stem itself by its hinder extremity, and not to the foreio^n obiect " This reply to the objection seems perfectly admissible, although for our part we do not at all perceive the necessity of regarding the axis-matter as muscle in the exact sense of the term, even if it is in fimction homologous with that compound tissue of higher annuals. A further statement made by Lachmann is, that the muscular tissue of the stem extends upwards into the body where it joins with the supposed muscular lamina lining the cortical layer ' TTie manner in which the axis-cyUnder is produced and disposed,' is shown by Stein to afford a distinction between the allied genera Carchcsium and Zoothamniitm. In the former, each branch dovelopes its own canal and' its own central .substance, so that neither of them is directly continuous with the canal or the contractile matter of those portions previously formed (XXX 9^ ■ in Zoothamnhim, on the contrary, both the sheath and the axis-cylinder of the stalk are continuous throughout the ramified polypidom (XII G9) Tt is in this genus, particidariy, that the oldest portion of the stem is often solid • indeed imperfcctly-dcvclopcd stems occur, iji which after one or more cUvision^ thLS same solid and rigid condition is seen. Such varieties, as Stein uoints out (op at. p. 218) are to a certain extent difficult to distinguish fromsnoc"es of B^7Styh3; nevertheless they are never so rigid as the latter, but admit of 294 GENEEAl HI8X0BY OF THE INFUSOBIA. being curved and are more elastic, and, besides all this, tbey exhibit trans- verse folds or constrictions, of different depths, which are rendered still more evident when the animals contract and shorten themselves upon their stems. The rigid stems of Opercularia (XXX. 1) and Epistylis (XXX. 11) are solid, without internal canal and contractile matter ; frequently they appear finely striated longitudinally, and in several species (e. g. Opercularia articu- lata) present transverse lines (XXX. 1), along which they more readily fracture. These last are commonly described as articulations or joints ; but they occui- at irregular distances, and are, even in the same species, neither constant in num- ber, in distinctness, nor in distribution, and are consequently worthless in specific descriptions. The substance of these rigid stems is, however, not uniform, but divisible into a cortical layer and an inner or medullary substance. This is manifest by the fact of the transverse lines, which become more evident during the limited undulating movements of the stem, penetrating only through its cuticle or covering. " On the addition of concentrated sulphuric acid," says Stein (p. 112), " the pedicle swells up, and both longitudinal striae and transverse lines or folds vanish, the whole mass appearing homogeneous and hyaline. Tincture of iodine colours it yellow ; but sulphuric acid being added, it is again rendered coloiuiess." CoMPorarD Special Oegans of Locomotion and Peehension. The Peeistom AlfD ROTAET OE CllIATED DiSK. ThE SpiEAiLY-COILED HEAD OF SpIEOCHONA. — Before entering on the description of the internal organization of the Ciliated Protozoa, there is one set of organs, belonging to the important genera Vorti- cellina and Ophrydina (Ehr.), which demands our attention. The organs in question are appurtenances of the head, and consist of a ciliary wreath and a retractile ciliated disk. Ehrenberg appears not to have recognized the existence of the ciliated disk as a special structure ; for in his several generic descriptions of VorticeVdna and Ophrydina, he speaks of the head as simply crowned by a wreath of cilia, more prominent at one part, which he called the forehead, and inter- rupted at one spot by a sort of gap where the oral aperture is placed. Stein's researches, however, show clearly that the armature of the head, in most of the genera of those families, is much more complex. The excepted genera are Stentor, Triclwdina, Urocentrvm, and Tintinnus, which ai'e, in fact, not time members of the family. Stentor fimiishes an example of the structure of ciliary wreath, presumed by Ehrenberg to belong to all Vorticdlina, being in fact a single line of cilia fringing the periphery of the head, and bending down spii-aUy to the mouth (XXYIII. 16 ; XXIX. 7, 8). Triclmlina is very curiously fringed with an anterior and posterior wi'cath of cOia, and has besides a firm collar-like ring, within which is a cii-clet of stiff imcioi (XXIX. 15, 16, 17). In the genus Vorticella the apparatus is most simi)le ; it is slightly more developed in Oplirydium and in Vaginkola, still more so in Epistylis, and most of all in Opercularia and Lagenop)hrys ; lastly, in Spirochona, Ghcetospira, and Lagotia, totally exceptional forms occur. When examined closely, Lachmann says (A. N. H. 1857, xix. p. 118), we find the wreath is a spii-al, and not a complete circle (XXIX. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7). It begins in the vicinity of the orifice of the vestibule, nms above it towards the left, and round the margin of the ciliary disk; but before it again reaches its starting-point, it descends, upon the stem of the rotary organ, into the commencement of the digestive apparatus («. e. the vestibulum) .... The portion of the ciliary spiral, which is outside the vestibulum, is not of equal length in all^ Vortkd- Una ; in many — Vorticella, Carchesium, ZootJiamnium, Scyphidia (XXIX. 3), OF THE PROTOZOA. CILIATA. 295 Trichodina (XXIX. 15, 17), some species of Epistylis, &c.— it scarcely de- scribes more than one circuit roimd the disk, whilst in Ojpercularia articulata and Epistylis jlavkans it nms roimd the disk three times, and ia other forms the length lies between these two extremes. This portion consists of a double row of cilia ; those of the outer row are usually somewhat shoi-ter than those of the inner, and inserted upon the ciliaiy disk nearly in the same Une, but at a different angle, as they appear to be far. more strongly bent outwards. In the vestibulum and oesophagus the cilia appear to stand in a single row. The peristom bears no cilia ; those represented upon it by Stein belong to the outer series of cilia of the disk, or to that portion of the spiral which descends, on the stem of the rotatory organ, into the vestibulum. The latter also, perhaps in conjunction with the bristle above mentioned, appear to have been what indiiced Ehrenberg to suppose the existence of a fi'iUed lower lip in Epistylis nutans, and Stein in all the Opercular'm. " To see the pai'ticulars above described, it is peculiarly advantageous to observe animals which have died during expansion." In Voriicella (XXVII. 1, 2, 4 ; XXIX. 1) we have a truncate anterior ex- tremity, the margin of which, i. e. the peristom, is ciliated, expanded, and often rather roUed outwards, and has within and rising slightly above it the rotary or ciliated disk. This is separated by a fissure from the peristom (XXVII. 1, 2), except at one part, where the two are continuous, and on examination the disk, with its supporting stem narrowing downwards and outwards obliquely into the body, appears to be a fold reflected from the inner margin and surface of the peiistom. The mouth opens at the bottom of the fissure or cavity (the vestibultmi), and is furnished with several cilia. The ciUated disk when outstretched is elevated a little above the peristom, but can be retracted and covered in by it completely. The peristom, like- wise, can so curve itself iawards as to include its own ciUa within the ring of integument which closes over, like a sphincter, the whole ciliary ap- paratus of the head. The rotary disk has some general resemblance to a cork or plug, which can be drawn inwards by the animalcule itself, or pushed outwards, so as to serve, by its ciliated margin, to produce a vortex in the fluid, and thereby fulfil the pui'pose of a prehensile or pui-veying organ, in addition to its locomotive power when the Vorticella is free. The tapering biisis of the disk ends below ia the general cavity of the body, and is held in situ by its retractor fibres, which proceed to it from the sides of the animal- cule posteriorly. Its interior is continuous with the general cavity of the body. The unfolding of the ciliary apparatus of the head is more gradual than the retraction ; and, so to speak, the animal seems to feel its way by first everting a portion of its dcUcate peristom (according to our own observation, in a sinuous manner) along with a few of its stronger cUia, before expanding the rest. In Ophrydium (XXX. 5), the disk is rather more convex on its sm-facc, and advances somewhat higher above the peristom, but in all essential parti- ciilars resembles that of Vorticella. On the retraction of the disk, the peri- stom contracts above it into a short cylinder, and the head swells out in a globose manner (XXX. 6). Between Ophrydium and Vaghiicola (XXVII. 11) there is a close resemblance in the conformation of tlio ciliated organs except that, in the latter, the act of retraction agrees rather with that of Vorticella than with Ophrydium. A truncated, thickened, somewhat everted peristom, fringed mtli cilia (this Lachmann denies, see above), belongs to Epist^ilis (XXX. 11) as well as to the above-named genera, and to Garchesium (XXX. 9) and Zoothamnium It has also a similar rotary disk, only rather more developed, and its stem short and thick. 296 GENEKAL HISTOEY OF tHE INFUSOHIA. In Opercularia, on the contrary, the peristom is neither ciliated, expanded, nor everted in a campanulate manner, but, by the tapering of the anterior thii'd of the body, is narrow (XXX. 1, 37), and frequently throw into longi- tudinal rugse, and withal simply truncate. Further, the disk has a flat sou-face, and is supported on a long stem which tapers internally to a fine extremity ; and the whole organ assumes a trumpet-like figure (XXX. 1 a, 2 a, d). Moreover, instead of an infundibuhform fissure conducting to an oral aperture or entrance to the alimentary canal, there is a wide throat or pharynx, occujtying almost the whole diameter of the peristom, having its border extended upwards in the form of a free edge (XXX. 2, 3), which Stein calls an under Hp, in contradistinction to the rotary disk, which Ehren- berg represented to be a forehead and upper lip. The tapering stem of the disk bounds one side (the upper) of the pharynx, and by its narrow extremity communicates with the general cavity of the body. The flat disk itself is surrounded by two or three concentric rows of long cilia, and when drawn inwards suffices, with little aid from the constric- tion of the peristom, to close that opening. When, however, contraction is more forcible and complete, this process is entii-ely retracted, and the peristom closed above it (XXX. 37). When in this condition — and this is true also of the other allied genera, — the only indication, as before mentioned, of the ciliary apparatus of the head is an irregularly-shaped streak or space, in which cilia may still be discerned. This iiTegular space is nothing more than the remnant of the pharyngeal cavity not occupied by the retracted organs. On the retraction of the rotary disk a portion of its contents is transfeiTcd from the expanded free extremi^ into its stem, the quantity so removed being in direct ratio with the degree of contraction ; when tliis is considerable the trumpet-Kke process appears like a mere internal lobe (XXX. 37 b, /i). In Lagenophrys the peristom is pecuHar in being adherent to the narrow two-lipped aperture of the ' sheath ; the diameter of the two orifices is consequently equal. From the peristom a long tmmpet-shaped rotary organ projects, similar to that of Opercularia (XXX. 29, 32, 33, 34). The most singular conformation of the head occurs in a now member of the VorticelUna, described and figiu-ed in Stein's admirable monograjA (p. 205) under the name of Spirocliona (XXX. 17, 27, 28). In this the ordinaiy struc- tiu'e of the head is entirely departed fi-om ; and we have in its place a con- voluted spiral membrane or lameUa, rolled inwards around a sohd central axis, forming a sort of exaggeration of the single spii'al wi-eath of Stentor. In full-grown specimens of Spir. gemmipara, two complete circuits (XXX. 17) are made by the lameUa, each of wliich is morpliologicaUy the same as the ciliated peristom expanded and flattened out. The smiacc is clothed with cilia ; and at its termination in the body, near the axis of the spu-al, is placed the mouth, into which foreign substances are rapidly transmitted by the action of the cilia. Among the several members of the families passed in review, we have seen a considerable range in the complexity of the ciUaiy wreath ; and on extending our examination to other genera, intermediate gradations in structtire may be discovered. Thus, through the simple sjurally-curvcd wreath of Stentor (XXIX. 7), we have a connecting link between VorticcUa, on the one hand, and several genera, of wliich, in respect of the ciliary arraatiu-c of the head, Trichodinn may be taken a.s tlic representative. ChaUospirn, a new genus instituted by Lachmann {A. N. H. 1857, xix.), has a cihary apparatus so abnornud and pocidiar, tliat it would seem rather a representative of another family than one of the VorticelUna. The anterior OF THE PKOTOZOA. CILIATA. 297 portion of the body is much elongated, and supports a ciliated process, when fully extended, straight and of a sword-shaped figure, fringed along one side and at the end with cilia (XXIX. 5) ; but when in active vibration and twiii- ing the animalcide onward ia a spii-al manner, the greater part of this cUiated process becomes curved like a sickle (XXIX. 6). Another bizarre form of cihaiy apparatus is exhibited by the genus Lagotia, described by Dr. Strethill Wright as a member of the family Ophryclina. The head of this animal protrudes a pair of horn-lLke divergent processes, fringed around with ciha, flat or folded longitudinally, and straight or recui'ved at the extremities. These ciliated appendages, together with the elongated body they surmoimt, enjoy a very great latitude of motion by alternate con- traction and extension, and by curving and twisting in different directions. The mouth lies in the angle between the processes. The whole being may be said to stand in a position, -with regard to the rest of the Vorticellina and Ophrydina, similar to that of Stephamceros to the other Rotatoria. INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OF THE CILIATED PROTOZOA. SuBTEGUMENTAEY LATEB ; Chloeophtll ; Theead-cells ; MtTSCLES. — Sub- jacent to the cuticle is a layer of granules and smaU. globules, which is often spoken of as a second lamina, just as the cutis vera in higher animals is of the cuticle. Its thickness is considerable ; it is hyaline, and more con- sistent than the contents, and, although homogeneous itself, contains a multi- tude of granules, and, at least in several genera {e. g. Paramecium, Ophryclium, Nassula), numerous chlorophyll- vesicles, often so thickly disposed as to impart a lighter or deeper green coloiu- to the animal (XXIX. 28). In young, and also in very old, specimens this colouring-matter is wanting, and only colour- less granules with a dark outline, resembUng small fat-particles, present. In Mr. Carter's phraseology this cortical lamina bears the name of the " diaphane," and is said to lie beneath the " pellicula," but not to be secreted from it. The property of contractihty resides in it, whence it becomes so far analogous to the muscle or flesh of animals, that to it the term ' sai-code ' may most appropriately be applied. Dujardin, however, who fij-st employed this term, did so to desig-aate the entire component organic mass of Protozoa • but as later observers seem to make out the presence of a somewhat dis- similar substance, of a much looser and more mucilaginous consistence sui'- rounded by the contractile layer in question — in other words, within the so-called abdominal cavity — we feel quite justified in limiting its signification as we have done. That the cortical layer alone is contractile, Lachmann considers {A. N. H. 1857, xix. p. 126) to bo shown by the fact, that " in torn Infusoria fragments of it not imfi-equcntly contract, whilst the internal mass, the ' chyme,°which flows out, never does so." Its contractions eftbct tiie various alterations in the figure of animalcides, whilst by its greater consistence compared Avith the abdominal contents, and its fixity as a layer subjacent to the cuticle, it affords a surface, and even a nidus, for the attachment of the nucleus and contractile vesicle, which it therefore serves to retain in situ, notwithstandin"- the opposmg forces of the circulatoiy current and of particles of food propelled against them (see section on Circulation). To demonstrate this qiucsccnt cortical lamina and the inner moving stratum also, chromic acid affords the most effective means. The cavity enclosed by the cuticle and subjacent cortical lamina is occupied by an almost fluid matter, for wliich the term " abdominal mucus " is suo-o^ested by Carter, and that of "chyme" by Lachmann, the former wo cstcGn/thc better, although it impcrfcctiy represents the actual state of things • for in 298 GENEUAL HISTORY OF TILE INFUSOBIA. these central almost fluid contents, two portions are dLstinguishablc — one occm-iing as a stream moving around the animalcule, within and upon the cortical lamina, the other as a thinner central medium, apparently (juiescent, and in direct communication with the surrounding water through the channel of the alimentary tube and mouth. To the first only of these two portions Lachmann's term ' chyme ' is rightly applicable, since it no doubt represents the nixtritive material drawn from the alimentary matters swallowed, and to the elaboration of which the watery fluid of the centre most likely contributes. Both portions contain food- vesicles, granules, and molecules ; but the former possesses them in much greater abundance. When an animalcule dies, the central contents are the fii'st to escape, streaming forth fi-om the mouth as a diffluent film with granules and molecules imbedded in it ; a similar discharge and " diffluence " also ensue when the protecting envelopes are torn through, and the more so when some pressm-e is at the same time exerted. The follovraig quotation from Lachmann elucidates very well several points concerning the contents of the body in general. " When," he writes {op. cit. p. 126), " an Infusorium is sucked out by an Acineta, the cortical layer or parenchyma of the body may often contract for a long time, and the con- tractile vesicle placed in it may also continue its contractions for houi's ; nay, I have observed a StylonycMa, which, although a considerable part of its chyme had been sucked out of it by an Acineta, stiD. imderwent division, so that one of the gemmules of division swam away from it briskly, and only the other half of the old animal was destroyed. This appears also, to a cer- tain extent, to prove that the mass sucked out does not represent the true parenchyma of the body ; and as it only fills the large cavity of the body in the form of a tenacious fluid mass, and becomes mixed with the nutritive matters, especially when no small masses are formed, it is certainly the most natural course to regard it as chyme. It cannot be urged against this view, that in those Infusoria which contain chloroj)hyll-corpuscles in the substance of their bodies, we sometimes meet with single corpuscles in the rotating mass, as they may certainly be easily loosened from the parenchyma, and thus get into the chyme-mass. The nucleus, indeed, projects into the chyme- mass ; but as a general rule it appears to be affixed to the parenchyma of the body, as we do not see it rotate with the chyme-mass : in Opei'cuJaria bei-berina, Stein sometimes saw the nucleus moved a little out of its previous position by a mass of food stiiking against it ; but as it soon returned again to its position, this rather speaks for than against its attachment." Imbedded within the cortical layer a collection of remai'kable structures is discoverable in many species — for instance, in Parainecmm, OphrnogJcna, and Bursaria — kno'wn under the name of thread- cells or trichocysts (XXXI. 1-4). We are indebted to Prof. Allman for the minute and complete examination of these bodies {J. M. S. 1855, iii. p. 177). He behoves it was these structures which Cohn represented (as mentioned in a pre\ious page) to be exceedingly long cilia, and which Stein, in criticising Cohn's account, aflirms to be cUia of ordinary length, but appearing abnormally lengthened under external circum- stances, such as the addition of strong acetic acid. Prof. Allman's description is the best we have : — "When Bursaria leucas is examined under a sufficiently high power, minute fusiform bodies may be detected tliicldy imbedded in its walls. These bodies are perfectly colourless and transparent ; they arc about the ■j^th of an inch long, and may easily, oven without any manipulation, bo witnessed at the margin, where they are scon to be arranged pcq)cndicidarly to tho outline of the animalcule, while on the surface turned towai-ds the observer the extreme transparency and want of coloui* render them invisible OF THE PROTOZOA. CILIATA. 299 against the opaque background, and it becomes necessary to crush the animalcule beneath the covering glass, so as to press out the green globules which it contains, in order to bring the fusiform bodies into view. To these bodies I propose to give the name of trichocysts. " As long as the animalcule continues free from annoyance, the trichocysts undergo no change ; but when subjected to external ii-ritation, as occurs dming the drying away of the surrounding water, or the application of acetic acid or other chemical irritant, or the too forcible action of the compressor, they become suddenly transformed into long filaments, which are projected from j all parts of the surface of the animalcule ; and it is these filaments which, being mistaken for ciHa by Cohn and Steiu, gave rise to the erroneous views just mentioned. " The rapidity with which this remarkable change is effected, joined with the great minuteness and transparency of the object, renders it extremely difficult to follow it ; and for a long time I could only satisfy myself of the fact that the fusiform bodies were suddenly replaced by the projected fila- ments. After continued observation, however, I at last succeeded in wit- nessing the principal steps in the evolution of the filament. " It is not difficult, by rapidly crushrug the animalcide, to force out some of the trichocysts in an unchanged state. If the eye be now fixed on one of the isolated trichocysts, it will most probably be seen after the lapse of a few seconds to become all at once changed with a peculiar jerk, as if by the sudden release of some previous state of tension, iato a little spherical body. In this condition it wOl probably remain for two or three seconds longer, and then a spiral filament will become rapidly evolved from the sphere, apparently by the rupture of a membrane which had previously confined it, the filament unrolling itself so quickly that the eye can scarcely follow it, until it ulti- ! mately lies straight and rigid on the field of the microscope, looking like a 1 very fine and long acicular crystal. " This remarkable body, when completely evolved, consists of two portions — a rigid spiculum-like portion acutely poiuted at one end, and continuous at the opposite end with the second portion, which is in the form of an ex- cessively fijie filiform appendage less than half the length of the spiculum : this second portion is generally seen to be bent at an angle on the fii-st, and is frequently more or less ciu'ved at the free end. The form of the evolved trichocysts is best observed in such as have floated away towards the mai-"-ia of the drop of water, and are there left dxy by the evaporated fluid. °In many of them the filiform appendage was not visible ; and they then merely presented the appearance of a simple, long, fusiform spiculum. j " The resemblance of the organs now described, to the weU-known thread- I cells of the Polypes and of certain other lower members of the animal Idnw- ! dom, is obvious. That they are entii-ely homologous, however, mth these 1 bodies we can scarcely jet assert. Their origin, at least, appears to be I different ; for, if we admit the unicellular stnictiu-o of the Infusoria, we have the trichocysts apparently developed in the substance of the ceU-wall, instead of being produced in special cells, as we know to be the case with the' thread- cells of the Polypes." These structures have also arrested the attention of Oscax Schmidt Leuckart, and Lachmann. The second-named observer surmised tliem to 1 be " poison organs ; " and very probably they have a defensive purpose for this i is suggested both by AUman's liistory of them, and by Lachmann's obsorva i tions (02). cit. p. 126, in foot-note) "of similar, but much tliickcr corpuscles I which presented a deceptive resemblance to the urticating organs of the Gampanularm, in an animal living as a parasite " upon iuflinduals of that 300 GENERAL HISTORY OF THE rNFUSOBIA, family of Polypes, and " which is probably to be referred to the Acinethia .... In the oval embryos, cUiated on one side, which were squeezed out of the body of the mother, we were enabled to convince ourselves that these corpuscles were enclosed, from two to nine together, in a roundish proper vesicle " (cell). Muscles. — Ehrenberg presumed the existence of internal muscles, to ex- plain the varied and active movements of the CUiata, — a presumption required by his hypothesis of the repetition of the organization of higher animals in all lower forms, but entirely unwarranted by analogy. Dujardin considered the whole bulli of the body to be composed of ' sarcode,' having an inherent con- tractihty, and the source of all the movements. Little doubt can exist that the cortical lamina is the seat of contractility, — not that it is muscular on this account, but that, as animal tissue in its simplest condition, it possesses the property of contractility as one of the characteristics of such tissue, along with others, such as sensibility, all which, in highly-organized animals, have severally their special stracture elaborated for theii* more complete operation and independent action. In short, in the language of physiologists, the tissues in more perfect animals are differentiated, in the lowest are not so. This physiological fact being admitted, the existence of nerve-fibres and of nervous centres, or ganglions, can be no more than imaginary. The same follows of the supposed organ of sense, the so-called eye of Olenodinium, which many have concluded to be homologous with the coloured specks of Protozoa, of Euglena, and the like. Lieberkiihn's obsei'vations would lead, however, to the conclusion that the eye-speck of Opliryoglena rightly deserved that epithet, and is something more than a pigment-spot. His account of it runs thus {A. N. H, 1856, xviii. p. 321) : — " Close by the oral slit, on its concave side, lies the pigment-spot. Its form is extremely iiTegular, some- times globular, sometimes ellipsoidal, in many cases toothed. Ordinarily it is so distinct as to be at once perceived ; sometimes, however, it is so small that it can only be detected by close examination. In animalcules filled mth strongly -refracting substances alone, it is always difficult to discover it. The pigment-spot of Ophryoglena atra has, on the whole, more imiformity of form and magnitude. If we squeeze down an Opliryogle^ia jlavicans between the coveiing glass and the slider, we find that the pigment-spot is composed of a heap of minute, scarcely measurable granules, strongly refracting hght. I never could discover a lens in the pigment. AU the specimens examined by me possessed but a single pigment-spot. Beside this hes alwa^-s a hitherto unobserved stnicture, the fonn of which is perfectly described when we call it a watch-glass on a small scale. This watch-glass-like organ is transparent and colourless, and shows no trace of fibrous or any other stractiu-e. The circular base has a diameter of about j^th of a millimetre ; its depth amounts to about a thu-d part of this diameter ; the convexity is veiy con- siderable. The watch-glass-shaped organ usually turns its convex side towards the pigment-spot ; its concave side is directed towards the point of the head ; it does not seem to be moveable by the animalcule. "NAlicn isolated, it withstands the action of water for a longer time than is usually the case with the other parts of the body of tliis Infusorium. After lying some time in water, it swells up in some degree, and frequently becomes perforated by a hole in the middle. The presence of the watch-glass-shaped organ is not dependent on the presence of a pigment-spot ; for Ophnjoglfna atra possesses a pigmont-spot, but no watch-glass-shaped organ, while Biirsaria f ^'^'^ which he concluded to be fat-globules, and only another stage of development of numerous smaller white corpuscles he met with in the same being. Stein has estabEshed the existence of a pair of oblong or rcniform solid glandular-loolting organs a little beneath the peristom of Opercularia arti- eulaia (XXX. 20), the purpose of which cannot be surmised. Lachmaun has hinted at the possibility of their being nervous ganglions, but neverthe- less feels quite unable to express an opinion. The chlorophyll-corpuscles, chiefly confined to the soft subtcguraentary lamina, have ah-cady been spoken of (p. 297), and need no further notice except it be to recall an opinion of Cohn, that the coloured masses, called by Ehrenberg ciliary glands, seen in a few species of Nassula, are probably of the same nature as those coipuscles. CnicuLATTON OF CONTENTS (XXIX. 25). — The remarkable phenomenon of the circulation or rotation of a portion of the contents, similar to the cy- closis in the colls of many plants, is witnessed in moat of the Ciliated Protozoa. . It had attracted the notice of several observers before Ehrenberg published I his great work in 1838, and was very speedily urged in argument against his 'views of polygastric organization, to which, indeed, it seemed fatal, inasmuch ! as, such a rotation is clearly incompatible with the existeiicc of stomachs at- Itached to, and connected together by, a fixed intestine. To meet the objec- ttion thus raised, the Berlin professor suggested that the apparent circulation ji-waa abnormal, or a diseased condition, the consequence of an over- distension ; of one stomacli-sac at tlio sacrifice of others, an explanation quite inadmissi- 340 GENEItiVL HISTORY OF TirE INFUSORIA. ble, since tho phenomenon is one to be very frequently oljserved in animal- cules evidently in full functional activity and uninjm-ed, and because the particles of food entering the interior assume their usual globular form (i. e. acquire the characters given by Ehrenberg to his so-called stomach-sacs), take their usual course, and do not accumulate in a confused manner within a largo sac, such as the supposition in question implies. Microscopists are now agreed in representing this rotation to be confined to a layer or stratum of the contents within the subtegumentary or cortical lamina, and not to extend to the central portion, as Cohn represented (Zeitschr. 1851, p. 265). The cm-rent is from left to right, as we look down upon the animalcule (XXIX. 25) under the microscope, and therefore is actually the reverse, or from right to left, with regard to the animal itself. It never changes its direction or com'se ; but its rapidity varies in different species, and even in the same species under different cii'cumstances affecting its vitality : such are, among external conditions, light, air, warmth, and food ; others, age, the encysting and reproductive acts. Cohn observed that some particles in a Paramecium Bursaria occupied 1-L to 2 minutes in making the circuit. In Vorticella the current is slower. The stream is composed of a thin mu- cilaginous matter, bearing in it numerous granules and molecules, fat-cor- puscles, globules of food (the stomach-sacs of Ehi-enberg), and the remnants of alimentary matters in their passage to the dischai'ging outlet. The chlo- rophyll-corpuscles of the cortical layer, the nucleus, and the contractile vesi- cles are not involved in the current, imless, indeed, a few of the first named when accidentally detached fi-om their matrix. The nucleus lies more or less | within the stream ; and although moveable to a considerable extent at times by the onward pressure of a bolus of food, it yet seems to maintain a con- nexion with the subtegumentary lamina, and to escape being di-a^wTi into the rotating ciu'rent. Fiu'ther, in the large Vorticellina, such as Epistylis and Opercidaria, the mass of fat-corpuscles at the base of the body does not join | in the current ; and it must be noted that the food-globules do not circulate ; until they have lost the independent motion received by them on their pro- t pulsion from the extremity of the oesophagus. J The most correct view, in our opinion, of the nature of the rotatiag stream, j is that of Lachmann, who conceives it to be the nutritive fluid elaborated from j the food, — in a word, " chyme." Such a fluid, analogy suggests to be needed | by the cortical and sarcode laminae over which it spreads itself, to supply ma- terial for their renovation and rebuilding, and to compensate for the constant waste consequent on the perpetual movements of the animal. And may we not fui'ther presume that this cm-rent also sen-es to bear away from the lamina effete particles prior to their elimination, just as the blood of higher animals serves both as a pabulum to the tissues and a channel for the removal of their worn-out material? Moreover, this circulation of a nu- tritive fluid around the inner layer of the animalcule has its analogy in tlic rotation of a similar fluid around the general abdominal cavity of the Coelen- torata, such as the Hydrozoa and Actinozoa. Respecting the cause of this rotation of the contents, sevei-al explanations have been broached. Some seeing in it a close similarity to the cyclosis of j ' plants, have attributed it to a like cause ; but wliat this is in vegetable cells is anything but certain. According to some, the nucleus of the plant-cell is tho exciting force, since the stream seems to set out from and to return to tho nucleiis ; but this is not univereally the case. Others, again, imagine cilia to cover the interior of tho cell- wall — but this is only an hyjiothesis. — whilst others find in the functional activity of growth and nutrition, coujilod with the co-ordinate actions of light, heat, and chemical affinity, a sufficient cause I OP XHE PROTOZOA. CILIATA. 341 for the phenomenon. This last view comprehends the interpretation Stein puts upon the movement in question in the Protozoa, which is, that the chlo- rophyU-globules by their action on light, by the exhalation of carbonic acid gas, and the resultant chemical forces developed, produce the revolving move- ment ; for, as he remarks, the movements of the animals have nothing to do with the rotation, as some have suggested, seeing that it goes on when they are in perfect repose ; and moreover is seen only in those rich in chlo- rophyll, and not in colourless individuals. In elucidation of chemico-vital action as a motor force, we may allude to vegetable physiology, which teaches us its power in the circulation of the sap through the appointed channels in the leaves and thence downwards through the inner bark. But, apart from the influence of chemico-vital forces, we cannot exclude the idea that the propulsive force of the oesophagus, in impelling food or water into the general ca^ity, must aid the current, even if its axis do not precisely correspond with the course at the point where it is fii-st operative, since, from the difi'erence in the arcs described by the coui'se of the stream and by the oesophageal current, the two must eventually become coincident and concurrent. In a recent letter to us. Dr. Strethill Wright remarks that " in Carche- sium polypinum active molecular movements may be detected throughout every part of the zooid (animalcule), even in the thickened rim upon which the cilia are placed. This movement seems to be distinct from the rotatoiy motion of the whole contents of the body, so readily seen in Epistylis grandis, and which only occasionally occurs in Carchesium. The zooids of the class of Protozoa seem to be composed of sarcode in its most fluid state, enclosed in a delicate contractile coat. In this sarcode a desultory circulation occurs, either as molecular motion or as steady rotation, or as a backward and for- wai'd flowing occasioned by change of shape in the body, as in Ophrydimn versatile." The ENCTSTrNG-PEOCESs the Ciliated Protozoa (XXVIII. 6, 7, 66, 67, 74-76 ; XXIX. 18, 19, 21-23, 39-46, 52-58).— Although the encysting- process is very frequently associated with the act of reproduction, yet it is also concerned with the preservation of individual life, and, so far, deserves consideration apart from the former. "Were it not for some provision against such a contingency, animalcular life would be exposed to wide-spread destruc- tion by the change of fseasons, by the drying up of the pools and ditches they inhabit, and by other injurious external influences. Such a provision is made by the act of encysting, which enables these minute animal organisms at all ages to resist those destructive agencies, and also provides for their almost unlimited diffusion. The construction of sheaths around animalcules is an- other protective act (see p. 282), but differs from encysting in not completely enclosing them. When an animalcule is about to encyst itself, its movements become less active, and presently cease ; at the same time it withdraws and folds up its rotary or other prominent process, closes its oral aperture and contracts itself ra a more or less spherical shape, and its cUia disappear. Having proceeded thus far, an excretion is thrown out around, whicli gradually hardens, assumes a membranous form, and invests the animalcule as a cyst or case. It may happen that the construction of the cyst commences before the animal is quiescent, while it still moves slowly about or revolves on itself by the out- pouring of the soft gelatinous matter out of which it is to bo elaborated as is seen in Amphileptus (XXIX. 19), Colpoda (XXIX. 35— 43), and Ohilodon (XXIX. 48-58). Moreover, after the animalcule is enclosed within its case it may for a time vary its figure, and also turn on itself with more or less 342 TtEneeal uistohy of the infusoria. activity, by means of its cilia, which yet remain apparent. Stein mentions this phenomenon in Stylonychia pustulata (XXIX. 18), and in the encysted embryos or gemma3 of Coljpocla ; and we know that similar movements precede its revival from its quiescent condition in aU cases. The cyst-wall is, at least in some examples, double, consisting of an outer, finely-granular, softer layer and an inner, consistent, elastic, homogeneous membrane (XXIX. 21, 22, 41, 43). It may be that two such laminse always exist ; for the outer one criimbles away so soon as the enclosed animal prepares to reassume its activity, and it is after the onset of internal changes that most observations have been made upon cysts. The two coats were remarked by Auerbach (ZeitscJir. 1854, p. 431) in Oxytricha Pellionella (XXIX. 21-23) ; by Stein in Ghilodon CucuUulus (XXIX. 53, 54), in Stylonychia pustulata XXIX. 18), and in Nassulu amhigua ; and by Cienkowsky in Nassula viridis (XXVIII. 67), &c. In Ghilodon, indeed, Stein represente several concentric layers to the cysts (XXIX. 55, 56), and states that in this instance the walls acquire no firmness, but remain soft and gelatinous. Another pecuHarity attaching to cysts in some species, is, that they produce folds or plaits on theii- siu-face, and therewith acquii-e an ajjparent angTilar outline, as Stein exhibits in his figures of encysted Epistylis 2^licatiUs and E. hranchiophila, where the Hnes are longitudinal, and in encysted Oper- cularia berberiformis, where they are transverse or annular. Again, the cyst-walls are not always smooth : thus, in Nassula ambigua Stein represents them as punctate in longitudinal lines ; in Stylonychia pus- ttilata (Midler's ArcJiiv, 1856, iv. ; A. N. H. 1857, xix. p. 228) they have stellate markings, and in a small undescribed species of Epistylis a finely- shagreened siu'face. The changes which the encysting animal itself undergoes have been men- tioned generally ; but a few more details, aided by reference to particular examples, are required for a more complete elucidation of them. So soon as the animalcule becomes quiescent ■within the sac secreted aroiuid it, the ciha which covered the surface, including any of larger dimensions disposed along certain tracts, or uijon particular processes, disappear, and have generally been presumed to be destroyed ; however, various observations are on record wliich seem to show that this is not universally the case, but that not unfi-equently they are merely concealed from view ; and this being so, it becomes ques- tionable whether — especially in the ordinary process of encysting, where only the conservation of the individual is intended — theii- destruction or absorption is the rule. An observation of Stein may be quoted on this ques- tion : — An encysted Ghilodon Gucidlidus, after developing several embryos, ceased this process of propagation, redisplayed its ciha as if by simple evolu- tion, and commenced moving within its cyst along with, one of its embryos (XXIX. 68). The inference deduciblc from this particular observation in the case of the encysting-process, even when exorcised for the distinct purpose of generation, is greatly strengthened by the oft-repeated observations of the release of the imprisoned beings, by pressiu'e causing the mpture of the newly- foi-med cyst, in the possession of their complete figure and their cihary arma- tiire. We may add that no proof exists of an actual new formation of cilia upon beings when emerging from their cyst ; all that can be predicated is, that ciha reappear in their normal positions and arrangement. To sketch now the history of the encysting-process by a reference to some of the many examples recorded by vaiious microscopists ; for the act has been witnessed in so many species and genei-a, that it is assmncd to be common to vidl. The description given by Cohn {Zeiisclir. 1 853, iv. p. 267) of the oncyst- \g of Trachelius Ovum may be given as an example (XXIX. 19, 20): — The OF THE I'KOTOZOA. CILIATA. 343 movements of the animalcule become slower, and before ceasing altogether, consist in a simple rotation without change of position. The cilia are next seen to become indistinct and to disappear ; and a delicate line, removed some little distance fi-om the peripheiy of the enclosed animal, makes its appear- ance, radicating the limit of a soft gelatinous envelope. Wlulst this proceeds, the animal assumes a more globular and contracted figure, chiefly by folding down its lip- or ti-unk-hke process upon its general surface. The secreted covering in the meanwhile gains in firmness, but loses in thickness, and thus acquires the character of a membrane, which closely invests the Trachelius, except at places where the two surfaces are separate and distiuct. This may be termed the first degree of encysting, and afiects the creature so sUghtly that it can shake off its coating of its own accord, and, by rupturing its sac, reassume its pristine appeaa-ance and activity. This phenomenon was witnessed four times in the same iadividual by Cohn, and supposed by hina to have been induced by the abnormal conditions (the action of light, &c.) in which the animalcule was placed under the microscope. Stein (op. cit. p. 133) in a similar manner recounts the formation of a cyst around Chilodon Cucullulus, and the possibility of setting it free by breaking down the cyst by pressiu-e. In Trachelius the development of the cyst, to the stage described,' occupied, according to Cohn, only ten minutes. Where the process advances beyond this degree, the cyst commonly acquires a denser and firmer con- sistence ; the animalcule can no longer deliver itself at once of its own accord from its prison, but undergoes a further change from its normal form, and requires those vivifying influences of external warmth, light, and moisture, such as spring-time brings with it, to arouse it from its torpid state, and to cause the reappearance of its hitherto obliterated organs. Stein has very copious details of the whole process of encysting in various CUiated Protozoa ; but in none is that process more interesting to foUow than in the Vorticellina. In members of this family the state of extreme contrac- tion, induced by some external cause obnoxious to them, becomes fixed, and only the irregularly- curved space covered over by the completely-closed peristom indicates the complicated ciliary apparatus of the head ; and even this decreases to a streak, and at length vanishes altogether. Wlulst this goes forward, a membrane forms around the being which is now detached from its stem, and a globular or ovoid cyst, containing a nucleus and a con- tractile vesicle, is the representative of the once active and elaborately- organized Vorticella. To what degree the encysting process may advance without depri^'ing the animal of its abihty to recover its freedom and original character, is weU ex- emplified by Auerbach's observation on the cysts of Oxytriclia Pellionella (XXIX. 21, 24) {Zeiischr. 1854, v. p. 430). This able microscopist foxmd a number of globular cysts, with two coats, enclosing a homogeneous, finely- granular, brown substance, witliin which was a darker, rounded body (XXIX. 21), or at times two, and more rarely three such, seemiugly derived from it, indicating the nucleus. The contents natiu-ally filled the capsule ; the addi- tion, however, of a little muriatic acid caused them to slu-ink into a roundish body, somewhat more extended on one side, and traversed by a few deep folds or fissures (XXIX. 22). Such were the bodies met Avith during the continuance of Avintor ; but when early spring arrived, these began to exliibit signs of vital activity within. The fii-st change remarked was the appearance of a vesicle, which by degrees acquired increased contractility ; tiicn the body retracted itself from the cyst-wall and commenced to revolve in a vacillating manner, whilst the outer granular lamina of the cyst broke away. Cilia now coidd be seen dis- 344 GENEHAL HISTORY OF THE INFUSOEIA. tiibuted over the sui laco of the animal, and a close row of much stronger ones along a fold recalling the characteristics of StylonycJiia or of Oxytricha, although the animal still wanted the general conformation of the body peciiliar to either of these genera (XXIX. 23). All this time the darker nuclear body or bodies had retained their existence and position, whilst the contractile vesicle, on the other hand, grew smaller, apparently by the ex- pulsion of part of its fluid contents to occupy the space left between the animal and its capsule by the contraction of the former. The enclosed body, when freed from the wall of the cyst, commenced moving, not in a regular rotation, but in a jerking manner, fi'om side to side as it turned, until at length it ruptiu'ed the walls of its prison and made its escape. The animal thus set at large presented the characters of Oxytricha (XXIX. 24) di- stinctly enough to recognize it as belongiug to the genus ; and at the same time the numerous escaping germs and the rapid appearance of a multitude of Oxytricha PellioneUa of all sizes confirmed this view of their nature. Nevertheless a slight difference existed between the newly-emerged indi- viduals and matiu-e specimens, — the former being more oval, and their contents less hyaline, more granular, and of a yellowish colom* by transmitted light : still, specimens occurred of eveiy intermediate shade. This observation by Auerbach demonstrates to us how completely modified and actually lost the characters of an animalcule may be when it becomes encysted even temporaiily, during what has been termed the winter-sleep ; for, as that ■wiiter shows, the Oxytricha-ajsts he discovered could not have been ova, or a mere transitional phase to a higher form of existence. Similar instances of cyst-evolution are recorded by other observers ; but generally the whole history of the cyst is not given, but only that portion in which an actual animalcular form, in movement by means of ciUa, has revealed itself; such is the instance of Amphileptus Fasdola mentioned by Cohn (Zeitschr. v. 1854, p. 434). Purthemiore, variations in the internal appearance and per- ceptible contents of cysts vary in difterent species, just as do their walls ; thus, for example, in Oxytricha-cjsts the contractile vesicle had vanished and appeai-ed de novo only when its vital activity was resumed, — while in other cases this sac or space never disappears, but is even more prominent than the nucleus before the action of reagents, which is tnie of most, or of aU, Vorticellina. The particulars recounted by Mr. Brightwcll respecting Zooiliamnmm Arhuscula (' Faima Infusoria of Norfolk,' 1848), which he thought indicative of a mode of development by alternate generation, appear to us to represent probably the act of encysting, or that degree of it assumed by gemmaj prior to detachment from their parent stem, and retained by tliem until they have taken up a fixed position and proceed to develop a peduncle (sec section on Mission and Gemmation). We extract Mr. Brightwcll's account, so that our readers may form their oAvn opinion of the nature of the phenomena detailed : — . „ , . , , r " Sept. 16th, 1846. Eariy in the morning of this day, we obsen-cd one of the Zoothamnhmi arhuscula, a large old specimen, which had lost all its small bell-shaped animals, but had several medlar-shaped buds or ova re- maining upon it. It was seen to detach from its stalks nearly aU these ova, which went off as free animals. One of them soon after settled at the side of the water-trough, and after agitating its anterior cilia it suddenly, and with a kind of violent effort, opened into a cup-shaped form, and darted about with great rapidity, occiTsionnlly settling, and darting ofl' again. At nine in tlie moniing, one of these buds, or ova, wa.s observed fixed to glass by n sheathed pedicle ; a ciliaiy motion became perceptible at the OF rUE I'KOTOZOA. CILIATA, 345 top of the biilb ; and at ten it had divided longitudinally into two buds, each supported by a short stalk. The ciliary motion contiaued in the centre of each of these two buds, which by degrees expanded longitudiually, and at twelve had become four- buds. By four iu the afternoon, these four buds had divided in like manner and increased to nine, mth an elongated foot-stalk, and interior contractile muscle. " During the development of another specimen, the stalk appeared to have transverse ribs or joints, and, whilst a drawing was making, gradually bent downwai'ds, and all the buds severally detached themselves from it, and went off as free animals, leaAnng only the bent stalk. In this interesting process we see something analogous to what Steenstrup describes as * a mode of development by means of nurses or intermediate generations.' " This mode is described as that in which an animal produces a progeny permanently dissimilar to itself, but which progeny produces a new generation, in itself or its offspring, returning to the form of the parent animal. It win be seen that this development differs from that of metamorphosis, in the circumstance of the intermediate animal (the niu'se) being itself a perma- nent and producing form. " To show this to be the case with ZootJiamnium, it would be necessary to prove that the medlar-shaped animals were a permanent form, producing a race which, in themselves or in what they produced, returned to the form of the parent animal. " We have not been able to carry the development of these buds or ova further than PI. 12. f. 67, 68, 69, and wood cut " (see Part II.). " And it is remai-kable that in all these the buds have produced, not the little beU-shaped animalcules hke the parent animal, but other buds hke themselves. May it not be the case, that these medlar- shaped bodies are propagated at the close of the year, and that, when the plant to which the Zoothamnia bearing these bodies are attached dies away, they remain in the mud, protected from the cold of the winter, and in the spring burst forth, and settle upon the new-growino- plants, and produce animals of the parent-form. They would thus form an intermediate niu'sing race answering to Steenstnip's description." Prof. Cienkowsky has witnessed (ZeitscJir. 1865, vi. p. 301) cyst-construc- tion in Nassida viridis (Duj.) (XXVIII. 65—71), Stylomjchia xnistulata (XXVIII. 74 — 76), S. lanceoJata, in various Vorticellce, in Bursaria trunca- tella, B. lateritia, Podojjhrga f xa, Loxodes CucidMus (Duj.), Leucophrys Spatlnda, Amphileptiis margaritifer, Holophrya brunnea, and less completely 'in AmpMleptus Anas, Stylonychia Mytilus, Paramecium chrysalis, Spirosfomum ambiguum, Stentor pohjmorphus, St. Mulleri, Paramecium Aurelia, and Loxodes Bursar-ia. In Loxodes Cmidhdus (Duj.) and Stylonychia pustulata he saw the dis- charge of the whole of the contents of the cyst in the form of encysted Infu- soria. The embiyo born from the cysts of Stylonychia pusttdata resembles closely the Tnchodu Lynceus, and can multiply itself by self-fission just in the same manner as mature and independent beings. In cyst-development, he observes, the whole of the contents are, as Jules Haime stated, not metamorphosed nito tlie resultant embryo, but one or more portions escape in the form of globules, apparently ciliated, and move off \nth a rotating motion. llEPRODUCTION OF THE CiLIATED PrOTOZOA :— FisSION, MOBES OF ; GeMMATION • INTEUXAL Ova pnoDUCiNG Gbrms ok Embryos ; Impreonation ; Productton OF new Beings with and without METAMORpnosis ; Transformation into AciNET^, AND Development of EMKRVos.—UntU lately, naturalists in general did not acknowledge other methods of reproduction than by fission or as 346 GENERAL HISTOEY OP THE INFUSOEIA. some would call it, fissation, and by gemmation or budding, which, from not being true generative acts, have been called ' vegetative ' modes of propagation or multiplication. Eecently, however, the CUiata have had attributed to them true generative processes, resulting in the development of embryos either with or without intercurrent metamorphoses. The simpler processes of fission and gemmation are, in Stern's opinion, modes of propagation peculiar to immature beings, and are replaced in mature animalcules by the agency of germs or embryos. Fission. — This duphcative subdivision may be longitudinal, transverse, or obhque ; and whilst some species divide in only one dii-ection, others are capable of so doing in two, for instance, in the longitudinal and transverse, but not simultaneously. Among the Vorticellina longitudinal fission alone occui's ; Paramecium (XXIX. 27), Ohilodon, and others divide both longi- tudinally and transversely; Lagenoplirys obliquely only. Fission has not been witnessed in Spirocliona nor in Trichodina, nor in Colpoda when in a free state and not encysted. Ehrenberg came to the conclusion that multiplication by spontaneous divi- sion is the character which separates animals from plants. It is true (he argued) that gemmation in plants, especially in veiy simple ceUs, is at times very similar to the division in animals ; but this relates to the form, not the formation. A vegetable cell, apparently capable of self-division, produces one, or contemporaneously many exterior buds (gemmai), without any change in its interior. An animal which is capable of division, fii'st doubles the inner organs, and subsequently decreases exteriorly in size. Self-division proceeds from the interior towards the exterior, from the centre to the periphery ; gemmation, which also occurs in animals, proceeds from the exterior towards the interior, and forms fii'st a wart, which then gradually becomes organized. This supposed distinction between fission in vegetable ceUs and that in simple animals like Infusoria is set aside by modem researches, which show that, when a plant- cell is about to divide, the mucilaginous layer of the wall (i. e. the primordial utricle) manifests a constriction, which presently involves the wall itself, and, gradually deepening, at length cuts the cell into two. The observations on this subject in the chapters on DESMmiEiE and Diatomeje wiU more completely elucidate it. Considered with respect to the condition of the animalcule, fission occurs in the active and unchanged state, as in Paramecium ; or In a contracted state, as in Vorticellina ; or only when encysted, as in the ease of Colpoda. Hence it foUows, that it presents several slight modifications in its coiu'se. One general fact is, that whilst fission proceeds, the rotation of tlie contents of the animalcule is at a stand- still. In its simplest variety, the dividing being first presents a constriction at each pole or side of the body, which gradually ex- tends until it completely cuts it into two equal or unequal parts. Simulta- neously with the fii'st indication of an act of fission, and in some cases before a sign of it is to be detected in the peripheiy of the animal, it has been generally taught that the nucleus, after elongating and usually disposing itself across the direction of the line of scission, takes the initiative in the act, by commencing a fission of its own substance (XXIX. 27), which sub- sequently proceeds step by step with that of the entire body, until complete. This statement is, accorchng to Lachmann (A. N. U. 1857, xix. p. 230), a mistake when made respecting the Protozoa gcncnilly ; for in some cases the di\dsion of the nucleus is consecutive to that of the body, and " in others, again, the actual fissation of the nucleus does not lead to that of tlie body, but embryos arc developed in it ; " on the other hand, " fissation is generally commenced rather by a new formation of contractile vesicles." OF THE PHOTOZOA. CILIATA. 347 In some species where fission proceeds on its simple type, food may con- tinue to be received for a short period by the dividing animal. The small share the abdominal contents witlmi the cortical lamina have in the vital processes, is shown by Lachmann's observation of a Stylonychia, " which, although, a considerable part of its chyme had been sucked out of it by an Acineta, still underwent division, so that one of the gemmules of division swam away from it bi-iskly, and only the other half of the old animal was destroyed." The direction of the Hne of section is perhaps, when longitudinal, usually from before backwards, the constriction appealing first and advancing more rapidly at the head ; but the contrary, according to Stein, prevails in CJiilodon Cuadlulus, where the constriction makes its way solely from the posterior pole. AVhen fission is transverse or oblique it necessarily involves the reproduc- tion, in the posterior half, of the organs existing in the anterior, viz. the ciliary apparatus of the head, the oral aperture, the tube prolonged from it, and the contractile vesicle. So far, therefore, it approaches nearer the act of gemma- tion than does longitudinal fission, wherein segments of the already existing organs are separated for the purposes of the new individual, and are not actiially reproduced or created anew. " In those Infusoria," says Lachmann (A. JV. H. loc. cit.), " in which a peculiar series of stronger cUia leads to the mouth (such as Oxytrichince and Eivplotece), the farrow in which this series of cUia is situated is seen, subsequently to or simultaneously with the division of the contractile vesicle, to become produced backwards over the mouth ; in this prolongation cUia are produced, and its posterior extremity becomes deepened into a mouth and oesophagus, which then opens towards the ali- mentary cavity of the animal ; then, simultaneously with the external con- striction of the body, the new furrow is separated from the old one. (In Stenior the new frontal series of cilia first makes its appearance on the old animal as a lateral straight series — the crista lateralis of Ehi-enberg). In animals which also possess peculiar processes of the body as organs of motion (hooks, styles, &c.), the fissation usually takes place in such a maimer, that each of the newly-formed animals acquires a portion of these from the old animal, whilst the other part is of new formation." The manner in which self-division proceeds in Protozoa Avith a firm, and seemingly almost brittle integument, is exemplified in Coleps (XXIV. ''284 285). Along the line of section a new secretion of chitinous substance takes place, soft in consistence and transparent, Avhich by its increasing width separates the two portions of the original lorica; in this interposed new tissue a constriction presently manifests itself, and advancing in depth, the two segments are finally simdered. It thus comes to pass that each product of fission is one half covered with a dense shield, and the other half with a soft, yielding integument. After a while, more molecules make their appear- ance in the latter, wliich gradually assumes a firmness equal to that of the old lorica. The Vorticellimi, including the OphryiUna, do not divide until tlioy have assumed a sort of semiquiosccnt condition, by the complete withdrawal of their ciliary apparatus and the contraction of the body generally into a more or less rounded or oval shape,— in short, until they have advanced one sten towards encysting themselves. Ehrenbcrg portrayed their fission as a simple constriction advancing from before backwards to separation of the body ; but Stein pointed out the actiial antecedents of the process. According to tiie latter wiiter, the head-nortion and Its appendages ^^^tildraw ; tlie rotary organ is absorbed, and also the (Esophagus ; at the same time the contractile space vanishes ; the bodv ox pands m vvadth, the nucleus outstretches itself across it, a constriction appcai-s 348 GENERAL HISTOHY OF THE INFtTSOEIA. on its anteiior border, and, extending constantly in depth, at length effects its complete division. When the section has reached the third of the body, a conical space displays itself towards the anterior portion of each half (XXVII, 3), lined by a special membrane, covered by cilia on its posterior side or base, which are seen to vibrate within the cavity. This formation is the rudiment of the future rotary organ. The apex of the conical hoEow is prolonged by a canal which eventually opens on the surface, and thus establishes a con- tinuity between the lining membrane and the external integument. At the same time the internal angle at the base of the cone is produced inwards so as to form the alimentary tube. When these changes are accomplished, the body is half cut through, and the appearance is rather that of two individual animalcules miited posteriorly, having their ciliary appai'atus retracted, and the peristom contracted in a splinter-like manner over it. Lastly, the advancing act of scission divides the nucleus ; and the whole body becomes resolved into two individuals seated upon the same stalk. From this accoimt it follows, that, of the original organs of the animalcule, the nucleus is the only one divided between the two resultant beings by the process of fission ; all the rest are formed anew out of the homogeneous substance of the body, viz. the peristom, the rotary organ, the alimentary tube, and the conti'actile vesicle. This absoi-ption and renewal of parts diuing lissation is denied by Lachmann, who affii-ms that the movement of the cilia upon the cihary apparatus, and in the vestibulum and oesophagus, which are closed up by the peristom, may be observed during the whole process. W^e have no means of deciding which of these two statements is correct : yet we rather incHne to Stein's account ; for when we admit that in fission there is a separation of all the organs and appendages of the body into two portions, one to each resultant being, an act of structural development becomes necessary to reproduce the remaining por- tion, so as to perfect each new animal and to assimilate it in characters to the parent. This being the case, the method of development stated by Stein is more consonant with our views of histogeny than that of Lachmann. The oblique fission of Lagenophrys vaginicola (XXX. 32, 35, 36) presents several peculiarities. The Une of section commences below the peristom on one side, and proceeds diagonally across to the opposite, and thus gives rise to an anterior lateral segment retaining aU the special organs, and a posterior lateral possessing nothing save its half of the elongated divided nucleus. During the process, the anterior half continues in the enjoyment of all its functions and activity (XXX. 32), whirls its cUiary organ, and takes in food bv the mouth : the food, however, does not reach to the segment behind ; and whatever alimentaiy particles might be present in this vanish, and its whole contained substance becomes homogeneous and granular, the half of the curved band-like nucleus extending into it. "ViQien the line of section is fully formed. Stein remarks that the posterior lateral segment rather resembles a gemma than the result of self-division, and proves liow closely united are the two processes of gemmation and of fission. When the scission is nearly complete, a contractile space appears, and, either before or behind this, a curved elongated cavity, cUiated on one side and produced upwards as a tube from one angle, is formed (XXX. 35), out of which the rotary organ and peristom are developed. As there is no room for movement, the new being lies motionless close against the old one : how- ever, its contractile space acts energetically ; and the alimentary tube, fiUcd with fluid, moves upwards and downwards, and from side to side •\\'ithin it. At length a row of cilia appear aroimd the circumference of the body ; and now two beings occupy one case, the anterior adhering by its peristom to the narrow OP THE PBOTOZOA. CILTATA. 349 oi-ifice of the sheath, whilst the posterior lies immediately behind it, fixed from want of space, and unable to free itself (XXX. 36). The question that now presents itself is, how is the newly-formed animal to escape its prison and to exercise its vital endovnnents ? This, Stein has been able to solve by ob- servation of another species of Lagenophrys, viz. L. Ampulla. The upper seg- ment ceases to put forth its ciliary organs and to take in food, and shortly contracts itself and detaches its hold from the opening of the external sheath, developing simultaneously a row of cilia around its margin (XXX. 35). It also not unfrequently happens that the body is divided from the peiistom, leaving this portion adherent in its natural position to the orifice of the sheath, and possessed of such remai'kable vitality, that it continues to con- tract and dilate, and to implicate the orifice of the sheath itself in its move- ments (XXX. 35). "When the peristom, with a portion of contractile sarcode (35 6) enclosing at times a contractile space within it, thus plugs the only outlet from the cyst, the two products of fission cannot gain their liberty, and only enjoy the limited degree of locomotion allowed within their narrow prison-house. But where, as is more common, the orifice is opened, they sooner or later make their way out, experiencing, nevertheless, some difficulty in passing through the narrow outlet. A curious circumstance pertains to these fission-products of Lagenophrys, and indeed to those of all the Ophrydina and Vorticellina, viz. they are not precisely like the parent. Thus, the young of Lagenophrys, produced as above described, exhibit the rotaiy organ and peristom in a contracted con- dition, whilst a row of cilia siuTounds the body in a ring-like groove on the abdominal siufacc, and serves the pui-pose of a locomotive organ (XXX. 35, 36). On the ventral aspect, adds Stein, the figure of the animalcule recalls that of StylonycMa, between which and the normal form of Vorticellina it may be considered a transitional type. Turning now to the other members of the Vorticellina and Ophrydina, we see that the history of the fission-products differs according to theii- habits and structiu-al peculiarities. In the branching forms many of the newlj- formed beings proceed each to secrete from its base a pedicle, and so continue the dichotomy of the little arborescent colony they belong to. Others on the contrary, detach themselves from the parent-stem and enter on a fi-ee and independent existence. In this case one of the two segments consequent on self- division, in order to enter on its new mode of life, undergoes certain modifications in stnicture, viz. it continues in a completely contracted state and a fm-row appears about the posterior third of the bodj-, within which a ciliary circlet develops as the locomotive organ of the animal (XXVII. 11) This occurrence is general among Vorticelloi and Ophrydina ; for amonf the former the pedicle never ramifies, and in the latter one fission-product must quit the capsule, which serves as the nidus of only one being at a time The after-history of these locomotive segments is widely diff'erent in dif- ferent specimens. Some, after summing about for a time, come to a state of rest, affix themselves by their posterior extremity, and produce, according to their natural habit, either a stalk or a sheath, and resume all the charac- teristics of the parent-stock. Others, again, become quiescent, but instead of se- creting a pedicle or sheath, proceed to encyst themselves, either for their own preservation or preparatory to the fulfilment of an act of reproduction In- deed, the process of encysting may overtake the animals whilst stiU seated on their stalk or within their case, and thus anticipate the fomiation of tlie posterior ciliary wreath. Lastly, in a few genera, fission seems only, or at least mostly, to occur after the animalcules are encysted. Stein represents this to be the case ge- 350 GENEKAL HISTORY OF THE INFTJSOKIA. nerally in Colpoda Cucullulus, whicli he never found in process of fission (XXIX, 38-47). Indeed, Ehrenberg himself never saw self-di\Tsion of this animalcule, although he has, on the authority and ambiguous observa- tions of some of the old observers, described its occurrence. According to Stein's researches, encysting would not appear absolutely necessary ; for he witnessed self-division in some specimens only contracted in a spherical foi-m : however, in others, the more numerous, a cyst was thro-svn around the body before that process ensued. According to the general plan, the Ciliated Protozoa divide into two ; yet there are some — and Colpoda is one of such — in which the act of fission is repeated, and 4, 8, and even 16 segments and upwards result. The products of fission have a certain latitude of motion within their cysts, and ultimately escape by rupture. Another peculiarity about Colpoda is, that the segments resulting fi-om fission secrete individually a capsule around themselves, and thus we have encysted beings enclosed within a general cyst. Lastly, each young cyst has its own nucleus and contractile vesicle (XXIX. 43). The fission of the animal when encysted appears to be the rule in Glau- coma ; for example, in G. scintillans ; and Stein surmises that it is this occuiTcnce which 'Cohn witnessed in Chilodon uncinatus, and thought to be two animalcules enclosed within a common cyst, as happens with Grec/arince. The importance of fission as a means of multiplying individuals among the Ciliata admits of numerous striking illustrations. "We may quote one given by Ehrenberg, by no means an extraordinary instance. He made out that a single individual of Stylonycliia Mytilm hved nine days : dming the first 24 hours it divided into 3 ; and during the next space of 24 hours each of these three had subdivided into two beings ; so that by self-division alone this animalcule can multiply itself three or fourfold in four and twenty hoiu's, and in the space of ten days be represented by a million derived beings or offshoots. Another instance may be adduced from the same distinguished micrographer. On the 14th of November, he divided a Parameeiicm Aurelia, •jLth of a line in length, into four parts, each of which he placed in a sepa- rate glass. On the 17th, the glasses numbered 1 and 4 each contained an iso- lated Paramecium swimming actively about. The pieces in Nos. 3 and 2 had disappeared. On the 18th, there was no change. On the 19th, each animal- cule presented a constriction across the middle of the body. On the 20th, No. 1 had propagated 5 individuals by transverse fission, and No. 4 eight such. On the 21st, no change had taken place. On the 22nd, No. 1 contained 6, and No. 4, 18 specimens. On the 23rd, the beings jiroduced were too nu- merous to be counted. Erom these notes Ehi-enberg calculated, if this process continued in activity for a month, 268 millions might be produced. Apart, however, from these, which we may term speculative considerations, we have in Ophrydium the clearest and most dii'ect evidence of the extent to whicli fission is carried out. On the completion of self-di^dsion in tliis animal, tlie products remain together, connected by a common gelatinous mass at their base exerted by themselves. Ey the repetition of the process again and again, through a long series, the OplLrydla accumulate in largo greenish masses, or polyparies, at times of the size of the fist or even of tlie head of a man. Now. by comparing the size of the individual Ophrydia (about T-J^th of an inch in length) with that of the masses they fomi, "some estimate," says Dr. Car- penter {The Microscope, p. 487), " may be formed of the number included m the latter ; for a cubic incli would contain nearly eigid millioixs of them, if they were closely packed ; and many tunes tiiat niunber must exist in the larger masses, even maldng allowance for the fact that the bodies of the animalcules arc separated from each otlior by their gelatinous cushion, nnd that the masses OF THE PROTOZOA. — CILIATA. 351 have their central portions occupied only by water. Hence we have in such clusters a distinct proof of the extraordinaiy extent to which multiplication by duplicative subdi\-ision may proceed without the interposition of any other process. These animalcules, however, free themselves at times from their gelatinous bed, and have been observed to undergo an ' encysting process ' corresponding with that of the Vorticellina. It is much to be desired that mi- croscopic observers should devote themselves systematically to the continuous study of even the commonest and best-lmown forms of these animalcules, since there is not a single one whose entire life-history, from one generative act to another, is known to us ; and since it cannot be even guessed at, vpith- out such knowledge, what, among the many dissimilar forms that have been described by Prof. Ehrenberg and others, are to be accounted as traly di- stinct species, and what are mere phases in the existence of others that are perhaps very dissimilar to them in aspect, it is obvious that no credit is really to be gained by the discovery of any number of apparently new species, which shall be at all comparable with that to be acquired by the complete and satisfactoiy elucidation of the life-history of any one." Gemmation (iUustrated by XXYII. 1-4 ; XXX. 17, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34).— This is the next process of multiplication to be considered. It has much analogy with fission, but is not nearly so widely diffased, being restricted apparently to the families Vorticellina and OpJirydina, that is, to attached species of Ciliata ; yet even among these it would seem not to be general ; for Stein has failed to observe it in the genus Ojpercularia. In it a promi- nence fonns upon the surface, mostly near the posterior extremity, and of the same granular homogeneous substance as the rest of the animal : a line of constriction soon displays itself, and gradually deepens, whilst the budding process increases in size and developes internal organs and external ap- pendages, xmtH, being sufficiently perfected for an isolated existence, it severs itself from the parent stock. The gemmae or buds thus produced ai"e much smaller than the parent, and, even when they have acquired their largest di- mensions before separation, are less than the new beings originating from self-division. In every instance of fission the nucleus becomes divided be- tween the two segments ; and some authors, as we have seen, hold the opi- nion that these share between them a portion of other pro-existent organs of the divicUng animal ; on the other hand, in gemmation the bud is a mere offshoot of the general substance, containing no portion of any pre-existing organ — not even, so far as can be seen, of the nucleus ; and consequently all the specially-organized parts are developed in it de novo. If the doctrine of internal germs be admitted, then it may be imagined that each gemma origi- nates from one of these, which takes on this external direction of "development. On the completion of the gemma, we find that it resembles (except in Spi- rocJiona and Lagenophr;/s) a completely- contracted specimen of the parent animalcule, and possesses, in lieu of the usual ciliated whorl on the head, a posterior cihary wi-eath, whereby, when detached, it swims freely away! mth the posterior extremity, however, in advance. It resembles, tliorefore, in all respects the product of fission when separated from its fellow, and, like it, may either presently attach itself, losing its posterior circlet of ciha, and acquire all the characters of its parent — as well as, in process of time, its dimensions, — or advance to a completely encysted state, prepara- tory to a process of development, or sijuply for the object of preservation from untoward external conditions. The act of gemmation goes on alike in small and in large specimens. Stein notes its occurrence in Vorticdhv of nnK- in length. "'^ A few illustrations may render the above account of gemmation more clear. 352 GENERAL HISTORY OF THE JNl'L'SORIA. Speaking of this process in Vorticdke, Stein {op. cit. p. 28) says, the interior of the knob-like process is quite homogeneous at first (iJCXVII. 1) ; but when it has attained a hemispherical shape, a crescentic cavity foiTns at its anterior part, from which the peristom, rotary organ, and alimentary tube are even- tually developed (XXX. 17, 27), just as happens in the result of fission. Whilst this proceeds, the swelling acquires an oval or globose figure, and the width of its attached base dwindles to a constricted neck or isthmiis. The addition of acetic acid proves that no portion of the niicleus extends into it, but that this organ retains its noi-mal curved reniforra figure. Stein here adds tlie remark, that no sharp line of distinction exists between self-fission and gemmation — that the latter may be looked upon as an act of unequal division, in which the whole organization has to be created, and not, as in fission, simply pei-petuated ; or fission may be described as a variety of gemmation, one segment being regarded as a bud ; at least this view holds good in the case of transverse fission. Longitudiaal fission consists in the formation of two gemmae, which subsequently involve the entii-e being. So also in one sense gemmation does not always end in the production of a single bud ; for Vorticellce with two are common, and occasionally with three, one of which is ready for detachment, whUst the other or others are very incomijlete. In Spirocliona (XXX. 17, 27), which does not multiply by fission, gem- mation is very frequent ; and often two buds are produced, one immediately behind the other, the hindmost being first in development. "Where two exist, the first-formed usually appears on the side of the bodj' at its widest part ; and the second forms subsequently in front of it, nearer the neck. Re- latively to the size of the parent, the bud is usually of greater dimensions than in Vorticella, and may, by thmsting aside the head of the Spirocliona, place itself in the longitudinal axis of the body. When the gemma com- mences to contract its base and to acquire the form of an independent being, an opaque, sharply-defined, homogeneous speck makes its appearance about its middle, or, rather, in front of it, which, by further development, becomes the nucleus (XXX. 17), whilst a shallow groove displays itself at its anterior truncate end, and somewhat later is transformed into a curved and rather angular ciliated fissure extending some way down one side of the body. In this so-formed gemma of Spirocliona there is, therefore, a wide depar- ture from the rule observed in any of the VorticelUna and Oplirydina. Xo posterior ciliaiy Avreath is formed ; and the anterior ciUaiy apparatus, together with the head itself, is at fii'st developed in a temporaiy and rudimentary manner. After moving about for some time by means of the ciliary antero- lateral channel, the free gemma fixes itself by its posterior extremity, by an adhesive substance, or occasionally by a short stem ; and then the opposite sides of the ciliated furrow approximate, and coalesce behind, whilst in front one edge rises above the other (XXX. 19), and soon forms a spirally-con- voluted membrane, which becomes clothed with cilia replacing those of the old furrow, which are absorbed and disappear (XXX. 20). This growth into perfect Spiroclionce does not happen Avith all gemmaj ; for some assume a quiescent condition, become encysted, and, if Stein be right, are ultimately converted into veiy peculiar Acinetiform beings — the Dendrocometes para- doxus (XXX. 23). Before encysting, the cilia cease to play, and disappear ; and veiy soon the furrow itself closes up. Wlien enclosed within the trans- parent but firm capsule, nothing but a finely-granular homogeneous substance appears, containing the peculiar nucleus, which, however, requires the action of acetic acid to displaj- it (XXX. 21). The process of gemmation presents several peculiarities in the genus La- genophrt/s, due mostly to the peculiar connexion between the enclosed nni- Of TllK rROTOZOA. — CILIATA. maleide aud its sheath. The rule seems to be that two or four gemma5_ are produced within the sheath at the same time (XXX. 29, 34) ; but since Stein had never encountered four, and very rarely three, gemmae upon any animalcule, the idea crossed Ms mind that these small buds of Lagenophrys might perhaps be embryos developed within the interior, and subsequently discharged. Another explanation was possible, viz. that they were animal- cules wliich had found their way into the sheath, and were quite foreign to it. However, both these hypotheses are set aside by the history of deve- lopment and by the characters of the beings produced. The process consists in the enlargement of the posterior extremity (XXX. 33), or of a part of the side of the Lagenophnjs, and the progressive detachment of the enlargement as a segment or bud, and simultaneously the production of a band-like nu- cleus and contractile vesicle within it. This stage being so far complete, the gemma does not proceed to develope into the form of the parent animal, but self -fission takes place, and two similar ovoid bodies, each with its contractile vesicle, is the result (XXX. 29). When the constriction of the single gemma announces approaching fission, a circlet of cilia appears on each side of it (XXX. 34) ; and on the completion of the process, each segment has a conical head siUTOimded with a wreath of cilia. From this mode of production in paii's, the number of gemmae within the sheath of Lagenoplirys should always be two or a multiple of two ; hence, when three are seen, it is to be presmned that one has i)reviously made its escape. From the peculiar way in which the body of the Lagenophrys is sus- pended by its attached peristom to the orifice of the sheath, it is cleaily im- possible that an}i;hing can dii-ectly either make its entrance into or its escape from the animal, without rapture, of which we have no indication. The way in which this impediment is surmounted is, on Steia's authority, by the sudden contraction of the body of the Lagenojjlirys ruptming the adhesion of the peristom to the orifice of the sheath, and by its subsequent retraction within it (XXX. 31). In this manner a free exit is afi'orded to any contained gemmae ; and after a certain time allowed for their passage, the anterior part of the body again enlarges itself, and reassnmes its adhesion to the sheath. After their exit. Stein has no observations to show what becomes of them • but his idea seems to be that they do not produce a sheath until nearly ai-rived at maturity, since they are so much smaller than the least of the sheathed examples to be met with. If this account be correct, the gemmation of Lagenophrys is actually a compound process of budding and fission, whilst the resultajit beino-s differ widely from those of other Vortlcellina in aU details, and are so very aberrant in form from the parent, that they reqiiire to undergo a metamoi-phosis before they gain it. Development from Ova. Internal Germs and Embryos. Althouo-h the reproduction of the Ciliated Protozoa is so largely provided for by the two processes of fission and gemmation as just described, it is even more marvellously so by their possession of true generative functions a fact clearly established by the latest observers, although denied by Siebold Kolliker, and others some years since, when the unicelhaar hypothesis of Protozoic life militated against the notion of the existence of internal ova or germs. Even now, indeed, when Ave look to the researches disclosine to us the development and discharge of genns and of living embryos we find diverse and contradictoiy statements concerning both the antecedent or nre paratorj' acts, and the final results. We cannot attempt to reconcile thes« discrepancies, but will record the principal opinions of naturalists and tho obseiTations on which they are based. 354 GENERAL HISTOEY OF THE INFUSORIA. In a previous page we have stated the views of Carter and Pei-ty, relative to the existence of ova or germs in the interior of Ciliated Protozoa, and have rejected them as unsatisfactory. Further, when we come to inquire the process of development of the presumed ovules, theu- mode of exclusion, and other particidars necessary to complete their histoiy and even theu* identification, we find , that those naturalists have no direct ohsei-vations to adduce, but can appeal only to analogy and to some casual and unconfirmed observations of others. For instance, Mr. Carter, when treating of the develop- ment of ovules, appeals to the process in Spongilla and Englypha, and endea- voiu's to make out that, with some modifications, the ovules of EugJence, and pro- bably those of all the Rhizopods and Astasice, have a similar mode of generation. Perty, likewise, unable to advance any direct proof of the existence of ovules and of their discharge, appeals to Eckhard's observations on Stentor ccmnileus, which Oscar Schmidt repeated and generally confirmed. In the recorded observation of Eckhard (A. N. H. xviii. 1846), thi-ee or four globules, in diff'erent stages of development occurred in the interior of the Stentor in a row (XXIX. 8-13) : — " In the fii'st stage, the contents of the globules, consisting of minute granules, exist most imperfectly developed : but few granules at present occur, and the globule, when it hes in the body, is not very distinct, on account of the granular parenchyma of the lat- ter. In the second stage of development (fig. 9) the granules appear more numerous, the contents are therefore more concentrated, and the globules can then be very distinctly observed in the body. Fig. 11 shows the third stage ; granules commence aiTanging themselves in a row Or, as some- times happens, they appear grouped in the same manner at two spots. The granules thus arranged and closely pressed together, blend into a glandular but clear oi'gan (fig. 12), in which the granular stnicture cannot be any longer detected ; frequently it is also divided in two parts. Lastly, in the situation of the transparent glandular organ a row of cilia appears, evidently the mouth (fig. 13). Whether this organ is formed immediately from the former, I have not been able to ascertain with certainty ; yet that it is so, is extremely probable, since on the one hand the row of cilia occiu's in the situation of the bright gland, whilst, on the other hand, in all the germs which exhibit this, the former organ is absent. Simultaneously with the development of the mouth there appear one or two clear" vesicles (fig. 13). On the ISth of May I observed in the interior of St. cceruleus a germ as in fig. 12 ; I saw the cilia very distinctly in motion ; the vesicles were, however, stiU absent, and they did not escape on this occasion. On the 21 st, I saw the perfect form (fig. 13), which issued out, whilst the parent animal swam away. I now attentively observed the young one to follow up its fui-tlier changes, perhaps the bursting of the carapace ; but I was obhged to leave of^ watching it in half an hour, as I could not vouch for the accuracy of fiu-ther observa- tion on account of the strain upon my eyes. On the 4th of June I saw a germ escape, as in fig. 13 : it differed from that obsei-ved on the 21st of May ; for, being at first round, it at once exhibited an incuiTation at its lower extremity — an appearance frequently observed in young Stentoi-s, sometimes in old ones, when they contract from the elongated form to one more or less rounded. I have subsequently once seen tlie escape of a similar germ ; and it appears to me that the true point of maturity is that at which vesicles begin to be visible. In Stentor polymorphus I have observed two such globules, but I have not succeeded in seeing any perfectly formed escape. In autumn I have often sought for the recurrence of this phenomenon, but liave never been able to observe it so perfectly as in the spring, altliough similar globules are not rare in the later parts of the year." OF THE PKOTOZOA. CILIATA. 355 From the perusal of this account, the thought arises, whether, instead of pro-\dng the existence and progressive development of internal ovules or germs in the sense Perty adopts, it is not another illustration of embryo-de- velopment by a sort of gemmation or breaking up of the nucleus, such as the researches of Cohn, Stein, Laclmiann and others have made known to us, and concerning which we have now to speak {see Balbiani's researches, p. 329). The development of the nucleus into embryos takes place under different circumstances and in a varied manner in different genera of Ciliated Protozoa. It may occui- either without the previous encysting of the animalcule, or after this process is completed. Again, in the latter condition, and without ulterior change or metamorphosis, either a few active embryos, or some encysted gei-ms, may be the result, or the whole nucleus may resolve itself into a brood of monadiform beings, or, lastly, according to the views of Stein, the encysted animal may be metamorphosed into an Acinetiform being, out of wliich embryos are developed diverging in character more or less com- pletely from the original ciliated Protozoon, to which, however, they eventually recur. The development of embryos without the previous encysting of the animalcule has been followed out by Focke, Cohn, and Stein in Nassula and in Paramecmm {Loxodes, Cohn) Bursaria (XXVIII. 10-14, XXIX. 28 to 34). A portion of the nucleus is separated by fission or by an act of gemmation, and constitutes a more or less orbicular body, in whicli a nucleus (XXIX. 34), and then a contractile vesicle, shortly declare themselves (XXIX. 29). Focke sm-mised that the so-caUed nucleolus originated this geiTu, which then found, as it Avere, a lodgment and nutrition in the nucleus as in a uterus {see Balbiani, p. 329) ; but Stein affirms that this body has nothing to do with the origin of the germ, and is frequently to be seen separated and removed to some distance from the nucleus (XXIX. 29). In appearance the disk-like germ is finely granular, paler than the nucleus, and not surrounded, like the latter, with a special membrane. Cohn represents it as existing in a distinctly limited cavity, prolonged to the external smface as a tube or oviduct, and terminated by a two-lipped orifice, through which the embryo makes its exit (XXVIII. 11, 12). According to Stein, however, no such duct and external orifice have an existence, except temporaiily, during the passage of the germ, or germs when two or more follow in succession. This assertion of Stein is supported by Cohn's own observation, that the point of extrusion varied in different individuals in its position, being at one time at the middle, at another above it, at a third below it, and, as the rule, on the left side' although as an exception on the right side or even towards the anterior margin. The act of birth occupies about twenty minutes ; and when the embryo is about to escape, it exhibits a vibration on its surface, which causes a motion in the surrounding water and hastens its detachment. This motion after continuing a short time, ceases, and the little being attaches itself to the exterior of tlie parent (XXIX. 30). The chasm produced in the parent during the extnision soon closes up, and leaves no trace, except, it may be, a slight hollow in the surface. The embiyo has an elongated fissui-e, is rounded at each end (XXIX. 30), and frequently rather contracted at its middle ; internally it is finely granular and colourless — not greenish, asFocke assorted— and contains, besides a darker nucleus, one or two contractile spaces (XXVIII. 14). Cohn could discover no mouth ; but Stein displays in liis figure an obUque fold or groove (XXIX. 30), which may possibly represent the oblique funnel-hke vestibule of the mature Paramecium. The vibratile movement visible about the surface indicates ciliaiy action ; and if the cmbiyo be kiUed with iodmc, the presence of long cilia is demonstrated. Still tlio most peculiar feature in the new-born animalcule is the possession of sevei-al soft 2 A 2 356 GENEEAL HISTOEY 01' THE INFtrSOEIA. tentacular processes at each end, siUTOunded by small knobs, recalling- in figiu-e the knobbed tentacles of some Acinetina (XXVIII. 14, XXIX. 30) ; by means of these the embryo secures its hold to its parent. Such pro- cesses are not present in aU specimens, and are therefore non-essential ; or it may be they have disappeared by withdrawal into the general substance of the body. The embryo once freed from its parent, commences an independent existence, moving freely about in the water — ^much more similar in figure and structure, however, to some of Ehrenberg's Cycliclina or to Dujardin's EncJielyens than to Paramecium, Cohn notes its affinity with the Cydidium margaritaceum, or to the Pantotrichum Enclielys (Ehr.), and also with several species of Dujardin's genus Enclielys (CyclicUum Ehr.), Cohn adds that, in his opinion, sevei-al embryos are developed simultaneously, and that, where only one or two are found, others have ah-eady escaped. In some instances he has noticed as many as six or eight in process of develop- ment, and, it woidd seem, in almost precisely the same stage, although theii- birth is successive. Further, besides these normal embiyos, he has fre- quently witnessed the escape of others having a globular fignu-e, clothed with cilia and fiu'nished with tentacular processes and a contractile vesicle. During the act of birth, the pulsations of the contractile space of the pai'ent are uninterrupted, and the rotation of the contents is arrested imtil every germ has escaped. Another cimous fact is, that the birth of embryo.s may proceed as usual even whilst the act of fission is taking place in the pai'ent animal. The further history of the free embi'yo is not knoAvn ; yet, in all pro- bability, it is ultimately transformed into a perfect Paramecium, — an event which, from its figTire and stractiu'e, ensues readily and perhaps without more than one intermediate phase. Judging from the above details, it is probable, as before remarked, that the development of embryos in Stentor casruleus (XXIX. 8) recorded by Eekhard {supra, p. 354) was a precisely similar phenomenon to that jiLst described in Paramecium ; and it is clear that the like obtains in Stentor polymorphus, in an Opalina or Bursaria noticed by Siebold (probably the Bursaria Entozcon Ehr., parasitic in a frog), in Urostyla grandis, as mentioned by Cohn, and in the animalcule which we conceived to be Trichodina pediculus {A. N. H. 1S49, iii. p. 269). Siace tliis was written, the indefatigable laboui-s of Cohn have added another instance of this endogenous mode of development, in Nassula elegans {ZeitscJir. 1857, p. 143 ; XXVIII. 11-14). Tliis animalcule possesses an elliptic nucleus, having its nucleolus lodged in a fossa near one end, and surrounded by a vesicle, just as in the Paramecium Bursaria. Among many specimens, Cohn found several having a large, eUiptic, liollow space, evidently limited by a membranous wall. "VSTiere this space approaclied nearest the external sui-face of the animalcule, this was depressed in a cup- like form, and from its centre a canal or fissm-e (XXVIII. 11 /) penetrated the interior of the space, where were two, never more, large globules, in diameter (XXVIII. 11 d). After a longer or shorter delay, these globules escaped and appeared motionless, without colour, but granular, and having a central nucleus and an exccntric contractile vesicle. As in the instance of the germs of Paramecium Bursaria, no cilia, but a few short, knobbed, radiating, tentacular-looking processes (XXVIII. 14), were visible on the surface. Lastly, Cohn noticed the formation of these gemis in animalcules recently produced by self-fission, and which had attained only one-half their normal dimensions. Tlio development of an embiyo within an encysted animalcule is illustrated OF THE PEOTOZOA. CILIATA. 357 in Stein's history of Chilodon CucuUulus {op. cit. p. 134). At a preceding pago (p. 342) we have given an abstract of the mode of encysting of this animal, and have stated that the capsule remains gelatinous and soft. Inside the cyst, Stein discovered an actively-moving embryo contained within a special cavity (XXIX. 54-56), occupying precisely the spot where in other encysted Chilo- dons the nucleus is foimd, viz. in the diagonal line connecting the two oppo- site contractile spaces. The embryo had an oval or ovate compressed figure, A^dth one side straight or gently ciu'ved, and the anterior extremity notched. Its entire surface was covered with longitudinal, -widely-separated rows of imusually long cdia, in uicessant motion, which turned it in a spiral or venni- cidar manner. Pressure on the cyst caused its expulsion (XXIX. 59), either alone or together with the substance of the parent- cyst, to which it always remained adherent. This embryo. Stein concludes, is derived from the nucleus. Many cysts may be met with in which the nucleus is replaced by a much larger body, having a ditferent consistence, opaque and motionless, and possessing in all respects the outline of a germ. On pressing it out of its place, its siu-face is seen to be not quite naked, but to have short, stiff, and imperfectly- developed cilia at one end or entirely around its margin. Since the embryo occupies the site of the nucleus, it might at iirst sight be supposed that the latter was whoUy transformed into it; but analogy leads us to the contrary inference, that the nucleus, although obscured fi'om view by the internal germ, is nevertheless present ; and this conclusion is further supported by the fact, that a successive development of embryos goes on untU the entire contents of the cyst are used up in their formation, an event that does not occur without the influence of a nucleus. Stein declares the embryo (XXIX. 59) to be precisely similar to Cyclidium Glaucoma, both in figure and movements. Its size varies with that of the animalcule producing it ; and individuals of aU sizes may undergo the encysting process. The smallest cysts met with were -JL.'" in length, and their embryo not more than -g-gi)'" 5 the largest yJg-'", and their embryo from -j^'" to (XXIX. 56). A remarkable circumstance happens in the case of some encysted Chilodons, even after they have given bii'th to one or more embryos, — viz. that they seem to emerge from their quiescent state and resume their active form. For instance. Stein met with cysts containing a freely-moving CIdlodon, together with an active embryo, both which ultimately escaped by an aperture in their walls (XXIX. 58). This revivification of the ciliated Chilodon as above refeiTed to, is urged by Stein as an argument to prove that the cilia are not lost or destroyed when encysting takes place, but probably merely closely compressed against the surface. Another variety of development of germs within an encysted animalcule is seen in Colpoda Oucidlus (XXIX. 35-47), which we have described under the head of " Fission," since the formation of the germs is the consequence of sclf-divison of the whole animal either into two or, as a rule, into four segments, which themselves become individually encysted, and present their own nucleus and contractile space. This plan of development explains the occurrence of very small encysted Colpoda;. It was in this genus that Ehrenberg conceived he had made oxit very clearly the hermaphroditism and cyclical development of " Polygastriea." A third way in which the encysting of an animalcule is made to seiTe the process of development is by the resolution of the nucleus into a multitude of minute segments, each eventually assuming an independent animal ex istence. This formation of what may be called brood-cysts, occiu-s as shown by Stem's later researches, in Vorticclla microstoma (XXIII. 10-14) 358 GENEKAL HISTORY OF THE INFUBOIilA. Among cysts of the usual form and dimensions, are some in which a sac, not unifoi-mly adherent to the inner surface of the capsule, contains from two to eight, or, more generally, from four to six, oval or reniform secondary sacs, ii-regular both in position and size (XXIII. 10, 11), and containing a didl and fine or coarse granular matter, witliin which, again, is a clear (contractile ?) space, but no nucleus is discoverable even when acetic acid is added. Pre- sently these vesicles elongate, and, becoming flask-shaped, protmde their necks through the enclosing sac and the cyst-waU (XXIII. 12, 13), and proceed to discharge their contents (XXIII. 14) thi'ough theii- open extremi- ties ; after which, they cornigate and wither. The discharged matter is composed of a mass of monadiform corpuscles united together in a globose gelatinous mass, the whole of the organic matter filling the cyst being used up. A precisely similar act of propagation Steia also witnessed in an encysted Vorticella nebulifera. Cienkowsky (Zeitschr. Band vi. p. 381) also reports its occurrence in Nassula vh-idis, Duj. (XXVIII. 65-71); according to this author's researches, the contents of the cysts of Nassula vhidis break up into a number of globular cells (XXVIII. 68-70), which soon partake of a certain degree of rotating movement among themselves, develope ia their interior a multitude of what he terms swarm-spores, and at a certain period, when mature, severally produce, in turn, a tapering neck-Hke tubular process (XXVin. 68, 69), which perforates the softened cyst-waU and gives exit to the spores or germs (XXVIII. 71). This accoujit tallies with that given by Stein of certain Vorticella-cjsts. Lachmann has the following remarks on this topic (A. N. H. 1857, xix. p. 238): — " It was only ia his most recent observations on Vorticella microstoma, that Stein saw the production of larger globules, ' daughter-vesicles' (TocJiterblasen), in the interior of the mother- vesicle ; but previously he had seen nothing of the kind : it must remain uncertain whether he had overlooked them, whether, instead of several globules, only one veiy large one, entii'ely filling the mother-vesicle, had been produced, or whether two different modes of development actually occur in this case. This is the only mode of reproduction of the Infusoria which has hitherto been observed in encysted animals alone ; but some ob- servations made by E. Claparede and myself upon an undesciibed vagini- coloiis Infusorium, indicate that encystation is not a necessary condition even for this mode of propagation." The last plan of generative development to be considered is that wherein, according to Stein's hypothesis, the encysted animalcule undergoes an actual metamorphosis, and subsequently, as a rule, produces an embiyo which, although very dissimilar to the original ciliated animalcule, is nevertheless presumed to be convertible into it after passing through one or more trans- itory phases of existence. This cycle of life, or, according to Steenstrup's hypothesis, this " alterna- tion of generation," in the generative acts of ciliated Protozoa, Stein has most diligently sought to establish as a fact, but, in the opinion of most of the best natiu-alists, has failed so to do. Still the hypothesis is too ciuious and interesting to be omitted from om' description, and, what is more, has been adopted as trae by several obsen-ers. It -naU therefore be best, first to set forth Stein's own account, and then to add the remarks and objections of others. On some of the branching stems of Epistylis plicatilis, and of E. nuians, Stein encountered not only the ordinary animalcule in fidl acti^•ity and in a contracted state, but also some pear-shaped bodies, presenting merely the ordinaiy nucleus and a contractile space, without mouth or any remnants of the alimentary tube or of food. On other branches, again, wci-c other OF THE PHOTOZOA. CILIATA. 359 bodies having tlie figui-e of Acinetce, fimiishecl with tentacles slightly move- able and more or less retractHe (XXVII. 17, 18, 19, 20). These Aciaeti- form beings were noticed andfigm-ed by our countryman Baker a century ago ; they, moreover, did not escape the observation of Elirenberg, in the allied genus Opercularia, but were regarded by him as parasitic animalcules. On another occasion, Stein met with a stem of Epistylis plicatilis bearing some thirty Acinetoi, difFeiing among themselves very much, both in size and in their stage of development. Each was supported on a branch presenting the characteristics of this species, b\it smaller in dimensions, and tapering from the base of the Acinetiform body (where it had the usual thickness of an ^is<_i/Z/s-stalk) to its junction with the stem below. The length of the branches also varied greatly, being in some instances not quite so much as that of the body they supported, in others twice as long ; however, there was no proportion between the length of the stem and the size of the body. Most of the Acinetce had a smooth siu'faee and no tentaeula ; they were of a pyri- form compressed figui'e, and contained a coarsely granular and homogeneous substance, two or three irregularly-placed contractile spaces, and a central nucleus having either the normal horse-shoe- or an elongated oval shape. Where the Acinetce had tentacles, these processes were few and smaU, and the surface of the body thrown into ii-regularities by its contractions ; their nuclei were either round or oval. These Acinetce exhibited no movements, except some slight ones affecting the tentaeula. Were their anterior extremity uja- folded and their tentacles outspread, they would assume the figure presented by those described in the first observations on this species, whilst the closed pyriform bodies were precisely alike. The further developmental history of this particular Epistylis could not be followed out, and to arrive at the purpose of its ^cmeto-metamorphosis, the research was extended to other species. A particular form of Acineta occurs in company with Epistylis cligitalis, which Stein concluded to be derived from it by a similar process to that presumed in E. pilicatilis, although Acinetce were isolated and seated on short pedicles. At the anterior part of each Acineta, amid the large granules crowding the homogeneous contents, were a contractile space and, in many specimens, a moving embryo having a cylin- drical figiu'e, roimded at each end and narrower iu the middle, where several zones of long cUia, in apparent folds of the surface, surrounded it. In ge- neral characters it would, as an independent organism, be referable to the genus Trichoclina, and is probably no other than the T. vorax or T. gran- clinella, Ehrenberg. The embryo escaped through a temporary openino-, which closed very speedily afterwards, leaving the animal apparently unin- jured ; moreover the tentacles, which are retracted during the birth, were again outstretched. The conclusion arrived at is, that the ^cmeta-con'dition is specially provided to cany out embiyonic development, and that in so doin"- the Acineta gradually exhausts itself. * Stein's fii'st impression was, that the embryo resulted from the develop- ment of the entire nucleus, and that this organ was formed anew from the general contents of the Acineta ; however, later researches lead him to be- lieve that only a portion of the nucleus is concerned in building up the em- biyo. No particular season seems devoted to this Acineia-iormation since Stein ha.s observed it from the middle of March through the whole' sum- mer, and in fewer instances until December ; moreover, embryonic gene- ration is not restricted to any particular size of Acineta, but occurs in all except the very smallest; nevertheless the embryo is smaller proportionablv to the decreasmg size. Active embrj'os were seen in Acineta; of only i "' the germ itself being only ^ ' 360 GENEllAL UiaXOUY OF THE INFCSOfilA. Besides the cysts and Aeinetce supported on brandling Episli/lis-Htema, Stein found others attached separately by very short stalks, or nearly sessile ; these, his observations go to show, arc probably derivable from the beings produced by fission or gemmation, which have detached themselves from the parent-stem in the strongly-contracted or partially-encysted condition, and, on afterwards fixing themselves, proceeded either to complete their encysted state or to assume the Acinetiform condition. Another set of beings Stein is disposed to introduce in the developmental history of Bpisti/lis digitalis, in the shape of miniature branching Vorticellina. The branches are dichotomously disposed, very slender, short, and rigid. Seated at the extremity of each is a small campanulate being, Avith a stiff bristle proceeding fi'om each angle of the base (XXYII. 22, 23). Internally they are finely granular. They exhibit slight changes of outline and jerking movements upon their stalks ; they, moreover, can detach themselves and swim freely away like a detached Epistylis digitalis, and may sometimes be seen to affix themselves again by their base and produce a pedicle. These beings, whether derived from E. digitalis or from Carchesium pygmceum — for they occur in company with both these animalcules, — their discoverer would regard as their earhest phase of development, and believes that not improbably similar miniature beings belong to all the pedicellate Vorticellina. This notion involves no great stretch of the imagination ; for there is no extra- ordinai-y metamorphosis necessary, and we may thi'ow out the suggestion that such minute Vorticellina are developed from the monadiform contents of the brood-cysts. To take another iUiistration of Stein's hypothesis from the allied genus Oper- cularia — the 0. herherina. Direct observation is wanting to identify the Aci- neta as belonging to this Opercidaria, except so far as contiguity on the same filament of a plant or on the same member of a marine animal, and their frequent occurrence, be allowed to have weight. Stein argues that the conversion of an encysted Opereularia into an Acineta is readily conceivable, by reason of theii- congruity of form and the existence of intermediate phases, whilst, on the con- trary, the transformation of the cUiatcd embryo into an Acineta, without fii-st passing through the intervening stage of an Opereidaria (a change easUy imagined), is a circumstance scarcely probable : on similar grounds he would associate the pear-shaped Acineta, having a ramified nucleus (XXX. 3, 4), with Operculana articiduta (XXX. 1), as a phase of existence intei-posed between it and its embryonic stage of a free ciliated animalcule ; but his developmental history of Vorticella microstoma, is by far* the most elaborate, although much too long to present here except in abstract. His first step in the investigation of this species was the illustration of the act of encysting (XXVII. 5 a-d) in its widest range, and the next, to identify certain globiilar cysts, found in company with the Vorticellce, with the cysts of those animals. These cysts were about in diameter ; they had a clear double outline, and contained a homogeneous, transparent, colour- less and granular substance. In most, the characteristic band-like nucleus and contractile space were visible, together with, in many specimens, the in- voluted ciliary apparatus and oral cavity, looking, as a whole, like a fissure at the anterior part of the cyst (XXVII. 7, 9). In other cysts, again, nought could be discerned save the nucleus and the contractile space, sometimes di- vided (XXVII. 1, 8) ; and lastly, in othcre, all distinction of organs was lost, the nucleus being the last to disappear (XXVII. 9). Stein considered, at first, those peculiar capsules to be connected with the process of reproduction, and, from meeting with torn empty sacs, supposed that the interior was broken up into germs which made their escape through 01' XnE I'llOTOZOA. CILIATA. 361 the walls. With this interpretation, however, he was not satisfied ; and at the same time his attention was aroused to the circumstance of VorticellxB occuiTing so frequently in company with Actinophrys and Podox>hrya, and to that of the increase in the nimiber of the one as that of the other decreased. He therefore apphed himself to watch the changes going on in the cysts de- scribed, and at length satisfied himself of the intermediate clianges in their transition into Actvmplmjs or Podophrya — two varieties of the same animal- cule, in his opinion, and not two genera, as usually represented. Stein was brought to the conclusion that this transition takes place, by comparing Podo- phryce at an early stage of development -«nth metamorphosed Vorticella-cjsts. AmongPodophryce of the common form, examples occurred having their usually wide roimded capsule produced into a hollow funnel-shaped pedicle, and thrown into annular folds, alternating with acute, parallel, angular ridges (XXIII. 3). Most of these individuals were unarmed ; but some had numerous capi- tate tentacles. On the other hand, old Vorticella-cjsts were foxind in which the enclosed animal had detached itself from the cyst- wall, and become thrown into sinuosities and elevations, the latter of which pressed against the wall, threat- ening to rupture it. These and the above-described Podophryce Stein supposed to merge into one another. The leading changes noticed in the encysted Vorticellce consisted in the disappearance of the nucleus, in the multiplication of the contractile spaces, and in the detachment of the contents from the waUs of the cyst (which they no longer completely filled), and their disposi- tion into in'egular and changing lobes. Thus far, in detecting such Vorticella- cjsts, Stein proceeds by direct observation ; but his next step is simply hypo- thesis, viz. supposing their contents to shoot out tentacula through the dense capsule, and assume the figiu-e of Actinophrys or of Podophrya (XXIII. 1, 2, 4, 18, 19). That the metamorphosis should at one time be into the one ge- neric form, at another into the other, he endeavours to explain by assuming that where no resistance is offered on any side to the developing Actino- phryan, it assumes the form of an Actinophrys, but where resistance occui's ut one point, it there developes a stem and becomes a Podophrya. To coun- tenance his hypothesis fui-ther, he appeals to the great similarity between the Acinetce met with in company with Vorticella nebidifera on duck-weed, and Podophryce — so great, he says, that when the former are detached, it is difficult to know them from PodopJiryce. Granting that the history of metamorphosis is thus far complete and satisfactory, it remains to show what becomes of the Actinophiyans thus transformed from the cysts of Vorticellce, and to reply to the question whe- ther they originate & generative act. At the outset of this inquiry Stein finds himself at variance with KoUiker and others respecting the structure and vital endowments of Actinophrys. The writers referred to state Acti- nophrys to receive food Avithin its interior, to excrete xmdigcsted matters, and to exliibit certain powers of locomotion ; these peculiarities Stein ignores' and insists on identifying the Acinctiform beings he has encoimtered with Actino- phrys Sol and Podophrya fixa, which, he affirms, give bii'th to a ciliated embiTo. This embiyo, he asserts, is produced within a defined cavity, so far laro-cr than itseH" that it can move mthin it (XXIII. 2, 4, 5). Its figure is pear- shaped with a central constriction, and several folds occxipied by cilia ; and it appears composed of a finely-punctate sarcode, containing, in the axis of its posterior and larger segment, an oval or band-like nucleus, and' near to this a circular actively-pulsating space, and occasionally, on the other side of the nucleus, a second smaller one. No mouth could bo detected The being, as a whole, very closely resembles a detached gemma of Vorticella microstoma, mto which it can be very easily conceived to be changed on fix 362 CIENEEAL KISTOKY OF THE INFUSOEIA. ing itself by its anterior end and then developing, in its larger and hitherto posterior segment, a mouth and cUiary wreath. After lively rotary movements within what might be called its uterine cavity, the embiyo escapes with a sudden bound, and gains a free, active existence. The passage by which it has made its way through the substance of the parent Actinoplirys continues for some time open, but i« gradually closed up from behind. The size of the embryo is proportioned to that of the parent, and varies between ^1^'" and -j^'". The diameter of the smallest parent being ia which a matm-e germ presented itself, scarcely exceeded One other instance will suffice to illustrate Stein's hypothesis of Acineti- form transformation. The one we select is the Vaginicola o-ystallina, which that author attempts to show becomes, by a metamorphosis, Acineta mystacina (XXVII. 10-15). Out of a large number of specimens contained in a vessel of water, few could be found at the end of foui'teen days, the place of the great majority having been assumed by Acinetina. This occurred even when great pains were taken to isolate a certain number of Conferva- filaments richly covered with Vagiyiicolce, and to place them in iiure spring- water, so as to avoid the introduction of other colonists. That the Acinetai were derived from the Vaginicolce, a comparison of the stnictm'e of the two will indicate. The contracted body of the Vaginicola may be recognized in the Acineta detached from the bottom of its sheath and raised to the upper part, which it completely fills, — the mouth of the sheath having previously been bent inwards over it as a cover, and a layer of gelatinous matter poured out to bind the two together. The outermost parts of the roof-hke cover project freely above this layer, and are traversed by several radiating folds or fissiu'es. The clearest notion of the transformation effected is obtained Avhen we can look down upon the top surface of the capsule, by getting the axis perpendicular to the eye. The contained body is closed in on all sides ; and its contents are substan- tially the same as those of the body of the Vaginicola (XXYII. 12), with numberless fine granules, and sometimes with a preponderating number of large granules scattered through them, rendering the body opaque and of a greyish -yeUow colour. There is Hkewise a similar round contractile space ; but instead of a band-like nucleus, there is a rounded one. This difference in respect of the nucleus is not important^ inasmuch as its length varies greatly in Vaginicola according as the animal is extended or in a contracted state, — being in the latter much shortened or merely elongated-oval, whilst in the former its length exceeds two or three times its width. Hence it is in no way remarkable that, in the very contracted condition of the encysted and Acrnetiform state, the nucleus should be veiy much shortened and roimded, — a change which analogy, indeed, with various encysted animals would lead us to anticipate. From the upper surface of the encysted body veiy many bristle-likc tentacles with laiobbed ends are given off, wliich penetrate the gelatinous layer through the fissures in the cover of the sheath, and outspread them- selves in a radiating manner. These tentacles are for the most pai-t straight, and slowly extend and retract themselves in length. Pressure causes their contraction, and hudcUcs them together ; but they are not entirely \\-ith(li-a\\m. Some smooth Acinetiform specimens are met with, which may be considered to bo in an earlier stage, and similai' to the incomplete Acineta of Einstylis plicatilis. The origin of the Acinetai from Vaginicola is further substantiated by the relative dimensions of tlio two. Thus Vaginicola; were found on Conferva; 01? TUE PliOTOZOA. CILIATA. 3G3 having sheaths betmxt and in length ; those most common were from to 3V'" ^ length and in width. The height of the cap- sule oie the Acineta was from to and its width not much leas. Moreover, intermediate phases between Vaginicola and Acinetina were met with, — as, for instance, capsules occupied anteriorly by the contracted body, which still exhibited, upon being moved up from the bottom of the case, the posterior annular fiuTow and traces of the ciliaiy wreath previously existing, and had its anterior half enveloped in a gelatinous lamina, imiting it to the inner surface of the sheath, which was at one time more, at another less, incui-ved upon the animal, but had as yet not been converted into the peculiar' pent-housc-likc cover. The metamorphosis, therefore, of a Vaginicola into an Acineta may be thus explained. The animaeule is in the first place contracted in the ordi- nary manner ; it then developes its posterior fuiTow and ciliary wreath (XXVII. 11), and, detaching itself from the bottom of its sheath, rises to the upper part, which it entirely iills and closes up. From this time the rotary apparatus and digestive tube disappear by absorption ; the excretion of the gelatinous matter from the fore part ensues, and fixes the animal in its posi- tion, while its tendency to fall to the bottom of the case, and to contract, draws inwards the mouth of the case, and completes its enclosure within a shut sac or capsule (XXVII. 12). The contractile tendency of the body still continuing to operate, brings about a narrowing of the anterior part, and with tliis a consequent elongation of the sheath ; in this way an ex- planation may be given of the very long specimens frequently encountered. The extrusion of the tentacles is an after-occurrence (XXVII. 13). The complete Acineta can entangle small Infusoria with its tentacula, which, by their crossing and retraction, di'aw the captured particles to the surface, where probably theii" nutritive matters are absorbed through it; at all events, no food or foreign particles ai'e seen in the interior. Stein next attempts the identification of this Acineta of Vaginicola crystal- Una with the Acineta inystacina of Ehi'cnberg, and in a subsequent paper proceeds to show that it developes within itself a ciliated embiyo. Amid many Acinetce, he discovered some bearing a clear oval or rounded cyst, or, less commonly, several such, upon the surface of the enclosing lid ; where there was a pliurality, they were evidently in different stages of development. The cyst contained a shai-ply-defined Infusorial being, of a homogeneous finely- graniilar substance, and having an actively-pulsating sac. At first Stein imagined these might be animalcules casually affixed to the Acineta; ; but fiu'- ther observation proved their organic connexion with, and derivation from it The cyst-walls were internally soft and gelatinous, and their substance continuous, through the fissures of the cover, with the gelatinous layer of the Acineta, of which they might be more correctly represented pouches or diverticula. The appended animalciile is not a bud produced from the Acineta-hody ; for it is never foimd in organic connexion with it, but un- doubtedly has its origin as a germ within it, and makes its way outwai-ds In fact, it is developed from the rounded nucleus by its elongation and sub- sequent transverse fission. The youngest cysts are round or shortly oval and have no other inchcation of life and movement than that exhibited by the contractile space. In the next stage they arc sUghtly cmarginato at one end and stiU motionless, wWlst in the oldest the fissure or emaroination extends deeply into the interior in acui-ved manner, and very clearly exhibits a number of vibratilo cUia. In this mature state they enjoy considerable locoraotivo powers within their capsule, and recall in their form that of con tracted VoHicellma. Ihus, at thcii- fore part they present a rounded ciliated 3G4 GENERAL HISTOEY OV THE INFUSOEIA, lobe, resembling somewhat a retracted rotary organ, whilst the fissure ex- tending inwards indicates the alimentary tube. There is yet another a^jparent mode of embryonic development in the Acinetce of Vorticellina described by Stein, which occurred in some specimens not provided with tentacles. In place of these, one or two short closed tubular- processes extended from the fore part of the animalcule; of the usual granular contents scarcely a trace remained ; and the nucleus and contractile space had entirely vanished. The membrane of the enclosed body, thus deprived of its ordinaiy constituents, contained, in their room, six elongated- oval cell-like bodies, -J^'" long, which seemed to have been developed at the cost of the contents of the original Acineta. These structures had a shai"p outline, and contained a coarse granular substance and a contractile sac. They seem to develope into embryos ; for in one case a ciliated furrow Avas observed, assimilating the being to the more usual embryos of the Acinetce. Probably the ^cmeto-condition of the Vaginicola is terminated in this manner, after developing for a pei'iod embryos according to the plan above mentioned, by the final breaking up of the nucleus into several large germs. In addition to the species described. Stein believed he made out the ^mieia-state of several other species of Vorticella, of Epistylis, and Opercu- laria (XXX. 1-4), as well as of Zooiliamnium, Ophrydium (XXX. 5-8), and SjpirocJiona (XXX. 18-26). However, sufficient details have been given to illustrate the presiuned fact in the developmental history of the Ciliated Pro- tozoa ; and we must refer those of oiu' readers desirous of more fully testing the views of that most excellent observer, to his often-cited work, ' Die Infusionsthiere auf ihre Entwickelungsgeschicte,' Leipzig, 1854. Jlore- over, the several new forms of Acinetina he has pointed out wiU be found referred to in the general history as weU as in the systematic views of that group. It is now incumbent on us to review the opinions of other natm-alists upon this remarkable and interesting hypothesis. A few have accepted it, among whom are Mr. Eusk (as we gathered from his lectiires at the College of Surgeons in 1857) and Mi-. Carter. The latter has the following remarks on the subject (A. N. H. 1856, xviii. p. 237) : — " I could not discover an elongated nucleus, as Stein has figured, in the Ainoebce and Acinetce, which I saw developing young Vorticellce, the former in plurality (one to three) and the latter singly : if present in the Amoebous form, it was circular, and if in the AcinetcB, undistinguishable fi-om the general ' granulation.' Again," he goes on to say, " where are these transformations to end ? Into what kind of Ehizopods do the sheathed Vorticellce pass ? How many of the fresh- water Rhizopocla are alternating forms of Vorticellce ?" At the time of his Avriting the above, Mr. Carter had not seen Stein's latest work, which would have resolved some of the doubts and queries expressed. Thus, the German naturalist finds the nucleus, if elongated and band-like in the encysted being, to become orbicular or oval when in an ^ci)iete-state, and points out that acetic acid will reveal this organ when obscui-ed by the granules of the interior. Moreover, his later researches have been extended to sheathed Vorticellina or Ophrydina — for instance, to Vaginicolct, of which we have given the par- ticulars. However, it is very important to obtain Mr. Carter's st,at«meut that he has seen young Vorticellce developed from Acinetce and Amosbce, — in- tending by the latter, wo apprehend, Acinetce without tentacles and capsule, and not the simple Amosbce commonly understood by that term. The objectors to the hypothesis are by far the more numerous. The emi- nent physiologist Johannes MiiUer, to whom Stein sliowed Actinophrys and OF THE PllOTOZOA. CILIATA. 365 Podophrya developing embryos, could not agree with the conclusion the latter anived at (viz. that they became Vorticellce), but was more disposed to believe that they relapsed into Acinetce. Ehrenborg (Ueber die Formhest'dndiglceit mid den Enhviclcelnnrjshreis der organisclien Formen, Berlin, 1852, at pp. 23, 24, and 34) attributes the theory to erroneous and hasty observation. The supposed embryo of Acineta is, to his apprehension, simply a THchodina which has been swallowed. To these strictures Stein replies that the Acimta- bodies have no mouth, that they never contain any foreign matters taken as food, and that no more than one Trichodina appears in them at a time, al- though many may live around them, and several would, no doubt, if taken as food, be often foimd together in the interior. It is, moreover, to be noted, that Acineta collected fi-om the most ditferent localities contained the self- same Trichodina-iorm, and that such forms occurred in sparing number. Again, it must not be forgotten that the embiyo may be watched in active movement within the Acineta for the space of an hour, whereas Infusoria swal- lowed by other animalcules are speedily reduced to a state of rest and de- stroyed. Lachmann rejects the hyjiothesis, and gives, in much detail, his reasons for so doing. At the same time he confirms the fact of " the fonna- tion of embryos, not only in many Acinetina, but also in numerous other In- fusoria " (A. N. H. 1857, xix. p. 232), and attests the fact of the nucleus being primarily concerned in this act of development, adding some particulars which requii-e to be recorded. " The nucleus," he writes {loc. cit.), " is usually seen, first of all, to divide into two or more parts, when the same processes take jjlace in one or several of these parts, Avhich in other cases occur in the undi\ided nucleus. Upon or in the wall of the nucleus, or of one of its products of division, we now sometimes perceive small roimd glo- bules, which increase in size, finally acquire a contractile vesicle, and become converted into embiyos ; these at last become fimiished with cilia, escape out of the parent animal, and swim about freely, generally in a fonn more or less difi^ering from that of the mother. Veiy different numbers of embryos may be formed in one section of the nucleus ; in the same species we sometimes find many, and sometimes only one embryo formed in it ; and an embryo which has been developed alone in a fragment of the nucleus is usually as large as all the embryos formed in a similar fragment which has developed many of them taken together. " The tnie import of the nucleus, of course, is not decided by this state- ment ; [we cannot say] whether it is to be regarded as a genn-stock, in which germs are formed asexually, as an ovary, in which the ova are de- veloped at the same time, or, in accordance with Focke's views, as a utenis in which the ova or germs fomed in another place (perhaps in the nucle- olus ?) are further developed. " The fate of the embryos which are unlike their parents after their birtli is still imknown in most cases." Perty displays distinct opposition to Stein's views, but has not thorouglily examined them, contenting himself with an occasional critique in passing. For instance, he states that those miniature beings regarded as the brood of Vorticella, both by Stein and Ehronberg (sec p. 357), are in his opinion no more than specimens of Cercomonas tnmcata (Duj.). Again, he remarks, FMistidis anastatica is very rai-e at Bemc ; and the TricJwdina (jrandinella, which Stein represents to be its embryo, is veiy common in evciy collection of water • also Vorticella microstoma is most abundantly chstributcd, but its supposed metamorphic condition, viz. Podophrya, very uncommon. Rcspectin"- the latter ammalcule, and Ukcwise Actinophrys, he adds an observation of his OM'n, which convinced him of the reproduction of these animals by minute 366 GENERAL HISTORY OF THE INFUSORIA. internal germa, which, when set free, immediately assumed the special characters of theu- parents (Kleinste Lebenform. p. 74). To Dr. H. Cienkowsky we owe the latest examination of this subject (J". M. S. 1857, p. 96). He rejects Stcra's theory because, instead of finding Podophrya fixa in company -with Vorticella microstoma, he met with it in great abundance along with multitudes of Stylonychia myiilus and St. picstu- lata. Having watched its process of encysting, he felt " unable to adopt Stein's view, that the Podoplirym are enclosed in a membrane of which the slender peduncle is simply a tubular process." In fact, he noticed cysts in which the original slender peduncle was appended to the sacculate envelope. He also traced, step by step, from Podophryce, the derivation of the supposed transitional stages between Vorticella-cjsta and Podophryce, and asserts " that they are most certainly not metamorphosed Vorticella-cjst'i, but the commencement of the encysting of Podophryce. Podophryce are not formed out of them ; but, on the contrary, from the latter aiise the forms above described, which Stein looks upon as Podophryce remaining at an early stage of development. The metamorphosed contents of older Vorticella-cjst'i, re- garded by Stein as the first commencement of the formation of a Podo- phrya, indicate, according to what I have seen in other infusorial cysts, and to what Stein himself states with regard to Vorticella microstoma, the commencement of the breaking up of the entire contents into numerous smaller ' swarm '-cells." Dr. Cienkowsky's next proceeding was to show the relations of the motUe embryo developed from the Podophiyean animalcule Stein met with. He encountered numerous Acinetce precisely lilce those fig-ured by Stein. " Most of these Acinetce Avere without peduncles, and had no limitary membrane, although numerous specimens might be seen with a short peduncle and imbedded in a mucoid thick envelope ; and this was especially observed when the Acinetce had lived for about a week on the object-glass (XXTII. 33-39). Although numerous points of relation exist between these Acineta -forms and Podophrya fixa (Ehr.), I am nevertheless imable to determine whether they should be regarded as identical, or, with Stein, whether Podophrya and Actinophrys should be considered as the extreme hnks in the moi-phological cycle of one and the same species (Stein, loc. cit. p. 143). The peduncle of an Acineta is a tubular elongation of the enveloping membrane, whilst in the membraneless Podophrya it is an independent fomiation. T^Tien the Podophryce are left in water for a few days upon the object-glass, they form the very characteristic pedunculate cysts ; but, under the same conditions, I have never been able to follow the Acineta-forms now in question to the formation of cysts ; the former multiply by division, whilst in the Acinctcv I have never noticed the occiu'rence of that process. What Stein describes as Actinophrys is really a non-pedunculate Acineta ; the Actinophryce have no tentacles, but seta;, though perhaps occasionally some of these set«j are capitate. In almost every specimen of the Acineta; in question might be seen rotating a roimd or oval embryo, of various size and position, with one or two contractile spaces. This embryo slowly approached the wall of the Acineta, caused it to protrude a httle outwards ; and after remaining for a short time quiescent, it slowly made its way through the wall (XXIII. 41), and quitted the pai-ent site with the rapidity of lightning when it had freed about half of itself. This rapidity was so great, that the course could not be traced with a magnifying power of 170 diametera. About five minutes elapsed from the commencement of perceptible motion to the complete libe- ration of the embryo ; and on many occasions I saw two rotating embryos liberated in succession. When the cmbrj'o is half out of the parent-cyst, OF THE PROTOZOA. — CILIATA. 3G7 a transverse ring of very fine vibratile cilia may be perceived at a short distance from its summit." This rapidly-mo\'ing embryo was followed in its course, under the mi- croscope, and was seen to traverse " the di-op of water from one side to the other, in divers straight and imdulating lines, as quick as Lightning. _ Upon meeting a mass of mucus on the edge of the drop, it bounced back again, re- peating the manoeuvre on each occasion of the same kind ; sometimes, though more rarely, the movement was cu-cular, around the margin of the drop. " Judging fi-om what I had noticed in the division of the Podophryce, I expected that the movement would not be of long duration. But after a contiimous observation, for fully five hoiu-s, of the active motions of the tiny biilliant point, a determination of blood to the head obliged me to desist. " A fresh drop of the infusion, in which two embryos were in active mo- tion, was observed at intervals of a quarter of an hour. At the end of five hours, the rapidity of the movement was notably diminished — it became tre- mulous, and then, perhaps, for a time, as rapid and energetic as before. I now placed the object tmder the compoimd microscope, and continued my observation of the indefatigable embryo for another quarter of an hour ; , the embryo became stationary. I waited with di-awn breath what would come next : its form from oval became spherical ; at the border appeared short, thick, equidistant rays, wliich, after a while, were developed into elongated, capitate tentacles ; the contractile space was visible ; and I could no longer doubt as to the ^cf/ieia-nature of the creature (XXIII. 42, 43). This obser- vation was twice repeated. " It can, therefore, no longer be doubted that from the ^cmeto-embryo, after a prolonged motile stage, another Acineta is formed. My observations do not, of course, show that it is impossible that the motile ^a'neto-embiyo should be transformed into a VoriicelJa, and a Vorticella-ejst into an Acineta ; but the field of possibilities is very wide ; eveiything is possible if it only be founded on facts. I believe, therefore, that it may justly be concluded that Stein's Acineta doctrine, as concerns Vorticella microstoma (Ehr.), mirst be regarded as hypothetical, and not based upon facts." Lachmann and Claparede have jointly examined iato the facts and appear- ances upon wliich Stein's hypothesis is based, and have presented an abstract of their views, which are entii-ely adverse to it, in the Annales des Sciences Naturelles, 1858, in anticipation of the publication of their essay, to which the French Academy awarded the first prize for original researches into the development of Inftisoria. They state that they have witnessed the development of embryos in many other Acinetina besides those recognized by Stein; that the embryos of diff'ercnt species vary; that the tentacles of Acinetina are suctorial and active in seizing food, which is absorbed with avidity into the interior ; and that the internal organization of those animalcules is in all probability more elaborate than Stein supposed. The appearance of the joint essay on the development of the Infusoria, by the gentlemen mentioned, as weU as of that by Lieberkiihn, Avliich shared iii the prize offered, will be anticipated with much eagerness and pleasm-e by all naturalists who feel how obscure and confrised is the present state of in- formation on the subject. At the present time, we may say that Stein's hypothesis of the transform- ation of Ciliated Protozoa (or, more .strictly, of the VorticeUina and Ophry- dina, to which alone it has been sought to refer it by observation) remaijis unproven ; yet doubtless it is a step in the right direction to arrive at a know- ledge of the true generative process of these animalcides, and lias already proved the development of ciliated embiyos in Acinetina and in various Ciliata. 368 GKNKHAL UISXOBY OF XHK INFUSOIIIA. The history of the metamorphoses of Trichoda Lynceus recounted hy M. Jiiles Haime {Ann. d. S. N. 3 sdr. xix. p. 109) calls for notice in this place, although we are not disposed to assign it much value, inasmuch as some of the phenomena stated are very extraordinary, are unsupported by any parallel facts, and are in actual opposition to those best ascertained respect- ing the organization and functions of the Ciliata. "We would especially direct attention to the statement of the exudation of sarcode, and the consequent reduction of size, as a necessary step in the developmental phases, — an occur- rence, in our belief, without analogy and quite anomalous. He first asserts that " O.vytricha (Ehr.) is a larval phase of Tnchoda I/yn- cetis, and next that, on its fissiparous division, generally one of the two seg- ments produced assumes a globular form, losing almost all its appendages, both cilia and setae, and, at the same time, gives exit to successive portions of its sarcode, so that vacuoles multiply in its interior. At this stage a ge- latinous cyst is excreted around it which ultimately hardens into a mem- branous envelope. In a short time the contents of the cyst shrink from the cyst- walls and leave a space around them, when ciliary movement appears at one part, and, a fui'ther escape of granular sarcode having taken place through the cyst-waU, the figure becomes more or less modified. Two por- tions are now distinguishable -within the cyst — a ciliated embryo and a mass of eff'ete granular matter ; and, as time elapses, the former seems to grow at the expense of the latter, and eventually makes its escape fi-om the nearly- emptied cyst. The freed animalcule is not at first veiy difi'erent in appearance from the parent Oxytricha, although only about two-thirds its diameter ; but ere long it developes itself into a very dilferent being. In so doing, it first exudes some more of its substance, then produces numerous short stiff seta; to serve it as feet, acquires a hard integument in the fonn of a shield, or carapace, and forms a mouth, in the fonn of a slit on one side, and, in front of this, a gyrating filament to produce a current for the introduction of food. In this transformed being the Aspidisca (Ehr.) is recognizable, having a very much smaller size than the original Oxytricha. The reversed course of development, viz. that of Aspidisca into Oxytricha has not been fol- lowed ; but it may be conjectured that a sexual process is interposed, pro- bably in connexion vdth other metamorphoses." Before taldng leave of the subject of reproduction among the Ciliata, it is important to add a statement made by Laehmann in liis excellent and oft-quoted essay (p. 239). He writes — " With regard to the peculiar pro- cess of copulation or zygosis of the Infusoria, as its object is still entirely unknown, I shall only state that, except in the Diatomacece and Desmidiacea', the position of which is still doubtful, it has hitherto been observed par- ticularly in Actinophrys and Acinetina. According to an oral statement, E. Claparede has also seen Vorticellina (especially V. microstoma) in zygosis ; and I have twice met with double animals of Carcheslum, still sitting upon a double stalk and constantly becoming more amalgamated, so that the cavities of both the fused animals communicated, and the moi-scl which was passed from the pharynx of one animal usually ascended in the cavity of the other, up to the lower surface of its ciliaiy disk. The rotatory organs remained separate ; and after the lapse of some time, the double animal cast itself loose from the stems, and swam about for more than twentj'-fom- hours by means of a circlet of cilia, which was produced ai-ound tlie roimded hinder extremity formed by the coalescence of the two posterior extremities of the individual animals." Nature op tde Ciliathd Protozoa. Their Existence as Inbepexdext Oboanisms. Cell Theohy applied to them. — That the beings we have com- OF THE PROTOZOA. OlIIATA. 369 prehended under the appellation Ciliated Protozoa are indubitably animals, has never been called in question ; nevertheless their claim to be considered independent organisms has been challenged by a few naturalists, who insist on their being generally nothing more than phases of development of animala more or less elevated in the scale. These objectors have, however, hitherto failed to produce sufficiently direct and exact obsei-vations in proof of this general assertion, which rests mainly upon presumed external resemblances, and on analogy with many of the inferior animals, among which the so-called " alternation of generations " is the rule. In the foregoing pages there is certainly sufficient evidence that some Infusorial forms are merely stages of development of others ; and nothing is more probable than that some may similarly be phases of animals belonging to other classes than the CiHata ; yet, on the other hand, the independent character of several families (for example, of Vorticellina, Ophrydina, and Colepina) has not been at all shaken by the researches of naturalists. There is, we believe, a true typical organization appertaining to the CUiata, of a distinct character from that of other animal organisms, and inconverti- ble. It may be more or less perfected, or more or less degraded, and may, in the process of development, be put iu abeyance for a time, though not replaced by another ; and under this impression, Stein's views of Acineti- form metamorphosis have, to our mind, an air of improbability. The very distiuguished naturalist M. Agassiz stands among the foremost in advancing the sweeping conclusion, that the Ciliated Protozoa have no existence as a class. Most of the Enterodela of Ekrenberg, he says (A. N. H. 1850, vi. p. 156), " far from being perfect animals, are only germs in an early stage of development. The family of Vorticellce exhibits so close a relation with the Bryozoa, and especially vrith the genus Pedicellina, that I have no doubt that wherever Bryozoa should be placed, Vorticella should follow, and be ranked in the same division with them. The last gr'oup of In- fusoria— Bursaria, Paramecium, and the like — are, as I have satisfied myself by direct investigation, germs of fresh-water worms, some of which I have seen hatched from eggs of Planaria laid under my eyes." In these statements Mr. Girard (Proceedings of Amencan Association, 1848, p. 402) coincides, and adds that Ooljjoda Ciicidhdus is one of the embryonic stages of fresh- water Planaria. To these statements it may veiy fairly be objected, that the embryonic animalcules presimied to be identical with certain Ciliata may possess merely a deceptive outward resemblance, and, again, that in the case of the assigned affinity of the Vorticellina, an exact comparative examination of the organi- zation of this family with that of Bryozoa will show that there is no true homology, but simply some general points of similarity, between them. When Schleiden and others unfolded the cell-theory as a general fact in organic beings, attempts were at once made to apply it to the simplest animal structures, among which the CUiated Protozoa are numbered. The Protozoa were called unicellular animals; a ceU-waU, more or less modified, was everywhere discovered or supposed ; and the more solid body, the testis of Ehrcnberg, was at once assumed as the " nucleus." This name we have for convenience' sake retained, although its special relation with cell-structure and the ceU-theoiy cannot, in our opinion, be sustained. The cell-theory, in its application to Protozoa, found a very able advocate in KoUiker (J. M. 8. 1853, i.), and was uphold by many others ; its simpli- city, and the generalization as to stmctm-e and function it suggested, recom- mencHng it to philosophic minds. Latterly, however, a more exact apprecia- tion of the true organization and functional history of animalcules has caused 2 B 370 GENJJKAl HISTOfiY OF THE INFU80EIA. the abandonment of the hypothesis, the greatest names in microscopic science having pronoimcecl agtiinst it. To Slim up the leading circumstances opposed to the theorj' in question. The processes of the surface, both in variety of character and of movements, ai-e not pai-alleled in any Imo^vn simple cell ; the same may be said of the pedicles and branched stems of Vorticellina, and of the sheaths of Ophrydina : the presence of a mouth, and, according to the descriptions of many excellent observers, of a discharging aperture or anus, and the involution of the external surface in the form of an alimentary tube, are facts irreconcileable with the idea of a cell. So, likewise, the beautiful and complicated cihary apparatus of the Vorticellirui and Ophrydina — the existence of cells, or at least of vesicles, in the interior — the reception of external matters into the general cavity, where they are either entirely digested or partiaUy or wholly extruded again — and, lastly, the activity, persistence, and apparently voluntary cha- racter of theii' movements, are circumstances without parallel in the economy of simple cells. In the face of all these discrepancies in structure and func- tion between the bodies of Ciliated Protozoa and simple cells — closed sacs, containing a nucleus amid their protoplasmic substance — it appears to us it would be a mere visionaiy notion to insist upon a homology betwixt the two. To conceive such a thing, the accepted idea of a cell must be set aside, and replaced by so loose and general a definition as would be worthless. Without quoting their remarks, which is uncalled for here, the following observers may, among others, be cited in opposition to the hypothesis of the unicellular nature of the Ciliata ; viz. Leuckart, Lachmann, Claparede, Perty, and Schneider. Our countryman, Mr. Busk, is, as we gathered from his lec- tures, to be reckoned in the number. CoNDiTiOKS OF LiFE. — Under this head we have to consider the habitats of the Ciliata, the usual conditions under which they live, their successive appearance in liquids, the influence of heat and cold, and of chemical agents upon them, and their probable duration of life. The majority of the CUiated Protozoa are inhabitants of fresh water; few are marine ; or perhaps it would be more, coiTcct to state that few marine species are known. Cohn afiirms that fresh water acts as a poison and IdUs the marine forms (Entiv. pp. 132, 133) ; that the several genera of Entero- dela (Ehr.) — Cydidium, Paramecium, Eiiplota, Oxytricha, and Vorticella — occur in water holding organic matter in solution or decomposition ; and that Stentor, Oplirydium, and Loxodcs are found only where the water is pm*e and uncontaminated with dead matter. This statement must not be taken arbi- trarily ; for among the former series, specimens are constantly seen in wat«r free from appreciable organic impui-ities. Moreover, in all cases, the aqueous medium in which the Ciliata live must contain a certain proportion of organic materials (either living in the tissues of minuter organisms, or in a state of transition, commencing decomposition or breaking up into mineral or dead matter), from which they can derive the elements of their nutrition. Animalcules indeed, if wc may so say, stand between the li-\-ing and the dead, rescuing the atomic fragments of organic matter wliich are ready to perish and to lapse into the domain of dead matter. Tluis wc find them constantly in infusions, either ai-tificially made by steeping animal or, more particularly, vegetable substances in water, or natm\illy occurring in ponds and ditches containing gl•o^ving aquatic plants or their detached portions, or in tlie turfy hoUows of commons and bogs. At times, indeed, the water in which they occur appears to the eye almost pure, and free from extraneous matters ; but a closer examination -will prove it to be inhabited by multitudes of monadifoi-m existences, of minute plants, Desmidiece, Diatomece, Nostochmea, OF THT! PROTOZOA. CILIATA. 371 Confervm, and Algm, which are diffused throughout, or float upon the surface, or form a stratum at the bottom. The attached forms find appropriate habitats upon the stems of aquatic plants, and very commonly upon the surface of various animals living in water ; for instance, on the shells of Mollusca, such as the water-snaUs, and on the siu-face of the Entomostraca. A few species find a suitable locality within the interior of larger animals, of which, therefore, they are esteemed the parasites, — a fact illustrated in the genus Bursaria. This subject of the habitats of the several genera needs not here to be enlarged upon, since it recurs again and again ia the generic and specific descriptions of the systematic division of our work. The Ciliata do not so" frequently constitute the colouring ingredients in water as do the Phytozoa. Nevertheless there are several species which make their presence knovm by their colour, either when collected in a stratum upon the surface of plants or of the water, or when generally diffused in a small pool. Thus Stentor polymorjjJius and Vorticella chlorostigma coat the stems of aquatic plants green, whilst several species of Vorticellina cover them as with a bluish-milky film, and Stentor aureus with an orange- coloured in- duvium. Bursaria vernalis, Trachelocerca viridis, Coleps viridis, Olaucoma viridis, and Paramecium Chrysalis are found dispersed through the water — the four first imparting to it a green, the last a milky tint. The greenish masses of Ophrydium versatile at times float on the surface, driven about by the wind, and at others are attached to the tendrils of roots and to the stalks of aquatic plants. The distinct colours, such as green, yellowish-red, and orange-brown, are in all cases, we believe, not essential to the animalcules exhibiting them, but due to the food they swallow, and to its changes in course of digestion. These changes, as aff'ecting the colour, have been illustrated in a precediiig page (p. 310) in the instance of Bursaria vernalis, for which the Chilodon oiiiatus might have been substituted. Moreover, in Nassula the reddish-blue or violet spots, conceived to be glands by Ehrenberg, are apparently the product of di- gested Oscillatorice (p. 312). Sttccession of Species. — If a fluid containing Infusoria be examined from time to time over a considerable period, it will be found that certain species disappear, and are replaced by others not before found in it. This succession of forms in the same hquid has been remarked from the earliest period of microscopic research, and has been the fruitful source of the wildest theories of the metamorphoses of Infusoria. Succeeding animals have been forth- with concluded to be the transformed states of previous ones, however wide the dissimilarity between them : no intermediate phases or transitional chano-es have been watched; but the conclusion that the one is derived from the other, has been jumped at without reserve. Some theorists have even pro- ceeded further, and, like Unger, behoved in the transformation of vegetable into animal life, or, like Laurent and Gros, have imagined the conversion of mineral matter into organized animalcules, and these last into beings of still higher position in the animal scale, such as Annehda and Cnistacea. A partial explanation of the succession of animal forms in a collection of water is to be found in the following facts : First, no vessel of water of ordinary dimensions can be so thoroughly ex ammed but that some animalcules may be overiooked ; the same accident will happen stiU more frequently with their minuter germs or embryonic condi tions, or with their encysted state. The earliest phases, again, may in theii- transient form, very nearly resemble certain known independent species and be readdy mLstaken for them, or even for encysted simple plants. So, also 'por- 2b 2 372 GENEEAL HISTOBY OF THE INFUSOKIA. tions of plants, small aquatic animals, organic debris, and other substances in the water may conceal in their cavities or interstices either mature animalcules or theii- immature or encysted forms. Further, we know the air to be per- meated by animalcular life ; that every wind wafts organized beings, for the most part in an encysted state, together with germs and spores, animal and vegetable, to and fro ; and every exposed collection of water, unless protected by the most careful and complex contrivances, must perpetually receive fresh colonists. Now, among all these mature, encysted, immature, and embryonic inhabitants of a portion of water, existing in it when first submitted to obser- vation, or subsequently introduced into it from without, there must neces- sarily be a constant change in their relative abundance, and even in their con- tinued existence in it. Mature individuals may die out, be devoured by other animals, or be otherwise destroyed before multiplying themselves, or may, by encysting and reproduction, develope beings of a different general character, i. e. imdergo a real transformation ; encysted beings may merge into life, immatui-e and embryonic forms take on their perfect conformation ; hidden organisms may come out from their concealment ; or the new ones borne by the air may manifest themselves ; and in these and other conceivable ways new series of inhabitants may make their appearance on the scene. Lastly, the siiccession of species is greatly influenced by the changing con- ditions of the water and its contents, by atmospheric conditions — cold, heat, and electricity, and the moisture or dryness of the air. All the facts collected under the head of Habitats indicate the mutual relations between the appear- ance of certain animalcules and the presence of particular plants or even of certain animals, or the existence or absence of decomposing organic matter. We have, moreover, so to speak, carnivorous and herbivorous Ciliata, each and all severally requiring their special nutritive elements in the water. From these circumstances it is evident that particular species will disappear when the conditions favourable to them fail, to be in all probability replaced by others to which the change is favourable and necessary ; for instance, the vegetable feeders wiU decrease and disappear when the minute plants on which they feed are consumed ; so those animals requiring pure water will die out when decomposing organic matters multiply, and will be replaced by the forms which delight in their presence, but have remained imdeveloped until the conditions favourable to their existence are brought about. The little Coleps (to give a particular illustration) delights in the eggs and contained substance of Entomostraca, and makes its appearance in company with those animals, without which it is only occasionally seen. And it remains to be noted, that imless an animalcule is duly supijlied with appropriate nourish- ment, its reproductive powers remain in abeyance, and consequently its whole race may vanish fi-om this cause. A particular example of the succession of species may be qiioted from Cohn's essay on Eeproduction of Infusoria (Zeitschr. 1851, p. 258). In a vessel containing decomposing Sjnrogyra, at iirst appeared countless speci- mens of Paramecium Aurelia ; these were replaced by the Proteus of Baker, either the Lacrymaria Proteus or the Trachelocerca Olor (Elir.) ; these in their turn were followed by Chihdon Cmullulns, and after a few days by a Colpocla ; afterwards large Euphtes with prominent green globules, probably a new species, and lastly, colourless specimens of Euplotes Charon exhibited themselves, — all these species following each other in succession in the course ■of three weeks, a new form appearing on the decline of a preceding, attaining its maximum in number, and then decreasing in its tm-n to make room for the next in the series. Moreover, this excellent observer remarks that a similar succession is obsei-ved in the case of microscopic plants, such as Oscillatona. OF THE PROTOZOA. CILIATA. 