1 I I I LIST OP THE VEETEBEATED ANIMALS NOW OR LATELY LIVING m THE GARDENS OP THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY, [ AND SOLD AT THEIR HOUSE IN HANOVER SQUARE. LONDON : MESSRS. LONGMANS, GREEN, READER, AND DYER, I PA'XEUNOSTEll now. ] i I PBINIED BY TAYLOE AND TEANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. t PEEFACE TO THE EIGHTH EDITION. The object of this List is to enable those interested in the living collection of the Zoological Society of London to ascertain what species of Vertebrated Animals have been represented in the Menagerie during the past twenty years. It is also of great use to enable the specimens exhibited from time to time to be labelled on a uniform system. The first edition of the List was issued in 1862^ and contained the names of all the animals that had been living in the Society's Gardens at any time during the previous year, with their habitats, and the dates and modes of their acquisition. In the second edition, issued in 1863, the animals living in the Society's Gardens from the 1st of January to the end of May of that year were given in a similar form. In the third edition, which was completed for press on the 1st of January, 1865, the names of all specimens received by the Society during 1864 were added to the List. In the fourth and subsequent editions the names of all the vertebrated animals added to the Society's collection during the following years were inserted in their proper places. In the present (eighth) edition of this Catalogue I have pursued exactly the same system, and have added the names iv PREFACE TO THE EIGHTH EDITION, of all the animals that we have received up to the end of 1882, with the date and mode of acquisition of each specimen. The result is a nearly complete catalogue of all the living Vertehrates received by the Society during the past twenty- two years. It is not, however, quite complete, as in the two first editions the references to some of the specimens which had been lost by death or departure were struck out. But commencing from January 1st, 1864, I believe that nearly every specimen received will be found to have been inserted in its proper place, although there may of course have been errors in the determination of the species. For many years it has been my practice to bring before the scientific meetings of the Society short notices of the more important accessions to the Menagerie, with the object of calling attention to such as are of special interest. These notices are subsequently printed and published in the ' Pro- ceedings^ of the Scientific Meetings. Both our ' Proceedings' and 'Transactions' also contain frequent communications referring to specimens living, or that have previously lived, in the Society's Gardens. I thought that it would enhance the value of the List to add references to the ' Proceedings ' and 'Transactions' in all these cases, so as to make a sort of index to numerous passages in oiu: scientific publications that refer to specimens in the Society's col- lection. When animals have been figured in our publications from specimens in the Gardens, a reference to the figure is like- wise added. The following Table gives the number of Species of each Class of Animals registered in the successive editions of this List, and thus to a certain extent indicates the progress of the Collection : — PREFACE TO THE EIGHTH EDITION. V • First Edition, 1862. Second Edition, 1863. Third Edition, 1865. Fourth Edition, 1866. jbiitn Edition, 1872. Dixcn Edition, 1877. Seventh Edition, 1879. Jilgiltu Edition, 1883. ATniTiTnala 188 229 272 339 498 570 615 667 409 468 558 721 1044 1224 1329 1447 du To 997 9W Batraohians . 17 24 23 25 35 39 41 48 Fishes 23 40 61 54 68 83 83 88 682 821 956 1212 1826 2143 2325 2557 The woodcuts in this List have mostly already appeared in the Society^s 'Proceedings/ Some of them, however^ have been kindly lent to me for this work by the proprietors of ' Nature/ P. L. S. 11 Hanover Square, W., July 18th, 1883. i I 1 i LIST OF PREVIOUS EDITIONS. 1. List of Vertebrated Animals Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. 8vo. 1862. (pp. 100.) 2. List of Vertebrated Animals Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. (Second Edition.) Svo 1863. (pp. 120.) 3. List of Vertebrated Animals Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. (Third Edition.) Svo. 1865. (pp. 148.) 4. List of Vertebrated Animals Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. (Fourth Edition.) Svo. 1866. (pp. 204.) 5. Eevised List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. Svo. 1872. (pp. 399) 5^. Revised List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. — Supplement, containing Additions received in 1872, 1873, and 1874. Svo. 1875. (pp. 54.) 6. Eevised List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. (Sixth Edition.) Svo. 1877. (pp. 519.) 7. List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. (Seventh Edition.) Svo. 1879. (pp. 579^) 1\ List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London.— Pirst Supple- ment, containing Additions received in 1879. Svo. 1880. (pp. 71.) CONTENTS. MAMMALIA Page Order I. Qtjadeumana .... 1 Simiidse 1 Cercopitliecidae 3 Cebidae 26 Hapalidge 37 Order II. Lemures 40 Lemuridse 40 Chiromyid£e 48 Order III. Caenitora .... 48 FeUdffi 48 Viverridfe 57 Protelidae 66 Hyfenidae 66 Canidse 67 Mustelidas 76 Procyonidte 82 iEluridje 84 TJrsidse 85 Otariidse 90 Trichechidse 91 Phocidfe 91 Order IV. Insectivora . . 93 Talpidae 93 Erinaceidae 93 Tupaiidse 94 Page 1 Order V. Chiroptera .... 94 Pteropodidae 94 Vespertilionidse .... 97 EmbaUonuridae 98 Order VI. Eodentia .... 98 Sciuridse 98 Castoridae 107 Myoxidae 107 Muridaa 108 Spalacidfe 112 Dipodidae 112 Octodontidae 113 Hystricidae 115 ChmchillidEe 117 Dasyproctidae 118 Caviidae 121 Leporida3 122 Order VII. Hyraces 124 Hyracidae 124 Order VIII. Proboscibea . . 124 Elephautidae ] 24 X CONTENTS. MAMMALIA (continued'). Order IX. Ungttlata .... 125 RhinocerotidsR 125 Tapiridee 128 Equidse 130 Bovidse 132 Giraffidae 156 Cervidae 158 Tragulidse 176 Camelidse 177 Hippopotamidae .... 179 Phacochoeridse 179 Suidee 181 Order X. Cetacea 185 Delphinidse 185 Order XI. Sirenia 186 Manatidse 186 AYES Order I. Passeres 209 TurdidBe 209 Cinclidse 216 Panuridse 216 Paridae 217 Sittidse 218 Motacillidse 218 Pycnonotidse 220 Crateropodida3 222 Oriolidae 224 Dicrurida3 224 Artamida3 225 Laniida3 225 Ampelidffi 226 Mu8cicapida3 226 Hirundinidae 226 Order XII. Edentata 186 Bradypodida3 186 Dasypodidae 187 Myrmecopliagidae .... 189 Manida3 191 Orycteropodidae .... 192 Order XIII. Marsttpialia. 193 Didelphyidse 193 Dasyuridae 195 Peramelidae 196 Phascolarctidas 197 Phalangistidae 197 Macropodidae 200 Phascolomyidae 207 Order XIV. Monotremata. 208 Echidnidse 208 209 Nectariniidse 227 Meliphagidae 227 Coerebidse 228 Tanagridse 228 PloceidjB 233 Eringillidae 247 Icteridae 265 SturnidjB 270 Paradiseidae 274 Corvid83 275 Alaudidaj 286 Pitfcidae 288 Tyrannidas 288 Cotingidae 289 Dendrocolaptidae .... 290 Menurida3 290 CONTENTS. xi AVES (continued). Page Order 11. Picarijs 291 CypselidiB 291 Caprimulgidse 291 Picidse 291 lyngidc© 293 Coliida! 293 Alcedinidce 293 Bucerotidae 294 Upupidae 299 Momotidae 299 Coraciidae 299 Podargidae 300 Steatornithidae 300 Eamphastidae 300 Capitonidaa 303 Cuculidae 303 Musophagid^ 306 Order III. Psittaci 308 Cacatnidae 308 Stringopidae 316 Palaeornithidas 317 Psittacidae 330 Order lY. Steiges 354 Strigidae 354 Asionidae 355 Order V. Acoipitees .... 365 Falconidae 365 Serpentariidae 391 Cathartidae 392 Order YI. Steganopobes . . 394 Pelecanidaj 394 Fregatidae 396 Phalacrocoracidae .... 396 Plotida9 398 Page Order YII. Heeodiones . . 400 Ardeidae 400 Ciconiidae 405 Plataleidse 409 Order YIII. 0D0NT0GL0ss.ffi 413 Phcenicopteridae .... 413 Order IX. PAiAMECEiB . . 414 Palamedeidae 414 Order X. Anseees 415 Anatidae 415 Order XI. CoiuioiE .... 443 Carpophagidae 443 Columbidae 446 Order XII. Pterocletes . . 464 Pteroclidae 464 Order XIII. Gailin^ 465 Tetraonidae 465 Phasianidae 466 Cracidae 498 MegapodiidaB 605 Order XY. Hemipodit ... . 506 Turnicidae 506 Order XYI. FuiicAELa: . . 507 EaUidae 507 Order XYII. Alectoeides . 616 Otidae 516 PsopMidae 618 Cariamidae 519 Gruidae 519 Eurypygidae 523 Aramidae 523 xu CONTENTS. AYES (continued). Page 524 Order XYIII. Limicol^ . CEdienemidas 524 Charadriidae 525 Chionididse 528 Scolopacidae 528 Order XIX. GAviiE 538 Laridse 533 Order XX. Tubinaees . . 539 Procellariidae 539 Order XXI. Ptgopodes . . 540 Colymbidee 540 Alcidje 541 Order XXII. Impenneb . . 542 Spheniscidae 542 Order XXIII. Crypttjri . . 545 Tinamidae 545 Order XXIV. Apterxqes . 547 Apterj'gidse 547 Order XXV. Casttaeii 548 CasuariidaB 548 Order XXVI. Stettihiones 551 Struthionidae 551 Eheidae 552 REPTILIA Order Testudinata ...... 555 Testudinidae 555 Emydidae 561 Chelydidse 569 TrionycHdae 571 Chelonid* 572 Order Ceocodilia 574 Crocodilidae 574 Order Satjeia 577 Sphenodontida3 577 Geccotidae 577 Varanidae 578 Helodermidae 580 Teiidae 580 Lacertidae 581 Zoniiridae 583 ScincidsB 584 Agamidae . 588 555 Iguanidae 590 Chamseleonidae 593 Amphisbeenidae 595 Order Ophidia 596 Typhlopidte 596 Boidse 596 TortricidEe 601 Calamariidae 601 ColubridEB 602 Homalopsidae 613 Psammophiidae 613 Dendropbhdaj 614 Dryophiidai 615 Dipsadidae 615 Scytalidae 616 Lycodontidffi 617 Elapida3 617 Viperidae 619 Crotalidte 622 CONTENTS. Page BATRACHIA (525 Page Order Ecatjdata 625 Eanidte 625 Cystignathidae 626 Bufonidse 626 HyMffi 628 Pelobatidfe 630 Discoglossidae 630 Order Cauda T A 631 Salamandridae 631 Amphiumidse 634 Proteidas 635 Sirenidue 635 PISCES. 636 Subclass Teleostei 636 Gastetosteidse 636 Percidse 636 Triglid^ 637 Trachinidse 637 Gobiidse . . . '. 637 Discoboli 638 Pediculati 638 Plenniidae 638 Labyrintbici 639 Mugilidse 639 OphiocepbaUdae .... 639 Gobiesocidae 639 Labridae 640 Gadidae 640 Pleuronectidse 641 Siluridae 641 SalmonidEB 642 Galaxiidae 642 Esocidae 643 Cyprinidae 643 Gymnotidas 644 Muraenidae 645 Syngnatbidae 645 Subclass Dipnoi 646 Lepidosirenidae 646 Subclass Ganoidei 646 Acipenseridae 646 Subclass CHONDKOPTEsrsn.. 647 ScyUiidaB 647 Spinacidse 647 Subclass Leptostomata . . 647 Petromyzontidae .... 647 Subclass Leptocardii .... 648 Branchiostoinatida3 . . 648 1 1 I LIST OF WOODCUTS. Fig. _ Page 1. Cercopithecus pluto . . 11 2. Macacus leoninus .... 19 3. Head of Chrysothrix usta 27 4. Brachyurus ouakari . . 36 5. Head of Lemur macaco 41 6. Head of Lemur niger- rimus 41 7. Perodicticus potto . . 47 8. ^lurus fulgens 85 9. Head of Ursus piscator 87 10. Otaria jubata 90 11. Cynonycteris coEaris 5 and young 96 12. Rhinoceros unicornis d" 125 13. Ehiuoceros lasiotis . . 126 14. Rhinoceros sumatrensis 127 15. Rhinoceros bicornis c? . 128 16. Tapirus americanus . . 129 17. Bibos frontalis 134 18. Strepsiceros kudu .... 136 19. Oryx beatrix 138 20. Head of Gazella granti 143 21. Head of Alcelaphus tor a 149 22. Nemorhasdus crispus . . 151 23. Head of Autilocapra americana 157 24. Moschus moschiferus . 159 25. Elaphodus michianus c? 161 26. Head of Cervus schom- burgki 166 Fig. Page 27. Cervus alfredi S .... 168 28. Pudua humilis d 175 29. Head of Phacochoerus sethiopicus (J ad. . . 179 30. Head of Phacochoerus africanus 2 jr 180 31. Potamochoerus penicil- latus 183 32. Manatus australis .... 186 33. Myrmecophaga jubata . 190 34. Manis tricuspis 191 35. Orycteropus capensis . 192 36. Orycteropus sethiopi- cus 193 37. Phascolarctus cinereus 197 38. Head of Macropus eru- bescens 201 39. Heteralocha gouldi . . 284 40. Head of Bycanistes subcylindricus .... 297 41. Ehytidoceros plicatus 298 42. Head of Cacatua san- guinea 311 43. Head of Cacatua du- corpsi 312 44. Head of Cacatua gym- nopis 313 46. Stringops habroptilus . 317 46. Speotyto cunicularia . . 363 47. Cathartes californianus 393 48. Phalacrocorax carbo . . 397 49. Plotus anhinga 399 XVI LIST OF WOODCUTS. Fig. Page 50. Head of Ibis sethiopica 410 51. Head of Ibis bernieri . 410 52. Male and female Ma- gellanic Geese, bred between Bernicla dispar c? and Ber- nicla magellanica $ 421 53. Numida vulturina .... 497 54. Megacephalon maleo . . 506 55. Tribonyx mortieri. ... 514 Fig- , Page 56. Head of Himantopus nigricoUis 529 57. Head of Himantopus brasiliensis 529 58. Spbeniscus humboldti . 544 59. Head of Ehea ameri- cana 552 60. Head of Ehea macro- rhyncha 553 61. Head of Ehea darwinii 554 LIST OF ANIMALS. Class MAMMALIA. Order I. QUADRUMANA. Family SIMIID^. Genus Anthropopithecus*. 1. Anthropopithecus troglodytes {Gm.) . Chimpanzee. Hab. West Africa. a-z. See former editions. a\ Male. Deposited, Feb. 13, 1878. ¥. Eemale. Deposited, Eeb. 13, 1878. c\ Male. Deposited, Feb. 17, 1878. d\ e\ Deposited, May 23, 1878. f. Deposited, June 12, 1878. (f. Female. Deposited, Jan. 24, 1882. Ji\ Female. Purchased, April 15, 1882. Genus Simia. 3. Simia satyrus, Linn. Ourang-outang. Hab. Sumatra and Borneo. a. Female. Purchased, May 7, 1864. 6. Male ; c. Female. Purchased, Sept. 4, 1866. d. Deposited, March 29, 1867. e, /. Presented by Colonel Benson and Mr. Vyapoory, June 19, 1868. h. Females. Deposited, Jan. 26, 1874. i, j. Males. Presented by Dr. E. Sim, F.Z.S., March 13, 1878. k. Female. Eeeeived in exchange, July 27, 1878. * Cf. Peters, Monatsb. Ak. Berl. 1876, p. 470. B 3 SIMIIDiE. Genus Hylobates. 3. Hylobates hoolock (Harlan). Hoolock Gibbon. Hah. Assam. a. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., E.Z.S., Aug. 14, 1868. See P. Z. S, 1868, p. 626. Specimen figured, P. Z. S. 1870, pi. V. 6. Male. Presented by J. Scrymgeour, Esq., May 9, 1877. c. Female. Deposited, Eeb. 13, 1880. 4. Hylobates lar (Linn.). White-handed Gibbon. Hab. Malay peninsula. a. Male ; from Mergui. h. Pemale ; from Tenasserim. Pre- sented by G. S. Kodon, Esq., Nov. 17, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 603. Specimen a is figured, P. Z. S. 1870, pi. v. p. 86. c. Female. Presented by Lieut.-Col. Anson, May 16, 1872. From Malacca. cl. Male. Deposited, Nov. 22, 1872. e. Female. Deposited, Jan. 1, 1873. /. Male. Purchased, July 25, 1873. g. Male. Presented by Sir Harry Ord, C.B., F.Z.S., Aug. 14, 1873. h. Male ; i. Female. Presented by Sir Harry Ord, C.B., F.Z.S., Dec. 4, 1873. j. Female. Presented by W. H. Newman, Esq., Jan. 7, 1878. From the Forests of Laos, N. Siam. Tc. Deposited, Feb. 13, 1880. 5. Hylobates leucogenys, Ogilby. White-cheeked Gibbon. Hab. Siam. a Presented by W. H. Newman, Esq., H.B.M. Consid at Bangkok, June 2, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 679, pi. lxx. 6. Hylobates leuciscus (Schreb.). Silvery Gibbon. Hab. Java. a. Female. Purchased, July 20, 1871. b. Purchased, April 18, 1882. 7. Hylobates variegatus (Geoffr.). Ungko Gibbon. Hab. Sumatra. a. Female. Deposited, May 4, 1871. 6. Female. Purchased, Nov. 11, 1873. c. Deposited, Jan. 26, 1874. CERCOPlTHECIDiE. 3 Family CERCOPITHBCIDiE. Genus Semnopithecus. 8. Semnopithecus entellm (Dufresne). Entellus Monkey. Hub. India. «. Presented by Miss M. L. Gordon, July 23, 1864. h. Presented by Capt. H. T. Forbes, Eoy. Art., June 26, 1865. c. Purchased, March 28, 1866. d. Piu-chased, May 1, 1866. e. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 6, 1867. /. Male. Purchased, April 20, 1869. g. Male. Purchased, Jime 22, 1869. h. Purchased, April 14, 1870. i. Female. Eeceived in exchange, March 31, 1871. j. Female. Purchased, June 9, 1873. k. Purchased, April 25, 1876. I. Presented by E. Penn, Esq., Oct. 3, 1876. m. Eeceived in exchange, April 5, 1877. n. Presented by J. Mills, Esq., E.H.A., Jan. 23, 1879. 0. Female. Eeceived in exchange, April 12, 1879. p. Female. Deposited, March 2, 1881. q, r. Males ; s. Female. Purchased, April 21, 1881. 9. Semnopithecus mitraius, Eschsch. Mitred Monkey. Hab. Java. a. Male. Eeceived in exchange, March 12, 1879. 10. Semnopithecus obscurus, Martin. Dusky Monkey. Hab. Malacca. a. Purchased, Jan. 26, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 110. h. Purchased, Oct. 10, 1874. 11. Semnopithecus leucoprymnus {Otto) . Purple- faced Monkey. Hab. Ceylon. a. Purchased, Nov. 14, 1864. h. Purchased, June 22, 1868. c. Female. Purchased, May 4, 1871. cl. Female. Purchased, Aug. 24, 1871. e. Male. Purchased, June 21, 1873. B 2 4. CERCOPITHECIDiE. /. Presented by A. J. Keason, Esq., May 15, 1876. g. Purchased, Aug. 26, 1877. Ti. Presented by J. B. ICnocker, Esq., Sept. 7, 1877. i. Purchased, Sept. 20, 1878. j, Jc. Purchased, May 30, 1880. I. Male. Presented by William Collingwood, Sept. 27, 1880. m. Male. Presented by Lieut. W. V. Anson, E.N., June 30, 1881. 13. Semnopithecus maurus (Schreb.). Moor Monkey. Hab. Java. ft. Eeceived, July 30, 1864. h. Eeceived in exchange, Peb. 8, 1866. c, cl. Presented by Capt. D. Nutsford, March 11, 1871. e. Pemale. Purchased, June 18, 1872. Prom Malacca /. Female. Purchased, Aug. 20, 1872. g. Pemale. Purchased, June 12, 1876. h. Male. Purchased, June 15, 1877. Genus Colobus. 13. Colobus polycomus (Schreb.). King Colobus. Hab. Sierra Leone. a. Pui'chased, May 16, 1873. 14. Colobus ursinus (Ogilby) . Ursine Colobus. Hab. West Africa. a. Pm-chased, AprU 23, 1864. „ b. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1867. c. Pui-chased, May 17, 1868. cl. Female. Deposited, May 13, 1869. e. Purchased, AprH 14, 1870. 15. Colobus vellerosus (Is. Geoffr.). White-thighed Colobus. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, March 28, 1873. b. Female. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1875. c. On approval. Aug. 21, 1875. d. Female. Presented by Dr. W. H. Hart, May 27, 1879. CERCOPITHECID^. 5 Genus Cbrcopithecus. 16. Cercopiihecus talapoin (Erxl.). Talapoin Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by Lieut. W. B. Bridges, E.N., Nov. 28, 1866. From the Congo river. h. Presented by the Eev. Dan. Greatorex, March 29, 1867. c. Presented by John Gould, Esq., T.Z.S., April 13, 1869. d. Female. Purchased, April 14, 1870. e. f. Females. Purchased, Feb. 13, 1871. g. Male. Presented by 0. B. Maseyk, Esq., Aug. 20, 1872. h. Male. Pm-chased, March 6, 187*3. i. Male. Purchased, Jime 21, 1873. j. Purchased, July 13, 1876. Ic. Purchased, June 24, 1881. Z. Female. Purchased, March 29, 1882. 17. Cercopiihecus ajnosurus {Sco^.)^ Malbrouck Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, May 3, 1865. h. Purchased, May 13, 1865. c. Presented by W. W. Vine, Esq., E.N., May 24, 1866. d, e, f. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1867. g. Purchased, June 10, 1868. h. Presented by D. Thompson, Esq., Dec. 31, 1868. i. Purchased, Dec. 17, 1870. j. Male. Presented by H. A. M. de Lichtabbell, Esq., July 21, 1874. k. Male. Presented by H. A. M. de Lichtabbell, Esq., Sept. 6, 1874. I. Deposited, Oct. 13, 1874. m. Eeceived in exchange, July 8, 1875. n. Female. Presented by C." S. N. Newman, Esq., Nov. 11, 1875. 0. Female. Presented by Dr. Stirling, June 20, 1876. p. Female. Presented bv L. C. Brown, Esq., Jan. 17, 1877. q. Presented by Mrs. Escott, July 18, 1877. r. Presented by Edward Wright, Esq., July 6, 1878. s. Female. Presented by Miss Agnes Barker, Aug. 15, 1879. t. Male. Purchased, Sept. 23, 1879. u. Female, Deposited, Nov. 7, 1879. V. Male. Presented by the Eev. J. L. Sabuniie. Dec. 17 1879. ■ tf. Presented by Lady Dorothy Nevill, March 6, 1880. X. Female. Presented by Mrs. Ladell, March 17, 1880. y. Deposited, May 26, 1880. 6 CERCOPITHECID^. z. Presented by E. A. Evans, Esq., Nov. 9, 1880. a\ Malfe. Presented by W. Behrens, Esq., Nov. 17, 1880. h". Presented by J. E, Saunders, Esq., Dec. 9, 1880.' c\ Female. Presented by R. Chauncy, Esq., Jan. 25, 1881. 0}. Male. Presented by H. Aylesburv, Esq., June 11, 1881. e\f. Presented by H. P. Sherlock, Esq., Sept. 3, 1881. f/^ Presented by Mrs. Paterson, Sept. 16, 1881. Presented by Mr. J. Pope, Oct. 19, 1881. i'. Eemale. Presented by C. A. Rose, Esq., Dec. 21, 1881. j\ Deposited, Jan. 1, 1882. Ic^. Male. Presented by R. A. St. Leger, Esq., Feb. 10, 1882. T". Presented by Robert Mills, Esq., April 13, 1882. to'. Presented by Mrs. Cutnberleye, July 25, 1882. Deposited, Oct. 26, 1882. 18. Cercopithecus lalandii, Is. Geoffr. Vervet Monkey. Hab. South Africa. «— e^. Scfe former editions. f. Male. Presented by O. BiUingburst, Esq., May 8, 1876. Deposited, Oct. 26, 1876. M Female. Presented by F. Nash, Esq., Dec. 16, 1876. r". Male; f. Female. Presented by F. G. Butler, Esq., Jan. 25, 1877. P. Deposited, Sept. 5, 1877. F. Deposited, Oct. 2, 1877. m\ Presented by J. H. Taylor, Esq., Nov. 27, 1877. n^. Presented by J. Bennet, Esq., March 23, 1878. o2. Presented by G. W. Twining, Esq., May 3, 1878. p-. Presented by W. T. Millar, Esq., Aug. 25, 1879. 2*. Presented by E. Meverstein, Esq., Sept. 25, 1879. r\ Presented by Sir Arthur Scott, Bart., Oct. 4, 1879. s^ Male. Deposited, Nov. 4, 1879. t\ Male. Presented by L. Samuel, Esq., April 7, 1880. itl Male. Presented by Frank Simpson, Esq., May 27, 1880. V-. Female. Deposited, Sept. 9, 1880. IV'. Male. Presented by Mrs. Brassey, Oct. 11, 1881, y\ Male. Presented by R. M. Edger, Esq., Nov. 25, 1881. z\ Presented by Mr. F. W. Gourlay, April 15, 1882. a\ Presented by H. T. Hardcastle,"Esq., Oct. 18, 1882. b\ Male. Presented by G. H. Jones, Esq., Oct. 27, 1882. 19. Cercopithecus griseo-viridis, Desm. Grivet Monkey. H^b. North-east Africa. a. Purchased, Feb. 27, 1864. h. Deposited, Jan. 9, 1865. c. Presented by His Royal Highness the Prince of "Wales, F.Z.S. Feb. 24, 1865. CERCOPITHECIDiE. 7 d. Deposited, Oct. 18, 1865. e. Presented E. G. Brietzeke, Esq., Oct. 10, 1868. /. Pemale. Presented by Capt. J. Cracknel], March 30, 1869. g. Male. Presented by Mrs. Vaughan, June 12, 1871. h. Male. Deposited, Dec. 4, 1871. Males. Presented by Dr. Horner, Dec. 21, 1872. Tc. Females. Presented by J. Daws Bray, Esq., Jan. 17, 1873. I. Male. Presented by Mrs. Contearn, Dec. 31, 1873. m. Female. Presented by T. T. Sich, Esq., Oct. 21, 1876. n. Male. Deposited, NoV. 23, 1876. 0. Female. Presented by J. W. Eichardson, Esq., March 14, 1877. p. Male. Presented by J. Harvey, Esq., July 30, 1877. q. Female. Presented by W. D. James, Esq., Sept. 18, 1877. r. Male. Presented by E. Dudgeon, Esq., Oct. 5, 1877. s. Female. Presented by Madame Patey, Jan. 19, 1878. t. Presented by E. H. Loekley, Esq., Feb. 14, 1878. M. Presented by W. B. Greenfield, Esq., April 8, 1879. V. Male. Presented by E. M. Courage, Esq., July 1, 1879. w. Female. Presented by H. E. Laver, Esq., March 11, 1880. X. Male. Presented by W. C. Q-ordon, Esq., March 20, 1880. y Female. Presented by Capt. Barrow, Nov. 7, 1881. z. Presented by Lionel Hart, Esq., Aug. 23, 1881. 20. Cercopithecus callitrichus, Is. Geoffr. Green Monkey. Hob. West Africa. rt-z'. See former editions. a=. Presented by James Bennet, Esq., March 23, 1878. h\ Male. Presented by G. MUward, Esq., April 13, 1878. Female. Presented by Mrs. C. Teomans, June 30, 1878. cV. Male. Presented by H. Hands, Esq., Oct. 31, 1878. e\ Female. Presented by Miss G. E. Marryatt, Nov. 15, 1878. .r , , f. Presented by A. G. Lytton Squires, Esq., Dec. 4, 1878. fyl Female. Presented by J. Williams, Esq., Dec. 14, 1878. h\ Female. Presented by Mr. Carroll, Jan. 10, 1879. i\ Male. Presented by J. Douglas Murray, Esq., Feb. 21 1879. J' >!' .f . Female. Presented by Miss E. A. B. Payton, March 4 1879. 1c\ Male. Presented by J. N. T. Marthege, Esq., March 28 1879. l\ Male. Presented by C. F. S. Day, Esq., Aug. 15, 1879 TO^ Male. Presented by F. Peake, Esq., F.Z.S., July 22, 1880. n\ Presented by Mr. A. Haynes, Oct. 31, 1880. ol Female; p\ Purchased^ June 24, 1881. q\ Presented by Mr. G. Aldridge, Oct. 25, 1881 8 CEECOPITHECIDiB. I r\ Deposited, Dec. 12, 188] . s^ Female ; f. Young. Eeceivecl in exchange, May 1, 1882. ^^^ Female. Presented by Mrs. Gretton, Nov. 21, 1882. 21. Cercopithecus rufo-viridis, Is. Geoffr. Mozambique Monkey. Hab. Mozambique. a. Presented by Commander Bedingfield, E.N., June 14, 1859. From the Zambesi. See P. Z. S. 1860, p. 420. Mus. Brit. 6. Presented by G-. Billing, Esq., June 1, 1860. 22. Cercopithecus patas (Sclir.). Patas Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by Gc. E. Stanley, Esq., Aug. 1, 1863. h-d. Purchased, Dec. 27, 1864. e. Purchased, Aug. 11, 1866. /. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1868. g. Presented by Clement P. Penny, Esq., Sept. 28, 1869. Ti. Female. Deposited, Nov. 8, 1870. i. Female. Presented by E. Hoad, Esq., July 14, 1873. j. Female. Presented by A. E. Oakes, Esq., Dec. 22, 1873. h. Male. Purchased, July 11, 1874. I. Male. Presented by Dr. E. F. Mayne, Nov. 3, 1874. See P.Z. S. 1874, p. 664. TO. Female. Purchased, Jan. 12, 1875. n. Male. Purchased, April 14, 1875. 0. Female. Deposited, May 6, 1875. £>. Female. Presented by J. W. Feather, Esq., Dec. 5, 1875. q. Female. Presented by Mr. E. Poulson, June 21, 1877. r. Female. Deposited, Dec. 14, 1877. s. Presented by W. H. Wylde, Esq., Aug. 13, 1878. Purchased, Oct. 16, 1878. u. Female. Presented by Dr. Horlock, Nov. 19, 1880. V. Purchased, June 17, 1881. 23. Cercopithecus pyrrhonotus, Hempr. et Ehr. Nisnas Monkey. Hab. Nubia. a. Female. Presented by Col. the Hon. P. Fielding, June 16, 1871. See P.Z. S. 1871, p. 623. h. Female. Deposited, March 31, 1875. c. Male. Presented by B. C. Simpson, Esq., March 22, 1877. d: Female. Presented by W. D. James, Esq., Sept. 18, 1877. e. Purchased, Nov. 9, 1878. /. Male. Presented by Mrs. F. Dixon, Sept. 29, 1882. From Somali Laud," East Africa. CERCOPITHECIDjE. 9 24. Cercopithecus albigularis, Sykes. Sykes's Monkey. Hah. East Africa. a. Eeceived in exchange, Dec. 15, 1864. h. Purchased, Jan. 12, 1865. c. Purchased, Aug. 22, 1865. cl. Deposited, May 22, 1866. e,f. Purchased, Sept. 4, 1868. g. Female. Purchased, Aug. 1, 1871. X. Female. Deposited, April 15, 1872. i. Male. Purchased, June 18, 1872. j. Male. Presented by F. E. H. Lambert, Esq., J uly 30, 1 872. Tc. Female. Deposited, Feb. 11, 1875. I. Presented by J. B. Tunnard, Esq., Aug. 23, 1875. m. Male. Presented by E. Payne, Esq., Dec. 11, 1876. n. Male. Presented by Capt. Benson, Sept. 4, 1878. 0. Female. Presented by Mrs. E. "Wynne Eoberts, Feb. 8, 1880. p. Female. Presented by Miss Mabel Beale, Feb. 4, 1880. q. Male. Presented by E. S, Savage, Esq., March 20, 1880. r. Female. Presented by the Officers of the Eoyal Yacht ' Osborne,' Oct. 27, i880. s. Female. Deposited, July 13, 1881. t. Female. Presented by H. W. M. Shewell, Esq., Lieut. E.A., Aug. 3, 1881. u. Female. Purchased, Nov. 9, 1881. V. Male. Presented by H. Gunning, Esq., Feb. 2, 1882. tv. Male. Presented by Ballantine Dykes, Esq., June 8, 1882. X. Female. Presented" by Oapt. F. "W. Schwedler, Oct. 3, 1882. 25. Cercopithecus mona {^chxeh). Mona Monkey. Hub. West Africa. a. Purchased, April 5, 1862. h. Eeceived in exchange, March 9, 1865. c, d. Purchased, March 6, 1867. e. Purchased, June 24, 1867. /. Purchased, June 27, 1867. g. Purchased, March 10, 1868. h. Purchased, May 8, 1868. i. Female. Purchased, March 31, 1871. j, Jc. Males ; I, m. Females. Purchased, Dec. 29, 1871. n, 0. Females. Purchased, April 7, 1874. p. Female. Deposited, Nov. 12, 1875. q. Male. Presented by the Eev. W. N. Eipley, Oct. 2 1878 r. Female. Presented by Miss Sandford, March 22, 1879 s. Female. Deposited, Nov. 7, 1879. t. Female. Presented by J. G. Hamilton, Esq., May 31, 1880. 10 CERCOPITHECIDjE. Male. Presented by W. Macmillau Scott, Esq., Feb. 22, 1881. V. Deposited, Dee. 15, 1881. 26. Cercopithecus diana (Linn.) . Diana Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a, I. Purchased, June 14, 1864. c. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1865. d. Purchased, May 18, 1866. e. Purchased, July 18, 1866. /. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1867. g. Male. Purchased, May 8, 1869. h. Pemale. Purchased, Aug. 22, 1871 . i. Male. Presented by H. Worrall, Esq., May 2, 1872. j. Male. Purchased, June 10, 1873. k. Female. Purchased, March 15, 1875. I. Female. Presented by Walter Mayhew, Esq., Dec. 7, 1877. m. Presented by P. Spink, Esq., Dec. 13, 1877. n. Female. Eeceived in exchange, May 8, 1879. o,p. Female. Presented by F. J. Crocker, Esq., Aug. 14, 1878. q. Purchased, June 24, 1881. r. Presented by Louis Wyatt, Esq., Aug. 19, 1881. s. Male. Purchased, March 29, 1882. t. Male. Presented by Messrs. L. and Gr. Boljohn, June 27, 1882. u. Presented by the Eev. C. Harris, Aug. 21, 1882. 27. Cercopithecus erxlebeni, Dahlb. et Puch. Erxlebeu's Monkey. Hab. West Africa, a. Purchased, Dec. 17, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 36. I. Female. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 26, 1873. From the river Congo. c. Female. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1881. cl. Purchased, Sept. 5, 1882. 28. Cercopithecus erijthrog aster, Gray. Red-bellied Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, March 16, 1866. Specimen described and figured, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 168, pi. xvi. See also notes by Dr. Murie, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 380. h. Purchased, May 8, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 430. CEKCOPITHECID*. 11 29. Cercopithecus campbelli, Waterh. Campbell's Monkey. Hab. West Coast of Africa. a. Female. Presented by Mrs. E. Ivey, June 15, 1872. h. Purchased, Dec. 15, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 1. c. Male. Presented by Capt. Damm, ship ' Cupido,' May 10, 1875. d. Male. Presented by Miss A. J. Brown, Oct, 9, 1875. e. Deposited, Nov. 12, 1875. /. Presented by the Eev. C. Harris, Aug. 21, 1882. 30. Cercopithecus pluto, Gray. Pluto Monkey. (Fig. 1.) Hab. West Africa. a. Male. Purchased, Aug. 3, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 670 h. Purchased, Dec. 17, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 36. c. Purchased, June 29, 1871. rcojnthecus pluto. (P. Z. g. 1848, p. 57, d. Female. Purchased, Aug. 12, 1871 e. Male. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1872. i 12 CERCOPITHECIDjE. /. Male. Purchased, June 25, 1872. g. Male. Eeceivecl in exchange, July 2, 1872. h. Female. Purchased, March 6, 1873. i. Male. Purchased, May 10, 1873. ./, Ic. Females. Purchased, Aug. 17, 1881. I. Female. Purchased, Nov. 9, 1881. m. Male ; «. Female ; o. Young. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1882. 31. Cercopithecus cephus (Lmn.) . Moustache Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Oct. 21, 1862. b. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1865. c. d. Purchased, Aug. 11, 1866, e. Purchased, March 6, 1867. /. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1867. g. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Sept. 21, 1867. 7i-Jc. Eeceived in exchange, July 3, 1868. I. Presented by Dr. Dyer, Nov. 16, 1868. m, n. Eeceived in exchange, July 2, 1869. 0. Male. Presented by Major-G-eneral Gambler, July 19, 1870. p. Male. Presented "by Mr. F. Barnett, Nov. 8, 1870. q. Female. Purchased, Aug. 22, 1871. r. Eeceived in exchange, Dec. 21, 1871. .5. Female. Purchased, March 5, 1872. t. Female. Purchased, March 6, 1872. u. Female. Purchased, Feb. 7, 1873. V, lu. Females. Purchased, June 10, 1873. x. Female. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq., F.Z.S., June 26, 1873. From Cabinda, West Afi-ica. y. Female. Purchased, Feb. ]0, 1874. z. Female. Eeceived, July 16, 1874. a\ Male. Presented by E. F. Domville, Esq., Lieut. E.N., Aug. 10, 1877. b\ c\ Purchased, Nov. 6, 1879. d\ e\ Female. Presented by Charles Atkins, Esq., Nov. 2, 1880. f-?i\ Female. Purchased, June 24, 1881. i\ Male. Presented by F. G-. S. Laye, Esq., Nov. 14, 1881. j\ Deposited, Aug. 10," 1882. 'Jc\ Presented by Mrs. Heath, Sept. 13, 1882. 32. Cercopithecus nictitans (Liun.). Hocheur Monkey. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1865. b. Purchased, April 8, 1871. c. Purchased, July 26, 1871. d. Male. Purchased, April 13, 1872. CERCOPITHECID^. 13 e. Female. Purchased, May 16, 1873. /. Female. Purchased, April 6, 1874. g. Female. Purchased, Sept. 23, 1874. h. Purchased, May 30, 1880. i. Purchased, Nov. 4, 1880. 33. Cercopithecus petaurista (Schreb.). Lesser White-nosed Monkey. Hob. West Africa. a. Deposited, Oct. 21, 1864. h. Deposited, J une 13, 1866. c. Purchased, July 18, 1866. d. Purchased, Aug. 11, 1866. e. Deposited, Dec. 16, 1867. /. Eeceived in exchange, June 24, 1868. g. Male. Purchased, Feb. 13, 1871. h. Male. Presented by John Grordon, Esq., May 14, 1875. i. Presented by F. Ward, Esq., March 27, 1876. j. Male; Ic. Female. Presented by Mr. MUes, July 21, 1876. I. Presented by Mrs. Cleaver, June 4, 1877. m. Male. Presented by E. F. Clothier, Esq., July 15, 1879. n. Female. Purchased, May 3, 1881. 0. Male. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1881. p. Male. Deposited, Apiil 21, 1882. q. Female. Deposited, May 22, 1882. r. Purchased, May 31, 1882. s. Deposited, Aug. 3, 1882. t. Male. Deposited, Dec. 13, 1882. 34. Cercopithecus ludio, Gray. Ludio Monkey. Hab. ^est Africa. a. Purchased, May 26, 1868. h. Female. Deposited, Aug. 7, 1871. c. Female. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1872. d. Female. Piu-chased, June 27, 1872. e. Female. Presented by J. G. Hamilton, Esq., May 31 1880. /. Female. Presented by Capt. Barrow, Nov. 7, 1880. g. Female. Purchased, April 28, 1881. h. Male. Purchased, Aprd 15, 1882. Genus Cercocebus. 35. Cercocebus collaris {Gray) . White-collared Mangabey. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 16, 1864. c. Presented by A. F. Eidgway, Esq., Dec! 3, 1864. 14 CEllCOPITHECID^. d. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1866. e. Presented by Capt. James Ersldue, E.N., Peb. 6 1867 /. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1867. ' (/. Deposited, Dec. 7, 1867. li. Purchased, Jan. 27, 1868. i. Presented by the Eev. Dan. Greatorex, Jan. 28, 1868. j, h. Presented by Dr. Leared, Dec. 19, 1868. I. Female. Presented by Col. Addison, April 14, 1869 m. Male. Purchased, Peb. 3, 1871. n. Male. Purchased, June 10, 1873. 0. Male. Presented by Capt. Barrow, Nov. 7, 1880. p. Purchased, June 24, 1881. q. Male. Presented by James Jameson, Esq., Aug. 17, 1881. 36. Cercocebus fuliginosus, Geoffr. Sooty Mangabey. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by — Addison, Esq., April 13, 1864. h, c. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1865. cl. Deposited, Nov. 24, 1865. e. Deposited, July 23, 1866. /. Pemale. Purchased, Sept. 7, 1869. g. Male. Purchased, May 3, 1870. h. Male. Purchased, June 6, 1870. 1. Presented by Greneral Osborne, Sept. 30, 1870. Male. Presented by E. Atkinson, Esq., July 14, 1871. 'k. Male. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1874. I. Pemale. Presented by Mr. Martin, July 22, 1874. m. Male. Purchased, Jan. 12, 1875. n. Male. Presented by Lieut. V. L. Cameron, April 4, 1876. 0. Male. Deposited, May 17, 1877- p. Female. Presented by E. Sellars, Esq., Nov..3, 1877. q. Male. Purchased, Oct. 14, 1881. r. Male. Presented by Lady Stafford, Nov. 9, 1882. 37. Cercocebus cethiops (Linn.). White-crowned Mangabey. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, July 31, 1862. h. Presented by F. van Zeller, Esq., June 15, 1870. c. Female. Presented by W. Gr. Petchett, Esq., March 5, 1875. 38. Cercocebus albigena {Gray) . Grey-cheeked Mangabey. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Sept. 12, 1865. See notice by Dr. Marie, P.Z. S. 1865, p. 740. b. Purchased, Aug. 22, 1866. CERCOPITHECIDiE. 15 c. Presented by Capt. James Erskine, R.N., Feb. 16, 1867. d. Female. Purchased, May 26, 1869. e. Female. Purchased, July 30, 1869. /. Female. Purchased, Aug. 12, 1871. g. Female. Piu-chased, Jan. 24, 1872. h. Male. Eeceived in exchange, Oct. 10, 1872. Male. Presented by the late H. AnseU, Esq., May 27,18*5. Female. Presented by Robert Surrey, Esq., May 20, 1879. L Male. Presented by Capt. Thomas, May 11, 1880. I. Female. Presented by the Earl of Lonsdale, P.Z.S., May 28, 1880. m. Piu'chased, June 24, 1881. Genus Macacus. 39. Macacus sinicus (Lian.). Bonnet-Monkey, Hab. Continental India. c(r-z*. See former editions. «=. Male. Presented by H. WiUatt, Esq., May 25, 1878. 6^ Female. Presented by A. C. Forbes, Esq., June 27, 1878. Male. Presented by Capt. Clarke, Aug. 26, 1878. d'. Presented by F. Carter, Esq., Sept. 25, 1878. Female. Deposited, Oct. 5, 1878. Male. Presented by Mr. F. Hinde, Nov. 12, 1878. g^. Male. Presented by Geo. Eggar, Esq., March 18, 1879. h\ Male. Presented by Mr. E. Brett, May 1, 1879. i\ Female. Presented by Mrs. J. Raves, Sept. 4, 1879. f. Female. Presented by Mrs. Bonamy Dobree, Oct. 18, 1879. Jc". Presented by S. E. Phillips, Esq., Oct. 20, 1879. IK Male. Presented by J. E. Medley, Esq., Oct. 23, 1879. m\ Female. Presented by H. L. Ruegg, Esq., Nov. 14, 1879, n\ Male, Presented by the Rev. E. C. Ince, Dec. 12, 1879. o'. Presented by R. M. Drury, Esq., Dec. 17, 1879. Presented by J. R. Cullen, Esq., March 24, 1880. 5^ ?•^ Deposited, July 30, 1880. s\ Male. Presented by C. Kerry Nicholls, Esq., Sept. 1, 1880, t'. Male. Deposited, Oct. 11, 1880. it'. Female. Presented by William Underwood Harvev Esq Nov. 3, 1880. v\ Female. Presented by Mr. M. Nicholson, Nov. 13, 1880. iv\ Female. Presented by A. "W, Okes-Voysey, Esq., March 12,1881. J x\ Deposited, Aug. 27, 1881. f. Presented by J. Thompson, Esq., Sept. 19, 1881. z\ Presented by Mr. C. Green, Sept. 20, 1881 a\ Deposited, Oct. 10, 1881. l\ Female. Deposited, Oct. 11, 1881. 16 CERCOPITHECIDiE. Female. Presented by the Eev. E. H. Manley, Nov. 18, 1881. d\ Female. Presented by Mr. Kessels, Jan. 14, 1882. e«. Female. Presented by Mrs. Nicholson, March 20, 1882. Female. Presented by H. Worth, Esq., March 25, 1882. g^. Female. Presented by F. W. Blackiston, Esq., April 6, 1882. h\ Presented by T. W. Fremlin, Esq., April 17, 1882. i\ Female. Presented by H. B. Hamer, May 11, 1882. j\ Male. Presented by Master G. H. Clark, June 17, 1882. l^. Female. Presented by Mrs. Morris, July 1, 1882. ^^ Male. Presented by A. S. Gissing, Esq., Nov. 16, 1882. m\ Presented by W. Nash, Esq., Nov. 30, 1882. n^. Female. Presented by W. Percy Laing, Esq., Dec. 9, 1882. 0^ Male; Female. Presented by N. Cotton, Esq., Dec. 21, 1882. 40. Macacus pileatus (Shaw). Toque Monkey. Hab. Ceylon. a. Presented by Capt. Kelsall, E.E., July 31, 1862. b. Deposited, Aug. 24, 1863. c. Presented by Miss Maria Laura Eonald, Dec. 13, 1865. d. Presented by Mrs. John Williams, Oct. 19, 1866. e. Purchased, June 5, 1868. /. Male. Presented by Mr. A. S. Eedrup, May 14, 1872. _ g. Male. Presented by the Sergeants of the First Battalion Scots Fusileers, July 31, 1873. 7i. Male. Purchased, Oct. 4, 1873. i. Presented by Mrs. Thomas, Sept. 3, 1874. j. Female. Presented by A. Ferris, Esq., May 12, 1875. fc. Male. Deposited, April 25, 1877. I. Male. Presented by Master E. C. Heyworth, May 8, 1878. m. Presented by Mrs. Tranchell, Oct. 29, 1878. Presented by H. P. Brenan, Esq., E.N., June 4, 1880. Male. Presented by Mrs. Evans, Jan. 23, 1882. n. 41. Macacus cynomolgus (Linn.). Macaque Monkey. Hab. India. a-z". See former editions. Presented by Mr. F. Beck, Nov. 19, 1878. h\ Female. Presented by Dr. Whately, E.N., Nov. 26, 1878. c^. Male. Deposited, Dec. 20, 1878. ^ , o^o cZ? Female. Presented by Mr. W. Trent, Jan. 9, 1879. e^'. Female. Presented by D. D'Orpen, Esq., Jan. 14, 18/^9. f Male. Presented by E. E. Barclay, Esq., Jan. 2/, 18/ J. CERCOPITHECIDiE. 17 gT. Female. Presented by Mrs. Ecarclley Holt, Jan. 30, 1879. W. Male. Presented by C. A. Thomson, Esq., May 5, 1879. {1. Pemale. Presented by F. V. Goddard, Esq., May 5, 1879. /. Female. Presented by P. Leman, Esq., May 10, 1879. ¥. Male. Presented by Mr. G. T. Close, June 19, 1879. V. Presented by Miss E. Catlin, June 20, 1879. m^. Male. Presented by Mrs. James Eaves, Sept. 4, 1879. n\ Female. Presented by W. Leckie, Esq., Oct. 7, 1879. 0^. Presented by T. Hobbs, Esq., Oct. 14, 1879. Male. Presented by Mrs. Franldin, Oct. 21, 1879. q\ Male. Deposited, Nov. 25, 1879. r7. Female. Presented by Mrs. L. C. Piggott, Dec. 30, 1879. s'. Male. Presented by J. Snowdon Henrv, Esq., F.Z.S., Feb. 14, 1880. xO. Hybrids between this species and M. erythrceus. Pre- sented by J. Snowdon Henry, Esq., F.Z.S., Feb. 14, 1880. v\ Presented by Mrs. Macaulay," Feb. 21, 1880. vj'. Female. Deposited, March 1, 1880. x^. Male. Presented by Mrs. S. M. Young, March 3, 1880. yT. Male. Presented by Mr. G. Kirby, April 1, 1880. zL Deposited, May 6, 1880. a^. Male. Presented by F. H. Adey, Esq., June 12, 1880. ¥. Male. Presented by Mr. J. Anson, July 26, 1880. c^. Male. Presented by H. G. Wainwright, Esq., Aug. 19, 1880. cV. Male. Presented by Cecil Peele, Esq., Aug. 19, 1880. e^ Male. Presented by George G. Turner, Esq., Aug. 26, 1880. f. Male. Presented by Major Gape, Sept. 20, 1880. g^. Female. Presented by H. J. Thimbleby, Esq., Sept. 28, 1880. h\ Male. Presented by W. B. Tustin, Esq., Oct. 13, 1880. i^. Presented by F. W.Mauley, Esq., Oct. 24, 1880. /. Presented by M. M. 'Winchester, Esq., Nov. 6, 1880. P. Female. Presented by George. Comyns, Esq., Jan. 29, 1881. l^. Male. Presented by A. Dawling, Esq., Jan. 5, 1881. ms. Male. Deposited, March 17, 1881. n^. Male. Presented by E. J. Short, Esq., April 5, 1881. o^ Male. Presented by Mr. W. Nugent, June 2, 1881. p^. Male. Presented by Mr. H. Dummett, Aug. 1], 1881. q^. Female. Presented by Mr. E. Edge, Aug. 17, 1881. r^. Female. Presented by the Eev. George Cuffe, Aug. 22, 1881. s^. Presented by James W. Duncan, Esq., Aug. 30, 1881 t\ Male. Presented by H. Cox, Esq., Sept. 18, 1881. u"". Presented by Mr. W. Thomson, Sept. 21, 1881. v^. Female. Presented by G. E. Jarvis, Esq'., Oct." 11 1881 xu\ ijemale. Presented by G. E. J. Glennie, Esq., Oct. 18, 18 CERCOPITHECIDiE. a:\ Male .; tf. Female. Deposited, Jan. 13, 1882, z\ Male. Presented by Mrs. Eichardson, March 5, 1882. Pemale. Presented by Mrs. Hill, March 16, 1882, b^. Female, Presented by E. W. HUls, Esq., April 14, 1882. c\ Female. Presented by Mr. F. Forman, May 16, 1882. cF. Hybrid between this species and Maccicus erythrceus. Bom in the Menagerie, July 13, 1882. e\ Male. Deposited, July 14, 1882. f^. Female. Presented by Lady Parkyns, July 20, 1882. gf". Presented by F. Logie Pirie, Esq., Aug. 7, 1882. h?. Male. Presented by Mrs. Crawford, Aug. 31, 1882. i^. Male ; /. Female. Presented by F, J. Newton, Esq., Sept. 15, 1882. Jc\ Male. Presented by Mrs. Paris, Sept. 26, 1882. V. Male ; m". Female. Presented by L. Bennett, Esq., Sept. 28, 1882. 1^^ o\ Females. Presented by A. Cornet, Esq., Oct. 10, 1882. f. Presented by ]\Irs. Snell, iSTov. 6, 1882. 2^ Presented by J. Ejaight, Esq., Nov. 9, 1882. r^. Male. Presented by Lady Sibyl Toliemache, Dec. 16, 1882. 42. Macacus nemestrinus (Linn.), Pig-tailed Monkey, Hab. Java. a-z. See former editions. a}. Female. Presented by E. M. Clissold, Esq., May 2, 1879. h\ Female. Presented by Capt. A. W. Shean, May 10, 1879. c\ Presented by Mrs, Walter Crane, Oct. 2, 1879, d\ Male. Deposited, Feb. 21, 1880. e\ Male. Presented by J. M. Donovan, Esq., May 12, 1880. From Sumatra. f. Male. Presented by Mr. W. C. Lawes, May 31, 1880. g\ Male. Presented by E. M. Staveley, June 2, 1882. n\ Male. Presented by W. Mason, Esq., Sept, 9, 1882, i\ Male, Deposited, Nov. 8, 1882. 43, Macacus sancti-johannis (Swinhoe). St, John's Monkey. Hab. North Lena Island, Hong-Kong, China. a. Purchased, Jan. 14, 1867. Original specimen received from Mr. Swinhoe, and described by him in P. Z. S. 1866, p. 556. b. Presented by T. J. Fawcett, Esq., Oct. 29, 1867. 4it. Macacus leoninus {'B]yth) . Leonine Monkey. (Fig, 2,) Hab. Arracan, a. Female. Presented by Capt. R. A, Brown, E.N., July 8, CERCOPITHEClDiE. 19 Macacus leoninus. (P. Z. S. 1869, p. 467.) h. Male. Purchased, .Tune 14, 1870. Specimen figured, P. Z. S. 1870, pi. XXXV. p. 664. c. Pemale. Presented by E. Barbellion, Esq., Sept. 2, 1876. d. Male. Deposited, Sept. 28, 1877. e. Male. Deposited, Sept. 20, 1878. /. Male. Eeceived in exchange, June 14, 1880. c 2 20 cercopithectd;e. 45. Macacus rhesus (Aud.). Rhesus Monkey. Hab. Continental India. a-y^. See former editions. z^. Female. Presented by P. C. Grrosvenor, Esq., Jan. 17, 1880. a'*. Eeceived in exchange, May 5, 1880. h\ Presented by W. Connell, Esq., June 14, 1880. c*. Male. Presented by G-. L. Amlot, Esq., June 17, 1880. d\ Male. Presented by E. Eelix, Esq., June 30, 1880. e\ Eemale. Presented" by Mrs. C. Salvin, July 14, 1880. Eemale. Presented by J. E. Kincaid, Esq., Auar. 14, 1880. g*. Eemale. Presented by the Eev. J. A. Saunders, B.A., Oct. 27, 1880. 7i\ Male. Presented by Miss Tilbury, Nov. 2, 1880. i*. Born in the Gardens, June 6, 1881. f Presented by H. Kerr, Esq., June 7, 1881. k*. Born in the Menagerie, June 13, 1881. I*. Eemale. Presented by E. Smyth, Esq., Oct. 3, 1881. m*. Eemale. Deposited, Dec. 21, 1881. n\ Eemale. Presented by Mr. WiUiam Trent, Dec. 29, 1881. o\ Male. Deposited, Eeb. 20, 1882. p'^. Presented by Mrs. Lamprey, April 27, 1882. g*. Eemale. Presented by Capt. E. B. Stevens, E.M., June 1, 1882. r\ Eemale. Presented by Mrs. H. 0. Dawson, Sept. 9, 1882. s\ Male. Deposited, Oct. 24, 1882. t\ Male. Presented by G. V. Sawyer, Esq., Dec. 12, 1882. 46. Macacus lasiotus, Gray. Chinese E,hesus. Hah. Interior of China. a. Presented by Miss 0. A. "Winctworth, Jan. 15, 1868. Erom Szechuen. Specimen with tail removed, as described and figured by Dr. Gray, P.Z.S.1868, p. 60, pi. vi. See Sclater, P.Z.S. 187i, p. 221. h. Male. Presented by Messrs. B. Morris and A. H. Brown, Jan. 24, 1880. c. Male. Deposited, Oct. 21, 1881. 47. Macacus tcheliensis, A. Milne-Edwards. Tcheli Monkey. Hab. Northern China. a. Male; h. Eemale. Presented by Dr. Bushell, Aug. 17, 1880. See P. Z. S. 1880, p. 537. CERCOPITHECIDiE. 21 48. Macacus cyclopis, Swinhoe. Round-faced Monkey. Hob. Island of Formosa. a. Male; h. Female. Presented by Eobert Swinboe, Esq. F.Z.S., H.B.M.'s Vice-Consul, Formosa, Sept. 4, 1862. See Swinhoe, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 350, and 1870, p. 615 ; also Sclater, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 710. 49. Macacus pelops, Hodgs. Cashmere Monkey. Hab. Himalayas. a. Female. Presented by the Eev. T. P. Methuen, Aug, 29, 1869. Died Dec. 17, 1870. h. Male. Presented by Eear-Admiral Davies, May 16, 1873. 50. Macacus assamensis, McClelland. Assamese Monkey. Hab. Bhootan. a. Deposited, Nov. 9, 1868. From Bhootan. See P.Z.S.1868, p. 566. Died March 21, 1869. Specimen described by Dr. Gray, Cat. Monkeys, p. 128, as Macacus problematicus. See Sclater, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 222. 51. Macacus rheso-similis, Sclater. Rhesus-like Monkey. Hab. East Indies. a. Male. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 495, pi. xxT., and P.Z.S. 1875, p. 418. 52. Macacus silenus (Linn. ). "Wan deroo Monkey. Hab. Malabar coast of India. a. Presented by Capt. Pockhngton, 18th Eegt., Sept. 2, 1863. h. Presented by — Hellendaal, Esq., Dec. 23, 1865. c, cl. Presented by Col. Denisou, May 3, 1866. e. Presented by Gen. Sir Henry G. A. Taylor, F.Z.S., March 26, 1867. . J , , f. Male. Presented by Capt. A. A. Davidson, Sept. 6, 1869. r/. Presented by J. W. Busteed, Esq., Nov. 17, 1870. /t. Male ; i. Female. Purchased, Jan. 26, 1874. j. Male. Presented by Lieut. Vipan, July 21, 1874. Female. Deposited, Nov. 14, 1878. 53. Macacus melanotus (Ogilby). Black-backed Ape. Hab. Borneo. a. Purchased, June 3, 1864. See P.Z.S. 1875, p. 418, and 2Z CERCOPITIIECIDiE. 54. Macacus speciosus, F. Cuv. Japanese Ape. Hub. Japan. a. Female. PresentecIbyAbel A.J. Q-ower, Esq., April 2, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 418, pi. xltii. 55. Macacus maurus (F. Cuv.). Moor Macaque. Hab. East Indies. a. Purchased, August, 1860. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 420. b. Purchased, Feb. 21, 1866. Specimen described and figured by Dr. Gray as M. inornaius, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 292, pi. six. See Sclater, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 222. c. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 223. cl, e. Purchased, April 19, 1880. 56. Macacus arctoides, F. Cuv. et Geoffr. Brown Monkey. Hab. Burmah. a. Male. Presented by Mr. Oscar Fraser, Feb. ],4, 1872. Specimen figui-ed, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 203, pi. xri., as M. brunneus. b. Female. Presented by Lieut. Burne, Feb. 14, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 494. c. Female. Purchased, Feb. 14, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 494. and 1874, p. 652. d. Male. Presented by F. G. F. Hesketh, Esq., March 2, 1876. From Siam. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 332. e Male. Deposited, April 16, 1877. /. Male. Presented by W. H. Newman, Esq., Jan. 7, 1878. From the Forests of Laos, N. Siam. 57. Macacus rufescens, Anderson. Reddish Macaque. Hab. East Indies. a. Male. Purchased, Feb. 14, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 495, pi. XXIV. b. Female. Purchased, Jan. 20, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 194. 58. Macacus ocreatus {O^iVoy). Ashy- black Macaque. Hab. East Indies. a. Purchased, — 1858. Specimen described and figured, P. Z.S. 1860, p. 420, pi. Lxxxii. b. Purchased, May 31, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 383. c. d. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1871. CERCOPITHECIDiE. 59. Macacus imus (Linn.). Bai-bary Ape. Hab. North Africa. a, b. Deposited, Oct. 24, 1864. c. Pui-chased, March 6, 1867. d. Presented by Mrs. L. Brooke, Oct. 23, 1867. e. Male. Presented by J. G. Jalland, Esq., March 26, 1872. /. Male. Deposited, April 4, 1873. g. Pemale. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1873. h. Male. Deposited, Peb. 14, 1877. i. Deposited, July 27, 1877. j. Presented by Gr. Nurse, Esq., Aug. 31, 1877. Jc. Deposited, Aug. 31, 1877. I, m. Deposited, Aug. 13, 1878. n. Pemale. Deposited, June 26, 1880. Genus Cynopithecus. 60. Cynopithecus niger (Desm.). Black Ape. Hah. Celebes. a. Pemale. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1869. SeeP.Z.S. 1869,p. 149. h, c. Males. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1871. cl. Male. Presented by the Hon. Evelyn H. EUis, May 19, 1875. e. Deposited, May 1, 1878. Genus Theropithecus. 61. Theropithecus gelada (Riipp.). Gelada Baboon. Hah. Abyssinia. Or-c. Males; d-g. Females. Deposited, Dec. 7, 1877. See P.Z.S. 1878, p. 1. h. Purchased, Dec. 14, 1877. I I Genus Cynocephalus. I 62. Cynocephalus hamadryas (Linn.). Arabian Baboon. Hab. Arabia and Abyssinia. a. Pemale. Presented by Gordon Sandiman, Esq., June 30, 1860. ' -1' h. Purchased, Feb. 25, 1868. c. Deposited, June 2, 1868. Prom Abyssinia. d. Presented by the Hon. E. Melville, jidy 7, 1868. i 4 24 CEHCOPlTHECIDiE. e. Presented by Lieut. A. E. Puzey, Esq., Oct. 10, 1868. /. Presented by Comm. W. G-. Aldrich, E.N., Jan. 22, 1869. g. Male. Presented by H. Duncan, Esq., Eeb. 15, 1870. 7i. Presented by Ch. Booth, Esq., April 24, 1870. i. Male. Presented by the Non-commissioned Officers and Sappers of the 11th Company of Eoyal Engineers, Sept. 13, 1870. Erom Abyssinia. j. Male. Presented by Capt. T. A. Hunter, Dec. 27, 1871. k. Male. Presented by Miss Pandon, Nov. 25, 1873. I. Presented by Mrs. M. A. Moore, Nov. 15, 1875. m. Eemale. Presented by Gr. J. Atkins, Esq., April 8, 1876. ov. Eemale. Purchased, March 15, 1877. 0. Eemale. Presented by Dr. A. P. Woodforde, April 8, 1878. p. Male ; q. Eemale. Presented by C. Wood, Esq., Nov. 8, 1878. r. Male. Presented by the Messrs. James, June 14, 1882. 63. Cynocephalus porcarius (Bodd.). Chaema Baboon. Hab. South Africa. a. Male. Purchased, April 22, 1861. b. Deposited, Dec. 1, 1864. c. Presented by A. G-. Smith, Esq., May 8, 1865. d. Presented by Major Lenon, 67th Eegt., Dec. 22, 1866. e. Presented by J. &urney Hawes, Esq., Eeb. 11, 1867. /. Presented by Thomas Lancaster, Esq., May 10, 1867. g. Deposited, Mav 26, 1867. X. Deposited, July 25, 1867. 1. Presented by J. P. Spring, Esq., 5th Eusileers, Nov. 9, 1867. j. Presented by Lieut. Booth, 5th Eusileers, Nov. 9, 1867. Jc. Male. Presented by Alex. Sinclair-, Esq., Nov. 17, 1869. I Presented by W. E. Harold, Esq., Nov. 29, 1870. m. Presented by Joshua Duke, Esq., July 25, 1871. 71. Male. Presented by H. Hand, Esq., July 29, 1872. 0. Male. Presented by J. D. Lloyd, Esq., Oct. 16, 1874. 25. Presented by H. S.'Wright, Esq., Oct. 11, 1876. q, Males. Presented by Capt. W. L. Coke, April 10, 1878. s. Deposited, Aug. 18, 1879. t. Deposited, Sept. 18, 1879. ' u. Male. Deposited, Oct. 7, 1879. V. Presented by James S. Jameson, Esq., May 19, 1881. lu. Presented by Mrs. Eiudlay, May 25, 188i. X. Male. Presented by Mrs. Eobert Eoss Eobertson, June 10, 1881. ■ ■ y. Presented by Thornburgh Cropper, Esq., June 15, 1881. z. Deposited, July 1, 1881. a'. Eemaie. Presented by W. H. L. Long, Esq., Sept. 30, 1881. b\ Female. Presented by Capt. Wyld, Dec. 16, 1881. CERCOPITHECID^. c\ Male. Presented by F. Battersiey, Esq., Feb. 10. 1882 dK Female. Presented by H. Banfleld, E^l" Sept. 13, 1882. eK Male. Presented by Major Wood, R.A., Nov. ^,1882. f Female. Presented by J. W. Browne, Esq., Dec. 1 1, J 882. 64. Cynocephalus anubis, F. Cuv. Anubis Baboon. Hab. West Africa. a. Male. Purchased, Nov. 16, 1860. See P. Z. S. 1860, p. 421. h. Presented by the Crystal-Palace Co., July 6, 1865. c. Female. Presented by F. Vanzeller, Esq., May 5, 1868. d. Male. Presented by M. Olivier, Oct. 3, 1870. e. Female. Presented' by A. E. Oakes, Esq., Dec. 22, 1872. /. Male. Presented by Mr. E. N. B. Walter, March 2, 1875. (J. Male. Eeceived in exchange, July 26, 1876. h. Male. Presented by H. Ward, Esq., Nov. 1, 1877. i. Male. Deposited, Oct. 4, 1878. j. Male. Presented by Capt. Barrow, Nov. 7, 1880. 65. Cynocephalus babouin, Desm. Yellow Baboon. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, April 18, 1864. 6. Eeceived, March 8, 1865. c. Male ; d. Female. Purchased, Aug. 23, 1869. e. Deposited, Oct. 25, 1869. /. Female. Presented by J. B. Tunnard, Esq., Aug. 23, 1875. g. Male. Purchased, Dec. 22, 1875. h. Male ; i. Female. Presented by St. V. L. Cameron, April 4, 1876. j. Male. Presented by H. E. Walters, Esq., June 23, 1877. Jc. Male. Presented by Q-. A. Shaw, Esq., Dec. 13, 1878. I. Deposited, Sept. 18," 1879. m. Female. Presented by Cecil B. Hankey, Esq., Nov. 20, 1879. n. Female. Purchased, June 22, 1882. 0. Female. Presented by A. Colhson, Esq., June 22, 1882. p. Female. Purchased, Sept. 2, 1882. 66. Cynocephalus sphinx {Linn.) . Guinea Baboon. Hab. West Africa. a. Deposited, Sept. 30, 1862. h Purchased, Jan. 17, 1865. c. Deposited, Oct. 31, 1865. d. Presented by Mrs. Wilson, Nov. 25, 1867. e. Presented by Dr. Hessel, July 30, 1868. 36 CERCOPITHECIDyE. CEBID^E. /. Presented by W. H. Roberts, Esq., Oct, 19, 1868. g. Male. Presented by Mr. Hart, Jan. 4, 1870. h. Female. Presented by P. D. liadow, Esq., June 29, 1870. i. Presented by Mrs. Smethurst, Aug. 3, 1870. j, Ic. Males. Presented by W. Burrows, Esq., May 13, 1871. I. Male ; m. Female. Purchased, Jan. 12, 1872. n. Male. Presented by T. Pauwitz, Esq., April 27, 1872. 0. Presented by P. Lambery, Esq., Aug. 19, 1879. p. Presented by F. Naylor, Esq., Sept. 12, 1879. q. Female. Eeceived in exchange, July 26, 1881. r, s. Females. Presented by Lionell-Iart, Esq., Aug. 23, 1881 . 67. Cynocephalus mormon (Linu.) . Mandrill. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Feb. 25, 1868. b. Male. Presented by St. V. L. Cameron, April 4, 1876. c. Female. Presented by F. Lovell, Esq., Sept. 5, 1877. d. e. Presented by H. Grarrett, Esq., June 8, 1878. /. Female, hybrid between this species $ and Macacus cyno- molgus 6 . Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 13, 1878. 68. Cynocephalus leucophceus, F. Cuv. Drill. Hab. West Africa. (t, h. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1865. c. Purchased, Feb. 25, 1868. d. Male. Purchased, Jan. 6, 1874. e. Female. Purchased, April 21, 1880. Family CEBIDiE. | Genus Chrysothrix. 69. Chrysothrix sciurea (Lmn.) . Squirrel Monkey. Hab. Guiana. j a. Purchased, March 15, 1864. ] b. Presented by Lieut. C. Candall, E.N., Nov. 30, 1864. ^ c. Purchased, Aug. 27, 1864. d. Purchased, June 3, 1865. ' e. f. Presented by the Prince de Joinville, June 5, 1865. g, h. Purchased, July 15, 1865. i. Purchased, Sept. 1, 1866. j. Deposited, Nov. 7, 1866. ^ 1 Tc. Presented by F. Foorome, Esq., Nov. 26, 1867. | I i CEBIDiE. 37 I. Purchased, AprU 27, 1868. m. Male. Purchased, April 16, 1869. n. Female. Presented by F. G. H. Price, Esq., Oct. 13, 1869. 0. Presented by C. W. Newall, Esq., June 16, 1870. p. Female. Purchased, April 4, 1871. q. Male. Deposited, Aug. 25, 1871. r. Male. Deposited, Aug. 19, 1872. s. Female. Presented by Catterson Smith, Esq., Dec. 15, 1872. t. Presented by ]\Irs. Paget, Dec. 10, 1873. u. Male ; v. Female. Purchased, May 19, 1874. w. Male ; x. Female. Purchased, Feb. 18, 1875. y. Male. Purchased, Aug. 3, 1875. z. Female. Deposited, July 23, 1877. a'. Purchased, Nov. 26, 1877. h\ Presented by E. Calthrop, Esq., Oct. 15, 1878. c\ d\ Males. Purchased, May 17, 1879. e\f \ Purchased, May 3, 1881. (f. Male. Purchased, July 2, 1881. Ti\ i\ Presented by F. N. Apthorp, Esq., Dec. 12, 1881. j\ k\ Males. Piu-chased, April 18, 1882. IK Male. Deposited, Sept. 14, 1882. m\ Presented by Mr. M. Bscare, Dec. 16, 1882. Fig. 3. Head of Chrrjsothrlv usta. (P. Z. S. 1872, p. 689.) Chnjsothrix mrstedi, Reinh. Red-backed Squirrel Monkey. Hub. Central America. a. Purchased, Apiil 29, 1873. From Veragua. See P. Z. S 1873, p. 434. 28 CEBIDjE, b. Eemale. Presented by W. P. Kelly, Esq., Sept. 5, 1874, From Guatemala. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 495, c, d. Eemales. Purchased, Nov, 13, 1877. Chiriqui. 71. Chrysothrix usta (Is. Geoffr.). Naked-eared Squirrel Monkey. (Fig. 3, p. 27.) Hab. Brazil. a. Male. Deposited, July 4, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 688. Genus Cebus. 72. Cebus fatuellus (Linn.). Brown Capuchin. Hab. Guiana. a-z. See former editions. c(}. Female. Purchased, Feb. 27, 1872. h\ Male. Purchased, May 25, 1873. c\ Female. Presented by Lord Louth, F.Z.S,, Sept. 22, 1873. d\ Deposited, May 22, 1874. e^. Presented by Chas. Wilson, Jun., Esq., June 1, 1875. f. Male. Deposited, Dec. 5, 1876. g\ Deposited, April 16, 1877. Presented by Mrs. Cameron, July 30, 1877. i'. Presented by A. "Warmington, Esq., June 25, 1878. j\ Male. Presented by C. A. Craven, Esq., May 22, 1880. \\ Purchased, June 19, 1880. Z', imS. Males ; n\ o\ Eemales. Purchased, Aug. 4, 1880. p\ Male. Presented by S. E. Scrutton, Esq., Aug. 17, 1880. 73. Cebus lunatus (F. Cuv.). "White-cheeked Capuchin. Hab. Brazil. a. Pui'chased, 1861. Specimen described and figured by Dr. Gray as Cebus leucogenys, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 824, pi. xlv. SeeSclater, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 227. b. Female. Purchased, Aug. 13, 1872. c. Male. Purchased, March 5, 1873. d. Male. Deposited, Sept. 17, 1873. e. Male. Deposited, June 22, 1874. /. Female. Presented by P. W. Bennett, Esq., F.Z.S., April 30, 1875. r/. Male. Presented by Dr. Lynn, March 16, 1876. A. Presented by the Hon. E. ElUs, July 20, 1877. i. Presented by J. Ikin, Esq., Jan. 29, 1878. j. Male. Presented by Adrian Hope, Esq., Oct. 4, 1879. Jc. Male. Presented by H. C. Marckmann de Lichtabbel, Esq., Oct. 3, 1880. CEBIDjE. 29 74. Cehus asam, Rengg. Azara's Capuchin. Hab. Brazil. a. Male. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1880. 75. Cebus capucinus, Geoflfr. Weeper Capuchin. Hab. Brazil. rt-z. See former editions. a}. Female. Presented hy Miss L. E. Beard, May 31, 1872. 6'. Male. Presented by S. Sulyarri, June 2fi, 1872. c'. Female. Presented by the Lady Kingston, Aug. 27, 1872. cl\ Male. Deposited, Jan. 15, 1873. eK Female. Purchased, May 6, 1873. f . Female. Pm-chased, Aug. 29, 1873. 'g\ Male. Deposited, Sept. 12, 1874. h^. Male ; f . Female. Deposited, Nov. 3, 1874. j\ Deposited, Sept. 10, 1875. F-. Presented by A. Hettner, Esq., Jan. 5, 1876. l\ Male. Presented by Major F. E. Peaver, April 22, 1876. m\ Female. Deposited, May 18, 1876. n'. Presented by Mrs. Standish, May 17, 1877. o\ p\ Purchased, Nov; 26, 1877. q^. Deposited, Aug. 7, 1878. r\ Presented by W. Fridrick, Esq., Jan. 29, 1879. s\ Male. Presented by Capt. E. Bond, July 28, 1879. t\ Female. Presented by A. Sargent, Esq., Oct. 28, 1879.' u\ Male. Deposited, March 30, 1880. v\ Purchased, June 19, 1880. w\ Male. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1880. x'-c". Purchased, April 9, 1881. cP. Presented by J. S. Chappelow, Esq., Julv 7, 1881. e". Purchased, Aug. 22, 1882. f. Purchased, Sept. 5, 1882. g\ Presented by A. J. M'Ewan, Esq., Dec. 15, 1882. 76. Cebus albifrons, Geoflfr. "White-fronted Capuchin Monkey. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1865. b. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1865. c. Deposited, Feb. 26, 1866. d. Pmchased, July 20, 1867. e. Deposited, July 25, 1867. /, g. Purchased, Jan. 30, 1868. h. Female. Deposited, Dec. 4, 1869. i. Male. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1869. j. Male. Purchased, Aug. 20, 1872. 30 CEBIDiE. 1c. Male. Purchased, July 30, 1873. I. Male. Presented by T. E. Pickthom, Esq., June 20, 1874. m. Pemale. Presented by Mrs. Carpenter, Dec. 12, 1874. n. Female. Deposited, Peb. 2, 1875. 0, Female. Purchased, July 26, 1875. p. Male. Purchased, April 29, 1876. €[. Male. Presented by H. "Warren, Esq., Aug. 4, 1876. r. Male. Presented by the Eev. A. Eoe, Sept. 2, 1876. s. Presented by Mr. Shipman, Aug. 27, 1877. t. Purchased, Sept. 29, 1877. u. Female. Presented by Dayrell Davies, Esq., May 25, 1878. V. Presented by Major H. L. G-leig, Sept. 14, 1879. w. Presented by C. Drake Sewell, Esq., March 18, 1881. X. Eeceived in exchange, July 27, 1882. 77. Cehus hypoleucus (Humb.). White-throated Capuchin. Hab. Central America. a-z. See former editions. «\ Male ; 6\ Female. Purchased, March 2, 1875. c\ Piu'chased, Oct. 30, 1875. d\ Purchased, April 29, 1876. e\ Purchased, May 31, 1876. f. Presented by L. E. Jonas, Esq., June 10, 1876. Male ; liK Female. Purchased, July 20, 1876. i^. Female. Presented by the Eev. J. Eoe, Sept. 2, 1876. Female. Deposited, Nov. 30, 1876. Tc^ Presented by G-. Nurse, Esq., March 22, 1877. ^1. Purchased, May 16, 1877. -,o-n m\ n\ Presented by James Backhouse, Esq., Jan. 21, 18/9. o'.'Male. Presented by Miss Baker, June 3, 1880. 78. Cebus monachus, F. Cuv. Smootli-lieaded Capuchin. Hab. South-east Brazil. a. Deposited, Feb. 26, 1868. See notice, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 261. I, c. Females. Purchased, Aug. 20, 18/2. d. Male. Purchased, June 12, 1873. Purchased, Jan. 18, 1875 91107^ f Male; g. Female. Purchased, May 21, i»/i>. h. Deposited, Oct. 26, 1875. i. Female. Deposited, Oct. 17, 187/. j. Male. Deposited, Oct. 24, 18S1. CEBIDiE. 31 Genus Ateles. 79. Ateles paniscus (Linn.). Red-faced Spider Monkey. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, May 20, 1865. b. Eeceived, July 13, 1866. c. Male. Presented by D. M-^Gibbou, Esq., Sept. 20, 1871 . Prom Demerara. d. Purchased, Nov. 30, 1881. 80. Ateles ater, F. Cuv. Black-faced Spider Monkey. Hab. Eastern Peru. a-z. See former editions. a\ Presented by Capt. King, S.S. ' Dee,' Jan. 24, 1876. h\ Pemale. Purchased, May 1, 1876. c\ Female. Purchased, May 31, 1876. d^. Female. Purchased, June 8, 1876. e'. Female. Purchased, June 14, 1876. g\ Females. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1876. h\ i\ j\ Pui-chased, Aug. 30, 1877. U.S. Columbia. h\ Purchased, Feb. 15, 1878. l\ Deposited, March 25, 1878. m», Purchased, May 2, 1878. o\ Presented by Capt. J. Moir, June 10, 1878. p\ Male ; q^. Female. Purchased, July 3, 1878. r\ Presented by W. C. Henny, Esq., Sept. 29, 1878. s\ Male ; t^. Female. Presented by Mr. A. Gonzalez Carago, Dec. 3, 1878. u\ Presented by the Earl Brownlow, F.Z.S., Jan. 15, 1879. v^. Eeceived in exchange, March 12, 1879. w\ Male. Presented by Capt. H. King, May 2, 1879. ai^. Deposited, June 30," 1879. y\ Presented by Capt. H. King, Sept. 8, 1879. z\ Male ; o^. Female. Purchased, Sept. 24, 1880. 61 Presented by Mr. E. H. Dance, May 2, 1881. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1881. d?. Presented by Capt. T. W. Graves, Sept. 29, 1882. 81. Ateles rufiventris, Sclater. Red-bellied Spider Monkey. Hab. Atrato river. a. Female Purchased, April 11, 1871. Specimen described and figured, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 688, pi. lvii. 32 CEBIDjE, 82. Ateles grisescens, Gray. Grizzled Spider Monkey. Hab. South America. «. Purchased, Oct. 29, 1864. Specimen described by Dr. Gray, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 732. Mus. Brit. 6. Male. Purchased, Oct. 12, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1871, c. Purchased, June 26, 1871. Prom Cartagena. 83. Ateles cucullatus, Gray. Hooded Spider Monkey. Hob. South America. a. Purchased, Jime 30, 1865. Specunen described by Dr . Gray, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 733, and figured by Sclater,' • P.Z.S.1871,p.223,pl.xiT. Mus. Brit. See also notes by Dr. Mmie, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 739. 84. Ateles marginatus, Geoffr. Chuva Spider Monkey. Hab. Lower Amazon. a. Purchased, Oct. 24, 1864. h. Purchased, May 20, 1865. c. Purchased, May 5, 1868. d. Purchased, April 6, 1871. 85. Ateles hybridus, GeoflPr. Brown Spider Monkey. Hab. U. S. of Columbia. a. Purchased, Feb. 25, 1868. h. Purchased, May 21, 1869. 86. Ateles geoffroiji"^ (Kuhl) . Black-handed Spider Monkey. Hab. Central America. a-z. See former editions. ct}. Deposited, Nov. 29, 1874. fti. Presented by H.Campbell, Esq., Jan. 4,1875. SeeP. Z.S. 1875, p. 419, pi. XLix. fig. 1. c'. Female. Presented by Capt. A. M. Drummoud, F.Z.S., April 22, 1875. cl\ Presented by H. W. Oakes, Esq., Nov. 17, 1875. e\ Male. Deposited, July 20, 1876. g^. Females. Purchased, Nov. 13, 1877. Chiriqui. \ * The specimens referred to A. helzehuth, GeofEr., in former ' editions were probably forms of this variable species. ■ CEBIDiE. 33 7t'. Eeceived in exchange, March 12, 1879. iK Presented by D. E. Comyn, Esq., April 24, 1879. f. Female. Presented by Capt. Woolvvard, Aug. 13, 1880. 87. Ateles variegatus, Wagner. Variegated Spider Monkey. Hab. Upper Amazons and Rio Negro. a. Female. Presented by the Hon. A. H. Gordon, C.M.Z.S., July 14, 1870. From the Ui5per Caura river, Venezuela. Died Aug. 18, 1870. Specimen described as A. hart- letti 5 , by Dr. Gray, Ann. N. H. ser. 4. vol. vi. p. 428. See also P. Z. S. 1870, p. 668, and 1871, p. 225. h. Pemale. Purchased, May 3, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 728. c. Female. Deposited, July 7, 1874. Genus Lagothrix. 88. Lagothrix humholdti, GeoflFr. Humboldt's Lagothrix. Hab. Upper Amazon. a, h. Purchased, Oct. 2, 1863. Specimen figured, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 374, pi. XXXI. c. Purchased, Sept. 19, 1867. d. Pm-chased, Jime 8, 1876. e. Eeceived in exchange. May 28, 1877. /, g. Purchased, April 26, 1881. 7t. Purchased, July 26, 1882. Genus Nyctipithecus. 89. Nyctipithecus trivirgatus (Humb.). Three-banded Dourou- couli. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, Nov. 30, 1867. h. Deposited, Dec. 21, 1867. c. Purchased, July 28, 1870. From Cartao-ena d. Purchased, Jan. 11, 1881, 90. Nyctipithecus vociferans, Spix. Feline Douroucouli. Hab. Southern Brazil. a. Purchased, May 29, 1857. I. Presented by F. Le Breton, Esq., May 12, 1864. D 34 CEBIDiE. c. Purchased, June 19, 1865. d. Purchased, Peb. 22, 1868. e. Purchased, Aug. 4, 1869. /. Female. Purchased, March 1, 1870. g. Pemale. Purchased, June 12, 1871. A. Male. Piu-chased, Jan. 2, 1872. i. Pemale. Purchased, May 7, 1872. j. Male ; Tc. Pemale. Eeceived in exchange, July 29, 1872. I. Male. Purchased, Dec. 1, 1872. Prom U. S. Columbia, m. Pemale. Purchased, Dec. 28, 1872. n. Female. Presented by Q-. Hollis, Esq., Feb. 5, 1874. o,p. Females. Deposited, Feb. 15, 1875. q. Male. Deposited, June 28, 1875. r. Male ; s. Female. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1877. t. Purchased, March 31, 1877. u. Male. Purchased, Dec. 31, 1878. V. Presented by the Et. Hon. Hugh Childers, M.P., Jan. 31, 1880. %u. Purchased, March 31, 1880. 91. Nyctipithecus rufipes, Sdaier. Red- footed Douroucouli. Hab. Nicaragua. a. Female. Purchased, June 12, 1871. Specimen described and figured, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 3, pi. i. Genus Callithrix. 92. Callithrix moloch, Spix. Molocli Teetee. Hab. Brazil. a. Female. Purchased, Nov. 24, 1882. 98. Callithrix nigrifrons, Spix. Black-fronted Teetee. | Hab. Brazil. j a. Purchased, July 14, 1882. j 94. Callithrix brunnea, Wagner. Brown Teetee. Hab. Amazons. a. Purchased, Jan. 11, 1881. See P. Z. S. 1881, p. 258. I f CEBIDjE. 35 Genus PlTHECIA. 95. Pithecia leucocephala (Audeb.). White-headed Saki. Hab. Guiana. j a. Male. Presented by "W. H. Barton, Esq., E.M.S. ' Wye,' ■ May 15, 1866. Prom the interior of Demerara. See I P. Z. S. 1866, p. 305, and Sclater, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 227. Died June 26, 1866. Mus. Brit. 5. Male. Purchased, Aug. 13, 1873. From Demerara Palls. SeeP.Z.S. 1873, p. 683. 96. Pithecia monachus (Geoffr.). Humboldt's Saki. | Hab. Amazons. a. Female. Purchased, Oct. 14, 1862. Died Oct. 24, 1862. Specimen figured and described by Prof. Flower, P. Z. S. ' 1862, pi. xxxTii. p. 326. h. Pm-chased, Nov. 2, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 664. c, Male. Purchased, May 20, 1877. 97. Pithecia chh-opotes (Humb.). Red-backed Saki. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, Nov. 18, 1865. ' h. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1866. See P. Z. S. 1866, p. 418, and Sclater, P. Z. 8. 1871, p. 228. c. Male. Purchased, Dec. 14, 1877. From Trinidad. 98. Pithecia satanas (Hoffm.). Black Saki. Hab. Lower Amazons. I a. Purchased, March 8, 1864. Specimen figured, P. Z. S. 1864, pi. xLi., as P. satanas (?). Mus. Brit. h. Purchased, April 30, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 228. Mus. Brit. Upon these specimens Ohiropotes ater. Gray (Cat. Monkeys, p. 61), was founded. c. Female. Purchased, Feb. 3, 1871. i d, e. Males. Purchased, May 9, 1874. j /. Purchased, June 11, 1878. i g. On approval, Aug. 22, 1878. h. Purchased, April 7, 1880. i. Purchased, Oct. 21, 1880. I 99. Pithecia albinasa, GeoflFr. et Dev. White-nosed Saki. ' Hab. Amazons. i a. Female. Purchased, Jan. 11, 1881. See P. Z S 1881 i p. 258, pi. xzix. ■ ' . D 2 1 36 CEBIDiE. Genus Brachyurus. 100. Brachyurus ouakari (Spix). Spix's Ouakari. (Fig. 4.) Hab. Rio Negro. «. Female. Deposited by Lewis J03I, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Dec. 16 1869. See notes, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 1. Kg. 4. Brachyurus ouakari. (P. Z. S. 1849, p. 9.) 101. Brachyurus rubicundus (GeofFr. et Dev.). Ouakari. Red-faced Hab. Upper Amazons. a. Purchased, May 24, 1879. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 551, and 1880, p. 627, pi. Lxi. h. Deposited, April II, 1881. c. Female. Purchased, Sept. 5, 1882. Genus Mycetes. 102. Mycetes seniculus (Linn.). Red Howler. Hab. New Granada. a, h. Purchased, Aug. 28, 1863. Prom the Dekke river, near Cartagena. See P. Z. S. 1863, p. 374 ; and description of the brain by Prof. Flower, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 335. c, d. Purchased, June 12, 1864. From the Dekke river, near Cartagena, Columbia. See notice in 'Illustr. Loudon News,' Sept. 19, 1863. HAPALIDiE. 37 e. Purchased, June 27, 1866. /. Purchased, May 27, 1867. g. Piu-chased, Aug. 7, 1872. Ji. Piu-chased, June 17, 1875. i. Deposited, July 14, 1877. 103. Mycetes fusms, Kuhl. Brown Howler. Hab. Brazil. a. Male. Purchased, Nov. 8, 1872. h, c. Deposited, May 1, 1876. cl. Purchased, July 20, 1876, Family HAPALID^. Genus Hapale. 104 Hapale jacchus (Linn.l. Common Marmoset. Hab. South-east Brazil. rt-z'. See former editions. a2. Males; 6^r. Eemales. Purchased, May 21, 1875. d?. Presented by Mrs. Puente, Aug. 26, 1875. e'. Presented by Master GoodHffe, Jan. 17, 1876. f. Presented by Mrs. Cleaver, April 1, 1876. g\ Deposited, Peb. 10, 1877. 'h\ Pm-chased, June 26, 1876. Presented by Mrs. Clayton, Oct. 27, 1877. Deposited, Jan. 10, 1878. o^pl Presented by E. Donaldson, Esq., March 14, 1878. q^. Female. Presented by E. Clayton, Esq., June 29, 1878. r". Deposited, Aug. 27, 1878. si Purchased, Oct. 24, 1878. t-. Presented by Mrs. Currey, Jan. 10, 1879. ti^. Presented by Madame Sparagnapane, March 8, 1880. v". Male. Presented by T. Douglas Miu-ray, Esq., P.Z.S., July 1, 1880. w". Deposited, April 6, 1881. x". Presented by C. Stewart, Esq., May 24, 1881. ?/', z'. Presented by the Lord W. Gascoyne Cecil, July 31, 1881. ^ rt'. Males ; 61 Females. Deposited, Aug. 11, 1881 c-\ Deposited, Aug. 27, 1881. d?. Presented by J. N. Palmer, Esq., Sept. 28, 1881. e^/=*. Presented by G. Jacobs, Esq., March 28, 1882. f/''. Presented by Mrs. Wingfield, Jime 10, 1882. v. Presented by G. W. Drabble, Esq., July 10, 1882. t'. Presented by Miss Katie Thomason, Oct. 16, 1882. 38 HAPALIUi*;. 105. Hapale jjenicillata {GeoSr.). Black-eared Marmoset. Hab. South-east Brazil. a-z. See former editions. rt'. Presented by Gr. Newton, Esq., June 13, 1876. hK Presented by Miss Woelwarth, Sept. 15, 1876. c\ Presented by the Eev. S. E. Wilkinson, Sept. 27, 1876. d\ Deposited, Jan. 18, 1877. e\ Deposited, March 19, 1877. f\ Purchased, June 26, 1877. g\ h\ Presented by Miss Quain, Nov. 24, 1877. iK Presented by "W. M. St. Aubyn, Esq., May 6, 1878. j\ Jc\ Presented by the Countess of Cottenham, Dec. 4, 1878. l\ Purchased, June 14, 1879. m\ Presented by Gr. Mantell, Esq., June 7, 1880. Deposited, July 5, 1881. o\ Presented by J. Morison, Esq., F.Z.S., Dec. 30, 1880. p\ Presented by C. Stewart, Esq., May 24, 1881. q\ Presented by Mrs. Alsop, Aug. 11, 1881. r\ Presented by Mrs. George WUhns, Dec. 1, 1881. s\ Presented by Mrs. Davidson, April 4, 1882. t\ Presented by Miss TUleard, Dec. 26, 1882. 106. Hapale chrysoleucos, Wagner. Silky Marmoset. Hab. Rio Madeira, Brazil. ft Purchased, March 21, 1868. Specimen described and figured by Dr. Gray, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 256, pi. xxiv., as Mico sericeus. Noticed by Sclater, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 262, as Hapale argentata, and subsequently, P. Z. S. 1869, p. 594, as H. cJirysoleucos. See also P. Z. S. 1871, p. 229. 107. Hapale melanura (Geoffr.). Black-tailed Marmoset, Hab. South America. a. Male. Purchased, Nov. 9,1874. SeeP.Z.S.1875,p.419,pl.L'. 108. Hapale pyymcca (Spix). Pygmy Marmoset. Hab. Upper Amazons. a. Male. Piu-chased, April 27, 1877. Erom Pebas. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 418. Genus Midas. 109. Midas mfimanus, GeofFr. Red-handed Tamarin. Hab. Surinam. a. Received, Julv 13, 1866. h. Purchased, Aiig. 4, 1880. HAPALID^. 39 c, d. Presented by John Pesque, Esq., June 22, 1881. e. Presented by Mr. Keiser, July 13, 1881. /. Purchased, May 2, 1882. 110. Midas ursulus (RoSm.). Negro Tarn arin. Hab. Guiana. CL Presented by Comm. C. A. J. Aysham, E.N., Aug. 4, 1864. b. Purchased, Sept. 1, 1866. c. Purchased, July 8, 1868. d. Presented by W. Thomson, Esq., March 7, 1874. e. f. Purchased, April 6, 1874. Prom Rio de Janeiro. g. Male. Purchased, May 9, 1874. h. Purchased, June 14, 1879. ir-l Purchased, May 3, 1881. m. Purchased, May 30, 1882. 111. Midas cedipus (Linn.). Pinche Monkey. Hab. New Granada. a. Purchased, June 15, 1864. 6. Presented by T. A. de Mosquese, Esq., Aug. 2, 1864. c, d. Purchased, June 11, 1866. e. Deposited, Aug. 14, 1867. /, g. Presented by W. Levi, Esq., Aug. 29, 1867 h, i. Purchased, July 22, 1868. y, Jc. Deposited, Aug. 1, 1870. I. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 1, 1870. m. Male. Purchased, AprU 29, 1872. Erom Cartagena. w, 0. Eemales. Purchased, Aug. 10, 1872. p. Presented by W. Stride, Esq., Oct. 23, 1874. q. Eemale. Purchased, April 26, 1876. r. Eeceived in exchange, May 18, 1877. s. Presented by E. Clayton, Esq., June 29, 1878 M 90 ^^''''^ ^^^^^n Macaulay, 112. Midas geoffroii, Puch. Geoffrey's Marmoset. Hab. Panama. a. Female Purchased A^^^^^^ Erom Panama. See r. L. h. 1871, p. 478, pi. sxxvxn. 6, c. Presented by Miss Miller, Sept 2 1871 cZ. M^e Purchased, Sept. 12, 1871. 'Prom Darien. e,/. Males. Purchased, Aug. 10 1872 g. Deposited, Oct. 9, 1874. ' h. Purchased, July 22, 1879. 40 HAPALlDiE. LUMURIDyE. 113. Midas rosalia (Linn.). Silky Marmoset. Hab. South-east Brazil. a. Deposited, Aug. 15, 1866. 6. Presented by Colin A. Campbell, Esq., May 25 1867 c. Purchased, June 29, 1868. d. Pemale. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1871. e. Male ; /. Pemale. Pui-chased, July 18, 1872. Prom Cabo Trio, Mexico. g. Male ; h. Female. Purchased, Sept. 8, 1872. i. Purchased, Oct. 3, 1873. j. Male ; Jc. Pemale. Purchased, April 19, 1875. I, in. Purchased, April 17, 1876. n. Male. Purchased, May 26, 1876. o-r. Purchased, July 20, 1876. s. Male; t. Pemale. Presented by Master P. A. Brassey, Oct. 2, 1876. ^l. Male ; v, w. Pemales. Purchased, Jan. 23, 1877. X. Male ; y, z, a^. Females. Presented by the Hon. E. H. Ellis, F.Z.S., July 20, 1877. h\ cK Presented by Mrs. Hector, May 26, 1879. d\ Male. Deposited, Sept. 22, 1879. e^, f^. Purchased, June 5, 1880. 114. Midas chrysomelas (Kuhl). Golden-headed Marmoset. Hab. South-east Brazil. a. Purchased, May 14, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 407. h Male. Purchased, July 15, 1878. Order 11. LEMURES. Family LEMURIDiE. Subfamily LemtjriNjE. Genus Lemur. 115. Lemur varius, GeoflFr. Ruffed Lemur. Hab. Madagascar. a. Presented by John Fleming, Esq., Jan. 19, 1864. b. Female. Purchased, July 18, 1865. Died Jidv 17, 1869. liEMURIDiE. 41 116. Lemur macaco (Linn.). Black Lemur. (Pig. 5.) Hab. Madagascar. rt. Female. Purchased, May 3, 1861. The original of Lemur leucomystax, Bartl., described and figured, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 347, pi. xLi. See Sclater, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 1, and 1871, p. 229. b. Male. Purchased, Nov. 10, 1864. c. Female. Purchased, Jan. 7, 1865. Mus. Brit. d. Male. Purchased, Mar. 6, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 230. e. Female. PresentedbyLieut.F.BabingtonPeile,Oct. 1,1875. /. Female. Presented by Oapt. Burke, S.S. ' Arcot,' Dec. 22, 1875. c/. Male. Presented by Dugald Grilchrist, Esq., Jan. 21, 1876. 7i. Male. Purchased, Nov. 25, 1878. i. Male. Purchased, Jan. 26, 1880. j. Male; Jc. Female. Presented by the Eev. Gr. S. Badger, D.O.L., F.Z.S., Feb. 6, 1880. I. Male; m. Female. Purchased, Feb. 2, 1881. n, 0. Males ; i?. Female. Purchased, Aug. 1, 1882. 5-. Females. Presented by the I Company, 3rd Battalion, King's Eoyal Eifles, Dec. 8, 1882. 117. Lemur nigerrimus, ScL Very Black Lemur. (Fig. 6.) Hab. Madagascar. ff. Male. Purchased, Nov. 25, 1878, as Lemur macaco. See P. Z.S. 1880, p. 451. Kg. 5. Kg. 6. Heads of Lemur macaco and Lemur nigerrimus. 118. Lemur mongoz (Linn.). Mongoose Lemur. Hab. Madagascar. a. Female. Purchased, May 29, 1857. Died June 25, 1867. Mus. Brit. h. Male. Purchased, April 24, 1863. 42 LEMURID^. c. Presented by F. Le Breton, Esq., F.Z.S., May 12, 1864. cl. Male. Born in the Menagerie, April 28, ISGo. Died Aug. 26, 1868. e. Male. Purchased, March 6, 1867. Died Sept. 15, 1867. Mus. Brit. /.Female. Purchased, March 6, 1867. Died Jan. 16, 1868. Mus. Brit. g, Ti. Males ; i, j. Females. Purchased, July 17, 1867. See Sclater, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 230, pi. ivi. Tc. Female. Deposited, April 6, 1870, I. Born in the Menagerie, May 7, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 545. m. Born in the Menagerie, June 11, 1872. n. Male ; o. Female. Purchased, Jan. 12, 1874. p. Purchased, July 21, 1876. q. Male. Purchased, April 18, 1882. 119. Lemur brunneus, v. d. Heaven. Black-headed Lemur. Hab. Madagascar. a. Female. Purchased, July 23, 1870. See Sclater, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 231. h. Purchased, Feb. 2, 1881. c. Male. Presented by the I Company, 3rd Battalion, Bang's Eoyal Eifles, Dec. 8, 1882. 120. Lemur albifrons, Geoffr. White-fronted Lemur. Hab. Madagascar. a. Male. Purchased, March 12, 1863. Died April 30, 1867. Mus. Brit. h. Male. Purchased, July 29, 1870. c. Female. Purchased, July 29, 1870. d. Female. Purchased, Feb. 14, 1872. e. Female. Purchased, Sept. 26, 1872. /, g. Born in the Gardens, May 2, 1875. h. Female. Deposited, Dec. 21, 1875. i. Male. Purchased, Aug. 1, 1882. 121. Lemur flavifrons, Gray. Yellow-fronted Lemur. Hab. Madagascar. a. Female. Purchased, May 11, 1867. Type described and figured as Prosimia flavifrons by Dr. Gray, P.Z. S. 1867, p. 596, pi. XXXI. Died Sept. 30, 1867." Mus. Brit. h. Female. Presented by Major E. Lloyd, June 12, 1868. See Sclater, P. Z. S.' 1871, p. 232. LEMURIDvE. 43 122. Lemur rufifrom. Red-fronted Lemur. Hab. Madagascar. a. Male. Purchased, Feb. 21, 1871. 6, c. Males. Purchased, Aug. 26, 1873. d. Purchased, Nov. 9, 1878. e. Male. Received in exchange, Aug. 4, 1879. /. Male. Presented by W. C. Gordon, Esq., Feb. 11, 1880. g. Male. Purchased, March 14, 1880. h. Presented by Capt. Eomer, Feb. 1, 1881. i. Purchased, Nov. 11, 1881. j. Male. Purchased, Feb. 9, 1882. h. Male. Purchased, April 18, 1882. I. Male. Purchased, Aug. 1, 1882. 123. Lemur mayottensis, Schlegel. Mayotte Lemur. Hab. Mayotte Island. a. Male. Purchased, Dec. 9, 1878. See P. Z. S. 1879 p. 2. 124. Lemur catta, Linn. Ring-tailed Lemur. Hab. Madagascar. a. Presented by Lieut. E. R. Cock, Oct. 13, 1862. h, c. Males. Purchased, Aug. 26, 1873. d. Male; e. Female. Purchased, Jan. 18, 1877. /. Male; g. Female. Presented by G. A. Shaw, Esq., Dec. 13, 1878. li. Male. Deposited, Dec. 13, 1878. i. Male Presented by Thomas G. Mann, Esq., Feb. 11 J 879. ' ^' ^July 15^W9^" McCubbin, Esq., I. Female. 'Presented by F. E. Colenso, Esq., Dec. 12, m. Male. Pm-chased, April 18, 1880 n. Female. Presented by C. A. Craven, Esq., May 22, 0. Male. Purchased, June 1, 1880. p. Purchased, Feb. 14, 1881. q. Presented by E. O. Brookfield, Esq Aup T5 18«1 r. Presented by Capt. M. P. Webster! Ftb.^i'fesf s. Mab.^^ Presented by Dr. J. Lea, M.RX.S., April 6, 44 LEMURIDiE. Genus Hapalemur. 125. Hapalemur simus, Gray. Broad-nosed Lemur. Hab, Madagascar. a. Purchased, July 29, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 669. Specimen described and figured by Dr. Gray, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 828, pi. Lxx., as Hapalemur (Prolemur) simus. Mus. Brit. b. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1878. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 2. Genus Chirogaleus. 126. Chirogaleus milii. Brown Mouse-Lemur. Hab. Madagascar. a. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1878. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 2. 127. Chirogaleus coquereli (Polhn). CoquereFs Mouse-Lemur. Hab. Madagascar. a-h. Deposited, Nov. 13, 1882. Genus Microcebus. 128. Microcebus smithi, Gray. Smith's Dwarf Lemur. Hab. Madagascar. a-i. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1878. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 2. Genus Galago. 129. Galago crassicaudata {GeoSv.) . Grand Galago. Hab. East Africa. a. Presented by Dr. Waghorn, July 26, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 711. From the Zambesi. b. Purchased, June 22, 1865. c. Purchased, Feb. 12, 1866. cl. Purchased, Nov. 27, 1868. e. Purchased, Jan. 26, 1871. f, q. Purchased, Feb. 22, 1879. .A. 'Presented by Mr. \V. Jcnldiis, June 30, 18/9. LEMUKIDiE. 45 130. Galago monteiri, Bartlett. Monteiro's Galago. Hab. Angola. a. Male. Purchased, May 5, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 544. b. Deposited, Oct. 20, 1874. c. Presented by Lieut. V. L. Cameron, April 4, 1875. 131. Galago gametti (Ogilby). Garnett's Galago. Hah. Eastern Africa. a. Purchased, Nov. 20, 1863. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 711. h. Presented by Francis Chalmers, Esq., Sept. 23, 1865. c. Purchased, June 17, 1868. d. Male. Pui-chased, Aug. 23, 1869. e. Male. Purchased, April 15, 1871. /. Male. Purchased, May 5, 1871. g. Female. Purchased, Sept. 26, 1872. h. Male. Presented by Sir Bartle Frere, June 21, 1873. i. Male. Presented by Capt. G. Butehart, Sept. 10, 1873. j. Male. Pi-esented by E. H. Cusack, Esq., May 6, 1874. k. Purchased, Feb. 12, 1879. I. Presented by F. W. Barff, Esq., June 21, 1879. m. Purchased, Oct. 24, 1879. n. Presented by A. Chirnside, Esq., April 6, 1880. 132. Galago alleni, Waterh. Allen's Galago. Hab. Fernando Po. a. Presented by William Henry AshmaU, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 30, 1869. Specimen figured P. Z. S. 1863, pi. xxxii. p. 375. b. Purchased, Feb. 24, 1880. c. Purchased, May 9, 1882. 133. Galago maholi, A. Smith. Maholi Galago. Hab. South Africa. a, b. Deposited, May 26, 1866. c. Female. Presented by Lieut. A. J, Hepper, E.E., Feb. 24, 1870. ' d. Presented by Dr. Aldridge, Aug. 30, 1870. e. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 11, 1871. /. Presented by C. E. Thompson, Esq., July 7, 1875 '^f^jQ Presented by E. A. Zeeclerberg, Esq., May 13, h. Deposited, Oct. 18, 1882. 46 134. Galago demidoffi, Fischer. Demidoff's Galago. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, June 30, 1862. See P. Z. S. 1862, p. 321. Subfamily Lorisin^, Genus Nycticebus. 135. Nycticehus tardigradus iJAnn.). Slow Loris. Hah. Malay countries, Sumatra and Borneo. a. Presented by Dr. Thomas Coghlan, July 8, 1863. From Southern China. See P. Z. S. 1863, p. 375. h. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 22, 1864. c. Presented by John E. Forrester, Esq., May 9, 1867. cl. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Aug. 6, 1867. e. Presented by Dr. John Anderson, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 6, 1867. /. Purchased, March 16, 1868. (/, h. Females. Presented by Dr. Dodds, July 29, 1872. i. Female. Presented by Oapt. Ahlfors, Sept. 30, 1872. j. Female. Presented by S. W. Trevor, Esq., Jan. 9, 1873. k. Male ; I. Female. Presented by Sir Harry Ord, Aug. 14, 1873. m. Purchased, July 14, 1874. n. Male ; o. Female. Eeceived in exchange, March 6, 1875. p. Presented by W. H. Pattison, Esq., July 13, 1877. q. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 13, 1877. r. Purchased, Nov. 19, 1878. s. Eeceived in exchange. May 9, 1878. t. Male. Presented by T. Hance, Esq., Aug. 1, 1878. u, V. Purchased, Aug. 27, 1879. a;. Purchased, Dec. 1, 1879. y. Eeceived in exchange, June 14, 1880. 136. Nycticebus javanicus (Geoffr.). Javan Loris. Hab. Java. a. Purchased, May 3, 1861. See memoir by Prof. Flower on the brain of this species, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 103, and Trans. Zool. Soc. v. p. 103. Genus Loris. 137. Loris gracilis, Geoffr. Slender Loris. Hab. Ceylon. a. Female. Purchased, July 30, 1869. b. Male. Deposited, April 20, 1872. c. Male. Purchased, April 24, 1875. LEMURID^. 47 d, e. Presented by Leith Bonhote, Esq., Feb. 5, 1879. f-h. Presented by Lord LUford, E.Z.8., Jime 10, 1880. i. Male. Presented by Mrs. A. H. Jamrach, June 22, 1882. j. Male ; Ic. Female. Presented by Dr. H. W. Lentaigne, Dec. 18, 1882. Genus Perodicticus. 138. Perodicticus potto (Gm.). Bosnian's Potto. (Fig. 7.) Hah. West Africa. «. Male. Purchased, Sept. 4, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 469. h. Pemale. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1870. See P. Z.S. 1870, p. 86. c. Purchased, March 31, 1871. cl. Male. Purchased, Aug. 10, 1871. e. Female. Presented by A. Swanzy, Esq., Aug. 23, 1871. /. Male. Eeceived in exchange, July 29, 1872. g. Male. Purchased, April 22, 1873. h. Male. Presented by the Eev. A. W. Petre, Oct. 28, 1873. i. Purchased, Oct. 14, 1879. i. Purchased, Oct. 28, 1879. Pig. 7. Ferodicticus jjotto. (^l-. Z. tt. I&(j9, p. 4oy.^ •I ! 48 CHIROMyiD.lI. FELID^. Family CHIROMYIDiE. Genus Chiromys. 139. Chiromys madagascariensis {Gm.). The Aye-aye. Hab. Madagascar, a. Female. Presented by Edward Mellisb, Esq. Aue 12 1862. See Bartlett, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 222. Order III CARNIVORA. Family FELlDiE. Genus Felis. a. Species Orbis antiqui. 140. Felis lea, Linn. Lion. Hab. Africa and South-western Asia. a-z. See former editions. «\ Eemale. Presented by J. D. Massey, Esq., April 30, 1878. From Travancore. l\ Female. Presented by W. H. Wylde, Esq., Aug. 13, 1878. c'-e'. Touug. Deposited, May 14, 1880. f^. Male; y^. Female. Born in the Menagerie, July 16, 1880. 7i', i\ Females. Eeceiyed in exchange, April 22, 1881. 141. Felis tigris, Linn. Tiger. Hab. Eastern Asia. a-z. See former editions. a\ Presented by the Earl of Northbrook, Oct. 1, 1875. ¥, c'. Females." Presented by Dr. Marchant Jones, June 20, 1876. Amoy, China. lV. Male ; e\ Female. Presented by II.E.H. The Prince of Wales, K.G., July 24, 1876. f, (f. Males. Presented by Eear- Admiral Eowley Lambert, C.B., May 15, 1877. From Johore. 49 h^-f. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 28, 1877. 1 born dead, 2 eaten. kK Female. Presented by A. Forbes Angus, Esq., Nov. 9, 1877. l\ niK Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 22, 1878. n\ Female. Presented by H.E. the Eight Hon. Lord Lytton, G.C.B., C.M.S.I., Sept. 4, 1879. o'. Male. Born in the Gardens, March 21, 1881. p\ Female. Presented by Col. Owen Williams, M.P., F.Z.S., Oct. 31, 1881. From Assam. q\ Male. Presented by G-. Brown, Esq., April 28, 1882. »•'. Male. Heceived in exchange from the Zoological Gardens of Calcutta, Sept. 12, 1882. 142. Felis pardus, Liun. Leopard. Hab. Southern Asia and Africa. «-z\ See former editions. «^ Presented bv H.E. the Eight Hon. Lord Lytton, G.C.B., C.M.S.L, Sept. 4, 1879. y^-d?. On approval, Feb. 18, 1880. Black varieties. e'. Male. Presented by His Grace the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, March 2, 1881. f,y^. Males. Presented by Eustace L. Burnside, Esq., Oct. 1, 1881. Presented by Lieut.-Col. J. S. Armitage, F.Z.S., Oct. 11,1881. /. Male; lc\ Female (black variety). Purchased, July 8, 1882. ^ 1-. Male. Purchased, Sept. 4, 1882. m\ Male ; n\ Female. Deposited, Dec. 7, 1882. 0-. Male. Presented by Capt. A. Park, Eoyal L-ish Eegiment Dec. 22, 1882. From the Murree Hills, Punjaub. 14-3. Felis macrocelis, Temm. Clouded Ti"er. Hab. Assam. a. Male. Purchased, May 16, 1854. b. Male. Purchased, March 12, 1862. f. Male. Purchased, Jan. 25, 1875. 144. Felis serval, Schreb. Serval. Hab. Africa. a. Purchased, Dec. 9, 1853. From South Afric b. Purchased, Nov. 12, 1864. From West Afri by Lieut. J. Plumbridge, 3rd W.I. Eegt., April 50 FELIDiE. d. Presented by Mrs. Duncan Campbell, Jan. 5, ]867. e. Presented by C. T. Chown, Esq., Sept. 23, 1868. /. Male; r/. Female. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Sept. 27, 1869. 7i. Female. Presented by C. D. O'Connor, Esq., March 19, 1872. i. Purchased, April 13, 1875. j, Tc. Deposited, Oct. 13, 1875. I. Purchased, Feb. 12, 1880. m. Purchased, Feb. 23, 1880. n. Presented by Capt. Barrow, Jan. 19, 1881. 145. lelis servalina, Ogilby. Servaline Cat. Hob. West Africa. a. Presented by Spencer Shield, Esq., Sept. 11, 1874. From Kinsembo, near Ambriz, Congo, West coast of Africa. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 495, pi. lxiii. 6. Presented by Lieut. V. L. Cameron, April 4, 1876. c. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1880. 146. Felis viveirina, Benn. Viverrine Cat. Hab. India. a. Purchased, Feb. 6, 1867. b. Female. Presented by Gr. W. D. A. Smith, Esq., Aug. 16, 1870. c. Presented by Major C. E. Oxley, April 8, 1881. 147. Felis javanensis, Desm. Javan Cat. Hab. Eastern Asia. a. Presented by Lieut. H. Hand, E.N., Jan. 16, 1864. 6. Purchased, Feb. 10, 1866. From Formosa. See notice by Swinhoe, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 629. 148. Felis bengalensis, Desm. Bengalese Cat. Hab. India. a, h. Presented by Major J. Pearce, Feb. 15, 1869. c. Presented by Charles J. Sturt, Esq., Oct. 1, 1869. d. Presented by Adm. SirH.Keppel, K.C.B., April 13, 1870. From Siam. e. Pui'chased, April 18, 1870. /. Deposited, May 28, 1873. From Arracan. g. Presented by Capt. W. Eeynolds, Oct. 19, 1874. 7t. Purchased, iS^v. 2, 1874. ^ , n no ^ i. Male ; ;/. Female. Presented by Lt. W. A. Cuthell, 92nd Highlanders, Dec. 15, 1875. FBLID^. 51 149. Felis marmorata, Martin. Marbled Cat. Hob. Assam. a. Male. Purchased, Dec. 14, 1882. 150. Felis moormensis, Hodgs. Golden Cat. Hab. Sumatra. a. Eeceived in exchange, June 19, 1867. Specimen figured P. Z. S. 1867, p. 816, pi. XXXVI., as Felis aurata. b. Purchased, July 1, 1868. See Felis aurata, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 647. c. Purchased, Peb. 15, 1872. 151. Felis planiceps, Vig. & Horsf. Red Tiger Cat. Hab. Malacca. a. Purchased, Dec. 14, 1872. See Felis aurata, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 1. . 152. Felis rubiginosa, Geoffr. Rusty-spotted Cat. Hab. Ceylon. a. Presented by Charles E. Pole Carew, Esq., Sept. 14, 1881. 153. Felis chrysothriw, Temm. Red Tiger Cat. Hah. Gold Coast, West Africa. a. Pemale. Presented by C. 8. Salmon, Esq., Feb. 11 1873 See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 311, pi. xivn. h. Pm-chased, May 2, 1882. 154. Felis catus, Linn. Wild Cat. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by the Earl of Seafield, F.Z.S., May 7 1864 From Scotland. ' j 5 h. Presented by Miss Johnstone Douglas, Nov. 24 1864 0. Presented by Capt. the Hon. H. T. Fraser, Feb. 6 1869 l^rom Inverness. ^^1'" J^'^r^!- ^^^""'^^ species and the h. Deposited, May 18, 1871. E 2 52 FELIDiE. i. Male. Deposited, Aug. 22, 1871. j. Female. Presented by H. P. Fraser, Esq., March 3, 1872. k. Male ; I, m. Females. Presented by the Earl of Seafield, Sept. 25, 1872. n. Presented by Sir Thomas Biddell, Nov. 26, 1873. 0. Male ; p. Female. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 30, 1877. 5", r. Born in the Menagerie, May 25, 1878. s, t. Presented by J. C. Forster, Esq., March 5, 1880. From Andalusia. 155. Felis chaus, Giild. Egyptian Cat. Hab. North Africa. a. Purchased, Nov. 11, 1862. b. Female. Purchased, Feb. 25, 1871. c-e. Presented by Capt. J. J. Bradshaw, May 3, 1873. From Scinde valley, Cashmere. /. Purchased, Nov. 2, 1874. From Burmah.- ff, h. Presented by W. Eenney, Esq., June 16, 1877. 1. Presented by Lieuts. Fisher and Farquhar and Mr. Basset, H.M.S. ' Bacchante,' Aug. 19, 1882. 156. Felis caffra, Desm. CafFer Cat. Hab. Africa and Western Asia. a, h. Presented by H.E.H. the Prince of Wales, Jan. 12, 1863. From Syria. c. d. Young. Presented by Lord Euthven, April 11, 1868. From the Abyssinian coast of the Eed Sea. e. Presented by E. Southey, Esq., Oct. 31, 1879. /. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., March 20, 1880. From the Cape Colony. 157. Felis lynx, Linn. Northern Lynx. Hab. Northern Europe. a. Purchased, Feb. 16, 1869. h. Purchased, May 29, 1873. c. Male ; d. Female. Presented by Major Chad wick, Aug. 5, 1878. Omitted in last edition. e. Presented by the Count Constantin Brauicki, Nov. 22, 1882 From the Carpath'.Hn Mountains. 158. Felis isabellina, Blyth. Isabelline Lynx. Hab. Tibet. a. Presented by Capt. Baldock, E.N., Nov. 23, 1882. From Baltistan. See P. Z. S. 1882, p. 720. 4 53 159. Felts pardina, Okeu. Spanish Lynx. Hab. Spain. a. Deposited, April 10, 1867. 160. Felis caracal, Gueld. Caracal. Hab. South Asia and Africa. a. Deposited, Oct. 21, 1865. h. Purchased, AprH 27, 1867. c. Presented by N. C. Smith, Esq., Dec. 28, 1867. d. Purchased, March 21, 1870. e. Presented by Kirby Green, Esq., Aug. 3, 1870. /. Male. Presented by A. C. Gaye, Esq., Jan. 1, 1873. (J. Presented by Dr. Holub, Sept. 18, 1879. b. Species Orbis novi. 161. Felis concolor, Linn. Puma*. Hab. America. a. Male; h. Female. Presented by W. D. Christie, Esq., E.Z.S., Jan. 14, 1857. Erom Buenos Ayres. c. Eemale. Eed variety. Presented by the late W. D. Stewart, Esq., July 6, 1869. Erom Demerara. d. Male. Presented by Capt. Dow, E.Z.S., Aug. 29, 1869. Erom Honduras. e. Male; /. Eemale. Presented by Constantine Richards, Esq., April 3, 1872. Erom Oaxaca, Mexico. (/. Eemale. Purchased, March 1, 1873. Ei'om Cartagena. h. Male. Deposited, June 28, 1873. i. Purchased, Dec. 16, 1873. j. Eemale. Presented by W. D. Powles, Esq., Aug. 14, 1874. Jc. Eemale. Purchased, June 13, 1876. I Eemale. Presented by Miss Brassey, Oct. 31, 1876. m. Male. Presented by Comm. Stanhope Grove, E.N., March 19, 1877. n. Male. Purchased, May 14, 1879. 0. Male. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., June 30, 1879. p. Presented by Capt, J. Jellicoe, May, 29, 1882. * Eor a notice of the breeding of this species in the Society's Gardens, see Bartlett, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 141, pi. xxn. . 54 162. Felis tjaguanmdi, Destn. Yaguarundi Cat. Hab. Central and Southern America. a. Presented by Capt. G. E. Bird, March 24, 1869. From Panama. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 276. h. Pemale. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1874. c. Purchased, Jan. 30, 1878. d. Pui'chased, Feb. 14, 1881. 163. Felis eyra, Desm. Eyra Cat. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, July 6, 1860, h. Purchased, Dec". 28, 1872. Prom Maranham. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 2. c. Purchased, July 7, 1874. d. Female. Purchased, April 12, 1880. e. Male. Purchased, Oct. 25, 1882. 164. Felis onca, Linn. Jaguar. Hab. America. a. Female. From Mazatlan. Presented by Miss Mary Knight, Nov. 28, 1857. Specimen described and figured by Dr. Gray, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 278, pi. lthi., under the name Felis hernandesii. Mus. Brit. See also, for notice of the breeding of this animal, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 141. b. Male. From the Argentine Eepublic. Presented by W. D. Christie, Esq., F.Z.S., March 16, 1858. c. