HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https ://arch i ve .org/detai Is/b21 91 1 71 x HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY BY ARTHUR KEITH, M.D.(Aberdn.), F.E.C.S.(Eng.) LECTURER ON ANATOMY, LONDON HOSPITAL MEDICAL COLLEGE FORMERLY HUNTERIAN PROFESSOR, ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, EXAMINER IN ANATOMY, UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN ILLUSTRATED LONDON EDWARD ARNOLD 1902 GLASGOW : PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS BY ROBERT MACLEHOSE AND CO. The Students of the London Hospital. PREFACE. Fifty years ago it was possible for a teacher in a Winter course of Lectures to lay all the essential facts of Embryology and Comparative Anatomy before his pupils ; to-day fifty courses were not sufficient, so boundless have these subjects grown. Yet, in spite of their rapid growth, they have been retained in Higher Examinations in Human Anatomy by our Universities and Colleges without any principle being laid down to guide teachers and taught as to the scope required. Ho book dealing with these subjects exists to afford a precedent. The criterion which the Author applied in determining the scope of this work he believes will be accepted by pupils, teachers, and examiners. The course of Demonstrations, of which this book is the substance, was given under the walls of a great hospital to students preparing to work within its wards. Hence, each fact taught the student was necessarily one which was capable of application in his life’s work or by the possession of which he became a better workman. The extent to which each subject was dealt with was determined by its practical im- portance. In brief, clinical utility was the criterion employed. The way to the wards is the road to the examination room, Vlll PREFACE. and the right preparation for the one is the best qualification the student can take with him for the other. The Author hopes he has prepared a work which will prove useful not only to students proceeding for Higher Examinations in Anatomy and Surgery but also to men actively engaged in practice. Every day conditions come under their notice which can be explained only by a reference to Embryology. He has sought to sketch as briefly and clearly as possible the history of the developing human body. History is the best key to an understanding of the present conditions of a country ; the Embryologist and Comparative Anatomist are the dual historians of the human body. The Author is deeply indebted to Mr. F. G. Parsons for re- vision of his proofs and numerous suggestions and corrections. December , 1901. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE Development of the Face, - -- -- -- - 1 CHAPTER II. The Nasal Cavities and Olfactory Structures, 20 CHAPTER III. Development of the Pharynx and Neck, ----- 28 CHAPTER IY. Development of the Organ of Hearing, ----- 49 CHAPTER V. Development and Morphology of the Teeth, 63 CHAPTER YI. The Skin and its Appendages, 70 CHAPTER VII. The Development of the Ovum of the Foetus from the Ovum of the Mother, 80 CHAPTER VIII. The Manner in which a Connection is Established between the Foetus and Uterus, - 95 CHAPTER IX. The Uro-genital System, - 102 X CONTENTS. CHAPTER X. Page- Formation OF THE PuBO-FEMORAL REGION, PELVIC FLOOR AND Fascia, - 133 CHAPTER XI. The Spinal Column and Back, 142 CHAPTER XII. The Segmentation of the Body, 155 CHAPTER XIII. The Cranium, - 161 CHAPTER XIY. Development of the Structures concerned in the Sense of Sight, - - - 175 CHAPTER XY. The Brain and Spinal Cord, - 192 CHAPTER XVI. Development of the Circulatory System, - 223- CHAPTER XVII. The Respiratory System, 249 CHAPTER XVIII. The Organs of Digestion, 261 CHAPTER XIX. The Body Wall, Ribs, and Sternum, ------ 282 CHAPTER XX. The Limbs, - 289 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. CHAPTER I. DEVELOPMENT OF THE FACE. Processes which form the Face. — About the middle of the first month of foetal life, five processes begin to spring from the base of the primitive cerebral capsule, which, by the end of the second month, have completely united together to form the facial part of the head. In figure 1, a diagrammatic representation is given of the condition of these five processes about the end of the first month. Of the five, one, the nasal or fronto-nasal, composed of symmetrical right and left halves, is median, and pro- jects beneath the fore-brain; the others are lateral, two on each side, the mandibular and maxillary. The cavity which these five processes surround is the stomodaeum (Fig. 1). It ultimately forms the nasal and part of the buccal cavities. The part of the adult face formed by each process is shown in figure 2. Malformations of the Face. — These processes may fail to unite in the second month and in this manner malformations of the face are produced. The most common anomaly is a partial failure of the nasal and maxillary processes to fuse, various degrees of hare lip and cleft palate being thus caused. In hare lip, the cleft appears in the upper lip between the middle part formed by the middle nasal processes and the lateral parts formed by the maxillary processes (Fig. 2). In cleft palate, the failure of union occurs between the deep parts of the nasal and maxillary A o HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. piocesses (Hg. 8). There is a mesial cleft in the upper lip of hares and labbits, but it occurs between the two maxillary mid brain cerebral nasal field lat. nas. proc. mes. nas. proc. maxillary proc. mandib. proc. hyoid arch, cardiac emin. Fia. 1. --Showing the formation of the face by the Nasal, Maxillary, and Mandibular processes in an embryo of the 4th week. (After His.) cerebrum maxillary process nasal field lat. nas. proc. mes. nas. proc. (proc. glob.) mandib. proc. hyoid arch Fig. 2. — Showing the parts of the face formed from the Nasal, Maxillary, and Mandibular processes. processes, the labial part of the middle nasal process being undeveloped. Macrostoma is due to a partial failure of the DEVELOPMENT OF THE FACE. 3 mandibular to unite with the maxillary element. Any of these processes may be under or over developed ; over-development ol the nasal and under-development of the mandibular (micro- gnathia) are of common occurrence. THE NASAL PROCESSES. The nasal process at a very early stage is seen to be divided into two lateral processes and two mesial, the latter having globular enlargements as tips (Fig. 1). It must be re- membered that the lateral and mesial nasal processes are really Fig. 3. — Showing the structures formed in the Mesial Nasal Processes. vertical septa springing from the basis of the primitive capsule of the fore-brain, and the parts seen on the face are the anterior extremities of these septa (see Fig. 8). What become of the Mesial Nasal Processes. — From the mesial nasal processes, which fuse together, and may enclose epithelial remnants between them, are formed the whole septum of the nose (Fig. 3), the premaxillary part of the upper jaw and the middle third of the upper lip (Fig. 2). It contains a skeletal basis of cartilage, formed by the trabeculae cranii (Figs. 135, 136, p. 168). Structures formed in the Mesial Nasal Processes. — The 4 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. mesial nasal processes fuse together; in their anterior inferior angles are formed the premaxillae. The remainder forms the septum of the nose. In the mesial nasal processes a laminar plate of cartilage is developed, which is continuous with, and forms part of, the tiabeeulae cranii (Tig. 136). Part of this cartilage remains as the septal cartilage of the nose (Pig. 3). From the septal carti- lage, just over the naso-palatine foramina, a small scroll-like or turbinate process is thrown out on each side to form a hood for an isolated piece of olfactory epithelium — the organ of Jacobson. They form the cartilages of Jacobson. The cartilages and organ are vestigial in man. In the mesial nasal processes are developed, also, the mesial or septal limbs of the alar cartilages of the nose (Fig. 3). The Vomer is developed in the membrane (perichondrium) which covers the primitive septal cartilage. A centre of ossification ap- trough for cartilaginous Fig. 4.— Showing the trough-shaped Vomer of the newly born. pears in the 3rd month at each side of the cartilage ; they fuse together under the palatal margin of the cartilage. Thus the vomer forms at first a shallow trough in which the cartilage of the septum appears to be implanted (Fig. 4). The Vertical Plate of the Ethmoid is formed by a direct ossification of the primitive cartilage of the septum. Ossification begins in the 4th month. The crista galli, the intra-cranial part of the septum, is formed in part by the ossification proceeding into the attachment of the falx cerebri. Premaxillary Bones. — The two premaxillary bones form the sockets of the upper incisor teeth. In the human foetus at birth the suture between the pre-maxilla and maxilla can be seen on the hard palate ; it runs on each side from the naso-palatine foramen to the alveolus between the lateral incisor and canine (Fig. 9). On the facial aspect, the premaxilla fuses with the DEVELOPMENT OF TIIE FACE. 5 superior maxilla in the 3rd month of foetal life, the maxillae overlapping and almost completely excluding them from the face. The nasal spine is formed by the premaxillae. In mammals generally the premaxillae are highly developed and form the snout part of the face. In the higher Primates the face becomes less elongated, less prognathous and the premaxillae less developed. In the orang, for instance, the premaxillae are distinctly seen on the face at birth (Fig. 5), but as the permanent canines begin to develop they fuse with the maxillae. Fig. 5. — Showing the suture on the face between the premaxilla and maxilla in the skull of a young orang. In man each premaxilla is usually ossified by two centres, placed side by side. Hence it sometimes happens in cleft palate that the fissure appears, not between the canine and lateral incisor, but between the lateral and middle incisor. In such cases the two centres of the premaxilla have failed to unite and the cleft occurs between them. The two premaxillae unite together in the first year after birth. Their vestigial character in man is due to the small size of his masticatory apparatus and consequent retrogression in the development of the facial part of his skull. Naso-palatine Foramen. — The naso-palatine foramina are formed where the mesial nasal and two maxillary processes unite to form the palate (Fig. 9). In animals with well-developed pre- maxillae the two naso-palatine (anterior palatine) foramina are large, and through each passes the naso-palatine duct, which allows a communication between the buccal and nasal cavities. The odour of the food within the mouth thus reaches the organ HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. ot Jacobson. In man the upper ends of the ducts remain open ; they terminate blindly below, behind the mesial incisor teeth, in the naso-palatine or incisive papilla (see Figs. 9 and 19). Nasal Duct. — The lachrymal sac and nasal duct, through which tears pass from the eye to the inferior meatus of the nasal cavity, are formed between the lateral nasal and maxillary pro- cesses (Jigs. 2 and 7). The epithelium of the skin (epiblast) enclosed between the processes, forms at first a solid cord ; it afterwards becomes caniculised to form the duct. Structures Formed in the Lateral Nasal Process. — In each lateral nasal process a laminar plate of cartilage is developed ; it is continuous with, and forms part of, the trabeculae cranii (Fig. 136, p. 168). Its inner or attached margin is continuous with the septal cartilage of the mesial nasal process ; it forms on each side the roof and lateral wall of the nasal cavities (Fig. 7). What becomes of the Cartilage of the Lateral Nasal Process (Fig. 6). — It forms on each side: (1) The cribriform plate, around the olfactory nerves as they issue from the olfactory bulb ; DEVELOPMENT OF THE FACE. I (2) The lateral mass of the ethmoid, at first merely a plate of cartilage ; the superior and middle turbinate processes are developed from the plate (Fig. 7); ossific centres appear in the cartilage of the lateral mass and turbinate piocesses during the fourth month ot foetal life ; (3) The inferior turbinate bone (Fig. 7) (maxillo-turbinal). The body of the superior maxilla is developed on its outer side in the maxillary process (Fig. 7); sup. turb. lat. nas. proc. mid. turb inf. turb f -frontal. orbit pi. front. uomer / septum fines, nas. proc. ) sup. max. (max. proc.) dental sac palate (max. proc.) Fig. 7.— Coronal section of the skull of a 7th month human foetus to show the cartilages of the Lateral and Mesial Nasal Processes and the bones formed round them. (4) The lateral and part of the alar cartilages of the nose ; (5) In the membrane over the cartilage, between the ethmoid behind and the cartilages of the nares in front, are developed the lachrymal and nasal bones, and the ascending process of the superior maxilla. The cartilage beneath these bones disappears after birth (Fig. 6). Arteries and Nerves of the Nasal Processes. — 1. Mesial Nasal Process. The chief artery and nerve of this process are the naso-palatine, but branches also come from the nasal nerve and its accompanying artery, the anterior ethmoidal. 2. Lateral Nasal Process. The lateral nasal nerves are derived from Meckel’s ganglion and the descending palatine nerve. Vessels 8 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. accompany the nerves from the descending palatine. The nasal nerve and anterior ethmoidal artery supply the process in front. It will thus be seen that the chief nerves and arteries of both processes are derived from structures in the spheno-max illary fossa. MAXILLARY PROCESSES. The Parts formed from each Maxillary Process. — The max- illary process springs from the base of the mandibular arch and sweeping forwards below the eye separates that structure from mid brain cerebral uesicle , anterior nares -1 — upper Up. mes. nas. proc. eye -premax. mes. nas. proc. upper lip. max. proc. alueolus max. proc. pa/at. proc. max. proc. (section) inner recess 1st cleft. (Eustach. tube ) posterior nares 'roof of pharynx septal part, mes. nas. proc. Fig. 8. — Showing the ingrowth of the palatal plates of the two maxillary processes early in the 2nd month. (After Kollmann.) the mouth (Figs. 1 and 2). In front it comes in contact and fuses with the lateral nasal process which forms the outer wall of the nasal cavity and with the globular process of the mesial nasal which forms the premaxillary part of the palate and the middle part of the upper lip. The part of the face formed by the max- illary process is shown in figure 2. The hard palate (with the exception of the premaxillary part), the soft palate and its muscles, with the uvula, are formed by a horizontal plate which grows inwards from the maxillary process and fuses with the plate of the opposite side beneath the septum of the nose, with which the horizontal plates also unite (Figs. 8 and 9). The palatal DEVELOPMENT OF THE FACE. 9 processes separate the buccal from the nasal cavities, forming the roof of the one and the floor of the other (Fig. 7). The horizontal palatal plates meet first in front; the process of fusion spreads backwards, and by the end of the second month it is complete. premaxilla Fig. 9. — Showing the Hard Palate at birth. The premaxillary part is formed from the Mesial Nasal Processes ; the remainder by the Palatal Plates of the Maxillary Processes. The condition of cleft palate is due to a partial or sometimes a complete failure of the process of fusion. Bones formed in each Maxillary Process. — The zygomatic process of the temporal, the malar, and the greater part of the superior maxillary are formed directly from the connective tissue within the process. They are membrane-formed bones. Ptery go-palatine Bar. — Two other bones formed in this process have quite a different history. The internal pterygoid plate, which is originally a separate bone, and the palate, are developed over cartilage. When the maxillary process grows forwards from the base of the mandibular arch, it carries with it a prolongation of the cartilaginous bar which forms the skeletal basis of that arch. The cartilaginous bar is known as the pterygo-palatine, and in the membrane over this bar the pterygoid (internal pterygoid process) and palatal bones are developed (Fig. 10 A, B, C.). From the posterior end of this bar is developed the incus in mammals and the quadrate bone in birds and reptiles. In birds and reptiles the lower jaw articulates with the quadrate bone (Fig. 10 B), and on the quadrate the superior maxilla is supported by the pterygoid and palate bones. In amphibians the quadrate, pterygoid and palate form a continuous bar of 10 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. cartilage (palato-quadrate). In fishes the Palato-quadrate bar forms part of the mandibular arch (Fig. 10 A). In mammals the quadrate is completely separated from the pterygoid and, instead palato-quadrate bar incus ( quadrate ) tympanic ( quad. -jug. ) malleus ( os articu Eus. cart. "-internal pterygoid int. lat. Hg. obliterated symphysis Fig. 10, a, b, c. — Showing what become of the skeletons of the Mandibular Arch (Meckel’s Cartilage) and Maxillary Process (Palato-quadrate Cartilage). The numerals indicate corresponding parts. A. In Fishes and Amphibians. B. In Reptiles and Birds. C. In Mammals. of acting as a supporting bone for the lower jaw, as in birds, is subservient to hearing, and known as the incus. It is difficult to understand, as Dr. Hans Gadow has pointed out, how a bone such as the quadrate, constantly engaged with DEVELOPMENT OF THE FACE. 11 the mandible, could have become subservient to hearing, and he has produced good evidence to show that the quadrate does not correspond to the incus but to the tympanic plate, with which the mammalian jaw is still in contact. The incus he believes to incus stapes malleus hyoid arch'^% upper part hyoid arch tympanic-quadrate Jnt. pteryg. -palate - Meckel s cartil. use. ramus Meckels cartil. Y* .-i r articulare Fig. 10 D. — Illustrating Gadow’s view of the origin of the Auditory Ossicles and Tympanic Plate. be derived from the upper segment of the hyoid arch (see Fig. 10 D). Nerves and Arteries of the Maxillary Process. — A know- ledge of the manner in which the maxillary process is developed explains the distribution and course of its arteries and nerves. The second division of the 5th, represented by the infra-orbital, descending palatine, pterygo-palatine, and Vidian nerves, forms its nerve supply. Its main artery is the internal maxillary. The muscles of the palate are developed in the horizontal palatal processes. Formation of Foramina and Canals in Bone. — The develop- ment of canals and foramina in the bones of the maxillary process illustrates the manner in which these are formed in the skull generally. Many foramina and canals occur originally between separate elements (see page 170). The Vidian nerve lies between the internal pterygoid plate (a separate bone) and the external pterygoid, a plate which grows into the maxillary process as a cartilaginous prolongation of the great wing of the sphenoid. The pterygo-palatine canal is situated between the pterygoid and palate part of the pterygo-palatine bar. The descending palatine 12 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. nerves lie between the palate bone and superior maxilla. These are canals formed between different elements. The infra-orbital nerve at first passes forwards in a groove on the orbital aspect of the superior maxilla, but in the later months of foetal life, upgrowths from the malar and nasal centres of ossification of the maxilla meet over the nerve and convert the groove into a canal. The foramen rotundum and foramen ovale are at first notches on the edge of the great wing of the sphenoid, but in the course of foetal growth the notches are converted into foramina. Hence wherever a nerve foramen or canal is found one may conclude that it marks the junction of two elements, originally distinct, oi- ls originally a groove or notch on the edge of the bone (Bland Sutton). The malar nerves issue between the two centres of ossification of the malar. The two malar centres may fail to unite ; the bone is then divided by a suture passing from the orbit to the temporal fossa. It occurs rather more frequently in Japanese and Mongolian skulls, hence the name of Os Japonicum. Palatal Rugae.— In all classes of mammals the mucous mem- brane on the hard palate is ridged transversely ; three or four of these tranverse ridges are seen on each side of the palate of the newly born child ; they tend to disappear in the adult. Food is triturated between them and the rough papillae on the palatal aspect of the tongue. Their disappearance in man is probably due to the soft nature of his food. The Antrum of Highmore. — It will be seen from figure 7 that the maxillary process is at first a thin plate, lying between the orbit and mouth, containing the tooth buds. It rests on the outer aspect and covers the cartilaginous basis of the lateral nasal process which forms the outer wall of the nasal cavity (Fig. 7). About the third month of foetal life the mucous membrane in the middle meatus begins to bud outwards, presses before it and bursts through the lateral nasal plate of cartilage and begins to distend the maxillary process. At birth the antrum is only a shallow recess on the outer wall of the middle meatus. It •continues to grow until the 25 th year, and is the only one of the air sinuses developed from the nasal cavity, which is present at the time of birth. In the years of adolescence the antrum reaches out until it inflates the maxillary part of the malar and DEVELOPMENT OF TIIE FACE. ia as it grows backwards, presses downward the posterior border of the maxilla and thus brings the permanent molar teeth into opening of antrum milk teeth at birth post, border of max. at birth antrum at birth antrum of adult posterior border of max. in adult Fig. 11.— Showing the manner in which the development of the Maxillary Antrum affects the size of the palate and position of the molar teeth. position (Fig. 11). If the process of growth is arrested, the last molar (wisdom) tooth is left on the posterior border of the maxilla, where it may ultimately be the cause of an abscess. MANDIBULAR PROCESSES AND ARCH. The two mandibular processes unite in the middle line and form the mandibular or first visceral arch. The arch forms the lower or hinder boundary of the stomodaeum (Fig 1). Parts formed from the Mandibular Arch. — Besides the lower jaw, there are formed from this arch the soft parts over and under the jaw, the lower lip, the muscles of mastication, the internal lateral ligament and the malleus. The anterior two- thirds of the tongue, the sublingual and submaxillary glands are formed from the floor of the primitive pharynx between the man- dibular and the second or hyoid arch. These parts are supplied from the nerve of the mandibular arch, and are therefore probably derived, in part at least, from the substance of the arch. The Mandibular Arch bounds the stomodaeum behind, and is the foremost of the five visceral arches which encircle and form the walls of the primitive pharynx. Meckel’s cartilage forms its skeletal basis (Figs. 10(7 and 12). The 3rd division of the 5th is its nerve, and its artery is the first aortic arch from which the inferior dental, facial and lingual arteries afterwards arise. 14 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. The structures formed from Meckel’s cartilage are shown in Figs. 10 C, 10 D, and 12. Development and Ossification of the Lower Jaw. — In some animals, such as the kangaroo, the two halves of the lower jaw, each developed in its own mandibular process, never unite. In man ossific union takes place early in the second year. In figure 12 are shown the manner of formation and ossification of the lower jaw, with the changes that take place with age. The part of the lower jaw {A, Fig. 12) is developed directly out of Meckel’s cartilage. The dentary centre ( B ) appears in the membrane on the outer side of Meckel’s cartilage, and forms the body of the jaw from the mental foramen almost to the angle ; the splenial centre ( C ) appears on the inner aspect of the cartilage and between it and the dentary, the canal for the dental nerves and vessels is formed. The ascending ramus, developed in mammals only, is formed from the coronoid and condylar centres which appear in membrane. By the condylar process the lower jaw comes to articulate directly with the skull (squamosal bone). The growth of the antrum of Highmore, by pushing downwards the body of the lower jaw, leads to an elongation of the ascending ramus, and to its assuming a more vertical position to the body of the jaw (Figs. 11 and 12). In old age, when the teeth drop out and the alveolar margins are absorbed, (relatiue length and angle of /\ asc. ramus in adult ) ~f— \ (for splenial on inner aspect of Meckel’s cart.) Fig. 12. — Showing the Centres of Ossification and age changes in the Lower Jaw. DEVELOPMENT OF THE FACE. 15 the ascending ramus again becomes oblique, to allow the lower jaw to come in contact with the upper during mastication. The mental eminence is produced after birth, and is a human charac- teristic. It gives attachment to the depressores labii inferioris. The ascending ramus is peculiar to mammals. In other verte- brates Meckel’s cartilage forms the skeletal basis of the lower jaw and articulates with the quadrate bone (incus) by its upper articular extremity, the os articulare (malleus) (Fig. 10 G ), The part of Meckel’s cartilage between the malleus and body of the lower jaw forms the internal lateral ligament, and possibly also the interarticular cartilage of the temporo-maxillary articulation. post-glenoid sp. ext. ctud. meat mastoid cartil. twmnic condyle ext. aud meat. ' paramastoid ^post-glenoid sp. cartilage condyle Fig. 13.— The chief types of the Temporo-Maxillary Articulation. A. Carnivorous Type. B. Omnivorous Type. C. Herbivorous Type. Gadow regards the angle of the jaw as the representative of the os articulare. The Temporo-maxillary Articulation. — Two types of this joint 16 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. are found in mammals, one (see figure 13.4), exemplified in the carnivora, in which only a hinge action is permitted, and hence the jaws act like scissor blades; the second (see figure 13(7), in which Fig. 14. — Showing the Chief Changes after birth in the form of the Temporo- Maxillary Articulation. A. At Birth. B. At Two Years. C. In the Adult. a gliding movement is allowed, the teeth being thus able to act as grinders. The second type occurs in all vegetable feeders. The human articulation combines the characters of both types (Fig. 13 B), the gliding action taking place between the interarticular cartilage and the skull, the hinge action between the cartilage and DEVELOPMENT OF THE FACE. 17 the condyle. In rodents the glenoid cavity is a narrow gutter in which the plate-like condyloid process glides backwards and forwards. The interarticular cartilage is developed in all the Mammalia except the monotremes, and one or two marsupials (Parsons).1 It is probably a derivative of Meckel’s cartilage (see Fig. 10Z)). Development of the Tympanic Plate and Articular Emin- ence.