373 Duration of Life. — Wliat this may be among the Ciliata is little known to us. "The Infusoria have a comparatively long life " was one of the general facts enunciated by Ehrcnberg. Under favourable conditions certain species have been known to live four or five weeks. This applies to them only in one phase of existence, viz. that which we regard as the normal and mature one. But when we take into consideration the cncysting-process as an act of conserva- tion, we are compelled to assign them a dui-ation of life of a very much longer range ; for by its means the Ciliated Protozoa are preserved in a quiescent, torpid, or hybematrag state, not only over periods of drought when the ponds containing them may be diied up, but also during the entire winter. Fui-ther, by the medium of fission and gemmation, the existence of the animalcule is prolonged or perpetuated through all the multiplied series of divisions and subdivisions and of gemmation, primary, secondary, and multi- fold, until the chain is broken by a sexual act of generation, and the being perishes in the production of its offspring. - The resuscitation of Infusoria, after apparent death, forms a chapter in Ehrenberg's great work ; but the facts discussed have little or no bearing on this group of Ciliata ; and the marvel formerly attaching to the subject is much diminished by our knowledge of the phenomena of encysting, whether for the purpose simply of self-preservation or the carrying out of the process of de- velopment. Intluence of Externax Agents. Heat and Cokd. — The Ciliata can sup- port very considerable variations of temperatirre. Even in winter, beneath the ice, various species may be found still liviag. Ehrenberg tells us that ■ Vorticella microstoma will live after being exposed to a temperature of 8° Fahr., and the ice gradually thawed ; in fact, however, not more than one in a hundred will survive this process. Below this temperature none can Uve. The same is true of ParamecuLm Aurelia, Cyclidium Glaucoma, Glaucoma scintillans, and Colpoda Gucullus. When death is caused by cold, no rupture or injury of the body is perceptible, except in the case of Chiloclon Cmullulus and some few other species, which are frequently quite disintegrated and dis- persed. Stentor polymorphus and S. Mulleri will not live many hours at a temperature of 9° Fahr. ; and arborescent Vorticella, subjected to the same degree of cold, faU from their stems and die. Perty gives a Est of about 40 species of Ciliata which he found in Switzer- land diuing the cold of winter, beneath the ice ; we name a few as a guide to investigators : — Coleps hirtus (often without a shell), C. inermis ; Oxytricha pellionclla, 0. caudata, 0. prisca, 0. gibba ; Pleuronema crassa ; Euplotes striatus ; Vorticella patellina ; Stentor Rdsellii ; Paramecium Colpoda, P. versutum, P. leucas; Trachelius Anas, T. Lamella, T. Meleagris ; Tracheloccrca Olor ; Glaucoma scintillans ; Lacrymariarugosa ; Enchelys Farcimen ; Chilo- don Cucidlidus ; Spirostomum ambiguum ; Amphileptus Fasciola &c. Ehrenberg affirms that when animalciilcs are fi-ozcn in ice, they are as it were lodged in a little cavity, and surrounded by water. This circumstance he imagined to be duo to their animal heat, — an explanation too improbable to be admissible ; and, if the observation be correct, it must give place to some other. Respecting the effects of cold, it is a general law of the Ciliata, that their numbers rapidly diminish when winter sets in, and that, on the contrary they rapidly augment so soon as the warmth of the sun in spiing manifests itself, and continue to increase in number and variety until the height of summer is passed. ° Their endurance of heat is almost equally extraordinary as that of cold Some are found in hot springs : thus Perty found speoimens in the hot spmgs 374 GENEHAL HISTOliY OF THE INFUSOTilA. of Leiik, at a temperature of about 80° ; and Elirenbcrg heated water gradu- ally to 120° Fahr., when Colpoda Cuculhts and Chilodon Cumllulus survaved. Necessity of Am. — The water which Ciliata inhabit must be duly aerated to support their existence, as is shown, by the experiment of pouring a layer of oil on the top of a vessel of water contaioing them, and by their disap- pearance from a bottle which has been kept too long corked. They decrease in number and variety after water has been kept for some time in. the house, even though it remains sweet ; this is probably due in part to the more stagnant atmosphere and the consequent diminished admixture of air vnth the water. Chemical Agents. Electricity ai^d Galvanism. — For chemical substances to act, they must be soluble in the water. Sea-water is generally more or less speedily fatal to fresh- water species ; and, on the other hand, fresh water is destructive to marine species, especially when the change of medium is sudden. However, some species are common both in sea- and in spring- water ; and there are others living in brackish water which can readily ac- commodate themselves to a change of habitation. There are also substances, such as sugar, which, although not in them- selves poisonous, are damaging to animalcules, probably by eausiug an in- jurious alteration in the density of the water. Other substances, havtag active properties as poisons to animal life at large, such as corrosive subli- mate, strychnine, arsenic, and the like, are also poisonous to animalcules. Reference has been made to several chemical compounds which, by reacting variously on the tissues of animalcules, are employed for the purpose of demonstrating points ia their organization: such are acetic acid, alcohol, tincture of iodine, solution of potassa, &c. The last acts as a solvent, caus- ing diffluence, as Mr. Addison pointed out some years siuce (A. If. H. 1843, xii. p. 101). Of the effects of electricity, galvanism, and magnetism, we know little : ex- periments with these forces are few and imperfect. Ehrenberg collected the accoimts of several, among which are the following : — A shock from a Leyden- jar charged with twenty sparks from an electrophorus having a resinous plate inches square, and a collector 5^ inches, suddenly killed Stentor niger, St. aureus, and AmpTiileptus moniliger. The bodies of Ophryoglena atra and Stentor poJymorphus were entirely dissipated by it, as were also those of Epistylis fiavicans, after having first been thi'own from theii* stalks. It generally required two such shoclcs to kill the Paramecium Aurelia. When the electrical current passed near and not thi-ough them, their movements ap- peared unsteady. Electricity slowly produced has a more powerful effect than in the form of rapid shocks ; and when either it or the magnetic current de- composes the water in which the animalcules are, then death is a necessary consequence. Mr. Rood (Sill. Journ. 1853, xv. p. 71) has experimented more recently, and states that, when a feeble galvanic ciuTent is passed thi'ough water con- taining Paramecia, the animals are brought to a stand-stUl, particularly in the neighbourhood of the negative pole, and after rcvohiiig for a time on their own centres, entirely cease to move ; ciliaiy action is also arrested, and diffluence quickly ensues. On the subject of the operation of chemical reagents on Protozoa, or, strictly speaking, on Paramecia, -with which he cliiefly experimented, Mr. Rood ha.s the following remarks : — Alcohol stopped theii- motion, coagulated their con- tents so that they shrunk mthin theii- integument, and caused speedy death. Phosphate of soda killed in a few minutes ; and Epsom salts, the aramonio- chloride of mercury, acetate of lead, and perchloride of racrcmy destroyed OF THE PllOTOZOA. CIIIATA. 375 life instantly. Cyanide of potassium did tlio same, producing at the same moment ruptiu-e of the integument and the discharge of the contents. On adding a quantity of oxcilate of ammonia to the water, a stupefying effect at once follows, but after a few minutes the animalcules revive, and death does not result — at least, not for some hours. Likewise, neither ferrocyanide of potassium nor neutral chromate of potash kills — at least, not under several hours. This last-named fact suggests the possibility of chemically injecting or impregnating animalcules, whilst still living, with a mixtiu'o of suitable reagents to produce coloured precipitates which might serve in demonstrating their internal stnicture. Geogkaphical Distribution. — "We know as yet of no special laws of geo- graphical distribution of the Ciliated Protozoa ; and a long time must, we fear, elapse ere the waters of the earth are sufficiently explored to warrant even an approximative sketch of such laws. Wherever on this globe we may seek for these animalcules, they are, it seems, to be found — even the same families, genera, and species ; and if our present knowledge leads us to define particular localities for particular species, it amounts to little more than stating that they have there arrested the attention of some observer or observers, and have been overlooked or searched for at the wrong season, or under unfavourable circumstances, in other places. For, as our remarks on the succession of species imply, the animalcules present in any collection of water one week, may be in vain searched for the next ; and the inhabitants of a pool or stream of one season, or of one year, may be exchanged for others the next. Although, therefore, laws of geographical distribution are wanting, yet we may be very much guided in our search for particulai* genera and species by a knowledge of their habitats and of the conditions which prove most favourable to their existence. Since the whole framework of CUiata is sooner or later destructible by diffluence, their occurrence in a fossil condition is not to be looked for. Affinities of the Chiated Pkotozoa -with othee Animals. — Regarding as we do the "organization of Cihatcd Protozoa as belonging to a type sui generis, their affinities with other animals partake rather of a general than of a particular character. They possess an affinity with Bhizopoda, Che- garinida, and Spongilla, with Opalincea, Polypes, and with many Phytozoa, such as Euglenoi, in the nature of their contractile substances or sarcode ; also with the first and last-named, in the presence of one or more contractile vesicles. Multiplication by fission is also common to those several tribes and that by gemmation to Vorticellina, Ophrydina, and Polypes ; lastly, 'they agree with the Ehizopoda and Polycystina in the process of dissolution by diffluence. In the process of encysting, also, they ai-e related with the Opa- lincea and Phytozoa, with some, at least, of the Ehizopoda, and, in general characters, with the Qregarinida. Of the mutual relations between the Ciliata (Opalinma, Gregarinida) and Ehizopoda, we shall have further occasion to speak. But the CUiata ai'o also allied to the Eotifera by the chitinous constitution of their intco-ument by being moved chiefly by cilia, and more closely so through certain families' e. g. the Vorticellina and Ophrydina, which liave a frontal ciliary mechanism approaching in structure that of the rotary apparatus. So, again in some general features, the sheathed Ophrydina (e. g. Vaginicola) may be assimi- lated with the encased Eotatoria, such as (Ecistes and Conocliiius Lastly by means of the Ichthrjdina an additional link is estabUshed between tliese two classes, and also between them and the Turhellaria ; for some as Schultze (Miiller's Archiv 1853, p. 241), seem disposed to range the IcMhydina with the last-named family. A homology may be perceived between the hardened 376 GENEBAI, HISTOEY OF THE nTFtlSOaiA. integument, with its uncini, styles, and setae, in such forms as Coleps and Euplotes, and the coveiing and appendages of Entomostraca and of some in- ferior Annelida ; and some would note the similarity in movements between Coleps and Daphnia. Through the Vorticellina a relation is established with the Bryozoa or cilio-brachiate Polypes — one, indeed, which some naturalists (Agassiz, for instance) affirm to be so intimate, that the two families should be placed to- gether in the same group. Lastly, there is, in the case of many Ciliata, a very close apparent affinity, almost amounting to identity (at least, so far as form is concerned) be- tween them and certain embryonic stages of other animals, — for example, of Planarice and of several of the lowest among the Vermes. It is possible, indeed, that some of the presumed independent Ciliata are nought else but larval conditions ; but unless this can be shown by direct observation of their development and transformation, they must be still retained in their present place. The group represented by Bursaria and Paramecium are, as Agassiz {A. N. H. 1850, vol. vi. p. 156) asserts he has satisfied himself by direct in- vestigation, no other than germs of fresh-water worms, " some of which," he writes, " I have seen hatched from eggs of Planana laid under my eyas." To this assertion Mr. Girard assents {Proceedings of American Association, 1848, p. 402). However, there is one caution to be borne in mind in seeking to establish the unity of certain sxipposed specific forms and known embryonic phases of any animals — viz. not to confound general resemblance with specific identity. For, notwithstanding the former may be very distinct and close, this is not enough (as the history of development of the higher animals teaches us) whUe there is aught wanting in the image, to render it an exact counterpart of the original, identical in kind with it. The above offers a general sketch of the most evident affinities of the CUiata. By the exercise of the imagination directed simply to external form, these might be greatly multiplied : this, however, would, instead of advancing our knowledge, lead only to misconceptions. CLASsrFicATiox OF THE CiLiATED Peotozoa. — Among the many heteroge- neous groups of beings which have at a previous period been assembled imder the name of Infusoria, or other tenns tantamount to it, that of the ciliated animalcules has been more or less clearly distinguished from the rest, and has received much attention from the several propounders of schemes of clas- sification. However, as our knowledge of the Ciliata, both with respect to the number of known species and to their minute organization, on which alone any connect classification can be based, has been so greatly extended during the last few years, it would be useless to describe the various systems which were suggested when, as we may say, this branch of natural history was in its infancy. "We shall therefore omit all notice of any systematic arrangement of the Ciliata prior to that proposed by Ehrenberg. Now, although tliis arrange- ment is very imperfect and incorrect, and founded, moreover, upon certain views of their organization now generally rejected, yet, as it was the system adopted in previous editions of this work, and will be generally followed in the present one ; and as, moreover, no other classification can lay claim to such completeness and accuracy as to command its adoption instead, it behoves us to detail its principal features. Besides this distribution of Ciliata, suggested by the great micrographer of Berlin, there are three others it will be necessary to describe in this place, severally proposed by Dujai-din, Siebold, and Perty. Of these, however, it wiU only be necessary to present the outline as given by theii" respective authors, since the examination of the OF THE PBOTOZOA. CILIATA. 377 characters, limits, and mutual relations of the families described will form the subject of the Systematic portion of this work. The Ciliata, in our meaning, are very nearly the same beings that Ehren- berg called Enterodela, or Polygastrica furnished with an intestine connecting together their stomach-sacs. A division of the Enterodela was made, accord- ing to the mutual relation in position between the two orifices of the body — the mouth, and anus or discharging vent — into, 1st, Anopisthia, in which the intestine is so cui-ved on itself that its two ends unite together in a common aperture ; 2, Enantiotreta, having an oral opening at one extremity, and the anal at the other, i. e. opposite to each other ; 3, Allotreta, with the two orifices placed obliquely with reference to one another ; and 4, Catotreta, with both situated on one surface — the abdominal. The subjoined tabular view will display these divisions, and also their subdivision into families.^ We have departed from this arrangement of Ehrenberg chiefly by omitting a few genera and species, viz, Actinophrys, Trichodiscus, and Podophrya among the Enchelia, and some species of Bursaria from the Trachelina, and also by adding several new genera and families. Concerning the necessity of detaching the Actinophrys and its two congeners from the Enchelia, no doubt can be entertained when their structure comes to be considered ; we have throvm them together into one family under the name of Actinophryina (p. 243), and have brought them and the peculiar beings known as Acinetina (p. 258) together as two subdivisions of Rhizopoda. The peculiar parasitic Bursarice without mouth constitute, with some similar ciliated mouthless beings, a subdivision of the Ciliata, standing in near relation with Qregari- nida, and, in some measure, intermediate between the Ciliata and Rhizopoda. Lastly, we have removed the Ichihydina from the Rotatoria, and treated them as a subclass of Ciliata. The additional families and genera we shall not here specify, but must direct the reader for information to the systematic descriptions. The following tabular view represents Ehrenberg's classification. SECTIONS. f FAMILIES. One receiving ^ and discharging orifice only for nutrition. [ loricated Ophrydina. Anopisthia. J illoricated VorticeUiria. Two orifices one at each extremity, f , ■ , ■, Enantiotreta. ) ^o'''<^^^ I illoricated Enchelia. Colepina. f mouth furnished (mouth furnished with pro- "I m i ,• boscis, tail absent ) Trachelma. mouth anterior, tail present Ophryocercina. illoricated Aspidi obHquely, Allotreta. liscma. Orifices abdominal. Catotreta. illoricated ^ loricated locomotive organs, cilia Kolpodea. vai-ioiis Oxy trichina. Euploto. Dujardtn's distribution next claims attention. Having, as we have seen entirely rejected Ehrenberg's polygastric hypothesis, and at the same time failed to recognize many important points of internal organization noAv well established, ho had, to construct his system, recourse to external 378 OENEHAL HlSTOfiT OF THE INFX780KIA. characters only — to the presence or absence of locomotive organs, to the characters of those organs, to the nature of the external surface, whether protected by an integument or not, or defended by a lorica, to the general conditions of attachment of fixed forms to other objects, and to the cha- racter of their movements when free. Moreover, his CUiated Infusoria com- prised not only oui- group of Ciliated Protozoa, but also the Phytozoa, — the Vibrionia only excepted ; for he made no distinction between organisms moved by a single or few filaments, and those moved by vibratile cilia generally dis- tributed, or associated together in the constraction of special locomotive organs. In his tabular view, the beings we have brought together under the appel- lation of CiHata are aU comprehended in the fourth and fifth orders of Infu- soria, with the exception of Coleps and the IcJithydina, which, in his opinion, belong to a type of structiu-e differing from aU others reckoned by him as Infusoria, in being symmetrical. The accompanying outline of this system of Dujardin wiU sufficiently Ulus- trate it at present, without further remarks on the value either of the piin- ciples he has adopted, or of the families and genera he has instituted. DUJAEDIN'S CLASSIFICATION OF CILIATA. Order IV. — Ciliated animalcules without a contractile integument. All swimmers. A. Naked. Fam. 11. Ench61yens, without mouth; cUia disposed without order. 12. Trichodiens, with the mouth either visible or indicated by a Mnge of ciKa, with- out cirrhi. 13. K^roniens, with a mouth and a fringe of cUia, together with some cirrhi or strong cilia in the form of styles or uncini. B. LORICATED. Fam. 14. Ploesconiens. Lorica or shield diffluent or decomposable like the rest of the body. 15. Erviliens. Lorica genuine and persistent. A short pedicle. Order V. — Ciliated animalcules provided with a lax, reticulated, and contractile integu- ment ; or having their ciUa so arranged in regular linear series as to denote the presence of an integument. A. Always free. Fam. 16. Leucophry ens, without a mouth. 17. Parameciens, with a mouth but no prominent row of cilia. 18. Bursariens, with a mouth and a prominent row of cUia. B. — Either voluntarily attached or fixed by the medium of organs. Fam. 19. Urc6olariens, voluntarily attached. 20. Vorticelliens, attached at least temporarily either by their organs or by some part of their body. Symmetrical Infusoria. — Of several types without mutual relations. Planariola. Coleps. Cliaetonotus. Ichthydium. With the exception of the family Leucophry ens, which is neai-ly equivalent to our subgroup Opalincea, and of the genera Planariola, CJicpto7wti(s, and Ichthydium (the two last constitute our family Ichthydina), all the other families and genera ai'e members of oiu* class of Ciliata, and are described in the Systematic portion of this work. Prof. Siebold (Anatomie der Wirhellosen Thieve) agreed with Dujardin in rejecting the Polygastrica of Ehrenberg as a class, and at the same time em- ployed the term Infusoria, applied after Ehrenberg's example to a multitude of various organisms both animal and vegetable, to designate a compai-ativcly limited group. To this restricted use of the term we have already objected (p. 199) ; we will now, therefore, proceed with the classification in question. Siebold's Infusoria included all those microscopic organisms, exclusive of the Rhizopoda, of supposed animal nature, whether possessing a mouth or not. Of those ho made two classes: one named Astoma, the other Stomatoda, the latter equivalent to our Ciliata. The following tabulai- outline is presented OF THE PaOTOZOA. — CILIATA. 379 by Siebold, without any comments on the characters and distinctions of the several families, which, however, agree in general with those instituted hy Ehi-enberg, the most striking dcpartui-e being the exclusion of Ophryocercina and Aspidiscina. SIEBOLD'S CLASSIFICATION OF CILIATA. Class I.— ENFUSOKIA, Animals moving by cilia. Order 1. — Astojia, Infusoria without a moutli. Fain. 1. Astaslea. — Gen. Amblyophis, Eiiglena, Chlorogonium. Fam. 2. Peridini^a.— G^ew. Peridinium, Glenodinium. Fam. 3. OpALiN.i:A. — Gen. Opalina. Order 2. — Stom.vtoda, Infusoria with a mouth. Fam. 1. VoRTiCELLiNA. — Gen. Stentor, Tricliodina, Vorticella, Epistylis, Cai-chesium. Fam. 2. Ophbydina. — Gen. Vagiiucola, Cothurnia. Fa7n. 3. Enchelia. — Gen. Actinophrys, Leucophrys, Prorodon. Fam. 4. Trachelina. — Gen. Glaucoma, Spirostomum, Ti-achelius, Loxodes, Chilodou, Phialina, Bursaria, Nassula. Fam. 5. Kolpodea. — Gen. Kolpoda, Paramecium, Amphileptus. Fam. 6. Oxytrichina. — Gen. Osyti-icba, Stylonychia. Fam. 7. Euplota. — Gen. Euplotes, Himantophorus, Chlamidodon. Perty is the latest writer, as far as we can discover, who has attempted a classification of Infusoria, among which he distinguishes, as we do, a class under the name of Ciliata, having also in almost all respects similar limits, except in the retention of the ActinopJiryhia as one of the two sections he makes, viz., 1, animalcules with vibratile ciHa ; and 2, with non-vibrating but slightly contractile cilia, or filaments. Leaving this second section out of view, the other is divided into three subsections, with the titles Spastica, Monima, and Metabolica, according to the varying character of their move- ments, which in the first are sudden and jerking, in the second, unvarying and constant, and in the third, associated with striking changes in the figui'e of the body. Under these three subsections he distributes aU the Ciliata into families, to many of which, in departing from Ehrenberg's groupings, he has given new names. He moreover describes many new genera and species. Besides the Actinophryina, we exclude also the family Cobalina, which is equal to our family OpalincBa, and to Dujardin's Leucophryens. We shall attempt to represent this system of classification by a tabular outline : — PERTY'S CLASSIFICATION OF CILIATA. A. Spastica. — Animalcules capable of contracting their bodies and their stems when stick exist, in a sudden spasmodic manner, so that their more or less elongated figure is rendered oval or globular, and the stem coiled spirally. Thcij are the only Ciliata which live associated, and are related to Brvozoa and many to Eotaioria. ' Fam. I. Vaginiper.1.— Enclosed in a sheath, into which they can withdraw tliemselves Mouth with a ciHary wreath. Fam. 2. Vorticellina.— Without a sheath ; living isolately, or in arborescent polyparies ■ with a contractUe body and evident mouth, but no intestine. Deve- loped by fission, by germs, and gemmation, and by means of transi- tional phases. Fam. 3. Ophrvdina.— Numerous animalcules associated together in a solid gelatinous mass but virithout contractile fibres. ' Fam. 4. Urceolarina. — The Urctolarions of Dujardin, Ophrydium being excluded and Spirostomum added. ' B. Uomuk.— Animalcules which, although very contractile, neither undergo chanae of form nor exhibit jerking movements. a J J _ a. General covering soft.— I. Free fonns, with a mouth ; nutriment received solid Fam. o. Bursarina. o^hu. Fam. 6. Paramecina.— Body covered by longitudinal rows of cilia. MouUi lateral oft«« situated in a furrow. . ' Fam. 7. Holopiiryina.— Mouth anterior; anus posterior. Cilia in longitudinal rows. 380 GENEEAL HISTOET OF THE lUFUSOfilA. Fam. 8. Aphthonia. — Surface ciliated, and furnished besides with filamente. Fam. 9. Decteria. — Moutli provided with a circlet of bristles ; in three genera lateral, in two anterior in position. Fam. 10. CiNETOCiiiLiNA. — Mouth on the upper surface, furnished with a vibrating flap. Cilia in longitudinal lines. Fam. 11. Apionidina (in part the Enchelia, Ehr., and the Param^ciens, Duj.). — Bodies small, soft, thicker at one end than the other ; cUia in longitudinal rows. Mouth, where perceptible, at the anterior extremity. Fam. 12. Tapinia. — Cilia scattered, or collected in particular spots, but never in rows. Body usually very small. Mouth only proved to exist by means of artificial feeding. Fam. 13. Traohblina. — Body elongated into a neck-like anterior process, or a laterally curved trunk. Fam,. 14. Oxytrichina. — ^Equal the Kdroniens of Dujardin. 2. Parasitical forms, with or without a Tnouth, mostly receiving only the juices of other animals. Fam. 15. Cobalina. — ^Body mostly flattened, oval, elliptic or reniform, covered by numer- ous rows of fine cilia, and oftentimes vrith jointed cilia on the under surface. A raised margin or hollow fold occupied by cOia often indicates the mouth, of which, however, in several cases, no trace is evident. The animalcules commonly live internally, upon the juices of other beings, and occasionally on their outer surface, in which case the food they take is soUd. They jjresent among themselves numerous peculiarities and points of agreement, and at the same time many anomalies, and are lower in the scale than free living forms similar to them, e.g. Oxytrichina; their movements are rather automatic. Tlie genera included are, Alastor (Kerona, Ehr.), Plagiotoma, Leucophrys, and Opalina. B. General covering firm by induration of the integument, or by excretion of hard granules. Fam. 16. Euplotina.— Equal the Ploesconiens of Dujardin. Fam. 17. Colepina. — Represented by the genus Coleps (Ehr.). C. MjiTABOLicA. — Very contractile ; undergoing protean alterations of their figure through a contraction and extension of the body. Cilia scarcely observable on the body at large, but collected on the necJc-like process. Fam. 18. Ophryocercina (Ehr.), including also Trachelocerca and Phialina. FAMILY I.— ICHTHYDmA. (Plates XXY. 357, 358. Plate XXXI. 28, 29, 31.) This family, wHch in our arrangement forms a subgroup of Ciliata, con- stituted in Ehrenberg's system a section of Rotatoria, — an association which cannot be maintained now that their more intimate and essential organiza- tion is known. Indeed, these beings seem to have received but little atten- tion from that great naturalist, who had only an imperfect accoimt of them to offer. They were described as Eotatoria with a single continuous rotary organ, not cut or lobed at the margin, and -without lorica or sheU. Pour genera were enumerated — viz. Ptygura, Ichthydium, CJicetoiwtios, and Oleno- johora. Their relative peculiarities were thus stated : — Ptygura and Gleno- phora had a simple rotary locomotive organ; Ichthydium and Chcetomtus, only a long ciliary band upon the ventral surface. Again, the two former had a simple foot-Like process, and evident oesophageal teeth ; the two latter a forked taU and no visible teeth. Dujardin, who has given a very good account of Chcetonotus, rejected that genus, together with Ichthydhtm, from among the Rotatoria, and placed the two in a sort of subfamily of Cihated Protozoa, under the name of ' Symmetrical Infusoria.' Of the other two genera, Olenophora and Ptygura, he ignored altogether the former, and transposed the latter to his family of ' Melicerfiais.' Since the date of his systematic treatise {Hist, des Inftis. 1841), ho has sketched the liistorj' of a genus under the name of ElUmoderia, which is evidently alUcd to Chatomtus (A. S. N. XV. p. 158). OF THE PROTOZOA. TCHTHTDINA. 381 The latest researches, we have seen, on the Ichthydina are contained in a paper by Dr. Max. Schiiltze {Mull. Archiv, 1853, p. 241), on Chcetonotus and IchtJnjcl'mm, and on a new allied genus, Turbanella. In this communication Schvdtze clearly shows that Chcetonotus and IcMhydium are not Eotatoria, whilst he admits Ptygura and Olenopliora to be so. The leadmg and suffi- cient reasons for separating Ichthydium and Chcetonotus from Eotatoria are, that they want the peculiar ciliary apparatus of that class have no retractile rotary disk, no jointed tail-like process, no water-vascular system with vibratile tags, and no perceptible muscular and nervous system. The best account of the organization we have of any of the Ichthydina is furnished by Schultze's contribution above quoted, wherein he details that of Turbanella. Of this we will present an abstract, but, before so doing, wiU preface a few notes from Dujardin on Chcetonotus. This genus has a symmetrical elongated- oblong body slightly contracted at its anterior third, and having its posterior half expanded ; covered on its upper or posterior surface by cilia or by ciliated scales ; terminated anteriorly by a rounded edge, near to which is a distinct circular oral aperture ; and posteriorly ending by a bifurcate process. Some long vibratile ciha are visible on the anterior half of the ventral surface ; and Dujardin thought he discovered four or five minute papOlas around the mouth. This aperture he represents to lead iato a long narrow oesophagus, which abruptly ends in a wide intestine, that continues a straight course to the posterior extremity, where an anal opening is probably placed. The Turba- nella hycdina, of Schultze, has an elongated, rather compressed, colourless body, from -^th to -^th. of an inch long, and j^th to -g^th broad. The head is separated from the body by a constriction (XXXI. 28). Along the body, at apparently regTilar distances, numerous bristle-hke processes stand out at right angles on each side. The posterior extremity is slightly contracted, and divided into two comb-Hke flattened processes or lamellae, having an inter- vening fossa, into which the anal apertm-e opens. A dorsal and ventral surface are distinguishable, — the latter ciliated throughout, the former bare. The head is entirely covered on its iipper surface by fine cilia, besides which, it has a circlet of larger ones around its middle. The cihated condition of the under surface is displayed by a side or a transverse view of the animal. The bristle-hke processes on each side are growths from the integument, and neither articidated nor separable (XXXI. 28, 30). The row is double on either side ; the under setae from 20 to 25 in number ; the upper, only from G to 8 on a side. The latter are rather appendages of the dorsal surface, and are, moreover, not at right angles Hlce the others, but bent backward! Each cutaneous process is terminated by a motionless cilium, equal to or ex- ceeding it in length. The cuticle and its processes are soluble in a wai-m solution of potash, and are not chitinous. The alimentary canal passes straight through the middle of the body (XXX. 28, 29). The mouth, situated at the anterior extremity, is circular, and sur- rounded by a finely plicate or dentate margin ; it opens into a muscular oesophagus, which very much resembles that of Anguillula, and terminates below in the straight intestine. The oesophagus extends for the first fourth of tlio length of the body ; and its muscular coat is so developed, that its canal looks Uke a mere central hue. Its muscles are annular. The tubular intes- tine has, on the contrary, thin walls, in which numerous molecules and fat corpuscles are distinguishable, except, indeed, at its posterior conical termina- tion. The intestine Hes in a soft, finely-granular parenchyma. No water- vascular apparatus with vibratile tags exists. At the posterior thii-d of the body on the dorsal surface of the intestine, a large ovaiy is placed, and in front of It a very much smaUer testis. Both glands present a mi^dberry- 382 GENERAL HISTOET OP THE INFUSORIA. like aggregation of rounded cells. The posterior portion of the ovary exhibits ova, having a germinal vesicle and spot suiTounded by a fine granular yelk- mass ; and one or two ova are frequently seen separated, having a deUcate colourless shell developed around them. The diameter of the largest ova equals xItf^Ii* mature eggs lie close to the testes. Besides this distinct male organ, two groups of spematozoid-ceiia seem present, lying apparently free in the loose parenchyma, and apparently without any investing membrane or envelope. As to their affinity, Schultze makes no doubt that they are Vermes, and belong to the group of Turbellaria, considered as a division of the Cestoidea. Among Turbellaria they are best placed with the Ai-hynchia, including Microstomum and Dinophilm. They resemble Nematoklea and Anguillulce in the form of the intestinal canal, but are unlike these in their figui-e, their ciliated integument, and their hermaphrodite structure. The Ichthtfdina are inhabitants of fresh water, living among aquatic plants. They have a sluggish, creeping gliding movement, resembling that of most Turbellaria. FAMILY II.— NOCTILUCIDA. (Plate XXXI. 32-39). This small but remarkable subsection is represented by only one animal, the Noctiluca miliaris, which has attracted much attention as one of the sources of the phosphorescence of the sea. By several recent authors it has been treated as a near aUy of the CUiata, although it must be confessed to have few outward indications of such a relationship, and, in our estima- tion, is a representative of quite a different and independent group of animals. At first sight, a Noctiluca appears a round gelatinous corpuscle having a depression or groove at one part, surmounted by a filamentary pro- cess or tentacle. Compared with the Ciliated Protozoa, it is of gigantic pro- portions, attaining -^th of an inch in diameter. On closer examination it is found to have an integument of two layers : the outer smooth and reticular, structureless, and of considerable density ; the inner a delicate, granular, gelatinous membrane, which Dr. Webb (J. M. S. 1855, p. 103) describes to be in union at all points with the whole system of reticulations spreading from the central organs, — a fact rendered evident by the action of indigo and the primary changes consequent on death. " The internal fibrous reticulations gradually contracted, drawing the ' vacuoles ' together, and with them the inner membrane. This was detached without ruptiu'e, but after a time feU into folds, which so included the other structxu-es as to have the look of a wrinkled tube with a series of pouches ending in a larger membranous sac. The external layer distended by degrees till it suddenly burst. I should mention that a new supply of water had been given before most of these changes happened. I have also been successful in separating the two layers mechanically, by means of pressure, slowly and steadily applied to the animal under the screw compressor." The external membrane is extended at one point into a tapering process, which acts as a locomotive organ. ^ It springs from the edge of the infundibulum, which is extended backwards into a pha- rynx or gullet. This process or tentacle appears transversely striped, and breaks short ; of the nature of those stripes we know nothing. Dr. Webb believes this process to be tubular, with an orifice on the inner side at its base. " At any rate," he writes, " I have seen the coloxir, when iodine has been used, proceed towards the distal extremity ; and under the influence of indigo poisoning, the granular matter of which the striation consists has been disarranged, scattered up and down the interior of the organ, and in the end has aggregated together in small globules, without much impairing the OF THE PROTOZOA. NOOTILUCIDA. 383 power of motion." These appearances do not at all convince ns of the tubular character of the tentacle ; for they are attributable to the difference of action of the chemical reagents upon the contained matter and upon its investment. Dr. Webb adds — " I have never perceived any tendency to restoration of the lost part, nor any independent movement in the detached fragment. The stump continues active, and readily comes off at the base. The point is a little flattened. When the animal is kUIed in such a manner that this organ has free play, it always shows a disposition to coil up spirally." Prof. Huxley's compaiison of the Noctiluca, in figure, to a peach is very- good, and conveys a clear idea of the relative position of the external groove and its appendages (J. M. S. 1854, p. 50). " One surface," he writes, " is a httle excavated ; and a groove or depression runs fi-om one side of the excava- tion, halfway to the other pole. Where the stalk of the peach might be, a filiform tentacle, equal in length to about the diameter of the body, depends from it, and exhibits slow wavy motions when the creature is in full activity. I have even seen a Noctiluca appear to push repeatedly against obstacles with this tentacle." Eehind the tentacle is a rounded or oval mouth, having a harder margin extending from the base of the tentacle, along its right side, in the form of an elevated ridge. This ridge has a horny appearance (although Dr. Webb declares it to be of fibrous consistence), and is usually described as sigmoid in outline. About its middle is a triple (tricuspid) tooth-like eleva- tion, composed of a middle, bifid, large portion, and a smaller one on each side. Dr. Webb says that when this tooth is " seen in profile, it has the appear- ance of a conical papilla, or, with a slight change in the point of view, of a hooked process terminating in a sharp nib. It readily yields to pressure ; and I have seen it become shrivelled up from the use of astringents, before motion ceased in the cihum and tentacle .... The ridge may be sometimes observed in regular contractile action. Corresponding with these contrac- tions, I have witnessed a to-and-fro motion of the tooth, as though working on an axis in a direction towards the base of the tentacle. A good illustra- tion of this performance is given by bending the fore and middle fingers, and flexing them on the palm of the hand." On the other hand. Prof. Huxley states that he never observed any movement in this tooth-like body. The oral aperture opens into a funnel-like cavity or pharynx, from the bottom of which a ciliary process extends, having a rapid undulatory move- ment, and retractile. Mr. Huxley only now and then detected this cilium and states that it is difficult of observation ; but Dr. Webb says " The cilium may be found in every instance in which it is looked for with a quarter-inch glass, or even with the half-inch, provided the creatm-e is left at perfect liberty, and is made to move if not in the right position. It often remains at rest for some time, and then from above looks liko a smaU bright spot at the base of the ' tooth ; ' or it may occasionally be seen extended over the S-shapcd ridge, or even the base of the tentacle. I have many times detected it in motion from behind, through the intervening substance of the body, and have noticed it vibrating vigorously long after ruptui-e of the integument and partial discharge of the contents. A Chara-trough, or shallow concave cell, is most convenient for observations on this part, as 'the animal swims close to the under surface of the thin glass, and may be made to turn in any direction." _ A minute oval aperture is represented both by Huxley and Webb as open ing into the funnel-shaped oral cavity. This last expands into an alimentarv space "of very vanous form and dimensions, capable of great dilatation and presenting no distinct walls, but rather excavated in the central substance of the body, which IS connected with the parietes by numerous granular radi 384 GENERAL HISTOllY OF THE 1NFU80EIA, ating filaments " {Huxley's Lectures, Medical Times, 1856, vol. xxxiii. p. 511). These granular filaments radiate, from a central portion which seems to serve as a bond of union and a basis of support for all the organs about the oral cavity, to the integument in every direction ; and probably the apparent reticulation of the external membrane is due to the crossing of the very fine terminations of those filaments as they proceed to attach themselves to it. Lying amid the meshes of this fibrous network, chiefly towards the centre of the Noctiluca, axe more or feAver vacuolar bodies. " The whole internal network of fibrous tissue," writes Dr. Webb (op. dt. p. 104), " with the manner in which it invests the so-called vacuoles, is most beautifully demonstrated by the effect of iodine. The creature dies suddenly, without collapsing. The progress of the fluid can be traced along the fibres into the minutest meshes ; and there remains for a long time a transparent ball, traversed in every direction by the brown fibres, headed with the vacuoles and granules, and having every reticulation on the surface sharply defined." The " vacuoles " referred to are not homologous with those of Protozoa, and, to avoid confusion, another name should be found for them. They are actual sacs or cells, with a definite membranous wall, and thus appear to resemble in structure the contractile sacs of Protozoa. Dr. Webb asserts them to be alimentary sacs ; and we gather fi'om him the following account of them (op. cit. p. 105) : — "When empty, they are usually contracted and grouped near the membranous tube which leads from the oral aperture — a few only being scattered among the internal reticulations. Their situa- tion is constantly changing, sometimes with a steady advance, at others by jerks, while the fibrous meshes with which they are connected undergo a relative alteration in shape. Gentle pressure wlU occasionally expel them through the oral or anal aperture ; but I have seen them spontaneously ejected without rupture, and float away from the body. In one instance where this occurred, and where the contents consisted of granular matter, fragments of Diatomacece, and particles of sand, the sac remained entire for some time. When it burst, the membrane doubled up, the contents escaped, and the bits of silica were characteristically shown with the polariscope. I have never laiown these gastric pouches, or alimentaiy substances to be voided by any other outlet than those connected with the central depression." At the bottom of the infundibulum is a large-sized oval, or ovoid, brownish body, of granular consistence, and strongly refracting Hght, which is the nucleus. It lies in front of and above the gastric cavity, and, Prof. Huxley states (op. cit. p. 54), assumes the appearance of a hollow vesicle when acted upon by acetic acid. Dr. Webb writes (op. cit. p. 106) — " The nucleus may be demonstrated as a nucleated vesicle, sometimes solitary, more frequently with several similar but smaller nucleated vesicles grouped around it. By careful manipulation it may be removed from the other structures ; and as it floats about, its true form is displayed. Seen in one position, you have a view of a round vesicle with a smaller vesicle attached to it by a sort of houi-- glass contraction ; in another, of a roimd vesicle with a central spot, a nucleated ceU. I have found the nucleus enclosed in a second membranous envelope with a granular yelk-lilte fluid, which could be seen pouiing out when the membrane gave way." The reproduction of the NoctiJucida is as yet not understood. Quatrefages and Krohn, Prof. Huxley informs us (op. cit. p. 54), " consider that a process of fissiparous multiplication takes place, and that both of these observers have found double individuals, though very rarely. According to tlic latter writer, division of the body is preceded by that of the nucleus. I have not had the good fortune to meet with any of these forms ; and the only indication of a OF THE PROTOZOA. NOCTXLUCIDA. 385 possible reproductive apparatus, which I have seen, consisted of a number of granulai- vesicular bodies of about ^r^sjs^^ diameter, scattered over the sui-face of the anterior and inferior part of the body." Dr. Webb (op. dt. p. 105) has the following observations on this subject : — " I have never met with a double individual, but on one occasion witnessed the process of di\ision, without, however, noting any proof of its connexion with that of fissiparous miiltiplication. Contractions of the integument took place in such a way as to cut off a globular mass fi-om the body, about one-fourth of the whole. The two portions aftei-wards retained their form, with a puckered mark at the point of separation. The nucleus was not involved in this ope- ration, which occupied about two hours. "It is also a matter of eveiy-day observation, that when the body has been torn and nearly all the contents have been lost, the animal continues to live in a deformed state, if the nucleus and central parts are left together. They acquire a new investment ; or a portion of the original integument gathers up round them, while the ragged shi'eds are cast off. " When several of these creatures have been kept for some time in still water, it is not imusual to find two of them in apposition ; but I have never discovered any indications of conjunction, and look upon the condition as one of mere adhesion. It may, however, have given rise to the mention of double individuals, as the adhesion is tolerably firm. It may easily be broken up without injxiry to either animal." In the Jom-n. of Micr. Science for 1855, p. 99, is the translation of a paper by Dr. Biisch on the structm-e and function of Noctilma, in which several original obsei'vations are given which appear to bear on this question of de- velopment. There is, however, such uncertainty about them, and the want of confirmatory evidence, that we deem it unnecessary to quote them, and must therefore refer our readers to the Joiimal cited. The fourth volume of the same excellent periodical (p. 74) contains a translation of a paper by Prof. Miiller, from which it appears that this distinguished natiu-aUst had discovered Nocti- liica in an encysted condition. The accoimt he gives stands thiis : — " These encysted bodies constituted the principal limiinous animalcules observed at Messina in the autumn of 1853. Free JSfoctihtcce at that season were not seen there ; and in 1849 the same kind of encysted bodies were very common at Nice. The cyst is a perfectly transparent, spherical capsule, with a light- bluish brilliancy at the edge, and appearing like the egg-membrane of some Crustacea. Within this cyst is lodged a body in all respects resembling the Noctiluca miliaiis, except that at this time no vibratile filament can be per- ceived. The Noct 'duca-\\ke creature fills the cyst more or less entirely, though occasionally it is much smaller. In this condition the animalcules are lumi- nous without being agitated. When the cysts are examined under the microscope in a small quantity of sea- water, in such a way that during the obsei-vation the saline contents are notably increased in consequence of the evaporation, a moment speedily arrives when the Noctilma-VikQ body sud- ! denly contracts itself within its case into a little nodule ; that is to say, it contracts upon the yellowish granular nucleus from which the filamentaiy strings of the interior proceed. I have noticed this vital phenomenon, not on one occasion only, but in many of the encysted animalcules. " The size of the case is usually from i'" to 1'". But many are far smaller, even down to Occasionally also, instead of a Noctiluca, cysts may be observed, containing a yellow nucleus in diameter ; and once I noticed a cyst in size, containing, besides this rounded yeUow nucleus, quite isolated, an extremely minute Noctiliica-]\\.& body. Of the free Noctilucerv. taken near Heligoland in the autumn, the smallest were and the larger 2 c 386 GENEEAL HISTOEY OF TBTE INFUSOEIA, ■3S'" *o diameter. The common variety of fonn, with a constriction of the circumference, which is noticed in free Noctilucoe, and the radiating filamentary branching striae beset with extremely minute granules in the interior, were also characteristic of the encysted bodies, which 1 should be more indisposed to separate from the Noctilucce, from their possessing the most remarkable luminous power. At present we want the key to these re- remarkable phenomena, as well as aU knowledge of the development and course of life of the Noctilucce." We have, in our prefatory observations on this family, alluded to the opinion of the affinity of Noctilucida with Ciliated Protozoa. Prof. Huxley (op. cit. p. 54) has the foHovping notes on this subject : — " If the preceding account be correct, it is obvious that the animal is no Rhizopod, but must be promoted from the lowest rank of the Protozoa to the highest. The exist- ence of a dental armature and of a distinct anal aperture, are structural peculiarities which greatly increase the affinity to such forms as Colpoda and Paramecium, indicated by Krohn. Noctiluca might be regarded as a gigantic Infusorium with the grooved body of Colpoda, the long process of TracJielius, and the dental armature of Nassula united in one animal. " On the other hand, the general absence of cUia over the body, and the wide difiPerences in detail, would require the constitution of at least a distinct family for this singular creatui-e." To our apprehension there is no homology between the dental armature of Noctiluca and of Nassula. In the latter, the so-called teeth appear to be nothing more than hardened folds of the membranous tube of the oesophagus, which may disappear by distension, — ^whilst in Noctiluca it is the condensed uncinate margin of the oral cavity on one side which constitutes the dental apparatus. Again, as to the presence of a distinct anal aperture, this cer- tainly establishes no other affinity with the higher Ciliata than it does with any other microscopic animalcules which possess such an outlet. On the contrary, there is force in the particiilars mentioned as opposed to their re- lation with the Ciliata, viz. " the general absence of cilia, and the wide differ- ences in detail;" for cilia either diffused over the body, or collected into groups to form a special ciliary organ, are, when taken in connexion with the peculiar internal organization, so very characteristic that no microscopist, unbiassed by imagination, would reckon Noctiluca among CUiata. In further opposition to the notion of such an affinity, it may be ujged that Noctiluca is destitute of a ciliated contractile oesophagus, and of a contractile vesicle, that it does not produce vacuoles in the introduction and transmission of food, and that its so-called vacuoles appear to be actual closed sacs, separable from the body. Other distinctive peculiarities between the two might be ad- duced ; but we think that, on reflection and a comparison between them, ob- servers will agree with us that Noctiluca is not a member of the Ciliated Protozoa, that it cannot be included among them as a new family, but must be placed in some other class of animalciHes, or of itself form the representa- tive of a new class. The Noctilucida are inhabitants of the ocean, of the luminosity of which they seem to be the most potent cause, of the many which have bfeen foimd in operation. They occur in the British seas, as well as elsewhere, floating on the surface of the water. Mr. Byerly, of Liveipool, noticed their prevalence in such numbers that the water acquired a rose-colour : and Dr. Webb (op. cit. p. 102) intimates that their luminosity must depend on some peculiar condition of their organs, or the media acting upon them. ITiis supposition is analogous to that made by Ehrenberg respecting the phosphorescence of the Peridinicea, which he believed to be due to what he OF THE PROTOZOA. DYSTEBIA. 387 termed the " ovaries," or the masses of brownish-red matter which sometimes nearly fill the interior. Perhaps the bro-\vn granular matter which at times accumulates in and about the nucleus of Noctilvm, and which is probably related to the reproductive function, is the luminous material in this ani- mal ; and there is nothing contrary to analogy in supposing the development of phosphorescence to be associated with a particular period of vital activity, but rather everything in its favour. The following valuable note on the collection of specimens occurs in Dr. Webb's excellent paper {op. cit. p. 102) : . — "As a caution to those who may undertake the further examination, I may state that the buoyancy of the Noctilvxa is such as to bring it to the surface of tranquil water without any apparent effort, and that the best way to effect its capture is, not as is most frequently done, to use the muslin net, by which means the greater number of the creatures are lost or destroyed, but to skim the top, and especially those parts near the sides of the vessel in which the water has been standing. If removed in this way, and kept by themselves in a test-tube, they may be preserved for two or three weeks without a fresh supply of water. Even at the end of that time, if they die, it does not appear to be from having reached the natural term of their ex- istence, but as the result of some accidental cause ; they will not, however, bear carriage to any great distance ia closed vessels." We gather the following hints for the capture of Noctilucida from a paper by Col. Baddeley {T. M. S. 1858, p. 79) :—" Attach," he says, « a fine muslin net to the end of a light pole, and proceed to some spot where the Noctilu- cida are likely to be driven. A breakwater which causes an eddy to collect Medusae, &c. generally yields a good harvest. Skim the sui-face, and wash the net repeatedly in a can of salt water. At night these creatures are easily seen by their lumiuosity ; by day, if plentiful, they cover the surface of the sea in brownish streaks .... The best winds ia which to capture these crea- tures appear to be those from south to west ; during their prevalence, I have taken Noctiluece every month of the year on the east coast of England ; but it is during the summer months they are most abundant, and during calm weather. Abroad, they are constantly to be met with in warm lati- tudes ; and I feel confident some interesting results might be obtained by securing these creatures in various parts of the world." In conclusion he refers to the Diatomece which are so commonly found in considerable quantities in their interior. FAMILY III.— DTSTERIA. (Plate XXXI. Figs. 24-27.) Dysteria, which is clearly the type of a new family of animalcules, was so named by Prof. Huxley in honour of its discoverer, Mr. Dyster. Although its exact systematic position and affinity are not agi-ced upon, it certainly occupies a position in the zoological scale above the Ciliata, if it does not rightly take its place, as Mr. Gosse contends, among the Rotatoria As we have unfortunately no knowledge, personally, of this interestine I being ; we must avail oiirselves of the excellent description afforded by Prof, Huxley (./. M. S. 1857, p. 78), and of the critical examination of its affinities furnished by Mr. Gosse (ibid. p. 138). " Dysteria armata has an oval body, -jj^^th to ^th of an inch long, by thi^^ to ^th broad, which is not altogether syrameti-ical— the one side ] presenting a considerable evenly-rounded convexity, while the other, less prominent, is divided by an angulated longitudinal ridge into a smaller dorsal, and a larger, ventral area. The edges of both lateral surface.? are 2 c 2 388 GENERAL HISTORY OF THE INFUSORIA. sharp and thin ; dorsally they are separated by a shallow gi-oove ; but along the ventral line of the body the groove is deep and narrow, and the produced edges of the lateral parietes resemble the valves of a bivalve shell. The ventral and dorsal grooves pass into one another in front ; but pos- teriorly the lateral edges are united for a short space. The edge of the left, less convex, side of the body ends anteriorly in an obtuse point, which cor- responds with the anterior termination of the angulated ridge, and does not extend by any means so far forward as the edge of the right side, which re- mains thin, and forms the anterior extremity of the body. " At the anterior extremity, the large oral aperture is seen, just below the angulated ridge, and occupying the bottom of a deep fossa, which here takes the place of the dorsal and ventral grooves. The left waU. of this fossa is thickened, and projects inwards so as to form a cushion-like lobe, clothed with remarkably long cilia ; and these cilia are continued into the oral aper- ture itself, — the posterior ones being large, usually directed transversely to the axis of the body, and having at times much the appearance of vibratile membranes. " The bottom of the oral fossa is strengthened by a curious curved rod, which terminates superiorly in a bifid tooth, while inferiorly it appears to become lost in the waU of the fossa. " But there is a much more prominent and easily distinguishable apparatus of hard parts situated on the opposite or ventral side of the mouth, and ex- tending thence through two-thirds of the length of the body. It consists of two portions — an anterior, somewhat rounded mass, in apposition with a much elongated, styliform, posterior portion. " It is very difficult to assm-e oneself of the precise structure of the ante- rior portion ; but it would seem to be a deep ring, composed of three pieces — two supero-lateral and mutually-corresponding, united with a third, inferior, azygos portion. The latter is somewhat triangular, with a broad base and rounded obtuse apex, — the latter being directed foi-wards, and immediately underlying the oral aperture, while the former is turned backwards, and unites Avith the two supero-lateral pieces. Each of these is concave inter- nally, and convex externally, so as to form a segment of a circle, and presents a clear median space, the optical expression either of a perforation or of a inuch-thinned spot. " The anterior edge of each supero-lateral piece is nearly straight ; but the posterior is convex, and it is by this edge that it articulates with, or is ap- posed to, the anterior extremity of the posterior division of the apparatus. Viewed laterally, this posterior portion appears to consist of two styles, which are somewhat like nails in shape, — their anterior extremities being tnmcated, so as to present a sort of nail-head, while the posterior ex- tremity seems to taper to a fine point. Rather in front of the middle of its inferior edge each style seems to give off a short process downwards ; and this process is, in botanical language, docurront upon the style. Careful examination of the dorsal or ventral aspect of these parts shows that tlie decm-rent process is, in fact, only the expression of a delicate membrane, which is bent so as to have a ventral convexity, and connects together the two styles. It might be said, therefore, that the posterior part of the apparatus is a triangular mcml)rane, deeply excavated in front, bent so as to be convex downwards, and ha^nng its margins thickened and produced into stylifom enlargements. This curious piece of mechanism is directed upwards and backwards, and terminates in the substance of the body without any apparent connexion with other parts. " The whole apparatus is moveable. The posterior portion is pushed against OF THE PBOTOZOA. DYSTEEIA. 389 the anterior ; and the heads of the styles come into contact with thepostenor convex edges of the siipero -lateral pieces, and push them forwards; the posterior portion is then retracted, and the whole apparatus returns to its previous arrangement. " In one Di/steria, which had swallowed a filament of Oscillaioria so long that the one extremity projected from the mouth when the other was as far back in the body as it could go, these movements took place as many as twenty times in a minute. " Mr. Dyster fiu-ther informs me that in one of these animals which he saw feed, the fi-ond of Oscillatoria was rather ' swum upon ' than seized — ingestion being accomplished by a smooth gliding motion, apparently without displacement of the styles, — but that, when the act was completed, the styles * gave a kind of snap and moved slightly forwards.' " Mr. Dyster is inclined to think that the Oscillatoria passed through the anterior ring-like portion of the apparatus. I have not seen the animal feed, but, on structural grounds, I should rather have been inclined to place the oral aperture at, and to suppose that the food would pass above, the anterior ring. The apparatus is destroyed by caustic potash, but remains imaltered on the addition of acetic acid ; it is therefore probably entirely composed of animal matter. " Immediately above the anniilar portion of the apparatus, there is inva- riably present a remarkable amethyst-coloured globule, apparently composed of a homogeneoiis fluid. It has on an average a diameter of -^-^y^ in., and it is entirely lodged in the more convex portion of the body. In many spe- cimens no other colouring matter than this can be detected ; but in some, minute granules (jYkwo ^0 ^ similar colour are scattered through the body. "What connexion these have with the large constant globule is not clear, since, although the dimensions of the latter vary fi'om the size given above to one-fourth or less, no relation could be observed between this diminution and the presence of the gi-anules in other parts of the body. " Behind the amethystine globule, the substance of the body has the ap- pearance, common to the Infusoria generally, of a mass of ' sarcode,' in which the ingested matters are imbedded, and no clear evidence could be obtained of the existence of any digestive cavity with distinct walls. " A little behind the middle of the body, and towards its ventral edge, there is a clear spheroidal ' contractile space/ which varies a good deal in size. One measured ^ J^^th of an inch in diameter, and became entirely obliterated in the contracted state. " The contractions arc not rhythmical, but take place irregularly. On the approach of death, the space becomes ii-regularly and enormously enlarged, until it occupies perhaps a third of the whole contents of the body. " Immediately beyond the contractile space there is a ciuious oval body, having its long axis (-7^ in.) directed upwards, and containing a compara- tively small central cavity, so that it appears like a thick- walled sac. " Indications strongly suggestive of an inferior opening wore sometimes observed ia this body ; but no demonstrative evidence of the existence of any such aperture could be obtained. " The walls of the ventral groove are provided with long and powerful cUia— a remarkably strong one being attached behind the base of the ' appendage ; ' and by their means the animal, when free, is propelled at no very rapid rate through the water. Its more usual habit, however, is to remain fixed by means of the peculiar appendage ; and tlien the cilia 'act merely in creating currents, by which nutiitive matters are brought towards the mouth. 390 GENERAL HISTOIIY OF THE INFUSORIA. " The appendage referred to is attached to the surface of the body, rather towards the convex side, at the bottom of the ventral groove, and is distant about one-fifth of the whole length from the posterior extremity. It is fW*^ ToW]''^ of an inch in length, and is not altogether unlike a boot with a very pointed toe in shape ; and the toe appears to be viscid at its extremity, so as readily to adhere to any foreign object. The appendage then forms a pivot on which the whole body turns about ; and this appears to be the habitual and favourite position of the Dysteria. " Internally, the appendage contains a canal, wider above than below, and apparently blmd at each extremity. " No ' nucleus ' could be foimd, though carefully sought for with the aid of acetic acid. " The occurrence of transverse fission was noticed very distinctly in one case ; but it is remarkable that, notwithstanding the great number of speci- mens which were observed, no other iastance of this mode of multiplication came under the notice of Mr. Dyster or myself. It would appear that the ' apparatus ' disappears, and is reproduced during fission ; for, in the single case observed, mere nidiments of it were to be seen in each half of the strongly-constricted mass. "Dysteria has not hitherto been observed to become encysted, although this condition has been earefiiUy sought for. " The creature was found in swarms among the Algae, coating the shells of a Patella and a Idttorina which had long inhabited a marine vivarium. " There can " (p. 82) " be little doubt as to the tnie systematic position of Dysteria. The absence, in an animal which takes solid nutriment, of an alimentary canal with distinct waUs, united with the presence of a contrac- tile vesicle, with the power of transverse fission, and with cilia as locomotive organs, is a combination of characters found only in the Infusoria. In this class, again, the existence of a sort of shell or lorica, constituted by the structureless outer layer of the body ; the presence of a submarginal ciliated groove around a large part of the margins of the body ; and the inequality of the two lateral halves, leave no alternative save that of arranging Dysteria near or in the Euplota of Ehrenberg. " Indeed, there is one species figured by Ehrenberg (Infusionsthierchen, p. 480, pi. 42. fig. 14), Euplotes macrostylus, found at "Wismar, on the Baltic, which, in general aspect, and in the possession of a foot-like appendage, so closely resembles the present form, that, were it not for the absence of any allusion to the amethystine globule, or to the ' apparatus,' I should be strongly inclined to think it identical with Dysteria. That an internal armature is not inconsistent with the general plan of the Euplota, is shown by Chlamidodon, whose apparatus of styles would probably repay re-exami- nation. " Notwithstanding certain analogies which might be shown to exist be- tween the manducatory apparatus of some Eotifera (see, e. g., that of Furcu- laria marina, figured by Mr. Gosse, in his excellent memoir, P7ii7. Travis. 1846) and the ' apparatus ' of Dysteria, I see no gi-ounds for regarding the latter as in any way an annectant form between these groups." Mr. Gosse dissents from this conclusion of Prof. Huxley relative to its connexion with Euplota, and considers it a member of the family Monocer- cadece among the Kotifera. " Presuming," ho says (J. M. S. 1857, p. 138), " Dysteria to be an In- fusorium, it must be a species sui generis, with no close affinity ^\^th the Euplotidce. An animal whose soft parts are enclosed between two deeply- compressed valves, and which crawls by the aid of a hinged shelly foot, is OF THE PROTOZOA. DYbXEfilA. 391 widely different from one gi-eatly depressed, covered with a dorsal plate, and whose organs of locomotion are short flexible seta) scattered over the soft ventral surface. " But I am by no means sui-e that it should be placed among the Infusoria at all. Mr. Huxley obseiTCS that ' the absence, in an animal which takes solid nutriment, of an alimentary canal with distinct walls, united with the presence of a contractile vesicle, with the power of transverse fission, and with cilia as locomotive organs, is a combination of characters found only in the Infusoria. " Now the presence of a contractile vesicle, and of locomotive cilia, are quite as characteristic of the Eotifera as of the Infusoria. The absence of an alimentary canal is, I think, not proved : it seemed to me that the animal possessed a defined digestive cavity, though very ample. In Sacculus — an indubitable Rotiferon, which carries its large eggs in the manner of a Bra- chionus — the alimentaay canal, without apparent distiuction of stomach and intestine, is so large that it occupies fully five-sixths of the whole volume of the lorica ; and though it is invariably found filled with a green Alga, on which the animal feeds, the waUs of the digestive cavity are not better defined than in Dysteria. There remains, then, only the fact of increase by trans- verse fission. This, I confess, is a strong point, if well established. But it does not seem certain, from Mr. Huxley's words, whether he witnessed the progress of constriction from an eaiiy stage until two perfect animals wei'e formed out of one, or only saw an inividual so strongly constricted that the result seemed legitimately inferable. If the latter was the case, is it not just possible that it was an example, not of spontaneous fission, but of malforma- tion, instances of which are frequent among the highest animals ? It is highly worthy of note that the nucleus, so characteristic of the Infusoria, was not found, even under careful search with acetic acid. " The presence, position, and movements of the foot, hinged as it is upon a tubercle, and the form of the principal organs of manducation, seem to me to determine the place of Dysteria within the class Eotifera ; while, at the same time, the lack of internal motion, the apparent want of distinct muscle- bands, the great extent of the vibratory ciha, and the absence of a rotatory arrangement, show that it occupies one of the vanishing points of the class." Mr. Gosse next proceeds to examine to which group of Rotatoria it ap- proaches most nearly, and concludes, as above intimated, that it ought to have a place in the family Monocercadece, represented by the genera Mono- cerca and Mastigocerca, although, at the same time, a very aberrant ^enus. He adds " that it has also remote relations with the Salinnadce, and especially with the ColuridcB (through Monura) ; and that it is an annectant form be- tween the Eotifera and the Infusoria (i. e. the Ciliata), with a preponderance of the characters of the former class." 392 GENEUAL HISTORY OF THE INFCSOBIA. Sect. IV.— OP THE ROTATORIA OR ROTIFERA. (Plates XXXII.-XL.). Genfeal Chaeactees. — Symmetrical animals, having a distinct head and body; the former surmounted by a wreath of cilia, the latter presenting transverse folds or joints, with a simple alimentary canal and internal maxil- lary apparatus ; a muscular and a water- vascular system ; nerves and nervous ganglia, but not an-anged in a symmetrical chain ; reproductive organs sepa- rate in opposite sexes ; and propagation without undergoing actual metamor- phosis, by ova of two forms. The Eotatoria, moreover, are destitute of limbs in pairs, but have mostly the posterior extremity of the body produced as a powerful, although a symmetrical, organ of locomotion, in which a transverse ai-ticulation is particularly evident. This is a very natural group of animals, — its chai-acters being definite, and readily recognized by reason of the comparatively large size and transparency of the organisms. The name Rotatoria, sometimes exchanged for Rotifera, is derived from the apparent whirling or wheel (?-oto)-like motion of the ciliary wreath around the head, seen in most species. Since this rotary movement is not universal, and at best but an ocular deception, some ob- servers have been discontent with the appellations derived therefrom ; and Dujardin, for one, has suggested as preferable the term ' SystoUdes,' as inicative of the remarkable contractile and flexible nature of their bodies. They are also still spoken of under the old name of ' wheel-animalcTiles ; ' indeed, the early observers of the class actually believed the animals to be furnished with wheels, by the rotation of which they moved. ExTEENAL FoEM, Integtjment, AND AiFENDAGES. — The Eotifera are symme- trical, and in this respect contrast mth the asymmetrical Protozoa. They present a determinable dorsal and abdominal surface, and consequently a right and a left side. They have an oblong, ovoid, or much-elongated figure, and are mostly separable, by the presence of a constriction more or less developed, into an anterior segment or head, and a larger posterior one or trunk. The extension of the latter in a tail-like fashion may be regarded as a thii-d seg- ment. The constriction or narrower portion behind the head is frequently called the neck ; this is wanting in many cases, and then the head is undistin- guishable from the trunk as a distinct section, e. g. in Notonimata MyrmeJeo. On the contraiy, the separation of the head from the tnmk is well seen in Brachionus (XXXIX. 15-18 ; XL. 11), Steplianops (XL. 8-10), Eudilanh (XXXIX. 4), Noteus (XXXVin. 25), and Melicerta (XXXVII. 17). The articulation of the tail-like segment is always evident. In a certain number this prolongation is wanting ; and the animal is then tailless, — e. g. Anuraui (XXXV. 495-498) and Sacculus (XXXIX. 18). To facilitate the recognition of the general divisions of the body of Rotatoria, considered as bilateral symmetrical animals, Mr. Gosse furnishes the foUoAving remarks (Phil. Trans. 1855, p. 424) : — The bilateral organization is, he ob- serves, in most cases " obvious, — the motions of the animal, like those of the footed larvae of insects, being performed on the belly, with the head foremost. Where this is not the case (as with those genera Avhich, either with or witli- OF THE ROTATORIA. 393 \ out on enveloping tube, adhere to foreign substances by the tip of the foot, ond elevate the body in an erect position), the dorsal aspect is always deter- minable by the eye or eyes being towards that smface, by the stomach and intestine passing down it, and by the cloaca being on that side of the foot. The ventrtd aspect has the manducatory apparatus and the ovary." But, besides these great divisions, all the Kotifera exhibit transverse lines, folds, or joints, analogous to those seen in the Articulata, especially among the Crustacea, such as the lobster and shrimp. Mostly, such are but folds or wrinkles^ and not true articulations, in the Eotatoria (though perhaps as much so as the like in the larvae of many insects), and consequently disappear on the extension of the animals. However, in not a few instances, veritable articulations occirr, — e. g. Hydatina, Rotifer, Eosphora, Philodina (XXXVIII. 1, 2). In Eiiclilanis dilatata, writes Ehrenberg, the abdominal surface pre- sents four decided articulations. The minimum development of the articulate condition occurs in those genera the most removed from the Rotatorial type, viz. in Stephanoceros (XXXVII. 1), Lacinularia (XXXVII. 19), and some anomalous Notommata (XXXVIII. 28), which only present fine lines under the surface, looking like annular threads. The construction of the joints is peculiar, one portion or segment sliding within another after the manner of the tubes of a telescope. This telescopic action is best illustrated in the genus Philodina, where the entire body is fusiform and articulated ; but it is oftentimes to be seen also in the tail-process, when absent or imperfect in the rest of the body, — e. g. Brachionus, Noteiis (XXXVIII. 25), Stephanojps (XL. 8-10), Scaridium (XXXVIII. 22). An incomplete articulation, or mere wi-inkling, is seen in the pedicle of Megalotrocha, Melicerta, and Lacinu- laria (XXXVII. 17-19). All the Rotatoria are invested by a firm, usually smooth and elastic, integument or skin, which follows the contained pai-enehyma in all its con- tractions, accommodating itself to the various movements of the body. It is more delicate on the head, where the ciHa are inserted, and there becomes continuous with the membrane of the iaterior. It is composed of two layers — an external, the cuticle, and an irmer, immediately subjacent, the dermis (XXXVIII. 26). Where the structure is not evident, it may be rendered so by the use of chromic acid. The cuticle is homogeneous, structureless, and firmer than the dermis, which is soft, granular, and contains in its thickness numerous fat-globules and nucleated particles (XXXVII. 29). The latter tissue acts as a lining to the general cavity of the body, and gives attachment to the muscular cords of the interior. It is much developed about the head beneath the vibratUe ciliaiy apparatus, and there sends inwards numerous projections or lobes (XL. 2), which Ehrenberg assimied to be of a muscular natm-e, and to be permeated by vessels and nerves. At other parts also delicate fibres or threads are seen to pass inwards from the dermis to the viscera, sustaining and connecting them together. Those fibres have some- times been described as muscles, at other times as nerves. The former is apparently their tnie nature, although, as Cohn believes, nerve-fibres may be mixed among them. _ The integument is histologically, i. e. in its anatomical nature, a connective tissue derived from the coalescence of branching cells, and stiU presents in its inner layer the scattered nuclei of the original ceUs, in the form of the nucleated particles described. Where the dermis is much developed its soft ti-ssuc becomes here and there hoUowed out into clear spaces or vacuoles which h-jvc been mistaken for nerve-ganglions, especiaUy when situated in the head (XXXVII. 29). So, again, at the posterior part of the body behind the viscera, and in its prolongation or foot-process, where the dermic 394 GENEHAL HI8T0KY 01? THE INFUSOEIA. tissue abounds, the vacuolar thickenings have been conceived to represent ganglions or, otherwise, glands. The cuticle, or external limiting membrane of the integument, is hardened by the deposition in it of the peculiar chemical principle chitine, the same which imparts firmness to the coveiing of Entomostraca, Insects, and other Articyilata ; or if not actually chitine, it is a substance closely allied thereto. This is Leydig's opinion, and it seems sufficiently confirmed by the reaction of chemical agents. Thus, he shows that caustic alkali (potash) does not dis- solve the cuticle when it possesses, as it usually does, moderate firmness, in other words, when an infusion of chitine exists in its substance. But when the animal lives within an external case, and does not need the protection of an immediately investing skeleton, the chitine is absent, and the integument dissolves in the alkali. The analogue of this may be found among the Articulata. The prevalent opinion has been, that the dense cuticle or external skeleton of Eotifera diifered from that of the Crustacea and other Articulata in not being of a chitinous nature ; and this hypothesis was used in arguments relative to the affinities of the Rotatoria. Thus Kaufmann advances it as a decided distinction between this class and the Tardigrada; but, as Leydig remarks, the skin of the latter animals is even more affected by potash than that of the Rotifera (see section on the Affinities of E.otatoria). The cuticle, as just intimated, differs much in firmness and thickness in different species. It is softest in those which live in an external case — e. g. Stephanoceros, Melicerta, Tubicolaria, — and in such as are invested by a gelatinous sheath — e. g. Notommata centrura. In Diglena, Notommata aurita (XXXVI. 3, 4), Asplanchna, and others, it is fii-mer, but stiU flexible ; whilst in such genera as Brachionus (XXXIX. 16, 17, 21), Noteus, Sdlpina, and EuManis (XXXIX. 4) it attains a rigid, horny consistence, resembling that of the shells of Entomostraca. Even where the skin is of considerable flrmness, it is yet capable of distension, as Perty observed in the Scandium longicaudum when its stomach was stretched with food. The form of the body is much modified by the degree of firmness of the iategiunent. "When this is soft and yielding, or flexible, the figure is rounded, and more or less elongated, and may taper towards one or both extremities ; but when the cuticle is much hardened, the rounded configuration is often lost, and various irregularities in form result. Por example, in Metopidia and in Etichlanis dilatata (XXXVIII. 5) the body is ovate and compressed, or depressed ; in Euchlanis triquetra it is triangular (XXXIV. 443) ; in E. liipposideros and in Lepadella (XXXTV. 430-432) the dorsum is convex, the abdominal siuface flat ; in Noteus quadricornis (XXXVIII. 25-27), suborbicular and com- pressed ; ia Mastigocerca carinata and JRatulus carinatus (XXXTV. 438-440) it is prismatic, with one angular ridge or crest ; in Golurus, compressed laterally. There is, besides, a direct relation between the segmentation of the integu- ment, the perfection of its articulate condition, and the degree of firmness of the integument. The soft-skinned Rotatoria only tlirow their bodies into folds during contraction, whilst those with firmer cuticle, such as Phihdincea, develope the sliding joints, and, lastly, those (c. g. Lepadella and Euchlanis) which have a dense homy covering present two or three decided segments, recalling in form and disposition the divisions of the external skeleton of the monocular Entomostraca, or even of the liigher Crustacea. Where the cuticle is condensed into a rigid, homy lamina, defending the animal like the shell of a Crustacean or the carapace of a tortoise, it may well be termed a testa, testula, or lorica. This last name was very loosely OF THE KOTATOHIA. 395 used by Ehrenberg, being alike applied to the soft, pliant skin, to the hard sheU-like cuticle, and to the loose and large external cases in which some Rotatoria hve, as do the Coralliae Polypes, in a cell or chamber. If limited, however, in its signification, as above suggested, the term may still be use- fully retained, and is preferable to the word ' shell,' which peculiarly belongs to the habitation of the Mollusca. By some authors the term carapace is employed ; but to this there occurs a similar objection. The lorica received fi-om Ehrenberg vaiious names, according to its form. Where a fii-m cuticle entirely enveloped the trunk, leaving the head and tail free, it constituted a testula, as in Pterodina ; where it covered only the upper surface and sides, it formed a scutellum or shield, as in Monura (XXXIV. 457-459). The term ' carapace,' employed by some authors, is equivalent to scutellum. The anterior and posterior openings of a testule vary much in different species ; and an equal diversity occurs in the space left uncovered by a scuteUum. This space is small and very narrow in Euchlanis Lynceus, in Kpyriformis, and in E. dejiexa. In the last, moreover, the fi-ee edges are bent outwards at right angles. In several genera, again, the lorica appears composed of an upper and an under plate, or is, in other words, bivalved. This is seen in Dinocharis (XXXIV. 454, 455), Salpina, and Golurus, and resembles the envelope in some of the lower Crustacea, as Cypris. In a few Eotifera, e. g. Euchlanis (XXXVIII. 5), the lorica appears much too large, the contained viscera only partially filling it. An increased firmness of the lorica enables it to resist decomposition longer than its soft contents ; hence the occurrence of empty ones. Where the integument is of sufficient firmness to present an anterior and posterior margin, it is subject to many variations in form. Thus it may be truncate in fi-ont, as in Hydatina, Diglena (XXXIII. 403-405), and Polyarthra (XXXVIII. 30) ; or behind, as in Notommata Felis. It is crescentic in Metopidia ; deeply and widely notched in Lepadella patella ; has several spines, in front only, in Anuroia ; and both anteriorly and posteriorly in Noteus, Salpina (XXXIV. 447-453), and Bi-a- chionus (XXXIV. 499-501). Sometimes the spines are so short and wide, that the border appears simply dentated or undulated ; in other cases, spines may be long and strong, and themselves dentated, as in Noteus quadricornis (XXXVni. 25). Not only do the anterior and posterior margins diflfer, but even those of the upper and under surface of the lorica, for example, in Salpina spinigera and in S. mucronata. Animals with spines projecting from the anterior margin, Ehrenberg speaks of as ' horned.' The surface of the integument is variously modified. Ths slightest change from the normal smooth condition consists in a shagreened, dotted, or stippled surface, or in the presence of fine lines, — e. g. in Anurcea inermis, Dinocharis and Diglena lacustris. In Notommata centrura, fine silky prominences clothe the surface. In Noteus quadricornis and Brachionus militaris, the points are elevated, and give the surface a rough (scabrous) aspect. Lines crossing each other, producing a tessellated or reticulated concUtion, are seen in A7ittra;a curvicornis and in Brachionus BaJceri ; whilst in Anurcea testudo, Brachionus militaris (XXXIX. 21, 22), and Noteus quadricornis (XXXVIII. 25) the lines assume the character of ridges, and divide the sui-face into squares or facettes. Radiating or curved striae arc seen in Anurcea striata and A. foliacea, which in Euchlanis Lynceus are replaced by flutings. The elevated points may assume a further development, and project from the surface in the form of curved spines or hooks {acidei), as in Fhilodina aculeata ; or they may be so extended in length as to form long spines or rigid styles or setae having particular functions, as in Triarthra (XXXVIII, 30, 31, 32), and Polyarthra, where they are important organs of locomotion'. 39G GENERAL HISTOEY OF THE INFUSOKIA. In the last-named genus they attain a still more complex nature, and assume a plumose (feather-like) stioicture (XXXVIII. 30). The opposite condition is seen in depressions or pits, few and scattered, on the surface of the integument, often apparently surroimded by a margin. Illustrations are found on the dorsum of Folyarthra, of Notommata Myrnuleo, and of N. Sieboldii (XXXVII. 32). AH the marldngs and processes of the integument of Rotatoria are produc- tions of the chitinous cuticle, just as haii-s, feathers, horns, and claws in the Vertebrata originate from the epidermis. They are similarly affected by chemical reagents, and decompose with the same facility as the integument which supports them. They are, moreover, of much value in supplying generic and specific characters. Several genera possess, in addition to the integument immediately investing them, an external sheath or case, to the bottom of which they are attached by a prolongation of the body in the form of a contractile pedicle. This external sheath received from Ehrenberg the particular designation of ' urceolus ; ' and consequently the beings inhabiting it were said to be urceo- lated, or, as many prefer to say, are ' encased.' The composition of the case varies greatly ; for, although it originates always as a secretion from the animal itself, the substance differs in different genera, both in its characters and modes of formation : moreover, in some species, particles of foreign matters are superadded, to give it strength and solidity. The cases of Floscularia (woodcut. Part II.) and Stephamceros (XXXVII. 1) are colourless, and apparently structureless, and, though roomy, are visible with difficulty on account of their tenuity and transparency. They are best demonstrated by the addition of some colouring matter, such as indigo, to the water in which they are examined. An exception to the usually ti-ans- parent homogeneous case of Floscularia occurs, according to Dr. Dobie, in F. campanulata. Dujardin, again, asserts that the m-ceolus of Floscularia may vanish during the lifetime of the animal, and that in many French species it is always absent ; he therefore denies its value in generic distinctions. His statements, however, require confirmation, being opposed to the observa- tions of other naturalists. Again, the tubes of (Ecistes, ConocMlus, and Lacinularia are hyaline, with a more gelatinous consistence, and, in the two last genera, adhere together. In ConocMlus the individuals are aggregated around a central globule of gelatine, from which they project Kke so many rays ; whilst in (Ecistes each urceolus is free, but has its surface encrusted ■with foreign pai"ticles. Tiihi- colaria (XXXII. 379) has a thick gelatinous case, of a mUky hue, which, from its effervescing on the addition of an acid, is attributed to a deposit of carbonate of lime within it. In young animals the case is quite ti"ansparent. This is also true of the urceolus of Lhnnias (XXXVI. 2), which, as it grows older, changes to a brown and brownish-black colour; and, as it is viscid, various extraneous bodies affix themselves to it. In one newly-discovered species, the usually smooth suiiaco is departed fi'om, and the case becomes annulated, and is also semitransparent. Dr. Bailey found in North America a species of Melicerta mth a brown annulated urceolus. But the most re- markable tubular sheath is that of Melicerta ringens (XXXII. 386 ; XXXVI. 1), which is composed of equal-sized lenticular pellets, of a bro-wnish-red colour, and of a substance secreted by the animal itself and deposited in a regular oblique or spiral series. This wonderful phenomenon yyiH be consi- dered hereafter, in the section on Secretion. The cohesion of particles of foreign substances to the enclosing tubes is scon also in some Annelida, and in the aquatic larvaa of certain Insects. OP THE KOTATORIA. 397 The m-ceohis serves as a place of shelter and defence for the adult animal, and also for the ova it deposits. The latter often remain within the case until they are hatched. The necessity for shelter is entailed by the fixed condition of these Rotatoria, because, unlike the free animals, they cannot escape their pm-suers by flight. By means, therefore, of their highly con- tractile pedicles they can entii-ely withdiw themselves within theii- tubular dwelling, until the threatening danger is oveiTJast. Ehrenberg, however, states that the animal may detach itself fi-om its case and swim away free : if this be true, we must suppose it will again affix itself and proceed to con- struct another urceolus. The possibility of this acquisition of freedom is favoured by the analogous detachment of Vorticellce, and the formation by them of a new pedicle on reattaching themselves. Empty urceoli are indeed not uncommon ; but, unless the process be witnessed, it is impossible to say whether the inhabitant has quitted its abode at wiU, or disappeared by de- composition after death or by becoming a prey to other animals. Mr. Gosse noticed that a Melicerta, which had its case slit up for some distance, pro- truded itself through the opening ; and during several days' observation, though it made pellets, they were never deposited in order to repair the breach, but were allowed to float away : this observation does not support Ehrenberg's above-cited opinion. Each member of a colony of adherent Rotatoria is generated fi-ee, and swims at large until it chooses to join its fellows in becoming fixed. The encased Rotatoria attach themselves to any convenient siibstance in the water, especially the stems and leaves of water- plants. The single individuals are many of them just visible to the naked eye ; and where they imite in compound masses, they can be detached in the form of jelly-like globules, having a milky hue, often ^th of an inch and upwards in diameter. Tubes of Melicerta and Tubicolaria occur from ^th to ■^th of an inch in length. An external envelope is found in a few fi'ee Rotatoria in the fonn of a soft gelatinous coating, — for example, in Notommata Copeus and N. centrura (XXXYIII. 26). In the latter species, moreover, this coat exhibits a regular an-angement of fine molecules within it, and a consequent apparent striation. Ehrenberg describes the confervoid fibres of Hygrocrocis as sometimes para- sitic on this gelatinous involucre; but this account Leydig doubts. It is certainly, however, not improbable, since urceoli of every variety furnish a favoui-able nidus to parasites, both vegetable and animal; and this writer himself speaks of Vibrios adherent to the hyaline case of Stephanoceros, on the surface of which, as he imagines, they sometimes give rise to an ap- parent striation. Appendages of Rotatoria. — Each great division of the body is fiu-nished mth certain prominent parts or appendages, adapted to supply various re- quirements of the economy. The appendages of the head and neck exceed all others, both in number and importance, — the rotaiy organ, the peculiai- characteristic of the class, being one of them. This latter organ is essentially a ciliated wreath or circlet, mostly sup- ported on an expanded margin or disk, and subject to considerable variations Avhich are employed in the classification of these animals ; the rotary is also called the rotatory organ or disk, the trochal disk, at times, less definitely the ciliated disk or wreath, or the wheel organ. Ehrenberg employed the rotary organ in its diff-erent modifications as the basis of his classification of the Rotatoria, making two chief types in one of which the cihated ring was single and complete, in the other subdinded into several independent portions or secondary wheels. A subordinate tyne nre sentod two equal symmetrical circlets of cilin,. forming a pair of wheels To 398 GENERAL HI8T0EY OF THE INFUSOfilA, the first of these groups he gave the name of SorotrocJia, to the second Poly- trocha, and to the last Zygotrocha. The further subdivisions which he formed, and the names he applied to the varieties of the rotary organ, will be ex- plained in the section on Classification. The belief in actually compound trochal disks has been shared by nearly all observers, and both Perty and Siebold adopt it along with Ehrenberg's classification. On the other hand, it is denied by Leydig, who affirms that the disk is never divided into such secondary wreaths or lobes, but always constitutes one continuous margin, variously extended and folded, and, it may be, furnished with inde- pendent accessory ciliated disks. This able writer remarks — " It is only to the exceptional genera Stephanoceros and Floscularia, that Ehrenberg's term Polytrocha can be rightly applied. In truth, an observation recorded by the great micrographer himself negatives his hypothesis of polytrochous division, that, viz., where he applied strychnia to the rotary organ of Hydatina, which became thereby reduced to a simple whorl of cilia." The various degrees of complication assumed by the trochal disk are thus detailed by Leydig : — " It forms a simple ciliated margin around the mouth of Notommata tardigrada ; in Stephanops (XL. 8, 10) it is wider, more pro- minent, and triangular ; in Euchlanidota, Polyarthra (XXXVIII. 30), Di- glena, Distemma, Hydatina (XL. 1), Pleurotrocha, and others, it occupies the entire periphery of the head, and is not at aU, or but very slightly, elevated as a distinct disk above it ; in Notommata Gopeus, N. aurita (XXXVI. 4), and in Synchceta, it is enlarged and elevated as a distinct disk on each side of the head, forming the " ears " so called by Ehrenberg ; in other instances it is enlarged, and projects on the ventral surface of the animal Kke a cUiated trunk or proboscis. A higher development is seen in Brachionus (XXXIX. 15-18) and Philodina, where the cOiated border is involuted and extended upwards laterally (XXXVIII. 2) ; and lastly, in Megalotrocha, Lacinularia, Melicerta (XXXVI. 1 ; XXXVII. 17), and Limnias (XXXVI. 2), the high- est complexity is reached, and the trochal disk appears to be an appendage surmounting the head, expanded in the form of a sinuous or lobed cUiated margin." In the variety last mentioned, Mr. Gosse speaks of the expanded lobes under the name of " petals." The row of cilia fringing the rotary organ is often single, but in several species is double, and even treble. Mr. Huxley has noticed its double con- dition in Lacinidaria socialis. To quote his description — " The edge of the disk has a considerable thickness, and presents two always distinct margins, an upper and a lower, of which the former is the thicker, and extends beyond the latter. The large cilia are entii'ely confined to the upper margia, and form a continuous horse-shoe-shaped band, which, upon the oral side, passes entirely above the mouth. The lower margin is smaller and less defined than the upper ; its cUia are fine and small, not more than one-fourth the size of those of the upper margin. On the oral side this lower band of cilia forms a V-shaped loop, which constitutes the lower and lateral margins of the oral aperture. About the middle of this margin, on each side, there is a small prominence, from which a lateral ciliated arch runs upwards into the buccal cavity, and, below, becomes lost in the cUia of the pharynx. The aperture of the mouth, therefore, lies between the upper and lower ciliated bands (XXXVIII. 21)." Prof. WUhamson has signalized a Hke arrangement in Melicerta (XXXVII. 17), and Leydig in Brachionus, Pterodina (XXXVIII. 29), and Megahtroch la)'ia. The glandular renal function of the lateral tubes and appendages has the support of analogy among other lowly- organized forms allied to the Eotatoria ; but such an hypothesis falls to the ground, if, as Leydig thinks, the urinary concretions noticed and so named by him in embryo and young animals are deposited within the cavity of the intestine, and not in the contractile sac. However, naturalists generally will certainly not accept the doubtful disco- very of the position and the interpretation of the nature of the particles offered by Leydig as conclusive evidence of the nature of those structures, but will, in the absence of direct and exact observation, be rather guided by analogy. "We will therefore append some extracts, showing the comparative physiology of the supposed respiratory mechanism. Leydig writes — " There is the greatest similarity between it and the organs in Lmihridnm and Hirudince, which are conceived to have a respira- tory office. In these are similar contorted and coiled tubes, with a clear canal opening either without an intermediate contractile sac, as in Clepsine, or with one, as in Nephelis. Moreover, the canal opens by a wide ciliated aperture into the cavity of the body ; and in this termination of the tubes I recognize the homologue of the vibratile tags of the Eotatoria. Moreover the direction of the ciliary motion in the ^nelida is inwards to the main canal. In the Liombricince, Gegenbauer has attributed a renal function to tlie otherwise-called respiratory canal." Dr. Cai-penter describes a " water- vascular system " among all the vermi- form members of the Articulata, and as represented in its simplest type in the Rotifers. " Similar lateral vessels, often ramifying more minutely (especially in the head and anterior part of the body), are found in many of that group of vermiform animals clothed over the whole surface of their bodies with cilia to which the designation Turbellaria has been given." This writer sunnises that the water-vascular system may contain some other fluid than pure water and, as Van Benedcn has suggested, may serve as a urinary apparatus. Prof. Huxley presented the following philosophical summary of the com- parative relations of the respii-atory mechanism of the Eotifer ; before the British Association :— " In certain Distomata, such as Aspidogaster, there is a system of vessels of essentially similar character with that in Rotifer ■ but the principal canals, those lateral tnmks which come directly from "the con tractile vesicle, present regular rhythmical contractions. The smaUer branchel are all richly ciliated. In otlier Distomata the lateral trunks appear to be converted into excretory organs, as they are full of minute granules • thev remain emmently contractile ; but their connexion with the system of smaller 2 F 434 GENERAL HIBTORY OF THE INFUSOEIA. ramified vessels ceases to be easy of demonstration. They still form one system ; but the cilia are no longer to be found in the smaller ramified vessels. In certain Nematoidea the vascular system is reduced to a couple of lateral contractile vessels altogether devoid of cUia, but communicating with the exterior by a small aperture, Nov?- in all these cases there is no doubt the vascular system is, physiologically, a respiratory and perhaps a urinary system, while the common cavity of the body represents the blood-vascular system of the Mollusca and Articulata. If this system, then, be not at aU homologous with the blood-vascular system of the higher Annulosa, it is so Avith the traehete of Insecta." "We may repeat here that the delicate and ciliated rotary organ must in some measui-e subserve the purpose of respiration, after the manner of the gills of a reptile or of a fish, by providing for the aeration of the liquids contained witliin it through the agency of the constantly renewed contact of fresh water flowing over its actively- vibratile surface. OF THE NEKVOUS SYSTEM AND THE OEGANS OF SENSE ; PSYCHICAL ENDOWMENTS. a. Of the Nervous System, — The existence of a rudimentary nervous system is now universally admitted ; but at the period when Dujardin wrote, that talented observer felt that the state of knowledge respecting the Rota- toria was not sufficiently precise to estabhsh the existence of nerves and of nervous ganglions. His scepticism was, no doubt, increased by observing the unphilosophical facility with which Ehrenberg described and represented nerve-cords and ganglions according to preconceived notions and loose ana- logies. Illustrations of Ehrenberg's supposed nervous apparatus, and of its modifications of form in different animals, are to be found in his descriptions of every family and genus. Thus in giving the characters of Ladmtlaria, he says that " near the oesophagus is situated a nervous mass, the analogue of a brain divided into four or six lobes ; also, as in Megahtrocha (XXXII. 374), two ring-like and radiating masses with a row of ganglions lying beneath the muscles of the ciliary wreath." In Melicerta, he speaks of a cur\-ed gland- like band of nerve-matter ; in Enterojylea , which has no eyes, of a brain-Hke knot, sending ofi" a thick tortuous nerve-cord along the dorsal siu-face to the second transverse vessel, where the respii'atory opening probably exists ; of a ganglion placed beneath the eye in twenty-six species of Notonvnata, wliich in N. Copeus and N. centrura is three-lobed and seated above the maxillary bulb, whilst in the remainder it consists of one or more nervous gangha seated amidst the muscles of the ciliary apparatus ; and in Otoglcna, of an oval cerebral ganglion with two dark appendages, a red eye, a long nerve- loop in the neck, with a prolongation backward, a forked ventral nerve, and two ear-shaped frontal protuberances bearing two visual points. It would be useless to midtiply these references ; the general deduction from the many descriptions of Elirenberg is, that there exists a cerebral or brain ganglion, which supports the eyes, and by its extension encircles the oesophagus like a loop, sending off nerve-cords in cveiy direction, and often complicated by the presence of other nerve-ganglions about the head, neck, and body. Moreover, the apparent reticulations frequently \asible below the ciliary wreath, whicli he sometimes viewed as a vascidar network, he at others spoke of as a nervous plexus. The present prevailing o])inion is similar to the above, viz. that there exists a brain or central neiTC-ganglion above the oesophagus, with outgoing nerve- fibres, and sometimes accompanied by supplementary ganglia in otlicr regions. Nevertheless the special descriptions of Elirenberg arc not accepted ; the nv THE KOTATOKIA. 435 portions of tissue fixed on by him as nervous masses, receive in general an entii-ely different intei-pretation. Thus in the case of Ladnularia the sup- posed 4-6-lobed brain, with extondiag nerve-fibres, is set down as mere col- lections of " vacuolar thickenings," with intercui-rent fibres of connective tissue. The same intei-pretation is extended to the " nine paii's of ganglia, with fine interlacing nerve fibres," in Notommata clavulata, and to the foui- or five such in Diglena lacitstns ; yet in both these species, the central or brain ganglion represented by Ehrcnberg is allowed to retain this character by Leydig, who sets aside all the rest as mythical. The following critique on Ehrenberg's views is from Prof. "Williamson : — " The small organs so common amongst the Kotifera, {|,nd which Ehrenberg regards as nervous ganglia, are abundant in the MeKcerta, but they afford no countenance to the hypothesis of the great Prussian Professor (XXXVII. 17 k). They appear to be nothing more than small cells, or vesicles, formed of granular viscid protoplasm, very similar to those into which the yelk of the egg becomes divided. Sometimes they fioat freely in the fluid which distends the integument and bathes the viscera ; at others, thin ductile threads pass from one vesicle to another .... There is no uniformity in their an-angement in different individuals. They differ as widely as possible in their size, number, and distribution. So far fi'om being nervous vesicles, they appear rather to be cells modified into a rudimentary form of areolar (connective) tissue. That they are hoUow vesicles or ceUs, very viscous, readily cohering, and, owing to this coherence, readily drawn out by the movements of the various organs to which they are attached, are facts capable of easy demon- stration." A central nervous mass or brain, immediately subjacent to the eye-specks, and above the oesophagus or pharynx, which sends off nerve-fibres in different 1 directions, isj as already intimated, generally admitted to exist. It is men- ! tioned by Siebold, Perty, Gosse, Dah-ymple, Leydig, Cohn, and others. The j two first-named authors allude to it as a group of ganglions ; but Leydig i affirms that, although it may be lobed, it is always a single and xmdivided ' organ. Some, again, have treated of it as forming a loop or ring around the gullet ; but such a condition is denied by Leydig, who states that it only I extends itself in the form of diverging nerves, which end by enlarged extre- mities, and never form loops, such as Ehrenberg represented, around the I tubular process or respiratory siphon. This nervous centre or brain, supporting the eyes, is seen in the families Hydatincea, Euchlanidota, and Brachioncea. Leydig, however, cannot admit I the masses supposed to represent the cerebrum in the families (Ecistina, Mega- lotrochcea, and Floscidaria, nor the pairs of nerve-like gangKons at the base of the trochal disk of Stephanoceros, to have a cerebral character ; he supposes them rather to be " coUs of the respiratory canal, or heaps of granules or nuclei, such as are met with beneath the cuticle." Prof. Huxley discovers the nervous centre under a peculiar and unusual usual form in Ladnularia sodalis. To quote his words — " On the oral side of the neck of the animal, or rather, upon the under surface of the trochal disk, just where it joins the neck, and therefore behind and below the mouth, there is a small hemispherical cavity (about -r-Vrth of an inch in diameter), which seems to have a thickened waU, and is\'iclily ciliated within. Below this sac, but in contact with it by its upper edo-e, is a bilobed homogeneous mass (about -gi^th of an inch in diameter), resembling in appearance the ganglion of Brachionus, and running iiito two prolongations below ; but whether these were continued into cords, or not, I could not make out, 2 F 2 ( \ ,1 436 GENERAL HISTOllY OF THE INFUSORIA. " I believe that tliis is, in fact, the true nervous centre, and that the sac- in connexion Avith it is analogous to the ciliated pits on the sides of the head of Nemertidce, to the ' ciliated sac ' of the Ascidians, which is similarly con- nected with their nervous centre, and to the ciliated sac which forms the olfactory organ of Amphioxus. " Mr. Gosse has described a similar organ in Melicerta ringens ; and I have had an oppoi-tunity of verifying his observations, with the exception of one point. According to this observer, the cilia are continuous from the trochal disk into the cup ; so far as I have observed, however — and I paid particular attention to the point, — the cilia of the cup are wholly distinct from those of the disk. The interesting obsei-vations of the same careful observer, upon the architectural habits of Melicerta, would seem to throw a doubt upon the pro- priety of asci'ibing to the organ in question any sensorial function. "But however remarkable it may seem that an animal should build its house with its nose, we must remember that a similar combination of functions is ob- vious enough in the elephant." Tliis last analogy is assuredly very far-fetched, and can sei-ve nothing in the argument ; and to us it seems a much more reasonable supposition that the homogeneous bilobed body below the ciliated cup is a gland, than that it is a brain ; were it a brain, surely some nerve-fibres would be traceable from it into the interior of the animal. Of this body Prof. Williamson says — " I see no sufficient reason for assigning to the small organ nervous functions ;" and he further remarks that " the ciliated sac or cup becomes so contracted when the animal is not busy in constructing its case, as to be almost invisible," which is another circumstance discountenancing Prof. Huxley's notion of its pur- pose. Cohn has no doubt of the cerebral nature of the large semiglobular mass, noticed also by Ehrenberg, in the head of Hydatina senta ; and he records having frequently observed in its interior a large, transparent, circu- lar vesicle or vacuole. A large number of nerves are given off from its an- terior portion ; but from its posterior, two thick fibres proceed backwards and outwards to the apparent ciliated opening on the sui-face of the back, and constitute a cervical loop. There is, however, no actual opening, but merely a ciliated fossa, which is probably a sentient organ. About the large cerebral ganglion are other lobules, also probably nen'ous, from which fibres are given off and possibly form a plexus between the alimentary tube and ovary, be- sides supplying the muscles. Above the ciliated fossa named, is another de- pression supplied with nerves ; and, according to Ehrenberg, a similar one is present on the opjiosite side of the body. Various accessory ganglions or nei-ve-centres have been represented by authors at different parts of the body, mostly in relation with some of tlie principal organs, this arrangement being suggested by the kno'ttTi nervous system of other Invertebrata — for instance, the Mollusca, which have usually a special ganglion for the nervous supply of each principal organ of the body. Such a multiplication and disposition of ganglia, Oscar Schmidt endeavoured to demonstrate in Bracliiomis urceolaris and in Hydatina senta. His inter- pretation has, however, not been accepted by others, and, generally, the characteristics of ganglions are so ill-defined, that the bodies considered to be such by the observer are pronounced to be no other than vacuolar thick- enings of connective or other dissimilar tissue by others. Perty makes the statement that in Hydatina, Synchwta, and Diglena there is a series of ganglions along the anterior surface of the abdomen, with con- necting nerve-fibres between them and the brain. A nen-ous system of this sort belongs to the higher Crustacea ; but although many have sought it in the Ttotatoria, Perty is the only observer who has affirmed its existence in any. OP THE ROTATOIUA. 437 Mr. Dali-ymple mentions the presence, in his Notomvuita anylka, of a small ganglion sending off nei-ves to the stomach, salivary glands, and ovaiy ; but Leydig looks upon this structm-e as no more than the cells and fibres of con- nective tissue, and states that " similar clear cells, of various size, having delicate elongated branches, ai-e seen in Notommata centrura, N. Myrmeleo, N. clavulata, and in Digleim lacustris. The delicate branches, or threads, extend between the epidermis and the viscera of the body, and were described by Ehrenberg to be nerves, but are actually the means of retaining the vis- cera in situ," — a conclusion supporting that of Prof. Williamson. There is, however, one set of nerves recognized by most observers, which proced from the cerebral ganglion to the surface of the body, ending at the bottom of the epidermic pits described above (p. 40!^), from which stiff cilia or bristles project, or, otherwise, running to the extremity of the protuberances and antenna-like processes, which are also armed vsdth bristles. Dalrymple noticed nei-ves so distributed in iVbio?nmato anglica ; and Leydig has indicated the like in many species. The supply of a nerve to the so-called siphon or Irespii-atory tube imparts to it the character of an antenna, tactile organ, or feeler. The evident delicate band or cord seen within the tubular process of Melicerta is indeed called by Mr. Williamson a muscular band ; yet at least some portion of it must be esteemed a nerve-cord, if the organ in question really possesses tactile powers. A similar distribution of nerves is witnessed in the Tui'beUaria, and, as Leydig says, among the Phyllopoda and Arthropoda. Nervous substance has its origin in simple cells, which in ganglia retain their cellular character, but in nerves appear to be elongated as tubes, — the • cell- wall constituting the nerve-sheath or the neurilemma — the cell-contents (the contained nerve-tissue) existing as a fine moleculai' matter. In nerve- masses or gangUons the original nuclei remain, and the several constituent j cells are aggregated and held together by diffused connective tissue. Some j peculiar structures, supposed to stand in especial relation to the nervous ! system, are described by Leydig. We cannot do better than follow his account in an abstract. Immediately above or about the brain-ganghon, in many genera, a sac is observable filled with a whitish substance, called by Ehrenberg the " chalk- sac " (Kalkbeutel). Leydig confesses that he has hitherto been unable to determine whether this sac is in immediate connexion with the brain, or in- dependent of it. In Notommata centrura (XXXVIII. 26 t) it appeal's as a process or lobe of the brain ; but in another species, N. aurita, the sac is so elongated as to form a thin stem filled vsdth the chalk-like matter, wliich it seems to discharge by an opening on the head. This organ would' therefore seem to partake of the natm-e of a gland. Beside the genera named, this sac is seen in Notommata tripus, in N. collaris, and in N. tardigrada ; also, if the black speck noticed by Perty be the same structure, in N. roseola. Ehrenber" refers to its existence in Diylena, Megalotrocha, and Brachionus ; but in the last-named genus Leydig has failed to discover it. The vesicular space or sac is, in several instances, not single ; but two three, or four are noticeable. Thus in Megalotrocha Ehrenberg mentions four .opaque, white, spherical bodies at the base of the rotary organ. Another sac, distinct fi-om the foregoing, is seen in Eucldanis and Notom- mata centrura, lying in the median line close above the brain, and dischargins itself by a duct passing forwards to the cuticle. It contains no chalky matter but 18 translucent trnd composed of clear cells. The peculiar and considerable organ which Leydig met with in Stephanoceros, placed in advance of the sto raach, and consisting of a group of hyaUne vesicles with a dischai-ging orifice 438 GENEHAL HISXOKY OF THE INFUSORIA, on the neck, its obsei-ver is inclined to refer to the same categoiy with the problematical structm-es of Euchlanis and Notommata centrura. He more- over seeks to establish an affinity between these organs and the small clear space surmounted by a ring on the cnticle, situated in the middle line of the body, behind the frontal speck in Phyllopoda, such as Branchipus ; but even if this affinity be admitted, no light is thrown upon the functions of these questionable structures. b. Organs of Sense. — The existence of some of the senses is to be in- ferred from that of a nervous system. The sense of touch is one concerning which there can be no question ; that of taste, in its natui-e allied to the tactile sensibility, is very doubtful, whilst those of smelling and hearing may be pretty safely stated to be entirely absent. Lastly, the sense of sight is generally admitted to exist, and to have special organs, or eyes, for its exercise. Touch may be supposed to be diffused as common sensibility over the entire surface of the body, and especially developed in the soft tissue of the rotary organ, in its processes and antennae, and in the soft processes and termination of the pseudopodium. Something approaching a sense of taste has been imagined present, particularly in the antennae or feelers. If the faculty of hearing seems occasionally exercised, we must attribute the cir- cumstance in part to the perception of the distiu'bing cause by vision, and in part to the vibrations produced in the hquid. The visual organs (XXXYIII. 16-19, 33) have claimed particular atten- tion, and now have their existence in the majority of Rotatoria, at some pe- riod of their life, satisfactorily proved. Dujardin, dissatisfied with Ehrenberg's hasty generalizations, and compelled to deny the visual character of the co- loured specks in various Protozoa and Phytozoa, looked, no doubt, with greater scepticism upon the Berlin Professor's representations of eyes in Rotatoria than he otherwise wotdd have done, and started some objections against them. He says — " I will not deny a certain analogy between the red s])ecks and the coloured points observed in Cycloj)idce, and which may be called eyes ; but I cannot assign to such specks a very high importance, seeing that they con- stantly disappear in the adult condition of many Rotifera, and otherwise show themselves more distinctly, according to the degree of development as deter- mined by the season and the place of development." It should be noted, however, in reply to this objection, that a similar disappearance, on the at- tainment of the adult state, occiu'S in the parasitic Crustacea, the visual cha- racter of whose eye-specks or oceUi is not questioned. Moreover, although some coloiired specks in the Rotifera are imdoubtedly mere heaps of granules, yet others have assuredly a definite optical organization and function. These possess a refracting medium, the essential part of an eye ; and theu* organ- ization, though simple and imperfect, yet elevates them to the rank of eyes, eyelets, or oceUi. Ehrenberg gave much attention to the position, number, and other pecii- liaritics of the eye-specks of Rotatoria, as he emploj-cd them largely in framing liis classification. Unfortimatcly, however, he did not acquaint him- self sufficiently with their minute structure, but was content to call all the coloured specks he met A\nth eyes, and insisted on unimportant and inconstant particulars as generic and specific characteristics. These en-ors have conse- quently much vitiated his classification (see chapter on Classification) ; and the tendency at the present day is to assign to the coloured eye-spots an al- together secondary rank among the characteristics of Rotatoria. Ehrenberg described the eye-specks as variously situated, on the fore part of the head (forehead) or on the neck, as mostly sessile (i. e. situated imme- OF THE UOXATOIUA. 439 diately on the part), and rarely pedunculate (i. e. supported on a pedicle or stem), as in OtoyUna. In some species, as in Rotifer, the eyes are placed on a protrusile part of the head, and consequently appear at one time in ad- vance of the head, and at another far backward -vvitliin the body. In Monura, Ehi-enberg states they are moveable. The number of eye-spots varies con- siderably : in several genera there is but one, e. g. Furcularia, Monocerca, Notommata, and Brachionus ; but two eyes are more common, as in Melicerta (XXXVII. 15), Lacinulana, MegalotrocJm (XXXII. 376), Rotifer (XXXV. 476-478), and Diqlena ; thi-ee eye-specks occur in Asplanclma, Triojjhthal- miis (XXXin. 4i2-414), Eospliora, and Otoglena ; four in Squamella ; and from six to twelve coloured spots and upwards are met with in Oydoglena and Thcorus (XXSIV. 425-429), but their visual character is more than doubt- ful. These last " conglomerate eyes," as Ehrenberg calls them, appear to be no other than collections of coloirred (it may be oil) particles, and are akin to the lai'ge coloui'ed spaces seen on Notommata forcipata and Synchceta Baltica, having neither a definite nor a regular outline (see p. 440). Subse- quent research has proved Ehrenberg in error respecting the number of eyes in several species, — an error which seriously affects his classification. The ordinary colour of the eye-specks is red, but sometimes it is reddish- brown, and rarely violet or black. The colour may change in the lifetime of the individual, as from red in the young to black in the adult state. In a few instances no eye-specks are visible. Except some of the doubtful collections of coloured specks, the eye-spots are placed immediately above the great ganglion of the head, the homologue of the brain, or, as Siebold affirms, are united with it by intermediate nerve-fibres. The intimate stinicture of the eyes was ill-understood by the great Prussian Professor. He was unable to convince himself of the existence of a cry- stalline lens and of a cornea. Thus, in his account of Rotifer vulgaris, he states that the eyes consist of several cells fiUed with a granular pigment, and sometimes they separate abnormally into several portions. He thinks there is no crystalline lens, although they are probably compound, Kke the eyes of insects. Siebold insisted on the coloured specks of Kotatoria being sharply defined, and in many cases, at least, furnished with a capsule, in contradistinction to the ill-defined vanishing pigment-masses imagined to be eyes in the Protozoa. Wagner also speaks of a lens in the eyes of Lacinularia. Perty is adverse to the notion of a lens or cornea, or of a capsule ; yet in Pteroclina Patina he notes that the eUiptical eye-specif, viewed on the side and from below is seen to consist of an upper red and an under white half. That the latter represents a refi-acting medium is highly probable. A compoimd stnictiire is further indicated by Perty in Scandium longicaudum, in which he perceived " a mass of smaU granules resembling a gland, in the midst of the red pig- ment-corpuscles, which are outspread irregularly, and paler at the circum- ference. Moreover, in Euchlanis triquetra there is an irregular brown scale with reddish-brown contents, whilst in E. Luna the unusually large eye-spot appears to be made up of ten to twelve distinct red granules. Leydig arranges the single eye-specks imder three types :— 1. an ordinary pigmcnt-spot, of a rounded or irregular outline, a reddish-brown, black or \iolet colour, not sharjily defined, e. g. in Notommata Synchoita ; ' 2 a de- fined, sharply-bounded speck, actuaUy composed of two coalesced hemi- spherical portions, such is seen in Brachionus ; 3. a speck having a clear refracting body projecting from the mass of pigment— a structure discovered by Leycbg in Euchlanis unisetata (XXXVIII. 19). The first type is the mo^t prevalent. ^ 440 genehal histohy of the infusohia. Leydig next proceeds to show that the single eye-specks, appearing only as an accumulation of pigment- granules, are precisely homologous structures ■with the reputed eyes of Cyclops and Daphnia among the Entomostraca, and of Argulus, Artemia, and Branchi'pus among the PhyUopoda. In neither the one nor the other does a lens, cornea, or capsule exist, although in a few (for instance, in Notommata Myrmeleo) a glistening white substance is intermixed The single eye-spot of Brachionus, with its coalesced central segments, has its counterpart in the eye of the larva of Cyclops, and an evident analogy with that of Cyclopsina, as also with that of Caligus, in both which a refract- ing lens makes its appearance, it is likewise similar in general conformation. Who then, asks Leydig, can advance any direct arguments against the hypothesis that, by the medium of the pigment-granules in immediate con- tiguity with the nerve-ceUs of the brain, without a refracting body, a percep- tion of light is possible ? That the Rotatoria, on the contrary, may possess, equally with the Crustacea, a refracting medium, is illustrated by the example of Euchlanis unisetata. With reference to those species having two eyes, Leydig has convinced himself of the presence of a lens in both in Pterodina, Ste- phanops, Metopidia, Rotifer citnnus, and in R. macrurus ; and he thinks he has seen one in the eyes of the young of Tiibicolaria, Melicerta, and Stephanoceros, although the soft state of the pai'ts and theii- indistinct outHne render the observation less certain. In the last-cited animals, when any trace of the eye-pigment remains, none whatever of the crystalline lens is visible. Of the other binocidar Eotatoria, not mentioned, Leydig's opinion is, that ana- logy intimates the existence of a refracting medium, and their nature as true eyes. The presence of a special homy skin or a particular capsule sur- rounding the pigment is doubtful ; for the cuticle probably performs the office of a cornea. Of the many-eyed Eotatoria, Leydig has particularly examined Eosphora and Theorus. He finds Ehrenberg in eiTor respecting Eosphora, which, in fact, possesses a single eye-speck above the brain ; and what that naturalist took to be two clear eye-points on the frontal margin are merely intensely orange- or yeUow-coloured spaces, which are at once seen to be without any affinity with the other eye-specks. The eyes of Theories are nothing more than oil- drops within the stomach-glands. Ehrenberg, moreover, describes colourless eyes, the visual nature of which may well be doubted. Although he has no direct observation, Leydig believes that in Squamella the pigment is composed of numerous portions disposed around a crystalline lens, and that the animal may consequently be called many-eyed. The conclusions ai'rived at by Leydig are, " that the single-eyed species of Rotatoria have, many of them, a refracting body in their eye-specks, which are therefore true simple eyes, but that in most cases a lens is wanting, and the specks are merely rudimentary eyes ; wliilst in those Avith two eye spots, each of them is, by the presence of a lens, an actual simple eye." Ehrenberg stated that eye-specks were entirely absent in several genera : such were the doubtful Rotatoria Ftygura and Ichthydium, also Chcetonotus, Cyphonautes, Tubicolaria, Enteroplca, Hydatina, Plcurotrocha, LepadeUn, Hydrias, Typhlina, and Noteus. With reference to Tubicolaria, Leydig shows that in the young state this genus has two eye-specks ; of the other ' exceptional forms, several have been insufficiently examined to found any cer- tain statements upon. The curious fact of the disappearance of the eye-spots in several Rotatoria has been already referred to. Examples occm- in the genera Melicerta, Laci- nularia, Floscularia, Tubicolaria, and Mcgalotrocha. c. The Psychical Endowments of Rotatoria are probably of the nature of id- OF THE KOTATOltlA. 441 stinct ; some so supposed are simply acts dictated by external circumstances, Perty intimates that the apparent sinking after one another, the gamboling among themselves, and the fact of their depositing thcii- eggs in chosen and ap- propriate localities, to which, after an absence, they will retui-n, are pheno- mena evidencing perception, design, and a sense of company. This last imagined sense Avas one suggested by Ehrenberg, who afiirmed that he had observed it in the case of Philodina roseola, which, when kept in glasses, deposited its eggs in heaps, the parent remaining a long time with the young ones pro- duced from them, and so constituting a sort of family or colony, — an act dictated, as he sm-mised, by a sense of company or family. The occasionally-observed rejection, and ejection, of what may be deemed disagreeable or unsuitable nutriment, are acts which some might interpret to be indicative of volition, and, in some degree, of pain or unpleasant impression ; but they are quite explicable without reference to a sentient nerve-centre, or to high psychical endowments. The same thing may be said of other reputed evidences of the existence of psychical or mental faculties. Of the Eepeodttctive Oegaits aijd Development of Rotatoeia. — The Rotatoria were for a long time assumed to be hermaphrodite or monoecious, e. that each individual possessed a perfect male and female reproductive apparatus, by which ova"' are formed, and fructified without the presence or contact of any other individual. There has never been any difficulty in determining the female generative organs, which are very clear and well defined ; but the greatest diversity of opinion has subsisted respecting the coexistence of male and female organs in the same individual. Dujardin attempted no explanation of this matter, whilst Siebold candidly affirmed that in the absence of any precise knowledge as to the male organs, it is impossible to say whether the Rotatoria are monoecious, or have the sexes separate — are dioecious. The clearing up of this questio vexata, in several at least of the Rotatoria, is due to our countiyraan Mr. BrightweU of Norwich, who demonstrated the existence of distinct male animals, and figured them (XII. 65, 66) in his ' Faima Infusoria.' This discovery was further carried out by Mr. Dal- rymple, and has subsequently been extended by Mr. Gosse, Leydig, and ' others. Inasmuch, however, as the monoecious or hermaphrodite condition is very prevalent among the lower Invertebrata ; as the males of the majority of the Rotatoria have as yet escaped detection ; and as there are parts dis- cernible in several of them presenting some similarity with recognized male organs in other animals, not a few eminent obsei-vers still incline to the belief that, at least in a portion of this class, the sexual organization is of the monoecious type. These doubtful organs will be discussed after the weU- 1 determined female apparatus, and the male animals, have been described. Female Repeoduotive Oegans. — These were pretty accimitely determined by Ehrenberg, who noticed a single or double ovary, an oviduct, an ovisac ( and a vaginal sheath or outlet leading to the cloaca or the rectum. ' The ovary, in which the ova or eggs are generated, lies immediately beneath \ or behind the alimentary canal, between it and the contractile sac (XXXVIII. : 26 0, p ; XXXVII. 1 e, 19 7t, 32 c) ; its anterior border often advances as far 1 forward as the maxillary (oesophageal) head. Oftentimes its position is rather I transverse, and it lies across the intestine, or is curved to some extent around 1 it. It varies in size, but is always a very large organ, and occupies a consider- : able space in the interior of the body. It also presents much diversity of I figure, being sometimes round, oblong, or oval, at others flattened, elongated 1 reniform, bilobed, homed, or curved like a horse-shoe. It is enveloped by I a delicate membrane, rendered very obvious by the action of acetic acid 442 GENERAL THSTOTIY OF THE INl'USOEIA. (XXXVII. 220), which contracts the substance of the ovarj', and throws the membrane into sharp folds. This membrane may likewise be detected with- out the assistance of chemical reagents, where it is contracted below into an outlet or duct opening in the cloaca. It forms a pellucid membranous bag, which may be ruptiu-ed by pressure, giving exit to its viscid contents ; and Leydig assorts that the wall of the ovary is contractile, as the addition of alcohol demonstrates. The substance of the ovaiy is called the ' stroma ' or protoplasm ; it has a finely-granular appearance and a viscid consistence. It is usually of a milky or a light-grey colour, and has interspersed in it, besides granules, numerous clear bodies of a vesicular appearance (XXXVII. 1 e ; XXXVII. 7), but which, Leydig says, are really homogeneous. Williamson counted between 20 and 30 in the ovary of Melicerta, varying in diameter from ^ .^o^^ yyL_th of an inch (XXXVII. 22). These, by development, constitute the ova or eggs, and may be termed rudirnentaiy ova. Within each a finely-molecular, more or less opaque, and rounded body is perceptible (the nucletis), surrounded by a clear, transparent ring, apparently filled with fluid (the germinal vesicle) (XXVII. 6, 7). "These are," writes Huxley, "the germinal vesicles and spots of the futiu'e ova. Acetic acid, in contracting the pale substance, groups it round these vesicles, without, however, breaking it up into separate masses. It renders the nuclei more evident." This author further remarks, " the pale clear space is sometimes seen to be limited by a distinct membrane." The measurements of the nuclei in Melicerta are, according to Williamson, from ■^Jjj-jjth to j-jnnj^^ m.(-h in diameter. Within each nucleus are usually from one to three clear spots — the nucleoli. The nucleolus, as imderstood by Williamson, corresponds with the nucleus in the preceding description, whilst this last term is applied by Huxley to the entire genninal body or rudi- mentary ovum. FoEMATioK OP Ova, their Extritston, and Development. — After fructifi- cation, and preparatory to their transition into ova, the geiToinal spaces undergo various changes in constitution and appearance. The germinal vesicle en- larges, its nucleus disappears, and the ovum is indicated only by an ill-defined transparent spot, which may, by pressiu'e, be isolated as " a small spherical ceU. about ^ ^^^^th of an inch in diameter, having very thin pellucid walls, and scarcely any visible cell-contents " (Williamson). Consentaneously with these movements in the germinal space, the construction of the ovum pro- ceeds by the attraction and separation of a portion of the surroimding proto- plasm forming a yelk. The portion so appropriated is jDarticularly rich in granules which have previously congregated in the ovaiy, and now attracted, it may be supposed, by the active vital action set up in the nidimentary ovum. This abimdance of granules produces a deeper colour and an increased opacity in this portion of the ovaiy ; so that when, as Prof. Williamson re- mai-ks in the instance of Melicerta, this process of development proceeds in the centre of the ovary, the latter organ appears divided by the incipient ovum into an upper and a lower half. The consequence of these several changes is that the resultant ovum is of considerable size (XXXVII. 170) and stands prominently outward from the general surfiice of the ovaiy, acquiring at the same time an independent character by the production of a limiting membrane about the vitellus or yelk, called the ^dtelline or vitellary membrane. Huxley, indeed, docs not regard this as a distinct and specially produced covering, but as derived from a portion of the enclosing membrane of the ovaiy, pinched off from the rest. Prof. Williamson enters into a comparison of the development of the ova of Melicerta vf\i\i that of the higher Mammalia, to show the close relationship OF THE EOTATOKIA. 443 that subsists between them diuing this process. We have not space to follow out this piece of comparative physiology in the words of the author, but can only state his conclusions : viz. that the elements which are contained in and solely occupy the o%dsac of the Melicerta, are those which, in the ovaries of the higher Mammalia, are restricted to the interiors of the Graafian vesicles ; that, whilst in the former the protoplasmic stock forms one undivided mass from which portions are successively pinched oif to form the ova, in the latter (the Mammalia) it is divided into small portions, each being contained within a special receptacle or Graafian vesicle, the interspaces being occupied by the stroma or tissue of the ovary. It is in the yelk-matter, derived from the protoplasm, that the red tint noticed by Ehi-enberg and others occurs ; the colour depends on red element- ary granules, and on highly refractive oU-like particles, Mr. Gosse suggests that " possibly the colouring matter of these reservoirs may be resolved into the red pigment of the eyes, and the yellow of the jaw-cushion and other parts ; " such a destiny we deem scarcely probable. Moreover the appear- ance of oil-molecules often refracting a red colour, about parts in which active development is proceeding, is a fact very generally observed. A red hxxe of the ova is seen in Philodina roseola, Brachiomcs ruhens, Mastigocerca carinata and Folyarthra ; in Notommata Sieholdii, Asplancha, Anurcea curvicornis, Synchceta jpectinata, and in Lacinularia socialis. Leydig believes that in many forms, e. g. Brachionus, Noteus, and Euchlanis, one portion of the ovary produces almost exclusively the yelk, and has in consequence a darker colour than the other part, which developes the germinal spaces. This phenomenon has, he remarks, its analogue in various Crustaceans — the Hexapoda and Asellina. It may be here stated, however, that the darker portion of the ovary has assigned to it, by other naturalists, the ofiice of preparing the winter ova, presently described, rather than the yelk, as supposed by Leydig. The preceding account, indeed, applies particularly to the production of the ordinary ova ; the early history of the winter ova referred to wiU be given in the account of development. The Ova. — ^The Eotatoria develope two varieties of eggs, called re- spectively " summer " and " winter " ova, besides male eggs. Much difference obtains between them, especially in their developments, contents, and later history. The summer eggs have thin, smooth, firm, and elastic shells, so transparent that the course of the changes proceeding within may be watched throughout. In figure they are ellipsoid, oval, or ovoid (XXXVII. 5, 6, 8, 9). They are laid by the animals during the whole course of the summer, and' are forthwith hatched. The winter ova, on the contraiy, are cliicfly produced in the autumn, and are destined to remain in an inactive or torpid state durin<>' the winter. They are generally of larger dimensions, often irregular in form*^ from inequality of the two sides, or from prominences or depressions of the surfaces (XXXIX. 20), and opaque on account of their dark granular con- tents and of their double shell (XXXVII. 21, 22, 24). Caustic potash renders the shells clearer and more transparent, and causes some of the inequalities of theii- surface to decrease. Huxley says that the tough elastic membrane or shell is soluble in both hot nitric acid and caustic potassa IJotween the tAvo shells is an interspace, more roomy, at the opposite ends of the egg. The inner shell is thin and delicate, and immediately envelopes the yelk enclosed in its vitelline mcmlirane. The external one is thicker fii-mcr, and usually of a brownisli-yollow colour. Its surface is mostly roughened, or tubcrculatcd, striated, or tlirown into ridges, areolatcd ceUular or divided into facets, beset with longer or sliorter hairs and bristles, and occa ' sionally with spines, Examplee) of such modifications of the sm-face occur in 444 GENERAL UISTOKY OF TDE INrUSOKIA. Anurcea Testudo, A. serrulata, Notommata Suboldu, N. Mynndeo, Melicerta ringens, Ascomor^ha Oermanica, Lacinularia socialis, Scaridium longicaudurm, Hydatina senta, Anurcea valga, &c. Ehrenberg was not prepared to admit the existence on ova of actual hairy processes, but supposed them to be the hair-like filaments of Hygrocrocis, or of other Algae. This supposition may in some cases be correct ; for ova, like other bodies in the water, may become the nidus for the growth of various microscopic plants and animals. That some ova, however, are actually hairy is evidenced by theii- visible occurrence in that state even whilst still within the abdomen of the parent ; as may be seen in the ova of Hydatina senta, of Notommata Parasitus, &c. Both Avinter and summer ova may often be met with in the same animal (XXXIX. 16) — the one kind perhaps still in the ovary, the other on the point of expulsion ; or, it may be, both sorts may be canied about attached to the posterior part of the parent animal. This last occurrence is noticed by Leydig in Brachionus Balceri. These two varieties of ova were recognized by Ehrenberg, who assigned them the names applied to them. Mr. Huxley suggests, instead of the term ' winter ova,' the appellation, ' ephippial ' ova, to indicate their analogy with the similar eggs of Daphnia and other Entomostraca. When recounting the propagation of Notommata Sieboldii, Leydig remarks that male and female ova are not developed together in the same animal. This fact has been extended by Cohn to apply to the whole family of Eota- toria. According to him the ephippial are always distinguishable by their external characters from the common summer ova, particularly by their much smaller dimensions. They have thin, transparent shells, and ai-e chiefly pro- duced at those seasons when ' ephippial ' ova are generated. Theii- develop- ment follows the same coui'se as that of the ' summer ' ova ; but they are pro- duced in very much smaller numbers, — a circumstance that affords another reason for the paucity of males compared with females, whenever a collection of Rotatoria is examined. When the development of summer ova in the ovary has proceeded to the point we have mentioned, and the egg is already become a distinct body from the general substance of the ovaiy (XXXVIT. 2d), it is slowly moved down- wards towards the passage or oviduct (XXXVII. 2/), which ends in the cloaca (XXXVII. 32 d) ; and it is in this part of its course that the shell becomes perfected. In the majority of the Rotatoria the ova are at this stage extruded, the further phases of development proceeding externally to the animal ; in others they are detained in their passage until the embryo is more fully elaborated, or even until it is perfect and released from its sheU. The size of the ova prior to expulsion XXXVII. 32 d ; XXXVIII. 26^) is very extraordinaiy, so much so that a single ovum wUl sometimes occupy the larger portion of the interior of the animal. The completed egg of Me- Ikxrta has an average length, says Williamson, of -j-^th of an inch, and a diameter of ^iij-th. The eggs of some Hydatince are -jr^th, of Lacimdaria ^j-^th of an inch and upwards in diameter. * In several Rotatoria, two or more ova become agglutinated together near the tei-mination of the oviduct, or in the cloaca, and ai-e expelled together en masse, and still remain adherent to the parent, close to the cloacal outlet at the base of the tail. This is exempUficd in Triarthra (XXXVIII. 30 d), Po- lyarthra (XXXIII. 400, 401), Anurcea (XXXV. 496; XXXIX. 16), and Noteus. The oviduct, or ptissagc from tlic ovary to the cloaca, is a membranous tube fomed by a prolongation of the tunic of the ovaiy. It is always extremely dilatable ; and sometimes an egg is so long detained in its lower part, that it OF THE BOTATOKIA. 445 seems to serve the purpose of a uterus, and has received the name of ovisac. The orifice of this oviduct or ovisac into the cloaca is called the " vaginal orifice;" the vaginal sheath, spoken of by Ehrenberg, would appear to be either the tei-mination of the oviduct or sometimes the cloaca itself. The oviduct may occasionally be deficient. Prof. Huxley states that he could discover no such passage in Lacinularia. The egg, having descended into the cloaca, is expelled thence by means of a strong contraction of the whole body, and, in the act of escaping, involves the eversion of the cloaca. The time occupied in the formation of the sum- mer egg, from its first appearance as a vesicular space in the ovary to its completion and extrusion, is very brief, generally only a few hours. We have noted the discharge of several eggs adherent together, and their subsequent attachment at the anal outlet. In other Eotatoria, likewise, ova expelled singly attach themselves at the posterior extremity of the body, singly or united together by a gelatinous matter, and not uncommonly at- tached by evident cords or pedicles to the parent. This is seen in Megalo- trocha, in Brachionus rubens, and in B. Pala. In the species last named, as many as ten may often be seen in a group near the cloacal orifice. In AscomorpJia, some six may be found adherent. In Polyarthra (XXXVIII. 30), not more than one egg is found attached at the same time. Thus the eggs are carried about by the parent one after another, arriving at maturity and escaping from its shell. The like phenomenon is seen in various Entomostraca, and in Polynoe, Exogona, and other Vermes, which likewise produce both summer and winter ova. Among the urceolate Eo- tifers, the eggs escape into the case or gelatinous investment, and there pro- ceed to their vdtimate development, safe from many obnoxious influences and from destruction by other animals. Development of the Embeyo. — The following changes transpire pre- paratory to the construction of the embryo. The nucleus is seen to elongate, and then to present a constriction aboiit its middle (XXXVII. 5) ; the yelk at the same time shows a similar constriction, which continues to deepen in correspondence with that of the nucleus, until at length there are two seg- ments, each with its contained nucleus — the result of the fission of the primary one. Leydig states that this division is not into two equal portions, but that a segment is cut off from one end or pole (XXXVII. 2 6), and that in the continued segmentation which ensues, this same unequal fission is again and again repeated. However this may be, the act of division goes on (XXXVII. 8) until at length the whole yelk is broken up into a mass of minute cells, and its opacity increased by the number of molecules they con- tain (XXXVII. 2 c, g). Out of this mass, the tissues and organs of the em- bryo are developed, appearing in their characteristic forms without any or otherwise very slight, transitional phases (XXXVII, 2e,d; XXXVIII 9) It is characteristic also of Rotatoria, in common with all the Vermes "that the embryo is generated from the entire yelk, and not, as in Crastacea and still liigher animals, from an accessoiy body supci^iosed upon the yellc into which the yelk is gradually taken up. Dr. Carpenter remarks that the mode of development is in all essential respects the same as that of the Nematoid Entozoa, each group of coUs evohang some one principal organ. The order of succession of the parts of the embryo in the egg is thus de scribed by Ehrenberg in the instance of the Megalotrocha albo-favicans •— " A turbid central spot appears, which becomes the oesophageal bulb and teeth ; a blackish granular oval body is also seen posteriorly • the eves era dually become red, and a motion of the cOia of the head is visible ■ after some hours the wliole foetus, which is folded up, turns itself round, the shell bursts 446 GENEHAL HISTOHY OF THE INTOSOHIA. and tho young animal creeps out." In a specimen of Brachionus Bakeri the first thing Mr. Brightwell detected was a motion like that of the ihuscular oesophagus of the parent. The best account we have of the subject is that given by Prof. "Williamson of the Melicerta ringens : — " The first trace," he says, " of future organiza- tion which presents itself, appears in the form of a few freely moving cilia .... at two points, one of which corresponds with the future head, the other near the centre of the ovum .... with the cavity of the stomach ; shortly after .... traces of the central parts of the dental apparatus present them- selves, this, again, being soon succeeded by the union of the entire mass of yoUc-ceUs, and the foi-mation from them of the various organs of the animal. The cilia now play very freely, especially at the head. The creature twists itself about in its shell ; two red spots appear near the head, which Ehrenberg re- gards as organs of vision, and along Avith them a very dark-brown and some- what larger spot is developed in the integument near the lower stomach. The young animal now bursts its shell ; . . . . and although its external ap- pendages (XXXYII. 15), and especially the rotatory organs are imperfectly developed or unexpanded, yet the whole of its internal organization, though but obscurely seen, is nevertheless that of the perfect animal, and not that of the larval state." In the embryo animal, whilst within the egg (XXXVII. 2 h), as well as for a short time after its escape (XXXYII. 3, 4 b), Leydig finds in most Ho- tatoria the collection of black or dark-brown particles close upon the cloaca (XXXVIII. 7, 8, 9), which has been described in the section on Secretion, as a supposed mass of urinary concretions. The period occupied in the development of the embryo differs in different species. Ehrenberg stated that in Hydatina senta, eleven hours after the deposition of a complete ovum, vibration of the anterior cilia was visible, and in 24 hours the young being escaped from its shell. Mr. BrightweU, in his notice of Brachionus BaJceri, states that " about 2 o'clock the animal was ob- served with one egg placed externally between the two posterior spines of the shell, and another small egg in the left side of the animal, which increased much in size in the coui'se of the day ; at 9 in the evening a motion was per- ceived in the exterior egg Uke that of the muscular oesophagus of the parent ; and about this time the internal egg was protruded and placed by the side of the other, being longer than it. At 11 the yoimg Brachionus burst with a boimd from the egg in which the motion was perceived, and afiixed itself by its tail." The egg-sheU splits open, longitudinally or transversely, to give exit to the young animal. This seems brought about by the active movements of the embryo itself, which sometimes bursts (as BrightweU says) with a bound or spring from its prison. Where the eggs have been attached, the empty fissured shell continues stiU adherent for a time, until by the movements of the parent, or by some accident, it is detached. The variation among different Eotatoria in the stage of development in which the ovum is found when it quits the ovary, or when it is expelled from the body, has been afrcady remarked ; but adchtional illustrations arc desira- ble. In the greater number, the egg is laid just before or very soon after the process of segmentation of the yelk commences ; for example, in Meli- certa, Lacinularia, and Brachionus. In many genera the ovum continues in the oviduct, the ovisac, or the cloaca, or otlierwisc remains v\itliin the ovaiy itself until the embryo is complete and even free. Examples of this are foimd in Stephanoceros, Actinurus, in Rotifer, and xa Notommata Syrin,r, N. Si£- holdii, and in Asplanchna. . In Rotifer, Ehrenberg remarks that, in the ova- OF IHE BOTATOllIA. 447 rium, foiu' or live ova sometimes so completely develope themselves, that tlie young creep out of theii- envelopes, in wliich they were coiled up in a spiral manner, extend themselves, and piit their wheels into motion while within it ; and they sometimes occupy two-thirds of the bulk of the parent. So Mr. Gosse tells us that in Asplanchna " the ovum produces the living young in the ovisac, which, when matui-ed, occupies the whole lower part of the parent." The occurrence of embryos free within the saccular ovaiy of Ste- phanoceros (and still more, if as some have thought, they detected them loose in the general cavity of the body) forms another bond of affinity between this aberrant genus of Eotatoria and the Bryozoa. Where the young in general quit the parent in a free, and so far perfect form as to be able to lead at .once an independent existence, the animals may be said to be viviparous (producers of living young). This viviparousness (viviparity) is still more pronounced in some Philodincea and in Alhertia, in which the formation of an actual egg-shell seems to be omitted, and the developed embryo to be at once liberated within the sac of the ovary, where it may be seen in active movement. The Embeto Metamoephosis. — It has already been remarked, generally, that the embiyo on emerging from the egg has all the characters of its class, and is complete in its internal organization ; that any dissimilarity between the new-born and the adult animal is due, not to the absence of parts or organs, but to their lesser growth and their imperfect expansion or evolution. In other words, the Rotatoria undergo no positive metamorphosis ; they pass through no intermediate phases of existence, no laiwal form resembling that of any Protozoa, in advancing from the embryonic to the complete and per-» feet condition. Leydig does not partake this opinion, but thinlcs that a metamorphosis is exhibited in the course of development of most or aU Rotatoria, certainly not complete, but still sufficient to advance it as a phenomenon of the class. He specially adduces the instance of the embryo of Stephanoceros, as the most striking proof (XXXVII. 3, 4), and he adds that, if the representation by Ehrenberg of the young of Triarthra lotigiseta be correct, the fact of a meta- morphosis must be recognized also in that genus. Again, he notes the great difference between the newly-bom and the adult animals in several genera, e. (J. in Tuhicolaria and Melicerta, where the cUiary wreath is stUl veiy simple, and the absence of the tentacles (antennce) sufficiently notable (XXXVII. 15) to render the subsequent 'modifications an act of metamor- phosis. Moreover, the disappearance of the bunch of cilia in the young state at the end of the pseudopodium, and HlceAvise that of the coloured eye-specks in many genera, when the adult condition is attained, are also indications of the same phenomenon. The advocacy of this opinion was especially incumbent upon Leydig, in order to furnish an additional argument in favour of the affinity of the Rota- toria with the Crustacea. But even were the e\-idenccs of mctamoi-phosis among the Rotifora as complete as he rejircsonts, they would serve his pur- pose, of demonstrating the affinity he advocates, but Httle, seeing that the immature Rotatoria have no real resemblance to the larval Crustaceans with their three pairs of jointed feet. Cohn (Siebold's Zdtschr. 18.55, p. 481) has discussed this question, and surmises that tlie peculiar embryo of SfepJiano- ceros, which Leydig cites as the strongest instance of an act of metamor- phosis, IS a male being (XXXVII. 3). As to the other supposed instances Cohn (Usprovcs its occurrence in Brachwnus, and considers tlic disappearance of the eye-spock m Tuhicolaria and Melicerta too tri\-ial a circumstance to urge in its support. 448 GENKRAL HISTORY OF THE INFUSORIA. Perty seems struck by the considerable variations in form between many embryo and adult Rotatoria, and enunciates the opinion that many supposed perfect forms are no other than embryonic conditions, — for example, Gleno- phora Troclius, Monocerca valga, Notommata Fells, and Cycloglena elegans. We do not understand whether he believes in a metamorphosis, or if he ■would simply state that Ehrenberg unnecessaiily multipHed genera and spe- cies by describing immature beings as distinct foi-ms. If the latter be all that Perty intends, we entirely concur with him. It is necessaiy to detail the form and structure of some embryo Rotifera, to illustrate the preceding statements. The embryo of Stephanoceros (XXXVII. 3, 4) is thus described by Leydig : — " It has in general a vermi- cular figure. The head, which supports the eyes, is separated from the trunk by a well-marked constriction, and is famished with long ciHa. The head and cilia are retractile. The red specks {two in number) appear actually to be of the nature of eyes ; they have a sharp outline and are slightly concave in front, as if a refracting body was there seated. Within the abdominal cavity behind the head, a peculiar striation is observable, the purpose of which I cannot imagine ; further backward is a clear space in which long cilia are seen in activity, and which indicates the cavity of the alimentary canal. Moreover, the maxillary apparatus, and the special vesicle containing the inorganic particles (urinary concretions) are perceptible. The termina- tion of the body bears some delicate vibratile ciHa." Beyond this phase of development, the embryo does not advance in the egg, but after being hatched, it would seem to assume another intermediate form before arriving at the adult state. Leydig found, in water containing Stephaiioceros, a young animal still possessing in some measm-e the previous vermiform figure and apparent articulation of the trunk and foot, and a proboscis-like head with four projecting arms. The eye-specks were still present. Prom the trunk- like process of the head, two considerable tubular appendages were out- stretched, ciliated at the extremities : the cUia on the end of the foot-process had disappeared, but were very evident in the abdomen, near to the sac con- taining the inorganic particles. The mandibular apparatus had the regular structure. He frequently encountered also another variety, which, together with the figure of the perfect animal, had five arms, but was without any apparent sexual organs, while the foot-process and the whole body were strewn with numerous fat-globules. We will now continue the description (see p. 446), by Prof. WUliamson, of the embryo of Melicerta after escaping the egg-sheU. He writes — " The young Melicerta stretches itself out, and, everting the anterior part of its body, unfolds several smaU projecting mammiUse covered with large cilia, by means of which it floats freely away (XXXVII. 15, 16). These mammillae are in this stage not unlike those of Notommata clavulata, but they soon en- large and become developed into the flabeUifoi-m wheel organs of the mature animals. The dental apparatus is now fully developed ; the alimentary canal and muscular fasciculi are all present, — only the epithelial cells of the former have not as yet obtained their yellow granular contents ; consequently the viscera exhibit the same hyaline aspect as the rest of the organism. The two red specks are imbedded in two of the mammUlffi. After swimming about for some time like other free Rotifera, the animal imdergoes further changes. The dark-brown spot is tlie first to disappear ; and soon after, the two pink ones cease to be visible. Tlie animal attaches itself by the tail to some fixed support, and developes from the skin of the posterior portion of its body a thin hyaline cylinder, the dilated extremity of which is attached to the sup- porting object. The formation of the case is now begun ; tlie first-fonncd OF THE EOTATOEIA, 449 spheroidal or tentaculai' pai'ticles ai'O arranged in a ling ronnd the middle of the body, and appear to have some internal connexion with the thin mem- branous cylinder. At fii-st, new additions are made to both extremities of the enlai'ging ling ; but the jerking contractions of the animal at length force the caudal end of the cylinder down upon the leaf, to which it becomes se- curely cemented by the same viscous secretion as causes the little spheres to cohere. AU the new additions are now made to the free extremity, which, as Elu-enberg remarks, never extends beyond the level of the cloacal aper- ture of the outstretched animal. In the new-bom being, therefore, the parts, as in the adult, are all present ; they only require to be expanded by the ordinary process of growth." - Mr. Grosse's account of a newly-hatched Melicerta implies a greater aber- ration of form than that narrated by Prof. Williamson. He states that " its form is trumpet-shaped Kke that of Stentor, with a wreath of cilia around the head, interrupted at two opposite points. The central portion of the head rises into a low cone." After various movements and gp^ations for an hoiu', the yoimg animal settled itself, and the form of the adult became manifest : " the foiu' petals of the disk were well made out, though the sinu- osities were yet shallow ; the antennae at fii'st were only small square nipples, but soon shot out into the usual fonn ; the ciliated chin was distinct, as was also the whirling of the pellet-cup immediately beneath it." We are indebted to Mr. Huxley for an elaborate description of the young of Lacinularia socialis (XXXVII. 10, 11). " The youngest foetuses," he writes, " are about Jjjth of an inch in length. The head is abruptly trun- cated, and separated by a constriction from the body ; a sudden narrowing separates the other extremity of the body from the peduncle, which is ex- ceedingly short and provided with a ciliated cavity, a sort of sucker, at its extremity. The head is nearly cii-cular seen from above, and presents a central protuberance, in which the two eye-spots are situated. The margins of this protuberance are provided with long ciHa ; it will become the upper circlet of cilia in the adult. The margin of the head projects beyond this, and is fringed with a circlet of shorter cilia in the adult. The internal organs are perceived with difficulty ; but the three divisions of the alimentary canal, which is as yet straight and terminates in a transparent cloaca, may be readily made out. The water-vascular canals cannot be seen ; but their prp- senee is indicated by the movement of their contained cilia here and there, " In young Lacinulance ^th of an inch in length, the head has become triangular ; the peduncle is much elongated, and it gradually takes on the perfect form. The young had pre-\dously crept about in the gelatinous in- vestment of the parents ; they now begin to " swarm," uniting together by their caudal extremities, and are readily pressed out as imited free swim- ming colonies, resembling in tliis state the genus Gonochilus.-' Mr. BrightweU gives the appended brief accoimt of the Brachionus Bakeri on its escape from the egg :— "At first it had the appearance of an oblono- ball ; by degrees the anterior part spread, and the wheel processes were de- veloped. Soon after, the posterior sheU (lorica) processes were visible in a semilunar shape, with the poiiits nearly touching each other, which gradually expanded." ° These examples are sufficient to iUustrate the general character of embrvo Rotatona and thcu- progressive assumption of the adult fom • thev more over furnish evidence of the doctrine that there is no metamorphosis or transformation, m the proper sense of the word-no change but what is ex'nli- cable by the ordinary laws of growth, or progressive expansion or evolution Ehrenberg has announced it as a fact (Monafsh. cl Bcvl. Ahid. 1853, p 532) 450 GENERAL HISTOBT OF THE DfFUSOKlA. that Rotifera found at great altitudes among snow do not attain a complete development, but retain, as he expresses it, an ovate contracted figure within an egg-like envelope or capsule, thi'ough which food reaches them hy a funnel-shaped canal. All the functions of life he represents to go on a-s usual under these peculiar conditions of existence, including the deposition and hatching of eggs. This account reads like a description of an encysting- process in the first degree — that, viz., for self-defence and presei-vation — such as is illustrated in the formation of an open sheath around Stentor, as stated by Cohn (see p. 284). Contents and Development of Winteb. Ova. — The contents of " winter " widely differ fi.