'Xrv^ m V.IA1' ')h/y '3 By Order of the College, This Book is, upon no account whatsoever, to be taken out of the Beading- Room until after the expiry of One Month, from this date. EDINBURGH LIBRARY R27138A0236 V"'x|V ). Ary % / Fig. 5. — Various stages in the evolution of the cel- lular tissue of the foetus of the sow; the stages are in the order of the letters of reference; c and d are mere varieties. 1 ELEMENTARY STRUCTURE OE ORGANIZED BODIES. 17 il c. 0 O' C) e mary muscular fibre. The fibre thus evolved is a hollow cyhnder, in the cavity of which, cell-nuclei he near to one another (fig. 6, a). From this it is probable that the globules which compose the fibre were hollow, — were cells, — and that the nuclei, included in the cyhnder, are the nuclei belonging to these primary cells. The earher Fig. 6. a, b, c. Different stages in the evolution of muscular fibre ; d, a muscular bundle imper- fectly developed, standing on its edge. process of evolution must therefore have been as follows : — the globules or primary ceUs arranged themselves in a row, or coalesced into a cyhnder, and then the septa, by which this cyhnder must have been divided, underwent absorption. The nuclei are flat, and he within the cyhnder, not in its axis, but on its waUs. This cyhnder, rounded and closed at its ends, — this secondary muscular ceU, grows continuaUy, like a simple cell, but only in the direction of its length, for it either gains nothing in point of breadth, or it becomes actuahy thinner. The growth lengthwise, however, does not proceed from the ends only, but through the entire extent of the cyhnder, as is obvious, from the fact of the nuclei, which at first lay close to one another, getting more and more distant, and even themselves elongating often in no inconsiderable degree. In this way, the muscular bundle a, (fig. 6) is changed into the bundle b. At this period, the deposition of a new substance upon the Inner surface of the parietes of the cyhnder, or cellular membrane of the secondary muscular cell, takes place, by which its wall is thickened (compare the fibre c with the fibre b, fig. G). That the thickening of the waU here, is no thickening of the ceU- membrane itself, a6 is in the case of cartilage, appears from this, that the nuclei are not forced inwards, towards the hoUow of the cyhnder, but outwards, and continue lying in front of the secondary deposition, as is seen in d (fig. 6). The secon- dary deposition in question, goes on until the cyhnder is com- pletely fiUed. The deposited substance changes into very 18 ELEMENTAET STEIJCTUEE OF OEGA2fIZED BODIES. delicate fibres, wbich run in the direction of the length of the cylinder. These are the primary muscular fibres ; together they constitute a bundle, and this is the primary muscular fasciculus, which is inclosed externally by a pecuhar struc- tureless wall — the cell-membrane of the secondary muscular ceU. A process, in all respects analogous, occurs, according to Meyen, in the cells of the hber, or inner bark of vegetables. Here, too, simple cells arise, which arrange themselves in rows, and by coalescing at the points where the cellular parietes are in contact, subsequent absorption of the septa being produced, change into a secondary cell, the wall of which increases in thickness by means of secondary deposition ; the only thing wanting in the resemblance is, that this thickening should take place by means of longitudinal filaments. [§ 55. Neeve. — The nerves appear to be formed after the same manner as the muscles, viz. by the fusion of a number of primary cells arranged in rows into a secondary cell. The primary nervous cell, however, has not yet been seen with perfect precision, by reason of the difficulty of distinguishing nervous cells, whilst yet in their primary state, from tho in- different cells out of which entire organs are evolved. When first a nerve can be distinguished as such, it presents itself as a pale cord, with a coarse longitudinal fibrillation, and in this cord a multitude of nuclei are apparent (fig. 7, a). It is easy to detach individual filaments from a cord of this kind, as the figure just referred to shows, in the interiors of which many nuclei are included, similar to those of the primitive muscular fasciculus, but at a greater dis- tance from one an- other. The filaments are pale, granulated, and (as appears by their farther develop- ment) hollow. At this period, as in muscle, a secondary deposit takes place upon the inner aspect of the walls of of nerve ; a and b, of a very young fcetal sow ; c and d, nervous vagus, from the cranium of a foetal calf. ELEMENTARY STEECTUEE OP ORGANIZED BODIES. 19 the fibrils, or upon the inner aspect of the cell-membrane of tbe secondary nervous cell. Tbis secondary deposit is a fatty white-coloured substance, and it is through tbis that tbe nerve acquires its opacity (fig. 7, h). Superiorly, tbe fibril is still pale ; inferiorly, tbe deposition of the white substance has occurred, and its effect, in rendering tbe fibril dark, is ob- vious. With tbe advance of tbe secondary deposit, tbe fibrils become so thick, that tbe double outline of their parietes comes into view, and they acquire a tubular appearance (fig. 7, c). On the occurrence of this secondary deposit, tbe nuclei of the cells are generally absorbed ; yet a few may stiU be found to remain for some time longer, when they are observed lying outwardly between the deposited substance and tbe ceU-mem- brane (fig. 7 c), as in the muscles. Tbe remaining cavity of tbe secondary nervous ceU appears to be filled with a pretty consistent substance, the band of Remak, and discovered by him. In the adult a nerve consequently consists, 1st, of an outer pale thin cell-membrane — the membrane of the original constituent cells, which becomes visible, when the white sub- stance is destroyed by degrees {ex. gr. fig. 7, d) ; 2nd, of a white fatty substance, deposited on the inner aspect of the ceU-membrane, and of greater or less thickness ; 3rd, of a substance which is frequently firm or consistent, included within the cells, the band of Remak.* [§ 56. From this resume, it would appear that the universal elementary form of every tissue is the cell, which is preceded by the nucleus as medi- ate, and the nucleolus as immediate products of the formative power. Cells and nuclei seem to stand in mutual and relative opposition; so that generally. Fig- 8— Censfrom the perhaps invariably, the one is evolved at licai cord of the calf. They the expense of the other (fig. 8). After bear a striking resem- these transition stages are accom- blance to the cellular tis- plished, the tissue attains individuality vegetables ; nuclei according to the general character and severarceuf“After Brer- place it occupies m the system. Dur- Chet and Gluge (riaa. ing this last stage the more distant 5'c. A^aLt.viii. pL C,fig.5). * Dr. Schwann, in Professor Wagner’s Physiology, p. 222. 20 DIFFEEElSrCES BETWEEIST ANIMALS AND PLANTS. organic parts enlarge, as is distinctly seen in the cells of the epithelium, in the muscular fibres, and in the primary fibrous fasciculi of the nerves ; whilst mere nuclei, as the blood, lymph, or pus-globule, remain, or suffer diminution in the course of farther development.]* SECTION III. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ANIMALS AND PLANTS. § 57. At first sight, nothing would appear more widely different than animals and plants. What is there in common, for instance, between an oak and the bird which seeks shelter amidst its foliage ? § 58. The difference, indeed, is usually so obvious, that the question would be superfluous, if applied only to the higher forms of the two kingdoms ; but as we descend to the simpler and therefore lower forms, the distinctions become so few, and so feebly characterized, that it is at length difiicult to pronounce whether the object we have before us is an animal or a plant. Thus, the sponges have so great a resemblance to some polyps, that they have generally been included in the animal, although in reality they belong to the vegetable kingdom. f § 59. Animals and plants differ in the relative predomi- nance of their component elements, oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen. In vegetables, only a small proportion of nitro- gen is found, while this element enters largely into the com- position of animal tissues. § 60. Another pecuharity of the animal kingdom is the presence of large, distinctly limited cavities, for the lodgment of certain organs ; such is the skull and the chest in the higher animals, the branchial chamber in fishes, and the abdomen or general cavity of the body, which exists in all animals, with- out exception, for the reception of the digestive organs. § 61. The well-defined and compact forms of the organs lodged in these cavities is a peculiarity belonging to animals only. In plants, the organs designed for special purposes are never embodied into one mass, but are distributed over various parts of the individual ; thus the leaves, which ausv»^er to the * Wagner’s Physiology, p. 221. f The animality of sponges is maintained hy some of oui' most dis- tinguished naturalists. — Ed. DIFFEEENCES BETWEEN ANIMALS AND PLANTS. 21 lungs of animals, instead of being condensed into one organ, are developed on the stem and branches ; nor is there any organ corresponding to the brain, the heart, the hver, or the stomach. § 62. Moreover, the presence of a proper digestive cavity involves marked differences between the two kingdoms, in respect to ahmentation, or the use of food. In plants, the fluids absorbed by the roots are carried to every part of the plant, before they arrive at the leaves ; in animals, on the contrary, the food is at once received into the digestive cavity, where it is elaborated ; and it is only after it has been dis- solved and prepared, that it is introduced into the other parts of the body. The food of animals consists of organized substances, while that of vegetables is derived from inorganic elements ; vegetables produce albumen, sugar, starch, &c., whilst animals consume them. § 63. Plants commence their development from a single point, the seed, and, in hke manner, all animals are developed from the egg. But the animal germ is the result of successive transformations of the yolk, while nothing similar takes place in the plant. The subsequent development of individuals is for the most part different in the two kingdoms. No hmit is usually placed to the increase of plants ; trees put out new branches and new roots as long as they hve. Animals, on the contrary, have a hmited size and flgure ; and these once attained, the subsequent changes are accomplished without any increase of volume or essential alteration of form ; while the appearance of most vegetables is repeatedly modifled, in a notable manner, by the development of new branches. Some of the lowest animals, however, as the polyps, increase in a somewhat analogous manner. § 64. In the effects they produce upon the air, by respira- tion, there is an important difference. Animals consume the oxygen, and give out carbonic acid gas, which is destructive to animal hfe ; while plants, by respiration, which they, in most instances, perform by means of the leaves, reverse the process, and furnish oxygen, which is essential to the life of animals. If an animal be confined in a small portion of air, or water con- taining air, this soon becomes so vitiated by respiration as to be unfit to sustain life ; but if living plants are enclosed with the animal at the same time, the air is maintained pure, and DIFFEEENCES BETWEEN ANIMALS AND PLANTS. 0‘> no difficulty is experienced. The practical effect of this com- pensation, in the economy of nature, is obviously most im- portant ; vegetation restoring to the atmosphere what is con- sumed by animal respiration, combustion, &c., and vice versa. § 6.5. But there are two properties which, more than all others, distinguish the animal from the plant, namely, the power of moving itself or its parts at will, and the power of perceiving objects and the influences produced by them ; in other words, voluntary motion and sensation. § 66. All animals are susceptible of pleasure and pain. Plants have also a certain sensibility. They wither and fade under a burning sun, or when deprived of moisture ; and they die when subjected to too great a degree of cold, or to the action of poisons. But they have no consciousness, and there- fore suffer no pain ; while animals under similar circum- stances endure it. Hence they have been called animate beings^ in opposition to plants, which are inanimate beings. [§ 67. If we take a general view of the animal and vegeta- ble kingdoms, we find that each kingdom may be grouped into three divisions. IN THE ANIMAL. 1. Zoophyta. 2. Mollusca and Articulata. 3. Vertebrata. IN THE YEGETABLE. 1. Acotyledons. 2. Monocotyledons. 3. Dicotyledons. [§ 68. The first great division of the animal series compre- hends the zoophytes ; their bodies have a circular or rachated form like some of the lowest vegetables, and are composed of a simple organic tissue, which is soft, pulpy, more or less trans- parent, and possessed of irritahihty and contractibility, although muscular fibres have not been observed in many groups of this division. They manifest a high degree of sensibihty, although distinct nerves and gangha have been only discovered in the acalephse and echinodermata. In these classes the gan- gha form so many centres of life, and each segment of the body has its own special ganglion. Through this simple con- dition of the nervous system many zoophytes possess the power of reproduction by scission or slips, and by buds or gemraules, after the manner of plants. The most inferior forms have no distinct organ except a digestive cavity, which DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ANIMALS AND PLANTS. 23 is sometimes furnished with small coeca ; they have no per- ceptible blood-vessels nor special organs for respiration and reproduction ; they are all aquatic, and are analogous to the lowest division of the vegetable series, the acotyledonous or cellular plants, both in form, consistence, and chemical com- position. [§ 69. The acotyledons all possess a soft, pulpy tissue of the most simple organisation, deprived of fibres. The repro- ductive organs are altogether absent, or are united on the same individual ; they have no medullary substance, and are merely expansions of simple cells, in w^hich no special organs are de- veloped for any of the functions. [§ 70. The second division of the animal series comprehends all those in which we find the nervous system disposed in cords in a body more or less symmetrical, extending from the head to the posterior extremity, under the intestinal canal. In all the classes of this great section the nervous trunks lie on the ventral surface of the body, and are provided at intervals with a number of gangha, from which leashes of fila- ments emanate to supply the different organs. The nervous centre we call the brain, is formed in them of a double gan- glion, situated above the esophagous ; from it two branches arise to unite in gangha situated below that tube, thus em- bracing the esophagous hke a necklace or collar : from this nervous circle filaments proceed to be distributed to the different organs of the body. In all the moUusca, the nervous system preserves this general character ; but among the articulata, as Crustacea, insects, and annehdes, each ring of the body pos- sesses a ganghon, which distributes filaments to the organs contained therein. The number of gangha in the series cor- responds to the segments comprised in the length of the body, the whole being connected together by a double cord, emanating from the lateral parts of the esophagean gan- ghon. From this disposition of the nervous system, life is not confined to a single centre (as in the vertebrata), each ganghon presiding, as it were, over the vital manifestations of the organs proper to the individual segments : it is thus they can reproduce many important parts that may have been removed, or lost by accident, as the claws of the crab and lobster, &c. [§ 7 1 . TJie nutritive functions of the moUusca and articulata 24 DIFFEEENCES BETWEEN ANIMALS AND PLANTS. are under the empire of a ganglionic cord, similar to the sympathetic nerve in man. These two great classes never present an internal articulated skeleton ; their muscles are attached to the skin, which is more or less indurated. The Crustacea and moUusca have a heart and blood-vessels, for propeUing and circulating their nutritive fluids, with branchise for aquatic and pulmonary sacs for aeriform respiration. In the arachnida, insects, and annelides, the circulation is carried on by a pulsating dorsal vessel, and respiration is accomplished by sacs, branchiae, or trachiae, that ramify, like blood-vessels, through every part of the body ; their jaws move on a hori- zontal plane, and many of them are provided with a proboscis or a suctorial apparatus. They possess the senses of vision, and even those of smeU and hearing ; touch and taste, being refined modifications of sensibility, are enjoyed in a greater or less degree by all animals. The reproductive organs in the acephalous mollusca (as the oyster) are united in the same in- dividual : they are separate, however, in the gasteropoda (as the snail) and cephalopoda (as the cuttle-fish), as well as in the Crustacea and insects. [§ 72. This division of the animal series is analogous to the monocotyledonous plants. The marrow or pith is inter- woven with their vegetable fibres, as the nervous system is disseminated by gangha through the bodies of the inver- tehrata ; there is no osseous skeleton in the one, nor is there any true wood in the other, but in both the circumference is more solid than the centre. We see among some famihes of this section (as the grasses, lilies, and palms, &c,, the same as among insects, Crustacea, and amiehdes), the integument more or less indurated, and in some families containing a quantity of silicious particles, just as the external skeleton of insects is composed of pecuhar animal substances, termed chitine and coccine, and consohdated by minute proportions of the phos- phates of lime, magnesia, and iron ; or that of Crustacea, wdiich is hardened with nearly half its weight of the carbonate of lime, and a considerable proportion of the phosphate, with traces of magnesia, iron, and soda. The knotty-jointed stems of many grasses represent the articulated bodies of w^orms, Crustacea, and myriapods. Many families of this division produce seed only once in their lives, like some wmrms and insects which cease to exist after having deposited their ova. Their leaves are DITFEEENCES BETWEEN ANIMALS AND PLANTS. 25 simple, and their nerves are, in general, parallel : their flowers possess only three stamens, or their multiples (6 or 9), and they are often incomplete in many of their parts. None of these endogenous vegetables grow by layers, but by a swelling out of their internal structure, just as the horny or calca- reous envelope of insects and Crustacea is periodically shed to allow of a general increase from within. Among some classes and families of both kingdoms there are many groups which are aquatic in their habits. [§ 73. The third great division of the animal kingdom, called vertebrata, comprehends all those animals provided with two distinct nervous systems ; the one formed of a series of gan- gha extending through the body, and called the ganglionic or sympathetic system, which presides over the functions of internal life or nutrition. The other, consecrated to exter- nal life or relation, is composed of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, the principal centres of which are enclosed in the cranium and the canal of the vertebral column’; they all possess an internal framework or skeleton, the several jointed pieces of which are moveable on each other. The most perfect possess five senses ; four of these occupying the cavity of the cranium, and there are never more than four members disposed in pairs. They have aU a heart with red blood, and respire by lungs, or branchiae, and the sexes are separate. They are usually parted into two great groups, the vertebrata with cold blood and feeble respiration, fishes and reptiles, and the vertebrata with warm blood and a com- plete respiration, birds and mammals. The nervous system, in this division of the series, attains its greatest development, presenting the most perfect centrahsation, from which the most noble faculties emanate. [§ 74. We compare with this group of animals the dicotyle- donous vegetables, or those whose embryo possesses two coty- ledons or seed lobes. The form of their reproductive organs is always the most perfect, being composed of the number five and its multiples. Their trunks or stems grow by the addition of concentric layers or rings of wood made to their outer surface. Being thus exogenous, they display more or less sohdity internally, like the osseous skeleton of the verte- cj brata. The central marrow or pith is enclosed in a sheath 0 (analagous to the spinal canal) extending through the entire I i 26 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ANIMALS AND PLANTS. length of the plant from the collar of the root to the terminal flowers of the stem and branches. This division comprehends the most highly developed famflies of the vegetable series in which the manifestations of life display themselves in their fullest perfection. Here we meet with all the most vivacious plants, all the large trees, and all tliose which manifest the most marked irritability, as the sensitive plant, &c. &c. [§ 75. In resume we observe in animals and plants certain functions that are analogous, and contain organic traits that are different in each kingdom. The following table will enable the student to understand these analogies and dif- ferences : — IN THE TEGETABLE. 1. The roots are external, and are implanted in the earth, and all the special vital organs are situated externally. 2. Nourishment surrounds the vegetable, which it ab- sorbs by the external organs (the roots, leaves, &c.) 3. The sap ascends and de- scends by the agency of the vessels, aided by absorption and exhalation, through the influence of light and heat. 4. The leaves are the aerating organs or lungs of plants, and are usually of a green colour, and situated externally. 5. The vegetable absorbs carbonic acid gas, retains the carbon, and exhales the oxy- gen through the influence of the solar rays. IN THE ANIMAL. 1 . The absorbent vessels or internal roots penetrate the membranes of the digestive canal, and the vital organs are concealed internally. 2. The animal is compelled to search for its pasture, or its prey, and absorbs the juices by internal organs. 3. The blood (whether white or red) circulates by means of one or more hearts, or by the contractiUty of the vessels themselves. 4. The respiratory organs of animals are sacs, tracheae, branchiae or lungs, and are usually placed internally, and tinged of a red colour, from the blood that circulates through them. 5. The animal absorbs the oxygen of the atmosphere, or that contained in the water, and exhales carbonic acid. DIFFEEENCES BETWEEN ANIMALS AND PLANTS. 27 IN THE TEGETABLE. 6. The vegetable is a com- pound of many plants that are divisible and capable of mul- tiphcation by buds, shps, suckers, or seeds. 7. The plant has a circular or radiated form, both sexes being often united on the same individual. 8. The reproductive organs in the vegetable fall every year. 9. Fructification is the great end of vegetable existence, by the development of the fiower and fruit. 10. The movements in the vegetable are involuntary, de- pending on a state of turges- cence in the vessels, or in a degree of irritability pecuhar to their tissues. 11. The vegetable is en- dowed with an organic sensi- bility without consciousness. 12. Vegetables possess de- fensive or protective weapons, and many have poisonous or- gans. IN THE ANIMAL. 6. Animals, some polyps and mollusca excepted, form a whole that is indivisible, being composed of central organs, as the brain, spinal cord, heart, &c. 7. Animals have mostly a binary form, each half being the counterpart of the other : the sexes are usually separate, although they are united in the inferior classes of mol- lusca and radiata. 8. In the animal they are permanent during life. 9. Sensibility andconscious- ness are the highest conditions of animal life, through the ope- ration of the brain and nerves. 10. The motions of animals are voluntary, depending on the energy of their muscular system, regulated by the will acting through the nerves. Some movements belong to the involuntary class . 1 1 . The nervous system con- fers on animals sensibility, accompanied with conscious- ness. 12. Animals, in addition, are furnished with offensive in- struments for seizing and des- troying prey ; some have a venomous, and others an elec- trical apparatus to accomplish the same end. — T. W.l CHAPTER THIRD. ORGANS AND FUNCTIONS OF ANIMAL LIFE. SECTION I. OF THE NEEVOUS SYSTEM AND GENEEAL SENSATION. § 76. Life, in animals, is manifested by two kinds of functions, viz. : First, the functions of animal life, or those of relation, which include sensation and voluntary motion ; those which enable us to approach, and perceive oitr fellow- beings and the objects around us, and brmg us into relation with them : Second, functions of vegetable life, which are nutrition in its widest sense, and reproduction ;* those in- deed, which are essential to the maintenance and perpetuation of life. § 77. The two distinguishing characteristics of animals, namely, sensation and motion (§ 65), depend upon special systems of organs, wanting in plants, and which are called the nervous and muscular systems. The nervous system, therefore, is the grand characteristic of the animal body. It is the centre from which all the commands of the will issue, and to which all sensations tend. § 78. Greatly as the form, the arrangement, and the volume of the nervous system vary in different animals, they may all be reduced to four principal t}^es, which correspond, more- over, to the four great divisions of the animal kingdom. In the vertebrate animals, namely, fishes, reptiles, birds, * This distinction is the more important, inasmuch as the organs of animal life, and those of vegetative life, spring from very distinct layers of the embryonic membrane. The first are developed from the upper layer, and the second from the lower layer of the germ of the animal. See Chapter on Embryology NERVOUS SYSTEM AND GENERAL SENSATION. 29 and mammals, the nervous system is composed of two prin- cipal masses, the spinal cord (fig. 19), which runs along the back, and the brahi (fig. 20), contained within the skull.* The volume of the brain is proportionally larger, as the animal occupies a more elevated rank in the scale of life. Man, who stands at the head of creation, is in this respect also the most highly endowed being. § 79. With the brain and spinal cord the nerves are con- nected, which are distributed, in the form of branching threads, through every part of the body. The branches which unite with the brain are nine pairs, called the cerebral nerves, and are destined chiefly for the organs of sense located in the head. Those which join the spinal cord are also in pairs, one pair for each vertebra or joint of the back. The number of pairs varies, therefore, in different classes and families, according to the number of vertebrae. Each spinal nerve is double, being composed of two threads, which at their junction with the cord are separate, and afterwards accompany each other throughout their whole course. The anterior thread transmits the commands of the wiU, which induce motion ; the pos- terior receives and conveys impressions to the brain, to pro- duce sensation. STRUCTURE OF THE PRIMARY FIBRES OF NERVES. [§ 80. Whoever would acquire a knowledge of the minute anatomy of the nervous system, had better begin by examining one of the peripheral nerves. Let a piece of one of the trunks or branches of a nerve, that can easily be dissected out, be chosen, and laid upon a glass plate : here let the nervous bundles be separated or teazed out by the aid of a needle in either hand, until free spaces of the glass plate appear ; let the preparation now have a drop of serum or of albumen added to it, and then be covered with a piece of thin glass. Under a magnifying power of from three to four hundred diameters, numbers of transparent cylindrical, straight, or slightly sinuous filaments will be perceived as the chief structure, * The brain is composed of several distinct parts, which vary g^-eatly, in their relative proportions, in different animals, as will appear hereafter. They are : 1. The medulla oblongata; 2. Cerebellum; 3. Optic lobes; 4. Cerebral hemispheres ; 5. Olfactory lobes ; 6. The Pituitary body ; 7. The Pineal body. See figures 19, 20. The spinal cord is composed of four nervous columns. 30 NEEYOUS SYSTEM AND GENEEAL SENSATION. having a mean diameter of from 1 -200th to 1 -300th of a hne, and always proceeding distinct from one another, never anas- tomosing. These are the peimitite fibees of the nerve (figs. 9, et seq.) If these fibres have under- gone httle or no change, each is se- verally seen to be bounded by a dou- ble contour — an appearance which must be viewed as the optical expres- sion of a transpa- rent covering or membrane. The middle space is completely trans- parent. When the nerve has suffered change from pres- sure, imbibition of In the middle clear A Fig. 9. — A, Primary fibres of a human body. B, primary fibres (more highly magnified) of the brain. water, or the hke, the appearance is altered, space granular or grumous particles or masses are perceived, which, under pressure, escape from the divided ends of the primitive fibres (fig. 9, A, to the right). Other changes, but more difficult of apprehension, also take place in the lateral contours of the fibres, which are made up of the double hnes. To observe the primitive fibres of nerves in their normal situation, the best subject is the delicate flat muscle of some small animal — one of the muscles of the eye of the common sparrow, for example (fig. 10) — which must be gently pressed between two plates of glass. Here, in the middle trunk («), which, to the naked eye, looked finely fasciculated only, a great number of primitive fibrils are perceived lying over one another, but without running altogether parallel, inasmuch as some diverge a little to the right, others a little to the left, some proceed from below upwards, others from above down- wards, but all preserve the main course onwards. They lie so close, and cover each other so much, that their structure individually cannot be distinctly made out. At the parts NEEVOUS SYSTEM AND GENEEAL SENSATION. 31 where smaller branches are sent off transversely, however, (fig. 10, b, b,) the structure of the primary fibres running in a parallel direction may be seen as dis- tinctly as when they are separated by art. It frequently happens that we may tear fresh primitive ^ fibres in such a way that the broader, clear, middle por- tion alone retains its continuity, the bounding lines hav- ing given way trans- versely ; the middle portion is then seen to be enclosed with- in an extremely de- licate contour. From all this, it may be inferred that each primitive fibre con- sists of a very clear included substance, and a transparent tubular sheath Fig. 10. — Branch of a nerve distributed to one of the muscles of the eye of a sparrow. The double line or contour of either side being the optical expression of the inner and outer wall of this tube. Other observers admit a more com- pound structure, and some have even spoken of a cihary epi- thelium, lining the inner aspect of the sheath. [§ 81. These primary tubes or fibres of the peripheral nerves are similar, with very slight modifications, in every part of the nervous system. It is necessary, however, to ex- cept from this general rule the first and second cerebral nerves. In the auditory nerve the fibres are somewhat more dehcate than elsew^here. They also very commonly appear rather finer than wont where they traverse ganglions. They appear to be distributed over the periphery of the body, with- out, in any instance, anastomosing. They have a central and a peripheral termination. With reference to the first, or 32 NERYOUS SYSTEM AND GENERAL SENSATION. where they enter the brain or spinal cord as roots of nerves, they pass immediately into the white medullary fibres, or cen- tral parts, and at the same time become by one-half, or even two-thirds, smaller. The primary fibres of the brain and spinal cord, as well as those of the olfactory and auditory nerves, are in some cases so delicate, that they measure but the ] -1000th of a line in diameter : frequently, however, they are thicker, from the 1 -400th to the 1 -500th of a line in diameter. These fibrils, of different dimensions, are constantly observed running over, and under, and near to one another. (Figs. 9, 10, B, and 11, C.) Examined in the most recent state possible, they are, for the major part, cy- lindi'ical, but in part also knotty or vari- cose, inasmuch as they exhibit little oval or rounded enlarge- ments in their course. (Figs. 9,B, 11,A,B.) It is doubtful whe- ther or not this vari- cose state is acciden- tal only, or is, really peculiar to certain primary fibres in the living state. So much Fig. 11. — A, primary fibres of the olfactory is certain, that the nerve of man. B, a primary fibre from the tho- knots are constantly racic portion of the spinal cord of man. C, a g00ii arising under thin slice from the outer aspect of the ophthalmic ^ candion of man. After Valentin. ^ i 1 i ° ° server, and that they are frequently effects of the methods of investigation pur- sued. There is nevertheless this peculiarity to be noted in re- gard to the primary fibres of tlie central parts, that they are much more apt to assume the varicose condition than those of the periphery — a peculiarity that seems to be connected with their structure. The sheaths, in fact, of the central primary fibres are much more delicate, although in general still charac- NDEVOUS SYSTEM AND GENEEAL SENSATION. 33 terised by the double contour, than those of the peripheral fibres. In the central fibres, too, the sheath and contents appear to be far more intimately connected ; in many cases they are completely inseparable, so that the contrast as betwixt sheath and contents (hsappears. These dehcate primary fibrils of the central masses run in such a variety of ways, crossing and interlacing, and forming such a tangled skein, that it is impossible to follow them to the roots of the nerves, or towards the periphery of the brain and cord, and so to make certain that they never anastomose. To all appearance, however, they Fig. 12. — A small portion of the terminal plexus of primary fibres of the auditory nerve in the auditory sac of the pike (Esox lucius.) D 34 NEUVOUS SYSTEM AND GENERAL SENSATION. never divide ; and they seem no more to run into one another, or to communicate by anastomoses here, than they do in the peripheral parts of the body. But these fine primary fibres of the central parts enlarge conspicuously and immediately at the entrances of the different nerves into the brain and spinal cord. TERMINATION OE THE PRIMARY FIBRES. [§ 82. A very important question, •which naturally presents itself in connexion with the primary fibrils, is this : how do they end? Although generally traced with difficulty, the peripheral terminations of the nervous fibrils are still much more easily demonstrated than those of the centres. United into bundles, and surrounded with ceUulo-membranous sheaths (neurilema), the primary fibres penetrate all the organs nearly to their peripheral confines, to where they are covered with epithelial or epidermic formations. Here it is that the bundles of primary fibres separate and form plexuses — terminal plex- uses, as they have been designated ; at last single primary fibres form loops, or rather two primary fibres meet and form a loop — terminal loops. These loops are smaller or larger in different tissues. (Figs. 12, 13.) Wherever the primary fibres of nerves have been distinctly traced to their extremities, this mode of termination in loops has been observed, so that it appears to be general, and even to extend to the nerves of special sense, with the sin- gle exception of the olfactory and optic nerves, in the peripheral ex- pansions of which, no loopings have , „ ^ , . been positively ascertained to exist, flSs altUo>4u «o o„e has yet eonde- merit of the common duck, scended upon any other mode of After Valentin. termination in regard to these two NERVOUS SYSTEM ANB GENERAL SENSATION. 35 Fig. 14. — Central terminal fibres from the yellow sub- stance of the cerebellum of the common pigeon : o, ter- minal plexus of primary fi- bres ; h, loopings of the ter- minal fibres ; c, ganglionic globules.* A ganglionic cell nerves. It has been stated that the mode of termination of the primary fibres is much more difficult of demonstration in the central parts than in the peripheries. It is impossible at present to say positively that they again turn round loop-wise, on the surface of the brain, as certain observations would lead us to conclude that they did. (Fig. 14.) [§ 83. Besides the tubular or primary fibrous formations now described, there is a second and general elementary structure in the nervous system, entitled the gang- lionic, or nervous globules, better the ganglionic cells or corpuscles. These corpuscles are met with in the brain, Gasserian ganglion spinal cord, and gangUa, and also °l here and there in particular nerves. ° ° The cineritious, or grey nervous substance, wherever it occurs, be it deep seated or superficial, consists of aggregations of these ganglionic corpuscles. They have always a certain quantity, more or less, of the tubular or primary fibrous structure mixed with them ; the more abun- dant the primary fibres, the lighter is the mass ; the fewer they are, the darker is its colour. The ganglionic corpuscles, particularly in the brain and spinal cord, are much more de- licate and easily destroyed than the primary fibres. To study them, it is well to begin with the Gasserian eano-hon of a small animal, such as ^ „ , , , • ° . V ^ Fig. 15. — Second abclomi- a rabbit, or a thoracic ganghon of a j,,,. sy,„,,athe- small bird (figs. 16, B. 1 /, «). Here tic nerve of tbe Fringilla spi- theymostly appear as globular or oval, nus, to show tbe course of tbe indistinctly granular bodies, having primary fibres. D 2 36 NERVOUS SYSTEM AND GENERAL SENSATION. —k Fig. 16. — A, single primary fibres from an intercos- tal nerve of the common spaiTOw. B, several primary fibres and ganglionic cells, from one of the thoracic ganglions of the same bird. ’^A single ganglionic cell, with a clear nucleus and darker nucleolus. internally a clear ve- sicular-looking nu- cleus, which in its turn mostly includes a nucleolus. They are composed of ex- tremely fine mole- cules, connected to- gether by a semi- fluid, glutinous, or viscid, amorphous substance. It is doubtful whether or not they possess a delicate transparent proper capsule. For the major part, however, each gan- glionic corpuscle is surrounded by a cellulo-membranous capsule or sheath : extremely delicate, greyish or reddish coloured cellulo-mem- branous fibres, furnished with nu- clei, are interwoven into true cap- sules ; but from these the gangho- nic corpuscles very readily become detached and fall out. Frequently, as, for instance, in the cervical por- tion of the sympathetic nerve (fig. 17, A and B), this ceUido-mem- branous sheath is so highly de- veloped, that the ganghonic cor- puscles (A, a, a) appear to be liedded in a kind of matrix, which is only intersected here and there by single primary fibres (B, a, a) ; these, like the corpuscles, seeming to be separated and kept apart by the abundant cellular tissue. Fig. 17. — A, thin slice from the superior cervical ganglion of the calf; a, gangli- onic globules ; 6, primitive fibre ; c, involucruin of the ganglionic cells. B, thin slice from the soft nerve of the plexus nnixiiuus carotidis of the calf ; a, a, a, isolated pri- mary fibres; h, b, thick sheaths of the same. After Valentin. NEEVOUS SYSTEM AND GENEEAL SENSATION. 37 This cellular tissue, with its nucleated fibres, has been errone- ously described as a third and distinct special element of the nervous system, under the name of the organic fibrils, proba- bly from their abundance in the sympathetic and its gangha, or of the nodulated fibrils — fibrillse nodulosse. The ganglionic corpuscles present numerous varieties in re- gard to form, size, arrangement, and the structure of their re- moter elements. They are singularly delicate and destructible in the central masses. Here the cellular sheath, just de- scribed, is entirely wanting ; and the finely granular substance of which they consist, and the clear nucleus which they con- tain, are so diffluent, that it is seldom we succeed in finding more under our microscopes than a homogeneous, finely granu- lar mass. Whether from the great nervous centres, or from the more peripheral ganglia, they are generally either round or oval in figure (figs. 14, 16*, 17, a, and 18, «) ; frequently, however, they are elongated, sausage shaped, four - cornered, tetrahedral, and furnished with off-sets or pro- cesses (fig. 1 8, B) ; it is seldom that two are seen connected by a bridge. The nu- cleus is always clear, roundish, or lengthened and simple; the nucleolus is ex- tremely small. In their gene- ral external ap- pearance, these ganglionic cor- puscles have a surprising re- semblance to Fig. 1 8. — Primary fibres and ganglionic globules from the human brain. A, ganglionic globules in the substance of the thalamus, mixed with varicose pri- mary fibres, a, a single ganglionic globule or cell, highly magnified; h, a blood-vessel. B, B, ganglionic globules with processes of various form, as they are met with in the black substance of the crura cerebri. After Valentin. 38 NERVOUS SYSTEM AND GENERAL SENSATION. primitive ova ; they are constituted after the general type of cellular formations, although they have more of the character of solid bodies than of true cells with fluid contents.*] [§ 84. The general form and distribution of the nervous sys- tem of animal hfe is shown in the annexed plate (flg. 19), which represents the cerebro-spinal system, and the course of the principal nerves in man. At a are seen the two hemi- spheres of the cerebrum ; at h those of the cerebellum ; and at c the spinal cord. The principal motory nerve, passing to the muscles of the face, is seen at d ; and at e, the brachial plexus formed by the interlacing of flve spinal nerves, destined to give off branches to the upper extremities. The principal of these are, the median nerve, f, which passes down the arm ; the ulnar nerve, which passes round the inner condyle of the humerus, is distributed to the integument and muscles, and sends terminal twigs to the ring, and fourth fingers ; the internal cutaneous nerve, h ; and the radial and muscular nerves, i, which are in like manner distributed to the integu- ment and muscles of the fore-arm, hand, and fingers. From the spinal cord are given off the intercostal nerves, j, which, escaping through the holes formed in the spinal column, pass between the ribs, and are lost in the skin and muscles of the trunk. The lumbar plexus, k, sends nerves to the front of the thigh and leg ; the sacral plexus, /, gives origin to the principal nerves of the lower extremities. The great sciatic nerve — the largest nerve in the body — proceeds down the back of the thigh, and at the ham divides into the tibial nerve, the external peroneal, or fibular^ nerve, ?^, and the external saphenous nerve, o. [§ 8.5. The Brain is a compound organ, enclosed in the skull, and surrounded by three membranes : these are, the dura- mater^ the external or fibrous, the piu-mater, the middle, or vascular; and the arachnoid, the internal or serous. These mem- branes are prolonged into the canal of the spinal column for lodging the cord, and invest in hke manner this central portion of the nervous system. Figure 20 wiU serve to give the student a general idea of the different parts which compose the brain. It represents a vertical section of the cerebrum, a ; the cerebellum, d ; the medulla oblongata, e ; and shews the * Professor Wagner's Elements of Physiology, p. 464, et seg. 39 c -0/ Fig. 19. — The Nervous System of Man. 40 TfEEYOUS SYSTEM AND GENERAL SENSATION. primary course of the cerebral nerves, and their points of union with the brain and medulla oblongata. f h 14 fo Fig. 20. — Section of the Brain of Man, shewing the primary course of the Nerves. [§ 86. The Cerebrum (a) is in man the most voluminous part of the brain. It occupies all the upper portion of the cranium, from the frontal to the occipital bone (fig. 79). It is of an ovoid form, with the largest extremity directed back- wards. Superiorly and posteriorly it is divided into two hemispheres, separated from each other by a fold of the dura mater, called the falx cerebri, which descends between them. Interiorly, the hemispheres are hmited by a broad band, f, called the corpus callosum, which extends its fibrous structure into both hemispheres, and unites them organi- cally together. The surface of the cerebrum presents a num- ber of elevations and depressions, which wind in a tortuous manner, resembling the foldings of the small intestine in the abdomen. These are called the convolutions of the brain, and arise from the great development of the nervous substance being thus folded to pack into a small compass ; the convo- lutions are more or less deep in proportion to the development of the cerebrum. In infancy they are shallow, as well as NEEVOUS SYSTEM AND GENEEAL SENSATION. 41 in the cerebrum of the higher orders of mammals, whilst in some of the lower orders, as the rodentia (figs. 28 and 29), they entirely disappear. The inferior surface of the cerebrum is divisible into three lobes, separated from each other by trans- verse furrows (fig. 20). a is the anterior, b the middle, cthe posterior lobes. Near the median line we observe two round eminences, the optic lobes, g ; and two large masses of neurine, the peduncles of the brain, which pass downwards to be con- tinued into the medulla oblongata. It is from the base of the brain, likewise, that the nerves proceed which are classed under the division cerebral. The surface of the cerebrum is formed almost entirely of grey nervous substance, which covers the in- ternal white neurine. When we cut off the hemispheres parallel to the corpus callosum, we observe that the cerebrum contains internally several cavities communicating with each other, called the ventricles of the brain. In these chambers several bodies are found, the study of which more especially belongs to the professed anatomist. [§ 87. The Ceeebellum occupies the posterior and inferior part of the skuU (fig. 19, b. fig. 20, d) : its weight, as com- pared with that of the brain, is, in man, 1 : 9, whilst in other mammals it varies from 1 : 2 to 1 : 14. It is protected from the pressure of the posterior lobes of the cerebrum by a large ex- tension of the dura mater (tentorium cerebelli)^ which becomes an osseous plate in the carnivora. The cerebellum is divided into two large lateral lobes, and one small central lobe. The lateral lobes are separated by a membranous process (falx cerebelli), and the middle lobe is situated in a depression be- hind and below them. In the quadrumana (figs. 32 and 33), the third lobe is proportionally larger ; and in the rodentia (figs. 28 and 29) it equals in volume a lateral lobe. The nervous substance is folded into a series of transverse con- centric lamellae, placed perpendicularly on their edges, and enclosed one within the other. If the sulci are carefully opened, several other lamellae wHl be found enclosed within them, but smaller in size, more irregular, and with various degrees of inclination. The distribution of the neurine is seen on making a vertical section of one of the lateral lobes, as shown at ( quire to be renewed, and those which have been derived from I the blood by several processes, termed Secretions. Matters in I a gaseous form are also received and expelled with the air we 160 T^UTETTION. breathe, by a process called Respiration. The nutritive fluids are conveyed to every part of the body by currents, usually confined in vessels, and which, as they return, bring Ijack the particles which are to be either renovated or expelled. This circuit is termed the Circulation. The function of Nutrition, therefore, combines several distinct processes. SECTION I. or DIGESTION. §312. Digestion, or the process by which the nutritive parts of food are elaborated and prepared to become blood, is effected in certain cavities, the stomach and intestines, or ali- mentary canal. This canal is more or less comphcated in the various classes of animals ; hut there is no animal, however low its organization, which is destitute of a digestive sac. [§ 313. In the Hydraform Polypieera, as in the common fresh-water polype {Hydra viridis), the body consists of a diges- tive sac, with a row of simple tentacula disposed around the mouth, fig. 170. When the polype is watching for its prey Fig. 170, it remains expanded, with its tentacula widely spread in all directions, to seize a passing victim. No sooner does a larve, or worm, or crustacean, impinge upon one of these organs, than it is arrested in its course as if by some ma- gical influence : it appears fixed to the almost invisible thread, and in spite of its efforts, is unable to escape. The prey, seized in this manner, and repre- sented in fig. 1 70, is conveyed into the sto- mach {a), which has the appearance of a delicate film, stretched over the contained animal. If we watch attentively the pro- cess of digestion, we observe the outhne of the included victim gradually becom- ing more indistinct : soon are the soft parts dissolved, and reduced to a fluid mass ; and if any hard parts remain, as the shells of Cypris or JDaphnia, these are expelled through the oral aperture. It is impossible to say by what process the nutritive product of The Hydra viridis. POLYPS AND IJSPUSOPTA. 161 digestion enters the system of the hydra, as no vessels have been discovered in them ; that the colour of the granular parenchyma depends in some measure on the nature of the food is satisfactorily shown ; thus, when a polype feeds upon red larvae, or upon black planariae, the granules acquire a similar hue, although the fluid in which they float remains colourless ; these granules move about in the parenchyma of the animal, and give the appearance of globules of blood un- dulating at large through the general tissue of the polype. Should the Hydra be made to fast for a considerable time, the granules lose their colour, and become almost transparent, in a manner similar to that by which the blood-globules of frogs lose their redness during the winter months, when de- prived of nourishment. [§ 314. The researches of Ehrenberg have demonstrated that the Infusoria admit of a natural division into two groups, founded on the degree of development of their diges- tive organs ; the one group comprehends those in the interior of whose bodies numerous cellular globules are seen, into which ahmentary matters pass : from the many gastric cavities pos- sessed by these animalcules they are called Poltgastrica (fig. 1 7 1 ) . In the second group we find a more perfect organization ; the mouth is large, opening into an esophagus and stomach, in which are found gastric teeth, a distinct intestine, and anus ; around the head are numerous ball-shaped bodies, furnished with ciha, which perform motions resembling those of a revolv- ing wheel. The group is therefore called Rotifera (fig. 172). The structure of the digestive organs of many of the inferior forms of polygastrica is still involved in much obscurity ; but in the higher forms, as in Leucophrys patida (fig. 171), these organs become visible when the animalcule has been fed with minute particles of carmine diffused through the water. The bodyis covered with long cilia, which form a circle round the mouth, their vibrations causing currents of water to flow therein, together with the minute particles on which Leucophrys subsists ; the intestine is seen taking a winding course through the body, having appended to its walls numerous globular cells, many pig. 171. — Leucopln ys of which are distended with colouring patula. M 162 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. matter, and forming a natural injection of the gastric cavi- ties ; the anus opens at *, from which egesta are often seen exuding. [§ 314. The Eosphora najas is typical of the rotifera. The body (fig. 172) is enclosed in a double elastic tunic, into which the muscles are inserted ; its anterior part is truncated, and furnished with globular bodies armed with vibratile ciha; this rotatory apparatus is moved by muscles inserted into the base of the ciliiferous organs ; the eyes are seen at a, a, b ; the pharynx (c) is large and capacious, and the stomach (d) is provided with a triturating apparatus, which in many aUied genera is armed with jaws. The intestine terminates in the anus at d; the ovary, with many ova, is seen at f. The posterior extremity of the body is fur- nished with a pair of forceps, by which the rotifer 86 attach themselves at pleasure. [§315. The digestive organs in the Aca- LEPHA] present many phases of develop- Fig. 172. — Eosphora ment ; in some, their pendant arms are najas. traversed by tubes, through which aliments pass to reach the gastric cavity. The most remarkable structure of this class exists in the Rhizostoma Cuvieri, of which a longi- tudinal section is seen in fig. 1 73 ; the gastric cavity (6), sur- rounded by four respiratory chambers, occupies the upper part of the disc ; the peduncle, hanging from the centre of the disc, divides into eight arms, four of wliich are seen terminating in spongy expansions, and perforated with numerous apertures, leading into a common channel (c) ; these vessels traverse the centre of the tentacula; in the middle and upper part of each of the arms are numerous fimbriated folds, in which ves- sels ramify that likewise open into the central canals ; these, uniting two and two, enter the gastric cavity by four principal trunks. The walls of the stomach are divided by delicate septse from the four ovarial sacs ((/), which open externally by distinct apertures («, a) ; from the periphery of the stomach sixteen vessels radiate, which divide and anastomose as they proceed towards the margin of the disc, where they form a net- ACALEPHiE AND ECHINODEEMS. 163 work of vessels, in which the blood is exposed to the oxygen- ating influence of the water, whilst the rhizostome floats like a gigantic animalcule through the sea. The aliments gain ad- mission to the stomach only through these ab- sorbent tubes, which re- mind us of a type of structure so common in plants ; in the Medusa aurita the mouth is large and patent, and can be closed by a sphincter muscle ; the stomach is divided by septse ; in these cavities fishes are sometimes found, in dif- ferent states of digestion. The ciliograde tribe, as in the Beroe pileus, have a digestive tube, passing straight through the body; fromthewalls 1^3. Rhizostoma Cuvieii. of which numerous vessels take their origin, to traverse the structure of this most elegant acalephe, the marvels of whose organization can only be understood after patient observation with the microscope. [§ 316. The Echinodeems afford a striking illustration of the law of progressive development, in the structure of their skeleton, and internal organs. In the Asterias the mouth is surrounded by tubular tentacula, and protected by fasciculi of spines ; the short esophagus leads into a capacious stomach, occupying the central disc, provided with a mucous lining, and covered by a muscular layer ; from the stomach branches proceed into each ray ; around these canals a number of csecal processes cluster, regarded as rudimentary glands : in Ophiura and Euryale the csecal processes are absent. In Comatula, which connects the sea-stars with the urchins, the stomach occupies the central disc, and leads into a long intestine, which makes two turns around that organ. The mouth forms a large opening at one side of the under surface, and the intestine terminates in a prominent aperture, at the opposite side. In M 2 164 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. the urchins the mouth is for the most part armed with jaws and teeth, and the oral and anal openings, gradually becoming more separate, occupy distinct positions on the shell; in Echinus and Cidaris, the mouth is found at the under pole, and the anus at the upper pole of their globular shells. Fig. 1 74 shows the structure of a common urchin (Echinus esculentus) ; the test Fig. 174. — The anatomy of the Echinus esculentus. is divided near its equator, and the small section is raised to shew the mouth from above ; k,h\9, the lantern, with the pyramids and teeth ; the esophagus (m) is long and dehcate, and continuous with the stomach {n) ; the first convolution of the intestine is seen at o, and the second at q, r ; the rectum (5) terminates in the centre of the opening formed by the circle of ovarial plates, and surrounded by the branching ECIIINODERMS AND BEYOZOOA. 165 ovaries (t), which open by canals passing through each of the live ovarial plates. The auricles surrounding the mouth (z) give attachment to the lantern ; the ambulacral avenues (e) give passage to tubular feet ; the simple spines {a) arming the shell are moved by muscles ; the small trident spines, or pediceUariae (5), move like forceps, and the long tubular feet (c) are protruded by the injection of a fluid ; an oblong vesi- cle (1) opens near the mouth ; the intestine is retained in situ by a dehcate mesentery (j)), on which blood-vessels ramify ; currents of water flow constantly through the shell, their course being directed by the vibratile cilia covering the lining mem- brane of the test ; the net-work of blood-vessels ramifying upon these membranes is therefore bathed by the sea-water, and maintained in a state of oxygenation, so that the whole in- terior of the shell of urchins is a great respiratory chamber. In the Holothuria (fig. 232) the long and uniform intestinal canal makes several convolutions before terminating in the cloaca; around the mouth are numerous csecal salivary ves- sels ; a mesentery retains the intestine, and affords an ex- tensive surface for the ramification of blood-vessels ; the re- spiratory tubes are distinct from the general cavity of the body, and form an arborescent organ hke a rudimentary lung. [§ 317. In the Brtozooan Poltpieeea, as the Plima- tella (fig. 175), the digestive organs present a much higher phase of development than in the hydraform group, and mani- fest an approach to the type of the tunicated moUusca. The mouth is surrounded by a circle of ciliated tentacula, the vibra- tions of which cause currents of water to flow towards the oral aperture ; the possession of ciliated tentacula forming one of the distinctive featimes of this group. The mouth, situated in the centre of the tentacular circle, leads into a long saccu- lated stomach, the walls of which are studded with glandular specks, or bfiiary follicles. From about the middle of the stomach the intestine proceeds, and ascending close to its walls, opens by a rectum near the mouth (c), in such a position that the excrementitious matter ejected therefrom is at once carried away by the currents sweeping round this region ; the in- testinal canal is attached to the sac by muscular bands, and floats freely in the visceral cavity. The tegumentary sheath is an organic portion of the polype, and, after enclosing 166 OEGANS OF DIGESTION. the internal organs, is reflected over the aperture of the cell, and becomes continuous with the tentacular circle. In con- sequence of this union be- tween the po- lype and its cell, itfoUows, that when the animal retires therein, that portion of the tunic (c) pushed out- wards by the exit of the po- lype, is drawn inwards on its retreat by a process of in- vagination, so that the flex- ible extremity of the cell is at the same time a sheath for the body, a support to the tentacula, and a door for closing it. In fig. 175, muscular bands are seen passing from the inner membrane of the cell to the body of the polype, by which the retraction of the animal and the invagination of the superior part of the cell is effected. At a, we see the natural size of the polypedom of Plumatella; at b and c, the cells and polyps magnified and protruded in search of prey ; at d, the polype withdrawn into its cell, and the orifice closed by the retraction (c) of the integument. [§ 318. In the Tunicated Molldsca the digestive organs are very simple. At the bottom of the cavity formed by the muscular mantle is found the mouth, a simple absorbent tube, opening into the stomach ; that organ is surrounded by the follicles of the liver, the ducts from which enter its cavity ; the short intestine terminates near the ventral aperture of the muscular sac. [§319. In the Conchifera, as in the oyster {Ostrea edulis, fig. 176), the mouth, surrounded by four labial plates (;•), opens into an oval stomach (a) ; the intestine {d, f) makes Fig. 175. — Plumatella repens. — a, natural size; h, the same magnified. CONCniFEROUS MOLLUSCA. 1G7 two turns through the body, terminating in the rectum {g), at the posterior border of the shell ; the liver (i) is very more perfect organs of prehension than — The anatomy of the Ostrea edulis. the preceding class ; here we find not only comphcated tubes for absorbing, but hkewise organs for mastication and de- glutition. Some gasteropoda (Buccinum Mur ex Valuta) are furnished with a singular and powerful organ, the proboscis, which they can protrude at pleasure to a considerable dis- tance from the mouth. In the Buccinum (whelk) it is in the form of a hollow tube, surrounded by muscular fibres ; on laying open this sheath we find a bifid cartilaginous tongue, provided with sharp, silicious recurved teeth, and sending out two long processes behind, into which numerous powerful muscles are inserted ; on the right side of the tongue is the opening of the esophagus. The proboscis, in a state of re- pose, is lodged in a distinct cavity, into which it is retracted by numerous longitudinal muscles, having a close analogy in their arrangement with the fieshy columns in the heart of the mammaha. At the point where the esophagus diverges from the proboscis, in Baludina vivipara (fig. 35), it is surrounded by two salivary glands, which insert their ducts at this part ; these glands are always considerably developed in this class ; large, surrounding the digestive tube, and the biliary ducts open into the stomach, as in the tunicata ; the large branchial leafiets [h, k) for respiration are covered by the mantle (/); in them we find the cells for lodging the ova ; the adductor muscle (g, h) serves for closing the valves of the shell, and at its internal side is seen the heart (J). [§ 320. The Gas- teropoda possess 168 OEGANS OF DIGESTIOIf. the esophagus now runs a short course, and near the sto- mach dilates into a small crop, opening into a round mem- branous stomach, surrounded or imbedded in the substance of the liver ; the length of the intestine is considerably less than that of the esophagus ; it describes a turn, di- lates into a -wide colon, and terminates on the right side, under the open mantle ; the hver is of considerable size, occu- pying the spiral turns of the shell, and, as in the preceding classes, pours its secretion by numerous ducts into the sto- mach. The digestive organs of other gasteropoda are formed after the same type. The Patella (or limpet) feeds on marine vegetables, and is always found in situations where they are most abundant. It is deprived of a proboscis, but the mouth is armed \sdth a long, slender, convoluted tongue, studded with rows of sharp, silicious recurved teeth (fig. 194), by which it exercises a filing process on its vegetable food. The wide sacculated esopha- gus opens into a large stomach of a lengthened form, sur- rounded by the liver ; the long convoluted intestinal canal makes several turns through the structure of this organ, and finally opens into a dilated rectum ; the long salivary vessels empty themselves into the esophagus. The Helix (snail) and Limax (slug) have large lips, which may be regarded as the rudiments of a proboscis ; the upper jaw of the garden snail (Helix aspera) is furnished with sharp teeth, which perforate and file down the leaves of plants. The short esophagus, having passed through the nervous coUar, di- lates into a large membranous stomach, contracted in the centre, into the posterior half of which the biliary ducts enter ; the in- testine, having made a turn through the liver, passes up along the right side of the body, and opens by a sm^l orifice at the margin of the respiratory sac. In the Pleuro-branchiis the digestive organs are remarkable for their complex structure, and for the resemblance the stomach bears to the compound stomach of ruminating quadi’upeds. The esophagus is dilated into a membranous bag, or paunch, into which the biliaiy ducts open ; to this succeeds a globular muscular organ, analogous to the second or honeycomb sto- mach of ruminants; this leads to a membranous organ, provided internally wich longitudinal folds of the lining membrane, the analogue of the leaflet, or manyphes, and, lastly, into a fourth, GASTEROPODOUS MOLLUSCA. 169 or true chylific membranous stomach ; the second chamber is traversed by a muscular gutter, leading from the first to the third stomach. The digestive organs of Aplysia Camelus (sea hare, fig. 1/7) are not less singular, being not only equally complex, but in addi- tion, having the inter- nal membrane of the second stomach, or giz- zard, armed with carti- laginous bodies. The pharynx {a) is large and muscular ; the straight esophagus {b) having traversed the nervous collar {m), soon dilates into an ample membra- nous crop (o, o), turned into a semilunar form. This leads into a strong muscular gizzard (p), internally armed with rhomboidal semi-cartila- ginous plates, their ac- tion being analogous to the teeth found in the stomach of the lobster, and, like them, perform- ing a similar bruising function. This muscu- lo-cartilaginous organ opens into a third chy- lific stomach {q), the in- ternal surface of which Fig. 177. — The anatomy of the Aplysia Camelus. is furnished with sharp recurved horny spines, most numerous around the pyloric orifice ; into this region of the canal the ducts from the hver (m, m), and the termination of a glandular caecal appendage, the pancreas, pour their secretions. It is extremely interesting, in a physiological point of view, to study 1/0 ORGANS or DIGESTION. the development of the glandular organs connected with the assimilating functions. In Holothuria we have seen salivary vessels developed in the form of a series of blind processes surrounding the mouth. In the mollusca these organs are glandular, and extend through nearly half the body in Aplysia {s, v) ; the liver in the mollusca is likewise glandular, whilst in the articulated animals it is composed of a series of con- voluted vessels. A rudimentary pancreas exists in some mollusca, which, like the salivary vessels in Holothw’iay assumes the form of a long blind secreting sac. The intes- tinal canal (s) in PLeuro-branchus and Aplysia presents nothing very remarkable ; it makes several turns through the structure of th liver, terminating in the rectum {t), which opens near the branchial, or respiratory aperture (d) ; the ovary (v), the oviduct (?;’) and its appendage (y) occupy the posterior part of the body, surrounded by the testes {ic) and the epididymus (x) ; ascending from the latter is seen the common generative canal (z, z) ; the heart, consisting of an auricle (/3) and a ventricle (S’), is placed near the branchiae (b) ; the principal artery (t) runs forwards to supply the dif- ferent organs situated at the anterior part of the body ; the gastric artery (tt) and the hepatic (tt’) artery are given off from the root of the principal trunk. In Bulla lignaria the plates lining the muscular sto- mach, or gizzard, acquire the consistence of shell ; they are moved by powerful muscles, and perform the part of stomach jaws. Among the gasteropodous mollusca the liver is a very voluminous organ, divided into many lobes, and very distinct from the intestine ; thus, in the garden snail, whelk, &c., it occupies the several turns of the shell, embracing the convolutions of the intestine, and pouring its secretion, by distinct ducts, into the cavity of the stomach. In the slug and sea-hare it occupies a great portion of the muscular sac, common to the general visceral cavity. The liver of the Boris is remarkable, from the circumstance of possessing, besides duets for pouring the biliary secretion into the sto- mach, a particular canal running in a direct course from the liver to the anus, and conveying a portion of the bile out of the system, without traversing the intestinal tube. This anatomical fact clearly proves that a portion of the bile is CEPHALOPODOUS MOLLUSCA. 