— if the chin be depressed the condyle of the jaw moves on to the articular eminence (Fig. 13 B)\ if over-depressed it springs over the eminence, and a dislocation is produced. This is impossible in the early years of life, for at birth there is no eminence and no glenoid cavity (see Fig. 14: A). At birth the membrana tympani lies exposed on the surface of the skull behind the condyle, supported in a fine osseous hoop, the tympanic ring. The ring is imperfect above, and there the flaccid part of the membrane occurs. By the second year the ring has grown into a plate by sending out two processes, which, as they grow out, unite and leave a gap between (Fig. 14I>). This, as a rule, is soon filled up. By the 20th year the tympanic plate is three-quarters of an inch long, forming the bony floor of the external meatus and the posterior wall of the glenoid fossa, which in man is remarkably deep. It protects the meatus from the condyle ; every year until the 20th the bony meatus gets longer, while the fibro-cartilaginous part becomes relatively shorter. In the adult the bony part forms two-thirds of the meatus. As the tympanic plate grows outwards, the membrana becomes less easily accessible to the surgeon (Fig. 14(7). The plate also grows inwards to form the floor of the bony part of the Eustachian tube and downwards to form the vaginal process, to which the upper end of the carotid sheath is attached (Fig. 40, p. 54). Gadow regards the tympanic plate as the representative of the quadrate bone of birds and reptiles. THE STOMODAEUM. The stomodaeum or primitive buccal cavity is the depression or narrow pocket formed between the fore-brain above and the mandibular arch below. It is bounded laterally by the 1 “Joints of Mammals,” Journ. of Anat. and Physio ., Yol. XXXIY. B 18 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. maxillary processes (Jig. 15^4) and lined by the covering epithelium of the skin— epiblast. It is blind at first, the floor stomodaeum ), Canine (C), Bicuspid (D), Upper Molar (/:'), and a Lower Molar (F). A. I. (antero-internal) and P.I. (postero-internal). In the upper molars the cusps are situated alternately and the P.E. and A.I. cusps are united by an oblique enamel ridge, which represents the posterior margin of the crown of the primitive tritubercular tooth (Fig. 50 E). In the molar teeth of civilized races, especially in their wisdom teeth, the 4th or posterior internal cusp is often absent, the primitive tritubercular tooth thus reappearing. In the lower molars two cusps have been added to the three primary ones, making five in all. The fifth cusp is situated at the posterior border of the crown ; the others are arranged in opposite pairs. The fifth cusp has become lost in the 2nd and 3rd lower molars of civilized races. The Roots. — The upper molar teeth have three roots, two outer and one inner, but in the wisdom teeth, especially of civilized races, the roots are usually fused. The lower molars have two roots, but each root appears to be essentially double in nature. In lower primates the upper biscusps have three roots, but in man these are usually fused so as to form one or sometimes two roots. The lower bicuspids have usually one root, but as in lower apes, they may have two. DEVELOPMENT AND MORPHOLOGY OF THE TEETH. 69 Eruption of the Teeth. — The eruption of the milk teeth commonly covers a period of eighteen months, beginning in the 6th with the lower incisors and ending in the 24th or 30th with the 2nd milk molars. The eruption of the permanent teeth occupies a period of about eighteen years, beginning with the 1st permanent molar in the 6th year and ending about the 24th with the 3rd molars. In civilized races the third molars or wisdom teeth frequently remain im- bedded in the alveolus and may give rise to an abscess. The upper wisdom tooth is developed in the posterior border of the superior maxilla, which bounds the spheno-maxillary fissure in front. The growth backwards of the maxillary antrum converts part of the posterior border of the superior maxilla into the alveolar border, thus bringing the wisdom teeth into position (see page 12 and Fig. 11). The inferior wisdom teeth are developed in the alveolus on the inner aspect of the ascending ramus. A fourth molar sometimes appears behind the third. A super- numerary incisor or premolar is very rare. The upper lateral incisor may be very small or even absent. If the teeth are too large for the jaw, a not uncommon condition in civilized races, they appear in irregular positions. CHAPTER VI. THE SKIN AND ITS APPENDAGES. The Skin. — Considerable assistance in the understanding of the diseases to which the skin is liable and of the nature of the growths which arise from the epidermis, such as corns, bunions and cancer, is to be obtained by studying the manner in which the skin is developed. At first (see Fig. 51) the human embryo is covered by a single layer of epithelium (epiblast or ectoderm) as is the case in the adult amphioxus. By the end of the 1st month there are two layers, the lower representing the germinal layer ; the upper, the corneous layer (Eig. 52). In the 4th month intermediate layers appear, from which the stratum mucosum and the stratum lucidum are differentiated (Fig. 53). - epiblast nesoblast corneous layer ~ H> germinal layer ■mesoblast dermis- __corneouslayer stratum'lucidum germinal Jayer Fig. 51. Fig. 52. Fig. 53. Fig. 51. — The strata of the skin during the first month. Fig. 52.— The strata of the skin during the second month. Fig. 53.- — The strata of the skin from the sixth month onwards. The epidermis rests at first on undifferentiated mesoblast or mesoderm, consisting of small round cells closely imbedded in a mucoid matrix. This is the normal structure of undifferentiated mesoblast. The superficial mesoblastic cells are subsequently condensed beneath the epidermis to form a corium. Hiey become frbrillated and by the fifth month the mucoid substance has almost disappeared, but even in adult life, when the thyroid is diseased or removed, a mucoid substance may reappear, and a condition THE SKIN AND ITS APPENDAGES. 71 resembling the foetal state be thus produced. In the mucous membranes of the lips, anus and vulva the superficial layer of epithelium does not become cornified. Formation of Dermal Papillae. — About the fifth month, the dermal papillae, which are grouped in lines and ridges as is well seen in the palm, are formed in the following manner : Long, linear furrows of epidermis grow down into the dermis (corium) and divide its surface into narrow ridges. These ridges are subsequently subdivided into papillae. The down-growing nature of the epiblastic (epidermal) cells which is here exemplified, is of the greatest clinical importance. The enamel organs, we have seen, arose by a species of downgrowth of the epidermis ; so do hairs, sweat glands and sebaceous follicles. Prolonged pressure and friction welds the corneous cells into a solid plate, such as the callosities seen on the palms of manual labourers. Normal desquamation is arrested ; the cells produced in the deeper layers, unable to grow to the surface, grow inwards and produce corns. In cancer, the epithelial cells of the skin renew their youth and invade the dermis and deeper tissues. The papillary lines on the palms and fingers give security of grasp (Hepburn). They are arranged in most variable patterns. Fig. 54.— The more common patterns formed by the dermal papillae on the tips of the lingers. A. The Loop Pattern. B. The Triangle Pattern. C. The Whorl Pattern. but the prevailing types in man are those arranged as loops, spirals or whorls, Fig. 54. So variably are the types arranged on the pulps of the digits, that probably no two people show them in the same sequence counting from thumb to little finger in both hands. Hence the impress of the ten finger tips has been success- fully used in the identification of criminals. The Hairs.— Hairs begin to develop in the 5th month. Morphologically a hair may be regarded as a dermal papilla, which has become sunk in the subcutaneous tissue, and capped by HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. r from genital furrow and l urogenit. sinus Fig. 99.— A section of the male bladder and urethra at birth, showing the structures derived from the intra-abdominal part of the Allantois and from the Cloaca. giving rise to the condition of hypospadias, a condition normal in the female. It is not very rare to find the terminal half inch of the urethra in a hypospadiac condition. If the 124 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. hypospadias is complete then probably the internal sexual organs have been arrested in their development, and the sex of the individual can be determined only by the microscopic examina- tion of the genital glands. The development of the prostatic and membranous parts of the urethra from the uro-genital sinus has been already dealt with (see Figs. 91, 93, and 99). The Scrotum is formed during the fourth month by the union of the external genital folds (labia majora in the female) between the penis in front and the perineal body behind. The line of union is marked by the raphe. The Fate of the Allantois (Fig. 99). — The part of the allantois outside the abdominal parietes forms (1) the inner or vascular layer of the chorion (p. 97), and part of the umbilical cord (Figs. 75 and 78). The cavity of the allantois within the cord disappears by the end of the third month. The intra-abdominal part of the allantois forms : (1) The Urachus between the umbilicus and bladder (Fig. 99). It is reduced to a fibrous cord before birth. It may remain patent in the middle and closed at both ends and thus give rise to a urachial cyst behind the abdominal wall. Or it may open at the umbilicus, or at the bladder or at both, thus giving rise to a urinary fistula at the umbilicus. Urachial cysts are rare. (2) The apical part of the bladder. PARTS FORMED FROM THE CLOACA. (1) The Bladder. It was formerly customary to describe the bladder as a derivative of the basal part of the allantois but more recent researches show it to be part of the cloaca (Figs. 95 and 108). At birth the neck of the bladder lies above and behind the symphysis pubis (Fig. 99). The cavity of the bladder is then fusiform in shape and mostly extra-pelvic in position. It differs from the adult bladder in having a very small trigone and its cavity, therefore, a very short posterior limb in the closed condition. (2) The Female Urethra and the corresponding part in the male, viz., the part between the neck of the bladder and the sinus pocularis. THE URO-GENITAL SYSTEM. 125 (3) The uro-genital sinus or canal, and the parts derived from it which have been already described (Fig. 93 and page 115). (4) The terminal part of the rectum. Ectopia vesicae is as yet unexplained. The condition is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 100^4. This condition appears to be produced thus : (1) The development of the tail in the embryo thrusts the region of the primitive streak, situated on the body-stalk, towards the ventral aspect of the body. The uro-genital part of the perineal depression and the cleft into the uro-genital sinus are formed in the line of the primitive streak (Fig. 158, p. 192). The body-stalk which at first is a direct continua- tion of the body (Fig. 75, p. 96), is arrested in its migration towards the ventral surface of the body. It is arrested between the rami of the pubes, and prevents the formation of the symphysis. Fig. 100. — A. A section to show the condition of parts in Ectopia Vesicae. B. Section of the pelvis of an embryo (4th week) to show how the condition is probably produced. (2) The uro-genital cleft is formed in front of and above the genital tubercle instead of below it. The cleft opens thus into the anterior wall of the bladder instead, as it normally does, into the uro-genital sinus (Fig. 100 B). It is also possible that the condition of ectopia vesicae is due to a dropsical condition of the allantois, with subsequent rupture, in the embryonic condition. 126 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. THE PROSTATE. I he Prostate is developed round the uro-genital sinus. It con- sists of glandular tissue and stroma. (1) The glandular tissue is composed of tubular glands which open into the prostatic part of the urethra. They are developed in the 4th month, as series of solid buds from the epithelium lining Fig. 101.— A diagram to show the position at which the Prostatic Tubules arise. the upper part of the uro-genital sinus (Fig. 101). The buds grow out as a right and left lateral mass, and form the glandular tissue of the lateral lobes. At first the two lateral lobes, as in mammals generally, lie separately behind the urethra. Then they fuse behind the urethra ; in man only do they meet to form a dorsal or pubic commissure over it. The third lobe (Fig. 91) appears later; the tubular buds which form it rise from the posterior part of the stalk of the bladder (Fig. 101) above the opening of the sinus pocularis. It is not unfrequently absent or very small. Skene’s tubules, which may be found opening into the urethra of the female, probably represent prostatic tubules. (2) The Stroma of the Prostate. — While the glandular tubes arise in three groups — two lateral and one posterior median — from the epithelium lining the uro-genital sinus, and stalk of the bladder — the muscular and fibrous elements arise from the meso- blastic tissue surrounding the terminal parts of the Wolffian and Mullerian ducts. The stroma surrounds the glandular tissue and forms the peripheral part of the gland. It contains muscular tissue which is especially developed in the pubic commissure. THE URO-GENITAL SYSTEM. 127 Probably the stroma is similar in its nature and origin to the uterine muscle, for at a corresponding time of life it is apt to give rise to the same form of fibrous tumours as occurs in the uterus. As regards the nature of the Prostate : (1) It is purely genital, and develops only in the rutting season in such mammals as manifest a periodical sexual life. (2) It remains comparatively undeveloped until puberty. At the age of seven it weighs only 30 grains; after sexual life is established it weighs about 300 grains. (3) It atrophies on castration, a fact which is utilised by the surgeon in cases of prostatic hypertrophy. Castration performed on old men frequently leads to insanity. Atrophy of the prostate is also produced by section of the vas deferens on both sides. In one man out of three over 55 years of age the prostrate hyper- trophies, both the glandular and fibro-muscular elements participating. Hypertrophy of the third lobe causes a valvular elevation behind the vesical opening of the urethra. The Glands of Cowper and Bartholin are produced as solid buds from the hypoblast lining the mouth of the uro-genital sinus. Hence in the female the ducts of Bartholin’s glands open outside the hymen at each side of the vagina, for the hymen marks the junction of the Mullerian ducts with the uro-genital sinus. In the male the ducts of Cowper’s glands open at the commence- ment of the bulbous part of the urethra. Their function is unknown, but they are certainly sexual in nature. The numerous glands of Littrd, like Cowper’s and Bartholin’s glands, are pro- duced by tubular outgrowths during the fourth month. In the male the glands of Littre are produced most numerously along the dorsal aspect of the urethra. THE TESTES. Descent and Development of the Testicle. — The position of the testicle in a foetus of the third month is shown in Tig. 102. It is situated in the iliac fossa. The mesorchium, a fold of peritoneum, binds its attached border to the iliac fossa. At its outer side lies the genital part of the Wolffian body which forms the epididymis. It, also, is suspended by a mesentery — the Wolffian mesentery. The two mesenteries have a common base — HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. the common uro-genital mesentery (see Eig. 80, p. 104). The upper part of the uro-genital mesentery forms the diaphragmatic fold or plica vascularis (Fig. 102). This in the female becomes the rectum Fig. 102.— The Position of the Testis in a foetus of 2£ months ovario-pelvic ligament (Fig. 59, p. 81). A fold of peritoneum, the inguinal fold or plica gubernatrix, continues the common uro-genital mesentery to the groin (Fig. 102). The guber- naculum testis is developed in the plica gubernatrix; in the corresponding fold in the female the round ligament of the uterus appears. The vas deferens (Wolffian duct) turns into the pelvis from the lower end of the epididymis (Wolffian body), and within the pelvis lies in the genital cord (Fig. 87, p. 112). A remnant of the Mullerian duct lies along the outer and ventral aspect of the epididymis. The Development of the Testis. — Its blood supply comes from the level of the 12th dorsal vertebra; its nerve supply from the 10th dorsal segment of the spinal cord. The testis is there- fore developed in the genital ridge between the 10th and 12th dorsal segments. The development of the testis is similar to that of the ovary (Fig. 62, p. 83). The columnar germinal epithelium which covers the genital ridge contain between them larger genital cells — the primordial ova. Tubular buds of germinal epithelium grow into the tissue of the genital ridge and form the epithelial lining of the seminiferous tubules instead of, as in the female, the Graafian follicles. Primordial ova are carried down within the tubes THE URO-GENITAL SYSTEM. 129 of enclosing cells and these produce the spermatoblasts. The tunica albuginea is formed from the mesoblastic covering of the genital ridge. The visceral layer of the tunica vaginalis on the testicle is the covering of germinal epithelium which remains after the ingrowth of the genital cells. The vasa efferentia and coni vasculosi are formed from the genital Wolffian tubules. The tubuli recti and rete testis are new formations. The epididymis is the elongated upper segment of the Wolffian duct (Figs. 82, 107). The Wolffian elements (see p. 102) are produced within the Wolffian ridge. Formation of the Gubernaculum Testis. — As shown in Fig. 102 there is no trace of the inguinal canal in the 3rd month; Fig. 103. — Showing the Position of the Testis at the 6th month, and the Formation of the Gubernaculum Testis. the various layers of the abdominal wall are unbroken. In the fourth month the deep muscular layer of the abdominal wall, composed of the internal oblique and transversalis, buds inwards and expands the plica gubernatrix with muscular and fibrous tissue. The tissue does not stop short at the uro-genital ridge and Mullerian duct as in the female, but grows up and seizes the caudal pole of the testis (Fig. 103). At the same time the tissues in the whole thickness of the abdominal wall bud obliquely inwards towards the scrotum. They are probably carried away by i 130 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. the downgrowth of the gubernacular bud which pushes its way to the scrotum (Figs. 103 and 104). The gubernaculum grows downwards as a solid fibro-muscular mass, until it reaches the subcutaneous tissue which at that time completely fills the scrotum. Its attachment to the scrotum is slight and easily broken. The gubernaculum, as it grows through the abdominal wall, carries with it : — (1) A process of peritoneum (the processus vaginalis); (2) The transversalis fascia (the infundibuliform fascia) ; (3) The internal oblique and transversalis muscles to form the cremaster ; (4) The spermatic fascia from the external oblique ; (5) The deep layer (Scarpa’s) of the superficial fascia of the groin. All these layers are added to the primitive coverings of the scrotum, which until then is made up simply of skin and superficial fascia (Fig. 104). Fig. 104.— The manner in which the structures in the wall of the abdomen are carried out so as to form the Inguinal Canal and Coverings of the Testis. It will be thus seen that the gubernaculum testis is an actively growing mass of fibro-muscular tissue, which starting from the inner muscular layer of the abdominal parietes in the groin, in- vades first the plica gubernatrix and then the abdominal wall itself, every layer of which it carries as a prolongation within the scrotum. It is an invading army of cells. It draws with it into the scrotum the peritoneum in the iliac fossa, on which the testis is dragged like a log on a sledge. cremaster ■peritoneum —penis -processus, uag. ■scrotum internal ob. THE URO-GENITAL SYSTEM. 131 The testis spends the seventh month of foetal life in its exodus through the abdominal wall. In the eighth month it leaves the inguinal canal and lies at the external abdominal ring. After birth it reaches the fundus of the scrotum. The atrophy of the gubernaculum pulls it down. A remnant of the guber- naculum can always be found in the adult behind the epididymis and testicle, within the mesorchium (Fig. 105). The Processus Vaginalis. — The processus vaginalis becomes occluded at two points about the time of birth (Fig. 105). The upper point of occlusion takes place at the internal abdominal plica, uasc. epidid. testis rint. ab. ring (upper point i of occlus .) ■ext. ab. ring funicular process lower point of occlusion -tunica uagina/is remnant of gubernac. Fig. 105.- A diagram of the Processus Vaginalis. ring ; the lower a short distance above the testicle. The part of the processus vaginalis between the points of occlusion is known as the funicular process ; the part surrounding the testicle becomes the tunica vaginalis. In quite 30 J° of children the occlusion takes place at the internal abdominal ring some considerable time after birth or it fails to appear altogether. Occlusion may fail at the upper point, at the lower point, or at both. Or it may close at both points, but the funicular process, instead of disappearing, may remain open and form a cyst (Fig. 105). Descent of the testicle may be arrested at any stage ; often m the inguinal canal ; more frequently at the external abdominal 132 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. ring. Arrest of descent is commonly a symptom of arrest of testicular development. On the other hand, the testicle may assume an ectopic position. The gubernaculum ends in the scrotum principally, but bands of it pass to end on the root of the penis, in the groin and in the perineum. These bands, normally slight, may be big enough to influence the direction of descent of the testicle ; hence cases occur in which the testis is found in the groin, by the side of the penis or drawn back in the perineum almost to the anus (Lockwood). The Mesorchium. — The testis and epididymis were suspended within the abdomen by the common uro-genital mesentery. In the course of the descent of the testis this becomes shortened and binds the testis and epididymis firmly by their posterior borders to the tunica vaginalis. Occasionally the uro-genital mesentery and mesorchium persist ; the testicle is then liable to become twisted and strangulated on its mesentery. I have seen three such cases recently. The digital fossa is situated between the mesorchium and mesentery of the Wolffian body. The meaning of the descent of the testes is unknown. In many animals the testes descend only during the rutting season. The inguinal canal, formed by the descent of the testis, is a source of weakness in man (see p. 133). CHAPTER X. FORMATION OF THE PUBO-FEMORAL REGION, PELVIC FLOOR AND FASCIA. Inguinal and femoral hernia occur so rarely amongst mammals generally that they may be considered human peculiarities. Their Fig. 106. — A. The form of Pelvis and Inguinal Canal in Man. B. The corresponding forms in the Lower Primates. frequency in man is due to certain structural changes in his pubo-femoral region, changes which have resulted mainly from his adaptation to upright progression. His susceptibility to hernia is due to : — (1) The unique form of Foupart’s ligament in man. It is 134 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. scarcely developed in any other animal (Fig. 107). In the orang, for instance, also an upright primate, the external oblique has no attachment to the crest of the ilium, and takes no part in forming the outer part of Poupart’s ligament (Fig. 107), but its tendon terminates over and strengthens the region of the inguinal canal. This is the usual termination in the mammalia. (2) The internal oblique and transversalis (conjoined parts) in the orang, and in all primates except man, arise from the firm tubular sheath of the ilio-psoas, also from the extensive anterior border of the ilium, and arching over the spermatic cord end in a long insertion on the ileo-pectineal line. They act as a powerful compressor or sphincter of the inguinal canal, and thus prevent hernia (Fig. 107i>). (3) The human manner of walking, and the great head of the human child at birth require a wide pelvis. All mammals mt. sup. sp. -Pouparts lig muse.) comp. | pubic, sp. uascular comp^'-:S^f^^^r. | ( tendon of ext l ob. cut muscular comp. uascular rectus I conjoined ( muscle. inguinal canal. Fig. 107. — A. Poupart’s Ligament and the Crural Passage of Man. B. Poupart’s Ligament, Crural Passage, and sphincter-like Conjoined Muscle of the Orang. adapted to the prone posture have a narrow pelvis, and hence a narrow anterior abdominal wall (Figs. 106 A and B) through which the inguinal canal passes very obliquely. The course of the canal is more direct in man, and therefore offers a greater facility to the escape of the abdominal contents. (4) The size of the space between the edge of the pelvis and Poupart’s ligament (the crural passage) is very much greater in PUBO-FEMOIiAL REGION. 135 man than in any other animal (Figs. 107^4 and B). In him, the most internal part of the passage is left unfilled, and this unfilled space forms the femoral or crural canal through which femoral hernia may escape. The crural passage is relatively larger in women than in men, owing to the greater size of the female pelvis, and hence femoral hernia are much more common in women than in men. Some hint as to the method of treatment of hernia in man may be obtained from a consideration of the arrangement of structures which prevent them in other animals. THE PELVIC FLOOR. The Coccyx.