-om those of " summer " ova. Mi-. Gosse gives the following account of those of Melicerta ringens. He writes — " Opening one or two cases (urceoh), I find one and another very curious egg-like bodies, not sym- metrical in shape, being much more gibbous on one side than the opposite, and measuring y-^th by -g^th of an inch. Each was encircled by five or six raised ribs running parallel to each other longitudinally, somewhat Hke the varices of a wentle-trap : viewed perpendicularly to the ribs, the form is symmetrical — a long narrow oval. The whole surface between the ribs appeared pimctured or granulate, and the colour was a dull- brownish yellow. Under pressure it was raptured, and discharged an infinity of atoms, of an excessive minuteness, but every one of which for a few seconds displayed spontaneous motion. Their whole appearance, and the manner in which they presently turned to motionless disks, were exactly the same as the spermatozoa which the male eggs of other Rotifera contain, except that these were so minute." Mr. Dalrymple describes similar peculiar ova in Notommata {Asplanchna) to consist of an aggregation of cells and of pigment-graniiles, without a dis- tinguishable germinal vesicle. The most complete and satisfactory account of the stracture and develop- ment of the winter ova is supplied by Prof. Huxley in his History of Luci- nularia (T. M. S. 1852, vol. i.); we will, however, preface it by Leydig's description. We leani from this writer that in winter ova, a space filled with fluid usually intervenes between the yeUc at each pole or end of the egg, and the inner shell, as in Tuhicolaria, and that, according to Weisse's observation of Brachionus urceolaris, the outer shell, when the embryo is ready to come forth, springs open in a valvular or a lid-like manner. The central portion of the yelk has a darker and more granular appearance, and is siirrounded by a clearer perijiheral or cortical lamina, as in Brachiomts BaJceri, Notommata Myrmeleo, and N. cmtrura. Intermingled with the yelk- molecules are numerous clear vesicles, and oftentimes fat-particles ; moreover, the yelk oi Notommata Sieholdii has a yellowish -red coloui- (XXXVII. 27, 28). These " lasting ova," as Ehrenberg has otherwise named them, ai-e always developed externally to the animal. Like the summer eggs, they are fre- quently carried about by the parent ; it would not seem, however, that they ever accumulate in groups about the cloaca, but that mostly the egg is solitary, and that two or three arc of rare occurrence. Tims in Brachionus BaJceri and in Ascomorpha never more than one is present, in Brachionus ruhens a couple are occasionally noticed, and in Notomimta Sieholdii the highest number seen was thi'co. Concerning the changes ensuing on development, Leydig states that, " on the formation of a membrane around the commencing ovum in the ovary, the peripheral portion of the yelli exhibits numerous clear spots, wliich recall the appearance of the small cells originating from repeated fission of the yelk of the summer ova. From this we may conclude, either that the germi- Oy THE ROXATOIUA. 451 nal vesicle may, by repeated fission, resolve itself into numerous clear vesicles, without any further change, except that of an attendant grouping of the yelk- particles about the products from the germinal vesicle, or that perhaps the winter eggs, at their origin in the ovary, enclose a number of nuclei (germinal vesicles) unlike other ova, which never commence with more than one nucleus (germinal vesicle). If," continues Leydig, I rightly understand Huxley, this is the manner of development of the winter eggs of Lacinularia socialis ; and the bisection into two equal halves, which I formerly referred to fission, has, according to this writer, no relation to it." Eespecting this description. Prof. Huxley remarks that he thinks Leydig " has not observed the genesis of the ephippial ova with sufficient care, and he thence interprets their stnicture by supposing that they are ordinarily fecuudated ova, which have undergone a peculiar method of cleavage ;" and having quoted the opinion of other naturalists, he goes on to say — " it will be observed that all these authors consider the winter or ephippial ova and the ordinary ova to be essentially identical, only that the former have an outer case. The truth is, that they are essentially different structiires. The true ova are single cells which have undergone a special development ; the ephip- pial ova are aggregations of cells (in fact, larger or smaller portions — some- times the whole of the ovary) which become enveloped in a shell and simulate true ova. " In a fully-gi'own Lacinularia which has produced ova, the ovary or a large portion of it begins to assume a blackish tint (XXXVII. 22) : the cells, with their nuclei, undergo no change ; but a deposit of strongly- refracting elementary granules takes place in the pale connecting substance. Every transition may be traced, from deep-black portions to unaltered spots of the ovarium ; and pressure always renders the cells, with their nuclei, visible among the granules. The investing membrane of the ovary becomes sepa- rated from the dark mass, so as to leave a space (XXXVTI. 24) ; and the outer surface of the mass invests itself with a thick reddish membrane, which is tough, elastic, and reticulated from the presence of many minute apertui-es. This membrane is soluble in both hot nitric acid and caustic potassa. " The nuclei and ceUs, or rather the clear spaces indicating them, are still visible upon pressure, and may be readily seen by bursting the outer coat. " By degrees the ephippial ovum becomes lighter, imtil at last its colour is reddish -brown, like that of the ordinary ova ; but its contents are now seen to be divided into two masses, hemispherical from mutual contact (XXXVII 21). If this body be now crushed, it will be found that an inner, structure- less membrane exists within the fenestrated membrane, and sends a partition inwards, at the line of demarcation of the two masses. The contents are precisely the same as before, viz. nuclei and elementary granules. This indeed, may be seen through the shell without crushing the case. " I was unable to trace the development of these epliippial ova any further. Those of Notommata, it appears, lasted for some months without change (Dal- rymple). ° "It is remarkable that in Lacinularia these bodies eventually, like the ephippium oi Daphnia, contain two ovum-like masses ; and there can, I think be littie doubt that the former, like the latter, are subservient to reproduction' "There are two kinds of reproductive bodies in Lacinularia :— 1. Bodies which resemble true ova in their origin and subsequent development and which possess only a single viteUary membrane. 2. Bodies half as large again as the foregomg, which resemble the ephippium of Daphnia, like it havine altogether three investments, and which do not resemble true ova either in their ongin or subsequent development; which, therefore, probably do not 2 G 2 452 GENERAL niSTORY OF THE INFUSORIA. require fecundation, and are thence to be considered as a mode of asexual reproduction." The multicellular chai-aeter of the contents of these ' ephippial ' ova, Cohn is unable to confirm. In his very valuable essay on the " Development of Rotatoria " (Zeitschr. 1855), this able observer has promulgated the hypothesis of the occurrence of the phenomenon of " alternation of generations," of par- thenogenesis or virgin-development. A resume of the reasons for this view may stand thus : — Female Eotifera lay eggs of only one sex ; and winter eggs are produced only by certain females and at certain periods — contemporane- ously, that is, with the generation of males : again, the males are too few to impregnate the whole of the apparent female beings, which are so largely found, and always replete with ova in course of development, at all seasons. The conclusion, therefore, forces itself upon us that the common " summer " ova are produced within the parent animal without any antecedent genera- tive act or impregnation ; that is, in other words, they are asexual products or germs. If this be true, it follows that the beings producing them are not true females, but merely asexual nurses (Ammen), furnished with a germinal mass, but destitute of a real ovary, and not demanding the action of the male for the development of its germinal elements. On the other hand, the "winter" must be considered the trae ova, and the beings producing them the only true females, furnished with an ovary, to which the energy of the spermatozoa of the male is necessary. But, notwithstanding these phy- siological differences, the mere nurses and the actual female Rotifera are in- distinguishable in structure. In illustration of this hypothesis, its analogy with what occurs in Aphis, Daphnia, and Artemia, may be quoted. Of the rate of development of these winter eggs, we know little. Huxley's account would render it a final act, involving the sacrifice of a large, or even of the largest, part of the ovary, and consequently one which we cannot sup- pose capable of frequent repetition. Leydig has, indeed, an observation which, if acciu-ate, proves a rapid reproduction of such ova by the ovary. He informs us he observed an isolated individual of Notoimnata Myrmeho lay the solitary bristle-shelled winter ovum which its oviduct contained about 12 o'clock ia the day ; and on renewing his researches at 3 in the afternoon, discovered another such egg completely formed in the ovaiy. This author recounts also, ia his history of Notommata Sieholdii, the following particulars, which, if confirmed, would prove the formation, whether of winter or of summer ova, to be determinable by accidental external cii'cumstances : — " "Wlien I kept the Notommata for some days in clear water containing no nutiiment, the ovary shrivelled, the granular mass (yelk) altogether vanished, the germinal vesicles became simple bodies, and all such individuals produced only winter eggs." That the Rotatoria, on the approach of winter, are likely to be placed under conditions in which food is scarce, and which are imfavourable to ngorous Ufe, is at once admissible, and, if Leydig's observation be correct, fimiishes an explanation of the generally apparent limitation of the production of winter ova to that season. Be this as it may, the -winter ova miist be re- garded as inchoating the conservative tendency of natiu-c in pro^-iding for the continuance of the species by organisms so constracted as to endure the severity of the winter season, and to retain a dormant vitality tlirough it, until the genial influence of spiing awakens them into activity and hfe. Fecundity of Rotatoria. — Although the Rotatoria are not endowed with the various faculties of reproduction possessed by the Protozoa, yet their vast increase by eggs only is astonishing. Elirenberg wrote that he insulated a single specimen of HyfJatina senta. and kept it in n separate vessel for or THE UOTAl'OBIA. 453 eighteen days, that dui'ing this interval it laid four eggs per day, and that the young of these, at two days old, lay a like number. Erom these data he made an erroneous calculation, that one million individuals may be obtained from one specimen in ten days, that on the eleventh day this brood would amoimt to four millions, and on the twelfth day to sixteen millions. This is the only dii-ect observation we have met with intended to prove the remarkable fertility of the class, yet, throughout the history of the Kotifera now detailed, numerous incidental illustrations of the fact occur, — for example, the presence of several ova in different parts of the sexual apparatus, ia various stages of development, and the observed rapidity of the phases of development, at least of summer ova. The latter contiuue to be formed and deposited thi'oughout the whole of the warm part of the year ; and when this draws to its close, the production of the winter ova provides for the continuous propagation of the species. Ehrenberg, in his specific descriptions, notes the number of ova he met with at the time of obseiwation, intimating that some animals bring forward but one egg at a time, others two or several. There is, very probably, a difference in the productiveness of various species ; but differences in this respect will also occur from accidental and external circumstances, such as abundance of food, and changes of temperatiu'e. MALE EOTATOBIA AND MAIE HBPH0DT7CTIVE OEGANS. ftlTESTION OF MALE A^^D FEMALE OEGANS THE SAME INDIVIDTIAIS. Male Rotatoria. — Few male Eotatoria have as yet been determined. Those decisively made out are those of Asplanchna Briglitwellii {Notommata anglica, Dahymple), Asplanchna priodonta and A. Boivesii (Gosse), and the Notommata Sieboldii (Leydig). This able German observer argues also that Enteroplea Hydatina is the male of Hydatina senta, Notommata gj^anularis that of N. Brachionus, and Diglena granidaris that of Diglena catellina. Since this was written, Cohn has pursued the inquiry, and confirmed Leydig's conjecture, that Enteroplea Hydatina (Ehr.) is the male of Hydatina senta. He has moreover discovered the males of two other species, viz. of Brachionus urceo- laris and Br. militaris. Still more recently, Leydig has been able to confirm his belief of Enteroplea Hydatina being the male of Hydatina senta (Midlei-'s Archiv, 1857, p. 404) ; and Cohn has discovered the males of Eucldanis dilatata and Notommata Parasitus (Zeitschr. 1858, p. 284). Meanwhile Mr. Gosse had discovered the male animals and theii' eggs in the undermentioned genera and species: — Brachionus Pala, B. ruhens, B. amphiceros, B. BaJceri, B. angu- laiis, B. Dorcas, B. Midleri, Sacculus viridis, Polyarthra platyptera, Synchaita tremula (?), and in aU probability Melicerta ringens, besides the three species of Asj)lanchna pre\iously detemiined {Phil. Trans. 185G). The first male discovered was that of Asplanchna Brightivellii, then sup- posed to be a species of Notommata, and is thus described by Mr. Brightwell {A. N. U. 1848, ii. p. 155) :— It is " about half the size of the female, and differa from it in form, being much shorter and of a rude triangular shape. It is more difficult to detect than the female, being exceedingly transparent' and, from the emptiness of the body, appearing little more than a transparent ciliated bubble. It is very active, and occasionally puffs out the sides of its body, so as entirely to alter its form, and remains thus distended some time Kiere was no inchcation of any digestive apparatus, or of matters in course of digestion. " At the bottom of the body, on one side, is a conspicuous round sperm- vessel or testis, m wluch, under a high power, spermatozoa in active vil^r-i tUe motion may be seen, and at its external side a duct, closed by distinct 454 GENERAL HISTORY OF THE INFUSORIA. lateral muscles. Connected with the testis is a well-defined intromittent organ, and a conspicuous passage or opening for its extension from the body of the animal. In the opposite lower angle are three small, irregularly- formed, kidney-shaped bodies, connected with an angular lobe or muscle lying beneath them. The male is also furnished with the delicate mem- branous plicated bag, and rudiments of the curled tubular structure, found in the female." Besides determining the dioecious character of this Rotifer, Mr. BrightweU was also enabled to repeatedly verify the occurrence of an actual coitus occur- ring between the sexes, and enduring the greater part of a minute. The male of the allied species Asplanchna priodonta was described by Mr. Gosse. As the description supplies additional particulars concerning the organization, we extract it entire. Having isolated an adult female, in which the developing young seemed different from the ordinary embiyos, he at length had the satisfaction of seeing two males born. " Another was produced the same evening from another parent, likewise under my eye." " The length of these specimens (XXXVI. 7, 8) (male) was YToth. of an inch (that of the females was -jL-th to -^nd of an inch). They had a general agreement in outline with the female. But the outlet corresponding to the vagina was at the very bottom of the ventral side (XXXYI. 7, 8 6), which ran down to a point, while the dorsal side was rounded off. At the base of this tube was a globular sperm-sac, with a short thick penis in front, the whole nearly sui-rounded by a delicate glandular mass. The place of the stomach was occupied by a long sac, having a slender neck originating from the fore part of the head mass, and at the bottom broadly attached to the sperm-bag. This whole organ was filled with minute granular matter, except three or four clear globular bladders ; the sperm-bag showed a structure very similar. " The principal muscles agreed with those of the female. The tortuous threads, and their plexuses, were represented by two thickened glandular bodies, extending fi-om the head mass to the foliaceous substance surroimding the sperm bag .... The three eyes ' were present, situated as in the female, but no trace of jaws was discernible, even on pressure, nor any crop, nor true stomach. These animals were very active, swimming rapidly about, and scarcely still an instant. On one or two occasions, I observed one of the males with a slender process protruded to a considerable length fi-om the sexual orifice, and adhering to the glass by its tip, moving round on it as on a pivot." Leydig admits the bisexual or dioecious nature of the Rotatoria as a general fact ; and although, he says, his studies have been diverted fi-om special re- searches on this matter, yet, from the descriptions and representations of others, he believes he can detect several male forms aiTanged in the class as distinct species. Of the male of a new species, which he calls Notommaia Sieboldii, but which is equally a member of the genus Asplanchna with " the supposed new Notommata " of Brightwell, ho has given an elaborate description and draw- ings. He remarks that in all details of organization it agrees with Mr. Dalrymple's account, but, unlike the English species, differs considerably in figure from the female, especially by the presence of four pointed arms (XXXYII. 29). He remarks that " the so-called " spei-m-hag of Dalrymplc is the testicle, and what that author terms the " penis " is its duct. The figures he gives of the seminal corpuscles arc not altogether distinct, although the resemblance between them and those of Notommatn Sieholdii arc immis- takcablc. However, I must point out an error into which Daliymple has OF THE KOTATORIA. 455 fallen, in describing the linear seminal corpuscles that lie parallel to one another about the outlet of the seminal vesicle to be bundles of muscular fibres attached to the base of the penis, and acting as " ejaculatores seminis." The Enteroplea Hydatina (Ehr.) is, in Leydig's opinion, the male of Hydatina senta : the reasons for this beHef briefly are, that, according to Ehrenberg's de- scription and figures, the Enteroplea has neither jaws nor teeth ; that its ovary is homogeneous and granular ; that the animal is always smaller than Hydatina senta ; and that among the eggs of this last-named species, those developing into embryo Enteroplea were intermixed. Now each and all these differential, and some of them very exceptional characters, are at once inter- preted by assuming Enteroplea to be a male animal. Indeed, in no female perfect Eotifer are the jaws wanting, and even in very young specimens the ovary is not homogeneous, but contains many germinal vesicles or spaces. A reference to Dujardin's description and engravings adds additional weight to this opinion. This supposition has been confirmed, both by Leydig himself Mutter's Archiv, 1857, p. 404, and A. N. H. 1857), and by Cohn (Zeitschr. 1855, p. 451), and we would refer the reader to their memoirs for an ex- tended description of this male being. By these researches, the testicle and its contained spermatozoa, together with a male projectUe organ, the absence of a digestive apparatus, and other sexual peculiarities, have been satisfactorily made out. In the ease of Notommata granulans, the arguments for its male character are, the absence of the maxillae, and probably of the ovary also — for neither Ehrenberg nor Weisse could satisfactorily make out the existence of the latter, — and, further, the presence, as the Berlin Professor points out, of two sorts of eggs upon Notommata Bracliionus, the smaller of which bring forth individuals of the supposed different species, Notommata granularis. The evidence for the male nature of Diglena gramdaris (Weisse) is its constant occiu-rence in company with D. Catellina, and the production of two sorts of eggs by the latter, the smaller of which give bu-th to embrj'^os wanting the dental appai'atus. Such imperfect beings as the Diglena gramt- laris and the Notommata gramdaris were explained by Weisse to be immature or premature embryos. " It is truly interesting," says Leydig, " that Weisse at the time he -wrote perfectly ignorant of male Rotifera, should arrive at the conclusion that Notommata gramdaris, Diglena gramdaris, and Enteroplea Hydatina were not distinct species, but the incomplete and toothless yoimo- of the several species, Notommata Bracliionus, Diglena Catellina, and Hydatina senta." It is added in a note—" Under the name Notommata gramdaris may Avell be associated together the veiy similar males as well of Notommata Bra- chionus, as also of B. urccolaiis and B. Pala." A few notes in illustration may be added from Cohn's account of the male of Bracliionus urceolaris (Zeitschr. 1855, p. 471). This is much smaller and more active than the females. Its rotary apparatus forms a wide ciliated rim ; but its cilia arc not tiuTicd inwards and downwards, as in the females, to enter the mouth, for no such orifice exists : hence there is no maxillary head, no intestmo, and no gastric glands. In the place of those organs lies a large pyriform 'saccidar testicle, as much as y^th of an inch in longth, incompletely filled with fine dark corpuscles, wliich, when mature, acquii-e the characteristic fio-ure and swarmmg movements of spermatozoa. The wall of the testicle is ex^'cossivclv thick, perhaps muscular, and is extended upwards into a thick cylindi'ical band which appears to serve as a medium of attachment to fix the gland above to the region of the cephalic disk. At its posterior end, the testis presents a close longitudinal stnation, and is perforated by an aperture which opens into a wide canal ending in the penis. This last-named organ has the aspect of a 456 GENIillAL mSTOEY OF THE INFUSOfilA. short tube, which, as a rule, lies free upon the foot, and extends neaiiy to its extremity. Its inner canal, and its external border, exhibit vibratile action. The foot is transversely wiinkled, and ends in two small toes. About the oiigin of the penis fi'om the testicle are two club-shaped glands which pour their secretion into the canal ; and noar them is the contractile vesicle, giving oif its respii'atory canal on each side, with the usual tag-Kke appendages. Several spherical cell-looking bodies occiu- about the head, vnth. the largest of which the eye-specks are in connexion, and which may therefore be con- sidered the cerebral ganglion. Upon the testis, near its lower end, two or three vesicles are placed, filled with dark granules, resembling those seen in Etitercyplea Hydatina, and of which we cannot predicate further than that they are not of the nature of ui'inaiy concretions (as Leydig imagined), but in some way belong to the sexual apparatus, or else are uncoasumed cells of the yelk-mass. The tubular or band-Uke prolongation from the upper extremity of the testicle, noticed by Cohn, and considered by him a " snspensor testis," repre- sents, in Leydig's opinion, rather the rudiment of the undeveloped alimentary tube. This author Ukewise denies Cohn's statement that the walls of the testis are thick and muscular, asserting that they consist of a thin membrane. The spe^^matozoa, i. e. the fecundating male particles, have been desciibed by Mx. Dalrymple, Gosse, and Leydig. We borrow the description of the latter as the more recent : — " The testicle (XXXVII. 29 c) of Notommata Sieboldii is at once seen to be more or less completely filled with spermatozoa, arranged about the excretory duct in a radiating manner; when not too much compressed, they move about within the testis. On isolating by slight pres- sure the contents of the organ, may be noticed, 1, large round vesicles, in which, by a stronger magnifying power, two, or probably more, hyaline nuclei with nucleoli, entirely occupjong the space, may be distinguished (XXXYII. 30 e) ; 2, somewhat larger ceU-formed elements, disposed in a radiating manner about a centre, and larger towards one side (XXXVII. 30 c) — at the rounded extremity a clear nucleus, with a nuclear coi-puscle, is always placed; 3, elongated, mostly falcate or ciu-ved structures, which have the before-mentioned nuclei in their iaterior, and on one mai-gin are expanded into an evidently imdiilating membrane (XXXVII. 30 a, b, d). They move about, and swim hither and thither, in such a manner that they remind one not a little of many Infusoria, having a clear shai-ply-defined eontom- and a rod- like figure, with a slight enlargement at the middle. It is these bodies which lie around the commencement of the excrctoiy duct, and give rise to the apparent striation above alluded to." In Hydatina senta the spermatozoa are likewise of two forms, and are noticed sometimes to have a swarming movement even within the testis. Leydig has been imable to satisfy himself whether the stave- or rod-like vai-icty (XXXVII. 30/) is to be considered the ripest of the spermatozoa, and derived from one of the other forms, or whether there are two sorts of spermatozoa in Notommata Sieboldii, as there are in Paludim vivlpara, one of the MoUusca. Perty states briefly and generally, of the spermatozoa of Rotatoria, that they have a broad-oval refracting body, and a tail-like appendage. The spermatozoa liave been seen within the abdominal cavity of not a few female Rotifera, fi'eely moving about wthin it. For instance, it ha.s been witnessed in Brachionus, ConocMlus, Lacimdaria, Megahtrocha, and Hyda- tina. It is not known how they reach this cavity, since the cloaca into which they are normally received is a closed sac. Cohn imagines they may enter through some aperture in the integument as yet unnoticed ; it is, how- OF TJir, ROIATOlUA, 457 ever, more conceivable that they may pass from the cloaca into the respiratory tubes, and escape into the general cavity through the vibratile tags— supposing these last to terminate by open mouths. On the other hand, it is just possi- ble that some supposed examples of the presence of spermatozoa within the abdominal cavity, have rather been instances of parasitic beings (Entozoa) in the interior. Thus, in Hydatina senta, Leydig describes the interior occupied by many numerous active animalcules, which ho refers to the genus Astasia. The minute male beings just considered are brought into existence for the sole purpose of fertilizing the ova of the larger and highly-organized female animals. In relation to the females, they may be looked upon as little other than parasites ; they are even deficient m organs necessary to carry on their own existence : the one pxu'pose of impregnating the opposite sex being fulfilled, theii- career is ended ; and this career is so brief, that the complicated apparatus otherwise required to nom-ish and sustain the beings can be dis- pensed with. The early history of the male Eotifer is that of the female. The evolution of the ovum from the ovary, and the changes transpiring in the contents of the egg irntU the several organs become distinguishable, ai'e identical in the two. The following particulars from Cohn's paper {Zeitsclir. 1855, p. 471) ■will serve for illustration. The males of BracMonus urceolnris are developed from smaller eggs than the females, and which are adherent in large number at the same time to the parent-animal. These eggs are very spherical, and reach -g-J-y th of an inch in length and -s-g^^th in diameter. Theii' shell is more delicate, the contents clearer and much more transparent, from containing fewer granules, and of a pale- yellow hue, whilst the usual summer eggs are dusky gTey. Even when matru'e, this greater transparency and absence of colour persist. Fission proceeds in the same way as in the female ova ; and after it has been many times repeated, the different organs of the embryo begin to make their appearance, — the red eye-specks being among the first. However, unlike what happens in the female ova, no signs of the maxillary apparatus come into view, but two or three dark heaps of granules which are not seen in those. When mature, the embryo springs from the shell through a trans- verse niptiire, and is then seen to have a totally different figure from the female beings, and at least three times smaller. When completely extended, it measui'cs only between -aYrth and y^th of an inch in length, and ^ i^^th to -g-l-fj-th in width, and is observed at the first glance to be destitute of" the firm integument or shield of the female animals, and to have a short-cylin- drical figure, prolonged anteriorly in the fonn of a short head separated by a constriction from the body. The foot is short and tubular, the head croAvned by a flattened disk expanded into a wide mai-gin, which is clothed with Ion"- vibratile cUia and a few non-vibratile bi-istles. Their movements arc extra- ordinarily energetic. The same female may lay in succession several male ova. According to Leydig, both male and female ova are not generated at the same time. The small size and relatively incomplete organization of the male Rotifera is a circumstance not pecuUar to the class; the like is seen in the imperfect " imago" of many Insects, destined only to a sexual purpose, in the para- site-like males of Lernaa, in the miniature and incomplete males of Daph- niadce, and in the equally inferior male representatives of Folynoe, E.vo(ione and of the Nematoda generaUy, among Vermes. Leydig, moreover, iinds an analogous fact m the Siphonophora, in which he assumes the so-called genital capsules, distributed every^vhere in the aggregate mass of animals, to liave'a male character, and shows this opinion is in harmony A\dth the views nut forward by Leiickart respecting them. ^ 458 GENEHAI, HISTOEY OF THE INFTJSOUIA. Mr. Gosse's conclusion {Phil. Trans. 1857, p. 322) is, that " a distinction of sex is the normal condition of the class, or at least of that group which is most typical, viz. such as have articulated mallei working upon a separate ai'ticulated incus. Whether the same rule prevails so generally in those which have the mallei and incus fused together into quadrantic masses, and in those in which the organs exist in a rudimentary condition, is a question yet to be determined. As these are certainly the lowest forms of their class, it is pos- sible that hennaphi-oditism may be found in them — in the Phihdinadoe, for instance." The summary of the facts as yet ascertained, concerning male Rotatoria, will form a valuable addendum to our account : — " The most prominent thing that strikes us is the absolute and universal atrophy (so to speak) of the digestive system in male Rotifera. Another curious peculiarity is the dissimilarity that always exists between the sexes. In Asplanchna and Hydatina the resemblance is at its highest point ; in every other instance observed, the sexes are so unlike, that they would be taken for widely-remote genera. The male is always inferior in size, and also in organization, to the female. "Whether certain individuals produce only male, and others only female young, or whether separate impregnations are required for the production of the separate sexes, I do not Icnow ; but from all my observations I gather that the development of the one sex never takes place coetaneously with that of the other ; for male and female eggs are never seen attached to the same parent, and the immature eggs in the ovary invariably develope themselves into the same sex as those which are already extruded. " The duration of life in the male is always very brief. I have never been able to presei-ve one alive for twenty-four hours. Their one business is to impregnate the females, which is the work of a few minutes, probably, in a state of freedom ; and for this momentary occupation no supply of loss, by assimilation of food, is wanted ; and hence we can understand the lack of the nutritive organism. " Some organs are found, with greater or less distinctness, in all. The (presumed) male of Hydatina senta received its names of Enteroplm and Organ-Jisch from Ehrenberg on account of the copiousness of its internal organization. A muscular system is well developed there, and in the msiles of Asplanchna and of Brachionm Miilleri ; and, from the varied movements of all, its existence may be inferred where it is not detected. The frontal cilia are, in almost all cases, much more developed than in the females ; the result of which endowment is seen in the excessive rapidity with which the male shoots in all directions through the water. The great head-mass of granular substance is generally distinct ; and in several cases (as in the As- planchnce and in Brachionus Dorcas and Br. Miilleri) the great occipital gan- glion is weU-defined, with the red eye seated on it as in the other sex. Even where the ganglion is not apparent, the eye is conspicuous, with the exception of Sacculus and Polyarthra ; and in this last instance the small size of the animal must be borne in mind, and the density of the anterior parts. " In the (presumed) male of Hydatina, in those of all the Asplanchnfe, and of Brachionus Dorcas, there are organs answering to the lateral convohitcd threads of the female ; and, in Asplanchna Brighttvellii at least, these are accompanied by tremulous tags, and by a contractile bladder. " A large mass of substance which, being perfectly opaque, appears black by transmitted light, but is wliite when tlie rays are reflected, is so generally found in male Rotifcra as to be characteristic, though it is not universally present. I do not find it in the As^^lanchna:, nor in Sacmhis. On the other OF THE HOTATOEIA. 459 hand, I have obsei-ved it in the young of Stephanoceros, Floscularia compla- nata, and F. cornuta ; and Ehi-enberg mentions it in F. ornata and Ladnu- kiria. In Stephanoceros, it was certainly associated with well-developed jaws ; and hence I presume it is not exclusively an indication of the male sex. The mass is sometimes broken up into fragments, of irregular size and shape, and sometimes apparently pulverulent. In general, it appears to lie loosely in the midst of the granular amorphous matter that occupies the pos- terior region of the body-cavity ; but in BracMonus Pala, and especially in Br. amphiceros, I have fancied that I discerned traces of a vesicle, within which the white substance seems to be contained. " On the nature of this substance I have no light from personal research. Dr. Leydig, however, considers it to be a urinary concretion {Harnconcre- mente), analogous to the chalky fluid which is (fischarged by many insects immediately after their evolution from pupae. " In the male oi Asplanchna Brightwellii, there is, as its discoverer observes, ' a conspicuous round sperm-vessel, or testis, in which .... spermatozoa in active vibratile motion may be seen.' Mr. Dabymple, and subsequently myself, also saw these, both within the sac and discharged by pressure. Each spermatozoon, according to my own observation, consists of an oblong body, J ^1- qth of an inch long, and an abnipt, slender, vibratile tail of equal length. In the sperm-sac of A. Sieboldii, Dr. Leydig finds various seminal elements, viz. round cells ; pyriform cells, drawn out to a fine point, and ad- hering to each other by their rounded ends in a stellate manner ; oblong bodies, with one side dilated into a free, undulating, membranous border ; and slender, stiff, rod-like bodies, with a central swelling ; all containing nucleated nuclei. On the male of A. priodonta, my observations were too limited to determine more than the existence of the globular sperm-sac. " In BracMonus rubens and Br. Mulleri I found spermatozoa, which I have above described. In the latter, the sperm-bag is of great size, and contains, besides the spermatozoa of imusual development, slender spiculiform bodies, which may be the equivalents of the little rods described by Dr. Leydig in Aspl. Sieboldii. The sperm-bag (in Br. Mulleri) is closed posteriorly, as it is also in Asp. Brightiuellii, by what appears to be a true sphincter ; and such I conjecture to be the explanation of those diverging lines which M. Dujardin saw in Enteroplea (so-called), which he considered to be pedi- cles of his ' touffes de (^ranides,' while the ' touffes ' themselves I take to have been the masses of urinary concrement. Dr. Leydig, however con- siders the whole to have been masses of spermatozoids. ' " The outlet of the sperm-bag is, in all cases, by a thick protrusile and retractile penis. Wherever a foot exists, this intromittent organ is continu- ously united to its dorsal side, and is often so gi-eatly developed that the foot itself appears as an appendage. The protrusion of the organ, at least in most of the examples that I have noticed, is by the eversion of the integuments. When these arc evolved to the utmost, the organ is seen to be a thick column, conical or nearly cylindiicaJ., with the extremity tnmcato, and sur- rounded by a wreath of vibratile cilia. It was doubtless the extremity of the penis that M. Dujardin saw as ' iin onjane cilie entrc les mmcles de la queue,' m the (so-caUed) Enteroplea. The male of Saccidus viridis, a species which IS footless m both the sexes, is the only example in which I have not seen the penis ; but the organ is probably wholly retractile Avithin the body and my observations, on the only incUvidual of this sex that I saw, were in- sufficient to determine anything concerning it." That male Rotatoria have been recognized in comparatively few species admits of several explanations. The smaller size and comparative rarity of 400 GENEHAL HISTOEV OF THE INFUBOIUA . the males ; theii- dissimilarity of figui-e to that of the females, which, cou])le(i with imperfect examinations or misconcei^tion of their interior organization, would readily lead to their- institution as new species or genera ; the influ- ence of the prevalent hypothesis of a hermaphrodite nature, and the conse- quent exclusive search for male organs in the perfect female forms, in which, too, the uncertainty appertaining to the purpose of several ai)preciahle tissues or organs would tend still further to lead astray ; the short existence of the males, and even that brief Life hmited, it would seem, to a pai-ticular period of the year, the early spring, when such creatures are less sought after ; each and all these axe circumstances which have caused the male Eotatoria to be overlooked, and continue to do so. However, the non-recognition of the male animals occurs not only in the case of the Rotatoria, but also of other classes of animals, even more highly organized and so lai-ge as to be capable of examination without the aid of the microscope. Among minuter organisms in which an uncertainty prevails, may be mentioned the Daph- niadce and other Entomostraca, among the majority of genera of which the males are still undetected, nevertheless the bisexual character of the class is admitted. The comparative rarity of male Eotatoria admits of an interpretation de- rived from analogy. It is a well-recognized fact, that in several classes of Invertebrata (for example, in Daphniadce and, among Insecta, in the genus Aphis) several generations succeed one another without the concurrence of a male animal in their production, — a phenomenon well named by Prof. Owen, Parthenogenesis or Virgin-generation. Now it clearly appears that one contact with a male Rotifer may suffice for the fertilization of all the germinal cells in any female ovary, and be followed by their successive de- velopment. To use the language of Prof. Owen, the spermatic force once applied suffices for the impregnation of a multitude of ova, or, in fact, of the whole ovary ; and the fact quoted, of Apliides developed by the immediate action of the spermatic force being in theii- tiu-ns capable of reproducing others by gemmation without a renewal of that force, warrants the supposi- tion that an analogous phenomenon may exist in the Eotatoria. This analogy is strengthened by Mr. Huxley's interpretation of the natiu-e and puiijose of " winter " ova, Avhich he believes to be the instmments of an asexual repro- duction. A portion of the ovary seems to be modified and extruded, and sub- sequently to generate a couple of embryos. On the other hand, in the Aphides an internal geiminal mass remains within the body, and a portion of it ap- pears to be abstracted by each successive indi\ddual produced, until at length the spermatic force is exhausted. This internal germinal or reproductive body, the instrument of an asexiuil generation in the Aphides, is then surely homo- logous with the extmded external generative bodies, or "ephippial ova," of Eo- tatoria. Such an asexual reproduction implies a fewness of male beings com- pared with the multitude of young which must be developed by the generative processes. Again, the male Eotatoria are not only developed in smaller numbers than the female, but their whole term of existence is very brief, only long enough to fulfil their generative purpose ; and, lastly, they arc to be found only at particular seasons, mostly in tlie spring. Another obvious reason for the scarcity of male Eotifcra suggests itself, viz. that the social institutions of the class may not be on the monogamous model, but that one little active male may divide his favours among a whole harem of fcmiJes before he completes his brief ciu-ecr. However this may be, to discover the male of any one species, continuous obsen-ation is needed, particularly at certain times of the year ; and it must be confessed that but few Eotatoria have hitherto had their histoiy fidly investigated. In most OF THE ROTATORIA. 461 cases, the examination of a species has been casually undertaken ; the attention has been dii-ected to it only by some accidental circumstances, and this only on some one occasion. We cannot, therefore,wonder that therarely-occiirring males have not often been encountered. But the most satisfactory means of deter- mining the existence and characters of the males of any species of Eotatoria have latterly been fiimishod by the careful descriptions of the special cha- racteristics of male ova, whereby they can be distinguished even before leaving the oviduct, and their developmental histoiy traced foi-wards until their ma- turity. We may mention that Mr. HaUett, formerly demonstrator of anatomy in the University of Edinbiu'gh, and subsequently a student in anatomy at the College of Surgeons, London, directed his special attention for many years to the Eotatoria, and especially to the detection of the male individuals ; and although his early death has deprived naturalists of the published results of his researches, yet, from repeated verbal commimication, we can state that he had arrived at the discovery of the male beings of the majority of the Rotatoria. Doubtful Male Organs. — Many natiu-alists are unprepai'ed to admit bi- sexuality to be the universal rule in Rotatoria ; and several eminent obsei-vers are disposed to consider certain organs in female animals to be of a male sexual character. Prof. Williamson, in his history of Melicerta, says — " I have sought in vain for any organ to which the fimctions of a spermatic gland can be indis- putably assigned. Immediately beneath the lower stomach and the conti- guous oviduct, there is an elongated pyramidal organ, apparently hoUow, the thick extremity of which is directed towards the ovaiy, and its opposite at- tenuated portion passes upwards toAvards the cloaca, between the oviduct and the general integiunent. Into the thick inferior extremity of this organ, there are inserted, exactly opposite to each other, two long-cylindiical ap- pendages, which diverge, and, passing on each side of the alimentary canal, proceed towards the upper part of the body, where their extremities are not easily traced. Li but one instance I observed them to terminate in a series of irregular convolutions near the base of the two tentacles. Though not yet capable of demonstration, it appears probable that this eimous appendage may be a filamentous spermatic tube resembling those found in many Arti- culata. That they are tubes, and not muscular bands, appears unquestionable ; and as they have obviously a dii-ect connexion with the cloaca, they mio-ht easily discharge a fertilizing secretion into that common excretory canal, from which it Avoiild find its way to the ovary through the oviduct " (p. 432) Now it is to be remarked that Mr. Williamson states he could discover "no special organs of circulation or respiration, no vessels or pul'satino- organs," and that the two tubes he has referred to as being possibly sper- matic ducts are the homologues of similar ones in other Rotifera, to which Ehrcnberg has assigned fertilizing fimctions. Fm-ther on he observes— " The singular bodies resembling spermatozoa exist in various parts of the organism, where they are apparently enclosed mthin hoUow canals. I have never seen them occupying the two main trunks of the ' water-vascular system ' or cajca ; nor can I succeed in tracing any connexion between them In several cases I have seen one or two of these curious bodies opposite the centre of the upper stomach, very near to, but independent of, tiie main crecal canal, and at some distance below tiie point where the latter probablv sub (hyides into branches. Near tiie neck there are usually from two to three pairs. Their vibratile motion ceases the moment tiic animal is killed bv pressure. This fact does not countenance the idea that they are sponnnto7oa " 462 GENEKAL HISTOEY OF THE INFUSOEIA. From the above remarks and statements, it seems to as quite clear that the pyramidal sac opening into the cloaca, and its upwardly-prolonged canals referred to, are nothing more than the " water-vascular system " of the Me- licerta, and that more or fewer of the observed vibratile bodies are, in fact, the cUiated tremulous tags. Had the pyramidal sac represented a testicle, spermatozoa ought to have been seen within it ; for these particles are readily cognizable by their size, figure, and movements. Prof. Huxley having failed to find a male among some scores of female Lacinularice, or a single ordinary spennatozoon, is disposed to recognize the male sexual element in some singular bodies met with in many individuals he examined. These bodies " answered precisely to KolHker's description of the spermatozoa " of Megalotroclia. They had a pyramidal head about ^ o'o(,th of an inch in diameter, by which they were attached to the parietes of the body, and an appendage four times as long, which underwent the most ex- traordinary contortions, — resembling, however, a vibrating membrane much more than the tail of a spermatozoon, as the undulating motion appeared to take place on only one side of the appendage, which was zigzagged, while the other remained smooth. "According to KoUiker, again, these bodies are found only in those animals which possess ova undergoing the process of yelk-division, while I found them as fi'eqiiently in those young forms which had not yet developed ova, but only possessed an ovary. " Are these bodies spermatozoa ? Against this view we have the imques- tionable separation of the sexes in Notommata, and the very great difference between them and the spermatozoa of Notommata. Neither the mode of de- velopment, nor the changes undergone by the ovum, afford any certain test that it requires or has suffered fecundation, inasmuch as the process closely resembles the original development of the Aphides. " In the view that KoUiker' s bodies are true spermatozoa, it might be said, 1. That the sexes are united in most Distomata, for instance, and separated in species closely allied (e. g. D. Okenii). 2. That the differences between these bodies and the spermatozoa of Notommata, is not greater than the dif- ference between those of Tritons and those of Bana. 3. That their develop- ment from nucleated cells within the body of Megalotrocha (according to KoUiker) is strong evidence as to their having some function to perform ; and it is difficult to imagine what that can be if it be not that of spermatozoa. However, it seems to me impossible to come to any definite conclusion upon the subject at present." In Melicerta, Prof. Huxley notes having met with " an oval sac lying below the ovary, and containing a number of strongly-refracting particles, closely resembling in size and foi-m the heads of the spermatozoa of Lacinularia." These views of Mr. Huxley are of no value in deciding the question ; they rest on a supposed simUarity between the bodies discovered and those which KolUker believed to be spermatozoa in Megalatroclia, — an opinion not incon- trovertible. On the other hand, their spermatozoid nature is discountenanced by their simUarity (which, indeed, Huxley remarks) to undoubted sperma- tozoa of Rotifera. In a new species of Melicerta discovered by Prof. BaUey in America, that accurate observer found that pressure between two plates of glass liberated vast numbers of spermatozoa ; but he was unable to ascertain from what organ in the animal they were set free. The observation, however, is im- portant as indicating the existence of true male organs in Melicerta of a very different character from those suggested by various observers as having pos- sibly fecundating functions. Respecting these questionable male elements, Leydig has the following 01' THE ROTATORIA. 463 remarks, premising that the detection of spermatic particles in one species furnishes u criterion in pronouncing upon the signification of some other bodies : — " I have heretofore mentioned my idea that the hairy corpuscles of Lacimdaria (occupying the general cavity of the body, and impelled hither and thither by its movements) are seminal particles : although this is still questionable, yet these presumed parasites of Lacinularia must, I believe, be still rather looked upon as unequivocal spermatozoids. The form and strac- ture, moreover, of the bodies figiu-ed by Huxley, and doubtfully called by him spermatozoa, have an evident affinity vdth the seminal elements of No- tommata Sieholdii. It also seems to me probable that the spermatozoids portrayed by KoEiker in Megalotrocha are reaUy such, and that the animals in which they ai-e found should be esteemed as previously impregnated females. I moreover consider that the illustrations furnished by Ehrenberg of Conochilus volvox, show an individual with two spermatozoa; and the account referring to it, in which he says ' I lately saw oscillating, very pe- culiar, gill-like organs, in the form of two spiraUy-twisted bands, at the pos- terior extremity of the body,' also speaks in favour of this signification. The entire delineation of these ' spiral gills ' might replace very well that of the peculiar seminal elements with undulating membranes." Afterwards, when speaking of the parasites of Eotatoria, Leydig observes that having formerly eiToneously described the seminal corpuscles of Lacinu- laria as parasites, he must now, on the other hand, class the once-presumed spermatic particles with parasitic organisms. In the course of subsequent researches on Hydatina senta (MiiUer's Archiv, 1857, p. 104), Leydig has discovered the same sort of structures in that ani- mal. He writes — " They are globular bodies with sharp outlines ; and their margin looks as if clothed with fine hairs. Towards the end of March, the entire abdominal cavity was in many specimens so filled with them that the animals presented a white appearance by reflected light ; yet the animals so affected swarm about just as briskly as the others." This repletion with such particles appears to us to intimate that they cannot be spermatozoa, either generated within the beings themselves or received from without from male animals. Indeed then- occurrence within the abdomen of Hydatina senta is of itself an argument against their being spermatozoa derived from a male gland within, inasmuch as this species is proved to be impregnated by its own male partner, formerly known as the Enteroplea Hydatina. The ques- tion presents itself, whether they can be derivable from the food, as products of digestion or chyle-globules. ' The search for male Eotatoria has led the occasional connexion of two in- dividuals to be noticed, and to be explaiaed as of a sexual character. Perty noticed two individuals of Cohcrus uncinatus, and two of Lepadella ovalis, in union. But such connexions may rather be considered accidental ; for Perty re- marked a Colurus so attached to Lepadella, and a CJmtonotus Larus to Lepadella ovalis Cohn has had his attention directed to the same circumstance, and remarks that two Eotatona of the same or even of a different species are very often to be seen attached together, sometimes by the back, at others bv the abdomen at others by the pseudopodium, and to swim about together for a length of time. This he has seen in Dujlena, Colurus, and LepadelU ; it ha^ however, no connexion with the reproductive function. Of the Duration and Conditions of Life of the Eotatoria, and of their Habitats and DiSTRiBijTioN.-It is next to impossible to determine, by direct obsei-vation the duration of life among the Eotatoria when placed under natural and favourable conditions. Many may well be supposed to survive from their birth m the spring untU the M^nter, and not a few even through 464 GENEEAL HISTORY OF THE INFUSOHIA. this season until some future period, since observations prove their power of assuming a torpid condition when existing circumstances are unfavourable to the full exercise of life. It has been noticed by Ehrenberg, of some Rota- toria living, so to speak, in confinement, or ia a limited quantity of water under examination, that when the weather was warm and nourishment abundant, life was prolonged to 18 or 20 days and more ; and Mr. Gosse also speaks of a Melicerta which lived in confinement for 14 days. The conditions of life, or the causes affecting the vitaUty of Rotifera favourably or unfavourably, are in some respects very remarkable, as an ap- peal to their habitats alone would abundantly illustrate. It is during the height of summer that the Rotifera are multiplied most abimdantly ; but when the cold frosty nights of autumn supervene, their numbers undergo a rapid reduction. However, often during the most beauti- ful pai-ts of the year, as Perty remarks, a sudden decrease wiU occur. " Two kinds of disease," writes Ehrenberg, " destroy the Hydatina and most of the Rotatoria : 1, the formation of vesicles, which give rise to the appearance of small rings aU over the creatm-e ; and, 2, the formation of granules which so penetrate the internal organs that these seem composed of them, and have a shagreen appearance." The first condition has been noted by Weisse, who regards the apparent vesicles as parasitic organisms. the Rotatoria also suffer fi-om the overgTOwth upon their suiface of Algae and of parasitic animals. Protozoa and the like, and are at length destroyed thereby. Foul or decomposing water is incompatible with their existence, as are some chemical mixtures, whilst to others they seem indifferent. Thus Hydatinm have been fed with rhubarb and indigo in powder without sensible effect, and neither calomel nor corrosive sublimate kills them ; at least, they live for some time after these substances have been mixed with the water. Strychnia causes instant death. The deprival or the want of renewal of aii- in water inhabited by Rotifera causes their destruction, for example, when collected in abottle for examination, the cork being allowed to remain too long. In like manner the exclusion of air by a pellicle of oil on the surface of the water, or the withdrawal of air by means of an air pump, speedily destroys the Rotatorial inhabitants. Ehren- berg affirms that they exist much longer in an atmosphere of nitrogen than in one of carbonic acid or of hydi-ogen, and that the vapom- of sulphui- speedily puts an end to their existence. Still a very imperfect renewal of air seems, at least in some instances, to suffice — as in the case of the Rotifer vulgaris and 11. jjarasita, which have been seen within the sphei-es of Volvo.v and in the cells of aquatic plants (the Vaucheria clavata.) Perty likewise mentions the Notommata Werneckii as inhabiting the Vauchei'ia ccespitosa ; and Albertia vermicularis is parasitic within the intestine of earth-worms and slugs. In all these instances life is compatible with a very slight renewal of atmospheric air, or, in fact, is sup- ported amid the gases generated within these organic beings and mixed witli their fluids. The evaporation of the water from around Rotifera, as when under exami- nation by the microscope, is a frequent cause of their destruction, by the breaking up of their soft parts. But there is a happy provision against such evil consequences ; for, so soon as the animal experiences the deficiency of water around it, it withdraws its tender wheel apparatus, and limits its ex- posed parts as much as possible, by retracting its pseudopodium and contract- ing itself into a l)aU-lilce fonn, so' that only the denser integument is exposed to the injurious influences, and the evaporation of water from the contained organs reduced to its minimum. OF THE ROTATORIA. 465 Indeed the Rotatoria, in part at least, have a remarkable power of preserv- ing their vitality, not only when left dry by ordinary evaporation, but also when thoroughly desiccated by the assistance of heat. Leuwenhoek and Spallanzani experimented on them, and announced the fact of their revivifi- cation on the addition of moisture, months and even years after their com- plete desiccation. Schrank, Bory St. Yincent, and Ehrenberg questioned the tmth of this statement, at least in its full acceptation ; and the writer last- named affirmed " that wherever these creatures ai-e completely desiccated, Ufe can never again be restored. In this respect the Eotifera exactly correspond with animals of a larger kind : like them, for a time they may continue in a lethargic and motionless condition; but, as is well known, there will be going on within them a consumption or wasting away of the body, equivalent to so much nourishment fi-om without as w^ould be needed for the sustentation of life." Neither the last statement nor those preceding it are correct ; MM. Schultze and Doyere have repeated and confirmed the experiments of the old observers ; and the latter authority concludes that Rotifera may be completely dried in pm'e sand ia the open air, and in a vacuum, without losiag the capability of being revived by moistiu-e. Many iadeed are sacrificed in the process ; but enough recover to demonstrate the possibility of the fact. This extraordinary power of resuscitation after drying explains the re- appearance of Rotatoria on the collection of water in shallow pools which have been entirely dried up by the hot sun of summer, and theu- con- stant presence in the diy debris of the roofs, and even of the interiors of houses. In their relation to temperature, also, the Rotatoria exhibit great tolerance. M. Doyere proved that when placed in water at fi'om 113° to 118°, they could afterwards be revived, but that when thrown suddenly into boiling- water (at 212°) they were at once killed. In the latter case, the sudden, heating is supposed to coagulate the albuminoid contents of the animals, and in that way to cause death, because individuals previously dried by a gradually raised heat of 216°, 252°, and even of 261°, were many of them still capable of being revived. On the other hand. Rotatoria can live in water at the freezing-point. They are to be foimd imder ice, and also within the hollow cavities of ice ; and Perty mentions a score of species which he met with in such localities. He also recounts meeting with individuals contracted in a more or less globular figure, preparatory, as he surmises, to a winter sleep or torpor. He fio-ui'es a Philodina erythrophthalma (XXXVIII. 4) in this condition, which is pre- cisely the same as that assumed when the animal is left dry ; and lie adds that when Scaridium loncjicaudimi assumes this state, it \\'ith'draws its head within its envelope and doubles its tail under the abdomen, just in the same way as a Podura. Ehrenberg doubtless refers to this same contracted con- dition in the account before quoted from him (p. 449-50) respecting the Rotifera found at great altitudes among snow, Avhich he described as havino- an ovate figure and enclosed in an egg-shaped envelope. Conochilus and LacinuJaria are examples of Rotifera living in aggregated masses. The former recalls, by its compound revolving spheres, the appear- ance of Vohox Globator, whilst the latter occurs in small transparent ielly- like balls adherent to the leaves of aquatic plants. ' ' At times the Rotatoria multiply so rapidly in small stagnant pools a.s to colour the water. Hi/datina ncnta, DUjlmn catelUnn, Triarthra, and Lepa- della are adduced by Elirenbei-g as producing a milky turi.idity in water and the Ti/phlina viridls a.s imparting a green colour. ' ' ' 2 a 466 GENEEAL HISTORY OF THE INFUSOEIA. The Synchceta Baltica has been presumed to be phosphorescent; and Anur(xa hiremis was discovered in phosphorescent sea-water. The Eotatoria are distributed everywhere over the surface of the earth, in- habiting its waters, both fresh and salt. Of the known species, by far the greater number are dwellers in fresh water, abounding ia pools, ditches, and gently-flowing sti-eams, especially where aquatic plants grow in sufficient quantity to afford shelter and indirectly supply food by the hosts of animal- cules which congregate on and about them. A too much overgrown or shaded piece of water is less favourable ; for they require a complete intermixture of air with the water, and the vivifying influence of the sun, for their healthy existence. Some species especially delight in the little turfy pools on moors or in boggy ground; others have been especially found in green-coloured ponds — the colour being due to Protozoa and minute Algse, which furnish them with suitable food. Some of the early observers sought these animalcules especially in infusions, very generally made with sage-leaves and chopped hay ; but the Rotifera are comparatively rare in infusions : a few common species only appear ; and unless the infusion be comparatively fresh, none will be found ; for they occur in no fluid in which decomposition is going forward. When they do exist in these infusions, they appear at a later period than do the Monadina and less highly organized iufusorial forms. The Imown salt-water species are comparatively few ; this is very possibly owing to their being much less sought after than the freshwater animals. The principal marine forms recognized are Brachionus MuUeri, B. heptatomus, and Synchceta Baltica. Distemma marina and Furcularia marina, Colunts uneinatus, G, caudatm, and Anurcea striata are encountered in both fresh and salt water : several are found in brackish water. Immersion in water is, however, not necessary to their existence : thus they are to be found in the damp earthy deposit from rain-water spouts, and in the detritus of the walls and roofs of houses ; in the moist himius or decaying vegetable matter about trees, and especially upon the moist roots and leaves of mosses and lichens — for example, among the tufts of Bryum and of Eyp- niim, from which they may be separated by washing with a little water. We have mentioned the peculiar habitat of Alhertia, within the intestine of the earth-worm, of which animal it may be accounted an entozoon ; the Notommata Parasitus also leads a parasitic existence within the hoUow spheres of Volvox Globator ; and M, Morren, many years since, gave the following interesting histoiy of the habitat of Rotifer vulgaris in the cells of Vauclieria clavata (A. N. H. vi. p. 344) : — " The labours of Keeper show that the cells of Sphagnum are sometimes furnished with openings, wliich place their interior cavity in communication with the air or water in which they are immersed. This skilful observer satisfied himself that, when circumstances are favourable, the Rotifer vulgaris, one of the Infusoria whose organization has been explained by the researches of Ehrenberg, exists in the cells of the Sphagnum obtusifoliiim. This grew in the air, in the middle of a turf-pit : but Keeper obseiTed its leaves in water ; ho does not mention whether the infusorial animal came from thenc«, or whether it was previously contained in the ca\ities of the cells. _ The general purport of the paper seems to imply that these Kotifers exist in the cells of that part of the plant which was exposed to the air ; and m this case, the presence of an animal so complicated, living as a parasite in the cells of a utricular aerial tissue, is a pha;noraenon of the most curious kind in the phy- siology of plants, and the more so as this animal is an aquatic one. " I recollected that, the last year of my residence in Flanders, I found at OF THE KOTATOBIA. 467 Evergliem, neai- Ghent, the Vaucheria clavata, in which I observed something similar. M. Unger had ah-eady published the foEo-ndng details respecting this plant in 1828 : ' Beneath the emptied tubercles and at several points of the principal stalk, at different angles, rather narrower branches are produced ; these branches are generally very long, and greatly exceed the principal stalk in length. At the end of ten or twelve days after their development, there are seen, towards one or other of theii' extremities, here and there, at different distances from the summit, protuberances of a clavate form, more or less regular, straight or slightly bent back ; and others on the sides of the stalk, which have the form of a capsule or vesicle. These vesicles are at first of a uniform bright-green colour ; and without increase of size, which exceeds several times that of the branches, they always become of a blacldsh-green colom-, darker towards the base ; and then one or two globules of a reddish- brown may be clearly distinguished there, often surromded by smaller gra- nides, evidently destitute of motion, whilst the great ones move spontaneously and slowly here and there in the interior of the capsule, by unequal contrac- tions and dilatations, whence arise remarkable changes of form. I saw these globules, at the end of eight or ten days after their appearance, stUl enclosed in the capsule, moving more and more slowly, receiving no very decided in- crease, whilst the base of the capsule became more transparent ; at last I observed that, instead of their expulsion, which I was watching for, the extremity of the capsule at the end of some days took an angular form, and subsequently gave bii'th to two expansions in the form of horns ; it remained in this state and became more and more pale, whilst the animalcule became darker and died ; and afterwards it ended by perishing at the same time as the other parts of the Conferva.' " Subsequent researches have not succeeded in informing us what this animal might be, of which Unger spoke. As this author di'ew so much atten- tion to the spontaneous movements of the propagula of the Vauchenm, and as he admitted the passage from vegetable life — characterized, according to him, by immobility — to animal life, the principal criterion of which was motion, his animalcule was confounded with the propagula ; and no one, so far as I know, has returned to this very interesting subject. " When, therefore, I found the Vaucheria clavata at Everghem, I was as much siirprised as pleased to see the mobile body noticed by Unger better than he did. With the aid of a higher magnifying power, I found it easy to ascertain the true nature of the animal ; for it was not a propagulum, but a real animal, the Rotifer vulgaris, with its ciha imitating the wheel, its tan, - 2l 514 SYSTEMATIC HISTOEY OF THE INFUSOEIA. a reddish glinuuer ; possibly a contrac- tile vesicle ; moven^ents slow ; no con- tractions of figiu'e obsei-ved. Both ends furnished with delicately motile fila- ments, those on the anterior longer than those on the posterior extremity ; but still seen with diiliculty. In swiiii- ming it lies on the flat surface ; it also revolves on itslong axis. 1-15"' to 1-14"'. In water from Walldorf. FAMILY IV.— VOLVOCINA. (See p. 144.) (XIX. 32-69; XX. 22-47). This family deiives its name from the genus Volvox, and from the rolling motion with which the beautiful creatures belonging to it make their way through the water. They resemble the Monads in most particulars relating to their organization ; have an unvarying form, and, except a filament, no appendages ; vacuoles present. Whilst propagation by self-division is pro- ceeding, and the young are increasing in size, the surrounding envelope or lorica is observed to expand in a con-esponding degi-ee, but continues entire until its numerous occupants have come to matiuity, when it bursts and sets them at liberty. All the genera are provided with organs of locomotion, which consist, as •with the Monads and Cryptomonads, of a single or double very delicate fila- ment ; and hence it is that when they are clustered, the entire group appears to be ciliated, or beset with haii's. Besides granules, one or two round nuclei and a contractile sac are present. This family Ehrenberg disposed into ten genera — five furnished with a red stigma, situated at the anterior pai't of the body, and five without it. In the foi-mer, a sensitive system was presimied on the supposition of the red speck being an eye. The following is an analysis of the family : — f ( ( vibrating filament absent Lorica box-like < Tail J Lorica single ' | vibrating | absent ' I, filament present J J Gyges. Pandorina. \ Clusters tabulated or in plates Gonium. ^ Lorica double Syncryiita. Tail present Syiuu*a. u Self-division both equal and perfect (no internal globes) Self-di\'ision unequal (forming internal globes). j^TaU present Uroglena, filament single . . . Eudorina. filament double . . . Qilamydomonas. Filament single Sphjcrosira. Tail absent Filament double Volvox. The above account, derived from Ehrcnberg's work, affords a veiyjmpcrfoet conception of the Volvocina, especially of their stnictui-al characteristics as a family, — a defect wc have endcavom-ed to supply in the chapter on^tlieir general history (p. 144). Moreover, as there noticed, these beings are numbered by the majority of natui-alists, at the present day, among plants, although a respectable minority, among whom are Thiu-ct and Lachmann, incline to the opinion that they are for the most part animals, as Ehrenberg represented. Thui-et expressed this opinion now several years since, when the physiology of the simplest vegetable organisms was imperfectly imder- OF THE VOLVOCrNA. 515 stood, and supported it on the fact that an act of germination, similar to that seen among the spores of the lower Algfe, was never witnessed among the Yolvocina. This absence of a supposed vegetable characteristic, more recent reseai-ches appear clearly to set aside as an ai-gument against the vegetable nature of a doubtful organism ; for in the whole cycle of life of many of the simplest, or so-called imicellular plants, an act of germination, as understood by Thui-et, never oeciu-s. Dujardin, when he published his work on Infusoria in 1841, admitted the Volvocina among animalcules, but proposed a different distribution of thieir genera to that put forward by Ehi-enberg. Thus, he transferred Oyges and Chlamydomonas, owing to their not being aggregated mthin a common envelope, to the Thecamonadina, and united Eudorina with Pandorina (XIX. 59-69), and Synura with Uroglena, because he could not regard the presence or absence of a red speck to be a generic characteristic. Further, he considered Synorypta a doubtful genus, and combined Sphcerosira with Pandonna. Although the present state of science proves that the appearance of a red speck or specks in a monadiform being is mostly a transitory phenomenon, associated with a certain condition or phase of existence, and that therefore the union of Eudorina with Pandorina, and of Synura with Uroglena, is a correct proceeding, yet Dujardin erred both in detaching Oyges and Chlamy- domonas (XIX. 16) from the Volvocina, and in considering SpTimrosira and Pandorina modifications of a common form. The relation of Chlamydomonas to the Volvocina has been well shown by Cohn, Braun, and others ; and Gyges itself might probably be dispensed with as a distinct genus, since there is good evidence to show that its species are simply stages of development of Chlamydococcus or Protococcus (XIX. 20-31), and of Chlamydomonas. Again, Spha'^'osira, instead of being a varied phase of Pandorina, is a member of the genus Volvox ; indeed Prof. Busk inchnes to the notion that it is merely a developmental stage of the common Volvox Globator {T. M. S. i. p. 39). Perty, however, advances as an argument for its independent nature, that it is com- mon about Bern, whilst Volvox Globator is not met with. This fact speaks at least for the specific independence of Sphoirosira, although its generic must be given up. Moreover, a genus Botryocystis was instituted by Kiitzing, of the independence of which, however, there is no good evidence. The con- dition ot Protococcus pluvialis (Cohn, Ray Soc. 1853, p. 559), when divided into sixteen segments, corresponds to the Botryocystis Monim. Fm-ther, the last- cited author in another treatise {EntwicJc. d. Mihroslcop. Alg. und PiJze, p. 209) treats Botryocystis as synonymous with Pandorina, and in this agrees "with Prof. Henfrey, who remarks {M. T. 1856, p. 51) that the form of Pandorina which produces the resting-spores, after losing its ciUa, is Kiitzing's Botryo- cystis Morum. Perty coins two new genera, called Synaphia and Hirmidium (XIX. 15). Cohn points out a natural division of the Volvocina into two sections, in the first of which, represented by CJilamydomonas and Chhmy- dococcus, the fission of each primordial cell is complete, and the products single and unicellular, whilst in the second section, including all the rest of the Volvocina, the cells formed by the fission of the parent primorchal cell con- tinue united in groups or clusters. The difference between the several genera obtains from the disposition of the produced cells ; and this, again, depends on the direction of the line of fission. Thus, in Stephxmosphmra (XIX. 38-52) the plane of fission is the meridian of the sphere ; in Oonium it occurs in two planes at right angles to each other, and in Vohox and its allies in three planes. If the Volvocina are referable to the vegetable kingdom, they consti tute a famUy of the order Palmellacete (Cliamacphycca;, A'.), among the Alefe Tlie separation of Syncrypfa from Oyges, and its independent generic ex- 2 r, 2 516 SYSTEMATIC niSTORY OF TUE INFUSOniA. istence, arc vciy questionable ; for the possession of a double loiica, attributed to Symnjpta by Ehrenberg, cannot serve as a generic distinction from Oyges, ■udth a single lorica, since Cohn has shown in Chlamydococcus that the pro- duction of a distinct, loosely investing, and apparently second covering, is one of the series of developmental phenomena in the selfsame being. The same statement is true of the so-called tail which is used to separate Synura from other allied forms ; for caudate beings make theii- appearance in the cycle of existence of non-caudate : thus a caudate variety of naked " zoospore " re- sembling a Bodo is represented by Cohn in his illustrations of the multiform phases of Protococcus. The presence of a mouth, and the constniction of the envelope with one side or end open, through which the animal can protnide itself at will, are statements now generally ignored. After excluding the iaadmissible and the very doubtful genera of this family of Ehi-enberg, there remain only Pandorina, Gonium, Chlamydomo- nas, and Volvox. To these, other naturalists add Ghlamydococcus (Braun), Gloeococcus (Braun), StephanospJuera (Cohn), and Stephonoma (Wemeck). Ehrenberg himself has added a new genus he names Trochogonium ; but, from the imperfect description given, it is not possible to decide accurately whether it is distinct from some of the genera instituted by other natm-alists. Genus GTGES. — Lorica of a simple box-like form (urceolus) ; eye-speck and ' tail ' absent ; filament doubtfully present ; the internal organization is little known. Two species are mentioned by Ehrenberg, both of a green colour and enclosed in a transparent lorica. Gyges Granulurn (Volvox Granulum, M.). — Oval, or nearly globular; con- tained granules of a darldsh green coloiu'. Amono-stLemnEeandConfervfB. 1-1150". According to Cohn (on Protococcus, p. 559) the encysted motile zoospore (xrx. 3l) of Protococcus ( Chlamydococcus) pluvialis is the same as this species Gyges Granulum; whilst the same zoospores di- vided into two must be regarded as the next species, Gyges hipartitus. G. hipnrtittis. — Crystalliae, gelatinous, and nearly spherical ; the superficies co- lom-less, but its granular contents yel- lowish green ; it is sometimes seen di- vided into two, at others as a simple sphere. Amongst Confervte. 1-480". G. sanguineus. — Oval, red, inclining to crimson, surroimded by a broad colom'- less ring representing the enveloping lorica. This species was discovered by Mr. Shuttleworth in the red snow which fell at the Grimsel in August 1839. Its motion is lively. Group 527 (xra.) shows several highly magnified. Found with Astasia nivalis and 3Ionas glimms, among the globules of Protococcus nivalis (Ed. Phil. Journ. v., xxix.). 1-1200" to 1 -300". This is probably only the ' stUl ' phase of CJdamydococcus pluvialis. M. Vogt gives a very singidar account of the mode of reproduction of this being. He says, " It gives off from se- veral parts of its body small transparent buds, apparently vesicular, and for tli« most part fiUed with granular matter. As they enlarge they become gradually detached ; sometimes two of equal size, of which one is red and loricated, the other colom-less, adhere by a very naiTow point of attachment, which subsequently gives wfiy, and the bud appeal's as an Infusory animal, like what Mr. Shuttle- worth has represented in his 7th and 8th figures, and which approaches Pandorina hyalina (Ehr.)." This account of the reproduction of this species of Gyges is so peculiar and exceptional, that the questions arise whether it reaUy is a member of this genus and family, and, if it be, whether the description is a correct interpretation of the facts obsei'ved. M. Vogt adds that Gyges sanguineus ought not only to be looked upon as the type of a new genus, but even of a now family, on accoimt of its very peculiar mode of reproduction. He lather de- scribes a new species : — G. Vogtii. — Globidar, containing in its interior from two to five individuals, enveloped by an apparently silicious lorica ; colour dark rea ; frequently found adherent and an-anged in tJie fonn of a cross, also often separate. " The small individuals, probably the young, were of a clear yellow hue. I could not ob- son-e the slightest motion in them." —On the Animalcules of the Eed Snow, Bihliofhhque Univ. de Geiibve, May 1841. OP THE VOLVOCINA. ' Genus PANDORINA (XIX. 59-69) (Part I. p. 157).— Destitute of eye- speck and tail, hut provided \vith a globular lorica and a slender filament. Dui-ing self-division the creature acquires the appearance of a mulbeny. Transparent vesicles occur in one species : two exhibit green, and a third colomiess granules. Dujardin esteems the presence of the red speck to be insufficient to distin- guish Eudorina as a genus distinct from Pandorina ; and most recent observers agree with him. It has been shown by Braun (Rejuvenescence, Ray Soc. 1853, pp. 169-209), as -well as by others, that Ehrenberg was in error in assigning a single fila- ment only to Pandorina, and no eye-speck — since two flabella extend from the more pointed extremity of the being, and close to their base is a brownish- red speck. Prof. Henfrey details (M. T. 1856, p. 49) the characteristics of Pandorina much more fully, and corrects the errors into which Ehrenberg fell. He assumes it to be a plant, and thus describes it : — " Pandorina. — Frond a mi- croscopic, ellipsoidal, gelatiaous mass, containing, imbedded near the peri- phery, sixteen or more biciliated, permanently active gonidia, arranged in several cii-cles perpendicular to the long axis of the frond. The gonidia, al- most globose, -with a short beak-Kke process, a red spot, and a pair of cilia ■which project through the substance of the frond to form locomotive organs upon its surface. Reproduction : 1. By the conversion of each gonidium into a new frond within the parent mass. 2. By the conversion of the go- nidia into encysted resting spores, which are set free, and (?) subsequently germinate to produce new fronds." The genus more closely resembles Ste- phanosphcera than any other of the family. Pandobina Morum (Volvox Morum, M.) (xix. 59-69). — Body simple or mid- tipartite, enclosed within a simple lorica. Colour gi'een ; filament twice as long as the body. In water with Lemnse and Confervse. Size of individual 1-1150", cluster 1-120". Some individuals broken from the cluster by Ehrenberg have not been above one-thu'd the former mea- sm'ement. P. Morum is much more satisfactorily and correctly described by Mr. Henfrey, thus: — "Fronds hyaline, from about 1-80" downwards. Gonidia either 16, and then arranged into circles of 4; or 32, and then in 5 circles — 2 at the poles, of 4, and the intenuediate 3 of 8 gonidia ; which, in the perfect form, stand near the periphery, and wide apart. In the fonns which produce the resting-spores, the gonidia are crowded together m the centi'e. The gonidia are green ; but the contents of the restiag-spores, after they have become encysted, are converted mto oily and gr-anular matter of a bright red colour." P. hyalina.— Form globular. In the Nile with Confervse, and is a doubtful species. 1-5760". Genus GONIUM (XIX. 32-37; Part I. p. 152).— Deficient both of eye- speck and tail ; lorica simple ; in the process of self-division, form rcndar four- cornered tablets or plates. The lorica (a lacerna) of each individual (as' is seen after its separation) is nearly roimd ; and the organism can cast it oft' and form it anew. In one of the species ((?. Pectorale), two vibratoiy filaments are placed at the mouth as organs of locomotion, &c. ; in the other species these have not been observed. Vacuoles are seen within G. Pectorale ■ and a red speck (produced probably by refracted light) at the base of the filaments hns been conceived by Ehrenberg to indicate the mouth. Cohn's elaborate account furnishes the foUowing additional notes on Go nmm {Enlmcl:. p. 1 .9 ; and Part I. p. 152) :-The qua(bate tablets consist of sixteen polygonal (mostly lioxagonal) cells, imited together by tubular prolon gations Irom their angles, the whole being surrounded by a common gelatinous 518 SYSTEMATIC HISTOEY OF TITE INFrSOaiA. investment (the envelope-cell). Each cell or gonidium has its own hyaline membrane, is somewhat elongated into a neck-like form on one side, and con- tains a homogeneous protoplasm, chlorophyll, and dark gxanules (except in tho neck-like portion), and in. the centre a single chlorophyll vesicle ; besides these, several vesicular spaces, and one, two, or rarely three contractile vesicles. From the pointed end two filaments proceed, and pierce the common envelope, to vibrate freely on the outside of the tablet. Reproduction by fission is not a simultaneous act, as represented by Ehrenberg, but is effected by repeated divisions thi'ough four generations or series, in each of which the ' daughter cells' severally resolve themselves into two others, as happens in all the Vol- vocina andPalmeUese. The result of this act of reproduction, when uninterfered with and complete, is the formation of sixteen tablets similar to the parent, but without any organic connexion, each young tablet, however, being enclosed within the wall of the parent cell, out of which it has been produced, for this cell-wall takes no part in the process of fission. Sometimes a tablet breaks up, setting its component gonidia free, when, their angular processes becoming absorbed, and their membrane further removed from the contents, they as- sume the general aspect of a Chlamydococcus or Chlamydomonas, and probably enter on a resting-stage like the gonidia of Stephanosphcera. Ehrenberg be- lieved the isolated cells to be reproduced by fission like those united in the tablets ; but Cohn never observed this take place. If this resting-stage actually occui's, then Oonium is propagated by ' macrogonida' ; but of * microgonidia' no evidence has been discovered. The tablets revolve on their shorter axis, and hence, on a polar aspect, appear like a disk, on an equatorial like a line of cells. A peculiar structural relation obtains between Qonium and Pedias- trum. Lastly, Cohn asserts that Qonium Pectorale is the only true species of this genus ; that the others enumerated by Ehrenberg are motionless, and belong to the genus Merismopedia among the PalmeUacese. GoNitTM Pectorale (M.) (see p. 152). — Consists of sixteen spherical bodies enclosed within a transparent lorica, and disposed regularly in a quadrangular form, and in the same plane, like the jewels in the breast-plate of the Jewish High Priest, whence the specific name. The foiu' centi-al ones are generally larger than those which smToimd them; and the combined diameters of the three smaller balls are about equal to the two larger centre ones to which they ai'e attached ; the external corners are consequently vacant. As these animalcvdes swim and revolve in tho water, they occasionally present a side view to the obsei-ver, when tho circumference of the larger central globules may be seen projecting beyond the others. Sometimes the clusters ap- pear irregular. They are of n heautiml transparent gi'cen colour ; and in swim- ming, the globules often appear of on ellipsoidal figm'e. In order to observe the structiu-e of tliis liighly curious and beautifid crea- ture, considerable adroitness is necessary in the management of the microscope ; while a little indigo conveyed into tho water with the point of a camcl's-hair pencil win be required to see the whorls and cmTents set in motion around it. The single animalcules (xrs. 33) swim like the Monads, in the direction of the longitudinal axis of then* bodies ; but the tablets have a variety of movements: sometimes they move quite horizontally, at others vertically, at others again on their edge, revohing like a wheel. A magnifying power of 200 diameters is sufficient for general examination ; but to exhibit all the structm'es shown in the engravings, foiu times that power will be required. In clear water, salt and fresh, near the surface. Discovered by Midler in clear water at Copenha- fen, 1773. Size of animalcule from -460" to 1-1150", of tablet not exceed- ing 1-280". G. pnndatum. — Coi-puscles green, spotted ^vith black, and enclosed within a crystalline lorica. Amongst Conferra3. 1-4000": a tablet of 16, 1-570" m breadth. G. tranquiUum. — Corpuscles green, within a crystalline lorica, each 1-2880"; a tablet of '16 coi-puscles, from 1-140" to 1-220" in breadth. Tablet sometimes twice as broad as long. G. Corpuscles transparent, OF THE TOLVOCINA. 519 The niunber of animalcules in the tablets varies from four to sixty-four. In sea- water. Size 1-5000" ; tablet 1-500" iu diameter. within a crystalline envelope. In stag- nant water. Corpuscles 1-3000" ; tablet of 20 to 25, 1-600" in breadth. G. r/laucimi. — Coi-puscles bluish- green, within a crystalline envelope. Gonium tranqu'dlum and G. glaucum, says Perty, are Algaj (?'. e. say, are not members of this genus). He adds as a new species, he would G. helveticum. — The gi'een, spherical corpuscles combined in a tabular, gela- tinous envelope, without any intercom- mimicating bands, each furnished with a fine red stigma and two ciliary loco- motive filaments. On a polar view, one large round vesicle is visible ; on the lateral aspect, two such ai'e apparent, one larger than the other. On drying the specimen, the stigma itself assumes the form of a vesicle. It is readily dis- tinguished fi'om G. qttadrangulatum by the absence of the connecting bands or tubules between the several corpuscles in the tablet. Diameter of tablet 1-360", of corpuscles 1-1300". Filaments 2\ times longer than the gouidia. In ponds about Bern. Genus SYNCRTPTA (XX. 26-28).— This genus is mainly charactemed by secreting or hiding itself (as the name implies) within a second envelope. Each individual is provided with a special lorica of the form of a little shield (scutellum), and is united with others in a common gelatinous envelope (la- cerna) into which it can retreat ; neither eye-speck nor tail is present, but there is a large filament ; self-division longitudinal. The filaments of the several corpuscles give the cluster an appearance of being surrounded with hairs. With this genus Dujardin would identify his Cryptomonas (Tetrahcena). The very doubtful position and independence of this genus as a member of the Volvocina have been remarked on in the general notes on this family (p. 144). Mr, Carter, in a paper lately published (A. JSf. H., 1859, iii. p. 1 et seq.), represents Syncrypta to be the " spermatic form " of Volvox or of Sphai- rosira (Ehr.), (See notes on SpHiEEOsmA.) Synchypta volvox (xx. 26-28). — Fonn oval ; colour green, with whitish rays in the centre. Generally in water di'ained from Confei-vse. 1-2880"; a clus- tered globule in its crystalline tvmic, hardly exceeding 1-570". Fresenius states that he has seen a red stigma in each coi-puscle, which was overlooked by Ehrenbei-":. This ben'y-like cluster of animalcules, when rolling through the water, is a beautiful object for the microscope ; and vsdth the aid of a little indigo, the nu- merous cmTents it creates are readily perceived : xx. 27. magnified 260 dia- meters ; fig. 26. 400 ; ancl fig. 28 a cluster about to sever into four. _ Genus SYNURA (XX. 29, 30).— Eye-speck absent ; tail filiform, attached cither to the base of its own lorica or to the centre of the cluster to which it belongs. The general envelope is spherictd, gelatinous, and is hollowed out by as many compartments or cells as there are individuals in the little com- munity. From out of these cells they can stretch themselves a considerable distance, whilst they continue attached by the extremely delicate and exten- sible taU. This so-called tail or pedicle is homologous with the connecting rays or threads of the several corpuscles m the globe of Voluox, and is, like them, a production of the protoplasm of the interior. As before remarked this genus is doubtfuUy retained ; for the chief distinctive featui-e Ehrcnbere insists on, viz. the presence of a double lorica, loses its significance now that modern researches have shown that the formation of a second or common en- velope is an ordinary phenomenon at a certain stage of existence of most or of aU Volvocma. Moreover, the description given of this genus is too loose and faulty, and its accompanying dlustrations too rude, to render it possible 520 SYSTEMATIC HISTOIIY OF THE INFUSOllIA. to rightly appreciate its characters and to assign it its proper place, even if it is admitted to be an independent organism. Mr. Carter has lately pul)- lished (A. N. H. 1859, iii. p. 10) the opinion that Synura is the " spermatic form " of Volvox or of Sphcerosira. (See notes on Sph^eosiua), SYNtiTtA uvella. — Corpuscles oblong, yeUow, capable of extending themselves to three times their usual length, by means of the extensile tail. The cluster has the fonn of a mulbeny, and its mo- tion is rolling like that of Volvox Gloha- tor. XX. 29, XX. 30, show a portion of a cluster, and the manner in which the tails are inserted in the common enve- lope. This species, along with Hxjmrijpla aud Uroglena Volvox, may have often been confounded with Uvella virescem. Length, exclusive of tail, 1-700" ; dia- meter of cluster from 1-190" to 1-280". Genus UROGLElSrA (XX. 31).— The members of this genus, unlike other Volvocina, possess both an eye-speck and tail ; they live in clusters under a common envelope (lacerna), which is subdivided into cells for the accommo- dation of the several individuals. Self-division takes place simply and equally in these individuals, whilst in their clustering condition. They are placed at uniform distances from each other, attached by their tails, which radiate from the centre. Each monad is furnished with a filament, which projects ex- ternally and gives to the entire group the appearance of being covered with hairs. "When the creatures divide, the mantle or lacerna enlarges only, and does not itself undergo fission. The red speck is in the fore part of the body ; the tail is fihform, resembling that of Vorticella and Bodo. The tail mentioned in the above description is the same as that of Synura : the use of the term is very inappropriate in both cases. It maybe that Uroglena should be ixnited with Synura as Dujardin proposed, since the presence of an eye-speck in the former and its absence in the latter is not distinctive; still we know too little of the being which Ehrenberg would call a Uroglena, to come to a decision respecting its affinities and generic independence. This genus is another which Mj.\ Carter would set aside, as he considers it (^A. N. H. 1859, iii. p. 10) the same with Sphcerosira, or the " spermatic form " of Volvox. (See notes on Sphjeeosiba.) Uroglena Volvox (xx. 31). — Cor famUy. Ehrenberg states that he has obsei-ved individuals with tvs^o or three coloured specks, which he conceives to have been a symptom of approaching self-division. In tm-f water. Diam. ot cluster 1-90". puscles yellow, oblong ; tail extensible, from thi'ee to six times the length of the body, and even more ; cluster mulbeii-y- shaped. There is little doubt that single coi-puscles of this genfis have often been taken for creatm-es of a different Genus EUDORINA. — Has no tail, but possesses a distinct cye-spcck, and a simple vibratory filament anteriorly. Self-division proceeds simply and equally, whilst the corpuscles retain their clustered condition. They are poriochcally able to cast off their globular envelope (lacerna), and to exude a now one, Kite certain Annelida. To observe the eye-speck, a power of 300 diameters must be skilfully employed. Dujardin's proposition to combine Eiulorina with Pamlori'na has been already mentioned (p. 515), and appears to be a correct one. The assigned characteristic difference between those two genera is worthless; for Pamlorina, like Eiulorina, has a coloured speck (see p. 157 ct seq.). EuDoniNA elcf/ans. — Corpuscles green, generally from 30 to 50 individiials, and globular,Dever protruding from their cells never less than 15. Motion revolving, beyond the common envelope. Stigiua Fig. 47 exhibits the filaments cxtPTidea, sparkling red. The elnstors, which are and the bodies of the animalcules within of an oval or globular form, contain ' the Incenin (i.r. the "common onve- OF THE VOLVOCrNA. 521 lope"). Clusters of these beautiful aui- lUiilcules are often seen in sucli amazing numbei-s, along with the Volvox Globator and Clilainydonionas Pulcisculus, as to render the water (othermse colourless) of a decided green colour, especially towards its edges. They ai'e exceed- ingly delicate — so much so that it is difficult to preserve them alive for more than a day or two : whenever it is at- tempted to retain them in large quanti- ties, the second day -will generally ex- hibit a thick mass of dead ones at the bottom of the vessel. When a few only remain alive, if the stale water be poured away, and they are removed into a vessel of clear water, they will live for weeks. At Hackney and Tlamp- stead; most abimdant in the spring of I the year. Diam. of cluster 1-180". Gemis CHLAMTDOMONAS (XVIII. 40, 51-54; XIX. 16) (Part J. p. 146). — Tail absent, eye-speck distinct red, filament double ; multiplication takes place by self- division within the common envelope, which is ruptui'ed to give the products liberty. The lorica indistinct in young beings. Braun {On Rejuvenescence, Bay Soc. 1853, p. 158) appears to elevate this genus, in union with Ghlamydococcus and Gloeococcus, to the rank of a family parallel with the Volvocina, under the name of Chlamydomonada. Indeed, although, as Cohn has well shown, these genera agree in aU essential particu- lars and relations with the Volvocina, yet the existence of each gonidium as an independent being contrasts so strongly with the aggregate condition of the rest of the Volvocina, that there seems snfficient ground to group them as a sub-family. In order, therefore, to retain the Chlamydomonada toge- ther, we shall depart from our usual custom, by inserting the new genera Ghlamydococcus and Gloeococcus after Chlamydomonas. Chlamydomonas was erroneously transferred, as before noticed, by Dujardin to the Thecamonadina, and renamed Diselmis. Its characters are thus discussed by Braun (op. cit. pp. 214, 215) : — " OJilamydomonas is distinguished from the genus Chlamydo- coccus by the closely applied membrane of the old swarming- cells, also by the absence of the little starch-vesicles in the interior, while, however, as is usual in most of the PalmeUacese, a single large chlorophyll utricle exists in the interior. There is no central red nucleus, as in the gonidia of Ghlamy- dococcus ; but some species have a parietal red spot. Motion is effected by two cilia, as in Ghlamydococcus. As in that genus, there is a growth of the gonidia during swarming, which lasts over the day and night. There is also a formation of microgonidia," and a resting-stage in which the coloiu- changes from green to yellowish red, or to red. Chlamydomonas Pulviscuhis (Manas Pidvisculus, M.)(xix. 16). — Coloiu- gi-een ; lorica oval ; eye-speck brilliant red ; fila- ment double. (See Diselmis viridis, p. 512.) Cohn identifies it yv'ith. Polytoma Uvella. These creatures forni a lai'ge portion of the green matter which colours the water contained in water-butts, ponds and puddloa in the sunmier and autumn, and especially after a storm. They will rarely fail to be observed when any of this green water is examined under the microscope. Whenever these creatures exist in large quantities, niidtitudes of them and of their envelopes rise to the smface of the water, and form a green stratum upon it. Although this film somewhat resembles one of UlvacojB, yet it is easily distinguishable by its com- position of living coi-puscles witli red specks, connected together by a loose mucous tissue, formed of dead speci- mens and empty loiica3. 1-550". Kutzing affirmed that this species was merely a phase of St,/geocUnium into the filaments of which it became transfonned by an act of gemination 'rtZ opinion has not been accepted, as it is supposed that Kiitzing confounded the spores of that Alga with the gonuha of Chlamydomonas Puhlsculvs Among the additional species of Chlamydomonas, those forms described bv Dujardui as members of Diselmis (^. 5^2) should probably tXTheii pla^ 522 SYSTEMATIC HXSTOUY OV THE INFUSOKIA. here. Braun describes the foUoAving new species, premising the remark that " the species are doubtless very numerous, but the distinction of them from one another, as well as from the swanning cells of many other Algaj, is very difficult without a complete acquaintance with the history of theii- existence." C. obtusa(Bmmx). — Colour dark gi'een; ti'uncate at both ends, and oblong, chang- ing to spherical and a yellowish brown, and at length a red colour on assuming the resting-stage. "The macrogonidia grow dming swarming, from l-60th to 'almost l-30th of a millimetre long ; they are longish, of equal diameter on both sides, and very obtuse, almost truncated, having a colourless space at the ciliated extremity, presenting the form of a notch. The contents are dark green, finely gTanular, with a large vesicle at the pos- terior extremity, a roimdish lighter space in front of this, and no red point. They midtiply by simple or double halving in several successive genera- tions. Sometimes a fm-ther continua- tion of the division of the fiill-grown macrogonidia occurs, fonning 16 or 32 macrogonidia from l-200th to l-120th millimetre long, of ovate shape and lighter colom*, tending towards brownish- yellow. The resting (seed-) cells are globidar, about l-40th millimeti'e in dia- meter, at first gi'een, subsequently light yellowish-brown, finally flesh-red ; tney have a tough, colom'less, and transpa- rent membrane. In the Rhine valley, near Freibui'g, in pools in sand-pits, which are occasionally almost completely diied up in summer." C. tingens (Braim). — Gonidia smaller than in the preceding species, 1-120 to 1-60 millim. long, ovate, lighter green, likewise destitute of a red spot; the membrane is more distinct in old age. Increase by double, rarely by single halving ; in the foimer case, by decussat- ing sections. Contents granulai', punctate in appearance, green, Avith one large vesicle. In the resting-stage they ac- quire a pale reddish colour ; the vesicle becomes indistinct, and the contents coarsely granular in aspect fi-om the formation of oil. Microgonidia also are fonned. "The resting- but still green condition seemed to me to con-espond to Protococais Fclisit (K.), that which turned red through desiccation, to Pr. Orsinii." In pools near Freiburg. Cohn (Eukcick. pp. 202, 203) detected two vesicles in Chlamydomonas, below the point of insertion of the filaments, very slowly but rhythmically contractile, ani mentions a species under the name of Chlamydomonas hyalina, which he makes synonymous with Polytoma Uvella (E.), and states to differ fi-om Ch. Pulvisculus only by the want of chlorophyll and of a red speck (op. cit. pp. 140 & l69). He moreover notes a new fonn, probably genetically distinct by having not a globular but a winged prismatic figure, quadi-angular on a ti-ansverse section, with the two veings like two outstretched points, although in other respects agree- ing with Chlamydomonas Pulvisndus. Perty (p. 85) objects to making CJda- mydomonas a genus of Volvocina, and refers it instead to the so-called "Spo- rozoidia." He fm-ther teUs us that Cld. Pulvisculiis (E.) is rare about Bern, but there is a smaller fonn very common, which he proposes to call C. communis (Peiiy), — He finds also, but less frequently, a more globular variety, which appears to be the Ti a- chelomonas emarginata (Eichwald), but is in^ fact a Chlamydomonas, which he names C. glohulosa (Perty). — His species Hysginum pluviale ^and 3. tiivale (i. e. Chlamydococciis) he suggests uniting, vnth the species of Cldamydomonas, into a gToup (ot Sporozoidia) under the name of Schizoncma. C. midtifiUs (Fresenius). — Round or oval ; a distinct nucleus m the centre ; granular contents green ; filaments four, longer than the cell ; at their base a rose- coloured contractile vesicle, and poste- riorly to this a red stigma. Loi-ica thin, closely investing contents. As many as six filaments seen in some larger speci- mens. 1-92"' to 1-63"'. In fresh water. C. hyalina (Cohn, Fi'esenius). — Elon- gated elliptical ; roimded at both ends ; filaments two, longer than the body; posterior half of ca\aty occupied by gra- mdes ; a clear non-couti"actde space in the centre ; a small conti-actile sac at the base of the filaments. 1-66"' to 1-46"'. In ponds coknu'ed by Etiglen^. It is doubtfully separable from Clil. Pulvisculus. Genus CHLAMYDOCOCCUS (Part I. p. 148) (XIX. 20-31).— Gonidia OF TITE VOLVOCINA. 523 spherical; colour green or red, enclosed by a hyaline structureless mem- brane, removed some distance from the colom-ed contents by a clear interspace or areola. The central protoplasm, coloui'ed by chlorophyll or a red oil, and having one or more chlorophyll utricles at the centre, has its spherical figm-c destroyed by an elongation at one part into a tapering process, from which two filaments proceed, and, after perforating the external " envelope cell," protrude as motile vibratile organs. The inner, coloured globule has no special membrane, and in consequence undergoes multiform transformations of its outline in the course of development. In the resting-stage the enclosed coloiu-ed mass, the " primordial cell," secretes over its surface, inside its enve- lope cell, a new, tough, cellulose membrane, whilst the envelope cell is dissolved into a mucous layer. In such still cells macrogonidia are produced by fission of the contents, ia the power of two,and after a time burst through the parent cell, develope their two ciliary ^fidaments, and proceed to develope a cellulose mem- brane over their entire surface, which becomes further and further removed until they acquire the characters of the ordinary moving cells. When divi- sion is more fii-eqiiently repeated, microgonidia are formed, which move much more actively, and do not secrete an envelope cell ; they are incapable of propagation, and pass immediately into the condition of rest. The motionless cells of Ghlamyclococcus are of much simj)ler structure than the motile, and consist simply of a tough, spherical, cellulose membrane, and green or red contents, organized as a primordial utricle. Yactioles are foirnd among the contents of Chlamydococcus-ceUs ; but a contractile vesicle has escaped obsei'v- ation. Ghlamyclococcus and the two allied genera, Qloeococais and Chlamydo- monas, differ ftom the true Volvocineae in this respect : viz. they separate from each other after complete fission, as primordial utricles, and then severally pro- ceed to form an independent envelope ceU ; whilst the rest of the Volvociuea3 contiaue, on their production by fission, to live in groups and produce aroimd their aggregated mass an envelope cell in common. It bears the same rela- tion, therefore, to the rest of the VolvociuoEE that Pleurococcus does to Pahnella, Cyclotella to Meloseira, or Vorticella to Epistylis. Ghlamyclococcus is distin- guished from the moving germs (sporozoids) by which the greater number of Algse propagate, both by a somewhat more complex structiu'e, and by the circumstance that the motion lasts for a very long time, and, finally, by the power of the moving cells to propagate as such, without entering into the state of rest otherwise than as quite a temporary condition. Perty, who has studied this genus very minutely, employs the term Eysginum to designate it, although it had previously received other names from other observers besides that we have employed. Indeed, owing to the various appellations given, and especially the specific names invented for the multiform varieties of the same organism, the synonyms became very perplexing and a positive impediment to the progress of our knowledge of this genus. Among the multitude of proposed species, two only are now accepted, viz. Ghlamyclococcus pluvialis a.nd Ghl. nivalis ; but their distinctive characters are nowhere detailed in a definite and available form for our purpose. The red snow of Alpine regions is the red variety of both these species. The other varieties of Ghlamyclococcus have been more widely described under the title of Proto- coccus, and those of a red colour under that of ffa^matococcus. Cohn cites two prmcipal synonyms for Ghl pluvialis, viz. Ha;matococcus phwialis and Ghlamydococcus vcrsatilis, and in his Monograph on this organism employs the term Protococcus pluvialis, although in a subsequent contribution L adopts Braun s designation as employed by us. The many modifications of ft)rm of this one species imdcr different circumstances of development and habitat have received as many different names, from tlic notion of thdr 524 SYSTEMATIC HISTOEY OF TIIE rNFUSOHIA. being specifically distinct. These Cohn has pointed out in his essay ; but only that portion of them is worth citing which has attracted notice 'in various works. " Thus the still Protococcns-cc]l corresponds to the P. Coccoma (Kiitz.) : when the border becomes gelatinous, it resembles P. pulcher, and the small cells P. minor. The encysted motile zoospore, on the other hand, is the Gyges Oranulum, and resembles also P. turcjidus (K.) and perhaps P. versatilis (Braun). The zoospores divided into two must be regarded as a form of Oyges hipartitus, or of P. dimidiatm." A red variety of the cell was de- scribed by Girod Chantrans as a Volvox, under the name of Volvox lacusiris ; but Perty refers it to Hcematococcus. CwLAT^TTDOGOccns pluvialis. — Sufficiently characterized in the above history. Chl. nivalis. — Unsatisfactorily distinguished. Genus GLCEOCOCCUS. — This is a new genus suggested by Braun (On Rejuvenescence, p. 159), who thus describes it : — " Ovate, gi-een ceUs, with a colourless point, from which a fimnel-shaped, lighter space extends inwards ; a rather large vesicle also is formed at the posterior extremity. Multiplica- tion by simple or double, in the latter case decussating fission, after which the cells remain loosely connected together by the secretion of soft, gela- tinous, confliient coats, forming globular and finally amorphous families (clusters). The cells of all the generations succeeding each other during the formation of these families (excepting the transitory cells in the case of double halving) are provided with two veiy long persistent cilia, which dis- appear only when division commences. The cells exhibit a feeble motion inside the enveloping and connecting jelly, the anterior end jerking in and out, or suddenly retracting a little. The last generation of the family leave the gelatinous mass, and swarm out, to settle down quickly in some other place. It is probable that the formation of a new family is preceded by a rather long state of rest — ^perhaps there are several resting generations ; but we have no observation on this point." A red speck is not perceptible. Two species are named : — G. minor. — Perhaps specifically di- stinct. Appears in the spiings at Frei- bm-g early m the year, in the fonn of light-yellowisli-gi-een, often pear-shaped stocks " (masses), almost as large as a hazel nut, attached to the sides of the mitters of the spiings, finally becoming detaclied, swimming, and shapeless. The cells are somewhat small, 1-100 to 1-75 miUim. long. Glceococcus mucosus. — The fidl- gi'own cells are 1-60 to 1-50 millim. long : the clusters, fonning at the bottom of little ponds, attain the size of an apple, and are of compressed glohidar, often lohed-shaped foim ; but at length they break up, and come to the sm-face of the water in in-egular fragments. The gelatinous mass has a peculiar greenish spotted aspect, which depends vipon sub- ordinate groups of generations being more closely packed together. Genus SPHJEROSIRA.— Tail-Hlce process absent; eye-speck and fila- ment single. Self-division, unlike that in the preceding genera, occurs im- cqually within the envelope, and fonns young clustei-s at once from the parent ones. This genus differs from Pandorina in having the eye-speck, from Eudorina by its unequal mode of self-division, and from Volvo.v by its simple filament. Self-division in tliese creatiu-es takes place in the longi- tudinal direction, in parallel planes ; so that laminae are produced, as in the case of Gonium. i i Splmrosira, n.s heretofore remarked, is regarded by Prof. Busk as a doubttiU independent organism ; ho is, however, unable to speak po.sitivcly on this point, and therefore, whUst still keeping it distinct from Volvo.v Globalor, ot or THE VOLVOCrNA. 525 which he had some reason to suppose it a peculiar mode of development, ranks it as only a species of Volvox, instead of elevating it to the rank of a genus, and calls it Volvocc Splmrosira. Dujardin also denied the distinction drawn by Ehrenberg between S;pha'r-osira and Volvox, but did so from mis- taken views ; for he represented Volvox to have only a single filament, whereas both this and Sphcerosira have two. " It presents the appearance," says Mr. Busk {M. T. 1852, p. 33), " of a transparent globe, set with gTeen spots, but it differs from the ordiaary varieties of Volvox Olobator in two important respects : 1, in the absence of any internal globules or embryos ; 2, in the irregular size of the green granules liaing the wall which, instead of being of imiform size, are of various dimensions. The different-sized granules are iiTeg-ularly disposed, although, in relation to the sphere itself, they, or rather the centres of them, are as regularly distributed as in the three just-described forms (of Volvox). What is rather remarkable with respect to this form is the circumstance that the lai'ger granules are not disposed over the whole periphery of the sphere, rarely occupying more than two-thirds of it towards one side." Again, he adds — " The smaller ones appear to resemble in all respects those of Volvox Glohator, and each to possess two cilia, which is im- portant, if true, because the only distinction between Volvox and Sphcerosira in Ehrenberg's classification depends upon the circumstance that in Sphce- rosira there is only one cilium to each zoospore, whilst there are two in Volvox. " My supposition that S. Volvox and V. Glohator are allied is founded, it must be owned, not upon any direct observation, but chiefly on the fact that in the water in which the specimens of Volvox were contained there were at fii'st none of SpJicerosira, any more than of V. aureus, and that after some days both were very numerous. The difference I am about to describe in the after-development of the ciliated zoospores is not by any means a sufficient gi'ound upon which they should be deemed distinct species, because much greater differences are known to exist in other of the lower Algse during their various forms of development, without it being thence allowable to suppose that they are of different species. In Volvox Sphcerosira, then, as at all events it may be termed, the larger green granules are in fact the ciliated zoospores in a state of further progressive development. In the same specimen they will be seen in all states of division or segmentation, — first into two, then into foiu- and so on, tOl, as in the case of the embryo Volvox, the ultimate result of the segmentation constitutes numerous minute ciliated cells or bodies, not how- ever, iis in that case, lining the inner surface of the wall of a spherical case but forming by their aggregation a discoid body in which the scpai-ate fusi- form cells are connected together at one end, and at the other are free and furnished each with a single cilium. In this stage theii' compound masses become free and s\\im. about in the water, constituting, in fact, a species of the genus Uvella, or of Synar^jpta of Ehrenberg." ' Mr. Carter affirms {A.'n.H. 1859, iii. p. 4) that Sphcerosira is not a distinct genus, but the " spermatic form " of Volvox Olobator, which he describes as one phase of development of this species, wherein upwards of a hundred of the gonidia, scattered over the periphery of the primary gemma) of the pai-eut globe, divide repeatedly until they are broken up " into 128 (?) linear ciliated segments, which are ultimately arranged verticaUy upon the same plane in i circular tabular group, with their ciHa upwards; and when the latter are sufficiently developed, the group oscillates and rotates by their aid both unon Its long and short axis These segments are, in fact, the spermatozo d.s each of which, when thoy separate, is observed to be linear, hom- shaped' and colourless antenoriy (where it is attenuated), and green sh posteriorly 526 SYSTEMATIC HISTORY OF THE INFUSORIA, provided with a paii- of cUia whicli are attached to the anterior extreniit}-, and some distance behind them with an eye-spot ; their progression is vermicular from their extreme plasticity, and they keep up an incessant flagellating movement with their cilia. As yet, I have never seen any of these free in the daughter bearing the spermatic ceUs when the former has been outside the parent ; nor have I ever seen them free under any cir- cumstances, except once, in the old Volvox, when the daughter containing the spei-matic cells from which they had been developed had been partly eaten up by Rotatoria, " This is the form of Volvox Olobator which has been called SpJmrosira Volvox by Ehi-enberg ; and, Hke the daughters bearing the spore-ceUs, it becomes liberated from the parent before the spematic cells attain their ultimate development, that is, before the groups of spei-matozoids become sepai-ated, not before they are formed. It is worthy of remark, too, that the daughter bearing spermatic cells is never more than half the size of the spore- bearing daughter, at least as far as my observations extend. " Thus we have the spore-ceUs and the spermatic cells in different daughters ; and as I have never seen them together in the same daughter, nor the daughters respectively bearing them in the same parent Volvox, out of some scores of instances, I can come to no other conclusion than that the two daughters meet after they have left their respective parents, when, both the spores and the spermatozoids having become ripe for fecundation, individuals forming the groups of the latter separate, burst from their capsules into the cavity of the daughter, and from thence find theii- way out into the water, and then into the cavity of the daughter bearing the spore-ceUs, where they become incorporated with the latter. " Hence Volvox Glohator would appear to be dioecious, and not monoecious as stated by Cohn ; and Splmrosira Volvox not, strictly speaking, another form of Volvox Glohator, but the spermatic form. Cohn, considering Volvox Olobator and Volvox stcllatus the same species, has taken his fecundating character from the spermatic form of the latter." The spermatic groups above described, Carter subsequently remarks, con- stitute in all probability Ehrenberg's genera Syncrypta, Synura, and Uro- glena. SpHiEBOsmA Volvox. — Coi-puscles compressed clusters within it. Found in pale gi-een, of nearly a globular shape, considerable numbei-s in company with enveloped in a common mantle. Eye Volvox Glohator, and often attains its bright red. The cluster resembles a size. Sometimes found by itself, great ball of coi-puscles, containing small Genus VOLYOX (XX. 32-47) (Part I. p. 180).— The genus Volvox, which is the type of the famUy Volvocina, was instituted by Limueus, and promul- gated to the world in 1758, in the tenth edition of liis ' Systema Natm-a;.' As first described by him, the two species F. Glohator and V. (Jliaos comprehended all known Infusoria, excepting eleven of the tribe Vorticdla, whicli were separated from them, under the denomination of Hydra. In his twelfth edi- tion (1766) of the same work, he distributed the Infusoria into four genera, viz, Vorticella, Volvox, Hydra, and Chaos. Volvox is characterized' by the aggregation of its ceUs or gonidia over the internal surface of a transparent lorica or common envelope ceU, of the form of a hoUow globe. Each coi-puscle or gonidium jiossesses a red speck and two filaments, which protnide beyond the suiface of the lorica so as to give the whole globe the appearance of being covered Avith cilia. The mode of increasing by a sort of internal gemmation is chai-actei-istic of the genus. OF THE VOIVOCINA. 627 Dujardin was unable to detect more than one filament ; but Ehrenberg's description of two is now amply corroborated. The stnictm-e of Volvox has received the careful study of many eminent microscopists, who have been compelled to differ largely from Ehrenberg in their accounts of it. The resume given in the general history of Phytozoa renders it perfectly unnecessary to repeat in this place the particulars of the organization of the members of this genus or to enter into the discussion respecting their trae nature as organic beings. Volvox Globator (M.) (xx. 32-47) rent difference between them consisting (p. 180 seq.). — So called from the in the deeper green colour of the internal globular figure of the aggi'egate mass or globes. These, however, soon exhibit a colony constituted by the individual more important distinctive character, in monadiform beings or gonidia. "When blue or red coloiu'ing matter is mixed with the water, strong cun-ents may be observed imder the microscope aroimd each globe, which, when in motion, always proceeds with the same part foremost, xx. 32 represents a lai'ge globe with eight smaller ones (tei-med by Ehrenberg, sisters) within it. xx. 34 is a section of a globe, more magnified. XX. 35 represents three gonidia in situ within the common envelope. In shallow pools of clear water, in spring and summer. The largest globes mea- sure 1-30" in diameter ; the smallest free swimming ones 1-360" to 1-240". Size of a single coi"puscle 1-3500". Ehrenberg notified the peculiar occur- rence of hving Rotatona within the globes of the Volcox Globator. Mr. John Williams has communicated (T. M. S. 1851, iii.) an interesting observation, confirming Ehrenberg's account. Within the cavity of a large specimen of this species, evidencing its usual vitality, and the ciliary movements on its surface, he noticed a veiy active Rotifer, which he believes to have been the Notormnata parasitica, and which was subsequently accompanied by another of the same species, but smaller, lie adds, " By the most carefid examina- tion, no opening could be perceived by which they could have been introduced ; neither did there appear to have been any viscera by which their motions might be impeded, as they swam about a-s freely a.3 fish in a glass globe, to whicli, indeed, they bore no faint resem- blance." The two following species, named V. aureus and V. stdlatus, are, in the opinion of Profs. Busk, Williamson, and I'ertj-, merely developmental phases of V. Glo- bator— V. steltatus being the later stno'e. " V. aureus" says the writer first nanrcd (op. cit. p. 32),"exhibits precisely the same structure as V. Globator, the only appa- the formation of a distinct cell-weU of considerable thickness around the dark- gi'een globidar mass. This wall becomes more and more distinct ; and after a time the contents change from dark gi'een into a deep orange-yellow, and simultaneously with this change of colom- the wall of the globide acquires increased thickness, and appears double. " The third foi-m, or V. stellatus, differs in no respect from the two former, except in the form of the internal globules, which exhibit a stellate aspect, caused by the projection on their surface of numerous conical eminences formed of the hj^aline substance of the outer wall. The deep colom- of the contents of their embryos, and their change into an orange colour, at once point out their close analogy with those of V. aureus. I have no doubt of their being mere modifica- tions of the latter, and I have obsen-ed smooth and stellate globides in the in- terior of one and the same parent globe." ]Mr. Carter, however, does not share this opinion with reference to V. stellatus, which he treats (A. N. H. 1859, iii. p. 6) aa a distinct species. These extracts from recent and well- known aiitliorities are further valuable as suppljring an explanation of Laurent's statements that two sorts of reproduc- tive bodies appear in the globes of Vol- vox. Little weight is attached to this gentleman's microscopical researches, winch are mostly ideal. V. aureus. —'Grcan, nearly globular, liie small secondary globes within them are of a golden colour, and smooth sm-- faco. In rain-water standing on tmf Diam. of globe 1-30". _ V. stelhtus.—^mv^, subglobose, some- times oblong, or of an angular form, and green colour. The contained globes within them arc of a green colour, and have their surfaces tuberculated or stel- lated. Dinm. of globe 1-30". Carter, who accepts this species, de- 528 SYSTEMATIC UISTOEY OF THE INFUSOlilA. scribes it in the following words, using the quaint terms " daughters " and " gi-and-daughters " for the "primary" and " secondary " generations or gemmjB of the parent globe of the Volvox : — " AduU form. — Globular, slightly ovoid, consisting of three generations or families within one another ; containing generally eight daugliters, in each of which there are generally eight grand-daughters in- distirtcfly visible. Daughters confined to the posterior tliree-fourths of the sphe- roid, the anterior fom-th being empty. ProgTessing with the empty end for- wai'ds. Daughters rotating (this marks the adult form here also) in their cap- sules respectively, which are fixed to the internal periphery of the parent. Grand- daughters small and indistinct, motion- less, and fixed to tbe internal periphery of the daughters respectively. Peripheral cells conical andbiciliated,not uuiciliated as figm-ed by Ehrenberg. 59-1880" long and 54-1880" broad." In his subsequent remarks, he makes it the specific point of difference between the primary gemmoe of this V. slellatiis and V. Glohator, that those of tbe former begin to undergo duplicative subdivision almost immediately after they appear, or " at the time when they do not exceed three times the diameter of the peri- pheral cells," or 1-2700", instead of "not passing (as in V. Glohator) into small cells until they have arrived at more than the 1-300" in diameter." He also alludes to differences betn^een these two species in the foi-m of the spennatozoids and the mode of fecundation. We ven- ture to remark that if these latter par- ticulars are suflticient to indicate specific differences, it is not so with the size of vegetable cells at which fission may commence. The history of all the sim- plest cellular organisms we know of shows that the period of cell-life, and therefore the dimensions of the ceUs at which it occm's, stands in no constant relation with the act of fission. The size of a cell and the proclivity to fission depend much on external conditions affecting its ■vital acti-^dty. The following genera are distinguished by Perty : — Genus SYNAPHIA (Perty). — Corpuscles fromlO tol2, aggregated together within a spherical gelatinous envelope, in mutual contact, so as to form a compact mass. The coi-puscles, each furnished with a single filament, are not spherical but angular and wedge- or pear-shaped, with the -wide end turned towards the pheripheiy. In very exceptional specimens the gonidia are somewhat separated from each other. Length of filament equal to, or li the diameter of the corpuscle, and very fine. The relation between Gonium and PecUastrwm has been noted by Cohn and other obseiwers ; but that between this newly-constituted genus of Perty and the second-named group is much more striking, whether the description given or the illustrative figures be considered; indeed the impression forces itself upon \is, that SynapJiia is simply a form of Pediastrum. This impression is moreover strengthened by the fact mentioned by Perty, that the movement of the organism, and the fijie filament, disappeai' as the organism advances in age and dimensions. Synaphia Diijardinii (Perty). — Cor- puscles clear ^een to dark or blackish gi-een, measuring within the enclosing envelope 1-1300" to 1-360", more com- monly from 1-720" to 1-480". Move- ments torpid or tolerably quick, around one or other axis, always oscillating. The filaments are only visible when the spherical colony is at rest. The radi- ating grouping of the individual gonidia is not completely sjinmetrical ; some- times the spherical figure is exchanged for an ellipsoid. The gelatinous envelope varies in breadth, is clear and trans- lucent, rarely having a red blush undei the microscope, and, in large specimens, frequently divided bv fine lines into two or three bales, ^'hen dying, the several corpuscles detach themselves, and after death do not undergo diffluence, but turn yellow and ultimately dissolve away. Frequently a green granule is visitlo internally, and a scarcely-dis- cernible red point. Genus HTllMIDIUM (XIX. 15) (Perty).— A chain of from 4 to 8, very small rounded corpuscles of a pale green colour, surrounded by a gelatinous Ol!' THE VIBBIONIA. 529 envelope. This genus appears to us very erroneously referred to the Volvociua ; but the figures given are not sufficient to determine to what family they more rightly belong. HrRMiDiuM inane (xix. 15). — Cor- puscles irregiilai-ly spherical, almost cup- shaped, and probably fiu-nished each with two filaments. Some very fine molecules, one generally of a hai'k hue, perceptible internally. The chain advances quickly by revolving on its long axis ; gelatinous ; common envelope inconspicuous. Length of chain 1-360" ; size of individual cor- puscles 1-1900". From its smallness, this organism is difficult of observation, and requires further investigation. Only in small numbers, in some ponds in the canton of Bern. Wemeck characterized several new genera, which he referred to the Poly- gastrica of Ehrenherg (Monatsb. der Berl. Akad. 1841, p. 377), two of which are to be inserted in this family, as allies of Pandorina, and are very briefly characterized under the names of Calia and Stephanoma : — CALIA. — Monads imbedded in a gelatinous mass, aflixed to plants, and not swimming freely about. Two species are known ; the characters not given. This genus is very probably nothing more than one of the simple Algte. STEPHANOMA=Paw?orMia with a single zone of corpuscles, which divide like the cells of Gonium. One species obsei'ved exhibiting a circlet of sphe- lodes imited to form a wreath or zone. This genus is probably the same as Stephamsphcera (Cohn, A. N. H. 1852, p. 407). Genus STEPHANOSPBLERA (Cohn) (XIX. 38-58).— A famHy of cells, rotating and moving throughout life ; composed of eight green primordial cells, each bearing two active cilia ; arranged at equal distances in a circle, enclosed in a common hyaline globose vesicle, or common envelope ; pro- pagated both by macrogonidia (originating from eightfold division of each of the green cells), which bear two cilia, and axe congregated into eight octonary families, and by very numerous smaller microgonidia (produced by multifold division), revolving at first within the common vesicle by the action of four cilia, and then escaping singly. SxEPHANosPK^aiA pluvtalis, — Green, cells globose, elliptical, or fiisifoiTO, often running out into mucous rays at both ends. Diameter of the cells = l-330th to l-180th of a line (0-0065 to 0-012 mm.) ; diameter of common vesicle = l-80th to l-40th of a Ime (0-028 to 0-055 mm.). Revives after desiccation. Inhabits hollow stones filled with rain-water, in company with Chlami/dococcus jibmalis : Salzburg, Wemeck?'; Zamora, A. von Frantzius ; Ilirschberg, Von Flotow. Dr. StrethiU Wright has met with Stejjhanosphcera in Scotland. FAMILY v.— VIBRIONIA (see p. 184). (XVIII. 57-69.) AccofiDiNo to Ehrenberg, the members of this family are distinctly or ap- parently polj'gastric, but without a true alimentary canal; have neither appendages nor lorica, and are incapable of changing the form of their body. They are linked together in thread-like chains, formed by their imperfect transverse self-division. Infonnation respecting the \'ibriouia is very im- perfect ; this is attributable to the exceeding minuteness of the individual ani- malcules which compose the chains. These last have never any determinate length, or number of component corpuscles, and they are sometimes so short as to be made up of not more than two or three individuals, which are only distinguishable from 3Ionas Tcrmo and M. Orejmsculum by their union in chains, and by their peculiar, though not easilv characterized movements The motion of the chains is generally of a writhing character. In one g(>nus 2 M 530 SYSTEMATIC mSTOBY OF THE INFUSOEIA. (Bacterium), a single vibratory filament is present. In this same genus the individuals are strung more tightly together, so that the filifonn cluster, not being able to exert the writhing movement seen in the true Vibrionia, moves rigidly in a direct coiu'se. In Spirillum the articulations or lines of imperfect fission are obHque ; hence increase in length by division engenders a spiral chain. The animals of this famUy, says Dujardin, "are the first Infusoria which present themselves in all infusions, and those which from their extreme smaU- ness and the imperfection of our means of observation must be considered the most simple ; .... and it is only their more or less active movements which lead to their being regarded as animals. I have been sometimes induced to believe that a flageUiform filament, analogous to that of Monads, or rather a spiral undulating one, exists, and that this is the cause of the peculiar mode of locomotion. Is the Bacterium triloculare, described by Ehrenberg as having a proboscis, a true Yibrio ? " All that can be with certainty predicted respecting their organization is that they are contractile, and propagate by spontaneous fission, often imperfect, and hence giving rise to chains of greater or less length." As stated in our general history of the family (p. 184), the present tendency among naturalists is to refer Vibrionia to the vegetable kingdom. Cohn assigns them a place in the family Mycophycese among the microscopic aquatic Fungi. Perty retains them in his group Phytozoida, expressing at the same time his conviction that they are of a vegetable nature. Indeed the only reasons advanced by Ehrenberg in support of the animality of Vibrionia are, that they are actively, and, to his apprehension, voluntai-ily moving beings, and multiply by self-division, — reasons which, in the present state of know- ledge, must be held worthless, A re-examination of all the enumerated species, as Cohn remarks, is imperatively necessary before we can come to any safe conclusions relative to the true structure and affinities of the Vibrionia ; and this same able observer has himself set the example by con- ducting such an examination of one species as to clearly indicate its physio- logical characters and its relation to Palmella and Tetraspora among the Algae, and more particularly to Sphcerotilus among Mycophyccae, The Vibrionia are developed with extreme rapidity in all liquids containing changed or decomposed organic substances, in animal fluids — the saliva, senun, urine, &c. When colouring matter has been mingled vrith the water, its imbibition by the corpuscles has never been observed. This family is distributed by Ehrenberg as follows : — Articulated tlu'cads (clusters) f Inflexible Bacterium. straight, the transverse divisions-^ being rectangvdar [ Flexible, like a snake Vibrio. Articulated threads spii'ally twisted (like a bell-spring or cork-screw), _ the transverse divisions being o'^lil^^ inflexible. /Tlexiblo Spirochata. I^with a cyUndrically-j g i^in^,,,. extended spiral form. J mth a compressed 1 gpirodiscus. ^ spiral form J On this subdivision of the family Vibrionia, Cohn {Entw. p. 117) has ex- pressed himself voiy strongly. Ho says, " An inextricable confusion prevails when specific characteristics are attempted : we have the observations, good and bad, of various authors, weak and strong amplification of tlie objects, young and old conditions commingled witliout any critical endeavour to distinguish between them." Feeling that there is no sufficient basis for it, Cohn does not attempt a classification of the Vibrionia. The ilfojurs LiMola OF THE VIBHIONIA. 531 (E.) or Bactemmi Tenno (Duj.) is, according to his well-conducted investiga- tions, no other than the swarming stage of a microscopic aquatic fungus belonging to the Mycophyceaj, of which he makes a new genus, named Zooglcea : again, Spirochceta plkatilis is, in his opinion, an Alga of the genus Spirulirui, and the stiff Yibrios allies at least of the Oscillariaja, of the genus Beggiatoa; the shorter Vibrios md. Spirilla likewise resemble OsciUariaja and Spinilina. Should Cohn's opinions be confirmed, the Vibrionia, as a distinct family, woiild be well nigh broken up. In fact, his views are generally acceded to ; for Perty, Burnett, and others all point out their peculiar affinities with the Oscillariae, and discover similar forms among the transitional phases of various AlgiE, and, indeed, among the antheridial spores of higher plants. The value of Spirodiscus as a genus is little insisted iipon by Ehrenberg, who instituted it ; and in all probability it should be set aside, and Spirochceta also be sacrificed with it. The only species of Spirodiscus named, Perty surmises, might have been nothing more than the spore of a fungus. Dr. Burnett has expressed himself as foUows to the same effect ; for he observes, " When we come to organisms as minute as these, the distinguishing characteristics of genera and species become too obscure and equivocal to have much value ; and the best microscopists have arrived at the conclusion that such distinctions are too refined and will not bear the test of experience. " The genus Vibrio — ^the simplest — I regard as the first appearance of the young Alga, existing then as the smallest cells, arranged in linear series. The genera Spirillum and Bacterium, composed of larger forms, and of a finer and more soUd structure, represent the more advanced forms ; and as all Algse, as they advance in size, tend to consohdate into mycodermous forms, losing much of their primitive cell-structure, so these two genera appear to have lost their old beaded type. As for the two remaining genera, Spirochoita and Spirodiscus, but little is positively known. They scarcely appear to belong to the other forms of this family ; and as Ehrenberg himself has expressed a doubt upon the subject, one may as well omit a further notice. Therefore, in a structural point of view, the species of this family seem to be only Alga3 at different stages of growth." Dujardin instituted only three genera of Vibrionia, viz. : 1. Bacterium — straight, sUghtly flexible threads, more or less distinctly jointed, and slow in their movements ; 2. Vihrio — either straight or flexuose, with a more or less vivacious writhing movement ; 3. Spirillum — having the form of a corkscrew, revolving on their long axis, oftentimes with great rapidity, but never straight. Perty has made a more ambitious attempt to classify these minute organisms ; of its utility, however, little can be said, for our acquaintance with them is too imperfect to estabHsh satisfactoiily any distribution of them. To resume : Perty makes a section of his heterogeneous group Phytozoida, which he calls Lampozoidia, represented by the one family " Vibrionida." The " Lampo- zoidia " aro defined as " colourless, or rarely blue, yellow, or red, never wrcen organisms, without special organs, and with scarcely a trace of differentiation of substance. Their motions, though seemingly vohmtaiy, are in fact only automatic. They multiply by transverse fission, and in so doing produce chains and fibres." Of the family Vibrionida, two varieties aro distinguishable ■— A. Spirillina, in which the chain or fibre is spirally coiled ; B. Bacterina in which it is contorted or straight. Spirillina contains two genera, Spirocliceta and Spirillum ; whilst Bacterina is made up of fom-, viz. Vihrio, Bacterium IMetallacter, and Sporonema. The new genera named will follow after our account of those recognized by Elirenborg, and the notes on the others in their proper places. 2 M 2 532 SYSTEMATIC HISTOET OF TITE INFUSOniA. Genus BACTEEIUM. — Vibrionia distinguisbed by tbo coiiHiscles being connected together in a tbread-like more or less rigid or inflexible cliain, and by miiltiplying by transverse self-division at right angles to the chain. The three species known are colourless, and extremely minute. Ehrenberg remarks " that only one of the species has been satisfactorily determined and that their organic relations are altogether so obscure, that our judgment respecting them must imavoidably be left in a fluctuating state." In B. triloculare a vibratory proboscis, a granular mass -within the body of the crea- tui-e, and spontaneous division are discoverable. All the species enjoy an active power of locomotion. Perty says that he is unacquainted with the species of Bacterium enumerated by Ehrenberg. A magnifying power below 500 diameters will not exhibit the divisions or transverse lines between the individuals or links of the wand or chain. Bacterium occui's around decomposed vegetable matter, on the surface of water containing Chara, &c. Bacterium triloculare. — Chain in the form of short cylinders of from two to five oval coi-puscles, and- generally about three times as long as their dia- meter ; ti-ansverse jimction-lines distinct. Ehrenberg has observed not more than five links together, nor less than two. "By throwing," he adds, " a little colom-- ing matter into the water, an evident vibration may be perceived near the an- terior portion of the corpuscle or of the chain ; and upon a veiy close inspection a simple filiform, though short, proboscis may be seen, which, in the larger speci- mens, is one-third the length of the body, and in the smaller, one-half." The motion of this creature is ti-emrdous, or slowly revolving upon its longitudinal axis. In the water of bogs. Length of chain 1-4800" to 1-2304"; single coi-puscle 1-11520" (xvm. 57). Group 57 repre- sents several of them ; two towards the right are magnified 1000, the others 290 diameters. B. Enchelys. — Chain composed of somewhat indistinct, colomiess, oval corpuscles imited in smaller cylinders than the preceding; transverse lines faintly marked. In river water. Length of chain 1-2880". B. Punctuin. — Chain cylindiical, com- posed of indistinct, colomiess, globose coi-puscles ; much smaller than the pre- ceding species ; ti-ansverse lines faintly marked. In water wherein bread has been steeped. Length of chain 1-4032". B. Catemda (D.). — Filiform, cylindri- cal. Length of individuals 1-8600" to 1-6500" ; 3, 4, or 5 ai-e united together, foiining a chain 1-1300" in leuorth. Genus VIBEIO. — Characterized by the corpuscles being connected together, through incomplete self-division, in filifonn flexible chains resembling in miniature the figure and movements of a snake. Juuction-Unes at right angles to chain. Vibrio Lineola (Bacterium Termo, Duj.) (xviii. 69). — Forms a minute cylmdrical and slightly flexible wand, roimded at both ends; separate cor- puscles somewhat indistinct, of nearly globular form, and colourless. Common in vegetable infusions, especially around tlie stalks of flowers in "lasses, and in foul ponds. Length of wand, from 1-.3600" to 1-200". Thickness 1-3000". Both Cohn and Perty join in tlie use of Dujardin's name for this species, and in representing Ehrenberg as in error in identifying and fixing its character (see genus Zooglcea). V. tremulaus. — Wand short ; stouter, yet more flexible, than the preceding: avticulntions of an oblong form, not distinct. In water emitting n disa- gi-eeable odom\ Leng-th of wand 1-3600". V. suhtilis. — Wand slender and elon- gated ; colourless ; articulations distinct : motion slightly vibrating, withoiit vary- ing the dhect position of the articula- tions. Length 1-450"; thiclmoss 1-24000". Pertj' savs this species is only a variety of F. (3tctnUacter) Bacillus. v. Rugula {Vibrio Rugulo, M.) (sxm. 64). — ^^'and elongated ;" stouter than the preceding; articidations distinct; and colourless ; motion brisk and sei-pentine ; common in infusions and foul water. Length 1-580" : thicluiess 1-12000". Y. prolifcr.—'SYnnA sliort, stout, and colourless"; articulations distinct. Mo- tion slow and (ortuous. In infusions whore mildew is present. 1-1100". \. Bacillus (Ur) = MetaUacter Banllus OF THE VIBKIONIA. 533 (Perty). — Wand stout, elongated, and transparent ; articulations distmct, or be- come so when dried ; motion sei-peutine ; form straight when quiescent (xvni. 62). In vegetable infusions and fetid water- Length 1-200" ; thiclniess 1-17200". V. synxantliiis. — Wands (bacilli) very fine and short, rather flexuose, rarely, of more than five segments (individuals), yellow and minute. Coi-puscles 1-70000" to 1-52000". In decomposing co\y'8- millc, in which it produces a yellow tint- V. syncyanus. — Wands very slender and short, somewhat flexuose, of seldom more than five segments, very small, and of a blue colonr. 1-78000" to 1-52000'/. Also foimd in cow's-milk, in which it produces a decided blue shade. The following species are from Dujai'din's work: — V. serpens (M.). — Body very lon^, fili- fonn, imdulating, generally pui'suing a rectilinear coiu'se, with fi-om ten to fifteen bends in its length. 1-1050". V. ambiguus. — Under this name, Du- jardin describes a Vibrio with stiiF fili- form joints like those of V. Bacillus, but much larger (xtoi. 60). Four or five, or even more, were articulated together; owing to the large dimensions, each joint could be seen composed of a resistant tube, in which a glutinous substance was more or less closely packed. Moreover, a bifurcation at the exti'emity of a joint was sometimes seen to occiu", giving rise to two rows of branching chains, of more or less length. Such observations tend to render the animality doubtful, not only of this Vibrio, but also of the similar but smaller V. Bacillus. Genus SPIEOCHiETA. — Chains S]3iral, filiform and flexible, lengthening by the imperfect or incomplete mode of self-division. The details of orga- nisation are at present unlmown. Dujardin does not admit this as a genus distinguishable from Spirillum; and Cohn is unable to discover any suf- ficiently distinctive chai-acters between this and the acknowledged vegetable genus SjnruUna. Spirochceta moves with an immense activity, sui'passing what is observed in the recognized species of Spindina ; but this difference is not sufficient to sepai-ate the two genericaUy. Spindina plicatilis is figiu'cd (XVIII. 67, 68). Cohn moreover inclines to the opinion that Sj)irtdina, Spirochceta, and Spirillum are members of one common group of organisms of a vegetable nature. The distinctive feature between Spirillum and Spirulina is the smaU number of corpuscles found united in the chains of the former compared with the latter. SpraocHiETA plicatilis ( Vibrio serpens, numerous and closely-an-anged coils ; M.) (xviii. 63).— Coi'puscles very deli- colourless. At Tilbury Fort. Length cate, nearly globular, connected together of chain 1-170" to 1-440" ; thickness in a long, filiform, spiral chain, having 1-12000." Genus SPIEILLUM.— Dcvclopes in the form of tortuous chains, or of inflexible and cylindrical spirals. The incomplete self-division, which is oblique in du-cction, produces the characteristic coiling of the chain. Motion brisk and energetic. Spinn^LUM tenue. — Spiral of three or four coils, constituted of very slender, sliglitly bent colourless fibres ; articu- lations distinct. In vegetable infusions. Length al)out 1-900"; thickness 1-1200". S. Uiidula ( Vibrio Umlula, M.) (xviii. 59-01). — Spiral of one turn and a-lialf ; coi-jiuscles short, stout, and nnich bent ; articulations distinct ; colourless ; when dry, the articulations arc more distinct. In stagnant water liaviiig a mildew scent. Length about l-loOO"; thickness 1-20000". This species, I'erty remarks, frequently grows so as to fonn clusters or masses which are motionless, and, like all the rest of the Vibrionia, never produces true vegetable fibres. S. volutans {Vibrio Spirillum, M.). Of three, four, or more coils; fibres very tortuous, long, and stout; articulations distinct ; colourless. In vegetable infu- sions, liougth of spiral 1-2200" to 1-500" ; thickness I-I4400". 534 SYSTEMATIC HISTOET OF THE INFUSOHIA. Porty adds the following species : — S. rufum. — Has the figiu'e and size of .). — Thick, oblong; dis- tended and obtuse posteriorly; but the form very variable ; clearer and of a red tint anteriorly, eye-speck reddish-black ; filament half as long again as the body. 1-870". This form Perty sm-mises to be only a deeper-coloured specimen of E. sangmnea, which he often found of a brown or blackish-red colour. E. mucro7iata (Perty). — Of a beautiful green coloiu', the anterior segment or head frequently hyaline, with a clear-red stig-ma; tail pointed and ti'ansparent. Body oval, often longitudinally and finely sti'iped. Filament overlooked. Differs from E. gmiculata by the absence of the angularly-set filament. 1-108" to 1-84". Mr. Carter describes the following new species from tlie freshwater tanks of Bombay : — E. fusiformis. — Short, thick, fusifonn, obtuse, of a rich green colour, provided with along, delicate, single cilium, which projects from a slightly bilabiate anterior extremity ; a little behind which is the eye-spot, attached to the contracting vesicle. Nucleus central, situated be- tween the ends of two elongated, refrac- tive, nucleated cells, which extend round the body equatorially. Tailless. Motion during progi-ession oscillatoiy, and rotat- ing on the longitudinal axis. Length about 1-700", breadth about 1-1100". Freshwater tanks in the island of Bombay. E. zonalis. — Short, thick, ovoid cylin- drical, slightly narrowed anteriorly, of a rich green colour ; provided with a long delicate ciliimi, which projects from the notch of a slightly bilabiate anterior ex- tremity ; a little behind which is tlie eye- spot, attached to the contracting vesicle. Nucleus central, between the ends of two wide, refractive, nucleated cells, which extend round the body equatorially. Tail adhesive or suctorial (?), short, about one-sixth part of the length of the body. Motion dm-ing progression oscillatory and rotating, on the long axis of the body. Length l-1100",breadth 1-1800". Fi-esh- water tanks in the island of Bombay. These two Euglence are remarkable for having that refi'active cell or organ which I have called the " glair-cell " equatorial, instead of longitiidinal as in Eughna Spirogpra, or smglo and in the anterior lip as m Crumenula texta. E. agilis. — Is a third species Mr. Carter would distinguish ; but he has given no details, except relative to its develop- ment in the still form. 1-600". In the brackish waters of the marshes of Bombav {A. N. JL 1856, xviii. p. 246). Genus CHLOROGONTUM (p. 195) (XVIII. 47; XX. 15-21).~As1mi(e 544 SYSTEMATIC HI8T0BY OF THE INPUSOIirA. with a double filament. Are free and provided with an eye-speck, taU, and double filament. The only known species is of a very beautiful green colour, and has numerous transparent vesicles within it. A distinct, hyaline nucleus is perceptible in the centre of the animalcule. Self-division of the contents into four or more segments has been observed to take place, also propagation by microgonidia. Schneider and Perty concur respecting the propriety of detaching Chlorogonmm from the Astasiaja. Numerous dull-red specks are scattered throughout its green contents, no one of which has the clearness and distinctness of the stigma of Euglence. The primordial envelope, with its enclosed green contents, varies in figure ; but not the external one, which is rigid. Chlobogonittm eiicJilorum (xvm. 47 ; XX. 15-21). — Spindle-shaped, very pointed at both exti-emities ; tail short ; colour sparkling gi'een. The eye-speck is so delicate that it may be easily over- looked ; but when the creatm-e is dried upon a plate of very clear glass, both the eye and the double filament are readily seen, and it may be preserved as a per- manent microscopic object, xvm. fig. 47 represents a cluster of six, each with its double proboscis. In water-butts, on ponds, &c. ; it forms the green matter of Priestley. 1-110" to 1-280", exclusive of the taU. It was in this species that M. Weisse thought he had discovered a form of propagation analogous to that by ova, but in fact to reproduction by mi- crogonidia (xx. 15-21). The yoimg foiTUS so produced, especially in their aggi-egate state before discharge, re- semble Uvella Bodo; and M. Weisse thinks Chlorogoniimi euchlonmi and Glenomarum tingetis only other stages of development of the same organism. Genus COLACIUM. — Eye-speck or stigma single. PUament not detected in this genus, although, as Ehrenberg remarks, there can be no doubt of its existence, from the currents which are visible in coloiu'ed water near the forepart of the body ; still, as these are rather feeble, it is probable that the organ is but single. Numerous transparent vesicles are seen within the body. The creatures are parasitical upon Entomostraca and Rotatoria, to which they attach themselves by means of a pedicle or footstalk, which is single at fii-st. but becomes ramified by the process of self- division. CoLACiUM (P) vesieulosum. — Spindle- shaped, oval, but variable ; pedicle very short, and seldom ramified ; colom' sparlding green, with distinct internal vesicles. Ehrenberg says, " I have again sought in vain for the red eye (May 23, 18-35), but cannot be satisfied of its non- existence, ias it is undoubtedly present in the other species, and investigation is sometimes unproductive on account of subordinate circumstances. I have likewise failed in seeing very satis- factorily the vibratory organ, notwith- standing its action is evident enough." Foimd upon Entomostraca. 1-S60". C. stentorinum. — Fonu variable, but somewhat cylindrical, prolonged anteri- orly into a funnel-shaped process ; colour beautiful green; vesicles indistinct; pedi- cle often ramified. The eve-speck is at one time distinct, at another scarcely perceptible ; it diftei-s also in position so widely that sometimes it is close to the elongated neck, at others near the poste- rior end. Perty simniscs it to bo alarval condition of some other being, or merely a sporozoid. Found upon Entomostraca and Polyarthra Irigla. 1-1150". Genus DISTIGMA.— ^s^asio; with two eye-specks. Locomotive organs not hitherto discovered ; and the presumption is that they do not exist ; none of the species cither synm. or produce perceptible currents in coloured water. Movements creeping or crawling, much like those of eels ; form variable, like that of Lacrymaria; and they approximate to Amctha in other respects, besides the absence of a Ihibellum. At the foi-e ]iart of the body may be seen tw( other in tlie aoscnce oi a iiaueuum. jvi me loru jmix m un.- vwi^ • - ,'0 very delicate, blackisli -coloured spots, analogous to the oye-spocks ir genera. Tlie Distigma> are sometimes confounded with Prolcvs OF THE ASTASIiEA OE ETJGLEN^A. 545 diffluens of Muller. All the species are exquisite objects for a deep-powered microscope — for instance, one magnifying 460 diameters. Perty unites this genus with Astasia, as being indistinguishable from it by any sufficient charac- teristics. 'DiSTiGMKtenax{Proteus,yL.'). — Larger than either of the other species ; proteus- like— at one time greatly distended, at another as much constricted ; eye-speck rather indistinct ; coloiu- transparent yel- low. About LemnfE. 1-240". This spe- cies Perty regards as merely a larger variety of Astasia margaritifera, inca- pable of the same extent of metaholia. D. Proteus (Proteus^M.). — Smaller than the preceding ; proteus-like — sometimes greatly distended, at others constricted; Blunted at both extremities ; eye-specks distinct. Amongst ConfervEe. 1-580" to 1-400". This species, saj^s Pei-ty, appears nothing else than a smaller specimen of Astasia margaritifera which has lost, to a greater or less extent, its filaments, and therewith its power of swimming, whilst it retains the remarkable peristaltic move- ments in its internal substance. D. viridis. — Smaller than either of the other species; proteus-like some- times greatly distended, at others con- stricted ; filled with green granules ; eye- specks distinct. Length not exceeding 1-570". D. viridis is, in Per ty's opinion, an incomplete condition of Eiitreptia viridis. D. planaria. — Small, linear ; proteus- like, but capable of less distension or constriction than the preceding ; pointed at both exti-emities; colourless; eye- specks distinct. Found by Ehrenberg amongst Confervas in the Nile. 1-240". Genus PEUANEMA (Duj.) (XXYI. 13).— Body of variable form, some- times almost globular, at others distended posteriorly, and di-awn out in front, or prolonged into a long tapering filament. Movement forwards slow and uniform. The Peranemce are colourless, but contain in their diaphanous substance granules and vacuoles. The lobes they send out in their frequent and remarkable changes of form are, unlike those of the Amosbce, covered with an integument. Found ia stagnant marsh -water, chiefly on the surface of dead plants. I suspect Ehrenberg has described a species (P. protracta) of this genus under the name of Trachelitis trichojyhorus. ponds at Bern. 1-1625" to 1-1300". Perty could not discover the plaits or folds, and states that the filament is double the length of the body. Movements very active. P. virescens. — The animalcule so named occm-red in tlie water of the Seine, was green, semi-fliud, and changed fonn most rapidly, like ^xiAmocba. 1-8G0" to 1-520". Requires further examination. Genus ZYGOSELMIS (Duj.) (XXVL 12 a, 6).— Animal of variable form, swimming by means of two equal flageUiform filaments, which are constantly in agitation. Zygoselmis, says Dujardin, is distinguished from Disehms by its contractility and its variability of foiTU ; but such a distinction is surely insufficient. Pekanhma protracta. — Oblong, soft, dilated posteriorly, much extended an- teriorly. 1-838" to 1-370". Its figure undergoes changes by the movements of its contents. A trace of a red stigma often discoverable. P. globidosa (xxvx. 13). — White or pale-gi'een, nearly globular, more or less extended anteriorly, with obUque plaits on its surface. In the Seine, and in Zygoselaus tiehidosa (xxvi. 12 a, b). — Colourless, sometimes globidar, at others top- or pear-shaped, with numerous con- tained granules. 1-1300", with two fila- ments of equal size and length. Un- common; found with Lemna; the changes of form proceed slowly. Z. inaqualts (Perty). — Colomless, hya- line; one filament rather stouter than the other ; both proti-uded in fi-ont. Ca- vity sometimes filled with cleai- green corpuscles, which frequently assume op- tically a red hue. Changes of figure slow ; movements sluggish. Distin- guished from Z. iiebulosa by the inequa- lity of its filaments. 1-840".' The assigned distinction between this and the other species appears to us insufficient. _ Genus HETERONEMA(Duj.) (XXVL ll)._Body of variable form, oblong irregularly dilated postenoriy, having a fine flagelliform filament, and a second 2 N 546 SYSTEMATIC HISTOKY OF THE INFUSORIA. thicker trailing one acting as a retractor. This genus, hy possessing the two filaments of different characters and office, approaches the Heteromita and Anisonema, from which, however, it is distinguished by its contractile, ob- liquely striated integument. Heteronema marina (xxvi. 11). — narrower in front, obliquely and closely Body oblong, iiTegularly dilated behind, striated. Length 1-434". In sea-water. Genus POLYSELMIS (Duj.) (XXVI. 7).— Animal oblong, of variable form, swimming by means of several flagellifonn filaments which arise from its anterior extremity. The single Infusorium I have found possessing these characters resembled an oblong Euglena rounded at each end, with an anterior longer moveable filament, sm-rounded by three or four veiy fine shorter ones. PoLYSELMis viridis (xxvi. 7). — Elon- gated, rounded at each end ; more or less dilated and folded in the middle 5 green. with a red eye-speck. 1-650". Found in a glass of marsh-water containing Lemna, which had been kept several months. Genus EUTEEPTIA (Perty) (XYIII. 53-55).— Like CJilorogomum, Zygo- selmis, and Dinema, has two fiilaments. It has besides the form of an Astasia, but its figure is constantly varying as it swims, and it has a red stigma. This and the following genus constructed by Perty are very imperfectly characterized, and in our opinion have slight claim to generic independence. EuTHEPTiA viridis (xvni. 53-55 ; xxx. 18-19). — Green, with hyaline corpuscles, but sometimes quite coloiu-less. A va- riety thick and roimded posterior, with the outline of Amblyophis, only presented a crawling movement, and not the power of swimming. Length, when extended, 1-240". Among Lemnae. A variety, K unifilis, has only a single flabeUiun and a faintly marked stigma. Genus DINEMA (Perty) (XIX. 17). — Filaments two ; one projected in advance, the other trailed behind. Body small, saccular, veiy contractile, and destitute of chlorophyll. Dinema griseoluni (xrx. 17). — Body fiUed with grey molecules. Movements sluggish, and particidarly so the rotation on its long axis. Filaments about equal in dimensions. 1-250". Bern. In ponds, &c. D. pusillum. — Colourless, with few in- ternal gi-anules. Veiy conti'actile, and changeable in figure. FAMILY DINOBEYINA. I (XXII. 42, 48, 49.) » The animalcules of this family are distinctly, or to aU appearance, poly- gastric, and ^ furnished vsdth only one aperture to the body; hence, Uke polypes, they can have no tnie ahmentary canal. They are possessed of an external case or sheath, and have the power at will of changing tlieir fomi, but are without appendages, except one species of Dinobryon, which has a simple filiform proboscis and a delicate red spot at the anterior portion of the body. The nutritive apparatus is obscure and undefined. The lorica is of the form of a little pitcher (urceolus), to the bottom of which the very contractile Euglena-like creature is attached. Two genera only arc knoAvn. Genus EPIPYXIS (XXII. 42).— The characteristics of this genus are mostly of the negative kind ; it wants the eye, and is attached. The most evident animal character possessed by the species is the funnel-shaped onfice at its anterior extremity. The soft or pulpy body is lodged withm a dehcate membranous (not siUcious) lorica, usually affixed by a pedicle or foot. Stein presumes Ejpipyxis to be merely a younger condition of Dinobnjon, with which it occiu-s frequently in company. Besides this, the peculiar ceu- like nucleus occurs alike in EpipyiX-is and in Din. Sertulana. OF THE PROTOZOA. 547 Epipyxis Utn'mlus (xxii. 42). — Small, conical, and pitclier-liie, filled with yel- lowish granules ; attached by a pedicle. The figure represents a group of several attached to a portion of Conferva. 1-640". Genus DINOBETON (XXII. 48-49).