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 23, 1864. d. Male. Presented by A. de Marriette, Esq., Nov. 1, 1871. e. Male. Presented by I. H. Murchisou, Esq., July 16, 1873. /, g. Eeceived in exchange, Nov. 18, 1873. h, i. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1875. j. Presented by Major Wood, May 10, 1878. 7c. Male. Pm-chased, Jan. 22, 1880. I. Purchased, June 11, 1880. m. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., July 3, 1880. n. Male. Presented by Lady Florence Dixie, Nov. 3, 1880. From Corrientes. 165. Felis partialis, Linn. Ocelot. Hab. America. a-2. See former editions. a\ Male. Purchased, April 9, 1875. b\ POTchased, April 19, 1875. c\ Female. Purchased, May 15, 1875. FELID^. 55 d\ Female. Presented by H. Kirtley, Esq., Sept. 27, 1876. eK Purchased, Dec. 16, 1875. Presented by A. Summer, Esq., May 30, 1876. g\ Purchased, June 8, 1876. h\ Male. Purchased, June 24, 1876. i\ Eemale. Presented by Mr. Zui-cher, July 18, 1876. /. Purchased, July 20, 1876. Deposited, Oct. 10, 1876. IK Presented by H. Eielding, Esq., Oct. 28, 1876. m}. Pemale. Purchased, Jan. 16, 1877. nK Purchased, Jan. 30, 1877. o'. Presented by George Eansom, Esq., Dec. 1, 1877. pK Female. Presented by H. B. Whitmarsh, Esq., March 2, 1878. qK Presented by Capt. J. Moir, Esq., June 10, 1878. r\ Purchased, July 29, 1878. s\ Purchased, December 9, 1878. t\ Presented by B. H. Jones, Esq., May 1, 1879. u\ Presented by P. Leckie, Esq., May 6, 1879. v\ Piu'chased, July 15, 1879. w\ Male. Purchased, Dec. 31, 1879. x\ Presented by Gr. Whitmore Christie, Esq., Jan. 27, 1880. 2/\ Presented by Stephenson Clarke, Esq., April 30, 1880. z\ Presented by C. A. Craven, Esq., May 22, 1880. d\ Purchased, June 17, 1880. ¥. Presented by C. B. Eobiaison, Esq., JiUy 9, 1880. c^ Presented by A. L. Schiitte, Esq., July 30, 1880. d\ Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 4, 1881. e^ Presented by Lieut. 0. E. P. 0. Graham, E.N., Jan. 28, 1881. f. Male. Presented by P. Leckie, Esq., June 8, 1881. 166. Felis geoffroii, WOvh. et Gerv. Geoffrey's Cat. Hub. Paraguay and La Plata. a. Male. Purchased, Oct. 10, 1870. See notice, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 796. Mus. Brit. h. Purchased, April 21, 1874. c. Presented by Eonald Bridgett, Esq., May 30, 1878. cl, e. Deposited by Lord Lilford, Nov. 21, i879. 167. Felis tigrina, Erxl. Tigrine Cat. Hab. South America. a. Presented by Lieut. W. Duncan Stewart, May 29, 1868. Erom Demerara. 6. Male. Presented by Arthur Nugent West, Esq., Nov. 1 1871. ^ c. Deposited, March 15, 1881. d. Purchased, April 5, 1882. 56 FELIDiE. 168. Felis passerum, Desm. Pampas Cat. Hab. La Plata and Chili. «. Purchased, Oct. 19, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 530. h, e. Purchased, Oct. 4, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 700. Prom Chili. ' 169. Felis canadensis, Geoffr. Canadian Lynx, Hab. North America. a. Presented by H. D. Sheffield, Esq., Oct. 21, 1868. h. Male. Purchased, April 1, 1870. c. Presented by E. Carringtou, Esq., F.Z.S., May 31, 1871. 170. Felis rufa, Giild. Bay Lynx. Hab. North America. a. Purchased, June 26, 1868. h. Male. Purchased, April 15, 1871. Prom Mexico. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 479. c. Presented by Otho N. Shaw, Esq., Jan. 15, 1877. Genus CynjElurus. 171. Cynceturus jubatus (Schreb.). Cheetah. Hab. Africa and South-west Asia. a. Male. Purchased, Nov. 19, 1858. Prom South Africa. ' h. Pemale. Presented by H.E.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G., F.Z.S., July 5, 1862. Prom Nazareth, Syria, c. Purchased, Dec. 22, 1866. cl. Presented by E. T. Eogers, Esq., C.M.Z.S., H.B.M. Acting Consul at Beyrout, Syria, Feb. 3, 1868. Prom Syria. Toung. Purchased, April 11, 1868. Prom the Abyssinian coast of the Eed Sea. /. Pemale. Eeceived in exchange, Jan. 14, 1874. g, h. Pemales. Presented by T. L. M. Cartwright, Esq., P.Z.S., July 1, 1876. From Nubia. i. Pemale. Purchased, May 24, 1879. j. Presented by James S. Jameson, Esq., May 19, 1881. 172. Cyncelurus laneus (Scl.). Woolly Cheetah, Hab. South Africa. a. Male. Purcliased, May 29, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 532, pi. LA^ VIVERRIDiE. 57 Family VIVERRID^. Genus Viverra. 173. Viverra civetta (Schreb.). African Civet Cat. Hab. Africa. a. Presented by the late King of Portugal, P.Z.S., Nov. 15, 1855. h. Presented by Edmund Gabriel, Esq., H.B.M.'s Commis- sioner at Loando, Angola, Aug. 22, 1860. c, d. Presented by John Fleming, Esq., May 9, 1866. e. Male. Purchased, March 27, 1871. From Quiah, West Africa. Specimen noticed and figured, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 299, pi. XXIX. /. Purchased, Oct. 6, 1871. From Lagos. g. Male. Presented by J. A. Skertchley, Esq., May 27, 1872. From Dahomey. h. Presented by Lionel Hart, Esq., April 18, 1873. i. Presented by the Hon. Lady Oust, Oct. 8, 1873. j. Presented by W. B. Eamsey, Esq., May 6, 1874. k. Presented by the Earl of Harrington, March 23, 1875. I. Presented by Lieut. V. L. Cameron, Apidl 4, 1876. From Angola. m, n. Presented by M. B. Salmon, Esq., June 20, 1879. 0. Presented by P. Lemberg, Esq., April 5, 1880. 174. Viverra tangalunga, Gray. Sumatran Civet. Hab. Sumatra. a. Purchased, Jan. 13, 1869. h. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1872. c. Presented by Mr. W. Jamrach, June 16, 1874. d. Presented by W. B. Pryer, Esq., Dec. 15, 1880. Genus Viverricula. 175. Viverricula malaccensis (Gra.). Indian Civet. Hab. India. a. Purchased, May 29, 1861. h. Purchased, Api-il 15, 1862. c. Presented by F. W. Eobinson, Esq., 60th Eifles, Sept. 19, 1863. Fi-om the Mysore jungle, Madras Presidency. d. Purchased, Jan. 4, 1867. e. Presented by A. Morgan, Esq., May 4, 1867. 58 VIVERllIDiE. 176. Viverricula schlegeli, Pollen. SchlegePs Civet. Hab. Comoro Islands. «. Presented by C. E. Bewsher, Esq., Oct. 28, 1872. Erom Johanna, Comoro Islands. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 861. Genus Genetta. 177. Genetta vulgaris (Less.). Common Genet. Hab. South Europe. a. Male. Hybrid between this species and male Genetta tigrina. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 5, 1859. 6. Eemale. Purchased, 1861. c. Presented by T. Aldersey, Esq., Oct. 4, 1864. Erom Cape-coast. d. Presented by A. Pike, Esq., June 4, 1868. e. Deposited, Dec. 6, 1869. /. Male. Presented by Capt. W. B. Drinan, July 25, 1870. g, 7i. Presented by J. P. Gassiot, Esq., Jun., E.Z.S., July 24, 1871. Erom the Province of Traz os Montes, Portugal. i. Deposited, Sept. 7, 1877. j. Presented by P. V. Carlette, Esq., Oct. 23, 1877. Erom Tripoli. Jc, I. Presented by G. H. Thunder, Esq., E.N., June 26, 1880, m. Presented by "the Eev. E. P. Voules, March 24, 1881. 178. Genetta senegalensis (Fischer). Pale Genet. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq., Oct. 4, 1863. 6, c. Presented by William Vare, Esq., Oct. 4, 1864. d. Deposited, May 23, 1865. Erom the Gambia. ej. Presented by C. B. Mosse, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 4, 1872. 179. Genetta tigrina ^Schreb.). Blotched Genet. Hab. South Africa. a. Eemale. Living in the Gardens, 1859. 6. Male. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1871. c. Presented by A. B. Worthington, Esq., June 6, 1873. rf-/. Born in the Menagerie, July 29, 1874. (/.'Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 19, 1875. h. Deposited, March 17, 1882. 180. Genetta pardina, Geoffr. Pardine Genet. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, April 15, 1882. VIVERRIDiE. 59 Genus Nanbinia. 181. Nandinia binotata, Gray. Two-spotted Paradoxure. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, March 8, 1861. h. Presented by George Tidcombe, Esq., R.N., Aug. 22, 1864. c. Presented by C. B. Mosse, Esq., Oct. 16, 1869. Prom the Gold Coast. cl. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1870. e. Presented by C. D. O'Connor, Esq., Oct. 9, 1871. /. Presented by Capt. E. J. Howes, May 9, 1878. g. Presented by A. W. Forbes, Esq., March 29, 1881 . h. Presented hj W. H. Hart, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 27, 1881. i. Presented by A. W. Blyth, Esq., Api-il 20, 1882. j. Bom in the Menagerie, July 19, 1882. Genus Hemigalba. 182. Hemigalea hardwickii (Grray) . Hardwicke's Hemigale. Hab. Borneo. a. Purchased, Oct. 13, 1881. See P. Z. S. 1881, p. 819. h. Purchased, July 8, 1882. Genus Paradoxtjrus. 183. Paradoxurus typus, F. Cuv. Common Paradoxure. Hab. India. a. Presented by E. Lowry, Esq., Sept. 3, 1860. h. Presented by W. Wiggins, Esq., Feb. 16, 1865. c. Presented by W. T. Eraser, Esq., C.M.Z.S., AprH 25, 1868. From Java. cl. Deposited, Dec. 17, 1869. e,f. Presented by P. C. Lovett, Esq., July 2, 1870. g, h. Eeceived in exchange, Jan. 6, 1871. i. Purchased, June 23, 1871. j. Female. Purchased, April 28, 1872. Ic. Female. Presented by J. S. Harper, Esq., Jan. 30, 1873 L Presented by A. F. Adey, Esq., Aug. 18, 1873. m. Presented by C. Maurer, Esq., Nov. 2, 1873 n. Presented by G. E. Colbeck, Esq., May 13 1874 0. Presented by 0. TJnwin, Esq., Oct. 17, 1874 X>. Presented by Capt. Eeyuolds, Oct. 19 ' 1874 ' Presented by D. D. Abbott, Esq., Jan.' 25 1875 r. Male. Presented by Mr. Jones, May 20, 1875 s. Presented by Colonel A. C. M-^Master, April 12* 1876 t. Presented by Dr. J. B. Wilson, Dec. 16 1876 ' GO VIVERRIDiE. u. Deposited, Feb. 17, 1877. V. Deposited, Sept. 6, 1877. w. Presented by E. E. Sass, Esq., Aug. 14, 1878. .r, y. Presented by G. K. Lloyd, Esq., June 11, 1879. z. Presented by Lieut.-Col. Sturt, C.M.Z.S., July 15, 1880. a\ Presented by C. W. C. Eletcher, Esq., April 5, 1881. b\ Presented by H. Druce, Esq., May 24, 1881. c'. Presented by E. E. Spellerburg, Esq., May 8, 1882. cl\ Presented by Sir Louis S. Jackson, E.Z.S., Oct. 11, 1882. e\ Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 19, 1882. 184. Paradoxurus musanga (Raffl.). Musanga Paradoxure. Hab. Indian archipelago. a. Presented by J. Duplex, Esq., Dec. 10, 1859. h. Presented by G-. Wakeman, Esq., July 28, 1865. From Java. c. Presented by Mrs. Spencer, Aug. 3, 1865. d. Presented by E. E. Liddell, Esq., March 29, 1867. e. Male. Presented by P. E.Warburton, Esq., E.N., March 6, 1871. Erom Timor. 185. Paradoamrus trivirgatus. Gray. Three-striped Paradoxure. Hab. India. a. Presented by Capt. Dalrymple, March 11, 1878. h. Eeceived in exchange. May 10, 1881. c. Presented by E. H. Stemdale, Esq., May 31, 1882. 186. Paradoxurus zeylanicus (Pallas) . Golden Paradoxure. Hab. Ceylon. a. Piu'chased, Aug. 6, 1860. 187. Paradoxurus tytleri, Blyth. Tytler's Paradoxure. Hab. Andaman Islands. a. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 20, 1865. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 466. h. Presented by J. S. Campbell, Esq., July 24, 1873. 188. Paradoxurus larvatus {Gr&y) . Masked Paradoxure. Hab. China. a. Purchased, March 29, 1867. From Formosa (SwinJioe). h. Purchased, Aug. 19, 1867. From Chiiia. c, d. Born in the Menagerie, April 30, 1869. e. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1873. VIVERKIDjU. /. Purchased, May 10, 1877. (J, h. Hybrids between this species and Paradoxurus leu- comystax. Bred in the Gardens, July 2, 1881. i. Hybrid between this species and Paradoxurus leucomystax. Born in the Gardens, April 29, 1882. 189. Paradoxums grayi, Benu. et Hodgs. Gray's Paradoxure. Hab. India. a. Presented by Dr. Skipton, April 22, 1876. . 190. Paradoxurus leucomystax, Gray. White-whiskered Para- doxure. Hab. East India. a. Purchased, Oct. 12, 1877. 6. Presented by G. Wilson, Esq., Dec. 27, 1878. c. Presented by Mr. Carl Bock, June 10, 1879. 191. Paradoxurus stigmaticus, Temm. Marked Paradoxure. Hab. Borneo. a. Purchased, May 26, 1880. From Bandjermasin district, Southern Borneo. 192. Paradoxurus philippensis, Temm. Philippine Paradoxure. Hab. Philippine Islands. a. Presented by J. Stone, Esq., E.Z.S., June 25, 1875. b. Eeceived in exchange, March 28, 1878. c. Female. Purchased, May 26, 1880. 193. Paradoxurus prehensilis (Desm.) . Prehensile Paradoxure. Hab. British Burmah. a. Presented by W. H. Pattison, Esq., July 18, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 681. Genus Arctictis. 194. Arctictis binturong (Raffl.). Binturong. Hab. Malacca. a. Male. Presented by Mrs. Samuel Eawson, Oct. 24, 1855. See Zool. Sk. ser. 2, pi. x. h. Deposited, Oct. 18, 1865. c. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1872. Cf. Garrod, P.Z. S. 1873, p. 196. 62 VIVERRIDiE, cl. Presented by Sir Harry Ord, C.B., Aug. 14, 1873. (Qrey variety, A. alhifrons, F. Cuv.) From Borneo. See P.Z.S. 1875, p. 565. e. Presented by Capt. A. E. Ord, Oct. 19, 1875. From Malacca. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 565. Of. G-arrod, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 142. /. Purchased, Oct. 7, 1882. Genus Galidia. 195. Galidia elegans, Is. Geoffr. Elegant Galidia. Hah. Madagascar. a. Purchased, Dec. 14, 1867. Genus Herpestes. 196. Herpestes ichneumon {Lmxi.) . Egyptian Ichneumon. Hab. North Africa and Spanish Peninsula. a, h. Presented by Lord Euthven, June 4, 1868. c. Male. Presented by E. P. Carrington, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 27, 1870. d. Presented by Major Howard Irby, June 24, 1871. From Spain. e. Eeceived in exchange, March 21, 1878. /, g. Presented by J. C. Forster, Esq., F.Z.S., March 19, . 1880. From Andalusia. h. Presented by Mrs. E. Hooker, Dec. 10, 1880. i. j. Presented by Fleetwood Sandeman, Esq., F.Z.S., Feb. 3, 1881. From Spain. 197. Hei-pestes pulverulentus, Wagner. Dusty Ichneumon. Hab. South Africa. a. Piu-chased, Aug. 80, 1862. 6. Presented by Dr. A. Jennens, April 30, 1876. 198. Herpestes griseus (Desm.). Grey Ichneumon. Hab. India. Or-z. See fifth edition. Males. Purchased, May 3, 1871. c\ Presented by W. Hearsey, Esq., June 7, 1871. d\ Presented by G. B. Eichardsou, Esq., Kov. 6, 1871. ^ eK Male. Presented by Major H. L. Grove, Nov. 28, 18/1. /. Male ; g\ Female. ' Presented by Percy W. Charrmgtou, Esq., April 8, 1872. VIVERRID^. 63 h\ Male. Presented by J. H. Eoberts, Esq., April 26, 1872. i\ Female. Presented by W. Henderson, Esq., Oct. 17, 1872. f. Male. Presented by"j. Chamberlain, Esq., Nov. 1, 1872. kK Female. Presented by Mr. F. Hayley, Feb. 11, 1873. IK Female. Presented by Mr. W. Simpson, June 4, 1873. mK Female. Presented by W. WaUter, Esq., June 24, 1873. n\ Female. Presented by G. S. Daintry, Esq., Aug. 1, 1873. oK Presented by Mr. H. Humphrey, May 4, 1874. jpK Male. Presented by Capt. Hallett, Sept. 14, 1874. q^. Female. Deposited, Sept. 16, 1874. rK Male. Deposited, Nov. 27, 1874. s\ Male. Presented by IMiss E. Barter, Feb. 26, 1875. tK Male. Presented by H. M. GreUier, Esq., AprU 22, 1875. u\ Male. Presented by J. E. Thomas, Esq., May 31, 1875. vK Presented by J. F. Wisden, Esq., July 31, 1875. iv\ Female. Presented by J. Jennings, Esq., Nov. 9, 1875. x\ Deposited, Dec. 21, 1875. y\ Presented by H. Churchill, Esq., Jan. 28, 1876. z\ Presented by H. Worth, Esq., May 2, 1876. a\ Male. Presented by G. J. Hendry, Esq., Sept. 18, 1876. b^. Female. Presented by Dr. Lynn, May 25, 1877. c". Female. Presented by Mrs. H. J. Mello, Oct. 30, 1877. cP. Presented by J. B. Jameson, Esq., Dec. 19, 1878. e^. Presented by B. Baverstock, Esq., Jan. 27, 1879. f. Male. Presented by Ai-thur Tower, Esq., July 7, 1881. y"'. Presented by Mrs. C. Hassell, July 11, 1881. h\ Presented by C. E. Smith, Esq., July 14, 1881. v^. Presented by Sir Patrick ColqiAoun, jP.Z.S., Aug. 9, 1881. /, P. Deposited, March 20, 1882. P. Deposited, Aug. 1, 1882. Presented by Mrs. Freeman, Sept. 8, 1882. n\ Presented by W. L. Brodie, Esq., Dec. 29, 1882. 199. Herpestes malaccensis, F. Cuv. Bengalese Ichneumon. Hub. Bengal. a. Male. Presented by W. Ingram, Esq., June 17, 1869. b. Presented by Capt. C. Eooke, Nov. 28, 1870. 200. Herpestes smithi, Gray. Ruddy Ichneumon. Hab. India. a. Presented by H.E.H.The Duke of Edinburgh, July 4, 1868. b. Presented by H. B. Eust, Esq., Feb. 21, 1873. ' ' ; c. Male. Presented by W. E. Best, Esq., Oct. 14, 1875 d. Presented by C. J. Maude, Esq., March 23, 1876. e. Presented by Miss Bidder, Aug. 11, 1876. /. Presented by A. E. Lewis, Esq., May 7, 1880. ! I 64 VlVEIUllDiE. 201. Herpestes nepalensis, Hodgs. Spotted Ichneumon. Hab. Nepal, Assam, and Malacca. a. Male ; h. Female. Purchased, Aug. 7, I860. c. Presented by Capt. Salvin, Nov. 30, 1864. d. Presented by C. Emery, Esq., May 18, 1869. e. Purchased, May 25, 1870. /. Purchased, Feb. 2, 1871. From Bengal. (/. Male. Presented by W. H. Scratton, Esq ., F.Z.S., May 26 1871, ' J . h. Presented by L. B. Lewis, Esq., Nov. 21, 1875. i. Presented by Mrs. Fleuss, Nov. 28, 1877. j, Ic. Presented by Mr. J. M'Intosh, April 16, 1878. I. Presented by Mrs. Payne, July 4, 1878. m. Presented by "W. Payne, Esq., Aug. 22, 1878. n. Presented by Miss H. Boteler, March 16, 1879. 0. Presented by the Hon. L. 8. Jackson, Aug. 13, 1880. p. Eeceived in exchange, Nov. 26, 1881. 203. Herpestes fasciatus, Desm. Banded Ichneumon. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, April 11, 1864. h. Presented by Spencer Chapman, Esq., Nov. 7, 1864. From South Africa. c. Presented by Mrs. Keep, Feb. 16, 1867. d. Presented by G-. W. Craggs, Esq., April 1, 1868. e. Male. Purchased, June 1, 1871. ff Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq., F.Z.S., June 26, 1873. From Ambriz, West Africa. g. Presented by the Lady Sheffield, July 11, 1874. h. Presented by Lieut. V. L. Cameron, April 4, 1876. Angola, ■i, j. Presented by W. N. Bakewell, Esq., Nov. 10, 1876. h'. Presented by the Earl of Bective, May 25, 1877. 1. Presented by Dr. G. S. Badger, July il, 1878. m. Male. Presented by the Eev. H. T. B. Lawrence, Sept. 6, 1878. n. Female. Deposited, Sept. 9, 1878. 0. Purchased, Oct. 24, 1879. p. Presented by H. L. Cocksedge, Esq., Nov. 15, 1879. q. Presented by Mr. A. Ferris, April 6, 1880. r. Presented by H. HaU, Esq., June 29, 1880. s. Bom in the Gardens, April 12, 1881. t. Presented by W. Cubitt, Esq., Sept. 20, 1881. 203. Herpestes galera (Erxl.). Marsh-Ichneumon. Hab. South Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 14, 1862. VIVERRIDi*;. 65 b. Purchased, May 27, 1865. c. Male. Purchased, March 21, 1870. d. Purchased, May 31, 1870. e. Purchased, June 1, 1870. /, ff. Born in the Menagerie, June 13, 1872. h. Presented by the late H. Ansell, May 27, 1875. i. Presented by A. Ohirnside, Esq., April 6, 1880. /. Presented by Ernest Wells, Esq., Dec. 30, 1881. k. Pui-chased, Sept. 8, 1882. Genus Cynictis. 204. Cynictis penicillat a, F. Cuv, Levaillant's Cynictis. Hab. South Africa. a. Purchased, Jan. 11, 1871. Died, Dec. 12, 1871. h. Deposited, Oct. 13, 1875, and subsequently presented, by Viscount MandeviUe, Jan. 5, 1876. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 265. c. Male. Purchased, May 11, 1882. d. Deposited, July 13, 1882. Genus Crossarchus. 205. Crossarchus obscurus, F. Cuv. Kusimanse. Hab. West Africa. rt. Female. Purchased, July 8, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869 p. 468. b. Female. Purchased, Feb. 13, 1871. c. Female. Purchased, March 31, 1871. d. Male. Purchased, March 6, 1872. e. Purchased, Dec. 28, 1881. Genus Suricaxa. 206. Suricata tetradacty la {Schveh.). Suricate. Hab. South Africa. a. Piu-chased, Feb. 8, 1866. b. Presented by the Lord Bishop of Graham's Town, May 13 1866. ' c. Presented by D. P. Blaine, Esq., Nov. 4, 1867 d. Female. Presented by Mrs. Eeid, March 14 'l87'-^ e Male. Presented by T. vau ZeUer, Esq., Mai-^h 14, 1872 /. Female. Deposited, Nov. 20, 1872. c/. Female. Presented by A. Benyon, Esq., May 17 1873 66 VIVERRIDiE. — HY;ENIDJE. h. Presented by J. Lloyd, Esq., Feb. 7, 1874. i. Male ; Female. Deposited, Aug. 16, 1874. ,Jc, I. Presented by F. "Ward, Esq., July 13, 1875. m. Male; n. Female. Presentedbyj/THorbum, Esq., March 18, 1876. 0. Eeceived in exchange, June 22, 1876. p. Deposited, Feb. 23, 1877. q. Presented by J. Forbes Nixon, Esq., April 28, 1877. r. Presented by P. Howard, Esq., April 18, 1878. Family PROTELIDJll. Genus Proteles. 207. Proteles cristatus (Sparrm.). The Aard-Wolf. Hah. South Africa. a. Purchased, Oct. 26, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 530. h. Piu-chased, May 20, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 407. c. Male. Purchased, May 20, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 407. Specimen figured and its anatomy described by Prof. Flower, P. Z. S. 1869, p. 474, pi. xxxvi. d. Pui-chased, Oct. 6, 1869. Family HYtENID^. Genus Hy^na. 208. Hycsna crocuta (Erxl.) . Spotted Hyaena. Hab. South Africa. a. Male. Presented by Edmund Gabriel, Esq., H.B.M.'s Commissioner at Loando, Angola, Aug. 22, 1860. b. Eeceived, Jmie 13, 1865. c. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1865. d. e. Presented by Jose Manuel de Freitas Branco, Esq., May 21, 1867. /, g. Born in the Menagerie, July 14, 1868. h. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Jan. 4, 1869. Born in the Menagerie, May 27, 1869. Jc. Born in the Menagerie, April 7, 1870.^ Z, m. Bom in the Menagerie, July 14, 1871. n, 0. Born in the Menagerie, April 14, 1872. p, q. Born in the Menagerie, Jan. 7, 1873. r. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 25, 1873. s, t. Males. Pui-chased, May 30, 1880. HYiENIDiE. CANIDjE. 67 309. Hyasna brunnea, Thunb. Brown Hyaena. Hab. South Africa. a. Female. Purchased, March 3, 1853. Died Aug. 13, 1866. See Murie, Trans. Zool. Soc. vii. p. 503. b. Purchased, Feb. 7, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 125. c. Purchased, May 30, 1879. 210. Hycena striata, Zimm. Striped Hysena. Hab. South Asia and North Africa. a. Female. Presented by Edward Murray Cookesley, Esq. 22nd Eegiment, May 27, 1862. 6. Presented by Dr. Waghorn, Dec. 29, 1870. From Arabia, c. Female. Presented by Commander "W". H. Parker, R.N., AprU 4, 1872. cl. Male; e. Female. Purchased, July 11, 1876. /. Presented by T. Barber, Esq., Sept. 22, 1876. g, Ti. Born in the Menagerie, July 14, 1877. i. Presented by Captain F. Cotton, Jan. 3, 1878. From Arabia. i. Purchased, July 12, 1879. Tc, I. Presented by Capt. the Hon. F. Gr. Hay and — "Wylde, Esq., March 26, 1880. m, n. Presented by N. H. Beyts, Esq., June 3, 1882. Family CANID^. Genus Lycaon. 211, Lycaon pidus (Temm.). Cape Hunting Dog Hab. South Africa. a. Male. Purchased, March 15, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871 p. 298. ' b. Male. Presented by C. Ernest Pope, Esq., April 19, 1880. Genus Icticyon. 212. Icticyon venaticm ilmndi.) . Bush-Dog. Hab. South America. a. Presented by J. Ernest Tinne, Esq., Aug. 20, 1879. See r. Zl. «. 1879, p. 664. f2 68 Genus Canis. 213. Canis familiaris, Linn. Domestic Dog. a, h, Esquimaux Dogs. Presented by Capt. Allen Young, E.N., Nov. 6, 1876. ^ c, d. Eampoor Hounds. Presented by H.E.H. The Prince of Wales, K.Q-., July 12, 1877. e. Japanese ■Wild(?) Dog. Presented by H. Pryer, Esq., Jan. 1, 1878. See P. Z. S. 1878, pp. 116 & 788. a. Species Palcearcticcs. 214. Canis lupus. Linn. Common Wolf. Hah. Europe. a. Male. Born in the Menagerie, May 19, 1859. h. Female. Presented by Capt. Pitzgerald, F.Z.S., Aug. 4, 1871. c-/. Born in the Menagerie, May 13, 1863. g. Male. Presented by the Prince de Joinville, Dec. 10, 1863. h. Male. Presented by H. W. P. Bolckow, Esq., May 4, 1867. i-m. Born in the Menagerie, May 14, 1868. n. Male. Deposited, May 31, 1870. From Southern Spain. 0. Hybrid between this species and Canis familiaris. Pre- sented by H.E.H. The Prince of Wales, Jan. 26, 1872. p. Female. Presented by 0. G. Danford, Esq., Oct. 16, 1874. From Transylvania. q, r. Presented by C. Bell, Esq., Sept. 24, 1875. s. Female. Presented by Viscount Hill, June 6, 1876. t. Female. Presented by J. A. Parlet, Esq., April 6, 1877. 215. Canis hodophjlax, Temm. & Schl. Japanese Wolf. Hab. Japan. a. Female. Presented by H. Heywood Jones, Esq., F.Z.S., June 26, 1878. See P. Z. S. 1878, p. 788. 316. Canis rtiger, Sclater. Black Wolf. Hab. Tibet. o, 6. Presented by Lieut. A. A. Kinloch and Lieut. J. Bid- dulph, Aug. 6, 1867. See Canis laniger, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 820, and P. Z. S. 1874, p. 654, pi. Lxxvm. c, d. Born in the Menagerie, April 23, 1869. e-g. Born in the Menagerie, April 14, 1870. CANIDiE. 69 h-k. Born in the Menagerie, April 18, 1871. 1- n. Born in the Menagerie, April 8, 1872. 0, p. Born in the Menagerie, April 8, 1873. 217. Canis vulpes, Linn. Common Fox. Hub. British Islands. a. Presented by John Bilhng, Esq., Aug. 7, 1866. h. Presented by H. S. T. Wrench, Esq., Jan. 29, 1868. c-e. Males ; /. Eemale. Presented by H.E.H. The Prince of Wales, E.Z.S., July 9, 1869. g. Female. Presented by Ingram Chapman, Esq., July 22, 1870. h. Male. Presented by S. P. Liebert, Esq., Dec. 31, 1872. 1. Female. Deposited, Jan. 15, 1873. j. Male ; h, I. Pemales. Deposited, Jime 21, 1873. m. Male. Presented by J. Eowe, Esq., Jan. 26, 1874. n. Presented by Mr. Ouchterlony, April 13, 1874. From Russia. 0. Presented by Mr. J. Shepherd, June 2, 1874. p. Presented by W. Saville, Esq., Dec. 22, 1875. 2- Presented by J. E. Liardet, Esq., March 20, 1876. r-u. Born in the Menagerie, April 30, 1877. V. Presented by E. Hayssen, Esq., Sept. 6, 1877. w. Presented by Gr. Fredericks, Esq., Jan. 22, 1878. X. Presented by C. W. Ansdell, Esq., April 16, 1878. y-h^. Born in the Menagerie, April 20, 1878. c\ Presented by A. Eiley, Esq., Jidy 31, 1878. cl\ Presented by F. B. Toogood, Esq., Oct. 1, 1878. Presented by Sutton Sharpe, Esq., Dec. 13, 1878. Presented by James Wheatley, Esq., Sept. 19, 1879. g\ h\ Born in the Menagerie, April 26, 1880. Presented by E. Schweder, Esq., Sept. 1, 1880. P. Presented by Mrs. Studholme Brownrigg, Oct. 7, 1882. 218. Canis lagopus, Linn. Arctic Fox. Hob. Arctic Regions. a-f. Presented by Capt. Stewart, Oct. 7, 1863. g, h. Deposited, Oct. 15, 1866. i. Deposited, June 29, 1871. From Norway. j. Presented by B. L. Smith, Esq., Oct. 7, 1873. k. Presented by Mr. Keel, Sept. 4, 1874. I Presented by C. E. Wood, Esq., E.N., Sept. 2, 1875. m. Presented by H. H. Gibbs, Esq., F.Z.S., Nov. 26, 1875. n, 0. Presented by Sir T. Erskine, Bart., F.Z.S., Jan. 26 1877. p. Deposited, July 30, 1880. q. Presented by Miss Margeny May, Feb. 15, 1881. 70 CANIDiE. 219. Canis procynides, Gray. Raccoon-like Dog. Hob. North-eastern Asia. a. Male. Purchased, May 21, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. .323, pi. L. 6. Female. Presented by Capt. Burgoyne, Aug. 1, 1876. c-i. Born in the Menagerie, May 2, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 530. j. Male ; h. Pemale. Purchased, Dec. 5, 1882. b. Species Indicce. 220. Canis pallipes, Sykes. Indian Wolf. Hab. India. a. Presented by J. Adamson, Esq., Aug. 31, 1871. 221. Canis javanicus, J) esm. Sumatran Wild Dog. Hab. Sumatra and Java. , a. Presented by Mr. Mumford, Sept. 7, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 530. b, c. Eeceived in exchange, June 14, 1880. 222. Canis primcevus, Hodgs. Indian Wild Dog. Hab. India. a, b. Presented by Capt. Gildea, 21st Fusileers, Aug. 24, 1867 c Presented by J. E. Drummond, Esq., March 29, 1868. d Presented by H.E. the Governor-General of India, March 3, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 316. e. Male. Presented by Col. A. C. M^Master, Apnl 12, 1876. 223. Canis bengalensis, Shaw. Bengal Fox. Hab. India. a. Presented by E. Fane, Esq., C.S., Madras, Aug. 8, 1867. b, c. Purchased, June 10, 1875. 224. Canis aureus, Unn. Common Jackal. Hab. India. a. Presented by - Brown, Esq., Aug. 5, 1863. b. Presented by J. Millar, Esq., Sept. 10, 1863. c. cl. Born in the Menagerie, March 13, 1864 e Presented by Edm. A. Ankers, Esq., July 31, 1867. 71 /. Male. Presented by Capt. Gallicher, Nov. 4, 1869. g, h. Males. Presented by Oapt. G-. P. Henry, AprU 29, 1873. i. Presented by P. H. Preiderich, Esq., Nov. 3, 1873. j, I'. Presented by W. J. Haddock, Esq., May 21, 1876. I. Presented by j. Allan, Esq., Nov. 2, 1877. m. Presented by J. Smith, Esq., Aug. 22, 1878. n. Presented by Capt. Easson, Oct. 23, 1878. 0. Presented by T. Thursfield, Esq., Sept. 8, 1879. c. Species JEthiopicce. 225. Canis anthus, F. Cuv. North- African Jackal. Hab. North Africa. a, b. Deposited, May 15, 1868. c-g. Born in the Menagerie, May 16, 1868. h-k. Presented by Capt. Thos. Waite, June 16, 1869. l-p. Bom in the Menagerie, June 16, 1870. q-v. Born in the Menagerie, May 13, 1871. w. Deposited, Sept.-lO, 1872. Prom Southern Spain. X. Presented by Capt. W. P. Wardroper, Dec. 4, 1882. 226. Canis mesomelas, Schreb. Black-backed Jackal. Hab. South Africa. a. Male. Presented by Edward Spencer, Esq., Jan. 3, 1851. h. Pemale. Presented by Dr. Hay, Jan. 15, 1858. c, d. Presented by E. L. Layard, Esq., P.Z.S., Oct. 31, 1864. e, f. Presented by E. L. Layard, Esq., P.Z.S., March 23, 1865. g. Presented by M. M. de Pass, Esq., April 15, 1865. h, i. Eeceived, March 27, 1867. j. Presented by Capt. Brajleholer, May 3, 1873. 7c. Presented by Mr. J. Eackstraw, June 11, 1874. 1. Presented by Capt. Webster, June 24, 1874. m. Pemale. Presented by Messrs. Donald Currie & Co., June 22, 1875. n. Presented by the Earl of Guildford, June 2, 1877. 0. Presented by Capt. Pulton, Nov. 22, 1877. p. Presented by R. Seyd, Esq., P.Z.S., May 8, 1878. q. Presented by E. J. Eedman, Esq., April 1, 1879. r. Presented by Capt. C. HoUed Smith, Dec. 15, 1881. s. Presented by Capt. E. Jones, April 15, 1882. 227. Canis lateralis, Sclater. Side-striped Jackal. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, March 31, 1870. Prom the Gaboon. See description and figure, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 279, pi. xvni. Died Oct. 2, 1873. Mus. Brit. 72 CANID;E. h, c. Purchased, May 27, 1880. d. Presented by Capt. Owen, E.M.S. ' Anglian,' July 29, 1880. 228. Canis niloticus, Desm. Egyptian Fox. Hab. North Africa. a. Male. Presented by J. A. Laing, Esq., July 6, 1860. b. Presented by W. Taylor, Esq., Nov. 5, 1867. c. Purchased, July 25, 1873. d. Presented by Mr. J. T. Keane, Feb. 11, 1874. From Port Said. e. Presented by Commander F. Cotton, May 15, 1878. /. Presented by Dr. Thomas Biddle, July 20, 1882. 229. Canis cerdo, Gm. Fennec Fox. Hab. Egypt. a. Male ; h. Female. Purchased, Aug. 21, 1858. c, d. Purchased, Oct. 10, 1866. e. Male. Presented by Mi-s. Eochat, Oct. 20, 1870. 230. Canis famelicus, Riipp. Syrian Fennec. Hab. North Africa and Western Asia. a. Male. Presented by the Sinai Survev Expedition, Feb. 19, 1869. From Mount Sinai. See"'P. Z. S. 1869, p. 149. h. Female. Presented by E. S. Dawes, Esq., June 11, 1874. From Bushire, Persian Gulf. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 420. c. Male. Presented by E. S. Dawes, Esq., Sept. 11, 1875. From Bushire, Persian Grulf. d. Purchased, Aug. 25, 1880. 231. Canis' chama, Smith. Silver-backed Fox. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by H. N. B. Good, Esq., Jan. 6, 1875. From GriquaW "West. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 81, pi. xvii. 6. Male. Presented by E. Ladd, Esq., Dec. 11, 1876. c. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., May 4, 1880. d, e. Presented by Major-Gen. E. A. Bacon, May 14, 1882. d. Species Nearcticce. 232. Canis occidentalis, De Kay. Arctic Wolf. Hab. North America. a. Deposited, Dec. 8, 1868. From Hudson's Bay. h. Eeceived in exchange. May 9, 1876. CANIDjE. 73 233. Canis latrans, Say. Prairie Wolf. Hab. North America. a. Presented by Prof. C. M. Vincent, F.G.S., Aug. 21, 1878. See P. Z. S. 1878, p. 789. 234. Cards fulvus, Desm. Red Fox. Hab. North America. a. Presented by William Eeid, Esq., Aug. 17, 1864. b. Presented by Capt. David Herd, C.M.Z.S., Nov. 12, 1867. c. Var. decussata. Presented by Capt. David Herd, H.B.O.S., C.M.Z.S., Nov. 28, 1867. d. Deposited, Oct. 23, 1868. e. Presented by C. Messiter, Esq., July 29, 1869. f-h. Presented by Capt. D. Herd, Nov. 9, 1871. i. Presented by Capt. David Herd, C.M.Z.S., Oct. 21, 1873. j-l. Presented by Edward Darke, Esq., June 28, 1875. m-o. Deposited, Nov. 10, 1876. p. Presented by W. Gr. MarshaU, Esq., Oct. 11, 1878. q. Presented by Lord Hobart, Oct. 4, 1879. From Labrador. r. Presented by Capt. Eussell, March 26, 1880. 235. Canis argentatus, Shaw. Silver Fox. Hab. North America. a. Male ; b. Female. Presented by WiUiam a. Smith, Esq., Secretary to the Hudson's-Bay Company, Oct. 27, c. Deposited, Nov. 20, 1865. d. Deposited, Oct. 23, 1868. e^g. Hybrids between this species and female G. vuljpes. Born in the Menagerie, July 14, 1870. h. Presented by Edward Harris, Esq., F.L.S., Nov. 20, 1880. ^. Presented by Eobert H. S. D. Lydston Newman, Esq., AprU 29, 1881. j. Presented by S. E. Piatt, Esq., July 22, 1883. 236. Canis velox, Say. Kit Fox. Hab. North America. a. Purchased, Sept. 29, 1865. b. Male. Presented by G. Peacock, Esq., Aug. 3 1869 c. Presented by A. Shoobridge, Esq., Oct. 27 1869 d. Presented by Surgeon-Major Archer, August 4, 1876. From Honduras. 74 CANIDiE. 1 e. Species Neotropica. 237. Canis azarce, Pr. Max. Azara's Fox. Hob. South America. a. Female, Born in the Menagerie, May 17, 1858. 6. Purchased, Feb. 9, 1864. c, d. Presented by W. K. Martin, Esq., June 17, 1864. e. Presented by Mrs. Laird Warren, Sept. 9, 1864. /. Presented by H. Maynard, Esq., Jan. 31, 1868. g. Presented by Mrs. Diggens, June 19, 1868. h. Presented by G-, Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 4, 1868. i. Male. Presented by Dr. PaUn, C.M.Z.S., March 20, 1872. j. Female. Purchased, April 20, 1874. Tc. Female. Purchased, May 25, 1876. I. Eeceived, Jan. 16, 1877. m. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1877. n. Purchased, Nov. 20, 1877. 0. Purchased, Dec. 14, 1877. p. Purchased, Feb. 4, 1878. q. Presented by Dr. A. StradUng, April 19, 1878. r, s. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., May 26, 1880. t. Presented by Edward Cooper, Esq., June 14, 1880. u. Presented by Mr. Wniiam Petty, March 10, 1881. V. Presented by Owen E. Grrant, Esq., Jan. 17, 1882. 238. Canis rudis, Giinther. Rough Fox. Hab. British Guiana. a. Deposited, April 6, 1879. b. Presented by G. H. Hawtayne, Esq., O.M.Z.S,, Aug. 5, 1879. See Abb. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 5, vol. i. p. 316 (1879). c. Presented by Mr. W. Petty, Feb. 8, 1881. From Paraguay. d. Purchased, June 23, 1882. e. Presented by W. F. Bridges, Esq., Sept. 18, 1882. 239. Canis cancrivorus, Desm. Crab-eating Fox. Hab. Brazil. a. Presented by Dr. Palin, C.M.Z.S., March 20, 1872. 240. Canis fulvicaudus, Lund. Red-tailed Fox. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Jan. 2, 1874. CANID^. 241. Canis fulvipes, Mavtia. Red-footed Fox. Hab. South America. a. Presented by F. Grant, Esq., Oct. 9, 1874. From Per- nambuco. 242. Canis microtis, Sclater. Small-eared Fox. Hab. Amazons. a. Purchased, Sept. 4, 1882. See P.iZ.S. 1882, p. 631, pi. xLvn. 243. Canis magellanicus, Gray. Magellanic Fox. Hab. South America. a. Male; h. Female. From Chili. Purchased, July 6, 1870. SeeP.Z.S. 1870, p. 665. c. Female. Presented by W. Douglas, Esq., June 26, 1872. d. Presented by the Eev. Dr. StirHng, July 8, 1873. From Southern Patagonia. 244. Canis antarcticus, Shaw. Antarctic Wolf. Hab. Falkland Islands. a. Obtained by the Society's collector, Aug. 24, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 529. h. Female. Presented by H. Byng, Esq., Nov. 8, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 797. 245. Canis jubatus, Desm. Red Wolf. Hab. Buenos Ayres. a. Female. Purchased, Nov. 30, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 806, pi. ixxxi. 6. Female. Presented by Mr. W. Petty, Dec. 6, 1880. f. Species Australiana. 246. Canis dingo, Blumenb. Dingo. Hab. Australia. a. Male; h. Female. Presented by — Hume, Esq., Aue. 20,1862. ' i> B c, cl. Presented by Dr. MueDer, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 3, 1864. From Melbourne. er-Ti. Bom in the Menagerie, April 7, 1865. 76 CANIDiE, MUSTELIDiE. i. Presented by Capt. 'Williams, June 6, 1865. j-n. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Sept. 6, 1865. 0. Deposited, Dec. 3, 1865. p. Presented by James Anderson, Esq., April 27, 1867. q. Presented by Dr. F. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., July 18, 1867. r. Presented by William Tucker, Esq., Oct. 17, 1867. s. Presented by the Governors of the Botanic Gardens, Adelaide, S. A., Dec. 24, 1867. t. Male. Presented by J. C. Macdonald, Esq., F.Z.S., Feb. 10, 1869. u. Male. Presented by G. W. D. A, Smith, Esq., Aug. 16, 1870. V. Male. Presented by C. H. Wigram, Esq., Dec. 5, 1870. w. Male. Presented by the Zoological and Acclimatization Society of Victoria, April 12, 1875. X. Male ; y. Female. Eeceived in exchange, March 29, 1880. z. Presented by Lord Ernest Gordon, June 5, 1880. a\ b^. Born in the Menagerie, March 9, 1881. c^-fK Born in the Menagerie, May 12, 1882. Genus Otocyon. 247. Otocyon megalotis (Desm.). Long-eared Fox. Hab. South Africa. a. Male. Presented by J. J. Barry, Esq., Oct. 23, 1863. 6, c. Females. Presented bv Josiah Eivers, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. Family MUSTELIDiE. Genus Mustela. 248. Mustela martes, Linn. Pine- Marten. Hab. British Islands. ft. Presented by Lord Baynes, Oct. 18, 1864. h. Presented by John Francis, Esq., April 1, 1865. c. Deposited, April 30, 1866. From Kerry L-eland. d. Presented by W. Wynne, Esq., F.Z.S., March 16, 1868. e. Presented by J. W. Francis, Esq., May 25, 18/4. /. Presented by J. ^N . Francis, Esq., Nov. 13, 1874. q. Presented by F. Nicholson, Esq., F.Z.S. J^^Qe 22, 1876. 'h. Presented by E. Walters, Esq., F.Z.S., June 24, 1878. i. Presented by E. Walters, Esq., F.Z.S., Dec. 16, 1878. MUSTELID^. 249. Mustek foina (Erd.) . Beech-Marten. Hab. Russia. a. Purchased, June 17, 1879. 250. Mustela pennanti (Erxl.). Canadian Marten. Hab. North America. a. Male; h. Eemale. Presented by Capt. David Herd, H.B.O.S., O.M.Z.S., Oct. 6, 1860. 251. Mustela putorius, Itirm. Common Polecat. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by P. H. Salvin, Esq., April 16, 1869. 6. Female. Presented by C. "Wedge, Esq., April 29, 1871. c. Presented by Mr. H. C. Brooke, Aug. 3, 1881. d, e. Presented by Mons. M. P. Pichot, Nov. 4, 1881. /. Purchased, Sept. 23, 1882. 252. Mustela furo (Linn.). Common Ferret. Hab. British Isles. a. Male. Presented by Mrs. Bay, Sept. 9, 1871. 6, c. Presented by Mrs. J. F. Faed, Dec. 14, 1881. From Japan. 258. Mustela erminea, Linn. Common Stoat. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by Capt. Salvin, July 27, 1870. 254. Mustela vulgaris {(ym..). Weasel. Hab. British Isles. a. Purchased, Nov. 1, 1878. h. Purchased, Nov. 3, 1879. c. Purchased, Nov. 21, 1881. Genus Gulo. 255. Gulo luscus (Linn.). Glutton. Hab. Northern Europe. ft. Male. Presented by George Gillett, Esq., F.Z.S., Dec. 1, 1858. b. Piu-chased, May 29, 1873. c. Presented by General AstashofE, Sept. 30, 1882. 78 MUSTELIDJE. Genus Galictis. 256. Galictis barbar a (Linn.) . Tayra. Hab. South America. a. Presented by Dr. Wucherer, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 4, 1864. From Bahia. b. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1871. Interior of New G-ranada. 6. Purchased, March 15, 1871. Prom Panama. d. Male. Presented by P. W. Brown, Esq., Feb. 27, 1872. e. Male ; /. Female. Purchased, June 21, 1873. g. Purchased, June 8, 1876. 7i, i. Bom in the Menagerie, Sept. 5, 1878. j. Purchased, Feb. 17, 1879. k. Male. Presented by Gr. A. Muhlhaiiser, Esq., May 7, 1880. I, m. Deposited, March 25, 1 882. 257. Galictis vittata {^ckv^.). Grison. Hab. South America. a. Male. Purchased, Dec. 24, 1860. 6. Female. Presented by — Gayleard, Esq., April 6, 1863. c. Purchased, Aug. 23, 1866. cl. Piirchased, June 20, 1867. e. Presented by G. Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., March 5, 1868. From La Plata. /. Female. Purchased, Nov. 19, 1869. g. Male. Presented by H.E.H. the Duke of Edinburgh, F.Z.S., June 3, 1871. h. Female. Purchased, June 9, 1871. i. Purchased, June 17, 1875. j. Presented by H. Potior, Esq., Oct. 28, 1878. Genus Ictonyx. 2o%. Ictonyw zorilla {l^hnxCo.). Cape Zorilla. Hab. Cape Colony. a. Purchased, March 2, 1868. h. Eeceived in exchange. May 9, 1876, c. Purchased, Nov. 6, 1877. cl, e. Presented by Mrs. J. J. Monteiro, July 16, 1878^ /. Presented by j. Colman, Esq., of Loaudo, Oct. 6, 1878. g. Presented by Capt. Farmer, Jime 2, 1882. h. Purchased, Aug. 24, 1882. MUSTELIDiE. ' ^ Genus Helictis. 259. Helictis suhaurantiaca, Swinhoe. Orange-bellied Helictis. Hah. China. a. Purchased, Not. 26, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 666. Genus Mellivora. 260. Mellivora capensis (Schreb.). Cape Ratel. Hab. Africa. a. Male. Presented by Capt. Tower, E.N., July 11, 1857. b. Female. Presented by E. Wemyss, Esq., Nov. 30, 1861. c. Pemale. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 3, 1866. Specimen described and figured, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 98, pi. vra., as Mellivora leuconota, Sclater. See also P. Z. S. 1871, p. 232. 261 . Mellivora indica (Shaw) . Indian Ratel. Hab. India. a, h. Males. Presented bv Arthur Grote, Esq., F.Z.S., April 26, 1862. c. Male. Presented by Dr. Anderson, F.Z.S., March 25, 1870. d. Female. Presented by L. Macneill, Esq., May 29, 1874. Genus Taxidea. ' 262. Taxidea americana (Zimm.). American Badger. Hab. North America. a. Purchased, Jan. 23, 1869. See P. Z. 8. 1869, p. 149. Genus Meles. 263. Meles taxus (Bodd.j. Common Badger. Hah. British Islands. i a. Male. Presented by J. H. Thrupp, Esq., May 22, 1860. 6. Female. Presented by the Duke of Eichmond, April 22, 1862. ' ' c. Female. Presented by John Boswell, Esq., Dee. 9, 1863. i d. Presented by Lord Garvagh, F.Z.S., March 4, 1865. 80 MUSTELIDiE. e. Presented by Henry Elwes, Esq., F.Z.S., Jan. 8, 1867. f-li. Presented by J. G-. Topham, Esq., March 29, 1868. i. Presented by W. H. AlUes, Esq., E.Z.S., July 17, 1868. j. Presented by the Lord Willoughby d'Eresby, Apr. 23, 1869. h. Deposited, Dec. 29, 1869. I. Male. Presented by J. B. Q-reen, Esq., Oct. 11, 1870. m. Presented by J. E. Liardet, Esq., March 20, 1876. n. Presented by W. Barneby, Esq., E.Z.S., April 27, 1876. 0. Born in the Menagerie, March 14, 1877. p. Presented by the Lord Saltoun, F.Z.S., Jan.30, 1878. q. Presented by Messrs. J. H. & B. H. Thompson, May 8, 1878. r-t. Born in the Menagerie, March 10, 1879. M, V. Born in the Menagerie, March 18, 1880. w. Presented by Prank G. Haines, Esq., July 12, 1880. X. Presented by Mrs. Eocke, March 16, 1881. y, z. Presented by C. E. Meltzer, Esq., Feb. 2, 1882. From Eussia. a\ Deposited, March 2, 1882. h\ c\ Born in the Gardens, March 15, 1882. 264. Meles ankuma, Temm. Sand-Badger. Hab. Japan. a, h. Purchased, June 1, 1865. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 466. c d. Presented by the Hon. Lieut. A. C. Littleton, Oct. 26, 1873. See ]?. Z. S. 1873, p. 761. 265. Meles leptorhynchus, A. Milne-Edwards. Sharp-nosed Badger. Hah. China. a. Presented by E. Swinhoe, Esq., F.Z.S., Nov. 13, 1873. See P.Z. S. 1873, p. 762. Genus Arctonyx. 266. Arctonyx coUaris, F. Cuv. Indian Badger. Hab. Assam. a Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 6, 1867. FromTavoy. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 821. h Male. Presented by Lieut.-Col. Hildebrand, Dec. 11, 1872. SeeP.Z.S. 1873,p.l. MUSTELID:E. 81 Genus MisPHiTis. 267. Mephitis mephitica {Shaw) . Cauadian Skunk. Hab. North America. a. Presented by Oapt. D. Herd, H.B.C.S., C.M.Z.S., Nov. 20, 1865. From Hudson's Bay. . 6, c. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Co., Oct. 29, 1867. ci Purchased, Nov. 23, 1869. Genus CoNEPATUs. 268. Conepatus mapurito (Gmel.) . Chilian Skunk. Hab. ChiU. a. Presented by Mr. Edmonds, April 7, 1864. b. Male; c. Pemale. Purchased, July 6, 1870. See Me- phitis chilensis, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 665. d, e. Deposited, March 6, 1879. Genus LuTRA. 269. Lutra vulgaris, Erxl. Commoja Otter. Hab. British Islands. a. Male; b. Female. Presented by the Marquis of Bath, F.Z.S., June 15, 1861. c. Presented by John Henry Gurney, Esq., F.Z.S., March 28, 1864. d. Presented by Lord Huntingfield, F.Z.S., May 17, 1865. e. Presented by WilUam Burnley Hume, Esq., Nov. 9, 1865. /. Presented by the Hon. Eowland Hill, M.P., April 17, 1866. g. Presented by F. Ware, Esq., May 12, 1866. h. Presented by the Hon. Eowland Hill, July 19, 1867. i. Presented by H. J. Pope, Esq., May 20, 1869. j. Presented by A. Fairgrieve, Esq., Sept. 13, 1869. k. Male. Presented by Capt. de Winton, F.Z.S., May 30, 1870. I. Presented by Viscount Hill, F.Z.S., July 11, 1870. m. Presented by the Lord Huntingfield, March 1, 1872. n. Female. Deposited, Feb. 15, 1873. 0. Deposited, Jan. 3, 1874. p. Presented by Dr. Stafford, March 12, 1874. q. Eeceived in exchange, Feb. 23, 1876. r. Presented by J. Herbert, Esq., April 30, 1876. s, .t. Presented by August B. Foster, Esq., March 31, 1877. u. Presented bv W. H. Baylis, Esq., Oct. 10, 1878. V. Purchased, June 4, 1880. 83 MUSTELIU/E. P110CY0NID;E, w. Purchased, July 27, 1880. X. Female, lleceived iu exchange, April 21, 1880. y, z. Presented by H. Mitchell, Esq., Sept. 22, 1881. h\ Young. Presented by the Heading Angling Associa- tion, Jan. 14, 1882. c\ Purchased, Feb. 7, 1882. cr. Piu-chased, May 12, 1882. 370. Lut7-a nair, F. Cuv. Indian Otter. Hab. India. a. Piu'chased, Aug. 27, 1879. From Eangoon. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 664. Family PROCYONID^. Genus Procyon. 371. Proeyon lotor (Linn.). Raccoon. Hab. North America. a. Male. Purchased, July 11, 1861. h. Presented by W. H. Adams, Esq., May 6, 1863. c, d. Presented by Egbert W. Cooper, Esq., 2ud W. I. Eegt., Nov. 10, 1863. e,f. Presented by H. O. Harris, Esq., Sept. 26, 1864. g, h. Presented by Henry Jubber, Esq., F.Z.S., March 20, 1867. Born in the Menagerie, June 3, 1868. h, I Presented by C. Messiter, Esq., July 29, 1869. m. Presented by "Miss Breach, Oct. 9, 1873. n. Male. Purchased, Jan. 30, 1874. 0. Male. Presented by Mr. S. Taylor, June 15, 1874. jp. Presented by J. Trimnell, Esq., Nov. 30, 1874. q. Presented by Miss Julia Jackson, Feb. 27, 1875. r. Male. Presented Mi\ Wesson, May 27, 1875. s. Presented by W. Binder, Esq., Sept. 14, 1875. t. Deposited, May 5, 1876. u. Presented by H. B. Whitmarsh, Esq., Sept. 13, 1876. V. Presented by Mark Vice, Esq., Aug. 3, 1882. 273. Procijon cancrivorus (Cuv.). Crab-eating Raccoon. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, March 16, 1864. h. Purchased, May 13, 1870. Black-footed variety. See P.Z.S. 1875," p. 421. PROCYONIDiE. 83 c. Presented by A. M. Sandbach, Esq., June 11, 1872. From British Guiana. Eed-footed variety. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 421. d. Male; e. Female. Purchased, Oct. 1, 1872. From Colon. Eed-footed variety. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 421. /, g. Presented by J. E. H. WUton, Esq., April 14, 1875. 7i, i. Piu-chased, Oct. 15, 1877. j. Presented by E. Bridgett, Esq., April 30, 1879. Jc. Purchased, March 2, 1880. Fi'om Baranquilla. I. Female. Purchased, Sept. 16, 1880. m. Presented by H. B. Whitmarsh, Esq., Jan. 3, 1882. Genus Nasua. 273. Nasua narica (Linn.), White-nosed Coati. Hab. Central America and Peru. a. Presented by Lieut. J. L. Hearne, E.N., Nov. 8, 1870. From Acapulco, Mexico. h. Female. Pm-chased, Oct. 1, 1872. From Vera Cruz. 274. Nasua rufa (Desm.) . Ring-tailed Coati. Hab. South America. a-z. See former editions. a\ Purchased, April 17, 1876 . h\ Deposited, June 10, 1876. c\ Presented by the Hon. C. W. Finsch, July 20, 1876. dK Presented by E. C. Corfield, Esq., Aug. 5, 1876. e\ Male. Presented by Dr. Bree, F.Z.S., Sept. 13. 1876. f/K Presented by J. A. Watson, Esq., Oct. 3, 1876. Female. Deposited, Dec. 16, 1876. iK Deposited, June 23, 1877. Female. Presented by — Thymie, Esq., July 20, 1877 JcK Male. Presented by J. Trotter, Esq., Aug. 7 1877 l\ Presented by Dr. G-. P. Best, M.E.C.S., Oct. 12, 1877. m\ n\ Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 1, 1877. o'. Purchased, Dec. 14, 1877. p'. Male ; q\ Female. Presented by the Hon. G-. H W^nin Feb. 28, 1878. vjt. aa. w jTin, rK Eeceived in exchange, July 25, 1878 s\ Deposited, July 31, 1878. t\ Eeceived in exchange, August 6, 1878 Purchased Jan. 24, 1879. From Buenos Ayres. v\ Purchased, March 7, 1879. ^ g^;^^*^^ Barnes, Esq., Sept. 17, 1879. Para- g2 84 PROCYONIDiE. — jELURIDiE. x\ Presented by Percy Brewis, Esq., Sept. 19, 1879. i/. Deposited, March 7, 18S0. z\ Presented by C. B. Robinson, Esq., July 9, 1880. a'-cl\ Presented by Lieut.-Col. J. A. Smith, July 19, 1880. e-. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1880. /-. Purchased, Oct. 6, 1880. g\ Presented by H. T. Jones, Nov. 6, 1880. h\ Presented by H. Hallawell, Esq., Dec. 7, 1880. i\ Presented by Mrs. Puller, March 17, 1881. f. Presented by L. H. Haworth, Esq., Aug. 25, 1881. 'Jc\ Presented by P. B. Norcliffe, Esq., Oct. 29, 1881. P. Presented by John Verinder, Esq., Jan. 10, 1882. m^ Presented by Capt. Eoxby, Sept. 9, 1882. n\ Presented by Mr. E. D. Hatch, Sept. 15, 1882. Genus Cercoleptes. 275. Cercoleptes caudivolvulus (Pall.). Kinkajou. Hab. Demerara. a-z. See former editions. ft'. Deposited, Nov. 24, 1875. IK Deposited, Dec. 7, 1876. Purchased, March 31, 1877. d\ Deposited, June 2, 1877. e'. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1877. f , g\ Purchased, Dec. 14, 1877. 'hK Deposited, Oct. 4, 1878. iK Purchased, Dec. 2, 1878. /. Presented by M. B. Salmon, Esq., June 20, 1879. Jc\ Purchased, April 29, 1880. . l\ Deposited, Dec. 31, 1881. m\ Purchased, April 15, 1882. Family ^LURIDJS. Genus JElurus. 276. ^lurusfulgens,Y. :Gnvier. Panda. (Fig. 8.) Hab. Nepal. a. Presented by Dr. Simpson, May 22, 1869. See notic^ P. Z. S. 1869, p. 408. See also notes by Dr. Simpson, P. Z. S. 1869, p. 507, and figure, ibid. pi. xu., tixken from this specimen ; description of its anatomy by Proi . jELURIDjE. URSIDjE. 85 Elower, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 752, and of its habits in cap- tivity, by Mr. Bartlett, p. 769. h. Purchased, Jan. 31, 1876. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 255. Kg. 8. ^urus fulgens. (P. Z. S. 1869, p. 408.) Family URSIDiE. Genus Ursus. 277. Ursus maritimus, Linn. Polar Bear. Hab. Polar regions. «. Female. Purchased, Sept. 28, 1846. h. Male. Purchased, Oct. 1850. c. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 16, 1865. d, e. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 24, 18G6. 86 URSTDiE. /. Male^ Presented by B. L. Smith, Esq., F.Z.S., Dec. 9, 1 H / 1 . .g. Mule. Deposited, Oct. 26, 1875. 7i, i. Presented by B. Leigh Smith, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct, 16. 1880. 278. Ursus arctos, Linn. Brown Bear*. Hab. Northern Europe and Asia. a. Male. Purchased, June 1, 1852. b. Eemale. Presented by Maior Hon. W. C. W. Coke, M.P E.Z.S. c. Young. Var. coUaris. Deposited, April 9, 1862. d. Presented by Viscount Rauelagh, May 10, 1864. e. f. Presented by H. N. Alder, Esq., July 19, 1864. From Eussia. g. Presented by Capt. W. Beauchamp Seymour, E.N., C.B., Oct. 18, 1864. From Hakodadi, Japan. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 374. Ji. E-eeeived, Jiily 5, 1865. i. Presented by Charles Sidgreaves, Esq., July 18, 1865. j. Received in exchange, Feb. 7, 1866. k. Male. Deposited, April 3, 1869. I. Male. Presented by Capt. Blackiston, May 12, 1869, From Jesso, Japan, TO. Female. Deposited, Oct. 12, 1870. n. Presented by C. Czarnikow, Esq., F.Z.S. , July 7, 1871. 0. Deposited, May 26, 1873, From Japau. 2^. Presented by M. B. Wilson, Esq., Sept. 30, 1873. q. Male. Presented by A. Vale, Esq., Oct. 5, 1875. r. Female. Presented by Walter H. Beaton, Esq., Oct. 5, 1875. s, t. Depositea, Oct. 7, 1876. u. Presented by J. Mason Allen, Esq., Jan. 29, 1878, V. Presented by J. R. Boyce, Esq., Aug. 2, 1879. w. Male, Received in exchange, Sept. 22, 1879. X. Presented by Messrs. Jas. Veitch and Son and Mrs. Charles Maries, Jan. 6, 1880. From Japau. y. Female. Presented by Commodore Alwell Lake, E.N., April 13, 1880. z. Presented by C. Overbeck, Esq., June 5, 1880. a}. Deposited, April 12, 1881. From Spain. h\ Presented by Messrs. Morgan, Gellibrand, and Co., Sept. 1881. * For notice o£ hybrids between this species and U. amcricanvs see Bartlett, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 130. XTRSIDiE. 87 279. Ursus isabellinus, Horsf. Isabelline Bear. Hab. India. «. Eeceived in exchange, March 7, 1876. See P. Z. S. 1878, p. 377. 280. Ursus syriacus, Ehrenb. Syrian Bear. Hab. Western Asia. «. Female. Purchased, April 4, 1851. h. Male. Presented by E. T. Eogers, Esq., H.B.M.'s Consul at Damascus, Sept. 21, 1864. From Syria. c. Female. Presented by W. Kii-by Green, Esq., May 29, 1875. d. Presented by Dr. J. Huntley, March 3, 1879. 281. Ursus piscator , Puch. Hairy-eared Bear. (Fig. 9.) Hab. North-east Asia. a. Presented by W. Scott Stonehewer, Esq., Sept. 14, 1867. Specimen described by Dr. Gray, Ann. N. H. ser. 3, xx. p. 301, as Ursus lasiotis. See notice by Sclater, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 817. Fig. 9. Head of Ursus piscator. (P. Z, s. 1867, p. 817.) 88 URSID7E. 283. Ursus horribilis, Ord. Grizzly Bear. Hab. Western North America. a. Purchased, Aug. 12, 1876. From CaUforaia. See P. Z. S. 1876, 15. 695. 283. Ursus tibetanus, F. Cuv. Himalayan Bear. Hab. Northern India and China. a. Female. Presented by W. H. Eussell, Esq ., F.Z.S., Oct. 7. ' 1859. From India. h. Presented by H. O. Hebeler, Esq., 6th Eegt. Foot, Sept. 19, 1864. From India. c. Purchased, Oct. 24, 1866. From Northern China. Cf. Sclater, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 418. d. Deposited, May 14, 1867. e. Presented by E. Swinhoe, Esq., C.M.Z.S., H.B.M.'s Consul at Amoy, Sept. 24, 1867. From Formosa. Ursus for- mosmius, Swinhoe, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 380. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 818. /. Presented by Capt. Butler, May 4, 1868. From India. g. Presented by Admiral Sir H. Keppel, K.C.B., AprU 14, 1870. From Eastern Siberia. 7i. Male. Presented by Mrs. Nourse, May 16, 1870. i. Female. Presented by Capt. Lyon, Jan. 17, 1871. j. Female. Presented by Gr. E. Taylor, Esq., July 19, 1873. k. Presented by G-eo. Lockie, Esq., June 30, 1874. I. Male. Presented by H.E.H. the Prince of Wales, Jan. 9, 1877. m. Presented by Comm. J. S. Murray, June 13, 1878. n. Female. Presented by J.E. Coope, Esq., Aug. 20, 1882. 284. Ursus japonicus, Schleg. Japanese Bear. Hab. Japan. a, h. Females. Purchased, AprU 1, 1862. Types of Ursus japonicus, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1862, pp. 187 & 261, pi. xxxn. 285. Ursus americanus, Pall. Black Bear. Hab. North America. a. Male. Presented by J. Wingfield Malcolm, Esq., Oct. 5, 1860. 6. Female. Presented by Capt. David Herd, H.B.C.S., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 11, 1861. c. Presented by Capt. d'Arcy, E.N., Nov. 22, 1864. cl. Presented by — Keye, Esq., Jan. 15, 1866. e. Deposited, March 1, 1866. URSTDjE. 89 /. Presented by Capt. David Herd, H.B.C.S., C.M.Z.S., Nov. 8, 1866. From the Hudson's Bay Territory. g. Purchased, Jan. 28, 1868. Specimen described and figured by Sclater, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 73, pi. vm., as Ursus nasutus. See P. Z, S. 1871, p. 232. 7i. Male. Var. cinnamomea. Purchased, Jan. 13, 1869. i. Presented by Gr. Stanley Arred, Esq., July 14, 1869. j. Male. Presented by Eees Davis, Esq., Aug. 28, 1869. Jc, I. Deposited, Oct. 30, 1869. m. Male. Presented by Col. Jenyns and Officers of the 13th Hussars, March 29, 1870. n. Female. Presented by G. W. D. A. Smith, Esq., Aug. 16, 1870. 0. Male. Presented by Col. Campbell and Officers of the 100th Regiment, Oct. 18, 1870. p. Presented by W. Stead, Esq., Jan. 5, 1877. q. Male. Received in exchange, June 12, 1879. r. Female. Presented by the Earl of Caledou, F.Z.S., and the Hon. Charles Alexandar, July 14, 1881. s. Female. Presented by Lady Brassey, Sept. 22, 1881. t. Presented by Capt. M'Pherson, Nov."l, 1881. 286. Ursus malayanus, RafiSes. Malayan Bear. Hab. Malacca. a, b. Purchased, March 12, 1863. c. Presented by T. Pandorf, Esq., Sept. 14, 1867. d. Purchased, March 2, 1873. e. Female. Presented by A. C. Crookshank, Esq., Aug. 14, 1873. /. Presented by Dr. F. Wicksteed, May 17, 1877. (/. Female. Presented by S. Palmer, Esq., March 21, 1878. h. Purchased, Jan. 16, 1882. 287. Ursus ornatus, F. Cuv. Spectacled Bear. Hab. Andes of Peru. a. Purchased, Oct. 4, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 700. h. Purchased, July 9, 1874. Genus Melursus. 288. Melursus ursinus (Shaw). Sloth Bear. Hab. India. a. Female. Presented by Lieut. James Howe Mardon, 66th Eegt., Nov. 19, 1863. h. Purchased, Oct. 21, 1865. c. Presented by H. Morland, Esq., July 16, 1868. 90 URsitf^. — otariid;e. d. Presented by Capt. A. Morrell, R.N., Sept. 22, 1869 e. Presented by Capt. D. P. Murray, April 8, 1870. /. Male ; r/. Female. Presented by Capt. J. C. fficks, Sept. 9, 1870. ' 7i. Male ; i. Female. Presented by the Eaiah of Nuzuveed, Jan. 8, 1872. j. Male^ Presented by W. Dumaresq Wright, Esq., May 11, Tc. Presented by Lieut.-Col. E. A. Eoberts, Eoyal Endneers, July 3, 1875. I. Presented by Messrs. Boyle & Gray, Lts. E.N., Aug. 22, ]876. m. Presented by Col. Boyle, Grenadier Guards, Aug. 31, 1880. Family OTARIID^. Genus Otaria. 289. Otaria juhata (Gm.) . Patagouian Sea-Lion. (Fig. 10.) Hab. Ai'ctic America. a. Male. Purchased, Jan. 25, 1866. See P.Z.S. 1866. Fig. 10. Otaria juhata. (P. Z. S. 1866, p. 80.) OTARIID^. PHOCID^. 91 p. 80, and Zool. Sk. ser. 2. pi. xi., where this specimen is called Otaria hooJceri. But see also note, P.Z. S. 18(58, p. 190 ; Murie, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 243, and Tr. Z. S. vii. p. 527. 5. Female. Captured at North-Point Island, Falkland Islands, June 8, 1867, by the Society's agent, and re- ceived Aug. 24, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 527. c. Male. Presented by F. E. Cobb, Esq., May 20, 1879. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 551. 290. Otaria pusilla (Schreb.). Cape Sea-Lion. Hab. South Africa. a. Female. Presented by H.B. Sir Henry Barkly, C.M.Z.S., Oct. 25, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 700. Family TRICHECHID^. Genus Trichechus. 291. Trichechus rosmarus, hinn. Walrus. Hab. Arctic seas. a. Male. Purchased, Nov. 1, 1867. Died Dec. 19, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 818 ; also accoimt of its examina- tion post mortem by Murie, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 67 ; and memoir on its anatomy by the same author, Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. vii. p. 411. Family PHOCID^. Genus Halichcerus. 292. Halichosrus grypus (Fabr.) . Grey Seal. Hab. North Atlantic. «. Male; 6. Female. Purchased, Nov. 11, 1871. SeeP.ZS, 1871, p. 701. c, d. Males. Purchased, Nov. 15, 1872, 92 Genus Piioca. 293. Phoca vitulina, Linn. Common Seal. Hah. British seas. «. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1861. h. Female. Purchased, April 17, 1862. c, d. Purchased, July 11, 1867. e-g. Purchased, July 15, 1867. 7j, i. Purchased, July 23, 1867. j. Purchased, Nov. 16, 1867. l--n. Purchased, March 23, 1868. 0. Born in the Menagerie, June 9, 1868. X>. Presented by H. J. Elwes, Esq., P.Z.S., July 11, 1868 q. Purchased, July 27, 1868. r-t. Purchased, Nov. 3, 1868. u. Male. Purchased, Aug. 3, 1869. V. Female. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1869. w. Male. Purchased, March 13, 1870. 00. Male. Presented by Mr. Beard, July 23, 1871. y. Received in exchange, Dec. 18, 1871. z. Presented by G-. MeUin, Esq., Oct. 1, 1877. Cf. Garrod, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 792. a\ Purchased, April 26, 1878. h\ c\ Purchased, June 9, 1878. cl\ Deposited, June 26, 1878. e\ Presented by Messrs. Thompson and Gough, Oct. 22, 1878. Presented by the Earl of Hopetoun, Jan. 15, 1879. g^. Presented by Capt. Charles Eavrle, April 8, 1879. A'. Purchased, June 7, 1879. Purchased, April 19, 1880. ¥. Purchased, July 14, 1880. 294. Phoca groenlandica, Fabr. Greenland Seal *. Hah. North America. a-d. Males. Purchased, May 6, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 407. e. Female. Purchased, May 11, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 407. /, g. Presented by Sir C. M. Lampson, Bart., F.Z.S.,May 18, 1869. h. Male. Purchased, May 6, 1870. From Hudson's Bay. i. Male. Presented by Capt. A. Gray, April 24, 1874. * See paper on this species by Dr. Murie, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 604, pi. XXXII. PHOCIDiE. — ERINACEIDjE. -'^ Genus Monachus. 395. Monachus albiventer (Bodd.). Meditei-ranean Seal. Hob. Mediterranean Sea. a. Presented by M. Teats Bro.vn, Esq., May 18, 1882. See P.Z.S. 1882, p. 547. Genus Cystophoea. 396. Cystophora cristaia (ErxL). Bladder-nosed Seal. Hab. North Atlantic. «, h. Males ; c. Female. Purchased, May 6, 1870. See P.Z.S. 1870, p. 381. d. Presented by Capt. D. Herd, C.M.Z.S., May 20, 1870. e-g. Purchased, April 25, 1871. From the Greenland seas. h. Deposited, April 20, 1873. i. Male. Presented by Capt. D. Gray, April 24, 1874. /, Tc. Males ; I. Female. Presented by Capt. A. Gray, April 24, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 247. m. Purchased, Aug. 13, 1878. Order IV. INSECTIVORA. Family TALPIDiE. Genus Talpa. 297. Talpa europeea, Linn. Common Mole. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by G. N. L. Austin, Esq., March 15, 1864. Family ERINACEIDiE. Genus Erinaceus. 298. Erinaceus europcms, Linn. Common Hedgehog. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by E. March, Esq., Dec. 6, 1871. h. Purchased, June 7, 1873. c. Presented by Mr. White, June 8, 1873. d. Presented by Mrs. Angus, Sept. 21, 1874. e. Presented by Mr. E. Sass, Nov. 2, 1878. /. Presented by J. Halz, Esq., July 18, 1881. f/. Presented by W. Dunn, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 22, 1881. Ji^j. Presented by W. Bayes, Esq., Sept. 20, 1882. ElUNACElDiE. PTEROl'ODIDjE. 299. Erinaceus algirus, LerebouU, et Duvern. Algerian Hedge- hog. Hab. Algiers. a. Presented by Dr. G. E. Dobson, C.M.Z.S.,Nov. 12, 1880. 300. Erinaceus collaris, Gray. Collared Hedgehog. Hah. North-west India. a-d. Presented by A. Anderson, Esq., E.Z.S., May 17, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 518. 301. Erinaceus frontalis, Smith. Cape Hedgehog. Hab. South Africa. a. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 13, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 681. Family TUPAIID^. Genus Tupaia. 302. Tupaia peguana, Lesson. Peguan Tree-Shrew. Hab. Burmah. a. Presented by the Hon. Ashley Eden, C.S.I., Feb. 8, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 156. 303. Tupaia tana, Baffles. Tana Tupaia. Hab. Borneo. a. Purchased, Jan. 11, 1881. See P. Z. S. 1881, p. 259. Order V. CHIROPTEEA. Family PTEROPODID^. Genus Pteropus. 304. Pteropus formosus, Sclater. Formosa Fruit-Bat. Hab. Formosa. a, b. Presented by the Eev. Mr. Eitchie, Jan. 9, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 193, pi. XXII. PTEROPODIDiE. &5 305. Pteropus poUoccphalus, Temm. Australian Fruit-Bat. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by H.E.H. The Bnke of Edinburgh, July 4, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 526. b, c. Purchased, July 17, 1882. d. Born in the Gardens, Oct 7, 1882. 306. Pteropus medius, Temm. Indian Fruit-Bat. Hab. India. a. Presented by Edward W. Bagshot, Esq., Oct. 1, 1863. h. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1872. c-f. Deposited, Nov. 29, 1872. y. Presented by Dr. Stafford, Oct. 21, 1874. h. Purchased, Sept. 1, 1875. i. Presented by Capt. F. P. Millett, March 10, 1879. j, Ic. Purchased, Nov. 4, 1880. l-x. Presented by Messrs. Davies and JoUiff, Jan. 3, 1881. y. Presented by E. H. Maskell, Esq., May 9, 1881. 307. Pteropus Jajpomelanus, Temm. Blackisli Fruit-Bat. Hah. Indian archipelago. a. Deposited, April 29, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 531. Genus Cynonycteris. 308. Cynonycteris collaris (lUiger). Collared Fruit-Bat. (Fig. 11, p. 96.) Hab. South Africa. a. Female. Purchased, May 27, 1868. From Natal. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 401. h. Male. Purchased, Nov. 1, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 602. c. Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 27, 1870. See P. Z. S 1870 p. 127. d. Born in the Menagerie, April 7, 1871. SeeP.Z S 1871 p. 478. ' ' e. Male. Eeceived in exchange, Dec. 18, 1871. /. Bom in the Menagerie, Jan. 27, 1872. cj. Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 10, 1873. h. Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 2, 1874. i. Born in the Menagerie, July 5, 1874. Born in the Menagerie, Jaii. 23, 1875. h. Born in the Menagerie, April 10, 1875. 96 PTEROPODIDiE. I. Born in the Menagerie, July 12, 1875. m. Born in the Menagerie, March 14, 1876 n. Born in the Menagerie, April 25, 1876. Eig. 11. Cynonycteris coUaris $ and young. (P: Z. S. 1870, p. 127.) 0. Born in the Menagerie, March 31, 1877. p. Born in the Menagerie, April 8, 1877. q. Born in the Menagerie, Dec. 28, 1877. PTEROPODIDiE. VESPERTILIONIDjE. 97 r. Born in the Menagerie, April 21, 1878. s. Born in the Menagerie, May 13, 1878. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 22, 1878. u. Born in the Menagerie, June 21, 1879. V. Purchased, July 4, 1879. Captured on the Eed Sea. w. Born in the Menagerie, Api-il 16, 1880. .r. Born in the Menagerie, June 24, 1880. y, z. Born in the Menagerie, July 29, 1880. a\ Purchased, Aug. 21, 1880. 6\ Born in the Menagerie, Jan. 15, 1881. c\ Born in the Menagerie, April 20, 1881. rf\ Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 20, 1881. e\ Born in the Menagerie, May 26, 1882. /. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 19, 1882. g\ Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 8, 1882. Genus Cynoptekus. 309. Cynopterus marginatus {GeoSv.). White-eared Fruit-Bat. Hab. India. a. Male ; b. Female. Purchased, May 4. 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 543. c. Born in the Menagerie, March 6, 1872. Family VESPERTILIONID^. Genus Plecotus. 310. Plecotus auritus (Linn.). Loug-eared Bat. Hab, Europe. a. Presented by Miss E. M. Smee, Nov. 11, 1876. b. Presented by Mr. J. Ward, April 24, 1879. Genus Vespertilio. 311. Vespertilio nattereri, KvlU. Natterer's Bat. Hab. British Isles. a, b. Presented by Lord Lilford, P.Z.S., July 19, 187-^ P. Z.S. 1872, p. 790. J ' • H 98 EMBALLONUllIDiE, SCIURIDjE. Family EMBALLONURID^. Genus Taphozous. 312. Taphozous nudiventris [Cretzsch.). Naked-bellied Tomb- Bat. Hab. Africa. a. Presented by Mr. W. Jamrach, Jan. 20, 1873. See P Z S 1873, p. 194. ' ■ Order VI. RODENTIA. Family SCIURIDiE. Genus Sciurus. a. Species regionis palaarcticce. 313. Sciurus vulgaris, Linn. Common Squirrel. Hab. British Islands. a-c. Deposited, Dec. 31, 1862. d, e. Purchased, Dec. 12, 1863. /. Presented by A. M. Purby, Esq., March 27, 1865. g. Presented by G. V. Hill, Esq., Oct. 7, 1865. 7t. Presented by E. Boyle, Esq., Jan. 2, 1866. i. Presented by Miss Nex^Tnan, May 23, 1872. j. Presented by J. Edwards, Esq., Jan. 15, 1873. k. Var. Purchased, May 5, 1875. I. Presented by a Court Eepington, Esq., July 14, 1876. m. Presented by T. Massey, Esq., E.Z.S., Nov. 12, 1877. n. Presented by Madame Harte, April 7, 1878. 0. Presented by G. Milward, Esq., April 15, 1880. p. Presented by Capt. Tholandir, Aug. 12, 1880. q. Deposited, Aug. 31, 1880. r. Deposited, Sept. 23, 1880. s, t. Presented by C. B. Barber, Esq., July 28, 1881. u, V. Presented by Lieut.-Col. P. D. Walters, Aug. 25, 1881. If, X. Males. Purchased, April 25, 1882. y. Presented by the Hon. L. W. A. Powys, Dec. 9, 1882. SCIURID^. 99 b. Species regiunis indicce. 314. Sciurus castaneiventris, Gray. Chestnut-bellied Squirrel. Hab. China. a. Purchased, April 3, 18(37. h. Purchased, May 5, 1867. c-e. Presented by G-. Eapson, Esq., Aug. 6, 1868. 315. Sciurus griseopectus, BIyth. Grey-breasted Squirrel. Hab. China. a. Male. Presented by E. Swinhoe, Esq., F.Z.S., Nov. 9, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 818. 316. Sciurus bicolor, Sparrra. Jelerang Squirrel. Hab. India. a, h. Deposited, Oct. 29, 1863. c. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1865. d. Presented by Mrs. WiUiams, May 14, 1867. e. Female. Purchased, Feb. 22, 1869. /. Purchased, June 15, 1870. 317. Sciurus maximus, Schreber. Malabar Squirrel. Hab. Southern India. a. Presented by Lieut.-Col. Turnbull, July 10, 1862. h. Presented by Sir Arthur Cotton, Nov. 17, 1862. c. Presented by Capt. Gideon, April 28, 1864. d. Presented by E. H. Peirce, Esq., Oct. 1, 1864. e. Presented by A. G. Dove, Esq., Oct. 24, 1864. ■/, (J. Presented by G. S. Eodon, Esq., Nov. 17, 1870. h. Female. Presented by Mrs. Scoussmaker, July 15, 1872. i. Female. Presented by Mr. Whiteside, April 30, 1873. j. Female. Presented by Chevalier Blondin, Aug. 10, 1875. I. Purchased, Sept. 30, 1882. 318. Sciurus tennenti, Layard. Tennent's Squirrel. Hab. Ceylon. a. Male ; b. Female. Presented by Hugh NeviU July 9, 1873. c. Purchased, July 21, 1876. c^. Presented by Mrs. S. A. Cottrell, «ept. 26, 1881. H 2 SCIURID^, 319. Sciurus macrurus, Erxl. Grizzled Hill- Squirrel. Hab. India. a. Purchased, Dec. 4, 1873. 320. Sciurus macruroides, Hodgson. Black Hill-Squirrel. Hab. East Indies. a. Purchased, Nov. 11, 1873. b. Purchased, Dec. 4, 1873. 321. Sciurus ephippium, Miill. Saddled Squirrel. Hab. Borneo. a. Presented by Messrs. Hill and Isaacs, Lieuts. E.N., May 15, 1877. 322. Sciurus plantani, Ljungh. Plantain-Squirrel. Hab. Java. a. Purchased, Sept. 17, 1862. h, c. Presented by H. A. Marckmanu de Lichtabbel, Esq., Dec. 24, 1874. Prom Singapore. d. Presented by Master E. H. Cole, Nov. 10, 1875. e, f. Received in exchange, March 21, 1878. r/. Purchased, July 9, 1878. 7i. Male ; i. Female. Purchased, May 17, 1879. j. Presented by Miss Lizzie Casey, Sept. 10, 1879. 'jr. Presented by D. Tober, Esq., Sept. 5, 1880. I. Presented by Mrs. Elliott, Oct. 9, 1880. m. Presented by W. Bassano, Esq., May 19, 1881. 323. Sciurus nigro-vittatus, Horsf. Malayan Squirrel. Hab. Malacca. «, b. Purchased, March 11, 1868. 324. Sciurus 2n'evosti, Desm. Prevost's Squirrel. Hab. Malacca. a. Purchased, May 29, 1877. 325. Sciurus blanfordi, Blyth. Blanford's Squirrel. Hab. Burnaah. a.. Presented by Mrs. Dunn, Peb. 8, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 156. SCIURIDjE. 101 326. Sciurus pahnarum, Linn. Palm-Squirrel. Hab. India. «, h. Presented by Mss Emily Lamprell, July 7, 1862, c. Presented by Mrs. W. Sturrock, Sept. 8, 1862. d, e. Presented by N. A. Wells, Esq., Jan. 19, 1865. /, g. Presented by D. H. Macfarlane, Esq., April 25, 1866. ?;. Presented by Mrs. Tytler, May 23, 1867. j. Presented by Christopher G. Wraz, Esq., July 29, 1867. h-n. Presented by O. Howell, Esq., Aug. 6, 1868. 0. Presented by j. Hill, Esq., Nov. 20, 1869. 2J. Presented by "W. Lovegrove, Esq., E.Z.S., May 17, 1873. q, r. Presented by C. Temple, Esq., Nov. 25, 1875. s. Presented by W. D. Barker, Esq., Jan. 12, 1876. t-v. Eemales. Presented by H. Grey, Esq., B.Sc, Oct. 16, 1876. w. Presented by Miss Barclay, March 1, 1878. 327. Sciurus tristriaius, Waterh. Three-striped Squirrel. Hab. Ceylon. a, I. Eemales. Presented by Capt. Eorster, March 16, 1874 328. Sciurus caniceps, Gray. Hoary-headed Squirrel. Hab. India. a, h. Purchased, June 22, 1866. c. Species regionis cethiopicoe. 329. Sciurus erythropus, F. Cuv. White-banded Squirrel. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Presented by James R. Philpot, Esq., Nov. 21, 1872. d. Species regionis nearcticoi. 330. Sciurus cinereus, Linn. Grey Squirrel. Hab. North America. a. Male; b. Female. Presented by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G., E.Z.S., Nov. 6, 1861. c, d. Purchased, March 30, 1864. Var. nigra, e-g. Presented by C. Leveson Lane, Esq., May 22, 1867. h. Presented by Admiral E. Ommaney, C.B., April 11, 1868. Var. nigra. ' i. Purchased, April 8, 1870. 102 SCTURID^E. j. Eemale. Presented by M.E. Symonds, Esq., April 26, 1871. Ic. Purchased, April 21, 1880. Black variety. I, m. Males ; n-q. Pemales. Purchased, Jan. 5, 1882. Five Black varieties. r. Deposited, Aug. 31, 1882. Black variety. 331. Sciurus vulpinus, Gm. Vulpine Squirrel. Hab. North America. «. Purchased, Nov. 14, 1862. Var. capistrata. b. Purchased, April 8, 1870. Var. capistrata. e. Presented by G. Moore, Esq., April 5, 1873. cl. Female. Purchased, June 14, 1873. Var. capistrata. From Florida. e. Purchased, Sept. 8, 1879. Var. capistrata. 332. Sciurus ludovicianus, Custis. Yellow-footed Squirrel. Hab. Texas. a. Purchased, March 17, 1865. h. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1866. 833. Sciurus hudsonius, Pallas. Hudson's-Bay Squirrel. Hab. North America. a, h. Purchased, Nov. 9, 1878. e. Species regionis neotropices. 334. Sciurus mtuans, Linn. Tropical Squirrel. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, May 12, 1870. 335. Sciurus variegatus, Erxl. Red-bellied Squirrel. Hab. Vera Cruz. a. Purchased, June 9, 1871. h,c. Purchased, June 26, 1871. 336. Sciurus hypopyrrhus, Wagl. Dorsal Squirrel. Hab. Central America. a. Purchased, Aug. 13, 1862. See P. Z. S. 1862, p. 324. h. Purchased, June 17, 1867. c. Presented by Capt. &• E. Bird, March 24, 1869. d. Presented by J. S. &uy, Esq., June 5, 1869. SCIURIDiE. 103 ej. Females. Purchased, Sept. 7, 1870. See Be. dorsalis, P.Z.S. 1870, p. 670. g-l Purchased, July 22, 1871. See Sc. dorsahs, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 525. TO. Male; «. Female. Presented by John Gr. Haggard, Esq., June 15, 1875. 0. Female. Deposited, June 15, 1875. p, q. Purchased, June 14, 1877. 337. Sciurus stramineus, Eyd. et Soul. Fraser-'s Squirrel. Hab. Ecuador. a. Eeceived in exchange, April 6, 1878. See P. Z. S. 1878, p. 441. h. Purchased, Oct. 6, 1880. 338. Sciurus variabilis, Is. GeoflFroy. Variable Squirrel. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, June 24, 1876. From Cartagena. See P.Z.S. 1876, p. 694 (as Sciurus gerrardi). b. Purchased, Sept. 30, 1878. From Ecuador. See Alston, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 665. c. Deposited, Oct. 5, 1880. Genus Xerus. 339. Xerus erythropus, Geoffr. Red-footed Ground- Squirrel. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Purchased, June 22, 1866. c. Purchased, June 27, 1867. 340. Xe7-us setosus (Forst.). Bristly Ground-Squirrel. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by B. L. Layard, Esq., F.Z.S., Aug. 10, 1868. b. Purchased, Feb. 13, 1871. From W. Africa. c. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1878. 341. Xerus getulus [Jj^van.). Getulian Ground-Squirrel. Hab. Morocco. ct-(/. Presented by Sir John H. Driunmond-Hay, K.C.B P Z'S^1867^^ '817^"'^" 7t-7.-. Purchased, June 3, 1869. 104 SCIUKIDiE. I, m. Presented by Capt. Thomas Waite, June 16, 1869. lYom Mogador. n. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1875. 0, p. Presented by Dr. W. Hume Hart, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 2, 1881. 342. Xerus stangeri (Waterb.). Stanger's Ground-Squirrel. Hab. West Africa. rt. Purchased, June 22, 1866. h. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1866. Genus Tamias. 343. Tamias striaius (Linn.) . Chipping Squirrel. Hab. North America. a, h. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1872. c-e. Presented by P. W. Stockwell, Esq., Nov. 10, 1876. /. Presented by W. Bassano, Esq., May 19, 1881. Genus Ptebomys. 344. Pteromys magnificus, Hodgs. Red-bellied Flying Squirrel. Hab. Himalayas. a. Purchased, April 11, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 635, pi. L. 345. Pteromys leucogenys, Temm. White-cheeked Flying Squirrel. Hab. Japan. a Female. Presented by Abel A. J. Gower, Esq., April 15, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 247. Genus Sciukopterus. 346. Sciuroptems volucella (Pall.). American Flying Squirrel. Hab. North America. a. Male; b. Female. Peru in the Menagerie, Aug. 18, MdeT'ci!. Female. Eeceived in exchange, July 25, 1878. SCIURIDjE. ^"^''^ 347. Sciuropterus fimbriatus, Gray. Grey Flying Squirrel. Hab. Northern India. a. Presented by Capt. the Hon. G. Napier, Dec. 11, 1872. b. Presented by Mrs. Louisa Edwards, Aug. 8, 18/9. 348. Sciuropterus layardi, Kelaart. Layard's Flying Squirrel. Hab. Ceylon. a. Presented by Sir Charles Peter Layard, Oct. 8, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 754. Genus Spermophilus. 349. Spermophilus fiitillus {hmu.) . European Souslik. Hab. Europe. a-e. Purchased, Aug. 24, 1865. f-i. Eeceived in exchange, April 9, 1868. 'j, h. Purchased, Peb. 21, 1870. 350. Spermophilus mongolicus, A. Milne-Edwards. Mongolian Souslik. Hab. China. a, h. Presented by E. Swinhoe, Esq., E.Z.S., Nov. 13, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 762. 351. Spermophilus mexicanus, Erxl. Mexican Souslik. Hab. Mexico. a, b. Presented by Mrs. Simmonds, Dec. 5, 1882. Genus Arctomys. 352. Arctomys marmotta (Linn.). Alpine Marmot. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by S. Stauffere, Esq., Feb. 10, 1859, b, c. Piu-chased, Nov. 10, 1866. d. Presented by Professor Herschel, Jan. 6, 1871. e. Eeceived m exchange, Oct. 30, 1873. /, (J. Eeceived in exchange, April 10, 1877. 106 SCIURIDjE. 353. Aixfomys mono X (Lmn.) . Quebec Marmot. Hub. North America. a. Presented by Lieiit.-Col. Rhodes, June 11, 1862. l,c. Presented by the Hon. A. Gordon, April 30, 1864. Prom New Brunswick. d. Presented by E. Yeoman, Esq., June 28, 1865. e. Eeceived in exchange, June 4, 1867. /. Presented by Mrs. BeU, Aug. 14, 1868. (/. Presented by Norman Kerr, Esq., M.D., Nov. 1, 18G9. 7i. Male ; i. Pemale. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1870. j. Presented by J. E. Taylor, Esq., Peb. 19, 1872. I; I. Born in the Menagerie, March 31, 1872. TO. Presented by C. Hersey, Esq., Oct. 17, 1874. n. Purchased, Nov. 8, 1879. 354. Ardomys caudatus, Jacq. Long-tailed-Marmot. Hah. Bhootan. a, b. Purchased, May 4, 1871. See Arctomys hobac, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 543. c. Presented by the Hon. Sir Ashley Eden, K.C.S.I., Apr. 10, 1879. cl. Presented by Capt. Greenstreet, E.E., May 2, 1879. Genus Cynomys. 355. Cynomijs ludovicianus {OvA) . Prairie-Marmot. Hab. North America. a. Eemale. Presented by the Proprietors of 'The Field' Newspaper, Dec. 29, 1859. -r , no i oro b. Male. Presented by Capt. James Dowme, July 26, ISbd. c. Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 26, 1864. cl,e. Purchased, March 6, 1867. /. Presented by C. Messiter, Esq., July 29, 1869. Male. Deposited, Dec. 29, 1872. -.^-q h Female. Presented by Miss Kjngs%, Jan. 21, 18/ d. i. Presented by H. Thelluson, Esq., Aug. 31, 1874. j, Ic. Presented by Mons. J. M. Comely, C.M.Z.S., June 19, 1878 Z, TO. Presented by W. G. Marshall, Esq., Sept. 18, 1878. n 0. Presented by Miss Agneta B. Dykes, Jan. 26, IS/ 9. V, q. Eeceived in exchange, Feb. Jf, 1879. V s. Presented by W. G. Marshall, Esq., AprU 23, 1879. CASTORID^ . M YOXID^ . 107 Family CASTORID^. Geims Castor. 356. Castor canadensis, Kuhl. Canadian Beaver. Hab. North America. a. Male. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company, Oct. 26, 1861. h. Female. Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company, Oct. 7, 1862. c. Born in the Menagerie, July 14, 1864. d. Male. Eeceived, Sept. 10," 1866. e. Male. Eeceived, June 6, 1867. /. Presented by Sir Charles M. Lampson, Bart., Oct. 29, 1867. (/. Deposited, Oct. 13, 1868. A, i. Deposited, Nov. 3, 1869. Born in the Menagerie, June 19, 1871. h. Born in the Menagerie, July 26, 1871. I. Born in the Menagerie, June 20, 1872. m.Bom in the Menagerie, June 27, 1873. n. Born in the Menagerie, July 2, 1873. 0. Born in the Menagerie, June 16, 1874. p-w. Deposited, Dec. 19, 1874. x-c^. Deposited, Nov. 26, 1875. d}. Born in the Menagerie, June 8, 1876. e\ f. Purchased, Oct. 23, 1882. Family MYOXIDiE. Genus Myoxus. 357. Myoxus glis (Linn.). Fat Dormouse. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, Feb. 18, 1863. From Poland. i. Purchased, April 17, 1864. From Austria. c-e. Purchased, May 13, 1865. f-h. Purchased, Sept. 24, 1866. i. Presented by Miss Fairholme, Nov. 20, 1871. j-n. Presented by Edwin Liot, Esq., Oct. 5, 1879. From Serrach, near Esslingen, Wiirtemberg. 358. Myoxus dryas, Schreb. Oak Dormouse, Hab. Central Europe. a. Presented by Prof. Wrzesniowsky, May 15, 1882. 108 MYOXIDiE. MURID^E. 359. Mi/oxus quercinus (L'mn.). Garden Dormouse. Hub. Europe. a, b. Purchased, Sept. 24, 1800. c, d. Presented by Johu Lee, Esq., Aug. 31, 1867. e. Purchased, Feb. 21, 1870. GeUUS MUSCARDINUS. 360. Muscardinus avellanarius (Linn.). Common Dormouse. Hah. British Islands. a. Presented bv N. L. Austin, Esq., E.Z.S., Dec. 27, 1865. b-f. Presented" by J. Dorey, Esq., .Sept. 2e3, 1867. r/. Presented by Sir H. Williams, Bart., Feb. 13, 1868. 7j, i. Presented by H. P. Blackmore, Esq., Oct. 14, 1874. j-o. Purchased, Nov. 20, 1880. Genus Graphiurus. 361. Graphiurus capensis, F. Cuv. South- African Dormouse. Hab. South Africa. a, b. Purchased, March 21, 1868. Family MURIDiE. Subfamily H ydromyin^e. Genus Hydromys. 362. Hydromys chnjsogaster, Geoffr. Golden-bellied Beaver- Rat. Hah. Australia. a Male. Presented by the Directors of the Botanic Gardens, Adelaide, Feb. 16, 1869. Subfamily Gerbillin^e. Genus Gerbillus. 363. Gerbillus py gar ejus, F. Cuv. White-rumped Gerbille. Hah. Nubia and Arabia. a. Presented by Count Rembielinski, Oct. 2, 1880^ b. Presented by N. H. Beyts, Esq., Oct. 13, Ibsl. -broin Jeddah. 1 MURIDiE. '■^^ 364. Gerhillus robusius, Riipp. Robust Gerbille. Hab. Algeria. a, b. Presented by M. Alpbonse Milne -Edwards, F.M.Z.S., June 20, 1881. 365. Gerbillus erythyrurus, Gray. Brown-tailed Gerbille. Hab. Western Asia. a-x. Presented by Lieut. Paget, E.N., Oct. 25, 1882. From Arabia. 386. Gerbillus indicus (Hardwicke) . Indian Gerbille. Hab. India. Or-h. Purchased, March 31, 1879. Subfamily Cricetinte. : Genus Cricettjs. ! 367. Cricetus frumentarius, Pall. Common Hamster. Hab. Europe. a, h. Purchased, Nov. 1, 1864. c. Male ; d. Female. Purchased, Feb. 2, 1865. e-h. Presented by Dr. G. Hartlaub, F.M.Z.S., Oct. 26, 1865. i. Purchased, Feb. 21, 1870. Genus Cricetomys. 368. Cricetomys gambianus, Waterh. Gambian Pouched Rat. Hab. West Africa. i a. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1867. \ b. c. Purchased, Nov. 2, 1880. ! Subfamily Murine. Genus Mus. ' i 369. Mus rattus, Linn. Black Rat. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, July 29, 1863. ""'^SM*^'^ Charles Hampden Wigram, Esq., Nov. 25,. c. Presented by W. M. Allfrey, Esq., July 30, 1866. \ no MUKlDiE. d. Presented by Thomas Smith, Esq., Aug. 3, 1866. e. Presented by Miss Smee, May 1, 1867. /. Presented by W. T. Hearn, Esq., May 7, 1867. (J. Presented by F. Bond, Esq., P.Z.S., July 5, 1867. h,i. Presented" by E. M'Lachlan, Esq., July 8, 1867. j. Presented by M. Allfrey, Esq., July 16, 1867. Ic. Presented by M. Allfrey, Esq., Aiig. 17, 1867. I. Presented by C. P. Serocold, Esq., Sept, 14, 1867. m. Pied variety. Presented ]yj Miss M. Wheeler, Oct. 22, 1868. n, 0. Presented by J. M. Needham, Esq., Nov. 28, 1868. p. White variety. Presented by W. A. Eorbes, Esq., Eeb. 16, 1869. q. Male; r. Eemale. Pied variety. Presented by J. Mason, Esq., April 12, 1869. s. Presented by J. T. Pearsall, Esq., April 2, 1872. t, u. Presented by W. H. Hatcher, Esq., June 8, 1878. V. Presented by E. M. Middleton, Esq., Aug. 9, 1878. w-y. Born in the Menagerie, June 23, 1879. z. Presented by E. M. Middleton, Esq., Sept. 26, 1879. a\ Presented by W. Cubitt, Esq., June 2, 1880. h\ Presented by E. Worssam, Esq., Dec. 17, 1880. c'-6\ Born in the Menagerie, July 25, 1882. f. Presented by W. E. Bryant, Esq., Aug. 16, 1882. 370. Mus decumanus, Pall. Brown Rat. Hab. Europe. a, h. Albinoes. Presented by Mr. Vaudrey, April 11, 1867. c. Albino. Presented by Lady Cust, July 19, 1867. 371. Mus musculus, Linn. House-Mouse. Hab. British Islands. a-d. Presented by Lieut.-Col. E. Mather, E.Z.S., June 2, 1868. . (Pied variety.) 372. Mus minutus, Pallas. Harvest-Mouse. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, May 16, 1868. h-q. Presented by Miss Maskelyne, Oct. 26, 18/1. h-lc. Presented by H. Laven, Esq., June 16, 1881. 373. Mus cervicolor, Hodgson. Fawn-coloured Field-Mouse. Hab. East Indies. n-d. Presented by Lieut. C. S. Sturt, C.M.Z.8., May 31, 1876. See. P. Z. S. 1876, p. 463. 374. Mus harbains, Linn. Barbary Mouse. Hub. Barbary. a-c. Presented by Mons. Pichot, Aug. 1, 1860. d-g. Presented by Mons. Pichot, Sept. 27, 1882. Genus Hapalotis. 375. Hapalotis mitchelli (Ogilby). MitchelFs Hapalote. Hab. Australia. a. Male ; h. Female. Purchased, Sept. 24, 1862. c, d. Born in the Menagerie, Eeb. 11, 1863. Subfamily Arvicolin.^;. Genus Arvicola. 376. Arvicola amp hibius (Linn.). Water- Vole. Hab. British Islands. a-c. Presented by T. C. White, Esq., Dec. 20, 1869. d. Purchased, March 7, 1881. e. Presented by Mr. W. K. Stanley, March 9, 1882. Genus Myodes. 377. Myodes lemmus (Linn.), Norwegian Lemming. Hab. Norway. a-e. Presented by Mrs. Wingfield, of Onslow, Sept. 15, 1868. /, g Presented by W. Duppa Crotch, Esq., Oct. 25 1876 k. Presented by James Shuter, Esq., Sept. 25, 1879. Genus Fiber. 378. Fibe?- zibeihicus (Linn.) . Musquash. Hab. North America. b. Presented by Capt. D. Herd, H.B.C.S., C.M.Z.S., Nov. 14, c, d. Presented by E. W. Grant, Esq., Dec. 9 1867 e, f. Deceived m exchange, June 29, 1874. 112 SPALACIDi^. DIP0DID;T:, Family SPALAClDiE. Genus Rhizomys. 379. Rhizomys hadius, Hodgson. Bay Bamboo-Rat. Hab. India. a. Presented by James Wood-Mason, Esq., Feb. 16, 1876 - See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 274. h. Presented by J. "Wood-Mason, Esq., April 16, 1877. c, d. Received in exchange, June 14, 1880. Family DIPODID.ai. Genus Dipus. 380. Dipus (Sfft/ptius (Hasselq.). Egyptian Jerboa. Hab. Egypt. a. Male. Presented by the Hon. IMrs. Stuart, Sept. 9, 1861. b. Presented by B. Cochrane Willis, Esq., Eeb. 5, 1862. c. Presented by Capt. R. Donaldson, Feb. 22, 1868. d. e. Purchased, Jan. 19, 1869. /. Presented by Capt. Pain, Feb. 15, 1869. g. Male ; 7i. Female. Received in exchange, June 25, 1870. i-7c. Presented by Capt. Wells, July 26, 1870. I, m. Presented by the Rev. J. Climenson, F.Z.S., Aug. 10, 1870. n-p. Born in the Menagerie, April 27, 1871. q. Female. Presented by E. T. Rogers, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 5, 1872. r. Presented by A. Corry, Esq., R.N., March 5, 1875. s-u. Purchased, Nov. 12, 1878. v-x. Purchased, Dec. 26, 1878. i/-c\ Presented by the Earl of Winterton, July 7, 1880. d\ Presented by Dr. Hastings, Sept. 21, 1880. 381. Dipus hirtipes, Licht. Hairy-footed Jerboa. Hab Arabia. 0^/. Presented by N. H. Beyts, Esq., Oct. 13, 1881. From Jeddah. cj. Presented by L. Adams, Esq., Aug. 29, 1882. 7j^. Presented by Lieut. Paget, R.N., Oct. 25, 1882. mVOmBM. — OCTODONTID^. 113 Genus Alactaya. 382. Aladmja indica, Gray. Indian J erboa. Hab. Afghanistan. a. Presented by Major Money, Oct. 30, 1880. Froin tbe Logar valley, between Kabul and Guzni. See P. /. !5. 1880, p. 538. Family OCTODONTID^. Genus OcTODON. 383. Octodon cvmingi, Benn. Cuming's Octodou. Hah. Chili. a-d. Purchased, Oct. 19, 18G8. e. Born in the Menagerie, Dec. 9, 1868. f-j. Born in the Menagerie, April 20, 1869. h-n. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 7, 1869. 0- t. Born in the Menagerie, April 6, 1870. u-z. Born in the Menagerie, May 2, 1870. rt'-c'. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 11, 1870. d\ e\ Bom in the Menagerie, Peb. 21, 1872. />, g\ Born in the Menagerie, March 24, 1872. '/i'-9n'. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 1, 1872. n\ Deposited, May 26, 1873. o'-»-'. Born in the Menagerie, June 3, 1873. s'-ii'. Born in the Menagerie, July 17, 1874. tw', xK Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 11, 1875. 2/', z*. Born in the Menagerie, April 1, 1876. Tf. Born in the Menagerie, Jan. 13, 1879. c\ d\ Deposited, Jan. 21, 1879. e'-7t'. Born in the Menagerie, May 2, 1881. 1- ,/. Born in the Menagerie, May 30, 1881. Genus Myopotamus. 384. Myopotamus coypus (Mol.). Coypu. Hah. South America. a. Presented by Capt. Hutchkiss, Oct. 22, 1803. h. Presented by Capt. Leeke, Oct. 1, 1867. c. Presented by G. Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.8., March 5, 18G8. Prom La Plata. d. Purchased, July 0, 1870. From Chili. I 114 octodontid;e. e. Preseuted by the Eev. Dr. Stirling, July 9, 1873. From South Patagonia. /. Male. Purchased, Dec. 23, 1873. (J. Presented by C. B. Young, Esq., May 9, 1874. 7i. Female. Presented by Robt. E. Patou, Esq., May 18, 1875. i. Male. Purchased, Aug. 13, 1875. 3. Purchased, Jan. 19, 1876. Tc, I. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1879. From Buenos Ayres. TO, n. Deposited, July 2, 1880. 0. Male ; p. Female. Presented by Mr. A. A . Van Bemmelen, July 20, 1882. Genus Echinomys. 385. Echinomys spinosus, Desm. Spiny Rat. Hah. Brazil. a, h. Received in exchange from the Jardin des Plantes, Paris, June 26, 1805. Genus Capromys. 386. Capromys pilorides, Say. Fouruier's Capromys. Hab. Cuba. a. Purchased, May 19, 1862. h. Purchased, July 20, 1865. Cr-n. Preseuted by Francis Fesser, Esq., April 29, 1867. 0. Born in the Menagerie, March 12, 1868. p. Born in the Meuagei-ie, May 6, 1868. q-s. Born in the Menagerie, May 12, 1868. t-v. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 7, 1868. tv-y. Preseuted by T. E. Watkin, Esq., July 15, 1873. 387. Capromys prehensilis, Poepp. Prehensile Capromys. Hah. Cuba. a. Purchased, June 18, 1862. 388. Capromys hrachijurus, Hill. Short-tailed Capromys. Hab. Jamaica. a, h. Purchased, Oct. 23, 1865. c, d. Purchased, May 29, 1871. e. Presented by the" Hon. 11. J. Burford Hancock, June 28, 1878. OCTODONTIDiE. HYSTRTCIDiE. 115 Genus AuLACODUS. 389. Aulacodus swindernianus, Temm. Ground-Rat. Hah. West Africa. a Purchased, June 13, 1866. On Anatomy, see Garrod, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 786. h, c. Eeceived in exchange, Nov. 26, 1875. I Family HYSTRICID.E. Genus Hystrix. 390. Hystrix cristata {hmn.) . Crested Porcupine. Hab. Asia and Africa. a-z. See former editions. a'. Presented by Gr. W. Venderkist, Esq., April 13, 1875. From West Africa. h\ c\ Deposited, Oct. 13, 1875. d\ Presented by Capt. Smerdon, April 23, 1877. e\f. Presented by Dr. G. S. Badger, July 11, 1878. g^, h\ Presented by Moses S. Boyle, Esq., July 9, 1879. i\ Presented by W. Middleton, Esq., Oct. 14, 1880. /. Presented by G. H. Garrett, Esq., Sept. 5, 1882. 391. Hystrix longicauda, Marsden. Sumatran Porcupine. Hah. Malacca. a. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., E.Z.S., April 18, 1866. Specimen described as AcantJwchoerus grotei by Dr. Gray, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 306, pi. xxxi. h. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., F.Z.S., July 20, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 234. 392. Hystrix javanica, F. Cuv. Javau Porcupine. Hab. Java. a. Received in exchange, May 2, 1860. h, c. Eeceived in exchange, May 30, 1860. d. Purchased, March 15, 1871. e, f. Presented by Capt. Smerdon, Oct. 4, 1880. I 2 116 HySTRICIDj?J. Genus Atherura. 393. Atherura africana, Gray. African Brush-tailed Porcu- pine. Hah. West Africa. «, b. Purchased, July 23, 1860. c. Purchased, May 8, 1869. cl. Presented by C. B. Mosse, Esq., Oct. 16, 1869. From the Gold Coast. e. Purchased, Sept. 8, 1879. /. Purchased, May 30, 1880. g. Presented by j. Cheetham, Esq., Peb. 25, 1882. 394. Atherura fasciculata (Shaw). Indian Brush-tailed Por- cupine. Hab. Siam. a. Purchased, Sept. 18, 1867. h. Presented by Dr. Jerdon, P.Z.S., March 14, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 236. Genus Erithizon. 395. Erithizon dorsatus (Linn.). Canadian Porcupine. Hab. Canada. a, h. Presented by W. A. Coukliu, Esq., O.M.Z.S., June 26, 1882. Genus Sphingurus. 396. Sphingurus prehensilis (Linn.). Brazilian Tree-Porcupine. Hab. South America. a. Presented by E. W. Keates, Esq., E.Z.S., Aug. 9, 1862. h. Purchased, May 18, 1866. c. Eeceived, Aug." 22, 1866. cl. Presented by O. Wakefield, Esq.,' June 16, 1868. e. Purchased, Oct. 16, 1873. /. Deposited, May 1, 1876. q. Presented by E. G. Currey, Esq., Jan. 30, 1877. 'h. Purchased, April 29, 1878. i. Presented bv Dr. J. F. Chittenden, C.M.Z.S., Nov. 25, 1878. j. Purchased, April 15, 1882. HYSTRICID.E. — CniNCHILLIDiE. ii/ 397. Sphinffurus insidiosus (Licht.). Gulanan Tree-Porcupine Hab. Surinam. a. Eeceived, July 13, 1866. 398. Sphingunis mexicanus {Shaw). Mexican Tree-Porcupine Hab. Honduras. fl. Presented by Capt. J. C. Hobbs, Aug. 12, 1870. 399. Sphinffurus villosus (P. Cuv.). Hairy Porcupine. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, May 5, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 469. 6, c. Purchased, March 23, 1877. d. Born in the Menagerie, July 9, 1878. Family CHINCHILLIDiE. Genus Chinchilla. 400. Chinchilla lanigera, Benn. Chinchilla. Hab. Chili. a. Male. Born in the Menagerie, May 10, 1859. h. Pemale. Purchased, May 3, 1865. c. Born in the Menagerie, May 31, 1866. d. Male ; e, /. Females. Purchased, July 6, 1870. (j-h. Purchased, July 31, 1875. Un. Born in the Menagerie, May 21, 1876. o-q. Purchased, May 26, 1876. r. Born in the Menagerie, April 11, 1877. s, t. Born in the Menagerie, April 19, 1877. u. Born in the Menagerie, Dec. 12, 1877. V. Born in the Menagerie, May 17, 1878. w. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 2, 1878. X. Presented by Sir Charles Smith, March 18, 1879. y, z. Born in the Menagerie, May 21, 1879. «'-c'. Purchased, Jan. 15, 1880. d'-f. Purchased, June 5, 1880. Genus Lagotis. 401. Lagotis cuvieri, Bennett. Cuvier's Lagotis. Hab. Patagonia. a. Purchased, July 8, 1882. 118 CHINCHILLTDiE. — DASYPROCTIDiE. Genus Lagostomus. 402. Lagostomus trichodactylus, Brookes. Viscacha. Hah. Buenos Ayres. a. Male. Preseutecl by Messrs. Werner & Co., Jan. 6 1864. h-e. Presented by Capt. Parish, R.N., May 2, 1865. /. Presented by W. Bramley Moore, Esq., April 19, 1866. g. Born in the Menagerie, April 30, 1867. h. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 22, 1867. i-l. Presented by P. Leybold, Esq., June 26, 1868. m. Born in the Menagerie, July 2, 1868. n. Born in the Menagerie, April 19, 1869, o-r. Presented by C. P. Woodgate, Esq., Nov. 6, 1876. Family DASYPROCTIDtE. Genus Ccelogenys. 403. Coelogenys vaca (Linn.). Spotted Cavy. Hob. South America. a-z. See former editions. a}. Purchased, Jan. 18, 1876. h\ Presented by J. Trotter, Esq., Aug. 7, 1877. c'. Purchased, June 10, 1878. d\ Purchased, Sept. 18, 1880. e\f. Presented by Dr. Portella, Sept. 1, 1881. g\ Presented by V. Gibbs, Esq., May 23, 1882. Genus Dasyprocta*. 404. Dasyprocta isthmica, Alston. Central-American Agouti. Hah. Central America. a. Presented by Capt. M. D. Stewart, Oct. 12, 1861. 6, c. Presented by William Burnley Hume, Esq., Nov. 9, 1865. d. Purchased, March 2, 1870. e, /. Purchased, Nov. 11, 1871. Prom Panama. (J. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 29, 1872. 'h. Male. Purchased, Dec. 1, 1872. Prom Colon. i. Purchased, April 29, 1873. Prom Colon. * Cf. Alston, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 347, on this genus. DASYPROCTIDJ!. 119 Ic. Born in the Menagerie, Jan. 16, 1874. I. Purchased, Aug. 13, 1874. m, 11. Purchased, July 26, 1874. 0, «. Presented by W. G. Davis, Oct. 30, 1875. (I Presented by W. J. Henderson, Esq., Nov. 9, 1875. r. Presented by Capt. E. Hairby, Nov. 12, 1875. s, t. Purchased, Nov. 16, 1875. u. Purchased, Jan. 18, 1876. V. Purchased, June 24, 1876. ly, X. Purchased, July 19, 1876. y. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 8, 1877. z. Presented by A. Stradling, Esq., Oct. 30, 1877. Purchased, July 29, 1879. b\ c\ Presented by Dr. A. StradUng, C.M.Z.S., Oct. 4, 1880. d\ Presented by Mr. H. B. Whittnarsh, Nov. 30, 1880. e\ Presented by Mr. A. Melhuish, July 5, 1881. 405. Dasyprocta cristata, Desm. West-Indian Agouti. Hab. West Indies. a,b. Presented by Neville Holland, Esq., Nov. 24, 1874. Types of D. antillensis, Scl. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 666, pi. ixxxii. From St. Lucia, W.I. c. Deposited, Jan. 31, 1875. cl. Piu-chased, April 8, 1875. From St. Vincent, W.I. e. Presented by Christopher James, Esq., May 22, 1875. /. Presented hj C. H. Hawtayne, Esq., Aug. 18, 1875. From St. Vincent, W.I. r/. Presented by W. H. H. Braithwaite, Esq., Aug. 19, 1880. h, i. Presented by H. J. Burford Hancock, F.Z.S., Aug. 13, 1881. j. Presented by J. E. Sharp, Esq., Aug. 29, 1881. 406. Dasyprocta variegata, Tsch. Variegated Agouti. Hab. Peru. a. Presented by Mrs. Wood, June 13, 1874. From Colon. 407. Dasyprocta mexicana, De Saussure. Mexican Agouti. Hab. Mexico. a. Presented by H. A. Marckmann de Lichtabbel, Esq Feb. 19, 1874. 408. Dasyprocta azara, Licht. Azara's Agouti. Hab. Southern Brazil. a. Purchased, Aug. 28, 1868. 1.20 DASYPllOCTlDiE. 409. Dasijprocta punctata, Gray. Punctated Agouti. Hah. Central America. a. Presented by J. C. Hussey, Esq., Aug. 16, 1875. From Costa Rica. 410. Dasyprocta aguti (Linn.). Golden Agouti. Hab. Guiana. a. Pemale. Presented by J. S. Caldwell, Esq., May 30, 1857. h. Male. Born in the Menagerie, May 24, 1860. c. Born in the Menagerie, June 28, 1863. cl. Born in the Menagerie, May 19, 1865. e. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 3, 1865. /. Born in the Menagerie, March 7, 1866. (J. Presented by T. C. K. Cleeve, Esq., Oct. 15, 1866. h. Born in the Menagerie, Dec. 6, 1866. Deposited, July 25, 1867. Tc, I. Presented by W. C. Kelaart, Esq., Oct. 6, 1868. m. Male ; n. Eemale. Presented by J. M. Eidley, Esq., March 8, 1869. 