— It is necessary to consider the coccyx here because the changes which it has undergone in the evolution of the human body are intimately connected with the formation of the pelvic floor. The coccyx in man is commonly composed of four vertebrae, more or less vestigial in nature, which represent the basal caudal vertebrae of tailed mammals. Evidence of their vestigial or retrograde nature is to be found in : (1) Only their centra are developed — with the exception of the first, which shows partial formation of transverse processes and neural arches (superior cornua) ; (2) Delay in the appearance of the centres of ossification. These, instead of beginning in the 7 th week as in a typical vertebra, commence after birth. The centre for the 1st coccygeal vertebra appears in the 1st year, that for the 4th vertebra about the 25th year; the 2nd and 3rd at intermediate periods. (3) Late in life, between the 40th and 60th year, the verte- brae fuse together, and then unite with the sacrum. The number of coccygeal vertebrae varies ; four is the normal number, but there may be three or five. In the young foetus (2nd month) there are commonly 5, 6 or 7 (Rosenberg). The first coccygeal vertebra may join the sacrum, making 6 sacral vertebrae. The evidence of the former existence of a true tail in the ancestral human stock consists of : 13G HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. (1) In the second month the coccygeal region of the spine protrudes (Fig. 108). (2) Vestiges of the extensor and flexor muscles of the tail are Irequently found (10°/o of bodies) on the dorsal and ventral aspects of the sacrum and coccyx. (3) True tails, consisting of external prolongations of the coccyx, commonly fibrous, rarely containing vertebrae, occasionally occur. Fig. 103.- — The caudal end of the body in a human embryo of the 3rd week. (4) The post-anal pit, always to be seen in the newly-born child, marks the point at which the coccyx disappears below the surface. In man the coccyx forms part of the perineal floor. Instead of projecting far beyond the gut, as in tailed mammals, it terminates 1\ inches above the commencement of the anal canal. The Pelvic Floor is peculiarly extensive in man, an adaptation to his upright posture. The floor is formed by the following structures : (1) The levator ani and its sheath (recto-vesical and anal fasciae) on each side. (2) The coccyx and coccygeus muscles. (3) The constrictor urethrae and its sheath (the triangular ligament). (4) The pyriformis and its sheath may also be included. Development of the Pelvic Floor. — The pelvic floor has been evolved in man by a transformation of the tail and the caudal PUBO-FEMORAL REGION. 137 muscles. The arrangement of tail muscles in a four-footed mammal, such as the monkey or dog, is shown in Fig. 109, and the modification of this form in man in Fig. 110. In mammals 138 IIUMA.N EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. two muscles, the pubo-coccygeus and ischio-coccygeus (Fig. 109), act as depressors of the tail, which in four-footed animals plays the part of a perineal shutter. They are attached to the small V-shaped chevron bones on the under surface of the basal caudal vertebrae. Another muscle, the ischio- or spino-coccygeus, acts as a lateral flexor of the tail (Fig. 109). It is attached to the trans- verse processes of the caudal vertebrae, and rises from the dorsal border of the ischium. In man the pubo-coccygeus and ilio- coccygeus unite into one sheet and form the levator ani. The shrinkage of the tail leaves the muscle partly stranded on the ano-coccvgeal ligament. Other fibres of the pubo-coccygeus loose their primary insertion to the coccyx and become attached to the prostrate, central point of the perineum and to the anal canal. Both muscles, especially the ilio-coccygeus, retain in part their primitive attachment to the coccyx (cauda). The spino-coccygeus, or coccygeus muscle, is partly fibrous in man, its outer laminae forming the small sacro-sciatic ligament ; its inner laminae remain muscular and form the coccygeus. In man, too, the origin of the ilio-coccygeus has sunk from the pelvic brim of the ischium on to the obturator fascia (P. Thompson) ; traces of the primitive origin from the pelvic brim can often be detected. The white line, a structure peculiar to man, marks the new point of origin of the levator ani from the obturator fascia. Further details of changes undergone by the pelvic muscles and fasciae may be found in papers by Dr. P. Thompson in the Journal oj Anatomy and Physiology , vol. xxxv. On the dorsal and ventral aspects of the sacrum and coccyx, fibrous or muscular vestiges of the anterior and posterior sacro- coccygeal muscles (elevators and flexors of the tail) are commonly to be found in man. The Pelvic Fascia and Fasciae in General.— It has been cus- tomary to regard fasciae as separate structures forming distinct sheets with devious and complex courses. It is possible by dissection to prepare and display them according to accepted descriptions, but the structures so displayed are artificial and not the true structures with which the surgeon or physician has to deal with in actual practice. Embryology is the best guide to their nature. Take the development of the fasciae seen on making a section of the upper arm, for example. When the PUBO-FEMOKAL REGION. 139 limb bud has appeared, which it begins to do about the end of the 3rd week of development, a section through it reveals a uniform composition of more or less rounded mesoblastic cells with a covering of epiblast (Fig. Ill A). Very soon the central cells near the axis of the bud are densely grouped and form the basis of the humerus. Others arrange themselves to form the biceps, triceps and muscles of the arm ; others form the walls ol vessels and the sheaths of nerves. B A Fig. 111. — A. Diagrammatic section of the Arm Bud of an embryo at the com- mencement of the 4th week. B. Corresponding section of the Adult Arm. After these various groups of cells have become differentiated, there are numerous cells left over which form a basis in which the specialized cells and groups of cells are packed and en- sheathed. The undifferentiated mesoblast forms the connective tissue or fascial system of the part. From the manner of its origin it is evident that the connective tissue system — the fasciae and septa — must form a continuous formation of sheaths, each being in continuity with that of every surrounding structure. The sheaths of the biceps, triceps and brachialis anticus, the periosteum of the humerus, the deep fascia, internal and external intermuscular septa, the sheaths of the vessels and nerves of the arm, represent the mesoblastic tissue which was left over after the structures which they enclose were differentiated, and are, from the manner of their origin, necessarily in continuity. epiblast mesoblast biceps artery nerue septum tendon periosteum humerus deep fascia IdO HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. They can only be artificially separated from each other. It is more accurate and easier to describe fasciae, then, not as separate structures, but as adjuncts of the structures which they surround or ensheath. The Pelvic Fascia, which strengthens the pelvic floor, is com- posed of the sheaths of four muscles : (1) The Levator Ani ; (2) The Obturator Interims; (3) The Pyriformis ; (4) The Constrictor Urethrae and deep Transversus Perinei. The fibrous capsules of the following viscera also form part of it : (1) Prostate and Vesiculae Seminales in the male; (2) Vagina and Uterus in the Female ; (3) The Bladder; (4) The Piectum. Under the title of pelvic fascia these eight elements are combined. I. The Obturator Fascia is the sheath on the inner or pelvic aspect of the obturator interims ; the sheath on the outer side of the muscle is formed by the periosteum and obturator membrane. The obturator fascia is attached at the circumference of the muscle. There it becomes continuous with the periosteum of the os innominatum. The part above the white line (supra-linear) is intra-pelvic ; the part below (infra-linear) is perineal and situated on the outer wall of the ischio-rectal fossa. II. The Recto-vesical and Anal Fasciae. — The levatores ani form a muscular floor for the pelvis, stretching from the white line of one side to the white line of the other. The sheath on their under surface — on the inner wall of the ischio-rectal fossa — forms the anal fascia. On the upper surface, their sheath forms the greater part of the recto-vesical fascia. The pelvic viscera rest on the upper surface of the levatores ani and the capsules of the viscera are continuous with the sheath on the upper surface of the muscles. The combined visceral capsules and upper sheath of the levatores ani form the recto-vesical fascia. III. The Triangular Ligament is the sheath of the constrictor urethrae muscle (Fig. 112). The inferior transverse fibres of the constrictor form really a separate muscle — the deep transverse perineal. The apex of the prostate rests on the muscle, its PUBO-FEMOKAL REGION. 141 capsule being continuous with the posterior layer of the muscle sheath — the deep layer of the triangular ligament. IV. The inner sheath of the pyriformis forms the pyriform fascia. As the muscle arises between the sacral foramina, the sacral plexus lies within the sheath, the iliac vessels on its inner aspect. The coccygeus is continuous with the levator ani and its sheath forms part of the recto- vesical fascia. The Cervical Fascia. — From what has been said of the pelvic fascia, the nature and arrangement of the cervical fascia will be readily understood. It is composed of (1) the sheaths of the cervical muscles (sterno-mastoid, etc.) ; (2) of the sheaths of vessels (carotid sheath, etc.) ; (3) the sheaths of nerves (axillary sheath, etc.) ; (4) the fascial capsules of viscera, such as the thyroid body, salivary glands, and pharynx. constrictor urethrae Fig. 112. — The Constrictor Urethrae Muscle. CHAPTER XI. THE SPINAL COLUMN AND BACK. The Pyramids of the Spine. — The spine, when viewed from the front, is seen to be made up of four pyramids: (1) Cervical; (2) upper dorsal ; (3) dorso-lumbar ; (4) sacro-coccygeal (Fig. 113). The bases of the two upper pyramids meet at the disc between the 7th cervical and 1st dorsal vertebrae; the bases THE SPINAL COLUMN AND BACK. 143 of the lower two at the disc between the 5th lumbar and 1st sacral vertebrae. The apices of the two middle pyramids meet at the disc between the 4th and 5th dorsal vertebrae, which have therefore the narrowest bodies of the vertebral series. The narrowing in the upper dorsal region is due to the fact that the weight of the upper half of the trunk is partly borne by, and transmitted to, the lower dorsal region by the sternum and ribs which thus relieve the spine to some extent (Fig. 113). At the sacrum the weight is transferred to the pelvis and lower limbs, hence the rapid diminution of the sacrum and coccyx. A well-marked thickening or bar in each ilium runs from the auricular surface to the acetabulum and transmits the weight to the femora. The Curves of the Spinal Column. — There is only one curve— an anterior concavity — until the 3rd month (Fig. 114 A). About . A B Fig. 114.— Diagram of the Curves of the Spinal Column. A. At the 6th week of foetal life. B. At the 4th month of foetal life. C. Curves present at Birth. B. Curves present in the Adult. the beginning of the 4th month the sacro-vertebral angle forms between the lumbar and sacral regions (114 A). At birth the cervical and sacral curves have appeared, but the sacral not to a pronounced extent (Fig. 114 C ). The lumbar curve appears as the child learns to walk. It is produced to allow the body to be brought vertically over the lower extremities. The sacral 144 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. and cervical curves also become then more marked (Fig. 114 D ). The dorsal curvature and the sacro-vertebral angle are the primi- tive curves and are present in all mammals. The others are adaptations to the upright posture. The lumbar curve is most pronounced in the highly civilized races. Proportion of Cartilage and Bone. — The inter-vertebral discs form one third of the total height of the spine ; the pro- portion of cartilage is greater in the lumbar than in the dorsal region and greater in the dorsal than in the cervical. The curvatures are due chiefly to the shape of the discs. In the lumbar region, which is convex forwards, only the lower three vertebrae are deeper in front than behind. This is true only for the higher races of mankind, for as Cunningham has shown, in lower races, as in the gorilla, only the lowest lumbar vertebra is deeper in front than behind, and thus helps to maintain the lumbar curvature. Unstable Regions of the Spine. — In about 90 °/0 of men there are 7 cervical, 1 2 dorsal, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, and 4 caudal vertebrae, making 33 in all. In the remaining 10 °/0 there is some departure from the normal arrangement and these departures affect certain definite regions. I. The sacro-lumbar.— The 25 th vertebra in 95 0/o of people forms the 1st sacral; in 1 °/0 the 24th, and 3 °/0 the 26th. 24th vertebra ilium 26th vertebra 27th Fig 115.— A section of the Lumbo-sacral Region of the Spine in a Foetus at the end of the 2nd month, showing the 26th vertebra forming the 1st Sacral. (After Rosenberg.) These percentages are drawn from the observations of Paterson, Rosenberg, and others who have made researches on this subject. The vertebral formula is not fixed. Rosenberg’s investigations showed (Fig. 115) that it is the 26th vertebra that forms the THE SPINAL COLUMN AND BACK. 145 first of the sacral series in the early embryo; later the 25th throws out great lateral masses, and thus forms a connection with the ilia. In the lower primates (monkeys) the 27th forms the 1st sacral; with the evolution of man the 26th, then the 25th underwent sacral modifications, the trunk being correspondingly shortened. It will be seen that the number is not yet definitely fixed. The anterior point of attachment of the ilium fluctuates from the 24th to the 26th vertebra in man. With the sacral transformation of the 25tli and 26th (lumbar) vertebrae, there was a corresponding movement forwards of the sacral plexus. II. Sacro-coccygeal. — The 30 th vertebra forms the 1st coccy- geal ; not uncommonly this vertebra is sacral in type and forms part of the sacrum. III. Dorso-lumbar region. — This region is less liable to variation; the 20 th vertebra instead of forming the 1st lumbar, may simulate the last dorsal in the type of its articular processes, and may bear ribs, probably an atavistic form, or, on the other hand, the 12th dorsal vertebra (19th) may not carry ribs. About 2 °/Q of bodies show variations of this kind. IV. Dorso-cervical. — The 7th vertebra may carry ribs; rarely the 8th vertebra has no ribs attached to it and is cervical in type. Evolution and Development of the Spinal Column. — The human spinal column in the process of development passes through three distinct phases : (1) It is membranous; (2) it becomes cartilaginous; (3) it becomes bony. In the evolution of vertebrates the same three stages are observed. In Amphioxus and Marsipobranchs (except- ing the neural arches), the spinal column is membranous ; in Elasmobranchs it is cartilaginous ; in other fishes and in all other vertebrates it is ossified. In the human embryo, as in every other vertebrate, the spinal column is developed from the mesoblast which surrounds the notochord and neural canal. The Notochord. — It has already been seen that the notochord is formed at a very early stage (before the 3rd week, Fig. 69, p. 90) by a tubular invagination of the hypoblast under the neural canal. The notochord, with the mesoblastic tissue round it, represents the most primitive type of spinal support. It is hollow — the canal of the notochord runs from end to end, and K lib HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. into its posterior end the neurenteric canal opens. Afterwards it becomes a solid rod composed of cells of a peculiar tYpe. A sheath is formed round the notochord by cells of the paraxial mesoblast (Fig. 116), which grow inwards and surround it. Fig. 116. — Diagrammatic transverse section of a human embryo at the end of the 3rd week. These cells form the sclerotome and spring from the inner parts of the primitive segments (Fig. 116). At the same time the cells of the sclerotome also surround the neural tube. From these cells which grow inwards and surround the notochord and neural canal, the spinal column is formed and also the basi- occipital and part of the basi-sphenoid bones of the skull (Fig. 117). What becomes of the Notochord. — In the second month of foetal life the notochord begins to disappear ; the bodies of the vertebrae and parachordal cartilages form in its sheath and constrict it. The parachordal cartilages form the basi-occipital and basi-sphenoid — the basal part of the skull — behind the pituitary fossa. As they form, the notochord is obliterated between them. Eternod, however, found the anterior part of the notochord on the dorsal wall of the pharynx in the human embryo, so that the parachordal cartilages are evidently de- veloped on its dorsal aspect. The odontoid process represents the body of the atlas and the suspensory ligament the disc between the occipital bone and atlas. A remnant of the noto- TIIE SPINAL COLUMN AND BACK. 147 chord is enclosed in the suspensory ligament. The body of each vertebra is formed round the notochord and at first each has an hour-glass canal surrounding the notochord. Within each pituitary - basi-sphen . basi-occip. suspensory lig. E3 """" — axis. interuert. disc. i % centre of disc r coccyx. Fig. 117. — Whore Remnants of the Notochord may occur in the Adult. body the notochord ultimately disappears but in the inter- vertebral discs it swells out and forms much of the central mucoid core which each disc contains. The notochord with its membranous sheath is the earliest form of spinal column known. The real vertebral column, formed out of its sheath, begins to supplant it even in low vertebrates and in the human foetus of the second month this change is also seen to take place. Proto-vertebrae or Primitive Segments. — Proto-vertebrae are not the forerunners of the vertebrae ; they are the primitive segments into which the mass of mesoblast at each side of the neural canal and notochord divides (Figs. 233, p.289 and 116). The process of division or segmentation begins at the occipital region towards the end of the second week and spreads backwards until 35 or more body segments or somites are cut off. Eacli segment thus separated forms its own muscles (from its muscle 148 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. plate or myotome), has its own nerve (spinal nerve), its own artery (inter-costal), and the basis for its skeletal tissue (sclerotome). The inter-segmental septum separates one proto-vertebra or segment from another. Ribs, transverse and spinous processes, are formed in the inter-segmental septa. Hence an intercostal space with its muscles, vessels, and nerves, with the corresponding inter- vertebral structures, represents a differentiated proto-vertebra. In the ventral aspect of the neck and loins, the inter-segmental septa disappear. In the head nine segments are recognised, but their recognition rests on observations made, not on the human embryo, but on the embryoes of lower vertebrates. Recent work on the segmental arrangements of the nerves gives a practical importance to the number and position of the primitive segments and to the part of the body which each forms. Although the epiblast, hypoblast, and walls of the coelom never show any trace of segmentation in the embryo, yet clinically there is evidence that each part belongs to, and was formed from, one definite segment. The upper extremity grows out from the 5th cervical to the 2nd dorsal segments (7 segments in all), and the lower from the 2nd lumbar to the 3rd sacral (7 segments in all). In each limb traces of these seven segments are to be found in the nerve distribution. Development of a Typical Vertebra,— the 6th Dorsal. — (1) Membranous Stage (3rd and 4th weeks). The vertebra then consists of 1st a body surrounding the notochord, formed from the sheath (Fig. 118 A), and 2nd a horse-shoe shaped vertebral bow (Fig. 118 A and B). The bow consists of a hypo-chordal part, and two lateral limbs, united by the hypo-chordal part ventral to the body. (2) Cartilaginous Stage (Fig. 119). It commences in the 4th week. The fibrous basis is transformed into cartilage except the hypochordal part of the bow. It should be noticed (Fig. 118 B) that the vertebral bodies are formed round the notochord, opposite each inter-segmental septum. Hence each vertebra belongs to two segments. The inter-vertebral disc is situated opposite the middle of a segment. The hypo-chordal part of the bow lies also in the segment, and becomes included in the course of development in the disc in front of the vertebra to which it belongs. The lateral limbs of the cartilaginous bow meet behind (dorsal THE SPINAL COLUMN AND BACK. 149 to) the neural canal in the 4th month, and thus the bow is converted into a ring. The atlas is a permanent representative notochord liypoch. bow body of uert. myotome septum rib myotome hypochord. bow body o f uert. spirit-, — septum rib myotome hypochord. bow B notochord Fig. 118. — The development of the Membianous Basis of a Vertebra. A. In transverse section. B. In horizontal section showing the relation of the vertebra to the Primitive Segments. The section is viewed from the dorsal aspect. of the ring thus formed. In the atlas only does the liypo-chordal part of the bow become cartilaginous and subsequently ossified ; in neural canal bow sheath notoch. hypoch. bow epiph. centres costa! facet neur. arch notoch. centrum s' MM- plate centrum neuro-cent. sut. £ plate centre for arch euro-cent. sut. centres for body cauity centrum Fig. 119.— Showing the Stages in the Development of a Vertebra. A. In the Membranous Stage. B. In the Cartilaginous Stage. C. The appearance of Ossific Points. D. The appearance of Secondary Ossific Centres, h. Ihe epiphyseal plates of the centra. F. Section of an amphicoelous vertebra. all the other vertebrae it remains as a fibrous strand in the inter- vertebral disc. (3) Bony Stage. — The body and bow parts of the cartilaginous 150 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. vertebra fuse and give rise to the condition shown in Fig. 119 C. In the 7th week two centres appear in the body, but quickly fuse ; one appears in each neural arch (8th week) ; at birth the ossific centres of the body and neural arch have met. The central and neural ossifications meet at the neuro-central suture and unite at the 4th or 5th year. The neural ossifications fuse behind (where the spinous process is produced) in the 1st year. The ribs are entirely supported from the neural ossifications (Fig. 119 D ). The spinous and transverse processes are formed by outgrowths of cartilage into the septa between the proto-vertebrae or primitive segments. The ribs are also formed in the septa, each at first articulating with a vertebra, which is also inter-segmental in origin. In all the ribs, except the 1st, 11th and 12th the head is shifted to the inter-vertebral disc in front of its vertebra. Epiphyseal centres for the ossification of the transverse and spinous processes appear about puberty. The Bodies of Mammalian Vertebrae are peculiar (1) in the development of an upper and lower epiphyseal plate ; (2) in that no trace of the notochord remains within them. In Fishes, as in the early human or mammalian foetus, the bodies are hour-glass shaped (amphicoelous, Fig. 119 F) ; in Amphibians they may retain a concavity in front (procoelous) or behind (opistliocoelous), but in mammals both ends are filled up. F h hi * 1 * * 1 * U 1 * 1 5 1 g si* * * M * M * M •• 1 ■■ 1 • 1 1 Axis in 4th month < — 7th week > 5th Sac. in 5th month A. 1st cent, in Atlas. E : l : 1 : 1 : \ ; 1 : 1 : \ : : i . m : i ; i i ~T~m zn 7 th week B. 3rd Sac. in 7th month Fia. 120. — The Order in which the Centres of Ossification appear in the Bodies (A) and in the Neural Arches (B) of the Spinal Column. It will be observed (Fig. 120 B) that the centres of ossification for the neural arches appear first in the anterior end of the spine (1st cervical), the date becoming later the more posterior the vertebra. In the 1st sacral they appear about the 4th month ; THE SPINAL COLUMN AND BACK. 151 iu the 2nd sacral in the 5th month or later; in the 3rd they may not appear. In the 4th and 5th sacral and 1st coccygeal vertebrae only vestiges of the neural arches are formed. These vertebrae retain the early foetal type shown in figure 119 B. In the remaining coccygeal vertebrae only the centres for the bodies appear. The centres for ossification of the bodies of the vertebrae appear first in the mid dorsal region (6th dorsal). From that point they spread forwards and backwards, the centres for the odontoid process appearing at the 4th month and that for the 5th sacral at the 5th month, while the last coccygeal does not appear until about the 20th or 25th year (Fig. 120 A). The Atlas and Axis. — The atlas represents the completed bow of the 1st cervical vertebra. The body of the vertebra fuses with the body of the 2nd, and forms the odontoid process. A remnant of the disc between the 1st and 2nd vertebrae can sometimes be seen when the odontoid is split open. The sus- pensory ligament is the representative of the disc between the last occipital segment and the 1st cervical (Fig. 121). Occipito-atlanto-axial Articulations. — In the intervertebral discs of the cervical region there is at each side, between the lateral lips of the vertebral bodies, a small articular cavity (Fig. 122). It is situated between the parts of the body formed from the neural arches and in front of (ventral to) the issuing spinal nerves. Between the axis and atlas this articulation is greatly enlarged. At it the rotatory movements of the atlas on the axis nuiuunuru Fig. 121.— A diagrammatic section of the Foetal Axis, Atlas, and Basi-occipital. 152 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. take place. The atlanto-occipital joint, which separates the atlas and the last occipital segment is of the same nature. The atlas has neither the upper nor the lower articular processes of the other vertebrae. Hence the 1st and 2nd cervical nerves appear to issue behind the articular processes. At one time the single median occipital condyle seen in birds and reptiles was regarded as very different in nature from the double condyles of mammals. Recently Symington has shown that in the lowest mammals (monotremes), the occipital condyles are fused in the middle line, and that foetal mammals show approximations to this condition. In the human skull a remnant of this median fusion of the condyles is frequently seen on the anterior margin of the foramen magnum ; it is named the third or median occipital condyle. Sometimes the atlas is partly fused with or imperfectly separated from the occipital bone. This seems to be a further manifestation of the process which ha!s led to four segments, which were at one time free body segments, being fused together to form the occipital part of the skull. The Ribs are developed in the septa between the dorsal primitive segments. At their vertebral ends they come in contact with the vertebral bow (Fig. 118 B). In lower vertebrates (birds, reptiles, etc.) each rib has two heads, a dorsal and ventral (Fig. 123). The tuberosity of the human rib represents the dorsal head ; the ventral head is well developed in man, as in mammals generally. The rib articulates with the neural arches only (Fig. 119 D ). Vestigial Ribs. — Although the ribs are only fully developed in the dorsal region, yet a representative — a costal element — is occip. artic. 1st neural arch artic. 2nd neural arch artic. 