— Distinguished from the preceding genus by possessing an eye-speck and freedom of motion. The lorica also is larger and looser around the body of the creatui-e. Reproduction takes place by gemmae, which do not separate from the parent ; hence a shrubby, forked, and polype-like cluster is produced. DiNOBBYON Sertularia (xxn. 48, 49). — Lorica (sheath) large, slightly excised and dilated at the mouth, but constricted above the base or the attached extremity. This animalcule is readily overlooked, by reason of its crystalline lorica, and often nearly coloiu-less body ; by a patient ia- vesti^ation, however, the little colony may be perceived rolling along, and ad- vancing in the field of view. Within each lorica a pale-yellow aninialcide may be noticed, in fonn somewhat resembling the young of Chlorogonium or of Euglena viridis. The creature is able to contract itself into a roimded mass at the bottom of its case, or it extends itself to the mouth of the lorica, but not beyond it. A red speck occurs at the anterior part of the body, from which a single thread- like filament is protruded beyond the sheath. The vibrating filaments of the several members of the colony propel it through the water like so many paddles. In bog-water. Length of animalcule 1-570", cluster 1-120". Stein in the course of his researches met with a spe- cimen of Dinohryon Sei'tularia which he likens to a Euglentform being, living m a crystalline goblet-like sheath, much like that of Vaginicola crystallina or of Cothurnia imherbis. The sheaths grouped on a stem are only mechanically imited together, and are under no circumstances developed by progressive gemmation from the hiadmost one, asEhrenberg supposed. Each being has a cleai', homogeneous, discoid nucleus near its base, containing a centi'al nucleolus. D. (?) sociale. — Small, enveloped in a shell of a simply conical shape, truncated at the mouth. Developed in the form of a shrub-like polypary. In fresh water. 1-860", cluster 1-280". D. gracile. — Less branching (fruti- cose), lorica slightlj^ constricted at the middle, aperture trimcated. Animalcule 1-2080". OF THE GROUP PROTOZOA (p. 199). In the arrangement pm-sued in the first part of this work the Protozoa foUow the Phytozoa, and are primarily divided into two chief subsections viz. Rhizopoda and CiUata. These wc shall treat as two groups of Infusoria divisible into a few subgroups, and, commencing Avith the Rhizopoda, shall treat systematically, first those beings properly called so, and afterwards, as subgroups, the Actinophryina and the Acinetina. The Ciliata and their divi- sions will follow next. GROUP II.— RHIZOPODA (p. 201). (Plates XXI.-XXIII.) i This term and its synonym Pseudopoda are derived from the leading charac tenstic of the class, viz. the variable processes or false feet which serve as their locomotive organs. The former appellation is more in vogue, but its extent 2 N 2 548 SYSTEMATIC HISTOEY OF THE HTPTTSOBTA. of signification is ill-defined. Some would apply it to the whole collection of animalcules composed, as far as their organic material is concerned, of the self-same simple homogeneous sarcode, whether this exist naked, as in the Amoebaea, or whether enclosed mthin a simple single-chambered shell, as in the Monothalamia, or in a many-chambered or compoimd one, a-s in the Poly- thalamia or Foraminifera. Siebold extends to the Rhizopoda, as a class, this wide signification. Others, and among them Ehrenberg, would so far limit it as to assign to it only the naked Amoebaea and the monolocular Arcellina. Indeed, the last-named aiithor holds the opinion of an actual difference in organic nature between his presumed Polygastric Pseudopoda and the Pora- minifera or Polysomatia. Dujardin adopted the peculiar course of rejecting the Amoebaja from the Rhizopoda, which in his system included both mono- locular and multilocular forms. In our general history of the Rhizopoda (p. 201), we have used the term in its widest signification, to include naked monolocular and multilocular beings ; but, in order to keep this systematic portion of our work within moderate bounds, we shall here give only the descriptive account of the Amoebaea and Arcellina. Were another reason required than that assigned for this proceeding, a strong one might be found in the fact of the approaching completion of an elaborate work on the Pora- minifera by Professors "Williamson and Carpenter, who are so well known for their extensive acquaintance with this class of organisms. Families: — 1. Amoebsea ; 2. Monothalamia (Arcellina) j 3. Polytha- lamia (Foraminifera) ; 4. Actinophryina j 5. Acinetina. FAMILY I.— AMCEB^A oh MICEBIFA. The Amoebsea present the simplest form of organic life, and are typically represented by a microscopic particle of ' sarcode,' or muco-gelatinous organic matter, possessing within itself the power of gro^\i;h, of assimilation of ex- traneous substances, of movement by means of irregular and ever-changing ofishoots from itself — " variable processes," — and capable of multipHcation by the severance of portions of itself, and probably of development by iatemd germs or gemmules. They present no definite, constant figure, although it is possible to distinguish different Amoebaea by the more frequent outline they exhibit, or by the length or figui-o of theu' pseudopodes. The general opinion is that the sarcode of which they consist is naked and homogeneous ; but Auerbach (see ante, p. 205) has advanced the statement that they are all en- closed within an integument. A movement of graniiles is perceptible, espe- cially along the margins of the variable processes. A nucleus with a nucleolus is believed to be generally present ; vacuoles are almost always distinguishable ; and one, two, or even more contractile vesicles have been seen in some speci- mens. There seems evidence of the process of encysting taking place under certain conditions. Amcebiform beings are not nccessaiily of an animal nature ; for some have latterly been proved to occur ia the cycle of development of some of the simplest plants. Ehrenberg described Amcebaja as polygastric ani- malcides, having a mouth but no alimentaiy canal, and moving by variable processes, produced from any part of the body indiflferently. He observed vacuoles (digestive sacs) in aU, and self-diWsion in Ama;ba diffiwns. The AmcebfEa are organically related to the ArccUina and Foraminifera, from both of which groups they differ by being naked, or unenclosed in a shell (see p. 234). Only one genus is distinguishable, viz. Genus AMOEBA, which is therefore represented by the description of the OF THE AM(EBiEA OK AMCEBINA. 549 family. The following species, however, are distinguished, although it is hard to define specific form in such variable creatures. vacuoles, and some neai-ly opaque gi'a- nnlar bodies, at the centre. 1-400'' to 1-300". Amceba Princeps (xxi. 4). — Ooloiu- pale yellow, processes numerous, of a cylindrical outline, with thick, roimded extremities. Its figure when in a passive or non-reptant condition is globular ; but this character is of no specific value, the natural tendencj'^ of any similar semi- fluid, mucous particle being, by the force of cohesion, to assume such a fonn. Amongst Naviculce and AlgiB in fi."esh water. 1-140" to 1-70". A. verrucosa. — Smaller than the last; coloui'less ; processes globular, ovoid, of a wart-like appearance. Motion sluggish, like, indeed, all Amoeba. Never exceeds 1-240". Amongst aquatic plants. A. diffluens. — Coloiu'less ; expands into a filmy form and throws out processes which are longer than those of A. verru- cosa, and rather pointed at the ends. This species is a very interesting object under the microscope : at times it re- sembles a turbid lump of jelly-looking matter, at others a transparent gelati- nous film, with nmnerous outstretched processes slowly protruded at one part and withdrawn into the general mass at another, but so acted on as to sen^e to firoduce a very slow onward movement, ts movements may be compared in ap- pearance to those which may be imagined as exhibited by a many-footed animal tied up in a sack. Usual size 1-300". Common amongst LemnEB. A. radiosa (xxu. 1-3). — Colourless; smaller than A. diffluens ; processes nu- merous, long, slender, pointed, disposed \a a radiating manner. When contracted, it resembles A. diffluens in its globose figm-e. Colouring matter is readily taken into its substance. In bog-water. 1-240". A. longipes. — Very small ; processes very long, one of them often four times the length of the body ; acute and hya- line, without expansions. 1-2500". CiLX- haven, in the sea. A. Rossclii (Duj.). — Diaphanous; pro- cesses numerous, some very obtuse, others digitate, and others also pointed or jagged. 1-130". Large vacuoles occur about the middle of the body, loolriug like large globules. A. marina (D.). — Filled with granules at the centre ; diff'ers from A. diffluens only in its dimensions and habitat, i. c. the sea. 1-200". A. Glcichenii (D.). — ^Varies from a glo- bular to a very long-oval figure ; divitling into two or three lobes on one side; A. midtiloha (D.). — This may be but a vai'iety of A. Gleichenii, but deseiwes pointing out, as much fi-om the circum- stance of its habitat as fi-om its form. 1-1300". It seems softer than other species, and moves actively, emitting fi'om its border in various directions ten or twelve roimded lobes, which give it a most irregular figure. It was found in an infusion of meal which had been kept nearly two months. A. Limax (D.) (xxn. 4-6). — Diapha- nous, roimded on each side, more or less globose, and but slightly lobed; glides along in a nearly straight line ; contains very distinct granules, and a veiy clearly marked vacuole. Foimd in Seine water kept for eight months. It may be but a more advanced degree of development of the preceding, or of the following species; its greater faransparency, how- ever, and its semi-fluid consistence, seem sufficiently distinctive. 1-260" to 1-800". Auerbach suggests that this species is only a young foi-m of A. Princeps. A. Guttula (xxii. 6). — Diaphanous, orbicular or ovoid ; glides in a straight com'se, and contains very distinct gra- nules. This is one of the most common species, but may easily escape notice on account of its gi'eat ti-ansparency, the simplicity of its form, and the slowness of its movements. In river- or marsh- water, kept for some time, contaiuing plants. 1-520" to 1-890". A. lacej-ata (D.).— Symmetrical, ru- gose, plaited, and granular, rather dia- phanous, with broad expansions, looldng membranous at the base, terminated by several tapering toni points ; one or more evident vacuoles. 1-2800" to 1-890". In pond- water. A. hrachiata (D.). — Globular ; semi- transparent, porous and tubercular, with foiu- to six very thin long and cyliu- drical_ expansions, straight or flexuose, sonuitimes bifid or branching. In animai infusions. 1-190". A. crassa (D.). — More or less rounded thiclc ; contains numerous gramdes ; ex- pansions roimded, numerous, not very prominent. 1-880" to 1-520". In the water of the Mediterranean. A. ramosa (D.).— Globular or ovoid • granules very numerous : expansions nu- merous, of nearly equal size, rounded at 650 SYSTEMATIC HISTOUY OF THE INi'USOEIA. the extremities, of the same length as the body, and mostly branched. Other varieties of these peculiar beings are referred to, but not specially described, by Dujardin ; for one, however, he pro- poses the name of Amoeba inflata. A. qiiadrilmeata (Carter). — 1-350". Ml". Carter has given this name to a supposed new species {A. N. H., 1856, xviii. pp. 243, 248), of which he gives a diagi'am, but no specific description. A. latei-itia (Fresenius). — Rounded or oval, or drawn out at one end and rounded at the other. Processes thin, finely pointed; points veiy numerous; coloui- of a brick-red, becoming browner after death. In water at Walldorf with *S^i- rotcenia. 1-20 to 1-10 mUlim. A. actinophora (Auerbach) (xxrt. 12- 18). — When without processes, its form is more or less globular ; and even when pseudopodes are protruded, the figure is usually not much altered, those pro- cesses being thin and spicular with pointed ends (fig. 13), though they do not exceed in length more than 1 i the diameter of the body. This species is remarkable for the number of crystalline particles found in its interior, and for the processes never being entered by the granules of the interior of the body. Auerbach believes that the Actino- phrys viridis of Ehi'enberg is probably no other than a large specimen of this Amoeba. It is closely allied to A. bilim- bosa, but is smaller, its surface smooth, its processes radiating and simple, not forked, its envelope thinner : it contains the peculiar crystals, and has no starch- globules as seen in the latter. 1-110"' to 1-70"'. In water at Breslau. A. bilimbosa (Auerbach) (xxn. 7-11, 20-23). — Figure more or less globular when processes absent or few ; pseudo- podes vary, being either wide and laminar with a spinous or dentate terminal mar- gin, or elongated and tubular. 1-50"' to 1-35"'. A. porrecta (Schultze) (xxi. 3). — Hy- aline ; processes numerous from all sides of the in-egularly-shaped mass, from eight to ten times longer than the latter, divergent like so many fibres, with in- tercommunicating branches. Fissure very changeable and rapidly so ; remark- ably locomotive. The tine gi-anules seen to circulate through the processes. In fresh and salt water. A. globularis (Schultze) (xxi. 2). — Graniilar, delicate, yellowish-brown, central portion surrounded by a hyaline cortical lamina, from which the short, stumpy processes are very slowly pro- ti'Lided and withdrawn. Most of the processes are also remarkable from their rounded tnmcate ends being terminated by a reti-actile spine. Ancona. A. polypodia (Schultze). — Processes numerous, long, slender, -mXh. rounded or tnmcate exti-emities, and hyaline ; movements tolerably active. Lagoon- water, Venice. A. Sclmltzii (xxi. 1). — ^A species indi- cated but not named by Schultze; to distinguish it, we have applied to it that eminent natiu-alist's name. Central portion gi-anulai' ; suiTounding lamina hyaline ; no granules enter the interior. Processes short, tuberculai-, with rounded exti-emities. Possibly the same as A. verrucosa (Ehr.). In long-kept water from Ancona. Swpplementary Genera, or Subfamily of AMffiBINA. Gentis COEYCIA (Duj.). — An Amcebiform being, covered by a very expan- sible, elastic, flexible membrane or sac, which becomes folded in differeiit directions by the movements and contractions or expansions of the animalcule, — the whole organism sometimes, after it has several times turned on itself, looking like a folded piece of Unen. The membrane remains distinct after the animalcule is torn by needles, and the sarcode particles evacuated. Tlie latter contract themselves into little balls, and, by the property of vacuolation, become hoUowed by Little cavities in larger or smaller numbers. The contents con- sist, besides sarcode, of granules, vacuoles, and foreign particles ; the tivsi- named move in cm-rents from one part to another. The expansions arc not pushed forward, nor do they glide along the surface of reptation Bke those ot ArceUina or of naked Amoeba: ; they proceed from various points of the gcner mass or body, and seem to serve rather to change the centre of gravity than io ivomish. a, poiyit d^appui. 8-100"' to 20-100"'. . The name is suggested by the membranous envelope, whicli prcsen-es inc OF THE AECELLIITA. 651 animalcules from being di-ied up during the alternations of drjTiess Avith moisture they are exposed to by theu- habitat in mosses. They are procured by lightly pressing the Jungermannite, moistened by the rains of November or December, or after they have been preserved a little time in vrater. This, as Dujardin remarks, is evidently a new genus, intermediate be- tween the naked and the loricated Ehizopoda, and standing in a certain relation with the NoctiluccB. {A. S. N., 1852, vol. xviii. p. 240.) No species named. Genus PAMPHAGUS (Bailey). — An Amcebiform being, covered by a deli- cate elastic integument, which, although it presents astonishing changes of form, and offers a certaia amoimt of resistance to internal and external pres- 8ui-e, yet admits of the animalcule transfixing itself upon any denser thin portion of matter without any apparent damage (p. 220). They connect, says their discoverer, " the genus Amceba with Difflugia, agreeing with the fii-st in the soft body -without shell, but diffei'ing in having true feelers or rhizopods confined to the anterior part of the body," or to the region of the mouth, as in Difflugia. A specimen of Pamphagus, we may remark, is equivalent to a Dijfflugia without a true shell and with no ex- traneous matters to thicken and strengthen its covering. Dr. Bailey met with these animalcules in a vivarium, into which " bits of boUed beans and potatoes had occasionally been introduced as food for other animalcules," and numerous starch granules were found in their interior. He also repre- sents it as having a mouth, and, being an adherent of Ehrenberg, as polygas- tric ; but the mouth so described was the orifice of the sac through which the pseudopodes were protnided, and therefore the homologue of the foramen of monothalamous shells. This genus is evidently very closely allied to Goryda (Duj.). The only difference of moment is that in the latter the expansions of the sac proceed from any part of the sui-face, whilst in Pamphagus its discoverer describes them as given off only from one spot at the anterior end. FAMILY II.— AECELLINA (Ehr.) (Pt. I. p. 201 et seq.) (XXI. 6-17.) Arrwebce invested with a single-chambered cell or lorica, having also but one opening, mouth, or foramen. The animal substance or sarcodfe contained within the shell is indistinguishable from that of the naked Amceba;, and is not more organized. The form of the pseudopodes given off from around the mouth of the shell are to some extent employed in defining species ; but the size and conformation of the shell and of its opening arc of much more im- portance systematically. Ehrenberg instituted this family for aU one-chambered llhizopodous shells which, in his belief, were of a silicious composition, and rejected from it some similar shells which were of a calcareous character. This distinction however, is based on erroneous notions (p. 219) ; and naturalists now concur m bringing together all unilocular Ehizopoda into one group, under the name of Monothalamia. The Arcellina were represented by Ehrenberg as polygastric animals with an alimentary canal, and enclosed by a lorica, through the sincle opening of which they extended their variable processes. He also described digestive sacs, but was unable to discover either their mode of renroduction or their multiplication by fission or gemma). Only four genera of ArceUina were emimorated by Ehrenberg; theii- chn racters and mutual relations are shpwn in the following tabular view :-- 652 SYSTEMATIC HISTOET OF THE INFU80KL4.. Changeable processes f Lorica spherical or tun-like Difflugia. radiant, generally Lorica a flat spiral Spirillina. numerous [ Lorica discoid or shield-shaped Arcclla. Changeable processes broad and unbranched Cyphidium. The genus Spirillina is a very exceptional form ; it has a spirally-coiled shell, apparently porous throughout, hke one of the Foraminifera, and hke them, too, a marine habitat. Its only affinity with the Ai-ceUina, according to Ehrenberg's account, is the sUicious natui-e of the shell ; but even were this established, it would not exclude it from the Foraminifera, among which silicious testae are known. Of Cyphidium little infoi-mation exists ; and Ehrenberg's account is by no means satisfactory. The same may be said of the figures he gives of it. Dujardin divides the " Ehizopodes," excluding the Amoebfea, into two sec- tions, according to the form of the variable expansions. The first section cor- responds to the family ArceUina of Ehrenberg, and comprehends those species provided with short thick expansions, rounded at the extremity. Such are the Diffiugice, j)ossessing a flexible membranous lorica, without visible tex- ture, mostly of globular form, from the aperture of which the expansions radiate : such, too, are the Arcellce, having a discoid lorica, flattened on the side along which they move (the plane of reptation), where is a central round opening, from which the expansions proceed, the latter lying thus be- tween the shell and the surface along which it glides ; the lorica, moreover, is brittle, and often reticulated, or areolated. The second section, much larger, comprises beings of every variety of form, and having veiy munerous filiform expansions, ending by very fine extremities. Of these varieties he makes three tribes ; the first distinguished from the Difflugice only by the slender character of the expansions, excej^t that in one genus, Trinema, the opening is lateral ; the second, represented by the genus Euglypha, having a lorica beset with tubercles, or areolae, disposed spirally ; and the third by the genus Oromia, having a spherical membranous shell, and very long and branching expansions. The remainder of the " Rhizopodes," as described by Dujardin, are com- prehended in the Polythalamia by other authors. Of these he constitutes two tribes, — one represented by the single genus Miliola, which, like Gromia and the examples of the first tribe, has but a single large opening in its lorica for the escape of the expansions ; the other by several genera, aU of which give off numerous filiform expansions fi-om many distinct pores (foramina) of their shells, and hence called Foraminifera. Siebold included the fii-st and second divisions of Dujardin's class Wiizo- pocla in his group of ArceUina. M. Schultze framed the division of the Monathalamia from the sfnioture of the shells ; but he admitted amongst them the genus OrhuJina, which possesses the very exceptional chai-actcr of having nimicrous pores to its shell, instead of a single opening. The three families instituted were: — 1. Lagynida; 2. Orbulinida; 3. Comuspirida (see p. 241). The first-named family corresponds most nearly to Ehrenberg's Ai-cellina, althoiigh it con- tains several genera usually described in liistories of the Foraminifera, and omitted by the Berlin natui-alist. The following are enumerated ■.—Arcflhi, Difflugia,' Cypliidium, Trinema, Euglypha, Gromia, Lagynis, Ovulina (d Or- bigny), Fissurina (Reuss), Squamidina, and the doubtful genera of Sclilum- berger — Lecquereusia, Cyp>hoderia, Pseudodiffliigia, and Sj)henoderia . Ine genera Lagynis and Sqtiamulina are two new ones formed by Schultze him- seK. It will make this history more complete to introduce these new genera OF THE ABCELLINA. 553 of Lagynida, as weU as the interesting Cornusjpira described by Schnltze. Of Fissurina we have no details. ^ Dr. BaHey, of New York, adds another new genus to the Monothaiamia, under the name of Cadium. Genus DIFFLUGIA.— SheU of one chamber (luulocular) with a single aperture, usuaUy of a more or less spherical or ovoid shape, but sometimes more elongated and clavate, or pitcher-shaped ; thin, opaque, of a dark oUve or brown colour, in general, when occupied by the living organism, but when empty, hyahne ^d coloiu-less. The surface of the sheU is either smooth or sculptured, and -occasionally armed with spine-like processes. In a lew species, D. proteiformis, D. acuminata, and D. gigantea, the envelope does not acquire even the usual homy consistence, but is soft, and becomes strengthened by the adhesion of foreign pai-ticles of silex and other matters, which give it a rough, irregular appearance. The aperture or foramen varies in figure and size, and furnishes valuable specific distinctions. The pseudopodes are characterized as being cylindrical, not much elongated, and obtuse or rounded at the extremities. D. areolata. — Lorica and foramen as va. the preceding, but the spines defi- cient. D. detiticulata. — Ovate, oblong, smooth ; foramen with twelve dentations. D. Lagena. — Clavate, or of the form of a bottle ; smooth, without reticulations ; margin of opening entire. D. lavigata. — Ovate, oblong, smooth ; foramen -with eight dentations ; ap- proaches D. denticidata. L). striolata. — Ovate, oblong, delicately striated longitudinally j foramen with a dentated border. D. Bructeri. — Ovate, surface rugose ; the end presenting the aperture rather attenuate but ti'imcate ; margin of aper- ture entire. 1-1050". On moss. D. cancellata. — Oblong, obtuse; sur- face beset with imperfectly rounded cells, 5 to 6 in 1-2500" ; aperture narrow, en- tire. 1-1040". On moss. D. ciliata. — Ovate, sui'face areolar ; each posterior areola furnished with a cilium or cirrluis ; constricted towards the foramen, which has 10 to 16 denti- culations. 1-930". Common in Her- DrFFLTJGiA proteifwmis. — Ovate, sub- globose, covered by a coating of minute grains of sand, and either of a deep ohve. Black, or greenish colour. Processes hyaline, from 1 to 10. 1-240". Among OsciUatoriaB. D. oUonga. — Oblong, ovate, or orbi- cular, smooth, and of a brownish colom- ; processes fewer and stouter than those of the preceding species. Among Oscil- latorise, &c. 1-200". Surface irregu- larly reticidated. D. acuminata. — Oblong and rough, with minute grains of sand ; posteriorly pointed ; processes hyaline. 1-70". D. Enchelys (xxi. 19 «,/). — Oval ; co- lomiess ; translucent and smooth, roimd- ed dorsally; processes ti-ansparent, slender and small ; apertm'e lateral. This is the smallest species of the genus. 1-30"' 1-15"'. In stagnant water. Du- jardin refers it to his genus 2'nnema. D. Ampulla. — Oblong, club-shaped, ele- gantly marked by an oblique series of dots (puncta) ; hvaline ; foramen ovate. 1-680". AtSakhiu-g. D. spiralis (Bailey). — Sub-globose, mi- nutely gi-anulated: upper smface im- equal, with a spiral line of two or three turns. Variable processes numerous, constantly changing position, hyaline. 1-080". Beriin and United States. Frcsenius reraarlcs that some large spe- cimens are met ^vith coated with coarse particles, like D. proUdfurmis, instead of the usual finely reticulate lines. It attains, he says, in size to 1-7'". D. acanthophora (xii. 64). — Ovate, oblong, loosely areolated ; foramen den- tated; armed posteriorly with three or fom* spines (acidei). cynia. 1). seminulum. — Shorter, ovate, brown, surface with narrow and small areoLne ; aperture wide, very fiuelv dcnticidated or entire. 1-2500" "to 1-1^50". On moss and stones. T). coUaris. — Narrowed like a neck be- hind the aperture ; straight, attenuate, pyi-il'orm or sub-clavate ; surface irregu- larly cellular ; cells small, but of equal size, except about the nock, where they are smaller; nperture entire. 1-840'"'. About roots of trees. 654 SYSTEMATIC HISTOEY OF THE rNFXJSOElA. D. Dryas. — Ovate ; aperture entire, truncate ; sm-face marked with longitu- dinal lines of ovate cells, which decrease in size posteriorly. 1-1170", On roots of trees. D. oligodon. — Smooth, oblong, sub- cylindrical; apertiu-e with eight strong denticulations. 1-1000". This spacies and the two following found in Kur- distan. D. reticulata. — Ovate, sm'face marked hj a net- work of minute cells ; aperture simple, large. In its interior are nu- merous particles like aggregated buds; the margin of the foramen is sometimes dentate. 1-880". D. squamata. — Ovate, with large loose areolae, looking like scales (squamre) ; aperture denticulate, truncate, contracted. 1-1450". D. spirigera. — Pyriform, smooth ; neck distinct, cylindrical, ti'uncate; orifice large, entire; opposite end tui'gid; round- ed. The surface presents foui* spiral lon- gitudinal lines. 1-36"'. Bavarian Alps. The first of the appended species is from Duiardin, the others from Schlum- berger (Ami. des Sciences Nat. 1845, p. 254) :— D. globulosa (xxi. 10). — Brown, glo- bular, or ovoid, smooth. 1-260" to 1-105". Near Paris. D. depressa. — Diaphanous, ovoid, de- pressed, resistant ; iia surface divided by slight fissures (lines) into numerous small and irregular polygonal sections. 1-220". Aperture with an uneven mar- gin. In springs in the Vosges. D. gigantea. — Greyish brown, rough, as if strewed with particles of sand, ovoid, elongated, and contracted an- teriorly. 1-325" to 3-325". It ap- proaches D. protdformis, but differs in its more elongated form, in being con- tracted anteriorly and almost pynform, sometimes depressed, and lastly in its greater size : margin of aperture uneven. D. tncuspis (Carter). — -Processes occu- Eied by granules, gi-eenisb ; testa ovoid, ttle incrusted ; its foramen tricuspid in form, or of trefoil shape {A. N. H. 1856, xviii. p. 247). Freseniua appeal's to have met with this form, but considers it only a variety of D. ohlonga. 1-320". D. ? marina (Bailey). — Shell silici- ous (?), ovoid or lagenoid, with a con- tracted neck and circular aperture ; sur- face divided by oblique lines into quadii- lateral spaces. jV 1-1000", diam. 1+ of 1-1000". A single specimen was fomid in sound- ings taken from a depth of 2750 fathoms, which had been cleaned with acids. This resistance to acids induced Dr. Bailey to consider the shell silicious, but we now know that chitinous shells are equally unaffected. The discoverer doubted its being a Difflugia, on account of its maiine habitat. Genus SPIRILLINA. — Lorica tubiilar, silicious (?), rolled in a spiral manner, like a Planorhis. ■ It is aUied to Diffiugia by its silicious lorica (for acids have no action on the shell). This genus probably agrees with the Spirulina of Bory de St. Vincent; but the latter name has been othenvise used by Ehrenberg to designate a genus of Polythalamia. SpiniLLiNA vivipara (xi. 37). — Shell porous, convoluted as a circular, spiral, horizontal tube, hyaline and smooth. Young loricse may often be foimd con- nected with it. In the sea — Vera Cruz, Mexico. The form of this species recalls that of many undoubted Polythalamia, whilst it has no fellow amongst the Infusoria. Ehrenberg has likewise represented ap- parent dots or pores on its surface, like those through Avhich the filiform pro- cesses of Polythalamia are protruded; and the only reason implied in Ehren- berg's account for reckoning it among tlie Polygastrica is its silicious shell: it is, however, most probably chitinous. It ^vill be noted that Ehrenberg is inclined to believe it viviparous. Genus ARCELLA (XXI. 7-9, 15).— Variable processes, numerous and hyaline; single processes cleft into many, and expanded in a radiating manner ; lorica flattened, sliicld-likc. The lorica varies mucli in structure m the different species. Eor instance, in A. vuJyaris it exhibits regular and dcUcate facets ; in A. dcntata the facets are large and crystalline ; in A. acu- leata it is beset with spicida ; and in A. hyalina it is homogeneous and clear. Vacuoles are seen filled with coloured vegetable substances ; and m OF THE AHCELLINA. 555 A. vulgaris and other species a contractile vesicle has been perceived. The processes are longer, as a rule, than those of Diffiugia, fibrous, and more branched. The shells are very commonly compressed, and have a discoid figure ; and in none are they soft and beset with extraneous particles, as in Diffiugia, but are chitinous and elastic. " The Arcellce (says Dujardin) seem to differ among themselves by the intimate stnictm-e of their lorica, which sometimes appears membranous, at others finely striated, reticular, or with granules disposed in spiral lines. Some Arcellce have also spinous prolongations from the border of their lorica. Pressure fi-actures their lorica like a brittle substance. The contained sub- stance escapes thi-ough the cracks so formed, iu the form of contractile expan- sions like those of Amoebce. I have seen one larger lobe almost separated, as if about to become an iudependent being. M. Peltier has observed con- tact to take place between the expansions of neighbouring Arcellce without any union being effected, while the processes of the same Arcellce united and became blended together. " The lorica in young Arcellce is extremely diaphanous ; and granulations or striae are to be seen only in those of larger size : hence it may happen, with respect to some species, that they represent but different stages of existence of the same animal." tion ; one-half nearly occupied by the large foramen. This is a very doubtful Arcella, and contrary in form to the character of mouothalamous cells. A comparison of Ehrenberg's account with his iigures leads us to believe this sup- posed species to be no other than a young Rotalia of two cells (xx. 41), or other incomplete polythalamous shell. A. ecor«!s.— Large; hemispherical, not areolar ; apertm-e roiuid, large, placed to one side ; entire. A., lunata. — Subglobose, large ; with a -wide semi-lunar opening, seated to one side. A. Nidus-pendidm. — Ovate-oblouo- hyalme, loosely areolated; aperture ui front, oblong, margin entire. A._ m'!«s.— Hemispherical, depressed, reddish, mmutely and elegantly ai-eolar: aperture central, circular. A. ? Gfo&«/«<5. _ Subglobose : with oosely reticular lines, appearing gi-anu- lar ; apertiu-e large, simple. l-7aO" On moss at Berlin, Potadam, &c. A gramdata.~0]AQug, hvaline. Has tJie habitat and size of A. hyalina, with a granular instead of a smooth sm-face. 1-940' . On moss in Hercynia, &c A. caudicola.— Ovate, oblong, rounded at each end, hyaline, very delicately Jiispid, not areolar ; aperture anterior round, large. 1-840". Habitat of A Nidm-pc>ulul„s. In Venezuela, on roots ot plants, such as ferns, &c. A. Oke}m (Perty) (xxi. 15). Abcella vidgaiis (xxi. 7, 8, 9). — Lorica round and beU-shaped, with a hemispherical or turgid back; smooth, but with rows of minute granules ; colour yellow or reddish-brown. Abundant amongst Lemnte and aquatic plants. 1-570" to 1-240." A. aculeata. — Yellowish, hemisperical, though often mis-shapen, and spinous throughout, or only around one-half of the margin ; the shell is not readily de- stroyed by heat, and is covered with short spicula. 1-210". A. dentata. — Membranous ; of a he- mispherical or polygonal form ; margin dentated; coloiu" yellow or green. Amongst Confer\-£E. 1-570" to 1-240". A. (r") hyalina. — Membranous, smooth, elliptical or globular, smaller than the preceding, thin and soft, colourless. Found in d(5bris at the bottom of pond- water, along with Cyphidium aureolmn, &c. 1-1150 to 1-570". The sheU is not quite symmetrical, one side being more convex than the other. Aperture sometimes in-egular. Elirenberg was not certain that this species is not a Diffiugia. It is indeed very liice many specimens of D. Michel ys. A. Americana. — Oblong ; aperture small, round, not in the median line. A. comtricta. — Ovate; slightly con- tracted about the foramen, which is very large and to one side. A. dispheera. — Oblong, almost di- vided into two by a centi-al coustric- 55G GENEOALIIISTOEY OF THE INFtrSOJilA. from it. The lorioa is combustible, and is something like a little die or stamp, moimted upon a short stem. It is very in-egularly formed, having protuberances which make it appear four-cornered. The organ of 'locomo- tion is a broad gelatinous variable process with smooth edges, not unlike Amoeba verrucosa. Vacuoles have not yet been observed ; modes of propaga- tion unknown. tion they might be seen to change their places." Ehrenberg only once perceived the locomotive organ of the animalcule, situated imder one corner, — upon which it appeared to rest, and that so fhmly that six out of the eight protuberances of the die-like lorica were visible at the same time. In fig. 26 the gelatinous variable process is seen projecting from beneath the lorica. Fig. 27 is a young specimen. 1-570" to 1-430". Cyphtdium aureolum (xxn. 24-27). — Lorica cubical, with protuberances ; pro- cess colourless. " In March, 1835," says Ehrenberg, " I first observed himdreds of these creatm-es in a glass of water which had stood throughout the winter, in com- pany with some specimens of the Mi- d-astei-ias. Previously to discovering these, the Amoeba verrucosa had been abundantly generated, and afterwards Arcella liyalina. The creatures were in- active, although by attentive observa- Genus TEUSTEMA (Buj.). — Shell membranous but resistant, diaphanous, ovoid elongated, narrower in front, "with a large oblique oiifice placed late- rally ; expansions fihform, as long as the shell, very thin, and but two or three in number ; entirely retracted when others are to be pushed out from another side. The animal is moved onward by theii- alternate protrusion and contraction. This genus is accepted by Eresenius. TniNEMA Adnm.= Difflugia Enehelys (Ehr.) (p. 553). Genus ETJGLTPHA (Duj.). — SheU diaphanous, resistant, membranous, elongated, ovoid, rounded at one end, terminated at the other by a very large truncated oiifice, with a dentated margin ; its surface marked by emi- nences or depressions, in regular obHque series ; expansions filiform, nume- rous, simple. Etjglypha tuberculata. — Lorica stri- E. alveolata (xxi. 11). — Lorica with ated, with rounded tubercles. Termina- regular polygonal depressions in regular tion of expansions extremely delicate, oblique (sphal) series, bearing spines at 1-295". Found in stagnant ponds. the upper or posterior end. 1-290". Genus GROMIA (XXI. 12, 16) (Duj.). — Lorica smooth, yeUowish-brown, membranous, soft, globular, with a small round opening, from which the very long branching expansions proceed, tapering to very fine extremities. Found in both salt and fresh water, Gromia oviformis. — Globiilar, smooth, aperture sorrounded by a short neck ; ex- pansions very long, fibrous, branching, slightly anastomotic, colourless or pale- yellow, transparent; animal contents of a yellow or reddish-bro^vn colour; the processes hyaline, permeated by a current of granules. Ehell 1-26" to 1-13". G. Jluviatilis. — Globular, or ovoid, without a neck ; expansions palmate and anastomotic. 1-290" to 1-104". G. hyalina (Schlumberger, A. S. N., 1845, p. 254). — Globular or rather ovoid, smooth, soft, diaphanous, colourless ; foramen round, with a very short neck, formed by a reflexion of tlie lorica ; ex- pansions filiform, numerous, very fine, branching and anastomotic. 1-865" to 1-520". In rivulets. " Notwithstanding the absence of co- lour in the sheU," says Schlumberger, "I arrange this species in the genus Gromia. In size it also differs from the other two species. The lorica, being transparent, admits to view some bluish globiQes, and a large hyaline glandular ovoid body, like that iii the interior of other diaphanous Rhizopodes." G. DiiJard{iniXSdnAt7.c).—She]l sphe- rical, ovoid ; more constant in figure than G. oviformis, colouriess or faint yellow, with a short neck-likc elongation at the foramen, or none ; animal content^ dark sepia-browai ; processes hvnline, with no moving granules. Dinm. 1-2"'. Ancona. OF THE ABCEUJNA. 557 Genus LECQUEEEUSIA (Schlumberger).— SheU ovo-globular, or retort- shaped, rather depressed, membranous, but resistant ; with a wide short neck, and circular terminal aperture, giving passage to cylindi-ical thick and obtuse expansions. This genus approaches Difflugia (Duj.) in the character of its expansions; but the very different form of the shell, and the position _ of the aperture, sufficiently mark the distinction between the two. Its distinctness is re- garded with doiibt by Schultze. Lecquereusia jurassica. — Shell re- sistant, diaphanous, grey, of a globular figure, but rather depressed, with a short wide neck. Length aoout 1-250" ; breadth 1-315". This beautifid species is met with on aquatic plants, in many of the lakes of the Jm-a chain about Neuchatel. Itg diaphanous lorica allows its interior soft hyaline and granular body, strewn with brown specks, to be seen. Genus CYPHODERIA (Schlum.). — Lorica membranous, resistant, ovoid, elongated anteriorly, where it is curved and constricted in the form of a neck ; surface marked by prominent points in oblique rows ; apertui'e circular, oblique ; expansions very long, filiform, very fine at the extremity, and simple or branching. The oblique disposition of the rows of points, the obliquity of the apertiu'e, and the character of the expansions, bring this genus into affinity Avith Tri- nema (Duj.) ; but the constriction, forming a neck, seems sufficiently distinc- tive between the two. This genus, though admitted by Fresenius, is treated as doubtful by Schultze. Cyphoderia jnargaritacea. — Lorica yellow; the surface is divided into mi- nute facets, which appear like translucent points or rows of pearls. Processes attain twice the length of the shell, and are simple or branched. Length 1-395"; breadth l-840"to 1-408". Common in the water of the Vosges with vegetable d(5bris. The fonn of the lorica varies ; at one time the neck may be but inadimentary; at another the posterior end, instead of being wide and rounded, is conti-acted suddenly to a truncated apex. Apertiu'e crenulate. Genus PSEUDO-DIEELUGIA (Schlum.). — SheU membranous, ovoid or ovo-globulax, smooth or striped spirally, with a wide round opening, whence proceed numerous long slender expansions, either simple or branching. This genus is allied to Diffiur/ia by the form and character of its shell, but differs from it in the nature of the expansions ; it is admitted as doubtful by Schultze. filiform, very long. Length 1-740" to 1-465"; breadth 1-890" to 1-740". Found near Midhouse. PsEUDO-DLFFLUGiA ffvacHts. — Shell bluish bro-\vn, brittle ; surface as if beset with minute grains of sand, of a more or less elongated ovoid figm-e; expansions Genus SPHENODERIA (Schlum.).— Shell diaphanous, colourless, resistant globular, with a flattened wedge-shaped neck ; surface marked by poly . fi,„ * t. ^ 660 SYSTEMATIC HISTOEY OP THE INFUSOEIA. and taper to their extremities, and equal tlie diameter of the body in length. Found in the dust-like matter upon the suiface of infusions, and among Confervse and vai'ious aquatic plants. Stein asserts that these habitats are those of A. Eich- hornii, not of A. Sol, which does not oc- ciu- as a free beuig. 1-110"' to 1-53."' This species has been very mvieh con- founded with ^. Eichliornii. KoUiker mis- took this last for A. Sol ; and Claparede wrote his description of A. Mchhornii, and afterwards discovered it was A. Sol that he had investigated. Indeed the brief characters furnished by Ehrenberg are quite inadequate to identify the species. A. Eichliornii (xxni. 29). — Large, white, globose; tentacles shorter than the diameter of the body, and tapering. The cortical and medullary layers are well distinguished; the former contains nu- merous vesicles. Tentacles contractile, seen to bend themselves in the prehen- sion of food, &c. Stein affirms that the being which Ehrenberg described and figm-ed under this name is no other than A. Sol, that the tentacles are by no means always shorter than the diameter of the body, but often longer, and that this circumstance of relative length can- not be used iu the diag-nosis of the spe- cies, but that the conical figm-e of the tentacles is distinctive. Stein's views on these specific details must be re- ceived cum grano salis ; for the influence of his Acinetiform hj'pothesis pervades his systematic history of the beings of the class under notice, and his figures of A. Sol prove him to have been in error either in the observation or in the interpreta- tion of the organism ; for they indicate a member of the Acinetina rather than of the Actinophryina. Perty seems to think the largest specimens of A. Sol constitute A. Mchhornii (Ehr.). A. oculata (Stein) (xxni. 24, 25). — Round, more or less discoid, with several concentric circles of vesicular spaces dis- tributed over the sm-face of the animal- cule, giving it an imdidated outline. The tapering, pointed tentacles ai'ise from tlie eminences of the sm'face, and are eqmil in length to the diameter of the body, except in small specimens, in which they rather exceed it. The periphery of the body is covered with a homo- geneous, transparent, gelatinous, appa- rently thick layer, within which the large, vesicidar, non-contractile spaces, filled with water, are found. Besides this superficial layer, a cortical and a modiUlary substance are clearly pro- nounced. The particles of food do not enter the medullary substance. The finely granular nucleus is central, sur- roimded by a ring of clear medullary matter. Pressm-e, after the action of acetic acid, -will sometimes detach it as a free body, invested by a membrane, and having within it an ill-defined granular nucleolus. Diam. 1-38"' to 1-35"'. A. viridis (Ehr.). — Spherical, greenish ; rays numerous, shorter than the diameter of the body. Diam. of body 1-620" to 1-280". Amongst Confervae. A. difformis. — faegularly lobed, de- pressed, and hyaline; rays variable in length, some exceeding the diameter of the body, which is from 1-570" to 1-280". The animalcule thus described Stein ap- prehends to be nothing more than several youjig specimens of A. Eichhornii con- joined (conjugated). A. inarifia (Duj.). — ^Differs from ^. Sb^ in its habitat, and in the more marked contractility of its rays. Amongst micro- scopic Algse in the Mediten-anean. Pro- bably a mere vai'iety of A. Sol. The claim of A. viridis, A. difformis, and A. marina to specific distinction is extremelj' doubtful. The gi-een colour of the first is immaterial, and the rela- tive length of its rays to the body of no specific importance. The irregularly- lobed outline of A. difformis, again, is an immaterial condition ; for the soft bodies of true Actinophryina admit a changeable outline, and the reception of food, more- over, to a certain extent involves it. Dujardin justly attributes no other value to his species A. marina, than that it may serve to indicate an Actinophrys living in the sea. A. pediccllata (Duy)=Podophri/a Jixa. A. difjitata. — (Duj.).— Depressed; rays flexible, thicker at the base, forming, when contracted, short, thick, finger- like processes. Diam. 1-750". In fresh water containing mai-sh-plants. Its dis- coid body would rather place it with Trichodiscus. A. c/ranata (Duj.) {Trichoda granatn, M.).— Globular, opaque at its centre, sur- rounded by rays of less length than its own diameter. A. Discus (Duj.) = T)-ichodisciis Sol (Ehr.). A. ovafa (Lachmann). A species named by this naturalist in A. A. J£. 1857, xLx. p. 221. , , A. brericirrhis (Perty).— Of a dusky yellowish gi-een colour, rarely colourless; tentacles much sliorter than the diameter of the body ; not capitate, but bristle- OF XnE ACTINOPnRYINA, 561 like. Its outline is double, with a green or red line. Length 1-600" to 1-500"- Bern. Among Confer.vfe. A. Stella (Perty) = Tn'chodisciis Sol. — It is to be regretted that Perty, whilst this organism to bo an Actmophrys, should not have adopted Dujardin's very appropriate name for it, rather than encumber the student with another. Genus TRICHODISCUS. — Body depressed, with a single marginal row of setaceous tentacles ; vibratile cilia and teeth absent ; no pedicle ; mouth truncated (Ehi-.). These Infusoria,, by their flat disciform shape, resemble Arcellce, but, un- like the latter, are soft and illoricated, with stiff, bristle -like rays. A central opening, and a large lateral gland (nucleus), have been recorded by Ehren- berg, who likewise states that he has seen, though indistinctly, numerous digestive cells, but neither the reception of coloured food, nor an anal orifice. This accoimt is very unsatisfactory as a means of determining a genus. The discoid figure is not a sufiicient distinction from the genus Actinophrys ; and, on the other hand, the softness of the integument, compared with, the lorica oi. Arcella, is not a generic distinction; for the so-called lorica of the latter genus is in many instances only a flexible integument. Cohn (Zeitschr. 1853, Band. iv. p. 262), after remarldng on certain Acti- nophryean beings covered with adherent foreign particles of sand, Cyclo- ieZfe-sheUs, »fec., and siu-mising that such beings were no other t\ian Diffiugice engaged in the formation of a lorica, submits the opinion, in a foot-note, that Trichodisci^s Sol (Eihx.) is a similar organism, because Ehrenberg describes its tentacles as proceeding from the middle of the body, which is often partially colom-ed with brownish coi-puscles. Thichodiscus Sol. {Actinophrys Dis- cus, J).). — Depressed, almost fiat, hyaline or yellowish, with variable rays. The motion of this species is very sluggish ; it often remains for a long time inert. Amongst Confervre. rays, 1-430" to 1-210" Diam., without Pei-ty, as already seen, retains this spe- cies Avith Actinophrys, with the name of A. Stella. Body short Genus PODOPHRYA (XXIII. 34-37).— The members of this genus differ from Actinophrys only in being stalked. Stalk single, not branched. Eh- renberg described them as EncheLia devoid of vibratile cilia and teeth, -with Spherical bodies, covered with setaceous tentacles ; having a truncated (dii-ect) mouth ; and in organization equivalent to Actinophrys, mth a stiff stalk. mals, and therefore could not be retained. Dr. Strethill Wright has since studied these beings, and distinguished one as Epihclota apicnlosa, and placed the other two among Podophrya;. Mr. Alder {A. N. H. 1851, vii. p. 427) recognized their relation to Acinctce, and their aflinity to Campanularian Zoophytes, between which and Infusoria ho considered tliem the most perfect link known. P. fixa {Trichoda Jixa, M. Actino- phrys imliccllnta, D.).— Body spherical turbid, whitish, with a diaphanous pe- dicle slightly excised at the oxtreniity. The rays or tentacles are capitate at the extremitv, and equal in length the dia- meter of the body. Ehrenberg states that tlie seizing or catching power of tins animalcule is very interesting to ob- .«orve. So soon n.s a quickly-vibrating 2 0 Podophhya ovata (Alder), ovate, with a very slender and stem ; tentacles capitate, retractile, in a single row, less numeroiis than in JBphc- lota apicidosa, and forming a naiTow disc. Parasitic on Sertulariee. P. pijriformis (Alder). — Body pear- shaped, or rather campanulate, with a di- stinct rim around tlie summit, and a sin- gle circlet of delicate, capitate, retractile tentacles; stem long and slender. Pa- rasitic on Pahidicella, and, imlike the preceding, an inhabitant of fresh water. These two species were first described by Mr. Alder, along witli Ephclotn apicn- losa, and were described in the previous edition of this work, under the name of " Alderia." Lately, however, Mr. Alder wrote to inform us that this name had been applied to a diflerent class of ani- 562 SYSTEMATIC HISTOBY OF TEE rNPUSOKlA. Trichoclina Grandinella approaclies to, and comes in contact with, its tentacula, it is immediately taken prisoner, ceases to vibrate, and stretches out its cilia back- wards. On the whole, this species re- sembles Acineta; but Ehrenberg sup- posed it to possess a discharging orifice, though its situation is unknown. Found among dust-like matter upon the surface of pond- water, " and perhaps," says Ehr., " also in the sea." Diam. 1-430". P. libera (Perty).— Stemless, spherical ; colourless, or faint yellow; periphery smooth ; tentacles hyaline, pointed in greater or less number, many A'ery long, sometimes very few present, many seen curved. Diam. 1-330". In stale pond- water. Claparede and Lacbmann have recently {Ann. cl. Sc. Nat. 1857) distin- guished a number of species of Podophrya, many of which would be accounted Acinetce by Stein ; however, they have no capsule like members of that genus. No characters are given. The following are noted: — 1. Podophrya Cy- clopum, parasitic on Cyclops and Lemnae; 2. P. Carchesii, on Garchesium polypinum ; 3. P. quadripartita, the same as the Acineta assigned by Stein to Epistylis plicatilis ; 4. P. Pyrum, a large form, pear-shaped, found on Lemna trmdca ; 5. P. cothurnata, the diademiform Acineta of Stein ; 6. P. Ferrum-equinum, the Acineta of the same name of Ehr. ; 7. P. Lynghyei, the Acineta Lynghyei (Ehr.) ; 8. P. , a marine form, with extremely dila- table suckers. Genus DENDEOSOMA (Ehr.). — This includes beings which resemble Actinoplirys, supported on a branching pedicle. The base of the thick pedicle or trunk is fixed ; and its divisions bear the animalcules at their ex- tremities. In appearance, therefore, it resembles a microscopic Sertularian polype. The question may be raised, if this genus is not the same as Anthophysa (p. 500), misinterpreted in structure ; and if the organisms terminating the branches are not Uvellce instead of Actinophrydes. Dendrosoma radians. — Corpuscles tentacula; disposed on a soft, smooth, and (animalcules) conical, furnished with alternately branched stem. At Berlin. Genus EPHELOTA (Wright). — Similar to Podophrya ; but the tentacles, instead of being capitate, are pointed, and form a wreath or circlet. They seem also to be either shghtly contractile or retractile, or only flexible. Pedicle composed of a cortical matter or integument, and a medullary or contained substance. Ephelota apicidosa. — ^Body vase- or cup-shaped, expanded at top and set round with several circlets of numerous pointed tentacles ; abruptly thickened to- wards the base. The tentacles, which are always in more than one row, enjoy little motion, curve themselves forward occasionally, and are slowly retracted at times. Pedicle stout. Found parasitic on Serttdaria ; by Dr. Wright on Corync. It differs from^. coronata in having the body wider than the stem, more cup- shaped and elongated, and the tentacles more irregxdar,soft, retractile, and unsup- ported by the solid matter which occm-s 111 the interior of tliose of the species named. It is especially distinguished by the shape and structm-e of the stem, which is of nearly equal diameter through- out, and encloses a cortical substance formed of circular fibres passing at ri^ht angles to the fibres of the medulla, which cortical fibres are absent in Tl. coronata. E. coronata (Wright). — Body consists of a short cylinder of densely granidar sarcode, slightly enlarged above and be- low, so as to resemble the circlet of a cro\\Ti. It is sunnoimted by a circle of thick, acuminate and radiating tentacles, which ai'e capable of being slowly curved inwards, but caimot be contracted. They remain stiflly extended when the animal is immersed in alcohol. The structure of the tentacles, I believe, is xmique. Under high microscopic power they are seen to consist of a bimdlc or framework of fine parallel rods of homy (P) texture, imbed- ded in soft contractile sarcode. The more central rods of the bimdle protrude con- tinually beyond those exterior to them, OF THE ACTINOPHEYINA. 563 so that the point of the tentacle is fonned of only a veiy small number. In other examples, each rod, imder a power of 800 diam., assumed a bearded structure. "The animal secretes beneath itself, or fi'om its base, a pedicle of diaphanous and colourless substance, which increases in length and breadth with the increasing growth of the animal, until it assumes the form of a glassy club, on the thick upper extremity of which the animal is seated. The whole of the pedicle is covered by a gi'owth of scattered hairs; but it may be doubted whether these have any organic connexion with it, and whether they do not belong to one of those minute classes of Algse the stmctm-e of which eludes microscopic research. A longitudinal fibrous sti-uc- ture is faintly seen in the axis of the pedicle, but it gradually disappears to- wards the periphery. After immersion in spirit, this fibrous structure becomes much more apparent. The action of the spirit also causes a fine membrane to separate from the sui'face of the pedicle, which appears to be continued down- wards from the body of the animal, and is probably analogous to the membrane which I have abeady shown to exist as a lining and covering to the cell of Va- ginicola valvata, and which secretes and hides within itself the valve that closes the cell of that curious animal " {JSdin. Neio Phil. Journ. 1858, p. 7). This species was twice seen by Dr. Wright, "each time in large colonies, situated within the mouth of shells in- habited by the hermit-crab, where the dense white bodies of the animalcules, seated on their transpai-ent pedicles, form sufiiciently remarkable objects." Genus ZOOTEIREA (Wright) (XXXI. 14-15).— Body furnished with numerous contractile acuminate rays (tentacula) ; elevated on a contractile pedicle. Eays becoming thickened towards the point when not fully ex- tended, but not capitate. ZoOTEmEA religata (xxxi. 14^15). — The body of the animalcule, when con- tracted, consists of densely gi'anxdar sar- code surrounded by a layer of more transparent substance. This external coat is capable of being prolonged into innumerable exceedingly attenuated ten- tacles or rays, fi'om eight to ten diameters of the body in length, and resembling- in structm-e those of Ephelota apiculosa. The continuous with the external coat of the body. 1 have several times seen this animal, always in colonies. When seen by oblique illumination, it has a very striking appearance. The light reflected from the rays has the appearance of two cones issuing on opposite sides of the body, and rotating in opposite directions with every movement ot the lamp. Found on shells dredged from deep water in the Firth of Forth. animalcule is elevcated on a long contrac tile pedicle, which appears also to be We are indebted to Dr. StrethiU Wright of Edinbui-gh for the knowledo'e of this genus and species. Dr. Wright was so kind as to transmit the account to us in manuscript, together with notes on Ephelota, the charaetei-s of the following peculiar genus Corethria, and those of several additional Infusoria. Genus COEETHRIA (Wright) (XXXI. 5, 6).— The history of this genus is thus described (in Uteris) by its discoverer, in the details of the structiu-o of the only species yet found, viz. : — " CorethriaSertidarim consists of a body, or oblong cushion-like mass of granular sarcode, furnished with a long club-shaped appendage, which bears at its summit a thick brush of tentacles. The body is generally homogeneous, although occasonaUy one or two large colls are seen within it. The mop-like appendage is seen to contain two structures both without gi-anules. The interior or meduUaiy portion is a transparent and structureless cylinder, arising from a slight depression in the body of the animal. The exterior stnicture, also transparent, is transversely wrinkled or rugose. The tentacles are transparent, from eight to about forty in nximber and have occasionaUy a slight waving motion : they appear to arise from the mtemal lamina or core of the mop. A second kind of appendage is frequently found attached to the body of Corethria, in the form of a long spindle-shaped 2 0 2 664 SYSTEMATIC HISTOUY OV THE rNFUSOKIA. mass of granular sarcode, similar to the body, having a depression, perhaps an orifice, at its distal end. This is either a parasite or a gemma, as it is some- times found attached alone to the Sertidariu. It appears to multiply by fission, as two are sometimes found attached together." In another letter, Dr. Wright remarks that he has " doubts as to the Gre- garina-Yike body being a part of the animal, as it is often absent," and he has "seen it fixed to neighbouring bodies." Food is probably taken up by the summit of the mop-like process, absorbed, and carried down to the body. Dr. Wright has found this remarkable animalcule thi-ee successive yeara at Granton, in great abiindance, though in a limited locality. It occurs at all parts of the polypidom of the Sertuluria pumila, but chiefly in the angle between the mouth of one cell and the lower part of the cell above, where two or thi'ce sometimes nestle together. Although unlike aU other animalcules in shape. Dr. Wright is induced by its structure to place it near Actinophrys. Were it not for the cushion-like body, the mop-headed process would be referable to Ephehta. Subgroup ACINETINA. (Part I. p. 258.) (Plates XXIII. 1-27 ; XXVI. 3-4 ; XXVH. 13-15, 18-20 ; XXX. 3, 4, 8, 21-23.) A subclass of Ehizopoda, very closely resembling Actinophryina, but covered by an integument or capsule, through which the retractile tentacula or fila- ments are protruded, and usually supported on a pedicle. The Adnetce have been supposed to have no power of nourishing them- selves by absorption of foreign matters from without, as do the Actinophryina ; but this seems to be an error ; and Lachmann asserts them to be peculiarly carnivorous animals, the prey being seized by the tentacula, which have suctorial extremities. The researches of Stein went to show that the members of this family were nothing more than a developmental phase of Vorticellina ; but, although tliis view has been accepted by a few naturalists, it has been pretty successfully controverted by Lachmann, Claparede, and others, who have witnessed the reproduction of Acineton from parent fonns. The tentacles of Acinetina are not as a rule capitate ; many taper, others are of nearly the same width throughout. They may be distributed pretty generally over the body, or only along a certain margin, or, again, may be collected into several bundles. To represent the known specimens of Acinetiform beings, we shall describe aU those varieties described by Stein ; for the tnith or error of liis hj-i)othesis of transfoi-mation does not affect the value of liis descriptions of them as distinguishable forms of organized beings. But before entering on the account of these, we shall reproduce the species enumerated by Ehrcnbcrg imder the head of Acineta. Genus ACINETA. — Has a membranous lorica, a simple pedicle, and nimiorous retractile, non-vibrating tentacida. Ehrenberg notes his dis- covery of vesicles (stomach-cells) in A. Lipiffhyei and A. nii/siacina, and of a nucleus in the latter and in yl. tuherosa. 'Seif-di^•ision not observed. Kepro- duction by genus, noticed by Stein, Cicnkowsky, Lachnumn, and others. Acineta Lynqhyd. — Splierical, pe- pnle-yollow coloured body, -v^nth its thick dicle thick. It resembles a stalked Ac- cry.stiilline stalk, is similar to a retrnct Cyclidimn. ^ , , ^°'ly°""t^-<'i«a scattered all over Pantotriclnmi. Body furnished witJi bristles , t-hrctomonas. Body furnished with ciUa 572 SYSTEMATIC mSTOKY OP THE- INFUSOEIA, This family has no corresponding one in the system of Dujardin. Some of its members are represented in the family of the Enchelina as members of the genera Acomia and Enchelys. The genus Cyclidium (Duj.) is included among the Monadina of that author (p. 497), and includes beings furnished with a filament, but destitute of mouth and cUia — characters not at aU analogous to those given by Ehrenberg to his genus of this name. Perty, moreover, has not retained this family in his system, although he accepts the genus Cyclidium, which he refers to a family called " Tapinia," whei'e it is associated with Acomia (Duj.), with Leucophrys (Ehr.) or Triclioda (Duj.), and with the following newly-instituted genera: viz. Acrojpisthium, Bceonidium, Opisthiotricha, Siagontherium, and Megatriclia, — a set of terms not recommending themselves by their euphony, and, we presume, not wanted in a true systematic distribution to express distinct and independent fonns of ciliated Protozoa. However, to render our resume complete, these presumed new genera are appended to the family of Enchelia, to which several of their species are referred by Ehrenberg. The family Cyclidma (Ehr.) would, in all probability, disappear from a revised system of classification. Thus Cyclidium appears to be only an em- bryonic phase of other animalcules, and PantotricJmm and Chcetomonas are not sufficiently characterized and examined by Ehrenberg to enable us with certainty to recognize them, or to determine their affinity. Moreover, the beings brought together under these genera are, some of them at least, very doubtfully referable to them, and have been so casually examined that their identification would be difficult. The ova and the polygastric organization mentioned in Ehrenberg's account are matters only of hypothesis. Genus CYCLIDIUM. — Body compressed discoid, provided with a simple circular row of ciUa. In C. Glaucoma alimentary vacuoles are distinct. The mouth is a rounded opening, situated upon the under surface of the body, either close at the anterior extremity, or towards the centre. The organs of locomotion consist, as in Keromi and Stylonychia, of a number of cilia-like feet, situated on the margin of the abdomen. It has been thought that longitiidinal lines, produced by rows of very delicate cilia, were present : if so, and an anal opening be discovered, C. Glaucoma woiild rank Avith the Oxytrichina. Fission transverse. Since Ehrenberg wrote these obsei"vations, Lachmann has described not only a mouth, but also an anus on the ventral surface near the jiosterior extremity. This statement, taken in connexion with another, that some at least of the forms of Cyclidium are embryonic stages of other animalcules, leaves this genus in the greatest uncertainty both as to its independent existence and its systematic position. Cyclidium Glaucoma (M.). — Oblong- elliptic, abdomen fringed with cilia ; delicate longitudinal stnce are observed upon the back. In swinnning, it re- sembles Gi/rinm, or Notonecta, a well- known little black water-beetle (see Mia-oscopic Cabinet, pi. 4). Sometimes the movement is very quick ; at other times the animalcules remain for a while stationary, and then presently spring with a curvetting motion to another spot. Fonnorly this species was con- founded with Glaucoma scintillans, but is much smaller (x. 209 is a side view, showing the cilia ; fig. 211 a dorsal view ; and fig. 210 ii specimen undergoing trans- verse self-division). They ai-e repre- sented as fed -wath indigo. Abundant in vegetable hifusions in the spring. 1-2880" to 1-1150". Betwixt this species and Enchelys nodulosa (Dili-) there is a complete agreement. I'lie body, on a transverse section, is triaugidar; hence it is (sa.'\-s Perty) that Dujardin has described it as sometimes assuming a triaugidar form. Chlorophvll granules are occasionall\ seen internally. Stem identifies the embryo of Chi'hdoit Cucullnhis witli this species of Cycltdium, wliich lie would tlierefore exehulo from llie category of independent auiiiialcules. Intcrnally.tbis OF TlIE CYCLIBINA. 573 oxcoUent observer also describes a cou- tractile vesicle and a discoid nncleus ; the former is the clear space mistaken by Ehrenberg for a mouth. At the same time he considers an oral apertm'e most probably exists somewhere near the middle of the organism, since he has seen the entrance of solid particles into the interior. Perty makes C. Glaucoma synonymous also with Enchelys triquetra (Ehr.), and probably with, the Para- mecium Milium and Uyclicliicm Milium of Miiller. In his system it is a member of the family Tapinia, where it is conjoined with some species of Leucophrys, with Acomia (Duj.), and several newly- created genera. C. margantaceum. — Orbicular, ellip- tical ; the posterior end slightly excised ; tlie dorsal sm-face with distinct longi- tudinal lines ; cilia not distinct. 1-1500" to 1-1000". This species is separated by Perty from Glaucoma, and constitutes in his system the representative of a genus he names Cinetochilum, which, with Glaucoma, forms the family Cinetochilina (vide Glaucoma). The Gin. margaritaceum is characterized as a short elliptical animal, rather compressed and with its vibratile flap on the posterior half, colourless and transparent. Movements quick; rota- tion on its axis rare. Cilia very short. Fission transverse. 1-810" to 1-720". Lachmann {A. N. H. xix. 216) appears to approve of the systematic position assigned by Perty to this being. C. (?) planum. — Oblong-elliptic, smooth; cilia but little marked. 1-2640". C. (?) lentiforme. — Smaller than C. planum, and has no distinct striae or cilia. 1-3180". C. Arhorum. — Small, suborbicular, slightly excised laterally; dorsum ru- gose ; margin everywhere ciliated. Diam. 1-192"'. Marginal cilia used in the way of feet; swims rapidly. Fission trans- verse. On moss of ti-ees. This animalcule is identified by Cohn (Siebold's Zeitsch. 1851, p. 273) with the embiyo developed by Loxodes {^Parame- cium^ Bursaria. If this be the case, it must be rejected from the list of inde- pendent species. Genus PANTOTEICHUM. — Body tiu'gid, covered with moveable cilia. In P. Enchelys gastric ceUs (vacuoles) are distinctly visible. Granules, green or yellow, occupy the interior. Ehrenberg says, " The absence of a double aU- mentaiy aperture is not yet proved ; nor, on the other hand, is its existence." Pantotrichum is not received by Perty as an independent genus, but is com- prehended by him with. Lagenella and Ohcetoglena, under the common appel- lation Chonemonas, and placed among the Thecamonadina. Pantotrichum Enchelys. — Cylindii cal, oblong, roimded at both ends ; hya- line at extremities and tm'bid, the centre- colour pale yellow, x. 212 is a cluster of animalcules; those to the left are more highlj' magnified than the others. In swimming they revolve and glide along in the direction of the longer axis of the body. In infusions of raw flesh. 1-1150". P. volvox (Leucophrya viridis, M.). — In Ovate, spherical, of a gi'een colom" brackish water. 1-860". P. Lagenella.—Ovnte, the ends equally rounded, anterior ciHated portion pro- duced in the fomi of a neck or beak. Amongst Confervaj. 1-1080" to 1-570". Schneider (A. N. H. 1854, p. 329) de- scribes this species aa forming ai-ound Itself a cyst, which completely retains tJie flask-like form of the body, when the animalcide enters on a state of rest. Genus CBMETOMONAS.-— Motion slow, and leaping by means of the bristles on the body, which arc not •vdbratilo. Internal organization very little known, niey are parasites, living on the dead bodies of other Infusoria, and in infu- sions of flesh or other animal matters. A vibration is seen at the mouth • but whether it is produced by a filament or by cilia, is uncertain. In cl con- stricta, transverse self-division is thought to have been seen. Ch^tomonas Globulm. — Almost Termo, &c.; also in the dead fi-onds of Closterium acerosum, as shown at x. 113. 1-2880". C. co«si!r(ote. — Transparent, oblone slightly constricted at the middle, and having two setre or bristles. In dead HydaUna smta. 1-5700". spherical, of an ash-oolour, fm-nished with setiB or bristles. It often has the figure of 3Iona.i Guttula, but is larger; sometimes two cluster together. In bad-smelling infusions of animal matter along with Pantotrichum Enchelys, Monns 674 SYSTEMATIC IIISTOBY OF THE INFTTSOHIA. FAMILY II.— PERIDINUEA. (Part I. p. 271.) (PI. X. 214-226 ; XII. 47 ; XXXI. 16-23.) Infusoria without an alimentary canal, covered with a lorica, upon which ciUa or setae are often arranged in the form of a zone or crown — hence the name. The lorica has only one opening. Three out of the four genera have a fila- ment besides the wreath of cUia around the middle of the body, or scattered cilia or bristles. In only Peridinium Pulvisculus and P. cinctum have artificial means succeeded in demonstrating the admission of food, the internal organi- zation being greatly obscured by the mass of coloured opake granules, which Ehrenberg called ova. A nucleus and a red stigma (eye, Ehr.) are discover- able in some species. The genera are disposed as follows : — Lorica having stiff bristles or short spines — no transverse furrowed zone Lorica smooth or rough — a ciliated transverse zone pre- sent ' no eye Chsetotyphla. eye present Chaetoglena. no eye Peridinium. eye present Glenodinium. Some of the presumed species have been found only in a fossil state in flint. , Dujardin constitutes a family Peridiniens, agreeing in the main with that of Ehrenberg, and thus narrates its characters: "Animals without known internal organs ; enveloped in a regular, resistant, membranous lorica, which sends off a long flagellifoi-m filament, and, in addition, has one or more furrows beset with vibratile cHia." The lorica would appear to have no opening ; for foreign bodies and colour- ing matter are not seen to enter it. Several have their lorica prolonged into hom-lilie processes ; and some exhibit a coloured point (eye-speck). They are distinguished from Thecamonadina by the ciliated furrow or fuiTOWS. Dujardin observes that " as the first two of Ehrenberg's genera are with- out the furrow and vibratile cilia, and have only a filament as a locomotive organ, they are evidently aldn to, and not separable from the Thecamonadina, unless spines or asperities of the lorica are to be taken for cilia. Again, the so-caUed eye-speck is not a sufficient generic distiaction between Peridinitm and Glenodinium ; the former genus, moreover, should only include spherical animalcules, whilst those concave on one side, and exhibiting horns, will rightly form a distinct genus — Ceratium." Perty coincides with Dujardin in detaching Clicetotyplda and CJmtoglena from the Peridiniasa, and in imiting them with Thecamonadina. Cho'toghna he merges with Pantotrichum and Lagenella in a genus which he names Chonc- monas (p. 513). His Peridinisea comprehend three genera, viz. Ceratitm, Glenodinium, and Peridinium: the first characterized by a ccUular lorica prolonged into horns ; the second by a ccUular not-horned lorica ; and the third by a structureless lorica. A reference to the figui-es of Chcctoglfna and Chcetotyphla is sufficient to show that these two genera have no claim to be ranged with Peridinium : the former, in particular, indicates in its stnicture and general appearance a member of the Cryptomonadina ; and the latter , if not a member of the same order, is certainly not one of the Peridinistia, but probably the encysted state of some animalcule. The imperfect descriptions attached to these genera, and the absence of sufficiently distinctive features in their illustrations, renders their exact identification with similar known forms a matter of difficulty, if not of impossibility. Again, the special differ- OF THE PEiaDINIiKA. 675 ential character between Glenodinium and Peridiniwm, viz. the existence of a red speck in the former, is worthless ; and were no other peculiarities discover- able, the two genera should be merged into one. However, the elongation of the lorica into hom-like processes supplies a differential character sufficient at least to constitute two genera out of their several members. Ehrenberg' re- cognized this indication of a division, and adopted it for his eyeless Peridiniaea, makicig two sections: — 1, Peridiniwm proper; and 2, Ceratium, horned Peri- dinia. Perty, we have seen, uses the same structural peculiarity as a generic character, but, in addition, makes a third genus, marked by the absence of sculpturing on its lorica. This basis we hold to be insufficient for a generic distinction ; and the whole of the Peridiniaea proper appear to us reducible to the two genera Peridinium and Ceratium; Olenodinium we would conse- quently cancel. The rejection of Ehrenberg's views of internal organization, and of two of the four genera he classed as Peridiniaea, renders a revised description of this family necessary. In attempting this, we may state that the Peridinieea are animalcules having an external, condensed, chitinous inte- gument forming a lorica, Hned by a contractile membrane immediately invest- ing the organic contents. No actual oral opening is satisfactorily made out ; but in most species a deep fossa or fissure is found, from the bottom of which a flabeUum extends, mostly twice or more than twice the length of the body. Their figure is more or less globular or ovate ; and sometimes the lorica is ex- tended into two or three long hom-like processes, giving the whole being a very bizarre appearance. A deep furrow surrounds the body as a zone, and in some species a vertical prolongation of it extends to one pole. These fui-rows are richly ciliated ; yet the cilia do not appear confined to them, as Ehrenberg supposed, but may, at least in one species, cover the entire sui-face. The interior is occupied by masses of usually strongly- coloured brownish yellow, or reddish or greenish brown, rendering the animalcules veiy opake. In some species an oval nucleus has been seen ; and its presence is presumable in all. A contractile vesicle has not yet been demonstrated. They multiply by transverse, and it may be also by longitudinal fission. P. uherrimum has been found in a quiescent condition ; and doubtless some mode of propagation exists ; Perty endeavours to prove it is by internal germs. The zone-like ciliary furrow may be adduced as the leading characteristic. Genus CHl^TOTYPHLA. — Lorica silicious, hispid or spinous, destitute of a transverse furrow or zone, and of stigma ; surface covered with little spines and bristles, which appear stronger at the posterior portion of the body. The lorica may be crushed by pressure, and the Httle creature within it be set at liberty. In swimming it revolves upon the longitudinal axis, probably by means of a dehcate filiform proboscis, or of cilia at its mouth ; no such organs, however, have been seen. Of the internal organization, nothing positive is known. One species has boon discovered in flint, and so closely resembles Xanihidium, that it is often mistaken for it. CiLSiTOTypHLA armata. — Ellipsoidal, bro^vll, ends rounded; covered posteri- orly with short spines, where there is a circlet of black spots, as shown in the end view, x. 215. The anterior cilia, or fine bristles, are sometimes very indi- stinct ; X. 214 is a variety in which they are strong-ly marked. In clear water, amongst (Jonfervie. 1-G20". C. rts/9CT-a.— Brown, oblong, rounded at both ends, and rough, with short bristles : the httle spmes are scattered witliout order at the posterior end. Foimd with the preceding. 1-570". C- (P) Pyrike. ~Oh\o\\g cvlindrical, roimded at botli ends, and provided with delicate elongated bristles, but no spines. Fossil in flint, near Delitzsch. 1-1150" Genus CHiETOGLENA.— Lorica silicious, destitute of a transverse zone 576 SYSTEMATIC HISTORY OP THE INFUSOIIIA. or furrow, but striped or covered with spines or stiff haii-s, and having an eye-speck. The organ of locomotion is a simple flabellum. The interior contains scattered transparent vesicles, and a brownish-green granular mass ; a lai-ge bright spot or nucleus is also visible. Self-division not observed. Chl^toglena volvodna. — Ovate, with brownish-o-reen granules, and a red eye ; between the lorica and the soft body a beautiful red ring is visible in live spe- cimens (x. 216, 218). Amongst Confer- vaj at Hampstead and Hackney. 1-1150". C. cauclata. — Hispid, ovate, with a short tan ; granules green ; oceUus clear red ; oral margin urceolate and dentate. 1-864". Berlin. Genus PEEIDESTirM. — Lorica membranous, with a transverse ciliated zone ; no eye. The locomotive organs are a filament and the zone of cilia. In P. Pulvisculus and P. cinctum, indigo and carmine are received, and de- monstrate the formation of vacuoles, which in P. acuminatum, P. fulvum, and P. comutum are visible mthout having recoiu'se to coloured food. The oral aperture is found in a hoUow near the centre, as in Bursaria. The granules are generally of a brown or yeUowish-brown colom-, though some- times green or even almost colourless. In P. Tripos and P. Fusus an oval nucleus is visible. Self- division is longitudinal in P. Pulviscultis and P. fuscum ; and, according to some observers, transverse in P. Fusus and P. Tripos. The structural peculiarities are sufficiently described in the chapter on Peridiniaea (p. 271). The existence of a mouth and the entrance of food ai-e still matters of doubt. A nucleus is probably present in all ; and the same may be said of the flabellimi, which subsequent observers have distinctly found in cases where it eluded the observation of Ehrenberg. " PossU Peri- dinia," says Perty, " are not found in recent geological formations, but only in the chalk beds of the secondary strata, in which they occm* with Xan- tliidia (Ehr.) and Pyccidiculce." a. Peridinia without Jwrns. — Peridinium:. PEMDiNnrM cinctum ( VoHicella cincta, M.). — Nearly globidar, or slightly three- lobed and smooth, with a zone of cilia ; not liuninous. It swims slowly, with a vacillating and rolling motion. Amongst Confervffi. 1-570." Instead of the red zone noted by Ehren- berg, there may be only a single speck, or even it may be absent. P. Pulvisculm. — Small, of a brown or gi'eenish-yellow colour, and not hmii- nous ; almost spherical, or slightly three- lobed ; a fine filament 2^ lines longer than the body may be observed ; nume- rous vacuoles produced by feeding on in- digo. Amongst Confervre, with Ch/amy- domo7ins Pulvisculm. 1-2300" to 1-1 150". Perty haa met with specimens having a red speck. P. ftcscum. — Is not luminous; oval, slightly compressed and poLated ante- riorly. 1-4.30" to 1-280". P. Monas. — Very small, obtuse, with- out horns ; remarkably social. Dinm. 1-1728". In the Baltic. Perty suggest'* that this is merely a yoimg stage of P. (Ceratiufti) comutum. P. Planulum (Perty). — Bounded, broad, rather compressed; the two segments ec[ual. Colour bro^vn, usually a deep tint. Under surface rather concave. 1-720" to 1-430". Its brown contents contract after death mto a central lump. A red speck is often seen in the posterior por- tion. It is distinguished trom Glenodi- nium cinctum by its gi-eater width and deeper colour. P. Coqnisculum (Perty). — Small ; seg- ments very unequal, posterior one very short and cleft. Granular contents brownish -yellow, or red or green. An alteration ' in figure has been seen to ensue after death. 1-1120". Amongst 3Iarchantia 2)olymorp]ia. P. monadicum (Perty). — Very small; segments unequal, the posterior one much smaller; with i-ed stigma in the line of constriction, more seldom in the hinder half. Molecules pale green. It is the smallest known example in this family. 1-1150". In a pond on Mount St. Gotliard and at Rom. OF THE PEKIDINIiEA. 577 P. tiberrhmm (AUnian). Nearly splie- rical ; colour reddish-brown ; nucleus well-defined, central. A secondary fiu-- row springs vertically from the annular one, and terminates at the pole. A stigma usually present at the polar ex- tremity of the vertical fuiTOW. Swims b. Pendinia with horns P. (Ceratium) (?) pyrophoi-um. — Ovate, spherical, with two little elevated points at its anterior extremity. It is very delicately areolate and granidai". Fossil in the flints of the chalk fonna- tion at Berlm. 1-570" to 1-480". P. (CERATruM) (?) Delitiense. — Ovate, spherical; with a little stiff point near the middle laterally. Fossil in the flints ofDelitzsch. 1-430" to 1-280". These two supposed fossil Pendinia and the Cluetotyphla (?) pyrit 578 SYSTEMATIC HISTOEY OF THE INFUSOBIA. all the Peridinissa, and (says Perty) not a variety of P. cornutum, as Ehrenberg thought: the lorica is rather concave belov?, and less bent than in that species. Empty loricae are clearly areolate, and the areoliB round. A red stigma is often seen in the posterior half. The anterior supports a single hom, and there are three behind. 1-120" to 1-96." P. areticum (Ehr.) resembles P. ma- croceros, but is stronger, and has its large horns all cui-ved and three or four times longer than the body; surface rough, with little raised puncta or spines. Length of body, 1-48"', of entire being 1-18"'. It is phosphorescent, and found at Kingston Bay, Newfoundland, with P. Furca, P. Triclens, and P. clivei-gens. P. longipes (Bailey). — Body triangular, rough ; angles produced into very long- ciliated processes, of which the two frontal ones ai-e longest. Body crossed obliquely by a ciliated groove (xxxi. 23). St. George's Bank, New York. P. deprcssuvi (Bailey). — Lorica ob- liquely depressed, with one large conical posterior process, and two smaller conical fi-ontal processes; the latter separated by a deep notch. Surface granular and reticulated. Both this and the preceding species, which were found together, were doubtless furnished with a proboscis when living, and, like other marine species of this genus, were probably phosphorescent. The form of P. depres- sum is closely analogous to the embryo of Nereis, whose curious changes were studied by Lov^n (and refeiTed to in Prof. Owen's Lectures on the Inverte- brata, ed. 1843, p. 147). This account of Nereis, and particularly the comparison of Prof. Owen's figure with the Peridi- nium depressum. (xxxi. 21, 22), led Dr. Bailey to suspect that at least a portion of the fonns now included in the genus Peridinium might be imperfectly-deve- loped or embryonic Annelida. Gemis GLENODINIUM. — Peridinia with motile ciHa placed in a trans- verse furrow or zone, and provided with an eye. The organization is much the same, in other respects, as that of the preceding genus. In Q. cinctum a flabellum is seen to emanate from the middle, and to vibrate like the wreath of cilia. It is also probably present in the other species, though hitherto unobserved. The lorica is combustible. Vacuoles and fine granules are visible in aU. the species ; the former are veiy distinct in O. apiculatuin. The red speck is in the form of an elongated or horseshoe-shaped spot, and constitutes the essential character of the genus. Longitudinal self-division has been observed only in O. cinctum. Although this genus is rejected by Dujardin as iadistinguishable fi'om Peridinium, yet Perty retains it, making its point of separation fi-om the latter genus — which, by the way, he prefers to call Ceratium — consist in the absence of horns to the lorica. The red speck he ignores, equally with Du- jardin, as a distinctive character. In this way Pertj"'s Olemdinium= Peri- dinium, without horns, of Ehr. Glenodinium cinctum = Pmndinium oculatum (Duj.). — Oval, or nearly sphe- rical ; smooth ; stigma large, semi-lmiar, and transverse. In fresh water, amongst Oscillatoriae. 1-570", It is seen both with and without a red speck. G. tabidatum. — Oval; yellowish-green; lorica gi'anular and reticidate with ele- vated lines, but not spinous; truncate and denticulate posteriorly, and bi den- tate anteriorly. 1-570" to 1-430". " The colour," says Perty, " is mostly brown, especially in mature specimens, and more rarely brownish-green or gi'een. A red stigma is but rai-ely present. G. (Peridinium') Alpinum (Perty). — The sculpturing of the surface is indistinct ; and very frequently there are, alternately, colom'ed masses of granules and hyaline spaces around the border of the lorica, froducing a notched appearance. 1-430". t is probably only an ^Upine variety of G. tahdMum, in which the lorica has not attained its perfect structure. On Mount St. Gothard, and in Lake Lugano. G. apicidatnm. — Oval ; yellowish- green; lorica smooth, but vni\i hispid fui-rows on the margin, as shown in X. 226. The stigma is oblong, and ex- tremities obtuse. Amongst Conferrae. 1-570" to 1-430". OF THE VORTICELLrNA. FAMILY III.— VORTICELLINA. (Part I., p. 277 et seq.) (Plates XXVII., XXIX., XXX.) Polygastriea with an alimentaxy canal, the extremities of which are distinct, though they approximate in consequence of its curvatm-e (Anopisthia). They have no lorica. A few are solitary ; but the majority are congregated on pedicles, which often assume elegant ramose forms, Hke Httle trees, an ani- malcule surmounting and terminating each branch or pedicle. These arbo- rescent clusters are the result of imperfect self-division. The animal organization of this family is very distinct. The entire sur- face of Stentor is covered with vibratile cilia ; but in other genera they are mostly disposed in the form of a wreath around the head. In some genera, as in Vorticella, Oarchesium, and Opercularia, longitudinal and transverse muscles are seen; the mouth and discharging opening, both lying in the same lateral cavity, have been demonstrated in all. Self-division takes place in aU the genera, but is least frequently obsei-ved in Zoothamnium : when it is imperfect, not affecting the pedicle, it gives rise to branching foi-ms. Gemmation is also frequent in most genera. From their great irrita- bility when approached, may be presumed the existence of a system of sensa- tion. Colouring matter is received by aU the species ; eye-specks are wanting. This family affords (in form indeed rather than in stractiiral homologies) a connecting link between the Ciliata (Polygastriea) and Rotatoria. The following curious particulars are appended by Ehrenbei'g, who re- garded them as indicative of an act of transformation : — " The Vorticella developes a pedicle ; divides (casts its exuvia) ; developes posterior cUia ; loosens itself from the pedicle, rambles about ; di'aws in (after shedding a second exuvia) the posterior cilia, sheds them, and firmly attaches itself, preparatory to putting forth another stalk. This cycle of phaenomena is repeated again and again, and possesses high physiological interest ; it is a returning circle of transformations — a return to an early condition, similar to that of a butterfly, if it suddenly lost its wings and an- tennse, and again became a caterpillar, in order once more to return to the state of pupa and butterfly — or to that of an old man becoming a child, in order to run again his course of life anew." (See Part I. p. 277 et seq., and p. 586.) The YorticeUina live for the most part in sweet water, fresh or marine, attached to plants or shells, to Crustacea, to the larvfe of insects, &c. There are, however, a few Vorticellce and Scyphidece produced in infusions, and even in fetid ones. This accoimt of the organization of YorticeUina from Ehrenberg requii-es considerable alterations and corrections from the present state of our know- ledge of these beings. In Part I. (p. 277), their organization has been largely considered ; yet a few notes here may not be misplaced Any definition of the charactei's of the group of genera comprehended in this family by Ehrenberg would be unsatisfactory, inasmuch as some forms are included which have no sufficient affinity. Ehrenberg represents the YorticeUina as having a polygastric alimentary canal so curved that its two ends are conterminous. Now the supposed storaaclis, as displayed by using coloured food, were merely vacuoles ; and no continuous aUmontary canal penetrates the interior, as sup- posed, but only a digestive tube or oesophagus of variable length, terminating abruptly in the interior by an open mouth. The ciliary apparatus of the true YorticeUina is more complex than appeared to Ehrenberg,— the head of the animalcules being tenninated by a peristom or free edge, oftentimes thickened and everted, beyond wluch a ciliated disc supported on a very retractile and 2 p 2 580 SYSTEMATIC HI8T0KY 01? THE INFDSOEIA. highly sensitive pedicle can be protradcd. The portion of the ciliary spiral outside the vestibuUim is not of equal length in all Vorticellina : in many, e. g. Vorticella, Oarchesium, Zoothaninium, Scyphidia, Tncliodina, some species of EpistyUs, &c., it describes scarcely more than one circuit round the disc, whilst m Opercularia articulata and EpistyUs Jlavicam it runs round the disc three times ; in other species intermediate lengths occur. The ciLLarj' wreath, moreover, consists of a double row of cilia : those of the outer one are usually somewhat shorter than those of the inner, and though inserted upon the margin nearly in the same line as the others, yet they are set at a different angle, and apparently far more strongly bent outwards. In the vestibulum and oesophagus the cilia appear to stand in a single row. The peristom usually bears no cUia. There is no sufficient proof of the existence of muscles of the same type as those of the higher classes of animals. The contractile vesicle is single and cii'cular ; the nucleus sometimes oval, but often elongated and band-like. Besides fission and gemmation, true propagation by living germs or embryos, developed in the coui'se of more or less complete transformations, affords an additional means of perpetuating and extending the several species. The genera are distributed as follows : — Body without stalk Tail absent Body covered with cilia Stentor. Body smooth, cilia anterior Trichodina. Tail present TJrocentrum. Body stalked — often branched like a tree Form of stalked bodies similar " f Stalk flexible, f^^P^^ Vorticella. deflection spiral It, i j n ^. ■ •■ [ Branched Carchesium. Stalk inflexible EpistyUs. Bodies of ^if- 1 ^'^^^ Opercularia. \^ ■■■ [ Stalk flexible, deflection spiral... Zoothanmium. Of the several genera named and distinguished by Ehrenberg, two only are accepted by Dujardin, viz. EpistyUs, with a rigid pedicle, and Vorticella, with a contractile stalk, simple or branched. He places Carchesium with the latter, maintaining that a generic character is not to be found in the simple or branched condition of the stalk alone, when the bodies are similar. More- over, he failed to meet with animalcules having the characters assigned to the genera Opercularia and Zoothamnium by Ehrenberg. A third genus, imder the name of Scyphidia, is established by him for the sessUe species ; whilst a fourth, Vaginicola, comprises all those species invested with a membranous sheath, and corresponds, in its constituent species, to the family Ophiydina (Ehr.) after the exclusion of Ophrydium. Perty makes a different distribution of the VorticeUina to that proposed by Ehrenberg. Like Dujardin, he rejects the genera Stentor and Uroccntnm, and transfers them to a family Urceolarina. On the other hand, he adds Scyphidia of Dujardin to the true Vorticellina, and makes no mention of Carchesium, Lachmann is another writer who rejects Urocentrinn from the Vorticellina. Stein points out vai'ious defects in Ehrenberg's grouping of Vorticellina ; and whilst he would, on the one hand, detach from it Stentor, Trichodina, and TJrocentrum, he would, on the other, associate with it the several sheathed genera which form the family Ophrydina, xiz. Ophryditnn, Vaginicola, Tintinnus, and Cothumia. Apart from these clianges in the distri- bution of admitted genera, he adds two new ones. Lagenophrys and Sjyirochona, remai-king of the foi-racr, that, in its fi'cc condition, it constitutes a transi- OF TKE VOBTICELIINA. 581 tional form between the radiated type of Vorticellina and the bUateral one of Oxytrichina and Eiiplotina. Lastly, Lachraann states that Trichodina and Urocenti-um are not Vorticellina, and makes Slentor the representative of a new family, which he calls Stentoiinae. In this proposed new family he includes besides Stentor, a new genus (Chcetospira), Spirostomum, and a fourth genus which he has merely referred to without naming or de- scribing it. In the above plans of classification there is this in common, that the genera Stentor, Trichodina, and Urocentrum are excluded from among the Vorticellina, an exclusion warranted by their difference of organ- ization and general characters. At the same time we are of opinion that the association of the Ophiydina with the VorticeUina is not correct in a systematic point of view, the existence of external sheaths being a well- marked and sufficiently distinctive character, although the homology in organ- ization is otherwise, in every essential point, very close and striking. Pro- bably Tricliodina and Uy-ocentrum should constitute an allied family or a sub-fanuly of Vorticellina ; Stentor the type of a second family ; whilst the remainder of Ehrenberg's group, viz. Vorticella, CarcJiesium, Epistylis, Oper- cularia, and Zootliamnium, might be called the trae VorticeUma. The new genus Spirochona, again, stands apart by so many peculiarities that it cannot be included within either of the groups proposed, and must be regai'ded as the (at present) sohtary type of a new family, having the internal organization of Vorticellina, but destitute of their peculiar ciliated head. In fr-amrag his generic and specific distinctions, Ehrenberg made use of characters of no real value, — such, for instance, as the occiu'rence of similar and dissimilar bodies (zooids) on branching stems otherwise alike, the height of the stem, the thick- ness of its branches, and the dimensions of the attached animalcules. The family Urceolarina (Duj.) is thus characterized: — " Animals variable in form, changing from a trimipet- or a hemispherical to a globular form ; ciliated throughout, with a fringe of much stronger cUia along the upper and anterior margin of the body, continued as a spiral coil into the oral cavity, which is on the same border. They present the ordinary swimming move- ment, and can for a short time arrest their progress by fixing themselves by their posterior extremity to external objects." " This family," observes Dujardin, connects the VorticeUina with the Bursaiina, and includes the genera Stentor, Urceolaria {Trichodina, Ehr.), Ophrydium, and Urocentnim." The last-named genus is treated as very doubtful. As already seen, Perty adopts this family Urceolarina, but mochfies it by rejecting Ophrydium, and QiCldiii^ /S^tTOStoTytuTyt, Genus STENTOK (XXVIII. 16, 17 ; XXIX. 8).— Animal without pedicle, free, or attached by the posterior extremity of the body, wliich is conical although it admits of very considerable modifications of form ; it is entii-ely covered with cilia ; a wreath of larger ones sumounts the head. Ehi-enberg considered the longitudinal striae along the body, and the cii-cular ones at the anterior part, muscular fibres. The anterior cUiaiy wreath is coiled in a spiral manner about the head ; in some species a row of longer cilia extends from the mouth, in a fringe-like manner, to the middle of the body.' The Stentors increase by self-division, which is either longituchnal or oblique The nucleus is l)and-hke, moniliform, or round. The contractile vesicle is large, round, and placed on a level with the ciliaiy wreath, close to the oesophagus ; it gives off, above, an annular branch, which surroimds the head of the ammalcule just beneath the fringe of cUia, and below, a straieht branch extending to the posterior extremity of the animalcule (XXIX 7^ The anus may often be perceived for a considerable time both before "and after the discharge of matters. It is situated on the back, close beneath the 682 SYSTEMATIC HI8T0EY OE THE INFUSOEIA, ciliarj^ circle. The Stentors are among the largest of the Infusoria, and all the species are visible to the unassisted sight. They are best examined between the plates of a large live-box, a portion of the decayed stem or leaf on which they are found being put in with them. " It is," says M. Dujardin, " in the Stentors where we can view the several supposed internal organs isolately, that new observations wiU make known theu" real nature." They are exclusively found in fresh standing water, or between plants where the water is still. Some of them are colourless, others gi-een, black, or clear blue. This genus gives name to the family Stentorina proposed by Lachmann and others, and, in the classification of Dujardin and Perty, is a member of the family Urceolarina (p. 581). Stentok Miilleri (xxvm. 16, 17). — This is the " white funnel-like polpye " discovered by Trembley ; it is large, the crown or wreath of cilia intewupted, and the lateral crest or fringe indistinct; when outstretched it is trimipet-shaped, but in its contracted state is ovoid ; and dming division, or when the water around it evaporates, a muco-gelatinous mass is thrown out as an external cover- ing. When several are swimming in a glass vessel, they will gradually congre- gate, and select some particular spot, and then attach themselves, evincing, as Ehrenberg imagined, not only a degi-ee of sociality, but of mental activity. These animalcules receive coloured food very readily ; nucleus moniliform. Upon Lemnse and other water-plants, even under ice. Size, stretched out, 1-20" ; conti-acted, 1-120". Ehrenberg refeiTed to the exudation of a mucilaginous coat as the prelude to the death of the Stentor; but, as Cohn has shown (Zeitschr. Band iii. p. 263), it takes place in perfectly healthy and live- ly animals, and is an instance of the widely-pei-vading process of encysting. This observer, indeed, tells us that, when the conditions of existence become un- favourable, animalcules previously at- tached by their tapering posterior ex- ti-emi^, as by a sucker resembling tliat of a leech, n-ee themselves from their capsular envelope and swim away, dis- playing then a brush of cilia at the end of the taU. The notion of a sentiment of sociality and of mental activity, sm*- mised by the Berlin microscopist, de- mands the exercise of a powerfid imagi- nation to realize it. Dr. Wright most kindly notices, in a letter to us, that Stentor Miillcn always secretes a gela- tinous case into which it can retract. As the zooids divide they form a gela- tinous mass, which is attached to weeds | and often to the suiface of the water, from which 10 or 15 Stentors aggregated together may sometimes be seen hanging with then- heads downwai'ds. The ex- ternal gelatinous sheath ia Stentor and other VorticeUina and Ophrydina, Dr. Wright proposes to caU the "coUeto- derm," as the homologue of the gela- tinous matter covering the polj-pidoms of the Hydroidae. S. Haseln (x. 233, 234). — In form, size, and crest, this species resembles the preceding, but is of a more distinct yellowish-white colour. The nucleus is long, ribbon-shaped, and not monilifonn ; the contractile vesicle (seen at *) circidar. Common in summer; upon decaying plants, &c., in standing water. 1-140"; extended, 1-24" The monilifonn iatestine represented by Ehrenberg was very probably the chain of vesicular dilatations of the presimied vascidar system connected with the con- ti-actUe vesicle, and which is largely de- veloped in the Stentors, on one side of the body, as a canal extending from a circular sinus aroimd the head. Dujardin regarded this species as simply a variety of S. MiiUeri ; and there is no apprecia- ble character truly distinctive between them. S. ccendeus (xxix. 8) resembles, exte- riorly, the two preceding species ; but its granules are blue, nucleus ai'ticulated and chain-like (monilifonn). It is tnimpet- shaped when extended, ovoid when con- tracted; white or semi-transparent, ex- cept when coloured by food. The lateral crest and frontal wreath are continuous. When kept in glass vessels, they often fix themselves to the sides in clusters. They ai-e best examined when placed in a lai'ge live-box ; a magnifying power of 100 diameters is sufficient Amongst Vaucherire. 1-480". Except its mucli smaller size, there OF THE VOBTICliLLINA. 583 seems nothing to sufficiently distinguish it from the preceding species; for the bluish hue ot the gi-anules cannot be admitted as a characteristic. Even the diflerence in dimension is no satisfactory indication of a distinct species ; for the smaller animalcule may be but a younger specimen of the larger. S. polymoi-phtis (xxix. 7) resembles the preceding in fonn. Granules of a beautiful green colour; nucleus articu- lated and chain-like; lateral crest in- distinct; frontal wreath of cilia inter- rupted. This species wUl not receive indigo readily. Transverse self-division obseiwed. Upon stones, decayed sticks, and leaves, in standing water. 1-120" to 1-24". Lachmann {A. N. H. 1857, xix. p. 225) seems to intimate that this species is equivalent to S. Miilleri and S. Rceselii. Both in this species and iu 'S'. ccsnileus Eckhard has described reproduction by internal germs or embi-yos. Between the cilia, disposed in spiral series, single long hairs, similar to those of many Turbel- laria, are found, according to the testi- mony of Lachmann. S. iynms. — Less than the preceding; gi-anules yell owish -green ; siu'face bright yellow or vermilion ; nucleus spherical ; lateral crest absent; frontal wreath of cilia inten-upted. Found by Ehrenberg upon the water-violet {Hottonia palus- tris). 1-72". S. nic/e)' {Vorticella nigra, M.). — Small, of a dark brownish-yellow or blackish colom- ; granules olive-coloured ; nucleus spherical ; lateral crest absent ; frontal wreath of cilia continuoiLS. This species is often so abundant that it coloiu'S large pools, in tm'fy hoUows, of a dark blackish hue, resembling an infusion of coflPee. The swimming movement of this species is readily seen (as in the others) with the naked eye. 1-96". S. castaneus (Wright). — A species named in a letter to us by Dr. Wright, of which the only particulai's given ai'e that it is of a dark chestnut coloui-, and that it selects the tops of the stems of Myriophyllimi as its home, and glues all the young leaflets together with a ball of jeUy, within which a crowd of zooids is imbedded. Genus TRICHODIlSrA.— VorticeUina destitute both of tail and pedicle, distinguished from the preceding genus by the general surface of the body being destitute of cilia. They possess a vibrating wreath of cilia anteriorly, on one side of which is a simple, not spiral oral opening. They are mostly disc-shaped or conical. T. Pediculus has the posterior end abraptly trun- cated like the front, and also surrounded vdth a wreath of curved setee, which it employs when crawling, in the manner of feet. In T. tentaculata there is a kind of proboscis. Coloui-ed food is received by T. Pediculus and T. Grandinclla. A kidney-shaped nucleus is seen in T. Pediculus. Many species live pai'asitic on freshwater MoUusca, or Zoophytes ; but others have been found free in sea-water. This description by Ehrenberg conveys a very imperfect conception of the real structure and appearance of Tncliodina. The follomng account and figures from Stein will, however, supply its deficiencies : — " The genus Tricho- dina consists of naked and highly contractile animalcules, subject to very con- siderable variations of form in the direction of the long axis. Their usual figure is that of a tinincated cone, much and suddenly distended posteriorly and surmounted at their wider extremity by a wreath of cilia, which corre- sponds with the posterior ciliary wi-eath in other VorticeUina. The other abruptly tnmcate extremity is furnished witli an apparatus of liooks (XXIx' 15), whereby the animal can attach itself to other bodies. The mouth is circular, and placed on one side of the body, at a greater or less distance from the anterior extremity ; it is furnished with a special zone of cilia to aid in the introduction of the abnientary particles." (It is, however, not circular but a spu-al fnnge of ciUa, as Dujardin stated.) The genus Trichodina fEhr \ agrees m the mam with f/i-ceo7«r/a (l)uj.). v ^-^ Of the several species enumerated l)y Ehrenberg, Stein asserts that two only arc admissible, that the other three are foreign to the genus, and very SYSTEMATIC lUSTOUi: Oi' TiUi JLNFUSOHIA. incompletely observed beings. Thus T. Qrandinella and T. vorcuc appear to be merely the embryos, or otherwise the gemmae, of Vorticellina, whilst T. tentaculata is imperfectly known, and will probably always remain a ques- tionable organism. Further, this author would unite Tricliodina \\ith Uroeen- trum into a subfamily of Vorticellina. Lachraann {A.N.H. 1857, xix. p. 119) agrees with Stein in limiting the genus to the two species T. Fediculus and T. Mitra, and in rejecting the rest as not Vorticellina at all. According to him, Trichodina G-randinella and T. vorax are rightly referable to Halter ia (Duj.). Trichodina tentaculata (x. 227). — Discoid, destitute of the wreath of cUia, but with a fasciculus of vibratile cUia, and a styliform proboscis. 1-280 T. Pediculus {Cyclidium Pediculm, M.) = Urceolaria stellina (Duj.) (x. 228-230; XXIX. 14, 15, 17). — Depressed, urceolate, and discoid, with a wreath of vibratile ciha anteriorly, and another of short moveable imcinate cilia, or hooked setae, posteriorly. Ehrenberg remarks, " I have led this species many times with indigo, and have seen numerous stomachs filled with the blue matter. It always rims upon the back, where there is a wreath ot 24 to 28 mobile hooks (or uncinate cilia), and has the mouth and vibrating wreath of 48 to 64 cilia directed up- wards." It appears to feed upon the little granules oi the body of the Fresh- water Polype {Hydra, ' Microscopic Ca- bmet,' pi. vii.) (Figs. 228 and 229 are side views, attached to a portion of a poh^e ; fig. 230 is a top view). 1-570'' to 1-280". T. Pediculus (xxix. 14-17) is described in much detail by Stein (^Infusionsthierc, p. 175). "It has," he writes, " a turbau- shaped body ; the truncated conictal an- terior segment is moi-phological with the rotary organ of typical Vorticellina, and is shorter than the very ventricose and expanded posterior segment, fi-om which it is separated by a deep anmdar con- striction or furrow, occupied by a wi-eath of vibratile cUia of less length than those forming the posterior zone. The oral aperture is seated in this furrow, the cilia of which are active in impelling food into the mouth. The posterior ciliaiy zone is parallel with the one in front, j ust desci-ibed, and occupies the posterior surface of the hindmost segment of the body, near to the line of attachment of the circlet of imcini, as can be best seen when the animal is dead. It is this zone whicli principally serves for locomotion. The anterior segment can be retracted, and even vanish, by being taken up into the posterior, when the figiu'c becomes cylindrical, with abruptly truncate ends. The posterior segment niso confrncts it- self considerably, and in so doing pre- sents several annular folds. The margin of the truncated extremity, wliich is muchsmallerthanasection inade through the middle of the posterior segment, is fringed by a fii-m cai'tilaginous or horny ring, having both on its outer and inner face a series of uncini, placed at equal distances from each other, and some- what constricted behind the origin of each pau". The inner row of imcini he in the same plane as the posterior sur- face; but the external row are strongly tiuned oufrn^ards and backwards. Besides these is a structure not hitherto described, consistiag of an annular, transparent, elevated rim or collar, often of a slight yellow colom', and of a homy aspect, placed aroimd the outer margin of the corneous ring, above the base of the outer series of unciui. It is extremely flexible, du-ected obliquely outwards, and marked by very fine lines. The circlet of hooks is at once dissolved by acetic acid, whilst this structure remaias ; and, on the other hand, the whole prehensile apparatus disappears when the animal is put into alcohol." The structure of Tnchodina, as now unfolded by Stein, was both imperfectly and erroneously conceived by Ehrenberg. The long diameter of the largest Tri- chodina Pediculm Stein met with was 1-360"; the transverse diameter was about the same. Small specimens oc- ciu'rcd of only half the size, out complete in all the details of organization. T. voraa:. — Oblong, cylindrical, or slightly conical ; anterior part convex, and crowned with cilia ; the back rather attenuated and smooth. 1-570". This and the next species are, from their dissimilarity to T. Pediculus, re- mo^•ed bv Dujardin to another genus he names Hnlferia—ihc two being equiva- lent to HaltcriaGraiidinella, which again, in Stein's opinion, is the embryo of an Acinetiform phase of a VoHiceUa. T. Grandim'Ua (M.).— Neariyspbencal ; sharply attenuated posteriorly ; a wreath of cilia stu-rounds the truncated fore pai't. OF THE TOKTICELLHTA. 585 This species is liable to be mistaken, by au inexperienced observer, for a free Vor- ticella ; its true distinguishing chai-acter appears to be its open weath of cilia. 1-1500" to 1-860". T. 3ntra (Siebold) (xxix. 16).— An- terior segment elongated, cylmdiical, much longer than the slightly wider and more discoid posterior segment, into which it gradually expands. The outer- most margin of the posterior segment has a similar wi-eath of cilia to that of T. Pediculiis ; but the prehensile appa- ratus diSers in the two species. In T. Mitr'a the undidating cartila^nous ring is not ai-medwith hooks, but has only the annular membrane, precisely like that in the other species, except that it is relatively smaller, less distinctly striped, more colourless and transparent, and therefore more readily overlooked. Between the two segments is the deep furrow in which the mouth is placed, from which a row of cilia extends to- wards each end at right angles to the posterior ciliary zone, and is homologous with the anterior wi-eath of cilia of T. Pediculus. Genus UROCENTRUM (X. 231, 232).— Free, with a taH-like style, but no pedicle, and no ciha, except a wi-eath anteriorly ; oral aperture simple. SeLf-division transverse. Ehrenberg thinks the eyes, which Miiller supposed he had seen, were most probably the traces of cilia, which he appears to have overlooked. Ubocentrtjm Turbo (Cercaria Turbo, M.) (x. 231, 232).— Hyahne, ovate, ti-i- lateral, with a style, or setaceous tail, one-third of its length. Ehrenberg says, " The little tail is not a separable Vor- ticella-stalk, but an ai'ticidated style on the back — perhaps a foot." WithLemnae and Confervse. Fig. 232 a dorsal, 231 a side vieAV. 1-430" to 1-280". Genus VOETICELLA (XXVII. 1-5).— Crowned with cilia anteriorly; stalked when young, but at a later period, and also after self-division, sessile. The shape of the zooids, when stalked, is similar ; the pedicle can be suddenly deflected spirally, by means of the long muscle within it, but it is never branched. At certaia periods a second wreath of cilia is produced at the posterior part of the body. Not only, according to Ehrenberg, can numerous stomach-ceUs be seen, but likewise the gradual passage of the food onwards, in a twining sort of intestinal canal, though this is not easily observed, on account of the periodical deflection of the pedicle. However, in the genera Epistylis and Opercularia, whose pedicles are comparatively motionless, the nutritive apparatus may be much more perfectly investigated. The mouth and discharging orifice are separate, but lie in the same hollow, at the anterior margin. The granules are variously coloui-ed, and constitute, in Ehi-enberg's language, clusters of ova ; nucleus elongated, contractile bladder round. The animalcules are andi'ogynous. The supposed increase by the growth of young animalcules out of the pedicle (or of gcmmas), hke flowers on the stem of a plant, has arisen from erroneous observation. When the animalcule loosens itself from its pedicle or stalk — a circumstance which, says Ehrenberg, " takes place at certain periods — the stalks die, or disappear, just like the shells of crabs, or as the nails and bail-." The muscular fibre within the stem rcquii-es stops, or an achromatic condenser, under the stage, to render it distinct. The Vorticellce being of so considerable a size, and easily procurable, have formed the subject of mimerous investigations into their organization • but yet no obsei-vers have been able to coincide entirely with the %iews of Elirenberg. Among the most recent researches are tliose of Prof. Stein len fully put forward in the general history of these animals' must refer (see p. 277 et seq.). Suffice it to say that the winding intestinal canal, the distinct stomach-cells, the clusters of ova the androgynous nature mentioned in the above account from Ehrenbere of thp internal organization of VorikMm, have, not only in Stein's opinion but in which have been to which we 586 SYSTEMATIC HISTORY OF THE DrPUSOEIA. that of nearly every other naturalist, no existence ; the appearances so inter- preted are explicable in a different manner. Adopting the results of recent discoveries, the following descriptive characters may be laid down. Body bell-shaped (campanulate), supported on a highly contractile, un- branched pedicle or stem, and surmounted at its wide upper extremity by a dilated and somewhat everted margin, or " peristom." The wide anterior extremity is closed by a " disc," fringed with cUia, which commence on one side of a depression or fossa in the peristom, called the vestibulum, whence they ascend to surround the disc, and after continxiing down its sides or " stem," enter the mouth, and thence return to their starting point, thereby completing a spii-al ciliary wreath, or rotary apparatus, which serves by its vibrations to di'aw food inwards to the mouth, and, when the animal detaches itself, as an organ of locomotion. The disc may be slightly elevated above the peristom, but less so than in other tnie Vorticellina ; when so elevated, the ciliary apparatus is said to be expanded. On the other hand, it may be withdrawn under cover of the peristom, the ciha disappearing from ^iew ; and Avhen more strongly contracted, the whole disc is so drawn within the body that the entire appearance of the anterior extremity or head of the animal is lost, its ciliary mechanism being so inverted that it appears in- ternally like an irregular sigmoid cavity, in which the cilia may possibly be distinguishable, whilst the peristom is itself completely closed in upon the whole. In this state of complete contraction the Vorticella resembles a shut ovoid sac. Except the head, the rest of a Vorticella is destitute of cilia. The fossa lying between the sides of the ciliary disc and the peristom is the vestibulum, into which both the oral and anal outlets open, within a very short space of one another. The mouth opens below into a ciliated pharynx or oesophagus, which is extended a considerable distance into the interior as a digestive tube, terminating, it would appear, suddenly by an open end. The food received at the mouth is transmitted thi-ough the oesophagus, and is formed at its extremity, with the aid of water, into a globule or vacuole, which is pushed onwards by the vis d tergo in a circular course towards the anal outlet. Besides molecules and granules derived from food (vesicular bodies composed of oily or other matters), there are always present in the interior a round contractile vesicle and an elongated curved band-like nucleus, often with several minute clear spaces or nucleoli. The vesicle is usually placed near the lower end of the digestive tube, and the curved, horseslioe- shaped nucleus lies across at the posterior third of the animalcule. Tlie Vorticellce multiply by longitudinal self-division, and by the growth of gemmse from their base, and propagate by the resolution of the nucleus, after encyst- ing itself, into numerous Eu(jleiia-]ike or Monadiform beings, and, according to Stein, by cUiated embryos through the medium of a previous convei-sion into Acinetce. The new beings formed from fission or gemmation ai'c at fii'st in a contracted condition, and on their detachment are found to be furnished with a posterior circlet of cilia to seiwe as a means of locomotion until they affix themselves and proceed to develope a pedicle, after which it disappcara, and the ordinary ciliary wreath of the head unfolds itself. Indeed, even when these processes of multiplication ai-e not in operation, a VorUcfUa can detach itself and leave its stalk, or smm away with, its pedicle Avlicn loosened from its hold. The pedicle is remarkably contractile, drawing itself into a close coil with extraordinary rapidity, and again uncoiling itself with equal quiclmcss, regu- lating these movements by external conditions, as thougli possessing con- sciousness and wUl. The pedicle is a hollow tube, contaijiing a thread or band within it, to wliich its contractile power is due. OF THE VOETICELLINA. 587 VoRTiCELL A nebuUfera ( V. nebuKfera et V. ConcaUaria, M. ) . — Body campamilate ; its base, to which the pedicle is affixed, may be either conical or hemispheiical, according to its state of expansion or contraction ; the pedicle or stalk is about five times the length of the body, and can fonn as many as ten coUs. These creatui'es usually congi-egate together, — though each is independent of its neigh- bour ; for on the approach of any foreign body to one, it withdraws, by coiling up its pedicle, while the others remain sti'etched out in search of food. An am- plification of 300 diameters is necessary to exhibit the cilia. Dming longitudinal self-division the body becomes broader : gemmation takes place from one or other side, close to the insertion of the pedicle. Abundant, appearing like a white film, on the stalks and roots of Lemnse and other water-plants, even in winter under ice. 1-570" to 1-280"- This is one of the species of Vorticella in which Stein believed he proved the development of an Acineta from the encysted animal, and also, under other circumstances, the generation of a brood of yoimg Monadiform beings or geinis. V. citrina (M.). — More hemispherical than the preceding, and the frontal mar- gin more expanded. Upon Leninae, rarely with the former species. 1-430" to 1-210"; stalk 3 to 4 times that length. Perty speaks of this species as having a stilF stem, and apparently closely re- lated to the genus Stentor. Dujardin adopts this specific name for a Vorticella defined as being very variable in form, often campanulate, rarely conical, having a wide projecting border, variously con- torted or irregular. V. microstoma (xxvn. 1-6). — ^Whitish grey, ovate, naiTower at the ends ; frontal margin not expanded or campanidate; during contraction the animal is annu- lated; multiplies by longitudinal and transverse (?) self-division, and by gem- mation. In stagnant water. 1-2.300" to 1-240"; stallc six times longer than the bodv. l^his species was the subject of the minutest investigations by Stein, who not only represented it as becoming encysted, but also as being either trans- formed into an Acineta or Actinophrys, from which a ciliated embryo is deve- loped, or as giving origin, -vvitliout such a metamoi-phosis, to a multitude of germs. He remarks on the immense range of size seen among different examples of this animalcule, viz. from 1-300" to 1-3600" (xxvii. 5), the smallest equally with the largest exhibiting the same structure. The figm-e he describes as pear-shaped, the anterior half contracted ; the ciliated disc slightly everted, not campanulate; rotary organ small, and elevated _ but slightly above the peristom. He objects to Dujardin's imion of this species with V. convallaria, under the name of V. in- fusionum, as erroneous, the two being perfectly distinct beings. V. Camijanula {VoHicella lunaris, M.) (xxrx. 1). — Hemispherical, not annu- lated, bell-shaped, with the frontal mar- gin broad, ti-uncated, and not expanded. Colour whitish-brown. This species ap- pears like a thick bluish fihn upon water-plants, and the single animalcules are discoverable with the naked eye. 1-120"; stalk seven times longer than the body. Perty adopts MiUler's name V. lunaris for a species which he considers equiva- lent both to V. CatnpaniUa and V. patellina. V. hamata. — Small, ovate, hyaline, attenuate at both ends ; body obliquely attached to the pedicle. 1-570". V. chlorostigma (Vorticella fasciculata, M.). — Green, ovate, conical, campanu- late, and annulated ; frontal margin (peristom) expanded. Often covers grasses and rushes with a beautiful green layer. 1-240"; stalk five times the length of the body. V. patellina (M.). — Hemispherical, campanulate ; frontal portion very much dilated ; its margin gi-eatly expanded, and often turned backwards. 1-480"; stalk about seven times the length of the body. V. cotivallaria ( V. crateriformis, citnna, geinella, globularia, hilaris, nasuta et trun- catella ; Enchelys Fritillus ; Trichoda gy- rinus, M.). — Ovate, conical, campanidate, annulated; hyaline or whitish; frontal portion dilated, its margin slightly ex- anded. This appeai-s to have been the rst infusorial animalcule discovered. Leeuwenhoek, the discoverer, foimd it in stagnant rain-water, at Delft, in April 1675. It occurs in considerable abun- dance upon tlie surface of vegetable in- fusions, with V. microstoma, from which it is distinguished by its broad front, which gives to it a bell-shaped or cam- panulate appearance. Carus, in 1823 fancifully represented it as arising froni spontaneous generation in oil, or from an accidental mixture of oil colour and spring-water. It has been described under various names by diflferent natu- ralists. 1-430" to 1-24" ; stalk six times its length. 588 SYSTEMATIC HISXOUT OP THE INFUSOEIA. This well-known animalcxile is usually found attached to extraneous bodies in water ; such as the leaves of duck-weed, small aquatic shells, clusters of the ova, or the larvEB of insects; an example of the latter is shown in the Mici-osco])ic lUustrutions, fig. 30, where it may be considered as a parasite, or rather an epiphyte. As, when fully developed, it is mostly attached to some sta- tionary object, it affords many facilities to the microscopist for observation, and forms a good object also for ascertaining the defining power of his instrimient, and his expertness in its management; for much of the clearness in structure will depend on the manner in which he manages the illumination. If this be not attended to, and the instrument has not sufficient power and penetration, it vdll exhibit only two cilia instead of a cir- cular row; indeed this animalcide is described and drawn in this manner by the old authors, — an error which recent improvements in the microscope have demonstrated. Y.picta. — Ovate, conical, campanulate ; frontal portion dilated, and its margin slightly expanded. The pedicle is very slender, and curiously marked through- Genus CAECHESIUM (XXX. 9). out its length with red dots. 1-1150" to 1-570" ; stalk four to five times as long. Perty treats V. lunaris, V. fasciculata, and V. cirrata of Midler as distinct species, instead of accepting them as varieties of others named by Ehrenberg ; but he fails to give the characteristics necessary to then- establishment as such. It is to be remarked, however, that V. lunaris and V. fasciculata are, he is in- clined to believe, merely varieties of the same species. Vorticella Amimlla (Midler) is treated by Laclimann as the representative of a new genus, as yet unnamed, belonging to the Stentoiinse (A. N. H. 1857, xix. p. 128). V. infusionum (Duj.) is not equivalent to V. microstoma and V. Cotwallaria, as he represented it to be. He describes it as commonly ovoid or nearly globular, trun- cated at the head, with a slightly pro- jecting border. The pedicle is very fiexible, its sm-face striated obliquely. V. ramosissima (Duj.) = Carcliesium polypinum (Ehr.). V. Arbuscula (Duj.) = Zoothamnium Arhuscula (Ehr.). V. kmaris (Duj.)= V. Campanula and V. patellina (Ehr.). Distinguished from the preceding genus by the spirally flexible branched pedicle. The bodies (zooids) upon the pedicle are all of the same form. The organization of this genus is not so well known as that of Vorticella and Epistylis. There is a simple wreath of cilia, which during quick vibration appears double ; and, as in Vorticella, a posterior circlet is produced at certain periods ; within the pedicle a trans- versely folded contractile band is observed dui-ing contraction. The mouth is lateral. Internally ai'e whitish granules, and a contractile bladder ; but the nucleus is indistinct. The growth of gemmae has been observed ; and the zooids can detach themselves from the stalk, as in the case of Vorticella. One of the best distinctive features between Carchesium and Zoothamnium, is that the contractile band of the former is not continuous throughout the pedicle and its branches as it is in the latter (see p. 293). This is noticed both by Stein and Dr. Wright : the latter adds, " The di^-ision of the zooids is more complete in Carchesium than in Zoothamnium. In the former, at each division, one of the zooids produces a new muscle not connected with that of the zooid from whicli it has se Carchesium polyjnnum (Leeuwen- hoek) {V. polypina, M. and Du].) (xxx. 9). — Conical, campanulate, white ; the frontal portion broad, truncate, and its margin e.xpanded ; pedicle branched in a sub-umbellato manner. The axis matter or supposed muscle of the pedicle, first observed by Mr. Varley, is very distinct. 1-570" to 1-430". jarated." C. pi/gmeeum (Zoothamnium Parasita^ Stein).— "S^ery small, ovate, white, rather dilated in front; pedicle branched in _8 bifid, rarely in a trifid manner. 1-2400' . Berlin, dn Cyclops quadricornis. C. spec(!rt6?7athidium and Ojmlina, the family " Leucophryens," characterized by having " an oval or oblong de- pressed body, covered with cilia densely but regularly disposed ; mouth not evident ; foreign solid particles are not to be found in the vacuoles ; hence probably these animals hve only by absorption. Most of them are parasitic Avithin Annehda and Batrachia, and soon perish in pm-e water, like Helmin- thoid (tape) womis." Dujardin says, " It is to the genus Biirsaria that Ehren- berg has transferred most of the true Leucoplirj-ens, in conjunction with other Infusoria having a very distinct mouth." (See OpALiNiEA, p. 569.) Dujardin's characters of LeiicojpJirys are : — " Body depressed, oval or oblong. Olf THE ENCHELIA. 611 equally rounded at the two ends, covered by long, very numerous, vibratile cilia, in parallel rows ; no mouth. I," says Dujardin, " have restiicted the term to animalcules parasitic within Lumbrici, but ought probably to include the form met -with by Ehrenberg ia the Anoclontce." This genus requires further examination, and may probably be cancelled by the transfer of its members to other groups. It is certain that several of its enumerated species are mouthless, and that some belong to the Opalinaea ; and Dujardin clearly pui-sued a veiy right course in detaching it from the heterogeneous class Enchelia, and ia briaging it into relation with Opalina. Perty has followed a similar plan, and instituted a family of parasitic animal- cules under the name of Cobalina, comprehending besides Leucophrijs (repre- sented by only one species, L. striata) Opalina, Plagiotoma, and Alasior. Like Dujardin, also, he transfers L. patula to Bursana ; treats L. Spathula as identical with Spathidium hyalinum (Duj.), but places it in a family Holophryina, along with Holophrya and Enchelys (i. e. as represented by E. Farcimen and E. Pupa). Neither Ehrenberg's descriptions nor figmres are sufficient to identify L. sanguinea either with Bursaria or Opalina ; its colour lends no aid, siuce it is doubtless accidental. L. pyriformis and L. carnium are doubtful members, and the rest named are petty clearly Opalinaea. L. carnium is treated by Dujardin as identical with Trichoda carnium. Leucophbys patula ( Trichoda patula, M.) (xxrv. 276, 277) {Bursaria patula, Duj.). — Oval, campanidate, tiu'gid; sometimes quite pellucid, at others M'hitish ; mouth ample and gaping ; vacuoles are very large, and fill them- selves with food m an in'egulai- maimer. When (says Ehrenberg) the animalcide is qxiiet, the passage of the food onwards is seen in the serpentine canal, to which the stomachs are attached like berries ; even the stalk or short commimicating tube is visible when they receive or dis- charge colom-ed food. The longitudinal rows of cilia are very niunerous in full- grown specimens. The granules are white by incident light, brownish by transmitted. In the middle of the body is a small globidar nucleus. Both in fresh- and sea-water. 1-280" to 1-96". L. Spathula {= Enchelys Siiathula, M.) (xxiv. 278). — Lanceolate, com- pressed, whitish ; mouth narrow, situated at its anterior extremity, which is ob- liquely tnmcated and membrane-like. Amongst Lemnse. 1-140". Vide Spa- THiDixrai hyalinum, p. 612. L. sanyuinca {Trichoda striata, M.) (xxiv. 279, 280).— Cylindrical, rounded at both extremities, and of the colour of blood. Elirenberg remarked within it two bright contractile romid bladders, and that on self-division one was present in each part. 1-144". \j. pyriformis {Kolpoda Pyrum, M.). — Ovate, whitish, rather more acute ante- riorly; vacuoles large. 1-570" to 1-280". Dujai'din considers that this species shoidd rightly be transfeiTed to Glaucoma or Kolpoda. L. carnium (Kolpoda Pyrum, M.). — Oval, oblong, acute anteriorly, and of a whitish colom"; vacuoles narrow. In putrescent animal water, and the di'ain- age of manm-e. 1-1440" to 1-430". It = Trichoda Pyrum (Perty). Perty suggests that Enchelys nodulosa is referable also to this species. L. (?) Anodonta {Leiccophra Jluida, M.). — Oval, tm-gid, and ti-ansparent ; roimded at both extremities. In Siberia and at Copenhagen. 1-430". Most pro- bably it is an Opalina. L. striata (Duj.). — Oblong, mai-ked by thu-ty-five longitudinal granidar strise. 1-325" to 1-200". In the Lumbrici (worms) of gardens. This is the only species of Leucophrys retained by Perty. On the other hand. Stein (p. 184) asserts that it is an Opa- lina, a mouthless animalcule, and there- fore rightly excluded fi-om Enchelia. L. twdulafa (Duj.). — Oblong, regularly ciliated ; wthout distinct str'm, buthav- mS. amhigmvm the brow and wreath are remarkably long. Vacuoles, to the number of ninety, have been seen filled with colom-ed food, and the discharge of the latter observed. The anus is placed at the posterior extremity. [A band-Kke thick gland (nucleus) is seen in S. virens, and a bead-hke one in other species.] The former likewise possesses a largo contractile vesicle, and gi'een granules ; ia 8. ambiguum the granules are white. Self-division has not been observed, but Ehrenberg presumes that it takes place transversely. The band-lilce or moniliform gland mentioned by Ehrenberg ls in fact a pulsating vessel extending almost the entii-e length of the animalcule. The genus does not belong to TracheUna, but to a family represented by Stentor, which Lachmann and others would estabhsh with the name of Stentorina. Perty transfers Spirostomum to Urceolaiina, in which family it is united with Stentor, Camomor^pha, and Urocentrmi. (See remarks on Vojbticellina, p. 579.) SprROSTomiM virens {Bursaria spiri- g&ra, D.) (xxrv. 296*). — Ovate-elongate, depressed ; ti-uncated anteriorly, and roimded posterioriy. The back is arched, and the imder side flat. The green gra- nules are sometimes absent (f. 296*). 1-120" ; ova 1-6000". S. amhiguum (LeucopJm/s llb-ichoda] amhigua, M.;) (xxrv. 297, 298.)— White, cyhndiical, nlifonn, flexible ; obtuse an- teriorly, ti'imcated posteriorly ; an elon- gated frontal region or brow extends be- yond the mouth. The long vibrating cilia in front often appear like a pro- boscis, and were mistaken for such by Miiller. The structm-e of this creatm'e is remai'kable, especially the mouth, which is only one-fifth from the tail ; thus the fr'ontal region or brow is very long, and the alimentaiy canal (adds Ehr.), first inflected forwards, retm-ns along the body. From the mouth to the anterior or top of the brow rims a long ciliated furrow (xxiv. 297 and 298). In swimming, they extend themseh-es, and are readily perceived by the naked eye. In ditches, among decaying oak-leaves and rotten wood. 1-12". Both Dujardin and Perty consider this animalcide to be the same as that other- wise described by Ehrenberg as Ui'o- leptus Filum. S. semper virescens (Perty). — Body roimd, filled with gi-een gramdes ; tail broad, flat, and colomless. Ciha at anterior extremity, clearly seen. The green colour was probably due to the food. 1-96". Among Lemuse, but only once. 'It is allied to Kondylostoma (Duj.), which difiers from it by its marine habitat. Genus PHIALINA (XXIV. 299).— The frontal ciHated portion is sepa- rated from the non-ciliated body by a constriction or neck ; mouth lateral devoid of teeth. The motion of these creatiu-es is due to the powerftii wreath of cilia over the mouth. Ehrenberg says, cilia may possibly be present upon the surface of the body, since Midler described them in Trichoda mellitea. A contractile vesicle (perhaps two) is situated posteriorly. Self- division probably transverse. Dujardin rejects this genus ; and, in Perty's opinion, the animalcules it includes are no other than more contracted and younger specimens of Tra chelocerca Unguifera or of Lacrymaria. Amongst them are specimens Avith an evident terminal flap or tongue, and others with incompletely developed necks. Theu- movements are rapid. (See notes on Lacrymauia p 609 ) Phialxna vernncularis (TricJioda ver- miciilaris, M.).— Ovate, attenuated an- teriorly ; neck very short ; colour wliito, With LemnfB. 1-240". P. viridis (xxiv. 299).— Bottled-shaped, anteriorpartacute,the posterior gi-ndually attenuated; neck very sliort. 1-280" There is notliing di.stiiictive in the assigned characters of this species; the slight diflerence in form may arise from tlio varying amount of contraction. The gi-eeu colour is valueless. 624 SYSTEMATIC HISTORY OF THE INFUSOttlA. Gemis GLAUCOMA (XXIV. 300-302 ; XXVIII. 4-7).— Body oval, com- pressed, covered witli cilia ; mouth provided with a tremulous flap, but no teeth. Ehrenhorg described the reception and discharge of food, 'and tlie presence of digestive vacuoles, and therefore saw, in these, indications of the existence of an alimentary canal. The large mouth, with its vibratoiy valves, is situated on the inferior side, in advance of the middle. The anus is situated on the ventral surface, near the posterior extremity, or at the extremity itself. The internal organs are a large ovate gland, a star-like contractile sac, and granules. Self-division transverse or longitiidinal. Olmicoma is comprised by Dujardin among his Paramecina. Perty con- structs a family out of this genus, along -with Cinetochilum (vide Cyclidium, p. 572), which he designates Cinetochilina, and characterizes as animalcules having a mouth on the upper side, surmounted by a vibrating valve (hke a tremulous eyelid). Cilia disposed in longitudinal rows. It will be noticed that the mouth is described to be on the upper side instead of the under, as stated by Ehrenberg, with whom we agree. The anus is on the ventral siu-face, near the posterior extremity. Lachmann describes two flaps to the mouth, but Perty says the second is simply an expansion of the margin of the mouth. Glaucoma scintillam ( CyclidkimBulla, M.) (xxviii. 4-7). — Elliptical or ovate, colourless, sliolitly depressed; vacuoles large. The vibrating flap appears to be semi-oval or reniform and smooth, and to have a stiff margin. The cilia are seen by emplojdng colour or by pressing or di'yuig the animalcules (xxiv. 300- 302). In natiu'al and artificial infusions. 1-280". G. viridis (Duj.). — Green, oval, short; mouth large, situated nearer the centre thau to the anterior margin. 1-860" to 1-520". lu rain-water butts. Genus CHILODON (XXIV. 303-309 ; XXIX. 48-59).— Body irregularly oval, flattened, regularly ciliated : fi-ontal region produced in the form of a broad membranous lip, on one side, resembling a beak ; the mouth, situated at its base, and therefore lateral, is furnished with a tubular fascicle of teeth. A round nucleus, one or more conti'actile vesicles, and transverse and longi- tudinal self-division have been observed. This genus along with Nassula, Prorodon, and two newly-instituted genera. Cychgramma and Habrodon, are grouped together in the system of Perty, as a family styled " Decteria," which is thus characterized: — "Mouth besot with a circlet of fine bristles. In the first three genera the mouth is lateral ; in the remaining two, anterior." Stein makes Chilodon distinct from Nassula, by its body being compressed, having a distinct upper and under surface, and a lip-like process above the mouth. Chilodon Cuctdlulus {^Knlpoda Cuculliis, M.) (xxrv. 30.3-507; xxix. 48-59).— Body depressed, oblong or ovate, rounded at the ends ; frontal region advancing on the right aide. [Ehrenberg states ho has often seen the straight alimentary canal, with its grape-lUte cells, filled witli large Navicula;.] Contractile vesicles from two to tliree ; nucleus largo, oval near the centre. Tlie circlet of toclh was stated by Ehrenberg to consist of little hard wand-lilto bodies, wliich the creature could sopnvnto so as to ndniit into its mouth large living bodies, and afterwards conti-act or close upon them (xxiv. 308, 309). The anus is at one side of the posterior extremity. In swimming, or creeping upon tlie surfnce of Conferva;, the mouth is turned under or below. Its motion is gliding; and it does not revolve in swimming. "When the water is coloured, tlie cilia may be ea.«ily perceived, and their disposition wlion it is dried up. (Figs. 305 and 306 exhibit longitudiii.al, .nnd .307 transverse self-division.) Tn fresh and salt water. 1-11.50" to 1-140'. Tliis speeies hum received a clcse in- OF TITE THACHEIilNA. 625 vesti^ation by Stein. The circlet of t^eth (bacUlar apparatus, Lachmann) is con- structed of uo actually separate portions or teeth, as Ehrenber^ supposed, but is nothing more than a thickened oesopha- gus with denser rugae, or folds, of a chi- tinous composition. From its lower end a digestive tube extends to neaiiy the centre of the body. C. imcinatus. — Depressed, oblong, roimded at the ends. The right side of the anterior part is produced, so as to appear like a hook or beak. In vegetable infusions. 1-430". This being is, in Stein's opinion, a mere variety of C. Ciicullulus : the bulging- out of the side has a somewhat hook-like process ; but this ia a mere accidental re- sidt following the process of longitudinal self-division (J^i/Ms. p. 130). It has been seen to encyst itself. C. aureus. — Ovate-conical, txirgid, of a golden yellow colom- ; dilated and ob- tusely rostrated anteriorly, attenuated posteriorly. 1-140". C. ornatiis. — Ovate subcylindrical, of a golden yellow colom*, equally rounded at both ends, slightly befiked; it has a bright \-iolet spot. 1-180". The violet spot spoken of has no di- stinctive peculiarity ; it is not a normal coloured gastric fluid, but only a collec- tion of gi'anules, the same as in Nassula elegam. This species, together with the fore- going C. aureus and the Nassula aurea, are so very similar, that Stein doubts their independent natm'e, and is more dis- posed to regard them as developmental phases of the same being. 0. depressus (Perty). — Irregular, with- out a beak, and roimded at both ends ; compressed; almost colourless. Trans- parent, with greyish contents. Upper and under surfaces equally flat. Tooth-cylin- der very evident. Switzerland. 1-120". Stein states that the body is bilateral, presenting a distinct right and left side, an upper (dorsal) convex and a lower (ventral) flat sm-face. The anterior end is much flattened and transparent; and bemg ciu'ved towards the left side, gives the whole being a somewhat reniform figm'e. The depression on this side is always in advance of the middle of the bodj', just as m. Paramecium Colpoda and Colpoda Cucullidus. The anterior, ciu-ved transparent end sunnounts the body like a crescentic process, is furnished with longer cilia than elsewhere, and may not inaptly be called the lip. Vibratile cilia cover the body in regidar rows, but in very young specimens ai'e invisible ex- cept on the lip. The oval nucleus is hoUowed by a cavity, within which is a nucleolus. Longitudinal and transverse fission takes place in individuals of all sizes. The former advances fi'om the posterior exti'emitj' ; the oesophageal (dental) cylinder is not divided, but is produced de novo in the newly produced segment: this segment, when first de- tached, is the Cliilodon uncinatm (Ehr.). Cliilodon Cucullulus encysts itself : a soft gelatinous matter is first thrown out aroimd it, which hardens into the cyst- wall ; dua'ing this process the superficial cilia and the oesophageal cylinder disap- pear, and at length an oval cj'^st, with a large nucleus, and two to three contractile spaces alone appear. Gradually a cili- ated embryo is developed from the nucleus, resembling in external charac- ters a CycUdium Glamoma. The embrvo escapes from the parent animal; and cysts are sometimes foimd containing the pai-ent and its oftspring side bv side within it. The development of enibrvos may go on imtil the nucleus is expended. The size of the germ is detennmed by that of its pareixt. Genas NASSULA (XXIV. 310, 311 ; XXVIIL 2, 3, 11-15). — Covered vnih. ciHa ; ovoid or oblong ; turgid and prominent in front, but without the expansion or beak on one side ; mouth lateral, provided with a circlet of teeth in the form of a wheel {nassa). Numerous vacuoles are seen, and in two species, as Ehrenberg states, the discharging orifice. The violet- coloured granular spots noticed in Cliilodon omatus occur also in the species of Nassula and are likewise met with in Bursaria vernalis, TracheUus Meleanris AmpU leptus margaritifer, A. Melem/ris, and A. longicolUs. " Tliey resemble " savs Ehrenbcrg " the vesicular glands around the stomachs of the Rotatoria and are probably of a glandular nature, analogous to biliary glands, and concerned m the process of digestion " The nucleus is large, oval or splxerical ; auTtWe are one or more contractile vesicles. Only transverse self-division has been 2 s 626 SYSTEMATIC UISTORY OF THK INFUSOniA. observed. They are found in stagnant water, especially where Confervce and OscillatorifE are present. The violet-coloured supposed digestive glands or cells are, in the opinion of others, simply vesicles coloured by the Oscillatoria on which the animal- cules feed (p. 312). This genus and the preceding, Chilodon, are very closely aUied. Stein finds the best distinctions between the two in the rounded body with the ex- tremities obtuse and rounded off, in the case of Nassula, and in the flattened, compressed body, with decided ventral and dorsal surfaces and with a lip-like process, in Chilodon. NASStTLA elegans (xxl^^ 310, 311; xxvm. 11-15). — Cylindi'ical or oval, slightly attenuated in front, exti'emities very obtuse. It is white or greenish, spotted with violet vesicles. Vacuoles, containing Chlamidomonads or other food, may often be observed ; and fi-om fifteen to twenty rows of cilia may be seen on one aspect. The animalcule swhns backward and forwai'd, tm'ning upon its longitudinal axis. The mouth is easily perceived by the cmrents when indigo is mixed with the water : it has a circlet containing twenty-six little wands or teeth, which can voluntarily diverge or converge anteriorly. Four roimd contTactUe vesicles, placed in a row, occm' on the dorsal sm-face, and doubtless represent fom- expansions of a continuous contractile vessel along that region. The violet vesicles mentioned are only accidental (i. e. not necessary) collections of pigment matter, derived fi'oni the food (see p. 312). When self- division ensues, the large central nucleus divides (xxiv. 310, 311; the latter is a young one). With Lemnse and Con- fervEe. 1-140" to 1-120". Nassula ele- gans is thus characterized by Cohn : — Elongate with roimded extremities; oesophagus funnel-shaped; no cylinder of teeth present as in N. ornata. Con- tractile vesicles two; nucleus elliptic, with nucleolus lodged in a fossa at one end. A large mass of violet granules on under sm-face posteriorly. It resembles but is smaller than Paramecimn Aurelia, and has a similar cuticle. With Bursaria truncatella and Ophryoglena atra. It is smaller than N. ornata. Its changes of form are remarkable ; often dependent on swallowed joints of Oscillatoricc. Cilia very closely di.sposed. N. oniata (iV. viridis?, D.) (xxvin. 65-71). — Ovate or globular, depressed, | of a brownish-green colom-, variegated with niunerous violet vesicles. The posterior part of the body has a small excavation. Ehrenberg says, there are from six to eight gi-oups of vesicles, forming a wide circle roimd the mouth, filled with a violet-coloured juice, which is discharged with the excreta, and ap- pears like drops of oil, but soon mixes with and colours the water. It swims rapidly, rotating also on itself, but this only slowly. Among swimming clusters of Oscillatorim. 1-96" ; ova 1-4800". It has been seen in an encysted state. N. aurea. — Ovate-oblong, nearly cylin- drical, very obtuse at the extremities. Its colour varies from golden yeUow to a dai-k brown. 1-120". Stein hints it as probable that this species and N. viridis (Duj.), Chilodon aureus, and CJi. ornatus are merely dif- ferent stages of the same animal. N. ambigua (Stein) (xxvra. 2, 3). — Rounded, short oval ; extremities equally rounded. Entire sinfnce covered bv cilia in longitudinal rows. The wedge-shaped oral opening sm-moimts a very wide pha- rynx (tooth-cylinder, Ehr.) which may be easily isolated. The contractile vesicle acquires a stellate figiu-e during its con- tractions and dilatations, like that of Cliilodon ornatus. The contents are ori- ginally colourless, but become tinted green, blue, and red successively, during the process of digestion of the Oscillatoria it feeds upon. It occm-s encysted, in a transparent, resistant, globular cvst. Length 1-240" ; width 1-420". " N. concinna (Perty). — Ovate, hyaline, transpai-ent ; covered evcrnvhcre with fine granules having an annular an-ange- ment. Dental appai-atus particularly de- licate, more evident when dried. Cilia very tine ; movements sluggish ; anal opening at posterior extremity. 1-216". Genus LIOSIPHON (Ehr.).— Turgid ; cUiated throughout ; frontal ex- tremity advanced beyond the mouth, and not auriculate. Mouth opens into a tubular membranous pliarynx. provided with a cj-liudor of tooth. OF THE TKACHELINA. 627 This is a new genus instituted by Ehrenberg. Its essential distinction from Nassiila is not pointed out, the only one indicated being the prolongation of the frontal region beyond the oral apertui-e. Liosi?HON-S'«yjM.— Obtuse, ovate; I pharynx of a clavate outline. 1-36"'. of a variegated green coloiu- ; tube of | With Oscillatorienuire, but swims awkwardly. It elongates and contracts its nock at pleasure, and is altogether an interesting object for the microscope. Greatest length 1-3C". It has been found en- cysted. OF THE ASriDISCINA AND KOLPODEA. 631 T. virtdis (Lacnjmaria viridis, D.). — Spindle-shaped, neck simple, very mo- bile, long, and dilated at the mouth, Avhich has a ciliated lip. Amongst LemniB. Length 1-120" ; contracted 1-380". Perty changes the specific name to " linffuifera," and has the very good reason for so doing that the green colour is no distinction, because it is often changed to brown, and, besides vai'ious intermediate tints, is at times greyish or colom-less. Unlike T. Olor, the neck is surmounted by a moveable flap or pro- cess, styled a tongue, fringed with di- stinct cilia. Perty speaks of specimens 1-72" in length. T. biceps. — Spindle-shaped, white ; neck long, forked, each segment with a mouth. 1-190". This can have no claim as a species, since it is evidently nothing more than an animalcule in the act of longitudinal fission, not far advanced. T. Saffifta= Vibrio Sagitta (M.). — Fu- sifoiTO, white ; neck very long ; head ter- minal, opaque. 1-120". North Sea and Baltic. FAMILY IX.— ASPIDISCINA. (XXV. 321-323.) Distinguished from the preceding family by the presence of a lorica. The alimentary canal has two orifices, of which the discharging one only is terminal. The lorica is firm, very transjoarent, and combustible, somewhat resembling the shell (carapace) which covers the back of a tortoise ; it projects anteriorly a little beyond the body. Long flexible bristle-Ulie organs attached to the abdomen enable the animalcules to cKmb, while the delicate cilia near the mouth serve both as swimming and purveying organs. Numeroxis vacuoles have been fUled with coloured food by Ehrenberg, who has also seen the discharge of matter posteriorly. An oval nucleus and a contractile vesicle occur in both species. Miiller observed self-division, but mistook it for copulation. They are not developed in large masses. Genus ASPIDISCA. — Characters as above. AspiDiscA lynceus (Triclioda lynceus, M.). — Lorica nearly cu'cular, truncated at the posterior end, and formed into a hook or beak in front. Mouth furnished with very delicate cilia ; five or six bristles (styles) are affixed posteriorly, and from five to eight hooks anteriorly, whereby a resemblance to Euplotes and Stylonychia is established. A contractile vesicle, near the mouth, and twenty vacuoles have been seen. When burnt upon platiua no traces remain. Gene- rally swims or creeps with its back imdemeath. Amongst Lemnas and Con- fervte. 1-1000" to 1-576". Stein asserts that it is an eiTor to detach this species from Euplotes, vnth which it has the closest affinity, and to elevate it to the rank of a familv in immediate contiguity with Colpo'dea, with which it has no natui-al relation. A. denticulata. — Lorica nearly circular, under side ti-uncated and denticidated, flat ; back ai-ched. The micini are ^dsible only when climbing. 1-7G". FAMILY X.— KOLPODEA or COLPODEA. (XXIV. 312-316; XXV. 325-335; XXVI. 23, 32, 33; XXVIII 24-26 31, 33, 34 ; XXIX. 19, 20, 25-47.) Animalcules ciliated througliout ; the cilia disposed in longitudinal series and either of uniform length throughout, or of larger growth at particular parts, especially about the mouth. Both mouth and anus demonstrable always lateral, sometimes situated on the same side, at others on onnosite sides of the body. ^ ^ Except AmpMeptus and Urohpim, the other genera have botli the mouth and anus on the ventral sui-face. In the former genus Laclimann likewise describes the oesophag-us to be coUapsed, except during tho passage of food when It presents tlie appearance of a canal. In all other genera of Kolpodoa 032 SYSTEMATIC HISTOKY OF THE INFUSOEIA, the oesophagus is distinct, of considerable length, and ciliated, but not thick- ened at any portion so as to produce the appearance of a dental cylinder " or bacillar apparatus." Coloured food received by all the species. Contractile vesicles one or two in number, and in Paramecium of a stellate figiu-e. Nucleus iisually rounded, oval or reniform. A red spot, eye-speck or stigma, is common ia Ophryoglena. Propagation takes place by fission, which may be either transverse or longitudinal ; by the production of single living em- biyos (at least this occurs in Paramecium and Colpoda) ; and, in Perty and Carter's opinion, by numerous germs oi' internal ova. The encysting-process has also been seen in aU the genera except Uroleptus. The integument of Kolpodea is reticulated, presenting a beautiful diamond-pattern, and ha^'ing a cilium seated in the centre of each lozenge. The Kolpodea are highly-organized Cniata, although inferior in this respect to the VorticeUina. The single circumstance of the limitation of the ciha to the head in the latter family is of itself, according to a well-recognized law of animal life, an intimation of a higher grade of organization. The genera are disposed as follows : — Eye absent. ' Short protruding tongue. | absent posteriorly, Kolpoda. 1 present everywhere Paramecium. No tongue r With tail and proboscis Amphileptus. [ With tail, no proboscis Uroleptus. Eye present Ophryoglena. This family corresponds generally with that of the Parameciens or Para- mecina (Duj.), thus defined: — Body soft, flexible, variable in form, but mostly oblong and more or less flattened ; provided with a loose, reticulated integTiment, upon which niimerous vibratile cilia ai-e disposed in regular series. Mouth present. The genera included are : — Lacrymaria, Pleuronema, Glaucoma, Kolpoda, Paramecium, Amphileptus, Loxophyllum, Chilodon, Panophrys, Nassida, Holophrya, and Prorodon. Dujardin observes that Lacrymaria and Pleuronema should probably be placed in a distinct family, since the mouth is rather presumed than demon- strated in them. This is, however, a reason which, in the i)resent day, would not be held valid, as the evidence of a mouth is equally strong in them as in others of the genera enumerated. Perty also has constructed a family Paramecina, containing the genera Ophryoglena, Panophrys, Paramecium, Blcpharisma, and Colpoda, and briefly characterized as having the body covered with longitudinal rows of ciha, and a lateral mouth often within a fissure. Lastly, Mr. Carter has instituted a now genus, named Otostoma, referable to this family, being a close ally to Paramecium. Genus KOLPODA or COLPODA. — Body ovoid, sometimes reniform ; a little tongue-like member (a tuft of cUia) inserted in the oral cavity ; ciliated in front and partly beneath ; eye-speck wanting. The mouth, posterior termi- nation of the alimentaiy canal, and numerous gastric cells may be demon- strated by coloiu-ed food ; the two orifices ai-e both on the ventral surface. "Ova," adds Elirenberg, " occm- in delicate strings, forming a sort of network ; and their extrusion has been seen in one species. A roimd contractile vesicle is observable in two species, and two such in another. A large round or oval gland (nucleus) is found in the centre of the body." Self-division both OF XnE KOIPODEA. G33 transverse and longitudinal. Theii- motion is not active, the locomotive cilia being few. ,7-77 Dujardin, speaking of tHs genus, says, " Among Ehrenberg s AoZ^iorfce which should possess a short tongue, and be ciliated only on the ventral siu-face, but one species, K. Cucullus, is with certainty numbered ; the K. Ben, and K. Cucullio have been referred to the genus Loxodes, where, iadeed, we still leave them. However, Ehi-enberg places among the Paramecia, under the appellation of F. Kolpoda, some large animalciaes, ciliated thi-oughout, Avhich we regai-d as only more developed forms of Kolpoda Cucidliis.'" Stein expresses himself on these views thus {Infus. p. 131) : — " Under the name of Colpoda fttcitZZifsDujardin has described theParamecmm Coljooda,Ehi., appearing either to be unacquainted with the true Colpoda, or to have looked upon it as an undeveloped state of Paramecium Colpoda" The distinctive characters between these two animalcules and CJiilodon Cucidlulus are thus laid down : — All these three forms are similar in oiithne, ChUodon Cucidlulus and Colpoda Cucullus being really in most respects undistinguishahle. Paramecium Colpoda is devoid of the peculiar hp, but has, on the other hand, an expanded anterior extremity (brow), lying over and above the obhque infundibulum, on one side of the body, leading to the mouth. CJiilodon CucuUulus displays, by the action of chemical reagents, about the middle of its ventral surface its special form of pharynx or oesophagus : it is, besides, cihated aU over ; but this is a criterion determinable with difficulty, particularly in young specimens. In Colpoda Cucullus the mouth is quite simple, and placed in the lateral de- pression ; the distribution of the ciha is always pai"tial, chiefly hmited to the lip. In Paramecium Colpoda the mouth (oral aperture) lies at the bottom of a deep longitudinal fold (fissiu-e) on one side of the body, is bounded by two very motUe hps, and conducts into a short, thin, walled, cihated oesophagus ; the nucleus is oval, large, homogeneous, and finely granular ; and the body ia very evidently ciliated all over. Kolpoda Cucullus (j\r.)(xxv. 324-327; xxrx. 35-47). — Turgid, slightly com- pressed; kidney-shaped. The concavity m which the oral apertiu-e is situated is occupied by a process called by Ehren- berg a "tongiie," but which Stein has shown to be a bundle of longer cilia. The cilia are not distributed over the whole sm-face, but limited to the convex svu&ce of the anterior half, augmenting in size as they approach its elongated and expanded, wide lip-like or frontal pro- cess above the oral fossa, and to a ndge extending downwards and bacltwards from that fossa. The graniiles in the interior are frequently so numerous as to render it opaque ; they also give it a grey colom*. The single contractile ve- sicle is seated close to the posterior extremity ; the nucleus is a circular disc containing a nucleolus, and nearly cen- tral in position. This animalcule has not been seen to undergo fission whilst in the free state ; the process, however, goes on after it has encysted itself, with various modifications in the results (see Part I. p. 350). Ehrenberg having adopted the notion that the breaJdng up of a portion of the animalcule was an act of oviposition, thought to fiuther establish it by remarking the presence of numerous Monadiform beings about it, which he concluded were developed from the supposed ova, as the first phase of futm'e Colpoda. Such an interpreta- tion has no evidence to support it, and is rejected by Stein, (xxv. 324, the nomial fonn ; fig. 325 represents the animalcide, as Ehrenberg conceived, de- positing its ova in a net-like mass, or, as others would intei-pret it, in process of diflluence; and figs. 326, 327, young animalcules, which resemble Tr'ichoda piirifor^nis.) Common in vegetable in- fusions. 1-1800" to 1-280". K. (?) Ren. — Ovate, cyliudiical, Idd- ney-shapcd, and roimded at the ends. In river-water. 1-288". K. (?) Cuadlio{U.)=Loxodcs Cucullw, (Icrty).— Compressed, plane, elliptical, slightly sinuated anteriorly. Ehrenberg remarks that neither cilia nor tongue- like member was observable by bim and that its generic situation is' there- fore uncertain. Perty, however, has noticed such n process. 1-900". 634 SySXKMATIC HISTOHY of the INFUgOBlA, K. Luganensis (Perty). — Large, broad, slightly convex on one side. Oral in- fundibiilum deep. Eows of cilia un- usually numerous. Movements slow; internal corpuscles green. l-l;30". It is probably a Kolpodu. Genus PARAMECIUM (XXV. 329-332 ; XXIX. 25-34).— Body oblong, compressed, ciliated on all sides ; mouth lateral, with a tongue-like process ; no visual point. The cilia are disposed in longitudinal series ; those near the mouth are sometimes longer than the others, and are alone subservient to locomotion, except in two doubtful species. In P. Chrysalis the long oral cilia are remarkable. The digestive cells, Ehrenberg proceeds to say, ai-e numerous, amoimting to more than a hundred, and are an-anged in a beny-Kke manner along the curved alimentary canal : in five sj^ecies they have been demon- strated by artificial means, in a sixth by its usual green food. The ova in two species are seen as a granular mass. In all, except one species, male organs are visible. The curious star-like contractile vesicles in the larger species are highly interesting, when physiologically considered, as are also the little black bodies seen in P. Aurelia. In four species complete self-division, transverse and longitudinal, has been obsei-ved alternately. This genus gives name to a family Parameciens or Pai'amecLua in the systems of Dujardin and Perty. Stein makes the uniformity in length and thickness of the cilia a character- istic of Paramecium, which distinguishes it both from Loxodes and Bursaria, which have larger and stronger cilia about the mouth than cover the rest of the body (see p. 285). Ehrenberg's statement that those about the mouth are longer than the rest requii-es coiTection ; and the instance (P. Chrysalis) cited radicates only that this species is not a Paramecium. Other par- ticulars requiring revision are, that Paramecia have numerous stomachs dis- posed as offsets upon a curved alimentary tube ; that the granular mass in the interior consists of ova. The male organs referred to are the nucleus and contractile vesicle or vesicles. In P. Aurelia and P. Bursaria Lachmann states that the anus may be frequently recognized, in the form of a small pit on the surface of the animals, even for a considerable time before and after an excretion. In our remarks on Pai^ophhts we have expressed a doubt as to the inde- pendent position of that genus apart fi'om Paramecium. Paeamecium Aitrelia (INI) (xxv. 329- 332). — Club-shaped, cylindiical, slightly attenuated anteriorly. An oblique longi- tudinal fold borders upon the very much receding mouth. Ehrenberg states tliat he has seen small dark crystalline bodies abimdant in the frontal region, which, he conceives, are indications of the pre- sence of nervous matter, as such cry- stalline bodies often accompany it. These creatures appear to him also to have the sense of taste, since in the same group some individuals prefer one kind of food and others another. This may be ob- served by mixing blue and red colours together, when some will feed upon the fonner, others upon the latter, as indi- cated by tlie colour of the digestive cells : in some tlie cells have a violet hue. After being fed with colour, they may be dried upon glass or mien, and thus presen-ed. According to the hypo- thesis of Ehrenberg, the rays of the star- like vesicle ai'e spennatic Aucts, through which the fluid is forced upon the ova in the vicinity bv the constantly repeated acts of conti-action of the vesicle. The ducts are long, and enter the ovarium at many points (see p. 312 ct scq.). The expiilsion of ova ha^ fi-equontly been ob- served. The colour of these animalcides, when bearing ova, is white by rellected light, and yellow by transmitted : hence the names '" gold and silver little fishes," so often applied to them by Joblot and others ; those devoid of ova are coloiu'- less. The cilia arc best seen when the water is coloured ; there ai-e from 26 to 52 longitudinal rows along each side of the body, according to Ehrenberg, wlio savs that in some rows he counted from (50 to 70 cilia, making 3(540 organs of 01^ THE KOLPODEA. 