171 excrementitious ; and that the liver is partly an eliminating organ, destined to separate impure carbonaceous materials from the blood. [§ 321. In the Cephalopoda the mouth is situated in the centre of the tentacidar circle, and armed with two horny jaws, resembling the bill of a parrot, imbedded in the flesh, and moved by powerful muscles. In the interior of the mouth is a moveable cartilaginous tongue ; the pharynx, lodged at the anterior part of the cephalic cartilage, is very large and muscular ; the long and straight esophagus is surrounded by the nervous collar ; the stomach, like that of Aplysia, presents three enlargements, forming a crop, a gizzard, and a true digestive stomach. The crop is a dilata- tion of the esophagus, leading into the second globular sto- mach ; it is very muscular, and communicates by a narrow opening with the third, or true digestive cavity, remarkable for possessing a singular spiral valve, formed by a fold of the lining membrane winding round its inner surface ; a modi- fication of structure which we shall find repeated in some cartilaginous fishes, with which the cephalopoda are closely connected in many points of organization. Into this third chamber the ducts from the liver and pancreas pour their several secretions. The short intestinal canal, commencing at the pyloric orifice of the third stomach, ascends in front of the liver, and terminates in a valvular opening within the funnel, situated at the under part of the neck. The liver in the whole of this class is very large, and its copious secretion is poured by two ducts, along with the vessel, from the follicular pancreas into the third stomach, their orifices being provided with a valvular "apparatus ; the salivary glands, four in number, insert their superior pair of ducts into the pharynx, and their inferior pair into the esophagus. The naked cephalopods, as the cuttle-fish, have a peculiar black, inky fluid, prepared by the glandular lining membrane of a particular bag, provided with a duct opening into the funnel. This fluid is secreted in great abundance, and being very miscible with water, forms a black cloud when injected into the sea ; and by means of this singular provision these naked, defenceless animals are enabled to elude the pursuit of their numerous enemies. The inky fluid, abounding in 172 OllGANS OF DIGESTION. carbon, may probably be the excrementitous portion of the biliary secretion, ehminated from the system by a distinct organ, and thus made to serve a double use ; it may, in fact, be analogous to that portion of the bile which is carried di- rectly out of the body by a separate canal in the Boris. [§ 322. In the Annelida the digestive tube passes straight through the body. The mouth is provided with jaws, and the glands of the intestine are in the form of lateral caecal appen- dages. The circulation is carried on by arteries and veins ; their blood is red, and their respiratory organs are in the form of brancliiae, or internal air sacs. Fig. 178. — The anatomy of the Hirudo medicinalis. [§ 323. The Leech {Hirudo medicinalis, fig. 178) has a trian- gular-shaped mouth («), armed with three small teeth, a pharynx, composed of numerous muscles (c) ; the action of which is seen when the animal is engaged in sucking ; the pharynx opens into a very large capacious sacculated stomach, with mem- branous parietes, united by small folds to the enveloping elastic tunic. The stomach is divided into numerous separate cham- bers {f,f,ff,f), by transverse processes of the fining mem- brane, communicating with each other by central oval open- ings ; it extends through about three parts of the entire length of the body, where it enters the intestine (m) by a valvular funnel-shaped opening ; this tube passes between the tw'o pos- terior caecal appendages of the stomach, and terminates in a small aperture (?^), at the margin of the posterior disc. The gangliated nervous chain {g) is uniform in its development throughout the body, giving off nerves at each ring ; the respiratory vesicles {h) and the lateral vessels (z) encircle the body ; the caeca of the digestive tube are seen at q ; the ANNELIDA AND CRUSTACEA. 173 female genital parts at r, the male organs at s, and the anal sucker at o. . [§ 324. In some annelida the mouth is provided with a pro- jectile proboscis, formed of the anterior part of the intestinal canal (fig. 233). This organ can be protruded and inverted like the finger of a glove, and, hke the proboscis of predacious moUusca, has a set of muscles consecrated to effect its move- ments ; in the Nereis it is very complicated, its free extremity being armed with long jaws, like the pincers of Crustacea. The proboscis is regarded by some physiologists as a pharynx, armed with teeth, hke those of star-fishes and echini ; and being hke them, capable of eversion. The stomach of Nereis is large, and from its posterior part two caecal appendages pro- ject ; its inner surface is armed with two small white teeth ; the intestine passes straight through the body, and terminates in an aperture at the posterior part. In the Arenicola, or sand-worm (fig. 233), we observe an additional comphcation of structure ; to the short esophagus succeeds a complicated stomach, the first portion of which is simple, and the second very complex ; into the latter division of the organ an immense number of branched appendages open, which appear to be a repetition of the bihary cseca ob- served in the star-fish ; the stomach passes imperceptibly into the intestine, which terminates at the posterior part of the body. In the Aphrodita aculeata, or sea-mouse, a similar arrangement of the internal organs exists. [§ 325. In the Crustacea the digestive organs, when com- pared with those of the annelida, present a greater develop- ment of the organs of mastication. The jaws, which are nume- rous, move horizontally by powerful muscles ; the mouth of the lobster and crab is situated on the under surface of the body, on each side of which we find the first pair of jaws ex- panded into a broad form, and sending out behind long pe- dicles for the insertion of powerful muscles, which have their points of attachment at the internal surface of the dorsal shield ; succeeding these we find a second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth pair of jaws : they are all, especially the three first pair, provided with sensitive palpi, in which it is probable the sense of taste resides. The esophagus is short, opening into a singularly complicated stomach, extended on a carti- 174 DEGANS OF DIGESTION. laginous skeleton, which renders it better adapted for bruising the ahments ; the framework is composed of five semi-osseous pieces, provided internally with five teeth, surrounding the pylorus ; three are large and two are small, being a repetition of the type of organization we have ah’eady described in some moUusca ; the several plates of this skeleton are moved by muscles, so as to render it a powerful organ for bruising and fracturing the shells of the smaller moUusca, on which the Crustacea prey ; the calcareous parts of the stomach, like the external shell, are periodically cast off ; the intes- tine forms a straight tube, extending from the pylorus to the tail, and terminating at the under surface of the central plate. [§ 326. In the Aeachnida, as the common domestic spider (Teyenaria domestica), the mouth is provided with a pair of mandibles, armed with sharp claws, a venomous apparatus, and maxillae or jaws ; the mandibles are used for seizing, wounding, and retaining prey, whilst with the maxillae they squeeze out and suck the contained juices of their victim. The esophagus is short, of a delicate texture, and opens into four crops, or stomachs ; the tube then continues a straight and narrow canal, soon expanding into a muscular organ, sur- rounded by numerous adipose granules ; this dilatation again contracts, and, before terminating in the rectum, undergoes another swelling ; into this enlargement the bdiary vessels ter- minate ; the apparatus for spinning is formed of four hollow cylinders, the inferior parts of which are perforated like a sieve, their superior apertures communicating with ducts, from ramified vessels, destined for the secretion of the viscous fluid forming the filaments of the web ; these tubes occupy a con- siderable portion of the abdomen, surrounding the termination of the intestine, and their sole function being the secretion of this fluid. [§ 327. In Insects (fig. 179) the digestive organs are ex- ceedingly varied and compheated ; in some the mouth is pro- vided with jaws for bruising (fig. 195), in others with an apparatus for sucking (fig. 196) ; the intestinal canal presents many enlargements, and, in some orders, is extremely con- voluted, terminating at the posterior part of the body ; there are distinct organs for the secretion of the bile and the sahva, and in some a rudimentary pancreas exists. Insects pass AEACHNIDA AND INSECTA. 175 tlirough a series of metamorphoses, presenting changes both in their external form and in- ternal structure, pecuhar to each successive stage; from the egg is produced a vermi- form animal, the larva; this, after a time, becomes the chry- sahs, which finally develops the perfect insect. The jaws of insects (figs. 195 to 199) are constructed after the type we have already described in an- nelida, Crustacea, and arach- nida, that is to say, they are placed laterally, and moved by powerful muscles ; we recog- nize two pah’, an external pair, or mandibulee (fig. 195, m), and an internal pair, or maxil- Ise {j) ; the mouth is furnished with a superior lip, or labrum, and an inferior lip, or labium. The development of the jaws is in strict relation with the natural food of the insect. The suctorial apparatus of the hy- menoptera, that of the common bee (fig. 1 96), for example, is very singular; projecting from between the jaws we observe a sucker (J), composed of nume- rous rings ; this organ, called by Treviranus the fleshy tongue, is situated at the com- mencement of the esophagus, in a horny sheath, formed by a prolongation of the labiae, into which it can be with- drawn at pleasure. The canal of the sucker is very incon- Fig. 179. — Digestive Organs of a Beetle. a, the head which supports the jaws ; 6, the crop and gizzard ; d, the chylific stomach ; c, the biliary vessels ; d, the intestine ; e, secreting organs ; /, the anus. 176 OEGANS OF DIGESTION. siderable, opening into a bag situated before the esophagus, into which it leads ; the function of this bag appears, ac- cording to Burmeister, to be simply the rarefaction of its contained air, by which fluids in the proboscis and esopha- gus are pumped up into the first stomach. Insects pro- vided with organs of mastication are deprived of this suck- ing apparatus ; so that the development of maxiUse and suc- torial instruments stand in an inverse ratio to one another. Burmeister is of opinion that, in insects deprived of a pro- boscis, the sucking bag is converted into a crop. The digestive organs of coleopterous insects present considerable variety in their structure ; two sections of the order are formed on this difference alone ; to the one section belongs those which have a globular muscular stomach, and short intestinal canal ; to the other, those having a large mem- branous stomach, furnished with caeca, and a long tortuous intestine : the first group are carnivorous, the second phyto- phagous. In Cicindila ca7npestris, a carnivorous beetle, belonging to the first group, the short esophagus is ddated into a large glandular crop, opening into a small muscular giz- zard, furnished internally with horny teeth, to perforate, rub down, and divide the aliments. In this muscular sto- mach we recognize a repetition of the type already described in some moUusca. To this organ, called by Ramdohr the plaited stomach, succeeds a flask-shaped chyhfic organ, fur- nished with a number of small glandular foUicles, for secreting the gastric juice ; at the point where this organ emerges into the pylorus, the ramified biliary vessels enter its cavity by four ducts ; the intestine is short and straight, and de- velops a large muscular colon, soon terminating in an anal aperture. The Melolontha vulgaris (common cockchafer) is an ex- ample of the structure of these organs in the coleoptera, com- prised in the second group. Here we find the entire canal much increased in length and diameter ; in this vegetable- eating insect the glandular organs are more voluminous, and from the sides of the ramified vessels numerous ceecal appen- dages are produced. The esophagus is dilated into a membra- nous crop ; the gizzard is merely rudimentary ; the stomach is in the form of a long glandular sac, twisted in a spiral man- INSECTA. 177 ner on itself, and receiving at its pyloric extremity the ducts of the highly complicated biliary organs ; the small intestine is short, and the colon has three dilatations in passing to the anal aperture ; the bihary vessels are very numerous, and their secreting surface is much increased by the development of in- numerable small caeca from the sides of the large glandular ves- sels ; these two examples sufficiently prove that in the struc- ture of the digestive organs of carnivorous and phytophagous insects a marked difference exists. In the orthoptera, the grasshopper for example, the esopha- gus is dilated into a crop, opening into a round muscular stomach, the internal surface of which is armed with horny teeth ; the true chylific stomach succeeds this muscular organ, and is abundantly supphed with minute follicular appendages, and the secreting surface of its internal membrane is greatly increased by being thrown into dehcate folds. In the neuroptera the stomach and intestinal canal are allied to the preceding ; being nearly all predacious, their masticatory organs are highly developed, and the intestine passes nearly straight through the body. Among the hymenoptera the digestive organs of the bee are the most interesting, as, in addition to the functions of nutri- tion, they form two important products, wax and honey. The sucker (fig. 1 96), leads into a large bag, situated on the anterior part of the esophagus, with which it communicates ; here the nectar obtained from flowers is converted into honey, which the bee disgorges at pleasure into the cells of the honeycomb. The esophagus terminates in a small gizzard, to which suc- ceeds a large sacculated stomach ; into its pyloric portion the bdiary vessels enter ; the diameter of the small intestine is inconsiderable, but that of the colon is very ample, the inter- nal membrane of which has a glandular character, probably intended for the secretion of the wax. In the hemiptera, the common bug has been examined with great care by Ramdohr ; he found its digestive organs to con- sist of two stomachs, the first being very capacious, and serving as a reservoir for the imbibed juices ; the second being very complicated, and provided with caeca ; to the small intestine succeeds a colon of considerable dimensions, provided with caecal appendages. Connected with the termination of the in- 178 OEGANS or DIGESTION. testinal canal of hymenopterous insects we find in some genera a venomous apparatus, consisting of a sting, a poison-bag, and secreting glandular organs. In the bee the sting is situated on the last segment of the abdomen, above the opening of the rectum ; its base is surrounded by a small bag, embraced at its superior part by numerous muscles ; two vessels, or cseca, enter this reservoir with their poisonous secretion ; the sting is composed of two portions, the corresponding surfaces of which are grooved in a semilunar manner, so that, when ap- jDroximated, a channel is formed ; into this the duct of the poi- son-gland opens ; each half being armed with small sharp re- curved teeth, for retaining it in the wound. The sting has a sheath for its reception, and a particular set of muscles, under the control of the will, for effecting its movements. Insects possess salivary vessels opening into different situa- tions ; some pour their secretion into the mouth, others into the commencement of the stomach (fig. 179). When we survey the varied forms which the biliary organs assume in the inverteb rated animals, we may remark that among the articulata, respiring atmospheric air, these organs present an arrangement and structure very different from that observed in the aquatic ar- ticulata and mollusca ; we are thus led to study more particu- larly the relations existing between the function of the hver as a secreting organ, and the respiratory apparatus as an ex- halant system ; the latter rejecting from the economy car- bonaceous matter in a gaseous form, whilst the liver is con- stantly eliminating from the system secretions abounding in carbon and hydrogen, with other greasy and resinous materials. [§ 328. The vertebrate animals resemble man in the general arrangement and division of the digestive organs (fig. 180) ; their principal differences depending upon the nature of the food ; the purely carnivorous species having a shorter and simpler apparatus than those which are frugivorous : among the latter the stomach is often a compound organ. In the ro- dents, as the rat, there are two compartments, and in ruminants four distinct cavities, whilst in the carnivora it forms a simple bag, as in man. The intestinal canal bears a constant relation, in its length and development, to the kind of food to be di- gested. In general, the length of the intestine is greatest in the ruminants, varying from fifteen to twenty times the length VEETEBEATA. 179 of the body ; in the sheep its proportionate length is as 28 to I, whilst in the carnivora the proportion is about 4 to 1. In Lungs. Heart. Liver. Gall bag. Colon. Cpecnui. Small intestine. Maxillary gland. ' Trachea. Parotid gland. Pharynx. Esophagous. Thorax. Aorta. Diaphragm. Stomach. Pancreas. Spleen. Kidneys. Colon. Abdomen. Rectum. Bladder. Fig. 180. — The Digestive Organs of a Monkey. animals living upon a mixed diet of animal and vegetable food, the proportionate length of the intestine occupies an inter- mediate position ; in many rodents and monkeys the propor- tion is about 5 to 1 ; in man about 6 to 1 . It may be stated, as a general rule, that the stomach is simple when the food consists of easily-digested animal substances, and is more comphcated when the harder vegetable substances form the sustenance of the animal ; wherever a plurality of stomachs exist, there is one which is the true digestive cavity, the others subserving the processes of maceration and preparation. [§ 329. Upon minute examination with the microscope, the mucous membrane of the stomach is found to be covered with small glandular foUicles, which open internally ; these aper- tures are surrounded by an abundant vascular network, which also extends more deeply, and includes the csecal and some- what racemiform folhcles. The glands are sometimes simple and N 2 180 ORaANS OF DIGESTION. cylindrical, as in fig. of the pyloric portion Fig. 181. \ • i .1 1 > t; i ; Uil si i|\ i!i Ihislslnsi Fig. 182. A 181, which represents the gastric glands of the stomach ; at others they are com- pound. Fig. 182 represents the gastric glands in Man ; at a is a section of the stomach with all its elements, magnified about three diameters ; b represents the same glands, with their racemiform ter- minations distended with fluid, as seen with the microscope, and magnified about twenty diameters ; the contents of these glands are always dark and granular, and the membranous walls are of extreme deli- cacy. Lying between these are other glands of a larger size, and having a much more compound racemiform structure ; they lie separate from each other, and contain a transparent fluid, destined for a purpose different to that secreted by the gastric glands. Fig. 1 83 is an outline and highly magnified view of one of these glands, from the middle part of the human sto- mach ; the excretory duct is composed of three branches, which proceed from a mid- titude of blind cells. Fig. 184 is another gland of the same class, from the vicinity of the pylorus, where they are more com- mon than in other parts of the stomach ; it is viewed under the same magnifying power as fig. 181; this gland is more com- pound in structure, and its contents are more transparent than those of the other gastric glands. Much difference of opi- nion prevails regarding these organs : we have followed Wagner in our de- scription, as they accord with our own microscopic investigations.* [§ 330. The stomach of birds presents a repetition of the type of structui’e which we have already seen in insects. In the * The stomach should be examined very soon after death, if correct ohservations are to be made. GASTRIC GLANDS. 181 Fig. 183. common plover (Vanelhis cristafus, fig. 185), the esophagus (a) opens into the proventriculus (5), the walls of which are stud- ded with gastric glands, and the muscular stomach, or gizzard (c), is continued into the duodenum (d) . The gastric glands have their blind extremities turned towards the pe- riphery, and their orifices open in- to the proventriculus, the granular contents are there voided under the most gentle pressure. These glands are, for the most part, simple ex- ternally ; sometimes they form csecal follicles (fig. 186, b) ; they are weU-developed in the rasores, where they are racemiform and lobular (e), or divided into many clusters, as in f. The common fowl, or goose, form excellent subjects for study, and they can always be procured in a fresh state. Fig. 187 represents the gastric glands in the glandular layer of the proventricu- lus of the common fowl ; a is the gland of its natural size, and b is a magnified representation of the same, where the caeca appear like clusters of berries attached to a stem. In young birds the cellular structure of these glands is very conspicuous. Fig. 188, at a, are seen the simple gastric glands of a young owl, of the natural size ; and at B, the same magnified, to shew the cellular structure of these organs. The relation in which these glands stand to the secretion of the gastric juice is not yet satisfactorily ascertained; the microscope shows that the orifices, and inner lining of the glands, are covered with a fine tessellated epithehum, whilst the parenchyma of the gland consists of minute granular corpuscules, about 1 -200th of a line in dia- meter, not always nucleated, but formed of an uniform granular 182 OEGANS OF DIGESTIOK. mass, rather than of elements having a cellular character ; the wall of the gland is formed of a transparent structureless mem- brane. Be- sides these granular cor- puscles an al- buminous fluid exudes fromthewalls of the sto- mach, and mingles with that yielded by the gastric corpuscles, having a pe- culiar acid mixed with it, secreted by an appropri- ate set of glands, from which it is expressed by the contrac- tion of the muscular coat of the stomach, when excited into action by the presence of food. — T. W.] § 331. The result of this process is the reduction of the food to a pulpy fluid called chyme, which varies in its nature with the food. Hence the function of the stomach has been named chymijication. With this the function of digestion is complete in many of the invertebrata, and chyme is circulated throughout the body ; this is the case in polyps, acalephae, some worms, and moUusca. In other animals, however, the chyme thus formed is transferred to the intestine, by a pecu- liar movement like that of a worm in creeping, which has accordingly received the name of vermicular or peristaltic motion. glands ; the gastric juice appears to be loaded with Fig. 184. GASTEIC GLAKDS. 183 § 332. The form of the small intestine is less variable than that of the stomach. It is a narrow tube with thin walls, coiled Fig. 185. A Fig. 186. B Fig. 186. — B, glands of the prove ntric ulus of different birds ; a, of the peacock (Pavo crista- tus). b, of the Cathar- tes percnopterus. c, of Casuarius galeatus. d, of Falco pygargus. e, of the fowl. /, of the os- trich. — After Home, Lecture on Comp. Anat. ii. pi. 56. in various directions in the vertebrate animals (fig. 180), but more simple in the invertebrata, especially the insects (fig. 179), Its length varies according to the nature of the food, being in general longer in herbivorous than in carnivorous animals. In this portion of the canal, the aliment undergoes its com- plete elaboration, through the agency of certain juices which here mingle with the chyme, such as the bile secreted by the hver, and the pancreatic juice secreted by the pancreas. The result of this elaboration is to produce a complete separation of the truly nutritious parts, in the form of a milky liquid called chyle. The process is called chylification ; and there are great numbers of animals, as insects, crabs, lobsters, some worms, and most of the moUusca, in which the product of 184 OEGANS OF DIGESTION. digestion is not further modified by respiration, but circulates through the body as chyle. Fig. 187. Fig. 188. § 333. The chyle is composed of minute, colourless glo- bules, of a somewhat flattened form. In the vertebrata, it is taken up and carried into the blood by means of very minute vessels, called lymphaticvessels or which are distributed everywhere in the walls of the intestine, and communicate with the veins, forming also in then’ course several glandular masses, as seen on a portion of intestine connected with a vein (fig. 189), and it is not until thus taken up and mingled with the circulating blood that any of our food really becomes a part of the hving body. Thus freed of the nutritive portion of the food, the residue of the product of digestion passes on to the large intestine, from whence it is expelled in the form of excrement. § 334. The organs above described constitute the most es- sential for the process of digestion, and are found more or less developed in aU but some of the radiated animals ; but there are, in the higher animals, several additionaltones for aiding in the reduction of the food to chyme and chyle, which render their digestive apparatus quite comphcated. In the first place, hard parts, of a horny or bony texture, are usually placed about OKGANS OF MASTICATION. 185 Fig. 189. Aorta. Thoracic duct. Lymphatic glands. the mouth of those animals that feed on solid substances, which serve for cutting or bruising the food into small frag- ments before it is swallowed ; and, in many of the lower ani- mals, these or- gans are the only hard portions of the body. This process of subdi- viding or chew- ing the food is termed mastica- tion. § 335. Begin- ning with the radiata, we find the apparatus for mastication partaking of the star - like ar- Roots of the chy- liferous vessels. -Intestine. rangement Lymphatic vessels. Mesentery. — ^ O 1 O which character- izes those animals. Thus, in the Scutella (fig. 190), we have a pentagon composed of five triangular jaws, converging at their summits towards a central aperture corresponding to the mouth, each one bearing a plate or tooth, like a knife-blade, fitted by one edge into a cleft. The five jaws move towards the centre, and pierce or cut the objects which come between them. In some of the sea-urchins, Echinidce^ this apparatus, which has been called Aristotle’s lantern (fig. 191), consists of Fig. 190. Fig. 191. 186 OE&ANS OP DIGESTION. numerous pieces, and is much more complicated. Still, the five fundamental pieces or jaws, each of them bearing a tooth at its point, may be recognized, as in the ScuteLla; only, instead of being placed horizontally, they form an inverted pyramid. § 336. Among the moUusca, a few, like the cuttle-fishes. Fig. 192. Fig. 194. Fig. 193. — The dental organ of Fig. 194. — The dental organ of a the Nerita Ascensionensis. Patella, from the Straits of Magellan. have solid jaws closely resembling the beak of a parrot (fig. 192), which move up and down, as in birds. [But a much larger number rasp their food by means of a tongue sometimes coiled like a watch-spring, the surface of which is covered with innumerable tooth-hke points, as in the highly mag- nified portions of the dental organ of Nerita (fig. 193) and Patella (fig. 194). The teeth present a great variety of patterns, which are constant in the different genera, and even characterize the species. They consist of variously-co- loured silicious bodies, generally of hook-hke forms, ar- ranged in triple rows upon a musculo-membranous band. Fig. 193. OEGANS OF MASTICATION. 187 as ill figs. 193 and 194. The central part is called the 7'achis, and the lateral parts pleurce. The rachidian teeth sometimes form a row of plates, as in Nerita ; or they have a tile-shaped disposition, with pectinated borders, as in Buc- cmum. The lateral series exhibit an immense variety of forms, some having fringed processes, as in Nerita (fig. 193). By the aid of this singular dental organ the gasteropoda bruise, rasp, or pierce the vegetable or animal substances on which they subsist, and bore through the shells of mollusca, on which they prey. The tongue of the whelk (Buccinum) is fur- nished with upwards of one hundred rows of pectinated teeth, but the number of the dental rows on the hngual ribbon varies in different genera, and at the different periods of life of the individual. The dental organ of the common hmpet {Patella vulgato) is more than twice the length of the animal, and in a state of repose is folded back into the digestive tube. The dental membrane is wide in the mouth, and con- tracted in the esophagus; and after a course of nearly three inches, terminates near the small transverse stomach. The new teeth, hke those of rays and sharks, are developed from be- hind, and are brought into use when required, a new series arising with the age of the individual.* — T. W.] § 337. The articulata are remarkable, as a class, for the diversity and comphcation of the apparatus for taking and dividing their food. In some marine worms. Nereis, for ex- ample, the jaws consist of a pair of curved, horny instru- ments, lodged in a sheath. In spiders, they are external, and sometimes mounted on long, jointed stems. Insects which masticate their food have, for the most part, at least two pairs of horny jaws (figs. 195, 196 m), besides several additional pieces serving for seizing and holding their food. Those living on the fluids extracted either from plants or from the blood of other animals, have the masticatory organs transformed into a trunk or tube for that purpose. This trunk is some- times rolled up in a spiral manner, as in the butterfly (fig. * Loven’s Memoir on the Teeth of Mollusca is nearly all that we pos- sess on this subject. Figures 193 and 194 were drawn by Mr. Etheridge, of the Bristol In- stitution, from specimens dissected and prepared by my friend John W. Wilton, Esq., F.R.C.S., Gloucester. The position of the dental organ of the Patella (fig. 194) on the slide does not permit the left lateral teeth of the specimen to be seen. 188 OEGANS OF DIGESTION. 199) ; or it is stiff, and folded beneath the chest, as in the squash-bugs (fig. 197), containing several piercers of extreme delicacy (fig. 1 98), adapted to penetrate the skin of animals or other objects whose juicesthey extract; or the partsof themouth are prolonged, so as to shield the tongue when thrust out in search of food, as in the bees (fig. 196, j, p). The crabs have their Fig. 195. Fig. 196. Fig, 197. Fig. 198. Fig. 199. anterior feet transformed into jaws, and several other pairs of articulated appendages perform exclusively masticatory func- tions. Even in the microscopic rotifera, we find very com- plicated jaws, as seen in the interior of Esophora (fig. 172). But amidst this diversity of apparatus, there is one circum- stance which characterizes all the articulata, namely, the jaws move sideways ; while those of the vertebrata and mol- lusca move up and down, and those of the radiata concen- trically. § 338. In the vertebrata, the jaws form a part of the bony skeleton. In most of them the lower jaw (fig. 103) only is moveable, and is brought up against the upper jaw by means of the temporal and masseter muscles, which perform the principal motions requisite for seizing and masticating food. § 339. The jaws are usually armed with solid cutting in- struments, the Teeth, or else are enveloped in a horny covering, the beak, as in birds and tortoises (fig. 200). In some of the whales, the true teeth remain concealed in the jaw bone, and they have instead, a range of long, flexible, horny plates or fans, fringed at the margin, serving as strainers to separate the minute marine animals on which they feed from the water drawn in with them (fig. 201). A few are entirely destitute of teeth, as the ant-eaters (fig. 202). ORGANS OF MASTICATION. 189 § 340. Though all the vertebrata possess jaws, it must not be inferred that they all chew their food. Many swallow their prey whole ; as most p. nni Lds, tortoises, and whales. Even many of those which are furnished with teeth do not masticate their food ; some using them merely for seiz- ing and securing their prey, as the lizards, frogs, crocodiles and the great majority of fishes. In such animals, the teeth aie nearly all alike in form and structure, as, for instance, in Fig. 202. Fig. 204. the alligator (fig. 203) ; the porpoises and many fishes. A few of the latter, some of the rays, for example, have a sort of bony pavement (fig. 204), composed of a peculiar kind of teeth, with which they crush the shells of the mollusca and crabs on which they feed. §341. The mammals, however, are almost the only verte- brata which can be properly said to masticate their food. Their teeth are well developed, and present great diversity in form, arrangement, and mode of insertion. Three kinds of teeth are usually distinguished in most of these animals, whatever may be their mode of life ; namely, the cutting teeth, incisors ; the 190 OEGANS OF DIGESTION. tusks, or carnivorous teeth, canines ; and the grinders, molars (fig, 205). The incisors occupy the front of the and the least va- ried ; they have a thin cutting summit, and are employed almost Fig. 205.— The skull of a horse. exclusively for seizing food, except in the elephant, in which they assume the form of large tusks. The canines are conical, more prominent than the others, more or less curved, and only two in each jaw; they have but a single root, hke the incisors, and in the carni- vora become very formidable weapons. In the herbivora they are wanting, or, when existing, they are usually so enlarged and modified as also to become powerful organs of offence and defence, although useless for mastication, as in the babyroussa. The molars are the most impor- tant for indicating the habits and internal structure of the animal, they are, at the same time, most varied in shape. Among them we find every transition, from those of a sharp and pointed form, as in the cat tribe (fig. Fig. 206. — The skull of a 207), to those with broad and level squirrel. summits, as in the ruminants and rodents (fig. 206) ; still, when most diversified in the same animal, they have one character in common, their roots being never simple, but double or triple, a pecuharity which not only fixes them more firmly, but prevents them from being driven into the jaw in the efforts of mastication. § 342. The harmony of organs, already spoken of, is illus- trated, in the most striking manner, by the study of the teeth of mammals, and especially of their molar teeth. So constantly do they correspond with the structure of other parts of the body, that a single molar is sufficient not only to indicate the mode of life of the animal to which it belongs, and to show whether it fed on flesh or vegetables, or both, but also to de- mouth ; they are the most simple ORGANS OF INSALIVATION. 191 Fig. 207. — The skull of a tiger. termine the particular group to which it is related ; thus, those heasts of prey which feed on insects, and which, on that ac- count, have been called in- sectivora, such as the moles and bats, have the molars terminated by several sharp, conical points, so arranged that the elevations of one tooth fit exactly into the de- pressions of the tooth oppo- site to it. In the true car- nivora (fig. 207), on the con- trary, the molars are compressed laterally, so as to have sharp- cutting edges, as in the cats, and shut by the side of each other, like the blades of scissors, thereby dividing the food with great facility. § 343. The same adaptation is observed in the teeth of her- bivorous animals. Those which chew the cud (ruminants), many of the thick-skinned animals (pachydermata), (fig. 205), like the horse and the elephant, and some of the gnawers (ro- dentia), like the squirrel (fig. 206), have the summits of the molars flat, like mill-stones, with more or less prominent ridges, for grinding the grass and leaves on which they sub- sist ; finally, the omnivora, those which feed on both flesh and fruit, hke man and the monkeys, have the molars terminating in several rounded tubercles (fig. 102), being thus adapted to the mixed nature of their food. § 344. Again, the mode in which the molars are combined with the canines and incisors furnishes exceUent means for cha- racterizing famihes and genera ; even the internal structure of the teeth is so peculiar in each group, and yet subject to such invariable rules, that it is possible to determine with precision the general structure of an animal, merely by investigating fragments of its teeth under a microscope. § 345. Another process, subsidiary to digestion, is called insalivation. Animals which masticate their food have glands, in the neighbourhood of the mouth, for secreting a fluid called saliva. This fluid mingles with the food as it is chewed, and prepares it also to be more readily swallowed. The sahvary glands are generally wanting, or rudimentary or otherwise modified, in animals which swallow their food without masti- 192 OEGANS OF DIGESTION. cation. After it has been masticated, and mingled with saliva, it is moved backwards by the tongue, and passes down through the esophagus into the stomach ; this act is called deglutitiony or swallowing. § 346. The wisdom and skill of the Creator is strikingly illustrated in the means afforded to every creature for securing its appointed food. Some animals have no ability to move from place to place, but are fixed to the soil, as the oyster, the polype, &c. ; these are dependent for subsistence upon such food as may stray or float near them, and they have the means of securing it only when it comes within their reach. The oyster closes its shell, and thus entraps its prey ; the polype has flexible tentacula (figs. 1/0 and 175), capable of great ex- tension, which it throws instantly around any minute animal coming in contact with them ; the cuttle-fish has elongated arms about the mouth, furnished with ranges of suckers, by which it secures its victim. § 347. Some are provided with instruments for extracting food from places which would be otherwise inaccessible. Some of the mollusca, with their rasp-like tongue (fig. ] 93), perforate the shells of other animals, and thus reach and extract the in- habitant. Insects have various piercers, suckers, or a protrac- tile tongue for the same purpose (figs. 195 to 199). Many of the annelida, the leeches for example (fig. 178), have a sucker, which enables them to produce a vacuum, and thereby draw out blood from the perforations they make in other animals. Many infusoria and rotifera are provided with hairs, or cilia, around the mouth (figs. 171, 172), which, by their incessant motion, produce currents that bring within reach the still more minute creatures, or particles, on which they feed. § 348. Among the vertebrata, the herbivora generally em- ploy their lips or their tongue, or both together, for seizing the grass or leaves they feed upon. The carnivora use their jaws, teeth, and especially their claws, which are long, sharp, and moveable, and admirably adapted for the purpose. The wood- peckers have long, bony tongues, barbed at the tip, with which they draw out insects from deep holes and crevices in the bark of trees ; some reptiles also use their tongue to take their prey ; thus, the chameleon obtains flies at a distance of three or four inches, by darting out its tongue, the enlarged end of which is covered with a glutinous substance, to which they adhere. The elephant, whose tusk and short neck prevent him from bringing ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 193 his mouth to the ground, has the nose prolonged into a trunk, which he uses with great dexterity, for bringing food and drink to his mouth. Doubtless the mastodon, once so abun- dant in the pre-Adamite earth, was furnished with a similar- organ ; man and the monkeys employ the hand, exclusively, for prehension. § 349. Some animals drink by suction, like the ox ; others by lapping, hke the dog. Birds simply fill the beak with water, then, raising the head, allow it to run down into the , crop. It is difficult to say how far aquatic animals require water with their food ; it seems, however, impossible that they should swallow their prey without introducing at the same time some water into their stomach. Of many among the lowest animals, such as the polyps, it is well known that they frequent- ly fill the whole cavity of their body with water, through the mouth, the tentacles, and pores upon the sides, and empty it at intervals through the same openings. And thus the aquatic moUusks introduce water into special cavities of the body, or between their tissues, through various openings, while others pump it into their blood-vessels, through pores at the surface of their body. This is the case with most fishes. Besides the more conspicuous organs above described, there are among the lower animals various microscopic apparatus for securing prey. The lassos of polypi have been already mentioned incidentally. They are minute cells, each containing a thin thread coiled up in its cavity, which may be thrown out by inversion, and extended to a considerable length beyond the sac to which it is attached. Such lassos are grouped in clus- ters upon the tentacles, or scattered upon the sides of the actinia, and of most polypi. They occur also in similar clus- ters upon the tentacles and the disc of jelly-fishes. The net- tling sensation produced by the contact of many of these ani- mals is undoubtedly owing to the lasso cells. Upon most of the smaller animals, they act as a sudden, deadly poison. In echinoderms, such as star-fishes, and sea-urchins, we find other microscopic organs in the form of clasps, placed upon a move- able stalk. The clasps, which may open and shut alternately, are composed of serrated or hooked branches, generally three in number, closing concentrically upon each other. With these weapons, star-fishes not more than two inches in diame- ter, seize and retain shrimps of half that length, notwithstand- ing their efibrts to disentangle themselves. o CHAPTER SEVENTH. OF THE BLOOD AND CIRCULATION. § 350. The nutritive portions of the food are poured into the general mass of fluid pervading every part of the body, out of which every tissue is originally constructed, and from time to time renewed. This fluid, in the general accepta- tion of the term, is called blood ; but it differs greatly in its essential constitution : in the different groups of the animal kingdom, in polyps, and medusae, it is merely chyme; in most mollusca and articulata it is chyle; but in vertebrata it is more highly organised, and constitutes what is properly called blood. § 351. The Blood, when examined by the microscope, is found to consist of a transparent fluid, the serum, consisting chiefly of albumen, flbrin, and water, in which float many rounded, somewhat compressed bodies, called blood discs, or globules. These Yary in number with the natural heat of the animal from which the blood is taken. Thus, they are more numerous in birds than in mammals, and more abundant in the latter than in fishes. In man and other mammals they are very small, and nearly circular (figs. 208 and 209) ; they are somewhat larger, and of an oval form, in birds and fishes (figs. 210, 214, 215); and still larger in reptiles (figs. 211, 212, 213). [The blood-globules in man appear distinctly dis- *— I> Fig. 208. — Globules of the blood of man, the blood having been drawn from a vein and beaten, to separate the fibrin. A, blood glo- bides, seen, a, on the flat aspect ; 6, standing on the edge ; *, three-quarter view. B, a congeries of blood-globules, with their flat surfaces in opposition, and forming columns such as are made by a number of coins laid one upon another. C, a blood globule in process of alteration, such as simple exposure to the air will produce. D, a lymph globule, mingled with the proper blood globules. N.B. The subjects of this and the succeeding figures of blood discs from ^yagne^’s leones Physiologicce, ai'e all magnified to the same extent, riz. about nine hundred diameters. OF THE BLOOD AHD CIRCHLATIOH. 195 coidal (fig. 208, A), and vary between the 300th to the 400th of a hne in diameter. They are rarely seen either larger or smaller. That they are flat, disc-like bodies, is discovered by exaniinmg them on different sides. At the beginning of an observation, before the drop has spread itself abroad com- pletely, and the globules have come to rest, or at any time when the port-object is inclined a little one way or another, numbers of them are always seen on their edges (A,^;5), when they appear as long-shaped bodies, bounded by two parallel lines. They are also seen falling, or rolhng over (*), and with everything at rest, finally sinking down upon their flat sides (a). The blood-discs are severally so pale in colour, and so transpa- rent, that when one lies over another, the undermost is seen distinctly shining through the uppermost {a inferiorly). If quite normal, a dehcate semicircular shadow upon the flat sur- face gives the observer the idea that the blood-discs are very shghtly hollowed out, or sunk, in the manner of a concave lens. In a short time, sometimes after the lapse of a few se- conds only, particularly when the diluting medium has not been well selected, though it also happens from the action of the air, the blood-discs begin to suffer change ; they appear puckered and uneven ; they acquire notched edges, and are stellated ; they seem to be made up of very minute globules, or they look like mulberries or raspberries (C). The blood- discs seem to have a natural tendency to approximate by their flat surfaces, and go to form columns such as are produced by pieces of money piled one upon another (B). [§ 352. It is a matter of interest to compare the blood-cor- Fig. 209. — Blood globules of the com- mon goat ( Capra domestica). Fig. 210. — A, blood and lymph globules of the pigeon {Columba domestica). B, a blood- globule, treated with diluted acetic acid ; C, with water, by which the central nucleus be- comes visible. 196 OF THE BLOOD AHD CIECTJLATION. puscles of the lower animals with those of man. In the mam- malia they are in all essential respects the same as in man, round and discoidal ; for the most part, however, particularly among the ruminants, decidedly smaller (fig. 209). In the monkeys, again, they are very nearly of the same size.* In birds, on the other hand, the blood-corpuscles are very differ- ent, having an elongated oval shape (fig. 21 0, a), and their broad sides, instead of being depressed, are vaulted or raised (b). They are on an average from 1-1 25th to l-150th of a fine in length, and about half as broad. It is among the amphibia that we meet with the largest blood-corpuscles. They are here, as in birds, oval-shaped, but relatively somewhat broader ; and their surface is rather depressed than vaulted. They are par- ticularly large in the naked amphibia : in the Proteus, for ex- ample, they are from l-30th to 1-5 0th of a hne in the long diameter, and are even distinguishable as little points by the Fig. 211. — Blood-globules of the Proteus anguinus. In the globule a* the nucleus is seen, and in the globule, d, which has been treated with water, it is still more appar ent ; c is a lymph granule. * The blood-corpuscles of the monkeys are in no wise to be distin- guished from those in man. In different human subjects, — men, women, children, negroes, — no difference can be perceived. OF THE BLOOD AND CIECULATION. 197 naked eye (fig. 211, ab). They are, consequently, from eight to ten times larger here than in man. After the Proteus, we observe the largest blood-corpuscles in the land salamanders, where they measure in the long diameter from the l-50th to the l-60th of a hne. In the water sala- manders they are still very large, — from the l-70th to the l-80th of a line in length (fig. 212). In the frog and toad they are from the 1 -80th to the 1-1 00th of a line in length (fig. 213). In the lizards, ser- pents, and tortoises, they are throughout smaller, though still measuring from the 1- In the majority of fishes, 'and particu- larly in aH the bony fishes, the blood-cor- puscles are of a rounded oval (fig. 214), not much long- er than broad, flat- tened, and from the Fig. 212. — Blood and lymph-globules of the great water-newt {Triton cristatus). a, b, blood-globules ; a*, a blood-globule with eccen- tric nucleus ; c, lymph-granules, d, e, blood- globules in progress of development ; they are surrounded with deUcate involucra. Globules of this description are found abundantly in the blood of well-fed animals generally. 122d to the l-150th of a line in length. 1-loOthtothe l-200th Fig. 213. — A, a, a, a, h, blood-globules of of a line in the long the edible frog {Rana esculenta) ; c, lymph diameter. In the granule. B, blood-globules after the action skates and sharks, acetic acid. again, they are notably larger, and very similar to those of the frog ; they are as much as from the 1-5 0th to the 1-1 00th of a line in the long axis. It is remarkable that in the cyclos- tomes they greatly resemble those of man, being rounded, discoidal, vaulted, slightly bi-concave (fig. 215, a, b), and mea- 198 OF THE BLOOD AND CIECULATION. suring 1 -200th of a line in diameter ; they are, therefore, only somewhat larger than in man. In the in vertebral series of animals they are generally irregular, granular, rounded cor- puscles.*] Fig. 214. — Blood and lyraph glo- bules of thejoach (Cohitis fossilis); a, a, h, perfect blood-globules ; d, a blood-globule altered by tbe ac- tion of water, and shewing its nu- cleus ; c, lympb granules. Fig. 215. — Blood-globules of tbe Ammocetes hranchialis ; a, a, h, perfect blood-globules; c, lympb-globule. Tbe blood-glo- bules are exactly similar in tbe lamprey {Petromyzon), and un- like those of all other fishes, whe- ther cartilaginous or bony. § 358. The colour of the blood in the vertebrata is bright red ; but in some invertebrata, as the crabs and moUusca, the nutritive fluid is nearly or quite colourless, while in the worms, and some echinoderms, it is variously coloured, yellow, orange, red, violet, lilac, and even green. § 354. The presence of this fluid in every part of the body is one of the essential conditions of animal life. A perpetu^ current flows from the digestive organs towards the remotest parts of the surface ; and such portions as are not required for nutriment and the secretions, return to the centre of circu- lation, mingled with fluids, which need to be assimilated to the blood, and with particles of the body which are to be expelled, or before returning to the heart are distributed through the liver. The blood is kept in an incessant circula- tion for this purpose. § 355. In the lowest animals, sueh as the polypi, the nutri- tive fluid is simply the product of digestion, chyme, mingled with water in the common cavity of the viscera, with which it comes in immediate contact, as well as with the whole interior of the body. In the jelly-fishes, Medusce, which occupy a some- what higher rank, a similar liquid is distributed by prolongations of the principal cavity to the different parts of the body (fig. 173). Currents are produced in these, partly by the general * Professor Wagner’s Physiology, p. 233, et seg. OF THE BLOOD AND CIECULATION. 199 movements of the animal, and partly by means of the incessant vibrations of cilia, which overspread the interior. In most of the mollusca and articulata, the blood, chyle, is also in imme- diate contact with the viscera, water being mixed with it in the mollusca ; the vessels, if there are any, forming a complete circuit, but not emptying into various cavities which interrupt their course. § 356. In animals of still higher organization, as the verte- brata, we find the vital fluid inclosed in an appropriate set of vessels, by which it is successively conveyed throughout the system, to supply nutriment and secretions, and to the respi- ratory organs, where it absorbs oxygen, or, in other words, be- comes oxygenated. § 357. The vessels in which the blood circulates are of two kinds : 1 . The arteries, of a firm, elas- tic structure, which may be distended, or contracted, according to the volume of their contents, and which convey the blood from the centre towards the periphery, distributing it to every point of the body. 2. The veins, of a thin, membranous structure, furnished with- in with valves (fig. 216, v), which aid in sustaining the column of blood, only allowing it to flow from the periphery towards the centre. The arteries con- stantly subdivide into smaller and smaller branches, while the veins com- mencing in minute twigs, are gathered into branches and larger vessels, to unite finally into a few trunks near the centre of circulation. § 358. The extremities of the arteries and veins are con- nected by a net-work of extremely delicate vessels, called capil- lary vessels (figs. 224, 225) ; which pervade every portion of the body, so that almost no point can be pricked without wounding some of them. Their office is to distribute the nu- tritive fluid to the organic cells, where all the important pro- cesses of nutrition are performed, such as the ahmentation and growth of aU organs and tissues, the elaboration of bde, milk, sahva, and other important products derived from the blood, the removal of effete particles, and the substitution of new ones, and all those changes by which the bright blood of the ar- a 1 Fig. 216. — Vein laid open, to shew the valves, v, v. 200 OF THE BLOOD AND CIECULATION. teries becomes the dark blood of the veins ; and again, in the cells of the respiratory organs, which the capillaries supply, the dark venous blood is oxygenated, and restored to the bright scarlet hue of the arterial blood. § 359. Where there are blood-vessels, in the lowest animals, the blood is kept in motion by the occasional contraction of some of the principal vessels, as in the worms. Insects have a large vessel running along the back, furnished with valves so arranged that, when the vessel contracts, the blood can flow only towards the head, and being thence distributed to the body, is returned again into the dorsal vessel (fig. 223), by fissures at its sides. § 360. In all the higher animals there is a central organ, the heart, which forces the blood through the arteries towards the periphery, and receives it again on its return. The Heaet is a hollow muscular organ, of a conical form, which dilates and contracts at regular intervals, independently of the will. It is either a single cavity, or is divided by walls into two, three, or four compartments, as seen in the following diagrams. These modifications are important in their connection with the respi- ratory organs, and indicate the higher or lower rank of an Fig. 217. Lesser circulation. OF THE BLOOD AND CIECULATION. 201 animal, as determined by the quality of the blood distributed in those organs. § 361. In mammals and birds the heart is divided, by a vertical partition, into two cavities, each of which is again di- vided into two compartments, one above the other (fig. 217). The two upper cavities are called auricles, and the lower ones are called ventricles. Reptiles have two auricles and one ventricle (fig. 219) ; fishes have one auricle and one ventricle only (fig. 220). The plan (fig. 217) represents the course of the blood in mammals and birds, in which we have a double ch’culation ; a lesser one through the lungs, and a greater one through the body. § 362. The auricles do not communicate with each other, in adult animals, nor do the ventricles. The former receive the blood from the body and the respiratory organs through veins, and each auricle sends it into the ventricle beneath, through an opening, guarded by valves to prevent its reflux ; while the ventricles, by their contractions, force the blood through arteries into the lungs, and through the body generally. § 363. The two auricles dilate at the same instant, and also contract simultaneously ; so, also, do the ventricles. These successive contractions and dilatations constitute the pulsations of the heart. The contraction is called systole, and the dilata- tion is called diastole. Each pulsation consists of two move- ments, the diastole, or dilatation of the ventricles, during which the auricles contract, and the systole, or contraction of the ventricles, while the auricles dilate. The frequency of the pulse varies in different animals, and even in the same animal, according to its age, sex, and the degree of health : in adult man, they are commonly about seventy beats per minute. § 364. The course of the blood, in those animals which have four cavities to the heart, is as follows, beginning with the left ventricle (fig. 2\^, I, v). By the contraction of this ventricle, the blood is driven through the main arterial trunk, called the aorta («), and is distributed by its branches through- out the body ; it is then collected by veins, carried back to the heart, and poured into the right auricle {r, a), which sends it into the right ventricle (r, v). The right ventricle propels it through another set of arteries, the pulmonary arteries (p), to the lungs ; it is there collected by the pulmonary veins, and 202 OF THE BLOOD AI^^D CIECTJLATIOH. conveyed to the left auricle (/, a), by which it is returned to the left ventricle, thus completing the circuit. Sup. vena cava Pulmonary veins {p v]. Right auricle (r a). Tricuspid valve. Inferior vena cava. Right ventricle {r v). Pul. art. Aorta (a). Pulmonary artery {p). \ .Pulmonary veins {p v). Left auricle {I a). Mitral valve. Left ventricle {I v). Partition. Aorta descending (a). Fig. 218. — Ideal section of the human heart. § 365. Hence the blood, in performing its whole circuit, passes twice through the heart. The first part of this circuit, the passage of the blood through the body, is called the great circulation^ and the second part, the passage of the blood through the lungs, is the lesser or ‘pulmonary circulation : this double circuit is said to be a complete circulation (fig. 217). In this case, the heart may be justly regarded as two hearts conjoined, and, in fact, the whole of the lesser circulation intervenes in the passage of the blood from one side of the heart to the other ; except that during the embryonic period, when there is an opening between the two auricles, which closes as soon as respiration commences. § 366. In reptiles (fig. 219) the venous blood fi’om the body is received into one auricle, and the oxygenated blood from the lungs into the other. These throw their contents into the single ventricle below, which propels the mixture in part to the body, and in part to the lungs ; but as only the smaller portion of the whole quantity is sent to the lungs in a single circuit, the circulation is said to be incomplete. In the crocodiles, the ventricle has a partition which keeps separate the two kinds of blood received from the auricles ; but the OF THE BLOOD AND CIECULATION. 203 mixture soon takes place by means of a special artery which passes from the pulmonary artery to the aorta. [The reptiles have a heart with one ventricle, and two auricles ; the right auricle receives the impure venous blood from the body, the left aui’icle receives the pure arterial blood from the lungs, and both pour their contents into the same ventricle, where they are mingled together. This mLxed blood is transmitted by the ventricular contractions partly into the lungs and partly into the body ; in the crocodile a partial partition divides the ven- tricle into a right side and a left side, as in birds and mammals. Fig. 219 is a plan of the circulation in reptiles; the arrows indicating the course of the blood. Lesser circulation. Heart. Aorta. Single ventricle. Greater circulation. Fig. 219. — Circulation in reptiles. [§ 367. In fishes the heart possesses two cavities, an auricle and a ventricle, and only receives and transmits venous blood ; it therefore represents the right side of the heart of birds and mammals. The venous blood returned by the systemic veins is poured into the auricle and ventricle, from whence a highly elastic artery arises, which divides into five pairs of branches ; these branchial arteries distribute the blood throughout the giUs ; from these organs it is conveyed into a large single vessel. 204 OF THE BLOOD AND CIECULATION. lying along the spine, and by its branches is distributed through- out the body. Fig. 220 is a plan of this type of circulating organ. Lesser circulation. [§ 368. In the moUusca the heart consists of a ven- tricle and an au- ricle, as in fishes ; Heart. but it differs in this, that it is destined to pro- pel the blood through the sys- Dorsal artery, tem, and not through the gills, as in that class. Veins [Fig.221repre- sents the circula- ting organs of the Doris; the heart Greater circulation. COnsists of a ven- Fig. 220. — Circulation in fishes. tricle («), from whence arises the aorta (6), which sends branches to all parts of the body ; and a single or double auricle (c), in which the veins {d) of the bran- chial organs (e) terminate, the branchiae being developed in the form of external vascular tufts. The blood purified in these or- gans is conveyed to the heart, and transmitted by arteries through the body ; it is collected by the radicles of the veins, which terminate in a large trunk (f). By this vena cava it is dis- tributed through the gills (c), and from these organs it is re- turned to the heart. In the cephalopoda the circulation through the giUs is aided by branchial ventricles, situated at the bases of these organs, but in other respects their circu- latory apparatus resembles that of the mollusca in general. [§ 369. In the Crustacea (fig. 222), the circulation is after the type of the mollusca. The heart (a) consists of a ven- tricle only, from which several arteries arise ; the opthalmic (6), the antennal (c), the hepatic (d), the superior abdominal (e), and the sternal (/). After having circidated through the body, the blood is collected in certain reservoirs {g ^), which take the OF THE BLOOD AND CIECULATION. 205 place of veins ; these venous sinuses swell out at the base, and send a branch to each bran- chia. After having circulated through these organs, the blood is returned to the heart, to perform a similar cir- cuit. [§ 370. In bisects (tig. 223) the circulation is main- tained by a dorsal vessel (a), which acts the part of a heart : it is divided into seve- ral chambers by valves, which pernbt the blood to flow only towards the head ; the vessel here appears to cease, and the blood seems to flow in the interspaces of the tissues ; cur- rents of globules form arches in the antennae, wings, legs, and the prolongations of the abdomen ; lateral currents are seen at 6, the direction of then’ course being indicated by the arrows. The circulation in insects can only be Fig. 222. studied in transparent aquatic larva, as those of the ephemera, in whieh it forms a beautiful spectacle for the microseopist. The chyle globules enter the dorsal vessel by Fig. 221. — Circulating organs of the Doris. 206 OF THE BLOOD AHD CIECULATIOH. lateral slits, which are protected by valves. The simplicity of the circulating organs in insects forms a striking contrast Fig. 223.— Circulation of insects. to the preceding classes ; but we shall see, when treating of the function of respiration, that in insects the air is so com- pletely conveyed to all parts of their bodies, that a simple arrangement suffices for the perfect seration of their blood. [§371. We have seen that the arteries terminate in the veins in the periphery of aU the organs ; these two divisions of the vascular system are connected by the capillary vessels. A view of these vessels can only be obtained by successful minute injections, and the aid of the microscope ; size injections of the skin, and the mucous membranes of the lungs and intestinal canal, exliibit the peripheral capdlary system in great variety. The web of the frog’s foot, the fishes’ tail, and the branchiae of the tadpoles* of frogs, and salamanders, shew the splendid spectacle of the vascular system in action. — T. W.] [§ 372. However different the more minute capillary reticu- lations in the various organs appear, they may nevertheless be * Every season of the year is not alike favourable for making obsen^a- tions on the circulation. It is only in the spring that tadpoles are to be had, but they are excellent subjects. They should be rolled up in moist OF THE FLOOD AND CIRCULATION. 207 all reduced to a siugle fundamental type, a type which is most readily observed in the vascular distribution of the intestinal villi (fig. 224) : the terminal twig of an artery (6, b) bends round into the terminal twig of a vein (a, a), and the two are repeatedly connected by means of delicate loop-like twigs, these in their turn being formed into meshes by cross or intermedi- ate branches. The fundamental type of the peripheral vascular system is therefore an arterial and a venous branchlet — pro- per capillary vessels, and an in- terposed net-work of fine vas- cular canals — vasa intermedia. A distinct separation between capillaries, and intermediate vessels, as this is perceived in the intestinal AuUi more especi- ally, is not generally to be ob- served, the two blend or are lost insensibly in one another. The parenchyma, or organic substance lying between the finest vascular subdivisions, forms islets of very various size and figure, according as the meshes of the intercurrent ves- sels are open or closer, and as they are rounded or angular, artery, A 6, with pd; between the The intimate structure of every ^ beautiful rete of capil- organ, the mode ot union and of the grouping of its elementary parts, and the diameter of the Fig. 224. — Vessels of one of the intestinal vilh of the hare ; after an extremely beautiful dry prepa- ration by Doellinger. The villus is magnified about 45 times. Thevein a, a, is injected with white ; the blotting-paper, nearly to the end of the tail, and so laid upon a plate of glass of sufiicient size, and placed under the microscope, the wrapper of bibulous paper being kept constantly moist by a few drops of water let faU on it from time to time. In this way the circulation may be watched for hours, and the tadpole set free at the end of the observation is nothing the worse. Young and still transparent fishes may also be treated in the same 208 OF THE BLOOD AND CIECULATION. vessels which appertain to it, give rise to the greatest diversity of form, in the peripheral vascular system, which has never- theless so determinate a character in each tissue, that an ex- amination with the microscope of the smallest particle of a finely injected preparation enables us to say with certainty from what part of the body it was obtained.