0. Purchased, Oct. 14, 1870. p. Presented by the Hon. and Eev. E. V. Bligh, Oct. 6, 1871. q. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 1, 1872. r. Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 2, 1874. s-v. Born in the Menagerie, June 12, 1875. IV. Presented by H. T. Balfour, Esq., Oct. 2, 1875. a?, y. Bom in the Menagerie, Oct. 30, 1875. z. Purchased, June 8, 1876. a\ Presented by G. W. Hawtayne, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Aug. 31, 1878. 6\ c\ Purchased, June 1, 1881. 411. Dasyprocta prymnolopha, Wagl. Hairy-rumped Agouti. Hab. Guiana. a-g. Purchased, Jan.. 1, 1875. h. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 13, 1876. 1. Presented by Mrs. Booth, Nov. 30, 1876. j. Born in the Gardens, Feb. 14, 1877. Jc, I. Born in the Gardens, Feb. 1, 1878. m. Purchased, Nov. 18, 1882. 413. Dasyprocta acouchy (Erxl) . Acouchy. Hab. British Guiana. rt, b. Presented by Alfred Ikin, Esq., Nov. 2, 1861. c, d. Presented by Sir W. W. Holmes, Jidy 10, 1866* e,f. Piu-chased, March 7, 1879. CAVIIDiE. 121 Family CAVIID^. Genus DoLicHOTis. 413. JDolichotis patachonica {Shaw). Patagonian Cavy. Hab. Patagonia. a, b. Presented by John Dugnide, Esq., July 28, 1864. c. Presented by Joseph Olguin, Esq., Sept. 28, 1866. d, e. Presented by E. Leybold, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Jime 26, 1868. f-h. Purchased, July 6, 1870. i. Presented by W.'G. Parry, Esq., Jime 18, 1874. Genus Cavia. 414. Cavia porcellus (Linn.). Restless Cavy or Guinea-pig. «-c. Bred in the Menagerie. d-f. Purchased, Feb. 29, 1868. Peruvian variety. (f. Deposited, May 1, 1877. '/i-j. Presented by J. Gould, Esq., Aug. 12, 1878. h-s^ (61). Presented by His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales, K.G., July 11, 1882. f-g* (40). Presented bv H.E.H. the Prince o£ Wales, K.G., Aug. 2, 1882. 415. Cavia flavidens, Brandt. Yellow-toothed Cavy. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, March 31 1880. 416. Cavia spixi, Wagl. Spix's Cavy. Hab. Brazil. a, Presented by H. M. Eidley, Esq., March 8, 1869. Genus Cerodon. 417. Cerodon rupestris (Max.). Bock-Cavy. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, May 5, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 469. h. Piu-chased, May 1, 1877. 122 CAVIlDili. LEPOlllDyE. Genus Hydrociiceuus. 418. Hi/drochoerus capybara, Erxl. Capybara. Hab. South America. a. Female. Purchased, June 13, 1859. h. Male. Purchased, Feb. 3, 1863. c. Presented by Dr. Huggins, C.M.Z.S., Sept. 13, 1865. From Trinidad. cl. Purchased, June 19, 1867. ej. Presented by G. Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Feb. 2, 1869. Fi'otn Buenos Ayres. g. Purchased, April 27, 1871. h. Deposited, Jan. 19, 1874. i. Purchased, Feb. 14, 1874. j. Presented by Dr. H. Young, May 9, 1874. h. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 30", 1874. I. Purchased, Nov. 16, 1875. m. Purchased, June 15, 1877. n-^. Piu-chased, Sept. 10, 1877. q. Presented by W. Smith, Esq., Sept. 17, 1877. r. Presented by H. B. Whitmarsh, Esq., May 31, 1879. s, t. Males ; u. Female. Received in exchange, Nov. 9, 1882. V. Female. Purchased, Nov. 9, 1882. IV. Male. Presented by Mrs. E. H. Fitz-Simons, Nov. 28, 1882. Family LEPORIDtE. Genus Lepus. 419. Lepus mediterraneus, Wagner. Sardinian Hare. Hab. Africa. a. Deposited, April 21, 1863. 420. Lepus europceus, Pallas. Common Hare. Hab. British Islands. «, b. Purchased, April 27, 1865. c. Presented by George Selwyn Morris, Esq., March 5, 1866. d, e. Presented by Dr. E. E.Sewell, May 7, 1867. /. Purchased, Feb. 26, 1868. g. Young. Purchased, April 1, 1868. LEPOBIDjE. i 123 h. Purchased, April 7, 1868. I. Purchased, June 12, 1868. ji, h. Purchased, Aug. 1, 1868. I. Purchased, June 7, 1869. m. Purchased, June 23, 1869. n. Purchased, July 14, 1869. o-q. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1869. r,s. Piu-chased, April 15, 1870. t. Presented by Mr. A. Withers, Feb. 17, 1879. u. Presented by Mrs. Buckland, Mar. 1, 1879. V. Presented by Mrs. Gr. Eingrove, Dec. 2, 1880. IV. Presented by Mr. Wormald, May 12, 1881. X. Presented by Mr. W. K. Stanley, Oct. 12, 1881. 431. Lepus variabilis, Pall. Varying Hare. Hab. INorthern Europe. a. Purchased, May 16, 1866. Prom Ii-eland. h. Purchased, Oct. 31, 1867. From Ireland. c. Presented by Miss Sybil Drummond, Dec. 1, 1868. From Scotland. d. Presented by M. A. Carr, Esq., Oct. 9, 1875. 422. Lepus brasiliensis, Linn. Brazilian Hare. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, March 29, 1879. b. Presented by W. A. Forbes, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 16, 1880. From Pernambuco. 423. Lepus cuniculus, Linn. Common Babbit. Hab. British Islands. a. Male ; h-d. Females. Himalayan or Black-nosed va- riety. Purchased, 1859. e,/. Males. Moscow variety. Deposited, Sept. 30, 1860. g-i. Males ; j-l. Females. Silver-grey variety. Deposited, 1861. m. Female. Variety from Porto Santo. Deposited, 1861. n-r. Deposited, May 3, 1876. 424. Lepus nigricollis, Cuv. Black-necked Hare. Hab. India. a. Presented by the Hon. L. S. Jackson, Aug. 13, 1880. 124, HYRACIDyE. ELEPHANTIDiE. Order VII. HYRACES. Family HYRACIDiE. Genus Hyrax. 425. Hyrax capensis, Schreb. Cape Hyrax. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by H.E. Sir George Grey, K.C.B., F.Z.S., Jan. 8, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 608. b. Presented by Lieut.-Geu. Winyard, Sept. 17. 1863. c-f. Purchased, Oct. 8, 1863. g, h. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 25, 1863. i. Purchased, Sept. 28, 1866. Presented by Masters Fisher and Leary, March 23, 1868. 'k, I Purchased, May 11, 1870. m. Presented by E.Rigby, Esq., Oct. 6, 1871. n. Presented by J. M. Thornton, Esq., Oct. 23, 1876. 0. Purchased, March 13, 1877. p. Presented by Mr. A. H. Jamrach, Peb. 12, 1879. q. Purchased, April 7, 1880. Purchased, August 1, 1882. Order VIII. PEOBOSCIDEA. Family ELEPHANTIDiE. Genus Elephas. 426. Elephas indicus, Cuv. Indian Elephant. Hab. South India. a. Female. Purchased, May 1, 1851. Died July 7, 1875. See Garrod, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 542. h. Male. Presented by E. li. Cocq, Esq., Sept^ 12, 1863. c. Male {Jung Pacha). Deposited, May 17, 1876. d. Male (Omar). Deposited, May 17, 1876. Presented to Zoological Gardens of Berlin, April 6, 1882. e. Male (Bustom). Deposited, May 17, 1876. Presented to Zoological Gardens of Berlin, April 6, 1882. /. Female {Sufa Culli). Presented by H.E.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G., July 24, 1876. ELEPHANTIDiE. RHINOCEROTIDiE. 135 427. Elephas africanus, Blum. African Elephant. Hab. Africa. «. Male {Jumbo). Eeceived in exchange from the Jarclin cles Plantes, Paris, June 26, 1865. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 510. 6. Female {Alice). Purchased, Sept. 9, 1865. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 676. c. Male {Jingo). Purchased, July 8, 1882. Order IX. UNGULATA. Suborder I. Perissodactyla. Family RHINOCEROTIDiE. Genus Rhinoceros. 438. Rhinoceros unicornis, \Arm. Indian Rhinoceros. (Fig. 12.) Hab. India. Fiff. 12. Ithinoceros unicornis tS ■ 126 RHINOCEROTIDiE. a. Male. Purchased, Sept. 20, 1834. See P.Z. S. 1834, p. 41, and Traus. Zool. Soc. iv. p. 31. Died Sept. 19, 1849. h. Female. Purchased, July 17, 1850. Died Dec. 14, 1873. Of. Garrod, P. Z. S. 1874, p. 2. c. Male. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., E.Z.S., July 25, 1864. See P.Z.S. 18G4, p. 373, and Trans. Zool. Soc. ix. p. 645, pi. xcv. d. Female. Brought from Calcutta by the Society's col- lector, July 25, 1864. Sent in exchange to the Jardin des Plautes, June 20, 1865. 439. Rhinoceros sondaicus, Cuv. Javan Rhinoceros. Hab. Java. a. Male. Purchased, March 7, 1874. See P.Z.S. 1874, p. 182, pi. XXVIII., and Trans. Zool. Soc. ix. p. 649, pi. xcvi. 430. Rhinoceros lasiotis, Sclater. Hairy-eared Rhinoceros. (Fig. 13.) Hab. Cbittagong. a. Female. Purchased, Feb. 14, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, pp. 185, 493, pi. xxm., et p. 790 ; and Trans. Zool. Soc. ix. p. 652, pi. xcviii. Fig. 13. lihinocerus lasiotis. (' Nature,' vol. v. p. 427.) RHINOCEROTlDiE. 127 431. Rhinoceros sumatrensis, Cuvier. Sumatran Rhinoceros. (Fig. 14.) Hab. Malacca. «. Eemale. Purchased, Aug. 21, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 790, pi. Lxvii. Died Sept. 21, 1872. See Garrod, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 92. h. Female. Deposited, July 14, 1875, aud subsequently pur- chased. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 528, and Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. ix. p. 650, pi. xcvii., and vol. x. p. 411. c. Female. Deposited, Oct. 4, 1878. See P. Z. S. 1878, p. 790. d. Male. Deposited, March 20, 1879. Died April 6, 1879. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 308. 128 KHINOCEROTID^. TAPIRID^, 432. Rhinoceros bicornis, Linn. Two-horned Rliinoceros (Fig. 15.) Hub. Africa. «. Purclifised, Sept. 11, 1868. From Upper Nubia. See P. Z. S. 18G8, p. 529, pi. xli., and Trans. Zool. See. ix. p. 655, pi. xcTX. Fig. 15. Rhinoceros bicornis cj . (' JVature,' vol. v. p. 427.) Family TAPIRIDiE. 1 I Genus Tapirus. j 433. Tapirus americanus, Gm. Brazilian Tapir. (Fig. 15.) | Hab. South America. a. Female. Presented by the late King of Portugal, F.Z.S., Feb. 14, 1857. h. Male. Eeceived in exchange, Dec. 11, 1860. c. Deposited, July 25, 1867. U TAPIRID^. 129 d. Male ; e. Female. Purchased, July 30, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 636, pi. Lii. /. Female. Purchased, Jan. 16, 1873. From Paraguay. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 193. r/. Female. Hybrid between female of this species and male Tapirus roulini. Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 12, 1882. See P.Z. S. 1882, p. 311, Fig. 16. Tapirus americanus. (P, Z. S. 1873, p. 194._) 434. Tapirus roulini, Pischer. Hairy Tapir. Hab. Columbia. ^i^^'o ^^^®i^6 • > 154 BOVID^E. c, d. Preseuted by Her Majesty the Queen, April 17, 1866. Prom Afi'ica. e,f. Presented by Capt. Grlover, E.N., June 18, 18G6. Prom Africa. (J. Born in the Menagerie, March 8, 1867. h. Male ; i. Female. Presented by Capt. Parker, March 16, 1870. Pat-tailed variety. j. Male. Deposited, May 5, 1870. Prom the East Indies. Tc. Male ; I. Pemale. A variety. Presented by J. J. Mon- teiro, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Aug." 2, 1871. m. Hybrid between a male of this species and a female Ovis musimoii. Bom in the Menagerie, June 5, 1872. n. Male ; o. Pemale. Presented by Mr. Shirley, Aug. 27, 1873. Prom Persia. _p-r. Piu'chased, Oct. 7, 1873. Prom Chili. s. Presented by Capt. E. E. Pi*eemautle, E.N., C.B., May 15, 1874. Prom West Africa. t. Male ; u. Pemale. Presented by T. Gray, Esq., Aug. 14, 1875. V. Male ; iv. Pemale. Deposited, April 24, 1877. x. Male. Presented by A. Swauzy, Esq., Sept. 7, 1877. y, z. Males. Presented by E. B. N. Walker, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Sept. 15, 1879. Pemales. Presented by H. Sandbach, Esq., Nov. 22, 1879. 515*. Ovis musimon, Schreb. Mouflon. Hub. Sardinia and Corsica. a. Male. Born ia. the Menagerie, May 1859. J), c. Deposited, Aug. 13, 1866. d, e. Presented by Lord Lilford, P.Z.S., March 16, 1868. /. Presented by Earl Dudley, April 13, 1868. g. Born in the Menagerie, May 13, 1868. 7i. Male ; i. Pemale. Bom in the Menagerie, May 3, 1869. j. Born in the Menagerie, April 15, 1870. k. Born in the Menagerie, April 17, 1870. I. Pemale. Born in the Menagerie, AprU23, 18/0. m. Male. Presented by Her Majesty the Queen, March 21, 1871. , -D 91. Hybrid between this species and Ovis cycloceros d • Bom in the Menagerie, May 18, 1871. 0. Hybrid between this species and Ovis cycloceros d ■ Born in the Menagerie, May 29, 1871. . 2?. Hybrid between tliis species and 0. aries. Born m the Menagerie, Oct. 3, 1871. q Male ; r. Pemale. Presented by H. E. Halloway, Esq., Sept. 6, 1873. s. Male. Born in the Menagerie, May 10, 1»74. BOVIDiE. 155 t. Female. Deposited, April 26, 1875. u. Female. Deposited, Feb. 21, 1876. V. Female. Born in the Menagerie, May 4, 1876. w. Born in the Menagerie, Jime 6, 1878. cc. Female. Born in the Menagerie, July 5, 1881. y. Male ; z. Female. Presented by the Duke of Marlborough, F.Z.S., Feb. 16, 1881. From Corsica. a\ Female. Born in the Menagerie, May 23, 1881. 6\ Male. Born in the Menagerie, June 5, 1882. c\ Male. Born in the Menagerie, June 9, 1882. d}. Hybrid between this species and Ovis aries. Presented by H.E.H. Prince Christian, Sept. 7, 1882. 516. Ovis cycloceros^ Hutton. Punjab Wild Sheep. Hab. North-west India. a. Male. Presented by Brigadier-General Hearsey, F.Z.S., Aug. 19, 1854. See P. Z. S. 1860, p. 126. h. Female. Presented by Major Bartlett, July 25, 1857. See P. Z. S. 1860, p. 126. c, d. Females. Born in the Menagerie, May 27, 1858. e,f. Females. Born ia the Menagerie, May 25, 1859. g, h. Males. Born in the Menagerie, June 6, 1861. Males. Born in the Menagerie, July 14, 1862. A.'. Female. Purchased, June 3, 1863. 1. Male. Presented by Capt. Archibald, April 7, 1874. From the Salt range of Punjab. m. Female. Deposited, Sept. 23, 1874. 71. Male. Presented by Commander Garforth, H.M.S. ' Phi- lomel,' July 28, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 529. 0. Female. Presented by Col. W. E. Alexander, Dec. 31 , 1878. From Upper Sind. 517. Ovis hlanfordi, Hume. Blanford's Wild Sheep. Hab. Afghanistan. «. Male. Presented by Capt. W. Cotton, F.Z.S., Feb. 26, 1881. See P. Z. S. 1881, p. 449. 518. Ovis burrhel, Blyth. Burrhel Wild Sheep. Hab. Himalayas. a. Male. Deposited, March 20, 1877. h. Male; c. Female. Purchased, Feb. 19, 1880. d. Male. Received in exchange, March 29, 1881. e. Born in the Menagerie, June 19, 1882. 156 BOVlDiE. GIRAFFIDjE. 519. Ovis tragelaphus, Desm. Barbary Wild Sheep. Hah. North Africa. a. Male. Presented by 11. E. Sir John Gaspard Le Marehant, G.C.M.G., March 2, 1861. h. Female. Eeceived in exchange, July 10, 1861. c, d. Born in the Menagerie, March 16, 1864. e,/. Born in the Menagerie, April 19, 1865. g^h. Females. Born in the Menagerie, March 31, 3 866. i. Born in the Menagerie, March 21, 1868. j. Male. Bom in the Menagerie, April 6, 1869. k, I. Males. Born in the Menagerie, March 22, 1870. m. Female. Born in the Menagerie, April 4, 1873. n, 0. Males ; p. Female. Born in the Menagerie, April 4, 1873. q. Female. Presented by Commander Wilkinson, E,.N., July 15, 1873. r. Male ; s, t. Females. Born in the Menagerie, March 19, 1874. u. Male. Born in the Menagerie, June 10, 1874. V. Male ; w. Female. Eeceived in exchange, Feb. 22, 1878. Family ANTILOCAPRIDiE. Genus Antilocapra. 520. Antilocapra americana (Ord,). Prongborn Antelope. (Fig. 23.) Hab. North America. a. Male. Purchased, Jan. 21, 1865. See P. Z. S. 1865. p. 60, pi. III. ; also Mr. Bartlett's remarks, ibid. p. 718, and Dr. Murie on its anatomy, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 334. h. Female. Purchased, Feb. 22, 1872. See P.Z.S. 1872, p.495. c. Male ; d. Female. Purchased, Dec. 4, 1879. e. Male. Purchased, July 8, 1882. Family GIEAFFID^. Genus Giraffa. 521. Giraffa camelopardalis (Linn.). Giraffe. Hab. Africa. a. Female. Imported, May 24, 1836. Died Oct. 15, 1852. h. Male. Imported, May 24, 1836. Died Oct. 29, 1846. Head of Antilocajpra americana. (P. Z, S. 1880, p. 540.) c. Male. Imported, May 24, 1836. Died Jan. 14, 1849. d. Male. Imported, May 24, 1836. Died Jan. 6, 1837. e. Male. Born in the Menagerie, June 19, 1839. Died June 28, 1839. f. Male. Born in the Menagerie, May 24, 1841. Presented to the Dublin Zoological Society, June 14, 1844. g. Male. Boi-n in the Menagerie, Feb. 25, 1844. Died Dec. 30, 1853. h. Male. Born in the Menagerie, April 22, 1846. Died Jan 22, 18G7. i. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 12, 1849. Sold April 27, 1850. j. Female. Imported, June 29, 1849. Died Nov. 3, 1856. k. Female. Imported, June 29, 1849. Sold Oct. 29, 1853. I. Male. Born in the Menagerie, March 30, 1852. Sold March 29, 1853. 158 PIllAPFIDiE. — CERVIDiE, in. Female. Born in the Menagerie, April 25, 1853. Died May 21, 1872. n. Female. Born in the Menagerie, May 7, 1855. Died Nov. 6, 1866. 0. Female. Born in the Menagerie, July 16, 1859. Died Dec. 2, 1859. _p. Female. Born in the Menagerie, May 26, 1861. Sold May 1, 18G3. q. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 7, 1861. Sold Dec. 18, 1861. r. Male. Born in the Menagerie, May 8, 1863. Died Nov. 18, 1863. s. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 24, 1863. Died AprH 21, 1864. t. Male. Born in the Menagerie, March 31, 1865. Died AprU 3, 1865. u. Female. Born in the Menagerie, AprU 20, 1865. Sold May 31, 1866. V. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 14, 1866. Died Nov. 6, 1866. w. Male. Born in the Menagerie, March 17, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 391. a?. Female. Purchased, July 23, 1867. Died Sept. 12, 1869. y. Male. Purchased, Jan. 5, 1871. Died April 27, 1874. z. Female. Purchased, Oct. 11, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 184. Died May 21, 1878. «'. Male ; b\ c\ Females. Purchased, July 25, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 494. Male died Jan. 8, 1879. clK Male. Purchased, Jan. 27, 1879. See P.Z.S. 1879, p. 108. Family CERVIDiE. Subfamily Moschin^. Genus MoscHUS. 522. Moschus moschiferus, Linn. Musk-Deer. (Fig. 24.) Hab. Central Asia. a. Female. Presented by Col. F. E. Pollock, March 31, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 276. From Cashmere. Died Oct. 27, 1869. See Flower, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 159. h. Male; c. Female. Presented by Sir Eichard Pollock, K.C.S.I., F.Z.S., Dec. 15, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1878, p.l. CERVIDiE. Fig. 24. Moschus moschiferus. Subfamily CERViNyE. Genus Cervulus. 523. Cervulus muntjac, Zimm. Indian Muntjac. Hab. India. a. Eeceived in exchange, March 28, 1862. From Java. b. Male. Purchased, Nov. 6, 1874. From Saigon. See P.Z.S. 1874, p. 665. c. Male; d. Female. Purchased, March 10, 1875. See P.Z.S. 1875, p. 421. e. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 23, 1876. /. Female. Born in the Menagerie, July 20, 1877. g. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 27, 1878. h. Born in the Menagerie, June 14, 1878. i. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 13, 1878. 160 CERVll)^. 524. Cervulus lacrymans, Milne-Edw. Crying Muntjac. Hub. China. a, h. Males. Piu-chased, May 29, 1874. See under Cervulus sdaten, P. Z. S. 1874, p. 40, pi. vm., and 1875, p. 422. From Ningpo. c. Male. Deposited, March 23, 1876. cl. Male. Presented by W. H. Medhurst, Esq., April 7 1876. ^ ^ e. Male. Deposited, June 19, 1876. /. Hybrid between this species and Cervulus muntjac $ . Born in the Menagerie, Peb. 8, 1881. g. Male. Hybrid between this species and Cervulus mwntjac 2 . Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 3, 1881. h. Hybrid between this species and Cervulus muntjac $ , Born in the Menagerie, July 19, 1882. 525. Cervulus reevesi, Ogilby. Reeves's Muntjac. Hab. China. a. Male ; b. Female. From Formosa. Deposited, Aug. 19, 1867, and subsequently purchased, c. Female. Deposited, April 15, 1872. cl. Female. Presented by A. Michie, Esq., Sept. 13, 1873. From Ningpo. e. Female. Purchased, Feb. 27, 1874 (Cervulus micrurus, Scl.). See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 421. /. Male. Piu'chased, May 29, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 431, pi. II. fig. 1. g. Female. Born in the Menagerie, July 13, 1874. h. Female. Born in the Menagerie, May 27, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 422, pi. li. fig. 2. i. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 13, 1875, j. Female. Born in the Menagerie, July 30, 1875. Jc. Male. Born in the Menagerie, July 14, 1876. I. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Juue 1, 1877. m. Female. Born in the Menagerie, July 1, 1878. 71. Female. Born in the Menagerie, AprU 20, 1879, 0. Female. Born in the Menagerie, April 29, 1879. p. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 28, 1879. q. Female. Born in the Menagerie, June 29, 1880, r. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 13, 1880. s. Male. Born in the Menagerie, May 1, 1881. t. Male, Born in the Menagerie, July 7, 1881. CERVIDjE. 161 Genus Elaphodus. 526. Elaphodus michianus (Swinhoe). Michie's Tufted Deer. (Fig. 25.) Hab. China. a. Male. Purchased, Peb. 12, 1876. See Lophotrctgus michianus, P. Z. S. 1874, p. 452, pi. xlix., and P. Z. S. 1876, p. 273. Por anatomy of this animal, see Garrod, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 757. h. Male. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1878. See P. Z. S. 1878, p. 790. e. Male. Deposited, May 27, 1879. d. Male. Purchased, Aug. 25, 1880. M 162 CEKVIDiE. Genus Cervus*. 527. Cervus elaphus, Linn. Red Deer. Hab. Europe. a. Male. Presented by the Viscount Hill, E.Z.S., Feb. 29 1860. (Cervus barbarus.) ' ' ' b. Pemale. Eeceived in exchange, March 14, 18G2. (0 barbarus.) ' \ • c. Male; d. I^emale Presented by Sir John Gaspard Le Marchant, G.C.M.G., Qovernor of Malta, Dec. 5, 18G4. (C. barbarus.) e. Female. Bom in the Menagerie, May 19, 1867. (0. bar- barus.) f. Purchased, March 6, 1868. g. Presented by Capt. G-. G-. Munro, Aug. 4, 1868. h. Female. Presented by the Lord Herbrand Eussell FZS June 5, 1874. i. Female. Presented by V. H. Vaughan Lee, Esq. M P May 23, 1875. ^ ' • •. j. Femaie. Presented by S. Carter, Esq., Aug. 14, 1875. k. Male. Presented by 'C. W. Ansdell, Esq., April'l6, 1878. I Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 1, 1878. m. Male. Hybrid between this species and C. barbarus. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 6, 1879. n. Male. Born in the Menagerie, June 28, 1880. 0. Born in the Menagerie, May 30, 1882. 528. Cervus maral, Gray. Persian Deer. Hab. Persia. a. Male ; b. Female. Presented by the Earl of Ducie, F.Z S March 12, 1856. c. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 23, 1858. d. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 10, 1863. e. Male. Born in the Menagerie, July 9, 1865. /. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 29, 1865. g. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 1, 1866. h. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 6, 1867. . i. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 19, 1868. j. Male. Born in the Menagerie, July 15, 1870. 529. Cervus cashmeerianus, Falc. Cashmirian Deer. Hab. Cashmir. a. Male. Presented by Capt. M._H. S. Lloyd, H.M. S9th Eegt., Nov. 24, 1865. Specimen figured Trans. Zoo). Soc. vii. pi. XXX. * On the Deer of the Old World living in the Society's Mena- gerie, consult Sclater, Trans. Zool. Soc. vii. p. 333. CERVID^. 163 530. Cervus canadensis, Schreb. Wapiti Deer. Hab. North America. a. remale. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 17, 1851. b. Female. Born in the Menagerie, July 25, 1853. c. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 15, 1856. d. Male. Var. occidentalis, H. Smith. Purchased, April 16, 1863. From Oregon. e. Male. Born in the Menagerie, May 31, 1864. /. Male. Born in the Menagerie, June 16, 1864. g. Female. Bom in the Menagerie, Aug. 17, 1865. Ti. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 5, 1865. i. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 8, 1867. j. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 2, 1867. k. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 3, 1872. I. Male. Purchased, June 5, 1873. m. Female. Born in the Menagerie, June 20, 1874. n. Male; o. Female. Deposited, May 15, 1875. p. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 2, 1875. q. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 18, 1875. r. Female. Bom in the Menagerie, July 17, 1877. s. Male. Born in the Menagerie, July 29, 1877. t. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 5, 1878. u. Female. Born in the Menagerie, June 17, 1880. V. Female. Born in the Menagerie, June 29, 1881. w. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 16, 1882. 531. Cervus luehdorfi, Bolan. Luhdorf s Deer. Hab. Amoorland. a. Male. Purchased, May 30, 1880. Born in the Zoolo- gical Gardens, Hamburgh, Aug, 17, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1880, p. 451. 532. Cervus mantchuricus, Swinhoe. Mantchurian Deer. Hab. Northern China. a. Male. Presented by E. Swinhoe, Esq., F.Z.S., H.B.M.'s Consul at Amoy, July 4, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. i ; specimen figured Trans. Zool. Soe. vii. pis. xxxi., xxxir.' h. Male. Presejited by T. E. Wheelock, Esq., March 18, 1872.' c. Female. Received in exchange, Aug. 20 1872 ' Spo P. Z.S. 1872, p. 794. o , oee d. Female. Deposited, Aug. 16, 1872. e. Female. Purchased, Feb. 22, 1863. /. Male. Presented by Abel J. Gower, Esq., Aug 28 1874 M 2 16i CERVID^. 533. Cervus sika, Temm. Japanese Deer. Hab. Japan. a. Male ; 6. Eemale. Presented by J. Wilks, Esq., July 21, 1869. Types of Busa javanica, Gray, Ann. N. H. ser. 3, vi. p. 218. See Sclater, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 375, and 1862' p. 150. c. Female. Purchased, June 5, 1861. d. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 5, 1862. e. Eemale. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 2, 1863. /. Born in the Menagerie, July 8, 1864. //. Born in the Menagerie, June 8, 1865. h. Born in the Menagerie, June 26, 1865. i. Born in the Menagerie, June 3, 1866. j. Born in the Menagerie, June 8, 1866. k. Male. Bom in' the Menagerie, June 8, 1867. I. Male. Bom in the Menagerie, July 16, 1867. m. Bom in the Menagerie, June 13, 1868. n. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 5, 1868. 0. Male. Bom in the Menagerie, June 12, 1869. p. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Jime 24, 1869. q. Eemale. Bom in the Menagerie, July 27, 1870. r. Male. Eeceived in exchange, March 31, 1871. s. Male. Born in the Menagerie, July 2, 1871. t. Male. Bom in the Menagerie, June 7, 1872. u. Eemale. Received in exchange, Aug. 20, 1872. V. Male. Purchased, Eeb. 27, 1874. Erom Newchang, Worth China. Type of Cervus euojpis, Svvinhoe. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 151. w. Bom in the Menagerie, Nov. 26, 1876. X. Male; y, z. Eemales. Presented by the Viscount Powers- court, E.Z.S., March 6, 1879. a\ Male. Born in the Menagerie, July 7, 1879. &\ Born in the Menagerie, June 11, 1880. c\ Eemale. Born in the Menagerie, June 21, 1880. d\ Male. Born in the Menagerie, June 5, 1881. e\ Born in the Menagerie, June 10, 1881. /', (/\ Males. Born in the Menagerie, June 6, 1882. 534. Cervus taevanus, Swinhoe. Formosan Deer. Hab. Island of Formosa. a. Male. Presented by R. Swinhoe, Esq., E.Z.S., H.B.M.'s Consul at Amoy, Dec. 9, 1861. See Cei-vus taevanus, P.Z. S. 1862, p. 150, pi. xTi., and P.Z.S. 1871, p. 237. h. Presented by J. J. Broadwood, Esq., June 23, 1865. c. Eemale. Purchased, Feb: 10/ 1866. d. Male. Purchased, Jan. 28,' 1867. e. f. Males. Purchased, April 13, 1867. CERVID^. 165 g. Male; h. Female. Presented by John Tlemiug, Esq., r.Z.S., June 14, 1867. i. Bom in the Menagerie, July 21, 1868. 535. Cervus davidianus, Milne-Edwards. Pere David's Deer, Hab. Northern China. Male ; h. Female. Presented by H.E. Sir E. Alcoclc, K.C.B.,C.M.Z.S.,Aug.2, 1869. SeeP.Z.S.1869^ p. 468. a. 536. Cervus duvaucelli, Cuv. Barasingha Deer. Hab. Himalaya. a. Female. Purchased, Oct. 26, 1851. b. Female. Born in the Menagerie, July 17, 1858. c. Male. Born iu the Menagerie, Aug. 26, 1861. d. Female. Deposited, Dec. 5, 1863. e. Male. Born in the Menagerie, June 13, 1864. /. Male. Eeceived in exchange, Dec. 1, 1873. 537. Cervus schomburgki (Blyth). Schombure-k's Deer (Fig. 26, p. 166.) Hab. Siam. a. Male. Eeceived in exchange, Dec. 1, 1873. h. Male. Purchased, May 30, 1880. 538. Cervus eldi, M-^Cldland. Panolia Deer. Hab. British Burmah. a. Male. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., F.Z.S., Aug. 6, 1867. See P. Z.S. 1867, p. 821 ; specimen figured Trans. Zool. ooc. vu. pis. xxxvn., xxxviii. 539. Cervus aristotelis, Cuv. Sambur Deer. Hab. India. a. Female. Born in the Menagerie, 1852. h. Female. Born in the Menagerie, 1855. c. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 1, 1862. d. Male. Born m the Menagerie, April 30 1863 e. Born m the Menagerie, March 13, 1865. ' /. Male. Born in the Menagerie, March 26, 1865 rk^T''*i? ^^T- ^^^T^y Q"-^*^^' April 13, 1865. J. Female. Eeceived in exchange, July 5, 1865. I mT \ the Menagerie, Nov. 17, 1865. ^. Male. Born m the Menagerie, May 31, 1866. 1G6 CERVTDiE. TO. Female. Born in the Menagerie, June 3, 1867. n. Female. Presented by Capt. Clinck, Oct. 30, 1867. 0. Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 25, 18G8. p. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 27, 1871. q. Male ; r. Female. Presented by J. Kemp Welch, Esq., Aug. 9, 1872. s. Male. Presented by the Hon. Justice Jackson, April 10, 1874. t. Male. Purchased, July 23, 1875. u. Male. Presented by H.E.H. The Prince o£ Wales, K.G., July 12, 1877. V. Male ; w. Female. Received in exchange, March 7, 1878. a;. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 27, 1879. y. Presented by W. H. Stevenson, Esq., Feb. 4, 1880. z. Female. Born in the Menagerie, March 28, 1880. «\ Female. Born in the Menagerie, March 24, 1881. h\ Female. Born in the Menagerie, April 9, 1882. Head of Cervus scJiomhurgJci. (P. Z. S. 1877, p. G82.) CERVIDiE. 167 540. Cef-vus equinus, Cuv. Equine Deer. Hab. Borneo. a. Male ; h. Female. Purchased, June 19, 1867. c. Female. Born in the Menagerie, April 11, 1869. 541. Cervus swinhoii, Sclater. Swinhoe^'s Deer. Hab. Island of Formosa. a. Male. Presented by E. Swinhoe, Esq., F.Z.S., April 28, 1862. See P. Z.S. 1862, p. 150; specimen figured, ibid. pi. XTH. b. Male. Presented by EobertSwinhoe,Esq.,F.Z.S.,H.B.M.'6 Consul at Amoy, Sept. 4, 1862. c. Female. Presented by Eobert Swinhoe, Esq., F.Z.S., H.B.M.'s Consul at Amoy, Sept. 24, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 818. d. Male. Purchased, Feb. 21, 1868. 542. Cervus philippinus, H. Smith. Philippine Deer. Hab. Philippine Islands. a. Male. Purchased, June 17, 1875. See Brooke, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 51, pi. Tin. 543. Cervus nigricans, Brooke. Blackish Deer. Hab. Philippine Islands. a. Female. Purchased, April 13, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 279. Type of C. nigricans, Brooke, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 57, pi. IX. 544. Cervus alfredi, Sclater. Prince Alfred's Deer. (Fio- 27 p. 168.) ' Hab. Philippine Islands. a. Male. Presented by H.E.H. The Duke of Edinburgh, May 5, 1870. Specimen figured and described, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 381, pi. xxTxri. See also Sclater, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 237.' b. Female. Eeceived in exchange, April 1, 1871 See P.Z.S. 1871, p. 448. c. Hybrid between this species and Cervus nigricans $ . Born in the Menagerie, Dec. 26, 1871. d. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Dec. 27, 1871 Spp P. Z. S. 1872, p. 24. e. Male. Hybrid between this species and Cervus nigri- cans 2 . Born in the Menagerie, Dec. 29, 1872 /. Male. Born in the Menagerie, March 27, 1873. g. Male. Born in the Menagerie, April 30, 1874.* h. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Dec. 1, 1875, CEllVIDiE. Fig. 27. Oervus alfredi S • (Nature, ii. p. 147.) 545. Cervus kuhlii, Miiller. Kubl's Deer. Hab. Bavian Islands. 7. Male; b. Female. Purchased of the Royal Zoological Society of Amsterdam, July 5, 1865. Of. notice, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 224. c. Male. Purchased, May 31, 1875. 546. Cervus porcinus, Zimm. Hog Deer. Hab. India. a. Female. Presented by H.E. Sir George Grey, K.C.B., F.Z.S., Governor of Kew Zealand, April 11, 1859. h. Male. Born in the Menagerie, March 9, 1861. c. Female. Purchased, Dec. 18, 1864. rf. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 23, 1866, e. Deposited, July 6, 1866. /. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 10, 1866. CERVIDjE. 1G9 g. Male. Presented by Capt. H. T. Thomson, 57tli Regt., Oct. 29, 1867. h. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 28, 1869. i. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 7, 1870^ /. Female. Born in the Menagerie, June 5, 1871. 'k. Male. Presented by E. W. H. Holdsworth, P.Z.S., July 18, 1871. Prom Ceylon. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 625. I. Presented by H. Hughes, Esq., March 3, 1875. m. Male. Born in the Menagerie, July 6, 1875. n. Male. Bom in the Menagerie, Sept. 21, 1876. 0. Male. Bom in the Menagerie, Jan. 23, 1878. q. Females. Eeceived in exchange, March 30, 1878. r. Female. Presented by Lord Dchester, Dec. 4, 1880. s. Born in the Menagerie, Oct, 8, 1881. 547. Cervus minor, Hodgs. Spotted Hog Deer. Hab. India. a. Male. Presented by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, K.G., July 12, 1877. See P. Z. 8. 1876, p. 463. 548. Cervus hippelaphus, Cuv. E,usa Deer. Hab. Java. a. Female. Eeceived in exchange, March 1, 1851. h. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 10, 1857. c. Presented by A. A. Eraser, Esq., F.Z.S., April 20, 1877. 549. Cervus iimoriensis, Blainv. Timor Deer. Hab. Timor. a. Male; b. Female. Presented by Capt. Le-wis Brayley. Dec. 13, 1864. 550. Cervus moluccensis, Miill. Molucca Deer. Hab. Molucca Islands. a. Female. Piu-chased, June 18, 1862. h. Male. Purchased, Sept. 16, 1863. c. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Dec. 11, 1863. d. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 8, 1864. e. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 30, 1865. /. Bom in the Menagerie, Oct. 30, 1867. g. Male ; 7t. Female. Purchased, May 26, 1873. 1. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 9, 1873. j. Male. Purchased, Jan. 2, 1874. Ic. Male, Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 5, 1874. I. Male. Born in the Menagerie, May 5, 1875*, CEllVIDiE. m. Male, Born iii the Menagerie, May 20, 1875. n. Female. Born in the Menagerie, April 23, 1876. 0. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 20, 1878. p. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 25, 1880. (J. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Dec. 30, 1881. r. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Dec. 21, 1882. Cervus axis, Erxl. Axis Deer. Hab. India. «. Female. Presented by Eichard C. Ansdell, Esq., F.Z.S., May 5, 1859. b. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 22, 1862. c. Female. Presented by J. D. MuUins, Esq., Oct. 9, 1802. d. Male. Born in the Menagerie, June 18, 1865. e. Male. Presented by A. Houlder, Esq., Sept. 26, 1866. /. Purchased, March 20, 1868. g. Male ; h. Female. Presented by IMrs. Morrison, Oct. 14, 1869. 1. Born in the Menagerie, April 16, 1870. j. Male. Bom in the Menagerie, Feb. 28, 1872. k. Presented by Thomas Wright, Esq., 93rd Highlanders, March 30, 1872. I. Deposited, May 19, 1871. m. Female. Deposited, Jan. 14, 1873. n. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 5, 1873. 0. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 5, 1873. p. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 2, 1874. q. Female. Presented by the Hon. Justice Jackson, April 10, 1874. r. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 8, 1874. s. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 26, 1875. t-w. Male. Born in the Menagerie, July 25, 1876. x. Deposited, July 9, 1877. y. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 2, 1877. z. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 20, 1877. a\ Female. Deposited, Nov. 2, 1877. ¥. Male ; c\ Female. Presented by Dr. Carl Siemens, Dec. 10, 1877. d\ Female. Born in the Menagerie, May 29, 1878. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 4, 1878. f. Male. Born in the Menagerie, May 30, 1879. ffK Female. Born in the Menagerie, July 1, 1879. >i>. Male. Purchased, Nov. 6, 1879. i\ Female. Born in the Menagerie, May 8, 1880. f. Female. Born in the Menagerie, May^26, 1880. 'p. Male. Born in the Menagerie, June 7, 1880. Z'. Male. Born in the Menagerie, June 15, 1880. m\ Male. Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 14, 1882. CERVID^. 17] Genus Dama. 552. Dama vulgaris, Gray. Fallow Deer. Hab. Europe. a. Male. Deposited, 1863. h. Male. Presented by Mrs. Eandal Callander, Dec. 7, 1864. From the Island of Rhodes. c. Female. Purchased, Dec. 29, 1865. d. Male. Presented by Miss Jane Anne Brooke, Jan. 3, 1873. e. Female. Born in the Menagerie, July 4, 1875. /. Female. Presented by L. Hii-sch, Esq., Feb. 24, 1880. 553. Dama mesopotamica (Broolie). Mesopotamian Fallow Deer. Hab. Persia. a. Male. Purchased, May 28, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 261, pi. xxxTin., and 1877, p. 531. h. Hybrid between this species and D. vulgaris. Born in the Menagerie, July 9, 1878. c. Female. Purchased," Oct. 31, 1878. See P. Z. S. 1878, p. 790. d. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 4, 1880. e. Female. Hybrid between this species and Cervus dama 2 . Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 3, 1880. /. Male. Hybrid between this species and Gervus dama 2 ■ Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 5, 1881. g. Female. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., Oct. 14, 1881. Genus Alces. 554. Alces machlis, Ogilby. Moose. Hab. Northern Europe and North America. a. Female. Presented by E. N. Hurt, Esq., F.Z.S., Dec. 4, 1857. h-d. Males. Deposited, Dec. 28, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 1. e. Male. Purchased, Oct. 25, 1877. Genus Hydropotes. 555. Hydropotes inermis, Swinhoe. Chinese Water-Deer. Hab. China. «. Male. Presented by E. Swinhoe, Esq., F.Z.S., May 8 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 517. For anatomy, see Garrod, P.Z.S. 1877, p. 789. 172 CERVIDiE. b. Female. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1874. See P.Z.S. 1874 p 110 c. Male. Deposited, Feb. 27, 1874. d. Deposited, July 13, 1875. e. Male. Received in exchauge, April 3, 1879. /. Male. Eeceived in exchange, Nov. 6, 1880. Genus Capreolus. 556. Capreolus caprcea (Gray) . Common Roe. Hab. Europe. a. Female. Presented by Beniamin F. Turner, Esq., July 7. 1869. b. Male. Presented by J. Edersheim, Esq., Jan. IG, 1874. From Finland. c. Female. Presented by F. Hillel, Esq., Jan. 13, 1874. From Finland. d. Male. Presented by Edward Jones, Esq., Oct. 3, 1878. 557. Capreolus ptjgargus (Pallas). White-rumped Roe-Deer. Hab. Eastern Asia. «, b. Females. Eeceived in exchange, April 3. 1879. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 384. Genus Cariacus. 558. Cariacus virginianus, Gm. Virginian Deer. Hab. North America. a. Male. Purchased, Aug. 27, 1861. b. Born in the Menagerie, July 2, 1865. c. Hybrid between this species and Oervus mexicanus. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 9, 1865. (Z-/. Purchased, March 13, 1868. g. Born in the Menagerie, July ] , 1869. li. Male; i. Female. Received in exchange, Feb. 19, 1873. j. Female. Presented by Capt. Bennett, May 17, 1873. Ic. Male. Born in the Menagerie, May 21, 1873. I. Male. PresentedbyN.M.Bateson,"Esq., March 15, 1874. m. Male. Born in the Menagerie. June 27, 1874. n. Female. Presented by Capt. E. N. Cobbett, Nov. 27, 1874. 0. Female. Born in the Menagerie, June 6, 1875. p. Female. Deposited, May 4, 1877. q. Male ; r. Female. Purchased, Jmie 16, ] 880. CERVID/E. 173 559. Cariacus mexicanus, H. Smith. Mexican Deer. Hab. Mexico. a. Male. Presented by A. Newtou, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 3, 1857. rrom St. Croix, West Indies. b. Female. Presented by Edward Sheldon, Esq., June 24, 1863. From Yucatan. c. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 13, 1864. d. Male; e. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 4, 1866. /. Born in the Menagerie, June 7, 1868. (/. Bom in the Menagerie, July 2, 1868. h. Male; i. Female. Born in the Menagerie, June 22, 1869. j. Born in the Menagerie, May 18, 1871. I: Presented by E. B. Lambe, Esq., July 25, 1871. From St. Croix. Z, m. Males ; n. Female. Purchased, Dec. 1, 1872. From Vera Cruz. 0. Male. Presented by J. W. Isaacson, Esq., Oct. 22, 1873. p. Female. Purchased, Oct. 25, 1873. q. Male ; r. Female. Piu-chased, Oct. 2, 1875. s. Male. Presented by T. B. Forwood, Esq., June 7, 1876. t. Female. Presented by Cyril Graham, Esq., Jan. 5, 1878. From Venezuela. Female. Presented by A. Scruttou, Esq., July 31, 1878. V. Male. Hybrid between this species and G. vinjinianus $ . Born in the Menagerie, June 19, 1879. 560. Cariacus macrotis (Say) . Mule Deer. Hab. North America. a. Male. Presented by Judge Caton, March 12, 1879. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 308. Male. Presented by H. H. Carter, Esq., July 18, 1879. c. Female. Presented by E. N. Carter, Esq., July 18, 1879. Wyoming Territory, U.S.A. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 664. d. Female. Presented by Dr. J. D. Caton, Feb. 15, 1882. 561. Cariacus gymnotis,yf\e^maT\x\. Naked-eared Deer. Hab. Ecuador. a. Female. Presented by C. Cooper, Esq., March 29 1877. From Guayaquil. ' h. Female. Purchased, April 1, 1878. c. Female. Presented by Miss Lake, Oct. 17, 1882. 174 cervicjE. 562. Cariacus campestris, F. Cuv. Pampas Deer. Hab. South America. a. Male ; b. Female. Purchased, Dec. 23, 1874. Prom the Argentine Eepublic. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 1, c. Pemale. Born in the Menagerie, May 5, 1875. d. Male. Presented by Capt. Hairby, Nov. 16, 1875. e. Male ; /. Pemale. Purchased, Nov. 5, 1880. g. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 17, 1881. 563. Cariacus rufus, F. Cuv. Red Brocket. Hab. Brazil. a. Male; h. Pemale. Purchased, May 24, 1872. Prom Maranham. c. Pemale. E/Cceived in exchange, June 29, 1874. cl. Pemale. Purchased, July 7, 1874. e. Male ; f^g. Pemale and young. Presented by "W. H. Lacy, Esq., April 18, 1879. h. Presented by W. A. Porbes, Esq., Oct. 16, 1880. Prom Pernambuco. i. Male. Presented by H. Sandbach, Esq., May 26, 1882. j. Male. Deposited, Aug. 28, 1882. 564. Cariacus nemorivagus, F. Cuv. Wood-Brocket. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, April 5, 1871. b. Pemale. Purchased, May 3, 1871. c. Pemale. Presented by C. C. Berington, Esq., July 31, 1877. Prom Trinidad. d. Male. Presented by Capt. Mackenzie, May 10, 1881. e. Presented by C. A. Craven, Esq., Aug. 22, 1882. Genus Furcifer. 565. Furcifer chilensis (Gay and Gervais). Gemul Deer. Hab. Patagonia. a. Male. Purchased, December 22, 1881. Prom Patagonia. See P.Z.S. 1882, p. 97. Genus Pudua. 566. Pudua humilis (Benn.). Pudu Deer. (Fig. 28.) Hab. Chili. a. Male. Presented by Charles Bath, Esq., Peb. 14, 1866. 175 Specimen described, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 105, and figured P. Z. S. 1871, p. 238, pi. xTiT. h. Male ; c. Pemale. Piu-chased, April 1, 1878. Fig. 28. Padaa humilis S ■ (P- Z. S. 1866, p. 105.) Genus Rangifeb. 567. Rangifer tarandus (Linn.). Reindeer. Hab. North Europe, Asia, and America. a, b. Males. Presented by H. H. Elder, Esq., June 1, 1866. c. Male. Presented by Capt. E. Eraser, 60th Eoyal Eifles, June 27, 1877. Cariboo. From Newfoundland. d-f. Males ; g, h. Females. Deposited, Nov. 5, 1877. From Lapland. Females. Eeceived in exchange, March 20, 1878. 7c. Born in the Menagerie, May 12, 1878. I. Bom in the Menagerie, May 15, 1878. 17G TRAGULIDiE. Family TRAGULIDiE. Genus Tragultjs. 568. Trngulus meminna (Erxl.). Indian Chevrotain. Hab. India. a. Presented by Capt. H. W. Hire, E.N., of H.M.S. ' Orontes,' March 17, 1867. b. Presented by W. H. Eavenscroft, Esq., May 7, 1880. c. Purchased, April 7, 1881. d. Presented by the Hon. John Stoddart, Sept. 2, 1882. From Cejdon. 569. Tragulus javanicus (Pall.). Javan Chevrotain. Hab. Java. a. Presented by James A. Gardner, Esq., April 24, 1866. h. Purchased, May 3, 1867. c, cl. Presented by Eussel Stui-gess, Esq., P.Z.S., Dec. 24, 1868. e. Eemale. Presented by J. Deacon, Esq., April 16, 1869. /. Eemale. PresentedbyB. C. Nicholson, Esq., July 9, 1869. fj. Male. Presented by H. H. Gideon, Esq., Jan. 8, 1870. li. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 9, 1870. i. Presented by S. M. Soutter, Esq., Jan. 21, 1871. j. Male ; h. Female. Presented by G. W. T. Browne, Esq., March 14, 1871. I. Presented by J. Baker, Esq., Jan. 17, 1873. m. Female. Presented by G. Mannings, Esq., Aug. 27, 1874. n, 0. Presented by Messrs. Hill and Isaacs, E.N., May 15, 1877. p. Presented by Mr. W. Trent, June 29, 1877. q. Male. Presented by Mrs. L. Walker, Jan. 15, 1878. r. Male. Presented by Mrs. L. Dudfield, May 21, 1880. s. On approval, March 16, 1881. 570. Tragulus Stanley anus, Gray. Stanleyan Chevrotain. Hab. Java. rt, h. Females. Purchased, Aug. 10, 1871. c. Female. Presented by G. E. Mills, Esq., Nov. 6, 1871. d, e. Females. Presented by S. W. Trevor, Esq., Jan. 9, 1873. /. Male. Presented by Mrs. L. Wallcer, Jan. 15, 1878. TRAGXJLIDjE. CAMELIDiE. 177 Genus Hyomoschus. 571. Hyomoschus aquatiaus (Ogilby). Water-Chevrolaio. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Dec. 11, 1860. Cf. Flower, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 954. h. Purchased, June 29, 1870. c. Purchased, July 26, 1870. cl. Purchased, July 9, 1878. e,f. Purchased, June 24, 1881. q. Purchased, Aug. 12, 1881. X. Purchased, March 29, 1882. i. Purchased, May 2, 1882. /. Purchased, June 16, 1882. 'h, I. Purchased, Sept. 4, 1882. Family CAMELIDiE. Genus Lama. 572. Lama huanacos (Mol.). Huanaco. Hab. Bolivia. a. Male ; 6. Female. Presented by W. D. Christie, Esq., F.Z.S., March 16, 1858. c. Presented by Comm. Pinkerton, S.S. ' Thames,' Aug. 30, 1866. d. Female. Presented by H. T. Balfour, Esq., Aug. 16, 1869, e. Male;/. Female. Presented by W. G. Parry, Esq., Jiuie 18, 1874. f/. Male. Purchased, May 26, 1876. h. Male; i. Female. Deposited, July 3, 1880. j. Presented by the Marquis of Queensberry, July 13, 1880. 573. Lama pacos {Iawo.) . Alpaca. Hab. Peru. a. Female. Eeceived in exchange, May 19, 1849. h. Male. Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 13, 1860. c, d. Males; e, /. Females. l3eposited, Sept. 26, 1873. (J. Female. Purchased, Dec. 15, 1873. 574'. Lama vicugna (Mol.) . Vicuna. Hab. South America. rt, 6. Presented by Charles Bath, Esq., Dec. 19, 1871. N 178 CAMELID^E 575. Lama peruana, Tie(\. Llama. Hab. Peru. (I. Male. Eeceived in exchange, April 28, 1860, b. Eetnale. Purchased, Jan. 21, 1861. c, d. Presented by H.G. The Duke of Wellington. F.Z.S., March 7, 1871. c, /. Pemales. Deposited, Sept. 26, 1873. Genus Camelus. 576. Camelus dromedarius, Linn. Common Camel. Hab. Egypt. a. Male. Presented by His late Highness Ibrahim Pasha, June 29, 1849. 1). Purchased, Jan. 31, 1868. c. Pemale. Purchased, Sept. 26, 1869. d. Male. Deposited, Feb. 25, 1870. e. Female. Purchased, April 6, 1871. 577. Camelus bactrianus, Linn. Bactrian Camel. Hab. Central Asia. a. Female. Presented by the Corps of the Eoyal Engineers, Nov. 18, 1856. Born in the Crimea, "1855. Died, April 30, 1873. h. Male. Purchased, July 22, 1873. c. Female ; d. Female (juv.). Deposited, May 19, 1879. e. Female. Presented by Col. St. John, F.Z.S., Feb. 24, 1881. From Afghanistan. (Enceinte.) /. Hybrid between this species and Camelus dromedarius. Born in the Menagerie, March 25, 1881. Family' HIPPOPOTAMIDiE. Genus Hippopotamus. 578. Hippopotamus amphibius, Linn. Hippopotamus. Hab. Upper Nile. o. Male. Presented by the late Viceroy of Egypt, INIay 25, 1850, See P.Z.S. 1851, p. 98. Died March 11. 1^78. HIPPOPOTAMIDiE. PHACOCHCEaiD^. 179 h. Female. Presented by the late Viceroy of Egypt, July 22, 1854. Died Dec. 16, 1882. c. Deposited by John Petherick, Esq., C.M.Z.S. See P. Z. S. 1860, p. i95. cl. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 21, 1871. See Bart- letfc, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 255, pi. xx., and 1872, p. 819. Died Feb. 23, 1871. e. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Jan. 6, 1872. Died Jan. 10, 1872. Of. Garrod, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 821. /. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 5, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 795. y. Male. Purchased, June 20, 1877. Born in Amsterdam. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 680. Family PHACOCH(ERID.E. Genus Phacochcerus. 579. Phacochcerus eethiopicus (Pall.). .Ethiopian Wart-Hog. (Fig. 29.) Hab. South-eastern Africa. a, h. Purchased, April 20, 1850. See P. Z. S. 1850, p. 78, pi. XTII. c, d. Presented by H.E.H. the Duke of Edinburgh, May 6, 1866. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 276. e. Male; /. Female. Purchased, March 31, 1881. Fi>. 29. Head of Phacochcerus oeLhiojpicus S ad. (P. Z. S. 1869, p. 277 N 2 180 PHACOCHCERID^E. 580. Phacochoems africanus (Gm.). iElian's Wart-Hog. (Fig. 30.) Hab. Africa. «. Female. Presented by H.M. The Queen, Jan. 18, 1861 See notice, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 30. b. Female. Purchased, April 15, 1869. From Zoula, Abys- sinia. See notice, P. Z. S. 1869, p. 276, and ligure o£ this animal, pi. xx. This is the type of Fliacochoerus sclateri. Gray, Ann. N. H. ser. 4. vol. vi. p. 190, and Sus sclateri, ej. ibid. p. 263. Cf. Sclater, ibid. p. 404, and P. Z. S. 1871, p. 236. Fig. 30. Head of Phacochcerus africanus $ jr. (P. Z. S. 1869, p. 277.) Family SUID.'E, Genus Sus. 581. Sus scrofa, Unn. Wild Swine. Hab. Europe and North Africa. rt. Male. Var. pliciceps, Gray. From China. Deposited, June 21, 1862. See Bartlett, P. Z. S. 1 8(il , p. 2(i3. h. Female. Presented by the Kev. G. Portal, July 3, 1862. From Italy. c. Presented by A. Christjs Esq., June 6, 18G3. From West Africa. STJIDjE. 181 d. Female. Deposited, Jan. 20, 1865. Europe. e. Male ; /. Female. Purchased, June 28, 1869. g. Male. Presented by L. Levinsohn, Esq., July 21, 1869. )i, i. Females. Var. sinensis. Presented by Alfred G. Stagg, Esq., Feb. 1, 1870. From China. j. Male. Presented by G. Phillips, Esq., Feb. 22, 1871. k. Female. Deposited, Aug. 15, 1873. I. Male. Presented by "W. J. Tempest, Esq., May 22, 1874. m. Male; n. Female. Presented by S. Anderson, Esq., Feb. 22, 1875. o-q. Born in the Menagerie, April 5, 1876. r. Male. Born in the Menagerie, May 13, 1877. s-it. Born in the Menagerie, May 25, 1878. V. Male; iv. Female. Presented by Sidney Ringer, Esq., M.D., Jan. 6, 1880. From the Island of Quelpaerfc, Corea. x. Male ; y. Female. Presented by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, E:.G., March 5, 1880. From India, z-c'. Born in the Menagerie, March 8, 1880. clK Deposited, March 22, 1882. e^-i^. Presented by the Count de Paris, Aug. 18, 1882. 582. Sus cristatus, Wagner. Indian Swine. Rab. India. «, 6. Presented by Capt. Gildea, 2l8t Fusileers, Aug. 24, 1867. 583. Sus timorensis, Miillev. Timorese Swine. Hab. Timor. a. Presented by E. Svvinhoe, Esq., F.Z.S., II.B.M.'s Consul at Amoy, July 2, 1864. From Dampier Straits. SeeP.Z.S. 1864, p. 168. 584. Sus andamanensis, BIyth. Andaman Swine. Hab. Andaman Islands. «. Female. Purchased, Feb. 28, 1863. h. Hybrid. Between this species and Sus timomisis. Born in the Menagerie, Dec. 7, 1864. c-e. Presented by Capt. Frain, July 24, 1866. f-h. Born in the Menagerie, July 15, 1867. Hybrids between this species and Sus hwomystax. Born m the Menagerie, July 11, 1874. 182 SUID.E. 585. Sus papuensis, Lesson. Papuan Pig. Hub. Brooker Island, Louisiade Archipelago. a. Male. Presented by Lieut. De Hoghton, H.M.S. ' Beagle, ' Dec. 11, 1880. See P. Z. S. 1881, p. 165. 586. Sus taivanus, Swinhoe. Formosan Swine. Hub. Formosa. a. Male. Presented by Mr. Gregory, H.B.M.'s Vice-Consul at Tamsuv, Formosa, Jan. 17, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 240. h-d. Deposited, Sept. 26, 1867. e-(/. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 12, 1867. 587. Sus leucomystax, Temm. White-whiskered Swine. Hab. Japan. a. Presented by Messrs. Grlover & Co., May 30, 1865. See P. Z. S. 1866, p. 466. h. Female. Presented by Messrs. Vanner, Prest & Syth, April 16, 1867. c. Presented by H. Gribble, Esq., March 12, 1872. From the Foochoo Islands. d. Male. Presented by Theodore Hance, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Aug. 6, 1879. From China. 588. Sus vittatus, MiilL Javan Swine. Hab. Java. a. Eeceived in exchange, March 30,- 1860.. h. Eeceived in exchange, Nov. 11, 1860. Genus Porcula. 589. Porcula salvania, Hodgs. Pigmy Hog. Hab. Western Dooars of Bhotan. a. Male ; h, c, d. Females. Purchased, May 1. 1882. See P. Z. S. 1882, p. 546, pi. xxxvii. StIIDiE. 183 I Genus Potamochcerus*. 590. Potamocho^us africanus (Schreb.)- Southern River-Hog. Hab. South Africa. a. Purchased, June 13, 1857. . See P. Z. S. 1858, p. 58, pi. MX. h. Purchased, Sept. 21, 1880. , t tt u i c. Male; d. Pemale. Presented by Col. J. H. Bowker, P.L.S., and John Dunn, Esq., Aug. 28, 1882. 591 Potamochcerus penicillatus (Schinz). Red River-Hog. (Pig. 31.) Hab. West Africa. a, b. Pemales. Born in the Menagerie, June 4, 1858. See Pig. 31. Potamochcerus penicillatus. * Por notice of structure of stomach oiPotamochoerus, see Stewart, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 194; for notice of skull, see Sclater, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 301. 184 notice of the birth of these individuals, P. Z. S. 18G1 p. 62, pi. XII, ' c. Male. Presented by M. du Chaillu, Nov. 18, 1864, as typi- cal of his F. albifrom. From Gaboon. d. Born in the Menagerie, July 28, 1867. e. Male. Presented by C. S. Salmon, Esq., Aug. 14, 1871. Prom Cape Coast, W. Africa. /. Male. Eeceived in exchange, July 27, 1877. g, h. Females. Deposited, Dec. 4, 1879. Genus Babirdssa. 592. Bahirussa alfurus, Less. Babii-ussa. Hob. Celebes. «. Male. Eeceived in exchange, Nov. 11, 1860. See notice and figure, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 443, pi. Lxxxin. Genus Dicotyles. 593. Dicotyles tajaqu (Linn.). Collared Peccary. Hab. South America. a. Presented by E. Temple, Esq., April 1860. Prom Hon- duras. See P. Z. S. 1860, p.' 206. h. Male. Presented by Andrew Arcedeckne, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 28, 1860. c, d. Bom in the Menagerie, Dec. 6, 1862. e. Born in the Menagerie, May 14, 1863. /. Deposited, June 18, 1863. g. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 16, 1863. h. Presented by T. W. Sharpe, Esq., July 20, 1865. i. Presented by Mrs. Guy, Sept. 17, 1870. j. Male. Purchased, April 14, 1872. Prom Panama. 1c. Purchased, Sept. 16, 1872. I. Deposited, Feb. 28, 1874. m. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1874. n. Purchased, Dec. 31, 1874. 0. Presented by C. J. Sims, Esq., Oct. 19, 1876. p. Presented by Mrs. S. J. Barrett, Oct. 6, 1877 q. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1878. r. Presented by S. J. Lloyd, Esq., Oct. 9, 1878. s. Presented by H. Sandbach, Esq., Nov. 22, 1879. t. Purchased, July 31, 1880. u. Presented by Mr. E. 11. Dance, May 2, 1881. SUID^. — DELPHINID^E. 185 V. Hybrid between this species and D. labiatas. Born in the Menagerie, May 10, 1831. w. Presented by Capt. W. F. Wardroper, Aug. 26, 1881. X. Presented by G. H. Hawtayne, Esc^., O.M.Z.S., May 19 1882. 594, Dicotijles lahiatus, Cuv. White-lipped Peccary. Hab. South America. a. Male. Eeceived in exchange, March 30, 1860. h. Female. Eeceived in exchange, Nov. 11, 1860. c. Hybrid between this species and female Dicotyles taja^u. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 27, 1864. d. Presented by W. Summerhayes, Esq., Sept. 18, 1867. e. Purchased, .Tan. 14, 1874. /. Jiu^chased, Aug. 31, 1878. g. Male. Purchased, Sept. 3, 1881. Order X. CETACEA. Family DELPHINIDiE. Genus PnociENA. 595. Phoccena communis, Less. Porpoise. Hab. British Waters. a. Presented by Theodore Grant Cresey, Esq., Sept. 27 1864. L h. Purchased, March 10, 1865. Specimen described by Dr. Gray under the name of Phoccena tubercuUfera P. Z. S. 1865, p. 318. ' c. Purchased, Oct. 24, 1865. d. Purchased, Dec. 1, 1865. e~(/. Piu-chased, April 16, 1866. Ji, i. Presented by Dr. L. Ormerod, April 28, 1870. 186 MANATID^E. — BRADYPODIDiE. Order XI. SIRENIA. Family MANATIDiE. Genus Man at us. 596. Manatus australis, Tilesius. Manatee. (Fig. 32.) Hab. Demerara. a. Female. Purchased, Aug. 6, 1875. Died Sept. 7, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 529, and Garrod, Trans. Zool. Boc. vol. X. p. 137. Fig. 32. Manatus australis. (P. Z. S. 1881, p. 457.) Order XII. EDENTATA. Family BRADYPODIDtE. Genus Brady pus. 597. Bradypus tridactylus, Linn. Three-toed Sloth. Hab. British Guiana. a. Purchased, April 28, 1864. Genus Cholopus. 598. Cholopus didachjlus (Linn.). Two-toed Sloth. Hab. Brazil. a, b. Purchased, May 10, 1865. c. Presented by Capt. J. S. Hamlyn, Jan. 11, 18/1. d. Presented by G. H. Hawtayne, Esq., Oct. 27, 1880. BRADYPODIDiE. DASYPODIfiiE. 187 599. Cholopus hoffmanni, Peters. Hoffmann's Sloth. Hab. Panama. a. Purchased, Sept. 29, 1869. From Panama. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 602. h. Purchased, Oct. 1, 1872. Prom Panama. See P. Z. b. 1872, p. 861. c. Deposited, April 14, 1873. d, e. Pemales. Purchased, May 15, 1873. Prom Panama. /. Purchased, July 30, 1873. g. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1873. h. Male. Purchased, April 26, 1875. i. Female. Purchased, May 15, 1875. j-l. Purchased, Aug. 14, 1875. m. Purchased, Dec. 16, 1875. n. Purchased, April 29, 1876. 0. Purchased, May 1, 1876. J). Born in the Menagerie, May 9, 1876. q. Deposited, Aug. 25, 1876. r. Presented by L. E. Dickinson, Esq., Dec. 15, 1876. Family DASYPODID.E. Genus Tatusia. 600. Tatusia peba (Desm.). Peba Armadillo. Hab. South America. a, h. Presented by Maximo Terrero, Esq., Oct. 14, 1864. c-g. Purchased, May 10, 1877. Ti. Purchased, March 29, 1879. i. Purchased, June 24, 1881. 601. Tatusia hybrida (Desm.). Mulita Armadillo. Hab. Buenos Ayres. a, b. Presented by Mrs. Mackinlay, June 15, 1870. c-f. Bom in the Menagerie, Feb. 28, 1871. ff, h. Males. Presented by Mrs. Mackinlay, July 18, 1873. 602. Tatusia kappleri (Krauss). Kappler's Armadillo. Hab. Surinam. «, b. Purchased, Aug. 27, 1870. 188 DASYPODIDiE. Genus Dasypus. 603. DasT/pus sexcinctus, Linn. Six-banded Ai-rnadillo. Hab. Brazil. a, b. Purchased, June 30, 1860. c. Deposited, Aug. 4, 1864, d. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1864. e. f. Purchased, May 11, 1865. g. Purchased, May 11, 1868. A, i. Purchased, May 27, 1868. j, 7c. Purchased, May 8, 1869. Z, m. Pemales. Purchased, Aug. 13, 1869. n. Male; o. Pemale. Presented by Q. Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., March 19, 1870. p. Presented by Dr. J. A. Palin, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 23, 1871. q. Purchased, Peb. 8, 1872. r. Male. Purchased, April 17, 1874. 604. Dasypus villosus, Desm. Hairy Armadillo. Hab. La Plata. a. Presented by C. Bordas, Esq., Oct. 21, 1857. I. Purchased, July 4, 1865. c, d. Purchased, July 26, 1866. e,f. Presented by G. Wnks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 4, 1868. g. On approval, Sept. 2, 1871. Ji. Born in the Menagerie, July 31, 1872. i, j. Males ; Tc. Female. Presented by Frank Parish, Esq., Sept. 16, 1872. From Buenos Ayres. I. Presented by W. Forrest, Esq., Feb. 18, 1872. m. Purchased, Oct. 3, 1873. «. Presented by J. W. Lawson, Esq., Dec. 7, 1873. o,p. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1874. q, r. Born in the Menagerie, May 18, 1874. s, t. Bom in the Menagerie, March 9, 1875. u. Bom in the Menagerie, May 2, 1875. V. Born in the Menagerie, June 8, 1875. w. Female. Purchased, Dec. 18, 1875. X, y. Born in the Menagerie, May 16, 1876. z, a^. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 6, 1876. 6\ Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 16, 1876. d\ Presented by C. A. Craven, Esq., Oct. 22, 1882. e\ Presented by F. E. Warre, Esq., Sept. 25, 1882. 605. Dasypus minutus, Desm. Little Armadillo. Hab. La Plata. a, h. Purchased, Nov. 30, 1865. DASYPODIDiE. MYRMECOPHAGIDiE. 189 c. Purchased, Jan. 15, 1870. From BoHvia d, e. Presented by C. D. Eowe, Esq., Peb. 28, 1870. /. Female. Purchased, Nov. 22, 1872. 606. Dasypus vellerosus, Gray. Long-haired Armadillo. Hab. Mendoza. a. Purchased, May 16, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 545. h. Purchased, March 29, 1879. Genus Xenurus. 607. Xenurus unicindus [lAmi..). Broad-banded Armadillo. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, April 8, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 434. h. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1878. Genus Tolypeutes. 608. Tolypeutes conurus (Is. Geoffr.). Three-banded Armadillo. Hab. La Plata. a. Eeceived in exchange, March 4, 1865. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 256. Cf. Murie, Trans. Linn. See. xxx. p. 71. 609. Tolypeutes tricinctus (Linn.). Brazilian Three-banded Armadillo. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Nov. 3, 1877. See Garrod, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 222. Family MYRMECOPHAGIDiE. Genus Mykmecophaga. 610. Myrmecophagajubata, L'mn. Great Ant-eater. (Fig. 33, p. 190.) Hab. South America. a. Presented by Dr. J. A. Palin, C.M.Z.S., Oct. 4, 1867. From BrazU. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 8 18. b. Presented by Percy Brandon, Esq., Nov. 8, 1867. From the Llanos of Casauares, U. S. of Columbia. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 818, et 1808, p. 211. 190 MYRMECOPHAQID^, c. Presented by Jeofilo Mendez, Esq., June 1, 1874. From the Province of Salta, Argentine Eepublic. See P.Z.S. 1874, p. 494. d, e. Purchased, May 31, 1882. /. Presented by Sir William Wiseman, E.N,, Sept. 16, 1882. Kg. 33. Myrmecophaga juhata. Genus Tamandua. 611. Tamandua tetradactyla \Unn.). Tamandua Ant-eater. Hab. South America. 0. Purchased, May 29, 1871. Prom Santa Martha. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 549, pi. xxni. h. Purchased, June 27, 1871. See P.Z.S. 18/1, p. G24 c. Purchased, Aug. 7, 187]. From Brazil. See M p. 62.D. d. Eeceived in exchange, Dec. 10, 1871. e. Deposited, Jan. 3, 1872. /■. Purchased, March 11, 1873. 'q. Purchased, July 27, 1874. h. Purchased, Oct. 14, 1876. 1. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1877. MVftMECOPHAGID^. — MANIDiE, 191 j. Purchased, May 31, 1878. k. Purchased, May 3, 1879. • I Purchased, June 14, 1879. Prom Pernambuco. m. Purchased, Aug. 4, 1879. n. Purchased, Dec. 31, 1879. 0. Purchased, Jan. 30, 1880. p. Purchased, June 24, 1881. Family MANID^. Genus Manis. 612. Manis tricuspis, Sund. Pangolin. (Fig. 34.) Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, May 20, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 530. I Pig. 34. Manis tricmjjis. (P. Z. S. 1877, p. 531.) ! 192 orycteropodid;e. Family ORYCTEROPODIDiE. Genus Orycteropus. 613. Orycteropus capensis (Gm.). Cape Ant-bear. (Fig. 35.) Hub. South Africa. a. Male. Purchased, June 18, 1869. See P. Z.S. 1869, p. 431. h. Female. Purchased, Oct. 6, 1869. See P. Z.S. 1869, p. 602. c. Male. Deposited, Aug. 16, 1872. d. Purchased, March 25, 1879. Fig. 35. Oryctff)'opv.s capensis. (P. Z. S. 1869, p. 431.) OKYCTEKOPODIDvE. DIDELPHYIDiE. 193 614. Orycteropus ^thiopicus, Sund. ^Ethiopian Ant-bear. (Fig. 86.) Hab. North-east Africa. a. Male. Purchased, July 29, ISTO. From Upper Nubia. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 669. Fig. 36. Onjtiterojjus cetJuopicus. (P. Z. 8. 1S7U, p. 669.) Order XIII. MARSUPIALIA. Family DIDELPHYIDiE. Genus DiDELPHYS. 615. Didelphys cancrivora, Gm. Crab-eating Opossun Hab. Tropical America. a. Presented by the Hon. F. North, Nov. 23 1863 h. Presented by 0. Wakefield, Esci., June 16,' 1868.' o DIDELPHYIDjE. c. Female. Presented by G. H. Hawtayne, Esq., Nov. 6, 1873. J' ' 1' d. Female. Purchased, Sept. 29, 1875. e. Purchased, Sept. 3, 1879. /. Presented by G-eorge Dundas, Esq., March 2, 1880. From St. Vincent, W. I. 616. Didelphys virginiana, Shaw. Virginian Opossum. Hab. North America. a. Presented by E. T. Hadow, Esq.„ June 21, 1866. b. Purchased, Feb. 21, 1868. 617. Didelphys azarte, Temm. Azara's Opossum. Hab. La Plata. a. Female; b-d. Young. Presented by Wilham Eeay, Esq., March 5, 1864. e. Presented by G. "Wilks, Esq., O.M.Z.S., Jan. 13, 1868. /. Male. Presented by G. Wilks, Esq., O.M.Z.S., May 5, 1869. g. Purchased, Dec. 28, 1870. h. Purchased, June 12, 1875. 618. Didelphys albiventris, Lund. White-bellied Opossum. Hab. Brazil. a. Presented by W. A. Forbes, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 16, 1880. From Pernambuco. 619. Didelphys crassicaudata, Desm. Thick-tailed Opossum. Hab. La Plata. a. Presented by W. D. Christie, Esq., F.Z.S., July 5, 1860. 6. Presented by Geo. WUks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., March 5, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 261. 620. Didelphys cinerea, Temm. Cinereous Opossum. Hab. South America. a. Received in exchange, Oct. 13, 1878, 621. Didelphys quica, Temm. Quica Opossum. Hab. South America. a^d. Purchased, Feb. 12, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 157. e. Piu-chased, April 14, 1875. /. Presented by Capt. E. BaU, June 17, 1881. DIDELPHYID^. — DASYUEIDiE. 623. Didelphys derhiana, Waterh. Derbian Opossum. Hab. Columbia. a-d. Presented by L. E. Dickinson, Esq., May 16, 1877. e. Piu'chasecl, Jan. 27, 1878. 623. Didelphys dorsigera, Linn. Merian's Opossum. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, July 13, 1877. 624. Didelphys opossum, Linn. Four-spotted Opossum. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Aug. 15, 1868. h. Pm-chased, July 19, 1869. c. Pm-chased, July 16, 1872. Prom Central America. 625. Didelphjs philander, lAmx. Philander Opossum. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, April 15, 1882. Family DASYURIDiE. Genus Dasytjrus. 626. Dasyurus maugeei, Geoffi'. Mange's Dasyure. Hab. Australia. a-z. See former editions. a\ Male ; ¥. Pemale. Presented by Mr. Gr. Heath, July 22, 1873. c\ Female. Presented by JNIr. Eidley, Aug. 5, 1873. d^-f\ Pemales. Presented by J. Shawe, Esq., Jan. 28, 1874. ff. Pemale. Presented by P. ICirby, Esq., May 26, 1874. h\ Pemale. Presented by Eobert S. Craig, Esq., Peb. 20, 1877. i\f. Presented by Capt. J. C. Harris, May 9, 1877. Jc\ Z\ Eeceived in exchange, March 29, 1880. 627. Dasijurus maculatus (Shaw). Spotted-tailed. Dasyure. Hab. Queensland. a. Purchased, May 27, 1876. h. Purchased, June 7, 1872. o2 196 DASYUR1U.T:. PERAMELIDiE. 628. Dasyums ursinus (Harr.). Ursine Dasyure. Hab. Tasmania. a. Male. Presented by L. C. Stevenson, Esq., March 24, 1860. h. Female. Presented by P. J. C. Wildash, Esq., August 9, 1861. c. Purchased, June 21, 1866. d. Purchased, March 19, 1867. e. Presented by Dr. George Bennett, E.Z.S., May 20, 1869. /, g. Presented by R. Eirebrace, Esq., F.Z.S., June 1, 1869. h. Male ; i. Eemale. Presented by the Acclimatization [So- ciety of Victoria, Oct. 29, 1873. j. Purchased, Oct. 26, 1880. Ic, I. Deposited, April 14, 1881. Genus Thylacinus. 629. Thijlacinus cynocephalus, Harr. Tasmanian Wolf. Hab. Van Diemen's Land. a. Male. Purchased, April 9, 1856. 6. Male ; c. Eemale. Presented by Ronald Grunu, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 2, 1863. See P. Z. S. 1863, p. 103. Family PERAMELID^. Genus Perameles. 630. Perameles lagotis, Raid. Rabbit-eared Perameles. Hab. West Australia. a. Purchased, April 6, 1864. h, c. Purchased, June 23, 1864. d-f. Purchased, Feb. 14, 1866. , ^ r/. 'Presented by Dr. F. von Mueller, C.M.Z.S., March 9, 18/0. >i. Female. Presented by the Directors of the Botanic Gar- dens, Adelaide, Australia, March 6, 1871. 631. Perameles obesula,(^toSv. Short-nosed Perameles. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, April 15, 1880. See P. Z. S. 1880, p. 355. PHASCOLARCTID^. PHALANGISTID^. 197 Family PHASCOLARCTIDiE. Genus Phascolarctus. 632. Phascolarctus cinereus (Goldf.). Koala. (Fig. 37.) Hab. Australia. a. Female. Purchased, April 28, 1880. See P. Z. S. 1880, p. 355. h. Male. Purchased, Feb. 5, 1881. c. Purchased, May 23, 1882. Fie. 37. Phascolarctus cinereus. (P. Z. S. 1880, p. 355.) Family PHALANGISTID^. Genus Phalangista. 633. Phalangista vulpina (Shaw). Vulpine Phalanger. Hab. Australia. «-z'. See former editions. t- P'-esented by H. G. Smith, Esq., Feb. 7, 1873. V 1 • Menagerie, March 18, 1873. c . Male. Born m the Menagerie, April 6, 1873. 198 PHALANGISTIDiE. d?. Presented by Miss Breach, Oct. 9, 1863. e^. Male. Bom in the Menagerie, April 29, 1874, Male. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 10, 1874. g". Female. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 22, 1874. Presented by B. G. Corney, Esq., April 2, 1875 i". Pui-chascd, Nov. 4, 1875. ' /. Piu-chased, March 9, 1876. 7^2. Presented by 0. H. A. Forbes, Esq., May 29, 1876. V, m-. Males. Born in the Menagerie, June 12, 1876, n^. Presented by the Hon. Graham M. Sutton, Oct. 4, 1876. 0-. Presented by Mr. T. Welsh, March 27, 1877. p^. Presented by Mr. W. Bazeley, April 5, 1877. q^. Born in the Menagerie, June 27, 1877. r^ Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 11, 1877. s^ Presented by J. Page, Esq., Nov. 2, 1877. Presented by Capt. T. Ayliug, April 5, 1878. u\ Presented by E. J. Beagle, Esq., June 17, 1878. v\ Female. Presented by A. Elder, Esq., May 14, 1879. , w\ Presented by W. J. Lackey, Esq., Dec. 21, 1879. x'^. Born in the Menagerie, Dec. 26, 1879. y'^, z". Eeceived in exchange, March 29, 1880. Var. alba. a\ Presented by Capt. Fife, April 24, 1880. ¥-dK Presented by Sir Harry St. George Ord, C.B., F.Z.S., May 21, 1880". e^-(f. Deposited, April 14, 1881, W, Born in the Menagerie, April 19, 1881. iK Male. Presented by Mrs. J. S. Henderson, April 30, 1881. f. Presented by Master H. Berridge, June 1, 1881. )c^. Male ; V. Female. Presented by Mr. George White, Aug. 15, 1881. m?, n^. Males. Presented by F. J. Horniman, Esq., F.Z.S , Nov. 11, 1881. o\ Presented by E. Meek, Esq., June 22, 1882. p\ Presented by W. Marston Clark, Esq., Sept. 16, 1882. 634. Phalangista canina, Ogilby. Short-eared Phalanger, . Hab. New South Wales. a. Deposited, Dec. 17, 1865. b. Purchased, June 15, 1870. Genus Dromicia. 635. Dromicia nana (GeoflPr,). Dormouse Phalanger, Hab. Tasmania. a. Purchased, May 30, 1873. 6. Presented by W. S. Stratford, Esq., June IS, 1873. c. Piu:chased, Oct. 14, 1882, PHALANGISTIDiE. 199 Genus Belideus. 636. Belideus breviceps (Waterh.). Short-headed Phalanger. Hab. Australia. a, b. Presented by C. Hutton, Esq., June 21, 1859. c. Female. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1861. d, e. Presented by W. T. Dayne, Esq., Oct. 19, 1862. /. Presented by George Macleay, Esq., P.Z.S., May 19, 1862. g. Presented by the Aceliinatization Society of Victoria, Jan. 4, 1865. h. Born in the Menagerie, June 8, 1865. i. Born in the Menagerie, June 28, 1866. j. Born in the Menagerie, March 20, 1867. Ic, I. Born in the Menagerie, July 30, 1867. m. Bom in the Menagerie, May 5, 1868. n, 0. Males ; j)- Eemale. Presented by Eobert G. Batten, Esq., Aug. 27, 1869. q. Males. Presented by C. E. Booth, Esq., April 24, 1871. r-u. Presented by Octavius 0. Stone, Esq., June 28, 1876. From New Guinea. V. Eeceived in exchange, March 29, 1880. w, X. Bom in the Menagerie, April 19, 1882. 637. Belideus sciureus (Shaw) . Squirrel-like Phalanger. Hab. Australia. a, b. Presented by E. S. Waller, Esq., Nov. 6, 1878. c. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 26, 1879. d, e. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 16, 1880. /, g. Presented by D. W. Barker, Esq., April 5, 1881. h. Born in the Menagerie, April 12, 1881. i. Born in the Menagerie, April 18, 1882! j. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 10, 1882. 638. Belideus flaviventer (Geofir.). Yellow-bellied Phalanger. Hab. New South Wales. a. Presented by Dr. G. Bemiett, P.Z.S., May 1859. b. Male ; c. Female. Presented, July 5, 1865. 639. Belideus ariel, Gould. Ariel Phalanger. Hab. North Australia. a, b. Females. Presented by the Du-ectors of the Botanic Gardens, Adelaide, AustraUa, March 6, 1871. From Port Darwin. 200 MACROPODIDjE. Family MACROPODID/E. Genus Dendrolagus. 6-iO. Dendrolagus inuslus, Miill. Bi-own Tree-Kangaroo. Hub. New Guinea. a. Eeceivecl in exchange, Xov. 4, 1865. See P. Z. S. 1865 p. 676. b. Purchased, Nov. 19, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 805. Genus Dorcopsis. 641. Dorcopsis luctuosa (D-'Albertis) . Mourning Kangaroo. Hub. South of New Guinea. a. Female. Deposited, April 17, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 247, pi. XLii., and 1875, p. 48. Of. Garrod, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 48. Genus Macropus, 642. Macropus rufas (Desm.). Red Kangaroo. Hab. Australia. a. Male. Purchased, June 10, 1860. Specimen named M. jjictus by Gould, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 373 (descr. nulla !). b. Female. Purchased, May 25, 1866. c. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 19, 1867. d. Born iu the Menagerie, Nov. 1, 1868. e. Born in the Menagerie, Dec. 6, 1869. /. Purchased, June 15, 1870. Prom Queensland. _(/. Born iu the Menagerie, Dec. 21, 1870. h. Boru iu the Menagerie, April 25, 1872. i. Male. Born in the Menagerie, June 20, 1873. j. Male. Born in the Menagerie, April 15, 1874. k. Male ; I. Female. Presented by the AccUmatization Society o£ Melbourne, July 4, 1874. in. Female. Born in the Menagerie, April 19, 1875. n. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 28, 1876. 0. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 28, 1877. 23, q. Females. Deposited, Oct. 10, 1877. r. Female. Born iu the Menagerie, Feb. 25, 1878. s. Female. Born iu the Menagerie, Nov. 25, 1878. t. Male. Born in the Menagerie, June 2, 1879. u. Female. Born in the Menagerie, March 1, 1880. V, IV. Females. Received in exchange, March 29, 1880. X. Born in the Menagerie, Dec. 10, 1881. y. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Dec. 11, 1881. MACKOPODID^. 201 6l3. Macropus erubescenSy'^cVditv. Roan Kangaroo. (Fig. 38.) Hub. South Australia. a. Male. Purchased, Feb. 25, 1870. Specimen described and figured P. Z. S. 1870, p. 126, pi. x. From Lake Hope. b. Male. Purchased, July 20, 1870. From Port Augusta. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 668. See also Sclater, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 240, figs. 5 & 6. Fig. .SS. Head of Macropus erubescens. (P. Z. S, 1870, p. 126 ) 644. Macropus robustus, Gould. Great Wallaroo. Hab. Australia. ^^_^'383_^"''^''^^^^^' 16, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, 202 MACROPODIDjE. 645. Macropus giganteus, Shaw. Great Kangaroo, Hah. New South Wales. a-z. See former editions. a\ Male. Presented by Carleton V. Blyth, Esq., April 22, 1875. 6^ Female. Bom in the Menagerie, Eeb. 28, 1876. c\ Male. Born in the Menagerie, May 18, 1876. d\ Female. Born in the Menagerie, March 27, 1877. e\ Female. Presented by T. Phillips, Esq., Oct. 5, 1877. f. Male. Presentedby Crawford CafRn, Esq., April 12, 1878. f/^ Female. Born in the Menagerie, April 29, 1878. V. Female. Bom in the Menagerie, May 20, 1878. i^. Male. Born in the Menagerie, June 2, 1879. /. Deposited, Apiil 14, 1881. 646. Macropus melanops, Gould. Black-faced Kangaroo. Hab. South Australia. a. Male. Presented by T. E. Fletcher, Esq., AprU 29, 1859. h. Female. Purchased, April 8, 1863. c. Eeceived, Feb. 20, 1864. d. Presented by the Commissioners of South Australia to the French Exhibition, May 11, 1867. e. Born in the Menagerie, Jtme 9, 1868. /. Bom in the Menagerie, June 17, 1870. g. Bom in the Menagerie, July 27, 1871. h. Male. Purchased, April 19, 1879. i. Male. Presented by Sir Harry St. George Ord, C.B., F.Z.S., May 21, 1880. j. Male. Presented by Miss Drax, Oct. 19, 1881. k. Female. Presented by C. T. H. Bower, Esq., May 10, 1882. Genus Petrogale. 647. Petrogale wanthopus, Gray. Yellow-footed Rock-Kan- garoo. Hab. South Australia. Or-z. See former editions. ^ aK Female. Born in the Menagerie, March 2i, 1877. bK Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 23, 1877. c\ Male. Born in the Menagerie, April 11, 1878. d\ Born in the Menagerie, May 30, 1878. e\ Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 12, 1879. f\ Male. Purchased, July 8, 1879. g^-h\ Eeceived in exchange, July 6, 1880. i\ Male. Bom in the Menagerie, Oct. 11, 1880. MACROPODIDvE. 203 G48. Petrogale penicillata, Gray. Brush-tailed Kangaroo. Hob. New South Wales. a. Purchased, May 25, 1866. 6. Presented by H. Chandler, Esq., Oct. 24, 1866. Genus Halmaturus. 649. Halmaturus bennettii,Waterh. Bennett's Wallaby. Hab. Tasmania. Or-d. Deposited, May 16, 1863, e. Male. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 25, 1863, /, ff. Born in the Menagerie, May 26, 1865. h. Deposited, July 1, 1865. i. Purchased, June 21, 1866. j. Born in the Menagerie, June 25, 1866. Jc. Born in the Menagerie, April 24, 1867. I. Bom in the Menagerie, May 7, 1867. m, n. Presented by W. Enderby, Esq., June 14, 1867. 0. Born in the Menagerie, May 13, 1868. p. Presented by C. E. Eenmck, Esq., Sept. 17, 1868. q. Female. Deposited, Aug. 11, 1869. r. Eemale. Presented by E. C. Eoss, Esq., Nov. 30, 1869. s. Born in the Menagerie, May 2, 1870. t, u. Presented by J. Campbell, Esq., Nov. 18, 1870. V. Born in the Menagerie, March 27, 1871. lu. Eemale. Presented by 0. J. Brownrigg, Esq., May 3, 1871. X. Female. Born in the Menagerie, May 12, 1871. y. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 6, 1872. z. Female. Presented by' Mrs. M'Causland, Sept. 25, 1872. a}. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 10, 1874. h\ Male. Presented by ]\Iiss E. AVoolatt, April 11, 1877. ci. Born in the Menagerie, April 24, 1878. d\ Presented by W. E. Windus, Esq., Feb. 21, 1879. e^. Female. Born, in the Menagerie, Jime 2, 1879. /. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 3, 1881. g\ Male. Born in the Menagerie, May 9, 1882. 650. Halmaturus ruficoUis (Desm.). Rufous-necked Wallaby. Hab. New South Wales. a,h. Females. Presented by Thomas Maynard, Esq., June 8, 1856. c. Female. Presented by James Selfe, Esq., Dec. 14, 1861. d. Male. Hybrid between this species and Halmaturus ben- nettii, Waterh. Born in the Menagerie, 1861. «>/• Hybrid as above. Born in the Menagerie, 1863. y. Hybrid as above. Born in the Menagerie, April 8, 1869. 204 macropodid;e. 651. Hulmaturus ualabalus (Less.). Black Wallaby. Hub. New South Wal es. a. Purchased, May 25, 1866. b-d. Presented by the AccHmatization Society of Mel- bourne, July 20, 1868. e. Female. Born in the Menagerie, April 20, 1871. /. Female. Purchased, Nov. 5, 1873. (J. Presented by Dr. W. Barker, Esq., April 25, 1878. h. Male ; i. Female. Eeceived in exchange, July 2, 1878. ;). Female. Born in the Menagerie, May 19, 1880. h. Female. Presented by Commander 'C. E. GissuDg E jS" Dec. 11, 1880. ^ I. Male ; m. Female. Purchased, Oct. 11, 1882. n. Female. Deposited, Nov. 8, 1882. 652. Halmaturus dorsalis, Gray. Black-striped Wallaby. Hub. New South Wales. a. Presented by G. M. Eoberts, Esq., May 28, 1870. 653. Halmaturus agilis, Gould. Agile Wallaby. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, May 28, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 469. 654. Halmaturus derbianus, Gray. Derbian Wallaby. Hab. Australia. a. Male ; h. Female. Purchased, March 10, 1862. c. Born in the Menagerie, 1863. d. Purchased, Aug. 24, 1864. e. Born in the Menagerie, May 26, 1865. /. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., July 26, 1866. g. Presented by the South- Australian Commissioners to the French Exhibition, May 11, 1867. li. Male ; i. Female. Presented by H. W. Peek, Esq., M.P., F.Z.S., April 11, 1870. j. Male ; Ic. Female. Presented by the Eev. J. Climensou, F.Z.S., April 25, 1870. I. Female. Deposited, Nov. 28, 1870. m, n. Males. Boi-n in the Menagerie, May 1, 1871. 0. Male. Born in the Menagerie, April 9, 1872. p. Male. Born in the Menagerie, May 6, 1872. (/. Male. Presented by Dr. E. H. Popham, May 15, 1872. Deposited, April 19," 1873. .S-. Male. Born in the Menagerie, April 24, 1873. t. Female. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 13, 1875. u. Male. Born in the Menagerie, May 23, 1877. mackopodidjE. 205 655. Halmaturus thetidis, F. Cuv. et GeofFr. Thigh-striped Wallaby. Hab. New South Wales. a. Male. Purchased, May 6, 1870. 656. Halmaturus billardieri (Desm.). Red-bellied Wallaby. Hab. Tasmania. a. Eeceived in exchange, May 25, 1868. h. Male; c. Female. Eeceived in exchange, Mav 31, 1871. d. Male. Presented by B. G. Corney, Esq., April 2, 1875. 657. Halmaturus brachyurus, Gould. Short-tailed Wallaby. Hab. Western Australia. a. Male ; h-cl. Females. Purchased, April 26, 1878. e. Presented by G. Bowen, Esq., Feb. 1, 1879. f-h. Males ; i. Female. Presented by Sir Harry St. Georee Ord, O.B., F.Z.S., May 21, 1880. j. Male ; Ic, I. Females. Presented by Sir Harry St. Georee Ord, C.B., F.Z.S., April 22, 1861. ^ m. Male. Deposited, Nov. 23, 1882. Genus Onychogalea. 658. Onychogalea lunata, Gould. Lunulated Kangaroo. Hab. Australia. «. Purchased, March 9, 1865. Genus Hypsipkymnus. 659. Hypsiprymnus rufescens (Gray). Rufous Rat-Kangaroo Hab. New South Wales. a. Purchased, March 9, 1865 b. Presented by C. J. Foljamloe, Esq., Feb. 13 1867 c Presented by T. Wickenden, EsqVJune 14 1878' d. Presented by A. W. Wyatt Esq , A ril 23 1881 Presented by F.J. HorzLa^, E^^. S fo 1881 / Female. Presented by C. Caravoss'i, April 20 1882 rj. Male. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 10 1882 206 MACROPODIDjE, 660. Hypsiprymnus cmiculus, Ogilby. Tasmanian Rat-Kan- garoo. Hab. Tasmania, a. Presented by Miss J. B. Thompson, Nov. 18, 1871. b. Presented by J. Shelton, Esq., June 21, 1873. 661. Hypsiprymnus gaimardi (Desm.). Gaimard's Rat-Kan- garoo. Hab. Australia. a, b. Purchased, Jan. 27, 1863. c. cl. Purchased, April 6, 1864. e. Born iji the Menagerie, July 29, 1864. /. Born in the Menagerie, May 3, 1866. ff. Presented by Robert Daubeney, Esq., July 16, 1866. h. Born in the Menagerie, July 17, 1866. i. Purchased, July 21, 1866. j. Born in the Menagerie, May 23, 1867. k. Presented by the family of the Eev. E. Selwyn, deceased, Oct. 16, 1867. I. Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 25, 1867. m. Born in the Menagerie, Dec. 19, 1867. n. Born in the Menagerie, April 30, 1868. 0. Born in the Menagerie, May 13, 1868. p. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 15, 1868. q. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 26, 1868. r, s. Presented by Gr. E. Thompson, Esq., Jan. 10, 1871. t. Born in the Menagerie, Feb. 22, 1871. u. Male. Presented by C. Moore, C.M.Z.S., May 30, 1871. White variety. V. Eemale. Deposited, Nov. 5, 1872. w. Male. Hybrid between this species and fl. ot/iZSyi. Born in the Menagerie, June 2, 1874. cc, y. Presented by E. E. Harrold, Esq., March 12, 1879. z. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 17, 1879. a^. Born in the Menagerie, March 6, 1880. ¥. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 3, 1880. c\ d\ Males ; e\ Eemale. Presented by A. B. Gow, Esq., Oct. 14, 1880. f. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 6, 1880. g\ Pui-chased, Dec. 20, 1880. 7i\ Born in the Menagerie, Oct. 20, 1881. i\ Born in the Menagerie, April 3, 1882. 662. Hypsiprymnus ogilbyi, Gould. Ogilby's Rat-Kangaroo. Hab. Australia. a. Male. Presented by J. F. Newton, Esq., Dec. 11, 1871. MACROPODIDiE. PHASCOLOMYiD^. b. B-jhvid between Hypsijjrymnusogilbyi 2 and E. gaimardi J . Bom in the Menagerie, June 2, 1875, c. Female. Hybrid between Hypsiprymnus ocjilbyi ? and H. (jcdmardi S • Born in the Menagene, Oct. 17, 1875. d. Female. Purchased, March 8, 1876. 663. Hypsiprymnus apicalis, Gould. White-tipped Rat-Kan- garoo. a, b. Purchased, May 27, 1867. Family PHASCOLOMYID^. Genus Phascolomys*. 664. Phascolomys wombat, Per. et Les. Common Wombat. Hab. Tasmania. a. Presented by the Acclimatization yociety of Victoria, March 18, 1863. 6. Deposited, April 19, 1866. c, d. Purchased, Jan. 27, 1868. e. Male. Purchased, May 23, 1870. /. Pemfie. Presented by James Galbrath, Esq., Sept. 10, 1872. g. Male; 7i. Female. Eeceived in exchange, March 29, 1880. Females. Presented by Dr. J. C. Cox, C.M.Z.S., April 15, 1880. 665. Phascolomys platyrhinus, Owen. Platyrhine Wombat. Hab. Victoria, Australia. a. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, March 18, 1863. Black variety, described by Mr. Gould as P. niger. b. Male ; c. Female. Purchased, Jan. 27, 1868. Black variety. d. Female. Presented by Dr. Ferdinand von Mueller, O.M.Z.S., Sept. 25, 1872. 666. Phascolomys latifrons, Owen. Hairy-nosed Wombat. Hab. South Australia. a. Purchased, July 24, 1S62. Specimen figm-ed by Mr. Gould (Mamm. Austr. pi. 60) as P. lasiorhinus. * On the Wombats in the Society's Menagerie, cf. Murie P.Z.S. 1865, p. 838. > • • • 208 PHASCOLOMYIDiE. ECHIDNIDiT:. b. Male ; c. Female. Presented by the Commissioners of South Australia to the French Exhibition, May 11, 1807. fZ, e. Presented by the Governor of the Botanic Gardens, Adelaide, South Australia, Dec. 24, 1867. f. Female. Purchased, Feb. 25, 1870. V/. Male. Purchased, March 3, 1870. 7i. Deposited, Feb. 7, 1880. Order XIV. MONOTREMATA. Family ECHIDNIDiE. Genus Echidna. 667. Echidna hystrix (Cuv.). Echidna. Hab. New South Wales. a. Male. Purchased, April 18, 1863. h. Female. Presented by E. T. Smith, Esq., July 18, 1863. TURDIDjE. 209 Class AVES. Order I. PASSEEES. Family TURDID^. Subfam. TuRDiNiE. Genus TuRDUs. 1. Turdus mvsicus, Linn. Song-Thrush, j Hob. British Islands. a. Purchased, 1861. b-d. Presented by J. R. Scott, Esq., P.Z.S., June 3, 1868. e. Presented by Mr. G. Eogers, April 26, 1875. /, g. Presented by F. J. Barry, Esq., Oct. 17, 1879. Ti, i. Presented by E. Lawrance, Esq., Nov. 21, 1881. j. Deposited, Nov. 23, 1881. 2. TurdiLS pilaris, Linn. Fieldfare. Hab. British Islands. a, b. Purchased, Dec. 29, 1868. c. Purchased, Eeb. 26, 1870. d, e. Purchased, AprU 6, 1871. /. Purchased, Aug. 23, 1876. g. Presented by P. Lubbock, Esq., Oct. 6, 1876. 3. Turdus iliacus, Linn. Redwing. Hab. British Islands. ft. Presented by Mrs. Mears, Nov. 2, 1867. h. Presented by E. Bond, Esq., E.Z.S., May 9, 1870 c, d. Purchased, April 6, 1871. e, /. Presented bv E. Lubbock, Esq., Oct. 6, 1876. (J, h. Purchased, Nov. 12, 1876. i. Presented by Mrs. A. H. Jamrach, Dec. 23, 1876. p 210 TuaoiD^. 4. Tardus viscivorus, Linn. Missel-Thrush. Hob. British Islands. rt. Presented by Mr. Travis, July 1856. h. Presented by WiUiam EusseU, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 15, 1862. c, d. Purchased, April 6, 1871. e. Presented by Mrs. Watson, Oct. 18, 1875. 5. Turdus migratorim, Linn. American Robin. Hah. North America. rt. Male ; h. Female. Purchased, April 23, 1859. c. Presented by William Eussell, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 15, 1862. d. Presented by W. H. Boase, Esq., Sept. 14, 1864. e. Presented by P. W. Grant, Esq., Dec. 9, 1867. /, cj. Purchased, Sept. 19, 1874. h. Presented by D. J. Kemp, Esq., July 19, 1876. i. Deposited, Nov. 7, 1876. j. Presented by Mrs. Arabin, June 10, 1878. 'ic. Deposited, June 18, 1879. 6. Turdus falklandicus, Q. et G. Falkland-Island Thrush. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, May 18, 1876. From Chili. 7. Turdus rujiventris, Vieill. Red-bellied Thrush. Hab. Buenos Ayres. a. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1873. b. c. Purchased, Nov. 4, 1881. 8. Turdus albiventris, Spix. White-bellied Thrush, Hab. South America. a, h. Purchased, July 18, 1876. c. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1879. From Bahia. 9. Turdus leucomelas, Vieill. Brown Thrush. Hab. South America. a, b. Purchased, July 20, 1882. 10. Turdus tristis, Sw. Sorry Thrush. Hab. Mexico. a. Pui-chased, Aug. 1, 1876^ 6. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1877. TUKDIDM, 211 11. Turdus merula, Linn. Blackbird. Hob. British Islands. a. Purchased, 1861. 6. Presented by William Eussell, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 15, 1862. c. Presented by the Hon. H. M. Best, Nov. 11, 1869. d. Presented by Mr. G. Eogers, April 26, 1875. e. Presented by B. Lawrance, Esq., Nov. 21, 1881. 12. Turdus pcecilopterm, Vig. Grey-winged Blackbird. Hob. Cashmere. a. Presented by Mrs. W. A. Eoss, Dec. 21, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 24; also P. Z. S. 1876, p. 464. 13. Turdus torquatus, Linn. Ring- Ouzel. Hab. British Islands. a. Pui'chased, Nov. 15, 1860. h. Purchased, July 4, 1862. c, d. Females. Presented by — Day, Esq., Jan. 21, 1864. «. Purchased, Oct. 12, 1880. /. Purchased, Nov. 19, 1880. g. Presented by H. A. Macpherson, Esq., July 3, 1882. Genus Gbocichla. 14. Geocichla citrina (Lath.). Orange-headed Ground-Thrush. Hab. India. a, b. Pui-chased, Dec. 12, 1876. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 2. Genus Monticola. 15. Moiiticola saxatilis iJAxm.) . Rock-Thrush. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, April 26, 1862. h. Presented by Sir S. Lakeman, May 18, 1869. 16. Monticola cyanus (Linn.) . Solitary Thrush. Hab. Europe. ft. Male. Presented by Sir W. H. Eielden, Aug. 6, 1863. 6. Purchased, Feb. 22, 1865. c. Purchased, Feb. 3, 1870. d. Deposited, June 11, 1870. p 2 212 TURDID^. e, f. Deposited, June 29, 1874. y. Presented by W. Verner, Esq., Aug. 2, 1877. h. Presented by W. Verner, Esq., Aug. 7, 1878. Genus Myiophonus. 17. Myiophonus liorsfieldi, Vigors. Horsfield^s Whistling Thrush. Hob. India. a. Purchased, Dec. 12, 1876. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 2. Genus Saxicola. 18. Saxicola cenanthe, Linn. Wheatear. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, Aug. 9, 1869. h. Female. Purchased, Aug. 17, 1869. c. Male. Piu-chased, May 3, 1872. d. Male. Purchased, March 20, 1873. e. Male. Purchased, March 23, 1874. /. Purchased, March 29, 1875. g, h. Purchased, March 28, 1876. i-k. Purchased, April 17, 1880. I. Purchased, April 17, 1882. Genus Pratincola. 19. Pratincola rubetra (Linn.). Whinchat. Hab. British Islands. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 1, 1871. c. Male. Purchased, May 2, 1872. Genus Ruticilla. 20. Ruticilla phoenicurus (Linn.). Redstart. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, April 21, 1882. Genus Ekithactts. "51.. Erithacm rubecula (Linn.). Redbreast. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by William Eussell, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 15, 1862. 6. Presented by Mr Travis, Dec. 1862. TURDIDiE. 213 Genus CoPSYCHTJS. .22. Copsychus saularis (Linn.). Tadian Dial-bird. Hab. India. a. Purchased, April 28, 1869. b. Male; c Female. Purchased, June 18, 1872. d. Presented by Major J. R. Stack, July 29, 1872. e, f. Hatched in the G-ardens, May 23, 1873. (First time of breeding.) g. Deposited, April 7, 1882. 23. Copsychus sechellarum, Newton. Seychellean Dial-bird. Hab. Seychelles. a. Presented by Dr. E. Perceval Wright, F.Z.S,, Dec. 20, 1867. Genus Sialia. 24. Sialia wilsonii, Sw. Common Bluebird. Hab. North America. a. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1862. h, c. Purchased, May 19, 1863. d-f. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1866. g-l. Piu-chased, March 15, 1868. m. Bred in the Gardens, June 22, 1869. n-p. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 13, 1869. q. Bred in the Gardens, June 4, 1870. r. Bred in the Gardens, June 22, 1870. s, t. Purchased, June 7, 1875. u, V. Males ; w, x. Females. Purchased, Feb. 19, 1880. y, z. Bred in the Gardens, May 11, 1880. a\ Bred in the Gardens, July 19, 1880. h\ c\ Bred in the Gardens, July 20, 1880. Genus Dattlias. 25. Daulias philomela (Bechst.). Eastern Nightingale. Hab. South of Europe. a. Presented by Sir S. Lakeman, May 18, 1869. 26. Daulias luscinia (Linn.). Nightingale. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, 1865. h. Presented by — Boswell, Esq., June 28, 1867. 214 TUllDIDiE. c. Purchased, June 17, 1872. d. Mal3 ; e, f. Females. Presented by W. Morgan, Esq July 6, 1872. b , 4-, f/-i. Males. Presented by W. Morgan, Esq., July 29, 1872 J. Presented by P. Frank, Esq., May 17, 1873. /(•. Received in exchange, April 26, 1877. I Presented by — Gee, Esq., July 22, 1878. m, n. Purchased, May 18, 1880. 0. Purchased, Sept. 22, 1880. p, q. Presented by H. Grant, Esq., June 7, 1882. r. Deposited, June 8, 1882. Genus Sylvia. 27. Sylvia cinerea, Bechst. Whitethroat. Hab. British Isles. a. Purchased, May 3, 1872. 28. Sijlvia curruca (Linn.). Lesser Whitethroat. Hab. British Isles. a, h. Presented by E. A. Field, Esq., Oct. 26, 1875. 29. Sylvia atricapilla (Linn.). Blackcap. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by Lieut. J. L. Heame, E,N., April 9, 1874. h. Presented by H. Grant, Esq., June 8, 1882. Genus Phylloscoptts. 30. Phijlloscopus sibilah-ix (Bechst.). Wood- Warbler. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by J. Toung, Esq., July 25, 1871. 31. Phylloscopus trochilus (Linn.). Willow-Warbler. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by J. Toung, Esq., July 25, 1871. Genus Acrocephalus. 32. Acrocephalus streperus (Vieill.) . Reed-Warbler. Hab. British Islands. V, h. Purchased, Sept. 15. 1871. 215 Genua Cettia. 33. Cettia cantans (Temin. & Schl.). Japanese Warbler. Hab. Japan. a. Deposited, Sept. 6, 1878. Subfam. AccENTORiNiE. Genus Accentor. 34. Accentor coUaris (Scopoli) . Alpine Accentor. Hab. Europe. a. Eeceived in exchange, April 30, 1879. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 384. Subfam. Mimin^e. Genus Mimus. 35. Mimus poly glottus (Linn.). Northern Mocking-bird. Hab. North America. a. Purchased, J 860. h, c. Purchased, Feb. 3, 1870. d. Male ; e. Female. Presented by W. Morgan, Esq., July 5, 1872. /. Male. Deposited, July 16, 1872. g. Female. Presented by Dr. Bree, F.Z.S., July 16, 1872. h. Male; i Female. Presented by W. Morgan, Esq., Aug. 1, 1872. j. Female. Presented by P. Franlv, Esq., May 17, 1873. Ic-m. Hatched m the Gardens, May 26, 1873. n. Hatched in the Gardens, July 15, 1873. 0. Hatched in the Gardens, July 20, 1874. p-u. Deposited, Nov. 23, 1874.' V. Deposited, Sept. 21, 1878. iv-a"-. Presented by Mr. William Cross, Sept. 3, 1880. h\ Deposited, Dec. 10, 1880. 36. Mimus saturninus, Licht. Saturnine Mocking-bird. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, July 13, 1869. h. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1878. c. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1880. 216 TTTRDTD^. — PANURIDiE. Genus Galeoscoptes. 37. Galeoscoptes carolinensis (Linn.). Cat-bird. Hab. Eastern United States. a. Purchased, July 13, 1869. b. Purchased, Feb. 3, 1870. Genus Harporhynchus. 38. Ha7j)orhynchtis mfus (Linn.) . Brown Mock-Thrush. Hab. North America. a. Purchased, June 30, 1880. Family CINCLID^. Genus Cinclus. 39. Cinclus aquaticus, Bechst. Dipper. Hab. British Islands. a-c. Presented by W. Dunbar, Esq., May J3, 1869. d, e. Presented by George Taylor, Esq., June 23, 1870. f-j. Presented by F. Swabey, Esq., May 4, 1876. 'k-m. Presented 'by B. G. I). Cooke, Esq., May 2, 1877. n, 0. Presented by E. J. L. Price, Esq., F.Z.S., May 11, 1878. q-t. Presented by R. J. L. Price, Esq., F.Z.S., May 23, 1878. ur-x. Presented by F. Swabey, Esq., April 28, 1879. Family PANUKID^. . <- ...• Genus Panurus. . -, - 40. Panurus biaj-micus (hin-a.) . Bearded Titmouse. Hab. Europe. a, h. Males. Purchased, Oct. 1, 1861. c. Female. Pm'chased, Dec. 12, 1863. d. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1865. e-7i. Purchased, Aug. 25, 1865. i. Presented by St. JuUen Arabin, Esq., Jiine 30, 1880. j, Jc. Presented by J. Young, Esq.. lVov.'17,-i880. PARID^. Family PARID^. Genus Parus. 41. Parus major, Linn. Great Titmouse. Hob. British Isles. a, h. Eeceived in exchange, Jan. 4, 1872. c. Piu-chased, Feb. 4, 1873. 43. Parus ater, Linn. Coal Titmouse. Hab. British Islands. or-c. Purchased, May 5, 1873. 43. Parus palustris, Linn. Marsh-Titmouse. Hab. British Isles. a. Male ; I. Female. Purchased, Jan. 31, 1872. c. Presented by H. Grant, Esq., June 26, 1882, 44. Parus bnrealis, Selys. Northern Marsh-Titmouse. Hab. North Europe. a-f. Presented by Mr. A. H. Jamrach, May 3, 1882. 45. Pams ceeruleus, Linn. Blue Titmouse. Hab. British Isles. a, b. Eeceived in exchange, Jan. 4, 1872, 46. Parus a/anus, Pallas. Azure Titmouse. Hab. North Europe. «. Purchased, Oct. 14, 1874. 47. Parus cristatus, Linn. Crested Titmouse. Hah. Northern Europe. a~c. Purchased, Nov. 27, 1880. 218 PAEIDjE. MOTACILLIDJE. Genus Liotheix. 48. Liothrix luteus (Scop.). Yellow-bellied Liothrix. Hah. India. a-d. Purchased, Sept. 4, 1866. e, f. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 6, 1874. (/.' Purchased, March 12, 1875. h. Presented by W. Prehn, Esq., Aug. 15, 1876. i. Presented by G-en. Breton, Oct. 27, 1877. j. Presented by St. Julien Arabin, Esq., June 30, 1880. 'h-l. Presented by Mrs. Hylton Jolifie, June 17, 1881. m. Presented by Miss Mabel Crossbie, June 7, 1882. n-o. Deposited, June 10, 1882. Family SITTID^. Genus Sitta. 49. Sitta c(Esia, Wolf. Nuthatch. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, April 30, 1860. b, c. Purchased, Sept. 25, 1867. d. Purchased, July 1, 1868. e. Purchased, July 10, 1868. /. Presented by P. Bond, Esq., P.Z.S., May 2, 1872. g. Purchased, Peb. 27, 1877. h. Purchased, Peb. 25, 1879. i-n. Deposited, May 24, 1881. 50. Sitta europcea, Linn. White-bellied Nuthatch. Hab. North Europe. a. Purchased, Oct. 14, 1874. Family MOTACILLID^. Genus Motacilla. 51. Motacilla lugubris, Temm. Pied Wagtail. Hab. British Islands. a, h. Purchased, Oct. 21, 1860. c, d. Bred in the Gardens, 1863. e, /. Bred in the Gardens, July 10, 1864. g, h. Purchased, June 4, 1866. i, j. Purchased, Oct. 8, 1866. Tc. Purchased, Oct. 22, 1866. MOTACILLIDjE. 