635 locomotion, and that each cilium is placed upon a sort of little knob or articidated biu" e (see p. 285). (Fig. 329, a dried spe- cimen ; fig. 330, a creature feeding upon indigo, the particles of which around indicate the cun-ents produced by the cilia ; fig. 332, an ideal view, to show the structure of the nuti-itive organs as stated by Ehrenberg ; fig. 331, a young specimen, of the normal shape.) Abun- dant in vegetable infusions, and increases so rapidly in stagTiant waters that some have referred theu" marvellous abxmdance to spontaneous generation from elemen- tary primitive matter. 1-120" to 1-96". P. caudatum. — Spindle-shaped; obtuse anteriorly, attenuated posteriorly. Not in infusions, but in ponds, amongst decayed sedge-leaves and Confervas. 1-120". P. Clirysalis (M..) = Pleieronema eras- sum (Duj.) (xx^t:. 23). — Oblong and cylindrical, equally rounded at both ends ; cilia about the mouth very long. This species, like P. Aurelia, is often developed in such vast myiiads that the water has a millry hue, the masses as- cending or descending in the fluid : this appearance may be produced by slightly shaking the water. In infusions and in salt water. 1-240" to 1-190". If the uniform length of the cilia be admitted a generic character of Para- median, this species, which has several very long bristly cilia proceeding from the oral fissure, must be excluded. Both Dujardin and Perty have proposed this, and made Paramecium Clirysalis the re- presentative of a genus styled " Pleuro- nema." It is usually fiUed with greyish mole- cules and vesicles, and rai-ely coloured with chlorophyll. Fission longitudinal. The long fibres from the lateral oral fissures are from two to twelve in num- ber, and, though frequently shorter, are at times equal to or even much longer than the body, and sei-ve to vary its movements by their activitj'. P. Kolpoda (Kolporla Ren, M. ; K. Cu- cuUus, D.). — Ovate, slightly compressed ; ends obtu.'^e, tl)o anterior attenuated and slightly bont like a hoolc. Found espe- cially in infusions of JJrtira dioica (the stinging nettle). Perty is disposed to believe this form to be an earlier stage of P. Aurelia. 1-240". P. (?) Sinaiticum. — Elliptical, com- pressed, the back and under side cari- nated (keeled); frontal cilia indistinct. Amongst Confervte, in a brook on Mount Sinai. 1-288". P. (?) ovafum. — Ovate, turgid; an- teriorly attenuated and rounded. In stagnant river-water. 1-288". P. compressum (Bni-saria Lumbrici, Stein). — Elliptical or reniform, com- pressed. An oblique wreath of long cilia reaches to the middle, where the mouth, with its slight tongue-like pro- cess, is situated. Found in the river- mussel {Mya), and in the intestine of the earthworm {Liunhricus). 1-240" to 1-210". Dujardin takes this species as the type of a newly-formed genus, " Plagiotoma," characterized especially by its com- pressed lamellar figure, and by its pai-a- sitic habitat. Its cilia are described as disposed in longitudinal rows over the siu'face (vide ante, p. 627). We agree with Stein that there is no good reason for framing the genus Pla- giotoma, as Dujardin has done, on the characters of this animalcule. If it have no mouth it should take its place among the Opalince; and it is to be remarked that though Dujardin clearly saw a deep fold or fissm-e — a feature of Opalina: — he could not succeed in artificially feeding the animal with coloured food. At all events, it has certainly no right to a place among Paramecia, since the crest of longer cilia about the mouth-like fossa refers it (supposing it to have a mouth) to the Bursari(B. P. Milium (Cyclidium 3IiUum, M.). — Small, oblong, trilateral; rounded equally at both ends. In coloured water the body is seen vibrating. 1-1150". P. Bm 'saria = Loxodes Bursaria (Elir.) (xxix. 25-34). — It is not a Loxodcs, since all its cilia are equal and similar, Ehr- enberg being in error respecting the ex- istence of a larger sort in the infimdi- bulum leading to the mouth. P. versidnm (Mu\ler) = Bursaria vcr- nalis (?) (Ehr.).— Perty revives this .spe- cies ; but Lachmann {A. N. 11. 1857, xix. 215) thinks it unnecessary to do so, " as there is scarcely any certainty in the synonymy previous to l^hreubcrg; and we .shoidd never again introduce an older specific name for an Ini'usoriuni if it has a name given to it by Ehrenberg, oven when it is not improliablo he may have overlooked an older nnnu\" b. rar. Alpina (Perty). — Smaller, plaited, stouter and more cylindrical than P. rer.mtum. P. fp-isoolian (Perty). — Little trans- parent, b(!ing filled with gr6^^ah mole- cules ; border very delicate. IVine to ten longitudinal plaits on the surface. Move- G3G SYSTEJIAIIC niSTOHY OF TUE rNlfUSOEIA. ment sudden, frequently oscillating'. P. aureolu?n. — Transparent, peach- coloiu-ed or golden yellow ; plaits strong. Movements sluggish. 1-430". P. leiicas=Bursaria leucas? (Ehr.). — On one side a horn-like process, and on the other a pair of eminences project. Movements slow. P. stomioptycha (E.). — Oblong, ob- tusely ovate, turgid ; oral apertm-e large, reniform, cilia long; body marked by cn-cular folds ; lip with peculiar appen- dages; vesicles two, stellate; nucleus elongated, cylindrical. Moutli occupies the anterior third of the body, sur- moimted, however, by its obtuse frontal end; cilia dense, in longitudinal rows; vacuoles numerous; colour yellowish- white ; nucleus above one-third of the entire length, which varies fi-om 1-24"' to 1-15"'. Genus AMPHILEPTUS. — Tongue-like process and eye-speck absent ; but the body is furnished with a proboscis and taU, and is elongated fusiform or lanceolate. Cilia numerous, disposed in longitudinal series : in one species cilia are not visible ; but in this the flexible attenuated extremities of the body serve their office as locomotive organs. In some the tail (foot) and proboscis (brow) are rudimentary. Numerous vacuoles filled with food may be fre- quently seen ; the mouth and anus are usually distinguishable. A. marga- ritifer has a pale rose-red fluid. A contractile vesicle and a nucleus are found ; the latter is globidar or moniliform. Self-division occui-s both transversely and longitudinally, or transversely only. Speaking of Ehrenberg's distribution of this genus, Dujardin remarks — " This- author, whilst assuming the presence of proboscis and taO. (as a cha- racteristic), yet refers to the genus animalcules without tail, and dilated and rounded posteriorly ; and on the other hand, whilst intent on seeking a distinctive character for his different families in the position of the anus, which he attributes to all his Enterodelous Infusoi-ia, he has left in his genus Traclielius several species which to us appear to belong to Amjphileptus, and has himself several times transferred some species from one genus to the other." The AmpMleptus Anser is taken by Dujardin as the type of a genus termed Dilej)tus, and A. Meleagris of one termed Loxopliyllwn. AmpMleptus is the name of a genus comprehended by Pei-ty in his fandly Trachelina, which appears generally equivalent to that bearing the same name in Ehrenberg's system ; but it contains besides, Traclielius vorax. Cohn remaks that it is imperfectly distinguished by Ehrenberg from Traclielius. The Amphilepti are commonly found in the limpid water of marshes or brooks, among aquatic plants. Amphtleptus Anser ( Vibrio Anser et Cygnus, M. = Dileptiis, D.) (xxiv. 312, 3i3). — Turgid, spindle-shaped; pro- boscis obtuse, same length as body ; tail short and acute. The neck-like pro- boscis is in reality a brow or upper lip, the mouth being at the base. Ehrenberg thinks he has seen the anal opening upon the dorsal surface, near the tail. 'The motion of the body is slow, but that of the proboscis more active. It is very often coloured green with cliloropliyll, received as food. Amongst dead sedge- leaves, &c. 1-120". A. mnrf/ariitfc?: — White, slender, spindle-siiaped ; proboscis acute, equals the length of the Dody ; tail short. Tlio most striking features ai'e tlio swollen margin of the mouth, and necldacc-like series of vesicles disposed along the body. It feeds iipon gi'een Monads, like the preceding species in Ehrenberg's iigiu'es. Cilia are not shown. Amongst colonies of VorticeUd vesicles. Amongst duck-weed. 1-96" to 1-72". A. viridis.—TmgiA, spindle-shaped, green; proboscis and tail short and OF THE KOLPODEA. 637 Amongst Lemnse. 1-120" transparent to 1-9G". A. Fasciola ( Vibrio Anas, Fasciola, et intermedius, Paramecium Fasciola, M.) (xxiY. 314-316 ; xxix. 19, 20).— White, depressed, linear, lanceolate, convex above, flat beneath. When viewed from above, fi-om ten to twelve longitudinal rows of delicate cilia may be seen, and in the middle of the body two round nuclei, and behind them a conti'actile vesicle (xxiv. 314, 315, 316). In infri- sions, in marshy ponds, &c. Perty states that he has found it at an elevation of 5000 feet on the Alps, and also beneath the ice. Cohn has watched its power of encysting itself. (Siebold's Zeitschr. 1854, V. p. 430). 1-720" to 1-144". A. Meleagins (Kolpoda, M. ; Loxaphyl- lum Meleagris, D.). — Laa'ge, compressed, membranous, broadly lanceolate in shape, with the crest of the back denti- culated. The colour of this interesting animalcule is white. On the under side there is a more or less distinct row of eight to ten bright colom'less spots. These spots are, however, in no constant number, as Ehrenberg supposed ; for they are nothing more than coloured-food vacuoles, which sometimes completely fill the animalcule. With LemnjE. 1-72". (See notes on Nassula, p. 625.) A. longicollis {Kolpoda ochrca, Triclioda Felis, M.'). — DUated ; turgid posteriorly ; attenuated and elongated anteriorly, lilce a sword. Amongst Lemnee. 1-120" to 1-96". A. (?) papillosus, — Depressed, lanceo- late, fr'inged with papiUfe ; tail and pro- boscis smooth. Amongst Oonfervee. 1-600" to 1-430". A. Sphagni. — Depressed, lineai' or linear-lanceolate ; proboscis trimcate and keeled ; tail acute ; fringed v\ath cilia on one side ; green corpuscles oc- cupy the centre, leaving the extremities of the body colomless or hyaline. 1-48" to 1-12". Proboscis is one-fourth the length of the body. Nucleus ovate; cUia disposed spirally. Vacuoles some- times enclose Bacillaria. Ovules (?) large. Approaches A. Fasciola in general chai'acters. On submerged Sphagnum, Genus UEOLEPTUS (XXY. 333).— Furnished with a tail; eye-speck, tongue-like process, and proboscis absent. Locomotion effected by the ciHa, which cover the body, and are, in tlu'ee species, evidently disposed in rows. Numerous vacuoles and a mouth have been demonstrated by colom-ed food ; but a discharging orifice has not been satisfactorily determined. Green- coloured granules are evident in two species, but no nucleus or vesicle. This genus of Ehrenberg (says M. Dujardin), judging from the figm-es of most of its species, should be in part united with Oxytncha. Thus Uroleptus Pisds seems identical with Oxytriclia caudata (Duj.) ; U. Musculus (Ehr.) is, in figui-e, an Oxytriclia ; whilst U. (?) Lamella is probably a Trachelius, and U. Filum is rather allied to Spirostomum ambiguum. If these views be con'ect Uroleptus should be erased from the list of genera. Three species counted in this genus by Ehrenberg are rejected from it by Perty, and allied with Oayy- tricha, — yiz. U. Musculus, U. Pisds, and U. Lamella. Uroleptus Piscis {Trichoda Piscis, M.). — Green ; in iigm-e like an elongated top, gradually attenuated posteriorly, forming a thick tail, covered with cilia, those at the mouth largest. Found, in Febi-uary and March, amongst the floccose brown coat upon dead sedge- leaves, along with Chlamydomonas and Cryptomonas. Ilampstead ponds. 1-288" to 1-44". Perty doubts if there is any real di- stinction between this animalcule and the Oxytriclia caudata (Ehr.). U. Musculus (Trichoda Musculus, M.) (xxv. 333).— White, cylindrical, pear- shaped, thickened posteriorly, where it abmptly tenninates in a tail. The and movement rolling. It is inactive rigid. With Oscillatories. 1-220". U. /Jos;jes. — Greenish, ovate-oblono> and turbinate in shape ; obliquely trun- cated and excavated anteriorly; poste- riorly terminated by a stylifonn acute tail. In frog- and snail-spawn. 1-240". U. (?) Lamella. — Transparent, linear- lanceolate, depressed, flat, very thin In infusions. 1-220". U. Filian (Enchelys caudata, M.). — White, filiform, cylindrical; rounded anteriorly ; attenuated posterioriy, form- ing a straight long tail. It is considered a bpirostomum by Dujardin and Perty (ivc/e ante, p. 623). Iii stagnant sprin/- wnter, Sec. 1-48". ^ 638 SYSTEMATIC HISTOET OF THE HTFUSOBIA. Genus OPHEYOGLENA (XXV. 334, 335).— Ovoid, ciliated, with an eye- speck anteriorly. Locomotion effected by the numerous regular longitudinal rows of cilia. Some of the numerous digestive vacuoles are often filled with Naviculce. The' mouth is situated in a fossa beneath the brow on one side ; and the anal orifice lies upon the dorsal surface, at the base of the little tail. A large central nucleus and one or more contractile vesicles are found ; trans- verse and longitudinal self- division have been observed. A large red or black stig ma is always present on the frontal region. These Infusoria are found in stagnant fresh water, but not in infusions. As Dujardin rightly remarks, this genus differs from Kolpoda only by having a stigma or eye-speck ; however, he prefers to place it among Bur- sarina, because the mouth is situated at the extremity of a row of cUia. In this transposition of Ojjhryoglena, Perty does not agree, seeing that it has a narrow mouth, and the closest affinity with Panoplirys, mth which, therefore, he replaces it, along with Paramecium, &c., in the family Paramecina. We are disposed to question its claim to a generic position ; for the coloured speck is worthless as a distinctive character. Ophbyoglena atra (Leucophra Ma- milla, M.). — Blackish, ovoid, compressed, acute posteriorly. A black stigma is situated anteriorly near the dorsal mar- gin. The mouth is at the bottom of a funnel-shaped cavitj', commencing im- mediately Beueath the brow ; within this cavity Ehrenberg thinks he has lately seen an oval bright gland. The colour- less cilia appear like silver fringe on the dusky animalcule, especiallv those in front. In tm-f-hollows. 1-180". 0. aaiimi7iata (xxv.334,335). — ^Brown, ovate, and compressed ; tail short and acute ; stigma red. The brow projects beyond the mouth abo\it the length of the body, or, in other words, is situated about the middle. In tiu:f-hoUows. 1-180". 0. flavicans. — Yellow, tm-gid, ovate, attenuated and rounded posteriorly; stigma red, irregailar in shape ; the cilia near the mouth longer than in the pre- ceding species ; Ehrenberg coimted from twelve to sixteen rows at one view. In turf-hollows. 1-144". Nothing like a lens can be seen vnthin the eye-speck ; but close to it there is an hour-glass-shaped body, transparent and apparently sti-uctureless. Its position seems fixed, but it may be detached by diffiucnce of the animnlcide,whenitswell8 up in the smTOimding water and often ex- hibits a central cavity. Its presence is not necessarily associated with the coloured stigma : ih OphryogUna atra it is ab- sent ; and whilst Bursaiia possesses this organ, it has no coloured speck. In other Infusoria having stigmata, such aa Euglenaea, Peridinisea, &c., no such organ is discoverable in connexion with them (MuUer's Archiv, 1856/ p. 21). Stem advances, as a distinctive character be- tween Opli. fiavicans and Bursaria Jlaca, the difference subsistmg in respect of the nucleolus. 0. ffriseovirens (Pei-tj-). — Elliptical, with more or less unequal sides ; usually more pointed behind, and roimded in front, where a red or dark pigment-speck is visible. Hyaline, and when sti-ongly magnified reticulai- ; but fi-equeutly con- tains grey or green, and in rare cases brown molecides. The marginal ciha very distinct. Oral fossa in anterior half. Movements quick and revolving. 1-300" to 1-180". In ponds, Bern. 0. Fa)iophrys (Perty). — Large, oval when seen on the wider side ; pointed end posterior ; colour greyish yellow ; without pigment-speck. "NXHien seen on the narrow side, the marginal cilia appear in concenti'ic curved lines, whilst on the broad side the cilia are close together and apparently irregidai". Movements slow. Usually swims on one of its wider sides, and but" seldom revolves. Mouth wide. 1-144". Uncommon. Genus DILEPTUS (Duj.) (XXVI. 26).— This genus belongs to the family " Trichodina " {ante, p. 608), and is thus defined :— Animal -wdth a fusiform body, much elongated anteriorly, like long neck, with a mouth seated at the base of the prolongation ; vibratile cilia cover the surface, and are of larger size in front and near the mouth. Ehrenberg has arranged Dihptiis with the Paramecina, although, unlike OF THE OXYTRICnrNA. 639 the latter, destitute of a contractile reticulated integument. The type of this genus is the Am;pUleptus Anser of Ehrenberg ; and the A. margaritifer (Ehr.) is also referable to it. leaf. In river-water. 1-175" to 1-130". Party remarks that this organism can- not be a species of Dileptus. Deleptus Folium (Duj.) (xx^a. 26). — Very flexible ; lanceolate, contracted in front, with nodidar reticulated and irregular sti-ipes, like the veins of a Genus LOXOPHYLLUM (Duj.) (XXVI. 32).— Very depressed, lamellar, oblique, very flexible ; sinuous or undulated along the borders ; mouth lateral ; cUia in wide parallel rows. Ehrenberg has comprehended Loxophyllum with Amphileptiis. Perty makes the separation. phyllum, as weU as the Kolpoda ochrea of Mtiller, which Ehrenberg states to L0XOPHTI.LTTM Meleagtis, the type of the genus =Amphileptus Meleagris (Ehr. ) . The Trachelius Meleagris (Ehr.) pro- bably represents also another Loxo- agi-ee with his AmpMleptm Imgicollis. Genus PLEUEONEMA (Duj. and Perty) (XXVI. 23), represented by tlic Paramecium Chrysalis (Ehr.), is thus defined by Dujardin : — "Body oval, oblong, depressed ; having one large lateral orifice, from which a tuft of long, floating and contractile filaments issues." It has nothing in common with Paramecium, he adds, besides its oblong figure ; whilst the bundle of long filaments has no analogy, except in the genus Alyscum. However, he places it in his family Parameciens, whilst Perty introduces it as the sole represen- tative of a family " Aphthonia," characterized as having, besides locomotive cilia, other longer ones or filaments. Pletjronjdma crassum- = Paramecium Clm/salis (Ehr.). — Ovoid, much elon- gated, rather depressed; with obtuse ends ; tmely striated. Lateral orifice at the anterior fourth of the body, with long filaments, some proceedmg from the border, others from the posterior ex- tremity. 1-120". In the Mediterranean. Genus OTOSTOMA {Q?ivteT,A.N.H. 1856, xvii. 117) (XXVIII. 24-20).— Body ovoid, of a light brown colour, covered with longitudinal lines of cilia. Mouth ear-shajied, in a depression situated about the junction of the anterior with the middle third of the infusorium ; buccal cavity broad, short, curved downwards, and a little upon itself outwards, plicated longitudinally in parallel lines. Anus terminal ; gland or nucleus long, fusiform, situated between the buccal ca-\dty and the contracting vesicles, wliich are double and connected with a set of vessels something like those of Paramecium Aurelia. " It is," adds Mr. Carter, " a Paramecium closely allied to Nassula and from the likeness of the oral oiificc to the human car, I propose for it the name of ' Otostoma.' " Its cysts have been discovered on Nitella, and give exit to monadiform beings approaching the parent Otostoma in form. FAMILY XI.— OXYTRICHINA. (XXV. 336-344; XXVIII. 43-47.) Possess two separate alimentaiy orifices, neither of them situated at the extremities, and are not encased by a dense integument (lorica). Tlicir loco- motive organs are various, consisting of setaj, \ibratile cilia, and nou-vibratile styles or uncini, variously situated, and render the creatures active. (Poly- gastric cells, disposed upon an alimentary tube, were represented by Ehren" 640 SYSTEMATIC niSTOET OF THE INfUSOMA. berg, except in Ceratidium.) A curved line of strong cilia leads towards the mouth, which is situated about the median line at the posterior third of the body, and opens into a ciliated oesophagus. The anus is behind the mouth, on the same ventral siuface, near its margin. Complete trausverse and longi- tudinal self-division is observed. The process of encysting may be presumed general; in Urostyla Cohn has seen the ulterior development of a cihatcd embryo. Cilia and setae, no styles or uncini . . . Brow without horns Oxytricha. Brow with horns Ceratidium. (With uncini, no styles Kerona. With styles, no uncini Urostyla. With styles and unciui Stylonychia. This family is generally similar to the Keronina of Dujardin, — a famUy of animalcules, according to this observer, much lower in the scale than many in the families previously described, such as Kolpoda, Paramecium, Coleps, &c. " Processes in the form of styles or hooks characterize both the ' Keroniens ' and the 'Ploesconiens ; ' but the latter have a shield (lorica), whilst the former are soft and have no sign of an integument. Of the ' Keroniens ' the Oxy- tricha have neither horns nor hooks, but only eirrhi or sti'aight processes, apparently rigid ; another genus, ' Haltena,' has large cin-hi like the pre- ceding, but differs considerably in its mode of Hfe and its movements. " The Urostyla of Ehrenberg, with styles only, and no hooks (uncini), we unite with Oxytricha; and his Stylonychia, provided with both stjdes and hooks, with Kerona ; another genus described under the name of Ceratidium, horned anteriorly, but wanting both styles and hooks, seems to be only altered or mutilated Keronce. On the other hand, Halteria appears to be included by Ehrenberg among true Urceolaria, in his genus Trlchodina, although it possesses none of the characters. The Keroniens are found in stagnant water, fresh and salt." Perty has established a family Oxj-trichina, which, besides containing two new genera, styled Mitophora and Stichotricha, excludes Cera- tidium and Stylonychia, referring the species of the latter genus to Kerona. After these exclusions and additions, Perty's Oxytrichina include Oxytricha, Urostyla, Kerona, Mitophora, and Stichotricha. Genus OXYTEICHA (XXV. 336, 337; XXIX. 21-24).— Styles, uncini, and horns wanting. The body is soft, flexible, oval or oblong, more or less flattened, and provided with cilia and setas. Their movements are foi-wards and backwards, often by impulse, — creeping, smmniing, and climbing. In all the species, digestive vacuoles are evident ; in five, (ova-like) granules ; in four, a nucleus ; and in five, roimd contractile vesicles. Transverse and longi- tudinal division is observed in 0. Lepus and 0. Fellio)iella ; longitudinal only in 0. Cicada, and perhaps in 0. Pidlaster. The Trichoda Nasamomum and T. uEthiopica (Ehr.) and Urostyla belong, in Dujardin's opinion, to Oxytricha, and Oxytricha Cicada (Ehr.) to the Flcesconieus. Whilst admitting a genus Oxytricha, Perty makes two di^^sions of it, the one corresponding generally to Uroleptus (Ehr.), and the second to Oxytricha (Ehr.). The differential characters given are: — a. Elongated posteriorly, embracing most Urolepti (Ehr.) ; h. Eounded posteriorly, equivalent to O.ry- tricha (Ehr.). Under the first division the species enumerated are 0. cmidata. 0. Piscis, 0. Muscidus, 0. amhigua, and 0. Lamella; imder the second, OF THE OXYTRICHINA . 64*1 0. i>roteusa, 0. Pellionella, 0. rjihba, 0. QaUina, 0. Pullaster, 0. Lepiis ?, 0. pUtystoma, 0. decumcma, and 0. fusca. OxYTHiCHA rubra (Trichoda Piscis et T. patens, M.). — Of a brick-red colour ; linear in shape, plane on the imder side, and_ equally rounded at the ends; pos- terior end provided with sette. In sea- water. 1-140". 0. PelUonella {Trichoda Pdliomlla, M.) (xxEX. 21-24). — White, smooth ; slightly depressed, equally roimded at both ends, often broader in the middle; head not sepai-ate ; mouth ciliated ; tail provided ■with setfB. Each animalcide has two oval nuclei, and between them a single round vesicle. When self-division com- mences, four glands are developed ; and then the vesicle divides. Elirenberg counted ten cilia anteriorly, and four or five setae posteriorly ; the anal outlet is at the base of the setse. In infusions, and throughout Switzerland in swampy ponds along the snow-line of the Alps (Pertv). Auerbach has seen it encyst itself (Siebold's Zeitschr. 1854, v. p. 430). 1-720" to 1-280". Cienkowsky simnises this species, 0. ffibba, Stylonychia pustidata, and S. lan- ceolata to be one and the same animal- cxde in different stages of gi'owth and under diflerent circumstances in respect of food, &c. This notion is favoiu'ed, he says, by the fact that the animalcule which escapes from an encysted S. lan- ceolata is exactly like >S'. 2}itstiddta. 0. caudata. — Smooth, white ; linear- lanceolate in shape, rounded anteriorly, attenuated posteriorly in the form of a tail, which is provided with setse. Mouth evident. In fresh and sea- water. 1-576" to 1-84". (See Stylonychia pustulata.) 0.platystoina-=0. eurystoma. — White, ovato-oblong, imder aide flat, with mar- ginal setae ; mouth large and ciliated. It swims with a revolving and vacillating motion, and often upon the back. It creeps upon water-plants, in standing bog- water. 1-240". 0. qibha {Trichoda gihha et fcsta, M.) (xxv! 336, 337). — White, lanceolate, ends obtuse, middle enlarged, under side flat, and ftmiished with tsvo series of setae, and a lai'ge round mouth. This species resembles 0. Pellionella, but is distinguished by its setae, the two or three contractile vesicles, and the nu- cleus. This creature is active, and nms nimbly along aquatic plants in fresh and brackish water. (Fig- 336 an under view, fig. 337 a side view.) 1-240". _ It is not equivalent to the O. c/ihha (Duj.). 0. Pullaster { Trichoda Pullaster, Kerona Pullaster, M.). — WTiitish, lanceolate, ends obtuse, ventral surface naked at the middle; the head, indicated by a con- striction, is haiiy, like the tail. The mouth naiTow. In water-butts, streams, and infusions. 1-430". This form and O. Lepus Perty believes to be mere va- rieties of O. PelUonella. 0. Cicada {Trichoda Cicada, M.). — Ovate, or almost hemispherical, back fuiTowed and notched, under smface flat. Upon the surface of stagnant water. 1-1440" to 1-860". 0. Lepus. — Whitish, elliptical, smooth, flat; ciliated anteriorly; provided -with setfe posteriorly ; the mouth and dis- charging orifices not distinct; and the nucleus unobseiwed. In standing water, 1-540" to 1-96". The following additional species are given by Dujardin _0. iyicrassata. — Ovoid, long, coloiuless, .fiinged posteriorly ^\dth rigid setae. Not so long as 0. Pellionella, and, unlike it, marine. In the MediteiTanean. 1-350". 0. Linyiia. — DiaphaTious, flattened, flexible, elongated, rounded at each end ; without setae or apparent cilia poste- riorly; granules of surface in nearly regular row.s. In ditch-water with Con- fervac. 1-212". 0. aH?6)[(7«<«.— Colourless, oval, oblong depressed in the middle, concave on one side ; margin tumid ; vnth. very strono' locomotive cilia on the concave surface, and with rigid sette behind. In sca- water. 1-350". 0. radians. — Discoid, red, surroiuided by long radiating setaa. In salt or brack- ish water. 1-520". Perty hiings forward the following as new species, belonging to true Oxy- tricha, charactciized by severally having a round posterior extremity : " 0. protcusa (Perty).— Very long, and longer than bvond. It i.s sometimes subcylindrical ; nme to twelve times actually four-sided, with wide upper and 2 r 642 SYSTEMATIC JIISTOEY OP THE DTFUSOBIA. under surfaces. Mouth a rather curved and ciliated fissure. Cilia very fine, those of the upper surface the more di- stinct, although faint. Small specimens are colom-less and transparent ; but larger ones have dark gi-ey molecides or chloro- phyll within. Movements tolerably ac- tive. Perty once thought this species and Trachelius strictus (Duj.) to be young individuals of Sjiirostomimi, but he subse- quently found examples 1-84" in leng th. O. gallina (Perty) = TricJioda gallina (?) (INIiiUer). — Anterior portion hyaline, tiat, with lai'ge cilia; molecules grey. Only once seen. 0. decumana (Perty). — Outline rather irregidar; rather smaller in fi-ont than behmd, broadest in the middle; ends rounded ; upper sm-face slightly convex, lower tiat. Mouth wide. It differs in size from O. platystoma and in its out- line both from that species and O. fmca. In length it equals Uroshjla yrandis, but is much broader. Bern, in ponds. 1-96". 0. fusca. — NaiTOw, elhptical, upper surface convex, lower concave. Oral orifice wide. Colour usuallv yeUo^vish or blackish-brown. Lives m stagnant and moiddy water. Cilia in front and about the mouth sti-ongest ; but no uncini occm- there. UrosUjla grandis differs fi'om it by the uncini on its border. 1-160" to 1-84". Genus CERATIDIUM (XXV. 338, 339).— CiHated, with horns on the frontal region, but no styles or uncini. Little of their organization is known ; and therefore their systematic position is uncertain. A power of not less than 350 diameters is required to examine these creatui'es. CERATrDiuM cuneatiim (xxv. 338, 339). — Body triangidar; front ti-uncated, as also the two homs ; upper side smooth. Ehrenberg found this whitish animaleide in 1820, amongst Confervse, but had not lately seen it. Dujardin believes it to have been a mutilated Oxytricha. It vibrates, rims, and climbs quickly. 1-430". Genus KEROFA (XXV. 340, 341).— Cilia and uncini present, but no styles. Body soft, flexible, oval, flattened, and eUiated, with claws (uncini), and perhaps setae, on the under surface. Vacuoles numerous ; the oral (and probably the anal) apertm'e is upon the ventral surface. One or more con- tractile vesicles and a nucleus have been seen ; but self-division has not been observed. This genus, instituted by Midler, was at first adopted by Ehrenberg with little modification ; but subsequently he transposed almost all its species to his genus Stylonychia, on account of their possessing styles as well as uncini. This can scarcely be considered a sufficient reason for the constraction of a new genus; and accordingly Dujardin rejects StyhnycMa, and thus restores the genus Kerona nearly to its original importance. As already noted, ho lil^ewise adopts Kerona as the representative of his family Keronina. Perty coincides with the French naturalist, and rejects both Ceratklhim and Stylo- nychia, treating the species of the latter as examples of Kerona. He remarks that Ehrenberg has very needlessly changed the name Kerona, given by Miiller," for that of Stylonychia. The Keron'ai, thus understood, differ from O.vytricha only in the form of their cuThi or processes, the base of which is commonly dilated in the form of a transparent globe, and moveable withal, ^foreover they are equally voracious, are abundant in stagnant water and infusions, and capable of being much varied in form. Kerona polyporum. — Whitish, de- pressed, elliptical, and renifomi ; a series of cilia suiToiuids the frontal region, ex- tended from beneath the mouth. Ehren- berg counted above forty vacuoles, many of them filled with browniish (half- digested gi-eeu) Monad.s. (xxv. 340 is a back view, and 341 a side view, climbing.) Parasitic on Hydra ndgan's (Microscopic Cabinet, p. 7). Animals infested with them die. 1-144". This species is the iy^c of a genus named OF THE OXYTEICIIINA. 643 Alastor in Perty's system, detached from other CUiata hy reason of its parasitic habits, and placed with Flag iototn a (Duj.) and Ojxdina in a family named Cobaliua. K. pmtulata (T)\x.y^ = Stylonychia pm- tulata. K. Sistno (Duj.) = jSX. Histrio. K. Mytilm (Duj.) = /Sf. Mytilus. K. Silurus (J)\i].) = St. Silurus. K. lanceolata = SL lanceolata. K. Cahitium (Miill.), K. Jimhriata (Miill.), and Trichoda foveata and Tr, Cumehis (i\Iiill.), are probabty, according to Dujardin and Perty, mere varieties of K. pustidata. K. Pullaster (Miill.) is cited by Ehren- berg as = Oxytricha Pullaster, but, as Dujardin thinks, is only an imperfectly- examined or a deformed specimen of St. pmtulata. Genus UEOSTYLA (XXV. 342).— Cilia and styles present, uncini want- ing ; the cilia are thicldy disposed in numerous rows, and are longer near the mouth. On the ventral sm-face, at the posterior end, is a small cleft, provided with non-vibratile setse. Internally are numerous vacuoles, which may be filled with particles of colour ; a nucleus, a contractile vesicle, and delicate granules. Transverse self-division has been obsex'ved. Uhostyla (jratidis (xxv. 342). — produced by the vibration of the cilia White, semicylindrical, roimded at the ends ; slightly enlarged anteriorly, hence club-shaped ; styles short ; mouth large, one-fomiih to one-third the length of the body. It has long cilia on both sides ; the discharging orifice has fi-om five to eight little styles on the left side only ; sto- mach-juice colourless. The young ani- malcules are flatter than the old ones, (xxv. 342, an under view with glands, vesicle, and the cells tilled with Bacil- laria and coloured matter. Cuxi'ents about the mouth are also indicated in the di'awing.) On slimy dead sedge- leaves. 1-144" to 1-96". Perty doubts the independent specific character of this form, and woidd rather consider it a variety of Oxytricha fiisca, or more pro- bably of O. platystoma in a further deve- loped state ; for Ehi-enberg admits that the imcini at the posterior extremity are small ; and if so, they can scarcely be characteristic. Genus STYLONTCHIA (XXV. 343, 344 ; XXVIII. 10, 74-76 ; XXIX. 18). — Ciliated, and armed with styles and uncini vaiiously disposed. In one species Ehrenberg thought he had traced the coui'se of the alimen- tary canal with its numerous digestive cells ; in the others, he found, coloured food was received. Transverse and longitudinal self-di\ision occurs in two species; transverse only in a third. In 8. pustidata, the formation of gemmae is said to occur. Perty remarks that Ehrenberg, without any siiffi- cient reason, has transferred many of the Kerona: of Miiller to Stylonycliia. The granules and molecules are numerous, and often in heaps ; one or two nuclei and a contractile vesicle are generally visible. _ Stylonychia Mytdm ( Trichoda 3Iy- tilus, Kerona Mytilus, M. and Perty) (xxviii. 10). — White, flat, oblong, slightly consti'icted in the middle, ob- liquely dilated anteriorly in the fonn of a mussel. The extremities are so trans- parent that thcv give it the appearance of being covered with a shield; but they are soft, flexible, and ciliated. Dujardin observes that the integumentary appen- dages are very long, consisting of a row of strong cilia in front, a series of uncini and numerous styles behind. The line of cilia leading to the mouth does not reach the centre of the body. Its extre- mities are so thin and flexible that they yield before obstacles in their move- ments, like the Plasaconia Patella. It differs little from & {K.) ]msfulata, ex- cept in size aud the strength of its super- ficial proce.sses. The middle of the body is sometimes filled with delicate white granidos. (^ften, however, as Perty men- tions, the animalcule is coloured green with chlorophyll received in its food. This animalcule generally has a peculiai*' thrusting, forward-and-back movement' but can climb, run, and swim nimbly' usually with the back undermost. Ehr- enberg found that a single animalcule lived nine days : during the first twenty- four hours it was developed by transverse self-division into three animals; these in twenty-four hours more formed two each, in the same mnnuer; so that, by self-division only (witliout ova), these 2t2 644 SYSTKMATIC HISTOai OP THE INFUSOHIA. animalcules increase tliree- or fom-fold in twenty-four hours, and may thus pro- duce a million from a single animalcule in ten days. An abundant supply of food favours self-division. In infusions and amongst Oscilltdoriee, Sic, in stagnant marsh-water. 1-240" to 1-96". S. pustulata (Trichoda Acarus, M. ; Ke- rona pustulata, Duj.). — White, turbid, elliptical or oval compressed, attenuated at both ends, and having a band of un- cini at the middle of the belly. Ehren- berg has seen transverse and longitudinal division, and the growth of gemmEe. In infusions and stagnant marsh-water. 1-144". This species has been seen in the encysted state by Stein and Schneider (xxrx. 18). The white colom- is no cha- racteristic, since it is frequently gTeen from food received. Schneider (A. N. H. 2 ser. xiv. p. 328) observes that after exclusion from their cysts thej' present a remarkable resemblance to Oxytriclia caiidata ; the posterior extremity in par- ticidar is always bent round in the man- ner represented by Ehrenberg. Pineau calls this animalcule, in his history of a transformation of Vorticella, by mistake an Oxytriclia (see Ann. d. Sc. Nat. 1848, ix.). Cienkowsky, however, regards both this species and St. lanceolatu as phases of existence of the same being as Oxytriclia Pcllmiella and O. gihha. S. Siluiiis {Trichoda Silums, Kerona Si- lurm, M., Duj., and Pertv).— Small, white, of the fomi of a mus.sel; cilia and unciui rather long. In fresh water. 1-280". S. appendicidata. — Elliptical, white, small, and Hat ; cilia and styles long ; the setfE disposed obliquely in fascicles. In fresh water. 1-280". S. Histrio {Paramecium Histrio, Ke- rona Histrio, M. and Pei-tj'). — Elliptical, white; middle slightly 'turgid, tei-mi- nated anteriorly by a cluster of uncini ; no sette. Ehrenberg states that the ab- sence of the three posterior sets in this and the following species is remarkable, inasmuch as the others possess them. Fission ti'ansverse. Amongst Confervse. Dujardin is inclined to regard this as a mere variety of S. {Kerona) pustulata. S. lanceolata. (—Kerona lanceohfa, Duj. and Pert^O (xxv. 34ii, 344).— Pale greenish ; lanceolate in shape, extremities equally obtuse, imder side flat ; it has a cluster of uncini near the mouth, but no styles. Ehrenberg saw in one specimen a simple conti-actile vesicle on the left side, below the mouth, and near it a large oval gland. Green Monads and Bacillaria maj' be seen in this voracious animal, surrounded with colomdess sto- mach-juice, (xxv. 343 represents an under view, and 344 a side A-iew.j Amongst Confervas. 1-144" to 1-120". (See note on St. jntstulata.) Eucj'sted state observed (xxvm. 74r-76). Genus HALTEEIA (Duj.) (XXVI. 31).— Body nearly globular or turbi- nate, surrounded by long, very fine, retractile cilia, which adhere to the glass, and by their sudden contraction enable the animal to change its place briskly, as if by leaping ; a row of veiy strong oblique cilia occupies the circum- ference. The type of tliis genus is Halteria Grandinella (XXVI. 31 a, b, c), called by Ehrenberg Tricliodina, and placed by him ia the family Vorticclliua, along with "species totally different. Dujardin, however, more correctly refers them to the family caUed Keronina (see p. 640). Genus MITOPHOEA (Perty) (XXVIII. 46, 47).— Body small, thicker behind, having on one side a row of large cilia, and posteriorly a filament of nearly the length of the body, and either with a simple or a slightly nodose extremity. MrroPiiOBA duhia (xxrai. 40, 47).— , the other. Movement sluggish, revolv- Hyaline ; sometimes filled with green j ing. It lias some resemblance to Tri- corouscles; with the characteristic vovf \choda prulsion, it is slowly forced down to' the ower part of the ovaiy, the stomachs being drawn upwards and to one side in order to make way for it. Yielding to the pressure produced by the successive contractions of the body, the ovum sweeps round the inferior border of the lower stomach, and, passing through the dilated oviduct, enters the cloaca. The latter canals become entirely everted, as is the case when the excrements are dis- charged ; and by a sudden contraction the ovum is expelled." Professor Williamson minutely de- scribes the conversion of the yelk into an embryo — the successive segmenta- tions of the nucleus and surrounding yelk, imtil the whole becomes a cellular mass, as in Lacimilaria. The first visible evidence of life is the production of a few moving cilia, especially near the future head, followed first by traces of the dental apparatus, then by the de- velopment 01 the various organs, in- cludmg the two eye-spots, soon after which the young animal escapes from its shell. " Almost immediately after its escape from the egg, the young Melicerta stretches itself out, and, everting the anterior part of its body, unfolds several small projecting mamillse (xxxvxr. 16), covered -\vith large cilia, bv means of which it floats freely away. The ciliated mamillse at this stage of* growth are not unlike those seen in Notommatu clavu- lata, but they soon enlarge and become developed into the flabellifonn wheel- organs of the matured animal." In this stage all the organs of the perfect animal are present, shoNving that the creature passes through no larval forai, and that it is not identical with the Plygura, as Ehr- enberg and others have thought. After swimming about some time, a dai-k- brown spot disappears from the posterior part of the body, followed by the eye- specks, when, the same writer adds, " the animal attaches itself by the tail to some fixed support, anddevelopes from the skin of the posterior portion of its body a thin hyaline cylinder, the dilated extremity of which is attached to the supporting object. This structui-e has already been noticed by Dr. Mantell (^TJwughts on Ani- malcules), though I have never seen it so largely developed as is represented in his figiu-es. The young animal, having chosen a pemianent resting-place, com- mences the formation of its singular investing case. I have verified Dr. Man- tell's accoimt of the position occupied by the fii-st-foimed spheres. They are arranged in a ling roimd the middle of the body (xxxra. 15), and are for some time unattached to the leaf or stem which supports the animal. They appear to have some internal connexion with the thin membranous cylinder. At first new additions are made to both extre- mities of the enlarging ring; but the jerking constrictions of the animal at length force the caudal end of the cylin- der down upon the leaf, to which it becomes secm-ely cemented by the same viscous secretion as causes the little spheres to cohere." "When the ova are discharged from the cloaca, they succes- sively fall into the cavity of the tessel- lated' case, where they undergo develop- ment. I have often* found as many as foiu- in one case in various stages of progress. It is whilst the eggs ai'e thus protected that the young anmials burst their shells, swimming out at the fi"ee extremity of the c^e as soon as they ai'e liberated." Genus FLOSCULARIA (XXXII. 384, 385 ; and woodcuts).— These crea- tures possess when young two eye-spots. Several lobes .surround the head. OF rniC I'LOSCULAHl.'KA. ch surmounted by a pencil of long sette. These lobes arc regarded by hrenberg as the rotary organ ; but, according to Gosse, the upper surface of the central disc fulfils the rotatory functions. Body fuinished with a long peduncle, by which, the animal is fixed, and the whole surrounded by a thin diaphanous case resembling that seen in the very young Melicerta. From its ti-ansparency this can often be detected only by colouring the water with some pigment. Alimentary canal simple, conical. Reproductive system resembling that of Lacinularia. Ova deposited within the case. When viewed from above, the head of the animal resembles an Acineta. Floscxtlahia prohoscidea. — Case cy- lindrical, hyaline, gelatinous. Setigerous lobes six, with short cUia surrounding a ciliated flexible proboscis, which appears to have an opening at its extremity. Dujardin thinks this proboscis may be nothing more than one of the ciliated lobes advanced towards the centi'e. Body ovate, with a long styliform peduncle attached to the base of the case ; when extended, the body and part of the foot are protruded. Foimd upon the leaves of Hottonia palustris. Length when ex- tended 1-18" ; case 1-36". F. ornata {Cercaria, M.) (xxxxt. 384, 385). — Case or envelope hyaline; very thin at its upper extremity ; thicker, and often with foreign bodies entangled in it inferiorly. It ia sometimes very slug- gish, but at others moves with consider- able activity, often conti'acting itself very quickly within its case. The setigerous lobes, according to Gosse, are not the true rotatory organs: "yet," he says, " there is a rotatory organ — the par- ticles of floating matter revolving in a perpendicular oval within the mouth of the disc. Hence I conclude that the rotatory cilia are set on the inner sm-face of the disc." He further adds : "When the pencil of united tufts is in process of expansion the hau's have a wavy, quivering sort of motion, but when ex- panded they remain perfectly motionless. The two red ej^es seen in the young animal ordinarily disappear in the adult ; but Mr. Gosse has occasionally mef with such specimens in which they were still plainly visible. He has observed the body "to be lined with a yellowish vascular membrane, which does not ox- snd up to the petals, but teiminates at he neck with a free, very mobile edge, Orming an in-cgular opening, the out- ine of which is constantly changing by the contraction and expansion of the membrane. The opacity of this lining renders it difiicult to resolve the viscera." "Ehrenberg speaks of an oesophageal head above the jaws; but I can see nothing of the kind, and am inclined to think he msij have mistaken the ever- contracting opening of the lining mem- brane for one." These animals are very fond of Chlamidomonas ; and when swal- lowing large bodies, such as NavimlcB, they conti-act the entire body. Ehr- enberg has numbered as many as five ova retained within the diaphanous case at the same time. Gosse once coimted nine. These, as is also the case in Meli- certa, are generally in different stages of development, — in some the per- fectly-formed embryo being distinctly visible, its movements and its two red eyes being very manifest. With a mo- derate pressiu-e' Ehrenberg burst the shell, which, according to Gosse, is calcareous : the young animal crawled out with a slight vibratory motion ; the cUia were short and not very distinct. In the mature animal the pedimcle is truncate at its extremity. Upon Ceratophyllum and similar plants. 1-108". In xl. 25 the dorsal aspect of the jaws is repre- sented, and in 26 their frontal aspect. Dr. Dobie writes (A.JV.JI. Oct. 1849) : " Ehrenberg regards the Floscularia de- scribed and figm-ed by M. Peltier, as identical with his F. ornata. Both Du- jai-din and Peltier foimd the rotary organ five-lobed in the species observed in France; so we must either hold with Pritchard that F. ornata has sometimes five, at others six lobes, or consider the five-lobed species a variety of F. ornata. My friend Mr. Hallet writes me that he finds F. ornata with a six-lobed ro- tary organ and no process." The two next species and accompanying remarks are taken from a nanpr y Dr. W. M. Dobie (A. N. H. Oct. 1849). F. campanulata. — Case diaphanous, fringed with very long cilia : bodv nvnfn tary organ with five flattened lobes, witliout proboscis ; tfil long, an^ termi ' 2x2 676 SYSTEMATIC HISXOET OF THE INFTJSOEIA. nating abruptly in a transparent fila- ment, spread out in a kind of sucker at the point of attaeliment. Length 1-50" when extended. Egg with two red eye-spots; contained in a large ovary. Foimd near Chester, on Ceratophylliim and Coufei-vae. F. cornuta. — Case short, diaphanous, not very distinct ; rotaiy organ furnished with five rounded lobes, surrounded by extremely long and delicate cilia : a short, narrow, non-ciliated, flexible process (comu) is attached to the outside of one of the lobes. Egg with two red eye- spots ; young animal -nnth ^abratile cilia on the head, and rapidly locomotive. Length 1-40" when extended. In same locality as the preceding (see woodcuts). Floscularia cornuta, Dobie. The lobes of the rotary organ of F. cnniiiia vesemblo veiy much those pf F. ovnftta, but only five exist, while" in Ihe otlior there are .lix. According to Ehronberg the F. campamilatn is gre- garious, whilst F. cnnnita is solitary ; the fomior is also stronger and is more active than the latter. Levdio- has described a Flosnilam under tlie name of F. appcfnMa (Zcitaclmft fiir icissoisrhaftmc Zooloffir. Julv 1854).' Mr.Gosse, however, believes this to be identical with the J^. conwl" of Dr. Dobio. OP Tn-E HTDATINiEA. 677 FAMILY v.— HYDATIN^A. Illoricatcd Rotifera, having the ciliated wreath divided into several lobes or subdivisions. In many of the genera distinct striated muscles of the voluntary type exist, effecting the various movements and altering the form of the body. The nutritive system usually consists of a simple conical alimentary canal without a distinctly separated stomach (Coelogastrica) ; but a pyloric constriction exists in Eijdatina, some Notommatce, and other forms. Notommata clavulata and Diglena laciisti-is have special c£eca appended to their stomachs. Variously modified cellulai- appendages, supposed to be glandular, exist in all the genera. The ovaiium is mostly ovate and only evolves a few ova at a time. In Notommata Mynneleo, N, clavulata, and Diglena lacustris it is very long. In all it communicates with the cloaca, by an oviduct of varying length. The ova vary considerably, and belong to two distinct types, respectively termed the summer and winter ova. The former have a smooth shell, and are gene- rally regarded as mere unimpregnated gemmas, like those of Aphides amongst insects. The latter are hard, and often spinous, in which form M. Tarpin regards them as constituting the genera Bursella and Eii,tlirinella (?) amongst plants. It is amongst the members of this group that many of the interesting researches of Dalrymple and others have been made, demonstrating the exist- ence of dioecious animals. Amongst the Rotifera the male animals ot Hydatina and Asplanchna are distinct from the females. They are generally character- ized by their smaller size and by the absence of digestive organs — indicating a brief existence, dming which the vis vita; derived from the ovum suffices to sustain the animals in fulfiling their several functions. According to Cohn, this absence of an alimentary canal in the males does not characterize the male of Notommata parasitica (XXXIX. 8) ; but this is so exceptional to all other alhed discoveries as to suggest a doubt of its correctness : at the same time, we have scai-cely crossed the threshold of this inquiry, and want the materials for general conclusions. Water -vascular canals, variously modified, exist in most of the Hydatinaea. The frequent association of the red "eye-spots" vsdth a subjacent organ, supposed to be a cerebral ganglion, suggests sensational fimctions ; but no true nerves occur. Some species of Syncliaita are said to evolve light and contribute to the phosphorescence of the sea. Hydatina scnta, Diglena catellina, and Triarthra arc sometimes so numerous as to render the pools in which they reside milliy and turbid. Ehrenberg's classification of this family is given at p. 478, Section Soro- trocha, Division Polytrocha. The first genus (ENTEROPLEA), established to receive E. hyalina, has been shown by Leydig to have no existence, as the above animalcule proves to be the male of Hydatina senta. Genus HYDATINA (XXXII. 394 ; XL. 1, 2).— Eyes absent. The female has two jaws, consisting of several teeth and a forked foot. Locomotion is effected by the compound wheel organ and the pincer-liko foot, acted upon by complex internal muscles. In Hydatina scnta the sexes are distinct the Enteroplea hyalina being the male form. Hydatina setita ( Vnrticella senta, M.) (xxxii. .394 ; XL. 1).— Body of tlio female conical, hvalino ; rotary or^'an coiiHisting of a simple extenial wroatii of cilia sur- rounding the truncate anterior extremity of the body, and enclosing at the back part of the head an interrupted row of tufts of cilia supported on small hemi- spherical projections,— the cilia of the latter broader and longer than those of the extenial row. Within these is a tlurd unmternipted line of cilia. Neck 678 SYSTEJIATIC HISTOUY OF THE INFTJSOniA. constricted and thrown into folds or wrinkles by transverse filamentous muscles, hung like hoops within the integument, to which Cohu believes them attached only by a few interrupted points. These muscles were regarded by Ehrenberg as vessels. The contractile influence of these and similar muscles occupying the lower parts of the body is antagonized, according to Lej'dig, by the elasticity of the cuticle, but according to Cohn by the pressure of the compressed fluids of the body. Longitudinal con- traction of the body eflected by nume- rous muscles proceeding from the head backwards to the centre of both sides of the body and thence to the foot. Ehren- berg counted nine, which number Cohn regards as correct. The latter observed vacuoles and what appeared to be nuclei in the substance of the muscles, but no transverse strise. Two bodies at the base of the toes Ehrenberg regarded as muscles moving those organs ; but Cohn believes them to be glandular, secreting an ad- hesive fluid by which the creatiu'e at- taches itself to other bodies. Digestive canal consisting of an oral orifice (xl. la), buccal cavity, pharyn- geal bulb (1 c), oesophagus (1 cZ), stomach (1 e), intestine terminated by a cloacal orifice at 1 /, and gastric glands. The buccal cavity a short passage from the mouth (1 «) (located on one side of the head) to the pharjTix (Ic), which is large; and, according to Cohn, a muscular mass invests the jaws, which are complex and not easily intei-preted, but consist of several parallel teeth (xxxvm. 34) ar- ranged in two sets and attached to a complicated p^Tiform organ: respecting the details of their form, authors differ. A constricted passage (] d) conducts from the phar^Tix to the stomach (1 e), which is large and oblong ; its walls are saccu- lated, or expanded into numerous lateral pouches or pockets opening into the cavity of the stomach, the whole lined by delicate cilia (xl. 4). A naiTow pylorus separates this organ from a short conical intestine, the narrow extremity of which teiTiiinatcs at the cloaca (1/), opening near the posterior extremity of the body on tlie opposite side to that on which the mouth is situated ; two large pyrifonn bodies, supposed to be glnii- tlular, are suspended iiy nnrrow peduncles on each side of tlie phar^nix. Connected with the cloaca is a large contractile vesicle (1 r/), from which ascend two water-vascular canals (1 »), convoluted nt intervals and givinp off small twigs which support tremulous tags (xl. 5). Ovarium a large pvrifonn sac (1 h), connected with the cloa<;a by a narrow oviduct; it consists of a thin membrane distended by a granular fluid, in which are seen numerous gei-miual spots. A small body, supposed to be a cerebral ganglion (Ik), is situated on one side of the oesophagus, and is con- nected with a small setigeroiLS groove on one side of the neck by what Cohn be- lieves to be nerves. Male : The JEkte- roplea hydatina (xxxn. 393 ; xl. 2) of Ehrenberg has been demonstrated by recent researches to be the male of Hy- datina senta. Like that of manv other species it has no visible digestive cavity : in general fomi it closely resembles the female, but is much smaller. Its repro- ductive organs consist of a retractile penis (XL. 6 a), enclosed in a fold of the cuticle ((5 d), the opening of which cor- responds with that of the cloaca in the female ; the base of the penis is sur- roimded by a gland (6 6), above which is the large oblong testicle containing spermatozoa, by the side of which, at ita lower part, are two small vesicles (6 c), connected with the penis, and filled vrith numerous large gi-anules. xl. 3 repre- sents an immatui-e ovum of Hydatiria senta, and fig. 7 the detached sperma- tozoa from the male animal. In most cases the female fixes itself to a spot by its foot, and lays several eggs upon the same place, one after another, by sudden contractions ; sometimes, when it is going to lay more eg^, it returns to the original spot. In eleven hours after the eggs were laid, vibration of the anterior cilia was observed, by Ehrenberg, within them ; and in twenty- four hours the young escaped from the shell. Many of the ova are said to have a double shell, and leave a bright space between the two at one of the exti-erai- ties; similai" ova are found in other Rota- toria, ha^^ng different shapes. In these double-shelled ova the young are slowly d(!veloped. Ehrenberg names them ''last- ing eggs, or winter eggs." xxxii. 394 represent^i an animal com pletelv unfolded, seen from the ventral surface. I'he arrows in the alimentary canal indicate a de- cussating or circulating movement of its contents, produced by delicate internal cilia, and must not be mistaken for the motion of Monads. II. hrachydactyla. — CyVminQfii, trun- cated antcriorlv, and suddenly attenu- ated at tlie base of the foot ; claws short- On HoUom'a, Sec. 1-144". OF THE HYDATINjEA. 679 Dujardiu would include in the genus Hydatina several Rotatoria distributed by Ehi-enberg among other genera. He says : " Notwithstanding the presence of a red eye-speck, we must consider as Hydatinae — 1. Notommata tuba ; 2. iV. hrachionus ; 3. N. tripus ; 4. If. clavulata," and, though doubtfully, N. saccigera, for this species in form resembles a true Furcularia. " The Syn- chcetce (Ehr.), characterized by their stiff setae or styles, are true Hydatinse from their conical or campanulate form, if their jaws are really pectinated ; but if not, they will constitute a genus apart The Distemma mcuximum, represented by Ehxenberg with pectinated jaws, and placed as doubtful by him in the genus Distemma, characterized by a double eye-speck, appears to be a tnie Hydatina." Genus PLEUROTROCHA (XXXII. 395, 396).— These have no eyes, but possess a single tooth in each jaw, and a fui'cate foot. The rotary organ con- sists, not of a simple wreath of ciHa, but of cilia distributed in bundles near each other, the bundles being planted in muscular cases. In P. gibba there are two muscles for moving the foot ; and in aU the species the globular oesophageal head has four, acting upon two single-toothed jaws (fig. 396) ; oesophagus short ; aHmentary canal simple, conical, having anteriorly two spherical glands. The anus is at the base of the foot, upon the dorsal surface. The ovary is globular. In P. leptura a contractile vesicle is seen. Organs of sensation are not satisfactorily known, and the nervous loop in the neck of the Hydatina appears wanting. This genus is not admitted by Dujardin. Pletteotrocha gibha. — Tmncated anteriorly, enlarging from the fi-ont to- wards the base of the foot, where it is suddenly attenuated, the toes, or claws, short and turgid ; near the mouth is a beak-like projection, forming an imder Hp. xxxn. 395 is a right side view; 396 the teeth and oesophageal head dis- sected out. Foimd with Hydatina bra- chydactyla. 1-216". P. constn'cta. — Elongated, conical, head separated by a stricture ; front ob- lique; toes sti-aight and slender. This animalcide is very active and powerful. Upon Ceratajihyllum. 1-144". P. Iqjtura. — Body turgid in centi'e,front oblique ; foot slender ; toes thin, slightly cm-ved. Amongst Confervae. 1-144". P. renalis (Ehr.). — Elongate, slightly constricted in front, toes short, frontal portion rather oblique, truncate, pan- creatic glands kidney-shaped (renifomi). 1-240". Berlin. P. truncata (Gosse). — Subcylindrical; truncate behind above the toot ; toes short, straight, slender. 1-175". Genus PURCULARIA (XXXIII. 397, 398).— Frontal eye single ; foot forked. Rotary organ compound. Longitudinal muscles exist in F. gibba, and foot-muscles in three species. The a3sophagus is very short, its head has two jaws, single-toothed (Monogomphia) in two species, but not in the others ; alimentary canal simple (Coelogastrica), conical, with two ear-Uko glands ; ovary distinct, except in F. gibba, which has only a contractile vesicle. Vessels, respiratoiy tubes, gills, &c., are not recognizable. The eye in F. Beinhardtii is placed upon a brain-like mass. Dujardin has the following remarks on the genus Furcularia : — " The genus Furcularia, one of the most numerous, undoubtedly requires to be .divided after new observations, but not according to the nnraber and dis- position of the red points, as has been done by Ehrenberg. This author has indeed distributed some Systolides, which appear to us to have the closest relations in form and mode of living, into eight genera " (viz. Pleurotrocha, Furcularia, Notommata, Scaridium, Dighna, Distemma, Eosphorus, and Thcorus) ; « but many of these are purely nominal, and require a rigid revision. " The following iirc Ihc principal species to be classed with certainty among 680 SYSTEMATIC HISTOUr OP THE INFtrSOEIA. the FurculuncB-.—i. F. furcata=Dkjlena caudata (Ehr.), DhjUaa capitata, and Furmlaria gracilis ; 2. F. marina, of the same size and form as the preceding, but mai'ine, and distinguished further by the styles of its tail, which are tmce as short, and by its three-toothed but acute jaws, resembling a hook ; 3. F. fonnpata, placed by Ehrenberg among the Diglence ; 4. F. grandis=Diglena grandis (Ehr.) ; 5. F. forficida, with which must also be associated Distemma forjicula ; 6. F. canicula, which Ehrenberg with doubt refers to Diglena ? aurita ; 7. F. najas, to which belong the various Systo- lides, more or less like Uydatina in their club-shaped form and articulated tan, such as Notommata petroniyzon, N. najas, N. gibba, and probably also Eospliora najas, E. digitata, and E. elongata (Ehr.). We moreover refer provisionally to the genus Farcularia several other Systolides considerably dissimilar La form, some being very long, with two very long styles, of which Ehrenberg makes his Notommata longiseta, and N. cequalis, and his genus Scaridium; whilst others have an ovoid, thick body, rounded posteriorly, truncate in front, and with a short oblique taU, which Ehrenberg calls Notommata myrmeleo and N. syrinx. " AU these Furcidarice, except F. marina, to which F. ReinJiardtii of Ehren- berg must probably be added, have been found in fresh water ; but it is most likely the number of those living in the sea are much more nimierous ; and I have indeed myself met with three or foui- distinct species, which I have from want of time not yet described." Fuhculahia gibha. — Oblong, slightly compressed, imder side flat, back convex, toes forked, long (styliform), equal to half the bodj' ; the eye is placed upon a nervous ganglion over the mouth, clearly indicating the dorsal siu'face; the OA^a- riimi has generally one large and ripe o'vaim. The movement of this animfil- cule is somewhat sIoav. Found in green water, and amongst Confervse. 1-69". F. Reinhardtii. — Fusifonn, truncated in front ; foot elongated, C3'lindrical, and shortly furcate at the end ; a slight stricture divides the body and head, xxxiii. 397 represents an animal ex- tended, and 398 another, conti'acted ; the former is a side (right), the latter a back view. Parasitic upon Ifonopyxis (Sertidarid) geniculata, in sea-water. 1-120". F. Forficida. — Cylindrical, obtusely pointed in front, roimded and dentated at the base, on the upper side ; the toes ver}' long ; the rotary organ .appears to have two frontal clusters of cilia near the eye, and a wheel-like bimdle on each side. 1-144". F. gracilis. — Slender, cylindrical, sud- denly attenuated at the ba^e of the furcate foot ; toes straight, long, but shorter tlian half the body. The rotary organ appears disposed on six muscular masses. F. ccBca (Gosse). — Cylindrical ; eye wanting, or not discernible ; toes slender, obtuse. Length, including toes, 1-135". Leamington. Genus MONOCERCA (XXXIII. 399-417).— Eye single, seated upon a ganglionic mass, cci-vical ; foot simple, styliform, resembling a taU. In two species the vibratilc cilia ai-e distributed into about six bundles, their band-hke longitudinal muscles and those of the foot producing locomotion ; the sides of the oesophageal head are unequal, as also the two jaws, which have one or two teeth ; the oesophageal tube is cui-ved and long, and the simple alimentary canal conical, with two ear-like glands anteriorly. An ovary and a con- tractile vesicle are evident. In two species a tube projects from the frontal MoNOCEUCA Hatiiis {Trichoda liattus, M. ; Ralttdiis carinatiis, Duj.). — Ovate, obong, tnincated antciiorly, and uii- iirmod ; foot styliform, the length of the bodv. This creature SAvims slowly, in n stiff manner; when stationnrv it throws the styliform foot baclnvai-ds and for- wards. The ovary has a reddish coloiir ; behind it lies a roundish contractile vesicle. The foot has a short base, with Ol'' THE IIYDATIN.TJA. 681 a cordate iuteinal muscle, and four un- equal bristles. Amongst Confervse, &c. 1-120". 3Iastii/ocerca carinata is regarded by Perty aud Dujai'din as identical with Monocerca Rattiis. Dujardin identifies vAth this an animal he discovered and figured (xxxvm. 22), measuring 0'147 millim., or with its tail 0-29 millim. M. bicornis. — Ovate, oblong, ti-imcated in front, armed with two spines; foot styliforai, a little shorter than the body ; the oblique oesophageal head exhibits delicate transverse corrugations ; it has a bent and a sti-aight jaw, with probably three teeth in each, (xxxin. 399, an animal seen on its right side ; 417 an- other, contracted, and having its rat- like tail bent.) 1-72". M. (?) i-ak/a ( Vorticella valga, M.). — Small, almost cubical, with distinct head, an elevation on the back, and a conical foot imequally forked ; the rotaiy organ, dm-iiig contraction, shows four muscular sheaths; and the distinct red eye is placed upon a less distinct ganglion ; the oeso- phageal head is not evident. 1-288". M. hnichyura (Gosse). — Form that of M. Rattus, but the foot short (one-fourth of total length), slightly cui-ved, and horizontally flattened ; a large ejQ in the occiput, and another small one in the breast. Length, including foot, 1-135". M. Porcellus. — Thick and plimip ; foot short, much cui^ed and bent imder the body, dilated, flattened liorizontally, and cariying a smaller spine beneath it as in a sheath ; front and chin each ai-med with a short shai-p spine. Length, in- cluding foot, 1-110". M. stylata. — Short, iii-egularly oval ; foot a nearly straight spine, less than one-third of total length ; eye large, red, set like a wart on the back of the occi- pital sac ; forehead conical, pointed. Length, including foot, 1-170". Genus NOTOMMATA (XXXIII. 416-421; XXXVI. 3-6; XXXVII. 27-32 ; XXXVIII. 26 ; XXXIX. 8, 9).— These have, according to Elirenberg, a single eye upon the neck, and a bisulcate foot, resembling a forked tail. The rotary organ compound, its cilia forming bundles on the frontal region. Eight of the larger species have numerous muscles. Of Ehrenberg's species eighteen or nineteen have two jaws, each furnished with a single tooth ; in eight the jaws have many teeth. The oesophagus is mostly short, with a simple wide conical aUmentary canal (Coelogastrica) ; in N. tuba only is there a stomach-like diArision, with a constriction (Gasterodela) ; and in N. Myr- meleo, N. Syrinx, and iV. clavulatci there is also a stomach-like enlarged place, but no constriction (Gasterodela) : cascal appendages are observed only in N. clavulata. The two ear-like anterior appendages of the alimentary canal, regarded by Ehrenberg as pancreatic glands, exist in twenty-foxu- species. N. Syrinx alone was observed by Ehi-enberg to contain fully- developed ova. The water-vascular system is represented in ten species by delicate tubes, with flexible and tremulous gills ; only three of the smaller species have giUs. In N. Myrmeleo and N. Syrinx a broad vascirlar network is distinct about the head. A prominent tactile tube in the neck is present in four or five species ; in some others an opening alone is seen. The visual point is red, except in N. Felis, where it is colourless ; a ganglion is placed beneath the eye in twenty-six species. In N. Copeus and N. cenfrura the brain (?) is threc-lobed, and placed over the oesophageal head ; in the rest it consists of one or more nei-vous ganglia, situated amongst the ciliary muscles of the frontal region. This genus is especially remarkable for the parasitical habits of its members. They live upon other Rotatoria, upon the Poly"-astric Infusoiia, and even -«dthin the globular masses of Volvox Glohator ; but " says Ehrenberg, " not like a cuckoo's egg in a hedgesparrow's nest, but like the bear and the bce-hivc, or a bird's nest in a wasp's nest." ' Dujardin has the following criticisms on this genus : — '< Five of the si)ccics appear to be Ilydatince ; nine others, more or less distinct, ore, in our opinion Furcularice ; three others Plciyioynathi ; some arc imperfectly knoM-n • -iiKi only SIX, at most, offer sufficiently precise characters to retain the namo Notommata. Such are, 1. iV. cojiem, 2. ccntrura, 3. N. brachyota 4 i\r 682 SYSTEMATIC HISTOKY OF THE INFUSORIA. collaris, 5. N. aurita, and 6. N. ansata." To these species must be added a seventh, called by Ehrenberg Oycloylena Lupus, and an eighth, which we distinguish as Notommata vermicularis. All the best observers agree that the genus Notommata requires division, being a very defective one, and containing the elements of several genera • but all the species now composing it must be subjected to a very careful and individual examination before such a division can be made. Until this is accomplished we retain the genus as adopted by Ehrenberg, observing that the analysis of Ehrenberg's \'iews respecting it, as given in a preceding page, win ultimately require many modifications. Some species have already been carefully investigated by Gosse, Perty, and Leydig. a. Subgenus Labibodon. Notommata Myrmeleo, — ^Bodj' large, bell-shaped; foot short, lateral; teeth curved in a circular forceps-like manner (xxxm. 420). There are two varieties : in the one (var. a), a long thin oesopha- gus, a globidar thick stomach, and a long reciuni constitute the alimentary organs. Ehrenberg, by pressm-e, made an ani- malcule, whose dark stomach nearly filled the body, disgorge two large spe- cimens of Lynceus minutus (described and figiu-ed in the 3£icroscopic Cabinet) ; the animalcide afterwards vibrated away in a lively manner. Five transverse mus- cular bauds and fom- longitudinal ones (a pair uniting to each of the first two transverse ones) represent a muscular system in this variety. In the other (var. 6), a distinct muscvdar network is seen at the head, but only fom' ti-ans- verse bands and two longitudinal ones going to the first. The red eye is much larger in this variety, (xxxiii. 418, a side view of the variety b : to exhibit its organization, a small Crustacean is shown within its stomach. Fig. 420, the man- ducatory organs separated ; fig. 419, the upper part of an animalcide, var. a, show- ing the smaller eye, rotary organs, teeth, and network.) Found in clear water, in turf-hollows. 1-40". Notommata 3£yrmcleo, var. mnlticeps, according to Leydig, presents the follow- ing features : — Tiie foot, which on a pro- file view appears given off from a lateral surface, projects from the abdominal one. The rotary or^an not consisting of separate portions, but forming a con- tinuous wreath, which descends towards the mouth, fonning an apparGut fissure. On the free surface are four unsyninie- trical lobes bearing larger setifbnn cilia. Cuticle soft and thin, slightly acted on by acid, whicli rendei-s it dearer ; sub- jacent layer gi-anular and lioniogeneous. Mnxillnrv Imnd very large. n<]soplingus long.tliiu, folded longituliiially. Stoinncli — One tooth in each jaw. round, with cUiated cells : no rectum beyond the stomach, Ehrenberg being in eiTor on this point; debris rejected by the mouth. A resphatory canal pro- ceeds from each side the conti-actde sac towards the head, being much convo- luted and enveloped with ceU-like cor- puscles ; a second smaller pau* follows a similai" course, joining the larger near the maxillarj' bulb. The smaller have not granulai* walls, but support numerous tags, which are absent fi'om the larger canals. Two bauds proceed backwards fi'om the cerebral ganglion to a couple of fossfe on the dorsal surface, furnished -with a bundle of setae. Eye- speck dark -red or black. Ovary present- ing two homs, fonning an organ like a horseshoe, the oviduct opening at the base of the tail. Winter ova spherical, bristly, with a light cortical layer con- taining clear vesicles. N. Syrinx. — Large, beU-shaped: lateral foot scarcely visible ; teeth curved and bifid at the points. This species is very similar to the former, and only distin- guished from it by its small foot and by the spaces within the cilia-cluster (inouth) being convex, not concave. Foimd in a turf-pool. 1-40". N. kyptopus. — ^Bell-shaped, nearly glo- bular, rather large; foot slightly pro- minent at the middle, teeth small ; vibra- tilo organ composed of four or five muscular bundles ; oesophagus verv short. 1-72". N. parasite (xxxix. 9). — Smiill, oval ; foot short, teeth small ; rotary apparatus three or four lobes ; 03sophagoal head gloljose; oesophagus short; alimentaiT caiuil stout, sunple, usually filled with green matter. This curious auinmlciUe lives in the globes of Volrox Glohator, where it deposits its eggs, wliich are therein hatched; and when of proper ape, the creatures eat their way out through the hollow sphere. Siunnier 01'' THE HYDATIN^A. 683 ova large, smooth ; winter ova spinous. 1-40". According to Cohn, the male of this species (xxxix. 8) is a small Rotifer 1-20"' in length. Body short and sac- culai" ; two short toes, usually retracted ; head distinguished by a slight excava- tion, and with an ear-like lappet on either side ; rotaiy organ furnished with some stout imcini, in addition to the fine cilia; phai-ynx cylindrical, contain- ing two scalpel-like teeth, which can be extended beyond the mouth; stomach separated from the intestine by a con- stiiction. A contractile vesicle above the foot, but water-canals scarcely visible. A cerebral ganglion, resembling a long sac, within the head, and bearing a red speck at its anterior extremity. Males and females usually existing in the same Volvox. We have considerable doubts respecting the coiTsctness of the above accoimt, since it diiiers so widely from what has elsewhere been observed amongst such male animals as have hitherto been discovered amongst the Rotifera. The absence of a complete alimentary canal has hitherto character- ized all male Rotifera. (The female is represented after Cohn in xxxix. 9.) N. petromyzon. — Elongated, attenu- ated at both ends; mouth and rotary organ lateral. Ehrenberg says, in May 1835 he found one in a Volvox Glohator, whose gemmiferous masses it eats like N. parasitica. The eggs are often de- posited on Episiylis. 1-180" to 1-144". N. lacimdata (^Voi-ticella atiriculata et arcinulata, M.). — Small, conical, trun- cated and slightly lobed in front ; teeth extended, often bicuspid. Alimentaiy canal, according to I^eydig, clearly sepa- rable into a gi'eenish yellow stomach and a clear intestine. This species is very active. Found with Chlamidovionas Pidvisculits in clear water, also in water- tubs. 1-280". 1^ . forcipata. — Small, elongated; toes long, and often crossed ; eye very large. The vibratile organ appears sometimes like a simple wreath. Amongst Lemnic. Very common in Switzerland, according to Perty, but with a small red eye-speck instead of a large pale one, as described by Ehrenberg. 1-180". N. collaris. — Elongated, large, gradu- ally attenuated at botli ends ; neck tur- gid; toes short. It sAvims slowly, the vibratile organ being small in comparison with the body. 1-48". N. Weriicckii — Elongated, gradually attenuated at both ends; toes short, ft has two setffi near the mouth. This animalcule resembles N. collaris, but is smaller, and lives in the club-like ex- crescences of Vauchcria as an entophyte. 1-90". N. Najas. — Conical, cylindrical, stout, truncated in front ; no auricles. It re- sembles Hydatina senta and Eosphora Najas ; it is distinguished from the first by its ceiwical eye, from the latter by the want of fi-ontal eyes. Amongst Lemnte. 1-120". N. aurita (xxxvi. 3-6). — Described by Mr. Gosse as cylindrical, but frequently pyriform. Head obliquely trimcate, belly nearly sti-aight, posterior extremity pro- duced into a retractile foot (xxxvi. 4 li) with two pointed toes, which organ, being anterior to the cloaca, is not a tail. An oval mark on each side of the head, from which the animal can suddenly project a semiglobular lobe by evohition of the integument (xxxvi. 4 a), each lobe fi-inged with cilia, fonn- ing a locomotive organ; fringe of cilia extending across the fi'ont of the face as far as the constriction of the neck. MaxiUaiy bulb or gizzard (4 b) large, oval, nearer the ventral than the dorsal side, having imbedded within it a pair of complex jaws (xxx-^t:. 6 *). A duct leads from the maxillary bulb to the continuation of the alimentary canal, which is wide, subcylindrical, tapering towards the anus, not divided by any constriction, but at once stomach and intestine ; walls thick, probably cellular. Cloaca between the projecting point (xxxAa. 3) and the foot. Ovary large, occupying the ventral region; some- times long and clear, containing trans- parent globules (4 /), at others gra- nulated (xxxvi. 3). A large developed egg (4o) often occupying a gi'eat por- tion of the abdominal cavity. Eggs largo, covered with short flexible spines. IMale unknown. Water-vascular system con- sisting of two sets of tortuous vessels, commencing at the cloaca, (6 a) and terminating at the head, and bearing tremulous tnga. Parnllel with the oeso- ^ihageal bidb, but nearer the dorsal sur- face, is a large lobulated subglobose mass of dense matter (4 q), white by reflected light, but opaque and hence appearing black by transmitted light occupynig the bottom of a deep cylin- drical snc. A tube runs through the centre of this sac towards the rotarv organ, "on which it opens, or at Ica-st impinges" (Eeydig). As this opaquo I nifiss supports the eye-spot, Gosse re- 684 SYSTEMATIC HISTORY OF THE INFUSOttlA. gards it as cerebral. Muscular system complex (xxxvi. 5, 6). Six or seven muscles are circular and ti-ansverse (6 1) ; others, arranged longitudinally (pl), are attached to various internal viscera and to the integimient. Some go to the occipital sac, others to the gizzard and to the foot, effecting various motions in all these organs. Gosse observes, " It commonly keeps the ear-like lobes con- cealed whilst crawling, but will often suddenly protrade them, and in the same instant shoot off through the water with considerable rapidity and with a smooth gliding motion, partially revolving on the longitudinal axis as it proceeds." Leydig observes that the alimentary canal consists of two portions — stomach and intestine. 1-70". Amongst Con- fervcB, &c. ; also beneath ice. (xxxvi. 3-7.) N. gihha. — ^Back swollen, front ti'un- cated, not amicled, no cerebral sacculi below the eye ; toes short ; the vibratile organs compound. In old exposed in- fusions. 1-200". N. ansata ( Vorticella aiirita, M.). — Tm'gid in the middle, suddenly ti-im- cated at both ends ; the front aiuicled, no cerebral saccidi below the eye ; toes b. Subgenus Ctenodon' N. elavulata. — Bell-shaped : foot coni- cal, very short; pancreatic glands of a club-shape. This creatm-e presents great facility for obsendng its internal struc- ■ ture ; but the limits of this work preclude details. Mr. Gosse kindly informs us that he has distinctly seen in it a nor- mal intestine terminating in the cloaca. 1-96". N. Tuha. — Conical, tnunpet-shaped, dilated anteriorly ; foot fiu'cate and acute. It resemoles, in form, Stmitor Mullen, but is more active. 1-120". N. Bracldonus. — Dilated, nearly square, depressed, foot slender, eggs pendidous. This creature appears to have a shell, but Dr. E. says it has not. Elirenberg described his N. granulans as depositing its eggs upon N. Bmchionus, whence he concluded that the former, like the cuckoo, left its young to be reared by another creature. He found that some of the eggs on the dorsal surface of N. Bra- chioniis produced N. (/rannlans. Leydig solves the mystery by aflirming that the latter species is the male of tlie former, the animal in this case being bisexual, not hermaphrodite. 1-00". 'is. tripus. — Oval, subti'uncated, and slightly auricloil in front. Dark red eye- thick. In bog- water, amongst Conferva;. 1-120". N. dedpietis. — Cylindrical, not au- ricled; toes short; the ovarimn often contains four large eggs. Perty thinks this is only the yomig of some other species. 1-180". N. (?) Felis. — Small, slender ; one bom in front ; eye colom-less ; back attenu- ated posteriorly, and forked. 1-240". N. (?) Tigris (Trigoda Tigris, M.) (xxxiu. 421).— Cylindrical, cm-ved, foot half the length of the body ; toes very long, and cm-ved do^vnwards; it has a little hom in front ; the eye is large and red. Perty has found manj-^ examples without the red eye. Amongst Oscil- latorife. 1-72". N. longiseta {Vorticella longiseta, M.). — Cylindrical, truncated anteriorly ; toes styHform, unequal, and two to four times longer than the body. It is active, and frequently leaps, being assisted by its long claws, which resemble tails. Fig. 421 is a frdl-grown specimen. Entire length 1-60". N. cequalis {VoHicella longiseta, M.). — Cyliudi'ical, obtuse in front ; toes sty- liform, equal the length of the bodv. 1-120". , — Jaws many -toothed. speck with three chalky masses, giving the organ a trilobed appearance. Foot apparently trifid, but not really so, the central lobe being only the pi-olouged back of the .mimal. 1-200". N. saccigcra. — Elongated, cylindrical, attenuated posteriorly ; fork short. It has a cmious internal pouch beneath the eye, with a gi'oup of rounded vesicles in front of the stomach, recalling, as Perty observes, the pretended agglome- ration of eyes in Theorus. N. Copeus. — Large, attenuated at both ends; tail small and indm-ated. This cmious creature has a long bristle on each side of its body ; and on each side of the head a stout process, called by Elirenberg an aiuicle, tringed with vibra- tile cilia at its ends, and, like the sefee, standing out at right angles to the bodv; a thick gelatinous substance covers the body; the back terminates in a some- what hard point, which is a Ituc tail, between which and the foot the dis- charging opening is situated. hen creeping, the large vibralile arms are withdiwvn, but it vibrates ^^•ith the frontal cilia and ])roboscis. rxxxin. 416 renrescnts the creature extended.) 1-3G". N. ccnirura (xxxvin. 26).— Body liu-gc, OF THE HYDATINiEA. 685 attenuated at both ends. Usually sui-- rounded by a broad gelatinous sheath, either hyaline or filled with small aci- cular bodies. According to Ehrenherg, ill this sheath vegetate threads of Hy- drocrocis ; but these could not be found by Leydig. Sheath wanting in young specimens. Cuticle thick, soluble in caustic potass. Behind the middle of the body, on each side, is a small conical eminence (xxxvm. 266), surmoimtedby a bunch of long setae. Rotary organ pe- culiar, differing from Ehrenberg's repre- sentation. Anterior cUiated exti'emity small compared with the size of the animal ; venti-al portion (fig. 26 d) pro- longed in the form of a half canal or gi'oove, constituting a kind of mider lip. At the base of this is the mouth, com- municating with the maxillaiy bulb and oesophagus, and opening into a stomach with walls composed of large cells (fig. 26/), beyond which is a restriction separating it from the rectum (fig. 26 ha)W2->s mtidais (Ehr.) are but a single species ; LepadeUa - I OF THE EUCHLANIDOTA. ey5 Patella with or without red dots ; so also the Metopidia Lepaclella and Sqiui- mella bractea are the same, and what we name Lepaclella rotunclata. More- over the Squamella oblonga and Metopidia acuminata are two distinct species of Lepadella." ' Lepadella ovdlis (Brachiomcs ovalis, M.). — Lorica depressed, oval, not emar- ginate, attenuated anteriorly, the ends truncated. The alimentaiy canal of this animalcide is generally filled with a yel- lowish substance, except when it feeds upon coloiu'less Monads, (xxxiv. 430, a back view; 431, a side (right) view of a young specimen ; 432, the lorica ; 433, the oesophageal head.) 1-240". L. emarginata (Brachionm Spatella et ovalis, M.). — Lorica dej^ressed, oval, broad anteriorly, extremities emargi- nate. Amongst Confei-vee. Length, without foot, 1-576". L. (?) Salpina. — Lorica oblong, pris- matic, obtusely triangidai', back crested, denticulated. Amongst Confervse. Length of lorica 1-200". Genus DIPLAX (Gosse). — Eesembles Salpina ; but the eye is wanting, and the lorica (which, as in that genus, is cleft down the back) is destitute of spines both in fi'ont and rear ; foot and toes long and slender. It forms a connecting link between Salpina and Dinocharis. The name, signifying double, alludes to the gaping lorica, which forms two parallel plates. In accordance with the tabular disposition of the family, this genus foUows next after Lepadella. DrPLAX compressa. — Form of lorica (■viewed laterally) nearly a parallelo- gram, greatly compressed. Lorica 1-176". D. trigona. — Lorica three-sided, a sec- tion forming a nearly eqiulateral ti-iangle, smface delicately punctm-ed or stippled ; toes long and slender. Lorica 1-160". Leaming-ton. Genus MONOSTTLA (XXXIY. 434-437). — Eye single, cervical; foot simple, styliform ; lorica (testula) depressed, ovate. Numerous muscles have been noted in two species — the oesophageal head has four- muscles ; in one species the jaws are single-toothed, in the other two-toothed, (Esophagus very short ; stomach constricted (Gasterodela), with two glands. The ovaiy is globular ; an ovum, with the vesicle of the germ vrithin it, was seen in two species. No male organs, vessels, or respiratory tubes, are seen. Owing to the almost constant vibration of the foot-like tail, it is difficult to observe the true form of its termination, the motion producing an optical deception ; hence it appears double, though in reality it is single. MoNOSTYLA cornuta (^D'ichocla cor- nuta, M.). — Lorica hyaline, unai-med, and truncated anteriorly. Amongst Charge and Confervae. 1-250". M. quadridentata. — Lorica yellowish, anteriorly deeply dentated, resembling four lioms. It is generally of a yellow leather colom*, but Ehrenberg ha-s seen it colom-less. (xxxrv. 434 & 435, ventral aspect; in the latter the animal is ex- tended beyond its lorica, which happens when the rotary cilia are in motion. Pig. 436, a side view; 437, the jaws and teeth separated.) In floccose matter about Confervae and the leaves of water- plants. 1-120". M. (?) lunaris. — Lorica hyaline, flex- ible, admitting the retraction of the head, anteriorly crescent-shaped. 1-144". Colour grey, usually so dark that no internal organs are distinguishable. Eyes red ; jaws Ini-ge, two-toothed; eggs few. M. Bulla (Gosse). — Body ovate, in- flated, the back very gibbous; lorica plicated on each side, with a deep fiir- roAV ; the occipital and mental deeply incised. Colour yellowish-broNvn. Leno-th of lorica 1-175". ° Genus MASTIGOCERCA (XXXIV. 438-440).— Dujardin and Perty be- lieve this to be identical with Monocerca. ^ Genus EUCHLANIS (XXXIV. 441-440 ; XXXVIII. .5,18 : XXXIX. 4, 5, 7). — Lorica resembling a tortoisc-shoU ; according to Cohn not slit infciioi-ly^ 696 SYiSXEMATIC HISTOHY OF THE INi'L'SOUIA. as described by Ehrenberg. Dorsal and ventral plates united along the sides, forming an acute ridge, leaving a fissni-e, posteriorly, for the foot. Dorsal plate the largest. Frontal portion of the animal retractile within the lorica ; deeply cleft on its ventral aspect, with the oral orifice at the bottom of the cleft. Expanded anteriorly into lappets supporting hooked bristles. On either side is a conical process terminated by a long stiff seta. QLsophagus capacious ; jaws resembling those of Hyclatina and Bracldonus. Stomach thick and rounded, with two small spherical glands. Intestine pyriform, ending in a cloaca at the posterior border of the ventral plate ; both ciliated. Contractile vesicle opening into the cloaca, sending up on each side a coiled water- vessel with about four vibratile tags. Longitudinal muscles strong, striated. A large trapezoid cellulo-granular organ in the head, with a red speck near its front extremity, and on each side a long, finely granular saccular appendage. TaU with three telescope segments, ending in two long knife-like toes. Dujardin does not admit the genus Monostyla, but places its three species in the present one — Etichlanis. EuCHLANis(?) triquetra (xxxvm. 5 a). — Lorica very large, trilateral, with a dorsal crest ; sette on foot, none. This species is verj' diaphanous ; and " there- fore," remarks Ehrenberg, "I was never able to see the line of division on the ventral smface of the lorica. The rela- tionship of the fibres of the lateral muscles is physiologically and anatomi- cally interesting : they form three bun- dles, on each side, and show as distinct corrugations as do the muscles of larger animals." (xxxiv. 443, a fore-shortened view ; 442, a left side view, showing the dorsal crest of the lorica : at the base of the foot an external empty fold of the skin is visible. Eig. 441, the ven- tral smface, showing an opening for the foot, but no division of the lorica ; 444, the teeth and jaws separated.) In turf-pools. Length 1-48"; ovum 1-192". (XXXVHI. 5.) E. (?) Ilornemanni. — Lorica thin, short, cup-shaped, truncate in front, the anterior part of the body soft (pliant) and elongated. This creatm*e appeal's able to di'aw within the lorica Doth foot and head. Sometimes longitudinal muscles are apparent. 1-432" to 1-240". E. Luna ( Cercana Luna, M.). — Lorica cup-shaped, the front excised m a lunate maimer, toes with claws. The single- toothed jaw, the constriction of the ali- mentary canal, and the claws distinguisli it from the other species. Amongst Ceratoph/llum and ConfeiwEe. 1-144". According to Perty, specimens occur of a rosy red colour. E. macrura. — Lorica large, ovate, de- pressed; bristles at the bn.se of the foot; toes lonff, sLyliform. This species is di- ; stincruished from the following one bv i its stronger and longer toes. " Lately, ' I says Ehrenberg, " I saw the division of the lorica along the venti-al surface." Each jaw has five teeth; and there are two soft maxUlaiy appendages, each with two teeth. Amongst Confei-vse in clear water. Length, without foot, 1-96". Perty states that the stomach and in- testines are sometimes red. E. dilatata {Brachwmts, M.). — Lorica broad, depressed, folded on the under side ; foot without setae ; toes long. This animalcule, when it emerges from the egg, has a very soft lorica, and re- sembles Notommata. Cohn states that the males of E. dilatata are like the ' female, only smaller and more slender, as well as more ti-ausparent from the absence of mouth, oesophageal bulb, and intestine. The testis of the male occupies the centi'e of the body, and is a lancet- like elongated sac (xxxix. 5 h), extend- ino- from the cloaca to the cerebral ganglion, and filled with rod-lilve sper- • matozoa. At its posterior extremity it is in connexion with a reuiform body smToimding and opening into the penis. The latter has a tluck wall and a ciliated canal protruding as far as the first seg- ment of the tail {?>pc). Length of lorica 1-8"' to 1-20"' (figs. 4, 5, 7). E. Lyuccus. — Lorica ovate, tui^id, deeply fiuted ; two little horns project anteriorly, (xxxiv. 445, a back view ; and 44G, "a side view) ; the lorica is open along the middle of the imder side. Length of lorica 1-216". E. dejlexa (Gosse).— Body semioval ; ventral surface of the lorica diA-ided lon- gitudinally, and the edges of the fissure bent out at right angles ; foot fumished with two pairs of bristles ; toes spindle- sliaped. Lorica 1-80". E. pyriformis.—OxitlmQ (viewed dor- • OF THE ETJCHLANIDOTA. 697 sally) nearly oval, with a slight con- striction in the middle; lorica divided longitudinally along the ventral siu-face, the gape -\A-idening anteriorly; toes pa- rallel, edged ; eye minute. Lorica 1-62". E. Hipposideros. — Nearly oval in out- line ; the ventral side flat ; the dorsal greatly arched, and ridged down the middle; lorica formed of two distinct plates ; the dorsal plate enveloping the tack and half down the sides ; the ven- ti-al sepai-ated from it hy a wide space, and hollowed in the middle, so as to present the figure of a narrow horseshoe, whose points are forwards; foot armed with one pau* of bristles. Lorica 1-110". E. emarginata (Eichwald). — Distin- guished from H. Luna by a projection at the end of each tail-flap. E. bicarinata (Pei-ty). — Body elon- gated. Dorsum of lorica with two parallel keels, rounded behind. Tail long, with two terminal pincers; body wide in the middle, contracted towards each end. Middle joint of the tail very long ; toe-segment very short. Eye blackish-red. It is aUied to E. Weissii of Eichwald, but distinguished by its long figm-e and long setae of tail. 1-6'". Perty believes that this species connects Euchlanis with Salpina. Leydig regards it as a Salpina. E. unisetata (Leydig.) — Size of E. di- latata. It has a single long bristle located on the dorsal surface of the foot-articu- lation ; and, according to Leydig, the eye has a refi-acting lens (xxxvm. 18). Genus SALPIKA (XXXIV. 447-453).— Eye single, cervical ; foot fui'cate j lorica prismatic, with bulging sides, closed below, and term.inated by spiae- Hke processes or teeth. " The lorica," says Ehrenberg, " resembles a tkree- sided little casket, with arched sides, flat below, and having, anteriorly and posteriorly, at the truncated extremities, little points." The animalcule can entirely withdi'aw itself withia the lorica. AU the species have an elevated ridge upon the back, which in some appears to be double. A compound rotary organ, two short anterior lateral, and two foot muscles are seen in S. mucronata. An oesophageal head, with three- or four-toothed jaws, a short oesophagus, and a simple conical alimentary canal exist in aU the species ; in five the conical intestine has two spherical glands. The ovary is distract. A spur or tube is observed at the neck in three species ; the red eye ia connexion with a cerebral gangHon is always present. They do not increase in. large masses. Salpina muci-onata (Brachionus mti- cronatm, M.). — Lorica very minutely sca- brous, anteriorly with foiu-, and poste- riorly with three horns, generally sti-aight flnd of equal length. The lonca, when the creature is young, is soft and bent, but soon hardens, and produces horns. The spur, or tactile tube, in the neck, ierminates in a little bristle, as seen in XXXIV. 450. In some specimens, Ehr- enberg says, the lorica appears as if punctate or stippled. (447, 448, full- grcwTi .specimens, with tlie head with- drawn ; the latter figure is a back view, the foiTuer nn under one ; 449, a side view, head extended; 451, an egg just deposited on Lcmna ; 452, an egg with the young vibrating ; 450, tlie young one just escaped from the shell ; 453, the teeth separately.) Length of lorica J-144". ^ ^ ^ S. apinigera. — Lorica with four IVonlnl and three posterior liorus ; the posterior dorsal one longest, and a little recurved. Among Ceratophylla. Length of lorica 1-140" (xxxvin. 23, 24). S. ventralis. — Lorica stippled, homs two in front, three behind, the dorsal one short and decurved. According to Perty, a faint lens seen in the eye. Amongst ConfervaB, &c. 1-120". S. redunca. — Lorica smooth, horns tvfo in fr-ont, three behind ; two of the latter (the mider ones) hooked, the dorsal crest bifid and gaping ; teeth four to each jaw. Amongst Conferva). 1-200". S. brevispina. — Lorica milky and tur- bid, but appearing bright; scabrous, horns two (small) in front, and three behind, short dorsal crest not gaping; respiratory tube uulmowu. Amongst Ceratophijlh. 1-144". S. bicarinata. — Lorica smooth, homs fovu- in front, three behind, short ; neither lateral muscles nor respiratory tubes known. 1-216". S. spinigera, ,S. ventralis, S. redunca and 6'. bicarinata are probably sliglulv 698 SYSTEMATIC HISTOET OP THE ETFTTSOEU. variaLle forma of one aucl the same auimal. S. mutica (Party). — Lorica toothless both in front and behind, truncate pos- teriorly with obtuse angles. Transparent. Eye red. Tail-flaps extend to the root of the tail. Genus DINOCHAEIS (XXXIY. 454-456). — Eye single, cervical; foot furcate ; lorica closed below, with a sharp lateral margin, but unarmed at both ends. The compound rotary organ has five or six muscles, and in. two species the foot two. An oesophageal bulb, with single-toothed jaws, is found, except in D. tetractis, which Ehrenberg thinks has four teeth ; oesophagus very short, alimentary canal constricted ; two oval glands exist in D. Focillum and D. tetractis. An ovary is seen in all, and a contractile vesicle at the base of the foot in B. Focillum. Traces of a water-vascular system are perhaps to be seen m D. Pocillum, though even here it is doubtful, for the apparently tremulous organ just behind the oesophagus may be only a tre- mulous condition of an internal fold of the stomach. The only evidences of a nervous system are the eye and the long ganglion which supports it. DiNOCHAEis Pocillum (Trichoda Po- cillum, M.). — Lorica nearly cylindrical, with a slight dorsal ridge; two long spines at the base of the foot, toes three, (xxxrv. 454, 455 represent this creature in different positions ; and 456 the (Eso- phageal bulb.) Amongst Ceratophylla, &c. 1-120';. D. tetractis. — Lorica acute, triangular ; horns two, at the base of the foot ; toes two. This species has longer toes than the others ; and the body is compai-atively shorter. With Lemnte and Ceratophylla. 1-120". D. pauper. — Lorica acute, triangular ; homs two, at the base of the the foot, scarcely perceptible ; toes two, short. 1-120": ^ ^ ' Genus MONUEA (XXXIV. 457-459;.— Eyes two, frontal; foot simple, styUform. The lorica is somewhat compressed and open upon the ventral surface : anteriorly is a hook-like process, which can be withdrawn. In one species, the vibrattle organ has four to six muscular bulbs; in both, an oesophageal bulb, with two-toothed jaws, a very short oesophagus, and a simple alimentary canal with two spherical glands are observed ; an ova- rium, with a single large ovum, has been seen. The eyes are red, moveable, and seated upon nervous masses. The species ai-e not only difficult to di- stinguish from each other, but also fi'om the genus Colurus, — the toes of the latter appearing single until pressiu-e is used. MoNUBA Colurus. — Loiica oval, ob- tuse, obliquely tnmcated posteriorly, eyes near to each other. Lorica 1-280". iSiberian specimens 1-400". M. dulcis. — Lorica ovate, anteriorly acute, posteriorly obliquely trimcate ; eyes distant from each other; the ali- mentary canal is often filled with green matter. They increase rapidly in glass vessels, (xxxiv. 467-459 represent tliree views of this animal.) Amongst Con- fervse. Length of lorica 1-288". Tlie two species of Monura are refeiTed by Dujardin to Colurus, or, to adopt his appellation, to Colurella. Genus COLUEUS (XXXIV. 460-462).— They have two frontal eyes, a fui-cate foot, and a compressed or cylindiical lorica. The lorica is said to be open upon the under side (sciitellum) ; a compound rotary organ is present in aU, over which projects a retractile frontal hook ; an oesoi^hageal bulb with two jaws, in two species with two or thi'ee teeth ; the cesopliagus very short ; two species havo a constricted stomach (Gasterodela), the others have a simple alimentary canal (Coelogastrica), all with glands. The two red frontal eyes arc delicate ; in C. uncinatus and C. bicusjndatus thoy have escaped obscrva- OF THE ETJCHLANIDOTA. 699 tion ; all have peculiar vesicles at the back. They resemble- ifonitm. Toot fui'cate. CoLUBXis (?) uncinatus (JSrachiomts uncinatus, M.). — Lorica ovate, com- pressed ; posterior aud bi-pointed toes, very short ; at the middle of the back is generally a circlet of vesicles, which at one time Ehrenberg considered eyes, but which he now regards as vesicles of oU, as they aa-e seen in all the species, and abundantly in the Cyclopida. In fi-esh and sea water. 1-430" to 1-288". C. (?) bicuspidatus. — Lorica ovate, compressed ; the two points posterior, strong J toes short. 1-288". 0. cauclatus. — Lorica ovate, com- pressed, posterior points distinct ; toes longer than the foot. The shell re- sembles C. uncinatus, but the toes ai'e much longer. In fi'esh and sea water. Lorica 1-288". C. deflexm. — ^Lorica ovate, compressed ; the shell is more roimded, and very ti-ansparent. (xxxiv. 460-462 represent back, under, and side views ; the former shows the vesicles.) In the clear water of a peaty moor. 1-240". Gemis METOPIDIA (XXXIV. 463-465).— Eyes two, frontal ; foot fur- cate ; lorica depressed or prismatic ; the frontal portion naked or uncinate, not provided with a hood ; indeed they may be regarded as Lepadellce with two red frontal eyes ; the lorica, which is oval and semicircular or crescentic in front, appears to be closed on the under side (testula). In two species the rotai-y organ has from three to four muscles ; and in one species two foot muscles are observed. Two species have a frontal hook, like Colurus. The oesophageal bulb in one species has two, in another four, but in the third no distinct teeth ; a short oesophagus and two spherical glands are present in aU. Two species have a distinct constricted stomach (Gasterodela). An ovary is present ; and M. triptera has a contractile vesicle. Eye, according to Leydig, with a lens. Metopidia ZepadcUa. — Lorica de- pressed, nearly flat, broadly ovate, ex- cised in a lunate manner in front, rounded posteriorly ; toes somewhat longer than foot. This species resembles in form Lepadella ovalis (xxxiv. 430- 433) and Sqiiamella Bractea ; but the former has two-toothed jaws and no e^es ; the latter, four eyes and indi- stinctly-toothed jaws, (xxxrv. 463^65, back, under, and side views, the first and last having the rotary organs ex- tended and in motion^ 1-240". M. acuminata. — Lorica depressed, nearly flat, oval in shape ; anteriorly slightly excised, posteriorly pointed. This species resembles Colurus; but in that genus the eyes are very close to- gether, and the lorica open beneath. Amongst Oscillatori£B. 1-240". M. triptera. — Lorica oval, triangidar, back crested : a section would resemble xxxrv. 443. Amongst Confen^te. 1-200". M. solida (Gosse). — Much resembles M. Lepadella, but is considerably lai'ger ; lorica circulai-, brilliantly transpai'ent ; a slight pimctation siuroimds the edge, like that on a coin. Lorica 1-150". M. oa;ysto-wfl.— Resembles M. triptera, but the dorsal keel is much higher and thmner; the anterior two-thirds of the ventral surface form a prominent ridge, terminating abruptly like the breast- bone of a bu-d ; and the posterior portion is hollowed out remailcably. Viewed laterally, the outline of the back is very gibbous behiud. Lorica 1-175". Genus STEPHANOPS (XXXIV. 466, 467; XL. 8-10). — Eyes two, frontal ; foot fui'cate ; lorica depressed or prismatic, the front expanding into a hood or transparent shield. The lorica, in two species, has thorn-like processes posteriorly. In one species a longitudinal muscle is observed on each side (anteriorly), two muscles for moving the foot, and from three to five belonging to the compound rotary organ. The oesoplmgoal bulb has single- toothed jaws, and a short oesophagus. In one species the alimentary canal IS constricted, in the others it is simple ; two species have glands ; an ovary 700 SYSTEMATIC HISTOET OF THE nTFTTSOaiA. exists in all ; a contractile vesicle in two. The red eyes are situated on each side, near the frontal head in two species ; in one they are yet unknown. The hood remains extended, even when the creatui-e withdraws within its sheU (XL. 8-10). Stephanops lamellaris {Brachionus Iatnellans,M.). — Lorica with three spines posteriorly. The rapid movement and transparency of this animalcule renders its organization difficult to observe. A process extends upwards from the oral opening and diverges into two filamen- tous appendages. Leydig affirms that the eye has a distinct hemispherical lens, and that the alimentary canal is divisible into maxillary bulb, stomach, and intes- tine. The two latter ciliated. Also a contractile vesicle present, (xxxrv. 466, 467, different -sdews vsdth the crystalline hood or diadem. This hood is often much larger tlian is represented in Ehr- enberg's figm-es.) Amongst Confervse. Length of lorica about 1-300". S. (?) muticus (xL. 8-10). — Lorica unanned posteriorly, entire. Two eyes, red. Head and tail larger in proportion to the trunk than represented oy Ehren- berg. 1-144". S. cirratiis (Srachiontis cirratus, M.). — Lorica with two spines posteriorly. This species has a contractile vesicle. 1-240". Genus SQU AMELIA (XXXIV. 468, 469). — Eyes four, frontal ; foot furcate. The lorica is closed (testula) ; the rotary organ consists of five or six muscular bulbs. In one species the oesophageal bulb has jaws, with two or three teeth each; its tube in one is short, in the other long and bent like the letter S. Both have a bij^ai-tite intestine (Gasterodela), with small glands ; also an ovary and contractile vesicle. The eyes are disposed iu pairs on each side the brow. SQtrAMELLAJ5racfca (BrachionusSrac- tea, M.). — Lorica depressed, broadly ovate. It is very ti'ansparent ; the toes thick and short, not evident. Length of lorica 1-144". S. oblonga. — Lorica depressed, either elliptical or ovato-oblong, hyaline ; toes long and slender; eyes lai-ger than in the foregoing species, (xxxiv. 468, 469 represent back and side views of this animalcule.) In gi-een-colom-ed water, with ChlamydomonasPulviscidus. Length of lorica 1-280". Genus KOTOGONIA (Perty). — Body covered by a lorica which dilates posteriorly; posterior margin occupied by two pointed processes on each side, the shorter one being dii-ected backwards and the larger one outwards. Two eyes widely separated, on the outer margius of the anterior extremitj-. Jaws curved, strong, with two or three teeth. Caudal setsB strong and bristle-like. NoTOGONiA JEh-enhergii. — Slightly tail, 1-14'". Motions rather brisk, re- ventricose, gi-ey. Rotary organ com- senibling those of Brachionus. jVmongst posed of a single row of cilia; eyes very Confervse. small, pale red. Length, includuig the FAMILY VII.— PHILODIN^A. This family comprehends Rotatoria devoid of lorica, but possessing two simple rotary organs, resembling wheels. The body of most species is worm- like, or spindle-shaped (fusiform). Tortious of the body can be thnist in and out, like the tubes of a telescope ; tliis is effected by a sort of false jomt, caused by a peculiar insertion of the muscles. In all the species the foot is furcate ; and in CalUdina, Rotifer, Actimu-us, and Philodina it is provided with soft processes, neai- the false joints, resembling horns in shape, as m the genus Binocharis (fig. 455). Muscles arc seen in the genera just named. OF THE PHILODINJEA. 701 The nutritive apparatus consists of an cesophageal bulb, with two jaws ; in thi-ee of Ehi-enberg's genera these are double-toothed (Zygogomphia) ; in two the teeth are in rows (Lochogomphia). In the four principal genera the ali- mentary canal is filiform ; it is fui-nished with a bladder- like expansion at its commencement (Trachelocystea), and surrounded by a turbid cellular or glan- dular mass. In one genus the alimentary canal is conical (Coelogastrica), in the two African genera its character is unlcnown. In four genera the intes- tine has glands ; in a like number an ovary and g:lands are present ; a con^ tractile vesicle exists only in Eotifer and PliihcUna, which, together with Actinurus, are also sometimes viviparous. In Rotifer ani PhilocUna, portions of a muscular system are visible, in the form of from nine to twelve trans- verse bands ; the same genera, as also Actinurus and Monolabis, have spur- like tactile tubes. In thirteen species red eyes are present; and beneath these organs, only what is supposed to be nervous matter is apparent. Por Ehrenberg's arrangement of the genera, see General History, p. 479. " The characters employed," says Dujardin, " by M. Ehrenberg, for the distinction of his genera of PhUodinsea, have certainly too slight a constancy to be admitted ; that author has himself seen the red specks, which he calls eyes, vary in number and position in his Kotifers. As to the appendages of the taU (toes), they are not always alike visible, although actually present, because the animal does not extend them except at certain moments ; the central terminal appendage — that by which the Rotifers affix themselves to sohd bodies — is itself of greater or less length, but always present. We therefore think that but two genera can be rightly established : one, Callidina, characterized by the feeble development of its ciliated rotary organ, and by entirely wanting red specks; the other. Rotifer, with two or several red points placed more or less near the exterior extremity, and, what is of more importance, with very highly developed rotary organs." " The genera Hyclrias and Typhlina are foimded on imperfect observations made by the author dm-ing his journey in Egypt ; and the genus Monolabis ought to be placed elsewhere." The family Philodinaea thus formed is arranged parallel with Brachionaea, as though the absence of a lorica were the only difference between them. So far as Dujardin accepts of the same species, his family Rotifera and that of Philodinaea of Ehrenberg correspond. The amazing persistence of vitality in the Rotifer vulgaris gives a great interest to this family, as also the oeciuTcnce of some of its members within the cells of aquatic plants. Dr. Mon-en's observations probably ex- plain some of the latter occurrences ; but it is a question whether recent discoveries in vegetable physiology may not further explain the existence of these animals witliin closed vegetable sacs. Por instance, the origin of some cells by the vacuolation of a soft penetrable protoplasm suggests tho possibility that tho Rotifera may deposit their eggs within the soft, half- organized protoplasm ; and in the process of vacuolation some of these ova might readily find their way into the vacuoles about to be converted into cells, the latter change being completed before the embryonic animalcule escaped from its ovum ; and when it did so emerge, the completion of tho vegetable process would cause the animal to find itself imprisoned within tho Walk of a vegetable cell. Genus CALLIDINA (XXXIV. 470-473).— Distinguished by possessing a proboscis, and a foot furnished with processes resembling horns, and by tho absence of eyes. The vibratile or rotary organ, is double, not pedicled, and w surmounted by a thicldy ciliated proboscis. The furcate foot has' two SYSTEMATIC HISTOET OT Tin5 INPUSOEIA. elongcated toes, foiir little horns or processes, and six points. Muscles for moving the foot are also visible. The oesophageal bulb has two jaws, with numerous delicate teeth. The filiform alimentary canal has a bkdde'r-hke expansion posteriorly, but is not provided with glands : it is surrounded by a granular and cellular mass, whose function is unknown ; Ehrenberg thinks it connected with reproduction. An ovarium, with single large ova, is seen, A little spur-like process projects from the neck. No indication of a nervous system is observable. Callidina elegans. — Spindle-shaped, crystalline ; rotary organs, or wheels, small, (xxxrv. 470-472 ; 473, the eggs.) In bog- water and infusions of oak -bark. 1-72". C. rediviva (Ehr.). — Fusiform, dif- fusely gi'anular or else fleshy ; with red, distinct ova, and strong rotary organs. 1-60" to 1-48" ; ova 1-576". Berlin ; in the sediment of water-spouts of houses. 0. cornuta. — On each side of the head a short horn-like process. Maxillary bulb much wider behind than in C. ele- gans. Ciliary motion unusually sti'ong in the oesophagus. Swims in rather an eel-like manner. C. constricta (Duj.), so named on account of the contracted form of its rotary apparatus. Its jaws pre- sent a row of closely-set parallel teeth, 1-52". C. bidem (Gosse). — Body spindle- shaped, jaws furnished with two distinct teeth. 1-45". Perhaps this is no other than C. elegans, the jaws of which Ehr- enberg describes as having many delicate teeth. I have, however, examined nu- merous specimens, and have always found them distinctly two-toothed. Genus HYDEIAS (XXXV. 474).— -It is devoid of eyes, proboscis, and the little horn-like processes at the foot ; the two small rotary organs, or wheels, are supported on pedicles or arms. An oesophageal head, and an ovary, with a large ovum, have been seen by Ehrenberg. The form is like a naked Pterodina. This genus is constructed for an Afiican Rotatorian imperfectly observed. Hydrias cormgera. — Ovate, hyaline; foot attenuated, resembling a fui'cate tail. XXXV. 474 represents an animal- cule extended. With OsciUatoriae, in standing water from a small spring at Siva, in the Oasis of Jupiter Ammon. 1-190". near Cairo in Eg}'pt, in such numbers as to colom" the water green. 1-720". Genus TYPHLINA (XXXY. 475).— Like the last, is an African form. Devoid of eyes, proboscis, and horn-Uke processes at the base of the foot ; but its little wheels are sessile. It resembles a very small Rotifer, without frontal proboscis or eyes. Typhlina viridis. — Body oblongo- conical, small (xxxv. 475). Foimd by Drs. Hemprich and Ehrenberg in a pool Genus ROTIFER (XXXV. 476-480 ; XXXVIII. 1-3).— Body fusiform. Able to retract and protrude its little foot with its appended boms. Eyes two, placed upon the frontal proboscis ; foot provided with little horn-hke (corniculate) processes, and two toes bisulcate at their apices. A double rotary organ, furnished with muscles, is seen in aU the species ; also longi- tudinal and foot muscles in tlu-ee of them ; a furcate foot and liom-hke pro- cesses in four species ; in B. citrinus the pincer-like portions of the foot appear to be tri-pointed ; in 11. en/thra;us they seemed to be di-awn in. In four species a muscular oesophageal bulb, with jaws, each two-toothed, is seen; in three species the alimentary canal is filiform, ynth a vesicular expansion at the extremity, but no oesophageal tube ; it is moreover sur- rounded by a cellular glandulose turbid mass ; another species has a corneal, tubular aUmentary canal, without the surroimding mass or expansion at the OP THE rniLODrN-JEA. 703 end ; the four European species have two spherical alimentary glands, and an ovaiy, with a few lai-ge ova ; occasionally these species are viviparous. In thi-ee of them a contractile vesicle is present. In B. macrurus, near the alimentaiy canal are two glands. In three species from nine to twelve parallel transverse musculai- bands have been observed ; and besides these, in the four Eiu-opean species, styhform tubes emanate from the neck, which in one species are cUiated anteriorly. Two red frontal eyes are met with ia the four Eui'opean forms, and beneath them, in B. vulgaris, two ganglia. creature attach itself by the foot, and the rotary apparatus be in motion, a sti'ong cm-rent or vortex is produced on each side the wheels, resembling two spirals in the water, which bring the nutritive particles to the mouth, from which some are chosen and the rest flow RoTrFER vulgaris ( VoHicella rotatoria, M.) (xxxv. 476-480). — Body fusiform, white, gi'adually attenuated towards the foot ; eyes roimd. This creature, which was discovered by Leeuwenhoek, was described and illustrated in the Mici'o- scopic Cabinet some years ago, prior ^to the appearance of Ehrenberg's observa- tions. " It has the power of contracting or extending the length of the body in the following remarkable manner: — When the creatm-e is about to shorten itself, ti-ansverse folds or joiuts are ob- servable, which do not appear to be con- fined in number or situation ; the in- teguments, when a joint is produced, are drawn ■vsdthin the parts above, and slide out like the tubes of a telescope, when the joiats disappear. It is this power that enables it to assume the form of a sphere, the head and tail being drawn within the body." Anteriorly it has a proboscis-like process, with a cili- ated exti'emity, and a soft hook, near which are two dark red points. The body terminates posteriorly in a moderately long tail-like foot, having six processes disposed in pairs; two wreaths of cilia (the wheels), volimtarily moveable, are placed upon short thick arms (pedicled), which can be di'awn in and out at pleasm-e ; these wreaths serve for swimming and purveying, the food approaching the mouth through the cuiTents produced in the water by the cilia. On the dorsal surface is a stylifonn horn {speculum collare, M.), at the end of which Leydig detected retractile cilia. Duiing vibra- tion the neck has a circular fold, which appears on each margin in a front view liite a lateral style. Foiu" longitudinal muscles, two anterior and two posterior, are seen ; laterally also two, club-shaped, for moving the foot, and two belonging to the rotary organ. Sometimes, says Ehrenberg, four anterior longitudinal muscles and a dorsal and ventral muscle appear to be present. It has two lands of locomotion, — one by alternately attach- ing the mouth and foot, and, as it were, stepping along ; the other by swimming, through the rotary apparatus. If the away. In order to observe this action with efiect, finely-divided caimine or indigo must be mixed in the water. The oral apertm-e is placed just beneath the hook- Hke proboscis, from whence it continues backwards as a long extensible tube, as far as the oesophageal head, which has foui* muscles and two striated jaws with double teeth (Zygogomphia). From this point a filifoim intestinal canal extends posteriorly, fonning an oval expansion neai- its tennination at the anus, at the base of the taiL-like foot. A thick glan- dular cellular mass, often yellowish or greenish, sm-roimds the alimentary canal; its use is unknown : anteriorly are two biliary glands. The propagative system is very interesting : the ovary is a glo- bose glandulai' mass ; in it four or five ova sometimes so completely develope themselves that the yoimg creep out of their envelopes, extend themselves, and put their wheels in motion while -«-ithin the ovary ; they sometimes occupy two- thirds the length of the parent. In the ovum the yoimg are coiled up in a spiral manner. A contractile vesicle exists, and eleven or twelve parallel transverse bands, probably muscular. The two red frontal eyes, with a ganglion beneath them, in- dicate a nervous system. These eyes are cells filled -svith a gi-anidar pigment, and sonietinies separate abnonnafly into se- veral ; Leydig affirms that they contain a refracting body. (xxxv. 476, a full- grown animal extended, and supposed to be attached to a fixed bodj' — the cm-rents about the troclial disc as dis- played when indigo is put in the water ; 477, an under view, the wheels with- drawu, and body contracted ; 478, an extended Rotifer, wheels withdrawn • 479, 480, upper portions more highly magnified, after submission to different degi-ees of pressure between the plates 704 SYSTEMATIC HISTOHT OP TIIE INFUSOMA. of a compressor. In xxxv. 476-478, ova are seen ; some are developed, and their eyes and oesophageal bulb visible. The ti-ansverse muscles, and the tube pro- jecting from the neck, are seen in the engravings.^ Found in fresh and sea- water, in infrisions, on the flocculent matters of water-plants, and even within the cells of some, e. g. of Sphagnum and Vaiicheria, &c. (See Pai't I. p. 466.) 1-50" to 1-24". R. (?) citrinus. — Fusiform, lower part gi'adually attenuated into a footj its horn-like processes elongated : eyes round and, according to Leydig, con- taining a refracting body ; cervical tube toothed. The extremities are transpa- rent, the middle of the body of a citron colom- ; it often exhibits longitudinal folds, and is then less ti-ansparent. Amongst Oscillatoriffi. 1-24". R. (?) erythreeus. — Small, oblong, suddenly attenuated into a long foot. 1-240". R. macrurus (Vorticella macrura, M.). — Transparent, ovato-oblong, suddenly attenuated into a long foot ; this is di- stinguished from Actinurus by its small toes, horn-like processes, and suddenly- attenuated body. The stj'le, or antennal tube, is ciliated in a star-like manner. The wheels are prominent. A long stomach is succeeded hy a short intes- tine ; on each side is a convoluted water- Vascular canal, but without vibratile tags. Eyes either two, hemispherical, abruptly trimcate anteriorly, red, and with a refracting medium, or elongated posteriorly, becoming divided into seve- ral rows of linear points, without re- fracting media. It is altogether a choice subject for the microscope. In boo-irv water. 1-350". R. tardus. — Hyaline, fusiform, gra- dually attenuated to the foot, and having deep strictures in the form of square false articulations or joints ; eyes ob- long. It resembles internally R. vidqaris. 1-80". Of the several species of Rotifer, and of the following one of Acti?iurus, de- scribed by Ehrenberg, M. Dujardin con- fesses his inability to discover the specific diiferences, although he admits diversity of habitat, and of resistance to the pro- cess of desiccation. He, however, be- lieves he has discovered a Rotifer spe- cifically distinct from any variety of Rotifer- vulgaris ; this he would desig- nate R. infiatus (xxxvm. 1-3). — It is less slender than R. vulgaris, its rotary organs of less size, and its red speclss seated veiy near the jaws. 1-58". In water or wet moss. Of this species Dujardin infers that Ehrenberg has consti'ucted at least four others, according to the rose or yellow colom' it presents, the form of the eyes, and the length of the caudal appendages, viz. Philodina eryophthalma, P. i-oseola, P. citrina, P. macrostyla. At the same time he would regai'd P. coUaris, P. me- galotrocha, and P. aculeata as distinct forms of Rotifera. R. ?nacroceros (Gosse). — Wheels large ; antennal process (the respiratory tube, Ehr.) very long and mobile. 1-100". Genus ACTINURUS (XXXV. 481-484).— Eyes two, frontal ; foot fur- nished with two little hom-Hke processes, and three toes. In other respects the organization resembles Rotifer vulgaris. AcTiNUBUS Ncptunius ( Vorticella ro- \ the case when crawling ; the antenna is tatoria, M.). — White, fusiform, ^'adually | then seen, terminated by a single delicate attenuated into a long foot, having three hair-like point ; 482, contracted, head equal toes exceeding the horn-like pro- I partially withdrawn ; 484, the upper part, cesses in length. The action of the jaws when the wheels are extended and in in the oesophageal head is often distinctly J action; 483, the oesophagus and jaws, seen. (xxxv. 481, an animal extended, [ separated and extended under pressure.) with the wheels withdrawn, which is , 1-36" to 1-18". Genus MONOLABIS (XXXV. 485, 486).— Eyes two, frontal red ; foot with two toes, but no horn-like processes. They are pro\-ided Avith muscles for moving the double rotary apparatus, two for moving the foot, and four belonging to the ojsophagcal biilb and jaws, which last are furnished Avith double teeth, or teeth in rows. A very short oesophageal tube and a simple conical alimentary canal are seen in both species ; one of them lias two wphci-ical glands ; an ovarium is seen in both, but in neither have fully- OF THE PHILODIKiliA. 705 In one species, a tactile tube different views from the under side.) 1-120". M. gracilis. — Has a more slender body than the last, and two teeth in each jaw, but no tube or spui-. Length about 1-200". developed ova or male organs been obseiTed is present. MoNOLABis conica. — Stout, provided with a tactile tube, or spur, and three teeth in each jaw. Between the rotary organs the brow can project ajid resemble a proboscis, (xxxv. 485, 486 represent Genus PHILODINA (XXXY. 487-490; XXXYin. 4).— Eyes two, cervical, foot with horn-like processes. All the species possess two vibratile or wheel organs upon the breast, and five of them have a frontal ciliated proboscis. Longitudinal muscles are distinct in one species, and two for moving the foot in six. The oesophageal bulb has four muscles ; its jaws are two-toothed in foiu- species, three-toothed in two species ; but in one species the oesophageal bulb has not been satisfactorily seen. The alimentary canal is filiform, with a posterior enlargement in six species ; in one it appears to have pouches or pockets. The glandular or cellular mass smTounding the filiform part of the canal sometimes becomes distinctly coloured when the creature eats coloured food, and therefore seems connected with the nutritive system, and is probably a convolution of caecal appendages. Biliary (?) glands are found in six species. The ovary developes eggs, which are usually extruded before the young are hatched. Three species possess a contractile vesicle ; one, vibratile tags. A tube, in some cases ciliated, is always present at the neck. Transverse bands are seen only in P. erythrojphtJialma. Eyes are found in aU the species, and nervous ganglia connected with them in P. erythroph- thalma : sometimes the eyes are very pale ; hence a solitary specimen may be mistaken for a Calliclina. XXXVIII, 14 is a diagi-am of the head of PJiilo- dina as viewed in front, and fig 15 of the same viewed laterally. PHLLonrNA erythrophthalma (xxxvxn. 4). — ^White and smooth ; eyes roimd ; hom-like processes of the foot short ; jaws two-toothed. Found abimdantly during the spring and summer in water- tubs and amongst Confervae. In glass vessels it increases rapidly ; and, if sup- plied occasionally with two or three stems of hay, the breed may be preserved for years. It is often met with in vegetable infusions of different kinds, 1-120" to 1-48". P. roseola. — ^Body smooth ; eyes oval, hom-like processes of the foot short. "I have observed," says Ehrenberg, "that this animalcule, when kept in glasses, deposits its eggs in heaps, and the parent remains a long time with the young ones J produced from them, forming a sort of amily or colony, which circiunstauce wo are not to be hmdered from ascribing to a sense of company or family, though the pride of man may laugh at it." (xxxv. 490 represents one with the wheels ex- tended.) 1-72" to 1-48". P. collaris. — Body smooth, hyaline, or white, eyes round ; a prominent annulus or collar sun-ounds the neck. It is especially characterized bv the extent of the alimentary canal, and crecal appen- dages attached to it ; so that, when the animalcule is fed upon indigo, it appears polygastric. 1-120". P. macrostyla.— White and smooth, with oblong eyes ; it has three teeth in each jaw ; hom-like processes of the base of the foot long. Found amongst Oscil- latorise. 1-70". P. cj^nwa.— Smooth, citron-coloured in the middle ; exti-emities white ; eyes variable in foim; hom-like processes slightly elongated. Found amongst Os- cillatorisB. 1-70". P. aculeata. — White, provided with soft spines eyes roimd. The tactile tube (antenna) is thickened anteriorlv in a globose manner; the jaws hay a each three teeth, (xxxv. 487, 488 represent this animalcule ; and 489 the jaws and teeth separate.) 1-70". P. megalotrocha.— White ; body smooth and short ; wheels large ; the proboscis bet^veen them long; eyes oval ; jaws two- toothed. Two straight sette at the end of the tail. 1-216" to 1-108". P. hirsuta. — Of a pale yellow co- lour, and covered with a short down • eyes oblong; foot prolonged by dorsai spmea ; viviparous. Lensrth 1-72" • nf egg 1-480". Berlin. ^ 2 z 706 SYSTEMATIC HISTOEY 03? THE nTFUSOEIA. FAMILY VIII.— BRACHIOMA. The concluding family of the Eotatoria, BRAcraoNiEA, is distinguished by- its members having two rotary organs and a lorica. The lorica is open at the extremities, Hke a tortoise's carapace. The rotary apparatus is often apparently composed of five parts, three central and two lateral ; of which the latter alone belong actually to it, the othera being only ciliated frontal portions, which during the vibration of the trochal disc remain stiffly extended as feelers. Besides these appendages, the disc presents in most, perhaps in all the species, two setse, as is seen also in Synclusta. The genera Noteus and Bracliionus have a forked foot, Anurcea is destitute of feet ; and Ptet'oclina has a suctorial disc at the end of the foot, but no toes. AU the genera have jaws, with teeth attached to an oesophageal head, having four muscles. In Pteroclina the jaws are partly two-toothed and the teeth ra a line {zygogompliia, hcliogompliia), in the other genera they are many- toothed (volygomphia). In Notem and Pteroclina, the alimentary canal is constricted, forming stomachs (gasterodela) ; in the rest it is partly simple (ctelogastriea), partly with stomachs. Glands have been observed in aU the genera, as also an ovary and contractile vesicle. Many species of Anurcea, BracMonus, and Noteus, carry their eggs attached to them, after expulsion. In aU the genera, except Pteroclina, internal tremulous tags attached to the water-vascular Canals have been obseiwed. A nervous system is supposed to be indicated by the presence of red visual points in all, except Noteits, which, however, possesses what is believed to be a cerebral ganglion. Some of the Brachionsea may become so numerous as to render the water inilky and turbid. Ehrenberg's classification of this family is given at p. 479. It was amongst the Brachionsea that some of the most interesting of recent investigations were first made by Perty, Cohn, and Leydig. Thus, striped or voluntaiy muscles have been noticed in Bracliionus militaris by Cohu, and in Pteroclina by Leydig ; whilst, in the latter case, the same distinguished observer alleges that he finds a refracting body in the eye simUar to what he had detected in Euchlanis and Stephanops. In Bracliionus urceolaris and militaris, again, Perty and Cohn have established the existence of dioecious sexuality amongst the Eotatoria — the male animal, as in the previously de- scribed dioecious forms, being devoid of an alimentary canal ; and to this list Mr. Gosse has since added B. Pala, B. rubens, B. ampliiceras, B. angularis, B. Dorcas, and B. Mulleri. Its raritj-, and the compai-atively short period of time diuing which, according to Perty, the male animalcule of Brachiomts urceolaris exists, probably explain why these creatures have been so long over- looked. Cohn observed that the contractions and expansions of the contrac- tile sac at the base of the water- vascular canals of BracMonus militfiris were • accompanied by a corresponding motion in their watery contents. At each i contraction, or systole, a stream was expelled into the cloaca, communicating : with the water in which the creatm-e lived, whilst an opposite movement : attended the expansion or diastole of the sac. These facts strongly corro- - borate the supposition that the water- vascular canals are the tnie resjiii-atory > organs of the Rotifera, corresponding with the remarkable analogous organs > arising from the cloaca of the Holothuria; amongst the radiated animals ; the pure oxygenated water being thus cai-ried to the fluid distending the body, whicli fi'ilfils the functions of the blood in higlicr animals, and affording an . example of tho " Plilobenterism" of the Froncli naturahst Quatrefagcs. In Bracliionus militaris,^ Cohn lia.s also pointed out the existence of tliree OF THE BEACHION.KA. 707 distinct classes of eggs — viz. -ndntcr, summer, and male ova — all diiFering in their form and aspect. Genus NOTEUS (XXXV. 491-494; XXXVIII. 25).— Eyes absent; foot farcate {Brachioni wanting eyes). The two-wheeled trochal disc has between its portions a three-lobed ciliated brow, but has no long bristle-like feelers ; it possesses (as also does the furcate foot) distinct muscles. The lorica has spines both anteriorly and posteriorly ; an oesophageal head with jaws having many teeth {polygomphia), a constricted alimentary canal or stomach {gasteroclela) with two large glands, an ovarium, and a contractile vesicle are to be recog- nized. There is also a trace of tremulous tags, a short and thick water- vascular tube, and a large central ganglion, lying between the muscles of the vibratory organs. Dujardin considers the absence of eyes insufficient to constitute this a genus apart fi'om Brachiomis. NoTEUS quadriconiis (xxxv. 491-494 ; xxxvni. 25). — Lorica suborbicular, de- pressed, rough and m-ceolated, with four spines anteriorly and two posteriorly. Kotary organ simple, with a deep oral fossa; three lobes on its free surface. Alimentaiy canal as in Brachionus, A contractile sac on the right of the cloaca giving off two canals, each bearing three ti-emulous tags ; a short and obscm-e siphon between the large spines on the fi'ont of the body. This animalcule is large, very transparent, and of a whitish colom\ (xxxv. 491-493 represent dorsal, ventral, and side views ; and 494 the jaws separate, and under pressm-e.) Found amongst decaj^ed sedge-leaves and OscillatoriBe. 1-120" to 1-72". Genus (XXXV. 495-498). — BrachionEea with a single cervical eye, but no foot (Brctchioni without feet). In seven species the lorica has four longitudinal rows of facettes upon the back ; in three it is smooth ; in thirteen species it is spinous anteriorly, and in seven posteriorly also. A. hiremis has a moveable spine on each side : of one species, only the empty sheU has been seen ; in the rest the muscles of the rotary organ, but not the longitudinal muscles of the body, have been observed. Jaws and teeth are seen in nine species. Alimentary canal constricted {gasteroclela) in four ; simple and conical (ccelogastrica) in nine. Two glands are placed at the commencement of the ahiientary canal ; an ovary is seen in twelve species, but a contractile vesicle only in one of the larger and smooth species, in which also four tremulous tags are found. In thi-ee species siphons emanate from the neck. The eye-speck, which is always present, is supposed to indicate the existence of a nervous system. In A. squamula, A. curvicornis, A. hiremis, A. striata, and A. foliacea, what is thought to be nervous matter is seen below it. Eight species have their eggs attached to them after they are expelled. I They swim freely, though not very quickly. This genus has the name of I. Anourella, given to it by Bory St.-Vincent, and retained by Dujardin. a. Species jjosteriorly devoid of spines and pedicle. AmjuJEA (?) quadridentata. — Lorica oblong, with four horns anteriorly, its postenor end obtuse, back tessellated. 1-21G" without the horns. A. Squamula (Brachionus Squaimtla, ' M.). — Smooth, obtusely square, with six horns in front, obtuse behind, (xxxv. ! 495-497 represent diflerent views of this animalcule, the two latter with an egg attached.) 1-240". A..falcata. — Oblong ; with six spines anteriorly, the two central of which arc curved outwai'ds, like sickles. Surface of the lorica not ridged, but rough ; pos- terior extremity obtuse. 1-144". _ A. curvicornis. — Nearly square, with six frontal horns, the two middle ones larger and curved outwai-ds and do^vn- wards. Dorsal sm-face tessellated; its large, red, round eye is seated upon a large nervous ganglion ; the oesopliagcal bidb has three-toothed jaws. This ani- malcule also can-ies the eegs attached 1-21G". 2z2 708 SYSTEMATIC HI8T0ET OP THE INPtJSOaTA. A. biremis. — Linear and elongated, with four horns anteriorly; back very smooth, and having two lateral spines, like oars. The oesophageal head has three-toothed jaws. In phosphorescent sea-water. 1-144". A. striata {Brachionus striatm, M.). — Linear and elongated, with six horns in front, and fom- on the abdominal surface of the loricaj the back with twelve longi- tudinal flutings or rays, and obtuse at the end. This species is very change- able in fonn, owing to the membranous lorica yielding to the contmction of the body: hence it is sometimes long, at others short, sometimes um-shaped, bell- shaped, and even almost disc-shaped ; the first, however, seems to be the normal fonn. In fresh and salt water. 1-130". b. Spinous or attenuated joosteriorly. A. inermis. — Lorica oblong, attenuated and truncated posteriorly ; no spines an- teriorly ; back furnished with faint longi- tudinal rays. In peat-water. Length when extended, 1-144". A. acuminata. — Lorica oblong, attenu- ated and tnmcated at the posterior extre- mity, ha-\dng anteriorly six sharp-pointed horns or spines, twelve longitudinal rays on the tiack. Amongst Conferrae. Length about 1-120". A. foliaeea. — Lorica oblong, six spines anteriorly, posteriorly tenninating in a spine ; dorsal and ventral sui-faces longi- tudinally stiiated ; frontal region rough. It has four-toothed jaws, and a central ganglion below the eye. 1-180". A. stipitata (Brachionus, M.). — Lorica nearly square, or triangular; anteriorly six spines ; posterior pointed lilce a pedicle ; the back tessellated, (xxxv. 498 represents a dorsal view, with the wheels extended.) Length about 1-200". A. Testudo. — Lorica square, having anteriorly six straight spines, aU of nearly the same leng-th, and posteriorly a short one at each comer. The upper and imder surfaces are rough, the foi-mer tessellated like Notetis, Length about 1-200". A. serrulata. — Lorica ovate, square, with six unequal spines anteriorly, the two middle ones long and curved ; it has two short spines at the posteiior angles, which are sometimes scarcely apparent. The surfaces are rough, and the dorsal also tessellated, like the preceding species. Independently of the two wheels, the brow has three cylindrical ciliated pro- cesses, which are truncate at their extre- mities. 1-216". A. aculeata (^Brachionus quadratus, M.). — Lorica square, with six spines an- teriorly, the two middle longest ; at the posterior angles ai'e two long and equal spiaes ; back rough and tessellated, under side smooth. At the brow, between the two wheels, is a single ciliated frontal process ; a little tactile organ is situated in front of the eye. Length 1-144" ; including the spines, 1-96". A. valga. — Lorica nearly square, with six spines anteriorly, the two middle ones the longest ; at each posterior angle is a spine of unequal length ; dorsal and ventral surfaces rough, the former tessel- lated. The jaws ai-e five-toothed, the red eye oval, its longer axis transverse. Length, without the spines, 1-210". The following species are given by Mr. Gosse (Ann. Nat. Hist. 1851, vol. viii.). A..Jlssa (Gosse). — Lorica smooth, hya- line, swollen at the sides and at the hack; flatfish on the belly, truncate in front, without any spines, attenuated and truncate posteriorly. There is a deep fold running down each side, or else the ventral plate is distinct from the dorsal ; the ventral is also cleft through its medial line; eye very large, pale. 1-220". A. tecta nearly agrees in form with A. curvicornis; but the posterior extre- mity is rather more pointed, and the tessellations are dillereut, being larger, and arranged on each side of a medial dorsal ridge, which gives to the back the form of a vaulted roof. 1-200". A. brcvispina nearly agrees with A. acideata ; but the posterior spines are very short, the fi-ontal spines are much less curved forwards, the surface is not punctated, and it is colourless. 1-146". A. cochkaris. — Lorica spoon-shaped, with six spines in front, the medial pair cm-ving strongly forwai-ds ; posterior ex- tremity attenuated into a long slender spine, 'inclined forwards; baclt ridged and tessellated, as in A. tecin. A. heptodon = Ascomoi~pha Helvetica, Perty. — Lorica of equal width, con- ti-acted posteriorly, and tenninated by an upturned tooth in the middle line, in front are four teeth above and two below. 1-12". This species, founded on onec OF THE BfiACHIONiEA. individual example, resembles A.foliacea, but is less Hat, more cubical, and possesses the pecidiar upturned tooth in the median line, (xxxviii. 0.) Genus BEACHIOlSrUS. — Brachionsea which have a single cervical eye and a furcate foot. Figure compressed. Lorica closed at the sides ; open at the extremities like a tortoise-shell. Anterior and posterior margins usually dentate ; siuface either smooth or rough and tuberculated, the tubercles on the abdominal surface arranged in fouz- lines diverging posteriorly. The cuticle, which, according to Leydig, rests on a molecular layer, resists liquor potassse. The frontal processes or teeth are dentate on their inner edge. Animal able to withdraw itself within the lorica. Rotary organ simple, and, though often looking as if lobed, presenting an unbroken border, except when it is indented by descending to the mouth, whence this bilobed aspect ; a median lobe and two lateral ones arise from its free surface. On its right and left side are some eminences siu-mounted by long bristles, in addition to a long bristle projecting backwards from each lateral margin of the rotaiy organ. A granular mass, the supposed cerebral ganglion, supports the eye-speck, which is extended backwards into two points. A siphon, or tactile tube, terminated by a bunch of sette, projects from between the an- terior median teeth of the lorica. Two brown vesicles in front of the large muscular oesophageal bulb, in which are the toothed jaws ; a short oesopha- gus ; and a stomach, the latter composed of coloured ceUs, ciliated on their free sm-face. In front of the stomach two pedunculate glands. Intestine clear and ciliated. Contractile vesicle on the right of the cloaca, with two water-vascular canals proceeding from it to the neck, where they form a plexus and bear two tags. Ovary beneath the stomach. Eggs, according to Perty, of three sorts, viz. winter ova, summer ova, and ova bearing male embryos. Ova attached to the exterior of the animal. B. Pala, B. urceolaris, and B. rubens sometimes increase in such quantities as to render the water milky and turbid. Several species are infested with Vorticella, Epistylis, and other parasites, which attach themselves to their shells. Like Asplanchna, Euchlanis, and others, the genus Brachionus has acquii-ed great additional interest from the discovery amongst some of its species of the distinct sepa- paration of the sexes. The male BracMoni present a different form to that of the female, resembKng, in this respect, Asplanchna Sieboldii rather than A. Bnghtwellii and Hydatina senta, in which the difference of external con- tours is mainly one of size. The multiplying discoveries of separate sexes amongst the Eotifera, combined with the manifest absence of male organs in the numerous individuals provided with ovaries, renders it increasingly probable that all the Eotifera wiU finally be demonstrated to be bisexual or dioeceous. Brachionus Pala. — Lorica smooth, ■with four spines in front, and two obtuse ones near the opening for the foot. Toes of the foot apparently bifid. This crea- ture swims m a perpendicular position, the brow being directed upwards. Eacli taw has five teeth ; the alimentary canal leing constricted, forms a stomach. Length l-,30" : lorica only 1-48" (xxxix. 14, f5). ' . B. amjjhiceros. — Has a smooth lorica, with four spines, in fi-ont and poste- riorly ; four sharp posterior teeth are characteristic. 1-72 . B. urceolaris (Brachiontts urceolaris, M.).— Whitish ; lorica smooth, with six very short spines in front; posterior ex- tremity rounded ; lorica slightly granu- lated ; its points arc shorter and less shai-p than in the following species • delicate longitudinal ridi^es proceed from' the spines j the jaws have each five tooth. The males of Brachionus urceolaris, according to Perty, are developed from smaller ova than the females, these eggs being also adherent to the parent in greater numbers. They are very spho- 710 SYSTEMATIC HISTOBY OF TILE INFTJSOEIA. rical, reacliing 1-50"' in len^h and 1-67"' in diameter. Their shell is more deli- cate and the contents clearer and more transparent, as well as of a pale yellowish hue instead of the duslrv grey of the female ova. The former likewise contain fewer gi-anules. The development by fission similar in both. When the egg is mature, it continues to be pale and transparent. The red eye-speck exhibits itself ; but the maxillary apparatus, seen in the female ovum, is wantmg. On the other hand, two or three heaps of dark gi-anules occur, not seen ru the females. The embryo escapes from the ovum by a transverse ruptm-e, and is then seen to have a different contom' from the female. It is but one-third the size of the latter, being, when extended, but 1-27"' to 1-22"' long, and from 1-60"' to 1-55"' broad. It is destitute of a firm lorica ; short, cylindrical ; pro- longed anteriorly into a short head, separated by a constriction fe-om the trunk ; prolonged posteriorly into a short tubular foot about one-fifth the length of the body. Head crowned by a flat- tened disc, with a wide expanding mar- gin, clothed with long vibrating cilia and a few non-vibratile bristles. Cilia moving with extraordinary velocity, pre- venting many being seen at once ; but a little strychnine added to the water checks their action and facilitates theu- observation. No mouth is present; hence the ciliaiy wreath is not twined inwards at the oral fissiu'e ; the alimentary appa- ratus is wholly wanting. A large pyi'i- form vesicular testicle, 1-100"' in length, occupies the middle of the body ; it is filled with small dark moving spenna- tozoa. The wall of the testicle is vei-y thick, and elongated at its upper extre- mity into a thick cylindrical band, which is attached to the cephalic disc. Pos- teriorly the testicle is striated longitu- dinally, and is perforated by an aperture opening into a wide spermatic duct con- ducting to the penis. The latter organ is a short tube usually laid free on the foot and nearly extending to its extre- mity ; its internal canal and outer mar- pin equally fm-nished with vibratile cilia. The foot is transversely wrinkled, and ends in two small toes. Near the root of the penis are two club-shaped glands which pour their secretion into its canal ; near these is also a contractile vesicle with two wator-cannls and tlicir ap- endod tags. Several spherical ocll-liKe odies occur near the licnd, — the larger of these, the supposed cerebral ganglion, supporting the eye-spot. Two or three vesicles of uncertain character, filled with dark gi-anules, rest on the testicle near its lower end. The males are much rarer than the females, and are not seen after the end of May. In fresh and brackish waters. Length of females from 1-96" to 1-72". (xxxix. 10-20; XL. 20-23.) B. ruhms (B. urceolark, M.). — Lorica smooth, with six sharp spines in front, posteriorly rounded; the body is red, 1-50". Dujardin supposes this to be a variety of B. urceolmts. Leydig recog- nizes its distinctness, (xxxvm. 7.) B. Miilleri (Miillei-^s Bradnomis). — Lorica smooth, with six obtuse spines in . fi'ont, two short ones behind, resembling papillfe. This species is somewhat larger than B. urceolm-is, and has peculiarly- shaped fi'ontal spines. The margin of the chin (brow) is smoothly truncate, with three faint indentations. The lorica is veiy ti-ansparent. 1-60". According to Mr. Gosse, the B. hq)tatoimis found in sea-water is identical with this species. (XXXIX. 13.) B. brevispt7itis. — Lorica smooth, having six acute imequal spines in fi-out, and fom' stout spines posteriorly, the two inner ones short ; two sexual glands and a conti'actile vesicle ai-e present. In slow nmning clear water, with Con- ferva?. 1-65". B. BaJceri (M.). — Lorica rough, its middle tessellated on the dorsal smface ; six unequal acute teeth anteriorly, two elongated (lateral and dorsal) spines posteriorly, and short ones at the sheath of the foot. The lorica is covered with delicate granules ; those upon the middle of the venti-al siuface are arranged in pai-aUel but somewhat cm^ed lines. 1-220" to 1-60". (xxxvm. 8, 9, 10-17; XL. 16.) "The following interesting observa- tions as to the development of this spe- cies have been communicated to me by ft friend, an accurate and diligent observ-er of natm-e : — About two o'clock B. Ba- licri was observed with one egg placed externally between the two posterior spines of the shell, and another small egg in the left side of the animal, which increased much in size in the course of the day. At nine in the evening a motion' was perceived in the extenor egg like that of the muscular oesophagii's of the parent; and about this time the internal egg was protruded and iilaccd by tlie side of the other, being longer than it. At eleven the young Brachiontu or THOS UUACHIONiliA. 7ii burst with a bound from the egg in which the motion was perceived, and athxed itself by its tail to the lunette. At first it had the appearance of an oblong ball ; by degrees the anterior part spread, and the wheel processes were developed. Soon after, the posterior shell- processes were visible in a semilimar shape, with the points nearly touching each other, which gTadually expanded. The shell of the egg remained attached to the pai'ent in the same position, quite transparent, with a longitudinal split through the whole length." (Brightwell, op. cit.) B. poly acanthus (M.). — Lorica smooth, ha^ang anteriorly fom* long dorsal teeth or spines, six short ones at the margin of the chin ^ventral), and posteriorly five dorsal spmes, the two external or lateral ones veiy long. xxxv. 499-501 represent dorsal, side, and under views of this animal, — the first having the wheels extended, and the side view showing the siphon or so-called respi- ratory tube and an ovum attached. Length, without spines, 1-110". xxxvni. 14, 15 represent diagrams of the head. B. militaris, — Lorica with smface divided into twelVe regular pentagonal facettes, according to Cohn ; its anterior border with several spinous processes; and posteriorly is a deep median ex- cavation with a cm-ved horn on each side. The spines, 10 in nimiber (not 12 as affii-med by Ehi-enberg), viz. 2 lateral, 4 abdominal, and 4 dorsal, the latter the largest ; head larger than that of JB. 7ir- ceolaris, expanded in a funnel-shaped manner, surroimded by a circlet of cUia ; its eversion is checked by the stiff' spines of the lorica. Foot smaller and shorter than in B. urceolaris. Oesophageal bulb quadrangular. On each spine forming tlie outer posterior angle of the lorica is a circular pit with well-defined nwgin ; from this proceeds a bimch of short bristles. Muscles of foot and head stiiped transversely. Contractile sac very largo, occupying two-thirds of the abdominal cavity on the right side of the animal ; it consists of two chambers, the ovate posterior one being the larger, their con- tractions being alternate ; the posterior one opens into the cloaca by a short duct. On mingling coloured matter with the water, Cohn observed that on each sj'stole or contraction a stream escaped from the sac, through the cloacal open- ing, and that on the diastole this move- ment was reversed, indicating a respi- ratoi-y action, (xxxrx. 21, 22 represent the abdominal and dorsal surfaces of the female.) The ova are of three sorts : — 1. Winter ova, 1-21'" long, 1-33"' wide, elliptic, with thick, leathery, opaque waUs, the yelk not occupying the poles (xxxrs. 23) ; 2. Ordinary or simimer ova, of similar dimensions, but vnth thin transparent walls ; 3. Male ova, only 1-34"' long and 1-42"' broad (xxxrx. 24). Shell thin. Yelk subdividing in the usual way, and developing an em- bryo provided with a red eye, and two dark specks, but no maxillary organs. Cohn saw only one specimen freed fi'om the egg, and that imperfectly. It ap- peared similar to the male of B. ur- ceolaris. B. Oon (Gosse). — Lorica ovate, the back swelling with a imifoi-m curve, by which it is distinguished fi'om B. Pala, which is ti'uncate or slightly clavate posteriorly ; anterior spines fom*, straight, wide at the base, and pointed ; the occi- pital pail- taller than the lateral. Lorica 1-125". B. Dorcas. — Lorica ovate or sub-coni- cal ; occipital edge with fom- long slender spines, the middle pair cmwing foi-wards, and bent first from, and then towai'da each other, like the homs of an antelope 5 mental edge imdidated, with a notch in the centre. Lorica 1-60". (xl. 11 re- presents a newly-bom female, and fig. 12 a newly-bom male.) B. anrjularis. — Lorica in the female hexagonal-oval in the dorsal aspect ; occi- pital edge with two small teeth, divided by a roimded notch (in some specimens there ai-e obsolete traces of a lateral pair) ; mental edge slightly undidated, sometimes with two low points, divided by a notch like the occiput, but still more faintly; posterior exti-cmity with two short, blunt, well-marked processes. The general suriiice is roughened with angular ridges, and is sometimes sub- opaque and brown. Lorica 1-200". This cmious species has relations with Koteus and witli Pterodina. (xi,. 19 represents a mule of this species. ) Genus PTERODINA. — The winged Rotatoria include sucli Rracliioncca as have two frontal eyes and a simple styliform foot projecting from the middle of the body. All the sjiccies have a siuootli, flat, and soft lorica, like a tor- toiac-ehcll, with curved margins ; as also a more or less double rotajy appa- 712 SYSTEMATIC HISTOKY OF THE INFUSOKIA. ratus, and a simple foot with a suction-disc and sometimes a birnch of cilia at its extremity. P. elliptica has a hairy process projecting between the two lobes of the rotary organ, and P. Patina has a rounded prominence in a similar position on the dorsal surface. Muscles, often transversely striated, occur in aU the species, as also a constricted alimentary canal with glandular appen- dages and an ovarium. Some have a contractile vesicle and a water- vascular system. Ptebodina Patina (Brachionus Pa- tina, M.). — Figure roimd, or oval com- {)ressed. Lorica membranous, crystal- ine, somewhat scabrous near its broad mai'gin, and slightly excavated anteriorly between the two lobes of the rotary organ. The latter not double, as de- scribed by Ehrenberg, but with an an- terior and posterior depression, from the latter of which extends a single rounded process. Cilia in two rows, prolonged to the oesophageal bidb. Stomach ciliated internally, widely expanded posteriorly. Short intestine also ciliated, and termi- nating at the base of the foot. Two pyriform glands in front of the stomach. Two red specks opposite the margin of the rotary organ ; theu' red pigment has a sharp spherical figure ; according to Leydig, an obvious refracting body pro- jects from the anterior convex edge of each. Two large longitiidinal muscles. On each side of the stomach a water- vascidar canal, but without either tags or contractile sac. Ovary horseshoe- shaped. Free extremity of the foot with a bundle of setae. This animal was noticed by Perty to have the peculiarity of assiuning an ap- parently lifeless state for half an horn* or an hour at a time, lying in one spot, often on the sm-face of the water, with no other sign of life than that afforded by movements of the oesophageal cilia, and occasionally of the jaws. This species is veiy delicate and tran- sparent. XXXV. 502 represents a side view, and 503, 504 under views, — ^the latter having the wheels extended, the fonner having them withdrawn, and the anterior margin bent in, so that the eyes appear near the middle of the lonca. The internal organization is further shown in xxxvm. 29. Found in sum- mer among Lemnee and Ceratophylla. Length about 1-120", P. elliptica. — Lorica membranous, el- liptical, with a narrow, smooth margin, fi'ont entire (not excised). The two wheels imited by a brow furnished with setse. Eyes distant.' Amongst Con- fei-vffi. 1-120" to 1-108". P. clypeata {Bracliionus clypeatm, M.). — Lorica membranous, oblong, narrow, smooth at the mai'gin ; there is a frontal portion, or brow, connecting the two wheels, but no sette. The eyes approxi- mate, (xxxv. 505 a dorsal view, with the wheels extended.) In sea-water. Length 1-120" j the sheH 1-144". The next genus, Pompholyx, instituted by Mr. Gosse, is considered by him to be a member of this family. Genus POMPHOLYX (Gosse, A. N. H. 1851, vol. viii.). — Two frontal eyes ; foot wanting ; rotary organ double in the rear, entire in front ; eggs attached behind after deposition. The name alludes to the resemblance of the lorica to a round flat smelling-bottle. to a central blunt point; mental ridge with two rounded lobes, divided by a centi'al notch. Lorica 1-300". Pompholyx complanata. — Lorica much depressed, nearly circular, with the lateral edges rounded ; anteriorly truncate ; occipital edge gi'aduaUy rising Of the ensuing genera, established by Ehrenberg, we have only met with the description of species ; of one, indeed, with only a sketch of its relations. Genus LARELLA (Elir.).— The foUo-ning species of this new genus, the characters of which we have not met with, is named by Ehrenberg. Lahella KscM. — Body with equal eyes. Length 1-190" to 1-280". Berlin, setre, and three long fine hairs placed on Wcrneck has also seen this species, each side the mouth, with two frontal OF THE TAHBIGEADA. 713 Genus TETRASIPHON (Ehf.).— We have not met with the detail of the generic characters, but they may be gathered from the description of the follomng species : — Tethasiphon Hijdrocora. — Very dentate, with the oblique rotary organ large, hyaline, with two prominent tu- of Fleurotrocha. Foot with slender, long bular occipital organs, and other two and acute toes; eye occipital. Length neai- the termination of the back; pan- 1-36" and upwai'ds. Berlin, creatic glands fom*, globose; jaws bi- Genus DIPODINA. — Characters uriknown. DiPonrNA Artiscon (Ehr.) (Mentioned in Reports of Zoology, Ray Society). — Approaches Notommata, but differs by a particular constriction of its tarsal nip- pers (toes). Found by Ehrenberg at vVismar, on the Baltic. The genus Poltchjetus (XXXYIII. 31, 32) of Perty is supposed by Leydig to be a Crustacean. Cyphonatttes is also regarded by the same observer as dubious ; whilst, as we have already observed, he regards Ptygura and Oleno- phora as undeveloped forms of other species. OF THE GROUP TARDIGRADA. The creatures thus named are introduced here as a group, inasmuch as they cannot be included amongst the Rotatoria. Some remarks on theii- organiza- tion wUl be found in Part I. (p. 482) of this work ; and here I shall introduce farther particulars, chiefly derived from the first edition of this work (1834), p. 182, and from Dujardin's Hist, des Infusoires, p. 661. They have oblong bodies, contracted into a ball; furnished with four pairs of short feet or mammilliform processes, each terminated by simple or double hooked claws • mouth very narrow, siphon-shaped ; with an internal maxillary apparatus composed of two lateral moveable pieces, and of a strong musciilar oesophageal bulb, furnished with hom-Hke dental articulated processes. The Tardigrada stand on the one side between the Rotatoria (Systolides Ihtj.) and the Helminthidse, and on the other between the Annelida and Arachnida. These creatures are usually found attached to aquatic plants which float upon still water. I first obtained them from ponds in the Regent's Pai-k By placing some water with the plants in a common white hand-basin and shaking the vegetation, they are detached and ftdl to the bottom of the basin from whence they are readily taken. They are generally met with, in com- pany with the larger Itinds of Rotatoria, in moss. They are vciy sluggish in their movements, and arc commonly known under the name of " little water- bears." Under the polarizing microscope the manducatory apparatus exhibits the same appearance as horn. They are capable of resuscitation after bein^ dried. They vary in length from 1-20" to 1-50". ^ M. Doyke, in an elaborate Memoir in the ' Annales des Sciences ' has divided the Tardigrada into four genera : — ' Genus EMYDIUM.— Body oval, anterior part narrow, and terminating in a pointed mouth, near to wliich, on each side, are flesh-like papilla. Feet 714 SYSTEMATIC niSTOBY OF THE INFUSOmA. armed with four distinct claws ; colom* reddish. Found among moss (Bryum) (Kgs. 1, 2.) Genus MACROBIOTTJS. — Body more cylindrical ; obtuse anteriorly ; no setoe ; each foot furnished with two claws, round with the preceding ; also in rivulets. (See fig. 6.) Genus TARDIGRADA. — Body stout, oblong ; mouth not so sharply pointed, Pound in stagnant water, on aquatic plants, and on the Hyimum Jluitans. (See figs. 3, 4, 6.) Genus MIL!N1SSIUM. — Characters unknown. For further particulars consult the General History, at p. 482 of this work. TAEDIGEADA, OE XITTLE WATEE-BEAES. Fig. 1. Emydium, magnified 130 diameters. Fig. 2. Head of the same, magnified 300 times. Figs. 3, 4. Tardigrada, mngm&&di\Q>0 times. Fig. .'5. Head of same, magnified 300 times. Fig. 6. Mouth apparatus of Macrobiotus, gi-eatly magnified. OP XHB DESMIDIEJE. 