* [§ 373. When a transparent part of a cold-blooded animal, the web of the frog’s foot, for example, is examined under a Fig. 225. — Membrane between two of the toes of the frog’s (Rana esculenta) hind-foot, with the vessels and their anastomoses, drawn under the lens, and magnified three diameters, a o. Veins, h b, Arteries. way, and are excellent subjects, but they require more delicate handhng than tadpoles. The circulation in the allantois of the young embiyms of lizards and snakes is also a very beautiful sight, when these subjects can be had at the proper point of evolution ; they require to be removed from the ova, and observed covered with fluid albumen in a watch-glass. In the winter, frogs are the best subjects ; fishes are then much less proper. In the web of the hind foot of the common frog {Rana temporaria), the circulation is perhaps seen to as great advantage as anywhere. All our better microscopes are now provided with a stage adapted for placing the animal, which is best secured by being put into a linen or calico bag, with tapes at each corner to tie it down. * Professor Wagner’s Physiology, p. 286. OF THE BLOOD AND CIRCULATION. 209 low magnifying power, the directions of the arterial and ve- nous currents are readdy discovered (fig. 225, a a, b b). The anastomoses of both orders of vessels are seen distinctly. Under a higher power (figs. 22G and 227) a net-work of very fine vessels is perceived lying now over, now under the larger branches, and con- nected with these by small twigs. In the larger ves- sels the arterial and venous currents are distinguished, not merely by their opposite directions, hut also by the kind of motion appropriate to each : that of the arteries is disthictly jerking or pul- satory, but it gets ever less and less, so as the minuter subdivisions are attained, and in the intermediate and finest vessels of all it be- comes a continuous stream, 226. — A portion of the web of a which has the character ap- frog’s foot, exhibiting the included propriate to the venous cur- network of vessels, magnified 45 times. Till 1 hi ^ riA'i *1 1 « *1 1 11 ^ r\ ^-1 ^ 1 n ^ rent. In all tne vessels, even The angular unnucleated cells c c, of the parenchyma, lying between the different vessels, are beautifully shown ; a is a deeper-lying venous trunk, with which two smaller capil- lary veins, b b, communicate. The superficial net- work of capillaries is seen admitting but a single series of , blood-globules. All the vessels here granular and fused, though figured are furnished with distinct still including individual parietes. ramified pigmentary ceUs within it (fig. 227), is sharply limited ; the vessels never appear as simple channels pierced through its substance and without distinct parietes. Larger vessels (figs. 227 and 228) are ob- viously enough furnished with darker parietes, composed of various layers of fibres. In the most minute vessels there is room for no more than a single row of blood-corpuscles, and even these can only pass by their long diameters through the p in the very finest, a distinct boundary, formed by a sim- ple dark line, is perceptible ; the surrounding paren- chyma, now distinctly cel- lular (fig. 226), now rather 210 OF THE BLOOD AND CIllCULATION. axis of the vessel. The larger vessels admit several blood- corpuscles together, and in the decidedly arterial or venous branches they are observed passing on in all positions — three, four, and five abreast, over and near to one another, but those in the centre of the current always in more rapid motion than those on its outside and in contact with the walls of the vessel. (Figs. 227 and 228.) Occasionally we observe single vessels of larger calibre running very immediately under the epithelium (a), which is made up of tubular cells with nuclei (6, 6, d, h), through which the fibrous parietes of the vessel are seen shining (fig. 228). Fig. 227. — Vascular rete and circulation of the web of the hind-foot of Rana temiyoraria, magnified 110 times. The indmdual cells of the paren- chyma are indefinite and obscure. The black spots, some of them star- shai)ed, are depositions of pigmentary matter. The deep venous trunk, a, composed of three principal branches, 6, 6, 6, is covered with a rete of smaller vessels. Mingled with the oval-shaped blood-globules, the smaller and rounder lymph-globules are apparent ; here, under the hlood-glohules, there, more on the outside of the stream. OF THE BLOOD AND CIRCULATION. 211 [§ 3/4. A magnifying power of from two to three hundred diameters is required, to make out the particular details of the peripheral circulation. The blood in mass, or in the larger channels, is seen to flow more rapidly than in the smaller. Here the blood-corpuscles advance with great rapidity, espe- cially in the arteries, and with a whirling motion, and form a closely crowded stream in the middle of the vessel, without ever touching its parietes. With a little attention a narrower and clearer but always very distinct space is seen to remain betwixt the great middle current of blood-corpuscles and the bounding walls of the vessel, in which a few of the lymph-corpuscles are moved onwards, but at a vastly slower rate (figs. 22y and 229,ff,«). These round lymph-corpuscles swim in smaller numbers in the transparent liquor san- guinis, and glide slowly, and in general smoothly, though sometimes they ad- vance by fits and starts more rapidly, but with in- tervening pauses, and, as a general ride, at least from ten to twelve times more slowly than the corpuscles of the central stream. The clear space filled with h- quor sanguinis and lymph- corpuscles is obvious in all the larger capillary vessels, whether arterial or venous ; but it ceases to be apparent in the smaller intermediate vessels, wliich admit but one or two ranks of blood-corpuscles Fig. 228. — A venous branch from the ■web of Rana temporaria magnified 350 times, running immediately under the sur- face. The cells of the epidermis, b, 6, b, b, fiattened, mostly six-sided, connected like a piece of pavement, and generally provided ■with nuclei, are seen extended over the vessel. The closely serried co- lumn of blood-globules, some with their edges, others with their broad faces turned to tbe eye, is distinguished ; in the clear space betwixt the blood-globules and the parietes of the vessel, which ap- pear made up of longitudinally disposed parallel fibres, the round, clear, and more slugghshly moving lymph-globules are ap- parent. The object is represented under a weak light. 212 OF THE BLOOD AND CIRCULATION. (fig. 229). In these vessels the round lymph-corpuscles {a, a, a, a) are seen swimming under, over, and behind the oval blood-discs (6, b), both of i^them pro- ceeding pari passu here, and having the same mode- rated motion : still it is impossible not to observe that the blood-corpuscles are possessed of a greater degree of lubricity, that they evidently glide more readily over one another and over the smooth walls of the ves- sels, than the lymph-corpuscles, which seem often to get set fast at the bendings of the vessels, and at the angles where anastomosing branches are re- ceived or given off ; there they re- Fig. 229. — View in outline of a large vein of the frog’s foot magnified 600 times. The hlood-glo- bules, h and c, present sometimes their thin edges, sometimes their broad surfaces, here they he pa- rallel, there diagonally, and elsewhere athwart the course of the vessel. The lymph-globules, a, a, are principally conspicuous in the clear space near the walls of the vessel. main sticking for an instant, and then are suddenly carried on again. Single blood-corpuscles, too, may frequently be observed hurled by a wave, as it were, against angles of the containing vessels, and remain hanging for a brief interval ; at these times they may he seen quivering or oscillating, in spite of the pressure they must undergo ; but their stoppages are never long, they soon fly off again, or, becoming in- volved in the general stream, they are borne onwards, in contemplating the circulation under these circumstances, a spectacle of the most interesting kind is presented to the eye : or TEE BLOOD AND CIRCULATION. 213 the little molecules of the blood are seen in ceaseless motion and alive, but altogether without inherent activity, now borne forward as upon gentle waves, and then pushed more im- petuously along ; now advancing in serried ranks, now threading their way in single files, the entire phenomena de- pendent upon the activity of the central organ. In the most minute intermediate vessels of all, a great degree of repose is Fig. 230. — Portion of the lung of a live Triton di’awn under the micro- scope, and magnified 150 times; a, h, c, streams of venous blood; d, a branch of the pulmonary artery. The verj^ delicate capillaries serving as bonds of union between the pulmonary vessels, are seen playing round little islets of the substance of the lung. The clear space between the current of the blood and the walls of the vessels observed in the larger branches is almost entirely wanting here. The lymph granules, therefore, are observed mixed with the general torrent. The arrows indicate the course of the currents. 214 OF THE BLOOD AHD CIRCULATIOIT. apparent ; single streams are often only recognizable by their bounding parietes ; comprehended within two dark hnes, these vessels are usually filled with the hquor sanguinis alone ; it is at intervals only that a blood-corpuscle, more rarely a lymph-corpuscle, from some neighbouring and larger streamlet, detaches itself and makes its way into the canal, which till now had appeared empty ; one corpuscle entering in this way is frequently followed by several others in pretty rapid succession, and then, or without anything of the kind occurring, the vessel for a long time circulates nothing but the limpid plasma. Whether there are any vessels or not that never circulate aught but plasma, refusing, by reason of the smallness of their diameters, at all times to admit the blood-corpuscles, is doubtful. [§ 375. Such is the peripheral systemic circulation in every tissue susceptible of special examination. In the peripheral vessels of every part yet examined, the separation into the quicker stream of blood-corpuscles in the centre, and of the slower one of liquor sanguinis in the circumference above in- dicated, has been observed. But the circulation of the respi- ratory apparatus, whe- ther lungs or gills, offers a most remarkable ex- ception to this rule, so uniform in reference to the circulation at large. The capillaries of the respiratory organ are filled with blood gene- rally, e. hquor san- guinis, with its super- added blood and lymph- corpuscles, — to then’ Fig. 231.— One of the pulmonary islets very walls (figs. 230 and bounded by capillaries on tliree sides, by a 231 .) It is only in the larger venous branch on the fourth side. InvcrpT’ on'nillnT’v vessels a,h,c are lymph-gloljules mingled with the ^ stratum of blood-globules. Ihe object is magnified , . , , about 300 times. plasma is to be seen in contact with the parietes, which are much more delicate than those of the systemic circulation, and not, like them, formed of a series of dark OF THE BLOOD AND CIRCULATION. 21."> fibrous layers. The circulation through the lungs of the water- newt is a very beautiful object (fig. 230). The pulmonary arteries (d) here expand very speedily into a fine-meshed net-work of intermediate vessels, which in general admit no more than single files of blood-corpuscles playing around very minute islets of the parenchyma of the lung (fig. 231). The vessels always appear with distinct parietes, and terminate partly in capillary vems of the same character as themselves (fig. 230), partly in larger venous trunks. The blood-corpus- cles mixed with lymph-corpuscles (fig. 231, c), as already stated, fill both arteries and veins close to their parietes. The same appearances are presented in the branchial fringes of the larva of the water-newt.]* * Professor Wagner’s Physiolog)", page 294, et seq. CHAPTER EIGHTH. OF RESPIRATION. § 376. For the maintenance of its vital properties, the blood must be submitted to the influence of the air. This is true of all animals, whether they live in the atmosphere or in the water. No animal can survive for any considerable period of time without air ; and the higher animals almost instantly die when deprived of it. It is the office of respiration to bring the blood into communication with the air. [§ 377. In the lowest classes of animals no special organ is developed for the exposure of the nutritive fluid to the oxygen- ating influence of the air contained in the water in which they live. In them, the general cutaneous surface is a respiratory organ • such is the case in infusoria, polyps, medusae, and many other invertebrata. Many parts of the cutaneous mem- brane on the exterior of their bodies, or that lining the diges- tive organs, are covered with vibratile cilia, by the motions of which, currents of water are made to flow over these surfaces, and thereby oxygenating the nutritive fluids circulating in them. [§ 378. In the echinodermata special organs exist ; the up- per surface of the tegumentary membrane of the Asterias is covered with innumerable small transparent fleshy tubes, which in the living state are seen advancing and receding through openings in the integument. The interior of these tubes is lined with cilia, and by their vibrations currents of water are made to flow through them into the visceral cavity, into which they open. The peritoneal membrane fining this cavity pre- sents a considerable extent of surface continually in contact with the surrounding medium, and appears to be the principal seat of respiration. Its surface is covered with cilia, by which currents of water are made to flow in a determinate direction. OF EESPIllATIO^T. 217 and thus the stratum in contact with the vascular membrane is incessantly renewed, and respiration thereby maintained. [In the (fig. 174), the space comprised between the viscera and the test is filled with water, which is drawn into and rejected from the body by five pairs of mem- branous respii’atory tubes, collected into ten tuft-like organs, situated around the circumference of the oral aperture, and opening internally by two perforated pits, as in Asterias. The water thus introduced into the interior of the test riows along the membrane, covering its surface, and over the peritoneal layer, investing the digestive organs and tubular feet and ovaria by the action of cilia, so that the in- terior of the test of the Echinus is in- cessantly tra- versed by re- spiratory cur- rents, whilst the blood, circulating through the coriaceous in- tegument, is in like man- ner aerated by currents flow- ing over its surface by the vibrations of cilia. In the Ho- lothuria (fig. 232), the re- spiratory function is limited to a pair of or- gans formed after a type which attains Fig. 232. — The anatomy of the Holothuria tuhulosa. 218 OF EESPIEATION. its full development, among the air-breathing vertebrata, in- stead of entering the general visceral cavity by tubes, and flowing over the surface of the peritoneum by the motions of cilia, as in the Asteriadce and EchinidcB ; the water is inspired through a single chamber, called the cloaca ( g, flg. 232) ; and by the contraction of its muscular walls flows into two tubular branched organs (^, k), attached by a process of the peritoneum to the walls of the body ; upon the membra- nous lining of these organs, which divide and subdivide, like a tree, into branches, terminating in tuft-like cells (in) ; the blood-vessels ramify like the pulmonary vessels on the bron- chial tubes in the air-breathing vertebrata, which they further resemble in the rythmic movements of dilatation and contrac- tion, which take place three times in a minute in the Holo- thuria tubulosa (fig. 232), the water, after each inspiration, re- maining about twenty seconds in the body. [§ 379. The respiratory organs, in all the other classes of the animal series, may be grouped into three principal forms ; branchise, tracheae, lungs. The plan manifested in the structure of these organs is to fold up, into the smallest possible space, a large extent of membranous surface, upon which a net-work of blood-vessels may be spread. It is impossible to imagine a more perfect fulfilment of these conditions than is accomplished in the structure of the branchiae and lungs, whereby the whole circulating fluid of the body is made to traverse a vascular net- work, and is brought thereby into mediate or immediate con- tact with the air of the atmosphere, or that held in solution in the water : as a general rule, it may be stated that branchiae are adapted for aquatic, and lungs for aerial respiration. [§ 380. Most of the moUusca respire by branchiae. In the Tunicata they occupy the interior of a cavity which is tra- versed by currents of water, entering at one orifice and escaping at another, and caused by the vibrations of ciha. In the SalpcE the branchia has the form of a tube, formed by a fold of the internal membrane, disposed transversely in spiral turns, which gives an annulated appearance to the cavity, and has caused it to be likened to the trachefe of insects. Tlie su- perior border of this membrane is provided with an infinity of small vessels, running parallel with each other ; in other genera the branchia forms a more continuous hning of the resphatory OF EESPIRATION. 219 sac ; the inhaled currents are made to traverse the body by the cilia, encircUng the afferent aperture, and developed on the surface of the branchial membrane. In the CoNCHiFEEA the mantle presents two orifices, the one for the entrance and the other for the exit of the water from the'branchial cavity. In the oyster (fig. 17b), the bran- chiae form four leaflets {h, k), attached by their contiguous upper margins, and free below ; they consist of innumerable elongated filaments, covered by a delicate membrane, on which a rete of capillary blood-vessels is spread ; vibratile ciha are developed on the surface of this membrane, as well as on that of the branchial cavity, by which currents of water are made to traverse the respiratory organs* in a determinate dii’ection ; in the conchifera, burrowing in rocks, sand and mud, the branchiae are greatly elongated, and the mantle is prolonged into tubes, for conducting water into the palleal cavity. The vibratile cilia are of large size in Mytilus and Anodon, covering the entire surface of the branchial filaments, and lining all parts of the respiratory cavity ; a small portion of the branchiae, detached from the hving animal, is seen to row itself, hke an animalcule, through the water, by the motion of its ciha. Nearly all the Gasteeopoda respire by branchiae, which, in most of the naked marine species, are in the form of tufts, fans, or combs, variously disposed on the surface of the body, and in the testaceous kinds are concealed under a fold of the mantle. In the Doris (fig. 221) the branchiae (e) form elegant ramose tufts, disposed around the anal opening ; in Thethys they are composed of two dorsal rows of alternately tufted and crested organs. In Aplysia (fig. 177) they occupy the right side of the body, and are protected by a delicate pellucid shell. In the numerous pecteni-branchiate gasteropods, as the Paludina (fig. 35), inhabiting univalve turbinated shells, the branchiae {g) are placed under an extended fold of the mantle, and in many of the carnivorous genera the water is con- ducted into the branchial chamber, through a muscular si- phuncle, lodged in a canal of the shell, and flowing over the surface of the filamentary gills, by the vibrations of the cilia, is discharged through an opening in the palleal cavity, carrying with it the excreted materials from the glands and intestinal canal. 220 OF EESPIEATlOTf. n [In the Pteeopoda, as the Clio and Hyalea, the branchiae resemble membranous expansions, hke fins, or lamellae, on the surface of the body. In the Cephalopoda they form two or four organs, lodged in a distinct chamber, into which the water is inspired, and expelled through a funnel-like tube, situated on the under side of the neck. [§ 381 . The CEUSTACEA present various phases of branchial development; in the lowest forms, no special organ exists; the tegumentary membrane forming a general aerating surface. In the bran- chiopods, the last joints of the feet are flattened and covered with a vascular membrane, adapted for respiration ; these organs having a continual oscillating movement. In the Squilla, the bran- chiae are limited to the abdominal members ; whilst in the decapoda, as the crab and lobster (fig. 222), they are formed hke those of mollusca and fishes, and lodged in separate cavities under the thoracic shield ; the renewal of the water being effected by the motion of distinct appendages. In those Crustacea, as the land crabs, which live for a time on shore, the branchise are kept moist by the membrane lining, the cavities being disposed in folds, to serve as reservoirs for water ; and sometimes it presents a spongy texture for the same end. [§ 382. The marine Annelida respire by bran- chise variously disposed, on different parts of their bodies ; in those living in tubes, as Serpula and Sabella, they resemble the tentacula of polyps, and form plumelike coloured organs, sometimes with a spiral winding. When fuUy expanded in the water, they are adorned with the most beautiful colours. In the Amphitrite they are pectinated; in Terehellce they resemble small trees planted round the neck. In the genera which swim freely through the water, they are disposed in longitudinal lines ; in the Arenicola (fig. 233), they form a series of tufts, p. 223 rich in bloodvessels. In Eunices, they have a Branchije of pectinated form, and in Aphrodita they are placed the Arenicola. on scales along the back. In the Hirudo (fig. OF RESPIRATION. 221 178) a series of vesicles lined with mucous membrane, and richly supplied with blood vessels, are regarded as respirating sacs. [§ 383. Fishes respire by branchise, or gills, for the sup- port and * protection of which a complicated framework of bones, cartilages, ligaments, and muscles is provided ; the form aud arrangement of this apparatus varies in the different famihes and genera. It may, however, be classified into — 1st. The lingual bone and branchiostegous rays ; 2nd. The bran- chial arches ; 3rd. The opercula or gill covers. The gills are for the most part attached to the branchial arches, which extend from the sides of the os hyiodes, back- wards to the cranium. They are, in general, four in number on each side of the head, and are composed of numerous la- mellae, placed closely together, and arranged in a regular series over the whole external convex margin of the branchial arches, like the barbs of a feather, or the teeth of a comb. Every- thing is arranged to afford the greatest possible extent of sur- face for the contact of the water with the mucous membrane on which a rich vascular network is spread. In the common ray, the extent of surface of the mucous membrane of the gills is estimated at 2250 square inches. In osseous fishes, as the pike and perch, the gills adhere by their superior bor- der, and are covered by moveable opercula. In the carti- laginous genera, as the rays and sharks, they are attached by both borders, aud there are no opercula ; the water, which in the former enters by the mouth and escapes by the oper- cula, in the latter is expelled by a series of fissures situated at the sides of the neck. In the Hippocampus and Syngnathus, the gills are disposed in the form of tufts along the surface of the branchial arches, resembling the tufted branchiae of gastropoda and annehda. In sucking fishes, as the lamprey, Petromyzony they are in the form of vesicular sacs, ar- ranged on each side of the neck, into which the water is introduced by a canal coming from the cavity of the mouth, and discharged through the holes situated at the sides of the same region. Most fishes, besides gills, possess a hollow organ analagous to a lung, and called the air-sac, or swim-bladder ; it is situated in the abdominal cavity, lying along the under side of the ver- 222 or EESPIEATIOK. tebral column, and, in -general, communicating with the pha- rynx, or stomach, by a membranous canal. Numerous blood- vessels and nerves, derived from the eighth pair and the sym- pathetic, are distributed on its walls ; this organ is most de- veloped in those fishes which come frequently to the surface of the water, and are remarkable for their vehement and prolonged muscular movements, as the Lepidosteus of the American rivers. The air-sac in this fish is divided into two chambers, the lining membrane presenting an arrangement of calls like the lung of a reptile ; the duct from this air-sac, surmounted by a rudimentary larynx, opens high up in the throat, and, although a simple membranous tube, is the homo- logue of the trachea of air-breathing vertebrata. In the Lepi- dosiren the air-sac is a double organ, each division being divided into several lobes ; it is situated behind the kidneys, against the ribs, and is internally cellular, hke the lung of a serpent ; an- teriorly it opens by a tolerably long, narrow membranous tube into the esophagus ; each division of the air-sac receives a branch of the pulmonary artery, arising from the branchial arteries. For these reasons the air-sac of fishes is regarded as a rudimentary lung, performing an accessory part in the great function of respiration. It is least developed, or even wanting, in those species which live at the bottom, and burrow in sand or mud, as the lampreys, rays, and Pleuronectidce. Many fishes respire by the intestinal canal, the air which they swallow at the surface being employed for that purpose, as it escapes from the intestine loaded with carbonic acid gas. The fact of fishes swallowing air may be seen in the electric eel, and in fishes kept in vases, the water of which has been deprived of its air by their respiration. [§ 384. The higher forms of reptiles, as serpents, lizards, and turtles, breathe by lungs. In the amphibia, one group comprising the frogs and salamanders, respire, during a term of their embryonic development, by vascular tufted giUs ; but these organs are subsequently absorbed, as the lungs become developed ; and, during adult life, they breathe air by lungs, respiration being aided by the general surface of their smooth, naked, tegumentary membrane. In another group the giUs are persistent through hfe, and co-exist with the lungs. Such is the case in the Amphiuma, Menobranchus^ ProteuSy Siren, OF RESPIRATIOJS’. 223 Axolotl ; all these amphibia, like fishes, have branchial arches attached to the hyoid bone, and situated at the under part of the head ; in the Frotens, there are three pairs of branchise, with ramified filaments, extending in the form of vascular branched organs to a considerable distance beyond the branchial apertures ; the water enters by the mouth and escapes by the inter-branchial spaces. Besides” gills, the perennibranchiate amphibia possess lungs resembling the air-sacs of fishes, and which we shall describe in treating of the development of these or2:ans. [§ 385. The second form of respiratory organs, called tra- cheee, is met wnth in myriapoda, insecta, and some araehnida. The tracheae are air-tubes which divide and subdivide, and be- come smaller and smaller in diameter, and penetrate the sub- stance of all the organs ; sometimes they are enlarged into vesicular sacs, of different forms and sizes (fig. 234). These tubes convey atmospheric air to the interior of all the tissues, and, as they are everywhere surrounded by the blood, diffused through the body of insects, a perfect aeration of that fluid is effected ; the extensive ramification of the tracheee being a compensation for the imperfection of their organs of circula- tion. The large quantity of air eontained in the bodies of in- sects impart the necessary hghtness and elasticity to them, and the highly oxygenated condition of their circulating fluids imparts energy to the museular system, and precision and activity to their movements ; to the same cause we must like- wise attribute the high temperature whieh their bodies so often acquire. Fig. 234 exhibits the respiratory system in the Nepa cinerea. The air is admitted by the spiraeles, or stig- mata, into two great lateral tubes, which subdivide and ramify through the body ; the tracheae are hned with a soft mucous membrane, and covered externally with a dense, shining, serous coat ; between these is interposed an elastic fibrous tunic, formed of a cartilaginous filament rolled into a spiral form, like the spiral vessels in plants. This admirable strue- ture, affording as it does one of those striking examples of creative wisdom and design, extends through all the ramifi- cations of the tracheae, giving the necessary elasticity and patency to tubes destined to convey air, and to ramify like blood-vessels through all parts of the head, antennae, palpi, legs, tarsi, wings, muscular, nervous and digestive systems ; 224 OF RESPIEATTON. the stigmata, or spiracles, are provided with muscles to open and close them, and with valves, processes, and hairs, va- Head. Fig. 234. — Respiratory apparatus of the Nc2)a cinerea. Tvachefp. Spiracle. 1st pair of legs” ’ 1st segnient of the thorax. Origin of the wings. Vesicular air S^CS 2d pair of legs. 3d pair of legs. riously modified in the different famihes, to protect them from the entrance of foreign bodies. The abdominal segments of the body exhibit rythmic contractions and expansions during respiration, which are well seen in the dragon-fly, and resem- ble the muscular movements of the thorax and abdomen during the same act in the pulmonated vertebrates. — T. W.] RESPTEATION. 225 § 386. In the lower vertebrata provided with lungs they form a single or- gan ; but in the hi2:her classes O they are in pairs, placed in the cavity formed by the ribs, one on each side of the vertebral co- lumn, and en- closing the heart between them (ng. 235). The lungs communi- cate with the atmosphere by means of a tube, composed of car- tilaginous rings, arising at the back part of the mouth, and dividing below, first into a branch for each organ, and then into innumerable branches penetrating their whole mass, and finally terminating in minute cells. This tube is the trachea (^), and its branches are the bronchi. In the higher air-breathing animals the lungs and heart occupy an apartment by themselves, the chest (fig. 124), which is separated from the other contents of the lower arch of the vertebral column by a fleshy partition, called the diaphragm (fig. 180), passing across the cavity of the body, and arching into the chest. The only access to this apartment from without is by the glottis through the trachea (fig. 235, t). § 386*. The mechanism of respiration by lungs may be compared to the action of a beUows. The cavity of the chest is enlarged by raising the ribs, the arches of which naturally slope somewhat downward, but more especially by the con- traction of the diaphragm, whereby its intrusion into the chest is diminished. This enlargement causes the air to rush in through the trachea, distending the lungs so as to fill the ad- Q Fig. 255. — Lungs, Heart, and principal blood- vessels of Man. a r, right auricle ; v r, right ventricle ; v I, left ventricle ; a, aorta ; v c, vena cava ; a c, carotid arteries ; vj, jugular veins ; a s, subclavian ar- tery ; V s, subclavian veins ; t, trachea. 226 EESPIRATION. -CL Fig. 236. — Lung of the water- newt {Triton cristatns) : A, the natural size ; B, magnified ; a, pulmonary artery ; b, pulmonary vein. «i» » » #1 tfi’’ 'i 'S' ' Fig. 237. — Portion of the lung of the Triton cristatus. The ves- sels are injected with fine size and vermilion, and form so dense a net- w’ork that minute islets only of parenchyma remain visible. ditional space. When the dia- phragm is again relaxed, and the ribs are allowed to subside, the cavity is again diminished, and the air expelled. These move- ments are term^diinspiration and expiration. The spongy pulmo- nary substance being thus dis- tended with air, the blood sent fromthe heart isbrought into such contact with it as to allow the re- quisite interchange to take place. [§ 387. The minute anatomy of the lungs, in vertebrate ani- mals, exhibits many interesting varieties. The structure is sim- plest in the naked amphibia, where it is but little more com- plex than in the snails.* In the water-newt, for instance, the lungs present themselves as a pair of simple elongated sacs (fig. 236), attached to an ex- tremely short rudimentary la- rynx, and internally exhibiting no projection ; the air distends the entire hollow internal sac, or cavity. In the frogs the mem- branous surface of the lungs is increased by the development of cells upon their internal aspects (figs. 237 and 238), upon the bottoms of which cells other secon- dary and smaller ones can be per- ceived ; all these pidmonic cells, * The lung presents itself in its very simplest form in the snails and slugs. The contractile respiratory ori- fice here leads to a sini])le smooth in- ternal cavity lined with a delicate mucous membrane, upon which the pulmonary vessels are distributed. RESPIRATION. 227 however, are merely parietal, and communicate directly with the middle cavity of the lung, which is filled with atmo- spheric air, and upon the membranous walls of which, as well as upon their bot- toms, the blood-vessels ra- mify. In the turtles (fig. 239) and crocodiles the cel- lular subdivisions increase in number and decline in size, and the common cavity is divided by various bands and septa stretching across it, into a number of mutually communicating sacs or pouches ; the whole lung thus acquires a more compact or parenchy- Fig. 238. — Portion of the frog’s lung from within, to shew the open paiietal cells — figure drawn twice the size of nature. matoiis appearance. In the serpents (fig. 240), in which one only of the two lungs is ever completely evolved, this at the upper part is covered with small parietal cells ; but these gradually become smaller and smaller, less and less distinct, and finally disappear entirely, so that the lower part of the lung is completely vesicular and unvascular. [§ 388. In the class of birds we observe, in the same interesting manner, the general type of the lung preserved, but the sur- face of contact is greatly in- creased by means of parie- tal cells, which are repeated again and again. This mo- dification is made necessary by the larger quantity of a Fig. 239. — A, several cells from the lung of a Tortoise. A portion of one of these cells is exhibited in B, magnified five hundred times — part of the septum, a, a, which divides this cell from those next to it, c and d, is seen. 'I'he ves- sels are injected with size^and vermilion, and form such thick masses, that the islets of pulmonic parenchyma betwixt them almost disappear. blood which is here transmitted to Q o 228 RESPIEATION. the respiratory system, and the consequent augmented amount of respiratory process, by which a larger extent of membranous surface became indispensable. The bronchi in birds are continued into the lungs, where they divide into membranous tubes, wliich permeate their sub- stance; the deeper tubes stand like organ-pipes, and open into the superficial tubes ; and all are covered with small parietal cells, upon which vessels are dis- tributed ; the cells form very elegant, dehcate microscopic Fig. 240.-A piece from that part of reticulations, and generally the Serpent’s lung which is most scan- present themselves as Six- tily supplied with vessels, magnified sided spaces, four hundred times. The vessels here [§ 389. The lungs of man form a vei7 beantiful rete, with wide mammalia are form- meshes; they have been successfully ^ i Trc injected with fiiie site and vermilion. another and a differ- eut type ; the trachea here divides and subdivides, like the branches of a tree, into finer and finer branches, which at first contain carti- lages in their constitution, but which by and by become membranous, and finally end in blind sacculi, or rather in hollow berry or bud-like and clustered vesicles (figs. 241 and 242). The pulmo- nic cells of man and the mammalia, consequently, are not parietal, but termi- nal ; they vary from the bth to the 18th of a line in magnitude, the majority of them measuring between the 8th to the lOth of a line in diameter. Fig. 241. — Terminal vesicles of the human lung, hanging to a branch of the bronchi as berries hang to their stalk, and distinct from one another. The figui’e is half a plan, and the mag- nifying power used very high. EESPIEATIOIS^. 22!) '-!T> 'i Delicate arcuate fibres, of the nature of elastic tissue, sur- round these terminal vesicles, and hold them distended, whilst the vessels spread freely over their sur- face (fig. 242). [§ 390. The development of the lungs is extremely interesting. In the embryo of the bird and mammal A they first appear in the shape of a simple, and then of a double projec- tion from the esophagus (% 244, a), ^ which soon divides more distinctly lung ofahog. The terminal into two, becomes separated from vesicles are filled with mer- this part, and is finally supported cury, and of the natural size, upon a pedicle— the future trachea the same part seen under (fig. 244, b). In birds these little ^ sacs are then drawn out into hollow tubes, which pass over into the paral- lel pipes above described (§ 387). In the mammalia they divide, after the man- ner of branch- es, into twigs and minute vesicles (figs. 241 and 242), which advance in develop- ment, and be- come the fdture terminal cells (fig. 242, b). [§ 391. The capillary vas- Fig. 243. — Small portion of lung from the body of cular net- work ^ examined shortly after death, under a magnify- of the lunes power of 200 times. The vessels, b, b, &c., still , O’ turgid with blood, include very minute islets of paren- as already chyma between them ; the semicircular fibres, a, a, u, stated, exhi- surround the smallest terminal cells of the lungs. 230 EESPIKATION. »1- I) b a Fig. 244. — a. Rudiment of the in the embryo of the sixth day. Both figures twice the size of nature. hits a peculiar structure, which may be studied very readily in the lungs of the live newt (fig. 230), or in preparations of the same part that have been finely injected. From the whole extent of the pulmonary artery a vast number of very small arteries arise, the orifices of which give the inner surface of its principal branches lung'in the embryo of the fowl the appearance of a regularly per- of the fourth day ; b, the lung forated sieve ; these minute ves- sels form a very close irregular hexagonal intermediate net-work, without resolving themselves into branches and twigs like a tree, and so forming a capillary rete. Yet single larger vessels (fig. 230, d) proceed from the pulmonary artery to reach some more remote part of the lung. The pulmonary vein, hke the pul- monary artery, is partly perforated at every point in its course for the reception of smaller vessels, and Fig. 245.— The greater part is partly formed by larger venous of the right lung of a foetal trunks, which collect and bring sheep, an inch and a half long, the blood from greater distances seeir under the mcroscope (af- 230, c). The islets of the +or IVliiflpr /)tf (ri.n'irn. P . ter Muller, De Gland, secern, struct, penit. T. xvii. f. 7). Fig 246. — Termination of one of the branchings of the bronchi from the lung of a very young embryo of the hog after Rathke (fig. viii. T. x\iii.) thin and indistinctly cellular pa- renchyma, are often of a di- ameter inferior to that of the ves- sels which surround them ; this is the case in the tortoise, for ex- ample (fig. 239), and appears to be the case in man also (figs. 241, 242). It is remarkable that even in the more conspicuous branches of the pulmonary vas- cular system, the layer of trans- parent lymph in immediate con- tact with the walls of the vessels RESPIEATION. 231 should either be wanting, or of the greatest delicacy ; and that no lymph -corpuscles should be visible swimming in it apart from the general current, but that they should be observed mingled with the common stream (fig. 230 «, b, c).]* [§ 392. The organs which serve in man and the various classes of animals for respiration, and the mechanical part of the function of these organs, have now been described. The very essence of respiration, however, consists in this : that the air of the atmosphere brought into contact with the blood within the lungs effects certain changes in that fluid which are indispensable to the maintenance of life. The air, it is true, does not come into direct contact with the blood even in the lungs, but is separated from it by the parietes of the pulmo- nary cells and the walls of the blood-vessels. The air, how- ever, readily penetrates these moist tissues, for it combines with the watery fluid which permeates them, and so makes its way even immediately to the blood. f As the lungs contain air at all times, the influence which the elastic fluid exerts upon the blood, and the changes which the blood undergoes, are not connected \\dth the alternate assumption and rejection of so much air. These are but means to an end : the proper respiratory process, or that process for which inspiration and expiration are instituted, goes on incessantly. Inspiration and expiration are merely provisions for changing the air, w^hich must be renewed at intervals, longer or shorter, if the object of respiration is to be attained. — Before entering on the peculiar chemical processes occurring in respiration, it is proper to inquire into the changes which, 1st, the air, and 2nd, the blood, experience in its course. [§ 393. The earliest accurate researches into the nature of respiration, were instituted with a view to determine the changes which the air experienced in passing through the lungs, and our information upon this part of the function * Professor Wagner’s Physiology, pp. 358, et seq. t The penetration of the moist parietes of the air-cells and blood- vessels is a general physical phenomenon, and independent of any peculiar ])ower or property inherent in the lungs ; any moist animal membrane without or within the living body is gradually penetrated by the air of the atmosphere and other gases. (§ 413). The extensive subdivision which the blood undergoes in the minute vessels of the lungs is obviously calculated greatly to assist the operation of the air. 232 EESPIEATION. may be said to be pretty full. The air of the atmosphere consists of a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen, with a slight addition of carbonic acid and of hydrogen gases : 100 parts of atmospheric air consist, according to the latest analyses, very constantly of 79 parts of nitrogen, and 21 of oxygen ; the admixtures of carbonic acid and hydrogen, on the contrary, are extremely variable in amount ; the carbonic acid has been ascertained to vary between 0,0003 and 1,0 per cent. ; the hydrogen may amount to about 1 per cent. The air that is expired yields very nearly the same quantity of nitrogen as the air that is inspired; but it contains less oxygen, and a larger quantity of carbonic acid, and also of hydrogen ; it hkewise contains some volatile organic matters. The quantities of oxygen and carbonic acid, in the air, have altered relatively during respiration, in suchwise that the volume of the oxygen which has disappeared is rather greater than that of the carbonic acid which has made its appearance. Sir Humphrey Davy breathed during one minute, making 19 inspirations in the time, 161 cubic inches of air, which in 100 parts consisted of 72,7 nitrogen, 26.3 oxygen, and 1,0 carbonic acid ; and during this time he expired 152 cubic inches of air, of which 100 parts contained 73.4 nitrogen, 1 5, 1 oxygen, and 11,5 carbonic acid. In this ex- periment, consequently, if we disregard the disappearance of 9 cubic inches of air and a slight increase of nitrogen, it appears that from the respired air 1 1,2 per cent of oxygen had vanished, and 10,5 per cent, of carbonic acid had appeared. In the experiments of AUenand Pepys, 100 parts of expired air were found to consist of 79 nitrogen, 13 oxygen, and 8 carbonic acid; supposing, therefore, the air which was breathed to have been of the normal constitution, 8 per cent, of oxygen had disap- peared, and rather more than 8 per cent, of carbonic acid had been evolved. Like results were come to by Dulong, Des- pretz, Lavoisier, and Seguin. In the quantity of the absorbed oxygen and of the added carbonic acid, however, the state- ments of the different observers differ. Davy, for example, found that the quantity of the added carbonic acid amounted to from 3,95 to 4,5 per cent. ; in the particular experiment quoted above, it was as much as 10,5 per cent. Allen and Pepys state it at from 8 to 8,5 per cent. ; Berth ollet at from 5,53 to 13 per cent. ; Menzies at 5 per cent. ; Prout at from CHANGES IN THE AIE. 233 3,3 to 4,6 per cent. ; Murray at from 6,2 to 6,5 per cent. ; Fyfe at 8,5 per cent., and Ir^dne at 10 per cent. The mean of the whole of these observations is about 5,8 per cent. If we presume that errors had crept into some of these experi- ments, it is still obvious that the quantity of carbonic acid eliminated by different individuals, and at different times, is not always the same. Prout, whose skill in observation inclines us to place the most implicit reliance on his results, found by direct experiment that the time when the smallest quantity of carbonic acid was produced, was shortly after midnight ; it increased towards morning, and rose continually towards mid- day, when it attained its maximum ; in the afternoon it declined again, and sank continually through the course of the evening, until it reached its minimum about midnight. The formation of carbonic acid, therefore, experiences regular fluctuations in accordance with the times of the day. Prout observed, farther, that a larger quantity of carbonic acid was produced in states of mental tranquillity, during gentle exer- cise and with a low state of the barometer ; and that, on the contrary, less was formed under the influence of active exer- tion, depression of mind, and the use of spirituous liquors. The estimates which we have of the absolute quantity of car- bonic acid ehmiuated during a given time also vary greatly. According to Lavoisier and Seguin, the quantity formed in twenty-four hours amounts to 8,534 grains French ; according to Davy, it is 17,811 grains Enghsh; according to Allen and Pepys, it is 18,612 grains Enghsh. But these quantities Berzehus has shown are far too great with reference to the quantity of food consumed in the same interval of time.* * Berzelius observes {Thierchemie, 3tte Auf. S. 124), that upwards of six pounds of solid aliment daily would be required to replace this loss of carbonic acid, even were the whole of the carbon of the food to be elimi- nated by the lungs in the shape of carbonic acid, and none to pass off with the foeces, the bile, the urine, &c., which, however, is very far from being the case. The above quantities must, therefore, be looked upon as exag- gerated, thpugh the observations themselves may be perfectly correct ; the error, probably, lies in the reckoning ; during the short period that such experiments last — one or two minutes — inspiration and expiration are almost certainly forced or exaggerated ; the air is more rapidly changed, and more carbonic acid is eliminated than during ordinary^ respiration. The indications afforded by two minutes, under such circumstances, ap- plied to the whole of the twenty-four hom's, obviously raise the general result far above the proper standard. 234 EESPIEATIOlSr. The quantity of water contained in the expired air amounts, taking the mean of the estimates of a great number of ob- servers, to about 8,000 grains, or one pound in the four-and- twenty hours.* EESPIEATION IN GASES OTHEE THAN ATMOSPHEETC AIE. [§ 394. With a view of obtaining still more precise informa- tion regarding the changes induced in air by its assumption into the lungs, experiments have been instituted on the respi- ration of different kinds of gas. These experiments, however, * See Muller’s Physiology, by Baly, vol. i. p. 330. The statements in the text refer particularly to man ; but they also apply very closely to animals which breathe by lungs, with this difference, that in cold- blooded animals the quantities of oxygen absorbed, and of carbonic acid eliminated, are relatively smaller. Dulong found, no matter what animal he made the experiment upon, that there was rather more oxygen ab- sorbed than carbonic acid evolved. The excess in graminivorous animals amounts to one-tenth ; in carnivorous creatures, it was from one-fifth to one-half more than the carbonic acid. Despretz observed the same thing. Allen and Pepys, on the other hand, found the quantity of oxygen that disappeared, and of carbonic acid that was generated, to be equal. The oxygen which disappears is used up in the combustion of hydrogen, the product of which is watery vapour. Treviranus and Muller instituted comparative experiments upon the respiration of some of the lower animals, and the quantity of carbonic acid formed in a given time, con- trasted with the weight of the animal, from which it appears that mammals, for ever)' one hundred grains of their weight, produce 0.52 of cubic inch of carbonic acid in one hundred minutes ; that birds, consi- dered in the same way, produce 0.97 of a cubic inch ; that amphibia (the frog), still considered in the same way, produce 0.05 of a cubic inch. The respiratory process performed by the medium of water is precisely the same as that which goes on with 'the direct contact of air : the air dis- solved in the water comes into contact with the blood which circulates through the gills, and oxygen disappears, and carbonic acid appears as usual. Water, in general, contains from five to five and a quarter per cent, of its bulk of air dissolved in it — this air, however, having a somewhat greater relative proportion of oxygen than the air of the atmosphere, oxygen being somewhat more soluble in water than nitrogen. We have very admirable researches on the respiration of fishes by A. von Humboldt and Provenc^al. The water in which the fishes were put in these experi- ments contained 20,3 per cent, of air, which, in one hundred parts, con- sisted of 29,8 oxygen, 66,2 nitrogen, and 4,0 carbonic acid. After having been used for respiration, the water still contained 17,6 per cent, of air, which consisted, in one hundred parts, of 2,3 oxygen, 63,9 nitrogen, and 33,8 carbonic acid. Here, therefore, oxygen was also absorbed, and carbonic acid evolved. EESPIRATION OF NITEOGEN. 235 almost necessarily extended to the consideration of the effects which breathing different gases produced upon the organism, as well as to the changes which the gases suffered in the process. We shall therefore here consider the two together. During healthy respiration, the atmospheric air that supplies the lungs is constantly changed. If this renewal of the air is not provided for, but the same air is breathed over and over again, the circumstances attending respiration are altered. In the same proportion, for example, as the oxygenous con- tents of the air diminish, and the carbonaceous contents in- crease, less and less oxygen is absorbed, less and less carbonic acid is evolved ; and when the air comes to have a certain proportion of carbonic acid mixed with it, which, from the experiments of Allen and Pepys, appears to be ten per cent., no mere carbonic acid is formed, and the elastic fluid no longer suffices for respiration, although it still contains some- thing like ten per cent, of oxygen. A little oxygen, indeed, continues to disappear, but the respiration becomes laborious, and cannot be carried on without imminent risk of suffocation to any of the higher animals. This is the source of the oppressive sensation experienced when many persons, crowded together in a limited space, continue to breathe the same atmosphere. In pure oxygen gas respiration goes on as readily as in atmospheric air, but a feeling of uneasiness and of exhaustion is soon ex- perienced. The changes produced in the gas are of the same nature as when the common atmospheric air is breathed — oxygen disappears, and carbonic acid is engendered ; the quantity of the latter, according to Allen and Pepys, being, however, greater than under ordinary respiration — it amounts, instead of eight per cent., to between eleven and twelve per cent. The same experimenters also found that nitrogen gas was evolved during the respiration of oxygen gas. Nitrous oxyde gas (consisting of sixty-four nitrogen, thirty-six oxygen), like oxygen, will support life for a time, but it produces a pe- culiar intoxicating effect upon the economy. A portion of the gas is dissolved by the blood, which assumes a purple red colour ; and the face and hands, in consequence of this change, acquire a livid and cadaverous hue. Nitrogen and traces of carbonic acid are found in the expired nitrous oxyde gas. Pure nitrogen, although it can be taken readily into the lungs, and is not at all poisonous, is quite incompetent to support 236 EESPIEATION. life ; small animals immersed in it, therefore, soon die as- phyxiated. Pure hydrogen, too, can be breathed, but will not support life ; it is either without effect on the economy, or exerts a soporific influence. The experiments of many in- quirers, however, have shown that cold-blooded animals, such as frogs, can exist for hours in pure nitrogen and hydrogen ; they become asphyxiated at length, and are apparently dead ; but if not kept too long immersed in the gases, they recover when brought into contact with the air of the atmosphere. All observers, too, are agreed that these animals eliminate car- bonic acid when confined in nitrogen and hydrogen. In a mix- ture of four parts hydrogen and one part (volume) oxygen, animals were found by Allen and Pepys to become sleepy, without any prejudicial effect upon the health appearing to ensue. Oxygen disappeared, and carbonic acid was evolved precisely as when atmospheric air was breathed ; at the same time, however, nitrogen made its appearance, and in such quan- tity, too, that in the course of an hour the volume eliminated equalled, and even exceeded by a half, the volume of the animal which was the subject of experiment. Other gases are true poisons to the economy — carburetted, phosphuretted, sulphuretted, arseniuretted hydrogen, &c. Air that contained no more than l-1500th of its bulk of sulphuretted hydrogen was sufficient to prove fatal to a bird; 1 -800th destroyed a dog, 1 -250th killed a horse. Some gases inspired in a state of purity, or but little diluted, induce spasm and complete closure of the glottis, and consequent death ; more largely diluted, they excite violent cough. To this list belong chlorine, the vapour of iodine, nitric oxyde, ammoniacal gas, fluoboric and fluosilicious gas, and the greater number of the strong acid vapours, such as those of nitric acid, sulphuric and sul- phurous acid, succinic acid, &c. The greater number of the particulars related in the preceding paragraph have been made known to us through the admirable researches of . Sir Humphrey Davy,]* § 395. The vivifying power of the air upon the blood is due to its oxygen. If an animal be confined for a time in a closed vessel, and the contained air be afterwards examined, a considerable portion of its oxygen will have disappeared, and another gas of a very different character, namely, carbonic * Dr. Julius Vogel, in Wagner’s Physiology, p. 366. EESPIEATIOK. 237 acid gas, will have taken its place. The essential office of respiration is to supply oxygen to the blood, at the same time that carbon is removed from it. § 396. An immediately obvious effect of respiration in the red-blooded animals is a change of colour ; the blood, in passing through the respiratory organs, being changed from a very dark purple to a bright scarlet. In the great circulation the scarlet blood occupies the arteries, and is usually called red blood, in contradistinction to the venous blood, which is called black blood. In the lesser or pulmonary circulation, on the contrary, the arteries carry the dark, and the veins the red blood. § 396*. The quantity of oxygen consumed by various ani- mals in a given time has been accurately ascertained by expe- riment. It has been found, for instance, that a common- sized man consumes, on an average, about one hundred and fifty cubic feet in twenty-four hours ; and as the oxygen con- stitutes but twenty-one per cent, of the atmosphere, it follows that he inhales, during a day, about seven hundred cubic feet of atmospheric air. In birds, the respiration is still more active, while in reptiles and fishes it is much more sluggish. § 397. The energy and activity of an animal is somewhat dependent on the activity of its respiration. Thus the toad, whose movements are very sluggish, respires much more slowly than mammals, birds, and even insects ; and it has been ascer- tained that a butterfly, notwithstanding its comparatively diminutive size, consumes more oxygen than a toad. § 398. The circulation and respiration have a reciprocal influence upon each other. If the heart be powerful, or if violent exercise demand a more rapid supply of blood to repair the consequent waste, respiration must be propor- tionally accelerated to supply air to the greater amount of blood sent to the lungs. Hence the panting occasioned by running or other unusual efforts of the muscles. On the other hand, if respiration be hurried, the blood being ren- dered more stimulant by greater oxygenation, causes an ac- celeration of the circulation. The quantity of air consumed varies therefore with the proportion of the blood which is sent to the lungs. § 399. The proper temperature of an animal, or what is termed animal heat, depends on the combined activity of 238 RESPIRATION. the respiratory and circulating systems, and is in direct pro- portion to it. In many animals the heat is maintained at a uniform temperature, whatever may be the variations of the surrounding medium. Thus birds maintain a temperature of about 108” Fahrenheit ; and in a large proportion of mammals it is generally from 95° to 105°. These bear the general de- signation of warm-blooded animals. § 400. Reptiles, fishes, and most of the invertebrate animals, have not this power of maintaining a uniform temperature. The heat of their body is always as low as from 35° to 50°, but varies perceptibly with the surrounding medium, being, however, often a little above it when the external temperature is very low, though some may be frozen without the loss of fife. For this reason they are denominated cold-blooded animals; and all animals which have such a structure of the heart, that only a part of the blood which enters it is sent to the respira- torj?^ organs (§ 366), are among them. § 401. The production of animal heat is obviously con- nected with the respiratory process. The oxygen of the respired air is diminished, and carbonic acid takes its place. The carbonic acid is formed in the body by the combination of the oxygen of the air with the carbon of the blood. The chemical combination attending this function is, therefore, essentially the same as that of combustion. It is thus easy to understand how the natural heat of an animal is greater, in proportion as respiration is more active. How far nutri- tion in general, and more particularly assimilation, by which the hquid parts are fixed and solidified, is connected with the maintenance of the proper temperature of animals, and the uniform distribution through the body, has not yet been satis- factorily ascertained. § 402. Some of the higher warm-blooded animals do not maintain their elevated temperature during the whole year ; but pass the winter in a sort of lethargy, called htberna.tion, or the hibernating sleep. The marmot, the bear, the bat, the crocodile, and most reptiles, furnish examples. During this state the animal takes no food ; and as it respires only after very prolonged intervals, its heat is diminished, and its vital functions generally are much reduced. The structural cause of hibernation is not ascertained ; but the phenomena at- tending it fully illustrate the laws already stated (§397 — 401). HESPIRATION. 239 § 403. There is another point of view in which respiration should be considered, namely, with reference to the buoyancy of animals, or their power of rising in the atmosphere, and their ability to hve at different depths in the water, under a di- minishedor increased pressure. The organs ofrespiration of birds and insects are remarkably adapted for the purpose of admit- ting at will a greater quantity of air into their body, birds being provided with large pouches extending from the lungs into the abdominal cavity and into the bones of the wing ; insects have their whole body penetrated by air-tubes, the ramifications of their tracheae, which are enlarged at intervals into wider cells, whilst most of the aquatic animals are provided with minute, almost microscopic tubes, penetrating from the surface into the substance, or the cavities of the body for admitting water into the interior, by which they thus adapt their whole system to pressures which would otherwise crush them These tubes may with propriety be called water-tubes. In fishes, they penetrate through the bones of the head and shoulder, through skin and scales, and communicate with the blood vessels and heart, into which they pour water ; in moUusca they are more numerous in the fleshy parts, as, for example, in the foot, which they help to distend, and communicate with the main cavity of the body, supplying it also with liquid ; in echino- derms they pass through the skin, and even through the hard shell, whilst in polyps they perforate the walls of the general cavity of the body, which they constantly fill with water. § 404. In order fully to appreciate the homologies between the various respiratory apparatus observed in different animals, it is necessary to resort to a strict comparison of the fundamen- tal connections of these organs with the whole system of or- ganization, rather than to the consideration of their special adaptation to the elements in which they live. In vertebrata, for instance, there are two sets of distinct respiratory organs, more or less developed at different periods of life, or in dif- ferent groups. All vertebrata, at first, have gills arising from the sides of the head, and directly supplied with blood from the heart ; but these gills are the essential organs of respira- tion only in fishes and some reptiles, and gradually disappear in the higher reptiles, as well as in birds and mammalia, towards the close of their embryonic life (§ 489). Again, all ver- tebrata have lungs opening in or near the head ; but the lungs 240 RESPIEATION. are fully developed only in mammalia, birds, and the higher reptiles, in proportion as the branchial respiration is reduced ; whilst in fishes the air-bladder constitutes a rudimentary lung. § 405. In the articulata, there are also two sorts of respiratory organs ; aerial, called tracheae in insects, and lungs in spiders; and aquatic, called gills in Crustacea and worms. But the tracheae and lungs open separately upon the two sides of the body (air never being admitted through the mouth or nostrils in the articulata) ; the gills are placed in pairs ; those which are like the tracheae occupying a smilar position, so that there are nearly as many pairs of tracheae and gills as there are seg- ments in these animals. The difi’erent respiratory organs in the articulata are in reality mere modifications of the^same appa- ratus, as their mode of formation and successive metamor- phoses distinctly show, and cannot be compared with either the lungs or gills of the vertebrata; they are special organs not found in other classes, though they perform the same func- tions. The same may be said of the gills and lungs of mol- lusca, which are essentially ahke in structure, the lungs of snails and slugs being only a modification of the gills of aquatic moUusca ; but these two kinds of organs differ again in their structure and relations from the tracheae and gills of ar- ticulata, as much as from the lungs and gills of vertebrata. In those radiata which are provided with distinct respiratory organs, such as the echinoderms, we find still another type of structure, their gills forming bunches of fringes around the mouth, or rows of minute vesicles along the radiating seg- ments of the body. CHAPTER NINTH. OF THE SECRETIONS. § 406. While, by the process of digestion, a homogeneous fluid is prepared from the food, for supplying new material to the blood, another process is also going on, by which the blood is analyzed, as it were ; some of its constituents being- selected and so combined as to form products for useful pur- poses, while other portions of it, which have become useless or injurious to the system, are taken up by different organs, and expelled in different forms. — This process is termed Secretion. § 407. The organs by which these operations are performed are much varied, consisting either of flat surfaces or mem- branes, of minute simple sacs, or of delicate elongated tubes, all hned with minute cells, called epithelium cells, which latter are the real agents in the process. Every surface .of the body is covered by them ; and they either discharge their products directly upon the surface, as on the mucous mem- brane, or they unite in clusters, and empty into a common duct, and discharge by a single orifice, as is the case with some of the intestinal glands, and of those from which the perspiration issues from the skin. § 408. In the higher animals, where separate organs for special purposes are multiphed, numerous sacs and tubes are assembled into compact masses called glands. Some of these are of large size, as the sahvary glands, the kidneys, and the liver. In these, clusters of sacs open into a common canal, and this canal unites with similar ones, forming larger trunks ; and finally, they all discharge by a single duct, as we find in the salivary glands. § 409. By the organs of secretion two somewhat different purposes are effected, namely, fluids of a peculiar character are selected from the blood for important uses, such as the sahva, tears, milk, &c., some of which differ but little in their composition from that of the blood itself, and might be R 242 OF THE SECEETIONS. retained in the blood with impunity ; or the fluids selected are such as are positively injurious, and cannot remain in the blood without soon destroying life. These latter are usually termed excretions. § 410. As the weight of the body, except during its period of active growth, remains nearly uniform, it follows that it must dady lose as much as it receives ; in other words, the excretions must equal in amount the food and drink taken, with the exception of the small proportion discharged by the alimentary canal. Some of the most important of these outlets will be now indicated. § 411. We have already seen that all animal tissues admit of being traversed by hquids and gases. This mutual trans- mission of fluids from one side of a membrane to the other is termed endosmose and exosmose, or imbibition and transu- dation, and is a mechanical rather than a vital phenomenon, inasmuch as it takes places in dead as well as in living tissues. The blood-vessels, especially the capillaries, share this property. Hence portions of the circulating fluids escape through the walls of the vessels, and pass off" at the surface. This super- ficial loss is termed exhalation. It is most active where the blood-vessels most abound, and accordingly is very copious from the air tubes of the lungs, and from the skin. The loss in this way is very considerable, and it has been estimated that, under certain circumstances, the body loses, by exhala- tion, five-eighths of the whole weight of the substances re- ceived into it. § 412. The skin, or outer envelope of the body, is other- wise largely concerned in the losses of the body. Its layers are constantly renewed by the tissues beneath, and the outer dead layers are thrown off. This removal is sometimes gradual and continual, as in man ; in fishes and many mollusca, it comes off in the form of slime, which is, in fact, a collection of cells de- tached from the surface of the skin ; sometimes the loss is pe- riodical, when it is termed moulting. Thus, mammals cast their hair, and the deer their horns, birds their feathers, serpents their skin, crabs their test, and caterpillars their outer en- velope, with the hairs growing from it. § 413. The skin presents such a variety of structure, in the different groups of the animal kingdom, as to furnish excellent distinctive characters of species, genera, and even OF THE SECEETIOHS. 