219 I. Purchased, Aug. 1, 1871. m. Purchased, Jan. 10, 1873. n, 0. Purchased, Oct. 2, 1876. p. Purchased, Oct. 16, 1876. q. Purchased, June 19, 1877. r. Purchased, Sept. 28, 1878. s. Purchased, March 22, 1879. -,0.0.70 t, u. Presented by A. P. Wiener, Esq., F.Z.S., June 18, 1879. v-y. Purchased, Oct. 28, 1879. z. Purchased, Nov. 17, 1879. a\ Purchased, April 26, 1880. ¥. Purchased, Jan. 15, 1881. c^-f. Purchased, Sept. 29, 1881. 52. Motadlla alba, Linn. White Wagtail. Hob. Continental Europe. a-c. Purchased, Sept. 25, 1867. d. Purchased, Nov. 29, 1872. 53. Motadlla melanope, Pall. Grey Wagtail. Hab. British Islands. a-c. Piu-chased, Oct. 10, 1866. d-f. Pui-chased, Sept. 26, 1867. c/X Purchased, Oct. 16, 1868. 'i. Purchased, March 22, 1870. j, Ic. Purchased, Oct. 2, 1871. Z. Piu'chased, Jan. 10, 1873. in. Purchased, Oct. 19, 1875. n, 0. Presented by Mr. Swaysland, Nov. 10, 1881. 54. Motadlla rati (Bp.). Yellow Wagtail. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, Sept. 21, 1870. 6. Purchased, Oct. 2, 1871. c, d. Presejited by Messrs. Swaysland and Son, Sept. 14, 1875. e, f. Presented by A. E. Field, Esq., Oct. 26, 1875. g. Presented by H. Grant, Esq., June 26, 1882. Genus Anthus. 55. Anthus arboreus, Bechst. Tree-Pipit. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by William Russell, Esq., E.Z.S., Sept. 15, 1862. b, c. Purchased, April 22, 1872. d, c. Purchased, Nov. 29, 1872. /. Presented by Messrs. Swaysland and Son, Sept. 14, 1875. 220 MOTAOILLID^E. PYCNONOTID^. 56. Anthus pratensis (JAnn.). Meadow-Pipit. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by Messrs. Swaysland and Son, Sept. 14, 1875. b, e. Presented by J. Young, "Esq., May 9, 1877. d. Purchased, April 7, 1880. e. Purchased, April 17, 1882. 57. Anthus richardi, Vieill. Richard's Pipit. Hab. Northern Asia. a. Purchased, Oct. 8, 1866. Genus Grallina. 58. Grallina australis. Gray. Pied Grallina. Hab. Australia. a. Male ; h. Female. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 27, 1863. Family PYCNONOTID^. Genus Pycnonotus. 59. Pycnunotus pygceus (Hodgs.). Black Bulbul. Hab. Bengal. a, b. Purchased, April 6, 1864. c. Purchased, July 13, 1869. 60. Pycnomtus leucotis (Gould). White-eared Bulbul. Hab. North-west India. a. Purchased, March 21, 1868. b, c. Purchased, March 14, 1871. d. Presented by Mrs. Arabin, F.Z.S., March 14 187«. e. Presented by J. W. Wooler, Esq., Aug. 24, 1878. 61. Pycnonoius leucogenys, Gray. White-cheeked Bulbul. Hab. India. a. Purchased, March 9, 1878. PYCNONOTID^. 221 63. Pycnonotus jocosus (Linn.). Red-eared Bulbul. Hab. India. a-e. Purchased, June 8, 1865. /. Male ; g. Female. Purchased, March 13, 1873. h, i. Females. Purchased, April 25, 1873. j, It:. Purchased, June 18, 1873. 63. Pycnonotus hamorrhous {(jfxa.). Red-vented Bulbul. Hab. India. a. Purchased, May 9, 1872. b. Purchased, AprH 25, 1873. c. Deposited, June 26, 1874. d. e. Presented by Col. A. L. Annesley, Feb. 20, 1878. 64. Pycnonotus crocorrhous, Strickl. Yellow-vented Bulbul. Hab. Sumatra. a. Purchased, Sept. 7, 1865. b. Deposited, Oct. 8, 1874. 65. Pycnonotus xanthopygos, H. & E. Syrian Bulbul. Hab. Syria. a. Presented by E. T. Rogers, Esq., C.M.Z.S., AprU 12, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 348. Genus Hemixos. 66. Hemixos flavala, Hodgs. Brown-eared Bulbul. Hab. Himalayas. a-c. Purchased, March 8, 1877. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 303. Genus Hypsipetbs. 67. Hypsipetes maclellandi (Hoi-sf.) . Rufous-bellied Bulbul. Hab. Himalayas. a, b. Purchased, Maruli ,s, 1877. c. Presented by INIrs. Arabiu, F.Z.S., AprH 11, 1877. PYCNONOTID^. CRATBftOPODIDiE, Genus Phylloknis. 68. Phjllornis aurifrons, Temm. Malabar Green Bulbul. Hob. India. a. Purchased, Jan. 12, 1874. 69. Phyllornis hardwickii (Jard. et Selby). Blue-winged Green Bulbul. Hab. India. rt. Presented by Mr. A. H. Jamracli, May 23, 1879. FamUy CRATEROPODID^. Genus Garrulax. 70. Garrulax chinensis (Scop.). Chinese Jay-Thrush. Hab. China. a. Male. Presented by EobertSwinhoe, Esq., F.Z.S.jH.B.M.'s Consul at Amoy, July 23, 1865. b, c. Purchased, May 4, 1871. d, e. Purchased, May 5, 1875. /. Presented by E. Hawkins, Esq., June 1, 1876. g, h. Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 29, 1876. 71. Garrulax per spicillatus [Gm..). Masked Jay-Thrush. Hab. China. a, h. Purchased, July 22, 1874. 72. Gairulax picticollis, Swinhoe. Collared Jay-Thrush. Hab. China. a. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 761. 73. Garrulax leucolophus (Hardw.). White-crested Jay- Thrush. Hab. Himalayas. a-c. Purchased, Aug. 15, 1876. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 695. 74. Garrulax albogularis, Gould. White-throated Jay-Thrush. Hab. India. a, 6. Purchased, Dec. 12, 1876. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 2. CRATEKOPODIDjE. 223 Genus Teochalopteron. 75. Trochalopteron erythrocephalum (Vigors). Red-headed Laughing Thrusti. Hab. Himalayas. a. Purchased, March 8, 1877. Genus Sibia. 76. Sibia capistrata (Vig.). Black -headed Sibia. Hab. Himalayas. ci^c. Purchased, March 8, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 303. Genus Lecjcodioptbon. 77. Lmcodioptron canorum, Linn. Melodious Jay Thrush. Hab. China. a. Purchased, Nov. 22, 1872. Genus Chrysomma. 78. Chrysomma sinense [Gm.). Golden-eyed Babbler. Hab. India. a-d. Purchased, June 3, 1868. Genus Grammatoptila. 79. Grammatoptila striata (Vig.) . Striated Jay Thrush. Hab. Himalayas. a, h. Piirchased, March 8, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 303. I Genus Struthidea. 80. Struthidea cinerea, Gould. Grey Struthidea. j Hab. Australia. j a, b. Received iu exchange, March 9, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 603. c. Purchased, Nov. 22, 1872. d. Received iu exchauge, Sept. 29, 1876. i e. Purchased, Jan. 15, 1880. ' I 224 ORIOLIDiE. DICttURlDiE. Family ORIOLID^. Genus Sericulus. 81. Sei'iculus melinus (Lath.) . Regent Bird. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by Dr. MueHer, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 28, 1867. h. Purchased, May 14, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 404. c, d. Purchased, Dec. 3, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 622. e. Male. Presented by F. H. Bowyer Bower, Esq., Oct. 6, 1881. Genus Oriolus. 82. Oriolus indicus {Gem.). Black-naped Oriole. Hab. India. a. Purchased, June 12, 1875. 83. Oriolus galbula, Linn. Golden Oriole. Hab. Europe. a-c. Presented by Mrs. A. H. Jamrach, Dec. 22, 1876. 84. Oriolus kundoo, Sylces. Sykes's Oriole. Hab. India. a. Received in exchange, Nov. 5, 1878. Family DICRUBIDiE. Genus Chibia. 85. Chibia hottentotta (Linn.). Indian Drongo. Hab. India. a. Purchased, Jan. 29, 1866. ARTAMIDiE. LANIIDiE. 225 Family ARTAMID^. Genus Artamus. 86. Artamus super ciliosus, Gould. White- eyebro wed Wood- Swallow. Hab. New South Wales. a, b. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Melbourne, July 21, 1866. See P. Z. S. 1866, p. 418. c, cl. Bred in the Gardens, July 2, 1870. e. Purchased, July 23, 1875. family LANIID^. Genus Laniits, 87. Lanius excubitor, Linn. Great Grey Shrike. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by P. Bond, Esq., F.Z.S., Jime 29, 1871. b. Presented by E. Mitford, Esq., July 4, 1871. c. Presented by E. Mitford, Esq., Sept. 30, 1871. d. Presented by Mr. Hawkins, April 9, 1873. 88. Lanius collurio, Linn. Red-backed Shrike. Hab. British Islands. a, b. Purchased, Sept. 25, 1867. c. Presented by Mr. Pelkin, Sept. 5, 1868. d. Purchased, Jidy 23, 1871. e. Purchased, Aug. 12, 1871. /. Purchased, May 20, 1876. g. Piu-chased, June 14, 1876. h. Presented by Capt. Sahdn, Sept. 27, 1877. Genus Laniaeius. 89. Laniarius quadricolor, Cassin. Four-coloured Shrike. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by Col. J. W. Bowker, Sept. 3, 1882, Q 226 AMPELIDiE, HlttUNDINIDiE. Family AMPELIDiE. Genus Ampelis. 90. Ampelis garrulus, Linn. Waxwing. Hah. Europe. a, h. Purchased, June 6, 1867. c, d. Presented by SHerard Schaefer, Esq., Oct. 6, 1872. e,f. Purchased, Dec. 12, 1877. g. Presented by A. F. Wiener, Esq., E.Z.S., Sept 29, 1879. h. Deposited, Oct. 20, 1880. i-m. Born in the Gardens, June 10, 1881. n. Presented by W. H. St. Quintin, Esq., Feb. 22, 1882. 91. Ampelis cedrorum (Vieill.). Cedar-bird. Hob. North America. a. Purchased, July 11, 1882. 92. Muscicapa atricajnlla, Linn. Pied Flycatcher. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by F. Bond, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 7, 1868. Caught Family MUSCICAPID^. Genus Muscicapa. near Hampstead. 93. Hirundo rustica, Linn. Swallow. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, Feb. 5, 1881. Family HIRUNDINID^. Genus Hirundo. I NECTARINIID^. — MELIPflAGID^. Family NECTARINIIDiE. Genus Zosteeops. 94 Zoster ops lateralis {Lath.). Lateral White-eye. Hab. New Zealand. cir-f. Presented by Mr. Bills, Aug. 31, 1872. 95. Zoster-ops dorsalis, Vig. et Hoisf. Grey-backed White- eyes. Hab. Australia. ft. Presented by Mr. J. Abrahams, April 3, 1882. Family MELIPHAGIDiE. Genus Prosthemadera. 96. Prosthemadera novce-zealandice {Gm.) . Poe Honey-eater. Hab. New Zealand. a. Presented by James M'Quade, Esq., Aug. 12, 1865. b. Purchased, Jidy 14, 1866. c. Presented by W'illiam Saunders, Esq., Sept. 27, 1867. d. Presented by Mrs. BiUs, Aug. 29, 1871. e. Presented by Capt. Alexander, Nov. 3, 1871. ■ /. Presented by Mrs. Arabia, June 11, 1875, Genus Anthornis. 97. Anthornis melanura (Sparrm.). Black-tailed Flower-bird. Hab. New Zealand. a. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1871. h. Presented by Mr. BiUs, Aug. 31, 1872. Genus Xanthomyza. 98. Xanthomyza phrygia (Lath.). Warty-faced Houey-eater. Hab. Australia. a-d. Purchased, Feb. 8, 1882. 228 MELIPHAGID^. TANAGRIDjK. Genus Entomyza. 99. Entomi/za cj/anotis (Lath.) . Blue-faced Honey-eater. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, May 3, 1882. Family CQEEEBIJDiE. Genus Ccereba. 100. Ccereba cijanea (Linn.) . Yellow-winged Sugar-bird. Hab. South America. a, h. Piu'chased, Dec, 14, 1864. c-g. Presented by A. Davidson, Esq., June 28, 1872. h-j. Purchased, April 22, 1875. h-m. Purchased, July 19, 1875. n, 0. Purchased, Nov. 16, 1875. p. Pui-chased, Sept. 14, 1877. q. Purchased, Oct. 17, 1877. r-t. Purchased, Dec. 9, 1878. u. Purchased, Jan. 16, 1879. Genus Dacnis. 101. Dacnis cayana (Linn.). Blue Sugar-bird. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1866, b. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1873. o-e. Purchased, July 19, 1875. Family TANAGRIDiE, Genus Chlorophonia. 102. Chlorophonia viridis (ViGill). All-green Tanager. Hab. Brazil, a, 6. Purchased, Nov. 16, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 633. c-A. Purchased, July 20, 1876. TANAGRID^. 329 Genus Euphonia. 103. Euphonia violacea (Linn.) . Violet Tanager. Hob. Brazil, or-f. Purchased, Feb. 10, 1865. (l-j. Presented by Capt. Jarvis, Sept. 9, 1872. Ar, I. Presented by Capt. Jarvis, July 21, 1874. m-o. Purchased, JiUy 19, 1875. p, q. Purchased, July 20, 1876. r. Purchased, Sept. 14, 1877. s. Purchased, Jan. 14, 1878. t-v. Purchased, June 14, 1879. 104. Euphonia crassirostris, Sclater. Thick-billed Tanager. Hob. Central America. a. Presented by Mr. Davidson, June 28, 1872. h. Female. Pm-chased, July 15, 1878. c. Purchased, Sept. 3, 1879. 105. Euphonia nigricollis (VieilL). Black-necked Tanager. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1866. 106. Euphonia pectoralis (Lath.) . Pectoral Tanager. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, July 19, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 529. Genus Pipridea. 107. Pipridea melanonota (Vieill.) . Black-backed Tanager. Hab. Brazil. a, b. Piu"chased, Aug. 7, 1866. Genus Calliste. 108. Calliste festiva (Shaw). Festive Tanager. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, July 19, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 529. h-g. Purchased, July 20, 1876. 230 TANAGRIDiE. 109. Calliste fastuosa (Less.). Superb Tanager. Hah. Pernambuco. a. Purchased, May 3, 1865. h. Purchased, March 6, 1867. c-g. Purchased, Aug. 10, 1867. 7i, i. Pm-chased, July 19, 1875. j, Ic. Purchased, April 14, 1877. I. Purchased, Jan. 14, 1878. m. Purchased, Jan. 16, 1879. n. Purchased, Sept. 3, 1879. no. Calliste tricolor (Gm.). Green-headed Tanager. Hab. South-east Brazil. a. Purchased, Nov. 24, 1865. 6. Purchased, June 4, 1866. c, d. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1876. e. Pui-chased, Oct. 20. 1873. f-n. Purchased, July 20, 1876. 111. Calliste brasiliensis {Jjmn.) . Blue-and-black Tanager. Hab. Brazil. a-/. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1873. g. Purchased, Oct. 16, 1880. Prom Bahia. 112. Calliste melanonota (Vieill.). Black-shouldered Tanager. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1873. h. Purchased, Sept. 3, 1879. Genus Tanagra. 113. Tanagra cana, Sw. Silver-blue Tanager. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Aug. 20, 1864. 6, c. Purchased, Nov. 17, 1875. cl. Purchased, July 18, 1876. 114. Tanagra sayaca (Linn.). Sayaca Tanager. Hab. Guiana. o-d Purchased, July 20, 1876. TANAGRIDjE. 231 115. Tanagra cyanoptera Blue -shouldered Tanager. Hab. Brazil. a, b. Purchased, Oct. 29, 1864. e, cl. Presented by Dr. Palin, C.M.Z.S., May 2, 1868. e. Male. Purchased, June 10, 1869. f-h. Piu-chased, Aug. 27, 1870. i-Jc. Piu-chased, March 31, 1877. I. Deposited, May 4, 1881. m. Presented byE. L. Marshall, Esq., Sept. 6, 1881. n, 0. Purchased, July 20, 1882. 116. Tanagra palmarum (Max.). Palm-Tanager. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, April 19, 1875. I. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1878. c. Purchased, Sept. 3, 1879. 117. Tanagra ornata, ^^dixvm. Archbishop Tanager. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1866. 118. Tanagra striata (Gm.). Striated Tanager. Hab. Buenos Ayres. a. Male. Purchased, July 20, 1882. Genus Tachyphonus. 119. Tachyphonus melaleucus {STparrm.) . Black Tanager. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, June 19, 1867. h. Purchased, April 25, 1873. c. Female. Purchased, Oct. 17, 1877. /. Purchased, Oct. 16, 1880. Erom Pernambuco. 1 20. Tachyphonus coronatus (Vieill.) . Crowned Tanager. Hab. Brazil. a. Male. Piu-chased, Sept. 3, 1879, 233 TANAGRID^. Genus Pyranga. 121. Pyranga saira . Saira Tanager. Hab. South America. a, Male ; h. Female. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1879. Genus Eamphoccelus. 122. Ramphocoslus brasilius (Linn.). Brazilian Tanager. Hab. Brazil. a. Male. Purchased, July 14, 1863. 6. Male. Purchased, July 19, 1875. c. Purchased, Oct. 19, 1876. d. Purchased, June 19, 1879. e. Presented by St. Julien Arahin, Esq., June 30, 1880. /. Purchased, Oct. 16, 1880. From Bahia. g. Female. Presented by Dr. A. Sti-adling, C.M.Z.S., Sept. 5, 1881. Genus Cissopis. 133. Cissopis leveriana (Gm.). Magpie Tanager. Hab. South-east Brazil. a. Purchased, Aug. 11, 1868. h, c. Purchased, July 29, 1869. Genus Saltator. 134. Saltator aurantiirostris (Vieill.). Orange-billed Tanager. Hab. La Plata. a. Female. Purchased, June 19, 1868. 135. Saltator similis, d'Orb. et Lafr. Allied Saltator. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, July 20, 1882. Genus Orchesticus. 136. Orchesticus ater {Gm.) . Black-headed Tanager. Hab. Brazil. n. Purchased, Oct. 16, 1880. From Pernambuco. TANAGRID^. — PLOCEIDiE. ^33 Genus Ditjcopis. 127. Diucopis fasciata (Licht.). Fasciated Tanager. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, March 8, 1864. From Para. Genus Pitylus. 128. Pitylus fuliginosus (Daud.). Fuliginous Tanager. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Oct. 19, 1876. Family PLOCEIDiE. : Genus Estrelda. a. Species Australiance. 129. Estrelda ruficauda, Gould. Red-tailed Finch. Hab. New South Wales. a-d. Presented by A. Denison, Esq., May 1860. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 196. e. Purchased, April 28, 1861. f-li. Purchased, AprU 16, 1864. 130. Estrelda phaeton, Hombr. et Jacq. Crimson Finch. Hab. Port Essington. «, h. Males. Presented by A. Denison, Esq., F.Z.S., June 5, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 196. c. Purchased, July 29, 1867. d-(j. Purchased, May 8, 1868. 131. Estrelda bichenovii (Jard. et Selb.). Bicheno's Finch. Hab. Queensland. a-fZ. Presented by A. Denison, Esq.,* E.Z.S., June 5, 1861. See P.Z.S. 1861, p. 196. e-h. Purchased, June 7, 1872. i. Purchased, Sept. 19, 1874. j, Tc. Presented by T. H. Bowyer Bower, Esq., Oct. 6, 1881. 234 PLOCEIDj^. 132. Estrelda temporalis (Lath.). Australian Waxbill. Hah. Australia. a-d. Purchased, Nov. 4, 1861. e^. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., May 26, 1865. Ic-z. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., June 15, 1865. 183. Estrelda bella (Lath.). Beautiful Finch. Hob. Australia. a, h. Purchased, May 24, 1870. c-/. Purchased, June 14, 1880. g, h. Presented by Mr. J, Abrahams, May 11, 1882. b. Species Indices. 134. Estrelda amandava (Linn.). Amaduvade Finch. Hah. India. a, b. Deposited, Aug. 23, 1864. c, d. Deposited, Feb. 11, 1865. e-cj. Purchased, March 15, 1869. h, i. Presented by W. D. Barker, Jiin., Esq., Jan. 12, 1876. j, Ic. Presented by P. M. Barlow, Esq., Eeb. 5, 1876. l-u. Presented by J. W. Wilson, Esq., July 26, 1880. w, w. Presented by Mrs. Beauclerk, April 6, 1882. 135. Estrelda formosa (Latham). Green Waxbill. Hah. India. a-e. Purchased, Peb. 1, 1878. /, g. Purchased, July 20, 1882. c. Species AJricanee. 136. Estrelda cinerea (Vieill.). Common Waxbill. Hah. West Africa. «, h. Purchased, May 8, 1860. c, d. Deposited, Feb. 11, 1865. e-n. Purchased, March 15, 1869. i-l. Received in exchange, Dec. 12, 1877. m. Presented by J. C. Thorowgood, Esq., Oct. 13, 1879. w, 0. Deposited, Nov. 23, 1881. p, q. Presented by Miss E. a Court, Sept. 29, 1882. PLOCEID^. 137. Estrelda mbriventris (Vieill.). Red-bellied Waxbill. Hob. West Africa. a, h. Purchased, May 29, 18"62. c. Presented by Mrs. Gerrard Maynell, Dec. 8, 1864. d-q. Purchased, July 20, 1867. h-h. Presented by W. G. Dowling, Esq., Jan. 23, 1869. Z-o. Purchased, July 19, 1875. p-r. Presented by the Misses S. E. P. and A. Warr June 22, 1876. 138. Estrelda dufresnii (Vieill.). Dufresne's Waxbill. Hab. Natal. «, h. Piurchased, Aug. 12, 1863. c-i. Purchased, May 23, 1870. 139. Estrelda melpoda (Vieill.). Orange-cheeked Waxbill. Hab. West Africa. a, h. Purchased, April 25, 1862. c, d. Deposited, Aug. 23, 1864. ej. Deposited, Feb. 11, 1865. g. Deposited, Feb. 1, 1866. "/«-/■•. Purchased, March 15, 1869. Z, m. Piu-chased, April 2, 1872. n-s. Eeceived in exchange, Dec. 12, 1877. t, u. Deposited, Nov. 23, 1881. 140. Estrelda phcenicotis, Sw. Crimson-eared Waxbill. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Oct. 31, 1862. h-d. Deposited, Aug. 23, 1864 e,f. Deposited, Feb. 11, 1865. g, h. Purchased, March 21, 1868. i-l. Purchased, March 15, 1869. m. Presented by C. Williams, Esq., May 25, 1880. n. Purchased, May 31, 1880. 0. Presented by Mrs. Beauclerk. April 6, 1882. 141. Estrelda carulescens (Vieill.). Cinereous Waxbill. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Purchased, March 21, 1868. c, d. Purchased, March 10, 1871. e,f. Purchased, May 31, 1880. 236 PLOCEID^. 142. Estrelda suhflava (Vieill.). Zebra Waxbill. Hah. Africa, a. Deposited, Aug. 23, 1864. h-e. Purchased, Sept. 21, 1881. f-Ti. Presented by Mrs. Beauclerk, April 6, 1882. 143. Estrelda squamifrons, Smith. Scaly-fronted Finch. Hab. Africa. cf-e. Purchased, Sept. 29, 1876. Genus Spermestes. 144. Spermestes cucullata, Swains. Hooded Pinch. Hab. West Africa. Or-f. Deposited, Aug. 10, 1858. g-j. Eeceived in exchange, March 15, 1869. Ic, I. Purchased, AprU 2, 1872. m, n. Presented by A. Brown, Esq., July 11, 1878. 145. Spermestes fringilloides (Lafr.). Pied Grass-Finch. Hab. West Africa. a, h. Males ; c, d. Females. Purchased, Feb. 14, 1871. P. Z.S. 1871, p. 258. e-g. Received in exchange, May 18, 1877. h-j. Received in exchange. Mar. 21, 1878. Genus Pytelia. 146. Pytelia melba (Linn.). Crimson-faced Waxbill. Hab. South Africa. a. Purchased, May 8, 1869. 6, c. Purchased, June 30, 1873. d. Presented by Miss Barlow, Jime 24, 1876. 147. Pytelia citerior, Strickl. Western Melba Waxbill. Hab. West Africa. ft, b. Purchased, Sept. 22, 1876. PLOCEID^. 237 148. Pytelia phoenicoptera, Sw. Crimson-winged Waxbill. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Jan. 12, 1874. b-d. Purchased, May 23, 1874. e. Eeceived in exchange. May 8, 1877. /, g. Presented by A. Krehl, Esq., Sept. 3, 1882. 149. Pytelia wieneri, Finsch. Wiener's Finch. Hab. Africa. a. Presented by A. P. Wiener, Esq., F.Z.S., June 18, 1879. 6. Presented by M. 0. Angel, Esq., P.Z.S., April 6, 1881. Genus Amadina. 150. Amadina fasciata (Gm.). Cut-throat Finch. Hab. West Africa. a. Male ; b. Female. Purchased, Jan. 4, 1864. c, d. Piu-chased, March 13, 1868. e, f. Presented by lieut.-Col. Hearne, April 9, 1874. 151. Amadina erythrocephala, A. Smith. Red-beaded Finch. Hab. South Africa. a, b. Females. Eeceived in exchange, May 1877. 153. Amadina bicolor, Fraser. Cape-Palmas Finch. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Pm'chased, April 3, 1872. 153. Amadina modesta, Gould. Modest Grass-Finch. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, April 25, 1862. See P. Z. S. 1862, p. 185. 6, c. Purchased, June 7, 1872. d, 6. Purchased, Sept. 19, 1874. f, g. Males; h. Females. Presented by T. H. Bowver Bovver Esq., Oct. 6, 1881. 154. Amadina castamtis, Gould. Chestnut-eared Finch. Hab. Australia. or-f. Purchased, Oct. 18, 1862. g, Purchased, July 29, 1867. 7i, i. Piu'chased, March 2, 1868. 238 PLOCBID^, J, k. Males ; I, m. Females. Purchased, May 5, 1871 n-p. Presented by Mrs. G. F. Angus, May 25, 1875 * q. Presented by St. JuUen Arabin, Esq., June 30, 1880. r, s. Males ; t, u. Females. Purchased, April 0, 1881. 155. Amadina lathami (Vig. et Horsf.). Spotted-sided Finch. Hab. Australia. ci^d. Purchased, April 16, 1864. e, f. Deposited, Aug. 23, 1864. ff, h. Deposited, Feb. 11, 1865. Males; k, I. Females. Purchased, June 16, 1865. m, n. Bred in the Gardens, Oct. 10, 1865. 0, p. Purchased, March 13, 1868. q, r. Purchased, May 11, 1869. s-u. Purchased, Jime 3, 1870. V, w. Purchased, May 29, 1872. X, y. Purchased, April 29, 1873. z, a\ Presented by J. M. Mitchell, Esq., Sept. 7, 1877. 6\ Presented by St. Julien Arabin, Esq., June 30, 1880. Genus Munia. 156. Munia punctularia (Lath.). Nutmeg-bird. Hah. India. a^d. Purchased, May 29, 1862. e. Purchased, July 29, 1867. /, g. Males. Presented bv W. Gr. Dowling, Esq., Jan. 23, 1869. li. Presented by H. D. Barker, Jun., Esq., Jan. 12, 1876. 1, :). Presented by Mi-s. Hylton Jolifte, April 16, 1880. Ic'. Presented by H. H, Johnston, Esq., April 13, 1881. I. Purchased, August 9, 1881. 157. Munia topela, Swiuhoe. Topela Finch. Hab. China. rt, h. Purchased, August 2, 1881. 158. Munia nisoria i^&mm.). Bar-breasted Finch. Hab. Java. a. Purchased, August 10, 1881. 159. Munia malacca (hmn.) . Black-headed Finch. Hab. India. a, /.. Purchased, May 29, 1862. c. Presented by T. H. Bowyer Bower, Esq., Oct. 6, 1881. PLOCEID^. 160. Munia i-uhro-nigra, Hodgson. Chestnut-bellied Finch. Hab. India. a. Presented by Miss M. Jackson, July 6, 1878. h, c. Presented by St. JuHen Arabin, Esq., June 30, 1880. d. Deposited, Nov. 23, 1881. 161. Munia striata (Linn.) . Striated Finch. Hab. India. a. Purchased, Oct. 6, 1860. b, c. Varieties from Japan. Purchased, Oct. 6, 1860. 162. Munia acuticauda (Hodgs.). Sharp-tailed Finch. Hab, India. a-d. From Japan. Purchased, Oct. 6, 1860. 163. Munia malabarica (Linn.). Indian Silver-bill. Hab. India. a-d. Purchased, July 4, 1862. e. Purchased, Api-il 3, 1872. _ ; /. Deposited, Nov. 23, 1881. 164. Munia maja {jAnn.). Maja Finch. Hab. Malacca. a-d. Purchased, April 29, 1867. «,/. Piu-chased, April 3, 1872. g, h. Deposited, Nov. 23, 1881. 165. Munia fen-uginea (Gm.). Javan Maja Finch. Hab. Java. or-d. Purchased, April 29, 1867. 166. Munia cantans (Gm.) . African Silver-bill. Hab. North-east Africa. a. Purchased, 1860. b. Deposited, Feb. 11, 1865. c-f. Purchased, March 15, 1869. g, h. Eeceived in exchange, Dec. 12, 1877. 240 PLOCEIDiE, Genus Poephila. 167. Poephila cincta, Gould. Banded Grass- Finch. Hah. Queensland. ■ a-cl. Presented by A. Denison, Esq., F.Z.S., June 5, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 196. e, f. Purcliased, May 18, 1866. g. Purchased, April 13, 1868. h. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Queensland, June 23, 1869. i. j. Males ; Ic, I. Pemales. Eeceived in exchange, June 27, 1870. w-p. Purchased, June 7, 1872. q. Presented by Mrs. Hylton JolifEe, June 17, 1881. r, s. Presented by T. H. Bowyer Bower, Esq., Oct. 6, 1881. t-w. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 19, 1882. Genus Donacola. 168. Donacola castaneothorax, Gould. Chestnut - breasted Finch. Hah. Queensland. a-d. Presented by A. Denison, Esq., P.Z.S., June 5, 1861. See P.Z.S. 1861, p. 196. ej. Purchased, April 28, 1861. cj. Purchased, July 29, 1867. hr-u. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Queensland, June 23, 18(39. v-z. Purchased, May 6, 1870. aK Presented by Mrs. Hylton Johffe, April 17, 1880. Genus Padda. 169. Padda oryzivora {lAnu.). Java Sparrow. Hah. Java. a. Purchased, Oct. 6, 1860. . •, m i«fiA h-f. Presented by Charles Sidgreaves, Esq., Aprd 10, i8b4. g-i. Purchased, June 3, 1870. j. Presented by the Misses Warre, June 12, 187b. Ic. Presented by Miss S. de Holter, Nov. 2, 1876. Z. Purchased, Sept. 24, 1877. ^ _ i«sn m. Presented by St. JuUen Ai-abm, Esq., ^ 30, 1880. n. Presented by Miss M. North, May 31, 1882. PLOCEIDiE. 241 Genus Brythbura. 170. Erythnira prasina (Sparrm.). Fire-tailed Finch. Hab. Java and Sumatra. a, b. Purchased, April 27, 1868. o-h. Deposited, Sept. 21, 1874. ir-k. Purchased, March 26, 1877. I, m. Presented by Mons. J. M. Cornely, C.M.Z.S,, March 6, 1881. Genus Vidua. 171. Vidua paradisea (Linn.). Paradise Whydah Bird. Hab. West Africa. a. Male. Purchased, Sept. 7, 1860. b-e. Purchased, May 29, 1868. f-h. Males. Presented by Dr. P. Wickstead, March 1, 1870. L Presented by Lieut. J. L. Hearne, April 18, 1873. j, h. Presented by Lieut. J. L. Hearne, April 9, 1874. I. Eeceived in exchange, Dec. 24, 1874. m-p. Presented by A. Brown, Esq., July 11, 1878. q-v. Presented by J. Colman, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 11, 1880. w. Presented by 8t. JuUen Arabiu, Esq., June 30, 1880. X. Eeceived in exchange, Dec. 1, 1880. y-ci}-. Presented by Maurice C. Angel, Esq., April 6, 1881, Erom Mozambique. b\ Presented by T. H. Bowyer Bower, Esq., Oct. 13, 1881. 172. Vidua principalis (Linn.). Pin-tailed Whydah Bird. Hab. Africa. a. Presented by James Dixon, Esq., P.Z.S., April 30, 1870. b. Presented by A. Brown, Esq., Jidy 11, 1878. 0, d. Presented by Capt. J. H. Bowyer, Dec. 2, 1879. e. Presented by M. C. Angel, Esq., E.Z.S., April 6, 1881. 173. Vidua ardens (Bodd.). Red-chested Whydah-bird. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Presented by Mons. J. M. Cornely, C.M.Z.S., March 6. 1881. Genus Chera. 174. Chera progne (Bodd.). Long-tailed Weaver-bird. Hab. South Africa. a-e. Purchased, May 23, 1870. R 242 PLOCEIDiE. Genus Hypochera. 175. Hypochera nitens, Gm. Shining Weaver-bird. Hub. Africa. a. Received in exchange, May 18, 1877. h, c. Presented by Maurice C. Angel, Esq,, April 6, 1881. d. Presented by Mrs. Beauclerk, April 6, 1882. 176. Hypochera splendens (Reichen.). Resplendent Weaver- bird. Hob. East Africa. a. Presented by Archibald Forbes, Esq., July 11, 1878. Previously determined as Vidua principcdis. Of. W. A. Eorbes, P. Z. S. 1880, p. 475, pi. xLvn, fig. 1. Genus Coliopassee. 177. Coliopasser macrurus (Gm.). Yellow-backed Whydah Bird. Hub. West Africa. a. Male, Purchased, Sept. 7, I860.. b. Purchased, Api-U 10, 1867. c. d. Presented by Miss Charlotte Boyle, April 27, 1867. e-h. Presented by Miss Charlotte Boyle, March 12, 1869. Presented by J. Colman, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 11, 1880. Genus Urobbachya. 178. Urobrachya albonotata (Cassin). White- winged Whydah Bird. Hab. South-eastern Africa. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1870. d. Presented by J. Fairchild, Esq., April 20, 1874. e. Presented by J. Colman, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 11, 1880. 179. Urobrachya axillaris (Smith) . Red-shouldered Weaver- bird. Hab. East Africa. a. Presented by Maurice C. Angel, Esq., F.Z.S., April 6, 1881. PLOCEIDjE. '^^'^ 180. Urobrachja bocagii (Sharpe). Orange-shouldered Wea- ver-bird. Hab. Augola. a, b. Males. Purchased, June 17, 1869. c, d. Purchased, May 23, 1870. Genus Etjplectes. 181. Euplectes oryx (Linn.). Grenadier Weaver-bird. Hab. West Africa. a, h. Pui'chased, Sept. 17, 1862. c-f. Yellow variety. Purchased, Sept. 2, 1865. g, h. Males ; Females. Purchased, Jan. 12, 1874. Jc, I. Deposited, Sept. 25, 1878. m, n. Purchased, Sept. 21, 1881. 182. Euplectes flammiceps, Sw. Crimson-crowned Weaver- bird. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Purchased, Feb. 20, 1864. c. Male. Presented by Miss Charlotte Boyle, April 14, 1869. d-g. Eeceived in exchange, Nov. 27, 1872. h. Presented by St. Julien Arabin, Esq., June 30, 1880. Deposited, July 20, 1880. j, Jc. Purchased, Sept. 21, 1881. I. Female. Presented by E. W. Gain, Esq., Dec. 18, 1882. 183. Euplectes afer (Lath.). Black-bellied Weaver-bird. Hab. West Africa. a-d. Purchased, July 18, 1862. e-h. Eeceived in exchange, Nov. 27, 1872. 184. Euplectes nigriventris, Cassin. Black-chested Weaver- bird. Hab. East Africa. a-c. Presented by A. Brown, Esq., July 11, 1878. r2 244 PLOCEIDiE. 185. Euplectes capensis (Linn.). Yellow-shouldered Weaver- bird. Hah. Africa. rt, h. Purchased, T'eb. 29, 1868. c. Presented by W. J. Green, Esq., Oct. 24, 1871. From the Cape of Good Hope. d, e. Purchased, June 7, 1872. /. Presented by Mrs. L. Granville, Oct. 6, 1872. g. Eeceived in exchange. May 18, 1877. Genus Foudia. 186. Foudia madagascariensis (Linn.). Red-headed Weaver- bird. Hab. Isle of France. a, b. Eeceived, Aug. 6, 1867. c Presented by Capt. E. C. Beavan, H.M.I.A., C.M.Z.S., May 2, 1867. d. Presented by W. G. Bowling, Esq., Jan. 23, 1869. c,/. Purchased, May 29, 1872. g. Presented by the Misses Warre, June 22, 1876. 187. Foudia erythrops (Hartl.). Red-faced Weaver-bird. Hab. West Africa. rt, h. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1871. c, d. Presented by Miss M. Jackson, July 6, 1878. Genus Pyrenbstes. 188. Pyrenestes albifrons (Vigors). White-fronted Weaver- bird. Hab. South-east Africa. a, b. Purchased, May 18, 1869. Genus Spermospiza. 189. Spermospiza hcematina (VieilL). Blue-beaked Weaver- bird. Hab. West Africa. a. Male ; h. Female. Purchased, Dec. 23, 1870. c. Presented by T. H. Bowyer Bower, Esq., Oct. 6, ISbl. PLOCEIDiE. 245 Genus Qtjblea. 190. Quelea sanguinirostris (Linn.). Red-beaked Weaver- bird. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Males ; c, d. Females. Presented, May 19, 1865. e,f. Piu-chased, March 15, 1869. ff. Presented by W. H. Simmonds, Esq., Oct. 5, 1878. h-s. Presented by J. Colman, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 11, 1880. t-v. Presented by the Marchioness of Westminster, June 24, 1880. w, X. Presented by St. Julien Arabin, Esq., June 30, 1880. y. Presented by M. C. Angel, Esq., April 6, 1881. 191. Quelea russi, Finsch. Russ's Weaver-bird. Hab. West Africa. rt. Presented by Mr. G-. F. Westerman, F.M.Z.S., June 2, 1880. b, c. Deposited, August 3, 1880. d, e. Received in exchange, Feb. 16, 1882. Genus Ploceus. 19. Ploceus manyar (Horsf.). Manyar Weaver-bird. Hab. India and Malacca. a. Male ; b. Female. Purchased, June 2, 1860. c, Purchased, March 5, 1870. d, e. Received in exchange, Dec. 81, 1873. /. Presented by W. D. Barker, Esq., jun., Jan. 12, 1876. 193. Ploceus bengalensis (Linn.). Bengal Weaver-bird. Hab. India. a-d. Purchased, May 31, 1880. Genus Hyphantornis. 194. Hyphantornis textor (Gm.). Rufous-necked Weaver- bird. Hab. West Africa. a-f.. Purchased, Aug. 24, 1859. d. Presented by William Russell, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 15, 1862. e. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 25, 1864, 246 I'LOCEID^, /. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 12, 1867. g. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 17, 1869. 'h. Presented, Sept. 18, 1873. i. Presented by Mr. Ilincks, April 9, 1874. j-l. Presented'by Mrs. Bates, Feb. 19, 1876. OT-p. Deposited, Sept. 25, 1878. q, r. Presented by H. H. St. Quintin, Esq., Feb. 24, 1880. s, t. Presented by H. H. Johnston, Esq., April 13, 1881. u. Presented by J. L. Baldwin, Esq., E.Z.S., June 15, 1882. 195. Hyphantornis capensis (Gm.). Olive Weaver-bird. Hab. South Africa. a-d. Purchased, May 18, 1869. e. Male. Purchased, May 23, 1873. /. Purchased, July 25, 1873. ff. Bred in the Gardens, July 15, 1874. 7i. Presented by the Misses Warre, June 22, 1876. 196. Hyphantornis personata (Vieill.). Masked Weaver-bird. Hah. Abyssinia. a-f. Presented by Capt. Thomas, March 23, 1868. g. KeceiA'ed in. exchange, Nov. 27, 1872. h. Female. Purchased, Jan. 12, 1874. 197. Hyphantornis castaneofusca, Less. Chestnut-backed Weaver-bird. Hab. West Africa. a, h. Deposited, Aug. 19, 1854. Cr-f. Purchased, Aug. 1859. g-i. Purchased, July 8, 1870. j. Purchased, April 13, 1872. k. Deposited, Sept. 25, 1878. Genus Textor. 198. Textor alector, Temm. Ox-bird. Hab. Senegal. a. Purchased, Aug. 19, 1865. PRINGILLID^. 247 FamUy FRINGILLIDiE. Genus Cyanospiza. 199, Cyanospiza cyanea (Linn.). Indigo-bird. Hab. North America. a-e. Purchased, Oct. 10, 1863. f-h. Deposited, Aug. 23, 1864. Deposited, Feb. 11, 1865. Tc-n. Purchased, June 8, 1875. 200. Cyanospiza ciris (Linn.). Nonpareil Finch. Hab. North America. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 12, 1863. c. Deposited, Aug. 23, 1864. d, e. Males ; /, g. Females. Purchased, June 24, 1867. h. Presented by T. Watkins, Esq., Sept. 1, 1871. i, j. Males. Presented by the Hon. and Eev. F. Q-. Dutton, April 30, 1872. h. Presented by Mrs. L. G-renville, Oct. 6, 1872. l-o. Purchased, June 7, 1875. p. Eeceived in exchange, March 20, 1877. p. Female. Presented by Mrs. Beauclerk, April 6, 1882, Genus Phonipaea. 201. Phonipara olivacea (Linn.). Olive-Finch. Hab. Jamaica. a. Male ; 6. Female. Purchased, May 9, 1863. c, d. Females. Purchased, Aug. 23, 1880. 202. Phonipara canora (Gm.). Melodious Finch. Hab. Cuba. a, h. Males ; c. Female. Purchased, May 9, 1863. cZ-i. Purchased, June 9, 1879. j. Presented by T. H. Bowyer Bower, Esq., Oci- 6, 1881. 203. Phonipara bicolor (Linn.). Dusky Finch. Hab. West Indies. a. Purchased, Nov, 23, 1865, 248 FRINGlLUDiE. Genus Paroaeia. 204. Paroaria larvata (Bodd.). Red-headed Cardinal. Hah. Brazil. a, b. Presented by J. G. Leeming, Esq., Sept. 21, 1859. c. Presented by Mrs. Croskey, Aug. 14, 1863. d, e. Purchased, Dec. 26, 1863. /. Purchased, Dec. 4, 1864. c/. Deposited, May 23, 1867. X. Presented by Dr. P. Widistead, March 1, 1870. i. Purchased, April 19, 1875. 205. Paroaria capitata (Lafr. et D'Orb.). Yellow-billed Car- dinal. Hab. Chili. a, h. Purchased, Nov. 11, 1873. c-f. Purchased, May 5, 1882. From Paraguay. 206. Paroaria cucuHata (Lath.) . Red-crested Cardinal. Hab. South America. a. Male; b. Female. Purchased, Oct. 14, 1867. c. Presented by Mrs. Mackinlay, Sept. 15, 1870. d^f. Purchased, March 20, 1873. 5f. ' Presented by Mrs. Johnson, March 23, 1875. 7i-?i. Purchased, July 19, 1875. 0. Presented by P. W. Barlow, Esq., Feb. 5, 1876. p. Presented by Miss Warre, May 10, 1876. q, r. Purchased, Dec. 22, 1878. Genus Gubernatrix. 207. Gubernatrix cristatella (Vieill.) . Black-crested Cardinal. Hab. South America. a. Presented by Miss "Williams Wynn, July 10, 1862. b-d. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1866. e. Bred in the Gardens, July 18, 1867. f-i. Purchased, Oct. 19, 1876. j, Tc. Presented by Mrs. Arabin, June 10, 1878. I. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 7, 1878. m. Purchased, Dec. 22, 1878. n, 0. Purchased, .Tuly 23, 1879. p. Presented by E. M. Eiugrose, Esq., Feb. 5, 1881. FRINGILLIDjE. Genus Diuca. 208. Biuca grisea (Less.). Diuca Finch. Hab. Chili. a, b. Piu-chased, July 27, 1875. c. Purchased, May 18, 1876. d, e. Bred in the Gardens, July 19, 1876. /, g. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 23, 1876. h. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1879. From Buenos Ayres. Genus Phrygilus. 209. Phrygilus gayi (Eyd. at Gerv.). Gay^s Finch. Hab. Chili. a, h. Piu'chased, May 18, 1876. 210. Phrygilus fruticeii (Kittl.). Orchard Finch. Hab. ChiU. a. Purchased, May 18, 1876. 211. Phrygilus alaudinus (Kittl.). Alaudine Finch. Hab. Chili. a. Purchased, May 18, 1876. Genus Tiaris. 212. Tiaris jacariria ilAan.). Jacarini Finch. Hab. South America. a. Deposited, Aug. 10, 1858. Genus Guiraca. 213. Guiraca ccerulea (Linn.). Blue Grosbeak. Hab. North America. rt, I. Purchased, July 31, 1862. c. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1877. 250 PRINGILLlDiE. 214. Gniraca cyanea (Linn.). Brazilian Blue Grosbeak. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Nov. 23, 1865. b. Purchased, July 30, 1869. c. Female. IPurchased, Nov. 17, 1875. d. Purchased, July 18, 1876. e. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1879. From Mexico. /. Purchased, Sept. 3, 1879. Genus Hedymeles. 215. Hedymeles ludovicianus (Linn.). Rose-breasted Grosbeak. Hab. North America. a. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Feb. 28, 1867. b, c. Purchased, July 29, 1867. d. Male ; e. Female. Purchased, May 31, 1882. 216. Hedymeles melanocephalus (Sw.) . Black-headed Grosbeak. Hab. Mexico. a. Purchased, Aug. 1, 1876. Genus Pheucticus. 217. Pheucticus chrysogaster {Less.) . Yellow-bellied Grosbeak Hab. South America. a, b. Purchased, Nov. 22, 1878. From Cuzco. Genus Cardinalis. 218. Cardinalis virginianus {Briss.) . Cardinal Grosbeak. Hab. North America. a. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1862. b, c. Purchased, April 20, 1865. d-^. Deposited, July 13, 1865. X. Purchased, April 4, 1866. y, z. Purchased, March 16, 1868. a'-dK Purchased, Feb. 16, 1872. 6\ Male ; f\ Female. Purchased, March 13, ISTd. g\ Presented by Samuel Stubbs, Esq., Sept. 18, lS7d. 7i\ Deposited, April 26, 1875. Purchased, Feb. 18, 1879. FRINGILLIDiE. 251 Genus Oryzoborus. 219. Oryzoborus torridus (Gm.). Tropical Seed-Finch. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1860. 6, c. Purchased, Apiil 19, 1875. d, e. Purchased, July 19, 1875. /. Presented by E. C. Batterbee, Esq., Sept. 20, 1878. 220. Oryzoborus crassirostris (Gra.). Thick-billed Seed- Finch. Hab. South America. a. Deposited, Aug. 6, 1878. Genus Melopyrrha. 221. Melopyrrha nigra (Linn.). Black Bullfinch. Hab. Cuba. a. Male. Purchased, May 9, 1868. h, c. Purchased, March 2, 1868. Genus Coryphospingus. 222. Coryphospingus pileatus (Max.). Pileated Finch. Hab. Brazil. a-d. Males ; e. Pemale. Purchased, Nov. 17, 1876. /. Male. Purchased, June 14, 1879. Genus Spermophila. 223. Spermophila ophihalmica, Sclater. Spectacled Finch. Hab. Ecuador. a. Female. Purchased, Dec. 23, 1863. 224. Spermophila lineola (Linn.) . Lined Finch. Hab. South America. Or-h. Purchased, April 19, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 349. i-z. Pui-chased, Oct. 15, 1878. 252 FRINGILLID^. 225. Spermophila carulescens (Vieill.). Bluish Finch. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchfised, May 19, 1864. b, e. Purchased, April 19, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 348. cl, e. Males ; /. Female. Purchased, Nov. 17, 1875. g-i. Deposited, Aug. 6, 1878. j, Ic. Purchased, June 14, 1879. I. Received in exchange, Nov. 10, 1882. 226. Spermophila albogularis (Spix). White-throated Finch. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, May 19, 1864. h. Presented by Mr. S. Jones, Oct. 16, 1880. From Per- nambuco. 227. Spermophila lineata (Linn.). Lineated Finch. Hab. South America. a. Presented by E. C. Batterbee, Esq., Sept. 20, 1876. 6, c. Deposited, Sept. 6, 1881. 228. Spermophila euleri, Cab. Euler's Finch. Hab. Brazil. a-c. Purchased, Nov. 4, 1880. 229. Spermophila nigro-aurantia, Bodd. Reddish Finch. Hab. South America. a, I. Purchased, April 19, 1875. c. Presented by Mr. J. L. Symon, April 28, 1875. cl-f. Presented by R. 0. Batterbee, Esq., Sept. 20, 1878. 320. Spermophila plumbea {Max.). Plumbeous Finch. Hab. Brazil. a^e. Purchased, March 11, 1870. /. Presented by R. 0. Batterbee, Esq., Sept. 20, 187«. 231.- Spermophila gutturalis (Licht.). Guttural Finch. Hab. South America. a. Presented by R. C. Batterbee, Esq., Sept. 20, 1878. 6, c. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1878. FRINGILLID^. 253 332. Spermophila hypuleuca (Licht.). Half-white Finch. Hob. South America. a. Purchased, April 19, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 349. h. Purchased, Nov. 17, 1875. c. Eeceived in exchange, May 18, 1877. Genus Passer. 233. Passer montanus (Linn.) . Tree-Sparrow. Hob. British Islands. a. Purchased, Oct. 28, 1860. h. Presented by Mr. B. Bartlett, Dec. 31, 1862. c, d. Purchased, Dec. 19, 1864. a. Purchased, Dec. 16, 1875. 234. Passer luteus (Licht.). Yellow Sparrow. Hab. East Africa. a-d. Purchased, April 24, 1863. e,f. Purchased, July 20, 1882.. g, h. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1882. 235. Passer simplex (Licht.). Grey-headed Sparrow. Hab. West Africa. a-c. Purchased, Feb. 20, 1864. d. Purchased, Sept. 18, 1873. 236. Passer alario (Linn.). Alario Sparrow. Hab. South Africa. a, h. Purchased, Jan. 2, 1874. c, d. Males. Purchased, Dec. 7, 1877. e, f. Females. Purchased, Dec. 15, 1877. 237. Passer diffusus (Smith) . Black-breasted Spar: Hab. South Africa. a. Male. Presented by Mr. J. Abrahams, May 23, 1882. 254 FRINGILLIB^. Genus Petronia. 238. Petronia stulta, Gm. Rock-Sparrow. Hab. South Europe. a, h. Presented by D'Ai-cy Thompson, Esq., Feb. 27, 1878. 239. Petronia petronella (Bf.). Yellow-throated Rock-Sparrow. Hab. Africa. a-d. Purchased, Feb. 13, 1872. e, f. Received in exchange. May 18, 1877. Genus Aitripasser. 240. Auripasser euchlorus (Licht.). Golden Sparrow. Hab. Abyssinia. or-d. Purchased, May 20, 1880. 6. Male ; /. Female. Presented by Mr. J. A. Abrahams, March 30, 1881. Genus Coccothraustes. 241. Coccothraustes vulgaris, Pallas. Hawfinch. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, Dec. 29, 1862. h. Purchased, Nov. 18, 1863. c. Presented by C. Wolley, Esq., April 25, 1864. d. Purchased, June 23, 1866. e. /. Purchased, July 25, 1866. r/. Purchased, March 11, 1867. 'h. Male. Purchased, Aug. 12, 1871. i. Purchased, Dec. 20, 1871. j. Presented by the Viscountess Downe, April 29, 1873. Tc, I. Purchased, June 23, 1875. m. Male ; n. Female. Purchased, May 20, 1876. 0. Deposited, July 5, 1870. p. Presented by Captain Sahin, April 26, 1877. q. Purchased, Dec. 21, 1880. r, s. Presented by Dr. Bree, May 10, 1881. FBINGILLlDiE. 255 243. Coccothraustes melanurus, Temm. Black-tailed Hawfinch. Hab. Japan. a. Purchased, March 1860. 6. Purchased, April 22, 1873. c. Male ; d. Female. Purchased, Jan. 2, 1874. e. Male; /. Female. Purchased, May 20, 1880. Genus Ligurinus. 243. Ligurinus chloris (Linn.) . Greenfinch. Hab. British Islands. a, h. Presented by Mr. B. Bartlett, Dec. 31, 1862. c. Purchased, Aug. 11, 1871. d. Purchased, Aug. 23, 1871. e. /. Presented by F. J. Barry, Esq., Oct. 17, 1879. g. Presented by H. H. Johnston, Esq., April 13, 1881. Ti. Presented by E. Lawrance, Esq., Nov. 21, 1881. 244. Ligurinus aurantiiventris (Cab.). Algerian Greenfinch. Hab. Algeria. a-e. Purchased, Aug. 1, 1864. Genus Fringilla. 245. Fringilla ccelebs, Linn. Chaffinch. Hab. British Islands. a, 6. Purchased, 1861. c. Presented by Mr. J. G. Keulemans, June 9, 1871. d. Male ; e. Female. Purchased, Aug. 21, 1871. /. Presented by Mi-s. E. Eoberts, June 14, 1876. Presented by F. J. Barry, Esq., Oct. 17, 1879. y, Tc. Presented by H. H. Johnston, Esq., April 13, 1881. Z, m. Presented by E. Lawrance, Esq., Nov. 21, 1881. 246. Fringilla spodiogenia, Malb. Algerian Chaffinch. Hab. Algeria. a. Purchased, Aug. 1, 1864. 247. Fringilla montifringilla, Linn. Brambling. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, Dec. 3, 1859. h. Purchased, June 26, 1863. 256 fringilhd;e. c. Male ; d. Female. Purchased, Dec. 19, 1864. e. Purchased, Nov. 22, 1869. /. Purchased, Dec. 15, 1870. (J. Purchased, Oct. 14, 1871. A, i. Presented by A, H. Cooke, Esq., Jan. 14, 1873. Presented by H. Sewell, Esq., June 21, 1873. Ic, I. Purchased, March 8, 1879. Genus Carduelis. 248. Carduelis elegans, Steph. Goldfinch. Hah. British Islands. a. Presented by Mr. E. Bartlett, Dec. 31, 1862. h, c. Presented by Lieut. J. LI. Hearne, April 18, 1873. d, e. Presented by Lieut. J. LI. Hearne, April 9, 1874. f-k. Presented by C. P. Johnson, Esq., June 26, 1878. Z, m. Presented by H. A. Macpherson, Esq., Jan. 27, 1879. n, 0. Presented by F. J. Barry, Esq., Oct. 17, 1879. p. Presented by H. H. Johnston, Esq., April 13, 1881. q. Presented by Eobert Fletcher, Esq., April 29, 1881. 249. Carduelis orientalis, Eversm. Eastern Goldfinch. Hab. Eastern Asia. a. Male; b. Female. Purchased, Nov. 9, 1882. From Afghanistan. Genus Chrysomitris. 250. Chrysomitris spinus (Linn,). Siskin. Hab. British Islands. or-g. Purchased, Dec. 15, 1870. h-Jc. Pui'chased, Nov. 27, 1875. I, m. Purchased, Nov. 17, 1879. n, 0. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1881. 251. Chrysomitris spino'ides (Yig.) . Indian Siskin. Hab. Himalaya. or-d. Presented by Capt. E. 0. Beavan, H.M.I.A., C.M.Z.S., May 2, 1867. e-i. Eeceived in exchange, Nov. 11, 1867. 352. Chrysomitris tristis (Linn.). American Siskin. Hab. North America. a-i. Purchased, July 5, 1866. i FRINGILLIDiE. 357 253. Chrysomitris magellanica (Vieill.) . Black-throated Siskin. Hob. Brazil. a. Male ; h. Female. Purchased, July 19, 1875. 254. Chnjsomitris yarrelli {Axxdnh.). YarreU's Siskin. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Oct. 16, 1880. Prom Parabyba. I I Genus Sycalis. j 255. Sycalis flaveola (Linn.). Saffron Finch. Hah. Brazil. I a. Presented by "WilHam Eussell, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 15, 1862. - 6, c. Purchased, Dec. 4, 1864. d. Male ; e. Female. Purchased, May 7, 1867. /. Deposited, July 24, 1872. g. Presented by the Eev. T. C. Hose, Jan. 9, 1875. Iir^. Purchased, April 19, 1875. h. Purchased, Nov. 17, 1875. I. Presented by Mrs. Hylton Joliffe, April 25, 1878. m, n. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 19, 1878. o,p. Purchased, June 14, 1879. q, r. Bred in the Gardens, Oct. 7, 1879. ( 1 256. Sycalis luteola (Sparrm.). Yellowish Finch. Hab. Brazil. a, h. Purchased, July 11, 1873. Genus Crithagra. 257. Crithagra butyracea (Linn.). St.-Helena Seed-eater. Hab. South Africa ; St. Helena. a. Male ; 6, c. Females. Purchased, Sept. 24, 1862. d. Deposited, Aug. 23, 1864. e. Deposited, Feb. 11, 1865. f-i. Purchased, April 12, 1866, j. Presented by Capt. E. C. Beavan, H.M.I.A., CM Z S May 2, 1867. ' Ic, I. Purchased, May 8, 1869. m. Presented by Miss Moss, Aug. 19, 1869. n. Presented by Jas. Dixon, Esq., F.Z.S., April 30, 1870. 0. Presented by A. H. Cocks, Esq., Nov. 5, 1875. s 258 PRINGlLLIDiE. 258. Crithagra sulphurata (Linn.). Sulphury Seed-eater. Hob. South Africa. a. Purchased, Nov. 8, 1878. 259. Crithagra clmjsopyga, Sw. Yellow-rumped Seed-eater. Hah. West Africa. a. Presented by F. Vanzeller, Esq., Nov. 15, 1862. b, c. Purchased, March 15, 1869. d, e. Purchased, May 8, 1869. f-l. Received in exchange, Dec. 12, 1877. m, n. Presented by M. C. Ajigel, Esq., F.Z.S., April 6, 1881. 260. Crithagra musica (Vieill.) . Singing Finch. Hab. "West Africa. a. Presented by Mrs. Beauclerk, April 6, 1882. 261. Crithagra albogularis (Smith). White-throated Seed-eater. Hab. South Africa. a, h. Purchased, May 4, 1870. c. Presented by Mr. J. Abrahams, May 23, 1882. Genus Serinus. 62. Serinus hortulanus, Koch. Serin. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, July 25, 1876. Captured near London. 6, c. Presented by P. VanzeUer, Esq., April 22, 1868. d. Eeceived in exchange, April 23, 1868. ej. Purchased, April 3, 1872. cj, h. Presented by F. Bond, Esq., F.Z.S., April 9, 1872. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1881. 263. Serinus canarius (Linn.). Canary. Hab. Canary Islands. a. Received, Aug. 6, 1867. From Canaiy Islands. b. Presented by James Dixon, Esq., F.Z.S., AprH 30, 1870. o-i. Purchased, Feb. 22, 1871. j, Ic. Purchased, March 7, 1873. ^ I, m. Presented by Lieut. J. LI. Hearne, R.N., April lb, Ibid. n, 0. Presented by Lieut. J. LI. Hearne, R.N., April 9, 18/4. fringilliDjE. 359 p q. Presented by Miss M. Jackson, Jnl}^ 6, 1878. r Male. Purchased, May 18, 1880. Caught at Hampstead. s. Male. Presented by 0. Williams, Esq., May 25, 1880. Yellow var. 264. Serinus canicollis (Sw.). Grey-necked Serin Finch. Hab. Cape of Good Hope. a. Eeceived in exchange, July 8, 1872. Genus LiNOTA. 265. Linota cannabina (Linn.). Linnet. Hab. British Islands. a-c. Purchased, Dec. 26, 1860. d-i. Purchased, Oct. 4, 1871. j. Presented by the Misses Warre, June 22, 1876. k. Presented by P. J. Barry, Esq., Oct. 17, 1879. I, m. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1879. 266. Linota flavirostris (Linn.). Twite. Hab. British Islands. a, h. Purchased, Dec. 19, 1864. c. Purchased, Oct. 14, 1871. d. Purchased, Dec. 20, 1871. e. f. Purchased, Dec. 6, 1875. g^h. Pm-chased, March 22, 1880. Purchased, Jan. 30, 1882. 267. Linota nifescens iyieiW.). Lesser Redpoll. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by Mr. E. Bartlett, Dec. 31, 1862. h. Pui-chased, Oct. 14, 1871. c-f. Purchased, Nov. 8, 1876. (J, h. Presented by Miss M. Jackson, July 6, 1878. Presented by Dr. Bree, E.Z.S., June 23, 1879. Jc, I. Presented by P. J. Barry, Esq., Oct. 17, 1879. 268. Linota linaria (Linn.). Mealy Redpoll. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, Oct. 11, 1861. h. Presented by Mr. E. Bartlett, Dec. 31, 1862. o-h. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1866. s 2 260 FaiNGILLIDiE. Genus Carpodacus. 269. Carpodacus enjthrinus (Pall.) . Ruddy Finch. Hab. Siberia. a-f. Purchased, Sept. 9, 1865. g-m. Purchased, Feb. 3, 1870. 270. Carpodacus h(Emorrhous (Wagl.) . Blood-stained Finch. Hab. Mexico. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 1, 1876. Genus Pyrehula. 271. Pyrrhula europcea, Vieill. Bullfinch. Hab. Europe. a. Male ; 6. Female. Purchased, Feb. 22, 1867. (Russian variety.) c, d. Purchased, Dec. 20, 1871. e,f. Males; g,h. Females. Purchased, Dec. 12, 1877. (Rus- sian variety.) i-Jc. Presented by Miss A. Sargent, July 10, 1878. I. Male. Purchased, Feb. 21, 1879. (Russian variety.) Genus Pinicola. 272. Pinicola enucleator (Linn.). Pine-Grosbeak. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1864. b. Male; c. Female. Presented by Robert CoUett, Esq., Sept. 12, 1866. From Chi-istiauia. d, e. Presented by R. Honeyvt^ood, Esq., Sept. 24, 1868. /, g. Males ; 7t, i. Females. Pui'chased, Jan. 30, 1870. j, k. Presented by E. A. Alston, Esq., F.Z.S., Aug. 30, 1872. Genus Loxia. 273. Loxia curvirostra, Linn. Crossbill. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, May 23, 1864. 6. Purchased, Jime 23, 1866. FRINGILLIDJE. 261 c-h. Purchased, July 25, 1866. i. Male ; j. Female. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1873. h. Presented by Master G. Gordon, Oct. 26, 1876. I. Purchased, Jan. 4, 1877. m, n. Presented by H. A. Macpherson, Esq., July 31, 1879. 0, p. Presented by H. H. Johnston, Esq., April 13, 1881. 274. Loxia pittjopsittacus, Bech&t. Parrot Crossbill. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, Dec. 9, 1873. 275. Loccia Imcoptera, Gm. White- winged Crossbill. Hab. North America. a-e. Purchased, Sept. 20, 1870. Genus Plectrophanes. 27C. Plectrophanes nivalis (Linn.). Snow-Bunting. Hab. Europe and North Asia. a, h. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Aug. 1, 1862. Prom Halifax. cr-f. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1864. From Siberia. cj. Presented by Fred. Bond, Esq., F.Z.S,, March 19, 1870. h. Presented by F. Bond, Esq., F.Z.S., May 20, 1871. i. Purchased, Dec. 20, 1871. j. Presented by Dr. A. Giinther, F.Z.S., May 26, 1873. Ic, I. Purchased, April 23, 1878. m, n. Purchased, Dec. 2, 1878. o,p. Purchased, March 22, 1880. q. Presented by E. Fletcher, Esq., April 29, 1881. r. Presented by H. A. Macpherson, Esq., Oct. 19, 1881. s-v. Purchased, Dec. 12, 1881. w, X. Purchased, Jan. 30, 1882. Genus Calcarius. 277. Calcarius lapponicus (Linn.). Lapland Bunting. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, Oct. 22, 1866. h. Presented by Fi-ed. Bond, Esq., F.Z.S., Feb. 10, 1870. c. Presented by F. Bond, Esq., F.Z.S., March 10, 1870. ' d, e. Purchased, June 7, 1875. PRINGILLID^. Genus Emberiza. 278. Emberiza miliaria, Linn. Corn-Bunting. Hab. British Islands. a-c. Purchased, 1861. d. Presented by P. Bond, Esq., P.Z.S., Sept. 12, 1871. e. Male ; /. Female. Purchased, April 15, 1872. g, h. Presented by J. Toung, Esq., Sept. 27, 1879. Pui'chased, Feb. 20, 1882. 279. Emberiza citrinella, Linn. Yellow Hammer. Hab. Bi'itish Islands. a. Presented by F. J. Barry, Esq., Oct. 17, 1879, h, c. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1879. 280. Emberiza cirlus, Linn. Cirl Bunting. Hab. British Islands. a-e. Purchased, Dec. 12, 1863. d. Purchased, June 6, 1866. e. Purchased, Jan. 11, 1871. /. Presented by F. Bond, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 12, 1871. g, h. Purchased, April 19, 1876. i, j. Purchased, Jan. 27, 1881 . h. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1882. 281. Emberiza hortulana, Linn. Ortolan Bunting. Hab. British Islands. a-c. Pm^chased, Aug. 31, 1861. d. Presented by — Bickuell, Esq., April 26, 1865. e. Presented by Mr. J. W. Smart, July 1, 1869. /, g. Presented by F. Bond, Esq., F.Z.S., May 20, 1871. h. Purchased, Aug. 23, 1876. 282. Emberiza fueata. Pall. Dyed Bunting. Hab. Japan. a. Purchased, March 1860. 283. Emberiza schoeniclm, hmn. Reed- Bunting. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, Feb. 2, 1805. b. Purchased, March 22, 1879. c. Purchased, March 31, 1879. d. Purchased, Nov. 17, 1879. e. f. Purchased, Dec. 29, 1879. PRINGILLIDiE. 363 284. Emberiza chrysophrys (Pall.)- Yellow-browed Bunting. Hab. Japan. a. Rirchased, April 25, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 434. 285. Emberiza melanocephala, Scop. Black-headed Bunting. Hab. South Europe. a. Pemale. Presented by William Russell, Esq., E.Z.S., Sept. 15, 1862. h, c. Purchased, July 23, 1867. d, e. Presented by Mr. J. W. Smart, July 1, 1869, /, g. Purchased, June 23, 1875. 286. Emberiza rutila Red-backed Bunting. Hab. Japan. a. Purchased, April 25, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 434. 287. Embmza aureola (Pall.). Yellow-breasted Bunting. Hab. Japan. a. Male. Eeceived in exchange, Nov. 13, 1873. h-e. Purchased, Oct. 14, 1874. 288. Emberiza luteola (Sparrm.). Red-beaded Bunting. Hab. India. a-f. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 29, 1865. g. Presented by Miss A. Smith, Sept. 8, 1873. h-h. Purchased, July 9, 1878. Genus Euspiza. 289. Euspiza americana (Gm.) . American Bunting. Hab. America. a. Purchased, June 4, 1873. Genus Fringillaria. 290. Fringillaria capensis (Linn.). Cape Bunting. Hab. Africa. a. Presented by Miss C. Boyle, March 12, 1869. 264 frin6illid;e. Genus Melophus. 291. Melophus melanicterus (Gm.). Crested Black Bunting. Hab. ludia. a, b. Purchased, April 25, 1873. Genus Zonotrichia. 292. Zonotrichia leucophrys (Forst.). White-eyebrowed Finch. Hab. Labrador. a. Presented by Lewis Henry Spence, Esq., Dec. 29, 1859. 293. Zonotrichia albicollis (Gm.). White-throated Song- Sparrow. Hab. Nortb America. a, h. Purchased, Feb. 16, 1872. 294. Zonotrichia pileata (Bodd.). Pileated Song-Sparrow. Hab. Nortb America. a. Eeceived in exchange, July 8, 1872. h. Purchased, July 19, 1875. c. Purchased, May 18, 1876. cl. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1878. e. Pui'chased, June 14, 1879. Genus Spizella. 295. Spizella socialis (Wilson). Chipping Sparrow. Hab. Nortb America. a, 6. 'Purchased, April 13, 1868. Genus Pipilo. 296. Pipilo erythrophthalmus (Linn.). Red-eyed Ground- Finch. Hab. North America.' a. Purchased, Feb. 16, 1872. h. Purchased, Feb. 10, 1881. ICTERIDjE. 365 Family ICTERID^. Genus OsTiNOPS. 297. Ostinops decumanus (Pallas). Crested Hangnest. Hub. South America. a. Purchased, June 21, 1873. b. Piu-chased, March 6, 1876. c. Purchased, Sept. 8, 1877. Genus Cassiculus. 298. Cassiculus melanicterus (Bonap.). Mexican Hangnest. Hub. Mexico. a. Presented by A. M. Booker, Esq., Aug. 18, 1865. Genus Cassicus. 299. Cassicus persicus (Linn.). Yellow Hangnest. Hab. South America. ft, b. Purchased, March 8, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 138. c. Purchased, Sept. 15, 1870. d, e. Purchased, Sept. 18, 1873. /. Male. Presented by A. Wood, Esq., Oct. 29, 1873. g. Purchased, July 19, 1875. h, i. Purchased, Nov. 17, 1875. j, Ic. Piu-chased, Jidy 18, 1876. 300. Cassicus hsmorrhous (Linn.). Red-rumped Hangnest. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Sept. 18, 1873. h, c. Purchased, Sept. 17, 1875. Genus Icterus. 301. Icterus baltimore (Linn.). Baltimore Hangnest. Hab. North America. a, b. Males. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 5, 1871. c, d. Purchased, July 25, 1873. e. Purchased, Oct. 13, 1880. ICTERTDjE. 302. Ictei-m spurim (Linn.). Orchard Hangnest. Hah. North America. a-cl. Pui-chasecl, July 25, 1873. e. Purchased, Aug. i, 1876. Fi-om Mexico. /, g. Purchased, Oct. 13, 1880. 303. Icterus abeillcei (Linn.), Black-sided Hangnest. Hab. Mexico. a. Purchased, Feb. 3, 1870. 304. Icterus tibialis, Swains. Yellow-shouldered Hangnest. Hab. Brazil. a-c. Purchased, Oct. 16, 1880. From Pernambuco. 305. Icterus wagleri, Scl. Wagler's Hangnest. Hab. Mexico. a. Purchased, Aug. 1, 1876. 306. Ictems vulgaris (Daud.). Common Hangnest. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, May 1, 1871. h-d. Purchased, April 29, 1873. e. Deposited, July 16, 1874. /. Purchased, July 26, 1875. g. Deposited, Aug. 4, 1875. h. Pui'chased, Aug. 1, 1876. i. Presented by T. T. Levett, Esq., Oct. 23, 1876. /. Presented by Miss Chambre, July 27, 1877. \ Deposited, Aug. 28, 1877. I. Presented by H. Dunlop, Esq., Sept. 11, 1877. m. Deposited,"Sept. 21, 1878. 307. Icterus J amaicai [Gm.). Brazilian Hangnest. Hab. Brazil. ft. Male. Presented by Frederick Bernal, Esq., H.B.M.'s Consul at Cartagena, New Granada, July 7, 1860. 6. Purchased, May 3, 1865. c, cl. Purchased, July 21, 1865. e,f. Purchased, Nov. 18, 1865. g, h. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1867. i. Purchased, Nov. 9, 1869. 267 Purchased, May 1, 1871. k, I. Deposited, June 3, 1872. m. Presented by Mrs. Jar™, Sept. 9, 1872. n. Deposited, July 16, 1872. 0. Purchased, Sept. 17, 1875. p, q. Deposited, Oct. 6, 1882. 308. Icterus croconotus (WagL). Yellow-backed Hangnest. Hab. South America. a. Presented by A. M. Booker, Esq., Aug. 18, 1865. Genus Dolichonyx. 309. Dolichonyx oryzivora (Linn.). American Rice-bird. Hab. North America. a, h. Purchased, June 14, 1873. Genus Molothrus. 310. Molothrus pecoris (Gm.). Common Cow-bird. Hab. North America. a. Purchased, Jime 19, 1867. 311. Molothrus bonariensis (Gm.). Silky Cow-bird. Hab. South Apierica. a. Male. Purchased, Sept. 29, 1862. h. Female. Purchased, Peb. 29, 1864. c. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1866. d-cj. Presented by G. Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 5, 1869. Prom Buenos Ayres. A,?:. Males / t. Presented by P. Fuller, Esq., Nov. 1, 1874 u. Presented by J. Eitchie, Esq., May 8, 1878 V. Presented by Mrs. Buchanan, Sept. 24, 1879 286 COEVID/E. ALAUDlDiE. w^j. Presented by Sir Harry St. George Ord, O.B., F.Z.S., May 20, 1880. z. Deposited, June 3, 1881. a\ Deposited, June 13, 1882. 398. Gymnorhina organica, Gould. Tasmanian Piping Crow. Hab. Tasmania. a, b. Presented by Dr. MueUer, C.M.Z.S., Oct. 26, 1863. c. Deposited, April 10, 1869. 399. Gymnorhina tibicen (Lath.). Black-backed Piping Crow. Hab. Australia. a. Piu'chased, April 24, 1882. Genus Barita. 400. Barita destructor, Temm. Long-billed Butcber Crow. Hab. New Holland. a. Presented by Charles Clifton, Esq., P.Z.S., May 4, 1863. b. Deposited, July 21, 1866. c. Purchased, June 14, 1867. d. Purchased, March 25, 1872. Family ALAUDID^. Genus Alatjda. 401. Alauda arvensis, Linn. Sky-Lark. Hab. British Islands. a. Pemale. Presented by Mr. E. Bartlett, Dec.^31, 1862. 6. Presented by P. Buckland, Esq., Aug. 25, 1879. c. Presented by P. J. Barry, Esq., Oct. 17, 1879. d, e. Presented by E. Lawrance, Esq., Nov. 21, 1881. 402. Alauda gulgula (Franklin). Indian Sky-Lark. Hab. India. a. Purchased, June 18, 1872. 403. Alauda crassirostris, Vieill. Thick-billed Lark. Hab. Africa. a. Presented by Miss Chariotte Boyle, AprU 27, 1867. ALAUDID^. 404. Alauda arborea, Linn. Wood-Lark. Hob. British Islands. a. Purchased, Oct. 8, 1866. 6. Purchased, April 18, 1868. c, d. Eeceived in exchange, June 6, 1882. 405. Alauda cristata, Linn. Crested Lark. Hob. India. a. Male ; h. Female. Purchased, June 18, 1872. Genus Calandrella. 406. Calandrella brachydadyla (Leislev) . Short-toed Lark. Hub. Algeria. a. Purchased, Aug. 1, 1864. h. Presented by H. A. Macpherson, Esq., Dec. 26, 1881. Genus MiRAFKA. 407. Mirafra affinis [Jerdioa). Madras Bush-Lark. Hab. India. a. Purchased, June 18, 1872. Genus Melanocorypha. 408. Melanocorypha mongolica (Gm.) . Chinese Lark. Hab. China. a. Presented by Charles Kivington, Esq., June 1, 1866. b. Presented by Lieut. Duncan Stewart, E.N., July 27, 1867. 409. Melanocoiypha calandr-a (Linn.) . Calandra Lark. Hab. Eui'ope. a. Deposited, Sept. 15, 1862. b, c. Deposited, May 11, 1865. dr-cf. Presented by C. Tait, Esq., AprU 17, 1872. h, i. Presented by Mons. J. M. Cornely, C.M.Z.S., March 6, 1881. 410. Melanocorypha yeltoniensis (Forster). Black Lark. Hab. Siberia. (t-(/. Purchased, June 8, 1876. 288 ALAUDlDiE. TYRANNIDiE. Genus Pyrrhulauda. 411. Pyrrhulauda verticalis (Smith). White-headed Bullfinch Lark. Hab. South Africa. a-c. Purchased, Sept. 26, 1873. d-g. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1882. Genus Otocorys. 412. Odocorys alpestris (Linn.). Shore-Lark. Hab. North Europe and North America. a. Purchased, March 28, 1868. b-d. Purchased, April 13, 1868. e, f. Presented hy A. Hewitson, Esq., Oct. 7, 1876. g. Purchased, Nov. 23, 1882. 413. Otocorys chrysol. Presented by J. Paddy, Esq., Aug. 14, 1876. q. Presented by J. Heath, Esq., Nov. 6, 1877. r. Presented by Gr. D. Careless, Esq., July 19, 1878. s. Presented by Miss C. Bealey, Aug. 1, 1879. t. Presented by Mr. J. Shaplaiid, Aug. 18, 1879. u. Presented by Mrs. Bolton, Sept. 15, 1879. V. Presented by Miss C. Bealey, Sept. 16, 1879. w. Presented by G. Chandle, Esq., Sept. 8, 1880. . X. Presented by E. Gr. Forbes Higginson, Esq., Sept. 14, 1880. y. Presented by Mr. H. Morrison, July 29, 1880. z. Presented by Master Alfred Beart, Sept. 24, 1881. a\ Presented by E. H. Eokebv, Esq., July 29, 1882. Genus EuDYNAMis. 474. Eudynamis orientalis (Linn.). Black Cuckoo. Hab. India. a Male ; b. Female. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mul- hck, C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 373. c. Purchased, Oct. 7, 1868. d. Presented by Commander H. C. St. John, E.N., April 2, 1873. e. Purchased, Aug. 27, 1873. 475. Eudynamis taitensis, Sparrm. Long-tailed Cuckoo. Hab. New Zealand, a. Purchased, April 26, 1878. Genus Carpococcyx. 476. Carpococcyx radiatm ijemm.) . Badiated Fruit-Cuckoo. Hab. Sumatra. a. Purchased, Aug. 31, 1882. Seo P. Z. S. 1882, p. 358. CUCULID^. 305 Genus Centropus. 477. Cent7-opus rufipennis, III. Indian Coucal. Hub. India. a,h. Purchased, July 11, 1867. c. Purchased, Oct. 7, 1868. d. Presented by Mrs. Hunter Blair, June 23, 1875. 478. Centropus senegalensis, Linn. Senegal Coucal. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, March 8, 1869. 479. Centropus phasianus (Lath.). Pheasant Coucal. Hab. New South Wales. a. Purchased, March 5, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 603. Genus Crotophaga. 480. Crotophaga ani, Linn. Ani. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1875. Genus Guira. 481. Guira piririgua (^idW:) . Guira Cuckoo. Hab. Para. cv-d. Purchased, March 8, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864 p, 138 e,f. Deposited, March 16, 1872. g, h. Deposited, April 13, 1872. i-m. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1875. n. Purchased, Jan. 30, 1878. 0. Purchased, April 25, 1878. jp, q. Purchased, Nov. 4, 1880. X 306 MTJSOPHAGIDjE. Family MUSOPHAGIDiE. Genus Musophaga. 482, Musophaga violacea, Isert. Violaceous Plaiatain-cutter. Hab. West Africa. a. Deposited, April 24, 1863. I. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1866. c. Toung. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1866. cl. Purchased, Dec. 14, 1871. e,f. Purchased, Jan. 11, 1872. g. Eeceived in exchange, Dec. 17, 1873. h, i. Purchased, Dec. 30, 1873. j. Purchased, Sept. 30, 1882. Genus Schizorhis. 483. Schizorhis africana (Lath.), Variegated Touracou. Hab. West Africa, a. Purchased, Dec. 3, 1863. h. Purchased, March 16, 1866. c, cl, Eeceived in exchange, April 4, 1873. Genus Corythaix. 484. Corythaix buffoni (Vieill.). Buffon's Touracou, Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by Eussell M. Gordon, Esq., P.Z.S., Oct. 10, 1862. 485. Corythaix albocristata, Strickl. White-crested Touracou. Hab. South Africa. a. Purchased, May 23, 1870. h, c. Presented by W. Wormald, Esq., Sept. 23, 1878, d. Presented by Capt. T. G. Steer, Aug. 10, 1881. MUSOPHAGIDJJ. 307 486. Corythaix persa (Linn.). Senegal Touracou. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by Lieut. A. H. Webb, E.N., July 28, 1858. h. Presented by Admiral Sir H. Keppel, K.C.B., Aug. 14, 1861. c, d. Purchased, March 5, 1868. e. Purchased, Aug. 17, 1868. /. Purchased, March 5, 1869. g. Male ; h. Pemale. Purchased, March 4, 1870. i. Purchased, June 1, 1870. j. Purchased, Feb. 13, 1871. k-m. Purchased, March 4, 1871. n. Purchased, Jan. 12, 1872. o,p. Purchased, Aug. 9, 1873. r. Presented by Mr. Hawkins, Jan. 2, 1874. s. Presented by Lieut. V. L. Cameron, April 4, 1876. See P.Z.S. 1876, p. 413. t. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1876. u, V. Deposited, Nov. 1, 1876. IV, X. Presented by J. Gr. Tayler, Esq., May 8, 1877. y. Presented by Capt. E. H. Crew, May 11, 1877. 487. Corythaix macrorhyncha, Fraser. Great-billed Touracou. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Dec. 28, 1865. h. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1866. 488. Corythaix erythrolophus, Vieill. Red-crested Touracou. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by J. Colman, Esq., Oct. 6, 1878. 489. Conjthaix porphyreolophus, Vigors. Purple - crested Touracou. Hab. East Africa. a. Presented by theEev. J. A. Gould, E.Z.S., Feb. 4, 1879. See P.Z. S. 1879, p. 218. x2 308 CACATUID/E. Older III. PSITTACI. Family CACATUID^. Subfamily Cacatuin^e. Genus Cacatua. 490. Cacatua moluccensis (Gm.). Rose-crested Cockatoo. Hah. Moluccas. a. Deposited, Aug. 30, 1855. b. Presented by — Mostyn, Esq., Oct. 23, 1862. c. Presented by Eobert Drummond, Esq., F.Z.S., March 19, 1863. d. Received in exchange, April 9, 1863. e. Deposited, July 23, 1863. f. Presented by Mrs. Moss King, Nov. 13, 1863. *(/. Deposited, Feb. 25, 1865. h. Deposited, May 20, 1867. i. Presented by Miss Ann E. Wimbolt, Sept. 27, 1867. j. Presented by Mrs. Dix, April 31, 1868. 'Tc. Male. Presented by Mrs. Hutton, Jan. 20, 1869. I. Presented by Arthur Lewis, Esq., March 5, 1870. m. Presented by Dr. R. S. Peart, April 20, 1870. n. Presented by Mr. H. Baldwin, April 21, 1874. 0. Presented by J. 0. Elmes, Esq., July 21, 1874. p. Deposited, Aug. 3, 1875. q. Presented by Mrs. Sydenham, Sept. 18, 1875. r. Deposited, Nov. 19, 1875. s. Deposited, Feb. 22, 1876. t. Presented by G. J. Webb, Esq., June 5, 1876. u. Presented by Miss Foster, Aug. 15, 1879. 491. Cacatua ophthalmica, Sclater. Blue-eyed Cockatoo. Hab. New Britain. a, b. Purchased, April 25, 1862. Specimens described aud figured, P. Z. S. 1862, pi. xit. p. 141, as Cacatua ducorpsii. See Sclater, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 187, where the name is changed to C. ophthalmica. c, d. Purchased, May 11, 1865. e. Presented by Lt.-Col. Arbuthnot, July 4, 1876. /, c/. Presented by the Eev. G. Brown, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 25 1880. h. Deposited, Jan. 3, 1882. CACATUIDiE. 309 492. Cacatua cristaia, Wagler. Greater White-crested Cock- atoo. Hab. Moluccas. a. Purcliased, July 19, 1861. b. Eeceived in exchange, May 8, 1868. c. Presented by Major-General Sir B. T. Phillips, F.Z.S., April 10, 1871. d. Presented by T. Towndron, Esq., Dec. 9, 1873. e. Presented by Mrs. A. L. Chetwode, June 24, 1880. f. (J. Deposited, Dec. 25, 1880. X i. Deposited, Sept. 26, 1881. 493. Cacatua galerita (Lath.). Greater Sulphur-crested Cockatoo. Hah. Australia. a^z. See former editions. a\ Deposited, Dec. 21, 1876. h\ Presented by Mr. E. Purchase, Feb. 17, 1877. c\ Presented by Mrs. Dore, May 7, 1877. cO. Deposited, June 16, 1877. e\ Presented by W. L. Marchant, Esq., June 20, 1877. f. Presented by G. S. S. Williams, Esq., Sept. 24, 1877. ^f. Presented by P. Lablache, Esq., Nov. 14, 1877. h\ Presented by Mrs. Cohen, Dec. 22, 1877. %\ Presented by N. Portocalis, Esq., June 6, 1878. ■/'. Presented by Mrs. A. Hole, July 29, 1878. 'k\ Deposited, April 3, 1879. l\ Presented by J. W. Taylor, Esq., June 18, 1879. m\ Presented by P. Phillips, Esq., March 4, 1880. n\ Presented by Mrs. M. A. Brown, June 15, 1880. o\ Deposited, July 5, 1881. p\ Deposited, March 4, 1881. cj\ Deposited, Aug. 29, 1881. r\ Deposited, Aug. 30, 1881. s'. Deposited, Dec. 24, 1881. t\ Presented by S. Sydney, Esq., March 2, 1882. u\ Deposited, July 24, 1882. v\ Deposited, Aug. 24, 1882. xv\ x\ Presented by C. Kerry Nicholls, Esq., P.Z.S., Oct 7, 1882. 494. Cacatua triton, Temm. Triton Cockatoo. Hal). New Guinea. ft. Purchased, 1860. 310 CACATUIDiJJ. 495. Cacatua mlphurea (Gm.). Lesser Sulphur-crested Cock atoo. Hah. Moluccas. fl. Presented by H. Wickens, Esq., April 15, 1850. h. Presented by — Sutton, Esq., Oct. 23, 1855. c. Deposited, 1860. d. Deposited, March 17, 1865. e. Deposited, April 13, 1866. /. Presented by Miss Atkinson, March 30, 1867. f/. Deposited, Aug. 2, 1869. 7t. Presented by G. Thornton, Esq., Sept. 26, 1871. i. Received in exchange, Aug. 21, 1873. j. Presented bv T. Pearson, Esq., July 28, 1874. /<:. Presented by H. W. Wood, Esq., March 17, 1875. I. Presented by W. Holborn, Esq., March 29, 1875. m, n. Presented by Mrs. Eoberts, Dec. 4, 1877. 0. Presented by Miss Langley, July 18, 1879. p. Deposited, June 9, 1881. q. Presented by Mrs. Beard, Aug. 16, 1881. 496. Cacatua citrino-cristata, Fraser. Citrou-crested Cock atoo. Hah. Timor Laut. a. Presented by Miss Julia Pox, Dec. 22, 1855. h. Deposited, July 17, 1866. c. Purchased, March 26, 1872. d. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1873. 497. Cacatua leadbeateri (Yig.) . Leadbeater's Cockatoo. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by Lady Eleanor Cathcart, Nov. 21, 1854. b. Deposited, Nov. 9, 1863. c-e. Deposited, April 8, 1863. f. cj. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., May 5, 1865. 'h. Deposited, Oct. 31, 1865. 1. Presented by Mrs. James Napier, Nov. 23, 1865. j. Eeceived, April 15, 1867. k. Presented by G. M'Leay, Esq., E.Z.S., Sept. 16, 1869. I. Dercsited, Nov. 9, 1870. m. Presented by the Eev. H. Eyffe, May 31, 1871. n. Presenced by T. Phillips, Esq., Aug. 13, 1873. 0. Presented by Col. Carrington, March 21, 1874. 'p. Deposited, April 24, 1874. q. Deposited, Nov. 5, 1874. r, s. Presented by Gr. L. Prendergast, Esq., April 8, 18/5. t. Presented by Mrs. Shaud, July 9, 1877. CACATUIDiE. 311 u. Presented by Mrs. H. M. Eichardson, July 17, 1877. V. Presented by the Eev. S. J. Whitmee, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 28, 1877. tu. Presented by W. Euston, Esq., April 16, 1878. X. Presented by Mrs. Tennent, May 6, 1878. y. Presented by J. Veale, Esq., March 2, 1880. z. Presented by Mrs. Martin Smith, June 22, 1881. a\ b\ Presented by C. J. Harvev, Esq., Dec. 13, 1882. 498. Cacatua philippinarum (Gm.). Red-vented Cockatoo. Hab. Philippine Islands. a-c. Purchased, June 8, 1-865. cl. Purchased, Nov. 23, 1865. e. Purchased, June 18, 1872. Erom Negros, Philippines. /. Purchased, Eeb. 9, 1877. 499. Cacatua sanguinea, Gould. Blood-stained Cockatoo. (Fig. 42.) Hab. North Australia. a. Purchased, Nov. 23, 1865. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 492. Eig. 42. Head of Cacatua sanguinea. (P. Z. S. 1871, p. 492.) "^^•^ CACATUIDiE. 500. Cacatua ducorpsi, Hoiiibr. et Jacq. Ducorps's Cockatoo (Fig. 43.) Hab. Solomon Islands. Head of Cacatua ducorpsi. (P. Z. S. 1871, p. 491.) .501. Cacatua goffini, Finsch. Goffin's Cockatoo. Hab. Uncertain. a. Purchased, July 31, 1862. h. Presented bj C. Turner, Esq., Jime 28, 1871. c. Presented by F. J. Dean, Esq., P.L.S., Oct. 17, 1874. SeeP.Z.S."l875, p. 61, pi. X. d. Presented by Mrs. Barton, Sept. 16, 1875. e. Deposited, Sept. 17, 1877. /. Presented by Mrs. Pitt, May 9, 1878. g. Deposited, Sept. 4, 1878. 'h. Deposited, May 8, 1880. CACATUIDiE. 313 i. Presented by W. F. Green, Esq., May 13, 1880. j. Presented by Miss Bartlett, July 16, 1880. k. Deposited, Sept. 8, 1881. I. Deposited, Aug. 4, 1882. 50.2. Cacatua gymnopis, Sclater. Bare-eyed Cockatoo. (Fig. 44.) Hob. South Australia. «. Purchased, June 2, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 493. I. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1872. Fig. 44. Head of Cacatua gymnopis. (P. Z. S. 1871, p. 493.) 503. Cacahia roseicapilla, Vieill. Roseate Cockatoo. Hah. Australia. a. Presented by Lady EoUe, F.Z.S., May 2, 1843. I. Deposited, Aug. 19, 1859. c. Deposited, July 12, 1861. d. Deposited, June 7, 1865. e. Deposited, March 10, 1866. /. Presented by G. M'Leay, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 16, 1869. (I. Presented by W. Stuttb, Esq., Sept. 8, 1870. h. Presented by H. J. Aveling, Esq., Nov. 17, 1874. 314 CACATUIDjE. i. Presented by A. Thompson, Esq., July 10, 1875. j. Deposited, jau. 17, 1870. 7c. Presented by Dr. Bree, Jan. 19, 1870. I. Presented by the Misses Campbell, July 5, 1876. TO. Presented by Miss Potter, Aug. 8, 1877. II. Presented by Mr. Head, May 23, 1879. 0. Presented by H. Dumbell, Esq., Dec. 18, 1880. j9. Presented by Miss M. J. Eichardson, Feb. 26, 1881. q. Presented by Sir Charles C. Smith, Bart., May 5, 1881. r. Presented by Miss Morson, Jan. 19, 1882. s. Presented by Mrs. Eamsay, April 20, 1882. Genus Licmetis. 504. Licmetis tenuirostris (Wagl.). Slender-billed Cockatoo. Hab. South Australia. a. Eeceived in exchange. May 17, 1847. h. Eeceived in exchange, Apiil 11, 1866. c. Presented by Mrs. Taplin, June 1, 1870. d. Presented by H. E. Abadie, Esq., Aug. 10, 1871. e. Presented by Mrs. Stevens, Nov. 22, 1876. /. Presented by Bartle a. Goldsmid, Esq., Peb. 20, 1877. g, h. Presented by W. D. Massey, Esq., March 24, 1877. i. Presented by Major M. Pasley, Aug. 20, 1877. j. Presented by J. Wood, Esq., June 19, 1879. Tc. Presented by H. P. Bussey, Esq., July 1, 1880. I. Deposited, Nov. 16, 1882. 505. Licmetis pastinator, Gould. Western Slender-billed Cockatoo. Hab. Western Australia. a. Presented by Edgar Eay, Esq., Sept. 22, 1858. b. Presented by Mrs. Lesser, May 16, 1871. c. Presented by Madame E. A. Caplin, Dec. 4, 1871. cl. Presented by W. J. Ii'ving, Esq., Nov. 19, 1875. e. Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 29, 1876. Genus Callocephalon. 506. Callocephalon galeatum (Lath.). Ganga Cockatoo. Hab. New South Wales. a. Male. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1859. b. Eemale. Purchased, May 14, 1864. c. Purchased, March 21, 1866. d. Male. Purchased, June 19, 1867. e. Male. Purchased, Aug. 25, 1870. CACATUID^. 315 Genus Calyptoehynchus. 507. Calyptorhynchus banksii (Lath.). Banksian Cockatoo. Hab. New South Wales. a. Purchased, AprU 25, 1862. See P. Z. S. 1862, p. 141. b. Female. Purchased, May 11, 1867. c. Pemale. Purchased, Feb. 24, 1870. d. Presented by Lady Ellesmere, Feb. 1, 1878. 508. Calyptorhynchus funereus (Shaw). Funereal Cockatoo. Hob. New South Wales. a. Purchased, July 16, 1879. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 663. 509. Calyptorhynchus naso, Gould. Western Black Cockatoo. Hab. Western Australia. a. Purchased, April 15, 1882. Genus Microglossa. 510. Microglossa aterrima (Gm.). Great Black Cockatoo. Hab. New Guinea. a. Presented by Capt. Denham, E.N., June 20, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 365. b, c. Purchased, May 31, 1875. Subfamily Calo psittin^. Genus Calopsitta. 511. Calopsitta noveB-hollandice (Gm.). Cockateel. Hab. Australia. «. Presented by T W. Nunn, Esq., March 13, 1862. 7 ?J 1 ' ^"'''^ ^e^eived in exchange, April 17 186'^ d Male ; e. Female. Deposited, Nov. 14, 186^3 /. Female. Deposited, Oct. 28, 1863. g. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 12, 1863. 316 cacatuidjE. — stringopidjE, A. Bred in tlie Gardens, Dec. 12, 1804. i. Deposited, July 7, 1805. //. Bred in tlie Gardens, Feb. 1, 1800. k-m. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 8, 1807. n. Presented by H. E. Sharp, Esq., Feb. 0, 1808, 0. Presented by A. M. Speer, Esq., Jan. 25, 1809. p. Male ; q, r. Females. Presented by John Lacey, Esq., March 25, 1809. s. Presented by Miss C. Boyle, July 22, 1809. t-v. Presented by Dr. J. S.Tulloch, F.Z.S., Oct. 14, 1809. tv. Bred in the Gardens, Nov. 18, 1809. on, y. Males ; z, a\ Females. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., F.Z.S., March 15, 1871. ¥, c^. Hatched in the Gardens, June 20, 1871. d'-f. Hatched in the Gardens, Dec. 12, 1871. g\ Male ; hK Female. Deposited, Dec. 24, 1871. i\ f. Hatched in the Gardens, Dec. 18, 1872. IcK Presented by Griffiths Smith, Esq., Feb. 23, 1873. l\ m\ Hatched in the Gardens, Sept. 23, 1873. n\ o\ Presented by Miss L. 0. Lyon, Sept. 24, 1873. p\ Presented by C. Burrows, Esq., Oct. 24, 1873. q^-s^. Bred in the Gardens, Dec. 5, 1873. Presented by Yice- Admiral Wallis Houston, Jan. 7, 1874. v}. Presented by Dr. Harry Wheeler, Feb. 17, 1874. v^-x^. Bred in the Gardens, June 15, 1874. y\ Deposited, Aug. 24, 1877. z\ Presented by Mrs. Parker, Aug. 13, 1878. cv'-cf. Deposited, Sept. 25, 1878. ^ Presented by Miss M. S. Spooner, June 22, 1880. i'. Male; f. P'emale. Presented by W. C. Atkinson, Esq., April, 18, 1882. Family STEINGOPID^. Genus Stringops. 512. Stringops habruptilm, Gray. Night-Parrot. (Fig. 45.) Hah. New Zealand. a. Deposited, Sept. 20, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 798. , h Presented by D. L. Murdoch, Esq., Jan. 24, 1871. See P.Z. S. 1871, p. 102, and 1872, p. 185. c-e. Purchased, Nov. 4, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 005. /. Presented by J. E. Featherstou. Esq., Dec. 23, 1875. See P. Z.S. 1870, p. 1. STRINGOPID^. PALiEORNITHIDiE, 317 rig. 45. Stringops habroptilus. Family PAL.EORNITHID^. Subfamily LoriiNjE. Genus LoRius. 513. Lorius domicella (Lmn.). Purple-capped Lory. Hab. Moluccas. a. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1872. 6. Presented by T. P. Medley, Esq., Aug. 19, 1875. c-e. Purchased, Dec. 30, 1880. 514. Lorius garrvlus (Linn.). Chattering Lory. Hab. Moluccas. a. Male ; 6. Female, Purchased, Jan. 1, 1864. c. Deposited, Dec. 14, 1865. d. Deposited, Aug. 14, 1867. e. Purchased, May 17, 1868. /, fj. Purchased, Dee. 30, 1880. 318 PALiEORNITHlDyE. 515. Lorius flavo-palliatus, Salvad. Yellow-backed Lory. Hab. Batchian. fl. Purchased, May 20, 1879. b. Deposited, June 19, 1879. 516. Lorius tibialis, Sclater. Blue-thighed Lory. Hab. Moluccas. a. Purchased, May 4, 1871. Specimen described and figured, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 499, pi. XL., also p. 544. 517. Lorius tricolor, Stepli. Three-coloured Lory. Hab. Moluccas. a. Presented by H. Harraden, Esq., July 10, 1882. 518. Lorius chlorocercus (Gould). Green-tailed Lory. Hab. Solomon Islands. a, h. Purchased, Peb. 5, 1867. Specimens figiu-ed, P. Z. S., 1867, p. 183, pi. xTi. Genus Eos. 519. Eos reticulata (Mull, et Schl.). Blue-streaked Lory. Hab. Timor Laut. a. Purchased Jan. 14, 1862. h. Purchased, March 3, 1874. c, d. Purchased, April 28, 1880. e, f. Purchased, Dec. 30, 1880. 520. Eos tricolor (Stepb.). Blue-tailed Lory. Hab. Moluccas. a, h. Purchased, Peb. 28, 1874. 521. Eos indica (Gm.), Blue-breasted Lory. Hab. Moluccas. a, b. Purchased, May 4, 1871. c. Purchased, June 18, 1872. PALiEORNITHIDjE. Oli> 533. Eos rubra (Gm.). Red Lory. Hab. Moluccas. a. Purchased, March 3, 1874. b. Purchased, May 31, 1880. c. d. Purchased, Dec. 30, 1880. 533. Eos riciniata (Bechst.). Violet-necked Lory. Hab. Moluccas. a. Purchased, Sept. 26, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1862, p. 140, and 1873, p. 684. Genus Chalcopsitta. 534. Chalcopsitta scintillata (Tenim.). Red-fronted Lory. Hab. New Guinea. a. Purchased, Nov. 22, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 862. Genus Tkichoglossus. 535. Trichoglossus hcematodes (Linn.). Blue-faced Lorikeet. Hab. Timor. a. Received in exchange, 1863. h. Purchased, Jan. 22, 1874. c, d. Purchased, April 28, 1880. e, f. Purchased, Aug. 19, 1882. 536. Trichoglosstcs novce-hollandice {Gm.) . Swainson's Lorikeet. Hcd). Australia. a, b. Purchased, March 2, 1868. c, d. Purchased, April 6, 1871. e. Presented by Miss C. Wade, April 22, 1871. /. Male; g. Female. Piu-chased, March 13, 1873. h. Presented by Mrs. G. P. Angus, Peb. 2, 1876. Purchased, Aug. 4, 1880. 7c, I Purchased, Dec. 30, 1880. 527. Trichoglossus cyanogrammus (Wagl.). Green -naped Lori- keet. Hab. Moluccas. a. Purchased, Jan. 22, 1874. ~ PALiEORNITHIDiE. 528. Trichoglossus mitchelli, G. R. Gray. MitchelPs Lorikeet. Huh. Moluccas. «. Purchased, May 4, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871 n 400 pi. -\-Li., and p. 544. ' ^ ' 529. Trichoglossus concinnus (Shaw). Musky Lorikeet. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, Aug. 10, 1869. h. Purchased, Jan. 30, 1873. c. Presented by Mr. A. H. Jamrach, June 10, 1880. 530. Trichoglossus ornatus (Linn.). Ornamental Lorikeet. Hab. Moluccas. a. Purchased, May 16, 1873. h. Purchased, Jan. 22, 1874. c. Purchased, May 31, 1880. d. Purchased, Oct. 2, 1882. 53L Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus, Kuhl. Scaly-breasted Lori- keet. Hab. New South Wales. a, b. Presented by Miss C. Wale, April 22, 1871. c. Purchased, April 17, 1880. Subfamily Pal^eor n ithin^. Genus Pal^ornis. 532. Palceornis alexandri (Scop.). Alexandrine Parrakeet. Hab. India. a. Female. Presented by Eichard Tress, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 22, 1855. h. Presented by Mrs. Koper, Nov. 3, 1862. c. Deposited, Aug. 18, 1863. d. Presented by Mrs. Synd, Aug. 4, 1864. e. Deposited, May 9, 1869. f. Purchased, Jan. 8, 1873. 'g. Presented by Hugh Nevill, Esq., July 9, 1873. A. Purchased, iS^ov. 7, 1873. i. Presented by C. Williams. Esq., May 25, 1880. j. Presented by Mr. H. Dav, April 9, iSSl. PALiEORNITHID^. 321 533. Palmmis torquafm (Bodd.). Ring-necked Parrakeet. Ilab. India. a-2. See former editions, a\ Presented by Mrs, Cathii-, May 29, 1874, b\ Presented by Miss Attwood, Jan, 9, 1875, c\ Presented by Miss Thiiiwall, Nov. 5, 1875. d^. Presented by Capt. Ouchterlony, Nov. 22, 1875. e\ Presented by Mrs. H, Kingston, Peb, 28, 1876, f. Purchased, March 10, 1876, g^-i\ Presented by Mrs. M. A. Moore, April 1, 1876. /, Jc\ Presented by Mrs. Doxat, Jidy 27, 1876. l\ Presented by Mrs. Burlton Bennett, Sept. 25, 1876. to\ Deposited, Nov. 3, 1876. Yellow variety. n\ Presented by Miss Smith, Jan. 25, 1877. o\ Deposited, April 14, 1877. p\ Pi-esented by Mi-s. EusseU, Aug. 11, 1877. q\ Deposited, Sept. 6, 1877. r\ Presented by P. S. Prince, Esq., May 14, 1879, s\ Presented by E, E, Carey, Esq,, June 17, 1879. iK Presented by Mrs. Watson, Aug. 22, 1879. m\ Presented by the Countess Dowager of Lonsdale, Nov. 8, 1881, v\ Presented by Mr, W, K. Stanley, July 26, 1882, 534. Palmmis docilis (Vieill). Rose-ringed Parrakeet. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by George Dann, Esq., Sept. 13, 1861. h. Pui'chased, April 19, 1868. o-f. Presented by Col. Ivy, June 11, 1868, g. Presented by JMi-s. Loveday, Jidy 11, 1874, h. Presented by Mrs. Heywood, June 18, 1876. Piu-chased, July 8, 1879. 535. Palmmis cyanocephalus (Linn,). Blossom-lieaded Par- rakeet, Hah. India. a. Deposited, April 4, 1862. h. Purchased, April 15, 1862. c, d. Eeceived, .Jan. 14, 1865. e. Deposited, March 9, 1870. /. Purchased, March 17, 1872. (J-j. Presented by Hugh Nevill, Esq., Jidy 9, 1873. From Ceylon. Ic. Presented by G, Lawson, Esq,, July 31 1874 I, m. Purchased, .July 30, 1881. n, 0. Purchased, Oct. 1, 1881, P, q. Presented by Mrs, Francis Eos, Eeb, 23, 1882 PALiEORNITHlDifi, 536. Palaornis rosa (Bodd.). Rosy Parrakeet. Hah. Burmah. «. Eeceived in exchange, March 15, 1877. 537. Palaornis luciani, Verr. Lucian's Parrakeet. Hah. China. a. Purchased, March 11, 1857. 538. Paloiornis javanicus (Osb.). Javan Parrakeet. Hab. Java. a. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1859. h. Purchased, March 20, 1862. c. Deposited, Feb. 27, 1865. d, e. Purchased, March 31, 1871. /; g. Purchased, May 22, 1879. h, i. Purchased, Nov. 4, 1880. j. Purchased, Dee. 24, 1881. 539. Palaornis fasciatus (Miiller). Banded Parrakeet. Hab. India. a. Female. Brought from Cashmere. Presented by Edmund Warre, Esq., April 12, 1871. Gf. Blyth, 'Ibis,' 1873, p. 79. b. Purchased, Sept. 25, 1876. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 696, under P. schisticeps. c. Presented by Mi-s. Barthrop, Feb. 21, 1878. From Mut- tra, N.W. India. d. Male. Deposited, Dec. 23, 1880. 540. Palmrnis columboides, Vig. Malabar Parrakeet. Hab. South India. a. Purchased, June 2, 1852. 6. Purchased, May 23, 1873. c. Purchased, Sept. 6, 1875. 541. Palaornis longicauda (Bodd.). Malaccan Parrakeet. Hab. Malacca. a, h. Purchased, Feb. 29, 1864. c. Purchased, May 17, 1868. d. Male ; e. Female. Purchased, Oct. 2, 1882. PALiEORNITHIDiE. 323 543. Palceornis erythrogenys (Blyth). Red-cheeked Parrakeet. Hob. Nicobar Islands. a. Purchased, March 13, 1873. Genus Psittinus. 543. Psitiinus malaccensis (Lath.). Blue-rumped Parrakeet. Hub. Malacca. a. Female. Purchased, Jan. 29, 1866. i. Pui-chased, June 27, 1867. c, d. Purchased, Jan. 2, 1874. Genus Eclectus. 544. Eclectus pectoralis (Miill.) . Red-sided Eclectus. Hab. New Guinea. a. Pemale. {E. linncei.) Presented by George Macleay. Esq., P.Z.S., Aug. 19, 1859. b. Purchased, April 11, 1864. c. cl. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1865. e. Deposited, Nov. 14, 1870. /. Pemale. Piu-chased, Oct. 7, 1878. g. Presented by A. Lubbock, Esq., July 9, 1882. h. Pm-chased, Oct. 12, 1882. 545. Eclectus r or aim (Miill.). Grand Eclectus. Hab. Moluccas. a, h. Purchased, June 8, 1865. c. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1865. d. Purchased, March 15, 1868. e. Purchased, March 31, 1871. /. Purchased, Oct. 24, 1871. g. Purchased, Oct. 13, 1882. 546. Eclectus ivestermanni, Bp. Westerman^s Eclectus. Hab. Moluccas. ft. Living in the Gardens, 1857. Specimen figured P Z S 1857, p. 226, Aves, pi. cxxvn. 6. Purchased, Nov. 23, 1865. y2 324 PALiEORNITHIDiE. Genus Polytelis. 547. Pohjtelis barrabandi {Swains.) . Barraband's Parrakeet. Hab. New South Wales. a, h. Deposited, May 23, 1867. c. Purchased, June 24, 1867. cl Presented by George Cooke, Esq., Nov. 16, 1869. e. Presented by W. H. Gregory, Esq., June 20, 1877. 548. Polytelis melanura (Vig.) . Black-tailed Parrakeet. Hab. Australia. a, b. Purchased, March 15, 1864. c, d. Eeceived, Jan. 14, 1865. e. Presented by Dr. John Cooper, June 9, 1869. /. Deposited, Aug. 30, 1879. g. Piu-chased, Dec. 30, 1879. h, i. Presented by Gerald Arbuthnot, Esq., July 20, 1881. Genus Aprosmictus. 549. Aprosmictus erythropterus (Lath.). Red-winged Parra- keet. Hab. Australia. a. Female. Presented by E. Marshall, Esq., F.Z.S., March 30, 1861. h. Male. Purchased, June 7, 1861. c. Deposited, July 25, 1867. cl, e. Deposited, March 2, 1869. /. Male ; g. Female. Presented by the Directors of the Botanic Gardens, Adelaide, Australia, March 6, 1871. From Port Darwin, N. Australia. {A. cocchwiitei-us, Gould.) h, i. Presented by the Countess of Eghnton, May 22, 1875. j. Presented by W. H. Moseley, Esq., May 29, 1877. 550. Aprosmictus scapulatus (Kuhl). King Parrakeet. Hab. New South Wales. a. Female. Purchased, Dec. 9, 1859. h. Male. Presented by Sir John Cathcart, Aug. 21, 1863. c. Female. Presented by F. Hansard Eiyington, Esq., Oct. 0, 1805. cl, e. Presented by E. M. May, Esq., Sept. 11, 1868. Eeceived iu exchange, Feb. 4, 1869. q. Presented by Mr. Sercombe, June 11, 1869. PALiEORNITHIDiE. 325 r. Male. Presented by John Biffen, Esq., April 1, 1870. s. Presented by Mrs. Hughes, June 4, 1870. t. Male. Deposited, Aug. 27, 1872. u. Male. Purchased, Aug. 6, 1873. V. Male. Deposited, Aug. 26, 1873. IV. Presented by Mr. H. T. Sissons, Sept. 13, 1876. X. Male ; y. Pemale. Presented by Miss E. Eigley, Dec. 8, 1876. z. Deposited, Dec. 21, 1876. a^. Female. Presented by Miss Jones, April 24, 1877. 6*. Presented by Evan Carr, Esq., July 5, 1878. g\ Male. Presented by Geo. Wood, Esq., Sept. 10, 1879 cl\ Female. Presented by General Blake, Sept. 22, 1879 Genus Tanygnathus. 551. Tanygnathus megalorhynchus (Bodd.). Great-billed Par- rakeet. Hab. Gilolo and Ceram. a. Purchased, April 20, 1856. b. Purchased, Oct. 1, 1875. 552. Tanygnathus muelleri (Temm.). Mueller's Parrakeet. Hab. Celebes. a. Presented by the Babu Eaiendi-a Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Julv 14,1857. ' ' J' 6. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1869. c. Purchased, June 21, 1878. d. Purchased, May 31, 1880. e. Purchased, April 15, 1882. 553. Tanygnathus albirostris, Wallace. White-billed Parrakeet. Hab. Celebes. a. Purchased, March 15, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868 p 262 h. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1869. See P. Z.S. 1871 p 494 c. Purchased, July 26, 1882. 554. Tanygnathus luzomnsis (Linn.). Blue-crowned Parra- keet. Hab. Philippines. a. Purchased, April 24, 1871. See P. Z.S. 1871 r, 479 h. Presented by Master Hugh Sutton, Dec. 14 1875 ' c. Purchased, Dec. 28, 1881. 326 PALiEORNlTHIDiE. Genus Loriculus. 555. Loriculus asiaticus (Latham). Ceylonese Hanging Parra- keet. Hab. Ceylon. rt, b. Purchased, Nov. 22, 1872. c-e. Purchased, March 31, 1881. /, g. Presented by T. H. Bowyer Bower, Esq., Oct. 6, 1881. h, i. Purchased, July 11, 1882. 556. Loriculus galgulus (Linn.). JBlue-crowned Hanging Par- rakeet. Hob. Malacca. a, h. Purchased, April 19, 1869. c, d. Males ; e. Females. Purchased, July 25, 1873. /, g. Purchased, Nov. 13, 1873. 7i, i. Purchased, Jan. 19, 1875. j. Purchased, April 15, 1880. h. Piu'chased, Dec. 18, 1880. I. Pm-chased, May 30, 1882. TO. Deposited, Sept. 18, 1882. Deposited, Nov. 22, 1882. 557. Loriculus sclateri, Wallace. Sclater's Hanging Parra- keet. Hab. Sulla Islands. a. Purchased, Nov. 23, 1865. 558. Loriculus chrysonotus, Sclater. Golden-backed Hanging Parrakeet. Hab. Cebu, Philippines. a, h. Purchased, April 24, 1871. See P. mlacissi, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 479. :.. c. Hatched in the Gardens, Aug. 23, 1871. cl Purchased, June 18, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. /90, and Ibis, 1872, p. 324, pi. xi. PAL^ORNITHID^. 327 Subfamily Euphemin^. Genus Euphema. 559. Euphema pulchella (Shaw). Turquoisine Grass-Parrakeet. Hob. New South Wales. a. Male ; h. Female. Bred in the Gardens, 1860. c. Female. Deposited, May 19, 1863. ci-/. Bred in the Gardens, 1863. (/, h. Deposited, March 7, 1865. i, j. Bred in the Gardens, June 2, 1865. h, I. Bred in the Gardens, June 27, 1865. m, n. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 29, 1865. o-q. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 26, 1865. r, s. Bred in the Gardens, Feb. 1, 1866. t. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 12, 1867. u. Female. Purchased, June 16, 1869. Purchased, May 19, 1870. z. Eeceived in exchange, June 23, 1870. aK Male. Purchased, June 16, 1871. b\ Female. Piu-chased, Aug. 1, 1871. c\ Male ; clK Female. Purchased, Jime 29, 1872. e\ Deposited, May 1, 1873. f-i}. Purchased, Feb. 23, 1878. f. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 4, 1878. Jc\ Deposited, Sept. 25, 1878. Z\ Female. Presented by J. Fraser, Esq., Sept. 16, 1879. m\ Female. Presented by A. Battescombe, Esq., Nov. 26, 1879. n\ o\ Bred in the Gardens, June 4, 1880. p^, q^. Bred in the Gardens, June 16, 1881. r\ Bred in the Gardens, July 14, 1882. 560. Euphema elegans, Gould. Elegant Grass-Parrakeet. Hah. South Australia. a. Presented by William EusseU, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 15, 1862. 6, c. Purchased, July 29, 1874. d, e. Purchased, July 23, 1875. f-h. Hybrids between a male of this species and a female Euphema pulchella. Bred in the Gardens, June 4, 1879. 561. Euphema chrysostoma, Wagl. Blue-banded Grass-Parra- keet. Hab. Australia. a, b. Purchased, Sept. 5, 1879 as Euphema elegans. 328 PALiliOHNITHIDjU. 562. Euphema splendida, Gould. Splendid Grass-Parrakeet. Hab. South Australia. a. Male; 6. Pemale. Purclaased, Jan. 30, 1871. SeeP Z S 1871, p. 102. ' oeejT.Z/.b. c. Purcliased, June 21, 1872. d. Hatched m the Gardens, July 21, 1872. 563. Euphema chrysogasira (Lath.). Orange-bcmed Grass- Parrakeet. Hob. South Australia. a-d. Piu-chased, Feb. 11, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 311, as E. aurantia. ' 564. Euphema bourkii (Mitch.) . Bourke's Grass-Parrakeet. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 318, h-g. Pui'chased, April 26, 1869. Genus Melopsittacus. 565. Melopsittacus undulatus (Shaw). Undulated Grass- Parrakeet. Hab. Australia. a-c. Deposited, 1862. dr-i. Bred in the Gardens, July 23, 1862. j-l. Deposited, Nov. 14, 1863. m, n. Deposited, Sept. 16, 1863. o-q. Bred in the Gardens, Dec. 12, 1864. r. Purchased, Sept. 16, 1865. s. Presented by Miss Boyle, Dec. 14, 1865. t-w. Males ; x-a}. Pemales. Purchased, April 29, 1867. &W. Deposited, May 23, 1867. f. Purchased, April 24, 1868. g^-f. Purchased, May 26, 1868. Ic'-q^. Bred in the Gardens, June 28, 1869. rW. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 17, 1869. v^, iv\ Bred in the Gardens, June 29, 1870. x\ Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 26, 1870. y^-e'. Deposited, June 11, 1871. f-h\ Presented by T. Lupton, Esq., July 22, 1871. i^-m^. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 15, 1871. n\ Purchased, May 17, 1877. o\ir. Presented by Mrs. Hylton JolliEEe, Mai'ch 6, 1878. (f, r: Deposited, Sept. 25, 1878. PALiEORNITHID^. 329 s3. Presented by Mss BaUs, May 2, 1879. t\ V?. Purchased, June 10, 1879. v^-z^. Deposited, Jan. 28, 1880. a\ Presented by H. H. Johnston, Esq., April 13, 1881. V. Presented by the Coimtess of Ellesmere, June 22, 1881. c='-e^ Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 22, 1881. f-iK Bred in the Gardens, Dec. 22, 1881. Deposited, June 28, 1882. ¥-0^. Bred in the Gardens, July 28, 1882, Genus Pezoporus. 566. Pezoporus formosus (Lath.). Green Ground- Parrakeet. Hah. Australia. a. Purchased, May 5, 1865. Genus Geopsittacus. 567. Geopsittacus occidentalis, Gould. Western Ground-Parra- keet. Hab. Southern Australia. a. Presented by Dr. MueUer, C.M.Z.S., Nov. 16, 1867. See P. Z.S. 1867, p. 891. h. Purchased, March 16, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 433. Subfamily Agaporn ithin^e. Genus Agapornis. 568. Agapornis pullaria (Linn.). West-African Love-bird. Hab. West Africa, a. Male ; b. Female. Purchased, April 17, 1863 c. Presented by Miss Armistead, March 5, 1867 ' d, e. Males ; /, cj. Females. Purchased, April 1 1870 7i, t. Purchased, Jan. 18, 1872. , j. Presented by Mi-s. L. Granville, Oct. 6 1872 ' L^''^^" ' ^e^ales. Purchased, 'March 6, 1874 0. Male; Female. Purchased, Dec. 15 1875 q. Presented by J. W. Gillespie, Esq., Apidl 2, 1880 r. Male; s. Female. Presented by 0 Williams Fon May 25, 1880. ^ vvuiiams, iisq., t. Male; u. Female. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1880. 330 PALjEORNITHIDjE. PSITTACIDjE. 569. Affapornis roseicoUis (VieiW.). Rosy-faced Love-bird. Hab. South Africa. a, Purchased, July 10, 1862. b, c. Purchased, May 22, 1866. d, e. Eeceived in exchange, April 17, 1872. 570. Agapornis cana (Gm.). Grey-headed Love-bird. Hab. Madagascar. ft. Male ; h. Pemale. Purchased, March 17, 1860. c, d. Purchased, March 21, 1868. e, f. Deposited, May 20, 1870. g, h. Purchased, March 3, 1874. Purchased, April 21, 1874. Tc, I. Purchased, Feb. 27, 1880. m. Male ; n. Female. Purchased, Feb. 13, 1882. 0. Male; p. Female, Purchased, Feb. 16, 1882. 3, r. Females. Purchased, April 21, 1882. s. Eeceived in exchange. May 6, 1882. Family PSITTACIDtE. Subfamily Platycercin^. Genus Platycercus. 571. Platycercus pennanti (Lath.). Pennant^s Broadtail. Hab. New South Wales. a, b. Presented by Mrs. Wheeler, Aug. 20, 1861. c. Eeceived in exchange, July 29, 1865. d. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., June 14, 1867. e. Deposited, July 28, 1869. /. Deposited, May 23, 1871. g. Presented by H. G. Smith, Esq., Feb. 6, 1873. h. Purchased, Aug. 6, 1873. i. Presented by Dr. Henry Wheeler, Feb. 17, 1874. j. Presented by E. Sargent, Esq., Feb. 16, 1877. 7c. Presented by H. Attwater, Esq., Oct. 25, 1877. 572. Platycercus adelaidce, Gould. Adelaide Broadtail. Hab. South Australia. a. Deposited, Nov. 14, 1863. b. Purchased, Aug. 23, 1879. PSITTACIDiE. 