3rd neural arch 3rd centrum Fig. 122. — The nature of the Atlanto-axio-occipital Articulations. THE SPINAL COLUMN AND BACK. 153 present in every vertebra. In the cervical vertebrae the anterior part of the transverse processes represents a costal process, but only in the 6 tli (sometimes) and 7th is the costal process formed Fig. 123. — The Bicipital Rib of a Lower Vertebrate (crocodile). by a separate centre of ossification. The costal process of the 7 th may develop into a rudiment or even a fully formed rib which reaches the sternum. In the lumbar vertebrae only the first shows a separate centre for the formation of the costal process ; it fuses with the tip of the transverse process in the later months of foetal life ; in the other lumbar vertebrae the tips or perhaps the whole of the transverse processes represent costal processes. The 12th dorsal rib varies widely in size ; it may be six inches or ten long or reduced to a mere vestige. In the 1st, 2nd and 3rd sacral vertebrae the costal processes are large and have their own centres of ossification. Their cartila- ginous bases fuse early to form the greater part of the lateral masses of the sacrum (Fig. 115). The part of the lateral mass neural arch trans. proc. cost proc. epiphysis centrum Fig. 124.— A section to show the Nature of the Elements composing the Sacrum. formed by the costal processes is shown in Fig. 124. The costal processes are absent in the 4th and 5th sacral and all the •coccygeal vertebrae. The two lateral epiphyseal plates on each side of the sacrum are new and independent formations. The Accessory Processes are found in the lumbar and lowest two 154 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. dorsal vertebrae. They are developed at the base of the trans- verse processes and are for the attachment of slips of the longissimns dorsi. The mammillary processes are developed on the articular processes of the lower two or three dorsal and all the lumbar vertebrae. They give attachment to tendons of origin of the multifidus spinae. The Transverse and Spinous Processes grow out from the vertebral bow (Fig. 119 A) into the septa between the primitive segments. Each transverse process is pierced, while still in the fibrous condition, by a branch of the corresponding segmental (intercostal) artery. In only the cervical region do those per- forating arteries and their foramina persist. In that region the perforating arteries anastomose and out of the chain thus formed is developed the vertebral artery. Thus the foramina for the vertebral artery are formed independently of the costal element in each cervical transverse process. The spines are absent on the 1st cervical, 4th and 5th sacral and coccygeal vertebrae. They are slightly developed and united by ossification of the interspinous ligament in the 2nd and 3rd sacral vertebrae. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th cervical spines are bifid in Europeans;, but in lower races, as in anthropoids, the 5th and 6th spines are undivided. CHAPTER XII. THE SEGMENTATION OE THE BODY. Segmentation of the Body. — The human body or trunk consists of 33 or 34 segments. Each segment is fundamentally of the same type, but the resemblance is obscured owing to ex- tensive modifications which they undergo to form the cervical, dorsal (thoracic), lumbar (abdominal), sacral (pelvic) and caudal regions of the body. The outgrowth of the limbs also renders it difficult to recognise in the adult the simple system of segments which can be seen in the embryo at the end of the third week (Fig. 233, p. 289). Until lately the segmentation of the human body was a matter of only speculative importance, but recent advances in our knowledge of the distribution of nerves, has shown that it has a direct bearing on diagnosis and treatment. Constitution of a Typical Segment (11th Dorsal). — It is better to study the development of one typical body segment and from that the student will be able to note for himself the modifications which have taken place in the more highly differ- entiated segments of the body. By the end of the third week, the process of segmentation, which began in the occipital region a few days previously, has spread backwards and separated the 18th body segment (11th dorsal) from the one in front and behind. As already explained, the process of segmen- tation affects only the paraxial block of mesoblast which lies on each side of the neural canal and notochord. In Figs. 125 and 126 a segment is represented in the adult and in the embryonic condition. The following elements make up the 11th dorsal segment: (1) Its skeletal basis ; (2) Muscular element ; (3) Renal element ; 156 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. (4) Vessels ; (5) Nerves; (6) Neural segment. Although the epiblast and hypoblast are never segmented, yet a definite area of each is associated with every body segment. The origin of each element will be taken separately. lat. dorsi quad. lumb. lumb. aponeur. Kidney ( interned, cell-mass) nt. ob. somato-pleure Fio. 125. ilio-costalis uertebra ( sclerotome y neural canal - post . root. gang. ,musde plate -shin plate - sclerotome -notochord ■aorta r interned . \ ceil -mass, splanchno-pleure somato-pleure coelom gut Fit:. 126. Fio. 125.— A transverse section showing the Elements of the 1st Lumbar Segment in the Adult. Fig. 126.— A corresponding section of an Embryo about the end of the 3rd week (diagrammatic). T. The skeleton of the 11th dorsal segment is represented by the adjacent halves of the 11-12 dorsal vertebrae and the disc between them, for, as already pointed out, the vertebrae are inter- segmental in origin (Fig. 126). The transverse processes, the spinous process and 11th and 12th ribs are also formed in the septa in front of and behind the lltli segment. The septum in the rectus muscle a little below the umbilicus represents the inter-segmental septum corresponding to the 11th rib. Sometimes another septum occurs in the rectus, midway between the pubes and umbilicus, marking the lower limit of the 11th segment. The linea alba separates the segments of the two sides. In the linea alba or ventral median line of the thoracic region, the sternum is developed. The inter-segmental septa are well tiip: segmentation oe the body. 157 marked in the thoracic region ; the ribs and their cartilages are developed in them. In the neck the septa are almost lost ; the intermediate tendon of the omo-hyoid and the septa occasionally found in the sterno-hyoid and -thyroid, complexus and trachelo- mastoid muscles are the only representatives of them in the cervical region. II. The Muscles of the 11th Dorsal Septum. — All the muscles of this segment are developed from the muscle plate of the primitive segment (see Figs. 125 and 126). There is a cavity, which pro- bably arises as a diverticulum of the coelom, in each primitive segment (Fig. 6 9, p. 90). The cells of the mesoblast on the inner side of the segmental cavity become columnar and form the muscle plate (Fig. 126). Each segment has its own muscle plate. The cells of each plate increase rapidly in number ; they spread into the somatopleure, and form the muscles of the body-wall and limbs. Each cell becomes elongated and directed across its segment from septum to septum. The intercostal muscles retain this arrangement, but in the abdominal region the fibres fuse with those of neighbouring segments to form muscular sheets — the external oblique, internal oblique, transversalis and rectus. In fishes the embryonic segmental arrangement of the muscu- lature persists. The manner in which the final groups of muscles are derived from the muscle plates is not known, but in the typical segment with which we are at present dealing it will be seen that the musculature falls into two groups (see Fig. 125): (1) axial (acting on the spine — the erector spinae, etc.), and (2) ventro-lateral or body-wall muscles (intercostals, rectus, oblique muscles, etc.). The musculature of the limbs is derived from the ventro-lateral group. Many of the ventro-lateral muscles (trapezius, rhomboids, and latissimus dorsi), migrate dorsalwards over the axial muscles and take origin from the spines of the vertebrae (Fig. 125). Each muscle fibre is a cell derived from the endothelial cells which make up the muscle plate. The protoplasm of each cell is converted into a living contractile substance (myosin), which reacts to nerve stimuli. III. The Arteries of the 11th Segment (Fig. 127). — The 11th intercostal is the artery of the segment. It gives off a dorsal branch to supply the axial muscles, the spinal column, spinal cord and HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. membranes and skin. The segmental artery joins at its termina- tion with a ventral longitudinal vessel, the deep epigastric. The primitive arrangement in vertebrates appears to have been a Fig. 127. — The distribution of a typical Segmental Artery. ■dorsal and ventral longitudinal vessel, with the segmental artery passing between them. The vertebral, ascending cervical, deep cervical, ascending lumbar and lateral sacral arteries are examples of the anastomoses that may arise between segmental arteries. Segmental arteries also arise from the aorta to supply the structures formed from the intermediate cell mass (the kidney, testis, ovary, etc., Figs. 125 and 127). As a rule only one renal segmental artery persists, but frequently accessory renals are seen. These are persistent embryonic vessels of the several segments from which the mesoblast of the kidney arose. The splanclmo- pleure shows no trace of segmentation ; hence its vessels (coeliac axis and mesenteric) are not segmental in origin. IV. The Nerve Elements of the 11th Segment (Fig. 128).— (1) Although the spinal cord of the human embryo shows no certain sign during development of being definitely divided into segments corresponding to those of the body, yet from whatwe know ■of its condition in embryoes of other animals and from clinical TIIE SEGMENTATION OF THE BODY. 159 evidence there can be little doubt that such a segmentation does take place, and that it possesses segments corresponding to those of the body. A group of cells in each segment, afterwards those of the anterior horn, sends out processes to all the muscles of the primitive body segment in which it is situated. The anterior root of a spinal nerve is thus formed. Other motor cells send out processes which reach viscera through the white rami comiiinni- cantes and sympathetic system (Fig. 128). Fig. 12S. — Diagram of the Nerve System of the 11th Dorsal Segment. Fig. 129. — A diagram showing the derivation of the Parts of the Nerve System of the 11th Segment in the Embryo. (2) Besides the anterior horn cells, two other nerve groups become connected with each segment. At the point where the medullary plates are cut off from the epiblast to form the neural canal, a crest, the neural crest, grows out on each side (Fig. 129) composed of the cells which formed the junctional line between medullary plates and epiblast. A group of these neuroblasts grows into each segment and forms the posterior root ganglion. Each neuroblast within the ganglion sends out a process which bifur- cates, one branch or fibre growing into the cord and ending in the posterior column and cells of the posterior horn, the other passing to the skin, muscles, etc., of the segment. The posterior nerve root is thus formed by the ingrowing processes of the cells of the posterior root ganglion, and thus the body segment in which the outgrowing processes are distributed is brought into sensory com- munication with the central nervous system. The anterior and posterior roots unite to form a spinal or segmental nerve. Like the artery it divides into a posterior division for the epaxial part 160 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. of the segment and an anterior for the ventro-lateral part (Fig. 128) (3) A third group of cells, the sympathetic, is also connected with each segment. The origin of these cells is not yet certain, but most ot the evidence goes to show that the cells are derived, with the posterior root ganglion, from the neural crest and that a group enters each segment. Professor Paterson’s research on their origin led him to the conclusion that the nerve cells of the sympathetic arose from the mesoblast. The sympathetic group of nerve cells (Figs. 128 and 129) is broken up into — (a) The prevertebral ganglion situated on the vertebra (in the gangliated chain), ventral to the exit of the spinal nerve ; (b) A group to the intermediate cell mass (renal ganglion) ; (c) Another to the splanchnopleure (in the semilunar ganglia) ; (cl) To the viscera (cells of Auerbach’s plexus, etc.). Groups (c) and (d) show no trace of segmentation in their arrangement, but, clinically, evidence is to be found that every viscus or part of a viscus is connected with certain segments of the spinal cord. The cells of the sympathetic ganglia throw out axis-cylinder processes, which pass to the spinal cord by a white ramus communicans and posterior root, and act as sensory path- ways from the viscera. The distal end of the axis-cylinder process ends in a viscus. In this manner certain segments of the spinal cord are brought into touch with the viscera. The vaso- motor supply of each body segment passes to it from the sym- pathetic ganglia by a grey ramus communicans. It will thus be seen that all the parts of a segment — body wall (somatopleure), kidney (intermediate cell mass), and a part of the abdominal or thoracic viscera (splanchnopleure) are con- nected by nerves to a corresponding segment of the spinal cord. In diseased conditions of any part of the body segment the corresponding spinal segment of the cord is disturbed, the dis- turbance being reflected from the cord to the segment. The nervous mechanism of the whole segment is affected. Thus, tor instance, a stone in the pelvis of the kidney (which is supplied from the 10 th, 11th, and 12 th dorsal segments) is frequently accompanied by pain referred along the 11th and 12 th inter- costal nerves. The skin supplied by these nerves may become hyper-aesthetic. CHAPTER XIII. THE CRANIUM. Development of the Skull. — The facial parts of the skull have already been dealt with (Chap. I.). Only those bones which enter into the formation of the cranial cavity and help to form the brain chamber are dealt with here. These bones are the frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, ethmoid and sphenoid. Is the Skull made up of Segments ? — We have just seen that the body is made up of 33 or more segments. Is the skull made up of a series of segments ? The theory supported by Owen and many others that the cranium is really composed of 4 modified vertebrae is now no longer tenable. On the other hand the arrangement of the nerves and muscles, the evidence of development and comparative anatomy, indicate that it is com- posed of a number of segments, probably nine in number. The four posterior, which form the occipital region of the skull, are recognisable at an early stage of development, but at no period in the development of the embryo have the anterior five segments been seen to be demarcated. The Primitive Membranous Skull. — The brain is developed in the same manner as the spinal cord from the medullary plates of the neural groove (Fig. 69, p. 90). In the same manner the mesoblast grows under and over the cephalic part of the neural canal, and forms for it a membranous covering. The covering of mesoblast thus formed is the primitive basis of the skull in the embryo. The Evolution of the Mammalian Cranium. — It is not possible to understand the manner in which the bones of the human cranial cavity are developed without some reference to L 162 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. comparative anatomy. Only the base of the human skull is developed in cartilage, the rest is developed in membrane. How has that come to be ? The brain of amphioxus, if it can be said to possess one, is wrapped in a membranous covering. In fishes with cartilaginous skeletons this embryonic mesoblastic capsule becomes chondrified — plates of cartilage develop in it. As in the spinal column, the process of chondrification begins at the base and spreads slowly round to the crown or dorsum of the head. The cartilaginous cranium is an advance on the membranous stage. In many fishes a further most important element is added. The dermal bony plates, to which the placoid scales are fixed, are applied to the cartilage over the sides and dorsum of the skull. Thus to the cartilaginous element of the skull is added a third element — bone formed in membrane. Now in the mammalian skull, and especially in that of man, the cerebral vesicles grow so quickly that long before the process of chondrifi- cation has had time to spread in the membranous capsule from the base to the crown, the dermal bones have formed, and thus supplant the cartilage on the calvarium. Hence in the human skull, while the process of chondrification occurs in the base, and afterwards undergoes ossification, the whole calvarium and sides of the skull are formed by bones which, historically, are dermal bones, and hence are formed directly in membrane. The dermal bones of the human skull are: (1) the frontal, (2) the parietal, (3) the inter-parietal part of the occipital (the part above the superior curved lines), (4) the squamous part of the temporal. Thus the calvarial part of the skull passes directly from the membranous to the bony stage, while the base of the skull, like the spinal column, passes through three stages: (1) membranous, (2) cartilaginous, (3) bony. It will be thus seen that the base of the skull, developed in cartilage, is the most ancient part, while the dermal bones, which form the calvarium, represent a later addition. Development of the Roof (membranous or dermal part) of the Skull. — In the 7th week of foetal life there appear on each side of the membranous cranial capsule four centres of ossification : (1) For the frontal bone at a point which becomes afterwards the frontal eminence (Fig. 130); THE CRANIUM. 163 (2) For the parietal, at the position of the parietal eminence ; (3) For the squamosal — at the base of the zygoma (Fig. 130) ; (4) For the membranous part of supra-occipital (part above superior curved line). Fig. 130.- -The Centres of Ossification for the Dermal Bones of the Skull. The Bones which are formed in Cartilage are stippled. The two occipital centres fuse early into one at the position of the external occipital protuberance. The two frontal ossifications fuse about the end of the first year ; the metopic suture which separates them disappearing then. This suture occasionally per- sists. The parietal bones fuse together, at the sagittal suture, late in life, commonly between the 35th and 45th year. The squamosal partly covers the petro-mastoid cartilaginous element and fuses with it in the first year, the temporal bone being thus formed. The Manner in which these Bones are Developed. — In Fig. 131 a vertical section of the skull of a foetus 44 months old is represented. The coverings of the brain are seen to be then (1) scalp, (2) a stout white fibrous capsule, (3) a fine membrane lining it — the inner layer of the dura mater — (4) the arachnoid covering the brain (not shown in figure). Spicules of bone which form the parietal are seen developing within the fibrous capsule and radiating out from the centre of ossification. Lower down 164 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. are seen the ossifying fibres of the squamosal. The base of the skull is formed of cartilage which is covered, or ensheathed, by a perichondrium continuous with the membranous capsule. In the cartilage appear the centres of ossification for the sphenoid. Fio. 131.— A coronal section of the Skull of a Foetus, 41 months old. As the bony spicules of the parietal spread out, they divide the primitive cranial capsule into an outer layer — the peri- cranium— and an inner — the periosteal layer of the dura mater. At the periphery of the bone and in the sutures the continuity of these two layers persists. The growth of the spicules of bone keeps time with the growing brain which expands the capsule, but there is, at each corner of the parietal bone, until the end of the first year, a part of the primitive cranial capsule left unossified. These unossified parts of the membranous capsule are the fontanelles. The Fontanelles.— There are five fontanelles connected with each parietal bone, one at each of its rounded angles, and one, the sagittal (Fig. 130) which occurs between the radiating fibres of the parietal near the posterior end of the sagittal suture. The parietal foramen marks its position in the adult. In about 15°/0 of children this fontanelle is unclosed at birth ; a large parietal foramen may permanently mark its situation. The posterior inferior fontanelle, situated at the asterion (Fig. 130), the anterior inferior at the pterion, and the posterior superior at the lambda, THE CRANIUM. 165 close before or about the time of birth. Separate ossifications, which become Wormian bones, are often developed in the primi- tive capsule of the skull at those three fontanelles and thus close them. The anterior superior fontanel le, at the bregma, cannot be distinctly felt during life after the first year (Warner), but it is not completely closed until the second year is nearly over. This fontanelle is lozenge-shaped, being bounded by four bones, viz., the two parietals and two frontals. The bregmatic or anterior- superior and lambdoid or posterior-superior fontanelles are median and common to both parietals. The membrane-formed bones consist at first of a thin lamella of osseous fibres radiating out from the point at which ossification commenced. The osteoblasts beneath the pericranium on the outer surface of the lamella and the dura mater on the inner surface deposit bone, and by the 5th year an outer and inner table, with deploic tissue between, are developed. Into the diploe of the frontal bone protrude the growing buds of the two frontal sinuses. As the brain expands new bone is formed at the sutures to increase the capacity of the skull, but the opera- tion of craniotomy to allow the expansion of a confined brain, by the formation of a new suture, is founded on a wrong principle. Expansion of the cranial cavity takes place princi- pally by a deposit on the outer table and an absorption from the inner ; for this manner of growth, sutures are unnecessary. The synostosis of the sutures does not necessarily prevent growth ; synostosis of the skull bones occurs only when the brain has ceased to expand. If the brain of the infant is arrested in its growth, premature ossification of the sutures occurs, the condition of microcephaly resulting therefrom. In hydrocephalus, when the ventricles become enormously dilated, the membranous capsule of the cranium expands so quickly that the process of ossification cannot keep up with its rapid growth. Hence in hydrocephalus the fontanelles are enormous. The cartilaginous part of the skull is scarcely affected in this disease. The membrane-formed part of the skull is liable to diseases which do not affect the cartilage- formed part. The dura mater is very adherent to the bones formed in cartilage. Development of the Cartilaginous part of the Skull. (1) The Occipital Bone. — The occipital bone is developed from 166 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. the parachordal cartilages, two cartilaginous bars which partly surround the cranial part of the notochord (Figs. 133 and 121). The parachordal cartilages represent in the skull the cartilaginous sheath of the notochord out of which, in the spinal column, the bodies of the vertebrae are developed. Each cartilage throws out a wing (Fig. 134); these meet over the hind brain and form the exoccipitals and cartilaginous part of the supra-occipital, and thus enclose the foramen magnum. In Fig. 132 the con- dition of the occipital region is shown in a 5th -month foetus. The supra-occipital parts of the parachordal cartilages have fused. A suture between the membranous and cartilaginous parts is clearly visible — especially near the fontanelle at the asterion. The membranous and cartilaginous parts of the supra-occipital become completely fused soon after birth. It will be observed that the process of fusion between the lateral parts of the cartila- ginous supra-occipital is not complete at the 5th month (Fig. 132). The occipital fontanelle (Sutton) projects upwards between them from the foramen magnum (Fig. 132). This fontanelle is filled by a continuation of the posterior atlanto-occipital ligament ; and becomes closed soon after birth. It is the most common site of a cerebral meningocele — a saccular protrusion of the membranes of the brain which contains cerebro-spinal fluid, and possibly also a part of the brain. font, at asterion uA/a Fig. 132. — The Occipital Region in a Foetus of 5 months. THE CRANIUM. 167 §£; Separate centres of ossification appear in the parachordal cartilages to form (1) the basi-occipital, (2) the two exocci- pitals, and (3) the supra-occipital. The occipital consists of Fig. 133. — The Parachordal Cartilages out of which the Cartilaginous Parts of the Occipital Bone are formed. Fig. 134. — The expansion backwards of the Parachordal Cartilages to enclose the Foramen Magnum and form the Supra-occipital. these four pieces until the fourth year, when synostosis occurs. The occipital condyles are formed from the exoccipitals and basi- occipital, the exoccipital element constituting by far the larger part. The anterior condylar foramen is formed between these two parts. The occipital protuberance is formed by both membranous and cartilaginous parts of the supra-occipital. (2) The Petro-mastoid forms part of the base of the skull. We have already seen that the petro-mastoid part of the temporal bone is developed out of the cartilage which forms the periotic capsule (Figs. 35, p. 50, and 135). The periotic cartilages fuse at points with the parachordal, which form the basis of the occipital bone. Even to a late stage (30 th year or later) remnants of these cartilages may be found between the petro- mastoid and occipital bones, especially between the jugular process of the occipital and the mastoid (Fig. 136). The fibro- cartilage in the foramen lacerum medium is a remnant of the periotic cartilaginous capsule. (See also p. 58.) 168 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. (3) Trabeculae Cranii (Figs. 135 and 136). — The notochord terminates behind the pituitary body and sella Turicae ; the para- chordal cartilages develop above and at each side of it (Fig. 135). Two bars of cartilage — the trabeculae cranii — develop in the Fir;. 135. — Diagram of the Trabeculae Cranii, Parachordal Cartilages, and Periotic Capsules. trabecula periotic ( petro-mast .) (if: septum of nose lat. nas. cart, tat. mass, ethmoid - cribriform pi. r small wing l sphen. optic, for. pituitary great wing sphen. petro-mast parach. cartil. Flo. 136.- Diagram of the structures formed from the Trabeculae Cranii. membranous basis of the embryonic brain capsule in lront of the notochord and on each side of the pituitary body. In Fig. 136 is shown what become of these two cartilaginous bars. Their posterior THE CRANIUM. 