243 families, as will hereafter be shown. In the vertebrata it is composed of three very distinct layers of unequal thickness (fig. 250) ; the lower and the thickest layer is the coriura, (c, c), or true skin, and is the part which is tanned into leather. Its surface presents numerous papillae, in which the nerves of general sensation terminate ; they also contain a fine net-work of blood-vessels, usually termed the vascular layer. The superficial layer is the epidermis, or cuticle ; the cells of which it is composed are distinct at its inner portion, but become dried and flattened as they are pushed outwards. It is destitute of vessels and nerves, and, consequently, is in- sensible. Between these two layers, and more especially connected with the cuticle, is the rete mucosum, a very thin layer of cells, some of which contain the pigment which gives the complexion to the difierent races of men and animals. The scales of reptiles, the nails and claws of mammals, and the sohd covering of the Crustacea are merely modifications of the epidermis; on the other hand, the feathers of birds, and the scales of fishes, are derived from the vascular layer. [§ 413*. Dutrochet investigated the phenomena called endos- mose and exosmose more carefully than had yet been done. Fig. 247. O' e and designated them by these names.* Berzehus has given an excellent con- densed view of the subject : “ The phe- nomena exhibited by bodies in solu- tion,” he observes, “ in traversing c d solid hving parts, do not depend solely on the properties which bodies in solu- tion have of diffusing themselves evenly through the fluids which are their men- strua ; the animal membranes and the water contribute their share, inasmuch as the water passes with the dissolved substance, and from this results a phe- nomenon, which in its effects resembles ^ in every respect an absorption. For the ~~~ sake of illustration, let a, a, fig. 247, be a tube open at both ends, but having a piece of moist bladder tied around its lower extremity ; let a solution of any salt be now poured into the * Memoires pour servir a I’Histoire Anatomique et Physiologique des Vegetaux et Animaux, Paris, 1837. HJiuiv a 244 STRL'CTURE OE GLANDS. tube, and this be plunged into a larger vessel, c, d, containing water, the tube being immersed till the solution, a, h, is at the same level, e, e, as the water in the outer vessel, c, d. After a little time it will be found that the fluid in a, a has risen, and got above the level, c, e, to 5, for example, and that it is continuing to rise, and will go on rising until the two fluids, on the opposite sides of the bladder, are of the same density, so that, if the tube, «, a, be not of sufficient length, the fluid may even run over, having filled it completely. If the tube, «, «, instead of containing a safine solution, contain water, and the recipient, c, d, instead of water, contain a saline solution, things being disposed as before, the fluid in a, a, far from rising, will begin to fall, and instead of fall- ing in c, d, it will begin to rise. When the tube and the recipient contain solutions of different salts respec- tively, but as nearly as may be of the same density, the level of the fluid in neither will be altered perceptibly ; but, after a certain time, the two salts will be discovered mingled to- gether in both the tube and the recipient, or in the fluid on both sides of the bladder. If the densities of the two saline solutions have been different, the surface of that which is the more dense will rise, that which is less dense will fall ; but it will be found, nevertheless, that from the solution of greatest density a portion will have passed into that of least density ; the penetration has not therefore been all one way, but reci- procally from each to the other, only in greatest measure from the less to the more dense fluid. This phenomenon does not take place only when moist animal membranes are the inter- media between the two heterogeneous but miscible fluids ; it also occurs when the interposed body is of an inorganic nature, but thin and porous, and possessed of strength enough to sup- port the increasing column of the denser fluid, such as thin shces of slate, earthenware, &c. In general it may be said that the power producing the phenomenon in question belongs to all bodies which can absorb and retain a fluid in extremely delicate pores.”* The blood-vessels, especially the capillary vessels, share this property of permeability to liquids ; hence, while the circulation goes on, portions of the circulating fluid, espe- cially its watery parts, escape through the walls of the vessels, and pass off at the surface. This superficial loss, termed exha- * Chimie, 4te. Aufl. B. ix. S. 161. STEUCTTJEE OF GLANDS. 245 lation, is most active where vessels most abound, and accord- ingly most copious from the surface of the lungs. It has been estimated that, under certain circumstances, the human body loses, by exhalation, five-eighths of the whole weight of sub- stances taken into it. [§ 414. Seceetion is a more complicated process than ex- halation. It is not a mere mechanical operation, but is ac- complished by means of organs, called glands ; which elaborate peculiar juices, such as the sweat, the tears, the milk, the saliva, the bile, the urine, &c. [§415. At first glance there would seem to be nothing in common between the organs which secrete the tears and that which produces the bile, or between the kidneys and the salivary glands. StiU they all have the same elementary structure. Every gland is composed of minute vesicles, or extremely thin membranous sacs, generally too small to be discerned by the naked eye, but easily distinguished by the microscope. Sometimes these vesicles are single, and open separately at the surface ; they are then called crypts or fol- licles, but more frequently they unite to form clusters opening into a common canal, which itself unites with the canals of similar clusters to form trunks of various sizes, such as are found in the salivary glands (figs. 257 and 277), in the mam- mae, or in the hver (figs. 2G5, 267), which is a very large gland receiving a great quantity of blood from the veins of the ahmentary canal. [§ 416. Sometimes the canals of the little clusters do not unite, but open separately upon the surface of the body or into its cavities, as in the intestinal glands or those from which the perspiration issues (fig. 250, e). Occasionally the canals themselves combine into bundles composed of a multitude of parallel tubes, as we find in the kidneys, figs. 260 — 262. — T. W.] § 417. The operation of the glands is one of the most mysterious phenomena of animal fife. By virtue of the pe- culiar properties with which they are endowed, they select from the blood, which penetrates to their remotest ramifica- tions, the elements of the special humours they are designed to elaborate. Thus the hver extracts the elements of the bile ; the salivary glands the elements of saliva ; the pancreas those of the pancreatic juice ; and the sodoriferous glands those of the sweat, &c. STEUCTUEE OF GLAJfDS. 24 G § 418. Of the secretions thus formed by the different glands, some are immediately expelled from the body, as the sweat, the urine, &c. ; these are denominated excretions. Others, on the contrary, are destined either to be used as food for the young, as the milk ; or to take part in the different functions of the body, as the saliva, the tears, the gastric and pancreatic juices, and the bile, which are properly denominated secretions. Of all the secretions, if we except that from the lungs, the bile is the most important; and hence a liver, or some analogous organ by which bile is secreted, is found in all animals, while some or all of the other glands are wanting in the lower classes. In the vertebrata the liver is the largest of all the organs of the body. In the moUusca it is no less preponderant. In the gastero- poda, like the snads, it envelops the intestine in its convolu- tions (fig. 177); and in the conchifera, like the clam and oyster (fig. 176), it generally surrounds the stomach. In insects it is in the form of long tubes variously contorted and interlaced (fig. 179). In the radiata this organ is largely developed, especially among the echinoderms. In the star-fishes (fig. 36) it extends into all the recesses of the rays ; and in colour and structure resembles the liver of the mollusca. Even in bryo- zoan polyps (fig. 175) we find brown cells fining the digestive cavity, which probably perform functions similar to those of the fiver of higher animals. STEUCTUEE OF GLANDS. [§ 419. The type or elementary form of every secreting gland is either a simple capsule, an elongated blind sac, or a rounded vesicle, upon the outer aspect of which vessels are ramified, and which on the inside generally exhibits numbers of small cellular projections or depressions, and an outlet through which the secreted matter escapes. Many of the cutaneous and mucous glands, as also the simple glands of the stomachs of birds (fig. 186, b. a, c?), and the Lieberkiih- nian glands of the intestines, afibrd examples in point ; but they soon begin to get more complex, coalescing, dividing, and sending forth new lateral lobules (fig. 185, b. e), and by repetitions of the same process even acquiring a pretty complicated mulberry appearance (fig. 184, b. /). The ventricular glands of mammals are already somewhat more compound (fig. 181, et seq.). The extent of secreting sur- STEUCTUEE OF GLANDS. 247 face can be increased without any additional external com- plexity, by a capsule or canal extended in length, and at the same time rolled up or convoluted upon itself. We have an example of this kind of gland in the ceruminous glands of the ear (fig. 248, a. b), and in the sudoriparous glands (fig. 249, A. b). We have only to conceive these two forms farther subdivided, ramified, and the several parts connected by means of vessels and cellular tissue, to have a perfect idea of the most complex parenchymatous gland. The skeleton of every gland is the ramified excretory duct, formed in the man- ner already described, to which are attached the secreting blind sacs, vesicles, or tubes, connected together by cellular tissue, and surrounded by net- works of capillary vessels. Fig. 248. — Glands from the meatus auditorius externus of a young fe- male of eighteen. A, section of the skin, seen magnified three diameters ; 6, h, hairs ; c, c, superficially situated sebaceous glands ; a, a, larger and more deeply seated glands, which are coloured yellow, and appear to secrete the cerumen. B, a gland of this kind more highly magnified ; a, a, the tortuous canal composing the gland and passing over into the excretory duct h ; c, a small vessel, with its branches. C, a hair of the auditory passage, penetrating the epidermis at c, and at d, contained within its double follicle e, e ; a, a, sebaceous follicles of the hair, with their excretory ducts. 248 STRTJCTUEE OF GLANDS. [§ 420. The best picture we possess of the vast variety existing in the structural connection of the several parts of the glandular skele- ton, is in the secreting organs of in- sects, particularly the salivary glands (fig. 252). Here we observe the most elegant and singular forms, having frequently much of the vegetable character in their appearance. The sahvary glands present themselves now as filiform canals (fig. 252, b), now thicker and convoluted, now with a sacculate end (c), here ex- tending into a simple (e) or a double vesicle (m), there branched Fig. 249. — Sudoriparous gland from the palm of the hand of a young person eighteen years of age. A, a gland entire with its excretory duct, magnified forty times ; a, a, the convoluted canals forming the gland, and from which two excretory ducts arise, h, h, which unite to form the single spiral duct, which, at c, passes through the laminae of the epidermis, and opens on the surface at d ; c, c, surrounding fat-cells. B, the same gland more highly magnified. Around the canal of the gland play the vessels. b, b. C, a few fat-globules from the emptied fat-cells. STEUCTURE OE GLANDS. 249 like the horns of a deer (g), or in the guise of a pair of long shaped canals ending in many smaller saccules, or form- ing a tuft or corymb of blind canals (h), or a cluster of vesicles connected like a bunch of grapes or berries to a com- mon duct (a, n). Fig. 250. — Two sudoriparous glands after Gurlt, Magaz. f. d. gesammte Thierheilk, 1835, Tab. 2, fig. 1. a, epidermis ; h, tactile papillae ; c, corium ; d, adipose tissue ; e, sudoriparous glands. Fig. 251. — A thin layer from the scalp of the human subject. a, a, sebaceous glands ; 6, a hair with its follicle, c. After Gurlt, Mag. /. d. gesam. Thierheil- kunde, 1835. The varieties in form presented by the seminal organs or testicles are still greater, new inquiries constantly offering new shapes to our notice. From the simple, hnear and filiform canal of Julus (fig. 253), to the highly complicated yet beau- tiful appearance, comparable to a leafy tree laden with fruit, which we observe in Silpha obscura (fig. 253, 10), there are forms of every intermediate degree of complexity, but always as varieties of the same elementary type. Even the simple canalicular or sacculate form presents numerous variations. In one case it is the straight pretty regular canal already indi- cated (1) ; in another the canal is irregular, of different thick- 250 I STEUCTUEE OF GLAISTBS. nesses in different parts, and tortuous (2) ; in a third it is spirally twisted (3), or is rolled up into a skein simple or double, and with club-shaped ends (4), in every case for the Fig. 252. — Salivary glands of insects, to show the vai'iety in the form and combination of the secreting follicles, from the simple lobular or filiform canal and blind sac to the greatly complicated raceme. A. Part of the salivary gland of Nepa cinerea. After Ramdohr. B. Salivary vessel of Asida grisea. After Succow,Anat. pfiysiolog. Unters. C. Salivary vessel of Musca deviens. After the same. E. The same of Musca carnaria. After the same. G. The same of Bla^>s gigas. After the same. H. The same of Cicada ormi. After the same. M. The same of Pulex irritans. After Ramdohr. N. The same of Scolopendra Afra. After nature. (All these figures, with the exception of that indicated by N, are more or less magnified.) STRUCTUEE OE GLANDS. 251 obvious purpose of saving room ; in other instances, still, the organ presents itself in the shape of one or more club-like canals nearly straight (5), or bent at an angle with com- 1. Testis of Julus. 4. Harpalus ruficornis. 2. Tipula crocata. 5. Cercopis spumaria. 3. Ranatra linearis. mencing divisions at the end, or with the end forming a rounded vesicle ; or otherwise two coecal canals are connected like hooks, or they are finger-shaped, or form tufts of dif- ferent kinds — quiver-like, star-shaped (6), or like the flowers of syngenesious plants (7), or they form small saccules in the shape of pannicles (8), or they are clustered hke grapes or berries, and attached to styles (9). In this way do the forms of this gland alter in nearly aUied species in the insect world, 252 STEUCTURE OF GLANDS. SO rich in varied forms.* The peculiar constitution and mode of distribution of the blood of the insect division of the Fig. 253 (continued). 6. 8. 6. Capsus tricolor. 9. Prionus coriarius. 7. Bostrichus capucinus. 10. Silpha obscura. 8. Staphylinus maxillosus. * There are few divisions of comparative anatomy so much calcu- lated to set in a clear light the importance of this science in connexion with the study of general morphology, as the sketch just given of the vast variety of form presented by the glandular system. If we would give plans or ideal outlines of the principal forms of the different elements of STRUCTITRE OF GLANDS. 253 animal kingdom (§ 3/0) probably required the singular un- folding of the glandular elements which we observe among its A B Fig. 254. — The glands of insects which secrete the acrid or corroding juice, after Leon Dufour, An. d. Sc. Nat. T. vii. pi. 19 and 20. A, of Chlasnius velutinus. B, of Brachinus crepitans. C, of Calathus fulvipes. the glandular system in man and the more perfect animals, no better method could be followed than to pursue a single gland through the class of insects. As supplementary to this part of our subject, the elegant forms which the clustered canals and vesicles of others of the special secreting organs of insects exhibit may be referred to in the subjoined figures. 254 STRUCTUEE OF GLANDS. members. The blind extremities of the glands are surrounded immediately by the blood, which is poured freely into all the interstices of the body, and so attract the substances from its mass which the glands of other and higher animals have brought to them by finely divided capillary reticulations, to be subjected to their pecuhar elective attractions. [§ 420*. It is infinitely more difficult to form an idea of the glandular skeleton of man and the vertebrata, in the fully formed condition, the composition of this being much ob- scured by the connecting cellular tissue and intermingled net- works of vessels. Still there are cases even here, where, without pecuhar difficulty, the two principal types in glandu- lar architecture may be seized. As examples, the Harderian glands of birds generally (fig. 255), and the Cowper’s glands of the hedgehog (fig. 256) may be quoted. Into both struc- tures a quicksilver injection flows readily, and renders the arrangement of their parts perfectly distinct even to the naked eye. The gland of Harder of the pehcan (fig. 255) is seen as a considerable lobulated body, each lobe being subdivided into smaller rounded or elongated or angular lobules, which again present themselves as small hoUow pannicles or berries. Fig. 255. — A, a Harderian gland of the Pelecanus onocrotalus, \\itli the excretory duct of the natural size injected with mercury, B, a portion of the same slightly magnified. Some vascular ramifications are still appa- rent between the lobules. STEUCTUEE OF GLAKDS. 255 attached to the enlarged excretory duct, these, in their turn, having still smaller, rounded blind cells (fig. 255, b) sur- rounded by vascular net-works attached to them, an arrange- ment by which the whole structure acquires a cauliflower appearance. The Cowper’s glands of the hedgehog, on the other hand (fig. 256, a), afford an example of that form in which the ramified excretory duct divides into elongated, pretty even, and slender coeca, which subdivide at their ends into finger-shaped processes (fig. 256, b), partly straight, partly sinuous, which are then applied to one another in the form of flat lobules, these, in their turn, being connected by cellular tissue into larger lobes. 421. and In the B man higher verte- brata, glands of the simple fol- licular form (as they exist in the Lieberkuhnian glands of the intestines, for example) attain to the highest degree of com- Fig. 256. — A, the Cowper’s gland of the hedge- plexity — in the hog, vdth the excretory duct, a. The coeca composing hver for in- gland are filled in the most beautiful manner stance.Thecom- , , , a lew 01 the blind sacs seen slightly magnified, pound glands ° ° may be arranged according to their structure into four groups. 1. Compound follicles, the short excretory canal passing without farther ramification at once into pedicu- lated vesicles or racemiform lobules ; or the outwardly simple sac exhibiting internally open cellular projections or shallow pits ; to this head belong the greater number of the larger mucous and cutaneous glands. 2. Glands with tree-like ramifications of their excretory duct, and enlargements of the terminal branches into racemiform or cauliflower-hke aggre- gated vesicles, which are visible with the naked eye, and vary in magnitude from the 25th of a line to one hue. To this group belong the lachrymal glands, the salivary glands, and 256 STEUCTUEE OF GLANDS. the pancreas. The lung of the mammal, with its terminal vesicles attached to the minute ramifications of the bronchi, may serve as a prototype of this form of gland, which is made up of repetitions of the same fundamental structure, as we have seen in the preceding paragraph to be the case with regard to the Harderian gland. 3. Glands with a tubular structure ; the secreting canals are here extremely slender, of great length, convoluted, bhnd at the ends, not ramified, or only once or twice divided, not sensibly or but very shghtly enlarged at the extremities, sometimes anastomosing by re- current loops, or connected by cross branches, and from the tenth of a hne to half a hne in thickness ; to this category belong the kidneys and the testicles especially. The Cowper’s gland of the hedge-hog (fig. 256) may serve as a prototype of the form of which that of the organs just mentioned may be viewed as an extension. 4. Acinous glands. The excretory duct here ramified through the substance of the gland, divides at length into extremely minute branches ; all the branches and twigs are beset with compact lobules, consisting of very small, firm, angular cells, which effect the secretion. To this division belongs the hver of vertebrate animals generally. [§ 422. Compound follicles or glands of the first descrip- tion, are progressive or more complex forms of the rounded or elongated inversion, which we have seen constituting the simple follicle of the mucous membrane and of the skin (§419); no precise line of demarcation can, in fact, be drawn between them and the simple folhcle, or the sudoriparous or ceruminous gland. The large glands of the stomach and intestines may serve as types of this kind of gland (fig. 182), or the numerous glands which are in connection with the skin. All these glands consist of ramifications of the excretory ducts, which swell out into single saccules, that do not combine into true racemes or lobes. The glands which areconnected with the hairs (fig. 248 c, a, and 251, a a) are small follicles, with rough external sur- faces, and internally presenting the appearance of projecting pa- rietal cells. To this division also l3elong the associated un- branched saccules arranged along the excretory duct hke the grains of an ear of barley, which compose the Meibomian glands.* Among animals a multitude of variously formed * Figured by Muller — De Gland, structura, Tab. v. figs. 1 and 2. STErCTURE OF GLANDS. 257 glands of the skin, other than the sudoriparous and sebaceous glands are encountered.* [§ 423. The progressive development of the last form of gland is observed in tJie lachrymal, salivary and lacteal glands, f in all of which a greater amount of ramification, an increase in the quantity of vesicles and racemes produced, and a greater- degree of separation of the individual parts into lobes, are observed. The lachi-ymal gland of man, of mammals and of birds, exhibits terminal cells, which in the latter class are large and conspicuous ; in man, on the contrary, they are much smaller. The salivary glands of man are formed in the same way (fig. 257). The cells of the terminal vesicles of the parotid may still be readily filled with mercury in young sub- jects ; they are two or three times smaller than the finest pulmonary cells, measuring no more than from the 30th to the GOth of a line in di- ameter. The structure of the pan- creas is similar, and the terminal vesicles of this gland are very easily filled with mercury or with air, in birds especially, measuring when thus distended from a 50th to a 30th of a line in diameter The mammary glands in the ornithorhyn- chus are extremely simple, and ex- a new-born infant, filled with hibit the commencement of a series mercury and magnified five of evolutions that end with the ameters. After Weber. most complicated raceme ; the structure here consists of a con- * To this number belong, for example, the musk bag, and the anal sacs of many animals — the marten, the otter, «&c., which exhale a peculiar o'lour or stench. They are, in fact, extensive involutions of the skin, of simple structure, occupied internally by shallow pits ; these structures might be regarded as simple follicles, w'hich, upon occasion, however may become more complicated, as they do in the anal sac of the hyaena, for example, which is made up of several racemes clustered together. t On the structure of the glands in general, and of each of those men- tioned in particular, see the work of Muller, and the Elementary Treatises on Anatomy of E. H. Weber and of Krause. X The pancreas of fishes has been very commonly quoted as affording an examp le or type of the successive evolution of glands from the simplest s 258 STRTJCTUEE OF GLANDS. geries of very large unramified cceca ; * * but in the higher mam- malia and in man the wide excretory ducts pass over into finer branched canals, upon which the terminal cells form botryoidal clusters; the cells are on an average from 1 -20th to 1-1 5th of a line in diameter. [§ 424. Among the glands having tubular vessel -like secret- tions of the kidney repre- sented in fig. 258 injected. Fig. 258. — Kidney and supra-renal gland ot Oie natural size; the of the new-born child, of the natural size. Malpighian bodies, <7, a, ap- a, kidney ; 6, supra-renal gland ; c, artery ; pearing as points in the cor- d, veins ; e, ureter. fical substance ; b, the pa- pilla of one of the tubular pjTamids. B, a small por- tion of A, seen under a simple lens and shghtly magnified; a, Malpighian bodies ; b, tubuli uriniferi. coecal tubes to the most complex form observed in the glandular system. Recent inquiries, however, rather lead us to conclude that the bony fishes in general have a pancreas, which is comparable in all respects to that of the other vertebrate animals ; perhaps the ccecal appendages which were so long mistaken for the pancreas have a totally different function. * See Meckel : Ornithorhyyichi paradoxi descript. Anatom. Tab. viii. and Owen on the Mammary Gland of the Ornithorhynchus, in Philos. Trails. STEUCTUEE OF GLANDS. 259 ing canals, the KIDNEYS de- serve particu- lar notice. The development Fig. 260.— A still smaller piece of the same kid- ney magnified about sixty di- ameters, and drawn in part as a plan, so that the relations of the tubuli to one another and to the vascular glo- meruli may be distinctly seen and understood. a, a simple ter- minal tubulus uriniferus ; b, b, tubuh, fonning loops and return- ing; c, c, tubuli terminating in bi- furcated points ; (if /> points where the tubuli join, continuing their course to- wards the papil- la; arte- rial glomerules or convolutions, connected with one another by a general vascular rete ; fi, a larger arterial trunk, which feeds this rete and the con- nected glomeru- li (the Malpighi- an bodies). 260 STRUCTURE OF GLANDS. Fig. 261 — 'I'ermination of one of the tubuli uriniferi from the kidney of an adult, examined soon after death. The cellular structure is con- spicuous. Magnified 250 times. of the kidneys in the vertebrate series is of especial interest. In fishes and amphibia the entire tissue of the kidney con- sists of tortuous canals, which end partly in blind extremi- ties, and partly pass into one another in loops, but which, from their great length and intimate connection, cannot be demonstrated singly. They are not divided into single py- ramids or lobules, a peculiarity that first makes its appearance among birds. Here the highly tortuous uriniferous tubules are furnished with lateral branches, which come off hke the tines of a stag’s horn ; in all probabihty they pass over the one into the other by means of loops. In the mammalia the tubuh uriniferi form many pyramids or lobes, each a system by itself (figs. 258 and 259, a). In the cortical sub- stance of the human kidney the tubuli can be traced, al- though with difficulty, wind- ing among the vascular plex- uses or skeins, mostly looped towards the margin of the or- gan, and running into one another (fig. 260, h, 5), or Idg. 262.— A lobe of the kidney ending blindly (ff), more of the adult porpoise (Delphinus i i i i phocmm). After Miiller. rarely slightly enlarged and club-shaped (fig. 261), occa- sionally also cleft (fig. 260, c). The entire cortical substance consists of convolutions of the uriniferous tubules, which are found to present a very nearly uniform diameter, and which, on an average, may be from about the 50th to the 60th of a line. They unite two and two as they approach the tubular or medullary structure, becoming at the same time somewhat STEUCTUKE OF GLANDS. 2f)l thicker, and then they run quite parallel to one another to their termination (fig. 2C2). [§ 425. Among the whole of the vertebrata, the parts which of are the efticient agents Fig. 263. — A, four lobules from the liver of a human subject forty years of age, magnified t\^ice ; a branch of the hepatic vein, a, receives a more minutely ramified twig from each lobule. B, some of the cells of which the lobules of the liver are composed, seen under a magnifying power of 200 ; in the greater number the clear nucleus is apparent. secretion in the liver are so intimately connected into a compact and little lobular organ, by means of the vessels and cellular substance, that it is ex- tremely difficult to form a proper notion of its struc- ture. Perhaps the follow- ing is the true account of the structure of the liver, when fully formed in man and the mammalia : It is easy to obtain convic- tion of the fact, that the ends of the secreting parts of the liver are leaf-like lobules with blunt projec- tions, which, in prepara- tions of the organ, are most apt to remain at- tached to the minute ve- nous t'^’igs (fig. 263, A, a, and 264, a, b, b). These lobules are composed of compact angular and rounded cells (fig. 263, b). Betwixt the several di- Fig- 264.— a, a branch of the hepatic visions of the cel s of the »ected, as leaves individual lobules, the are \vith the final branches of a tree. The branches of the gall-ducts venous ramuscles {vence intralohulares) lie penetrate (fig. 266), and i^ middle of each lobule, as is seen in there form anastomosing the two next succeeding figures which re- , 1 ■ 1 1 . ^ present transverse sections of the hepatic retes, which surround sm- lobules magnified. After Kiernan. gle groups of cells like islets. Some observers describe the final ends of the secreting element of the liver of mammals as hollow acini or vesicles 262 STEUCTURE OF GLANDS. with thin parietes, from the 40th to the 50th of a line in Fig. 265. — Lobules of the liver, superficially si- tuated, divided horizontally ; a, a, intralobular veins ; 5, h, clefts between the several lobules, iu which cellular tissue, minute subdivisions of the hepatic ducts of the vena portae and hepatic arterj% are included ; the middle portion of each lobule is here in a state of congestion. After Kiernan. Fig. 266. — The intralobular plexus of biliary ves- sels, as figured by Kiernan — although the injection of these vessels was not so complete as it is here re- presented ; d, d, two lobules divided across, with the ramifications of the hepatic vein, a, a, the twigs of which perforate their centres ; b, b, b, b, branches of the hepatic duct, as they take their rise from the plexus of biliary vessels, which are here injected, and surround the uninjected portions of the substance of the lobules, d, d; c, cellular substance between the lobules. diameter, and capable of being distended by air, introduced into the gall - ducts with which they are connected. For this struc- ture we have the assurance of ana- logy, from what we witness in the constitution of the other glands, the mode of evo- lution of the li- ver itself, and the structure of the organ in the invertebrate se- ries of animals ; in fact, if we turn to the cray- fish and common garden snail, we find the precise structure in ques- tion. In the cray-fish the li- ver consists en- tirely of small pointed caeca, clustered lilce grapes ; in the snail it is made up of blind, rounded, termi- nal vesicles, which may be blown up with STEUCTUEE OF GLANDS. 263 air from the biliary ducts. If we farther examine the liver of the larva of the water-newt (fig. 268, b) we see distinct clusters of caecal ca- nals, or round [ter- minal cells, like is- lets, surrounded by subdivisions of the hepatic vein ; but these caecal canals, at all events, are not thin-walled cells ; they are almost as compact as the acini of the fully formed liver of the highest mammal. ELEMENTAET PAETS OF GLANDS. Aor T] three lobules of the liver me pro- cut across, the centre of each occupied by the per substance of ramifications of the intralobular (the hepatic) glands is notformed vein, a, a, a. h, b, b, Branches of the vena bv or out of the or- port® -which course in the spaces between the dinary cellular sub- “d constituting the 1 1 intralobular veins. Numerous ramuscles pene- stance, but by and j^to the interior of the lobules and anasto- from other more mose -wdth the intralobular or hepatic veins. The or less distinctly rounded and oval interspaces or islets between poll 111 nr pm puts these vessels are filled or possessed by the hi- This anatomicai S? , ,1 . . Malpighi. After Kiernan. truth IS particu- larly evident in the liver (fig. 263, a). Here the parietes of the acini consist entirely of compact, irregularly rounded or angular cells, of about 1 -200th of a line in magnitude. The cells of the liver enclose a distinct clear nucleus and a yellowish-coloured molecular matter in their interior. The cells are hke the stones of a piece of ancient masonry, irregularly apphed to one another. Externally, where the blood-vessels play around them, fibres of cellular tissue are added. An epithehal covering of flat tessellated cells first makes its appearance in the larger branches and trunks of the gall-ducts. In other cases, as in the glands of the stomach, for instance (§ 329), the substance of the 264 ELEMENTARY PARTS OE GLANDS glandular parietes consists of rounded dark granules, not ob- viously formed like cells, which appear to be arranged or A Fig. 268.— A, a larva of the water-newt of the natural size ; c, liver; b, sto- mach; c, gall- bladder. B, the liver of this larva mag- nified 40 times. The dark co- loured stream- lets of blood are seen simround- ing the hepatic lobules, which consist of aggre- gated racemi- form coeca. The vascular chan- nels represented are those of the hepatic vein. ORiaiN or THE GLANDS. 2G5 packed between a very delicate external envelope turned to- wards the blood-vessels, and an internal epithelial investment. The cellular structure of the parietes of the ventricular glands is, however, very apparent in young birds (tig. 18G, b). In other glands, moreover, we recognize the cellular structure with different degrees of distinctness — in the tubuli uriniferi, for example, where the cells have nuclei, but are far from being so compact, and are not nearly so readily isolated as in the hver (fig. 2G1). It is difficult to say in how far this cel- lular structure, which may be followed to the very ends of the canahculi, belongs to the innermost layer of the glandular paries, or is connected with the epithelial investment, ap- pertaining to the trunk and larger branches of the excretory duct of every gland. Apparently, however, there are always several layers of flattened cells placed one upon another, over which a structureless membrane is drawn externally, and this is the part that is surrounded immediately by the vascular reticulation. Certain it is, that wherever we find secreting follicles, they consist of a number of more or less distinctly cellular or fibrous layers, which lie as the proper substance of the gland betwixt the external net-work of blood-vessels and the inner wall whence the secreted matter distils away. ORIGIN OF THE GLANDS. [§ 427. The greater number of the secreting glands arise from Fig. 269. — Rudiments of the liver formed by evolution from the tractus intestinalis in the embryo of the fowl of the fourth day. After Muller— Gland, &c. Fig, 270. — Liver and pancreas of an embryo of the fowl at the end of the fourth day, magnified twelve times linear, a, the liver; b, the pancreas; c, the stomach; d, d, the lungs. 266 OETGIIT OF THE GLANDS. Or-( , v ( / V./ V.^ \ >,■- i^W ;,UU' i((^^-'HH'My f- cy-^-. '/■■!:'^'-v'^V I Ya the mucous lamina of the germinal membrane, and, hke the salivary glands, the lungs, the liver, the pancreas, are to be regarded as evolutions of this mem- brane, or of the intesti- nal canal. This view is liable to misapprehen- sion, by the process of evolution being conceiv- ed in a purely mechani- cal way. The general plan of the evolution of the secreting glands is as follows. At the place where the gland is to be formed — take the liver or the pancreas as a par- ticular instance (figs. 269, 270,and2/l,fi, i),arough projection appears upon the intestine. This projection consists of a delicate, finely granular, and pale tissue — the blastema, as it is called, which was in former times looked upon as without structure. By watching this part we see how particular divisions make their appearance within it (fig. 272), which by and by form lobules or club-shaped bodies, and are the elements or ground- work of the future csecal canals, where these are to appear. It is now that a kind of solution of the internal contents of the mass or masses takes place, or rather that distinct walls with double contours are produced. This is to be seen most beautifully displayed in the lungs (fig. 273).* And now appears the Fig. 271. — The same parts in another embryo more highly magnified, to exhibit the undoubtedly cellular and racemose structure of the liver and pancreas. The references are likewise the same. / % 'V Fig. 272. — The liver more ad- vanced than in the last figure from anembrj'o of the fowl of the' sixth day. It is not only divided into two lobes, hut shows minute coeca in its interior. After Muller. * The lungs are to be viewed as the prototype of all secreting glands. OEIGIN or THE GLANDS. 267 true glandular skeleton, as it has been described in speaking of the conformation of the glands. Would we follow this generation of the glands step by step, a gland must be chosen in which the ra- mifications of the excretory duct can be seen amidst the clearer blastema, from the sim- ple rudiment to the term of extreme com- plexity. In young em- bryos of the sheep (fig. 2/4) we can, by the aid of a simple lens, see the excretory duct of the parotid still simply branched, the seve- ral branches enlarged like buds at their extremities, and but seldom divided. The same thing may be seen in small human embryos (fig. 276). To foUow the onward evolution, embryos successively more and more advanced mustbe procured, and, the parotid being re- moved, it is to be examined with a low power and as an opaque object (fig. 277). The clearer blastema of the gland now appears dark, and the excretory duct. Fig. 273.— Ramifications of the bronchi from the embryonic Falco tinunculus, to show the way in which they sprout as blind canals. Both figures are magnified about 150 times. Fig. 274, — Rudiments of the parotid gland in the embryo of a sheep, two inches in length magnified. After Muller. 2G8 ORIGIN OF THE GLANDS which consists of a firmer granular mass Fig. 276. — First appearance of the parotid gland in a human embryo of the seventh week ; magnified twice. After Muller. , appears white, and in the form of an ele- gant and numerously branched tree. The leaf-like ends now undergo transform- ation into blind vesi- cles, whilst the branch- es and twigs of the tree become hollow, andiinitethemselves to the excretory duct (fig. 277). The blood- vessels are seen enter- ing the blastema in the shape of dark ramifica- tions (fig. 277), but of much smaller diame- ters than those of the ramified glandular canal. The finest ele- ments of the secreting follicles do not consist properly of cells ; in the hver, for example (fig. 278), they are ex- tremely soft, roundish, granular corpuscles, which give to the larger lobules (a) a racemi- form appearance. It is betwixt these major divisions or lobule3 that the blood-vessels make their entrance (fig. 278, B, a, a), none ever penetrating betwixt the finest ele- ments of all. DISTEIBUTION OF VESSELS IN GLANDS. 269 DISTRIBUTION OF THE VESSELS IN GLANDS. [§ 428. Glands in general deriye their blood from arteries, and all that is not used for purposes of secretion returns in the usual way through veins and lymphatics into the general current of the circulation. The lymphatics of glands are often veiy large and conspicuous ; those of the hver are particularly so. Among vertebrate animals the liver receives but a small portion of its blood from an arterial source, and this appears to be exclusively expended upon the gall-bladder, the gall- ducts, and the coats of the larger vascular trunks, though branches of the hepatic artery can also be followed, entering along with the cellular substance of the organ between its several component lobules. The blood from which the bile is prepared is received from the portal vein, which ramifies through the substance of the liver, and at length anastomoses with the finest subdivisions of the hepatic vein, which spring from the deeper parts, and then flow round about the clusters of hepatic cells united into ccecal-looking lobules (fig. 267) In the two lower classes of vertebrate animals, there is an extension to the kidneys of the same system of circulation which we observe confined to the liver among the two higher classes. In amphibia and fishes a portion of the blood returning from the hind-legs, tail, abdominal parietes, and A B / Fig. 278. — A couple of feathery lobules from the embryo of the Falco tinnunculus or Hobby, fourteen lines in length ; the substance of the liver is seen composed of large pale granulated particles (cells) ; betwixt the lobules a blood-vessel is seen well filled with blood-discs. 270 DISTRIBUTION OF VESSELS IN GLANDS. even some of the viscera, is distributed to the kidneys. But whether the material for the secretion of the urine is afforded from this source or not is doubtful ; for the kidneys here still receive arteries of considerable magnitude, the finer twigs of which form such tangled knots as we observe in the same organs of birds and mammals. These tangled knots of ves- sels, Malpighian bodies as they are called, constitute a form of vascular distribution that is pe- cuhar to the kidneys. They are skein-like convolutions of the arteries, which run in straight lines between the tubuli uriniferi, before resolving themselves into the finest capillary net-works (figs. 279 and 280). They occur in largest numbers interspersed among the tubuli uriniferi of the cortical substance (fig. 259, a and b), but they are also observed more thinly scattered in the medidlary substance. The vessels of the most minute vascu- lar net-works are every- where much smaller — from twenty to thirty times small- er— than the finest coecal and secreting glandular tu- bules, and never terminate in these, as they were once universally, and as they have even very recently, been supposed to do. They rather play round the in- dividual terminal portions of the glandular skeleton, they never even penetrate between the constituent cel- lular elements of this. The parietes of the blood-vessels appear to be of the very thinnest and most delicate description in the glands.*] * This admirable article on the structure of glands is from Professor Wagner’s Physiology, pp. 384, et seg. — Ed. Fig. 280. — Malpighian bodies from the kidney of an owl {Strix aluco), fully injected and lai'gely magnified. Fig. 279. — Malpighian bodies of the kidney of the water-newt ( T'/'ii:o«j!Ja^Ms l spinal cord, formed by the union of the cristas of abdomen, the dorsal laminas. B, longitudinal section. The and finally to heart, (P', is evolved as a thickening of the lamina close this cavity, vasculosa. The vascular and mucous layers follow the turnings and general course of the serous layer, and decline anteriorly under the head of the embryo, by which the fovea cardiaca, the anterior depres- sion which marks the commencement of the intestinal canal, becomes deeper (figs. 332, b, f and 335, b). From this sinus the vascular and mucous layers turn more posteriorly, and immediately again proceed forwards, to be continued in the plane of the germinal membrane (fig. 335, b, where the heart, is indicated). This part of the germinal mem- brane, then, covers the head of the embryo when it is viewed from below, and on this account is called the involucrum capi- tis— the cranial envelope or cap — among writers on develop- ment ; it is not any independent formation. Whilst these changes in the form of the serous layer are going on, others are proceeding, pari passu, in the vascular lamina, in the following order, from the end of the first day blastoderma, from wliicb the involucrum capitis is formed, shining through ; g, posterior fold of the blastoderma, still very narrow, from which is formed the involucrum caudae ; /, chorda dorsalis. DETELOPMEXT OF THE CHICK — FIRST PERIOD. 30.5 to the middle of the second. The area vasculosa (figs. 330 and 333, c) has enlarged, and from a form rather elongated, has assumed one that is rounder. Its outer circumference is beset with darker aggregated-looking masses (fig. 333) ; sin- gle isolated points appear, and between these clefts are formed, that by and by run together and form channels, which unite in meshes with one another ; in these channels a clear colourless or extremely pale yellow fluid can by and by be distinguished in motion — this is the blood. The halones (fig. 330), which had become more sinuous towards the beginning of the second day, now vanish entirely. Along with these occurrences in the periphery of the vascular lamina, the development of the heart has been advancing in the centre, under the transparent germinal area and the serous layer of the embryo. The vas- cular lamina becomes thicker, and appears darker in this point ; the heart shows itself as a somewhat sinuous sac, in- terposed between and pushing apart the mucous and serous laminae (fig. 335, b, c?“). As the development advances, the heart is observed from the under or abdominal aspect of the embryo as a sac, simple and undefined anteriorly, of greater Fig. 336. — An incubated vitellus of the jackdaw’s egg ; A, of the na- tural size ; B, magnified — a, vitellary membrane ; 6, b, b, halones ; c, embryo ; d, area pellucida ; e, area vasculosa, (Compare with figs. 330 and 333.) E X 306 EMBETOLOGT. breadth posteriorly, and terminating in two (fig. 337, d, f) or three (fig. 337, e) crura ; these are the future great venous trunks, which as yet are lost in- sensibly in the germinal mem- brane. Even at this period un- dulating motions, rhythmical contractions of the heart, may be perceived, by which the somewhat wavy appearance of the organ is produced; the same clear or nearly colourless fluid is in motion in the heart as in the vessels in the periphery. The heart occupies the whole space from the involucral point of the germinal membrane to the cranial end of the embryo, and is consequently, when the embryo is contemplated from below, covered by the part of the serous membrane which at the same time forms the involu- crum capitis. The embryo, which at the end of the first day bore some resemblance to a punt or flat-bottomed boat, by the middle of the second day has acquired the form of an ordi- nary small boat turned over, the sides of which (the ventral laminse) converge, whilst the head is much ciu'ved or beak- fashioned (the bending down of the head), and furnished with a particular cover (the involucrum capitis) ; the pos- terior part is also somewhat recurved, but much less so than the anterior part, by the commencing development of the caudal envelope. The ventral channel extends from the pos- terior margin of the heart (fig. 337) to the crescentic plait of the caudal envelope (fig. 334, from e to g, seen through the back of the embryo). [§ 486. The changes that occur during the second half of the second day, from the thirty-sLxth to the fiftieth hour, are the following : the dorsal laminae are closed along the whole Fig. 337. — Anterior end of an embryo scarcely of greater age than that of fig. 330, seen from the abdominal (the vitellary) as- pect, to show the first formation of the sacculate heart, a, with its immerging vascular (venous) trunks, d, e, f ; b, b, crests of the laminae dorsales seen shining through. DETELOPMETsT OF THE CUICK SECOND PERIOD. 30/ line of tlieir course ; the head curves itself more and more under the body, so also does the tail ; and the iiivolucra both of the head and tail again bend towards the dorsal aspect ; the ocular sinuses are separated more distinctly from the an- terior cerebral cell, which now lies completely underneath ; the cell of the corpora quadrigemina is much enlarged ; from the cell of the medulla oblongata the organ of hearing arises as a vesicular eminence, and in its anterior part, a particular contraction of the cerebellum is very commonly to be per- ceived ; the spinal cord is now a laterally compressed tube. The blood collects in the periphery of the vascular lamina within a circular sinus or annular vessel, the future sinus s. vena terminalis. The heart soon parts the ventral laminae from one another, like a wedge, and so forms a hernia behind the point of reflection of the germinal membrane to the cra- nial involucrum ; it is here that the venous trunks penetrate ■which carry the blood from the periphery of the vascular lamina to the heart. The heart itself has now become a relatively narrower, and more curved or spirally t^wisted sac, which contracts with greater vigour than heretofore. The an- terior extremity of the heart divides into two crura, which proceed to the cover of the future oral cavity, and run for a certain way under the vertebral column, where they blend into the future aorta, separate again, and give ofi* two great trans- verse branches, which lose themselves in the germinal mem- brane towards the periphery of the vascular area. The blood by degrees acquires a red colour. The transparent germinal area continues fiddle-shaped. In the periphery the serous lamina recedes still more from the other laminae of the ger- minal membrane that he under it, at the same time that it is raised round the whole circumference into a fold which grows with great rapidity in the beginning of the third day (fig. 338, A, B, /) . The whole embryo is still more bent on itself ; the ceU of the corpora quadrigemina forms its anterior and su- perior end ; the caudal end is turned in more than ever, and the mucous layer foUowing the bending, a depression is here formed in the same way as we have seen one produced towards the anterior extremity, at the fovea cardiaca ; the digestive cavity is now a channel of considerable depth ; which, how- ever, is still largely patulous towards the vitellus ; from which undoubtedly it derives formative materials. 308 EMBRYOLOGY. SECOND PERIOD OF TDE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHICK, TO THE EVOLUTION OF THE SECOND CIRCULATION. [§ 487. The second period in tlie histoiy of the development of the chick begins with the third day, in the course of which the circulation in the vitelline vessels is completely established (figs. 339 and 346), and embraces farther the changes that take place during the fourth and fifth days, till the allantois has appeared, the membrane of the shell has been attained, and the second circulation is established ; the first, which had reached its highest development at the end of the fourth day, now beginning to suffer an arrest, and to decline in extent and activity (figs. 341 and 345). In the course of this period the embryo is completely detached from the germinal membrane, and becomes enveloped in peripheral productions of the same part. The thu'd day is the most remarkable in the whole Fig. 338. — Ideal section of an embryo somewhat younger than that of fig. 339. A, transverse section ; a, vitelline membrane ; b,b, lamina; dorsales et vertebrales ; 6% 6% lamina; abdominales and transverse processes ; c,c, lamina mucosa, which is seen bending round under tlie chorda dorsalis (e), to form the intestinal canal ; d, d, lamina vasculosa ; /, /, peripheral por- tion of the lamina serosa, proceeding to form the lateral involucra and the amnion; g, medulla spinalis. — B, longitudinal section; a, vitellary mem- brane ; b, lamina serosa, and dorsum of the embryo ; b', head of the embryo ; c, c, lamina mucosa ; d, lamina vasculosa ; d-, heart ; d'\ branchial arteries ; d^, aorta ; d'\ artery of the blastoderiua ( arteria vitdlina ). DEVELOPMENT OF TUE CHICK — SECOND PERIOD. 309 history of the development, as, from the general vigour of the formative processes, all the organs now begin to be evolved. Fig. 339. — View of an embryo, four lines long, magnified about eight diameters. The embryo is seen from the abdominal surface ; the time is the middle of the third day. a, Area pellucida ; h, anterior cerebral cell (the hemispheres) ; c, cell of the thalami and crura cerebri ; d, corpora quadrigemina ; e, cerebellum and medulla oblongata; /, the eye, a wide cleft inferiorly ; g, the auditory vesicle lying in front of the medulla oblongata ; h, h, h, vertebral lamina ; i, ventricle of the heart ; k, atrium cordis ; superior, and P, inferior vein of the blastoderma ; I, bulb of the aorta, giving off the four branchial arteries, over which lie three branchial arches, 1, 2, 3 ; m, m, arteries of the blastoderma proceeding from the divided trunk of the aorta ; inwards from either aorta the bodies of the vertebral laminae are united by suture ; n, the allantois just budding forth ; o, o, o, o, margins of the abdominal cavity, reflected su- periorly into the involucrum capitis, p ; inferiorly into the involucrum caudae, q, q. The mesentery, Wolffian bodies, &c., which have by this time began to appear, are left out. The actual length of the embryo is indicated by the line with the asterisk. 310 EMBRYOLOGY. and the characteristic form of the embryo to be more particu- larly declared. We shall speak of the different appearances in groups, as they are associated with the several laminae of the germinal membrane, tracing each principal formation, and each individual organ, in its progress from the beginning to the end of the period we are now considering. [§ 488. The dorsal laminae have increased in size, and the rudiments of the vertebrae within them (the vertebral laminae) are growing both anteriorly and posteriorly (fig. 339, h, h) ; they surround the spinal canal on the sides, are also to be seen over the medulla oblongata, and several even exist anterior to the ear (fig. 340, at rl). In the vicinity of the chorda dorsalis, outwardly, between it and the vertebral laminae, arise ‘the first cartilaginous rudiments of the bodies of the vertebrae, which blend superiorly with the laminae of the vertebral arches, close in the canal of the spinal cord below, and surround the cartilaginous co- lumn (sheath) of the chorda dorsalis. Towards the fifth day the chorda dorsalis begins to disappear ; the spinal cord is laterally compressed, and falls into two halves, each of which is again divided into an upper and an under fas- ciculus. It is on the fifth day that the rudimentary enlarge- ments or processes, indicative of the position of the future ex- tremities, make their appear- ance ; the earliest traces of the cerebral envelopes were already conspicuous on the fourth day. The medulla oblongata (fig. 340, between c and d) is ex- tremely flat above, in conse- quence of the divergence of the superior fascicuh from one Fig. 340. — Anterior end of an embryo somewhat more highly mag- nified, and a few hours older than that of fig. 339. a, a, Cranial in- volucrnm ; h, b, vertebral laminae near the crests of the now closed dorsal laminae; c, spinal cord pass- ing into the medulla oblongata, d, which in its turn passes by a de- pression (the fourth ventricle) into the corpora quadrigemina, e ; /, mesocephalon (thalami and crura cerebri) ; g, hemispheres ; h, supe- rior maxillary bone ; t, auditory vesicle ; k, branchial arches ; I, atrium cordis ; m, the heart hang- ing forwards ; n, bulb of the aorta. DEVELOPMENT OE THE CHICK — SECOND PEEIOD. 311 another, and thus is the basis laid of the fourth ventricle, which appears to be covered with its own peculiar medul- lary and enveloping lamina. Anteriorly, the fascicuh of the medulla oblongata ascend towards the corpora quadrige- mina in two perpendicular become apphed to one another, and so cover the fourth ventricle superiorly and anteriorly ; thus is the cerebellum produced, visible from the side as an enlargement (figs. 339 e, 340 341 and 345 fl“), behind which the fourth ventricle presents itself as a deep depres- sion (figs. 341 and 345, c?). The corpora quad- rigemina form a simple and very considerable cell, which projects forwards in an arched or vaulted manner, but, with the in- creasing declension of the head, turns always more and more down- wards (figs. 339 and 347 d, 340 e, 341 and 345 «, 343 B, «, 342 h, 344 c). The laminae, which form the cerebellum, pro- ceed upwards, blending in the corpora quadrigemi- na, under which the fourth ventricle is con- tinued as the aqueductus. Anteriorly to the corpora quadrigemina lies the asymmetrical, smaller, middle cerebral cell (figs. 339 and 345 c, 340 and , lammse, which, on the fifth day. Fig. 341. — Embryo of the fowl, nearly five lines in length, at the seventy-se- cond hour of incubation (transition from the third to the fourth day). The ab- dominal surface is partly laid open, and the parts separated ; the amnion is re- moved. a, corpora quadrigemina ; 6, the hemispheres ; c, the nasal depression ; rf, the fourth ventricle, in front of which lies the cerebellum, a", which is now more distinctly defined ; e, the ear ; /, the eye, in the choroid of which, already furnished with its pigment, a cleft is seen ; the four branchial clefts ; h, the heart ; i, the Uver ; k, the intesti- nal canal, with its open vitellary duct I ; m, the rectum still ending in a blind sac ; n, the allantois ; o, the anterior, and p, the posterior, extremity ; q, q, q, q, Wolffian bodies ; r, upper jaw ; s, under jaw. 41 /, 343 B, before ?•), formed by 312 EMBEYOLOGT. the advancing laminse of the medulla oblongata as the crui'a cerebri ; it is open superiorly, and extends, as the third ventri- cle, with a wide opening into the infundibulum, which on the second day was directed straight downwards, but which now, from the great bending in of the head, is turned backwards, and even upwards. In this cell, which was the first formed, and foremost cerebral cell (fig. 334, d}), the thalami make their appearance towards the end of the period. The most Fig. 342 A. — Embryo of the fowl of the fifth day, much magnified ; after Huschke {Isis, 1828, § 163.) — a, a, hemispheres; b, corpora quad- rigemina; c, upper jaw; d, under jaw; e, first hranchial arch {os hyoides ) ; /, meatus auditorius externus ; g‘^, first, second, aud third hranchial fissures ; /d, the three hranchial arteries ; i, the heart ; k, the eye, with the cleft I ; m, descenchng aorta ; D, cavity of the mouth and fauces ; n, acoustic pouch. Fig. 342. — B (after Huschke), front view of the embryo of the fowl, of the fourth day; a, hemispheres; &, corpora quadrigemina ; c, eye ; d, upper jaw; e, lower jaw ;/, enlargement of the os hyoides; s', ventricle of the heart ; h, atrium cordis ; D, oral aperture and faucial cavity. DEVELOPilENT OF THE CHICK — SECOND PERIOD. 313 anterior cerebral cell, at the present epoch, is symmetrical, and contains the hemispheres (figs. 339, 341, and 345 h, 340 g, 344 343 b, p) ; according to the natural curvature of the embryo, it hes completely downwards. The optic nerve appears as a vesicle, betwixt the middle and anterior cerebral cell, in which the external envelopes (the outer portion of the serous membrane), preparatory to the formation of the eye bally bend circularly inwards, in the shape of a sac, and externally form a projection, which opens downwards as a cleft ; this is closed by degrees, and at length forms a colourless thin streak, whilst the rest of the bulb, from the deposition of the pigmen- tum nigrum, is dark or deeply coloured ; the lens makes its appearance very early (on the third day), forming a particular closed capsule within the sac of the external envelopes (the ball of the eye), and lying in the midst of an albuminous ball, the vitreous humour.^ The organ of hearing y at first a simple vesicle arising from the medulla oblongata, soon be- comes a distinct sac, which, examined from behind, appears attached to the medulla oblongata by means of a pedicle — the acoustic nerve (fig. 340, ^) ; distinct from it a cleft appears (fig. 342, A,/), which increases over against the acoustic sac, and sinking into it, forms the external meatus auditorius. If the embryo be lying upon its side, the acoustic sac, which subsequently forms the labyrinth, is seen as a rounded en- largement (figs. 339 g, 341 e, 342 a, n), which in the course of the period under consideration, comes continually forward. About the beginning of the third day, the olfactory nerve shows itself towards the basis of the cell of the hemispheres ; at a later period the nasal hollow (fig. 341, c) is observed as a broad depression with puffed edges ; on the fifth day both nasal hollows have become deeper, and are now distinct from one another. § 489. Very important metamorphoses go on during this period in the ventral laminse lying on either side of the dorsal laminae, or middle portion of the embryo ; so far these ventral laminae are formed from the serous layer of the germinal mem- brane only ; they separate into a superficial thinner layer (figs. 338 and 343, a, W and /), which, like a cuticle, loses itself in the periphery of the embryo upon the deeper stratum ; and, as it has already suffered a reflection anteriorly opposite the * On the metamorphosis of the eye, consult figs, from 339 to 310. 314 EMBRYOLOGY. heart, and formed the involncrum capitis ; so, towards the pos- terior part, it has bent over as the involncrum caudse, and been formed into plaits or folds laterally, as the lateral envelopes. Thus is the serous layer of the germinal membrane, or upper layer of the ventral laminae, raised on every side to converge into an elliptical plait towards the back of the embryo ; on the fourth day, these plaits have approached each other very closely; Fig. 343. — Ideal section of an embryo nearly at tlie end of the third day : — A, transverse section ; a, vitelline membrane, h, b, laminae dorsales, &c., as in fig. 338. B, longitudinal section. The cranial and caudal iu- volucra appro.vimate, and at length meeting, they close the amnion; g, the eye ; h, entrance into the mouth, or fovea cardiaca ; i, the oesophagus, with the rudimentary lung budding out as a diverticulum from it ; A-, ex- pansion of the alimentary tract, marking the seat of the stomach ; I, pos- terior shut extremity of the intestine, from which proceeds the allantois, e, surrounded by the vascular lamina d ; /«, the mesenteric lamina ; 7i, pas- sage from the vitellus to the open abdomen ; o, anterior part of the head (corpora quadrigemina) ; p, hemispheres ; r, superior maxilla ; s, inferior maxilla ; I, oral cleft or aperture ; 1, 2, 3, three branclual clefts. Other references as in fig. 338. DEYELOPMENT OE THE CHICK — SECOND PEEIOD. 315 the anterior is now called the vagina capitis ; the posterior va- gina caudce (fig. 343, b, f, backwards) ; the lateral folds may, in like manner, be entitled the vagince. laterales (tig. 343, a, f> f) ; coalesce at the end of the fourth day, and form a visible cicatrice over the lumbar region of the embryo. In this way we have a complete vesicular envelope thrown around the embryo, — the amnion (fig. 344, a, «), which is tilled with fluid. The upper layer of the fold (tig. 343, a and b, lying under the vitelline membrane, a), covers the whole germinal membrane, and grows around the yolk as a serous capsule or cyst, vesica serosa — the false amnion of Pander. At the place where the embryo hes, this layer is separated from the rest of Fig. 344. — Outline of the embryo of the fowl, at the enrl of the fifth day, much magnified; a, a, amnion ; &, allantois ; c, corpora quadrige- mina ; d, hemispheres ; e, eye ; /, anterior ; and g, ])osterior extremity. The natural dimensions of this, as of many of the other figures, are indi- cated by a line, or lines, with an asterisk. 316 EMBRYOLOGY. the germinal membrane by a considerable space. The inferior layer of the serous ventral lamina forms the ventral paries, and gives origin to the bones and muscles which compose the neck and trunk. Inferiorly, the vascular lamina lies upon it, and this, with the serous lamina, evolves the formations which are now to be described. On either side, under the vertebral column, there is a lamina detached, which grows thicker, and increases in a direction perpendicularly downwards ; these are the lamina mesenterica, between which there is, at first, an open triangular-shaped channel or cleft, the foramen mesen- terii ; both the mesenteric laminae push the mucous layer be- fore them, and speedily unite, at an acute angle, in the suture (fig. 343, A, h, B, m). The furrow, or foramen of the mesen- tery, resembles an equilateral triangle, with one of its angles pointing directly downwards. After the union of the two mesenteric laminae, the resulting structure grows most rapidly posteriorly, opposite the middle of the body, and here forms a septum, dividing the abdominal cavity into two halves. It is at the beginning of the intestinal canal, where the ven- tral laminae are converging, that the branchial arches are deve- loped ; the parietes of the body here become thinner ; and in this, the cervical region, several clefts or fissures make their appearance, which sink downwards, and penetrate through the mucous layer ; there are three pairs, or, with the oral aperture, four pairs of such fissures, but the posterior pair are extremely small ; they are called the branchial fissures — fissurae branchiales ; between them lie three segments, or divisions of the ventral laminae, which are blunt and rounded anteriorly, bevelled off towards the digestive cavity, and therefore sickle- shaped ; these are named the branchial arches — arcus bran- chiales (figs. 339, 340, 341, 343, &c.) ; the fourth branchial arch is placed hindmost, and is not yet distinct from the ven- tral lamina. On the fourth day, the two most anterior bran- chial arches increase in thickness (fig. 341, between and <7') ; a new fissure is formed postenorly (fig. 347, ; on the fifth day, the foremost fissure closes (fig. 342, a, between d and e), and the foremost branchial arch unites with its fellow of the opposite side, and forms the lower jaw (fig. 342, a, d, B, e) ; the next in succession is transformed into the os hyoides (fig. 342, A, e, B, /). The two last branchial fissures close DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHICK — SECOND PEEIOD. 