331 573. Platycercus flaveolus (Gould). Yellow-inimped Broadtail. Hab. Queensland. «, h. Purchased, May 27, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 687. 574. Platycercus icterotis (Temm.). Stanley Broadtail. Hab. West Australia. a. Eeceived in exchange, Nov. 15, 1864. b. c. Purchased, July 20, 1865. d. Piu-chased, April 26, 1878. e. Purchased, April 15, 1880. 575. Platycercus eximius (Shaw). Rose-Hill Broadtail. Hab. New South Wales. a. Presented by Gr. H. Parkinson, Esq., Nov. 23, 1861. h-g. Deposited, July 20, 1866. h. Presented by Mrs. Satterthwaite, May 21, 1868. i. Presented by F. Haine, Esq., June 8, 1868. j, h. Purchased, March 11, 1871. I. Presented by Hume Mcholl, Esq., Aug. 8, 1872. m-o. Presented by H. G. Smith, Esq., Eeb. 6, 1873. p. Presented by Griffiths Smith, Esq., Eeb. 23, 1873. q. Presented by Mrs. Hewitt, March 6, 1873. r, s. Deposited, May 19, 1873. t. Presented by F. J. Dean, Esq., Oct. 17, 1874. M. Presented by J. Smith, Esq., Jan. 21, 1876.' V. Presented by J. J. Chapman, Esq., March 5, 1877. w. Presented by A. Stirling, Esq., Aug. 30, 1879. X. Presented by Charles Porter, Esq., Sept. 27, 1880. y. Presented by G. Lawson, Esq., F.Z.S., Dee. 29, 1882. 576. Platycercus pallidiceps, Vig. Pale-headed Broadtail. Hab. North-east Australia. «, h. Presented by Sir John Cathcart, Aug. 21, 1863. c. d. Eeceived in exchange, March 9, 1872. e,f. Purchased, Feb. 23, 1878. 577. Platycercus pileatus, Vig. Pileated Broadtail. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, May 27, 1854. b, c. Purchased, July 20, 1865. d. Purchased, Aug. 20, 1872. e. Purchased, Dec. 17, 1873. /, g. Purchased, Jan. 25, 1881. 332 PSITTAClDiE. 578. Platycercus flaviventris (Temm.). Yellow-bellied Broad- tail. Hub. Tasmania. a. Purchased, May 8, 1860. b. Purchased, Jan. 5, 1875. c. d. Purchased, July 17, 1879. 579. Platycercus harnardi (Lath.). Barnard's Broadtail. Hab. South Australia. a. Purchased, April 25, 1853. 6, c. Deposited, Nov. 14, 1863. d. Purchased, April 7, 1871. e. Deposited, May 29, 1876. 580. Platycercus semitorquatus (Quoy et Gaim.). Yellow- collared Broadtail, Hab. West Australia. a. Presented by F. J. Eooper, Esq., F.Z.S., July 8, 1862. 6. Presented by Mrs. Harborow, May 10, 1875. 581. Platycercus sonarius {8haw). Bauer's Broadtail. Hab. South Australia. a. Presented by Sir John Cathcart, Aug. 21, 1863. b. Presented by Mrs. Harborow, May 10, 1875. c. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 13, 1880. d. Presented by S. Draper, Esq., Feb. 17, 1882. e. Presented by Miss Eva Maitland, April 26, 1882. /. Presented by J. Charlton Paer, Esq., F.Z.S., April 29, 1882. Genus Nymphicus, 582. Nymphicus cornuius (Gm.) Horned Parrakeet. Hab. New Caledonia. a, b. Purchased, May 8, 1879. See P.Z.S. 1879, p. 550, pi. XLIT. c. Female. Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 14, 1882. 583. Nymphicus uvaensis, Layard. Uvaean Parrakeet. Hab. Island of Uvea, Loyalty Group. a b. Purchased, April 27, 1882. c, d. Presented by E. L. Layard, Esq., June 28, 1882. See P. Z. S. 1882, p. 408, pi. XXVI. PSITTACIDiE. 333 Genus Cyanobhamphus. 584. Cyanorhamphm novcE-zealandicE [Gim.) . New-Zealand Par rakeet. Hob. New Zealand. a. Purchased, April 7, 1864. h-cl. Purchased, Sept. 23, 1872. e,f. Purchased, March 31, 1879. cj-j. Purchased, Aug. 21, 1882. 585. Cyanorhamphus saisseti, V. Saisset's Parrakeet. Hab. New Caledonia. a. Presented by E. L. Layard, Esq., F.Z.S., June 28, 1882. See P. Z. S. 1882, p. 630, pi. xlti. 586. Cyanorhamphus alpims (BuUer). Alpine Parrakeet. Hab. New Zealand. a, b. Purchased, Sept. 23, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 795. c, d. Purchased, Aug. 21, 1882. 587. Cyanorhamphus auriceps (Kuhl). Golden-headed Parra- keet. Hab. New Zealand. a. Purchased, Nov. 24, 1865. h-cl. Purchased, Sept. 23, 1872. e, f. Purchased, Aug. 21, 1882. Genus Psephotus. 588. Psephotus hcematogaster, Gould. Blue-bonnet Parrakeet, Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, April 25, 1862. b. Male ; c. Eemale. Purchased, April 29, 1869. d. Eeceived in exchange, March 24, 1870. e-g. Purchased, May 30, 1873. 7i. Purchased, March 10, 1878. i. Purchased, April 25, 1878. 334 PSITTACIDiE. 589. Psephotus hamatonotus, Gould. Blood-rumped Parrakeet. Hab. Australia. a. Male ; b. Pemale. Purchased, March 9, 1861. c. Male. Purchased, May 29, 1862. d. Pemale. Bred in the Gardens, 1863. e. Female. Purchased, June 16, 1874. /, g. Purchased, June 26, 1880. 590. Psephotus multicolor (Brown) . Many-coloured Parrakeet. Hab. Australia. a. Male ; b. Female. Purchased, April 25, 1862, c, d. Males ; e, f. Females. Purchased, April 30, 1867. g. Deposited, June 15, 1867. 7i, i. Purchased, April 16, 1870. j. Deposited, July 20, 1875. Jc. Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 16, 1875. 591. Psephotus pulcherrimus, Gould. Beautiful Parrakeet. Hab. Australia. a. Male; b. Female. Purchased, March 28, 1866. See P. Z. S. 1866, p. 201. c, d. Purchased, May 11, 1867. e. Male ; /. Female. Purchased, May 5, 1871. g. Eeceived in exchange, Jan. 31, 1873. h. Male ; i. Female. Deposited, Sept. 25, 1877. j, Jc. Deposited, Aug. 15, 1878. I, TO. Purchased, June 24, 1879. n, 0. Presented by T. H. Bowyer Bower, Esq., Oct. 6, 1881. Genus Lathamus. 592. Lathamus discolor (Shaw). Swift Parrakeet. Hab. Tasmania. a, b. Purchased, May 17, 1863. c-f. Purchased, Ji.me 27, 1871. g, h. Purchased, June 9, 1880. Genus Pyrrhulopsis. 593. Pyrrhulopsis tabuensis (Lath.). Tabuan Parrakeet. Hab. Fiji Islands. a. Purchased, July 7, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 683. b. Purchased, Sept. 26, 1878. c. Deposited, March 17, 1879. PSITTACIDiE. 335 594. Pyrrhulopsis splendens (Peale). Shining Parrakeet. Hab. Fiji Islands. a. Pm-chased, June 27, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 375. 6. Presented by Charles Moore, Esq., April 19, 1866. See P. Z. S. 1866, p. 203. c. Pui'chased, April 6, 1868. d. Purchased, July 19, 1876. e. Purchased, Sept. 26, 1878. 595. Pyrrhulopsis personata (Gray) . Masked Parrakeet. Hab. Fiji Islands. a. Purchased, April 25, 1862. See P. Z. S. 1862, p. 141. b, c. Purchased, March 21, 1868. d. Purchased, April 26, 1870. e. Purchased, April 10, 1879. Subfamily Psittactjun^. Genus Psittacula. 596. Psittacula passerina (Linn.). Passerine Parrot. Hab. South America. a. Presented by — Davis, Esq., May 24, 1858. b, c. Presented by Miss Bruce, Nov. 3, 1868. d. Male ; e. Peniale. Piu-chased, Aug. 10, 1869. f-i. Deposited, Jan. 26, 1873. i-m. Deposited, Sept. 6, 1881. Subfamily Psittacin-H. Genus Coeacopsis. 597. Coracopsis vasa (Linn.) . Greater Vasa Parrot. Hab. Madagascar. ft. Presented by the late Charles Telfair, Esq., C.M.Z.S. July 25, 1830. b. Presented by Mi's. Moon, May 11, 1866. c. Presented by Major-Gren. Hill, Sept. 4, 1882. 336 PSITTACIDiE. 598. Coracopsis niffra (Linn.). Lesser Vasa Parrot. Hab. Madagascar. «. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1857. b. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1872. c, cl. Purchased, Nov. 15, 1872. 599. Coracopsis barUyi, Newton. Praslin Parrot. Hab. Praslin Island, Seychelles. a. Presented by Swinboume Ward, Esq., Civil Commissioner of Seychelles, April 8, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 473 h. Received in exchange, Dec. 13, 1870. See P. Z. S. 187 1' p. 36. ' c. Presented by the Hon. Sh- A. Gordon, C.M.Z.S., Sept. 21 1874. SeeP.Z.S. 1874, p. 496. d, e. Deposited, Sept. 21, 1874. Genus Psittacus. 600. Psittacus erithacus. Linn. Grey Parrot. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, 1854. h. Deposited, Sept. 15, 1862. c. Eeceived, March 4, 1865. d, e. Deposited, Aug. 16, 1865. /. Deposited, Oct. 31, 1865. g. Deposited, May 10, 1866. 7t. Deposited, June 15, 1867. i. Deposited, Jan. 8, 1868. j. Purchased, Peb. 6, 1869. 1c. Deposited, April 14, 1869. I. Deposited, AprU 22, 1869. m. Presented by Mrs. Ford North, May 13, 1869. n. Presented by Miss Paget, Oct. 9, 1869. 0. Presented by G. A. Wilde, Esq., Dec. 11, 1869. p. Eeceived ia exchange, Nov. 10, 1870. q. Deposited, Aug. 5, 1871. r. Presented by G. Simmonds, Esq., June 29, 1872. s. Purchased, Jidy 1, 1876. t. Deposited, Aug. 28, 1878. M. Deposited, Aug. 20, 1881. V. Deposited, Sept. 6, 1881. 601. Psittacus timneh, Fraser. Timneh Parrot. Hab. Sierra Leone. a. Purchased, Feb. 19, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 494. b, c. Pui-chased, Nov. 1, 1872. PSITTACID^. 337 Genus PceocephaLus. 603. Pceocephalus fuscicollis (Kuhl). Brown-necked Parrot. Hub. West Africa. «, h. Purchased, July 13, 1869. c. Presented by H. Wood, Esq., Sept. 17, 1880. d. Purchased, Nov. 3, 1880. 603. Pceocephalus rohustus, (Gna.). Levaillant's Parrot. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by Mrs. Jesse, June 14, 1853. h. Deposited, June 26, 1866. c. Piu-chased, March 2, 1868. cl. Pui-chased, June 2, 1880. 604 Pceocephalus gulielmi (Jard.) . Jardine's Parrot. Hab. West Africa. a. Deposited, Sept. 15, 1862. h, c. Presented by J. H. Ivory, Esq., Dec. 12, 1876 d. Presented by Capt. H. Hope Keighley, 2nd W.T. Regt., April 4, 1882. 605. Pceocephalus senegalus (Linn.) . Senegal Parrot. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by Mxs. Clark, Oct. 11, 1853. b. c. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1862. d. Presented by Miss M. D. Du Carn, April 8, 1865. e. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1865. /, g. Presented by Capt. Maule, Feb. 15, 1867. h, i. Females. Purchased, April 24, 1870. j, Tc. Purchased, June 1, 1871. 606. Pceocephalus fuscicapillus. Brown-headed Parrot.' Hab. Zanzibar. a, h. Presented by Dr. John Kirk, C.M.Z.S., May 7, 1870. 607. Pceocephalus meyeri (Riipp.). Meyer^s Parrot. Hab. East Africa. a. Purchased, Jan. 18, 1855. 6. Deposited, Jan. 16, 1873. c. Purchased, June 15, 1877. z 338 PSITTACIDiE. 608. Pceocephalus rueppelli, Gray. RiippelFs Parrot. Hab. East Africa. a, h. Males; c, d. Females. Purchased, April 15, 1882. SeeP.Z.S. 1882,p. 577, pi. xLii. Subfamily NESTORiNiE. Genus Nestor. 609. Nestor hypopolius (Forst.). Ka-Ka. Hab. New Zealand. a. Piu-cliasecl, April 15, 1863. h, c. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Canterbury, New Zealand, April 25, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 473. 610. Nestor notabilis, Gould. Mountain Ka-Ka. Hah. New Zealand. a. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Canterbury, N. Z., Aug. 31, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 795. h. Presented by Dr. A. de Lautour, M.E.C.S., April 14, 1881. c. Deposited, Jan. 31, 1882 Subfamily A r i n 2e. Genus Ara. 611. Ara hjacinthina (Lath.). Hyacinthine Macaw. Hab. Northern Brazil. a. Purchased, Aug. 20, 1867. h. Purchased, May 18, 1870. c. Presented by Hugh WilUams, Esq., June 16, 1876. 612. Ara leari (Bp.). Lears Macaw. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, June 1860. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 551. 613. Ara spixi, Wagler. Spix's Macaw. Hab. Northern Brazil. a. Purchased Nov. 15, 1878. See P. Z. S. 1878, p. 976, 1^1 . LXI PSITTACID^. 339 614. Ara militaris (Linn.). Military Macaw. Hob. South America. a. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1864. h. Purchased, July 5, 1866. , ^ -d ,7 a c. Purchased, Aug. 23, 1866. Specunen referred to, P. L. b. 1867, p. 183, as Ara ambigua (Bechst.). d. Purchased, July 23, 1877. e. Purchased, June 27, 1881. 615. Ara macao (Linn.). Red-and-Blue Macaw. Hab. Central America. a. Deposited, Nov. 7, 1859. h. Deposited, July 12, 1866. c, d. Deposited, June 8, 1868. e. Presented hy J. P. Wilson, Esq., P.Z.S., Nov. 11, 1869. /. Presented by Mrs. Coffin, April 14, 1870. g. Presented hy J. Wright, Esq., Sept. 29, 1870. From Northern Venezuela. h. Deposited, Aug. 1, 1872. i. Presented hy A. W. Deichmann, Esq., Aug. 6, 1872. j. Presented by C. P. PilHter, Esq., June 1, 1875. 'k. Deposited, June 22, 1877. I. Deposited, July 24, 1878. m. Deposited, Aug. 6, 1878. n. Presented by Chas. Pricke, Esq., July 23, 1879. 0. Presented by E. S. Eraser, Esq., Sept. 11, 1879. p. Presented hy Mrs. Supple, Aug. 24, 1881. 616. Ara chloroptera, Gray. Red-and- Yellow Macaw. Hab. South America. a. Deposited, May 24, 1861. 6, c. Presented by the Prince de Joinville, Oct. 13, 1863. d. Presented hy J. Aird, Esq., Jan. 14, 1865. e. Presented by Charles Butler, Esq., Jan. 18, 1865. /. Deposited, Jan. 18, 1865. g, h. Deposited, July 25, 1867. Presented hy J. Morris, Esq., Nov. 18, 1868. Ic. Deposited, March 9, 1869. 1. Presented by the Earl Nelson, April 8, 1869. m. Presented by Mrs. Bancroft, April 28, 1869. n. Deposited, May 13, 1869. 0. Deposited, July 25, 1870. p, 7. Purchased, .Tan. 28, 1872. Erom Cartagena. r. Deposited, Feb. 1, 1872. z2 340 PSITTAClDiE. s. Presented by J. M'QindUsh, Esq., Sept. 20, 1872 t. Purchased, April 20, 1873. u. Deposited, April 14, 1875. V. Purchased, July 24, 1875. w, X. Presented by the Misses Eis, Sept. 30, 1875. y. Deposited, Jan. 31, 1876. z. Purchased, June 24, 1876. aK Deposited, Sept. 20, 1870. h\ Purchased, May 20, 1877. c\ Presented by Capt. ICiug, Jan. 3, 1878. d\ Deposited, Feb. 26, 1878. e\ Presented by Mrs. Kelly, April 1, 1879. f. Presented by Miss C. Cattlin, June 5, 1879. g\ Purchased, June 12, 1879. K\ Deposited, July 18, 1879. Presented by Chas. Pricke, Esq., July 23, 1879. h\ Presented by E. S. Eraser, Esq. Sept. il, 1879. 617. Ara ararauna (Linn.). Blue-and- Yellow Macaw. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Aug. 24, 1859. 6. Presented by Mrs. Heathcote, July 4, 1862. c. Presented by E. AV. Keate, Esq., E.Z.S., Aug. 9, 1862. d. Deposited, Sept. 4, 1866. e. f. Deposited, July 25, 1867. g. Presented by Samuel Linder, Esq., Aug. 27, 1869. Ti. Presented by C. Butler, Esq., E.Z.S., July 26, 1871. ?;. Deposited, July 26, 1871. j. Purchased, Aug. 28, 1871. Erom Centi-al America. Ic. Presented by J. Wright, Esq., Oct. 27, 1871. Erom Venezuela. I. Presented by Quintin Hogg, Esq., July 16, 1872. m. Presented by Mrs. Higson, Jan. 24, 1873. n. Deposited, Aug. 13, 1873. 0. Presented by Miss J. Staines, March 9, 1874. ^. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1874. q. Purchased, April 9, 1875. r. Purchased, Nov. 5, 1875. s. Deposited, July 24, 1878. t. Deposited, Nov. 7, 1878. u. Presented by E. G. J. Lillington, Esq., E.N., Jan. 24, 1879. V. Presented by Chas. Ericke, Esq., July 23, 1879. w. Deposited, Sept. 1 1, 1879. X. Deposited, Sept. 24, 1880. y. Deposited, May 12, 1881. z. Presented by Mrs. Attenborough, Sept. 28, 1882. PSITTACIDjIJ. "^'^ 618. Ara maracana (Vieill.). Illiger's Macaw. Hab. Brazil. a, Purchased, June 7, 1861. b, c. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1871. d, e. Purchased, Oct. 2, 1882. 619. Ara nobilis (Linn.). Noble Macaw. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, May 31, 1880. 630. Ara halmi, Souance. Hahn's Macaw. Hab. Guiana. a, b. Purchased, Jan. 9, 1872. Genus Henicognathus. 621. Henicognathus leptorhynchus (King). Slight-billed Par- rakeet. Hab. Chili. a. Purchased, July 6, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 665. Genus Contjrus. 622. Conurus patagonus Smaller Patagonian Conure. Hab. La Plata. a. Purchased, Oct. 19, 1868. 6, c. Purchased, Oct. 5, 1873. d. Presented by Mrs. Cabry, April 29, 1S75. 623. Conurus bijroni (J. E. Gray). Larger Pataijunian Conure. Hab. Chili. a, b. Purchased, July 6, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 665. c, d. Eeceived in exchange, Oct. 13, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873. p. 761. 624. Conurus pavua (Bodd.). Green Conure. Hab. Trinidad. a, b. Presented by A. Warrington, Esq., JSTov. 4, 1871. PSITTACIDiE. 625. Conurus acuticaudatus (Vieill.). Sharp-tailed Conure. Hab. Paraguay. a. Purchased, July 13, 1868. 626. Conurus hamorrhous, Spix. Blue-crowned Conure. Hah. Brazil. a. Purchased, April 12, 1864. h. Deposited, May 31, 1867. c. Presented by Mrs. Wright, April 9, 1869. ■ d, e. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1873. /. Purchased, Sept. 6, 1875. 627. Conurus wagleri, Gray. Wagler's Conure. Hab. Venezuela. a. Purchased, July 7, 1873. 628. Conurus erythrogemjs (Less.). Red-masked Conure.. Hab. Ecuador. a. Purchased, 1854. 629. Conurus holochlorus, Sclater. Mexican Conure. Hab. Mexico. a, h. Purchased, Nov. 11, 1862. 630. Conurus carolinensis (Linn.). Carolina Conure. Hab. North America. a. Purchased, Aug. 23, 1860. h, c. Purchased, June 24, 1867. cl. Presented by P. G. Streatfield, Esq., Peb. 3, 1869. e. Presented by L. Delves Broughton, Esq., Jan. 11, 1877. 631. Conurus nandaij (Desm.y Black-headed Conure. Hab. Paraguay, a. Purchased, May 7, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 383. b. Purchased, Dec. 18, 1875. c. d. Purchased, May 31, 1880. e. Presented by J. Lloyd, Esq., Nov. 30, 1881. PSITTACID^. 343 632. Conw-us solstitialis (Linn.). Yellow Conure. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, April 25, 1862. b. Deposited, May 25, 1873. 633. Conurus auricapillus (Licht.). Golden-headed Conure. Hab. South America. a, b. Purchased, May 22, 1879. 634. Conurus jenday a (Gm.). Yellow-headed Conure. Hab. South-east Brazil. ci^d. Purchased, Jan. 19, 1869. e. Purchased, April 30, 1870. /, Presented by Mr. J. L. Symon, Aug. 1, 1872. g. Purchased, March 28, 1874. 7i. Presented by C. A. Craven, Esq., Oct. 16, 1880. I^om Pernambuco. 635. Conurus luteus (Spix). Golden Conure. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, April 26, 1871. b. Eeceived in exchange, Jan. 7, 1880. 636. Conurus aureus [Gm.) . Golden-crowned Conure. Hab. South-east Brazil. a, b. Presented by Miss Langford, Dec. 22, 1862. c. d. Presented by Carl A. Schroder, Esq., July 29, 1865. Prom Para. e, /. Presented by Miss Vawser, Nov. 9, 1865. g. Purchased, June 1, 1875. h. Deposited, Sept. 10, 1875. i. Presented by Col. M-^Arthur, E.M.L.I., Oct. 12, 1875. 637. Conurus petzi (Wagl.) . Petz's Conure. Hab. Mexico. a, 6. Purchased, June 15, 1869. c, d. Eeceived in exchange, Feb. 15, 1870. e,/. Presented by Miss Hornby, Feb. 23, 1875. 344. PSITTACIDiE. 638. Conurus ceruginosus (Linn.). Brown-throated Conure. Hah. South America. a, h. Presented by Mrs. C. Vinall, Sept. 21, 1866. c. Deposited, March 25, 1875. d-Ji. Purchased, Oct. 16, 1880. Prom Garanhuns. 639. Conurus xantholeemus, Sclater. St. Thomas's Conure. Hab. St. Thomas, West Indies. a, h. Purchased, iSept. 12, 1865. c, d. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1871. &-7i. Purchased, Sept. 29, 1876. 640. Conurus chrysogenys, Mass. & Souance. Yellow-cheeked Conure. Hab. Venezuela. a. Purchased, 1853. 641. Conurus cactorum (Max.). Cactus Conure. Hab. Bahia. a. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1862. 643. Conurus aztec, Souance. Aztec Conure. Hab. Mexico. a. Purchased, May 8, 1868. h. Purchased, May 28, 1868. c, d. Purchased, Nov. 13, 1874. e. Purchased, March 16, 1876. 643. Conurus smaragdinus (Gm.). Chilian Conure. Hab. Chili. a. Presented by T. 0. Simpson, Esq., E.N., Aug., 10, 1866. h. Pm-chased, May 8, 1868. 644. Conurus vittatus (Shaw). Bed-bellied Conure. Hab. Brazil. a, b. Purchased, May 29, 1869. PSITTACID.E. ^^"^ 645. Conurus cyanopterus (Bodd.)- Blae-winged Conure. Hob. Guiana. a. Purchased, May 7, 1870. h. Deposited, Jan. 16, 1873. 646. Conurus leucotis (Licht.). White-eared Conure. Hob. Brazil. a, I. Purchased, July 14, 1871. c, d. Presented by the Lady Greville, May 9, 1877. e. Purchased, Dec. 28, 1881. /, g. Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 14, 1882. 647. Conurus cruentatus (Max.). Red-eared Conure. Hab. South America. a, h. Purchased, Sept. 26, 1872. c-e. Purchased, March 13, 1877. Genus BOLBOBHYNCHUS. 648. Bolborhynchus monachus (Bodd.). Grey-breasted Parra- keet. Hab. Monte Video. a. Presented by Mrs. Malcolm, Aug. 5, 1859. h, c. Purchased, May 26, 1869. d, Presented by M. A. Carr, Esq., June 16, 1871. e, f. Presented" by Mrs. Clinton Dawkins, Jan. 22, 1874. g-i. Presented by C. Punchard, Esq., July 21, 1874. j-q. Purchased, July 21, 1875. r, s. Presented by Miss Thomson, June 8, 1876. t, u. Presented by Miss Maiden, Oct. 8, 1876. V. Eeceived ru exchange, March 20, 1877. w. Presented by B. Barnett, Esq., Aug. 18, 1877. X, y. Presented by A. F. Baillie, Esq., Dec. 17, 1877. Erom Paraguay, r. Presented by Mi'ss Hilhouse, March 27, 1879. a\ v. Purchased, Dec. 6, 1880. c\ Presented by J. Lloyd, Esq., Not. 30, 1881. Genus Chrysotis. 649. Chrysotis festiva (Linn.). Festive Amazon. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, Nov. 16, 1865. b. Presented by the Eev. A. Hibbit, Nov. 13, 1875. PSITTACIDiE. 650. Chnjsotis bodini, Finsch. Bodinus's Amazon. Hah. Venezuela. a. Purchased, Dec. 18, 1879. See P. Z. S. 1880, p. 23. h. Purchased, Nov. 4, 1880. 651. Chri/sotis sallcei, Sclater. Salld's Amazon. Hab. St. Domingo. a. Presented by William Eussell, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 15, 1862. h. Purchased, June 23, 1875. 652. Chnjsotis vittata (Bodd.) . Red-fronted Amazon. Hab. Porto Rico. a. Purchased, June 9, 1869. b. Purchased, Sept. 22, 1876. 653. Chrysotis collaria (Linn.) . Red-throated Amazon. Hab. Jamaica. a. Presented by J. "W. Malcolm, Esq., F.Z.S., July 3, 1869. h. Purchased, May 29, 1873. c. Deposited, July 16, 1873. d. Purchased, Jan. 16, 1880. e. Deposited, May 14, 1880. /. Deposited, June 20, 1881. 654. Chrysotis leucocephala (Linn.). White-fronted Amazon. Hab. Cuba. a, h. Received in exchange, June 5, 1868. c. Purchased, June 5, 1878. 655. Chrysotis albifrons (Sparrm.). White-browed Amazon. Hah. Honduras. a. Purchased, Jan. 27, 1873. h. Purchased, Feb. 21, 1881. c. Purchased, Dec. 24, 1881. 656. Chrysotis xantholora, G. R. Gray. Yellow-lored Amazon. Hab. Central America. a. Purchased, Feb. 26, 1875. See P.Z.S. 1875, p. 157, pi. XXVI. h. Purchased, Dec. 29, 1876. c. Purchased, Jan. 6, 1881. d. Purchased, March 29, 1882. PSITTACIDiE. 657. Chrysotisvinacea (Max.). Vinaceous Amazon. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Nov. 30, 1881. 658. Chrysotis diademata. Diademed Amazon. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, June 27, 1871. 659. Chrysotis finschi, 8c\atev. Finsch's Amazon. Hab. Mexico. a. Presented by Mrs. C. Chivers, March 9, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 206, pi. xsxiv. 6. Purchased, Oct. 26, 1881. 660. Chrysotis erythrura (Kuhl). Red-tailed Amazon. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Dec. 18, 1879. See P. Z. S. 1880, p. 23, pi. ii. 661. Chrysotis agilis (Linn.). Active Amazon. Hab. Jamaica. a. Purchased, Nov. 24, 1873. h, c. Presented by Arthur Munt, Esq., F.Z.S., Nov. 1, 1882. 662. Chrysotis viridigenalis, Cass. Green-cheeked Amazon. Hab. Columbia. a. Purchased, Jan. 10, 1863. b. Purchased, June 21, 1871. c. Purchased, April 21, 1874. d. Purchased, Dec. 18, 1878. e. Purchased, Oct. 26, 1881. 663. Chrysotis autumnalis (Linn.). Yellow-cheeked Amazon. Hab. Honduras. a. Purchased, July 3, 1869. h. Purchased, March 2, 1878, c. Presented by Capt. Henniker, F.Z.S., Dec. 7, 1880. d. Deposited, Nov. 9, 1881. 348 PSITTACin^E. I. CImjsotis dufresniana (Kuhl). Dufresne's Amazon. Hah. South-east Brazil. o. Purchased, Jan. 10, 1863. b. Purchased, June 9, 1875. c. Presented by Mrs. T. Smith, Jan. 16, 1879 cl, e. Pui-chased, O. i. 20, 1879. /. Received in e (bauge, Dec. 18, 1879. g. Deposited, ]\ov. 9, 1881. 665. Chrysotis cceligena. Blue-cheeked Amazon. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, Peb. 19, 1879. See P. Z. S. 1880, p. 68, pi. ix. 666. Chrysotis augusta (Vig.). August Amazon. Hab. Dominica. a. Presented by P. N. Bernard, Esq., May 12, 1865. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 437. 667. Chrysotis guildingi, Vigors. Guilding's Amazon. Hab. St. Vincent, West Indies. a. Purchased, May 29, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 324. h. Purchased, Sept. 2, 1874. c, d. Purchased, Sept. 15, 1877. e. Presented by Q-. Dundas, Esq., April 26, 1879. /. Purchased, March 9, 1880. g. Purchased, May 21, 1880. 668. Chrysotis versicolor {Mv\\.)*. Blue-faced Amazon. Hab. St. Lucia, West Indies. a. Purchased, May 6, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 323, and 1875, p. 61, pi. XI. h. Deposited, March 25, 1875. Prom St. Lucia. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 316. c. Purchased, April 8, 1875. Pi-om St. Lucia. d. Presented by Neville Holland, Esq., April 14, 1879. * La former editions Chrysotis botcquetj,. But r/. Sclater, P. Z. S. 1881, p. 627. PSITTACIDiE. 349 669. Chrysotis guatemalcB, Havtl. Guatemalan Amazon. Hob. Central America. a. Purchased, April 21, 1870. h, c. Purchased, Dec. 18, 1878. 670. Chrysotis farinosa {BoM.). Mealy Amazon. Hab. South America. a. Deposited, March 18, 1863. h. Presented by J. Aveling, Esq., Aug. 8, 1863. c. Presented bj E. A. Ommaney, Esq., E.N., Jan. 28, 1868. d, e. Deposited, Sept. 6, 1877. 671. Chrysotis auripalliata (Less.). Golden-naped Amazon. Hah. Central America. a. Purchased, 1844. b. Presented by Lady Ousley, March 24, 1866. c. Deposited, July 31, 1875. d. Purchased, Dec. 18, 1878. e. Presented by Mrs. H. A. Hopkins, Jan. 28, 1879. 672. Chrysotis mtiva (Linn.). Blue-fronted Amazon. Hah. South America. a. Deposited, May 13, 1864. 6. Presented by Mrs. Sotheby, July 22, 1865. c. Purchased, June 19, 1867. d, e. Deposited, July 25, 1867. /. Eeceived in exchange, June 10, 1868. g. Presented by Mrs. Hairby, Eeb. 20, 1872. Ti. Presented by Mrs. Broadman, March 16, 1872. Erom Pernambuco. i. Purchased, April 29, 1873. Erom Cartagena. j. Presented by John Stanley, Esq., Aug. 12, 1873. h. Presented by Dr.- Byron Whitehead, May 10, 1878. I. Presented by Miss E. Bentley, April 19, 1880. m. Deposited, March 4, 1881. 673. Chrysotis amazonica (Linn.). Orange-winged Amazon. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, April 29, 1873. Erom Cartagena. h. Presented by Kichard Seyd, Esq., E.Z.S., Auo-. 8 1881 c. Deposited, Nov. 9, 1881." ° ' 350 P81ttacid;e. 674. Chrrjsotis ochroptem (Gm.). Yellow- shouldered Amazon. Hab. South America. o, h. Deposited, June 30, 1869. c. Deposited, July 15, 1871. From Trinidad. d. Deposited, Feb. 21, 1872. From Trinidad. e. Presented by Miss Sutherland, May 4, 1875. /. Presented by Miss A. G. Grady, June 19, 1875. g. Presented by H. Warren, Esq., Aug. 4, 1876. h. Deposited, Nov. 7, 1878. 675. Chrysotis levaillanti, Gray. Levaillant^s Amazon. Hab. Mexico. a. Purchased, Aug. 3, 1859. b. Deposited, June 26, 1866. c. Presented by C. M. Jones, Esq., June 18, 1867; d. Purchased, July 21, 1869. e. Presented by Mrs. G. B. Crawley, April 15, 1876. /. Presented by Mrs. Matthews, Feb. 22, 1877. g. Presented by Capt. King, Aug. 4, 1877. 676. Chrysotis ochrocephala {Gm.) . Yellow-fronted Amazon. Hab. Guiana. a. Presented by J. L. O'Beirne, Esq., M.P., April 24, 1868. b. Presented by Capt. Boyle, May 7, 1872. c. d. Presented by A. Warmington, Esq., July 18, 1872. e, f. Deposited, Dec. 19, 1872. g. Deposited, Sept. 15, 1874. 7t, i. Deposited, Jan. 8, 1875. /, h. Deposited, March 25, 1875. 'l. Presented by Mrs. Bolton, Aug. 10, 1875. m. Presented by Mrs. Sproston, Dec. 10, 1875. (Variety.) n. Presented by F. A. B. Geneste, Esq., Feb. 3, 1877. 0. Presented by Mrs. T. Smith, Jan. 16, 1879. p, q. Presented by Mrs. Kelly, April 1, 1879. r. Presented by Neville Holland, Esq., April 14, 1879. 677. Chrysotis panamensis, Cab. Yellow-billed Amazon. Hab. Panama. a, b. Purchased, May 31, 1880. 678. Chrysotis mercenaria {Tsch.) . Mercenary Amazon. Hab. Columbia. a. Purchased, May 2, 1882. PSITTACID^. 351 Genus Deroptyus. 679. Deroptyus accipitrinus (Linn.), Hawk-headed Caique. a. Presented by Gr. Dennis, Esq., July 19, 1856. 6. Presented by S. Booker, Esq., Jan. 15, 1868. c. Presented by Gr. Peacock, Esq., Aug. 3, 1869. d. Presented by J. G. Sawkins, Esq., Aug. 10, 1870. e. Purchased, Aug. 13, 1873. /. Purchased, June 26, 1877. g, h. Presented by Charles Pricke, Esq., Peb. 11, 1880, Genus Caica, 680, Caica melanocephala (Linn,). Black-headed Caique. Hab. Demerara, a. Purchased, 1855. h, c. Purchased, Aug. 14, 1866. d, e. Deposited, June 30, 1869, /, g. Deposited, June 2, 1871, h, i. Presented by His Honour Judge Lovesey, Sept, 29, 1873. j. Purchased, July 23, 1875. ]c. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1881. 681 , Caica leucogastra (Kuhl) . White-bellied Parrot. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Oct. 13, 1880. 682, Caica xanthomei-a, Gray, Yellow-thighed Caique, Hab. Upper Amazons, a, 6. Purchased, April 27, 1877. FromTquitos. SeeP.Z.S 1877, p. 419, Genus PioNus. 683, Pionus menstruus {\Am.). Red-vented Parrot. Hab. South America. a, h. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1868. c. Presented by the Eev. A. "W", Booker, Peb, 6, 1872 d. Purchased, May 25, 1873. e. f. Purchased, July 22, 1875, g. Purchased, Oct, 13, 1880. ^'^'^ PSITTACID^. 684. Pionus maximiliani (Kuhl). Maximilian's Parrot. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, July 31, 1862. h. Purchased, Nov. 15, 1880. 685. Pionus senilis (Spixj. White-headed Parrot. Hab. Mexico. a. Purchased, Oct. 6, 1862. b. Piu-chased, Nov. 23, 1867. c. Purchased, May 31, 1880. d. Purchased, Dec. 24, 1881. 686. Pionus violaceus (Bodd.) . Dusky Parrot. Hab. Guiana. . ft. Purchased, Jan. 27, 1869. b. Purchased, June 1, 1875. c. Purchased, March 31, 1880. d. e. Keceived in exchange, Sept. 14, 1882. 687. Pionus sordidus (Linu.). Sordid Parrot. Hab. Venezuela. a, b. Purchased, Nov. 24, 1873. Genus Pionopsitta. 688. Pionopsitta pileata {Scop.). Red-capped Parrot. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, March 13, 1877. Genus Brotogerys. 689. Brotogerys tiiiacula (Bodd.). All-green Parrakeet. Hab. South America. a, b. Presented by Lady Gilbert, June 17, 1862. c. Presented by Mrs. M'MuIlen, Sept. 22, 1869. d. Purchased, March 14, 1871. e. /. Purchased, March 10, 1876. g,'h. Presented by Miss Eowe, Oct. 26, 1877. Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, Sept. 5, 1879. PSITTACIDiE. 353 690. Brotogerys xanthopterus (Spix). Orange-winged Parra- keet. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, May 28, 1868. 691. Brotogerys virescens (Gm.). Yellow- winged Parrakeet. Hab. Brazil. a. PiTTchased, Oct. 20, 1862. h. Presented by Mrs. Grant DufE, Dec. 5, 1870. c. Purchased, March 14, 1871. 693. Brotogerys pyrrliopterus (Lath.). Orange-flanked Parra- keet. Hab. Western Ecuador. ,a, h. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1862. c, d. Purchased, May 14, 1869. 693. Brotogerys tui (Gm.). Tui Parrakeet, Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1862. 6. Purchased, May 8, 1868. c, d. Purchased, March 25, 1880. e, f. Purchased, Oct. 13, 1880. , g, h. Eeceived in exchange, April 13, 1882. 694. Brotogerys tuipara (Gm.). Golden-fronted Parrakeet. Hab. South America. a. Eeceived in exchange, Jan. 28, 1879. 695. Brotogerys chrysoplerus (Linn.). Golden-winged Par- rakeet. Hab. Amazons. a. Eeceived in exchange, April 12, 1878. 696. Brotogerys tovi (Gm.). Tovi Parrakeet. Hab. Columbia. a. Purchased, Jime 28, 1872. b, c. Presented by Capt. H. King, May 2, 1879, d, e. Presented by Major H, Langford Brook", June 30. 1882, 354 STRIGID^. Order IV. STRIGES. Family STRIGlDiE. Genus Strix. 697. Strix flammea, Linn. Barn-Owl. Hah. Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. a-z. See former editions. a}, ¥. Presented by G-. Stephen, Esq., Aug. 16, 1873. c\ Presented by Mrs. Burrell, Jan. 14, 1874. d}. Purchased, April 8, 1875. Prom St. Vincent. e\ Presented by H. Stacey Marks. Esq., P.Z.S., May 13, ' 1875. /. Presented by Mrs. Knight, May 22, 1876. g^, h\ Presented by Miss Hicks, Aug. 15, 1876. Presented by Mr. F. May, Sept. 7, 1876. lc\ Presented by Miss Martindale, Oct. 18, 1876. l\ Presented by Oommr. Wyatt, July 10, 1878. m}. Presented by W. Davies, Esq., Dec. 24, 1878. tc\ o\ Presented by E. A. Baldin, Esq., July 8, 1879. p\ Presented by Mr. H. Norris, Aug. 20, 1879. q^. Presented by P. Bagnall, Esq., Nov. 4, 1879, r\ Presented by Mr. G. D. Edwards, Jan. 20, 1880. \ t\ Presented by G-. E. Dobson, Esq., C.M.Z.S., April 28, 1880. w^, v^. Deposited, July 4, 1881. w\ Presented by Mr.' P. Page, Jan. 28, 1881. cc\ y\ Presented by 0. T. Foster, Esq., Aug. 24, 1881. z\ a\ Presented by Master Golden, Feb. 2, 1882, 6^ c\ Presented by Dr. Boyd, F.Z.S., Sept. 7, 1882. d\ Presented by Mr. G. Paul, Sept. 21, 1882. e^ Presented by Mrs. A. Wright, Nov. 13, 1882. f. Presented by the Eev. A. Eeece, Dec. 14, 1882. 698. Strix delicatula, Gould. Australian Barn-Owl. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by Dr. F. MueUer, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 26, 1868. 699. Strix novce-hollandice, Steph. Masked Barn-Owl. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, March 16, 1868. h. Purchased, March 15, 1871. STRIGID^. ASTONID^. '^^ 700. Strix capensis (Smith) . Cape Grass-Owl. Hub. South Africa. a. Eeeeivecl in exchange, Feb. 8, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 125. Family ASIONIDtE. Genus Asio. 701. Asio otus (Linn.). Long-eared Owl. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by Eoberfc Widdowson, Esq., Aug. 19, 1865. b-d. Presented by William Barnley, Esq., Aug. 13, 1866. e. Presented by Edward Greey, Esq., F.Z.S., Feb. 1, 1867. /. Presented by Howard Saunders, Esq., F.Z.S. , June 25, 1867. g. Presented by A. F. Barrand, Esq., Nov. 2, 1868. h. Presented by W. Unwin, Esq., Jan. 11, 1870. i. Purchased, May 18, 1871. British. j, h. Deposited, AprU 26, 1872. I. Presented by G. S. Patey, Esq., May 10, 1872. m. Presented by G. S. Patey, Esq., May 22, 1872. n. Presented by Dr. Bree, April 22, 1873. 0, p. Presented by J. Whitaker, Esq., June 26, 1873. q. Presented by W. S. Menzies, Esq., Dec. 4, 1873. r-t. Presented by Mr. Hincks, April 21, 1874. M, V. Presented by Conrad Berguean, Esq., May 21, 1875. w. Presented by iVTr. E. Brown, July 8, 1875. X. Presented by the Misses Warre, Sept. 6, 1876. 1/. Presented by W. H. Mdliugton, Esq., Nov. 26, 1877. z. Presented by Dr. W. Anderson, April 1, 1880. a\ Presented by Capt. C. A. Lumsden, April 21, 1880. h\ Presented by G. E. Dobson, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 19, 1880. c\ Purchased, Oct. 28, 1880. d\ e\ Presented by the Rev. J. A. Wix, Nov. 12, 1881. /, g\ Presented by Mrs. E. Brewer, May 9, 1882. h\ Purchased, Dec. 13, 1882. 702. Asio mexicanus (Gm.), Mexican Eared Owl. Hab. Mexico. a. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 159. 2a 2 356 ASIONIDiE. 703. Asio brachyotus (Forster). Short-eared Owl. Hab. Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. rt. Presented by Dr. Bree, Nov. 6, 1867. 6. Purchased, March 2, 1868. Fi-om Natal. c. Deposited, July 14, 1869. d. Presented by E. Munt, Esq., Oct. 17, 1871. Captured at sea. e. /. Presented by Capt. D. Herd, C.M.Z.S., Nov. 9, 1871. From North America. g. Presented by W. K. Stanley, Esq., Dee. 7, 1876. h. Presented by J. Lee, Esq., Dec. 20, 1876. I. Presented by W. K. Stanley, Esq., April 10, 1878. j. Presented by E. M. Christy, Esq., Jan. 3, 1882. 704. Asio capensis (Smith). Cape Eared Owl. Hab. Africa and Southern Europe. ff. Deposited, April 5, 1869. Erom Southern Spain, near Tarifa. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 276, and 1870, p. 125. 705. Asio grammicus {Gosse). Gosse's Eared Owl. Hab. Jamaica. a. Deposited, April 27, 1869. Genus Syrnium. 706. Syrnium aluco (Linn.). Tawny Owl. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by Edward Newton, Esq., E.Z.S., May 28, 1851. Erom Norway. h. Presented by Percy S. Godman, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Aug. 13, 1861. Erom Norway. c. Presented by John Gould, Esq., V.P.Z.S., April 10, 1865. d. Presented by the Eev. John Light, Aug. 22, 1866. e. f. Presented by G. D. Eowley, Esq., M.A., E.Z.S., May 30, 1868. British. g. Presented by E. Petford, Esq., Jan. 24, 1869. h. Presented by George W. Arnott, Esq., AprU 17, 1869. i. Presented by E. E. S. Wade, Esq., Jan. 15, 1870. j. Presented by Thomas Collbran, Esq., June 28, 1870. Ic. Presented by Mrs. Buckland, June 13, 1871. I. Presented by Mrs. Buckland, July 4, 1871. m, n. Presented by the Eev. A. C. Harvey, July 15, 1871. 0. Male. Presented by H. W. Lathom Browue, Esq., April 24, 1873. ASIONIDiE. 357 p, q. Presented by J. Smith, Esq., May 27, 1873. r. Presented by Dr. Lewis, July 29, 1873. s. Presented by W. C. Pitcher, Esq., Sept. 30, 1873. t. Presented by S. C. Jinks, Esq., July 14, 1874. u. Presented by the Eev. P. E. Gorringe, Oct. 15, 1874. V. Presented by IMi's. Darley, Oct. 24, 1874. IV. Presented by F. Braund" Esq., Oct. 23, 1875. x. Presented by Mrs. Faullmer, Jan. 13, 1877. y. Presented by Miss Pitcairn, May 16, 1877. z. Presented by Mrs. JSTorth, Oct. 9, 1877. a}. Presented by J. E. Liardet, Esq., Jan. 25, 1878. 6». Presented by J. Torpey, Esq., Feb. 11, 1878. c\ Presented by C. B. Wharton, Esq., F.Z.S., May 14, 1878. d\ Presented by H. T. Wharton, Esq., July 23, 1878. e\ Presented by F. W. Jaedecke, Esq., Oct. 27, 1878. f. Presented by Mrs. George Blagden, Feb. 13, 1879. g\ Presented by Capt. F. Lloyd, Aug. 6, 1879. • h\ Presented by J. Smith, Esq., Nov. 25, 1879. i\ Presented by W. Addison, Esq., Feb. 5, 1880. 0\ k\ Presented by H. T. Archer, Esq., Aug. 3, 1881. 707. Syrnium nebulosum (Forst.) . Barred Owl. Hab. North America. a. Purchased, Aug. 12, 1863. h. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Feb. 28, 1867. 708. Syrnium woodfordi (Smith) . Woodford-'s Owl. Hab. Natal. a. Presented by W. E. Gates, Esq., Aug. 16, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 529. 709. Syrnium sinense (Lath.). Pagoda Owl. Hab. Java. a. Eeceived in exchange, Nov. 10, 1865. 710. Syrnium indranee {^ykes) . Indrauee Owl. Hab. Ceylon. «. Presented by Capt. W. Vincent Legge, E.A., May 7 1877 6, c. Deposited, June 4, 1878. ' d. Presented by Capt. J. Murray, Oct. 7, 1878 e. Presented by Commander Burkitt, Dec. 31, isSl 358 ASIONID^. Genus Bubo. 711. Bubo maximus, Fleming. Great Eagle-Owl. Hab. Europe and North Asia. a. Presented by Lieut.-Gen. C. E. Pox, P.Z.S., June 22, 1858. h. Presented by Sir John Cathcart, Bart., F.Z.S., April 28, 1859. c. Presented by the Hon. Mrs. Stuart, Oct. 15, 1862. d, e. Presented by Capt. Stewart, Oct. 7, 1863. f. g. Presented by Mr. Nerdrum, Sept. 3, 1867. From Christiania, Norway. A. Presented by Mrs. T. BeU, Sept. 28, 1868. i. Deposited, April 5, 1869. Prom Gribraltar. • j. Presented by Charles Bamford, Esq., Aug. 25, 1869. h. Eeceived in exchange, Nov. 3, 1869. Z. Presented by Dr. Somerville, Nov. 10, 1869. Prom China. m. Presented by C. Bamford, Esq., Jan. 14, 1870. n. Deposited, May 5, 1870. Prom the East Indies. 0. Deposited, May 31, 1870. Prom Southern Spain. p. Presented by Mrs. Stapleton, Jmie 29, 1872. (I. Presented by Kobert Wilkins, Esq., Aug. 19, 1872. r. Deposited, Jan. 1, 1874. s. Presented by Lord Londesborough, E.Z.S., Oct. 19, 1874, t. Deposited, Jan. 7, 1879. u. Presented by Mr. Lindsay von Julin, July 22, 1881. Prom Nyland, South Piuland. V. Deposited, Nov. 3, 1881. w. Presented by the Earl of Kilmorey, May 15, 1882. a;. Deposited, July 12, 1882. y. Presented by E. Leigh Pemberton, Esq., Dec. 5, 1882. 712. Bubo virginianus (Gm,). Virginian Eagle-Owl. Hab. Nortli America. a. Presented by Capt. Wishart, H.B.C.S., Oct. 12, 1858. Prom the Hudson's Bay Territory. h. Presented by Capt. David Herd, H.B.C.S., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 13, 1858. Prom the Hudson's Bay Territory. c. Presented by Jos. Eadford, Esq., Aug. 17, 1861. d, e. Presented by Capt. David Herd, H.B.C.S., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 12, 1863. Prom the Hudson's Bay Territory. /. Presented by E. Dumaresq, Esq., Dec. 13, 1866. g. Presented by Capt. David Herd, H.B.C.S., C.M.Z.S., Nov. 12, 1867. h. Presented by Dr. Palin, Sept. 15, 1870. i. Deposited, Dec. 20, 1870. j. Purchased, March 27, 1871. ASIONIDiE. -jOy I: Presented by A. Laurie, Esq., July 16, 1872. I. Presented by Capt. D. Herd, Oct. 21, 1873. m, n. Deposited, June 21, 1875. 0. Presented by H. Knigbt, Esq., Eeb. 21, 1876. p. Purchased, July 16, 1877. q. Purchased, July 29, 1880. 713. Bubo ascalaphus (Sav.). Savigny's Eagle-Owl. Hub. North Africa. a. Deposited, May 3, 1865. Prom Mogadore. h. Presented by Dr. J. Huntly, March 18, 1878. From Persia. 714. Bubo bengalensis {^v&vlW.) . Bengal Eagle-Owl. Hob. India. a, I. Purchased, Sept. 21, 1871. c, d. Purchased, July 25, 1880. 715. Bubo capensis (Daud.). Cape Eagle-Owl. Hab. South Africa. a. Purchased, Eeb. 8, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 125. 1. Presented by V. A. Litkie, Esq., Dec. 10, 1880. 716. Bubo maculosus (Vieill.) . Spotted Eagle-Owl. Hab. Africa. a. Purchased, Sept. 1859. h. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 16, 1864. c. Purchased, July 27, 1864. d, e. Presented by Commander Sir William S. Wiseman, E.N., Eeb. 11, 1867. /. Presented by Lieut. D. H. Jackson, 88th Eegt., Dec. 19, 1867. g. Presented by A. Swanzy, Esq., Nov. 22, 1871. Ti. Received in exchange, March 21, 1878. i. Purchased, Eeb. 19, 1879. j, h. Purchased, Eeb. 11, 1882. 717. Bubo cinerascens, GuQv'm. Grey Eagle-Owl. Hab. West Africa. a, h. Purchased, June 14, 1866. c. Presented by Dr. Bree, April 22, 1873. 360 ASIONIDiE. 718. Bubo lacteus (Temm.). Milky Eagle-Owl. Hob. West Africa. a. Eeceived in exchange, Dec, 13, 1861. See P. Z. S, 1861, p. 59. h. Purchased, Sept. 16, 1865. 719. Bnho coromandus (Lath.), Coromandel Eagle-Owl. Hab: India, a. Purchased, June 3, 1868. 720. Bubo orientalis (Rovsi.). Oriental Eagle-Owl. Hab. Siam. a. Presented by C. Powler, Esq., Sept. 16, 1878. From Karennee. See P. Z. S. 1878, p. 790. 721. Bubo poensis, 'Fraser. Fraser^s Eagle-Owl. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 13, 1863. Specimen figured, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 376, pi. xxxm., as B. fasciolatus. h. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1881. Genus Kettjpa. 722. Ketupajavanensis{Ijess.). Javan Eish-Owl. Hab. Java. a. Purchased, Sept, 8, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 627. 6, c. Eeceived in exchange, May 18, 1876. d. Purchased, May 19, 1879. 723. Ketupa ceylonensis (Gm.). Ceylonese Eish-Owl. Hab. Ceylon. a. Presented by Capt. B. B. Turner, April 4, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 418. Genus Scops. 724. Scops giu (Scop.) . Scops Owl. Hab. South Europe. a. Presented by the Eev.W. E. Belson, Oct. 27, 1870. From the Cape-Verd Islands. ASIONID^. b. Purchased, Oct. 11, 1879. c. Presented by W. H. St. Quintin, Esq., Feb. 24, 1880. d. e. Purchased, Aug. 22, 1881. /. Deposited, Dec. 1, 1882. 725. Scops leucoiis (Temm.). White-eared Scops Owl. Hab. West Africa. a, h. Purchased, May 19, 1865. 726. Scops asio (Linn.). American Scops Owl. Hab. North America. a, b. Purchased, July 20, 1882. Genus SCOTOPELIA. 727. Scotopelia peli (Temm.). Pel's Owl. Hab. Africa. a. Purchased, April 30, 1866. Specimen from the Q-ambia, described and figured by Mr. J. H. Qurney in 'The Ibis,' 1859, p. 445, pi. XV. Genus Pulsatrix. 728. Pulsatrix torquata (Daud.). Downy Owl. Hab. South America. a. Deposited, Oct. 24, 1864. b. Purchased, April 8, 1865. c. Purchased, July 25, 1867. d. Presented by Senor Don Luis Montana, C.M.Z.S., Sept. 19, 1871. From Paraguay. e. Purchased, June 21, 1873. /. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1877. g. Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, Nov. 15, 1879, h. Purchased, May 19, 1880. Genus Sceloglaux. 729. Sceloglaux albifacies (Gray). White-faced Owl. Hab. New Zealand. a. Purchased, Sept. 4, 1875. Sec P. Z. S. 1875, p. 530. 362 ASIONIDi^:. Genus Athene. 780. Athene noctua (Scop.). Naked-footed Owlet. Hub. Europe. a-h. Presented by the Hon. W. C. EUis, May 23, 1864. Purchased, July 9, 1866. I. Purchased, Aug. 10, 1870. TO, n. Presented by S. G. Eeid, Esq., and Lieut. Denison, E.E^ Aug. 20, 1873. 0. Presented by Mr. E. J. Mareton, Oct. 10, 1881. p. Purchased, Oct. 17, 1881. 731. Athene brama (Temm.). Spotted Owl. Hab. Madras. a, h. Presented by LI. Thomas, Esq., Aug. 23, 187L Genus Ninox. 732. Ninox boobook (Lath.). Boobook Owl. Hab. Queensland. a. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Queensland,. Sept. 9, 1864. b, c. Purchased, March 13, 1868. d. Purchased, July 7, 1869. e. Presented by T. Walker, Esq., AprH 19, 1871. f-h. Purchased, April 10, 1872. 733. Ninox nov' ' 788. Spizaetus tyrannus (Max.) . Tyrant Eagle. Hab. South America. a. Presented by Lord LUford, F.Z.S., March 2, 1876. 789. Spizaetus coronatus (Linn.). Crowned Hawk-Eagle. Hab. Senegal. a. Male. Purchased, April 30, 1866. h. Pemale. Purchased, Jan. 20, 1869. c. Purchased, Jiily 25, 1873. d. Eeceived in exchange, Api-il 21, 1875. e. Presented by Surgeon-Major S. Eowe, Sept. 18, 1876. From Eio Pongas. /. Presented by Ida Costa Andrade, Esq., Dec. 18, 1878. 790. Spizaetus ceylonensis (Gm.) . Ceylonese Hawk-Eagle. Hab. Ceylon. a. Presented by Capt. W. Vincent Legge, E.A., May 7, 1877. I. Presented by G. Lyon Bennett, Esq., May 19, 1881. 791. Spizaetus caligatus (Raffl.). Malayan Hawk-Eagle. Hab. Burmah. a. Presented by H. Pielden, Esq., Nov. 21, 1873. 793. Spizaetm orientalis, Temm. et Schl. Japanese Hawk- Eagle. Hab. Japan. a. Presented by Harry Pryer, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Jan. 6, 1880. See P. Z. S. 1880, p. 67. Genus Lophoaetus. 793. Lophoaetus occipitalis (Dand.) . Black-crested Eagle. Hab. Africa. a. Presented by the late Edmund Gabriel, Esq., H.B.M.'s Commissioner at Loando, Angola, Oct. 4, 1860. Prom Angola. b. Deposited, .Tuly 25, 1864. Prom South Africa. See P. Z.S. 1864, p. 374. c. Purchased, Jan. 14, 1865. d. e. Deposited, Nov. 22, 1865. /. Purchased, Sept. 25, 1869. g. Purchased, April 27, 1878. h. Presented by E. A. Hartland, Esq., Sept. 23, 1881. Genus Ciecaetus. 794'. Circaetus gallicus {Gm.). Short-toed Eagle. Hab. Southeru Europe. fl. Presented by Capt. P. Perry, March 18, 1873. From Safli, Morocco. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 434 b. Deposited, Sept. 5, 1877. c. Presented by H. M. Upcher, Esq., P.Z.S., March 21, 1878. Genus Dryotriorchis. 795. Dnjotriorchis spectabilis (SchL) . Beautiful Wood-Hawk. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, June 30, 1880. See P.Z.S 1880, p. 621, pi. LTin. Prom Gaboon. Genus Spilornis. 96. Spilornis cheela (Daud.). Cheela Eagle. Hab. British India. a. Presented by E. W. H. Holdsworth, Esq., P.Z.S., July 18, 1871. Prom Ceylon. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 625. 797. Spilornis bacha (Daud.) . Bacha Eagle. Hab. Java, Sumatra, and Malacca. a, b. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., F.Z.S., May 20, 1865. Prom the Andaman Islands. Eeceived as typical spe- cimens of Hcematornis elcjini, Tytler. See remarks, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 466, and 1871, p". 495. c. Presented by J. S. Jameson, Esq., Aug. 3, 1878. From Labuan. Subfamily IV. Accipitrin^. Genus Accipiter. 798. Accipiter nisus (Linn.). Sparrow-Hawk. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by W. H. Allies, Esq., March 3, 1866. b. Male; c. Female. Presented by E. B. Sharpe, Esq., Aug. 29, 1869. d. Presented by T. Tax, Esq., June 14, 1871. From Norway. FALCONID-S:. 799. Accipiter melanoleucus, Smith. Black-and-white Spar- row-Hawk. Hob. Africa. a. Presented by Capt. Griffiths, Sept. 5, 1874. Captured at sea off Cape Verd. Genus Melierax. 800. Melierax poly zonus, Riipp. Many-zoned Hawk. Hab. East Africa. a. Purchased, Sept. 1859. h. Purchased, Oct. 10, 1863. c. Purchased, July 2, 1873. d. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., March 2, 1876. e. Presented by C. H. Eisher, Esq., Aug. 17, 1878. /. Purchased, Eeb. 20, 1879. 801. Melierax musicus (Daud.). Chanting Hawk. Hab. South Africa. a. Purchased, Feb. 20, 1879, &s Melierax poly zonus. 803. Melierax monogrammicus i^emm.) . One-streaked Hawk. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, June 1861. h. Purchased, Jan. 30, 1869. c. Piu-chased, July 19, 1869. d. Purchased, July 20, 1871. e. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., Sept. 11, 1872. /, y. Purchased, July 7, 1876. h. Eeceived in exchange, March 21, 1878. Genus Astur. 803. Astur palumbarius (Linn.). Goshawk. Hab. Europe. 0, 6. Deposited, Oct. 11, 1861. c, d. Deposited, July 4, 1862. e,f. Deposited, July 2, 1866. y-i. Presented by E. James, Esq., July 24^ 1871. From Norway. j. Presented by Gerald Lascelles, Esq., March 3 1874 Ic. Deposited, March 3, 1874. 1. Presented by Capt. Salvin, July 3, 1882. m, n. Presented by Dr. Eudolph Blasius, C.M.Z.S., Oct. 3, FALCONIDjE. 804. Astur novce-hollandia (Gra.). White Goshawk. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, July 12, 1859. b. Presented by Dr. Mueller of Melbourne, C.M.Z.S. Sepfc 10, 1864. ^ e. Deposited, Dee. 5, 1868. d. Purchased, June 15, 1870. e. Presented by Major Spicer, F.Z.S., July 31, 1877. 805. Astur approximans, Vig. Allied Goshawk. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, March 2, 1868. h. Piu'chased, May 21, 1868. c. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1876. d. Purchased, June 17, 1879. 806. Astur tibialis, Verreaux. Gambian Goshawk. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, June 29, 1875. Subfamily V. Falconing. Genus Falco. 807. Falco peregrinus, Tunst. Peregrine Falcon. Hab. Europe. a-z. See former editions. a\ h\ Presented by Herbert Wood, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 12, 1874. c\ Presented by A. P. Eoss, Esq., Dec. 18, 1874. d^. Presented by H. J. Watson, Esq., June 29, 1875. e^. Purchased, Dec. 16, 1875. Captured at sea off San Domingo. f, cj\ Presented by H. Wood, Esq., F.Z.S., July 1, 1876. 7»\ Purchased, Oct. 31, 1876. From Coast of Yucatan. i\ Presented by C. Newbum, Esq., Nov. 10, 1876. j. Presented A. Whyte, Esq., Nov. 22, 1876. h\ Presented by the Eev. W. Willimott, Sept. 22, 1877. l\ m\ Presented by Daiill Stephens, Esq., Oct. 3, 1877. n'-vK Presented by Sir Matthew W. Eidley, Bart.. Oct. 6 1879. Scotland, s'. Presented by F. E. Hayes, Esq., Feb. 11, ISSO. From Newfoundland. FALCONIDiE. t\ Presented by Col. A. Brooksbank, Aug. 10, 1882. u\ Presented by T. Brown, Esq., Aug. 11, 1882. Captured at sea off Ceylon. v\ Deposited, Nov. 15, 1882. 808. Falco biarmicus, Temm. Bearded Falcon. Hob. South Africa. a. Presented by Capt. Perry, March 15, 1875. Captured at sea. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 316. 809. Falco barbarus, Linn. Barbary Falcon. Hab. North Africa. a. Purchased, July 27, 1864. 6. Deposited, Nov. 27, 1879. 810. Falco lanarius, Schleg. Lanner Falcon. Hab. Eastern Europe. a. Presented by J. H. Cochrane, Esq., F.Z.S., AprU 27, 1863. 6. Deposited, JiUy 30, 1866. c. Male. Pm-chased, Oct. 9, 1867. d. Piu-chased, AprH 8, 1870. e. Deposited, June 14, 1870. Prom Algeria. /, g. Deposited, June 28, 1873. h. Purchased, June 27, 1874. i. Deposited, Aug. 4, 1879. j, h. Deposited, Nov. 18, 1879. I. Male. Presented by Mr. Battersby, April 12, 1882. Captured in the Red Sea. m. Presented by J. E. Harting, Esq., F.Z.S., April 20, 1882. 811. Falco jug ger, Gray. Jugger Falcon. Hab. India. a. Presented by His Highness the Prince Duleep Singh, K.S.I., F.Z.S., May 17, 1865. h. Presented by "W. Jeffreys, Esq., jun., July 15, 1868. 812. Falco sacer, Gm. Saker Falcon. Hab. Western Asia. a. Eeceived in exchange, March 6, 1863. b. Deposited, Sept. 10, 1866. c. Presented by Mrs. A. Coote, Nov. 7, 1877. 382 FALCONIDjE. 813. Falco subbuteo, Linn. Hobby. Hab, British Islands, a. Purchased, Jan. 15, 1866. b. Presented by J. E. Harting, Esq., F.Z.S., July 26, 1866. c. cl. Deposited, July 30, 1866. e. Purchased, June 12, 1867. /. Purchased, July 26, 1873. g. Purchased, June 16, 1875. 7i. Deposited, July 12, 1875. i. Presented by S. Baton, Esq., Eeb. 4, 1876. Captured in the Eed Sea. j. Presented by J. Barnet, Esq., March 21, 1876, Jc. Presented by W, Eenney, Esq,, Dec. 5, 1877. I. Presented by W. Scratton, Esq., Aug. 5, 1878. 814. Falco eleonorcB, Gene. Elenora Falcon. Hab. South Europe and North Africa. a, h. Presented by Oapt. Thomas Waite, Oct. 7, 1868. From Mogadore. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 567. c. Deposited, July 11, 1874. 815. Falco concolor, Temm. Ash-coloured Falcon. South-eastern Africa. a. Presented by A. F. Allman, Esq., March 3, 1876. Cap- tured at sea, in the Mozambique Channel. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 333. 816. Falco rufigularis, Daud. Rufous-throated Falcon. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, March 8, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 188. 817. Falco cesalon, Linn. Merlin. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by Joseph Wolf, Esq., F.Z.S., May 25, 1871. b. Presented by Dr. A. Giinther, F.Z.S., March 14, 1872. c. Purchased, Oct. 23, 1876. 818. Falco columbarius. Linn, Pigeon-Hawk. Hab. North America. a. Purchased, Sept. 18, 1866. ^ ^ 1Q^'n 6. Presented by Capt. David Herd, C.M.Z.S., Oct. 19, 18 <0. FALCONID^. 383 Genus HiEEorALCO. 819. Hierofalco candicans (Gm.). Greenland Falcon. Hab. Greenland. a. Purchased, 1859. h. Purchased, April 27, 1868. c. Purchased, Feb. 29, 1876. d. Purchased, Sept. 30, 1882, 820. Hierofalco islandus (Gm.). Iceland Falcon. Hab. Iceland. a. Presented by Major Delme Eadcliffe, May 4, 1862. h, c. Deposited, June 11, 1866. d. Purchased, March 20, 1867. e. Pemale. Purchased, April 14, 1869. /. Deposited, Aug. 24, 1872. g. Eeceived in exchange, March 7, 1873. Genus Hieracidea. 831. Hieracidea berigora (Vig. et Horsf.). Berigora Hawk. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, July 1861. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 366. b. Purchased, Feb. 14, 1864. c. Purchased, April 10, 1865. d. Purchased, July 18, 1874. e. Presented by Major Spicer, F.Z.S., July 31, 1877. 822. Hieracidea novas-seelandice (Gm.) . New-Zealand Hawk. Hab. New Zealand. a. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Canterbury, New Zealand, May 9, 1866. 6. Presented by J. M. Imade, Esq., July 1, 1869. Genus Tinnunculus. 823. Tinnunculics alandarius {Gm.). Kestrel. Hab. British Islands. a-z. See former editions. a\ Presented by Mr. J. Page, Oct. 19, 1874. b\ Presented by Miss Truefltt, Nov. 16, 1874. 384 FALCONIDiE. c\ Presented by E. M. Burton, Esq., Aug. 3, 1875. d\ Presented by J. H. Willmore, Esq., Oct. 11, 1875. e\ Presented 'by S. Baton, Esq., Feb. 4, 1876. f-7i\ Presented by H. Knight, Esq., July 28, 1876. i\ Presented by W. W. Hughes, Esq., F.Z.S., Feb. 20, 1877. f. Presented by Mr. A. Lidbury, June 21, 1877. P. Presented by A. Blumenthal, Esq., March 14, 1878. V-'n}. Presented by the Eev. J. E. Campbell Colquhoun, Aug. 5, 1879. oK Presented by Mr. E. Moon, Aug. 26, 1879. p\ Presented by J. Young, Esq., Oct. 8, 1880. q\ r\ Presented by Mr. J. Edwards, Aug. 24, 1881. s\ Presented by W. K. Stanley, Oct. 11, 1881. t^, v}. Presented by Masters J. and C. Godfrey, Oct. 20, 1881. v". Presented by Mr. A. Lidbury, Nov. 26, 1881. iv^, x^. Presented by F. TJssher, Esq., Dec. 9, 1881. 824. Tinnunculm cenchris (N&nm.). Lesser Kestrel. Hab. Soutbern Europe. a, h. Purchased, May 29, 1875. c. Presented by W. Brodrick, Esq., June 25, 1881. 825. Tinnunculus cenchroides [Yig.) . Nankeen Kestrel. Hab. Australia. a, b. Purchased, March 2, 1868. 826. Tinnunculus sparverius (Linn.) . American Kestrel. Hab. America. a. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1874. b. Purchased, Jan. 30, 1878. c. Purchased, July 14, 1879. From San Dommgo. d. e. Purchased, June 30, 1880. 827. TinnuncMlusvespertinus (Umi.). Red-footed Falcon. Hab. Southern Europe. a. Purchased, Sept. 19, 1864. From the Lower Danube. b. Male ; c. Female. Received, Sept. 10, 18bb. d. Deposited, July 1, 1869. Purchased, May 21, 1874. FALCONIPiE. 385 Subfamily VI. Milvin^. Genus Milvus. 828. Milvus ictinus, Sav. Kite. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, Jan. 13, 1860. b. Presented hj the late King o£ Portugal, F.Z.S., Aug. 3, 1860. c. Presented by Henry Oakley, Esq., E.N., July 5, 1863. d. Presented by Howard Saunders, Esq., E.Z.S., Nov. 12, 1866. e. Presented by the Eev. T. P. PoweU, May 2, 1875. 829. Milvus (Sffyptiits (Gm.). Egyptian Kite. Hab. Africa. a. Presented by the Hon. Mrs. Stewart, Dec. 16, 1861. Prom Lake Menzaleh, Egypt. b. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1863. Prom West Africa. c-e. Purchased, June 16, 1864. From Egypt. /. Presented by his Excellency Governor IJssher, March 19, 1872. Pi'om West Africa. g. Purchased, April 3, 1873. h, i. Presented by H. P. Blissett, Esq., June 10, 1873. j, h. Presented by A. Bells, Esq., June 19, 1879. 830. Milvus migrans (Bodd.). Black Kite. Hab. Europe, Africa, and Asia. a. Purchased, Sept. 7, 1860. Prom Germany. h. Presented by G. B. Bird, Esq., May 26, 1861. Prom North China. c. Purchased, July 12, 1861. Prom Germany. d. Bred in the Gardens, June 27, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 374. e. Presented by E. M. Young, Esq., May 17, 1865. /. Bred in the Gardens, June 20, 1866. g. Bred in the Gardens, June 21, 1867. h. Deposited, Aug. 15, 1872. i. Purchased, April 3, 1873. j. Presented by Theo. W. Hance, Esq., Sept. 15, 1882. 2 c 386 FALCONIDiE. 831. Milvus govinda, Sykes. Indian Kite. Hob. Eastern Asia. a. Presented by Henry Markmann, Esq., Jan. 4, 1871. h. Presented by the Eev. S. E. Wilkinson, April 23, 1875. c. Presented by Ca^itain Murray, May 6, 1879. d. Presented by G. H. Tod Heatley, Esq., E.Z.S., Dec. 22 1881. .^1' e. Presented by Mrs. C. Wilkins, Nov. 3, 1882. 832. Milvus isurus (Gould) . Long-winged Kite. Hab, Australia. a. Purchased, May 27, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 687. Genus Baza. 833. Baza lophotes (Temn).). Crested Black Kite. Hab. India. a-c. Purchased, March 5, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 316. Genus Elanus. 834. Elanus scriptus, Gould. Letter-winged Kite. Hab. King George's Sound, West Australia. ft. PresentedbyE. St. Jean, Esq., May29,1865. SeeP.Z.S. 1865, p. 466. Subfamily YII. Herpetotherin^e. Genus Herpetothekes. 835. Hrrpetotlieres cachinnans, Linn. Laughing Falcon. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, June 30, 1874. 6. Purchased, Dec. 1, 1879. FALCONID^. 387 Subfamily VIII. Polyborin^. Genus Milvago. 836. Milvago australis (Gm.). Forster's Milvago. Hab. Falkland Islands. a. Purchased, Jan. 6, 1859. h, c. Deposited, Sept. 2, 1862. cl. Deposited, May 29, 1867. e,f: Obtained by the Society's Collector, Aug. 24, 1868. g. Presented by Capt. Dyer, Sept. 7, 1868. h-l. Purchased, June 22, 1870. m. Eeceived in exchange, June 22, 1870. n. Presented by Capt. Macey, June 22, 1870. OS. Purchased, July 13, 1870. t. Presented by Capt. Macey, July 13, 1870. u, V. Presented by Lord Lilford, E.Z.S., March 8, 1876. IV. Presented by Di-. A. M. M'=Aldouie, Nov. 20. 1882. 37. Milvago megalopterus {Meyen) . Long-winged Milvago. Hab. Chili. «, b. Purchased, May 16, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 545. 838. Milvago chimango (Vieill.). Brown Milvago. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Nov. 8, 1851. h-d. Presented by G. Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., March 5, 1868. From La Plata. e. Presented by G. Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., April 20, 1870. /. Purchased, July 16, 1877. 839. Milvago chimachima (Vieill.). Chimachima Milvago. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Jan. 20, 1874. 6. Purchased, April 14, 1875. c. Purchased, June 12, 1875. d. Presented by G. H. llawtayne, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 17, 1882. . ' ej. Presented by G. H. Hawtayne, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Sept. lo, 188^. 2 c 2 388 FALCONIDiE. Genus Polyborus. 8-iO. Polyborus brasiliensis (Gm.). Brazilian Caracara. Hub. South America. a. Presented by the late Hugh Cuming, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 10, 1831. h. Purchased, Oct. 29, 1863. c, d. Presented by G. Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., April 20, 1870. From Buenos Ayres. e. Presented by Dr. Palin, O.M.Z.S., June 17, 1871. Prom Brazil. f-h. Presented by Mr. W. Petty, Jan. 18, 1876. Presented by Lord Lilford, P.Z.S., March 2, 1876. White varieties. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 333, and 1878, p. 232. Tc. Presented by Miss Amslie, May 27, 1878. I. Purchased, July 29, 1878. Subfamily IX. Vulturin^. Genus Vultur. 841. Vultur monachus, Linn. Cinereous Vulture. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, Nov. 8, 1851. h. Purchased, Aug. 27, 1862. c. Presented by G. P. Moss, Esq., Nov. 6, 1867. d. Presented by Sii- S. Lakeman, Nov. 19, 1867. From Turkey. e. Eeceived in exchange, March 22, 1872. /. Deposited, Nov. 13, 1879. cj. Presented by Capt. A. Alexander, E.E., May 7, 1880. From Cyprus. 842. Vultur calvus, Scop. Pondicherry Vulture. Hab. India. «, b. Purchased, May 20, 1865. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 675. c, d. Purchased, July 2, 1875. 843. Vultur auricularis, Daud. Sociable Vulture. Hab. Africa. a. Purchased, March 28, 1850. From Eastern Africa. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 675. FALCONIDiE. 389 h. Purchased, March 25, 1865. From Natal. See P. Z. S, 1865, p. 675. c. Deposited, March 7, 1866. d. Presented by J. J. Monteii-o, Esq., C.M.Z.S., April 11, 1870. Prom Angola. e. Presented by C. A. Fairbridge, Esq., Feb. 8, 1872. /. Presented by J. C. Hobbs, Esq., Feb. 17, 1876. g. Deposited, Sept. 18, 1879. From South Africa, Ji. Purchased, July 15, 1882. 844. Vuliur occipitalis, Burch. Occipital Vulture. Hab. Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 19, 1865. Genus Gyps. 845. Gyps fulvus {Gm.). Griffon Vulture. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by Col. Harding, Sept. 12, 1855. From the Crimea. h. Presented by Cuthbert Wigham, Esq., July 26, 1856. c. Presented by Eees "Williams, Esq., June 10, 1862. d-g. Presented by Lord Londesborough, F.Z.S., April 1, 1863. h. Presented by E. H. Holdsworth, Esq., F.Z.S., Jan. 20, 1866. Fi-om Portugal. i. Presented by Sir S. Lakeman, Nov. 19, 1867. From Turkey. j. Deposited, Jan. 24, 1870. From Mount Lebanon. I. Presented by A. J. C. White, Esq., Dec. 6, 1873. m. Deposited, Feb. 2, 1874. n. Presented by Saville Eeid, Esq., F.Z.S., June 7, 1874. 846. Gyps kolbii (YydMA.) . Kolbe^'s Vulture. Hab. Africa. a. Purchased, July 15, 1882. 847. Gyps rueppelli, Bp. RiippelFs Vulture. Hab. Eastern Africa. a. Purchased, March 16, 1865. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 675. 848. Gyp)s bengalensis (Gm.). Bengal Vulture. Hab. India. a. Presented by Capt. Th. Leportier, Jan. 28, 1882. 390 PALCONIDiE. Genus Neophron. 849. Neophron percnopterus (Lmn.) . Egyptian Vulture. Hab. Africa and India. a. Presented by Edmund E. Wodehouse, Esq., April 30, 1863. From the Cape Colony. Specimen noticed, P.Z.S. 1865, p. 675. b. Purchased, May 20, 1865. Erom India. Specimen noticed, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 675. c. Deposited, Aug. 15, 1872. d. Purchased, July 22, 1873. e. Presented by S. Gr. Eeid, Esq., and Lieut. Denison, E.E., Aug. 20, 1873. /. Deposited, Aug. 14, 1876. g. Deposited, Sept. 7, 1877. 850. Neophron pileatus (Burch.). Pileated Vulture. Hab. West Africa. a. Male ; b. Female. Purchased, March 16, 1865. c. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1869. Subfamily X. GYPOHiERACiNiE. Genus Gypohierax. 851. Gypohierax angolensis (Gm.). Angolan Vulture. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 18, 1864. h. Presented by John Montague Grant, Esq., Aug. 30, lbb6. c. Purchased, June 27, 1867. d, e. Purchased, June 29, 1870. f. Presented by H. J. Blissett, Esq., July 4, 1872. g, h. Presented by the late H. AnseU, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 27 1875. i Presented by Lieut. V. L. Cameron, April 4, 1876. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 413. j. Presented by Mr. J. A. Solomons, Sept. 7, 187/. k. Purchased, April 15, 1882. FALCONIDyE. SERPENTARlIDiE. 391 Subfamily XI. Gypaetin^e. Genus Gypaetus. 852. Gypaehis barbatus (Linn.). European Bearded Vulture. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, Aug. 25, 1870. From Southern Spain. Taken from a nest between Eondaand Malaga in May 1870, by a collector employed by Mr. Howard Saunders, E.Z.S. h. Deposited, May 15, 1878. c. Presented by Lord Lilford, E.Z.S., July 14, 1879. d. Deposited, Sept. 3, 1879. 853. Gypaetus meridionalis, Keys, et Bl. Southern Bearded Vulture. Hab. North-eastern Africa. a. Eeceived in exchange, Oct. 4, 1851. Family SERPENTARIIDiE. ^ Genus Serpentarius. 854. Serpentarius reptilivorus, Daud. Secretary Vulture. ^ Hab. South Africa. j a. Deposited, Aug. 21, 1866. ' b. Deposited, April 23, 1867. ^ c. Purchased, May 21, 1868. I d. e. Purchased, April 14, 1869. j /. Presented by J. 8. Mackenzie, Esq., April 15, 1869. ' g, h. Purchased, May 20, 1869. I i,]. Deposited, Aprd 22, 1870. Ic, I. Purchased, Jan. 21, 1873. | m. Deposited, March 6, 1876. ' n, 0. Deposited, April 8, 1876. I p, q. Presented by M. C. Angel, Esq., May 11, 1876. r, s. Presented by Capt. Larmer, Jan. 9, 1877. t. Presented by Messrs. W. Eigg & J. Curtiss, March 16, 1878. u, V. Presented by C. Elvers Wilson, Esq., C.B., Sept, 19, 1878. tu. Presented by Dr. Holub, Sept. 18, 1879. Cradock, Cape Colony. X. Presented by James S. Jameson, Esq., May 19, 1881. 1 39.2 CATHARTIDjE. Family CATHARTTD^. Genus Cathartes. 855. Cathartes atratus (Bartr.). Black Vulture. Hah. America. 0, h. Presented by Dr. H, B. Holbeck, of Charleston, U.S.A., July 25, 1861. c, d. Purchased, July 16, 1872. From Central America. e, f. Purchased, May 15, 1873. From Colon. (J, h. Presented by L. T. Lovesy, Esq., July 14, 1873. 1, j. Purchased, July 18, 1877. k. Purchased, Dec. 14, 1877. I Purchased, Jan. 30, 1878. m. Purchased, July 29, 1878. 856. Cathartes aura (Linn.). Turkey Vulture. Hab. America. a. Purchased, May 28, 1864. h, c. Purchased, March 23, 1877. 857. Cathartes californianus (Shaw). Californian Vulture. (Fig-, 47.) Hab. Monterey, California. a. Presented by Colbert A. Canfield, M.D., C.M.Z.S., Juue 22, 1866. See P. Z. S. 1866, p. 366. Genus Sarcorhamphus. 858. Sarcorhamphus gryphus (JAnn.). Condor Vulture. Hab. South America. a. Male. Purchased, 1853. h. Female. Purchased, April 29, 1856. c. Male. Purchased, July 6, 1870. From Chili. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 665. d. Male. Deposited, Aug. 26, 1872. e. Male. Presented by Lieut. L. Clive Straebey, E JY,. March 15, 1873. From Western Peru. /. Presented by J. T. North, Esq., June 13, 1877. CATHAKTIDiE. Pig. 47. 393 Cathartes californianus. (P. Z. S. 1866, p. 366.) Genus Gypagus. 859. Gypagus papa iJAm-i.). King Vulture. Hub. Tropical America. a. Male. Presented by the late King of Portugal, F.Z.S Nov. 16, 1856. b. Female. Presented by W. D. Christie, Esq., F.Z.S 394. CATHARTIDiE. PELECANIDiE. p'S^ '"'^''^ «^ this bird see Jr. Z. fc). 1860, p. 193, c, d. Presented by Josiah Booker, Nov. 29, 1865. From Demerara. e. Purchased, Jan. 19, 1869. /. Purchased, May 8, 1869. (/. Purchased, June 25, 1870. h. Purchased, Oct. 16, 1872. i. Presented by P. Stewart, Esq., Dec. 20, 1872. j. Deposited, July 23, 1874. k. Presented by G.J. Brunnschweiler, Esq., Sept. 17, 1874. I. Presented by Mariano Billinghurst, Esq., Jan. 18, 1875 m. Purchased, July 20, 1876. n. Purchased, May 4, 1880. 0. On approval, Aug. 23, 1880. i?. Presented by P. Yeale, Esq., March 21, 1882. Prom the Province of Alagoas, Brazil. Order VI. STEGANOPODES. Family PELECANIDiE. Genus Pblecanus *. 860. Pelecanus onocrotalus. Linn. White Pelican. Hab. Southern Europe and North Africa. a. Purchased, April 22, 1851. Fi*om Egypt. b. Purchased, July 9, 1852. From Egypt. c. Purchased, April 12, 1853. From Egypt. d. Presented by E. T. Eogers, Esq., C.M.Z.S., H.B.M. Acting Consul at Bepwt, Syria, Feb. 3, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 265. e. Presented by A. C. Henderson, Esq., April 25, 1877. /. Presented by J. Simonds, Esq., June 6, 1880. g. Presented by C. J. Bolau, Esq., June 2, 1882. * On the Pelicans in the Society's Gardens, see Sclater, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 264, and 1871, p. 631. PELECANIDvE. 395 861. Pelecanus mitratus, Licht. Mitred Pelican. Hab. India and Africa. a, b. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., August 6, 1867. From India. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 266. c. Presented by Dr. Holub, Sept. 18, 1879. Prom Orange Free State, South Africa. 863. Pelecanus crispus, Feldegg. Crested Pelican. Hab. Southern Europe. a. Purchased, Sept. 26, 1853. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 267. b, c. Received in exchange, Dec. 4, 1868. d, e. Received in exchange, March 22, 1872. /. Presented by Dr. Doyle, April 10, 1873. 863. Pelecanus rufescens, Lath. Red-backed Pelican. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, May 18, 1866. Specimen figured, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 267, pi. ixvi. fig. 1. 6, c. Purchased, May 5, 1868. Specimen figured, P. Z. S, 1868, p. 267, pi. xxTX. fig. 2. cl, e. Purchased, July 21, 1880. 864. Pelecanus fuscus, Linn. Brown Pelican. Hab. West Indies. a. Presented by Capt. Abbott, July 18, 1854, Specimen described and figured, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 268, pi. xxv. b. Presented by Capt. Dow, May 30, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 408. c. Purchased, Nov. 6, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 805. 865. Pelecanus conspicillatus, Gould. Australian Pelican. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, April 10, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 158, and 1868, p. 268. b, c. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria June 27, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 268. 396 FHEGATIDjE. PHALACIIOCORACID/E. Family FREGATID.^]. Genus Fkegata. 866. Fregata aquila (Linn.). Great Frigate-bird. Hub. America. a, b. Presented by Capt. J. M. Dow, P.Z.S., Aug. 28, 1871. From the Bay of Fonseca, Honduras. See P.Z.S 1871, p. 626. c. Purchased, March 6, 1876. cl. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1879. From Pemambuco. e. Presented by the Eev. G. Bayldon, Oct. 16, 1880. From Fernando de Noronha. Family PHALACROCORACID^. Genus Sula. 867. Sula bassana (Linn.). Gannet. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by J. J. Broadwood, Esq., July 13, 1864. 6. Deposited, April 13, 1866. c. Presented by G. S. Patey, Esq., Sept. 24, 1868. d. Presented by W. H. Scratten, Esq., Sept. 8, 1870. .e. Presented by Mr. E. Frith, April 6, 1872. ■/. Presented, by J. Foster, Esq., Sept. 12, 1872. g. Presented by E. Beveridge, Esq., Sept. 21, 1872. n. Presented by A. Sanderson, Esq., Oct. 17, 1872. i. Presented R. B. E. Norman, Esq., Oct. 5, 1874. j, 7c. Presented by Lieut.-Col. Dugmore, Jan. 20, 1876. I. Presented by E. H. W. Leach, Esq., Nov. 22, 1876. m. Presented by S. N. Sharpe, Esq., Aug. 7, 1877. n. Presented by A. Anderson, Esq., Oct. 25, 1877. 0. Presented by E. F. Adams, Esq., Feb. 2, 1879. p. Purchased, May 21, 1880. q. Presented by George Edson, Esq., Sept. 2, 1880. r. Presented by Mr. G. Eandall, April 9, 1881. 868. Sula leucogasfra (Bodd.) . Brown Gannet. Hab. South America. a, b. Presented by J. 0. Hussey, Esq., Aug. 16, 1875. From Port Lemon, Costa Eica. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 529. c. Purchased, Oct. 25, 1882. PH.VLACKOCORACID^. 397 Genus Phalachocorax. , Phalac^-ocorax carho (Linn.). Common C (Fig. 48.) Hah. British Islands. Fig. 48. Phalacrocorax carho and young. (P. Z. S. 1882, p. 458.) a. Presented by Sir Henry Stracey, Bart., F.Z.S., Dec. 1, 1852. h. Purchased, Sept. 26", 1853. From Egypt. c. Presented by Capt. Salvin, June 17, 1867. d, e. Deposited, Aug. 30, 1870. /, g. Deposited, July 2, 1872. i. Deposited, June 8, 1874. J, Ic. Eeceived in exchange, July 8, 1876. l-n. Purchased, Sept. 29, 1877. 0. Presented by the Lord Braybrooke, F.Z.S., May 3, 1878. p- Presented by W. Thompson, Esq., June 17, 1878. 2, r. Presented by B. Banks, Esq., June 22, 1878. 398 phalacrocouaciDjE. — plotid^. s, t. Presented by F. Buckland, Esq., Nov. 28, 1878. u. Deposited, Aug. 19, 1880. V, IV. Deposited, Sept. 26, 1881. X, y. Bred in the Gardens, April 21, 1882. z, a\ Deposited, Oct. 31, 1882. 870. Phalacrocorax graculus (Linn.) . Shag. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, July 28, 1882. Prom Cornwall. 6, c. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1882. Prom Cornwall. 871. Phalacrocorax lugubris, Riipp. Mournful Cormorant. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 19, 1865. 872. Phalacrocorax brasilianus (Gm.). Brazilian Cormorant. Hab. South America. a-d. Purchased, Sept. 29, 1876. e-h. Purchased, Nov. 17, 1876. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 7/6. Family PLOTIDiE. Genus Plotus. 873. Plotus anhinga, Linn. American Darter. (Fig. 49.) Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Dec. 28, 1872. From Maranham. SeeP.Z.S. 1873 p 3 b. Purchased, S^pt. 30, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875 p. 530. c-f. Purchased, Sept. 29, 1876. See P. Z. S. 18/ b, p. 696. o. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1877. ti iQiq«n h, i. Presented by Gerald Waller, Esq., July 18, 1880. j! Purchased, Dec. 18, 1880. 874. Plotus levaillanti, Licht. Levaillant's Darter. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, March 9, 1878. See P. Z. S. 1878, p. 378. PLOTID^. Kg. 49. 399 Plotus anhinga. (P. Z. S. 1873, p. 2.) 875. Plotm melanogaster, Gm. Indian Darter. Hab. India. 400 AllDEID^E. Order VII. HERODIONES. Family ARDEID^. Genus AiiDBA. 876. Ardea cinerea, Linn. Heron. Hab. Europe. «. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., Aug. 1, 1855. h. Presented by the Hon. C. A. Ellis, F.Z.S., Oct. 15, 1859. c. Presented by Dr. A. Giinther, F.Z.S., June 18, 1865. cl. Presented by W. M. Wyllie, Esq., Aug. 1, 1865. e. Presented by J. Lane, Esq., Sept. 19, 1865. /. Presented by J. Gr. Chipchase, Esq., March 9, 1868. g. Presented by Mr. Alderman and Sheriff Cotton, May 18, 1869. 7i. Presented by Capt. Salvin, June 7, 1870. i. Presented by A. Yates, Esq., Oct. 19, 1870. j. Presented by E. V. Harcourt, Esq., June 7, 1872. Ic. Presented by A. Adie, Esq., Jan. 20, 1873. I. Presented by A. Brooksbank, Esq., Aug. 12, 1873. m. Presented by H. C. Tait, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Jan. 13, 1874. From W. Africa. II. Presented by L. Sraythe, Esq., Oct. 2, 1875. 0. Presented by C. Clifton, Esq., F.Z.S., Dec. 6, 1877. p. Deposited, July 14, 1880. q, r. Presented by Eeginald H. Eabbetts, Esq., Nov. 15, 1882. s. Presented by W. H. Henderson, Esq., Dec. 19, 1882. 877. Ardea herodias, Linn. Great American Heron. Hub. Central America. a. Purchased, May 17, 1882. Captured at sea off Cuba. 878. Ardea atricoUis, Wagl. Black-necked Heron. Hab. Cape Colony. «, b. Presented by Capt. Coxwell, Feb. 8, 1872. c. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., Feb. 20, 1882. 879. Ardea cocoi, Linn. Cocoi Heron. Hab. America. a. Purchased, May 28, 1864. h. Presented by J. M. Barton, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 13, 1866. c. Presented by G. Dawson Eowley, Esq., E.Z.S., March 6, 1872. d. Purchased, AprH 11, 1873. e. Presented by Col. Nixon, July 4, 1878. Persia. 880. Ardea goliath, Temm. Goliath Heron. Hah. Africa. a. Purchased, June 14, 1865. h. Purchased, June 13, 1866. c. Presented by P. G. Mercer, Esq., Sept. 5, 1867. 881. Ardea sumatrana, Raffles. Typhon Pleron. Hab. Malacca. a. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 2, 1868. 882. Ardea purpurea, Linn. Purple Heron. Hab. Europe. a-d. Eeceived in exchange, Oct. 21, 1861. e, f. Presented by P. Bond, Esq., E.Z.S., June 25, 1871. y. Purchased, May 30, 1882. Ardea ludoviciana, Wilson. Lousianian Heron. Hab. Central America. a. Purchased, Sept, 3, 1880. 884. Ardea alba, Linn. Great White Heron. Hab. Europe. «, h. Purchased, Nov. 28, 1865. 885. Ardea egreita, Gm. Great American Egret. Hab. America. a. Purchased, March 8, 1864. From Para, I. Purchased, April 13, 1870. c. On approval, Dec. 5, 1870. d. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1872. e. Eeceived in exchange, Jan. 23, 1874. /. Purchased, April 14, 1877. fj. Purchased, May 3, 1879. 7t. Purchased, June 14, 1879. 2 p ARDEID^. 886. Ardea garzetta, Linn. Little Egret. Hab. Europe. a~e. Purchased, Sept. 19, 1864. From the Lower Danube. 887. Ardea candidissima, Gm. Snowy Egret. Hah. America. a-c. Purchased, March 8, 1864. From Para. d. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1870. e-g. Purchased, March 19, 1875. Ti, i. Purchased, Feb. 1, 1876. j, Ic. Purchased, July 18, 1876. 888. Ardea gularis, Bosc. Slaty Egret. Hab. West Africa. a-s. Purchased, Dec. 23, 1869. 889. Ardea russata, Wagler, Buff-backed Egret. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by Captain Burke, S.S. ' Arcot,' July 12, 1879. 890. Ardea ralloides, Scop. Squacco Heron. Hab. South Europe. «-/. Purchased, Sept. 19, 1864. From the Lower Danube. Genus Butorides. 891. Butorides virescens (Linn,). Green Bittern. Hab. America. a. Purchased, March 8, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 138. 892. Butorides cyanurus (Vieill.). South- American Little Bittern. Hab. South America. a, h. Purchased, July 18, 1876. 893. Butorides atricapillus (Afz.) . Blue-capped Bittern. Hab. Africa. a, h. Eeceived in exchange, March 2, 1878. ARDEIDiE. 403 Genus AnDETTA. 89-1'. Ardetta mmuta (Liun.). Little Bittern. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, June 8, 1860. h-e. Presented by Henry Peters, Esq., June 26, 1866. /, (/. Presented by Mr. A. A. Van Bemmelen, Sept. 15, 1874. S9o. Ardetia involucris {YieiW.). Variegated Bittern. Hab. South America. a, b. Purchased, Nov. 6, 1879. Genus Nycticorax. 896. Nijcticorax griseus (Linn.) . Night-Heron. Hab. Euro'pe. ci-cl. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1863. e. Presented by Heni'y Peters, Esq., June 19, 1866. /. Purchased, Dec. 6, 1871. Erom West Africa. g. Purchased, A'ov. 6, 1879. h. Purchased, March 29, 1882. i. Presented by H. D. Crompton, Esq., April 22, 1882. j, Tc. Presented by Mr. A. A. Van Bemmelen, July 20, 1882. 897. Nycticorax gardeni [Gim.). Garden's Night-Heron. Hab. America. a. Purchased, Oct. 17, 1877. I. Purchased, Jan. 30, 1878. c. Presented by H. Bottrell, Esq., Eeb. 13, 1878. d. Purchased, June 24, 1878. e. f. Presented by H. J. Burford Hancock, Esq., E.Z.S., Aug. 13, 1881. 898. Nycticorax caledonicus (Gm.). Nankeen Night-Heron. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, April 19, 1866. h, c. Purchased, July 29, 1869. d. Presented by Capt. J. A. Perry, Aug. 1, 1870, 899. Nycticorax cucullatm (Lxcht.) . Hooded Night-Heron. Hab. West Africa. a, h. Purchased, May 14, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 687. 2 d2 404 ARDEIDiE. 900. Nycticorax violaceus (Linn.). Violaceous Night-Herou. Hab. South America. a. Presented by E. B. Webb, Esq., April 14, 1864. 6, c. Purcbased, Juue 4, 1866. d. Presented by G-. Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., March 19, 1870. Erom Buenos Ayres. e. Purchased, Sept. 16, 1874. /, g. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1879. From Bahia. Genus Cancroma. 901. Cancroma cochlearia, Linn. Boatbill. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, March 6, 1867. See Murie, Trans. Zool. Soc. vii. p. 466. b. Eeceived m exchange, April 25, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 473. c. d. Purchased, March 20, 1874. e,f. Purcbased, Sept. 29, 1876. g, h. Purchased, Nov. 6, 1879. Purchased, Sept. 3, 1880. Genus Botaurus. 902. Botaurus stellaris (Linn.) . Bittern. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by the Eev. Benjamin Euck Keene, Jan. 25, 1867. h. Presented by the Eev. E. Smith, Jan. 29, 1867. c. Presented by F. C. Capel, Esq., Sept. 17, 1868. d. Presented by the Hon! T. de Grey, M.P., P.Z.S., April 16, 1869. From Norfolk. Genus Tigrisoma. 903. Tigrisoma brasiliense iJAxin.) . Tiger Bittern. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, April 28, 1864. h, c. Purchased, July 29, 1869. d. Presented by Capt. J. A. Perry, Aug. 1, 1870. e. Purcbased, Feb. 17, 1876. - /. Presented by G. H. Hawtayne, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Aug. 2. 1878. ARDEID^E. CIC0NIID;E. 904. Tigrisoma leucolophum, Jard. White-crested Tiger Bit- tern. Hob. West Africa. a. Purchased, May 1860. h. Purchased, Dec. 11, 1866. Family CICONIIDtE. Genus CicoNiA. 905. Ciconia nigra (Linn.). Black Stork. Hob. Europe. a. Presented by W. C. DomAoIle, Esq., Aug. 14, 1855. h. Eeceived in exchange, Oct. 21, 1861. c, cl. Eeceived in exchange, Oct. 14, 1862. e. Purchased, June 21, 1873. /, cj. Purchased, April 29, 1878. A, i. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1879. j. Presented by Prof. J. Eeinhardt, E.M.Z.S., Aug. 13, 1879. /f, I. Presented by Dr. Eudolf Blasius, Aug. 5, 1881. From Germany. 906. Ciconia alba, Bechst. White Stork. Hab. Europe. «. Purchased, Oct. 31, 1864. l-e. Purchased, Aug. 25, 1865. /. Presented by F. M. Hayward, Esq., June 28, 1866. g. Presented by J. D. Chipchase, Esq., March 9, 1868. 7i. Presented by F. M. Hayward, Esq., July 5, 1871. Purchased, Jime 21, 1873. • h, I. Purchased, Oct. 6, 1873. m. Deposited, Sept. 26, 1874. n. Deposited, Oct. 29, 1874. o,p. Presented by C. Clifton, Esq., F.Z.S., Dec. 6, 1877. q-t. Purchased, June 27, 1879. ?(, V. Purchased, July 1, 1879. 907. Ciconia boijciana, Swinhoe. Boyce's Stork. Hab. Japan. a, h. Presented by E. H. Boyce, Esq., Dec. 31, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 2, pi. I. 406 CICONIIDiH. Genus Dissura, 908. Dissura maguari (Gm.). Maguari Stork. Hab. South America. a, h. Purchased, March 8, 1864. Fi-orn Para. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 138. c, d. Presented by G. Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., April 5, 1869. e. Purchased, Dec. 18, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1878, p. 633. /, g. Purchased, March 29, 1882. 909. Dissura episcopus (Bodd.) . White-necked Stork. Hab. "West Africa. a. Presented by Mrs. D. Campbell, Aug. 10, 1866. See P. Z. S. 1866, p. 418. b. Purchased, Peb. 6, 1868. c. d. Eeceived in exchange, Feb. 16, 1876. See P. Z. S. 1878, p. 633. Genus Abdimia. 910. Abdimia sphenorhyncha, Bp. White-bellied Stork. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, July 29, 1869. b. Presented by E. Newton, Esq., Oct. 4, 1873. 0, d. Purchased, Feb. 16, 1878. Genus Xenorhynchus. 911. Xenorhynchus amtralis {Shaw) . Black-necked Stork. Hab. Malacca. a Male ; b. Female. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 374. c. Purchased, May 14, 1868. d. Purchased, May 2, 1870. e-g. Purchased, March 24, 1875. ,o^.c 7i. Presented by 0. Moore, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 28, 18/5. 913. Xenorhynchus senegalensis (Shaw). Saddle-billed Stork. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Purchased, April 17, 1861. c, d. Purchased, July 22^1869. c. Purchased, July 5, 1876. /, Purchased, May 10, 1877. g-i. Purchased, April 26, 188 . . CICONIID^. 407 Genus Mycteria. 913. Mycteria americana, Linn. American Jabiru. Hab. Para. a. Purchased, March 8, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 138. 6. Purchased, March 21, 1876. c. Purchased, March 17, 1877. d. Purchased, July 18, 1882. Genus Leptoptilus. 914. Leptoptilus crumeniferus (Cuv.). Marabou Stork. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 15, 1854. h. Presented by Edmund Gabriel, Esq., H.B.M.'s Commis- sioner at Loando, Angola, Aug. 22, 1860. From Angola, c, d. Presented by Capt. Glover, E.N., June 18, 1866. e. Male ; /. Pemale. Purchased, Aug. 18, 1869. g. Presented by Mr. Amzalak of Loando, April 4, 1876. 915. Leptoptilus argala {hmn.). Indian Adjutant. Hab. India, a, b. Purchased, Jan. 26, 1874. c-e. Purchased, July 2, 1875. 916. Leptoptilus javanicus (Horsf.). Javan Adjutant. Hab. Java. a. Eeceived in exchange, March 7, 1878. b. Eeceived in exchange, June 14, 1880. c. Eeceived in exchange, March 29, 1881. d. Eeceived in exchange, May 10, 1881. Genus Baljeniceps. 917. Balaniceps rex, Gould. Shoebill. Hab. Eastern Africa. a, b. Purchased of Mr. Petherick, 1860. See P.Z.S. 1860, pp. 184 & 195. See also Mr. Bartlett's notes, P. Z. S.' 1860, p. 461, and 1861, p. 131, and Mr. Parker's notes on its osteology, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 324. Of. also Eeiu- hardt, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 377. CICONIIDiE, Genus Scopus. 918. Scopus umbretta, Gm. Tufted Umbre Hab. Africa. a. Purchased, June 26, 1880. See P. Z. S. 1880, p. 537. Genus Tantalus. 919. Tantalus loculator, Linn. American Tautalus. Hab. America. a. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 681 From the Eio Magdalena. h. Purchased, Nov. 9, 1878. c. Eeceived in exchange, Jan. 28, 1879. d. Purchased, Nov. 22, 1880. e. Purchased, April 7, 1881. /. Presented by H. B. Whitmarsh, Esq., May 29, 1882. Genus Pseudotamtalus. 920. Pseudotantalus ibis (Lmn.). African Tantalus. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, June 8, 1863. b. Purchased, July 16, 1863. c. Purchased, Oct. 27, 1868. d. e. Purchased, April 6, 1869. /. Purchased, April 16, 1869. g, h. Purchased, July 22, 1869. i. Presented by Master G. B. Campbell, April 30, 1870. j. Purchased, May 26, 1873. See Garrod, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 297. Ic. Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 4, 1875. 921. Pseudotantalus leucocephalus {Gm.). Indian Tantalus. Hab. India. a. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. h. Presented by the Babu Eajendra MuUick, C.]\I.Z.S., July 25, 1864. See P. Z. S. iS04, p. 373. c-e. Purchased, May 30, 1880. ! .1 I I I PLATALEID-E. 409 Family PLATALEIDiE. Genus Platalea. 922. Platalea leucorodia, Linn. Spoonbill. Hub. Europe. a, b. Eeceived in exchange, March 30, 1860. c, d. Purchased, June 1, 1873. e. Purchased, June 21, 1873. f-i. Purchased, Aug. 22, 1879. j. Presented by W. H. St. Quintin, Esq., Oct. 5, 1880. 923. Platalea ajaja, Linn. Roseate Spoonbill. Hab. South America. a-e. Purchased, Aug. 13, 1870. See P.Z. S. 1870, p. 670. See also Garrod, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 299. /. Purchased, Oct. 21, 1880. g-i. Purchased, April 25, 1881. Genus Ibis. 924. Ibis cethiopica (Lath.). Sacred Ibis. (Fig. 50, p. 410.) Hab. River Gambia. a, h. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 9, 1855. c, d. Purchased, Nov. 18, 1863. From South Africa. e. On approval, March 15, 1871. From South Africa. /. Presented by H.B. Sir Henry Barkly, K.C.B., June 10, 1871. From Cape Colony. (/. Presented by Capt. Wm. Dixon, March 8, 1872. h, i. Purchased, Sept. 6, 1873. From Gough's Island, South Atlantic. j. Bred in the Gardens, July 6, 1877. See 'Ibis,' 1878 p. 449, pi. xii. 925. Ibis bernieri (Bp.). Bernier's Ibis. (Fig. 51, p. 410.) Hab. Madagascar. a, h. Purchased, May 7, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, pp. 381, 663. 410 PLATALEIDiE. ■Fi>. 50. lUs (Bthiopica. (P. Z. S. 1870, p. 382.) Eig. 51. PLATALEIDTE. 411 926. Ibis striciipennis, Gould. Australian Sacred Ibis. Hab. Australia. a, b. Purchased, May 19, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 663. c, d. Presented by Dr. E. Schomburgk, June 13, 1870. 927. Ibis melanocephala (Lath.). Black-headed Ibis. Hab. Eastern Asia. a. Purchased, Dec. 18, 1864. From Siam. Genus Carphibis. 928. Carphibis spinicollis (Jameson). Straw-necked Ibis. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Sydney, April 19, 1866. See P. Z. S. 1866, p. 203. h. Piu-chased, April 19, 1866. c. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Melbourne, July 21, 1866. d. Purchased, Aug. 19, 1880. Genus Nipponia. 929. Nipponia temmincki, Reich. Nippon Ibis. Hab. China. a. Presented by E. Swinhoe, Esq., P.Z.S., Nov. 9, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 862. Genus Geronticus. 930. Geronticus calvus (Bodd.). Bald-headed Ibis. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by H.E. Sir George Grey, K.C.B., F.Z.S., Go- vernor of New Zealand, Oct. 3, 1859. Genus Theristicxjs, 931. Tlwisticus caudatus {^oM.) . Black-faced Ibis. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Nov. 1, 1864. h c Purchased, July 6, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 665 d. Purchased, May 18, 1876. ^ e, f. Purchased, Sept. 29, 1876. g. Presented by C. H. Whaley, Esq., Aug. 8, 1879 h. Purchased, July 11, 1882. 4.12 PLATALEID/E. Genus Plegadis. 933. Plegadis falcinellus (Linn.). Glossy Ibis. Hab. Europe. a, h. Purchased, Nov. 3, 1866. c, d. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1869. e. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 8, 1873. Genus Eudocimus. 933. Eudocimus ruber (Linn.) . Scarlet Ibis. Hab. Para. a-f. Purchased, March 8, 1864. (J. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1866. h. Presented by Dr. Paliu, C.M.Z.S., May 2, 1868. i. Deposited, Feb. 23, 1870. j, k. Deposited, May 4, 1870. I, m. Deposited, Oct. 10. 1870. n. Deposited, Oct. 6, 1871. o-q. Purchased, June 16, 1872. r. Eeceived in exchange, Nov. 25, 1874. s-u. Purchased, May 1, 1875. V. Purchased, July 17, 1875. IV. Deposited, Oct. 15, 1875. x, y. Deposited, Nov. 1, 1876. z, fl\ Presented by Miss Attwood, P.Z.S., May 28, 18 6\ Presented by George Eansome, Esq., Dec. 1, 1877 c' . Presented by E. M. Hyde, Esq., June 20, 1878. d\ Purchased, May 2, 1879. e\f\ Bred in the Gardens, July 7, 1881. g\ h\ Purchased, Aug. 28, 1882. 934. Eudocimus albus (Linn.) . White Ibis. Hab. Soutli America. a. Purchased, April 28, 1864. h. Purchased, June 11, 1866. c, d. Purchased, Aug. 13, 1866. e. Hybrid between this species and E. ruber. Bred Gardens, July 21, 1868. /. Purchased, June 10, 1878. 'g. Purchased, May 2, 1879. PHCENICOPTEKID^. 413 Order VIII. ODONTOGLOSS^. Family PHCENICOPTERIDiE. Genus Phcenicopterus. 935. Phcenicopterus antiquorum, Temm. European Flamingo. Hab. Southern Europe. a-e. Presented by Eees Williams, Esq., June 20, 1862. /. Presented by Charles Joyce, Esq., April 10, 1865. g-l Purchased, July 16, 1866. m-o. Purchased, Juue 8, 1876. p. Purchased, May 27, 1882. 936. Phcenicopterus ruber, Linn. Ruddy Flamingo. Hab. North America. rt-c. Purchased, Aug. 3, 1866. See P.Z. S. 1866, p. 418. d, e. Deposited, Sept. 12, 1872. 937. Phcenicopterus ignipalliatus, Geoffr. et d^Orb. South- American Flamingo. Hab. South America. a. Presented by Dr. Palin, C.M.Z.S., Sept. 19, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 627. I. Purchased, March 29, 1876. From Peru. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 333. c. Purchased, May 2, 1879. 414 PALAMEDEIDjE, Order IX. PALAMEDEiE. Family PALAMEDEID^. Genus Chauna *. 938. Chauna chavaria (Linn.). Crested Screamer. Hab. Buenos Ayres. o. Presented by A. C. Maxwell, Esq., March 22, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 603. b. Presented by Higford Burr, Esq., P.Z.S., Marcb 25, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 603. c. Presented by Mrs. Wilson, Feb. 28, 1873. d. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1877. e. Purchased, June 14, 1879. Eio de Janeiro. /, ff. Purchased, May 25, 1880. h. Purchased, Apiil 12, 1882. 939. Chauna derbiana, Gray. Derbian Screamer. Hab. Northern coast of Columbia. a. Presented by Edward Greey, Esq., P.Z.S., July 29, 1863. See P. Z. S. 1863, p. 377. h. Purchased, Nov. 15, 1865. Specimen described and figured, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 74, pi. xi., as Chauna nigri- collis. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 676, and 1866, p. 369. c. Purchased, June 27, 1866. cl, e. Purchased, Jan. 29, 1871. Prom Cartagena. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 102. /, g. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1872. h~j. Purchased, Dec. 31, 1873. Ic. Purchased, May 31, 1875. I. Purchased, May 31, 1876. * On the Anatomy of Chauna, see Garrod, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 189. ANATIDiE. 415 Older X. ANSEKES. Family ANATID^. Subfamily I. PLECTROPTERINiE. Genus Anseranas. 940. Anseranas melanoleuca, Less. Black-and-White Goose. Hab. Australia. a. Female. Purchased, June 19, ]855. 6. Presented by Mrs. E. W. Moore, March 3, 1865. c, cl. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., May 5, 1865. e, f. Presented by Dr. E. Schomburgk, June 13, 1870. g-l. Eeceived in exchange, July 22, 1881. Genus Plectropterus. 941. Plectropterus gambensis (Linn.). Spur-winged Goose. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, June 25, 1857. h. Presented by Mrs. Compton Eobert, April 30, 1867. c. Presented by C. B. Mosse, Esq., ytaff-lSurgeon, May 6, 1867. d. Presented by Capt. E. M. Spii-ling, E.N., April 9, 1868. From the Shii-e Eiver, East Africa. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 261. e. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 13, 1868. /. Purchased, Oct. 26, 1868. g-i. Deposited, Aug. 24, 1871. j. Deposited, Sept. 14, 1876. 'ic. Presented by E. B. Dobree, Esq., Feb. 12, 1880, 942. Plectropterus rueppelli, Sclater. Riippell's Spur-winged Goose. Hab. Eastern Africa. a, b. Males. Purchased, June 18, 1858. Types of the species as described, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 131. See also further remarks, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 38. c. Presented by M. J. M. Comely, C.M.Z.S., Sept. 28, 1876. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 696. 4.1G ANATIDiE. 9-13. Plectropterus niger, Sclater. Black Spur-winged Goose. Hab. Eastern Africa. a, h. Males. Presented by Lieut.-Gen. A. V. Cuuyngham, June 6, 1876. See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 47, pi. vii., and 1879, p. 5. Genus Chenalopex. 944. Chenalopex cegyptiaca (Linn.). Egyptian Goose. Hab. Africa. a. Deposited, Aug. 11, 1863. From South Africa. h. Presented by W. C. Hewitsou, Esq., F.Z.S., August 15, 1865. c. Male ; d. Female. Presented by Frederick Powell, Esq., May 15, 1867. e. Presented by J. M. de Freitas Brauce, Esq., April 9, 1868. /, g. Bred in the Gardens, May 24, 1868. 7t. Purchased, Oct. 26, 1868. i-p. Bred in the Gardens, June 6, 1869. q-x. Bred in the Gardens, May 21, 1870. y, z. Bred in the Gardens, May 3, 1871. rt^ Hatched in the Gardens, June 21, 1872. h^. Male ; c^. Female. Presented by H. "Welch Thornton, Esq., May 2, 1873. cV--p. Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1873. g\ 1i\ Deposited, March 23, 1874. i^-TcK Bred in the Gardens, July 16, 1874. l\ m\ Females. Presented by E. B. N. Wallter, Esq., C.M.Z.8., May 27, 1875. n'. Male. Presented by Dr. E. Swain, Nov. 2, 1875. o^-t^. Presented by Mr. Justice Denyssen of the Cape, Oct. 9, 1878. ii^-w^. Bred in the Gardens, June 4, 1879. x'-z\ Males. Presented by Capt. F. M. Burke, Dec. 30, 1880. d-. Bred in the Gardens, June 12, 1882 945. Che7ialopex jubata . Orinoco Goose. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, April 27, 1865. b. Purchased, May 8, 1868. c. Purchased, April 7, 1874. d. e. Purchased, Jan. 1, 1875. f, g. Purchased, June 12, 1875. h,i. Purchased, June 15, 1877. j. Purchased, July 16, 1877. ANATIDiE. 417 k, I. Purchased, June 9, 1879. VI. Purchased, March 31, 1880. n, 0. Deposited, Sept. 24, 1880. p. Purchased, Oct. 13, 1880. q. Purchased, March 29, 1882. Subfamily II. Cekeopstn^. Genus Cereopsis. 946. Cereopsis novcB-hollandicE, Lath. Cereopsis Goose. Hab. Australia. a. Male. Bred in the Gardens, 1853. b, c. Females. Purchased, April 26, 1861. d. Male. Eeceived in exchange, April 17, 1863. e. Presented by the Acclimatization iS ociety of Victoria, J an. 4, 1865. /. Male ; g. Female. Deposited, March 25, 1865. h. Male. Presented by John Macmickan, Esq., Dec. 6, 1865. i. Presented by J. W. Tyas, Esq., March 4, 1869. j. Purchased, July 18, 1878. 'Ic. Piu-chased, Dec. 14, 1878. Z. Male. Purchased, July 2, 1880. Subfamily III. Anserine. Genus Anser. 947. Anser cinereus, Meyer. Wild or Grey-Lag Goose. Hab. British Islands. a. Male. Pm'chased, 1855. From India. h. Female. Purchased, March 24, 1860. c. Male ; d. Female (domestic variety). Presented by Fre- derick PoweU, Esq., May 15, 1867. e. Presented by E. J. Balston, Esq., F.Z.S., April 4, 1879. /, g. Presented by Sir Henry S. Boytou, Bart., Nov. 4, 188i5 948. Anser brachjrhynchus, Baill. Pink-footed Goose. Hab. British Islands. a. Male ; h. Female. Purchased, March 14, 1861. 0, d. Purchased, Nov. 11, 1880. e. Purchased, Feb. 8, 1882. 2 E 418 ANATIDiE. 949. Anser segetum [Gva.) . Bean-Goose. Hah. Europe. a. Male; 6. Female. Purchased, Nov. 1, 1859. c. Female. Presented by C. Czarnikow, Esq., F.Z.S., Feb. 20, 1872. d. Presented by E. J. Balston, Esq., F.Z.S., April 4, 1879. 950. Anser erythropus, Linn. Little Goose. Hab. Europe. a. Female. Purchased, May 18, 1852. 6. Male. Purchased, May 27, 1852. c. Male. Purchased, April 4, 1858. d. Received in exchange, Jan. 23, 1874. 951. Anser albifrons (Scopoli). White-fionted Goose. Hab. Europe. a. Male; h. Female. Purchased, 1861. c, d. Purchased, May 27, 1882. 952. Anser indicus (Lath.). Bar-headed Goose. Hab. India. a. Male ; h. Female. Eeceived in exchange, Feb. 5, 1852. c. Purchased, May 8, 1868. d. Male. Purchased, Nov. 4, 1 874. e. Purchased, April 26, 1878. f. Male ; g. Female. Purchased, May 22, 1878. h. Male: i. Female. Purchased, March 15, 1881. 953. Anser cygnoides (Liuu.). Chinese Goose. Hab. China. a. Female. Presented by Eussell Stm-gis, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 7, 1859. 6. Male. Presented by Oapt. Cruickshank, Apnl 22, 1860. c. Male ; d. Female. " Presented by Clmries Shaw. Esq., July 1,1867. ^ ^, , . c f. Males. Presented by E. H. Medhurst, Esq., leb. o, 1877. ANATID^. 