169 extremities fuse round the anterior termination of the notochord with the parachordal cartilages. The buccal part of the pituitary grows into the cranial cavity in front of the notochord and keeps the two cartilages apart ; but in front of the pituitary the two bars fuse in the middle line. The mesial fused parts of the trabeculae grow into the mesial nasal processes of which they form the skeletal basis and become transformed into the primitive cartilaginous septum of the nasal cavities (Figs. 136 and 3, p. 3). The posterior segment of the median fused bars forms the cartilaginous basis of the pre-sphenoid and basi-sphenoid (Fig. 136). From the trabeculae four lateral processes or wings grow out on each side (Fig. 136). The pos- terior, which is small at first, forms the great wing of the sphenoid and external pterygoid plate; the second is originally large, and forms the small wings (orbito-sphenoids) ; the third and fourth outgrowths are closely joined, — they form the lateral masses of the ethmoid and alar cartilages of the nose (Fig. 6, page 6). The nasal bones, the lachrymal and ascending nasal processes of the superior maxilla, develop in the membrane over the lateral nasal wings of the trabeculae, in the same way as the vomer develops over the cartilage of the septum. Development of the Sphenoid (Fig. 137). — At birth the sphenoid bone, which is developed by ossification of the posterior Fig. 137. — The Sphenoid in a foetus of 4 months. The Centres of Ossification are deeply shaded. (After Sappey.) parts of the trabeculae cranii, consists of three parts, the great wings being separated from the rest of the bone. The sphenoidal turbinate bones, afterwards inflated by the development jorbito-sph, for. rot. for. ouale intpter. bas'-sPh- 170 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. of the sphenoidal air sinuses, are then nodules of bone, surrounded by cartilage. They also are separate and form part of the lateral ethmoidal cartilaginous plates. The internal pterygoid plates, formed from the ptery go-palatine bar, become adherent to the external pterygoid plates, which are developed as outgrowths from the ali-sphenoids or great wings. The pre-sphenoid unites with the basi-sphenoid in the 7th month; the great wings unite with the basi-sphenoid soon after birth. The lingula which bounds the outer side of the carotid groove (Fig. 137) is ossified from a centre which appears during the 4th month of foetal life. The orbito-sphenoids unite over the pre-sphenoid and cover its cranial aspect. The Pituitary Body is developed between the trabeculae cranii ; the pre-sphenoid is formed in front of it and the basi-sphenoid behind it (p. 19). A canal may remain in the foetal or even adult hone to mark the point of ingress of the buccal part of the Pituitary, Fig. 167, p. 203. The wings of the vomer cover the opening of the pituitary canal on the pharyngeal aspect of the skull, if it be present. On the cerebral aspect it opens at the olivary eminence which also marks the union of the pre- and the basi-sphenoids. The pre-sphenoid and afterwards the basi-sphenoid are much altered by the growth of the sphenoidal sinuses which commence about the 7th year. The great wings support the temporal poles of the brain, their size depending on the develop- ment of that part of the brain. They are much larger in man than in any other mammal. The small wings project within the vallecula Sylvii. In the early foetus the dorsum sellae is enormously developed, and fills the deep and sharp angle between the mid-brain and fore-brain (Fig. 167). Formation of Foramina in Bone. — The foramina of the skull are formed in one of three ways (Sutton) : (1) By the union of two bones; examples of this form are the jugular foramen, sphenoidal fissure, Glaserian fissure, etc. (2) By the union of two elements of one bone ; the anterior condyloid foramina, optic foramina, the foramen magnum, aque- ductus Fallopii, etc. (3) By the enclosure of a notch on the edge of a bone of which the foramen ovale is the best example. This foramen is at first a notch in the posterior border of the great wing of THE CRANIUM. 171 the sphenoid (Fig. 137); it remains in this condition in all mammals except man. In him the margins of the bone on each side grow out and fuse and thus convert the notch into a foramen. Other examples are the foramen spinosum, the foramen rotundum, parietal foramen, mastoid, etc. Wormian Bones. — In the six fontanelles which occur at the parietal angles separate ossific centres frequently appear and close them. The fontanelle ossifications form Wormian bones. They occur most frequently at the posterior angles of the parietal (Lambda and Asterion) but they are also common at the Pterion (epipteric Wormian) and rare at the Bregma. The wormian at the last-mentioned point receives the name of os anti-epilepticum. Much confusion has been caused by naming a large wormian, which may occur in the lambdoidal (posterior-superior) fontanelle, the inter-parietal bone. The Inter-parietal Bone. — It has already been shown that the part of the supra-occipital above the superior curved lines is developed from membrane by two centres of ossification and is at first and almost until birth nearly separated from the lower part developed from cartilage (Fig. 132). The membranous part of the supra-occipital represents the inter-parietal bone. In marsupials, ruminants, and ungulates, the inter - parietals fuse with the parietals and not with the occipital. In rodents they fuse with both occipitals and parietals. In primates and carnivora, as in man, they fuse with the occipital. It is extremely rare to find the whole inter-parietal separate in man, but a large wormian, partly replacing the inter-parietal, is very frequent. Such a wormian bone, if large, is named variously, os epactal, os Incae, os triquetrum, or pre-interparietal. The Post-frontal does not occur in mammals as a separate bone ; in them it has fused with the frontal, and forms that part of the bone which articulates with the great wing of the sphenoid and malar. A wormian bone — the epipteric — which is occasion- ally developed in the fontanelle at the pterion, may be mistaken for it. Traces of a true post-frontal, partly separated from the frontal, rarely occur in man. The suture round a wormian bone ina}'' be mistaken for a fissure or fracture when exposed by the trephine. The Cephalic Index. — Anthropologists have employed the shape of the head as a character in classifying the races of man- L -1 IIUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. kind. The cephalic index is used to express the shape of the head, t states the proportion that the breadth bears to the length of the skull (Figs. 138 and 139). The length or long diameter of the skull is measured from the glabella to the inion (external occipital protuberance); the breadth or widest diameter is measured Fio. 138. — Diagram of a Long-head (Dolichocephalic). Fig. 130. — Diagram of a Short-head (Brachycephalic). between the widest points — the parietal eminences. If the length of a skull is 100 mm. and the breadth 75, the cephalic index of that skull is 75, i.e. the breadth is 75°/0 of the length. Human races, on an average, are either Dolichocephalic (long-headed), the breadth being 75°/0 or less of the length; Brachycephalic, in which the breadth is 80°/o or more of length; or Meso-cephalic, in which the breadth is between 7 5°/0 and 80°/o of the length. The English people have an average index of 75, the South Germans 83, but it must be remembered the individuals vary widely. It will be seen that the topography of the brain, worked out by German surgeons, cannot be applied to the longer English heads without modification. The Facial Angle is the angle at which the face projects from the base of the skull (Fig. 140). The skull consists in man, as in all mammals, of two parts — the facial part, which carries the teeth and is developed according to their size, and the brain capsule, which depends on the size of the brain. The smaller the THE CRANIUM. 173 brain and the larger the face, the more does the face project in front of the skull and therefore the greater is the facial angle, and vice versa. Fig. 140. — The Facial Angle of a [European contrasted with that of an Anthropoid. It will thus be seen that the facial angle is a good index of brain development. It is smallest in the most highly developed races of man ; it is larger in the lower races, and larger still in the anthropoids ; it increases in size with the advent of the per- manent teeth and the necessary increase in the size of the face. It is therefore greater in the adult than in the newly born. The Para-occipital Process is sometimes present in man, and projects downwards from the jugular process of the occipital bone. The rectus capitis lateralis is inserted to it. The process repre- sents the para-occipital process, which is so highly developed in four-footed mammals. The para-mastoicl process projects from the temporal at its outer side (Parsons). Upgrowth of the Temporal and Occipital Ridges or Curved Lines. — In lower animals, such as the ape or dog, a great increase in the development of the temporal and nuchal muscles takes place with the eruption of the permanent teeth, the area of their origin from the skull being necessarily enlarged. The ridges of bone which mark the limit of attachment of these muscles, the temporal and occipital ridges, ascend on the skull as waves of 174 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. bone before the growing muscles. The ridges may meet, as in apes, along the sagittal and lambdoidal sutures and form crests, like that on a fireman’s helmet. In man the temporal ridges and superior curved lines of the occipital bone also ascend with the eruption of the permanent teeth, but only to a slight extent. Man retains in the adult the condition seen in young apes. CHAPTER XIV. DEVELOPMENT OF THE STRUCTURES CONCERNED IN THE SENSE OF SIGHT. The structures concerned in the sense of sight are : (1) The Eyeball and the Optic Nerve. (2) The Eyelids and Lachrymal Apparatus. (3) The Orbit, the Muscles, Nerves, and Vessels contained in it. (4) The Nerve Centres and Tracts. The Eyeball. — The condition of the eye in the third week of foetal life is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 141. The three Fig. 141.— Diagram of the Elements -which form the Eyeball. elements which unite to form the eyeball are as yet separate. They are : (1) Epiblast, which forms (a) the epithelium of the cornea, (b) the lens, and probably (c) the rods and cones of the retina. 176 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. (2) Neuroblast, which forms (a) the optic nerves, (b) sensitive retina, (c) pars ciliaris retinae, ( d ) uvea ( e ) pigmentary layer of retina. (3) Mesoblast, which forms (a) outer tunic (sclerotic and fibrous cornea) ; (b) middle tunic (choroid, ciliary-choroid and iris) ; (c) the vitreous humour and its capsule — the hyaloid mem- brane ; (d) the capsule of the lens. 1. Structures derived from the Epiblast. — (a) The lens. — The lens is developed by a saccular invagination of the epiblast situated over the optic vesicle (Fig. 142). It becomes a closed Fig. 142.— Invagination of the Epiblast to form the Lens Vesicle. Fig. 143.— The manner in which the Lens Vesicle is severed from the Epiblast. sac by the severance of its connection with the epiblast, its wall being formed by a single layer of epithelial cells. The cavity of Fir 144 -The Formation of the Lens Fibres from the Epithelium on the posterior Wall of the Vesicle. the lenticular vesicle is gradually obliterated by the cells of the posterior wall becoming elongated (Fig. 144) until they reach SENSE OF SIGHT. 177 the anterior wall. Each elongated cell is transformed into a lens fibre. The cells of the anterior wall retain their primitive form (Fi". 144). New lens fibres are added by the cells at the margin (equator) becoming multiplied and elongated. The lens reaches its full size in the 1st year of life and then no more fibres are formed. It will thus be seen that the lens is an area of modified epidermis. Like the epidermis, it shows a tendency in the aged to be transformed into keratin. The oldest cells (the central or nuclear fibres) alter first ; hence the central position of the cataract which occurs so frequently in old people. (b) The cornea. — The epithelial covering of the cornea is continuous with the epidermis and in some animals (snakes, etc.) it is shed with that structure, rendering the animal blind for the time being. It becomes transparent. The mesoblast which grows in between the lens vesicle and epiblast forms the con- nective-tissue basis of the cornea and also the capsule of the lens (Fig. 148). (c) It is probable, although not yet verified, that certain cells from the epiblast grow into the optic vesicle and afterwards form the sensory epithelium of the retina — the rods and cones (Gaskell). Before the incursion of the mesoblast separates them, the optic vesicle and epiblast are in contact. If this is so, then the rods and cones — the sensory cells of the retina, the olfactory cells, the taste cells, the acoustic cells, are all of similar origin — epiblastic. 2. Structures formed from the Optic Vesicles (neuroblastic element). — (a) The optic nerve is formed out of the stalk of the optic vesicle. The vesicle is well developed at the commence- ment of the third week (see Fig. 141) ; even before the medullary plates have quite met to enclose the cavity of the fore-brain the optic vesicles have commenced as evaginations of those plates. They form a great lateral diverticulum on each side of the fore-brain — a cavity which becomes the third ventricle in the adult. The condition of the optic nerves at the commencement of the second month is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 145. The stalk or neck remains constricted while the vesicle enlarges. Invagination of the optic vesicle. — Almost as soon as it begins to grow out the optic vesicle becomes invaginated, one half M 178 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. being pushed within the other. It is invaginated by the lens-bud in the same manner as a schoolboy’s fist indents a punctured india-rubber ball. The invaginated vesicle is known as the optic cup. I he invagination of' the vesicle, which takes place in Fig. 145.— Diagram showing the condition of the Optic Stalk and Vesicle at the commencement of the 2nd month. (After His.) an oblique manner — the pressure being applied from below and behind, leads to the closure not only of the cavity of the vesicle, but also to that of the distal half of the stalk (optic nerve). The mesoblast, surrounding the lens, grows into the invagination and afterwards forms the vitreous humour. The artery, which is folded in with the mesoblast, becomes afterwards the central artery of the retina. Hence the point at which the central artery enters the optic nerve marks the upper limit of the invagination of the optic stalk. By the fourth week the optic vesicle no longer communicates with the cavity of the fore-brain but the recessus opticus, in the floor of the third ventricle, above the chiasma, marks the point at which it entered (Fig. 145). The optic fibres, developed as processes of the neuroblasts of the invaginated layer, grow into the brain from the retina along the optic stalk. They thus form the greater number of the fibres in the optic nerve. The optic fibres also form the chiasma in the floor of the third ventricle and the optic tracts on the wall of the fore- cerebr. uesicle / ^ for. Monro / / ^ ^ aright op. ues. | turned down SENSE OF SIGHT. 179 brain (Fig. 153). It will thus be seen that the optic nerves and vesicles are of the same origin as the cerebral vesicle — both repre- senting parts of the wall of the fore-hrain. ( b ) The pigmentary layer of the retina is formed from the ensheathing or outer layer of the optic cup (Fig. 146). At first the wall of the optic vesicle is composed of a single layer of epithelium ; the outer or pigmentary layer of the retina retains this embryonic form. uvea pars ciliar. ret cauity of outer or pit optic, stalk - or inuag. layer Fig. 146. — Diagrammatic Section of the Optic Cup and Lens. (c) The uvea is the layer of pigmented epithelium which covers the posterior surface of the iris. It is formed out of both outer and inner layers of the optic cup, and represents the rim of the cup (Fig. 146). (cl) The Pars ciliaris retinae is formed out of that part of the inner or invaginated layer of the optic cup which lies in the shadow of the iris, and is therefore inaccessible to light rays. It also retains the primitive columnar form of the epithelium. The ora serrata marks the junction of the pars ciliaris retinae and sensitive retina. Ciliary Processes. — At the commencement of the third month, the pars ciliaris retinae becomes plicated or puckered into 60 or 70 small folds; mesoblast of the middle tunic (choroid) grows into the puckers and forms the ciliary processes. It should be observed that the lens lies within the optic cup and the ciliary processes are formed round the equator or circumference of the lens. (e) The Sensitive Eetina is formed out of the inner or in- vaginated layer of the optic cup (Fig. 146). At first the inner 180 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. wall is composed of a single layer of epithelium. The pars ciliaris retinae retains this form. The cells of the sensitive retina elongate, but the process of formation of rods and cones and other structures in the retina has not been fully followed. If Gaskell is right then the matter is simple. He believes that the epithelial cells of the inner layer of the optic cup become transformed into the fibres of Muller ; the rods, cones, and gang- lionic cells being derived from the cells which grow into the optic vesicle from the epiblast. The ganglionic cells, however, are more probably derivatives of the neuroblasts of the optic vesicle. At any rate an inner layer of ganglionic cells is formed which give off the optic fibres as processes. These fibres converge at the stalk of the vesicle, thus forming the optic disc ; they grow inwards on the stalk, which becomes the optic nerve ; some at least, perhaps all, cross in the floor of the 3rd ventricle forming the chiasma, and pass round, as the optic tracts, to ganglia situated on the mid-brain. There are also efferent fibres in the optic nerve, which end round the ganglion cells of the retina. The inner ganglionic cells of the retina probably correspond to the cells of a posterior root ganglion. According to Gaskell the optic vesicles arose in the ancestry of the verte- brates as diverticula of their alimentary canal; when the alimentary function of the canal was lost and it became neural, these diverti- cula became the optic vesicles. The choroidal Fissure. — Occasionally congenital fissures are seen cup lens 'n of pupil choroidal fissure Fio. 147.— The Optic Stalk and Cun, viewed on the lower and lateral aspect, showing the closure of the Choroidal Fissure. ill the lower and outer segment of the iris (coloboma iridis). A white line, due to absence of pigment, may be seen in the corre- SENSE OF SIGHT. 181 sponding segment of the retina when the interior of the eye is examined. These are due to imperfect closure of the choroidal fissure. The choroidal fissure is the result of the peculiar mode in which the optic vesicle is cupped or invaginated. The lens grows into it from the malar or lower lateral aspect. The lens is lodged in the anterior part of the depression ; the posterior part becomes the choroidal fissure (Fig. 147). The margins of the fissure unite, all traces of it normally disappearing. The margin of the cup left after the union of the lips of the choroidal fissure becomes the boundary of the pupil (Fig. 147). Binocular Vision. — At first the optic vesicles are directed laterally in the human embryo, and in mammals generally the eyes are so directed, each eye having its own field of vision. In the Primates the eyes swing forwards during the second month; binocular vision is thus made possible. With binocular vision and the combination of images appear in the highest primates : — (1) A fovea centralis and macula lutea (L. Johnston) ; (2) A partial crossing of the optic fibres at the chiasma ; (3) Certain alterations in the attachments of the oblique muscles of the eyeball. The cavity of the Optic Vesicle (Fig. 146) is of some clinical importance. It is obliterated by the invagination of the vesicle; the rods and cones formed in the inner or invaginated layer grow out across the cavity into the outer or ensheathing pigmented layer of the retina. From accident or disease the retina may be detached ; the separation takes place between the pigmented epithelium, which remains in situ, and the rods and cones, which fall inwards with the nerve layer. Fluid then collects in the site of the primitive cavity of the optic vesicle. 3. Parts of the Eyeball formed from the Mesoblast. — As the lens invaginates the optic vesicle and forms the optic cup, it carries in with it the surrounding mesoblast. Tims the lens is surrounded and the cup filled by mesoblast (Fig. 148). The structures formed from the mesoblast are : (1) The Capsule of the lens. — It is developed out of the meso- blast which surrounds the lens. At first the capsule is continuous human embryology and morphology. 182 iii front with the basis ot the cornea ; behind, it is continuous with the mesoblast of the vitreous humour (Fin-. 148). outer or \ pigment layer] inner layer , of retina Vitreous hyaloid art.-f >M optic nerue conjunctiua -epiblast mesoblast epithet, of cornea id-j. basis of cornea and j [capsule of lens, lens. lentic. cauity uuea pigment layer of retina optic fibres / mner layer of retina ( basis of middle and outer 1 tunics of eyeball Fio. 148.— Diagrammatic Section of the Eye showing the Parts formed from the Mesoblast. (After His’ Model of the eye of a 3rd month human embryo.) (2) The vitreous humour. — This is formed out of the mesoblast which fills the optic cup behind the lens. The closure of the choroidal fissure cuts the vitreous humour off from the mesoblast which covers the outer layer of the optic cup and becomes trans- formed into the tunics of the eyeball. The vitreous humour — like Wharton’s jelly of the umbilical cord — represents an early form of embryonic tissue. It consists of cells imbedded in a jelly-like matrix. All the connective tissues of the body are originally of this type, and remain as such until the fifth month (Ferry Hart). (3) The hyaloid artery. — This is the vessel which supplies the mesoblast of the optic cup ; it terminates in the capsule of the lens (Fig. 148). In the 7th month foetus a trace of the artery can still be seen passing through the vitreous humour from the optic SENSE OF SIGHT. 183 disc to the lens. With the gradual obliteration of the artery, the capsule of the lens becomes thin and clears up. A foetus born in the seventh month is blind, because of the vascular and opaque capsule of the lens. The anterior part of the capsule — filling the pupil — is the membrana pupillaris. The part of the hyaloid artery within the optic nerve persists as the central artery of the retina. The canal of the artery within the vitreous humour, from the optic disc to the lens, remains as the hyaloid canal — a lymph path. The hyaloid artery may persist and cause partial or com- plete blindness. It disappears some days after birth in cats and rabbits. (4) The Aqueous chamber, a space formed in the mesoblast which lies between the epiblast of the cornea and the lens (Fig. 148). Part of this mesoblast becomes the anterior capsule of the lens ; part becomes the connective-tissue basis of the cornea. The aqueous chamber is simply an enlarged lymph space formed between these two parts. Up to the time of birth the lens lies almost in contact with the cornea (Fig. 149). (5) The choroid, ciliary processes, and iris. — These form the middle or vascular tunic of the eye, and are developed out of the mesoblast which covers the optic cup. They form a vascular and pigmented covering through which the optic cup is nourished. The ciliary muscle is formed in this tunic. 184 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. (6) The sclerotic. — This is the outer covering or tunic of meso- blast. It is continuous in front with the cornea ; behind with the optic nerve sheath. In some vertebrates, but not in mammals, plates of bone are developed in the anterior half of the sclerotic. The Tapetum lucidum is absent in the human and primate eye. It gives the metallic lustre seen on the retinal surface of the eye of the ox, and is formed by a layer of fine fibres which are developed on the retinal surface of the choroid. (7) The Capsule of Tenon, the bursa or connective-tissue socket of the eyeball, and is developed in the mesoblast surrounding the eyeball. A lymph space separates it from the sclerotic, which is but slightly marked until after birth. The choanoid muscle (retractor bulbi or Muller’s muscle) which surrounds the posterior part of the eyeball as a muscular hood in mammals and verte- brates generally, has disappeared in man and the higher primates. Probably its fibrous remnant helps to form the capsule of Tenon. Formation of the Orbit (Fig. 150). — The orbit is formed (1) above by the capsule of the fore-brain in which the frontal position of nasal duct Fig. 150.— The Origin of the Bones entering into Formation of the Orbit. bone is developed; (2) externally and below by the maxillary process (Fig. 1). In the maxillary process the malar bone and superior maxilla (except the ascending nasal process) are SENSE OE SIGHT. 185 developed (Fig. 150). (3) The inner wall is formed by the lateral nasal process, in which the nasals, lachrymals lateral mass of the ethmoid, are formed. The optic nerve enters the orbit between the orbito- and pre-sphenoids — derivatives of the trabeculae cranii, both of which help to form the orbit. The great wings of the sphenoid are also derived from the trabeculae (p. 168). The orbital plate of the malar cuts the orbit off from the temporal fossa ; it is developed in higher primates only. The nasal duct is formed between the maxillary and nasal pro- cesses (Figs. 1 and 150). In lower primates and mammals generally the hamular process of the lachrymal appears on the margin of the orbit ; the pars facialis lachrymalis is some- times seen in the human skull (Fig 20, p. 26). The Eyelids are formed by folds or ridges of epiblast which rise above and below the cornea. Mesoblast grows into the folds and forms the tarsal plates. The upper eyelid is formed from the capsule of the fore-brain, the lower from the maxillary process. The epiblast on the deep surface of the folds forms the palpebral conjunctiva. It is continuous with the epiblast of the cornea. The lid-folds meet in front of the cornea during the third month and adhere by their edges. The edges become again separated about the 7th month. From the epiblast between their adherent edges, buds grow into the lids and form the cilia, Meibo- mian and other glands in the same manner as hairs and sweat glands are developed. The plica semilunaris (Fig. 151), a fold of conjunctiva in the inner canthus of the eye, is a vestige of the third eyelid (membrana nictitans) which is so fully developed in birds and reptiles. It is well seen in the cat, partially crossing the cornea as the lids are shut. The lachrymal papillae rub in the grooves at the outer and inner margins of the fold. The Lachrymal Gland arises as a number of epiblastic buds which spring from the fornix of the conjunctiva beneath the upper lid and grow into the tissue of the outer and upper segment of the orbit. The outer buds form the orbital part of the gland ; the more internal buds form the palpebral part. Smaller lachrymal glands may occasionally be found at the outer angle of the eye. This is the position occupied by the lachrymal glands of birds and reptiles (Wiedershiem). The 186 HUM AM EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. lachrymal canaliculi and sac and nasal duct are formed out of solid epithelial cords enclosed between the maxillary and lateral nasal processes (Fig. 151). inf. canal carunc. plica semilunaris canaliculus lach. sac nas. duct value Fig. 151.