317 up on the fifth day ; at the same time the first is lost en- tirely ; but the second continues longer open (fig. 342, A, g^). On the third and fourth days, the part of the ventral lamina, which is situated in front of the lower jaw, thickens and resolves itself into the upper jaw (fig. 341, r, and 345, i above 2) ; this part is more strongly marked on the fifth day (fig. 342, A, c). The two sides of the upper jaw do not meet in the first instance ; they co- alesce at a later period, pjg, 345^ — Embryo of the fowl of the through the medium of first half of the fourth day ; a, corpora thefrontalprocess, which quadrigemina ; 6, hemispheres ; c, meso- is developed betwixt the cephalon (thalami) ; d, fourth ventricle ; PVPS q49 -R nvpr choroid beginning y t &• -j > to close ; the first and second branchial spaces still entirely open ; g'“,g^, The rudiments of the the third and fourth spaces open be- ribs begin to be formed hind only ; h, the ventricle of the heart, in the parts of the ven- ^ rounded form ; i, aorta ; n, al- ,11 • 1 ■ 11-1 lantois : o, anterior, and p, posterior ex- tral laminae lying be imd 5, L>per and under jaw. the branchial arches ; xtie line with the asterisk indicates the the extremities show natural length of the embryo, themselves upon the ex- ternal aspects of the same laminae. Of the extremities is still no trace to be discovered in the first half of the third day (fig. 339), but in the second half of that day they arise on the sides of the ventral laminae as narrow edgings, which by the close of the day have turned more upwards, gained the outer margins of the ventral laminae, and changed into rounded offsets (fig. 341, o, p), the posterior pair being dis- tinguished from the anterior by somewhat greater breadth (fig. 345, o, p) ; on the fifth day they recede still more up- 318 EMBRYOLOGY. wards towards the dorsal laminae, become pediculated, and present a broad shovel-shaped termination (fig. 344, g). [§ 490. The vascular lamina in its development follows the phases of the first, or vitellicular circulation, which, as has been stated, attains its height on the fourth day (fig. 346). 62 Fig. 346. — View of the vitellus, magnified rather more than two diame- ters, exhibiting the circulation of the Idastoderma completely developed : — a, Vitellus; 6, vena s. sinus termiualis ; 6-, point of approximation to the embryo of the terminal sinus, and its communication with the veins, y, g ; c, aorta ; d, punctum saliens, oi’ pulsating point of the heart ; /, /, arte- ries of the hlastoderma ; g, g, veins of the same (one inferior, two supe- rior ; sometimes there is hut one above as well as below) ; e, e, the fiddle or guitar-shaped area pellucida ; /i, the eye. (This figure will be found to correspond in almost every particular with that of Pander, tab. iv. fig. 1, of his well known work, Entwickelungsgeschichte des Huhnchens im Eie). The more delicate ramifications of the vessels and their numerous inos- culations with the bounding sinus are omitted. DEVELOrMENT OF THE CHICK — SECOND PERIOD. 319 Immediately under the head of the embryo, three blood-red bounding points are seen (fig. 346, d), the expression of the alternating contractions of the three divisions of the heart, which are now in the course of formation, — the sinus venosus (fig. 339 /t, 340 /), which receives the veins, and towards the end of the third day shows traces of the two auricles, the (339 2, 340 m), and the aortce (339 /, 340 n), divided from the ventricle by a contraction. In this period the heart presents such diversities that it may be said to be in a state of ceaseless metamorphosis, both as regards form and position. On the second day, it is a somewhat spirally twisted canal lying under the brain (fig. 339, ^) ; on the third day, it has drawn itself more backwards, become more concentrated, and bent round, as it were, into a kind of loop (fig. 340, m), when it appears to project in the form of a tu- mour between the ventral laminee (figs. 340 on, and 341 h), first mchning to the left and then to the right, and being all the while within the compass of the involucrum capitis (fig. 347, /). The ventricle, which during the third day is still canahcular, becomes more globular on the fourth day (fig. 345, h), and pointed underneath, so that it acquires the proper heart-shape (fig. 342, B, g) ; it then hes very much to the right, whilst the sinus venosus, which is become more distinct from it, lies more to the left (fig. 345, behind h). At the end of the third day, the constriction between the ventricle and aortal bulb is already well marked (fig. 340, oi). On the fourth day, the muscular mass of the heart and the septum ventriculorum is produced ; in the sinus venosus the septum is not begun to be formed till the fifth day, and the two apices into which the veins even on the third day were seen to plunge (fig. 340, below 1), enlarge, and become the auricles. Some time before the bulbus aortse becomes distinctly pinched off (fig. 347,./’ ), it divides at the beginning of the third day into four pairs of vascular arches, which show themselves through the abdominal laminae, the most posterior of the four being the smallest (fig. 347, 1 — 4) ; after the formation of the branchial fissures they he behind the sickle-shaped branchial arches (figs. 339, 340, 343, b) ; they unite on either side upon the vertebral column into an aortal root ; the two roots blend more posteriorly, and form the common aorta (fig. 347, A). The vascular arches undergo considerable 320 EMBRYOLOaY. changes in the course of the fourth day : the first pair gradually disappears and is at length obliterated, and the se- cond becomes smaller ; but on either side there is a fifth arch formed, which becomes larger on the fifth day, whilst the second now disappears ; so that on this day there are three vascular arches present, all of nearly equal magnitude (fig. 342, A, h}, h^y h?). The carotid, and by and by the vertebral, arte- ries now make their appearance, arising from the aortal roots, and the bulbus aortse undergoes a division in- to two passages. On the fourth day the aorta gives off distinct vessels between the several divi- sions of the vertebrse ; it then divides and fur- nishes two principal branches, which go off in transverse directions (figs. 348 c, 347 i, i, 339 m, m, 346,//), and spht- ting intobranchlets, form an extremely beautiful network upon the out- spread germinal mem- brane ; the aorta after- wards proceeds, first di- vided and then single, along the vertebral co- lumn, gives off a mesen- teric artery (figs. 338, 343, B, d 5), and finally splits into two branches that ramify upon the allantois (figs. 341, 345, 7i). Almost simultane- ously with the formation of the arteries an accom- panying system of veins is developed ; the veins of the germinal niem- Fig. 347. — Embryo of the yolk depicted in fig. 348, seen from the abdominal as- pect, magnified, a. Vagina s. involucrum capitis : h, vagina s. involucrum caude (a and 6, folds of the germinal membrane enveloping the head and tail) ; c, c, ante- rior passage of the involucrum capitis into the lateral involucra ; d, vault of the mass appertaining to the corpora quadrigemina ; c, anterior cerebral mass or lobe ; /, heart; g, termination of the venous trunks in the future atrium cordis ; h, aorta ; 1, 2, 3, 4, the four branchial arteries ; i, i, arteries of the hlastoderma ; k, k, translucent crests of the dorsal laminm, rendered somewhat wavy hy the water in which the embryo is immersed •, I, I, vertebral aminae. DEYELOPMENT OP THE CHICK — SECOISTD PEEIOD. 321 braue, however, are so far in opposition to the arteries, that whilst these are directed transversely towards the si- nus terminalis (fig. 34G, /, f), those run parallel with the long axis of the embryo ; one inferior, larger vein ly- ing on the left (figs. 346, g, 339, A’^), to which comes a second, smaller, often scarce- ly perceptible one, situated on the right, and either one or two superior veins (figs. 346, g, g, 339, k^) bringing the blood from the vascular area to the heart. The sys- tem of the venae cavae is Fig. 348. — Yolk of the hen’s egg, of the natural size, but flattened , , . 1 , , „ , through loss of support, at the be- evolved in the body or the ginning of the third day of incubation, embryo at a still earher pe- exhibiting the earliest traces of the circulation. — a, Vitellus ; b, embryo ; c, c, arteries of the blastoderina ; d, d, veins of the blastoderina ; e, e, sinus terminaUs. riod than the arterial sys- tem, and the portal system is distinctly separated on the fourth day, and ramifying in the hver. The circulation upon the germinal membrane is, therefore, a viteUicular circulation ; the blood courses from the embryo through the two arteriae vitellinae s. omphalo-mesen- tericae (fig. 346,/,/), to the sinus terminalis or vascular circle, which on the fourth day appears quite full of blood ; from this the blood is returned to the heart through the four venous trunks — the venae vitellinae s. omphalo-mesentericae (fig. 346, g, g, g). The smallest arteries and veins also communicate with one another by their most delicate extremities, and form a beautiful rete with rhomboidal-shaped meshes. [§ 491. There is a very pecuhar formation belonging to the fcctus alone, and having a temporary or transitory character, which must now be mentioned, namely, the Wolffian bodies, — corpora Wolffiana, or primordial kidneys. These bodies are a product of the vascular membrane, though the serous layer would also seem to have some share in their formation. They make their first appearance in the second half of the third day, as a pair of narrow but thick striae, which sprout 322 EMBETOLOGT. outwardly from each mesenteric lamina, in the angle formed between this and the ventral ^lamina in the line of the verte- bral column, from the region of the heart as far as the allan- tois. Even .at this early period they exhibit interchanging elevations and notches, and a canal or duct running in the line of their long axis. On the fourth day the corpora Wolf- fiana are recognized as being formed out of hollow coecal-lLke appendages, which are attached along the course of the duct or canal (fig. 341, q, q, q, q) ; on the fifth day they look very broad and thick, and the ccecal appendages are convoluted. The germ-preparing sexual organs, the testicles and ovaria, make their appearance as delicate striae on the inner sides of the corpora Wolffiana. § 492. The metamorphoses of the mucous layer of the ger- minal membrane begin, during this period, with the formation of the intestinal canal. After the mucous layer, above the involucrum capitis, has struck in under the head, and formed the anterior access to the intestmal canal, fovea cardiaca, the same layer also bends in at the opposite extremity, over the involucrum caudse or caudal envelope, and here forms the posterior access to the intestine, foveola inferior ; by the increased curvature of the embryo, and the growth of the ventral laminse, these depressions form funnel-shaped hollows, which terminate, in blind extremities, towards the head and tail. Almost simultaneously with the formation of the bran- chial fissures, or perhaps a little earher, the space between the fore end of the head and the ^heart grows thin, and the mouth and fauces break through, so that a free communica- tion results betwixt the fovea cardiaca and the cavity of the amnion (fig. 343, B, A). The intestinum rectum, on the other hand (the posterior funnel-shaped involution of the mucous layer), continues longer closed. By the formation of the mesenteric laminse the mucous layer is detached from the ventral laminse, and pushed downwards (fig. 338, a, under e) ; as soon as the mesenteric laminse have coalesced, the mucous layer also converges from both sides under the mesentery, and where it is accompanied by the prolongations of the vas- cular lamina, which proceed from the mesenteric laminse, two new laminse present themselves, the intestinal lamince, — laminae intestinales, which run perpendicularly downwards DEVELOPMENT OP THE CHICK — SECOND PEEIOD. 323 (fig. 343, A, under A), and the mucous layer being thus bent inwards in a canahcular manner, forms the intestinal cleft — an open canal in communication with the yolk, running for- wards funnel-shaped, towards the faucial cavity, and backwards in the same manner to the rectum. At the beginning of the fourth day the intestinal cleft has contracted, and exhibits but a very small opening, which, extending soon after into a canal or sac (fig. 34], k,l), passes over the peripheral mucous layer as the intestinal canal (fig. 343, B, n), and throws itself com- pletely around the yolk. The oral and faucial cavity gapes widely, and extends into a narrower part or canal, the esopha- gus, from which, inferiorly and posteriorly, a diverticular sac- culus sprouts (fig. 343, b, ^), the first rudimentary appearance of the lungs ; a little farther on, an elongated enlargement of the intestine is perceived, which indicates the situation of the future stomach (fig. 343, k) ; the intestine then expands, and goes off funnel-shaped towards the yolk (fig. 343, n, and in a later form, fig. 341, k, 1), and in like manner towards the rec- tum, which still terminates in a blind sac ; the limits between the small and large intestines are indicated by the evolution of a couple of diverticula — the capita caeca — towards the end of the third day. About the middle of the third day various other parts are indicated in connection with the intestinal canal, which enlarges in the places where these are to appear, and sprouts out towards or into the vascular layer ; thus, two little hollow offsets show themselves as the rudiments of the liver, in which a venous net-work by and by appears, that re- solves itself into the portal system. At the beginning of the fourth day the two lobes of the liver appear as lappets of some breadth (fig. 341, i), in which the composition, by means of an aggregation of bhnd sacs, is apparent somewhat later ; another small offset, or bunch, also shows itself in the vascular layer, between the lobes of the liver ; this is the rudimentary pan- creas; it grows slowly, but, on the fifth day, when the convo lutions of the small intestine begin to be formed, it has enlargea considerably ; at this time the spleen also makes its appear- ance as a small red body. The pulmonic sac divides, and be- comes more distinct, from the esophagus appearing first pinched off from that part, and then provided with a pedicle— the future trachea ; on the fifth or sixth day the lung of the one side is completely distinct from that of the other, and each T 2 324 EMBETOLOGT. is attached to the common pedicle by a particular branch, the future bronchi ; the pedicle has farther extended, as the trunk of the trachea. In the course of the first half of the third day, a small vesicular-looking protuberance arises from the intestinum rectum (fig. 339, n)\ this proves to be the allantois, which grows into the caudal involucrum, and distends it. The al- lantois is covered externally with a stratum of the vascular layer (fig. 343, b, e, d), which it carries with it in its growth. The growth of this part is very rapid, in the course of the fourth day (figs. 341, 345, n) forcing its way through the caudal involucre, and the part by which it is attached being drawn out into a hollow pedicle. The external covering from the vascular layer shows ramifications of the aorta, which form a beautiful vascular rete. On the fifth day, the allantois presents itself as a large pedunculated bladder protruding from the umbilicus (fig. 344, b), which, bending to the right, has penetrated between the mesenteric and ventral lamina, and lies betwixt the amnion and the serous envelope. At this time, the allantois is nearly as large as the entire embryo (fig. 344), being almost five lines in diameter.* THIED PEEIOD IN THE HISTOET OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE INCUBATED EGG : FEOM THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE CIE- CULATION IN THE ALLANTOIS TO THE EXCLUSION OF THE EMBETO. [§ 493. The third and last period comprises the interval from the sixth to the twenty-first day. The two first days, however, comprehend almost all of general physiological inte- rest which happens in this period, so that a shorter review of the grand features of the changes which take place in the embryo and ovum through its course will be sufficient. If the egg be opened at the beginning of this period, it must be done with great care, as the albumen has now entirely disap- peared, and the embryo lies close to the membrane of the shell ; the vitellary membrane has become exceedingly thin, is very easily torn, and indeed is soon resolved entirely ; the air-space at the blunt end of the egg has greatly increased in * According to Rathke, the lungs are evolved from the first as a pair ; he describes them, on the fourth day of the incubation, as two small, laterally compressed, thin laminae, tapering off from before backwards, and ending in a blunt point, which spring from the oesophagus. DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHICK — THIED PEEIOD. 325 size. The germinal membrane now extends over the whole of the yolk ; or the mucous layer of this part has almost en- tirely grown around, and so given origin to a sac-like co- vering, the vitellary sac (vitelliculum, or viteUicle, Owen), which encloses the yolk ; the vascular layer has grown around nearly two- thirds of the yolk. The si- nus terminalis of this layer is now a mere seam in the periphery of the area vascu- losa, and in the course of the next few days disappears en- tirely ; the veins, and then the arteries of the vascular layer of the vitellary mem- brane, disappear somewhat later. On the other hand, the aUantois is growing with great rapidity, and, on the Fig. 349. — Embryo of the fowl with the allantois, a, already of great size, and depressed or flat- tened, the umbilical vessels, b, branching over it ; c, external ear, indicated by a depression ; d, cere- bellum ; e, corpora quadrigemina ; /, hemispheres. sixth day, forms a pretty large flattened bladder (flg. 349), which, however, in the course of the seventh day, acquires nearly twice its former size, and inchnes so much to the right side, that with the amnion, it covers the embryo com- pletely, and comes in contact superiorly by means of its most vascular side with the serous envelope, which is consequently now completely separated from the amnion, to the formation of which it had in the first instance contributed. After the rupture of the viteUary membrane, aU that remains of the al- bumen collects at the sharp end of the egg, and is now much more consistent ; the yolk, on the contrary, has become much thinner and more diffluent, and the number of its glo- bules has very greatly diminished ; the embryo hes more to- wards the blunt pole of the egg, and on the sixth day, after breaking open the shell, the first appearance of motion is observed in slight twitchings of the extremities. [§ 494. The most remarkable metamorphoses of the indi- vidual organs on the sixth and seventh days are the following : the spinous processes are now formed on the vertebral arches ; 326 EMBETOLOGY. the rudiments of the ribs become more conspicuous ; the imme- diate tegument of the brain and spinal cord is perceived to be composed of two layers ; the largely developed corpora quadrigemina seem to advance with less rapidity of growth towards the end of the seventh day, and the he- mispheres soon equal them in size (fig. 353, c, c, d, d) ; the fornix is evolved over the still open third ventricle ; the cor- pora striata and thalami become conspicuous ; the optic nerves, distinct from one another at first, now become connected in the chiasma ; the infundibu- lum is still deep and wide; the pituitary body ap- pears ; the cerebellum is formed ; but the fourth ventricle is still widely open, and passes over into a deep posterior furrow of the spinal cord. The eye is developed in everypart, and is veiy large ; the external opening of the ear is conspicuous, and in connexion with the Fig. 350. — Embryo of the jackdaw {corvus corone) nearly foui- lines in length, drawn under the simple lens. The amnion, a, a, surrounds it closely on every side ; the allantois, h, protrudes from the abdominal sulcus ; the extremi- ties are visible as simple lamellae ; nume- rous segments of the vertebrae and the several cerebral cells are conspicuous ; behind the corpora quadrigemina appears the cerebellum, and then the depression for the fourth ventricle ; the ear is seen as a pediculated vesicle, c, springing from the medulla oblongata ; under it lie the branchial arches and fissures ; d is the eye ; c, the nasal fossa, behind which the heart is perceived. auditory vesicle the semi- circular canals and cochlea are formed ; the nasal depression has lengthened downwards into a nasal passage, which runs between the superior maxillary bone and the frontal process, the opposite halves of which have now become united. In the extremities, the arm and thigh, both extremely short, can be distinguished ; in the hand the rudiments of the three digits, and in the foot those of the four toes, can be made DEVELOPMENT OE THE CHICK — THIRD PERIOD. 32/ out (fig. 352, b). The amnion is more and more distended, and at the umbilicus is brought more together, so that it becomes drawn out into an um- bilical cord, in which lie the pedun- cle of the allantois and a noose of the intes- tine (fig. 352, A, b) ; the neck ad- vances in its evolu- tion, and the lower iaw-bones ^ a are elonga- further advanced. The references arethe same as inng.oou. ted and assume the 'fashion of a beak. The heart acquires the form it possesses in after-life, the several parts having approximated and become more closely conjoined : the auricles are divided, and cover the ventricles, which can now even from without be perceived to be double ; the aortal bulb at the same time appears produced from both ventricles in an arched form, arising directly over the septum, and being divided into two canals, the separation between which becomes visible outwardly on the seventh day ; the pericardium is formed. From the aorta there now arise but two vascular arches on either side, and to the right a middle third arch ; this and the two anterior arches are the later chief divisions of the aorta, and are filled by the stream of blood transmitted from the left ventricle ; the two poste- rior arches are supphed on the seventh day with blood exclu- sively from the right ventricle of the heart, and are the future pulmonary arteries ; the arches all terminate in the descend- ing aorta. The Wolffian bodies, and the formations that take place upon or in connexion with them, have many remark- able relations during this period. The shut sacs of which 328 EMERTOLOGT. they are composed become longer and more tortuous ; they evidently secrete, and with their elongated common ducts, to which they look as if they were attached, terminate in the cloaca ; betwixt their component shut sacs num- bers of small points, which consist of little convoluted hanks of vessels, in every particular hke the Malpi- ghian bodies of the kidney, may be observed. The kid- neys show themselves be- hind and above the Wolffi- an bodies on either side of the spinal column ; at first they are lobulated greyish masses, which sprout by the outer edges of the Fig. 352.— Chick with part of the Wolffian bodies; this is yolk, a, a, which communicates, by plainly to be seen on the means of the dehcate vitello-intestinal sixth iljiv nerhans even duct, with the noose of the j|y™um i, ^ which at this time lies within the ^ i n. i • funis umbilicalis ; c, c, vasa lutea. B, formed afterwards as their separate views of the anterior extremity, especial excretory ducts, which shows a distinct division into The kidneys arise as inde- three digits, a, and of the posterior ex- pendent formations ; and, tremity, wliich shows traces of four independently of them, the ^ ’ ’ capsulae supra-renales are evolved on their upper or anterior edge. The reproductive organs, which had appeared as little marginal lappets, now form two longish-shaped white bodies, and he behind the supra-renal capsules, at some little distance from these, on the inner edge of the Wolffian body ; they are still of hke size, and it is impossible to distinguish whether testicles or ovaria wiU be produced; so that of all the principal organs the ge- nital are those that are the latest recognizable in their rudi- ments, and distinguishable in their future special forms. The vessels of the allantois are developed with great vigour ; two arteries arise from the aorta, and a large vein runs on the under edge of the liver to the vena cava, along with the DEVELOPMENT OE THE CHICK — THIRD PERIOD. 320 hepatic vein, lical vessels. The alterations that trans- pire in the mucous layer are of less moment : the or- gans alreadyformedincrease in size ; the faucial cavity is elongated as the oral cavity in the bill-shaped maxillae ; the esophagus extends; the division into crop and mus- cular stomach is distin- guishable ; behind the loop for the duodenum, an dwhich encloses the pancreas, the jejunum forms a noose of the same length and tenui- The vessels of the allantois become the umbi- Fig. 353. — An embryo somewhat older than that represented in fig. 349, surrounded hy the amnion as an am- ple vesicle ; a, the amnion ; the eyes, h, b, are very large ; c, c, the corpora quadrigemina, now scarcely larger than the hemispheres d, d; the space be- tween them is the third ventricle. ty, which lies completely out of the abdomen within the umbilical cord, where, by means of a delicate short conduit, it communicates with the vitellicle or yolk-sac, — the ductus vitello-intestinalis (fig. 352, a, a). The liver is large and gorged with blood ; the trachea and lungs are entirely separated from the esophagus ; the larynx makes its appear- ance as a small enlargement upon the trachea. [§ 495. The principal changes from the ninth to the eleventh day are as follow : the hemispheres of the brain enlarge greatly, at the cost, apparently, of the corpora quadrigemina, and span the third ventricle posteriorly ; the cerebellum in- creases, particularly in its middle or vermiform portion, by which the fourth ventricle is now completely hidden; in the spinal cord the enlargements corresponding to the two pairs of extremi- ties, become more conspicuous ; the fibrous structure of the brain and spinal cord is apparent ; the eyes proceed in their development, and attain still more colossal relative dimensions ; the eyelids appear as a circular-shaped fold of the skin ; the external organ of hearing increases in width and depth. The bulbs of the feathers become apparent in certain districts, first along the middle line of the back, upon the haunches, and over the rump ; the joints of the extremities are more solidly 330 EMBETOLOGT. and distinctly evolved ; the muscular parts are very apparent, and separated into bundles under the skin ; the nerves are more conspicuous, and the motions of the embryo are stronger; the neck lengthens greatly. In the heart the external separa- tion of the bulbus aortse into two distinct canals follows ; the vessel proceeding from the left ventricle gives off larger carotids from its anterior arches ; on these appear the little thyroid bodies. These two aortal arches {trunci anonymi) represent the earher third branchial vascular arch ; the asymmetrical vascular arches appearing behind them, on the right side, is the future aorta descendens. From the stem arising out of the right ventricle proceed the two most poste- terior (the earlier fifth) of the branchial vascular arches ; they do not yet give off any pulmonary branches, and still terminate posteriorily in the aorta ; at a later period they be- come the proper pulmonary arteries. The corpora Wolffiana become shorter, and smaller every way, and their excretory duct longer ; the kidneys increase in size. The germ-pre- paring sexual organs begin about this time to differ manifestly in their form : the testicles become elongated, cylindrical, and continue of equal size ; the ovaries remain flattened, grow un- equally, the right first ceasing to make any progress and then disappearing, the left enlarging proportionally with the other parts. The oviducts are distinct, but the right, like the ovary to which it corresponds, is arrested in its development. The gall-bladder becomes conspicuous as a diverticulum of the biliary duct. The bursa Fabricii emerges from the cloaca; the allantois grows still more over the embryo. The vessels on the vitellary membrane, especially on its under-surface, are numerous and large ; the veins are turgid and tortuous (fig. 352, A, c), and appear stained of a yellow colour, whence they are often called vasa lutea. [§ 496. It is in the course of the last days of the second week that the epidermic formations are produced — the feather bulbs, the nails, and the scaly coverings of the feet ; ossifi- cation also begins in many bones, the muscular parts get stronger, the eyelids are weU formed, and in the ear the tym- panum has appeared. The Wolffian bodies are ever shorter and smaller ; the testes acquire their excretory ducts ; the left ovary is conspicuous, and the corresponding oviduct is hollow, whilst the same parts on the right side have shrunk entirely. DEVELOPMENT OE THE CHICK — THIRD PERIOD. 331 The intestine makes several turns outside of the umbihcus, and continues in communication with the vitellary sac by means of the vitellary duct ; upon the inner surface of the vitellary sac, and over the tortuous veins, membranous pro- ductions— puckered or wrinkled folds — make their appear- ance ; and at the same time similar formations occur upon the mucous membrane of the intestine. The aUantois has now grown completely around the embryo, so that the ovum — the viteUary sac, the remaining albumen, &c. included — is com- pletely enve- loped anew as it were, and will now retain its form even after the shell is re- moved (fig. 354, ' b ; from the Kestril — Falco tinnunculus) ; the serous co- vering disap- pears. [§ 497. In the beginning of the third week, the em- brvn tjtrnifpnpri — E^ibryo of the Falco tinnunculus, f ^ ’ f much farther advanced than that of the fig. 353. It tor room, trom js represented enclosed in its membranes, and of the the transverse natural size ; but being removed from the shell, its axis of the egg weight has caused it to spread, and to look longer comes more and it is in fact. The embryo of this falcon, hy TTinrp into tbp of the transparency of the membranes, is pe- 1 • V, • L cuharly fitted to serve for the demonstration of the long axis, wnicn relative position of the several parts : a, the embryo it finally fills ; shining through the membranes ; /, /, the eyes of the head is great size, seen from above ; b, b, the allantois, has turned towards grown completely around the embryo, and so forms the breast and ^ perfect envelope, the chorion, whose principal vas- ,1 1. ’ cular branches are perceived; c, c, the amnion ; d, d, mostly lies un- the yolk-sac ; e, the albumen ; g, the coccyx, with the der the right feathers beginning to sprout, wing ; the al- lantois has inclosed the whole embryo and vitellary sac, and 332 EMBTITOLOGY. having contracted adhesions with itself, forms an uninter- rupted cyst or envelope for the entire contents of the egg, being everywhere in imme- diate contact with the mem- brane of the shell, from which it must be peeled when they are separated ; in the inte- rior of the allantois, white tlocculent precipitates from the urine occur, and these accumulate at length to such an extent that they conceal the embryo in a greater or less degree. The allantois, as the complete foetal enve- lope, is entitled the chorion. In the brain, the corpora quadrigemina, which have remained very much behind in development, are thrown Fig. 355. — Magnified view of the embryo of the Lacerta agilis, two and a half lines in length, for con- trast with the other embryos figured ; a, corpora quadrigemina ; 5, cleft of the eye ; c, olfactory depression ; d, branchial fissures already disappear- ing ; e, anterior extremity ; /, hinder extremity; g, tail. backwards under the hemi- spheres ; the pineal gland and cerebellum increase ; the latter becomes marked with deep scissures. Over the eye, the eye- lids grow till they meet, but without uniting ; the iris advances, the cornea rises, the lenticular prominence remains, whilst the lens recedes, and so the anterior chamber, which had hitherto been wanting, is produced ; there is no appearance of pupillary membrane. In the ear, the labyrinth becomes osseous at the beginning of the third week. In the heart, the valvular sys- tem is evolved ; the anterior arteries are detached more and more from the descending aorta, and disappear altogether to- wards the end of the period ; the pulmonary arteries become much larger, and their terminations in the aorta have con- tracted and become mere anastomosing channels — ihictiis ar- teriosi. The kidneys grow rapidly. The corpora Wolffiana shrink continually, but in male embryos they may still be de- tected as rudiments near the testes, even after the epoch of foetal life is over. The right ovary, as has been stated, is ar- rested in its growth, and is soon after birth completely absorbed ; the right oviduct also disappears, although a trace of it may be discovered in some birds at every period of their life. From BIRTn OF THE CHICK. 333 the testes delicate vasa efferentia are developed, which, after passing through the Wolffian bodies, unite into a filiform vas deferens, which in its turn is evolved out of, or, more cor- rectly, into the excretory duct of the Wolffian body. The vitel- lary sac shrinks more and more, its contents diminishing in quantity, and becoming still more consistent. It is drawn into deep saccidated compartments by the main trunks of the um- bilical vessels ; the albumen and amniotic fluid are lessening continually in quantity. The tegumentary umbilicus is still freely open at the beginning of the last week ; and with the advancing growth of the intestinal canal, a greater number of convolutions of the bowel pass out of the abdominal cavity ; on the nineteenth day the prolapsed intestine returns in some degree into the abdomen again, and draws the yolk, with which it is stiU in uninterrupted connexion by means of the very considerable viteUary duct, along with it into the belly, upon which the mucous and vascular layers of the vitellary sac foUow, whilst the serous layer increases, becomes thicker, and detaches itself from both the other layers. The whole vitellary sac is not thus taken up into the abdomen, only a part of it enters, and this expands in the cavity, whilst the part that is excluded is cut off by the contracting umbilical ring. The vitellary duct is of considerable width, and arises funnel-shaped from the intestine ; long after birth there is still a Httle diverticulum of the jejunum to be discovered in its for- mer situation ; nay, in some birds this diverticulum continues through life as a normal feature in their structure. The com- munication with the vitellus is at length obliterated, becoming a mere thread, on which a yellow knot, the last remains of the yolk, may not unfrequently be observed. BIllTH OF THE CHICK. [§ 498. Two days before its exclusion, the chick may occa- sionally be heard chirping feebly within the shell, for the cho- rion (the allantois) is readily torn by the point of the beak, which then comes into contact with the air contained in the air-chamber ; along with the imperfect respiration that now goes on, the circulation through the umbilical vessels proceeds unimpeded. The violent motions of the chick occasion cracks in the shell ; the beak assists, and holes are produced. The bill, so soft in all other parts, is furnished at this period with 334 EMBRYOLOGY. a very remarkable, hard, horny process near its point, evidently to enable the young creature to break through the shell, for the process in question falls off very shortly after the escape of the bird. The labour of getting free from the shell gene- rally lasts half-a-day ; at length the upper part is raised, the chick pushes out its feet, draws its head from under its wing, and erecting itself quits the shell completely. The remain- der of the chorion and amnion, which, with the closure of the umbilicus, could no longer be nourished, shrivel, fall off, and are left behind in the shell. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHANGES IN THE EGG DURING INCUBATION. [§ 499. Various physical and chemical changes take place in the egg during the period of incubation. It loses weight : in the first week, to the extent of five per cent. ; in the second, the amount is thirteen per cent. ; and in the third, sixteen per cent. So that an incubated egg, with an embryo ready to emerge from it, is altogether lighter than one that is just laid; a new-laid egg sinks in water, — an egg at the end of the period of incubation swims. The cause of this loss of weight lies in the evaporation of the watery part of the albumen ; the same thing happens, though more slowly, in unincubated eggs from keeping ; the greater rapidity of the loss in the incubated egg arises merely from the greater heat to which it is subjected. Another consequence of the evaporation is the formation and rapid enlargement of the air-space, which, as we have seen (§ 477), is first produced after the egg is laid. It is probable that the evaporation in question is connected with chemical changes, for the air contained in the blunt end of the egg is not simple atmospheric air, but contains a larger proportion of oxygen, the amount varying between twenty-five and twenty-seven per cent. This hyper-oxyge- nated air serves the embryo in the process of respiration, or aeration, that is carried on by the medium of the allantois ; for eggs may be incubated to the perfect maturity of the em- bryo, even without the contact of the external atmospheric air, and may be hatched alike well in pure oxygen and in va- rious irrespirable gases ; for example, pure hydi'ogen, nitro- gen, &c. At the beginning of the incubation the fluid albu- men contains a small quantity of oil, apparently communicated CHANGES IN THE EGG DUEING INCUBATION. 335 to it from the yolk ; when the incubation has advanced con- siderably, the albumen loses almost the whole of its water and salts ; these seem to be transferred to the yolk, which admits of explanation, for the vitellary sac bursts and draws the albumen, now changed into a thick mass, into it. By this accession of matter, the yolk enlarges during the first half of the period of incubation, but becomes thinner ; the incessant demand upon it, however, for materials for the growth of the embryo, causes it again to shrink and to become more consis- tent towards the end of the period (§ 494). The proportion of chemical elements of the vitellus and white vary consider- ably ; the quantity of phosphorus contained in the albumen lessens, but increases in the yolk, and again appears in com- bination with oxygen and calcium as a phosphate of lime, which in the period of ossification is plentifully required for the consolidation of the bones ; as the quantity of lime contained in an egg at the time it is laid is extremely small, and becomes very large at a subsequent period, the earth must be acquired in some way with which we are not at present well acquainted. As it is not very probable that the lime is derived from the shell, it may perhaps be produced from other matters under the influence of the organic agencies ; the same may be said of the iron, the quantity of which increases greatly during incubation.] * * The whole of this article on the development of the chick is from Professor Wagner, Elements of Physiology, p. 84, et seg. It forms a valuable complement to the chapter on Embryology. — Ed. 336 EMBEYOLOGT. SECTION III. ZOOLOGICAL IMPORTANCE OF EMBRYOLOGY. § 500. As a general result of the observations which have been made, up to this time, on the embryology of the various classes of the animal kingdom, especiaUy of the vertebrata, it may be said, that the organs of the body are successively formed in the order of their organic importance, the most es- sential being always the earhest to appear. In accordance with this law, the organs of vegetative life, the intestines and their appurtenances, make their appearance subsequently to those of animal life, such as the nervous system, the skeleton, &c. ; and these, in turn, are preceded by the more general phenomena belonging to the animal as such. § 501 . Thus we have seen that, in the fish, the first changes relate to the segmentation of the yolk and formation of the germ, which is a process common to all classes of animals. It is not until a subsequent period that we trace the dorsal furrow, which indicates that the forming animal will have a double cavity, and consequently belong to the division of the vertebrata ; an indication afterwards fully confirmed by the successive ap- pearance of the brain and the organs of sense. Later still, the intestine is formed, the limbs become evident, and the organs of respiration acquire their definite form, thus enabling us to distinguish with certainty the class to which the animal belongs. Finally, after the egg is hatched, the peculiarities of the teeth, and the shape of the extremities, mark the genus and species. § 502. Hence the embryos of different animals resemble each other more strongly when examined in the earlier stages of their growth. We have already stated that, during almost the whole period of embryonic life, the young fish and the young frog scarcely differ at all; so it is also with the young snake compared with the embryo bird. The embryo of the crab, again, is scarcely to be distinguished from that of the insect ; and if we go still fai'ther back in the history of development, we come to a period when no appreciable differ- ence whatever is to be discovered between the embryos of the various departments. The embryo of the snail, when the ZOOLOGICAL IMPORTANCE OF EMBRTOLOGT. 337 germ begins to show itself, is nearly the same as that of a fish or a crab. All that can be predicted at this period is, that the germ which is unfolding itself will become an animal ; but the class and the group are not yet indicated. § 503. After this account of the history of the develop- ment of the egg, the importance of embryology to the study of zoology cannot be questioned. For evidently, if the for- mation of the organs in the embryo takes place in an order corresponding to their importance, this succession must of itself furnish a criterion of then’ relative value in classification. Thus, those peculiarities that first appear should be considered of higher value than those that appear later. In this respect, the division of the animal kingdom into four types, the ver- tebrata, the articulata, the moUusca, and the radiata, cor- responds perfectly with the gradations displayed by embry- ology. § 504. This classification, 'as has been already shown, is founded essentially on the organs of animal life, the nervous system and the parts belonging thereto, as found in the per- fect animal. Now, it results from the above account, that in most animals the organs of animal hfe are precisely those that are earhest formed in the embryo ; whereas those of vege- tative life, on which is founded the division into classes, orders, and families, such as the heart, the respiratory apparatus, and the jaws, are not distinctly formed untd afterwards. There- fore a classification, to be true and natural, must accord with the succession of organs in the embryonic development. This coincidence, while it corroborates the anatomical principles of Cuvier’s classification of the animal kingdom, furnishes us with new proof that there is a general plan displayed in every kind of development. § 505. Combining these two points of view, that of Embry- ology and that of Anatomy, the four divisions of the animal kingdom may he represented by the four figures which are to be found, at the centre of the diagram, at the beginning of the volume. § 506. The type of Veetebrata, having two cavities, one above the other, the former destined to receive the nervous system, and the latter, which is of a larger size, for the intes- tines, is represented by a double crescent united at the centre, and closing above, as well as below. z 338 EMBETOLOGT. § 507. The type of Aeticulat a, having but one cavity, grow- ing from below upwards, and the nervous system forming a series of ganglions, placed below the intestine, is represented by a single crescent, with the horns directed upwards. § 508. The type of Mollusca having also but one cavity, the nervous system being a simple ring around the esophagus, with ganghons above and below, from which threads go off to all parts, is represented by a single crescent with the horns turned down. § 509. Finally, the type of Radiata, the radiating form of which is seen even in the youngest individuals, is represented by a star. CHAPTER ELEVENTH. PECULIAR MODES OF REPRODUCTION. SECTION I. GEMMIPAEOUS AND FISSIPAEOUS EEPEODUCTION. §510. We have shown, in the preceding chapter, that ovula- tion, and the development of embryos from eggs is common to all classes of animals, and must be considered as the great process for the reproduction of species. Two other modes of propagation, applying, however, to only a limited number of animals, remain to be mentioned, namely, gemmiparous reproduction, or multiplication by means of buds, and Jissi- parous reproduction, or propagation by division, and also some still more extraordinary modifications yet involved in much obscurity. §511. Reproduction by buds occurs among polyps, medusse, and some infusoria. On the stalk, or even on the body of the Hydra (fig. 170), and of many infusoria (fig. 356), there are formed buds, like those of plants. On close examination they are found to contain young animals, at first very imperfectly formed, and communicating at the base with the parent body, from which they derive their nourishment. By degrees the animal is developed ; in most cases the tube by which it is connected with the parent withers away, and the animal is thus de- tached, and becomes independent. Others remain through hfe united to the parent stalk, and in this respect present a more striking analogy to the buds of plants ; but in polyps, as in trees, budding is only an accessary mode of reproduction, which presupposes a trunk already existing, originally the product of ovulation. § 512. Reproduction by division, or fissiparous reproduc- z 2 Fig. 356. 340 EEPEODUCTIOJ?". tion, is still more extraordinary ; it takes place only in polyps and some infusoria. A cleft, or fis- sion, at some part of the body takes place, very slight at first, but con- stantly increasing in depth, so as to become a deep furrow, hke that observed in the yolk, at the begin- ning of embryonic development ; at the same time the contained organs are divided and become double, and thus two individuals are formed of one, so similar to each other that it is impossible to say which is the parent and which the offspring. The division takes place sometimes vertically, as, for example, in Forti- cella (fig. 357, c, d), and in some po- lyps (fig. 358, «, c?) ; and sometimes transversely. In some infusoria, the Parameciaiov instance, this division occurs as often as three or four times in a day. § 513. In consequence of this same faculty many animals are able to reproduce various parts of their bodies when accidentally lost. It is well known that crabs and spiders, on losing a limb, acquire a new one. The same happens with the rays of star-fishes ; the tail of a hzard is also readily reproduced ; salamanders even possess the faculty of reproducing parts of the head, inchichng the eye with aU its comphcated structure. Something similar takes place in our own bodies, when a new skin is formed over a wound, or when a broken bone is reunited. § 514. In some of the lower animals this power of repara- tion is carried much farther, and applies to the whole body, so as closely to imitate fissiparous reproduction. If an earth- worm or a fresh-water polype be divided into several pieces, the injury is soon repaired, each fragment speedily becoming a per- fect animal. Something like this reparative faculty is seen in the vegetable as well as in the animal kingdom. A willow-branch, planted in a moist soil, throws out roots below and branches Fig. 357 Fig. 358. ALTEBNATE AND EQDITOCAL BEPEODUCTION. 341 above ; and thus, after a time, assumes the shape of a perfect tree. § 515. These various modes of reproduction do not exclude each other. All animals which propagate by gemmiparous or fissiparous reproduction also lay eggs. Thus the fresh-water polyps {Hydro) propagate both by eggs and by buds. In Vor- ticella, according to Ehrenberg, all ti^ee modes are found ; it is propagated by eggs, by buds, and by division. Ovulation, however, is the common mode of reproduction, the other modes, and also alternate reproduction, are only additional means employed by nature to secure the perpetuation of the species. SECTION II. ALTEBNATE AND EQUR^’OCAL BEPBODUCTION. §516. It is a matter of common observation, that individuals of the same species have the same general appearance, by which their pecuhar organization is indicated. The transmis- sion of these characteristics, from one generation to the next, is justly considered as one of the great laws of the animal and vegetable kingdoms. It is, indeed, one of the points on which the definition of species is generally founded. We would, however, adopt the new definition of Dr. S. G. Morton, who defines species to be “primordial organic forms.” § 517. But it does not follow that animals must resemble then* parents in every condition, and at every epoch of their existence ; on the contrary, as we have seen, this resemblance is very faint in most species at birth, and some undergo com- plete metamorphoses before attaining their final shape, such as the caterpillar and the tadpole, the butterfly and the frog. Nevertheless, we do not hesitate to refer the tadpole and the frog to the same species ; and so with the caterpillar and the butterfly, because we know that there is the same individual observed in different stages of development. § 518. There is also another series of cases in which the offspring not only do not resemble the parent at birth, but moreover remain different during their whole life, so that their relationship is not apparent until a succeeding generation. The son does not resemble the father, but the grandfather ; and in some cases the resemblance reappears only at the fourth or fifth generation, and even later. This singular mode of re- production has received the name of alternate generation. 342 EEPEODUCTTON. The phenomena attending it have been of late the object of numerous scientific researches, which are the more deserving of our attention, as they furnish a solution of several problems ahke interesting in a zoological and philosophical point of view. § 519. Alternate generation was first observed among the SalpcBy marine mollusca, without shells, belonging to the family tunicata. They are distinguished by the curious pe- culiarity of being united together in considerable numbers, so as to form long chains, which float in the sea (fig. 359), the mouth {m), however, being free in each. The indivi- duals thus joined in floating colonies produce eggs ; but in each animal there is generally but one egg formed, which is developed in the body of the parent, and from which is hatched a httle mollusk (fig. 360), which remains solitary, and differs in many respects from the parent. This little animal, on the other hand, does not produce eggs, but propagates by a kind of budding, which gives rise to chains already seen ■v^dthin the body of the parent (a), and these again bring forth sohtary individuals, &c. Fig. 359. Fig. 360. § 520. In Fig. 361. some parasitic worms, alternate generation is accompanied by still more extraordinary phe- nomena, as shown by the late discoveries of Steenstrup, a Danish naturalist. Among the numerous animals inhabiting stagnant pools, in which fresh-water-mollusca (particularly Lymima and Paludina) are found, there is a small worm, known to naturalists under the name of Cercaria (fig. 361). When examined with a lens, it looks much like a tadpole, with a long tail, a triangular head, and a large sucker («) in the middle of the body. Various viscera appear within, and among others a very dis- tinctly forked cord (c), embracing the sucker, and which is thought to be the liver. ALTERNATE AND EQUIVOCAL REPRODUCTION. 343 Fig. 362. Fig. 363. § T)2l. If we watch these worms, which always abound in company with the mollushs mentioned, we find them after a while attaching themselves, by means of their sucker, to the bodies of these animals. When fixed they soon undergo con- siderable alteration. The tail, which was pre- viously employed for locomotion, is now useless, and falls oft', and the animal surrounds itself with a mucous substance, in which it remains nearly motionless, like a caterpillar on its trans- formation into the pupa. If, however, after some time we remove the little animal from its retreat we find it to be no longer a Cercaria, but an intestinal worm called Distoma, with two suckers, having the shape of fig. 362. The Distoma, therefore, is only a particular state of the Cercaria, or rather the Cercaria is only the larva of the Distoma. § 522. What now is the origin of the Cerca- ria ? The following are the results of the latest researches on this point. At certain periods of the year, we find in the viscera of the Lymncea (one of the most common fresh-water mollusks) a quantity of httle worms of an elongated form, with a well-marked head, and two posterior pro- jections like limbs (fig. 363). On examining these worms attentively under the microscope we discover that the cavity of their body is filled by a mass of other httle worms, which a practised eye easily recognizes as young Cer- caricE, the tail and the other characteristic fur- cated organ (fig. 364, a) being distinctly visible within it. These httle embryos increase in size, distending the worm containing them, and which seemingly has no other office than to protect and forward the development of the young Cercaria. It is, as it were, their living envelope. On this account, it has been called the nurse. ^^Fig. 364. § 523. When they have reached a certain size, the young Cercaria .leave the body of the nurse, and move freely in the abdominal cavity of the Lymncea, or escape from it into the 344 EEPEODUCTION. water to fix themselves, in their turn, to the body of another moUusk, and begin their transformations anew. § 524. But this is not the end of the series. The nurses of the Cercaria are themselves the offspring of little worms of yet another kind. At certain seasons, we find in the viscera of the Lvmruea worms some- (/ what like the nurses of the Cercaria in shape (fig. 365), but rather longer, more slender, and having a much more elongated stomach is). These worms contain, in the hinder part of the body, httle em- bryos («), which are the young nurses of figures 363, 364. This generation has received the name of grand-nurses. § 525. Supposing these grand-nurses to be the immediate offspring of the Distoma (fig. 362), as is probable, we have thus a quadruple series of generation. Four generations and one metamorphosis are re- quired to evolve the perfect animal ; in other words, we find no resemblance to the parent in any of its progeny, until we arrive at the fourth generation or the great-grandson. § 526. Among the Aphides, or plant-lice, the number of generations is still greater. The first generation, which is produced from eggs, soon undergoes metamorphoses, and then gives birth to a second generation, which is followed by a third, and so on ; so that it is sometimes the eighth or ninth generation before the perfect animals appear as males and fe- males, the sexes being then for the first time distinct, and the males provided with wings. The females lay eggs which are hatched the following year, to repeat the same succession. Each generation is an additional step towards the perfect state ; and as each member of the succession is an incomplete ani- mal, we cannot better explain their office, than by considering them analogous to the larvae of the Cercaria, that is, as nurses.* * There is a certain analogy between the larvae of the plant-louse {Aphis) and the neuters or working ants and bees. This analogy has given rise to various speculations, and, among others, to the following theory, which is not without interest. The end and aim of all alternate generation, it is said, is to favour the development of the species in its progress towards the perfect state. Among the plant-lice, as among all the nurses, this end is accomplished by means of the body of the nurse. Now a similar end is accomplished by the working ants and Fig. 365. ALTEENATE AND EQUIVOCAL EEPKODUCTION. 345 § 527. The development of the Medusce is not less instruct- ive. According to the observations of M. Sars, a Norwegian naturalist, the Medusa brings forth living young, which, ^ter having burst the covering of the egg, swim about freely for some time in the body of the mother. When born, these ani- mals have no resemblance whatever to the perfect Medusa, They are little cyhndrical bodies (fig. 36G, a), much resembling infusoria, and like them covered with minute cilia, by means of which they swim with much activity. § 528. After swimming about freely in the water for some days, the little animal fixes itself by one extremity (fig. 366, c). At the opposite ex- tremity a depression is gra- dually formed, the four cor- ners (5, /) become elongated, and by degrees are trans- formed into tentacles (c). These tentacles rapidly mul- tiply, until the whole of the upper margin is covered with them {g). Then transverse wrinkles are seen on the body at regular distances, appearing first above and extending down- wards. These wrinkles, which are at first very slight, grow deeper and deeper, and, at the same time, the edge of each segment begins to be serrated, so that the animal presents the appearance of a pine cone, surmounted by a tuft of tentacles (h) ; Fig. 366. bees, only, instead of being performed as an organic function, it is turned into an outward activity, which makes them instinctively watch over the new generation, and nurse and take care of it. It is no longer the body of the nurse, but its own instincts, which become the instrument of the development. This seems to receive confirmation from the fact that the working bees, like the nurses of the plant-lice, are barren females. The attributes of their sex, in both, seem to consist only in their solicitude for the welfare of the new generation, of which they are the natural guardians, but not the parents. The task of bringing forth young is con- fided to other individuals, to the queen among the bees, and to the female of the last generation among the plant-lice. Thus the barrenness of the working bees, which seems an anomaly as long as we consider them complete animals, receives a very natural explanation so soon as we regard them merely as nurses. 346 EEPEODTJCTIOIS’. whence the name of Strolila, which was originally given to it, before it was known to be only a transient state of the jelly- fish. The separation constantly goes on, until at last the divi- sions are united by only a very slender axis, resembling a pile of cups placed witW each other {i). The divisions are now ready for separation ; the upper ring first disengages it- self, and then the others in succession.* Each segment {d) then continues its development by itself, until it becomes a complete Medusa {k) ; while, according to recent researches, the basis or stalk remains and produces a new colony. § 529. It is thus, by a series of metamorphoses, that the little animal which, on leaving the egg, has the form of the infusoria, passes in succession through all the phases we have described. But the remarkable point in these metamorpho- ses is, that what was at first a single individual is thus trans- formed, by tranverse division, into a number of entirely dis- tinct animals, which is not the case in ordinary metamor- phoses. Moreover, the upper segment does not follow the others in their development. Its office seems to be accom- plished as soon as the other segments begin to be indepen- dent ; being intended merely to favour their development, by securing and preparing the substances necessary to their growth. In this respect it resembles the nurse of the Cer- caria. § 530. The Hydraform-Polyps present phenomena no less numerous and strange. The Campanularia has a branching, plant-like form, with httle cup-shaped cells on the ends and in the axils of the branches, each of which contains a httle animal. These cups have not all the same organization. Those at the extre- mity of the branches («), and which appear first, are furnished with long tentacles, wherewith they seize their food (fig. 367). Those in the axils of the branches, and which appear late, are females (5), and have no such tentacles. Inside of the lat- ter, little spherical bodies are found, each * These free segments have been described as peculiar animals, under the name of Ephyra. ALTEEI^ATE AND EQUIYOCAL EEPRODUCTION. 347 having several spots in the middle ; these are the eggs. Finally, there is a third form, different from the two prece- ding, produced by budding from the female polyp, to which it in some way belongs (c). It is within this that the eggs arrive, after ha^dng remained some time within the female. Their office seems to be to complete the incubation, for it is always within them that the eggs are hatched. § 531. The little animal, on becoming free, has not the slightest resemblance to the adult polyp. As in the young Medusa, the body is cylindrical, and co- vered with delicate cilia (fig. 368) . After having re- mained free for some time, the young animal fixes it- self and assumes aflattened form . By degrees alittle swelling rises from the centre, which elongates, and at last forms a stalk. This stalk ramifies, and we soon recognize in it the animal of fig. 367, with the three kinds of buds, which we may consider as three distinct forms of the same animal. § 532. The development of the Campanularia presents, in some respects, an analogy to what takes place in the repro- duction of plants, and especially of trees. They should be considered as groups of individuals, and not as single indivi- duals. The seed, which corresponds to the embryo of the polyp, puts forth a little stalk. This stalk soon ramifies by gemmiparous reproduction, that is, by throwing out buds which become branches. But ovulation, or reproduction by means of seeds, does not take place until an advanced period, and requires that the tree should have attained a considerable growth. It then produces flowers with pistils and stamens, that is, males and females, which are commonly united in one flower, but which in some instances are separated, as in the hickories, the elders, the willows, &c. &c.* * Several plants are endowed with organs similar to the third form of the Polyps, as seen in the Campanularia : for example, the liver- wort {Marchantia j>olymorphd), which has at the base of the cup a small receptacle, from the bottom of which little disk-like bodies are constantly forming, these, when detached, send out roots, and gradually become complete individuals. Besides that, we find in some polyps, as in plants, the important peculiarity, that all the individuals are united in a com- mon trunk, which is attached to the soil ; and that all are intimately dependent on each other, as long as they remain united. And if we compare, in this point of view, the various species in which alternate re- Fig. 368. 348 EEPEODUCTION. SECTION III. CONSEQUENCES OF ALTEENATE GENEEATION. § 533. These various examples of alternate generation render it evident, that this phenomenon ought not to be considered as an anomaly in nature ; but as the special plan of develop- ment, leading those animals in which it occurs to the highest degree of perfection of which they are susceptible. Moreover.it has been noticed among all types of the invertebrated animals ; while among the vertebrata it is as yet unknown. It would seem that individual life in the lower animals is not defined within such precise limitsas in thehigher types, owing, perhaps, to the greater uniformity and independence of their consti- tuent elements, the cells ; and that instead of passing at one stride, as it were, through all the phases of their development, in order to accomplish it, they must either be born in a new form, as in the case of alternate generation, or undergo meta- morphoses, which are a sort of second birth. § 534. Many analogies may be discovered between alter- nate reproduction and metamorphosis. They are parallel lines leading to the same end, namely, the development of the species. Nor is it rare to see them coexisting in the same animal. Thus, in the Cercaria, we have seen an animal pro- duced from a nurse afterwards transformed into a Bistoma, by undergoing a regular metamorphosis. § 535. In each new generation, as in each new metamor- phosis, a real progress is made, and the form which results is more perfect than its predecessor. The nurse that produces the Cercaria is manifestly an inferior state, just as the chry- salis is inferior to the butterfly. production has been observed, we find that the progress displayed in each type consists precisely in the increasing freedom of the individual in its various forms. At first, we have all the generations united in a common trunk, as in the lower polyps and in plants; then in the Medusa and in some of the hydraform polyps (the Coryne), the third generation begins to disen- gage itself. Among some of the intestinal? worms (the Distoyno), the third generation is enclosed within its nurse, and this in its turn is contained in the body of the grand nurse, wlule the complete Distoma lives as a parasitic worm in the body of other animals, or even swims freely about in the larva state, as Cercaria. Finally, in the plant-lice, all the genera- tions, the nurses as well as the perfect animals, are separate indi\dduals. CONSEQTJEIS'CES OE ALTEEISTATE EEPEODUCTION. 