419 Genus Bernicla. 954. Bernicla leucopsis (Bechst.). Bernicle Goose. Hub. Europe. a, Male. Purchased, 1861. b, e. Presented by W. C. Hewitson, Esq., F.Z.S., Aug. 15, 1865. d, e. Presented by W. C. Hewitson, Esq., E.Z.S., April 17, 1866. /, Female. Presented by T. P. Turdale, Esq., F.Z.S., Jan. 19, 1874. g, h. Presented by E. J. Balston, Esq., F.Z.S., April 4, 1879. Purchased, May 27, 1882. 955. Bernicla canadensis (Linn.). Canada Goose. Hab. North America. A. Male. Presented by Capt. Wishart, H.B.C.S,, Oct. 29, 1861. From Hudson's Bay Territory. 6. Presented by Capt. Wishart, H.B.C.S., Oct. 29, 1862. From Hudson's Bay Territory. c, Presented by C. Anthony, Esq., jun., March 2, 1868. d, e. Deposited, Nov. 3, 1869. f-i. Presented by J. T. Liebert, Esq., Jan. 4, 1873. j, Ic. Presented by E. J. Philpot, Esq., Feb. 9, 1878. Z-n. Presented by W. Bonorton, Esq., Jan. 30, 1879, o-r. Presented by E. J. Balston, Esq., F.Z.S., April 4, 1879. s. Presented by George Edson, Esq., April 15, 1882. t. Purchased, June 27, 1882. 956. Bernicla hutchinsi, Rich. Hntchins^s Goose. Hab. Arctic America. a. Female. Presented by Capt. David Herd, H.B.C.S., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 10, 1860. From Fort Churchill, Hud- son's Bay Territory. 957. Bernicla ruficollis (Pall.). Red-breasted Goose. Hab. Europe. a. Female. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 19, 1858, 958. Bernicla brenta (Pallas). Brent Goose. Hab. Europe. ft, h. Males ; c, d. Females. Pnrchaised, March 1, 1864. e, f. Males ; h. Females. Purchased, May 22, 1865. 2e 2 420 ANAT[D^. i-l. Presented by W. C. Hevvitson, Esq., F.Z.S., April 17, 186f3. m, n. Males; o,p. Females. Pui-cbased, May 13, 1871. q. Male; r. Female. Received in exchange, Oct. 23, 1871. s,t. Males; u,v. Females. Purchased, April 19, 1872. w. Presented by H. A. Dombrain, Esq., March 11, 1879. .r, y. Presented by E. J. Balston, Esq., F.Z.S., April 4, 1879. 2, a^. Pm'chased, Dec. 11, 1879. ¥-d\ Purchased, Jan. 6, 1880. e\ f. Purchased, Feb. 2, 1881. (f-i\ Purchased, May 31, 1882. f, Jc\ Purchased, Nov. 11, 1882. 959. Bernicla juhata (Lath.). Maned Goose. Hab. Australia. a-c. Purchased, Nov. 21, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 587. cl-g. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, Jan. 4, 1865. Ti. Purchased, June 15, 1870. i. Male ; j. Female. Deposited, Sept. 22, 1876. h. Male ; I. Female. Purchased, Feb. 9, 1877. m. Male. Purchased, April 1, 1878. n. Male ; o, p. Females. Purchased, June 5, 1879. q. Purchased, Aug. 19, 1881. 960. Bernicla melanoptera (Eyt.) . Andean Goose. Hab. Chili. a. Male ; b. Female. Purchased, May 16, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 545. c, d. Purchased, Oct. 4, 1871. e. Purchased, Oct. 31, 1876. /. Male ; g. Female. Purchased, Feb. 2, 1877. h. Male ; i. Female. Purchased, Sept. 18, 1877. 961. Bernicla mag ellanica (Gm.). Upland Goose. (Fig. 52.) Hab. Falkland Islands. a-z\ See former editions. a^. Hatched in the Gardens, May 17, 1874. ly^-e". Hatched in the Gardens, April 29, 1875. f. Male ; f/'. Female. Eeceived in exchange, Nov. 6, 1875. h\ Male ; r. Female. Purchased, March 27, 1877. {B. dispar.) Straits of Magellan. ANATID^E. rig. 52. (I, Male, and 6, Female, Magellanic Geese in t}(e Society's Garck-us, bred between Bernicla dhpar ^ and Bernida mar/ellanica 5 • (P. Z.S. 187G, p.365.) f. Male; /r. Female. Purchased, Sept. 18, 1877. {B. dii^par.) P. Female. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1878. m"-r^. Bred in the Gardens, June 15, 1878. r. Male. Purchased, April 18, 1879. {B. disjuir.) Pata- gonia. 422 ANATlUiK. t\ Female. Purchased, Sept. 5, 1879. v"". Males ; .r'. Females. Purchased, May 7, 1880. (JS. clispar.) y^. Male. Purchased, June 5, 1880. z'-6'. Bred in the Gardens, June 29, 1880. c\ d\ Males ; e'. Female. Purchased, April 28, 1881. /^ Female. Presented by A. Nesbitt, Esq., Aug. 24, 1881. g\ Male. Purchased, April 15, 1882. Jv'. Male; i\ Female. Presented by P. E. Cobb, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 12, 1882. 962. Bernicla poliocephala, Sclater. Ashy-headed Goose. Hah. South America. a. Male ; h. Female. Bred in the Gardens, June 7, 1858. c. Male ; cl. Female. Bred in the Gardens, May 27, 1860. e-h. Bred in the Gardens, May 25, 1865. i-k. Bred in the Gardens, May 23, 1867. I. Bred in the Gardens, May 25, 1868. m. Bred in the Gardens, June 1, 1869. n. Purchased, Sept. 5, 1879. o-q. Purchased, June 5, 1880. 963. Bernicla ruhidiceps, Sclater. Kuddy-headed Goose. Hab. Falkland Islands. a, b. Males ; c, d. Females. Purchased, July 5, 1860. e-g. Bred in the Gardens, April 30, 1865. h, i. Bred in the Gardens, May 8, 1866. j-m. Bred in the Gardens, June 5, 1866. Bred in the Gardens, May 18, 1867. q-t. Bred in the Gardens, June 4, 1867. v^x. Bred in the Gardens, May 1, 1868. y. Bred in the Gardens, May 25, 1868. z-c^ Bred in the Gardens, June 6, 1869. d'-g\ Bred in the Gardens, May 11, 1870. h\ Male; i\ Female. Purchased, Nov. 18, 1880. /. Bred in the Gardens, May 16, 1882. h'-oK Presented by F. E. Cobb, Esq., June 12, 1882. 964. Bernicla antarctica (Gm.). Kelp Goose. Hab. Falkland Islands. a. Obtained by the Society's Collector, Aug. 24, 1868. ANATIDvE. 433 965. Bernicla sandvicensis (Vig.) . Sandwich-Island Goose. Hab. Sandwich Islands. a. Male. Presented by Earl Fitzwilliam, F.Z.S., Feb. 11, 1858. b. Female. Received, April 25, 1863. c-f/. Bred in the G-ardens, April 5, 1864. h-j. Deposited, Jan. 19, 1866. Jc,'l. Purchased, Nov. 18, 1868. m-o. Bred in the Gardens, May 23, 1871. p, q. Purchased, June 26, 1880. Subfamily IV. Cygnin^. Genus Cygnus. 966. Cygnus olor (Gm.). Mute Swan. Hab. Europe. a-c. Deposited, Feb. 26, 1866. d. Male; e. Female (Cygnus immutabilis). Received in ex- change. May 9, 1871. /. Female. Presented by H. E. Butler, Esq., March 6, 1875. g. Male. Purchased, April 17, 1875. h. Female. Presented by Montague Kingsford, Esq., Jan. 4, 1876. i. Male; j. Female. Purchased, Jan. 4, 1877. k, I. Presented by Major Kennan, Aug. 8, 1877. m, n. Deposited, Sept. 27, 1877. 0. Presented by J. Colam, Esq., Feb. 8, 1878. p. Presented by Capt. Marx, Dec. 11, 1878. q, r. Var. immutabilis. Presented by J. H. Gurney, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 24, 1880. s, t. Presented by Salisbury Baxendale, Esq., F.Z.S., Jan. 2, 1881. Vr-aa. Presented by J. Hargreaves, Esq., Feb. 15, 1881. 967. Cygnus musicus, Bechst. Whooper Swan. Hab. Europe. a, b. Purchased, May 10, 1866. c. Presented by Orgood H. Mackenzie, Esq., Jan. 31, 1881. 968. Cygnus bewicki, Yarrell. Bewick's Swan. Hab. North Europe. a. Purchased, Nov. 1, 1878. b. Deposited, Feb. 10, 1880. c. d. Received in exchange, July 6, 1880, 424 ANATIDiE. 969. Cygnus buccinator, Rich. Trumpeter Swan, Hab. North America. a-c. Eeceived iu exchange, April 21, 1866. See P. Z. S. 1866, p. 203. d. Purchased, June 6, 1867. e- . . ., 1035. Carpophaga luduosa (Temra.). White Fruit-Pigeon. Hab. Northern Australia. a^d. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1870. See also P. Z. S 1867 p. 820. ' 444 CARPOl'HAGIDiE. Genus LoPHOLiiiMus. 1036. Lopholamus antai-cticus {Shaw) . Double-crested Pigeon. Hab. North Australia. a. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Sydney, April 10, 1864, See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 158. b. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of New South Wales, May 5, 1865. c. Received in exchange, Aug. 8, 1873. d. Purchased, June 2, 1880. Genus Ptilopus, 1037. Ptilopus superbus, Temm. Superb Fruit -Pigeon. Hab. North Australia. a, h. Purchased, July 6, 1865. 1038. Ptilopus jambu {Gm.). Jambu Fruit-Pigeon. Hab. Indian archipelago. a. Deposited, Aug. 29, 1870. b. Male ; c. Female. Purchased, Jan. 26, 1874. d. Deposited, Nov. 5, 1875. 1039. Ptilopus melanocephalus, Gm. Black-headed Fruit- Pigeon. Hab. Java. a, b. Females. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1865. c. Male. Purchased, July 5, 1866. d. e. Purchased, Feb. 18, 1872. 1040. Ptilopus fasciatus, Peale. Banded Fruit-Pigeon. Hab. Saraoan Islands. a. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1862. SeeP. Z. S. 1862, p. 325, also 1863, p. 1. Genus Erythrcenas. 1041. Erythrcenas pulcherrima (Scop.). Red-crowned Pigeon. Hab. Seychelles. «, b. Presented by Lady Barkly, March 17, 1865. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 318. c. Purchased, Oct. 3, 1868. CAKPOPHAGID^. 445 cL-q Presented by the Hon. Sir A. Gordon, O.M.Z.S., Sept. 21, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 496. h-k. Deposited, Sept. 21, 1874. Tr-n. Presented by Lady Bowen, Nov. 11, 188U. Genus Tbekon. 1042. Tr&'on bicincta (Jerd.). Double-banded Pigeon. Hah. Madras. a. Female. Deposited, July 7, 1864. h. Presented by the Babu Eajeudra Mullick, O.M.Z.S., Dec. 22, 1864. 1043. Trei'on viridis {^co^.). Parrot Fruit-Pigeon. Hah. East Indies. a. Male; h. Female. Deposited, Oct. 8, 1876. 1044. Treron phcenicopte^-a (Lath.). Purple-shouldered Pigeon. Hab. Nepal. a. Deposited, July 7, 1864. b. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 22, 1864. 1045. Treron calva (Temra.). Bare-faced Fruit-Pigeon. Hab. West Africa. a. EeceiTed in exchange, March 24, 1870. h. Purchased, July 30, 1870. c. Presented by G-en. Sir B. T. PhiUips, K.C.B., F.Z.S,, Sept. 22, 1870. d-g. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1871. h, i. Purchased, Dee. 19, 1872. 1046. Treron sphenura (Vig.) . Wedge-tailed Pigeon. Hab. Himalaya. a. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 6, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 821. h. Presented by Mrs. A. H. Jamrach, Aug. 15, 1877. c. Presented by Mons. J. M. Comely, C.M.Z.S., March 4, 1881. 1047. Treron macrorhyncha, Fraser. Thick-billed Pigeon. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Nov. 27, 1865. 446 COLUMBIDiE. Family COLUMBIDiE. Genus Columba. a. Species Palcearcticce. 1048. Columba (mas, Linn. Stock-Dove. Hah. Britisli Islands. a, h. Presented by Mr. E. Bartlett, Nov. 11, 1862. c. Presented by John Pletcher, Esq., Nov. 9, 1863. d. Presented by H. B. Bellamy, Esq., Jan. 9, 1865. e. f. Bred in the Gardens, July 16, 1867. g. Presented by John Atlee, Esq., Dee. 7, 1869. h, i. Presented by C. L. Sutherland, Esq., Jan, 24, 1870. j, h. Purchased, July 4, 1870. Z, m. Presented by W. Bankes, Esq., April 21, 1871. n. Presented by Mr. Cheesman, Sept. 14, 1875. 0. Presented bv A. Basil Brooke, Esq., Sept. 8, 1880. _p,g. Presented by A. E. C. Streatfield, Esq., Aug. 13, 1881. 1049. Columba livia, Bonnaterre. Rock-Pigeon. Hab. British Islands. a, b. Presented bv W. B. Tegetmeier, Esq., Aug. 3, 1866. c. Presented by John Gould, Esq., F.Z.S., Dec. 7, 1869. cl-f. (Domestic variety.) Presented by Eeginald Zohrab, Esq., Aug. 22, 1881. g, h. (Domestic variety.) Presented by Eeginald Zohrab, Esq., Aug. 30, 1881. 1050. Columba leuconota, Vigors. White-backed Pigeon. Hab. Himalayas. a, h. Pm-chased, Feb. 16, 1876. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 274. c. Deposited, July 19, 1876. d. Deposited, May 22, 1877. 1051. Columba palumbus, Linn. Ring-Dove. Hab. British Islands. a-c. Presented by Eobert H. Mitford, Esq., March 22. 1867. d, e. Presented by Thomas Worthington, Esq., April 2, Ibb/ . f g. Presented bV John Gould, Esq., V.P.Z.S., Oct. 4, 1867. A. Presented by"W. B. Tegetmeier, Esq., F.Z.S., Dec. 12, 1867 i. Presented by H. P. Hensman, Esq., Sept. 1^69 j. Presented by C. L. Sutherland, Esq.. Jan. 24, Ib/U. COLUMBID^. 447 b. Species jEtMopiccB. 1052. Columba guinea, Linn. Triangular-spotted Pigeon. Hub. West Africa. a, b. Pm-chased, May 19, 1865. c. Male; d. Female. Purchased, Nov. 10, 1866. e-Ji. Purchased, March 5, 1870. i. Presented by Col. P. C. Hassard, C.B., Jan. 12, 1879. 1053. Columba arquatrix, Temni. Spotted Pigeon. Hob. South Africa. a. Purchased, May 7, 1864. c. Species Americance. 1054. Columba leucocephala, Linn. White-crowned Pigeon. Hab. West Indies. a. Purchased, May 10, 1865, b, c. Males ; cZ, e. Pemales. Presented by John A. Palin, Esq., E.M.S. ' Tasmania,' March 31, 1866. f. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 1, 1866. 'g, h. Presented by Dr. Huggius, C.M.Z.S., Oct. 15, 1866. i. Bred in the Gardens, July 18, 1867. j^n. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1867. n, 0. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 22, 1867. p. Bred in the Gardens, Dec. 24, 1867. q. Deposited, April 27, 1869. r. Purchased, June 14, 1877. 1055. Columba corensis, Gm. Porto-Rico Pigeon. Hab. West Indies. a, b. Pui-chased, May 8, 1868. o-f. Deposited, Aug. 4, 1870. g-Jc. Purchased, June 21, 1873. I. Purchased, Sept. 18, 1873. m. Purchased, April 8, 1875. Prom St. Vincent. n. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 10, 1876. 0. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 14, 1877. p, q. Purchased, July 18, 1882. 1056. Columba caribbcea, Linn. Ring-tailed Pigeon, Hab. Jamaica. a. Presented by C. Levy, Esq., June 26, 18«2. 448 COLUMBID^. 1057. Columba speciosa, Gm. Specious Pigeon. Had. South America, a. Purchased, July 8, 1868. 6. Purchased, June 9, 1871. c-g. Purchased, April 19, 1876. h^k. Received in exchange, Aug. 4, 1879. 1058. Columba picazuro, Temm. Picazuro Pigeon, Hab. South America, a, h. Purchased, May 8, 1868. c-e. Presented by F. C. Webb, Esq., Sept. 4, 1875. f-h. Purchased, Oct. 16, 1880. Prom Pernambuco. i,,/. Purchased, Nov. 9, 1881. 1059. Columba gymnophthalma, Temm, Naked-eyed Pigeon. Hab. South America. a. Presented by W. D. Christie, Esq., .F.Z.S., Oct. 4, 1858. h. Bred in the Gardens, 1858. c. Hybrid between this species and O. maculosa, Temm. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 11, 1859. d. Bred in the Gardens, 1862. e. Bred in the Gardens, 1863. /. Received in exchange, May 26, 1873. g. Hybrid between this species and 0. maculosa. Bred in the Gardens, June 29, 1875. h. Hybrid between this species and G. maculosa. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 4, 1875. i. Hybrid between this species and G. maculosa. Bred in "the Gardens, Aug. 25, 1875. j. Hybrid between this species and G. maculosa. Bred in "the Gardens, Sept. 27, 1875. 1060. Columba maculosa, Temm. Spotted Pigeon. Hab. South America. a-f. Purchased, July 6, 1870. From Chili. See P. Z. S. 1870, p, 665. g. Deposited, Oct. 14, 1872. 1061. Columba albilineata (Bp.). White-naped Pigeon. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Oct. 19, 1851. COLTJMBID-ffi. 449 1062. Columba araucana, Lesson. Araucanian Pigeon. Hab. South America. a. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., March 11, 1876. 1063. Columba rufina (Temm.). Rufous Pigeon. Hab. Brazil. a, b. Purchased, June 19, 1867. c. Purchased, Oct. 16, 1880. Prom Parahyba. 1064. Columba inornata, Vigors. Cuban Pigeon. Hab. West Indies. a, h. Purchased, May 8, 1868. 1065. Columba vinacea, Temm. Vinaceous Pigeon. Hab. South America. a, h. Purchased, May 7, 1870. c. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1877. Genus Ianthcenas. 1066. lanthoenas leucolcema, Gray. White-throated Violet Pigeon. Hab. Moluccas. a. Purchased, March 6, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 367. Genus Ectopistes. 1067. Ectopistes migratorius (Linn.). Passenger Pigeon. Hab. North America. a. Female. Eeceived in exchange, March 8, 1852. h. Male. Eeceived in exchange, July 8, 1857. c. Female. Purchased, Aug. 3, 1860. d, e. Males ; /. Pemale. Purchased, March 31, 1874. Genus Zenaidura. 1068. Zenaidura carolinensis (Linn.). Carolina Dove. Hab. North America. a. Purchased, 1861. 2g 450 COLUMBID^. Genus CEna. 1069. (Ena capensis (Linn.). Cape Dove. Hab. Africa. rt, b. Purchased, May 19, 1865. c-h. Presented by Henry C. Calvert, Esq., Sept. 5, 1865. Prom Djeddah, Arabia. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 675. i-^i. Presented by Mrs. Ross, June 24, 1867. n, 0. Presented by Miss L. Saunders, Dec. 31, 1868. jp. Male. Presented by Miss Borrer, March 2, 1876. q. Male ; r. Female. Presented by A. Wylde, Esq., Nov. 2, 1877. Genus Gbopelia. 1070. Geopelia st7-iata (Linn.) . Barred Dove. Hab. India. a, b. Purchased, Oct. 2, 1863. c-e. PresentedbyArthurDixon,Bsq., Feb. 23, 1864. From Japan. f-j. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 139. k. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 29, 1865. I. Presented bv Mr. G. Pettier, Sept. 6, 1871. m, n. Presented by W. S. Britton, Esq., Oct. 16, 1871. 0, p. Presented by Capt. H. Braddick, Feb. 17, 1879. q. Presented by H. H. Johnston, Esq., April 13, 1881. 1071. Geopelia tranquilla, Gould. Peaceful Dove. Hab. Australia. a, h. Presented by Mrs. Jackson, May 29, 1868. 1073. Geopelia placida, Gould. Placid Ground-Dove. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by Mrs. Sparks, Nov. 15, 1864. 1. Presented bv G. Waugh, Esq., Dec. 8, 1868. c, d. Presented by Capt. Thadvcr, Sept. 18, 1872. 1073. Geopelia cuneata [Lath.). Graceful Ground-Dove. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, May 21, 1868. o-e. Presented by Mrs. Jacobson, May 29, 1868. f,g. Purchased, May 12, 1870. COLUMBID.B. 451 h. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 23, 1870. i. Bred in the Grardens, July 7, 1871. j-l. Purchased, July 29, 1874. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 8, 1874. 0, p. Bred in the Gardens, Nov. 5, 1874. q, r. Received in exchange, Oct. 7, 1874. s, t. Deposited, April 8, 1880. 1074. Geopelia humeralis i^tram.) . Barred-shouldered Dove. Hab. Australia. a, b. Purchased, May 23, 1868. c, d. Bred in the Gardens, July 17, 1868. e,f. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 7, 1868. g. Bred in the Gardens, Dec. 30, 1868. h-Jc. Eeceived in exchange, Feb. 4, 1869. 1, m. Bred in the Gardens, July 19, 1869. n. Presented by the Directors of the Botanic Gardens, Ade- laide, Australia, March 6, 1871. From Port Darwin. 1075. Geopelia maugai (Temm.) Mauge^s Dove. Hab. Timor. u-c. Purchased, June 4, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 687. cl. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 7, 1868. e-i. Purchased, April 13, 1870. r Genus Macropygia. 1076. Macropygia emiliana, Bp. Emilian Pigeon. Hab. Java. a. Purchased, May 22, 1866. 1077. Macropygia phasianella{Tcmm.). Pheasant-tailed Pigeon. Hab. New South Wales. a, b. Purchased, Jan. 26, 1874. 1078. Macropygia leptogrammica (Temm.). Narrow-barred Pigeon. Hab. Celebes. a. Purchased, Feb. 16, 1876. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 274. 2g2 452 COLUMBIDiE. Genus Ttjrtur. 1079. Tkiriur communis, Selby. Turtle Dove. Hab. British Islands. a, b. Deposited, 1863. c, d. Hybrids between this species and Turtur risorius (Lum.). Purchased, Dec. 15, 1863. er-y. Presented by Mrs. Sydney, May 19, 1865. i. Presented by Eobert H. Milford, Esq., March 22, 1867. j, Jc. Hybrids between this species and Turtur risorius (Linn.). Presented by Robert H. Milford, Esq., March 22, 1867. I. Presented by Thomas "Worthington, Esq., April 2, 1867. m. Presented by Dr. Page, May 10, 1867. n^d}. Presented by John P. Grassiot, Esq., jun., June 6, 1873. e\ Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 14, 1878. f. Presented by Mr. H. Moore, May 6, 1880. Captured at sea. 1080. Turtur suratensis, Gm. Spotted Turtle Dove. Hab. India. a, b. Eeceived in exchange, March 5, 1874. c. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 16, 1877. d. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 26, 1877. e. Bred in the Gardens, May 9, 1878. /. Bred in the Gardens, June 11, 1878. g. Presented by H.E.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G., F.Z.S., Peb. 5, 1880. 1081. Turtur meena, Sykes. Eastern Turtle Dove. Hab. India. a. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1864. 1082. Turtur piduratus {Temm.). Mauritian Turtle Dove. Hab. Mauritius. a, h. Presented by Mrs. Moon, May 11, 1866. c. Presented by Edward Newton, Esq., C.M.Z.S., April 8, 1867. COLTJMBIDjE. 453 1083. Turtur chinensis (Scop.). Chinese Turtle Dove. Hub. India. a. E«ceived, Nov. 25, 1869. i b, c. Presented by S. J. F. Stafford, Esq., July 19, 1873. d. Presented by Major P. Gildea, June 23, 1874, , e-h. Deposited', Oct. 12, 1877, and Purchased, Oct. 10, 1878. | i. Presented by Oapt. H. Braddick, Feb. 17, 1879. j 1084. Turtur senegalensis (Linn.) . Cambayan Turtle Dove. | Hab. Egypt. j a. Bred in the Gardens, 1861. ^ b, c. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 10, 1862. d, e. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 1, 1862. /. Bred in the Gardens, 1863. g. Bred in the Gardens, May 22, 1865. 1085. Turtur vinaceus (Grn.). Vinaceous Turtle Dove. Hab. West Africa. a. Bred in the Gardens, Oct. 18, 1858. b. Bred in the Gardens, July 15, 1860. c. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 26, 1860. d. Bred in the Gardens, Jime 27, 1861. e-l. Bred in the Gardens, 1863. m, n. Bred in the Gardens, June 27, 1865. 0, p. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 4, 1865. q, r. Bred in the Gardens, Nov. 17, 1865. s, t. Bred in the Gardens, June 20, 1866. u. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 1, 1866. V. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 29, 1866. w, X. Bred in the Gardens, Oct. 15, 1866. y. Bred in the Gardens, July 18, 1867. ' z. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 22, 1867. i a\ h\ Presented by J. W. Wooler, Esq., Dec. 21, 1871. c\ d\ Presented by J. P. Tiudale, Esq., April 17, 1873. e\f. Bred in the Gardens, Oct. 12, 1874. g\ 7i\ Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 4, 1875. i\ Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 13, 1875. j\ lc\ Presented by Miss Harris, Sept. 10, 1877. P. Deposited, Sept. 25, 1878. 1086. Turtur semitorquatus, Sw. Half-collared Turtle Dove. Hab. Africa. a-c. Presented by Dr. John Kirk, C.M.Z.S., May 7, 1870. From Zanzibar, i 454 COLUMBIOjE. 1087. Turtiir risorius (Linn.). Barbary Turtle Dove. Hab. Africa and India. a. Presented by Mrs. Bruce, ApriJ 14, 1862. 6. Hybrid. Presented by the Eev. — Delmar, May 31, 1862. c-/. Deposited, Nov. 10, 1865. g. Var. alia. Presented by Thomas Worthington, Esq., Aprd 2, 1867. h, i. Presented by Capt. James Tough, July 2, 1869. j, 7c. Presented by G-. Hansen, Esq., March 28, 1873. I. Presented by J. P. Gassiot, jun., Esq., June 6, 1873. m, n. Presented by IMiss A. French, Aug. 1, 1874. o-r. Deposited, Dec. 6, 1877. Deposited, Sept. 25, 1878. 1088. Turtur bitorquatus (Temm.). Double-ringed Turtle Dove. Hab. Java. a. Received in exchange, Jan. 27, 1863. 1089. Turtur humilis {Temm.) . Dwarf Turtle Dove. Hab. India. a, b. Presented by M.JulesVerreaux,O.M.Z.S., July 6, 1862. c-h. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mulbck, C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1864. Bred in the Gardens, June 3, 1864. See P.Z.S. 1864, p. 139. 1090. Turtur aldabranus, Sol. Aldabran Turtle Dove. Hab. Aldabra Islands. a, h. Presented by E. NeM'ton, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 10, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 623, et p. 692, pi. lxxiii. c. Hatched in the Gardens, August 18, 1871. Genus Peristera. 1091. Peristera geoffroii (Temm.). Geoffroy's Dove. Hab. Brazil. rt, h. Purchased, Oct. 19, 1874. Erom the Island of Fer- nando de Noronha. ^ c-e. Males; q. Females. Purchased, Feb. 1/, 18/6. h. Bred in the Gardens, May 20, 1876. _ i, j. Bred in the Gardens, June 12, 1876. Ic. Bred in the Gardens, Oct. 11, 1876. COLUMBIDvE. 455 I. Bred in the Gardens, June 20, 1877. m. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 8, 1877. n, 0. Bred in the Gardens, Oct. 31, 1877. p. Bred in the Gardens, Dec. 28, 1877. q, r. Bred in the Gardens, May 23, 1878. s-v. Bred iu the Gardens, June 26, 1878. w. Bred in the Gardens, Feb. 3, 1879. .V, y. Bred in the Gardens, May 13, 1879. z. Bred in the Gardens, May 26, 1879. a\ bK Bred in the Gardens, June 11, 1879. c\ d^. Bred in the Gardens, June 30, 1879. e\f \ Bred in the Gardens, July 24, 1879. g\'^hK Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 14, 1879. iK Bred in the Gardens, Dec. 22, 1879. f. Bred in the Gardens, June 4, 1880. Bred in the Gardens, May 13, 1880. m}. Bred in the Gardens, June 16, 1881. m^. Female. Beceived in exchange, Nov. 24, 1881. o\ Female. Bred in the Gardens, Dec. 1, 1881. p^-r\ Bred in the Gardens, June 28, 1882. s\ Bred in the Gardens, July 14, 1882. t\ Bred in the Gardens, July 28, 1882. u\ Female. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 12, 1882. Genus Zenaida. 1092. Zenaida amabilii, Bp. Zenaida Dove. Hab. West Indies. a. Purchased, 1861. b, c. Presented by Capt. Sawyer, E.M.S. ' Tasmania,' March 31, 1866. cl. Male ; e. Female. Presented by John A. Palin, Esq., E.M.S. 'Tasmania,' March 31, 1866. f-i. Deposited, April 27, 1869. j, Tc. Purchased, April 27, 1869. I. Deposited, Aug. 4, 1870. m. Purchased, Nov. 13, 1882. 1093. Zenaida martinicana (Bp.). Martiuican Dove. Hab. West Indies. a- f. Presented by J. H. Hawtayue, Esq., July 9, 1873. From Union Island, one of the Grenadines. g, h. Presented by Capt. H. King, Sept. 8, 1879. Presented by Capt. H. King, Jan. 24, 1880. Ic, I. Presented by H. J. Burford Hancock, Esq., April 13, 1881, 456 COLTJMBID^. 1094. Zenaida maculata (VieiW.). Spotted Zenaida Dove. Hab. La Plata. o, 6. Purchased, Nov. 9, 1881. 1095. Zenaida leucoptera (Linn.). White-winged Zenaida Dove. Hab. West Indies. a, h. Eeceived in exchange, June 15, 1874. 1096. Zenaida auriculata (Des Murs) . Auriculated Dove. Hab. Chili. a-e. Purchased, July6, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 665. Genus Metriopelia. 1097. Metriopelia melanoptera (Mol.) . Black-winged Dove. Hab. Chill. or-h. Purchased, July 6, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 665. Genus Scardafella. 1098. Scardafella squamosa (Temm.) . Scaly Ground-Dove. Hab. South America. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 5, 1867. c, d. Purchased, May 8, 1868. e. Purchased, Dec. 21, 1876. /, g. Piu-chased, Jan. 17, 1877. h, i. Purchased, April 14, 1877. j, 7c. Purchased, Oct. 16, 1880. From Parahyba. Genus Cham^epelia. 1099. Charnapelia passerina (hmn.) . Passerine Ground-Dove. Hab. America. a. Presented bv Sir Charles P. Smith, Sept. 29, 1860. h. Presented by T. Goin, Esq., Jan. 1, 1864. o-f. Purchased, May 8, 1868. g^h. Presented by Oapt. H. King, May 2, 1879. t. Purchased, Oct. 16, 1880. Prom Pernaiubuco. COLTJMBIDiE. 457 1100. ChamcBpelia talpacoti {Temm.). Talpacoti Ground-Dove. Hab. South America. a^d. Purchased, May 8, 1868. e, f. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 6, 1868. y-i. Purchased, Sept. 18, 1873. j, I: Piu'chased, Jan. 17, 1877. I, m. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 14, 1877. n. Bred in the Gardens, June 21, 1878. 0, p. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 7, 1878. q, r. Presented by Dr. Arthui- Stradling, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 3, 1881. s, t. Purchased, May 11, 1882. Genus Leptoptila. 1101. Leptoptila jamaicensis (Linn.). White-fronted Dove. Hab. Jamaica. a. Male ; 6. Female. Purchased, June 24, 1867. c-/. Deposited, April 27, 1869. g. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 8, 1873. 1103. Leptoptila ruf axilla (Rich, et Bern.). Red Under- winged Dove. Hab. Guiana. a, h. Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, Jan. 3, 1880. 1103. Leptoptila ochroptera, Pelz. Orange-winged Dove. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, June 14, 1877. Genus Geotrygon. 1104. Geotrygon my stacea {Temm.) . Moustache Ground-Dove. Hab. Martinique. a-d. Purchased, July 20, 1864. e. Purchased, April 27, 1869. 1105. Geotrygon montana (Lmn.) . Red Gi'ound-Dove. Hab. South America. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 23, 1860. c. Bred in the Gardens, June 13, 1863. 458 COLUMBlDiK. d. Bred in the Gardens, July 18, 1864. e. Bred in the Gardens, June 2, 1866. /, (/. Purchased, May 8, 1868. A, i. Deposited, April 27, J 869. j, k. Bred in the Gardens, July 28, 1869. I, m. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 6, 1869. n. Bred in the Gardens, June 22, 1870. 0. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 24, 1870. p. Purchased, Api-il 14, 1875. 1106. Geotrygon sylvatica, Gosse. Mountain-Witch Ground- Dove. Hob. Jamaica. a. Purchased, Aug. 23, 1860. l-d. Purchased, July 30, 1861. e-Ji. Deposited, April 27, 1869. Genus Chalcopelia. 1107. Chalcopelia chalcospilos (Wag\.). Bronze-spotted Dove. Hab. West Africa. a, b. Males ; c, d. Females. Presented by the Hon. Lady Oust, Nov. 28, 1866. e. Male ; /. Female. Deposited, Nov. 28, 1866. g. Purchased, March 31, 1871. h, i. Presented by J. J Monteii-o, Esq., F.Z.S., June 26, 1873. j, k. Presented by Capt. Arbuckle, E.M.L.I., Sept. 28, 1875. I, m. Purchased, June 30, 1880. 1108. Chalcopelia a/ra (Lirm.) . Emerald Dove. Hab. Africa. a, b. Presented by Dr. John Kirk, C.M.Z.S., May 7, 1870. From Zanzibar. 1109. Chalcopelia puella {8ch\ege\) . SchlegePs Dove. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by Capt. Butler, July 5, 1870. 6, c. Males. Purchased, Dec. 5, 1877. d, e. Males, Purchased, Dec. 11, 1877. /, g. Purchased, Nov. 2, 1880. COLTJMBID^. 459 Genus Tympanistria. 1110. Tympanistria bicolor, Bp. Tambourine Pigeon. Hab. South Africa. a. Male ; I. Female. Purchased, March 31, 1871. c, cl Males. Presented by J. W. Wadlee, Esq., Aug. 18, 1871. e,/. Purchased, June 30, 1880. Genus Ocyphaps. 1111. Ocyphaps lophotes {Temm.) . Crested Pigeon. Hab. Australia. a-a\ See former editions. ¥-d\ Bred in the Gardens, June 6, 1872. e^-g\ Bred m the Gardens, July 15, 1872. h\ i\ Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 28, 1872. j\ l-K Bred m the Gardens, ^uly 29, 1873. IK Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 10, 1873. Bred in the Gardens, June 21, 1874. nK Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 8, 1874. oK Bred in the Gardens, July 26, 1875. p\ q^. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 17, 1875. s\ Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 27, 1875. t\ Bred in the Gardens, Oct. 5, 1876. M^. Presented by the Eev. A. H. Glennie, June 23, 1879. v\ ivK Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 14, 1879. a?\ Deposited, March 27, 1880. Genus Chalcophaps. 1112. Chalcophaps indica (Linn.). Green-winged Dove. Hab. India. a. Received in exchange, 1856. From China. b, c. Presented by the Babu Eajeudra MulUck, C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 139. d-f. Eeceived, Dec. 31, 1866. (f-i. Presented by W. D. Glar.side, Esq., April 15, 1867. 7c. Presented by Col. G. W. Walker, May 20, 1870. I, m. Presented by S. J. P. Stafford, Esq., July 19, 1873. n, 0. Presented by Mrs. Moore, May 1, 1877. p-s. Purchased, July 9, 1878. 460 COLTJMBID/E. 1113. Chalcophaps chrysochlora (Wagl). Little Green-winged Dove. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, Feb. 18, 1861, b-f. Eeceived in exchange, April 23, 1863. y. Purchased, Dec. 11, 1863. h-h. Eeceived in exchange, Feb. 4, 1869. Genus Phaps. 1114. Phaps chalcoptera (Lath.). Bronze- winged Pigeon. Hab. Australia. a-a\ See former editions. h\ Bred in the G-ardens, July 15, 1868. c\ Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 6, 1868. cl\ e". Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 17, 1868. Bred in the Gardens, May 10, 1869. fj\ h\ Purchased, April 13, 1870. i\ Deposited, May 8, 1871. /, Tc\ Deposited, Oct. 14, 1872. l\ Female. Deposited, Aug. 22, 1873. m\ 7iK Bred in the Gardens, Oct. 21, 1873. o\ p\ Bred in the Gardens, May 26, 1874. q\ r\ Bred in the Gardens, July 15, 1874. s\ t\ Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 19, 1874. u\ v\ Bred in the Gardens, Oct. 12, 1874. w\ Bred in the Gardens, May 24, 1875. x^. Bred in the Gardens, June 29, 1875. y^. Bred in the Gardens, July 26, 1875. z\ Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 13, 1875. a*. Bred in the Gardens, June 27, 1876. b^, . Bred in the Gardens, June 23, 1867. c\ d}. Bred in the Gardens, July 15, 1867. e\ Male. Eeceived in exchange, Dec. 20, 186/. f-i^. Bred in the Gardens, June 7, 1868. j^-s\ Bred in the Gardens, June 18, 1868. t\ Male ; u\ Female. Purchased, Nov. 29, 1877. v\ Male; ivK Female. Eeceived in exchange, J 1879 x\ y\ Bred in the Gardens, July 14, 1881. PHASIANID^. 481 Genus Thaumalea. 1195. TTiaumalea picta {Linn.) . Gold Pheasant. Hab. China. a. Temale. Purchased, Feb. 12, 1863. h. Male : c. Female. Purchased, March 18, 1864. d. Hybrid between this species and Phasianus colchicus, Linn. Deposited, March 30, 1864. e. Male ; /. Female. (New variety.) Purchased, July 6, 1865. g. Male. Bred in the Gardens. 7i. Deposited March 16, 1868. i. Purchased, April 1, 1868. /, Jc. (Varieties.) Pui-chased, Oct. 7, 1868. l-o. Females. Purchased, March 30, 1871. p, q. Males. Hybrids between a female of this species and a male Thaumalea amIierstitB. Deposited, July 21, 1871. r. Presented by the Eev. H. G. Nmd, Dec. 19, 1871. s. Deposited, Jan. 18, 1872. t-x. Hatched in the Gardens, May 21, 1872. y. Male ; z, a^. Females. Presented by J. P. Davis, Esq., August 21, 1872. 6S c\ Males. Presented by the Eev. A. B. Frazer, April 15, 1874. d}. Male. Eeceived in exchange, Jan. 21, 1875. Females. Eeceived in exchange, Feb. 9, 1876. g^-o\ Bred in the Gardens, June 26, 1876. Jpl-6^ Bred in the Gardens, July 20, 1876. &-h^. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 8, 1876. i\ Male. Bred in the Gardens, Nov. 1, 1878. Male. Presented by J. E. Liardet, Esq., July 12, 1879. P. Male. Presented "by James M'Gregor, Esq., Aug. 31, 1880. T. Male. Presented by W. H. St. Quintin, Esq., March 9, 1881. m^ Female. Purchased, April 5, 1882. Male ; p". Female. Presented by Theo. A. "W Hance, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Sept. 15, 1882. 1196. T/iaumalea amhersticB {Le&dh.) . Amherst^s Pheasant. Hab. SzechueUj China. a^e. Males ; /. Female. Deposited, July 16, 1869. See P.Z.S. 1S69, p. 468. ' J ' g, h. Purchased, March 16, 1871. See P. Z. S. ] 871, p. 298 i-q. Hybrids between a male of this species and' female T. picta. Hatched in the Gardens, June 12, 1872 r-t. Hybrids between a male of this species and 'half-bred 2i 4«2 PHASIANID^. T. picta and T. amJierstice $ . Hatched in the Gar- dens, June 13, 1873. v^z. Hybrids between a male of this species and half-bred T. picta and T. amherstice. Hatched in the Gardens, July 1, 1873. a\ Male. Hybrid between this species and T. picta. Ee- ceived in exchange, Feb. 20, 1874. 6S c'. |-bred between pure S Thaunialea amherstiai and half-bred T. picta and T. amJierstice § . Hatched in the Gardens, June 5, 1874, d}-i\ Hatched in the Gardens, July 3, 1874. j^-l^. Hybrid between a cj of this species and half-bred T. picta and T. amherstice $ . Hatched in the Gardens, July 3, 1874. m\ Bred in the Gardens, July 27, 1875. v}, o\ Hybrids between this species and half-bred T. picta. Bred in the Gardens, July 27, 1875. p^~s^. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 3, 1875. t^-h\ Bred in the Gardens, June 26, 1876. c'-k\ Bred in the Gardens, July 20, 1876. ^^ Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 8, 1876. m^. Male ; n^, o^. Females. Presented by Dr. A. G. B«id, Feb. 2, 1877. p'-^'. Bred in the Gardens, June 28, 1877. z'-i^ Bred in the Gardens, July 27, 1877. j^-o^. Bred in the Gardens, July 3, 1878. p^-1;\ Bred in the Gardens, July 16, 1878. u^-x^. Bred in the Gardens, June 5, 1879. y^. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 7, 1879. r^ Female. Eeceived in exchange, April 7, 1880. a\ Male. Purchased, March 23, 1881. b\ Male. Presented by J. Biehl, Esq., Feb. 7, 1882. c*. Female. Purchased, April 5, 1882. Genus Pucrasia. 1197. Pua-asia microlopha (Less.) . Indian Pucras. Hab. Himalayas. a. Female. Deposited, Feb. 1, 1865. b. Male; c. Female. Deposited, Aug. 21, 1871. From Simla. 1198. Pucrasia darivini, Swinh. Darwin's Pucras. Hab. China, a, b. Males. Deposited, Jan. 1, 1874. c. Male. Deposited, April 1, 1874. d. e. Females. Deposited, May 20, 1875. PHASIANIDiE. 483 /. Male. Deposited, Aug. 28, 1875. g-i. Males ; j, 'k. Females. Deposited, Nov. 20, 1875. I. Male ; m. Female. Purchased, Jan. 8, 1876. n. Male ; o. Female. Deposited, June 19, 1876. p, q. Males ; r. Females. Deposited, Oct. 25, 1877. s. Male; t. Female. Purchased, March 19, 1878. u. Bred in the Gardens, May 11, 1878. V. Male. Purchased, July 8, 1879. 1199. Pucrasia xanthospila, Gray. Yellow-spotted Pucras. Hab. China. a. Male ; h, c. Females. Deposited, Aug. 15, 1870. d. Male. Presented by H.G. the Duke of "Wellington, K.G., Nov. 10, 1871. e. Female. Purchased, Nov. 21, 1871. Genus Euplocamus. 1200. Euplocamus prcelatus (Bonap.). Siamese Pheasant. Hab. Siam. a. Male. Eeceived in exchange, March 4, 1865. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 256. h-d. Hybrids between specimen a and Euplocamus lineatus $ . Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1865. e. Male ; /. Female. Deposited, Sept. 22, 1865. g. Male; h. Female. Purchased, Nov. 10, 1866. i, j. Males ; l\ Female. Eeceived in exchange, Oct. 28, 1867. I. Male. Purchased, May 7, 1870. m. Female. Eeceived in exchange, Feb. 18, 1872. n. Hatched in the Gardens, July 3, 1874. 0. Hatched in the Gardens, Aug. 3, 1875. p. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 8, 1876. q. Male; r. Female. Purchased, April 11, 1877. s. Male. Purchased, Nov. 1, 1878. t, u. Females. Purchased, July 8, 1879. v-x. Bred in the Gardens, June 18, 1880. y. Bred in the Gardens, July 4, 1881. 1201. Euplocamus swinhoii, Gould. Swinhoe's Pheasant. Hab. Formosa. a. Male. Purchased, June 7, 1865. h. Male. Purchased, Feb. 10, 1866. c. Male. Deposited, June 6, 1866. d. Male. Purchased, Aug. 7, 1866. e^g. Males ; h. Female. Deposited, Aug. 23, 1866. 2i 2 484 PHASIANIDjE i. Male ; j, 1c. Females. Deposited, Oct. 27, 1866. I, TO. Females. Purchased, Nov. 2, 1806. n-t. Bred in the Gardens, May 3, 1867. vr-w. Bred in the Gardens, June 23, 1867. .r, y. Males ; z, a\ Females. Deposited, Sept. 26, 1867. h^-cl\ Bred in the Gardens, May 8, 1868. e\/\ Bred in the Gardens, June 17, 1808. £r'-P. Bred in the Gardens, June 17, 1868. P-o\ Deposited, June 24, 1869. p\ Male; q\ Female. Deposited, Oct. 2, 1869. r\ Male ; s\ Female. Deposited, March 4, 1870. Male ; u\ Female. Purchased, Feb. 18, 1872. v\ Male ; w\ Female. Pui-chased, May 26, 1873. cc^-g^. Hybrids between a male of this species and female of E. mjcthemerus. Hatched in the Gardens, June 2, 1873. h\ Male ; i\ Female. Purchased, May 21, 1877. f . Male ; k\ Female. Purchased, Nov. 1, 1878. l\ Male ; m^ Female. Purchased, May 25, 1881. n\ Female. Purchased, May 10, 1882. Bred in the Gardens, June 10, 1882. 1202. Euplocamus enjthrophthalmus (Raffl.). Rufous-tailed Pheasant. Hab. Malacca. a. Male ; b, c. Females. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mulhck, O.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, pp. 139, 373. cl. Purchased, June 15, 1868. e, f. Purchased, Aug. 22, 1868. g! Male ; h. Female. Purchased, March 18, 1870. i. Male. Purchased, May 1, 1872. /. Male : Ic Female. Purchased, May 9, 1872. I. Male ; m. Female. Deposited, July 23, 1873. n. Male ; o. Female. Purchased, April 18, 1882. 1203. Euplocamus vieilloti {Gray). Vieillot's Fireback. Hab. Malacca. a. Male. Deposited, Feb. 13, 1869. h Male ; c. Female. Presented by Col. A. S. Greenlaw, May 8, 1869. rf. Male; e. Female. Deposited, May 4, 18/1. /. Male. Presented by Capt. Parish, R.N., Nov. 6, 1871. From Mergui. g. Male; 7i. Female. Purchased, June 1, 1872. i. Male. Purchased, Feb. 10, 1873. r. ^ r^-o j. Female. Presented by Sir Harry St. George Ord, F.Z.S., June 25, 1877. PHASIANID^. 485 1204. Euplocamus nobilis, Sclater. Bornean Fireback. Hab. Borneo. a. Purchased, April 27, 1868. See P.Z. S. 1868, p. 261. 6. Male; c. Female. Purchased, Jan. 29, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 194. d. Male; e. Pemale. Purchased, May 31, 1875, /. Female. Purchased, July 5, 1876. g. Male ; h. Female. Purchased, May 24, 1877. i. Female. Presented by A. Dent, Esq., Oct. 22, 1878. 1205. Euplocamus nycthemerus (Linn.). Silver Pheasant. Hab. China. a. Male ; h. Female. Eeceived in exchange, 1861. c. Bred in the Gardens, June 3, 1862. d-f. Deposited, Feb. 17, 1865. g. Deposited, Sept. 22, 1865. From India. h. Female. Hybrid? Deposited, Sept. 22, 1865. From India. i. Male. Hybrid ? Purchased, Jan. 6, 1866. j-l. Deposited, July 31, 1868. m, 11. Males. Deposited, March 4, 1870. 0, p. Males: q-t. Females. Presented by J. P. Davis, Esq., Aug. 21, 1872. u~iv. Hatched in the Gardens, July 3, 1874. X. Female. Presented by Mr. W." Miles, May 23, 1876. y. Male ; z. Female. Eeceived in exchange, July 17, 1877. a\ Male ; 6\ Female. Presented by W. Soper, Esq. April 1, 1879. ' 1 . c\ Male. Presented by Mrs. E. J. Beagle, April 29, 1879. d^. Male. Presented by Mr. E. Moon, Oct. 27, 1879. e\ Male. Presented by Miss C. Hallett, Oct. 27, 1880. f. Male ; g^. Female. Presented by Mrs. Hames, Au& 9 1882. ' s . 1206. Euplocamus lineatus, Vigors. Lineated Kaleege. Hab. Tenasserim and Pegu. a, Male ; 6, c, Females. Presented by John Squire Esq C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 373: ' d. Male. Presented by the Babu Eaiendra MulHck C.M.Z.S., Dec. 22, 1864. e-Ic. Bred iu the Gardens, May 25, 1865. Uo. Bred in the Gardens, June 27, 1865. • p-t. Bred in the Gardens, .June 5, 1866. Vr-V. Bred in the Gardens, May 26, 1867. c\ d\ Bred in the Gardens, June 23, 1867. 486 PHASIANIDiE. e-t . Hybnds between a female of this species and E. cur- vieri , g. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 2, 1878. See P. Z. 8. 1879, p. 116. r. Male. Eeceived in exchange. May 26 1879 s, «. Males. Presented by Major M'Naii-, C.M.G., and J. M. Vermont, Esq., May 18, 1882. 494 PHASIANIDiE. Subfamily VI. Meleagrin^. Genus Meleagris. 1328. Meleagris ocellata, Temm. Ocellated Turkey''^. Hob. Guatemala. a, h. Presented by H.M. The Queen, Sept. 1857. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 402. c. Female. Presented by Eobert Owen, Esq., C.M.Z.S., April 29, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 403. cl. Pemale. Presented by Capt. d'Arcy, E.N., Nov. 22, 1864. e. Male. Hybrid between this species and Meleagris raexi- cana, Grould, var. clomestica. Bred in the Gardens, June 14, 1865. /, g. Males. Presented by W. E. Sibeth, Esq., July 20, 1881. 1229. Meleagris gallo-pavo, Linn. North-American Turkey. Hah. North America. a, h. Purchased, Nov. 20, 1863. c, d. Presented by E. K. Karslake, Esq., P.Z.S., Nov. 8, 1866. Erom Canada. e-g. Purchased, March 26, 1867. h-t. Bred in the Gardens, May 24, 1867. u-c^. Bred in the Gardens, June 12, 1867. d}-v?. Hybrids between a male of this species and M. ocel- lata $ . Bred in the Gardens, May 30, 1868. x^. Male; y^, z^. Females. Presented by E. Wynne Eoberts, Esq., Aug. 5, 1879. Subfamily VII. Numidin^. Genus Numida. 1230. Numida meleagris (Linn.) . Common Guinea-fowl. Hah. British Islands. a. Presented by Lady Walker, Aug. 26, 1864. From the Cape of Good Hope. * See remarks on this species and figures, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 402, pi. Xh. PHASlAiNltiiE. 495 b, c. White variety. Presented by Lieut. L. 0. Keppel, E.N., Eeb. 23, 1864. From Madagascar. d. Pui'chased, May 8, 1868. Fi'om West Africa. e, f. Purchased, June 28, 1872. From Mexico. 1231. Numida ptilorhyncha, Licht. Abyssinian Guinea-fowl. Hob. Abyssinia. a. Male ; h. Female. Purchased, March 16, 1865. c. Purchased, May 8, 1868. From Aden. d. Purchased, May 8, 1868. From Eastern Africa. e, /. Presented by Capt. Burke, May 25, 1877. g-i. Purchased, May 22, 1879. j-m. Presented by Gerald Waller, Esq., Aug. 14, 1880. 1232. Numida rendalli, Ogilby. RendalFs Guinea-fowl. Hob. West Africa. a, h. Presented by Mons. J. M. Cornely, C.M.Z.S., May 20, 1875. c, d. Purchased, Oct. 6, 1879. 1233. Numida cornuta, Hartl. & Finsch. Horned Guinea- fowl. Hab. South Africa, a, h. Presented by Lady Walker, Aug. 26, 1864. 1234. Numida mitrata, Pallas. Mitred Guinea-fowl. Hab. Madagascar. a-rf. Presented by Mrs. Moon, May 11, 1866. e~g. Deposited, Aug. 6, 1879, andpurchased Oct. 2, 1879. 1235. Numida cristata, Pall. Crested Guinea-fowl. Hab. West Africa. a. Piu-chased, Sept. 7, 1865. h. Purchased, Sept. 9, 1865. c. Purchased, Dec. 28, 1865. d. Deposited, Dec. 28, 1865. e. Purchased, June 13, 1866. (' 7,^'esented by William M'Coskey, Esq., Dec. 23 1867 h. Male ; z. Female. Purchased, " May 7 1870 ' Spp P. Z. S. 1870, p. 383, and 1871, p. 495.' Types oi N ven-eauxi, mxot, as figured and described in Mon' Pnas. pt. 1. 496 PHASTANID^. j. Eeceivecl in exchange, Jan. 2, 1873. Tc. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1874. I, m. Purchased, March 6, 1874. n, 0. Bred in the Gardens, July 28, 1876. See P. Z S 1876, p. 695. 2>, q. Presented by D. E. Eatcliff, Esq., Dec. 8, 1876. r-t. Deposited, June 4, 1877. u, V. Presented by IMrs. Collingwood, Feb. 9, 1878. w. Presented by Vice-Admiral John Corbett, C.B.. Oct. 3 1879. x. Purchased, June 24, 1881. 1236. Numida pucherani, Hartl. Pucheran's Guinea-fowl. Hab. East Africa. a, b. Deposited, July 12, 1879. c-f. Deposited, Aug. 6, 1879. One died Aug. 6, one Aug. 9, one Aug. 18 ; surviyor purchased, Oct. 2, 1879. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 718. g, Ti. Deposited, Dec. 7, 1879. Presented by the Eev. T. Wakefield, April 26, 1880. 1237. Numida vulturina, Hardw. Vulturine Guinea-fowl. (Fig. 53, p. 497.) Hah. Eastern Africa. a. Presented by Dr. John Kii-k, C.M.Z.S., April 27, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 280. 6, c. Presented by Dr. John Kirk, C.M.Z.S., June 14, 1872. See P.Z. S. 1872, p. 789. d, e. Presented by Dr. John Kirk, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 28, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 110. /. Presented by Dr. John Kirk, C.M.Z.S., June 14, 1874. g, h. Deposited, June 16, 1876. i-p. Deposited, April 23, 1877. q, r. Deposited, June 4, 1877. s-v. Deposited, July 8, 1878. w. Hybrid between this species and iV. melectgris. Pre- sented by Mons. J. M. Cornely, C.M.Z.S., Nov. 25, 1878. x-aK Deposited, July 12, 1879. b\ Deposited, Aug. 6, 1879, and purchased, Oct. 2, 1879. c\ Deposited, Aug. 7, 1879 ; died Aug. 25, 1879. d}-f. Presented by Vice-Admiral John Corbett, C.B., Oct. 3, 1879. g\ Deposited, March 27, 1880. h'-o\ Deposited, July 12, 1881. * Of. Sclater, P. Z. S. 1880, p. 539. PHASlANIDiE. 497 Fig. 53. 1 498 CRACID^E. Family CRACID^. Subfamily I. CaAciNiE*. Genus Crax. 1238. Crax globicera, Linn. Globose Curassow. Hab. Central America. a, h. Females. Presented by H.E. E. W. Keate, Governor of Trinidad, Aug. 9, 1862. c. Male ; d. Female. Presented by E. S. Newall Esq Aug. 12, 1864. e. Presented by Capt. Abbott, Aug. 31, 1864. /. Male ; g. Female. Purchased, Nov. 16, 1865. A. Presented by Commander Glynn, E.N., Aug. 20, 1866. i. Male ; j. Female. Deposited, Oct. 20, 1866. I. Eeceived in exchange, Feb. 4, 1869. m. Female. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1869. n. Female. Purchased, May 25, 1870. 0. Male ; p. Female. Purchased, July 28, 1870. q. Female. Purchased, July 16, 1872. r. Female. Presented by Capt. Butler, Oct. 15, 1872. s. Male. Purchased, May 15, 1873. From Nicaragua. t. Female. Purchased, Nov. 21, 1876. tt, V. Purchased, May 31, 1876. IV. Male. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1878. X. Purchased, Dec. 9, 1878. y. Presented by the Eev. Ealph Cooper, March 28, 1879. z. Purchased, June 12, 1879. a}-c\ Presented by Major F. Hime, July 14, 1879. d}-g\ Presented by F. P. Barlee, Esq., C.M.G., July 27. 1880. h\ Male; i^-lc". Females. Deposited, Feb. 12, 1881. l\ m\ Females. Purchased, Feb. 21, 1881. n\ Female. Presented by A. Lambert, Esq., May 29. 1881 . o\ Male; p\ Female. Purchased, Oct. 25, 1882. q^. Male ; r-\ Female. Presented by E. W. Eyass, Esq.. Nov. 10, 1882. * On the Curassows living in the Society's Gardens, see Sclater, Trans. Zool. Soc. ix. p. 273. CRACIDiE. 499 1239. Crax daubentoni, Gray. Daubenton's Curassow. Hob. Venezuela. a. Male ; h. Female. Presented by J. Wright, Esq., Sept. 29, 1870. From Tucacas, Venezuela. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 671. c. Male; d,e. Females. Presented by A. Warrington, Esq., July 11, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 624, et Tr. Z. 8. vol. ix. pis. XLI., XLII. /. Male. Presented by George Hall, Esq., Sept. 5, 1871. g. Female. Deposited, Oct. 24, 1871. h, i. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1877. j. Deposited, May 24, 1877. k. Presented by A. Warmington, Esq., June 25, 1878. I. Male. Presented by Capt. King, June 29, 1881. 1240. Ci-ax aledor, Linn. Crested Curassow. Hab. Guiana. a. Presented by W. Duncan Stewart, Esq., June 26, 1861. 6, c. Presented by E. W. Keate, Gov. of Trinidad, Aug. 9, 1862. d. Purchased, May 3, 1865. e. Presented by Mrs. Beaumont, April 10, 1866. f-i. Deposited, July 25, 1867. j, k. Presented by Col. May, Aug. 14, 1869. I. Presented by Mr. J. Stanton, June 6, 1871. m, n. Presented by G. Browne, Esq., Sept. 7, 1871. 0, p. Presented by Quintin Hogg, Esq., July 16, 1872; q, r. Females. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1872. From Deme- rara. s. Presented by Geo. Bruce, Esq., May 14, 1874. t. Purchased, July 20, 1876. u. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1877. V. Purchased, April 25, 1878. w. Purchased, Sept. 30, 1882. X. Purchased, Oct. 2, 1882. 1241. Crax sclateri, G. ^. Gd-a-Y. Sclater's Curassow. Hab. South Amei'ica. a. Female. Eeceivedin exchange, March 12, 1861. 1. Female. Presented by the Prince de Joinville, Oct 13 1863. See Tr. Z. S.Vol. ix. pi. xlt. c. Female. Eeceived in exchange, Feb. 21, 1872. d, e. Purchased, Jan. 20, 1874. From Maranhaui /. Female. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1877. y. Male ; h, i. Females. Presented by A. Baillie Esa Nov. 1, 1877. From Paraguay. ' 2k2 500 CRACIDiE. j. Purchased, May 17, 1879. /f. Male; Z. Female. Piircliased, April 9, 1881. m. Male. Presented by P. Toule, Esq., March 21, 1882. Prom the Province of Alagoas, Brazil. n. Pemale. Purchased, Oct. 31, 1882. 1242. Crax globulosa, Spix. Globulose Curassow. Hab. Amazons. a. Pemale. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1877. 1243. Crax carunculata, Temm. Yarrell's Curassow. Hab. South-east Brazil. a. Male. Purchased, April 5, 1859. h. Pemale. Purchased, March 12, 1861. c, cl. Purchased, May 3, 1865. e. Male ; /. Pemale. Eeceived in exchange, Peb. 26, 1867. f/, h. Presented by Edward Thornton, Esq., H.B.M.'s Mi- nister, Eio de Janeiro, INIay 4, 1867. , i, j. Deposited, Dec. 2, 1867. 7c. Deposited, Oct. 29, 1868. I. Pemale. Purchased, May 25, 1870. m. Male. Purchased, Dec. 23, 1873. n. Presented by Mrs. A. E. Nash, Jan. 2, 1875. 0, p. Purchased, July 21, 1875. g. Presented by A. Peixoto, Esq., April 20, 1876. r. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1877. s. Male ; t. Pemale. Purchased, Jan. 30, 1878. u. Pemale. Deposited, Sept. 24, 1880. 1214. Crax alberti, Fraser. Prince Albert's Curassow. Hab. Columbia. a, h. Purchased, April 2, 1868. c. Female. Purchased, May 25, 1870. d. Pemale. Purchased, July 28, 1870. Prom Santa Martha. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 669. e. Presented by Major Eobert Miller Mundy, Oct. 3, 1872. f. Pemale. Purchased, March 1, 1873. Prom Cartagena. 'cj. Male. Purchased, Jan. 21, 1874. 7i, i. Pemales. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1877. /. Pemale. Purchased, July 3, 1878. 'h. Presented by H. B. Whitmarsh, Esq., March 31, 1880. 1. Male; m. Female. Purchased, April 29, 1880. n. Pemale. Purchased, Sept. 29, 1880. 0. Pemale. Purchased, Nov. 30, 1880. Ij. Female. Purchased, June 1, 1881. cracidj?e. 501 1245. Crax viridirostris, Sclater. Green-billed Curassow. Hab, South America. a. Deposited, May 31, 1875. Specimen described Trans. Zool. 8oc. vol ix. p. 282 ; also P. Z. S. 1876, p. 364. 124.6. Crax incommoda, Sclater. Inconvenient Curassow. Kab. South America. a. Eemale. Pm-chased, May 25, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 690, et Tr. Z. S. vol. ix. pi. xlix. h. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1873, Genus Mitua. 1247. Mitua luberosa (Spix) . Razor-billed Curassow. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, Aug. 6, 1860. 6, c. Presented by the Prince de Joinville, Oct. 13, 1863. d, e. Presented by Sir William Clay, Bart., P.Z.8., Dec. 17, 1863. /. Presented by Ed. Thornton, Esq., II.B.M.'s Minister, Eio de Janeiro, May 4, 1867. g. Male. Purchased, May 25, 1870. Ti, i. Presented by Mrs. A. E. Nash, Jan. 2, 1875. h. Piu-chased, July 21, 1875. I, m. Purchased, July 31, 1875. n. Purchased, July 20, 1876. 0. Purchased, July 29, 1878. p. Deposited, Sept. 24, 1880. q. Purchased, Sept. 30, 1882. J-. Purchased, Oct. 25, 1882. s. Purchased, Oct. 31, 1882, 1248, Mitua tomentosa (Spix) . Lesser Razor-billed Curassow. Hab. Guiana. a, b. Purchased, Jan. 14, 1862. c, d. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1877. e. Purchased, Jan. 30, 1878. Genus Pauxis. 1249. Pauxis galeata (Lath.) . Galeated Curassow. Hab. Venezuela and Columbia. «, 6. Males. Purchased, July 28, 1870. From Santa Martha. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 669, et Tr. Z. S. vol. ix. pL Lni. 502 CRACiDiE. Genus Nothocrax. Nothocrax urumutum, Spix. Urumutum Curassow. Hab. Upper Amazons. a. Purchased, July 16, 1877. See P. Z. S. 1877 p 681 6, c. Purchased, Oct. 31, 1882, Subfamily II. Penelopin^. Genus Penelope. 1251. Penelope purpurascens, Wagl. Mexican Guan. Hah. Central America. a, h. Purchased, Jan. 4, 1867. c, d. Deposited, July 25, 1867. e,f. Presented by John Carmichael, Esq., July 18, 1873. 1252. Penelope marail {Gm.). Marail Guan. Hab. Guiana. a, b. Presented by S. Sandbach Parker, Esq., Oct. 23, 1862. c. Presented by Capt. d'Arcy, E.N., Nov. 22, 1864. d. Presented by Lady Gust, March 9, 1867. e. Purchased, Aug. 13, 1870. 1253. Penelope greeyi, Gray. Greey^s Guan. Hah. St. Martha, New Granada. a. Purchased, July 14, 1865. ISpecimen described and figured, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 206, pi. xxii. h, c. Presented by Eob. Gardner, Esq., Sept. 13, 1869. 1254. Penelope cristata (Linn.). Rufous-vented Guan. Hah. Central America. a. Male. Presented by Capt. J. S. Symon, Feb. 28, 1870*. b. Purchased, June 28, 1870. c. Presented by A. Warmington, Esq., Aug. 20, 1875. d. Purchased, Aug. 14, 1876. From Nicaragua. e. Presented by D. Niron, Esq., March 6, 1877. /. Presented by D. Nirou, Esq., June 17, 1877. g. Purchased, Nov. 30, 1878. h, i. Presented by Mr. A. G. Carazo, Dec. 3, ] 878. j. Purchased, Nov. 30, 1880. Erroneously entered in P. Z. S. 1870, p. 893, as P. boliviano. CllACIDjE. 503 1255. Penelope pileata, Licht. Red-breasted Guan. Hob. Northern Brazil. n, h. Purchased, March 8, 1864. c. d. Purchased, May 26, 1870. ' e. Purchased, May 25, 1873. 1256. Penelope jacucaca, Spix. Wliite-fronted Guan. Hob. South-east Brazil. a-c. Purchased, Feb. 9, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 523. d. Purchased, June 28, 1870. e-g. Purchased, Jan. 4, 1873. /t. Deposited, Nov. 4, 1875. Purchased, March 23, 1877. Tc. Purchased, April 14, 1877. I. Purchased, Jan. 30, 1878. 1257. Penelope supe7-cilia?is [Wag].) . White-eyebrowed Guan. Hab. South-east Brazil. a. Deposited, July 25, 1867. b. Purchased, June 10, 1869. c. d. Presented by Edward Harris, Esq., Oct. 16, 1869, e. Purchased, Jan. 4, 1873. /. Purchased, Nov. 4, 1875. //. Purchased, April 14, 1877. h. Purchased, Oct. 16, 1880. Erom Panellas. Genus Pipile. 1258. Pipile cumanensis (Jacq.). Piping Guan. Hab. Guiana. «. Male. Purchased, Dec. 20, 1870. From the Elver Cassiquiare. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 36. h, c. Purchased, July 16, 1877. Erom Bahia. 1259. Pipile jacutinga (Spix). White-crested Guan. Hab. South-east Brazil. a. Presented by the Prince de Joinville, Oct. 13, 1863. h. Presented by the Comte and Comtesse d'Eu, Eeb. 13, 1865 ■ c, d. Presented by Eobert Baker, Esq., May 30, 1866.' From Porto Alegre, llio Grande, Brazil, e. Male. Preseuted by George Hall, Esq., Sept 5 1871 /. Purchased, Feb. 7, 1873. ^ ' ' 504 CRAClDiE. 1260. Pipile cujubi (Pelz.). Amazonian Guan. Hab. Lower Amazons. a-c. Purchased, May 25, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 518. Genus Aburhia. 1261. Aburria carunculata, Reich. Wattled Guan. Hab. U. S. Columbia. «, h. Presented by L. Merino, Esq., Aug. 29, 1876. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 696. Genus Ortalis. 1262. Ortalis mutmot (L'mu.). Little Guan. Hab. Guiana. a. Purchased, May 28, 1864. b-e. Presented by Capt. Sawyer, June 12, 1866. /. Presented by P. P. Barlee, Esq., C.M.G., July 27, 1880. 1263. Oi-talis ruficauda (Jard.). Red-tailed Guan. Hub. Tobago, West Indies. «, h: Presented by W. J. Buhot, M.D., M.E.C.S., Oct. 4, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 796. 1264. Ortalis albiventris {Wag\.) . White-bellied Guan. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, Dec. 18, 1872. b, c. Purchased, July 31, 1875. d, e. Purchased, Oct. 17, 1877. f, g. Purchased, Jan. 30, 1878. 'li. Presented by W. A. Forbes, Esq., Oct. 16, 1880. Prom Pernambuco. 1265. Ortalis veiula (Wagl.) . Mexican Guan. Hab. Mexico. a. Purchased, May 15, 1873. 1266. Ortalis ffarrula (Rnmh.). Chattering Guan. Hab. Columbia. a. Presented by George Dawson Rowley, Esq., P.Z.S., Aug. 26, 1874. Prom Cartagena. MEGAPODIID^. 505 Family MEGAPODIID^. Genus Talegalla. 1267. Talegalla lathami, Gray. Brush-Turkey. Hob. Australia. a. remale. Bred in the G-ardens, July 19, 1854. 6. Female. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 29, 1860. See notice by Bartlett, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 426. c. Female. Eeceived, April 24, 1863. d. Presented by C. Moore, Esq., Sept. 22, 1863. e. Male ; /. Female. Deposited, April 19, 1866. (/. Male. Deposited, June 6, 1866. li. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 5, 1866. i. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 7, 1866. j. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 11, 1866. Tc. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 30, 1866. I, m. Presented by F. J. Owen, Esq., April 10, 1867. n. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 3, 1867. 0. Eeceived in exchange, Feb. 4, 1869. p. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 19, 1869. q. Female. Deposited, Aug. 8, 1871. r. Presented by Capt. F. M. Burke, Sept. 25, 1881. Genus Megacephalon. 1268. Megacep/ialon maleo, Temm. Great-headed Maleo. (Fiff. 54, p. 506.) Hab. Celebes. a. Presented by Capt. Parish, E.N., Nov. 6, 1871. 6. Purchased, July 5, 1876. c. Purchased, May 24, 1877. See Garrod, P. Z. S. 1878 p. 629. Genus Leipoa. 1269. Leipoa ocellata, Gould. Mallee Bird. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, Sept. 7, 1865. h. Purchased, April 4, 1866. c, d. Deposited, July 20, 1866. 506 MEGAPODIIDjE. — TURNIClDiE. e. Presented by the Governor of the Botanic Gardens, Ade laide, South Australia, Dec. 24, 1867. /. Presented by the Directors of the Botanic Gardens, Ade laide, South Australia, Feb. 16, 1869. ' Pig. 54. Megacephalon maleo. Order XV. HEMIPODII. Family TURNICIDiE. Genus Tubnix. 1270. Thrnix. ST/lvatica {Desf.) . Andalusian Hemipode. Hab. North Africa. a. Presented by Kirby Green, Esq., Aug. 3, 1870. 1271. Turnix varia (Lath.) . Varied Hemipode. Hab. Australia. a. Male ; h. Pemale. Purchased, April 9, 1867. c, d. Bred in the Gardens, July 14, 1867. e. Male ; f. Female. Purchased, July 12, 1870. (/. Purchased, July 17, 1882. TURNICIDiE.— RALLID^. 507 1272. Turnix 'pyrrhothorax, Gould. Eed-chested Hemipode. Hah. Australia. «, 6. Purchased, May 21, 1868. 1273. Turnix taigoor, Sykes. Black-breasted Hemipode. Hob. India. a. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Aug. 6, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 821 {T. pugnax). b. Purchased, June 3, 1868. T. hengalensis of P. Z. S. 1868, p. 645. 1274. Dirnix lepurana, Smith. Lepurana Hemipode. Hab. West Africa. a-c. Purchased, Feb. 19, 1873. d. Purchased, Sept. 26, 1873. 1275. Turnix sykesi, Smith. Sykes's Hemipode. Hab. India. a, b. Presented by Mrs. Wood-Mason, April 3, 1877. Order XVI. FULICARIiE. Family RALLID^. Genus Rallus. 1276. Rallus aquaticus, Linn. Water-Rail. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, Nov. 16, 1865. b. Presented by the Rev. B. G. Davis Cooke, Dec 9 1867 c. Purchased, Nov. 22, 1869. d. Presented by C. Chignall, Esq., Nov. 14, 1870. Captured at sea. ^ e Presented by Lady Mildred Beresford Hope, Feb 6 1872 /. Purchased, Feb. 6, 1874. • > ' • g. Presented by Capt. F. H. Salvin, Oct. 19 1878 h. Presented by W. Thompson, Esq., Nov. 26 1878 ^. Purchased, Nov. 1], 1879. ' j. Presented by T. J. Mann, Esq., Feb. 22, 1880 508 RALLIDtE. 1277. Rallus pectoralis, Less. Australian Rail. Hab. New Holland. a, h. Eeceivecl in exchange, April 18, 1863. c. Purchased, April 19, 1866. d. Presented by J. Harris, Esq., Oct. 7, 1874. e. Purchased, June 27, 1880. 1278. Rallus celebensis, Q. et G. Celebean Rail. Hab. Celebes. a, b. Purchased, July 13, 1876. c. Purchased, June 27, 1880. 1279. Rallus maculatus (Bodd.). White-spotted Rail. Hab. South America. a, b. Purchased, Nov. 6, 1879. c. Purchased, March 31, 1880. 1280. Rallus rhytirhynchus (Vieill.). Sooty Rail. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Nov. 6, 1879. Genus Aramides. 1281. Aramides cay ennensis (Gm.). West-Indian Rail. Hab. South America. a, b. Purchased, May 6, 1864. Prom Trinidad. c, d. Presented by L. Joel, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 23, 1868. From Venezuela. e. Deposited, Aug. 4, 1868. f-h. Purchased, Sept. 16, 1872. i. Purchased, Jan. 4, 1873. j. Purchased, Peb. 17, 1873. h. Presented by Mrs. C. C Lovesy, May 15, 1873. I. Purchased, July 1, 1873. m. Purchased, Oct. 19, 1874. n. Purchased, July 17, 1875. 0. Purchased, July 31, 1875. q. Purchased, Nov. 16, 1875. r, s. Purchased, Dec. 16, 1875. t, u. Presented by Capt. Crozier, Jan. 25, 1876. V. Purchased, June 16, 1876. IV, X. Purchased, March 23, 1877. y, z. Purchased, Jidy 16, 1877. BALLTDiE. 509 a\ b\ Purchased, Sept. 17, 1877. c\ d\ Purchased, Jan. 22, 1878. e\ Presented by Capt. J. Moir, June 10, 1878. Genus Porzana. 1282. Porzana maruetta (Leach). Spotted Crake. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by William Thompson, Esq., Oct. 27, 1866. h, c. Purchased, July 29, 1869. 1283. Porzana Carolina (Linn.). Carolina Crake. Hab. America. a. Presented by Capt. Carl Hanues, May 25, 1877. From Jamaica. 1284. Porzana notata (Gould). Spotted Crake. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Jan. 19, 1876. Captured at sea, off Cape Santa Maria. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 255. Genus Rallina. 1285. EalUna pcecilopte7-a (HsLvil.) . Bar-winged Rail. Hab. Fiji Islands. a. Purchased, Jan. 6, 1879. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 108. Genus Crex. 1286. Crew pratensis, Bechst. Corn-Crake. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, July 25, 1864. b. Purchased, July 23, 1871. Purchased, May 2, 1872. cl. Presented by A. Battiscombe, Esq., May 31, 1882. 510 RALLIDiE. Genus Ocydromus. 1287. Oci/dromus australis {Spavrm.) . Weka Rail. Hab. New Zealand. a, Male. Purchased, April 29, 1861. b, c. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, May 23, 1864. d-7i. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, Jan. 4, 1865. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., June 30, 1866. k, I. Deposited, Jidy 20, 1866. m. Purchased, Oct. 24, 1872. From Otago. n, 0. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Otago, Oct. 15, 1873. p, q. Presented by Dr. J. Hector, C.M.Z.S., June 7, 1875. r. Presented by Capt. Jessop, Oct. 7, 1876. s. Presented by H. F. Eose, Esq., Sept. 1, 1880. 1288. Ocydromus earli, GT. R. Gray. Earl's Weka Rail. Hab. North Island, New Zealand. a, h. Presented by the Auckland Acclimatization Society, Aug. 22, 1871. c, cl. Purchased, Nov. 13, 1871. e. Purchased, July 4, 1874. /. Presented by Capt. Braddick, Dec. 27, 1875. 1289. Ocy. Purchased, June 15, 1877. '-b\ Presented by F. CressweU, Esq., Jan. 12, 1880. Presented by E. EUiot, Esq., M.E.C.S., Oct. 20, 1880. d''-V. Purchased, Dec. 8, 1880. m^ n\ Presented by E. A. S. EUiot, Esq., M.E.C.S., Oct, 8, 1881. o', p\ Purchased, Dec. 1, 1881. 1367. Tringa canutus, Linn. Knot. Hab. Europe. ro /. Male. Presented by Mr. J. Gr. Harrison, April 5, 1«7J. g-l. Purchased, Sept. 14, 1880. m. Purchased, Oct. 25, 1881. n. Purchased, March 16, 1882. 0. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1882. Genus Calideis. 1369. Calidris arenaria (Linn.) . Sanderling. Hob. Europe. a. Presented by Edmund ElHot, Esq., M.E.O.S., Oct. 20, 1880. Genus Tringoides. 1370. Tringoides hjpoleucus (Linn.) . Common Sandpiper. Hob. British Islands. a. Presented by E. Mitford, Esq., June 7, 1865. h. Piu-chased, Aug. 6, 1872. Genus ToTANTJS. 1371. Totanus calidris (Lmn.) . Redshank. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by the Hon. Mrs. Oresswell, Dec. 11, 1868. b. Purchased, Dec. 28, 1871. c. Purchased, March 20, 1880. d. e. Purchased, Dec. 3, 1880. /. Purchased, Dec. 1, 1881. g, h. Purchased, March 17, 1882. 1. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1882. Genus Limosa. 1372. Limosa lapponica (Linn.) . Bar-tailed Godwit. Hab. Europe. a. Deposited, Aug. 11, 1860. b. Deposited, March 15, 1865. c. Presented by H. M. Upcher, Esq., E.Z.S., Aug. 26, 1870. d. Purchased, Dec. 1, 1879. e. Presented by F. Cresswell, Esq., Jan. 12, 1880. 2m 2 532 SCOLOPACIDiE. /. Purcliased, Feb. 16, 1880. g. Purchased, Dee. 3, 1880. h. Piu-chased, Oct. 25, 1881. i. Purchased, Nov. 18, 1881. j. Purchased, Feb. 21, 1882. 1873. Limosa (Sffocephala (Linn.) . Black-tailed Godwit. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, Aug. 10, 1860. b. Presented by H. S. Marks, Esq., Feb. 23, 1874. c. d. Purchased, May 19, 1879. e. f. Purchased, June 24, 1879. Genus Numenius. 1374. Numenim arguata (Linn.) . Curlew. Hab. Europe^ Asia, Africa. a. Purchased, March 6, 1860. b-e. Eeceived in exchange, March 10, 1865. f. Received in exchange, April 5, 1866. g. Presented by J. Kennard, Esq., Aug. 7, 1871. 7i. Male. Presented by Mr. J. G. Harrison, April 5, 1872. i. Presented by C. Clifton, Esq., F.Z.S., Jan. 25, 1876. i. Deposited, Nov. 20, 1879. Jc. Purchased, Dec. 1, 1879. I, m. Purchased, Nov. 11, 1880. n. Piu-chased, Dec. 1, 1881. 0. Purchased, Feb. 21, 1882. p, q. Purchased, Dec. 28, 1882. 1375. Numenius phaopus (Linn.). Whimbrel. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by William Tait, Esq., May 30, 1870 b. Presented by Dr. Stafford, Aug. 7, 1874. c. Eeceived in exchange, July 2, 1879. 1376. Numenius minutus, Gould. Little Whimbrel. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, April 19, 1866. See P. Z. S. 1866, p. 203. 1377. Numenius femoralis, Peale. Pacific Curlew. Hab. Pacific Islands. a, h. Presented by the Eev. J. S. mitmee, C.M.Z.S., May 27, 1874. From Quiros Island, S. Pacific. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 323. LARIDiE. 533 Order XIX. GAVl^. Family LARIDtE. Genus Stercorarius. 1378. Stercorarius catarrhactes (Linn.) . Common Skua. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by P. Cresswell, Esq., Sept. 25, 1868. 1379. Stercorarius antarcticus (Less.) . Antarctic Skua. Hab. Antarctic Seas. a, h. Presented by E. L. Layard, Esq., P.Z.S., Aug. 14, 1868. Prom the Cape, c, d. Presented by the Eev. A. E. Eaton, May 10, 1874. Prom Kerguelen Land. e. Presented by Capt. Pairfax, July 1, 1875. Prom Ker- guelen Land. /. Presented by Capt. "W. Vincent Legge, E.A., May 7, 1877. (/. Purchased, "May 26, 1881. 1380. Stercorarius pomatorhinus {Temm.) . Pomatorhine Skua. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, Nov. 20, 1874. h. Presented by E. L. Smith, Esq., Nov. 13, 1879. c, d. Purchased, Dec. 5, 1879. e. Presented by G. H. Baxter, Esq., Dec. 7, 1881. 1381. Stercorarius crepidatus (Grm.). Richardson's Skua. Hab. Europe. a-d. Presented by Robert T. C. Scott, Esq., Aug. 9, 1880. Prom the Shetland Islands, e-g. Deposited, Aug. 9, 1880. Prom the Shetland Islands. h. Deposited, Oct. 25, 1881. Genus Pagophila. 1383. Pagophila eburnea (Phipps). Ivory Gull. Hab. Arctic Regions. a. Presented by B. Leigh Smith, Esq., P.Z.S., Oct. 16 1880. SeeP.Z.S. 1880, p. 538. 534 LARIDjE. Genus Rissa. 1383. Rissa tridactyla (Linn.) . Kittiwake. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, April 28, 1865. b, c. Presented by P. Eosburgh, Esq., Dec. 31, 1868 d. Presented by Sir H. Dalrymple, Bart., Aug 5 1876 e. Presented by W. H. Cope, Esq., E.Z.S., Jan. 19, 1880 /. Presented by H. E. Bower, Esq., Eeb. 4, 1880. g. Purchased, Feb. 23, 1880. h, i. Presented by Sir Hugh Dalrymple, Bart., July 11 1880. ^ ' Genus Lartjs. 1384. Larus glaucus, Fabr. Glaucous Gull. Hab. Europe. a. Purchased, Dec. 23, 1859. h. Purchased, Oct. 3, 1860. c, d. Bred in the Gardens, June 24, 1868, e, f. Presented by E. E. Beaumont, Esq., Dec. 4, 1874. From Spitzbergen. g, Ti. Presented by Capt. Loftus F. Jones, Sept. 10, 1875, From Greenland. 1385. Larus leucopterus, Faber. Iceland Gull. Hab. Northern Europe. a. Presented by B. L. Smith, Esq., Oct. 7, 1873. 1386. Larus argentatus, Gm. Herring-Gull. Hab. Europe. a-z\ See former editions. £l^ Presented by Mrs. H. D. Martin, March 2, 1880. h\ Presented by Mr. A. Kendall, July 9, 1880. c^ Presented by Mr. J. Palmer, Oct. 14, 1880. dJ". Presented by J. F. Nixon, Esq., Nov. 9, 1880. e". Presented by Mrs. Lawson, Nov. 10, 1880. f. Presented by Mr. C. Hunt, Feb. 3, 1881. g'^, 1^. Hybrids between this species and i^ffriw /ijscws. Bred in the Gardens, July 2, 1881. i\ Presented by E. A. Brown, Esq., Aug. 9, 1881. 7c^ Presented by Mrs. Greaves, Nov. 14, 1881. V. Presented by E. H. Ebsworth, Esq., Dec. 16, 1881. LABID^. 535 m'-o». Presented by E. Ward, Esq., F.Z.S., March 20, 1882. p'. Presented by the Chevalier Da Costa Eicci, March 20, 1882 Purchased, May 27, 1882. r^ S-. Bred in the Gardens, May 29, 1882. 1387. Larus cachinnans, Pallas. Yellow-legged Herring-Gull. Hab. North Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 3, 1858. From Mogador. Larus fus- cescens, ohm. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 316, and ' Ibis,' 1876, p. 61. b, c. Young. Presented by P. Bond, Esq., E.Z.S., June 17, 1871. d, e. Deposited, June 29, 1874. From Sardinia. /, g. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., June 29, 1874, aa probably young of L. auclouini. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 494. h. Bred in the Gardens, May 25, 1878. i, j. Bred in the Gardens, May 17, 1879. k, I. Bred in the Gardens, June 9, 1879. m, n. Bred in the Gardens, May 16, 1880. 1388. Larus fuscus, Linn. Lesser Black-backed Gull. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by Mrs. Cotton, 1861. h. Presented by A. K. Dale, Esq., Oct. 21, 1867. c, d. Presented by J. W. Vines, Esq., April 28, 1870. e. Presented by F. H. T. Streatfield, Esq., F.Z.S., Jan. 2, 1872. /, g. Hatched in the Gardens, June 24, 1872. h, i. Presented by C. W. Wood, Esq., July 29, 1873. j. Presented by C. W. Wood, Esq., Oct. 1, 1873. k. Presented by Mr. W. K. Stanley, Jan. 29, 1874. I. Presented by C. Clifton, Esq., Feb. 22, 1876. m. Presented by J. Snell, Esq., June 22, 1877. n, 0. Presented by the Eev. S. E. Wilkinson, Jan. 31, 1878. p, q. Presented by A. H. Cocks, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 22. 1878. ^ r. Presented by the Eev. F. H. Addams, F.Z.S., Oct. 23 1879. s. Presented by Mr. Beazley, July 13, 1880. t, u. Presented by Mr. Beazley, Aug. 5, 1880. V, w. Presented by Mrs. Brindley, Jan. 4, 1882. X, y. Presented by F. G. Bury, Esq., Oct. 6, 1882. 536 LARIDjE. 1389. Larus canus, Linn. Common Gull. Hab. British Isles. a. Presented by Dr. Stewart, Aug. 16, 1872. b. Presented by Mr. W. K. Stanley, Feb. 18, 1874. c. Presented by M. P. W. Martin, Esq., May 28, 1874. d. Presented by C. Clifton, Esq., E.Z.S., Jan. 25, 1876. e. f. Presented by C. Clifton, Esq., P.Z.S., Peb. 22, 1876, g. Presented by P. Lancelott, Esq., July 24, 1878. h, i. Presented by P. Cress well, Esq., Jan. 23, 1879. j. Presented by H. W. Preston, Esq., Peb. 14, 1879. k, I. Presented by Geo. Weaver, Esq., Jan. 8, 1880. m, n. Presented by J. Castell, Esq., June 17, 1880. 0. Presented by G. Herring, Esq., Nov. 15, 1880. 1390. Larus marinus, Linu. Greater Black-backed Gull. Hab. British Islands. a. Pemale. Presented by W. L. Turner, Esq., Oct. 27, 1848. b. Male. Presented by W. H. Leach, Esq., June 3, 1861. c. Deposited, 1861. d. e. Young. Presented by W. Bleat, Esq., March 9, 1868. /, g. Presented by P. Eoxburgh, Esq., Dec. 31, 1868. *7t. Presented by C. A. Eeed, Esq., Sept. 5, 1871. i. Presented by the Commissioners of Woods and Porests, March 14, 1872. Presented by A. J. Adie, Esq., Aug. 15, 1873. 'Jc. Presented by C. Clifton, Esq., Dec. 6, 1877. I. Presented by E. Thornhill, Esq., April 1, 1880. m, 11. Presented by Mr. A. Allen, Sept. 8, 1881. 0. Presented by E. Ebsworth, Esq., Dec. 16, 1881. 1391. Larus dominicanus, Jjicht. Dominican Gull. Hab. Falkland Islands. a. Obtained by the Society's Collector, Aug. 24, 1868. b, c. Purchased, May 16, 1871. Prom Chih. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 545. d. Purchased, April 26, 1878. e. Presented by Capt. E. Bower, June 19, 1880. Prom the BlufE, Middle Island, New Zealand. /. Purchased, May 26, 1881. g, h. Pvu'chased, Nov. 9, 1881. LAKID^. 537 1393. Lams atricilla, Linn. Laughing Gull. Hub. America. rt, 6. Purchased, AprU 13, 1870. Entered, P. Z. S. 1870, App. p. 895, as L. melanorhynchus. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 496. c. Male ; cl. Pemale. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 6, 1872. e. Purchased, Sept. 29, 1877. 1393. Larm ridibunduSjlAnn. Black- headed Gull. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by Alfred Newton, Esq., P.Z.S., July 21, 1851. h. Presented by J. Salmon, Esq., July 25, 1856. c. Presented by Dr. Bree, May 1861. d. Deposited, April 30, 1866. Prom Norfolk. e-l. Presented by Dr. A. G-iinther, F.Z.S., Aug. 15, 1868. m. Presented by John Gould, Esq., April 13, 1869. n. Presented by Mr. Keel, Sept. 4, 1874. o,p. Presented by C. Clifton, Esq., P.Z.S., Jan. 25, 1876. q-s. Presented by 0. Clifton, Esq., F.Z.S., Feb. 22, 1876. t. Presented by Mr. Brazenor, May 5, 1876. u. Presented by J. Smart, Esq., Dec. 13, 1876. V, w. Presented by Harry W. Preston, Esq., Feb. 14, 1879. X. Purchased, Nov. 15, 1881. y, z. Purchased, Dec. 3, 1881. a\ Presented by Mr. E. Lloyd, Oct. 17, 1881. h\ c\ Purchased, Feb. 21, 1882. 1394. Larus cirrhocephalus, Vieill. Ashy-headed Gull. Hab. South America. a, h. Purchased, Oct. 19, 1876. c. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1877. 1395. Larus novce-hoUandia, Steph. Jameson's Gull. Hab. Australia.. «, b. Presented by G-. C. Moore, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 28 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 469. c-n. Presented by Mr. A. JJ. Jararach, July 19, 1876. 0. Presented by C. Clifton, Esq., P.Z.S., Aug. 31, 1877. p, q. Bred in the Gardens, June 19, 1879. r, s. Bred in the G-ardens, April 20, 1880. t. Bred in the Gardens, Jujje 6, J 881. 538 Genus Sterna. 1396. Sterna hirundo, Linn. Common Tei'n. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1866. h, c. Presented by A. A. van Bemmelen, Esq., Nov. 15, 1868. 1397. Sterna macrura, Naum. Arctic Tern. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by E.. Lawson, Esq., Oct. 16, 1868. 1398. Sterna cantiaca, Gm. Sandwich Tern. Hab. Europe. Or-d. Purchased, Aug. 21, 1874. 1399. Sterna anglica, Mont. Gull-billed Tern. Hab. America. a. Purchased, March 6, 1876. Genus HyDROCHELIDON. 1400. Hydrochelidon nigra (Linn.). Black Tern. Hab. British Islands. a, h. Purchased, June 1, 1868. Genus Anous. 1401. Anous stolidus (Linn.). Noddy. Hab. West Indies. a. Purchased, May 18, 1865. „ ^ ,w nc^o 6. Presented by M. H. Smyth, Esq., E.N., Jan. 17, 1879. PROCELLARIIDiE. 539 Order XX. TUBINARES. Family PROCELLARIIDtE. Genus PurFiNUS. 1402. Puffinus anglorum (Temm.). Manx Shearwater. Hub. British Islands. a. Presented by Dr. Bree, F.Z.S., Sept. 10, 1873. h. Deposited, Sept. 19, 1873. 1403. Puffinus major, Faber. , Greater Shearwater. Hob. America. a. Purchased, Oct. 27, 1882. From Lincolnshire. Genus Daption. 1404. Daption capense (Linn.). Cape Pigeon. Hab. South Atlantic. a. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1873. From Manilla. Genus Fulmartjs. 1405. Fulmarus glacialis (Lmn.) . Fulmar. Hab. Northern Europe. a, b. Deposited, January 16, 1880. 540 COLYMBID/E. Order XXI. PYGOPODES. Family COLYMBIDtE. Genus Tachybaptes. 1406. Tachi/baptes fluviatilis {Tanst.) . Little Grebe, Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, Feb. 21, 1863. b-e. Presented by Master A. M. Hall, Dec. 1, 1863. /, g. Presented by Lieut.-Col. C. T. Cox, Nov. 16, 1867. h. Presented by P. H. Salvin, Esq., Sept, 3, 1868. i. Presented by J, K. Lord, Esq., F.Z.S., April 1, 1871. j. Presented by A, M, Hill, Esq., Dec. 6, 1871. k. Purchased, Jan, 18, 1872. I.. Presented by H, P. Hensman, Esq,, Nov. 3, 1873, m. Purchased, Jan. 4, 1876. n. Presented by Dr. S. J. F. Stafford, Aprd 6, 1876. 0. Presented by W. Johnson, Esq., Oct. 10, 1876. 2J. Purchased, Nov. 27, 1877, q. Presented by A. F. Buxton, Esq., Nov. 17, 1879. r. Presented by Thomas E. Pryce, Esq., Jan. 31, 1880, s. Presented by J. H, Gurney, jun,, Esq., Jan. 15, 1881. Genus Podiceps, 1407. Podiceps griseigena (Bodd.) . Red-necked Grebe, Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by W. C. Horsfall, Esq., Feb. 16, 1866. 1408, Podiceps auritus (Linn.) . Sclavonian Grebe. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, Nov, 18, 1881, Genus Colymbus, 1409. Cohjmbus glacialis, Linn. Great Northern Diver. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by A. E. Hunt, Esq., Jan. 6, 1870. See P, Z, S. 1870, p, 86. COLYMBID^. ALCIDjE. 541 1410. Cohjmbus arcticus, Linn. Black-throated Diver. Hab. British Islands. a. Purchased, Dec. 28, 1881. 1411. Colymbus septentrionalis (Linn.). Red-throated Diver. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by J. S. Thompson, Esq., April 8, 1879. b. Deposited, Nov. 20, 1879. c. Purchased, Dec. 13, 1880. d. e. Purchased, Feb. 2, 1881. /, g. Purchased, Nov. 5, 1881. h. Purchased, Nov. 24, 1881. i. Purchased, Nov. 11, 1882. Family ALCID^. Genus Alca. 1412. Alca tarda, Linn. Razorbill. Hab. British Islands. a. Presented by P. W. Symonds, Esq., July 28, 1864, b, c. Presented by T. Walker, Esq., June 11, 1868. cl. Presented by W. Thompson, Esq., Jan. 7, 1877. e. Purchased, Dec. 3, 1880. /, g. Purchased, Nov. 24, 1881. 7t, i. Purchased, Dec. 1, 1881. Genus LoMviA. 1413. Lomvia troile (Linn.). Common Guillemot. Hab. British Isles. a, b. Presented by W. H. Scratten, Esq., E.Z.S., Sept. 25, 1872. ^ c-e. Purchased, Aug. 21, 1873. f-lc. Presented by Sir H. Dalrymple, Bart., July 22, 1874. l-r. Presented by Sii- H. Dalrymple, Bart., Aug. 5, 1876. s-x. Presented by Sir H. Dalrymple, Bart., July 27, 1878. 542 ALCIDiK. SPHENISCIDiE. y-3\ Presented by Sir Hugh Dalrymple, Bart., July 11 1880. h\ Purchased, Nov. 18, 1881. l^-q^. Presented by Miss Maud Howard, Aug, 3, 1882. Genus Fratercula. 1414. Fratercula arctica (Linn.) . Puffin. Hah. British Islands. a, h. Presented by T. Walker, Esq., June 11, 1868. c. Eeceived in exchange, March 31, 1870. d. Eeceived in exchange, Jan. 28, 1878. e. Presented by H. M. Upcher, Esq., March 25, 1882. /. Presented by Miss Lane, March 28, 1882. Order XXII. IMPENNES. Family SPHENISCID^. Genus Aptenodytes. 1415. Aptenodytes pennanti, Gray. King Penguin. Hab. Falkland Islands. rt. Presented by Commander Eenwick, E.N., March 27, 1865. See Owen, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 438. 6. Presented by Frederick Cobb, Esq., Jan. 8, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 183. c. Deposited, May 27, 1872. d. Presented by jFrederidt Cobb, Esq., May 18, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 469. e. Purchased, Nov. 14, 1879. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 763. From Staten Island, Cape Horn. Genus Pvgosceles. 1416. Pygosceles tceniatiis (Peale). Gentoo Penguin. Hab. Falkland Islands. a. Purchased, Oct. 22, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 605. SPHENISCID^. 543 Genus Spheniscus, 1417. Spheniscus demersus (Linn.) . Black-footed Penguin. Hab. South Africa. a. Purchased, Oct. 26, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 818. b. Deposited, Dec. 19, 1867. c-e. Purchased, Dec. 3, 1874. /. Purchased, Feb. 13, 1878. g. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1878. 7i. Purchased, Oct. 7, 1878. i, j. Purchased, Aug. 14, 1879. k. Purchased, June 1, 1880. I, m. Presented by William Catton Branford, Esq., Jan. 10, 1881. n. Presented by Capt. J. C. Eobinson, Aug. 5, 1881. 0. Presented by Capt. H. W. Stockham, Dec. 29, 1881. 1418. Spheniscus humboldti, Meyen. Humboldt's Penguin. (Fig. 5S, p. 544.) Hab. Western America. a. Deposited, Dec. 6, 1871. b. Presented by Major J. Gr. Sandeman, F.Z.S., March 31, 1872. Fi'om Guayca, West Coast of South America. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 604. c. Purchased, Jan. 24, 1878. See P.Z.S. 1878, p. 116 ; also Bartlett, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 6. 1419. Spheniscus magellanicus, Porst. Jackass Penguin. Hab. Falkland Islands. a. Purchased, May 25, 1882. Genus EuDYPTEs. 1420. Eudyptes chrysocome (Porst.). Rock-hopper Penguin. Hab. Falkland Island. a. Presented by J. M. Dean, Esq., July 1, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 683. b. Eeceived in exchange, March 31, 1881. From Tristan d Acunha. 544 SPHENISCIDjiE. Kg. 68. SpTieniscus humioldti. (P. Z. S. 1879, p. 8.) TINAMIDiE. Older XXIII. CRYPTURL Family TINAMID^. Genus Tinamus. 1431. Tinamus solitarius {YieiW.) . Solitary Tinamou. Hab. Brazil. a, h. Eeceived in exchange, Oct. 13, 1873. c. Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 30, 1874. cl. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1874. e. Received in exchange, Dec. 2, 1874. /, g. Purchased, Aug. 14, 1877. h, i. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1877. Genus Crypturus. 1422. Crypturus obsoletus (Temm.) . Obsolete Tinamou. Hab. Brazil. a, h. Received in exchange, Oct. 21, 1873. c. Purchased, Aug. 14, 1877. 1423. Crypturus pileatus (Bodd.). Little Tinamou. Hab. South America. a. Eeceived in exchange, June 24, 1868. 1424. Crypturus tataupa (Temm.) . Tataupa Tinamou. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Sept. 29, 1876. h. Purchased, Oct. 19, 1876. c. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1877. cU-j. Purchased, Oct. 16, 1881. Prom Garanhuns. Tc-l. Purchased, Aug. 1, 1882. 1425. Crypturus noctivagus, Max. Banded Tinamou. Hab. Brazil. a-e. Purchased, Aug. 29, 1872. f-h. Purchased, Oct. 21, 1873. 2n 546 TINAMIDiE. i, j. Purchased, Feb. 22, 1875. k. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 4, 1879. I, m. Purchased, Oct. 16, 1883. Prom Garanhuns. 1426. Crijpturus variegatus {Gm.) . Variegated Tinamou. Hab. Brazil. a. Presented by John Blount, Esq., April 1, 1861. 1427. Crypturus undulatus (Temm.). Undulated Tinamou. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Sept. 29, 1876. Genus Rhynchotus. 1428. Rhynchotus rufesceiis {Temm.) . Rufous Tinamou. Ifab. Brazil. a, h. Purchased, June 27, 1864. c. Presented by the Comte and Comtesse d'Eu, Feb. 13, 1865. d, e. Presented by Edward Collier, Esq., July 10, 1866. /, g. Bred in the Gardens, May 31, 1867. See Bartlett, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 687, and 1868, p. 114, pi. xii. h-^i. Bred in the Gardens, June 28, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 114. n. Bred in the Gardens, July 20, 1867. OS. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 11, 1867. t-iv. Bred in the Gardens, Aug, 31, 1867. x-z. Bred in the Gardens, Sept. 13, 1867. ct}-g^. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 11, 1868. h\ i\ Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 15, 1868. j'-l Presented by Dr. Wood, Oct. 14, 1871. m\ Presented by 0. L. Getting, Esq., July 31, 1872. n'-p\ Purchased, Aug. 16, 1873. q^-t\ Presented by A. O. Lumb, Esq., Aug. 6, 1874. u\ Presented by Viscount HiU, April 13, 1875.^ v^, iu\ Presented by Mrs. Rijigrose, July 23, 1876. cv\ Purchased, Sept. 29, 1876. y\ Presented by F. S. Parker, Esq., March 28, 1877. z'-d". Purchased, July 16, 1'877. Presented by Capt. Fairfax, E.N., Aug. 6, 1877. rA K'. Purchased, July 29,1878. Presented by J. A. Iliffe, Esq., Sept. 20, 1878. ^^.m^ Deposited, Sept. 24, 1880. n\ o\ Purchased, Aug. 1, 1882. TiNAMIDiE. — APTERYGIDiE. 1429. Rhijnchotus perdicarius (Kittl.). Chilian Tinamou. Hab. Chili. a. Purchased, Jan. 10, 1873. 6, c. Purchased, Oct. 21, 1873. Genus Nothuka. 1430. Nothura maculosa, Temm. Spotted Tinamou. Hab. Buenos Ayres. a, h. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 8, 1873. c, cl. Purchased, Oct. 21, 1873. Purchased, July 17, 1875. h-p. Purchased, July 29, 1878. Order XXIV. APTERYGES. Family APTERYGID^. Genus Aptebyx. 1431. Apteryv australis, Shaw *. Kiwi. Hab. South Island, New Zealand. a. Eeceived in exchange, Oct. 10, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 479, and 1872, p. 861. 1432. Apteryx mantelli, Bartlett. Mantell's Apteryx. Hab. New Zealand. a. remale. Presented by Lieut. Governor Eyre, Dec. 9, 1851. h. Male. Presented bv Major Keane, Sept. 29, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 374. c. Male. Presented by Henry Slade, Esq., E.N., May 23, 1865. See P. Z. S. 1865, p. 466. d. Purchased, April 14, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 479. e. Presented by Alfred Lat'one, Esq., May 20, 1871. /. Purchased, March 11, 1873. * For notices o£ eggs of Apteryx, see Sclater, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 350, and 1860, p. 194 ; for incubation of Apteryx, see Bartlett, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 329. 2 n3 548 APTHllYGIDyE. CASUAUIID7E. 1433. Apteryx oweni, Gould, Owen^s Apteryx. Hab. New Zealand. a. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Otago' July 28, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 468! b. Purcliased, April 14, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 479. c. Received in exchange, Oct. 10, 1872. d. Presented by Dr. J. Hector, O.M.Z.S., Jrnie 7, 1875. 1434. Apteryx haasti. Potts. Haast's Apteryx. Hai. New Zealand. a, Presented by Baron Perdinand von Mueller, C.M.Z.S., Dee. 18, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 1. Order XXV. CASUARII. Family CASUARIID^. Genus Casuarius. 1435. Casuarius galeatus (VieiW.) . Common Cassowary. Hab. Ceram. a. Male. Received in exchange, March 28, 1862. 6. Female. Purchased, Nov. 20, 1863. c Male ; d. Female. Presented by the Babu Rajendra MuUick, C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. e Bred in the Gardens, June 22, 1866. /. Bred in the Gardens, July 18, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 179. g. Presented by Admii-al Sir H. Keppel, K.C.B., April 13, 1870. 7t. Purchased, March 3, 1874. i. Purchased, May 2, 1878. 1436. Casuarius australis, Wall. Australian Cassowary. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by the Marquess of Normanby, Jan. 23, 1875, See P. Z. S. 1875, pp. 2, 82. 6. Presented by E. P. Ramsay, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 28, 1875. P. Z. S. 1875. p. 469. CAStJARIIDiE. 549 1437. Casuarius beccarii, Sclater. Beccari's Cassowary. Hab. South-eastern New Guinea. a Presented by Sir James Pergusson, Bart., F.Z.S., June 7, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875, p. 527, pi. ltiti. h. Toung. Eeceivecl in exchange, March 21, 1878. 1438. Casuarius bicarunculatus, Sclater. Two-wattled Casso- wary. Hab. Aroo Islands. a. Eeceived in exchange, May 2, 1860. See P. Z. S. 1860 pp. 211 & 247. b. Pemale. Purchased, Jan. 13, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 149. c. Purchased, Peb. 15, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 495, pi. XXTI. d. Purchased, March 8, 1877. 1439. Casuarius uniappendiculatus, Blyth. One-wattled Cas- sowary. Hab. New Guinea. a. Presented by Capt. Moresby, o£ H.M.S. ' Basilisk,' Aug. 25, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 495, and 1875, p. 85, pi. XX., and p. 533. Prom Threshold Bay, Western New Guinea. I. Purchased, May 24, 1877 See P. Z. S. 1877, p. 531. c. Eeceived in exchange, July 5, 1882. 1440. Casuarius westermanni, Scl. Westermann's Cassowary. Hab. New Guinea. a. Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 20, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 627. Specimen figured as Casuarius kaupi, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 147, pi. IX. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 248, and 1875. p. 85, pi. XIX. b. Purchased, Aug. 3, 1882. 1441. Casuarius picticollis, Sc\. Painted-necked Cassowary. Hab. Southern New Guinea. a. Purchased, May 27, 1874. Specimen described and figured, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 85, pi. xtjii. Prom Dis- covery Bay, S.E. Coast of New Guinea. 550 CASUARIIDjE. 1442. Casuarius bennetti, Gould. Bennett's Cassowary *. Hab. New Britain. a. Male. Presented by Dr. George Bennett, F.Z.S., May 17, 1857. Specimen figured, Trans. Zool. Soc' IV. pi. Lxxn. h. Female. Presented by Dr. George Bennett, PZS May 25, 1858. See P. Z. S. 1863, p. 618. ' ' c, cl. Bred in the Gardens, June 21, 1864. See P Z S 1864, p. 271. ■ ■ ■ e. Presented by Commander Sir W. S. Wiseman, E.N Feb. 11, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 179 /. Purchased, Oct. 8, 1869. g, h. Presented by the Eev. G. Brown, April 26, 1876. Genus DROMiEr/S. 1443. Dromceus nova-hollandice, Vieill. Emu. Hab. Australia. a. Eeceived in exchange, 1860. 6, c. Purchased, 1860. See P. Z. S. 1860, p. 248. d, e. Var. irrorata, Bartlett. Bred in the Gardens, 1861. /. Male. Eeceived in exchange, April 1862. r/. Presented by D. P. M'=Ewen, Esq., June 14, 1864. 7i-i. Presented by H. G. Ashurst, Esq., Aug. 3, 1864. j-l. Bred in the Gardens, March 31, 1865. on-o. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., July 26, 1865. Presented bv the Hon. Mrs. Greville Howard, Oct. 6 1865. q. Presented by Money Wigram, Esq., F.Z.S., Jan. 8, 1867. r. Male. Eeceived in exchange, Jan. 29, 1867. s-u. Deposited, Feb. 25, 1877. V. Presented by H.E.H. the Prince of Wales, F.Z.S. Nov. 23, 1868. w. Presented by H.E.H. the Prince of Wales, F.Z.S., Feb. 19, 1869. w. Presented by Viscount Hill, F.Z.S., Nov. 18, 1869. y, z. Purchased, May 6, 1870. «\ Presented by Capt. Cruikshank, April 3, 1871. &\ Male. Presented by Miss Beatson, May 4, 1871. c\ Presented by the Eev. G. T. Hudson, Feb. 8, 1872. Female. Purchased, Aug. 9, 1872. e\f. Deposited, April 21, 1873. * For notice of the egg of this species see J. E. Grav, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 271, Aves, pi. cxliv., and Bartlett, P.Z.S. 1860, p. 205, pi. CXXII. CASXJARIIDiE. STRUTHIONIDiE. 551 . Presented by Wonsley Battersby, Esq., Nov. 4, 1876. m\ Presented by E. Green, Esq., Aug. 23, 1877. 7i\ 0^ Presented by Lord Francis Conyngham, M.P., E.Z.S., Oct. 3, 1877. Var. irrorata. p\ Presented by C.Hampden Wigram, Esq., Oct. 17, 1878, 5', r\ Eeceived in exchange, March 29, 1880. s\ Presented by A. M^Ilwraith, Esq., E.Z.S., June 26, 1880. t\ Purchased, June 2, 1882. Order XXVI. STRUTHIONES. Family STRUTHIONIDiE. Genus Struthio. 1444. Struthio camelus, Linn. Ostrich. Hub. Africa. a. Male. Presented by Her Majesty the Queen, April 4, 1850. Erom Morocco. b. Eemale. Presented by Her Majesty the Queen, Feb. 8, 1859. From Morocco. c. d. Toung. Presented by E. Hertslet, Esq., Oct. 10 1863. e. Male. Purchased, Aug. 19, 1865. /. Purchased, May 8, 1868. g. Male. Purchased, May 1, 1869. h, i. Deposited, July 5, 1872. j. Female. Heceived in exchange, Oct. 19, 1877. k. Male ; I. Female. Presented by the Hon. H. C. Vivian, H.B.M. Consul-General, Cairo, Sept. 19, 1878. m. Female. Deposited, July 8, 1880. n. Male ; 0. Female. Deposited, June 1, 1881. JO. Young. Presented by W. Jerram, Esq., Nov. 2, 1881. * For notes on the method of incubation of the Struthiones see P. Z. S. 1863, p. 233. On the Struthious Birds of the Society's Menagerie generally, see Sclater, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 247, and Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. iv. p. 353. 552 Family RHEIDiE. Genus Rhea. 1445. Rhea americana,y\&L\\. Common Rhea. (Fig. 59.) Hab. Argentine Republic. a. Male ; h. remale. Purchased, Dec. 5, 1860. c. Toung. Hybrid between this species and Bhea macro- rJiyncJia, Sclater. Bred in the Gardens, 1862. d. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 14, 1863. e. /. Presented by A. Brenner, Esq., July 18, 1864. cj. Presented by George Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 4, 1867. h. Purchased, Nov. 8, 1867. i. Purchased, Nov. 14, 1867. j,lc. Purchased, Eeb. 11,1868. I. Purchased, June 7, 1870. Fig. 59. Ehea americana. (P. Z. S. 1860, p. 208.) m. Presented by W. C. Barnes, Esq., June 22, 1871. From the River jPlate. Deposited, Oct. 25, 1873. p. Purchased, Jan. 20, 1874. q. Presented by A. Maxwell, Esq., Feb. 23, lb/4. r. Purchased, April 6, 1874. From Buenos Ayres. RHEID^. 553 s. Purchased, Nov. 11, 1874. t. Purchased, March 19, 1875. M, V. Purchased, July 31, 1875. lu. Purchased, July 18, 1876. x-z. Presented by P. Parish, Esq., May 25, 1878. a\ Presented by Major Venables, Feb. 7, 1879. 6\ Presented by the Marquis of Queensberry, July 13, 1880. c\ Purchased, Sept. 25, 1880. d\ Presented by A. D. M. Stewart, Esq., AprU 12, 1881. e\ Purchased, July 5, 1881. f\ Presented by J. Thomas, Esq., June 23, 1882. 1446. Rhea macrorhjncha, Sclater. Great-billed Rhea. (Fig. 60.) Hah. Brazil. a. Male. Purchased, Nov.'1858. Specimen described and figured, P. Z. 8. 1860, p. 207, and Trans. Zool. Soc. iv. p. 356, pi. Lxix. Fig. 60. c. Heceived in exchange, July 31, 1877 rf, e. Purchased, May 23, 1878. /. Purchased, April 7, 1880. 554 RHEID^E. g. Purchased, Oct. 16, 1880. rrom Agoas Bellas, Pernam- buco. h. Purchased, Oct. 21, 1880. i. Purchased, April 15, 1882. 1447. Rhea darwini,(joXi\di. Darwin's Rhea. (Fig. 61.) Hab. Patagonia. a. Male. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1858. Specimen figured. Trans. Zool. Soc. iv. p. 357, pi. lxx. h. Purchased, Oct. 19, 1868. c. Purchased, Nov. 9, 1881. d-f. Purchased, June 16, 1882. Eig. 61. Bhea darwinii. (P. Z. S. 1860, p. 209.) TESTUUINID^E. 555 Class REPTILIA. Order TESTUDINATA. Family TBSTUDINIDiE. Genus Testudo. a. Species Paltearcticce. 1. Testudo graca, Linn. Greek Tortoise. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by G-. Weaver, Esq., July 24, 1868. b-d. Presented by Capt. T. Waite, Nov. 18, 1868. e, f. Presented by Mrs. Lee, July 22, 1869. g. Presented by "W. A. Jepson, Esq., Sept. 13, 1869. 'h. Presented by Mrs. Lee, July 23, 1870. i. Deposited, Oct. 25, 1870. j. Presented by Mr. J. E. Lane, April 30, J 875. k. Presented by Miss Barter, June 29, 1875. l-r. Deposited, Aug. 9, 1878. s-e\ Deposited, Aug. 17, 1878. f-h\ Purchased, Feb. 23, 1880. i\ Presented by J. Hobz, Esq., July 16, 1880. f, Deposited, Nov. 10, 1882. 2. Testudo marginata, Schoepflf. Margined Tortoise. Hab. South Europe. rt, 6. Presented by Miss Harris, Sept. 10, 1878. 3. Testudo mauritanica, D. & B. Algerian Tortoise. Hab. Southern Europe and North Africa. a. Deposited, June 28, 1872. b. Presented by W. Heslop, Esq., Sept. 17, 1872. From the Crimea. c. d. Presented by E. Cavendish Taylor, Esq., E.Z.S., March 6, 1873. From Algeria. e,f. Presented by Capt. Perry, March 18, 1873. g, h. Presented by the Hon. E. Ellis, Nov. 29, 1873. i-n. Presented by Sir John Drummond Hay, K.C.B., April 4, 1873. From Barbary. 0. Presented by Mr. Milne, July 4, 1876. " TESTUDINIDjE. b. Species uEthiopicce. 4. Testudo sulcata, Miller. Grooved Tortoise. Hab. South Africa. a. Piirchased, July 6, 1862. h c Presented by C. A. Fairbridge, Esq., May 28, 1867 d. Purchased, Jan. 9, 1878. 5. Testudo pardalis. Bell. Leopard Tortoise. Hab. South Africa. a, h. Presented by Sir WiUiam WiUiams, Bart., P.Z.S., Oct. 19 1866. ' c. Purchased, June 26, 1871. d. Presented by Dr. G. Grey, of Cradock, Cape, Feb. 1872. See P.Z.S. 1872, p. 184. e. f. Presented by tlie Eev. E. H. E. Pisk, C.M.Z.S., Oct. 9, 1878. g. Purchased, May 1, 1879. h. Presented by Sir John Kirk, C.B., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 3, 1881. 6. Testudo semiserrata, Smith. Seraiserrated Tortoise. Hab. South Africa. a-G. Presented by Dr. George Grey, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 25, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 184. d. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Pisk, C.M.Z.S., July 8, 1882. 7. Testudo radiata, Shaw. Radiated Tortoise. Hab. Madagascar. a-e. Deposited, Aug. 11, 1863. /. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 31, 1871. f/, Ti. Deposited, July 8, 1875. i. Presented by H. Harrison, Esq., Nov. 12, 1877. j, Tc. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Pisk, C.M.Z.S., Oct. 17, 1878. I. Purchased, Aug. 27, 1879. m, n. Presented by Hugh M'Cubbin, Esq., May 1, 1880. 0. Presented by Sir John Kirk, C.B., C.M.Z.S.,* Oct. 3, 1881. p, q. Purchased, Oct. 17, 1881. r. Presented by Capt. E. Elwood, Sept. 18, 1882. 8. Testudo geometrica, Linn. Geometric Tortoise. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Pisk, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 9, 1880. TESTTJDINIDjE. 