— Diagram of the Plica Semilunaris and Lachrymal Canaliculi. The Orbital Muscles. — We have already seen that the head is composed of nine segments, at least four of these being occipital ; also, that each segment gives rise to a muscle plate. The muscle plate of the first head segment forms the muscles to sup. rectus, etc. -for. Monro 3rd vent, corp. quad, motor nucleus 1st segment — of 2nd segment 4th ventricle -of 3rd segment Fig. 152. — Diagram of the Motor Nerves of the Muscles of the Eye derived from the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Cephalic Segments. supplied by the third cranial nerve — the motor nerve of the first cephalic segment. The mesencephalon (crura cerebri) contains the corresponding segment of the neural canal. The ciliary muscle and sphincter of the iris also belong to this segment and SENSE OF SIGHT. 187 are supplied by the 3rd nerve (Fig. 152). The muscle plate of the 2nd head segment produces the superior oblique. In the course of evolution the superior oblique of the right side has shifted to the left and the left to the right (Gaskell), hence the decussation of the 4th nerves (the motor nerves of this segment) on the anterior part of the roof of the hind-brain — the valve ol Vieussens. The muscle plate of the third cephalic segment gives rise to the external rectus ; the 6th nerve is the motor nerve of the segment. The sensory nerves of these three segments are fused together to form the ophthalmic division of the 5th nerve. The ciliary ganglion is the splanchnic (sympathetic) ganglion of the first segment (see Fig. 180, p. 220). The nerves for the choanoid (Muller’s) muscle, the non-striated muscle of the upper eyelid, and the dilator fibres of the iris, issue from the upper three dorsal segments of the spinal cord, and reach the eye by the cervical sympathetic chain and cavernous plexus. The nerve fibres for the orbicularis palpebrarum pass out with the facial, but they arise from cells in the first segment of the neural canal (oculo- motor nucleus). The ophthalmic division of the fifth nerve represents the sensory part of the 1st segment; hence the reflec- tion of pain along this nerve (frontal headache) in disorders of accommodation, the muscle of accommodation being the ciliary, and its nerve, the oculo-motor, both also derivatives of the first segment. Development of the Nerve Centres concerned with Sight. — Five parts of the brain are concerned with vision. They are : (1) The optic tracts. (2) The basal centres surrounding the termination of the aque- duct of Sylvius in the 3rd ventricle. (3) The optic radiations. (4) The occipital lobes — in part at least. (5) The angular gyrus. (1) The optic tracts are made up of fibres developed from the ganglionic cells of the retina and also in part of efferent fibres developed from cells of the basal ganglia in which the 188 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. optic tiacts are seen to terminate. The fibres grow in by the optic stalk, decussate in the floor of the third ventricle between the origins of the optic vesicles, and thus form the chiasma. The optic fibres grow backwards on the surface of thala- mencephalon (see Tig. 153) and on the optic thalamus to reach the nerve centres which afterwards form the pulvinar, geniculate bodies and the superior corpora quadrigemina. In these centres the optic fibres end. From some of the cells of these ganglia the efferent fibres of the optic tracts are developed. 'i-(2) The basal ganglia. — The corpora quadrigemina. — Almost in every structure the human embryonic condition resembles the adult condition of lower vertebrates. A good example is seen in the corpora quadrigemina. The human foetus at the commencement of the third month (Fig. 153) shows the corpora quadrigemina represented by a prominent thicken- ing in the roof of the cavity of the mid-brain, which forms subsequently the aqueduct of Sylvius. The thickening is divided into lateral halves by a median sulcus, each half being nearly as large as the cerebral vesicle of that period. In Fig. 154 is shown the condition in an adult lizard; there is SENSE OF SIGHT. 189 one body on each side — the optic lobes or corpora bigemina. As the human foetus grows older, each lateral lobe becomes divided into an upper and lower part by the formation of a transverse groove, the upper and lower pairs of the corpora quadrigemina being thus formed. The upper pair are connected with sight. In the mole they are vestigial, but in compensation the inferior corpora are well developed as they are connected with the sense of hear- ing, which is very acute in that animal. vent. cerebrum corp. bigem ( optic lobe) cerebellum lamina termin. optic nerve Fig. 154. — Mesial Section of the brain of a Lizard showing the resemblance to the human foetal brain (Fig. 153) especially in the development of the Corpora Bigemina. The internal geniculate body also belongs to the mid-brain (mesencephalon) ; the pulvinar and external geniculate body, in which the upper division of the optic tract ends, are developed on the wall of the 3rd ventricle (thalamencephalon). (3) The optic radiations connect the basal optic centres just named with the mesial surface of the occipital lobes. The fibres join the posterior part of the internal capsule and pass under and round the posterior horn of the lateral ventricle to end in the cortex of the calcarine fissure and neighbourhood. (4) The occipital lobe and calcarine fissure. — A mesial view of the 5th month foetal brain is shown in Fig. 155. The occipital lobe is already well formed ; its inner aspect shows the calcarine and parieto-occipital fissures. A section across the occipital lobe is shown in Fig. 156 ; the posterior horn is large; the calcarine fissure indents its inner wall, giving rise to the calcar avis or hippocampus minor. The calcarine is one of the first fissures to appear on the brain ; 190 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. it appears early in the filth month. It is present in all primates except the very lowest. The optic radiations end in the cortex of line of section /v j-x par-occip. fis. calcar, fis, calcar auis calcarine fis. uncus fascia dentata post horn Fia. 155. Fio. 150. Fig. 155. — View of the Mesial Surface of the Brain in the 5th month. Fig. 156. — Section of the Occipital Lobe at the position marked in Fig. 155. the fissure. In Fig. 157 the condition of the occipital lobe in the 4th week is shown. The cerebral vesicle has arisen as a hollow protrusion from the anterior superior end of the fore-brain (3rd ventricle). The lateral ventricle is as yet undifferentiated into horns and only the rudiment of the occipital lobe is present. The occipital lobe is produced by a backward growth of the cerebral vesicle, the posterior horn being produced as a diverti- rudiment of occip. lobe Fig. 157.— Mesial Section of the Brain at the 4th week showing the Rudiment of the Occipital Lobe. (After His.) culum of the cavity of the vesicle. By the 5th month the occipital lobe has reached far enough back to overlap the cerebellum. SENSE OF SIGHT. 191 (5) The Angular Gyrus is connected with the calcarine region by association fibres. In it is seated the word-seeing and word- understanding centre. It is developed round the posterior end of the 1st temporal or parallel fissure (Fig. 176, p. 214). It is part of the wall of the cerebral vesicle. The first temporal or parallel fissure appears during the sixth month and is one of the primary fissures. It is found in the brains of all primates except the lowest. Summary. — It will thus be seen that three parts of the neural tube are specialized in connection with sight. (1) The optic vesicle, an outgrowth from the fore-brain (thalamencephalon). (2) The occipital end of the cerebral vesicle, which may also be regarded as an outgrowth from the thalamencephalon. (3) The walls of the 3rd ventricle (thalamencephalon) and mid-brain (mesencephalon), in which the basal optic ganglia are developed. CHAPTER XV. THE BRAIN AXD SPINAL CORD. Formation of the Central Canal. — The medullary plates of epiblast, which form the spinal cord and brain, rise up, meet, and enclose a canal — the central canal of the spinal cord and brain (Figs. 158 and 69, p. 90). The lips of the medullary plates meet Fio. 158. — Medullary Folds uniting to form the Neural Tube in a Human Embryo of about 14 days. (After Graf Spec.) and fuse together in the cervical region first (Fig. 158), the process of union spreading forwards and backwards, the last parts to be enclosed being the cephalic and caudal extremities. The optic vesicles start to grow out from the medullary plates before they have united to enclose the cavity of the fore-brain. The canal is completely closed by the middle of the 3rd week. \ chorion THE BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD. 193 Divisions of the Neural Canal (Fig. 159). — At the end of the 3rd week the neural tube is divided into four parts. They are : (1) An anterior dilatation, the fore-brain, which forms the 3rd and lateral ventricles and their walls. (2) The mid-brain, which becomes transformed into the aque- duct of Sylvius and crura cerebri. (3) The hind-brain, the basis of the 4th ventricle, pons, cere- bellum and medulla. (4) The central canal and spinal cord. Fig. 159.— Diagram"of_the Four Primary Divisions of the Neural Tube. Cerebro-spinal fluid fills the canal. We do not know how it is secreted or absorbed, but under certain abnormal conditions it may collect and give rise to a cystic condition of the neural tube. The expansion may involve the whole tube or only a part of it. N 194 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. Chick embryos, hatched under abnormal conditions as regards temperature, frequently show a cystic condition of the neural tube, which is also accompanied by a dropsical state of the mesoblastic tissues. If the cystic condition occurs at an early stage it may dilate the fore-brain, or even the whole cephalic part of the tube until it bursts. This is probably the pathology of the condition seen in anencephalic foetuses, children born with all the parts of the body developed except the brain and roof of the skull, which are represented merely by a broken mass of tissue. A cystic condition of the lateral ventricles, which are formed as diverticula of the fore-brain, occasionally occurs towards the end of foetal life, and gives rise to the condition known as hydrocephalus. Encephalocele and Spina-bifida. — Localised dilatations of the neural tube may occur. The most common, spina bifida, occurs in the lumbar region, where the medullary plates are last to close. The dilatation may affect the arachnoid and dura mater only ; or the neural tube may be also distended. Another site is at the anterior or cephalic end of the tube, where the medullary plates are also late in closing. The encephalocele, or it may be only a meningocele, formed in this site, projects at the root of the nose or within the nasal cavity. A meningocele may also occur at the roof of the 4th ventricle ; it projects at the occipital fontanelle (Fig. 132, p. 166). The Spinal Cord. — The Spinal Cord at first extends the whole length of the spinal column. After the 4th month the spinal column and canal grow more rapidly than the cord, and at birth its lower end has become withdrawn to the level of the 3rd lumbar vertebra. By the third year it only reaches the disc between the 1st and 2nd lumbar vertebrae. The results of this inequality of growth are — (1) The roots of the lumbar and sacral nerves become enor- mously elongated, forming the cauda equina ; all the nerves are more or less drawn up, except the 1st and 2nd cervical; the origins of the lower cervical nerves are drawn up 2 vertebrae (as indicated by the position of their spines) ; the upper dorsal, 3 ; the lower dorsal, 4 ; the lower lumbar, 5 ; the coccygeal, 10. These statistics represent a broad expression of the observations made by Professor B. W. Beid. THE BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD. 195 (2) As the caudal termination of the neural canal is never separated from the epiblast over the coccyx, the posterior end of the cord with its pial covering (mesoblast) is pulled out into a line string — the filum terminale. The neural canal extends for some wav into the filum terminale, and in the foetus shows there a dilatation or ventricle. The arachnoid and dura mater, meso- blastic sheaths of the cord, do not suffer in the retraction of the cord ; they remain widely open to the level of the 2nd sacral vertebra. Neurenteric Canal. — The caudal ends of the medullary plates fold over and include within the neural canal the blastopore (Fig. 158). The blastopore occurs at the anterior end of the primitive streak and marks the point at which the cavity of the hypoblast (that part which becomes the hind-gut) opens on the epiblast. There is thus set up a communication between the neural canal and the gut to which the name of neurenteric canal is given (see p. 121). The neurenteric canal also opens into the posterior end of the canal of the notochord. Differentiation of the Spinal Part of the Neural Tube. — When the medullary plates close in about the 14th day to form the neural tube, they are composed of a layer of elongated epithelial (epiblastic) cells. By the 6th week these cells have undergone the following changes (Fig. 160): 19G HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. (1) Some become neuroglia, elongated and branched supporting cells ; in the outer zone of the tube wall they form a mesh- work ; in the inner zone, round the central canal, they form the ependyma ; in the middle zone their interstices are filled with neuroblasts. (2) Some of the cells become differentiated into neuroblasts. These are produced from germinal cells lying in or near the inner zone (Fig. 160). Two points should be noted (Fig. 160) — (a) That the cells in the roof and floor scarcely undergo any proliferation — they retain for a considerable time the simple embryonic form. (b) That there are two lateral centres of proliferation — a dorsal centre or lamina, the cells of which are connected after- wards with the ingrowing fibres of the dorsal root, and a ventral centre or lamina, at which the cells of the anterior horn are produced and from which the fibres of the anterior root arise. ant.pyram (from motor cortex ) Fig 161. Diagrammatic Section of the Spinal Cord to show the Parts foimed in the three Zones of the Embryonic Spinal Cord. The changes which occur in the Spinal Cord after the 6th week (see Figs. 160 and 161) are: A. In' the Outer Neuroglial Zone : (1) Postero-mesial and postero-lateral columns are produced post mes. (from post, roots) / post /at. (from post, roots) outer zone middle zone- inner zone THE BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD. 197 by the fibres of the posterior roots. They become myelinated about the 6th month. (2) To the inner side and to the outside of the anterior horn fibres are produced from cells in the anterior horn, which con- nect together neighbouring spinal segments (association fibres). (3) Two tracts of fibres grow out from cells in the grey matter of the cord and go to the cerebellum. They are the direct cere- bellar tract (Flechsig’s) from the cells of Clarke’s column and Gower’s tract from cells at the base of the anterior horn. (4) Fibres produced by the cells of the cerebellar cortex grow downwards outside the anterior horn (intermediate tract). All these tracts are medullated before birth. (5) The pyramidal tracts (crossed and direct) grow down from the cells of the motor cortex. They are not medullated until five months after birth. The white matter of the cord is thus entirely produced by the ingrowth of nerve fibres within the neuroglial network of the outer zone. The cerebral motor cortex, through the pyramidal tracts, comes to dominate the cord ; sensory and cerebellar paths are formed, and intercommunications set up between the spinal segments. The Anterior and Posterior Median Fissures are produced by the growth of the white matter. It is possible that the posterior median fissure is formed in part by the inclusion of the dorsal segment of the central canal of the neural tube. B. The Middle Zone — filled with neuro-blasts, forms the horns and grey matter of the cord. C. The Inner Zone becomes the ependyma which lines the central canal and the gelatinous tissue which surrounds it. The columnar cells which line the central canal are ciliated. The central canal retains the embryonic calibre while the wall increases enormously in thickness. THE HIND BRAIN. That part of the neural tube which forms the hind brain (Fig. 159) becomes transformed into: (1) The Medulla Oblongata. 198 human embryology and morphology. (2) The Pons Varolii. (3) The Cerebellum. The Fourth Ventricle. — The cavity or neural canal of the hind brain becomes the fourth ventricle. In its floor are developed, Fig. 102. — Section across the Hind Brain of a Human Embryo in the 5th week. out of the ventral and dorsal parts or laminae (Fig. 162) of the medullary plates, the pons and medulla. In its roof are developed the cerebellum, superior and inferior medullary vela. Inferior Medullary Velum. — When a section is made across the posterior half of the hind brain of a fifth week human embryo (Fig. 162), the same parts are seen as in a section of the cord. The only difference is that the roof plate, which in the cord is narrow, is here very wide and thin. It will also be noticed that each medullary plate, shows, as in the spinal cord, a dorsal or alar lamina and a ventral or basal one. The two laminae of each side meet at an angle. In the roof plate over the anterior half of the 4th ventricle is developed the cerebellum and superior medullary velum ; over the posterior half, the roof plate forms the inferior medullary velum. As shown in Fig. 163, the velum is continuous with the cerebellum above and the roof of the central canal of the cord below. In the posterior margin of the cerebellar rudiment are developed: (1) the nodule, (2) the flocculus, (3) the peduncle of the flocculus between 1 and 2 (Fig. 164). Hence the inferior medullary velum ends above in these structures. The obex and ligula, thickenings found on the margins of the lower angle of the 4th ventricle, mark the attachment of the roof THE BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD. 19!) plate or velum to the alar laminae of the medullary plates. They represent the attached margin of the velum. The velum is also attached to the restiform body which is developed in the upper margin of the alar lamina. rudiment of cerebellum Fig. 103. — Lateral view of the Cephalic Part of the Neural Tube in a 5th week human embryo. (After His.) The velum is to be regarded as a specialized part of the neural tube, which has been arrested at an early embryonic stage and specialized for the secretion (and absorption ?) of cerebro-spinal fluid. The foramen of Majendie and openings at the lateral recesses of the 4th ventricle, where the velum is produced into choroid villi or cornucopia, may be caused by the absorption of a part of the velum or in some cases they may be produced in the removal of the brain from the skull. In the early embryonic condition, at least, the ventricle is quite closed. As will be seen from Fig. 163, the neural tube is bent with its convexity forwards at the pons. His has suggested that this bend may have something to do with the production of the wide roof plate of the 4th ventricle, for if a piece of tubing be bent so, the part in the concavity of the bend becomes widened out. Cerebellum. — The condition of the cerebellum in a 4th week human foetus resembles that of the Frog (Figs. 165 and 16 6). It is then merely a thickened transverse band in the anterior part of the roof plate of the 4th ventricle. The vermis or median lobe is the first part to be developed, the lateral lobes form in the 200 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. 4th month (Fig. 164) and by the 6th month are larger than the median lobe. fat. lobe cerebellum uermis nodule recess med. uelum obex. cuneatus gracilis Fig. 164. — Diagram of the Attachments of the Inferior Medullary Velum in a 5th month foetus. (After Kollmann.) Only in the higher primates are the lateral lobes well developed. In the 2nd and 3rd months the simple transverse roof plate is transformed by the outgrowth from its surface of five transverse ridges. As these ridges or foliae grow out (Fig. 166) the anterior two of them come to occupy the upper surface, while the three posterior ones are thrust to the lower surface. The folding of the simple cerebellar plate, so that it comes to present an upper and lower surface, is caused by its growth. The secondary and tertiary foliae are produced in the last three months of foetal life. Fig. 165.— Median Section of the Cerebellum and 4th Ventricle of a Frog. The three Peduncles of the cerebellum are produced thus — probably during the latter half of intra-uterine life : (1) The Superior. — Fibres grow from the cells of the dentate THE BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD. 201 nucleus of the cerebellum — probably also from the cortex — to the red nucleus and optic thalamus on the opposite side of the brain. Some of the ascending antero-lateral cerebellar fibres from the cord probably enter the cerebellum by the superior peduncles. The Superior Medullary Velum is part of the root plate of the 4th ventricle which remains between the superior peduncles. The vestigial laminae which cover it form the lingula (Tig. 166). corp. quad. horiz. fis. cerebellum yramid uvula nodule inf. med. velum centra! canal pons Fig. 166. — Diagrammatic Section of the Cerebellum of a 3rd month Human Foetus showing the folding of the Cerebellar Plate. (2) The Middle Peduncles are formed by processes which grow from the cortical cells of the cerebellum to the nuclei of the Pons and also by processes from the cells of the Pontine nuclei to the cerebellum. They are probably connected indirectly with the frontal lobes through the fronto-cerebellar fibres which lie in the inner third of the crusta. (3) The Inferior Peduncles are formed by : (a) Processes from the cerebellar cortex to the cord (descend- ing cerebellar tract) ; ( b ) Processes which end in the opposite olive ; (c) Processes which grow in from Clarke’s column (direct cerebellar) ; (d) Processes from the cells of the sensory nuclei of the postero-mesial and postero-lateral tracts (nucleus gracilis et cuneatus). 202 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. THE MID-BRAIN. The central canal of the mid-brain forms the aqueduct of Sylvius (Fig. 167). In its roof are developed the corpora quadri- gemina. The dorsal and ventral laminae of its medullary plates form the tegmentum and crusta of the crura cerebri. The Three Neural Flexures (see Fig. 163). — The pontine flexure, a convexity forwards of the pons, has already been men- tioned ; the nuchal flexure is concave forwards and occurs between the medulla and cord. Both of these are of small import, but the anterior flexure, whereby, in the third week of foetal life, the fore-brain is bent downwards and forwards until it comes to lie on the ventral aspect of the cephalic end of the notochord, leads to a great alteration in the form and relationships of the fore and mid brains and is of great importance. The mid-brain, by this flexure, is brought to be, for a short time, the most anterior part of the neural canal ; the fore-brain is doubled back under the notochord. Bound the projecting end of the notochord — project- ing between the mid and fore brains — is developed the posterior clinoid processes and dorsum sellae (Fig. 163). The tentorium cerebelli is developed between the mid-brain and fore-brain, and lies at first at right angles to the axis of the mid-brain, but the great subsequent growth of the cerebrum forces it backwards and downwards until it becomes a horizontal partition between the cerebral and cerebellar chambers of the skull. THE FORE-BRAIN. The Third Ventricle and Structures derived from its Walls. — The Third Ventricle (see Fig. 1 6 7) is the cavity of the fore- brain and represents the anterior dilated end ol the neural canal. From its walls many structures are derived. We have already seen that the optic vesicles are produced from its ventro-lateral walls ; from its floor is produced the hypopophysis cerebri — the ancient mouth of the alimentary canal if Gaskell’s views are right. From the posterior part of its roof plate is produced the pineal body — an ancient median eye; from its antero-superior part is produced a bifid hollow outgrowth — the cerebral vesicles— which come in time to dominate the whole nervous system. THE BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD. 203 The Pituitary Body is formed from two elements (Fig. 167): (1) An epiblastic hollow bud from the stomodaeum (Fig. 22, p. 30). roof plate optic, thclam. caudate nucleus cereb. uesicle for. Monro- mid brain corp. quad. lam. terminalis\ olfact. lobe' sulcus of Monro corp. mam. hypothalam. part 3rd uent. tuber ciner. nose- -notoch. neural part of pituitary buccal pituitary 'phar. Fio. 167. — A schematic figure to show the parts derived from the walls of the fore-brain. (After His.) (2) A neuroblastic bud from the floor plate of the 3rd ven- tricle (fore-brain). The union of the two processes takes place at the anterior extremity of the notochord. The epiblast of the stomodaeum and the floor of the neural tube are in contact from the very beginning ; subsequently the mesoblast grows in between the fore- brain and the epiblast of the stomodaeum, but the parts which form the pituitary adhere. The posterior or neuroblastic bud becomes solid ; its structure is that of neuroglia into which many vessels have grown carrying mesoblastic tissue with them. The anterior or stomodaeal bud embraces the posterior. While its posterior wall remains quiescent, its anterior throws out solid processes between which a network of vessels lies. This forms the glandular part of the pituitary — reticulated rows of cells surrounding blood channels — similar in structure to the medullarv part of the supra-renals, carotid bodies and parathyroids. The trabeculae cranii form round the pituitary. When the basi- and 204 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. pre-sphenoids are developed in the trabeculae, the position of the stalk of the stomodaeal process is seen in the later months of foetal life between these two bones and forms the canalis cranio- pharyngeus (Fig. 3). Pineal Body (see Fig. 167) grows as a hollow bud from the dorsal plate of the hinder part of the fore-brain during the 6th week. In fossil reptiles and in some forms still living it forms a median eye which perforates and appears on the dorsum of the head between the parietal bones. It differs from the lateral eyes which grow from the third ventricle as the optic vesicles in this, that it produces the lens as well as the retina and optic stalk. The retina is inverted — i.e. the apices of the rods and cones point towards the vitreous chamber. The ganglion of the habenula, situated on the dorsal and inner aspect of the optic thalamus, represents its terminal ganglion. In man and mammals its development is arrested at an early stage. It produces a number of diverticula which are filled up by a pro- liferation of the cells which form the walls of the diverticula. In pia mater cereb. uesicle posit of corp. call, caudate nuc. tat. vent, lentic. nuc. to for. Monro cereb. uesicle arcuate fis. choroid plex. caud. nuc. vel. interpos'd, lentic. nuleus desc. horn. optic thalamus [alar lamina) 3rd uentricle Fig 168.