349 §536. But there is this essential difference between the meta- morphoses of the caterpillar and alternate reproduction, that in the former case, the same individual passes through all the phases of development ; whereas, in the latter, the individual disappears, and makes way for another, which carries out what its predecessors had begun. It would give a correct idea of this difference to suppose that the tadpole, instead of being itself transformed into a frog, should die, having first brought forth young frogs ; or that the chrysalis should, in the same way, produce young butterflies. In either case, the young would still belong to the same species, hut the cycle of development, instead of being accomphshed in a single individual, would involve two or more acts of generation. § 537. It follows, therefore, that the general practice of deriving the character of a species from the sexual forms alone, namely, the male and the female, is not applicable to all classes of animals ; since there are large numbers whose various phases are represented by distinct individuals, endowed with pecuharities ojf their own. Thus, while in the stag the species is represented by two individuals only, stag and hind, the Medusa, on the other hand, is represented under the form of three different types of animals ; the first is free, hke the in- fusoria; the second is fixed on a stalk, hke a polyp ; and the third again is free, consisting in its turn of male and female. In the Distoma also, there are four separate individuals, the grand nurse, the nurse, the larva or Cercaria, and the Distoma, in which the sexes are not separate. Among the Aphides the number is much greater still. § 538. The study of alternate generation, besides making us better acquainted with the organization of animals, greatly simphfies our nomenclature. Thus, in future, instead of enu- merating the Distoma and the Cercaria, or the Strobila, the Ephyra and the Medusa, as distinct animals belonging to dif- ferent classes and families, only the name first given to one of these forms will be retained, and the rest be struck from the pages of zoology, as representing only the transitory phases of the same species. § 539. Alternate generation always pre-supposes several modes of reproduction, of which the primary is invariably by ovulation. Thus we have seen that the polyps, the medusae, the salpae, &c., produce eggs, which are generally hatched within the mother. The subsequent generation, on the con- 350 EEPEODUCTION. trary, is produced in a different manner, as we have shown in the preceding paragraphs ; as among the medusae, by trans- verse division ; among the polyps and the salpae, by buds, &c. § 540. The subsequent generations are moreover not to be regarded in the same light as those which first spring directly from eggs. In fact, they are rather phases of de- velopment than generations properly so called ; they are either without sex, or females whose sex is imperfectly developed. The nurses of the Distoma, i\ie Medusa, and th^Campanidaria, are barren, and have none of the attributes of maternity, ex- cept that of watching over the development of the species, being themselves incapable of producing young. § 541. Another important result follows from the above observations, namely, that the differences between animals which are produced by alternate generation are less, the earlier the epoch at which we examine them. No two animals can be more unlike, than an adult Medusa (fig. 366, k), and an adult Campanidaria (fig. 367) ; they even seem to belong to different classes of the animal king- dom, the former being an acaleph, the latter a polyp. On the other hand, if we compare them when first hatched from the egg, they appear so much alike, that it is with the greatest difficulty they can be distinguished. They are then little infusoria, without any very distinct shape, and moving with the greatest freedom. The larvae of certain intestinal worms, though they belong to a different department, have nearly the same form, at one period of their fife. Further still, this resemblance extends to plants. The spores of cer- tain sea- weeds have nearly the same appearance as the young polyp, or the young Medusa ; and what is yet more remark- able, they are also furnished with cilia, and move about in a similar manner. But this is only a transient state. Lilce the young Campanidaria and the young Medusa, the spore of the sea-weed is free only for a short time ; it soon becomes fixed, and from that moment the resemblance ceases. § 542. Are we to conclude, then, from this resemblance of the different types of animals at the outset of life, that there is no real difference between them ; or that the two king- doms, the animal and the vegetable, actually blend because their germs are similar ? On the contrary, we think nothing is better calculated to strengthen the idea of the original sepa- ration of the various groups, as distinct and independent CONSEQUENCES OE ALTEENATE EEPEODUCTION. 351 types, than the study of their different phases. In fact, a differ- ence so wide as that between the adult Medusa and the adult Campanularia must have existed even in the young; only it does not show itself in a manner appreciable by our senses ; the character by which they subsequently differ so much, being not yet developed. To deny the reality of na- tural groups, because of these early resemblances, would be to take the resemblance for the reahty. It would be the same as saying that the frog and the fish are identical, because at one stage of embryonic life it is impossible, with the means at our command, to distinguish them. § 543. The account we have given above of the develop- ment, the metamorphoses, and the alternate reproduction of the lower animals, is sufficient to undermine the old theory of spontaneous generation, which was proposed to account for the presence of worms in the bodies of animals, for the sudden appearance of myriads of animalcules in stagnant water, and, under other circumstances, rendering their occurrence mysterious. t We need only recollect how the Cercaria in- sinuates itself into the skin and the viscera of mollusca (§ 520, § 521), to understand how admission may be gained to the most inaccessible parts. Such beings occur even in the eye of many animals, especially of fishes ; they are numerous in the eye of the common fresh-water perch of Europe. § 544. As to the larger intestinal worms found in other animals, the mystery of their origin has been entirely solved by recent researches. A single instance will illustrate their history : — At certain periods of the year the sculpins of the Baltic are infested by a particular species of Tcenia, or tape- worm, from which they are free at other seasons. M. Esch- richt found that, at certain seasons, the worms lose a great portion of the long chain of rings of which they are composed. On a careful examination he found that each ring contained several hundred eggs, which, on being freed from their enve- lope, float in the water. As these eggs are innumerable, it is not astonishing that the sculpins should occasionally swallow some of them with their prey. The eggs, being thus intro- duced into the stomach of the fish, find conditions favourable to their development ; and thus the species is propagated, and at the same time transmitted from one generation of the fish to another. The eggs which are not swallowed are probably lost. 352 EEPEODUCTION. § 545. All animals swallow, in the same mariner, with their food, and in the water they drink, numerous eggs of such pa- rasites, any one of which, finding in the intestine of the animal favourable conditions, may be hatched. It is probable that each animal affords the proper conditions for some particular species of worm ; and thus we may explain how it is that most animals have parasites pecuhar to themselves. § 546. As respects the infusoria, we also know that most of them, the Rotifer a especially, lay eggs. These eggs, which are extremely minute (some of them only 1-1 2,000th of an inch in diameter), are scattered everywhere in great profusion, in water, in the air, in mist, and even in snow. Assiduous observers have not only seen the eggs laid, but, moreover, have followed their development, and have seen the young animal forming in the egg, then escaping from it, increasing in size, and, in its turn, laying eggs. They have been able, in some instances, to follow them even to the fifth and sixth generation. § 547. This being the case, it is much more natural to sup- pose that the infusoria* are products of like germs, than to assign to them a spontaneous origin altogether incompatible with what we know of organic development. Their rapid appearance is not at all astonishing, when we reflect that some mushrooms attain a considerable size in a few hours, but yet pass through all the phases of regular growth ; and, indeed, since we have ascertained the different modes of gene- ration among the lower animals, no substantial difficulties any longer exist to the axiom “ omne vivum ex ovo'’ (§ 433). * In this connection it ought to he remembered that a large proportion of the so-called Infusoria are not independent animals, but immature germs, belonging to different classes of the animal kingdom, and that many must be referred to the vegetable kingdom. CHAPTER TWELFTH. METAMORPHOSES OF ANIMALS. § 548. Under the name of metamorphoses are included those changes which the body of an animal undergoes after birth, and which are modifications, in various degrees, of its organ- ization, form, and mode of life. Such changes are not pe- culiar to certain classes, as has been so long supposed, but are common to all animals without exception. § 549. Vegetables also undergo metamorphoses, but with this essential difference, that in vegetables the process consists in an addition of new parts to the old ones. A succession of leaves, differing from those which preceded them, comes on each season ; new branches and roots are added to the old stem, and woody layers to the trunk. In animals the whole body is transformed, in such a manner that all the existing parts contribute to the formation of the modified body. The chrysahs becomes a butterfly ; the frog, after having been herbivorous during its tadpole state, becomes carnivorous, and its stomach is adapted to this new mode of life ; at the same time, instead of breathing by gills, it becomes an air- breathing animal, its tail and gills disappear, lungs and legs are formed, and finally it lives and moves upon the land. § 550. The nature, the duration, and importance of meta- morphoses, and also the epoch at which they take place, are infinitely varied. The most striking changes naturally pre- senting themselves to the mind, when we speak of meta- morphoses, are those occurring in insects. Not merely is there a change of physiognomy and form observable, or an organ more or less formed, but their whole organization is modi- fied. The animal enters into new relations with the external world, while at the same time, new instincts are imparted to it. It has lived in water, and respired by gills ; it is now furnished with tracheae, and breathes air ; it passes by with indifference objects which before were attractive, and its new instincts prompt it to seek conditions which would have been most per- A A 354 METAMORPHOSES OF ANIMALS. nicioiis during its former period of life. All these changes are brought about without destroying the individuality of the animal. The mosquito, which to-day haunts us with its shrill trumpet, and pierces us for our blood, is the same animal that, a few days ago, lived obscure and unregarded in stagnant water, under the guise of a little worm. § 551. Every one is familiar with the metamorphoses of the silk-worm. On escaping from the egg the httle worm or caterpillar grows with great rapidity for twenty days, when it ceases to feed, spins its silken cocoon, casts its skin, and re- mains inclosed in its chrysalis state.* During this period of its existence most extraordinary changes take place. The jaws with which it masticated mulberry leaves are transformed into a coiled tongue, the spinning organs are reduced, the guUet is lengthened and more slender, the stomach, which was nearly as long as the body, is now contracted into a short bag, the intestine, on the contrary, becomes elongated and narrow ; the dorsal vessel is shortened. The thoracic nervous ganglia approach each other, and unite into a single mass. Antennse and palpi are developed on the head, and simple eyes are exchanged for compound ones. The muscles, which before were uniformly distributed, are now gathered into masses. The limbs are elongated, and wings spring forth from the thorax. More active motions then reappear in the digestive organs, and the animal, bursting the envelop of its chrysahs, issues in the form of a winged moth. § 552. The different external forms wdiich an insect may assume is well illustrated by one Fig. 369, which is unfortunately too well known in this country, namely, the canker- worm (fig. 369). Its eggs are laid on posts and fences, or upon the branches of the apple, elm, and other trees. They are hatched about the time the tender leaves of these trees begin to unfold. The caterpillar (a) feeds on the leaves, and attains its full growth at the end of about four w'eeks, being then not quite an inch in length. It then descends to the ground, and enters the earth to the depth of * In the raising of silk-worms this period is not waited for, hut the animal is killed as soon as it has spun its cocoon. METjVMORPHOSES oe animals. 355 four or five inches, and having excavated a sort of cell, is soon changed into a chrysalis or nymph (b). At the usual time in the spring it bursts the skin, and appears in its perfect state, under the form of a moth {cl). In this species, however, only the male has wings. The perfect insects soon pair, the female (c) crawls up a tree and having deposited her eggs, dies. § 553. Transform- ations no less remark- able are ob- served among the Crustacea. The meta- loses in the class cirrhipoda are es- pecially striking. It is now known that the barnacles {Balanus), which have been arranged among the mollusca, are truly crusta- ceans ; and this result of modern researches has been deduced in the clearest manner from the study of their transformations. Figures 370, a — -f, represent the different phases of develop- ment of the duck-barnacle {Anatifd). § 554. The Anatifa,Y^ke all Crustacea, is reproduced by eggs, specimens of which, magnified ninety diameters, are repre- sented in fig, 370, a. From these eggs fittle animals issue, which have not the slightest resemblance to the parent. They have an elongated form {b), a pair of tentacles, and four legs, with which they swim freely in the water. § 555. Their freedom, however, is of but short duration. The httle animal soon attaches itself by means of its tentacles, having previously become covered with a transparent shell, through which the outlines of the body, and also a very distinct eye, are easily distinguished (c). Fig. 370, d, shows the animal taken out of its shell. It is plainly seen that the anterior portion has become considerably enlarged ; subse- quently, the shell becomes completed, and the animal casts its morpl Fig. 370. 356 METAMOEPHOSES OE ANIMALS. skin, losing with it both its eyes and its tentacles. On the other hand, a thick membrane hning the interior of the shell, pushes out and forms a stem (c), by means of which the animal fixes itself to immersed bodies, after the loss of its tentacles. This stem gradually enlarges, and the animal soon acquires a definite shape, such as is represented in fig. 370,/, attached to a piece of floating wood. § 556. There is, consequently, not only a change of organ- ization in the course of the metamorphoses, but also a change of faculties and mode of life. The animal, at first free, be- comes fixed ; and its adhesion is effected by totally different organs at different periods of life, first by means of tentacles, which were temporary organs, and afterwards by means of a fleshy stem, especially developed for that purpose. § 557. The radiata also furnish us with examples of vari- ous metamorphoses, especially among the star-fishes. A small species, living on the coast of New England (Echinaster sanguino- lentus), undergoes the following phases (fig. 371). § 558. If the eggs are ex- amined by the microscope, each one is found to contain a small, pear-shaped body, which is the embryo (e), surrounded by a transparent envelope. On es- caping from the egg the little animal has an oblong form, with a constriction at the base ; this constriction, becoming deeper and deeper, forms a pedicle, (p), which soon divides into three lobes. The disc also assumes a pentagonal form, with five double series of vesicles ; the first rudiments of the rays, are seen to form in the interior of the pentagon. At the same time the peduncle contracts still more, being at last entirely absorbed into the cavity of the body, and the animal soon acquires its final form (m) . § 559. Analogous transformations take place m the Coma- tula. In early life it is fixed to the ground by a stem (fig. 372), but becomes detached at a certain epoch, and then floats freely in the sea (fig. 373). On the other hand, the polypi Fig. 371. METAMOEPHOSES OF ANIMALS. 357 seem to follow a reverse course, many of them becoming per- manently fixed after having been previously free. § 560. The metamorphoses of the moUusca, though less striking, are not less worthy of notice. Thus, the oyster, with which we are fami- har in its adhering shell, is free when young, like the clam {Mya) and most other shell-fishes. Others, which are at first attached or sus- pended to the gills of the mother, afterwards become free, as the TJnio. Some naked gasteropods, the Ac- teon and the Eolis^ for example, are born with a shell, which they part with, shortly after leaving the egg. § 561. The study of metamor- phosis is therefore of the utmost importance for understanding the real aflinities of animals very dif- ferent in appearance, as is readily shown by the following instances. The butterfly and the earth-worm seem, at the first glance, to have no relation whatever. They differ in their organization no less than in their outward appearance. But on comparing the caterpillar and the worm, these two animals are seen closely to resemble each other. The analogy, however, is only transient; it lasts only during the larva state of the caterpillar, and is effaced as it passes to the chrysalis and butter- fly conditions. The latter becoming a more and more perfect ani- mal, whilst the worm remains in its inferior state. § 562. Similar instances are furnished by animals belong- ing to all the types of the animal kingdom. Who would suppose, at the first glance, that a barnacle, or an anatifa, were more nearly aUied to the crab than to the oyster ? And, nevertheless, we have seen (§ 553), in tracing back the anatifa Fig. 373. 358 METAMORPHOSES OF ANIMALS. to its early stages, that it then bears a near resemblance to a little crustacean (fig. 370 d). It is only when full grown that it assumes its peculiar mollusk-like covering. § 563. Among the cuttle-fishes there are several, the Loligo, for example, which are characterized by the form of their tentacles, the two interior being much longer than the others, and of a different form ; whilst, in others, as the Octopus, they are all equal. But if we compare the young, we find that in both animals the tentacles are all equal, though they differ in number. The inequahty in the tentacles being the result of a further development. § 564. Among the radiata, the Pentacrinus and the Co- matula exemplify the same point. The two are very different when full grown, the latter being a free-swimming star-fish (fig. 373), while the former is attached to the soil, like a polyp. But we have seen (§ 559) that the same is the case with Comatula in its early period ; and that in consequence of a further metamorphosis, it becomes disengaged from its stem, and floats freely in the water. § 565. In the type of the verteb rata, the considerations drawn from metamorphoses acquire still greater importance in re- ference to classification. The sturgeon and the white-fish before mentioned (§ 463) are two very different fishes ; yet, taking into consideration their external form and bearing merely, it might be questioned which of the two should take the highest rank ; whereas, the doubt is very easily resolved by an examination of their anatomical structure. The white- fish has a skeleton, and moreover a vertebral column com- posed of firm bone. The sturgeon (fig. 374), on the con- Fig. 374. trary, has no bone in the vertebral column, except the spines Or apophyses of the vertebrae. The middle part, or body of the vertebra, is cartilaginous ; the mouth is transverse, and underneath the head ; and the caudal fin is unequally forked, while, in the white-fish, it is equally forked. METAMORPHOSES OF AKIMALS. 359 § 566. If, however, we observe the young white-fish just after it has issued from the egg (fig. 309), the contrast will he less striking. At this period the vertebrae are cartilaginous, hke those of the sturgeon ; its mouth also is transverse, and its tail undivided ; at that period the white-fish and the stur- geon are therefore much more alike. But this similarity is only transient; as the white-fish grows, its vertebrae become ossified, and its resemblance to the sturgeon is comparatively shght. As the sturgeon has no such transformation of the vertebrae, and is in some sense arrested in its development, while the white-fish undergoes subsequent transformation, we conclude that, compared mth the white-fish, it is really in- ferior in rank. § 567. This relative inferiority and superiority strikes us still more, when we compare with our most perfect fishes (the salmon, the cod &c.) some of those worm-like animals, so different from ordinary fishes that they were formerly placed among the worms. The Amphioxus, represented of its natural size (fig. 375), not only has no bony skeleton, but not even a head, properly speaking. Yet the fact that it possesses a dor- Fig- 375. sal cord, extending from one ex- tremity of the body to the other, proves that it belongs to the type of the vertebrata (§458). But as this peculiar structure is found only at a very early period of embryonic development, in other fishes, we conclude that the Amphioxus holds the very lowest rank in this class. § 568. Nevertheless, the metamorphoses of animals after birth will, in many instances, present but trifling modifica- tions of the relative rank of animals, compared with those which may be derived from the study of changes previous to that period, as there are many animals which undergo no changes of great importance after their escape from - the egg, and occupy nevertheless a high rank in the zoological series, as, for example, birds and mammals. The question is, whether such animals are developed according to different plans, or whether their peculiarity in that respect is merely apparent. To answer this question, let us go back to the period anterior to birth, and see if some parallel may not be made out between the embryonic changes of these animals, and the metamor- phoses which take place subsequently to birth in others. 3C0 METAMOEPHOSES OF AifIMALS. § 569. We have already shown that embryonic development consists in a series of transformations ; the young animal en- closed in the egg differing, at each period of its development, from what it was before. But because these transformations precede birth, and are therefore not generally observed, they are not less important. To be satisfied that these transfor- mations are in every respect similar to those which follow birth, we have only to compare the changes which immedi- ately precede birth with those which immediately follow it, and we shall readily perceive that the latter are simply a con- tinuation of the former, tiU all are completed. § 570. Let us recur to the development of fishes for illus- tration. The young white-fish, as we have seen (§ 471), is far from having acquired its complete development, when born. The vertical fins are not yet separate ; the mouth has not yet its proper position ; the yolk has not yet retreated within the cavity of the body, but hangs below the chest in the form of a large bag. Much, therefore, remains to be changed, before its development is complete. But the fact that it has been born does not prevent its future evolution, which goes on without interruption. § 571. Similar inferences maybe drawn from the develop- ment of the chick. The only difference is, that the young chicken is born in a more mature state, the most important transformations having taken place during the embryonic period, while those to be undergone after birth are less con- siderable, though they complete the process begun in the embryo. Thus we see it, shortly after birth, completely changing its covering, and clothed with feathers instead of down ; stiU. later its crest appears, and its spurs begin to be developed. § 572. In certain mammals, known under the name of marsupials (the opossum and kangaroo), the link between the transformations which take place before birth, and those occurring at a later period, is especially remarkable. These animals are brought into the world so weak and undeveloped, that they have to undergo a second gestation, in a pouch with which the mother is furnished, and in which the young re- main, each one fixed to a teat, until they are entirely developed. Even those animals which are born nearest to the complete states undergo, nevertheless, embryonic transformations. Ru- minants acquire their horns ; and the Hon his mane. Most METAMOEPHOSES OF ANIMALS. 361 mammals, at birth, are destitute of teeth, and incapable of using their limbs ; and all are dependent on the mother and the milk secreted by her, until the stomach is capable of digesting other ahment. § 573. If it be thus shown that the transformations which take place in the embryo are of the same nature and of the same importance as those which occur afterwards, the cir- cumstance that some precede and others succeed birth, cannot mark any radical distinction between them. Both are pro- cesses of the life of the individual. Now, as Hfe does not commence at birth, but goes still farther back, it is quite clear that the modifications which supervene during the former period are essentially the same as the later ones ; and hence that metamorphoses, far from being exceptional in the case of insects, are one of the general features of the animal king- dom. § 5/4. We are therefore perfectly entitled to say that aU animals, without exception, undergo metamorphoses. Were it not so, we should be at a loss to conceive why animals of the same division present such wide differences ; and that there should be, as in the class of reptiles, some families that undergo metamorphoses (the frogs, for example), and others in which nothing of the kind is observed after birth (the lizards and tortoises). § 575. It is only by connecting the two kinds of trans- formation— namely, those which take place before, and those after birth, that we are furnished with the means of ascer- taining the relative perfection of an animal ; in other words, these transformations become, under such circumstances, a natural key to the gradation of types. At the same time, they force upon us the conviction that there is an immu- table principle presiding over all these changes, and regulat- ing them in a peculiar manner in each animal. § 576. These considerations are important, not only from their bearing on classification, but not less so from the appli- cation which may be made of them to the study of fossils. If we examine attentively the fishes that have been found in the different strata of the earth, we remark that those of the most ancient deposits have in general preserved only the apophyses of their vertebrae, whilst the vertebrae themselves are wanting. Were the sturgeons to become petrified, they 3G2 METAMOEPHOSES OE AXIMALS. would be found in a similar state of preservation. As the apophyses are the only bony portions of their vertebral column, they alone would be preserved. Indeed, fossil sturgeons are known, which are precisely in this condition. § .577. From the fact above stated, we may conclude that the oldest fossil fishes did not pass through all the metamor- phoses which our osseous fishes undergo, and consequently that they were inferior to analogous species of the present epoch, which have bony vertebrie. Similar considerations apply to the fossil Crustacea and to the fossil echinoderms, when compared with their living types ; and it will probably be true of all classes of the animal kingdom, when they are fully studied as to their geological succession. CHAPTER THIRTEENTH. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS. SECTION I. GEN^ERAL LAWS OF DISTRIBUTION. §5/8. No animal, excepting man, inhabits every part of the surface of the earth. Each great geographical or climatal re- gion is occupied by some species not found elsewhere ; and each animal dwells within certain limits, beyond which it does not range while left to its natural freedom, and within which it always inclines to return, when removed by accident or design. Man alone is a cosmopolite ; his domain is the whole earth ; for him, and with a view to him, it was created ; his right to it is based upon his organization and his relation to nature, and is maintained by his intelligence and the perfecti- bihty of his social condition. § 579. A group of animals inhabiting any particular region, embracing all the species, both aquatic and terrestrial, is called its Fauna, in the same manner as the plants of a country are called its Flora. To be entitled to this name it is not necessary that none of the animals composing the group should be found in any other region ; it is sufficient that there should be peculiarities in the distribution of the fami- lies, genera, and species, and in the preponderance of cer- tain types over others, sufficiently prominent to impress upon a region well-marked features ; thus, for example, in the islands of the Pacific are found terrestrial animals, altogether peculiar, and not found on the nearest continents. There are numerous animals in New Holland differing from any found on the continent of Asia, or, indeed, on any other part of the earth ; if, however, some species, inhabiting both shores of a sea which separates two terrestrial regions, are found to be ahke, we are not to conclude that those regions have the same Fauna, any more than that the Flora of Lapland and England 364 GENEHAL LAWS OF DISTEIBUTION. are alike, because some of the sea-weeds found on both their shores are the same. § 580. There is an evident relation between the fauna of any locahty and its temperature, although, as we shall here- after see, similar climates are not always inhabited by similar animals. Hence the faunas of the two hemispheres have been distributed into three principal divisions, namely the arctic, the temperate, and the tropical, in the same manner as we have arctic, temperate, and tropical floras ; hence, also, ani- mals dwelling at high elevations upon mountains, where the temperature is much reduced, resemble the animals of colder latitudes, rather than those of the surrounding plains. § 581. In some respects the peculiarities of the fauna of a region depends upon its flora, at least so far as land animals are concerned ; for herbivorous animals will exist only where there is an adequate supply of vegetable food ; but, taking the terrestrial and aquatic animals together, the limitation of a fauna is less intimately dependant on climate than that of a flora. Plants, in truth, are for the most part terrestrial (marine plants being relatively very few) while animals are chiefly aquatic. The ocean is the true home of the animal kingdom ; and while plants, with the exception of the hchens and mosses, become dwarfed or perish under the influence of severe cold, the sea teems with animals of all classes, far beyond the ex- treme limit of flowering plants. § 582. The influence of climate, in the polar regions, acts merely to induce a greater uniformity in the species of animals. Thus, the same animals inhabit the northern polar regions of the three continents ; the polar bear is the same in Europe, Asia, and America, and so are also a great many birds ; in the tempe- rate regions, on the contrary, the species differ on each of the continents, but they still preserve the same general features ; the types are the same, but they are represented by different species. In consequence of these general resemblances, the first colonists of New England erroneously applied the names of European species to American animals. Similar differences are observed in distant regions of the same continent, within the same parallels of latitude. The animals of Oregon and of California are not the same as those of New England. The difference, in certain respects, is even greater than between the animals of New England and Europe. In like manner. GEKERAL LAWS OE DISTRIBUTION. 365 the animals of temperate Asia differ more from those of Europe than they do from those of America. § 583. Under the torrid zone the animal kingdom, as well as the vegetable, attains its highest development. The animals of the tropics are not only different from those of the tempe- rate zone, but, moreover, they present the greatest variety among themselves. The most gracefully proportioned forms are found by the side of the most grotesque, decked with every combination of brilhant colouring. At the same time, the contrast between the animals of different continents is more marked ; and, in many respects, the animals of the different tropical faunas differ not less from each other than from those of the temperate or frozen zones ; thus, the fauna of Brazil varies as much from that of central Africa as from that of the United States. § 584. This diversity upon different continents cannot de- pend simply on any influence of the climate of the tropics ; if it were so, uniformity ought to be restored in proportion as we recede from the tropics towards the antarctic temperate regions. But, instead of this, the differences continue to in- crease ; — so much so, that no faunas are more in contrast than those of Cape Horn, the Cape of Good Hope, and New Hol- land. Hence other influences must be in operation besides those of climate ; — influences of a higher order, which are in- volved in a general plan, and intimately associated with the development of life on the surface of the earth. § 585. Faunas are more or less distinctly limited, according to the natural features of the earth’s surface. Sometimes two faunas are separated by an extensive chain of mountains, like the Rocky Mountains. Again, a desert may intervene, hke the desert of Sahara, which separates the fauna of Central Africa from that of the Atlas and the Moorish coast, the latter of which is merely an appendage to the fauna of Europe. But the sea effects the most complete separation. The depths of the ocean are quite as impassable for marine species as high mountains are for terrestrial animals. It would be quite as difficult for a fish or a mollusk to cross from the coast of Europe to the coast of America, as it would be for a reindeer to pass from the arctic to the antarctic regions, across the torrid zone. Experiments of dredging in very deep water have also taught us that the abyss of the ocean is nearly a desert. Not only are no materials found there for sustenance. 366 GENERAL LAWS OE DISTRIBUTION. but it is doubtful if animals could sustain the pressure of so great a column of water, although many of them are provided with a system of pores (§ 403), which enables them to sustain a much greater pressure than terrestrial animals. § 586. When there is no great natural limit, the transition from one fauna to another is made insensibly. Thus, in pass- ing from the arctic to the temperate regions of North America, one species takes the place of another, a third succeeds the second, and so on, until finally the fauna is found to be an entirely new one, without its being always possible to mark the precise limit between the two. § 587. The range of species does not at aU depend upon their powers of locomotion ; if it were so, animals which move slowly and with difficulty would have a narrow range, whilst those which are very active would be widely diffused. Precisely the reverse of this is actually the case. The com- mon oyster extends at least from Cape Cod to the Carolinas ; its range is consequently very great ; much more so than that of some of the fleet animals, as, for instance, the moose. It is even probable that the very inability of the oyster to travel, really contributes to its diffusion, inasmuch as having once spread over extensive grounds, their is no chance of its return to a former limitation, being fixed, and consequently unable to choose positions for its eggs, they must be left to the mercy of currents ; while fishes, by depositing their eggs in the bays and inlets of the shore, undisturbed by currents and winds, secure them from too wide a dispersion.- § 588. The nature of their food has an important bearing upon the grouping of animals, and upon the extent of their distribution. Carnivorous animals are generally less confined in their range than herbivorous ones ; because their food is almost everywhere to be found. The herbivora, on the other hand, are restricted to the more limited regions correspond- ing to the different zones of vegetation. The same remark may be made with respect to birds. Birds of prey, like the eagle and vulture, have a much wider range than the granivorous and gallinaceous birds. Still, notwithstanding the facilities they have for change of place, even the birds that wander widest recognize limits which they do not over- pass. The condor of the Cordilleras does not descend into the temperate regions of the United States ; and yet it is not that he fears the cold, since he is frequently known to ascend GENEEAL LAWS OF EISTEIBUTION. 367 even above the highest summits of the Andes, and disappears from view where the cold is most intense. Nor can it be from lack of prey. § 589. Again, the peculiar configuration of a country some- times determines a peculiar grouping of animals into what may be called local faunas. Such, for example, are the prai- ries of the West, the pampas of South America, the steppes of Asia, the deserts of Africa ; — and for marine animals, the basin of the Caspian. In all these localities, animals are met with which exist only there, and are not found except under those particular conditions. § 590. Finally, to obtain a true picture of the zoological distribution of animals, not the terrestrial types alo-ne, but the marine species must also be included. Notwithstanding the uniform nature of the watery element, the animals which dwell in it are not dispersed at random ; and though the hmits of the marine may be less easily defined than those of the terres- trial fauna, still marked differences between the animals of great basins are not less observable. Properly to apprehend how marine animals may be distributed into local faunas, it must be remembered that their residence is not in the high sea, but along the coasts of continents and on soundings. It is on the Banks of Newfoundland, and not in the deep sea, that the great cod-fishery is carried on ; and it is weU known that when fishes migrate, they run along the shores. The range of marine species being therefore confined to the vicinity of the shores, their distribution must be subjected to laws similar to those which regulate the terrestrial faunas. As to the fresh-water fishes, not only do the species vary in the dif- ferent zones, but even the different rivers of the same region have species peculiar to them, and not found in neighbouring streams. The gar-pikes, Lepidosteus, of the American rivers, afford a striking example of this kind. § 591. A very influential cause in the distribution of aqua- tic animals is the depth of the water ; so that several zoological zones receding from the shore may be defined according to the depth of water, much in the same manner as we mark dif- ferent zones at different elevations in ascending mountains. The moUusks, and even the fishes found near the shore in shallow water differ, in general, from those living at the depth of twenty or thirty feet, and these again are found to be different from those which are met with at a greater depth. Their colouring. 368 GETfEEAL LAWS OE LISTEIBUTION. in particular, varies, according to the quantity of light they re- ceive, as has also been shown to be the case with marine plants. § 592. It is sometimes the case that one or more animals are found upon a certain chain of mountains, and not else- where ; as, for instance, the mountain sheep {Ovis montana), upon the Rocky Mountains, or the chamois and the ibex upon the Alps. The same is also the case on some of the wide plains or prairies. This, however, does not entitle such regions to be considered as having an independent fauna, any more than a lake is to be regarded as having a peculiar fauna, ex- clusive of the animals of the surrounding country, merely be- cause some of the species found in the lake may not ascend the rivers emptying into it. It is only when the whole group of animals inhabiting such a region has such pecuharities as to give it a distinct character, when contrasted with animals found in surrounding regions, that it is to be regarded as a separate fauna. Such, for example, is the fauna of the great steppe or plain of Gobi, in Asia ; and such indeed that of the chain of the Rocky Mountains may prove to be, when the animals inhabiting them shall be better known. § 593. The migration of animals might at first seem to pre- sent a serious diflSculty in determining the character or the limits of a fauna ; but this difficulty ceases, if we regard the country of an animal to be the place where it makes its habi- tual abode. As to birds, which of all animals wander the farthest, it may be laid down as a rule, that they belong to the zone in which they breed. Thus, the gulls, many of the ducks, mergansers, and divers, belong to the boreal regions, though they pass a portion of the year with us. On the other hand, the swallows and martins, and many of the galhnaceous birds be- long to the temperate faunas, notwithstanding their migration during winter to the confines of the torrid zone. This rule does not apply to the fishes, who annually leave their proper home, and migrate to a distant region merely for the purpose of spawning. The salmon, for example, comes down from the North to spawn on the coasts of Maine, Nova Scotia, and the British isles. § 594. Few of the Mammals, and these mostly of the tribe of rodents, make extensive migrations. Among the most remarkable of these are the Kamtschatka rats. In spring they direct their course westward, in immense troops ; and DISTEIBUTION OF THE FAUNAS. 369 after a very long journey return again in autumn to their quar- ters, where their approach is anxiously awaited by the hunters, on account of the fine furs to be obtained from the numerous carnivora which always follow in their train. The migrations of the Lemmings are marked by the devastations they commit along their course, as they come down from the borders of the Frozen Ocean to the valleys of Lapland and Norway ; but their migrations are not periodical. SECTION II. DISTEIBUTION OF THE FAUNAS. § 595. We have stated that all the faunas of the globe may be divided into three groups, corresponding to as many great chmatal divisions, namely, the glacial or arctic, the tem- perate, and the tropical faunas. These three divisions apper- tain to both hemispheres, as we recede from the equator to- wards the north or south poles. It will hereafter be shown that the tropical and temperate faunas may be again divided into several zoological provinces, depending on longitude or on the pecuhar configuration of the continents. § 596. No continent is better calculated to give a correct idea of distribution into faunas, as determined by chmate, than the continent of America ; extending as it does across both hemi- spheres, and embracing all latitudes, so that all chmates are represented upon it, as shown by the chart on the following page. § 597. Let a traveller embark at Iceland, which is situated on the borders of the polar circle, with a view to observe, in a zoological aspect, the principal points along the eastern shore of America. The result of his observations will be very much as foUows. Along the coast of Greenland and Iceland, and also along Baffin’s Bay, he will meet with an unvaried fauna composed throughout of the same animals, which are also for the most part identical with those of the arctic shores of Europe. It will be nearly the same along the coast of Labrador. § 598. As he approaches Newfounffiand, he will see the landscape, and with it the fauna, assuming a somewhat more varied aspect. To the wide and naked or turfy plains of the boreal regions succeed forests, in which he will find various animals dwelling only therein. Here the temperate fauna B B 370 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTEIBUTIOH OF AKIMALS CHART OF ZOOLOGICAL REGIONS DISTETBUTION OP THE FAUNAS. 371 commences. Still the number of species is not yet very considerable ; as he advances southward, along the coasts of Nova Scotia and New England, he finds new species gradually introduced, while those of the colder regions diminish, and at length entirely disappear, some few accidental or periodical visiters excepted, who wander during winter as far south as the Carolinas. § 599. But it is after having passed the boundaries of the United States, among the Antilles, and more especially on the southern continent, along the shores of the Orinoco and the Amazon, that our traveller will be forcibly struck with the astonishing variety of the animals inhabiting the forests, the prairies, the rivers, and the sea-shores, most of which he will also find to be different from those of the northern conti- nent. By this extraordinary richness of new forms, he will become sensible that he is now in the domain of the tropical fauna. § 600. Let him still travel on beyond the equator towards the tropic of Capricorn, and he 'v^l again find the scene change as he enters the regions where the sun casts his rays more obliquely, and where the contrast of the Seasons is more marked. The vegetation will be less luxuriant ; the palms will ha^e disappeared to make place for other trees ; the ani- mals will be less varied, and the whole picture will recall to him, in some measure, the scene which he witnessed in the United States. He will again find himself in the temperate region, and this he will trace on, till he arrives at the extremity of the contment, the fauna and the flora becoming more and more impoverished as he approaches Cape Horn. § 601. Finally, we know that there is a continent around the South Pole. Although we have as yet but very imperfect notions respecting the animals of this inhospitable chme, still the few which have already been observed there, present a close analogy to those of the arctic region. It is another glacial fauna, namely, the antarctic. Having thus sketched the general distribution of the faunas, it remains to point out the principal features of each. § 602. I. Aectic Fauna. — The predominant feature of the Arctic Fauna is its uniformity. The species are few ; but, on the other hand, the number of individuals is im- mense. We need only refer to the clouds of birds which B B 2 372 QEOGEAPniCAL DISTEIBTITION OF ANIMALS. hover upon the islands and shores of the North ; the shoals of fishes, the salmon, among others, which throng the coasts of Greenland, Iceland, and Hudson’s Bay. There is uni- formity also in the form and colour of these animals. Not a single bird of brilliant plumage is found, and few fishes with varied hues. Their forms are regular, and their tints as dusky as the northern heavens. The most conspicuous animals are the white bear, the moose, the reindeer, the musk-ox, the white fox, the polar hare, the lemming, and various seals ; but the most important are the whales, which, it is to be remarked, rank lowest of all the mammals. Among the birds, may be enumerated some sea-eagles and a few waders, while the great majority are aquatic species, such as gulls, cormorants, divers, petrels, ducks, geese, gannets, &c,, all belonging to the lowest orders of birds. Reptiles are altogether wanting. The articulata are represented by numerous marine worms, and by minute crustaceans of the orders isopoda and amphipoda. Insects are rare, and of inferior types. Of the mollusca, there are acephala, particularly tunicata, fewer gasteropods, and very few cephalopods. Among the radiata are a great number of jelly-fishes, particularly the Beroe; and to conclude with the echinoderms, there are several star-fishes and echini, but few holothurise. The class of polypi is very scantily repre- sented, and those producing stony corals are entii-ely wanting. § 603. This assemblage of animals is evidently inferior to that of other faunas, especially to those of the tropics. Not that there is a deficiency of animal life ; for if the species are less numerous, there is a compensation in the multitude of individuals, and also in this other very significant fact, that the largest of all animals, the whales, belong to this fauna. § 604. It has already been said (§ 602) that the arctic fauna of the three continents is the same ; its southern limit, how- ever, is not a regular line. It does not correspond precisely with the polar circle, but rather to the isothermal zero, that is, the line where the average temperature of the year is at 32°. of Fahrenheit. The course of this line presents numerous undulations. In general, it may be said to coincide with the northern limit of trees, so that it terminates where forest vegetation succeeds the vast arid plains, the barrens of North America, or the tundras of the Samoyedes. The uniformity of these plains involves a corresponding uniformity of plants and animals. On the North American continent it extends DISTRIBUTION OF THE FAUNAS. 373 much farther southward on the eastern shore, than on the western. From the peninsula of Alashka it bends northwards towards the Mackenzie, then descends again towards the Bear Lake, and comes down near to the northern shore of New- foundland. § 605. II. Temperate Faunas. — The faunas of the tem- perate regions of the northern hemisphere are much more varied than that of the arctic zone. Instead of consisting mainly of aquatic tribes, we have a considerable number of terrestrial animals of graceful form, animated appearance, and varied colours, though less brilliant than those found in tropi- cal regions. Those parts of the country covered with forests especially swarm with insects, which become the food of other animals : worms, terrestrial and fluviatile moUusca are also abundant. § 606. Still, the chmate is not sufficiently warm over the whole extent of this zone to allow the trees to retain their foliage throughout the year. At its northern margin the leaves, excepting those of the pines and spruces, fall, on the ap- proach of the cold season, and vegetation is arrested for a longer or shorter period. Insects retire, and the animals which hve upon them no longer find nourishment, and are obhged to migrate to warmer regions, on the borders of the tropics, where, amid the ever-verdant vegetation, they find the means of subsistence. § 607. Some of the herbivorous mammals, the bats, and the reptiles which feed on insects, pass the winter in a state of torpor, from which they awake in spring. Others retire into dens, and live on the provisions they have stored up dur- ing the warm season. The carnivora, the ruminants, and the most active portion of the rodents, are the only animals that do not change either their abode or their habits. The fauna of the temperate zone thus presents an ever-changing picture, which may be considered as one of its most important features, since these changes recur with equal constancy in the Old and the New World. § 608. Taking the contrast of the vegetation, as a basis, and the consequent changes of habit imposed upon the deni- zens of the forests, the temperate fauna has been divided into two regions ; a northern one, where the trees, except the pines, drop their leaves in winter, and a southern one, where they are evergreen. Now, as the limit of the former, that of 374 GEOGEAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS. the deciduous trees, coincides, in general, with the limit of the pines, it may be said that the cold region of the temperate fauna extends as far as the pines. In the United States this coincidence is not so marked as in other regions, inasmuch as the pines along the Atlantic coast extend into Florida, while they do not prevail in the Western States ; but we may con- sider as belonging to the southern portion of the temperate region, that part of the country south of the latitude where the palmetto or cabbage-tree {Chamarojps) commences, namely, all the States to the south of North Carolina ; while the States to the north of this hmit belong to the northern portion of the temperate region. § 609. This division into two zones is supported by obser- vations made on the maritime faunas of the Atlantic coast. The line of separation between them, however, being influ- enced by the Gulf Stream, is considerably farther to the north ; — namely, at Cape Cod : although there is also another decided limitation of the marine animals at a point nearly coinciding with the line of demarcation above-mentioned, namely, at Cape Hatteras. It has been observed, that of one hun- dred and ninety-seven mollusca inhabiting the coast of New England, fifty do not pass to the north of Cape Cod, and eighty-three do not pass to the south of it ; only sixty-four being common to both sides of the Cape. A similar limita- tion of the range of fishes has been noticed by Dr. Storer ; and Dr. Holbrook has found the fishes of South Carolina to be different from those of Florida and the West Indies. In Europe, the northern part of the temperate region extends to the Pyrenees and the Alps ; and its southern portion consists of the basin of the Mediterranean, together with the northern part of Africa, as far as the desert of Sahara. § 610. A peculiar characteristic of the faunas of the tem- perate regions in the northern hemisphere, when contrasted with those of the southern, is the great similarity of the pre- vailing types on both continents. Notwithstanding the im- mense extent of country embraced, the same stamp is every- where exhibited. Generally, the same families, frequently the same genera, represented by different species, are found. There are even a few species of terrestrial animals regarded as identical on the continents of Europe and America ; but their supposed number is constantly diminished, as more accurate observations are made. The predominant types DISTRIBUTION OF THE FAUNAS. 375 among the mammals are the bison, deer, ox, horse, hog, nu- merous rodents, especially squirrels, and hares, nearly all the insectivora, weasels, martens, wolves, foxes, wild cats, &c. On the other hand, there are no edentata and no quadrumana, with the exception of some monkeys on the two slopes of the Atlas and in Japan. Among birds, there is a multitude of chmbers, passerine, gallinaceous, and many rapacious fami- lies. Of reptiles, there are lizards and tortoises of small or medium size, serpents, and many batrachians, but no croco- diles. Of fishes, there is the trout family, the cyprinoids, the sturgeons, the pikes, the cod, and especially the great family of herrings and scomberoids, to which latter belong the mackerel and the tunny. All classes of the mollusca are represented ; though the cephalopods are less numerous than in the torrid zone. There is an infinite number of articu- lata of every type, as well as numerous polyps, though the corals proper do not yet appear abundantly. §611. On each of the two continents of Europe and America, there is a certain number of species extending from one extreme of the temperate zone to the other. Such, for example, are the deer, the bison, the cougar, the flying- squirrel, numerous birds of prey, several tortoises, and the rattle-snake, in America. In Europe, the brown bear, wolf, swallow, and many birds of prey. Some species have a stiU wider range, hke the ermine, which is found from Behring’s Straits to the Himalaya Mountains — that is to say, from the coldest regions of the arctic zone to the southern confines of the temperate zone. It is the same with the musk-rat, which is found from the mouth of Mackenzie’s Eiver to Florida. The field-mouse has an equal range in Europe. Other species, on the contrary, are limited to one region. The Canadian elk is confined to the northern portion of the fauna ; while the prairie wolf, the fox-squirrel, the Bassaris^ and numerous birds, never leave the southern portion.* * The types which are peculiar to temperate America, and are not found in Europe, are the opossum, several genera of insectivora, among them the shrew-mole (Scalops aquaticus), and the star-nose mole {Condylura cristata), which replaces the My y ale of the Old World ; several genera of rodents, especially the musk-rat. Among the types characteristic of America must also be reckoned the snapping-turtle among the tortoises ; the Menobranchus and Menopoma among the Salamanders ; the Lepidos- teus and Amia among the fishes ; and, finally, the Limulus among the 376 GEOGKAPHICAL DISTEIBUTION OF ANIMALS. § 612. In America, as in the Old World, the temperate fauna is further subdivided into several districts, which may be regarded as so many zoological provinces, in each of which there is a certain number of animals differing from those in the others, though very closely allied to them. Temperate America presents us with a striking example in this respect. We have, on the one hand : — 1st. The fauna of the United States properly so called, on this side of the Rocky Mountains. 2d. The fauna of Oregon and California, beyond those mountains. Though there are some animals which traverse the chain of the Rocky Mountains, and are found m the prairies of the Missouri as well as on the banks of the Columbia, as, for example, the Rocky Mountain deer {Antilope furcifer), yet, if we regard the whole assemblage of animals, they are found to differ entirely. Thus, the rodents, part of the ruminants, the insects, and all the mollusks, belong to distinct species. § 613. The faunas or zoological provinces of the Old World corresponding to these are : — 1st. The fauna of Europe, which is very closely related to that of the United States proper. 2d. The fauna of Siberia, separated from the fauna of Europe by the Ural Mountains. 3d. The fauna of the Asiatic table-land, which, from what is as yet known of it, appears to be quite distinct. 4th. The fauna of China and Japan, which is analogous to that of Europe in the birds, and to that of the United States in the reptiles — as it is also in the flora. Lastly, it is in the temperate zone of the northern hemi- sphere that we meet with the most striking examples of those local faunas which have been mentioned above. Such, for example, is the fauna of the Caspian Sea, of the steppes of Tartary, and of the Western prairies. § 614. The faunas of the southern temperate regions differ from those of the tropics as much as the northern temperate Crustacea. Among tlie types which are wanting in temperate America, and which are found in Europe, may be cited the horse, the wild boar, and the true mouse. All the species of domestic mice U\ing in America, have been brought from the Old World. DISTEIBUTION OF THE FAUNAS. 377 faunas do ; and, like them also, may be distinguished into two provinces, the colder of which embraces Patagonia. But, besides differing from the tropical faunas, they are also quite unlike each other on the different continents. Instead of that general resemblance, that family likeness, which we have noticed between all the faunas of the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, we find here the most complete con- trasts. Each of the three continental peninsulas jutting out southerly into the ocean represents, in some sense, a separate world. The animals of South America, beyond the tropic of Capricorn, are, in all respects, different from those at the southern extremity of Africa. The hyenas, wild boars, and rhinoceroses of the Cape of Good Hope have no "analogues on the American continent ; and the difference is equally great between the birds, reptiles, fishes, insects and mollusks. Among the most characteristic animals of the southern ex- tremity of America are peculiar species of seals, and especially among aquatic birds, the penguins. § 615. New Holland, with its marsupial mammals, with which are associated insects and mollusks no less singular, furnishes a fauna still more peculiar, and which has no simi- larity to those of any of the adjacent countries. In the seas of that continent, where every thing is so strange, we find the curious shark, with paved teeth and spines on the back {Cestracion Philippii), the only living representative of a family so numerous in former zoological ages. But a most remarkable feature of this fauna is, that the same types pre- vail over the whole continent, in its temperate as well as its tropical portions, the species only being different in different localities. § 616. Teopical Faunas. — The tropical faunas are dis- tinguished, on all the continents, by the immense variety of animals which they comprise, not less than by the brilliancy of their dress. All the principal types of animals are represented, and aU contain numerous genera and species. We need only refer to the tribe of humming-birds, which numbers not less than three hundred species. It is very im- portant to notice, that here are concentrated the most per- fect, as weU as the most singular types of all the classes of the animal kingdom. The tropical region is the only one occu- pied by the quadrumana, the herbivorous bats, the great 378 GEOGEAPniCAL DISTEIBUTION OF ANIMALS. pacliydermata, such as the elephant, the hippopotamus, and the tapir, and the whole family of edentata. Here also are found the largest of the cat tribe, the hon, and tiger. Among the birds we may mention the parrots and toucans, as essen- tially tropical ; among the reptiles, the largest crocodiles and gigantic tortoises ; and, finally, among the articulated animals, an immense variety of the most beautiful insects. The ma- rine animals, as a whole, are equally superior to those of other regions ; the seas teem with crustaceans and numerous cepha- lopods, together with an infinite variety of gasteropods and acephala. The echinoderms there attain a magnitude and variety elsewhere unknown ; and, lastly, the polyps there display an activity of which the other zones present no example. Whole groups of islands are surrounded with coral reefs formed by those httle animals. § 617. The variety of the tropical fauna is further enriched by the circumstance that each continent furnishes new and peculiar forms. Sometimes whole types are limited to one continent, as the sloth, the toucans, and the humming-birds to America, the giraffe and hippopotamus to Africa ; and again, animals of the same group have different characteristics, according as they are found on different continents. Thus, the monkeys of America have flat and widely-separated nos- trils, thirty-six teeth, and generally a long, prehensile tail. The monkeys of the old world, on the contrary, have nostiils close together, only thirty-two teeth, and not one of them has a prehensile tail. § 618. But these differences, however important they may appear at first glance, are subordinate to more important cha- racters, which estabhsh a certain general affinity between all the faunas of the tropics. Such, for example, is the fact that the quadrumana are limited, on aU the continents, to the warmest regions ; and never, or but rarely, penetrate into the temperate zone. This limitation is a natural consequence of the distribution of the palms ; for as these trees, which con- stitute the ruhng feature of the flora of the tropics, furnish, to a great extent, the food of the monkeys on both continents, we have only to trace the limits of the palms, to have a pretty accurate indication of the extent of the tropical faunas on all three continents. DISTEIBUTION OF THE FAUNAS. 379 § 619. Several well-marked faunas may be distinguished in the tropical part of the American continent, namely : 1st. The fauna of Brazil, characterized by its gigantic reptiles, its monkeys, its edentata, its tapir, its humming-birds, and the astonishing variety of its insects. 2nd. The fauna of the western slope of the Andes, comprising Chili and Peru, is distinguished by its llamas, vicunas, and birds, which differ from those of the basin of the Amazon, as also do the insects and mollusks. 3dly. The fauna of the Antilles and the Gulf of Mexico. This is especially characterized by its marine animals, among which the Manatus is particularly remarkable ; an infinite variety of singular fishes, embracing a large number of plectognaths ; also mollusca, and radiata of peculiar species. It is in this zone that the Pentacriniis caput-medus which see. Abdo'men (Lat. abdo, I conceal), the posterior and principal cavity of the animal, containing the bowels and many other viscera. The abdomen is distinct from the thorax in crustaceans, spiders and insects, 60. Abranchia'ta (Gr. d, without ; (3payxia, gills), moUusks devoid of giUs, xxii. Acale'pha (Gr. ciKaXrjtpr], a nettle), radiates with soft skins, which have the property of stinging like a nettle, xxiii. Acale'phae, digestion in the, 315. Ac'arus (Gr. dicapi, a mite), arach- nides, as the cheese-mite and allied species. Aceph'ala, Aceph'alous (Gr. d, with- out; KsdaXrj, head), headless; animals in which a distinct head is never developed, xxii. 662. Acetab'ula (Lat. acetabulum, a shal- low cup), fleshy sucking cups, with which many of the inverte- brate animals are provided. Acetab'ulum, the, in man, 263. Ac'ini (Lat. acinum, a berry), the secreting parts of glands, which are suspended hke grains or small berries to a slender stem. Acotyl'edons, plants without a dis- tinct cotyledon, 69. Acous'tic (Gr. d/covo, I hear), ap- pertaining to sound, or the organ of hearing. Ac'rita (Gr. dicpiTog, confused), a term applied to the lowest ani- mals, in which the organs, and especially the nervous system, were supposed to be confusedly blended with the other tissues. Actin'ia (Gr. Iiktiv, a ray), polyps with many anns radiating from around the mouth. Actino'ceras (Gr. cIktiv, a ray; KEpag, a horn), a generic term signifying the radiated disposition of the horns or feelers. Actin'oids, polyps, as the coral- polyps, xxiii. Adipose' (Lat. adeps, fat), fatty. Affinities and analogies, 16. Ages of nature, 656 — 690. Air, changes effected in, by respir- ation, 393. A'lar (Lat. ala, a wing), belonging to a wing. Alb u' men (Latin), the white of an egg, 446. Albu'minous, consisting of albumen. Al'iform (Lat. aliformis), shaped like a wing. Aliment'ary canal, the, 312. AUmenta'tion, or nutrition, 62. Allan'tois (Greek), a vesicular organ 422 INDEX. in connection with the intestine, which makes its appearance dur- ing the development of the embryo, 472. Alliga'tor, teeth of the, 340. Allu'vium (Latin), sand, gravel, &c., brought down by rivers. Alter'nate generation, 518 — 547. Alter'nate reproduction, 516 — 532; consequences of, 533, 547 ; dif- ferences between, and metamor- phosis, 536. Ambula'cra (Lat. ambulacrum, an avenue or place for walking), the perforated series of plates in the shell of the sea-star or sea-urchin. Am'bulatory (Lat. ambulo, I w^alk), an animal, or a limb for w^alking. Amer'ica, distribution of the faunas of, 596—619. Am'monites, an extinct genus of moUusks, allied to the nautilus, which inhabited a chambered shell, called Ammonite, from its reseni- blance to the horns on the statues of Jupiter Ammon, xxii. 675. Amor'phous (Gr. a, without ; fiopipi], form), bodies devoid of regular form. Amphib ious (Gr. afi^i, two, /3ioc, life), having the faculty of living both in water and on land, 306. Amphiox'us, a genus of fishes, pecu- liar structure of the, 567. Am'phipods (Gr. dfX(p'i, on both sides ; Trovg, a foot), an order of Crustacea which have feet for both walking and swimming. Amphisto'ma (Gr. djxipi, on both sides ; aropa, a mouth), sucto- rial parasitic worms, which have pores like mouths at both ends of the body. Amphiu'ma, a batrachian, 626. AmpuHa (Lat. a bottle), a mem- branous bag, shaped like a leathern bottle, 158. An'sema (Gr. d, without ; dlpa, blood), the name given by Aris- totle to the animals which have no red blood, and which he sup- posed to be without blood. An'alogue, a part or organ in one animal which has the same func- tion as another part or organ in a different animal ; see Homo- LOGUE. AnaVogy, distinguished from affinity, 16. Anas'tomose (Gr. dva, through ; oTo/ua, mouth), when the mouths of two vessels come into contact and blend together, or when two vessels unite as if such kind of union had taken place. Anat'ifa, or duck barnacle, metamor- phoses of the, 553 — 556. Androg'ynous (Gr. dupp, a man ; yvvr], a woman), the combina- tion of male and female parts in the same individual. Anella'ta (Lat. annellus, a little ring), worms, in which the body seems to be composed of a suc- cession of little rings, character- ised by their red blood. Anel'lide, the anglicised singular of Anellata, An'enterous (Gr. a, without; turepov, a bowel), the animalcules of in- fusions wdrich have no intestinal canal. Animal heat, 399. Animal life, organs and functions of, 76—184. Animal and vegetable kingdoms, three great divisions of the, 67. Animal'cule (dim. of animal), a very minute animal. Animals, extinct, 629. Animals, geographical distribution of, 578 — 641 ; general laws, 578 — 594 ; the faunas, 595 — 622 ; conclusions, 623 — 641. Animals, geological succession of, 642—690. Animals, metamorphoses of, 548 — 577. IlSTDEX. 