715 OF THE GEOUP BACILLARIA. Sub-group DESMIDIE^ ok DESMIDIACE^. (Page 1, Plates I., II., III., XVI.) [Class Alg^, Order Chlorospermece, Family Desmidiacece of Botanists.] Cells of two symmetrical valves, devoid of silex, mostly figured, their junc- tion marked by a pale interruption of the endochrome, frequently also by a constriction ; increasing by the formation of two new half-cells, which become interposed between the older, so that the two newly-produced cells consist each of a new and an old half-cell ; the transverse division complete or incom- plete, the cells thus either free or forming a filament ; endochi'ome green, occasionally converted into ciliated zoospores (in the single known instance, escaping by an aperture at the apex of one or more specially formed lateral tubes) ; reproduction by conjugation of the contents of two distinct cells, and the formation of sporangia, the contents of which, in after-development, be- come segmented into a definite number of individualized portions, the last generation of which are set free by the bursting or solution of the containing membrane, and become the first fronds of a new vegetative cycle. "We believe the foregoing diagnosis will apply to and include aU the species which we look upon as imdoubtedly belonging to this family, and which are introduced into this work. The claims of the genera Cylindrocystis and Mesotaenium, as true members of the Desmidiaceae, not appeai-ing, so far as we can judge, to be satisfactorily established, they are omitted. The wonderful variety of form and beautiful symmetrical diversity of out- line of the members of this family have been dilated on at length in the General Histoiy. It seems to us, with regard to the mode of cell-division in the true species of this family, that, normally, the preliminary step in the process is the separation of the ceU-contents and the formation of a septum at the central suture, the two halves of the contents becoming thus indi- vidualized, whereupon ensues the growth and extension of the primordial utricle and contents, concurrently with the production of the intermediate cell- wall ultimately to form the two new segments, and either complete sepa- ration taking place, or the cells remaining united in more or less brittle filaments. Many of the species, probably aU, seem to be liable to an abnormal mode of growth, resulting from the incomplete carrying out of this process, when the new growth foi-ms an intermediate, frequently misshapen structure, pro- ducing with the original segments but one uniutcii-uptcd cavity, — tliis ii-regu- larity seeming to be primarily due to the omission of the formation of the septimi on the recommencement of the vegetative growth (III, 61, G2) : vide Mrs. H. Thomas, J. M. Sci. vol. iii. pi. 6. figs. 17 & 18 ; also M. do Brebisson, Liste, ifec. pi. 1, fig. 15 ; and Mr. W. Archer, Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Dub. 1859* vol. ii, pi. 1. figs. 9-15.) An inspection of several of the latter figures will' however, show that the intervening stnicture, in the first iustance (from the foregoing cause, as wo imagine) rendered abnormal, is not always absolutelj^ shapeless or irregular in its form, but sometimes, its axis of growth striking off at right angles to that of tlic older segments, assumes the form and often the size of an entire frond. Sometimes, indeed, not only is the axis of growth 716 8TSTEMATIC HISTOEY OF THE INFU80BIA. at right angles to that of the original segments, but its plane of expaasion is at right angles to their plane. In each of these latter cases the entire ab- normal specimen, therefore, forms a cross, — the interior here, of course, as well as in those cases where the intervening growth does not assume any definite outline, making but one uninterrupted cavity (III. 61), The omission of the formation of a septum, however, can only be looked on as the primaiy cause of the aberration, the curious change in the direction of the new growth not necessarily following, as the figures, pi. 1. f. 9-11 (loc. cit.) seem to prove (III. 62). The assertion that zoospores occur in this family is based upon the observa- tions made by Mr. W. Archer on Dociclium Ehrenbergii (Ralfs), and recorded and figured in Proceedings Nat. Hist. Soc. Dublin, February 1860 ; also Nat. Hist. Review, July 1860. These observations, though unfortunately and unavoidably not so fuU in their details as the interest of the case would lead us to wish for, seem to warrant the assumption that the species of this family may be occasionally propagated by zoospores, predicating of the family that which seems to hold m the species in question {Dociclium Elirenbergii). Pedi- astreae are of course not taken into accoimt. Briefly, the phenomenon alluded to is as follows (III. 46, 47) : — From beneath the base of one of the segments, either one, two, or three (the latter rarely) lateral tubercle -hke projections are formed, originating not from any portion of the segment itself, but from an extension thereto produced between the inflated base and the sutural line. When more than one is formed, they are usually opposite, but sometimes side by side. A gradual elongation of the projection (or projections) then takes i)lace, the endochrome in the immediate neighbourhood becoming finely granulai-, and filling what has now become an elongate lateral tube (or tubes) like the finger to a glove, the remainder of the endochrome being as yet not much altered, and the terminal clear space with the active granules being still in situ. The endochrome within the lateral tube and in its immediate neighbourhood now becomes segmented into a number of definitely bounded individualized portions, which presently one by one emerge through the opened apex of the lateral tube, and become associated together in an external cluster. The remaining endochrome now becomes di-awn into bands, turns brown, and speedily dies. The cluster of gonidia at the apex of the lateral tube now appear to have become encysted each within its own special coat ; and the green contents can be seen twisting backwards and forwards within the eon- fining membrane. After a time the contents emerge each from its cyst, by rupturing it, and slowly swim away as pyriform or ovate ciliated bodies, — as we apprehend, veritable zoospores. The author was entirely unacquainted with their after-history ; but they resemble so much, in their appearance, growth, and mode of escape from the parent-cell, the similar bodies in Cla- dophora, &c., which are indubitable zoospores, that we imagine there can be little question as to the nature and function of the bodies occurring in Doci- dium. It will be noticed that this phenomenon is altogether distinct from, and we believe in no way to be confounded with, that of the active molecular movement of the ultimate granular particles of the endochrome alluded to at pages 10 and 19 of the General History, — a circumstance which, indeed, some- times accompanied the special one here described, in Mr. Archer's specimens, but sometimes did not, and which is one of verj^ general occurrence imder other circimistances and in other cases, and has probably given rise to the assumption, often made in our English books, that zoospores occur Desmidiacea3. Nor is the production of zoospores here briefly descnbcd to be in any way confounded with the development of the parasitic plant Pi/thiMi entophytum (Pringshcim), nor of any species of Chytridium (Braun). The OF THE DESMIDIEiE. 717 former, indeed, is sometimes met with in various Desmidians, such as CIos- tmnum Lunula, &c., as well as other Algae. For a figure of this curious parasitic growth attacking E'mnosp/icera viridis (de ^Bxy) {^ChlorosphcBra Oliveri, Henfi-ey, the former name having, we are inclined to think, the priority), vide ' Micrographic Dictionary,' 2nd ed. pi. xlv. fig. 8. There can be httle or no doubt that some such parasite as that alluded to attacking a species of Closterium has given rise to Ehi-enberg's genus Polysolenia, admitted indeed into the Desmidiacese by Kiitzing, but which we here cannot but exclude. The act of conjugation and formation of sporangia is not uncommonly to be met with in several species. The after-development of the sporangium seems to have been but very rarely witnessed; and the statement made ia the diagnosis is founded on the account given by M. Hofmeister (Z. c), an extract from which is given at page 17 ; also on the very similar- account given by M. de Bary, ' Untersuchungen iiber die Familie der Conjugaten : ' vide pi. 6, showing the development of the sporangium of Cosmarium Botrytis (III. 48- 54), and of C. Meneghimi (III. 55-60), the number of sister-cells formed within the sporangium being fewer than in the instances cited by M. Hof- meister. But although, in the cases cited by M. de Bary, the ceUs resulting from the segmentation and individualization of the contents of the sporangium are eventually of a Cosmariiun-shape, it is, however, not until the young fronds commence self- division in the ordinaiy way, that the first-formed young segments whoUy assume the special characteristics of the species (III. 52, 53, 54 & 58, 59, 60). The nearest affinities of this family seem undoubtedly to be, on the one hand with the Diatomaeeae (with which fanuly, indeed, they were long associated), and on the other with the Zygnemacese (Conjugatse) ; while to the PalmeUaceae they also approach through the genus Penium, connected with CyUndrocystis and Mesotaenium = Palmogloea (Kg.). It will be at once seen that the following arrangement of the species is for the most part based on that laid down in Ealfs's ' British Desmidieae,' 1848, in addition to which the following works have been consulted :— Kiitzing's ' Species Algarum,' 1849 ; Nageli's ' EinzeUiger Algen,' 1849 ; Bailey's (Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge) ' Microscopical Observations made in South Carohna, &c.', 1850 ; Brebisson's ' Liste des Desmidie'es observees en Basse Normandic,' 1856 ; de Bary (op. cit.), 1858 ; Papers in ' Nat. Hist. Eeview,' by Rev. R. V. Dixon and by Mr. Archer, 1858-60. The first and second of a series of papers by Dr. G. C. Wallich, F.L.S., descriptive of some beautiful and interesting species of Desmidiaceae collected by him in Bengal, had just made their appearance (' Annals Nat. Hist.' March and Api-U, I860) when we were obliged to go to press. It has seemed to us more advisable to OTTiit any description of those species than to introduce a few only without having it in our power to do so with the whole. In indicating the soiu-ces whence we have been able to derive information as to foreign species, it is our pleasing duty to acknowledge the generous and courteous assistance of M. de Brebisson in aff"ording by letter the requisite information which that distinguished and experienced observer has so largely at his disposal, and without which our own acquaintance with the Continental forms not kno-\vn in this country would have been far more circumscribed. The following genera included in this family by Kiitzing in ' Species Algarum ' are here excluded, as we conceive either that they are not truly Desmidian, or the unnecessaiy splitting up of older genera : — Trochiscia, excluded ; Tetraedi-on, excluded ; Pithiscus = Cosmarium pyra- midatum (Breb.); Stauroceras = Closterium, in part; Polysolenia {E.j = a. 718 SYSTEMATIC mSTOEY OP THE INFUSOMA. Closteritim attacked by a parasitic growth (?) ; Microthcca, excluded ; Poly- edi-ium, excluded ; Zygoxanthium = Xanthidium, in part; Phycasti-um, Aste- roxanthium, Stephanoxanthiumj=Staurastruni ; Grammatonema, a diatom' Bambusina = Didymoprium Borreri ; Isthmosira = Sphajrozosma ; Eucampia', a diatom; GemineUa, excluded; Eaphidium = Ankistrodesmus ; Oocardium^ excluded. ' The other genera included by Kiitzing are placed here as a distinct group, Pediastreae. ' Didymocladon (JRalfs) seems not distinguished from certain Staurastra by characteristics sufficient to separate it from them ; we have therefore united them, in which we follow Brebisson. As to the new or altered genera proposed by Nageli and de Baiy, founded rather on the mode of disposition of the endochrome than on the external form, although we do not venture to deny its probably great importance, yet it seems to us that the characters relied on are in many instances not sufficiently constant for the purpose, as well as that several of the known Desmidian species could not be satisfactorily or indubitably referred to the particular genus to which, judging from analogy, they ought to belong ; neither, indeed, does it seem, so far as we can judge, that those writers are themselves satisfied as to the proper place of certain species, nor does the system, as yet, appear quite without the disadvantage of disassociating kindred forms. We believe we are fortified in the opinion we here endeavour to express by that of M. de Brebisson. The genera Cylindrocystis and Mesotsenium are here omitted from this family, as theu- claims to admission scarcely seem as yet indubitable ; moreover, there seems to us little certainty as to the limitation of the species hitherto described by Kiitzing and others. If we have omitted some of the species described by the various authore before cited, it is fi-om a conviction that, when either not satisfied as to their absolute distinctness, or unfui-nished with what we could look upon as suffi- ciently exact details, it was the safest course we could pursue, — as it seemed to us better to leave out a few species, than to insert them with a description which, owing most likely to our own want of perception, might prove insuf- ficient or inaccurate. On the other hand, some may think we have admitted too many species, and that certain of the forms hereafter described may be but " varieties " of whichever may be assumed as the typical specific form ; but in this conclusion we cannot coincide, as we are disposed to believe that the species hereafter described (with possibly, indeed, a few rare exceptions) are quite distinct, and, at least so far as British or Irish species are concerned, are always perfectly distinguishable. An ingenious method of succinctly expressing by means of symbols the ex- ternal characteristic forms of the genera Tetrachastrum, Micrasterias, and Euastrum, was propounded in a paper by Rev. R. V. Dixon, read to Nat. Hist. Soc. Dub., 3rd June, 1859. We append his own explanation, as the best that could be given : — " The typical mode of division [in the genera above named] (as exempUfied m Emstinim pinnatum, E. oblongiim, &c.) appears to bo into three portions or subdivisiom, — the first, next the line of separation of the segments, extend- ing across the frond, and embracing the two basal lobes ; the second including the median lobes ; and the third, the extreme or end lobe. Tliis last, or tliird subdivision, is the most constant. The two former are frequently represented by a mere sinuosity or shallow indentation where the tlurd is distinctly deve- loped ; but we never find the first 8ubdi^dsion distinct, and the second and third imperfectly separated. The whole three, indeed, may bo merely marked by slight sinuosities, as in Emstnim cuneatum ; but if any one is separated, it OP THE DESMIDIEiE. 719 is the thii'd. And this, I may observe, is the order of development of the sub- divisions in the growing segment of the typical Micrasterias : the new seg- ment is fii-st hemispherical; the third subdivision is then developed; and afterwards the first and second are separated. " For the purposes of description these three subdivisions might be denoted by the letters a, h, c, and their partial or complete development marked as foUows : — ^When the subdivisions are distinctly separated, their symbols might be separated by commas, thus, a, 6, c ; when any two or more are merely marked by a sinuosity, they may be represented thus, a'^b ; and if there is no trace of sepai-ation, thus, ah ; and if, at the same time, the direction of the lines separating the subdivisions wei'e noted, the full description as regards the divisions of the segments would be given. Thus — [See page 721.] CONSPECTUS OF THE GENEEA. P o .2 .2 S ° s % /Joints manv times /t-,., , , . ' longer than ' broad ; neither constricted nor ■ with lateral teeth or projections. tached Filament attached., /Filament cylindri- cal or subcylin- drical Jointa mostly broader than long, seldom slightly longer than broad; more or less con- stricted, or with lateral teeth or angles, or other- wise figured.... i. ^Joints not con- stricted . . . Joints more or loss deeply constricted . ^Endochrome arranged in spiral bands Endochrome a simple central longitudinal contracted band , . . r Endochrome a single •j longitudinal flatten- [ ed band ''Joints constricted or with a projecting an- nular rim at one or ■\ both ends Joints with a bidentate process or angle at opposite sides Filament 3-4-angu- lar ; joints having the external margin plane or sHghtly cre- nated, united to each other by projections springing from the outer portion of each extremity, thus pro- ducing intervening I central foramina . . . ( Filament 3-4-angu- lar or compressed ; joints either closely united by a thick- ened border for their entire end-margin, or by projections producing interven- ing central foramina, as in last Filament compressed ; joints unitecl to each other by minute tu- bercles or gland- like processes Filament compressed or 3-angular ; joints without intermedi- ate tubercles or pro- oesses Genicularia. gonatoztgon. Leptocystinema. Hyalotheca. DiDYMOPRIUM. Aptoqonum. Desmidium. Sph.erozosma. Spondylosium. 720 SYSTEMATIC HISTOBY OF THE IWFUaOHIA. '' Fronds deeply con- stricted ; seg- ments more or less deeply lobed, or if merely im- dulate or taper- ing, the ends acutely notched.. Frond often as broad as long, rarely, if ever, as much as three times longer than broad. Sporan- gia mostly orbi- cular and spi- nous, rarely orbi- cular or quadrate and naked Fronds distinctly, mostly deeply, constricted ; seg- ments mostly en- tire, or if some- what undulate, the ends not notched Segments 3-lobed, lateral lobes attenuated, their apices entire or bifid. . . TETnACHASTHCM. Segments 3-5-lobed, la- teral lobes expanded, incised, their external margins dentate or rarely sinuate Micrastrrias. Segments 3-5-lobed, or sometimes only late- rally emarginat« or si- nuate, undulate or tapering ; lateral lobes rounded, entire, or si- nuately emarginate ; end-lobe mostly cen- trally emarginate or concave, the segments with variously disposed inflated circular promi- nences (the two latter characters never simul- taneously absent*) . . . Euastrum. Segments not lobed, en- tire, mostly rounded, rarely undulate at the margin, ends never emarginate, sometimes with ar solitary central inflated prominence on each front surface ; without spines or pro- cesses Segments compressed, entire, spinous, with a central circular, cylin- drical, or conical pro- jection on both iront surfaces Segments compressed, en- tire, either with two or with four acute teeth or simple or geminate subulate spines placed on the external angles or prominences, with- out a central projec- tion Arthrodesmus. Segments in e. v. angular or radiate Staurastrum. COSMARIUM. Xanthidium. Frond mostly many times, rarely less than three times, longer than broad. Sporangia smooth {Penium, annulahtm and Spirotania mm- cicola are some- times not more than twice as long as broad) ... \ f Frond dis- tinctly con- _ stricted at the middle. Segments in- f Ends trilobed. flatcd at the ] base y Ends truncate. Segments not inflated at the base . . . Ends notched. ^ Frond cun-ed or arcuate, not constricted Frond straight, ends truncate or rounded, scarcely or not at all constricted Frond straight or nearly so, endochrome spi- rally twisted « Euaatnm creuatinn (Kg.) is perhaps an exception. Frond either not at all constricted, or with a slight and _ gradual attenua- ' tion towards the middle Triplockras. docidicm. Tktmkmorcs. CliOSTERIVM. Pknium. Spirot.knia. OF THE DESMIDIE^. 72i [Prouisionally included.^ Cells elongate, attenuated, entii-e, aggregated into faggot-like bundles... Ankistrouksjius. Cells rounded, compressed, deeply constricted, stipitate Cosmooladium. " Euastrum cuneatum would be represented by a'^b^c. Euastrum pinnatum, „ „ ct, b, c, parallel. Euastrum oUongum, „ „ a, b, c, siibradial. Micrasterias denticulata, „ „ a, b, c, radial. EuaMmm pectinatum, „ a'^b, c, parallel. Tetracbastrum „ „ ab, c, parallel." Tbe foUowing contractions are employed, whicb may require explanation : — f. v., front view ; s. v., side view ; e. v., end view ; tr. v., transverse view ; e. f., empty frond; L., length, B., breadth, of fr'ond. The measurements are expressed in so many fractions of inch by the use of two acute marks, thus, L. 1-598"= length of frond 5-^th of an inch. In most of the foreign species we are without the data to give measurements. G.B., Great Britain ; I., Ire- land ; r., France ; G., Germany ; U.S.A., United States of America, refer- ring to the record of the occiirrence of the species in those countries. It is beheved that even this rough attempt at an indication of the distribution of these organisms may not be altogether without its use. Doubtless many occur, and perhaps different forms, in other countries of Europe ; and information is much wanted in this respect as to other parts of the world. Where a species occurs under another name in the works above cited, we have, as far as possible, given the synonym, but should it occui' there under the same name, it is not repeated. The characters piinted in italics are such as immediately distinguish each species from its nearest allies, and, the genus being known, are probably those which should be first consulted ; but it is always requisite to perase the whole of the characters applicable to each species and genus, with a view to render the identification accurate. A. Plant an elongated jointed filament. Sporangia orbicular, smooth. 1. Joints many times longer than broad. Genus GENICULARIA (De Bary).— Filament cylindrical • joiats elongate, cylindrical, without a constriction or inflation, ends tnmcate ; endochrome arranged in two or three spiral bands upon the ceU-waU, sometimes irregular. Joints previous to conjugation disunited, and bent during the process ; spo- rangium placed between the empty conjugated joints. Genictjlaria spirotcenia (De Bary). rangium orbicular, smooth, placed be- - Joints ten or twenty times as long tween the conjugating joints, whicli are I as broad, very slightly enlarged towards bent into a knee-shape, with which it their ends, on the outer surface rough remains for some time in connexion, with minute scattered gi-amdes. Spo- " B. 1-1.S0"'-1-100.""' (in. 3.) G. Genus GONATOZYGON (De Bary).— FUament cylindrical ; joints elon- gate, slender, cylindrical or narrow-frisiform, without a constriction or in- flation, ends ti-uncate ; endochrome a single, central, longitudinal, undidatory, contracted band. Joints previous to conjugation disunited, and during the I process bent into a knee shape ; sporangium as last. GoNATozvooN Ralfsii (De Bnry). — what dilated, ten to twenty times aa 'Jomts cylindrical wiiii the ends some- long as broad, rough on the surface with 3 a 722 SYSTEMATIC HISTOKY OP THE DTFUSOHIA. minierous minute scattered graniiles; endochrome sometimes bifid at the ex- tremities, usually with a pale space at the centre, and with a longitudinal me- dian series of lighter-coloui'ed dense cor- puscles. Sporangixim same as preceding species, (in. 1,2.) L. 1-100" ; B. 1-2.350". Docidium aspenim (Ralfs) ; Leptocysti- nema aqyerum (Archer). G.B., I., F., G. G. Brebissonii (De B.). — Joints nar- row-fusiform, suhcapitate at ends, loosely united, often single, rough on the surface Avith minute scattered granules; endo- chrome usually with a pale space at the centi-e, and a median series of coi-puscles. Sporangium as preceding. JDocidhim asperu7n (Br6b.) ; Lop. Portti (Archer). L. 1-200" to 1-105"; B. 1-3500". I., F., G. /3 much smaller, and joints varying in length. Genus LEPTOCYSTINEMA (Archer).— Filament attached, cylindrical; joints elongate, cylindrical, slender, linear, without a constriction or inflation, ends truncate ; endochrome a longitudinal flattened hand. (No e\T.dent gela- tinous sheath.) A genus under the above name was founded by Mr. W. Ai'cher (Nat. Hist. Eev. vol. V. p. 250) for tbe reception of the single species now here included, as well as tbe two species of Gonatozygon (De B.), not being, however, then aware that De Bary bad previously established the latter genus in ' Hedwigia.' However, as the reproductive condition of Lcp. Kinaliani (Ai-cher) is yet unknown, we deem it more advisable to allow that species to remain under its original name, and, for tbe present at least, to retain tbe genus, distin- guishing it here from Gonatozygon by tbe filaments being attached (a singular circumstance in Desmidiacese), and tbe endochrome a flattened band. The species is very distinct indeed from tbe two preceding. Leptocystinema Kinahani (Archer). — Filament 2 to 3 inches long, often brealdng up into separate joints; joints 20 to 40 times as long as broad, linear, smooth ; endochrome in its broader dia- meter filling the entire width of the joint — in the narrower, not more than one-thu'd, occupying the centre of the joint, and at the centi'al pale space cm-ved towards the cell-wall, and hav- ing imbedded within it a longitudinal median series of globular, light-coloured, dense coi-puscles (one occupying the centre of the pale space), retracted at each end of the joint, leaving a clear space in which are active gramdes. Sporangiiun unknown. L. 1-200" to 1-50"; B. 1-1900". (m. 4.) I. 2. Joints mostly broader than long, very seldom slightly longer than broad. Genus HYALOTHECA (Ehr.).— Filament cylindrical, very gelatinous; joints having either a slight constriction, which produces a crenate appearance, or a grooved rim at one or both ends, which forms a bifid projection at each side ; end view circular ; endochrome radiate. H. mucosa (Ekr.). — Filament scarcely fragile, mucous sheath very broad ; joints about as broad as long, not constricted, but having at one of the ends a minuU bidentate projection "on each margin, the Hyatotheca dtssiliens (Br6b.). — Fila- ment fragile, crenate ; joints usually broader than long, tvith a shaUoto groove round each, dividing the endochrome into two portions. Sporangium globidar, smooth, placed within the persistent connecting tube fonned by the mutual fusion of a fresh extension ft'om, and produced between, the sides opposed to eacli other of the conjugating pairs of joints, the filament hai^mg previously oroken up into single joints, (n. 32 & 35). L. 1-2105" to 1-1351"; B. 1-1308" to 1-833". = Conferva dissih'ens (Smith), Olo'opriutn dissih'ens (Berk., lla.ss.), Ili/a- lothern mucosa (Kg.). G.B., I., F., G., U.S.A. adjoining end of the next joint bemg similar, these projections bein^ produced bv an aimidai- grooved rim. L. 1-12.50" to 1-G60"; B. 1-1250" to 1-1111"- = Conferva 7H?fcosa(Mert.,Hook.,Han-.), G/aoih ium 7nucosnin (Hass.), H. Jtaifsu (Kg.). G.B., I., F. H. P dubia (Kg.).— Filament without a mucous sheath (?); joints rather broader than long, vrith two puncta near each margin. G. OF THE DESMIDIEiE. 723 Genus DIDYMOPRIUM (Kg,).— Filament gelatinous, cylindrical, regu- larly twisted ; joints with a bidentate process or angle at each side ; end view circular, or broadly elliptic, with two opposite projections formed by the angles; endochrome radiate. DrDYMOPRiuMG'ret77Zw(K.g.). — Sheath distinct; joints broader than long, tcith a thickened border at their junction ; angles bidentate; teeth angular ; transverse view broadly elliptic. Sporangium orbicular, formed within one of the two conju- gating joints, the endochrome passmg over from one by a narrow connecting tube produced between the otherwise but little altered broken-up single joints. L. 1-464"; B. 1-4:7 0".=Desmidimn cij- lindricuni (aiict.), Arthrodesmus ? cyl. (Ehr.), Desmidium co^npressum (Corda), D. Grevillii (De B.). G.B., I., F., G., Prussia, U.S.A. Genus APTOGONUM (Ralfs). — Filament ^'k-angular ; joints not con- stricted, plane or crenated at the lateral margins, united only at the outer portions of each of their end margins by mutual projections, thus producing intervening central oval foramina. D. Botreri (Ealfs). — Joints inflated, barrel-shaped, longer than broad, without a thickened border at their junction ; angles bicrenate, crenatures rounded; transverse vieio circular. Sporangium elliptic, formed within the (for some time) persistent extensions from the conjugating joints, which do not previously break up into single joints, but couple, still imited in the filament, in a confused or zigzag manner, some of the joints remaining unchanged, (ii. 38, 39.) L. 1-939" ; B. 1-1030". = JSambusina Hrebissonii (Kg., Breb.). G.B., I., F., G., U.S.A. Aptogontjm Baileyi (Ealfs). — Joints in f. V. quadrangular, about as broad as long, their lateral margins plane; fora- mina broadly oval ; in e. v. triangular, angles somewhat rounded, (m. 5, e.v. 6.) U.S.A. Genus DESMIDIUM (Ag.). — Filament ^-A-angular or compressed, regu- larly twisted ; joints bidentate or bicrenate at the angles or lateral margins, and either closely united throughout the whole of their end margins by a thickened border, or only at the outer portion of each by mutual projections, and thus producing intervening central oval foramina. G.B., I., F., G., Italy, Sweden, U.S.A. D. quadrangidatum (Ralfs). — Filament quadrangidar, varying in breadth fi-om its twisting, having two longitudinal waved lines ; joints in f. v. broader than long, with ttvo someiohat roimded cre- natures on each lateral margin, imited by the whole of their end margins ; e. v. quadrangidar ; endochrome foiu'-rayed. (n. 37, 40.) L. 1-1244"; B. 1-603" to 1-455". = Z). quadrannulare (Kg.). G.B., F.,G., U.S.A. ' D. ttndtdatum (Corda). — Filament tri- angular; joints in f. v. vfiih. a slight central notch at each side, and/o«r broad crenatures at each lateral margin, united by the whole of their end niai'gius. D. didymum (Corda). — Filament tri- angidar ; joints in f. v. bidentate, broader than long, united by the whole of their end margins; e. v. triangular; angles acutely bifid. = Desmidium bijithim (Menegh,). G., Italy. DESMinnisi aptogonum (Br6b.). — Joints in f. v. qiiadi'angidar, broader than long, with two rounded crenature.s on each lateral mai'gin, imited at the outer portion only of each end margin by mutual projections, thus producing intervening central oval foramina. G.B., F., G., U.S.A. a. Filament triangular, regularly twisted, crenatures rounded. L. 1-1490" ; B. 1-1000". (m. 7, e. v. 8.) /3, filament compressed, crenatiues shal- lower, andslightly angular. L. 1-1295"; B. 1-925". =Aptogonu7n Desmidium (Ralfs). D. Swartzii (Ag.). — Filament trian- gular, equal, with a single longitudinal waved dark line formed by the third angle ; joints in front view somewhat quadrangular, broader than long, with two slightly angular crenatures on each lateral margin, united at the whole of their end margins by a thickened border ; end view triangular ; endochrome three- rayed. L. 1-2000" to 1-1666" ; B. 1-633". Genus SFHiEROZOSMA (Corda).— FUament compressed; joints deeply divided on each side, thus forming two segments, and giving a pinnatifid 3 A 2 724 SYSTEMATIC niSTOIlT OF THE INFUSOKIA. appearance to the filament, united to each other by minute tubercles or gland lihe processes. SpHiEiiozosMA vertehratiim (Ralfs) Joints as long as broad, constriction deep, acute ; segments reniform, gland-like processes oblique, solitary at the centre of each margin. A gelatinous sheath evi- dent. Sporangium spherical, smooth, placed between the empty segments, the filament previously to conjugation break- ing up into single joints. L. 1-1429"; B. 1-909" to 1-666". (i. 1^-17. ) = Sph. elegans (Corda, Hass.), Odontella imi- dentata (Ehr.), Isthmia vertebrata (Menegh.), Isthmosira vert. (Kg.). G.B., L, F., G., Italy, U.S.A. S. excavatum (Ealfs). — Joints longer than broad, subquadi'ate, very minute; constriction a deep roimded sinus on both sides, and two sessile gland-like pro- cesses on each margin at their junction; Genus SPONDYLOSIUM (Breb.)- joints deeply divided on each side, thus pinnatifid appearance to the filament, processes. ST?om)Yr^osivusto7natomorj)hum (Br.). — Joints about one-third broader than long, constriction deep, segments reni- form, ends broadly rounded; no sheath. =Isthmia stomatomorpha (Menegh.). F. S. ptdchrmn (Bail. sp.). — Joints twice as broad as long, constriction not deep, acute, segments elliptic ; junction margins sti'aight, forming short connecting bands ; gelatinous sheath wide. = Sphcerozosma pulchrum (Bail.). U.S.A. S. pulchellum (Archer). — Filament minute, fragile ; joints about as broad as long, sharply incised; segments laterally inflated at the base, thus giving a pouting appearance to the joint, narrotoing to the ends, which are straight, with square angles ; endochrome containing in each segment a single, centi-al, lighter- coloiu-ed, globular coi-puscle. No evi- dent gelatinous sheath. L. 1-2330"; angles sometimes with three very minute teeth ; no evident gelatinous sheath- Sporangium elliptic, placed between the empty joints, the filament previously brealdng up. L. 1-2575"; B. 1-30.50". = Isthmosira excavata (Kg.). G.B., I., F., U.S.A. S.flliforme (Ehr.). — Joints about as long as broad; constriction acute; seg- ments elliptic, and imited by doubk slender processes which include a quadrate foramen between each pair. = Isthmosira flUforjnis (Kg.). G. S. lamelliferum (Corda). — Joints about one-third broader than long, constriction deep, slightly rounded within ; segments incurved, reniform ; connecting processes " flattened," coloiu-less ; a gelatinous sheath. G. -Filament compressed or ^-angular ; forming two segments, and giving a and luithout intermediate tubercles or B. 1-2330". (m. 10.) I. S. depressum (Breb.). — Joints some- what broader than long, subquadrate, constriction a rounded sinus, angles roimded, ends sti-aight, fmiiished at end margin on upper sm"face with three immded protuberances; "no sheath." (ra. 9.) F. S. serratum (Bailey, sp.). — Joints broader than long, constriction a tiian- gular notch; segments forming lateral tiiangular acute jirojections, thus giving a serrated outline to the filament ; junc- tion margins straight. = Spht at the central sinus, whch « smooth. L. 1-16"'; B. l-S3-". = I>y- sphinctiuni striolatum (i^'d^.). 0. C. o>-6!«<;rti:«;» (Ralfs).— Frond minute, in f. v., twice as long as broad ; constnc- tion deep; segments .'spherical, rough all over, except at the neck-like contrac- tion, with pearlv granules ; e. v. circular. OF THE DESMlDIEiE. 735 Sporang-ium orbicular, spinous; spines short, stout, conical. L. 1-498" to 1-454" ; B. 1-750". =Peniimi orhiculatum (Kg.). G.B., F. 2 1 Frond smooth. C. moniliforme (Ralfa). — Fi'ond mi- nute, in f. V. twice as long as broad ; constiiction deep ; segments spherical, smooth; e. V. circidai". L. 1-617"; B. 1-1131". = Tessarthronia mmnlifonnis (Turp.), Tessarthra moniliformis (Ehr.). G.B., I., F., G. C. connatum (Br^b.). — Frond large, in f. V. about one-balf longer than broad ; constriction shallow ; segments about two- thirds of a circle, coaiselj punctate, and with a distinct, sometimes striated, boi-- der; e.v. circidar. L. 1-285;'; B. 1-1155". = Dysphinctium Meneghinianum (Nag.). G.B., F., U.S.A. C. Cucurhita (Br^b.). — Frond in f. v. about twice as long as broad ; constric- tion a shallow gi'oove; segments sid)- cylindrical, or somewhat oval, with rounded ends ; e. v. circidar ; e. f. punc- tate, the puncta scattered. L. 1-586" ; B. 1-1155". =Peniumclandestinmn (Kg.). G.B., I., F., G. C. Palangula (Br6b.). — Frond in f. v. about two and a half times as long as broad ; constriction a shallow gi'oove ; segments cylindrical ; ends obtuse ; e. v. circidar ; e. f. minutely punctate, the pimcta arranged in transverse lines. F. C. ? cniciferum (De Bary). — Frond minute, in f. v. about twice as long as broad ; constiiction an extremely shallow groove ; segments subcylindrical ; ends broadly rounded ; endochrome composed of four broad plates cutting each other at right angles ; e. v. circular, endochrome cruciform ; e. f. not punctate. L. 1-143"'; B. 1-287"'. G. C. TJiwaitesii (Ralfs). — Frond in f. v. two or three times longer than broad; constriction a very shallow groove ; seg- ments subcylindrical, with rounded ends ; endochrome scattered ; e. v. circular, or very slightly compressed; e.f. not punctate, or puncta veiy indistinct. L. 1-357"; B. 1-801". = Penium crassiusculum (Be Bary) ? G.B., F., G., U.S.A. C. curium (Br6b.). — Frond in f. v. rather more than twice as long as broad ; constriction very shallow; segments at- tenuated and rounded at ends ; endochrome in fillets ; e. v. circular, endochrome ra- diate. L. 1-465" ; B. 1-1064". = Penium curtum (Breb., Kg.), Dysphinctium Rege- lianum (Niig.) ? G.B., F., G. C. attenuatum (Br6b.). — Frond in f. v. fiisifoi-m, three, or sometimes four, times longer than broad ; constiiction very shallow; segments conical, rapidly at- tenuated, ends angular, obtuse ; e. v. cir- cular ; e. f. punctate. L. 1-420" ; B. 1-1099" to 1-1068". G.B., F. 0. parvulum (Brdb.). — ^Frond minute, in f. V. ovato-eUiptic, about one and a half times longer than broad ; central constriction a very shallow groove ; seg- ments tapering, ends broadly rotundato- truncate ; e. f. not punctate. F. C. turgidum (Br6b.). — Frond veiy large, in f. v. oval, turgid, rather more than twice as long as broad ; constriction a shallow sinus ; segments somewhat tapering, broadly rounded; e. v. circidar; e. f. punctate. L. 1-126"; B. 1-249". = Pleurotcenium turgidum (De Baiy). G.B., F., G. 0. De Baryi (nobis). — Frond in f. v. about twice as long as broad ; constric- tion a wide shalloio notch ; segments cylindrical, with broadly rounded ends ; endochrome an-anged in parietal indented bands ; e. v. circular ; e. f. minutely punc- tate or pimcta absent. = Pleurotcenium Cosmarioides (De Baiy). G. With gi-eat deference, we place the above species here, as described by M. de Bary, coinciding with M. de Bt6- bisson in thinking the disposition of the endochrome not sufficiently constant to form the genus Pleurotoenium. Genua XAOTHIDIUM (Ehr.). — Frond deeply constricted ; segments broader than long, compressed, entire, sjpinous, having a circular, cylindrical or conical projection on both surfaces near the centre, wluch is tuberculated or dentate, or entire ; end view elliptic. nated by three or four diverging points ; central projections cylindrical, "truncate, the border dentate; e. {. punctate. "Spo- rangium large, orbicular, with depressed tubercles ; perhaps immature " (Ralfs) L. 1-180"; B. 1-270". (i. 27, 28.) = Zi/goxanfhinm Echinus (Kcr.). G.B.. I F.,G., U.S.A. ^ ' ■' * Spines divided at the apex. Xanthidium armatum (Br6b.). — Frond large, in f. v. twice as long as broad ; constriction deep, linear ; seg- ments broadest at the base ; ends rounded or .somewhat truncate ; spines in pairs, principally marginal, short, stout, termi- 736 SYSTEMATIC HISTOSY OF THE Effl-USOBIA, X. (?) Artiscon (Ehr.).— Fi-ond in f. v. about as long as broad ; constriction forming a wide notch ; segments narrowed at the base, with broadly rounded ends ; spines numerous, restricted to the outer margin, scattered, elom/ate, stout, termi- nated by three or fom* diverging points. = Asterozanthium Arctiscott (Kg.). G. 2 * Seines subulate. X. aculeatiim (Ehr.). — Fi-ond in f. v. broader than long ; constriction deep, linear ; segTiients somewhat reniform ; spines subulate, short, scattered, chiefly marginal ; central protuberance cylin- diical, tnmcate, border minutely dentate. L. (not including spines) 1-380" ; B. 1-1347" to 1-393". = Zygoxanthium acideatum (Kg.). G.B., I., F., Italy, G. X. Brebisso')iii (Ralfs). — Frond in f. v. broader than long; constriction deep, acute, not liaear; segments subelliptic, sometimes irregular ; spines subulate, geminate, marginal ; centi-al protuberance cylindrical, truncate, border minutely dentate. L. (not including spines') 1-416"; B. 1-408" to 1-365". = X. bisenarium (Ehr.), Zygoxanthium aculeatum (Kg.). j3, segments broader and more irregular, spines somewhat iri'egular and unequal. G.B., L, F., G., U.S.A. X.. fasciadatum (Ehr.). — Frond about as long as broad ; constriction deep, linear; segments somewhat reniform or subhexagonal, twice as broad as long ; spines slender, subulate, geminate, mar- guial, in four or six pairs ; centi'al pro- tuberance short, conical, somewhat tnm- cate. a, segts. with four pairs of spines. = X. antilopceum (Breb.), X. polygonum (Hass., Breb.). L. (not including spines) 1-454" to 1-350"; B. 482" to 408". 0, segts. with six pairs of spines. =X fasci- culatum, var. polygonum (Ehr.), X. fas- ciculatum (Hass., Br6b.). L 1-481" • B. 1-516". G.B., I., F., G., Italy, U.S.a! X. cristatum (Br6b.). — Frond rather longer than broad; constriction deep, linear ; segments subreniform, or truncate at ends ; spiaes sti-aight or curved, subu- late, marginal, one at each side, at the base of the seytnetit, solitary, the otliers geminate, in four pau's; central protu- berance short, conical, a, segts. reni- foiin, spines scarcely cm-ved. L. (not including spines) 1-357"; B. 1-499". (n. 18 & 23.) jS, segments truncate at ends, spines uncinate. L. 1-469"; B. 1-625". G.B., I., F., U.S.A. X. Smithii (Ai-cher). — ^Frond minute, in f. V. about as long as broad ; constiic- tion Ja wide notch ; segments twice 33 broad as long, trapezoid, lower margin somewhat convex, sides nan-owing up- wards and sti-aight, ends broad and straight, angles rounded, each of the four angles presenting a pair of somewhat divergent, short, minute, acute spines ; s. v. constiictiou shallow, obtiise ; segments with rounded sides, ends ti'vmcate, each upper angle furnished with a ininute qnne, beneath each of ichich, about half way down, there occurs another similar spine, all the spines somewhat divergent ; e. v. subelliptic, or broadly fusiform, ends blunt, rounded, furnished with three mi- nute spines, none on the sides; central protuberance a minute tubercle, apparent always in this view, but in s. v. some- times hidden by the projecting centi-al spines. L. 1-1166" ; B. 1-1272". G.B. Genus AKTHRODESMUS (Ehi-.).— Frond deeply constricted ; segments compressed, either with four prominent angles and a single or geminate sjiine, or a tooth, at each angle, or having one spine or acute tooth only, on eacli side, at each upper or outer extremity ; without a central projection ; e. v. elliptic or fusiform. * Segments with four prominent angles and a simple or geminate spine, or an acute tooth, at each angle. AuTHiiODESMtrs octocomis (Ehr., Hass., Brdb.). — Frond smooth, mmute, about as long as broad; constriction a wide notch ; segments much compressed, trapezoid, each angle terminated by one or two straight, subulate, acute spines, the intervals between the angles concave. «, spine solitarv nt each angle. L. 1-1351"; B. 1-1538". (1.30.) /3 larger. spines geminate at each angle. L. 1-1020" ; B. 1-906". (i. 29.) = Micra- sterias octocornis (Menegh., Kg.), Xan- thidium octocome (Ehr., Ralfs). G.B., I., F., G., Italy, U.S.A. A. bifldus (Bi-db.). — Fi-ond .smooth, very miimte, about as broad n.« long: segments someichat arcuate, inner margin convex, outer concave, extremities diver- gent, emarginate, each angle tertmiiattng m an acute tooth ; e. v. compressed, fusi- form, with a short acnte .opine or tooth nt each end. F. OP THE BESMIDIE^. 737 2 * Se(/me)its with a sint/lv acute tooth or spine at each side. A. minutus (Kg.). — Fi'ond veiy mi- nute, smooth, two or three times longer than hroad ; constriction a minute acute notch ; segments narroio, lateral tnargins parallel, ends roimdly concave, angles slightly produced into minute spmes directed upwai'ds. F., G. A. Pittacium (Breb. sp.). — Fi'ond mi- nute, smooth, two or tlu'ee times longer than broad ; constriction a minute acute notch : segments very slightly infiated at the base, sides curved, end margin rotmdly concave, angles acute. = Euastrutn Pit- tacium (Brt5b.). F. A. Incus (Hass.). — Fi'ond minute, smooth, as long as or longer than broad ; constriction a deep notch or sinus ; seg- ments with inner margin turgid, outer truncate, spines subulate, acute. Sporan- gium orbicular, spinous ; spines subidate. G.B,, I., F., G., U.S.A. a, segments somewhat semiorbicular, connected by a distinct neck, spines diverging. L. 1-1100" to 1-1660"; B. 1-1960" to 1-1420". )3, segments gibbous near the base, spines parallel or converging, (m. 36.) L. 1-833" ; B. 1-1116". A. suhulatus (Kg.). — Frond minute, smooth, about as long as broad; con- striction a wide acute-angled notch ; segments broadly fusiform, spines hori- zontal, straight, slender, subulate; ends convex. G., U.S.A. A. convei-gens (Ehr.). — Frond smooth, broader than long; constriction deep, acute ; segments elliptic, each having Its lateral spines curved towards those of the other; ends convex. L. 1-1539" to 1-598" ; B. 1-1477" to 1-584:". = Stawastrum con- vergens (Menegh.), Eiiastrum converqens (Niig.). G.B., I., F., G., U.S.A. Genus STAURASTRUM (Meyen). — Frond more or less deeply constricted at the middle ; segments broader tban long, often provided with spines or processes ; end view angular or radiate, or circular luitli a lohato-racliate margin, or very rarely compressed with a process at each extremity. * Segtnents in f. v. with each of the oppo- site lateral extremities furnished with a mucro or a simple subulate acute awn or spine, which in e. v. terminates the angles, and without others intermediate. t Segments smooth, angles in e. v. inflated, sides concave. Staxirastiium clejectum (Brdb.). — Seg- ments in f. V. lunate or elliptic, smooth, mucrones or awns directed upwards, pa- rallel or convergent ; e. v. with three or four angles, angles infiated, mammillate, tenninated by a mucro or awn, sides concave at the centre. Sporangium or- bicular, at first covered with minute hau- like spines, aftei'\vards beset with stout subulate spines, and placed between the deciduous empty fronds. L. 1-833" ; B. 1-757".= Goniocystis (Trigonocystis) mu- cronata (Hass.). a, segments externally limate, awns directed outwards ; /3, seg- ments elliptic, awns parallel ; y, awns converging. G.B., I., F., U.S.A. S. apiculatum (Br^b.). — Segments ' in f._ V. somewhat tm-binate, smooth, oppo- site lateral extremities roimded, external margin straight, furnished at each side on the upper outer margin near the lateral extremities imth a simple, .short, subulate, acute spine directed upwards ; o. v. with three angles, angles inliatcd, mammillate, terminated by a short acute spine, sides concave. Sporangium orbicidar, beset with conical spines, enlai'ged at the base and obtuse at the apex. F. S. Dickiei (Ralfs). — Segments in f. v. subelliptic, turgid, smooth ; spines short, curved, acute, converging with those of the opposite segment; e. v. with three angles, angles infiated, rounded, tenni- nated by a spine, sides concave at the centi-e. L. 1-855" ; B. 1-929". G.B.,I.,F. S. brevisjnna (Br6h.). — Segments in f.v. elliptic or somewhat reniform, t;ery tur- gid, smooth ; mucrones minute, inconspi- cuous; e. V. with three angles, angles inflated, broadly roimded, tenninated by an inconspicuous mucro, sides concave at theceuti-e. L. 1-502" ; B. 1-510". G.B., I., F. S. cuspidatum (Br^b.). — Segments in f. V. fusiform, or truncate on outer mar- gin, connected by a long narrow band, smooth ; awns subulate, straight, acute, parallel or somewhat converging ; e. \. with three or four angles, angles inflated, mammillate, terminated by an awn, sides concave at the centre. Sporangium or- bicular, covered all over by the enlarged bases of the few spines, which are ulti- mately much attenuated and acute. L 1-883" ; B. 1-1000". (i. 31-;U.) = Phyc- astrum cuspidatum (Kg.), P. spinidosum (Niig.). G.B., I., F.,G., Italy. S. aristifcrum (Ralfs). — Segments 3 B 738 SYSTEMATIC HISTOnV OF THE INFUSOUrA. smooth, iu f. v. prolonged at each lateral extremity into a mamniillate projection, which is terminated by a subulate, acute, straight awn, the awns divergent ; e. v. with three or four angles; angles inflated, mammillate, terminated by an awn, sides deeply concave at the centre. L. 1-657"; B. 1-1064". G.B., F., U.S.A. 2 1 Segments smooth, angles in e. v. not inflated, sides straight, or nearly so. S. O'Mearii (Archer). — Segments smooth, in f. v. somewhat cuneiform, gradually widening u/pwards, outer margin truncate, awns acute, divergent ; e. v. with thi'ee or fom* acute angles terminated by an awn, sides straight. Sporangiiun orbi- cular, spinous; spines subulate, acute, xiltimately somewhat inflated at the base. a, e. V. with ,fom' angles, awns compa- ratively short. L. 1-1866"; B. 1-2500". /3, e. V. with three angles, awns longer. L. 1-1750" ; B. 1-2300". I. S. minus (Kg.). — Segments smooth, very minute, in e. v. with Jive angles, each terminated by a ve)-y minute acute spine ; sides straight. G. S. glah-um (Kg.). — Segments smooth, in £ V. cimeate, ends concave or sti-aight, spines slender, mucro-like; e. v. with three mucronate angles, sides concave. I., G. Sf Segments rough with minute graniUes. S. Iu7iatum (Ralfs). — Segments in £ v. externally lunate, the inner margins con- vex, the outer somewhat tmncate, and rough with minute granules; spines subu- late, acute, curved, obliquely directed out- wa7-ds and upwards ; e. v. with three in- flated rounded angles, terminated by a spine, sides concave at the centre. L. 1-856" ; B. 1-686". G.B. S. granulosum (Ralfs). — Segments in f. V. broadly fusiform, granidate, lateral extremities pointed, mucronate; e. v. with three subacute mucronate angles, sides convex. =Desmidium granulosum (Ehr.), S. acuturn (Br^b.). F., G. 2 * Segments in f v. with each of the op- posite lateral extremities f urnished with a mucro or a simple subidate s^yiiic, which in end view terminates the angles, and is accompanied by othci's interme- diate of a similar character. S. pungens (Br4b.). — Segments in £ y. externally lunate, the inner mai-gin curved, tho outer truncate, smooth ; the lateral marginal spines subulate, curved, directed obbquely outwards and uj)wards, with six other spines on the outer margin, also directed outwards ; e. v. with three angles, each terminated by a spine, and with two others at its base on tlie upper surface, and divergent at opposite sidles, sides nearly sti-aight or slie-htlv convex- G.B., F., U.S.A. ^ S. cristatum (Nag. sp.).— Segments in £ V. broadly elliptic, inner margia some- what more tm-gid than the outer, sub- mammillate at each side, terminated by a mucro or short sjnne, and possessing on the outer margin a few otliers directed totcards the angles : e.v. with three subacute mu- cronate angles ; sides convex, with an in- wardly curved, submargmal, single series of short mucro-like spines directed to- wards the angles, sometimes wanting near the middle. L. 1-540" ; B. 1-543". = Phycastrum (Pachy actinium') cristatum ^ag.), Staurastmm riitidum (Archer). 3 * Segments with each of the opposite lateral extremities furnished with a bifid or forhed spine, its subdivisions subulaf.e, acute, in e. v. terminating the angles, and a2Jpearing as a inucro-like spine, with or without intermediate spines. S. Avicula (Breb.). — Segments in £ v. triangular or cuneate, ends truncate, smooth, with a single forked spine on each side ; e. v. with three inflated angles, the bifid spine appearing as a mucro, sides concave. L. 1-967"; B. 1-948". (m. 18; e.v. 19.) G.B., F. S. denticulatum (Nag. sp.). — Segments in £ V. subelliptic, inner mai-giu some- what more tiu-gid than the outer, botli undulate or toothed in a scolloped maimer, with an unequally forked or geminate spine on each side, the upper longer than the loicer, the lateral projections haritig a series of transverse rows of minute gra- ?iules ; e. v. with three subacute angles. the spine appearing as a mucro, sides slightly concave at the centre, the mar- gin toothed as mentioned before. "L. 1-70"'; thiclmess \-^"' =Phycasti-um denticulatum (Nag.). G. S. armigerum (Brilb.).— Segments m £ V. turgid on inner margin, outer trun- cate, smooth, with a forked s}nnc on each side, and a few simple or forked, someUnm minute, spines disposed at equal tntervals between, on the outer margin : e. v. with three angles, the bifid spine appearing as a mucro, and the intermediate spines projecting on each side. Sporangium or- bicular, spines numerous, elongate, sub- linear, forked at the apex. = S. .'ijnnosutn (Ralfs). G.B., I., F. OF THE DESMIDIEiE. 739 S. monticulosimi (BriSb.). — Segments in f. V. broadly elliptic, smooth, with a forked spme on each side, and at the end six stout conical projections directed up- wards, each terminated by an acute spine ; e. V. -with three or foiu- acute angles, sides concave, the terminal jxrojections extend- ing on each side, conjluent at their bases, from beneath which a minute, subidate, spine-like projection arises between them and each angle. L. 1-500" ; B. 1-700". = Stephanoxanthiu7)i monticulosum (Kg.). Ct.B., I., F. S. Ehrenbergianum. — The longitudinal outline of the segments oblic[uely oval, the inner margin convex, diverging, the outer mai'gin very convex and broadly truncate at the ends ; the sides in e. v. slightly imdulate, membrane smooth, having at each angle a large spine, di- vided to the middle, consisting of two legs, and on the terminal sm'face three pairs of such spines, and between each of them and the angles a pair of smaller simpler spines. = Phycastrmn Ehrenber- gianum (Nag.). "L. 1-66"' 5 thiclmess 1-70"'." We have not seen a drawing of the above species, and give the above description foUowing as nearly as pos- sible Nageli's own words, inserting it here as most probably its most fitting place. 4* Segments with numerous simple acute spines, in f. v. no one in particular ter- 7ninating the opposite latm'al extremities; e, V, angles entire, rounded, the spines I scattered. S. hirsutum (Br^b.). — Segments in f.v. semiorbictdar, separated by a linear con- itriction, covered tcith very minute, very numerous, close-set hair-like spines ; e. v. with three broadly roimded angles, the spines evenly and numerously scattered ; sides slightly convex. Sporangium or- bicular, beset with short spines, branched at the apex. L. 1-676" to 1-408"} B. 1-8.33" to l-QQQ".=Xanthidium hirsutum (Ehr., KgA Gonioeystis (Trigonoci/stis) muricata (flass.). G.B., I., F., U.S.A. S. pilosum (Niig. sp.). — Segments in f. v. obliquely elliptic, slightly divergent, the outer margin more turgid than the inner; e. v. %vith three roiuided, angles, ides concave ; scattered all over, except a Mnall space at the centre, with extremely fine hair-like spines, minutely capitate at their extremities; surface between the spines smooth. "L. 1-55"' ; thickness 1-06"'. Phycasinim pilosum (Hi dg.). M. de Brebisson is disposed to doubt the accm'acy of Nageli's drawing (Einzell. Alg. 8 A. fig. 4), the spines are indeed so very cuiious. S. Jirebissonii (nobis). — Segments in f. V. ovato-lanceolate, the lateral extre- mities roimded and fiu'uished thereon with numerous short, close-set, hair-like spines, otherwise smooth ; e. v. with three broadly roimded angles, the spines con- jined to the extremities, sides concave. = S.|?i7osw7?z (Br6b.). F. We are obliged to alter the specific name of this species, — pilosum having been employed by Na- geli before for the preceding species. S. erosum (Br^b). — Segments in f. v. elliptic, the lateral extremities furnished with numerous extremely short acute spines, sometimes inconspicuous, siu- face granulated all over ; e. v. with three broadly roimded angles, the spines con- fined to the angles, sides concave. F. S. echinatum (Br^b.). — Segments in f. V. elliptic, fm-nished vnth 'mwierous spines, sotneivhat broad at their base, ex- ceedingly acute, chiefly confined to the outer margin ; e. v. vrith three angles ; angles and sides broadly rounded, bordered all round by the spines. F. S. telifm-um (Ralfs). — Segments in f. v. elliptic or subreniform, ftirnished with a few scattered, elongate, subulate, acute spines ; e. v. with tlu-ee broadly roimded angles, the spines scattered, chiefly con- fined to the extremities, suiface between the spines smooth, sides concave. Spo- rangium orbicular, beset with numerous elongate linear spines, forked at the apex. L. 1-597"; B. 1-643". (m. 20, e. v. 21.) G.B., I., F. ^ ' J S. Hystrix (Ralfs). — Segments in f. V. subquadrate, extremities somewhat roimded, end margin nearly straight, fur- nished with a few scattered, subulate, acute spines, chiefly confined to the late- ral extremities ; e. v. with throe or four broadly rounded angles, the spines scat- tered, cliiefiy confined to the extremities, sides concave. L. 1-1075" to 1-1020" : B. 1-1165" to 1-954". G.B. 5 * Segments toith numerous short, trun- cate, emarginate, scattered spines, prin- cipally co7ftned to the margins; e.v. angles rounded ; if angles spinous, no S2)ine in particular conspicuously larger than the others tenninating the anqles, S. spongiosum (Br^b.). — Segments in f.v. scmiorbicular, furnished with scat- tered short, stotit, forked spines, the spines at the lower basal angle of each 3n 2 470 SySTEMATrC niSTOllY OF TETE rNFUSORIA. rather larger than the others ; c.v. with three somewhat rounded angles, sides convex, and bordered all round with the spines. L. 1-50G" to 1-418" ; B. 1-523" to 1-476". (m. 22, e. v. 23.) = Desmidium ramosum (Ehr.), Asteroxanthium ramo- sum (Kg-.), Phycastrum Griffithdanum (Nag.). G.B., i., R, G., U.S.A. S. scabrum (Br^b.). — Seg-ments in f.v. subelliptic or broadly fusiform, very rough or denticulate at the margin ; e.v. with three rounded denticulate angles, sides straight, bordered by minute, short, truncate emaryinate spines. F. S. asperum (Br6b.). — Segments in f.v. broadly elliptic, very rough, with very minute, short, tnmcate or forked spines chiefly confined to the outer margin; e. v. with three rounded angles, sides straight. Sporangium orbicular, beset Avitli munerous elongate spines, twice branched at the apex. L. 1-555": B. 1-615". G.B., I., F. 6 * Segments without spines , e.v. angles rounded. t Frond smooth. S. muticum (Breb.). — Segments in f.v. elliptic, smooth, without spines ; e.v. with three or fom* broadly rounded angles, sides concave. Sporangium beset with nume- rous elongate somewhat stout spines, forked at the apex. L. 1-674": B. 1-686". = S. trilobum (Menegh.), Phyc- astrum muticum (Kg.), P. deprcssum (Niig.). G.B., I., F., Italy, U.S.A. S. orbiculare (Ralfs). — Segments in f. V. semiorbicular, smooth, without spines ; e. v. with three broadly rounded angles, sides slightly concave. L. 1-1037"; B. 1-110)6". = Desmidium orbi- adure (Ehr.), Phycastrum orbiculare (Kg.), Goniocystis (Trigonocystis) orbi- cidaris (Hass.). G.B., L, F., G., Italy, U.S.A. S. coarctatmn (Br^b.). — Segments ob- long, lateral extremities rounded, inner margin convex, outer somewhat concave at the centre (inversely reuiform), smooth ; e.v. with three inflated roimded angles, sides concave. l'. ^.pygmcBum (Brdb.). — Segments in f.v. cuneiform, outer margin slightly convex, smooth ; e.v. with three blunt angles, sides slightly convex. Sporangium orbi- cular, " beset with protuberances bearing each two bifurcate spines at their sum- mits." F., G. 2t Segments having the projecting por- tions surrounded by annular ti-ansverse lines (rows of puncta or minute gi-a- nules f ). S. striolatum (Niig. gp.). — Segments in f. V. reniform, divergent, ends concave, each of the lateral portions crossed by about Jive ti-ansverse lines (annular rows of closely set puncta or minute gra- nules?); e.v. with three rounded angle.«, sides concave, each of the projections crossed as before by about five ti-ansverse lines, the central poi-tiou smooth. L. 1-100". = Phycastrum striolatum (Naff."). G. 3t Fronds rou^h superficially with scat- tered granules. (Sometimes S. tri- corne might be thought almost to come in here ; but the exti-emities in that species are more prolonged into di- stinct processes, usually colomles?, and mostly divided at the apex. Here, also, might S. asperum and S. scabrum seem to fall in ; but they are provided with very short and truncate spines on some part of theii" mai'gin.) S. muricatum (Breb.). — Segments s?/&- elliptic, the outer mai'gin more turoid than the inner, rough all over with scattered conic granules; e.v. with three angles, both angles and sides broadly rounded. L. 1-409"; B. '^-4:7 4:". = Des- midium ujnculosum (Ehr.), Xanthidium ' deltoiderim (Corda), Phycastrum apicnlo- ■ sum (Kg.), P. muricatum (Kg.), Gonio- i cr/.'itis {Trigonocystis) muricata, jS (Hass.). G.B., F., G., Italy. ' i S. ininctulatum (Br6b.). — Segments in . £v. elJiptic, equal, rough with scattered ■ puncia-like granules ; e.v. with tliree ; broadly roimdcd angles, sides concave, i . L. 1-704" ; B. 1-881". G B., I., F. S. rugxdosum (Brdb.). — Segments in f.v. broadly elliptic, equal, rough rcith scattered granides, giving a denticulate ap2)ea}-ance to the margin, cspcciaUy at the opposite lateral cxtreniitles ; e.v. with ,> three broadly rounded denticulate" angles, sides straight or nearly so. F. S. pik'olatum (BitSfi.).— Segments in f.v. quadrate, the basal angles rounded and rough with minute granules, sidp« with a 'broad shallow sinus, the upper margin terminating in three conspicuous, large, rounded, conical, very slightly di- vergent projections, whicli are rough with minute granules ; e.v. with three rounded angles, sides entire. F. S. Capitulum (Brdb.).— Segments in f.v. quadrate, sides with a rounded sinus at the middle, the basal and upper angle? cronated, rounded, upper margin .itraiyht \ i 01" THE DESMIDIEiE. 741 e. v. witli three broadly rounded crenated angles, sides nearly straight, each with a slight shalloto depression or constriction at the middk. F. S. alternans (Brdb.). — Segments in f. v. elliptic or oblong, two or thi-ee times as broad as long, separated by a wide sinus, twisted, unequal ; rough with very minute pearly granules ; e.v. with three obtuse and rounded^ angles, forming short not colom'less rays, alternating with those of the other segment, sides con- cave. L. 1-1037" ; B.l-llOG". (n.16,17.) = Goniocystis (IVigonocgstis) hexaceros (Hass.), 'S. dispar (Breb.) ? G.B., I., F., U.S.A. S. dilutatum (Ehi'.). — Segments in f. V. fusiform, their lateral extremities obtuse, equal, rough with puncta-like pearly gi-anules; e.v. with four rotun- dato-trnncate angles, foiming short, broad, not colomless rays, sides concave. L. 1-1201"; B.l-l^l". = Phycastrum di- latatmn (Kg.), Goniocystis (Staurastruni) dilatata (Hass.). G.B., I., F., G., Italy, U.S.A. . S. crenatutn (Bailey). — Segments in f.v. fan-shaped in outline, separated by a wide 7-ounded sitius, inner margin concave, smooth, outer semicircular, crenate ; e.v. with thi'ee rotundato-ti'micate crenate angles, sides concave, smooth. U.S.A. 7* Segments with or without spines; in f. V. with spines (if any) few and scat- tered ; in e. v. angles emarginate or bi/id, or truncate and the extremities plane and quadrangular. S. bijidam (Ralfs). — Segments in f.v. . . . . ; in e. V. with three acutely bifid or emarginate angles, the teeth acute ; sides concave. = Desmidium bifidum (Ehi'.), Phycastmm bifidum (Kg.), nec Gonio- cystis (S.) bifida (Hass.). F., G. S. quadrangidare (Brt^b.). — Segments in f.v. subquadrate, with a few short bifid or tooth-like spines spreading laterally, othemise smooth ; e.v. with fom- trun- cate and onarqinate angles; sides concave. L. 1-1157"; B. 1-1163". (m. 24, e.v. 25.) ft angles in e.v. broader, with/o«/- teeth at the extremity, and ttvo minute teeth on ujrper side (Br4b.). G.B., F. S.Cerberus (Bailey). — Segments in f.v. truncato-oblong, smooth; the .opposite lateral extremities abruptly truncate, ex- ternally plane and quadrangular, the an- gles drawn out into ncutG ^nnc-like ex- tensions or teeth, two prf)jecting upwards and two downwards ; o.v. witli tliroe abruptly truncate angles, extremities as in f.v. plane and quadrangulai', the teeth at the angles divergent. U.S.A. 8* Segments toithoiit spines; in f.v. and e.v. the angles terminated by either a conspicuous rounded nipple-like projec- tion, or an enlarged rounded knob, or an elongate capitate p7'ocess. S. tumidum (Brdb.). — Segments in f.v' ellijitic, turgid, smooth ; their margin striated, and their opposite lateral ex- tremities furnished with a rounded con- spicuous nipple-like projection ; e.v. with three or four angles, the nipple-like pro- jection tenninating the angles, sides convex ; e. f. pimctate ; gelatinous in- vestment very evident. L. 1-200" ; B. 1-250". = .B., I., F., G., U.S.A. S. cyrtocerum (Br4b.). — Segments in f. V. suhcimeate, gi'adually widening up- wards, truncate at the end margin, rough with minute granules, the lateral processes incurved, divided at the apex ; e. v. triradiate, processes short, cm'ved, sides slightly concave. L. 1-800" ; B. 1-500". = Phycastrum cyrtocerum (Kg.). G.B., I., F., U.S.A. S. injlexum (Breb.). — Segments in f.v. broadly elliptic, inner and outer margin turgid, rough with minute gi'amdes, lateral processes incurved, short, divided at the apex; e.v. tri- or quadi'iradiate, processes short, sides concave. F. S. brachycerum (Br^b.). — Segments in f. v. ovato-lunate, inner margin turgid, outer equally rounded, rough all over with minute gi'anules, and on the outer mar- gin ver-y rough with minute, acute, short, almost spine-like granules ; lateral pro- cesses incurved, divided at the apex ; e. V. triradiate, processes short, straight, sides somewhat concave. F. S. polymorphum (Breb.). — Segments in f.v. broadly elliptic or almost circular, rouo;h with minute granules (sometimes with a few minute scattered spines), processes short, stout, tipped by three or four divergent spines; e.v. with three, four, five, or six angles, each produced into a short stout process. Sporangium orbicvdar, beset with elongate spines, forked or branched at the apex. L. 1-1000" ; B. 1-1157". (n. 20, 21, 24, 25, &31.) G.B., I., F., U.S.A. S. gracile (Ralfs). — Segments in f.v. triangular, ends truncate, rough with minute gi-anules, tapering at each side into elongate, straight, slender, horizontal processes, terminated by three or foiu' minute spines ; e.v. triradiate, processes straight, sides concave. L. 1-773" to 1-539" ; B. 1-348" to 1-372". (ra. 28, e.v. 29.) = Goniocystis (Ti-igonocystisj gracilis (Hass.), Phycastrum gracile (Kg.). G.B.,I.,F. S. paradoxum (Meyen). — Seg-ments in f.v. gradually tvidcning ujnvards, the cuds truncaU;, rough vAtii minute gra- nules, processes straiglit, elongate, slcu- dov, divergent, ti'ifid at the apex ; e.v. tri- or quadriradiate, processes straight, sides straight or very slightly concave. L. 1-941" ; B. 1-1165". = Phycastrum paradoxum (Kg.), Goniocystis (S.) para- doxum (Ilass.). G.B., I., F., G., Italv. U.S.A. ' y > 3, 3t Segments fiu-nished with variously disposed spines, which are either sim- ple, or short and notched at the apex. ^.proboscideum (Br^b.). — Segments in f.v. broadly cuneiform, ends somewhat convex, rough unth very minute, sJtort, truncate spines, chiefly confined to the outer margin, processes short, thick, trifid at the apex ; e. v. triradiate ; processes short, stout, sides concave. L. 1-555" ; B. 1-500". =-S'. (Ralfe, Br^b.). G.B., I., F. S. controversum (BrSb.). — Segments in £v. elliptic or broadly fusiform, some- times irregular, fm-nished with scattered, it-regular, simple or notched spijies ; pro- cesses short, generally curved, spinulose, terminated by minute spines ; e. v. tii- radiate, the processes twisted or curved. Sporangium orbicular, spinous ; spines t'svice branched. L. 1-972" ; B. 1-886". Goniocystis (D'igonocystis ?) aculeatum (Hass.). G.B., I., F. S. acideatum (INIenegh.). — Segments in f.v. broadly fusiform, furnished with thickly scattm-ed simple or notched spines ; processes elongate, spimdose, straight, ter- minated by minute spines; e.v. 3-5- radiate, the processes straight, sides con- cave. L. 1-666" ; B. 1-500". = Desmidium aculeatum (Eh.), Phycastrum aculeatum (Kg.), Goniocystis {Trigonocgstis) acuka- tum (Hass.). G.B., I., F, G., Italy. S. vestitum (Ralfs). — Segments in f.r. fusiform, outer margin bordered by mimiie emarginate spines ; processes elongate^ rough, terminated by minute spines; e.v. trkadiate, the processes elongate straight, sides concave, furnished at ike middle toith a pair of conspicuous slender forked spines, sometimes accompanied by a few others shorter either simple or notched. L. 1-625" ; B. 1-384". Cin. 30, e. V. 31.) G.B., I., F. S. oxi/acantha (Archer).— Segments m f. v. broadly fusifortn, rough wdh mitude gramdes, Airnished on the outer margin tvith six subulate: acute dqiresscd spines (fom- of which are apparent in this new); processes elongate, mcuned, the granides thereon aiTanged in transverse lines, ter- minated by three or four minute spines; 0. v. ti-iracliate, the processes elongate straight, sides somewhat concave, end furnished at the tnidd/e u-iih a pair of very slender extremely acute suhdatc OF THE DESMIDIE.E. 743 spines pro] ectiiig to each side. L. 1-770 ' ; B. 1-680''' to 1-636". I. 10* Seffwetiis in f.v. with the opposite lateral extremities ter7ninating in one or two elongate colourless processes mostly divided at the apex ; and in e.v. either tapering into a single process at each angle, and furnished tcith others between or above of a similar character definite in number, or the angles fur- nished tvith two short processes side by side and unaccompanied by others. t Segments at end view with the addi- tional processes more than one for each angle, and placed on the margin or upper sm-face, and diverging laterally. S. furcatum (Br^b.). — Segments smooth, in f.v. broadly elliptic, furnished at each opposite lateral exti'emity with a colourless bifid process, and with six others similar and divergent on external margin (io\ix only of which ai'e usually visible); e.v. with three acute angles, each tapering into a terminal process, and each bearing two others on the upper surface, placed to each side, and project- ing laterally. L. 1-860"; B. 1-900".= Xanthidium furcatum (Ehr.), Astej'o- xanthium furcatum (Kg.), -d. bisenariutn (Kg.).? 'G.B.,L,F. S. senaritim (Ehr.). — Segments smooth, in e.v. with tkree angles, each tenniuating in a short process tipped by minute spines, and having six other short forked processes on the margins, two at each side and projecting laterally, and six others on the uppe^- surface, confluent at their bases, divergent at their exti'e- mities, and forked ; sides sti-aight. (rt. 7.) = Stephanoxanthium senarium (Kg.). U.S.A. S. eustephamim (Ehr.). — Segments granidate, in e.v. with thi-ee angles, each terminating in a short process tipped by minute spines, icithuut lateral processes, but with six others confluent at their bases on the upper sm'face, divergent and forked, (n. 3.) =Stephanoxanthiuni euste- phanum (Kg.). U.S.A. S. Ehrenbergii (Corda). — " Corpuscles Ear paire, vus de c6ti5, ovales ; vus d'en aut, triangulairos, munis de six ap- Sendices terminaiix et lat<)raux, et de eux autres appendices centraux, qui Bont com-ts, blancs, en fom'chette, niais a Sointes divergeutes " (Corda, ' Obs. licr. des Animalcules de Cai-lsbad,' 1840). In Corda's figure the f. v. is somewhat like that of S. furcatum. The segments are broadly fuslfonn, the pro- cesses ai'e all very short and stout, and the bifiu'cations very divergent (fonned indeed somewhat like the tail of a Jish). =Xa7ithidium Uhrenbergii (Corda, /. c). S. artimlatum (Corda). — " Coi-puscles ovales, par pau-e, munis aux deux bouts d'un appendice a deux cellules, qui se divise encore en fonne de fourchette, et lateralement en deux appendices plus longs a quati'e cellules, et una pointe en fom-chette. Sur les deux c6t<5s plats, se ti'ouvent deux protuberances trans- versales, egalement pom-vues de deux allongements cellulaii'es en fourchette " (Corda, I. c). In Corda's figures the seg- ments in f.v. are elliptic, the processes stout, elongate, transversely striated (by rows of granules?), bifui'cate, the bifui'ca- tionsreciu'ved. =J5r. articulatum (Corda). Neither of the figm-es of the foregoing is explanatory ; both, however, seem to be distinct species. 2t Segments with the additional pro- cesses one for each angle, and placed on the upper surface immediately above those terminating the angles. S. fu7-cigerum (Breb.). — Segments in f. V. twice as broad as long, separated by a deep constriction, 7'ough with pearly granules, terminating at each side in two elongate, stout processes, bifid at the apex, placed one above the other, the inferior horizontal, the superior directed ob- liquely outwards and divergent, both having the granules thereon in ti-ans- verse lines ; e. v. with tkree or four angles, each extremity tei-minating in a process and having the other immedi- ately above it on the upper siuface, sides concave at the centi-e. L. 1-333"; B. 1-357" inch processes, (m. 32, e.v. 33.) = DidymocladonfurcigerusCRaih'), Astc roxanthium furcigerum (Kg.), Xanthi- dium coronatum (Ehr.) ?, A. coronatum (Kg.)? G.R, I., E., U.S.A. S. longispinum (Bail. sp.). — Segments in f. V. triangular, truncate on outer mar- gin, smooth, tenninating at each side in two much elongated stout processes, sub- acute at the apex, placed one above tho other, divergent ; e. v. with three angles, each extremity tenuinated by a process and having the other immediately above it on the upper surface, side straight. = Didymocladon longiqnnum (Bailev") US'. A. 3t Segments with frvvo processes from each angle placed .side by side. S. tare (Ralfs). — Segmonta in f. v. ex- ternally lunate or somewhat cwicate, with 744 SYSTEMATIC niSTOIlY OF THE INFUSOEIA. the ends somewhat protuberant, smooth, terminatmg at each side in a pair of short stout processes placed side by side (one onlyof which, however,is apparent), dii-ected upwards and divergent, forked at the apex ; e. v. with three or four angles, each terminated hy the pair of short processes separated by a rounded sinus, sides deeply concave." L. 1-1220" ; B. 1-2127". G.B., F. 11 * Segments in f. v. with each opposite lateral extremity ter minating in a colour- less process, cither short, rounded, and dentate, or elongate and entire at the end; e.v. circular, margined loith from Jive to seve7i processes, or compressed, and loith hut two processes. (S. poly- morphum sometimes has five rays, and the e. V. a^jpears almost circular, but the extremities o f the processes are not entire hut tipped with minute spines.) t End view circular. S. sexcostatum (Br^b.). — Segments in f. V. suborbicular, furnished on each side with a short, broad, truncate, dentate pro- cess, and with slight crenate elevations on the outer margin ; e. v. circtdar, bor- dm-ed by Jive or six short, rounded, den- tate, colourless m.arginal rays. L. 1-661" ; B. 1-833" to 1-694". = Goniocystis (Pen- tasterias) Jenneri (Hass.), Stephanoxan- thium sexcostatum (Kg.). G.B., 1., F. S. margaritaceum (Menegh). — Seg- ments in £ V. gradually widening up- wards, rough vdth pearly gi'anides, outer margin convex, produced at each side into a colourless, more or less attenuate shm't process, having the granules in transverse lines, blunt and entire at the apex ; o. v. circular, bordered by from five to seven short, narrow, obtuse, co- lourless, granulate marginal rays. L 1-1176"; B. 1-1000" incl. processes', (m. 34, e.v. 35.) = Pentasterias marga- ritacea(Ehv.),Phycastrum margaritaceum (Kg.), Goniocystis (Pent.) margaritacea (Hass.), Phycastrum rotundatum CKs.'). G.B., I., F., G., U.S.A. S. Arachne (Ralfs). — Segments in f. v. suborbicular, rough with minute gra- nules, lower margin turgid, outer convex, tapei-ing at each side into an elongate, slender, incurved process having the gi"a- nules thereon in ti-ansverse lines, etitire at the apex ; e. v. cu-culai", bordered by five slender, linear, colourless margimd rays. L. 1-1020"; B. 1-652" incl. pro- cesses. = Goniocystis (Pentasterias) arach- nis (Hass.), Phycastmm Ai-achne (Kg.), P. radiattim (Kg.) ?. G.B., F. 2 1 End view compressed. S. tetracerum (Ealfe). — Segments in f. V. gradually widening upwards, rough with minute gi-anules, outer margin tiimcate or concave, tapering at each lateral extremity into an elongated, very slender, colourless process, having the granules thereon m transverse lines, entire at the apex and divergent ; e. v. much com2)ressed, tcith a process at each extremity. L. 1-2703"; B. 1-1785". = S. paradoxum (Ehr.), Goniocystis (S. ?) paradoxnm (Hass.), Phycastrum para- doxum (Kg.). G.B., I., F., G., U.S.A. [S. enorme (Ralfe) is omitted, this plant having been, as we think, shown by De Baiy (op. cit.) to be a Poly- edrium.] 2, Fronds distinctly, faintly, or not at all constricted at the middle, very rarely less than three times, mostly many tiAes longer than broad. Sporangia smooth, and either spherical, elliptic, quadrate, or cmcifonn. Genus TKIPLOCERAS (Bailey). — Frond very elongate, straight, coustricied at the middle; segments with mimeroiis whorls of knot-like projections, ends three-lobed, lobes hidentate. Endochrome with a tenninal roimded clear space, in which are active granules. Triplocebas verticillatum (Bailey). — Frond stout, sutiu-e prominent, seg- ments about eight or ten times longer than broad, with numerous whorls of prominent, broad, truncate, emarginafe projections, (iii. 37.) = Bocidium verti- cillatum (Ralfs). U.S.A. T. gracile (Bailey^. — Frond rather slender, sutm'e prominent, segments tea or twelve times longer than broad, with niunerous wliorls of prominent, some- what triangular, roundly blunt projec- tions. = Bocidium vcrticiUatum (Ralfe). U.S.A. Genus DOCIDIUM (Brcb.). — Frond very elongate, straight, constricted at the middle ; segments with an inflation at the base (very rarely not so), often OF THK DESMIDIEJi. 745 with others above, or with whorls of knot-like projections, ends abruptly truncate. Endochrome with a terminal rounded clear space at each end, in which are active granules. DociBiuM vcrrucosum (Bailey). — Frond rather stout, sutiu-e forming a rim; segments five or six times longer than broad, with nmnm-ous small equal undulations due to so many whorls of small tubercle-like prominences; ends entire. U.S.A. D. nodosum (Bailey), — Frond stotit, sutiue forming a rim ; segments three or fom- times as long as broad, with fotcr proininent injlated nodes, including the basal, which is somewhat the largest, and which are due to so many whorls of knot-like prominences or large tubercles; ends entire; e. v. crenate. U.S.A. D. coronatum (Breb.). — Frond stout, sutme forming a thickened projecting rim ; segments four to six times as long as broad, tapenng, regularly inflated up- wards fi'om the base, so as to produce an undulated margin, the basal inflation the most prominent, the others less so, and wanting towards the ends ; ends bordered hy prominent tubmxles, projecting all round ; e. v. circular, bordered by the tubercles ; e. f. coarsely punctate. F. D. undulatum (Bailey). — Frond slender, suture foiming a minute lim, segments eight to ten times as long as broad, tcith six or eight sinuations at regular in- tervals, produciag as many inflations besides the basal, which is not larger than the others ; ends and bases cre7iate. U.S.A. D. EIirenbe^-gii(R^s). — Frond slender, linear; sutiu-e foiTning a very shai-ply- defined rim; segments eight to twelve times longer than broad, basal injlation having another smaller one above it, sides otherwise sti-aight, jjara^fc/; ends a'etiate, owing to a number of emarginations from the edge of the tinmcate extremi- ties, from three to five of the crena- tiu-es being usually visible ; e. f. punc- tate, or rough with minute gi-anules. Sporangium suborbicidar or elliptic, or slightly angular, smootli, placed between the deciduous empty fronds. Ciliated zoospores fonned by segmentation of the cell-contents, and their emission eftected through the opened apex of each of one, two, or three specially-formed lateral tubes arising from beneath the base of one of the segments (vide si/prtl, p. 710 ; HI. 46, 47). L.1-71" to 1-59"; B. 1-1111" to l-OGl". (II. 8 & U.)=Pl^urotcemum Ehrenhcrghii (Dc Barv). G.B., I., R, O., U.S.A. > > y > D. clavatuvi (Kg.). — Frond slender, sutm-e scarcely prominent, segments eight or ten times as long as broad, slightly clavate near the ends, and ulti- mately someivhat attenuated, basal infla- tion sometimes solitary, sometimes hav- ing another slight one above it; ends entire; e. f. punctate. L. 1-65" ; B. 1-813". (ii. 9.) = Pleurotamium clavatum (De Bary). G.B., I., F., G.. U.S.A. D. nodidosum (Breb.). — Frond vm-y stout, the thickened sutiu-e fonuing a projecting rim ; segments foiu- to six times as long as broad, scarcely atte- nuated, regularly injlated at intervals so as to produce an imdulated margin, the basal inflation the most prominent, the others as they approach the ends less so, where they are indistinct or wanting ; ends etitire ; e. f. coarsely punctate. L. 1-50"; B. 1-428". =Z). crenulatum (Ehr.), Pleurotcenium nodidosum (De Barv). G.B., I., F., G., U.S.A. D. truncatum (Breb.). — Frond stout, the thickened sutui-e forming a rim ; seg- ments three or four times longer than broad, tapering, basal inflation solitary, sides otherwise gradually airved ; ends en- tire ; e. f. ^mictsitQ.= Pleurotcenium trun- catum (Niig., De B.). L. 1-81" to 1-72" ; B. 1-527" to 1-429". G.B., I., F., G. D. constrictum (Bailey). — Frond stout, suture not prominent ; segments five or six times longer than broad, not at- tenuated, with four distinct equidistant sinuations producing fom' equal gently curving prominences besides the basal inflation; ends entire. U.S.A. D. Bacidiim (Brt^b.). —Frond slender, suture not prominent; seo-ments very inany times longer than broad, basal inflation vei-y conspicuous, solitary, sides othm-wise straight, veiy nearly parallel, large granules of the endochrome in a single series ; ends entire ; o. f. 'natliout puncta. L. 1-111" ; B. 1-1937". (ui. 38.) = Pletirotamium Bactdum (De Barv") G.B., F., G., U.S.A. D. minutum (Ralfs). — Fi-ond slender, suture not prominent ; segments four to six times longer than broad, somewhat tapering, injlation obsolete, sides straight, ends entire ; e. f. without punctn. ' L 1-212"; B. 1-1582". = Pemum Rdfsi'i (DeBary). G.B., I., F., G., U.S.A. D. hirsutum (Bailey). — Frond ratlier slender, suture not prominent, segments four to six times ns long ns broad, 746 SYSTEMATIC HISTOET OF THE INFtrsOllIA. not tapering, tti/lation obsolete, ends en- tire, surface all over minutely spi^ious, or hirsute. U.S.A. Kiitzing (Sp. Alg.) describes one or two other species of Docidium; but the characters given seem hardly distinctive, and appear sometimes more lilte generic characters re-stated. Genus TETMEMOEUS (Ealfe).— Frond elongate, straight, cjUndrical or fusiform, constricted at the middle ; segments more or less tapering, not in- flated at the base, ends with an acute incision, the subdivisions rounded, otherwise qiiite entire. Tetmemobus Brebissonii (Ralfs). — Frond about five or six times longer than broad ; iti f, v. with parallel sides, the constriction a very shallow groove ; in s. V. fusiform, the constriction very slightly deeper ; endochrome with a lon- gitudinal series of light-coloured large granules ; e. f. punctate, the puncta in hngitudinal rows. L. 1-142" ; B. 1-704';. (ii. 12 & 13.) = Closterium Brebissonii (Menegh.), Penium monile (Kg-), P- stri- ato-punctatum (Kg.) ? G.B., I., F., G., Italy, U.S.A. ^, turgidus, larger, stouter, constriction deeper, y, (De Bary), smaller than either, otherwise externally similar, endochrome in longitudinal fillets. T. Icevis (Ealfs). — Frond smaller than last, scarcely one-half its length, about three or fom* times as long as broad; in f. V. somewhat tapering, the constiic- tion a shallow depression j in s. v. fusi- form; end sometimes vrith a hyaline lip-like projection extending beyond the notch ; e. f. punctate, puncta faint but evident, scattered. Sporangium smooth, in f. V. at first quadi'ate, afterwards broadly elliptic ; in s. v. compressed, enclosed in a central cell placed between the ultimately deciduous empty fronds. L. 1-374" to 1-336"; B. 1-1244" to 1-1073". = Penium (Tetmcmorus) Bre- bissonii (Kg.). G.B., I, F., G. T. minutus (De Bai-y). — Frond minute, shorter than T. Icevis, about thi-ee times longer than broad, fusiform, the con- striction a very shallow groove ; e. f. without puncta. L. 1-41"'; B. 1-118"'. G. T. granulatus (Ralfs). — Fi'ond some- what longer than T. Brebissonii, about five or six times longer than broad ; in both f. V. atid s. v. fusiform, the constric- tion a very shallow gi'oove, ends tcith a hyaline lip-like projectioti extending be- yond the notch ; endochrome with a longitudinal series of lai-ge granules; e. f. punctate, the puncta scattered, ex- cept near the constriction, where they are disposed in two transverse rows. Sporangium orbicular, smooth, mai^in finely striated, placed between the de- ciduous empty fronds. L. 1-130"; B. 1-649". =Pe«mwi (T.) qranidatus (Kg.). G.B., I., F., G., Italy, U.S.A. Genus CLOSTEEIUM (Nitzsch). — Frond elongate, attenuate, more or less Innately curved or arcuate, entire, not constricted at the middle, the junction of the segments marked by a pale transverse band. Endochrome often arranged in longitudinal fillets, and at each extremity having a terminal clear space, in -which are active granules ; e. f. smooth, or with longitudinal strias, never granulate. The subdivisions of this genus cannot always be rigidly adhered to, as certain species might sometimes seem to agree almost as well with anotlier division as with that in which they are placed. * Frond scarcely tapering, the curvature very slight, gradual and equal; loioer margin nearly straight or slightly con- cave; ends truncate or broadly rounded; e.f. tcith or without longitudinal strice. Closterium didymotocum (Corda). — Frond stout, six to ten times lono^er than broad, nearly straight, very slightly tapcr- inr/ to the extremities, upper margin slightly convex, lower nearly straight or very slightly concave, sometimes slightly inclined upwards at the end ; ettds trun- cate, reddish ; large granides in a single series ; e. f. reddish, especially near the ends, stri(e faint ; central suture evident, sometimes accomp.anied by tvvo others dividmg the fi-ond into four portions. L. 1-65"; B. 1-813". (ui. 39.) G.B., I., F., G. a, three transverse sutm-es; ft one. = C. subrectum (Kg.), C. Bailcyanum (Brt5b.). C. obtusum (13rdb.). —Frond minute, four to ton times as long as brond, OF THE DESMrDIEiB. 747 nearly sti-aiglit, cylindrical, not tapering, upper and lower margin equally and but very slightly curved, ends obtusely rounded ; lai-ge gi-aniiles, in a single series ; e. f. smooth. F. C. Amblyonema (Ehr.). — Frond stout, very long, twenty to twenty-five times as long as broad, slightly curved, scarcely tapering, upper and lower margins equally and but gently cm-ved ; ends broadly rounded; e. f. smooth. U.S.A. 2 * Frond tapering, having the curvature slight ; hioer margin straight or very slightly concave, and slightly inclined upwards towards the rounded or sub- acute ends; e.f. with or witJwut lon- gitudinal stria. C. Lumda (Ehr.). — Fi'ond large, stout, five or six times as long as broad, semj- lunate, upper margin very convex, lower ttearly straight, somewhat inclined ttpwards towards the obtuse broadly rounded ends ; endochrome with the large granules numerous, scattered, fillets several, di- stinct ; e. f. colourless, without mark- ings, central suture not evident. L. 1-62"; B. 1-330". = Vibrio Lumda (Miiller), Hacillaria Lunula (Schi-ank), Lunidijia mdgaris (Bory). G.B., F., I., G., Italy, U.'SA., Mexico. C. acerosum (Ehr.). — Frond slender, six to fifteen times as long as broad, linear-lanceolate, gi'adually tapering, upper margin slightly convex, the lower nearly straight, slightly inclined upwards at the conical ends ; large gi'anules in a single central longitudinal series ; fillets several, distinct ; e. f. colomiess, very faintly striated, central sutiu'e evident. L. 1-70" to 1-58" ; B. 1-1103" to 1-510". Sporangium orbicidar, smooth, placed between the dehiscing deciduous empty fronds. = Vibrio acei-osus (Schi'ank). G.B., I., F., G., U.S.A., Mexico. C. lanceolatum (Kg.). — Frond stouter than C. acerosum, six to ten times longer than broad, semilanccolate, gradually ta- pering ; upper margin convex, lower nearly straight, inclined upwards to- wards thp tapering subacute ends ; large gi-anules in a single centi-al series ; fillets several, distinct ; e. f. colourless, usually without marlrings, sometimes faintly striated, central suture evident. L. 1-64"; B. 1-453". = Cymbella HopkirM, (Moore). G.B., I., R, G., U.S.A. _ C. turgidian (Ehr.). — Frond stout, eight to twelve times as long as broad, semtlanceokite, slightly tapering, more curved than either of the preceding, upper mai'gin convex, tvith a depression near each extremity, lower margin con- cave, inclined upwards towards the rounded ends ; large gi-anules, in a single longitudinal series ; fillets several ; e. f. reddish, longitudinal strice close, distinct, central sutm-e evident. L. 1-39" ; B. 1-370". (m. 40.) = C. decussatum (Kg.) ? G.B., I., F., G., U.S.A. G. prcelongum (Br6b.). — Frond very slender, extoemely long, thirty-five to forty times as long aa broad, slightly cm-ved, ve7-y gradually tapering; upper margin slightly convex, with a depres- sion near each extremity ; lower concave, inclined upwards towards the rounded ends ; large gi-anules in a single series ; e. £ colourless, loithout markings. F. C. quadrangulare (Corda). — Frond very slender, twenty-five to thii-ty times aa long as broad, slightly curved, gra- dually tapering, quadrangular, except at the extremities, one of the angles forming a prominent longitudinal median line ; upper margin equally convex, lower con- cave, very slightly inclined upwards at the blimt ends ; e. f. colourless, smooth. G. 3 * Frond tapering, the loicer margin co7icave, often with a central inftation, and inclined downwards towards tlie rounded or subacute ends; e.f. without markings. t Frond slender, curvature very slight. C. strigosum (Br^b.). — Frond slender, twelve or fifteen times as long as broad, nearly straight, but someiohat curved down- wards towards the attenuated extremities : upper margin slightly convex, lower concave with a gentle central inflation; ends acute; lar^e OTanules in a sino-le series ; e. f. colom-less, without strfa3. Sporangium orbicular, smooth, placed between the shortly deciduous empty fronds, which conjugate soon after divi- sion, so that two of the empty segments are considerably shorter than the other two. F. C. macilenttim (Br^b.). — Frond very slender, sublinear, twenty-five or thirty times as long as broa^, slightly and very gi-adually ciu-ved, somewhat taper- ing ; upper margin slightly convex, lower slightly concave; ends somewhat hlimt- largo granules, in a single series ; e. I colourless, witliout strias. Spornngiiini orbicular, placed between the for some time persistent empty frond.s, wliicli conjugate, as in last, soon after divi- sion. F. 748 SYSTEMATIC HISTOliY OP THE INFUSORIA. 0. graeilo (Brdb.). — Frond very slender, about twenty-five to thirty times as long as broad, linear, nearly sti'aight, except at the exti-emities, which are curved dotvnwarch; sides parallel, ends obtuse; endochrome arranged in a zigzag or mbspiral mamier ; e. f. toithout stri ^- intermedium (Kg.), C. Kiitzingii (Breb.). G.B., I., F., G., Italy, U.S.A. C. pronum (Br6b.). — Frond very slen- der (thirty to thu-ty-five times as long- as broad), nearly sti'aight ; upper and lower margin scarcely injlated, nearly equally though very slightly convex ; very gradually attenuated at each extremity into a long, slender, setaceous, coloiuless beak, ultimately somewhat cm-ved down- veards, ends slightly enlarged and rounded; e. f. colourless, without strice. F. 7* Frond minute, tapering, curvature very slight, neither inflated nor rostrate. (^Sporangia cruciform.') C. Comw (Ehr.). — Frond minute, from five to eight times as long as broad, slender, slightly cm-vcd, attenuated, ends blunt; endochrome not reaching to the extremities ; large granules, indistinct, in a single series ; e. f. colourless, without sti'iiB. Sporangium in f. v. somewhat crucifonn or quadrate, with the angles produced and rounded, in s. v. elliptic, attached to the conjugating fronds. L. 1-140" ; B. 1-3709". = C. tenue (Kg.). G.B., F., I , G., Italy. /3, frond more tur- gid. L. 1-226" ; B. 1-2142". G.B., I., F. C. acutum (Br^b.), — Frond somewhat larger than the last, about fi-om six to twenty times as long as broad, slender, narrow-lanceolate, slightly cm-ved, gra- dually attenuated, ends acute ; e. f. co- lomless, without striae. Sporangium similar to last. L. 1-177" ; B. 1-2550". G.B., I., F., G. a six to twelve times as long as broad, ends subacute. ^ ten to twenty times as long as broad, ends very acute. = Stauroceras subulutum (Kg.)?, C. subulatum (Br6b.) ?, C. te/ier- rimum, (Kg.) ? C. Grrijffithii (Bevk.). — Frond minute, scat'cely curved, acicular, very acute, smooth. = a subtile (Br6b.) ? G.B., I., F. 8 * Frond crescent-shaped, stout, extre- tnities furnished with a single acute spine. C. cuspidatum (Bailey). — Frond stout, crescent-shaped, scarcely tapeiing, much curved, ends rounded, furnished with a single subtdate acute spine ; e. f. without striae. U.S.A. We are disposed to think this plant may not be a tine Desmidieau, but belong to the genus Ophiocytium (Nag.), though placed in Closteriimi by Bailey. Genus PENIUM (Breb.). — Frond elongate, straight, cylindrical, elliptic, or lanceolate, either not at all constricted or but very slightly narrowed at th middle, entire. Endochrome with or -wdthout a terminal clear space, con- taining active granules. * Empty frond granulate, genei'ally reddish. Penitjm margaritacetim (Br^b.). — Frond six to ten times as long as broad, fusiform or cylindrical, with rotundato- tnuicato ends, rough with pearly gi-anules arranged in longitudinal lijies. Endo- chrome at each end, sometimes with a more or less distinct tenninal cavity mth active granules. Sporangium orbicular, smooth. = Clostcrium marqaritaccum (Ehr.). G.B., I., F.,G. a, frond fusifonn, gradually constricted at tlio middle, granules distinct. L. 1-156" ; B. 1-961". (n. 14.) /3, frond linear, scarcely con- tracted at the middle, granules distinct. y, frond linear, not contracted at the middle, gramdes appearing like puncta, L. 1-169" ; B. 1-1515". (n. 15.) P. Cylindrus (BriSb.).— Frond minute, red, three or four times as long as broad, cylindrical, not contracted at the .middle, ends rotundato-truncate, rough •\vith minute, closely scattered, pearlv granules; e. f. red. L. 1-492"; B. 1760 . = aosterium Cyl{ndrus(Ehr.), Dysphvic- tium Cylimlrits(Nii^.). G.B., I., F-, OP THE DESMIDIEiE. 751 P. anmtlatum (Nag. sp.).— Fi-ond mi- nute, scarcely twice as lo7ig as broad, ajlindrical or suhelliidic, sides and ends broadly rounded, rough with minute gra- nules arranged in transverse lines, which give a minutely denticulate appearance to the mai'gin, except at a vei-y naiTOW central annular space, where they are absent, thus imparting a somewhat con- stricted appeai'ance ; e.v. circular, margin minutely gi'anulate. = Dys])hinctiuin an- nulatum (Nag.). I., G. 2* Empty frond smooth, colourless. P. Digitus (Breb.). — Frond large, stout, smooth, three or four times as long as bfoad, elliptic - oblong, sides and ends broadly rounded ; endocliroine in obscure and undulated fillets, interrtipted only by the pale central transverse band, and hav- ing no clear space at the extremities. L. 1-81"; B. 1-299". = Clostmium Digitus (Ehr.), Penium oblongum (De Bary)? G.B., I., F., G., U.S.A. P. lamellosu7n (Breb.). — Frond large, stout, smooth, about four times as long as broad, gradually contracted at the middle, and tapering to the extremities, ends somewhat truncate ; endochrome in obscure and undidated fillets, in transverse view radiate, its i-ays divided, and hav- ing no clear space at the extremities. R, G. P. Nagelii (Breb. in litt.). — Frond large, stout, smooth, about four times longer than broad, oblong, not contracted at Hie middle, gradually tapering to each extremity, sides nearly straight, ends broadly truncate; endochrome aiTanged in interrupted divided planes radiating from the central axis, in f. v. being in- dented somewhat in a pinnatifid manner, the rays touching the cell wall, some- times divided, and somewhat dilated thereat, in transverse view radiate. = Closterium {Netrium) Digitus (Nag.). I., G. P. interruptum (Br6b.). — Frond large, stout, smooth, three or four times as long as broad, cylindrical, sides parallel, ex- tremities conical, and 7-ounded at the ends ; endochi'ome disposed in straight, strongly marked filets, interrupted by three trans- verse pale bands, having a roimded, well- defined clear space near the ends, in which are active granules. L. 1-116" ; B. 1-571". (m. 45.) G.B., I., F., G., U.S.A. P. closterioides (Ralfs). — Frond rather large, about six times as long as broad, smooth, fusiform or lanceolate, ends broadly rounded ; endochrome in distinct longitiidiaal fillets, interrupted only by the centi'al transverse pale band, xcith a single longitudinal sei'ies of large granules, and a roimded clear space close to the ends, in which are active granules. L. 1-92" ; B. 1-590". G.B., I., F., U.S.A. P. Navicula (Br^b.). — Frond minute, about three or foiu* times as long as broad, smooth, fusiform, ends bluntly pointed; endochrome sometimes in fil- lets, sometimes scattered, interrapted only by the transverse central pale band, with one or two large granules in each half, and a rounded clear space at the eiids, in which are active granules. L. 1-420"; B. l-760".=V.£&-g{tm(AvcheT). I., F. P. truncatum (Br^b.). — Frond minute, two to fom- times as long as broad, cylindrical, smooth, ends truncate. Spo- rangirmi orbicular, smooth, placed be- tween the dehiscinq, deciduous evwty fronds. L. 1-969" to 1-555"; B. 1-2212" "to 1-2100". G.B.,I.,F. Genus SPIROTjENIA (Breb.). — Frond elongate, straight, cylindrical, or fusiform, entire, not constricted at the middle, ends rounded or acute ; endo- chrome spiral. (Gelatinous investment very appai'ent ; cell-division oblique ; fructification unknown, therefore the position of this genus uncertain.) single, broad, smoothly-defined, widely- wound spiral band, its revolutions very few (one or two). L. 1-142"' to 1-71"'": "B. 1-287"'. =Palmogla;a endospira (Kg.), CylindrocystK endospira Gt Endospira * Endochrome a single spiral band. SpmoTiENiA condensata (Bv6h.). — Frond cylindrical, five to ten times as long as broad, ends rovmded ; en- dochrome a single, broad, closely-wound spiral band, its revolutions numerous. L. 1-208" ; B. 1-1048". (u. 4.) G.B., I., F.,G., U.S.A. S. muscicola (De Bary). — Frond cylin- drical, two to four times a.s long as broad, ends rounded ; endochrome a truncorum (Brdb., Kg^. F., G. S. erythrocephala (Itzigsohn, Braun). Yvo-aA fusiform, five or six times aa long as broad, ends acute ; endochrome a single, rather narrow 8].iiral band, its revolutions few. = *S minuta (Thurot. Brt5b.). F., G. ' 762 SYSTEMATIC niSTOBY OF THE INFUSOBIA. 2 * Endochrome in several spiral bands. S. obscura (Ralfs). — Frond cylindi'ical or fusiform, five to eight times longer than broad, extremities attenuated, ends blunt ; endochrome in sevm-al slender spi- ral hands, their revolutions two or three, sometimes scattered, leaving a clear space at each extremity, in which there is sometimes a free granule. L. 1-247" to 1-226" ; B. 1-1020" to 1-907". G B I.,F. C. Gells stipitate. Genus COSMOCLADIUM (Breb.). constricted at the middle, stipitate. CosMOCLADiinvi pidchellum (Br^b.). — Stipes dendi'oid, dichotomously branched, hyaline, vsdth a slight intennediate thick- ening between the cells ; cells terminal and axiUary, green, segments elliptico- renifoi-m, smooth (m. 63). F. We here provisionally place this re- — Cells rounded, compressed, deeply markable plant, discovered by M. de Br^bisson, not knowing as yet anything as to its mode of growth or development. The cells, if detached from the stipes, would scarcely be distinguishable from those of Cosmarium hiocuUdwn. D. Cells aggregated into families, forming fasciculi or faggot-Wce bundles. Genus ANKISTEODESMUS (Corda).— Cells minute, smooth, elongated, attenuated, aggregated into families forming fasciculi or faggot-like bundles, each family resulting from the self-division of a single cell, which commences hy the formation of a somewhat oblique septum at the middle, eventually rendered more and more oblique from the young cells gro-ndng alongside one another longitudinally until they each attain the length of the original parent- cell, the process being again and again repeated by each till the aggregated family consists of at most thirty-two cells, the family finally again breaking up into single cells, No other propagation known ; the position of the genus is therefore doubtful. Ajjkistrodesmus falcatus (Ralfe). — Cells very slender, arcuate (rarely straight or sigmoid), gradually attenuated, ends acute. L. 1-550"; B. 1-7353". (i.35,36.) = Wiaphidium fasciculatum (Kg., Nag.). G.B., I., F., G., Italy. A. convolutus (Corda). — Cells much curved, crescent-shaped, somewhat ra- pidly attenuated, ends subacute. = phidiuni mimdiim (Nag.). I., F., G. We have met with a plant (gathered near Dublin) which we now (tliough doubtfully) refer to this species, in which we noticed self-division of the cells, in an at first oblique, finally longitudinal manner, very much the same as that described by Niigeli {Einzell. Akj.) for the preceding species, and introduced into the generic character. The colls in our plant are not quite so much curved as in Nageli's drawing of this species, and are rather more acute at the extremities : we have not noticed the faseicidi to be composed of more than 8 cells, frequently of 2 or 4 ; and while so combined the cells all look in the same direction, the con- cave sm-face of the one being applied to the convex surface of its neiglibour. A. contortus (Thiu-et). — Cells slender, arcuate or sigmoid, somewhat gently in- flated at the centi'e, ends drawn out long and very fine. F. l^Scenodesmm duplex (Ralfs) is placed in this genus by Kiitzintr and Niiffeli under the name of Rhaphidium ; tliat plant may, however, be the cell of an /Vnkistrodesmus undergoing division.] SubfaniHy PEDIASTRE^ (page 24). Wo shall not attempt to give anything but a very prorisional diagnosis of the genera here included under the above title (which have long been asso- ciated with the Desmidiaccffi, and chiefly for that reason finding a place in the present work), a.s, so far as we can judge, it is not yet dotorminod whether they should remain united with the ralmellacca;, to wliich they have been OF THE PEDIASTREjE. 753 referred by IS'agoli, or, with some few other Algte, form a distinct group near Pahnellacese, and perhaps Volvocinete. Tliey camiot, we think, continue to be considered as belonging to the Desmidiacese, For the pui'poses of the present work, however, as they are introduced, we shall just radicate that the genera here described under the above head agree in the folio-wing characters : — Cells combined into a definitely formed frond or family, often either ex- tei-nally notched or attenuated, sometimes spinous, not undergoing complete self-fission in the same dii-ection into two perfect cells, but propagating by the repeated segmentation of the contents of the old cells into a definite number of portions or " gonidia," which are either stiU or for a time motile, and which are either arranged according to the typical plan within the parent- ceU, and by its bursting set free as a new frond or family, or become so arranged without the parent-ceU, but still involved in its inner membrane, the whole having emerged by a transverse fissure. We are disposed to think that here Hydrodictyon should come ; for though in this plant the development of the active gonidia is simultaneous, not successional, as in Pediastrium, Pringsheim aUudes to the gonidia in Coelas- trum sphcericum (which indeed are still) as either the one or the other. Cruciagenia quadrata QiLQYven)=Staurogenia quaclrata (Kg.), seems to pro- pagate by complete self-fission, and, gonidia not being described, we believe cannot belong here. As to Sphaerodesmus (Nag.) information is wanting. Genus SCEISTODESMUS (Meyen). — Frond or family composed of from two to eight oblong fusiform or elliptic cells, connected into a single or double continuous row ; propagating by means of the repeated segmentation, in parallel planes in one or two directions, of each of the cell-contents into one or more brood families (not motile), set free by the biu'sting of the parent- ceU wall. (Niig.) ScENODESMTJS quadvicauda (Ralfs). — Cells in a single row ; oblong, rounded at their ends ; external cells (sometimes more turgid than the others) furnished at each extremity with an elongate, often curved, acute spine or bristle, sometimes with another from the centre of the outer margui. L. 1-1121"; B. 1-2631". (i. 40, 41, 4S.) = Achnanthes quadricauda (Tui-p.), Arthrodesmits quadricaudutu^ (Ehr.), Scenedesmtis caudatiis (Corda, Kg.), S. quadricaudatus (Ilass.). G.B., I., F., G., U.S.A. jS, central cells fm-- nished at one of their ends with an elongate, acute, curved spine or bristle, each half of tlio frond being so furnished at opposite sides, sometimes the central cells being also fvurnished at their other ends %vitn a very short, minute spine. = S. Niigelii (Breb.). (i. 42.) S. dispar (l^rdb.). — Cells two or four, akrniatinr/, oblong, blunt at the ends ; wlien four the central cells at one end at oppoxite sides of the frond fiuTiished with a short acute mucro-like dejected spine, each spine directed inwards ; when eitlier two or four, the external cells witli a similar spine at both cuds; when four, that spine at the same side of the frond witli that belonging to the central cells also du-ected inwards, the other directed outwards. F. S. antennatus (Br^b.). — Cells in a single or double row ; fusiform, or semi- lunate, ends cuspidate, and each terminated by a minute orbicular globule. F. S. dimorphus (Kg.). — Cells in a single row ; narrow, attenuated, and pointed at the ends; the central in apposition the most of their length, the outer externally lunate. L. 1-1020" to 1-90(5"; B.1-81(X)". = Achnanthes diminpha (Turp.), S. pec- tinntus (Meyen), Arthrodesmits pectinatus (Ehr.). G.B., I., F., G. S. acutus (Meyen). — Cells in alter- nating rows; the central fusiform, in aptposition only at their middk; the. outer sometimes externally lunate. L. ]-l()G3" to 1-1000"; B. 1-G250" to 1-0181". = Arthrodesmus (Ehr.), S. acid us et obliquus (Ralfs). G.B., I., F., G., Italy. S. obtusus (Meyen). — Cells in one or two rows, all ovate or obloni/, ends rounded. L. 1-2331" to 1-1901"; B 1-4090" to 1-3C23". (i. 37, 38, 39 i G.B., I., F., G., U.S.A. ' 3o 754 SYSTEMATIC niSTORY OV XIIE INFUSOBTA. S. duplex (Ralfs). — Cells two, slender, tapering, sigmoid, acute, placed .side hy side for about half their lcngth. = Rhapht- dium duplex (I^g.), uec S. motiiliformis {duplex) (Kg.). G.B., G. This plant possibly represents a cell of an Ankis- trodcsmua duiing division. Genus PEDIASTRTJM (Meyen). — Frond or family plane, circular, elliptic, or irregular, composed of several cells (a multiple of foiu-), foming by their union a flattened star-like group, generally arranged in more or less con- centric circular series, marginal cells externally bipartite or entire ; propa- gating by " macrogonidia," which, arc subglobose, formed by repeated binary division of the endochrome of each of the parent-cells of the old frond, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 (even 128) in number, and making theii* exit by a transvei-se fissure from the parent-ceU, involved in its inner membrane, within which for a time they actively move, presently settling down and arranging them- selves into a new frond; microgonidia " produced in the same manner, but shortly rupturing the confining membrane and s^vimming freely away, their fate unknown (Braun). * Lohes of the outer cells two, deeply emarginate or truncate. Pediastbum Tetras (RaUs). — Frond very minute ; cells four, their interstices forming a cross, their outer margin bi- lobed, angles acute. L. 1-2941" ; B. 1-2272", (n. 27.) = Micrasterias Tetras (Ehr.), P. biradiatum {Tetras) (Kg.). G.B., I., F., G., U.S.A. P. lieptactis (Menegh.). — Frond minute; cells eight {seven disposed in a single series round a central one), bUobed, angidar. L. 1-2900"; B. 1-2500". = Mia-asterias heptactis (Ehr.), JEuastruin hexagonum (Corda), P. simplex (Hass.), P. bira- diatum {heptactis) (Kg.). G.B., I., F., G., U.S.A. P. biradiatum (Menegh.). — Inner cells subquadiilateral, with a linear notch, the outer quadrilateral or somewhat cuneate, approximate for tlwir entire length, ex- ternally deeply bipartite, their incisions naiTOW, the subdivisions trimcate or truncato - emarginate. L. 1-1200" to 1-2550" ; B. 1-1754" to 1-2040". = Mi- crasterias Rotula (Ehr.), P. biradiatum {Rotula) (Kg.). Tnis with the two pre- ceding may possibly make but one ti'ue species, P. Ehrenberr/ii (Braun.). (i, 62.) G.B., I., F., G., U.S.A. P. Rotula (Ehr. emend. Braxm). — Inner cells with a wide notch, and sepa- rated by wide lacimas, the outer subqua- drilateral, approxit)iate only at their bases, which are nearly square, externally deeply bipartite, their incisions broad, the sub- divisions naiTow, iuciso-dcntate. F., G. P. caiidatum (Braun). — Inner cells fientagonal or hexagonal, -with a deep inear notch, the outer quadrangular, externally deeply bipai-tite, the subdivi- sions ti'imcate, very slightly concave at the centre, and furnished at the angles with a vei-y minute, short, bristle-like spine. = P. Rotida (Nag.). G. 2 * Lobes of the outer cells two, entire, attenuated. P. Selencea (Kg.). — Cells crescent- shaped, ai'ranged in one or more circles roimd one or two centi-al ones, connecting medium coloured. = P. elegans (Hass.), P. lunare (Hass.). G.B., F., G. P. gracile (Braim). — Frond minute, of foiu" or six cells (four external, with or without two centi-al cells) ; marginal cells deeply bipartite ; subdivisions orate, tapering to a point. L. 1-1020" ; B. l-\Q'd2".= Micrasterias Coromda (Ehr.), P. Napoleojiis (Hass., Menegh., Kg., nec Ralfs), P. sitnplex (Ralfs). G.B., F., G. P. 2)ertusum (Kg.). — Cells arranged in circles roimd one or two central ones ; inner cells quadi-angidar, sides concave and leaving anguhr vacant intervals ; the outer cells tcith square bases, externally triangularly notched, the subdivisions ta- pering to an acute point. L. 1-22QQ" ; 13. 1-3268". = Micrasterias Boryana (Ehr.), P. tricyclium (Hass.), P. emargi- natum {pertusum) (Kg.). G.B., I., F., G. P. granidatum (Kg.). — Cells eight, rough with minute granules, six cells aiTanged round two central, the inner subquadrate, the outer havmg two taper- ing lobes. L. 1-2000"; B. 1-1850". G.B., I., F., G. P. iN'"rt;)ofco;ii:s (Menegh.).— Cells eight, six arranired roimd two central, the inner hexactis (Haas.). G.B., G, OF THE PEDIASTRE^. 755 p. Boryanum (Menegh.). — Cells ar- ranged in one or more circles round one or two central ; the inner vaiiable, gene- rally concave at one side, the outer taper- ing into two long subulate points, the notch narrow. L. 1-2083" to 1-1633"; B. 1-2733" to 1-2222". (i. 59, 60, 61, 68, 69, microgonidia.) = Micrasterias Bory- ana (Ehi-.), P. suhulifertim (Kg.), P- cru- ciatum (Kg.). G.B., I., F., G., U.S.A. P. ellipticum (Hass.). — Cells varying in nimiber and an-angement ; outer cells suddenly contracted into two short, cylin- drical, obtuse processes. L. 1-1754" to 1-906" ; B. 1-1515" to 1-1020". )3, pro- cesses of the lobes ti-uncato-emarginate. = Micrasterias elliptica (Ehr.), P. vagum (Kg.), P. comtrictum (Hass., Kg.), P. bi- dentulatum (Braim). G.B., I., G., U.S.A. P. anc/ulosum (Menegh.). — Cells ar- ranged in one or more cu'cles round one central, the inner cells roundly angidar, the outer obliquely truncate, emarginate, the subdivisions not tapering into rays. L. 1-2732" ; B. 1-1942". = Micrasterias angidosa (Ehr.). G.B., F., G. 3 * Outer cells with only one attenuated lobe (Monactinus). P. simplex (Meyen). — Cells eight, in a single series suiToundlng a central vacant interval, narrow-ovate or lanceolate, very gradually tapering, acuminate, approxi- mate only at their \)?LaQS.= Monactinus simplex (Kg.), M. simplex et acutangulus (Corda), M. octonarius (Bail.) P F., G., U.S.A. There seems to us to be some doubt as to the absolute distinctness of this and P. gracile (Braun), as it is pos- sible the four deeply bipartite external cells of the latter may nave been mis- talfen for eight simply attenuated cells as described for P. simplex (Meyen). P. duodenarium (Bailey, sp.). — Inner cells/oMr, somewhat triangular, enclosing a central, quadrate vacant interval, and fom- broadly lanceolate vacant intervals between them and the outer series, to which they are imited by their tenninal angles ; outer ceUs twelve, subovate, truncate below, much attenuated, acu- minate. = Monactinus duodenarius (Bail.). U.S.A. P. ovatum (Braim). — Cells ovate, ter- minating in a long, acute point, granu- late, an-anged in two series, inner three, outer ten. =Astcrodictyon ovatum (Ehr.), Monactinus ovatus (Kg.). G. P. Triangulum (Braim). — Cells trian- gular, smooth, an-anged in three series, the centre vacant. Astei-odictyon Trian- gulum (Ehr.) = Monactinus Triangulum (Kg.). G. 4* Outer cells not lobcd (Anomopedium). P. integrum (Nag.). — ^Frond irregidai-, cells rounded or bluntly angular ; outer cells not emarginate, generally possessing externally two short mucix)-like spines (I. 46, 47, 48). G. Genus CCELASTRUM (JTag.). — Frond or family hollow, globular or sub- cubical, composed of polygonal (or spherical) cells united in one layer into a hollow clathrate net-liJce family, the cells di'awn out on the exterior into one or more lobes, or simply spherical ; propagating by tlic segmentation of tlie ceU-contents into a definite number of portions which become arranged into a hollow young frond resembling the parent, ultimately set free bj'^ the bursting of the parent-cell. CcELASTEUM si^hccricum (Nag.). — Fronds spherical or oval ; cells hex- agonal, drawn out externally into a burnt cone, interstices 6-6-angidar. (i. 49, 50, 51.) G. G.cubicum (Niig.). — Fi-ond subcubical, cells hexagonal, drawn out externally into two snort truncate projections, in- terstices quadrangular, (r. 54, 55.) G. C. microporus (Niig.). — Frond globu- lar, ceUs exactly spherical, interstices minute. G. Genus SORASTRUM(Kg.). — Frond or family solid, globular, composed of cuneiform or cordate cells, somewhat compressed and umtcd into glolndar families, their narrow ends meeting in the centre and outwardly emarginate or divided. Propagation unknown. SoRASTRUM spinulosum (Niig.). — Ex- ternal margins of the cells dilated, slightly emarginate, the rounded angles furnished each with two minute/ acute, subidate spines, (i. 5G, 57, 58.) G. S. echinatum (Kg.). — External mar- gins of the cells deciply bifid, the sub- divisions subulate. G, 3c2 756 SYSTEMATIC HISTOHY 01? THE XlTFTTSOinA. Sub-group DIATOMEiE or DIATOMACE^E. (Page 31, Plates IV. to XVII. and part of II.) [For reference to the species figiu-ed in this work, see Index of Diatomaceae illustrated.] Fetjsttjxes or cells, either simple or pseiido-uniceUular by complete separa- tion, or united in tablets or filaments, furnished with a sculptured siliceous coat in three portions, a median one (connecting zone) and two lateral ones (valves) imited by distinct sutures ; internal substance yeUowish-bro-mi (rarely olive-brown) ; reproduction by conjugation and subsequent foi-mation of sporangia. The general history of the Diatomaceae has been so fuUy treated of in the first part of this work (p. 31) that it is here only necessary to explain some terms used in the descriptions. The Diatomacea3 differ, in several respects, so widely from acknowledged Algae, that in our opinion they may be regai'ded rather as an order related to the Algae than as a family belonging to them. The siliceous covering is composed of three portions. The centi'al one is sometimes called "connecting membrane" and "cingulum;" we, however, prefer Professor Amott's term, " connecting zone," as less Hkely to mislead. The lateral or jxmction surfaces correspond to the septa of a Conferva, and are called valves. The late Professor Smith considered the central portion \messential and produced only preparatory to self-fission. We, on the contrary, regard it as of great importance, and quite unkno'mi in the true Algte. It is conspicuous in the conjugating and, consequently, matiu'e frustules ; and we think the con- clusion illogical that it has no systematic value because obscure in newly- formed frustules. It is evidently essential in Diatoms with flat valves, since otherwise there could be no cavity to contain internal matter. We use the term " front view " to denote that position of the frustule Avhen the connecting zone is fully presented to the eye, and " side view " when the centre of the valve is in a similar position. When we speak of tlie " valve," unaccompanied by a qualifying epithet, it must be understood as identical with " side view." "Longitudinal" means in the direction of the connecting zone, and " transverse " in the opposite direction uniting the valves. When so applied to the frustule of a Diatom, these terms acqiiii-e a meaning exactly the reverse of that in which they are used when applied to the joint of a Conferva and the frond in the Desmidieaj. For example, the frustule in some Diatoms .and the frond in Closterium are both described as longitudinally lunate, wliilst they are really extended in opposite directions : unless the change in the meaning of the terms be remembered, an idea of similaiity will be convoyed which is altogether erroneous. The valves are sciilptui-ed, cellulose, or striated ; the apparent absence of striae in some instances may be accounted for by their extreme delicacy placing them beyond tho reach of oiu- instruments, since the greater the penetration of the object-glass, and the more perfect the illimiination, the greater is the number of species found to possess them. Wlien, therefore, we use the terms " smot^th " and " veiy smooth " in dcfuiitions taken from foreign works, they must be understood to mean only that the striaj were too fine to be ascertained by the microscope of tho dcscriber. OF THE BIATOMACEiB. 757 The word "transverse" is, for the sake of brevity, omitted before strias in the definitions, but, unless tlie contrary be expressed, it must always be understood. When the frustules are lunate or curved, the convex margin is called the dorsum and the opposite the venter. We have not mentioned the Sporangia in the generic and specific descrip- tions, because the examples recorded are too few, and that condition is too seldom met with to be practically useful. With respect to the general history of the Diatomacea3, the importance of Mr. Thwaites's discoveries can scarcely be overrated (see p. 61). We consider it, however, desirable to point out, that whilst the similarity of their conjugating process to that of the Desmidieae affords a powerful argimient in support of the vegetable nature of the Diatomacece, the widely different characters of their sporangia, not merely in form but in subsequent changes, furnish irresistible evidence of the pro- priety of separating the Desmidieae fi-om the Diatomaceae. The resemblance of the reproductive bodies in the latter to the parent frustules, and their con- tinuous growth and increase by self-division, is so unlike what we find in the sporangia of the Desmidieae and Conjugatae, as to appear more like an " alternation of generations " than examples of true sporangia. The first attempt at a scientific arrangement of the Diatomaceae was by C. A. Agardh in the ' Conspectus Criticus Diatomacearum.' He distributed them into three families — Cymbelleae, Styllarieae, and Fragilariece, according to the form of their frustules. He considered that in each family the frus- tules might be free, stipitate, imited into a filament, or enclosed in a fi-ond. This system was greatly extended and improved by Professor Kiitzing ; and, as we believe his arrangement (p. 101) is the best and most natiu-al yet pro- posed, we have used it in this work, admitting, however, some judicious alterations proposed by Meneghini and others. It is true we do not meet with examples of the four conditions in each family ; but they may faii-ly be anticipated to occur, and their absence regarded as lacunae likely to be filled up by future discoveries. We have thus brought together nearly allied genera ; for it is often difficult to distinguish a Eimotia from a Himantidium, a Tri- ceratium from an Amphitetras, a Cymbella from a detached Cocconema, and an escaped fnistule of CoUetonema fi'om a Navicula. The arrangements of Ehrenberg and Smith we regard as far inferior, — separating, as they do, such nearly allied forms. Indeed the fame of those eminent obsei-vers must depend on their intimate knowledge of genera and species, and on their definitions being superior to those of their predecessors, and not on their primary divisions. We feel persuaded that, but for liis lamented death. Professor Smith would have been led by increased acquaintance with the Diatomacea3 to modify his views in that respect in a future edition of his valuable and beautiful work on the British Diatomaceae. ANALYSIS OF THE FAMILIES OF DIATOMACE^. A. Valves with central nodulo and median longitudinal lino B. „ with umbilicus or pscudo-nodulo and radiant lines or cellules 12 ,, witJiout a central nodulo 2 Frustules in side view limato or arcuato 3 « „ with symmelriod margins Q Valves dissimilar Stkiatki.le.e, M similar .| Valves cellulose,' without transverse strirc Akoulifbh.e. I, not cellulose fi 758 SYSTEMATIC niSTOKY OF THE 1NFTJ80HIA. ' Valves with pervious costce or stria; Eunotib*. a longitudinal line or keel ■'. Sukiuelle^. Prustules cuneate in the front viev^ j „ not cuneate in the front view n ' Frustules free ; valves with alas Sueirella. „ attached or united in filaments ; valves witliout alis ... 8 Valves dotted, dots not forming strias Eucampia. „ not dotted, or the dots arranged in transverse lines 9 Frustules radiating from a common centre; valves obovate or clavate 10 ,, not radiant; valves with symmetrical ends....^ FeagilaeiejE. Frustules in front view with longitudinal vittte LicMOPUOEEiE. „ „ without longitudinal vitta (costse per- vious) MEEIDIEiB. Connecting zone (annulate) vrith imperfect internal septa Steiatelle.e. „ ,, vrithout internal septa 12 Lateral view witli 3, or more, angles or lobes Asgvliferm. „ ,, circular 17 „ ,, neither angular nor circular 13 Valves not conspicuous in front view, wliich is mostlj longer than broad 14 „ compressed, inflated, conspicuous in front view, which is mostly broader than long 15 Valves with a longitudinal line Sueieellej:. ,, without a longitudinal line FRACiLAEiEiE. ' Valves iu front view, rectangular, with transverse capitate vittae . TEBPSiNOfe.E. „ ,, with produced angles, processes, or spines 16 / Valves cellulose, symmetrical BroDULpmE^. „ not cellulose, mostly dissimilar Ch.etoceee*. I' Frustules saddle-shaped : valves mostly with longitudinal blank 17. ] space Campylodiscus. [ ,, not saddle-shaped ; central blank space (if any) orbicular 18 I Valves cellulose 19 \ „ not cellulose Melosise.e. I Frustules simple ; lateral view more conspicuous than front 20 10.-^ „ either united into filaments or front view broader than I lateral Melosire*. 2y r Valves furnished with projecting processes Eupodisce^. ■ [ „ without processes, but sometimes with minute teeth Coscinodisces. B. ' Only one valve vrith a central nodule 22 Both valves with central nodules 23 ' Frustules adnate, not genuflexed Cocconeide^. „ not adnate (often stipitate), genuflexed Achnasthk*. Frustules cuneate in front view ; valves usually with dissunilar ends GoMPHONKMM. ,, not cimeate ; valves with symmetrical ends 24 ' Median line rib-like and distinct ; nodules distinct 25 ,, notrib-Uke; nodules mostly obscure 2 ' Side view limate ; nodule mostly excentric 26 „ not lunate (rarely Innately curved) ; nodule central ... Navicule.e. Valves vejitricose, striaj not decussating Cymbellke. ,, not ventricosc, stria; decussating Toxosidea. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 18 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. C. Individuals of one piece, with radiating spines Actikisckk. Families. * Valves without a central nodule. Eunoticic. Meridieas. Licmophorcro. Fragilariea;. Synedrea*. SurirelloA\ Stria- tellca;. Torpsinoiiro. Biddnlphio£P. AnguUferca;. Eupodiscca?. Coscinodiscero. Melosircsf. Clinitoccrcuj. 2 * / ''ahrs with a median line and a central nodule. Coccont'idcce. Achnanthcio. Cynibellctc. Qoinphoncmooj. Navicidcw. Actiniscew. OF THE EXn^OTIEiE. 759 FAMILY I.— EUNOTIE^. Frustules free or adnate, in lateral view lunate or arcuate, with transverse stria) or costal, uot intornipted by a central nodule or longitudinal line. The essential characters of this group are the lunate form of the frustules in the lateral view, and the strioe being continuous across the valve, and not inter- i-upted by a longitudinal line. It is easily distinguished, except from some species of Synedra, which, however, are Knear-cm-ved rather than lunate, and usually have an evident though faint longitudinal line. Ampliipleura infiexa, which m form more nearly resembles Eimotia, has a longitudinal line passing down the middle of the lateral valves. The Eunotieas have one siu-face of their connecting zone flat or concave and the opposite one convex, the convexity being usually greater than the conca^ity. The lateral portions or valves are either flat or convex ; in the former case they do not appear in the front view, and the fnistule appears quadrilateral ; in the latter, on a front view, they have an oval form. like most Diatomacese, the connecting zone has two pimcta at each end. Genus EPITHEMIA (K.). — Frustules Innately curved in lateral vieAV, and furnished with transverse internal ribs (canals, Sm.) ; usually adnate by the flat or concave surface of the connecting zone, and not by one of the lateral valves, like Cocconeis. The lateral view has strongly-marked transverse lines, which Mr. Smith, in his beautiful work ' The British Diatomaceas,' calls canalieuli. We consider them internal ribs ; in fragments it is by no means difficult to see them, as they give a dentate appearance to the margin ; their form is somewhat triangular, but we are unable to detect any internal cavity or canals. Mr. Smith, however, may have used microscopes of larger angular aperture and higher magnifying powers than we employed. Besides these ribs, the valves have transverse striae or punctated lines. The adnate frus- tules and strongly-marked ribs distinguish Epithemia from Eunotia and Himantidium. In the front view the ends of the ribs frequently produce a beautiful beaded appearance. These beads form two longitudinal lines, and are more or less remote from 1)he margins, according to the convexity of the lateral valves. They ai-e frequently more numerous on one side than on the other, and arc not all equidistant, even in the same series. * Front fiew gibbous at the centre, costce fine. EpiTHEraA gibha (E., K.). — Front view elongated, linear, inflated at the centre and ends. I03. p. .33, t. 4. f. 22. = Na- vicitla (/ibha, E Inf. p. 184 j Eunotia ffibba, EA & M, many figures. Fresh water. Common. Ebrenberg gives about 100 habitats in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, and America, (xji. 27.) Strias 3G in -001"; costBe 15 in -001".— Distin- guished by its elongated frustules, fine strife, and dilated ends; but, from its nearly straight side-view, its proper genus may be overlooked. _ E. ventricom (K.).— Front view ellip- tic, oblong, with gibbous middle; valves arcuate, with gibbous dorsum and atte- nuated, acute, somewliat inciM'V(>d ends ; striaj fine. KB. p. 35, t. .30. f. 9 ; SBD. i. pi. 1. f. 14. Fresh and brackish water. Europe. E. angulata (Perty). — Dorsum tm-gid, sloping to the obtuse ends ; venter con- cave at the centre, strije about 12 in 1-1200". Rab Diat. p. 18, t. 1. f. 18. = Eunotia Jastrabtmsis, EM. pi. 8. 1. f . 3 ? Switzerland. Fossil. Hungary. Ac- cording to tlio figures, the frustules are gibbous or rhomboid in the front view. 2* Front vieto with viarginal bead-like dots formed by the capitate ends of the costal ( = Cystopleura, Br^b.). E. Argus (E., K.). — Front view rect- angular, witli conspicuous ocelli termi- nating tiio stalk-liko costas, and having distinct striic interposed brhvoon th(>ni Ki;. p. 35, t. 20. f. 55. = Eimotia Ar,,us, EA. p. 125, & M. 1. 15 A. f. 50. liurope, 7G0 SYSTEMATIC HISTORY OF THE INFUSOBIA, Asin, Australia, and America, (xv. 11 .) Valve lunately curved. Sporangial frus- tides with somewhat augidar dorsum. A common species, easily recognized by the distinct marginal striaa intei-posed between the rather distant, conspicuous bead-like ocelli. E. alpestris (K.). — Front view rectan- gular or subcimeate, with conspicuous marginal ocelli and interposed striiB ; valves narrow, arcuate, with the rounded apices scarcely a little recm-ved. KB. p. 34, t. 5. f. 10. = -B. ostrantina, Rab Diat. p. 19, t. 1. f. 29? France, England, (xiii. 8.) We are unable to distinguish this species from E. Argus ; for we believe that the subcimeate front view is an accidental variation, and iu specimens from M. de Brebissou we find that cha- racter by no me.'ms constant. Striaj are interposed between the ocelli, as in JS. Aryus, and are nearly, if not quite, as distant as iu that species ; and we doubt whether recurs-ed extremities of the valves are not sometimes foimd in both. E. reticulata (Niig.). — Front view rect- angular, margins with stronger capi- tate and intermediate finer ones ; valves slightly cm-ved, the obtuse ends some- wliat attenuated ; stria; strong, 3 to 5 in 1-1200"; the interstices regularlj' reticu- lated, veined, margins finely transversely striated. KSA. p. 889. Switzerland. E. luiif/icornis (E., S.). — Front view subreclangidar, with conspicuous mar- ginal ocelli and striic, as in E. Argus ; valves elongated, cm-ved, with obtuse ends and slightly angular dorsum. SBD. pi. ;}0. f. 247. = Hunotia longi- cornis, EM., several figures. Europe, Asia, and America, (xv. 6-9). Costte strong, altei'natiug with striated spaces. I'crhaps a sporangial state of JE. Argus. E. uccUatu (E., K.). — Front view" bar- rel-shaped, with conspicuous marginal ocelli and interposed strire ; valves lu- nately curved, with roimded apices. KB. p. 34, t. 29. f.-57 ; SBD. pi. 1. f. 6. =Eu- ■iiolia ocellata, E. Fresh water. Em'ope and America. Fossil. Greece. E. Eugcnice (S.). — Front view inflated, with truncate extremities ; valves lunate, with straight, tnmcatc extremities ; costic distinct, 8 in -001"; ocelli con- spicuous ; striaj 32 in -OOl". S Au. .fan. 1857, p. 7, pi. 1. f. 1. Fresh water. i>iarritz, France. The nearest allies of this species arc E. prohoncidca and E. Soirx. ft may be distinguished from tho (irsl by ils distinct ocelli, and from the second by its conspicuous costic and their arcola-like interspaces. S. E. cowii!«(E.).— Small; valves cm-vcd, with regularly convex dorsum and rounded ends ; striaj strong and gi-a- nidar. = Eurwtia comta, EA. 1840, & M. pi. 6. 2. f. 17 e,/. Fossil. Greece. We are not certain whether this and the next species are coi-rectly placed iu the ocel- lated section. E. llellenica (E.). — Valves long, curved, with regularly convex doreum and rounded ends ; costa? strong, 4 in 1-1200", having very delicate striie in- tervening between them. =iEunotia Hel- lenica, EA. 1840, & M. pi. 6. 2. f, 17 «, b. Fossil. Greece. 3 * CostcB not capitate. E. constricta (Br6b.). — Front \aew elliptical, slightly constricted at the middle ; valve semiluuate, with 8 distinct costae in -001". SBD. vol. i. p. 14, pi. 30. f. 248. Brackish water. France and England. Sti-ia3 30 in -001". S. E. margaritifera (Rab.). — Front view baiTel-shaped, with trimcate ends and striated margins ; valves with three dor- sal undidations and rounded ends ; costse 4 to 5 iu 1-1200"; bordered by pimcta, Rab Diat. p. 17, pi. 1. f. 32. Persia. E. Musculus (K.). — Front view sub- orbicular ; valves lunate, with verj' con- vex dorsum, concave venter, and taper- ing acute apices ; costre distinct. KB. p. 33, t. 30. f. 6 ; SBD. pi. 1. f. 10. = Eunotia SpJicerula, EM. pi. 8. 1. f. 6? Brackish water. Em-ope, Asia, Africa, and America, (xm. 18.) Strice 40 in •001". S. E. rupcstris (S.). — Front view elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate ; valves semilan- ceolate, tapering to the subacute apices ; costae distinct ; stiire faint, 40 iu "001". SBD. vol. i. p. 14, pi. 1. f. 12. E. gibhc- ruln, KB. t. 30. f. 3 ; KA. p. 3. - E. West(rmanni, SBD. vol. i. p. 14, pi. 1. f. 11. Fi-esh or bi-ackish water. Europe and America. E. ijuiiiqut'cosfata (Rab.). — "\^alve semi- lanceolate, with obtuse ends, and five somewhat converging costre. Rab Dial-, p. 18, t. 1. f. 35. Germany. E. Jlyiidmani (S.).— Front view veu- tricose with truncate ends ; vah es stout, lunately curved, with rounded apices; striro mouilifonn, 10 iu -001" ; cost* in- conspicuous. SBD. vol. i. p. 12, pi. 1. f. 1. = Eunotia Luna, EM. pi. 15 A. f. 68. Britain. Large; valve not recmved. J-:. IVcstvnnaimi {Vu, K.).— Fi'ont view elliptic; vdves .«cmilunate, with turgid, convex doi-suui gradually altenuated to the rather obtuse not in-ominent apices ; OF THE ETTNOTIEiE. 761 striaj scarcely converging, 7 or 8 in 1-1200". KlS. p. 23, t. 30. f. 4. = Exi- notia Westennaimi, E Inf. p. 190, & M, many figures. Em-ope, Asia, and Ame- rica, (iv. 2 ; rs. 157.) In Ehrenberg's figures tbo frustules are large, the stout valves have the obtuse apices somewhat produced and recui-ved, and the inter- stices of the costee fm-nislied with dotted lines. E. (jihberula (E.). — Front view elliptic, ■with slightly produced apices; valves with gibbous dorsmn, slightly concave venter, and attenuated, recurved apices ; strife converging, 33 in -Q^l" .=Eunotia gibberula, EA. p. 125, & M, nimieroiis figiu-es. = E. Sorex, KSA. p. 1 ; SBD. vol. i. p. 13, pi. 1. f. 9. Fresh or braclrish water. Common. Eiu-ope, Asia, Aus- tralia, Africa, and America. Costse in- conspicuous. E. Saxonica (K.). — Minute ; fi'ont view rectangidar ; valves Innately cm'ved, at- tenuated, with obtuse not recm-ved ends ; strife sub converging, 6 to 7 in 1-1200". KB. p. 35, t. 5. f. 15. Italy and Ger- many. 1-840". E. Textricula (E., K.). — Valve lineai', limately cui-ved, Avith rounded ends ; costse stout, distant; interspaces Avith series of longitudinal strire. KB. p. 35, t. 29, f. 53. = Eunotia Textricula, EA. p. 126, & M, several figm-es. Em-ope, jVsia, Australia, Africa, and America. Small ; ends not recurved. E. Zcim (E., K.). — Front view sub- linear ; vah es senulimate, with convex dorsum, straight venter, and very obtuse, slightly prominent apices; costaj con- vergent, 5 to 7 in -OOl". KB. p. 34, t. 30. f. 5; SBD. pi. 1. f. 4. = Eunotia Zebra, E. Em-ope, Asia, Africa, and America. StriiB 33 in -001". S. E. zehriita (E., K.). — Elongated ; valves with evenly convex dorsum, gradually decun-ent into the obtuse, constricted apices; interspaces dotted. KB. p. 34. = Eunotia zebrina, EA. p. 126, Sc M, several figures. Asia, Austxalia, Ame- rica, and Europe. E.argc : front view linear or linear-oblong; valves slender, slightly arcuate, witli obtuse, recurved apices; stiise moniliform; costaj distinct. KB. p. 35, t. 5. f. 20. E. Faba, KB. p. 36, t. 5. f. 21. = Eunotia (/rami- lata, E Inf. p. 191, t. 21. f. 20 = Epithc- mia turyida, SBD. vol. i. pi. 1. f. 2. Eu- rope, Asia, Africa, and America, E. Vertagus (K.). — Large ; fi-ont view snblinear, gradually dilated at the mid- dle; valves slender, ai'cuate, with rounded, refiexed apices ; costte converging, 10 in 1-1200" ; strife punctate. KB. p. 36, t. 30. f . 2 = ^. granidata, SBD. vol. i. t. 1. f. 3. Fresh water. Europe. Re- sembles the last, but the valves aa-e far more slender. E. Librile (E., K.). — Large ; front view rectangular ; valves arcuate, with con- cave venter, dorsum evenly convex at the middle, suddenly decreasing towai'ds the obtuse, slightly revolute apices ; in- terspaces between the costae dotted. KB. p. 35, t. 29. f. 45. = Eunotia Librile, E Amer. p. 126, t. 3. 1. f. 38. Asia, Afiica, and America, (xu. 24, 25.) E. Porcellus (K.). — Large ; fi-ont view lineal', seven times as long as broad; valves with convex dorsum, concave venter, and truncate refiexed ends ; striae converging, 11 in 1-1200". KB. p. 34, t. 5. f. 18, 19. Fossil. San Fiore. (xm. 12.) 1-240" to 1-216". E. proboscidea (K.). — Small ; front view rectangular with obtuse angles ; valves with gibbous dorsum, slightly concave venter, and constricted, obtaise, remarkably recm-ved ends ; costte con- spicuous, converging. KB. p. 35, t. 5. f. 13 ; SBD. vol. i. p. 13, pi. 1. f. 8? Fossil, Liineburg ; Britain ; recent, Jer- sey. _ CostfB 5 or 6in 1-1200". British specimens have the fi-ont view inflated, and therefore may be distinct. E. ? marina (Donkin). — Dorsal view rectangidar, with longitudinal scries of puncta on the connecting zone; valves linear, slightly arcuate, with produced rostrate apices; costfo conspicuous; in- terspaces punctated. Donkin, TMS. vol. vi. p. 29, pi. 3. f. 14. Marine. Eng- land. A largo and beautifid Diatom, whose genus is somewhat imccrtain. It agrees wi(li Amphora in having the lon- gitudinal rows of puncta confiued to the dorsal surface, whilst in the form of its valves it resembles some species of Nitzschia. Costao and striixj 11 in -001". Donkin, Doubtful and insufficiently known species. E. Electra .= Eunotia Elcctra, EM. pi. 37. 3. f. 3. Fossil. Prussia. Vnlvo somiorbicular, with strong, rntliant stnx. 762 SYSTEMATIC HI8T0B.Y 01? THE INFUSOEIA. E. Idndigii (Rab.). — Minute ; front view orbicular ; costiB 6 to 7. Ilab Diat. p. 19, pi. 1. f. 20. Bogota. E. Sancti Antotiii = Eimotia Sancti Antonii, EM. pi. 34. 5. f. 7, &c. Ame- rica. Fi-ont view rectangular, vsdth conspicuous marginal capitate stri.ie; valves obtusely lanceolate, straight, with sti'ong transverse costae. Probably a Denticula. E. Beatorttni=Eunotia Beatorum, EM. pi. 34. 5. f. 8. America. Front view rectangailai', with marginal gland-like puncta. According to Ehrenberg, this species is allied to E. Sancti Antonii. E. Lunula = Eimotia Zninula, EM. pi. 33. 7. f. 9, & pi. 33. 14. f. 8. Ehren- berg's figm'es diifer considerably. The first is slightly arcuate, elongated, with obtuse, slightly recm-ved endsj the se- cond is smaller, lunate, rapidly tapering to the obtuse ends. Both have radiant costse without intermediate dotted lines. E. mesolepta = Eunotia mtsolcpta, EM. pi. 9. 1. f. 26. Fossil. France. Valves elongated, slightly curved, with attenu- ated middle, and conic ends ; costa3 alter- nating with dotted striae. E. niesogongyla= Eunotia mesogongyla, EM. pi. 9. 1. f. 27. Fossil. France. Valves linear, elongated, slightly curved, with gibbous middle, and rounded ends ; costas alternating with dotted strias. E. P Faha (E., K.).— Valves semioval, shghtly arcuate, with obtuse, verj' slightly recm-ved apices, and 9 moniliform stria) in 1-1200".= Eunotia Faha, EM. Seve- ral figures. Ehrenberg's figm-e seems to us rather to represent a Emiotia than an Epithemia. E. ? cingulata (E., K.). — Small, smooth, with convex dorsum and tumid connect- ing zone. KB. p. 36. = Eunotia ? cin- gulata, EA. p. 126, t. 2. 6. f. 34. North America. Ajrin to E. gibherula, E. E. Cocconema = Eunotia Cocc&nema, EM. pi. 34. 7. f. 1. Canton. Valve stout, semUimate, with regularly convex dorsum, straight venter and rounded ends, strong costse, fine intennediate striae, and a longitudinal blank line. E. Cistula = Eunotia Cisttda, EM. f)l. 8. 1. f. 5, &c. Asia. Front view ob- ong or elliptic, with costate margins ; valves stout, limate, with obtuse ends, strong, radiating costae, and a blank longitudinal line. Genus EUNOTIA (E.). — Frustules free, in front view quadrangular, in lateral view lunate, or arcuate, and striated. In form, Eimotia is allied to Epithemia ; but the lateral surfaces of the fi'ustules are merely striated, and want the conspicuous costse of that genus. The superior mai-gin is usually undulated, — an appearance caused by transverse depressions. The frustules are not aduate, and in the front view do not appear beaked. We believe that the species in this genus, as in several others, have been founded upon insufficient characters, and that those forms which differ only in the undulations should, as Professor BaUey suggests, be regarded as varieties. As this work, however, is intended to include aU generally admitted species, we are content to indicate our opinion, the correctness of which must be determined by future observations. Kiitzing and Mencghini describe the transverse section as trapezoidal, and regard it as an important generic character ; but we agree with Professor Smith in doubting tlie occur- rence of such a form. Several species of Eunotia have been found by Bailey and Br^bisson united into short bands ; and unless the generic charactera of Eunotia and Himantidium can be strengthened, it Mall become necessary to reunite these genera. The dorsal elevations in Eunotia and Himantidium appear, in the front view, transverse dai-ker bands. rica. Akin to E. nodosa, but with in- flated and straidit apices. E. E. vcntralis (E.). — Valves elongated, linear, curved, -with tumid, roxmded apices, and gibbous venter. EA. p. I2G, & M, several figm-es. Europe, Asia, Africa, and Aniorica, E. Luna (75.).— Volvos linonr, lunatoly curved, with simply convex dor.iecs. * Dorsal margin of valves not dentate. Eunotia nodosa (E.). — Valves slightly arcuate, with inflated centre and refloxed obtuse apices. ERBA. 1840, p. 15, & M. pi. 15 B. 3. f. 25. Asia and America. I^ough Mourno deposit. E. Forniirn (E.). — Valvos linear, with inflated centre and ends. EA. p. 126, & M. pi. 8. 4. f. 18. Australia and Ame- OF TIDE EtTNOTIEiE. 763 ERBA. 1845, p. 77, & M. pi. 83. 12. f. 13. Fossil. Oregon. E. Sima (E.). — Valves lineai-, slightly ciirved, with rather concave venter ; doi-sum suddenly sloping dowa to the produced, acute, reflexed apices. ER BA. 1845, p. 77, & M. pi. 33. 12. f. 16. Fossil. Oregon. E. biceps (E.). — Valves lineai', curved, with dilated, slightly revolute, broadly rounded ends. EA. p. 125, & M. pi. 5.2. f. 36. Europe and America. Some at least of Ehi'enberg's figiu'es in the ' Mi- crogeologie' belong to Syneclrajlexuosa. E. Alpina (K.) = Himantidium Hal- cj/melke (Pevty). — Valves with turgid convex dorsiun, slightly produced sub- ti'uncate apices, and very fine ti'ansverse striae. KB. p. 36, t. 3. f. 10. Switzer- land. E. ineisa (Greg.). — Valves arcuate, slender, with obtuse or subacute apices, and subterminal notches or depressions on the ventral margin ; strias fine, 44 in •001". Greg MJ. vol. ii. p. 96, pi. 4. f. 4. Lapland, Scotland. E. Plectrum, EM. pi. 6. 2. f. 15. Fossil. Sweden. Valve semilunate, con- stricted beneath the capitate apices ; venter straight ; dorsum evenly convex. E. Hemicyclus (E.^. — Small; valves linear, curved, semicircidar, with obtuse apices and distinct transverse striae. = Si/nedra Hemicijclus, ERBA. 1840, & M. t. 16. = E. Falx, Greg MT. vol. ii. p. 105 ; MJ. vol. iii. pi. 4. f. 1. FossU. Sweden, 2 * Valves with two dorsal and three ventral undulations. E. Crocodihis (E.). — Valves elongated, slightly curved, with two dorsal and three ventral undulations; apices pro- duced, subacute, reflexed. ERBA. 1845, p. 77 ; M. pi. 34. 5 a. f. 4. Afiica and America. E. Tapacumae, EM, pi. 34. 5 a. f. 5. America. Valve with two dorsal and three ventral undulations separated by deep sinuses; apices abniptly produced into a short bealf. E. Tapacumae seems to differ from E. Crocodikts in its stouter form, deeper sinuses, and more abruptly produced apices. 3 * Valves with dentate or crenato dorsum. E. C'amclua (E.). — Valves striated, small; dorsum with two apprnxiniato rounded elevations, sloping to the atte- nuated, produced, obtuse apices. EA. p. 125, t. 2. 1. f. 1, Asia, Afi-ica, and America. E. bidentula (S.). — Valves faintly stri- ated, with two prominent, acute or rounded dorsal ridges, very straight ventral margin, and obtuse, produced apices. SBD. vol. ii. p. 83. E. Camelus, Grev ANH. 2nd series, vol. xv. pi. 9. f. 1, Britain. Differs from E. Camelus in its straight venti-al margin. E. Sella (E.). — Valve dilated ; ventral margin straight; dorsum with two central ridges, from which it passes with a re- gulai' convexity to the acute apices. EA. p. 126, t. 2. 1. f. 7. America. E. Zygodon (E.). — Valves linear ; dor- sum with two approximate ridges, from which it passes bj a cm-vatiu-e to the rounded apices. EA. p. 127, t. 2. 1. f. 6. America. ~Ei. declivis (E.). — Valves with plane venter ; dorsum convex, with two ndges which slope to the acute apices. EA, p. 125, t. 2. 1. f. 3. America. E. itnp-essa, EM. pi. 2. 2. f. 30, &c. America. Small, stnated; valves nar- row, linear, with two slight dorsal im- didations and obtuse ends. Perhaps a bicrenate state of E. tridentida. E. bactriana, EM. pi. 16. 1. figs. 29, 30, & pi. 16. 2. f. 19. TossU. Sweden. This seems a distinct species, with linear, nearly straight valves, and two remote, minute dorsal teeth. E. diodon (E.). — Valves stout, with two rounded dorsal lidges and broadly rounded ends; striae distinct, radiant. E Inf. p. 192, t. 21. £ 23; SBD. pi. 2. f. 17. Recent and fossil. Em-ope, Asia, Africa, and America. — This and the thir- teen following species of Ehreuberg we regard as mere vaiieties, which difl'cr only in the number of their dorsal elevations. The species may be called E. robusta : its valves are stout, semilimate, with concave venter, broadly rounded ends, turgid convex dorsimi furnished with conspicuous, roimded, diverging ridges, and the striae ai-e strongly marked and highly radiant ; as, however, the valves increase in length, according to the in- creased number of dorsal ridges each ia comparatively more slender than its pre- decessor, and the ridges ai-e smaller and resemble crenations. E. triodon (E.). — Has three dorsal ridges; otherwise resembles E. diodon Eluf p.192; SBD. pi. 2. f. 18. Recent nud fossil. Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, (iv. 4; ix. 164.) E. tctraodon, E., Sm., K., Rnb. ; E pcntodon, E., K. ; E. Diadcma (0 crc- '64 SYSTEMATIC HISTOHY OP TITE DTFUSOHIA. nations), E., K., Sm. ; E. heptodon, E., K. J JE. octodun, E., K. ; JE. cnnaodon, E., K. 5 E. decaodon, E., K. ; E. hen- decaodon, E., K. ; E. dodecaodon, E., K. ; E. serndata (13 crenations), E., K. ; E. prionotis (14 crenations), E,, K. ; E. polyodon (all forms with more than 20 crenations), E., K. Fossil and recent. Europe and America. — Br^b., Rab., and Kiitz. place E, tetraodon in Himanti- dium because the frustides are occa- sionally united into short tablets. We are unable to concm' with them. F^.Elephas(F..). — ^Valves stout, cui-ved, with three dorsal teeth and broadly rounded ends. EA. p. 126, 1. 1. 4. f. 5. Brazil. E. dizyga (E.). — Valves stiiated (?), semilunate ; dorsum with four teeth, ap- proximate at the middle. EA. p. 126, t. 2. 1. f. 8. Cayenne. E. Corona (Rab.). — ^Valves nearly as broad as long; ; dorsimi tm'gid, with five ridges ; venter shorter, and separated from dorsmn by a constriction. Rab Diat. p. 17, 1. 1. f. 36. Italy. Strife di- stinct, radiant, E. tridenttda (E.). — Small ; valves finely striated, cm-ved, naiTOw-linear, with three slight dorsal crenations, and obtuse reciu-ved apices. EA. p. 126, t. 2. 1. f. 14 ; Grev Annals, 2nd series, XV. pi. 9. f. 2. Eiu'ope, Asia, Afi'ica, and America. — We would imite this with the foUowing thirteen species imder the name of E. Ehrenbergii. The valves are linear, cui'ved, with small dorsal teeth or crenations, and become larger and longer in proportion to the number of their teeth. The striae are less radiant than in E. robiista, and the dorsum less turgid. E. quaternaria, EA. ; E. quinaria (xu. 39), EA. ; E. senaria, E. septeiia, EA. = E. septmaria, EM. ; E. octonaria, E. nonaiia, E. dmaria, E. widttuiria, E. TeiTa (12 crenations), E. tridenaria, E. qualtiordmaria, E. quindenaria, E. bioctonaria. Recent and fossil. Eu- rope, Asia, Afiica, and America. Ehr., Kiitz. E. sccdaris (E., K.). — Dorsum with 17 dorsal teeth. EM. pi. 17. 1. f. 44. Fossil. Finland, In this and the two following species Ehrenberg probably included forms belonging to E. robusta and E. Ehrmbcrgii. E. icosodon (E., K.). — Valves striated, linear, curved, with 20 dorsal teetli. ERRA. 1845, p. 77 ; Microg. pi. 33. 10. f. 3. Fossil, America. E. polyodon (E.) resembles E. icoso- don, but has more than 20 dorsal teeth. E. I. c. p. 77} Microg. pi. 17. 1. f. 46. Fossil. Finland. Doubtful and insufficiently known Species. E. triglyphis (E.) = E. triodon, Ralfe, Annals, vol. xiii. pi. 14, f, 3 ? Afiica and America, Sussex ? E. tetraglyphis (E.). Asia, Africa, and America. E. pentaglpphis, EM, pi, 16, 2, f, 22, & pi, 17, 1. f 32, Europe, Asia, and America, Valves minute, linear, with five dorsal, approximate teeth, {tv. 3.) E. hexaglyphis, EM. pi. 16. 1. f, 34, & pi, 16, 2, f, 24, Em-ope and Asia. Resembles E. pentaglyphis, but has six dorsal teeth. The above foi-ms ai-e probably only varieties. They seem to differ from E. Ehrenbergii in more minute size, obso- lete or indistinct striae, and approximate teeth. E. Amphidia-anon (E.). — Valve qua- di-angular, straight, transversely stiiated, with constricted middle and emargiuate ends. ERBA. 1845, p. 77; Microg. t, 33, 12, f. 14, Fossil, Oregon. E. brevicornis (E.). — Oblong, dilated with suddenly acutely rosti-ate ends ; venter slightly concave at the middle ; dorsum slightly convex, nearly smooth (veiy finely striated.?). ERBA. 1845, p. 363. Marine. Jsiii&. = A. Nitzschia? E. Cret ventncose lanceolate, with three to five h-nnsvoi-sc .sIrijE at the middle. KB. p. 47, 1. 17. f. 13. fi. ciinculum. fnu-^tidcs cuncnto. KB. 1.17. f. 12. = BaciUaria cuncata, E OF THE FRAGILAHIEiE. 779 Inf. t. 15. f. 6 ; Diatoma cuneatum, Kab D. t. 2. f. 4. Germany, (ix. 170.) Pro- bably a state of D. vul1. 2. f. 15. Fresli water. Europe. The rustnles are affixed, as in other species of Synedra. t fr S. hamata (S.). — Valves linear or linear-lanceolate, -with suddeidy con- stricted, produced, incmved apices ; striaj marginal, 30 in -001". SBD. i. n 73 nl 30. £ 264. Fresh water. Sussex. ' " 3 * Valves straight, with a circular, defi- nite central pseudo-nodule. S. pulchella (Ralfs, KUtz.). — Frustules in fan-shaped clusters on a compressed- dichotomous stipes; valves lanceolate, obtuse, with a median umbilicus. KB p. 68, t. 29. f 87; SBD. i. p. 70, f. 84.= Ctenophora pidchella, Breb., Synedra Vertebra, Greg. MJ. iii. pi. 4. £ 22. Ponds and slow streams. England and France. Stria3 33 in -001", Sm. S. oninutissitna (K.). — ^Very minute ; front view narrow linear- ; valves lanceo- late, rather obtuse; striae 36 in -001". KB. p. 63, t. 3. £ 30; SBD. pL 11. £ 87. Fresh water. Em-ope. S. gracilis (K.). — Fi-ustides affixed, scattered ; valves lanceolate, acute, with a median pseudo-nodide. KB. p. 64, 1. 15. £ 8 ; SBD. i. p. 70, pi. 11. £ 85. Marine. Europe. Stnae obscure, 39 in -001", Sm. S. Smithii (R.). — Fmstules irregularly affixed; valves lanceolate, acute, with 36 very faint sti-iae in -001." = Si/nedra acicularis, SBD. i. p. 70, pi. 11." £ 86. Brackish water. England. 4 * Valves with very long awn-like beaks (Toxarium) ; nodule obsolete. S. undulata (Bailey). — Valves slender, lanceolate at the middle, tapering into very long, linear, undulated awns, with clavate apices. SBD. ii. p. 97 ; Greg.DC. p. 59, pi. 6. £ 107. = Toxarium undidafum, Bailey, MO. p. 15, figs. 24, 25. JMarine. America and Em-ope. Front view linear, broader ; valves arcuate or straight, with 24 monilifonn striae in -001". S. Hennedyana (Greg.). — F^ustides as in S. undulata, but the awns not undu- late. GDC. p. 60, pi. 6. £ 108. Marine. Scotland. 5 * Frustules affixed, aggregated or scat- . tcrcd ; pseudo-nodule obscure or in- dtjinitc. S. jmrvula (K.). — Front view linear, truncate ; valves broad lanceolate, acute. KB. p. 64, t. 30. £32. Fresh vratoT. Ger- many and France. 1-1200". Sometimes free, sometimes attached and densely aggregated in a radiant manner. S. subtilis (K.). — Slender, radiant | valves naiTow linear-lanocolafe, very acute. KB. p. 64, 1. 14. £ 2a.=Naricula OF Tin5 STTRIEELLEiE. 787 Acus, E Inf. p. 176, 1. 13. f. 4. (ix. 147.) Germany and Fi-ance. S. dtssipata (K.). — Slender, affixed, radiant ; front view narrow linear, trim- cate; valves narrow lanceolate, acute. KB. p. 64, t. 14. f. 3. = »S'. fasciculata, EI. t. 17. f. 3. Fresh water. Europe, Australia, and Asia. S.famelica (K.). — Delicate, irregularly aggregated, very narrow linear, tiaincate in lateral view, front view rather acute. KB. p. 64, t. 14. f. 8. 1. Fresh water. Germany. Is a somewhat larger form of S. dissipata, Rah. S. radians (Ti.). — Delicate, densely aggregated, radiant ; front view very nar- row linear, truncate ; valves nan'ow lan- ceolate, rather obtuse. KB. p. 64, t. 14. f. 7. Eiu'ope. 1-600". A minute species. S. tenuissima (K.). — Very slender, elongated; fi'ont view exactly linear, ti'uncate ; valves acicidar, acute. KB. p. 64, t. 14. f. 6. Stagnant waters. Germany and France. 1-180". S. tenuis (K.). — Slender, elongated; front view exactly linear, truncate ; valves narrow lanceolate, with some- what obtuse apices. KB. p. 65, t. 14. f. 12. Fresh water. Gennany and France. 1-168". S. Acula (K.). — Slender, elongated, lanceolate, in front view truncate, in lateral view very acute. KB. p. 65, 1. 14. f. 20. Fresh water. Dalmatia and France. 1-72". S. Imvis (E.). — Slightly and irregularly affixed ; front view slightly attenuated, timncate; valves more attenuated, ob- tuse. EA. t. 2. 6. f. 2. Marine. Europe and America. 1-130". S. gracillima (Rab.). — Front view elongated, very naiTow linear ; valves linear, acicidar, acute. Rab D. p. 53, t. 4. f. 20 d, e. Dresden. S. salina (S.). — Valves lanceolate, gi'aduaUy tapering towards the somewliat obtuse apices ; strife distinct, 32 in -001". SBD. i. p. 71, pi. 11. f. 88. Marine. England. o. apicidata (Rab.). — Veiy slender ; valves linear, acicidar, with shortly tapering apices, faintly striated. Rab D. p. 56, t. 5. f. 20 a, b, c. Dresden. _ S, amphicephala (K.). — Slender ; front view linear, tiiincate; valves narrow lanceolate, tapering, with capitate apices. KB. p. 64, t. 3. f. 12. Fresh water. Germany. 1-360". B.fontinalis(S.). — Frustides scattered; valves linear-lanceolate or elliptic-lan- ceolate, with produced, subcapitate apices; nodule indefinite; strife 27 in •001", Sm ANH. 1857, p. 9, pi. 1. f. 9. Fresh water. Pyi-enees. S. ffibba (E.). — Smooth, fasciculated, elongated, narrow linear ; valves broadly tumid at the middle, with gradually attenuated, obtuse apices, EA. p. 137. United States. S. delicatisshna (S.). — Valves elon- gated, very narrow, gTadually taperino; to the subacute apices ; striae 27 in -001' . SBD. i. p. 72, pi. 12. f. 94. Pseudo-nodule indefinite. S. tenera (S.). — Fi'ustules clustered ; valve nearly linear or attenuated towards the slightly inflated apices ; nodule inde- finite ; strife 60 in -001". SBD. ii. p. 98. Fresh water. Britain. In outline not imlilie S. delicatissima, but far smaller and with more delicate stiise, Sm. S. lanceolata (K.). — Front view nar- row linear, with slightly dilated apices ; valves lanceolate, distinctly striated, with a blank, rhomboid median space. KB. p. 66, t. 30. f. 31. America. 1-600" to 1-310". S. debilis (K.). — Minute; fi-ont view slightly attenuated, truncate, with obso- letely sti-iated margins; valves lanceo- late, with produced apices. KB. p. 65, t. 3. f. 45. = 8. porrecta, Rab D. p. 55, pi. 4. f. 27. Stagnant waters. Europe, common. S. mesolepta (K.). — Delicate; front view dilated at the ends ; valves lan- ceolate, ciuwed or slightly sigmoid. KB. p. 66, t. 30. f. 30, America. 1-lQQP. S. 7iotata (K.).— Small, with obsoletely striated margins ; fi-ont -sdew quadran- gular; valves elliptic-oblong, with ob- tuse ends. liB. p. 65, t. 3. £ 33. Stao-- nant waters. Eiu'ope. 1-650". ° _S. Martcmiana (K.). — Small, di- stinctly striated ; front view linear, ti-im- cate; valves rather broader, lanceolate, subacute. 103. p. 65, t. 3. f. 9. Marine. Europe. S. VauchericB (K.). — Minute; front view linear, truncate ; valves linear- lanceolate with somewhat produced ends, indefinite pseudo-nodule, and 30 marginal strife m -001". KI3. p 65 t. 14. f. 4; SBD. i. p. 73, pi. 11. ^f. Qa Fresh water, especifilly on species of Vaucheria. Europe. S. cpqualis (K.). — Front %-iow dilated at tlie ends ; valves linear, with roiuided apices, indefinite pseudo-nodule, and 24 stria3 in -001". KB. p. 00, t. 14. f. 14 = .S". obtusa, SBD. i. p. 71, pi. 11. f. 92. Stagnant wfitcrs, Europe. 1-140", S. invcsticns (S.). — Valves linear 3 E 2 788 SYSTEMATIC HISTOEy or THE INFTJSOHIA. sliglitly attenuated towards the rounded apices, nodide obsolete; strias 26 in •001". SBD. ii. p. 98. Marine. Scot- land. S. acuta (E.). — Fi'ont view exactly linear, truncate ; valves linear, striated, suddenly acuminated near the apices. EA. 1. 1. 2. f. 22. America, Asia, Au- stralia, and Africa. 1-144". S. Oxyrhynchus (Ii.). — Front view lineal' ; valves linear, narrower, suddenly contracted into a beak at the ends. KB. p. 66, t. 14. f. 9-11, Germany. Di- stinguished from 8. acuta by its con- stricted ends. S. vitrea (K.). — Front view with di- lated apices ; valves linear, with sud- denly attenuated, obtuse ends. KB. p. 66, t. 14. f. 17. France. Distin- guished from 8. Oxyrhynchus only by its dilated ends in the front view, Rab. S. amphirhynchus (E.). — Large ; front view linear, not dilated at the ends; valves contracted into obtuse beaks. EA. t. 3. 1. f. 25. Fresh water. Eu- rope, Africa, and America. 1-120" to 1-96". No large, median, smooth space. S. prcemorsa (E.). — Frontview broadly lineal-, with truncated, cimeate apices ; valves linear, with rotmded cimeate ends. EA. t. 3. 6. f. 11. Mexico. S. deformis (S.). — Valves lineai* or linear-eUiptical, suddenly constricted towards the produced and often distorted exti'emities ; nodule obsolete; striae 36 in -001". SBD. ii. p. 98. Fresh water. Sussex. S. Ulna (E.). — Front view exactlj' linear ; valves linear, slightly attenuated near the obtuse apices. E Inf. 1. 17. f. 1 ; SBD. i. p. 71, pi. 11. f. 90. Fresh water. Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, and America, (x. 184.) 1-280" to 1-100". Sti-i^ 24 in -001", Sm. S. spkndens (K.). — Large, elongated; front view with dilated truncate ends ; valves lanceolate, obtuse. KB. p. 66, t. 14. f. 1Q.=8. radians, SBD. i. p. 71, in part. Fresh water. Europe, Asia, and Africa. 1-72". Differs from -S. U/na merely in its dilated apices, Rab. S. Danica (K.). — Slender ; front view with dilated, tmncate ends ; valves lan- ceolate with sliglitly clavato apices. KJ3. p. 06, t. 14. f. 13. ' Stagnant waters. Europe. 1-140". Is only a more slen- der form of 8. splcndms, Rab. S. mesocampa (Br^b.). — Size and form of 8. Ulna, but in tlio lateral view Hexed at the middle. KSA. p. 44. France. S. capitnla (E.). — Valves linear, with the extremities dilated into a triangidar head ; strioe 23 in -001". E Inf. t 21 f. 28 ; SBD. i. p. 72, pi. 12. f. 93. Fresh water. Europe, Asia, Africa, and Ame- rica, (iv. 29; X. 185.) Veiv large; lenijth 1-120" to 1-40". b ' b S. lonyiceps (E.). — Very large, in form approaching very near to 8. cupitata, but with stylifomi, produced apices. ERBA. 1845. Fresh water. America, 1-12" to 1-144", 6 * Frustules attached by a distinct, mostly pm-sistent, stipes ; pseudo-nodule obsolete or itidefinite, t Frustules in fan-shaped clusters on a short, mostly simple, stipes. S. Acus ^iitz.). — Slender, smooth; front view slightly attenuated, truncate ; valves very naiTow lanceolate, acicular. KB. p. 68, 1. 15. f. 7. Hamburgh. 1-960". S.fatniliaris (K.). — Smooth, distinctly tabellate and flabeUately disrupted ; fi'ont view slightly attenuated near the truncate ends ; valves lanceolate, acute. KB. p. 68, t. 15. f. 12. France. 1-320". S. pai-va (K.). — Minute, smooth, nar- row lineal', ti-imcate ; valves narrow lan- ceolate. KE. p. 67, t. 15. f. 9. Marine. Italy. 1-960". S. socialis (Rab.). — ^Front view linear, with ti'uncated, cuneate ends; valves lanceolate, distinctly sti'iated. Rab D. p. 56, t. 4. f. 22. r^-esh water. Italy. S. Gallionii (E.). — Frustules lai^e, on a thick, convex stipes ; valves lanceo- late ; stiise 36 in -001", interrupted by a median line. E Inf. t. 17. f. 2 ; SBD. i. p. 74, pi. 30. f. 265. Marine. Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, (xn. 34, 36.) 1-120" to 1-100". S. fasciculata (Ag., K.). — Frustules ta- bulate, on a thick, liemispherical stipes : front view linear, with subattenuate, ti'uncate apices ; valves lanceolate. IvB. p. 68, t. 15. f. 5.=D{afotna fascicid^tum, Ag CD. p. 51. Marine. Common. S. tabiaata (Ag., K.). — Frustules large, on a thick, abbreviated stipes; front view broadly linear, ta'uncate ; valves lanceolate, with subcapitate apices ; striae mai'ginal, 27 in -001". IvB. p. 68, t. 15. f. 10; SBD. pi. 12. f. 96. = Diafotm tabulatum, Ag CD. p. 50. Maiine. Em'ope. S. a^nis (K.). — ^Frustides subtabulate, on a hemispherical stipes: front view slender, linear, witli subattenuate trun- cate apices; valves lanceolate, acute, with 32 marginal stnee in -001". KB. p. 08, t. 15. f. 6, 11; SBD. i. p. 73. Marine. Em'ope. 1-320". Fruslides ^ OF THE STJRIRELLE^. 789 united iu flabellate or radiating bundles, Sm. S. barbatuJa (K.). — Minute, tabulate ; front %dew linear, ti-uncate, with a ter- minal mucous appendage; valves elliptic- lanceolate. KB. p. 68, t. 15. £ 10. 4. Marine. Em-ope. 1-960". S. tmncata (Grev.). — Fmstides united in tablets, obscm'ely stipitate; front view Imear, trimcate ; valves lanceolate, obtuse. = lyiatoma and Exilaria truncata, Grev. ; JEbcilaria fasciculata, Hass. ; Synedra faseicukita, SBD. i. p. 73, pi. 11. f. 100. Fresh water, Europe. Striae 40 in -001", Sm. S. Arcus (K.). — FiTistides flabellate, attached to a cushion-like stipes ; front view curved ; valves lanceolate, with 30 marginal strige in -001. KB. p. 68, t. 30. f. 50 ; SBD. i. p. 73, f. 98. (iv. 27.) Marine. Em-ope and America. 2 1 Frustides on an elongated, often branched, stipes. S. Elirenbergii (K.). — Frastules at- tenuated near the obtuse apices, tenninal on a long, linear stipes. KB. p. 69, 1. 11. f. 6. Fresh water. Berlin. S. Saxonica (K.). — Stipes a little elon- gated; fi'iistules slender; fi-ont view linear, truncate ; valves nan-ow lanceo- late. KB. p. 68, t. 15. f. 14. Salt Lake at Mansfeld. 