— Transverse Section of the brain of a Human Foetus at the commencement of the 3rd month to show the Cerebral Vesicles overlapping the Thalamence- phalon (schematic). man it appears to be merely vestigial. It lies in the velum interpositum, which is forced down on it by the growth back- wards of the cerebral hemispheres. THE BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD. 205 The Lamina Cinerea or lamina terminalis (Fig. 167) represents the anterior end of the neural tube. In the adult it stretches between the optic chiasma, which is developed on the floor of the 3rd ventricle and the rostrum of the corpus callosum. Its development will be described later, but it retains with little alteration its early simple structure. The inter-peduncular space, which forms the floor of the 3rd ventricle, also retains in the adult to a considerable extent the simple embryonic form. In it are developed the corpora albicantia and posterior perforated space. The Optic Thalami are formed in the lateral walls of the fore- brain (thalamencephalon) and in the adult occupy the whole extent of this wall. At first they are completely exposed on the outer aspect of the brain (see Fig. 154), but after the cerebral vesicles grow out from the antero-lateral angles of the fore-brain (3rd ventricle) they are prolonged backwards and downwards over the optic thalami and thus bury them (Figs. 173, 174, and 175). As may be seen from Fig. 169, the optic thalami, with the internal Fig. 169.— Diagrammatic Section across the 3rd Ventricle of the Adult to show the Structures formed in its Walls. capsule, are simply the enlarged upward continuations of the tegmentum and crusta of the crura cerebri or mid-brain. From Fig. 167, it will be seen that the optic thalamus is an upward 206 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. continuation of the alar lamina of the mid-brain, and the same may also be said of the caudate nucleus. The sulcus of Monro (Fig. 167), which runs from the opening of the aqueduct of Sylvius to the foramen of Munro, on the lateral wall of the 3rd ventricle, marks off the alar from the basal lamina of the thala- mencephalon. A section across the 3rd ventricle and optic thalami, at the end of the second month is shown diagramma- tically in Fig. 168. The internal capsule has not yet appeared. The cerebral vesicles already overlap and bury the optic thalami. The Cerebral Hemispheres. — In the 3rd week very soon after the medullary plates have closed, a hollow bud, which almost immediately divides into a right and left half, grows out from the anterior superior extremity of the fore-brain. These two processes form the cerebral hemispheres. It will be seen that the cerebrum represents a super-addition to the neural-tube system. The lateral ventricles with their horns represent the cavity of the cerebral vesicles ; the foramina of Monro, which have a common entrance to the third ventricle, represent the position at which the primitive cerebral outgrowth took place. The walls of the vesicles thicken and form the mantle of the brain. The anterior horn represents the anterior extremity of the vesicle — the point at which the olfactory lobe is produced ; the descending horn represents the real posterior extremity of the vesicle ; the posterior horn, although found in all mammalian brains, is a later diverti- culum formed in connection with the growth of the occipital lobe. The primitive simple relationship of the cerebral vesicle which holds for low vertebrates (see Figs. 154 and 155) and for the first two months of foetal life, becomes obscured in the third by the vesicles growing over the optic thalami and burying them. The wall of the vesicle, which comes in contact with the optic thalamus, adheres to the outer surface of that body (Figs. 168 and 169). Hence the optic thalamus comes to form part of the floor of the body of the lateral ventricle and enters into the roof and inner wall of the descending horn. Divisions of each Cerebral Vesicle.— A prolonged study of the adult vertebrate brain has led Elliot Smith to divide the wall of each cerebral vesicle into three primary parts : (1) Rhinencephalon (defined on p. 22 ; see kigs. 18 and 1/2). It represents the oldest part of the cerebral vesicle and composes THE BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD. 207 nearly the whole of the cerebrum of fishes, amphibians, reptiles, and birds. (2) The Corpus Striatum. (3) The Neo-pallium. This comprises the remainder of the cerebral vesicle. With the evolution of the higher mammals the neo-pallium became bigger and bigger until in man it constitutes by far the greater part of the cerebrum. With its development the corpus striatum also became increased, while the rhinen- cephalon became more and more reduced. The Velum Interpositum. — We have seen that the roof plate Fio. 170.— A dorsal view of the Fore and Mid-brain at the 5tli week of development to show the formation of the Velum Interpositum. The Cerebral Vesicles are laid open and the inflection of their mesial walls shown on the ingrowing- Velum The Roof Plate of the 3rd Ventricle is also exposed. (Modified from His5 of the 4th ventricle (hind-brain) forms the cerebellum in front, while its posterior half becomes the inferior medullary velum a ant horn inflect, of) mes. wall, \J 208 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. secretory membrane. The root plate of the third ventricle, from the foramina of Monro backwards, becomes modified in a similar manner. It merely forms the ependymal covering of the lower surface ol the velum interpositum, also a secretory membrane (Figs. 168 and 169). The anterior part of the roof plate is produced into the cerebral vesicles over the foramina of Monro, and covers the apex of the velum interpositum (Fig. 170). The mesial wall of each cerebral vesicle from the foramen of Monro back to the posterior extremity of the vesicle (Fig. 170), which becomes the tip of the descending horn, is also inflected and becomes a secretory ependyma, covering the velum interpositum and choroid plexus within the lateral ventricles. Into this inflection of the embryonic neural wall spreads the mesoblast, carrying vessels with it. The velum interpositum is thus com- posed of a basis of mesoblast and its intraventricular parts have a covering of the ependyma of the neural wall. The ependymal covering of the entire velum is derived from : (1) The roof plate of the 3rd ventricle (lower surface) ; (2) The roof plate of the foramen of Monro ; (3) An inflection of the mesial wall of the cerebral vesicle. The choroid plexus, which fringes the velum in the adult, completely fills the cavities of the lateral ventricles, which for the first five months are relatively very large and the containing walls thin. The velum and choroid plexus must play an important part in the development of the cerebral vesicle in the early period of growth. The spread of the vesicles backwards and downwards over the optic thalami (Fig. 173) obscures the original simple relationship of the velum to the brain ; but, when withdrawn from the transverse fissure, the velum is seen to rest on the optic thalami and project within the ventricle from the foramen of Monro to the tip of the descending horn, and that stretch marks the line at which the choroidal inflection took place. The fibrous substance of the velum interpositum is con- tinuous with the pial covering of the brain, and also with the edge of the tentorium cerebelli. The veins of Galen are developed in the velum and join the straight sinus in the tentorium. Pressure applied to the veins causes dropsy of the lateral ventricles. Development of Commissures. — (1) The Anterior Commissure TI1E BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD. 209 (Fig. 171) is developed in the lamina terminalis — the primitive anterior wall of the fore-brain. The commissure passes between the temporo-sphenoidal lobes. These lobes represent the posterior ends of the cerebral vesicles. At first they are mere dilatations behind the foramen of Monro. The commissure crosses in the lamina terminalis below and rather anterior to the foramen of Monro. This is the earliest and most primitive of the cerebral (pallial) commissures (Elliot Smith). corp. callos, lam. term, ant. comm lam . term! sulcus arcuatus prim, callosal gyrus, ransuerse or choroid, fis. roof plate of 3rd uentricle pineal aqueduct Sy/uius cerebellum 4th cent. 3rd cent. Fig. 171. — Mesial Aspect of the human Foetal Brain during the 4th month. (After Minot.) (2) The Corpus Callosum, the great commissure between the cerebral hemispheres, forms late ; except in the higher mammals it is smaller in size than the anterior commissure. It reaches its fullest development in man, and in him it commences to form at the end of the third month. To understand its development the student must be familiar with the mesial aspect of the brain during the third and fourth months. On this aspect he should note — (1) The sulcus arcuatus (Fig. 171), .which indents the mesial wall of the fore-brain. This fissure in the adult brain becomes (a) the callosal sulcus between the corpus callosum and callosal gyrus (gyrus fornicatus) (Fig. 172); (b) the hippocampal fissure, which indents the posterior extremity (descending horn) of the cerebral vesicle and causes the hippocampus major (Fig. 172). The calcarine fissure may also be a derivative of it (Elliot Smith). o 210 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. (2) ihe Choroid or Transverse Fissure the inflection of the mesial wall of the interpositum and choroid plexuses. (Fig. 171), caused by vesicle on the velum sept, lucid. ant. comm. lamina cinerea gyrus subcallos. optic. transu. or choroid, fis. uncus* fas. dentata hippocamp. fis. ca/los. trans. fis. callosal sulcus supra-ca/los. gyrus attach, of crura cerebri Fig. 172. Diagram to show the structures formed in the Lamina Termiualis and Primitive Callosal Gyrus. (After Elliot Smith.) (3) The primitive callosal gyrus1 (see Figs. 171 and 172) is that part of the mesial wall of the cerebral vesicle which lies between the arcuate and transverse (choroid) fissures. In the lower edge of this marginal gyrus, the edge which bounds the transverse fissure, and therefore overlies the velum interpositum, is developed the Fornix with the fimbria, its posterior continuation, a longi- tudinal commissure which connects the optic thalamus with the hippocampal (uncinate) gyrus. The corpus callosum is developed in the lamina terminalis above the foramen of Monro about the end of the 3rd month. It afterwards extends backwards, en- croaching on and displacing the primitive callosal gyrus. The grey matter of the primitive callosal gyrus becomes reduced to — (1) The vestigial supra-callosal gyrus, lying on the upper surface of the corpus callosum (Fig. 172); (2) the gyrus dentatus ; (3) the gyrus, which unites 1 and 2 round the splenium of the corpus callosum ; (4) the cortex of the hippo- 1 This gyrus forms part of the Rhinencephalon, and the name is proposed merely as a provisional one, until comparative anatomists agree as to its proper designation. At present, Elliot Smith proposes the term “hippocampal forma- tions ” for the parts of the brain derived from it in the adult. THE BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD. 211 campus buried in the hippocampal fissure. The longitudinal striae, the thin layer of grey matter on the upper surface ol the corpus callosum, and the grey matter on the fornix, are also derived from the primitive callosal gyrus. (4) The lamina terminalis is seen in section. It is the terminal anterior wall of the fore-brain (Fig. 171). The lower part becomes the lamina cinerea ; in the upper part, the anterior commissure is developed, and the anterior pillars of the fornix (Fig. 172). Its dorsal extremity bounds anteriorly the foramina of Monro. It connects the mesial walls of the cerebral vesicles (Fig. 1 7 1), and becomes thickened and enlarged. In its dorsal part, where it is continuous with the primitive callosal gyrus, the callosal commissure (corpus callosum) commences. The part of the lamina terminalis which lies between the fornix and corpus callosum (Fig. 172) forms the septum lucidum. In this septum a cavity appears — the 5th ventricle. Cases are known of people with normally functional brains in which the corpus callosum was found afterwards to be absent. The corpus callosum connects the cortex of one hemisphere with the basal ganglia and cortex of the other. It is the commissure of the neo-pallium. Its fibres are probably collaterals derived from the pyramidal and other fibres of the cortical cells. Each fibre grows out and crosses the great median fissure of the brain in the lamina terminalis. The Fornix is developed in the inner margin of the primitive callosal gyrus, which bounds the transverse or choroid fissure (Fig. 171). The Corpus Striatum. — As soon as the cerebral vesicle grows out, the corpus striatum appears as a thickening in its wall at the outer side of the foramen of Monro (Fig. 173). With the posterior development of the vesicle it comes to lie in the ven- tricular floor, from the foramen of Monro to its posterior extremity. The anterior extremity of the corpus striatum is continuous with the olfactory lobe (Fig. 173). Hence in the adult brain the anterior end of the corpus striatum appears at the base of the brain in the anterior perforated space, a lamina of grey matter derived from the olfactory lobe (Fig. 18, p. 22). As the cerebral vesicle grows over the optic thalamus (Fig. 173) the corpus HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. striatum comes to be applied to that body. The posterior extremity of the cerebral vesicle, in which the tail of the caudate nucleus is situated (Fig. 173), develops downwards, behind and below the optic thalamus, forming the descending horn of the Fig. 173. — Showing the Development of the Corpus Striatum in the floor and outer wall of the Cerebral Vesicle. lateral ventricle. Hence the occurrence of the tail of the caudate nucleus and the amygdaloid nucleus on the roof of the descending horn, both being intrinsic parts of the corpus striatum. The corpus striatum is imperfectly separated, during the 4tli and 5 th months of foetal life, into two parts, the caudate and lenticular nuclei, by the downgrowth, from the cerebral cortex of the fibres which form the internal capsule, crusta, and pyra- midal tracts. Formation of the Island of Reil and Fissure of Sylvius. — The formation of the corpus striatum, the Island of Beil, and Fissure of Sylvius are part and parcel of the same process. When the lateral wall of the cerebral vesicle is examined at the 5th month (Fig. 175) an area of cortex is seen to be rapidly becoming submerged by the overgrowth of the surrounding cortex. The submerged area is the Island of Beil ; it covers that part of the wall of the cerebral vesicle which is thickened by the corpus striatum (Fig. 168). The submerged area becomes triangular in shape, the apex being directed backwards ; it is THE BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD. 213 bounded by three limiting sulci — an anterior, superior, and in- ferior. The rising lips of cortex, which bound the limiting sulci, form the temporal, fronto-parietal, and orbital opercula, and Pig. 174. — Lateral Aspect of the Cerebral Hemisphere during the 2nd month. ultimately meet over the submerged area (Fig. 176). The fissure of Sylvius separates the opercula. It will be readily grasped that the development of the corpus striatum prevents the expansion of the insular part of the vesicle, whereas the thin-walled mantle, out of which the other lobes of the brain are developed, expands readily and overwhelms the thickened fronto-par.op. Fig. 175. — The same Aspect during the 5th month. area. The corpus striatum begins to form during the 2nd month, hence as early as that date the insular depression is visible on the lateral wall of the hemisphere (Fig. 174). The lower end of the stem of the Sylvian fissure also indents 214 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. the Ehinencephalon, separating the uncinate gyrus from the parts derived from the olfactory lobe. The student is already familiar with the fact that the Island of Eeil forms a cortical cap to the corpus striatum. The struc- tures between the islandic cortex and the foramen of Monro represent a section of the thickened wall of the cerebral vesicle (Fig. 169). Convolutions appear on it at the 7th month, when the rest of the cortex also becomes convoluted. Further, the larger the area of cerebral cortex in any primate, the larger is the Island of Eeil ; the more convoluted the cortex, the more convoluted the Island. Flechsig has shown that the cortex of the Island is joined to all the cortical areas of the mantle by bands of association fibres. Hence the Island must be regarded as playing a highly important part in co-ordinating the functions of the brain. The Opercula. — Three opercula grow up and cover the Island of Eeil (see Figs. 175 and 176): (1) the temporal, (2) the fronto-parietal, (3) the orbital. Cunningham, whose researches into this region of the brain have become classical, found that during the later months (7-9) of foetal life, the orbital operculum in quite 50% of brains shows a subdivision into two, an upper, the pars triangularis, and a lower, the pars orbitalis (Figs. 1/6 and 177). The subdivision occurs more frequently on the left sup. precentral upper Ro/andic \ post limb. fis. of. Sylu. % / temp. op. orbit/op. islandic area Fig. 176.— The same Aspect during the 7th month. THE BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD. 215 side than on the right, probably owing to the centres for speech being situated on the left side. The temporal operculum rises first (5th month) the others a month later. The opercula which bound the posterior horizontal limb of the fissure of Sylvius are the first Fig. 177. — Diagram of the Opercula and Fissure of Sylvius. In A the orbital operculum is undivided ; in A it is subdivided. (After Cunningham.) to come in contact. By the end of the first year after birth all three opercula meet over the Island and completely hide it. At birth there is still a part of the Island exposed behind the orbital operculum and in lower human races this is frequently the condition throughout life. The orbital opercula (pars triangularis and pars orbitalis) become part of the centre of speech and represent the latest additions to the human brain. If the orbital operculum is not subdivided, which is commonly the condition on the right hemisphere, then the anterior limb of the fissure of Sylvius is not subdivided into anterior horizontal and ascending parts (Fig. 177 A and B). Comparative Anatomy of the Opercula and Island. — The 216 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. Island oi Ileil and its opercula are only well developed in the higher primates. Figs. 178, 179 and 180 represent the stages in its evolution. In Fig. 178 the condition in dog-like apes is Fig. 17S.— The Island of Reil and Fissures on the lateral Aspect of the Brain of a dog-like Ape. represented. Only the upper and lower limiting sulci of the Island are present. The Island, which is small, is continuous anteriorly with the frontal lobe. In anthropoids (gorilla, etc.) the Island is larger ; the upper and lower limiting sulci are present ; an imperfect anterior limiting sulcus (fronto-orbital fissure) is present and partially separates the Island from the orbital surface of the frontal lobe. In man all three limiting sulci are present and completely isolate the Island, and occasionally this is the condition (Fig. 179 B) in the higher anthropoids, but it is in man only that the orbital operculum grows up and meets with the other opercula. This can be the more easily understood when it is remembered that the orbital part of the 3rd frontal convolution is connected with speech. Temporary Fissures. — In the 3rd month of foetal life the cerebral vesicles have thin walls, and when extracted from the head show several fissures. These fissures, unlike those which appear at the sixth and seventh months on the cortex of the brain, are really inflections of the whole thickness of the cerebral wall and are variable in number and position. It is possible THE BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD. 217 that some of them are post-mortem products, for Hochstetter found that when the brain of a 3rd month foetus, which had been just removed from the mother, was hardened in situ, these Fio. 179 A. — The more common Condition of the Island of Reil in Anthropoids. Fig. 179 B. — The complete isolation of the Island of Reil, the condition seen con- stantly in the Human Brain and occasionally in the Anthropoid. temporary fissures were absent. But to this there are at least two exceptions. (1) The choroid fissure caused by the ingrowth of the velum interpositum and choroid plexus (Fig. 170). (2) The arcuate fissure on the mesial aspect, which has been already described (Fig. 1 7 1 ). The hippocampal fissure, the callosal, and probably the calcarine too, are remnants of this fissure. The Sylvian depression is also visible from the second month onwards, but it is in no sense a fissure comparable either to the temporary or even to the permanent. The Fissures of the Brain. — The Principal Fissures of the Brain include: (1) The Sylvian, (2) the Calcarine, (3) the Hippocampal, (4) the 1st Temporal or Parallel, (5) the Parieto- occipital, (6) Eolandic, (7) the Intra-parietal, (8) the Inferior Pre-central, (9) the Collateral, (10) the Calloso-marginal. These, with the exception of the first three (which have been already described), appear at the commencement of the 6 th month. At 218 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. this date the human brain presents a marked resemblance in the arrangement of its fissures to that of the dog-like ape (Figs. 178 and 176). The fissures and sulci are caused by a rapid increase in number and size of the cortical cells ; the increase of the area of the cortex leads to a crumpling up of its surface. The increased rate of growth appears to affect certain definite areas, hence the fairly constant forms into which the surface of the brain is thrown. Affenspalte or Simian Fissure (Fig. 178). — In all ape brains the anterior margin of the occipital lobe grows upwards and forwards as an operculum, which covers the posterior margin of the parietal lobe. The sulcus between the occipital operculum and parietal lobe is the simian fissure or affenspalte. In the human brain it is never developed owing to the great growth of the posterior area of the parietal lobe ; the area which forms the floor of the sulcus in apes is spread out on the surface of the human brain. The ramus occipitalis of the intra-parietal fissure lies in the floor of the simian fissure ; in the human brain the ramus occipitalis is raised to the surface of the brain. Sensori-motor Areas of the Brain. — The fissure of Rolando, which begins by two depressions — an upper and a lower— appears in the fifth month ; it divides the sensori-motor areas into anterior and posterior parts. Sherrington and Grunbaum found, however, in their experiments on the brains of anthropoids, that the posterior area gave no reaction when excited artificially, and that the fissure of Rolando formed the posterior boundary of the motor cortex. The anterior area is further sub- divided by two fissures (Fig. 176), the inferior pre-central, an L-shaped fissure which commences as soon or even before the fissure of Rolando, and the superior pre-central, quite a late development, and evidently an isolated part of the superior frontal sulcus. The post-Rolandic area of the sensori-motor cortex is limited behind by the inferior and superior parts of the post-central fissure. The superior part is of late origin. The inferior limb of the post-central fissure is an intrinsic part of the intra-parietal fissure (Fig. 178). From the pyramidal cells of the sensori-motor cortex, processes grow out and form the middle part of the internal capsule. They reach the spinal cord during the 4th and 5th months of foetal life and become THE BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD. 219 myelinated about the 5th and 6th months after birth. As the processes grow downwards in the lateral wall of the cerebral vesicle they pierce the corpus striatum, dividing it into the caudate and lenticular nuclei. The Secondary Sulci, which divide the superior and middle frontal convolutions, the calloso-marginal, the parietal and occi- pital gyri, appear in the 9th month. They are for the greater part peculiar to the human brain. THE CRANIAL NERVES. The differentiation of the simple neural tube of the embryo has thus far been followed into the complicated central nervous system of the adult. It is now necessary to make a short survey of the arrangement of the cranial nerves and see what evidence they afford of a segmental arrangement of the cephalic part of the neural tube. The Cranial Nerves. — The segmental arrangement of the nerves of the body has been already discussed (page 158). Even although the human trunk is highly specialized the 33 or more segments of which it is made up can still be recognised from the arrangement of the spinal nerves ; each segment is constituted on a similar principle, and it becomes increasingly difficult to deny that man and the whole kingdom of vertebrates are derived from a form in which all the segments of the body were identical. The head has become even more highly specialized than the trunk, and in it evidence of segmentation is accordingly more difficult to detect. Most of the evidence at present at our disposal indicates the presence of nine segments in the head. That is to say that the mammalian head is the derivative of a structure which was made up of nine segments, every one of which was originally constituted very much alike. Each had a similar arrangement of nerves and muscles, a similar arrangement of vessels, and provided with a similar pair of appendages. In Fig. 180 is diagrammatised the relationship of the cranial nerves to the nine segments of the head. The olfactory and j-jU human embryology and morphology. optic nerves arise as processes of the neural tube, and are not comparable to the remaining cranial nerves. Primarily each segmental cranial nerve appears to have contained sensory and motor fibres. The sensory fibres, like those of the spinal nerves, Fig. ISO.