557 c. Species Indic(B. 9. Testudo stellata, Schw. Starred Tortoise. Hab. India. «, h. Presented by W. Vincent Legge, Esq., E.A., C.M.Z.S., Nov. 2, 1872. rrom Ceylon, c. Presented by Capt. Wilkinson, Dec. 11, 1872. cl, e. Purchased, June 16, 1872. /a Presented by Capt. C. S. Sturt, C.M.Z.S., June 10, 1873. A Presented by Capt. C. S. Sturt, C.M.Z.S., July 29, 1873. i^l. Presented by H. P. Le Mesurier, Esq., Sept. 23, 1873. TO. Presented by Capt. Smelley, March. 9, 1874. n-r. Deposited, Aug. 20, 1875. s, t. Presented by Mrs. Span, Jan. 29, 1876. K, V. Presentedby W.Dunn, Esq., C.E.,C.M.Z.S., Jan. 13, 1880. 10. Testudo elongata, Blyth. Burmese Tortoise. Hab. Burmah. ci^d. Presented by Dr. John Anderson, F.Z.S., May 16, 1873. e-Ji. Presented by W. Dunn, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Jan. 22, 1875. i. Deposited, May 1, 1882, and presented by B. H. Carew, Esq., June 23, 1882. Prom the Western Dosars of Bhotan. d. Species Americance. 11. Testudo polyphemus, Holbrook. Florida Tortoise. Hab. North America. a, h. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, March 9, 1869. c. d. Pin-chased, Dec. 23, 1870. e-j. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, June 4, 1874. h^. Presented by G. E. Manigault, Esq., Sept. 27, 1882. 12. Testudo tabulata, Walb. Brazilian Tortoise. Hab. South America. a. Presentedby D. C. Munro, Esq., H.B.M.'s Consul, Surinam, May 19,1863. h, c. Purchased, May 30, 1865. d. Eeceived in exchange, Oct. 6, 1868. e. Purchased, Dec. 16, 1870. From the Island of Marajo, Lower Amazons. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 743. /. Eeceived in exchange, Feb. 13, 1871. g. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1871. h. Purchased, Feb. 17, 1873. i. Purchased, April 29, 1873. From Colon. 558 TKSTUDINIDyE. j. Purchased, June 28, 1873. From Madeira. k-o. Purchased, July IG, 1873. 2>. Presented by F. Chittenden, Esq., Oct. 26, 1873. q, r. Purchased, April 6, 1874. From Uruguay. s, t. Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 4, 1875. tt. Purchased, May 21, 1876. V. Purchased, July 26, 1876. iv-y. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 13, 1877. z. Presented by Capt. King, Feb. 5, 1878. 13. Testudo carbonaria, Spix. Black Tortoise. Hab. South America. a, h. Purchased, Feb. 19, 1869. c, d. Purchased, Feb. 3, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 743, e-jp. Purchased, June 28, 1872. From Colon. q. Purchased, Jan. 20, 1874. r, s. Purchased, Oct. 31, 1876. Panama. t. Presented by Capt. J. Moir, June 10, 1878. u, V. Presented by Capt. H. King, Sept. 8, 1879. w-y. Pm-chased, May 28, 1880. z. Presented by W. A. Forbes, Esq., Oct. 16, 1880. From Graranliuns. a\ Purchased, Oct. 17, 1881. b\ Presented by Viscount Tarbet, F.Z.S., Dec. 29, 1882. 14. Testudo argentina, Sclater. Argentine Tortoise. Hab. Argentine Republic. a, h. Purchased, July 6, 1870. Types of Testudo chilensis, Gray, Ann. N. H. ser. 4, vol. vi. p. 190, and P. Z. S. 1870, p. 706, pi. xi. ; also o£ T. argentina, Sclater, Ann. N, H. ser. 4, vol. vi. p. 471. Cf. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 667, and 1871, p. 480. c. Purchased, July 26, 1876. d. Purchased, Oct. 17, 1881. e. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1882. e. Species gigantes. 15. Testvdo indica, Gm. Indian Tortoise. Hab. (Uncertain.) rt, h. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., July 25, 1864. See P. Z. S. 1864, p. 374. c. Purchased, Sept. 4, 1868. d. Purchased, April 6, 1874. e-h. Presented by Sir A. Gordon, Sept. 21, 1874. From Aldabra. TJESTUDINIDiE. 16. Testudo elephantina, Guuther. Elephantine Tortoise. Hob. Aldabra Island. a. Male. Purchased, July 6, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 526. h. Deposited, Dec. 4, 1879. 17. Testudo hololissa, Giinther. Smooth Tortoise. Hab. Aldabra Island. a. Pemale. Purchased, July 6, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 526. 6, c. (Young.) Deposited, July 8, 1875. 18. Testudo elephantopus, Harlan. Galapagaa Tortoise. Hab. Galapagos. a. Purchased, July 6, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 667. h. Deposited, Feb. 28, 1874. c, d. Deposited, June 7, 1876. e,/. Deposited, June 10, 1876. g. Presented by Lieut. "W. H. Henderson, E.N., Feb. 27, 1877. Genus HoMOPUs. 19. Homopus areolatus (Thunb.). Areolated Tortoise. Hab. Cape Colony. (tr-d. Presented by Dr. George Grey, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 25, 1872. From Cradock. See P. Z. S. i872, p. 184. e. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 9, 1881. 20. Homopus horsfieldi (Gray). Horsfield's Tortoise. Hab. Central Asia. «, 6. Presented by Dr. A. Strauch, C.M.Z.S., Nov. 13 1878 See P. Z. S. i878, p. 975. c, d. Presented by Dr. A. Strauch, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 3, 1878. e. Presented by Capt. W. Cotton, June 11, 1880. Deposited, Feb. 25, 1881. From Afghanistan. 560 TESTUDINIDiE. Genus Chersina. 21. Chersina. angulata {Schweigg.) . Angulated Tortoise. Had. South Africa. a. Purchased, April 21, 1870, h-Jc. Presented by Dr. George Grey, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 25, 1872. From Cradock, Cape Colony. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 184 l-o. Purchased, May 14, 1872. i>. Presented by J. Watson, jnr., Esq., Sept. 17, 1873. q, r. Presented by L. A. Knight, Esq., July 7, 1875. Genus Cinixys. 22. Cinixys erosa (Schweigg.). Eroded Cinixys. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 27, 1870. b. Purchased, July 29, 1871. c. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1872. d. e. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq., F.Z.S., June 26, 1873. /. Purchased, Feb. 10, 1874. g. Purchased, May 30, 1882. 23. Cinixys homeana, Bell. Homers Cinixys. Hab. West Africa. a-c. Presented bv Governor Ussher and Dr. Mosse, Aug. 14, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 626. cl-g. Presented by C. B. Mosse, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 6, 1872. K Presented by H. T. Ussher, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 25, 1872. 24. Cinixys belliana, Gray. Bel?s Cinixys. Hab. Angola. a. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 17, 1871. See P. Z.S. 1871, p. 544. h. Presented by Sir A. Gordon, Sept. 21, 1874. See P.Z. S. 1874, p. 496. <^e. Presented by Sir John Kirk, C.B., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 3, 1881. /. Deposited, Oct. 14, 1881. g, h. Presented by Capt. Barrow, Jan. 19, 1881. EMYDIDjE. 561 Family EMYDID^. Genus Tereapene. 25. Terrapene carinata (himx.) . American Box-Tortoise. Hab. North America. a-c. Presented by J. H. Thompson, Esq., Oct. 5, 1870. From Massachusetts, U.S.A. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 744. cl-cj. Purchased, Dec. 23, 1870. From Mexico. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 744. h. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, June 4, 1874. i^h. Presented by Capt. Cooper, E.N., Feb. 17, 1875. Z-p. Presented by Mr. Edmond Isaacson, Aug. 30, 1875. q. Presented by H. H. Black, Esq., March 2, 1876. r, s. Piu-chased, July 3, 1877. t. Presented by G. E. Manigault, Esq., May 11, 1882. u. Presented by Samuel Grarman, Esq., Nov. 3, 1882. 26. Terrapene amboinensis (Daud.) . Amboina Box-Tortoise. Hab. India. a. Presented by Dr. John Anderson, F.Z.S., May 16, 1873. Died, Feb. 17, 1874. Genus Geoemyda. 37. Geoemyda spinosa (Gray). Spinose Land-Emys. Hab. Borneo. a. Presented by 0. G. Eobson, Oct. 27, 1882. Genus Emys. 28. Emys ewopcea (Schneider) . European Pond-Tortoise. Hab. South Europe. Or-d. Purchased, April 26, 1873. e-h. Eeceived in exchange, May 2, 1873. ir-o. Deposited, July 27, 1873. p-s. Deposited, May 9, 1874. t. Deposited, Sept. 11, 1874. u. Presented by W. Jesse, Esq., June 11, 1875. v^j. Deposited, Oct. 4, 1876. z. Deposited, Oct. 5, 1880. a!--c\ Presented by T. D. G. Carmichael, Esq., April 28, 1882 2o 662 EMYDIDiE. Genus Clemmys. a. Species Americana:. 29. Clemmys guttata {^ch^ei^^.). Speckled Terrapin. Hab. North Africa. ft-c. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Aug. 1, 1862. From Halifax. cl-i. Purchased, July 13, 1868. j-n. Presented by J. H. Thompson, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 5, 1870. 0. Presented by A. B. Duncan, Esq., Nov. 1, 1874. p-w. Purchased, July 3, 1877. 00. Presented by Mr. L. C. Brook, July 18, 1880. y. Deposited, Oct. 5, 1880. z-e\ Purchased, May 19, 1881. /-f . Presented, by 0. D. Ekman, Esq., June 27, 1882. j\ h\ Deposited, Nov. 3, 1882. 30. Clemmys picta (Schweigg.) . Painted Terrapin. Hab. North America. Or-i. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, "Washington, U.S.A., May 29, 1866. j. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., O.M.Z.S., Oct. 7, 1866, From Halifax, U.S.A. Tc. Presented by J. H. Thompson, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 5, 1870. 1, m. Purchased, May 19, 1881. n. Presented by W. A. Forbes, Esq., F.Z.S., Jan. 7, 1882. 31. Clemmys Jloridana (Leconte) . Floridan Terrapin. Hab. North America. a. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, Wasliington, F.S.A., June 4, 1874. From St. John's Eiver. 32. Clemmys rubriventris (Leconte). Red-bellied Terrapin. Hab. North America. a. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, U.S.A., May 22, 1866. b. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, June 11, 1874. From the Potomac Eiver. c-e. Purchased, July 3, 1877. EMYDIDiE. 563 33. Clemmys terrapin {8choeTpi.). Salt-water Terrapin. Hub. North America. a, b. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, U.S.A., May 20, 1866. c, d, Presented by Henry Arthur, Esq., March 19, 1870. e. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1872. /. Deposited, Match 19, 1872. g. Purchased, May 16, 1873. h, i. Presented by B. B. Scott, Esq., Sept. 1, 1876. From Galveston. j, h. Presented by J. R. GiUespy, Esq., Sept. 6, 1876. From Galveston. I. Presented by Mr. A. D. Bartlett, June 16, 1881. 34. Clemmys serrata (Daud.) . Serrated Terrapin. Hob. North America. a-cZ. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, U.S.A., June 11, 1874. From North Carolina. See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 494. e. Presented by G. E. Manigault, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 11, 1882. 35. Clemm7/s muhlenburffi {Schweigg.) . JVTuhlenburg's Terrapin, Hab. North America. a-ff. Piu-chased, July 3, 1877. h. Deposited, Feb. 19, 1881. 36. Clemmys rugosa (Shaw) . Wrinkled Terrapin. Hab. West Indies. h. Purchased, Dec. 23, 1870. c-i. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1872. j. Purchased, Nov. 24, 1874. Ic. Presented by Mr. Edmond Isaacson, Aug. 30, 1875, I. Purchased, April 29, 1876. 37. Clemmys decussata {Bell). Hicotee Terrapin. Hab. Jamaica. a, h. Piu-chased, Jan. 28, 1872. c. Purchased, June 24, 1876. 3 o2 564 EMYDID^. 38. Clemmys pundularia (Baud.). Rough Terrapin. Hab. Trinidad. (t-c. Presented by F. Chittenden, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 26, 1873. cl. Purchased, June 1, 1875. e. Purchased, April 27, 1877. From Para. f, g. Purchased, Feb. 9, 1878. 7i. Eeceived in exchange, Jan. 28, 1879. i. Presented by Surgeon-Major C. J. Weir, May 16, 1879. j. Presented by R. J. Lechmere Guppy, Esq., June 29, 1881. 39. Clemmys ornata (Bell). Adorned Terrapin. Hab. Central America. a. Purchased, May 12, 1870. From G-reytown, Nicaragua. b. Purchased, Aug. 12, 1870. From the Laguna de Terminos, Tucatan. c. (Young.) Purchased, Sept. 13, 1872. d. Purchased, March 17, 1873. e. f . Presented by H. H. Black, Esq., March 2, ]876. g-j. Presented by Capt. Cooper, R.N., March 3, 1876. Tc. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1876. From Port-au-Prince. I. Purchased, March 31, 1877- m. Presented by Surgeon-Major C. J. Weir, May 16, 1879. w, 0. Deposited, Oct. 5, 1880. 2. Presented by Mr. A. Forrer, Sept. 9, 1882. 40. Clemmys annulata (Gray) . Annulated Terrapin. Hab. Central America. a. Presented by 0. Salvin, Esq., F.Z.S., May 1, 1863. From Huamunchal, Pacific coast of Guatemala. h. Purchased, Jidy 6, 1870. From Western Peru. See P. Z. S. 1870," p. 667. c, cl. Purchased, Jan. 28, 1872. From Colon. 6, /. (Young.) Purchased, June 28, 1872. From Colon. b. Species Orbis antiqui. 41. Clemmys caspica {^chweigg.) . Caspian Terrapin. Hab. Europe and Western Asia. a, b. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1869. c d Deposited, Oct. 25, 1870. From the Lake of Tiberias? e-o. Presented by Capt. Phillips, Nov. 10, 1873. From Bussorah. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 761. p-r. Presented by the Hon. E. Ellis, Nov. 29, 1873. From Persia. s. Presented by T. Wilson, Esq., Aug. 6, 1878. EMYDID^. 565 42. Clemmys leprosa (Schweigg.). Spanish Tei-rapin. Hob. Southern Spain. a-cl. Presented by the Eev. Basil "Wilberforce, Dec. 4, 1869. Types of Emys Jlavipes, Gray, P. Z. S. 1869, p. 643, pi. i. e-g. Presented by A. T. Wise, Esq., March 20, 1872. From Gibraltar. 7i-^. Deposited, June 28, 1872. k-m. Presented by E. Cavendish Taylor, Esq., E.Z.S.,March 6, 1873. n-q. Presented by Sir John Drummond Hay, K.C.B., April 4, 1873 r-t. Purchased, April 26, 1873. u-w. Presented by Major C. Stirling, July 5, 1874. X. Deposited, Nov. 3, 1880. y. Presented by Major Eooke, Sept. 16, 1881. z. Presented by H. Balfour, Esq., Jan. 19, 1882. a\ Deposited, Nov. 3, 1882. 43. Clemmijs fuliginosa {Gray) . Fuliginous Terrapin. Hab. West Africa (?). a. Presented, 1852. Type of Emys fuliginosa, Gray, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 232, Eept. pi. xxx. b, c. Presented by the Eev. Basil Wilberforce, Dec. 4, 1869. Types of Mauremys laniaria, Gray, P. Z. S. 1869, p. 499, pi. xxxvii. 44. Clemmys bennetti (Gray) . Bennett's Terrapin. Hab. China. a, b. Presented by E. Swinhoe, Esq., April 1864. 45. Clemmys hamiltoni {Gray). Hamilton's Terrapin. Hab. India. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 1859. c-f. Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 6, 1867. g, h. Purchased, May 4, 1871. From Allahabad. i. Presented by Mrs. Moore, May 1, 1877. j, k. Presented by the Hon. L. S". Jackson, Aug. 13, 1880. 46. Clemmys thurgi (Gray) . Thurgi Terrapin. Hab. India. a. Purchased, May 4, 1871. From Allahabad. •J"" emydib;e. i7. Clemmys trijuga {Schweig^.). Ceylonese Terrapin. Hub. India. ft, b. Presented by Capt. "Wilkinson, Dec. 11, 1872. From Ceylon. c. Presented by Dr. Jolin Sbortt, P.Z.S., May 19, 1875. d, e. Presented by the Hon. L. S. Jackson, Aug. 13, 1880. 48. Clemmys crassicollis (Bell) . Thick-necked Terrapin. Hah. Burmah. a. Presented by W. Dunn, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Jan. 22, 1875. 49. Clemmys unicolor (Gray) . Black- headed Terrapin. Hah. China. or-c. Presented by R. Swinboe, Esq., F.Z.S., May 8, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 517, pi. xliv. 50. Clemmys reevesi (Gray) . Reeves's Terrapin. Hah. China. a-c. Presented by R. Swinhoe, Esq., F.Z.S., May 8, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 517. d-g. Presented by Mr. A. Thomson, Feb. 6, 1878. 51. Clemmys laticeps {Gray). Broad-headed Terrapin. Hah. West Africa. a. Purchased, 1861. Genus Cyclemys. 52. Cyclemys oldhami, Gray. Oldham's Terrapin. Hah. Western Dosars of Bhotan. a. Presented by B. H. Carew, Esq., ^lay 1, 1882. Genus Pangshitra. 53. Pangshura tentoria, Gray. Dura Terrapin. Hob. India. a, h. Purchased, May 4, 1871. From Allahabad. EMYDIDy*:. 567 54. Pangshura tectum (Bell) . Roofed Terrapin. Hub. India. a-c. Purchased, Aug. 1859. dr-g. Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 6, 1867. Genus Dermatemys. 55. Dermatemys mawii, Gray. Maw's Terrapin. Hab. Central America. a. Living in the Gardens, 1865-66. 56. Dermatemys abnormis, Cope. Abnormal Terrapin. Hab. Yucatan. a. Purchased, Aug. 12, 1870. From the Laguna de Terminos, Yucatan. Specimen described and figured by Dr. Gray, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 716, pi. XLii., as Chloremys ahnormis. Genus Macroclemmys. 57. Macroclemmys temminckii (Schweigg.). Temminck's Snapper. Hab. Southern United States. a, h. Presented by Herr G. Hagenbeck, Dec. 4, 1868. c. Deposited, April 26, 1869. d. Deposited, June 23, 1869. e. Purchased, March 8, 1871. /. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, Jime 4, 1874. From New Orleans. Genus Chelydra. 58. Chelydra serpentina (Linn.) . Alligator Terrapin. Hab. North America. a, b. Presented by Arthm- Eussell, Esq., P.Z.S., June 24, 1860. c. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 7, 1866. ^9- ^^^^^^^^^ ^- ^- Thompson, Esq., O.M.Z.S., Oct. 6, h. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, Nov. 13 1873 i-h. Presented by J. H. Thompson, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 15 1878. ' J » I. Presented by J. H. Thompson, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Nov. 8, 1880. ' m, n. Presented by G. E. Manigault, Esq., May 11, 1882. 568 EMYDID^E. Genus Aromochelys. 59. Aromochelys odorata (Latr.) . Stink-pot Terrapin. Hah. North America. a. Living in the Gardens, Jan. 1, 1871. Genus Cinosternon. 60. Cinosternon pennsylvanicum (Gm.). Pennsylvanian Mud- Terrapin. Hob. North America. • or-c. Eeceived in exchange, June 24, 1868. d. Deposited, Oct. 5, 1880. e. Deposited, Feb. 19, 1881. /, Presented by Mr. A. Forrer, Sept, 9, 1882. h, i. Deposited, Nov. 3, 1882. 61. Cinosternon scorpioides (Lmn.) . Scorpion Mud-Terrapin. Hab. Trinidad. a, h. Presented by S. Devenish, Esq., Aug. 17, 1875. c-f. Presented by S. Devenish, Esq., Aug. 2, 1877. g. Purchased, Jan. 9, 1878. 7i, i. Deposited, Oct. 5, 1880. j. Deposited, Nov. 3, 1882. 62. Cinosternon longicaudatum (Spix). Spix^s Mud-Terrapin Hab. Northern Brazil. a. Male; h, c. Females. Purchased, Dec. 16, 1870. From Marajo, Lower Amazons. d. Purchased, Oct. 17, 1873. 63. Cinosternon leucostomum, A. Dum. White-mouthed Mud- Terrapin. Hab. Central America. a, b. Purchased, May 12, 1870. From Greytown, Nicaragua. See P.Z. S. 1871, p. 745. c. Living in the Gardens, Jan. 1, 1870. d, e. Purchased, Aug. 12, 1870. Fi-om the Laguna de Ter- ^ mines, Yucatan. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 745. CHELYDTBiE, 569 Family CHELYDIDiE. Genus Podocnbmis. 64. Podocnemis expansa (Schweigg.)- Large Grieved Tor- toise. Hab. Amazons. a. Pm-chased, Dec. 16, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 910, and 1871, p. 745. 65. Podocnemis dumeriliana (Schweigg.). Dumeril's Grieved Tortoise. Hab. South America. a-G. Presented by the Hon. A. Gordon, C.M.Z.S., July 23, 1868. Prom Trinidad. 66. Podocnemis unifilis, Troschel. One-bearded Grieved Tortoise. Hab. Upper Amazons. a. Purchased, Dec. 16, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1871, pp. 36 & 745. Genus Sternoth^rtts. 67. SternothcBrus subniger, Gray. Blackish Sternothere. Hab. Madagascar. a. Presented by Swinburne "Ward, Esq., March 23, 1867. Prom the SeycheUes. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 473. b-d. Purchased, May 3, 1871. Pi'om Madagascar. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 543. e. Purchased, June 8, 1871. Prom Madagascar. f. Presented by Commander H. C. St. John, April 2, 1873. Prom the Seychelles. ff. Purchased, Nov. 24, 1873. 7i, i. Presented by Sii* Arthur Gordon, Sept. 21, 1874. Prom the Sevchelles. See P. Z. 8. 1874, p. 496. j, Ic. Deposited, Jidy 8, 1875. I. Deposited, Sept. 7. 1875. m-yj. Presented by Lionel Hart, Esq., April 25, 1876. q. Purchased, April 15, 1882. •^'^ CHELYDIDjE. 68. Sternothmms derbianus, Gray. Derbian Sternothere. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1870. h. Received in exchange, Dct. 25, 1870 c. Purchased, Feb. 15, 1872. cl. Presented by C. B. Mosse, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 6, 1872 e,/. Purchased, March 3, 1881. 69. Stemoth(srus niger, Bum. & Bibr. Black Sternothere. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, June 12, 1876. h. Purchased, May 10, 1877. c. Received in exchange, April 6, 1878. Genus Pelomedusa. 70. Pelomedusa gehafi (Riipp.) . Abyssinian Pentonyx. Hab. Abyssinia. a. Presented by the Hon. Mr. Melville, June 2, 1868. b. Received in exchange, Sept. 4, 1875. c. Deposited, July 23, 1881. 71. Pelomedusa galeata. Galeated Pentonyx. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by W. A. Watkins, Esq., Oct. 10, 1882. Genus Platemys. 73. Platemys gordoni {Gray). Gordon^s Terrapin. Hab. Trinidad. a. Deposited by the Hon. A. Gordon, July 23, 1868. Speci- men described and figured as Hydrasjns gordoni by Dr. Gray, P. Z. S. 1868, p. 563, pi. xlii. From Trinidad. 73. Platem7js geoffrogana {SchweigQ.). Geoffroy's Terrapin. Hab. Argentine Republic. a, h. Presented by George Wilks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 17, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 623. c-e. Purchased, Jan. 19, 1876. CHELYDIDjE. — TRIONYCHIDiE. 571 Genus Hydkombdusa. 74. Hydromedusa mawimiliani (Mikan). Maximilian's Ter- rapin. Hub. Brazil. a^d. Presented by Dr. Palin, C.M.Z.S., Sept. 19, 1871. e. Purchased, Jan. 20, 1876. Genus Chelodina. 75. Chelodina oUonga, Gray. Oblong Cbelodine. Hob. West Australia. a. Presented by "W. Ayshf ord Sandford, Esq., March 18,1856. 76. Chelodina longicollis (Shaw) . Long-necked Chelodine. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by P. Joske, Esq., Jan. 9, 1861. Erom the Tarra Elver. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 59. h. Presented by H.E.H.The Duke of Edinburgh, July 4, 1868. c. Piu-chased, May 2, 1870. d. Presented by John Brazier, Esq., C.M.Z.S., March 18, 1872 Genus Chelys. 77. Chelys matamata (Brug.) . Matamata Terrapin. Hab. Upper Amazons. «, h. Eeceived in exchange, March 21, 1878. See P. Z. S. 1878, p. 378. c, d. Purchased, Nov. 26, 1880. e. Purchased, March 3, 1881. /, g. Purchased, April 25, 1881. h. Purchased, Oct. 25, 1882. Family TRIONYCHID^. Genus Trionyx. 78. Trionyx (sgyptiacus (Geotfr.) . Egyptian Trionyx. Hab. River Nile. a. Presented by Alexander Baird, Esq., April 17, 1869 b. Purchased, Eeb. 16, 1872. ^■^^ TRIONYCHID^. CHELONID^. 79. Trionyx ferox, Schneid. North -American Trionyx. Hah. North America. a. Presented by the Smthsonian Institution, Washington, 80. Trionyx perocellatus, Gray. Chinese Trionyx. Hab. China, a. Pm-chased, Oct. 6, 1877. Genus Cycloderma. 81. Cycloderma senegalense (Dum. & Bibr.). Senegal River- Turtle. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1870. Specimen described and figured by Dr. Gray, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 717, pi. xxm. Genus Emyda. 82. Emyda granosa (Schoepf.) . Bungoma River-Turtle. Hab. India. or-e. Presented by Dr. John Shortt, P.Z.S., May 19, 1875. /. Presented by Dr. J. B. Wilson, Dec. 16, 1876. g. Purchased, March 2, 1881. Family CHELONIDiE. Genus Chelone. 83. Chelone imbricata {^chvie\^^.) . Hawk^s-billed Turtle. Hab. East Indies. a. Presented by Messrs. T. C. W. Mackay & Co., July 27, 1864. h. Purchased, Jan. 28, 1867. c-f. Presented by Capt. Cooper, June 27, 1867. g. Presented by Messrs. Gilson and Quelch, Feb. 3, 1869. h. Presented by Capt. Bliles, April 26, 1869. i. Presented by Mr. T. J. Quelch, July 27, 1870. j. Presented by E. BeUamy, Esq., Sept. 28, 1870. Tc, I. Purchased, July 27, 1871. From Honduras. CHELONIUiE. 573 m. Purchased, July 16, 1872. From Central America. ■nr-t. Purchased, Dec. 1, 1872. Erom Panama. u-y. Pm-chased, Peb. 16, 1873. z. Purchased, April 29, 1873. From Jamaica. aK Presented by the Eev. A. W. Petre, Sept. 26, 1873. ¥. Purchased, July 26, 1875. Prom Panama. c\ Presented by Capt. King, Jan. 24, 1876. cP. Presented by J. W. Cossbach, Esq., May 6, 1878. e\ Presented by Capt. Henderson, July 11, 1878. f. Presented by Capt. H. King, Aug. 16, 1880. g\ Presented by J. P. Williams, Esq., Dec. 1, 1880, h^. Piurchased, June 24, 1881. i\ Presented by Capt. King, June 29, 1881. j\ Purchased, July 26, 1882. Jc]. Presented by Mr. W. Cross, Nov. 7, 1882. 84. C helone viridis {Schneid.) . Green Turtle. Hab. West Indies. a. Presented by C. Butler, Esq., Sept. 2, 1864. b-g. Presented by H. Jones, Esq., July 13, 1867. h-l: Presented by Lieut. 0. B. Clarke, E.N., Aug. 1, 1869. Z-ji. Presented by J. Duke, Esq., July 24, 1871. o,p. Presented by Lieut. H. W. Clarke, E.E., Sept. 16, 1871. Prom Ascension Island. q-y. Presented by W. Johnson, Esq., Sept. 26, 1871. Prom Ascension Island. z-c\ Presented by L. A. Knight, Esq., July 7, 1875. From Ascension Island. d\ Presented by Master Strover, Oct. 21, 1876. e\ Presented by Messrs. HiU and Isaacs, E,.N., May 15, 1877. Presented by Capt. J. Smith, Sept. 26, 1878. g^, h\ Presented by J. C. Eobinson, Esq., Apr. 15, 1881. t^-/. Presented by Messrs. Weil Bros., June 29, 1881. Genus Thalassochelys. 85. Thalassochelys caouana (Schweigg.) , Loggerhead Turtle. Hab. Atlantic Ocean. o-c. Presented by W. K. Taunton, Esq., July 20, 1868. d. Presented by Mrs. VUlebois, Aug. 1, 1871. e~h. Purchased, April 29, 1873. From Jamaica. i. Presented by Lieut. N. L. H. Clarke, E.N., June 5, 1873. From Madeira. j. Presented by Earl Brownlow, F.Z.S., May 20, 1881 7c. Presented by Lord LOford, F.Z.S., June 15, 1882. * From the Straits of Bonifacio. 574 CROCODILIDjE. Order CEOCODILIA. Family CROCODILIDiE. Genus Alligator. 86. Alligator mississippiensis (Daud.) . Alligator. Hab. Mississippi. a, h. Purchased, 1863, o-e. Purchased, Oct. 9, 1864. /. Presented by J. Hoppenheim, Esq., May 9, 1865. g^. Purchased, Oct. 20, 1868. Ic. Presented by H.R.H. the Priuce of Wales, P.Z.S., Jan. 9, 1871. I. Presented by Capt. J. Eose, June 13, 1871. From New Orleans. m. Presented by Miss Peters, June 26, 1871. Prom Florida. n. Presented by Mr. John Hanley, July 7, 1873. Prom New Orleans. 0. Presented by W. Gillespie, Esq., Sept. 8, 1873. p. Presented by Dr. Palin, Sept. 16, 1873. g'. Presented by Capt. Cowper, Oct. 16, 1873. r. Deposited, Oct. 15, 1874. s. Deposited, Nov. 11, 1874. t. Deposited, Oct. 7, 1875. u, V, Deposited, Dec. 2, 1875. w. Purchased, July 11, 1876. oa, y. Presented by Lord Francis Conyngham, M.P., F.Z.S., April 3, 1879. z. Presented by Capt. J. H. Mortimer, Oct. 25, 1879. a\ Presented by W. G. Marshall, Esq., Dec. 6, 1879. h\ Presented by T. L. M. Eose, Esq., July 28, 1880. c^-/. Deposited, Aug. 30, 1880. g^. Presented by Master Bennett, April 29, 1882. 87. Alligator lati7'ostris (Dand.). Broad-snouted Cayman. Hab. South America. a. Pm-chased, April 29, 1873. From BaranquiUa. 6. Presented by Capt, Turner, Sept. 15, 1874. c. Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, AprU 2, 1879. 575 CROCODILID^. 88. Alligator sclerops (Schneid.). Rough-eyed Cayman. Hah. South America. a. Purchased, April 29, 1878. ht„^„i, i o i rri 6. Presented by Arthur 0. Ponsonby, Esq., March 12, 18»i. 89. Alligator pundulatus (Spix). Dotted-jawed Cayman. Hab. South America. a, b. Presented by Capt. Spicer, Sept. 17, 1868. Prom Tobago. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 529. c. Purchased, July 16, 1873. 90. Alligator longiscutatus {Gray). Long-shielded Cayman. Hab. Paraguay. a. Presented by Q. Wilks, Esq., O.M.Z.S., Peb. 4, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 261. Genus Crocodilus. 91. Crocodilus frontatus, Murray. Broad-fronted Crocodile. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 26, 1873. From the river Bonny. b. Purchased, July 17, 1873. c-e. Presented by Lieut. V. L. Cameron, April 4, 1876. /. Presented by Dr. Alex. Innens, April 30, 1876. g. Purchased, Peb. 23, 1880, 93. Crocodilus rhombifer, Cuv. Mexican Crocodile. Hab. Central America. a. Presented by J. Hoppenheim, Esq., May 9, 1865. 93. Crocodilus vulgaris, Cuv. Nilotic Crocodile. Hab. Africa. a. Purchased, Feb. 13, 1869. b, c. Presented by C. B. Mosse, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 6, 1872 d. Presented by the Hon. P. C. F. Berkeley, May 22, 1874. e, f. Presented by Capt. D. King, E.N., Feb. 11, 1882. 576 CROCODILID^. 94. Crocodilus palustris, Less. Indian Crocodile. Hab. Southern Asia and North Australia. a. Presented by Edmund Penning, Esq., July 22, 1867. h-h. Presented by Capt. Eilord, Sept. 8, 1868. Prom Cochin. Presented by Capt. Banks, Sept. 17, 1868. k. Eeceived in exchange from the Zoological Gardens o£ Calcutta, Oct. 4, 1880. 95. Crocodilus acutus, Cuvier. Sharp-nosed Crocodile. Hab. Central America. a. Purchased, April 17, 1862. 6, c. Presented by Capt. Eivett, E.M.S.S. ' Seine,' May 20, 1862. cl. Purchased, Dec. 31, 1874. e. Presented by Capt. Drummond, P.Z.S., April 14, 1875. /. Purchased, April 26, 1875. Prom the Eio Magdalena. g. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1875. Ji. Purchased, June 15, 1877. i. Eeceived in exchange, Nov. 28, 1877. j. Purchased, April 29, 1878. h. Pui-chased, Feb. 12, 1880. I. Purchased, June 28, 1882. m. Presented by Mrs. A. H. Jamrach, July 17, 1882. 96. Crocodilus cataphr actus, Cuv. Long-nosed Crocodile. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, July 19, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 625. h. Presented by H. T. M. Cooper, Esq., April 14, 1874. c. Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 22, 1875. d. Deposited, Nov. 30, 1876. e. Presented by Surgeon F. Speer, Dec. 16, 1880. /. Purchased, Oct. 1, 1881. Genus Gavialis. 97. Gavialis gangeticus {Gm.). Gavial. Hab. Ganges. a. Presented by Dr. John Anderson, Dec. 11, 1872. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 1. b. Deposited, Dec. 20, 1873. c. Presented by Capt. Barnet, Dec. 21, 1875. SPHENODONT)D/E. — GECCOTIDiE. 577 Order SAUKIA. Family SPHENODONTID^. Genus Sphenodon. 98. Sphenodon punctatus (Gray). Tuatera Lizard. Hab. New Zealand. a. Deposited by Sir G. Grey, K.O.B., Oct. 28, 1868. See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 530. b. Purchased, May 20, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 383. c. d. Purchased, June 24, 1879. From the island of " Karewa, Bay of Plenty, N. Z." See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 663. e,f. Purchased, Oct. 26, 1881. g. Deposited, Oct. 26, 1881. h. Presented by 0. Smith, Esq., Oct. 26, 1881. Family GECCOTID^. Genus Gecco. 99. Gecco verm, Merr. Indian Gecko. Hab. India. a-e. Presented by Capt. Frain, July 24, 1866. f-h. Presented by A. Grote, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 2, 1868. Genus Tarentola. 100. Tarentola mauritanica (hinn.). Moorish Gecko. Hab. Borders of the Mediterranean. a^d. Presented by H. O. Forbes, Esq., May 17, 1877. e-g. Deposited, Oct. 5, 1880. 101. Tarentola delalandii (D. & B.). Delaland^s Gecko. Hab. West Africa. (i-e. Presented by Mr. A. D. Bartlett, Oct. 10, 1882. From TenerifEe. 2p GECCOTIDiE. VARANID^. Genus Pachydactylus. 102. Pachydactylus ocellatus (Cuv.) . Ocellated Gecko. Hab. South Africa. a-M. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., July 8 1882. From Eobben Island. ' Genus Ptyodactylus. 103. Ptyodactylus hasselquisti (Schneid.). Fan-footed Gecko. Hab. N.E. Africa, S.W. Asia. a. Purchased, June 15, 1870. Genus Phyllodactylus. 104. Phyllodacttjlus europceus, Gene. European Phyllodactyle. Hab. South Europe. a-e. Presented by Prof. H. H. Giglioh, C.M.Z.S., March 25, 1879. Fi-om Italy. Family VARANID^. Genus Varanus. 105, Varanus griseus (D&udi.) . Grey Monitor. Hab. North Africa and "Western Asia. a^d. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 28, 1869. e-g. EeceiA^ed in exchange, Aug. 14, 1870. 7i. Presented by Capt. PhiUips, Oct. 28, 1875. From Busreh, Persian Gulf. i. Presented by F. A. Floyer, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 2, 1878. From Khan Tunis, Egypto-Syrian frontier. j. Presented by Commander J. Pratt, June 15, 1879. h, I. Presented by N. H. Beyts, Esq., Oct. 13, 1881. From Jeddah. m, n. Presented by Messrs. Wylde, Beyts, aud Co., July 24, 1882. From Jeddah. VARANIDJE. 579 106. Varams exanthematicus (Bosc) . Exauthematic Monitor. Hob. West Africa. a. Purchased, June 30, 1860. See Dr. Giintlier, on the anatomy oE this specimen, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 60. h. Presented by J. J. Monteiro, Esq., June 25, 1873. From Sierra Leone. c. Presented by G. H. Garrett, Esq., June 8, 1878. d. Pui'cbased, Feb. 17, 1880. e. Purchased, June 25, 1880. /. Purchased, June 30, 1880. 107. Varanus albogularis (Daud.) . Hob. South Africa. a. Pui'chased, March 1861. h. Purchased, Feb. 23, 1865. 108. Varanus niloticus (Hasselq.) . Hub. Africa. a. Purchased, Sept. 28, 1863. b. Purchased, Aug. 4, 1868. c. Purchased, March 25, 1869, d. Purchased, June 7, 1869. e. Purchased, Aug 17, 1871. /, g. Presented by C. B. Mosse, Esq., C.M.Z.S., May 6, 1872. 7t. Purchased, April 3, 1874. i. Purchased, Jan. 7, 1875. j. (Young.) Pui-chased, March 29, 1882. 109. Varanus varius (Shaw) . Lace Monitor. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, July 2, 1878. b. Pui-chased, July 17, 1878. c. Purchased, July 17, 1882. 110. Va7'anus salvator (Lam.). Two-banded Monitor. Hab. East Indies. a. Presented by P. F. Debary, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 25, 1866. b. Presented by E. Linstadt, Esq., July 16, 1881. 111. Varanus gouldi {Gray) . Gould^s Monitor. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, March 9, 1865. b, c. Purchased, May 11, 1865. 2v2 White-throated Monitor. Egyptian Monitor. 580 VAllANIDiE. TEIIDjE. d. Presented by Dr. Mueller, C.M.Z.S., May 26, 1865. e. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Melbourne July 21, 1866. f. g. Presented by the Directors of the Botanic Gardens, Adelaide, Peb. 16, 1869. Ji. Presented by the Eev. Dan Grreatorex, June 17, 1872. i. Presented by Dr. Pardoe, March 24, 1875. j. Presented by A. E. Phillips, Esq., May 21, 1875. h. Purchased, July 2, 1878. Family HEL0DERMIDJ5. Genus Helodeema. 113. Heloderma suspectum, Cope. Heloderm. Hab. Arizona, U.S.A. a. Presented by Sir John Lubbock, Bart., F.Z.S., July 16, 1882. See P. Z. S. 1882, p. 630. Family TEIID^. Genus Teius. 113. Teius teguexin (Linn.). Common Teguexin. Hah. South America. a. Purchased, June 5, 1865. 6. Purchased, Feb. 26, 1869. c. Presented by G. WHks, Esq., C.M.Z.S., March 19, 1870. d. Purchased, June 21, 1870. e. Pm-chased, Sept. 15, 1870. /. Presented by Dr. J. A. Palin, O.M.Z.S., Dec. 23, 1871. g. Deposited, June 16, 1873. Ti. Purchased, Jan. 20, 1874. i. Purchased, April 14, 1875. j, Ic. Presented by A. Stradling, Esq., Jan. 17, 1877. I. Purchased, Oct. 24, 1878. m. Purchased, May 4, 1879. 114. Teius rufescens, Giinther. Red Teguexin. Hah. Mendoza, I'ep. Arg. iir-e. Purchased, May 16, 1871. Tyi^ical specimens described by Giinther, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 541. TEIID^. LACERTID^. 58] Genus Ameiva. 115. Ameiva dorsalis, Gray. Dorsal Lizard. Hab. St. Thomas. a. Presented by Capt. Abbott, April 28, 1864. Family LACEETID^. Genus Lacerta. 116. Lacerta viridis, Linn. Green Lizard. Hab. Europe. «-z\ See Fiftb Edition. a^ b\ Presented by G. N. Smith, Esq., April 28, 1873. c^ Eeceived in exchange, May 2, 1873. From Dalmatia. d\ Pui'chased, Jan. 16, 1874. e\ Presented by the Eev. S. Wilkinson, April 10, 1874. f^-o\ Presented by G. E. Dredge, Esq., AprU 17, 1865. p^-f. Presented by A. Eraser, Esq., July 23, 1877. u\ Presented by G. E. Eenton, Esq., Aug. 31, 1877. V-. Deposited, March 6, 1878. w^-z". Presented by E. E. Lawder, Esq., May 3, 1878. Presented by the Eev. S. E. Wilkinson, E.Z.S,, Oct. 3 1879. b\ Deposited, Aug. 9, 1880. c^-e^ Presented by E. H. Bland, Esq., April 22, 1881. f\ f. Presented by J. WeUford, Esq., May 16, 1881. 7i^, i^. Eeceived in exchange, May 18, 1881. f-s\ Presented by H. N. Moseley, Esq., E.Z.S., June 3 1881. f, V?. Presented by Claude EusseU, Esq., Aug. 2, 1881. v^. Presented by the Misses Parry, Sept. 5, 1881. io\ Presented by J. Thorn, Esq., Sept. 30, 1881. x"". Deposited, April 26, 1882. 117. Lacerta ocellata, Daud. Eyed Lizard. Hab. South Europe. or-j. Presented by J. Braxton Hicks, M.D., Oct. 22, 1866. h. Presented by W. Tait, Esq., May 30, 1870. I. Presented by Capt. G. E. SheUey, F.Z.8., April 16, 1873. m. Presented by T. Blackmore, Esq., June 5, 1873. n, 0. Purchased, July 3, 1873. p-t. Purchased, April 16, 1880. 583 LACERTIDiE. u. Presented by L. L. Fenton, Esq., May 22, 1880. Prom San Eemo. V. Presented by J. Wellford, Esq., April 26, 1881. w. Presented by J. Wellford, Esq., May 16, 1881. x-a\ Purchased, July 25, 1882. 118. Lacerta agilis, Linn. Sand-Lizard. Hah. Europe. a. Presented by F. Coleman, Esq., April 30, 1865. h-Tc. Presented by the Eev. C. Wolley, AprH 9, 1866. . l-q^. Presented by F. Coleman, Esq., Oct. 2, 18'/ 0. r-u. Presented by F. Coleman, Esq., May 9, 1872. v-h". Purchased, April 30, 1874. c\ Presented by W. A. Forbes, Esq., May 2, 1874. cV--z'-. Presented by H. Negretti, Esq., March 10, 1876. a^-e\ Presented by H. O. Forbes, Esq., F.Z.S., May 17, 1877. f\ Presented by Master W. L. Sclater, April 27, 1878. g"". Presented by Miss Flora EusseU, Nov. 19, 1880. h\ i\ Presented by J. T. Mann, Esq., Sept. 10, 1881. f-o\ Presented by Herr J. ScUiger, Sept. 6, 1882. 119. Lacerta vivipara, Jacq. Common Lizard. Hab. England. c(r-d. Purchased, 1866. 6. Presented by Miss Flora Eussell, Nov. 19, 1880. f-7c. Presented by J. T. Mann, Esq., Sept. 10, 1881. 130. Lacerta muralis, Merr. Wall-Lizard. Hab. Europe. a, I. Presented by F. Coleman, Esq., May 9, 1872. c, d. Presented by G. F. Fenton, Esq., Aug. 31, 1877. e. Presented by J. Lewis, Esq., Sept. 10, 1881. 131. Lacerta lilfordi, Giinther. Lilford^s Lizard. Hab. Minorca. a, h. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., June 29, 1874. See P. Z.S. 1874, p. 494. 133. Lacerta oxijcephala, D. & B. Sharp-headed Lizard. Hab. Madeira. a, h. Presented by Mr. A. D. Bartlett, Oct. 10, 1878. c, d. Presented by H. J. Clements,; Es,q., Oct. 28, 1878. LACERTIDiE. ZONTTRIDjE. 583 .123. Lacerta nigro-pundata, Dum. & Bibr. Black-spotted Lizard. Hab. Calabria. a. Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 11, 1871. Genus Psammodromus. 124. Psammodromus hispanicus, Fitz. Spanish Sand-Lizard. Hab. Spain. a, h. Presented by E. Cavendish Taylor, Esq., F.Z.S., April 16, 1873. From Tangiers. Family ZONURIDiE. Genus Zonurus. 125. Zonurus cordylus (Linn.). Rough-scaled Lizard. Hab. South Africa. 0-7-. Presented by the Eby. G. H. E. Eisk, O.M.Z.S., July 8, 1882. From Eobben Island. 126. Zonurus derbianus, Gray. Derbian Zonure. Hab. South Africa. a, h. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1881. Genus Pletjrostrichus. 127. Plmrostrichm sepiformis {^c\meidL.) . Sepiform Lizard. Hab. South Africa. (t^'. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., July 8, 1882. From Eobben Island. Genus Psjeudopus. 128. Pseudopus pallasi (OTpTpeV) . Glass Snake. Hab. Dalmatia. ct-d. Purchased, 1854. e-g. Purchased, July 26, 1869. h-l. Eeceived in exchange, May 11, 1871. m. Deposited, June 10, 1876. n-r. Deposited, Aug. 13, 1881. s, t. Deposited, Oct. 5, 1881. 584 ZONURIDiE. — SCINCIDvE. Genus Chamteosaura. 129. Cham(Bosaura anguina, Schn. Anguine Lizard. Hob. South Africa. a. Presented by Eustace Pillans, Esq., May 28, 1880. Family SCINCIDJl. Genus Trachydosaurus. 130. Trachydosaurus rugosus, Gray. Stump-tailed Lizard. Hab. New Holland. a. Purchased, 1858. 6. Presented by the Eev. W. H. Hawker, E.Z.S., April 4, 1862. c, cl. Purchased, April 21, 1867. 6-7^. Presented by the Directors of the Botanic Gardens, Adelaide, Feb. 16, 1869. i. Presented by Capt. Clarke, March 6, 1869. j. Presented by Dr. E. L. Mosse, E.N., Jan. 5, 1870. h, I. Deposited, July 11, 1871. m, 11. Deposited, June 2, 1873. 0. Presented by IST. Clements, Esq., June 8, 1874. p. Purchased, March 23, 1877. q. Presented by P. SaviUe, Esq., June 28, 1878. r. Presented by Capt. J. Thomas, Api-il 22, 1880. s. Presented by E. O. Maitland, Esq., Peb. 23, 1881. Genus Tropidolepisma. 131. Tropidolepisma majus, Gray. Large Tropidolepisma. Hah. New South Wales. a, h. Presented by George Macleay, Esq., P.Z.S., May 19, 1862. Genus Silubosaurus. 133. Silubosaurus stokesi, Gray. Stokes's Lizard. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, March 23, 1877. SCINCIDiE. 585 Genus Maceoscinctjs. 133. Macroscincm cocteauii (Dum. & Bibr.). Cocteau's Skink. Hub. Cape-Verd Islands. a, h. Presented by Prof. Barboza du Socage, F.M.Z.S., Oct. 14, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 703, et 1874, p. 495. Genus Cyclodus. 134. Cyclodus gigas (Bodd.). Great Cyclodus. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, 1856. h. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, March 31, 1864. c. Purchased, April 19, 1866. d-m. Bred in the Gardens, July 10, 1866. Vrs. Bred in the Gardens, June 12, 1867. t-z. Bred in the Gardens, April 30, 1871. a\ 1)\ Piu-chased, March 23, 1877. 135. Cyclodus nigro-luteus (Quoy & Gaim.). Black-and- yellow Cyclodus. Hab. Tasmania. a. Presented by W. S. Orowther, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 15, 1870. b. Presented by Mrs. Bills, Aug. 29, 1871. 136. Cyclodus occipitalis, Peters. Occipital Cyclodus. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by Dr. E. Schomburgk, Jime 13, 1870. Genus Egernia. 137. Egernia cunninghami, Gray. Cunningham's Skink. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by the AccHmatization Society of Victoria March 31, 1864. h-e. Presented by J. C. Pearson, Esq., June 26, 1878. 586 SCINCIDjE. Genus Plestiodon. 138. Plestiodon auratus, Schneid. Aldrovandi's Skink. Hab. North-west Africa. a-c. Purchased, June 15, 1870. d-g. Purchased, June 7, 1873. h, i. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1881. j, k. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1882. Genus Hinulia. 139. Hinulia australis, Gray. Australian Skink. Hab. Australia. 0-0. Eeceived, July 19, 1866. 140. Hinulia whitei, Gray. White's Skink. Hab. Australia. r or-c. Purchased, July 31, 1874. Genus Euprepes. 141. Euprepes vittatus [0\i\.). Streaked Euprepes. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Eisk, C.M.Z.S., July 8, 1882. From Eobben Island. Genus Anguis. 142. Anguis fragilis, Linn. Slowworm.- Hab. British Isles. a-c. Presented by Dr. Bowerbank, P.Z.S., May 8, 1871. cl-f. Presented by P. Coleman, Esq., May 9, 1872. g-j. Presented by G. Smith, Esq., April 28, 1873. Tc. Presented by Capt. Salvin, June 19, 1873. I. Presented by J. E. Ker, Esq., Sept. 9, 1874. m. Presented by W. A. H. Bernhard Smith, Esq., Dec. 7, 1879. n. Presented by L. Jeyes, Esq., April 3, 1880. 0. Presented by O. Thomas, Esq., E.Z.S., May 5, 1880. p, q. Presented by J. Eubney, Esq., July 7, 1880. r. Presented by L. C. Brook, Esq., July 18, 1880. *. Presented by Mr. G. Mengee, May 23, 1881. scincidjE. 587 t. (White variety.) Presented by A. Phipson, Esq., Aug. 4, 1881. M, Presented by J. Poyer Poyer, Esq., April 25, 1882. V. Presented by J. Poyer Poyer, Esq., June 1, 1882. w. Presented by Mr. Charles Taylor, Aug. 9, 1882. Genus Seps. 143. Seps oeellatus (Forsk.). Ocellated Sand-Skink. Hab. South Europe. a. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1863. l-h. Pm-chased, May 16, 1868. i. Presented by Henry Denny, Esq., June 16, 1869. j, I: Purchased, June 15, 1870. I, m. Purchased, June 7, 1873. n. Pm-chased, Aug. 7, 1873. o-s. Presented by Lord Lilford, E.Z.S., June 29, 1874. t-x. Deposited, June 29, 1874. y. Presented by Messrs. Wylde, Beyts, and Co., July 24, 1882. 144. Seps viridanus (Gravenh.). Greenish Sand-Skink. Hab. Teneriffe. a-c. Pm-chased, June 15, 1870. See Giinther, P. Z.S. 1871, p. 243. 145. Seps tridactylus, Laur. Three-toed Sand-Skink. Hab. South Europe. or-c. Presented by W. C. Tait, Esq., July 30, 1872. From Portugal. d. Presented by J. C. J. Church, Esq., June 1, 1882. Genus Scelotes. 146. Scelotes bipes (Linn.). Bipes. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by the Eev. G. H. R. Eisk, C.M.Z.S., July 8 1882. From Eobben Island. 588 SCINCIDjB. — AGAMIDjE. Genus Acontias. 147. Acontias meleagris, Cuv. Spotted Slowworm. Hob. South Africa. a. Purchased, April 23, 1879. :. E. Msk, C.M.Z.S., July 8, Family AGAMIDtE. Genus Calotes. 148. Calotes ophiomachus (Merr.) . Galeote Lizard. Hab. Ceylon. a. Deposited, May 8, 1880. 149. Lyriocephalus scutatus (Linn.) . Knob-nosed Lizard. Hab. Ceylon. a-e. Presented by H. M. Moseley, Esq., March 11, 1872. 150. Amphibolurus barbatus (Cuv.). Bearded Lizard. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, March 14, 1864. h. Purchased, June 15, 1866. c. Purchased, March 2, 1870. d. Purchased, Peb. 11, 1873. e. Purchased, March 13, 1873. /. Purchased, Nov. 4, 1880. 151. Amphibolurus angulifer {Gray). Lozenge-marked Lizard. Hab. Australia. a. Purchased, June 2, 1873. b. Purchased, July 31, 1874. Genus Lyriocephalus. See P. Z. S. 1872, p. 603. Genus Amphibolurtts. AGAMIDiE. 589 Genus Agama. 152. Agama ruderata, Oliv. Variable Lizard. Hab. Eg-ypt. a, h. Presented by E. C.Taylor, Esq., E.Z S., May 2 1870. c,d. Presented by Mons. J. M. Comely, C.M.Z.S., March 6, 1881. 153. Agama colonorum (Daud.). Spinose Lizard. Hab. North-west Africa. a. Purchased, June 7, 1873. h-l Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 26, 1878. 154. Agama occipitalis, Gray. Occipital Lizard. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by Lady,^Cust, June 29, 1873. Genus Uromastix. 155. Uromastix spinipes (Daud.). Egyptian Mastigure. Hab. North Africa. a. Presented by John D. Carmichael, Esq., May 29, 1867. h-e. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 28, 1869. /. Presented by E. Bond, Esq., F.Z.S., April 11, 1870. Erom Laghouat, Algeria. g, h. Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 6, 1870. 156. Uromastix microiepis, Blanford. Small-scaled Mastigure. Hab. Busreh, Persian Gulf. a-c. Presented by Capt. Phillips, Aug. 4, 1874. See P. Z. S. 1874, pp. 495, 658, pi. lxxx. d, e. Presented by Capt. PhiUips, Oct. 31, 1878. f-k. Presented by Capt. Bui'ke, S.S. ' Arcot,' July 12, 1879. 157. Uromastix hardwickii, Gray. Hardwicke^s Mastigure. Hab. India. a, 6. Presented by Lieut.-Col. C. S. Sturt, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 23, 1874. SeeP.Z.S. 1875, p. 1. c, d. Presented by Mr. William Jamrach, Nov. 18, 1880. 590 AGAMIDiE. — IGUANIDjE. Genus Moloch. 158. Moloch horridus, Gray. Moloch Lizard. Hab, Australia. a. Presented by S. S. Travers, Esq., June 11, 1866. b. Purchased, Aug. 20, 1866. Family IGUANID^. Genus Iguana. 159. Iguana tuberculata, Laur. Tuberculated Iguana. Hab. West Indies. a. Purchased, Oct. 29, 1864. 6. Presented by Capt. Sawyer, Nov. 15, 1864. c. Purchased, June 30, 1865. cV. Presented by Edward Greey, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 26, 1869. e,f. Presented by ¥. Graham Briggs, Esq., May 12, 1870. From IvTevis, West Indies. g. Purchased, June 7, 1870. Ji. Presented by E. Graham Briggs, Esq., Aug. 18, 1870. Erom Nevis, West Indies. i. Purchased, Sept. 15, 1870. j. Presented by J. M. Spence, Esq., F.Z.S., July 2, 1873. From Eodond's Island, West Indies. Tc. Purchased, Oct. 17, 1873. I, m. Purchased, Dec. 16, 1873. n. Purchased, April 3, 1874. 0. Presented by Mr. W. Jamrach, June 8, 1874. p. Purchased, April 14, 1875. q. Purchased, July 17, 1875. r. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1876. s. Purchased, April 14, 1877. t. Purchased, Jan. 14, 1878. u. Purchased, Oct. 24, 1878. V. Presented by Dr. A. Stradhag, Jan. 16, 1879. w. Presented by Dr. J. F. Chittenden, C.M.Z.S., AprU 2,1879. X. Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, Jime 14, 1879. y. Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, Jan. 3, 1880. z, a\ Purchased, May 4, 1880. 160. Iguana delicatissima, Laur. Naked-necked Iguana. Hab. Tropical America. a, h. Presented by T. Boss, Esq., July 3, 1868. c. Purchased, March 15, 1871. From Nicaragua. IGUANIDiE. 591 I I Genus Metopoceros. 161. Metopoceros cornutus, Wagl. Black Iguana. Hab. West Indies. a. Presented by J. B. Eowe, Esq., Sept. 19, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 627. h. Presented by J. Button, Esq., June 12, 1873. c, d. Purchased, Aug. 10, 1876. e. Purchased, Oct. 13, 1880. Genus Polychrtts. 162. Polychrus anomalus, Wiegm. Anomalous Polychrus. Hab. Brazil. a. Presented by Dr. Wucherer, C.M.Z.S., April 6, 1863. 163. Polychrus marmoratus (Dum. & Bibr.). Marbled Poly- chrus. Hab. Brazil. a. Presented byDr. A.S tradling, C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1880. Genus Anolis. 164. Anolis cristatellus, Dum. & Bibr. Crested Anolis. Hab. West Indies. or-j. Presented by Capt. Sawyer, Sept. 14, 1864. Jc, I. Deposited, Sept. 30, 1864. 165. Anolis cepedii, Merrem. Barbadian Anolis. Hab. Barbadoes. Or-j. Purchased, Aug. 3, 1880. Genus ScELoPORUS. 166. Sceloporus microlepidotus (Wiegm.) . Small-scaled Lizard. Hab. Central America. a. Presented by Mr. Jamrach, May 14, 1860. 592 IGUANID/E. 167. Sceloporus garmani, BIgr. Garman's Lizard. Hab. South-west Dakota. a. Presented by Samuel Garman, Esq., Nov. 3, 1882. Typical specimen described by Boulenger, see P.Z.S. 1882 p. 720 et p. 761, pi. lvi. Genus Holbrookia. 168. Holbrookia maculata, Bd. Spotted Lizard. Hab. North America. a^f. Presented by Samuel G-arman, Esq., Nov. 3, 1882. From S.W. Dakota. Genus Taraguira. 169. Taraguira smithi, Gray. Taraguira Lizard. Hab. Brazil. a. Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, June 14, 1879. Prom Bahia. b, c. Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, O.M.Z.S., Dec. 3, 1881. Genus Crotaphytus. 170. Crotaphytus wislizenii, Baird et Gir. Wizlizen's Lizard. Hab. New Mexico. a. Presented by Lt.-Col. Ealph Vivian, P.Z.S., Peb. 18, 1879. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 218. Genus PHRyNOSOMA. 171. Phrynosoma cornutum (Harlan). Horned Lizard. Hab. Texas. a-c. Presented by the Eev. L. Glynn, June 15, 1870. Prom Indianola, Texas. cl-g. Presented by A. Sachtleben, Esq., July 11, 1871. Prom Galveston, Texas. h. Deposited, June 25, 1872. Prom San Diego, California. i. Presented by H. D. Harrison, Esq., July 30, 1872. j, Ic. Purchased, June 12, 1873. Z, m. Presented by W. L. Brookes, Esq., June 21, 1873. tv-r. Deposited, Sept. 1, 1873. s-u. Purchased, May 15, 1874. V. Presented by P. Painter, Esq., July 27, 1874. IGtTANlDili. CHAMiELEONIDiE, 593 w. Presented by Baron George de Worms, F.Z.S., July 20, 1875. a:. Presented by "W. Dawson, Esq., Nov. 8, 1875. y. Presented by A. N. Shillingford, Esq., Oct. 5, 1876. z. Presented by Mr. T. Clover, April 16, 1877. a\ b\ Presented by W. A. Bowie, Esq., July 6, 1877. c\ Presented by J. C. Witte, Esq., June 10, 1878. cl\ e\ Presented by E. Loder, Esq., E.Z.S., May 23, 1879. f-h\ Presented by E. E. Sabel, Esq., E.E.G.S., Aug. 31, 1879. i\ Presented by Theo. S. Harris, Esq., July 19, 1880. f. Presented by Mr. Luiz de Tavares Ozorio, Aug. 6, 1880. F. Presented by Mrs. Budgett, Sept. 7, 1880. l\ Presented by W. C. Boyd, Esq., Oct. 19, 1880. m\ Presented by IVIiss Branscom, Nov. 3, 1880. o'. Presented by Capt. E. C. B. Walker, May 24, 1882. y. Presented by D. Eowell, Esq., June 10, 1882. q^. Presented by Master C. E. Napier, July 4, 1882. r\ Presented by W. PUcher, Esq., Sept. 13, 1882. 173. Phrynosoma orbiculare, Wiegm. Orbicular Horned Lizard. Hab. Mexico. a. Presented by A. Mapleson, Esq., Nov. 4, 1882. 173. Phrynosoma douglassi {Bell). Douglass's Horned Lizard. Hab. North America. Or-h. Presented by Samuel Garman, Esq., Nov. 3, 1882. Erom S.W. Dakota. Family CHAMiELEONID^. Genus Chameleon. 174. Chamceleon vulgaris, Daud. Common Chameleon. Hab. North Africa. or-z". See Eifth Edition. a?, W. Purchased, Oct. 6, 1871. From Bengal. (?. Presented by A. E. Eogers, Esq., Aug. 16, 1872. d\ Presented by J. W. Wood, Esq., Aug. 29, 1872. e^. Presented by Miss Morgan, Sept. 20, 1872. f. Presented by G. Hollis, Esq., Sept. 27, 1872. (f-f. Purchased, July 2, 1873. P. Purchased, July 28, 1873. 2 Q 594. CHAMiELEONIDiE. P-n^ Presented by W. C. Hothara, Esq., Sept. 10, 1873. o\ Presented by Mr. F. Clark, July 11, 1874, Presented by Mr. J. P. G. Bird, July 25, 1874. g^. Purchased, June 28, 1875. r'. Presented by P. Coleman, Esq., Oct. 12, 1875. s\ Presented by D. G-. Wright, Esq., Aug. 11, 1877. f. Deposited, Nov. 14, 1877. M^ v\ Presented by G. H. Garrett, Esq., March 4, 1878. u)3. Presented by W. W. Spicer, Esq., June 8, 1878. x^. Presented by C. E. Johnson, Esq., June 26, 1878. y\ Presented by G. A. Dodd, Esq., May 6, 1879. z^ a\ Presented by A. Ely, Esq., Sept. 5, 1879. Cyprus. b\ c*. Presented by Capt. Burke, Dec. 5, 1879. cl*. Presented by Percy Howard, Esq., Aug. 12, 1880. e*. Presented by Percy Day, Esq., Sept. 30, 1880. f. Purchased, Oct. 30, 1880. g\ h\ Presented by J. Blackstone, Esq., P.Z.S., Feb. 7, 18801 i\ Deposited, Aug. 3, 1881. f, lc\ Presented by A. E. Eogers, Esq., Sept. 1, 1881. l*-q\ Pui-chased, Sept. 8, 1881. r*, s*. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1882. t\ u\ Presented by Mr. W. J. Ford, Nov. 8, 1882. 175. Chamceleon senegalensis, Daud. Senegal ChameleoD. Hob. West Africa. a. Presented by J. Sexton, Esq., June 24, 1881. 176. Chamceleon dilepis, Leacli. Flap-necked Chameleon. Hob. South Africa. a. Presented by Sir G. Grey, K.C.B., May 25, 1861. See P. Z. S. 1861, p. 209. 177. Chamceleon pumilus, Jjatr. Dwarf Chameleon. Hab. South Africa. Or-Ji. Deposited, May 9, 1870. i-Jc. Presented by F. H. Smith, Esq., June 5, 1871. I Presented by Miss Siddons, May 27, 1873. m. Presented by Dr. Eeid, Dec. 8^ 1880. n, 0. Presented by D. W. B. Swain, Esq., Sept. 16, 1881. p. Presented by Major J. T. Hunt, Dec. 10, 1881. q-v. Presented by Col. Hassard, E.E., Dec. 15, 1881. w. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., July 8, 1882. AMPHISBiENIDiE. 595 Family amphisbjj:nid.e. Genus Blanus. 178. Blanus cinereus (Vandelli). Grey Amphisbsena. Hob. Spain. a. Presented by J. Goddard, Esq., Marcb 13, 1877. See P. Z.S. 1877, p. 270. Genus Amphisb^na. 179. Amphisbana alba, Linn. White Ampbisbsena. Hab. Soutb America. a. Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, C.M.Z.S., Sept. 13, 1880. Prom Brazil. 180. Amphisbcena fuliginosa, Linn. Sooty Ampbisbaena. Hab. South America. a. Presented by G. H. Hawtayne, Esq., C.M.Z.S., April 9, 1881. Prom British Guiana. 181. AmphisbosnadarwinifTiVim.^^ihv. Darwin^s Ampbisbsena. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Jan. 16, 1879. Prom Monte Video. See P. Z. S. 1879, p. 146. Genus Bronia. 182. Bronia brasiliensis, Gray. Brazilian Ampbisbsena. Hab. Brazil. a. Presented by W. A. Forbes, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Sept. 13, 1880. Prom Parahyba do Norte, Brazil. Genus Lepidosteenum. 183. Lepidosternum grayi, Smith. Gray's Ampbisbsena. Hab. Brazil. a. Presented by W. A. Porbes, Esq., P.Z.S., Aug. 17, 1880. Prom Pernambuco. 3q2 596 TYPHLOPlDiE. BOIDiE. Order OPHIDIA. Family TYPHLOPIDiE. Genus Typhlops. 184. Typhlops nigro-albus, Dum. & Bibr, Black- and- White Blind Snake. Hab. Malacca. a. Purchased, July 19, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1870, p. 668. From Singapore. Family BOID^. Genus Python. 185. Python sebce {Gm.) . West- African Python. Hab. West Africa. a. Female. Purchased, 1849. See notice of the incubation of this mdividual, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 365. b. Male. Purchased, April 18, 1859. c. Presented by Dr. Marchisio, Dec. 18, 1863. d. Purchased, July 21, 1864. e. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1865. f. g. Pm-chased, July 4, 1865. h. Presented by Dr. W. A. Gardiner, Aug. 18, 1865, i. Presented by Charles H. Cox. Esq., F.Z.S., June 21, 1869. j. Presented by C. Czarnikow, Esq., F.Z.S., Oct. 4, 1869. Jc. Presented by W. C. SmaU, Esq., Feb. 9, 1870. Z. Deposited, July 19, 1870. m. Presented by I. Lloyd, Esq.; Feb. 7, 1874. n. Deposited, Aug. 13, 1874. 0. Presented by W. H. Berkeley, Esq., Dec. 8, 1875. 2J. Deposited, Dec. 6, 1876. q. Presented by L. Hart, Esq., July 28, 1877. r. Presented by F. LoveU, Esq., Sept. 11, 1877. s. Presented by J. J. KendaU, Esq., Sept. 19, 1877. t. Presented by G. II. Garrett, Esq., June 13, 1879. u. Deposited, June 21, 1879. V. Eeceived in exchange, March 25, 1880. w. Presented by Dr. F. Speer, Sept. 28, 1880. cc, y. Deposited, Oct. 6, 1880. z. Deposited, March 10, 188? BOIDiE. 597 186. Python regius (Shaw). Royal Python. Hah. West Africa. a. Purchased, April 8, 1859. h. Eeceived ia exchange, Teh. 6, 1868. c. Purchased, May 5, 1868. d, e. Presented by Mrs. T. Brassey, P.Z.S., Sept. 22, 1869. /. Presented by Henry Wyatt, Esq., Nov. 2, 1872. g. Presented by C. B. Mosse, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Sept. 14, 1874. h. Presented by Capt. Cooper, Sept. 9, 1875. i. j. Presented by J. J. KendaU, Esq., July 10, 1876. Tc. Deposited, Dec. 6, 1876. I. Presented by J. J. KendaU, Esq., Sept. 18, 1877. m-o. Eeceived in exchange, Oct. 8, 1879. p. Presented by G. H. Garrett, Esq., Aug. 18, 1881. 187. Python molurus (Linn.). Indian Python. Hab. India. a. Purchased, Sept. 24, 1863. h. Presented by Capt. A. Henley, 52nd Eegt., Aug. 17, 1866. c. Eeceived, Aug. 17, 1866. d. Deposited, April 4, 1870. e. Presented by Mr. E. Climpson, April 20, 1870. /. Eeceived in exchange, April 26, 1870. g. Presented by Capt. Eaison, Aug. 28, 1874. 'h. Presented by Mr. A. J. S. Ferris, March 31, 1875. i. Presented by Dr. J. Shortt, May 19, 1875. j. Presented by Mr. George Billett, July 7, 1879. Tc. Presented by Capt. Laws, Aug. 17, 1882. 188. Python bivittatus. Two-streaked Python. Hab. China. a. Presented by C. J. Noble, Esq., Feb. 18, 1874. From Hong-Kong. (Dark specimen.) See P. Z. S. 1874, p. 151. 189. Python reticulatus (Schn.) . Reticulated Python. Hab. Malacca. a. Presented by Dr. Hampshire, Aug. 29, 1876. b. Purchased, June 30, 1879. 598 B0ID2E. Genus Morelia. 190. Morelia spilotes (Lacep.). Diamond-Snake. Hab. New South Wales. a, h. Presented by Gerard Krefft, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Sept. 29, 1863. c. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Victoria, March 31, 1864. d. Presented by Gerard Krefft, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 21, 1866. e. Purchased, May 2, 1870. /. Presented by T. H. Vasey, Esq., Oct. 18, 1870. g. Presented by H. Erielaud, Esq., August 27, 1873. h. Purchased, Oct. 24, 1877. i. Presented by 0. C. Skarratt, Esq., Sept. 13, 1881. 191. Morelia variegata, Gray. Carpet-Snake. Hab. Queensland. a. Purchased, March 11, 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 315. b-d. Presented by J. Moseley, Esq., May 22, 1877. Genus Boa. 193. Boa constrictor, Linn. Common Boa. Hab. South America. a-z. See Fifth Edition. aS 6\ Presented by His Excellency G. W. Des Vceux, Oct. 28, 1871. From" St. Lucia. c\ Presented by Dr. J. A. Palin, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 23, 1871. d\ Presented by John Beaton, Esq., Dec. 23, 1871. e\ Purchased, Jan. 28, 1872. From Colon. /\ Purchased, April 14, 1872. From Panama. g^. Purchased, June 28, 1872. From Columbia. h\ Presented by E. Collin, Esq., Aug. 26, 1872. Presented by Neville Holland, Esq., Nov. 24, 1874. From St. Lucia. h\ Presented bv Capt. E. C. Kemp, Dec. 12, 1874. v. Purchased, March 19, 1875. m\ Purchased, July 17, 1875. oi\ Presented by Dr. Wood, Oct. 16, 1875. oSy. Presented by G. W. Des Vceux, Esq., April 14, 1876. q\ Purchased, June 16, 1876. r\ Presented by F. B. Bloxham, Esq., Sept. 19, 1876. s\ Purchased, Oct. 31, 1876. t\ Purchased, March 23, 1877. ii^-o^. Born in the Gardens, June 30, 1877. 599 f. Presented by Miss A. Leith, Nov. 21, 1877. Presented by Capt. Moir, June 10, 1878. r^ Purchased, June 25, 1878. s". Presented by- Dr. A. Stradling, Aug. 6, 1878. {\ Presented by D. W. Bell, Esq., Oct. 31, 1878. < v^. Deposited, April 2, 1879. w^. Purchased, May 3, 1879. x". Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, July 1, 1879. f-a^. Presented by W. Young, Esq., Nov. 1, 1879. h^, Purchased, June 11, 1880. Erom Savanilla. d?. Deposited, Oct. 6, 1880. Purchased, June 1, 1881. ^^ Presented by G. H. Hawtayne, Esq., C.M.Z.8., July 28, 1881. Erom Demerara. W, i\ Deposited, Aug. 8, 1882. 193. Boa eques, Eyd. & Soul. Peruvian Boa. Hab. Ecuador. a. Presented by Prof. William Nation, of Lima, C.M.Z.S., March 18,' 1867. See P. Z. S. 1867, p. 315. Genus Corallus. 194. Corallus hortulanus (Linn.) . Tree-Boa. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, May 5, 1869. b. Purchased, Aug. 28, 1869. c. Purchased, Dec. 6, 1870. Ei'om Mexico. cl. Eeceived in exchange, Oct, 18, 1871. Erom the West Lidies. e. Eeceived in exchange, June 17, 1876. Genus Eunectes. 195. Eunectes murinus (Linn.). Anaconda. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Feb. 8, 1864, 6, c. Purchased, Oct, 4, 1865, d. Purchased, July 25, 1867, e. Purchased, June 7, 1869. /, Purchased, June 12, 1875, g. Purchased, Eeb. 15, 1877, h. Eeceived in exchange, March 21, 1878, i. Purchased, Oct, 24, 1878, j. Eeceived in exchange, April 2, 1879. Tc. Presented by G. H. Hawtayne, Esq., May 1, 1879; 600 BOID^. I. Presented by Capt. E. Ball, Oct. 1, 1879. m. Purchased,' Nov. 15, 1879. n. Purchased, Aug. 3, 1880. Genus Epicrates. 196. Epicrates anguUfer, Dum. & Bibr. Pale-headed Tree-Boa. Hah. Cuba. a-d. Purchased, Jan. 25, 1865. e. Presented by A. L. Schiitte, Esq., June 30, 1877. f-li. Hybrids between a female of this species and male GhilohotJims inornatics. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 30, 1878. See P. Z. S. 1878, p. 789. Hybrids between a male of this species and a female Cliilohotlirus inornatus. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 9, 1879. 197. Epicrates cenchris (JAmi.) . Thick-necked Tree-Boa. Hab. West Indies. a. Purchased, May 13, 1870. I. Presented by Gr. H. Hawtayne, Esq., July 31, 1880. c. Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 4, 1881. Genus Pelophilus. 198. Pelophilus madagascariensis, Dum. & Bibr. Madagascar Boa. Hab. Madagascar, a. Purchased, Aug. 15, 1877. h. Presented by Canon G. Ogilvy, May 4, 1879. c-g. Deposited, Sept. 2, 1882. h, i. Purchased, Sept. 2, 1882. Genus Chilobothrus. 199. Chilobothrus inornatus (Reiuh.) . Yellow Snake. Hab. Jamaica. a, b. Presented by Dr. Bowerbank, Oct. 17, 1855. c-e. Presented by Capt. Abbott, June 14, 1864. /. Presented by Capt. Hauiraack, April 13, 1865. g. Presented by Joseph Smith, Esq., June 2, 1870. Ji-q. Born in the Menagerie, Aug. 6, 1873. r. Purchased, March 2, 1878. s. Deposited, Aug. 6, 1878. t, u. Presented by Chas. B. Mosse, Esq., June 29, 1881. 601 BOID.E. — CAIiAMAKIIDiE. Genus Ebyx. 300. Eryx jaculus, Daud. Egyptian Eryx. Hob. Egypt. a. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1863. 201. Eryx thebaicus, Reuss. Shielded Eryx. Hob. North Africa. a, b. Pui'chased, Aug. 16, 1870. From Mogador. 202. Eryx johni (RnsseW). Indian Eryx. Hab. India. a. Purchased, Jan. 10, 1865. h. Purchased, May 17, 1873. c, d. Purchased, March 5, 1875. e. Presented by Dr. J. Shortt, May 19, 1875. Family TORTRICIDtE. Genus Tortrix. 203. Tortrix scytale, Oppell. Coral Snake. Hab. Demerara. a. Presented by G. H. Hawtayne, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Aug. 5, 1879. Prom Demerara. Family CALAMARIIDiE. Genus Rhinostoma. 204. Rhinostoma cupreum, Giinther. Coppery Snake. Hab. Africa. a. Purchased, April 23, 1879. Genus Homalocranium. 205. Homalocranium melanocephalum (Linn.). Black-headed Snake. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Oct, 24, 1878. CALAMAElIDiE. — COLITBRIDjE. Genus Homalosoma. Homalosoma htrix (Linn.). Smooth-bellied Snake. Hab. South Africa. -^^-^^g^g*®^ ^s^- H. R. Fisk, O.M.Z.S., Aug. 26, 6. Preseuted by the Rev. G. H. R. Pisk, C.M..Z.S., Jan. 8, 1881. ' Family COLUBRIDtE. Genus Ablabes. 207. Ablabes punctatus (Linn.). Punctured Snake. Hab. North America. a-c. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 3, 1871. 208. Ablabes rufdus (Liclit.) . Rufous Snake. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by the Rev. G. H. R. Fisk, Dec. 2, 1876. Genus Psammophylax. 209. Psammophylax rhombeatus (Linn.). Rhomb -marked Snake. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by the Rev. G. H. R. Pisk, June 7, 1876, 6. Presented by the Rev. G. H. R. Pisk, Feb. 1, 1877. c. Presented by the Rev. G. H. R. Fisk, Dec. 4, 1878. d. Presented by Eustace Pillaus, Esq., Jan. 9, 1880. e. Presented by H. PiUans, Esq., Dec. 12, 1882. /. Presented by the Rev. G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 22, 1882. Genus Tachymenis. 210. Taclnjmenis vivax, Fitz. Vivacious Snake. Hab. Southern Europe. a. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., July 6, 1878. From Montenegro. Deposited, July 22,1880. COLTTBRIDjE. 603 Genus Coronella. 211. Coronella lavis, Lacdp. Smooth Snake. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by Gent. Cadet Fenton, Aug. 1862. b. Purchased, July 2, 1863. c. Presented by John Pares, Esq., Sept. 13, 1864. d. Purchased, Sept. 7, 1865. From Germany. e. Presented by the Eev. C. WoUey, April 9, 1866. /. Presented by "W. Penny, Esq., June 26, 1867. g. Presented by W. Penny, Esq., Aug. 25, 1868. h-m. Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 21, 1868. n. Presented by the Eev. A. C. Hervey, April 24, 1874. 0. Purchased, June 16, 1875. p. Presented by Lord Lilford, E.Z.S., June 6, 1877. q. Presented by G. F. Fenton, Esq., July 19, 1877. r, s. Purchased, July 19, 1878. t. Purchased, July 16, 1879. From Hampshire. u. Presented by — Dart, Esq., Aug. 21, 1879. V. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 21, 1879. 10. Presented by T. J. Mann, Esq., June 1, 1880. From Hampshire. X. Presented by W. Penny, Esq., June 11, 1880. From Dorsetshii-e. y. Presented by D. Tober, Esq., Oct. 6, 1880. z, a\ Presented by J. T. Mann, Esq., Sept. 10, 1881. b\ Presented by "W. Penny, Esq., April 1, 1882. From Dorsetshire. c\ Presented by "W. Penny, Esq., Aug. 2, 1882. From Dorsetshire. cl\ Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 5, 1882. From Germany. 212. Coronella girondica, Daud. Bordeaux Snake. Hab. South Europe. «. Presented by Lieut. L. L. Fenton, May 22, 1880. From San Eemo, Italy. h. Presented by J. Wellford, Esq., May 16, 1881. c. Deposited, May 26, 1882. 213. Coronella cucullata (Dum. & Bibr.). Hooded Snake. Hab. North-west Africa. a. Purchased, June 15, 1870. COLUBRTD^, 214. Coronella cana (Linn.). Hoary Snake. Hah. South Africa. a. Presented by Sir G. Grey, K.C.B., May 25, 1861. h. Presented by H. Pybus, Esq., May 20, 1875. c. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., Feb. 1 1877. d. Presented by the Rev. G. H. E. Pisk, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 27 1878. e. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., July 8, 1882. ' J ' /. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 22, 1882. 215. Coronella multimaculata, Sm. Many-spotted Snake. Hob. South Africa. a. Presented by Eustace PiUans, Esq., April 19, 1880. 216. Coronella phocarum, Giintb. Robben-Island Snake. Hab. Robben Island, South Africa. a. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, Sept. 24, 1872. See Giinther, P. Z. S. 1872, pp. 795 & 836. h, c. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, Aug. 29, 1873. See P. Z. S. 1873, p. 683. d^f. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, Nov. 4, 1873. g. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E.-Fisk, C.M.Z.S., Sept. 24, 1877. 7i. Presented by Messrs. Eice and A. Jamrach, Jan. 1, 1878. i. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 9, 1880. j. Presented by W. Porter, Esq., Feb. 12, 1880. 7c. Purchased, April 7, 1880. l-p. Presented bv the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., Oct. 1, 1881. 217. Coronella sayi (Dekaj) . Say's Snake. Hab. North America. a. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1869. b. Purchased, Dee. 6, 1870. From Mexico. c-e. Presented by Samuel Garman, Esq., Nov. 3, 1882. From S.W. Dakota. COLUBRIDiE. 605 Genus Liophis. 218. Liophis merremi (Max.) . Merrem's Snake. Hab. Monte Video. a. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1874. h. Purchased, Dec. 24, 1878. c, d, e. Purchased, Jan. 16, 1879. 219. Liophis cobella (Linn.). Cobella Snake. Hah. South America. a. Presented by G. H. Hawtayne, Esq., O.M.Z.S., Aug. 5, 1879. rrom Demerara. Genus Erythrolampbtjs. 220. Erythrolamprus venustissimus (Max.). Red-and-Black Snake. Hab. South America. a. Presented hy Dr. Chyne, May 2, 1871. Prom Mexico. I. Purchased, Sept. 16, 1872. From Panama, c. Pui'chased, July 10, 1875. Genus Xenodon. 221. Xenodon rhahdocephalus (Max.). Long-headed Snake. Hab. Brazil. a. Presented by Dr. "Wucherer, C.M.Z.S., Nov. 1868. h. Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, C.M.Z.S., Sept. 13, 1880. c. Presented by Dr. A. StradHng, C.M.Z.S., June 21, 1881. Genus Tropidonotus. 222. Tropidonotvs natrix (Linn.). Common Snake. Hab. British Islands. a-d. Presented by Dr. Bowerbank, P.Z.S., May 8, 1871. e-f. Variety. Purchased, June 6, 1871. g-h. Var. sicidus. Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 11, 1871. Prom Calabria. i. Presented by B. E. Hooper, Esq., June 22, 1872. j. Presented by J, Eoach, Esq., Aug. 16, 1872. 606 COLUBRIDjE. h. Presented by A, J. 'Woodhouse, Esq., Aug. 16, 1872. I. Presented by Q. N. Smith, Esq., April 28, 1873. m-i. Bora in the Menagerie, June 29, 1873, M. Presented by Mr. T. Lusini, Aug. 18, 1874. V. Deposited, Oct. 7, 1875. vj, X. Presented by Gr. P. Fenton, Esq., July 19, 1877. From North Italy. y. Presented by H. Smith, Esq., May 6, 1878. z. Var. siculus? Deposited, Oct. 5, 1880. a\ 6\ Presented by J. Poyer Poyer, Esq., April 15, 1881. c\ Presented by H. Dawson, Esq., Nov. 26, 1881. cP, e\ Presented by Lord Londesborough, F.Z.S., May 8, 1882. f\ Presented by J. Poyer Poyer, Esq., June 1, 1882. 223. Tropidonotus tigrinus, Boie. Tigrine Snake, Hab. Japan, a-c. Presented by Messrs. J. Veitch & Son, and Mr. Charles Maries, Jan. 6, 1880, 224. Tropidonotus viperinus (Merr.) . Viperine Snake. Hab. North Africa. a. Purchased, June 15, 1870. b-e. Presented by Gr. H. Fenton, Esq., July 1, 1874. f-Jc. Presented by L. L. Fenton, Esq., May 22, 1880. Z-ji. Deposited, May 13, 1881. o-r. Presented by J. Wellford, Esq., May 16, 1881. 225. Tropidonotus ferox {Gunthev) . Fierce Snake. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, July 16, 1863. See P. Z, S. 1863, p, 378; also Gunther, Ann, & Mag. N, H. ser. 3, vol. in, p, 355. 226. Tropidonotus quincunciatus (Schleg.). India River- Snake, Hab. India. a. Purchased, July 4, 1861, b, c. Purchased, April 15, 1882. 227. Tropidonotus vittatus (Linn.). Long-banded Snake. Hab. India. or-d. Eeceived in exchange, July 31, 1878. COLTTBRIDiE. 607 228. Tropidonotus ordinatus, Linn. Garter-Snake. Hab. North America. a^d. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 2, 1863. ej. Purchased, July 22, 1868. g-m. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Aug. 26, 1869. n. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 3, 1871. 0. Presented by A. Eorrer, Esq., Aug. 20, 1873. Var. m- fernalis. Erom California. 229. Tropidonotus sirtalis (Linn.). Striped Snake. Hab. North America. a. Presented by Samuel Garman, Esq., Nov. 3, 1882. 230. Tropidonotus fasciatus (Linn.). Mocassin Snake Hab. North America. a, b. Purchased, Oct. 15, 1869. c, d. Purchased, Aug. 6, 1872. e. Purchased, July 26, 1876. f-s. Born in the Gardens, Dec. 21, 1877. t^a\ Born in the Gardens, Sept. 26, 1878. 6^. Born in the Gardens, Dec. 5, 1881. d^. Born in the Gardens, Aug. 4, 1882. 231. Tropidonotus leberis {lAxm.). Seven-banded Snake. Hab. North America. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 6, 1872. c-i. Bred in the Gardens, Aug. 27, 1872. j-n. Purchased, July 9, 1878. o-t. Bred in the Gardens, May 9, 1879. u-h\ Bred in the Gardens, Eeb. 17, 1880. i^-c\ Bred in the Gardens, Dec. 10, 1880. Genus Ischnognathus. 232. Ischnognathus occipito - maculatus (Storer) . Spotted- headed Snake. Hab. Nova Scotia. a-f. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 3, 1871. 233. Ischnognathus delmyi, Holbr. Dekay's Snake. Hab. North America. a. Purchased, Nov. 15, 1880. 608 COLUBRIDjB. Genus Tretanorhinus. 234. Tretanorhinus niffroluteus, CoTpe. Black-and- Yellow Snake, Hab. Central America. a. Purchased, Sept, 12, 1871. From Monkey Hill, near Colon. See Giinther, Ann, & Mag, N, H, ser, 4, vol. ix. p. 27. Genus Heterodon. 235. Heterodon platyrhinos, Lath. Hog-nosed Snake. Hab. North America. a. Presented by Dr. P. Painter, P.Z.S., May 17, 1877, 236. Heterodon d'orbignyi, Dum. & Bibr. D^Orbigny's Snake. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Oct. 24, 1878. h. Presented by Dr, A. Stradling, C,M,Z.S,, June 21, 1881, 237. Heterodon madagascariensis, Dum. & Bibr. Sharp- snouted Snake, Hab. Madagascar. a. Presented by E, Newton, Esq., C,M,Z.S., Nov. 27, 1863. Genus Pituophis. 238. Pituophis catenifer (Blainv.) . Chained Snake. Hab. California. a. Presented by A. Forrer, Esq., Aug. 20, 1873. Genus Rhinechis. 239. Rhinechis scalaris, Schinz. Back-marked Snake. Hab. Southern Europe, a. Purchased, June 9, 1879. h. Presented by G. A. Bouleuger, Esq., July 1, 1882. COLUBEIDiE. 609 Genus Coluber. 24.G. Coluber cesculapii, Sturm, ^sculapian Snake. Hab. Central Europe. a-d. Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 21, 1868. e,f. Purchased, June 6, 1871. From Dalmatia. g. Presented by G. F. Fenton, Esq., Aug. 31, 1877. h. Presented by L. L. Fenton, Esq., May 22, 1880. From San Eemo. i. Presented by Lord Arthur Eussell, M.P., July 20, 1882. 241. Coluber quadrilineatus, Pall. Four-lined Snake. Hab. Europe and Asia. a, h. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1863. c. Presented by A. C. Wright, Esq., May 23, 1878. From Malta. cl. Presented by Lord Lilford, Aug. 21, 1876. e. Deposited, Feb. 27, 1878. /. Presented by Lord Lilford, July 6, 1878. g. Deposited, July 22, 1880. Var. leopardinus. 243. Coluber guttatus, Linn. American Black Snake. Hab. North America. a, h. Purchased, Jime 28, 1867. c. Purchased, Sept. 21, 1874. Genus Elaphis. 243. Elaphis quaterradiatus (Gm.) . Four-rayed Snake. Hab. Southern Europe. a. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., July 6, 1878. From Dalmatia. h-e. Deposited, July 22, 1880. Presented by Capt. Adams, Aug. 1, 1882. Genus Spilotes. 244. Spilotes variabilis (Max.) . South- American Rat-Snake. Hab. South America. a. Presented by Dr. Wucherer, C.M.Z.S., Sept. 1860. 6. Presented by Mr. Hounslow, Nov. 5, 1869. c. Purchased, June 28, 1870. 2b 610 COLUBHIDjE. d. On approval, Apiil 13, 1878. e, /. Presented by G. H. Hawtayne, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 30, 1878. g. Presented by Mr. George Billett, July 7, 1879. h. Presented by Thomas Horrod, Esq., Nov. 20, 1879. i. Presented by G. H. Hawtayne, Esq., C.M.Z.IS., May 28, 1880. 245. Spilotes pcecilostoma, Wied. Cananina Snake. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Nov. 12, 1878. Genus Zamenis. 246. Zamenis atrovirens (Shaw). Dark-green Snake. Hab. Dalmatia. a. Purchased, Dec. 29, 1862. h. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1863. c. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1870. From Mogadore. cl. Presented by C. A. Wright, Esq., May 27, 1871. From Malta. e-Ji, Purchased, June 6, 1871. t-yt. Received in exchange, Sept. 11, 1871. Fi'om Calabria. I. Presented by C. A. Wright, Esq., May 23, 1873. From Malta. m-o. Presented by Lord lilford, F.Z.S., Aug. 22, 1876. Dalmatia. p. Presented by Lord Lilford, July 6, 1878. Var. carho- narius. From Dalmatia. q. Deposited, May 26, 1882. 247. Zamenis hippocrepis (Linn.). Horseshoe-Snake. Hab. South Europe and North Africa. a. Purchased, Sept. 7, 1865. b, c. Purchased, Jiuie 15, 1870. cZ. Purchased, Aug. 16,, 1870. From Mogadore. e. Purchased, Dec. 3, 1872. /. Presented by .Sir John Drummond Hay, K.C.B., March 5, 1873. From Morocco. h. Presented by Capt. T. E. Bone, June 21, 1873. i. Presented by Mr. C. Bartlett, May 14, 187fi. /. Presented by Lord Lilford, July 6, 1878. Ic. Presented by C. Verne, Esq., Oct 29, 1878. COLUBRID^. O-"-*- 248. Zamenis cUffordi (Schleg.)- Clifford's Snake. Hab. North Africa. a. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1863. h, c. Purchased, Aug. 16, 1870. From Mogadore. d. Presented hy Mrs. E. Liveing, June 19, 1873. 249. Zamenis ventrimaculatus. Spot-bellied Snake. Hab. Central Asia and North Africa. a. Purchased, July 14, 1882. Erom Persia. h-l. Presented by Messrs. Wylde, Beyts, and Co., July 24, 1882. Prom Arabia. 350. Zamenis caudilineatus, Giinth. Lineated Snake. Hab. Asia Minor. a. Purchased, June 10, 1882. 251. Zamenis dahli, Sav. Dahl's Snake. Hab. Dalmatia. a-d. Presented by Lord Ldford, F.Z.S., Aug. 21, 1876. er-h. Deposited, July 22, 1880. Genus Ptyas. 252. Phjas testacea (Say). Testaceous Snake. Hab. California. a, h. Presented by A. Forrer, Esq., Aug. 20, 1873. 253. Ptyas mucosa (Linn.). Indian Rat-Snake. Hab. India. a. Presented by the Babu Eajendra Mullick, C.M.Z.S., July 14, 1857. h. Presented by Dr. Shortt, F.Z.S., May 19, 1875. c. Purchased, July 11, 1867. d-f. Presented by Dr. Shortt, F.Z.S., May 19, 1875. g-j. Keceived in exchange, July 31, 1878. Tr-o. Purchased, March 3, 1881. Genua Geoptyas 254. Geoptyas collaris, Steindachner. Neck-marked Snake. Hab. Brazil. a. Purchased, April 5, 1879 . 2r2 612 COLUBIIIDjE. Genus Cyclophis. 255. Cyclophis vernalis (Dekay) . Grass-Snake. Hab. North America. «. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 2, 1863 h-cj. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 3, 1871 Ti-i. Deposited, May 2, 1873. From Dalmatia. Presented by F. Painter, Esq, Sept. 17, 1874. Genus Philodeyas. 256. Philodryas viridissimus (Linn.) . All-green Tree-Snake. Hab. South America. a, h. Purchased, June 1859. 257. Philodryas reinhardti, Giinther. Keinhardt's Tree- Snake. Hab. Bahia, Brazil. ft. Deposited by Dr. "Wucherer, C.M.Z.S., 1861. 258. Philodryas serra (Schleg.) . Saw-marked Snake. Hab. Brazil. a. Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, C.M.Z.S., March 17, 1880. Genus Dromicus. 259. Dromicm antillensis, Schleg. Antillean Snake. Hab. St. Thomas's, West Indies. a, h. Presented by Capt. Abbott, April 28, 1864. c. Presented by Edward Greey, Esq., F.Z.S., March 17, 1865. 260. Dromicus fugitivus (Donnd.). Fugitive Snake. Hab. St. Lucia. a. Purchased, Aug. 14, 1876. HOMALOPSIDjE. — PSAMMOPHIIDjE. 613 Family HOMALOPSIDiE. Genus Foedonia. 261. Fordonia unicolor, Gray. Uniform Water-Snake. Hab. India. a. Pm-chased, Nov. 29, 1880. See P. Z. S. 1880, p. 648. Family PSAMMOPHIIDiE. Genus Psammophis. 262. Psammophis crucifer (Merr.). Crossed Snake. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Pisk, C.M.Z.S., Aug. 26, 1878. h. Purchased, April 23, 1879. c. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 22, 1882. 263. Psammophis sibilans (Linn.). Hissing Sand-Snake. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by H.E. Sir G. Grey, K.C.B., May 25, 1861. See P.Z.S. 1861, p. 209. h, c. Presented by C. B. Mosse, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 4, 1872. Prom West Coast of Africa. d. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 17, 1878. 264. Psammophis elegans, Shaw. Slender Sand-Snake. Hab. West Coast of Africa. a-c. Presented by C. B. Mosse, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 4, 1872. d. Purchased, June 21, 1873. 614 PSAMMOPHIIDjE. DENDROPHIIDyE. Genus C(elopeltis. 265. Coslopeltis lacertina {Geoifr.). Lacertine Snake. Hab. South Europe and North Africa. a. Purchased, Feb. 8, 1870. b. Purchased, June 15, 1870. c-e. Purchased, June 6, 1871. "From Dalmatia. /, g. Deposited, Sept. 1, 1871. From Southern Europe. 7^. Presented by Sir John Drummond Hay, K.C.B., March 5, 1873. From Morocco. i-l Presented by Capt. T. E. Bone, June 21, 1873. m, n. Presented by Lord Lilford, July 6, 1878. From Tripoli. 0. Presented by Commander J. Pratt, June 15, 1879. p. Purchased, Oct. 7, 1879. q. Deposited, July 22, 1880. r. Deposited, Oct. 5, 1880. s-u. Presented by J. Wellford, Esq., May 16, 1881. V. Presented by G. A. Boulenger, Esq., July 1, 1882. Family DENDROPHIIDiE. Genus Btjcephalus. 266. Bucephalus capensis (Thunb.) . Cape Bucephalus. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by Su- G. Grey, K.C.B., May 25, 1861. See P.Z.S. 1861, p. 209. b. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 26, 1878. c. Presented by C. B. Pillans, Esq., Sept. 23, 1880. Genus CnRYSoPEiiEA. 267. Chrysopelea ornata (Shaw) . Ornamented Tree-Snake. Hab. India. a. Presented by A. W. W. Baudernaike, Esq., July 1, 1861. b. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1873. Genus Ah/etulla. 268. Ahatulla liocercus. Banded -tailed Tree-Snake. Hab. Pernambuco. a. Presented by C. A. Craven, Esq., June 22, 1882. DRYOPHIIDiE. DIPSADIDiE. 615 Family DRYOPHIIDyE. Genus Passerita. 269. Passerita mycterizans (Linn.). Long-snouted Snake. Hab. Southern India. c. Presented by O. Howell, Esq., Aug. 6, 1868. b. Presented by H. N. Moseley, Esq., March 11, 1872. From Ceylon. e-g. Presented by J. Shortt, E.Z.S., May 19, 1875. h-j. Eeceived in exchange, July 31, 1878. h Presented by H. H. Black, iEsq., March 21, 1881. Genus Dryiophis. 270. Dryiophis acuminata (Wied.). Pointed Tree- Snake. Hab. Brazil. a. Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, C.M.Z.S., Sept. 13, 1880. Family DIPSADIDJB. Genus Leptodira. 271. Leptodira rufescens (Gm.). Rufescent Snake. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by Sir G. Grey, K.C.B., May 28, 1861. See P. Z.S. 1861, p. 209. h. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, June 6, 1874. From the Cape Flats, near Eondebosch. c. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, Dec. 2, 1876. cUf. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, Dec. 4, 1878. g-j. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 9, 1880. h. Presented by the Eev. G. 11. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., Sept. 6, 1880. ' F ' I. Presented by the Eev. G. H. K. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 8, 1881, 616 DIPSADIDiE. SCYTALIDiE. 272. Leptodira annulata (Linn.). Annulated Snake. Hah. Panama. a. Purchased, Jan. 29, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 102 h. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1872. c. Purchased, Dec. 1, 1872. d. Presented by Mr. H. B. Whitmarsh, March 17, 1875. e. Presented by E. T. Davis, Esq., Aug. 26, 1879. /. Purchased, iSTov. 15, 1880. g. Purchased, July 11, 1882. 7i. Presented by E. S. Seabrooke, Esq., Nov. 25, 1882. Family SCYTALID^. Genus Oxybrhopus. 273. Oxyrrhopus fitzingeri (Tsch.). Fitzinger's Snake. Hab. Western Peru. a. Presented by Prof. Nation, of Lima, C.M.Z.S., June 15, 1867. 274. Oxyrrhopus doliatus, Dum. & Bibr. Square-spotted Snake. Hab. South America. a. Presented by J. L. Moore, Esq., Feb. 16, 1876. h. Presented by H. Colgate, Esq., Sept. 15, 1879. c. Deposited, March 17, 1880. 275. Oxyrrhopus plumb eus (Wied.). Plumbeous Snake. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Oct. 24, 1878. 6. Presented by Dr. Arthur Stradling, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 3, 1881. LYCODONTID^. ELAPID^. 617 Family LYCODONTIDiE. Genus Lamprophis. 276. Lamprophis aurora (Linn.). Aurora Snake. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by Sir G. Grey, K.C.B., May 25, 1861. See P.Z. S. 1861, p. 209. 6. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Pisk, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 4, 1878. Genus Boodon. 277. Boodon lineatus (Dum. & Bibr.). Lineated Boodon. Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by Sir G. Grey, K.C.B., May 28, 1861. See P.Z.S. 1861, p. 209. 6. Purchased, April 23, 1879. Family ELAPIDtE. Genus Hoplocephaltjs. 278. Hoplocephalus superbus, Giinther. Superb Death-Adder. Hab. Australia. a-c. Presented by Edward Wilson, Esq., May 1860. Genus Pseudechis. 279. Pseudechis porphyriaca (Shaw) . Purplish Death- Adder. Hab. Australia. a-c. Presented by Edward Wilson, Esq., May 1860. Genus Ophiophagus. 280. Ophiophagus bungarus {SchlegeVj . Hamadryad. Hab. India. a. Purchased, March 5, 1875. See P.Z.S. 1875, p. 316. 618 ELAPIDiE. Genus Bungaiius. 281. Bungarus cceruleus (Schn.). Blue Adder. Hab. India. a. Purchased, June 3, 1868. Genus Naia. 282. Naia tripudians (Merr.) . Indian Cobra. Hab. India. a. Purchased, May 24, 1862. 6. Purchased, July 11, 1870. c. Purchased, March 5, 1875. d. Presented by Dr. John Shortt, May 19, 1875. er-j. Deposited, June 30, 1875. Tc. Eeceived in exchange, Aug. 29, 1875. I, m. Presented by Sir J. Fayrer, G.S.I., F.Z.S., Oct. 13, 1876. n, 0. Eeceived in exchange, Oct. 26, 1876. p. Presented by the Hon. Dumaresq "Wright, April 23, 1877. q. Presented by Mr. W. K. Higham, May 6, 1880. r-t. Purchased", Nov. 26, 1880. u. Presented by Mr. A. H. Jamrach, Apr. 26, 1881. V. Purchased, Apr. 15, 1882. w. Presented by Capt. Braddick, Dec. 30, 1882. 283. Naia haje (Merr.). Egyptian Cobra. Hab. Africa. a. Presented by Sir G. Grey, May 25, 1861. See P.Z.S. 1861. h. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1869. c. Purchased, April 14, 1871. e. Purchased, Sept. 19, 1871. f. Presented by the Eev. G.H. E. Pisk, C.M.Z.S., May 11, 1876. (J. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., Oct. 24, 1876. h. Presented by Eustace Pillans, Esq., June 29, 1877. !. Presented by Eustace Pillans, Esq., Aug. 3, 1^82. From South Africa. ELAPIDiE. — VIPERIDiE. 619 Genus Sepedon. 284. Sepedon hcemachates (Latr.). Ring-hals Snake. Hab. South Africa. rt-c. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Ksk, C.M.Z.S., Nov. 5, 1876. d. Presented by Eustace Pillans, Esq., Nov. 6, 1877. e. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Eisk, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 17, 1878. /. Presented by H. Pillans, Esq., Dec. 12, 1882. Genus Elaps. 285. Elaps lemniscatus (Linn.) . Chequered Elaps. Hab. South America. a. Pm-chased, April 28, 1869. h. Presented by G. H. Hawtayne, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 30, 1878. c. Deposited, April 2, 1879. d. Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, Aug. 27, 1879. e. Deposited, Aug. 2, 1882. Genus Causus. 286. Causus rhombeatus (Licht.) . Cape Viper. Hab. South Africa. a. Purchased, July 1860. From Natal. Family VIPERIDtE. Genus Vipera. 287. Vipera berus, Linn. Common Viper. Hab. British Islands. u-z. See Eifth Edition. a\ Eeceivcd in exchange. May 17, 1871. From Styria. 6 . Deposited, July 30, 1872. c'-f. Bred in the"Gardens, Aug. 27, 1872 g -q. Pres^ented by F. D. Drewett, Esq., Sept. 3, 1872. r . Presented by Mr. E. S. Turner, M.-^ 3, 1873 s . Presented by Mr. H. J. Johnson. Aug. 15 1875 620 VIPERIDiE. t . R-esented by J. M. Hartland, Esq., May 11 1876 u\ Presented by Mr. W. H. Pai^, Se^t. 28 1877 V . Presented by Col. Irby, P.Z.S., Feb. 27 1878 . Iresented by Viscount Manderville, Sept. 12," 1878 Presented by F Buckland, Esq., Sept. 17, 1878. Presented by W. H. B. Pain, Esq., April 12 1880 Presented by W. H. B. Pain,' EsqV April 1971880 Presented by J Poyer Poyer, Esq., April 15 1881. Presented by Mr. G. H. King, May 11, 1881. Pi-esented by Mr. J. Snow, July 25, 1881 Presented by L. A. Sandford, Esq., Oct. 5, 1881 Presented by E. W. Elliott, Esq., June 21, 1882* j^. Presented by Mr. H. J. Benwell, Aug. 4, 1882 g-, h . Presented by Mr. Charles Taylor, Aug. 9 1882 f a" d f 288. Vipera ammodytes, Klein, Long-nosed Viper. Hob. Europe. a, b. Purchased, Aug. 8, 1863. c. Purchased, Sept. 7, 1865. From Germany. d^g. Eeceived in exchange, Oct. 12, 1869. h, i. Purchased, June 6, 1871. Erom Dalmatia. 289. Vipera russelli, Shaw. Russell's Viper. Hab. Ceylon. a. Presented by E. W. H. Holdsworth, Esq., F.Z.S., July 18 1871. ' J' . h. Presented by G. Home, Esq., M.B., Jan. 9, 1872. c, d. Presented by Dr. John Shortt, E.Z.S., May 19, 1875. e-i. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 22, 1875. j, 7c. Presented by H. Saunders, Esq., Aug. 21, 1876. I, m. Born in the Menagerie, Sept. 16, 1876. 290. Vipera nasicornis, Shaw. Nose-horned Viper. Hab. West Africa. a. Purchased, Jan. 1862. See Zool. Sk. ii. pi. 50. h-e. Presented by W. Cleaver, Esq., April 13, 1871. Prom Cape Coast. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 479. /. Presented by H.E. Governor TJssher, May 11, 1871. From Cape Coast. g-i. Presented by H.E. Governor Ussher and Dr. Mosse, Staff-Surgeon, Aug. 14, 1871. j. Purchased, Jan. 17, 1872. Tc. Female. Purchased, Oct. 1, 1881. l-e" (46). Born in the Gardens, Nov. 6, 1881. VIPERIDiE. 621 291. Vipera rhinoceros, Sch.1. River- J ack Viper. Hab. West Africa. a. Presented by George Atkins, Esq., Oct. 23, 1865. b. Purchased, Aug. 14, 1867. c. Presented by C. B. Mosse, Esq., May 11, 1871. From Cape Coast. d. e. Presented by H.E. GrOTernor Ussher and Dr. Mosse, Staff-Surgeon, Aug. 14, 1871. /. Presented by J. J. Kendall, Esq., Oct. 11, 1877. g. Purchased, Nov. 21, 1877. Jir-j. Deposited, Dec. 29, 1878. k-n. Eeceived in exchange, Jan. 28, 1879. 292. Vipera arietans, Merrem. Puff-Adder. Hab. Cape of Good Hope. a. Purchased, Aug. 14, 1862. b-g. Presented by E. G. Clarke, Esq., Oct. 10, 1867. h-^. Purchased, Sept. 13, 1869. q, r. Presented by Capt. T. Waite, Jan. 11, 1870. s. Presented by H. T. Ussher, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 25, 1872. t. Presented by Sir John Drummond Hay, K.C.B., March 5, 1873. u. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, O.M.Z.S., Nov. 6, 1876. V. Presented by Mrs. Tweed, Oct, 30, 1877. w. Purchased, April 21, 1879. X. Presented by Surgeon E. Speer, May 26, 1879. y. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Eisk, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 15, 1879. z. Purchased, June 24, 1881, a}. Presented by Capt, H, Owen, July 14, 1882, ¥. Presented by Lieut, E. Crawshay, Oct. 2, 1882. 293. Vipera atropos (Linn.). Cape Adder, Hab. South Africa. a. Presented by Borradaile Pillans, Esq., July 9, 1881. 294. Vipera cornuta (Daud.). Horned Viper. Hab. South Africa, a-cl. Purchased, July 20, 1865. e. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, June 6, 1874. From the Cape Flats, near Eondebosch. /. Presented by the Eev. G. H. E. Fisk, June 8, 1876. g-i. Deposited, July 21, 1877. '^""^ VIPERIDJE. — CROTALIDiE. 295. Vipera cerastes (Linn.). Cerastes Viper. Hab. Egypt. a, h. Eeceived in exchange, Oct. 11, 1869. c-e. Eeceived in exchange, May 17, 1871. /. Deposited, Dec. 17, 1881. Genus Echis. 296. Echis carinata (Merr.). Carpet-Viper. Hab. India. a-c. Presented by Dr. John Shortt, F.Z.S., May 19, 1875. d. Presented by Capt. C. S. Sturt, O.M.Z.S., March 22. 1880. Family CROTALID^. Genus Crotalus. 297. Crotalus durissus (Daud.) . Common Eattlesnake. Hab. North America. a. Male ; b. Pemale. Purchased, July 3, 1862. c-e. Purchased, June 28, 1867. /. Born in the Menagerie, Nov. 9, 1867. g. Presented by J. S. Townsend, Esq., July 22, 1870. h. Purchased, Sept. 18, 1873. i. Purchased, June 8, 1876. j, Jc. Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 21, 1875. I. Purchased, Feb. 21, 1877. m. Deposited, May 14, 1878. 298. Crotalus lecontii. Leconte^s Rattlesnake. Hab. Western States of North America. a. Eeceived in exchange, Oct. 25, 1870. b, c. Presented by W. G. Marshall, Esq., Sept. 18, 1878. 299. Crotalus confluentus (Say). Conflueut Rattlesnake. Hab. North America. a-c. Presented by W. A. Forbes, Esq., F.Z.S., Jan. 7, 1882. From Dakota, U.S.A. d, e. Presented by Samuel Garman, Esq., Nov. 3, 1862. From S.W. Dakota. CBMTAhlDM. 623 300. Crotalus miliarius (Linn.). Smaller Rattlesnake. Hab. Canada. a. Presented by J. W. James, Esq., Oct. 30, 1873. 301. Crotalus horridus, hmn. Horrid Rattlesnake, Hab. Nicaragua. a. Presented by Capt. J. M. Dow, F.Z.S., Nov. 11, 1878. b. Purchased, July 15, 1878. c. cl. Purchased, Sept. 3, 1879. (Young.) e. Presented by Carl J. Schmettau, Esq., March 9, 1880, From Aracati. /, g. Presented by Messrs. Holt, Lord, and Co., July 30, 1880. h. Presented byH. E, Weaver, Esq., Oct. 16, 1880. i. Presented by C. A. Craven, Esq., March 18, 1881. j. Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, C.M.Z.S., April 12, 1881. From Gran Chaco, h. Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, C.M.Z.S., June 15, 1881. From Bahia. I. Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 6, 1881. Genus Cenchris. 302. Cenchris piscivora, Gray. Water- Viper. Hab. North America. a-e. Received in exchange, 1858. /. Bred in the Gardens, Jan. 1865. g. Purchased, Aug. 6, 1872. 7i. Presented by F. Painter, Esq., June 30, 1874. i, j. Purchased, July 9, 1878. 303, Cenchris contortrix (Linn,). Copper-head Snake. Hab. Tennessee, United States of America. a. Presented by Dr. F. Painter, F.Z.S., Aug. 17, 1878, See P. Z. S. 1878, p. 631. Genus Craspedocephalus. 304. Craspedocephalus bilineaius, Max. Two-lined Palm-Viper. Hab. Brazil. a. Presented by Dr. Wucherer, C.M.Z.S., Oct. 1, 1864. From Bahia. 624 CROTALIDiE. Genus Trigonocephaltjs. 305. Trigonocephalus lanceolatus, Oppel. Rat-tailed Serpent. Hah. St. Lucia^ West Indies, a. Presented by His Excellency Gr. W. Des Voeux, C.M.Z.S., April 13, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, pp. 2, 479. 306. Trigonocephalus atrox (Linn.). Deadly Snake. Hah. Brazil. a. Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, C.M.Z.S., March 19, 1881. Genus Lachesis. 307. Lachesis mutus, Daud. Surucucu or Bush-master. Hah. Brazil. a. Presented by 0. A. Craven, Esq., July 27, 1881. From Pernambuco. RANID^E. 625 Class BATRACHIA*. Order ECAUDATA. Family RANID^. Genus Ran a. 1. Rana esculenta, Linn. Edible Frog. Hab. Europe. a, h. Purchased, 1862. c-/. Presented by F. Coleman, Esq., Oct. 2, 1870. g. Presented by Eeginald Hanbury, Esq., June 7, 1875. h. Presented by Miss Gerrard, Aug. 14, 1875. 3. Rana halecina, Catesby. American Green Frog. Hab. Nova Scotia. a, h. Presented by a Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 9, 1861. From Halifax. 3. Rana catesbiana, Shaw. Bull Frog. Hab. North America. a. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., O.M.Z.S., July 9, 1861. From Halifax. h-i. Presented by J. H. Thompson, Esq., C.M.Z.S., June 26, 1881. j. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Oct. 3, 1871. Tc-n. Presented by Dr. B. Sanderson, F.Z.S., Dec. 5, 1873. 0. Purchased, April 14, 1875, p, 2- Deposited, Sept, 9, 1880, r-t. Presented by H. Muller, Esq,, May 20, 1881. * In this Class the arrangement adopted in the new Catalogue of Batrachia in the British Museum (1882) is followed through- out. 2s 626 RANIDjE. BUFONIDjE. 4. Rana clamata, Daud. Noisy Frog. Hab. North America. a. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 9, 1861. From Halifax, U.S.A. 6-7*. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S., July 19, 1867. i. Presented by H. Muller, Esq., May 20, 1881. Family CYSTIGNATHIDiE. Genus Leptodactylus, 5. Leptodactylus pentadactylus. Slender-fingered Frog. Hab. Dominica. a-d. Presented by Percy E. Scrutton, Esq., Aug. 22, 1882. 6. Leptodactylus ocellatus (Linn.). Ocellated Bladder-Frog. Hab. South America. a-h. Purchased, Aug. 20, 1866. i-r. Presented by Dr. Arthur Stradhng, C.M.Z.S., June 18, 1881. Genus Ceratophrys. 7. Ceratophrys cornuta (Lmn.) . Horned Ceratophrys. Hab. South America. a, b. Presented by Oapt. Abbott, Aug. 13, 1859. 8. Ceratophrys ornata, Bell. The Adorned Ceratophrys or Esquerzo. Hab. South America. a. Purchased, Oct. 25, 1880. b. Presented by E. W. White, Esq., F.Z.S., March 7, 1881. Family BUFONIDJi. Genus Pseudgphryne. 9. Pseudophryne australis {Gray). Australian Frog. Hab. New South Wales. a. Presented by Gerard Krefft,Esq., C.M.Z.S., Sept. 29,1863. BUFONIDiE. 627 Genus Bttfo. 10. Bufo calamita, Laur. Natterjack Toad. Hab. Cornwall. a. Presented by Dr. Lankester, Aug. 1861. 6, c. Presented by — Tait, Esq., April 19, 1865. d. Presented by E. Oolemau, Esq., April 30, 1867. e. Presented by E. Coleman, Esq., May 9, 1872. f-h. Purchased, March 13, 1873. I. Presented by E. Buckland, Esq., Sept. 15, 1875. m. Presented by H. W. Eielden, Esq., June 16, 1877. n. Presented by H. A. Macpherson, Esq., Oct. 6, 1879. 11. Bufo viridis, Laur. Green Toad. Hab. Europe. c(r-c. Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 11, 1871. d, e. Presented by E. Coleman, Esq., Aug. 19,- 1875. 13. Bufo mauritanicus, Schlegel. Moorish Toad. Hab. Tunis. a. Presented by P. L. Sclater, Esq., E.Z.S., Secretary of the Society, March 24, 1859. b-k. Deposited, Aug. 5, 1870. l-o. Purchased, Aug. 10, 1870. p-s. Purchased, Aug. 2, 1871. t. Purchased, March 13, 1873. Vr-iv. Purchased, June 7, 1873. x, y. Pui'chased, Aug. 8, 1881. z, a\ Presented by Mr. E. E. Holding, Sept. 6, 1881. 13. Bufo vulgaris, Laur. Common Toad. Hab. England. Or-e. Presented, 1860. /, g. Presented by E. Coleman, Esq., Sept. 3, 1871. From Germany. 14. Bufo lentiginosus, Shaw. Dusky Toad. Hab. N. America. a. Presented by A. Downs, Esq., C.M.Z.S,, Oct. 3. 1871. 2 s2 628 BVVOmDM. HYLIDiE. 15. Bufo marinm (Linn.) . Giant Toad. Hab. Brazil. a. Presented by Mi-. D'Axcy, Nov. 19, 1874. h, c. Presented by Dr. A. Stradling, C.M.Z.S., Jan. 3, 1880. a. Presented by Mr. Carl Hagenbeck, March 25, 1881 e. Deposited, Dec. 6, 1881. 16. Bufo canaliferus. Channelled Toad. Hab. Mazatlan, Mexico. a. Purchased, Sept. 2, 1882. Family HYLID^E. Genus Hyla. 17. Hyla arbor ea (Linn.). European Tree-Frog. Hab. Europe. a, h. Purchased, May 12, 1862. c. Presented by P. Coleman, Esq., April 30, 1867. c^-o. Presented by P. Coleman, Esq., May 9, 1872. ^-M. Deposited, July 27, 1873. v-a}. Presented by the Rev. S. Wilkinson, April 10, 1874. Presented by J. P. Grassiot, Jr., Esq., May 14, 1876. mW. Presented by Dowager Lady Jardine, July 15, 1875. a^-e^ Presented by P. Coleman, Esq., Aug. 19, 1875. f--m\ Presented by S. A'Court, Esq., May 27, 1877. »^-z'\ Piu-chased, June 7, 1878. a^. Presented by Mr. J. G-reenwood, July 11, 1878. ¥. Presented by Lord A. EusseU, F.Z.S,, July 14, 1878. Presented by Lord A. Eussell, F.Z.S., Nov. 2, 1878. cP-f. Presented by E. L. Boyd, Esq., Nov. 2, 1878. g^-n\ Presented by the Eev. S. E. Wilkinson, F.'Z.S., Oct. 3, 1879. 