423 Animals and plants, differences be- tween, 57 — 74; resume, 75. An'imate, possessed of animal life. Aunel'ida, or Annel'ids, digestive organs of the, 322 — 324 ; respira- tion, 382. Annula'ted (Lat. annulus, a ring), when an animal or part appears to he composed of a succession of rings. Anoplothe'rium (Gr. dvoirXoQ, un- armed ; Orjpiov, beast), an ex- tinct mammal, somewhat resem- bling the pig, hut unpro\ided with tusks or offensive arras, 680. An'ourous (Gr. a, without ; ovpa, a tail), tail-less. Anten'na (Lat. a yard-arm), applied to the jointed feelers, or horns, upon the heads of insects and Crustacea ; and sometimes to the analogous parts which are not jointed in worms and other ani- mals. Anthozo'a (Gr. dvQog, a flower ; an animal), polyps (in- cluding the actinia and allied species), commonly called animal flowers. Antiperistalt'ic (Gr. dvri, against ; and peristaltic), when the vermi- cular contractions of a muscular tube follow each other in a direc- tion the reverse of the ordinary one ; see Peristaltic. Ant'lia (Lat. a pump), restrictively apphed to the spiral instrument of the mouth of butterflies and allied insects, by which they pump up the juices of plants. Aor'ta (Gr. dopry, the wind-pipe ; and also the name of the great vessel springing from the heart, which is the trunk of the systemic arteries) ; it is exclusively applied in the latter sense in modern anatomy. Aphid'ian, belonging to the aphis. A'phis (Greek), the aphis, or plant- louse, one of the articulata, alter- nate generation of the, 526. Ap'ical (Lat. apea^, the top of a cone), belonging to the pointed end of a cone-shaped body. Ap'odal (Gr. a, without ; rroSa, feet), footless, without feet or locomotive organs ; fishes are so called which have no ventral fins. Apoph'ysis (Greek), a projection from the body of a bone. Apparatus of motion, 205 — 227. Ap'tera (d,without ; Trrepov, awing), wingless insects, xxii. Ap'terous (Gr. d, without; uTspov, a wing), wingless species of in- sects or birds. Aquat'ic (Lat. aqua, water), living in water. Aquat'ic animals, water tubes of,403. A'queous, like water. A'queous humour of the eye, 127. Arach'nida (Gr. dpa^vr], a spider), a class of articulates ; as spiders and allied animals. Arach'nidae, or Arach'nids, digestive organs of the, 326 ; jaws, 337 ; respiration, 385. Arach'noid membrane, 85. Arbores'cent (Lat. arbor, a tree), branched like a tree. Arc'tic (Gr. 'Kqktoq, the Bear, a northern constellation, thus signi- fying northern) fauna, the, 602 —604. Are'olar (Lat. areola, a nipple tissue, 41. Aristotle’s lantern, jaws of the Echi- nidae, so called, 335. Arm of man, 281; corresponding organ in other animals, 282 — 286. Ar'teries, 357. Arthro'dial (Gr. dpOpov, a joint) ; it is restricted to that form of joint in which a ball is received into a shallow cup. Articula'ta (Lat. articulus, a joint), a department of the animal king- dom, consisting of animals with 424 INDEX. external jointed skeletons or join ted limbs ; as the leech, the spider, the gnat, xxii. Articula'ta, or Artic'ulates, 70; ner- vous system, 115 ; jaws, 337 ; of the trias period, 665, 670. Ascid'ian (Gr. d(TKoc, a bottle), shell- less acephalous mollusks, shaped like a leathern bottle. Assimila'tion, the change of blood into bone, muscle, &c. 401. Asteria'dae (Gr. darpov, a star), the family of star-fishes, xxiii. Astre'idae, a family of polyps, found in the Coral-rag, 674. Au'ditory (Lat, audio, I hear), per- taining to the sense of hearing. Au'ricle(Lat.G«Wci/ia), a cavity of the heart, shaped like a little ear,361. Australia, fauna of, 615. Autoch'thonoi (Greek), Aborigines, or first inhabitants, theory of, ap- phed to the distribution of ani- mals, 631. Automatic (Gr. avrofiarog, self- moving), a movement in a living body without the intervention or excitement of the will. Aves (Latin), birds the second class of vertebrate animals, xxi. Axilla (Lat. arm-jnt), applied to other parts of the animal body which form a similar angle. Ax'olotl, a genus of reptiles, 626, Az'ygos (Gr. d, without ; Kvyog, yoke), single, without fellow. Bac'ulite (Lat. bacuhts,a.s,taff), an extinct genus of mollusks, allied to the nautilus, which inhabited a straight-chambered shell, resem- bling a staff. Bal'anoids (Gr. (3a\ai'OQ, an acorn), a family of sessile cmlpeds, the shells of w'hich are commonly called acorn shells. Bar'nacle ; see Anatifa. Basilar (Lat. basis, a base), belong- ing to the base of the skull. Basllosaurus, an extinct cetacean, 680. Batra'chians (Gr. (Sarpaxog, a frog), the order of reptiles including the frog, xxi. Batra'chians, peculiar species of, 626. Belem'nite (Gr. (BsXenvog, a dart), an extinct genus of mollusks ; animals allied to the sepia, and pro^^ded with a long, straight, chambered conical shell in the in- terior of the body, 673. Bi, or Bis, a Latin prefix, signifjlng “twice,” asin the following words: Bi'fid, cleft into two parts, or forked. Bi'furcate, divided into two prongs or forks. Bi'lateral, having two symmetrical sides. Bi'lobed, divided into two lobes. Bip'artite, divided into two parts. Bi'peds (Lat. bis, two, pes, a foot), animals with two feet, as man and birds. Bird tracks, fossil, 670. Birds, the second division of the ani- mal kingdom, xxi. Birds, muscular system of, 227 ; stomach of, 330. Bis (Latin), two, or twice; used in composition only. Bi'valve, a shell of two parts, closing like a double door, 662. Blas'toderm, the embryonic germ. Blood, the, and circulation, 350 — 375 . Blood, the, its constituents, 350 — 351; corpuscles, 352; colour, 353 ; its presence an essential condition of life, 354; circulation, 361 — 375; changes that it under- goes in circulation, 395. Bone, analysis of, 238 ; basis, 239 ; microscopic structure, 240 ; the various bones of the human ske- leton, 235, 241 — 278. Bot'ryoi'dal (Gr. (3orpvg, a bunch of grapes), having the form of a bunch of grapes. Bould'ers, 684. IlSTDEX. 425 Brach'ial (6r, (5paxiov, the arm), belonging to the arm. Brach'iopods (Gr, iSpaxtov, the arm ; TToda, feet), acephalous mollusks, with two long spiral fleshy arms continued from the side of the mouth, xxiii. Brachyu'ra (Gr. fipayvc, short, ovpa, tail), Crustacea with short tails, as the crabs. Brachyu'rous, short tailed, usually restricted to the Crustacea. Brain, 78; in man, 85 — 88; in fishes, 92; in the amphibia, 93 ; in scaly reptiles, 94 ; in birds, 96 ; in mammalia, 96. Bran'chia (Gr. j3payxia, the gills of a fish), the respiratory organs which extract oxygen from the air contained in water. Bran'chifers (Gr. jSpayxia, gills ; Lat.fero, I bear), univalve mol- lusks breathing by gills, xxiii. Bran'chiopods (Gr. j3payxt-a, gills ; TToda, feet), Crustacea, in which the feet support the gills. Bron'chi, tubes branching from the windpipe in the lungs. Bron'tes, a genus of the family Tri- lobitidae. Bryozo'a (Gr. jSpvov, moss ; ^ioov, animal), a class of Ifighly organ- ized polyps, most of the species of which incrust other animals or bodies like moss, xxiii. 664. Buc'cal (Lat. iwcca, mouth or cheeks), belonging to the mouth. C^'cuM and C^'ca (Lat. cressioii is transmitted to a cen- tre, and reflected so as to produce the contraction of a muscle with- out sensation or volition. Exog'enous, increasing by outward addition, as in the case of most trees, 74. Exosiuose' (Gr. out of ; o6eo, I expel), the act in which a denser fluid is expelled from a membra- nous sac by the entry of a hghter fluid from without, 411,413*. Exu'vium (Latin, f?ie skin of a ser- pent), the skin which is shed in moulting. Exu'vial, any part which is moulted. Eye, the, 121 — 129; dioptrics of the human, 130 — 134 ; simple, 135 — 140; aggregate, 141; com- pound, 1 42,143 ; rudimentary, 144. Eye-lids and eye-lashes, 129. Eac'ette (French), a flat surface with definite boundary, 142. Fa' cial nerve, 103. Families, a group of the animal kingdom, xx. ; divided into ge- nera, XX. Fas'cicle (Lat. fasciculus), a small bundle. ' Fau'ua (Latin), the animals peculiar to a country, 579 ; general con- siderations, 579— 594 ; the arctic, C02— 604 ; the temperate, 605— 615; the tropical, 616 — 622; conclusions, 623 — 641. Fe'mur (Latin), the thigh bone, 264. Fib'ula, the smallest of the two bones of the leg, 265. Fil'iform {haX.filum, a thread ; for- ma, a shape), thread-shaped, 420. Fishes, the fourth division of the animal kingdom, xxi. Fishes, 667 ; muscular system of, 227 ; jaws, 340; circulation, 367 ; respiration, 383. Fishes, reign of, 659 — 669. Fissip'arous (Lat. findo, I cleave ; pario, I produce), the multiplica- tion of a species by the cleavage of the individual into two parts, 510. Fissip'arous and gemmip'arous repro- duction, 510 — 515. Flabel'hform {hak. flabellum, a fan), fan -shaped. Flex'ors (Lat. flecto, I bend), the muscles employed in bending a limb. Flex'uous, a bending course. Flo'ra (Latin), the plants peculiar to a country, 579 ; of the coal period, 669 ; of the oolitic period, 671. Flu'viatile (Lat. fluvius, a river), per- taining to rivers. Flying, 300. Foe'tus (Latin), the animal in the wmmb, after it is perfectly formed. Folia' ceous (Lat. folium, a leaf), shaped or arranged like leaves. Fol'licles(Lat. folliculus,a small bag), minute secreting bags which com- monly open upon mucous mem- branes, 415, 421 . Food, various methods of securing, by different animals, 346 — 349. Foot, the, 266 — 268. Footsteps, fossil, 672. Foraminif'era, a class of microscopic radiated animals having many chambered shells, the septae of which are perforated. Formations, geological, 649 — 655. Fossilil'erous (Lat. fossilis, anything dug out of the eai'th;/ero, I bear), applied to the strata which con- tain the remains of animals and INDEX. 431 plants, to which remains geolo- gists now restrict the term fossil. Fossil remains, 25,652 — 682. Frontispiece, explanation of, xi. Func'tion, the office which an organ is designed to perform. Fun'gidje, found in the coralrag,673. Galapagos' islands, fauna of the,622. Gan'glion (Gr. yayyXiov, a knot), a mass of nervous matter forming a centre, from which uerxmus fibres radiate. Gan'glion'ic cells, 83. Gan'oids, fishes having large bony enamelled scales, mostly fossil, xxi. Gases, respiration in, other than atmospheric am, 394. Gaster'opods (Gr. yauTtp, stomach ; TTovQ, a foot), molluscous animals which have the locomotive organ attached to the under part of the body, xxii. 673. Gas'tric glands, 330. Gas'tric juice, 330. Gemmip'arous (Lat. gemma, a bud; pario, I bring forth), propagation by the growth of the young like a bud from the parent, 510. Gemmip'arous and fissip'arous repro- duction, 510 — 515. Gemmule' (cUm. of gemma), the embryms of radiated animals at that stage when they resemble cibated monads. Gen'era (Genus, in the singular), a group of the animal kingdom, xix. ; divided into species, xix. Genera'tion, alternate, 518 — 532 ; consequences of, 533 — 547 ; spon- taneous, 543. Geographical distribution of ani- mals, 578— 64 1 ; ofvegetatioii,639. Geological formations, 649. Germ (Lat. germen), the earliest manifestation of the embryo. Germ, first indication of the, 465. Gesta'tion (Lat, geatatio), the caiTy- ing of the young before birth, 459, Gla'cial (Lat. glades, ice), or Drift period, 684. Glands, structm-e of, 419 — 425 ; elementary parts, 426; origin, 427 ; distribution of tlie vessels, 428. Globo'se (Lat. globas,Si globe), globe shaped. Glob'ules (diminutive of globe) of chyle, 3o3. Glossopharyn'geal nerve, 104. Glotiis, the, 180. Grallatores, or wading birds, xxi. Grand-nurses, what, 524. Granules' (dim. of granum, a grain), little grains. Graniv'orous (Lat granum, grain ; voro, 1 devour), bmds feeding on grain. Greyheads, or boulders, 684. GuFlet, the, 115, 345. Hand, the, 274 — 278. Haemapophy'sis (Gr. dipa, blood ; aTTocpycHc, a process of bone) ; the vertebral elements wdiich de- scend from the centrmn, and en- close the blood-vessels in the cartilages of the ribs. Haversian canals. 240. Head, the, 241 — 251. Hearing, sense of, 145 — 161. Heart, the, 360 ; circulation of the blood, 361 — 375. Hemip'tera (Gr. //jutcru, half; Trrfpov, a wing), the order of insects in which the anterior wings are hemelytrous ; see Elytra. Hepat'ic (Lat. hepar, liver), belong- ing to the liver. Herbiv'ora (Lat. herba, grass ; voro, I devour), animals which subsist on grass, xxi. Hermaph'rodite (‘Kp/a?yc> Mercury ; ’A^poebrq, Yenusj, an individual in which male and female cha- racteristics are combined. Hex'apod (Gr. f^n, six ; novq, a foot.) animals with six legs, such as true insects. 432 IlTDEX. Hiberna'tion (Lat. hyems, winter), the torpid state of animals during winter, 402. Histolog'ical (Gr. larog, a tissue ; Xoyog, discourse), the doctrine of the tissues which enter into the formation of an animal and its different organs, 210. Holothu'rians, soft sea slugs, biche- le-mar, xxid. H omal'onotus del phinoceph'alus,66 5 Homoge'neous, uniform in kind. Hom^ologue (Gr. uyoc, hke ; Xoyog, speech), the same organ in dif- ferent animals under every variety of form and function. Homol'ogy, or affinity, 1 6. Homop'tera (Gr. ojuog, like ; irrepov, a wing), the insects in w^hich the four wings have a similar struc- ture, hut restricted in its applica- tion to a section of Heiuiptera. Hn'merus, or shoulder-hone, the, 272. Hy'aline (Gr. vaXog, crystal) matter, the pellucid substance which de- termines the spontaneous fission of cells, 42. Ilydat'id (Gr. iiSarig, a vesicle), a bladder of albuminous membrane, containing serous fluid ; generally detached ; sometimes with an or- ganised head and neck. Hy'dra (Gr. vSpa, a water-serpent), the modern generic name of fresh- water polyps. Hy'driform, siniilarly-formed polyps. lly'drogen (Gr. vdojp, water ; yevvdw, I produce ;) a gas which is one of the constituents of water. Hy'droids, fresh-water polyps, xxiii. Hydro?, o'a (Gr. vdpa, water ; animal), the class of Polypi or- ganised like the Hydra. Hymenop'tera (Gr. vyrjv, a mem- brane ; TTTtpov, a wing,) the order of insects, including the bee, wasp, &c. which have four membranous wings. Ichthyosau'rus (ix^vg, a fish ; (Tavpog, a lizard), an extinct saurian, 673. Ide, idae (Gr. tiSog, resemblance), a termination indicating likeness. As Acarus, a mite ; Acaridae, re- sembling the mite. Ig'neous (Lat. ignis, fire) rocks, 646. Iguau'odon, an extinct gigantic rep- tile, resembling in its teeth the iguana, an existing lizard. Il'ium, the, 263. Imbrica'ted (Lat. imbrieatus, tiled), scales which lie one upon another like tiles. Inanimate beings, plants, 75. Incesso'res, perching birds, hke birds of prey, xxi. Inci'sor (Lat. incido, I cut), or cut- ting teeth, 341. Incuba'tion (Lat. incubatio), hatch- ing of eggs by the mother. Incuba'tion, 442 ; physical and che- mical changes in the egg during, 499. In'cus, or anvil, the, 149. Infuso'ria (Lat. iw/i., or in morocco, 31. 3s. BOOK or GEMS, OR THE MODERN POETS AND ARTISTS OF GREAT BRITAIN. 8vo. SO exquisitely beautiful Line Engravings afterTuRNER, Bonington, etc. etc. (pub. at 11. 11*. Cd.), cloth elegantly gilt, 15*., or morocco, 11. Is. 1814 BOOK OF RAPHAELS CARTOONS, BY CATTERMOLE. 8vo. with an exquisite Portrait of Ra])hael, a View of Hampton Court, and seven very highly finished Steel Engrav- ings of the celebrated Cartoons at Hampton Court (pub. at 15*.), cloth, gilt, 7s. Cd. 18lC BOOK OF SHAKSPEARE GEMS. A Series of I.andscape Il'ustrations of the most infe- rc.sting localities of ShakJmeare's Dramas; with Historical and Descriptive Accounts, by Washington Irvikg, Jesse, W. 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Illustrated by 39 beautiful Line Engravings, exquisitely finished, by ENGLSHaART, PoRTBURY, etc., after Designs by Strphanoff (pub. at IL 11>. 6d.), gilt cloth, 10(. Gd. HARRIS’S GAME AND WILD ANIMALS OF SOUTHERN AFRICA. Large ImpL folio. 30 beautifully coloured Engravings, with 30 Vignettes of Heads, Skins, &c. (pub. at lOL lOj.), hf. morocco, Gl. 6i. 1814 HARRIS’S WILD SPORTS OF SOUTHERN AFRICA. Impl. svo. 26 beautifully co- loured Engravings, and a Map (pub. at 21. 2s.), gilt cloth, gilt edges, 11. Is. 1844 HEATH’S CARICATURE SCRAP BOOK, on 60 Sheets, containing upwards of 1000 Comic Subjects after Seymour, Cruikshank, Phiz, and other eminent Caricaturists, oblong folio (pub. at 21. 2s.), cloth, gilt, 15s. This clever and entertaining volume is now enlarged by ten additional sheets, each con- taining numerous subjects. It includes the whole of Heath’s Omnium Gatherum, both Series; Illustrations of Demonology and Witchcraft; Old Ways and New Ways; Nautical Dictionary; Scenes in London ; Sayings and Doings, etc. ; a series of humorous illustrations of Proverbs, etc. As a large and almost infinite storehouse of humour it stands alone. To the young artist it would be found a most valuable collection of studies ; and to the family circle a con- stant source of unexceptionable amusement. HOGARTH’S WORKS ENGRAVED BY HIMSELF. 153 fine Plates (including the two well-known “ suppressed Plates”), with elaborate Letter press Descriptions, by J. Nichols. Atlas folio (pub. at 50L), half-bound morocco, gilt back and edges, with a secret pocket for suppressed plates, 11. Is. 1822 HOLBEIN'S COURT OF HENRY THE EIGHTH. A Series of 80 exquisitely beautiful Portraits, engraved by Bartolozzi, Cooper, and others, in imitation of the original Drawings preserved in the Royal Collection at Windsor; with Historical and Biographical Letter-press by Edmund Lodge, Es4. Published by John Chamberlaine. Imperial 4to (pub. at 15f. \5s.), half-bound morocco, full gilt back and edges, 51. 15s. Cd. 1812 HOFLANDS BRmSH ANGLER’S MANUAL; Edited by Edward Jesse, Esq.; or, the Art of Angling in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland; including a Piscatorial Account of the principal Rivers, Lakes, and Trout Streams; with Instructions in Fly Fishing, Trolling, and Angling of every Description. With upw ards of 80 exquisite Plates, many of which are highly-finished Landscapes engraved on Steel, the remainder beautifully engraved on Wood. 8vo, elegant in gilt cloth, 12s. 1848 HOPE’S COSTUME OF THE ANCIENTS. Illustrated in upwards of 320 beautifully- engraved Plates, containing Representations of Egyptian, Greek, and Roman Habits and Dresses. 2 vols. royal 8vo, New Edition, with nearly 20 additional Plates, boards, reduced to 21. 5s. 1841 HOWARD (FRANK) ON COLOUR, as a Means of Art, being an adaptation of the Expe- rience of Professors to the practice of Amateurs, illustrated by 18 coloured Plates, post Svo, cloth gilt, 8r. In this able volume are shown the ground colours in which the most celebrated naintera worked. It is very valuable to the connoisseur, as well as the student, in painting ana water- colour drawing. HOWARD’S (HENRY, R. A.) LECTURES ON PAINTING. Delivered at Uie Royal Academy, with a Memoir, by his son, Frank Howard, large post 8vo, cloth. Is. 6d. 1848 HOWARD’S (FRANK) SPIRIT QT SHAKSPEARE. 483 fine outline Plates, illustrative of all the principal Incidents in the Dramas of our national Bard, 5 vols. 8vo (pub. at 141. 8>. ), cloth, 21. 2s. 1827—33 The 483 Plates may be had without the letter-press, for illustrating all 8vo editions of Shakspeare, for U. Hr. Gd. HUMPHREY’S (H. NOEL) ART OF ILLUMINATION AND MISSAL PAINTING, illustrated with 12 splendid Examples from the Great Masters of the Art, selected from Missals, all beautifully illuminated. Square 12mo, decorated binding, 1/. Is. HUMPHREY’S COINS OF ENGLAND, a Sketch of the progress of the English Coinage, from the earliest period to the present time, with 228 beautiful fac-similes of the most interest- ing specimens, illuminated in gold, silver, and copper, square 8vo, neatly decorated binding, 18r. HUNT’S EXAMPLES OF TUDOR ARCHITECTURE ADAPTED TO MODERN HABITATIONS. Royal 4to, 37 Plates (pub. at 21. 2s.), half morocco 11. 4s. HUNT’S DESIGNS FOR PARSONAGE-HOUSES, ALMS HOUSES, ETC. Bo.val 4to, 21 Plates (pub. at 11. Is.}, half morocco, 14s. 1841 PUBLISHED OR SOLD BT H. G. BOHN 5 HUNTS DESIGNS FOR GATE LODGES, GAMEKEEPERS’ COTTAGES, ETC Koyul Ito, 13 i'lutes ipau. U IL la.), half morocco, 14«. 104 I HUNTS ARCHITETTURA CAMPESTRE; OK DESIGNS FOR LODGES, GAR- DENERS’ HOUSES, etc. IN THE ITALIAN STYLE. 12 Plates, royal 4to (pub. at II. la.), half morocco, 14a. 1027 ILLUMINATED BOOK OF CHRISTMAS CAROLS, square 8vo. 24 Borders illuminated in Gold and Colours, and 4 beautiful Miniatures, richly Ornamented Binding (pub. at K. ht. ), loa. 1840 ILLUMINATED BOOK OF NEEDLEWORK, By Mrs. Owbn, with a History of Needle- work, by the Countess of Wilton, Coloured Plates, post 8ro (pub. at 18a.), gilt cloth, Sa. I8t7 ILLUMINATED CALENDAR FOR 1850. Copied from a celebrated Missal known as the “ Hours ” of the Duke of Anjou, Imperial 8vo, 30 exquisite Miniatures and Borders, in gold and colours, Ornamented Binding (pub. at 21. 2a.), 15a. ILLUSTRATED FLY-FISHER'S TEXT BOOK. A Complete Guide to the Science of Trout, and Saimon Fishing. By TnKOPHiLUs South, Gent. (Ed. Chitty, Barrister). With 23 beautiful Engravings on Steel, after Paintings by CooFER, Newton, Fielding, Lee, and others. 8ro (pub. at H. lla. 0(f.). cloth, gilt, 10a. Gd. 1845 ITALIAN SCHOOL OF DESIGN. Consisting of 100 Plates, chiefly engrared by Barto- Lozzi, after the original Pictures and Drawings of Guercino, Michael Angelo, Domeni- CHINO, Annibale, Ludovico, and Agostino Cabacci, Pietro da Cortona, Carlo Ma- RATTI, and others, in the Collection of Her Majesty. Imperial 4to (pub. at lOf. lOa.), half mo- rocco, gilt edges, 3/. 3a. 1812 JAMES' (G. P. R.) BOOK OF THE PASSIONS, royal 8vo, illustrated with 16 splendid Line Engravings, after drawings by Edward Courbould Stephanoff Chalon, Kenny Meadows, and Jenkin.s; engraved under the superintendence of Charles Heath. New and improved edition (just published), elegant in gilt cloth, gilt edges (pub. at If. 11a. Get.), 12a. JAMESON’S BEAUTIES OF THE COURT OF CHARLES THE SECOND. 2 vols. iinpl. 8vo, 21 beautiful Portraits (pub, at 21. 5a.), cloth. If. la. 1838 JOHNSON'S SPORTSMAN’S CYCLOPEDIA of the Science and Practice of the Field, the Ttirf, and the Sod, or operations of the Chase, the Course, and the Stream, in one very thick vol. Svo, illustrated with upwards of 50 Steel Engravings, after Cooper, Ward, Hancock, and others (pub. at If. 11a. 6eautiftdly lUuininaied In Gold and Colours, doth, (lit, 21. 12a. C(f. 18U 6 CATALOGUE OF NEW BOOKS MEYRICK'S PAINTED ILLUSTRATIONS OF ANCIENT ARMS AND ARMOUR, a Critical Inquiry inlo Ancifiil Armour as it existed in Europe, but particularly in Enplaml, . from the Norman Conquest to tlie Reign of Charles II, with a Glossary, etc. by Siit Samuel Hush Meykick, LL.li., F.S.A., etc., new and greatly improved Edition, corrected and en- larged throughout by the Author himself, with the assistance of Literary and Antiquarian Friends (Albert Way, etc.), 3 vols. imperial 4to, illustrated by more than 100 Plates, , sitlendidly illuminated, mostly in gold and silver, exhibiting some of the finest Specimens . existing in England; also a new Plate of the Tournament of Locks and Keys (pub. at 21/.), . half-bound morocco, gilt edges, in/. lOs. 1844 I Sir Walter Scott justly describes this collection as “the incomparable armoury.” ■^Edinburgh Review, MEYRICK'S DESCRIPTION OF ANCIENT ARMS AND ARMOUR, in the Collec- tion of Goodrich Court, 150 Engravings by Jos. Skelton, 2 vols. folio (pub. at 11/. lU.), half morocco, top edges gilt, 4/. 14s. &d. MILLINGEN’S ANCIENT UNEDITED MONUMENTS; comprising Painted Greek Vases, Statues, Busts, Bas-Reliefs, and other Remains of Grecian Art. 62 large and beautiful Engravings, mostly coloured, with Letter-press Descriptions, imperial 4to (pub. at 91. 9s.), half morocco, 4/. 14«. Cd. 1822 MOSES' ANTIQUE VASES, CANDELABRA, LAMPS, TRIPODS, PATER/E. Tazzas, Tombs, Mausoleums, Sepulchral Chambers, Cinerary Urns, Sarcophagi, Cippi; and other Ornaments, 170 Plates, several of which are coloured, with Letter-press, by Hope, small 8vo (pub. at 3/. 3s.), cloth, 1/. 5s. 1814 MURPHY’S ARABIAN ANTIQUITIES OF SPAIN; representing, in ion very highly finished line Engravings, by Le Keux, Fineen', Landseer, G. Cooke, &c., the most remarkable Remains of the Architecture, Sculpture, Paintings, and Mosaics of the Spanish Arabs now existing in the Peninsula, including the magnificent Palace of Alhambra; the celebrated Mosque and Bridge at Cordova; the Royal Villa of Generaliffe; and the Casa de Carbon : accompanied by Letter-press Descriptions, in 1 vol. atlas folio, original and brilliant impressions of the Plates (pub. at42/. ), half morocco, 12/. 12s. 1813 MURPHY'S ANCIENT CHURCH OF BATALHA, IN PORTUGAL, Plans, Ele- vations, Sections, and Views of the ; with its History and Description, aud an Introductory Discourse on GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE, imperial folio, 27 fine Copper Plates, engraved by Lowry (pub. at 6/. 6s.), half morocco, 21. 8s. 1795 ■ NAPOLEON GALLERY; Or Illustrations of the Life and Times of the Emperor, with 99 Etchings on Steel by Reveil, and other eminent Artists, in one thick volume post 8vo. (pub. at 1/. Is.), gilt cloth, gilt edges, 10s. 6d. 1846 NICOLAS’S (SIR HARRIS) HISTORY OF THE ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE; with an Account of the Medals, Crosses, and Clasps which have been conferred for Naval and Military Services; together with a History of the Order of the Guelphs of Hanover. 4 vols. imperial 4to, splendidly printed aud illustrated by numerous fine Woodcuts of Badges, Crosses, Collars, Stars, Medals, Ribbands, Clasps, etc. and many large I’lates, illuminated in gold and colours, including full-length Portraits of Q.ueen Vic- toria, Prince Albert, the King of Hanover, and the Dukes of Cambridge and Sussex. (Pub. at 14/. 14».), cloth, with morocco backs, 5/. 15s. 6d. *** Complete to 1847 ■ the same, with the Plates richly coloured but not illuminated, and without the extra portraits, 4 vols. royal 4to. cloth, 3/. 10s. 6c/. “Sir Harris Nicolas has produced the first comprehensive History of the British Orders of ' Knighthood ; and it is one of the most elaborately prepared and splendidly printed works that ever issued from the press. The Author appears to us to have neglected no sources of information, and to have exhausted them, as far as regards the general scope and purpose of the inquiry. The Graphical Illustrations are such as become a work of this character upon such a subject; at, of course, a lavish cost. The resources of the recently revived art of wood-engraving have been combined with the new art of printing in colours, so as to produce a rich eifect, almost rivalling that of the monastic illuminations. Such a book is sure of a place in every great library. It contains matter calculated to interest extensive classes of readers, and we hope by our specimen to excite their curiosity.” — Quarterly Review. NICHOLSON'S ARCHITECTURE; ITS PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE. 218 Plates by Lowry, new edition, revised by Jos. Gwilt, Esq., one volume, royal Svo, 1/. 11s. 6(/. 1818 For classical Architecture, the text hook of the Profession, the most useful Guide to the Student, and the best Compendium for the Amateur. An eminent .Architect has declared it to he “not only the most useful book of the kind ever published, but absolutely indispen- sable to the Student.” PICTORIAL HISTORY OF GERMANY DURING THE REIGN OF FREDERICK THE GREAT, Including a complete History of the Seven Years’ War. By Francis Kugler. Illustrated by Adolph Menzel. Royal 8vo, with above 500 Woodcuts (pub. at 1/. 8s.), cloth gilt, 12a. 18i5 PICTORIAL GALLERY OF RACE-HORSES. Containing Portraits of all the Winning Hor.sesofthe Derby, Oaks, and St. Leger Stakes during the last Thirteen Yeara, and a His-- tory of the principal Operations of the Turf. By Wildrake (Geo. Tattersall, Esq.). Roya* Svo, containing 95 beautiful Engravings of Horses, after Pictures by Cooper, Herring, Hancock, Alken, Ac. Abso full-length characteristic Portraits of celebrated living Sports- men (“Cracks of the Dav”), by Seymour (p“b. at 21. 2s. j, scarlet cloth, gilt, 1/. Ir. PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY IT. G. BOIIN, 7 PICTURESQUE TOUR OF THE RIVER THAMES, in its Western Course, includinif particular llesirimioiis of K.ich!.ioiiil, Windsor, and Hampton Court. By John f isiintv SlURRAY. IlIusirAMsd Upwards of 100 vety liinlily-finisfied Wood Engravings by Ohrin Smith, Branston, Lanpells, Linton, ami otlier eminent artists; lo which are added several beautiful Copper and Steel Plate Engravings by Cooke and others. Oue large hand- some volume, roval Svo (pub. at 1/. .i.*.), gilt cloth, Ms. fid. 18'15 The most beautiful volume of Topographical Lignographs ever produced. PINELLI S ETCHINGS OF ITALIAN MANNERS AND COSTUME, Including h!s Caruival, Banditti, &c., 27 Plates, imperial 4to, half-bound morocco, lis. Rome, 1840 PRICE (SIR UVEDALE) ON THE PICTURESQUE in Scenery and Landscape Garden- ing, witli an Essay on the Origin of Taste, ami much additional matter. By Sir Thomas Dick Lauder, Bart. Svo, with 60 beautiful Wood Engravings by Montagu Stanley (pub. at H. Is.), gilt cloth, I2s. 1842 PUGIN’S GLOSSARY OF ECCLESIASTICAL ORNAMENT AND COSTUME; setting forth the Origin, History, and Signification of the various Emblems, Devices, and Sym- bolical Colours, peculiar to Christian Designs of the Middle Ages. Illustrated by nearly 80 Plates, sjileadidly printed in gold and colours. Royal 4to, half morocco eKtra, top edges gilt, 71. 7 s. PUGIN'S ORNAMENTAL TIMBER GABLES, selected from Ancient Examples in England and Normandy. Royal 4to, 30 Plates, cloth, H. Is. 1830 ^UGIN’S EXAMPLES OF GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE, selected from Ancient Edifices in England; consisting of Flans, Elevations, Sections, and Parts at large, with Histo- rical and Descriptive letter-press, illustrated by 22o Eugraviugs by Ls Keux. 3 vols. 4to (pub. at 12/. I2s.), cloth, 71. 17s. fid. 1839 ’UGIN’S GOTHIC ORNAMENTS. 90 fine Plates, drawn on Stone by J. D. Harding and others. Royal 4to, half morocco, 31. 3s. 1844 UGIN’S NEW WORK ON FLORIATED ORNAMENT, with 30 plates, splendidly printed in Gold and Colours, royal 4to, elegantly bound in cloth, with rich gold ornaments, 31. 3s. RADCLIFFE'S NOBLE SCIENCE OF FOX-HUNTING, for the use of Sportsmen, royal 8vo., nearly 4b beautiful Wood Cuts of Hunting, Hounds, Sic. (pub. at 11. 8s.), cloth gilt, lbs. fid. 1839 RETZSCH’S OUTLINES TO SCHILLERS “FIGHT WITH THE DRAGON," Royal 4to., containing 16 Plates, Engraved by Moses, still covers, 7s. fid. RETZSCH’S ILLUSTRATIONS TO SCHILLER’S “FRIDOLIN,” Royal 4to., contain- ing 8 Plates. Engraved by Moses, stitf covers, 4s. fid. REYNOLDS’ (SIR JOSHUA^ GRAPHIC WORKS. 300 beautiful Engravings (com- prising nearly 400 subjects) after this delightful painter, engraved on Steel by S. W. Reynolds. 3 vols. folio (pub. at 361.), half bound morocco, gilt edges, 121. 12s. REYNOLDS' (SIR JOSHUA) LITERARY WORKS. Comprising his Discourses, delivered at the Royal Academy, on the Theory and Practice of Painting; his Journey t» anders and Holland, with Criticisms on Pictures; Du Fresnoy’s Art of Painting, with Notes o which is prefixed, a Memoir of the Author, with Remarks illustrative of his Principles and lactice, by Beechey. New Edition. 2 vols. fcap. Svo, with Portrait (pub. at 18s.), gilt oth, ins. 184G “ His admirable Discourses contain such a body of Just criticism, clothed in such perspicuous, elegant, and nervous language, that it is no exaggerated panegyric to assert, that they will last as long as the English tongue, and contribute, not less than the productions of his pencil, to render hU name immortal.” — Norlhcote, ROBINSON’S RURAL ARCHITECTURE; being a Series of Designs for Ornamental Cottages, in 96 Plates, with Estimates. Fourth, greatly improved. Edition. Royal 4to (pub. at 41. 4s.), half morocco, 21. 5s. ROBINSONS NEW SERIES OF ORNAMENTAL COTTAGES AND VILUVa. 56 Plates by Harding and Allom. Royal 4to, half morocco, 21. 2s. ROBINSON'S ORNAMENTAL VILLAS, 9C Plates (pub. at 41. 4s.), half morocco, 21. is. ROBINSON’S FARM BUILDINGS. S6 Plates (pub. at 21. 2s.), half morocco, ll. lls. 6d. ROBINSON’S LODGES AND PARK ENTRANCES. 48 Plates (pub. at 21. 2s.), half morocco, 11. lls. Gd. ROBINSON'S VILLAGE ARCHITECTURE. Fourth Edition, with additional Plate. 41 Plates (pub at 11. IGs.), half bound uniform, 11. 4s. ROBINSON’S NEW VITRUVIUS BRITANNICUS; Or, Views, Plans, and Elevations o. Englisli Mansions, viz., Woburn Abbey, Hatfield House, and Hardwicke Hall ; also Cassio- bury Hou.se, by John Bhittoh, imperial folio, 50 line en^^raviiiijs, by Le K.£UX ^ ) ha. f morocco, gilt edges, 3/. 13«, Gd, ROYAL VICTORIA GALLERY, comprising 33 beautiful Engravings, after pictures a BUCKINGHAM PALACE, particularly Re.mbrandt, the Ost Aup, Temers, Gerard Dow, Both, Cuvr, Revnoed.s, Titian, and RuiiK.ss, engraved by GREAinACH, S. w Reynolds, Presburt, Burnft, Sic.; with letter -press by Linnele, royal 4to (pub. a- 41. 4s.), half morocco, il. lls. £d. 8 CATALOGUE OF NEW BOOKS RUDING’S ANNALS DEPENDENCIKS. OF THE COINAGE OF GREAT BRITAIN AND ITS Tliree vols., 4to., 159 pliites, (pub. at 61. 6i.) cloth, U. 44. SHAKSPEARE PORTFOLIO; a Series of 90 Graphic Ii.i.ustratioxs, alter Desiens by the most eminent British Artists, including Smirke, Stothard, Stephanoff, Cooper, Weslall Hilton, Leslie, Briggs, Corbould, Clint, Sc., beautifully engraved by Heath, Greatbach. Robinson, Pye, Findeii, Englehart, Armstrong, Rolls, and othere (pub. at 81. 84.), in a case, with leather back, imperial 8vo, 11. I4. SHAW AMD BRIDGENS DESIGNS FOR FURN ITURE, with Candelabra and Interior Decoration, 6u Plates, royal 4to, (pub. at 31. 34.), half-bouml, uncut, 11. ll». 6d. 1838 The same, large paper, Impl. 4to, the Plates coloured (pub. at 61. Cr.), hf.-bd., uncut, 81. 34. SHAW'S LUTON CHAPEL, its Architecture and Ornaments, illustrated in a series of 26 highly finished Line Engravings, imperial folio (pub. at 31. 34.), half morocco, uncut, 11. 16*. 1830 SILVESTRE'S UNIVERSAL PALEOGRAPHY, or Fac-similei of the writings of every age, taken from the most authentic Missals and other interesting Manuscripts existing In the Libraries of France, Italy, Germany, and England. By M. Silvestre, containing upwards Of 300 large and most beautifully executed fac-slmiles, on Copper and Stone, most richly illumi- nated in the finest style of art, 2 vols. atlas folio, half morocco extra, gilt edges, 311. 10*. The Historical and Descriptive Letter-press by Chamjtollion, Figeac, and Cbam- pollion, jun. With additions and corrections by Sir Frederick Madden. 2 voU. royal 8vo, cloth, 11. 16*. 185» ■ ■ ■ the same, 2 vols. royal 8vo, hf. mor. gilt edges (uniform with the folio work), 31. 8*. SMITHS (C. J.) HISTORICAL AND LITERARY CURIOSITIES. ConsisUng of Fac-similes of interesting Autographs, Scenes of remarkable Historical Events and interesting Localities, Engravings of Old Houses, Illuminated and Missal Ornaments, Antiquities, &c. &c. , containing 100 Plates, some illuminated, with occasional Letter-press. In 1 volume 4tq, half morocco, uncut, reduced to 31. SMITH'S ANCIENT COSTUME OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, From the 7th to the ICth Century, with Historical Illustrations, folio, with 62 coloured plates illu- minated with gold and silver, and highly finished (pub. at 101. 10*. ) half bound, moroeco, extra, gilt edge.s, 31. 13*. 6d. SPORTSM.AN'S REPOSITORY; comprising a Series of highly finished Line Engravings, representing the Horse and the Dog, in all their varieties, by the celehr.ated engraver John Scott, from original paintings by Reinagle, Gilpin, Stubbs, Cooper, and Landseer, accom- panied hy a comprehensive Description by the Author of the “ British Field Sports,” 4to, with 37 large Copper Plates, and numerous Wood Cuts by Burnett and others (pub. at 21. 12*. W.), cloth gilt, 11. 1*. STORER S CATHEDRAL ANTIQUITIES OF ENGLAND AND WALES, i vck. 8vo., with 256 engravings (pub. at 7I. 10*.), half morocco, 21. 12. 6d. STOTHARD'S MONUMENTAL EFFIGIES OF GREAT BRITAIN. 147 beautL-liHr fini.'hed Etching.s, all of w'hich are more or less tinted, and some of them highly illuminated in gold and colours, with Historical Descriptions and Introduction, by Kempe. Folio (pub. at 19/.), half morocco, 81. 8*. STRUTT'S SYLVA BRITANNjCA ET S''OTICA ; or. Portraits of Forest Trees, distin- guished for their Antiquity, Magnitude, or Beauty, comprising 50 very large and highly-finished paintcis' Etchings, imperial folio (pub. at 91. 9*.), half morocco extra, gilt edges, 41. 10*. 1826 STRUTTS DRESSES AND HABITS OF THE PEOPLE OF ENGLAND, from the Establishment of the Saxons in Britain to the present time; with an historical and (h ilical Inquiry into every branch of Costume. New and greatly improved Edition, with Cri- tical and Explanatory Notes, by J. R. Planche', Esq., F.S.A. 2 vols. royal 4to, 153 Plates, cloth, 4l. 4*. The Plates, coloured, 7I. 7.*. The Plates splendidly illuminated in gold, silver, and opaque colours, in the Missal style, 201. 1843 STRUTTS REGAL AND ECCLESIASTICAL ANTIQUITIES OF ENGLAND- Coiitainiiig the most authentic Representations of all the English Monarchs from Edward tlve Confessor to Henry the Eighth ; together with many of the Great Personages that were emi- nent under their several Reigns. New and greatly improved Edition, by J. R. PlanchbI, Esq., F.S.A. Royal 4to, 72 Plates, cloth, 21. 2*. The Plates coloured, 41. 4*. Splendidly illuminated, uniform with the Dresses, 121. 12*. 1842 '3TUBS3' ANATOMY OF THE HORSE. 24 fine large Copper-plate Engravings. Impe- rial folio (pub. at 41. 4*.), hoards, leather back, 11. 11*. 6d. 'I'he original edition of this fine old work, which is indispensable to artists. It has long beeo considered rare. TATTERSALL'S SPORTING ARCHITECTURE, comprising the Stud Farm, the Stall, tiie Vtiihle, the Kennel, Race Studs, &c. with 43 beautiful steel and wood illustrations, several after Hancock, cloth gilt (pub. at 11. 11*. 6d.), 11. 1*. 1850 TAYLOR'S HISTORY OF THE FINE ARTS IN GREAT BRITAIN. 2 vols. post svo. Woodcuts (pub. at 11. 1*.), cloth, 7*. 6d, jgil ” The best view of the state of modern art.”— Ifm'led Statet’ Gazette. TODS ANNALS AND ANTIQUITIES OF RAJASTHAN: OR, THE CENTRAL AND W'ESTEHN RAJPOOT STATES OF INDIA, COMMONLY CALLED RAJPOOT- ANA). By Lieut. Colonel J. Ton, imperial 4to, embellished with above 28 extremely beauti- ful line Engravings hy FiNDSiii, and capital large folding map (41. 14*. 6eautiful Wood Engravings, by various Artists (pub. at If. 4«.), cloth bds., elegantly gilt, H». 1845 WHITTOCK'S DECORATIVE PAINTER’S AND GLAZIER’S GUIDE, containing the most approved methods.of Imitating every kind of fancy Wood and Marble, in Oil or Distemper Colour, Designs for Decorating Apartments, and the Art of Staining and Painting on Glass, &c., with Examples fr mi .\ncient Windows, with the Supplement, 4to, illustrated with 104 plates, of which 44 are coloured, (pub. at 21. Us.) cloth. If. lOs. WHITTOCK’S MINIATURE PAINTER’S MANUAL. Foolscap svo., f coloured plates, and numerous woodcuts (pub. at 5j.) cloth, 3s. W'lGHTV/ICK'S PALACE OF ARCHITECTURE, a Romance of Art and History. Impe- rial Svo, with 211 Illustrations, Steel Plates, and Woodcuts (pub. at 2f. 12i. 6if.), cloth, If. Is. 1840 WILDS ARCHITECTURAL GRANDEUR of Belgium, Germany, and France, 24 fine Plates by Le Keux, &c. Imperial 4to (pub. at If. 18j.), half morocco. If. 4i. 1837 WILD’S FOREIGN CATHEDRALS, 12 Plates, coloured and mounted like Drawings, in a handsome portli)lio (pub. at 12f. 12*.), imperial folio, 51, 5s. V/ILLIAMS’ VIEWS IN GREECE, 64 beautiful Line Engravings by Milter, Horsburgit, and others. 2 vols. imparial 8vo (pub. at6f. 6».), half bound mor. extra, gilt edges, 2f. 12s. 6d. 1829 WINDSOR CASTLE AND ITB ENVIRONS, INCLUDING ETON, by Leitcu Restchie, new edition, edited by E. Jesse, Esq., illustrated with upwards of 50 beautifal Engravings on Steel and Wood, royal 8vo., gilt cloth, 13j. V/OOD'S ARCHITECTURAL ANTIQUITIES AND RUINS OF PALMYRA AND BALBEC. 2ivols. in 1, imperial folio, containing 110 fine Copper-plate Engravings, sonte very large and folding (pub. at 71. 7s.), half morocco, uncut, 3f. 1.3r. Cd. 1827 iiatural fl^istorg, Agriculture, ANDREWS’ FIGURES OF HEATHS, with Scientific Descriptions. 6 vols. royal Rv«, with 300 beautifully coloured Plates (pub. at 15f.), cloth, gilt, 71. IOj. 184S BARTON AND CASTLE'S BRITISH FLORA MEDICA; OR, HISTORY OF THE MEDICINAL PLANTS OF GREAT BRITAIN. 2 vols. Svo, illustrated by upwards of 200 Coloured Figures of Plants (pub. at3f. 3j. ), cloth, If. 16j. 1845 BAUER AND HOOKER'S ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE GENERA OF FERNS, in which the characters ofeack Genus are displayed in the most elaborate manner, in a series of magnified Dissections and Figures, highly finished in Colours. Imp. Svo, Plates, Of. 1838-43 BEECHEY.— BOTANY OF CAPTAIN BEECHEY'S VOYAGE, comp.iing an .Account of the Plants collected by. Messrs. Lay and Collie, and other Officers of the Expedition, during the Voyage to the Pacific and Behring’s Straits. By Sir William Jacksok Hooker, and G. A. W. Arnott, Esq., illustrated by 100 Plates, beautifully en- graved, complete in 10 parts, 4to (pub. at 71. 10*.), 51, 1831-41 BEECHEY.— ZOOLOGY OF CAPTAIN BEECHEY'S VOYAGE, compiled from the Collections and Notes of Captain Beechev and the Scientific Gentlemen who accompanied the Expedition. The Mammalia, by Dr. Richardson; Ornithology, by N. A. Vigors, Esq., Fishes, by G. T. Lay, Esq., and E. T. Bennett, Esq.; Crustacea, hy Richard Owem; F.sq.; Reptiles, by John Edward Gray, Esq.; Shells, hy W. Sowerdy, Esq.; and Geology, by the Rev. Dr. Buckland. 4to, illustrated hy 47 Plates, containing many liundred Figures, beautifully coloured by Sowerry (pub. at 51. 5s.), cloth, 3f. 13>. OU. 1839 10 CATALOGUE OF l^EW BOOKS BOLTON'S NATURAL HISTORY OF BRITISH SONG BIRDS. Illustrated witL Figures, the size of Life, of the Birds, both Male and Female, in their most Natural Attitudes; their Nests and Eggs, Food, Favourite Plants, Shrubs, Trees, &c. &c. New Edition, revised and very considerably augmented. 2 vols. in 1, medium 4to, containing 80 beautifully coloured plates (pub. at HI. 8«.), half bound morocco, gilt backs, gilt edges, Zl. Zs. 184 i BRITISH FLORIST, OR LADY’S JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURE. 6 vols. 8vo, 8i coloured plates of flowers and groups (pub. at il. 10s.), cloth, 11. 14». 1846 BROWN’S ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LAND AND FRESH WATER SHELLS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND; with Figures, Descriptions, and Localities of all the Species. Royal 8vo, containing on 27 large Plates, 330 Figures of all the known British Species, In their full size, accurately drawn from Nature (pub. at 15«.), cloth, lOj. 6d. 1845 CURTIS'S FLORA LONDINENSIS; Revised and Improved by George Graves, ex- tended and continued by Sir W. Jackson Hooker; comprising the History of Plants indi- genous to Great Britain, with Indexes; the Drawings made by Sydexiiam, Edwards, and Lindley. 5 vols. royal folio (or lOQ parts), containing 047 Plates, exliibiting the full natural size of each Plant, with magnified Dissections of the Parts of Fructification, &c., all beauti- fully coloured (pub. at 87L 4s. in parts), half bound morocco, top edges gilt, ZOl. 1835 DENNY— MONOGRAPHIA ANOPLURORUM BRITANNI/E, OR BRITISH SPECIES OF PARASITE INSECTS (published under the patronage of the British Associa- tion), 8vo, numerous beautifully coloured plates of Lice, containing several hundred magnified figures, cloth, 11. lit. fid. 1843 DON’S GENERAL SYSTEM OF GARDENING AND BOTANY. 4 volumes, royal 4to, numerous woodcuts (pub. at 141. 8s. j, cloth, 11. iis. fid. 1831-1838 DON’S HORTUS CANTABRIGIENSIS; thirteenth Edition, 8vo (pub. at 11. 4s.), cloth, 12s. 1845 DONOVANS NATURAL HISTORY OF THE INSECTS OF INDIA. Enlarged, by J. O. Westwood, Esq., F.L.S., 4to, with 58 plates, containing upwards of 120 exquisitely coloured figures (pub. at 61. 6j. ), cloth, gilt, reduced to 21. 2j. 1842 DONOVAN’S NATURAL HISTORY OF THE INSECTS OF CHINA. Enlarged, by J. O. Westwood. Esq., F.L.S., 4to, with 50 plates, containing upwards of 120 exquisitely coloured figures (pub. at 61. Gs.), cloth, gilt, 21. os. “Donovan’s works on the Insects of India and China are splendidly illustrated and ex- tremely useful.’’ — Naturilist. “ The entomological plates of our countryman Donovan, are highly coloured, elegant, and useful, especially those contained in his quarto volumes (Insects of India and China), where a great number of species are delineated for the first time.” — Swaimon. DONOVAN’S WORKS ON BRITISH NATURAL HISTORY. Viz. — Insects, 16 vols, — Birds, 10 vols.— Shells, 5 vols. — Fishes, 5 vols.— Quadrupeds, 3 vols. — together 39 vols. 8vo. containing 1198 beautifully coloured plates (pub. at 661. 9s.), boards, 237. 17s. The same set of 39 vols. hound in 21 (pub. at 73/. 10s.), half greeu morocco extra, gilt edges, gilt backs, 30/. Any of the classes may be had separately. , DOYLE'S CYCLOPEDIA OF PRACTICAL HUSBANDRY, and Rural Affairs in General, New Edition, Enlarged, thick 8vo., with 70 wood engravings (pub. at 13s.), cloth, 8s. 6d. 1843 DRURY'S ILLUSTRATIONS OF FOREIGN ENTOMOLOGY; wherein are exhibited upwards of GOO exotic Insects, of the East and West Indies, China, New Holland, North and South America, Germany, &c. By J. O. Westwood, Esq., F.L.S., Secretary of the Entomo- logical Society, &c. 3 vols, 4to, 150 Plates, most beautifully coloured, containing above 600 figures of Insects (originally pub. at 15/. 15s.), half bound morocco, 61. 16s. 6d. 1837 EVELYN’S SYLVA AND TERRA. A Discourse of Forest Trees, and the Propagation of Timber, a Philosophical Discourse of the Earth; with Life of the Autlior, and Notes by Dr. A. Hunter, 2 vols. royal 4to. Fifth improved Edition, with 46 Plates (pub. at 5/. 5s.), cloth, ^2L FITZROY AND DARWIN.— ZOOLOGY OF THE VOYAGE IN THE BEAGLE. 166 plates, mostly coloured, 3 vols. royal 4to. (pub. at 91.), cloth, 5/. 5s. 1838-43 GREVILLE'S CRYPTOGAMIC FLORA, comprising the Principal Species found in Great Britain, Inclusive of all the New Species recently discovered in Scotland. C vols. royal 8vo, 360 beautifully coloured Plates (pub. at 16/. 16s.), half morocco, 81. 8s. 1823-8 This, though a complete Work in itself, forms an almost indispensable Supplement to the thirty-six volumes of Sowerby’s English Botany, which does not comprehend Cr.tqitogamous Plants. It is one of the most scientific and best executed works on Indigenous Botany ever produced in this country. HARDWICKE and GRAY’S INDIAN ZOOLOGY. Twenty parts, forming two. vols., royal folio, 202 coloured plates (pub. at 21/.), sewed, 12/. 12s., or naif moroccu, gilt edges, 14/. 14s. HARRIS’S AURELIAN : OR ENGLISH MOTHS AND BUTTERFLIES, Their Natural Histoir, together with the Plants on which they feed; New and greatly unproved Edition, by J. O. Westwood, Esq., F.L.S., &c., in 1 vol. sm. folio, with 44 plates, containing above 400 figures of Moths, Butterflie.s, Caterpillars, Sic., and the Plants on which they feed, exquisitely colourea aff«r the original drawings, half-bound morocco, il. 4s. 1840 This extremely beautiful work is the only one which contains our English Moths and Butter- flies of the full natural size, In all their changes of Caterpillar, Chrysalis, &c., with the plania on which they fee'^ PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY H. O. BOHN 11 HOOKLR AND GREVILLE, ICONES FILICUM ; OR. FIGURES OF FERNS wall descriptions, many of which have been altogether unnoticed by BoUui«t», or have not lioen correctly Qgured. 2 vols. folio, with 240 beautifully coloured Plates (pub. at 251. 4.».J, half morocco, gilt edges, 121. 12s. 1829-31 The grandest and most valuable of the many scientlBc Works produced by Sir William Hooker. HOOKERS EXOTIC FLORA,. containing Figures and Descriptions of Rare, or otherwise interesting Exotic Plants, especially of such as are deserving of being cultivated in our Gar- dens. 3 vols. Imperial 8vo, containing 232 large and beautifully coloured Plates (pub. at 151.), cloth, 61. 6j. 1823-1827 This is the most superb and attractive of all Dr. Hooker’s valuable works. “The ‘Exotic Flora,’ by Dr. Hooker, is like that of all the Botanical publications of the in- defatigable author, excellent; and it assumes an appearance of finish and perfection to w hich neither the Botanical Magazine nor Register can externally lay claim.’’— ioudon. HOOKERS JOURNAL OF BOTANY; containing Figures and Descriptions of such Plants as recommend tkemselves by their novelty, rarity, or history, or by the uses to which they are applied in the Arts, in Medicine, and in Domestic Economy; together with occasional Botanical Notices and Information, and occasional Portraits and Memoirs of eminent Botanists. 4 vols. 8vo, numerous plates, some coloured (pub. at 3/.), cloth, U. 1834-42 HOOKER'S BOTANICAL MISCELLANY; containing Figures and Descriptions of Plants which recommend themselves by their novelty, rarity, or history, or by the u-ses to which they are applied in the Arts, in M-edicine, and in Domestic Economy, together with occasional Botanical Notices and Information, including many valuable Communications from distin- guished Scientific Travellers. Complete in 3 thick vols. royal 8vo, with 153 plates, many finely coloured (pub. at 51, St.), gilt cloth, 21. 12s. Ccf. 1830-33 HOOKER’S FLORA BOREALI-AMERICANA ; OR, THE BOTANY OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. Illustrated by 240 plates, complete in Twelve Parts, royal 4to, (pub. at 121. 12s.), 81. The Twelve Parts complete, done up in 2 vols. royal 4to, extra cloth, 81. 1829-40 HUISH ON BEES; THEIR NATURAL HISTORY AND GENERAL MANAGEMENT. New and greatly improved Edition, containing also the latest Discoveries and ImprovemenU in every department of the Apiary, with a description of the most aiiproved Hives now in use, thick 12mo, Portrait and numerous Woodcuts (pub. at lOs. Od.), cloth, gilt,. 6s. 6d. 1814 JOHNSON’S GARDENER, complete in 12 vols. with numerous woodcuts, containing tlie Potato, one vol. — Cucumber, one vol. — Grape Vine, two vols.— Auricula and Asparagus, one vol.— Pine Apple, two vols. — Strawberry, one vol. — Dahlia, one vol.— Peach, one vol.— Apple, two vols. — together 12 vols. 12mo, woodcuts (pub. at 11. 10s.), cloth, 12s. 184/ • ' either of the volumes may be had separately (pub. at 2s. 6a'.), at Is. JOHNSONS DICTIONARY OF MODERN GARDENING, numerous Woodcuts, very thick 12mo, cloth lettered (pub. at 10s. Ccl.), 4s. A comprehensive and elegant volume. 1846 LATHAM'S GENERAL HISTORY OF BIRDS. Being the Natural History and Descrip- tion of all the Birds (above four thousand) hitherto known or described by Naturalists, with th^ Synonymes of preceding Writers; the second enlarged and improved Edition, compre- hending all the discoveries in Ornithology subsequent to the former publication, and a General Index, 11 vols. in 10, 4to, with upwards of 200 coloured Plates, lettered (pub. at 201. 8s.), cloth, 71. 17s. 6d. Winchetter, 1821-28. The same with the plates exquisitely coloured like drawings, 11 vols. in 10, elegantly half bound, green morocco, gilt edges, 121. 12s. LEWIN’S NATURAL HISTORY OF THE BIRDS OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Third Edition, with an Index of the Scientific Names and Synonymes by Mr. Gould and Mr. £ VTON, folio, 27 plates, coloured (pub. at 41. 4s.), hf. bd. morocco, 21. 2s. 183S LINDLEY’S BRITISH FRUITS; OR, FIGURES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF THE MOST IMPORTANT VARIETIES OF FRUIT CULTIVATED IN GREAT BRITAIN. 3 vols. royal 8vo, containing 152 most beautifully coloured plates, chiefly by Mrs. Withers, Artist to the Horticultural Society (pub. at 101. 10s.), half bound, morocco extra, gilt edges, 51. Ss. 1841 “This is an exquisitely beautiful work. Every plate is like aTiighly finished drawing, similar to those in the Horticultural Transactions.’’ LINOLEY'S DIGITALIUM MONOGRAPHIA. Folio, 28 plates of the Foxglove (pub. at 41. 4s.), cloth, 11. 11s. fid. - the same, the plates beautifully coloured (pub. at 61. 6s.), cloth, 21. 12s. 6d. LOUDON’S (MRS.) ENTERTAINING NATURALIST, being PopuMr Descriptiora, Tales, and Anecdotes of more than Five Hundred Animals, comprehending all the Q.uadruptds, Birds, Fishes, Reptiles, Insects, &c. of which a knowledge is indispensable in polite educa- tion. With Indexes of Scientific at! Popular Names, an Explanation of Terms, and an Ap- pendix of Fabulous Animals, illustrated by upwards of 500 beautiful woodcuts by Bewick, Harvey, Whimper, and others. New Edition, revised, enlarged, and corrected to the present state of Zoological Knowledge. In one thick vol. post Svo.-gilt cloth, 7s. fid. 185U LOUDON’S (J. C.) ARBORETUM ET FRUTICETUM BRITANNICUM, or the Trees and Shrubs of Britain, Native and Foreign, delineated and described; with their propa- gation, culture, management, and uses. Second improved Edition, 8 vols. 8vo, with above 40U plates of trees, and upwards of 25U0 woodcuu of trees and shrubs (pub. at 101.), 51, bt, 1844 12 CATALOGUE OF NETV BOOKS iVIANTELL'S (DR.) NEW GEOLOGICAL WORK. THE MEOAI..S OF CREATION or First Lessons in Geology, and in the Study of Organic Remains; including Geological Ex“ cursions to the Isle of Sheppey, Brighton, Lewes, Tilgate Forest. Chaniwood Forest, Farring" don, Swindon, Caine, Bath, Bristol, Clifton, Matlock, Crich Hill, &c. By Gidkon Algek* KON Mantell, Esq., LL.D., F.R.S., &c. Two thick vols. foolscap 8vo, with coloured Plates, and several hundred beautiful Woodcuts of Fo«sil Remains, cloth gilt. If. li. ms MANTELL'S WONDERS OF GEOLOGY, or a Familiar Exposition of Geological Phe- nomena. Sixth greatly enlarged and improved Edition. 2 vols. post 8vo, coloured Plates, and upwards of 200 Woodcuts, gilt cloth, 18j. ISta MANTELLS GEOLOGICAL EXCURSION ROUND THE ISLE OF WIGHT, and along the adjacent Co.ist of Dorsetshire. In 1 vol. post 8vo, with numerous beautifully executed Woodcuts, and a Geological Map, cloth gilt, 12«. 18+1 MUDIE'S NATURAL HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS; OR, THE FEATHERED TRIBES OF THE BRITISH ISLANDS. 2 vols. 8vo. New Edition, the Plates beauti- fully coloured (pub. at 11. 8>.), cloth gilt, 16s. 1835 “This is, without any exception, the most truly charming work on Ornithology which has, hitherto appeared, from the days of Willoughby downwards. Other authors describe,. • Mudie paints; other authors give the husk, Mudie the kernel. We most heartily concur with the opinion expressed of this work by Leigh Hunt (a kindred spirit) in the first few numbers of his right pleasant London Journal. The descriptions of Bewick, Pennant, Lewin, Montagu, and even Wilson, will not for an instant stand comparison with the spirit-stirring emanations of Mudie’s ‘living pen,’ as it has been called. We are not ac- quainted with any author who so felicitously unites beauty of style with strength and nerve of expression ; he does not specify, but paints.” — Wood’i Ornithological Guide. RICHARDSON'S GEOLOGY FOR BEGINNERS, comprising a familiar Explanation of Geology and its associate Sciences, Mineralogy, Physical Geology, Fossil Concliology, Fossil Botany, and Palaeontology, including Directions for forming Collections, &c. By G. F. Richardson, F.G.S. (formerly with Dr. Mantell, now of the British Museum). Second Edition, considerably enlarged and improved. One thick vol. post 8vo, Illustrated by upwards of 260 Woodcuts (pub. at lUi. Od.), cloth, 7*. 6d. 1646 SELBY'S COMPLETE BRITISH ORNITHOLOGY. A most magnificent work of the Figures of British Birds, containing exact and faithful representations in their full natural size, of all the known species found in Great Britain, 383 Figures in 228 beautifully coloured Plates. 2 vols. elephant folio, elegantly half bound morocco (pub. at 105L), gilt back and gilt edges, 311. lUs. 1834 “The grandest work on Ornithology published in this country, the same for British Birds that Audubon’s is for the birds of America. Every figure, excepting in a very few instances of extremely large birds, is of the full natural size, beautifully and accurately drawn, with all the spirit of life.” — Ornithologist's Text Book. “ What a treasure, during a rainy forenoon in the country, is such a gloriously Illuminated work as this of Mr. Selby ! It is, without doubt, the most splendid of the kind ever published in Britain, and will stand a comparison, without any eclipse of its lustre, with the most magni- ficent ornithological illustrations of the French school. Mr. Selby has long and deserv^ly ranked high as a scientific naturalist.” — Blackwood's Magasnne. SELBY'S ILLUSTRATIONS OF BRITISH ORNITHOLOGY. 2 vols. 8vo. Second Edition (pub. at 11. Is.}, boards, 12«. 183S SIBTHORP'S FLORA GR>€.CA. The most costly and magnificent Botanical work ever pub- lished. 10 vols. folio, with 1000 beautifully coloured Plates, half hound morocco, publisldng by subscription, and the number strictly limited to those suhscril)ed for (pub. at 2521.), 631. Separate Prospectuses of this work are now ready for delivery. Only forty copies of Ibe original stock exist. No greater number of subscribers’ names can therefore be received. SIBTHORP'S FLOR^ GRAC^ PRODROMUS. Sive Plantarum omnium Enumeratio, quas in Provinciis aut Insulis Graciae invenit JoH. Sibthorp: Characteres et Synonvma omnium cum Annotationibus Jac. Edy. Smith. Four parts, in 2 thick vols, 8vo (pub. at 2l.2s.),l4s. Zonditii, 18ie SOWERBY'S MANUAL OF CONCHOLOGY. Containing a complete Introduction to the' Science, illustrated by upwards of 650 Figures of Shells, etched on copper-plates, in which the most characteristic examples are given of all the Genera established up to the present time,; arranged in Lamarckian Order, accompanied by copious Explanations; Observations respect- ing tlie Geographical or Geological distribution of each; Tabular Views of the Systems of I-imarek and De Blainvllle; a Glossary of Technical Terms, &c. New Edition, considerably enlarged and improved, with numerous Woodcuts in the text, now first added, 8vo, cloth, 18s. The plates coloured, cloth. If. 16t. 1846 SOV/ERBY'S QONCHOLOGICAL ILLUSTRATIONS; OR, COLOVRED FIGURES OF ALL THE HITHERTO UNFiGURED SHELLS, complete in 200 S'.iells, 8vo, compris- ing several thousand Figures, in parts, all beautifully coloured (pub. at 15/.), 71. 10*. 1845 SPRY'S BRITISH COLEOPTERA DELINEATED; containing Figures and Descriptions of all the Genera of British Beetles, edited by Shuckarh, 8vo, with ‘J4 plates, comprising 088 figures of Beetles, beautifully and most accurately drawn (pub. at 2/. 2«. ), cloth, 1/. li. 1840 “ Tile most perfect work vet published in this department of British Entomology.” STEPHENS’ BRITISH ENTOMOLOGY, 12 vols. 8vo, loo coloured Pistes (pub. at2l/.L half bound, 8/. 8s. 1828-M Or se]>arateiy, Lkpidoptera, 4 vols. 41. 4s. Coi.eoptera, 5 vols. 4L 4s. Dermapteba, OsiTHUP., Neurop , &e I 1 vol 1/ is Htmibuvtkra, 2 vols. 21. 2f< PUliLlSIIED OR SOLI) BY U. G. BOHN 13 SWAINSON'S EXOTIC CONCHOLOGY; Oil, FIGURES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF HARE BEAUTIFUL, OR UNDESCRIBED SHELLS. Royal 4to, coDllimnt; .), cloth, 11. 10.t. 1827-28 SWEETS CISTINE/E; OR, NATURAL ORDER OF CISTUS, OR ROCK ROSE. 30 Nos. forming 1 vol. royal 8vo, complete, with 112 beautifully coloured plates (pub. at 51. 5.*.), cloth, 21. 12». 6tl. 18M “One of the most Interesting, and hitherto the scarcest of Mr. Sweet’s beautiful publications.’’ ii^liscellancous Hiterature, INCLUDING history, biography, voyages and travels, poetry and the DRAMA, MORALS, AND MISCELLANIES. BACONS WORKS, both English and Latin. With an Introductory Essay, and copious Indexes. Complete in 2 large vols. imperial 8vo, Portrait (pub. at 21. 2».), cloth, 11. IGj. 1838 BACON'S ESSAYS AND ADVANCEMENT OF LEARNING, with Memoir and Notes by Dr. Taylor, square 12mo, with 34 Woodcuts (pub. at 4j.), ornamental wrapper, ‘is. 6d. BANCROFT’S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, from the Discovery of tl>e American Continent. 'Twelfth Edition, 3 vols, 8vo (published at 21. lUr.), cloth, 11. Hi. Cd. 1847 BATTLES OF THE BRITISH NAVy, from A.D. 1000 to 1840. By Joseph Ali.en, of Greenwich Hospitsd. 2 thick elegantly printed vols. foolscap 8vo, illustrated by 24 Portraits of British Admirals, beautifully engraved on Steel, and numerous Woodcuts of Battles (pub. at 11. Is.), cloth gilt, 14>. 1842 “These volumes are invaluable; they contain the very pith and marrow of our best Naval Histories and Chronicles.’’ — Sun. “The best and most complete repository of the triumphs of the British Navy which has yet issued from the press.’’ — United Service Gazette. BORDERER’S, THE TABLE BOOK, or Gatherings of the Local History and Romance of the English and Scottish Borders, by M. A. Uichakdson (of Newcastle), 8 vols. bound in 4, royal 8vo, Illustrated with nearly 1000 interesting Woodcuts, extra cloth (pub. at 31. lOi.), 11. 111. Aewcaslte, 1846 * One of the cheapest and most attractive sets of books imaginable. BOSWELLS LIFE OF DR. JOHNSON; BY THE RIGHT HON. J. C. CROKER, Incorporating his Tour to the Hebrides, and accompanied by the Commentaries of all pre- ceding Editors: with numerous additional Notes and Illustrative Anecdotes; to which are added Two Supplementary Volumes of Anecdotes by Hawkins, Pioezi, M ukpiiy, 'Tvers, lliiYXOi.DS, Steevens, and others. 10 vols. 12nio, illustrated by upwards of 50 Views, Por- traits, and Sheets of Autographs, finely engraved on Steel, from Drawings by Stanfield, Hard- ing, kc., cloth, reduced to 11. lUs. 1848 'I his new, improved, and greatly enlarged edition, beautifully printed in the popular form ol Sir Walter Scott, and Byron’s Works, is just such an edition as Dr. Johnson himself loved and recommended. In one of the Ana recorded in the supplementary volumes of the present edi- tion, he .says : “ Books that you may carry to the fire, and hold readily in your hand, are Um most useful after all. Such books form the mass of general and easy reading.’’ BCURRIENNE'S MEMOIRS OF NAPOLEON, one stout, closely, but elegantly printed viil., foolscap 12mo, with fine equestrian Portrait of Napoleon and Frontispiece (pub. at St.), clotli, 3i. C(l. 1814 BRITISH ESSAYISTS, viz.. Spectator, Tatler, Guardian, Rambler, Adventurer, Idler, and Connoiseur, 3 thick vols. 8vo, portraits (pub. at 21. 5>.), cloth, 11. 7«. £ilher volume may be had separate. BRITISH POETS, CABINET EDITION, containing the complete works of the principal English poets, from Milton to Kiike White. 4 vols. post Bvo (size of Standard Library) printed iu a very small but beautiful type, 22 Medallion Portraits (pub. at 31. 2«.), cloth, 15s. 14 CATALOGUE OF NEW BOOKS BROUGHAM’S (LORD) POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY, and Essay on the British Constitu- tion, 3 vols. 8vo (pub. at U. lit. 6d.), cloth, U. 1». 1844-6 — British Constitution (a portion of the preceding work), 8vo, cloth, 3*. ‘ BROUGHAM'S (LORD) HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF STATESMEN, and other Public Characters of the time of George III. Vol. III. royal 8vo, with 10 fine portraits (pub. at 11. Is.), cloth, 10s. 6d. 1816 BROUGHAM'S (LORD) LIVES OF MEN OF LETTERS AND SCIENCE. Who nourished in the time of George 111, royal 8vo, with 10 fine portraits (pub. at U. Is.), cloth, 12s. 1845 the same, also with the portraits, demy 8vo (pub. at If. Is.), cloth, 10s. 6d. 1846 BROWNE'S (SIR THOMAS) WORKS, COMPLETE, including his Vulgar Errors, Religio Medici, Um Burial, Christian Morals, Correspondence, Journals, and Tracts, many of them hitherto unpublished. The whole collected and edited by Simon Wilkin, F.L.S. 4 vols. 8vo, fine Portrait (pub. at 2f. 8s.), cloth. If. 11s. 6d. Pickering, 1836 “Sir Thomas Browne, the contemporary of Jeremy Taylor, Hooke, Bacon, Selden, and Robert Burton, is undoubtedly one of the most eloquent and poetical of that great literary era. His thoughts are often truly sublime, and always conveyed in the most impressive language.’! —Chambert. BUCKINGHAM'S AMERICA; HISTORICAL, STATISTICAL, AND DESCRIPTIVE, viz.: Northern States, 3 vols. I Eastern and Western States, 3 vols. ; Southern or Slave States, 2 vols.; Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the other British Provinces in North America, 1 vol. Together 9 stout vols. 8vo, numerous fine Engravings (pub. at 6f. 10*. 6(f.), cloth, 2/. \2t. 6d. 1841-43 “ Mr. Buckingham goes deliberately through the States, treating of all, historically and sta- ti.stically — of their rise and progress, their manufactures, trade, population, topography, fer- tility, resources, morals, manners, education, and so forth. Bis volumes will be found a store- house of Icnovdedge." lacap, 8vo, cloth, it, 1846 CARY'S LIVES OF ENGLISH POETS, supplementary to Dr. Johnson’s “Lives." Edited by his Son, foolscap Svo, cloth, 7a. 1846 CHATHAM PAPERS, being the Correspondence of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham Edited by the Executors of his Son, John Earl of Chatham, and published from the Origiiia. Manuscripts in their possession. 4 vols. 8vo (pub. at 3f. 12a.), cloth. If. 5a. Murray, 18.38-40 “A production of greater historical interest could hardly be imagined. It is a standard work, which will directly pass into every library.”— Liferapy Cu.-Wfe. , . “ There is hardly any man in modern times who Dlls so large a space in our history, and of whom we know so little, as Lord Chatham; he was the greatest Statesman and Orator that this country ever produced. We regard this ork, therefore, as one oi the greatest vatoe. *— ^ tatnburyh Hevww, PUBLISHED OR SOLD BT H. G. BOHN CH ATTERTON'S WORKS, both Prose and Poetical, including his Letters; with Notices of his Life, History of the Rowley Controversy, and Notes Cmicai nou Explanatory. 2vol’g post 8vo, elegantly printed, with Engraved Fac-siniiles of Chatterton’s Handwriting and the Kowley MSS. (pub. at 15s.), cloth, Hs. Large Paper, 2 vols. crown Bvo (pub. at U. Is.), cloth, 12s. 1842 “ Warton, Malone, Croft, Dr. Knox, Dr. Sherwin, and others, in prose; and Scott, Words- Korth, Kirke White, Montgomery, Shelley, Coleridge, and Keats, in verse ; have conferred lasting immortality upon the Poems of Chatterton.” “Chatterton’s was a genius 1 'e that of Homer and Shakspeare, which appears not above once in many centuries.’’ — t'icesimus Knox. C^RKES (DR. E. D.) TRAVELS IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES OF EUROPE, ASIA, AND .\FRICA, 11 vols. 8vo , maps and plates (pub. at lOL), cloth, 3f. 3s. 1827-34 CLASSIC TALES, Cabinet Edition, comprising the Vicar of WakeGeld, Elizabeth, Paul and Virginia, Gulliver’s Travels, Sterne’s Sentimental Journey, Sorrows of Werter, Theodosius and Constantia, Castle of Otranto, and Rassclas, complete in 1 vol. 12mo. ; 7 medallion por- traits (pub. at 10*. 6d.), cloth, 3s. Gti. COLMAN'S (GEORGE) POETICAL WORKS, containing his Broad Grins, Vagaries, and Eccentricities, 24mo, woodcuts (pub. at 2s. 6d.), cloth. Is. 6d. 1840 COOPER S (J. F.) HISTORY OF THE NAVY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, from the Earliest Perioa to the Peace of 1815, 2 vols, 8vo (pub. at H. 10s.), gilt cloth, 12s. 1838 COPLEY'S (FORMERLY MRS. HEWLETT) HISTORY OF SLAVERY AND ITS .VBOLITION. Second Edition, with an Appendix, thick small 8vo, fine Portrait of Clarkson (pub. at 6s.), cloth, 4s. 6d. 1839 COSTELLOS SPECIMENS OF THE EARLY FRENCH POETRY, from the time of the Troubadours to the Reign of Henry IV, post 8vo, with 4 Plates, splendidly illuminated in gold and colours, cloth gilt, 18s. 1835 COWPER'S COMPLETE WORKS, EDITED BY SOUTHEY; comprising his Poems, Correspondence, and Translations; with a Life of the Author. 15 vols. post 8vo, embellished with numerous exquisite Engravings, after the designs of Harvuy (pub. at 3L 15s.), cloth, 21. 5s. 1835-37 This is the only complete edition of Cowper’s Works, prose and poetical, which has ever been given to the world. Many of them are still exclusively copyright, and consequently cannot appear in any other edition. CRAWFURD'S (J.) EMBASSY TO SIAM AND COCHIN-CHINA. 2 vols. 8vo, Maps, and 25 Plates (pub. at U. 11s. 6d.), cloth, 12s. 1830 CRAWFURD'S EMBASSY TO AVA, with an Appendix on Fossil Remains by Professor Buckland. 2 vols. 8vo, with 13 Maps, Plates, and Vignettes (pub. at If. 11s. 6d.), cloth, 12s. 1834 CRUIKSHANKS THREE COURSES AND A DESSERT. A Series of Tales, in Three Sets, viz., Irish, Legal, and Miscellaneous. Crown 8vo, with 51 extremely clever and comic Iliustrations (publishing in the Illustrated Library at 5s.) “This is an extraordinary performance. Such an union of the painter, the poet, and the novelist, in one person, is unexampled. A tithe of the talent that goes to making the stories would set up a dozen of annual writers; and a tithe of the Inventive genius that is displayed in the illustrations would furnish a gallery.’’