— A Diagram to show the Relationship of the Cranial Nerves to the Primitive Segments of the Head. are developed from ganglionic cells derived from the neural crest, and are of two kinds, somatic and visceral. The motor fibres are developed from cells in the neural tube and are also of two kinds, somatic and visceral. In the evolution of the vertebrates there has been much reconstruction in the arrangement of the segmental fibres, the sensory fibres of several segments having become grouped together in the 5th nerve, and the motor fibres of others in such nerves as the 10th and 12th. The Segments to which the Cranial Nerves belong. 1st Cranial Segment. — The motor nerve is the 3rd or oculomiotor. THE BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD. 091 The ciliary ganglion, a derivative of the Gasserian, represents the sympathetic ganglion. Ganglion cells representing a vestigial posterior root may be found on the trunk of the nerve. The ophthalmic division of the 5th appears to represent its posterior or sensory root. 2nd Cranial Segment. — The motor nerve is the 4th. The sensory is represented by the superior maxillary division of the fifth. Meckel’s ganglion represents the sympathetic ganglion. It is known to be derived from the same group of nerve cells as the Gasserian ganglion. 3rd Cranial Segment. — The motor nerve is the 6th and motor fibres of the fifth. The sensory root is represented by the inferior maxillary division of the 5th. The otic and sub- maxillary represent its sympathetic ganglia. 4th Cranial Segment. — The motor nerve is the 7th. The sensory root is represented by the chorda tympani and great superficial petrosal, which are developed from the geniculate ganglion (Dixon). The eighth nerve and its ganglia also belong to the sensory system of this segment. The great superficial petrosal represents a splanchnic nerve, the chorda tympani the nerve on the anterior margin of the 1st visceral cleft (see p. 34). 5th Cranial Segment. — The motor fibres of this segment have probably been scattered. Some may still remain in the 9th cranial nerve (glosso-pharyngeal) which is the chief nerve of the segment. The ganglia on the trunk of the glosso-pharyngeal represent the posterior root ganglion. The tympanic branch and small superficial petrosal represent an afferent (sensory) splanchnic branch. 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th Cranial Segments.— It has been already mentioned (pages 152 and 161) that the four posterior cranial seg- ments are probably trunk segments which have become modified and added to the head. The anterior or motor nerve roots of these four segments are combined in the 12th nerve. Motor visceral fibres, which issue by the anterior roots of spinal nerves, here issue by the vagus and bulbar part of the spinal accessory (all of which are properly designated vagal fibres — Sherrington) and represent the visceral motor fibres of the four posterior cranial segments. The ganglia on the root and trunk of the vagus 222 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. represent part of a posterior root ganglion. From these ganglia are developed the sensory visceral fibres connected with the fore gut and all the structures derived from the fore gut or splanchno- pleure of the fore gut. A vestigial posterior root ganglion may occur on the 12th nerve. The circuitous course of the spinal accessory is probably due to the migration of the trapezius caudalwards from a cephalic to its present position. CHAPTER XYI. DEVELOPMENT OE THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. Veins. — (1) The Superior Vena Cava arises from the following foetal vessels (Figs. 181 and 182): (a) The part above the entrance of the vena azygos is the terminal part of the right primitive jugular or anterior cardinal vein ; (b) The part below the entrance of the vena azygos major arises from the right duct of Cuvier. The condition of these venous trunks, the anterior and posterior cardinal veins and Ducts of Cuvier, in a human embryo of the 3rd week is shown in Eig. 182. The condition shown is retained permanently in lower vertebrates (Fishes, etc.). [■ Vint. jug. % rt. subclau. prim. jug. uena 4— from prim. jug. ^ — pericardium - from rt. d. of Cuuier azyg. maj, pericardium cardin. ueinj. from card. -4^ j pericar. \ ( aur. sin. uen.) nr^nrt left duct pleura of Cuuier /( rt. duct \of Cuuier -rt. aur. Pig- 181. Fig. 1S2. Fig. 181.-— The Superior Vena Cava of the Adult. Fig. 182. — The Embryonic Venous Trunks out of which the Superior Vena Cava is formed. fhe anterior Cardinal or primitive Jugular Vein, which drains the anterior half of the body on each side with the posterior 224 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. cardinal vein, which drains the posterior half of the body, receive a tiibutary (segmental vein) from each body segment. The caidinal veins lie in the mesoblast on the dorsal side of the coelom at the junction ot the splanchnopleure and somatopleure (Fig. 183). By their union they form on each side the Duct of Cuvier which conveys the blood to the sinus venosus a contractile chamber opening into the primitive auricle. The sinus venosus remains as a separate chamber of the heart in lower "vertebrates, but in the course of mammalian development it becomes partly merged in the right auricle of the heart. jug. uem card. vein, somatopleure stomodaeum aorta prim, auricle sinus uenosus pericardium 'uct of Cuuier pleura. peritoneum splanchnopleure /iuer bud Fig. 183. — Diagram to show the manner in which the Ducts of Cuvier encircle the Coelom at the junction of the Pericardial and Pleural Parts (Iter venosum). (After His.) It is important to notice how each duct of Cuvier reaches the sinus venosus (see Fig. 183). They pass from the dorsal to the ventral surface of the body in the somatopleure and thus encircle the coelom. The right and left ducts of Cuvier lead to a constriction of the coelom, the fold in which each descends being known as the lateral or venous meso-cardiuvi (Fig. 205, p. 251). Ultimately, by the end of the 4th week, the part of the coelom lying in front of the ducts of Cuvier is cut off from DEVELOPMENT OF TIIE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. the rest; the part so cut off forms the pericardium (Fig. 201). Thus the ducts of Cuvier are instrumental in separating the pericardial from the pleural cavity. If the primitive pleuro- pericardial communication (iter venosum of Lockwood) persists between them, it occurs as a foramen in the pericardium behind the part of the superior vena cava derived from the duct of Cuvier. 2. The Vestigial Fold and Oblique Vein of Marshall. — In the human embryo during the 3rd week and for some weeks after- wards there is a right and left duct of Cuvier and corresponding cardinal veins (Fig. 185). A left superior vena cava is present and may persist. The vestigial fold and oblique vein of Marshall (Fig. 184) are all that usually remain of the left superior vena Fig. 185.— Diagram of the Sinus Venosus and Ducts of Cuvier of the human embryo about the 3rd week. cava. The right superior vena cava within the pericardium passes in front of the right pulmonary vessels, and is bound to them by a mesentery or fold of serous pericardium ; the left has a similar relationship (Fig. 184); when it disappears this fold remains in front of the left pulmonary vessels as the vestigial fold. The intra-pericardial part of the left vena cava or duct of Cuvier becomes the oblique vein (Fig. 184): it turns round the p 226 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. left auricle to terminate in the left horn of the sinus venosus (coronary sinus). The extra-pericardial part of the left duct of Cuvier joins the superior intercostal vein (Fig. 184). Both right and left superior venae cavae persist in some lower mammals. The left superior intercostal vein represents the following embryonic vessels (see Fig. 184): (a) Anterior part of the left posterior cardinal vein ; (b) The extra-pericardial part of the left duct of Cuvier ; (c) The terminal part of the left primitive jugular vein. 3. The Left Innominate Vein opens up as a channel of com- munication between the two primitive jugular veins, the left superior vena cava undergoing a simultaneous process of atrophy (Fig. 184). 4. The Subclavian Veins are developed in the 4th week with the outgrowth of the fore-limb buds ; they open into the primitive jugulars (Fig. 184). 5. The Primitive Jugular Veins escape from the cranial cavity in front of the ear. A trace of the opening may occasionally be detected at the root of the zygoma behind the post-glenoid spine (A. Cheatle). The petro-squamous sinus represents the intra- cranial part of this vein (p. 56). As the internal jugular vein opens up, the primitive jugular vein within the skull becomes atrophied. The temporo-maxillary vein and the external jugular vein probably represent the extra-cranial part of the primitive jugular vein. It must be remembered that the caudal ward migration of the heart affects the primitive relationship of the veins in the neck. They are drawn backwards with it. Veins formed from the Posterior Cardinals of the Embryo. — 1. From the branches of the Cardinal Veins. Each posterior cardinal vein receives on its own side — (a) A branch from each body segment from the lower cervical to the last caudal. These become the intercostal, lumbar and sacral veins. (b) The seg- mental veins of the intermediate cell mass (Fig. 85), which become the suprarenal, renal, spermatic, ovarian, uterine and vesical veins. (c) When the hind-limb buds grow out their veins join that part of the cardinal veins which become the common iliac. The lateral sacral, ilio-lumbar and ascending lumbar veins are anastomotic channels formed between the segmental veins. DEVELOPMENT OF TIIE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. 227 From the right cardinal vein are formed (1) the vena azygos major; (2) the post-renal part of the inferior vena cava (Fig. 186). The part above the entrance of the right renal becomes the vena azygos major ; the part below, the inferior vena cava. Hence it is that the origin of the vena azygos can commonly be traced to the renal vein. The ascending lumbar vein, which also ends in the vena azygos major, is, as already mentioned, a new anastomotic channel. From the left cardinal arise (Fig. 186) — (1) Part of the left superior intercostal vein ; (2) Left superior azygos vein ; (3) Left right duct of Cuuier Fig. 186. — The Remnants of the Posterior Cardinal Veins in the Adult. The new channels are shaded. (After Hoehstetter.) inferior azygos, which commences in the left renal vein, and also receives the left ascending lumbar. The post-renal part of the left cardinal disappears in higher mammals; occasionally it persists in man and very frequently in the rabbit. HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. The greater part of the left common iliac vein arises, like the left innominate, as a communicating channel between the posterior cardinals. It is formed as the post-renal part of the left cardinal becomes obliterated (Fig. 186). The Inferior Vena Cava. — The post-renal part is formed from the right cardinal vein (Fig. 186). The pre-renal part, with the mesial part of the left renal vein, is quite a new formation which opens up a short circuit to the heart for the blood of the lower half of the body. The formation of this new channel leads to the retrogression of the thoracic stages of the cardinal veins and their formation into the azygos veins. The exact date of the origin of the inferior vena cava in the human foetus is not known ; the new channel is said to grow out from the ductus venosus of the liver, and growing downwards opens up a connection with the right and left cardinal veins at the entrance of the renal vessels (Fig. 188). Thus in the formation of the inferior vena cava are included three elements — (1) the terminal or upper part of the ductus venosus ; (2) the new channel ; (o) the inferior or post- renal part of the right cardinal. Occasionally it happens that pressure on the hepatic part of the vena cava, from tumours, cirrhosis of the liver, etc., leads to the azygos veins, the early foetal channels, being again opened up. The Portal Vein.— The Portal Vein is formed out of the two vitelline veins — the first of all the veins to be developed. They end in the posterior chamber of the tubular heart of the embryo— the sinus venosus. The vitelline veins, right and left, arise from ramifications on the yolk sac and pass in the splanchnopleure to the sinus venosus (Fig. 187). The nutriment within the yolk sac is thus carried to the heart and distributed by the heart to the tissues of the embryo and yolk sac. The commencement of the left vitelline or omphalo-meseraic vein disappears. The right (Fig. 187) forms the superior mesenteric vein. It commences on the yolk sac, of which a remnant (the neck) may remain as Meckel’s diverticulum. The terminal parts of the two vitelline veins are joined by three transverse communications, the upper two of which are in- cluded in the portal vein. The uppermost of the three afterwards lies in the transverse fissure of the liver (Fig. 188). lhe middle communication lies on the dorsal aspect of the duodenum DEVELOPMENT OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. 229 (Fig. 188). The splenic vein and inferior mesenteric pass in the dorsal mesentery (Fig. 187) and join this transverse communi- cation which may be named the supra-duodenal junction. The right uit. uein hepatic bud. uent. mesentery left, uitelline uein J; 'yolk sac. sinus uenosus - left duct of Cuuier left umb. uein stomach spleen dorsal mesentery splenic uein inf. mes. uein hind gut sup. mes. uein Fig. 187. — The Left Vitelline Vein of an Embryo of the 4th week. third or lowest of the junctional trunks is situated on the ventral aspect of the duodenum (Fig. 188). Two parts may be recognised in the portal vein of the adult: (1) the part which lies behind the pancreas and duodenum ; (2) the part in the gastro-hepatic omentum and transverse fissure of the liver. The retro-duodenal part is formed out of the left vitelline vein and the supra-duodenal junction (Fig. 188); the omental stage is formed out of the right vein and the uppermost of the junctional trunks (Fig. 188). The part of the portal vein within the transverse fissure of the liver represents the third or upper- most junction between the left and right vitelline veins. The Hepatic Veins are formed out of the terminal parts of the vitelline and umbilical veins. These veins end at first in the 230 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. sinus venosus (Fig. 187). The liver is developed between and aiound the vitelline and umbilical veins, near their termination in the sinus venosus. The veins are broken up and a fine intra-hepatic venous network takes their place. Thus it comes about that the vitelline veins are transformed into the veins of the portal and hepatic circulation. All the foetal and umbilical blood is at first poured through the liver. sup. uen. cava. //' c:zy. vein rt. umb. rt. vit, inf. ven. cav. ductus ven. — in transv. fisX of liver J portal vein .{.— vein of Marshall stomach remnants of left umb. rt vit. vein left vit. vein part disappears left umb. vein \ rt. umb. vein ( disappears ) duodeno-jej. p/eure left vit. vein. left vit. vein sup. mesent. vein Fig. 1S8. — Diagram showing the Formation of the Ductus Venosus, and the fate of the Umbilical and Vitelline veins. The arrows show the parts of the Vitelline Veins which become the Portal Vein. The Ductus Venosus is a new channel formed between the uppermost of the anastomoses between the right and left vitelline veins and the sinus venosus whereby the greater part of the umbilical blood is short-circuited to the heart without passing through the liver. It appears after the liver bud has broken up the vitelline venous trunks (Fig. 188). After birth, when a short circuit is no longer required between the foetal circulation and heart, it becomes reduced to a fibrous cord. It occupies the posterior part of the longitudinal fissure of the liver and lies within the hepatic attachment of the gastro-hepatic omentum. DEVELOPMENT OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. 231 The pre-renal part of the inferior vena cava is developed as an outgrowing channel from the ductus venosus (Fig. 189). The Umbilical Veins. — The umbilical vein at birth consists of two parts: (1) A part within the umbilical cord; (2) another within the body, enclosed in the falciform ligament and anterior half of the longitudinal fissure of the liver. It joins there the ductus venosus and portal vein (Fig. 189). The condition of the umbilical veins in a human embryo of three weeks is shown in Fig. 190. They are formed after the vitelline veins but before the ducts of Cuvier, which afterwards terminate in the sinus with the umbilical veins. The veins lie in the somatopleure and drain the blood of the chorion, a derivative of the somatopleure. It passes from the chorion to the body wall in the umbilical cord, which is also formed from the somatopleure as well as allantois. In front the vein of each side joins the sinus venosus with the duct of Cuvier. There is a right and left vein, but in Fig. 189. — Diagram of the Remnants of the Umbilical Vein in the Adult— viewed from behind. the cord they have fused into one. Within the body the right umbilical vein completely disappears during early embryonic life. The outgrowth of the liver-bud breaks up not only the vitelline veins but also the umbilical at their junction with the sinus venosus (Figs. 185 and 188). Thus the umbilical blood as 232 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. well as the vitelline comes to be poured into the liver. The left umbilical vein within the body remains permanently ; when its terminal part is broken up by the outgrowth of the liver it becomes united with the uppermost of the transverse communica- tions between the right and left vitelline veins, which, as already mentioned, form the part of the portal vein within the transverse fissure of the liver. The left umbilical vein thus comes into com- munication with the ductus venosus (see Figs. 188 and 189). DEVELOPMENT OF THE 'HEART. L The Heart. — In the 2nd week, while the embryo is still in the blastoderm stage, a contractile tube appears in the splanchno- pleure on each side (Fig. 191). Each tube receives blood from DEVELOPMENT OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. 233 the yolk sac by a vitelline vein ; each pumps its blood into an aortic stem which terminates as the artery of the yolk sac. pericardiac part of coelom Fir;. 191. — Transverse section of the Blastoderm showing' the Right and Left Cardiac Tubes situated in the Splanchnopieure. These two tubes become fused together to form a simple tubular heart by the 3rd week. The cardiac tubes unite as the splanchno- pleures come together (see Figs. 191 and 192). The lining membrane of the cardiac tubes is probably furnished by an inva- gination of the hypoblast (Fig. 191). The heart is at first neural canal Fir;. 192. — Transverse section at a more advanced stage showing the union of the Splanchnopleures to form the Mesocardia and the fusion of the Right and Left Cardiac Tubes. suspended by a mesentery, which stretches from the fore-gut (Fig. 192) to the ventral median line of the body wall and separates the anterior end of the coelom into right and left halves. The mesentery is formed out of the fused splanchno- 234 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. pleures (lig. 192). The part of the cardiac mesentery between the heart and the lore-gut forms the dorsal mesocardium, the part between the heart and the ventral wall, the ventral mesocardium. Ihe anterior end ot the coelom which is occupied by the heart becomes the pericardium. The pericardium is situate beneath the primitive pharynx. Demarcation into Chambers. — In the third week the heart undergoes three important changes : (1) Ihe dorsal and ventral mesocardia disappear and the heart, all but the anterior and posterior extremities, is left free in the anterior end ol the coelom. This can best be under- stood by a reference to Fig. 193. The heart is there seen Fig. 1U3. — Lateral view of the Heart and Pericardium to show the Attachments of the Dorsal and Ventral Mesocardia (schematic). suspended between the fore-gut and ventral wall. The tubular heart is formed behind by the union of the right and left vitelline veins from the yolk sac and ends in front as the first or mandibular aortic arches. The posterior end of the meso- cardium, both the ventral and dorsal parts, persists — the part which encloses the sinus venosus and this forms the primitive basis of the diaphragm or septum transversum (Fig. 202, p. 244). DEVELOPMENT OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. 235 (2) The tubular heart shows demarcations into four parts (Fig. 194): (a) Sinus venosus ; (b) Primitive auricle; (c) Primi- tive ventricle ; (cl) Conus or bulbus arteriosus. In this condition (third week) the human heart is exactly like that of a fish, viz., a tubular four-chambered heart which pumps blood into the branchial or aortic arches. (3) The disappearance of the mesocardium allows the heart to become twisted and bent. Two chief bends are formed which materially help to give the heart its adult shape (Fig. 195): Fig. 194. — The Primitive Divisions of the Heai't. (a) The Ventricular Bend. — The ventricular part of the tube is bent into a Ar-shaped piece, the apex of the V-shaped loop being turned towards the right. (b) The Auriculo-ventricular Bend. — The ventricular part is bent in front of the auricular so that the auricle becomes dorsal to the ventricle (Fig. 195). The Sinus Venosus. — The sinus venosus, the first chamber of the foetal heart, is formed by the union of the vitelline veins ; the umbilical veins and ducts of Cuvier come subse- quently to open in it (Fig. 185). The sinus is imbedded in the persistent posterior part of the mesocardium (Fig. 202). HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. rhrough the ventral part of the mesocardium the ducts of Cuvier reach the sinus from the somatopleure (Fig. 183). In tishes and in the human embryo the sinus pumps the blood into the primitive auricle, and its orifice into the auricle is protected by two valves, right and left (Fig. 197). — stomodaeum vent. bendA'; conus arteriosus aur. uent bend pericardium prim. aur. sinus uenosus sept, trans duct of Cuuier liver bud pleura, gut. uit. vein umb. vein Fig. ] 05. — Showing the two chief JBends which occur in the Heart during the 3rd week. Fate of the Sinus Venosus (Fig. 196). — The sinus venosus shifts towards the right side of the primitive auricle and ulti- mately forms part of the right auricle and the coronary sinus. The part which it forms of the right auricle is indicated by the entrance of the following vessels which primarily terminate in the sinus : (1) The superior vena cava (the right duct of Cuvier); (2) The inferior vena cava, which also opens into the sinus; (3) The oblique vein of Marshall (left duct of Cuvier), which opens into the left horn of the sinus venosus. The left horn of the sinus becomes the coronary sinus. A groove, the sulcus terminalis, which is marked on the interior of the right auricle by a crest, runs down on the anterior wall of the right auricle from DEVELOPMENT OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. 237 the superior to the inferior vena cava, and indicates the junction of the primitive auricle with the sinus venosus. sup. uen. cau. n *1 If p' left sup. mtercost uein of Marshall uena. azyg. sup. uen. cau.- part of rt. aur. left uenous ualue Eustach. ualue p rignt uenous ualue) / / | cor' sinus open, of cor. sinus Thebesian ualue inf. uen. caua Fig. 196.— Showing the Structures formed from the Sinus Venosus. right uen. ualue right aur. inf. uen. cau. uen. cau. sept, secundum primum left uenous ualue left aur. open, sinus, uenosus. r post \ endocard . cushion aur. uent. canal right uent. inter-uent. sept. Fig. 197.— Section of the Heart of a 5th week human foetus showing the Right and Left Venous Valves which guard the entrance of the Sinus Venosus into the Primitive Auricle. (After His.) The Valves of the Sinus Venosus. — Eight and left lateral valves, (venous valves) guard the entrance of the sinus to the primitive 238 HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY. auricle and prevent the regurgitation of blood when the auricle contracts (Fig. 197). The right valve becomes reduced, and ultimately forms the Eustachian valve, and the Thebesian which is always connected with the Eustachian (Fig. 196). The part of the Eustachian valve prolonged to the annulus ovalis is a new formation. What becomes of the left valve is not certain ; it may disappear completely, but more probably it amalgamates with, and forms part of the septum primum (see Figs. 196, 197, and 198). The Eustachian and Thebesian valves also help to indicate the part of the right auricle, which is formed from the sinus venosus, for they bound the right side of the entrance of the sinus to the auricle. The Cardiac Septa. — Every modification of the heart, from its simple tubular form in fishes to its complete division into separate pulmonary and systemic pumps, can be seen in the vertebrate series. In amphibians the primitive auricle becomes divided into right and left chambers, but the ventricle is undivided. In crocodilia an incomplete ventricular septum, with a complete auricular, may be seen. In birds and mammals the auricular and ventricular septa are complete, and the sinus venosus becomes part of the right auricle. Occasionally the septa are incompletely formed in man, conditions found in the lower vertebrates being thus produced. The division of the simple tubular heart into right and left halves is rendered possible by four changes which take place in its shape : (1) The ventricle, instead of being a bent tube, becomes dilated and bag-like. (2) The opening of the sinus venosus in the primitive auricle migrates towards its right side, and thus opens in that part of the primitive auricle which becomes the right (Fig. 197). (3) The auricle sends out an appendix on each side; these grow forwards and nearly surround the bulbus arteriosus. (4) The communication between the common auricle and ventricle is drawn out into a tube — the auriculo-ventricular canal TV'd*ere evident that the material has been wrought into form by a powerful thinker, who sees deeper and more clearly into his subject than any of his contemporaries,'— Nature. A TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. By Dr. R. A. Leh- Feld 1 , 1 rofessor of Physics at the East London Technical College. With 40 Illustrations. Crown Svo., cloth, 7s. 6d. 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