1-330". S. fulffens (Grev., S.). — Fi'ustides ter- minal on a thick, branched stipes, ge- minate linear, trimcate ; valves linear, inflated at centre and ends ; striae 36 in •001". SBD. i. p. 74, pi. 12. f. 103.= Exilaria fulyem, Grev. ; Licmopliora fidgens, KB. 1. 13. f. 5. Marine. Europe and America. S. crystallitia (Ag., K.). — Frustules very large, on a thickish abbreviated stipes; valves linear, inflated at centre and apices ; striae distinct, 26 in -001". KB. p. 69, t. 16. f. 1 ; SBD. pi. 12. f. 101. = Diatoma crystallina, Ag. Marine. Europe. 1-60" to 1-48". S. superba (K.). — Stipes somewhat elongated; valves stout, linear-lanceo- late, with rounded ends ; striae very di- stinct, 27 in -001". KB. p. 69, t. 15. f. 13. SBD. i. p. 74, pi. 12. f. 102. Marine. Europe. S. Dalmatica (K.). — Stipes somewhat elongated and branched ; fr-ustules large, linear, slightly and gi-adually attenu- ated at the subtruncato ends. KB. p. 69, t. 12. f. 2. Marine. Adi-iatic Sea. Frustides terminal on the branches. 1-240". S. robusta, n. s. — Frustules linear ; valves elliptical, ends rounded. Striae 20 in -001", intermpted by three equi- distant longitudmal lines. -0120" to •0175''. Algae, Corsica, (vm. 3.) S. gigantea (Lobarz.).— Frustules very long, delicate, somewhat twisted, linear, trimcate ; valves very narrow, with di- lated, obovate apices. Lobarzewsky, Linnffia, 1840, p. 276, t. 6 ; KSA. p. 48. Marine. Dalmatia. 7 * Frustules connected in tablets, at length separating, and adhering by alternate angles, as in Diatoma. S. rumpens (Kiitz.). — Tablets affixed ; fi'ustules very naiTow linear, with tumid obtuse apices, adhering by alternate angles. KB. p. 69, 1. 16. £. 6. Brackish water. GeiTnan coast. Doubtful species from Ehrenberg. S. aitstralis. — Linear, striated, with attenuated, obtuse apices in both views. ERBA. 1840; Microg. pi. 1. 1. f. 3. In siliceous schist fi-om the Philippine Islands. 1-432". S. paleacea. — Veiy narrow, smooth, with subacute apices. EM. pi. 1. 1. f. 1. With the last. 1-480". S. incurva. — Linear, very naiTow, flexuose, smooth, roimd, or ec[uaUy quadi-angular. ERBA. 1844, p. 272. Bermuda. 1-288". Perhaps a Spongo- lithis. S. rostrata (EM. pi. 9. 1. f.4, and pi. 14. f. 44). — Fossil. France and Gennany. Valves elongated, slender, linear, with conti'acted, conic apices, and transverse sti-iae. S. elegans, Asia ; S. striata, Asia ; S. lineata, Asia ; /S, subulata, Africa ; S. curvata, America. S. doliolus (Wallich). — Frustules linear; valve subarcuatc, pseudo-nodule absent. Striao 30 iu -001". -0020" to •0050". SalpiX). Indian Ocean, Atlantic. Wallich, TMS. viii. p. 48, pi. 2. f. 20. Genus DESMOGONIUM (Ehr.).— We are imacquainted with tlic characters of this genus ; Ehrcnbcrg's figures of it seem to show a relation to Synedra, the tablets (aot single frustules) being attached to each other by a connecting substance, end to end — an arrangement which simulates a filament. 790 SKSTEMATIO HISTOHY OF THE INFUSOKIA. Desmogonium Ouianense. — EM. t. 34. 5 A. f. 3. Apimrently not very nncom- niou, since JEhrenberg- gives about 50 habitats in Asia, Africa, and America. (xv. 13.) Frustules not etipitate; valves without lougitudinal ridges, mostly broader than the front view. Genus DIMEREGEAMMA (N., G.). — Fnistules quadrangular, two or more together; valves scarcely broader than front view, having the transverse costte or strife interrupted by a smooth, longitudinal median line. The frus- tules are united as iu Denticula or Odontidium, from which genera it is distingmshed by the longitudinal median line. The structure is probably the same as in Staurosira (E.), the description of which, however, is altogether inapplicable to many of the species here assembled. DiMEREGBAMMA minof (Greg.). — Front view with convex striated margins, constricted beneath the conic angles ; valves narrow lanceolate, with fi-oni 18 to 20 strong costfe in ■001". =Denticida minor, GDC. p. 23, pi. 2. f. 35. Marine. Scotland. D. capitatum (Greg.). — Front view with convex, obscm-ely striated margins, constricted beneath the dilated roundish apices. =Dentieidata capitata, Greg I. c. p. 22, pi. 2. f. 31. Marine. Scotland. Is larger than Z). nanum, with rounded apices. Side view imknown. D. nanum (Greg.). — Front view Avith convex margins, constricted beneath the conic angles ; valves broad, obtusely rhomboid, with rather fine strise. =i)e?j- ticula nana, Greg I. c. p. 23, pi. 2. f. 34. Marine. Scotland, (iv. 33.) D. distans (Greg.). — Front view con- stricted beneath the conic angles j valves broad, rhombic-lanceolate, with strong, short marginal costte, and a lanceolate, blank median a-pace. = Dentimla distans, Greg I. c. p. 23, pi. 2. f. 36. Marine. Scotland. Is larger than D. minor, and its valves broader, (iv. 34.) D. Rhombus = Fragilana ? Hhomhus, EM. pi. 8. 1. f. 16. Fossil. Hungary. Valves broadly rhomboid, with marginal costjB, and a smooth median space. D. fulvum (Greg.). — Front view elon- fated, with striated margins, constricted eneath the dilated apices ; valves nar- row lanceolate, with dilated, subcapi- tate apices; striaj monihfonn, nearly reaching the centre. — Denticula fidva, GDO. p. 24, pi. 2. f. 38. Marine. Scot- land. D. mnrinum (Greg.). — Front view elongated, linear, with striated mai'gins and slightly produced angles; valves linear, Avith gibbous middle, obtusely conic apices, and about 10 coarsely nionilifonn stri.ne in "OOl". = Denticula marina, Greg i. c. p. 24, pi. 2. f. 39. Marine. Scotland. D. midahile (Sm.). — ^Filaments elon- gated ; valves oblong or lanceolate, with 20 marginal costse in -001". = Odontidium midahile, ^BD. ii. p. 17, pi. 34. f. 290; Fragilaria amphioxys, EM. pi. 39. 3. f. 53. Fresh water. Em-ope. D. Leptoceros (E.). — ^Valves rhomboid- linear, with longly attenuated, acute, straight ends, finely striated margins, and a smooth median space. = Fragilaria Leptocei-os, ERBA. 1844, p. 82 ; Odonti- dium Leptoceros, KSA. p. 13. North America. D. sinuatum (Thwaites). — Front view linear, tnmcate ; valves rhomboid-lan- ceolate, with slightly imdulated margins ; strife delicate, 52 in -001" ; costse inter- rupted, 10 in -001". = Dentictda sinuata, SBD. ii. p. 21, pi. 34. f. 295. Fresh water. Britain, (rs'. 12.) D. Tabellaria (Sm.). — FUaments fra- gile ; valves with constricted or inflated middle, rostrate apices, and 36 delicate costse in -001". = Odontidium Tabellaria, SBD. ii. p. 17, t. 34. f. 291. a, valves inflated at the imidie, = Staurosira con- struens, Eh.? /3, valves constricted at the middle, (iv. 35.) D. birostris (E.). — Very minute; valves lanceolate, suddenly rostitite, acute ; striiB interrupted by a median Une.= Fragilariabirostris, ERBA. 1844, p. 342; Microg. pi. 38 a. 2. f. 8. Fossil. Ger- many. 1-3120". Has nearly the cha- racters of a Staurosira, Eh. D. informe (S.).— Valves elliptical, with an* iiTCgular inflation at the centre, tmd hence subcruciform ; costa3 18 in •001." = Odontidium informe, S Annals, 1857, p. 10, pi. 1. f. 12. Fresh water. France. D. Ilarrisotiii (Sm.). — Fru.stules fre- quently adhering by t^eir angles; valves cruciform, with rounded lobes ; cost® distinct, 13 in -001". = Odontidium ? Harri,son{i, SBD. ii. p. 18, pi. 60. f. 373. Fresh water. Hull. The valve,'' m form resemble tliose of a small Teti-acyclus, 0¥ THE SURIRELLEiE. 791 but have interrupted costae ; the front view, too, is very dili'erent. (xvin. 6.) D. 2»'»»(ttu7n (E.). — Valve cruciform, ■with angular lobes ; costse as in D. Ilar- riso)ui.=Staiirosira pinnata, EM. t. 5. 2. f. 24 ; Odontidium Harrisonii, /3, Roper, MJ. ii. p. 6, f. 6. Em-ope and America. (vjii. 4.) D. speciosum (Brightwell). — Valve subcruciform or rhomboidal ; angles rounded, naked ; costte short, distinct, 16 on each side. = Odontidium speciosum, Brightwell, JMS. vii. p. 180, pi. 9. f. 8. Doubtful sjKcies. D. Surirella = Fraqilaria Surirella, EM. pi. 39. 3. f. 54. " Frustules large, broadly linear, with rounded ends and marginal costte. D. Baldjickii (Brightwell). — Valve ovately rhomboidal ; costae about 20 on each side, distinct, reaching nearly to the ends, but leaving a linear open space down the centre, in a clay or earthy deposit from Baldjick, INIr. Nomian.= Odontidium Baldjickii, BrighfrsveU, I. c. p. 180, pi. 9. f. 10. Genus STAUEOSIEA (Eh.).—" The form of this genus is that of qua- drangular Fragilarice ; it is distinguished fi-om the much larger forms of the allied genus Amphitetras by the absence of (pseudo-) openings at the four angles." — EEBA. 1843, p. 45. The above is the only notice of this genus we have met with, the resemblance to Amphitetras is evidently very slight. From Ehrenberg's figui'es, Staurosira seems to contaia forms allied to Odon- tidium and FragUaria, which have the valve so inflated at the centre as to appear 4-lobed. This character, however, is uncertain, since Professor Smith shows that the same species has the valve sometimes inflated, and sometimes constricted at the middle. SxAtTROSiEA construens (E.). — Very small, smooth ; valves spindle-shaped, with the produced angles somewh.it un- equal. EM, several figm'es. Asia, Africa, and America, (xv. 5.) 1-600". Compare with Dimeregramma Tdbel- lai'ia. S. amphilepta (E.). — Minute, smooth, two of the produced angles larger and more slender than the others. S. trujomjyla, Asia; S. Epidendriwm, ChOi ; S. Mexicana, Mexico ; S. trica- rinata, Mexico. — These species (Ehren- berg's) are known to us only by name. Genus EHAPHONHIS (E.). — Frustules simple, free or shortly stipitate : front view narrow linear ; valves much broader, with transverse dotted strite and a median longitudinal Hue. Marine. Ehaphoneis differs from Cocconeis and Navicula by the absence of a central nodule. The fimstule has no aljE ; its striae are usually distinctly moniliform and divergent, and its median line more conspicuous than in TryblioneUa. "We have not thought it desirable to separate Doryphora ; for it is doubtful whether Kiitzing's only species is even specifically distinct from some forms still retained by ham in this genus. Rhaphoneis Amphiceros (Ehr.). — Valves lanceolate, about three times as long as broad, with produced, styli- fonn apices, and fine, dotted transverse striae. ERBA. 1844, p. 87 ; M. t. 18. f. 82. = Cocconeis Amphiceros, E. 1840 ; T)oryi)hora Amphiceros, KJ3. p. 74 ; SBD. i. pi. 24. f. 224. Marine. Europe and America, (xiv. 21.) 1-576". Striae 18 to 20 in 1-1200". Ends suddenly con- tracted and prolonged into a beak. R. Fusus (*E.).— Valves slender, linear- lanceolate, usually fom- times as long as broad, ^vith styliiorm apices, and 17 or 18 fine, transverse, gi-anulated strias in 1-1200". ERBA. 1844, p. 87. Fossil. Virgmia. 1-720". Strongly akin in habit to Fruf/ilaria Amphiceros, )mt differs by its median suture. R. Lqitoceros (E.). — Valves long lanceolate, quadi-angular, rhomboid, three times as long as broad, with long styli- form apices and fine, granulated trans- verse sti-iae. ERBA. 1844, p. 87.=i2. Orer/onica, EM. pi. 18. f. 83. Fossil. America. 1-720". Striae generally 18 in 1-1200". Has the habit of Ii. A i>ij}hi- ceros, but with much longer bealcs. R. f/emmifcra (E.).— Large; valves elongated lanceolate, with lon^ gi-adually attenuated apices, usually three times as long as broad ; striae strongly granu- lated, 10 in 1-1200". ERBA. 1844, p. 87. Fossil. Maryland. 1-300". R. pretiosa (E.). — Lai-ge ; valves broadly lanceolate, rhomboid, generally twice as long as broad ; apices gradually attenuated into benks; striic stout, gnvmi- 792 SYSTEMATIC HI8T0ET OF THE INFTJSOEIA. lar, like series of pearls. ERBA. 1844, p. 87. Fossil. Maryland. 1-480". Strife 11 in 1-1200", R. Rhombus (E.). — Small ; valves broadly lanceolate, rhomboid, sometimes suborbicular, scarcely longer than broad, with short rostrate apices and fine gra- nulated striae. ERBA. 1844, p. 87 ; M. pi. 33. 13. f. 19. Cuxhaven, Virginia. 1-1152" to 1-864". Sti-i£e 20 to 21 in 1-1200". R. scalaris (E.). — Valves slender, acutely lanceolate, fiu-nished with a double series of stria3 and window-like crystalline spaces. ERBA. 1844, p. 271. Fossil. Bermuda deposit. Diameter 1-960". Strii-e 9 in 1-1200". R. angusta (E.). — Valves elongate lanceolate, with obtuse apices, 24 strias ill 1-1200", and no median smooth space. ERBA. 1844, p. 364. India. R. lanceolata (E.). — ^Valves rhomboid- lanceolate with obtuse apices, 21 striae in 1-200", and a linear-lanceolate median smooth space. ERBA. 1844, p. 364; M. pi. 34. 7. f. 13. India, China, and Japan. R. Indica (E.). — Valves elliptic- lanceolate with obtuse apices, 15 striae in 1-1200", and a linear-lanceolate median space. ERBA. 1844, p. 365. India and Japan. R. fasdnluta (E.), — Large ; valves elliptic-lanceolate, twice as long as broad, with strong, finely granulated striae in transverse fasciae. ERBA. 1844, p. 204: M. pi. 35 A. 22. f. 16. Antarctic Sea. Ehrenberg's figure represents the valve as elliptic, with transverse band-like series of short longitudinal striae, alternating with smooth spaces, and inteiTupted by a •smooth longitudinal median line. (? Lower valve of a Cocconeis.) R. Smtellum (E.). — Valves elliptic, longer than broad, with 12 or 13 stout, crenidated striaj in 1-1200". ERBA. 1844, p. 204 ; M. pi. 35 a. 1. f. 5. Ant- arctic Sea. 1-864". (? Lower valve of a Cocconeis.) R. fasciata (E.). — Microg. pi. 35 a. 9. f. 8. India. Valve elliptic, with broadly rounded ends, a median line, transverse fasciae of longitudinal lines alternating with smooth ti'ansverse bands, and two series of marginal stiiae. (? Lower valve of a Cocconeis.) Species (Eh.) known to us only by name. R. setacea, Sandwich Islands ; R. Entomon, Asia Minor; R. rhomboides, Ganges ; R. Gangetica, Ganges ; R. Icevis, India ; R. A fncana, South Africa ; R. Digitus, Demerara. Genus TEYBLIONELLA (S.). — " Frustules simple, free, eUiptical or Unear ; valves plain ; alse submarginal or obsolete, canaliculi inconspicuous, parallel." — Smith. Tryblionella is another genus separated fi-om Surirella by Professor Smith, who says that it " differs from Campylodiscus ia the more elongated form of its frustules and the absence of the bend in its valves ; the canaliculi are also more minute, and parallel rather than radiating. It agrees with Surirella in the presence of alee ; but these arise fi-om the disk." Mr. Roper considers that Tryblionella is distinguished fi-om Surirella by its fine (often obsolete), parallel transverse strife ; whereas the latter is fui-nished with canaliculi or costaj, which are more or less divei'gent. Tryblionhlla circiimsuta (B.). — Lateral view elliptic-oblong, with a faint, longitudinal median line (indistinct or obsolete), parallel transverse striae, and marginal gland-like dots; alae very 8\\ctYt. = Surirella cii-cmnsJita, Bailey, MO. pi. 2. f. 36 ; T. Scutellum, SBD. i. p. 35, pi. 10. f. 74. Marine. America, Britain. Professor Bailey describes it as having a minutely granulate sm-face, and a scarcely perceptible median constriction. T. gracdis ( S.). — Front view linear, with attenuate extremities and truncate apices; lateral view linear-acuminate ; costro Sarallel, e.xtending to median line ; alae istinct. SBD. i. p. 35, pi. 10. f. 76. Fresh and brackish water.s. Lewes, (iv. 36.) I T. navicidaris (Br<5b.). — Front view oblong, with trimcate, slightly winged ends; lateral view eUiptic-aciuuinate ; costae distinct, mai-ginal ; aire con- spicuous. = Surirdla navictdaris, BnSb. in KSA. p. 36 ; T. marginata, SBD. i. p. 35, pi. 10. f. 76. Fresh and brackish waters. Fi-nnce ; Eugland. T. acuminata (S.). — Lateral •N-iew linear, with attenuated ends and delicate, interrupted transverse striaj; alas obso- lete ; canaliculi obscure. SBD. i. p. 36, pi. 10. f. 77. Marine and brackish waters. Britain. -0012" to -0021". Striic 31 in -001". (iv. 37.) T. angustnta (S.).— RescmblcsT. acttmi- nata ; liut its stria) are continuous. SBD. OF THE SUEIRELLEiE. 793 p. 36, pi. 80. f. 262. Fresh water. England. •0021" to -0040". Striaj 36 in -OOl". T. levidemis (S.). — Lateral view linear, with subacute exti-emities ; costse very distinct, parallel, extending to the cen- tral line. SBD. ii. p. 89. Brackish water. Cork City ParK. T. punctata (S.). — Lateral view ellip- tic, with acuminate ends and parallel, transverse, moniliform strise ; canaliculi obsolete. SBD. i. p. 36, pi. 30. f. 261. Marine. Sussex. T. comtricta (Greg.). — Lateral view panduriform, with apiculate ends and numerous, delicate, diagonal, punctated striae; costa obsolete. Greg, in MJ. iii. pi. 4. f. 13. Marine. Britain. " Its foi-m is that of Cyinatopleura Soka, but it is very much smaller.". — Greg. T. apiculata (Greg.). — Narrow, linear, slightly consti'icted in the middle, vdth apiculate extremities and about 45 fine but distinct, ta-ansverse, dotted striae in ■001". Greg, in MJ. v. p. 79, pi. 1. f. 43. Scotland. -0015" to -0017". Keel often strongly marked. Genus CYMATOPLEURA (S.).— Frustules free, in front view linear, with undulated margins ; laterally broader, and marked with transverse bars. Aquatic. This genus, instituted by Smith, is very distinct, and may be recognized by the lateral surfaces projecting in the front view in an undu- lated manner, the central portion being separated from the undulations by a marginal row of dots. The lateral view is usually very much broader than the front, which often renders it difficult to obtaia a satisfactory sight of the latter. The lateral siufaces, however, sufficiently identify the genus, as the broad, transverse, shade-Kke bands or bars which correspond with the undu- lations are characteristic. The striae are generally obscure or obsolete, and the median longitudinal line is less evident than in Surirella ; the margia is usually furnished with conspicuous gland-like dots. " The undulations of the valves separate Cymatopleui-a from TiyblioneUa and SurireUa ; the absence of alae and canaliculi are fui'ther characters which leave no room for hesita- tion as to its distinctness." (Smith.) Cymatoplktjra Solea (Br(§b., S.). — Frustule elongate; laterally pandmi- form, with more or less attenuated ends, sometimes apiculated ; stiiae delicate, 8 in 1-1200". SBD. i. p. 36, f. 78. = Surirella Solea, Breb. in KSA. p. 34 ; S. Librile, E. ; Sphinctocystis librilis, Hass BA. p. 102, 3. Var. /3, ends apiculated, = C. apiculata, S. I. c. p. 37, f. 79. Common, Asia, Africa, America, Europe, (rx. 155 ; XVI. 9.) Frustules, in both views, many times as long as broad ; undulations six. The ends, in the lateral view are always attenuated ; but their apices vary, and are sometimes obtuse, sometimes apicidate ; and therefore we concm* with M. de Brt5- bisson in uniting C. apiculata. Smith, with this species. C. hcterocyma (Niigeli). — Lateral yiewpanduriform, with 16 marginal striie m 1-1200" ; front view broadly linear, twice undulately twisted, with six mar- ginal folds. = Surirella heteroa/ma, KSA. p. 889. Switzerland. 1-240". C. elliptica (Brdb., S.). — Lateral view elliptic, with three to five transverse bars ; ends, in general, sliglitly attenuated. SBD. p. 37, pi. 10. f. m. = Surirella oo- plmna, E. (according to Kiitzing) ; S. imdulata, EM. ; S. undata, EM. ; S. pli- cata, EM. pi. 15 a. f. 50, 51?; S. Kiltzitu/ii, Perty, Diat. p. 201, t. 17. f. 2. Aquatic. Asia, Africa, America, Europe, (rx. 149 ; xvi. 7, 8.) Professor Kiitzmg describes the fruatides as ovate ; but we have always found them elliptic. Un- dulations three to five; lateral sm-faces obscurely striated and furnished with marginal gland-like dots. We have re- fen-ed the Surirella plicata, E., to this species, because of its habitat, although its figure in the ' Microgeologie' agrees better with that of C. Hibcrnica. C. Hiheniica (S.). — Lateral view broadly elliptic, with, produced ends ; striae obscure. SBD. i. p. 37, pi. 10. f. 81. Ireland, France. Undulations about three; length 1-.370" to 1-220" ; breadth two-thirds the length. C. Rec/ula (EX — Lateral view linear, witli cuueate ends and six transverse bars. = Surirella Rcx/ula, KB. t. 28. f. 30. ; C. parallela. Smith, BD. pi. 30. f. 263. Mexico, France, England. Habit and size of C. S)lea, but not panduriform ; pinnules 10 in 1-1200", nearly obsolete. C. Ovum (Niigeli). — Lateral view broadly oval, with 8 marginal strijc in 1-1200"; front view broadly liuear, straight; margin with five ' marginal 794 SYSTEMATIC HISTOUY OF THE INFUSOEIA. folds. = Sunralla Ootcm, Nfigeli in KSA. p. 889. Switzerland. 1-360" to 1-280". The characters given are insufficient to distinguish it from C. elUptica. Genus SURIEELLA (Tm-p., E., S.). — Frustules simple, free; margin striated; lateral surfaces broader than. the front view, with a smooth median longitudinal line ; " margins produced into alaj, canaUculi distinct, usually parallel" (Smith). SuiireUa thus limited by Professor Smith becomes a much more natural genus than it was constituted by preceding authors : he says, " It is well distinguished from TryblioneUa by the prominency of its alaj, the distinctness of its canaliculi, and the usually cuneate form of its frustules ; with no other is it at all likely to be confounded." few, reaching tlie median line, central ones divergent. SBD. pi. 9. f. 67. Aquatic. Australia, Asia, Afiica, America, Britain. (XII. 19, 20.) Costaj 7 in 1-1200". 1-288". The central cost^e are usually more distant, leaving a ti'ansverse smooth space bisected by the median line. Smaller than S. hiseriata ; its costse fewer and more divergent. S. megaloptera, EM. pi. 33. 1. f. 17. Egypt. The figm-e resembles that of S. Craticula ; but the costiB are all paral- lel, and the median line, as well as cost®, are inten-upted at the centi-e by a broad, ti'ansverse band. S. hiseriata (Breb.). — ^Front view qua- di'ilateral, vsith conspicuous alas ; lateral view oblong-lanceolate, with broad costre, which usually reach the median line. SBD. i. p. 30, pi. 8. f. 57. hifrom, E. Common, (xvi. 20-26.) Diliers from S. splendida by its parallel sides in front view. Its angles are roimded, and the aloe enclose an oblong space; its costte ai"e conspicuous in both -saews. 1-210" to 1-100". Sti-ifB ^ in 1-1200". S. decora (E.). — Large, linear-lanceo- late, with equal, attenuated ends and fom- or five marginal costas in 1-200". EM. pi. 5. 3. f 23. America, Ireland. Ehrenberg's figures are oblong lanceo- late, one of them constricted. S. rcjlexa (E.). — Lanceolate, with nearly equal, slightly refiexed, subacute ends, a distinct median suture, and strong, short striae, in the middle throe or foiu* in 1-1152". EM. pi. 33. IL f. 13. FossU. Connecticut. S. leptoptera (E.). — Lanceolate, with nearly equal, acute ends, a distinct, di- lated median sutm-e, and dense trans- verse strias, which in the middle are 6 in 1-1152". KSA. p. 36. FossU. * Frustides panduriform, SuBLRELLA coHstricta (E.). — Large, oblong, in lateral view pandm-iform, with a median line and intramarginal crena- tions. EM. pi. 14. f. 37. Denticula con- stricta, KB. t. 3. f. 62 ?. Aquatic. Berlin, (xm. 3.) Ehrenberg's figure in the 'Mi- crogeologie' seems a ti-ue species of this genus; and difierent as is that of Denticula constricta in Kiitzing's work, yet, as it was copied from a figm-e given by Ehrenberg in an earlier work, the ditferences are pro- bably due to the imperfect representation. S. Smithii (K.). — Front view broadly linear, with trimcate ends and rounded angles; lateral view pandmiform, with attenuated ends ; costse delicate, reach- ing the median line, which is often in- flated. = S. cotistricta, SBD. i. p. 31, pi, 8. f. 59. Brackish water. England. Alse conspicuous, enclosing an oblong space. 1-300". The shape, in fi'ont view, re- sembles that of S. hiseriata, but the costre are much finer. S. Antarctica, EM. pi. 35 a. 2. f. 20. Antarctic Sea. We have seen no de- scription of this species. Ehrenberg's figure shows the lateral view panduri- fonn, with roimded ends and strongly marked strice, which nearly reach the median line. S. clidy77ia (K.). — Oblong, with ti-un- cate ends, constricted middle and punc- tated margins. KB. p. 60, t. 3. f. 67. Submarine waters. Isle of Wangeroog. 1-000". This appears to us a doubtful species of Surirella ; for Kiitzing's figm-e seems to represent a frustulo constricted in the front view, as it shows a lineai- median portion truncated at its ends. S. panduriformis (Rab.). — Resembles S. didyma, but is stouter, and its mar- ginal dots appear stalked. Rab. p. 29, t.3. f.9. Italy. 2 ♦ Lateral vieto lanceolate or ohlonp, with its ends usually equally attenuated. S. Craticula (E.). — Lanceolate; costse m Oregon. A specimen 1-466" long pre- sented 21 striae. S. Oregonica (E.). — Spathulate, with unequal, subacute cuds, a distinct, di- lated median suture, and strong striae, which in the luiddle are four or five in OF THE StTBIEELLEiE. 795 1-1152". EM. pi. 38. 12. f. 27. Fossil. Oregon. A speciaien 1-336" long pre- sented 19 striiB. Ehrenberg's figiu-e is elliptic-lanceolate, with a median line dilated at the centre into a large oval fomi ; the stiia3 short and externally ter- minating in gland-like dots. S. turgida (S.). — EUiptic-lanceolate, with tapering, sometimes contracted ends and obtuse apices ; costse few (4 in •001"), conspicuous, separated by a me- dian lanceolate space. SBD. i. p. 31, pi. 8. f. bQ. = S. Calcdotnca, EM. pi. 15 a. t. 47 ? Aquatic. Ireland. Distinguished by its ventiicose centre. S. oblonga (E.). — Oblong-lanceolate, with obtuse ends, near the margin si- nuoso-dentate. KSA. p. 35. Aquatic. Afi-ica; America; Mom-ne deposit, Ire- land. Ehrenberg's figiu'es in the 'Micro- geologie' differ very much in form, but all have the costce confined to the margin. S. Breuteltana (Rab.). — Linear-elliptic, with rovmded ends, five transverse costae on each side, connected at inner ends by an imdidated line, and leaving a longi- tudinal median space with waved mar- gins. Eab D. p. 29. t. 3. f.l3. Aquatic. St. Kitts. S. crenidata (E.). — Small, eUiptic-lan- ceolate, with crenulate margins, subacute, nearly equal ends, and a distinct median line ; eleven crenules in 1-1152", extend- ing into striae, which do not reach the centre. EM. pi. 33. f. 23. Fossil, United States. D. 1080". S. mia-ocm-a (E.). — Minute, oblong- lanceolate, with somewhat acute apices, and marked near the margin with ten delicate dentations in 1-1200". EA. p. 136, t. 2. 1. f. 34; KB. t. 29. f. 15. Asia, Afi-ica, America. S. lepida (E.). — Slender, linear-lan- ceolate, one end obtuse, the other a little more attenuated and subacute ; striae nine or ten in 1-1152"; the median lino di- stinctly flexuose. ERBA. 1844, p. 272 ; KSA. p. .36. Kui-distan. 1-7G8". S. tenella (K.). — Oblong-lanceolate, with rounded, obtuse apices, and five, rather lax ti-ansverse stria) in 1-1200" ; front view oblong, almost rectangular, with obtuse angles. KSA. p. 37. Aquatic. Prussia. S. obtmangida (Rab.). — Small, lan- ceolate, with cuneato, attenuated, obtuse ends, and six short costa) in 1-1200"; front view oblong, broadlv rounded. Rab. P- 29, pi. .3. f. 27. Aquatic. Germany. S. Aniphinxi/s (S.). — Elliptic-lanceo- late, with subacute extremities, and nine costffi in -001" ; front view linear. SBD. ii. p. 88. Haverfordwest. S. angusta (K.).— Minute, linear, with cuneate ends, rather obtuse apices, and 11 costse in 1-1200" ; alse obsolete ; fi-ont view lineal', truncate. KB. t. 30. f. 52 ; SBD. pi. 31. f. 260. Aquatic. Eui-ope ; Lewes. S. apiculata (S.). — "EUiptical, ovate, smaller extremity produced into a linear, truncate apiculum; costse 15 in •OOl"." SBD. ii. p. 88. Aquatic. England. Length of frustide -0008" to -0012". " A close aUy, if not a vai-iety, of S. angusta." S. linearis (S.). — Minute, linear, with cimeate ends, distinct transverse costse, and a narrow median line. SBD. i. pi. 8. f. 58=". = S. acuminata (Br(5b. MS.). Aquatic. England, France. Var. /§, slightly constricted at the middle, S. p. 8. f. 58='". In the front view this species resembles a small form of S. hiseriata. 3* Lateral view with one end broadly rounded, the othe)' smaller (ovate or ovate-oblong) ; front view usually cu- neate. S, robusta (E.). — Large, elongated; ovate-oblong, with two stout costse (which do not reach the centre) in 1-1200". EM. pi. 15 A. f. 43. -S-. nobilis, SBD. pi. 8. f. 63. Aquatic. Fossil. Fin- land; Britain. 1-216" to 1-120". Di- stinguished by its large size, elono-ated, slightly tapering foi-m, and large mtra- marginal crenations. S. procera, EM. pi. 14. f. 33. Berlin. The figure represents a large species, slightly broader at one end, with large intramarginal crenations as in S. robusta, but the sti'ong transverse costas are sepa- rated only by a naiTow median band. S. splendida (E., K.). — Front view cuneate, with romided angles and pro- lono^ed costse ; lateral view ovate-oblong with conspicuous, diverging costffi which reach the median line ; also distinct. EM. t. 15 a. f. 44; SBD. i. pi. 8. f. 62. Aquatic. Common, both living and fossil, (ix. 150-152.) Var. /3. linearis, smaller, lateral view narrow, slightly tapering, = S. linearis, SBD. i. pi. 8. f. 58 a. 1-210" to 1-100". As tlie front view has rounded angles, it is not unlike the lateral one in outline, but the ends are broader. Two or three times as long as broad. S. te^iera (Greg.). — Narrow linear- oblong, Avith one end more tapering than the other; costio distinct, reaching the median line. Greg MJ. iv. p. 10, pi. 1. f. 38. Scotland. It is smaller than S. 796 SYSTEMATIC niSTOBY OF THE CSTUSOBIA. sphndida, and its aire are less conspi- cuous; but it resembles that species in form, and we doubt whether it be distinct. S. striatula (Turp.). — Fi'ont view broad cuneate, with rounded angles and short costiB ; lateral view ovate, wth distant, curved costse, which reach the median line; aire smaU. SBD. i. pi. 9. f. G4. Common. Resembles S. sple)idida, but is shorter in proportion to its breadth. In the front view the central portion is broader, the ends more ti'uncate, the costaj shorter, and the alse less conspi- cuous. Lateral view faintly striated; sh-ise 8 to 13 in 1-1200". S. limosa (Bai. MS. ?). — Broadly ovate acimiinate, faintly punctato-striate ; ca- naliculi short and mdistinct, not reach- ing more than 1-6" across the valve ; length -0073", breadth -0035" ; stiiai in- distinct, 22 in -001. New Zealand, Hud- son River, New York, Thames mud. Bri JMS. vii. p. 179, pi. 9. f. 5. S. hrevis (E.). — Short ; form and size of S. striatula, but with 16 finer sti-iae in 1-1200". ERBA. 1844, p. 272 ; KSA. p. 39. Km-distan. 1-912". S. Testudo (E.). — Lar^e, ovate, obtuse, with 12 slender striae in its length, which is 1-288". E I.e. 1840, p. 24; KSA. p. 39. Marine. S. Gemma (E.). — Fi'ont view narrow cuneate ; lateral view broader, ovate- elliptic, faintly striated between the de- licate, unequally distant costte, which reach the median line ; alse inconspi- cuous. KB. t. 7. f. 9 ; SBD. i. pi. 9. f. 65. Common in marine marshes, (xii. 2-4.) Distinguished from S. striatula by its much finer costse and less conspicuous alcB, which in the lateral view generally coincide with the margins. Sometimes nearly elliptic. We have rarely seen it so narrow as Professor Smith's figui-e represents it. S. Imwiata (E.). — Elongated, smooth, with subequal, obtuse ends, a distinct median suture, and two longitudinal lateral lines. KSA. p. 36; EM. t. 33. 14. f. 24. Fossil. United States, 1-168". Ehrenberg's figure in the 'Microgeologie' is ovate, with a median line, lax intra- marginal crenations, and very sliort COStfO. S. Chiatimahnsi'i, EM. pi. 33. 6. f. 7. America. Figure broadly ovate, with both ends much rounded, and minute intramarginal crenations, without me- dian line or costfe. S. ifhlhyoci-jihala (Rab.). — Lnrgp, ovate-oblong, with rounded ends, three broad, flexuose costaa in 1-1200" and a broad linear median band. Rab D. p. 30, pi. 10, Supp. f. G. Italy. The figure shows the costte cm-ved, except the middle one, which is broader and straight. S. cordata (E.). — Ovate-subcordate, with four lax striai in 1-1152", conti- guous in the median line. ERBA. 1846, p. 272 ; KSA. p. 39. Fossil. Georgia. S. prcetexta (E.). — Long ovate, more than twice as long as broad, \rith five rather lax stria3 in 1-1252", towards the middle broadly interrupted and not con- tiguous in the median line, hence form- ing four series with a broad linear me- dian space and two smooth lateral ones. Maritime. Lidia. ERBA. 1845, p. 365 ; KSA. p. 38. S. eughjpta(E.). — Small, ovate-oblong, with seven striae in 1-1200", which do not reach the centi-e ; front view cuneate, with rounded angles at larger end. EA. p. 136, t. 3. 5. f. 2. 4; KB. t. 28. f. 27. Asia, Africa, America. S. uninervis (E.). — SmaU, ovate, half as long again as broad; costae reticu- lated at the margin, contiguous at the slender median line, 7 in 1-1152". KSA. p. 38. Maritime. India, Africa. S. Folium (E.). — Ovate, turgid and obtuse, slightly compressed, with 24 fine striae in 1-1150". Fossil. Barbadoes. 1-540". S. Crumma (Brt5b.). — Small, orbicular ovate, with 7 or 8 evident marginal striae in 1-1200". KSA. p. 38. Aquatic. France, Britain. Its suborbicular form in lateral view distinguishes it from every other species except S. Bright- tcellii. S. BrightwelUi (S.). — Small, suborbi- cular, with one end subacute ; costse distinct, marginal, 10 in -001"; alai in- conspicuous. SBD. i. p. 33, pi. 9. f. 69. Britain. According to Professor Smith, this species is distinguished from & Cni- mena by its coarser and more prominent costae and distinct sti-ite ; S. Urumena is also smaller and more orbicular. S. oralis (Br(5b.). — Small, ovate-elliptic, with 8 marginal costae in 1-1200", and one end more attenuated than the otlier ; alaj inconspicuous. KSA. p. 33 ; SBD. pi. 9. f. 68. Aquatic. France, Britain. Front view oblong-cuneate, truncate. 1-360" to 1-280". Margin vnt\i very short, teoth-like costaj. The lai-ger end in lateral view is leA" rotuidod than in the allied .species. S. orata (is..). — Minute ovale, or ovnfe- ellipdc, with 7 to 9 delicate, very short, OV THE SUEIEELLE-ffi. 797 mai'^nal costae in 1-1200"; alee incon- spicuous. KB. pi. 7. f. 1-4 ; SBD. pi. 9. f. 70. Em-ope, America. Front view broadly cuneate, truncate. 1-1200" to 1-560." S. minuta (Br6b.). — Minute, ovate- elliptic, with inconspicuous alae and 14 niai-ginal costae in -OOl". SBD. i. p. 34, pi. 9. f. 73. France, England. -0005" to •0009". Kiitzing unites this fonn with S. ovata; but M. de Br6bisson informs us that he is able to distinguish the two species when in situ at the fii-st glance ; that the stratum of this species is black and very mobile, whilst that of S. ovata is brown, and adheres more firmly to the son. S. salina (S.). — Minute, ovate-oblong, vrith numerous minute marginal costae and obsolete alae. SBD. i. p. 34, pi. 9. f. 71. Marine or brackish waters. Eng- land. Fi'ont view wedge-shaped. S. suhsalsa (S.). — Minute, ovate-lan- ceolate, with 8 distinct costae and 30 striae in 1-1200" ; alae conspicuous. SBD. i. p. 34, pi. 31. f. 259. =S. pygmcBu, EM. pi. 35 A 8. f. 4 ? Fresh or brackish waters. England. S. pinnata (S.j. — Minute, narrow, ovate-oblong or somewhat clavate, with large, subdistant marginal costae ; alae obsolete. SBD. i. p. 34, pi. 9. f. 72. Aquatic. Lewes. Front view narrow cuneate. 4 * Lateral view with broadly rounded, rarely unequal, ends. S. Lamella (E.). — Large, narrow elliptic, with nearly equal, broadly rounded ends; intramarginal striae and granulose median area ; fi'ont view nai'- row linear, tnmcated. EM. pi. 15 a. £ 49. Lough Moume deposit. 1-216" to 1-180". Ehrenberg's Hgure has no median line. S.itosoma(E.). — Narrow elliptic, with broadly roimded. ends, a narrow margin of tine strias, and a smooth median area with a median longitudinal line. EM. pi. 33. 14. f. 25. Maritime. India. Three times as long as broad. S. Patella (K.). — Elliptic-oblong, with equal, roimded ends, ancl four or five mar- ^nal striae in 1-1200". I03. t. 7. f. 5. Fossil at Franzensbad. S. Peruviana (E.). — Large, elliptic- oblong, with equal, rounded ends, and about l2 very short, obsolete, marginal costae in 1-1200". KB. t. 29. f. 72. Peru. S. amphiamhlya, EM. pi. 14. f. 34. Berlin. The figure shows a large elliptic form with equal, rounded ends, intra- marginal crenations, and strong, parallel, transverse costae, which do not quite reach the median line. S. Mississipica, EM. pi. 36 A. 8. f. 5. America. Ehrenberg's figure is large, eillptic-oblong,with equal, xounded ends, and parallel transverse costae, separated by a nan'ow linear, longitudinal median band. 5 * Lateral view with rounded ends ; costce with dilated outer portion, and median space finely striated. S. fastuosa (E.). — Elliptic, with roimded ends, rather distant costa3, in- flated towards the margin, and a trans- versely striated, lanceolate median space. Greg M J. iii. p. 30, pi. 4. f. 41. Maiine. Common. Europe, Asia, Afiica, Ame- rica. Distinguished from all the pre- ceding species by its inflated costae re- sembling stalked flowers, and by the striated median space, which is veiy variable in breadth. Diflers much in size, and is sometimes nearly orbicular ; we have never seen it o-\'ate, as described by Professor Smith. S. lata (S.). — Large, broadlj^ linear- elliptic or somewhat panduriform, with broadly rounded ends, a ti-ansversely striated median area, and distant costae externally dilated. SBD. i. p. 31, pi. 9, f. 61. = Campylodiscus jjroductus, John- ston. Marine. Notimcommon. England. Differs fi-om S. fastuosa in its form, and usually in its larger size ; but the mark- ings are similar in both. As Professor Gregory finds Intel-mediate states, they may be, as he supposes, mere varieties. S. eximia (Grev.). — Linear-oblong with roimded ends, about 18 delicate costae on each side, reaching the naiTow Imear-lanceolate, transversely striated median space. Grev MJ. v. p. 10, pi. 8. f. 6. Marine. West Indies. This ex- tremely delicate and hyaline Diatom, Dr. Greville informs us, approaches S. lata in fonn, slight consti-icrion, and a striated central space, but difiers in every other respect. The costae equidistant, and as fine aa those oi S. Gemma; alje naiTow, but conspicuous. Bouhtfid or undescnbcd Species. S. ? Cocconeis, EM. pi. 35 a. 8. f 3 Marine. India, Africa. This species' according to the tigure, is small, elliptic Avith obtuse ends, and pai-nllel transverse costae separated by a smooth, narrow- lanceolate median space. S. Jennvri (Hassall). — Front view linear, with roimded ends, and distant. 798 SYSTEMATIC lUSTOaT OF THE INFUSOKIA. short, teeth-like mai'ginal costse. Haas. Br. Algffi, p. 439, pi. 102. f. 15. Aquatic. Sussex. Dr. Ilassall describes it as a very distinct species, having no relation with S. biseriata. S. ambigua. (K.). — Broadly oblong, with truncated ends, and 4 straight, ob- solete, rather broad ti'ansverse striae in 1-1200". KB. t. 5. f. 17. Stagnant waters, Switzerland. 1-264". Kiitzing's figure apparently represents the front view, and is broadly linear, with obsciu'e transverse costiB, leaving a naiTow median portion. S. IcBvis (K.). — Cylindrical, elliptic- lanceolate, somewhat obtuse, very smooth and hyaline. KSA. p. 36. Marine. France. 1-1080". S. attenuata (TS'ag.). — Smooth, lineai'- lanceolate, with gradually attenuated apices. KSA. p. 889. Switzerland. 1-240". Perhaps a Tiyblionella ? S. ? ornata (K.). — Elongate, pestle- shaped, tnmcate at each end, with obtiise angles, longitudinally dividuate, and or- namented with minute pimcta disposed in decussating lines. KB. t. 3. f. 54. Marine. Genoa. Lengthl-280"; breadth 1-960". Kiitzing's figiu-e is linear-oblong with trimcate ends, and seems to repre- sent the front view, in which the striated lateral portions approach so closely at the centre that the smooth median por- tion is visible only near the ends. Sm-ely this is not a Siurirella ? S. ? Amphtbola (E.). — Broadly linear, with cuneate, subacute ends, and 15 stria3 in 1-200"; front view with obtuse ends. ERBA. 1854, p. 271. Kurdistan. 1-324". Has the general form of Tryblionella Rec/ula. Ehrenberg remarks that he is not sure to what genus this belongs ; he has sometimes fancied there was an um- bilicus, as in Pinnularia, bvit its equal ti'ansverse strias on each side render its form singular. S. Simla (E.). — Smooth, broadly na- vicidar, with subacute ends and longi- tudinal marginal lines. EM. pi. 22. f. 58. Fossil. Sicily. 1-528". S. liolepta (E.).— Stvliform, four times as long as broad, with obtuse ends and no median line ; the narrow margin finely striated. KSA. p. 36. Maritime. India. 1-360". S. ? linea (E.). — Bacillar, stout, one side cuneate at each end, the other rounded, finely transversely striated throughout. ERBA. 1843, p. 271. Ne- therlands. 1-240". S. Stylus (E.). — Large, styliform and narrow, quadrangular; one end more obtuse than the other, but neither acute ; costa 54 in 1-144". ERBA. 1843, p. 271. Near Weimar. 1-144". S. rhopala, EM. pi. 33. 1. f. 19. Egypt. Ehrenberg's figm-es show the front view large, longly cuneate with rounded ends, and numerous fine ti-ansvei-se strife at each side, separated by a nan'ow smooth median portion with two puncta at each end. S. aspera (E.). — Large, with four or five loosely disposed costse in 1-1152", -with rough crests. KSA. p. 39. Volcanic earth, Hochsimmer on the Rhine. This species, named from a fragment, Ehren- berg states is perhaps a Campylodiscus. S. Australis (E.). — A fragment of a linear species with six, straight ti'ans- verse strife in 1-1200". Africa. Another species constituted by Ehrenberg's ob- jectionable practice of naming isolated fragments. S.? lamprophylla(E.), S. UraIensts(Fi.'), Ural Moimtains; S. Sibirica (E.), Sibe- ria; /S ? cMrr;/?a (E.), India, Mexico ; S. Stella (E.), Maritime : India, Africa ; S. Nicobarica (E.), Nicobar ; S. co7)ipta (E.), Egj'pt ; S. Zamheze (E.), River Zambeze ; S. Platalea (E.), Senegal; S. Cqfra (E.), S. Capensis (E.), S. clathrata (E.), Cape of Good Hope; S. Falkkndica (E.), S. Mehdnens{s(k.),S. Insular II lu (E.), Falk- land Islands; S. Araucania (E.), Arau- cania; S. am^Mceiitra (E.), oblong; the middle broad and smooth, the margin narrower, -with radiating stria3. KSA. p. 33. Aquatic. Spain. C. ovatus. — Disc curved, large, ovate, obtuse, with nine very broad pinna in \-'27Q". = Surirella Clypeus, E. Marine. Baltic. 1-276". C. Elirenbergii. — Disc flexuose, small, ovato - elliptic ; ends equally rounded ; margin striated, with from 10 to 12 costse in \-l2are (E.).— Latend valves nar- rowly linear, with rounded or subacud- emls, and 4 to 8 parallel transverse siria>. 806 SYSTEMATIC HI8T0EY OF THE INFtJSOJBlA. iu 1-1152". EM. pi. 33. 12. f. 6. Siberia and Oregon. Ehreuberg'.s figures scarcely difler fi'om those of B. Lamina, except in being narrower. B. Lancea (E.). — Lateral valves lan- ceolate, witb subacute apices, and 3 to 8 parallel ti-ansverse striae in 1-1152". EM. t. 33. 12. f. 5. Oregon. Twenty-seven septa in each frustule. 1-336". B. Castellum (E.). — Lateral view of central portion elliptic, with obtuse ends, and four marginfil undulations. EM. t. 33. 2. f. 1. Siberia. 1-900". Lateral valves unlmown. (iv. 44.) B. ? (jibhum fE.). — Frustules smooth. baciUar ; 2 to 4 together, -svith straight centre; lateral view gibbous at the middle. 1-1152" family. KSA. p. 117. Kurdistan. A doubtful member of this Species known to us only by name. B. Chilense (Eh. Chili.).— " Related to B. co7npressmn," EM. p. 301. B. constrictum (E.). — Fossil. North Asia. Genus GOMPHOGEAMMA (Braun). — Filaments compressed, continuous, of few frustules ; septa clavate, alternate, nearly equal ; lateral valves elliptic, fui-nished with straight transverse costa3. Aquatic. Gomphogramma agrees with Tetracyclus in its freshwater habitat and in the strong transverse costa3 of its lateral valves, but differs (as we believe, essentially) by its clavate septa, which are not continued as costae across the central canal. We are not suf- ficiently acquainted with the structure of Biblaiium to decide what may be its relation to that gemis ; but it is not improbable that further investigation may require their union. Professor Smith thus contrasts Gomphogramma with Tetracyclus : — " In Tetracyclus the valve is cruciform, and the costae arched ; in Gomphogramma the valve is elliptic, and the costae direct ; but these seem rather to belong to specific than generic characters, and the pro- priety of uniting these genera hardly admits of a question " (ANH. Januaiy 1857). GoMPHOGnAMMA rupestre (Braun). — Frustules subquadrate, with fi'om one to three septa on each side and gland-like dots along the junction-margins. Braim in Rab D. pi. 33. t. 9. Freiburg; Pyi-e- nees. This seems to be a mountainous species, and most probably its detection would reward a seai'ch in om* alpine districts. In its clavate septa it some- what resembles Tei-psinoe, but the re- semblance is merely superficial ; for the septa in that genus are ti-ansverse, and in this longitudinal ; consequently they belong to diilerent gi'oups. Genus TETRACYCLITS (Ealfs).— Filaments free, elongated, inflated at the centre, striated ; stritB continued across the inflated centre ; septa equal ; lateral surfaces costate. Aquatic. The inflated centre and strongly costale lateral surfaces sirfficicntly characterize this genus. " The genus Biblarium, constituted by Ehrenberg in 1845, appears to difi'er from the present merely in the solitary character of its frustules ; and this character ai'ises from the fossil natiirc of the gatherings from which Ehrenberg derived his specimens. I feel assured that aU the species are filamentous in a li-snng state, and that the greater number of them are casual varieties of Tetracyclus lacustris " (SBD. ii. p. 37). Tktracyclus lacustris (Ralfs). — La- teral view with the inflations and ends rounded. SBD. ii. p. 38, pi. 39. f. 308. = Striatclla Thiencmanni, EA. p. 136; Biblarium Stella ; B. Glans and B. spc- ciositm, EM. pi. 33 ; B. striiniosi/ni, EM. pi. 33. 2. f. 13. Recent, Britain and Iceland ; fossil, Oregon and Siberia, (xi. 24, 26.^. The median inflation seems variable; it is soniclinio.<< sn nnicli de- veloped as to fonn a crucial figure re- sembling the quaferfoil of a Gothic win- dow, but sometimes merely a slight swelling, as in Biblarium speciosum (E.). T. emarffinatus (E., S.). — Inflations deeplv notched, othei-wise like T. lacus- tris, SBD. ii. p. S8. = Bib/ariatn cmarqi- natum, EM. pi. 33. 2. f. 6. Recent, Britain : fossil, Siberia and Mexico. T. ckffans — Inllations acufc. = OV THE SIBIATliLLEiE. 807 Biblarium elegans, EM. t. 33. 2. f. 4. Fossil. Siberia, Ehreuberg's figure of this species differs from T. Ithombus merely in its more developed inflation. T. Rhomhus (E.). — Lateral view rbom- boid, with subacute angles. = Biblarium Ithombus, EM. pi. 33. FossU. Siberia and Oregon. T. ? Crux (E.). — Lateral view cruci- form, with transverse parallel stria> and a median sutuve. = B{blaru0n Crux, EM. pi. 33. 2. f. 3. Siberia. StriiB 18 in 1-1152". A doubtful member of this genus. Genus TABELLAEIA (E.). — Frustules quadi-angular, united into a fila- ment, at length partially separating and forming a zigzag chain ; septa equal, straight ; lateral surfaces inflated at ends and middle. Aquatic. Tabellaria differs from the other genera of this family by having thi'ee inflations of the lateral surfaces. Tabellahia flocculosa (Roth, K.). — Joints subquadrate, with from 8 to 7 attenuate septa from each margin ; la- teral view with three neaily equal infla- tions; the intennediate poi-tions lineai-. SBD. ii. p. 45, pi. 43. f. 316. =Bacillaria tabellaris, EI. p. lW. = Navicula trinodis in part, E. = Tabellaria vulgaiHs, E. Com- mon, (xm. 29.) Best distinguished from T.fenestrata by its less elongated frustules and more numerous septa, which usually alternate with those fr-om the other margin. We believe, however, that each complete septimi has an oppo- site one which is generally rudimentary, though sometimes more developed and conspicuous. 1-860" to 1-480". T. ventricosa (K.'). — Frustules as in T. Jlocculosa, but the central inflation of the lateral view much larger than the terminal ones. KB. t. 30. f. 74. = T. bi- ceps, EM. several figm-es. (xm. 26.) Common. 1-960". Professor Smith unites this to T. Jlocculosa, and, as we believe, justly, since intennediate forms are not imcommon. T. Gastrum (E.). — Very small ; lateral view with a subglobose median inflation and somewhat narrower capitate apices. KSA. p. 119. Fossil. Labrador. T. robusta (E.). — Thick, three times as long as broad, with broad gibbous centre and large subacute terminal eapitida. EM. pi. 33. f. 15. Fossil. America. 1-8G4", Probably another variety of T. Jlocculosa. T. amjiMlepta, EM. pi. 3. 4. £32. Fossil. Boston. Ehi-enberg's figure shows the lateral view with inflated centi'e, as iu T. Jlocculosa ; but the exti'emities are not dilated. T. nodosa (E.). — Small, slender, no- dose ; nodules five, the median one rather largest, those adjoining oblong. EM. sevei'al figiu'es. Siberia. Lough Mom-ne deposit, &c. Ehreuberg's figm-es are elongated, Avith fom- consti-ictions, and consequently five inflations, of which the median and terminal are suborbicular and the intermediate oblong. " Akin to Grammatophora undulata " (E.). T. fenestrata (Lyng., K.). — Front view linear, with two opposite septa from each end ; lateral view with three nearly equal inflations and linear connecting portions. KB. t. 17. f. 22. = Tabellaria trinodis, EM. many figiu-es. Common. 1-600" to 1-280". Species dotcbtful, or knoicn to us only by name. T. amphicephala (E.). — Very small, with strongly inflated centre and capi- tate apices. KSA. p. 119. Fossil. San Fiore. 1-1728". Scarcely distinct fi-om T. ventricosa. T. j}latysto77ia (E.), Sandmch Islands ; T. rhabdosoma (E.), Asia ; T. pinmdaria (E.), Asia; T. clavata (E.), Northern Asia; T. undulata (E.), Northeni Asia; T. curocephala (E.), Persia; T. Semen (E.), India; T. BadUum (R). Genus GRAMMATOPHORA (E.).— Frustiiles forming a filament, at length partially separating and becoming a zigzag chain ; septa in pairs, opposite, generally curved; lateral view oblong-lanceolate, not inflated. Gramma- tophora is easily distinguished from till the other genera by its stria) having commonly a curve outwards near the base ; and when this curve is wanting it may be known from Tabellaria by the absence of inflation. Although Kiitzing dcsci'ibcs several species of this genus as smooth, yet wo believe tluit all the species arc striated ; and notwithstanding we have admitted {his SOS SYSTEMATIC HI8T0KY OF THE rNrUSOKIA. character into some of the definitions, we use it merely to indicate that the striae are more distinct and more easily detected. * Lateral view ohlong or lanceolate, sometimes slightly constricted beneath the apices. t Septa straight or funnel-shaped. Gbammatophora stricta (E.). — Large, with straight, parallel septa ; lateral view lanceolate. KB. t. 29. i. 76. Asia, Afiica, America. G.jtarallela, EM. pi. 21. f. 26. We know not how this form difi'ers from G. stricta, except that the figTU'es of the lateral valves exhibit more roxmded apices. G. Tabellaria, EM. pi. 18. t 89, 90. Fossil. Virginia. In Ehrenherg's figures the front view has the septa slightly cm-ved and dilated inwards (fimnel- shaped) ; lateral view lanceolate, with a large central canal. 2 1 Septa ■with a semicircular curve near the marginal ends ; otherwise sti-aight. G. marina (Lyng., K.). — Septa with a single cm'vatiu-e ; lateral view linear- oblong, gradually tapering into the ob- tuse apices. KB. t. 17. f. 2i. = Diatoma teeniceforme, D. marinum (Lyng.), and D. latriincularium (Ag.), I), brachy- yonium (Carni.), Hacillaria Cleopatra (E.)., B. Adriatica and B. Meneghina (Lobarzewsky), Grammatophora oce- anica. Everywhere. Common, often forming long chains, (rv. 47 ; xi. 52, 53.) The synonyms are adopted from Kiitzing, and probably some of them belong to other species. The fi'ustules are of very variable length, sometimes nearly square, sometimes many times longer than broad. Connecting hinge slender. G. tropica (K.). — Large, with striated margin; septa with a smgle cm'vatm-c; lateral view linear, with rounded apices. KB. t. 30. f. 71. Cape of Good Hope. 1-600" to 1-156". Connecting hinge tumid. G. gibba (E.). — Large, striated; septa cm'ved at outer end, otherwise straight ; lateral view linear, with slightly in- Hated centre and rounded ends. KB. t. 29. f 77. Cuba. (xi. 48, 49.) G. Mexicana (E.), — Large ; septa with a single curvature ; lateral view con- stricted beneath the rounded apices. KB. t. 18. f. 1-0. Em-ope, America. Con- necting hinge tumid. G. gibber ulu (K.). — Margin striated ; septa once curved ; lateral view lanceo- late, vsdth tumid centre and obtuse apices, KB. t. 30. f.8L Naples. 1-450". Con- necting hinge slender. Diflers from G. Mexicana in its distinctly striated mar- gin and more lanceolate lateral view. G. macilenta (S.). — Frustules often cmved; septa as in G. marina; lateral valve linear, slightly inflated at centre and extremities ; striaj 60 in -001". SBD. ii. p. 43, pi. 61. f. 382. Britain ; Levant. " The front view in this species is always naiTower in propoi-tion to its length than in G. marina. The striae are also far more nimierous ; and the frustule, espe- cially in the lai'ger specimens, shows a decided tendency to assume a cm-ved form." 3 1 Septa limately curved, both ends hooked inwards. G. hamulifcra (K.). — Small, subqua- drate; septa cm'ved thi-oughout, with their concavities towards each other. KB. t. 17. f. 23. Common, especiaUy from deep water, (xni. 22.) 1-2400" to 1-960". Distinguished by its small quadrate frustules and unifoimly curved septa. It is possible, however, that it may be the immatm-e state of one of the following species. 4t Septa undidate, inner ends incurved. G. angulosa (E.). — Septa hooked in- wards, at inner end and neai- the margin of fr'ustule with angular curve inwards. KB. t. 30. f. 79. Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Perhaps a variety of G. Afri- cana. G. Africana (E.). — Septa with three mididations, the inner ends uicurved ; lateral view lanceolate, obtuse. EM. pi. 19. £ 34. Fossil, Oran ; recent, not unconuuon. 1-2300" to 1-480". G. Islandica (E.). — Septa with three undulations, curved at the centre ; lateral view navicular, striated. KSA. p. 121. Iceland. G. serpentina (E.). — Large, -wnth stri- ated margin; septa with several undu- lations and incurved inner ends ; lateral valves linear, with attemiated ends and obtuse apices; connecting hinge thick. SBU. ii. p. 4;3, pi. 42. f. 315. = G. Mcdi- terranca (E.), according to Kiitzing. Not uncommon m sheltered bays. Kemark- ablc for its serpentine septa, the number of rur\ os seeming to vary according to the Icngtli of the frustule; and we fear OF THE STllTATELLE^. 809 that some of the allied species are not really distinct from it. Professor Smith informs us that, iu this species, Mr. West finds the dots disposed in quincimx, and the lines consequent!}' oblique, (iv. 48.) G. aii/juina (K.). — Large, smooth ; septa serpentine, with the interior end hooked inwards. KB. t. 17. f. 25. At- lantic and Antai'ctic Oceans. 1-650" to 1-360". We see not how this diflers from 6. serpentina, as we believe that no species iu this genus is really smooth. 2* Lateral view with four constrictions. G. unchdata (E.). — Lateral view linear, with fom* constrictions and rounded ends ; septa in front view imdulated. KB. t. 29. f. 68. Fossil, Greece ; recent, America. 1-860". 3* Lateral view lunate. G. arcuata, EM. pi. 35 a. 23. f 11, 12. Assistance Bay. The figures represent the front \aew with imdulated septa, and the lateral one lunate, with ti'ans- verse lines and a central canal. G. curvata, EM. pi. 35 A. 22. f. 13. Antai'ctic Ocean. The figure shows the lateral view, like that of G. arcuata ; but its central canal is smaller, and there are no transverse lines. G. suhtilissima. — Striae fine. A good test for high powers. Genus GEPHYKIA (Amott). — Frustules attached ; front view witli sub- lamellate, finely striated connecting zone, destitute of sej)ta ; valves arcuate, dissimilar, with transverse costse interrupted by a longitudinal line. Marine. "We place Gephyiia with the Striatelleae because of its resemblance to Eupleuria; but the absence of septa renders its proper position somewhat doubtful. The lower valve differs from the upper one in having a smooth circular space at eacb end. The strongly arched valves and absence of septa distinguish it from Eupleuria. It differs from Acbnanthes by having no central nodule. Gephyria incurvata (Ar.). — CostEB of valve about 7 in -001" ; connecting zone with stout longitudinal costse. Ai- MJ. viii. p. 2Q.=Euj}lewia incurvata, ArMJ. vi. p. 90 ; Achnanthes costata, Johnstone, MJ. viii. p. 20, pi. 1. f. 14. South African and Patagonian guano. G. media (Ar.). — ^Valves obtuse, with 11 costie in -001". Ai- MJ. viii. p. 20. Achnanthes anffiistata, Johnstone, MJ. viii. p. 20, pi. 1. f. 13. Californian guano. G. Telfairice (Ax.). — Valves with acute cimeate ends, and 15 costfe in •001". ArMJ. viii. p. 20. Mauritius. Genus EtJPLEUEIA (Amott). — Frustules united mto short, attached filaments ; front view annulate, indefinite, with short septa and beaded margins ; valves dissimilar, costate ; costne interrupted by a longitudinal lino those of lower valve fewer and central. Marine. Eupleuria difiers from Rhabdonema by its dissimilar valves, the transverse costte of the lower one being confined to the middle — a character conspicuous even in the front view, since the ends of the costae are there seen as mai-ginal bead-like dots. The valves have some resemblance to those of Achnanthes, but have no central nodule or stauros. _ Eupleuria pulchvlla (Ar.). — Front view with stout longitudinal costiB con- nected by ti-ansverse bars, very short septa, and punctated lateral margins. Ai- TMS. vi. p. 89. New Zealand and Australia. The frustules, in tiie front view, have the ceUidate structure of Pihabdonema ; but the septa are so abbre- viated as to seem mere marginal dots, and the puncta on the ventral margin are confined to the middle. Annuli clofse, numerous; valves usually turgid at the middle and rapidly tapering to tlie obtuse apices (subovate)J but sometimes linear- oblong. In the lower valve the costm and lonmtudiual lino are present only at the middle portion, and leave a large hyaline blank space at each end. Strije between the costaa, and oblique. E. ocellatn (Ar.). — R-ont view with longitudinal linos, fine transverse strife, and costate lateral margins ; costie of ventTal margin longer, confined to the middle, and divergent. ArTMS. vi. p. 9. New Zealand. In E. occUata the frustules are niore hyaline than iu E. pidchella, and the longitudinal costie lefcis conspi- cuous, and uot connected by transverse 8i0 SYSTEMATIC HISTOfiY OF THE INFUaOBIA. boi's. The most evident distinction, however, is the chivato or capitate lines of the dorsal and venti'al margins, those of the latter being longer, fewer, and divergent. The septa seem to be rudi- mentary, as in tlie preceding species. Valves obloug-linear, sonietijncs cm-ved, with roimded ends. Genus ENTOPYLA (Ehr.). — Erastiiles prismatic, compressed, multivalved ; valves contiguous, in a straight, simple series, like the leaves of a book ; internal ones traversed by a large median opening ; outer ones transversely striated, unequal, one entire (not perforated), the other furnished with a largo pore at each end. Marine. Entopyla, by its curved form, approaches Achnanthes ; by its tabulate figure it is more akin to Tessella ; but it comes nearer to Biblarium than to any other. Although, in deference to the opinion of Professor Arnott, we have kept Eupleuria distinct from this genus, we doubt the propriety of doing so. From Ehrenberg's comparison of Entopyla with Tessella and Biblarium, and beaiing in mind Ms peculiar views, it is evident that the " internal valves " are the "annuli" of Smith, and the "per- forations of the ventral valve" the blank spaces at each end. Since the opening in the internal valves is stated to be so large as to leave only a thin margin, the septa must be rudimentary. Both Entopyla and Eupleiu-ia seem therefore to differ from Khabdonema in their dissimilar valves and rudimen- tary septa, nor are we able to find any character in Ehrenberg's description which enables us to distinguish Entopyla from Eupleuria. Entopyla Australis (Ehr.). — Leaves (annuli) about IG ; transverse costte of outer ones (or valves) 32 to more than 40 in number, divided by a median flexuose Ime. ERBA, 1848, p. 42. = Surirella Australis, Elii'. 1843. Pata- gonian guano. Genus DIATOMELLA (Grev.). — Erustules quadrangular, forming at first a piano- compressed filament, at length separating ; vittae two, interrupted in the middle and at each end.=Disiphonia, E. Aquatic. Professor Smith doubtfully referred to Grammatophora the Diatom for which this genus was constituted ; but we consider the differences pointed out by Dr. Greville as sufficient, independently of its aquatic habitat, to separate it from that genus. In Grammatophora the septa are formed in the central or connecting portion, arise from the margins of the filament, and are interrupted in the middle. In Diatomella they appear to us to arise from a thickened rib connecting the lateral and central portions, and form imperfect diaphi-agms with three_ open- ings— one central, the others marginal. We have included Diatomella in this family, but, although Professor Smith states that its fi'ustiiles are annulate and nearest in structure to Grammatophora, we are not sure it is rightly placed here ; for two puncta exist at each end of the fnistulc, as in the EragUariese. Diatomella Balfouriana (Gr.). — La- teral view linear or oblong, with rounded ends and 45 fine striae in -001." GANIL 8. 2. XV. pi. 9. fs. 10-13. = 6r;-flmwirt-i, Gr. ; Gallionella moniliformis, E. Common in brackish and marine waters. Diam. 1-800". Kiitzing describes this species as having ternately conjoined feaistules concatenated by a distinct i.stlniius. Sporangial frustules larger, concatenated, and, according to Professor Smith, origi- nating only in the tei-minal frustules of the filament, (v. 71.) M. lineata (Dillwyn, Ag.). — Joints cylindrical, smooth, binately conjoined, with rounded ends ; pairs closely ndnato. KB. p. 53, pi. 3. f. 1= Gallionella lineata, E. Marine. Europe. A single filament sometimes consists of from 1200 to 4000 frustules, forming a chain 2 or 3 inches m length. Length of joint 1-1400" to 1-430". M. duhia (Kiitz,). — Smaller; articu- lations depressed, spheroidal, smooth. KB. p. 53, pi. 3. f. 6. Maiine, near Cux- haven. Diam. 1-1200". M. Jurd. The sporangial cells are inflated and in- terstitial; Professor Smith describes them as at first globular, but afterwards dividing (as in the preceding .species) and becoming cylindrical, whilst Kabenhorst gives a completely different account of them. The latter snys " that on forma- tion of the inflated cell, its grnindes, jit first irregularly formed, become oblongo- ovate. Motion talccs place as in ordinary zoospores. The cell opens, the granules 818 SYSTEMATIC HISTOEY OP TITE INFUSOEIA. stream forth, and two elongated cilia become visible at their hyaline smaller end. Their movement lasts for a very- short period; they settle down, and quickly equal or siu'pass in size the mother-cell." If this description be cor- rect, it wiU add an important fact in sup- port of their vegetable nature. Professor Smith malces the following diagnostic remarks upon this species : — " The only species with which this form can be con- foimded is M. stthflexilis ; but 31. varimis has the extremities of its fi-ustules closely applied and partially truncate ; those of M. subflexilis are often more or less separated by a mucous cushion, and di- stinctly convex. . . , M. subjlexilis, when in abimdance, appears as a dark-gi-een iridescent mass. M. varians alwaj's pre- sents a rich golden-yellow or chestnut to the eye. The geminate aiTangement of the fi-ustules is conspicuous in M. sub- jlexilis, and indistinct in M. varians." SBD. ii. p. 58. The fossU frustules of this species constitute the greater part of the eai'thy deposits of white powder used in polishing silver plate, (rv. 32 ; IX.* 131; XV. 32.) 3 * F)~usttcles cylindrical, hisulcate, icith 7'oundcd junction-margins. M. distans (E., K.). — Slender; joints cylindrical, smooth or indistinctly pimc- tated, with two distant, delicate, ring- lilce fiuTows, all closely connected ; disc plane. KB. p. 54, pi. 2. f. 12. Fresh water. Em'ope, Asia, Australia, Africa, and America. Fossil, Bilin, &c. Diam. 1-3456" to 1-864". Joints once to twice aa long as broad. M.nit-alis (S.). — .Joints subcj'lindi'ical ; valves subhemispherical, distmctly cel- lulate ; exti'emities more or less ti'imcate ; disc dotted. SBD. ii. p. 58, pi. 53. f. 336. = Coscinodiscus minor, SBD. i. p. 23, pi. 3. f. 36. Fresh water in Alpine di- stricts. Britain. According to Professor Smith, this form hardly differs from M. distans, except in the greater di- stinctness of the cellules, and may not be distinct. M. m-ichalcea (Mertens, K.). — Slender; joints obscurely punctated, mostly longer than broad, closely binately conjoined, with slightly crenidate ends and two median fim'ows ; disc plane. 1G3. p. 54, t. 2. f. 14. = Gallionclla auricludcea, Ehr Inf. Fresh water. Common. Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, Yoimgcr joints two or three times as long as broad ; older ones shorter. This species differs from 31, Italica merely in its more obscure crenations and apparently smooth disc; and periiaps Professor Smith rightly united them. Its Hat and closely connected ends distinguish it from 31. varians. (v. 65 ; toi. 83.) M. Italica (E., K.). — Slender; joints cylindrical, longer than broad, with den- ticulated ends and two median furrows ; disc with striated border. KB. p. 55, pi. 2. f. 6. = Gallionclla Italica, Ehr. ; G. crenata, EM. many figures; G. crenu- lata, EA. pi. 2. 1. f. 14 ; 3felosira ori- chalcca, Ralfs, Annals, xii ; Aulacosira crenulata, Thwaites; Orthosira orichakea, SBD. ii. p. 61, pi. 53. f. 337. Fresh water. Em'ope, Asia, Austi-alia, Afiica, and America, (xi. 29, xv. 33.) /3. Binde- rana, Kiitz., more slender; joints foiu* to eight times as long as broad, often inflated; disc striated, KB. pi. 2. f. 1. Hambm-gh. Mr. Thwaites describes the sporangium as orbicular, -with its axis of elongation at right angles to that of the fi'ustide fi'om which it originated; but Professor Smith's experience did not en- able him fully to conffrm Mi-. Thwaites's observations. M. coarctata (E.). — Joints smooth. Its habit is that of 31. varians, but its disc is not stiiated. EA. pi. 3. 5. f. 9. Mexico, (xi. 20 & 27.) Kiitziag imites this fonn with M. orichalcea. M. Hoseana (Rab.). — Joints longer than broad, with two broad conslTictions and dentated tnmcate jimctiou-margins: disc with radiating stiia3 and thi-ee or more central dots. Eab D. p. 13, t. 10. = Orthosira sjnnosa, SBD. ii. p. 61, pi. 61. f. 386. Europe. Caves, in moss, on ti'ees, &c. ; probably common. Much as they differ in appearance, the late Pro- fessor Gregory considered that he had ti'aced the Liparogyra spiralis into this species; and certainly the two foniis are almost invariably found together. (V. 67.) M. l(Evis (E.) = Gallionclla leevis, EM. pis. 9, 14 & 33. Ehrenberg gives up- wards of fifty habitats in Austi-alin, Asi.i, Afiica, and America. His figures of this species differ considerably from each other, and, in the absence of description, render it difficult to form any idea of the specific characters. Elu'euterg (I. c. p. 118) says it is allied to Stephanodisciis JEjndendron, and we strongly suspect that both these forms ought to be milted to 31. Hoseana. M. pileata (E., K.). — Joints shorter than broad, smooth, with two finely Simctated, ^vidcly separated sutures, unction-portions convex, smooth, often OF THE MEL0SIRE.T3. 819 narrower than the intermediate portion (cino^uhim) ; hence the hat-like form. KSA. p. 31.= Gnllionvlla pileata, ERBA. 184i; M. pi. 35 a. 21. f. 11. Autai'ctic Sea. Diam. 1-648". 4 * Joints cylindrical, connected into an uninterrupted Jilammt ; internal cavity often spherical or suhspherical. M. arenaria (Moore^. — Filaments stout, cmn-ed ; joints cylmcbical, mostly shorter than broad, closely united with denticulated jimction-niargins and a line of puncta on each side of suture ; disc with radiating strife and pimctated centre. Raits, ANH. xii. pi. 9. £ 4. = Orthosira arenaria, SBD. ii. p. 59, pi. 52. 334; Gallionella biseriata, EM. pi. 15 A, f. 5-7. Fi'esh water. Europe. Easily recognized by its great size. (vui. 17.) M. undulata (E., K.). — Stout ; joints onger than broad, constricted within the sheath, hence imdulate ; disc slightly convex, very finely radiated. KSA. p. 29. = Gallionella undulata, EM.pl. 11, f. 2, 3. Em-ope and Afiica. Professor Smith refers this foi-m to 31. arenaria. M. punctigera. = Gallionella 2}unctigera, EM. pi. 12. f. 9. Fossil. Germany. Ehrenberg's figTire represents a large species, perhaps not distinct from M. arenaria. Joints within a common sheath, in one figure shorter, in another longer than broad, constricted on each side of the sutiu-e, and ha"\ang a series of dots along the junction-margins. Disc with numerous radiating dotted lines and a smooth umbilicus. M. Sol (E., K.). — Joints coin-like, five times shorter than broad ; disc plane, large, strongly and broadly radiated, with a smooth imibilicus and narrow smooth rim. KSA. p. 31.= Gallionella Sol, EM. pi. 35 A. 22. f. 12. /Antarctic Sea. Rays 84 ; suture of valves single. Diam. 1-336". This species rivals M. arenaria in size, and somewhtit resembles it in appearance, but is marine. M. Oculus (E., K.).— Habit of M. Sol, but larger, witli equal and stouter ravs. KSA. p. 31. ERBA. 1844, p. 202. Ant- arctic Sea. Rays 07. Diam. 1-240". Probably a state of M. Sol. M. Ti/mpanum (E., K.). — Disc veiy broad, -with a smooth centre and a nar- row, finely striated jnargin. KSA. p. 31 ; ERBA. 1844, p. 202. Antarctic Sea. M. calligera (E., K.). — .Joints small, smooth, having the habit of M. distans, but with a single median .suture and an enclosed, double, pTanidar mass (as in M. undulata). KSA. p. 31. = Gallionella calligera, ERBA. 1845 j EM. pi. 12. f. 9 7c, I. Fossil in pumice. Island of Ascen- sion. Diam. 1-1728". M. sctdpta (E., K.). — Joints not so long as broad, densely sti'iated, and ele- gantly sculptm-ed with horizontal punc- tated lines ; sutm-e a narrow smooth band ; disc with radiating punctated lines. KSA. 31. = Gallionella sculpta, EM. pi. 33. 12. f. 20, 21. Fossil. Ore- gon. Diam. 1-960". Frustules oval. M. Camjri/losira. = Gallionella Cani- pylosira, EM. pi. 35 a. 13 b. f. 1-3. Elbe. Resembles M. sculpta, but smaller. .Toints suborbicidar, within an uninter- rupted sheath, with horizontal dotted lines on each side of a narrow, smooth sutural interspace ; disc with marginal radiating lines. M. Calif ornica (E.). — ■ Joints broader than long, densely and strongly striated with horizontal punctated lines ; sutural interval smooth, not distinct. = Gallio- nella Calif ornica, ERBA. 1852, p. 534. Fresh water. California. Very much akin to the fossil M. sculpta, and both forms closely approach M. granulata. Frequently the granidated, dome-shaped terminal discs are foimd dispersed amongst the truncated joints. Perhaps therefore this form, with M. Horologiuni, should be referred to the peculiar" genus Sphasrotermia. M. Horologium = Gallionella vel Sphceroterniia Horologium, EM. pi. 33, 2. f. 17. Fossil. Sibei-ia. We have seen no description of this species, or of Ehrenberg's ^enus, Sphterotermia. Frus- tide with horizontal strite inteiTupted by the smooth sutural band; disc with a large, definite, smooth umbilicus and distant radiating striae, terminating at inner ends in a circlet of glaud-liko dots (tubercles ?). (v. 62.) M. arctica (Dickie). — Joints globose or oval, smooth, the median sutui-al line generally single, but duplex in subcu- taneous divisu)n, with a smooth band inteqiosed. = fti/Z/o/irZ/rt arctica, ERBA. 1853, p. 528 ; EM. pi, 35 a. f. 1, 2. Mel- ville and Kingston ]}ays. In Ehrenberg's figures the frustules are within a common continuous sheath, and marked with hori- zontal .series ot'puncta, M. sulcata (E., K.). — Joints shorter than broad, with a smooth median fur- row and pinna-lilvo cellules on each side ; disc fimiished ^vith radiating striro, which do not reach the centre. KB. p. 55, pi. 2. f. 7. = GollioniMa sulcata, lihr. ; Orthosira marina, SBD. ii. p. 59, pi. 53, f, 338. Marino. Frequent, both recent 0 2 820 SYSTKMATIC HISIOUY OF THE INFTJSOBIA, and fossil, (ix. 131 and xi. 26.) This species, which varies considerably in size, is well marked by its short, slightly angadar joints, and its transverse sculp- ture-like marks on each side of the su- ture. Margin of disc often denticidate. Diam. 1-860" to 1-600". M. coronata (E., K.). — M, sulcata in habit; joints cylindrical, stri?ited; disc smooth, slightly convex, with a crenated margin and a circlet of pearl-like giva- nules within. KSA. p. 31. = GaUionella coronata, EM. pi. 38. 22. f. 5. Marine. Asia, Africa, Patagonia. Diam. 1-864". It differs fi'om M. sulcata only in the more distinct crenations of the disc and the circlet of dots. M. plana (E., K.).— Habit of M. sul- cata ; but disc plane, smooth, and neither radiated nor granular. KSA. p. 31.= GaUionella plana, ERBA. 1845. Fossil. Patagonia. D. 1-1152". This fomi may possibly be M. sulcata, with its markings desti'oyed by igneous action. M. Hctrurica (K.). — Small; joints cylindrical, smooth, twice as long as broad, with finely denticulated junction- margins; disc convex, marked with dotted rays. KB. p. 55, pi. 2. f. 6. Fossil. San Fiore. Diam. 1-3600" to 1-800". M. granulata (E.). — Joints longer than broad, with horizontal punctated lines on each side of the median suture, and denticulated junction-margins ; disc with a series of marginal pimcta. — GaUionella (/ranulata, EA. p. 12.3; M. raanv figures ; 'G. tenerrima, EM. pi. 39. f. 50; OrtJio- sira punctata, SBD. ii. p. 62, pi. 53. f. 339. Fresh water. Ehrenbcrg gives upwards of 50 habitats in Europe, Asia, and America. M. (3. maxima. Disc with 31 mar- ginal denticulations, and sti'ongly akin to 31. sulcata. M. MarcMca (E.). — Resembles 3f. f/ramilatn ; but the dotted lines are pa- rallel to the suture, and not horizontal. = GaUionella Marchica,'EM. several figures; G. procera, EM. pi. 15 a. f 1. Fresh water. Europe, Asia, Africa, and Ame- rica. M. clccussata (E.). — Resembles M. ffi-anulatn ; but the dotted lines are dia- gonal and decussating. = GaUionella dc- cussattt, EM. several figures. Fresh water. Asia, Africa, and Ameiica. Kiitzing includes, perhaps correctly, M. Murehica and M. (/ranulata mider this species. M. lirata (E., K.).— Has the habit of M. r/ranulutu, but witli more conspi- cuous lines, disposed like the strings of a lyre. KSA. p. 31.= GaUionella lirata, EM. pi. 2. 3. f. 33. Fossil. America. M. spiralis (E.,K.).— Filaments cm-ved and spiral ; joints small, oblique, longer than broad, or equal, loosely punctated in transverse series. KSA. p. 31. = 6'«/- liotiella spiralis, EM. pi. 33. 13. f. 3. Fossil. Oregon. Diam. 1-2304". M. Americana (Kiitz.). — Frustules in- cluded in a jointed cylindrical tube, separated by dissepiments of the tube, elliptic, with striated margins and a median fmi'ow ; disc with radiating stiise, convex. KJ3. pi. 30. f. m.= Oi-tho- sira Americana. Diam. 1-660". Appa- rently furnished with internal silicious cells. M. Dicliieii (Thwaites, K.). — Joints mostly longer than broad, smooth or ob- scurely punctated, except by conspicuous dots bordering the sutm-e ; disc obscm-ely punctate ; sporangia ? fusifoiin. KSA. p. 889. = Orthosira Dickieii, Thwaites, ANH. 2nd series, i. pi. 12; SBD. ii. p. 60, pi. 52. f. 335. Fresh .water. Cave near Aberdeen, (xv. 29.) " The fila- ments of this beautiful species consist generally each of fi'om two to four frus- tules, which are hyaline and perfectly smooth ; centi-al cavity filled with dark red-brown endochrome ; sporangium fusiform, marked with numerous annidar constrictions, whose formation is pro- gressive, and which go on increasing imtil the sporangium is fuUy developed (xv. 296. 29 B. a filament, the termmal cells of which have each commenced to develope a sporangium ; and f. 29 c. a mature sporangium). This foi-mation thus occurs : at the commencement of the formation of a sporangium, the endo- chrome, at the same time that it with- draws from the end of the frastide, pro- duces at its centi-e an additional ring of ceU-niembrane ; and, this process con- tmumg to take place at certain intervals, each new ring ot cell-membrane exceed- ing in diameter those previously formed, produces at length the structure repre- sented in f 29 c ; or it may be a more coiTcct explanation of the process to say that an entire now cell-membrane has been developed by the young sporangiimi at the time each new ring lias been fonned, and that thus have originated the several chambers into whicli tiie ends of the sporangium are divided; fissi- parous division subsequently t^ikesnlace, and sporangial frustules are developed fi-om each half, as showni in f. 29 D." Professor Smith doubted whether the fusifonn bodies are sporangia, as " this OP TITE MELOSIEE^TS. 821 mode of development, iu the fonnntion of sporangia, stands alone and imsiip- ported — a serious difRenlty in the way of admitting Mr. Thwaites's conclu- sions." For this and other reasons, he was disposed to refer the process to the development of internal cells, as in Meri- dion, Himantidium, Odontidium, and Achnanthes, and recorded his impression that the process was not connected with the sporangia. M. tenuis (K.). — Very slender; joints cylindrical, smooth, longer than broad, closely connected, produced at their jimction. KB. p. 54, pi. 2. f. 2. In the polishing powder of Luneberg. Diam. 1-5760". M. Garganica (Rab.). — Very slender ; joints two or three times as lono; as broad, with stout, protuberant, mdi- stinctly dentate junctions; disc flat, punctated on the periphery. Rab D. p. 14, t 2. f. 8. Italy. After burning, it reminds one of M. tenuis. Doithtful and imperfectly described Species, M. Dozyana (Van den Bosch). — Joints cylindiical, finely pimctated; length equal to or a little longer than the breadth. KSA. p. 29. Stagnant water. Holland. Diam. 1-1152" to 1-770". M. circidaris. = G(dlionella circidaris, EM. pi. 35 A. 9. f. 3. Asia and America. Filaments slender, ciu'ved ; joints broader than long, closely connected, smooth, with a single sutural line. M. Gallica. = Gallionella Gallica, EM. pi. 9. 2. f. 2. Fossil. France, The frustule has one diameter twice as long as the other, and no suture or sti'ise. M. hcdophila = Gallionella halophila, EM. pi. 37. 5. f. 1. Europe. Fi-ustules minute, smooth. M. tccniata= Gallionella 'tcsniata, EM. pi. 39. 3. f. Go. Atmospheric dust. The ngiu:e shows a single subquadrate fins- tme, without any distinguishing cha- racter. M. trachealis = Gallionella trachealis, EM. pi. 8. 2. f. 18. Ilungaiy. Ehreu- berg's figure is too imperfect to bo in- telligible. M. laminaris = Gallionella laminaris, EM. pi. 39. 3. f. 64. Asia. The imper- fect hgm-e shows striated junction-mar- gins. M. Scala = Gallionella Scahi, EM. pi. 8. 1. f. 24. Hungary. Tlio iiguro re- rcsents a slender continuous filiunent, ivided into smooth quadrate joints. M. ? mcsodon = Gallionella ? mcsodon (Fragilana mesodan?), EM. pi. 11. f. 16. Bohemia. Filament slender, conti- nuous, with smooth subquadrate joints, having two puncta at each outer margin, as in Fi-agilaria. M. ochracea. = Gallionella femiyinea (Ralfs). — Slender, oval, convex at both ends ; smooth. In many, perhaps in all chalybeate waters, and also iu peat- water, which contains a small proportion of iron, this is to be found ; it is of the colour of iron-mst, and in mineral springs, in which it abounds, is often taken for precipitated oxide of iron. It covers everything under water, but forms so delicate and floccose a mass, that the least motion dissipates it. In the spring of the year, this mass is com- posed of very delicate pale-yellow glo- bules, which can be easily separated from each other. They unite together in rows, like short chains, and produce an irregular gelatinous felt or floccose substance. About siunmer, or in autimm, they become developed into more evi- dently articulated and stiff threads, of a somewhat lai^er diameter, but still form a complicated mass or web, and, either from adhering to each other or to deli- cate Confervte, appear branched ; in the yoimg condition, when examined under shallow ma^itiers, they resemble gela- tine ; but with a power of 300 diameters, the flexible granules are discoverable, and, with dexterous management, the little chains forming the felt or floccose web can be made out. In sunmier, on the other hand, its sti'ucture can be ob- served much more easily and distinctly. Early iu spring, the colom- is that of a pale yeUow ochre ; but in siunmer, tliat of an intense rusty red. Diam. 1-1200". According to tiitzbg, this is not a species of Gallionella, but a Conferva ; it has no true silicious lorica, as have true Diatomeos ; and the coating of oxide of iron is not an essential element, but merely an incrustation, such as will form on well-known Confervie placed under like circmnstances, i. c. in water holdino- salts of iron in solution, whicli are sub- sequently precipitated by exposure to the air, and converted into tlie rod oxide The same author dill'ers from l^hreu- borg as to tlie part pla^yed by the so- called Gallionella ferrifr/i'nca in the pro- duction of tlie oxiclo of iron in chalybeate waters, of bog-iron ore, of clay-iron ochre, &c. For, lie observes, in iiiaiiy springs ricli in iron no such orgniiisni "is found althougli other Conferviu may be ]n'osont — Conferva!, however, not pcculiai- to 822 SYSTKMiTIC UlSTOllY OF TUG INPUSOHIA. sucli habitiitS; but common iu springs and ponds generally. Ml'. KaKs {op. cit. p. 852), however, in part supports Ehrenherg, declaring that, though identical with Conferva ochrucea (DiUwj'n), yet " Ehrenherg is no douht coiTect in placing the plant in this genus, as the filaments are sUicious and cylindrical." Niigeli describes and figures a species which he refers to the genus Gallionella ; but it is a doubtful member. His de- scription, however, especially that of the self-division, induces us to give it nearly in his own words, with his name (Ray Society, 1846, p. 219). M. Niu/eli (E,.). — Shortly cylindiical ; diam. •0i4"' to -027";. Marine. Naples. "Both the terminal surfaces of the cylinder are flattened ; so that, when seen sideways, it appears rectangular, with the angles roimded ofi". It is composed of one simple cell, whose membrane is covered by a siliceous plate; and its cavity contains chlorophyll-gTanules, which lie upon the membrane in two cii-cular bands, (xv. 26-28.) Each of these bands occupies one of the obtuse angles of the cylinder, and appears annu- lar from above, rectilinear from the side. " In developing, the relative length of the cylinder increasing, a septum divides it into halves (xv. 28 c), which when complete, the latter separate as two di- stinct beings. The nascent chlorophyll- granides are either spread equally over the surface, or more frequently arranged in radii from the nucleus in the centre ; they lie in the course of the currents streaming from the nucleus. Compared with a cell of Conferva, or of Spii'ogyi'a, all three agTee in the forming of a septum, in the similarity of their contents, and iu the depositions of extra-cellular sub- stance. But Gallionella diflers from both, by the production of an individual from every cell, also by the chloropliyll forming two lateral band.s, and the sili- ceous extra-cellidar substance an inter- mediate one. " So far as my investigations go, Gallionella, which, according to Ehren- herg, possesses a bivalved or multivalved shield, agi'ees with the above-described plant in all essential particulars. The lines, for instance, whic-h would intimate a division of the shell into two or more pieces, are the septa by which the ceU- division is efl'ected. As in the filiform AlgSB, these walls at first appear as deli- cate lines ; then, by an increase of thick- ness, seem two clearly defined lines ; and at last present themselves as two lamellae, separated by an intermediate thfrd line. The perforations which Ehrenherg de- scribed, I look upon as nothing more than intercellular spaces, formed be- tween the two new-foiTued cells and the parent cell. These so-called perforations ai'e only visible, therefore, on the two lateral borders where the wall abuts upon the membrane. The Confei-void Algae exhibit a simUai' appeai-anee." Gallionella (?) Novcb HollandicB (Ehr.), Avon EiA'er, Austi'alia ; G. gibba (Ehr.), fossil, Georgia; G. punctata (Ehr.), Western Asia; G. tincta (Ehr.), Ural Moimtaius ; G. gemmata (Ehr.), Siberia; G. lineolata (Ehr.), fossil. North Asia; G. unclata (Ehr.), llinialaya Mountains ; G. curvata (Ehr.), India; G. vaginatu (Ehr.), India; G. Nilotica (Ehr.), River Nile, are species known to ua only by name. Genus ARTHROGYRA (Ehr.). — The characters of this genus are unknown to us ; but, judging from Ehrenberg's figures of the species, it seems to have been constituted for the reception of those forms of Melosii-a which, like M. Dichieii, produce horizontal, elongated, tapering internal bodies or sporangia. AnTHnoGYnA Gmtimalensis, EM. pi. A. semilmaris, EM. pi. 33. 6. f. 2. 33. 6. f. 1. Fem-earth. Guatemala.— Guatemala.— Filament jointed, cm-ved, Filament straight, jointed, with crenated with crenate mai-gins, and semilunate margin, and straight, fusitbi-m internal internal body, body. Genus DISCOSIRA (Rab,). — Fnistules united into a short filament, with a thick mucous covering ; in lateral view circular, having a uniformly pimc- tatc centre, a border of numerous (24 to 33) slightly cuiTcd, oblique, ray- like lines, and a marginal crown of teeth (50 to 64). UiscosrRA sulcata (Rab.). — Frustidos I rows, which correspond to (he teolh of in front view with deep transverse fm'- | the lateral sm*face. JRabD. p. 12, t. 3. In OP THE MELOSrUEJE. 823 a lag'oon at Maiifrcdonia, east coast ol" I lato, but requires the highest mag-uify- italy. Each tooth is minutely denticu- | iug powers to ascertain it. (v. G8.) Genus LirAROGYRA (Ehr.).— Fnistiilcs simple, cylindrical, each having an internal spiral filiform band or crest. The habit of this genus closely resembles that of Spirogyra, a non-sihcious genus of Algoe. LrPAiiOGYRA denclroteres (E.). — Frustiiles smooth, crystalliue, three or four times as long- as broad, with an internal spiral band ; margin of disc denticulated. Rah D. p. 12. =L. spiralis, EM. pi. 34. 5a. f. 1, 3. On tiimlfs of ti'ees. Venezuela. Tliirteen spirals in 1-360". (v. 72.) L. circidaris (E.). — Frustule with 13 aunidar tmns of intei'nal line in 1-360". Rab. I. c. p. 12. With the preceding, and in Brazil. Ehrenberg says he is not satisfied whether the preceding are di- stinct species, or merely varieties. Each has a smooth disc, with three central apiculi. L. scalmis, EM. pi. 34. 5 a. f. 2. South America. Ehrenberg's figm-e represents the frustule in frout view as divided by cross bars in a ladder-like manner. Genus POROCYCLIA(Ehr.). — Resembles Lipai'ogyra, but is without spii-es, has interior circular rings, and the margin of its disc-like ends a cii'clet of deep impressions. "We doubt whether this genus is suflSLciently distinct from Liparogyra. PoBOCYCLiA denclrophiJa (E.). — Frustules smooth, with 9 annular lines ; disc with 12 mai'ginal depressions. radiating series of puncta, and 5 central apiculi. RabD. p. 12. On trunks of trees. Veneziiela. L. 1-320" j w. 1-560", Genus STEPHAJS'OSIRA (E.).— 'Frustules united into a short filament ; disk with radiating series of miaute puncta, and a marginal crown of teeth. In form this genus resembles Stephanodiscus, but differs from it, and becomes allied to Melosii-a by its imperfect spontaneous division, and consequent con- catenation. In Melosira, however, the circlet of spines is wanting. "We are unacquainted with this genus ; and its characters scarcely suffice to distinguish it from Orthosu-a. All the known species are found on trees. Stephanosira Epidendron (E.). — Front view with punctated transverse lines and ftuTOw. Rab D. p. 14. On ti'ees. Venezuela and Brazil. Larger diameter 1-432"; smaller 1-4.320". S. Hamadnjas (E.). — In front view smooth, but with jimction-margins stri- ated; disc having marginal radiating puncta, and its centi'e a few scattered dots. Rab. /. c. p. 14. On trees with the preceding species. Diameter 1-720". S. Huropcsa (E.). — Frustules often broader than long, smooth, but with very faintly striated jimction-margins. Rab. /. c. p. 14. Among mosses on trees at Berlm. Much smaller than the preced- ing. Chain foniied of three to fom- frus- tides, each 1-2304" to 1-1152" in depth ; rarely 1-1200" in width. Genus STEPHANODISCUS (E.).— Disc with radiating series of puncti- form granules, and furnished with a crown of erect marginal teeth. Aquatic. Stcphanodisci approximate in character to Cyclotclla, but differ from them by the circlet of teeth. They also approach closely to the non- cellulose Coscinodisccaj, and seem to have as good a claim to rank with that family as with the Melosireae. Stephanodiscus differs from Odontodiscus in the same manner a,s Peristophania docs fi-om Systcphauia, and ia oiu" opinion might, without inconvenience, be united to it. STEi'iiANoniscuH Berolinemis (E,). —Small, tliscoid ; disc plane, finely radi- ated, and furnished with acute marginal teeth (often 32) on each side. KSA. p. 21. Alive, Bcriin. Diam. 1-1152". In- ternal granular substance brown, lobed, 824 SYSTEMATIC HISTOIIY OF THE INFUSOEIA. S. Mjypliacus, EM. pi. 33. 1. f. IG. Egj'pt. Ehreuljerg's ligiire ropresents the disc with scries of puncta radiating from the centre, without a distinct um- bilicus, the teeth nimierous, subulate, and erect, (v. 69.) S. Sinensis, EM. pi. 34. 7. f. 7. Canton. Ehreuberg's figure shows the puncta arranged as in S. jEgy2Jtiunis, but the rim striated, and the teeth nodule-like and intra-raarginal. S. Bramaputra, EM. pi. 35 a. f. 9, 10. Ganges. Puncta as in the foregoing species, the rim furnished with short triangidar teeth. S. Niagara: (E.). — Frastules small; disc with numerous (often 64) series of punctiibnu granules radiating from a large gi-anidated umbilicus, and as many acute marginal teeth as rays. EM. pi. 35 A_. 7._ L 21, 22. Niagara. This species is distinguished by its gi'anulated umbilicus. Genus PERISTEPHANIA (Ehr.).— Frustulcs simple, discoid; disc with decussating parallel series of gTanules, aiid numerous marginal teeth. Mari- time. " The characters of this genus so weU agree with Stephanodiscus that perhaps we might more correctly refer the deep-sea form to that genus. But as the hitherto known Stephanodisci are all liuviatile, and the maritime form in the order of its cellules very nearly approaches the purely maritime Gosd- nodiscus lineatus, I have prefeiTed not mixing liuviatile Stephanodisci -with a doubtful maritime form. Perhaps the flow in deep water may have com- mingled a flnviatile form with the maritime ones. Should, therefore, a similar form be hereafter found in any liver, this generic name must be cancelled, and the form placed in Stephanodiscus " (EllBA. 1854, p. 236). As we consider habitat altogether inadmissible as a generic distinction, we would distinguish Stephanodiscus and Peristephania by the radiating granules of the foiTuer, and their parallel arrangement in the latter genus. We should prefer to unite this genus with Systcphania, which differs only in having in ti-a- mar- ginal teeth. Perhaps even Coscinodiscus lineatus might be included, thus making the parallel arrangement of the granules the essential character. Peristephania Eutycha (E.). — Habit of Coscinodiscus lineatus; niargin of the disc armed with nimierous erect, crowded teeth. EM. pi. 35 b. 4. f. 14. Deep soundings of the Atlantic, (v. 73.) P. lineata (E.). — Resembles P. Eutycha, but its teeth ai"e fewer and more distant. EM. pL 33. 13. f. 22. Califomiaii deposit and guauo. In both species the teeth are miuutc aud triangulai". Genus PYXIDICULA (Ehr.). — Frustules simple or binately conjoined, free or adnate, bivalvcd ; central portion obsolete ; valves veiy convex. lu Pyxidicida the frustulc forms a bivalved box, and differs from CycloteUa in its vaulted valves and the absence of an interstitial portion. The same characters distinguish it from aU the Coscinodisceac. As fii'st constituted by Ehrenberg, Pyxidicida contained very heterogeneous forms ; by the fonnation, however, of Mastogonia, Stephanogonia, Steiilianopyxis, and Xanthiopj-xis as distinct genci'a, this defect has been in a great measiu'c removed ; but wc believe it still includes some doubtful species. Dictyopyxis was separated by Ehren- berg, first as a subgenus and afterwards as a genus, for those forms character- ized by the cellulose stnicture of the valves, leaving in the original genus the smooth and punctated species. Wc have thought it more desii-able to regard Dictyopyxis as a subgenus only, nntU. some of the species arc more fully known. * Frustules smooth or minutely punctate. Pyxidicula. rvxinicui.A ojiercnlnln (E.). — Frus- tulcs small, orbicular, hyaline, punctated. EM. pi. 16. 1. f. 46. = P. minor, KSA. p. 21. Fossil, Sweden ; recent, Asia, Eng- land P Dinni. 1-1440" to 1-570". Valves joined by a distinct suture. Kiitzing rcfei-3 P. operculata (E.) to C3Tlotella. OF TUE MELOSIEEiE. 825 V.Adridlica (Kiilz.). — Adnate, sessile, | of middle size ; valves convex, nearly henii.splierical, very smooth. KB. t. 21. f. 8. Adriatic, (xiii. 33.) Diam. 1-000". P. ? prcctexta (E.). — Valves o-eminate, slightly hispid, neither celliuose nor radiated, hut bordered by a raised limb ; midtUe tlat. KSA. p. 22. Fossil. Greece. Diam. 1-1152". P. P urccolaris (E.). — Valves geminate, imequal, m-ceolate (the one more convex, elongated, the other shorter), each vpith a plane, raised limb ; cellules none, but about ten smooth rays in the longer, and eiglit apiculate ones in the shorter valve. = Dictyapyxis urceolaris, EM. pi. 18. f. 3. Fossil. Virginia, Diam. 1-1728". P. lonya (E.). — Oblong, two and a half times as long as broad, cylindrical, with roimded ends ; suture longitudinal. KSA. p. 22. Fossil. Virginia. L. 1-1080". 2* Frustuhs cellulose. Dictyopyxis (H.). P. cruciata (E.). — Frastules oblong, with rounded ends ; cellules laro'e, ar- ranged in parallel lines; rim distinct. EM. pi. 18. f. 2. = Coscinodiscus cruciatus, KSA. p. 125. ^.Helleniea, smallev= Dictyopyxis Hel- lenica, EM. pi. 19. f. 13. Fossil. America. Guano, &c. Frequently the disk has some series of its cellides more conspi- cuous and forming a cross. Valves cam- p.anulate. P. Cylindrm (E.). — Cylindiical, with rounded ends, three times as long aa broad ; valves with obscure rows of cel- lides. EM. pi. 33. 13. f. 8. Fossil. Mary- laud. Diam. 1-960". Valves campanu- late, separated by a suture. P. Lens (E.). — Frustules laterally de- pressed, lenticular, cellidose; valves in front view semielliptic. EM. pi. 18. f. 5. Fossil. Virginia. Diam. 1-036". The trustide is oval in the front \-iew, the suture forming tlie gi'eatest diameter. P. areolula (E.). — Valves with a heptagonal, areolate, punctated centre, and seven lateral punctated areola). KSA. p. 22. North America. D. 1-960". P. yemmiftra (E.). — Valves turgid, crystalline, not bordered, furnished with lax scries of crystalline nodules, fifteen of wliich very nearly reach the smooth centre. KSA. p. 22. Fossil. Maryland. Diam. 1-792". P. compressa (IBail.).— Frustules'ellip- tic, bi\ alve ; vfdvos separated by a plane passing through the longer axis, sliglitly convex, and with transverse rows of dots. Be. ii. p. 40, f. 13, 14. Florida. P. dentata (E.).— Fnistulcs having the convex margin furnished with (irregular) slightly prominent little teeth ; cellules rather large, 6 in 1-1200". KSA. p. 22. Antarctic Ocean. Diam. 1-840". P. P limhata (E.). — Frustules oblong-, with a central lieel ; valves showing in front a central cellidar surface, and 32 to 40 radiating lines; border not cel- lulose. = Steplianopyxis limbata, EM. pi. 18. f. 7. Fossil. Maryland. D. 1-792". Ehrenberg's figm-e is oval, and has a broad, distantly striated, but not cellu- lose rim, and in its centz-e scattered gi'a- niiles. P. cristatci (E.). — Frustules with gemi- nate, lenticular valves, which are close together, not winged, with a somewhat prominent margin like a thin suture; cellules of disc in rows. = Stephanopyxis cristata, EM. pi. 18. f. 6. Fossil. Vii-- giuia. Diam. 1-816". Ehrenberg's figiu-e somewhat resembles that of P. limbata ; but the cellules of the oval valve are crowded, and the striated rim is nar-r rower. Obscure or doubtful S^jecies. P. Ndyelii (Kiitz.). — Smooth, one side orbicidar, girt with a membranous wing- like ring ; the other side oval, one mar- giu more convex, nmbonate in the mid- dle. KSA. p. 889. Switzerland. P. Actinocyclus (E.). — Frustules with two flattened, finely cellulai- and ele- gantly radiated valves; rays 30 to 40, straight and dense, EM. pi. 18, f. 19. = Cyclotella Actinocyclus, KSA. p. 20. Fossil. America. Diam. 1-720". Ehreu- bei;g figui-es only the lateral view, which in its radiating series of dots resembles a Coscinodiscus, P, Scarabccus (E.). — Oblong, with imequal valves ; when viewed laterally, recalling the figure of the Scarabfeiis. = Dictyopyxis Scarabccus, E, Fossil. Vii-ginia, Diam. 1-648". Cellules 14 iu 1-1150". P. major (Kiitz.). — Frustules large, elliptic, regidarly punctated. KP. t. 1. f. 25. North America ; France. Diam. 1-420". Probably a state of P. cruciata. P. ylobata. - Wo insert under this name certain spherical bodies of a dia- meter varying from 1-240" to 1-1150" discovered in 1830 by Elirenborg iu flints near Berlin, and considered by hiiu to belong to the silicious Diatomacoiu. Kiliziiig has oxaniined these bodies, wiiich occur along with silicious spicida of sponges and snecies of Xantliidium and Peridinium, but docs not consider them Pyxidicala2. Tlic section of pebble 826 SYSTEMATIC HISTOHY OF THE INFCSOHIA. contaiuiiig these specimens, from wliicli Mr. Bauer's drawings (x^ste. 606-509) -were made, was found on Brighton beach. The figures are magnified 100 diameters. P. prisca, EM. pi. 37. 7. f. 5. This species is found in uints, and is probably the same as the preceding. P. (/ifjas, EM. pi. 33. 13. f. 18. Fossil. California. The figure shows a large orbicular disc, vnt\\ distant scattered dots, and no sutm-e. P. decussata (E.). — Found in the chalk marl of ^gina. Gemis STEPHANOPYXIS (Ebi-.).— Frustules simple or united into short filaments, in front view orbicular or oblong, composed of two ceUuloso valves, each having a crown of teeth, spines, or membrane ; central portion obsolete ; lateral view cii'cular. " This group includes those Pyxidieulaj which have turgid forms -with a cellular surface, bearing in the middle of the valves a crown of small teeth, prickles, or a membrane " (Bailey). The fossil species appear simple ; but as recent specimens forming short filaments have been obtained by the Eev. R. Cresswell and Mr. Norman, probably the othere aLso were oidginally so formed, but, as the crowns prevent the close union of the fi'ustules, they become more easily disconnected. The valves agree in their turgid form, rounded ends, and cellulose structures with Pyxidicula ; but their coronets will easily distinguish them. SxEPHANOPyxis Diadema (E.). — Valves hemispherical, with parallel, straight rows of cellules ; centre of disc depressed, with a circlet of niunerous teeth (20 to 30). = Pyxidicula Diadema, KSA. p. 21. Fossil. Virginia; guano. Diam. 1-576". "We have seen two frus- tules connected. S. Turris. — Frustides cylindrical, cel- lulose, ends depressed at the centre and fiu'nished with a crown of spines or pro- cesses, which are truncate or clavate at their apices ; areolaB hexagonal, 7 in •OOV' .= CresswelliaTurris,(jY&Y. in GDC. p. 64, pi. 6. f. 109. In stomach of Ascidia. Teignmouth, HuU, &c. Fossil in guano. We regret being imable to accept the genus Cresswellia, as we believe all the species of Stephanopyxis, when recent, have the frustules connected by their coronets : S. Diadema, a species closely allied to the present, we have foimd so imited in specimens from guano. This character has probably escaped detection only because in all filamentous forms the fossil frustides are usually separated. The coronets of mmierous non-attenuated spines distinguish this species, (v. 74.) S. apiculata (E.). — Frustules oblong or subcylindrical, end broadly rounded ; ceUides not crowded, arranged in longi- tudinal rows ; centre of disc Avith a few Genus XANTHIOPYXIS (Ehr.).— Valves turgid, continuous, entire, non- ceUulosc, hispid, setose, or winged. = Pj^dcUcula oUm. Fossil. " These forms arc Pyxidicula Avith bristles, seta3, or wings. They have the habit of Aau- thidium and Chajtotyphla, but arc bivalved and silicious." The true affimty of this genus is doubtful : we have seen no species which is circular m the lateral new, and consequently consider them misplaced in the Mclosirca; : elongated spines, EM. pi. 19. 13. f. 6. America, Em'ope, guano, &c. S. appendiciduta (E.). — Frustules in fi'ont view subglobose, coarsely and closely cellidose ; segments with rounded ends, each with an exceutiic, short, hom- lilce process. EM. pi. 18. f. 4. Fossil. Vu-ginia. Diam. 1-624". Processes trun- cate, not central; cellules forming a crenated mai'gin. S. turgida (Grev.). — Front view cylin- drical-oblong; junction-mai'gins subtrun- cate, with roimded angles and a crown of elongated spines with dilated apices ; areola3 11 in -OOl. = Crcsstccllia turqida, Grev M J. vii. p. 165, pi. 8. f. 14. Cali- fomian guano. This species is neaily related to S. Turris, but differs in the larger, more ti'uly cylindrical and trun- cate fi-ustides, and in the considerably smaller areolation, Grev. S. ferox (Grev.).— Front view oblong ; valves subglobose, canipamdate, hispid, with a crown of elongated spines and a thin, hyaline, prominent sutm-e ; ai-eolaj large, 5 in -001". = Cresswellia? ferox, GrevMJ. vii. p. 166, pi. 8. f. 15, 16. Ca- hforuian guano. The valves are ex- panded at thcu- junction so as to_ form a sutm-al keel, as in some species of Pyxidicula. (v. 75.) OF THE COSCINODISCEiE. 827 but, from oiu- iusufliciont acquaintance wth them, we are unaLlc to decide on their proper position, and have not attempted their removal. Are they aldn. to Goniotheciiim ? Xanthiopyxis f/Iobosa (E.). — Frus- tules subglobose, hispid, with short sette. = Pyxidiciila (jluhosa, KSA. p. 23. Fossil. Bermuda. Diam. 1-552". X. obluiu/a (E.). — Frustides oblono-, equally and broadly roimded at each end, densely hispid, with short setiB, which are sometimes joined by a membrane. EM. pi. 33. 17. f. 17. = Pyxidici.da(K.). Fossil. Virginia. L. 1-552". (v. 76.) X. constricta (E.). — ^Frustules oblong, constiicted at the middle, and broadly rounded at each end, hispid, with short seta9, which are often jomed by mem- brane. =P(/a;iV/iCM/a co«s f 21. Gran. Ehren- berg has figiu'ed more than one form as his A. octodenarius ; the compartments in his figTire of this species are 9, and each is bisected by a monilifonn ray. A. trilingidatiis(Bn.). — Valves divided by 6 altematelj^ elevated segments. I'he elevated portions gi-adually I'ise from the circumference to near the centi'e, where they are rounded off; each alternate one has a submarginal row of dots or tnm- cated processes. Sm-face delicately punc- tato-sti-iate. -0035" to '0073". West Indies. Bri M.T. viii. p. 93, pi. 5. f. 2. A. spinosm (Bri.). — Valves with 6 seg- ments, alternately slightly elevated; mai'- gin occasionally spinous ; each segment with 1 or 2 processes ; mnbilicus smooth, surface of the valve punctate. Monterey earth (or deposit). Bri MJ. viii. p. 94, pl.G. f.l5. ^ A. dives (E.). — Disc divided into numerous (about 50) naiTow compart- ments by lines radiating from a large, indefinite, punctated umbilicus, each compartment having a single series of granules. EM. pi. 19. f. 12. =Discaplea dives, E. ; Cyclotella dives, KA. p. 20. Fossil. Mgina,. Doubtful Species. A. qiiaternarius (E.). — Disc di^dded into 4 compartments ay as many radi- ating lines. KIA. p. 130. Vii-ginia. Diam. 1-552". A state of A. ternarius ? A. ? hexajyterm (E.). — Disc with 6, thick, solid and conical rays ; margin thick, imdidated, denticulate internally. KA.p.l31. Fossil. Vera Cruz. (xi. 31.) A very doubtfid Diatom. A. octmaritts (E.). — Disc divided into 8" compartments by as many radiating lines. Guano, &c. A state of A. senarius. A. denarius (E.). — Disc with 10 com- pai-tments and 10 radiating lines. EM. pi. 18. f. 23. Cuxhaven and Virginia. We believe this species is founded on certain forms of A. senarius and A. splendens. A. duodenarius (E.). — Disc divided by radiating lines into 12 compai-tments, which are alternately darker; in the centi'e of each compartment runs a nar- row line, teiTuiuating at the margin in a minute pseudo-nodide, so that as many as 24 rays may be coimted. Keceut and Fossil. Em-ope, America. KA. p. 131. = Seliopelta Phaethon, MJ. viii. p. 13 ? A state of A. splendens ? The following species of Ehrenbei^ are distinguished by the nmnber of rays only :— A. quatuordenarius, 14 rays =^4. sjilen- detis ; A. viccnarius, 20 rays ; A. Ceres, 22 rays ; A. Jupiter, 24 rnvs (xi. 28). The three last are probably states of A. qyhndens. Genus HELIOPELTA (Ehr.). — Frustules disciform, undulated disc cellu- lose, -with external rays and internal septa, a striated margin, many erect submarginal teeth, and an angular centre. As in Actinoptychus, the fi-ustule is undulated, and the disc divided into cuneate compartments or rays, which appear alternately more distinct ; " but, in addition, they have near the margin a row of lateral sjjines, soraewliat like the processes of Eupodiscus, but far more numerous, wliich proliably connect tlie frustules together in the OF THE COSCINODISCEiE. 841 young state. Ehrenberg has dedicated the diflferent species of this genus to persons distinguished in the history of microscopic research " (Bailey). As the species differ only in the number of compartments, they are probably not truly distinct. Heliopelta J!fe<(V (E.). — Disc having loosely cellulose, elevated, radiating com- pai'tnients, alternating with depressed ones marked with line decussating lines ; border a rather broad striated rim. Ber- muda deposit, (xi. 35.) Compartments 6; umbilicus stellate. Diam. 1-372". Has the habit of Actinoptychus velatus. = H. Metii, EB. 1844, p. 268. Com- pai'tments 8 ; imibilical star teti-agonal. Diam. 1-204". H. Leeuwenhoekiii^M.. pi. 33. 18. f. 5.). — Compartments 10 ; mnbilical star pen- tagonal. Diam. 1-156". H. Euleri (EM. pi. 33. 18. f. QX — Compartments 12; umbilical star hex- agonal. Diam. 1-156". H. Selliqum-ii (EB. 1844, p. 268.). — There are usually 3 teeth opposite each elevated compartment, and 2 opposite each depressed one ; but sometimes, es- pecially m the larger specimens, the teeth are more mmierous, whilst in the smaller ones they ai-e occasionally 1 less in each compartment. Genus OMPHALOPELTA (Ehr.).— Erastules simple, disciform ; disc ceUu- lose or punctate, divided by imperfect septa into cuneate rays ; centre hyaline ; spines, one to each compartment. " This genus has the habit of Actinoptychus and Heliopelta, but differs from the former in the presence of lateral spiues, and from the latter iu the small number of these processes. The species of these thi-ee genera often closely agree in theii- form as well as in the number of their radii and cells ; but the character of the spines will always distinguish them" (Bailey). " All the species of Omphalopelta resemble Actynoptyclius senarhis" (Kg.). Heliopelta differs from this genus in having two or more spines instead of one to each compartment,— a difference we regard as more suitable for specific than generic distiuction ; and we believe that a better knowledge of these forms will prove the propriety of uniting them. Omphalopelta cellulosa (E.). — Ra- diating compartments 6, cellulose, al- ternately timiid and depresed, stellato- punctate; rays but slightly prominent; rim broad, striated. KA. p. 183. Fossil. Bei-muda, Virginia. Diam. 1-192". This species greatly resembles the 6-rayed foiTu of Heliopelta Metii, in which the compartments have sometimes only 1 and 2 spines alternately ; and indeed we are not certain that they are even speci- fically distinct. 0. areolata (E.). — Compartments 6, aU loosely and obscurely cellulose, scarcely or but slightly depressed; rays distinct; rim broad, radiate. EM. pi. .35 a. 18. f. 12. = Actinocyclus areolattis, Bri MJ. viii. p. 93, pi. 5. l 1. Fossil. Bermuda, guano, (vm. 15.) 0. versicolor (E.). — Compartments 6, a,Il granulated in very fine decussating lines, which cause a play of colours from tawny to red ; the strong rays and hex- agonal crystalline umbilicus very conspi- cuous ; i-im naiTow, radiant. KA. p. 133. FossU. Bermuda. Diam. sometimes 1-252", but mostly less. 0. punctata (E.). — Radiating compart- ments 0, aU loosely punctated, 3 alter- nate ones slightly elevated ; rim naiTow, not distinctly radiant; spiues obsolete. K/V, p. 133. Fossil. Bermuda. Genus ARACHNOIDISCUS (Deane). — Finistules disciform ; disc \vith a central hyaline nodule or umbilicus, and numerous radiating linos connected by concentric lines or series of gemmaccous granules. =Hemiptychus (E.). The disc has been compared to a spider's web ; hence the name. Alternating with the long radiate fines are one to three short marginal ones, the central one of these being also longer than the other two when tkrec are present. Professor Bailoy informs us that Aracluioidiscus has been adopted instead of Hemiptychus because the latter name liad previou.sIy been used in ento- mology. 842 SYSTEMATIC .HISTOEY OF THE INFUSOllIA. AnACHNOroiscus ornatus (E.). — Disc having its radiating lines connected hy concentric ones. = Hemiptychus ornatus, EB. 1848, p. 7 ; Arachnoidiscus ornatus, EB. 1849, p. 64 ; Ar TM. vi. p. 16 ; A. Japonicus, Shadbolt; A. Nicoharicus, EM. pi. 36. f. 35 (according to Arnott). Africa, West Coast of America, Nicobar Islands, (xv. 18-21.) In deference to the opinion of Prof. Arnott, we have imited A, Nicoharicus to this species ; but it is desirable to examine specimens from the original stations. Ehrenberg describes all the radiating lines in his A. ornatus as eq[ual ; but he figm-es A. Nicobancus with two sets of shorter, marginal, interme- diate ones. Om" specimens, in this re- spect, agTee with A. Nicoharicus, but have aroimd the umbilicus a circlet of close, short, radiant, oblong lines, which are wanting in Elu-enberg's figure. The gramdes, too, are apparently larger in our specimens. The lines connecting the radiating ones often anastomose. A. JEhrenhergii (Bailey). — Disc with numerous, moniliform, concentric circles of large pearly gramdes, the circle next the umbilicus formed of short lines 5 radiating lines with two series of shorter ones between. Ehrenherqii, EB.1849, p. 64 ; SD. i. p. 26, pi. 31. f. 256. Recent, Coast of Oregon and California; fossil, Monterey and California. A. Ehren- berffii is easily distinguished from A. ornatus by the absence of concentric lines. It is more hyaline, and the gra- nules far larger and more conspicuous. All the circles are compact, and, except the two inner ones, have the gi-anules slightly quadrate, and their relative di- stances somewhat irregular. The second- ary rays are sometimes half the length of the principal ones ; the third series is simply marginal. A. Indicus, EM. pi. 36. f 34. India. We have seen neither specimen nor de- scription of this species. Ehrenberg's figm-e represents the disc with numerous, concentric, moniliform circles of pearly granules. The gTanules are distant in the first and third from the umbilical space ; in all the others they are dense. Professor Ai-nott (perhaps rightly) unites A. Indicus to A. Elirenhergii; but we have thought proper to keep them sepa- rate for the present, in order to direct more attention to them, because Ehren- berg's figm-e of A. Indicus differs in some respects from A. Ehrenhergii. In this species there is no liaear series round the umbilicus, the third circle has distant granules, all the gramdes are orbicular, there is only one series of shorter rays intei-posed between the long ones, and these are connected by an undulated line, giving the inner margin of the rim a scolloped appearance. In all these respects it difiers from A. Ekrenbergii. Genus PERITHTRA (Ehr.). — Characters imkiiowii to us. According to Ehrenberg's figures, it seems to differ from Heterostephania by its larger tubercles. rather broad, smooth rim, and no umbi- licus. (-VTII. 19.) Pebithyha denaria, EM. pi. 35 a. 9. f. 5. = Coscinodiscus radiatiis, var., Wal- Uch, TMS. viii. pi. 2. f. 22 ? Ganges. Disc with radiating series of minute puncta, ten intramarginal tubercles, a P. quaternaria, EM. pi. 35 a. 9. f. 6. Ganges. A variety of the preceding, with only foui- tubercles. FAMILY IX.— EUPODISCEiE. Frustules simple, free, discifoi-m ; lateral surfaces furnished witli processes. The Eupodiscca3 may be regarded as connecting the Coscinodiscea) Avith the Biddulphiece. They agree with the former in their discoid frustules and with the latter iu having processes on the lateral sm-faces. These processes, how- ever, must not be confounded M^th the spines or teeth wliich occur in some of the Coscinodisccoe. It is sometimes diiRcult to decide whether the discs really have processes or only pseudo-nodules, since, from their circular out- lino and hyaline texture, free from celhdes, both these appear like oiifices unless seen in profile, and perhaps Actinocyclus would be more correctly placed in this famUy than with the Coscinodisceoe. Genus EUPODISCUS (Ehr.).— rnistidcs discifonn ; disc eclhilose or gra- nulate, funii.shed witli siibmarginal circular prominences. =Tripodiscus. Tctra- OF THE EUPODISCEiE. 843 podiscus, Pentapodisciis (E.), Podiscus (BaU.). The ceUular structure is usually less evident in this genus than in Coscinodiscus. We have removed to Actinocyclus thi'eo species originally placed here by Professor Smith, who himself admits that they probably belong to that genus, " as the process in all is rather a pseudo-nodule than a projection from the surface of the valve," E. Rogm-sii (Bail., E.^. — "Fi-ustules large, liaving 3 to 7 hyaline lateral pro- cesses placed on an elevated circle, within which the disc is slightly con- EuPODisCTJS Ai-gus (E.). — Disc with three or more processes, subremote from the margin ; cellules somewhat stellate, intervals pimctated. SD. i. p. 24, pi. 4. f. 39. = E. Americanus, EB. 1844 ; E. quaternarius, E. quinarius, E. Gei-ma- nicus, KA. p. 134. (vi. 2 : xi. 41, 42.) Recent in marine and brackish water, Europe, America ; fossil. United States. This species is easily recognized by its irregular cellules and intei-vening pimcta, which give to the disc a clouded appeai-- ance, very unlike the lasual transparency of DiatomacefB. The processes vary from 3 to 5 in niunber. "The star-shaped cells appear when seen by duect light to be placed in the centre of small bosses or protuberances, in which respect it dif- fers from aU other Diatomacese that I am acquainted with. E.o MJ. ii. p. 73. E. monstruosus (E.). — Disc with 4 pro- cesses on one side. E. /. c. p. 81. Baltic. Distinguished by the unsymmetrical dis- position of its processes. It is probably an accidental variety of E. Argus. cave, and outside of which the sm-face is part of the fi'ustiun of a cone. = Po- discus Rogersil, BAJ. xlvi. pi. 3. f 1, 2 ; Eupodiscus Rogersii, E. I. c. ; E. Bailey ii, E. I. c. Recent and fossil. United States. In this species the processes are close to the rim. Tlie whole surface is beautifully pimctate. ... As this spe- cies is the lai'gest and most beautiful of the fossil Infusoria occurring in the strata of which Professor W. B. Rogers made the discovery, I have selected it as pe- culiarly appropriate to bear his name " (Ban. I. c). E. rad'taizM (Bail.). — Disc plane, areo- lation hexagonal, with 4 (or more) sub- marginal processes. " Resembles Cosci- nodiscus radiatus in size and reticulation," BC. Bri MJ. viii. p. 95, pi, 5. f. 10, America, Genus AULACODISCUS (Ehr,). — Frustides disciform ; disc granulated, and furnished with intramarginal, shortly tubular processes, each connected with the centre by a distinct furrow, or by a radiant series of more conspicuous granules, Aulacodisci are Eupodisci furnished with bands radiating from the centre and connected with the tubercles situated just within the margin, and having the surface of their valves granulate, and not ceUular. Professor Kiitzing makes this genus a section of Eupodiscus. * Disc huUate beneath the processes, AnLACODiscus Petersii (E.). — Disc nearly colom-less, having a small, per- foration-like umbilicus, a large kite- shaped inflation, rough with minute points, beneath each process, and minute granules aiTan^ed in lines. EB. 1845, p. 361. = Etpodiscus Petersii, KSA. p. 135 ; E. cruciger, Sh TM. ii. pi. 1. f. 12. South Africa, both recent and in guano ; Aus- tralia and New Zealand. Disc large, with 3 to 5 orbicular processes, funiishcd with a central nipple and situated on the outer margin of the inflations. The granules are minute, and arranged in lines, some radiant and bisecting the intervals between the processes, the rest oblique and decussating. Raised points are present on the inflations and less conspicuously along the connecting fur- rows and about the imibilicus; margin finely sti-iated. In order to observe the disc properly, it is necessai-y, on accomrt of its xmevenness, to vai-y the focus. Specimens from New Zealand have the granules and markings more distinct, and the inflations smaller, less definite, and fm-ther from the margin. A./orMiosi;w/>iM maculatus. OF Tire ANGULITEHEiE. 857 Mr. Briglitwell finds this species varying, with foui' and five angles. The front view is quadi-ate, not constricted, the angles produced into conical processes, between which the margin is nearly sbraight. T. condecorum (E.). — Sides straight or slightly convex, with obtuse angles ; cellules very minute, diverging in curved series. Br MJ. i. p. 250, pi. 4. f. 12. Fossil. Bermuda. T. obtimim (E.). — Sides very convex; angles rounded, mthout pseudo-nodules ; cellules circulai", scattered. EM. pi. 18. f. 48, 49. Virginia. T. Amblyoceros (E.). — Sides concave ; angles broadly rounded, without pseudo- nodules ; cellules minute, somewhat radiating. EM. pi. 18. f. 51. Virginia. This species has more rounded angles and smaller cellules than T. ohtimim. T. Reticulum (E.). — Sides straight; angles subacute, without pseudo-nodules ; ceUides minute, numerous. EM. pi. 18. f. 50. Fossil, America; recent fi'om ehell-cleaniags. Front view with a nar- row, smooth central zone; lateral sm-- faces not constricted beneath the slightly prominent angles. T. acutum (E.). — Sides nearly sti-aight; angles elongated into points ; cellules not radiating. Br MJ. i. p. 251, pi. 4. f. 16. Bermuda. T. acutum is somewhat tri- radiate from its acuminated angles. Doubtful or itisufficiently known Species. T. scitulum (Br.). — "A small species, but varying in size. On some of the frustules I have reckoned, on an end view, about 45 cells only ; sides very slightly convex; angles open. Diam. 1-350"." Br MJ. i. p. 250, pi. 4. f. 9. Indian Ocean. Varies with foui- sides. Except in its smaller size, we see not how this species differs from T. Favus. T. Africanum (E.). — Sides convex ; angles rounded; cellules large, in radi- ating series. EM. pi. 35 b. 19. f, 1, Recent. West Africa. In form resem- bles T. obtusiim. T. com2)tum (E.). — Sides straight, and having a marginal fringe ; angles pro- I longed into short, stout spines ; ceUules large, hexagonal. Ro MX ii. p. 283, f. 2. England. "The cellular markings are as large as in T. Favus, and I am rather doubtful whether it may not be a young form of that species ; but the length of the processes, and fringe-like row of cells at the margin, appear to give it a di- stinctive character" (Roper). T. crassum (Sh.). — " Much smaller than T. contortum. Is characterized by the reticulations being coarse and in-e- gidar in form, and the horns very large as compared with the size of the valve." Sh. in TMS. ii. p. 15. Natal. T. hyalinum (Br.). — " Small, ti-ans- parent, siuface with very minute dots or cellules ; sides regular and straight." Br M J. iv. p. 275, pi. 17. f 16. Barbadoes. = T. Heticulum. T. arcuaium. — Sh TMS. ii. pi. 1. f. 5. Natal. The figm-e resembles tnat of T. Pileus, but without pseudo-nodules. It is probably, however, the same. r. exiguum (Sm.). — Tiii'adiate ; angles elongated into lineai" ti-uncated pro- cesses ; ceUules very minute, scattered. SB. ii. p. 87; Br MJ. iv. p. 274, pi. 17. f. 1. Fresh water. Ormsby, Noifolli. (VI. 14.) T. Petitaa-inus (y^sHlAich). — Valves slightly convex, with 5 angles, with a short horn at each angle. Sui-face spinous, divided into compartments by anastomosing lines or costas, which radi- ate iiTeg-ularly fi-om the centi'e. Var. /3 with 4 angles, y with 6 angles. Wallich, MJ. vi. p. 251, pi. 12. f. 10-14. St. Helena. We scarcely see how this form differs from Amphitetras ornata of Shadbolt. T. dubium (Br.). — Valve minute, clypeate, with 6 angles, the lower one much produced; surface of valve coarsely mmctato. Br MJ. vii. p. 180, pi. 9. f. 12. Mamitius, Califoruiau guano, India. " We place this form (which is not of unfrequent occurrence) provi- sionally among the Triccratia. It pro- bably forms the type of a now ffenus " (Br. ;.r.). ° T. 3£allcus, Br MJ. vi. p. 164, pi. 8. f. 6. Not Diatomaceous ? Genus AMPHITETEAS (Ehr.). — Frustiilcs cclliiloso, cubiform, cohering into a zigzag attached filament ; in lateral view quadrangular, with a pseudo- opening at each angle. Since Mr. Brightwcll's discoveiy of quadrangular states of Triceratium, the only remaining distinction between that genus and the present is, that in this the frustules form catenate attached filaments ; but, according to Professor Bailey (as ah-eady noticed), even this character is 858 SYSTEMATIC lUSTOflY OF THE INFUSOlilA. not confined to Amphitetras. Professor Smith, indeed, remarks, " The pro- jection of the connecting membrane beyond the suture of the valve is a cir- cumstance which meets us for the first time in Amphitetras ; " but we believe that tliis occurs in every genus in which the new portions of the di^'iding frustules are formed within the persistent central portion, and in this respect there is no perceptible difference between Triceratium and Amphitetras. As some species have been placed in Amphitetras solely on account of their quadi-ate form, the con-eetness of their position is consequently not free from doubt. Amphitetras antediluviana (E.). — Lateral view with straight or concave margins ; angles rounded, each Avith an appai'ent opening ; cellules large, radiat- ing, and concenti'ic. Living, Denmark, England, America, &c. ; fossil, Oran, Greece. ^xi. 21, 22.) A. tessellata, Sh TMS. li. j3, sides very concave; the cellules on the central portion are smaller, and arranged in longitudinal lines. A. Adnatica (K.). — "Lateral view quadrate; cellides radiating and con- centric; primary sides plane." KSA. p. 134. Adriatic Sea. A. parallela (E.). — Cellules in lateral view large, an-anged in pai'allel lines. Fossil. Greece. A. crucifera (Kitton, n. sp.). — Valves punctate, and marked by a line passing from the centre to each angle. Front view deeply consti'icted on either side of connecting zone. Valves minute, with slightly convex sides, and produced mammiform angles. Cleanings of shells from West Indies. Distinguished by the crucifoi-m lines of the valve, which taper from the centre to the angles, where they tenninate in points. We have seen 4 or 5 frustules connected by the angles. Doiibtftd or imperfectly known Si)ecics. A. 07-nata (Sh.). — "Size small, mar- gins concave, and folded so that each valve is not unlike iu form to a col- legian's cap ; surface somewhat m-egu- larly ornamented with delicate vein-like markings." TMS. ii. p. 16, pi. 1. f. 10. Natal. Var. /3, with 5 angles, (vm. 16.) This is probably a state of some veined species of Triceratiiun. A. favosa (Harv. & BaU.). — " Sides scarcely concave ; lateral view quadi-au- gulai- ; angles almost straight, scarcely produced ; surface tessellated with large hexagonal cellules." Proc. of Acad, of Philadelphia, 185.3. Mindanao. A. Crux (Bri.). — Valves crucifonn, with the angles widely roimded ; smface coarsely pmictate. Cleanings from shells, West Indies; Californian guano. Bri JIMS. vii. p. 181, pi. 9. f. 13.' This may be a 4-angled var. of Tnceratunn casicl- latum or T. trisulcuin. Genus AMPHIPENTAS (Ehr.).— Frustules fi-ee, simple, cellulose or gra- nulate, pentagonal. Probably pentagonal forms of Triceratium. Amphipentas altei'nans (E.). — Sides concave ; angles obtuse ; the angles of the external pentagon alternating with those of a smaller central one, which has a circular umbo at its middle. I^A. p. 134 ; EA. p. 122, pi. 2. 6. f. 9. Cuba. (XI. 32.) A. Pentacrinus (E.). — Pentagonal ; its dorsal surface presenting a striated ring. Diam. 1-240". KA. p. 134. Fossil. Greece. Fragments like Amphitetras. K.Jlcxuosa (B. MS.). — Sides four or five, gibbous ; angles conical ; sm-faco flat; cellules hexagonal, covered by minute puncta. Gulf-stream, (vi. 22.) From drawings b}' Professor Bailey, "Under a low power, the markings appear circular, as represented in the figures" (B.). The margins are imdidatcd ui consequence of their gibbous projec- tions, as in Triceratium Parmula, and may be 4- and 5-angled forms of that species. FAMILY XII.— TERPSINOE^. FiTistules quadrangular, smooth, compressed, fiunishcd wii\\ unequal trans- • verse costse or incomplete septa interrupted at the middle. We have scpa- ■ rated tliis small group from Striatelleie because, notwithstanding the groat t OV THE TERPSINOEiE. 859 external resemblance of their solitary finistules, we believe them to differ essentially in structure. In StriatelleJB the septa are longitudinal, and divide the central portion into chambers. In Terpsinoeae they are transverse and confined to the lateral portions, which appear in the front view as in Biddul- phiese. The relation of TerpsinoesB to the latter was pointed out by Mene- ghini. The smooth frustules and straight lateral margins without processes distinguish the Terpsinoeae. Genus ANAULUS (Ehr.). — rrastules simple, subquadrate, smooth ; septa lateral, unequal, not thickened at their extremities; lateral view oblong. Anaulus resembles Biddulphia, but its costse or septa are imequal, and it has no tubular processes. A genus of Mollusks has been also, but more recently, called Anaulus. Anaultjs scalaris (E.). — Tm-gid in the yoimg state; but when full-gTown very wide and much flattened, having 4, 6, 8, or 14 lateral constrictions ; late- rally oblong with transverse bars, giving it a ladder-like appearance. EM. pi. 35 a. 22. f. 1, 2. Antarctic Sea. Diam. 1-480" to 1-180". The lateral valves, in the front view, have imdulated margins. caused by the constrictions, (vm. 37.) A. Cmnpylodiscus (E.). — Quadrangu- lar ; each valve very much compressed, triangular, with obtuse angles, and hav- ing laterally two slight constrictions. Berniuda. Diam. 1-372". It has the habit of an unequal-sided Triceratium or of a Campylodiscus. Genus TERPSINOE (Ehr.). — Enistules concatenate; costffi unequal, capi- tate, curved so as to resemble musical notes. " If we imagine a series of frustules of Tabellaria joined together, not laterally, but the head of one to that of another, or in the direction of breadth instead of length, we shall form the most just idea of this genus " (Ehr.). The capitate costfe, which in their form so greatly resemble musical notes, distinguish Terpsinoe from every other genus. We unite Tetragramma with Terpsinoe, as Professor Bailey finds the " music-like notes" vary in number from two to at least eight on a side and does not consider their number even specifically important. ' the costffi resemble notes of music, but are confined to the central compartments of the valves. In the lateral view it resembles the preceding species, but has tewer cross-bars. T. Indica (E., Kiitz.). — Frustides subquadi-ate (catenated?), compressed two or fom- times constricted; lateral valves densely gi-anidate, central portion smooth, with two puncta at each end • median costaj dilated at tlie end. KSa! p. 119. = Anaulus Indicus, E. ludia* ireq^uent. ' 1. Jnvanensis TEM. pi. 34. 8. f. IG). The figure resembles T. musica ; "but the central portion is mariced by longitudi- nal lines, which converge at each end. Tebpsinoe musica (E.). — Frustides finely punctated, with two or three trans- verse Dands, the lateral valves having costse in each division ; lateral view ob- long, showing two or three inflations and narrower rounded ends. EA. pi. 3. 4. f. 1 ; Rab D. 1. 10. America, Africa, (xi. 47.) Frustules with finely punctated lateral portions, between which the central zone (having two puncta at each end) appears like a band. Two or three bars cross lateral and central portions from one lateral margin to the other, and divide them obscurely into compartments. The lateral view has the margins sinuated, from constrictions coiTesponding with the transverse bands. T. Americana (Bailey). — Fi-ustules quadrangidar, resembling those of T. musica, but smaller, more minutely punc- tate, with two transverse bars and two costfe in each lateral valve. = Teira- (/ramina Americana, Bail. Smitlisonian Contr. 1853, p. 7. f. 1. A3 in T. musica, Species knoum to tts only by name. T. Asiatica, As.\a. = Tetrayratnma Asi- atica, E. T. Japonica (E.), Japan. T. Austrahs (I'l), Sandwich Islands. 860 SYSTEMATIC HISTOllY OF THE INFUSOiilA. T. Libyca = Tetragramma Libyctwi, Africa. T. Brasiliensis (E.). — Music-like marks very small. Accordiug to Ehrenberg, it approaches T. musica iu form. Brazil. m Geniis PLEURODESMIUM (Kiitz.). — Fnistules compressed, connected fascia-like filaments by short thread-like processes ; lateral portions punctated and furnished with music-like marks, the hyaline central smoother portion forming a band between them. Althoixgh Pleui-odesmium was placed by Professor Klitzing in a different family from Terpsinoe, yet these genera appeared to us so closely allied that we found it difficult to distinguish them, — a difficulty experienced also by Mr. Tuffen West on examining an authentic specimen of Pleurodesmium given us by our valued friend M. de Brebisson, which, however, was imfor- tunately not in a condition to afford a satisfactory examination. The frustules, as in Terpsinoe, agree with the Biddulphieae La having the lateral valves largely developed and entering into the front view ; they are furnished with costse, enlarged at the ends and resembling notes of music, M. de Brebisson thinks this genus very distinct, the frustules being connected in straight series by thread-like points of attachment proceeding from the furrows ; but these he informs us are very short indeed, for which reason Kiitzing, like ourselves, seems to h.ave overlooked them. PLEUEODEsrauM £rebissotiu (Kiitz.). Frustules contracted at theu'j miction ; KSA. p. 115. Cayenne. costffi iTigose (vi. 23.) Lateral view oval, ha^-ing transverse bai'S and undulated sides. Genus EUJSTOTOGRAMMA (Weisse). — Front view as in Anaulus ; lateral view lunate, with undulated dorsal and ventral margins. Dr. Weisse observes that in the front view Eunotogramma resembles Gomphogramma, and in the lateral one Eunotia (Epithemia ?). In both instances, however, the resem- blance is evidently very superficial, and does not require the distinctions to be pointed out. The genus doubtless belongs to the Tei'psinoeae, and seems to differ from Anaulus only in the lunate form of the side view. row connecting zone, and lateral, equal, stout, pinna-like septa. Lateral view semilanceolate, cousti-ieted at each sep- EuNOTOGBAMMA tn- qumque- septem- et novetnloculata (W eisse). — Lateral view divided by two, four, six, or eight ti-ans- verse septa into three, five, seven, or nine loculi. Weisse, Bulletin de I'Acad. de St. P(5tersbour»^ xiii. p. 278, t. 3. f. 37. Fossil. Kussia. Front view with a nar- tum, and therefore having as many imdulations as loculi; ends rounded, (vin. 30.) FAMILY XIII.— CHJSTOCEREiE. Frustules smooth or faintly punctated, simple or imited into awned fila- ments ; lateral valves, in the nonfilamentous forms, usually unequal, inflated, lobed, and often furnished with bristles or other appendages ; lateral view oval or circular. Marine, mostly fossil. Until JIi-. BrightwcU pointed out their true afiinity, the genera included in this group were distributed amongst tkreo families. Between Syndendi-ium and the i^Jiguliferea; we can perceive no resemblance ; but the connexion of Chajtoceros -with the Biddulphieas, and the other genera with the Melosii'ccc, is far more plausible. In Stepliano- pyxis, a true member of th.e latter family, the valves are crowned with bristles or spines, as in some Cha^tocerea!. In Melosirenc, however, all the members ought to be cylindiical, whereas in tliis family the shape, in the lateral view, is much oftoner oval than cii'cidar. Althougli it is not difficult to point out differences between the Chostocereic and other groujis, yet, on or THE Cn^TOCEIlEiE. 861 account of the variety in their forms, we confess oui- inability, in the present state of oiu- knowledge, to give a concise definition which shaU include its own members and exclude all others. We shall therefore content oui-selyes with pointing out those characters which will enable us to recognize with tolerable certainty those Diatoms which belong to it. The filamentous species differ by their awns so much from eveiy other genus that they cannot be mistaken. Mr. Brightwell, in his excellent paper on Chastoceros, regards this as the typal state: he says, "A careful examination of most of the species of Chfetoceros and other allied genera, described by Ehi-enberg as found ia a fossil state, have satisfied us that most, if not all these, will, when foimd in a living state, turn out to belong to the singular filamentous and horned group which may for the present be comprehended in the genus Chaetoceros." Those forms also which have dissimHar-shaped valves, espe- cially when lobed or hirsute, may be safely placed here ; and it is very pro- bable that some species with unequal valves, still retained in MelosirejB, might likewise be included Avith propriety. The genera themselves are by no means fii-mly established ; for, as Mr. Brightwell observes, " most of the described species have been found only in a fossn, or rather, if we may so term it, a deposit state ; and in this state it is clearly difficult to form a correct idea of either species or genera, since deposits give no information as to the Diatoms being in threads or solitary frustules." We shall not attempt to reconstruct the genera, for to do so prematurely would only increase the difficulty and cause confusion; for " much must yet be brought to light before a satisfactory classification of this group can be effected " (Brightwell). Although only a few species have as yet been gathered in a living state, yet, as most of them are foimd in g-uano, it is probable that nearly all stiU exist ; and when their habits are better known, we may fairly expect to obtain them. They seem to inhabit deep water, as Mr. Norman has met with them, more than once, in the stomachs of Ascidise from such situations. Genus CBLETOCEEOS (Ehr.).— Fnistules without strise, united with the adjacent ones by the interlaciag on each side of awns proceeding fi-om the frustule or from a cingulum between the frustules, and so forming a filament. The filaments are imperfectly sUicious and veiy fi-agile. The awns ai-e tubular, sometimes spinous or serrated, and often of great length, thoiigh, according to Kiitziug, short in an early state. Kiitzing defines the genus as follows : " Frustules concatenated, equally bivalved, turgid, with two apertures on each side, which at the earliest period are veiy shortly tubular and the cor- puscles contiguous, afterwards longly awaed and the coiiniscles distant." If the awns be overlooked or broken off, the frustules may be mistaken for species of Melosii'a. No person who wishes to study this beautiful but diffi- cult genus should fail to obtain Mr. Brightwell's valuable paper on it in the Journal of Microscopic Science. . * Frustules, iw lateral vieto, consincted at the middle. CHiETOCEBOS Diploneis (E.). — Fnis- tiiles in lateral view pandurifonu, in front view linear ; awns smooth. KSA. p. 138 ; EM. pi. 33. 18. f. 1 ; Bai. in Amor, .fourn. of Science, xlviii. pi. 4. f. 19 (la- teral view). = C. Bacillariu, Bai. I. c. f. 18 (front view). Bermuda deposit. " Clm- toceros Diploneis and C. Bacillnria arc merely different positions of the same species (J3ai. m lit.). In the front view tlie frustules are linear, lliroo or four times a.9 long as broad, with stout awus arising from the angles. Lateral view pandiu-iform, with roimded ends. 2 * Fnistules lateral/;/ oval or circular ; awtis sjv'nous. 0. Soreafc (Bail.).— Frustules quadrate ; awns very long, spinous, arising fi-om tlie inner surface, not from the andos BC. 1864, pi. 7. f. 22, 23; Bri JlklS iv. 862 STSTEMATIC HISTOBT OF THE nTPUSOElA. p. 107, pi. 7. f. 12-15 ; Wallich, TMS. viii. p. 48, pi. 2. f. 18 ; West, TMS. viii. p. 152, pi. 7. f. 13. St. George's Bank, Atlantic Ocean, (vi. 25.) " This species was found in considerable numbers in the contents of the stomach of the Botryo- dactyla granclis." Awns 30 to 50 times longer than the body. C. Peruvianum (Bri.). — Valves hemi- spherical, vdth two very stout, long, recurved, spinous awns proceeding from the centre of the rounded ends. Br JMS. iv. p. 107, 1 16-18. In Peruvian guano. A remarkable and very distinct species, characterized by the roimded apex of the valve. Lateral view circular P 3 * Frmtules laterally oval or circular ; mo)7S smooth. C. Tetrachata (E.). — Frustules with foui', very long, filifomi, smooth awns on each side. KSA. p. 138. Antarctic Sea. Diam. without the a^vns, 1-1152". C. DichcBta (E.). — Frustules with two, Very long, filifomi, smooth, often flexu- oae awns on each side. KSA. p. 138. Antarctic Sea. Diam. without the awns, 1-1152" to 1-720". The description is too imperfect to enable us to distin- guish the species from some of the fol- lowing ones. 0. confervoidcs (n. sp.). — Frustules large, quadrate ; awns stout, smooth, arising a little beneath the roimded angles; lateral view circular. Motmt's Bay (stomach of Ascidise), Cornwall. We have seen only one concatenated specimen; it formed a short, very fi-a- gile, conferva-like filament of about 12 joints, which were equal in length and breadth and in close apposition. Internal colouring matter brownish, and collapsed into a roundish spot in the centre of each frustiile. C. Wighamil (Bri.). — " Frustules cup- shaped, with a band round the mouth of the cup, and a neck or bulb proceeding from the centre ; beset with minute short spines or papiUse in all parts except the band; lateral view oval; awns elon- gated, smooth." Br MJ. iv. p. 108, pi. 7. f. 19-36. In brackish water, near Brey- don. Great Yamiouth. " Boiled in acid, the filaments brealc up, and the frustides in an isolated state, and detached rings with the horns proceeding from them, arc all thnt can be detected. The rings may readily bo distinguished from the frustules seen endwise, as they are open and without dots, while the fruslulos seen endwise are dotted " (Bri.). • Wc have seen no perfect specimen of this interesting species ; but as Mr. Bright- well's fig. 12 shows two joints similar to other species of this genus, we are inclined to regard the Goniothecia-like bodies as internal cells, of the same nature as the internal cells of Himan- tidium, Meridion, &c., which we believe to be sporangia; but whatever their true character may be, we have scarcely a doubt that Mr. BrightweU is right in supposing Goniothecium crenatum, G. his- pidum, G. Navieula, and G. barhatum to be allied forms belonging to the same genus as this species, (xi. 24.) 0. incurvum (BaU.). — Frustules in front view linear, with smooth, filiform, recm'ved awns arising from the angles ; lateral view oval. Bri. I. c. pi. 7. f. 9-11. Fossil. Virginia, Peruvian guano. In stomach of Ascidise, Penzance. Easily known by its small size and slender recm'ved awns. G. furcillatum (Bail.). — Awns of ad- joining frustules closely approximate below, then diverging and Decoming nearly parallel ; lateral view oral. Bai. on Microsc. Forms in the Sea of Kamt- schatka, p. 3, pi. 1. f 4. Common in the Sea of Kamtschatka. The minutest spe- cies in the genus. C. didymus (E.). — Fi-ustules longer than broad, gibbous or angular on the outer margin, and usually slightly so on the inner mai-gin also; awns smooth, filifoiTO, arising from the angles. Bri. I. c. pi. 7. £ 3-7 ; KSA. p. 138 ; EM. t. 35 a. 18. f. 4. Common in Peruvian guano. Stomach of Ascidife, Penzance. A va- riable species, distinguished by its angu- lar or gibbous margins ; lateral view oval. Ehrenberg's two figures in the 'Microgeologie' differ fi-om each other, as well as from any specimens we hare seen. Greatest diameter 1-1080". C. Gastridium (E., Bri.). — Frustules binate, smooth, transversely oblong, truncated at each end, abruptly dilated at the middle of the venti-al surface, not contiguous, Bri. I. c. pi. 7. f. 8. = Gonio- thecium Gastridium, EISI. pi. 18. f. 91. Virginian guano. Elirenberg descinbes and figures it with an external umbo (gibbous), thus approaching to C. didy- mus. C. armatum (West). — Frustules qua- di'angiilar, forming a compressed fila- ment ; angles excavated ; from each an^le arises a long, obtuse, cui-ved seta, with several acute ones at tlie base. Vs^est, TMS. viii. p. 151, pi. 7. f. 12. Abundant on various parts of the roast of England. or THE CHiETOCEREiE. 863 Tlii3 species, in its living state, is in- stance which has caused many douhts vested with a mucous covering, and is as to its diatomaceous nature, scarcely, if at all, silicious, — a circvmi- Genus ATTHEYA (West). — Frustules compressed, annulate ; annuli inde- finite ; valve elliptical-lanceolate, with a median line ; angles spinous. The true position of this genus is doubtful ; but, from examination, it appears to approach nearer to ChsEtoceros than to any other genus excepting Striatella, from which, however, it is easily distinguished by the spinous angles and ab- sence of stipes. Attheya decora (West). — Annuli 12 to 28 ; septa alternate ; valve with me- dian line and centi-al nodule. West, TMS. viii. p. 152, pi. 7. f. 15. Cresswell Sands, Drm-idge Bay. (vm. 35.) Genus BACTEHIASTRUM (Shadbolt).— Frustules avmed, united into a jointed, conferva-like, cylindrical filament; valves discoidal, with marginal radiating awns. Bacteriastram agrees with Chaetoceros in its filamentous character and in the presence of awns, but differs from it in having the awns of its discoidal valves marginal and radiant. Marine. Stomachs of marine animals, &c. Bacteriastrum furcatiim (Sh.). — Awns smooth, much elongated, forked. =Actmisnis sexfurcatus, ERBA. 1854, p. 237 ; EM. pi. 35 b. 4. f. 15 ; A. bisepte- narius, E. ; A. hisoctonariiis, E. Atlantic. The awns vary in number and in the length of the forked portions, (vi. 26.) B. curvatum (Sh.). — Awns simple, elongated, smooth, symmetrically cuiTed in one direction. B. Wallicliii (EaUs). — Valves more or less cup-shaped, with 4 to 12 smooth, simple, divergent awns. = Cluetoceros Bacteiiastrum, WaEich, TMS. viii. p. 48, pi. 2. f. 16, 17. Atlantic. From Salp^, Size extremely variable, (vi. 27.) B. nodulomm (Sh.). — Awns simple, straight, roiigh. — Awns covered with small protuberances, like a imobbed stick.. Genus DICLADIA (Ehr.). — Frustules simple, one-celled, bivalved ; valves unequal, turgid, one mostly simple and unarmed, the other two-homed ; horns sometimes branched. DiCLADiA Capreolus (E.). — One valve with two stjdes arising from conical ba°es, and usually branched at the end. EM. pi. 35 A. 17. f. 8 ; Bri JMS. iv. pi. 7. f. 53-60. Virginia. Common in guano. The frustule consists of a narrow-linear central portion, projecting at each end, and two tm'gid lateral valves, which vary greatly in foi-m. Usually the in- ferior one is smaller, simple, and unarmed, but is often bilobed. The larger valve is bilobed ; the lobes mammifonn or conical, each terminating in a style divided at its apex; occasionally, however, specimens have the upper vnlve unarmed or simple. D. antcnnata (E.). — One valve, with two simple, setaceous, parallel, acute spines, articulated at the base, like an- tennsB ; the other valve unlniown. EM. 1.1. 35 A. 21. f 9 ; KSA. p. 24. Antarctic 'Sea. This and the next species were constituted from single fragments. I), bulhom (E.). — One valve with two spines, which are divergent at tlie base. connivent above, bidbose and slightly sulcate in the middle part; the other valve unliuown. EM. pi. 35 A. 21. f. 10 ; KSA. p. 24. Antarctic Sea. D. clathrata (E.). — Frustule with a rounded, smooth, latticed body, and two unequal frontal horns. EM. pi. 18. f 100 ; KSA. p. 25. Fossil. Vir ffinia. _D. Capra (E,.). — Smooth; one valve with two simple spines, the otlier uni- dentate or imperfectly sub-bidentate in tlie middle ; centi'al portion naiTow- Hnear. EM. pi. 18. f 99. = Penptera Capm, KSA. p. 26. Fossil. Virginia. I). Cervus (E.). — Smooth, large ; frontal horns long, branched. = Pt'r(^ with the preceding species. Bri MJ. p. 94, pi. 5. f. 6. The dii-ection of the transverse lines (annuli) and puncta give this species an imbaicated appear- ance. R. setigm-a (Bri.). — Frustules 5 to 15 tiines as lon^ as broad, annidi obscm-e, strife very taint, terminal bristle fre- quently as long as the coloiudess frustule. In Noctilucos, Ascidians, and Salpse. Bri. I. c. p. 96, pi. 5. f. 7. r\ai. 33.) ITaia species is remarkable for the great length of the terminal bristle and its extreme delicacy. 11. alata (Bri.). — Annuli distinct, strias faint, toi-mmal process alato, recm-ved, blunt. In Ascidians, Yorkshire. Bri. I. c. p. 95, pi. 5. f 8. This curious little spe- cies is distinguished by its small but conspicuous sotaj attached to the base of the calyptriform process. R. calcar-avis (Schultze). — Frustules small, annidi indistinct ; tenuinal process slightly sigmoid, the point resembling a K 866 SYSTEMATIC HISTOKY OF THE lOTUSOETA. a bird's claw. Heligoland. Scbultze, MJ. vii.p. 21, pi. 2. f.5. R. robusta (Norman, MS.). — Frustules very broad, sligbtly sigmoid, anniili nar- row, calyptriform processes with lines radiating- ti-om the apices ; bristles short, delicate, nearly linear. Stria? fine, about 55 in -OOl". Ascidians, North Sea, Teignmouth, Heligoland, Australia, (vra. 42.) Doubtful and insitfficiently known Species. R. Calyptrd (E.). — Valve (tei-minal process) broadly conico-campanulate, smooth, its apex attenuated, acute. EM. pi. 35 A. 22.^ f. 17. ; Bri. I. c. pi. 5. f. 2. Southern Ocean, (vn. 31.) This is pro- bably the terminal process of R. styli- formis. E,. Campana (E.). — ^Valve large ; apex conic, longly attenuated, varies as if temiinated by little roots; sm-face very finely granulated. KSA. p. 24. Bermuda deposit. K. ornitlwglossa (E.). — Valve tubular, conical, smooth, slender, with a much attenuated, acute apex, laterally resem- bling the tongue of a bii'd. EM. pi 33. 13. f. 21. Antarctic Sea. R. Ainericana. — Frustules smooth, hyaline, tubular, inten-upted by septa, one end round, the otner stylifonn, simple or branched. EM. pi. 18. f. 98. FossU. America. This seems a .species very variable in size and fonn. The outline, however, of the rostrate valve bears some resemblance to a bottle, with the neck or beak simple or branched. R. hehetata (Bai.). — Valve calyptri- fonn, punctate, with a smooth, cylin- drical base ; apex expanded, compressed. B. in SiUiman's Amer. Joum. Julj' 1856, p. 5, pi. 1. i. 18, 19. Seas of Kamtschatka and Ochotsk. The expanded apex re- sembles in outline the flame of a candle. The punctate conical portions are most frequently seen ; but specimens with the cylindrical base are occasionally found, Bail. 'R.Pileolus (E.). — Valve small, short, as broad as long ; central portion linear, produced ; one valve resembling an umbo, the other conical, bi-anched at apex. EM. pi. 18. f. 103. Virginia. Diam. 1-1.320". Has the habit of Dicladia or Gonio- thecium. Genus SYRINGIDIUM: (Ehr.). — Enistiiles simple, cylindrical; valves un- equal, dissimilai', distended by a turgid middle ling. Maiitime. SYRiNaiDiTiM bicorne (E.). — Smooth, elongated, with three constrictions, one end pointed, the other subglobose, two- spined. EM. pi. 35 a. 9. i. 11*. Ganges. Afi-ica. (vm. 20.) S. Palaomon (E.). — Resembles the pre- ceding species, but is granulated. EM. pi. 34. 8. i. 15. Japan. S. Americanum (Bai. MS. ; vn. 34, from a di'awing by Professor BaUey). — Common in Pai-a River, and sparingly in the soimdings olT the mouth of the Amazon, South America, Frastules very miaute, punctated ; central portion quadi'angular ; valves imequal, one with a quadi'ate base, suddenly conti-acted and then tapering into a pyi'amidal spine terminated by a mucro ; the other valve subglobose, with two short basal pro- cesses, each ending in a spine. Genus SYNDENDRIUM (Ehr.). — Frustules simple, bivalved, subquadran- gular, one-celled, without umbilicus in the middle ; valves imoqual, rather tm-gid, one smooth, the other furnished witli many styles branched at the apex; margin naked. Syndendrium differs from Dicladia only in having several instead of two spines on one of its valves ; yet Kiitzing has placed them in different families. SYNTJENDRitHM Diaclcma (E.). — Frus- tules lanceolate, with several spines in the centre of one valve, forked or peni- ciUate (split up like a brusli), theii' length equalling the thickness of the frustule. EM. pi. 35 A. 18. f. 13 ; Bri MJ. iv. p. 7. f. 49-52 ; Donkin, TMS. vi. p. 1. In Genus HERCOTHECA (Ehr.). — Frustule simple, turgid, of two imequal valves ; membrane of valves continuous, not cellulose, generally veined be- neath the free sette, which are permanent ajul assume tlie place of an intogu- Peruvian guano; Sea of Kamtschatka; stomacli of Ascidia, Penzance. Diam. 1-1152". The central nortiou is narrow linear, projecting at cacii end, the Literal valves convex, one smooth, the other with branched spines ; latei-al view oval. OF THE COCCONEIDEiE. 867 ment. Hence the cori)iisclcs on the upper, contiguous margin of each valve appear as if crowned and enveloped (as it were, shielded) by the opposite setas or membranes. IIercotheca mammillaris (E.'). — Valves smooth, with the centre of the base fringed round (fortified) with about twentj- simple, opposite setart about one-third from apex. Pro- essor Gregory compares the outline to that of a coffin. G. viinutvisimiim (K.). — Linear-cune- ate, smooth, with a slender subbranched stipes; lateral view narrow-lanceolate. KB. p. 84, pi. 8. f. IL Marine. Britain, ^i. 17.) Klitzing regards this as the 0. viinutissimum of Grcville ; but tliat opinion is doubtless eiToneous ; for this is a marine, and GreviUe's was an aquatic gatiiering in which G. olivaceum and G. curvatum were mixed together. G. auritum (Braun.). — Broadly cune- ate in fi-ont vjew, the upper end truncate, with an awn at each angle ; lateral view lanceolate, with a tenninal awn. Rab D. p. 59, pi. 8. f. 3. Baden. Habit of G'. intricatum, but fui'nished with awnlike spines. G. Navicidoides (S.). — Stipes distinct and regidarly dichotomoiis ; fi-ont view sublinear, tnmcate ; lateral view acutely lanceolate, with the extremities equal and nodide central. SBD. ii. p. 98. In the Victoria Regia tank, Edinburgh. According to Professor Smith, this spe- cies, in a lateral view, is not to be di- stinguished from a Navicula, as the nodule is almost exactly central. Species instifficiently described, or known to us only by name. G. digitatum (K.). — Frustules vei-y minute and smooth, linear-cimeate, fla- bellate; stipes simple, dilated above. KB. p. 84, pi. 21. f. 2. 2. Marine. Cux- haven. 1-680". Kutzing gives no de- scription or figiu'e of the lateral 'vaew. G. telographicum K.). — Frustules mi- nute and very smooth, slender, cimeate, somewhat more acute at base, umbel- lately aggi'egated on a simple abbrevi- ated stipes dilated at its apex. KB. p. 84, pl.8.f.9. Maritime. Heligoland. 1-1200". G. crassum (Rab.). — Front view broadly cuneate, tnmcate above, romided at base ; the lateral margins convex, faintly striated. Rab D. p. 59, pi. 10. f. 13. Persia. Although only the front view is described and figiu-ed, yet the species seems well distinguished by the convex (not sti'aight) lateral mai'gins, giving if an obovate form with the broader end truncate. The pimcta are conspi- cuous in the figui-e, as are also two lon- gitudinal lines or vitta3. G. pulm'natum (Braim). — Front •view broad, linear-cuneate ; base smaller than the very thick, serpentine, irregulaily divided stipes. Rab JD. p. 58, pi. 8. f. 16. Zvu-ich. " Forms little, very thick, smooth knoblike cushions of equal height." G. ? contractum (Iv.). — Very minute, attenuated at the base, slightly con- stricted at the middle, with a dilated roiuidcd apex ; stipes simple, abbreviated or obsolete. KB. p. 86, pi. 14. f. 21. 8. Germany. 1-1440". Kiitzing's figure, which ]s very minuto and pyi-ilomi, shows no median line, nodule, or strire. 892 SYSTEMATIC HlSTOHr OP THE raPUSOllIA. G. vmdare (E.), G. tenuicoUe (E.), Australia; G. lonyicolle (E.), Australia, Asia, America; G. Jordani (E.), Eiver Jordan; G. ohtusiwi fE.), ^Vi-abia, Ame- rica; G. turritum (E.), Arabia; G. mu- cronatum (E.), G. rhomhoidmm (E.), Asia; G. Mosambicense (E.), Africa- G. 3Iarffaritaceutn (E.), G. Savanna (E.), British Guinea ; G. lanceokitum (E.), America ; G. Palea (E.), fossil, Jura Mountains, France. Genus SPHENOSIEA (E.). — Pnistules united into a straight compressed filament; lateral sm-faces with tineqnal extremities and a distinct central nodule. Aquatic. The frustules in front view are scarcely cuneate ; and the genus could be better placed in the Naviculeae, as indeed Kiitzing himself suggests; it seems to differ from them only iu the unequal ends of the lateral surfaces. SpHENOsrBA Catena (E.). — Frustules smooth; lateral view with a mucro at apex and a gradually attenuated, some- what obtuse base. EA. p. 98, pi. 3. 1. f.27; KB. p. 88, pi. 29. f. 47. Mexico. (XI. 30.) PAMILT XYin.— NAYICULE^. Pnistules free, concatenate, or iacluded ia a more or less definite frond ; front view generally linear or quadi^angular ; valves with similar ends, a median longitudinal line, and central nodule. " The Navicnleae frequently resemble individuals in other families, but are to be distinguished by the central nodule of the lateral surfaces, as well as by the regularity and symmetry both of these and the front view " (Menegh.). In the minuter forms the nodules are frequently very indistinct; Avhen present, however, they usually appear, in the front view, like a punctum at the middle of each lateral margin. In doubtful cases this appearance will often aid in ascer- taining their presence. * Frustules nude. Genus NAVICULA (Bory, Eab.). — Frustules simple, free, prismatic in front view, rectangular laterally, with a longitudinal median peUueid line with central and terminal nodules. Navicula was divided by Ehrenberg into two genera — Navicula with smooth, and Pinnularia with striated valves ; but this division was not received by Kiitzing or Brebisson, and is certainly un- soimd, as it assigns the species to each genus according to the power of the author's microscope, whilst striaj, we believe, are almost always, if not uni- vei'saUy, present on the valves. The late Professor Smith reconstituted Ehrenberg's genera, and made their characters depend on the presence or absence of costoe. These characters were far better than those of Ehi-enberg ; ; and were the costse always plainly developed as in Pinmdaria nohilis and its*, allies, no difiiculty could occiu- in detennining the genera ; but in many of the ■ more minute species it is often very difficult to distinguish between striaj andl costas. We have not admitted Pinnularia here, partly for the reason just:| given, but principally because we cannot decide to which genus a large num- ber of Ehrenberg's species should be referred. slightly constricted at the middle andl A. Valves more or less constricted at the middle (Diploneis, E.). Navicula Americana (E.). — Turgid, linear-oblong, with slightly constricted centre and broadly rounded ends ; striaj wanting or indistinct. EM. pi. 2. 2. f. 16. New York and Khode Island. N. Faba (E., K.). — Tm-gid, oblong, rounded at the ends, marked by lonri- tudiual lines; striae wanting or indi- stinct. = Diploneis Faba, EB. 1845,»J p. 365. River Tagus. The median line mteiTupted by the central nodule ; tl lines on each side continuous. N. h/alina (E., K.). — Slightly conij stricted at the middle, with oblong lobes,? OF THE NAVICTJLEiE. 893 rounded ends, a longitudinal median fascia of lines, and a naiTow pinnidated hovdev. = Diploneis ? hyalina, EB. p. 362. Marine. India. May be more aikin to Cpnatopleura Solea. N. binocUs (E.). — Smooth, minute, narrow pandm'ifonn, -nith acuminated rosti-ate apices ; median nodule very distinct. EB. 1840, p. 18 ; ICB. p. 100, pi. 3. f. S6. = Fra(/ilaria 'J> binodis, EA. p. 127. Fossil, Santa Fiore ; recent in pools, &c. N. duplicata (E.). — Smooth, small, rather broad pandurifomi, with attenu- ate subacute apices. EM. pi. 21. f. 35. Cuba. In Ehrenberg's figure the ends are somewhat cuneate, and the median line simple. N. incurva (Greg.). — Small, smooth, sublinear, with a shallow sinus on each side, and ends suddenly conti'acted into obtuse subcapitate beaks. MJ. iv. p. 8, pi. 1. f. 26. Scotland. N. constricta, EM. pi. 38. 17. f. 3. Volcanic ashes, Iceland. Ehi-enberg re- presents it as smooth, minute, panduri- fonn ; ends roimded, each terminated by a minute nipple-like point ; median line simple. N. ejnarginata, EM. pi. 39. f. 83. Ehrenberg's figure is minute, smooth, ; panduriform, with each end suddenly contracted into an obtuse, broad, mam- mifonn beak. N. paradoxa (E.). — Large, smooth ; oblong, slightly constricted at the middle, with four longitudinal median lines and somewhat obtuse cimeate ends. EA. pi. 1. 3. f. 4. 6. Peru. N. imperialis (E., K.). — Dilated, with constricted middle and subacute apices, a simple series of conspicuous gi-anules accompanjdng the middle furrow, which is smooth on both sides; lateral series alilce, two perfect ones inclosing an im- perfect median sinus, all interrupted at the middle. = Diploneis imperialis, EB. 1845, p. 362. Marine. Lidia. Granidcs large, pearl-like. _ N . Entomon (E.). — Large ; slightly sinuato-constricted at the middle, with oblong lobes and subacute cuneate ends ; sti-ire 19 or 20 in 1-1200". EB. 1840. = PrnnulariaUntomon, EA. pi. 1. 1. f. 3, 4 ; Biphneis Entomon, EM. pi. 19. f 30. Marine. Fossil, Greece ; recent, Eu- rope, Asia, Africa. Distinguished by its shallow stricture and smooth strijB. N. Conops (E., K.].— Small, panduri- fonn, very finely striated, witli cordate lobes and acute apiculato apices. =Pm- mdaria? Conops, EA. pi. 3. 7. f 20. America. N. mcurvata (Greg.). — Panduriform, •with rounded ends ; striae 30 in -00 1", minutely moniliform ; median line straight, with dark shaded lines on each side. TM. iv. p. 44, pi. 5. f. 13. Marine. Scotland. N. splendida (Greg.). — Lai'ge, pan- duriform, much constricted, with elliptic- oblong lobes and obtusely triangular ends ; striae distinctly moniliform. TM. iv. p. 44, pi. 5. i. 14. Marine. Scotland. Median line straight, and having on each side a nari'ow blank space. N. Proserpince (E.). — Very large, deeply constricted ; lobes almost rhom- boid, with subacute apices ; sides stri- ated, lines decussating at a right angle, a broad, pellucid, smooth median fascia divided by two lines into three parts ; umbilicus cii'cular. = Diploneis Prosei-- pince, EB. 1858, p. 13. Marine, ^gean Sea. N. 3Iusca (Greg.). — Small, panduri- form, with tm-gid lobes and acute cime- ate apices ; striae rather distant, coarse, moniliform, short, foi-ming a marginal band. GDC. p. 7, pi. 1. f. 6. Marine. Scotland. Striaj 18 in -001"; median line and nodule distinct. N. Bombus (E., K.). — Pandurifoi-m, with subcordate lobes and subacute apices ; striae dense, coarsely moniliform. KSA. p. 83. = PinmdariaBombus, ERBA. 1844; GD.pl. 1. £ 12; Diploneis Bomhis, EM. pi. 19. f 31. Eiu-ope. 1-384" ; striae 21 in 1-1200". Granules of the largest striae in fom-s. Median line broad, with a stjuare central nodide. Characterized by its short tm-gid lobes and close, large, pearly gi-anules. N. didyma (E., K.). — Rather broad, slightly constricted at the middle, with short suborbicidar lobes and broadly rounded ends ; striae distinct, granulate. KB. p. 100, pi. 4. f 7 ; SD. i. pi. 17. 1 154. = Pinnularia didyma, EA. pi. 2. 4. f. 3. Marine. Em-ope, Asia, Africa, America, (vii. 61; XV. 12.) N. dissimilis (Rab.). — Large, pan- duriform, with broadly rounded ends; striae stout, cm-ved, converging, not reaching the median line ; front view gibbous at the centre and tapering to- wards tlie ends, wliich are truncate. = Pinnuhiria dissimilis, Rab. w. 46. xA 6 f. 32. Persia. V > V ^' N. Pandura (Br(5b.). — Large, elong- ated panduriform, M'ith elliptic lobes and obtuse apices ; costse smooth. BD. pi. 15. f. 4. = Pinmdana Pandura, GDC p. 17, pi. 1. f. 22; N. niiida, TM. iv! p. 44, pi. 5. f. 12. Europe. M. de Brd- 894 SYSTEMATIC HI8T0HY OF THE INFUSOHIA, bisson regards this form as distinct from JV. Crabro, E. ; and it undoubtedly is fi'om the Trinidad Diatom figui-ed by Dr. Greville for that species. We con- sider, however, that N. Pandura, Br^b. not only agrees in its smooth costse with Ehrenberg's description and figure of N. ■Crabi'o, but also better in shape than does Greville's N. Crabro, in which the constricted portion is less elongated — a fact pointed out by Greville himself. N. Crahro (E., K). — Panduriform, deeply constricted; lobes ovate or ob- long, with subacute apices ; strise di- stinct, obscurely moniliform, nitescent, 10 in -001". liA. p. 83 ? ; SBD. ii. p. 94 ; MJ. V. pi. 3. f. 11, = Pinmdaria Crabro, ERBA. 1844, p. 85 ? ; Diploneis Crabro, EM. pi. 19. f. 29 ? Fossil, ^gina; re- cent, America, Europe. Although we defer to the opinions of Br6bisson, Smith, and GreviUe, yet we think it highly probable that the preceding species is the one intended by Ehrenberg for D. Crabro. N. genimata (Grev.). — Broad linear- oblong, obtuse, with straight or slightly concave sides ; strife moniliform, inter- rupted, 10 in '001", with a single row of pimcta near the median line. Edin. New Phil. Jom'n. n.s. x. pi. 4. £ 7. Cali- fornian guano. Distinguished by its distant strise, which form a linear mar- ginal band. Its affinity is with N. Crabro and its allies. N. nodidosa (Breb., K.). — Minute, ob- long, constricted at the middle ; ends conti'acted into obtuse mammiform beaks ; ti-ansverse strise not reaching the median line. KB. p. 101, pi. 28. f. 71. = Pinnidaria Termes, EM. pi. 39. f. 100. Recent, Cuba, Mexico, Africa; fossil, Franzensbad. N. gemina (E.). — Small, striated, divided by a median constriction in both views into two lenticular lobes; in lateral view terminated by a median apicidus. EB. 1840, p. 19. Mouth of the River Elbe. 1-840" to 1-648". N. Apis (E., K.).