— Specfufor. DAVIS'S SKETCHES OF CHINA, During an Inland Journey of Four Months; with an Account of the War. Two vols., postSvo, with a new map of China (pub. at ICs.), cloth, 9s. 1841 DIBDINS BIBLIOMANIA; OR BOOK-MADNESS. A Bibliographical Romance. New Jidition, with considerable Additions, including a Key to the assumed Characters in the Drama, and a Supplement. 2 vols. royal 8vo, handsomely printed, embellished by numerous Woodcuts, many of which are now first added (pub. at 3L 3s.), cloth, U. 11s. Gd. Large Paper, imperial 8vo, of which only very few copies were printed (pub. at 5i. 5s.), cloth, 3f. 13s. 6cl. 1842 This celebrated Work, which unites the entertainment of a romance with the most valuable information on all bibliographical subjects, has long been very scarce and sold for considerable sums— the small paper for 8f. 8s., and the large paper for upwards of 50 guineas! I I DIBDIN’S (CHARLES) SONGS, Admiralty edition, complete, with a Memoir by T. Dibdin, illustrated with 12 Characteristic Sketches, engraved on Steel by Gkokoe Ckui k - SHANK, 12mo, cloth lettered, 5s. 1848 DOMESTIC COOKERY, by a Lady (Mrs. Rundell) New Edition, with numerous additional Receipts, by Mrs. Birch, 12mo., with 9 plates (pub. at 6s.) cloth, 3s. 1840 CRAKE'S SHAKSPEARE AND HIS TIMES, including the Biography of the Poet, Criticisms on his Genius and Writings, a new Chronology of his Plays, and a History of tne Manners, Customs, and Amusements, Superstitions, Poetry, and Literature of the Elizahclhai. Era. 2 vols, 4to (above 1400 pages), with fine Portrait and a Plate of Autographs (pub. at 51. 5s.), cloth. If. Is. 1817 “A masterly production, the publication of which will form an epoch in the Shaksperian his- tory of this country. It comprises also a complete and critical analysis of all the I’nivs and Poems of Shakspeare; and a comprenensive and powerful sketch of the contemporaiy’lilera. twre. ’’ — Geiillemaa's .Uuyiuine. 6 CATALOGUE OF NEW BOORS ENGLISH CAUSES CELEBRES, OR, REMARKABLE TRIALS. Square l2mo, (puV at 4>.), ornamental wrapper, 2t. PENN'S PASTON LETTERS, Original Letters of the Paston Family, written during tlio Reigns of Henry VI, Edward IV, and Richard III. by various Persons of Rank, and Conse- quence, chiefly on Historical Subjects. New Edition, with Notes and Corrections, complete, 2 vols. bound in 1, square 12mo (pub. at 10s.), cloth gilt, 5s. Quaintly bound in maroon morocco, carved boards, in the early style, gilt edges, 15s. _ 1849 The original edition of this very curious and interesting series of historical Letters is a rare hook, and sells for upwards of ten guineas. The present is not an abridgment, as might be supposed from its form, but gives the wliole matter by omitting the dunlicate version of the letters written in an obsolete language, and adopting only the more moaern, readable version published by Fenn. " Tlie Paston Letters are an important testimony to the progressive condition of society, and come in as a precious link in the chain of the moral history of England, which they alone in this period supply. They stand indeed singly in Europe.” — Ilullam. FIELDING'S WORKS, EDITED BY ROSCOE, COMPLETE IN ONE VOLUME. (Tom Jones, Amelia, Jonathan Wild, Joseph Andrews. Plays, Essays, and Miscellanies.) Medium 8vo, with 20 capital P.lates by Cruikshank (pub. at H. 4«. |, cloth gilt, 14s. 1848 “Of all the works of imagination to which English genius has given origin, the writings of Henry Fielding are perhaps most decidedly and exclusively her own.” — Sir Watler Scott. “The prose Homer of human nature.” — Lord Byron. FOSTER'S ESSAYS ON DECISION OF CHARACTER ; on a Man’s Writing Memoir* of Himself; on the epithet Romantic^ on the Aversion of Men of Taste to Evangelical Reli- gion, &c. Fcap. 8vo, Eighteenth Edition (pub. at 6r.), cloth, 5«. 1848 “ I have read with the greatest admiration the Essays of Mr. Foster. He is one of the most profound and eloquent writers that England has produced.” — Sir James Mackintosh. FOSTER’S ESSAY ON THE EVILS OF POPULAR IGNORANCE. New Edition, elegantly printed, in fcap. 8vo, now first uniform with his Essays on Decision of Character, cloth, 5s. 1847 “Mr. Foster always considered this his best work, and the one by which he wished his literary claims to be estimated.” “A work which, popular and admired as it confessedly is, has never met with the thousandth part of the attention which it deserves.” — Dr. Bye Smith. FROISSARTS CHRONICLES OF ENGLAND, FRANCE, AND SPAIN, &C. New Edition, by Colonel Jobnes, with 120 beautiful Woodcuts, 2 vols. super-royal 8vo, cloth lettered (pub. at 11. ICs.), If. 8s. 1819 FROISSART, ILLUMINATED ILLUSTRATIONS OF, ?4 plates, printed in gold and colours, 2 vols. super-royal 8vo, half bound, uncut (pub. at 4f. 10s.), 31. 10s. - the same, large paper, 2 vols. royal 4to, half bound, uncut (pub. at lOf. 10s.), 61. 6s_ FROISSART'S CHRONICLES, WITH THE 74 ILLUMINATED ILLUSTRATIONS inserted, 2 vols, super-royal 8vo, elegantly half bound red morocco, gilt edges, emble- matically tooled (pub. at Cl. 6s.), it. lOs. 1849 GAZETTEER.— NEW EDINBURGH UNIVERSAL GAZETTEER, AND GEOGRA- PHICAL DICTIONARY, more complete than any hitherto published. New Edition, revised and completed to the present time, by John Thomson (Editor of the Universal Atlas, he.), very thick 8vo (1040 pages). Maps (pub. at 18s.), cloth, 12s. This comprehensive volume is the latest, and by far the best Universal Gazetteer of its size. It includes a full account of Affghanistan, New Zealand, &c. &c. CELL’S (SIR WILLIAM) TOPOGRAPHY OF ROME AND ITS VICINITY, An improved Edition, complete in 1 vol. 8vo, with several Plates, cloth, 12s. With a very large Map of Rome and its Environs (from a most careful trigonometrical survey ), mounted on cloth, and folded in a case so as to form a volume. Together 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, if. is. 1S4U “These volumes are so replete with what is valuable, that were we to employ our entire journal, we could, after all, afford but a meagre indication of their interest and worth. It is, judged, a lasting memorial of eminent literary exertion, devoted to a subject of great import- aivce, end one dear, not only to every scholar, but to every reader of intelligence to whom the truth of history is an object of consideration.” GILLIES' (DR.) HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS, Relating to Remarkable Periods of the Success of the Gospel, including the Api>endix and Supplement, with Prefaces and Con- tinuation by the Rev. H. Bonar, royal 8vo (pub. at 15s. ud.), cloth, 7s. Cd. 1845 GLEIG'S MEMOIRS ^ WARREN HASTINCS, first Govemor-Gener.al of Bengal. S vols. 8VO, fine Portrait ^ub. at 21. 5s.), cloth, 1/. Is. 1841 GOETHE’S FAUST, PART THE SECOND, as completed in 1831, translated into English Verse by John Macdonald Bell, Esq. Second Edition, fcap. 8vo (pub. at 6s.}, cloth, Ss. 1812 60LDSMITH’S WORKS, with a Life and Notes. 4 vols. fcap. 8vo, with engraved Titles and Plates by Stothard and Cruikshank. New and elegant Edition (pub. at It.), extra cloth, 12s. 1848 “Can any author— can even Sir Walter Scott, be compared with Goldsmith for the variety, beauty, and power of his compositions ? You may t.akc him and ‘cut him out In little st.ars,’ so manv lights does he present to the imagination.” — Athenceum. “1'he volumes of Goldsmith will ever constitute one of the most precious ‘wells of English undellled.’ ” — Quarterly Keview. GORDON S HISTORY OF THE GREEK REVOLUTION, and of the Wars and Cam- pniiriis arising from the Struggles of the Greek Patriots in emancipating their country from the Tuikish yoke. By the late Thomas Gordon, General of a Division of the Greek Army. 2«eond Edition. 3 vols. 8vo, Maps and Plans (pub. at 1(. 10«.), cloth, 10*. Cd. 184} PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY H. G. BOHN, IT GORTON'S BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY, 3 thick toIs. 8vo, cloth lettered (pub. at 21. 2i.), 1/. lU. 6d. GRANVILLES (DR.) SPAS OF ENGLAND and Principal Sea Bathing Places. 3 vols. post 8vo, with large Map, and upwards of 50 beautiful Woodcuts (pub. at 1/. 13*.), cloth, 15*. 1841 GRANVILLE'S (DR.) SPAS OF GERMANY, 8vo, with 39 Woodcuts and Maps (pub. 18.«.), cloth, 9*. 1843 HALL'S (CAPTAIN BASIL) PATCHWORK, consisting of Travels, and Adrentures in Switzerland, Italj', France, Sicily, Malta, &c. 3 vols, 12mo, Second Edition, cloth, gilt (pub. at 15-?.), la. Od. MEEREN'S (PROFESSOR) HISTORICAL WORKS, translated from the German, viz. — A.si.t, New Edition, complete in 2 vols. — Africa, 1 vol. — Europe and its Colonies, 1 vol.— Ancient Greece, and Historical Treatises, 1 vol.— Manual of Ancient His- torv, 1 vol.— together C vols. 8vo (formerly pub. at 71.), cloth lettered, uniform, 31. 3*. New and Complete Editiona, with General Inderea, “ Professor Heeren’s Historical Researches stand in the very highest rank among those with which modern Germany has enriched the Literature of Europe.” — Quarterly Review, HEEREN’S HISTORICAL RESEARCHES INTO THE POLITICS, INTERCOURSE, AND TRADES OF THE ANCIENT NATIONS OF AFRICA ; including the Carthaginians, Ethiopians, and Egyptians. New Edition, corrected throughout, with an Index, Life of the Author, new Appendixes, and other Additions. Complete in 1 vol. 8vo, cloth, 1G«. 1850 HEEREN'S HISTORICAL RESEARCHES INTO THE POLITICS, INTERCOURSE, AND TRADES OF THE ANCIENT NATIONS OF ASIA; including the Persians, Phde- nicians, Babylonians, Scythians, and Indians. New and improved Edition, complete in 2' vols. 8vo, elegantly printed (pub. originally at 21. 5a.), cloth, 11. 4*. 1846 “One of the most valuable acquisitions made to our historical stories since the days of Gibbon.” — Atheneeum. HEEREN'S MANUAL OF THE HISTORY OF THE POLITICAL SYSTEM OF EUROPE AND ITS COLONIES, from its formation at the close of the Fifteenth Century, to its re-establishment upon the Fall of Napoleon, translated from the Fifth German Edition. New Edition, complete in 1 vol. 8vo, cloth, 14*. 1846 “The best History of Modern Europe that has yet appeared, and it is likely long to remain without a rival.” — Atheneeum. “ A work of sterling value, which will diffuse useful knowledge for generations, after all the shallow pretenders to that distinction are fortunately forgotten.’’ — Literary Gazette. HEEREN'S ANCIENT GREECE, translated by Bancroft; and HISTORICAL TREATISES; viz: — 1. Tlie Political Consequences of the Reformation. II. The Rise, Pro- gress, and Practical Influence of Political Theories. III. The Rise and Growth of the Conti- nental Interests of Great Britain. In 1 vol. 8vo, with Index, cloth, 15*. 1847 HEEREN'S MANUAL OF ANCIENT HISTORY, particularly with regard to the Consti- tutions, the Commerce, and the Colonies of the States of Antiquity. Third Edition, corrected and improved. 8vo (pub. at 15*.), cloth, 12*. ■*** New Edition, with Index. 1847 “We never remember to have seen a Work in which so much useful knowledge was con- densed into so small a compass. A careful examination convinces us that this book wiil be useful for our English higher schools or colleges, and will contribute to direct attention to the better and more instructive parts of history. The translation is executed with great fidelity.” — Quarterly Journal of Education. HEEREN'S MANUAL OF ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. For the use of Schools and Private Tuition. Compiled from the Works of A. H. L. Heeren, 12mo (pub. at 2*. 6d. ), cloth, 2*. Oxford, Tulboye, 1830 “ An excellent and most useful little volume, and admirably adapted for the use of schools and private instruction.” — Literary Gazette. “ A valuable addition to our list of school books.” — Atheneeum, JACOBS HISTORICAL INQUIRY INTO THE PRODUCTION AND CON- SUMPTION OF THE PRECIOUS METALS, 2 vols. 8vo (pub. at H. 4*.), cloth, 16*. 1831 JAMES’S WILLIAM THE THIRD, comprising the History of his Reign, illustrated in a series of unpublished letters, addressed to the Duke of Shrewsbury, by James Vernon, i Secretary of State, with Introduction and Notes, by G. P. R. James, Esq. 3 vols. 8vo, Por- traits (pub. at 21. 2a.), cloth, 18*. 1841 ^ JAENISCH'S CHESS PRECEPTOR; a new Analysis of the openings of Games; translated, with Notes, by Walker, 8vo, cloth lettered (pub. at 15*.), 6*. 6d. 1847 JOHNSON’S (DR.) ENGLISH DICTIONARY, printed verbatim from the Author’s last Folio Edition. With all the Examples in full. To which are prefixed a History of the Lan- guage, and an English Grammar. 1 large vol. imperial 8vo (pub. at 21. 2a.), cloth. If. 8*. 184C JOHNSON'S (DR.) LIFE AND WORKS, by Murphy. New and improved Edition, com- plete in 2 thick vols. 8vo, Portrait, cloth lettered (pub. at If. 11*. 6d.), 15*. 1850 JOHNSONIANA; a Collection of Miscellaneous Anecdotes and Sayings, gathered from nearly a hundred different Publications, and not contained in Boswell’s Life of Johnson. Edited by J. W. Croker, M.P. thick fcap. 8vo» uorUait aufl frontispiece (pub. at 10*.), cloth, 4*. 6d. 1845 18 CATALOGUE OF NEW BOOKS JOHNSTON'S TRAVELS IN SOUTHERN ABYSSINIA, through the Country of Ad=!, to the Kingdom of Shoa. 2 vols. 8vu, map and plates (pub. at If. 8«.), cloth, 10<. 6cl. 18{4 KIRBY’S WONDERFUL MUSEUM. 5 vols. 8vo, upwards of lOO curious portraits and plates (pub. at 41. 4s.), cloth, If. Is. KNIGHT'S JOURNEY-BOOKS OF ENGLAND. BERKSHIRE, including a full Descrip- tion of Windsor. With 23 Engravings on Wood, and a large illuminated Map. Reduced to Is. 6r/. HAMPSHIRE, including the Isle of Wight, With 32 Engravings on Wood, and a large illu- minated Map. Reduced to 2s. DERBYSHIRE, including the Peak, See. With 23 Engravings on Wood, and a large illumi- nated Map. Reduced to Is. Od. KENT. With 58 Engravings on Wood, and aTarge illuminated Map. Reduced to 2s. 6d. KNOWLES’S IMPROVED WALKERS PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY, containing above 50,000 additional Words; to which is added an Accentuated V'ocabulary of Classical and Scripture Proper Names, new Edition, in 1 thick handsome volume, large 8vo, with Portrait, cloth lettered (pub. at If. 4s.), 7s. Ucf. 1849 LACONICS; OR, THE BEST WORDS OF THE BEST AUTHORS. Seventh Edition. 3 vols. 18mo, with elegant Frontispieces, containing 30 Portraits (pub. at 15s.), cloth gilt, 7s. Cd. nil, 1840 This pleasant collection of pithy and sententious readings, from the best English authors of all ages, has long enjoyed great and deserved popularity. LANE’S KORAN, SELECTIONS FROM THE, with an interwoven Commentary, trans- lated from the Arabic, methodically arranged, and illustrated by Notes, Svo (pub. atlOs. 6c/.), cloth, 5s. 1843 LEAKE’S (COL.) TRAVELS IN THE MOREA. 3 vols. 8vo. With a very large Map of the Morea, and upwards of 30 various Maps, Plans, Plates of ancient Greek Inscriptions, &c. (pub. at 2f. 5s.) cloth. If. 8s. 1830 LEWIS’S (MONK) LIFE AND CORRESPONDENCE, with many Pieces in Prose and Verse never before published. 2 vols. 8vo, portrait (pub. at If. 8s.), cloth, 12s. 1839 LISTER’S LIFE OF EDWARD FIRST EARL OF CLARENDON, with Original Correspondence and Authentic Papers, never before published. 3 vols. Svo, Portrait (pub. at 21. 8s.), cloth, 18s. 1838 “ A Work of laborious research, written with masterly ability.” — Allas. LOCKHART’S HISTORY OF THE CONQUEST OF MEXICO AND NEW SPAIN, AND MEMOIRS OF THE CONQUISTADOR, BERNAL DIAZ DEL CASTILLO. Written by himself, and now first completely translated from the original Spanish. 2 vols. Svo, (pub. at If. 4s.), cloth, 12s. 1844 “ Bernal Diaz’s account bears all the marks of authenticity, and is accompanied with such pleasant naivete, with such interesting details, and such amusing vanity, and yet .‘••o pardonable in an old soldier, who has been, as he boasts, in a hundred and nineteen battles, as renders his book one of the most singular that is to be found in any language.”— Dr. Robertson in hu “ Uistory of America." LODGE’S (EDMUND) ILLUSTRATIONS OF BRITISH HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, AND MANNERS, in the Reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary, Elizanetii, and James I. Seeond Edition, with above 80 autographs of the principal characters of the period. Three vols. Svo (pub. at If. 16s.), cloth. If. 1833 MACGREGOR’S PROGRESS OF AMERICA FROM THE DISCOVERY BY COLUMBUS, to the year 1846, comprising its History and Statistics, 2 remarkably thick volumes, imp. 8vo, cloth lettered (pub. at 4f. lis. 6d.), If. 11s. 6(f. 1847 MALCOLM’S MEMOIR OF CENTRAL INDIA. Two vols. Svo, third edition, with large map (pub. at U. 8s.), cloth, 18s. 1833 MARTINS (MONTGOMERY) BRITISH COLONIAL LIBRARY; forming a popular and Authentic Destri])tion of all the Colonies of the British Empire, and embracing the History — Physical Geography — Geology — Climate — Aninsal, Vegetable, and Mineral King- doms— Government — Finance — Military' Defence — Commerce — Shi|>>>ing — iMonetary System — Religion — Population, White and Coloured — Education and ll>e Press — Emi ration— Social State, &c., of each Settlement. Founded „n Official and Public Documents, furnished by Government, the Hon. East India Company, &c. Illustrated by original Maps and Plates. 10 vols. foolscap Svo (pub. at 3f.), cloth. If. 15s. These 10 vols. contain the 5 vols. 8vo, verbatim, with a few additions. Each volume of tlie ' above series is complete in itself, and sold separately, as follows, at 3e 6U, ; — Vol. I.— The Cakadas, UprER and Lower. Vol. II.— New South Wales, Van Diemen’s Land, Swan River, and South Aus- tralia. Vol. Ill,— The Cape of Good Hope, Mauritius, and Seychelles. Vnl. IT.— The West Indies. Vol. I.— Jamaica, Honduras, Trimdad, Tonago, Granada, live Bahamas, and the Virgin Isles. Vul. V.— The West Indies. Vol. II.— British Guiana, Barbadoes, St, Lucia, St. Vincent, Demo.rara, Essequiho, Berbice, Anguilla, Tortola, St. Kitt’s, Barbuda, Autigua, Montserrat, Dominica, and Nevis. Vol. VI.— Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Cape Breton, Pkikck Edward’s Isle, 5hf, Bermudas, Newfoundland, and Hudson’s Bat. Vol. VII.— Gibraltar, Malta, The Ionian Islands, Ac. Vol. VIII.— The East Indies. Vol. I. containing Bengal, Ma’.ra«, Bombay, Agra, Be. ■Vol. IX.— The East Indies. Vol. II. Vol. X. — British Possessions in the Indian and At.ajitic Oceans, via.— Ceylou, ??anang, Malacca, Singapore, Sierra Leona Uii Gambia, Ca/« Coast Caatle, Accra, tha falk- Islands, St. ilcieua ana AsceoaioH PUBLISHED OK SOLD BT II. G. BOHN, 19 MARTIN’S (MONTGOMERY) CHINA, Political, Commercial, and Social. Two vols. 8vo, 6 maps, statistical tables, &c. (pub. at W. 4*.), cloth, 14j. 1817 MAXWELL’S LIFE OF THE DUKE OF VVELLINCTON. 3 handsome volumes, 8vo. Embellished with numerous highly-finished Line-Engravings by Cooper and other eminent Artists, consisting of Battle-Pieces. Portraits, Military Plans and Maps; besides a great number of fine Wood Engravings. (Pub. at 31. 7*.), elegant in gilt cloth, IL 16s. Large paper, India proofs (pub. at 5L), gilt cloth, 3L 3». . u “ Mr. Maxwell’s ‘ Life of the Duke of V> ellington,’ In our opinion, has no rival among similar publications of the day We pronounce it free from flattery and bombast, succinct and masterly The type and mechanical execution are admirable; the plans of battles and sieges numerous, ample, and useful; the portraits of the Duke and his warrior contemporaries many and faithful; the battle pictures animated and brilliant; and the vignettes of costumes and manners worthy of the military genius of Horace Vernet himself.”— Thnet. MILL’S ELEMENTS OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, new Edition, revised and corrected, 8vo (pub. at 8s.), cloth, 3«. 6d. 1844 MILTON’S WORKS, BOTH PROSE AND POETICAL, with an Introductory Review, by Fletcher, complete in 1 tliick vol. imperial 8vo (pub. at U. 5«.), cloth lettered, il. is. 1838 This is the only complete edition of Milton’s Prose Works, at a moderate price. MITFORD'S HISTORY OF GREECE, BY LORD REDESDALE, the Chronology cor- rected and compared witli Clinton’s Fasti Uetlenici, by King, (Gadell’s last and much the best Edition, 1838) 8 vols. 8vo (pub. at it. is.), gilt cloth, IL 18s. Tree-marbled calf extra, by Clarke, it. 4s. In respect to this new and improved edition, one of the most eminent scholars of the present day has expressed bis opinion that “the increased advantages given to it have doubled the original value of the work.” It should be observed that the numerous additions and the amended Chronology, from that valuable performance, the Fasti Hetlenici, are subjoined in the shape of Notes, so as not to interfere with the integrity of the text. As there are many editions of Mitford’s Greece before the public, it may be necessary to observe that the present octavo edition is the only one which contains Mr. King's last correc- tions and additions (which, as stated in his advertisement, are material); it is at the same time the only edition which should at the present day he cho.sen for the gentleman’s library, being the liandsomest, the most correct, and the most complete. Lord Byron says of Mitford, “ His is the best Modern History of Greece in any language, and he is’ perhaps the best of all modern historians whatsoever. His virtues are learning, labour, research, and earnestness.” “Considered with respect, not only to the whole series of ancient events which it comprises, but also to any very prominent portion of that series, Mr. Mitford’s History is the best that has appeared since the days of Xenophon.” — Edinburgh Review. MONSTRELETS CHRONICLES OF ENGLAND AND FRANCE, by Colonel JoHNEs, with Notes, and upwards of 100 Woodcuts (uniform with Froissart), 2 vols. super- royal 8V0, cloth lettered (pub. at U. 10s.), U. is. MOORE’S (THOMAS) EPICUREAN, A TALE; AND ALCIPHRON, A POEM. Turner’s Illustrated Edition, fcap. 8vo, 4 beautiful Engravings (pub. at 10s. 6d.), cloth, 3s., or elegantly bound in morocco, 7s. 6d. 1839 MORES UTOPIA, OR, THE HAPPY REPUBLIC.ia Philosophical Romance; to which is added, THE NEW ATLANTIS, by Lord Bacov*,'- with a Preliminary Discourse, and Notes, by J. A. St. John, fcap. 8vo (pub. at 6s.), cloth, 4s. 6d. — With the Life of Sir Thomas More, by Sia James Mackintosh, 2 vols. fcap. 8vo, cloth, 8s. 1845 NELSON’S LETTERS AND DISPATCHES, by Sir Harris Nicolas, 7 vols. 8vo (pub. at bl. lOs.), cloth, 31. 10s. 1843-46 NIEBUHR’S HISTORY OF ROME epitomized, with Chronological Tables and an Ap- pendix, by Travers Twiss, B.C.L. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (pub. at li. is.), lOs. 6d, the same, in calf, gilt (for school prizes), 15s. OSSIANS POEMS, translated by Macpherson, with Dissertations concerning the Era and Poems of OssiAN ; ami Dr. Blair’s Critical Dissertation, complete in 1 neatly printed vol. 18mo, Frontispiece (pub. at 4s.), cloth, 3s. 1844 OUSELEY’S (SIR WILLIAM) TRAVELS IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES OF THE EAST, MORE PARTICULARLY PERSIA; with Extracts from rare and valuable Oriental Manuscripts; and 8# Plates and Maps, 3 vols. 4to (pub. at IlL), extra cloth boards, 31. 3s. OXFORD ENGLISH PRIZE ESSAYS, new Edition, brought down to 1836, 5 vols. crown 8vo, cloth lettered (pub. at 21. 5s.), It. 5s, PARDOE’S (MISS) CITY OF THE MAGYAR, Or Hungary and her Institutions in 1839- 40, 3 vols. 8vo, with 9 Engravings (pub. at U. Us. 6d.), gilt cloth, 10s. 6d, 1840 PARRY’S CAMBRIAN PLUTARCH, comprising Memoirs of some of the most eminent Welslimen, from the earliest times to the present, 8vo (pub. at 10s. 6d.), cloth, 5s. 1834 PERCY S RELIQUES OF ANCIENT ENGLISH POETRY, consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and other Pieces of our Earlier Poets, together with some few of later date, and a copious Glossary, complete in 1 vol. medium 8vo. New and elegant Edition, with beau- tifully engraved Title and Frontispiece, by Steph akopf ( pub. at 15s.), cloth, gilt, 7s. 6d. 1844 “ But above all, I then first became acquainted with Bishop Percy’s ‘Reliques of Ancient Poetry.’ The first time, too, 1 could scrape a few sliillings together, I bought unto myself a copy of these beloved volumes; nor do 1 believe I ever read a book half so frequently, or with half the eotimsiasm.” — Sir iValler Scott. “ Percy’s Reliques are the most agreeable selection, perhaps, which exists in any language.*' 20 CATALOGtTto OF NEW BOOKS POPULAR ERRORS EXPLAINED AND ILLUSTRATED. By John- Times (Author of Laconics, and Editor of tlie “ Illustrated London News,”) thick fcap. 8to, closely but elegantly printed. Frontispiece, cloth, reduced to 5*. 1841 PRIOR'S LIFE OF EDMUND BURKE, with unpublished Specimens of his Poetry and Letters. 'Fbird and much impi*ved Edition, Svo, Portrait and Autographs (pub. at 14«.), gilt cloth, 9s. 1839 “Excellent feeling, in perspicuoue and forcible language.” — Quarterly Review, PRIOR S LIFE OF OLIVER GOLDSMITH, from a variety of Originai Sources, 2 vols. 8vo, handsomely printed (pub. at U. 10«. ), gilt clothj 12j. 1837 “The solid worth of this biography consists in the many striking anecdotes which Mr. Prior has gathered in the course of his anxious researoiies among Goldsmith's surviving acquaint- ances, and the immediate descendants of his personal friends in London, and relations in Ireland; above all, in the rich mass of the poet’s own familiar letters, which he has been enabled to bring together for the first time. No poet's letters in the world, not even those of Cowper, appear to us more interesting.” — Quarterly Review. RAFFLES' HISTORY OF JAVA, AND LIFE, with an account of Bencoolen, and Details of the Commerce and Resources of the Indian Archipelago. Edited by Lady Raffles. Together 4 vols. 8vo, and a splendid quarto atlas, containing upwards of lOo'Plates by Daniel, many finely coloured (pub. at it. 14i.), cloth, 21. Ss. 1830-36 RICH'S BABYLON AND PERSEPOLIS, viz. Narrative of a Journey to the Site of Babylon; Two Memoirs on the Ruins; Remarks on the Topography of Ancient Babylon, by Major Rennell; Narrative of a Journey to Persepolis, with hitherto unpublished Cuneiform Inscriptions. 8vo, Maps and Plates (pub. at If. Is.), cloth, 10s. Cd. Duncan, 1839 RITSON'S VARIOUS WORKS AND METRICAL ROMANCES, as Published by Pickering, the Set, viz : — Robin Hood, 2 vols. — Annals of the Caledonians, 2 vols. — AncielU Songs and Ballads, 2 vols. — Memoirs of the Celts, 1 vol. — Life of King Arthur, 1 vol. — Ancient Popular Poetry, 1 vol. — Fairy Tales, 1 vol.— Letters and Memoirs of Ritson, 2 vois : together 12 vols. post 8vo (pub. at 6f. 6s. 6d.), cloth gilt, 3f. 8s. 1827-33 Or separately as follows ; RITSON'S ROBIN HOOD, a Collection of Ancient Poems, Songs, and Bailads, relative to that celebrated Outlaw; with Historical Anecdotes of his Life. 2 vols. IGs. RITSON’S ANNALS OF THE CALEDONIANS, PICTS, AND SCOTS. 2 vols. 16s. RITSON’S MEMOIRS OF THE CELTS OR GAULS. 10s. RITSON’S ANCIENT SONGS AND BALLADS. 2 vols. 18s. RITSON’S PIECES OF ANCIENT POPULAR POETRY. Post 8vo, 7s. RITSON’S FAIRY TALES, now first collected ; to which are prefixed two Dissertations..!. On Pigmies. 2. On Fairies, 8s. RITSON’S LIFE AND LETTERS OF JOSEPH RITSON, Esq. edited from Originals in the Possession of his Nephew, by Sir Harris Nicolas, 2 vols. 16s. “ No library can be called complete in old English lore, which has not the whole of the pro- ductions of this laborious and successful antiquary.” — Atkenmum. “Joseph Ritson was an antiquary of the first order.” — Quarterly Review. ROBINSON CRUSOE, Cabinet Pictorial Edition, including his Further Adventures, with Life of Defoe, &c. upwards of 60 fine Woodcuts, from Designs by Harvey, fcap. 8vo, New and improved Edition, with additional cuts, cloth gilt, 5s. 1846 The only small edition which is quite complete. “Perhaps there exists no work, either of instruction or entertainment, in the English lan- gii.-ige which has been more generally read, or more deservedly admired, than the Life and Adventures of Robinson Cr isoe.” — Sir Waller Scott, RODNEY'S (LORD) LIFE, by Lieut.-Gen. Mundy, New Edition, fcap. 8vo, Portrait, cloth (puh. at Cs.), 3s. Cd. ROLLINS ANCIENT HISTORY, a New and complete Edition, with engraved Frontispieces and 7 Maps. 2 vols. bound in 1 stout handsome vol. royal 8vo (pub. at ll. 4s.), cloth, 12s. 1844 The only complete eilition in a compact form; it is uniform in size and appearance with Moxon’s belies of Dramatists, &c. The previous editions of Rollin in a single volume are greatly abridged, and contain scarcely half the work. ROSCOES LIFE AND PONTIFICATE OF LEO THE TENTH. New and much improved Edition, edited by his Son, Thomas Roscoe. Complete in 1 stout vol. 8vo, closely, hut verj handsomely printed, illustrated bv 3 fine Portraits, and numerous illustrative En- gravings, as head and tail-pieces, cloth, U. is. 1845 ROSCOE'S LIFE OF LORENZO DE MEDICI, CALLED “THE MAGNIFICENT.” New and much improved Edition, edited by his Son, Thomas Roscoe. Complete in 1 stout vol. 8vo, closely but very handsomely printed, illustrated by numerous Engravings, introduced as head and tail-pieces, cloth, 12s. I845 “ 1 have not terms sufficient to express my admiration of Mr. Roscoe’s genius and erudition, nr my gratitude for the amusement and information I have received. I recommend his labours ti, our country as works of umiuestionahle genius and uncommon merit. They add the name of Roscoe to the very first rank ol English Classical Historians.” — Matthias, Pursuits qf Literature. “ Roscoe is, 1 think, by far the best of our Historians, both for beauty of style and for deep rellectioiis; and his translations of poetry are equal to the originals.”— IKalpo/c, Rariof Or/ord. ROSCOES ILLUSTRATIONS, HISTORICAL AND CRITICAL, of the Life of Lorenzo de Medici, with an Appendix of Original Documents. 8vo, Portrait of Loienso, and Plates (pub. at 14*.), boards, 7s., or in 4to, printed to match the original edition. Portrait and Plates (pub. at ll. ID. 6u.), boards, lOr. *•* This volume is supplementary to all editions of the work. PUBLISHED OR SOLD BT H. G. BOHN. 21 ROXBURGHE BALLADS, edited by Jokv Paynb Collier, post 4to, beautifully printed by WiiiTTiNttHAM, and embelliihed with 50 curious Woodcuts, half bound morocco, in the by Roxburgh style (pub. at 11. U.), 12*. 1847 SCOTTS (SIR WALTER) POETICAL WORKS. Containing Lay of the Last Minstrel, Marmion, Lady of the Lake, Don Roderic, Rokeby, Ballads, Lyrics, and Songs, with Notes and a Life of the Author, complete in one elegantly printed vol. 18mo, Portrait and Frontis- piece (puh. at 5*.), cloth, S<. 6d. 1812 SHAKESPEARE’S PLAYS AND POEMS. Valpy’s Cabinet Pictorial Edition, with Life, Glossarlal Notes, and Historical Digests of each Play, &c. 15 yols. fcap. 8vo, with 171 Plate* engrafed on Steel after designs of the most distinguished British Artists, also Fac-similes i.' all the known Autographs of Shakespeare (pub. at 31. 15s.), cloth, richly gilt, 21. 5s. 1813 SHAKSPEARE’S PLAYS AND POEMS, in 1 vol. 8vo, with Explanatory Notes, and a Memoir by Dr. Jobrsor, portrait (pub. at 15s.), cloth, 7«. 6d. SHAKSPEARE’S PLAYS AND POEMS, Pocket Edition, with a Life by Alexander Chalmers, complete in 1 thick vol. 12mo, printed in a Diamond type, with 40 steel Engrav- ings (pub. at lOt. Cd.), cloth, 5*. 1818 SHERIDAN’S (THE RIGHT HON. R. BRINSLEY) SPEECHES, with a Sketch of hh Life, Edited by a Constitutional Friend. New and handsome library Edition, with Portrait, complete in 3 vols. 8vo (pub. at 21. 5s.), cloth, 18«. 1813 “ ^Vhateve^ Sheridan has done, has been par excellence, always the best of its kind. He has written the best comedy (School for Scandal), the best drama (The Duenna), the best farce (Tli» Critic), and the best address (Monologue on Garrick): and to crown all, delivered the very ^st oration (the famous Begum Speech) ever conceived or heard in this country.” — Byron. SHIPWRECKS AND DISASTERS AT SEA; narratives of the most remarkable Wrecks. Contlagrations, Mutinies, &c. comprising the “Loss of the Wager,” “Mutiny of the Bounty,” &c. 12mo, frontispiece and vignette (pub. at 6r.), cloth, 3s. 181£ SMOLLETT’S WORKS, Edited by Roscoe. Complete in 1 vol. (Roderick Random, Hum- phrey Clinker, Peregrine Pickle, Launcelot Greaves, Count Fathom, Adventures of an Atom, Travels, Plays, &c.) Medium 8vo, with 21 capital Plates, by Cruikshank (pub. at U. 4s.), cloth gilt, Uf. 1845 ** Perhaps no books ever written exalted such peals of inextinguishable laughter as Smol- lett’s.”— Sir Walter Scott. SOUTHEY’S LIVES OF UNEDUCATED POETS. To which are added, “Attempts la Verse,” by John Jokbs, an Old Servant. Crown 8vo (pub. at 10s. 6d.), cloth, 4s. Gd. Murray, 1836 SPENSER’S POETICAL WORKS. Complete, with Introductory Observations on tlk« Faerie Gueen, and Glossarlal Notes, handsomel; Frinted in 5 vols. post 8vo, fine Portrait (pub. at 21. 13«. 6d.), cloth, 11. Is. 1845 ■STERNE’S WORKS, complete in l vol. 8vo, portrait and vignette (pub. at 18s.), cloth, 10s. ST. PIERRE’S WORKS, Including the “Studies of Nature,” “Paul and Virginia,” and the “Indian Cottage,” with a Memoir of the Author, and Notes, by the Rev. E. Clarke, complete in 2 thick vols. fcap. Svo, Portrait and Frontispieces (puh. at ICs.), cloth, 7s. 1846 SMrtFTS WORKS, Edited by Roscob. Complete in 2 vols. Medium Svo, Portrait (pub. at 11. 12s.), cloth ^It, 11. 4s. 1348 “ Whoever in the three kingdoms has any books at all, has Swift.” — Lord Chesterfeld. TAYLOR’S (W; B. S.) HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN, numerous ■VtooU Engravings ofits Buildings and Academic Costumes (pub. at U.), cloth, 7s, 6d. 184» THIERS’ HISTORY OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION, the 10 parts in 1 thick ■vol, royal Svo, handsomely printed, cloth lettered (puh. at 11. 5s.), 10*. the same, the parts separately, each (pub. at 2s. 6d.) Is. 6d. THIERS’ HISTORY OF THE CONSULATE AND EMPIRE OF NAPOLEON, 10 parts In 1 thick volume, royal Svo, handsomely printed, cloth lettered (pub. at 11. 5s.), • the same, the parts separately, each (pub. at 2s. 6d.) Is. 6d. TUCKER’S LIGHT OF NATURE PURSUED. Complete In 2 vols. Svo (pub. at 11. lOs.), clotll, 15*. r “The ‘Light of Nature’ Is a work which, after much consideration, I think myself autho- rised to call the most original and profound that baa ever appeared on moral philosophy.” — Str James Mackintosh. TYTLER’S ELEMENTS OF GENERAL HISTORY, New Edition, thick l2mo (.526 closely printed pages), steel frontispiece (pub, at 5s.) cloth, 3s. 6d. 1817 WADE’S BRITISH HISTORY, CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED. Comprehending a ciaasined Analysis of Events and Occurrences in Church and State, and of the Constitutionai Folitical, Commercial, Intellectual, and Social Progress of the United Kingdom, from the first Invasion by the Romans to the Accession of Gucen Victoria, with very copious Index nno Supplement. New Edition. 1 large and remarkably thick vol. royal Svo (1200 pages), Clotll, IKS. 22 CATALOGUE OF NEW BOOKS WATERSTQN’S CYCLOPEDIA OF COMMERCE, MERCANTILE, LAW, FINANCE, COMMERCIAL, GEOGRAPHY AND NAVIGATION. New Edition, includini? the New Tariff (complete to the present time) ; the French Tariff, as far as it concerns this country; and a Treatise on the Principles, Practice, and History of Commerce, by J. R. 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A new and beautiful Edition, with additions, fcap. 8vo, fine Portrait and Plates (pub. at 6*.), extra red Turkey cloth, richly gilt back, 3a. 6d. “A lively record of first impressions, conveying vividly what was seen, heard, and felt, by an active and inquisitive traveller, through some oT the most interesting parts of Europe. His curiosity and love of enterprise are unbounded. The narrative is told in easy, fluent language, with a poet’s power of illustration.’’ — Edinburgh Review. WORCESTER’S NEW CRITICAL AND PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH L.ANGUAGE, to which is added Walker’s Key, and a Pronouncing Voca- bulary of modern Geographical Names, thick imperial 8vo (pub. at H. 5*.), cloth, 18*. 1847 *** The most extensive catalogue of words ever produced. WRANGELL’S EXPEDITION TO SIBERIA AND THE POLAR SEA, edited by Lieut.-Col. Sabine, thick 12mo, large map and port. (pub. at 6*.), clotli, 4*. fid. 1844 WRIGHT’S COURT HAND RESTORED, or the Student assisted in reading old charters, deeds, &c. small 4to, 23 plates (pub. at ll. fi*.), cloth, 15*. 184fi illornls, CBcclcsfastical l^i'storg, $rc. BINGHAM’S ANTIQUITIES OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. New and improved Edition, carefully revised, with an enlarged Index. 2 vols. impl. 8vo, cloth, 11. 11*. fid. 1850 “ Bingham is a writer who does equal honour to the English clergy and to the English nation, and whose learning is only to be equalled by his moderation and impartiality.” — Quarterly Review. BUNYAN’S PILGRIM’S PROGRESS. Quite complete, with a Life and Notes, by the Rev T. Scott. Fcap. 12mo, with 25 fine full-sized Woodcuts by H.arvey', containing all in Southey’s edition; also a fine Frontispiece and Vignette, cloth, 3*. fid. 1844 CALMET’S DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE, WITH THE BIBLICAL FRAG MENTS, by the late Charles Taylor. 5 vols. 4fo, Illustrated by 202 Copper-plate En- gravings. Eighth greatly enlarged Edition, heautil'ully printed on fine wove paper (puh. at- lot. 10*.), gilt cloth, it. 14*. fid. 18-17 “Mr. Taylor’s improved edition of Calmet’s Dictionary is indispensably necessary to every Biblical Student. The additions made under the title of ‘ Fragments’ are extracted from the' most rare and authentic Voyages and Travels into Judea and other Oriental countries ; and comprehend an assemblage of curious and illustrative descriptions, explanatory of Scripture inciuents, customs, and manners, wliich could not possibly be explained by any other medium. The numerous engravings throw great light on Oriental customs.” — Home. CALMET’S DICTIONARY OF THE HOLY BIBLE, abridged, l large vol. imperial 8vo, Woodcuts and Maps (pub. at 11. 4*.), cloth, 15*. 1847 CARY’S TESTIMONIES OF THE FATHERS OF THE FIRST FOUR CENTU- RIES, TO THE CONSTITUTION AND DOCTRINES OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND, as set forth in the XXXIX Articles, 8vo (pub. at 12*.), cloth, 7a. fid. Oxford, Talboya. “ This work may be classed with tltose of Pearson and Bishop Bull; and such a classifica- rion is no mean honour.”— CAurcA of England Quarterly. CHARNOCK’S DISCOURSES UPON THE EXISTENCE AND ATTRIBUTES OF GOD. Complete in 1 thick closely printed vol. 8vo, with Portrait (pub. at 14*.), cloth, G*. fid. ^**5 “ Perspicuity and depth, metaphysical sublimity and evangelical simplicity. Immense learn- ing but irrefragable reasoning, consj'irc to render this performance one of the most Inestimable productions that ever did honour to the sanctified judgment and genius of a human being. — Topladg. PDBLISUED OR SOLD BY II. G. BOHN 23 CHRISTIAN EVIDENCES. Contalninfr the followinfc esteemed Treatises, with Prefatory Memoirs by the Rev. J.S. Memf.s, L.L.D. viz Watson’s Apolopy for Christianity; Watson’s Apotocy for the Bible; Paley’s Evidences of Christianity; Paley’s Horse Paulinre ; Jenyn’s Interna! 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In 1 voi. royal 8vo (pub. at 12i.), cloth, 8*. 1844 CRUDEN’S CONCORDANCE TO THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT, revised and condensed by G. H. Hannay, thick 18mo, beautifully printed (pub. at C».), cloth, 3«. fid. 1844 “An extremely pretty and very cheap edition. It contains all that is useful in the original work, omitting only prepositions, conjunctions, &c. which can never be made available for purposes of reference. Indeed it is all that the Scripture student can desire.” — Guardian. FULLERS (REV. ANDREW) COMPLETE WORKS; with a Memoir of his Life, by his Son, 1 large vol. imperial 8vo, New Edition, Portrait (pub. at \l. 10*.), cloth, II. 5*. 1845 GREGORY'S (DR OLINTHUS) LETTERS ON THE EVIDENCES, DOCTRINES, AND DUTIES OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION, addres.sed to a Friend. Eighth Edition, with many Additions and Corrections. Complete in 1 thick well-printed vol. fcap. 8vo (pub. at 7*. fid.), cloth, 5.'. 1846 “ We earnestly recommend this work to the attentive perusal of all cultivated minds. We are acquainted with no book in the circle of English Literature which is equally calculated to give young persons just views of the evidence, the nature, and the importance of revealed religion.” — Robert Hall. GRAVES'S (DEAN) LECTURES ON THE PENTATEUCH. 8vo, New Edition (pub. at 13*. ), cloth, 9s. 1846 HALL'S (BISHOP) ENTIRE WORKS, with an account of his Life and Sufferings. New Edition, with considerable Additions, a Translation of all the Latin Pieces, and a Glossary, Indices, and Notes, by the Rev. Peter Hall, 12 vols. 8vo, Portrait (pub. at 71. 4s.), cloth, 51. Oxford, Talboya, 1837-39 HALL’S (THE REV ROBERT) COMPLETE WORKS, with a Memoir of his Life, by Dr. Olintii us Gregory, and Observations on his Character as a Preacher, by John Foster, Author of Essays on Popular Ignorance, &c. 6 vols. 8vo, handsomely printed, with beautiful Portrait (pub. at 31. 16*.), cloth, contents lettered, II. 11*. fid. The same, printed in a smaller size, 6 vols. fcap. 8vo, II. 1*. cloth, lettered. “ Whoever wishes to see the English language in i‘s perfection must read the writings of that great Divine, Robert Hall. He combines the beauties of Johnson, Addison, and Burke, without their imperfections.” — Duyalri Stewart. “ I cannot do better than refer the academic reader to the immortal works of Robert Hall. For moral grandeur, for Christian truth, and for sublimity, we may doubt whether they have- their match in the sacred oratorv’ of any age or country.” — Professor Sedgwick. “The name of Robert Hall will be jdaccd by posterity among the best writers of the age, aa well as the most vigorous defenders of religious truth, and the brightest examples of Christian charity.” — Sir J. Mackintosh. HENRY'S (MATTHEW) COMMENTARY ON THE BIBLE, by Bickersteth. In 6 vols. 4to, New Edition, printed on fine paper (pub. at 91. 9*.), cloth, 31. 13s. fid. 1849 HILL'S (REV. ROWLAND) MEMOIRS, by his Friend, the Rev. W. Jones, Edited, with a Preface, by the Rev. James Sherman (Rowi.and Hill’s Successor as Minister of Surrey Chapel). Second Edition, carefully revised, thick poet 8vo, fine Steel Portrait (pub. at 10*.) cloth, 5*. 1845 HOPKINS'S (BISHOP) WHOLE WORKS, with a memoir of the Author, in 1 thick vol. royal 8vo (pub. at 18*. j, cloth, 14*. The same, with a very extensive general Index of Texts and Subjects, 2 vols. royal 8vo (pub. at II. 4*.), cloth, 18*. 1841 “Bishop Hopkins’s works form of themselves a sound body of divinity. He is clear, vehe- ment, and persuasive.”— A'icI:er*I*IA. HOWE'S WORKS, with Life, by Calamt, 1 large vol. imperial 8vo, Portrait (pub. at II. 16*.), cloth, II. 10*. 1838 “ I have learned far more from John Howe than from any other author I ever read. There is an astonishing magnificence in his conceptions. He was unquestionably the greatest of thg puritan divines.” — Robert Ball. HUNTINGDON'S (COUNTESS OF) LIFE AND TIMES By a Member of the Houses of Shirley and Hastings. Sixth Thousand with a copious I mlex. 2 large vols. 8vo, Portraits of the Countess, Whitefield, and Wesley (pub. at II. 4*.), cloth, 14*. 1844 HUNTINGDON'S (REV. W.) WORKS, Edited by his Son, 6 vols. 8vo, Portraits and Plates (pub. at 31. 18*. fid.), cloth, 21. 5s. LEIGHTON'S (ARCHBISHOP) WHOLE WORKS; to which is prefixed a Life of the Author, by the Rev. N. T. Pearson. New Edition, 2 thick vols. 8vo, Portrait (pcb. at II. 4*.) extra cloth, 10*. The only complete Edition. 1849 24 CATALOGUE OF NEW BOOKS LEIGHTON'S COMMENTARY ON PETER; with Life, by Pearsok, complete in l tliiik liandsomely printed vol. 8vo, Portrait (put), at 12*.), cloth, l)i. 1849 LIVES OF THE ENGLISH SAINTS. By the Rev. J, H. Newman and others, 14 vols- 12nio (pub. at 21. 8s.), sewed in ornamented covers, 11. 1>. 184A-S M'CRIE'S LIFE OF. JOHN KNOX, with Illustrations of the History of the Reformation in Scotland. New Edition with numerous Additions, and a Memoir, &c. by Andrew Crichton. Fcup. 8vo (pub. at 5«.), cloth, 3s. Cd. 1M7 MAGEE'S (ARCHBISHOP) WORKS, comprising discourses and Dissertations on tha Scriptural Doctrines of Atonement and Sacrifice; Sermons, and Visitation Charges. With .a Memoir of his Life, by the Rev. A. H. Kenny, D.D. 2 vols. 8vo (pub. at 11. 6s.), cloth, l&i. 1843 “ Discovers such deep research, yields so much valuable information, and affords so many helps to the refutation of error, as to constitute the most valuable treasure of biblical learning, of wliich a Christian scholar can be possessed.” — Chrisliun Observer. MORE'S (HANNAH). LIFE, by the Rev. Henry Thomson, post 8vo, printed uniformly with her works. Portrait, and Wood Engravings (pub. at 12j.), extra cloth, 6s. Cadell, 1889 “This may be called the official edition of Hannah More’s Life. It brings so much new and interesting matter into the field respecting her, that it will receive a hearty welcome from tha public. Among the rest, the particulars of most of her publications will reward the curiosUy ofliterary readers.” — Literary Gazette. MORE'S (HANNAH) SPIRIT OF PRAYER, fcap. 8vo, Portrait (pub. at 6j.), cloth, 4a. Cadell, 1843 MORES (HANNAH) STORIES FOR THE MIDDLE RANKS OF SOCIETY, and Tales for the Common People, 2 vols. post 8vo (pub. at 14s.), cloth, 9s. Cadell, 1830 MORE'S (HANNAH) POETICAL WORKS, post 8vo (pub. at 8a.), clotli, 3a. 6tf. Cadell, 1S» MORES (HANNAH) MORAL SKETCHES OF PREVAILING OPINIONS AND MANNERS, Foreign and Domestic, with Reflections on Prayer, post 8vo (pub. at 9a.), cloth, 4a. Cadell, 1830 MORES (HANNAH) ESSAY ON THE CHARACTER AND PRACTICAL WRITINGS OF ST. PAUL, post Svo (pub. at 10a. Gd.), cloth, 5a. Cadell, 1837 MORES (HANNAH) CHRISTIAN MORALS. Post Svo (pub. at 10a. 6d.), cloth, 5a. Cadell, 1836 MORE S (HANNAH) PRACTICAL PIETY; Or, the Influence of the Religion of th* Heart on tlie Conduct of the Life, 32mo, Portrait, cloth, 2a. Gd. 1830 The only complete small edition. It was revised just before her death, and contains much improvement, whicli is copyright. MORE'S (HANNAH) SACRED DRAMAS, chiefly intended for Young People, to which is added “Sensibility,” an Epistle, 32mo (pub. at 2a. Gd.), gilt cloth, gilt edges. 2a. 1830 This is the last genuine edition, and contains some copyright editions, which are not in any other. MORE'S (HANNAH) SEARCH AFTER HAPPINESS; with Ballads, Tales, Hymns, and Epitaphs, 32mo (pub. at 2a. Gd.), gilt cloth, gilt edges, la. Gd. 1850 NEFF (FELIX) LIFE AND LETTERS OF, translated from the French of M. Bost, bw M. A. Wyatt, fcap. Svo, Portrait (pub. at Ga.), cloth, 3a. Gd. 180 PALEY'S WORKS, in l vol. consisting of his Natural Theology, Moral and Political Philosophy, Evidences of Chri.stianity, Horm Paulinfe, Clergyman’s Companion in Visiting tlie Sick, &<;. Svo, handsomely printed in double columns (pub. at 10a. Gd.), cloth, 5a. 1849 PALEY S COMPLETE WORKS, witli a Biographical Sketch of the Autlior, by Rev. D. 8. Waylanu, 5 vols. Svo (pul), at ll. 15a.), cloth, ISa. 1837 PASCAL'S THOUGHTS ON RELIGION, an d Adam’s Private Thoughts on Religion, edited by the Rev. E. Bickersteth, fcap. Svo (pub. at 5a.), cloth, 3a. Gd. 1847 PICTORIAL DICTIONARY OF THE HOLY BIBLE, Or, a Cvdopirdia of Illustration*. Graphic, Historical, and Descriptive of the Sacred Writings, hv reference to the Manners Customs, Rites, Traditions, Antiquities, aiul Literature of Eastern Nations, 2 vols. 4to (up- wards of 1430 double column pages in good type), with upwards of 1000 illustrative livoodcuu (pub. 21. 10a.), extra cloth, \l. 5a. jgjg SCOTT'S (REV. THOMAS) COMMENTARY ON THE BIBLE, with the Author's last Corrections and Improvements, and 84 beautiful Woodcut Illustrations and Maps. 3 vols. imperial 8vo (pub. at il. 4a.), cloth. If. IGa. ‘ ' jgjg SIMEON'S WORKS, including his Skeletons of Sermons and Hone llomileticte, or Discourse* digested into one continued Series, and forming a Commentarv upon every Rook of the Old and New Testament; to which are annexed an improved edition of Claude's Essay on the Composition of a Sennon, and vert’ comprehensive Indexes, edited by the Rev. Tuomas Hartwell Horke, 21 vols. 8vo foub. at lOf. lua.), cloth, 7L 7i. rUBLISIIED OR SOLD BY H. G. BOHN. 25 The fallowing miniature editions of Simeon’s popular works are uniformly printed in 32mo, and bouild m cloth : THE CmilSTIAN’S ARMOUR, 9 VIRGIL. EDWARDS'S SCHOOL EDITION. VirgUli .ffineis, cura Edwards, et GuestS- ones Virgiiianse, or Notes and Guestions, adapted to the middle forms In Schools, 2 vols. in 1, J2mo, bound in cloth (pub. at 6*. 6d.), 3s. Either the Text or Guestions may be had separately (pub. at 3s. 6d.), 2s. 6d. WILSON S (JAMES, PROFESSOR OF FRENCH IN ST. GREGORY’S COLLEGE) FRENCH-ENGLISH AND ENGLISH-FRENCH DICTIONARY, containing full Expla- nations, Definitions, Synonyms, Idioms, Proverbs, Terms of Art and Science, and Rules of Pronunciation in each Language. Con piled from the Dictionaries of the Academy, Bowyeb, Chambaud, Garner, Laveaux, Des Carrieres and Fain, Johnson and Walker. 1 large closely printed vol. imperial 8vo (pub. at 21. 2s.), cloth, U. 8s. 1841 XENOPHONTIS OPERA, GR. ET LAT. SCHNEIDERI ET ZEUNII, Accedit Index (PoRSON and Elmsley’s Edition), 10 vols. 12mo, handsomely printed in a large type, done up in 5 vols. (pub. at 41. 10s.), cloth, 18s. 1841 The same, large paper, 10 vols. crown 8vo, done up in 5 vols. cloth. If. 5s. XENOPHON’S WHOLE WORKS, translated by Spblman and others. The only complete Edition, 1 thick vol. 8vo, portrait (pub. at 15s.), cloth, 10s. raorlis of Jiction, Uigjt AINSWORTH’S WINDSOR CASTLE. An Historical Romance, Illustrated by Gborgb Cruikshank and Tony Johannot. Medium 8vo, fine Portrait, and 105 Steel and Wood Engravings, gilt, cloth, 5s. 1843 BREMER’S (MISS) HOME: OR, FAMILY CARES AND FAMILY JOYS, translated bj Mary Howitt. Second Edition, revised, 2 vols. post 8vo (pub. at If. is.), cloth, 7s. 6cf. 1843 THE NEIGHBOURS, A STORY OF EVERY DAY LIFE. Translated by Mart Howitt. Third Edition, revised. 2 vols. post 8vo (pub. at 18s.), cloth, 7s. 6d, 1843 TRUIKSHANK **AT HOME;” a New Family Album of Endless Entertainment, consisting of a Series of Tales and Sketches by the most popular Authors, with numerous clever and htimorous Illustrations on Wood, by Cruikshank and Seymour. Also, CRUIKSHANK'S ODD VOLUME, OR HOOK OF VARIETY. Illustrated by Two Odd Fellows — SsTMOuit and Cruikshank. Together 4 vols. bound in 2, fcap. 8vo (pub. at 21. 18s.), cloth, gilt, 10s. 6d. 1343 HOWITTS (WILLIAM) LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF JACK OF THE MILL A Fireside Story. By William Howitt. Second Edition. 2 vols. fcap. 8vo, with 46 Illus- trations on Wood (pub. at 15s.), cloth, 7s. 6d. 184^ HOWITT’S (WILLIAM) WANDERINGS OF A JOURNEYMAN TAILOR, THROUGH EUROPE AND THE EAST, DURING THE YEARS 1824 to 1840. Trans- lated by William Howitt. Fcap. 8vo, with Portrait (pub. at Cs.), cloth, 3s. Gtf. 1S44 HOWITT’S (WILLIAM) GERMAN EXPERIENCES. Addressed to the English, both Goers abroad and Stayers at Home. 1 vol. fcap. 8vo (pub. at Gs.), cloth, 3s. Gd. 1844 JANE'S (EMMA) ALICE CUNNINGHAME, or, the Christian as Daughter, Sister, Friend^ and wife. Post 8vo (pub. at 5s.), cloth, 2s. 6d. 1846 JOE MILLER'S JEST-BOOK; being a Collection of the most excellent Bon Mots, Brilliant Jests, and Striking Anecdotes in the English Language. Complete in 1 thick and closely but elegantly printed vol. fcap. 12mo, Frontispiece (pub. at 4s.), cloth, 3s. 1840 JERROLD’S (DOUGLAS) CAKES AND ALE, A Collection of humorous Tales and Sketches. 2 vols. post 8vo with Plates, by Gkorgb Cruikshank (pub. at 15s.), cloth flit, Bs. I*** PUBLISHED OR SOLD BY H. G/BOHN 29 LAST OF THE PLANTAGENETS, an Historical Narrative, lllustratinif the Public Events, and Domestic and Ecclesiastical Manners of the 15th and 16th Centuries. Fcap. 8vo, Third Edition (pub. at 7s. Od.), cloth, 3j. 6d. 18.19 LEVERS ARTHUR OLEARY; HIS WANDERINGS AND PONDERINGS IN MANY LANDS. Edited by Harry Lorrequer. Cruikshank’s New Illustrated Edition. Complete In 1 vol. 8vo (pub.' at 12j.), cloth, 9i. 1846. LOVERS LEGENDS AND STORIES OF IRELAND.^ Both Series. 2 vols. fcap. 8vo, Fourth Edition, embellished with Woodcuts, by Harvry (pub. at Ifif.), cloth, &•. 6d. 1847 LOVER’S HANDY ANDY. A Tale of Irish Life. Medium 8vo. Third Edition, with 24 characteristic Illustrations on Steel (pub. at 13j.), cloth, 7s, 6d. 1849 LOVER’S TREASURE TROVE; OR L. S. D. A Romantic Irish Tale of the la.st Cen- tury. Medium 8vo. Second Edition, with 26 characteristic lliustrationi on Steel (pub. at 14«.), cloth, 9.t. 1846 MARRYAT'S (CAPT.^ POOR JACK, Illustrated by 46 large and exquisitely beautiful Engravings on IVood, after the masterly designs of Clarkson Stanfield, B.A. 1 handsome vol. royal 8vo (pub. at 14j.), gilt cloth, 9s. 1830 MARRYATS PIRATE AND THE THREE CUTTERS, 8vo, with 20 most_ splendid line Engravings, after Stanfield, Engraved on Steel by Charles Heath (originally pub. at If. 4i.), gilt cloth, 10s. 6d. 1849 MILLER S GODFREY MALVERN, OR THE LIFE OF AN AUTHOR. By the Author of “Gideon Giles,” “Royston Gower,” “Day.m the Woods,” &c. &c. 2 vols in 1, .8vo, with 24 clever Illustrations by Phiz (pub. at 13s.), cloth, 6s. 6d. 1843 “This work has a tone and an individualitv which distinguish it from all others, and cannot be read without pleasure. Mr. Miller has the forms and colours of rustic life more completely under his control than any of his predecessors.” — Atherueum. MITFORD'S (MISS) OUR VILLAGE; complete In 2 vols. post 8vo, a Series of Rural Tales and Sketches. New Edition, beautiful Woodcuts, gilt cloth, 10s. PHANTASMAGORIA OF FUN, Edited and Illustrated by Alfred Crowqtjill. 2 vols. post 8vo, illustrations by Leech, Cruikshank, &c. (pub. at 18s.), cloth, 7s. 6d. 1843 PICTURES OF THE FRENCH. A Series of Literary and Graphic Delineations of French Character. By Jules Janin, Balzac, Cormenin, and other celebrated French Authors. 1 large vol. royal 8vo, Illustrated by upwards of 230 humorous and extremely clever Wood Engravings by distinguished Artists (pub. at If. 5s.), cloth gilt, 10s. 1840 This book is extremely clever, both in the letter-press and plates, and has had an immense run in France, greater even than the Pickwick Papers in this country. POOLE'S COMIC SKETCH BOOK; OR, SKETCHES AND RECOLLECTIONS BY THE AUTHOR OF PAUL PRY. Second Edition, 2 vols., post 8vo., fine portrait, cloth gilt, with new comic ornaments (pub. at 18s.), 7s. 6d. 1843 SKETCHES FROM FLEMISH LIFE. By Hendrik Conscience. Square 12mo, 130 Wood Engravings (pub. at 6s.), cloth, 4s. 6cf. TROLLOPE’S (MRS.) LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF MICHAEL ARMSTRONG, I THE FACTORY BOY, medium 8vo, with 24 Steel Plates (pub. at 12s.), gilt cloth, 6s. 6d. 1848 TROLLOPE’S (MRS.) JESSIE PHILLIPS. A Tale of the Present Day, medium 8vo, port, and 12 Steel Plates (pub. at 12s.), cloth gilt, 6s. 6d. 1844 UNIVERSAL SONGSTER, Illustrated by Cruikshank, being the largest collection of the best Songs in the English language (upwards of 5,noo), 3 vols. 8vo, with 87 humorous En- gravings on Steel and Wood, by George Cruikshanil, and 8 medallion Portraits (pub. at If. 16s.), cloth, 13s. 6d. 3jubem'le anb ISlmentarg CEfgmnastfcs, Src. ALPHABET OF QUADRUPEDS, Illustrated by Figures selected from the works of th# Old Masters, square 12mOj with 24 spirited Engravings after Berghem, Rembrandt, Cdyp, Paul Potter, &c. and with initial letters by Mr. Shaw, cloth, gilt edges (pub. at 4s. 6d.), 3s. 1859 — ■ ' the same, the plates coloured, gilt cloth, gilt edges (pub. at 7s. 6d.) 5s. CRABB'S (REV. G.) NEW PANTHEON, or Mythology of all Nations; especially for the Use of Schools and Young Persons ; with Questions for Examination on the Plan of Pinnoc*. i 18mo, with 30 pleasing lithographs (pub. at 3s.), cloth, 2s. 1847i CROWQU ILL’S PICTORIAL GRAMMAR. 16mo, with 120 humorous illustrations (pub. at 5s.), cloth, gilt edges, 2s. 6d. 1844 . DRAPER'S JUVENILE NATURALIST, or Country Walks in Spring, Summer, Autumn,. an.f Winter, square Umo, with 80 beautifully executed Woodcuts (pub. at 7s. 6cf.), cloth, gilt*' edges, 4s. 6(f. 1845 ENCYCLOP/EDfA OF MANNERS AND ETIQUETTE, comprising an improved edltio* of Chesterfield’s Advice to his Son on Men and Manners : and the Young Man’s own Book; » Manual of Politeness, Intellectual Improvement, and Moral Deportment, 24mo, Frontispiece, cloth, gilt edges, 2s. 1843 30 CATALOGUE OF NEW BOOKS EQUESTRIAN MANUAL FOR LADIES, by Frank Howard. Fcap. 8vo, upwards of s# beautiful Woodcuts (pub. at 4j.), gilt cloth, gilt edges, 2s. 6d. J844 GAMMER GRETHEL’S FAIRY TALES AND POPULAR STORIES, translated from the German of Grimm (containing 42 Fairy Tales), post 8vo, numerous Woodcuts by George Cruikshank (pub, at 6d.), cloth gilt, 3i. jg^O GOOD-NATURED BEAR, a Story for Children of all Ages, by R. H. Horne plates (pub. at is.) cloth, 3s., or with the plates coloured, 4i. GRIMM S TALES FROM EASTERN LANDS, 3j. (it/., or plates coloured, 4s. (id. Square 8vo, 1850 Square Itaio, plates (pub. at Ss.), cloth, 1847 HALL'S (CAPTAIN BASIL) PATCHVVORK, a New Series of Fragments of Voyaees and Travels, Second Edition, 12mo, cloth, with the back very richly and appropriately gilt with patchwork devices (pub. at 13s.), 7s. 6d. 184X HOLIDAY LIBRARY, Edited by Wn.LiAM Hazlitt. Uniformly printed in 3 vols. plates (pub. at 19s. (id.), cloth, 10s. 6d., or separately, viz:— Orphan of Waterloo, 3s. (id. Hollv Grange, 3s. 6d. Legends of Rubezahl, and Fairy Tales, 3s. 6d. 1845 HOWITT’S (WILLIAM) JACK OF THE MILL. 2 vols. i2mo (pub. at l5s.J, cloth gilt, 7s. 6d. J844 HOWITT'S (MARY) CHILDS PICTURE AND VERSE BOOK, commonlv called “Otto Speckter’s Fable Book;’’ translated into English Verse, with French and German Verses opposite, forming a Tiiglott, square 12mo, with 100 large Wood Engravings (pub. at 10s. (id.), extra Turkey cloth, gilt edges, 5s. I845 This is one of the most elegant juvenile books ever produced, and has the novelty of being in three languages. LAMBS TALES FROM SHAKSPEARE, designed principally for the use of Young Persons (written by Mis.s and Charles Lamb), Sixth Edition, embellished with 20 large and beautiful Woodcut Engravings, from designs by Harvey, fcap. 8vo (pub. at 7s. 6d.), cloth gilt, 5s. 1843 “ One of the most useful and agreeable companions to the understanding of Shakspeare which liave been produced. The youthful reader who is about to taste the charms of our great Bard, is strongly recommended to prepare himself by first reading these elegant tales.’’— Quar/eWy Review. L. E. L. TRAITS AND TRIALS OF EARLY LIFE. A Series of Tales addressed to Young People. By L. E. L. (Miss Landon). Fourth Edition, fcap. 8vo, with a beautiful Portrait Engraved on Steel (pub. at 5s.), gilt cloth, 3s, I845 LOUDON'S (MRS.) ENTERTAINING NATURALIST, being popular Descriptions, Tales and Anecdotes of more than 500 Animals, comprehending all the Guadrupeds, Birds, Fishes, Reptiles, Insects, &c. of which a knowledge is indispensable in Polite Education; Illustrated by upwards of 500 beautil'ul Woodcuts, by Bewick, Harvey, Whimper, and others, post 8vo, gilt cloth, 7s. id . 1850 MARTIN AND WESTALL'S PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE BIBLE, the letter- press by the Rev. Hobart Caunter, 8vo, 144 extremely beautiful Wood Engravings by the first Artists (including reduced copies of Martin’s celebrated Pictures, Belshazzar's Feast, The Deluge, Fail of Nineveh, &c.), cloth gilt, gilt edges, reduced to 12s. Whole bound mor. richly gilt, gilt edges, 18s. 1846 A most elegant present to young people. PARLEY'S (PETER) WONDERS OF HISTORY. Square 16mo, numerous Woodcuts (pub. at Os.), cloth, gilt edges, 3s, id. 1840 PERCY TALES OF THE KINGS OF ENGLAND; Stories of Camp.s and Battle-Fields, Wars, and Victories (modernized from Holinshed, Froissart, and the other Chroniclers), 2 vols. in 1, square 12mo. (Parley size.) Fourth Edition, considerably improved, completed to the present time, embellished with 10 exceedingly beautiful Wood Engravings (pub. at 9s.), cloth gilt, gilt edges, 5s. 1850 This beautiful volume has enjoyed a large share of success, and deservedly. ROBIN HOOD AND HIS MERRY FORESTERS. By Stephen Percy. Square 12rao, 8 Illustrations by Gilbert (pub. at 5s.), cloth, 3s. id., or with coloured Plates, 5s. 1850 STRICKLAND'S (MISS) EDWARD EVELYN, a Tale of the Rebellion of 174.5: to which is added “The Peasant’s Tale,’’ by Jefperys Taylor, fcap. 8vo, 2 fine Plates (pub. at 5s.), cloth gilt, 2s. id. 1849 By the popular Author of the Lives of the Gueens of England. TOMKIN’S BEAUTIES OF ENGLISH POETRY, selected for the Use of Youth, and designed to Inculcate the Practice of Virtue. Twentieth Edition, with considerable additions, royal ISmo, very elegantly printed, with a beautiful Frontispiece after Harvey, elegant gilt edges, 3s. id. 1847 WOOD-NOTES FOR ALL SEASONS (OR THE POETRY OF BIRDS), a Series of Songs and Poems for Young People, contributed by Barry Cornwall, Wordsworth, - Moore, Coleridge, Campbell, Joanna Baillie, Eliza Cook, Mary Howitt, Mrs. Hemans, Hogg, Charlotte Smith, &c. fcap. 8vo, very prettily primed, with 15 beautiful Wood Engravings (pub. at 3s. Od.), cloth, gilt edges, 2s. 1842 YOUTH'S (THE) HANDBOOK OF ENTERTAINING KNOWLEDGE, in a Series of Faniiliar Conversations on the most interesting productions of Nature and Art, and on other Instructive Topics of Polite Education. By a Lady (Mrs. Palliser, the Sister of Captain Marryat), i vols. fcap. 8vo, Woodcuts (mib. at 15s.), cloth gilt, 6s. 1844 This is a very clever and instructive book, adapted to tlu capacities 0/ you ig people, on the plan of the Conversations on Chemiilry, Mineralogy, BotaLy, Sic. PDBLISUED OR SOLD BY n. G. BOIIX 31 itlusi'c anb i^lusiral OToriis. THE MUSICAL LIBRARY. A Selection of the best Vocal and Instnimeiital Music, both English and Foreign. Edited by W. Ayrton, Esq. of the Opera House. 8 vols. folio, com- prehending more than 400 pieces of Music, beautifully printed with metallic types (pub. at 4/. 4*.), sewed, ll. 11.'. 6d. The Vocal and Instrumental may he had separately, each in 4 vols. 16i. MUSICAL CABINET AND HARMONIST. A Collection of Classical and Popular Vocal and Instrumental Music: comprising Selections from the best productions of all the Great Masters; English, Scotch, and Irish Melodies; with many of the National Airs of other Countries, embracing Overtures, Marches, Rondos, (iuadrllles. Waltzes, and Gallopades; also Madrigals, Duets, and Glees; the whole adapted either for the Voice, the Piano-forte, the Harp, or the Organ; with Pieces occasionally for the Flute and Guitar, under the superin- tendence of an eminent Professor. 4 vols. small folio, comprehending more than 300 pieces of Music, beautifully printed with metallic types (pub. at 21. 2s.), sewed, 16s. The great sale of the Musical Library, in consequence of its extremely low price, has induced the Advertiser to adopt the same plan of selling the present capital selection. As the contents are quite different from the Musical Library, and the intrinsic merit of the selection is equal, the work will no doubt meet with similar success. MUSICAL GEM; a Collection of 300 Modern Songs, Duets, Glees, &c. by the most celebrated Composers of the present day, adapted for the Voice, Flute, or Violin (edited by John Parry), 3 vols. in 1, 8vo, with a beautifully engraved Title, and a very richly illuminated Frontispiece (pub. at ll. Ij.), cloth gilt, 10s. 6(2. 1841 The above capital collection contains a great number of the best copyTlght pieces, Including ■ome of the most popular songs of Braham, Bishop, &c. It forms a most attractive volume. i^lelitcine. ^natomg, 53i)gsiologii, $rc. BARTON AND CASTLE'S BRITISH FLORA MEDICA; Or, History of the Medicinal Plants of Great Britain, 2 vols. 8vo, upwards of 200 finely coloured figures of Plants (pub. at 31. 3s.), cloth, U. 16s. 1845 An exceedingly cheap, elegant, and valuable work, necessary to every medical practitioner. BATEMAN AND WILLAN'S DELINEATIONS OF CUTANEOUS DISEASES. 4to, containing 72 Plates, beautifully and very accurately coloured under the superintendence of an eminent Professional Gentleman (Dr. Caasweli.), (pub. at 121. 12a.), half bound mor. 51. .'is. 1840 “ Dr. Bateman’s valuable work has done more to extend the knowledge of cutaneous diseases than any other that has ever appeared.” — Dr. A. T. Thompson. BEHR'S HAND-BOOK OF ANATOMY, by Birkett (Demonstrator at Guy’s Hospital), thick l2mo, closely printed, cloth lettered (pub. at 10s. 6d.), 3s. 6d. 184S BOSTOCK’S (DR.) SYSTEM OF PHYSIOLOGY, comprising a Complete View of the present state of the Science. 4th Edition, revised and corrected throughout, 8vo (000 pages), (pub. at 11.), cloth, 8s. 1831 BURNS'S PRINCIPLES OF MIDWIFERY, tenth and best edition, thick 8vo, cloth lettered, (pub. at 16s.), 5s. CELSUS DE MEDICINA, Edited by E. Milligan, M.D. cum Indice copiosissimo ex edit. Targse. Thick 8vo, Frontispiece (pub. at IGs.), cloth, 9s. 1831 This is the very best edition of Celsus. It contains critical and medical notes, applicable to the practice of this country; a parallel Table of ancient and modem Medical terms, synonymes, weights, measures, &c. ami, indeed, everything which can be useful to the Medical Student; together with a singularly extensive Index. HOPE S MORBID ANATOMY, royal 8vo, with 48 highly finished coloured Plates, contain- ing 260 accurate Delineations of Cases in every known variety of Disease (pub. at bl.bs.), cloth, 31. 3s. 1834 LAWRENCES LECTURES ON COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, ZOOLOGY, AND THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MAN. New Edition, post 8vo, with a Frontispiece of Portraits, engraved on Steel, and 12 Plates, cloth, 5s. LAWRENCE (W.) ON THE DISEASES OF THE EYE. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. 8vo (820 closely printed pages), (pub. at \l. 4s.), cloth, 10s. 6d. 1844 LEY’S (DR.) ESSAY ON THE CROUP, 8vo, 5 Plates (pub. at I5s.), cloth, 3s. 6d. 1836 LIFE OF SIR ASTLEY COOPER, interspersed with h4s Sketches of Distinguished Cha- racters, by Bransby Cooper. 2 vols. 8vo, with fine Portrait, after Sir Thomas Lawrence (pub. at IL Is.), cloth, los. 6d. 1843 NEW LONDON SURGICAL POCKET-BOOK, thick royal 18mo (pub. at 12s.), hf, bd. 5.. 1814 32 CATALOGUE OF NEW BOOKS. NEW LONDON CHEMICAL POCKET-BOOK; adapted to the Daily use of the Student, royal 18ino, numerous Woodcuts (puW. at Tt. 6d.), hf. bd. 3i. 6d. J844 NEW LONDON MEDICAL POCKET-BOOK, including Pharmacy, Posology, Sic. royal 18mo(pub. ata«,), hf. bd. 3a. 6d. ’ 1844 PARIS' (DR.), TREATISE ON DIET AND THE DIGESTIVE FUNCTIONS, otb edition (pub. 129.), clotb, 59. PLUMBE'S PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE DISEASE OF THE SKIN. Fourth edition, Plates, thick 8vo (pub. at U. la.), cloth, 6a. 6d. SINCLAIR’S iSIR JOHN) CODE OF HEALTH AND LONGEVITY; Sixth £dition, complete in 1 thick vol. 8vo, Portrait (pub. at W.), cloth, 7a. 1844 SOUTHS DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES, together i»lth their several connexions with each other, and with the Muscles, specially adapted for Students In Anatomy, numerons Woodcuts, third edition, 12mo, cloth lettered (pub. at 7a.), 3a. 6d. 1837 STEPHENSON'S MEDICAL ZOOLOGY AND MINERALOGY; including also an account of the Animal and Mineral Poisons, 45 coloured Plates, royal 8vo (pub. at 2i. 2a.), cloth, U. la. 1838 TYRRELL ON THE DISEASES OF THE EYE, being a Practical Work on their Treat- ment, Medically, Topically, and by Operation, by F. Tyrrell, Senior Surgeon to the Iloyal London Ophthalmic Hospital. 2 thick vols. 8vo, illustrated by 9 Plates, containing upwards of 60 finely coloured figures (pub. at 1/. 16a.), cloth, 11. la. 1840 WOODVILLE’S MEDICAL BOTANY. Third Edition, enlarged by Sir W. Jackson Hooker. 5 vols. 4to, with 310 Plates, Engraved by Sowerby, most carefully coloured (pub. at 10(. 10a.), half bound morocco, 5f. 5a. The Fifth, or Supplementary Volume, entirely by Sir W. J. Hooker, to complete the old Editions. 4to, 36 coloured Plates (pub. at 2(. 12a. 6d.), boards, U. 11a. Cd. 1832 BRADLEY'S GEOMETRY, PERSPECTIVE, AND PROJECTION, for the use of Artists. 8 Plates and numerous Woodcuts (pub. at 7a.), cloth, 5a. 1846 EUCLID'S SIX ELEMENTARY BOOKS, by Dr. Lardker, with an Explanatory Com- mentary, Geometrical Exercises, and a Treatise on Solid Geometry, 8vo, Ninth Edition, cloth, 6a. EUCLID IN PARAGRAPHS: The Elements of Euclid, containing the first Six Books, and the first Twenty- «ie Propositions of the Eleventh Book, 12rao, with the Planes shaded, (pub. at 6a.), cloth, 3s. 6d. 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