0^-^. Presented by H. A. Macpherson, Esq., Oct. 6, 1879. s^-x^. Presented by A. Leipner, Esq., P.Z.S., Oct. 8, 1879. y\ Presented by Mrs. Humphry, July 23, 1881. z'-bK Presented by Miss L. Burness, Oct. 23, 1882. 18. Hyla versicolor (Leconte). Changeable Tree-Frog. Hab. North America. a. Presentea by Prof. Kolleston, Nov. 10, 1878. HYhlDM. 629 19. Hyla ccerulea (White) . White's Tree-Fiog. Hab. New South Wales. a. Presented by George Macleay, F.Z.S., May 19, 1862. See G-iinther, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 249. b, c. Purchased, June 1, 1870. d, e. Presented by Dr. Hooker, C.B., April 24, 1872. /, g. Presented by Dr. Hooker, C.B., May 14, 1872. h, i. Purchased, Feb. 19, 1879. 20. Hyla phyllochroa, Giinth. Leaf-green Tree-Frog. Hab. New South Wales. a. Pui'chased, April 23, 1863. Types of the species, as de scribed and figured by Gunther, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 251 pi. XXX. h-cl. Pui-chased, May 14, 1867. 21. Hyla peronii, Dum. & Bibr. Peron's Tree-Frog. Hab. New South Wales. a, h. Purchased, April 23, 1863. See R Z. S. 1863, p. 250 pi. XXX. 22. Hyla kreffti, Gunth. Krefft's Tree-Frog. Hab. New South Wales. a, b. Piu'chased, April 23, 1863. See P. Z. S. 1863, p. 250 pi. XXX. 23. Hyla ewingii, Dum. & Bibr. Bwing's Tree-Frog, Hab. New South Wales. a. Purchased, April 23, 1863. 24. Hyla citropus, Dum. & Bibr. Yellow-foot Tree-Frog. Hab. New South Wales. a. Purchased, April 23, 1863. Genus Phyllomedusa. 25. Phyllomedusa dacnicolor. Variable Leaf-Frog. Hab. Mazatlan, Mexico. a-h. Purchased, Sept. 2, 1882. "'J^' HYLIDiT:. — DISCOGLOSSIDiiE. 26. Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis (Daudin). Orange-shanked Tree-Frog. Hab. Brazil. a. Presented by Dr. Arthur Stradling, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 3, 1881. From Pernambueo, Brazil. See Boulenger, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 264, pi. xiii. Family PELOBATJD^.. Genus Pelobates. 27. Pelobates fuscus (Laur.). Brown Mud-Frog. Hab. Europe. Eeceived in exchange, April 27, 1867, «^-?fl Eeceived in exchange, Sept. 11, 1871. From Germany. Deposited, May 15, 1873. Family DISCOGLOSSIDiE. Genus Bombinator. 28. Bombinator igneus (Laur.). Fire-bellied Toad. Hab. Europe. cir^. Purchased, Aug. 24, 1865. ^-p. Purchased, Sept. 24, 1866. q-x. Presented by F. Coleman, Esq., May 9, 1872. y-z. Presented by Prof. H. Giglioli, F.M.Z.S., May 22, 1872. a\ h\ Presented by A. H. Cocks, Esq., July 10, 1874. c^-7i\ Presented by Eeginald Hanbury, Esq., June 7, 1875. Presented by F. Coleman, Esq., Aug. 19, 1875. Tc\ Presented by H. A. Macpherson, Esq., Oct. 6, 1879. V-t\ Presented by G. A. Boulenger, Esq., July 1, 1882. Genus Alytes. 29. Alytes obstetricam {hmv.) . Midwife Toad. Hab. South Europe. a. Presented by F. Buckland, Esq., F.Z.S., July 23, 1875. h-d. Presented by Mons. G. A. Boulenger, May 20, 1882. SALAMANDRIDiE. 631 Order CAUDATA. Family SALAMANDRID^. Subfam. S ALAMANDRINiE. Genus Salamandba. 30. Salamandra maculosa (Laur.) . Spotted Salamander. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by Mrs. Hopper, June 27, 1861. h-f. Purchased, June 2, 1863. g, h. Purchased, Aug. 24, 1865. i-n. Purchased, Sept. 24, 1866. o-t. Presented by P. Coleman, Esq., April 30, 1867. vr-n\ Purchased, July 2, 1870. o\ Presented by P. Coleman, Esq., Oct. 2, 1870. p^-s\ Presented by P. Coleman, Esq., May 9, 1872. f-e\ Purchased, June 24, 1873. f, (f. Presented by the Eev. S. Wilkinson, April 10, 1874. ^^ Presented by P. Coleman, Esq., Aug. 19, 1875. ^. Presented by A. H. Smith, Esq., F.Z.S., Sept. 7, 1875. /, P. Purchased, June 12, 1877. t. Presented by Lord A. Eussell, F.Z.S., Nov. 2, 1878. m^-f. Purchased, Jime 16, 1879. cf-(^. Purchased, June 18, 1879. ,.3_<3_ Presented by the Eev. S. E. Wilkinson, P.Z.S., Oct. 3, 1879. V?. Presented by Mr. L. C. Brook, July 18, 1880. 31. Salamandra atra, Laur. Black Salamander. Hab. Europe. a-e. Presented by Aug. Kussmaul, Esq., Aug. 16, 1877. Prom Switzerland. Genus Molge. 32. Molge cristata (Laur.). Crested Newt. Hab. British Islands. cv-c. Presented by T. C. Eyton, Esq., F.Z.S., April 14, 1862. cl-i\ Purchased, Feb. 9, 1872. j'--d\ Purchased, Jan. 2, 1873. ^'^2 SALAMANDHID^, 33. Molge marmorata (Latr.). Marbled Newt. Hah. Southern Europe. a-2/. Purchased, June 10, 1870. From France. 2r-¥. Purchased, March 18, 1872. V-^v^. Purchased, April 30, 1874. 34. Molge alpestris (Laur.). Alpine Newt. Hab. Central Europe. a-o. Purchased, June 10, 1870. Prom France. p-a\ Purchased, March 18, 1872. b\ c\ Purchased, AprU 30, 1874. d^-g\ Presented by F. Coleman, Esq., Aug. 19, 1875. h}^\ Presented by P. L. Sclater, Esq., Secretary to the Society, Oct. 9, 1876. From the Tyrol. q'^-cr. Presented by Mons. G. A. Boulenger, May 26, 1882, 35. Molge vulgaris (Linn.). Smooth Newt. Hab. British Islands. a-c. Presented by T. C. Eyton, Esq., F.Z.S., AprU 14, 1862. d-o. Purchased, Jan. 22, 1870. 2J-e\ Purchased, Feb. 9, 1872. f-jK Presented by F. Coleman, Esq., May 9, 1872. W. Purchased, Jan. 2, 1873. c^, t^^ Presented by Master Gruy Sclater, April 12, 1877. e\ Presented by Master B. L. Sclater, April 27, 1878. /M^ Presented by Master B. L. Sclater, June 18, 1878. 36. Molge palmata (Schneid.). Palmated Newt. Hab. British Islands. a-c, &c. Presented by E. W. H. Holdsworth, Esq., F.Z.S., 1863. 37. Molge boscce (Lataste). Bosca's Newt. Hab. Spain. Presented by Dr. A. Gunther, F.Z.S., May 3, 1880. 38. Molge viridescens (Rafin.). Greenish Newt. Hab. North America. a. Presented by Miss Sargent, July 1, 1882. SALAMANDEID^. 633 39. Molgewalti{mc)i^\i.). Pleurodele Newt. Hob. Southern Europe. a Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z S Aug. 13, 1869. From Spain. See P. Z.S. 1869, p. 468 ^ . h-d. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S., Sept. 4, 1882. Subfamily AMBLYSTOMATINiE. Genus Amblystoma. 40. Amblystoma tigrinum (Green). Illinois Salamander. Hab. Illinois, U.S.A. a, b. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, Dec. 1857. Genus Siredon. 41. Siredon mexicanus (Shaw). AxolotI *. Hab. Mexico. a, h. Purchased, Aug. 30, 1864. c-n. Purchased, May 8, 1866. o-t. Eeceived in exchange, Oct. 28, 1867. vr-r^. Purchased, June 5, 1874. s\ Presented by Dr. Gibbes, F.Z.S., Aug. 18, 1881. t\ u\ Presented by Dr. Heneage Gibbs, F.Z.S., Oct. 7, 1881. v\ w\ Presented by T. D. G. Carmichael, Esq., April 28, 1882. Subfamily PLETHODONTINiE. Genus Spelerpes. 42. Spelerpes fuscus, Bp. Brown Newt. Hab. South Europe. a-l. Purchased, Jan. 22, 1870. Prom near Spezzia, Italy. m-s. Presented by Professor H. Giglioli, C.M.Z.S., Dec. 30, 1878. ♦ See remarks, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 41. G34 AMPHIUMID^. Family AMPHIUMIDiE. Genus Megalobatrachtjs. 43. Megalobatrachiis maximus {8ch\eg.). Gigantic Salamander. Hub. Japan. a. Purchased, March 12, 1860. See P. Z. S. 1860, p. 184. b. Deposited by Capt. Taylor, July 2, 1861. c. d. Purchased, June 19, 1862. e. Deposited, Feb. 27, 1865. /. Presented by A. A. J. Gower, Esq., Aug. 14, 1868. Genus Menobranchus. 44. Menobranchus lateralis (Say). Menobranch. ■ Hab. North America. a-g. Purchased, July 10, 1881. Genus Cryptobranchus. 45. Cryptobranchus alleghaniensis {Dand.). Menopoma. Hab. North America. a. Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, March 9, 1869. See P. Z. S. 1869, p. 276. Genus AMPniuma. 46. Amphiuma means, Garden. Amphiuma, Hab. North America. a, h. Purchased, Sept. 3, 1858. e. Purchased, Dec. 6, 1870. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 36. d. Presented by A. C. Co]e, Esq., April 24, 1879. PROTEID^. SIRENIDjE. 635 Family PROTEID^. Genus Proteus. 47. Proteus anguinus (Laur.) . Proteus. Hab. Europe. a. Presented by Dr. Perceval Wright. h, c. Presented by T. H. Chambers, Esq., July 17, 1863. d. Presented by P. M. Burton, Esq., Nov. 17, 1863. e, f. Presented by Major E. H. H. Jary, E.Z.S., April 17, 1867. g. Presented by Francis Hasley, Esq., April 9, 1869. h. Presented by T. ThrelfaU, Esq., Nov. 17, 1870. Presented by Sir H. Bartle Frere, Bart., K.G., G.C.S.I., April 26, 1876. Family SIRENIDiE. Genus Siren. 48. Sh-en lacertina, Linn. Siren. Hab. South Carolina. a-c. Presented by G. E. Manigault, Esq., C.M.Z.S., March 29, 1876. See P. Z. S. 1876, p. 333. d. Eeceived in exchange, March 7, 1878. From South Caro- lina. 636 GASTE ROSTEIDjE. PERCIDiE. Class PISCES* Subclass TELEOSTEI. Family GASTEROSTEID^. Genus Gasterosteus. 1. Gasterosteus aculeatus, Linn. Scaly-sided Stickleback. Hab. British Seas. 3. Gasterosteus punffitius, Linn. Ten-spined Stickleback. Hab. British Seas. 3. Gasterosteus spinachia, Linn. Fifteen-spined Stickleback. Hab. British Seas. Family PERCIDtE. Genus Perca. 4. Perca fluviatilis, Linn. Common Perch. Hab. British fresh waters. Genus Labrax. 5. Labrax lupus (Lacep.). Bass. Hab. British Seas. Genus Acerina. 6. Acerina cernua (Linn.). Ruffe, or Pope. Hab. British waters. 7. Huro nigricans, Cuv. Black Bass. Hab. Fresh waters of N. America. * [In this class it is not generally possible to keep a record of individual specimens ; but the names of all the determinable species exhibited in the Gardens since Jan. 1st, 1862, are given in their natural order. — P. L. S.] TRIGLIDjE. G0B1ID5!!. Family TRIGLID^. Genus Cottus. 8. Cottus bubalis, Euphvas. Long-spined Cottus. Hab. British Seas. 9. Cottus quadricornis, Linn. Four-horned Cottus. Hab. British Seas. Genus Agonus. 10. Agonus cataphr-actus (Linn.). Armed Bullhead. Hab. British Seas. Family TRACHINID^. Genus Trachintts. 11. Trachinus draco, Linn. Weaver-fish. Hab. British Seas. 12. Trachinus vipera, C & V. Lesser Weever. Hab. British Isles. a-c. Pui'chased, April 12, 1872. Family GOBlIDiB. Genus Gobius. 13. Gobius niger, Linn. Black Goby. Hab. British Seas. 14. Gobius minutus, Gm. Freckled Goby. Hab. British Seas. 15. Gobius ruthensparii, Euphras. Two-spotted Goby. Hab. British Seas. 638 GOBIIDiE. BLENNIIDJE. Genus Calllionymus. 16. Callionymus lyra (Linn.). Sordid Dragonet. Hah. British Seas. Family DISCOBOLI. Grenus Cyclopterus. 17. Cyclopterus lumpus, Linn. Lump Fish. Hah. British Seas. Genus Liparis. 18. Liparis vulgaris, Flem. Unctuous Sucker. Hab. British Seas. Family PEDICULATI. Genus Lophius. 19. Lophius piscatorius, Linn. Angler. Hah. British Seas. Family BLENNIID^. Genus Blbnnius. 20. Blennius pholis, Linn. Smooth Shanny. Hab. British Seas. Genus Centronotus. 21. Centronotus gunellus (Linn.). Spotted Gunnel. Hab. British Seas. Genus Zoarces. 22. Zoarces viviparus, Cuv. Viviparous Blenny. Hab. British Seas. LABYKINTHICI.-— GOBIESOCID^. 639 Family LABYRINTHICI. Genus Anabas. 23. Anabas scandens (Dald.). Climbing Anabas. Hab. India. a, h. Presented by F. Buckland, Esq., F.Z.S., July 10, 1875. From Cochin. o-g. Presented by Dr. Q-. E. Dobson, C.M.Z.S., June 10, 1879. Genus Osphronemus. 24. Osphronemus trichopterus {^aW..) . Spined Osphronemus. Hab. Ceylon. a-c?. Presented by Capt. Grideon, July 1862. e-Ti. Presented by Capt. Grideon, May 4, 1867. Genus Athekina. 25. Atherina presbyter, Cuv. et Val. Sand-Smelt. Hab. British Seas. Family MUGILID^. Genus Mugil. 26. Mugil capita, Cuv. Grey Mullet. Hab. British Seas. Family OPHIOCEPHALID^. Genus Ophiocephalus. 27. Ophiocephalus gachua, Buch. Ham. Indian Walking Fish. Hab. India. Family GOBIESOCID^. Genus Lepadogaster. 28. Lepadogaster bimaculatus (Penn.). Bimaculated Sucker. Hab. European Seas. LABRIDiE. GADIDyE. Family LABRIDiE. Genus Labrus. 29. Labrus maculatus, Bloch. Green-streaked Wrasse. Hub. British Seas. Genus Crenilabrtjs. 30. Crenilabrus melops (Linn.) . Goldfinny. Hob. British Seas. Genus Ctenolabrus. 31. Ctenolabrus rupestris (Linn.). Jago's Goldfinny. Hab. British Seas. Family GADID^. Genus Gadus. 32. Gadus morrhua, Linn. Common Cod. Hab. British Seas. 33. Gadus merlangus, Linn. Whiting. Hab. British Seas. 34. Gadus luscus, Linn. Whiting Pout. Hab. British Seas. 35. Gadus pollachius, Linn. Pollock. Hab. British Seas. Genus Lota. 36. Lota vulgaris, Cuv. Burbot. Hab. British fresh waters. Genus Motella. 37. Motella mustela (Linn.). Five-bearded Rockling. Hab. British Seas. PLEIJRONECTIDiE. SILTJRID^. 641 Family PLEURONECTID^. Genus Rhombus. 38. Rhombus maximus, Linn. Common Turbot. Hab. British Seas. 39. Rhombus Icevis (Linn.). Brill. Hab. British Seas. Genus Pleukonectes. 40. Pleuronedes platessa, Linn. Plaice. Hab. British Seas. 41. Pleuronedes flesus, Jjinn. Flounder. Hab. British Seas. Genus Solea. 42. Solea vulgaris, Quesnel. Common Sole. Hab. European Seas. Family SILURID^. Genus Silttkxjs. 43. Silurus glanis, Linn. Sly Silurus. Hab. Europe. Genus Amiurtjs. 44. Amiurus catus, Linn. Catfish. Hab. North America. Genus Malapteruuus. 45. Malaptemrus beninensis, Murray. Electric Silurus. Hab. "West Africa. a. Pm-chasecl, July 21, 1875. See P. Z. S. 1875 p. 529. h. Purchased, July 9, 1878. 0 iji 643 SILURID^. GALAXIID.E. c-e. Purchased, Aug. 27, 1879. /. Purchased, Aug. 21, 1880. cj. Purchased, Sept. 25, 1880. Genus Callichthys. 46. Callichthys littoralis. Littoral Callichthys, Hab. Demerara. a. Presented by Greorge Little, Esq., July 16, 1882. Family SALMONIDiE. Genus Salmo. 47. Salmo salar, Linn. Salmon. Hab. British waters. 48. Salmo trutta, Linn. Salmon- Trout. Hab. British waters. 49. Salmo fario, Linn. Common Trout. Hab. British fresh waters. 50. Salmo lacustris, Linn. Lake-Trout. Hab. Lake of Constance. 51. Salmo umbla, Linn. Swiss Charr. Hab. Lakes of Switzerland. 53. Salmo fontinalis, Mitch. American Charr. Hab. Fresh waters of North America. Family GALAXIIDiE. Genus Galaxias. 53. Galaxias scriba, Cuv. & Val. Australian Galaxias. Hab. Australia. a. Presented by Mr. W. A. Lloyd, Feb. 28, 1861. GALAXIID^. — CYPRINID^. 643 Genus Neochanna. 54. Neochanna apoda, Giinther. New-Zealand Mud-fish. Hob. New Zealand. a. Presented by the Acclimatization Society of Canterbury, New Zealand, Aug. 22, 1871. See P. Z. S. 1871, p. 626. Family ESOCID^. Genus Esox. 55. Esox lucius, Linn. Pike. Hab. British fresli waters. Genus Eundtjltjs. 56. Fundulus majalis, Art. American Mayfish. Hab, North America. Family CYPRTNID^. Genus Cyprinus. 57. Cijprinus carpio, Linn. Common Carp. Hab. British fresh waters. Genus Carassius. 58. Carassius vulgaris, Nilss. Prussian Carp. Hab. British fresh waters. 59. Carassius auratus, Linn. Golden Carp. Hab. British waters (introduced). Genus Barb us. 60. Barbus vulgaris, YlQmm^. Barbel. Hab. British fresh waters. Genus Gob to. 61. Gobiofluviaiilis,^\emm^. Common Gudgeon. Hab. British fresh waters. 644! CyPRINIDjE. GYMNOTID^. Genus Leuciscus. 62. Leuciscus rutilm (Linn.) . Roach. Hob. Britisli fresli waters. 63. Leuciscus cephalus (Linn.). Chub. Hob. British fresh waters. 64. Leuciscus vulgaris, Flem. Common Dace. Hab. British fresh waters. 65. Leuciscus phoxinus (Linn.). Minnow. Hab. British fresh waters. Genus Tinca. 66. Tinca vulgaris, Cuv. Common Tench. Hab. British fresh waters. Genus Abramis. 67. Abramis brama, Linn. Bream. Hab. British fresh waters. Genus Misgurnus. 68. Misgurnus fossilis (Linn.). Thunder-fish. Hab. Baltic Sea. a. Purchased, Nov. 1860. Genus Nemachilus. 69. Nemachilus baj-batulus (Linn.) . Common Loach. Hab. British fresh waters. Family GYMNOTIDiE. Genus Gymnotus. 70. Gymnotus electricus, Linn. Electric Eel. Hab. British Guiana. MUR^NIDiE.— SYNGNATHID.E. 645 Family MUR^NIDiE. Genus Anguilla. 71. Anguilla vulgaris, Flem. Common Eel, Hab. British fresh waters. Genus Conger. 72. Conger vulgaris, Cuv. Conger Eel. Hab. British fresh waters. Family SYNGNATHID^. Genus Siphonostoma. Siphonostoma typhle (Linn.). Deep-nosed Pipefish. Hab. British waters. Genus Syngnathus. 74. Syngnathus acus, Linn. Great Pipefish. Hab. British Seas. Genus Nerophis. 75. Nerophis cEquoreus (Linn.). Oceanic Pipefish. Hab. British Seas. 76. Nerophis ophidian (Linn.) . Straight-nosed Pipefish. Hab. British Seas. 77. Nerophis lumbriciformis (Yarr.). Worm Pipefish. Hab. British Seas. 646 SYNGNATHIDjE. ACIPENSERIDiE. Genus Hippocampus. 78. Hippocampus antiquorum, Leach. Short-nosed Sea-horse Hab. European coasts. a^d. Presented by F. P. Pinto, Esq., May 1859.. e-z. Purchased, June 11, 1868. o'-Z\ Purchased, April 28, 1870. Received in exchange, June 10, 1870. s^-^f. Purchased, March 30, 1872. 79. Hippocampus ramulosus, Leach. Branched Sea-horse. Hab. Coast of France. Subclass DIPNOI. Family LEPIDOSIEENIDiE. Genus Protopterxjs. 80. Protopterus anneciens (Owen) . African Lepidosiren. Hab. Rivers of Africa. a, b. Purchased, May 24, 1865. c. Purchased, May 27, 1865. d. Purchased, Oct. 4, 1865. ^h. Purchased, Sept. 6, 1872. Subclass GANOIDEI Family ACIPENSERID^. Genus ACIPENSER. 81. Acipenser siurio, Linn. Common Sturgeon. Hab. European Rivers. a. Purchased, July 26, 1863. h. Small example from the Elbe. Purchased, 1864. c. Presented by T. Grove, Esq., May 15, 1867. d~f. Purchased, Dec. 10, 1867. g. Presented by Messrs. C. Grove, March 7, 1868. h. Presented by Messrs. Grove & Co., May 7, 1869. i. Presented by Mr. T. Charles, July 15, 1871. j-m. Purchased, July 15, 1873. SCYLLID^. PETROMYZONTIDiE. Subclass CHONDROPTERYGIL Family SCYLLIIDiE. Genus Scyllium. 83. Sajllium canicula (Linn.). Small Spotted DogI Hab. Britisli Seas. a. Purchased, Sept. 25, 1863. b. Purchased, July 18, 1872. c-f. Purchased, July 28, 1873. 83. Scyllium stellare (Lima.). Lal-ge Spotted Dogi Hab. Britisli Seas. a, b. Purchased, July 28, 1873. Family SPINACIDiE. Genus Acanthi as. 84. Acanthias vulgaris, Risso. Picked Dogfish. ■ Hab. Britisli Seas. a-c. Purchased, July 18, 1872. d-i. Eeceived in exchauge, Jan. 7, 1873. Subclass LEPTOSTOMATA. Family PETROMYZONTIDiE. Genus Petromyzon. 85. Petromyzon marinus, Linn. Sea-Lamprey. Hab. British Seas. a. Purchased, April 12, 1872. 648 PETROMYZONTID^. BRANCHIOSTOMATID^E. 86. Petromyzon fluviatilis, Linn. River-Lamprey. Hab. British Rivers. 87. Petromyzon branchialis, Linn, Fringed-lipped Lampern. Hab. British Rivers. a. Presented by A. 11. Cocks, Esq., P.Z.S., Feb. 12, 1881. Subclass LEPTOCARDII. Family BRANCHIOSTOMmD^E. Genus Bkanchiostoma. 88. Branchiostoma lanceolatum (Pallas) . Lancelet. Hab. Coast of Italy. a-r. Presented by the Director o£ the Zoological Station, Naples, Nov. 14, 1874. INDEX. Page Aard-Wolf 66 Abdimia sphenorhyn/- cha 406 Ablabes punctaius . . .602 rufulus 602 Ahramis hrama 644 Aburria caruncidata ..bO^ Acanthias vulgaris ...647 Accentor, Alpine 215 Accentor collaris 215 Accipiter melanoleucus379 nisus 378 Acerina cernua 636 Acipenser sturio 646 Acontias meleagris ...588 Acouchy 120 Acridofheres cristatel- lus 271 fuscus 272 ginginianus 271 mahrattensis ...272 tristis 272 Acrocephalm streperus2\A Addax 139 Addax naso-maculatusl39 Adder, Blue 618 , Cape 621 , Puff 621 , Purplish Death 617 , Superb Death. ..617 Adjutant, Indian 407 , Javan 407 ^gialitis hiaiicula ...525 Mlurus fulgens 84 Mx galericulata 438 sponsa 438 Agama colonontm 589 occipitalis 589 ruderata 589 Agapornis cana 330 pullaria 329 roseicollis 330 Page Agelceus phmnicews ... 268 Agonus cataphraotus.. 637 Agouti, Azara's 119 • , Oentral-Ameri- oan 118 , Golden 120 , Hairy-rumped..l20 , Mexican 119 , Punctated 120 , Variegated 119 , West-Indian ...119 AhcBtulla liocercus ...614 Alactaya indica 113 Alauda arborea 287 arvensis 286 crassirosfris 286 cristata 287 gulgula 286 Alca tarda 541 Alcedo ispida 293 Alcelaphus albifro7is... 149 bubalis 148 caama 148 py9<^''^g't<-^ 150 tora 148, 149 Alcesmachlis 171 Alligator 574 Alligator latiro.ttris...574: longiscutatus ...575 mississippie7isis..574 punctulattis 575 sclerops 575 Alpine Chamois 150 Alpaca 177 Alytes, obstetricans ... 630 Amadina bicolor 237 castanotis 237 erythroccphala... 237 — —fasciata 237 lathami 238 — — modesta 237 Amazon, Active 347 Page Amazon, August 348 Blue-cheeked... 348 Blue-faced 348 Blue-fronted ...349 Bodinus's 346 Diademed 347 Dufresne's 348 Festive 345 Pinsch's 347 Golden -naped ..349 Green- cheeked .. 347 Guatemalan ...349 Guilding's 348 LevaiUant's ...350 Mealy 349 Mercenary 350 Orange-winged.349 Red-fronted ...346 Red -tailed 347 Red- throated... 346 Salle's 346 Vinaceous 347 White-browed. .346 White-fronted.. 346 Yellow-billed... 350 Yellow-cheeked347 Yellow.fronted.350 Yellow-lored ...346 YeUow-shoul- dered 350 Amblyrhamphiis holo- sericeics 268 Amblystoma tigrinum 633 Ameiva dorsalis .""Sl Amiurus catus 64 1 Ammopcrdix bonhami.47Q ^eyi 476 Ampelis ccdrorim ...226 garridtis 226 Amphibohmis anguli- fer .588 barbatus 588 2v 650 DfDEX. Page Amphisbffina, Brazi- lian 595 , Darwin's 595 , Gray's 695 , Grey 595 , Sooty 695 , White 595 Amphisbcena alba 695 darwini 595 fu liginosa 595 Aniphiuma 634 Amphiuma means . . . 634 Anabas, Climbing ...639 Anahas scaiidens 639 Anaconda 599 Anas boscas 430 ■ castanea 432 ' gibberifrons 432 obscura 430 poecilorhyncha ... 43 1 specularis 432 superciliosa 431 • xantkorkgncka.. .431 Angler 638 Anguilla vulgaris 645 Anguis fragilis 586 Ani 305 Anoa 135 Anoa depressicornis... 135 Anolis, Barbadian ...591 , crested 691 Anolis cepedii 691 cristatellus 591 Anotis stolidus 538 Anser albifrons 418 brachyrhynchiis.AYl cinereus 417 cygnoides 418 erythropus 418 indicus 418 segetum 418 Anseranas melano- letcca 415 Ant-bear, jEthiopian.193 , Cape 192 Ant-eater, Great 189 , Tamandua 190 Antelope, Bay 147 , Beatrix 138 , Beisa 139 , Black-fronted... 147 , Black-tailed ...145 , Bohor 144 , Bubaline 148 , Coquetoon 147 , Equine 139 , Four-horned ...148 , Goral 150 , Harnessed 137 , Indian 144 Page Antelope, I8abelline...l44 , Leehee 145 , Natal 146 , Philantomba ...146 , Pronghorn 156 , Sable 139 , Saiga 143 , Sing-sing 144 , Stein-bok 145 , Tora 148 , Western Poiir- horned 148 , Wood -loving ...147 Anthomis melanura...221 Anthracooeros Gonvexus2QQ ■ coronatus 296 malabaricus 296 malayanus 296 Anthropopithecus tro- glodytes 1 Anthus arbor eus 219 pratensis 220 • ■ richardi 220 Antilocapra ameri- cana 156, 157 Antilope cervicapra ...144 Ape, Barbary 23 , Black 23 , Black-backed ... 21 , Japanese 22 Aphobus chopi 270 Aprosmictus coccino- pterus 324 erythroptenis ... 324 ■ • scapulatus 324 Aptenodyfes pennanti.f)42 Apteryx, Haast's 548 ."Mantell's 547 , Owen's 548 Apteryx aiistralis 547 kaasti 648 mantelli 647 oweni 548 Aqiiila adalberti 376 audax 375 barthelemyi 374 chrysaetus 374 clanga 375 imperialis 374 nmvioides. 375 verreauxi 376 Ara ararauna 340 chloroptera 339 hahni 341 hyacynihina ...338 Icari 338 macao 339 maracana 341 militaris 339 nobilis 341 A ■ ■ ^^^^ Ara spixt jjyy Aracari, Banded 302 , Maximilian's ...302 Aramides cayennensis .508 Aramus scolopaceus ...523 Arboricola iorc/tieola. . .469 Archibuteo lagopus ...368 sancti-johannis ..369 Arctictis binturong ... 61 Arctomys caudaius ...106 marmotta 105 monax 106 Arctonyx coUaris 80 Ardea alba 401 atricollis 400 candidissima ...402 ■ cinerea 400 cocci 401 — — egretta 401 garzetta 402 goliath 401 gularis 402 ■ herodias 400 ludoviciana 401 purpurea 401 ralloides 402 russata 402 sumatrana 401 Ardetta involucris ...403 minuta 403 Argus giganteus 493 ArmadUlo, Brazilian Three-banded 189 , Broad-banded ..189 , Hairy 188 , Kappler's 187 , Little 188 , Long-haired ...189 , Mulita 187 , Peba 187 ■ Six-banded 188 , Three-banded ..189 Aromochelys odorata ..568 Artamus sttperciliosus.225 Arvicola amphibius ...111 Asio brachyotus 356 capensis 356 graminictts 356 mexicanus 355 otus 355 Ass, African Wild ...130 , Asiatic Wild ...130 , Tibetan Wild... 131 Astur apprcvimam ...380 7iov(g-hollaiidics..3SO palumbarim 379 tibialis 380 Adurirta nitida 370 Afelcs ater 31 belzebufh 32 INDEX. 651 Page Aides ciicullatus 32 geoffroyi 32 grisescens 32 nybridus 32 marginatiis 32 paniscus 31 riifiventris 31 variegatus 33 Athene brama 362 noctua 362 Atherhm presbyter ... 639 Athertira africana ... 1 1 6 fasciculata 116 Aulacodus swinder- nianus 115 Auripasser euchloris...254L ATocet 528 Axolotl 633 Aye-aye 48 Babbler, Golden-eyed.223 Babirussa 184 Babirussa alficrus 184 Baboon, Anubis 25 , Arabian 23 , Ohacma 24 , Gelada 23 , Guinea 25 , Yellow 25 Badger, American ... 79 , Common 79 , Indian 80 , Sand 80 , Sharp-nosed ... 80 Balceniceps rex 407 Balearica chrysopelar- ffiis 522 pavonina 522 Bambiisicola thoracica4G9 Barbel 643 Barbet, Blue-cheeked. 303 , Great 303 , Hodgson's , 303 Barbus vulgaris 643 Barita destructor 286 Barn-Owl 364 , Australian 354 , Masked 364 Bass 636 , Black 636 Bat, Long-eared 97 , Naked-bellied Tomb 98 , Natterer's 97 Baza lophotes 386 Bean-Goose 418 Bear, Black 88 , Brown 86 , Grizzly 88 , Hairy-eared ... 87 Page Bear, Himalayan 88 , Isabelline 87 , Japanese 88 , Malayan 89 , Polar 85 , Sloth 89 , Spectacled 89 , Syrian 87 Beaver, Canadian ...107 Beaver Rat, Golden- bellied 108 Beech-Marten 77 Belideus ariel 199 breviceps 199 flaviventer 199 sciureus 199 Bell-bird, Naked- throated 289 Bernicla antarctica . . .422 brenta 419 canadensis 419 dispar 421 Jmtchinsi 419 jubata 420 leucopsis 419 magellanioa . . .420, 421 melanoptera 420 foliocephala . . .422 • riihidiceps 422 ruficollis 419 sandvicensis . . . 423 Bibos frontalis 132 sandaious 134 Binturong 61 Bipes 587 Bird of Paradise, Lesser j 274 Bison, American 133 , European 133 Bison americamis 133 bonasus 133 Bittern 404 , Blue-capped ...402 , Green 402 , Little 403 , South-American Little 402 . Sun 623 . Tiger 404 , Variegated 403 , White-crested „ Tiger 405 Biziura lobata 442 Blackbird 211 , Grey- winged ...211 Blackcap 214 Blamis cinereus 595 Blau-bok '143 Blennius pfiolis 638 Page Blenny, Viviparous. ..638 Bless-bok 149 Bluebu'd, Common ...213 Boa, Common 598 , Madagascar ...600 ,Pale-headedTree600 , Peruvian 599 , Thick-necked Tree 600 , Tree 599 Boa constrictor 598 egues 599 Boatbill 404 BoUiorhynchus mona- chus 345 Bombinator igneus ...630 Bonnet-Monkey 15 Bonte-bok 150 Boodon, Lineated ...617 Boodon lineatus 617 Boselaphus tragoca/me- lus 137 Bosch-bok 137 Bos frontalis 132 indicus... 132 taiorus 132 Botaurus stellaris . . .404 Bower-bird, Silky . . .274 Spotted 274 Box-Tortoise, Am- boina 561 — , American 561 Brachyurus ouakari . . 36 rubictmdus 36 Brady pus tridactylus 186 Brambling 255 Branchiostoma lan- ceolatum 648 Bream 644 BriU 641 Broadtail, Adelaide . 330 , Barnard's 332 , Bauer's 332 , Pale-headed ...331 , Pennant's , Pileated 331 , Rose-Hill 331 , Stanley 331 , Yellow-bellied. 332 , Yellow-collared 332 , Y'ellow-rumped 331 Brocket, Red 174 , Wood 174 Bronia brasiliensis ...595 Brotogerys chrysopte- rus ! 353 pyrrlioptxrus . . . 353 tiriacula 3.52 tovi ,353 tui 353 2u 2 652 INDEX. Page Brotogerrjs tmpara ...353 virescens 353 xanthopterus ...353 Brush-Turkey 505 Bubalus mquinoctialis 135 buffelus 135 caffer 135 Bubo ascalaphus 359 bengalensis 359 capeiisis 359 cinerascens 359 coromandus 360 fasciolatus 360 lacteus 360 maculosus 359 maximvs 358 orientalis 360 poensis 360 virginianus 358 Bucephalus, Cape ...614 Bucephalus capensis . . Buceros lunatus 295 rhinoceros 295 Bucorvus abi/ssimcus..294: Buffalo, Cape 135 , East- African ...135 , Indian 135 Bufo calamif.a 627 canaliferus 628 lentiginosus 627 niarinus 628 mauritanicus ...627 viridis 627 vulgaris 627 Bulbul, Black 220 , Blue-winged Grreen 222 , Brown-eared ...221 , Malabar Green. 222 , Red-eared 221 , Bed- vented ...221 , Rufous-bellied..221 , Syrian 221 , White-cheeked..220 , White-eared ...220 , YeUow-vented ..221 Bullfinch 260 , Black 257 Bullhead, Armed 637 Bun gar us cter ulcus ...618 Bunting, American ...263 , Black-headed... 263 , Cape 263 . Cirl 262 ;Corn 262 , Crested Black ..263 , Dyed 262 , Lapland 261 , Ortolan 262 .Red-backed ...263 Page Bunting, Red-headed 263 , Reed 262 , Snow 261 •, Yellow-breasted263 , Yellow-browed 263 Burbot 640 Bush-Dog 67 Bush-Lark, Madras... 287 Bush-master 624 Bustard, Arabian 517 , Australian 516 , Biu-chell's 517 , Denham's 517 , Great 516 , Houbara 517 , Little 516 , Macqueen's ...518 , Red-necked ...517 , Senegal 517 Buteo albicaudatus ...368 auguralis 367 borealis 368 desertorum 367 eryihronotus ...368 jacal 367 lineaius 368 pennsi/lvanicus. .368 swainso7ii...3&I, 368 vulgaris 366 Buteogallus nigricollisSlO Butorides atricapillus 402 cyanurus 402 virescens 402 Buzzard 366 , African 367 , Augural 367 , Black-necked... 370 , Crested Honey 369 , Dark- winged .. 370 , Honey 369 , Jackal 367 , Lineated 368 , Pennsj'lvanian 368 , Red-backed ...368 , Red-tailed 368 — — , Rough-legged 368 , St. John's 369 , Swainson's 367 , White-tailed ...368 Bycanisfes subcylin- dricus 297 Cacatua oitrino-cris- tata .310 cristata 309 ducorpsi ...308, 312 galerita 309 goffini 312 gymnopis..., 313 leadbeateri 310 Page Cacatua moluccensis 308 ophthalmica ...308 philippinarum ..311 roseicapilla 313 sanguinea 311 sulphurea 310 triton 309 Caccabis chulcar 475 melanocephala. . .475 petrosa 475 rufa 475 saxatilis 474 Caica Icucogastra 351 melanocephala ..351 xanthomera 351 Caique, Black-headed351 , Hawk-headed. . .351 , Yellow-headed 351 Cairina moschata ...430 Calandrella brachy- dactyla 287 Calcarius lapponicus 261 Calidris arenaria 531 Callichthys, Littoral 642 Callichthys littoralis 642 Callionymus lyra ...638 Gallipepla calif ornica 474 gambelii 474 picta ...473 Calliste brasiliensis . . .230 fastuosa 230 f estiva 229 melanonota 230 tricolor 230 Gallithrix brunnea ... 34 moloch 34 nigrifrons 34 Callocephalon galea- tum 314 Calocitta formosa ...282 Calcenas nicobarica ...462 Calopsitta novm-hol- landim 315 Calotes ophiomachtts. .588 Calyptorhynchus banksii 315 funereus 315 naso 315 Camel, Bactrian 178 , Common 178 Camelus bactrianus ... 178 dromedarius ...178 Canary 258 Cancroma cochlcaria, 4 Canis antarcticus ... 7 . anthus argentatus 73 aurem 70 azar(B 74 bengalensis 7 INBEX. 653 Page Cams cancrivorus ... 74 cerdo 72 — — ■ chama 72 dingo 75 ■ famclicits 72 faniiliaris 68 fidvicaudus 74 fulvipes 75 fulvus 73 yar. de cussata 73 — hodofhylax 68 — javanicus 70 — jidmius 75 — lagopus 69 — lateralis 71 — lafraiis 73 — lupus 68 — magellanicus ... 75 — mesomelas 71 — microtis 75 — niger 68 — niloiicus 72 — occidentalis 72 — pallipes 70 — primcemis 70 — proeynides 70 — niAis 74 — rutilans 65 — velox 73 • wipes 69 Capercaillie 466 Copra, (Bgagrus 1 52 hircus 151 hispanica 153 ihex 151 jemlaica 153 megaceros 153 Capreolus caprma 172 pygargus 172 Caprimulgus euro- pmiis 291 OaproiTiys, Fournier'sll4 , Prehensile 114 , Short-tailed ...114 Capromys hrachytirus 114 ■ pilorides 114 ■ prekensilis 114 29 28 30 29 28 27 30 Capuchin, Azara's , Brown , Smooth-headed , Weeper , White-cheeked , White-fronted . ■ , White-throated Capybara 122 Caracal 53 Caracara, Brazilian... 388 Carassius auratus ... 643 vulgaris 643 Page Cardinal, Black- crested 248 , Eed-crested ...248 , Eed-headed ...248 , Yellow-billed... 248 Cardinalis virgini- anus 250 Carduelis elegans 256 orientalis 256 Cariacus campestris. . . 174 gymnotis 173 maorotis 173 mexicarms 173 ■ nemorivagus ...174 rufus 174 virginianus 172 Cariama, Brazilian ...519 , Burmeister's ...519 Cariama cristata 519 Carp, Common 643 , Golden 643 , Prussian 643 Carphibisspinicollis...4:l\ Carpococcyx radiatus 304 Carpodacus erythrinus2&) hmmorrhous 260 Carpophaga cenea ...443 bicolor 443 globicera 443 latrans 443 luciuosa 443 paulina 443 Carrion-Crow 276 Cassiculus melanic- tenis 265 Cassicus hmrrwrrhms 265 persicits 265 Cas80wary,Australian548 , Beccari's 549 , Bennett's .550 , Common 548 , One-wattled ...549 , Painted -necked 549 , Two-wattled ...549 , Westermann's 549 Castor canadensis ...107 Casuarius atistralis ...548 beccarii 649 bennetti 550 bicarunculatus. . .549 galeatus 548 kaupi 549 picticollis 549 uniappendicula- tiis 549 ■ westermanni ...549 Cat, African Civet ... 57 , Bengalese 50 , Caffer 52 , Egyptian 52 Page Cat, Eyra 54 , Geoffroy's 55 , Golden 51 , Javan 50 , Marbled 51 , Pampas 56 , Bed Tiger 51 , Rusty Tiger ... 51 , Seryaline 60 , Tigrine 55 , Viverrine 50 , Wild 51 , Yaguarundi ... .54 Cat-bird 216, 274 Catfish 641 Cathartes atratns . . . 392 aura 392 californi- anus 392, 393 Causus rhombeatus ...619 Cavia flavideiis 121 porcellus 121 spixi 121 Cayy, Patagonian ...121 , Restless 121 , Rock 121 , Spix's 121 , Spotted 118 , Yellow-toothed 121 Cayman, Broad- snouted 574 , Dotted-jawed...575 , Long-shielded 575 , Rough-eyed ...575 Cebus albifrons 29 azara 29 capucinus 29 fatuellus 28 hypoleucus 30 lunaius 28 monachus 30 Cedar-bird 226 Cenchris contortrix ...623 piscivora 623 Centronotus gunellus 638 Centrofus phasianus 305 rvfipennis 305 : senegalensis . . . 305 Centurus tricolor 292 Cephalophus dorsalis 147 maxwclli 146 mergens 147 natalensis 146 nigrifrons 147 fygtnmus 146 — — rujilaius 147 sylvicultrix 147 Ceratogymna elata ...296 Ceratophrys, Adorned 626 654 INDEX. Page Ceratophrys, Horned 626 Ceratophrys cornuta 626 ortiata 626 Cercocehus eethiops ... 14 albigena 14 collaris 13 fuliginosus 14 Cercoleptes caudivol- vulics 84 Gercopithecus albigu- laris 9 calUtrichus 7 campbelli 11 cephus 12 cynosurus 5 diana 10 erxlebeni 10 erythrog aster ... 10 griseo-viridis ... 6 ■ lalandii 6 ludio 13 mona 9 nictitans 12 patas 8 petaurista 13 pluto 11 pyrrhonotus ... 8 rid)er 7 rufo-viridis ... 8 talapoin 5 Cereopsis novcs-kol- landiw 417 Ceriornis blythi 490 caboti 490 melanocephala., .489 satyra 489 temmincki 489 Cerodon rupestris 121 Cervicapra bohor 144 — isabellina 144 Cervulus lacrymans... 160 mierurus IGO muntjac ...159,160 reevesi 160 sclateri 160 Cvus alfredi ...167, 168 arisiotelis 165 axis 170 barbarus 162 canadensis 163 , var. occiden- talis 163 — — cashmirianus ...162 daiiia, 171 davidianus 165 • duvaucelli 165 elaphus 162 eldi 165 167 Page Cervtiseuopis 164 hippelaphtts 169 ku%lii 168 luehdorfi 163 mantchuricus ...163 maral 162 minor 169 moluccensis 169 nigricans 167 philippinus ... 167 porcinus 168 schondmrgki 165, 166 silca 164 swinhoii 167 taevanus 164 timoriensis 169 Cettia cantans 215 Chaffinch 255 , Algerian 255 Chalcopelia afra 458 chalcospilos 458 ■ puclla ^58 Chalcophaps chryso- chlora 460 indica 459 Chalcopsitta sointil- lata 319 Chamseleon, Common 593 , Dwarf 594 , Flap-necked ...594 Senegal 594 Chamcsleo7i dilepis ...594 pumilus 594 senegalensis ...594 vulgaris 593 ChamcBosaura anguina584: Ckamapelia passerina45& ■ — — talpacoti 457 Chamois, Alpine 150 Charadrius p luvialis 525 Charr, American 642 . , Swiss 642 Chasmorhynchus nvdi- collis 289 Chaulelasmus strepe- rus 432 Ckauna chavaria 414 derbiana 414 nigricollis 414 Cheetah 56 , Woolly 56 Chelodina longicollis 571 oblonga 671 Chelodine, Long- necked 571 , Oblong 671 Chef one inibricata ...572 viridis 573 Chelydra serpentina 567 Page Chelys matamata ... 57 1 Chenalopex agyp- tiaca 416 jubata 416 Cher a progne 241 Chersina angulata ...560 Chevrotain, Indian... 176 , Javan 176 , Stanley an 176 , Water 177 Chibia hottentotta ...224 Chilohothrus inor- naius 600 Chimpanzee 1 Chinchilla 117 Chinchilla lanigera .. .117 Chionis alba 528 minor 528 Chirogaleiis coquereli 44 milii 44 Chiromys madagas- cariensis 48 Chlamydodera macu- lata 274 Chloremys abnormis 567 Chlorophonia viridis. . . 228 Cholopus didactylus...\%1 hoffraanni 187 Chough 283 , Alpine 283 ■ -, White-winged 284 Chrysoniitris magel- lanica 257 spinoides 256 ■ spinus 256 tristis 266 yarrelli 257 Chrysomma sinense ...223 Chrysopelea omaia ...614 Chrysothrix oerstcdi... 27 sciurea 26 usta 28 Chrysotis cestiva 319 agilis 347 albifrons 346 — ■ — amazonica 349 augusta 348 auripa lliata . . . 349 autumnalis 347 bodini 346 boqueti 348 coeligena 348 collar ia 346 diadcmaia 347 ■ diifrefniana ...348 erythriira 347 farinosq 349 /estiva 345 — ■— Jinschi 347 guatemalte 349 INDEX. 655 Page Chrysotis guildingi . . .348 leucocephala ...346 levaillanti 350 mercenaria 350 ochrocephala ...350 ochroptera 350 ■ panamensis 350 sallcei 346 versicolor 348 vinacea 347 viiidigmialis ...347 vittata 346 xantholora 346 Chub 644 Chunga burmeisteri... 519 Ciconia alba 405 boyciana 405 nigra 405 C'inchts aquatictcs 216 Cinixys, Bell's 560 .Eroded 560 , Home's 560 Cinixys belliana 560 erosa 560 homeana 560 Cinosternon leucosto- mum 568 longioaudatum 668 pennsylvanicum 568 scorpioides 568 Circaetus gallicus ...378 Circus ceruginosus ... 365 cineraceus 366 cyaneiis 365 gouldi 366 maurus 366 Cissa venatoria 282 Cissopis leveriaiia ...232 Civet, African 57 , Indian 57 , Schlegel's 58 , Sumatran 57 Clangula glaucion ...441 Clemviys annulata ...564 bennetti 565 — — caspica 564 crassicoUis 566 decussata 563 floridana 562 fuliginosa 565 -guttata 562 hamiltoni 565 laticeps 566 leprosa 565 muhlenburgi . . . 563 ornata 564 picta 562 punctularia 564 reeved 566 rubriventris ... 562 Page Clemmys rugosa 563 serrata 563 terrapin .. 563 thurgi 565 trijuga 566 unicolor 566 Coati, Eiug-tailed ... 83 , White-nosed ... 83 Cobra, Egyptian 618 , Indian 618 Cobus lechee 145 sing-sing 144 Coocothraustes melan- urus 256 • vulgaris 254 Cock of the Eock, De- meraran 290 Cockateel 315 Cockatoo, Banksian ..315 , Bare-eyed 313 , Blood-stained 311 , Blue-eyed 308 , Citron-crested 310 , Ducorps's 312 , Funereal 315 , Granga 314 , Goffin's 312 , Great Black ...315 , Greater Sulphur- crested 309 , Leadbeater's ...310 , Lesser Sulphur- crested 310 , Red- vented ...311 , Roseate 313 , Eose-orested ...308 , Slender-billed 314 , Triton 309 , Western Black 315 , Western Slender- billed 314 , White-crested 309 Cod, Common 640 Cadogenys paca 118 Calopeltis lacertina...%\.4: Coereba cyanea 228 Colaptes auratus 292 Colin, Crested 473 , Plumed 473 , Virginian 473 Coliopasser macru- rus 242 Colius castanonotus ...293 Colobus, King 4 , Ursine 4 , White-thighed 4 Colobus polycomus ... 4 ursinus 4 vellerosus 4 Coluber cesculapii ...609 Page Coluber guttatus 609 (ITiadrilineatus... 609 , var. leopar- dinus 609 Columba albilineata... 448 araucana 449 arguatrix 447 caribbcBa 447 corensis 447 guinea 447 gymnophthalma 448 inornata 449 leucocephala . . .447 leuconota 446 livia 446 maculosa 448 cenas 446 palumbus 446 picazuro 448 rufina 449 speciosa 448 vinacea 449 Coly, Chestnut-backed 293 Colymbus arciicus ... 541 glacialis 540 septentrionalis... 541 Conepatus mapurito ... 81 Conger Eel 645 Conger vulgaris 645 Connochcstes gnu 150 taurina 150 Conure, Aztec 344 , Black-headed... 342 , Blue-crovraed 342 — , Blue-winged ...345 , Brovra-throated344 , Cactus 344 , Carolina 342 , Chilian 344 , Golden 343 , Golden- crowned 343 , Golden-headed 343 , Green 341 , Larger Patago- nian 341 , Mexican 342 , Petz's 343 , Eed-beUied . . . 344 , Red-eared 345 , Red-masked ...342 , St. Thomas's ...344 , Sharp-tailed ...342 , Smaller Patago- nian 341 , Wagler's 342 , White-eared ...345 .Yellow 343 , YeUow-cheeked344 656 INBEX. Page Oonure, Yellow- headed 343 Conunts amcticaudatus'34:2 aruginosus 344 auricapilLus ...343 aureus 343 aztec 344 • byrmii 341 ■ cactorum 344 • carolinensis 342 chrysogenys ...344 mientatus 345 • cyanopterus 345 erythrogenys ...342 hamorrhous 342 holochlorus 342 jendaya 343 leucotis 345 luteus 343 nanday 342 patagonus 341 pavua 341 petzi 343 smaragdinus ... 344 — solstitialis 343 vittatus 344 wagleri 342 xaniholesmus . . .344 Coot 515 , Australian 516 • , Created 515 , Slaty 515 Copsychus saularis ...213 sechellarum 213 Coracias garrula 299 Coracopsis barklyi ...336 nigra 336 — vasa 335 Cor alius hortulanus... 599 Corcorax melanorham- phus 284 Cormorant, Brazilian 398 , Common 397 , Mournful 398 Corn-Bunting 262 Corn-Crake 509 Coronella cana 604 cucullata 603 girondica 603 IcBvis 603 multimaculata. . .604 phocanim 604 sayi 604 Corvus affinis 277 americanus 277 australis 276 capellanus 277 corax 275 comix 277 corone 276 Page Corvus culminatus ...277 frugilegus 27 8 monedula 278 scapulatus 278 splendens 277 Coryphospingus pilea- tus 251 Corythaix albocristata306 buffoni 306 erythrolophus ...2>Qn macrorhyncha...Z^1 persa 307 porphyreolophus 307 Cotinga, Banded 290 Cotinga ciiicta 290 Cottus, Four-homed 637 , Long-spined ...637 Cottus bubalis 637 quadricomis . . 637 Cotumix chinensis ...471 communis 470 coromandelica . . All histrionica 470 — — pectoralis 47 1 Coucal, Indian 305 , Pheasant .305 , Senegal 305 Courlan, Scolopa- ceous 523 Cow-Bird, Bay 268 , Common 267 , Purple 267 , Silky 267 Coypu 113 Crake, Carolina 509 , Corn 509 .Spotted 509 Cranorrhinus corru- gatus 296 Crane 519 , Australian 520 , Balearic Crowned 522 , Brown 520 , Cape Crowned 522 , Demoiselle 521 , Hooded 521 , Mantchurian ...520 , Saras 520 , Stanley 522 , Wattled 521 , White 521 , White Ameri- can 521 , White-necked 521 Craspedocephalus bi- lineatus 623 Crax alberti 500 alector 499 carunculata ...500 Page Crax dauhentonii 499 globicera 498 globulosa 500 incommoda 501 sclateri 499 viridirostria 501 Crenilabrus melops ...640 Crex pratensis 509 Cricetomys gambianusl09 Cricetus frumentariusl09 Crithagra albogularis 258 butyracea 257 chrysopyga 258 musica 258 sulphurata 258 Crocodile, Broad- fronted 575 , Indian 576 , Long-nosed ...576 , Mexican 575 ■ , Nilotic 575 , Sharp-nosed ...576 Crocodilus acutus ...576 cataphractus ...576 frontatm 575 palustris 576 rhombifer 575 vulgaris 575 Crossarc)ius obscurus 65 Crossbill 260 , Parrot 261 , White-winged 261 Crossoptilon, Man- tchurian 477 Crossoptilon mantchu- ricum 477 Crotalus confiuentus 622 durissuH 622 horridus 623 lecontii 622 miliarius 623 Crotaphytus wislizeiiiio92 Crotophaga ani 305 Crow, Abyssinian ...277 , American 277 . Australian 276 , Black-backed Piping 286 , Carrion 276 , Chaplain 277 , Hooded 277 , Hunting 282 , Indian 277 , Large-billed ...277 , Long-billed Butcher 286 , Tasmanian Piping 286 , Wlute-backed Piping 285 INDEX. 657 Page 1 Crow, White-necked 278 Crow-Shrike, Grey ...285 , Hill 285 , Pied 285 , Sooty 285 Cryptobranchus alle- ghaniensis 634 Crypturus noctivagus 545 obsoletus 545 ■ pileatus 545 tataupa 545 undulatus 546 variegatus 546 Ctenolabrus rupestris 640 Cuckoo 303 , Black 304 , Guira 305 . , Long-tailed ...304 , Eadiated Fruit 304 Cuculus canorus 303 Cur (BUS aterrimus ...269 Curassow, Crested ...499 , Daubenton's ...499 , Galeated 501 , Globose 498 , Globulose 500 , Green-biUed ...501 , Inconvenient ...501 , Lesser Eazor- billed 501 , Prince Albert's 500 ,Eazor-biUed ...501 , Sclater's 499 . , TJrumxitum ...502 , Yarrell's 500 Curlew 532 .Pacific 532 , Stone 524 Cyanocitta cristata ...280 Cyanocorax cyano- melas 281 — cyanopogon 281 — incas 281 luxxtasus 281 pileatus 281 Cyanopolim cooki ...279 cyanus 279 Cyanorhampus alpi- nus 333 auriceps 333 nov(B-zealandi(B 333 saisseti 333 Cyanospiza oiris 247 cyanea 247 Cyclemys oldhami ...566 Cycloderma senega- lense 572 Cyclodus, Black-and- Yellow 585 , Great 585 Page Cyclodus, Occipital ...585 Cyclodus gigas 585 nigro-luteus 585 occipitalis 585 Cyclophis vernalis . . .612 Cyclopterus lumpus ...G38 Cygnus atratus 424 bewicki 423 buccinator 424 coscoroba 425 musicus 423 nigricollis 424 olor 423 Cyiialurus jubatiis ... 56 laneus 56 Cyniotis, Levaillant's 65 Cynictis pmicillata ... 65 Cynocephalus anubis. . 25 babouin 25 hamadryas 23 leucophceus 26 mormon ... 26 porcanus 24 sphinx 25 Cynomys ludovicia- mis 106 Cvnonvcteris collaris 95, 96 Cynopitheous niger ... 23 Cynopterus margina- tus 97 Cypi-inus carpio 643 Cypselus apws 291 Cystophora cristata... 93 Dace, Common 644 JDacelo cervina 294 gigantea 294 Bacnis cay ana 228 Dafila acuta 434 . ■ bahamensis 435 eryihrorhyncha. .436 spinicauda 435 Dama mesopotamica. .171 vulgaris 171 Daption capensis 539 Darter, American ...398 , Indian 399 , Levaillant's ...398 Dasyprocta acouclty... 120 aguii 120 azarm 119 cristata 119 isthmica 118 mexicana 119 prymnolopha ...120 punctata 120 variegata 119 Dasypus minutus 188 sexcinctus 188 Page Dasypus vellerosus ... 1 89 villosus 188 Dasyure, Mange's ...195 , Spotted-tailed. .195 , Ursine 196 JDasyurus maculatus ..195 maiigcei 195 ur sinus 196 Daulias hiscinia 213 philomela 213 Death-Adder, Pur- plish 617 , Superb 617 Deer, Axis 170 , Barasiugha 165 , Blackish 167 . , Cashmerian ...162 , Chinese Water 171 , Equine 167 , Fallow 171 , Formosan ......164 , Gemul 174 , Hog ., 168 , J apanese 164 , Kuhl's 168 , Liihdorfs 168 , Mantchurian ...163 , Mesopotamian Fallow 171 , Mexican 173 , Michie's Tultedl61 , Molucca 169 , Mule 173 , Musk 158 , Naked-eared ...173 , Pampas 174 , Panolia 165 , Pere David's... 165 , Persian 162 , Philippine 167 , Prince Alfred's. 167 , Pudu 174 . , Eed 162 , Eusa 169 , Sambur 165 , Schomburgk's. .165 , Spotted Hog ...169 , Swinhoe's 167 , Timor 169 , Virginian 172 , Wapiti 163 Demeraran Cook of the Eock 290 Dendrooitta sinensis... 283 vagabunda 283 Dendrocopus major ...291 minor 292 Dendrocygna arborea .426 autumnalis 426 discolor 426 658 INDEX. Page Dendrocygna eytoni. . .427 ■ fulva 427 Javanica 42(5 major 427 viduata 425 Bendrolagns inustus ..200 Bendrortyx leuccyphrys'^Ti Bet-matemys abnorfiiis5t)7 mawii 567 Beroptyus accipitri- nus 351 Dial-bird, Indian 213 , Seychellean 213 Diamond-Snake 598 Bichoceros bicornis ...295 Bicotyles labiatus 185 — — tajagii 184 Bidelphys albiventris .194 azarcB 194 caiiorivora 193 cinerea ... 1 94 crassicmidata ...194 derbiana 195 dorsigera 195 — — opossum 195 philander 195 quica 194 virginiana 194 Bidunculus strigiro- stris 463 Dingo 75 Dipper 216 Bipus (Bgyptius 112 hirtipes 112 Bissura episcopus 406 maguari 406 Biuca grisea 249 Biucopis fasciata 233 Diver, Black-throated541 , Great Northei'n540 , Eed-throated . . .541 Dog, Bush 67 , Cape Hunting.. 67 , Domestic 68 , Indian Wild ... 70 , Raccoon-like ... 70 , Sumatran Wild 70 Dogfish, Large Spot- ted 647 , Picked 647 . , Small Spotted. .647 Bolichonyx oryzivora .267 Bolichotis patachonical 21 Bonacola castanco- thorax 240 Barcopsis luctuosa ...200 Dormouse, Common .108 , Fat 107 , Garden 108 , Oak 107 Page DormouBe, South- African 108 Dotterel 525 Douroucouli, Feline .. 33 , Red-footed 33 , Three-banded... 33 Dove, Aldabran Turtle454 , Auriculated ...456 , Barbary Turtle.454 , Barred 450 , Barred-shoul- dered 451 , Black-winged... 456 , Bronze-spotted.458 Gambayan Tur- 453 Gape 450 Carolina 449 Chinese Turtle .453 tie , Double-ringed Turtle 454 , Dwarf Turtle... 454 , Eastern Turtle.452 , Emerald 458 , GeofFroy's 454 , Green-wiuged ..459 , Graceful Ground 450 , Half-collared Turtle 453 , Little Green- winged 460 , Martinican 455 , Mange's 451 , Mauritian Tur- tle 452 , Mountain-Witch Ground 458 , Moustache Ground 457 , Orange-winged.457 , Passerine Ground 456 , Peaceful 450 , Placid Ground .450 , Red Ground ...457 , Red Under- vnnged 457 , Ring 446 , Scaly Groimd ..466 , Schlegel's 458 , Spotted Turtle.452 , Spotted Zenaida456 , Star's Ground. .462 , Stock 446 , Talpacoti Ground 457 , Turtle 452 , Vinaceous 453 , White-fronted .457 Page Dove, White-winged Zenaida 4,'56 , Zenaida 455 Dragonet, Sordid ...638 Drill 26 BromcBUs novm-hollan- dim 550 , var. irro- rata 550, 551 Bromicia nana 198 Bromicus aniillensis ..612 fugitivus 612 Drongo, Indian 224 Bryiophis acuminata .615 Bryotriorchis specta- bilis 378 Duck, Australian Wild431 , Bahama 435 • , Black-biUed Tree 426 , Brown 440 , Chestnut- breasted 432 , Chinese Scaup .440 , Dusky 430 , Eider 441 , Eyton's Tree ...427 , Fulvous Tree... 427 .Indian Tree ...426 , Larger Tree . . .427 , Loggerhead ...442 , Mandarin 438 , Muscovy 430 , Musk 442 , Pink-headed ...432 , Red-biUed 436 , Red-billed Tree 426 , Rosy-billed ...438 , Slender 432 , Soft-biUed 441 , Spotted-billed ..431 , Summer 438 , Tufted 439 , White-eyed . . .441 , White - faced Tree 425 — , White-marked..432 , Wild 430 , Yellow-billed... 431 Dunlin 530 Duyker-bok 147 Eagle, Bacha 378 — , Bateleur 372 — , Black-crested... 377 — , Bonelli's 376 — , Booted 376 -, CeyloneseHawk377 , Cheela 378 , Chilian Sea ...371 INDEX. 659 Page Eagle, Crowned Hawk377 , Golden 374 , Guianan Crested 371 • , Harpy 371 , Imperial 374 , Jiipanese Hawk 377 , Mace's Sea 373 , Malayan Hawk 377 , Ornamented Hawk 376 , Short-toed 378 ■ , Spanish Im- perial 375 , Spotted 375 , Tawny 375 .Tyrant 377 , Vociferous Sea .373 , Vulturine 376 , Wedge-tailed... 375 , White-bellied Sea 373 , White-headed Sea 373 , White-tailed ...372 Eagle-Owl, Bengal ...359 , Cape 359 , Fraser's 360 , Great 358 , Grey 359 • , Milky 360 , Oriental 360 , Savigny's 359 , Spotted 359 , Virginian 358 Echidna 208 Echidna hysirix 208 Echinomi/s spzM0SMs...ll4 Echis carinata 622 Eclectus, Grand 323 , Eed-sided 323 , Westermann's ..323 Eclectus pedoralis ...323 roratus 323 westermanni . . . 323 Ectopistes ■migratorius449 Eel, Common 645 , Conger 645 , Electric 644 Egernia cunmnffhami.585 Egret, Buff-backed ...402 , Great American 401 , Little 402 , Slaty 402 , Snowy 402 Eland 135 Elanus scriptus 386 Elaphis quaterradiatus609 Elapkodus michianus .161 Elaps, Chequered ...619 Page Elaps lemniscatus ...619 Elephant, African ...125 , Indian 124 Elephas africanus ...125 indicus 124 Emberisa aureola 263 clirysophrys 263 cirlus 262 citrinella 262 fucata 262 hortulana 262 luteola 263 melanocephala...2Q& miliaria 262 rutila 263 schmniclios 262 Emu 550 Emyda granosa 572 Emys europxa 561 fuliginosa 661 Emys, Spinose Land .561 Entomyza cyaTiotis ...228 Eos indica 318 reticulata i 318 riciniata 319 rubra 319 tricolor 318 Epicrates angidifer ...600 cenchris 600 Eqims bicrckcllii 131 hcmionus 131 hemippus 130 onager 130 quagga 131 tteniopus 130 zebra 131 Erinaceus alginis 94 collaris 94 europesus 93 frontalis 94 Erithacus ruhecula ...212 Erithizon dorsatus ...116 Erythrmnas pulcherri- ma 444 Erythrolamprus ve- mistissimvs 605 Erythrura prasina ...241 Eryx, Egyptian 601 , Indian 601 ■ , Shielded 601 Eryx jaculus 601 johni 601 thehaicus 601 Esox lucius 643 Esquerzo 626 Estrelda amandava ...234 bella 234 bichenovii 233 ccerulescens 235 cinerea 234 Page Estrelda dufresnii ...235 formosa 234 melpoda 235 phaeton 233 phcenicotis 235 rubriventris 235 rujicauda 233 squamifrons 236 svhflava 236 temporalis 284 Eudocimus albus 412 ruber 412 Eudromias morinellus.525 Eudynamis orientalis..30i taitensis 304 Eudyptes chrysocome..543 Euneotes murinus 599 Euphema bourkii 328 chrysogastra ... 328 chrysostoma 327 elegans 327 — —pulchella 327 splendida 328 Euphonia crassirostris22d nigricollis 229 pectoralis 229 violacea 229 Euplectes afer 243 capensis 244 flammiceps 243 nigriventris 243 oryx 243 EuplocaniKS albo-oris- tatus 487 — — andersoni 486 cuvieri 486 erythropthalmusASi horsfieldi 486 lineatus . . .483, 485 melanotis 486 nobilis 485 nyctemerus .484, 485 prmlatus 483 swinhoii 483 vieilloti 484 Eiipodotis arabs 517 • australis 516 denhami 517 kori 617 ruficollis 617 sencgalensis 517 Euprepes, Streaked... 586 Euprepes vittatus 686 Eupsychortyx cris- tatus 473 Europyga helias 523 Euspiza americana ...263 Falco (Bsalon 382 barbariis 381 660 INDEX. Page Falco biarmimts 381 columbarius 382 concolor 382 eleoiiom 382 — jugged 381 — — lanarius 381 • • feregrinvs 380 sacer 381 ■ subbuteo 382 Falcon, Ash-coloured.382 , Barbary 381 , Bearded 381 , Eieonora 382 • , Greenland 383 , Iceland 383 ■ , Jugger 381 , Lanner 381 , Laughing 386 , Peregrine 380 , Eed-footed 384 • , Rufous- throated 382 , Saker 381 Felis bengalensis 50 ■ ca^ra 62 canadensis 56 caracal 53 catus 51 chaus 52 chrysothrix 51 ■ concolor 53 eyra 54 geoffroii 55 isabellina 52 javanensis 50 leo 48 b/7ix 52 macrocelis 49 . • marmorata 51 moormensis 51 onca 54 pardalis 54 pardina 53 pardus 49 passerum 56 flaniceps 51 rubiginosa 51 rufa 56 serval 49 servalina 60 tigrina 55 tigris 48 viverrina 50 yaguariondi 54 Fennec, Syrian 72 Ferret, Common 77 Fiber zibethicus Ill Fieldfare 209 Field-Mouse, Fawn- coloured 110 Page Finch, Alaudine 249 , Amaduvade ...234 , Banded Grasa. .240 , Bar-breaated ...238 , Beautiful 234 , Bicheno's 233 , Black-headed... 238 , Blood-stained .260 , Bluish 252 — — , Cape-Pahnas ...237 , Chestnut- bellied 239 , Chestnut- breasted 240 • , Che8tnnt-eared.237 , Crimson 233 , Cut-throat 237 , Diuca 249 , Dusky 247 , Euler's 252 , Fire-tailed 241 , Gay's 249 , Grey-eyed Ground 264 , Grey-necked Serin 259 , Guttural 252 , Half-white 253 , Hooded 236 , Jacarini 249 , Javan Maja ...239 , Lineated 252 , Lined 261 , Maja 239 , Melodious 247 , Modest Grass. . .237 , Nonpareil 247 , OUve 247 , Orchard 249 , Pied Grass 236 , Pileated 251 , Plumbeous 250 , Eeddish 252 ,Eed -headed ...237 , Red-taUed 233 , Ruddy 260 — , Saffron 267 , Scaly-fronted... 236 , Sharp-tailed ...239 , Singing 268 , Spectacled 251 , Spotted-sided. ..238 , Striated 239 , Tliick-billed Seed 251 , Topela 238 , Tropical Seed ..251 , White-eye- browed 264 , White-throated252 Page Finch, Wiener's 237 , Yellowish 257 Fireback, Bornean ...485 , Vieillot's 484 Fish, Indian Walking639 , Lump 638 Flamingo, European. .413 , Ruddy 413 , South-American413 Floriken, Bengal 518 Flounder 641 Flower-bird, Black- tailed 227 Flycatcher, Pied 226 Flying Squirrel, American 104 , Grey 105 • , Layard's 105 , Red-bcUied ...104 • , Wbite-cheeked..l04 Fordonia unicolor . . .613 Foudia eryihrops 244 • madagascarim- sis 244 Fox, Arctic 69 , Azara's 74 .Bengal 70 , Common 69 , Crab-eating ... 74 , Egyptian 72 , Fennec 72 ■ , Kit 73 , Long-eared ... 76 , Magellanic 75 , Red 73 , Red-footed 75 , Red-tailed 74 , Rough 74 , Silver 73 , Silver-backed... 72 , Small-eared ... 75 Francolin, Black 467 , Cape 468 , Clapperton's ...468 - — -, Double-spurred 468 , Grey 468 , Hill 469 , Long-biUed 469 , Madagascar ...467 , Painted 468 , South- African ..468 , Red-throated . . .468 , Wood 469 Francolimis afer 468 bicalcaratus 468 capmsis 468 clappcrtoni 468 gularis 469 madagascarien- sis 467 INDEX. 661 Page Francolinus picius . . .468 — — ponticerianus . . . 468 riibricollis 468 vulgaris 467 Fratercida arctica ...542 Fregata aquila 396 Frigate-bird, Great... 396 Fringilla ccelehs 255 montifringilla . . .256 spodiogenia 255 Fringillaria copewsis.. 263 Frog, American Green625 , Australian 626 , Brown Mud . . .630 , BuU 625 , OhangeableTree628 , Edible 625 , European Tree.628 , Ewing's Tree... 629 , Kreflt's Tree... 629 , Leaf-green Tree 629 . , Noisy 626 , Ocellated Blad- der 626 . , Orange-shanked Tree 630 . , P6ron's Tree ...629 , Slender-lin- gered 626 , Variable leaf ...629 , White's Tree... 629 , Yellow -footed Tree ... 629 Fruit-Bat, Australian 95 , Blackish 95 , CoUared 95 , Formosa 94 , Indian 95 , White-eared ... 97 Fruit-Cuckoo, Eadi- ated 304 Fruit-Pigeon, Banded444 , Bare-faced 445 , Black-headed... 444 , Bronze 443 , Brown-tailed... 443 , Jambu 444 , Nutmeg 443 , Parrot 445 , Eed-naped 443 , Superb 444 , Wattled 443 , White 443 Fulica ardesiaca 515 atra 515 australis 515 cristata 515 Fuligida brunnea 440 cristata 439 Page Fuligula ferina 440 marila 440 mariloides 440 nifina 440 Fulmar 539 Fidmarus glacialis ...539 Fitndidus rnajalis 643 Furcifer chilensis 174 Furnarius rufus 290 Gadus luscus 640 . merlaiigns 640 morrhua 640 pollaehius 640 Gadwall 432 Galago, Allen's 45 , DemidofiP's 46 , Garnett's 45 , Grand 44 , Maholi 45 , Monteiro's 45 Galago alleni 45 orassicaudata ... 44 demidoffi 46 garnetti 45 maholi 45 monteiri 45 Galaxias, Australian).. 642 Galaxias scriba 642 Galeoscoptes caroli- nensis 216 Galictis barbara 78 vittata 78 Galidia, Elegant 62 Galidia elegans 62 Gallinago ccelestis ...530 Gallinula chloropus . . .513 galeata 513 nesiotis 514 phmnicura 515 tenebrosa 515 Gallinule, I8land-Hen514 , Martinique 512 .Purple 511 , Sombre 515 , White-breasted 515 Galloperd.ix lunulata .466 spadicea 466 zeyloncnsis 467 Gallus bankiva 487 domesticus 488 sonnerati 488 stanleyi 488 varius 488 Gannet 396 Gannet, Brown 396 Garganey 434 Garrtdax albogula- ris 222 chinensis 222 Page Garrulax leucolophus.2'l2 perspicillatus . . .222 picticollis 222 Garrulus glandarius ..280 lanceolatus 280 Garter-Snake 607 Gasterosteus aculea- tus 636 piingitius 636 spinachia 636 Gavial 676 Gavialis gangeticus... 57 6 Gayal 133 Gazella arabica 140 bennetti 141 cuvieri 140 dama 142 dorcas 140 euchore 142 granti 142 muscatensis 141 rufif roils 140 smnmerringi ... 1 42 • — — swbgutturosa ... 141 Gazelle 140 , Arabian 140 , Cuvier's 140 , Dama 142 , Grant's 142 , Indian 141 , Korin 140 , Muscat 141 , Persian 141 • , Soemmer ring's.. 142 Gecco verus 577 Gecinus viridis 292 Gecko, Delaland's ...577 , Fan-footed 578 , Indian 577 , Moorish 577 , Ocellated 578 Genet, Blotched 58 , Common 58 , Pale 58 •, Pardine 58 Genetta pardina , 68 senegalcnsis 58 tigrina 58 vulgaris 58 Geocichla citrina 211 Gcoemyda spinosa 561 Geopelia cuneata 450 . humeralis 451 maiigmi 461 placida 450 striata 450 • tranquilla 450 Geopsittaeus occiden- talis 329 662 Page Geoptyas colhris Bll Geotrygon montana..Ab1 mystacea 457 -| — sylvatica 458 Geranoaetus melano- leucus 371 Q-erbille, Brown- tailed 109 , Indian 109 , Eobust 109 , White-rumped.108 indiGus 109 pygargus 108 robustus , 109 Germticus calvus ., 411 Gibbon, Hoolock 2 , Silvery 2 .,, 9, White-cheeked. White-handed.. Criraffa camelopar- dalis 156 Giraffe 156 Glaucidium passeri- num 364 phalmmides 364 Glutton 77 Gnu, Brindled 150 , White-tailed ...150 Goat- Antelope, Japa- nese 151 Goat, Domestic 151 Gohio fluviatilis 643 Gobius minutus 637 niger 637 ruthensparrii . . .637 Goby, Black 637 , Preckled 637 , Two-spotted ...637 Godwit, Bar-tailed ...531 , Black- tailed ...532 Goldeneye 441 Goldfinch 256 , Eastern 256 Goldfinny 640 , Jago's 640 Goosander 442 Goose, American Black-backed 427 , Andean 420 , Ashy-headed ...422 , Bar-headed ...418 , Bean 418 , Bernicle 419 , Black - and - White 415 , Black-backed... 427 , Black Spur- winged 416 Page Goose, Breut 419 , Canada 419 , Oereopsis 417 , Chinese 418 , Egyptian 416 , Grey-Lag 417 , Hutchin'3 419 , Kelp 422 , Little 418 , Maned 420 , Orinoco 416 , Pink-footed ...417 , Eed-breasted...419 , Euddy-headed..422 , Eiippell's Spur- winged 416 Sandwich- Island 423 , Spur-winged ...415 , Upland 420 , White-frouted..418 , Wild or Grey- Lag 417 Goshawk 379 , AUied 380 , Gambian 380 , White 380 Goura coronata 463 — — victories 463 Grackle, Black-necked273 Gracula intermedia .. .273 javanensis 273 religiosa 273 Gracupicus nigri- collis 273 GralUna, Pied 220 Grallina australis ...220 Grammatoptila stri- ata 223 Graphiurus capensis .AOS Grass-Owl, Cape 355 Grass-Parrakeet,Blue- banded 327 , Bourke's 228 . Elegant 327 , Orange-bellied..328 , Splendid 328 — ■ — , Turquoisine ...327 , Undulated 328 Grass-Snake 612 Grebe, Little 540 , Eed-necked ...540 , Sclavonian 540 Greenfinch 255 — — , Algerian 255 Grison 78 Grosbeak, Black- headed 250 , Blue 249 , Brazilian 250 Grosbeak, Cardinal... 250 . I'ine 200 , Eo8e-breasted...250 , Yellow-bellied. .250 Ground-Dove, Grace- ful 450 , Mountain- Witch 458 , Moustache 457 , Passerine 456 , Placid 450 , Eed 457 , Scaly 456 , Stair's 462 Ground-Squirrel, Bristly 103 , Getulian 103 , Eed-footed 103 , Stanger's 104 Ground-Thrush, Orange-headed 211 Grouse, Black 466 , Prairie 465 , Eed 466 , Sharp -tailed ...465 Grrus americana 521 antigone 520 , var. tor- quata 620 aiistralasiana ...520 canadensis 520 carunculata 521 communis 519 leucauchen 521 leucogeranos ...521 monachus 521 virgo 521 viridirostns ...520 Grys-bok 145 Guan, Amazonian ...504 , Chattering 504 •, Grey's 602 , Little 504 , Mar ail 502 , Mexican... 502, 504 , Piping 503 , Eed-breasted...603 , Eed-tailed 504 , Eufous-vented .502 , Wattled 504 , White-bellied ..504 , White-crested ..503 , White-eye- browed 503 , White-fronted..5t)3 Gnbcrnatri-x crista- te/la 248 Gudgeon, Common... 643 Guillemot, Common.. 541 Guinea-pig 121 INDEX. 663 Page Guinea-fowl, Abyssi- nian 495 , Common 494 , Crested 495 , Horned 495 , Mitred 495 , Pucheran's 496 , Rendall's 495 , Vulturine 496 Cruira piririffua 305 Guiraca ctsrulea 249 cyanea 250 GuU, Ashy-beaded ...537 , Black-beaded... 537 , Common 536 , Dominican 536 , Glaucous 534 , Greater Black- backed 536 , Herring 534 , Iceland 534 , Ivory 533 , Jameson's 637 , Laughing 537 , Lesser Black- backed 535 , Yellow-legged Herring 535 Gulo luscus 77 Gunnel, Spotted 638 Gymnorhina leuconota2Sb organica 286 tibicen 286 Gymnotus electricus ..644 Gypaetus barbatus ...391 meridionalis ...391 Gypagus "papa 393 Gypohierax angolen- sis.. 390 Gyps bengalensis 389 . fulvus 389 kolbii 389 rueppelli 389 Scematopus niger 527 osiralegics 527 Hmmatornis elgini ...378 Halcyon sancta 294 ■ vagans 294 Haliaetus albicilla ...372 leucocephalus ...373 leiicogaster 373 leucoryphus 373 vocifer 373 Haliastur indus 309 intermcdius 369 sphenurus 369 Halichmrus grypus ... 91 Halmaturus ac/ilis ...204 benneitii 203 Page Halmaturus billardieri'205 br achy tints 205 ■ derbianus 204 dorsalis 204 ruficoUis 203 thetidis 205 ualabatios 204 Hamadryad 617 Hammer, Yellow 262 Hamster, Common ...109 Hangnest, Baltimore. 265 , Black-sided ...266 , Brazilian 266 , Common 266 , Crested 265 , Mexican 265 , Orchard 266 , Eed-rumped ...265 , Silky 268 , Wagler's 266 , Yellow 265 , YeUow-backed..267 , YeUow-shoul- dered 266 Hapale argmtata 38 chrysoleucos ... 38 • -jacckus 37 melanura 38 penicillata 38 pygmaia 38 Hapalemur simus ... 44 Hapalote, Mitcheir8..111 Hapalotis mitchelli ... 1 1 1 Hare, Black-necked... 123 , Brazilian 123 , Common 122 , Sardinian 122 , Varying 123 Harpm-hync litis r!//MS.216 Harpy, Crowned 371 Hatpykaliaetus coro- natus 371 Harrier, Gould's 366 , Hen 365 , Marsh 365 , Montagu's 366 , Moor 366 Hartebeest 148 Harvest-Mouse 110 Hawfinch 254 , Black-tailed ...255 Hawk, Beautiful Wood 378 ■ , Berigora 383 , Black-and-White Sparrow 379 , Chanting 379 •, Many-zoned ...379 , New-Zealand... 383 , One-streaked ...379 Page Hawk, Pigeon 382 , Shining Buz- zard 370 , Sparrow 378 Hawk-Eagle, Oey- lonese .... 377 , Crowned 377 , Japanese 377 , Malayan 377 , Ornamented ...376 Hedgehog, Algerian... 94 , Cape 94 , Collared 93 ; Common 93 Hedymeles ludovicia- nus 250 — — melanocephaltis..250 Helictis, Orange- bellied 79 Helictis subauran- tiaca 79 Heloderm 580 Heloderma suspectum 580 Helotarsus ecaudatus.. 372 Hemigale, Hard- wicke's 59 Hemigalea hardtuickii 59 Hemipode, Andalu- sian 506 , Black-breasted .507 , Lepurana 607 , Red-chested . . .507 , Sykes's 607 , Varied 506 Hemippe 130 Hemixos flavata 221 Hen, Black Wood ...510 Hen Harrier 365 Henicognathtis lepto- rhynchus 341 Heron 400 , Black-necked... 400 , Cocoi 401 — , Garden's Night.403 , Goliath 401 , Great Ameri- can 400 , Great White ...401 , Hooded ]SIight..403 , Lousianian 401 , Nankeen Night.403 , Night 403 , Purple 401 , Squacco 402 , Typhon 401 , Violaceous Night 404 Hcrpofttcs fasciatiis ... 64 galera 64 • gnseiis 62 664 INDEX. Page Herpestes ichneumon . (i2 malacaensis 63 nepalensis 64 pulvendentus ... 62 sniithi 63 Herpetotheres oachin- nans 386 Herring-G-ull 534 , Yellow-legged ..535 Heteralocha goiildi ...284 Heterodon d' orbigrnj/i.. Q08 • madagascarien- sis 608 platyrhinos 608 Hieracidea berig or a... 383 7iovce-seelandi(S...383 Hierofalco candicans.. 383 islandus 383 Himantopus brasilien- sis 529 nigricoUis .528, 529 Hinulia australis 586 whitei 586 Hippocampus anti- quorum 646 ramulosus 646 Hippopotamus 178 Hippopotamus amphi- bius 178 Hippotragus equinus..\3'd niger 139 Hirundo rustica 226 Hobby 382 Hog, Elian's Wart ..180 , jEthiopian "Wart 179 , Pigmy 182 , Eed-iliver 183 , Southern Eiverl83 Holbrookia maculata .592 HoTnalocranium mela- nocephalum 601 Horaalosoma tutrix ...602 Homopus areolatus ...559 ■ horsfieldi 559 Honey-Buzzard 369 , Crested 369 Honey-eater, Blue- faced 228 , Poe 227 , Warty-faced ...227 Hoopoe 299 Hoplocephalus super- bus 617 HornbiU, Black 297 , Black-and- white 298 , Concave- casqued 295 , Orowued 296 Page Hornbill, Elate 296 , Ground 294 , Indian 296 , Lunated 295 , Malayan 296 , Malayan Pied ..296 , Plicated 299 , Eed-billed 299 , Rhinoceros 295 , Subcylindrical..297 , White-billed ...296 , Wrinkled-bill... 296 Horseshoe-Snake 610 Houbara macqueeni... dl8 undulata 517 House-Mouse 110 Howler, Brown 37 , Red 36 Huanaco 177 Huia Bird 284 Huro nigricans 636 Hyaena, Brown 67 , Spotted 66 , Striped 67 HycBna brunnea 67 • • crocuta 66 striata 67 Hydrastis gordoni ...570 Hydrochclidon nigra.. 538 Hydrockoirus capy- bara 122 Hydromedusa maxi- miliani 571 Hydromys chrysogas- ter 108 Hydropotes inermis. ..171 Hydremia alleni 512 Hyla arbor ea 628 ccerulea 629 citropus 629 ewingii 629 Jcreffti 629 peronii 629 fhyllochroa 629 versicolor 628 Hylobates hoolock ... 2 lar 2 leuciscus 2 leucogenys 2 variegatus 2 Hymenolmmus mala- corhynchus 441 Hyomoschus aquati- cus 177 Hyphantornis capensislAQ castaneofusca ...246 per.wnata 246 tcwtor 245 Hypochera nitens 242 splendcns 242 T7 . , I'age Uypsipetes maclel- landi 221 Hypsiprymnus apica- iis 207 cunicuhis 206 gaimardi 206 ogilhyi 206 rufescens 206 Hyrax, Cape 124 Hyrax capetisis 124 Hystrix cristata 115 javanica 115 longicauda 115 lanthoenas leucolmma. 449 Ibex, Alpine 152 , Grecian 152 , Spanish 153 Ibis, Australian Sa- cred 411 , Bald-headed ...411 , Bernier's 409 , Black-faced ...411 , Black-headed... 411 , Glossy 412 , Nippon 411 , Sacred 409 , Scarlet 412 , Straw-necked... 411 , White 412 Ibis (sthiopica 409 • bernieri 410 melanocephala..A\\ strictipennis ...411 Ichneumon, Banded .. 64 , Bengalese 63 , Dusty 62 , Egyptian 62 , Grey 62 , Marsh 64 , Ruddy 63 , Spotted 64 Icterus abeilltei 266 baltimore 265 croconotus 267 jamaicai 266 spuritis 266 tibialis 266 vulgaris 266 wagkri 266 Icticyon vcnatictcs ... 67 Ictonyx zorilla 78 Iguana, Black 591 , Naked-necked... 590 , Tuberculated . . . 590 Iguana delicatissima ..590 tuberctdata 590 Indigo-bird 247 Ionor?m martinicus . . .572 Ischiwgnathtis dckayi.GOl INDEX. 665 Page Isohnognathus ocoipi- io-maciilatus 607 Ithaginis geoffroyi ...467 lynx torquilla 293 Jabiru, American ...407 Jackal, Black-backed 71 , Common 70 , North- African .. 71 , Side-striped 71 Jackdaw 278 Jaguar 54 Jay 280 , Black-headed... 281 , Blue 2S0 , Blue-bearded... 281 , Canada 280 , Lanceolated ...280 , Mexican 281 , Peruvian Blue.. 281 , Pileated 281 , Swainson's Long-tailed 282 Jay-Thrush, Chinese .222 , Collared 222 , Masked 222 , Melodious 223 , Striated 223 , White-crested.. 222 , White-throated222 Jerboa, Egyptian 112 , Hairy-footed... 112 , Indian 113 Jungle-fowl, BankiTa.487 , Ceylonese 488 , Pork-tailed ...488 , Sonnerat's 488 Kagu 523 Ka-ka 338 , Mountain 338 Kaleege, Anderson's.. .486 , Black-backed... 486 , Cuvier's 486 , Liueated 485 , Purple 486 , Wliite-crested...487 Kangaroo, Black- faced 202 , Brown Tree ...200 .Brush-tailed ...203 , Qiiimard's Eat..206 , Great 202 , Lunulated 205 , Mourning 200 , Ogilby'sEat ...206 , Eed 200 , Roan 201 ' , Rufous Eat ...205 , Tasmanian Rat.206 Page Kangaroo, White-tipped Rat 207 , Yellow-footed Rock 202 Kestrel 383 , American 384 , Lesser 384 ■, Nankeen 384 Ketupa ceylonensis ...360 Javanensis 360 Kiang 131 Kingbird, American.. .289 Kingfisher 293 , BufE Laughing..294 , Laughing 294 , New-Zealand... 294 , Sacred 294 Kinkajou 84 Kite 385 , Egyptian 385 , Black 385 , Brahminy 369 , Crested Black...386 , Indian 386 , JavanBrahminy396 , Letter-mnged...386 , Long- winged... 386 , Whisthug . , 369 534 .547 Knot 530 Koala 197 Koodoo 136 65 636 Labrus maculatiis .. .640 582 582 ■ • muralis 582 nigro-punotata.. .583 ocellata 581 582 viridis 581 vivipara 582 Lachesis mutus 624 Lagopiis scotimis 466 Lagostomus trichodac 118 Lagothrix, Hum- boldt's Lagothrix humboldti. . 33 Lagotis, Cuvier's .117 Lagotis cuvieri .117 Lama huanacos .177 177 peruana .178 vicugna .177 Lamprey, Fringed- Page Lamprey, Eiver 648 , Sea 647 Lamprocolius auratus.'IlQ chalybeus 270 ricfiventris 271 Lamprophis aurora . . .617 Lampropsar dives . . .269 Lamprotornis csiieus ... 27 1 Lancelot 648 Land-Emys, Spinose..561 Laniaritis quadrico- lor 225 Lanius coUurio 225 exoubitor 225 Lapwing 526 , Cayenne 526 Lark, Black 287 , Calandra 287 , Chinese 287 , Crested 287 , Indian Sky ...286 , Madras Bush... 287 , Shore 288 , Short-toed 286 , Sky 286 .Thick-billed ...286 , White-beUied Shore 288 , White-headed Bullfinch 288 , Wood 287 Larua argenfatus 534 atricilla 637 audouini 535 cachinnans 535 canus 536 cirrhocephal'us... o37 dominicanus ...536 fusous 535 glaucus 534 leucopterus 534 melanorhynchus .b'il marinus .536 iiov(B-holIandicB..b'61 ridibiindus 537 Lathamus discolor ...334 Leipoa ocellata 505 Lemming, Norwegian 111 Lemur, Black 41 , Black-headed ... 42 . Broad-nosed ... 44 ^ — , Brown Mouse... 44 , Ooquerel's Mouse 44 , Mayotte 43 , Mongoose 41 , Red-fronted ... 43 , Eing-tailed ... 43 , Euffed 40 , Smith's Dwarf.. 44 2x 666 INDEX. Page Lemur, Very Black ... 41 , White-fronted .. 42 , Yellow-fronted. 42 Lemur albifrons 42 hrunnms 42 catta 43 flavifrons 42 macaco 41 mayottensis 43 — Ttwngos 41 nigerrimus 41 rufifrons 43 varius 40 Leopard 49 Lepadogaster bimacu- latiis 639 Lepidosiren, African..646 Lepidosternum grayi..b%b Leptodactylus ocella- tus 626 pentadactylus . . .626 Leptodira a^mulata rvfescens 615 LeptoptilaJamaicen,sisib7 ochroptera 457 rufaxilla 457 Leptoptilus argala . . .407 . crummijerus ...407 . javanicus 407 Lepus hrasiliensis . . . 123 cuniculus 123 etiropaus 122 mediterraneus ...122 nigricollis 123 ' variabilis 122 Leuciscus cephalus ...644 phoxinus 644 rutilus 644 vulgaris 644 Leucodioptron cano- rum 223 Leuconerpes candidus.292 Leucopternis scoto- ptera 370 Leucoryx 138 Leucosarcia picata ...461 Licmetis pastinator ...314 tenuirostris 314 lAgurinus aurantii- ventris 255 chloris 255 Limosa agooephala ...532 lapponica 631 Linnet 259 Linota cannabina 259 jlavirostris 259 linaria 259 rufexens 259 Lion 48 Liophis cobella 605 Page Liophis merremi 606 Liothrix, Yellow-bel- lied 218 Lioihrix luteus 218 Liparis vulgaris 638 Lizard, Anguine 584 , Bearded 588 , Black-spotted... 582 , Commoa 583 , Dorsal 58 i ■ , Douglass's Horned 593 , Eyed 581 , Galeote 688 , Garman's 592 , Green 581 , Horned 592 , Knob-nosed ...588 , Lilford's 582 , Lozenge- marked 588 , Moloch 590 , Occipital 589 , Orbicular Horned 593 , Bough-scaled... 583 , Sand 582 , Sepiform .583 , Sharp-headed...582 , Small-scaled ...591 , Spanish Sand. . .583 , Spinose 589 , Spotted 592 , Stokes's 584 , Slump-tailed... 584 , Taraguira 592 , Tuatera 577 , Variable 589 , Wall 682 , WizUzen's 592 Llama 178 Loach, Common 644 Lobivanelbcs lobatus...b2'l Lomvia troile 541 LopMiis piseatorius . . .638 Lophoaetus occipitalis'dn Lopholtsmus antarc- ticus 444 Lophophorus impey- anus 476 sclateri 477 Loplwtragus michi- unus 161 Lorictdm asiaticus . . . 326 chrysonotus 326 galgidus 326 sclateri 326 Lorikeet, Blue-faced. .319 , Green-naped ...319 , Mitchell's 320 Page Lorikeet, Musky 320 , Ornamental ...320 , Scaly-breasted ..320 , Swainson's 319 Loris, Javan 46 , Slender 46 , Slow 46 Loris gracilis 46 Lorius chforocerctcs ...318 domicella 317 flavo-palliatus. . .318 gamdus 317 tibialis 318 tricolor 318 Lory, Blue-breasted.. .318 , Blue-streaked. ..318 , Blue-tailed 318 , Blue-thighed ...318 , Chattering 317 , Green-tailed ...318 , Purple-capped..317 , Eed 319 , Eed-fronted ...319 , Three-coloured.318 , Violet-necked.. .319 , Yellow-backed. .318 Lota vulgaris 640 Love-bird, Grey- headed 330 , Rosy-faced 330 , West- African... 329 Loxia curvirostra 260 letwoptera 261 pityopsittacus . ..261 Lutra nair 82 vulgaris 81 Lycaon pictus 67 Lynx, Bay 56 , Canadian 56 , Isabelline 52 , Northern 52 , Spanish 63 Lyre-bird 290 Lyriocephalus scuta- tus 588 Macacus arctoides ... 22 assamensis 21 cyclopis 21 cynortiolgus 16 iiiuus 23 lasiotus 20 Uoninus 18 maurits 22 melaiiotiijt 21 nemtsfrinus 18 ocrcatus 22 pelops 21 pilcatits 16 rhcso-similis ... 21 INDEX. GG7 Page Macacus rhesus 20 rufescens 22 sancti-johannis .. 18 silemis 21 sinicus 15 speciosus 22 tcheliensis 20 Macaque, Ashy-black. 22 , Moor 22 , Eeddish 22 Macaw, Blue-and- yellow 340 , Hahn's 341 , Hyacynfchine ...338 , Illiger's 341 , Lear's 338 , Military 339 , Noble ; 341 ■ , Red - and - Blue 339 , Red - and - Yellow 339 , Spix's 338 Machetes pugnccx 531 Macroclemmys tem- minckii 567 Macropiis erubescens ..201 giganteus 202 mclanops 202 pictus 200 robiistus 201 rufus 200 Macropygia emiliana .451 leptogrammica..Ab\ phasianella 451 Macroscincus coc- teauii 585 Magpie 279 , Chinese 279 , Chinese Blue... 279 , Himalayan 279 , Moorish 279 , Spanish Blue... 279 Maize-eater, Dark- Green 269 Malaptenirus heni- nensis 641 Maleo, Great-headed .505 Mallee Bird 505 Manatee 186 Manatus australis ...186 MandriU 26 Mangabey, Grey - cheeked 14 , Sooty 14 , White-collared. 13 , White-crowned 14 Manis triouspis 191 Manucode, Green ....275 Maniwodia chalgheia.. 275 Page Mareoa chiloensis 437 peiielope 436 Markhoor 153 Marmoset, Black - eared 38 , Black-tailed ... 38 , Geoffroy's 39 , Golden-headed. 40 , Pygmy 38 , Silky 38, 40 Marmot, Alpine 105 , Long-tailed ....106 , Prairie 106 , Quebec 106 Marsh-Harriwr 365 Marsh-Titmouse 217 , Northern 217 Marten, Beech 77 , Canadian 77 , Pine 76 Mastigure, Egyptian. .589 - — — , Hardwicke's ...589 , Small-scaled ...589 Mauremys laniaria ...565 Mayflsh, American ...643 Meadow-Pipit 220 Meado w- Sta rling, De Pilippi's 269 . Louisianian 269 Megacephalon maleo, 505, 506. Megalcema asiatica ...303 hodgsoni 303 virens 303 Megalobatrachus maximtis 634 Megarhynchus pitan- gua 288 Melanooorypha calan- dra 287 mongoUca 287 yeltoniensis ..." •287 Meleagris gallo-pavo ocellata 494 Meles anlcuma 80 leptorhynchus ... 80 tarns 79 Melierax monogram- mious 379 musicus 379 polyzonus 379 MelUvora capmsis ... 79 indioa 79 Melophus melanic - terus 264 Melopsittacus undula- (us , 328 Mclopyrrha nigra ....251 Melursus ursinus 89 Menobranch 634 Page Menobranohus late - ralis 634 Menopoma 634 Menura superba 29 Mephitis mephitica ... 81 Merganser, Red- breasted 442 Mergus albelltcs 442 merganser 442 serraior 442 Merlin 382 Metopiana peposaca. . .439 Metopooeros cormitus.59] Metriopelia melano- piera 456 3Iico sericeus 38 Microcebus smithi 44 Microglossa aterrima..Z\5 Midas chrysomelas ... 40 geoffroii 39 cedipus 39 rosalia 40 rufimamcs 39 ur stilus 39 Milvago, Brown 387 , Chimachima ...387 , Porster's 387 , Long-winged ...387 Milvago australis 387 chimachima 387 chimango 387 ' megalopterus ...387 Milvus mgyptim 385 govinda 386 ictinus 385 isuriis 386 migrans 385 Mimus polyglottus 215 satiiminus 215 Minnow , 644 Mirafra affinis 287 Misgurnus fossilus ... 644 Missel-Thrush 210 Mitiia tomentosa 501 tuber osa 501 Mocking-bird, North- ern 215 , Saturnine 215 Mock-Thrush, Brown.216 Mole, Common 93 Molge alpestris , 632 bosoa 632 cristata 631 marmoraia 632 palmata 632 viridcscens 632 vulgaris 632 walti 633 Moloch horridus 590 Molothrus badius 268 2x 2 668 INDEX. Page Molothrus bonaricnsis 2(->7 pecoris 267 prirpurascens ...267 Momotus brasilie7isis.. 2Q9 aubrufescens 299 Monachus albiventer .. 93 Monaul, Himalayan ..476 , Sclater's 477 Monitor, Australian .501 , Egyptian 579 , Exanthematic ..579 .Gould's 579 , Grey 578 , Lace 579 , Two-banded ...579 , White-throated579 Monkey, Assamese ... 21 , Black-faced Spider 31 , Black-handed Spider 32 , Bonnet 15 , Brown 22 , Brown Spider.. 32 , Campbell's 11 , Cashmere 21 , Chuva Spider... 32 , Diana 10 , Dusky 3 , Entellus 3 , Erxleben's 10 , Green 7 , Grivet... : 6 , Grizzled Spider 32 , Hocheur 12 , Hooded Spider. 32 , Leonine 18 , Lesser White- nosed 13 , Ludio 13 , Macaque ........ 16 , Marlbrouck .... 5 , Mitred 3 , Mona 9 , Moor 4 , Moustache 12 , Mozambique .„ 8 , Naked-eared Squirrel 28 , Nisnas 8 , Patas 8 , Pig-tailed 18 , Pinche 39 , Pluto 11 • , Purple-faced ... 3 , Red-backed Squirrel 27 , Eed-bcllied 10 , Red-bellied Spider 31 Page Monkey, Red- faced Spider 31 , Rhesus 20 , Rhesus-like ... 21 , Round-faced ... 21 , St. John's 18 , Squirrel 26 , Sykes's 9 , Talapoin 5 , TcheU 20 , Toque 16 , Variegated Spider 33 , Vervet 6 , Wanderer 21 , White-fronted Capuchin 29 Montieola cyanus 211 saxafilis 211 Moorhen 513 , American 513 Moose 171 Morelia spilotes 598 variegata 598 Morphnus ffuianensis .371 Mosckus moschiferus Motaeilla, alia 219 tugvhris 218 melanope 219 raii 219 Motella mustela 640 Motmot, Brazilian ...299 , Cartagenian ...299 Mouflon 154 Mouse, Barbary Ill , Eawn-coloured Field 110 , Harvest HO , House 110 Mouse-Lemur, Ooque- rel's 44 Mud-Fish, New- Zea- land 643 Mud-Terrapin, Penn- sylvanian 668 , Scorpion 568 , Spii's 568 , Wliite-mouthed568 Mvgil capita 639 Mullet, Grey 639 Mimia acuticauda ...239 cantons 239 ferruginea 239 maja 239 malabarica 239 malacca 238 nisoria 238 pvnctularia 238 rubro-nigra 239 xfriata 239 Munta iopela 238 Muntjac, Crying 160 , Indian 169 , Reeves's 160 Musbarbarus HI cervicolor 110 decumanits HO minutus no musculus 110 rattus 109 Muscardinus avella- narius ...108 Muscieapa atrica- pUla 226 Musk-Deer 158 Musk-Duck 442 Musophaga violacea...30Q Musquash Ill Mustela erminea 77 foina 77 furo 77 martes 76 pemmnti 77 putorius 77 vulgaris 77 Mycetes fuscus 37 senicidus 36 Mycteria americana. . .407 Myiophonus korsjieldi 212 Mynah, Brown 272 , Chinese 271 , Common 272 , Indian 271 , Javan 273 , Larger Hill 273 , Malabar 272 , Pied 271 , SmaU Hill 273 , Southern Brown 272 Myodes lemmiis HI Myopotamus coypus ..113 Myoxtis dry as 107 glis 107 quercinm 108 Myrmeoophaga ju- bata 189, 190 Naia Iwje 618 tripudians 618 Nandinia binotata ... 59 Nasua narioa 83 rtifa 83 Nemachilus barbatu- bis 644 KeTUorheedus cri,''pus...\rA goral 150 Ncorhaiina apoda 643 Neophron percnopie- rus 390 INDEX. 669 Page Neophron pileatus . . . 390 Neotragus melanolis...\^b nigricaiidatus . . . 145 tragulus 145 Nerophis aquoreus ...645 Itcmbricifm-mis ...(Ao ophidian 645 Nestor hypopoliiis ...338 notabilis 338 Newt, Alpine 632 , Bosca's 632 , Brown 633 , Crested 631 , Greenish 632 , Marbled 632 , Palmated 632 , Pleurodele 633 , Smooth 632 Night-Heron 403 , Garden's 403 , Hooded 403 , Nankeen 403 , Violaceous 404 Nightingale 213 , Eastern 213 Nightjar 291 Night-Parrot 316 Ninox hoohooh 362 novcB-seelandis .S>^'i Nipponia temmiiicki..Al\ Nisaetus fasciatics . . . 376 pennatus 376 Noddy 538 Nothocrax uru7mttum.502 Nothura maculosa . . .547 Nucifraga caryoca- tactes 278 Numenius arquata ...532 femoralis 532 minuius 532 phceopus 532 Numida coniuta 495 cristata 495 meleagris 494 mitrata 495 ptilorhyncha ...495 pucherani 496 rmdalli 495 vulhirina...'^Q, 497 Nutcracker 278 Nuthatch 218 , White-bellied... 218 Nutmeg-bird 238 Nyctea scandiaca 364 Nycticehus javaniciis .. 46 tardigradus 46 Nycticorax caledoni- cus 403 cucullatus 403 gardeni 403 Page Nycticorax griseus ... 403 violaceus 404 Nyctipithecus rufipes. . 34 trivirgatus 33 vocifcrans 33 Nylghaie 137 Nymphicus comutus... 332 uvaensis 332 Nyroca ferruginea, ,..441 Ocelot 54 Octodon, Cuming's ...113 Octodon cumingi 113 Ocydromus ausiralis ..510 earli 510 fuscus 510 lafresnayanus ...510 sylvestris 510 Ocyphaps lophotes ...459 Odontophorus denta- tus 472 guiatiensis 472 (Edemia nigra 441 (Edicnemus bistria- iiis 524 grallarius 624 scolopax 524 superciliaris 524 (Ena capensis 450 Oil-bird 300 Onager 130 Onychogalea bmata... 205 Ophiooephalus gachuaQ39 Ophiophagus bunga- rus 617 Opossum, Azara's ...194 , Cinereous 194 , Crab-eating ...193 , Derbian rlQS , Four-spotted. ..195 , Merian's 195 , Philander 195 , Quica 194 — — , Thick-tailed ...194 — — , Virginian 194 , White-beUied ..194 Orchesticus ater 232 Oreas carina 136 Oriole, Black-naped...224 , Golden 224 , Sykes's 224 Oriolus galbula 224 indicus 224 kundoo 224 Ortalis albiventris . . . 504 garrula 504 moiinot 504 ruficauda 504 vetula 504 Ortyx virginianus ... 473 Page Orvcteropus athiopi- cus..... .:....193 capensis 192 Oryx beatrix 138 beisa 139 leucoryx 138 Oryzoborus crassiros- tris 251 — — torridtis 261 Osphromenus, Spined 639 Osphromenus tricho- pterus 639 Osprey 365 Ostinops decumanus...265 Ostrich 551 Otaria jubata 90 pusilla 91 Otis tarda 516 tetrax 516 Otocorys alpestris . . .288 chrysolama 288 Otocyon megalotis ... 76 Otter, Common 81 , Indian 82 Ouakari, Red-faced... 36 , Spix's 36 Ourang-outang 1 Oven-bird, Eed 290 Ovis aries 153 blaiifordi 155 biirrhel 165 cycloceros 155 musimon 164 tragelaphus 156 Owl, American Hawk 364 , American Scops 361 , Au9tralianBarn354 , Barn 354 , Barred 357 , Bengal Eagle... 359 , Boobook 362 , Brown Passe- rine 364 , Burrowing 362 , Cape Eagle ...359 , Cape Eared ...356 , Cape Grass .. 355 , Ceylonese Fish.360 , Ooromandel Eagle 360 , Downy 361 , Fraser's Eagle. .360 , Gosse's Eared... 356 , Great Eagle ...358 , Grey Eagle ...369 , Indranee 357 , Javan Fish 360 , Long- eared ...^55 I 670 INDEX. Page Owl, Mnsked Bam ...354 , Mexican Enred.355 • , Milky Eagle ...360 , New-Zealand... 362 , Oriental Eagle .360 , Pagoda 357 , Passeritie 364 , Pel's 361 , Savigny's Eagle359 , Scops 360 , Short-eared ...356 , Snowy 364 , Spotted 362 , Spotted Eagle. .359 , Tawny 356 , Virginian Eagle358 , White-eared Scops 361 , White-faced ...361 .Woodford's ...357 Owlet, Naked-footed. 362 Ox, Domestic 132 , Sondaic 134 Ox-bird 246 Oxyrt-hopus doliatus ..61(3 fit zing en 616 plumbeus 616 Oyster-catcher 527 • , Black 527 Pachydactyhts ocella- tus 578 Padda oryzivora 240 Pagofhila ehurnea ...533 Palaornis alexavdri... 320 cohmboides 322 cyanocephalus ...2)2\ ■ docilis 321 — — erythrogenys ...323 fasciatus 322 javanicvs 322 longicauda 322 luciani 322 rosa 322 torguaius 321 Panda 84 Pandion haliaeius ...365 Pangolin 191 Pangshura tectum ...567 tentoria 566 Pammis biarmieus ...216 Paradise, Lesser Bird of 274 , Eed Bird of ...275 , Twelve-wire Bird of 275 Paradisea minor 274 i rid)ra 275 Paradoxure, Oom- uion 69 Page Paradoxure, Golden 60 , Gray's 61 , Marked 61 , Masked 60 , Musanga 60 , Philippine 61 , Prehensile (il , Three-striped... 60 , Two-spotted ... 59 , Tyder's 60 , White-whis- kered 61 Paradoxurus grayi ... 61 larvatus 60 leucomystax ... 61 — — musanga 60 philippensis 61 prehensilis 61 stigmaticus 61 ■ trivirgatus 60 tyjms 59 — ^ — iytleri 60 zeylanicvs 60 Paroaria capitata ...248 cucvllata 248 — — larvata 248 Parrakeet, Alexan- drine 320 , All-green 352 .Alpine 333 , Banded 322 , Barraband's ...324 , Beautiful 334 , Black-tailed ...324 , Blood-rumped..334 , Blossom- headed 321 , Blue-banded Grass 327 , Blue-bonnet ...333 , Blue-crowned. ..325 , Blue-crowned Hanging 326 , Blue-rumped...323 , Bourke's Grass. 328 , Ceylonese Hanging 326 , Elegant Grass. .327 , Golden-backed Hanging 326 , Golden-fronted 353 , Golden-headed. 333 , Golden-winged. 3.^3 , Great-billed ...325 , Green Ground. .329 , Grey-breasted ..345 , Horned 332 , Javan 322 , King 324 , Lucian'8 322 Page Parrakeet, Malabar. . .322 , Malaccan 322 , Many-coloured.334 , Masked 335 , Mueller's 325 , New-Zealand... 333 , Orange-bellied Grass 328 , Orange-flanked.353 , Orange-winged 353 , Eed-cheeked ...323 , Eed -winged ...324 , Eing-necked ...321 , Eose-ringed ...321 , Eosy 322 , Saisset's 333 , Sclater's Hang- ing 326 , Shining 335 , Slight-billed ...341 , Splendid Grass 328 •, Swift 334 , Tabuan 334 , Tovi 353 , Tui 353 , Turquoisine Grass 327 , Undulated Grass 328 , UvEean 332 , Western Ground 329 , White-billed ...325 , Yellow-winged .353 Parrot, Brown- headed 337 , Brown-necked. .337 , Du.sky 352 , Greater Vasa...33o , Grey 336 , Jardine's 337 , Lesser Vasa ...336 , Levailliant's ...337 , Maximilian's... 352 , Meyer's 337 , Night 316 , Passerine 335 , Praslin 336 , Eed-capped . . .352 , Eed-vented ...351 . , Eiippell's 338 , Senegal 337 .Sordid 352 , Tinineh 336 , White-bollied...351 , White-headed.. 352 Partridge 470 , Bamboo 469 , Barbary 475 , Black-headed... 475 INDEX. 671 Page Partridge, Bonhain's 476 , Buff-breasted... 467 , Oapoeira 472 , Chukar 475 , Crowned 472 , Gambel's 474 , Greek 474 , Guiana 472 , Hay'a 476 , Himalavan Snow .' 476 , Hodgson's 470 , Red-legged 475 , White-eye- browed Tree 473 Partts ater 217 borealis 217 cmruleus 217 cristatus 217 cyaniis 217 major 217 , paliistris 217 Passer alario 253 diffusus 253 lutetis 253 montaiius 253 simplex 253 Passerita myoterizans.&lb Pastor, Blyth's 273 , Eose-coloured ..272 Pastor hlythi 273 roseus 272 Pattxis galeata 501 Pavo mstatus 490 — — niffripennis 491 spicifer 492 Peafowl, Black- winged 491 , Common 490 , Jayan 492 Peccary, Collared ...184 , "White-lipped... 185 Peewit, Black- breasted 526 , Wattled 527 , Yellow-wattled.527 Pelea capreolus 145 Pelecanus conspicilla- tus 395 crispus 395 fusGus 395 mitratus 395 onocrotalus 394 riifescens 395 Pelican, Australian... 395 , Brown 395 , Crested 395 , Mitred 395 , Eed-backed ... 395 , White 394 Page Pelobates fuscus 630 Pelomedusa galeata... 570 ffehafi 570 Pelophilus madagas- cariensis 600 Penelope holiviana ...502 cristata 502 greeyi 502 jacucaca 503 mar ail 502 pileata 503 purpurascens . . .502 superciliaris ...503 Penguin, Black- footed 543 , Gentoo 542 , Humboldt's ...543 , Jackass 543 .King 542 , Eock -hopper ...543 Pentonyx, Abyssi- nian 570 , Galeated 570 Perameles, Rabbit- eared 196 , Short-nosed ...196 Perameles lagotis 196 ohesida 196 Perca fluviatilis 636 Perch, Common 636 Perdicula asiatioa ...472 camhayensis 472 Perdix cinerea 470 hodgsonim 470 Perisoreus infattstits... 280 Peristera geoffroii . . .454 Peniis apivorus 369 ptilorhynchus . . .369 Perodicticus potto ... Al Petrel, Cape 463 Petrogale penicillaia..20S xanihopus 202 Petromyzon branchia- lis 648 fluviatilis 648 marinus 647 Petronia petronella . . .254 siulia 254 Pezoporus formosus . . .329 Phacochxrus mthiopi- cus 179 afiicanus 1 80 Phalacrocorax brasili- anus 398 carbo 397 graculus 398 lugubris 398 Phalanger, Ariel 199 , Dormouse 198 , Short-eared ...198 Page Phalanger, Short- headed 199 , Squirrel-like ...199 , Vulpine 197 , Yellow-bellied .199 Phalangista canina... 193 vulpina 197 Phaps chalcoptera . . .460 elegans 460 histrionica 460 Phascolarctus cinereusldl Phascolomys latifrons.201 lasiorhimcs 207 platyrhinus 207 wombat 207 Phasianus colchiciis . . .478 elegans 478 ellioti 480 reevesi 479 satmnnerringi ...479 torquattis 478 versicolor 478 wallichii 480 Pheasant 478 , Amherst's 481 , Argus 493 , Bar-tailed 479 , Cheer 480 , Crested Peacoek493 , Elegant 478 .Elliot's 480 , Geoifroy's Blood 467 , Germain's Pea- cock 403 .Gold 481 , Japanese 478 , Peacock 492 , Eing-necked ...478 , Rufous-tailed. . .478 , Siamese 483 , Silver 485 , S(Bmmerring's..479 , Swinhoe's 483 Pheucticus chrysoga- ster ". 250 Philodryas reinhardti 612 serra 612 viridissimiis 612 Phlogmnas bartletti ...461 crinigera 461 cruentata 461 stairi 462 Phoca groenlandica ... 92 vitulina 92 Phoc Siredon mexicanus ... 633 Siren 635 Siren lacertina 635 Siskin 256 , American 256 , Black-throated. .2,''i7 .Indian 266 , Yarrell's 2.'- 7 Sitta casia 218 eiiropaa 218 Skink, Aldrovandi's...68fi , Australian 686 , Cocteau's 585 676 IXDEX. Pnge Skink, Cunningham's. 585 , Greeuisli Sand ..587 , Ocellated S!ind..587 , Three-toed Sand587 .White's 686 Skua, Antarctic 533 , Common 533 , Pomatorhine ...533 .Richardson's ...533 Skimk, Canadian 81 .Chilian 81 Sky-Lark 286 , Indian 286 .Thick-billed ...286 Sloth. Hoffmann's ...187 , Three-toed 186 , Two-toed 186 Slow worm 586 , Spotted 588 Smelt, Sand 639 Smew 442 Snake, jEsculapian ...609 , All-green Tree ..612 ■ , American Black609 , Annulated 616 ^ , Antillean 612 , Aurora 617 , Back-marked ...608 , Band-tailedTree614 , Black-and- white Blind 596 , Black-and- YeUow 608 . Black-headed... 601 .Bordeaux 603 , Cananina 610 , Carpet 598 , Chained 608 • .Clifford's 611 , Cobella 605 , Common 605 , Copperhead . . . 623 , Coppery 601 ■ , Coral 601 , Crossed 613 , Dahl's 611 , Dark-green 610 .Deadly 624 . Dekay's 607 . Diamond 598 . D'Orbigny's ...608 , Pierce 606 , Pitzinger's 616 , Pour-lined 609 . Four-rayed . . . 609 . Pugitive 612 .Garter 607 .Glass 583 . Grass 612 .Hissing Sand... 613 Page Snake, Hoary 6U4 . Hog-nosed 60S .Hooded 603 .Horseshoe 610 , Indian Rat 611 , Indian River ...606 , Lacertine 614 , Lineated 611 . Long -banded ...606 . Long-headed ...605 , Long-snouted. ..615 . Many-spotted. ..604 , Merrem's 605 . Mocassin 607 . Neck-marked ...611 , Ornamented Tree 614 , Plumbeous 616 , Pointed Tree ...615 . Punctured 602 , Red-and-black..605 , Reinhardt's Tree 612 . Rhomb-marked.602 , Ring-hals 619 , Robben-Island..604 ■ . Rufescent 615 , Rufous 602 , Saw-marked ...612 .Say's 604 . Seven-banded.. .607 . Sharp-snouted. .608 , Slender Sand ...613 .Smooth 603 . Smooth-bellied.. 602 , South- American Rat 609 , Spot-bellied ...611 , Spotted-headed. 607 . Square-spotted..616 .Striped 607 . Testaceous 611 .Tigrine 606 , Uniform Water613 , Vivaceous 602 , Viperine 606 .Yellow 600 Snapper, Temminck's.567 Snipe, Common 530 Snow-Bunting 261 Sole, Common 641 Solea vulgaris 641 Somateria mollissima.AAl Song-Sparrow, Pile- ated ...264 , White-throated.264 Song-Thrush 209 Souslik, European ...105 , Mexican 105 .Mongolian 105 Page Sparrow, Alario 253 , Bluok-breasted 253 , Chipping 264 , Golden 254 . Grey-headed ...253 . Java 240 . Pileated Song.. .264 , Rock 254 , Tree 253 , White-throated Song 264 , Yellow 253 , Yellow-throated Rock 254 Sparrow-hawk 378 , Black-and-white379 Spaiula clypeata 437 Spelerpes fuscus 633 Speotyto cunicularia 362, 363 Spermestes cucullata...2'AQ fringiUoides 236 Spermophila albogii- laris 252 carulescens 252 ewleri 252 gutturalis 252 hypoleiwa, 253 Uneata 252 lineola 251 nigro-aurantia...2?>2 ophihahnica 251 plumhea ....252 Spermophilus citillus.. 105 mexicanus 105 mongolicus 105 Spermospiza hmma- tina 244 Sphagolohis atratus 297 Spheiiiscus demersus... 5i3 humboldii 543 magellanicm ...543 Splienodon piLnctatus..h11 Sphingurus insidiosus 1 17 mexicanus 117 prehetmlis 116 villosm 117 Spilornis hacha 378 cheela 378 Spilotes pcecilosto7iia...6lO variabilis 609 Spisactus caligaius ...377 ceylo7iensis 377 coronatus 377 orienfalis 377 ■ ornahts 376 turanmis 377 Spis'el/a socialis 264 SpoonbiU 409 , Roseate 409 INDTiX. 677 Page Spring-bok ^42 Spur-fowl, Oeylonese 467 , Hardvvicke's ...466 , Eufous 466 Squatarola helvetica . . . 525 Squirrel, Black Hill ... 1 00 , Blanforcl's .. 100 , Chestnut- bellied 99 , Chipping 104 , Common 98 , Dorsal 102 , Eraser's 103 , Grey 101 , Grey-breasted... 99 . Grizzled Hill.. -100 , Hoary-headed... 101 , Hudson's-Bay...l02 , Jelerang 99 .Malabar 99 , Malayan 100 , Palm 101 , Plantain 100 , Prevost's 100 , Eed-bellied ...102 , Saddled 100 , Tennent's 99 , Three-striped... 101 .Tropical...., 102 • , Variable 103 , Vulpine 102 , White-banded.. 101 , Yellow-footed... 102 Squirrel-Monkey 26 , Naked-eared ... 28 , Eed-backed ... 27 Starling 271 , OhiUan 269 , , Chopi 270 , De Pilippi's Meadow- 269 , Green Glossy... 270 , Long-tailed Glossy 271 , Louisianian Meadow 269 , Purple-headed Glossy 270 , Eed-shouldered268 , Eufous-vented Glossy 271 Starncenas cyanoce- fhala 462 Steatornis oaripemis. .300 Stercararms antarcti- cus 533 catarrhactes 533 crepidatus 533 pomaforkinus ...533 Sterna anglica 538 Page Sterna oantiaca 538 kirundo 538 macrura . . . 538 Sternothmrus derbi- anus 570 mger . . . 570 subniger 569 Sternothere, Black ...570 , Blackish 669 ; Derbian 570 Stickleback, Fifteen- spined 636 ■ , Scaly-sided 636 , Ten-spined 636 Stilt, Black-necked... 528 Stoat, Common 77 Stone-Curlew 524 Stock-Dove 446 Stork, Black 405 , Black -ueoked... 406 , Boyce's 405 , Maguari 406 , Marabou 407 , Saddle-billed ...406 , White 405 White-bellied... 406 , White-necked ... 406 Strepera anaphonen- sis 285 arguta 285 fuliginosa 285 graculina 285 Strepsiceros hudv, 136 Strepsilas interpres ...527 Stringops habroptilus 316, 317 Strix capensis 355 delicatula 354 flammea 354 noV(e-hollandi(B 354 Struthidea, Grey 223 Struthidea- cinerea ... 223 Struthio camelus 551 Sturgeon, Common... 646 Sturnella defilippi ...269 hidoviciana 269 Sturnia malabarica. . . 272 Sturnopasior contra. . .271 Sturnus vulgaris 271 Sucker, Bimaciilated 639 , Unctuous 638 Sugar-bird, Blue 228 , Yellow-winged 228 Sula bassana 396 leucogastra 39H Summer-Duck 438 Sun-Bitlern 523 Suricata tetradactyla 65 Suricate 65 Surnia fmerea 364 Page Surucuou 624 Sus andamanensis ... 1 8 1 cristatits 181 leucomystax 182 papuensis 182 scrofa 180 , var. pUci- ceps 180 , var. sinen- sis 181 taivanus 182 timorensis 181 vittatus 182 Swallow 226 Swan, Bewick's 423 , Black 424 — -, Black-necked . . .424 , Coscoroba 424 , Mute 423 , Trumpeter 424 , Whooper 423 Swift 291 Swine, Andaman 181 • — — , Pormosan 182 , Indian 181 , Javan 182 , Timorese 181 , White- whis- kered ■. 182 , Wild 180 Sycalis flaveola 257 luteola 257 Sylvia atricapilla 214 cinerea 214 curriica 214 Syngnathus aciis 645 Synmciis austmlis 471 diemenensis 471 Sypheotides bengalen- sis 518 Symiiim aluco 356 indranee 357 nebulosum 357 — — sinense 357 woodfordi 357 Syrrhaptes paradoxus'kGd Tachybaptes jluviaiilisbAO Tachyeres cin ereus ... 442 Tachymenis vivax . . . 602 Tachyphonus corona- tiis 231 melaleucus 231 Tadornacana 429 casarca 428 tadornoides 429 variegata 429 vnlpamer 429 Talegalla lathami ...505 Talpa curopaia 93 678 INDEX. Tamandua tetradao- tyla 190 Tamarin, Negro 39 , Red-handed ... 38 Taviias striatus 104 Tanager, All-Greea...228 , Archbishop ...231 , Black 231 , Black-backed... 229 , Black-headed... 232 , Black-necked... 229 , Black-shoul- dered 230 , Blue-and-Blaok230 , Blue-shoul- dered 231 , Brazilian 232 , Crowned 231 , Fasciated 233 , Festive 229 , Fuliginous 233 , Green-headed 230 , Magpie 232 , Orange-billed... 232 , Palm 231 , Pectoral 229 , Saira 232 , Sayaca 230 ; Silver-blue ...230 , Striated 231 , Superb 230 , Thick-billed ...229 , Violet 229 Tanagra cana 230 cyanoptera 231 ornata 231 'palm.arum 231 sayaca 230 striata 231 Tantalus, African . . .408 , American 408 , Indian 408 Tantalus looulator ...408 Tanygnathus alhi- rostris 325 luzonensis 325 viegalorhynchus 325 muelleri 325 Taphozous nudiven- tris 98 Tapir, Baird's 130 • , Brazilian 128 , Dowr's 130 , Hairy 129 , Malayan 129 Tapirus americanus 128, 129 bairdi 130 doyi'ii 1.30 indicus 129 Tapirus rouUni 129 Taraguira smithi 592 Tarentola delalandii 577 mauritanica 577 Tatusia hybrida 187 kappleri 187 peba 187 Taxidea amerioana . . .79 Tayra 73 Teal, Brazilian 433 , Ohihan 434 , Common 433 ■, Falcated 434 , Japanese 433 Teetee, Black-fronted..34 , Brovm 34 , Moloch 34 Teguexin, Common... 580 , Red .. 580 Teius rufescens ..580 tegitsxin ...580 Tench, Common 644 Tern, Arctic ...538 ...538 , Common ,538 , Gull-billed.. ...538 , Sandwich ..638 Terrapene amboinen- sis ..561 561 Terrapin, Abnormal.. 667 , 564 , Alligator , 567 , Annulated 564 , Bennett's 665 , Black-headed... 566 , Broad-headed.. 566 564 566 566 ,562 565 570 ..570 , Hamilton's . ...565 , Hicotee .563 .571 , Maw's 667 , Maximilian's . .571 , Muhlenburg's. , Oldham's , . .563 566 562 , Pennsylvanian Mud 568 , Red-bellied .. .562 , Reeve's 666 , Roofed 567 .564 ,56.S , Scorpion Mud..568 Terrapin, Serrated Page ...563 ...665 1 Speckled ., 562 , Spix's Mud ...568 , Stink-pot ...568 , Thick-necked. ..566 , Thurgi ...665 , Wlute-mouthed , Wrinkled ..663 lestuao argentma ..558 carbonaria ..658 chilemis . 658 elephantina , .659 elephantopus ..569 -.7 / elongata ..557 geometrica ..566 grmca hololissa ..559 indica mauritanica . ..555 marginata ..555 pardalis ..556 polyphemus . 567 radiata ..566 semiserrata 656 ■ stellata .567 sulcata .656 tabulata 657 Tetraceros quadrioor iiis subquadricornu- tus Tetrao cupido 465 pkasianellus . . .465 tctrix 466 urogallus 466 Tetraogallus kimala- .476 Tetrapteryx para- disea 622 Textor alector 246 Thalassochelys caou- 573 Thar .. 1.5.'? Thaumalea amkersticsiSl • pieta 481 Tkeristiciis caudatus... 411 Theropithectt-s gelada ...23 Thioknee, Australian .524 , Double-striped.,524 , Peruvian 624 Thrasaetus harpyia. . .371 Thrush, Brown 210 , Falkland Island210 , Horsfield's Whisthng 212 ■ Mi.ssel 210 , Orange-headed Ground 211 INDEX. 679 Page Thrush, Eed-bel- lied 210 , Red -headed Laughing 223 , Eock 211 , Solitary 211 , Song 209 . , Sorry 210 , White-b6llied...2l0 Thunder-fish 644 Thylacimis cmiocepha- L 196 Ttaris jacarina 249 Tiger 48 , Clouded 49 Tigrisoma brasilienseACA leuoolophum . . .405 Tinamou, Banded . . .545 , OhiUan 547 , Little 545 , Obsolete 545 , Eufous 546 , Solitary 546 , Spotted 547 , Tataupa 545 , "Undulated 546 , Variegated 546 Tinamm solitarius ...545 Tinea vulgaris 644 Tinnunculus alauda- rius 383 aenchris 384 cenchr aides 384 sparverius 384 vespertinus 384 Titmouse, Azure 217 , Bearded 216 , Blue 217 , Coal 217 , Crested 217 , Great 217 , Marsh 217 , Northern Marsh 217 Toad, Channelled ...628 , Common 627 , Dusky 627 , Fire-bellied ...630 , Giant 628 ■, Green 627 , Midwife 630 , Moorish 627 , Natterjack 627 Toccus erythrorhyn- ckus 299 melanolciicus . . . 298 Tolypeutes conurus ...189 tricinctus 189 Tomb-Bat, Naked- bellied 98 Page Tortoise, Algerian ...555 , Amboina Box...561 , American Box.. 561 , Angulated 560 , Areolated 559 , Argentine 558 , Black 558 , Brazilian 557 , Burmese 557 , Dumeril's Grieved 569 , Elephantine ...559 , European Pond 561 , Florida 557 , Galapagan 559 , Geometric 556 , Greek 555 , Grooved 556 , Horsfield's 559 , Indian 558 , Large Grieved.. 569 , Leopard 556 , Mai-gined 555 , One-bearded Grieved 569 , Eadiated 556 , Semiserrated ...556 , Smooth 559 , Starred 557 Tortrix scytale 601 Totanus calidris 531 Toucan, Ai-iel 301 , Cuvier's 301 , Doubtful 301 , Green-billed ...302 , Red-biUed 301 , Sulphur-and- white-breasted 302 , Sulphur- breasted 301 , Toco 300 Toucanet, Spotted- billed 302 Touracou, Buffon's ...306 .Great-billed ...307 , Purple-crested. .307 — — , Eed-crested ... 307 , Senegal 307 , Yariegated....!.306 — , White-crested...307 Trachinus draco 637 viper a 637 TrachydosaMrtis ru- goms 584 Tragelaphus scriptus.AS7 fylvatictcs 137 Tragopan, Black- headed 489 , Blyth's 490 Page Tragopan, Cabot's Horned 490 , Horned 489 . , Temminck's ...489 Tragulus javanicus . . . 176 meminna 176 stanleyanus 176 Tree-Boa 599 , Pale-headed ...600 , Thick-necked... 600 Tree-Duck, Eyton'8...427 , Fulvous 427 , Indian 426 , Larger 427 , Red-biUed 426 , White-faced ...425 Tree- Frog, European. 628 , Swing's 629 , Erefft'a 629 , Leaf -green Tree629 , Orange-shanked603 , P6rou's 629 , White's 629 , Yellow-footed...629 Tree-Pie, Chinese ...283 , Wandering ...283 Tree-Pipit 219 Tree-Shrew, Peguan 94 Tree-Snake, All Green 612 , Banded-tailed...614 , Ornamented ...614 , Pointed 615 , Eeinhardt's ...612 Treron bicincta 445 calva 445 macrorhyncha..A4:b phcenicoptera ...445 sphcnura 445 viridis 445 Tretanorhinus nigro- lutcus 608 Tribonyx mortieri 513, 514 ventralis 513 Trickeohus rosmarus ...91 Tr ichoglossus chlorole- pidotus 320 concinnus 320 cyanogramiims ..319 hcematodes 319 mitchelli 320 novcB-hoUandi