— Oblong, so much constricted as to be nearly divided into two semiorbicular lobes; strise slender, granulate ; stricture smooth. liB. p. 100, pi. 28. f. 76. = Pinnidaria Apis, EA. iii. pL 7. i. 18. Mexico, Africa, Distin- guished by its smooth stricture and its finely granulate striaj (12 in 1-1200"). N. intmriipta (K.). — Sinuato-con- stricted at the middle, with broadly ellip- tic lobes and rounded ends ; sti'ise inter- rupted opposite the nodule. I03. p. 100, pi. 29. f. 93. = Navicula, BAJ. 1842, pi. 2. f. 18. Marine. America, Jutland. B. Valves divided into three or more por- tions by two or four constrictions, but not constricted at the centre (Nodosae), N. Silicula (E.). — Smooth, linear elongated, divided by two constrictions into three nearly equal nodes; apices obtuse. EM. numerous figures. = N. ventricosa, E. Apparently' common, since Ehrenberg gives upwards of fifty habi- tats in Eui-ope, Asia, Austi'alia, Africa, and America. This species might be placed with almost equal propriety in the following section. N. polyonca (Br6b.). — Elongated, ba- ciUar, sublinear, divided by two con- strictions into three nodes, the middle one largest ; ends roundish-capitate ; sti-isB wanting or indistinct. KA. p. 85. = Pinnularia undulata, MJ. ii. p. 97, pi. 4. f. 10. France, Britain. N. mtchcockii (E.). — Smooth, linear- oblong, each margin with three imdula- tions; apices suddenly cuneate, sub- acute. EM. pi. 5. 3. f. 11. America, (vn. 62.) N. limosa (K.). — Smooth or obscurely striated, linear, with two constrictions and three inflations, the middle one largest ; ends cuneate, subacute. KB. pi. 3. f. 50. Geimany. N. nodosa (E.). — Linear, smooth or ob- scurely striated, with three nearly equal inflations; ends contracted into short ob- tuse beaks. KB. p. 100, pi. 28. f. 82. Com- mon, especially in small pools bythe road- side, (rx. 143.) ^, striae more evident. = Pinmdaria Legumen, EM. many figures, 1-430". Approaches N. Hitchcockii. N. trinodislS.). — Valves with two con- strictions, three neai-ly equal inflations, rounded ends, and obscure strise. N. mcsolepta (E.). — Smooth, elongated, linear, ^"ith three inflations, the middle one smallest; ends strongly contracted into short obtuse beaks. EM. pi. 17. 2. f. 17. America, France. 1-420". "N. nivalis (E.). — ^linute ; linear, some- what naiTow in the middle, with tri- crenate sides and obtuse apices. EB, 1853, p. 528 ; EM. pi. 35 b. a 2. f. 6. Monte Rosa. Differs from N. tindosa in its stouter apices : N. nodosa is lai'ger and more slender. Ehrenberg's figure shows the A'alves very miimte, with four con- strictions and five nodules, including the capitate ends, which nearly resemble the others in size and form. N. Formica (E.). — Smooth, linear, with four constrictions and five oblon? nodes. EM. pi. 4. 3. £ 8. Recent, United States ; fossil, Finland. or THE NATICULE-aE. 895 N. Monile (E., K.)-— Striated, linear, constricted, vfith five, nearly ec[ual sub- globose nodes, including the capitate ends. = Pinnularia dionile, EM. pi. 17. 1. f. 12 ; Pinimlaria isocephcda, EM. pi. 5. 3. f. 21. Berlin, America. It bas the ends more capitate and the striae stronger than N. nodosa. N. Kochii (E., K.). — Large, elongated, lanceolate, with subacute apices, each side with three undulations, the middle one most distinct; sti-iae obliq[ue j the median smooth band very broad, extend- ing to the apices. KA. p. 84. =PmwM- laria Kochii, EB. 1845, p. 364. Fossil. Kurdistan. N. Pyrenaica (S.). — Elongated, slen- der linear, with three intiations, the median one gi-eatest; stri£B indistinct. ANH. 1857, xix. p. 8, pi. 2. f. 5. Pyre- nees. N. undosa (E.). — Small, smooth, broadly oblong-lanceolate, with three undulations on each side, and conical apices. EM. pi. 39. 3. f. 90. America, Africa, Asia, France. Ehi'enberg de- scribes it as akin to N. Hitchcockii. Kabenhorst remarks that it resembles N. Persica in form, but is scarcely one-third its size and has no secondary imdulating ribs. N. Persica (Eab.). — Large, oblong- lanceolate, with obtuse mammiform apices ; each side with five imdulations, and four coiTesponding longitudinal im- dulated lines on each side the median one. Eab D. p. 41, pi. 6. f. 55. South Persia. Broadest at the centi-e, and tapering in a pyramidal manner to each apex. N. inte(/ra (S.). — Small, lanceolate, with slightly undulated mai'gins and contracted apiculate apices; stiia3 in- distinct, 36 in -001", reaching the median line and most evident opposite the cen- tral noA.^Ae. = Pinnldaria mtegra, SD. ii. p. 96 ; N, rostrata, MJ. iv. pi. 1. f. 14. Britain. N. nndulata. = Pin7iularia mesotyla, EM. pi. 16. 3. f. 27. Sweden, India. Ehrenljerg's figure somewhat resembles that of N. undosa in form, but is longer and has parallel transverse striae. C, Valves elongated linear or lanceolate, tcith gibbous or injlated centre ; central costcB, token pi-escnt, usually converging, and often leaving a dilated smooth sjjace round the median nodule, ' _ N. mesotyla (E.). — Small, smooth or ji indistinctly striated, narrowly linear, ' with a central spherical inflation and sliffhtly contracted obtuse apices. EA. p. 131, pi. 4. 2. f. 7. ; EM. pi. 1. 3. f. 14. Asia, Africa, America. 1-420". N. incompicua (Greg.). — SmaU,smooth, hyaline, linear, with rounded ends and slightly gibbous centre; median line strong, complex, interrupted by the de- finite central nodule. GD. p. 6, pi. 1. f. 3. Scotland. N. Icevissima (K.). — ^Minute, viti-eous, clear, linear, with broadly rounded ends and slightly gibbous centre ; striae want- ing or indistinct ; centi-al nodule stauros- like. KB. p. 96, pi. 21. f. 14. = Stau- roneis rectangularis, MJ. ii. pi. 4. f. 17 (according to Smith). Fossil, Santa Fiore ; recent, Britain. 1-570". N. tmnidida (Rab.). — Small, linear, with rounded, slightly enlarged ends, and inflated centre ; central nodule stout. EabD. p. 41, pi. 5. f. 9. Stockholm. Closely allied to N. Silicula. N. scopulorum (Breb.). — Elongated, slender linear, vnth. central and terminal inflations ; strias very faint, reaching the median line, 56 in -001". KA. p. 81. = N. mesotyla, KB. p. 99, pi. 5. f. 3 ; Pin- nularia Johmonii, SD. i. pi. 19. f. 179. In marine or brackish waters. France, Britain. Front view turgid at the middle. M. de Br^bisson assm-es us that Smith's species is identical with his N. scopu- lorwn; but Kutzing's figure and descrip- tion would not lead us to infer the identity. • N. gibberula (K.). — Linear, with gib- bous centre and very slightly enlarged, obtuse, subtruncate apices ; stiiae very fine. KB. p. 101, pi. 3. f. 50*. Em-ope. N. leptogongijla (E.). — Elongated, slender linear, striated, tumid in the middle; apices slightly dilated, oblong, obtuse. KB. p. 99, pi. 4. f. 9 ; EA. p. 130. = Pinnularia Iqotogongyla, EM. many figures. Eiirope, America. Lough Mourne deposit. Rabenhorst says that this species has double the breadth of N. scopulorum, N. mesogonggla (E., K.). — Styliform or bacillar, striated, with gibbous middle, and broadly rounded but not dilated ends. KA. p. 81. = Pinnularia meso- gongyla, EM. pi. 10. 2. f. 2. Asia, Africa, America. ^Vkin to N. nobilis, but with- out dilated ends. N. nobilis (E., K.). — Very large, elon- gated, broadly linear, gradually dilated at centre, and broadly rounded ends ; co8to3 oblique, stout, close, not reaching the median line. KA. p. 80. = Pin- mdaria nobilis, EB. 1840, p. 20 ; SD. i. pi. 17. f. 101. Europe, America, Asia, 896 SYSTEMATIC HlSTOBy OF TKE INFTJSOHIA, Australia. 1-84" ; nodules large : costse 16 to 18 in 1-1200". N. gigas (E., K.). — ^Very large, elon- gated ; broadly linear, with gibbous centre, and broadly rounded, slightly attenuated ends ; costae broad, close, not reaching the median line. KA. p. 80. =Pin7iularia gigas, EM. pi. 2. 3. f. 1. America. Akin to N. nohilis; nine pinmdes in 1-1200". N. major (K.). — -Large, turgid, linear- oblong, with slightly tumid ceuti-e and broadly roimded ends: cost£B converg- ing at the centre, stout, 12 in 1-1200". KB. p. 97, pi. 4. f. 19, 20. = Pinnularia major, SD. pi. 18. f. 161; Pinnularia viridis, E., in part. Common, (vn. 65; xn. 15, 31; xvi. 1-6.) This species scarcely differs from N. nohilis and N. gigas, except by its somewhat smaller size and closer pinnules. N. acrosphceria (K.). — Elongated, slender linear, with dilated centre and ends, rounded apices, and seventeen short thick costse in 1-1200", which do not reach the median line. KB. p. 97, pi. 5. f. 2. = Pinnularia am-osphairia, Rab D. 45, pi. 6. f. 36 ; SD. pi. 19. f. 183. lu'ope. Front view narrow-linear. ^ . pachyptera (E., K.). — Large, bacil- lar, but short and stout, with gibbous centre and broadly rounded ends, which are not constricted ; pinnules stout, not reaching the median line, 6 in 1-1200". KB. p. 98, pi. 28. f. 58. = Pinnularia pacliyptera, E. Labrador, Austi-alia. N. hebes (Ralfs). — Small, oblong, with gibbous centre and broadly obtuse ends ; sti-isB distinct, 33 in -001", nearly reach- ing the median line. = iV; obtusa, SD. i. p. 50, pi. 16. f. 140. Britain. N. cocconeiformis (Greg.). — Small, subelliptic, with tumid centre and slightly contracted, broad, obtuse ends ; strise in- distinct, median line straight, nodule definite. MJ. iv. p. 6, pi. 1. f. 32; Grev. ANH. 2nd series, xv. pi. 9. f. 6. Scotland. It much resembles Achnanthi- diicm Jlexellmn, but its median line is quite straight, Greg. N. Macula (G.). — Small, oblong, with tumid middle, and very broad, siibtrun- cate ends ; strite very fine, parallel, nearlj^ reaching the median line, except opposite the large, transverse, quadrate indefinite median space. TM. iv. p. 43, pi. 5. f. 9. Marine. Britain. Sti-ia) about 70 in •001". In shape not unlike large speci- mens of Achnanthidium Jh'xcl/inn, but tlie median line is straight. The central nodule is obsolete and is replaced by the large, stain-lilce blank space, Greg. N. gihha (E., K.).— Bacillni-, striated, lanceolate, with dilated capitate ends KB. p. 98, pi. 28. f. 70. = Pijinulari'a gibba, EA. pi. 1. 2. f. 3 ; SD. pi. 19. f. 180. Common. Europe, Asia, Africa, America. Sti-iae close, not reaching the median line, 30 in -001". . Tabellaria (E., K.). — BacUlar, elon- gated, striated, rather turgid, ventricose at the middle, with dilated, broadly rounded apices. KB. p. 98, pi. 28. f. 79. = Pinnularia Tabellana, EA. pi. 2. 1. i. 26 ; SD. i. pi. 19. f 181. Europe, Asia, Africa, America, (xn. 21.) The central dilatation tapers less than in N. gibba, and the strife are more distant. It is more slender than N. nohilis. N. porrecta (E., K.). — Large, elon- gate-lanceolate, broadly tumid at the middle, and gradually tapering into the broadly obtuse apices; striae oblique. KA. p. 81. = Pinjiidaina porrecta, EA. p. 133. North America. Akin to N. decurrens. N. decurrens (E., K.). — Striated, nar- row, elongate-lanceolate, tiunid at the centre, somewhat narrowing towards the ends, which are broadly rounded. KA. p. Q\. = Pinnularia decurrens, EM. many figures. /3 slenderer, = Pi«;!?- indefinite ; median smooth space na^^o^^ lanceolate. . N. tiitrscms (Greg.).— SniaU, elliptic- Inuceolato, with obtuse apices; stn.i' obscurely moniliform, about IG in "00 1 > con^•crgi"ng at centre, divided on eacb. OF THE lJ-ATICUI,EvT3. 899 side by a longitudinal line into two series, reaching the median line. = iV; Smifhii, y nitescem, GD. p. 15, pi. 1. f. IG. Ma- rine. Scotland. Colourless under a low ^ower; median line linear, nodide de- fauite. Distinguished from N. Sinithii by its smaller size, the chai-acters of nodule and median Une, and its bright-white aspect. N. quadrifasciata (E.). — Elliptic-ob- long, with attenuated, obtuse ends ; striiB 20 in 1-1200", divided on each side of the median line into two linear series. EB. 1840. = Pimiularia quadrifasciata, EM. pi. 19. f. 25-27 J N. lineata,' DonWn, MT. vi. p. 32, pi. 3. f. 17 ? Marine. Fossil, Greece ; recent, iBritain. 1-430". Series . of strife separated by a nan-ow blank line. N. elliptica (K.). — Elliptic or linear- elliptic, with roimded ends ; strias di- stinct, connivent, 27 in ' -001", divided into two series on each side the median space by a longitudinal line. = iV. Par- mula, KA. p. SO ; N. ovalis, SD. i. p. 48, I pi. 17. f. 153. Em-ope._ I N. pygnuea (K.). — Minute, elliptic or oblong-elliptic, with roimded ends, hj^a- i liae, with very faint, close stiise, and a i panduriform blank median space. KA. ; p. 77. =K mintdida, SD. i. p. 48, pi. 31. I. 274. In brackish or fresh water. ■ France, England. Although the strise, \ which are very indistinct, are not inter- il rupted, yet the peculiar fonn of its me- ; dian space shows that its proper position is in this gi'oup. N. csstiva (Donldn). — Large, naiTow- elliptic, with rounded ends ; strias fine, distinct, costate or obscurely momliform, > reaching nearly to the median line, ' crossed on either side near their inner • ends by a longitudinal line. TM. vi. . ■ p. 32, pi. 3. f. 18. Marine. Northimi- : t berland. This beautiful species differs I' I from iV. Smithii in its more gracefidly } elliptical figure, in its costate and much 1) : finer striaa, and in the darker-brown \'i colour when moimted in balsam. The r' dry valve is pale-brown. Donlrin. Y'' N. Allmaniana (Grog.). — Small, oval, 1.1 with subacute apices ; costa) about 20 in I "001", somewhat radiant, nearly reaching the median line, divided by a lino near to and concentric with the margin. = r'!nnularia Allmaniana, GD. p. 16, pi. 1. 21. Marine. Scotland. The marginal ries of costve narrow, conspicuous, border-like ; the inner one fainter. 2 t Valves linear, with dilated centre and ends. N. liahcnhorafii (Ralfs). —Elongated, slender, gradually dilated at centre and broadly rounded ends; strife fine,_ short, divided on each side the median line by a narrow, blank, longitudinal line. = Pin- nularia interriipta, Eab D. p. 44, pl. O. f. 3. Italy. Divided by two constiic- tions into throe oblong portions; the inteiTupting line undulated like the margins. This species resembles a slen- der N. nohilis with interrupted stiicB. F. Valves with capitate or rostrate apices. t Valves inflated or ventricose. N. Orvx (E.). — Cruciform, with di- verging costse, which do not reach the median line. = Pinmdaria Crux, EM. pi. 12. f. 37. Asia, Cassel. This species has the lateral view like a Biblarium, but with median line and nodide. N. Trochus (E.). — With strongly in- flated middle, and obtuse, rosti-ate ends, longitudinally stiiated. Elnf. p. 179, pi. 21. f. 8. Fossil. Sweden. 1-860". N. in/lata (K.). — Minute ; with much inflated centre, and short, obtuse, beak- like ends ; stii;e wanting or indistinct. KB. p. 99, pi. 3. f. 36 =A^. Follis, EM. several figures. Fossil, Sweden, Santa Fiore ; recent, Europe. N. ainphisbana (Bory). — Inflated, elliptic, with capitate or conic apices ; striffi close, delicate. E Inf. p. 178, pi. 13. £ 7 ; SD. i. p. 51, pi. 17. f. 147. Common. Eiu'ope, Asia, Africa, America. 72 ; IX. 141.) 1-1700" to 1-240". Median nodule orbicidar. The Pinmdaria am- p)liish(ena, EM., is probably a state of this species exhibiting more conspicuous strio3. N. Placenta (E.). — Minute, ventricose, roimdish-elliptic, ^vith a nipple-like pro- jection at each apex. EM. pi. 33. 12. f. 23. Oregon. N. sphcBrophora (K.).— Elliptic-lance- olate, strongly constricted into capitate or conic apices; strico wanting or in- distinct. KB. p. 95, pi. 4. f. 17 ; SD. i. p. 52, pi. 17. f. 148. Europe, Asia. Veiy similar to N. amjihishcvna, but it is less inflated, and it appears destitute of strire. According to Rabonliorst, it differs also by having faint longitudinal lines. 1-320". N. hrcvis (Greg.). — Smnll, elliptic, contracted into short, broad, mammiform ends; strife fine, about 35 in -OOl", nearly reaching the median line, shorter opposite the indefinite central nodule GD.p.O,pl. l.f.4. Scotland. Trofessor Walker Arnott is probablv correct iu uniting this to N, amp/iisbtrtia. 3 M 2 900 STSTEjrATIC mSTORY OF THE TNPtrSOTiTA, N. tiimens (S.). — Inflated, elliptic, with the ends suddenly contracted into short, obtuse beaks ; striis indistinct, 36 in •001". SD. i. p. 52, nl. 17. f. 150. Brack- ish water. England. 'N.picsilla (S.). — Small, inflated, ellip- tic, suddenly contracted into short, conic beaks ; striiB distinct, punctate, radiant, 26 in •001". SD. i. p. 52, pi. 17. f. 52. =N. gastroides, Greg. MJ. iii. p. 40, pi. 4. f. 17. Brackish water ? Britain. Prof. Gregory distinguished his N. gastroides from this species by its stouter habit, larger size, and having a brown colour even in balsam ; but we unite them as Professor Smith has done, being imwill- ing- to add another doubtful species to this group, which we believe is already too numerous. N. Anglica (Ralfs). — Minute, elliptic, suddenly constricted beneath the round- ish capitate ends; strife very distinct, pimctate, radiate, reaching the median line, 24 in •OOl". = N. tmnida, SD. i. p. 53, pi. 17. f. 146. N. Carassius (E.). — Small, inflated, broadly lanceolate, with the ends sud- denly contracted into short, conical beaks ; striae wanting or indistinct. EA. p. 130, pi. 2. 2. f. 11. France, America. Is smaller than N. ampMsbcena. N. capitata (E.). — Minute, with in- flated centi-e, and short, obtuse, beak- lilce ends ; strias diverging, 10 in 1-1200". E Inf. p. 179, pi. 13. f. 20. = Pinmdaria capitata, EM. pi. 35 A. 1. f. 4. Europe, Asia, Australia, America. 1-1150" to 1-576". N. Semen (E.). — Small, eUiptic-ob- long, slightly contracted into tlie broad, obtuse ends ; sti-iaj obsolete or appai'ent. EA. pi. 4. 2. f. 8 ; in EM. many flgm-es ; SD. i. p. 50, pi. 16. f. 141. /3, sti-ite di- stinct, = Pinnularia Semen, EM. Eui'ope, Asia, Africa, America. N. eeqiialis (E., K.). — Inflated, elliptic- lanceolate, suddenly contracted at the ends into nipple-like points ; striiE fine. KSA. p. 77. = Pinnularia csqualis, EA. 131; EM. many figures. Em-ope. Lough Mourne deposit, Iceland. N. diomphala (E.). — Sti-iated, short, broadly lanceolate, suddenly conti-acted into obtuse beaks ; median nodule trans- verse, divided by a longitudinal line into two parts. EA. p. 132, pi. 3. 7. f. 25. America. N. Gasirum (E., K.). — Small, striated, inflated, elliptic, contracted at tlie ends into short conical beaks ; striic radiant. KB. p. 94, nl. 28. f. 50. = Pinmihtria Gastrum, EM. several figures; Pin- nularia Placentula, EM. several figures. Asia, Afirica, America. N. hirostrata (Greg.). — Ventricose, elliptic-oblong, with shortly rostrate apices ; sti-ia3 fine, close, radiant, reaching nearly to the median line. MJ. iii. p. 40, pi. 4. f. 5. Scotland. N. tceniata (E.). — Small, inflated, elliptic, suddenly contracted into minute, romided, conical beaks ; pinnules strong, fonning a naiTOw marginal border. = Pinnularia tccniata, EM. pi. 39. f. 95. The piimules separated from the median line t)y a broad blank space. Perhaps a » Mastogloia. (xv. 15.) N. biceps (E.). — Small, turgid, lance- olate, slightly consti'icted into obtuse, conical apices ; sti'ise wanting or indi- stinct. EA. p. 130 ; EM. many figure?. Europe, Afi'ica, America. ' Rather more slender than N. amphisbeena. N. crassula (Nageli). — Smooth, ellip- - tic, with capitate apices ; front view i broadly linear, ti'imcate. 1-720". KSA. _ p. 890. Switzerland. N. satlpta, EM. pi. 10. 1. f. 5. Bohe- - mia, Asia, America. Ventricose, sud- -I denly tapering into shoa-t, broad, obtuse beaks, the median line inten-upted by the indefinite nodule, which extends on one side in a semicracial smooth band ; the rest of the .sm-face granidated. Front view linear, with rounded angles and gibbous sides. N. signata (E.). — Minute, inflated, prolonged into naiTow beaks ; strise radiant, reaching the median line, the six central ones sti-onger. = Pinnularia signata, EM. pi. 34. 6 a. f. 7. Florida. N. Rostellum (S.).— Small, yenti-icose. oval, with the apices produced into poin; - like beaks ; stri.ie indistinct, 80 in -001 . SBD. ii. p. 93 = i\': opiculata, Greg. MJ. iv. pi. 1. £ 13. Britain. , 2 t Valves lanceolate. \ N. Crassinern'a (B.). —Minute, lance-"' olate, with shortly rostrate apices: stn.T wanting or indistinct. SD. i. p. 47, pi. 31. f. 271. Fi-ance, Britain. N. rhynchocephala (K.). — Slender, lanceolate, with longly rostrate npic^y strias wanting or obscure. KB. JJ. l^"-^ pL- 30. f. 35 ; SBD. p. 47, pi. 16- 1. 13-- Em-ope. Is lonc-or and more .'slender tliiui N. cryptocephala, with more producoii apices, (vn. 68.) , N. /<>;)to;-/iV«o//M5(E.).— Small, smootH. linear-lanceolate, with sti-aight, subacute, longly rosh-ate apices. EA. p. Mexico. Aldn to N. dirlnjnchus, bU' with longer bealrs. r OF THE NAVICTJLEiE. 901 N. leptocephala (Rab.). — Small, lance- olate, with elongated, slender, obtuse, somewhat clavate beaks ; strire wanting or indistinct. Rab D. p. 39, pi. 6. f. 69. Em-ope. N. exilis (I^.). — ^Very minute, smooth, lanceolate, with produced, obtuse apices. KB. p. 95, pi. 4. f. 6. Germany. N. rostrata (E.). — Finely punctated, broadly lanceolate, almost rhomboid, rapidly tapeiing into acute beaks ; cen- ti-al nodide lai'ge. EB. 1840, p. 18 ; KB. p. 94, pi. 3. f. 45. Fossil. Santa Fiore. 1-216". Front view linear^ with trim- cate apices. N. Uharotitis (E.). — ^Elongated, smooth, oblong-lanceolate, with the ends con- ti-acted into conic beaks. EB. 1845, p. 239 ; EM. pi. 35. bb. f. 12. Four times as long aa broad. N. Otrantina (Rab.). — Oblong-lance- olate, with rounded, slightly contracted ends. Rab 1). p. 44, pi. 6. f. 42. N. dirhynchus (E.). — Small, naiTow- lanceolate, with conic, rostrate apices ; stiise wanting or indistinct. EA. p. 130, pi. 3. 1. f. 11. Falaise, Mexico. N. Garganica (Rab.). — Minute, lan- ceolate, suddenly contracted into short, thick, obtuse apices ; strife distinct, ob- lique, reaching the median line, six near the central nodule stouter than the rest. -Piimularia Garyanica, Rab D. p. 44, 6. f. 41. Italy. N. amphiceros (K.). — Minute, broadly lanceolate, with produced, rostrate apices, and fine stria?. KB. p. 95, pi. 3. f. 39. Germany, Asia. 'N.steilif/cra (E., K.). — Rhomboid-lan- oolate, with the apices suddenly atte- iiiated into obtuse beaks ; the \erj fine unctated pinnides distinctly radiating nom the orbicular, smooth umbilical ^pace. KA. p. 70. =Pimmlaria stelligera, EB. 1845, p. 364. Marine. India. N. Petersii (E., K.) — Dilated, large at ach end, suddenly attenuated into a very hort beak; median line double, with a iian-ow, longitudinal imibilical space ; pinnules very fine. KA. p. 70. = I'i?mu- Uu-ia Petersii, EB. 1846, p. 364. Mouth iif the river Tagus. N. f/uttulifcra (Rab.). — Minute, slen- 'lur, acicular, with a glaas-liko globe at '■ach apex, RI). p. 40, pi. 6. f. 74. South I'ersia. N. pachycepliala (Rab.). — Minute, lender-lanceolate, constricted beneath tlie capitate apices ; striae converging ; central nodule stout, teminal ones ob- solete. = Pimmlaria pachi/ccphala, RD, p. 43, pi. 6. f. 40. Italy. N. cincta. = Pinnulana cincta, EM. pl. 10. 2. f. 6. Bohemia. This species 13 figured as minute, lanceolate, vnth obtuse apices ; sti'ia3 oblique, those oppo- site the central nodule radiant and stouter than the others. N. Gregorii (Ralls). — Small, nan-ow linear-lanceolate, contracted at the ends into minute beaks ; striae distant, parallel, scai'cely reaching the median line. = Pinnularia ajnculata, Greg. MJ. iii. p. 41, pl. 4. f. 21.' Scotland. N. angustata (S.). — Minute, nan-ow^- lanceolate, constiicted beneath the capi- tate apices ; striae indistinct, 45 in -001". SD. i. p. 52, pl. 17. f. 156. = N. diceplmla ^3, KA. p. 76 ? Britain, Falaise. Front view nai-row-linear. N. cn/ptocephala (K.). — Very minute, lanceolate, with globose, capitate apices ; sti-ifB wanting or indistinct. KB. p. 95, pl. 3. f. 20. Em-ope. N. Veneta (K.). — Very minute, lan- ceolate, rather broad, with produced, slightly obtuse apices; strise wanting or indistinct. KB. p. 95, pl. 30. f. 76. Brackish water, Venice. Resembles N. cryptocephcda, but is shorter and broader. N. Fusidium (E.). — Narrow-lanceo- late, distinctly but slightly constricted beneath the capitate apices. EM. pl. 5. 3, f. 4. America, Asia. N. Iqitostylus (E.). — Lateral view turgid-lanceolate, suddenly tapering into short beaks with capitate apices. = N. Platalea, EM. pl. 15 a. f. 42. N. ampldrrhina (E.) = Pintndaria am- 2}hirrhina, EM. pl. 15 a. f. 20. Lough Mom-ne deposit, Japan, America. Ehr- enberg figm-es this species as inflated- lanceolate, rapidly tapering mto subacute beaks ; strice parallel. _N. amplm-hynchus (E.). — Small; tiu-- gid-lanceolate, suddenly constricted at the ends into short, subcapitate bealfs; stria3 indistinct or wanting. EA. pl. 3. 1. f. 10 ; KA. p. 70. Em-ope, Asia, Aus- ti-alia, Africa, America, (xii. 6.) N. amphistyhis (E., K.). — Elongated baciUar, with tm-gid middle, attenu- ated, filifonn, obtuse apices, and deli- cate pinnules. KSA. p. 75.=Pin)iidan'a amphistylus, EB. 1845, p. 79. Fossil. Oregon. 1-372". N. ordinata (Br(5b.). — Minute, smooth, connected in a parallel manner into short, fragile filaments ; valves slender- lanceolate, contracted at the ends into short, often capitate beaks. Br(5b. = jV; aponina /3, KA. p. 69. Falaise. N. euryciphala (Rab.). — Large, ro- bust, oblong, slightly coutractod at the 002 SYSTEMATIC IHSTOllT OF THE INFUSOniA. eud>i into very short and broad, tnincatc beaks. Rab D. p. 40, pi. 0. £ 70. Ger- iniiiiy. Median line and nodule strongly developed, liesenibles Stauroneis j^luty- stoina, but with a rounded, not trans- verse metlian nodule. 3 1 Valves linear. N. (Ucephala (E.). — Elongated linear, constricted at the ends into capitate or broadly conical beaks; strife either ob- scure or distinct, 19 in 1-1200". = iV«i;j- cula and Piimularia dicqjJmla, EM. many iigmes ; Pinnularia biceps, Greg. MJ. iv. pi. 1. f. 28? Common. Eui-ope, Asia, Ai'rica, America. 1-8G0" to 1-480". l^i. Ijroducta (S.). — Linear, abruptly contracted at tlie ends into short, obtuse beaks ; strite faint, 42 to 48 in -001". SD. i. p. 51, pi. 17. f. 144. = N. cmiphi- ri/nchus, SD. i. p. 51, pi. 16. f. 142. Britain. (Vn. 00.) N. hirostris (E.). — Elongated narrow- linear, suddenly contracted at the ends into conical apices ; stri;B distinct, close, parallel. = Pinnularia hirostris, EM. pi. 15 A. f. 24. Fossil. Lough Mourue de- posit ; Sweden. This fonn seems scai-cel}' to difl'er from N. dicephala, except in having slenderer frustides. N. (/racillima (Greg.). — Slender, nar- row-linear, constricted beneath the capi- tate apices ; costie fine, 27 in -001", not reaching the median line. — Pinmdaria (/racillima, MJ. iv. p. 9, pi. 1. f. 31 ; SD. ii. p. 95 ; Pinmdaria tenuis, MJ. ii. pi. 4. f. 9? Britain. • N. linearis (Greg.). — Minute, narrow- lineiir, constricted beneath the subcapi- tate ends ; costse very fine, about 40 in •001", parallel, reaching the median line. — Pinnularia linearis, MJ. iv. p. 8, pi. 1. f. 29. Scotland. N. siihcapitata (Greg.). — Muiute, nar- row-linear, constricted beneath the capi- tate ends ; striie subdistaut, conspicuous, .short. = Pinnularia suhcapitata, MJ. iv. p. 9, pi. 1. f. 30. Scotland. N. M(/inensis(GrG'r.). — Minute, linear, constricted beneath the subquadrato capitate ends; striai fine, about 30 in •001", slightly oblique, reaching tlie median Yu\ii. = Pinnularia Elginensis, MJ. iv. p. 9, pi. 1. f. 33. Scotland. N. linipida (Perty). — Ifathor large, .striated, broadly linear-oblong, suddenly contracted at the ends into short, broad, obtuse beaks. I'erty, ]\lic. Org. of Alps, r. 201, pi. 17. f. 9. ■ Alps. Front view linear, with truucatt" ends; stria) 10 to 11 in 1-1200". N. Pisciculus (E., K.). — Elongated, slender, sti^iated, narrow-linear, slightly contracted at the ends into conic beaks ; striae very delicate. KA. p. 75. = Pin- nularia Pisciculus, EA. pi. 2. 1. f. 30, Cayenne, India, Falaise. N. limhata (E.). — Small, linear, eacli end suddenly contracted into a short, broad, truncate beak, and a wide border appeanng within. EA. p. 130, pi. 1. 2 f. 16. ChUi. N. lonr/iceps (Greg.). — Minute, nar- row-linear, with the ends conti-acted into short, obtuse points; nodule inde- finite ; stria) wanting or inconspicuoui;. MJ. iv. p. 8, pi. 1. f '27. Scotland. N. ajjfinis (E.). — Small, linear-oblong, with the ends suddenly con ti^acted ui : short, broad, oblnse beaks ; striae waul- ing or indistinct. EA. p. 129, pi. 2. 2. f.7: SD. i. p. 50, pi. 16. f. 143. Very common. Ehrenberg gives upwards of seventv habitats, (xu. 32.) 1-570" to 1-420". Resembles N. dicephala. N. duhia (E.). -.-Small, linear-lanceo- late, with the ends suddenly contracted into conic beaks; striie wanting or in- distinct. EA. p. 130, pi. 2. 2. f. 8. Asia, Austi'alia, Africa, America. Akin to N. affinis. N. amhigua (E.). — Small, oblong, somewhat inflated, -nnth the ends sud- denly contracted into short, conic beaks ; strife wanting or indistinct. EA. pi. 2. 2, f 9 ; EM. pi. 15 B. f. 15. America, Aus- tralia, Lough Moiu-ne deposit. sembles N. uffinis and N. dicejyhala. N. rostellata (K.). — Minute, sti-iated, linear-oblong, with elongated, roslTsit acute apices. KB. p. 95, pi. 3. f. 0 Wangerooge. N. colmnnaris (E.). — Lai^ge, elongated, broadly linear, suddenly contracted into short, very broad, rounded ends, ami marked by numerous longitudinal liue.-^. EM. pi. 14. f. 23. Berlin. N. ampliata, EM. pi. 17. 2. f. 7, .V pi. 15 A. f. 32. Finland, Siberia, Loiigli Mom-ne deposit. Ehi-enbei^g's figures re- present this species as large, snioolh, broadly linear, suddenly contracted nt the eiids into broad, rounded, luanmn- form beaks. N. Vcspa (R.).— SmaU, linear-oblonir. constricted beneath the capiiato apico^ nodides minute; striiC parallel, clo> nearly reaching tlie median line. =i' mdaria EM. pi. 33. 5. f. 9. A-m; Africa, America, N. iiwurra (Greg.). — Small. Imcnr, with sliglilly siiiiiated .sides; ends con- tracted into 'short tnmcate beaks ; stnse OF THE N'AVICXrLE.'E. 903 •wanting or inconspicuous. MJ. iv. p. 8, pi. 1. f. 2C5. Scotland; N. apiculata (Brt5b.). — Striated, linear, suddenly attenuated at each end into a short apiculus ; front view broad, qua- di-ate, with striated lateral margins : striffi strong, 14 in -001", nearly reaching the median line. Breb DC. p. 16, pi. 1. f. 20.= Piiimdana rostellata, GDC. p. 16, pi. 1. f. 20. Marine. Europe. Striae somewhat radiant. The frustules are I Rich compressed, and very similai' in the fi'ont view to those of N. retusa. 4+ Valves subqnadrate or elliptical, with conical terminal points. N. lacustris (Greg.). — ^maU, oblong or subquadi'ate, with acute or shortly rostrate apices ; stiice fine, distinct, slightly oblique, nearly reaching the median line, 28 or 30 in -001". MJ. iv. p. 6, pi. 1. f. 23. Scotland. The only species with which this could be con- foimded is N.Jirma ; but the latter is longer and lai'ger, of a brown colour, with finer, less conspicuous, and pai'aUel •Stl'iiB. N. hiimerosa (Br6b.). — Striated, sub- quadrate ; ends truncate, with a minute, conic central point; strife fine, monUi- form, 24 in -001", radiant, reaching nearly to the median line, shorter oppo- site the roimdish imibilical space. SD. ii. p. 94 = iV! quadrata, Greg. TM. iv. p. 41, pi. 5. f. 5. Mai-ine. Em-ope. Ac- cording to Dr. Donldn, the diy valve, under a low power, is hyaline and colourless. N. gramdida (Breb.). — Striated, rather large, elliptic or subqnadrate ; ends with a conic central point ; strise conspi- cuously moniliform, 16 in '001", radiant, reaching nearly to the median line. Donkin, TM. vi. pi. 3. f. 19. Marine. .Em-ope. Distinguished from N. hume- rosa Dy its more distant and coarsely .gi-anidated sti-iiE. " Dry valve of a dull bluish colour, inclining to purple " (Donkin). N. compacta (Grev.). — Small, sub- quadrate, with slightly concave sides, rounded shoidders, and the median line prolonged into conic points ; strite faint, . 42 in -001", reaching nearly to the me- ^an line. Greg. MJ. v. p. 11, pi. 3. f. 8. arine. Not imcommon. The striie are early parallel. A species well marked a)y its quadrate shape. _N. lulissima (Greg.). — Broadly oUi^itic, ' Vrith slightly produced mammilorm ftpicos ; striaj distinct, finely moniliform, radiant, nearly reaching the median line, shorter, and leaving an orbicular hyaline space roimd the central nodule. TM. iv. p. 40, pi. 5. f. 4. Marine. Britain, (vn. 70.) Distinguished fi-om N. gra- mdata by its straw or light-bro^vn colour in balsam, and less conspicuous granules. N. Barclayana (Greg.). — Elliptic- oblong, with minute, conic apices ; striae about 38 in -001", finely moniliform, short, forming a narrow marginal band, and enclosing- a lai-ge, lanceolate smooth median space. GDC. p. 8, pi. 1. f. 9. Marine. Britain. The marginal striated band is of nearly imiform breadth, ex- cept near the base, where it becomes naiTower. N. marina(Rs}£3). — Oval, with slightly produced conic apices, and 33 distinct, moniliform, radiant striae in -001", which reach the median line. = N. punctulata, SD. p. 52, pi. 16. f. 151. Marine. Eng- land. N. pr-oducta (Ealfs). — Oblong-elliptic, much constricted at each end, as if ob- tusely mucronate ; sm-face elegantly marked by decussating pimctated lines; puncta in quincunx. =iV; decussata, EB. 1843, p. 256. liabit of N. Amphishcsna. G. Valves lanceolate or rhomboid. N. rliomhoides (E.). — Rhomboid-Ian-' ceolate, with subacute apices and 85, very faint, parallel strios in -001". EA. pi. 3. 1. f. 15 ; SBD. i. p. 46, pi. 16. f. 129. Mexico, Europe, Australia. N. rhomhica (Greg.). — Rhomboid- lanceolate, with very tine but distinct sti-ia3, 45 in -001", reaching the median line. MJ. iii. p. 40, pi. 3. f. 16 ; TM. iv. p. 38, pi. 5. f. 1. Mai'hie. Scotland. (yti. 71.) Accordmg to Professor Gre- ^017, N. rhombica is distinguished from JSf. rhomboides by the different appear- ance of its median line and central nodule, as well as by its distinct striae. N. rhombea (E.). — Broadly rhomboid- lanceolate, vni\\ acute apices, and delicate longitudinal lines on each side; trans- verse strite wanting or indistinct. EA p. 131, pi. 3. 7. f. 27. Mexico. 1-480" to 1-360". N. Dcmeranc (E.). —Smooth, rhom- boid, tumid, strongly tapering into acule, subrostrato apices. EB. 18 15, p. 79. Domerara. 1-576". " Distinguisiied from N. rhombea only by its subrostrate ends " (Rabenhorst). N. deciissntn (E., K.). — Rhomboid- lanceolate, with subacute apices, an ob- solete umbilical space, and very fine, 904 SYSTEMATIC UISTOEY OF THE INFU«OttIA. decussating, punctated strise. ICA. p. 70. z=Pinmtlaria decussata, EB. 1845, p. 8G4. Marine. India. N. Inclica (E.). — Rhomboid-lanceo- late, with somewhat obtiLse apices, a small umbilicus, and thick-set, fine, lon- gitudinal, punctated lines (8 on each side). EB. 1845, p. 363. Maiine. India. Somewhat resembles N. decussata. N. ? asperula (E., K.). — Turgid, short, rhomboid-lanceolate, six-angled, rough with punctated strife ; umbilicus subor- bicular; the longitudinal median space much dilated near the umbilicus. ICA. ■p. 71. = Pirnmlaria? asperula, EB. 1845, p. 364. Marine. India. N. Libelliis (Greg.). — Rhomboid-lan- ceolate, with obtuse ends; sti-ise fine, imifoiin, about 60 in -001", reaching the median line ; front \'iew broadly lineai", with the central portion longitudinally lined. GDC. p. 57, pi. 6. 1 101. Scotland. In form it much resembles N. rhom- hica, but is more obtuse and broader, with imiform striae. Professor Walker- Amott regards this species as escaped frustides of Schizonema GrevtUii, — an opi- nion, indeed, shared by Professor Gre- gory himself. In. suhtilis (Greg.). — Elongated, trans- lucent, very slender, rhomboid-lanceo- late, with a minute, definite nodule; costse about 30 in -OOl", parallel, reach- ing the medifm line. = Pinmdaria subtilis, GDC. p. 16, pi. 1. f. 19. Mai-ine. Scot- land. N. lanceolata (Ag., K.\ — Minute, narrow-lanceolate, with M indistinct, parallel strije in -001". KB. p. 94, pi. 28. f. 38 ; SD. i. p. 46, pi. 31. f. 272. Europe, America. N. sen'ans (K.). — Small, lanceolate, with fine longitudinal lines, and subacute apices ; fi-ont view broadly linear. KB. p. 92, pi. 28. i. 43; SD. i. p. 47, pi. 16. f. 130. = JV. lineolata, EM. several figiu-es. Europe, Asia, Australia, Afiica, Ame- rica. 1-288". Ei'ustules freciuently co- hering. N. Suhda (K.). — Elongated, slender, naiTow-lanceolate, with tapering, sub- acute apices, and fine longitudinal lines. KB. p. 91, pi. 30. f. 19. Mai-ine. Em-ope. N. tcncUa (Breb.). — Minute, smooth, veiy naiTow - lanceolate, with acute apices ; front view linear, slightly con- stricted at the middle. KA.p. 74. Europe. N. ampMoxys (^E.). — Elongated, nar- row-lanceolate, with acute apices ; striaj indistinct or wanting. EA. pi. 1. 2. f. 8 ; EiSI. ninny figures. Europe, Asia, Aus- tralia, Africa, America, Lough Mounio depo8it._ More slender than N. yrucUk. Front view nalTo^vl-linear. N. Cari (E.).— Minute, smooth, lance- olate, slender, acute at both sides, with a circular median nodule. EI. p. 179 • EM pi. 12. f 20. Fossil. Cassel. 1-11,50"." N. oxyphjllum (K.). — PeUucid, glas-sy, smooth, slender -lanceolate, gi~,vdually tapering to the acute apices; median nodule obsolete. ICB. p. 92, pi. 30. f. 17. Maiine. Near Flinsburg. N. ■ velox (K.). — Mmute, smooth, broadly or oblong lanceolate, with acute apices. KB. p. 91, pi. 3. l 06. = i\': ob- luiu/a, EA. pi. 3. 1. f. 14. Wangerooge, Mexico. N. apmina (K.). — Minute, smooth, slender-lanceolate, with acute, subros- ti-ate ends. KB. p. 91, pi. 4. f. 1. Europe. Front "view narrow-linear. N. C'esatii (Rab.). — Minute, smooth, slender-lanceolate ; fi-ont view linear, witli rounded ends. Rab D. p. 39, pL 6. f 89. Piedmont. Veiy like N. aponim, but more slender in the lateral, and broader in the front view. N. digito-radiata (Greg.). — Small, ob- long-lanceolate, with obtuse ends; stiiii fine, distinct, aljout 25 in "001", reacliiiu the median line, those neai- the centi-al nodule more distinct and highly radiant = Pinnularia digito-radiata, MJ. iv. p. 9, pi. 1. f. 32. Scotland. N. Solaris (Greg.). — Elongated, nar- row-lanceolate, Asath obtuse ends ; strisB fine, very distinct, 36 in 'OOl", oblique, radiant, and shorter opposite the inde- finite central nodule. TM. iv. p. 43, pi. 5. f 10. Maiine. Scotland. Colour brown; strife so highly radiant round the centi-al blank spot as to present tli appearance of a sim -with rays. It longer than N. radiosa, -n-ith finer and more inclined strife. N. 3Icditerranea (K.V— Minute, nar- row-lanceolate, with obtuse apices and 20 strife in 1-1200" ; fi-ont view stiictlv linear, truncate. KB. p. 93, pi. 3. f 17. Marine. Europe. 1-1200". N.punctulata,'EU. pi. 15a. f.34,B.f.l3, 14. Lough Moume deposit, Sweden, Africa. Ehrenberg figures this specie? as rhomboid-lanceolate, with longitu- dinal, pardlel, dotted lines. N. oppriidicuMa (Ag., K.).— Mmuto, lanceolate, with sliglitly tui^d mum' and subrostrale obtuse ends. KB p. 9.). pi. 3. {. 2S.=Frusfiilia and CymhcUa ap- pmdimlata, Ag. Europe. Front view linear, with truncate ends. In the lateral view the apices are somewhat produced, but scarcely rostrate. OF THE NAVICULE.^;. 905 N. obtusa (E.). — Small, oblong-lan- ceolate, yvith obtuse, roimded apices. EA. p. 131. North America, Asia, Africa. Kiitzing thinks it probably identical -with iV. appendiculata. N. wjlexa (Greg.). — Small, lanceolate, vdth subacute apices; costse conspi- cuoiis, 26 in -001", nighly radiant, nearly reaching the median line, except oppo- site the central nodule, where they are short, lea^ang a large, roundish blank s'pace. = Pinmdaria injiexa, TM. iv. p. 48, pi. 5. f. 20. Scotland. Beneath each apex is a strong, dark cross-bar, pro- bably caused by a depression, Greg. N. fortis (Crveg.). — Small, oblong- lanceolate or somewhat rhomboid, with obtuse apices ; costoe conspicuous, 16 in •001", not reaching the meditan line, gi'adually shorter and more radiant near the central nodule. = Pinmdaria foHis, TM. lY. p. 47, pi. 5. f. 19. Scotland. Turgid ; costte prominent, so as to appear more distant than they actually are. N.??)?<i . inridida (K.). — Small, lanceolate, with obtuse, slightly produced apices; striae wanting or indistinct. KB. p. 91, pi. 4. f. 10. 15. Em-ope. N. carinata (E.). — Large, lanceolate ; front view linear, with a broad dorsal longitudinal keel. EB. 1840, p. 18. Fossil. Shores of the Rhine, in volcanic schists. 1-216". N. diaphana (E.). — Large, smooth, diaphanous, elongated, lanceolate, with obtuse apices ; the umbilicus intercepting the double median line. EB. 1845, p. 78. Guiana. 1-192". Habit of /SaM- rmieis phcBnicenteron. N. Schojnburgkormn (E.). — Large, elongated, lanceolate, with obtuse apices, and the habit of N. dia}}hana, but -with three longitudinal median lines, EB. 1845, p. 70. Guiana. 1-180". N. latiusmla (K.). — Rather lai'ge, oblong or elliptic-lanceolate, with ratlier obtuse apices ; striaj shorter opposite tlie central nodule, 10 to 12 in 1-1200". KB. p. 9.3, pi. 5. f. AO. = N.patu/a, SD. i. p. 49, pi. 10. f. 139. Eiu-ope, Ireland. Twice ns long as broad ; front view broadly linear, with trmicate ends. N, Scliomhurghii (E., K.). — Large, lanceolate, equal, three times as long as broad, witli subacute apices, and 25 strite in 1-1152". KA. p. 71. = Pin- mdaria Schoniburf/kii, EB. 1845, p. 80. Guiana. Is smaller and more oDtuse than iVi aqualis. N. palpehralis (Br<§b.). — Broadly lan- ceolate, with subacute apices, and 27 radiant striae in -001", which do not reach the median line. SD. i. p. 50, pi. 31. f. 273. Marine. France, Britain. Strife short, leaving a lanceolate median blank space. N. angalosa (Greg'.). — Broadly lanceo- late or oblong, with subacute apices j striae conspicuous, short, forming a nar- row margmal band, shorter near the middle, and leaving a smooth, rhomboid median space. TM. iv. p. 42, pi. 5. f. 8. Marine. Britain. N. angidosa is larger than N. palpeh-alis, and the angidar me- dian space is a good and pennanent mai'k of distinction ; nodule deiinite. N. radiosa (K.). — Small, slender- lanceolate, with subacute apices, and from 15 to 18 distinct, radiant striae in 1-1200". KB. p. 91, pi. 4 f. 23. = Pin- mdaria radiosa, SD. ijp. 56, pi. 18. f. 173. Gennany, Britain. With stronger strife than N. gracilis. N. mdpina (K.). — Rather turgid, lan- ceolate, with acute apices; front view broadly linear, wdth ti'imcate ends and punctate margins ; striae obsciu-e. KB. p. 92, pi. 8. I 43. Gei-many. Inter- mediate between N. gracilis and N. cus- pidata. N. cuspidata (K.). — Broadly lanceo- late, with acute apices, a very minute, orbiculai- central nodule, and close, very fine transverse striae. KB. p. 94, pi. 3. f. 24, 37 ; SD. i. p. 47, pi. 16. fri31. = A'b- vicida fidva, EM. many figm-es. Common. Eiu'ope, Asia, Afiica, America, (xii. 5.) Front view narrow-lineai-. 1-1150" to 1-180". The lateral view is broader and more rhomboid than in N. gracilis. N. Cantoncnsis (E.). — Broadly oblong- lanceolate, -with acute, slightly produced apices ; stria3 wanting or indistinct. EB. 1847, p. 484. Canton. 1-480". Itdiilers from N. cuspidata in its shorter and acute apices. N. amplmphenia (E.). — Lanceolate, navicidar, gradually attenuated into the apices, with an oblong median nodule; strife wanting or obscure. EA. p. 120- EM. pi. 9. 1. f. 10. America, Asia, Africa) Europe. Distinguished from N. cuspi- data by its oblong iiodido. N. phylkpta (K.). — Minute, slender, 906 SYSTEMATIC 1U8T0EY 01' TITE INTUSOBIA. smooth, naiTow-lanceolate, with acuto apices; front view strictly linear, with truncate ends. KB. p. 94, pi. 30. f. 56. Marine. Em-ope. N. Melear/ris (K.). — Somewhat turgid, lanceolate-acuminate, with an elegantly punctate margin. KB. p. 92, pi. 30. f. 37. Marine. Em-ope. Front view broadly lineal-. N. gracilis (E,). — Small, elongated, slender-lanceolate, with subacute ends; strifB very fine, radiant, 22 in -001", reaching the median line. E. Infus. p. 176 ; EM. many figures. Em^ope, Asia, Africa, America, Lough Mom-ne deposit. 1-1500" to 1-560". N. oxypUra (K.). — Elongated, slender, narrow-lanceolate, with acute apices, and fine, slightly radiant, transverse strige. KSA. p. 69. = Pitmularia ainphioxys, EM. manyfigm-es ; P. acuta, SD. i. p. 56, pi. 18. f. 171. Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, America. N. Kefvingensis (E.). — Small, striated, lanceolate, navicular; striae converging at the centre, 17 in 1200". EB. 1840, p. 20. = Pinnuluria Kefvingensis, EM. pi. 10. 2. f. 4, 5. Fossil. Bohemia, Asia. N. peregrina (E., K.). — Striated, nar- row-lanceolate, gradually tapering to the subacute apices ; pinnules oblique, reach- ing the median liue, 13 in -001". KB. p. 97, pi. 28. f. 52. = Pinnularia peregi-ina, EA. p. 133, several figm-es ; SD. i. p. 56, pi. 18. f. 170. Mai-ine. Em-ope, Asia, Africa, America. N. Icptostigma (E.). — Striated, lan- ceolate, with subacute, slightly produced apices; the ti-ansverse dotted striae in- conspicuous. EB. 1845. = Pinnidaria leptostigma, EM. pi. 33. 12. f. 25. Fossil. United States. Twice as long as broad. 1-432". 'N . Uhrenberg{{(K.). — Lanceolate, with somewhat acute apices, and fine, radi- ating stria?. KB. p. 92, pi. 3. f. 38. = Navicula lanceolata, E. Inf. pi. 13. f. 21. Europe. N. neglecta (K.). — Tm-gid, lanceolate, with subacute apices, margins longitu- dinally costate and transversely striated. KB. p. 92, pi. 28. f. 44.= Pinnularia lan- ceolata, EA. pi. 3. 1. f. 6. Europe, Ame- rica. Front view oblong, ^vith incras- satod middle and truncate ends. 1-1150" to 1-280" ; striffl 13 in 1-1200". N. Sempronia (Forty). — Minute, acutely lanceolate ; striaj not reaching the median lino ; front view liuoai-, slightly narrowed towards tlio ends. I'orty, Microsc. Org. p. 204, pi. 17. f. 8. Alps, lielongs to the smaller species, and is very like N. exilis. N. directa (S.). — Slender, narrow- lanceolate, acute; costae fine, parallel, reaching the median line, 20 in -OOl". = Pinnuluria directu, SD. i, p. 50, pi. 18. f. 172. Marine. Sussex. Front view narrow-linear. N. inilchru (Greg.). — Broadly lanceo- late or somewhat rhomboid ; striae radi- ant, strongly monilifoi-m, nearly reaching the median line, shorter opposite the slightly dilated indefinite nodules. TM. iv. p. 42, pi. 5. f. 7. Marine. Scotland. Rapidly tapei-iag to the obtuse apices. N. longu (Greg.). — Much elongated, lanceolate or slightly rhomboid, acute; costaj conspicuous, about 12 in -001", nearly reaching the median line, some- what shorter and radiant opposite the central noAvile.=Pimiularia longa, Greg. TM. iv. p. 47, pi. 5. £ 18. Scotland. The only Imown form to which it has any resemblance is iV. directa, but the latter foi-m is not rhombic, and the sti-iae are much more numerous and paralleL N. acutiusculu (Greg.). — Elongated, slender, linear-lanceolate, acute; costae distinct, about 30 in -001", reaching the median line, centi-al ones radiant and more conspicuous. = P/?«H?^/fl?-;a acuiius- cula, TM. iv. p. 48, pi. 5. f. 21. Scotland. N. costutu (K.). — Oblong-lanceolate, with obtuse apices, and longitudinal pimctated lines; median nodule lai-ge, terminal ones minute. KB. p. 93, pi. 3. f. 56. Fossil. Santa Fiore. Front view oblong, with broadly rounded apices. N. Norvegica (E., K.). — ^Broadly ob- long, with acute apices, a narrow striated border, and a smooth median space ; striae 30 in 1-1200". KA. p. 79. = Pinnidaria Norvegica, E. Mai-ine. Europe. Front view narrow-linear, truncate. 1-360". N. Libyca (E.). — SmaU, stTiated, acutely oblong-lanceolate, -with 14 strias in 1-1200" ; front view quadningidiur, ■with ti-uncate ends. EB. 1840, p. 20. Sinai. 1-550". It has the habit of If. fulvn, but is wider, and not rostrate. N. Pupula (K.). — Minute, smootlu oblong-lanceolate, with slia-ht produced apices. KB. p. 93, pi. 30. £ 40. Europa. N. alpina (S.). — Large, oblong-lan- ceolate, with obtuse ends, ami 7 to 9 stout, distant, radiant costaj in •001"> which do not reach the median liue.= Pinmdaria alpina, SD. i. p. 55, pi. 1& £ 108. France, Scotland, l^ont view broadly linear, with ti-uncate ends; costtB shorter near the central nodule. OF THE NATICULEJ!. 907 N. distmts (S.). — Lanceolate, -with subacute apices ; costre radiant, distant, 10 in •001", not reaching tlio median lme. = Pitmiihin'a (h'stans, SD. i. p. 56, pi. 18. f. 1G9. Marine. Common, espe- cially from deep dredgiug's. Costae shorter opposite tlie central nodule. N. eleyans (S.). — Broadly or elliptic lanceolate, with slightly acuminated ends; sti'ife distinct, 24 in -001", waved, Tadiate, nearly reaching the median line, shorter opposite the central nodule. SD. i. p. 49, pi. 16. f. 137. Marine. England. N. permagna (Bai.). — Large, tm'gid- lanceolate, with obtuse apices, a mai- ginal band of pimctated strife, and a broad, lanceolate, longitudinal median blank space ; nodide iudetinite. =P«Hm<- 1 aria per murjna, BMO. p. 40, pi. 2. f. 28 & 38. United States. H. Valves linear or oblong, neither rostrate nor constricted. t Ends scarcely cuneate. N. BaciUum (E.). — Linear, with trun- cate, roimded ends ; strite indistinct, 54 in -001". EM. several figiu'es. = iVi hacil- htris, Greg. MJ. iv. pi. 1. i. 24. Ehi-en- berg gives about 50 habitats in Em-ope, Asia, Australia, Africa, and America. N. borcalis (E., K.). — Small, striated, linear, with slightl}' attenuated, rounded apices ; stria3 stout, rather distant, not reaching the median line, 13 in -001". KB. p. 96, pi. 28. f 68-72. = Pinnularia horealis, EM. nimierous figures; Pinnu- laria latestriata, Greg. MJ. ii. pi. 4. f. 1.3. (vn. 74.) A veiy common and widely dilliised species. Ehrenberg gives about 200 habitats for it. )3 longer and more dilated at the middle, = Pinnularia C'araccana, E. Under moss on trees. The front view of this species is linear, with truncated ends and striated mar- gins, and resembles that of detached ti-ustules of Denticida and Odoutidium. N. Cldlcmis (]<]., K.). — Largo, linear, with broadly rounded apices, and 11 or 12 stout costaj in 1-1200". I^A. p. 79. = Pinnularia CJiilonsii, EM. pi. 34. 11. f. 3. Australia, Asia, Africa, America, (xii. 33.) Gostre parallel, equal. Approaches to N. viridis, but is shorter and broader. N. rectamjidata (Greg.). — Linear, with ti'uncate roimded ends ; costro rather di- stant, 22 in -OOl", neariy reaciiing the niodian line, except onposito the dilated indefinite nodule, and there sliortin- and diverging. GDC. p. 7, pi. 1. f, 7. Marine. Scotland. N. Iridis (E.). — Largo, elongated, linear-oblong, tapering into the obtuso apices, finely striated both longitudinally and transversely, iridescent. EA. p. 130, pi. 4. 1. I 2. New York. N. oblonga (K.).— Elongated, slender, oblong or lineai-oblong, with roimded apices ; costio stout, connivent at the centre. KB. p. 97, pi. 4. f. 2l.=Pinnu- laria jiolyptcra, EA. p. 133 ; P. macilenta, E. Common. We follow Kiitzing and Smith in referring P. macilenta, E., to this species ; Ehrenherg's figiu'es, how- ever, differ from theirs in being more linear, with less tapering apices. 1-140". N. Oregonica (E., K.). — Elongated, bacillar, imLfornily and gradually de- creasing towai'ds the rounded apices; pinmdes stout, 23 in 1-1152", KA. p. 71. =Pinnidaria Oregonica, EB. 1845, p. 79. Fossil. Oregon. 1-228". It approaches to N. Digitus, but is more slender. N. truticata (K.). — Minute, smooth, linear, with tmncato-roimded ends, and an inner marginal border tsvice con- stricted ; front view broadly linear, tnmcate. KB. p. 96, pi. 3. f. 34. Eu- rope. N. Liber (S.). — Linear-oblong, with rounded apices, and 48 delicate sti-iaa in •001" ; colour of dry valve piu-plish. SD. i. p. 48, pi. 16. f. 133. Marine. Sussex. _ N. Stylus (E.). — Elongated, narrow- linear, with roimded ends, and having longitudinal dotted lines on each side. EM. j)l. 15 A. f. 36. Asia ; Lough Moume deposit. N. Ergadensis (Greg.).— Rather small, narrowly linear-oblong, %vith roimded ends ;_ costaj distinct, 25 in -001", nearly reaching the median line, shorter and radiant opposite the roundish, smootli umbilical s^acq. = Pinnularia Eniademis, TM. iv. p. 48, pi. 5. f 22. Scotland. N. styhformis = Pinnularia sti/liformis, EM. ^)1. 38 A. 17. £ 6. Australia, Africa^ America. Elirenberg's figiu-e represents a portion of an elongated, narrow, strictly linear valve, with rhomboid ends, and fine, parallel striie which reach the median lino. N. DactyhK (E., K.).— Large, clou- gated, linear-oblong, passing by a very gentle curve into tlie sliglitly narrower, broadly rounded apices ; pinnules 14 in 1-1200". KB. p.'oS, p{. 28. f. 59.= Pinnularia Daciylus, EA. p. 132, pi. 4. 1. f. 3. Europe, Asia, Africa, America! Lough Mourne deposit. N. viridis (Nitzsch, K.).— Elongated, 908 SYSTEMATIC HISTOET OF Tins nrFusoniA. slender, linear-oblong or linear lanceo- late, with obtuse apices ; 12 to 14 radiant costrs in 1-1200", shorter opposite the central nodule. KB. p. 97, pi. 4. f. 18.= Pinnularia viridis, E., in part ? ; Naviciila viridtda, E. (ix. 133-136.) Common. 1-3000" to 1-280". N. he')m2}te7-a (K.). — Nari'ow, linear- oblong, with obtuse, conic apices, aad 14 or 15 radiant costte in 1-1200", which do not reach the median line. KB. p. 97, pi. 30. f. 11. = Pinnularia hemiptei-a, SB. ii. p. 95. America, Em-ope. Front view lineal', with roimded angles. Often overlooked from its resemblance to N. viridis, from which it is distinguished by its finer strife and naiTower valve. N. cBquinoctialis (Mont.). — Rather lai'ge, linear-oblong, with roimded apices, and 4 stout, radiant pinnules in 1-2600". Montague, Annales des Sciences Nat. 1850, p. 309. Guiana. 1-260" to 1-150". In form it resembles N. Dacti/hts, but differs in its size and much laro-er striae. In the latter respect it approaches to iV. pacht/ptera, but has not the median infla- tion of that species. N. plcu7-opJiora (K.). — Large, stout, oblong, or linear-oblong, with broadly rounded ends, and 6 stout costse in 1-1200". KA. p. 79. ^Pinnularia costata, EM. pi. 4. 2. f. 5 ; Pinnularia megaloptera, EM. pi. 3. 1. f. 4. America, Asia. N. Suecica (E.). — Oblong-eUiptic, with broadly roimded ends, short, stout, rather distant marginal costfe, and large central blank space. E Inf. p. 189, t. 21. f. 18. = Pinnularia Suecica, 'EM. Fossil. Sweden. N. lata (Breb.). — Large, linear-ob- long, with roimded apices, and 8 stout costse in -001", which do not reach the median line, and are shorter and some- what conuivent opposite the central nodule. KA. p. 79. = Pinnularia lata, SB. i. p. 55, pi. 18. f. 167. France, Bri- tain. Front view very broad linear, with rounded angles, truncate ends, and striated margins; the central nodules large. This species approaches closely in character to N. Suecica. N. Dit/itus=Pin7iuluria Digitus, EM. pi. 33. 8." f. 15 ; pi. 38 a. 3 b. f. 1. Ame- rica, Java. This species is figiu-ed aa large, linear-oblong, with broadly rounded ends, and stout, parallel costos which do not reach the median line. N. Dux=Pinnidaria Dux, EM. pi. 8. 2. f. 5. Fossil. Hungary. Ehrcnberg repre- sents it 08 large, elliptic-oblong, with rounded ends and divergent costtc, which do not reach the median line, and arc shorter opposite the central uodidc. N. ostrearia (K.). — Small, elliptic- oblong, with rounded ends, large central nodule, and close, fine stria). KA. p. 77. Mfirine. France. N. retusa (Br6b.). — Sti-iated, namw- linear, with rounded ends; front -view broad, quadi'ate, with romided angles, truncate ends, and concave and stiiated lateral mai-gins. Breb BC. p. 10, pi. 1. f. 6. Marine. Em-ope. The frustules are much compressed ; and con.sequenlly the front view is so much broader than the lateral sm-faces, that it is diflicult to obtain a good sight of the latter. N. retusa, N. apiculata, and a few allied spe- cies probably ought, as suggested by M. de Br^bisson, to foim a separate group, if not a distinct genus, distinguished by the gi'eat comparative breadth of its front view, with its sti-iated and sinu- ated or constiicted lateral margins. N. scita (S.). — Nitescent, linear-ob- long, with attenuated, obtuse ends; strias very faint, 45 in -001" ; nodule smaU. ANH. 1857, xix. p. 8, pi. 2. f. 4. Pyrenees. N. parvida (Greg.). — Small, narrow linear-lanceolate, with obtuse ends and distinct costEe, which do not reach the median \me. = Pinmdaria parva, MJ. ii. p. 98, pi. 4. f. 11. Mull. 2 t Valves linear or oblong, with cuneate ends. N. amphigomplms (E.). — Large, broadly linear, with shai-ply cuneate ends, with or without obscm-e longitudinal lines ; striae obsolete or distinct. EA p. 129, pi. 3. 1. f. 8; EM. many figures. America, Asia, Em-ope. Lough Moume deposit. /3, sti-ia3 distinct. = Pinnularia amphigomjyhus, EM. pi. 14. f. 11. Cavenne, France. f^. dilatata (E.). — Lai'ge, oblong or broadly lineai-, with obtuse, cuneate ends, and fiu-nished -mXh. longitudinal lines near the margins. EM. many figures. Em-ope, Lough Mounie. N. diqyhenia (E., K.). — Linear, elon- gated, -with, shai-ply cuneate ends, finely striated neai- the margins. KB. p. 93, pi. 28. f. 54. = Pinnularia disphcnia, EA p. 132. America, Australia. Approaches to N. amphiia (Greg.). — Minute, smooth, narrow-lanceolate, with somewhat tnm- cate apices ; stam'os linear, nearly reach- ing the margin. MJ. iv. p. 11, pi. 1. f. 37. Scotland. When examined under a high power, the valve exhibits two parallel lines within the mai'gin on each side. S. staurophcena (E.). — Lanceolate, smooth, slightly conti-acted at the sub- acute apices ; stam-os linear, not reaching the margin. E A. p. 135 ; EM. pi. 2. 3. f. 1 1. North America. Distinguished from S. Phcenicenteron by its abbreviated stauros. S. GregoHi (Ralfs). — Rhomboid-lan- ceolate, with acute apices ; stam-os linear, reaching the margin ; stria3 tine, nearly parallel, 60 in ■001". = Staiironeis am- phioxys, Greg. TM. iv. p. 48, pi. 5. f. 23. Scotland. Highly convex, and even in the best position showing the mai'gin as a broad black line, Greg. S. inanis (Perty). — Striated, lanceo- late or eUiptic-lanceolate, witli ^•ery fine transverse striae. Perty, Inf. p. 206, pi. 17. f 7. Alps. In form nearly agreeing with S. linearis, E., but striated. S. lineolata (E.). — Broadly lanceolate, with obtuse apices, and parallel, dotted, longitudinal lines ; stauros linear. EA. p. 135, pi. 2. 1. f. 19. Cayenne. S.pumila (K.). — Minute, cUiptic-lau- ceolate, with acute apices, and short, marginal, punctated, transverse strife ; stauros reaching tlie margin. KB. p. 106, pi. 30. f. 43. Marine. Christianin,. Front view linear, with rounded angles and truncate ends. 1-1440" to 1-1080". S. Achnanthes (E., K.). — I>nnceolate, with obtuse apices ; stritB distinct, ob- lique ; stauros linear, reaching the mar- gin. K13. p. 106, t. 29. f. 22. = Stauroptera Achnanthes, EA. p. 1.36, pi. 3. 3. f 7- EM. pi. 17. 1. f. 10. Australia, Ame- rica, Falaise. 3n 914 SYSTEMATIC HISTOEY OP UTE INFTTSOEIA, S, truncata (Eab.)- — Minute, oblong- lanceolate, \nth very obtuse apices ; staiu'os linear; strias distinct, oblique, 14 or 15 in 1-1200". = Stauro2)tera trun- cata, Rab D. p. 49, pi. 9. f. 12. Bosnia. S. acrocephala (Rab.). — Broadly lan- ceolate ; turgid at the middle, rapidly tapering to the acute apices; stauros dilated outwards, reaching the margin ; sti'iie pimctate, parallel. Rab D. p. 48, pi. 9. f. 19. Saxony. S. acuta (S.). — Elongated slender- lanceolate or rhomboid, tapering to the subacute apices ; stauros conspicuously dilated outwards, reaching the mai'gin ; strife oblique, 30 in -001". SD. i. p. 59, pi. 19. f. 187. Britain, (vu. 76.) S. pulchella (S.). — Lanceolate, or linear-lanceolate ; stauros conspiciiously dilated outwards, reaching the margin ; striae oblique, very distinct, pimctate, 30 in -001". SD. i. p. 61, pi. 19. f. 194. Marine. Britain. (vn. 77.). Front view broad, linear-oblong, with rounded angles and constricted centi-e. S. aspera (E., K.). — Turgid, lanceo- late or linear-lanceolate, with subacute apices ; strias oblique, pimctate-asperate ; stauros abbreviated, dilated outwai'ds. KB. p. 10Q. = Staur(vptera aspera, EA. p. 134, pi. 1. 1. £ 12 ; BC. vii. pi. 1. f. 18. America, Europe. Front view linear, with truncate ends. 2t Valves oval or oblong. S. Fenestra (E.). — Small, eUiptic-ob- long, with parallel marginal lines, and obtuse, cuneate apices. EA. pi. 2. 1. f. 20. America, Japan. S. Pecliii (Rab.). — Small, oval, with rounded ends ; costse stout, 11 or 12 in 1-1200"; stam-os linear, reaching the margin. = Stauroptera Peckii, Rab D. p. 49, pi. 9. f. 13. Lusatia. S. polygramma (E.). — Elliptic-oblong, with rounded ends and longitudinal dotted lines ; stauros abbreviated. EA. p. 135, pi. 2. 6. f. 30. Cuba. S. semicruciata (E.). — Very large, re- sembling Navicula viridis, but having the crucial umbilicus of Stam-oneis. = aS^am- roptera semia-uctata. EB. 1843, p. 45. Asia. 3t Valves linear. S. dendrobates (E.). — NaiTow-linear, with obtuse ends, and a densely and obliquely striated border; front view oblong-quadrate. = Stauroptera dcndro- bates,!^. Under moss on trees. America. 1-490". S. Roraim(F = Stauroptera Roi-aimQn^\n., I. c. p. 23, pi. 3. f. 5. England. -0046"; valve twisted ; median line diagonal at the cen- tre, marginal near the ends. (vm. 49.) D. compacta (Grev.). — Sti-aight, very convex, linear, obtuse, sigmoid fi-om having the ends sloped in contrary directions ; median line much flexed, diagonal at the centre, marginal near the ends ; sta-ise very fine, 53 to 60 in ■001".=Pleti}'Qsiffma conipactum, MJ. V. p. 12, pi. 3. f. 9 ; Pleurosigma rectum, Donkin, TM. \\. p. 23, pi. 3. f. 6 ; Am- phiprora Ralfsii, Amott, MJ. vi. p. 91. Britain. -0045" to -005". Accordmg to Dr. Doniin, the strije are longitudinal and transverse ; colour very pale. D. mhiuta (Donlrin), — Short, very convex, lineai'-oblong, subacute, sigmoid from the sloping of one margin near each end in contraiy directions ; median line much flexed ; strioe very fine, transverse ones distinct, about 55 in -001", longi- tudinal ones ohscm-e. =Pleurosig7na mi- nutuni, Donkin, I. c. p. 24, pi. 3. f. 8. England. -0025" ; colour, very pale brown. D. minuta seems to differ from D. compacta, to which Professor Arnott woidd imite it, chiefly in its smaller size. D. angusta (Donkin). — Very con- vex, linear, with acute, slightly apicu- lated apices ; median line strongly sig- moid, marginal, except a central diagonal portion; strise obscm-e, longitudinal. = Pleurosigma angustmn, Donkin, I. c. p. 24, pi. 3. f. 9. England. -005" to •0055" ; colour dull purple. Another form closely allied to D. compacta, D. reticulata (Norman, MS.). — Linear- lanceolate, with rather obtuse apices; median line strongly diagonal at the centre, then marginal and slightly pro- jecting; striae oblique, distinct, 22 in •001". Stomach of Ascidians, Shark's Bay, Australia. Collected by Dr. Mac- donald. Colom- purplish brown; fr-ont view oblong, with truncate ends and con- stricted middle. For the description of this species we are indebted to George Norman, Esq. Genus AMPHIPEOEA (Ekr.) (Entomoneis, Ehr,). — Erustules free, simple, in front view constricted at ttie middle ; valves convex, with a longitudinal wing, and central and terminal nodules ; strife, when present, transverse. Marine. Amphiprora is distinguished by its lateral wings, whicli are con- stricted at the middle, so that the frustule in front view, when not twisted (which, however, frequently occurs), is more or less panduriform, with tinm- cate or broadly-rounded ends. The late Professor Smith stated that the peculiar frustules of this genus could not be confounded wdth any others, save those of a few species of Nitzschia. From the recent discoveries of Dr. Donkin, Amphiprora is found far more closely allied to Pleiu-osigma and Donldnia. Prom these genera it differs by its alate valves, and by having transverse striae only. According, however, to the late Professor Gregory and Dr. Donkin, the valves of Amphiprora are furnished, in addition to the median crest, with lateral ones also, similar to those of Simrella ; and certainly the frustules in the front view most frequently exhibit a longitu- dinal line on each side between the margin and the central portion — an appearance not unlikely to depend on such a foi-mation, particularly in A. ornata and A. paludosa, in which those lines arc undulated. An end view is required to ascertain whether this be really the case, since the same appearance would result from a depression along the sides of the median crest, and even tlie undulations may be produced by transverse ridges. AMPHiPBonA alata(E.,K.). — Very hya- line, generally twisted ; front view broad- ly winged, strongly constricted; wingcon- tinued roimd the ends ; lateral view with apiculate ends and n double line of puncta accompanying the keel; strine 42 in 922 SYSTEMATIC HISTOEY OP THE INFUSOMA. •001". KB. p. 107 ; SD. i. p. 44, pi. 15. f. 124. = Navtcula and Entomoneis alata, EB. 1845, p. 154. Common, especially in salt-water marshes, (xin. 5 to 7.) 1-570" to 1-430" ; centi-al portion with longitudinal lines. A. Kiitzingii (Br(5b.). — Very hyaline ; front view slightly constricted, longi- tudinally lined, vdth rounded apices. KA. p. 93. Fi-ance. A. comtricta (E.). — Very hyaline ; front view oblong, sinuato-constricted, with rounded ends; lateral view naiTow, with sti-aight median line, and transverse stauros-likeband. EA.p. 122, pi. 2. 6. £28; SD.i.p.44,pl. 15. f. 126. Em-ope, America, (xn. 1.) Strias very faint, 68 in -001". A. duplex (Donkin). — Broad, pandm-i- form, with truncate ends and roxmded angles; lateral view narrow, not stri- ated ; keel strongly sigmoid, imacconi- panied by puncta. TM. vi. p. 165, pi. 3. I. 13. England. Resembles A. alata in the broad, deeply-constricted fi-ont view with conspicuous alte, but differs from it in the absence of strife and puncta, and in the narrow-linear lateral view. A.plicata (Greg.). — Front view deeply constricted, with broadly roimded ends ; each valve with a plate extending from its inner margin to the nodule, furnished like the wings with about 50 fine trans- verse striae in -001" ; central portion with faint vertical lines or folds. GDC. p. 33, pi. 4. f. 57. Scotland. Approaches nearest to A. alata, but differs from it in the folds of the middle space, and. in the presence of lateral plates. Judging from the figm'e quoted, the longitudinal lines are simUar to those present in A. alata and other species, and we doubt the distinction of the lateral plates. A. pulclira (Bailey). — Large ; fi-ont view deeply constricted, with rounded ends, distinctly striated, pimctate near the margin. BC. ii. p. 38, pi. 2. f. 16 & 18. Florida. Of ten twisted ; central portion naiTOW, sigmoid, with a few fine longitudinal lines. A. qiiadrifasciata (Bailey). — Small; front view moderately constiicted, with truncate or slightly rounded ends ; valves striated, lanceolate, with produced ros- tellate apices. BC. ii. p. 38, pi. 2. f. 2-4. United States. When living, the colour- ing matter fomis foui- yello-\vish trans- verse bands ; not contorted. A. vitrcn (S.). — Straight; front view oblong, with rounded ends and slight constriction ; lateral view lanceolate ; striiu 52 in -001". SD. i. p. 44, pi. 81. f. 270. Britain. I A. c%am (S.]|. — Straight; front view linear-oblong, with broadly rounded ends and very slight notch-like constriction ; lateral view lanceolate ; strite 40 iu •001". SD. ii. p. 90. ; GDC. p. 3.3, pi. 4. f. 58. Britain. " Distinguished from .4. vitrea by its longer and comparatively more lanceolate and slender finistule, and closer strise" (S.). Professor Amott would unite this with A. vitrea. A. obtum (Greg.). — Front view linear- oblong, with slightly sinuated sides and rounded ends : striae very line. GDC. p. 34, pi. 4. f. 60. Scotland. Ala of nearly uniform breadth. A. minor (Greg.). — Front view oblong, with slightly sinuated sides and rounded ends ; striae rather coarse ; central smooth portion lanceolate. TM. v. p. 75, pi. 1. f. 38. Scotland. A. pusilla (Greg.). — Front view qua- drangular ; alas slightly constricted, the constriction apparently overlapped by the convexity of the valve ; lateral view acutely lanceolate; striae fine, about 60 in -001". GDC. p. 33, pi. 4. f. 56. Scot- land. A. lepidoptera (Greg.). — Elongated ; fi'ont view linear, with broadly rounded ends ; the notch-like constiiction of the alae apparently overlapped by the con- vexity of the valve ; lateral view lan- ceolate, apiculate ; striae fine, about 48 in -001"; GDC. p. 33, pi. 4. f. 59. Scot- land. The alas ai-e caiiied round the ends, and in the lateral view appear like an apiculus. A. maxima (Greg.). — Front view very broad, pandurifonn, with rounded ends, the notch-like constriction overlapped by the convexity of the valve ; striffl distinct, about 36 in -001" ; lateral view acutely lanceolate. GDC. p. 35, pi. 4 f. 61. Scotland. A. complexa (Greg.). — Fi-ont view broadly panduriform, with broadly round- ed ends; alae with marginal pimcta ; striae delicate, about 45 in -001" ; centi-fil por- tion oblong, vnt\\ concentric longitudinal lines. GDC. p. 36, pi. 4. f. 62. Scot- land. A.paludosa rS.).— Twisted; front view dilated, broadly win":ed, deeply con- stricted, with rounded or tnincate ends, and a waved longitudinal line on each side between the mai-gin and central portion ; sti-iae 60 in -001" SD. i. p. 44, pi. 31. f. 269. Britain. Fresh or slightly brackish water, according to Smith; marine, according to Professor Arnott, A. wwa/rt (Bailey).— Small; front Anew deeply constricted, with truncated or OF THE NATICULEJS. 923 rounded ends, and a longitudinal row of undulations on each side. BC. ii. p. 38, pi. 2. f. 15 & 23. America. Often twisted. " The iiifSe-like rows of pin- nules distinguish this species from all others" (Bailey). Douhtful Species. A. recta (Greg.). — Front Yiew qua- drangular, Avith rounded angles and very slightly constricted sides ; striae fine hut distinct. TM. v. p. 67, pi. 1. f. 40. Scot- land. The figure presents no appearance of alee, but only convex lateral valves,, such as are seen in several species of Navicula. A. navicularis (E.). — Oblong, with obtuse ends and radiant transverse striae ; front view quadrangular, with two piincta at each end. EA. p. 122 ; EM. several figures. Fresh water. America. Apparently a Navicula with the ter- mmal pimcta of the front view less mar- ginal than usual. Genus DTADESMIS (Klitz.). — Frustiiles navicular, united into a filament ; valves with central and terminal nodules. Habit of Fragilaria, but the valves furnished with median line and central nodule. Diadesmis differs from Sphenosira only in having the lateral surfaces with similar ends. * FresMoate}- or Fossil. DiADESJns confervacea (K.). — Breadth of articulations twice the length ; valves minute, smooth, with acute, acuminate ends. KB. p. 109, pi. 30. f. 8. Trinidad. (XIV. 32, 33.) 1-960". B. l(Bvis (E., K.). — Smooth; breadth of articulations three to four times the length. KB. p. 109, pi. 29. f. 69. = Tabel- laria Icevis, EA. pi. 1. 2. f. 17. Chili, (xn. 40.) D. sculpta (E., K.). — Ai'ticulations with striated margins ; valves linear- oblong, with roimded ends and a narrow striated border. KB. p. 109, pi. 29. f. 26. = Tabellaria sculpta, EA. pi. 1. 2. f. 6. Chili. Resembles Navicula borealis, E. D. ? Bacillum (E., K.). — Articidations striated, linear-oblong, with rounded ends, and a large, oblong, longitudinal median nodule. KB. p. 109. = Navicula Bacillum, E. Fossil. Greece. D. Navicula (E.). — Frustules oblong, Bmooth, fom" or five times as long as broad, with a smooth median stricture. = Fragilaria ? Navicula, EA. p. 127, pi. 1. 3. f. 8. Peru. We place this form in Diadesmis because the frustules, in the front view, have a minute punctum at the middle of each lateral mai'gin, — an appearance which usually indicates the presence of central nodules. D. Gallica (S.). — Filaments straight or cm'ved; valves linear-elliptical, with about 45 obscm-e strias in -001". Sm. ANH. Jan. 1857, p. 11, pi. 11. f. 16. Havre. D.pei-egruia (S.). — Victoria tank, Glas- gow. This species is unknown to us. 2* Marine. D. Williarnsoni (S., Greg.). — Front view linear, -with central and terminal dilatations; valves linear, with attenuated ends and 16 to 18 dotted striae in -001. GDC. p. 25, pi. 2. f. 40. = Himantidium WilliamsottijSED. ii. p. 14, pi. 33. f. 287. Marine. Scotland. Genus STIGMAPHORA (Wallich). —Frustules free, naviouloid; valves lanceolate, loculate ; loculi with central and marginal puncta. Marine. Frustules very hyaline, with two minute cells at the mid(Ue of each mai-gin in both views ; valves with median line. SxiGMAPHonA rostrata (Wallich). — Valves rostrate ; beaks with a median row of puncta. TMi viii. p. 43, pi, 2. f.5, 6. (viu.43.) India. S. lanceolata (Wallich). — Valves acutely lanceolate, without median rows of puncta. TM. viii. p. 43, pi. 2. f. 7, 8. Inma. 924 SSSTEMATIC HISTOHY OP THE rNFUSORIA. 2* Frustules naviculoid, enveloped in gelatine or enclosed in a definite tubular or gelatinous frond. Subfamily SCHIZONEME^ oe LACERNAT^. This group is remarkable for the great external resemblance some of its species have to acknowledged Algae, widely as they differ in internal structure. Genus FEUSTTJLIA (Ag.). — Frustules bacUlar or navicular, immersed in an amorphous gelatinous substance. For the present we retain this genus in the SchizonemeiE, but believe that, in most if not all the species, the frus- tules are more like a Synedra than a Navicula, and want the central nodnle of the latter. t Striae evident. FnusTinLiA salhia (E.). — ^Very narrow linear, transversely stiiated ; in front view with rounded ends, in lateral view sud- denly acute. E Inf. p. 232. Saline springs, Germany. 2 1 Strise wanting, or very indistinct. F. Kutzinc/iana (Rab.). — Smooth, lan- ceolate, with tnmcate apices. Rab D. p. 35, pi. 8. f 3. = Synedra mucieola, KB. p. 68, pi. 14. f. 5. On stones in a rivulet near Nordhausen. F. minuta (Rab.). — Minute, linear, smooth, in front view with truncate apices ; valves with acutely cimeate ends. Rab D. p. 35. t. 8. f. 4. = Synedra Friis- tidum, KB. pi. 30. f 77. Fresh water. Germany and Italy. It forms an olive- brown gelatinous mass on stones, and becomes green in di-ying. F. torfacea (Braun). — Rhomboid-lan- ceolate, with obtuse apices, a stout me- dian rib, and small central nodule. RabD. p. 50, t. 7. f 2. Germany. It forms dii'ty- yellow, rather firm, smooth or rugged gelatinous masses about plants in bogs. An authentic specimen from Professor Braun appears to us identical with Na- vicvla rhomboides. F. Saxonica (Rab.). — Slenderer than F, torfacea, with valves more acute; front view linear, with broadly rounded ends. Rab D. p. 50, t. 7. f. 1. Saxony, Fonns dirty-olive-brown tremulous jelly- like masses in" little cavities of damp rocks. F. Smcheriana (Kah.^. — Valves spin- dle-shaped, with acute, pointed ends; front view naiTow-lanceolate, ■with ob- tuse apices. Rab D. p. 50, pi. 10. i. 14. Germany. Fonns dirty gelatinous masses on moss in streams. F. acicidaris (E.). — Bacilla slender, smooth, with acute apices ; valves more acute, like a fine needle. ERBA. 1853, p. 527. Mai'ine. Kingston Bay. Frus- tules like those of F-agilaria HJtabdo- soma, but ftee and heaped together without ordei-. F. bacillaris (E.). — Bacilla linear, pin- nulate, with truncate apices in the front, and romided in the lateral ^new. EB. 1853. Marine. Kingston Bay. This species, like -F. acicidaris, seems included in gelatine dilated like an idva, which, when dry, appears membranaceous. In the same' membrane both species are m- cluded, with many other Diatomacea;. Genus MASTOGLOIA (Thwaites).— Frastules oblong, naviculoid, annulate, in a gelatinous mammillate cushion or frond ; annuli loculated ; locuh open- ing by foramina along the line of suture. " The finistules of Mastogloia are notably distinct from those of the other genera of this tribe, having the annulate structure of Ehabdonema with the canaliculi of SirrireUa." " li^c canaliciili are, however, formed differently fi'om those of Surirella, not hcmg connected with the valve, but with the annulus, which projects as a scptiim into the body of the frustule. The frastule itself is ordinaiily cxcentnc to the mucus developed around it, and sits as it were on the summit of a httle nipplc-liko cushion of gelatine " (Smith). pi. 62. f 388. = Dicktcia Danseii, ANR. 1848. Brnclcish water. Britain. (xy.30.) Mastogloia Danseii (ThwaitesV — Valves clliptic-oblonfr, with 8 to 20 lo- culi; strite 42 in 001". SD. ii. p. 04, M. hinceoMa (Thw.).— Valves oblong- OF THE KAVICTJLE^. 925 lanceolate, -witli subacute apices and 8 to 30 locidi ; strife 42 in -001". SD. ii. p. 64, pi. 54. f. 340. Brackish water. Britain. M. Smithii (Thw.). — Valves oblong- lanceolate, with produced, obtuse or capitate apices, and 6 to 24 loculi ; sti-iro 42 in -001". SD. ii. p. 65, pi. 54. f. 341. Fresh or brackish water. Britain. M. apiculata (S.).— Valves elliptic- lanceolate, with slightly produced, ob- tuse, conic apices, and 30 to 50 loculi ; strijB 42 in -OOl". SD. ii. p. 65, pi. 62. f. 387. Marine. Britain. M. GrevilUi (S.). — Valves linear, with obtuse, cuueate ends, and 15 to 20 locuH ; strife moniliform, 24 in 001. SD. ii. p. 65, pi. 62. f. 389. Fi-esh water. Britain. M. minutu (Grev.). — Valve elliptic- lanceolate or elliptic-oval, conspicuously apiculate ; locidi 12 to 18 ; sti-ise very fine and close. Trinidad. Grev. MJ. v. p. 12, pi. 3. f. 10. It is a species evidently allied to M. apiculata, but differs in_ being scarcely half the size, and essentially in the much larger loculi ; it is also much more apiculate. Genus PHLYCT^NIA (Kutz,).— Frustules navicular, included in (globose) gelatinous cells. Marine. smooth (?), linear, with rounded ends contained in distinct, but contiguous, gelatinous cells. KA. p. 9Q. = D-ustulia maritima, E Inf. p. 232. Near Gothen- burg. 1-1200" to 1-1150". This species occurs as a brownish jelly-like mass on stones. In the gelatinous cells Ehr-- enberg observed fi'om one to twenty frustules. Phxyct^nia minuta (K.). — ^Parasitic ; ceUs hyaline, achromatic, solitary, scat- tered, or binately approximate and aggre- gated ; included naviculse few, binately or quatemately conjoined, smooth ; front view linear, with truncate apices ; valves broadly lanceolate, with acumi- nated ends. KSA. p. 96. Adriatic Sea. P. maritima (E., K.). — Navicul* Genus DICKIEIA (Berkeley). — Erond subgelatinous, plane, attenuated to- wards the base, containing scattered, navicular, imperfectly sUicious frustules. Marine. Dickieia is distinguished by its plane frond and scattered frustules. DiCKEEiA ulvoides (Berk.). — Frond undivided ; valves elliptical. ANH. xiv. pi. 9; SBD. ii. p. 66, pi. 54. f. 342. Britain, (xv. 31.) Frond linear or obovate-stipitate ; sti-ise obscure, 36 in •001" ; nodule transverse, Sm. D. pinnata (Palfs). — Frond divided ; valves elliptic-lanceolate. ANH. 2nd ser. viii. pi. 5. f 6; SBD. ii. p. 66, pi. -54. f. 343. Britain. Autumn. Di^dsions of frond subpinnate; striae obscm-e, 40 in •001" ; nodule pimctifonn, Sm. Genus EHAPHIDOGLCEA (Kiitz.). — Frond globose, gelatinous, tender, filled with fusiform bundles of naviculae disposed in radiating thi'eads. Marine. " The principal character of this genus is taken from the amor- phous disposition of the gelatinous substance in which tho frustules ai'e immersed. The frustules are mixed together in a disorderly manner in Berkeleya, whilst in Ehaphidogloea they are arranged in fusiform fascias, confluent by the pointed extremities " (Meneg.). We think this genus might, without inconvenience, be united with Berkeleya. RnAPHiDOGi.CEA mcclusina (IC). — Minute ; fascicles lanceolate-acuminate, in irregular, reticulately -branched, con- tinuous, radiating threads ; naviculse lanceolate. KB. p. 110, pi. 22. f. 7. Me- diterranean Sea. 1-600". P. manipulata (K.). — Globose, pisi- fomr; rays of fascicles reticulated, not interrupted; naviculaj linear-lanceolate, obtuse. KB. p. 110, pi. 22. f. 5. Europe. 1-700" to 1-200". R. interrupta (K.). — Pisiform, with slender rays of fascicles, interrupted in a joint-like manner, with gi-adually ta- pering branches; navicidsB linear, slightly attenuated at the truncate apices. KB. p. 110, pi. 22. f. 6. Adriatic Sea. 1-300". B. mtcam (Lyngb., K.). — Subglobose ; rays of tlie larger fascicles irregidar, obsolete ; naviculse linear - lanceolate, subulate, rather acute, elongated. KB. p. 110, pi. 22. f. 8. = Schizo»ema micaiis, AD. p. 17 ; Naunema micanj^, E Inf. Friistnlia costnta, Lobarzeusltyinljinnira, 1840, pi. 5. f. 1. Europe. Uv. Tulfeu West informs us that, from careful obser- vation of living specimens, he is satisfied that this species is identical with Am- phiplmra pcllncida, in wliich opinion tho late Prof. Smith fidly concurred. 926 SYSTEMATIC HISTOET OF THE INFTJSOBIA. Genus BEEKELEYA (Grev.). — Fnistules naviculoid, linear-lanceolate included within tubular submembranaceous filaments, which are free at their extremities, but immersed . below in a more or less definite tubercle. Marine. Berkeleya differs from Schizonema in having the base of the fila- ments immersed in an orbicular gelatinous tubercle. This tubercle is at first fii'm and definite, but finally, especially when growing on rocks, becomes enlarged, soft, and often somewhat indefinite. Bekkeleya fragilis (Grev.). — Fila- ments subsimple, minute ; frustnles crowded, slender, lanceolate or linear- lanceolate, with the strias obsolete or wanting. GBF. p. 416 ; SD. ii. p. 67, pi. 54. f. 344. On Zostera, Algas, and rocks. Europe. The gelatinous tubercle during growth becomes attenuated and more dSFused, and sometimes forms an indefinite slimy covering about the base of the filaments. In a di-ied state this species acquires a metallic lustre. B. Adriatica (K.). — Filaments branch- ed ; branches distinctly subdivided ; frus- tnles narrowly linear-lanceolate, rather obtuse. KB. p. 109, pi. 22. 1 4. Adriatic Sea. (xrv. 34, 35.) 1-300". Scarcely distinct from B. fragilis. Genus COLLETOKEMA (Breb.). — Frustnles naviculoid, arranged in series within a tender, simple or divided, filiform or globose frond. Aquatic. According to Professor Smith, " the freshwater habitat and slightly divided frond distinguish the present genus from Sclmonema; and [he adds] the frustnles are also more firmly siliceous than those of that genus, and the character of the valve can usually be well seen after maceration in acid." Professor Kiitzing describes CoUetonema as having a filifonn frond composed of series of naviculfe held together and enveloped by an amorphous gelatinous mucus, without an exterior gelatinous tube. We doubt if any of the above characters sufiiciently distinguish CoUetonema from the allied genera, becaiise they are either inadmissible in generic definitions, uncertain, or not peculiar to the genus. The absence of an external tube, if constant, would be of generic importance ; but we sometimes find the frastule contained within an evident (although tender and evanescent) tube, whilst in Micromega, on the other hand, the presence of an external tube is sometimes doubtful. The fronds are exceedingly thin and tender, readily permitting the escape of their frustnles, which may then be mistaken for species belonging to other genera ; thus Professor Smith remarks that it is possible that Pinnularia radiosa may be merely the free state of CoUetonema neglectum, and Navicula crassinervia the same condition of C. vulgare. CoLLETONEMA eximium (Thw., K.). — Frond filiform ; frustule in lateral view sigmoid, striated. KA. p. 891 ; SD. ii. p. 69, pi. 56. I 350. = ScMzonema eximium, ANH. 1848} Gloionema sig- moides, EB. 1845 ; Encyonema sigmoides, KA. p. 62. ? Britain, Deraerara ? Valves linear, sigmoid from the ends sloping in opposite directions ; strioe 50 in -Oul". (viii. 43.) C. viridulum (Br6b.). — Frond filifonn ; naviculffl spirally and densely arranged ; valves lanceolate, rather obtuse, smooth ; front view linear-oblong, slightly and gradually attenuated towards the ti-un- cate apices. KA. p. 105. France. 0. lacustre (Ag., K.). — Frond filiform, simple or subramose, finer than a hair, enclosed in an imperceptible membrane ; naviculoo elliptic or parnllelogramic, in a single or double series. KSA. p. 105. = Scliizonema lacustre, Ag CD. p. 18.- Sweden. Tufts erect, brownish yellow; in size and habit like SpJiacclaria cirrosa. C. vidgarc (Thw.). — Frond filiform, simple or di%dded, gradually tapering, containing one or two regular rows of frustules ; valves oblong-lanceolate, with slightly contracted, obtuse ends. SD. iL p. 70, pi. 56. f. = Schizonema vulgare, ANH. 1848. England and France. Less common, according to Professor Smith, than the next species. Stri.ne 72 in -001". C. ncglccium (Thw.).— Frond slightly divided, obtuse, containing nmueroiis and closely packed fi-ustules ; valves lan- ceolate, witii obtuse ends. SBD. ii- p. 70, pi. 56. f. 352. = Schizonema neg- lectutn, ANH. 1848. England. C. subcohroper form and all exhibiting spaces between, not yet having become closely applied to each other' X 400. 68, 69. P. Boryanum : microgonidia treated with tinctiu'o of iodine and sul- phuric acid, showing the vibratile cilia, the slightly retracted contents, and a nucleus X500. (Figs. G3-6y after Braun.) PLATE II. (Desmids). Figures 1 &, 5. Closterium Leibleinii (Kg.), x200: 1. A frond filled with endochrome and an empty one lying across it (the latter shows tlie central suture) ; 5. S]iorangi\im lying between the conjugated, and now empty fronds. 2 & 6. Closteri\nn striohitum (Ehr.) XlOO: 2. A frond witli cndoclirome, sliowing the longitudinal lillcta and flie single row of large granules; 6. Two empty conjugated fronds, sliowing the stritc and the orbicular 950 DESCRIPTION OP TILE ENGEAVHTGS, Bporangium lying between them, enveloped in mucus. 3. Staiu-astrum (Desmidium, Elir.) euatophanum, e. v. 4. Spii-otajnia condensata (Br6b.), x200: the frond is seen with its spiral band of endoclvrome, and surrounded by a mucous hyaline sheatli. 7. iStaurastrum (Desmidium, E.) senariiun. 8 & H. Docidium Ehrcnbergii (Ealfs), x 100 : 8. Conjugating fronds, the sporangium in an early stage of development ; 11 shows the process of develop- ment by fission, the young segments partially grown. 9. Docidium clavatum (Kg.), x 100, 10&30. Euastrum jDectinatum (Br6b.), x200: 10. A single frond; 30. Tlie spinouB sporangium, the empty segments adjacent. 12, 13. Tetmemorus Brebissonii (Ealfs), x 200: 12. f. V. ; 13. s. v. 14, 15. Penium margaritaceum (Br6b.), x200: 14. f v. var. a; 15. s. V. of two empty fi-onds, var. y, the sporangium between them. 16, 17. Staurastrum alternans (Breb.), x400: 16. f. v.; 17. e. v. 18 & 23. Xanthidium cristatum (Br6b.), X400: 18. f. v.; 23. e. v. 19 & 36. Scenodesmus quadi-icauda (Ealfs), x400: 19. A j'rond of two cells ; 36. one of foiu" cells. 20, 21, 24, 25 & 31. Staui-astrum polymor- phum (Breb.), x400; 20. e. v. (of five-rayed var.); 21&31. f.v. ; 24. A frond multi- plying by selt-division ; 25. Sporangium with its furcate spines, and around it the empfy and previously conjugated fronds. 22. Micrasterias denticulata (Breb.), X 100, sporan- gium of. 26. Cosmai'ivim cselatum (Ealfs), X300: front view of frond multiplying by self-division, the young segments partially grown and their surface stiU smooth. 27. Pe- diastrum tetras (Ealfs), x400, f.v. of a frond. 28, 29. Tetrachastrum oscitans (Diion), XlOO: 28. f. v. ; 29. tr. v. of e. f. 32 & 35. Hyalotheca dissihens (Brdb.): 32. x200, tr. V. with investing hyaline gelatinous sheath; 35. X400, f.v., also showing the sheatL 33,34. Cosmai'ium undulatum (Corda), x400 : 33. f.v. ; 34. Sporangium with the empty fronds. 37 & 40. Desmidium quadrangulatum (Ealfs): 37. X 200, f. v. of fila- ment; 40. X300, tr. V. 38,39. Didymoprium Borreri (Ealfs), x400: 38. tr. v.; 39. Portion of a filament, f. v. Diatoms : — 41, 42. Lithodesmium undulatum ; 43. Eucampia Zodiacus. Desmid : — 44. Micrasterias Americana. Diatoms : — 45. Podosira monilifor- mis attached to Polysiphonia ; 46, 47, 49, 50. Biddulphia pulcheUa; 48. Denticella Biddulphia. PLATE III. (Desmids). Figure 1. Gonatozygon Ealfsii (De Bary), tliree joints of, x300 ; 2. Same, conju- gated, showing sporangiiun, XoOO. 3. Genicularia spirottenia (De Bary), single joint of, X 150 (vide De Bary, op. cit. iv. 1. p. 717), X300. 4. Leptocystinema Eiiahani (Archer), X200, shovsing front and side views of the band of eudochrome, and two joints with nascent halves. 5. Aptogonum Baileyi (Ealfs), X400; 6. Same, e. v. 7. Desmidium Aptogonum (Br6b.), portion of a filament, X400; 8. Same, e. v. x400. 9. Spondylosium depressum (Br6b.), x300: five joiuts, one dividing. 10. S. pulchellum (Archer), x450: five joints of a filament. 11. Euastrum oblongum (Ealfs), x200. 12. E. insigne (Hass.), X200. 13. E. binale (Ealfs), X 400. 14. Cosmarium pyramidatum (Breb.). X 300; 15. Same, e. v. x300. 16. C. cylindricum (Ealfs), x300; 17. Same. e. v. x300. 18. Staurastrum avicula (Br(5b.), x 300; 19. Same, e. v. x300. 20. S. teliferiun (KaUs), X300; 21. Same, o.v. x300. 22. S. spongiosum (Brdb.), x300; 23. Same, e.v. x300. 24. S. quadraugulare (Br6b.), x300; 25. Same, e. v. 26. S. globulatum (Br^b.); 27. Same, e.v. 28. S. gi-acile (Ealfs), x300; 29. Same, e.v. x300. 30. S. restitum (Ealfs), x300; 31. Same, tr. v. x300. 32. S. fureigerum (Breb.), x200; 33. Same, cv. X200. 34. S. margaritaceum (Menegh.), X 300 ; 35. Same, e. v. X 300. 36. Arthro- desmus Incus (Hass.), X 400. 37. Triploceras verticillatum (Bailey). 38. Docidium Baculum(Breb.), x200. 39. Clostorium didymotocum (Corda), XlOO. 40. C. turgidum (Elir.), X 100. 41. C. Uneatum (Ehr.), X 100 ; 42. Same, conjugated, showing the double t sporangium, XlOO. 43. C. attenuatum (Ehr.), XlOO. 44. C. rostratimi (Elu-.). XlOO. ' 45. Penium interruptum (Br6b.), X200. 46. Docidium Elu-cnbergii (Ealfs), x200,aftOT W. Arclier (Nat. Hist. Eeview, vii. p. 375) : commencement of growth of lateral tube preparatory to the formation of zoospores. 47. Same, the zoospores emitted and forming an external cluster (p. 716). 48-54. After De Bary (op. cit.) ; all X 190, showing develop- ment of sporangium of Cosmarium Bofrytis (Meiiegh.) : 48. The inner membrane witii contents escaping by bursting tlio outer wall of the sporangium ; 49. The same esoapea. somewhat fm-thcr developed, preparatory to segmentation of the contents, tlie extCTnal membrane doubled; 50. Tlie same, division finished; 51. The same, li hour after; 52. The same, at a later stage; 53. Gfrm-ccUs, ordinarv vegetative division begun; 54. Product of the first division of a germ-ccU, each new half (but not until now) liaraig assumed the characteristic form of the species. 55-60. After De Bary (op. cit.), all XoA . sliowing development of sporangiiun o( Cosmarium Mcneghiuii (Breb.) : 55. Empty ou - eidc coat of a sporangiiun witli an open sht or fissure by \\\nch the inner membrane (witli contents) has come out; 56. Tlie emerged inner membrane and contents; 57. A pan* ot germ-cells formed therein ; 58. The same, one escaping ; 59, 60. Products of the germ- DESCKIPTION OF THE ENGEAVINGS. 951 cells, showing one segment tbo form of the gevm-cell, the other, ordinary vegetative division supervening, having assumed that characteristic of the species. 61. Euastrum didelta (Ealfs), X 150, abnormal condition of, after W. Archer (Nat. Hist. Eeview, vi. p. 469), sho^ving a central irregular sti-uoture produced between the original segments, apparently owing to the non-formation of a septum on the resumption of vegetative growth, and forming with them but one uninterrupted cavity ; and in tliis instance the new central growth having assumed the size and neai-ly the form of an entu-e frond, its axis of growth and plane of expansion are at right angles to the old segments. 62. Ai-throdesmus Incus (Hass.), XSOO, abnormal condition of, after W. Ai-cher, I.e., showing an abnormal growth analogous to preceding, but carried on to another vegetative generation, the middle portion being older than those produced between it and the original segments, the whole still forming within but one iminterrupted cavity. 63. Cosmocladium pulcheUum (Breb.), X250. PLATE rv. (Diatoms). [Plates IV. to VIII. are engraved by Mr. Tuffen West. Many of the figures are from original drawings, others from specimens, and all of them are magnified 300 diameters.] Figure 1. Epithemia tm-gida, f. and s. v. 2. E. Westermanni. 3. Eunotia pentaglyphis. 4. E. triodon. 5. Amphicampa mirabihs. 6. Himantidium pectinale, f. and s. v. 7. Podosphenia Ehrenbergii, f. and s. v. 8. Ehipidophora paradoxa. 9. Licmophora flabel- lata. 10. Podocystis Adriatica. 11. Sceptroneis Caduceus. 12. Dimeregramma sinu- atum, f. and s. v. 13. Diatoma vulgare, f. and s. v. 14. D. elongatum. 15. D. Ehi'en- bergii. 16. D. hyalinum, f. and s. v. 17. Asterionella formosa. 18. A. Ealfsii. 19. Bacillaria paradoxa, f. and s. v. 20. B. cm-soria. 21. Mtzscliia Sigma. 22. N. scalaris, f. and s. V. 23. Ceratoneis longissima, f. and s. v. 24. Homceocladia Martiana, f. and s. v. 25. H. iiliformis. 26. H. sigmoidea. 27. Synedra Ai'cus, f. and s. v. 28. S. pulchella, f. and s. V. 29. S. capitata.. 30. Amphipleura pellucida. 31. A. inflexa. 32. Plagio- gramma pulcheUum, f. and s. v. 33. Dimeregramma nanum, f. and s. v. 34. D. distans, f. and s. V. 35. D. Tabellaria, f. and s. v. 36. Tryblionella graciUs. 37. T. acuminata. 38. Campylodiscus Hibernicus. 39. C. spirahs. 40. StriateUa vmipunctata, f. and s. v. 41. Rhabdonema minutum, f and s. v. 42. Hyalosira delicatula, f. and s. v. 43. Rhab- donema Crozieri, f. and s. v. 44. Biblai-ium CasteUiim (EM. 33. 2. 1.). 45. StylobibUum Clypeus. 46. Gomphogramma rupestre, f. and s. v. 47. Grammatophora marina. 48. G. serpentina, f. and s. v. 49. Gephyria media, f. and s. v. upper and under valves. 50. G. incmwata, f. and s. v. ditto. 51. Diatomella Balfouriana, f. and s. v. 52. Disi- phonia australis. PLATE V. (Diatoms). Figure 53. Cyclotella operculata, f. and s. v. 54. C. rectangida, f. and 8. v. 55. Actinogonium septenarium. 56. Liostephania magnifica. 57. L. Rotida. 58. Dictyo- lampra Stella. 59. Mastogonia Actinoptychus. 60. Hyalodiscus subtilis. 61. Podosira Montagnei, f. and s. v. 62. Melosh-a Horologium, f. and s. v. (EM. 33. 2. 17). 63. M. Bubflexilis, f. and s. v. 64. M. nummuloides, f. and s. v. 65. M. orichalcca. 66. Asto- romphalus Arachne. 67. Melosira Roseana, f. and s. v. 68. Discosira sulcata, f. and s. v. 69. StephanocUscus yEgyptiacus, f. and s. v. 70. Endictya oceanica, f. and s. v. 71. Me- losira Borreri, f. and s. v. 72. Liparogyra spiralis, f. and s. v. 73. Peristephauia Eutycha. 74. Stephanopyxis Turris. 75. S. ferox, f. and s. v. 76. Xanthiop.yxis oblonga. 77. Stephanogonia polygona, f. and s. v. 78. Coscinodiscus ovalis. 79. Astcroniphalus Brookei. 80. Oraspedodiscus Coscinodiscus. 81. Systephania Corona. 82. Ilalionyx imdenarius. 83. Coscinodiscus stellaris. 84. Actinocyclus Ralfsii. 85. Heterostcphania Rothii. 86. Asteromphalus Darwinii. 87. A. elegans. 88. Actinoptychus undulatus, f. and 8. V. 89. Coscinodiscus concinuua. 90. Odontodiscua eccehtricus. PLATE VI. (Diatoms). Figure 1. Auliscus pruinosua. 2. Eupodiscus Argus : a, s. t. ; h, f. v. (the latter from Kiitzing). 3. Auliscus scidptua : a, a. v. ; 6, f. v. 4. Aulacodiscua Oreganus. 5. A. Beeveriic. 6. Porpeia quadriceps : a, s. v. ; h, f. v. 7. Cerataidua Isevia : a, s. v. ; b, filament. 8. Hydrosera comprcssa, a. v. 9. Ceratauliis turgidus : a, s. v. ; fi, f. v'. 10. Biddulphia Tuomcyi: «, s. v. ; 6, f. v. 11. Zygoceros Mobdiensia: a, a. v. ; 6, f. v. 12. Biddulpliia Indica. 13. Hydrosera triquetra : a, a. v. ; A, filament. 14. Ilomitliscus cuneiformis: a, a. v.; b, f. v. 15. Triccralium Solenoceros. 16. T. cxiguiuu. 17. T. 952 DESCRIPTION OF THE ENGEATrNOS. venosum. 18. T. contortum. 19. T. spinosum. 20. T. punetatum. 21. T. altemans: a, 8. V. ; b, f. V. 22. Amphipcntas flexaosus : a, with five angles ; h, var. witli four angles! 23. Pleurodesmium Brdbissonii : a, s. v. ; b, f. v. 24. Chaitoceros Wighaniii : a, Gonio- thecium-like frustule, f. v. ; b, same, s. v. ; c, s. v. of connecting zone and awns without the frustule; f/, filament entire. 25. C. boreale: a, s. v. ; f. v. 26. Bacteriastrum furcatum. 27. B. Wallichii ; a, s. v. ; b, filament (Tliis figure is introduced for the sake of the f. y. which so closely resembles Bacteriastrum furcatum and B. curvatum as to be undistin- gnishable in this aspect). 28. Dicladia Capreolus : a, s. v. ; b, f. v. 29. Goniothecium Odontella: «, s. v. ; i, f. v. 30. Periptera teti-acladia. PLATE VII. (Diatoms). Figvire 31. Rhizosolenia Caly^stra. 32. R. styliformis, from a figure sent by G. Norman, Esq., Hull. 33. R. setigera. 34. Syringidium Americanum. 35. Hercotheca mam- miUaris. 36. Cocconeis Placentula. 37. C, transversalis. 38. C. distans. 39. C. pseudo- marginata. 40. C. excentrica. 41. Achnanthidium coarctatum. 42. Achnanthes longipes. 43. A. subsessilis. 44. A. exilis. 45. Cymbella cuspidata. 46. C. Ehrenbergii. 47. Cocconema parvum : a, s. v. ; b, f. v. 48. C. Boeckii : a, a. v. ; b, f. v. 49. Encyonema prostratum (frustules) : a, s. v. ; b, f. v. 50. Amphora angularis. 51. A. membranacea. 52. A. litoralis. 53. Syncyclia Salpa. 54. Amphora cymbifei-a: a, upper surface in focus ; b, lower surface in ditto. 55. Navicula tumida : a, s. v. ; b, f. v. 56. Amphora ovalis. 57. A. spectabilis: a, up^jer surface in focus; b, lower surface in ditto. 58. A. hyalina. 59. A. marma. 60. Gomijhonema geminatum. 61. Navicula didyma. 62. N. Hitchcockii. 63. Stauroneis obUqua. 64. S. Crucicula. 65. Navicula (Pinnularia) major. 66. N. producta. 6?. Stauroneis linearis. 68. Navicula rhynchocephala. 69. N. Hennedyi. 70. N. latissima. 71. N. rhombica. 72. N. Amphisbajna : a, s. v. ; 6, f.T. 73. N. Cluthensis. 74. N. boi-ealis. 75. N. maxima. 76. Stauroneis acuta. 77. S. pulchella, PLATE VIII. (Diatoms). Figure 1. Oncosphenia? (Diatoma elongatiun y, SBD.). 2. Eupleuria ocellata. 3. Synedra robusta 4. Dimeregramma pinnatum. 5. Tessella iiiterrupta. 6. Dimeregramma Harrisonii. 7. Nitzscliia Brightwellii. 8. Eupleuria pulchella. 9. Achnanthidium trinode. 10. Tetracyclus lacustris, s. v. 11. Cladogramma Califomicum. 12. Rhab- donema mirificimi, f. v. and s. v. 13. Cyclotella punctata. 14. Asteromphalus centraster, punctations of compartments omitted. 15. Omphalopelta areolata. 16. Amphitetras ornata. 17. Melosira arenaria, s. v. 18. Cosciaodiscus nitidus. 19. Perithyra denaria. 20. Syringidium bicorne. 21. Asteromphalus heptactis. 22. Euodia gibba. 23. Bid- dulpliia Macdonaldii. 24. Aulacodiscus Blittoni. 25. Periptera chlamidophora. 26. Coseinodiscus excavatus. 27. Triceratium trisulcum. 28. Aulacodiscus pulcher. 29. Triceratium castellatvun. 30. Eunotogramma, s. v. 31. Microtheca octoceras. 32. Pleu- rosigma formosum. 33. P. Balticum. 34. Podosira? compressa. 35. Attheya decora. 36. Staurogramma Persicum. 37. Anaulus scalaris. 38. Scliizonema Greiillii. 39. Lysicyclia Vogelii. 40. Schizonema Dill^vynii. 41. Rliizouotia Melo ? 42. Rhizosolenia robusta. 43. Colletouema eximium. 44. Omphalotheca liispida. 45. Plcurosiphonia affinis. 46. Tosonidea undulata. 47. CoUetonema negleotum. 48. Stigmaphora roslrata. 49. Donkinia cai'inata, s. v. 50. Calodiscus superbus. PLATE IX. (Diatoms). Figure 131. Melosira sulcata. »131. M. varians. 132. Ac(inoptychus senariuB. 133-136. Navicula viiidis. 137, 138. SiuireUa striatula. 139. Stauroneis^ Plioemc- enteron. 140. Amphipleura pcUucida. 141. Navicula Amphisbivna. 142. StaiuK)neis platystoma. 143. Navicula nodosa. 144. Pleurosigma Balticum. 145. P. hippoeanipus. 146. P. acuminatum. 147. Synedra subtilis. 148. Nitzscliia sigmoidea. 149. toplcura cUiptica. 150-152. Surirella splcndida. 153. Amphora ovalis. 154. GymbeUa Ehrenbergii. 155. Cymatopleura Solea. 156-161. Epithemia turgida (except, m group 157, those (igures marked with a cross). *157. Epitliemia Wes(ernianni. 162, 163. Ooc- conois sculclhun. 164. Eunotia triodon. 165. Epithemia granulatn. 166, 167. Bacu- laria paradoxa. 168. Diatoma vulgare. 169. D. elongatuni. 170. D. niesodon. 1/1. Himantidiuni pectinale. 172. Odontidium hyemalc. 173-175. Fragilana cap\icina. 176. F. virescens. 177-179. Meridion circulare. 180-182. Rhabdonema arcuatiuii. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENGHATINGS. 953 PLATE X. (Diatoms and Protozoa). Figure 183. Isthmia enervis. 184. Synedi-a Ulna. *185. S. capitata. 185. S. luiiai-is. 186. Podosplienia gracilis. 187-190. Gomphonema constTictum. 191-193. Licmopbora flabellata. 194, 195. Cocconema lanceolatum. 196-198. C. Cistula. 199-202. Achnanthes brevipes. 203, 204. Rbabdonema arcuatum. 205. Aciiieta mystacina. 206. Syncyclia Salpa. 207. Schizonema Hoffmannii. 208. Micromega Agardliii. Protozoa: — 209-211. Cyclidium Glaucoma. 212. Pantotriclium Enchelys. 213. Cbffitomonas Globulus. 214, 215. Cbastotyplila armata. 216-218. Cha;toglena volvocina. 219, 220. Peridinium Tripos. 221. P. Michaelis. 222, 223. Peridinium Fusus. 224-226. Glenodinium apicuJatum. 227. Trichodina tentaculata. 228-230. T. Pediculus. 231, 232. Urocentrum Turbo. 233, 234. Stentor Eoeselii. PLATE XI. (Diatoms). Figxires 1 to 8. Epitbemia togida (Tbwaites) : 1. A view of concaTe sui-face ; 2. A side view ; 3. Apposition of concave surfaces in the first stage of conjugation ; 4. A front view of a single endocbrome, sbowing it to bave divided into two segments ; 5. The young sporangia lymg transversely between the cleft parent frustules ; 6. The same, viewed end- ways, sbowing their cyhndiical figure; 7. Increased growth of the sporangia; 8. The pro- duced sporangia ultimately much larger than parent fronds, and now striated like the latter. At the commencement of conjugation the fronds are enveloped in mucus, as shown. 9, 10, 11, 12. Gomphonema curvatum (Tbwaites), illustrating the process of conjugation in this being, which generally resembles that in Epitbemia. 14. Melosira nummuloides (Ealfs). 17. Gomplionema minutissimum (Tbwaites) conjugating. 18. Dinophysis acuta (Ehr.), f.v. 19. D. limbata (Ebr.), f. V. 20 & 27. Melosira coarctata (Ehr.), f. vs. 21,22. Amj)bitetras antediluviana (Ealfs) : 21. A partial s. v. ; 22. filament. 24, 25. Tetracyclus lacustris (Ealfs) : 24. Eilament ; 25. A marginal view. 26. Melosira sulcata (Ehr.), a filament. 28. Actinoptychus Jupiter (Ehr.). 29. Melosfra ItaUca (Elu-.), filament. 30. Sphenosira Catena (Ehr.), filament. 31. Actinoptychus? hexaptera (Elu*.). 32. Ampbipentas? alternans (Ehr.). 33. Asterolampra Marylandica (Ehi-.). 34. Asterom- phalus Hookeri (Ehr.). 35. Heliopelta Metii (Ehr.). 36. Symbolopbora Trinitatis (Ebr.). 37. Spirillina vivipara (Ebr.) : a member of the family ArceUina, having a close afiiaity with the calcareous-shelled Polytlialaniia or Eoraminifera. 38. Craspedodiscus elegans (Ehr.). 39,40. Coscinodiscus radiatus (Ehr.) : 39. f. v. ; 40. s. v. 41,42. Eupodiscus Argus (Ebi'.): 41. f.v.; 42. s. v. (In fig. 41, the sites of the tbi-ee tubular processes, which led Elirenberg at first to call it Tripodiscu.s, are seen.) 43, 44. Triceratium Eavus (Ehr.) : 43. f. v. ; 44. s. v. 45, 46. Climacosphenia moniligera (Ebr.) : 45. f. v. ; 46. s. v. 47. Terpsinoti musica (Ehr.). 48, 49. Grammatopbora gibba (Ehr.) : 48. f. v., showing the two imperfect septa (vittas, Kiitz.) at each end; 49. s. v. 50, 51. Zygoceros Sm-u-eUa (Ehr.) : 50, s. v. ; 51. f. v. 52, 53. Grammatopbora marina (Ehr.) : 52. f. v. ; 53. s. v. 54. Hemiaulus antarcticus (Ehr.), f. v. PLATE XII. (Diatoms, Protozoa, &c.). Figure 1. Amphiprora constricta (Ehr.), f.v. 2, 3, 4. Surirella O^mraa (EJu\): 2, 3. f.v.; 4. s. V. : these figm-es were intended es25eciaUy to represent tlie foot-like pro- cesses (ciUa ?) and the foramina through which these are protruded. 5. Navicula cuspidata (Ebr.), B. V. 6. N. amphirhyncus (Ebr.), s. v. 7, 8, 9. Stauvoneis pbyllodes (Ehr.): 7, 8. s. V. ; 9. f. V. 10, 14, 30. Stam-oneis scalaris (Elir.) : 10. s. v. ; 14. Process of self- division seen on f. v. ; 30. s. v. 11. Camisylodiscus flexuosa (Ehr.), f. v. 12, 13, 22, 23. C. Ehrenbergii (Ehr.): 12 & 22. f. vs. ; 23. s. v. ; 13. Viewed lying on one end. 15 & 3l! Navicula major (Ehr.): 15. s. v. ; 31. f. v. 16. Stam-oneis dHatata (Ehr.), s. v. 17 is! S. Plioenicenteron (Ehr.) : 17. f. v. ; 18. s. v. 19, 20. Surirella Craticida (Ebr.) : 19. f. v • 20. 8. V. 21. Navicula Tabellaria (Elir.), s. r. 24, 25. Epitliemia Librile (Elir.) : 24. f. v! '; 25. s.v. 26. Ampliora gracihs (Elu-.), s. v. 27. Epitliemia gibba (Ebr.), ventral surface! 28 & 53. Gomphonema apiculatum (Elu\): 28. f.v.; 53. s.v. 29. Hiniantidiuni monodon (Ehr.), s. v. 32. Navicula affinis (Ebr.), s. v. 33. N. Chilensis (Ehr.) ventral surface, s. v. 34 & 36. Syncdra Gallionii (Ehr.) : 34. f. v. of four conjoined • 36. s.v. 35. Gomplionema Vibrio (Ehr.), s.v. 37. Amphora iiavicularis (Ehr.), f v' 38. A. Libyca (Ehr.), f. v. 39. Eunotia quinaria (Ehr.), s. v. 40. Uiadesmis lasvis (Ehr.), f. V. 41. Cocconeis Einnica (Ehr.), s. v. 42. C. oceanica (Ehr.), s. v 43 Na vicula Esox (Ehr.), s.v. 44. Nitzscliia valeiis (Ehr.), f.v. 45, 49, 50, 51 52 Ili'man litUum Papilio (Ebr.): 45 & 51. Eilaiueuts ; 49. A single frustule sct'u ou ventral 954 DESCRIPTION OF THE ENGEAVINGS. surface; 50&52. s. v. 46. Cocconema cymbiforme (Ehr.), b. v. 47. Peridinium con- strictum (Elu-.) : the median sulcus or constriction is well seen dividing the lorica into two segments — patellae or valves, each of which is here again composed of several facettes. A distinct nucleus (sexual gland, Elu-.) is shown. 48 a, b. Cocconeis Americana (Ehr.): 48 a. 8. v. ; 48 h. Several frustules adherent to a portion of Conferva. 54. Himantidium G-uianonse (Elu-.), f. v. of a filament. 55, 56, 57. C'olletonema Amphioxys (Elir.) : 55. 8. v. of a single frustule ; 56. f. v. ; 57. A collection enclosed in their mucous investment, Been in different positions. 58. Sphserozosma ? . . . (Brightwell) : this production waa found by Mr. Brightwell (see 'Fauna Infusoria of Norfolk'). We cannot perceive any affinity between his drawing and the membei's of the genus Spharozosma, to which he has surmised it might belong. 59. Ceratoneis Closterium (Ehr.), s. v. 60, 61, Pleurosigma Fasciola (Ehi-.). 62,63. Dictyocha Speculum (Elu-.) : 62. Viewed in front ; 63. Viewed sideways. 64. Difflugia acanthophora (Ehr.) : its surface illustrates what is termed an imbricate disposition of the scale-like markings ; a navicular body is represented in its interior, as seen through its transparent lorica. 65, 66. Asplanchna BrightwelUi (Bright- well). These two figures are from Mr. BrightweU's book : 65 is there described as " a young specimen (female), just emerged, in which the red eye and germs of other organs are seen;" in 66 "may be seen the oesophagus leading to the stomach, and above the stomach two small bodies (either salivary or hepatic glands), and under it the opaque ovisac." 67, 68, 69. Zoothamnium Arbuscula (Brightwell) : these tliree figiu-es from Mr. Brightwell illustrate the curious cycle in development referred to in the text. 70. Vaginicola . . . ? (Brightwell) : apparently a Vaginicola undergoing spontaneous fission. 71. Mesocena heptagona (Ehr.). 72. Navicula cardinalis (Ehr.), b. v. 73. Stauroneis Isostauron (Ehr.), s. v. PLATE XIII. (Diatoms). Figure 1. Amphipleura pellucida. 2. A. rigida. 3. SurireUa constricta. 4. Den- ticula elegans. 5, 6, 7. Amphiprora alata. 8. Epithemia alpestris. 9. Ceratoneis spii-alis. 10. Cocconema gibbum. 11. Gomphonema cm-vat\mi. 12. Epithemia Por- ceUus. 13. (left) Podosphenia hyaUna ; (right) P. cuneata. 14. P. Ehrenbergii. 15. Rhipidophora teneUa. 16. Licmophora divisa. 17. Ehipidophora Nubecula. 18. Epithemia Musculus. 19. Rhipidophora Menegliiniana. 20. Synedra fulgens. 21. Meridion circi.ilare, var. 22, Grammatophora hamulifera. 23. Gomphonema acuminatum. 24, 25, Odontidium hyemale. 26. TabeUaria ventricosa. 27. Rhab- donema Adriaticura. 28. Pododiscus Jamaicensis. 29. TabeUaria flocculosa. 30, 31, 32, 32 a. Biddulpliia obtusa. 33. Pyxidicula Adriatica. PLATE XIV. (Diatoms). Figures 1 to 12. Eragilaria capucina. 13. Ilunantidiiun Soleirolii. 14. Cym- bosira Agardhii. 15. Achnauthidium microcephalum. 16. A. delicatulum. 17. Oyclo- tella Scotica. 18, 19, 20. Cymbella gastroides. 21. Rhaphoneis Amphieeros. 22. Encyonema prostratum. 23. Hyalosii-a rectangula. 24-28. Cymbella Helvetica. 29. Hyalosu-a obtusangula. 30. Sphcnclla angustata. 31. S. obtusata. 32, 33. Diadesmis confervacea. 34, 35 a, h. Berkeleya Adriatica. 36. Gomphonema coronatimi. 37, 38 a, b, c. I-Iomoeocladia pumila. 39-42. l^Iicromega pallidum. 43, 44. M. bomby- cinum. 45, 46. Homceocladia moniliformis. 47-49. H. Martiana. PLATE XV. (Diatoms). Figures 1, 2. Cyclotella atmospherica (Ehr.). 3. C. Atlantica (Elir.). 4. C. Sinensis (Ehr.). 5. Staurosira construcns (Ehr.). 6, 7, 8, 9. Epithemia longicornis (Ehr.). 10. Goniothecium crcnatum (Eln-.). 11. Epithemia Argus (Elu-.). 12. Nawula didyma (Ehr.). 13. DesmogoniumGuianensc(Ehr.). 15. Navicida Utuiata (Ehr.). 16,17. Ilimanlidnnu monodon (Elir.) : 16. Two frustules conjoined in front view ; 17. s. v. 18, 19, 30, 21. Arachnoidiscus ornatus (Shadbolt) : 18. External membrane, as seen when detaclied from tlic inner I'ramcwork, or when viewed from the outside of the shell as an opaqiie object ; 19. The inner framework is exhibited on a black disc as nn opaque object ; 20, The mem- brnno and framework united, as seen by transmitted light, x2t)0; 21. The same, more ampliricd, X500. 22,23. Campylodiscus parviUus (Smith) : 22. s. v. ; 23. Partial f. v- 24, 25. Gnnnmoncnia Jurgensii (Ralfs) : 24. Front and s. v. of a single frustule ; 26. A filament. 26, 27. Melosira Niigeli : a series of figiu*cs to illustrate (he distribution of the chlorophyll (endochroaie), and the prosenoe of a nucleus : 26 a. viewed from the base ; DESCaiPTIOlT OP Tin3 ENaHAVTNGS. 955 266. from the lateral surface; two bands of chlorophyll are seen on each side, and their section at the angles; 26c. ii-om the base; 27. Seen from below, nucleus with nucleoli and sap-currents; Im-go and small clilorophyll-globules ; 27 6. Seen from the side; the two lateral bands of clilorophyll are seen, and a parietal nucleus, with sap-currents irom it, in the centre of one side ; 37 c. An individual after division, seen from the side, ihe chlorophyll bands appear only in section. Each secondary ceU has a paa-ietal nucleus. 28 a, A, c, d. BaciUaria Niigeli : a, viewed from the broad side, a granular nucleus m the centre ; b, also the broad side, an individual before division, the nucleus primai-Uy divided ; c, division complete ; d, viewed from the base (in section). 29 a, b, o, d. Melosira Dickieu (Thwaites) : a, filament, in ordinary state ; 6, filament, the terminal cells of wluch are becoming converted into sporangia ; c, sporangia ; d, sporangial frustules becoming deve- loped from one of the halves of a previously divided sporangium, x220. 30 a, b. Mas- togloia Danseii (Thwaites): a, portion of frond, x35; b, a part of same, x220. In it two fr'ustules are shown, one in front, the other on side aspect. 31 a, b, c, d. Dickieia ulvoides (Ealfs) : a, natural size, in different stages of grovrth ; b, fi-ustules (navicular bodies) highly magnified when fresh ; c, one when dried ; d, a lateral view of the same ; e, a portion of frond, less highly magnified, showing the simple and binate frustules. 32. Melosira vai-ians (Thwaites) (=Gallionella, Elu-.), filament with sporangia, x220. 33. M. Italica, filament with sporangia. 34. Dictyocha Eibula. 35, D. trifenestra. PLATE XVI. (Diatoms and Dbsmids). Figures 1 to 6. Navicula (Pinnularia, Ehi-.) major. From Schleiden's ' Principles of Botany,' to illustrate the structm-e of the silicious valve. 1. s. v. (venter, Ehi-.). "In the middle line are two clefts, terminating at the centre, as well as at the other ends, with a little circular enlargement, more clearly seen in figs. 3 and 5. The rounded spot in the middle, and at the two ends, is not a hole as represented by Ehrenberg. That such a hole is decidedly sometimes not present, is seen in such fragments as figs. 3 and 5. In the position of the obUque lateral clefts (strife or costse, Ehr.), the valve consists of two leaves, penetrated by tlie clefts, which, where both the lamellae touch each other, are somewhat broader, which explains the varying breadth of the clefts according to the alteration of the foci. Fragments in which this structm-e is clearly represented may be frequently obtained by crushing the valve (fig. 6). 2. A front view, showing that the rounded enlargements of the median line are but depressions on the external surface. The double contoui', denoting the thickness of the wall, is well seen. Tliis clearly shows that a passage exists from the top to the bottom of the valve, which may be easily confirmed if the valve, or better still an oblique section of it, be looked at from above ; fig. 5 is such a section." 7, 8. Cymato- pleura eUiptica (Smith). 9. C. Solea. 10-19. Closterium Ehrenbergii (Smith), showing the stages in its conjugation, and the formation of the sporangia : 10. A single frond in ita ordinary condition; 11. Two fronds approacliing to conjugate; 12. Conjugating fr-onds vmdergoing self-division, the upper showing the protuberances tlu-ough the torn apices of which the contents of the divided fronds pass into the sporangia ; 13. Shows the passage of the endockrome-sac and its contents; 14. Conjugated fronds having perfected thefr spo- rangia; 15 (after M. Morren). Development of the "propagules" into young fronds; 16, 17, 18, 19 (from Morren). Development of a sporangium into a Closterium with unequal segments: the figures are all magnified 100 times. 20-26. Surfrella biscriata (Smith). To illustrate the structure of the valve and self-division of the frustide : 20. View of frustules on the completion of self-division ; 21. Apertiu-cs of costal canals seen in front ; 22. Silex of connecting membrane after maceration in acid ; 23. f. v. (the broad median longitudinal band is the connecting zone of the two valves) ; 24. s. v. ; 25. e. v. ; 26. Transverse section of empty frustule. PLATE XVII. (Diatoms and Phytozoa). Figures 506-509. Pyxidicula globata. 511 & 515, Xanthidium ? ramosum. 512. X. liirsutum. 513, 514. X. ? dillbrine. 516-518. Canipylodiscus Clypcus. 519-531. Spirillum Bryozoou. 532, 533, Astasia navalis. 534. Gygos sanguineus. PLATE XVIII. (PiiYTozoA). Figure 1. Monas Crcpusculum, x800. 2. Monas Punctum. 3,4, Uvolla Glaucoma X '■i'M: 4. Dctaclied monads. 5, Polytoiiia Uvella. 6, Microglena monadina. 7. Gle- 956 DESCRIPTION OF THE ENGEAVINGS. noraomra tingons, X 250. 8. Doxocoecua ruber. 9. Bodo intestinalis, x3(X). 10 & 21. Monas Leus. 11 a, b. Cercomonas lobata. 12 a, b. C. triincata. 13 a, b. Amphimonas dispar. 14. Chilomonas Paramecium, X 380. 15. Monas elongata. 16. Trepomonas agilis. 17. Monas globulosa. 18. Chilomonas granulosa. 19. Monas attenuata. 20. Cercomonas acuminata. 21. Monas Lens (two figs.). 22, Cercomonas longicauda. 23. C. Globulus. 24. Spiromonas volubilis. 25. Pleiu-omonas jaculans. 26. Ileteromita exigua. 27. Tre- pomonas agilis. 2& a,b, c, d. Trichomonas Batracliorum. 29. Cryptomonas ovata, x300. 30. Prorocentrum micans. 31. Lagenella euchlora. 32. Cryptoglena conica. 33, 34] Trachelomonas Volvocina. 35 a, b, c, d. Chonemonas Sclu-ankii : c, d. Var. C. unifilis." 36. Astasia htematodes. 37-39. Euglena sanguinea. 40, 51, 54. E. viridis, encysted and in act of fission. 41,42. E. Pyrum, x400. 43,44. E. longicauda. 45. Ambly- ophis vii'idis. 46. Euglena viridis. 47. Chlorogonium euchlorum. 48 a, b, c. Astasia limpida. 49, 50. A. contorta. 52. Euglena spirogyra. 53, 55. Eutreptia viridis. 56. Zygoselmis intequalis. 57. Bacterium triloculare. 58. Spirocliajta plicatilis. 59. Spirillum Undida. 60. Vibrio Bacillus. 61. Sjiirillum Undula. 62. Vibrio Bacillus*. 63.. Spii'odiscus fulvus. 64. Vibrio Eugula. 65, 66. Sporouema gracQe. 67, 68. Spi- rulina plicatilis. 69. Zoogloea Termo : a mucoid mass of Vibrios, the individuals of which are equivalent to Bacteriiun Termo of Dujardin. PLATE XIX. (Phytozoa). Figure 1. Chromatium Weissii. 2. Menoidium peUucidum. 3. Tetramitus descissus. 4-6. Mallomonas PlosUi. 7 a, b, c. Phacotus viridis. 8. Anisouema Acinus. 9, 10. Trypemonas volvocina. 11. T. cylindi-ica. 12. Chonemonas acuminata. 13, 14. Lepo- cinclis Globidus. 15. Hirmidium inane. 16. Chlamydomonas pulvisculus. 17. Dinema griseoluin. 18, 19. Eutreptia viridis. 20-31. Chlamydococcus (Protococcus) pluvialis, its forms and development, after Cohn : 20. A stdl cell revived after desiccation ; 21. Cell with nucleus ; 22. Still cell with dense external coat ; 23. Fission of primordial within the parent cell ; 24. Eission of a still cell, wall of parent cell become gelatinous ; 25. Division of secondai-y cells ; 26. Fission of encysted cell into four secondary, and 27. into thirty- two cells ; 28. The several cells produced set free, a membrane thi-own out around one ; 29, An irregular-shaped, Euglena-Kke zoospore; 30. A cell on the point of assuming the motUe condition; 31. A very small, globular, encysted zoospore. 32-37. Gronium pectorale : 32. A perfect tabular frond ; 33. Detached cells, showing their contractile vesicles ; 34. Four cells (gonidia) united by the radiating tubular processes of theu* external membrane, into wliich the gi-een contents do not enter ; 35. Excepting one cell of the tablet, all the others have jiroceeded, to a gi-eater or less extent, by the process of fission, to generate "daughter cells," or the rudimentary gonidia to form new tablets; each one is still sm-roimded by the "mother-cell" wall; 36. A tablet, of wliich the original gonidia are widely separated, and loosely held m situ by the external cell -wall ; fission has further proceeded, and rudimentary tablets formed firom each original gouidiimi, consisting of sixteen " daughter cells " (maorogoiiidia) ; in 37 the counectiug bonds are quite dissolved, and the sixteen secondary tablets set free: all x500. 38-58. Stephanospluera pluvialis, exlubiting its forms and modes of develoiiment : 38. An equatorial view; 39. Lateral view, gonidia spindle-shaped, with protoplasmic elongations ; 40. Dinsion of gonidia into four "daughter cells" ; 41. Fiu-lher divided into eight, united in an annular form ; 42. A further-advanced stage, maorogonidia now forming distinct families, like the one repre- sented in fig. 57 ; 43. Division of gonidia preparatory to forming mierogonidia ; 44. A full-grown resting cell ; 45. Beginning of division of a resting cell ; 46. Division into four, outer membrane disappeared ; 47. Tapering of one end of secondary or " daugliter " cell preparatory to formation of ciUa ; 48, 49. Naked zoosjiores ; 50. Encysted zoospore (gonidium) ; 51, Resolution of all the gonidia, except one, of a niatiu'e Stophanosphfcra into mierogonidia; 52. Delached ciliated mierogonidia; 53. An encysted zoospore with protoplasmic elongations of the primordial cell ; 54, 55. Di>nsion of encysted zoospore ; 56. More advanced stage of division ; 57. A young family of eight cells ; 58. Anotlier, with the cellular envelope still visible within the membrane of the mother cell: XoOO (Colin). 59-69. Pandorina Morum : 59. Perfect form, with sixteen gonidia, side new; 60. The same, polar view ; 61. A gonidiuin, side view ; 62. A frond with the gonidia divided ; 63. A more advanced frond ; 64. A young frond of fig. 63, after formation of cilia, set free ; 65, 66, Young Ironds, goniclia pushed close togetlier ; 66. A polar view ; 67. End or polar view of a frond like 65, the gonidia of wliicli are encysted and turned red and their gelatinous envelope nearly dissolved ; 68, A side view of the same; 69. A single encysted gonidiiun. Figs. 59 to 68 (except Gl ), X 100 ; figs. 61 & 6'J, X 400 (Heufrey). DESCRIPTION OF TBGE EKGBAVnSTGS. 957 PLATE XX. (PiiYTOzoA). Figures 1-14. Polytoma Uvella, forms and development of: 1. Perfect form; 2. Same, acted on by clu-omic acid, which lias separated the primordial cell from the external envelope; 3-6. Stages of fission-process ; 7. Besting stage ; 8. External membrane broken up mto grannies ; 9. Fission into four ; 10-12. Ai-rangement of secondary or " daughter " cells ; 13. Contraction of body within extei-nal envelope ; 14. Body retracted from ante- rior extremity: x300 (Schneider). 15-21. Eission and formation of microgonidia in Clilorogonium euchlorimi. 22, 23. Pandorina Moriun (?) : 22. A presumed form of, with encysted immature fronds, Xl50; 23. Another presumed form, x220. 24. Chlamydococeus (?), a presumed form of; the two internal globular cells of a clear ruby-crimson ; the moving granules probably monads ; suggested to be Spermatozoa, X 220 (Cm-rey). 25. Volvoeina, a developmental phase of one of the, having encysted gonidia. 26-28. SyncryptaVolvox, x260. 29,30. Synura Uvella : 30. Section of a group (Ehr.). 31, TJroglena Volvox. 32. Volvox Globator. 33-49. Illustrations of structm-e and development of Volvox Globator (Busk and Williamson) : 33. A section showing parietal cells and contained gemmce ; 34. Portion of edge of an embryo Volvox viewed in the equatorial plane to show the common envelope and the position of the subjacent cells or gonidia ; the last not passing beyond the external gelatuaous (?) coat (Busk) ; 35. Highly magnified view of three cells ; the faint Hnes between mdicate the limits of the gelatinous envelope of each cell ; 36. Section of a specimen mounted in glycerme (Will.) ; 37. Cells seen from above, showing radiating tlu'cads ; 38. ObUque section, moimted in glycerine ; 39-41. Single cells ; 42-44, 46, 47. Progressive development of Volvox by fission ; 45. Diagram of a superficial view of a portion of a globe (Will.) ; 48, 49. Winter spores of Volvox aureus : 48. An earlier ; 49. A later and mature condition (Busk). PLATE XXI. (Peotozoa). Figure 1. Amoeba Schultzii, x330. 2. A. globularis, x330. 3. A. porrecta, X330. 4. A. princeps, X 100. 5 a, b, c. Amoebiform germs or " Proteans " of SpongiUa. 6. MiHola vulgaris. 7-9. Arcella vulgaris ; 8. A side view; 9. Empty shell. 10. Difflugia globulosa, Xl50. 11. Euglyphaalveolata, empty shell, x340. 12-14. Gromia oviformis : 12. A young specimen ; 13, 14. Nuclear bodies found in (Schultze), X 300. 15. Arcella Okenii. 16. Gromia oviformis, X300. 17. Difflugia pyrrformis. 18 a, b. Supposed young forms of Gromia Dujardmii : a,x72; b, X 180. 19 a-f. D. Enchelys : a, b. Different forms ; c. Contents resolved into granules ; d, e. Eission into two and four portions ; /. Two individuals coherent. 20 a, b. Early stage of an undescribed Miliola : a, X 72 ; b, x330 (Schultze). 21, 22. MiUola obesa: 21. A yomig specimen, x72; 22. Shell' after the removal of the calcareous matter by dilute acid. 23. M. Anconensis. 24. Animal contents of a Miliola after dissolution of the shell by acid ; displaying a constric- tion at each half turn, and the deUcate membranous envelope at the lower and larger extremity. 25. Cornuspira perforata. 26. Rotalia Veneta, seen in front. 27. RosaUna omata, portion of shell of, X 100. 28. Polystomella venusta, X 72. 29, 30. P. Stella- borealis, seen in front, X72; 30. Portion of cell to show structure, Xl80. 31. Rotalia Veneta, shell after action of acetic acid, xl80. 32. Nuclear body from the last chamber of Textilaria pieta, x330. 33. Rotalia Veneta, x50. 34 , seen from above ; c, on one side. From the vesicula of Gadus lota. 39. Psorospermia from a cutaneous cyst on a GasterosteuB (Stickleback), X 580. 40. Psorospermia from a cyst of Gosterosteus aeuleatus ; a group showing the difTerent stages of development. 41. Psorospermia burst by pressure from Cyprinus Brama ; h, the contained amoebiform body isolated, X 900. 42. Epipyxis TJtrieulus. 44, 45. Microtheca octoceros. 46. Opalina Lumbrici. 47. O. armata, transverse fission. 48, 49. Dinobryon Sertularia. PLATE XXni. (Protozoa). Figures 1, 2. Actinophrys, figured as one phase in the development of Yorticella microstoma by Stein : a, external coat ; b, nucleus ; c, vesicle. In 2 a ciliated embryo appears witliin a distinct sac. 3-5. Podophrya fixa (?), represented by Stein as another phase, besides figs. 1 and 2, in the development of Vortieella microstoma. A ciliated germ is seen in 4, which in 5 is about to escape. 6-8. Other forms of Podophryean Acinete as figured by Stein : 6, 7. As treated with acetic acid ; the development of an embryo from the nucleus is shovni in figs. 7 and 8. 9-14. Vortieella-eysts, after Stein's figures. In 9 the nucleus is resolved into monadiform germs ; 10, 11. Development of cyst-contents into secondary cysts, which are further seen in figs. 12 and 13 as become fusiform and protruded through the wall of parent cyst, so as to discharge their monadiform germs without, as seen in fig. 14. 15, 16. Acineta diademiformis, vsdth its embryo. 17-20. A. Unguifera, or Acineta with the tongue-like process attributed to Opereularia berberina ; 20 shows an empty capsule. 21. A. digitata, or Acineta with the finger-like processes. 22, 23. Acineta attributed by Stein to Opereularia Liehtensteinii ; 23. A specimen acted on by acetic add. 24, 25. Actinophrys oeulata ; 25 represents three individuals in the act of conjugation, treated with acetic acid. The contents of two have intermingled ; a large vacuole with food- particles lies between them. The individual on the other side is simply coherent. (1-26, Stein.) 26, 27. Acineta ferrum-equinum ; 27 shows the escape of the ciliated embryo. The horseshoe-shaped nucleus appears as a clear space. 28. Actinophrys Sol. 29,30. A- Eichhornii ; 30. A highly magnified section to show the retieidated, structvtre. 31, 32. A. Sol: 31. In the act of self-division (conjugation ?) ; 32 shows tlu-ee vesicular expansions concerned in the introduction of food, and an encysted animalcule just brought to the surface. 33-35. Podophrya fixa ; 34. In act of fission ; 35. Segment becoming one inde- pendent and about to separate. 36, 37. Encysted Podophrya. 38, 39. Stages of Podo- phrya towards encysting. 40, 41. AcinetiB with embryos. 42, 43. Transformation of the embryo into an Acineta, figured as commencing in 43, and as completed in 42. PLATE XXIV. (Protozoa). Figures 274, 275. Lacrymaria Proteus. 276, 277. Leucopluys patida. 278. L. Spathula. 279, 280. L. sanguinea. 281. Holophrya Ovum. 282, 283. Prorodon teres. 284-286. Coleps hirtus. 287, 287*, 288, 289. Trachelius ^bias. 290, T. Ovmn. 291-293. Loxodes Eostrum. 294. Bursaria Vortieella. 295. B.lcucas. 296. B. Pupa. 296*. Spirostomum vii-ens. 297, 298. S. ambiguum. 299. Phialina viridis. 300- 302. Glaucoma scintillans. 303-309. Chilodon Cucidlulus. 310, 311. Nassula elegans. 312, 313. Ampliileptus Anser. 314-316. A. Fasoiola. 317-319. Tracheloccrca Olor. 320. T. biceps. PLATE XXV. (Protozoa). Figures 321-323. Aspidisca denticulala. 324-328. Kolpoda Cucullus. 329-332. Paramecium Aurelia. 333. TJroleptus Muscidus. 334, 335. Ophrvoglena acmninata. 336, 337. Oxytricha gibba. 338, 339. Ceratidium cuncatuju. 340, 341. Kerona polyporum. 342. Urostyla grandis. 343, 344. Styloiiycliia lauceolata. 345, 346. Discocephalus rotatoriua. 347, 348. Himantophorus Cliaron. 349. Chlauiidodon Mnemosyne. 350-353. Euplotcs Charon. 354, 355. Ptygura Melicerta. 356. Ich- nESCurpTiON or the ENGEAvmas. 959 thydium Podiira. 357, 358. Chastonotus Larus. 359, 360. Glenophora Trochus. 361-364. CEcistes crystallinus. 365-370. Conoobilus Volvos. PLATE XXVI. (PiiYTOzoA). The following figures are derived from M. Dujardin'a excellent treatise, ' Histoire des Infusoires ' : — Figure 1. Hesamita nodulosa. 2. Anthophysa Miilleri. 3, 4. Acineta tuberosa ; in 4 the cilia included. 5. Heteromita ovata. 6. Crumenula texta. 7. Poly- selmis vii'idis. 8. Anisonema sulcata. 9 a, b. Oxyri-his marina. 10 a, b. Ploeotia vitrea. 11. Heteronema marina. 12 a, b. Zyzoselmis nebulosa. 13. Peranema globulosa. 14. Cyclidium distortum. 15. C. abscissum. 16 a, b. Acomia CycUdium ; b, self-dividing. PLATE XXVIL (Protozoa). Figiires 1-9. Vorticella microstoma : 1. With a bud growing from its base ; 2. A specimen about to detach itself from its stalk, and having a posterior wreath of cUia ; 3. Self- division proceeding ; in 4 complete ; ba,b, c, d. Encysting-process ; 5 e. A cyst ruptured by pressure, giving exit to the included Vorticella, apparently unchanged ; 6. Supposed transi- tional forms from rudimentary campanulate organisms to undoubted Vorticella ; 7-9. Process of encysting, and progressive disappearance of special organs. 10-15. Vaginicola crystallina : 10, Self -division ; 11. One of the fission-products contracted and ready to escape by means of its posterior vrreath ; 12-15. Acinetce formed from Vaginicoloe. 16-23. EpistyHs nutans : 16. Two individuals on a stem ; the ciUary apparatus protruded in one, contracted in the other ; 17, 18. Supposed Acinetce ; Acineta-body of the EpistyHs ; in 17 the wavy outline indicates the contractions taking place in the integinnent ; in 18 the out- stretched cUiary fibres or processes, two nuclei, and a large contractile vesicle are visible ; 19. Another such body, with its siu-face much contracted, and its contained substance wasted by the development of embryonic nuclei ; 20. Another figure assumed by the Acineta-body ; 21. The ultimately withered state arrived at by the Acineta-body of an Epistylis, after the exhaustion of its contained formative blastema by the repeated produc- tion of embryos ; 22, 23. Very young forms (probably) of the Epistylis nutans, and appa- rently the Epistylis Botrytis of Ehrenberg. PLATE XXVIII. (Protozoa). Figures 1-3. Nassula ambigua: 1. Under surface; the two long articulated filaments within are portions of OscOlatorioB ; c, vesicle; c?, nucleus; 2. Encysted specimen ; 3. Ani- malcule forced from its cyst by pressure. 4-7. Glaucoma scintiUans : 4. Under sm'face ; 5. An encysted being, seen in 6 undergoing ti'ansverse fission, which in 7 appears oblique, owing to a change of position of the resulting segments. 8, 9. Prorodon teres : 9. Its nucleus surmounted by a rim-like nucleolus. 10. Stylonychia MytUus. (1-10, Stein.) 11-15. Nassula elegans : in 11 internal germs occur in a cavity (uterine) eommunicatiug externally by a canal (oviduct) ; 12. Germ loosing itself from the parent ; 13. A fission-product enclosing a germ ; 14. Germ developing Acinetiform tentacles ; 15. Nucleus terminated at its narrow end by a nucleolus. 16. Stontor MiiUeri, surrounded by an envelope with monads in its interior ; 17. Same, animal contracted in its case. (U-17, Cohn). 18,19. Vaginicola valvata. The valve is seen closed at b in fig. 18 ; fission has occurred both iu tliis and in 19, but the animal is contracted in the former, and expanded in the latter example; in 19 the valve appears as a streak parallel with one side. 20-23. Lagotia viridis : 20. Head of a yoimg individual ; 21. Lateral view of animal and of its eUiated head ; 22. Tip of one of the lobes of ciliated head ; 23. Animal with front view of head. (18-23, Wright.) 24-26. Otostoma: the oral cavity is seen as an ear-shaped space ; in 25 two vesicles also are seen opening externally. (Carter.) 27-30. Coenomorpha Mcdusula. 31. Panophrys griseola. 32. Habrodon curvatus. 33, 34. Blejilinrisma hyalina. 35. Cinetochilum margaritaceum. 36, 37. Cyclogranima rubens. 38, 39. "Stichotricha secunda. 40-42. Ptyxidium ovulum ; in 42. Act of fission. 43, 44. Stichotricha secunda. 45. C'olobidium pellucidum. 46,47. Mitophora dubia. 48,49. Apioiiidium modestiun. 50, 51. Lcmbadion bidlinum. 52-54. Breonidium rcniigans. 55-57. Opistliiotricha tenuis. 58-60. Mcgatricha partita. 61. Acropisthium mutabilo. 62 63! Siagontherium tenue. (27-03, Perty.) 64 a-k. Enchelys Farcimon, illustrating change of form consequent on the introduction of food. 65-71. Nassula viridis : 65. Natm-al form X370; 66, 67. Cysts; 70,69,68,71. Development of cyst-contcnts into monndiform germs, enclosed within saccxdar theca;, and at length discharged externally as iu fig 71 • 960 DESCRIPTION OF THF, ENGBWINGS. X300 (Cienlcowslcy). 72,73. Enclielys Pupa. 74-76. Stylonychia pustiilala: 74. the animalcule encysted, x300. 75,76. Rotating cells within the cysts, x220 (Cienkowsky). PLATE XXIX. (Protozoa.) Figure 1. Vorticella Campanula, viewed from the ventral aspect. 2. Carchesium poly]Dinimi, viewed in front and directly upon the ciUated disc : i, the mouth ; e, tlie anui. 3. Scyphidia limacina. 4. Opercularia berberina; seen from the back. 5, 6. C'liajtospira Miilleri : 6 represents the animal in motion. 7. Stentor polymorphus, showing vascular canal around the head and along one side. (1-7, Lachmann.) 8-13. S. cajruleus, and its supi^osed internal germs or embryos in different stages of development (Eckliard). 14, 15, Trichodina Pediculus: 14. A lateral view; 15. Anterior extremity. 16. T. mitra. 17. T. Pediculus, a dead, distended specimen. (14r-17, Stein.) 18. Stylonychia pustulata, encysted (Stein). 19, 20. Amphileptus fasciola: seen encysted in fig. 19, and as escaped from tlie cyst in fig. 20. 21-24. Oxytricha Pellionella : 21. Encysted ; 22. Cyst acted upon by hydrocliloric acid ; 23. Animal revived in its cyst prior to its escape ; 24. The free animal. 25-34. Paramecium (Loxodes, Cohn) Bursaria, its structure and develop- ment : 25 to show circulation of contents ; 26. Portion of integument highly magnified ; (19-2G, Cohn;) 27. Transverse fission; 28. Nucleus seen at c, the nucleolus at d; 29. Embryo attached to the nucleus ; 30. Embryo escaped but still adherent by acinetiform tentacles ; 31. Nucleus and attached nucleolus separated by acetic acid ; 32, 33. Nucleus and nucleolus during fission of anunal ; 34. Nucleus, nucleolus, and commencing embryo. 35-47. Kolpoda Cucullus, illustrating its forms and development : 37. Acted on by alcohol, to bring its nucleus into view; 38. An animal contracted into a spherical shape; 39. A similar one undergomg fission; 40. Encysted Kolpoda; 41. Same, in act of fission; 42. Fission completed ; 43. Specimen treated with alcohol ; 44. Cyst-contents divided into four ; cyst-wall soft and irregular ; 45. Embryo escaping from a cyst ; 46. A ruptured cyst giving exit to encysted germs, as seen in 47. 48-59. Chilodon Cuculhdus : 48 b. The so-called dental cylinder ; c, nucleus and nucleolus ; 49. A specimen with a large upper lip, equivalent to C. uncinatus (Ehr.); 50. Transverse, and 51. Longitudinal fission; 52. Contracted prior to encysting ; 53, 54. Cysts ; in 54 an embryo developed ; 55. Appa- rently laminated cyst discharging its contents ; 56, 57. An empty cyst, with the aperture tlirough wliich its contents have escaped remaining ; 58. A cyst containing a parent animal and an embryo ; 59. A liberated embryo, equivalent to Cyolidium Glaucoma (Ehr.). (26-59, Stein.) PLATE XXX. (Peotozoa, after Stein). Figures 1-4. Opercularia articulata : 2. A highly magnified view of the head ; 3, 4. Supposed Acinetse of this species ; an embryo shown fig. 4. 5-8. Oplu-ydium versatile : In 5 the animal is seen extended, and in 6 contracted; 7. Encysted animal; 8. Its sup- posed Acineta. 9, 10. Carchesium polypinum : 10. A highly magnified view of its stem. 11. Epistylis crassicollis. 12. Cothurnia cm"va. 13, 14. C. Sieboldii : 14. A side view. 15, 16. C. Astaci : 16. Animal contracted. 17-26. Spirochona gemmipara, and its develop- ment: 17 exhibits a gemma; 18-20. Progressive development of tlie spiral head in a gemma ; 21. Encysted gemma ; 22. Supposed Acineta (the Dendrocometes) in its early stage; 23. As fully developed ; 24. Embryo (seen in 23) set free ; 25. A Dendrocometes, without arms, but with a contained embryo ; 26. A free embryo revolving on its long axis. 27, 28. Spirochona Scheutenii ; 28. After the action of spirit of wine. 29-36. Lagenophrys Vaginicola, its structure and development : In 29 a gemma is seen in tlie act of fission ; in 30 the animalcule has its rotatory appivratus retracted ; 31 shows the detachment of the head of the animal from the mouth of its sheath, to allow escape of a gemma ; 32. Act of fission ; 33. Formation of a gemma at posterior extremity; 34. Several gemmte enclosed; 35, 36. Act of fission ; complete in fig. 35, where the parent segment is detached from the orifice of the sheath, leaving a portion of its interior extremity. 37. Oi^ercularia micro- stoma: A, extended; u, contacted. PLATE XXXL (Protozoa). Figures 1-4. Bursaria leucas, and the position and structure of the trichocysts found in its intcgimient: 1. x90; 2. Diagram of the margin, to show position of tricliocysts m the dermal layer ; 3. Trichocysts projected from the surface after the application of acetic acid ; 4. Detached spii-al trichocysts "in the sfecond stage of evolution from elongated OTW corpuscles (Allman). 5-6. Coretlu-ia Sertidaria; : in 5 the two sorts of processes are bota DESCHIPTION' OF THE ENGEAVINGS. 961 seen ; that in the right is the normal form ; 6, More magnified view of the fusifonn process, showing tlie terminal depression or apertm-e. 7-13. Lagotia producta, its structure and development: 7. Animal extended, in 8 contracted; 9, 10, 11. Larva or embryo; 10 represents it attached; 12. Diagram of structure of the sheath, showing the ectoderm (coUetoderm) at a, the chitinous tube at b, and the endoderm at c ; d points out the mode of overlapping of the sevei*al segments of tube ; 13. Highly magnified view of a portion of tube. 14,15. Zooteirea religata : 14. Animal expanded ; 15, Conti-acted. (5-15, Wright.) 16-20. Peridinium uberrimum: 17. Seen on opposite side to that shown in 15; 18. Transverse fission ; 19. Same specimen after the application of solution of iodine ; 20. Nucleus isolated (AUman). 21, 22. P. depressiun : 21. A side-, 22. A front-view. 23. P. longipes. (16-23 after Bailey.) 24-27. Dysteria armata: 25. Parts of mouth ; 26, 27. Process between two styles: 26. A front-, and 27 A side-view (Huxley). 28. Tui-baneUa hyalina, dorsal view : d, the muscular oesophagus ; g, testis ; /, mature egg ; c, ovary (X350). 29,30. Cheetcmotus masimus : 29. Dorsal view (X 350); 30. A lateral view. 31. Ideal section of Tiu'baneUa hyahna tlu-ough the generative organs. (28-31, Schultze.) 32-39. NoctUuca miUtaris : (32. N. punctata, Busch : a, orai cavity or hilum ; h, sharp- bordered rod ; c, nucleus ; d, proboscis [cihum] ; /, brown corpuscles, after Busch ;) 33. Front view, a, the tooth ; b, oral aperture ; c, position of suj^posed anus (after Webb) ; 34. Dorsal view, shovnng the groove ; and 35. A latero-inferior view, displaying the oral cavity with the tooth, d ; the ciliimi a gastric pouch, e ; and a presumed anal aperture (Huiey) ; 36-39 (after Busch) : 36. A germ in process of development ; 37. Brown granular body, seen at / in fig. 32 ; 38. A germ ; 39. Further advanced, acquiring the characters of a NoctQuca. PLATE XXXII. (EoTATORiA). Figures 371, 372. Microcodon Clavus. 373. Cyphonautes compressus. 374-378. Megalotrocha albo-flavicans. 379-382. Tubicolaria Najas. 383, 383*. Stephanoceros Eichhornii. 384, 385. Ploscularia omata. 386, 387. Melicerta ringens. 388-392. Limnias CeratophyUi. 393. Enteroplea Hydatina. 394. Hydatina senta. 395, 396. Pleurotrocha gibba. PLATE XXXIII. (EoTATOEiA), Figures 397, 398. Furcularia Eeinhardtii. 399 & 417. Monocerea bicoruis. 400-402, & 425. Polyartlu^ platyptera. 403. Diglena lacustris. 404, 405. D. grandis. 406-408. Triarthra lougiseta. 409. Rattulus limaris. 410, 411. Distemma Forficula. 412 & 414. Triophthalmus dorsalis. 415. Eosphora Najas. 416. Notom- mata Copeus. 418-420. N. Myrmeleo. 421. N. Tigris. 422. Synchasta pectinata. I 423, 424. Scaridiiun longicauda. PLATE XXXIV. (Rotatoria). Figures 425* 426. Cycloglena Lupus. 427-429. Theorus Ternalis. 430-433. Lopadella ovalis. 434-437. Monostyla quadridentata. 438-440. Mastigocerea carijiata. 441-444. Euchlanis? triquetra. 445, 446. E. Lynceus. 447-453. Salpiua mucronata.' 454 -456. Dinocharis Pocillum. 457-459. Monura dulcis. 460-462. Colurus deflexus. 463-465. Metopidia Lepadella. 466, 467. Stephanops lamellaris. 468, 469. Squa- mella oblonga. 470-473. CaUidina elcgaus. PLATE XXXV. (RoTAToniA). Figure 474. Hydrias cornigera. 475. Typlilina viridis. 476-480. Rotifer vul- ^'.iris. 481-484. Actiiiurus Neptunius. 485, 486. Monolabis conica. 487-489. Philodina aculeata. 490. P. roseola. 491-494. Noteus quadricornis. 495-497.' Anurtea Squamula. 498. A. stipitata. 499-501. Bracliionus polyacanthus. 502-504! I'terodina Patina. 505. P. clypeata. PLATE XXXVI. (Rotatoria). Figure 1. Melicerta ringens, protruded and fully expanded, witli tlie upper part of its be at a ; h, one of the tactile tubes ; the circulai' disc at c is tlio pellet-cup ; at m are the «ws and gizzard (oesophageal head) ; and below, the stomach ; c, a much less magnified 3 Q 962 . DUSCHirXTON OF XUE ENGKATINGS. specimen, partially protruded from its tube, which is liere shown entire, x300. 2. Lim- nias Ceratopliylli : the end is protruded beyond the smooth tube or sheath ; at e is the pi-ojecling cliin. 3. Notommata am-ita, viewed laterally, contracted: it exliibits the oeso- phageal head and jaws (6), the intestine, the large ovarium, the contractile sac below, the grape-like ganglionic mass in the head(^), and the tortuous vessels on each side, running the length of the body. 4. The same animal extended and rotating ; the ear-like cUiated appendage, whence the specific name, is seen on each side of the head. 4 a. The ciliated lobes of the rotary organ ; i, the gizzard, with its jaws ; g, the cerebral (?) mass ; k, glands above the stomach; o, large matiu'cd egg in the ovary. 5. Notommata aurita, viewed dorsally, the viscera omitted, to show the muscular system ; the transverse muscles are seen at t, and the longitudinal, crossing them, at I; the grape-like ganglionic mass aj)pears connected with special muscles, as also the gizzard, traced in dotted outline, and tlie telescopic-working tail or foot (i) ; the looped band at the head (o) indicates the tubular cavities in the head-mass. 6. The same animal, showing chiefly its water-vascular system ; the large sac near tlie bottom of its cavity {v) is the contractile bladder, from wliich proceed, on each side, convoluted tubes (tortuous vesicles) furnished with tremulous respiratory tags, as near a ; the transverse muscular bands seen at t. 6 *. The dental apparatvis of the gizzard as seen in action. 7, 8. The male of Asplanchna priodonta: 7. s. V. ; 8. f. V. The cavity is seen occupied chiefly by the large testes in fig. 7 ; the sperm-duct is represented opening externally at the pointed base. 9. The female of Asplanchna priodonta : at a are the gill-like fissures ; a large oral cavity opens into a narrow oesophagus, which ends below in a stomach. One of the strong longitudinal muscles is displayed, also tortuous vessels and ciliated tags, with an ovary. 10, 11. The jaws of the Asplanchna detached. PLATE XXXVII. (Rotatoria). Figure 1. Stephanoceros Eichhornii: a, sheath; b, pharynx; c, prorentriculus, or crop ; d, maxillary head with jaws ; e, stomach with large glandular cells ; f, intestine or rectum ; g, ovary with contained ova {g at pedicle indicates the longitudinal muscles in. that segment) ; tt, respiratory canal and tags. 2. Ovary and the enveloping membranous sac, or uterus, extending from it, containing ova in different stages of development: a, stroma of ovary with inherent ova ; the darker segment probably indicates the position of a winter ovvun developing ; b, ovum dividing ; c, ovum in which division of yelk has been several times repeated ; d, an ovum in which the rude outlines of the embryo are distin- guishable, the two eyes at d, and the sac with the so-called urinary concretion &i k\ f points to the uterine or ovarian enveloping membrane. 3. A very young Stephanoceros. 4. An embryo of Stephanoceros immediately after its exit from the shell. 5. An ovimi of Lacinularia. 6. Another ovum of the same, its yelk in process of fission. 7. A portion of the ovary of the same, with four contained ova. 8. An ovimi of the same, in which division has been repeated several times. 9. Another ovum, wherein fission has been repeated until the yelk is broken up into a number of ceUs. 10. A young embryo of Lacinularia immediately after its exit from the egg. 11. Another embryo, further developed. 12. Termination of a tentacidar process of Mehcerfai ringens, showing the piston-like disc, capable of retraction by a muscular band affixed to it, and surmomited by a brush of cilia. 13. A view of the same process, with the brush of cilia extended. 14. The same, with the cilia retracted. 15. An embryo of Melicerta ringens, wliich has attached itself and has commenced the formation of its case or sheath. 16. An embryo of the same animal as it appears when swimming freely. 17. Melicerta ringens, fully developed, with the lobes or petals of its ciliary wreath («) fuUy expanded; b, uncmi ; c, ciliated process, representing a fifth lobe; dd, tcntacula, as shown in figs. 12, 13. 14; c, jaws; ^, lower or second stomach ; h, intestine ; k, coloured globules ; /, suctorial end of pseudopodimn ; w, nnisclra ; n, gland ; o, oram. 18. Two muscidar fasciculi, showing transvci*se markings. 19' Lacinularia sociaHs: a, pharynx; b, maxillffi, or jaws; c, muscular crop; rf, stomach; e, lower segment of stomacli, terminating in a narrow rectimi and anus at if: g, r didar (?) process ; h, ovary ; i, respii-atory canal ; k, pedicle (Huxley). 20. MaxiIlaJ oi Lacinularia socialis. 21. Winter ovum in act of division. 22. Segmentation ot a portion of the ovary, of a dilferent cluiracter from the rest, in process of fornung a ovum. 23. Maxillcc of Melicerta ringens, in bulb. 24. Winter ovum of I>acuuilaria. 25. A portion of ovary of Notommata centrura: a, the homogeneoiis gcrmnial spot; 0, we clear areola around it ; c, yelk-mattcr. 26. Maxillic of MeUccrtfl ringens. 27. V\ inter ovum of Asplanchna SiebolcUi treated with solution of soda. 28. Winter ovum in its na""?' BMe. 29. Mule of Asplanchna Sieboldii, viewed from the abdominal surface: " tw anterior short arms ; b b, the posterior longer arms ; c, testis, or spermatic sac, fi^J^vL spermatozoa ; d, water- vascular canal. 30 a, b, c, d, c, f. The corpuscles of tlie preceoing DESCaiPXION OP THE ENQILVVING3. 963 at c represent the earliest stage of the spermatic particles ; those at a the matiire mcluding the rod-Uke particles. 31. The maxiU.i3 of Asplanclma Sieboldii; the striated muscular bands moving them are very distinct. 32. Tlie female of Asplanclma Sieboldii: a, pharynx; A, ceUs of stomach; c, horseshoe-shaped ovary; d, saccular or uterine portion of oviduct, or ovarian sac, with contained matm-e ovum; c, contractile vesicle; tags of water-vascular canal; k, ditto; ff, muscular (?) cushion within ciliary wreath supporting spmes. PLATE XXXVIII. (Rotatoria). Figure 1. Rotifer inflatus, body extended; rotary apparatus withdrawn. 2. The same Rotifer, with the horn-Uke appendages of its rotary apparatus expanded. 3. Tlio same Rotifer, strongly conti-acted into a globidar form. 4. Philodina erythrophthalma, in a contracted condition, as foimd when di-ied. 5. Euclilanis triquetra, viewed on the under side : a points to the lining membrane of the lorica in which the muscles are inserted ; b, muscles ; c, ganglionic enlargement ; d, respiratory tube ; e, areolar tissue of head ; /, oesophagus, or tube between maxillary head and stomach. 6. Anursea heptodon. 7. Brachionus rubens, the young just emerged from the shell. 8-10. B. Bakeri: 8. Young from the egg ; 9. Summer egg ; 10. Winter egg. 11. Notommata centrura, a portion of the respiratory tube, with the ciUary tags within. 12. TCTinination of a tag, with the cilium within. 13. A portion of a water-vascular canal, with ciliated tags of Asplanclma Sieboldii. 14. Diagram of head of Bracliionus polyacanthiis, viewed from the mouth side. 15. Diagram of head of the same, viewed from above. 16. A portion of the cerebral gangUon and of the nerves proceeding fi-om it, and the eye consisting of two portions. 17. Eye of Bracliionus Bakeri, detached. 18. Eye of Euclilanis unisetata. 19. Eye of Caligus. 20. Diagram of head (trochal disc) of Philodina. 21. Diagrana of same, viewed from the mouth side. 22. Rattulus carinatus. 23, 24. Salpina spinigera. 25. Noteus quadricornis, dorsal view : a, maxillte ; c, anterior spinous cornu of lorica ; c c, posterior cornu ; d, ovary; /, vesicle of water- vascular system; e, canal of ditto; h, stomach; i, muscles. 26. Notommata centrm-a, dorsal view, siu'rounded by a mucous external envelope, and Uned by a subtegumentary lamina or dermis : b, antenna ; c, glandular sac around oesophagus ; d, elongated process of rotary organ, called the under lip ; e, tags of respiratory canal ; /, stomach, with large glandular cells of its wall ; ff, intestine ; h, pan- creatic glands ; i, vesicle of water- vascular or respiratory system; k, cerebrum; I, canal of respiratory tube surrounded by a granular coat ; o, ovary ; ovum ; n, muscular bands ; q, chitinous lining of oesophagus ; r, transverse muscles. 27. Brachionus Bakeri : a, lorica or carapace ; b, posterior horns ; c, anterior horns ; d, lobes of trochal disc ; e, siphon or antenna ; / gastric canal or oesophagus ; ff, convoluted respiratory tube ; I, pancreatic glands. 28. Asplanchna priodonta : a, longitudinal muscles ; b, oesophagus ; c, stomach ; d, ovary; e, pharynx. 29. Pterodina Patina, foot not shown: ac, convolutions of respi- ratory canal; b, longitudinal striated muscles. 30. Polyartlira platyptera : a, cUiated tubercular processes of head ; c, compound feathery processes used as locomotive organs ; d, mature ovum adherent externally ; m, striated longitudinal muscles. 31, 32. Poly- chsetus subqiiadratus. 33. MaxiUse of Notommata vermicularis, with the red eye, con- sisting of two portions («). 34. Maxilla; of Hydatina senta. 35. Maxilla; of Albertia vermicularis. 36. Albertia vermicularis, x200. (Figiu-ed after Dujardin, Huxley, Leydig, and Perty.) PLATE XXXIX. (Rotatoria). Figures 1-3. Lindia torulosa: 1. Rotaiy organ retracted; 2. Dental apparatus of ditto; 3. Rotary organ expanded. 4-7. Euclilanis dilatata: 4. Female, lying on its back, abdomen upwards ; 5. Male, lying on its back ; 6. The granular heap from a young male; 7. Male, lying on its abdomen. 8, 9. Notommata parasita (Ehr.): 8. Male; 9. Female. 10-20. Brachionus urceolaris: 10. A summer ovum in tlio act of fission '; 11. The embryo escaping from a summer egg, with rupture of shell ; 12. A young nuilo after its escape from tlie egg; 13. A male escaping from the egg; 14. A young male, older than Dg. 12 ; 15. Female, rotary organ fully expanded ; 16. Female, \nlh four male eggs in dill'erent stages of development attadied ; 17. Female, rotary organ retracted tentacular process (calcar) protruded ; 18. Female, lateral view ; 19. Maxillary bulb (mastax), with teeth in position ; 20. A winter, ephippial, or lasting ovum. 21-24 Br'V- chionus militaris: 21. Female, lying on its back; 22. Female, lying on its abdomen- 23. A winter ovum ; 24. A male ovum. (Cohn.) ' 3q2 964 DKSCTllPTION 01' THE ENGSAVINGS. PLATE XL. (EoTAToiiiA). Figure 1. Hydatina senta, female, lateral view : a, dorsum and oral carity, extending to an apex at 6 ; c, mastax with maxilla) ; d, canal between mastax and stomach ; /, cloacal orifice ; g, vesicle ; h, ovary ; i, coils of respiratory tube ; k, cerebral ganglion ; I, cUiatcd tactile fossa ; m, longitudinal muscles. 2. Enteroplea Hydatina, the male of Hydatina senta. 3. Ova in an immature state, as found in the unimpregnated ovary of Hydatina senta : a, germinal spot ; b, germinal vesicle ; c, membrane of ovum occupied mth gi-anular yelk-matter. 4. The lining membrane of stomach of Hydatina senta, everted, showing cUia. 5. Vibratile tag, supported on its pedicle, attached to the respiratory canal. 6. The male sexual organs (of Enteroplea Hydatina) detached, and higljy magnified : a, penis ; b, gland siUTOunding its bag ; c, vesicles with granules ; d, fold of integument surrounding ■ penis when retracted. 7. Detached spermatozoa. 8. Stephanops muticus, seen from, beneath. 9. Same, side view. 10. Another view from beneath, or the ventral surface. 11. Brachionus Dorcas, female, newly born. 12. Same, male, newly born (Gosse). 13. B. Mulleri (male) : a, head mass ; b, eye ; c, muscles ; d, posterior mass ; e, sperm- sac ; /, urinary concretion ; g, foot. 14. B. Pala, male, newly bom. 15. Same, male egg, nearly mature. 16. B. Bakeri. 17. Sacculus viridis, male, newly born. 18. Same, female, with male ova attached. 19. Brachionus angularis, male. 20. B. urceolaris, mastax and dental apparatus, ventral aspect: a, mastax; b, malleus; c, manubrium; d, articulation ; e, uncus ; /, incus ; g, ramus ; h, fulcrum ; i, muscle connecting the imcus with the ramus ; j, muscle for extending the malleus ; muscle for throwing in the manubrium ; k, muscle for bending the malleus ; m, buccal funnel ; n, saUvary glands ; o, alula. [These letters have the same signification where met with in the following figures after Gosse:] 21-23. B. urceolaris: 21. Jaws viewed nearly from above; 22. Dental apparatus, lateral aspect ; 23. Buccal funnel, salivary glands, mastax, and dental appa- ratus, dorsal aspect. 24. Diglena forcipata, jaws closed, ventral aspect. 25. Eloscularia ornata, jaws, dorsal aspect. 26. The same, frontal aspect. 27. Stephanoceros Eich- hornii, jaws, dorsal aspect. 28. Same, uncus, obUque aspect. 965 INDEX TO THE DESCKIPTION OF THE FAJMH^IES AND GENERA OF INFUSORIA. AcariiEtim, 503. Achnanthem, 872. Achnanthes, 873. Achnanthidium, 872. Acineria, 629. Acineta, 564. Acinetina, 564. Acomia, 613. Acropisthium, 614. Actinisceis, 935. Actiiiiscus, 935. Actinocyclus, 833. Actinogonivun, 813. Actinophryina, 243, 558. Actinophrys, 559. Actinoptychus, 839. Actinuriis, 704. Alastor, 571 . Albertia, 693. Albei-tims, 693. Alyscum, 615. Amblyophis, 541. Amoeba, 548. Amoebcsa, 548. Amphicampa, 765. Amphimonas, 498. Ampliileptus, 636. Amphipentas, 858. Amphi pleura, 783. Amphiprora, 921. Amphitetras, 8.57. Amphora, 880. AnauluB, 859. Ancyrium, 501. Atiffuliferece, 852. Anisonema, 512. Ankistrodesmus, 752. Anthophysa, 500. Anur.Ta, 707. Apionidium, 615. Aptogonum, 723. Arachnoidiscus, 841. ArceUa, 554. Arcellina, 551. Arthrodesmus, 736. Arthrogyra, 822. Aspidisca, 631. Aspidiscina, 631. Asplanchna, 691. Astasia, 539. AstasicBa, 188, 538. Asterionella, 779. Asterodiscus, 838. Asterolampra, 836. Asteromphalus, 836. Attheya, 863. Aulacodiscus, 843, 938. AuUscus, 845, Bacillaria, 715. Bacillaria, 784. Bacteriastrum, 863. Bacterium, 532. Bfflonidium, 614. Berkeleya, 926. Biblarium, 805. Biddulphia, 847. Biddulphiece, 846. Blepharisma, 628. Bodo, 496. Brachionaa, 706. Brachionus, 709. Brightwellia, 940. Bursaria, 620. Cadium, 558. Calia, 629. CalHdina, 701. Calodiscus, 802. Campylodiscus, 798. Carcliesiura, 588. Cephalosiphon, 670. Cerntaulus, 846. Coratidium, 642. Ceratium, 577. Ccratoneis, 782. Cercomonas, 497. Ch(Efocere(e, 800. Clifctoccros, 861. Chfctoglena, 575. Cliirtomonas, .573. Chfetonotua, 661. Cha3to8pira, 597. Chnetotyphla, 575. Chilodon, 624. Chilomonas, 495. Chlamidodon, 646. Chlamydococcus, 522. Clilamydomonas, 146, 521. Cbromatium, 502. Chloraster, 494. CUorogonium, 543. Chonemonas, 513. ClLIATA, 668. Cinetochikun, 630. Cladogramma, 814. Clenodon, 684. CHmacosphenia, 772. Closterium, 746. Cobalina, 571. CocconeidecB, 867. Cocconeis, 867. Cocconema, 877. Coccudina, 648. Coelasferimi, 755. Coenomorpha, 597. Colacium, 544. Colletonema, 926. Colepina, 616. Colepa, 616. Colpoda, 632. Colobidium, 615. Coif odea, 631. Colm-us, 698. Conocliilus, 664. Corethria, 563. Cornuspira, 558. Corycia, 5.50. Cosxinodhcem, 827. Coscinodiscus, 827. Cosmarium, 731. Cosmocladium, 752. Cofchurnia, 603. Craspedodiscus, 831, 939. Crumenula, 511. Cri/pfomonadina, 140, 505. Cryptx)glena, 509. Cryptomonas, 507. Ci/clidina, 671. Cyclidium, 497, 572. Cycloglena, 690. 966 INDEX XO THE FAMILIES AND GENEEA OF INFUSORIA. Cyclograimna, 630. Cyclotella, 811, 937. Cylindi'otlieca, 940. Cymatoplem-a, 793, 940. CymbeUa, 875. Ci/mhellecB, 875. Cymbosira, 875. Cypliidium, 565. CypLoderia, 557. Dasydytes, 661. Dendrosoma, 662. Denticula, 773. Bcsmidiacem, 715. Besmidiece, 715. Desmidium, 723. Desmogonium, 789. Diadesmie, 923. Diatoma, 778. Biatomacem, 756. Biatomem, 756. Diatomella, 810. Dickieia, 925. Dicladia, 863. Dictyocha, 935. Dictyolampra, 813. Didymoprium, 723. Difflugia, 653. Diglena, 687. Dileptiis, 638. Dimeregramma, 790. Dinema, 546. Binohryina, 546. Dinobryon, 647. Dinocharis, 698. Diophrys, 648. Diplax, 695. Diploneis, 892. Dipodina, 713. Discocephalus, 645. Discosira, 822. Diselmis, 511. Disoma, 608. Distemma, 689. Distigma, 544. Docidium, 744. DonMnia, 920. Doxococcus, 495. Drepanomonas, 513. Eraydium, 713. Enchelia, 605. Enchelys, 607. Encyonema, 879. Endictya, 831. Enteroplea, 677. Entomoneis, 921. Entopyla, 810. Eospliora, 689. Epholota, 562. Epipyxis, 546. Epistylis, 588. Epithomia, 759, 938. Eretcs, 501. Euaatrum, 728. Eiicampio, 937. EucJdanidota, 693. Euclilanis, 695. Eudorina, 520. Euglena, 541. EiiglcncBa, 188, 538. Euglypha, 556. Eiuiotia, 762. EunotiecB, 769. Eunotogi'amma, 860. Euodia, 862. Euphyllodium, 772. Eupleui-ia, 809. Euplotes, 646. EuplofAna, 645. Eupodiscece, 842. Eupodiscua, 842, 938. Euti-eptia, 646. Eloscularia, 674. Floscularima, 665. Fragilaria, 776. FragilariecB, 773. Erustulia, 924. Furcularia, 679. G-astroclireta, 615. Genicularia, 721. Gephyria, 809. Glaucoma, 624. Glenodinium, 578. Glenomorum, 494. Glenophora, 662. Gloeococcus, 524. Gomphogmmma, 806. Gomplionema, 886. GonvphoneimcE, 886. Gonatozygon, 721. Goniothecium, 864. Gonium, 152, 517. Grammatophora, 807. Grammonema, 777. Gromia, 556. Grymffia, 503. Gyges, 516. Gyi'osigma, 915. Habrodon, 614. Halionyx, 833. Halteria, 644. Harmodirus, 629. Heliopelta, 840. Hemiaidus, 861. Hemidiscus, 852. Hercotlieca, 866. Hetoromita, 499. Heteronema, 545. Heterostephunia, 833. Hcxamita, 499. Himautidium, 765. Himnntopborus, 646. Hirmidiura, .528. Ilolophrya, 612. HomoDOclndia, 784. Hyalodiscus, 814. Hyalosira, 804. Hyalotheca, 722. Hydatina, 677. Hydatinma, 677. Hydrias, 702. Hydromorina, 503. Hydrosera, 852. Ichfhydina, 660. Ichthydium, 661. InsileOa, 827. Isthmia, 851. Kerona, 642. Kolpoda, 632. Kolpodea, 631. Kondylostoma, 627. Labidodon, 682. Lacemata, 924. Lacinularia, 670. Lacrymaria, 609. LageneUa, 509. Lagenophrys, 604. Lagotia, 605. Lagynis, 568. Larella, 712. Lecquereusia, 557. Lembadion, 629. LepadeUa, 694. Leptocystiiiema, 722. Leucophrys, 571, 610. Licmophora, 771. Licnwphorem, 768. Limnias, 670. Liiidia, 693. Liosipbon, 626. Liostephania, 813. Liparogyra, 823. Litbodesmium, 937. Loxodes, 619. LoxopbyUmn, 639. LysieycUa, 815. Macrobiotus, 714. MaUomonas, 501. Mastigocerca, 695. Mastogloia, 924. Mastogoma, 813. Megalotroclia, 665. Mcgalotrochcea, 664. Megatricha, 614. Melicerta, (372. Melosira, 815. MchmrecB, 810. Menoidium, 502. Meridic(S, 766. Meridion, 767. Mcsocenn, 93l>. Metallacter, 537- Metopidia, 699. _ Micrastoi-ias, 725. MicrocodoH, 665. Microglena, 493. Micromega, 929. Microtlieca, 937. Milnesiiun, 714. Mitophora, 644. INDEX TO THE FAMILIES ANB GENEKA OF INFTTSOEIA. 967 Monadhia, 130, 485. Monns, 489. Monema, 927. Monocerca, 680. Monogramina, 875. Monolabis, 704. Monostyla, 695. Moniira, 698. Nassula, 625. Naiinema, 927. NaAacida, 892, 938. Naviculece, 892. Nitzsclua, 779, 940. Noteus, 707. Notogonia, 700. Notommata, 681. Octoglena, 690. Odontidium, 775. Odontodiseus, 832. OScistes, 663. (Ecistina, 663. Ompbalopelta, 841. Omphalotheca, 865. Oncosphenia, 768. Opalina, 569, 627. Opalinaa, 569. Opercularia, 592. Ophidomonas, 509. Ophrydina, 598. Oplirydium, 599. Ophryoccrcina, 630. Ophryodendron, 568. Ophryogleiia, 638. Opisthioti'iclia, 614. Otostoma, 639. Oxytricha, 640. Oxytrichina, 639. Oxyrrhis, 512. Pamphagiia, 551. Pandorina, 157, 517. Panoplirys, 627. Pantotrichum, 573. Pararaecium, 634. Fediastreee, 24, 752. Pediastrum, 754. Pelecida, 629. Penium, 750. Peranema, 545. Peridiniaa, 574. Peridinium, 576. Periptera, 865. Peristephania, 824. Perithyra, 842. Peronium, 501. Phacelomonas, 494. Phacotug, 513. Pliacus, 511. PhiaUna, 623. Philodina, 70.5. PhilodiiKea, 700. Phlyctsenia, 925. PllYTOZOA, 485. Pinnularia, 892. Plagioguatba, 692. Plngiogramma, 773. Plagiotoma, 571, 627. Pleurodesmium, 860. Pleuromonas, 502. Plem-onema, 639. Pleurosiphonia, 915. Plem-osigma, 915. Pleurotrocha, 679. Ploeotia, 512. Ploesconia, 647. Podocystis, 772. PodocUscus, 815. Podopkrya, 561. Podosira, 815, 938. Podosphenia, 769. Polyartkra, 686. Polyselmis, 540. Polytoma, 504. Pompholyx, 712. Porocyclia, 823. Porpeia, 850. Prorocentrum, 509. Prorodon, 612. Prorostauros, 915. Protozoa, 199, 547. Pseudo-difflugia, 557. Pterodina, 711. Ptygura, 661. Ptyiidium, 615. Pyxidicula, 824. Eattulus, 688. Ehabdomonas, 503. Ebabdonema, 804. Ebapbidogloea, 925. Ebaphoneis, 791. Ebipidopbora, 769. EinzopoDA, 243. Ebizonotia, 885. Eliizosolenia, 865. EoTATOKiA, 392, 649. Eotifer, 702. Salpina, 697. Sacculus, 662. Scandium, 686. Scenodesmus, 753. Sceptroneis, 772. Scbizonema, 927. Schieonemcce, 924. Scypbidia, 596. Siagontbcrium, 614. Sorastrum, 755. Spatbidiiun, 611. Spboerosira, 524. Sphjerozosma, 723. Spbonella, 886. Spbenodoria, 557. Spbenosira, 892. Spirilliiia, 554. Spirillum, 533. Spiroclifuta, 533. Spirocbona, 598. Spirodisciis, 537. Spiromonns, 502. Spirostomiim, 622. Spirotajnia, 751. Spondylomorum, 505. Spondylosium, 724. Sporonema, 537. SquameUa, 700. Squamulina, 558. Staurastrum, 737. Staua-ogramma, 915. Stauroneis, 911. Stauroptera, 911. Staurosira, 791. Stentor, 581. Stephanoceros, 668. Stepbanodisciis, 823. Stepbanogonia, 814. Stepbanoma, 529. Stepbanops, 699. Stepbanopyxis, 826. Stepbanosira, 823. Stepbanospbtera, 164, 529. Sticbotxicba, 644. Stigmapbora, 923. StriateUa, 803. StriatellecB, 803. StylobibUum, 805. Stylonycbia, 643. Surirella, 794. SurirellecB, 783, 940. Symbolopbora, 833. Synapbia, 528. Syncbaeta, 685. SjTQcrypta, 519. SyncycUa, 879. Syndendrium, 866. Synedra, 785. Synedrea, 940. Symira, 519. Syringidium, 866. Systepbania, 832. Tabellaria, 807. Tapbrocampa, 692. Tardigh-vda, 713. Tardigrada, 714. Terpsiuoe, 859. Terpsinoeee, 858. Tessella, 804. Tetmomorus, 746. Tctracbastrum, 724. Tetracyclus, 806. Tetraniitus, 601. Tetrasiphoii, 713. Tbeorus, 690. Tiiitinnus, 600. Toxonidia, 920. Trachelina, 016. Traclielius, 618. Tracbclocerca, 630. Trncliclomonas, 510. Treporaonns, 499. Triarllira, 688, Tricci-aliiuii, 853, 939. Tricboda, 008. Tricbodiim, 583. TrichocUscuB, 661. 968 INDEX TO THE FAMILIES AND QENEHA Or lOTTSOEIA. Trichomonas, 500. Trinema, 556. Trioplitlialmus, G89. Ti-iploceras, 747. Tryblionella, 792. Trypemonas, 513. TurbaneUa, 381. Tubicolaria, 668. Typlilina, 702. Urceolaj'ia, 596. Urocentrum, 585. Uroglena, 520. TJroleptus, 637. Uronema, 616. Urostyla, 643. UveUa, 492. Vaginicola, 601. Vaginifera, 598. Vibrio, 532. Vibrionia, 184, 529. Volvocina, 144, 514. Volvox, 180, 526. Vorticella, 585. Vorticellina, 579- Xanthidium, 735. XantliiopyxiB, 826. Zoogloea, 537. Zooteirea, 563. Zoothamnium, 594. Zygoceros, 850. Zygosehnis, 544. THE END. PRINTED BV TAYLOR AND KRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEKT STREET. I vm. • I . Iii.li\ n- Jltt.^i.in/. M,ir J.lli lJ. yJ : C/'y)/ufm sr.. I XI XVI JQC' Iritckaur^'s Ijofusoris, III. Prit,c?ia.T ■1iJ3 II.' -^li XXX VI. Mmf JSSl I I \ I JXXVI/ KJ AlaisSc. Prltdianrd's Infusoria. II JXKlTd JXX7X. Pritchaurd's InfusoTia.. V.J.Aia.is.sc 7''. 4 i I {JRITC hard's Infusoria - PRICE — 1 STRAKER & SON, BlNDCRS, i Xojvoojv: